diff --git "a/Saturation Magnetization/4.json" "b/Saturation Magnetization/4.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/Saturation Magnetization/4.json" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[ { "title": "2402.04225v1.Growth_rate_of_self_sustained_QED_cascades_induced_by_intense_lasers.pdf", "content": "Growth rate of self-sustained QED cascades induced by intense lasers\nA. Mercuri-Baron,1,∗A. A. Mironov,1,∗C. Riconda,1A. Grassi,1and M. Grech2\n1LULI, Sorbonne Universit´ e, CNRS, CEA, ´Ecole Polytechnique,\nInstitut Polytechnique de Paris, F-75255 Paris, France\n2LULI, CNRS, CEA, Sorbonne Universit´ e, ´Ecole Polytechnique,\nInstitut Polytechnique de Paris, F-91128 Palaiseau, France\nIt was suggested [A. R. Bell & J. G. Kirk, PRL 101, 200403 (2008)] that an avalanche of electron-\npositron pairs can be triggered in the laboratory by a standing wave generated by intense laser\nfields. Here, we present a general solution to the long-standing problem of the avalanche growth\nrate calculation. We provide a simple formula that we apply to the case of the standing wave created\nby two circularly polarized lasers and demonstrate that it allows to predict the particle yield for the\nfull range of intensity able to generate an avalanche. We account for the damping of the growth\nrate due to pair migration from the region of prolific generation and show that above a threshold in\nintensity, this effect is negligible. The growth rate calculation allows us to predict when abundant\npair production will induce a back-reaction on the generating field due to plasma collective effects\nand screening. Our model shows excellent agreement with self-consistent PIC simulations and can be\napplied to study the generation of electron-positron pair avalanches in realistic field configurations\nto plan future experiments at ultra-high-intensity laser facilities.\nI. INTRODUCTION\nRelativistic electron-positron pair (or QED) plasma is\na state of matter that is believed to be responsible for\nmultiple striking and yet not fully explained astrophys-\nical phenomena. It can be generated in the vicinity of\ncompact objects such as black holes [1, 2] or neutron stars\n[3] and pulsars [4–6]. Interactions with such QED plasma\ncan be the source of prominent hard cosmic radiation in\nGamma Ray Bursts and in bright gamma flashes from rel-\nativistic jets [7–10]. Abundant production of e−e+pairs\ncan take place in cascade processes developing in polar\ncaps of a rotating compact star [2, 11]. This mechanism\nopens a path to explain the nature of radio-pulsar emis-\nsion [12, 13] and the source for plasma populating the\nmagnetosphere of a star and the magnetic reconnection\nlayer [14–16].\nA laboratory study of dense relativistic electron-\npositron pair plasma would facilitate a breakthrough in\nour understanding of the impact of QED effects in as-\ntrophysical phenomena. However, the generation of such\nplasma appears to be exceptionally challenging [17, 18].\nThe first observation of a neutral e−e+plasma state was\nreported only a few years ago [19], and the first investiga-\ntion of collective behaviour was done very recently [20].\nStill, in both cases, the density of electrons and positrons,\ngenerated via the Bethe-Heitler process, barely reached\nthe value high enough to form a plasma.\nA prospective path to obtaining e−e+plasma in the\nlaboratory lies in using super-strong electromagnetic\n(EM) fields, for example, generated with ultra-high in-\ntensity lasers [21–25]. When interacting with elementary\n∗These two authors contributed equally.\nanthony.mercuri@protonmail.com\nmironov.hep@gmail.comparticles, such fields can induce a wide variety of non-\nlinear strong-field QED (SFQED) phenomena by shar-\ningN≫1 soft photons γLwith e±[26–30]. The two\nleading order effects are the nonlinear inverse Compton\nscattering (for brevity, Compton emission) e±+NγL→\ne±+γand the nonlinear Breit-Wheeler pair production1\nγ+NγL→e−+e+. The strong-field QED treatment of\nthese processes is essential when the field experienced by\na relativistic particle in its rest frame2is comparable to\nthe critical field of QED ES=m2c3/(eℏ), where mand\n−eare the electron mass and charge, respectively. Se-\nquential Compton emissions and Breit-Wheeler pair pro-\nductions can lead to cascades.\nCascades can be generated as shower-type events by\nincident high-energy particles in a strong field [31–33].\nAccording to the estimates [25, 34, 35], the shower parti-\ncle yield is defined by the energy input from the incident\nbunch. The configuration envisioned in this scheme is\nsimilar to Bethe-Heitler process-based setups [36], with\nthe only difference that in the former the field is provided\nby high-Z nuclei. In the classical limit (namely, in weak\nfields or at low particle energy), the Compton emission\ndescribes classical radiation by a charge, while the Breit-\nWheeler process is suppressed [37]. This naturally limits\nthe shower multiplicity.\nStrong EM fields can induce a different phenomenon\noriginally predicted by Bell & Kirk [38]: electron-seeded\navalanche-type (or self-sustained) QED cascades. They\ncan be triggered by low-energy electrons injected into the\nstrong field region (illustrated in Fig. 1). The initial and\nsecondary charged particles experience ongoing accelera-\ntion by the field, which restores their energy in between\n1For brevity, we omit the word ‘nonlinear’ throughout the paper\nwhen referring to both these processes.\n2For a photon of frequency ωγin the laboratory frame, the anal-\nogous frame can be defined as the one where ℏω′\nγ=mc2.arXiv:2402.04225v1 [physics.plasm-ph] 6 Feb 20242\nFigure 1. Schematic representation of an avalanche-type cas-\ncade. Blue and yellow balls show e±andγ, respectively. The\ninitial electron is injected into the focus of a CP standing wave\nformed by two counterpropagating laser beams. The field at\nelectric antinode accelerates initial and secondary e±in the\ndirection transverse to the optical axis. This acceleration ren-\nders the onset and further development of the cascade with\nprolific production of e+e−pairs.\nhard photon emissions, therefore sustaining the cascade.\nIn an avalanche triggered even by few seed electrons, the\nnumber of produced e−e+pairs can rapidly exponentiate\nwith time and field strength [39, 40]. The process is ac-\ncompanied by a bright gamma-flash [41]. Such cascades\ninduced by lasers can hence mimic the processes develop-\ning in the polar caps of rotating neutron stars [2, 11, 12].\nThe avalanche-type cascades can onset in alternating\nelectric fields that are strong enough [42]. The suit-\nable configurations include electric antinodes of stand-\ning waves formed by two counterpropagating laser beams\nof an optical frequency and circularly [39, 43–45] or lin-\nearly [46, 47] polarized; a multi-beam setup [48, 49] and\na dipole wave as its limiting case [41]; a single ultra-\nintense beam focused in vacuum [42] or reflected from a\nplasma mirror [50]; irradiation of a solid [51–53], a plasma\nslab [54, 55], or a gas target [56, 57], vortex laser pulses\n[58] (for a more detailed review see Refs. [26–28]). Sim-\nulations show that an electron-positron plasma can be\ngenerated in a single laser shot and reach a high den-\nsity demonstrating collective effects [22, 59–61] or even\nscreening the field [45, 51, 62–64].\nSimulations for the mentioned setups show that\nthe intensity required for initiating an electron-seeded\navalanche-type cascade is of the order of 1024W/cm2for\na femtosecond optical laser pulse. Intensities approach-\ning this value are anticipated to be within the reach of\nthe new generation of multi-petawatt laser facilities, such\nas Apollon [65], ELI-Beamlines [66], CoReLS [67], and\nmore worldwide [68–72]. The record intensity of ≈1023\nW/cm2was recently reported [73], and increasing effortsare invested to reach 1024–1025W/cm2in the near future\n[74–77].\nIn this work, we address two general questions:\n(i) What is the scaling of the particle yield with the field\nstrength in an avalanche-type cascade developing in a\nrealistic field configuration? and (ii) What are the re-\nquirements to reach plasma densities in such cascades?\nAssuming that initial electrons are already injected in\nthe strong field, the cascade development splits into the\nonset and exponential phases, with the majority of parti-\ncles produced in the latter. While the general onset con-\nditions seem clear from the theoretical viewpoint [42], a\nuniversal model for the exponential growth rate of parti-\ncles is lacking.\nMost of the progresses in the theory of avalanche-type\ncascades were made for a uniform rotating electric field\n(for brevity, we refer to it as ‘rotating E-field’). This\nfield corresponds to the electric antinode ( E-antinode)\nof a circularly polarized (CP) standing wave formed by\ntwo counterpropagating laser beams. It was initially es-\ntimated in Refs. [40, 43] that cascades can develop in\nfields of the order ∼αES, which corresponds to inten-\nsity∼1025W/cm2for an optical laser field. Here,\nα=e2/(4πε0ℏc)≈1/137 is the fine structure constant.\nYet, simulations show [26, 45] that cascades can be trig-\ngered at fields lower by an order of magnitude, and the\nresulting growth rate of e−e+pairs matches the predic-\ntion of Refs. [40, 43] only at very high fields. Subsequent\nworks [45, 46, 63] provide some phenomenological models\nimproving this estimate in (relatively) low- and high-field\nregimes, and Ref. [78] in the mid-range. However, these\nresults do not provide a general dependence on the field\nstrength valid in the full range and are limited to the\nmodel of a rotating E-field.\nAnother effect that is not treated in the above-\nmentioned models and will be discussed in this paper, is\nparticle migration. In realistic field configurations, par-\nticles can escape from the strong field region, e.g. as\nobserved at the E-antinode in a standing wave [79, 80].\nThis proves important in the low field regime where mi-\ngration can reduce the overall e−e+pair yield [47].\nUnder the semiclassic approximation, the kinetic ap-\nproach provides a general basis for describing the particle\ndistribution evolution in cascades [43, 62, 81, 82]. Indeed,\ncommon numerical approaches solve kinetic equations in\nthe Monte-Carlo scheme or particle-in-cell codes. The\nlatter allows accounting for plasma effects by consistent\ntreatment of the Vlasov and Maxwell equations [83]. No-\ntably, a kinetic description also allows to account for spin\neffects [84–86].\nWe adopt the kinetic approach for an ab-initio deriva-\ntion of the particle growth rate expression in an\navalanche-type cascade and rigorously define the approxi-\nmations in use. Moreover, this approach allows us to the-\noretically account for particle migration and highlight its\neffect on the growth rate. We focus on cascades develop-\ning in the CP standing wave configuration, however, we\nbelieve that our considerations can be generalised to the3\nwide class of fields considered in Ref. [42].\nWe leave aside the nontrivial question of injecting the\ninitial electrons [87, 88] and assume that they are lo-\ncated in the strong field region. Let us mention that\nseeding can be implemented by using a high-energy elec-\ntron bunch [44, 89], ionizing a jet of high-Z atoms [56],\nor solid targets [21, 52]. At extreme fields, seed electrons\ncan be created due to Schwinger e−e+pair production,\nwhich can become feasible due to the large volume of the\nfocal spot [49, 90]. As we aim at finding the field scaling\nof the avalanche-type cascade growth rate, for simplicity,\nwe omit the Schwinger effect, as well as spin contribution\nin the current work.\nThe paper is organized as follows. At the beginning of\nSec. II we introduce our notations and give an overview\nof the approximations in use. In Sec. II A we present the\nprobability rates of the basic processes. In Sec. II B, fol-\nlowing Ref. [42], we postulate the semiclassic short-time\ndynamics of a single electron in a general accelerating\nfield. This is then used in Sec. II C to define the charac-\nteristic time between Compton emissions for the electron\nand to find the key parameters entering in the emission\nprocess. In Sec. II D we discuss the related asymptotic\nlimits. Section III is devoted to our major result, namely,\nthe master equations for the particle numbers and the\ngeneral formula for the avalanche-type cascade growth\nrate (taking into account particle migration) in Sec. III A,\nthe effective model for the growth rate in Sec. III B, and\nits low- and high-field limits in Sec. III C. In Sec. IV,\nwe apply our model to study avalanches developing in a\nCP standing EM wave at relatively low- and mid-range\nfields and test the model against simulations performed\nwith the PIC-QED code SMILEI [91]. Section IV A con-\ntains details about the numerical setup and data analysis,\nwhile in Sec. IV B discuss the physical results and vali-\ndate our model. Section V A continues this discussion\nfor high fields, and in Sec. V B we compare our results\nwith previous works. In Sec. VI we apply our model to\nidentify the field parameters at which the plasma state\ncan be reached in avalanche-type cascades in a rotating\nE-field and test the model against PIC simulations. In\nSec. VII we summarise and discuss our results.\nII. PARTICLE DYNAMICS IN A CASCADE\nThe interaction of a relativistic particle (electron,\npositron, or photon) with a strong EM field can be\ncharacterized by two parameters. First, by the parti-cle Lorentz factor γefore±or by the normalized energy\nγγ=ℏωγ/mc2for a photon with frequency ωγ. Second,\nby the invariant quantum dynamical parameter combin-\ning the electron3or photon momentum pe,γand the elec-\n3Hereinafter, we treat electrons and positrons identically, and for\nbrevity refer to both as just ‘electrons’ unless mentioned explic-\nitly.\ntric and magnetic field components EandB:\nχe,γ=1\nESq\n(γe,γE+cue,γ×B)2−(ue,γ·E)2,(1)\nwhere ue,γ=pe,γ/(mc). For an electron, χeequals the\nrest frame field strength in the units of the QED critical\nfieldES=m2c3/(eℏ).\nParameter (1) allows to assess when the quantum ef-\nfects in the interaction of a particle with an external EM\nfield need to be considered. They become important at\nχe,γ≳1. As mentioned in the introduction, we con-\nsider two leading order field-induced effects: the nonlin-\near Compton emission and nonlinear Breit-Wheeler pro-\ncess. In this work, we adopt the probability rates for\nthese processes within the locally constant field approx-\nimation (LCFA) [37, 92–94]. It implies that the rates\ndepend only on the field strength at the local position\nof the incoming relativistic particle, and the field is close\nto the constant crossed EM field in the particle reference\nframe [26, 37]. Furthermore, in a quantum process, the\nproduced and scattered particles propagate collinearly to\nthe incoming one.\nIt should be noted, that the LCFA breaks if one of the\nparticles in the process is nonrelativistic or the transverse\nfield seen by the particle is relatively low [95] (see more\ndiscussions in Refs. [96–103]. However, the LCFA is rea-\nsonable for modeling avalanche-type cascades, as under\noptimal conditions for their onset, such events are rare\nand also do not contribute to the cascade particle growth\nrate [42, 95].\nA. Photon emission and pair creation probability\nrates\nThe differential probability rate for an electron with\nthe Lorentz factor γeand quantum parameter χeto emit\na photon with energy within the interval mc2×(γγ, γγ+\ndγγ) is given by\ndWCS(γe, χe, γγ)\ndξ=1√\n3πα\nτCγe\u0014\u0012\n1−ξ+1\n1−ξ\u0013\nK2/3(µ)−Z∞\nµdsK 1/3(s)\u0015\n, (2)\nwhere τC=ℏ/(mc2) is the Compton time, and we defined µ= 2ξ/[3χe(1−ξ)],ξ=γγ/γe≡χγ/χe.Knare the n-th\norder modified Bessel functions of the second kind. Note that the χ-parameter is conserved, χe=χγ+χ′\ne, where χ′\ne\ncorresponds to the scattered electron. The differential probability rate for a photon with γγandχγto produce a pair4\nofe−e+, so that either e−ore+gets energy within the interval mc2×(γe, γe+dγe), reads:\ndWBW(χγ, γγ, γe)\ndζ=1√\n3πα\nτCγγ\u0014\u0012ζ\n1−ζ+1−ζ\nζ\u0013\nK2/3(µ′)−Z∞\nµ′dsK 1/3(s)\u0015\n, (3)\nwhere µ′= 2ζ/[3χγ(1−ζ)],ζ=γe/γγ≡χe/χγ, and χγ=χe+χ′\ne. Here, χeandχ′\necorrespond to the electron and\npositron.\nThe total probability rates WCS(γe, χe),WBW(χγ, γγ) are\nobtained by integrating out the final particle energies or,\nequivalently, ξandζ:\nWCS(γe, χe) =Z1\n0dWCS(γe, χe, γγ)\ndξdξ, (4)\nWBW(χγ, γγ) =Z1\n0dWBW(χγ, γγ, γe)\ndζdζ (5)\nIn the asymptotic case, they can be simplified:\nWCS(γe, χe)≈α\nτCγe×\n\n1.44χe, χ e≪1,\n1.46χ2/3\ne, χe≫1,(6)\nWBW(χγ, γγ)≈α\nτCγγ×\n\n0.23χγe−8\n3χγ, χγ≪1,\n0.38χ2/3\nγ, χ γ≫1.(7)\nThe probability rates and the product spectrum width\ngrow with the χ-parameter of the incoming particle (if\nthe Lorentz factor is fixed). On the other hand, the χ-\nparameter is shared among the products in each quantum\nevent, so its value decreases for subsequent particle gen-\neration. As a result, if a high-energy particle in a laser\nfield triggers a cascade, at some point it will stop unless\ntheχ-parameter increases again during the particle prop-\nagation in between the quantum events [33, 44]. For this\nreason, the multiplicity of shower-type cascades is de-\nfined by the energy of incident particles, as χdecreases\nfor each generation of secondary particles.\nB. χetime dependence in accelerating fields\nThe key idea of the avalanche-type cascade mecha-\nnism is that in between emission events electrons are\nre-accelerated by the field, which restores a high value\nofχe. Then the cascade will be sustained as long as par-\nticles experience a strong field. The mean free path time\nof an electron or a photon in an external EM field can\nbe estimated as the inverse total probability rate W−1\nCS,BW.\nLetω−1be the time scale of the field variation. For a\nparticle in a prolific cascade, we expect that ωW−1\nCS,BW<1\n[38, 40], i.e. multiple quantum events take place during\na field cycle. The cascade overall properties, such as the\nparticle number growth rate and spectra, are defined by\nthe single-particle χeevolution at the time scale ωt≪1.\nLet us consider an electron (seed or secondary) in a\nstrong accelerating field. The evolution of γeandχeatωt≪1 can be written explicitly as proposed in Ref. [42]:\nγe(t)≃eϵt\nmc, (8)\nχe(t)≃ϵ2ωeff\nE2\nSτCt2, (9)\nwhere, in simple terms, ϵ∝Ecan be regarded as the\nelectric field strength Eexperienced by the electron at\nits initial position, and the effective frequency ωeff∝ω\nrepresents the time and length scale of the field varia-\ntion. The full expressions for ϵandωeffare presented in\nAppendix A. Let us note here that ϵis Lorentz-invariant\nand defined as the electric field in the frame where the\nelectric and magnetic components are parallel or one of\nthem vanishes [37, 104]. The effective frequency ωeffis\ndefined via the local field derivatives and vanishes for a\nconstant field. The combination ωefft2is also invariant.\nEquations (8) and (9) are general for a wide class of\nEM fields, and are valid under the following assumptions:\n(i)the particle dynamics is semiclassic , namely, pho-\ntons propagate along straight lines and electron\nmotion satisfies the Lorentz equations. This holds\nfor subcritical fields, E≪ES, which is relevant for\nlaser beams and astrophysical applications;\n(ii) the field components at the initial position of the\nelectron satisfy the condition E > cB . We refer to\nsuch configurations as to fields of electric type .\n(iii) by the time moment of emission W−1\nCS≪ω−1, the\nenergy gained by the electron from the field is high\ncompared to its initial energy (i.e. particles rapidly\n‘forget’ their initial conditions).\nThen the electron trajectory can be approximated and\nsubstituted in Eq. (1), which results in Eqs. (9). We\nprovide some details about the derivation in Appendix A,\nwhich follows Ref. [42].\nIt is important to note that fields with E=cBor\nE < cB (so-called null and magnetic-type fields) do not\nfulfil the conditions for sustaining the cascade. In both\ncases, χedoes not increase as the electron propagates,\nand therefore they are not favourable for the avalanche-\ntype cascade development4.\n4A remarkable exception is cascading in pulsar polar caps where\ncurved magnetic lines extend over very large distances. The\nphotons resulting from curvature radiation experience increasing\ntransverse magnetic field as they propagate, and hence χγgrows,\nwhich in turn can supply the cascade development [11–13].5\nOne of the suitable configurations is the electric\nantinode of a standing wave formed by two counter-\npropagating circularly polarized (CP) laser beams [39,\n40, 43, 45, 46, 52, 53, 62], where the magnetic field is\nabsent and the electric component is close to a uniform\nrotating electric field:\nE=E0[cos(ωt)ˆx+ sin( ωt)ˆy], (10)\nwith Ez= 0, B= 0. In this case, one has ϵ=E0,\nωeff=ω/2, and Eqs. (8)-(9) read [40, 43, 62]:\nγe(t)≃eE0t\nmc, χ e(t)≃E2\n0ωt2\n2E2\nSτC. (11)\nC. Characteristic γeand χeat emission\nOnce the evolution of χefor the accelerated electron is\ndetermined, it can be used to calculate the time instant of\nphoton emission and the corresponding values of γeand\nχeat this moment. These quantities identify whether the\nelectron-seeded cascade can onset [42] and the particle\ngrowth rate (as we will show in Sec. III).\nIn a prolific avalanche-type cascade, the number of par-\nticles rapidly exponentiates with time and therefore is\nsensitive to small variations of the parameters that en-\nter in the growth rate. For this reason, in our model,\nwe go beyond the simple estimate for the electron mean\nfree path time as the inverse emission rate, W−1\nCS. Let us\nintroduce the characteristic time of electron propagation\nbetween photon emissions tem:\nZtem\n0WCS(t′)dt′:= 1, (12)\nwhere WCS(t) =WCS(γe(t), χe(t)), and γe(t) and χe(t) are\ngiven by Eqs. (8)-(9). It is convenient to introduce the\ncorresponding characteristic values:\nγem=γe(tem), χ em=χe(tem), (13)\nobtained by substituting teminto Eqs. (8)-(9). As we will\nshow, the cascading regime is characterised by χem. Let\nus stress here, that tem,γem, and χemdepend only on the\nfield parameters via ϵandωeff:\nϵ, ωeff7→ {tem, γem, χem}. (14)\nIn view of Eqs. (8)-(9), χemcan be chosen as an in-\ndependent variable instead of tem(assuming that ϵand\nωeffare nonzero). In particular, by inverting Eq. (9) and\npassing to the corresponding variable in Eq. (12), we can\nrewrite the latter in the Lorentz-invariant form:Zχem\n0dχτCWCS(1, χ)\n2αχ=ϵ\nαES, (15)\nwhere we moved the physical parameters to the RHS,\nand the integrand in the LHS is a dimensionless special\nfunction of χ(note that the dependence on αcancels in\nthe LHS as WCS∝α). This expression defines χem(that\nis Lorentz invariant) in the electron reference frame. As\none may notice, χemis independent of ωeff.\n10−1100ωtem\n102103104γem\n102103104105\neE0/mcω100102χem\nES αESFigure 2. The emission characteristic time temand the corre-\nsponding values γemandχem[see Eqs. (12)-(13)] as functions\nofE0for an electron-seeded cascade in a uniform rotating\nelectric field (solid lines). The dot-dashed lines show the low-\nand high-field asymptotic behavior. The short-time dynam-\nics model given in Eqs. (8)-(9) is valid in the unshaded area,\nwhere ωtem<1. Thin dashed lines in the bottom panel show\nthe field strength at which χem= 1 and 10. The vertical\ngreen line E0=αEScorresponds to eE0/(mcω)≈2400 and\nthe vertical red line E0=ES— to eE0/(mcω)≈3.3×105.\nThe field rotation frequency ωcorresponds to the wavelength\nλ= 0.8µm.\nD. Weak and high field regimes of photon emission\nby accelerated electrons\nFormula (15) establishes the general functional depen-\ndence χem=χem(ϵ/αE S). At χem≪1 or≫1 Eq. (15)\nsimplifies, as we can use the asymptotic expressions (6)\nforWCSto approximate the integral. The result sets the\ndirect correspondence\nχem≪≫1⇐⇒ ϵ≪≫αES, (16)\nso that\nχem≃\n\n1.39ϵ\nαES, ϵ ≪αES,\n0.87\u0012ϵ\nαES\u00133/2\n, ϵ≫αES.(17)\nRelation (16) defines the weak and strong field regime of\nan avalanche-type cascade, with αESbeing the thresh-\nold.\nAnalogously to Eq. (17), we can also calculate the\nasymptotic behavior of temandγem. The resulting ex-\npressions with the full numerical coefficients are pre-\nsented in Appendix B.\nFor illustration, in Fig. 2, we show the dependence of\ntem,γem, and χemon the field strength for an electron\naccelerated by a uniform rotating electric field [Eq. (10)].\nAstemandχemare defined via the full expression (4) for6\nWCS[see Eqs. (12), (15)], we calculate them by numeri-\ncal integration. We confirm that our initial assumption\nωtem<1, required in Eqs. (8)-(9), is met in a wide range\nofE0and improves with a growing field strength. We\nalso plot the asymptotic expressions for χem[given in\nEq. (17)], as well as for temandγem(see Appendix B).\nAs expected, the low and high field asymptotics set in at\nE0≪αESand≫αES, respectively. Finally, let us note\nthat in the transition regime E0∼αES,χemtakes the\nvalue 1 ≲χem<10. This interval will also correspond to\nthe transition between the models for the cascade growth\nrate, which we present in the following Section.\nIII. STEADY-STATE PARTICLE GROWTH\nRATE OF A CASCADE IN A GENERAL FIELD\nLet us now address the evolution of the particle num-\nber in an avalanche-type cascade and its scaling with the\nfield strength, which is the central question of this work.\nWe consider a field that meets the validity conditions for\nEqs. (8), (9) in a localized region. In the context of a\nstanding EM wave, this can be an electric antinode, with\nthe limitation that particles can be expelled (or ’migrate’)\nfrom the region of strong electric field. In this section,\nwe derive the master equations for the particle number\nevolution and take this effect into account.\nWe show explicitly by an ab initio calculation that\nthe master equations, proposed phenomenologically in\nthe absence of migration in Ref. [46] and later used in\nRefs. [45, 61], are exact if the photon emission and pair\ncreation rates entering in the equations are calculated\nby averaging over the particle distributions. However in\ngeneral the analytic expression for the distribution func-\ntions and hence the rates are unknown. Here, we propose\nan approximation for the latter based on the small-time\nelectron dynamics discussed in the previous Section. As\na result, this allows us to solve the master equations and\nfind the explicit scaling of the cascade growth rate with\nthe field strength.\nA. Growth rate in the steady state\nThe onset stage of the avalanche-type cascade is highly\nnonstationary. The seed particle distribution rapidly\nevolves as new e−e+pairs and photons are produced.\nProvided that the particle yield is high at the scale of\nfield duration, the particle energy quickly averages out\nas the cascade develops. The cascade can enter the so-\ncalled (quasi-)steady state, in which the energy distri-\nbution relaxes to a stationary function [43, 45]. We as-\nsume that the system quickly reaches this state (which\nwe further confirm with numerical simulations), in which\nthe particle number grows exponentially at a constant\nrate. However, depending on the field strength, the re-\nlaxation can take up to multiple field periods in time.\nHence, particles can migrate from the strong-field areadue to the field gradient at a rate ν, which in turn can\nreduce the overall particle production rate. This should\nbe accounted for in the cascade models when applied to\nrealistic field configurations such as standing EM waves\nor focused laser pulses.\nThe steady-state master equations for the number of\ngenerated pairs Npand photons Nγcan be derived by\nusing the kinetic approach, as we show in Appendix C:\ndNp\ndt=WcrNγ−νNp, (18)\ndNγ\ndt=−WcrNγ+ 2WradNp, (19)\nwhere Wrad,crare the effective constant rates of photon\nemission and pair creation, respectively, and the migra-\ntion rate νrepresents the average stationary flow of par-\nticles leaving the cascading region. These equations are\nexact , and Wrad,crresult from averaging WCS,BW(γ, χ) over\nthe steady-state particle distributions fp,γ(γ, χ):\nWrad,cr=⟨WCS,BW(γ, χ)⟩. (20)\nIn the derivation of Eqs. (18)-(20), we rely only on the\nsemiclassic approximation and the LCFA.\nThe master Eqs. (18)-(19) implicitly incorporate the\nemission and pair creation spectra without additional ap-\nproximations about their shape. The analytical descrip-\ntion of the particle distribution evolution in a cascade re-\nquires convoluting the differential probability rates from\nEqs. (2), (3) with the distribution functions in the mo-\nmentum space fp,γ(p, t). However, when we consider the\nparticle numbers Np,γ(t), the cascade yield is determined\nonly by the effective total rates (20). We present our\nderivation in Appendix C for a cascade developing in the\nE-antinode of a CP standing wave-like configuration, but\nit can be generalized to other field configurations that al-\nlow a steady state.\nEqs. (18)-(19) can be solved by the substitution eλt, re-\nsulting in two eigenvalues λ. As one of them, denoted by\nΓ, is positive, the particle number increases exponentially\nwith time, Np,γ(t)∼eΓt, and the growth rate reads:\nΓ[Wrad,Wcr] =\nWcr+ν\n2\"s\n1 +4Wcr(2Wrad−ν)\n(Wcr+ν)2−1#\n.(21)\nFor a given EM field configuration, Wrad,crandνdepend\non the field parameters, and hence the growth rate Γ.\nA calculation of the effective rates Wrad,crandνre-\nquires averaging over the particle distribution functions\nfp,γ. As their analytic expressions are unknown even in\nthe simplest case of the rotating electric field configura-\ntion, they can be extracted from numerical simulations.\nAlternatively, they can be estimated under additional ap-\nproximations, as, for example, was done for Wrad,crin\nRefs. [40, 43, 45, 46, 63]. The rate of migration from a\nregion of size ∼2πc/ω can be estimated as ν∼ω/(2π).\nFor higher precision calculations we use the numerical7\ndata. Anticipating further discussion in Section IV, let\nus note here that νweakly scales with the field strength.\nIn contrast to this, Wrad,crstrongly depend on the field\nparameters. In what follows, we propose a refined ana-\nlytical model for Wrad,cr, which is valid in a wide class of\nEM field models.\nB. Effective emission and pair creation rates and\nmodel for Γ\nLet us approximate the effective rates of photon emis-\nsionWradand pair creation Wcr. We adapt the general\nidea of Ref. [40], where it was proposed to estimate Wrad\nat the characteristic γeandχegained by e−in a uniform\nrotating field before the instant of emission. We go be-\nyond this simple estimate as we (i) consider a general ac-\ncelerating field [in the context of Eqs. (8)-(9) validity], (ii)\nuse the refined expressions for γemandχemto describe\nthe radiating e−, which we propose in Section II C, and\n(iii) treat electrons and photons differently depending on\nthe field strength.\nTo evaluate the effective emission rate Wradby an elec-\ntron contributing to an avalanche-type cascade, we plug\nthe characteristic values for γe∼γemandχe∼χem\nat the time of emission [see Eqs. (12)-(13)] into the full\nprobability rate for the Compton emission [Eq. (4)]:\nWrad≃WCS(γem, χem). (22)\nNote that in a strong field such that χem≫1, the field\ndependence of the emission probability rate can be writ-\nten explicitly [see also Eq. (B6) in Appendix B]:\nWCS(χem≫1)≈1.43αrωeff\nτC\u0012ϵ\nαES\u00131/4\n. (23)\nThe estimate for the effective pair creation rate Wcr\nis less straightforward. Unlike for electrons, χγcan vary\nonly at the scale ∼ω−1as the photon traverses through\nthe field. In a cascade, the emission and pair creation\nprocesses happen successively. To select the photons con-\ntributing the most, we should consider the interplay be-\ntween two factors: (i) the pair creation is exponentially\nsuppressed for χγ<1 but contributes at χγ≳1 [see\nEq. (7)], and (ii) in the emission spectrum, softer pho-\ntons with χγ≪χedominate over the hardest ones with\nχγ∼χe. Furthermore, one should note that γγandχγ\nare related, since γeandχeof the emitting electron are\nmutually dependent in view of Eqs. (8)-(9).\nIn Fig. 3, we show examples of the emission spectra\nfor two cases: for electrons with fixed γeandχe, and for\nelectrons accelerated by a uniform rotating electric field\nso that γemandχemare consistent with Eqs. (11) and\n(12). We compare these curves to the probability rate\nofe−e+pair creation by a photon in a rotating electric\nfield. For this, we estimated χγ∼γγϵ/ES. The result\nsuggests that at relatively low and high fields the dom-\ninating contribution to pair production is rendered by\n10−1100101102\nχγ10−210−1100101Rate×105τC\nχe= 2\nχe= 10\nχe= 100Figure 3. The spectrum of photons emitted by an electron\ndW CS(γe, χe, χγ)/dχγ[Eq. (2)] and the total probability rate\nofe−e+pair creation by a photon WBW(γγ, χγ) [Eq. (5)] as a\nfunction of χγ. Solid lines stand for emission by an electron\nwithγe= 103and different values of χe. Dot-dashed lines cor-\nrespond to emission by an electron accelerated by a uniform\nrotating electric field, so that γe=γemandχe=χem[see\nEqs. (11), (12)]. Dashed lines show WBWfor a photon emitted\nin a uniform rotating field, so that γγandχγare consistent,\nγγ∼χγES/E0. The dashed and dot-dashed lines are plot-\nted at the following values of eE0/(mcω): 2550 (purple), 9436\n(black), and 51581 (orange), which gives χem= 2, 10, and 100,\nrespectively, for the field wavelength λ= 2πc/ω = 0.8µm. In\nthe grey-shaded area χγ<1, the pair creation probability is\nsuppressed [see Eq. (7)].\ndifferent parts of the emission spectrum . Let us discuss\nthese cases one by one.\nAt a relatively low field, such that χembarely exceeds\n1, only the rightmost edge of the photon χγdistribution\ncan contribute to the cascade (see the χe= 2 line in\nFig. 3). Then the pair creation rate can be estimated as\nWcr|χemX∼WBW(γγ=ES\nϵ, χγ= 1)\n=ϵ\nESWBW(1,1).(25)8\nHere, we estimated γγfrom χγ∼γγϵ/ES:= 1. In the\nsecond line, we used that WBWdepends on γγ∼ES/ϵ\nonly in the prefactor [see Eq. (3)].\nSummarising, Γ depends on the (invariant) field\nstrength ϵentering the effective rates parametrically via\nγem(ϵ),χem(ϵ). This dependence can be written for a\ngeneral field by plugging the effective rates into Eq. (21):\nΓ|χemX(ϵ)≃Γ[WCS(γem, χem),ϵ\nESWBW(1,1)].(27)\nIn these expressions, the rates WCSandWBWcan be cal-\nculated numerically by using Eqs. (2)-(5), and νcan be\nextracted from simulations. We require that Eqs. (26)\nand (27) match at χem∼ X. This condition can be reex-\npressed in terms of the field strength in view of Eq. (15).\nIt is important to note that the crossover region for\nEqs. (26)-(27) is finite, which is due to the following rea-\nson. The transition between the approximations for Wcr\nin Eqs. (24) and (25) is smeared, as for the electrons ra-\ndiating with 1 ≲χem<10 the relative decrease of the\nnumber of emitted photons with χγ∼1 and χγ∼χem\ncan be comparable [see the black curves in Fig. 3, corre-\nsponding to χem= 10]. The photons with χγ∼1 start to\ndominate in the spectrum at relatively high χem≳10. As\na result, we can estimate the transition point Xby pick-\ning a value from the interval 1 ≲X<10. Alternatively,\nit can be evaluated with higher precision by extracting\nEqs. (26) and (27) from simulations and matching them.\nC. Asymptotic behavior of Γat low and high fields\nand the particle orbit dimensionality\nLet us discuss the behavior of the growth rate in the\nlimiting cases of a low and high field. We define a\nlow/high field by the correspondence given in Eq. (16).\nIn a weak field ϵ≪αES, i.e. at χem≪1, the emitted\nphotons are soft, χγ≪1, and the pair creation rate is\nexponentially small, see Eq. (7). At the same time, the\nprobability for an electron to emit a soft photon stays fi-\nnite. Assuming that ν∼ω/(2π), let us expand Eq. (26)\nat small Wcr≪ν, W radto the leading order:\nΓ|ν>0(ϵ≪αES)≃\nWBW(γem, χem)\nν[2WCS(γem, χem)−ν]∝e−8\n3χem.(28)\nIfν= 0 (e.g. for a cascade developing in a uniform\nrotating electric field), the expansion results in a different\nscaling for the leading term (c.f. Eq. (8) in [45]):\nΓ|ν=0(ϵ≪αES)≃\np\n2WCS(γem, χem)WBW(γem, χem)∝e−4\n3χem.(29)\nHence, the particle migration leads to significant suppres-\nsion of the cascade growth rate in the low field regime. It\ncan be viewed as a topological effect: ν= 0 correspondsto an effective reduction of the particles’ degrees of free-\ndom as if they are confined in the strong field region (e.g.\nthe center of the E-antinode of a standing wave). This\nnaturally amplifies the growth rate. The field depen-\ndence at low ϵcan be found explicitly by using the low- χ\nasymptotic of Eqs. (6), (7) and the low- ϵexpansion for\nγem(ϵ) and χem(ϵ) [see also Eqs. (B4), (B5)]:\nΓ(ϵ≪αES)≈α\nτCrϵωeffτC\nαES\n×\n\n0.44\u0014\n3.40α\nνrϵωeffτC\nαES−1\u0015\ne−1.92αES\nϵ, ν > 0,\n1.23e−0.96αES\nϵ, ν = 0.\n(30)\nThe asymptotic expressions with full numerical coeffi-\ncients are relegated to Appendix B, see Eq. (B7).\nAt high field ϵ > αE S, namely, in the regime when\nEq. (27) for Γ applies, the probability rates increase as\nWrad∝ϵ1/4andWcr∝ϵ[see Eqs. (23) and (25)]. The\nmigration rate is bounded, ν≲ω, hence, as the field\ngrows, we can neglect it compared to WradandWcrin\nEq. (27):\nΓ(ϵ > αE S)≃\nϵWBW(1,1)\n2ES\"s\n1 +8ESWCS(γem, χem)\nϵWBW(1,1)−1#\n.(31)\nIt means that at high ϵ, regardless of the global field\nstructure in space, the cascade will be effectively confined\nto the strong field region, where the particle production\nis the most efficient. Put differently, only the local struc-\nture of the field, where the conditions are optimal, affects\nthe cascade growth rate. This effect should be universal\nfor the fields, in which avalanche cascades can onset and\nreach a steady state.\nBy substituting in Eq. (31) the asymptotic expressions\nfor the rates given by Eqs. (23), (25), we obtain the ex-\nplicit field dependence of the growth rate in the high-field\nregime:\nΓ(ϵ >αE S)≃\nc1ϵ\nτCES\ns\n1 +c2√ωeffτC\u0012αES\nϵ\u00133/4\n−1\n,(32)\nwhere the numerical coefficients c1≈0.52×10−4,c2≈\n1.1×105are defined in Eqs. (B8), (B9) in Appendix B.\nHere, we note that their magnitude is determined by\nτCWBW(1,1)≈1.03×10−4.\nSince Wrad∝ϵ1/4grows slower with ϵas compared\ntoWcr∝ϵ, at asymptotically high fields the latter will\nbecome so large that 8 Wrad/Wcr≪1, and Eqs. (31), (32)\nsimplify even further:\nΓ(ϵ≫αES)≃2WCS(γem, χem)\n∝αrωeff\nτC\u0012ϵ\nαES\u00131/4\n.(33)9\nFor the rotating electric field configuration [see Eq. (10)]\nthis corresponds to the scaling proposed by Fedotov et.\nal. [40] (recall that for this case ϵ=E0,ωeff=ω/2):\nΓrot.-E(E0≫αES)∼αrω\nτC\u0012E0\nαES\u00131/4\n. (34)\nThe condition Wcr>8Wradgives the estimate for the\nfield at which this asymptotic starts to set in. By plug-\nging in the explicit high-field expressions (23) and (25)\nfor the rates, we arrive at the condition E0>3.35×\n106α(ωτC)2/3. For the optical wavelength λ= 0.8µm,\nthis corresponds to the field strength E0>5ES, which\nis beyond the applicability range of the semiclassic ap-\nproach. Notably, the scaling (34) was never confirmed\nby simulations in past works [43, 45, 46], as this range of\nfield strengths was not studied.\nIV. CASCADES IN A CP STANDING WAVE AT\nLOW AND MODERATE FIELDS ( χem λ/ 8 where\nϵ2ωeff= 0, we consider this e−is dropped out of the cas-\ncade. We define νas the average inverse time at which\ninitial particles propagate at distance λ/8 from the origin\nand extract it from simulations (for more details, refer to\nAppendix E).\nIn each simulation, we ensure that the cascade reaches\na steady state so that it exhibits exponential growth of\nthe particle number. We extract the growth rate by us-\ning the two following methods. First, we directly calcu-10\n0.1110Γ×2π/ω\nRotatingE-field (part. number)\nRotatingE-field (average rates)\nCP standing wave (part. number)\nCP standing wave (average rates)\nCP Gaussian (part. number)\nModel [Eq. (26)] ν= 0\nModel [Eq. (26)] ν >0\nAsymptote [Eq. (30)] ν= 0\nAsymptote [Eq. (30)] ν=ω/2π102410251026Intensity of one laser beam, W/cm2\n103104\neE0/mcω012RateWcr/greatermuchν, “rotating E” regimeαES\nν×2π/ω\nWcr×2π/ω\nFigure 5. Top panel: the growth rate of an avalanche-type\ncascade as a function of the field amplitude E0in different\nfield configurations. We plot the results of simulation ob-\ntained with SMILEI PIC for: CP standing wave [see Eqs. (35),\n(36)] (1D3V simulation), a uniform rotating electric field [see\nEq. (10)] (1D3V simulation), CP standing wave formed by\ntwo Gaussian beams (full 3D simulation). Empty circles and\nsquares correspond to Γ extracted directly from the particle\nnumbers [see Appendix E]. Small filled circles and squares cor-\nrespond to Eq. (21) with Wrad,cr=⟨WCS,BW(γ, χ)⟩averaged\nover the particle distributions reached at the end of each simu-\nlation. We compare the numerical data to our model given in\nEq. (26) both with and without accounting for the migration\neffect and to the corresponding asymptotic expressions from\nEq. (30). Bottom panel: migration rate νin a CP standing\nwave extracted from 1D3V PIC simulations, and estimated\npair production rate [see Eq. (24)]. For reference purposes,\nwe put a secondary horizontal axis at the top in the intensity\nunits of a single laser beam of the amplitude E0/2, implying\nthat the standing wave is formed by two of such laser beams\n[c.f. Eqs. (35)-(36)]. For all the curves, the field wavelength\nis set to λ= 0.8µm.\nlate Γ by fitting the e−e+pair number time dependence\nNp(t) with the exponential function eΓt(the full proce-\ndure is described in Appendix E). Second, as discussed\nin Section III A, the exact growth rate given in Eq. (21)\nwith the effective rates Wrad,crevaluated as prescribed by\nEq. (20). We extract the steady-state distribution func-\ntions fe,γ(γe,γ, χe,γ) from the numerical data and cal-\nculate the corresponding values ⟨WCS,BW(γ, χ)⟩[see also\nEqs. (C21)-(C22) in Appendix C]. Then we plug this\nresult and the migration rate ν(E0) (calculated as ex-\nplained above) in Eq. (21) to obtain Γ.\nThe simulation results and the comparison with the\ntheoretical models for the described field configurationsare presented in Fig. 5. We plot the extracted cascade\ngrowth rate for E0varied from a (relatively) low value,\nwhen the cascade multiplicity is exponentially small, to\na strong field with high particle yield. The migration\nrate field dependence ν(E0) is also shown in the bottom\npanel.\nWe confirm the full consistency of the numerical data\nfor Γ obtained directly from Np(t) (shown in Fig. 5 with\nempty circles and squares for the rotating E-field and\nstanding wave configurations, respectively) with formu-\nlas (20)-(21) (depicted with small filled round and square\nmarkers). This result substantiates our argumentation\nfrom Section III A and Appendix C that the master equa-\ntions and their solution, given in Eqs. (18)-(21), are ex-\nact. It also validates our method of accounting for parti-\ncle migration by using the rate ν(E0). Let us note that\na small discrepancy between the two methods for Γ ex-\ntraction is explained by the unideal determination of the\nsteady state due to the limitations of our numerical ap-\nproach in the low field regime.\nB. Validation of the analytical model\nWe plot our model for Γ given in Eq. (26) and\ntest it against simulations (see solid lines in Fig. 5).\nRecall that in this case, we calculate the rates as\nWrad,cr=WCS,BW(γem, χem), where γemandχemare eval-\nuated by combining Eqs. (11) and numerically integrated\nEq. (12).5Apart from the high field region (which we\ndiscuss in the next Section), the model shows excellent\nagreement with the simulation results for both configura-\ntions: the standing wave (compare the purple curve and\nempty squares in Fig. 5) and rotating E-field (compare\nthe orange curve and empty circles ibid). In the former,\nwe take into account the particle migration by using the\nnumerical data for ν(E0). However, we note here that by\nusing a simple estimate ν= 1/T=ω/(2π) we obtain a\nvery close result (refer to the purple line).\nAmong the cases we studied, the uniform rotating E-\nfield provides the highest pair yield. As compared to it, Γ\nfor a cascade in a standing wave is substantially smaller\nat low E0, which is due to e−e+migration. The expo-\nnential decay of the rate for the asymptotically low fields\nis faster for the standing wave configuration, which cor-\nrelates with the prediction by our model, see Eqs. (28)–\n(30) (also plotted in Fig. 5 with thin dot-dashed lines).\nThe effect of migration is even stronger in the field of\ntwo Gaussian beams, as particles can also escape in the\ndirection transverse to the optical axis.\nAt low E0, the growth rate can be small as compared\nto the inverse field period, Γ ×2π/ω≪1, meaning that\n5We assume that the main contribution to the cascade growth\nrate comes from the particles the E-antinode center of a standing\nwave, therefore, when calculating γemandχem, we set ϵ=E0\nandωeff=ω/2 as in a rotating E-field.11\nthe setting time for the steady state can be also much\nlarger than 2 π/ω. In this case, the growth rate can be\nlimited not only by migration but also by the finite pulse\nduration. In this case, our model can be used for an esti-\nmate of the average particle yield during the interaction.\nWith growing E0, the simulation results and the model\npredictions for Γ in the standing wave configuration ap-\nproach the optimal case of a rotating E-field. More-\nover, the growth rate of a cascade in the field of Gaus-\nsian beams also shows the same behavior. At the same\ntime, the migration rate decreases and becomes small\ncompared to the effective pair creation rate by photons,\nas shown in the bottom panel of Fig. 5. In effect, the\ncascade develops at the E-antinode center. The model\nof a uniform rotating E-field becomes universal for all\nCP standing wave-like configurations. Notably, the or-\nbits of individual particles become 2-dimensional. This\nillustrates the discussion in Section III C.\nThe transition to the reduced dynamics takes place at\nE0∼αES, therefore, at higher fields it is enough to\nconsider only the rotating electric field model for calcu-\nlating the particle growth rate. Moreover, as the field\nincreases the growth rate given by Eq. (26), as expected,\ndeviates from the numerical results (see Fig. 5) and has\nto be replaced by Eq. (27). This will be addressed in the\nfollowing Section.\nV. CASCADES IN HIGH CP FIELDS ( χem>X)\nA. Modelling the cascade growth rate in the full\nrange of field strength\nLet us discuss the growth rate of avalanches at very\nhigh fields focusing specifically on the uniform rotating\nelectric field configuration.6We extend our simulations\nwith SMILEI to higher E0using the setup presented in\nSection IV A and Appendix E. In addition, we perform\nindependent 3D simulations with a semiclassic Monte-\nCarlo code [44]. In the latter case, the external field\nis described by Eq. (10), and the results are averaged\nover∼102runs, where each run is initialized with one\nseed electron at rest. The results are presented in Fig. 6.\nThe data obtained with both codes matches with high\nprecision.\nIn Fig. 6, we plot the previously discussed Eq. (26) and\npresent the growth rate model developed for high fields,\nnamely, Eq. (27). The latter expression matches the data\npoints in the high field region, which is not covered by\nEq. (26). The curves overlap in an extended interval of\nE0atE0≳αES. The full model is rendered by linking\nboth expressions (highlighted with green in Fig. 6). Let\nus point out here, that at the overlap χemvaries from\n≈3 to 10 (also shown in Fig. 2). This corresponds to\n6Throughout Section V, we assume that ν= 0.\n103104105\neE0/mcω0.1110102Γ×2π/ω\nES αES\nSMILEI PIC\nMonte-Carlo\nFedotov et al [40]\nBashmakov et al [46]\nGrismayer et al [45]\nGrismayer model at tem\nThis work, Γ( χemX)\nAsymptotes: Eqs. (30), (31)Figure 6. Cascade growth rate dependence on E0in a uniform\nrotating electric field obtained in simulations (circles and cross\nmarkers). The solid curves represent the model proposed in\nthis work. The full model (highlighted in green) is obtained\nby switching from Eq. (26) [in orange] to Eq. (27) [in black]\nwhen they overlap (marked by the black diamond). Note that\nwe partially duplicate the data from Fig. 5, keeping the same\nnotation. Here, λ= 0.8µm.\nthe matching condition for Eqs. (26) and (27), which we\nconsidered in Section III B.\nWe also plot in Fig. 6 the asymptotic expressions for\nΓ at low and high fields, given in Eqs. (30) and (32),\nrespectively. The latter fits the black curve at E0> αE S\nwith high precision, namely, almost in the whole region\nof Eq. (27) applicability. The two asymptotic expressions\ncross at E0∼αES. As a result, when combined, they\nprovide a simple yet robust explicit formula for the field\ndependence of the avalanche growth rate.\nRecall that our model in (27) for high fields E0>\nαESincorporates the pair creation rate by photons at\nχγ∼1, as we expect them to dominate in the emis-\nsion spectrum. We confirm this assertion with simula-\ntions. We extract the steady-state photon distribution\nfunction fγ(γγ, χγ), which is normalised by the condi-\ntionR\ndγγdχγfγ(γγ, χγ) = 1. We then weight it with\nthe rate WBWto identify the photons that contribute to\nthe process of pair creation. The weighted distribution\ninχγis defined by\n[WBW∗fγ] (χγ) =Z\ndγγWBW(γγ, χγ)fγ(γγ, χγ).(37)\nWe plot this expression for different E0in Fig. 7. As we\nanticipated in our model, the weighted distribution peaks\natχγ≈2 for E0> αE S. At the same time, χemof emit-\nting electrons increases with the field (see also Fig. 2).\nIn the example of a lower field, E0≈0.4αES, the curve\nmaximum is shifted to the left as compared to the oth-\ners, and the corresponding χemis shifted leftwards even\nfurther. Thus only the exponential tail of the photon dis-\ntribution can contribute to pair creation, so the avalanche12\n100101102\nχγ0.∗fγ[1015τ−1\nC]\neE0\nmcω= 33000 [E0\nαES= 13.7]\neE0\nmcω= 16000 [E0\nαES= 6.9]\neE0\nmcω= 5000 [E0\nαES= 2.2]\neE0\nmcω= 2000 [E0\nαES= 0.8]\neE0\nmcω= 1000 [E0\nαES= 0.4]\nFigure 7. Distribution of photons fγ(χγ) in a cascade in the\nsteady state weighted with the probability rate of pair cre-\nation WBWfor different values of field strength [for the defini-\ntion, see Eq. (37)]. The data is extracted from Monte-Carlo\nsimulations. The vertical dashed lines represent the charac-\nteristic value of χemfor electrons at the emission event [as\ndefined in Eq. (15)]. For each of the dashed lines, χemis cal-\nculated at E0respective to a Wcrfγgraph of the same color.\ndevelopment is suppressed (see the corresponding growth\nrate in Fig. 6). At E0≈0.8αES, the value of χem≈1.4\nis close to the peak of the corresponding weighted distri-\nbution. Hence, both the emission and pair creation rates\nare far from their asymptotic given in Eqs. (6), (7), and\nwe can associate the region E0∼αESto the transition\nbetween the low and high field regimes.\nB. Comparison to the growth rate models\nproposed in past works\nLet us discuss how our model compares to the results\nof previous works. The available growth rate models for\nthe uniform rotating electric field configuration are sum-\nmarised in Table I. The scaling Γ ∝E1/4\n0atE0≫αES\nwas first obtained by Fedotov et al [40, 43]. The coeffi-\ncient for this scaling can be refined by using the result\nof Bashmakov et al [46], where it was initially proposed\nto use the analog of Eq. (21), which, however, does not\naccount for the migration effect and implies using Wrad,cr\nestimated in the spirit of Refs. [40, 43]. Both results are\nplotted in Fig. 6. Although they give the right order of\nmagnitude estimate at high E0, the E1/4\n0scaling sets in\nonly beyond ES(for a laser field of the optical frequency),\nas we mentioned at the end of Sec. III C. In contrast to\nthat, our formula (32) provides reliable high-field scaling\natE0> αE S.\nIn our notations, the scaling of Fedotov et al [40, 43]\nis based on the assumption that χγ∼χem, therefore, it\ndoes not account for the emission spectrum shape. For\ninstance, the probability rate of two successive events\nof photon emission and pair creation by this photon (in\nthe steady state) would be proportional to Pe−→e−e+∝WradWcr∼W2\nrad. Grismayer et al [45, 63] proposed a\nphenomenological model improving on that front. Put\nconcisely, it is achieved by expressing this probability as\nPe−→e−e+∝Z¯χe\n0dχ′dWCS(¯γe,¯χe, χ′)\ndχ′WBW(ε′, χ′) (38)\nwhere ¯ γe, ¯χeare the characteristic values at the moment\nof emission, which depend on the field and are kept gen-\neral in this step. We re-derive the formula for the growth\nrate proposed by Grismayer et al using the kinetic ap-\nproach, see Appendix D, where we also clarify the ap-\nproximations needed to get the result. It results in tran-\nscendental equation (D7) for Γ, which can be solved nu-\nmerically once the expressions for ¯ γe, ¯χeare known. In\nRef. [45], this calculation was carried out at asymptoti-\ncally low and high fields.\nRecall that in Section III A we argue that our model\nbased on Eqs. (18)-(21) incorporates the emission spectra\nwithout additional approximations. Let us compare our\nresults against the model of Grismayer et al.\nFor a low field, Grismayer et al propose setting ¯ γe∝\nE0, ¯χe∝E2\n0(see Table I) extracted from classical\ndynamics of an electron averaged over the field cycle.\nThe thin dashed line in Fig. 6 illustrates the result-\ning growth rate. Notably, the asymptotic decays as\n∝exp[−8/(3¯χe)], which is steeper than in our model\nEq. (29) [see also Table I]. Though, the numerical data\nfalls in between the two asymptotes.\nIn the high field regime, Grismayer et al use the E0-\nscaling for ¯ γe, ¯χederived by Fedotov et al from the\nshort time dynamics [we write the corresponding expres-\nsions valid for a general field in Eqs. (B4), (B5)] with\none additional modification, such that ¯ χeis defined as\n¯χe:=A[E0/(αES)]3/2, where A:= 1.24 is a free pa-\nrameter used to fit the numerical data. The fit allows\nmatching the data by the asymptote at very high E0, as\nshown in Fig. 6. The results of of Grismayer et al are\nclose to our predictions. The advantage of our model is\nthat it does not require fitting parameters.\nThe study in Ref. [45] did not cover the intermediate\nregime due to the lack of the corresponding expressions\nfor ¯γe, ¯χe. As we propose them in Section II C, namely,\nγemandχem, we tested the model of Grismayer et al\nin the full range. The result is shown in Fig. 6 (the\nsparse-dashed line).7Unfortunately, the result signifi-\ncantly underestimates the particle growth rate, which is,\npresumably, because of the overall pair production rate\nundercount. The radiation and pair creation events are\ncoupled in Eq. (38): χ′of the emitted photon also en-\ntersWBW, namely, the photon supposedly decays into a\npair shortly after the emission event. In our model, these\nprocesses are decoupled, as rates Wrad, Wcrare calculated\nindependently. The possible variation of χe,γin between\n7We assigned ¯ γe:=γem, ¯χe:=χemwithout the fitting parameter\nused in Ref. [45].13\nTable I. Summary of the particle growth rate models in avalanche-type QED cascades developing in a uniform rotating electric\nfield. The table collects the results of Refs. [40, 43, 45, 46, 63], and this paper.\nReference χe γe χγ Wrad Wcr Γ\n[40]Fedotov, [43]Elkinaµ3/2,a µ3/4\n√\nω∗∼χe≫1 ∼αχ2/3\ne\nτCγeWrad ∼αµ1/4\nτC√\nω∗\n[46]Bashmakov0.57µ3/2≈µ3/4\n√\nω∗∼χe≫1 WCS(χe≫1)bWBW(χγ≫1) Eq. (21) at ν= 0\n[45]GrismayerlowE0(αµ)2\nω∗4αµ\nπω∗0< χγ≤χec– WBW(χγ≪1) C1α2µ\nτCe−8ω∗\n3α2µ2,d\n[45]Grismayerhigh E01.24µ3/2 µ3/4\n√\nω∗0< χγ≤χecWCS(χe≫1) WBW(χγ) Root of Eq. (D7)\nThis work E0< αE S C2µ√2C2rµ\nω∗∼χem WCS(χem≪1)WBW(χem≪1) C3α√µω∗\nτCe−5\n3√\n3µ\nThis work E0> αE SC4µ3/2√2C4µ3/4\n√\nω∗∼1 WCS(χem≫1) WBW(1)c1αµ\nτChp\n1 +c2√\nω∗µ3/4−1i\naFor brevity, we define the dimensionless quantities µ=E0/(αES),ω∗=ωτC=ℏω/(mc2).\nbTo keep the table concise, we omit γe,γin the argument of WCS,BW[see Eqs. (4), (5)]; for the asymptotic expressions see Eqs. (6)-(7).\ncTheχγdistribution is given by dW CS/dχγ, see Eq. (2).\ndThe numerical constants: C1=π3/2/(20·61/4)≈0.18,C2= 4√\n3/5≈1.39,C3= 35/6√\n5 Γ2(2/3)/(√\n14π)≈0.87,\nC4= 9 (2 /[7Γ(2 /3)])3/2≈0.87, for c1,2see Eqs. (B8), (B9).\nthe quantum processes is taken into account implicitly.\nAs a result, we were able to reproduce the numerical data\nwith Eqs. (26) and (27) in the full range of E0without\nusing free parameters (apart from the model matching\npoint choice).\nVI. FORMATION OF ELECTRON-POSITRON\nPLASMA IN AVALANCHE-TYPE CASCADES\nWe apply our model to estimate the threshold for\nelectron-positron plasma formation in a cascade in termsof field parameters. Let us assume that a cascade is trig-\ngered in a uniform rotating electric field by electrons with\ninitial density n0. At time tthe particle density will reach\nn(t) =n0exp(Γ t). For a field of an optical frequency, Γ\nis well estimated by the asymptotic expressions (30) and\n(32) matched at their crossing point. By using them, we\ncan calculate the time required to reach density n:\nt≃Tln\u0012n\nn0\u0013\n×\n\n6.74·10−2q\n1000\na0exp\u0014\n2.89\u00121000\na0\u0013\u0012λ\n1µm\u0013\u0015\n, a0<3000\u0012λ\n1µm\u0013\n,\n3.31·10−2\u0010\n1000\na0\u0011\ns\n1 + 278 .54r\u0010\n1000\na0\u00113\u0010\nλ\n1µm\u0011\n−1, a 0>3000\u0012λ\n1µm\u0013 (39)\nwhere we used the notation a0=eE0/(mcω).\nEq. (39) allows to identify two characteristic times.\nFirst, the time tcat which the produced particles reach\nthe critical electron plasma density, n(tc) = nc=\nε0mω2/e2, and second, tscrcorresponding to the time mo-\nment when the plasma starts to screen the external field,\nn(tscr) =a0nc. The field dependence for these quantities\nis plotted in Fig. 8. The time needed to reach an e−e+plasma state is exponentially large at low field, but for\na0≳103it can be reached in several or even one field\ncycle depending on the initial density n0. Backreaction\nfrom the produced plasma should become noticeable af-\nter one field cycle at a0≳5·103(for optical lasers) if\nn0≳10−3nc. Note that the corresponding field strength\nisE0≳αES.\nWe calculated the characteristic screening time tscrin14\nthe rotating E-field configuration through PIC simula-\ntions with SMILEI. The numerical setup is the same as\nfor the previous simulations in Sections IV, V and is de-\ntailed in Appendix E. Here, we extended the time of each\nsimulation so that the produced plasma could generate a\nnoticeable field.\nTo identify the significance of the plasma-generated\nfield, we used the following convenient technical feature\nof SMILEI. We generated two sets of simulations under\nthe same input parameters: with so-called test and real\nparticles. The formers do not generate self-fields, there-\nfore, a corresponding simulation is equivalent to a semi-\nclassic Monte-Carlo computation.8The particle growth\nrate in such simulations remains constant in time once\nthe steady state is reached. In contrast, when the den-\nsity of real particles becomes high, the external field is\nscreened, and the cascade growth rate can be reduced.\nThe magnitude of screening can be guessed from the rel-\native difference in the particle numbers obtained in the\ntwo simulations, δN= (Ntest−Nreal)/Ntest. As δNin-\ncreases with time, tscrcan be associated with the time\nmoment when δNreaches a prescribed threshold value.\nThe results of PIC simulations are presented in Fig. 8.\nEach of the (square) points corresponds to a time mo-\nment tscrsuch that δN(tscr) = 0 .15. The inset illus-\ntrates our method for extracting tscrfor one of the plot-\nted points. Note that variation of the threshold value for\nδNdoes not lead to a significant change in the results.\nThe simulation results show good correspondence to the\nprediction of our model. Let us remark that we did not\naccount for the migration. For tscrat lower fields, that re-\nquire several field revolutions to generate dense plasma,\nmigration will lead to even longer times. However, at\nE0≳αES,tscrbecomes comparable to the field period,\nand at the same time the effect of migration becomes\nnegligible (as we discussed in previous sections).\nVII. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION\nIn the present work, we considered electron-seeded\navalanche-type (or self-sustained) QED cascades develop-\ning in the field of a strong circularly polarized standing\nEM wave. Cascades in this configuration were investi-\ngated in past works including [38–40, 43, 45–47, 62, 63]\nmainly relying on numerical simulations. Our major goal\nwas identifying the analytical time- and field-dependence\nof the particle numbers produced in such a cascade.\nFor optimal particle yield in such a configuration, it is\nuseful to inject seed particles into the electric antinodes,\nwhere the acceleration of charged particles is maximal.\nHowever, charges can migrate to the magnetic antinodes\nat rate νreducing the cascade efficiency. Our work high-\nlights that this effect is important below a certain field\n8Technical details can be found in the SMILEI code manual\nhttps://smileipic.github.io/Smilei/ .\n103104\neE0/mcω0.1110102t/T\nn(tc) =nc\nn(tscr) =a0nc\nSimulations: δn= 0.151024102510261027Intensity of one laser beam, W/cm2\nαES\n0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5t/T0.[a.u.]Test particles\nReal particles\nt:δN(t) = 0.15Figure 8. The field strength dependence of the time required\nto reach the electron critical plasma density nc(blue) and the\nrelativistically opaque regime a0nc(orange) in a cascade in\na uniform rotating electric field. The time depends on the\ninitial electron density n0, which is depicted as color bands:\nthe lower bound corresponds to n0= 10−5nc, and the upper\nton0= 10−1nc. Solid lines correspond to n0= 10−3nc. The\ninset shows two sample simulations in SMILEI: with real and\ntest particles. Squares in the main plot correspond to a time\npoint when δN= (Ntest−Nreal)/Ntestreaches the value of\n0.15. For reference purposes, we put a secondary horizontal\naxis at the top in the intensity units of a single laser beam of\nthe amplitude E0/2. The wavelength is set to λ= 0.8µm.\nthreshold since it raises the field strength necessary to\ntrigger a cascade. Understanding the impact of migra-\ntion is critical to make the optimal choice of field config-\nuration in upcoming experiments at ultra-high-intensity\nlaser facilities, in particular because the first tests will\ntake place near the cascade onset threshold.\nAt the onset stage, the cascade evolution is highly non-\nstationary. Nonetheless, the system can rapidly relax to\nthe so-called steady state, in which the effective rates\nof photon emission Wrad, pair creation Wcr, and migra-\ntionνare constant and depend only on the field param-\neters. The steady-state master equations for the particle\nnumber can be cast in a simple form: Eqs. (18)-(19).\nWe derive these equations by using a rigorous kinetic\napproach (detailed in Appendix C) relying only on the\nLCFA. We demonstrated that the values for Wrad,cr, that\nenter the master Eqs. (18)-(19), are obtained by averag-\ning the total emission and pair creation rates given in\nEqs. (4) and (5) over the particle distributions. The so-\nlution to the steady-state equations shows an exponential\ngrowth Ne±,γ∼eΓt, where the growth rate Γ is given by\nEq. (21).\nAn explicit calculation of Γ would provide the desired\nNe±,γfield dependence, however, the analytic expressions\nfor the distribution functions and, hence, for the average\nrates Wrad,crandνare unknown. Therefore, we devel-\noped a refined model for the rates. Simple relations for\nthe short-time semiclassic electron dynamics in the cas-15\nTable II. Single CP laser beam intensity [W/cm2] required to\nproduce (on average) one e−e+pair per seed electron during\none field period in an avalanche-type cascade triggered in the\nCP field of two such counterpropagating lasers. Here, we\nassume that the laser wavelength is λ= 0.8µm.\nRotating ECP standing wave Gaussian beams\nModel 6 .5×10238.8×1023—\nSimulation 5 ×10238.5×10231.1×1024\ncade allow defining the characteristic values of the key\nparameters χe,γ, at which the photon emission or pair\ncreation events are likely to happen (see Section II C).\nAs a result, we were able to calculate the effective rates\nas given in Eqs. (22), (24), and (25). These expressions\nallowed us to identify the growth rates Eqs. (26), (27) and\ntheir asymptotic forms, (30) and (32). Let us emphasize,\nthat Eqs. (26), (27) for Γ are valid for a wide range of\nfield models and parameters, with the major requirement\nthat a cascade can onset and then reach the steady state.\nTo test the model, we performed extensive numerical\nsimulations with the PIC-QED code SMILEI [91] and a\nMonte Carlo code [42, 44]. We considered three field con-\nfigurations: the electric antinode of an infinite standing\nCP wave, the uniform rotating electric field (migration is\nabsent in this case), and two counterpropagating tightly\nfocused CP Gaussian beams representing a realistic laser\nfield (the setup parameters are detailed in Appendix E).\nFirst, we demonstrated that the steady state equations\n(18)-(19) describe the evolution of the particle numbers\nprecisely when the effective rates are calculated as av-\nerages over the particle distributions. Second, we con-\nfirmed that our model for the growth rate [Eqs. (26)-(27)]\nis in excellent agreement with the numerical data.\nAs we expected, at lower fields the migration of par-\nticles significantly suppresses the cascade growth rate as\ncompared to the best-case scenario of a uniform rotating\nE-field. Notably, this happens in the parameter range\nof the upcoming experiments at the new generation of\nmulti-petawatt laser facilities. We provide sample data\nfor the threshold intensity in Table II for reference. In\na certain sense, the growth rate suppression is related\nto the dimensionality of the particle trajectories in the\ncascade. Thus, the migration of charges in auxiliary di-\nrections from the cascading region reduces the cascade\nmultiplicity. However, if it was possible to confine the\nparticle motion in the plane where the electric field is\nmaximal, the particle yield would become higher or, al-\nternatively, the cascade threshold would lower. This as-\npect can be useful for designing future experiments, e.g.\nto find the optimal setup, geometry, and/or targets that\nallow to trap particles (e.g. by using plasma shutters\n[108]).\nAt fields as high as E0≳αES, migration becomesnegligible for both the infinite standing wave and fo-\ncused Gaussian beam configurations. The correspond-\ning growth rates match the result for a uniform rotating\nE-field (see Fig. 5). First, this is simply because the cas-\ncade reaches the exponential phase at a sub-cycle time\nbefore particles can escape, as WcrT≫1. Second, the\nmigration rate decreases as the field strength increases,\nmeaning that the particles are trapped in the antinode\ncenter, where the electric field is maximal. This resem-\nbles the anomalous radiative trapping effect found for\nelectrons moving in a linearly polarized standing wave\n[109] and in dipole waves [41, 110]. As a consequence, at\na high field, the model of a cascade in a rotating uniform\nelectric field is universal for all the CP standing wave-like\nfields.\nOur model provides the explicit scaling of the particle\nnumber growth rate with the field strength [see Eq. (32)].\nIt significantly improves the previous findings of [40, 43,\n45, 46, 78] (summarized in Table I). The scaling Γ ∝\nE1/4\n0proposed in Ref. [40] reappears in our formula (32)\natE0≫αES, however, we showed that it sets in only\nbeyond the critical field of QED ES, namely, where the\napplicability of the cascade model is debatable.\nWith our model, we also estimate the threshold at\nwhich plasma effects and backreaction become relevant.\nAt the single laser intensity I≈2×1024W/cm2(in a\ntwo-beam setup) the produced electron-positron plasma\ncan reach the critical density in one field cycle, meaning\nthat some collective effects could be observable. At in-\ntensities I≳1025W/cm2, the external field can be fully\nscreened after one cycle. In general, the density of the\nproduced plasma is well-controllable by tuning the laser\nintensity. Once available in the laboratory, avalanche-\ntype cascades will open a path to studying relativistic\ne−e+plasma, relevant to astrophysical phenomena.\nIn this work, we focused on the case of a circularly\npolarized standing wave, as this field is favorable for the\ncascade onset and formation of the steady state. The\ncascades in such a field are also tractable with a theo-\nretical approach. However, linearly polarized fields are\neasier to access experimentally. Also, it was proposed\nthat using the linear polarization can be more beneficial\nat lower field strength near the cascade onset threshold\n[47]. This is due to the properties of particle motion\nat the time scale of the field period. However, in lin-\nearly polarized fields, the cascade steady state cannot\nextend for longer than one field period, and hence cir-\ncular polarization should provide higher particle yield at\nhigher fields. The full comparative study for both po-\nlarizations, as well as the generalization to single and\nmultiple tightly focused laser beams and structured laser\npulses (e.g. Laguerre-Gauss modes), is under progress\nand left for future work.\nFinally, let us make some additional remarks. Our\ngoal was to derive the cascade growth rate scaling with\nthe field strength, therefore, we disregarded the Sauter-\nSchwinger pair creation from vacuum for the sake of\nclarity, which might be important in the high-field limit16\n[26, 40, 90]. For a realistic simulation at ultra-high in-\ntensities, this effect should be accounted for in future\nstudies. Nevertheless, the cascade growth rate should\nnot be affected by the spontaneous pair production as\nlong as the field is not screened. Hence, we believe that\nthe presented results are physically relevant and, more-\nover, can be used to refine the threshold for attainable\nlaser intensities [40].\nACKNOWLEDGEMENTS\nWe express our gratitude to A.M. Fedotov, E.G. Gelfer,\nA. Gonoskov, T. Grismayer and M. Vranic for fruitful\nand elucidating discussions. This work used the open-\nsource PIC code SMILEI, the authors are grateful to all\nSMILEI contributors and to the SMILEI-dev team for\nits support. Simulations were performed on the Irene-\nJoliot-Curie machine hosted at TGCC, France, using\nHigh-Performance Computing resources from GENCI-\nTGCC (Grant No. A0030507678). This work re-\nceived financial support from the French state agency\nAgence Nationale de la Recherche , in the context of the\nInvestissements d’Avenir program (reference ANR-18-\nEURE-0014). A.A.M. was supported by Sorbonne Uni-\nversit´ e in the framework of the Initiative Physique des\nInfinis (IDEX SUPER).\nAppendix A: Small-time dynamics of e±in a cascade\nLet us discuss the motion of electrons in between emis-\nsions of photons in a cascade developing in a general field,\nwhich varies in time and space with the characteristic fre-\nquency ωand the corresponding wavelength λ. We follow\nRef. [42] and provide only the details necessary for the\ncurrent work.\nConsider an electron that is initially located at the ori-\ngin at time t= 0 in an external field. The electric and\nmagnetic fields at the initial position are characterized by\nthe EM field tensor Fµν=Fµν(0) combining the electric\nEand magnetic Bcomponents. As mentioned in Sec-\ntion II, we assume that the electron motion is semiclassic,\nmeaning that it is governed by the Lorentz equations:9\ndpµ\ndτ=−e\nmcFµ\nν(x(τ))pν, p µ(0) = p(0)\nµ, (A1)\nwhere pµandxµare the 4-momentum and time-space\ncoordinate of the electron and τis the proper time.10To\nsolve this equation we impose the following assumptions:\n9The discussion of positron motion will be the same except the\nchange of sign in the RHS of Eq. (A1).\n10In our notations, after every quantum event, an electron is as-\nsigned new initial conditions (this includes scattered electrons in\nthe Compton process).(i) the time between photon emissions is small, hence,\nwe consider time intervals t≪ω−1. The electron\npropagates almost as in a constant field Fµν(0), the\ncorrections are provided by the field derivatives,\nFµν,σ(0)≡∂Fµν(0)/∂xσ;\n(ii) due to acceleration by the field, e−rapidly becomes\nultra-relativistic at time scale mc/eE ≪t;\n(iii) energy gained by e−during acceleration is much\nhigher than the initial energy, eEt/mc ≫γe(0);\n(iv) The field is of electric type, namely, E > B (this\nis a wide class of fields, and the field of the electric\nantinode of a CP standing wave belongs to it).\nWhen solving the equations of motion, it is convenient\nto use the proper reference frame of the field, where the\nelectric and magnetic fields are parallel (or at least one\nof them vanishes), and their magnitude is given by the\ninvariants:\nϵ=qp\nF2+G2+F, (A2)\nη=qp\nF2+G2− F (A3)\nwhere F= (E2−c2B2)/2 and G=cB·Eare the field\ninvariants. Mathematically, αk={ϵ,−ϵ, iη,−iη}are the\neigenvalues of the field tensor Fµ\nν(0) with uµ\nkbeing the\ncorresponding eigenvectors:\nF(0)uk=αk\ncuk, k = 1, . . . , 4. (A4)\nThe solution to Eq. (A1) at the 0th order in ωt≪1 can\nbe expanded in four terms ∝ukeeαkτ/mc. However, in\nthe field of electric type ϵ >0 and ϵ > η . Atτ > mc/eϵ ,\nthe dominating contribution corresponds to ∝u1eeϵτ/mc,\nand the solution simplifies (see Ref. [42] for more details).\nThe eigenvector u1can be expressed in terms of the lab-\noratory frame field components:\nuµ\n1=\u0012\n1,c2(E·B)B+ϵc[E×B] +ϵ2E\nϵ(c2B2+ϵ2)\u0013\n. (A5)\nIt is worth noting that, although ϵrepresents the electric\nfield strength in the proper frame of the field, in the lab-\noratory frame this quantity depends both on the electric\nand magnetic components.\nUnder the above listed conditions, we solve Eq. (A1)\nto the order O((ωt)3) to find the key parameters:\nγe(t)≃eϵt\nmc, (A6)\nχ2\ne(t)≃χ2\ne(0) +\u0012ℏe2ϵ2ωeff\nm3c4t2\u00132\n, (A7)\nwhere χe(0) = eℏq\n−(p(0)\nµFµν(0))2/m3c4, and ωeffis de-\nfined by\nω2\neff=Fµν,σ(0)uµ\n1uσ\n1(J−1)ν\nλFλ\nκ,ρ(0)uρ\n1uκ\n1, (A8)17\nJ=\u0010\n2ϵ\nc1−F(0)\u00112\n, (A9)\nThe initial value of the χ-parameter in Eq. (A7) can be\nomitted too as the second term rapidly becomes domi-\nnating at the time scales of interest for us. As a result, we\nget Eqs. (8), (9). We remark here that the combination\nωefft2is Lorentz invariant, and hence Eq. (A7).\nAppendix B: Electron dynamics and cascade growth\nrate in asymptotically weak and strong fields\nFor reference purposes, we collect all the asymptotic\nexpressions in the low- and high-field regimes with full\nnumerical coefficients for the quantities introduced in the\nmain text.\nThe full probability rates of photon emission and e−e+\npair creation are given by:\nWCS(γe, χe)≃\n\n5\n2√\n3αχe\nτCγe, χ e≪1,\n14Γ(2 /3)\n37/3αχ2/3\ne\nτCγe, χe≫1,(B1)\nWBW(γγ, χγ)≃\n\nr\n3\n23\n16αχγ\nτCγγe−8/3χγ, χγ≪1,\n35/35Γ4(2/3)\n28π2αχ2/3\nγ\nτCγγ, χγ≫1.(B2)\nWe used Eq. (B1) to calculate the asymptotic values for\ntem,γem, and χemas described in Section II C. Thus, the\ntime of emission reads:\ntem≃\n\n2·4√\n3√\n5αrτCαES\nωeffϵ, χ em≪1,\n3\nα\u00122\n7Γ(2/3)\u00133/4rτC\nωeff\u0012αES\nϵ\u00131/4\n, χem≫1.\n(B3)Here, ϵis the invariant field strength as defined in\nEq. (A2), and ωeffis given by Eq. (A8). The values for\nγemandχemare obtained straightforwardly by substitut-\ningtemto Eqs. (8)-(9):\nγem≃\n\n2·4√\n3√\n5rϵ\nωeffτCαES, χ em≪1,\n3√ωeffτC\u00142\n7Γ(2/3)ϵ\nαES\u00153/4\n, χem≫1,\n(B4)\nχem≃\n\n4√\n3\n5ϵ\nαES, ϵ ≪αES,\n9\u00142\n7Γ(2/3)ϵ\nαES\u00153/2\n, ϵ≫αES.(B5)\nNote that in the last equation, we express the asymp-\ntotic conditions in terms of the invariant field ϵ, so that\nthey are consistent with the initial hypothesis χem≪1 or\nχem≫1, respectively. The threshold ϵ=αES≈ES/137\nseparates the regimes of the avalanche-type cascade de-\nvelopment.\nThe effective emission probability rate Wrad =\nWCS(γem, χem) at temat asymptotically low and high\nfields can be expressed as (see the corresponding discus-\nsion in Section III B):\nWCS(γem, χem)≃α\nτC×\n\n√\n5\n4√\n3rϵωeffτC\nαES, ϵ ≪αES,\n√\n2\n9[14 Γ(2 /3)]3/4√ωeffτC\u0012ϵ\nαES\u00131/4\n, ϵ≫αES.(B6)\nFinally, we collect the asymptotic expressions for the particle growth rate derived and discussed in Section III C18\nand the used numerical coefficients:\nΓ(ϵ)≃α\nτC×\n\n9√\n5Γ4(2/3)\n1412√\n3π2rϵωeffτC\nαES\"\n2√\n5\n4√\n3α\nνrϵωeffτC\nαES−1#\nexp\u0012\n−10αES\n3√\n3ϵ\u0013\n, ϵ≪αES, ν > 0,\n35/6√\n5√\n7πΓ2(2/3)rϵωeffτC\nαESexp\u0012\n−5αES\n3√\n3ϵ\u0013\n, ϵ ≪αES, ν= 0,\nc1ϵ\nαES\ns\n1 +c2√ωeffτC\u0012αES\nϵ\u00133/4\n−1\n, αE S< ϵ < c 3α(ωeffτC)2/3,\n2√\n2\n9[14 Γ(2 /3)]3/4√ωeffτC\u0012ϵ\nαES\u00131/4\n, c 3α(ωeffτC)2/3≪ϵ.(B7)\nc1=τCWBW(1,1)\n2≈0.516×10−4, (B8)\nc2=8√\n2 (14Γ(2 /3))3/4\n9τCWBW(1,1)≈1.107×105, (B9)\nc3=\u00122\n3\u00132/3224Γ(2 /3)\n9(τCWBW(1,1))4/3≈5.31×106, (B10)\nτCWBW(1,1)≈1.0318068870 ×10−4. (B11)\nAppendix C: Particle number equations in quasi-steady state\nCascade equations in general form read\n\u0014∂\n∂t+c2pe\nεe·∂\n∂r±∂\n∂pe·FL\u0015\nf±(r,pe, t) =Z\ndpγWrad(pe+pγ→pγ)f±(r,pe+pγ, t)\n−Wrad(pe)f±(r,pe, t) +Z\ndpγWcr(pγ→pe)fγ(r,pγ, t),(C1)\n\u0014∂\n∂t+c2pγ\nεγ·∂\n∂r\u0015\nfγ(r,pγ, t) =Z\ndpeWcr(pe→pγ) [f−(r,pe, t) +f+(r,pe, t)]\n−Wcr(pγ)fγ(r,pγ, t),(C2)\nwhere fa(r,p, t),a={±, γ}, are the electron, positron,\nand photon distribution functions. The LHS of the equa-\ntions describes the continuous dynamics of particles with\nmomenta pe,γand energies εe,γfore±andγ, respec-\ntively; ±FL=±e\u0000\nE+c2pe×B/εe\u0001\nis the Lorentz\nforce acting on a charged particle. In the RHS, we col-\nlect the source terms corresponding to the stochastic\nprocesses of photon emission and pair creation, where\nWrad(pe→pγ) is the differential probability rate for an\nelectron or positron with momentum peto emit a pho-\nton with momentum pγ, and Wcr(pγ→pe) is the dif-\nferential probability rate for a photon with momentum\npγto create a pair such that e−ore+gets momentum\npe. Equations (C1) and (C2) provide a starting point\nto model QED cascades in various scenarios, including\nelectromagnetic air showers [31], shower-type cascades\nin interaction of high-energy beams with laser pulses\n[33], and avalanche-type cascades [43, 62]. Let us pointout here that the probability rates depend on the field\nstrength, which in turn can depend on randt, namely,\nWcr,rad(pa→pb)≡Wcr,rad(pa→pb;E(r, t),B(r, t)),\nWcr,rad(pa)≡Wcr,rad(pa;E(r, t),B(r, t)). Within the\nLCFA, the fields enter through the quantum parameter\nχe,γof the incoming particle [see Eq. (1)]. For brevity,\nwe omit the explicit field dependence in our notation.\nLet us consider an avalanche-type e−-seeded cascade\ndeveloping in an electric antinode of a standing wave,\nformed by two circularly polarized waves propagating\nalong the z-axis. We assume that e−is injected close to\ntheE-antinode centered at the origin r= 0. In the trig-\ngered cascade, the number of produced pairs can grow\nexponentially with time, Np∼eΓt. As the mean free\npath time of e±andγin the cascade is small (see Sec-\ntion II), the majority of particles will be created in the\nsmall vicinity of the E-antinode centre, which we denote\nas domain D. To identify the dependence of Γ on the19\nfield parameters, it is therefore enough to study the par-\nticle distributions within D. Assuming that the field isalmost homogeneous in D, let us integrate out the coor-\ndinate dependence r. For Eq. (C1), we obtain:\n∂\n∂tf±(pe, t) +c2pe\nεe·Z\n∂DdSf±(r,pe, t)±∂\n∂pe·Z\nDdr FLf±(r,pe, t)\n=Z\ndpγWrad(pe+pγ→pγ)f±(pe+pγ, t)\n−Wrad(pe)f±(pe, t) +Z\ndpγWcr(pγ→pe)fγ(pγ, t),(C3)\nwhere we introduced\nf±,γ(pe, t) =Z\nDdrf±,γ(r,pe, t).\nHere, to simplify the RHS, we approximate the field dependence of the probability rates by a uniform field that\ncorresponds to the field at the E-antinode centre, Wcr,rad(pa→pb)≡Wcr,rad(pa→pb;E(0, t),B(0, t)). For the\nsecond term in the LHS, we used the divergence theorem to cast it into the surface integral. It accounts for the\nparticle flux through the surface ∂D. The flux can be caused by the migration of charged particles in the direction\nof the electric field gradient, in our case to the B-antinodes (see Fig. 4). As we consider waves that are infinite\nin the transverse plane, particles migrate only in the longitudinal direction. However, Eq. (C3) can be generalised\nstraightforwardly to account for migration in other directions for other field configurations, e.g. focused laser fields.\nIn the events of emission or pair creation, the incoming and outgoing particles are ultrarelativistic, thus εe≈c|pe|.\nFollowing [43, 62], we assume that in each quantum process the momenta of the initial and secondary particles are\ncollinear:\nWrad(pe→pγ) =Z1\n0dλ δ(pγ−λpe)εedWrad(pe, εγ)\ndεγ\f\f\f\f\nεγ=λεe,\nWcr(pγ→pe) =Z1\n0dλ δ(p−λpγ)εγdWcr(pγ, ε′\ne)\ndε′e\f\f\f\f\nε′e=λεγ.\nNote that within the LCFA, the probability rates explicitly depend only on the particle energy and χparameter:\ndWrad(pe, εγ)\ndεγ=dWrad(εe, χe, εγ)\ndεγ,dWcr(pγ, εe)\ndεe=dWcr(εγ, χγ, εe)\ndεe, (C4)\n[c.f. Eqs. (2) and (3)].11By applying this to the RHS of Eq. (C3), we can integrate out the angular dependence in\npγ. After repeating the same steps for Eq. (C2), we get:\n∂\n∂tf±(pe, t) +c2pe\nεe·Z\n∂DdSf±(r,pe, t)±∂\n∂pe·Z\nDdr FLf±(r,pe, t) =−Wrad(pe)f±(pe, t)\n+Z∞\nεedε′ε′2\nε2e\"\ndWrad(p′, εγ)\ndεγ\f\f\f\f\nεγ=ε′−εef±(p′, t) +dWcr(p′, εe)\ndεefγ(p′, t)#\f\f\f\f\f\np′=ε′cpe\nεe.(C5)\n∂\n∂tfγ(pγ, t) =−Wcr(pγ)fγ(pγ, t)\n+Z∞\nεγdε′ε′2\nε2γdWrad(p′, εγ)\ndεγ[f−(p′, t) +f+(p′, t)]\f\f\f\f\np′=ε′cpγ\nεγ.(C6)\nFor a uniform field, for example, if FL=eE(t) (this includes a uniform rotating electric field), the flux term in\nEq. (C5) vanishes and we recover the equations used in Refs. [43, 62].\n11We use particle energy εe,γ=γe,γmc2as the argument for the\nprobability rates to simplify the notations within Appendix C.The transition to the notation used in Eqs. (2), (3) is straight-\nforward.20\nAs we aim to obtain the equations for particle numbers, we integrate out the particle momenta from Eqs. (C5)-(C6):\n∂\n∂tN±(t) +ν±N±(t) =Z\ndpeZ∞\nεedε′ε′2\nε2edWcr(p′, εe)\ndεefγ(p′, t)\f\f\f\f\np′=ε′cpe\nεe, (C7)\n∂\n∂tNγ(t) =Z\ndpγ\n\n−Wcr(pγ)fγ(pγ, t) +Z∞\nεγdε′ε′2\nε2γdWrad(p′, εγ)\ndεγ[f−(p′, t) +f+(p′, t)]\f\f\f\f\np′=ε′cpγ\nεγ\n\n, (C8)\nwhere\nNa(t) =Z\ndpfa(p, t), (C9)\nj±(r, t) =Z\ndpec2pe\nεef±(r,pe, t), (C10)\nν±(t) =1\nN±(t)Z\n∂DdS j±(r, t) (C11)\nare the particle numbers, flows, and effective migration rates, respectively. As the electric field is symmetric around\ntheE-antinode center, we put ν−(t) =ν+(t)≡ν(t). Note that in Eq. (C7) we used that\nZ\ndpe\n\nZ∞\nεdε′ε′2\nε2e\"\ndWrad(p′, εγ)\ndεγ\f\f\f\f\nεγ=ε′−εef±(p′, t)#\f\f\f\f\f\np′=ε′cpe\nεe−Wrad(pe)f±(pe, t)\n\n= 0,\nwhich can be shown by interchanging the integrals in the first term and noticing that dWrad(p′, εγ−εe)/dεγ=\n−dWrad(p′, εγ−εe)/dεeunder the integral. Physically, it corresponds to the balance of radiation.\nTo simplify the equations further, let us consider the following term in the RHS of Eq. (C8):\nZ\ndpγZ∞\nεγdε′ε′2\nε2γdWrad(p′, εγ)\ndεγf±(p′, t)\f\f\f\f\np′=ε′cpγ\nεγ(C12)\nIt is convenient to pass to spherical coordinates in momentum space, pa→ {εa/c,na}, where na=pa/|pa|is the\nunit vector. The emission collinearity condition p′=ε′cpγ\nεγsimply means that the integration over nγin the outer\nintegral can be replaced by n′:\n1\nc3Z∞\n0dεγdn′ε2\nγZ∞\nεedε′ε′2\nε2γdWrad(ε′, χ′, εγ)\ndεγf±(ε′,n′, t), (C13)\nNote that we wrote the argument of dWrad/dεγso that it corresponds to Eq. (C4), and χ′depends on n′(e.g. in the\nreference frame co-moving with the electric field component [62]). Now we can interchange the dεγanddε′integrals:\n1\nc3Z∞\n0dε′dn′ε′2f±(ε′,n′, t)Zε′\n0dεγdWrad(ε′, χ′, εγ)\ndεγ(C14)\nThe rightmost integral gives Wrad(ε′, χ′), and the whole expression can be written in a compact form:\nZ\ndp′Wrad(p′)f±(p′, t). (C15)\nAfter repeating the same steps for the RHS of Eq. (C7), we can rewrite the particle number equations as follows:\n∂\n∂tN±(t) =−ν(t)N±(t) +Wcr(t)Nγ(t), (C16)\n∂\n∂tNγ(t) =Wrad(t) [N−(t) +N+(t)]−Wcr(t)Nγ(t), (C17)\nwhere we introduced time-dependent effective rates:\nWrad(t) =1\nN−(t) +N+(t)Z\ndp′Wrad(p′) [f−(p′, t) +f+(p′, t)], (C18)21\nWcr(t) =1\nNγ(t)Z\ndp′Wcr(p′)fγ(p′, t). (C19)\nRecall that, here, the probability rates also depend on time, Wrad,cr(p′)≡Wrad,cr(p′;E(0, t),B(0, t)). For a cascade\ndeveloping at the E-antinode center of a CP standing wave, the probability rates are independent of time in the\nframe co-rotating with the electric field. Transition to such the frame can be done for Eqs. (C1), (C2) (see Ref. [62]),\nhowever, does not change the form of Eqs. (C16), (C17).\nTo advance, we assume now that the cascade rapidly reaches the (quasi-)steady state, and that the time dependence\ninfafactorizes in the frame co-rotating with the electric field: fa(pa, t) =fa(pa)ga(t) [anticipating that ga(t)∼eΓt].\nWe use the probabilities in the LCFA, so Wrad(p′) =Wrad(ε′, χ′),Wcr(p′) =Wcr(ε′, χ′), hence, χ′can be used as\nan independent integration variable in Eqs. (C18), (C19). Passing to the new variables p′→ {ε′, χ′, θ′}casts the\ndistribution function to\nf±(p′)dp′=˜f±(ε′, χ′, θ′)dε′dχ′sinθ′dθ′, (C20)\nwhere −π/2< θ′≤π/2 is the azimuthal angle in the system such that the electric field rotates in the plane θ′= 0. As\na result of the distribution function factorisation ga(t) cancels out in Eqs. (C18), (C19) [with Na(t) written explicitly,\nsee Eq. (C9)], and the effective rates become stationary:\nWrad=Z\ndε′dχ′sinθ′dθ′Wrad(ε′, χ′)h\n˜f−(ε′, χ′, θ′) +˜f+(ε′, χ′, θ′)i\nZ\ndε′dχ′sinθ′dθ′h\n˜f−(ε′, χ′, θ′) +˜f+(ε′, χ′, θ′)i , (C21)\nWcr=Z\ndε′dχ′sinθ′dθ′Wcr(ε′, χ′)˜fγ(ε′, χ′, θ′)\nZ\ndε′dχ′sinθ′dθ′˜fγ(ε′, χ′, θ′). (C22)\nWe can apply the same reasoning to the migration rate,\nν(t)→ν, see Eq. (C11). By using these expressions\nin Eqs. (C16), (C17), we finally arrive at the particle\nnumber equations in the steady state:\ndN±(t)\ndt=WcrNγ(t)−νN±(t), (C23)\ndNγ(t)\ndt=Wrad[N−(t) +N+(t)]−WcrNγ(t).(C24)\nBy introducing Np= (N−+N+)/2 we cast these relations\ninto Eqs. (18)-(19). At ν= 0, we get the equations of\nthe form used in Refs. [45, 46, 61].\nThe effective rate of photon emission given in\nEqs. (C21) can be simplified further if we take into ac-\ncount the electron dynamics. Let us consider the integral:\nZ\ndε′dχ′sinθ′dθ′Wrad(ε′, χ′)˜f±(ε′, χ′, θ′)\nThe short-time expressions (8)-(9) relate εeandχeas\nthey are parametrised. We can express χein terms of εe:\nχe(εe) = (ε2\ne/mc2)2ωeffτC, meaning that the distribution\nfunction can be written as\n˜f±(ε′, χ′, θ′) =˜f±(ε′, θ′)δ(χ′−χe(ε′)). (C25)\nNotably, in the uniform rotating electric field con-\nfiguration, we can make an additional simplification:˜f±(ε′, θ′) =˜f±(ε′)δ(θ′)/sinθ′. Then the integral reads\nZ\ndε′sinθ′dθ′Wrad(ε′, χe(ε′))˜f±(ε′, θ′).\nIn Section III B, we propose to approximate the rate\nin this integral by a constant Wrad(ε′, χe(ε′))≈\nWCS(γem, χem), where χem=χe(γemmc2). Then\nthe effective rate in Eq. (C21) simplifies to Wrad≈\nWCS(γem, χem).\nDeveloping a similar line of reasoning applied to\nthe RHS of Eq. (C22), requires coupling εγand\nχγSince photons propagate along straight lines, and\ntheir energy is not altered, let us estimate χγ(εγ)∼\nsin(θγ)ϵεγ/(ESmc2), where θγis some characteristic\nangle between the photon momentum and the elec-\ntric field direction. Then we can rewrite the pho-\nton distribution function as in Eq. (C25), substitute\nit into the effective rate (C22), and obtain Wcr≈\nWBW(εγ/(mc2),sin(θγ)ϵεγ/(ESmc2)). Here, sin( θγ) can\nbe used as a fitting parameter when comparing the re-\nsulting growth rate expressions to numerical data.\nLet us make several remarks. First, our derivation\nshows that the steady-state hypothesis is equivalent to\ntaking the limit Wrad,cr(t→ ∞ )→Wrad,cr. The solution\nof the steady-state equations for the particle numbers\nis exponential in time, as we discuss in Section III. In\nthe derivation, we showed that the steady-state naturally\narises if the distribution function time dependence fac-22\ntorizes at large times, namely, we can replace the steady-\nstate hypothesis with the latter statement.\nSecond, the particular time required for this limit to\nset in, i.e. the steady state formation time, depends on\nthe particular field configuration and its parameters. As\nof now, the formation of the steady distribution has to\nbe confirmed with numerical simulations for each field\nconfiguration, which was done in the past works [42, 43,\n45, 47, 48] and the present study. A rigorous proof of the\nsteady state existence would be very interesting, as well\nas the calculation of the relaxation time, and a systematic\nclassification of the field configurations allowing such a\nstate.\nThird, Eqs. (C21)-(C24) are derived in the context of\nthe CP standing wave configuration, and particularly the\ncascade development at the E-antinode center, where the\nfield simplifies to a rotating E-field. However, these ex-\npressions can be generalized to cascades in other field\nconfigurations that allow a steady state.\nAnd last, to calculate the cascade particle growth rate\nΓ, it is enough to solve Eqs. (C23)-(C24). However, the\neffective rates Wrad,crand the migration coefficient νare\ndefined via the distribution functions, which are unknown\na priori . While solving the full distribution function an-\nalytically is intricate, the rates can be estimated under\nadditional approximations, as we propose in Sec. III B,\nor extracted from numerical simulations, as we do in\nSec. IV.\nAppendix D: The model of Grismayer et al [45]\nThe cascade growth rate model proposed by Grismayer\net al [45] [see Eqs. (9)–(10) therein] for the rotating E-\nfield was advancing the models of Fedotov et al [40] and\nBashmakov et al [46]. The improvement was achieved\nby reconsidering the assumption that almost all of the\nenergy of a radiating electron is transferred to a photon.\nInstead, the electron radiation spectrum dWCS/dχγwith\n0< χγ< χewas fully accounted for in Ref. [45]. At the\nsame time, Grismayer et al follow the preceding works by\nassuming that the electron mean free path time is given\nbyte∼W−1\nrad:\nWrad≡WCS(¯γe,¯χe) =Z¯χe\n0dχγdWCS(¯γe,¯χe, χγ)\ndχγ,where ¯ γeand ¯χeare the characteristic values of γeand\nχeat the moment of emission, which depend only on\nthe field parameters. The corresponding model for the\nnumber of produced pairs was introduced in Refs. [45, 63]\nby using a phenomenological approach. We show, how\nthis model arises from the kinetic approach and discuss\nthe approximations that are required to obtain it.\nLet us take Eq. (C7) coupled to Eq. (C6) as the starting\npoint. We set the migration term to zero in the context\nof the uniform rotating electric field model. As in Ap-\npendix C, we assume that the cascade reaches the steady\nstate. For Eq. (C7), we repeat the steps proposed in\nAppendix C, and arrive at:\n∂\n∂tN±(t) =Z\ndp′Wcr(ε′, χ′)fγ(p′, t). (D1)\nWe aim at obtaining a closed equation on N±(t). For\nthis, we will use Eq. (C6) to express fγ(εe, χe, t): we\napproximate the integral over ε′in the RHS in order to\npass to the particle numbers N±(t), and then integrate\nthe whole equation in time.\nAs we aim at keeping the differential rate in the ex-\npression, dWrad/dχγ=dWCS/dχγ, the second integral in\nthe RHS Eq. (C6) can be simplified only by imposing\nan additional assumption for the distribution functions\nf±(pe, t). In the steady state, the normalized electron\nspectrum does not change with time and has a promi-\nnent peak, as was noted by Grismayer et al [45] and con-\nfirmed in the current work with numerical simulations.\nWe rewrite the steady-state distribution function in the\nform:\nf±(pe, t) =N±(t)1\nNeg(εe), (D2)\nwhere Nnormalizes the electron spectrum, N=R\ndεeeg(εe). Let us assume for the moment that g(εe)\nhas a single maximum located at ¯ εe(see also the discus-\nsion below). Therefore, we can use the Laplace method\nto approximate the integral:\nZ∞\nεγdε′ε′2\nε2γdWrad(p′, εγ)\ndεγf±(p′, t)≈N±(t)\n4πε2γdWCS(¯γe,¯χe, εγ)\ndεγ, (D3)\nwhere we used that N ≈ 4πc−3¯ε2\neeg(¯εe)p\n2π/|g′′(¯εe)|. As a result, we get the equation\n∂\n∂tfγ(pγ, t) =−Wcr(pγ)fγ(pγ, t) +[N+(t) +N−(t)]\n4πε2γdWCS(¯γe,¯χe, εγ)\ndεγ, (D4)\nwhich can be solved explicitly:\nfγ(pγ, t) =c3\n4πε2γdWCS(¯γe,¯χe, εγ)\ndεγZt\n0dt′[N+(t′) +N−(t′)]e−Wcr(εγ,χγ)(t−t′). (D5)23\nHere, we used the initial condition fγ(pγ,0) = 0. Finally, after substituting fγ(pγ, t), putting Wcr=WBWinto\nEq. (D1) and rearranging the expression we get:\n∂\n∂tNp(t) = 2Zt\n0dt′Np(t′)Z¯χe\n0dχ′dWCS(¯γe,¯χe, χ′)\ndχ′WBW(ε′, χ′)e−WBW(ε′,χ′)(t−t′)(D6)\nwhere we passed to the number of pairs Np=N−+N+,\nchanged the integration variable ε′→χ′, and put the\nupper limit of the χ′integral as dWCS(¯γe,¯χe, χ′)/dχ′=\n0 for χ′>¯χe. Following Ref. [45], we formally solve\nEq. (D6) by using the Laplace transform\nNp(s) =Z∞\n0dt N p(t)e−st.\nWhen Eq. (D6) is rewritten in the image space, one can\nshow that the function Np(s) has poles at\ns−2Z¯χe\n0dχ′dWCS(¯γe,¯χe,χ′)\ndχ′ WBW(ε′, χ′)\ns+WBW(ε′, χ′)= 0.(D7)\nA positive solution s+>0 of this equation provides\nthe cascade growth rate in the steady state, Np(t)≃\nNp(0)eΓt, Γ = s+. Eq. (D7) can be solved numerically.\nFor more details, see Refs. [45, 63].\nEquations (D6) and(D7) reproduce the model of Gris-\nmayer et al [see Eq. (9) in Ref. [45]]. It should be noted\nthat in our derivation, we had to assume that the position\nof the electron spectrum coincides with ¯ εe, namely, at the\ncharacteristic energy of the electron at the time of emis-\nsion. This particular supposition (i) allowed decoupling\nf±anddWrad/dεγunder the integral in Eq. (D3), and (ii)\nnaturally cuts off the χ′-integral in Eq. (D7) at ¯ χe. How-\never, our simulations show that for εe≳¯εethe spectrum\ndecays exponentially, f±(εe, t)∝exp[−(εe/¯εe)n]. Such\nbehavior is expected as according to the initial hypoth-\nesis electrons emit photons as they reach such energies.\nTherefore, accounting for this feature may result in a re-\nfined version of Eq. (D7).\nLet us point out here, that we demonstrated in Ap-\npendix C that Eqs. (18)-(19) for N±,γ(t) are exact in\nterms of the particle spectra, as we integrate them out\nwithout additional approximations (except the LCFA).\nThe approximations that were applied in past works\n[40, 43, 46] and the new model that we propose in this\nwork in Section III, also inexplicitly account for the parti-\ncle spectrum precisely. The uncertainty of the mentioned\nmodels is contained in the approximation of ¯ εe,γ, ¯χe,γ,\nthat are used to estimate the emission and pair creation\nrates.\nAppendix E: Simulation setup\nFor the numerical study, we use the PIC code SMILEI\n[91] and perform simulations in the 1D3V geometry (1\n100101102Ne+e∗∗−\n0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0\nωt0510/angbracketleftχe/angbracketright\n/angbracketleftχe/angbracketrightstFigure 9. Example of one simulation in a rotating electric\nfield. Top panel: the time dependence of the e−e+pair\nnumber. Bottom panel: the average χevalue of the elec-\ntrons in the cascade. In the steady state, the growth rate\nΓ and ⟨χe⟩become stationary (see the corresponding hori-\nzontal line ⟨χe⟩stin the bottom panel). The growth rate is\nextracted by using the exponential fitting of the dependence\nNe−e+(t)∝eΓtat the data points depicted with the thick\ndashed line. The plot results from a simulation at a0= 5275.\nspatial dimension in the direction transverse to the field\nand 3 momentum projections). The code consistently\nsolves the equations of motion for particles and Maxwell’s\nequations for EM fields, and includes the quantum pro-\ncesses of photon emission by electrons and positrons and\npair creation by photons within the LCFA as given by\nEqs. (2)-(5).\nFor the standing wave configuration, we pick the sim-\nulation box of length 4 λ, and preliminary fill it with the\nfield, so that the box is centered at the electric antinode.\nWe initialize ≈100 seed electrons at rest in the vicinity\nof the center. The spatial and temporal resolution is set\ntoλ/128 and min( T/500, T/a 0), respectively. We per-\nformed the convergence checks to validate the choice of\ntemporal resolution. For the rotating field configuration,\nwe use a 6 λsimulation box. The field is prescribed by\nEq. (10), and seed electrons are distributed in the mid-\ndle 2λ-waist. For both configurations, we pick the initial\nelectron density of 0 .01nc, where nc=ε0mω2/e2is the\ncritical plasma density. Since our aim is testing the cas-\ncade growth model presented in Section III, we stay in the\nregime of relatively low particle densities when plasma ef-\nfects are not significant (we discuss the field screening by\nthe produced plasma in Section VII).\nIn addition, we performed several full 3D PIC simula-\ntions in a realistic configuration, when the standing wave24\nis formed by two focused Gaussian laser beams of circular\npolarization and with the waist w0= 3λ. The seeding\nconditions are the same as for the standing wave config-\nuration, however, in this case, we start the simulation by\ninjecting the beams from two opposite sides of an empty\nbox, and seed electrons later, when the standing wave is\nformed. The EM field is calculated consistently in the\nPIC loop. We keep the total field amplitude at E0to\nmatch simulations in the other field configurations.\nExtraction of the growth rate. In each simula-\ntion run, we observe an avalanche exhibiting exponen-\ntial growth of the particle number, see an example in\nFig. 9. We continue each run for a long enough time\nto ensure that the cascade reaches a steady state. The\ndata collected in the steady state can be used to extract\nthe growth rate Γ. The corresponding time points can\nbe found by studying the time-dependence of the aver-\nage electron Lorentz factor ⟨γe⟩andχ-parameter ⟨χe⟩.\nWhen the cascade reaches the steady state, ⟨χe⟩relaxes\nto the constant value ⟨χe⟩st, as illustrated in Fig. 9. No-\ntably, the characteristic relaxation time depends on the\nfield strength and decreases for higher E0. We select the\nsteady-state time points by the following procedure: (i)\nequate value of ⟨χe⟩reached at the end of the simulation\nto⟨χe⟩st, and (ii) pick time points from the data set tail\nthat satisfy the condition |⟨χe⟩(t)−⟨χe⟩st|/⟨χe⟩st<0.02.\nThe growth rate Γ can be extracted by fitting the data\nforNe−e+(t) with the exponential function Aexp(Γ t) for\nthe selected points, where Aand Γ are the fitting param-\neters.\nEvaluation of the migration rate ν.Let us con-\nsider seed electrons in the field of a standing wave. If\nthey are injected in spatial regions where χe(t) growsfast, they can trigger a cascade. Recall that χe(t) is pro-\nportional to the value of ϵ2ωeff[see Eq. (9)], which we\nplot in Fig. 4. It peaks in the electric node centers and\nrapidly falls off near the magnetic antinodes, where it\nvanishes. It is therefore beneficial to seed particles near\nthe electric field peak, however, they will migrate to the\nmagnetic antinodes, as the latter are spiraling attractors\nfor charges [79, 80, 105–107]. Let us calculate the mi-\ngration rate νofe−e+from the E-antinode center as a\nfunction of E0to evaluate its effect on the cascade growth\nrate.\nThe motion of an electron in a standing wave is known\nto be chaotic already in the classical regime. In our case,\nit is also affected by radiation. As general analytic ex-\npressions for the trajectories for this case are unknown,\nwe perform statistical simulation of particle migration us-\ning SMILEI PIC code [91]. The simulation setup is the\nsame as described above for the standing wave configu-\nration, except that we seed ∼105macro-particles in the\nvicinity of the E-antinode and switch off pair creation\nfor the photon species in the code, as we are interested\nparticularly in the trajectories of the seed particles. Nev-\nertheless, we fully account for the recoil due to photon\nemissions by the electrons. We define νas the inverse\ntime at which half of the particles propagate at distance\nλ/8 from the origin, meaning that they reach the spatial\nregion where ϵ2ωeff= 0 (one of the shaded regions in Fig.\n4). The resulting dependence ν(a0) is presented in the\nbottom panel of Fig. 5. At low intensities, the migration\nrate is close to ν≈T−1=ω/2π, which is consistent with\nthe analytical study in Ref. [106]. However as the am-\nplitude grows, radiation effects become important and ν\nslowly decreases.\n[1] R. D. Blandford and R. L. Znajek, Electromagnetic ex-\ntraction of energy from Kerr black holes, MNRAS 179,\n433 (1977).\n[2] A. L. Ford, B. D. Keenan, and M. V. Medvedev,\nElectron-positron cascade in magnetospheres of spin-\nning black holes, Phys. Rev. D 98, 063016 (2018).\n[3] F. C. Michel and H. Li, Electrodynamics of neutron\nstars, Phys. Rep. 318, 227 (1999).\n[4] P. Goldreich and W. H. 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In this work, we\npropose a novel Clustering self-Attention mechanism using Surrogate Tokens\n(CAST), to optimize the attention computation and achieve efficient transformers.\nCAST utilizes learnable surrogate tokens to construct a cluster affinity matrix,\nused to cluster the input sequence and generate novel cluster summaries. The\nself-attention from within each cluster is then combined with the cluster summaries\nof other clusters, enabling information flow across the entire input sequence. CAST\nimproves efficiency by reducing the complexity from O(N2)toO(αN)where N\nis the sequence length, and αis constant according to the number of clusters and\nsamples per cluster. We show that CAST performs better than or comparable to the\nbaseline Transformers on long-range sequence modeling tasks, while also achieving\nhigher results on time and memory efficiency than other efficient transformers.\n1 I NTRODUCTION\nThe Transformer architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017) has revolutionized many fields within machine\nlearning such as translation (Vaswani et al., 2017), summarization (Miller, 2019), text generation\n(Chen et al., 2019), sentiment classification (Sun et al., 2019), and also tasks like image classification\n(Dosovitskiy et al., 2020), object detection (Liu et al., 2021b), and protein folding (Jumper et al.,\n2021). The self-attention mechanism stands at the core of its strengths. It allows the Transformer to\ndirectly model long-range dependencies within a sequence without the need for a hidden state like in\nrecurrent neural networks (Hochreiter & Schmidhuber, 1997). However, the self-attention mechanism\nhas an inherent large memory cost, since its complexity grows quadratically with the input sequence\nlength. With these memory requirements and the ever-increasing size of large language models, such\nas the GPT series (Brown et al., 2020; OpenAI, 2023) and LLaMA (Touvron et al., 2023), a need\nfor more efficient attention mechanisms has emerged (Dao et al., 2022). Current implementations of\nmore efficient self-attention mechanisms can be roughly grouped into the following categories: (1)\napply self-attention on subsets of the input sequences(sparsification) (Ainslie et al., 2020; Daras et al.,\n2020; Kitaev et al., 2020; Ma et al., 2023; Tay et al., 2020b; Zaheer et al., 2021), (2) approximate the\nself-attention mechanism with a lower complexity (Choromanski et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2021a; Wang\net al., 2020), and (3) remove self-attention in favor of a lower complexity similar operation (Gu et al.,\n2022; Lee-Thorp et al., 2021; Smith et al., 2023; Tolstikhin et al., 2021).\nIn this paper, we introduce a new efficient variant of self-attention, named Clustering Attention using\nSurrogate Tokens (CAST) – see Figure 1. It applies clustering to self-attention and introduces two\nnovel ideas, namely 1) learnable clustering of tokens, and 2) cluster summaries, which allow for\ninformation to flow between tokens from different clusters within the same attention head. CAST\nlearns to cluster tokens that would have a strong connection in the original attention matrix by\nclustering based on a similarity matrix between the surrogate tokens, queries, and keys. Standard\nself-attention is applied within clusters, where its result is combined with cluster summaries based on\na previously created similarity matrix. This allows for each token to retrieve information from the\nrest of the sequence, improving stability and performance. CAST is significantly faster than other\n1arXiv:2402.04239v1 [cs.LG] 6 Feb 2024Figure 1: Sketch of the proposed method. The colors red and blue correspond to two different\nclusters. With the queries ( Q), keys ( K), and values ( V), we create the surrogate token similarities\nAq(similarity between the queries and surrogate tokens) and Ak(similarity between the keys and\nsurrogate tokens). They are combined to create a final similarity Agfor each token to each cluster. We\nthen use this clustering of tokens and create the clustered queries ( Qg), keys ( Kg), and values ( Vg).\nWithin each cluster, self-attention is applied resulting in Rintra . Furthermore, Akis also clustered\nand matrix multiplied with Vgto create a summary per cluster resulting in Rinter . The results Rintra\nandRinter are then combined using Aqas the weights for a weighted sum, resulting in R. Another\nlinear projection Ois then applied on Rand passed on to the feedforward layer of the Transformer.\nefficient Transformer variants, and matches or improves the performance of a standard Transformer\non long-sequence modeling tasks.\nThecontribution of this paper is a novel efficient approach to replace the self-attention in Transform-\ners based on learning token clusters in an unsupervised manner.\n2 R ELATED WORKS\nPrior research on efficient computation of self-attention has focused on chunking attention, clustering\nattention, and the current state-of-the-art, structured-state-space-based models.\nChunking attention. One obvious way to solve the quadratic complexity of self-attention is to chunk\nthe given sequence into smaller pieces and apply self-attention within those pieces. This is known as\nLocal Attention (Luong et al., 2015). However, by chunking the sequence, no information can be\npassed between chunks, causing a decrease in task performance below that of the standard Transformer.\nSeveral works have sparsified the attention matrix by windowing or chunking the sequence (Ainslie\net al., 2020; Beltagy et al., 2020; Child et al., 2019; Luong et al., 2015; Zaheer et al., 2021). Some\nopted for applying attention in a sliding window manner, but the use of global attention to special\ntokens, such as the \"CLS\", is also common among the original efficient Transformers of the LRA\nbenchmark (Ainslie et al., 2020; Beltagy et al., 2020; Zaheer et al., 2021). These models also use the\n\"CLS\" token for the final classification, allowing all parts of the sequence to contribute to the final\nresult. BigBird (Zaheer et al., 2021) combined global attention, window attention, and random blocks\nof attention to achieve state-of-the-art performance on the LRA benchmark. Despite the efficiency\ngains of the chunking of self-attention, it does not necessarily model long-range dependencies\nwell. Multiple rounds of self-attention can be necessary to create a large enough receptive field to\nmodel long-range dependencies. Although chunking has shown its effectiveness, it does not model\nlong-range dependencies well, since no information can flow from distant parts of the input sequence.\nClustering attention. One way to easily model long-range dependencies is the clustering of the\ninput sequence which is only partially dependent on the order of the input. Specifically, the Reformer\n(Kitaev et al., 2020) and its descendant SMYRF (Daras et al., 2020) both use locality-sensitive\nhashing (LSH) to apply clustering to the input sequence and then apply a form of attention. The\nReformer first uses the constraint of the queries and keys being equal such that the attention matrix\nis symmetric. Then to create the clusters they define a random matrix R∈Rdh×Nc/2, which is\nthen matrix multiplied with query-key. The query keys are then clustered based on the result of\nargmax ([XqkR⊕−XqkR]). The symbol ⊕stands for concatenation, while Xqkstands for the shared\nquery-key representation. The resulting clusters are of different sizes, making it difficult to compute\nthem on conventional hardware, harming efficiency, f.i. on the Long Range Arena Benchmark.\n2SMYRF efficiently computes asymmetric clustering of queries and keys, that is a query is not\nnecessarily clustered with its corresponding key. Unlike the Reformer, SMYRF also creates balanced\nclusters of constant size and thus achieving better computational efficiency. Although both these\nclustering Transformers do model long-range dependencies, clustering also creates problems. The\nrandom initialization of the network causes queries and keys to be clustered randomly at first. As a\nresult, the weight update for queries and keys is based only on the information that is inside single\nclusters. Furthermore, gradients could be unstable when a query or key switches from one cluster to\nanother. Ideally, an efficient Transformer retains the original strength of the Transformer, namely the\ninformation flow throughout the entire input sequence via the self-attention mechanism. Our approach\nkeeps this information flow and introduces more stability through the use of cluster summaries, which\nact as an indicator of the type of information that can be obtained in a given cluster.\nStructured State Space Models. More recent work on efficient sequence models includes Structured\nState Space Models (SSSM), such as S4 (Gu et al., 2022), S5 (Smith et al., 2023), and MEGA (Ma\net al., 2023) which are currently the state-of-the-art on long-range sequence modeling benchmarks.\nSSSMs do not use the self-attention mechanism, and rely on a learnable state space to capture relevant\ndependencies in a sequence. However, we do not investigate these types of architectures further, as\nthey are no longer related to the Transformer architecture and thus the self-attention mechanism.\n3 C LUSTERING ATTENTION USING SURROGATE TOKENS\nWe propose CAST, Clustering Attention using Surrogate Tokens, that learns token clusters and\noptimizes the computation of attention in Transformer architectures. We present its versions with\nsingle-headed and multi-headed self-attention, and discuss the computational complexity. A visual-\nization of CAST is in Figure 1, and a module-based description is in Appendix A.1. Moreover, a\nnomenclature with symbol definitions and pseudocodes are in Appendices A.2 and A.3.2, respectively.\n3.1 I NTUITION\nA query ( Q) and key ( K) which are in the same direction with a large enough magnitude will end up\nwith a large score in the self-attention matrix AK. This relationship can be exploited for clustering\nby defining some static clustering directions, determining the similarity of all queries and all keys\nwith these clustering directions, and then clustering based on this similarity. However, this approach\nhas two problems: (1) when clustering, directions are randomly initialized, and their configuration\nmight not be optimal for the task that is trained on, and (2) when training is started, queries and keys\nare clustered randomly. Consequentially, the gradient of the queries and keys is only based on the\nself-attention within their cluster, making it impossible for queries and keys from different clusters to\nalign themselves according to the loss.\nTo alleviate this problem, we design CAST to ensure that the clustering directions are learnable\nand that each token receives information from all clusters. In CAST, surrogate tokens represent the\nlearnable clustering directions and are used as a surrogate for finding similar queries and keys. The\nweight of each cluster is based on the similarity of its query and the clustering direction. Within the\ncluster of a certain token, we apply self-attention. For other clusters, cluster summaries are created,\nbased on the similarity of a token key with the direction of the cluster it belongs to.\n3.2 S INGLE -HEAD CLUSTERING ATTENTION USING SURROGATE TOKENS\nCAST is an extension of the self-attention mechanism in the Transformer architecture (Vaswani et al.,\n2017). We first create query-key-value combinations from the input sequence X∈RN×d, where N\nis the input sequence length, and dthe feature embedding dimension:\nQ=XWq, K=XWk, V=XWv, ∈RN×d, (1)\nwhere Wq, Wk, Wv∈Rd×dare learnable parameters for the queries (Q), keys (K), and values (V)\nrespectively. To create clusters and lower the computational complexity, we define learnable surrogate\ntokens S∈RNc×d, where Ncindicates the number of clusters. The surrogate tokens represent the\nlearnable clustering directions and are used as a surrogate for finding similar queries and keys. Then\nwe compute the similarity matrices with the surrogate tokens for the queries ( Aq) and the keys ( Ak).\nWe combine these similarity matrices using a ratio σ(φ) : 1−σ(φ)based on a linear transformation\n3ofX, where σindicates the sigmoid function.\nAq=QST,Ak=KST∈RN×Nc\nφ=XWφ+bφ ∈RN×1\nAg=σ(φ)⊙f2(Aq) + (1 −σ(φ))⊙f2(Ak) ∈RN×Nc, (2)\nwhere σ(φ)is a sigmoid function applied to a linear transformation of X, which is represented\nasXWφ+bφ. Where Wφ∈Rd×1andbφ∈R1are learnable parameters. The function f(·)\nindicates an attention function, which in this paper includes the classical softmax and the Laplace\nfunction from MEGA (Ma et al., 2023). In the case of softmax, fi(·)indicates that the softmax\nis applied over the dimension iof the matrix. Here the softmax is applied to the dimensions\nholding corresponding to the different clusters. The symbol ⊙represents element-wise multiplication.\nSubsequently, the calculated similarities are used to cluster the input sequence using a clustering\nmechanism G, computed as G:RN×Nc,RN×∗→RNc×κ×∗, where ∗indicates any given shape,\nandκindicates the size of a cluster. Furthermore, let G−1indicate the reverse of the function G, such\nthatG−1:RN×Nc,RNc×κ×∗→RN×∗, where in the event of an input is contained in two clusters\nthe sum is calculated. Then, standard self-attention is applied within each cluster as follows:\nRintra =f \nQgKT\ng\nτ!\nVg ∈RNc×κ×d, (3)\nwhere Qg=G(Ag,Q),Kg=G(Ag,K),Vg=G(Ag,V), and τis a scalar depending on the used\nattention function. Here Rintra indicates the result of attention within the clusters.\nTo create a gradient between tokens from different clusters we apply attention between clusters as\nwell. To do this, we define value summaries Rinter , which is a weighted sum of all values within\neach cluster where the weights Ainter are based on Akandφas follows:\nAinter=G\u0012\nAg,Ak⊙ϕ(−φ)\nτk\u0013\nI′\nNc∈RNc×κ×1,\nRinter=f2(Ainter)VT\ng ∈RNc×1×d, (4)\nwhere I′\nNcindicates the expanded identity matrix INcsuch that I′\nNc∈BNc×Nc×1, the function\nϕ(x) =Softplus (x) + 1 (Zheng et al., 2015), and τkis a scaling factor. We use AQandrto create\nan attention matrix used as a weighted sum for the value summaries and attention within clusters:\nAsum=f3\u0012Aq⊙ϕ(φ)\nτq\u0013\n∈RN×Nc,\nAinter= (Asum⊙ˆM) ∈RN×Nc,\nAintra =G(Ag,Asum⊙M) ∈RN×Nc,\nR=G−1(Ag,Aintra Rintra) +Ainter Rinter ∈RN×d, (5)\nwhere M∈(0,1)N×Ncis a mask where Mi,j= 1 ifXi∈G(Ag,X)jandMi,j= 0 ifXi/∈\nG(Ag,X)j. As a result of this operation, Ris a weighted sum according to Asumof the attention\nwithin clusters (Rintra)and the summaries of the clusters (Rinter). The final output Ois then\ncalculated as O=RWo∈RN×d, where Wo∈Rd×dare learnable parameters. Ois then passed on\nto the rest of the standard Transformer architecture.\nClustering. The clustering mechanism is an integral part of CAST, and serves to group inter-\nimportant tokens of the input sequence. We measure the inter-importance as the similarity scores in\nthe attention matrix Ag. We define two clustering mechanisms to maximize the similarity per cluster:\nA)Top-K Clustering Mechanism. The Top-K clustering mechanism is a naive approach to\nclustering the input sequence, the indices of the largest Kelements in Agare taken per cluster and\nused to index the original sequence. Because Top-K simply maximizes the similarity scores per\ncluster separately, it is possible for any token to be contained in anywhere between 0andNcclusters.\nThis attribute of Top-K can be useful in case padding is used, by setting the similarity scores of\npadding to 0, it can be ensured that padding is never taken into consideration when applying attention\nwithin clusters. However, in static sequence domains, like images, it can also cause certain parts of\nthe input sequence to never be clustered.\n4Figure 2: The practical difference between the Top-K andSA Top-K clustering mechanisms. Here, S\nindicates the clustering direction of two surrogate tokens. The blue and green dashed circles indicate\nthe clusters that the Top-K and SA Top-K clustering mechanisms would create, respectively.\nB)Single Assignment Top-K Clustering Mechanism. This approach has the constraint that every\npart of the sequence can only be assigned to a single cluster, and ensure that every token is part of\nthe result of CAST and thus has a gradient. We implement the constraint by clustering tokens in\ndescending order according to their maximum score in Ag. When a cluster has reached the desired\nsize, we no longer assign tokens to this cluster.\n3.3 M ULTI -HEAD CLUSTERING ATTENTION USING SURROGATE TOKENS\nTo apply CAST in a multi-headed scenario, the surrogate tokens Sare also split into multiple heads\nsuch that S∈RNc×h×dh, where his the number of heads, and dh=d\nh. The score Agis then\ncomputed as follows:\nAq=QST,Ak=KST∈RN×h×Nc,\nφ=XWφ+bφ ∈RN×1,\nAs\nq=σ(φ)⊙f2(X\nhAq:,h, :) ∈RN×Nc,\nAs\nk= (1−σ(φ))⊙f2(X\nhAk:,h, :)∈RN×Nc,\nAg=As\nq+As\nk ∈RN×Nc. (6)\nIn short, we sum the similarity scores AqandAkover the head dimension to get the similarity of\neach token to each cluster. After this step CAST works as described in Section 3.2, but with an\nadded constant dimension h. Before the result Ois calculated, the result of the different heads Ris\nconcatenated such that R∈RN×d.\n3.4 C OMPLEXITY\nWith the use of CAST, the original quadratic complexity of the self-attention mechanism is signifi-\ncantly reduced. The complexity of CAST without added constants regarding the number of layers,\nbatch size, and hidden dimensions is O(αN). Here α=max(κ, N2\nc), where κis the number of\nelements in a cluster, and Ncthe number of clusters. Here, the complexity O(Nκ)is derived from\nthe computation of Rintra being Ncκ2, which can be rewritten as Nκ. The complexity O(NN2\nc)is\nderived from the computation of Rinter . Here, we have set the relation of κto be κ=N\nNc, although\ntechnically not necessary this would allow for each token to be clustered. Theoretically, the memory\nusage is lowest with a configuration where N2\nc=κ.\n4 E XPERIMENTAL SETUP\nWe use the Long Range Arena Benchmark (Tay et al., 2020c) (LRA) to evaluate the performance\nof CAST, and compare the results with those of other methods for efficient Transformers. The\nLRA benchmark is composed of six complex tasks on different data modalities and sequence length\n(1K-16K tokens), considered to theoretically represent various challenging tasks and complexity\nlevels. The LRA dataset and training rules were proposed with the aim of allowing researchers to\ncompare efficient Transformers without the need for large computational power. We further perform\nan ablation study on the surrogate tokens to determine how the number of clusters influences the\n5performance, peak memory usage, and the training steps efficiency. Lastly, we analyze the learned\nclusters to gain insights into why CAST works.\nThe tasks we consider serve to investigate the capability of models to deal with a diverse range of data\nmodalities and structures, such as natural language, images, and mathematics. The LRA benchmark\nis currently being used as the main benchmark for efficient Transformers and long-range sequence\nmodeling. The evaluation metric for all the tasks in LRA is classification accuracy. More details on\nthe pertinence of the LRA and its six tasks can be found in Appendix A.4.\n4.1 E XPERIMENTS\nWe carried out experiments on a variety of hardware, and expanded upon in more detail per experiment\nwhere significant. For reproducibility and fair comparison, we keep the number of layers and features\ncomparable to those used in efficient Transformers in the original LRA paper (Tay et al., 2020c).\nCAST efficiency. We evaluate the efficiency of CAST by running it on the Texttask of LRA with a\nvarying sequence length of 1K, 2K, 3K, and 4K. For each of these sequence tasks, we determine the\npeak memory usage and the number of training steps per second relative to the original Transformer\narchitecture. For comparison with other efficient Transformers we take their performance reported in\nthe original LRA paper (Tay et al., 2020c). We ensure that CAST and the Transformer use the exact\nsame hyperparameters, such as the number of layers, the number of heads, and the size of the feature\nspace. CAST uses a cluster size of 200 throughout all sequence lengths. All experiments regarding\nmemory and time efficiency were run on a single A40 GPU.\nLong Range Arena performance. We evaluate the performance of CAST on the LRA dataset\nby performing a small hyperparameter sweep. In total, we ran ten full-length training sessions per\ntask, where the checkpoint with the lowest validation loss was used to evaluate the performance of\nCAST. In Appendix A.5, a more detailed description regarding the hyperparameters can be viewed.\nFurthermore, a Weights & Biases (Biewald, 2020) report with all hyperparameters and loss curves\ncan be found here1.\nClustering ablation. We further perform an ablation study on how the number of surrogate tokens,\ni.e. the number of clusters, affects the performance, peak memory usage, and number of training\nsteps per second. We also investigate whether there is a difference in using the Top-K or Single\nAssignment Top-K clustering mechanisms in the Image task. For this ablation, we use the Text and\nImage tasks to determine whether there is a difference between modalities. For each task, we take\nthe best-performing models from the hyperparameter sweep but vary the cluster size κsuch that\nκ∈ {32,64,128,256,512}.\nVisual analysis on clusters. Lastly, we perform a visual analysis on the learned clusters in the\nImage task of the LRA dataset. From the ablations, we take a single model with two CAST layers\nand eight surrogate tokens. We then visualize which tokens are clustered together and have a more\nin-depth look at the obtained similarity scores Ag.\n5 R ESULTS AND DISCUSSION\n5.1 L ONG RANGE ARENA EFFICIENCY\nIn Table 1, we compare the speed and memory efficiency of several notable architectures. We\nobserve that CAST with Top-K is significantly faster compared to both the original Transformer and\nother efficient Transformers for all sequence lengths, with it being 6.18 times faster during training\nthan the original Transformer on a sequence length of 4K. Furthermore, CAST needs slightly less\nmemory than other efficient Transformers, only needing 10% of the memory compared to the original\nTransformer architecture at a sequence length of 4K. The use of SA Top-K lowers the speed of CAST\nsignificantly but does not affect the memory efficiency. Further results regarding the efficiency during\ninference can be found in Appendix A.6.1.\n5.2 L ONG RANGE ARENA PERFORMANCE\nTable 2 reports the performance results of CAST compared to those of the baseline Transformer and\nits efficient variations, and the current state-of-the-art models. CAST achieves performance between\nthat of the state space models and the other efficient Transformers. Although structured state space\n1Link to be publicly available upon acceptance\n6Table 1: Speed and Memory efficiency of the LRA Benchmark with the average performance (Avg.).\nThe Transformer and CAST were created using the same hyperparameters. A batch size of 25 was\nused and CAST uses a constant cluster size of 200. Speed and Memory increase/decrease are reported\nrelative to the results of the original Transformer architecture. Models annotated with the †symbol\nhad their relative speed and memory taken from the LRA benchmark (Tay et al., 2020c).\nModelSteps Per Second ↑ Peak Memory Usage ↓ Avg.\n1K 2K 3K 4K 1K 2K 3K 4K Performance\nTransformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 57.71\nReformer†(Kitaev et al., 2020) 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.8 0.56 0.37 0.28 0.24 50.56\nSinkhorn Trans.†(Tay et al., 2020b) 1.1 1.6 2.9 3.8 0.55 0.31 0.21 0.16 51.23\nPerformer†(Choromanski et al., 2020) 1.2 1.9 3.8 5.7 0.44 0.22 0.15 0.11 51.18\nLuna-16 (Ma et al., 2021) 1.2 1.8 3.7 5.5 0.44 0.23 0.17 0.10 59.55\nS4 (Gu et al., 2022) - - - 4.8 - - - 0.14 86.09\nMEGA (Ma et al., 2023) - - - 2.9 - - - 0.31 88.21\nMEGA-Chunk (Ma et al., 2023) - - - 5.5 - - - 0.13 85.66\nCAST (Top-K) 1.76 3.25 4.48 6.18 0.33 0.18 0.13 0.10 59.32\nCAST (SA Top-K) 1.47 2.24 2.33 2.62 0.33 0.18 0.13 0.10 57.57\n.\nTable 2: The performance of different architectures on the Long Range Arena benchmark in classifi-\ncation accuracy. We divide these works in (A) Transformer architectures that do not use Structured\nState Spaces or any derivation of this, and (B) Architectures using Structured State Spaces. (A-Top)\nThe original Transformer architecture. (A-Middle) Efficient Transformer architectures that came out\nwith the LRA benchmark. (A-Bottom) Notable models that came out after the release of the LRA\nbenchmark. (B) Architectures using Structured State Spaces. here the symbol †indicates that the\nresults came from the original paper from the LRA dataset (Tay et al., 2020c). Furthermore, the\nsymbol ×indicates that the Transformer variant either ran out of memory and −indicates that results\nwere not reported.\nModel Year ListOps Text Retrieval Image Pathfinder Path-X Avg.\nRandom 10.00 50.00 50.00 10.00 50.00 50.00 36.67\n(A) Transformer Based Architectures\nTransformer†(Vaswani et al., 2017) 2017 36.37 64.27 57.46 42.44 71.40 × 53,66\nTransformer (re-impl (Ma et al., 2021)) 2017 37.11 65.21 79.14 42.94 71.83 × 57.71\nLocal Att.†(Tay et al., 2020c) 2017 15.82 52.98 53.39 41.46 66.63 × 46.71\nSparse Trans.†(Child et al., 2019) 2019 17.07 63.58 59.59 44.24 71.71 × 51.03\nPerformer†(Choromanski et al., 2020) 2020 18.01 65.40 53.82 42.77 77.05 × 51.18\nReformer†(Kitaev et al., 2020) 2020 37.27 56.10 53.40 38.07 68.50 × 50.56\nSinkhorn Trans.†(Tay et al., 2020b) 2020 33.67 61.20 53.83 41.23 67.45 × 51.23\nBigBird†(Zaheer et al., 2021) 2021 36.05 64.02 59.29 40.83 74.87 × 54.18\nFNet (Lee-Thorp et al., 2021) 2021 35.33 65.11 59.61 38.67 77.80 × 54,42\nLuna-16 (Ma et al., 2021) 2021 37.43 65.74 79.38 46.39 78.36 - 59.55\nCAST Top-K ( Ours ) 2023 39.90 65.45 78.01 52.37 70.18 × 59.32\nCAST SA Top-K ( Ours ) 2023 40.70 65.13 74.64 52.78 62.22 × 57.57\n(B) Structured State Space Architectures\nS4 (Gu et al., 2022) 2021 59.60 86.82 90.90 88.65 94.20 96.35 86.09\nS5 (Smith et al., 2023) 2022 62.15 89.31 91.40 88.00 95.33 98.58 87.46\nMEGA-Chunk (Ma et al., 2023) 2022 58.76 90.19 90.97 85.80 94.41 93.81 85.66\nMEGA (Ma et al., 2023) 2022 63.14 90.43 91.25 90.44 96.01 97.98 88.21\nmodels are state-of-the-art, they cannot be directly compared to other efficient Transformers since\nthey apply global convolutions and are not solely relying on attention. CAST has a relatively high\nscore for the Image task and a relatively low score for the Pathfinder task compared to that of the\nother efficient Transformers. The low score of the Pathfinder task could be explained by the fact that\nmany of the pixels in the Pathfinder image are black, which makes their query-key pairs similar and\nput in the same cluster. An extended version of Table 2 can be found in Appendix A.6.2.\n5.3 C LUSTERING ABLATION\nClustering mechanisms. Figure 3 shows the difference in performance, memory footprint, and\ntime efficiency between the clustering mechanisms Top-K and SA Top-K on the TextandImage tasks\n7(a)\n (b)\n (c)\n(d)\n (e)\n (f)\nFigure 3: Ablations on the cluster size using CAST with Top-K Clustering Mechanism (blue) and\nSingle Assignment Top-K Clustering Mechanism (orange) on the Text andImage tasks of the LRA\nbenchmark against (a & d) the performance, (b & e) the peak memory allocated, and (c & f) the time\nefficiency, respectively.\nof LRA. In Figure 3d, it can be seen that the choice in the clustering mechanism slightly affects\nthe resulting performance on the Image task at a cluster size of 128 and 256. It can be observed\nfrom Figure 3b and Figure 3e, that the cluster mechanism does not affect the Peak Memory Usage.\nFurthermore, it can be seen from Figure 3c and Figure 3f that the Top-K clustering mechanism\nis overall significantly faster than the SA Top-K clustering mechanism. The SA Top-K clustering\nmechanism in particular is much slower when using small cluster sizes on large input sequences, like\nfor the Text task.\nPerformance. In Figure 3a and Figure 3d, we show a comparison of the effect of cluster sizes and\ncluster mechanism on the performance of CAST on Text andImage task of the LRA dataset. For\ntheText task, the cluster size does not significantly impact the resulting accuracy, although a slight\nincrease in accuracy can be observed at a larger cluster size. However, cluster size does impact the\nperformance of the Image task significantly for both Top-K and SA Top-K . It can be observed that the\nperformance on the Image task dips around a cluster size of 64 to 128, but peaks at a cluster size of\n32 and 256.\nPeak memory usage. In Figure 3b and Figure 3e, we show measurements of the influence of the\ncluster sizes on the peak memory usage of the Image andText task. At its lowest, CAST only uses\naround 1.35 gigabytes of memory for the Image and 6.3 gigabytes of memory for the Text task. The\nmemory curves represent a quadratic relationship, with an increase in memory when the number of\nclusters becomes too large, which was expected from Section 3.4. For both tasks, it can be seen that\nthe least amount of memory is used when the number of clusters and the cluster size is close to the\nrelation N2\nc=κ. However, knowing that CAST achieves similar performance across different cluster\nsizes, we can use the cluster size that minimizes the memory footprint without a large decrease in\nperformance.\nTime efficiency. In Figure 3c and Figure 3f, we report measurements of the influence of the cluster\nsize and clustering mechanism on the training steps per second of the Text andImage task. It can be\nobserved that the number of training steps per second for the SA Top-K clustering mechanism (orange)\nis significantly lower than that of the standard Top-K clustering mechanism, especially at smaller\ncluster sizes. This is due to the constraint of SA Top-K must ensure every token is contained only in\none cluster. However, knowing that the change of performance between clustering mechanisms and\n8(a) Image of the LRA Image task.\n (b) Visualizations of learned clusters of CAST per layer.\nFigure 4: Visualizations of the learned clusters of a CAST model with SA Top-K on the LRA Image\ntask. The number of clusters is 8. (a) An example image. (b- Left) Clustered pixels, where each color\nrepresents a different cluster. Example scores for clusters of Ag(b- Middle & Right), each image\ncorresponds to a different cluster for the first (b-Top) and last layer (b-Bottom), respectively.\ncluster sizes is small, the Top-K clustering mechanism can be chosen at a cluster size that maximizes\nthe number of steps per second.\n5.4 V ISUAL ANALYSIS ON CLUSTERS\nThe clusters created by CAST do seem to hold visuospatial information on image tasks. More\nspecifically, CAST seems to separate background from foreground in images. In Figure 6a, we show\nan example of an input image from the Image task which depicts a horse and its rider. In Figure\n4b, the clustered pixels of the two layers of CAST are depicted, where each color corresponds to\none of the clusters. In the first layer, we can observe that the clusters are approximately slices of the\noriginal image. In the last layer, it can be observed that the background and foreground of the image\nare roughly separated in different clusters. This behavior is observed for most of the images in the\nImage task – see Appendix A.6.3 for more examples. We further analyze the clusters by visualizing\nthe scores of Agin Figure 4b, where the separation of foreground and background is more evident,\ntogether with the separation per slice of the image.\n5.5 L IMITATIONS\nCAST is significantly faster than other methods based on efficient transformers. In terms of benchmark\nresults, however, efficient transformers including CAST perform lower than Structured State Space\nmodels. While a direct comparison is unfair, as the architecture and working principle of these\nmethods are different from transformers, with higher complexity, we report their results for the sake\nof completeness. A current limitation of CAST is the absence of a decoding version for generative\nnatural language. While the focus of the paper is however on the optimization of the attention\ncomputation via a novel clustering of surrogate tokens approaches, we foresee that CAST could be\nadapted using asymmetric clustering and casual masking to create a decoder and be deployed in\ngenerative models as well.\n6 C ONCLUSIONS\nWe present CAST, a more efficient drop-in replacement for self-attention, which lowers the complexity\nof computing the self-attention in Transformers. The solution that we propose is based on clustering\nsurrogate tokens, a novel approach in which the cluster directions are learnable, in contrast with static,\nalgorithmically defined cluster directions of previous works. While our contribution is potentially\ngeneral, and applicable to many tasks, we focus on analyzing its impact towards improving efficient\ncomputation of self-attention in transformers, especially at inference time, while maintaining the\nhigh results of standard transformer architectures. Our experiments demonstrate that the memory\nand computational efficiency of CAST is significantly better than other efficient Transformers (e.g.\nReformer (Kitaev et al., 2020), Performer (Choromanski et al., 2020)) in the Long Range Arena\nefficiency benchmark. CAST uses less memory than existing methods for all tested sequence lengths,\nbeing up to about 6 ×faster than and using 10% of the memory of the original Transformer. Our\nfuture work will explore increasing the efficiency of CAST by parallelizing attention within clusters,\nand finding more efficient clustering mechanisms.\n9REFERENCES\nJoshua Ainslie, Santiago Ontanon, Chris Alberti, Vaclav Cvicek, Zachary Fisher, Philip Pham,\nAnirudh Ravula, Sumit Sanghai, Qifan Wang, and Li Yang. Etc: Encoding long and structured\ninputs in transformers, 2020.\nIz Beltagy, Matthew E. Peters, and Arman Cohan. Longformer: The long-document transformer,\n2020.\nLukas Biewald. Experiment tracking with weights and biases, 2020. 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Here the symbols are given\ntogether with what they are representing.\nTable 3: A nomenclature of symbols used in the equations defining CAST.\nSymbol Meaning/Representation\nAq The dot product similarity between the queries ( Q) and the surrogate tokens ( S).\nAk The dot product similarity between the keys(K) and the surrogate tokens ( S).\nϕ A learned value similar to the queries/keys, represents whether it is more important to share or receive information.\nAgThe combined similarity of AqandAk, where Aqhas more weight if phi is high,\nandAkhas more weight when phi is low. Used as the basis for clustering.\nXg,Qg,Kg,VgThe clustered tokens, queries, keys, and values.\nRintra The result of self-attention within each cluster.\nAvalue The weights for the weighted sum of the cluster summaries.\nRinter The cluster summaries.\n12(a) Intra Cluster Attention\n (b) Creation of the cluster summaries Rinter , which is a\nweighted sum of each cluster’s values based on the weights in\nAk.\n(c) The combining of Rinter andRintra us-\ningAqas the weights for the weighted sum.\nFigure 5: A modularized sketch of the proposed method. Here, some details are omitted to make it\neasier to read. (a) shows intra-cluster self-attention, (b) shows the creation of the cluster summaries\nRinter , and (c) shows how Rinter andRintra are combined.\nA.3 D ETAILS OF THE CLUSTERING MECHANISMS\nIn this section, we describe our proposed Top-K clustering mechanism and the SA Top-K clustering\nmechanism.\nA.3.1 T OP-KCLUSTERING\nTheTop-K clustering mechanism groups the indices with the largest similarity scores in Ag, it allows\nfor a token to be clustered into two clusters, but also for a token not to be clustered at all. A formal\ndefinition of the Top-K clustering mechanism is in Algorithm 1, where A∈RN×Ncis the similarity\nscores for each token to each cluster, and X∈RN×∗is a matrix of feature vectors that we wish to\ncluster, where ∗indicates any shape.\nAlgorithm 1 Implementation of the proposed Top-K clustering mechanism.\nInput X, A\nOutput C\n1:function SATop-K (A, X )\n2: C={C1...CNc} ▷Initialize result\n3: I, Atop=Top-K (A) ▷Get the indices of the largest values per cluster\n4: fori←1toNcdo\n5: forj←1toN\nNcdo\n6: itoken =Ii,j\n7: Ci.insert (Xitoken)\n8: end for\n9: end for\n10:end function\nA.3.2 S INGLE ASSIGNMENT TOP-KCLUSTERING\nThe single assignment Top-K clustering mechanism has the constraint that each token is assigned to\nonly a single cluster, while also maximizing the total similarity for all clusters combined. The SA\nTop-K clustering mechanism is formally defined in Algorithm 2, where A∈RN×Ncrepresents the\n13similarity scores for each token to each cluster, and X∈RN×∗represents a matrix of feature vectors\nthat we wish to cluster.\nAlgorithm 2 Implementation of the proposed Single Assignment Top-K clustering mechanism.\nInput X, A\nOutput C\n1:function SATop-K (A, X )\n2: Ac, Ic=sort 2(A) ▷Sort from highest to lowest cluster\n3: Ar, Ir=sort 1(Ac) ▷Sort from highest to lowest token\n4: C={C1...CNc} ▷Initialize result\n5: M=0N▷Initialize Assignment Mask\n6: fori←1toNcdo\n7: forj←1toNdo\n8: jtoken =Ir\nj\n9: icluster =Ic\njtoken\n10: ifMj= 1orlength (Cicluster ) =N\nNcthen\n11: continue for loop\n12: end if\n13: Cicluster .insert (Xjtoken)\n14: Mjtoken= 1\n15: end for\n16: end for\n17: return C\n18:end function\nA.4 L ONG RANGE ARENA BENCHMARK\nThe Long Range Arena (LRA) benchmark contains six tasks [ListOps, Text, Retrieval, Image, Path,\nand Path-X] that represent a diverse and intricate spectrum of challenges. Each task demands a distinct\nset of skills, ranging from semantic understanding and reasoning to image comprehension and logical\nmanipulation. This diverse selection of tasks aims to assess the capabilities of architectures, ensuring\na comprehensive evaluation that goes beyond singular skill acquisition. Furthermore, the LRA\nbenchmark holds a unique position within the research community as it is the common benchmark\nfor comparing efficiency and performance, such as for the architectures in Luna (Ma et al., 2021),\nMEGA (Ma et al., 2023), and S4 (Gu et al., 2022). This widespread adoption signifies a consensus\namong researchers regarding its suitability for assessing the performance of experimental frameworks,\nincluding our proposed CAST. Next, we describe how these six tasks are treated.\nListOps. The ListOps dataset was created for testing the parsing ability of latent tree models, but a\nlarger version is now used in the LRA to test the capability of Transformers to learn the hierarchical\nstructures. The data is a sequence of tokens representing a large mathematical operation on lists of\nnumbers. The numbers 0to9are available as both the input of the operations and the final result.\nThere are four base mathematical operations :\n• MAX: The largest value in a given list.\n• MIN: The smallest value in a given list.\n• MED: The median value in a given list.\n• SUM MOD: The sum of the list module 10.\nIn the LRA the maximal length of the input sequence is set to 2K tokens. This is a ten-way\nclassification task where accuracy is used as the evaluation metric.\nText. TheText task takes the IMDb reviews sentiment classification task (Maas et al., 2011) and the\ncharacters as tokens in the input sequence. The maximum length of the input sequences is truncated\nor padded to 4K tokens. This task is a binary classification task with accuracy as its metric.\nRetrieval. For the Retrieval task the ACL Anthology Network dataset (Radev et al., 2013) is\nused. For this dataset, the task is to determine whether two papers are linked by a citation. Both\npapers are passed to the Transformer variant, creating compressed representations, which are then\n14combined and passed into a classification head. With this setup the Retrieval task can be considered\na binary classification task. To make the task more challenging, character-level tokens like in the text\nclassification task are used in the setup. A sequence length of 4K tokens is used per document the use\nof 8K tokens per example.\nImage. TheImage task takes the CIFAR-10 dataset (Krizhevsky, 2009) as its base. The images\nare first greyscaled into a single channel with each pixel having an 8-bit pixel intensity as its\nrepresentation. This results in a 32×32image which is unrolled into a 1-D sequence, this sequence\nis then used as input for a ten-way classification task.\nPathfinder. ThePathfinder task (Linsley et al., 2018) consists of images of 32×32where two\ndots, represented by circles, are connected by dashed lines. A model is required to make a binary\ndecision of whether the two dots are connected by the dashed lines, however, there are also distraction\nlines that are not connected to any of the dots. Just like in the image classification task the image is\nunrolled into a sequence length of 1024 and used as input for this task.\nPath-X. ThePath-X task is a more extreme case of the original Pathfinder, instead of the image\nbeing 32×32it is128×128making the sequence length 16 times larger than the original. Apart\nfrom the size this task is exactly the same as the original Pathfinder. It should be noted that this task\nhas not yet been achieved with a higher-than-random accuracy with the constraints of the LRA.\nA.5 E XPERIMENT DETAILS\nFor all tasks, we follow the standards given in the original Long Range Arena paper (Tay et al., 2020c)\nregarding the data processing and task setup. For our choices in most hyperparameters, we used the\ncurrent state-of-the-art, MEGA (Ma et al., 2023), as our baseline regarding the number of weight\nupdates. Furthermore, we use their data splits regarding all tasks. The final hyperparameters used\nfor our reported accuracy are in Table 4. For both the reported performance of Top-K and SA Top-K\nthe same hyperparameters are used. General hyperparameters include the averaging of the output\nfeatures over the sequence for the classification features, the use of linear feature embeddings for\npixel tasks, the use of sinusoidal positional embeddings for all tasks, and an extra normalization layer\non the output features when pre-normalization is used.\nTable 4: Final hyperparameters for the best performing CAST models in our hyperparameter sweep.\nHere, Depth indicates the number of Transformer blocks, hthe number of heads, dthe number of\nfeatures in the self-attention block, dff, the number of features in the feedforward block, dembthe\nnumber of features in the embedding, Ncthe number of clusters, Norm the type of normalization\nbeing used, BS the batch-size, LR the learning rate, WD the weight decay, and Epochs the number of\nepochs that were trained for.\nTask Depth h d d ffdemb NcNorm Pre-norm BS LR WD Epochs\nListOps 4 8 64 128 256 10 Layer False 64 1e−31e−260\nText 4 4 64 128 256 20 Scale False 25 1e−31e−225\nRetrieval 2 8 256 256 256 20 Layer False 8 1e−21e−25\nImage 2 2 128 128 256 16 Batch True 50 5e−31e−2200\nPathfinder 2 2 32 32 64 16 Batch True 128 1e−31e−2200\nA.6 D ETAILED RESULTS\nIn this section, we go into more depth regarding the results of CAST. We first give an extensive\noverview of other long-range sequence modeling architectures, and then show more examples of the\nvisual analysis that was done on the Image task.\nA.6.1 L ONG RANGE ARENA EFFICIENCY\nWe further compare the relative efficiency of CAST Top-K with the vanilla Transformer during\ninference time in Table 5. Here, we observe that during inference CAST is still significantly faster\nand more memory efficienct than the vanilla Transformer.\nA.6.2 L ONG RANGE ARENA PERFORMANCE\nIn Table 6, we report a detailed list of results of different efficient Transformer variants, and other\nlong-range sequence models on the Long Range Arena benchmark. We divide these models into\n15Table 5: Speed and Memory efficiency of the LRA Benchmark during inference.\nModelSteps Per Second ↑ Peak Memory Usage ↓\n1K 2K 3K 4K 1K 2K 3K 4K\nTransformer 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0\nCAST (Top-K) 1.87 3.95 5.27 6.91 0.280 0.150 0.102 0.081\nthe following categories: Transformer Based Architectures, Structured State Space Architectures,\nand Other Architectures. We can see that among the Transformer Based Architectures (A) Luna\n(Ma et al., 2021) and CAST similarly strong performance. When it comes to the Structured State\nSpace Architectures (B), it can be observed that all models perform similarly, with MEGA (Ma et al.,\n2023) being slightly better than the rest. As for the other types of architectures, they neither use\nself-attention nor structured state spaces to \"mix\" their input sequence. Among them, the recent\nChordMixer (Khalitov et al., 2023) stands out, ChordMixer was created for handling data with\nextremely long sequence lengths (in the order of 100K tokens), but has shown impressive results on\nthe LRA benchmark too.\nTable 6: The performance of different architectures on the Long Range Arena benchmark in classifi-\ncation accuracy. We divide these works into (A) Transformer architectures that do not use Structured\nState Spaces or any derivation of this, (B) Architectures using Structured State Spaces, and (C) Other\ntypes of architectures. The (A)-related models are grouped as; (A-Top) The original Transformer\narchitecture, (A-Middle) efficient Transformer architectures that came out with the LRA benchmark,\nand (A-Bottom) notable models that came out after the release of the LRA benchmark. Here the\nsymbol †indicates that the results came from the original paper from the LRA dataset (Tay et al.,\n2020c). Furthermore, the symbol ×indicates that the Transformer variant either ran out of memory\nand−indicates that results were not reported.\nModel Year ListOps Text Retrieval Image Pathfinder Path-X Avg.\nRandom 10.00 50.00 50.00 10.00 50.00 50.00 36.67\n(A) Transformer Based Architectures\nTransformer†(Vaswani et al., 2017) 2017 36.37 64.27 57.46 42.44 71.40 × 53.66\nTransformer (re-impl (Ma et al., 2021)) 2017 37.11 65.21 79.14 42.94 71.83 × 57.71\nSparse Trans.†(Child et al., 2019) 2019 17.07 63.58 59.59 44.24 71.71 × 51.03\nLocal Att.†(Tay et al., 2020c) 2020 15.82 52.98 53.39 41.46 66.63 × 46,71\nReformer†(Kitaev et al., 2020) 2020 37.27 56.10 53.40 38.07 68.50 × 50.56\nSinkhorn Trans.†(Tay et al., 2020b) 2020 33.67 61.20 53.83 41.23 67.45 × 51.23\nPerformer†(Choromanski et al., 2020) 2020 18.01 65.40 53.82 42.77 77.05 × 51.18\nLinformer†(Wang et al., 2020) 2020 35.70 53.94 52.27 38.56 76.34 × 51.36\nLongformer†(Beltagy et al., 2020) 2020 35.63 62.85 56.89 42.22 69.71 × 53.46\nSynthesizer†(Tay et al., 2020a) 2021 36.99 61.68 54.67 41.61 69.45 × 52.40\nBigBird†(Zaheer et al., 2021) 2021 36.05 64.02 59.29 40.83 74.87 × 54.18\nLuna-16 (Ma et al., 2021) 2021 37.43 65.74 79.38 46.39 78.36 - 59.55\nLuna-128 (Ma et al., 2021) 2021 38.01 65.74 79.55 47.47 78.89 - 59,94\nLuna-256 (Ma et al., 2021) 2021 37.98 65.78 79.56 47.86 78.55 - 59,96\nPSF (Khalitov et al., 2021) 2021 38.85 77.32 - 45.01 80.49 - 56.95\nFNet (Lee-Thorp et al., 2021) 2021 35.33 65.11 59.61 38.67 77.80 × 54.42\nCAST Top-K ( Ours ) 2023 39.90 65.45 78.01 52.37 70.18 × 59.32\nCAST SA Top-K ( Ours ) 2023 40.70 65.13 74.64 52.78 62.22 × 57.57\n(B) Structured State Space Architectures\nS4 (Gu et al., 2022) 2021 59.60 86.82 90.90 88.65 94.20 96.35 86.09\nH3 (Dao et al., 2023) 2022 57.50 88.20 91.00 87.30 93.00 91.80 84.80\nLiquid-S4 (Hasani et al., 2022) 2022 62.75 89.02 91.20 89.50 94.8 96.66 87.32\nSGConv (Li et al., 2022) 2022 61.45 89.20 91.11 87.97 95.46 97.83 87.17\nS5 (Smith et al., 2023) 2022 62.15 89.31 91.40 88.00 95.33 98.58 87.46\nMEGA-Chunk (Ma et al., 2023) 2022 58.76 90.19 90.97 85.80 94.41 93.81 85.66\nMEGA (Ma et al., 2023) 2022 63.14 90.43 91.25 90.44 96.01 97.98 88.21\n(C) Other Architectures\nParamixer (Yu et al., 2022) 2022 39.57 83.32 - 46.58 80.49 - 58.33\nCDIL (Cheng et al., 2022) 2022 - 87.61 84.27 64.49 91.00 - 64.56\nChordMixer (Khalitov et al., 2023) 2023 60.12 88.82 89.98 90.17 96.69 98.63 87.40\n16(a) Example Image of\nthe LRA Image task.\n(b) Clustered Image,\n8 hashes, first layer.\n(c) Clustered Image,\n8 hashes, last layer.\nFigure 6: A visualization of learned clusters when using LSHAttention. Here 6a shows the original\ninput image, 6b shows the way pixels are clustered in the first layer of LSHAttention, and 6c shows\nthe way pixels are clustered in the last layer of LSHAttention\nA.6.3 F URTHER VISUAL ANALYSIS\nAdditional visualizations of the clusters created for different samples from the Image task of LRA,\ncan be seen in Figure 7 (a horse), Figure 8 (a deer), and Figure 9 (an automobile). For each of\nthese figures, subfigure (a) shows the original input image, (b) shows the assignment of clusters for\neach pixel in the first layer, and (c) shows the assignment of clusters for each pixel in the last layer.\nSubfigure (d) shows for each cluster the score in Agthat each token had for the first layer. Subfigure\n(e) shows for each cluster the score in Agthat each pixel had for the last layer.\nFor the mentioned sample images, it can be seen that the in the first layer, i.e. in Figures 7d, 8d,\nand Figure 9d, each cluster roughly clusters the same pixels. This behavior could occur, because the\npositional embeddings are most prominent in the first layer, causing the surrogate tokens to cluster\nbased on this positional embedding. Furthermore, it also shows that CAST learns to cluster slices\nof the image first, similar to convolution. In Figures 7e, 8e and, Figure 9e, the scores in Agfor the\nlast layer can be seen. This layer (e) shows more image-specific clustering. For instance, from these\nscores, we can observe the outline and inverse outline of a horse, a deer in a forest, and an automobile,\nrespectively. We interpret this as the separation of background and foreground. In the case of the\ndeer, Figure 8e, we observe a more rough outline, which can be due to the fact that the background\nand foreground of this image are much more similar.\nA.6.4 R EFORMER VISUAL ANALYSIS\nTo determine whether the visuospatial information contained in the clustering of CAST is general\nfeature of clustering Transformers like the Reformer and SMYRF, we trained a Reformer model\non the CIFAR-10 dataset and inspected the clustered images. In Figure 6, an example image for\nclustering created by the Reformer’s LSHAttention can be seen.\n17(a) Example Image of the LRA\nImage task.\n(b) Clustered Image, Nc= 8 ,\nFirst Layer.\n(c) Clustered Image, Nc= 8 ,\nLast Layer.\n(d) Scores of Agper cluster for the first layer of a CAST model trained on the Image task of LRA. Here, each\nimage corresponds to a cluster, i.e. a single column of Ag.\n(e) Scores of Agper cluster for the last layer of a CAST model trained on the Image task of LRA. Here, each\nimage corresponds to a cluster, i.e. a single column of Ag.\nFigure 7: A visualization learned clusters in different layers of CAST. Here, (a) is a sample from the\nImage of LRA, depicting a horse with a rider, (b) is an image representing the clustered pixels in the\nfirst layer of CAST, (c) is an image representing the clustered pixels in the last layer of CAST, (d) the\nscores in Agfor every pixel in each of the eight clusters in the first layer of CAST, (e) the scores in\nAgfor every pixel in each of the eight clusters in the last layer of CAST.\n18(a) Example Image of the LRA\nImage task.\n(b) Clustered Image, Nc= 8 ,\nFirst Layer.\n(c) Clustered Image, Nc= 8 ,\nLast Layer.\n(d) Scores of Agper cluster for the first layer of a CAST model trained on the Image task of LRA. Here, each\nimage corresponds to a cluster, i.e. a single column of Ag.\n(e) Scores of Agper cluster for the last layer of a CAST model trained on the Image task of LRA. Here, each\nimage corresponds to a cluster, i.e. a single column of Ag.\nFigure 8: A visualization of the learned clusters in different layers of CAST. Here, (a) is a sample\nfrom the Image of LRA, depicting a deer in a forest, (b) is an image representing the clustered pixels\nin the first layer of CAST, (c) is an image representing the clustered pixels in the last layer of CAST,\n(d) the scores in Agfor every pixel in each of the eight clusters in the first layer of CAST, (e) the\nscores in Agfor every pixel in each of the eight clusters in the last layer of CAST.\n19(a) Example Image of the LRA\nImage task.\n(b) Clustered Image, Nc= 8 ,\nFirst Layer.\n(c) Clustered Image, Nc= 8 ,\nLast Layer.\n(d) Scores of Agper cluster for the first layer of a CAST model trained on the Image task of LRA. Here, each\nimage corresponds to a cluster, i.e. a single column of Ag.\n(e) Scores of Agper cluster for the last layer of a CAST model trained on the Image task of LRA. Here, each\nimage corresponds to a cluster, i.e. a single column of Ag.\nFigure 9: A visualization learned clusters in different layers of CAST. Here, (a) is a sample from the\nImage of LRA, depicting an automobile, (b) is an image representing the clustered pixels in the first\nlayer of CAST, (c) is an image representing the clustered pixels in the last layer of CAST, (d) the\nscores in Agfor every pixel in each of the eight clusters in the first layer of CAST, (e) the scores in\nAgfor every pixel in each of the eight clusters in the last layer of CAST.\n20" }, { "title": "2402.04240v1.Novel_IMU_based_Adaptive_Estimator_of_the_Center_of_Rotation_of_Joints_for_Movement_Analysis.pdf", "content": "arXiv:2402.04240v1 [eess.SP] 6 Feb 2024JOURNAL OF L ATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, SEPTEMBER 2020 1\nNovel IMU-based Adaptive Estimator of the Center\nof Rotation of Joints for Movement Analysis\nSara Garc´ ıa-de-Villa, Ana Jim´ enez-Mart´ ın and J. Jes´ us Garc´ ıa-Dom´ ınguez\nAbstract —The location of the center of rotation (COR) of joints\nis a key parameter in multiple applications of human motion\nanalysis. The aim of this work was to propose a novel real-\ntime estimator of the center of fixed joints using an inertial\nmeasurement unit (IMU). Since the distance to this center\ncommonly varies during the joint motion due to soft tissue\nartifacts (STA), our approach is aimed at adapting to these s mall\nvariations when the COR is fixed. Our proposal, called ArVE d,\nto the best of our knowledge, is the first real-time estimator of\nthe IMU-joint center vector based on one IMU. Previous works\nare off-line and require a complete measurement batch to be\nsolved and most of them are not tested on the real scenario.\nThe algorithm is based on an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)\nthat provides an adaptive vector to STA motion variations at\neach time instant, without requiring a pre-processing stag e to\nreduce the level of noise. ArVE dhas been tested through different\nexperiments, including synthetic and real data. The synthe tic data\nare obtained from a simulated spherical pendulum whose COR\nis fixed, considering both a constant and a variable IMU-join t\nvector, that simulates translational IMU motions due to STA .\nThe results prove that ArVE dis adapted to obtain a vector per\nsample with an accuracy of 6.8±3.9mm on the synthetic data,\nthat means an error lower than 3.5% of the simulated IMU-joint\nvector. Its accuracy is also tested on the real scenario esti mating\nthe COR of the hip of 5volunteers using as reference the results\nfrom an optical system. In this case, ArVE dgets an average error\nof9.5% of the real vector value. In all the experiments, ArVE d\noutperforms the published results of the reference algorit hms.\nIndex Terms —motion analysis, rehabilitation, inertial sensor,\nIMU, biomechanical model, center of rotation, sensor calib ration.\nI. I NTRODUCTION\nHuman motion analysis is a fundamental support tool to\nobtain objective information about the movement parameter s,\nwhich are especially important in sports or clinical reha-\nbilitation routines and preventive treatments [1]. With th e\ncurrent ageing in developed countries, the demand for home\nrehabilitation has increased and, with it, the need to obtai n\nquantitative exercise data remotely. Optical motion captu re is\nconsidered the gold standard technique in the motion analysis\nfield, but the systems that use it are very expensive and requi re\nhigh computational cost. Recently, low-cost optical metho ds\nhave been developed, based on the analysis through differen t\nsoftware applications of recordings captured by video came ras\nor smart mobile devices [2]. However, optical systems are\nlimited to controlled environments and suffer from occlusi ons,\nso wearable systems, such as inertial systems, have emerged as\nalternatives for motion analysis [3], [4], [5]. Focusing on the\ninertial capture systems, we can find two main alternatives:\nusing an inertial measurement unit (IMU) attached to each\nsegment of the human body to measure its orientation [6], [7] ,[8], [9], [10], [11], [12]; or using one IMU to measure the\norientation of the attached and the adjacent segments [8].\nSome inertial systems require the characterization of per-\nsonalized multi-body kinematic models in order to describe\nmovements. In this case, as IMU measurements are given in\nthe sensor frame, the relationships between the sensor and\nanatomical frames are needed for the calculation of the moti on\nof the joints and segments. Thus, most of algorithms aimed at\ncalibrating IMUs with respect to the human body focus only\non identifying the orientation of the axes of rotation of joi nts\nwith respect to the IMU axes, as in [13], [14], [15]. However,\nrecent studies have shown improvements in the accuracy of\nsegments orientation estimation by exploiting the equatio ns\nof motion for the translational acceleration of rotating bo dies\nfusing information from several IMUs [7], [8], [9], [10], [1 1],\n[12]. In order to use this approach, the location of the cente r\nof rotation (COR) of joints with respect to IMUs is needed. In\ninertial systems, the COR is determined through the oriente d\nvectorr, defined from the IMU accelerometers to the COR of\njoints, see Fig. 1. The estimation of the orientation of join ts\nis highly sensitive to the accuracy in obtaining this vector r.\nIMU-based algorithms have been proposed to determine this\nvector [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22]. These algor ithms\ncan be separated between those that get an average rand\nthose that obtain an adaptive r. In the former, it is assumed\nthat changes in rcaused by soft tissue artifacts (STA) are\neliminated by using signals of several seconds duration [21 ],\n[17], [23]. However, these approaches lead to errors on\nscenarios with STA [22], [18]. As an alternative, Frick and\nRahmatalla [18] propose an adaptive gradient descent metho d\nto obtain an rat each time instant in fixed CORs. This\nproposal is tested with synthetic data but it has not been tes ted\non the real scenario of human joints.\nIn this work, we propose a novel estimator of rin fixed\njoints, which is adapted to variations in the relative posit ions\nof IMUs caused by STA. Our proposal is called ArVEd, that\nstands for Adaptive rVector Estimator. This algorithm is\nbased on the method introduced in [24]. To evaluate the\nperformance of our proposal, we compare ArVE dwith the\napproach described in [17], used as a reference to estimate a n\naverager, hereinafter MrVS , that stands for Mean rVector\nleast-Squares-based estimator.\nTherefore, the main goal of this work is to demonstrate\nthat ArVE dis a competitive option to estimate the location\nof CORs of fixed human joints with one IMU, assuming that\nthe IMU undergoes STA during motions. The objectives are\nas follows:\n• Validate the proposed algorithm, ArVE d, with syntheticJOURNAL OF L ATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, SEPTEMBER 2020 2\ndata.\n• Evaluate the effect of the adaptation to variations in r\ncomparing ArVE dwith MrVS, which does not consider\nthe effect of STA.\n• Study the accuracy of ArVE dwith real data of the COR\nof hips.\nThis document has five sections besides the introduction.\nSection II includes a revision of the state of the art of inert ial\nmethods to obtain the location of CORs. Section III details\nthe proposed ArVE dmethod together with our implementation\nof MrVS. Section IV explains the experiments with synthetic\ndata and the achieved results of ArVE d, compared with the\nresults of our adaptation of MrVS. Section V describes the\nexperiments on the real scenario of calibration of the hip\ncenter in five volunteers, together with the discussion of th e\nresults from ArVE dand MrVS, versus the results obtained\nwith an optical system. Finally, section VI summarizes the\nmain conclusions of this work.\nII. R ELATED WORKS\nThere are different works focused on the location of the\nCOR of human joints, since the determination of an internal\npoint of the body, as this center, is not trivial. The most\naccurate approaches to determine the position and location\nof IMUs with respect to anatomical CORs or joint axes\norientation are based on X-ray or magnetic resonance image,\nbut both approaches are high priced, invasive and, ultimate ly,\nimpractical [23]. Therefore, CORs in the motion analysis\nfield are commonly determined through palpation of external\nanatomic landmarks by expert therapists or by the use of\noptical systems [8], [9], [10]. Optical systems use sphere-\nfitting approaches to find the radius that best fits a trajec-\ntory described by optical markers [25], [26], [27]. Both the\npalpation and the optical systems require expert hands to\nplace the markers and are limited to controlled environment s.\nThese methods to obtain ruse external information other than\nIMU-derived data, such as the location of the optical system\nmarkers. Thus, it limits the use of the biomechanical model-\nbased inertial motion analysis to environments where optic al\nsystems are available.\nAs aforementioned, there are different proposals of IMU-\nbased algorithms to determine this vector in the literature .\nIn [20], a method for estimating the location of knees, mod-\nelled as hinge joints, is introduced and tested by adding\ndifferent levels of signal-to-noise ratio. This algorithm is also\ntested on the human gait scenario [16], but no conclusions\non the absolute error in the 3D joint location estimates are\ngiven. For locating fixed CORs instead of axes, McGinnis\nand Perkins propose in [21] an algorithm based on exploiting\nthe relationship between linear acceleration and turn rate in\nrigid solids. The algorithm is based on solving the equation\nof accelerations of a rigid-solid body moving in the 3D space\naround a fixed COR whose linear acceleration is equal to zero.\nThey reported an error of 3.1mm in tests with a mechanical\nanalogue of the hip joint performing a determined joint moti on\n(with a specific trajectory, range and velocity). The depend ence\nof this method to different types of motions, ranges of motio nposition of IMUs and joint velocity is assessed in [17]. This\nstudy reports a considerable impact of the angular velocity on\nthe COR identification and non-critical relations with the t ype\nand ranges of motion. This algorithm is tested on the glen-\nhumeral joint estimation scenario [23], reporting an accur acy\nof21mm compared with magnetic resonance images. It was\nconcluded that the location of fixed CORs is more accurate\nusing the information of one IMU in the algorithm of [17]\nthan using data from two devices due to the small amplitude\nof the signals recorded by the IMU placed on the fixed segment\nand the difficulty related to its tracking. Olsson and Halvor sen\ntested the same proposal in the case of moving CORs in\nmechanical simulations, studying different methodologie s of\nsolving the acceleration equation [22]. However, the accur acy\nof this approach on the real scenario of human joints is not\nreported.\nThe previous algorithms obtain a mean value of rfor each\ntest, averaging the STA. However, the effect of STA is studie d\nin [22] the least squares method used in previous studies (su ch\nas [21], [17], [23]) shows no robustness to outliers that may\noccur as a consequence of STA. And as stated in [18], the STA\ncan introduce significant errors in the location of the cente r of\njoints when assuming an average value of r.\nTo overcome this limitation associated with the STA, Frick\nand Rahmatalla propose a gradient descent method to obtain\nanrat each time instant with an IMU attached to a hinge\njoint [18]. However, this adaptive method requires its init ial-\nization using the complete test data with a duration around\n25s, otherwise it may reach a local minimum. This proposal is\ntested with synthetic data from a 2D-pendulum simulating STA\nwith an attached spring and reports errors of 7.53mm. In [28],\nthe algorithm is evaluated with a mechanical hinge joint in\nwhich the effect of STA is replicated with the IMU placed on\na piece of raw meat. The authors provide results on synthetic\ndata, where the errors range from 10.8mm to21.4mm on the\nhighest STA scenarios. However, this algorithm has not been\ntested on the real scenario of human joints.\nIt is remarkable that all aforementioned inertial approach es\nentail different signal pre-processing to reduce noise in t he\nIMU data and to estimate the angular acceleration, ˙ω, a\ncommon parameter required in these methods. In contrast,\nour initial proposed method, called ArVE, estimates an rat\neach time instant without signal pre-processing [24]. In th e\ninitial evaluation, ArVE provides average errors of 1.5mm\nand6.0mm in the fixed and changing rcases, respectively.\nIII. P ROPOSED ALGORITHM\nThe main goal of our proposal is to obtain the location of\nthe COR as an adaptive IMU-joint vector, r= [rx,ry,rz]⊤,\ndefined from the accelerometer to this COR in the sensor\nframe. We aim at estimating rwith one IMU by using the\nmeasures of turn rate ωIand specific force fA,I, that is the\nlinear acceleration aAinfluenced by the gravity acceleration\ng. Subindex Iindicates the measurements obtained directly\nfrom the IMU in its reference system. We obtain the IMU-JOURNAL OF L ATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, SEPTEMBER 2020 3\njoint vector ron the basis of the equation of accelerations of\na rigid-solid body moving in the 3D space (1).\nak\n0=ak\nA+˙ωk×rk+ωk\nI×/parenleftbig\nωk\nI×rk/parenrightbig\n, (1)\nWhereak\n0andak\nAare the linear accelerations in the COR\nand the IMU, respectively, ωk\nIis the turn rate of the rigid-\nsolid body and ˙ωkis its first-order derivative. As the aim is to\nestimate the location of fixed CORs, we assume ak\n0negligible.\nAll parameters are expressed in the sensor frame. Superscri pt\nkdenotes the time instant of parameters. Rigid-solid bodies\npresent a constant rvector, but in this study we focus on\nhuman bodies in which STA modify rkat each time k. Besides,\nusing (1) to estimate an adaptive rk, we assume negligible the\nlinear acceleration caused by STA.\nFig. 1 depicts the relation of these magnitudes measured\nwith one IMU and the estimation of the COR. This figure\nshows the global frame with the subscript gand the sensor\nframe, which is attached to the IMU.\nIMUCOR\nFig. 1. Scheme of the relationship between the magnitudes in (1). The rigid-\nsolid body moves with turn rate ωIand angular acceleration ˙ω, whereas the\nIMU suffers a linear acceleration aA, but it measures the specific force fA,I.\nThe specific force fA,Iis the result of aA−gboth expressed in the sensor\nframe. Conversely, the linear velocity of CORs is v0=0by definition and\nas it is fixed, its linear acceleration a0is also equal to zero.\nTo obtain rkwith (1), the linear acceleration ak\nAis required.\nAs IMUs provide the specific force fk\nA,Iundergone by the\naccelerometer, we obtain ak\nAcorrecting the effect of the gravity\nthrough the projection of the gravity vector ginto the frame\nof IMUs as follows:\nak\nA=fk\nA,I+(Ck)⊤g, (2)\nwhereCkis the Direction Cosine Matrix that relates the global\nframe with the sensor frame and gis the gravity vector defined\ndownwards in the global frame with a value of 9.8m/s2. We\ndo not use the direct measures of orientation with respect\nto the global frame in order to provide an algorithm usable\nwith any generic IMU. We calculate the transformation matri x\nCfusing the measures of turn rate ωk\nIand specific force\nfk\nA,Iof the IMU using the algorithm introduced in [29]. This\nalgorithm estimates through an unscented Kalman filter (UKF )\nthe Euler angles of the IMU from the measures of turn rate\nωk\nIand updates these estimations with the specific force fk\nA,I\nmeasured in those moments when its norm is close to the\ngravity vector norm.In this work, we evaluate three different ways to estimate\nr: ArVE destimates a dynamic rkat each time kand MrVS\nobtains, on the one hand, an averaged rfor complete tests and,\non the other hand, a dynamic rk\nnfor a determined number\nof samples nwith an overlap of n−1samples between\nconsecutive estimations of rk\nn. These methods are explained\nin the following two sub-sections: ArVE din section III-A and\nMrVS in section III-B.\nA. Proposed algorithm: ArVE d\nWe propose ArVE dto estimate rkat each time instant based\non the assumption of fixed CORs using an EKF. Fig. 2 depicts\nthe two stages of ArVE dat each time k: an initial stage to\nobtain the linear acceleration ak\nAfollowed by the second stage\nthat consists in an EKF to determine rk. The EKF fuses the\nmeasured turn rate ωk\nIand the calculated linear acceleration\nak\nA.\nFig. 2 shows also the two steps of this EKF. The proposed\nEKF, from the second stage of ArVE d, minimizes the predic-\ntion error of the state vector xk, composed of the searched\noriented vector rk, its first-order derivative ˙rk, the turn rate\nωkand the angular acceleration ˙ωk, given the measurements\nfrom the IMU.\nIn the estimation step of the EKF, we assume ˆ˙rkandˆ˙ωk\nconstant, whereas ˆrkandˆωkare the integral at each time of\nthese terms. Thus, the estate vector ˆxkis estimated at each\ntimekas follows:\n\n\nˆrk=rk−1+ˆ˙rk∆t\nˆ˙rk=˙rk−1\nˆωk=ωk−1+ˆ˙ωk∆t\nˆ˙ωk=˙ωk−1(3)\nThe observations consist of the measured turn rate ωk\nIand\nthe linear acceleration ak\nAobtained in the initial stage of\nArVEd. ArVE dthen updates the estimations exploiting the\nrelationship between the estimations and the estimated lin ear\nacceleration ˆak\nA, using (4), and the direct relation between the\nestimated turn rate ˆωkand the measured one ωk\nI.\nˆak\nA=−ˆ˙ωk׈rk−ˆωk×(ˆωk׈rk) (4)\nThe linear acceleration ak\nAand the turn rate ωk\nIare then used\nto obtain the innovation of the EKF to update the estimations\nat each time k.\nConsidering ωkand˙ωkin the state vector, we obtain\nan estimation of ˙ωkusing the raw data from gyroscopes,\nfacilitating the generalized use of the algorithm. Since EK Fs\nminimize the variance of the estimation error, noisy data fr om\nIMUs do not require an initial signal filtering and avoids\nthe post-processing suggested in [18]. Notice also that ˙rkis\nnot related to any measured magnitude, so it is not directly\nupdated, but used as a parameter of adjustment of the EKF.\nThe use of the derivative of rin the state vector of the EKF\nis one of the main differences between ArVE dand ArVE,\nour initial approach proposed in [24], differentiated with the\nsubindex d.\nThe covariance parameters of the Qmatrix in the EKF are\nset according to [30]. We select a constant value of covarian ceJOURNAL OF L ATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, SEPTEMBER 2020 4\nFig. 2. Flowchart to obtain the adaptive rkat each time instant. In the initial stage, we fuse the IMU mea surements of turn rate ωk\nIand specific force fk\nA,I\nusing the UKF introduced in [29] to obtain the linear acceler ationak\nA. In the second stage, we obtain rkwith this signal of linear acceleration combined\nwith the turn rate through the EKF.\nfor each kind of tests, with synthetic and real data, indicat ed\nin section IV-C and section V-A, respectively, together wit h\nthe explanation of the estimation of the covariance matrice s\nPandR.\nB. MrVS\nThe original approach of MrVS proposed in [23] uses the\ncomplete several-second long signals of tests of the measur ed\nturn rate ωIand the linear acceleration aAobtained from the\nmeasured specific force fA,I, and it also requires computing\n˙ω. This parameter is obtained by discrete derivative of the\nturn rate ωImeasured with the IMU. Since a0is negligible\nin fixed CORs, the only unknown term in (1) is r, so it can\nbe rearranged as follows:\naA=Mr, (5)\nwhere\nM=\n−ω2\ny−ω2\nz−˙ωz+ωxωy˙ωy+ωxωz\n˙ωz+ωxωy−ω2\nx−ω2\nz−˙ωx+ωyωz\n−˙ωy+ωxωz˙ωx+ωyωz−ω2\nx−ω2\ny\n(6)\nis the matrix introduced in [17]. Variables ωx,ωyandωz\nare the components of the measured turn rate ωI. In both (5)\nand (6), the vector aAand the matrix Msymbolize a set of\ntemporal measurements of the corresponding parameters, so no\nsuperscript kis used. An averaged ris obtained solving (6)\nwith least squares for complete tests.\nWhen we work with several-second long IMU signals to\nobtain an average r, theMmatrix from MrVS has full rank\non the scenario of CORs of ball joints, as hips. However, when\nwe look for an adaptive calculation of r, uncertainties appear\nin (5) when ωis negligible. In these points, Mbecomes\nantisymmetric, so its determinant is zero and the system is\nundetermined. Therefore, MrVS cannot be implemented in\nreal-time applications in a straightforward way to obtain o ne\nvector per sample. Thus, we test two approaches of MrVS:\nobtaining an averaged rfor the complete test as proposedin [23] and estimating an adaptive rk\nnin a sliding window\nwith annnumber of samples.\nIV. E XPERIMENTS ON SYNTHETIC DATA\nWe carry out two experiments with synthetic data to test the\nperformance of ArVE dand MrVS. The experiments simulate\nthe motion of a pendulum moving in circles from a fixed\nball joint. This pendulum imitates a limb carrying out circl es\nfrom a fixed COR, as a leg moving from the hip. The first\nexperiment consists in an IMU moving around a fixed COR\nwith a constant rvector to assess the accuracy of the evaluated\nsystems in the ideal case. The second experiment imitates th e\nmotion of an IMU around a fixed COR with variations of\nrover the test caused by simulated STA that involve small\ntranslations of the IMU. In this experiment, we study the err or\ncaused by assuming a constant rwhereas it varies over time.\nThe experiments with synthetic data are presented in four\nsub-sections. We describe the spherical pendulum simulate d to\nobtain the synthetic data in section IV-A and detail the metr ics\nused to evaluate the inertial-based methods in section IV-B .\nThen, section IV-C and section IV-D introduce the results fo r\nthese experiments carried out on synthetic data.\nA. Simulation of a spherical pendulum\nWe simulate the movement of a spherical pendulum rotating\nin the3D space during 10s, around a fixed COR and around\nthe main axis of the pendulum. The pendulum describes an\nellipse with two main rotations around the xandyaxes of\nthe simulated IMU, and a partial rotation around its zaxis,\ncombining the three motions around the three IMU axes. The\namplitudes of the movements around the x,yandzaxes are\n17◦,9◦and3◦, respectively, and the motion of the pendulum\naround the xandyaxes lasts 1s; and1.5s around the zaxis.\nThe parameters of the simulated motions are set according\nto the motions observed during the lower-limb calibration\nobserved in [31], as we do in the simulations reported in [24] .JOURNAL OF L ATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, SEPTEMBER 2020 5\nFig. 3 depicts these axes of the IMU together with a scheme\nof its motion.\nIMU\nFig. 3. Scheme of the pendulum designed for simulations. The IMU (orange\nbox) moves around the COR and its coordinate system moves wit h the device\nfrom positions of the initial x,yandzto each corresponding x′,y′andz′. In\nthe first experiment, rremains constant and, in the second one, its coordinates\nchange over time.\nWe establish rconsidering the most likely configuration on\nthe real scenario, where the IMU is placed over the thigh and\nnot in contact with the femur. In the simulation, a displacem ent\nbetween the main axis of the pendulum and the origin of\ncoordinates of IMUs is taken into account and the IMU axes\nare misaligned with r, as shown in Fig. 3. The rx,ryand\nrzcomponents are −60,20, and200mm, respectively, so the\nnorm of the vector is 209.8mm.\nThe inertial data are simulated at a sampling rate of 100Hz.\nIn both experiments, we add a Gaussian noise in the simu-\nlated turn rate ωIand specific force fA,Iaccording to the\nspecifications of the MTw Awinda sensors from Xsens [32],\nsince we use these sensors in the real data experiments. The\nstandard deviation of noise in the measurements of gyroscop e\nof turn rate ωis0.0017◦/s, and in the specific force fAfrom\nthe accelerometer is 0.02m/s2. Bias is not considered since\nsimulations and tests are short enough in time to be affected\nby it, as done in [18] and because the estimation of rdoes not\ninclude integration, so its estimations are insensitive to bias,\naccording to [20]. In order to provide more significant resul ts\nthan in our previous work [24], we carry out 100tests for each\nexperiment.\nOn both scenarios we set the observation noise, R, equally\nsince it depends on the noise of the simulated sensors, but we\nadjust the estimate covariance, P, and the process covariance,\nQ, for each scenario.\nB. Metrics and errors\nWe quantify the accuracy of the proposals using three\ndifferent metrics:\n1) The Euclidean norm of the vector difference between the\nreference rrvector, the ground truth , and the estimated\nrusing the measurements from IMUs, noted with |∆r|.\nIn order to consider one method competitive for its use\nin orientation tracking, we define the upper limit of |∆r|\nin the10% of the Euclidean norm of rr, because in [8]\nit is reported that errors over this 10% double errors in\nestimations of the orientation of limbs.2) The difference between the norms of rrandr, defined\nas∆|r|.\n3) The deviation angle, γ, between rrandr.\nWe consider these three metrics because each considered err or\nhas a source related with the different parameters in (1). Th e\ndifference of norms ∆|r|is mainly caused by errors in the\ndetermination of ˙ω. The deviation angle γis mostly affected\nby the accuracy of the measured linear acceleration aA,Iand\nturn rate ωI. Finally, |∆r|is affected by both the difference\nbetween norms and the deviation angle.\nC. Results on a constant IMU-joint vector\nUsing the experiments of a simulated 3D pendulum with\na constant IMU-joint vector detailed in section IV-A, we\nevaluate the accuracy of MrVS and ArVE dto obtain an r\nper window and per sample, respectively.\nWe assess the proposal of MrVS in a sliding window as\nan alternative to estimate a variable rvector. We test different\nwindow sizes in order to study the accuracy obtained with eac h\nconsidered number of samples n. The evaluated window sizes\nare from n= 5 untiln= 100 samples, increasing 5samples\nbetween tests. We stop at 100samples since it would average\nthe STA of a complete cycle in the simulations. Windows slide\n1sample to obtain each r, so they overlap n−1samples. Since\nthe norm of the reference vector is 209.8mm, we define the\nupper limit in 20mm, which is the 10% of the vector norm.\nThe resulting average |∆r|of each test is depicted in Fig. 4.\n0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100\nWindow size (number of samples = )050100150 (mm)\n20\nFig. 4. Average and maximum |∆r|of the100tests carried out with our\nproposal of MrVS in a sliding window with the corresponding w indow size\nused to estimate r= [200,20,−60]⊤mm. The horizontal red line depicts\nthe upper limit.\nResults in Fig. 4 show that the errors reduce as the number\nof samples increases, reaching an error smaller than 10mm\nfrom the window size of n= 80 samples. The maximum errors\nalso decrease when increasing of n, obtaining bearable error\nvalues under the upper limit with n= 90 samples. However,\nusing95samples, the information of almost 1s is averaged,\nwhich reduces the sensitivity to changes in r.\nThe use of n= 45 samples in each window is a trade-off\nsolution between the nnumber of samples and the averaged\n|∆r|error. In this case, the average error is 17.6mm, which is\nlower than the upper limit of 20mm. Nevertheless, maximum\nerrors are larger than 100mm.\nFig. 5 a) shows the results of MrVS with a sliding window\nsize of45samples over the initial 2.5s of the constant rtest.\nThe purple circles points out the intervals where errors of\nMrVS increase when the norm of ωis negligible. The required\nnumber of samples to obtain an accurate estimation of theJOURNAL OF L ATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, SEPTEMBER 2020 6\nIMU-joint vector is too long to estimate a variable vector, s o\nMrVS is not able to adapt to variations in the IMU-joint vecto r.\nFig. 5. Results on the fixed rscenario, in which the ground truth is\nblack depicted. a) Vector rk\nnobtained using MrVS in a sliding window\nofn= 45 samples. b) Resulting rkusing ArVE dand setting the initial\nr0= [0,0,0]⊤in the EKF. During the first second the estimations are\ninaccurate, until the filter convergence. After this transi tory time, estimations,\ndepicted in blue, red and yellow, are similar to the ground tr uth.\nConversely, we use ArVE dto combine the information of\nthe IMU signals at each time instant, avoiding the inversion\nof the system matrix and the calculation of ˙ω. Fig. 5 b) shows\nthe resulting rvector when using ArVE dwith an initial r0\ncomposed of zeros. In this particular case, the EKF takes one\nsecond to converge. After this transitory time, the estimat ions\ndo not suffer from miscalculations even when ωis close to\nzero. We can conclude that ArVE dprovides stable estimations\neven in the intervals where MrVS was not able to provide an\naccurate result, highlighted with pink circles.\nApart from the parameters of covariance in the EKF, the\nperformance of ArVE ddepends on the initial state vector, so\nwe test the proposed method with different r0vectors. We\ncalculate an r0as an average vector similarly than in MrVS,\nby using (5) with the initial samples of tests. We use from 20\nuntil140samples to estimate this r0, increasing 20samples\nbetween tests. We repeat 100times every test to evaluate the\naccuracy of ArVE dwith each initial vector through the metrics\nintroduced in section IV-B. Fig. 6 depicts the average of err ors,\ntogether with their maximum and minimum errors.\nFig. 6 shows the evaluated errors and their range of values\ndecrease as the number of samples considered to estimate\nr0increases. These errors become stable when we obtain r0\nwith60samples. From this number of samples, |∆r|is around\n2mm, so using more than these 60samples (that means 0.6s of\nsignals since fs= 100 Hz) does not improve the accuracy of\nArVEdsince the EKF converges from the initial samples. For\nthat reason, on the following we use 60samples to calculate\nr0for the initialization of the EKF of ArVE d.\nAccording to the errors shown in Fig. 6, ArVE doutperforms\nin the evaluated cases our proposal of MrVS in a sliding0510\n024\n20 40 60 80 100 120 1400123(mm) (mm) (º)\nSize of (number of samples)\nFig. 6. Errors with their corresponding ranges of values in t he estimation of r\nwith ArVE dover the10second-experiment with the different r0considered.\nThe Euclidean norm of the vector difference, |∆r|, is depicted with blue bars,\nthe difference between norms, ∆|r|, with green bars and the deviation angle\nγin orange bars. Each bar corresponds to the average error of t he100tests\ncarried out with this number of initial samples and the verti cal lines depict\nthe range of these errors.\nwindow. This improvement in accuracy is due to the fact that\nArVEdhas no problems with the singular points of the signal\nas happens with MrVS. Despite the inaccurate estimations of\nMrVS near the instants when ωis negligible, its estimations\nare accurate in the remaining time intervals.\nD. Results on variable IMU-joint vectors\nWe simulate the STA of the real scenario as variations in r\nthat imitate the translation of the IMU with respect to the fix ed\nCOR. The variation of rover time is presented as a sinusoidal\nsignal of frequency 1Hz and amplitude 20mm inrxandrz,\nand5mm inry, components previously shown in Fig. 3. We\nset this frequency of the translational STA to make it simila r\nto the frequency of motion of the pendulum, as suggested\nin [33], and the amplitude values are also set according to\nthe results in the same work. Since IMUs are taped to the\nbody, lateral motions over the y-axis are restricted, whereas\nthe muscle contractions entail translations in the x-andz-axis.\nIn this case, we compare ArVE dwith ArVE to evaluate the\ninfluence of the new parameter of adjustment introduced in\nArVEdon the accuracy of this proposal. Fig. 7 depicts in black\nthese components of the variable rvector used as ground truth\nover the test, together with the components of the variable r\nusing ArVE and ArVE d.\nFig. 7 shows that ArVE dand ArVE adapt to most of\nchanges of rover time. Thus, both method provide adapt-\nability to a variable r. Besides, according to these results,\nestimations using ArVE dare closer to the ground truth, with\nan improvement of 7% compared to the results obtained by\nusing ArVE. In this way, ArVE doutperforms ArVE through\nthe adjustment of the noise parameters of ˙rin the EKF. Both\nmethods are also evaluated by means of a Bland-Altman plot\ncompared with the ground truth in Fig. 8.\nAs shown in Fig. 8, errors in the estimation of rxandrzare\nsimilar using ArVE dand ArVE. They are in the approximateJOURNAL OF L ATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, SEPTEMBER 2020 7\nFig. 7. Coordinates of rover the test. The ground truth is depicted in black and the es timatedrx,ryandrzin blue, red and yellow, respectively. We\nestimaterusing ArVE and ArVE d, and their results correspond to the images presented on the left and on the right, respectively.\n10 15 20 25ArVE ArVEd\n-80 -70 -60 -50-15-10-505101520Error of ArVE & ArVE (mm)d+1.96 SD =\n+4.1 mm\n-1.96 SD =\n- 4.0 mm+1.96 SD =\n+3.4 mm\n-1.96 SD =\n- 3.1 mm+1.96 SD =+12.5 mm\n-1.96 SD =\n-10.6 mm+1.96 SD =\n+14.7 mm\n- 1.96 SD =\n-12.3 mm\n180 190 200 210+1.96 SD =\n+7.9 mm+1.96 SD =\n+8.5 mm\n-1.96 SD =\n-7.4 mm\n-1.96 SD =\n-7.9 mm\n(mm) (mm) (mm)\nFig. 8. Bland-Altman plot with the comparison of ArVE dand ArVE. The\ndotted lines point out the confidence interval in which the 95% of the errors\nobtained with each methods are contained, so these lines cor respond with the\nvalue of1.96times the standard deviation (SD).\nrange of ±4mm forrxand±8mm forrz. Conversely, there\nare differences in accuracy estimating ry. The improvement in\nthis coordinate is specially remarkable in the error disper sion,\nlowered2mm in each upper-and lower-bounds. The results\nmay not be as good with rybecause its range of variation is\nat the noise level in the filter, so none of these methods adapt s\nto its variations.\nThese simulations are closer to the real scenario, where r\nchanges due to STA, so we use the simulated data to evaluate\nthe three methods, whose results are shown in Table I. In this\ncase, MrVS estimates a unique r, constant for the complete\ntest, whereas ArVE dand ArVE adapt to the variable vector,\nobtaining an instantaneous vector per sample.\nTABLE I\nERRORS IN THE DETERMINATION OF rWITH INERTIAL METHODS WITH AN\nAVERAGE r= [200,20,−60]⊤\n|∆r|mm∆|r|mm γ◦\nArVEd6.8±3.93.4±2.41.6±0.9\nArVE 7.3±4.63.8±2.81.7±1.1\nMrVS 14.4±3.85.7±4.93.5±0.7\nThe|∆r|error is the most remarkable since it shows\nthe highest improvement, from 14.4mm using MrVS, until\n6.8mm using ArVE d, lowering errors more than a 50%. This\nerror decreases more than the difference of norms ∆|r|andthe angle γbecause the distance vector is affected by ∆|r|\nandγ, and both errors are smaller using ArVE d. According\nto these results, ArVE dis the method that best adapts to a\nvariabler, which justifies our proposal for improvement by\nintroducing the derivative of rin the estate vector.\nIt is noticeable that the errors of using ArVE din simulations\nthat include the simulated effect of the translational STA a re\nsimilar to those presented in [18], but they do not consider\nthe three components in the reported errors. So, even if we\ncannot compare directly our results, we can conclude that ou r\nalgorithm is at least as accurate as the methods in the litera ture.\nFurthermore, ArVE donly needs the initial data during 0.6s to\ninitialize the algorithm and we get rid of the low-pass filter ing\nof the IMU signals and the analytic derivation of the measure d\nturn rate ωI, used in other works as [17], [23], [18], [28].\nFinally, Fig. 9 depicts the estimated COR in the simulations\nof the variable rusing ArVE dand, drawn in red, its actual\nposition in two different planes. According to these result s, the\nrelative errors depend on the component of r, being larger for\nthey-axis and the smallest variation on the x-axis. But it is\nremarkable that the 93% of the COR estimated by ArVE dare\nin a sphere with a radius of 6mm. This estimated radius only\nis around a fifth of the hip joint radius, commonly included\nin the range of 25mm to30mm according to [34].\nV. E XPERIMENTS ON THE REAL SCENARIO\nWe study now the performance of ArVE don a real scenario.\nWe obtain the COR of the hip of five volunteers with respect\nto one IMU, using the inertial-based systems and an optical\nsystem at the same time. We compare ArVE dand our imple-\nmentation of [17], MrVS, with the optical method introduced\nin [27]. Although other methods exist, as explained in secti on I,\nwe use this one because it aims at obtaining a variable r.\nA. Experimental setup\nFive volunteers with a height of 165±8cm participate\nin this study. During the experiments, they repeat 10times\nthe hip circles motion depicted in Fig. 10 a), being equipped\nwith one IMU placed on the thigh and four optical markers\nlocated around the IMU, as shown in Fig. 10 b). We choose\nthis motion to ensure the presence of a unique COR at each\ntime instant instead of an axis of rotation, so our system has\na unique solution, that is the searched COR. The concernsJOURNAL OF L ATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, SEPTEMBER 2020 81 \u0000 1\n\u00011\n\u0002 202 \u0000 222\n\u0001 - \u0001 \u0001 - \u0001\u0000\n- \u00012\n- \u0001 \u0003 - \u0004 \u0001 - \u0004 \u0002 - \u0004\u0000\n2\n\u0003 \u00012\n\u0003\u0000\n202\n2001 \u0005\n\u0001\n1 \u0005\n\u00021 \u0005 \u0000\n(mm)(mm)\n(mm)\nFig. 9. Projection of the points estimated by ArVE din planes XZ, depicted in the image on the left, and YZ, in the i mage on the right, over one second of\nthe experiment. The estimated points are depicted in blue an d the ground truth in red.\nabout estimations of axes using (1) are more detailed in [35] .\nThe motion of hip circles is performed maintaining both legs\nstraightened, one foot is placed on the floor while the other l eg\nperforms circles from the hip. To do this exercise, the stabi lity\nof the volunteers is important to keep the hip still, so their\nbacks rest on a stable surface and we ensure that their motion s\nare according to the requirements for these experiments. We\neliminate the first and last signal segments of 1.5s long of\ntests to remove movements other than hip circles.\nFig. 10. Experimental setup. a) Illustration of the movemen t performed by the\nvolunteer in order to calibrate her/his hip. The COR, the IMU , its reference\nsystem and the global frame are shown. b) Picture of the mount ing board with\nthe IMU together with the four optical markers on the thigh of the volunteer.\nThe inertial sensor is the MTw Awinda from Xsens [32]\nand the optical system consists in the Vicon equipment [36]\ntogether with the method proposed in [27] to estimate CORs.\nBoth inertial and optical measurements are recorded at a\nsampling rate of 100Hz. We synchronize both systems with\nan initial motion of flex-extension of the hip and the followi ng\ndetection of the maximum position and null turn rate measure d\nwith the optical system and the IMU, respectively, in the sig -\nnals measured during calibration movement. In the definitio n\nof the mounting board, we ensure that its axes are aligned wit h\nthe axes of the IMU and its location center is placed at theIMU accelerometer. Using the spatial location and position of\nthe mounting board in the reference system of the Vicon, we\ntranslate the estimations of our reference IMU-joint vecto rv\ninto the IMU system. We use the method proposed in [27]\nbecause it is aimed at estimating an adaptive v, although\nwe finally obtain an average vector for the complete test to\nimprove its accuracy and eliminate the dependence with the\nnumber of samples considered for each estimation.\nWe obtain the location of the mounting board in which the\nIMU is placed, set at the location of the accelerometer in the\ndevice, its orientation and the position of each marker from the\noptical system. Since the IMU is aligned with the mounting\nboard, we consider the data from the mounting board as the\norientation and location of the IMU.\nBesides, the covariance parameters are estimated as follow s:\nwe use the measurements of a static IMU to calculate the\nstandard deviation needed to obtain R; we estimate PandQ\nusing the reference data of one subject and adapting them to\nthe best performance of ArVE d, and we use these parameters\nfor all the other subjects.\nB. Metrics and errors\nAs optical methods are commonly used as baseline because\nthey provide a high accuracy, we compare the outputs from\nboth, ArVE dand our implementation of MrVS, with the\nresults obtained trough the measurements from the optical\nsystem. We evaluate those methods with the same metrics\nthat we used in the experiments on simulations to study the\ndifferent sources of errors, described in section IV-B. In t his\ncase, our reference to determine the errors of ArVE dand\nMrVS is the vvector, obtained with the optical system and\ntranslated into the IMU system.\nC. Evaluation of the adaptive r on human joints\nOn the real scenario of human hips, we have a reference\nvfrom the optical system, depicted in gray in Fig. 11. We\nuse this reference to evaluate the estimations of the variab le\nradapted to these changes caused by the STA using ArVE dJOURNAL OF L ATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, SEPTEMBER 2020 9\nand the average rfor the complete test with MrVS. Fig. 11\nshows that results from both adaptive algorithms, ArVE dand\nthe optical system, experience periodic changes caused by t he\nSTA in legs during the experiment. This is coherent with the\nexercise since it consists in repetitions of the circles per formed\nfrom the hip.\nFig. 11. IMU-joint vector obtained with ArVE d, depicted in blue, red and\nyellow dotted lines; with MrVS, presented in cyan, red and mu stard stripes;\nand with the visual-based method, black and gray depicted in continuous lines.\nFig. 12 depicts the norm of the difference vector |∆r|, the\ndifference of norms ∆|r|and the deviation angle γof the\nestimations of ArVE dand MrVS with respect to vin the case\nof each evaluated volunteer. According to this figure, the er rors\nobtained with ArVE dare similar for all volunteers and MrVS\nprovides errors with great variability, so the accuracy of M rVS\ndepends more on the volunteer. Also, these results show the\ndecrement of |∆r|and∆|r|errors using ArVE dversus using\nMrVS in all cases and the deviation angle is similar in most\ncases around 5◦with both methods, so the adaptive method\nis the most accurate. The differences in the average values o f\nthose errors are also consistent with this affirmation.\n0100200(mm)\nM \u0006 \u0007 \b ArVEd(mm)\n1 2 3 4 5V \t \n \u000b \f \r \u000e \u000e \u000f(º)\nAvg.0100200\n010\n5\nFig. 12. Errors obtained for each evaluated volunteer with M rVS and ArVE d\ncompared with v. The average values are also included with the label Avg.\nTable II shows the values of the errors depicted in Fig. 12\ntogether with their corresponding reference vector vof both\nIMU-based approaches compared with vfrom the optical\nsystem. Differences exist between the metrics of both meth-\nods, being specially noticeable with respect to the differe ncebetween modulus ∆|r|that decreases from 62mm (28.0%)\nuntil10mm (4.5%).\nTABLE II\nAVERAGE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ARVEdAND MRVS COMPARED WITH\nTHE OPTICAL METHOD FOR THE FIVE VOLUNTEERS ,TOGETHER WITH THE\nAVERAGE (AVG.)VALUES\nV olunteer v Method |∆r|mm∆|r|mm γ◦\n1166±1ArVEd17±511±64±2\nMrVS 38±137±14±1\n2249±4ArVEd12±28±42±1\nMrVS 126±3124±49±1\n3228±1ArVEd23±610±75±1\nMrVS 40±140±11±1\n4235±2ArVEd31±39±67±1\nMrVS 68±358±210±2\n5226±2ArVEd22±513±74±1\nMrVS 55±250±26±1\nAvg. 221±2ArVEd21±210±34±1\nMrVS 65±162±16±1\nThe variation between the different errors used to evaluate\nMrVS is remarkable. The average deviation angle γversusv\nis only around 6◦, but the error in the estimated norm ∆|r|\nis62mm, that is a 30% of the norm of v. This variation\nis a consequence of errors in the estimation of the angular\nacceleration ˙ω, since these estimations contain the propagation\nof errors in the measurements of turn rate ω. It only affects the\nnorm since during the derivation the direction of this vecto r\ndoes not change.\nAccording to Table II, we achieve a decrease in |∆r|larger\nthan a60% with ArVE dcompared to using MrVS. ArVE d\noutperforms MrVS also in experiments on the real scenario.\nIn addition, the |∆r|difference is in most of volunteers under\nthe upper limit, achieving accurate results, and the averag ed\naccuracy is 9.5% of the average norm of v, which is lower\nthan the upper limit.\nOur adaptation of MrVS obtaining an average rfor the\ncomplete test entails |∆r|differences of 65mm, meaning a\n29% of relative error. Therefore, this method is not accurate\nenough to be used in the estimation of CORs with a low speed\nin limbs with STA. Differences are larger than the reported i n\nthe previous studies that use MrVS because the conditions\nof the evaluated tests are different, as in [23]. In particul ar,\nthe authors evaluate the arm and the experiments are based on\ntwo perpendicular linear motions, as crosses, with a maximu m\nturn rate of 1.6rad/s. However, our experiments are based on\ncircular trajectories of the evaluated leg with an average t urn\nrate of0.8±0.1rad/s. This is remarkable since some of the\nleg exercises that may be prescribed to improve hip mobility\ninclude circular components, while not as many consider two\nperpendicular linear movements in a row. The speed differen ce\nis important, as it is stated in [17], because errors are larg er\nin the experiments carried out at a lower speed.\nFurthermore, ArVE dis able to be implemented in real-time\nsince it obtains one vector rper sample and only requires of\nthe first0.6s of tests for the initialization. The algorithms are\nprogrammed in MATLAB R2019b, running in a personal com-\nputer (processor i 7-8700 at3.2GHz, RAM memory 16GB). In\nthis platform, the average time for the execution of a sample\nwith ArVE dis0.03ms. As the sampling rate is 100Hz theJOURNAL OF L ATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, SEPTEMBER 2020 10\navailable time for processing a sample is 10ms. Since the\nexecution time of a sample, i.e. the time to obtain one vector r,\nis far lower than the sampling period, we consider that ArVE d\nis suitable for real-time applications, such as monitoring of\nrehabilitation exercises where null acceleration points e xist (as\nin the orientation estimation of lower limbs presented in [7 ]\nor [8]). These results of accuracy prove the usability of ArV Ed\nas an alternative to the optical methods, being adapted to th e\nhuman lower-limb scenario when the joint is constraint to be\nfixed.\nVI. C ONCLUSIONS\nA novel adaptive method for IMU-joint vector determination\nis proposed and validated in this work using synthetic and\nreal data from a hip. The method, called ArVE d, uses raw\ndata from an IMU to determine in real-time the COR of fixed\njoints with respect to the IMU location at each time instant.\nWith the synthetic data, ArVE dachieves an accuracy higher\nthan1% of length and 1◦of deviation when the IMU-joint\nvector is constant and shows adaptability to variable vecto rs\nwith an error around 3% of length and 1◦of deviation. This\nscenario of variable vector is in which the IMU undergoes\nfrom translational movements caused by STA apart from the\nmain rotations. Besides, ArVE dhas also been compared with\nour implementation of one state-of-the-art algorithm that we\nhave called MrVS [17] in this work. In all cases, the proposed\nArVEdoutperforms MrVS decreasing its errors around a\n50%. The accuracy of ArVE dis10% when is tested on real\nvolunteers performing standardized and repetitive exerci ses. In\nthis case, the reference has been obtained with an optical\nsystem. Thus, ArVE dcan be considered as an alternative\nto estimate the IMU-joint vector, obtaining a precise COR,\nsuitable for monitoring rehabilitation therapies that imp ly the\nmotion of ball joints, as shoulders or hips.\nOne of the limitations of the proposal is that it is adapted to\nfixed joints. As future work, we are working on the adaptation\nof ArVE dto be applied to motions in which CORs do not\nshow a negligible linear acceleration, such as gait or runni ng\nanalysis. Nevertheless, ArVE dcan be used in a previous\ncalibration step to obtain an average IMU-joint vector for o ff-\nline applications. In addition, we will adapt the algorithm s\nto be used on portable systems, e.g. smartphones, wirelessl y\nconnected to our IMU. It will allow to provide real-time\nfeedback in rehabilitation therapies.\nACKNOWLEDGMENT\nThis work was supported by Junta de Comunidades de\nCastilla La Mancha (FrailCheck SBPLY/17/180501/000392),\nthe Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universi-\nties (MICROCEBUS RTI2018-095168-B-C51) and the Youth\nEmployment Program (PEJ-2017-AI/TIC-7372). The authors\nwould like to thank the Deutschen Zentrums fur Luft-und\nRaumfahrt (DLR) for its collaboration in the measurement\ncampaign and the borrowing of the necessary infrastructure\nand equipment.ABBREVIATIONS\nThe following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:\nArVE adaptive r vector estimator\nArVEdadaptive r vector estimator, considering ˙r\nMrVS mean r vector least-squares-based estimator\nCOR center of rotation\nSTA soft tissue artifacts\nIMU inertial measurement unit\nEKF extended Kalman filter\nUKF unscented Kalman filter\nSD standard deviation\nREFERENCES\n[1] D. Fitzgerald, J. Foody, D. Kelly, T. Ward, C. 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With only 6-billion training sam-\nples seen, EVA-CLIP-18B achieves an exceptional 80.7%\nzero-shot top-1 accuracy averaged across 27 widely rec-\nognized image classification benchmarks, outperforming\nits forerunner EVA-CLIP (5-billion parameters) and other\nopen-source CLIP models by a large margin. Remarkably,\nwe observe a consistent performance improvement with the\nmodel size scaling of EVA-CLIP , despite maintaining a\nconstant training dataset of 2-billion image-text pairs from\nLAION-2B and COYO-700M. This dataset is openly avail-\nable and much smaller than the in-house datasets (e.g., DFN-\n5B, WebLI-10B) employed in other state-of-the-art CLIP\nmodels. EVA-CLIP-18B demonstrates the potential of EVA-\nstyle [ 30,29,63] weak-to-strong visual model scaling. With\nour model weights made publicly available, we hope to fa-\ncilitate future research in vision and multimodal foundation\nmodels.\n1. Introduction\nRecent years witnessed the rapid growth of Large Mul-\ntimodal Models (LMMs) [ 3,64,62,69,5,46], with CLIP\nmodels [ 53,19,63,43,75,28,17] serving as a foundational\nvision encoder to deliver robust and transferable visual rep-\nresentations, and Large Language Models (LLMs) [ 65,54]\nserving as a general interface for reasoning across different\nmodalities. However, as LLMs have scaled up to around\n100B parameters or higher [ 11,20,65], the adopted vision\nfoundation models continue to operate at a much smaller\nscale, lagging far behind the LLMs.\n*Correspondence to wangxinlong@baai.ac.cn\nFigure 1: Scaling behavior of EV A-CLIP with zero-shot classi-\nfication performance averaged across 27 image classification\nbenchmarks , compared with the current state-of-the-art and largest\nCLIP models (224px). The diameter of each circle demonstrates\nthe forward GFLOPs ×the number of training samples seen. The\nperformance of EV A-CLIP consistently improves as scaling up.\nThis paper introduces EV A-CLIP-18B , the largest open-\nsource CLIP model with 18-billion parameters to narrow\nthis gap. EV A-CLIP [63] open-sources a series of effective\nand efficient CLIP models, which have been leveraged as the\nvision foundation by numerous impactful works across 2D /\n3D vision and multimodal modeling [ 42,78,77,50,69,64].\nWe further scale up EV A-CLIP to this significant parameter\nsize building upon the scaling philosophy of EV A [30,29]\nandEV A-CLIP [63]. With merely 6-billion training samples\nseen and trained on publicly available datasets, EV A-CLIP-\n18B achieves the exceptional 80.7% average zero-shot top-\n1 accuracy on 27 widely recognized image classification\nbenchmarks, significantly surpassing its forerunner EV A-02-\nCLIP -E/14+ (5-billion parameters) and other open-source\nCLIP models. Besides, the models have not exhibited any\n1arXiv:2402.04252v1 [cs.CV] 6 Feb 2024total image text samples image batch image cls. video cls. retrieval\nmodel + #param. #param. #param. data seen size size gpus for training avg. acc. avg. acc. MR\nEV A-01-CLIP -g/14+ [63] 1.1B 1.0B 124M LAION-400M [59] 11B 224241k 256×A100 (40GB) 72.2 66.2 80.9\nEV A-01-CLIP -g/14+ [63] 1.3B 1.0B 354M Merged-2B [63] 11B 2242114k 112×A100 (40GB) 75.1 68.8 85.3\nOpenCLIP-G/14+ [2] 2.5B 1.8B 695M LAION-2B [58] 39B 2242160k 512 ×A100 (80GB) 76.2 68.7 85.7\nInternVL-C+ [17] 14.0B 6.0B 8.0B custom [17] 29B 2242164k 640 ×A100 (80GB) 78.0 73.7 86.6\nDFN5B-CLIP-H/14+ [28] 1.0B 632M 354M DFN-5B [28] 39B 224279k TPUv4 78.3 67.0 86.6\nEV A-02-CLIP -E/14+ [63] 5.0B 4.4B 695M LAION-2B [58] 9B 2242144k 144×A100 (80GB) 78.7 72.1 85.7\nDFN5B-CLIP-H/14+ [28] 1.0B 632M 354M DFN-5B [28] 5B 378279k TPUv4 79.2 68.4 87.2\nEV A-CLIP-8B + 8.1B 7.5B 695M Merged-2B [63] 9B 2242178k 384×A100 (40GB) 79.4 73.6 86.2\nEV A-CLIP-18B + 18.1B 17.5B 695M Merged-2B+ 6B 2242108k 360×A100 (40GB) 80.7 75.0 87.8\nTable 1: CLIP model configurations and zero-shot performance on 33 benchmarks including 27 image classification, 4 video\nclassification and 2 image-text retrieval datasets. DFN-5B [ 28] are 5B images filtered from a pool of 43B uncurated image-text pairs\nconsisting of 12.8B image-text pairs from CommonPool-12.8B [ 32] and 30B additional public image-text pairs. The dataset used for training\nInternVL-C [17] is custom mixtures, see detail in [17].\nmethod\nImageNet-1K [26]\nImageNet-V2 [57]\nImageNet-Adv. [36]\nImageNet-Ren. [35]\nImageNet-Ske. [68]\nObjectNet [8]\nCIFAR-10 [40]\nCIFAR-100 [40]\nMNIST [41]\nCaltech101 [31]\nSUN397 [72]\nFGVC Aircraft [47]\nCountry-211 [53]\nStanford Cars [39]\nBirdsnap [9]\nDTD [21]\nEuroSAT [34]\nFER2013 [33]\nFlowers-102 [49]\nFood-101 [10]\nGTSRB [61]\nPCam [67]\nPets [51]\nRendered SST2 [53]\nRESISC45 [18]\nSTL-10 [23]\nVOC2007 [27]\n.avg. top-1 acc.\nEV A-01-CLIP -g/14+ 78.5 71.5 73.6 92.5 67.6 72.3 98.3 88.7 62.6 87.7 74.2 32.4 28.9 91.7 65.8 61.7 73.8 52.2 74.5 93.5 49.3 49.9 94.2 58.4 70.3 98.9 85.7 72.2\nEV A-01-CLIP -g/14+ 79.3 72.5 74.1 92.7 68.4 75.3 99.1 90.1 72.0 89.5 74.7 39.9 31.8 90.7 70.2 67.8 73.2 56.0 79.7 93.7 66.5 62.4 94.9 58.6 71.4 99.5 84.7 75.1\nOpenCLIP-G/14+ 80.4 73.6 69.3 92.8 69.9 73.0 98.3 87.5 71.6 89.4 75.0 53.6 34.9 94.9 73.0 69.1 71.1 59.6 81.5 93.1 62.7 63.6 95.3 65.3 72.6 98.5 87.4 76.2\nInternVL-C + 83.2 77.3 83.8 95.7 74.3 80.6 99.4 93.1 80.6 89.5 76.3 53.3 35.1 94.4 69.2 70.8 79.4 56.2 85.8 95.3 65.5 48.7 96.3 68.4 74.4 99.4 80.0 78.0\nDFN5B-CLIP-H/14 + 83.5 77.4 71.7 92.9 72.8 76.7 98.8 90.5 85.8 89.5 77.0 71.4 34.4 95.8 77.4 70.7 65.2 54.7 92.5 95.8 67.7 65.2 96.5 54.8 76.1 98.9 81.5 78.3\nEV A-02-CLIP -E/14+ 82.1 75.7 82.1 94.7 72.2 79.6 99.3 93.2 74.7 90.5 75.3 58.7 37.0 94.7 77.6 68.2 75.9 59.0 84.5 94.9 67.7 64.4 96.0 62.6 75.7 99.3 87.9 78.7\nDFN5B-CLIP-H/14+ 84.3 78.3 79.6 93.6 73.3 79.6 98.8 90.5 83.6 88.9 77.4 72.5 37.9 96.0 80.5 70.9 61.1 56.1 91.6 96.2 67.9 69.6 96.8 55.5 75.9 99.1 81.9 79.2\nEV A-CLIP-8B + 83.5 77.7 85.2 95.3 74.3 81.2 99.3 92.3 84.8 89.6 76.2 60.5 41.7 94.8 79.0 71.0 68.9 56.1 86.4 95.5 70.9 58.1 96.4 66.2 75.3 99.3 85.1 79.4\nEV A-CLIP-18B + 83.8 77.9 87.3 95.7 74.7 82.2 99.4 93.8 83.0 89.8 77.7 59.7 43.1 94.9 79.9 72.1 79.8 59.3 86.0 95.8 72.4 65.2 96.1 67.5 76.9 99.6 85.8 80.7\nTable 2: EV A-CLIP zero-shot image classification performance on 27 datasets. We report top-1 accuracy on all datasets. The best results\nare in bold and the second best are underlined .\nsignal of performance saturation , shedding light on further\nscaling of vision models. An intuitive demonstration is\nshown in Figure 1.\nThe successful training of EV A-CLIP-18B exemplifies\nthe potential of the EV A-style visual model scaling philoso-\nphy. We keep open-sourcing the training code and weights of\nour models to encourage further research and empower the\ndevelopment of vision and multimodal foundation models.\n2. Weak-to-Strong Vision Scaling\nOur scaling-up procedure is guided by the principles of\nEV A [30] and EV A-CLIP [63]. The EV A philosophy for\nscaling visual models follows a weak-to-strong paradigm,\ndesigned to improve visual models through a strategic pro-\ngression. This process begins with a large EV A vision model\ndistilling knowledge from a small EV A-CLIP model, which\nin turn serves as the vision encoder initialization to stabilize\nand accelerate the training of a larger EV A-CLIP . After\nthat, the closed-loop scaling-up cycle continues and a larger\nEV A is distilled out. Throughout our model scaling cycle,\nthe training dataset remains largely fixed to demonstrate theeffectiveness of our model-scale specific scaling philosophy,\nalthough scaling up datasets can further unleash the scaling\npower of our method.\nSpecifically, in this work, we pre-train a large EV A model\nnamed EV A -18B using a small EV A-CLIP (EV A-02-CLIP -\nE/14+) [ 63] as the teacher, which is trained to reconstruct\nmasked image-text aligned vision features from EV A-02-\nCLIP -E/14+. EV A -18B omits bias terms of QKV projec-\ntions and uses RMSNorm [ 76] instead of LayerNorm [ 4]\nfollowing LLaMA [ 65]. Subsequently, we leverage the EV A\nmodel as the vision encoder initialization for EV A-CLIP\npre-training with the image-text contrastive learning objec-\ntive. Besides, we also introduce a smaller counterpart, EV A-\nCLIP-8B , which undergoes similar pre-training methodolo-\ngies. Notably, our experiments demonstrate sustained perfor-\nmance improvement with the progressive weak-teach-strong\nscaling up of EV A-CLIP .\n3. Experiments\nSettings. Following EV A-CLIP [63], we initialized the\nmodel with pre-trained vision and text encoders. Specifi-\n2zero-shot textretrieval zero-shot image retrieval\nFlickr30K COCO Flickr30K COCO\nmethod + R@1 R@5 R@10 R@1 R@5 R@10 R@1 R@5 R@10 R@1 R@5 R@10 MR\nEV A-01-CLIP -g/14 + 87.9 98.0 99.5 61.7 83.2 89.9 72.5 91.5 95.4 44.5 69.1 77.7 80.9\nEV A-01-CLIP -g/14+ 93.3 99.5 99.9 69.4 88.3 93.2 79.2 95.2 97.3 51.1 74.7 82.5 85.3\nOpenCLIP-G/14+ 93.5 99.3 99.7 69.0 87.8 93.1 80.9 95.1 97.2 52.6 76.1 83.6 85.7\nEV A-02-CLIP -E/14+ 94.3 99.6 99.8 69.4 88.6 93.3 79.7 94.9 97.3 52.5 75.9 83.4 85.7\nEV A-CLIP-8B + 95.6 99.6 99.9 70.3 89.3 93.9 80.8 95.5 97.6 53.0 76.0 83.4 86.2\nDFN5B-CLIP-H/14 + 92.9 99.3 99.9 72.3 90.2 94.6 80.1 95.2 97.3 53.9 78.0 85.6 86.6\nInternVL-C + 93.8 99.7 100.0 70.3 89.2 93.8 82.1 96.0 98.1 54.1 77.1 84.8 86.6\nDFN5B-CLIP-H/14 + 93.6 99.3 99.6 71.8 90.4 94.9 82.1 96.0 97.9 55.6 79.2 86.3 87.2\nEV A-CLIP-18B + 96.7 99.7 100.0 73.6 90.9 95.0 83.3 96.3 98.3 56.2 78.5 85.6 87.8\nTable 3: Zero-shot retrieval performance on Flickr30K [74] and COCO [45].\ncally, we employ a pre-trained EV A -18B [ 30,29] as the\nvision encoder and EV A-02-CLIP -E/14+ [ 63] for the text\nencoder. We adopt the LAMB optimizer [ 73] with β1= 0.9,\nβ2=0.95, and a weight decay of 0. We apply different learn-\ning rates and layer decay rates to the vision encoder and text\nencoder to ensure optimal training. We set the peak learning\nrate as 4e-4 and 4e-5 for the vision encoder and the text\nencoder respectively, with 2000 warm-up steps. Afterwards,\nthe learning rates decay to 0 with a cosine schedule. The\nlearning rate layer decay rates are configured as 0.9 and 0.75\nfor the vision and text encoders. The temperature parameter\nremains constant at 0.01. Further, we use the DeepSpeed\noptimization library [ 56] with ZeRO stage-3 partition [ 55],\ngradient checkpointing [ 16] and flash attention [ 24] to opti-\nmize the training cost.\nDataset. Our Merged-2B dataset consists of 1.6 billion sam-\nples from LAION-2B [ 58] and 0.4 billion samples from\nCOYO-700M [ 12]. Note that the use of a subset from\nLAION-2B is not the result of deliberate filtering, but rather\ndue to image downloading failures. The use of 0.4 billion\nCOYO-700M samples aims to complement the number of\ntraining samples to nearly the same as LAION-2B. Merged-\n2B+ consists of all samples from Merged-2B, along with ad-\nditional 20 million samples from LAION-COCO [ 1] and 23\nmillion samples from Merged-video including VideoCC [ 48],\nInternVid [ 70] and WebVid-10M [ 6]. Merged-video is in-\ncluded at the end of the training process.\nEV A-CLIP-18B pre-trains with 5.4 billion samples from\nMerged-2B seen with 50% of patch dropout ratio [ 44], 0.6\nbillion samples from Merged-2B and 20 million samples\nfrom LAION-COCO without patch dropout, and 24 million\nsamples from Merged-video with 50% of patch dropout ratio.\nEvaluation. We evaluate on 33 widely used datasets across\nimage, video classification and image-text retrieval. All\ndatasets used to evaluate EV A-CLIP-18B are reported in\nTable 11. We utilize the specified prompt templates follow-\ning [53, 38].image encoder text encoder # params\nmethod layers width heads layers width heads image text total\nEV A-CLIP-8B + 32 4096 32 32 1280 20 7.5B 695M 8.1B\nEV A-CLIP-18B +48 5120 40 32 1280 20 17.5B 695M 18.1B\nTable 4: Architecture configurations.\nZero-Shot Image Classification. We show the exceptional\nperformance of EV A-CLIP on all 27 zero-shot image classi-\nfication benchmarks in Table 2. EV A-CLIP-18B achieves\n80.7% top-1 accuracy averaged across all 27 benchmarks.\nThese results significantly outperform the previous best open-\nsourced DFN5B-CLIP-H/14+ [ 28] by+1.5% , and the largest\nexisting CLIP model, InternVL-C [ 17], by +2.7% . For Bird-\nsnap dataset, the download was limited to 2195 test images\ndue to broken links.\nmethod+ #Frames UCF-101 K-400 K-600 K-700 avg.\nEV A-01-CLIP -g/14+ 1 76.0 65.4 64.5 58.8 66.2\nDFN5B-CLIP-H/14+ 1 78.2 65.2 65.5 59.2 67.0\nDFN5B-CLIP-H/14+ 1 79.2 66.7 67.0 60.7 68.4\nOpenCLIP-G/14+ 1 80.5 67.1 66.9 60.3 68.7\nEV A-01-CLIP -g/14+ 1 78.9 67.3 67.3 61.5 68.8\nEV A-02-CLIP -E/14+ 1 83.1 70.7 70.0 64.4 72.1\nEV A-CLIP-8B + 1 85.7 71.3 71.2 66.1 73.6\nInternVL-C + 1 85.2 71.8 71.7 66.4 73.7\nEV A-CLIP-18B + 1 86.0 72.9 72.9 68.2 75.0\nEV A-CLIP-18B + 8 88.2 79.3 79.2 72.1 79.7\nEV A-CLIP-18B + 16 88.4 79.4 79.4 72.2 79.8\nTable 5: EV A-CLIP zero-shot video classification performance.\nWe report top1 accuracy for UCF-101 [ 60], average of top1\nand top5 accuracy for Kinetics-400 [ 15], Kinetics-600 [ 13] and\nKinetics-700 [14].\nZero-Shot Video Classification. We report the top-1 accu-\nracy for UCF-101 [ 60] and the mean of top-1 and top-5 accu-\nracy for Kinetics-400 [ 15], Kinetics-600 [ 13] and Kinetics-\n700 [ 14]. In Table 5 we demonstrate that EV A-CLIP-18B\nalso outperforms other CLIP models on zero-shot video clas-\n3method+ IN-1K IN-A IN-R IN-V2 IN-Sketch ObjectNet ∆↓avg. acc.\nDFN5B-CLIP-H/14+ 83.5 71.7 92.9 77.4 72.8 76.7 4.4 79.2\nOpenCLIP-G/14+ 80.4 69.3 92.8 73.6 69.9 73.0 3.9 76.5\nSigLIP-SO [75] (reported) 82.0 71.9 95.1 76.1 74.0 70.6 3.7 78.3\nDFN5B-CLIP-H/14+ 84.3 79.6 93.6 78.3 73.3 79.6 2.8 81.5\nEV A-01-CLIP -g/14 + 78.5 73.6 92.5 71.5 67.6 72.3 2.5 76.0\nEV A-01-CLIP -g/14+ 79.3 74.1 92.7 72.5 68.4 75.3 2.2 77.1\nBASIC-L [52] (reported) 85.7 85.6 95.7 80.6 76.1 82.3 1.4 84.3\nSigLIP-SO+ [75] (reported) 83.0 82.5 95.8 77.2 74.5 77.0 1.3 81.7\nEV A-02-CLIP -E/14+ 82.1 82.1 94.7 75.7 72.2 79.6 1.0 81.1\nInternVL-C + 83.2 83.8 95.7 77.3 74.3 80.6 0.7 82.5\nEV A-CLIP-8B + 83.5 85.2 95.3 77.7 74.3 81.2 0.6 82.9\nEV A-CLIP-18B + 83.8 87.3 95.7 77.9 74.7 82.2 0.2 83.6\n(a)Zero-shot performance on ImageNet variants and ObjectNet. “avg. acc.”: the averaged top-1 accuracy on different ImageNet variants ( i.e., IN-{1K, V2,\nReaL, Adv., Ren., Ske. }), and ObjectNet. “ ∆↓”: The gap between the averaged top-1 accuracy and the ImageNet-1K top-1 accuracy (the lower the better).\nEV A-CLIP suffers from the smallest performance drop (only 0.2% top-1 accuracy gap for EV A-CLIP-18B ) while EV A-CLIP-18B achieves 83.6% top-1\naccuracy averaged on all 6 benchmarks.\nmethod\nImageNet-1K [26]\nImageNet-V2 [57]\nImageNet-Adv. [36]\nImageNet-Ren. [35]\nImageNet-Ske. [68]\nObjectNet [8]\nCIFAR-10 [40]\nCIFAR-100 [40]\nMNIST [41]\nSUN397 [72]\nBirdsnap [9]\nDTD [21]\nEuroSAT [34]\nFood-101 [10]\nPCam [67]\nRESISC45 [18]\nSTL-10 [23]\n.avg. top-1 acc.\nBASIC-L [52] (reported) 85.7 80.6 85.6 95.7 76.1 82.3 97.5 82.3 40.3 76.2 59.2 64.6 51.0 95.1 59.6 72.7 99.6 76.7 (77.8)\nEV A-CLIP-18B + 83.8 77.9 87.3 95.7 74.7 82.2 99.4 93.8 83.0 77.7 79.9 72.1 79.8 95.8 65.2 76.9 99.6 84.9 (84.1)\n-1.9 -2.7 +1.7 +0.0 -1.4 -0.1 +1.9 +11.5 +42.7 +1.5 +20.7 +7.5 +28.8 +0.7 +5.6 +4.2 +0.0 +8.2 (+6.3)\n(b)Comparison EV A-CLIP-18B’s zero-shot image classification performance with BASIC-L [ 52] on 17 datasets. Our report includes the top-1 accuracy\nfor all datasets, considering that BASIC-L only provided top-1 accuracy for these specific 17 datasets. ( ) is the average top-1 accuracy removing Birdsnap due\nto the different test size between EV A-CLIP-18B and BASIC-L. EV A-CLIP-18B outperforms BASIC-L with a notable margin of +8.2 (+6.3) in average top-1\naccuracy, despite exhibiting lower performance on ImageNet variants.\nTable 6: Robustness evaluation of CLIP models and comparison with BASIC-L [52] on 17 Benchmarks.\nsification benchmarks by a large margin. When sampling\na single center frame per video, EV A-CLIP-18B achieves\naccuracies of 86.0%, 72.9%, 72.9%, and 68.2% across the\nfour evaluated benchmarks. Further, when uniformly sample\n8 or 16 frames per video, we observe an improvement of\n+4.7% /+4.8% averaged across four benchmarks compared\nto the single-frame setting.\nZero-Shot Image-Text Retrieval. In Table 3, we report the\nzero-shot image and text retrieval results on Flickr30K [ 74]\nand COCO [ 45].EV A-CLIP-18B achieves an average re-\ncall of 87.8% across all retrieval benchmarks, significantly\noutperforming competitors.\nRobustness. In Table 6, we demonstrate that scaling up\nEV A-CLIP significantly enhances the robustness of visual\nrepresentations. EV A-CLIP suffers from the smallest per-\nformance drop ( ∆↓) between ImageNet-1K and ImageNet\nvariants including adversarial ones, with merely 0.2% top-1\naccuracy gap for EV A-CLIP-18B .\nFor a more robust and comprehensive evaluation of ro-\nbustness and zero-shot performance, it is advisable to include\nmore benchmarks covering more image distributions. How-\never, we want to note that higher ImageNet top-1 accuracydoes not necessarily lead to better overall performance, as\nevidenced in Table 6b, where BASIC-L [ 52] exhibits higher\nImageNet-related top-1 accuracy but considerably lower\noverall average top-1 accuracy compared to EV A-CLIP-\n18B across a broader range of datasets and distributions,\nshowing a difference of -8.2%.\nLinear Probing on ImageNet-1K. In Table 7, we present\nthe results of linear probing on ImageNet-1K [ 26].EV A-\nCLIP-18B achieves an average top-1 accuracy of 88.9%,\nsurpassing InternVL-C [17] by 0.7%.\nmethod #param top1 acc.\nOpenCLIP-G/14 (reported) 1.8B 86.2\nEV A-01-CLIP -g/14 + 1.0B 86.5\nEV A-02-CLIP -E/14+ 4.4B 88.1\nInternVL-C (reported) 5.9B 88.2\nEV A-CLIP-8B + 7.5B 88.5\nEV A-CLIP-18B + 17.5B 88.9\nTable 7: Linear Probing on ImageNet-1K [ 26].The top-1 ac-\ncuracy shows a continuous improvement with the scaling up of\nEV A-CLIP .\n43D Representation. We adopt the Uni3D [ 77] setting to\nexplore the effectiveness of scaling up teachers. With the\nscaling up of EV A-CLIP in Table 8, we observe consis-\ntent improvements in 3D representation learning capabili-\nties. Further, Uni3D-base equipped with EV A-CLIP-18B\nsets new records on ModelNet [ 71] and ScanObjectNN [ 66]\nbenchmarks.\nteacher data O-LVIS MNet40 ScanObjNN\nOpenCLIP-G/14 + w/o LVIS 44.5 85.8 58.9\nEV A-02-CLIP -E/14+ w/o LVIS 45.8 86.1 61.7\nEV A-CLIP-8B + w/o LVIS 46.2 87.3 62.7\nEV A-CLIP-18B + w/o LVIS 47.0 87.6 65.3\nEV A-02-CLIP -E/14+ Ensembled 51.7 86.3 63.8\nEV A-CLIP-18B + Ensembled 53.2(+1.5) 88.6(+2.3) 67.8(+4.0)\nTable 8: EV A-CLIP-18B enhances zero-shot 3d classification\nperformance. We use Uni3D-base [ 77] as the baseline and scale\nthe teacher from 5B to 18B. We report top-1 accuracy on Objaverse-\nLVIS [25], ModelNet40 [71] and ScanObjectNN [66].\n4. Ablation Studies\nVideo Data. In Table 9, we conduct ablations on EV A-\nCLIP-18B ’s zero-shot performance, comparing results when\ntrained with and without Merged-Video. The training ob-\njective for the video data aligns with that of images, encom-\npassing the extraction of features from video where 8 frames\nare uniformly sampled. The mean of all [CLS] embeddings\nserves as a representation for the video. The outcomes reveal\nsubstantial performance improvements associated with train-\ning using Merged-Video. The zero-shot performance, aver-\naged across UCF-101 [ 60] and Kinetics-400 [ 15] / 600 [ 13]\n/ 700 [ 14], indicates a gain of +0.7 for evaluation with one\nmiddle frame and +0.8 for evaluation with 8 frames.\nclassification retrieval\nimage video (#F 1) video (#F 8) avg. recall\nw/o video data 80.7 74.3 78.9 87.9\nw/ video data 80.7 75.0 ( +0.7) 79.7 ( +0.8)87.8 ( -0.1)\nTable 9: Video data enhances zero-shot video classification per-\nformance . We respectively report performances averaged on 27\nimage classification benchmarks, 4 video benchmarks and 2 image-\ntext retrieval benchmarks.\nImage Resolution. In Table 10, we investigate the impact of\nlarger image resolutions on zero-shot performance. Notably,\nthere is an average top-1 accuracy gain of +0.9 when the\nresolution increases from 2242to 4482forEV A-CLIP-8B .\nSimilarly, an increase from 2242to 3362results in a gain of\n+0.5, even when trained with low global batch sizes of 24k\nforEV A-CLIP-8B + and 23k for EV A-CLIP-18B +.method+ resolution IN-1K IN-A IN-R IN-V2 IN-Ske. ObjectNet avg.\nEV A-CLIP-8B +224×224 83.5 85.2 95.3 77.7 74.3 81.2 82.9\nEV A-CLIP-8B +448×448 83.8 88.7 95.4 77.7 74.1 82.9 83.8\n+0.3 +3.5 +0.1 +0.0 -0.2 +1.7 +0.9\nEV A-CLIP-18B +224×224 83.8 87.3 95.7 77.9 74.7 82.2 83.6\nEV A-CLIP-18B +336×336 83.9 88.9 95.6 78.2 74.3 83.6 84.1\n+0.1 +1.6 -0.1 +0.3 -0.4 +1.4 +0.5\nTable 10: Increasing resolution. We report zero-shot performance\non ImageNet variants and ObjectNet.\n5. Conclusion\nWe present EV A-CLIP-18B , the currently largest and\nmost performant open-sourced CLIP model with 18-billion\nparameters. We show that following EV A ’s weak-to-strong\nvision scaling principle, we can further scale up CLIP mod-\nels to a new record and advance SOTA on multiple prevalent\nbenchmarks across image, video and 3D domains. Impor-\ntantly, we demonstrate that scaling up the size of EV A-CLIP\nmodels consistently boosts performance with no sign of sat-\nuration, shedding light on future vision model scaling.\nReferences\n[1]Laion coco: 600m synthetic captions from laion2b-en. https:\n//laion.ai/blog/laion-coco/ . 3\n[2]Reaching 80 zero-shot accuracy with openclip: Vit-g/14 trained on\nlaion-2b. https://laion.ai/blog/giant-openclip/ .\n2\n[3]Jean-Baptiste Alayrac, Jeff Donahue, Pauline Luc, Antoine Miech,\nIain Barr, Yana Hasson, Karel Lenc, Arthur Mensch, Katie Millican,\nMalcolm Reynolds, et al. Flamingo: a visual language model for\nfew-shot learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.14198 , 2022. 1\n[4]Jimmy Lei Ba, Jamie Ryan Kiros, and Geoffrey E. Hinton. 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Training Settings\nWe present detailed training settings of EV A-CLIP-8B\nandEV A-CLIP-18B in Tabs. 12 and 13.\n7. Image Transformations for Evaluation\nTwo prevalent image transformations utilized in zero-shot\nevaluation are: 1) direct resizing of images to a fixed size,\nsuch as 224 ×224, and 2) resizing images based on the short-\nest side, followed by center cropping to achieve a fixed size.\nIn Table 14, our study systematically investigates the impactconfig EV A-CLIP -{8B, 8B+ }\nimage enc. weight init. EV A -8B / EV A-CLIP-8B\ntext enc. weight init. EV A-02-CLIP -E/14+ / EV A-CLIP-8B\nimage-text data Merged-2B\nimage enc. peak learning rate 4e-4 / 2e-4\nimage enc. layer-wise lr decay [22, 7] 0.9 / 0.85\ntext enc. peak learning rate 4e-5 / 2e-5\ntext enc. layer-wise lr decay [22, 7] 0.75\nlearning rate schedule cosine decay\noptimizer LAMB [73]\noptimizer hyper-parameters β1,β2,ϵ= 0.9, 0.95, 1e-6\nweight decay 0\ninput resolution 2242/ 4482\npatch size 142\nbatch size 178k / 24k\nsamples seen 9B / 800M\ndrop image patch [44] 0.5 / 0.0\ndrop path [37] 0.0\nrandom resized crop (0.9, 1)\nnumerical precision DeepSpeed bf16 [56]\nZeRO optimizer [55] stage 3\nTable 12: EV A-CLIP-8B andEV A-CLIP-8B + training settings.\nconfig EV A-CLIP -{18B,18B+ }\nimage enc. weight init. EV A -18B / EV A-CLIP-18B\ntext enc. weight init. EV A-02-CLIP -E/14+ / EV A-CLIP-18B\nimage-text data Merged-2B+\nimage enc. peak learning rate 4e-4 / 2e-4\nimage enc. layer-wise lr decay [22, 7] 0.9 / 0.85\ntext enc. peak learning rate 4e-5 / 2e-5\ntext enc. layer-wise lr decay [22, 7] 0.75\nlearning rate schedule cosine decay\noptimizer LAMB [73]\noptimizer hyper-parameters β1,β2,ϵ= 0.9, 0.95, 1e-6\nweight decay 0\ninput resolution 2242/ 3362\npatch size 142\nbatch size 108k / 23k\nsamples seen 6B / 400M\ndrop image patch [44] 0.5 / 0.0\ndrop path [37] 0.0\nrandom resized crop (0.9, 1)\nnumerical precision DeepSpeed bf16 [56]\nZeRO optimizer [55] stage 3\nTable 13: EV A-CLIP-18B andEV A-CLIP-18B + training settings.\nof these two image transformations in zero-shot evaluations.\nNotably, there exists a significant performance gap between\nthe two transformations, observed particularly in zero-shot\nimage classification on ObjectNet [ 8] and VOC2007 [ 27],\nand zero-shot retrieval on Flickr30K [ 74] and COCO [ 45].\nEV A-CLIP-18B shows robustness with almost the same\naverage accuracy across different image transformations in\nzero-shot image/video classification.\nFor zero-shot image classification and video classification,\n9method\nImageNet-1K [26]\nImageNet-V2 [57]\nImageNet-Adv. [36]\nImageNet-Ren. [35]\nImageNet-Ske. [68]\nObjectNet [8]\nCIFAR-10 [40]\nCIFAR-100 [40]\nMNIST [41]\nCaltech101 [31]\nSUN397 [72]\nFGVC Aircraft [47]\nCountry-211 [53]\nStanford Cars [39]\nBirdsnap [9]\nDTD [21]\nEuroSAT [34]\nFER2013 [33]\nFlowers-102 [49]\nFood-101 [10]\nGTSRB [61]\nPCam [67]\nPets [51]\nRendered SST2 [53]\nRESISC45 [18]\nSTL-10 [23]\nVOC2007 [27]\n.avg. top-1 acc.\nDFN5B-CLIP-H/14+* 84.0 77.8 79.6 92.9 72.4 79.6 98.8 90.5 83.6 88.7 77.0 64.9 36.1 95.7 80.5 70.9 61.1 56.1 91.6 96.1 67.8 69.6 96.7 55.5 75.9 99.1 78.2 78.5\nDFN5B-CLIP-H/14+ †84.3 78.3 79.3 93.6 73.3 73.5 98.8 90.5 83.6 88.9 77.4 72.5 37.9 96.0 80.3 70.9 61.1 56.1 91.4 96.2 67.9 69.6 96.8 55.5 75.9 99.1 81.9 78.9\nEV A-CLIP-18B * 83.7 77.9 87.3 95.6 74.4 82.2 99.4 93.8 83.0 89.4 77.5 58.4 41.8 94.9 79.9 71.9 79.8 59.3 85.9 95.8 72.4 65.2 96.0 67.5 76.8 99.6 82.4 80.4\nEV A-CLIP-18B † 83.8 77.7 86.2 95.7 74.7 76.2 99.4 93.8 83.0 89.8 77.7 59.7 43.1 94.9 78.4 72.1 79.8 59.3 86.0 95.7 72.3 65.2 96.1 67.5 76.9 99.6 85.8 80.4\n(a)Impact of image transformations on zero-shot image classification performance. Different transformations can significantly influence zero-shot image\nclassification performance, particularly for ObjectNet [ 8].EV A-CLIP-18B shows robustness with the same average top-1 accuracy across different image\ntransformations.\nmethod+ #Frames UCF-101 K-400 K-600 K-700 avg. acc.\nDFN5B-CLIP-H/14+* 1 78.5 65.2 66.0 59.2 67.2\nDFN5B-CLIP-H/14+ † 1 79.2 66.7 67.0 60.7 68.4\nEV A-CLIP-18B * 1 86.0 72.2 72.6 67.4 74.6\nEV A-CLIP-18B † 1 85.6 72.9 72.9 68.2 74.9\nEV A-CLIP-18B * 8 88.2 79.3 79.2 72.0 79.7\nEV A-CLIP-18B † 8 87.9 79.2 79.1 72.1 79.6\n(b)Impact of image transforms on zero-shot video classification performance.\nzero-shot textretrieval zero-shot image retrieval\nFlickr30K COCO Flickr30K COCO\nmethod + R@1 R@5 R@10 R@1 R@5 R@10 R@1 R@5 R@10 R@1 R@5 R@10 MR\nDFN5B-CLIP-H/14 +* 92.3 99.1 99.7 70.6 89.6 94.4 80.7 95.5 97.7 54.1 78.0 85.4 86.4\nDFN5B-CLIP-H/14 + †93.6 99.3 99.6 71.8 90.4 94.9 82.1 96.0 97.9 55.6 79.2 86.3 87.2\nEV A-CLIP-18B * 95.4 99.5 99.8 72.8 89.7 94.3 83.2 95.9 97.8 55.6 77.9 85.3 86.7\nEV A-CLIP-18B † 96.7 99.7 100.0 73.6 90.9 95.0 83.3 96.3 98.3 56.2 78.5 85.6 87.8\n(c)Impact of image transforms on zero-shot retrieval performance.\nTable 14: Impact of image transformations on zero-shot evaluation. †denotes the direct resizing of images to a fixed size, while *\nindicates resizing images based on the shortest side and subsequently center cropping to achieve a fixed size.\nwe present results obtained by selecting the best-performing\ntransformation between the two. In the case of zero-shot\nretrieval tasks, we specifically choose the transformation that\ninvolves direct resizing of images to a fixed size.\n10" }, { "title": "2402.04283v1.On_the_Continuity_Equation_in_Space_Time_Algebra__Multivector_Waves__Poynting__Diffusion__and_a_Derivation_of_Maxwell_s_Equations_by_Symmetries.pdf", "content": "arXiv:2402.04283v1 [physics.class-ph] 6 Feb 2024On the Continuity Equation in Space-Time Algebra:\nMultivector Waves, Poynting, Diffusion, and a Derivation of\nMaxwell’s Equations by Symmetries\nManuel Beato V´ asquez1and Melvin Arias Polanco∗1, 2\n1Escuela de F´ ısica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Aut´ onoma de Santo Domingo, Av. Alma Mater,\nSanto Domingo 10105, Dominican Republic\n2Laboratorio de Nanotecnolog´ ıa, ´Area de Ciencias B´ asicas y Ambientales, Instituto Tecnol´ ogico de\nSanto Domingo, Av. Los Pr´ oceres, Santo Domingo 10602, Domi nican Republic\nFebruary 2024\nAbstract\nHistorically and to date, the continuity equation has serve d as a consistency criterion for\nthe development of physical theories. Employing Clifford’s geometric algebras, a system of\ncontinuity equations for a generalised multivector of the s pace-time algebra (STA) is con-\nstructed. Associated with this continuity system, a system of wave equations is constructed,\nthe Poynting multivector is defined, and decoupling conditi ons are determined. The diffu-\nsion equation is explored from the continuity system, where it is found that for decoupled\nsystems with constant or explicitly-dependent diffusion co efficients the absence of exter-\nnal vector sources implies a loss in the diffusion equation st ructure being transformed to\nHelmholtz-like or wave systems. From the symmetry transfor mations that make the conti-\nnuity equations system’s structure invariant, a system wit h the structure of Maxwell’s field\nequations is derived. The Maxwellian system allows for the c onstruction of potentials and\nfields directly linked with the continuity of a generalised m ultivector in STA. The results\nfound are consistent with the classical electromagnetic th eory and hydrodynamics.\n1 Introduction\nThe continuity equation (C.E.) is a first-order partial differential eq uation that describes the\ntransport in time of a physical quantity through a region of space in terms of its density, flux,\nand an external source (or sink) which increases (or decreases) the quantity from the system con-\ntinuously. If the source is null, then the transported physical qua ntity is said to be conservative,\nand the C.E. represents the principle of local conservation of said q uantity [1]. In this form, the\nC.E. permeates virtually all branches of physics (table 1).\nAn iconic case where the continuity equation played a fundamental r ole in the development of\na physical theory occurred when J. C. Maxwell noticed the inconsis tency between the primitive\nfield equations of the electromagnetic theory and the C.E. for the e lectric charge (a principle of\nconservation well established at the time). Maxwell is capable of solv ing said inconsistency by\nintroducing the now renowned displacement ‘current’. Thanks to th is addition, he was able to\n∗melvin.arias@intec.edu.do\n1derive wave equations for the electric and magnetic fields, subsequ ently discovering that their\nspeed of propagation is precisely the speed of light [ 2]. Another instance was in the development\nof the quantum-relativistic equation by P. A. M. Dirac following previo us inconsistent attempts\nto reconcile both theories under a unified model. One such attempt is the Klein-Fock-Gordon\nequation, whichuponitsreductiontoaC.E.yieldsnegativeenergyeig envaluesandanon-positive\ndefinite probability density. Dirac, using a matrix analysis and ensurin g consistency with the\nC.E., constructed what we today know as Dirac’s gamma matrices, alg ebra, and equation. Thus,\nallowing for a description of spin-1 /2 massive particles in the presence of external fields while\ntaking into account relativistic effects [ 3].\nContinuum MechanicsMass\nEnergy\nLinear momentum\nAngular momentum\nElectrodynamicsElectric charge\nElectromagnetic energy\nElectromagnetic momentum\nThermal PhysicsParticle number\nThermal energy\nEntropy\nProbability (Liouville, Fokker-Planck)\nQuantum MechanicsProbability (Schr¨ odinger, Dirac)\nSpin angular momentum\nTable 1: Conservative physical quantities.\nUndoubtedly, the C.E. has served as a consistency criterion for th e development of physical\ntheories. A natural language to express and study the C.E. are W. K. Clifford’s geometric\nalgebras (GA). In physics, GA have enjoyed a vast popularisation s ince their ‘rediscovery’ by W.\nE. Pauli and Dirac in the 1920’s, and D. Hestenes in the 1960’s. By des ign, GA establishes itself\nas a holistic mathematical framework capable of algebraically manipula ting multi-dimensional\nobjects, operatingon them with a clear geometricinterpretation, and nesting within itself several\nsub-algebrassuch as complex numbers, quaternions, four-vect ors,and spinors[ 4]–[8]. As a result,\nGA finds numerous applications not only in physics, but also in mathema tics, computer science,\nand engineering [ 9], [10].\nAxiomatically, a geometric algebra G(p,q) is a graded and associative algebra of dimension 2p+q\ndefined by a vector space Vp+qover the field of real numbers R[11]–[14]. Elements of a GA\nare called multivectors and operate through the so-called geometr ic product. The geometric\nproduct—denoted by juxtaposition—is closed, distributive, ‘well be haved’ with scalars, invert-\nible, and associative. For vectors, the geometric product is linked t o the inner product of the\nvector space and H. G. Grassmann’s outer product via the so-calle d fundamental identity\nγµγν=γµ·γν+γµ∧γν (1.1)\nIn general, for two homogeneous multivectors Ψ α=/an}b∇acketle{tΨα/an}b∇acket∇i}htαand Φ β=/an}b∇acketle{tΦβ/an}b∇acket∇i}htβof gradesαand\nβrespectively, the inner and outer products are defined in terms of the geometric product as\n[15]–[17]:\nΨα·Φβ=/an}b∇acketle{tΨαΦβ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht|α−β| (1.2)\nΨα∧Φβ=/an}b∇acketle{tΨαΦβ/an}b∇acket∇i}htα+β (1.3)\n2Consider the geometric algebra G(1,3), known as the space-time algebra (STA), generated by\nthe orthonormal basis vectors {γ0,γ1,γ2,γ3}which satisfy [ 18]–[20]:\nγµ·γν=1\n2(γµγν+γνγµ) =ηµν (1.4)\nwhereηµν= diag(+1,−1,−1,−1) is Minkowski’s metric tensor. The relations with the dual\nbasis are\nγµ=ηµνγν, γ µ·γν=δν\nµ (1.5)\nwhereδν\nµ=ηναηαµis the symmetric Kronecker delta tensor. A key corollary of eq. ( 1.4) is\nthat orthogonal vectors anticommute under the geometric prod uct:γµγν=−γνγµ,∀µ/ne}ationslash=ν.\nHenceforth we adopt Einstein’s summation convention; Greek indice s run from 0 to 3, and Latin\nindices from 1 to 3 (except when explicitly stated otherwise); and we make use of the so-called\n‘natural units’ where c= 1. LetI=γ0γ1γ2γ3be the unit pseudo-scalarof G(1,3) with properties\nII=−1, Iγ µ=−γµI (1.6)\nLetusintroducethespace-timesplitgivenbythesub-algebraofph ysicalspace(APS), G+(1,3)≃\nG(3,0), generated by the bivectors\nσi=γiγ0,σiσj=δij+εijkIσk (1.7)\nwhereεijkis the antisymmetric Levi-Civitatensorand such that the relativeve ctorsaredefined1:\nψα=ψi\nασi,∇=σi∂i (1.8)\nIn STA, the vector derivative operator with respect to space-tim e positionx=xµγµ= (t+x)γ0\nis defined as\n∇=γµ∂µ= (∂t−∇)γ0 (1.9)\nFor brevity, we will refer to eq. ( 1.9) as the nabla operator. Let us also define the structure of a\ngeneralised multivector of STA as:\nΨ =/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht0+/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht1+/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht2+/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht3+/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht4\n=ψ0\n2+ψµ\n1γµ+ψi\n2γiγ0+ψi\n3Iγiγ0+ψµ\n4Iγµ+ψ0\n3I\n=ψ0\n2+/parenleftbig\nψ0\n1+ψ1/parenrightbig\nγ0+ψ2+ψ3I+/parenleftbig\nψ0\n4+ψ4/parenrightbig\nIγ0+ψ0\n3I(1.10)\nwhere2ψµ\nα=ψµ\nα(xµ) are scalar functions of the coordinates of x. Respectively, they constitute\nthe scalar/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht0=ψ0\n2, vector/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht1=/parenleftbig\nψ0\n1+ψ1/parenrightbig\nγ0, timelike bivector /an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht2t=ψ2, spacelike\nbivector3/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht2s=ψ3I, pseudo-vector/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht3=/parenleftbig\nψ0\n4+ψ4/parenrightbig\nIγ0, and pseudo-scalar part /an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht4=\n1Another property we shall use numerously but implicitly is t he commutation of the pseudoscalar with the\nrelative vectors: Iσi=σiI.\n2Throughout the document: α,β= 1,2,3,4.\n3The integral bivector part of Ψ is /angbracketleftΨ/angbracketright2=/angbracketleftΨ/angbracketright2t+/angbracketleftΨ/angbracketright2s=ψ2+ψ3I.\n3ψ0\n3Iof the multivector Ψ. For the generalised multivector defined in eq. ( 1.10) the following\nconjugation operations are defined:\n•Inverse conjugation or reversal ( γα∧γβ∧···∧γµ∧γν)∼=γν∧γµ∧···∧γβ∧γα,\n/tildewideΨ =/parenleftbig\nψ0\n1+ψ1/parenrightbig\nγ0+/parenleftbig\nψ0\n2−ψ2/parenrightbig\n+/parenleftbig\nψ0\n3−ψ3/parenrightbig\nI−/parenleftbig\nψ0\n4+ψ4/parenrightbig\nIγ0 (1.11)\n•Space conjugation Ψ∗=γ0Ψγ0,\nΨ∗=/parenleftbig\nψ0\n1−ψ1/parenrightbig\nγ0+/parenleftbig\nψ0\n2−ψ2/parenrightbig\n−/parenleftbig\nψ0\n3−ψ3/parenrightbig\nI−/parenleftbig\nψ0\n4−ψ4/parenrightbig\nIγ0(1.12)\n•Hermitian conjugation Ψ†=/tildewideΨ∗,\nΨ†=/parenleftbig\nψ0\n1−ψ1/parenrightbig\nγ0+/parenleftbig\nψ0\n2+ψ2/parenrightbig\n−/parenleftbig\nψ0\n3+ψ3/parenrightbig\nI+/parenleftbig\nψ0\n4−ψ4/parenrightbig\nIγ0 (1.13)\nIt is assumed the invariance of the scalar functions ψµ\nαunder all conjugations, that they satisfy\nClairaut-Schwarz’s theorem, and commute with the basis vectors a nd the pseudoscalar. Attend-\ning to these definitions, the reversal of the nabla eq. ( 1.9) indicates that the partial derivatives\nact to the left, /tildewide∇=← −∇, while hermitian conjugation yields\n∇†=/parenleftig← −∂t+← −∇/parenrightig\nγ0 (1.14)\nWith this preamble, in the present paper, we propose to employ the m athematical framework of\nClifford’sgeometricalgebrastostudysystemsofcontinuityequatio nsforgeneralisedmultivectors\nin STA. Our starting point in section 2will consist of establishing an equation of structure\n∇Ψ = Φ and identifying the systems of continuity equations that emerg e from each component\nof the multivector defined by eq. ( 1.10). Then, we will construct a system of wave equations\nand define the generalised Poynting multivector (along with its contin uity) associated with the\ncontinuity system of the generalised multivector. STA contains APS which further contains\nthe quaternion algebra, G+(3,0)≃H. So, our approach with generalised multivectors and\nnotably the formalism of STA distinguishes this work from similar ones u sing a quaternionic\nformalism[ 21], [22], and with explorationsofthe Poyntingvectorrestrictedtoan elec tromagnetic\ntreatment in GA [ 23], [24] and hydrodinamical without GA [ 25]. In section 3we will explore\nsome decoupling cases for the different parts of Ψ which are coupled with each other through\nthe continuity system. Subsequently, in section 4we shall determine transformation symmetries\nfor the functions involved in the continuity system such that the sy stem of continuity equations\nremains invariant in structure. From these symmetries we plan to de rive a system of equations\nwith the same structure as Maxwell’s field equations. Also, together with it, see an application\nof the wave equations system, the Poynting multivector, and the d ecoupling conditions for the\nfields and potentials to be determined. Alternative derivations of Ma xwell’s equations from the\nC.E. can be found in [ 26], [27] by means of retarded potentials and the Poincar´ e lemma in GA;\nalso in [28], [29] using Jefimenko’s equations and retarded tensor fields without GA . Finally, in\nsection5we will employ the continuity system to study the diffusion equation an d the equations\ncoupled to it.\n42 Continuity Equations\nConsider the equation\n∇Ψ = Φ (2.1)\nwhere Φ = Φ( xµ) is another multivector with the structure of eq. ( 1.10). The geometric product\nbetween the nabla and the multivector Ψ yields\n∇Ψ =/parenleftbig\n∂tψ0\n1+∇·ψ1/parenrightbig\n+/parenleftbig\n∂tψ0\n2+∇·ψ2−∂tψ2−∇ψ0\n2−I∇∧ψ3/parenrightbig\nγ0\n−/parenleftbig\n∂tψ1+∇ψ0\n1+I∇∧ψ4/parenrightbig\n+/parenleftbig\n∂tψ4+∇ψ0\n4−I∇∧ψ1/parenrightbig\nI\n+/parenleftbig\n−∂tψ0\n3−∇·ψ3+∂tψ3+∇ψ0\n3−I∇∧ψ2/parenrightbig\nIγ0\n−/parenleftbig\n∂tψ0\n4+∇·ψ4/parenrightbig\nI(2.2)\nThe terms in eq. ( 2.2) have been organised by parenthesis into scalar, vector, timelike b ivector,\nspacelike bivector, pseudovector, and pseudoscalar part, resp ectively. By hypothesis, Φ has\nstructure eq. ( 1.10), so matrix notation allows us to identify the following pair of systems of\nequations which follow from the components of eq. ( 2.1). On one hand, the scalar structure:\n∂t\nψ0\n1\nψ0\n2\nψ0\n3\nψ0\n4\n+∇·\nψ1\nψ2\nψ3\nψ4\n=\nφ0\n2\nφ0\n1\n−φ0\n4\n−φ0\n3\n(2.3)\nAnd on the other hand the vector structure:\n∂t\nψ1\nψ2\nψ3\nψ4\n+∇\nψ0\n1\nψ0\n2\nψ0\n3\nψ0\n4\n−I∇∧\n−ψ4\n−ψ3\nψ2\nψ1\n=\n−φ2\n−φ1\nφ4\nφ3\n(2.4)\nThesystemofeq.( 2.3)clearlypossessesthecanonicalstructureofthe(scalar)cont inuityequation\nwith existence of non-zero sources given by Φ. To observe that th e system of eq. ( 2.4) has a\ncontinuity structure as well, but one of vector character, we use the dual identity\nI∇∧ψα=∇·(Iψα) (2.5)\nand define the second-rank tensors ( Tα)ijsuch that its components are connected with the ψ0\nα\nthrough the restriction\n∂iTij\nα=∂jψ0\nα,∇·Tα=∇ψ0\nα (2.6)\n5With these results, eqs. ( 2.3) and (2.4) compact into a visibly single continuity structure:\n∂t\nψ0\n1\nψ0\n2\nψ0\n3\nψ0\n4\nψ1\nψ2\nψ3\nψ4\n+∇·\nψ1\nψ2\nψ3\nψ4\nT1+Iψ4\nT2+Iψ3\nT3−Iψ2\nT4−Iψ1\n=\nφ0\n2\nφ0\n1\n−φ0\n4\n−φ0\n3\n−φ2\n−φ1\nφ4\nφ3\n(2.7)\n2.1 Wave Equations\nBy applying from the left the nabla operator to eq. ( 2.1) we obtain the second-order differential\nequation\n/squareΨ =∇Φ (2.8)\nwhere/square=∇∇=∇·∇=ηµν∂2\nµνis the d’Alembertian operator. The multivector ∇Φ will have\nby structure eq. ( 2.2), so by separating the components of eq. ( 2.8) we will get two systems of\nequations with the form of eqs. ( 2.3) and (2.4). Defining the tensors ( Nα)ijrestricted to the\nanalogous condition of eq. ( 2.6) but connected to the φ0\nα, the following system of wave equations\nis then obtained:\n∂t\nφ0\n1\nφ0\n2\nφ0\n3\nφ0\n4\nφ1\nφ2\nφ3\nφ4\n+∇·\nφ1\nφ2\nφ3\nφ4\nN1+Iφ4\nN2+Iφ3\nN3−Iφ2\nN4−Iφ1\n=/square\nψ0\n2\nψ0\n1\n−ψ0\n4\n−ψ0\n3\n−ψ2\n−ψ1\nψ4\nψ3\n(2.9)\nThe scalar continuity system of eq. ( 2.3) shows the direct coupling between the vector compo-\nnents (ψ0\n1,ψ1), the pseudovector components ( ψ0\n4,ψ4), between the scalar and timelike bivector\n(ψ0\n2,ψ2), and between the pseudoscalar and spacelike bivector ( ψ0\n3,ψ3). We shall call these\nrelations the ‘first couplings’. The first couplings remain in the vector continuity system of\neq. (2.4), and additionally the relative pseudovector with the vector ( ψ0\n1,ψ1,ψ4), the relative\nvector with the pseudovector ( ψ0\n4,ψ4,ψ1), and the timelike and spacelike bivectors with each\nscalar(ψ0\n2,ψ2,ψ3), (ψ0\n3,ψ3,ψ2)arecoupled. Forconsistency,wecallthesethe‘secondcouplings ’.\nAn analogous argument applies to the components of the source Φ. The cost for decoupling—\nfirst or second— is a transition to a higher-order system of equatio ns, as can be seen in eq. ( 2.9)\nwhere each component ψµ\nαsatisfies a non-homogeneouswaveequation independently ofany o ther\ncomponent of Ψ. In section 3we will explore some decoupling cases.\n2.2 Poynting Multivector\nAttending to the conjugations eqs. ( 1.13) and (1.14), the hermitian conjugation of eq. ( 2.1)\nis (∇Ψ)†= Ψ†∇†= Φ†. The well-known method to derive the continuity equation from\n6Schr¨ odinger, Pauli, Klein-Fock-Gordon, and Dirac’s equation\n(∇Ψ)†(γ0Ψ)+(γ0Ψ)†(∇Ψ) = Φ†(γ0Ψ)+(γ0Ψ)†Φ\n∂µ/parenleftbig\nΨ†γ0γµΨ/parenrightbig\n= Φ†γ0Ψ+Ψ†γ0Φ\n∇·J=γ01\n2/parenleftig\n/tildewideΦΨ+/tildewideΨΦ/parenrightig(2.10)\nallows us to define\nJµ=1\n2/parenleftbig\nΨ†γ0γµΨ/parenrightbig\n(2.11)\nEquation ( 2.11) defines four multivectors which may be associated with a second-r ank tensor,\nEµν=Jµ·γν. Let us define the Poynting multivector as\nS=γ0J0=1\n2γ0Ψ†Ψ (2.12)\nIn terms of the components of Ψ, it has the explicit form\nS=/parenleftbig\nψ0\n1ψ0\n2+ψ1·ψ2+ψ0\n3ψ0\n4+ψ3·ψ4/parenrightbig\n+1\n2/bracketleftbig\n(ψ0\n1)2+ψ1·ψ1+(ψ0\n2)2+ψ2·ψ2+(ψ0\n3)2+ψ3·ψ3+(ψ0\n4)2+ψ4·ψ4/bracketrightbig\nγ0\n+/parenleftbig\nψ0\n1ψ1−ψ0\n2ψ2−ψ0\n3ψ3+ψ0\n4ψ4+Iψ1∧ψ4−Iψ2∧ψ3/parenrightbig\nγ0\n+/parenleftbig\nψ0\n1ψ0\n3+ψ1·ψ3−ψ0\n2ψ0\n4−ψ2·ψ4/parenrightbig\nI(2.13)\nThe terms in eq. ( 2.13) have been organised by parenthesis with respect to the ‘canonica l’ struc-\nture of the multivector eq. ( 1.10),S=S0\n2+ (S0\n1+S1)γ0+S0\n3I. Interestingly, the Poynting\nmultivector lacks bivector and pseudovector parts, /an}b∇acketle{tS/an}b∇acket∇i}ht2=/an}b∇acketle{tS/an}b∇acket∇i}ht3= 0. Let us establish the equa-\ntion,\n∇·S=W (2.14)\nThen, according to the general structure of eq. ( 2.7), the continuity system which follows from\neq. (2.14) is:\n∂tS0\n1+∇·S1=/an}b∇acketle{tW/an}b∇acket∇i}ht0\n−∇S0\n3=/an}b∇acketle{tW/an}b∇acket∇i}ht3(2.15)\nNo second couplings are present; only the first coupling of Sµ\n1.\n72.2.1 Bivector & Vector Cases\nAs a special case, consider a multivector for which ψµ\n1=ψµ\n4= 0 such that\nΨ = (ψ0\n2+ψ2)+(ψ0\n3+ψ3)I (2.16)\nThe associated Poynting multivector has a purely vector structur e\nS=1\n2/bracketleftbig\n(ψ0\n2)2+ψ2·ψ2+(ψ0\n3)2+ψ3·ψ3/bracketrightbig\nγ0−/parenleftbig\nψ0\n2ψ2+ψ0\n3ψ3+Iψ2∧ψ3/parenrightbig\nγ0(2.17)\nI.e.,S=/parenleftbig\nS0\n1+S1/parenrightbig\nγ0. Correspondingly, the continuity system eq. ( 2.15) reduces to the single\nequation∂µSµ\n1=/an}b∇acketle{tW/an}b∇acket∇i}ht0. Now, consider a multivector for which ψµ\n2=ψµ\n3= 0,\nΨ =/parenleftbig\nψ0\n1+ψ1/parenrightbig\nγ0+/parenleftbig\nψ0\n4+ψ4/parenrightbig\nIγ0 (2.18)\nPoynting multivector:\nS=1\n2/bracketleftbig\n(ψ0\n1)2+ψ1·ψ1+(ψ0\n4)2+ψ4·ψ4/bracketrightbig\nγ0+/parenleftbig\nψ0\n1ψ1+ψ0\n4ψ4+Iψ1∧ψ4/parenrightbig\nγ0(2.19)\nThat is,S(ψµ\n2=ψµ\n3= 0) has a purely vector structure, just like S(ψµ\n1=ψµ\n4= 0). Thus, their\nreduced continuity system will share the same structure.\n3 ‘Linear’ Decoupling\nBecause of the independence and symmetry between the continuit y equations regarding the\nsecond couplings, ( ψµ\n1,ψµ\n4) & (ψµ\n2,ψµ\n3), consider the simplified system of eq. ( 2.7):\n∂tψ0\nα+∇·ψα=φα (3.1)\n∂tψ0\nβ+∇·ψβ=−φβ (3.2)\n∂tψα+∇ψ0\nα+I∇∧ψβ=−φα (3.3)\n∂tψβ+∇ψ0\nβ−I∇∧ψα=φβ (3.4)\nWhere it is understood that if α= 1 thenβ= 4, and correspondingly if α= 2 thenβ= 3. The\nsource terms φα,φα, etc. are given by eq. ( 2.7) although for now we are not interested in their\nform. Let us proceed to determine some cases for ‘linear’ decouplin g—for which we simply mean\nthat we wish to decouple any one of the functions ψµ\nαandψµ\nβfrom one another in the system\neqs. (3.1) to (3.4) without necessarily recurring to the wave system eq. ( 2.9) or the trivial case.\n3.1 Mutual Decoupling\nThe simplest case of linear decoupling consists of imposing on both rela tive vectors the mutual\nrestriction ∇∧ψα,β= 0. Whence,\n8ψα,β=∇Γα,β (3.5)\nwhere the Γ α,β= Γα,β(xµ) are scalar functions, and the index ( α,β) denotes that the above\nequations apply for both functions simultaneously. With the mutual simultaneous decoupling of\neq. (3.5), the system of eqs. ( 3.1) to (3.4) reduces to:\n∂tψ0\nα,β+∇2Γα,β=±φα,β\n∇/parenleftbig\nψ0\nα,β+∂tΓα,β/parenrightbig\n=∓φα,β(3.6)\nwith∇2=∇·∇=δij∂2\nijthe Laplacian operator of APS. Thus, imposing the restriction of\neq. (3.5) simultaneously to both relative vectors ψαandψβdecouples them in two pairs of\nequations with the same structure but independent of each other .\n3.2 Unilateral Decoupling\nSuppose we now impose a restriction to just one of the terms, say ψµ\nβwith respect to ψµ\nα.\nDecoupling is achieved with the condition,\nψµ\nβ=∂µΓβ (3.7)\nOr explicitly, ψ0\nβ=∂tΓβ,ψβ=−∇Γβ, which ensures\n∇∧ψβ=−∇∧∇Γβ= 0\n∂tψβ+∇ψ0\nβ=−∂t(∇Γβ)+∇(∂tΓβ) = 0(3.8)\nThen, the system of eqs. ( 3.1) to (3.4) takes the form:\n∂t\nψ0\nα\n∂tΓβ\nψα\n0\n+∇·\nψα\n−∇Γβ\nTα\n−Iψα\n=\nφα\n−φβ\n−φα\nφβ\n(3.9)\nAt the cost of restricting the structure of ψµ\nβwe get a wave equation for Γ β, however, we free ψµ\nα\nin three equations independent of any other component of Ψ.\n3.3 Mixed Coupling\nAs a last notable case, consider instead a multivector for which its co mponents are coupled in\nthe form:\nΨ = (∂tf−∇f−I∇∧F)γ0+(−∇·F+∂tF)Iγ0 (3.10)\nwheref=f(xµ) is a scalar function and F=F(xµ) is a vector function. With this structure,\nthe system eqs. ( 3.1) to (3.4) directly yields the two wave equations\n9/squaref=φα\n/squareF=φβ(3.11)\nwhere we have used the identities\n∇·(I∇∧F) =I∇∧(∇∧F) = 0 (3.12)\n∇·(∇∧F) =∇2F−∇(∇·F) (3.13)\nUpon comparing with the general case, we see that eqs. ( 3.10) and (3.11) can be put in terms of\na potential multivector defined by fandF:\nΨ =∇(f+FI)\nΦ =∇Ψ =/square(f+FI)(3.14)\n4 Symmetries of the Continuity Equation\nFrom the system of eqs. ( 3.1) to (3.4) consider the proposal:\n∂tψ0\nα+∇·ψα=∂t(ψ0\nα)′+∇·(ψα)′(4.1)\nIn other words, how can the functions ψµ\nαtransform in such a way that the structure of its scalar\ncontinuity equation remains invariant? Making use of the identity of e q. (3.12), it is found:\nψ0\nα= (ψ0\nα)′+∇·Λ (4.2)\nψα= (ψα)′−∂tΛ−I∇∧Θ (4.3)\nIf these symmetry transformations for the scalar continuity are employed in eq. ( 3.3), we obtain\n∂t(ψα)′+∇(ψ0\nα)′+I∇∧ψβ−[/squareΛ+∇·(I∂tΘ+∇∧Λ)] =−φα (4.4)\nwhere we have used identity eq. ( 3.13). Independently of decoupling or not, let us impose an\ninvariance in the vector continuity eq. ( 3.3) upon the transformations eqs. ( 4.2) to (4.3):\n∂tψα+∇ψ0\nα+I∇∧ψβ=∂t(ψα)′+∇(ψ0\nα)′+I∇∧ψβ (4.5)\nWhich then delivers the condition\n/squareΛ=−I∇∧(∂tΘ−I∇∧Λ) (4.6)\nThis allows us to define\n10∂tΘ−I∇∧Λ=Ω (4.7)\nBy applying the ∂toperator to eq. ( 4.7), theI∇∧operator to eq. ( 4.3), and combining the two\nexpressions we obtain\n/squareΘ=∂tΩ−∇(∇·Θ)−I∇∧[ψα−(ψα)′] (4.8)\nFinally, it is convenient to define\n∇·Θ=−ω (4.9)\nThus, grouping all the results into matrix-notation continuity syst ems:\n∂t\n0\n0\nΛ\nΘ\n+∇·\nΛ\nΘ\nIΘ\n−IΛ\n=\nψ0\nα−(ψ0\nα)′\n−ω\n−/bracketleftbig\nψα−(ψα)′/bracketrightbig\nΩ\n(4.10)\n∂t/parenleftbiggψ0\nα−(ψ0\nα)′\nω/parenrightbigg\n+∇·/parenleftbiggψα−(ψα)′\nΩ/parenrightbigg\n=/square/parenleftbigg0\n0/parenrightbigg\n(4.11)\n∂t/parenleftbiggψα−(ψα)′\nΩ/parenrightbigg\n+∇/parenleftbiggψ0\nα−(ψ0\nα)′\nω/parenrightbigg\n−I∇∧/parenleftbigg−Ω\nψα−(ψα)′/parenrightbigg\n=/square/parenleftbigg−Λ\nΘ/parenrightbigg\n(4.12)\nErgo, by comparing with the general structures eqs. ( 2.7) and (2.9), it follows that if\nQ=Λ+ΘI (4.13)\nM=/bracketleftbig\nψ0\nα−(ψ0\nα)′+ψα−(ψα)′/bracketrightbig\nγ0+(ω+Ω)Iγ0 (4.14)\nthen eqs. ( 4.10) to (4.12) are nothing but\n∇Q=M (4.15)\n/squareQ=∇M (4.16)\n4.1 Free Waves\nThe condition for homogeneous wave equations for the fields ΛandΘ,\n/squareΛ=/squareΘ= 0 (4.17)\non one hand imposes the invariance of eq. ( 3.4),\n11−I∇∧ψα=−I∇∧(ψα)′(4.18)\nand on the other hand the restrictions on /an}b∇acketle{tM/an}b∇acket∇i}ht3:\n∇∧Ω= 0\n∂tΩ+∇ω= 0(4.19)\nBut from section 3.2these are just the conditions for the unilateral decoupling of /an}b∇acketle{tM/an}b∇acket∇i}ht3with\nrespect to/an}b∇acketle{tM/an}b∇acket∇i}ht1. Thus, the pseudovector of Mtakes the form\n/an}b∇acketle{tM/an}b∇acket∇i}ht3= (∂tζ−∇ζ)Iγ0 (4.20)\n4.2 Potentials\nSection3.3and eqs. ( 4.15) and (4.16) allow us to consider the equations:\n∇P=Q (4.21)\n/squareP=∇Q=M (4.22)\nFrom structure eq. ( 2.7) we see that the bivector Qis completely characterised by a potential\nmultivector of the form\nP= (p0\n1+p1)γ0+(p0\n4+p4)Iγ0 (4.23)\nTherefore, eqs. ( 4.21) and (4.22) in explicit form are\n∂t/parenleftbigg\np0\n1\np0\n4/parenrightbigg\n+∇·/parenleftbigg\np1\np4/parenrightbigg\n=/parenleftbigg\n0\n0/parenrightbigg\n(4.24)\n∂t/parenleftbiggp1\np4/parenrightbigg\n+∇/parenleftbiggp0\n1\np0\n4/parenrightbigg\n−I∇∧/parenleftbigg−p4\np1/parenrightbigg\n=/parenleftbigg−Λ\nΘ/parenrightbigg\n(4.25)\n/square\np0\n1\n−p0\n4\n−p1\np4\n=∂t\n0\n0\nΛ\nΘ\n+∇·\nΛ\nΘ\nIΘ\n−IΛ\n=\nψ0\n1−(ψ0\n1)′\n−ω\n−/bracketleftbig\nψ1−(ψ1)′/bracketrightbig\nΩ\n(4.26)\nImposing the decoupling of /an}b∇acketle{tP/an}b∇acket∇i}ht3with respect to/an}b∇acketle{tP/an}b∇acket∇i}ht1through eq. ( 3.7) permits to express the\nfields in terms of the vector potential exclusively,\nΛ=−∇p0\n1−∂tp1\nΘ=−I∇∧p1(4.27)\n124.3 Poynting\nBy the structure of eq. ( 4.13), the Poynting multivector associated with the field Qhas the\nstructure described in section 2.2.1. That is,\nSQ=1\n2/parenleftig\nΛ·Λ+Θ·Θ/parenrightig\nγ0−IΛ∧Θγ0 (4.28)\nFurther, by the structure of eq. ( 4.23) we may also construct a Poynting multivector for the\npotentialP. Its general form corresponds to that described in eq. ( 2.19). We show the special\ncase where pµ\n4is null:\nSP=1\n2/bracketleftbig\n(p0\n1)2+p1·p1/bracketrightbig\nγ0+p0\n1p1γ0 (4.29)\nThe respective continuity equations are:\n∂t/bracketleftig1\n2/parenleftig\nΛ2+Θ2/parenrightig/bracketrightig\n+∇·/parenleftig\n−IΛ∧Θ/parenrightig\n=/an}b∇acketle{tW/an}b∇acket∇i}ht0 (4.30)\n∂t/bracketleftig1\n2/parenleftbig\np0\n1p0\n1+p1·p1/parenrightbig/bracketrightig\n+∇·/parenleftig\np0\n1p1/parenrightig\n=/an}b∇acketle{tU/an}b∇acket∇i}ht0 (4.31)\n4.4 Discussion\nWehavefoundthattheinvarianceofthesystemofcontinuityequa tionsforamultivector /an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht1due\nto symmetry transformations naturally allows for the constructio n of a system of eqs. with the\nstructure of Maxwell’s field equations4, eq. (4.10), for the bivector field Qdefined by eq. ( 4.13).\nBecause of the symmetric nature in the system of eqs. ( 3.1) to (3.4) for/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht1+/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht3and/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht0+\n/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht2+/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht4, all of these relations hold if Mhas a bivector character and Qa vector character.\nThe emergence of the new pseudovector term /an}b∇acketle{tM/an}b∇acket∇i}ht3= (ω+Ω)Iγ0exists in independence of the\npseudovector part /an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht3=/parenleftig\nψ0\nβ+ψβ/parenrightig\nIγ0of Ψ,\nM=/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht1−/an}b∇acketle{tΨ′/an}b∇acket∇i}ht1+/an}b∇acketle{tM/an}b∇acket∇i}ht3 (4.32)\nThe symmetries do admit /an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht3=/an}b∇acketle{tM/an}b∇acket∇i}ht3, although this does not seem to be a requirement but a\nspecial case. The whole system is obtained by only the symmetries of eqs. (3.1) and (3.3) insofar\nas the invariance of eq. ( 3.4) emerges as a condition for the existence of free waves for the fie lds.\nThe vector part/an}b∇acketle{tM/an}b∇acket∇i}ht1=/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht1−/an}b∇acketle{tΨ′/an}b∇acket∇i}ht1may be regarded as a displacement in the transported\nphysical quantity with a fixed coordinate system.\nIf, by hypothesis, /an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht1→Jγ0=ρ+jin eq. (4.14) is the space-time electric current density, then\nit can be immediately identified Q→F=E+IBfrom eq. ( 4.13) as Faraday’s electromagnetic\nfield,/an}b∇acketle{tP/an}b∇acket∇i}ht1→Aγ0=φ+Afrom eq. ( 4.23) as the space-time electromagnetic potential, and\nS0\n1→u=1\n2/parenleftig\nE2+B2/parenrightig\n,S1→s=E×Bof eq. (4.28) as the electromagnetic energy density\nand Poynting vector, respectively. /an}b∇acketle{tM/an}b∇acket∇i}ht3may be identified as the space-time magnetic current\ndensity, and/an}b∇acketle{tP/an}b∇acket∇i}ht3as a new space-time magnetic potential. Correspondingly, eq. ( 4.11) represents\nthe electric and magnetic charge conservation, eq. ( 4.24) the Lorenz gauge, and eq. ( 4.30) the\n4To express in Gibbs-Heaviside’s vector calculus notation: ∇·(IF) =I∇∧F=−∇×F.\n13conservation of electromagnetic energy5. The fact that the condition of free wavesfor the electric\nand magnetic fields implies the decoupling of the magnetic current den sity/an}b∇acketle{tM/an}b∇acket∇i}ht3with respect to\nthe electric current density J(section4.1) and also that the magnetic charge density is negative,\neq. (4.9), may shed light to the nature of magnetic monopoles and their expe rimental elusiveness\nso far.\nIf/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht1→Jγ0=n+jis the turbulent or fluid-mechanical ‘charge’ density, then Λ→Lis\nLamb’s vector, Ω→wis the vorticity, p1→vis the fluid’s velocity, p0\n1→his the enthalpy\nper unit mass or equivalently p0\n1→ϕBernoulli’s energy function, and eq. ( 4.10) are Maxwell’s\nfield equations for a compressible fluid [ 31], [32]. But, of course, the results found that Maxwell’s\nequations are a consequence of the continuity equation’s symmetr ies are not limited to either\nelectrodynamics or hydrodynamics.\n5 Diffusion Equation\nTo conclude, consider the case where one of the relative vectors s atisfies Fick’s laws of diffusion.\nE.g.,\nψα=−D∇ψ0\nα (5.1)\nwhereD=D/parenleftbig\nψ0\nα;xµ/parenrightbig\nis called the diffusion coefficient. With eq. ( 5.1), the continuity system of\neqs. (3.1) to (3.4) takes the form:\n∂tψ0\nα−∇·(D∇ψ0\nα) =φα (5.2)\n∂tψ0\nβ+∇·ψβ=−φβ (5.3)\n(1−∂tD)∇ψ0\nα−D∇/parenleftbig\n∂tψ0\nα/parenrightbig\n+I∇∧ψβ=−φα (5.4)\n∂tψβ+∇ψ0\nβ+I∇D∧∇ψ0\nα=φβ (5.5)\nEquation ( 5.1) establishes a diffusion equation for ψ0\nαin eq. (5.2). However, the solution and\nstructure of this equation are conditioned by the rest of the equa tions in the system.\n5.1 Constant Diffusion Coefficient\nConsider the case D= constant. For this condition, the system of eqs. ( 5.2) to (5.5) reduces to:\n∂tψ0\nα−D∇2ψ0\nα=φα\n∂tψ0\nβ+∇·ψβ=−φβ\n∇/parenleftbig\nψ0\nα−D∂tψ0\nα/parenrightbig\n+I∇∧ψβ=−φα\n∂tψβ+∇ψ0\nβ=φβ(5.6)\n5In STA’s treatment of electromagnetic theory it is well-kno wn that the expansion of eq. ( 2.10) and1\n2/parenleftBig\n/tildewideΦΨ+\n/tildewideΨΦ/parenrightBig\nis connected to Poynting’s theorem and Lorentz force [ 30].\n14As expected, a constant diffusion coefficient yields a heat equation f orψ0\nα. The remaining\nequations are still coupled with it, so let us inspect the case for which ψβis subjected to the\nimposition of eq. ( 3.5) such that eq. ( 5.6) takes the form:\n∂tψ0\nα−D∇2ψ0\nα=φα\n∂tψ0\nβ+∇2Γβ=−φβ\n∇/parenleftbig\nψ0\nα−D∂tψ0\nα/parenrightbig\n=−φα\n∇/parenleftbig\nψ0\nβ+∂tΓβ/parenrightbig\n=φβ(5.7)\nDecoupling of ψµ\nαandψµ\nβis indeed achieved. However, it can be seen that the absence of ext ernal\nsources,∇Ψ = 0, represents a separation of space and time variables for ψ0\nα. That is, Φ = 0\nimplies\nψ0\nα−D∂tψ0\nα= constant\nψ0\nβ+∂tΓβ= constant(5.8)\nand thus\n/parenleftbig\n∇2−D−2/parenrightbig\nψ0\nα= const. (5.9)\n/squareΓβ= 0 (5.10)\nFor a pseudoscalardiffusion coefficient, D= (D′)−1I, eq. (5.9) takes the structure ofa Helmholtz\nequation:/parenleftbig\n∇2+D′2/parenrightbig\nψ0\nα= const. The separation of variables for ψ0\nαconstitutes by itself a\ntransformation that decouples the system, as can be easily verifie d by imposing a priorieq. (5.8)\nto the system of eq. ( 5.6). Furthermore, the decoupling-by-gradient hypothesis for ψβmay also\nadopt a diffusion structure by considering a multivector Ψ = ( ψα−Dα∇ψα)+(ψβ−Dβ∇ψβ)I,\nwhereDα,βare both constants. Equation ( 2.1) yields the ‘secondly decoupled’ system:\n∂tψα,β−Dα,β∇2ψα,β=±φα,β\n∇(ψα,β−Dα,β∂tψα,β) =∓φα,β(5.11)\nOnce again, the absence of external sources Φ = 0—or specifically t he absence of vector field\nsourcesφα,β= 0—reduces the system into two Helmholtz-like equations, eq. ( 5.9).\n5.2 Non-Constant Diffusion Coefficient\nLet us decouple ψµ\nβfrom the general diffusion system of eqs. ( 5.2) to (5.5):\n∂tψ0\nα−∇·(D∇ψ0\nα) =φα (5.12)\n(1−∂tD)∇ψ0\nα−D∇/parenleftbig\n∂tψ0\nα/parenrightbig\n=−φα (5.13)\n15I∇D∧∇ψ0\nα=φβ (5.14)\nConsider the case where the diffusion coefficient is an explicit function ofψ0\nαbut not on the\nspace-time coordinates, D=D/parenleftbig\nψ0\nα/parenrightbig\n:\n∂tD=∂D\n∂ψ0α∂tψ0\nα\n∇D=∂D\n∂ψ0α∇ψ0\nα(5.15)\nThen, from eqs. ( 5.12) to (5.14) the following non-linear system is obtained\n∂tψ0\nα−∇·(D∇ψ0\nα) =φα\n∇ψ0\nα−∂D\n∂ψ0α∂tψ0\nα∇ψ0\nα−D∇/parenleftbig\n∂tψ0\nα/parenrightbig\n=−φα(5.16)\nStructureD=D/parenleftbig\nψ0\nα/parenrightbig\nby virtue of eq. ( 5.15) implies that the diffusion flux is a conservative\nvector field, which further enables the introduction of a potential gradient:\n∇ϑ=D∇ψ0\nα (5.17)\nErgo, system eq. ( 5.16) can also be expressed as\n∂tψ0\nα−∇2ϑ=φα\n∇/parenleftbig\nψ0\nα−∂tϑ/parenrightbig\n=−φα(5.18)\nOnce again, in the absence of external sources ψ0\nα−∂tϑ= const, and therefore\n/squareϑ= 0 (5.19)\n5.2.1 Interpretation\nConsider the system of eqs. ( 5.12) to (5.14) product of∇/parenleftbig\nψ0\nα−D∇ψ0\nα/parenrightbig\n=/parenleftbig\nφ0\nα+φα+Iφβ/parenrightbig\nγ0.\nEquations( 5.13)and(5.14)conditionthefunction ψ0\nαinsuchawaythatforconstantorexplicitly-\ndependent coefficients, the absence of external sources implies t hat the diffusion structure of\neq. (5.12) is lost. This situation can be understood from a perspective of bi-d ependence between\nthe components of Ψ and Φ. From eq. ( 5.12), the density/concentration ψ0\nαcan be determined\nin terms of the scalar source φ0\nαand the diffusive coefficient D. Then, (φα+Iφβ) may be\nconceived as an external vector-field source definedby eqs. (5.13) and (5.14) in terms of ψ0\nαand\nD. From the constant and explicitly-dependent coefficient cases, we saw that if this field is null\nthen the diffusive structure is transformed into Helmholtz-like and w ave structures. Therefore,\nthe external field ( φα+Iφβ) admits the interpretation of being the source that produces itse lf\nthe diffusion phenomena.\n166 Conclusion\nIn synthesis, we have shown that for a generalised STA multivector , equation∇Ψ = Φ yields\na system of eight continuity equations—four of scalar character a nd four of vector character.\nFrom this, we constructed the system /squareΨ =∇Φ where each wave equation for the components\nof Ψ plays the role of the source for the continuity system of Φ. With the same method for\nwhich the continuity equation is derived from Schr¨ odinger and Dirac equations, we have defined\nthe Poynting multivector associated with the density of the genera lised multivector Ψ, together\nwith its continuity system. These systems allow the identification of t he coupled structures\n/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht1+/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht3and/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht0+/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht2+/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht4. The cost of complete decoupling for either structure is a\ntransition to a system of higher-order equations, such as the wav e system. Faced with this, we\nhave determined three cases of decoupling by imposing restrictions on the structure of at least\none of the functions involved in the continuity equations: if both fun ctions are APS gradients;\nif one of them is a space-time gradient; and, considering instead a mix ed coupling, a potential\nmultivector structure was constructed for which the continuity s ystem yields directly a wave\nsystem. Symmetry transformations that make the (scalar) cont inuity equation invariant are\nfound in terms of vector fields. By imposing that the continuity equa tions system be invariant\nunder these transformations,asystem offield and waveequation swith the structure ofMaxwell’s\nequations was derived. This Maxwellian system along with an application of the continuity,\nwave, and Poynting multivector systems permitted the construct ion of fields and potentials\ndirectly connected to the generalised STA multivector: /squareP=∇Q=/an}b∇acketle{tΨ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht1−/an}b∇acketle{tΨ′/an}b∇acket∇i}ht1. The results\nfound areconsistentwith the classicalelectromagnetictheoryan d with hydrodynamicsfrom fluid\nmechanics. When one of the functions in the continuity system satis fies Fick’s laws, a diffusion\nequation arises coupled with the remaining continuity equations of th e system. It was found that\nfor a decoupled system with a constant or explicitly-dependent diffu sion coefficient, the absence\nof external sources implies a loss in the diffusion equation structure being transformed to a\nHelmholtz-like structure and a wave system. For both cases consid ered, the external vector-field\nsource can be defined by the complementary equations in the syste m in terms of the density and\ndiffusion coefficient, and admit the interpretation of the diffusion phe nomena producer.\nReferences\n[1] K.S.ThorneandR.D.Blandford, Modern Classical Physics: Optics, Fluids, Plasmas, Elasti city, Relativity,\nand Statistical Physics . Princeton University Press, 2017, isbn: 978-0691159027.\n[2] J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics , 3rd. Wiley, 1999, ch. 6, isbn: 978-0-471-30932-1.\n[3] J. J. Sakurai and J. Napolitano, Modern Quantum Mechanics , 3rd ed. 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We impose\nthat the conformal class of the induced metric and the trace of the extrinsic curvature, K, are\nfixed at the boundary. We present the thermodynamic structure of de Sitter space subject to\nthese boundary conditions, for static and spherically symmetric configurations to leading order\nin the semiclassical approximation. In three spacetime dimensions, and taking Kconstant on a\ntoroidal Euclidean boundary, we find that the spacetime is thermally stable for all K. In four\nspacetime dimensions, the thermal stability depends on the value of K. It is established that\nfor sufficiently large K, the de Sitter static patch subject to conformal boundary conditions\nis thermally stable. This contrasts the Dirichlet problem for which the region encompassing\nthe cosmological horizon has negative specific heat. We present an analysis of the linearised\nEinstein equations subject to conformal boundary conditions. In the worldline limit of the\ntimelike boundary, the underlying modes are linked to the quasinormal modes of the static\npatch. In the limit where the timelike boundary approaches the cosmological event horizon, the\nlinearised modes are interpreted in terms of the shear and sound modes of a fluid dynamical\nsystem. Additionally, we find modes with a frequency of positive imaginary part. Measured in a\nlocal inertial reference frame, and taking the stretched cosmological horizon limit, these modes\ngrow at most polynomially.arXiv:2402.04305v2 [hep-th] 13 Feb 2024Contents\n1 Introduction 3\n2 General framework 6\n2.1 Conformal thermodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7\n3 dS 3conformal thermodynamics 9\n3.1 Pole patch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9\n3.2 Cosmic patch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11\n3.3 Pure dS 3patch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13\n3.4 Phase diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15\n3.5 A two-sphere perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16\n4 dS 4conformal thermodynamics 17\n4.1 Pole patch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18\n4.2 Cosmic patch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19\n4.3 Black hole patch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21\n4.4 Pure dS 4patch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22\n4.5 Nariai patch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24\n4.6 Phase diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25\n5 Linearised dynamics 28\n5.1 Basic setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28\n5.2 Vector perturbation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30\n5.3 Scalar perturbation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31\n5.4 Dynamics of the pole patch, briefly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33\nA dS 3Dirichlet thermodynamics 34\nB Useful formulae for D= 4 36\nC Details of black hole patch computations in D= 4 36\nD Plots of the regulated action, Econf, and CKinD= 4 38\nEl= 0and l= 1modes 38\nF Near-horizon diffeomorphisms 40\n21 Introduction\nIn the absence of an asymptotic spatial or null boundary, the construction of gauge invariant\nobservables subject to the constraints of diffeomorphism redundancies in a theory of gravity becomes\na challenging task. One is often led to relational notions [1–3] (for a review on recent work see [4])\nwhereby a given physical phenomenon is measured in relation to some other semiclassical feature.\nFor instance, in inflationary models of the early Universe, we can measure the time-dependence of\nphysical phenomena with respect to the slow classical roll of the background inflaton field. From a\nmore quasilocal perspective, one might imagine decorating spacetime with a worldline [5–8], perhaps\nslightly thickened into a worldtube, and use this as a reference frame for ambient phenomena. This\nperspective appears to be of particular value for an asymptotically de Sitter spacetime [9–16], where\nnot only are the Cauchy spatial slices potentially compact, but quasilocal entities are moreover\nsurrounded by a cosmological event horizon rendering most of the expanding portion of spacetime\nphysically obscure. A drawback of the relational approach is that it often necessitates the presence\nof a semiclassical feature in spacetime, making the general picture away from the semiclassical or\nperturbative regime difficult to control.\nAn alternative, complementary, route may be to study the gravitational theory on a manifold\nendowed with a quasi-auxiliary timelike boundary Γ, much like we do when considering gravitational\nphysics in anti-de Sitter space, and try to make sense of general relativity in such a setting. This\nsetup has been the focus of recent work in mathematical relativity [17–22], accompanied by [23–25]\n(see also [26,27] for related work). Of particular interest to our work is the proposal of [18,21] that\nin four spacetime dimensions certain conformal data along Γ lead to a well-posed initial boundary\nvalue problem. In [18,21] it is further established that generically, the Dirichlet problem in general\nrelativity—whereby one fixes the induced metric along Γ—suffers from potential existence and non-\nuniqueness issues for both Euclidean and Lorentzian signature. Concretely, the conformal boundary\nconditions of interest fix the conformal class of the induced metric, [ gmn|Γ](conf), and the trace of\nthe extrinsic curvature, K, along Γ whilst also specifying standard Cauchy data along a spalike\nsurface Σ intersecting Γ at its boundary.\nIn this paper, we explore the conformal boundary conditions of [18, 21] for general relativity with\na positive cosmological constant Λ [28–30]. We consider the problem in both Euclidean and\nLorentzian signatures. In Euclidean signature, our main goal is to compute the semiclassical ap-\nproximation of the gravitational path integral and consider its interpretation from the point of\nview of Euclidean gravitational thermodynamics [31,32]. In the absence of a boundary, the natural\nEuclidean geometry for general relativity with Λ >0 is the sphere [31], void of any external data\nsuch as the size of a thermal circle, and one is led to path integrate fields on top of it. In adding a\nboundary to our Euclidean manifold, as pointed out in [12,33,34] among other places, one has the\npossibility of providing a novel perspective to the sphere path integral and its rich though elusive\nphysical content [35].1In Lorentzian signature, one is led to the question of dynamical features of de\nSitter space, known to be dynamically stable at the classical level [38], in the presence of a timelike\n1More speculatively, as suggested in [36], the presence of boundaries in the Λ >0 Euclidean path integral might be\nnecessitated in parallel to the non-perturbative necessity of boundaries on the two-dimensional worldsheet of closed\nstrings [37] upon trying to make sense of the sum over topologies. From a Lorentzian perspective, we may imagine\nthe creation of a long-lived heavy particle from the vacuum. These events are Boltzmann suppressed but can occur.\nIn the semiclassical limit, such timelike features become parametrically long-lived and may warrant a treatment\ninvolving timeilke boundaries.\n3boundary. There are two timelike surfaces of particular interest. One of these is the worldline limit,\nwhereby the spatial size of Γ becomes small in units of Λ. The other is the cosmological horizon\nlimit, whereby Γ approaches the cosmological de Sitter horizon. The former limit is of interest in\ndescribing the theory of a quasilocal entity, whilst the latter is of interest if one wishes to describe\nphysics from the perspective of a stretched horizon [39–43].\nOrganisation and summary of main results\nIn section 2, we present the general framework, and provide an explicit definition of the conformal\nboundary conditions. As noted, our gravitational theory is endowed with a positive cosmological\nconstant Λ = +( D−1)(D−2)/2ℓ2inDspacetime dimensions.\nIn sections 3 and 4, we consider the problem in Euclidean signature for D= 3 and D= 4 spacetime\ndimensions respectively. The boundary of our manifold is taken to have an S1×SD−2topology. In\nthe standard treatment of semiclassical black hole thermodynamics [31] with Dirichlet boundary\nconditions, one defines the canonical ensemble by fixing the size of the boundary S1to be the inverse\ntemperature βand the radius of the spatial sphere to be fixed to some size r. In our treatment,\nwe will instead fix the conformal class of the boundary metric. As such, we fix a conformal version\nof the inverse temperature, ˜β≡β/r. The other boundary data we fix is the trace of the extrinsic\ncurvature, K. We refer to this ensemble as the conformal canonical ensemble. Gravitational\nsolutions in the conformal canonical ensemble include patches with no horizons, referred to as pole\npatches, patches with cosmological horizons, referred to as cosmic patches, and patches with black\nhole horizons, referred to as black hole patches. Upon tuning ˜βandK, one finds that the space is\nfilled with a pure de Sitter spacetime, and we refer to this as a pure de Sitter patch.\nThe complete thermal phase space of static and spherically symmetric solutions at a given ˜β >0\nandKℓ∈Ris provided in both D= 3 and D= 4 spacetime dimensions. Below we summarise the\nmain results, with an emphasis on the conformal thermodynamics of the pure de Sitter patch.\nThree-spacetime dimensions. Our analysis in D= 3 spacetime dimensions naturally builds on\nrecent developments on dS 3[12,44–46]. We find that upon imposing conformal boundary conditions:\n•Both a pole and a cosmic patch exist at any value of ˜βandKℓ.\n•The entropy of the cosmic patch is given by the Gibbons-Hawking entropy of the cosmological\nhorizon, and the specific heat is positive for all ˜βandKℓ.\n•The thermodynamic quantities take the form of a two-dimensional conformal field theory.\nViewed as such, we identify a c-function\ncconf=3ℓ\n4GN\u0010p\nK2ℓ2+ 4−Kℓ\u0011\n, (1.1)\nwhich decreases monotonically as one goes from the worldline limit, where Kℓ→ −∞ , to the\nstretched horizon, where Kℓ→+∞.\n•There is a phase transition at ˜βc= 2π(for all values of Kℓ). At ˜β >˜βc, the cosmic patch is\nthe thermally preferred solution. In the stretched horizon limit, the cosmic patch is thermally\nstable, while in the worldline limit it is metastable.\nThe thermodynamic picture in D= 3 contrasts that of the canonical ensemble, obtained by im-\nposing Dirichlet boundary conditions. In the canonical ensemble, the specific heat of the cosmic\n4patch is always negative.\nFour-spacetime dimensions. We now summarise the situation in D= 4 spacetime dimensions,\nwhich naturally builds on previous work in [33,34,47–49]. We find that upon imposing conformal\nboundary conditions:\n•A pole patch solution exists for any value of ˜βandKℓ. On the other hand, cosmic/black\nhole horizon patch solutions only exist for certain values of ˜βandKℓ. When they do exist,\nwe identify three distinct solutions for a given ˜βandKℓ—one pole patch and two horizon\npatches, which can be of the cosmic or black hole type.\n•The entropy of the solutions with horizons is always given by their respective horizon area\nformulas. The solution with the larger horizon area always has positive specific heat, while\nthe one with a smaller horizon area always has negative specific heat.\n•When the cosmic patches have positive specific heat, one can take a large temperature limit.\nIn this limit, the entropy goes as Nd.o.f./˜β2, and thus resembles that of a conformal field\ntheory in three dimensions. We identify\nNd.o.f.=32π3ℓ2\n81GN\u0010p\nK2ℓ2+ 9−Kℓ\u00112\n. (1.2)\nFurther taking the large Kℓlimit of the above expression yields Nd.o.f.≈8π3\nGNK2, a behaviour\nidentified in [25] for black holes in Minkowski space subject to conformal boundary conditions.\n•We identify pure dS 4patches with positive specific heat. These solutions exist when the\ntube is positioned sufficiently near the cosmological horizon, starting from rtube≈0.259ℓ.\nDepending on Kℓ, these solutions are either metastable or globally stable. The pure dS 4patch\nis thermally stable in the stretched horizon limit, at least among the spherically symmetric\nsector. Near the worldline regime, pure dS 4patches have negative specific heat. The full\nphase diagram is presented in figure 10.\nWe can contrast the thermodynamic behaviour above to that of the canonical thermal ensemble\nstemming from Dirichlet boundary conditions [33,34,47–49]. In the latter, the specific heat of the\npure dS 4patch is always negative.\nIn section 5, we consider the four-dimensional Lorentzian picture. The theory is placed on a\nmanifold with timelike boundary of R×S2topology. In the Lorentzian case, one must further\nsupply standard Cauchy data along the initial time spatial slice Σ. Employing the Kodama-\nIshibashi method [50], we present the linearised gravitational dynamics about the pure de Sitter\nsolution. The linearised solutions split into vector and scalar modes concerning their transformation\nproperties under SO(3). We are mainly interested in two limits: one in which the boundary is close\nto the worldline observer, which we call the worldline limit; and a second one, in which the boundary\nbecomes close to the cosmological horizon, which we call the stretched horizon limit. In each case,\nthe main results of our analysis are:\n•In the worldline limit of the cosmic patch, we retrieve a set of modes that approximate the\nquasinormal modes of the static patch [51], whilst also uncovering a family of modes in the\nscalar sector with a negative imaginary part. The latter modes have a Minkowskian analogue\nuncovered in [25].\n•In the stretched horizon limit, our modes degenerate into a variety of modes. The low-lying\n5vector modes match a set of modes identified in [52] as a type of linearised shear mode for\nan incompressible non-relativistic Navier-Stokes equation. The scalar modes take either the\nform of a sound mode with diverging speed of sound as we approach the horizon limit, or a\npair of modes with ωℓ=±i. We provide an understanding of these two modes from a purely\nRindler perspective and note that in a local inertial frame the exponential behavior becomes\npolynomial.\nAdditional technical details are provided in the various appendices.\n2 General framework\nWe consider vacuum solutions to general relativity with positive cosmological constant Λ = +( D−\n1)(D−2)/2ℓ2inD= 3, and D= 4 spacetime dimensions. In Euclidean signature, the action IE\nis given by\nIE=−1\n16πGNZ\nMdDxp\ndetgµν(R−2Λ)−αb.c.\n(D−1)8πGNZ\nΓdD−1xp\ndetgmnK , (2.1)\nwhere GNis the Newton’s constant, Γ = ∂M,gmndenotes the induced metric at Γ, and the trace\nof the extrinsic curvature Kis given by\nK=gmnKmn, K mn=1\n2Lˆngmn. (2.2)\nHere, ˆ n= ˆnµ∂µis an outward pointing unit normal vector associated with the boundary, and\nLˆndenotes a Lie derivative with respect to ˆ nµ. We adopt the notation in which Greek indices\nµ= 0, ..., D −1 are used for spacetime indices and m= 0, ..., D −2 are used for spacetime indices\ntangent to the boundary.\nThe constant αb.c.in (2.1) depends on the choice of boundary conditions. In most of the paper we\nwill consider conformal boundary conditions, in which we fix the conformal class of the induced\nmetric and the trace of the extrinsic curvature at the boundary,\nConformal boundary conditions : {[gmn|Γ]conf, K|Γ}= fixed . (2.3)\nWith this set of boundary conditions, the initial boundary value problem in general relativity\nis proven to be well-posed in Euclidean signature [18, 23] and conjectured to be well-posed in\nLorentzian signature [21, 24]. This is in contrast to Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions,\nwhere general relativity does not permit a well-posed initial boundary value problem for generic\nboundary data. On occasion, it will be useful to contrast results between different boundary\nconditions. One has\nαb.c.=\n\n1 for conformal boundary conditions ,\n(D−1) for Dirichlet boundary conditions ,\n(4−D)(D−1)\n2for Neumann boundary conditions ,(2.4)\nto ensure the variational principle is well-defined. Note that for Dirichlet boundary conditions,\nthis gives the standard Gibbons-Hawking-York term [31, 53] and that conformal and Neumann\nboundary conditions have the same action in D= 3 [54].\n6Regardless of the choice of the boundary term, the equations of motion satisfied in the interior\nmanifold are the Einstein field equations\nRµν−1\n2gµνR+ Λgµν= 0. (2.5)\n2.1 Conformal thermodynamics\nFollowing [25], we would like to study the thermodynamic behaviour of solutions subject to con-\nformal boundary conditions, but now in the presence of Λ >0.\nFor this, we take the topology of the boundary to be S1×SD−2, and consider the following boundary\ndata,\nds2\f\f\nΓ=e2ω\u0000\ndτ2+r2dΩ2\nD−2\u0001\n, K = constant , (2.6)\nwhere ωis an unspecified function that in principle could depend on boundary coordinates,2and\ndΩ2\nD−2is the round metric of the unit ( D−2)-sphere. The Euclidean time coordinate τ∼τ+β\nparameterises the S1factor. The parameter rcharacterises the size of the SD−2. Given that\nonly the conformal class of the metric is specified, only the dimensionless parameter ˜β≡β/ris\ngeometrically meaningful.\nTo define the conformal canonical ensemble, we consider a partition function Z(˜β, K) as\nZ(˜β, K)≡X\ng∗µνe−IE[g∗\nµν], (2.9)\nwhere g∗\nµνare Euclidean metrics satisfying the Einstein field equation (2.5) and obeying the bound-\nary conditions (2.6). Note that if there is more than one solution with the same boundary data,\nwe sum all of them.\n2In most of the paper, we will consider solutions that have constant ω=ω, but it is also possible to find non-static\nsolutions where ωdepends on the boundary coordinates. For instance, consider the case where the metric in the bulk\nis purely de Sitter in D= 3, with radius ℓ. Fixing the trace of the extrinsic curvature at r=rto be a constant, K,\nimposes the following differential equation on ω(assuming it is only a function of boundary time τ),\nr2∂2\nτω= 1−(r∂τω)2−2r2e2ω\nℓ2−Kreωr\n1−(r∂τω)2−r2e2ω\nℓ2. (2.7)\nThis equation may have solutions apart from ω=ωconstant (a preliminary numerical analysis indeed suggests\nsolutions periodic in τ). A similar phenomenon occurs in Lorentzian signature, for higher dimensional cases, and\nalso for Λ = 0. We leave a full analysis of these solutions for future work. Just as a simple concrete example, one\ncan consider Euclidean de Sitter solutions in D= 3. One solution is simply given by choosing ωconstant, which\ngives Kℓas in (3.4). One could also consider the (Euclidean) de Sitter slicing. In this case, the bulk metric can be\nconveniently written as\nds2\nℓ2=dρ2+sin2ρ\nr2cosh2τ/r\u0000\ndτ2+r2dϕ2\u0001\n, (2.8)\nwhich at a constant ρ=ρ0, has the same boundary conditions as in (2.6), but now ωdepends on τ. The trace of\nthe extrinsic curvature at the boundary is given by Kℓ= 2 cot ρ0, so one can choose ρ0so that both solutions have\nthe same boundary data. Nonetheless, the time-symmetric spatial slice with τ= 0, which has vanishing extrinsic\ncurvature, has a different proper area than the constant ωsolution. Moreover, the above metric is not periodic in τ.\nA Lorentzian version of these configurations is obtained by taking τ→it. A subset of solutions to (2.7) will appear\nat the linearised level, and we analyse them in appendix E. These additional solutions need not spoil the uniqueness\nproperties of the Lorentzian conformal boundary conditions, as they have distinguishable Cauchy data.\n7According to the Gibbons-Hawking prescription [31], we interpret Z(˜β, K) as a leading contribution\nto the thermodynamics partition function in the GN→0 limit. Since we do not fix the Euclidean\ntime periodicity but rather the dimensionless ratio ˜β, we interpret this as a thermal system in a\nconformal canonical ensemble at a fixed conformal temperature ˜β−1.\nGiven the partition function Z(˜β, K), one can compute different thermodynamic quantities. For\ninstance, the conformal energy, conformal entropy, and specific heat at fixed Kare given by\nEconf≡ − ∂˜β\f\f\f\nKlogZ,Sconf≡\u0010\n1−˜β∂˜β\u0011\f\f\f\nKlogZ, C K≡˜β2∂2\n˜β\f\f\f\nKlogZ. (2.10)\nRegular Euclidean solutions. For certain ranges of ˜βandK, the Einstein field equation may\ngive rise to a solution g∗\nµνwhich contains a Euclidean horizon. In analogy to the Dirichlet case,\nrequiring the solution to be regular at the horizon fixes its size in terms of ˜βandK. We will\nconsider g∗\nµνthat are both static and spherically symmetric, taking the explicit form\nds2=e2ω\u0012f(r)\nf(r)dτ2+dr2\nf(r)+r2dΩ2\nD−2\u0013\n, (2.11)\nwhere ωis a constant and f(r), a function of ronly. (Although it would be interesting to explore\nthe existence of saddles subject to conformal boundary conditions with less restrictive symmetry\nproperties than (2.11), we will postpone such an analysis to future work.) Note that at the boundary\nr=rwith an outward3normal vector ˆ n=p\nf(r)∂r,\nds2\f\f\nΓ=e2ω\u0000\ndτ2+r2dΩ2\nD−2\u0001\n, K |Γ=f′(r)\n2eωp\nf(r)+D−2\neωrp\nf(r), (2.12)\nso this metric satisfies conformal boundary conditions (2.6). We further assume that f(r) has a\nsimple root at r=r+, so that\nf(r) = ( r−r+)f′(r+) +O(r−r+)2. (2.13)\nThen, close to r+, its near horizon geometry (to leading order) is given by,\nds2=ρ2 \nf′(r+)\n2p\nf(r)!2\ndτ2+dρ2+e2ωr2\n+dΩ2\nD−2, (2.14)\nwhere ρ≡2eωq\nr−r+\nf′(r+). This geometry has a conical singularity near r=r+unless one identifies\nτ∼τ+βwith\nβ=4πp\nf(r)\n|f′(r+)|. (2.15)\nThus, regularity near the horizon fixes the horizon radius r+in terms of boundary data ˜βandK.\n3It is also possible to consider solutions with the inward normal vector. In such cases, the trace of the extrinsic\ncurvature at the boundary will have an additional minus sign. For our cases of interest, such choice will give rise to\nthe pole and black hole patches in the next two sections.\n83 dS 3conformal thermodynamics\nWe first study conformal thermodynamics of three-dimensional gravity with Λ = +1 /ℓ2>0. A\nfamily of static Euclidean solutions to (2.5) is given by\nds2=e2ω\u0012f(r)\nf(r)dτ2+dr2\nf(r)+r2dϕ2\u0013\n, f (r) =r2\nc−e2ωr2\nℓ2, (3.1)\nwhere τ∼τ+βandϕ∼ϕ+ 2π. The choice for this particular parameterisation of the solution\nwill soon become evident. The parameter ωis an unspecified constant and directly controls the\nphysical size of the boundary, namely rtube=eωr. The cosmological horizon is located at r=e−ωrc\nand has a physical radius rc>0. There is no black hole horizon in the present setup.4However,\nforrc̸=ℓ, there is a conical defect located at the origin r= 0.\nNote that one can recover the standard dS static patch coordinates ( τstatic, rstatic, ϕstatic) via the\nidentification\nτstatic =eωτp\nf(r), r static =eωr , ϕ static =ϕ . (3.2)\nIt is straightforward to verify that due to the choice of parameterisation (3.1), the metric auto-\nmatically satisfies the first boundary condition in (2.6) at r=r. Requiring that the trace of\nthe extrinsic curvature at the boundary is constant, further fixes the parameter ωin terms of the\nboundary data,\ne2ω=r2\nc\n2r2√\nK2ℓ2+ 4±Kℓ√\nK2ℓ2+ 4, (3.3)\nwhere the ±corresponds to two different spacetime regions of interest, which we discuss below.\nWe also note that, assuming that ωdoes not depend on τ, we find that (3.1) is the most general\nsolution to the Einstein field equation in three dimensions.\nWe consider two classes of solutions, which we call the pole and the cosmic patch [12]. The first\none is a patch of spacetime which does not contain the cosmological horizon, while the second one\ndoes. In Lorentzian signature they would correspond to the regions shown in figure 1. Below we\nstudy the two solutions and their corresponding thermodynamic quantities, separately.\n3.1 Pole patch\nIn the first class of solutions, the cosmological horizon is fixed to be at rc=ℓ, leading to the\nabsence of the conical defect. The spacetime region of interest is r∈[0,r], with the boundary at\nr=r≤ℓ. We call this spacetime the pole patch of dS. This solution can be obtained by choosing\nthe minus sign in (3.3).\nImposing that the boundary has a constant trace of the extrinsic curvature Kleads to\nKℓ=ℓ2−2r2\ntube\nrtubeq\nℓ2−r2\ntube, (3.4)\n4Note, however, that related theories of three-dimensional gravity with a gravitational Chern-Simons term admit\nblack hole solutions [55]. Moreover, quantum black holes have recently been constructed in dS 3[56,57].\n9AAAB9XicbVDLSgMxFL2pr1pfVZdugkVwVWbE10YounFZwT6gHUsmzbShmcyQZJQy9D/cuFDErf/izr8x085CWw8EDufcyz05fiy4No7zjQpLyyura8X10sbm1vZOeXevqaNEUdagkYhU2yeaCS5Zw3AjWDtWjIS+YC1/dJP5rUemNI/kvRnHzAvJQPKAU2Ks9KCuuiExw0CRUaomvXLFqTpT4EXi5qQCOeq98le3H9EkZNJQQbTuuE5svJQow6lgk1I30SwmdEQGrGOpJCHTXjpNPcFHVunjIFL2SYOn6u+NlIRaj0PfTmYZ9byXif95ncQEl17KZZwYJunsUJAIbCKcVYD7XDFqxNgSQhW3WTEdEkWosUWVbAnu/JcXSfOk6p5Xz+5OK7XrvI4iHMAhHIMLF1CDW6hDAygoeIZXeENP6AW9o4/ZaAHlO/vwB+jzB/NzktM=r=rAAAB/HicbVDLSgNBEJz1GeNrNUcvg0HwFHbF1zGYi8cI5gHJEmYnk2TIzM4y0ysuS/wVLx4U8eqHePNvnCR70MSChqKqm+6uMBbcgOd9Oyura+sbm4Wt4vbO7t6+e3DYNCrRlDWoEkq3Q2KY4BFrAAfB2rFmRIaCtcJxbeq3Hpg2XEX3kMYskGQY8QGnBKzUc0tdYI+Q1ZSRnOKYAB1Nem7Zq3gz4GXi56SMctR77le3r2giWQRUEGM6vhdDkBENnAo2KXYTw2JCx2TIOpZGRDITZLPjJ/jEKn08UNpWBHim/p7IiDQmlaHtlARGZtGbiv95nQQG10HGozgBFtH5okEiMCg8TQL3uWYURGoJoZrbWzEdEU0o2LyKNgR/8eVl0jyr+JeVi7vzcvUmj6OAjtAxOkU+ukJVdIvqqIEoStEzekVvzpPz4rw7H/PWFSefKaE/cD5/ACRTlRo=Cosmic patchAAAB+nicbVDJSgNBEO1xjXGb6NFLYxA8hRlxOwa9eIxgFkiG0NOpSZr0LHTXqGHMp3jxoIhXv8Sbf2MnmYMmPih4vFdFVT0/kUKj43xbS8srq2vrhY3i5tb2zq5d2mvoOFUc6jyWsWr5TIMUEdRRoIRWooCFvoSmP7ye+M17UFrE0R2OEvBC1o9EIDhDI3XtUgfhEbNaLIEmDPlg3LXLTsWZgi4SNydlkqPWtb86vZinIUTIJdO67ToJehlTKLiEcbGTakgYH7I+tA2NWAjay6anj+mRUXo0iJWpCOlU/T2RsVDrUeibzpDhQM97E/E/r51icOllIkpShIjPFgWppBjTSQ60JxRwlCNDGFfC3Er5gCnG0aRVNCG48y8vksZJxT2vnN2elqtXeRwFckAOyTFxyQWpkhtSI3XCyQN5Jq/kzXqyXqx362PWumTlM/vkD6zPH5NulDg=Pole patch\nAAAB9XicbVDLSgMxFL2pr1pfVZdugkVwVWbE10YounFZwT6gHUsmzbShmcyQZJQy9D/cuFDErf/izr8x085CWw8EDufcyz05fiy4No7zjQpLyyura8X10sbm1vZOeXevqaNEUdagkYhU2yeaCS5Zw3AjWDtWjIS+YC1/dJP5rUemNI/kvRnHzAvJQPKAU2Ks9KCuuiExw0CRUaomvXLFqTpT4EXi5qQCOeq98le3H9EkZNJQQbTuuE5svJQow6lgk1I30SwmdEQGrGOpJCHTXjpNPcFHVunjIFL2SYOn6u+NlIRaj0PfTmYZ9byXif95ncQEl17KZZwYJunsUJAIbCKcVYD7XDFqxNgSQhW3WTEdEkWosUWVbAnu/JcXSfOk6p5Xz+5OK7XrvI4iHMAhHIMLF1CDW6hDAygoeIZXeENP6AW9o4/ZaAHlO/vwB+jzB/NzktM=r=rFig. 1: Penrose diagram of dS space, with a timelike boundary at r=r. On the left static patch, the shaded\nregion corresponds to the pole patch, while on the right, it corresponds to the cosmic patch.\nwhich can be inverted to obtain\nr2\ntube=ℓ2\n2√\nK2ℓ2+ 4−Kℓ√\nK2ℓ2+ 4. (3.5)\nThe dimensionless parameter Kℓ∈Rcontrols the size of the boundary. For Kℓ→+∞the\nboundary locates near the origin, whilst for Kℓ→ −∞ it is located near the cosmological horizon.\nWhen Kℓ= 0, the boundary is located exactly at rtube=ℓ/√\n2.\nSince the cosmological horizon is not part of the pole patch, the parameter ˜βis free, and there is\na pole patch solution for all values of ˜βandK.\nPole patch thermodynamics. By evaluating (2.1) with αb.c.= 1 and D= 3 on the pole patch\nsolution, the on-shell Euclidean action in terms of the boundary data becomes,\nI(pole)\nE=−˜βℓ\n16GN\u0010p\nK2ℓ2+ 4−Kℓ\u0011\n. (3.6)\nSince the action depends linearly on ˜β, one immediately finds that Sconf=CK= 0 and that\nEconf=I(pole)\nE\n˜β=−ℓ\n16GN\u0010p\nK2ℓ2+ 4−Kℓ\u0011\n, (3.7)\nwhich is independent of ˜β. Note that small fluctuations of the energy can be written as,\nδEconf=r2\ntube\n8GNδK . (3.8)\nFollowing [58], we treat the pole patch of dS as a reference configuration and the on-shell action\n(3.6) as a subtraction term. Therefore, the conformal energy (3.7) plays the role of a vacuum\nenergy. From now onwards, we will compute subtracted quantities such that the energy of the pole\npatch solution with trace of extrinsic curvature Kvanishes.\n103.2 Cosmic patch\nWe now consider the second class of static geometries (3.1), which contain the cosmological horizon\nand hence are dubbed as cosmic patches of dS. This is achieved by choosing the plus sign on (3.3)\nand considering the region r∈[r, e−ωrc]. As a consequence, the conical defect at r= 0 is not part\nof the cosmic patch.\nRegularity of the geometry near the cosmological horizon imposes that the inverse conformal tem-\nperature of the cosmic patch is given by\n˜β=2πℓq\nr2c−r2\ntube\nrcrtube, (3.9)\nwhich is always greater than zero. The conformal temperature ˜β−1becomes zero as the boundary\napproaches the origin. On the other hand, the conformal temperature diverges to infinity as the\nboundary approaches the cosmological horizon.\nRequiring that the boundary has a constant trace of the extrinsic curvature K, fixes\nKℓ=−r2\nc−2r2\ntube\nrtubeq\nr2c−r2\ntube, (3.10)\nwhich can take any real value. Contrary to the pole patch, the limit of Kℓgoing to positive\nand negative infinity now corresponds to the limit of the boundary approaching the cosmological\nhorizon and the origin, respectively. This is expected as the normal vector now points in the\nopposite direction.\nUsing (3.9) and (3.10), we can express rcand rtubein terms of the boundary data ˜βandKℓ,\nrc=πℓ\n˜β\u0010p\nK2ℓ2+ 4−Kℓ\u0011\n, rtube=√\n2πℓ\n˜βs√\nK2ℓ2+ 4−Kℓ√\nK2ℓ2+ 4. (3.11)\nInterestingly, both rcand rtubedepend linearly on the conformal temperature ˜β−1. This fact\nimplies that the cosmological horizon rcis a monotonically increasing function of the conformal\ntemperature, which contrasts with the Dirichlet problem, where one finds an opposite behaviour,\nsee appendix A.\nAdditionally, for any positive ˜βand real K, one always finds that 0 ˜βc,I(cosmic)\nE, regis positive for all values of Kℓwhich\nimplies that the pole patch is thermodynamically favoured. Given it has positive specific\nheat, the cosmic patch is then metastable.\n•In the high-temperature regime with ˜β < ˜βc,I(cosmic)\nE, regbecomes negative, so it becomes\nthermodynamically favored and a stable configuration.\n0 2 4 6 8 10 12-4-3-2-101\nFig. 4: The regulated on-shell action for the cosmic patch solution, as a function of boundary data ˜β. The\ndashed vertical line indicates the critical inverse temperature ˜βc= 2π.\nIt is interesting to analyse the phase structure of conformal thermodynamics at fixed Kℓ. Consider\nthe conformal energy along the path of lowest free energy at fixed Kℓ. Using (3.7) and (3.13) and\nexpressing them in terms of the central charge cconf, we find that\nEconf=(cconf\n12\u0010\n1 +˜β2\nc\n˜β2\u0011\n, ˜β < ˜βc,\n0, ˜β≥˜βc.(3.30)\nThe discontinuity of Econfat˜β=˜βcreflects a first-order phase transition.\nFor the conformal entropy, we find a behaviour similar to the Hawking-Page transition of the AdS\nblack hole [62, 63]. For temperatures lower than ˜β−1\nc, the conformal entropy is zero. There is a\n15discontinuity in the entropy at the critical temperature ˜β−1\nc, after which, in the high temperature\nregime, the entropy is precisely given by the Gibbons-Hawking entropy.\nPure dS 3phase structure. For the pure dS 3solution, we must constrain the inverse temperature\nto the dS inverse temperature (3.20). In this case, Kℓ= 0 corresponds to rtube=ℓ/√\n2.\n•Kℓ > 0 implies that cconf<3ℓ\n2GN. In this regime, the dS temperature is higher than the\ncritical temperature, ˜βdS<˜βc. As a consequence, in this regime, the pure dS 3has free\nenergy lower than the pole patch and hence is thermodynamically favoured.\n•ForKℓ < 0 or cconf>3ℓ\n2GN, we find that ˜βdS>˜βc, so the pure dS solution is only metastable.\nLastly, at cconf=3ℓ\n2GN, the phase transition and dS 3temperature coincide.\nThe full phase diagram, including the curve of pure dS 3solutions, is depicted in figure 5.\n0 -∞ -10 -2 2 10 ∞021050∞\nFig. 5: Phase diagram of conformal dS 3thermodynamics. In each point of the diagram, there co-exist a pole\nand a cosmic patch solution. There is a critical conformal inverse temperature at ˜βc= 2π, marked in black.\nFor˜β < ˜βc(shaded in green), the cosmic patch is the most favourable configuration. For ˜β > ˜βc(in white),\nthe cosmic patch is metastable. The darker green curve shows pure stable (solid) and metastable (dashed) dS 3\nsolutions, that follow relation (3.20). Worldline and stretched horizon limits of pure dS 3are further indicated.\n3.5 A two-sphere perspective\nAs a final remark before moving on to the four-dimensional case, we consider a two-sphere rather\nthan toroidal boundary topology. As our coordinate system, we take\nds2=ℓ2dρ2\nℓ2−ρ2+ℓ2−ρ2\nℓ2\u0000\ndθ2+ sin2θdϕ2\u0001\n, (3.31)\nwhere for the full three-sphere we have ρ∈(−ℓ, ℓ),θ∈(0, π), and ϕ∼ϕ+ 2π. We take the\nconformal boundary to be located at constant ρ=ρ0. The induced metric has the conformal\n16structure of the unit S2metric. Requiring further that the boundary has a constant Kfixes\nKℓ=−2ρ0p\nℓ2−ρ2\n0, (3.32)\nwhere we have used a unit normal vector ˆ n=ℓ√\nℓ2−ρ2∂ρ. By computing the on-shell action (2.1)\nfor this solution, we can approximate the path integral as\nZ[S2]≈\u0012Kℓ−2i√\nK2ℓ2+ 4\u0013i\n3×3ℓ\n2GN. (3.33)\nThe above expression is real valued. Unlike the thermodynamic expression (3.13) and (3.15), the\nabove expression does not immediately take the form of the two-sphere path integral of a two-\ndimensional conformal field theory of central charge cconf. A similar observation will hold for\nEuclidean AdS 3with a two-sphere boundary subject to conformal boundary conditions.\n4 dS 4conformal thermodynamics\nIn this section, we study conformal thermodynamics of four-dimensional gravity with Λ = +3 /ℓ2\nfor the following family of static and spherically symmetric Euclidean solutions\nds2=e2ω\u0012f(r)\nf(r)dτ2+dr2\nf(r)+r2\u0000\ndθ2+ sin2θdϕ2\u0001\u0013\n, f (r) = 1 −2µ\nr−e2ωr2\nℓ2, (4.1)\nwhere τ∼τ+β,θ∈(0, π), and ϕ∼ϕ+ 2π. Similarly to the three-dimensional case, the\nparameter ωcontrols the size of the boundary, namely rtube=eωr.\nInD= 4, one further has the Euclidean Schwarzschild-de Sitter solution corresponding to a black\nhole placed inside the cosmological horizon. The parameter µis related to the size of the cosmo-\nlogical horizon rcthrough\nµ=e−ωrc\n2\u0012\n1−r2\nc\nℓ2\u0013\n. (4.2)\nForµ= 0, we obtain an empty de Sitter solution with cosmological horizon at rc=ℓ. For µ > 0,\nthere is a black hole horizon located at r=e−ωrbhwith horizon radius rbh. The cosmological\nhorizon in this case is smaller than the one without the black hole, rc< ℓ. Note that the size of\nthe two horizons are related by\nrbh=1\n2\u0010p\n4ℓ2−3r2c−rc\u0011\n. (4.3)\nBoth horizon sizes coincide when rc=rbh=ℓ√\n3. This is known as the Nariai radius, which also\nserves as a lower bound of rc. For µ < 0, there is a naked singularity located at r= 0, and the\ncosmological horizon is greater than the de Sitter length, rc> ℓ.\nAs in dS 3, we note that the de Sitter static patch coordinates ( τstatic, rstatic, θstatic, ϕstatic) can be\nrecovered via the rescaling\nτstatic =eωτp\nf(r), r static =eωr , θ static =θ , ϕ static =ϕ . (4.4)\n17We now study these solutions on a four-manifold with an S1×S2boundary subject to the conformal\nboundary data (2.6). Solving the Einstein equation in terms of boundary data, we obtain multiple\nexpressions for e2ω. The exact expressions in the different ranges of parameters are provided in\nappendix B.\nThere are three different classes of solutions denoted by the pole patch, the black hole patch, and\nthe cosmic patch. Examples of them are displayed in figure 6.\nAAAB9XicbVDLSgMxFL2pr1pfVZdugkVwVWbE10YounFZwT6gHUsmzbShmcyQZJQy9D/cuFDErf/izr8x085CWw8EDufcyz05fiy4No7zjQpLyyura8X10sbm1vZOeXevqaNEUdagkYhU2yeaCS5Zw3AjWDtWjIS+YC1/dJP5rUemNI/kvRnHzAvJQPKAU2Ks9KCuuiExw0CRUaomvXLFqTpT4EXi5qQCOeq98le3H9EkZNJQQbTuuE5svJQow6lgk1I30SwmdEQGrGOpJCHTXjpNPcFHVunjIFL2SYOn6u+NlIRaj0PfTmYZ9byXif95ncQEl17KZZwYJunsUJAIbCKcVYD7XDFqxNgSQhW3WTEdEkWosUWVbAnu/JcXSfOk6p5Xz+5OK7XrvI4iHMAhHIMLF1CDW6hDAygoeIZXeENP6AW9o4/ZaAHlO/vwB+jzB/NzktM=r=rAAACB3icbVDLSsNAFJ34rPUVdSlIsAhuLIn42ghFNy4r2Ac0sUymN+3QySTMTIQSsnPjr7hxoYhbf8Gdf+OkzUJbD1w4nHMv997jx4xKZdvfxtz8wuLScmmlvLq2vrFpbm03ZZQIAg0SsUi0fSyBUQ4NRRWDdiwAhz6Dlj+8zv3WAwhJI36nRjF4Ie5zGlCClZa65p64hPv0yI1C6OPMDbEaBAIPU5F1U3+Qdc2KXbXHsGaJU5AKKlDvml9uLyJJCFwRhqXsOHasvBQLRQmDrOwmEmJMhrgPHU05DkF66fiPzDrQSs8KIqGLK2us/p5IcSjlKPR1Z36onPZy8T+vk6jgwkspjxMFnEwWBQmzVGTloVg9KoAoNtIEE0H1rRYZYIGJ0tGVdQjO9MuzpHlcdc6qp7cnldpVEUcJ7aJ9dIgcdI5q6AbVUQMR9Iie0St6M56MF+Pd+Ji0zhnFzA76A+PzBwOVmhI=r=e\u0000!rbhAAACBnicbVDLSsNAFJ34rPUVdSlCsAhuLIn42ghFNy4r2Ac0sUymN+3QySTMTIQSsnLjr7hxoYhbv8Gdf+OkzUJbD1w4nHMv997jx4xKZdvfxtz8wuLScmmlvLq2vrFpbm03ZZQIAg0SsUi0fSyBUQ4NRRWDdiwAhz6Dlj+8zv3WAwhJI36nRjF4Ie5zGlCClZa65p64hPv0yI1C6OPMDbEaBAIPU5F1U5J1zYpdtcewZolTkAoqUO+aX24vIkkIXBGGpew4dqy8FAtFCYOs7CYSYkyGuA8dTTkOQXrp+I3MOtBKzwoioYsra6z+nkhxKOUo9HVnfqec9nLxP6+TqODCSymPEwWcTBYFCbNUZOWZWD0qgCg20gQTQfWtFhlggYnSyZV1CM70y7OkeVx1zqqntyeV2lURRwnton10iBx0jmroBtVRAxH0iJ7RK3oznowX4934mLTOGcXMDvoD4/MHNnyZoQ==r=e\u0000!rc\nFig. 6: Penrose diagram of the Schwarzschild de Sitter spacetime. The boundary is given by r=r. The\nshaded blue area corresponds to a cosmic patch, while the yellow one, to a black hole patch. The pole and the\npure dS 4patches can be obtained when rc=ℓ.\n4.1 Pole patch\nWe begin with the solutions with rc=ℓand take the spacetime region of interest to be r∈[0,r].\nAs a consequence, the pole patches contain the worldline at r= 0 without any horizon.\nImposing that the boundary has a constant trace of the extrinsic curvature Kleads to\nKℓ=2ℓ2−3r2\ntube\nrtubeq\nℓ2−r2\ntube. (4.5)\nBy inverting this equation, we find that the physical size of the boundary can be written as a\nfunction of Kℓas\nr2\ntube=ℓ2 \nK2ℓ2+ 12−Kℓ√\nK2ℓ2+ 8\n2K2ℓ2+ 18!\n. (4.6)\nThe parameter Kℓcan take any real value. The limit of large positive and large negative Kℓ\ncorresponds to pushing the boundary to the origin and the cosmological horizon, respectively.\nSince the pole patches do not contain any horizon, the parameter ˜βis free and can take any positive\nvalue. Hence, the pole patch exists for all values of ˜βandK.\nPole patch thermodynamics. We now evaluate (2.1) with αb.c.= 1 and D= 4 on the pole\npatch solution. The on-shell Euclidean action in terms of the boundary data reads,\nI(pole)\nE=−˜βℓ2\n6GNvuut\u0010\nK2ℓ2+ 4−Kℓ√\nK2ℓ2+ 8\u0011\u0010\nK2ℓ2+ 12−Kℓ√\nK2ℓ2+ 8\u0011\nK2ℓ2+ 9. (4.7)\n18By taking the limit Kℓ→ ∞ , we find that I(pole)\nE→ −4˜β\n3GNK2, retrieving the result in flat space\nobtained in [25]. This is expected as this limit corresponds to a boundary size that is parameterically\nsmall compared to the cosmological horizon.\nAs the action depends linearly on ˜β, one immediately finds that Sconf=CK= 0 and that\nEconf=I(pole)\nE\n˜β=−ℓ2\n6GNvuut\u0010\nK2ℓ2+ 4−Kℓ√\nK2ℓ2+ 8\u0011\u0010\nK2ℓ2+ 12−Kℓ√\nK2ℓ2+ 8\u0011\nK2ℓ2+ 9,(4.8)\nwhich is independent of ˜β. Note that small fluctuations of the energy can be written as\nδEconf=r3\ntube\n3GNδK . (4.9)\nCuriously, the coefficient in front of δKis independent of ℓ. As in D= 3, we treat the pole patch\nof de Sitter as a reference configuration, and the on-shell action (4.7) as a subtraction term.\n4.2 Cosmic patch\nIn this section, we consider a class of geometries (4.1) which contain the cosmological horizon. We\ncall these cosmic patches of dS. The spacetime region of interest is taken to be r∈[r, e−ωrc]. For\nℓ/√\n3 ℓ, there is a naked timelike singularity at\nthe origin in Lorentzian signature, which would be associated with the presence of negative energy.\nAgain, since this region is not part of the cosmic patch, we also allow for rc> ℓ.\nRegularity of the geometry near the cosmological horizon fixes the conformal temperature of the\ncosmic patch to be\n˜β=4πrcℓq\nrtubeℓ2−r3\ntube−rcℓ2+r3c\nr3/2\ntube(3r2c−ℓ2), (4.10)\nwhich is always greater than zero. In this case, the conformal temperature ˜β−1does not have\na lower bound. Specifically, for ℓ/√\n3 ℓ, there are also cosmic patches with zero\nconformal temperature. They have the boundary located closed to the naked singularity, that is to\nsay rtube/ℓ→0.\nThe high conformal temperature limit ˜β→0 can be achieved in different ways, for instance, by\ntaking the near horizon limits, rtube→rbhorrtube→rc.\nSetting the trace of the extrinsic curvature at the boundary to be constant leads to\nKℓ=−4rtubeℓ2−6r3\ntube−3rcℓ2+ 3r3\nc\n2r3/2\ntubeq\nrtubeℓ2−r3\ntube−rcℓ2+r3c. (4.11)\nThere is no upper or lower bound on Kℓ. The limit of large positive and large negative Kℓ\ncorrespond to taking the boundary to be near the cosmological horizon and the black hole horizon,\n19respectively. In the case of rc≥ℓ, there is no black hole and so the large negative limit of Kℓ\ncorresponds to taking the boundary to be near the origin.\nUnlike the D= 3 case, we could not find analytic expressions for rtubeand rcin terms of the\nboundary data ˜βandK, but we relegate some useful analytical expressions to appendix B. We\nlater present examples of rtubeand rcas functions of ˜βat fixed Kℓin figure 9, together with the\nblack hole patch solutions.\nCosmic patch thermodynamics. We start by computing the on-shell action (2.1) of the cosmic\npatch. We define a regulated action as the on-shell action of the cosmic patch subtracted by the\npole patch action with the same ˜βandK. By expressing it in terms of rbhand rtube, we find that\nI(cosmic)\nE, reg=−πrc\u0000\n4rtubeℓ2−3rcℓ2−3r3\nc\u0001\n3GN(ℓ2−3r2c)−I(pole)\nE, (4.12)\nwhere I(pole)\nEis given by (4.7).\nThe conformal energy and the conformal entropy of the cosmic patch are\nEconf=r3/2\ntube\u0000\n2rtubeℓ2−3rcℓ2+ 3r3\nc\u0001\n6GNℓq\nrtubeℓ2−r3\ntube−rcℓ2+r3c−I(pole)\nE\n˜β, Sconf=πr2\nc\nGN. (4.13)\nThe conformal entropy Sconfagrees with the Gibbons-Hawking entropy of the cosmological horizon,\nAhorizon /4GN. The specific heat at constant Kof the cosmic patch is given by\nCK=2πr2\nc\u0000\n−ℓ2+ 3r2\nc\u0001\u0010\n9r2\nc\u0000\nr2\nc−ℓ2\u00012+ 16 rc\u0000\nr2\nc−ℓ2\u0001\nrtubeℓ2+ 8r2\ntubeℓ4−4r4\ntubeℓ2\u0011\nGN(ℓ2+ 3r2c)\u0010\n9r2c(r2c−ℓ2)2+ 2rc(−9ℓ4−10r2cℓ2+15 r4c)\n(ℓ2+3r2c)rtubeℓ2+ 8r2\ntubeℓ4−4r4\ntubeℓ2\u0011.(4.14)\nIt is interesting to remark that in the limit where the boundary approaches the cosmological horizon,\nthe specific heat becomes\nCK→2πr2\nc\nGN, asrtube\nrc→1. (4.15)\nThis positive specific heat is to be contrasted with the negative specific heat that is obtained when\nDirichlet boundary conditions are imposed on the cosmic patch [34, 48]. We will further discuss\nthis fact when we consider the pure dS 4solutions.\nInterestingly, the high conformal temperature limit of the specific heat (4.15) at finite Kℓis given\nby\nCK→32π3ℓ2\n81˜β2GN\u0010p\nK2ℓ2+ 9−Kℓ\u00112\n, as˜β→0. (4.16)\nThis takes the form of the specific heat of a three-dimensional conformal field theory. Under this\ninterpretation, the putative number of degrees of freedom goes as\nNd.o.f. =32π3ℓ2\n81GN\u0010p\nK2ℓ2+ 9−Kℓ\u00112\n, (4.17)\nwhich is a monotonically decreasing function of Kℓ, displayed in figure 7. Further taking Kℓ→+∞\nyields Nd.o.f.→8π3/GNK2matching the Λ = 0 result in [25].\n20Finally, we find that the thermodynamic quantities satisfy a first-law type of relation\nδEconf=˜β−1δSconf−µKδK , (4.18)\nwhere µK, similarly to the three-dimensional case, is interpreted as the chemical potential associated\ntoK,\nµK≡ −r3\ntube\n3GN−1\n˜β∂I(pole)\nE\n∂K\f\f\f\f\f˜β. (4.19)\nNote that the first term in µKlooks identical to the one that appears for the pole patch in D= 4,\nsee (4.9).\n-4 -2 0 2 40200400600800100012001400\nFig. 7: The number of degrees of freedom Nd.o.f. as a function of Kℓ. The number of degrees of freedom\ndecreases monotonically as a function of Kℓ.\n4.3 Black hole patch\nWe now consider a class of geometries (4.1) which contain the black hole horizon. We refer to these\nas black hole patches of dS 4. These solutions exist as long as the cosmological horizon radius takes\nvalues between the dS length and the Nariai radius,ℓ√\n3˜β−1\nmin, there is a one-parameter family of black hole patches.\n21Regarding the trace of the extrinsic curvature, the limit of Kℓapproaching negative infinity cor-\nresponds to pushing the boundary to be near the cosmological horizon. For Kℓgoing to positive\ninfinity, the boundary is pushed near the black hole horizon. The behaviour of Kℓas a function of\nrcand rtubeis exactly opposite to the cosmic patch since the normal vector points in the opposite\ndirection.\nBlack hole patch thermodynamics. Similarly, thermodynamic quantities can also be obtained\nfrom those of the cosmic patch. In particular, the regulated action I(bh)\nE, regis the same as in the\ncosmic patch, but with rc→rbh. The conformal energy is also the same as in (4.13), but with a\nminus sign in front of the first term and the replacement of rc→rbh. The entropy is now given by\nSconf=πr2\nbh\nGN, (4.20)\nwhich agrees with the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy Ahorizon /4GNwhere the horizon in this formula\nnow corresponds to the black hole horizon. The specific heat can also be obtained from (4.14), with\nthe replacement rc→rbh. In particular, it is also positive as the tube approaches the black hole\nhorizon. Explicit expressions and further interesting limits are shown in appendix C.\n4.4 Pure dS 4patch\nAs in the dS 3case, we can recover the pure dS 4solution for a particular family of conformal\ntemperatures. Using the boundary data of the cosmic patch (4.10) and (4.11), the conditions for\nhaving pure dS 4are\n˜β=˜βdS≡2πq\nℓ2−r2\ntube\nrtube, Kℓ =−2ℓ2−3r2\ntube\nrtubeq\nℓ2−r2\ntube. (4.21)\nFrom these, it follows that rc=ℓ. One can further solve for ˜βdSin terms of Kℓ,\n˜βdS=π\n2\u0010p\nK2ℓ2+ 8−Kℓ\u0011\n. (4.22)\nConsider now the worldline limit rtube→0. The standard dS temperature is recovered when\n˜βdSrtube→2πℓ as rtube→0. (4.23)\nThe stretched horizon limit, corresponds to the high conformal temperature limit in which\n˜βdS→0 as rtube→ℓ . (4.24)\nNow we can use (4.13) and (4.14) to calculate the thermodynamic properties of pure dS 4. The\nconformal entropy and the specific heat at constant Kof the pure dS 4are given by\nSconf=πℓ2\nGN, C K=−2πrtubeℓ2\u0000\n2ℓ2−r2\ntube\u0001\nGN\u0000\nℓ3−4rtubeℓ2+ 2r3\ntube\u0001. (4.25)\nThe conformal entropy is constant regardless of rtubeand is given by the Gibbons-Hawking entropy\nof the cosmological horizon, as expected.\n22It is interesting to note the behaviour of the specific heat at constant K. Close to the worldline,\nCKin (4.25) is negative. In fact, in the worldline limit, the specific heat converges to zero from\nbelow, CK→ − 4πrtubeℓ/G N. This is similar to what happens for the Dirichlet case [34,48] where\nC(Dirichlet) =−2πrtubeℓ2\u0000\nℓ2−r2\ntube\u0001\nGN\u0000\nℓ3−2rtubeℓ2+ 2r3\ntube\u0001. (4.26)\nWe plot both specific heats in figure 8. A notable feature is that for the case of conformal boundary\nconditions, the specific heat diverges as rtube→r0, with r0given by6\nr0≈0.259ℓ ⇔ Kℓ≈ −7.202. (4.28)\nFor rtube>r0, we find that the specific heat is positive and approaches a constant CK→2πℓ2/GN\nas we take the stretched horizon limit. The pure dS 4patch with a conformal boundary sufficiently\nclose to the de Sitter horizon is thus thermally stable.\n0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0-30-20-1001020\nFig. 8: A plot of the specific heat of the pure de Sitter patch for conformal (green) and Dirichlet (yellow)\nboundary conditions. For the Dirichlet case, the specific heat is never positive.\nThe conformal energy of the pure dS 4is given by\nEconf=4ℓ2\u0000\nℓ2−r2\ntube\u0001\n3rtubeGNq\n4ℓ2−3r2\ntube+r2\ntubeℓ\n3GNq\nℓ2−r2\ntube, (4.29)\nwhich is positive for all 0 ρ0>−1,\nρ0=√\n3 cos\u00121\n3cos−1\u0012\n−2\n3√\n3\u0013\n−2π\n3\u0013\n. (4.36)\n25In this section, we discuss the thermodynamics of four-dimensional spacetime with Λ >0 by\ncombining the results from the pole patch, cosmic patch, and black hole patch solutions. In the\nGN→0 limit, the partition function of the total system is generally given by a sum of all possible\npatches which have the same boundary data ˜βandK,\nZ(˜β, K) =e−I(pole)\nE(1 +. . .). (4.38)\nA pole patch solution exists for all ˜β∈R+andKℓ∈R. The omitted terms are additional\ncontributions stemming from the co-existing cosmic/black hole patch solutions, i.e. e−I(cosmic)\nE, reg or\ne−I(black hole)\nE, reg . The number of these terms and the details of the solutions depend on the value of the\nboundary data, as we will discuss below. For patches with positive specific heat, the one with lowest\nregulated action is thermodynamically stable; otherwise, they are thermodynamically metastable.\nPatches with negative specific heat are thermodynamically unstable.\nAs opposed to D= 3, solutions with horizons do not exist for all values of ˜βandKℓ. At low\ntemperatures, only one pole patch solution exists. To separate the phase space regions with no\nhorizon patches, we define the inverse conformal temperature ˜β0(Kℓ). Note that it depends on the\nvalue of Kℓ, so that at a given Kℓ, horizon patches only exist for conformal temperatures such\nthat ˜β≤˜β0. The curve ˜β0(Kℓ) can be found numerically and is shown in figure 10. The rest of\nthe phase diagram can be decribed as follows:\n•Exactly at ˜β0(Kℓ), there are two solutions: one pole patch and one horizon patch. The latter\nis a cosmic patch if Kℓ≲0.405. Otherwise, it is a black hole patch. Note the transition\nhappens at the Kℓin which the Nariai patch specific heat changes sign. In both cases, the\nhorizon patch has positive regulated action and, therefore, it is always sub-dominant.\n•For lower inverse temperatures, ˜β < ˜β0(Kℓ), we always find three solutions for any given ˜β\nandKℓ. There is always one pole patch and two horizon patches. The horizon patches can\nbe either cosmic or black hole patches, but always the horizon patch with larger horizon size\nhas positive specific heat, while the one with smaller size, has negative specific heat. This can\nbe confirmed by observing that the large (small) horizon patch has a horizon radius which\nis an increasing (decreasing) function of the conformal temperature, as we show in figure 9.\nMoreover, if the horizon radius is larger (smaller) than the Nariai radius rN=ℓ/√\n3, the\ncorresponding horizon patch is a cosmic (black hole) patch. There exists a smooth transition\nbetween black hole patch and cosmic patch as one varies the conformal temperature.\n•At a given critical conformal temperature that depends on the value of Kℓ, there is a first-\norder phase transition, similar to the Hawking-Page transition. We call this temperature\n˜βc(Kℓ) and show it numerically in figure 10. For ˜β < ˜βc, the large horizon patch solution\ndominates over the pole patch, while the opposite happens for ˜β >˜βc.\nConsequently, for ˜β0>˜β > ˜βc, the large horizon patch is metastable, while for ˜β < ˜βc, the large\nhorizon patch becomes stable and the dominant configuration. If a small horizon patch exists, then\nit is always subdominant. We display various plots of the regulated action, conformal energy, and\nspecific heat as a function of the inverse conformal temperature at fixed Kℓin appendix D, see\nfigure 12.\nPure dS 4phase structure. For the pure dS 4solution, we constrain the inverse conformal\ntemperature to be given by the dS inverse temperature (4.22). We note that Kℓ≈0.256 is\n26Fig. 10: Phase diagram of conformal dS 4thermodynamics for static and spherically symmetric configurations.\nThe number of different solutions co-existing at a given point in the phase diagram depends on whether the\npoint lies above or below the ˜β0curve (dot-dashed black curve). Above that curve, only one pole patch solution\nexists. Below the ˜β0curve, apart from a pole patch solution, there co-exist two additional cosmic/black hole\npatches, one with negative and one with positive CK. The curve of critical inverse conformal temperature ˜βcis\nshown in thick black, above which the pole patch is thermodynamically preferred. In the region bounded by ˜β0\nand˜βccurves, shaded in green (yellow) halftone, the cosmic (black hole) patch is metastable. For ˜βc>˜β, the\ncosmic (black hole) patch is stable with the associated region shaded in solid green (yellow). The dark green\nand purple curves represent pure dS 4and Nariai patches. Both curves are divided into three segments: stable,\nmetastable, and unstable, which are shown as thick, dashed and dotted curves, respectively. The (meta)stable\nNariai curve marks the separation of the (meta)stable cosmic patch and black hole patch regions.\nequivalent to rtube/ℓ≈0.840.\n•ForKℓ < −7.202, the dS temperature lies in the intermediate temperature regime implying\nthat the corresponding pure dS 4is sub-dominant. We find that these pure dS 4have negative\nspecific heat and are thus unstable. The worldline limit is included in this regime. At\nKℓ≈ −7.202, the dS temperature coincides with ˜β−1\n0.\n•For−7.202< Kℓ < 0.256, the dS temperature remains in the intermediate regime, but\nnow the associated specific heat becomes positive. Therefore, these pure dS 4patches are\nmetastable. At Kℓ≈0.256, the dS temperature coincides with the critical temperature,\n˜β−1\nc.\n•For 0 .256< Kℓ , the dS temperature is higher than the critical temperature. As a conse-\nquence, the pure dS 4has regulated action lower than the pole patch. It has also positive\nspecific heat. We therefore find that the pure dS 4, in this regime, is thermodynamically\nstable. We note that the strechted horizon is included in this case.\n27Nariai phase structure. To obtain the Nariai solution, we constrain the inverse conformal\ntemperature to the Nariai inverse temperature (4.33).\n•ForKℓ < 0.405, the Nariai temperature is higher than ˜β−1\n0temperature. In this regime, the\nNariai solution has negative specific heat, so it is thermally unstable.\n•For 0 .405 < Kℓ < 2.239, the Nariai temperature lies in the intermediate temperature\nregime. The corresponding Nariai solution has positive specific heat and positive regulated\naction. This means that the Nariai soution, in this regime, is metastable.\n•For 2 .239< Kℓ , the Nariai temperature is higher than the critical temperature. We find\nthat the Nariai solution now becomes thermodynamically stable.\n5 Linearised dynamics\nSo far our treatment has been largely based on a quasi-equilibrium Euclidean picture. The aim of\nour final section is to complement the Euclidean analysis with a Lorentzian analysis. Concretely, we\nwill consider solutions to the four-dimensional linearised Einstein equations equipped with a positive\ncosmological constant Λ >0. As boundary conditions, we will once again consider conformal\nboundary conditions for the induced metric gmnand mean curvature Kon a topologically R×S2\ntimelike boundary Γ. Our treatment parallels that for Minkowski space [25], here extended to the\ncase of Λ >0. A portion of our linearised analysis was already treated in [52], in the context of\nthe fluid-gravity correspondence applied to de Sitter horizons.8\n5.1 Basic setup\nWe will consider the linearised Einstein equations about the static patch metric,\nds2=−f(r)dt2+dr2\nf(r)+r2dΩ2, f (r) = 1 −r2\nℓ2, d Ω2=dθ2+ sin2θdϕ2. (5.1)\nThe timelike boundary Γ is located at r=r∈(0, ℓ). As in [52], we are primarily interested in\ndynamical features of the cosmological horizon, but we also report on the dynamical features of\nthe pole patch below. As such, the spacetime region of interest is taken to be the Lorentzian\ncosmological patch r∈(r, ℓ),t∈R, and θ∈(0, π),ϕ∼ϕ+ 2π. The induced metric on Γ is given\nby\nds2\f\f\nr=r=−f(r)dt2+r2dΩ2. (5.2)\nUsing an inward-pointing normal vector ˆ n=−p\nf(r)∂r, the extrinsic curvature and its trace are\ngiven by,\nKmndxmdxn|r=r=rp\nf(r)\nℓ2\u0000\ndt2+ℓ2dΩ2\u0001\n, Kℓ |r=r=3r2−2ℓ2\nr√\nℓ2−r2. (5.3)\nWe denote linearised perturbations about the background (5.1) as\ngµν= ¯gµν+ε hµν, |ε| ≪1, (5.4)\n8The conformal boundary conditions were necessitated in [52], as well as [66], due to an obstruction in solving the\nnon-linear Einstein equations with Dirichlet data on a timelike surface in the near-horizon expansion. The Lorentzian\nproblem with Dirichlet conditions was considered in [67], where exponentially growing modes were found for the\ncosmic patch, as well as the pole patch at sufficiently large worldtube size.\n28where the background metric ¯ gµνis given in (5.1). The equation of motion for hµνis obtained by\nexpanding (2.5) to first order in ε. Further demanding that the conformal boundary data remains\ninvariant under arbitrary perturbation hµνimplies that\n(\nhmn|r=r =γ(x)¯gmn|r=r,\nεδK(hµν)|r=r≡K(¯gµν+ε hµν)−K(¯gµν)|r=r= 0,(5.5)\nwhere γ(x) is an arbitrary function, which will depend on the initial data of the linearised metric\nhµν, and ¯ gmn|r=ris the induced metric (5.2). By contracting the first expression in (5.5) with ¯ gmn,\none may write the first boundary condition in a form that does not contain γ(x) as\nhmn−1\n3¯gmnhpp\f\f\f\f\nr=r= 0. (5.6)\nUsing (2.2), the variation of the trace of the extrinsic curvature to first order in ϵis given by\nδK(hµν)p\nf(r)\f\f\f\f\f\nr=r=1\n2∂rhmm− Dmhrm−p\nf(r)\n2Khrr\f\f\f\f\f\nr=r= 0, (5.7)\nwhere Dndenotes the covariant derivative with respect to the boundary metric ¯ gmn. In the fol-\nlowing analysis, we will take (5.6) and (5.7) as the conformal boundary conditions for linearised\ngravity with Λ >0. We must also impose conformal boundary conditions on the space of allowed\ndiffeomorphisms ξµ. Finally, we require that ξr|r=r= 0, such that the allowed diffeomorphisms do\nnot move the location of the boundary.\nKodama-Ishibashi method. Following the treatment of Kodama and Ishibashi [50, 68], due\nto the spherical symmetry and time-translation invariance of the background, we can split our\nlinearised solutions into vector and scalar perturbations, denoted by h(V)\nµνandh(S)\nµνrespectively.\nOur details and conventions follow directly those in appendix C of [25]. As such, our treatment\nwill be brief in what follows and mostly focused on presenting the main results for Λ >0.\nTheSO(3) content of h(V)\nµνis captured by the vectorial spherical harmonics, Vi, which are transverse\neigenfunctions of the unit two-sphere Laplacian acting on vectors, with eigenvalues kV=l(l+1)−1\nforl= 1,2, . . .TheSO(3) content of h(S)\nµνis captured by the scalar spherical harmonics, S, which\nare transverse eigenfunctions of the unit two-sphere Laplacian with eigenvalues kS=l(l+ 1) for\nl= 0,1,2, . . .We note that the l= 0 and l= 1 modes require a separate treatment and we discuss\nthem in appendix E. Together, h(V)\nµνandh(S)\nµνencode the two propagating degrees of freedom of the\nfour-dimensional metric at the linearised level.\nIn the absence of timelike boundaries, the Kodama-Ishibashi formalism is gauge invariant and\nreduces the linearised Einstein equations to a set of ‘master equations’ governing the vectorial and\nscalar master fields Φ(V)and Φ(S)which are directly linked to h(V)\nµνandh(S)\nµν. It proves convenient\nfor our analysis, as it did in [25], to select a gauge where the linearised boundary conditions (5.6)\nand (5.7) act only on h(V)\nµνandh(S)\nµνrespectively. This gauge choice is indeed possible, and in this\n29gauge the components of our metric perturbation read\n\n\nhmn =−¯gmn1\n2r\u0014\nl(l+ 1)\u0010\n1−2r2\nℓ2\u0011\n+ 2r2∂2\nt+ 2\u0010\n1−r2\nℓ2\u00112\nr∂r\u0015\nΦ(S)S\n+\u0000\nδi\nmδt\nn+δi\nnδt\nm\u0001\u0010\n1−r2\nℓ2\u0011\n∂r\u0000\nrΦ(V)\u0001\nVi,\nhrr =−1\nr\u0010\n1−r2\nℓ2\u00112\"\nl(l+1)\n2\u0010\n3−7r2\nℓ2+4r4\nℓ4\u0011\n+\u0010\n3−2r2\nℓ2\u0011\nr2∂2\nt\n+\u0010\n1−r2\nℓ2\u0011\u0010\u0010\n1−r2\nℓ2\u0011\u0010\nl(l+ 1) + 1 −2r2\nℓ2\u0011\n+r2∂2\nt\u0011\nr∂r#\nΦ(S)S,\nhtr =−1\n2\u0010\n1−r2\nℓ2\u0011∂th\nl(l+ 1)\u0010\n1−r2\nℓ2\u0011\n−2 +r2∂2\nt−\u0010\n1−r2\nℓ2\u0011\nr2\nℓ2r∂ri\nΦ(S)S,\nhri =√\nl(l+1)\n2\u0010\n1−r2\nℓ2\u0011h\nl(l+ 1)\u0010\n1−r2\nℓ2\u0011\n+r2∂2\nt+\u0010\n2−\u0010\n3−r2\nℓ2\u0011\nr2\nℓ2\u0011\nr∂ri\nΦ(S)Si+r\n1−r2\nℓ2∂tΦ(V)Vi.(5.8)\nIn the above the indices mandndenote indices with respect to ( t, r), while the index idenotes\nindices on the two-sphere.\n5.2 Vector perturbation\nThe master equation for Φ(V), for given angular momentum l∈Z+, is given by\n\u0012\n−∇2+l(l+ 1)\nr2\u0013\nΦ(V)(t, r) = 0 , (5.9)\nwhere∇2denotes the Laplacian on a two-dimensional de Sitter space with curvature +2 /ℓ2. The\nsolutions can be expressed as hypergeometric functions (see for instance [66]). For a given frequency,\nthey take the form\nΦ(V)=ℜe−iωt\u0012\n1−r2\nℓ2\u0013−iωℓ/2\u0012r2\nℓ2\u0013iωℓ/2\n2F1\u0012\n−l−iωℓ,1 +l−iωℓ; 1−iωℓ;1\n2−ℓ\n2r\u0013\n.(5.10)\nThe boundary condition (5.7) is automatically satisfied while the boundary condition (5.6) imposes\nΦ(V)\nr+∂rΦ(V)\f\f\f\f\f\nr=r= 0. (5.11)\nUpon scanning numerically for solutions in the complex frequency plane, we find that all vec-\ntor modes satisfying the conformal boundary conditions have a negative imaginary part, and are\ntherefore dissipative, decaying at late times.\nWorldline limit. In the worldline limit, where Kℓ→ −∞ , we find two sets of modes. One set\nis found to be a small deformation of the quasinormal modes of the de Sitter static patch, whose\nanalytic form (in the worldline limit) is given by [51] ωqnmℓ=−i(l+n+ 1) where n∈N. As for\nthe exact quasinormal modes, the modes we find are also purely negative imaginary and their size\nis of the order of the de Sitter length ℓ. The other set of modes have a real part also and are the\ncounterpart of the vectorial Minkowski modes uncovered in [25]. For each l≥2, the second set is\na discrete tower of modes with increasing negative imaginary parts, and their size scales with the\nsize of the worldtube r, rather than the de Sitter length.\n30Cosmological horizon limit. In the cosmological horizon limit, where Kℓ→+∞, the structure\nof the modes is altered. The purely imaginary modes degenerate into a set of modes that approach\nωshearℓ=−i(l(l+ 1)−2)1\n2K2ℓ2+O(K−3ℓ−3). (5.12)\nThese modes were identified in [52] where they were interpreted as shear modes of a linearised\nincompressible non-relativistic fluid dynamical behavior near the horizon, paralleling other consid-\nerations of the fluid/gravity relation [66,69–72]. For each l≥2, the second set is a discrete tower\nof modes with increasing negative imaginary parts, and their size scales with the de Sitter length.\n5.3 Scalar perturbation\nThe master equation for Φ(S)is given by\n\u0012\n−∇2+l(l+ 1)\nr2\u0013\nΦ(S)= 0. (5.13)\nThe solutions can be expressed as hypergeometric functions, and take the form\nΦ(S)=ℜe−iωt\u0012\n1−r2\nℓ2\u0013−iωℓ/2\u0012r2\nℓ2\u0013iωℓ/2\n2F1\u0012\n−l−iωℓ,1 +l−iωℓ; 1−iωℓ;1\n2−ℓ\n2r\u0013\n.(5.14)\nThe boundary condition (5.6) is automatically satisfied while the boundary condition (5.7) imposes\nFl(Kℓ , ωℓ )≡\u0010a1\nr4+a2\nr2∂2\nt−2∂4\nt\u0011\nΦS+\u0010a3\nr2−2∂2\nt\u0011\u0012\n1−r2\nℓ2\u00132∂rΦ(S)\nr\f\f\f\f\f\nr=r= 0, (5.15)\nwhere\n\n\na1=l(l+ 1)\u0010\n1−r2\nℓ2\u0011\u0010\n3−2r2\nℓ2−2l(l+ 1)\u0010\n1−r2\nℓ2\u0011\u0011\n,\na2= 4−2r2\nℓ2−4l(l+ 1)\u0010\n1−r2\nℓ2\u0011\n,\na3= 4−2r2\nℓ2−l(l+ 1)\u0010\n3−2r2\nℓ2\u0011\n.(5.16)\nUpon scanning numerically for solutions in the complex frequency plane, we find that some scalar\nmodes satisfying the conformal boundary conditions have a positive imaginary part.\nWorldline limit. In the worldline limit, where Kℓ→ −∞ , we find two sets of allowed frequencies.\nOne set corresponds to a small deformation of the scalar quasinormal modes in the pure static\npatch, which are of the order of the de Sitter length scale ℓ. The deformed quasinormal mode\nfrequencies have a negative imaginary part, and are hence dissipative. The other set of allowed\nfrequencies is borrowed from the analogous modes in Minwkoski space uncovered in [25] and are of\nthe order of the worldtube size r≪ℓ. For this set of modes, we find a pair of allowed frequencies\nwith positive imaginary part for each l.\nCosmological horizon limit. In the cosmological horizon limit, where Kℓ→+∞, the structure\nof the modes is altered. There is still a collection of fluid-type modes, but they take a relativistic\n31dispersion relation. Upon expanding rnear ℓin (5.14), implementing the conformal boundary\nconditions, and scaling ωwith 1 /K, we find the analytic expansion\nωsoundℓ=±1√\n2Kℓp\nl(l+ 1)−il(l+ 1)−2\n21\n2K2ℓ2+O(K−3ℓ−3). (5.17)\nIt is natural to interpret the above modes as the sound mode counterpart to the fluid dynamical\nshear modes in (5.12). It is worth noting, however, that they scale differently with Kℓ, such that in\nthe strict horizon limit only the shear modes survive. This is one of the reasons the sound modes,\nwhose speed of sound becomes infinite in this limit, does not appear in the previous analyses\nof [52,66].\n(a)l= 2\n (b)l= 10\nFig. 11: Density plot of absolute value of log\u0000\ne−4ωℓiFl(Kℓ , ωℓ )\u0001\nin the complex ωℓplane for l= 2 and l= 10,\nwhere Fl(Kℓ , ωℓ ) is defined in (5.15). In both plots, Kℓis fixed to be 40. Both the ωℓ≈ ±iandωsoundℓare\ndisplayed in both plots. For l= 10, the sound modes develop a small negative imaginary part.\nIn addition to the sound modes, upon taking the strict horizon limit, Kℓ→+∞, of the scalar\nsolutions (5.14) for each l, and implementing the conformal boundary conditions, any solutions\nwith modes with positive imaginary frequency coalesce either to ωℓ= + iorωℓ=−i. We\nshow these in figure 11. One can identify these modes in a Rindler analysis, subject to conformal\nboundary conditions. Concretely, we take the Rindler metric to be\nds2=−z2\nz2\n0dt2+dz2+dx2+dy2, (5.18)\nwith ( t, x, y )∈R3andz∈(0, z0]. We then perform a straightforward analysis of the linearised\nEinstein equations, with vanishing Λ, subject to conformal boundary conditions at z=z0. One\nobserves that the following configuration (chosen for simplicity to have spatial momentum entirely\n32along the x-direction)\n\n\nhtt=−z2\nz2\n0hxx=−z2\nz2\n0hyy=e−i(ωt−kxx)J−iωz0(−ikz),\nhzz=e−i(ωt−kxx)\nk2z2\u0000\u0000\nk2z2+ 2ω2z2\n0\u0001\n+\u0000\n2k2z2−2ω2z2\n0\u0001\nz∂z\u0001\nJ−iωz0(−ikz),\nhzt=iωe−i(ωt−kxx)\nk2z\u0000\u0000\n2−k2z2+ω2z2\n0\u0001\n−z∂z\u0001\nJ−iωz0(−ikz),\nhzx=−ie−i(ωt−kxx)\nkxz\u0000\u0000\n−k2z2+ω2z2\n0\u0001\n+z∂z\u0001\nJ−iωz0(−ikz),(5.19)\nsolves the linearised Einstein equations with Λ = 0, subject to conformal boundary conditions\natz=z0, for a selection of complex frequencies. In the limit kz0→0 the allowed frequencies\ncoalesce to ωz0=±i. This mode coincides with the linearised de Sitter mode with ωℓ=±i. Upon\nexpressing the Rindler solution (5.19) in terms of a local inertial time coordinate, one notes that it\ngrows at most polynomially. As such, although growing in time, the exponential growth of (5.19)\nis more tame than an ordinary unstable mode. In fact, to leading order at small kz0, the Rindler\nmode is locally a pure diffeomorphism.\nAs shown in appendix F, the leading contribution to the de Sitter scalar modes (5.14) with ω=\n±iℓ, in the stretched cosmological horizon limit, are locally pure gauge. This leads to a double\nsuppression effect whereby the physical contribution of the modes is not only small due to the\nlinearised nature of hµν, but also due to a suppression factor that goes as 1 /K2ℓ2.\n5.4 Dynamics of the pole patch, briefly\nOne can also consider linearised gravity subject to conformal boundary conditions in the pole\npatch. Here we further impose that the gravitational solutions are smooth throughout the whole\ninterior. The pole patch has been explored as a potential candidate for static patch holography\nin [40,41,44,73,74] among other places.\nWorldline limit. ForKℓ→ −∞ the size of the timelike boundary is small in units of the de Sitter\nlength ℓ. Here our analysis matches the Minkowski analysis presented in [25], where it was observed\nthat the allowed vector modes frequencies are all real-valued, whilst the scalar mode frequencies\npermit a subset of modes ω(S)with positive real imaginary frequency for each l. At large l, these\nmodes were numerically found to scale as ω(S)r≈ ±l+icl1/3, where cis an order one number.\nThus, the pole patch in the thin world tube limit mimics the Minkowskian picture.\nCosmological horizon limit. ForKℓ→+∞the timelike boundary of the pole patch approaches\nthe cosmological horizon. In this regime, the analysis differs from the thin worldline limit. Nonethe-\nless, we observe the presence of scalar modes with complex frequencies of positive imaginary part\nfor each l. These modes, similarly to the cosmic patch, coalesce onto ωpoleℓ=±i. Moreover, we\nfind two additional sets of modes. The first set is a pair of real valued scalar modes for each l. Nu-\nmerically, they are found to linearly depend on l, with the following large lbehaviour ωℓ≈ ±0.88l√\n2Kℓ.\nThe second set is an infinite tower of real valued modes, for each l, which are numerically found to\nbe evenly spaced. This set of modes appears in both the vector and scalar sector, and their large l\nbehaviour is found to be ωℓ≈3n\nlog|√\n2Kℓ|, with n= 0,1,2. . .\nWe can synthesise, in short. We have provided evidence that, subjected to conformal boundary\nconditions, the stretched horizon limit of the pure de Sitter patch is a thermodynamically stable\n33portion of spacetime containing a cosmological horizon. Dynamically, the majority of linearised\ngravitational perturbations about this portion of spacetime decay at late times, save one mode for\neach lof total angular momentum. These modes have a purely imaginary frequency ωℓ= +i, and\nare moreover retrieved from a Rindler analysis. We take this latter property as an indication that\nthey are not endemic to de Sitter space, but rather a universal property of near horizon physics\nsubjected to conformal boundary conditions. Their fate, whose behavior as measured by a local\ninertial clock is at most polynomial in time, is a remaining obstacle in obtaining a portion of\nspacetime with Λ >0 that is both thermodynamically stable, as well as dynamically stable at the\nlinearised level. Perhaps to tame this mode we must impose an additional boundary condition,\nalways ensuring that in doing so we do not overly restrict any interesting dynamics. Or perhaps\nwe must relax the condition of a constant K. A careful examination is left to the future.\nAcknowledgements\nIt is a pleasure to acknowledge Tarek Anous, Eleanor Harris, Diego Hofman, Juan Maldacena,\nBeatrix M¨ uhlmann, Edgar Shaghoulian, Eva Silverstein and Manus Visser for interesting discus-\nsions. We are particularly grateful for interesting discussions with Andrew Svesko. D.A. is funded\nby the Royal Society under the grant “Concrete Calculables in Quantum de Sitter”. The work of\nD.A.G. is funded by UKRI Stephen Hawking Fellowship “Quantum Emergence of an Expanding\nUniverse”. D.A. and D.A.G. are further funded by STFC Consolidated grant ST/X000753/1. C.M.\nis funded by STFC under grant number ST/X508470/1.\nA dS 3Dirichlet thermodynamics\nIn this appendix, we review the thermodynamics of the three-dimensional dS using Dirichlet bound-\nary condition [12]. Here, we use the standard coordinate for Euclidean Schwarzschild-de-Sitter\nspace\nds2=f(r)\nf(rtube)dτ2+dr2\nf(r)+r2dϕ2, f (r) =r2\nc−r2\nℓ2, (A.1)\nwhere τ∼τ+βDandϕ∼ϕ+ 2π. The Euclidean time τis measured with respect to the clock\ndefined on the boundary r=rtube. Similar to the analysis in the main text, rcrepresents the\nphysical size of the cosmological horizon. There is no black hole in this geometry. When rc̸= 1,\nthere is a conical defect at the origin r= 0.\nThe boundary r=rtubehas topology of S1×S1and obeys Dirichlet boundary data, namely the\ninduced metric at r=rtubeis fixed to be\nds2\f\f\nr=rtube=dτ2+r2\ntubedϕ2. (A.2)\nIn this case, the boundary data consists of the Euclidean time period βDand the physical size of\nthe boundary rtube. The Euclidean action IEis given by (2.1) with αb.c.= (D−1) and D= 3.\nSince the Dirichlet problem fixes βDand rtube, the partition function is a function of these, Z=\nZ(βD,rtube). The energy Eand entropy Sfollow from (2.10) with βDreplacing ˜β. The specific\nheat now becomes the specific heat at constant r,Cr, and is defined as in (2.10), but with rtube\nreplacing K.\n34The solutions are divided into two classes as in the conformal problem, the pole patch and cosmic\npatch.\nPole patch. The first class of solutions is the pole patch solutions which restrict the spacetime to\nr∈[0,rtube]. In order to have a regular geometry, we must set rc=ℓ. Consequently, βDis a free\nparameter, and the Euclidean action is given by\nI(pole)\nE=−βDrtube\n4GNℓs\nℓ2\nr2\ntube−1. (A.3)\nIt follows that the energy is given by\nβDE=I(pole)\nE, (A.4)\nand the entropy and specific heat at constant rtubeare zero.\nCosmic patch. We now consider solutions with r∈[rtube,rc], so they contain the cosmological\nhorizon. Regularity near the horizon rcfixes\nβD= 2πℓs\n1−r2\ntube\nr2c. (A.5)\nThe Euclidean action for this case is given by\nI(cosmic)\nE=−βDrtube\n4GNℓs\u0012\n1−r2\ntube\nr2c\u0013−1\n−1. (A.6)\nWe note that, by setting rc=ℓ, (A.3) and (A.6) reproduce (B.8) and (B.16), respectively, in [12],\nbut without adding the additional boundary subtraction term.\nThe energy of the cosmic patch is given by\nE=1\n4GNℓq\nr2c−r2\ntube. (A.7)\nDefining a dimensionless energy E ≡ 2πErtube, we find that\nE+πr2\ntube\n2GNℓ=πr2\ntube\n2GNℓ \n1 +s\n−1 +r2c\nr2\ntube!\n, (A.8)\nwhich agrees with the energy in [12], upon identifying\n3ℓ\n2GN→c ,r2\nc\nℓ2→12∆\nc−1,2GNℓ\nπ2r2\ntube→y . (A.9)\nWe can also compute the entropy and the specific heat with Dirichlet boundary conditions. For\nthe entropy we obtain,\nS=πrc\n2GN, (A.10)\n35which agrees with the Gibbons-Hawking entropy. In fact, this entropy (including a sub-leading\nlogarithmic correction) can be matched to the entropy in a T¯T+ Λ 2-deformed CFT 2[12]. Finally,\nfor the specific heat we obtain,\nC(Dirichlet) =−πrc\n2GN\u0012r2\nc\nr2\ntube−1\u0013\n, (A.11)\nwhich is negative for all values of rtube. Moreover, in the worldline limit, the specific heat diverges.\nB Useful formulae for D= 4\nIn this appendix, we provide useful formulae to study conformal thermodynamics of four-dimensional\nspacetime with Λ >0.\nFirst, we recall the metric (4.1),\nds2=e2ω\u0012f(r)\nf(r)dτ2+dr2\nf(r)+r2dθ2+r2sin2θdϕ2\u0013\n, f (r) = 1 −2µ\nr−e2ωr2\nℓ2. (B.1)\nUsing a normal vector ˆ n=p\nf(r)∂r, one can express e2ωin terms of Kℓandµ/r. For 0 < µ/ r<\n1/3, there exists a unique eωfor any real Kℓgiven by\ne2ω=3 +\u0000\nK2ℓ2+ 9\u0001\u0010\n1−2µ\nr\u0011\n−Kℓr\n(K2ℓ2+ 9)\u0010\n1−2µ\nr\u00112\n−1\n2 (K2ℓ2+ 9) r2/ℓ2, Kℓ ∈R. (B.2)\nFor 1 /3< µ/ r<1/2, there are two branches of eωwhich gives rise to the same Kℓwhen Kℓis\npositive. They are given by\ne2ω±=3 +\u0000\nK2ℓ2+ 9\u0001\u0010\n1−2µ\nr\u0011\n±Kℓr\n(K2ℓ2+ 9)\u0010\n1−2µ\nr\u00112\n−1\n2 (K2ℓ2+ 9) r2/ℓ2, Kℓ ≥0. (B.3)\nThis also means that, for 1 /3< µ/ r<1/2, there is no eωthat leads to negative Kℓ.\nWe can write the radius of the boundary as rtube=eωr. The cosmological horizon rcand black\nhole horizon rbhcan also be written in terms of eωandµby\nrc=2√\n3cos\u00121\n3cos−1\u0010\n−3√\n3eωµ\u0011\u0013\n, rbh=2√\n3sin\u00121\n3sin−1\u0010\n3√\n3eωµ\u0011\u0013\n. (B.4)\nGiven (B.2) and (B.3), one can use these formulae to investigate the behaviour of rtube,rc, and rbh\nwhile keeping Kℓfixed and varying µ/r.\nC Details of black hole patch computations in D= 4\nIn this appendix we give some more details and explicit expressions of the computations done in\nsection 4.3, for the black hole patch solutions in D= 4. For convenience, in this section, we will\nalways express rcin terms of rbh.\n36Regularity of the geometry near the black hole horizon determines the conformal temperature of\nthe black hole patch to be\n˜β=4πrbhℓq\nrtubeℓ2−r3\ntube−rbhℓ2+r3\nbh\nr3/2\ntube\u0000\nℓ2−3r2\nbh\u0001 , (C.1)\nwhich is greater than zero. The conformal temperature ˜β−1has a lower bound ˜β−1\nmin= 2π, which\noccurs in the Nariai limit, by setting rtube=ℓ/√\n3 and taking rbh→ℓ/√\n3 from below.\nBelow this conformal temperature, the black hole patch solution does not exist. For larger conformal\ntemperatures, ˜β−1>˜β−1\nmin, there is a one-parameter family of black hole patches. To reach the high\nconformal temperature regime, ˜β→0, one can take the near horizons limit, i.e. either rtube→rbh\norrtube→rc, or the small black hole limit rbh/ℓ→0.\nRequiring that the boundary has a constant trace of the extrinsic curvature Kfixes\nKℓ=4rtubeℓ2−6r3\ntube−3rbhℓ2+ 3r3\nbh\n2r3/2\ntubeq\nrtubeℓ2−r3\ntube−rbhℓ2+r3\nbh. (C.2)\nThere is no upper or lower bound on Kℓ. Similarly to the pole patch, the limit of Kℓapproaching\nnegative infinity corresponds to pushing the boundary to be near the cosmological horizon. For Kℓ\ngoing to positive infinity, the boundary is pushed near the black hole horizon.\nBlack hole patch thermodynamics. The regulated action is given by\nI(bh)\nE, reg=−πrbh\u0000\n4rtubeℓ2−3rbhℓ2−3r3\nbh\u0001\n3GN\u0000\nℓ2−3r2\nbh\u0001 −I(pole)\nE, (C.3)\nwhere we used (C.1) and (C.2) to simplify the expression. The corresponding conformal energy\nand conformal entropy for the black hole patch are given by\nEconf=−r3/2\ntube\u0000\n2rtubeℓ2−3rbhℓ2+ 3r3\nbh\u0001\n6GNℓq\nrtubeℓ2−r3\ntube−rbhℓ2+r3\nbh−I(pole)\nE\n˜β, Sconf=πr2\nbh\nGN. (C.4)\nThe conformal entropy agrees with the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy Ahorizon /4GNwhere the hori-\nzon in the formula corresponds to the black hole horizon.\nTaking a small black hole limit, we find that\nEconf→rbh\n2GNrtubeq\n1−r2\ntube\nℓ2, as rbh/ℓ→0. (C.5)\nProvided that rbh/2GNis the physical mass of the small black hole, we can see that Econfis indeed\nthe energy as measured by the conformal clock defined on the boundary.\nThe specific heat at constant Kof the black hole patch is given by\nCK=2πr2\nbh\u0000\n−ℓ2+ 3r2\nbh\u0001\u0010\n9r2\nbh\u0000\nr2\nbh−ℓ2\u00012+ 16 rbh\u0000\nr2\nbh−ℓ2\u0001\nrtubeℓ2+ 8r2\ntubeℓ4−4r4\ntubeℓ2\u0011\nGN\u0000\nℓ2+ 3r2\nbh\u0001\u0012\n9r2\nbh\u0000\nr2\nbh−ℓ2\u00012+ 2rbh(−9ℓ4−10r2\nbhℓ2+15 r4\nbh)\n(ℓ2+3r2\nbh)rtubeℓ2+ 8r2\ntubeℓ4−4r4\ntubeℓ2\u0013.\n(C.6)\n37Note that\nCK→(\n−2πr2\nbh\nGN,as rbh/ℓ→0,\n+2πr2\nbh\nGN,as rbh/rtube→1.(C.7)\nThe first limit corresponds to a small black hole and, in that case, the specific heat is negative. On\nthe opposite limit, when the black hole size is comparable to the boundary size, then the specific\nheat is positive.\nD Plots of the regulated action, Econf, and CKinD= 4\nIn this appendix, we give numerical examples of the regulated action, conformal energy, and specific\nheat for dS 4conformal thermodynamics as functions of ˜βfor various values of Kℓ. These are\ndisplayed in figure 12 for Kℓ=−7.5,−1.5, and 6 .0. These values of Kℓare chosen to show pure\ndS4patches which are unstable, metastable, and stable, respectively.\nEl= 0andl= 1modes\nIn this appendix, we consider linearised dynamics of gravitational l= 0 and l= 1 modes. Fol-\nlowing the analysis in [25], these modes are locally pure diffeomorphisms that become physical by\nthe presence of the timelike boundary with fixed boundary data. In particular, we are interested\nin linearised perturbation hµνof the form,\nhµν=∇µξν+∇νξµ, (E.1)\nfor an arbitrary vector field ξµ. The perturbation (E.1) automatically satisfies the linearised Ein-\nstein field equation. The conditions that this perturbation preserves the conformal boundary data\natr=rlead to\n\n\n2\u0000\nKmn−K\n3¯gmn\u0001\u0012q\n1−r2\nℓ2ξr\u0013\n+\u0010\nDmξn+Dnξm−2¯gmn\n3Dpξp\u0011\f\f\f\f\nr=r= 0,\n\u0012q\n1−r2\nℓ2∂rK− DmDm\u0013\u0012q\n1−r2\nℓ2ξr\u0013\n+ξmDmK\f\f\f\f\nr=r= 0,(E.2)\nwhere Kmnand ¯gmnare the extrinsic curvature (5.3) and induced metric (5.2) of Γ, respectively.\nThe covariant derivative Dmis that associated to the induced metric ¯ gmn.\nAt the linearised level, the perturbation (E.1) is subject also to gauge redundancy in the form of\nthe diffeomorphism\nxµ→xµ+ϵ ξ′µ, h µν→hµν− ∇ µξ′\nν− ∇ νξ′\nµ, (E.3)\nfor an arbitrary vector field ξ′µ. Due to the presence of the boundary, the vector field ξ′µmust\npreserve the boundary data and location of the boundary leading to (E.2) and ξ′r|r=r= 0, respec-\ntively. This means that a large number of the perturbations (E.1) obeying (E.2) can be gauged\naway by some suitable diffeomorphism (E.3). The exception is when the perturbation (E.1) is\nconstructed from the vector field ξµwhich disturbs the location of the boundary, i.e.\nξr|r=r̸= 0. (E.4)\n380 5 10 15 20 25 30-60-40-200204060(a) reg. action, Kℓ=−7.5\n0 2 4 6 8 10-10-505 (b) reg. action, Kℓ=−1.5\n0 1 2 3 4 5 6-1.2-1.0-0.8-0.6-0.4-0.20.0 (c) reg. action, Kℓ= 6\n0 5 10 15 20 25 300123456\n(d)Econf,Kℓ=−7.5\n0 2 4 6 8 10012345 (e)Econf,Kℓ=−1.5\n0 1 2 3 4 5 (f)Econf,Kℓ= 6\n0 5 10 15 20 25 30-100-50050100\n(g)CK,Kℓ=−7.5\n0 2 4 6 8 10-20-1001020304050 (h)CK,Kℓ=−1.5\n0 1 2 3 4 5 6-20246 (i)CK,Kℓ= 6\nFig. 12: Plots of regulated action, Econf, and CKas a function of ˜βat fixed Kℓ. When evaluated on the\ncosmic (black hole) patch, the curve colour is green (yellow). The pure dS 4and Nariai solutions are marked in\ndark green and purple dots, respectively. For the plots of CK, we also display the conformal answer Nd.o.f./˜β2\nas a black dashed curve.\n39We therefore take (E.2) and (E.4) as boundary conditions for a physical metric perturbation (E.1).\nl= 0modes. Choosing the htr= 0 gauge, the general spherically symmetric ( l= 0) vector field\nξµsatisfying (E.2) and (E.4) is given by\nξµdxµ∼r\nℓ\u0012\n1−r2\nℓ2\u0013ω(l=0)2\n±ℓ2/2\ne−iω(l=0)\n±t \ndr−i1−r2/ℓ2\nω(l=0)\n±rdt!\n, (E.5)\nwhere the frequency ω(l=0)\n± r=±iq\n2−r2\nℓ2is purely imaginary. In the worldline limit, where\nr/ℓ→0, we match the result of l= 0 modes found in [25]. In the strechted horizon limit, where\nr/ℓ→1, we find that these pair of modes coalesce to ω(l=0)\n±ℓ=±i.\nl= 1modes. Taking again the htr= 0 gauge, the general l= 1 vector field ξµsatisfying (E.2)\nand (E.4) is given by\nξµdxµ∼e−iω(l=1)\n±t\np\n1−r2/ℓ2\u0010\nSdr+iω(l=1)\n±r\u0000\n1−r2/ℓ2\u0001\nSdt+√\n2\u0000\n1−r2/ℓ2\u0001\nSir dΩi\u0011\n(E.6)\nwhere the frequency ω(l=1)\n±ℓ=±iis pure imaginary and r-independent. Unlike the l= 0 modes,\nthe metric perturbation constructed from (E.6) is vanishing everywhere implying that (E.6) is a\nKilling vector of the background dS 4. Near the worldline, where r/ℓ→0, these modes reproduce\nthree translations and three Lorentz boosts of the flat spacetime. In the strectched horizon limit,\nwhere r/ℓ→1, we find that these modes become combinations of translations and Lorentz boosts\nin a local inertial frame near the boundary.\nF Near-horizon diffeomorphisms\nLet us first define a near-horizon parameter ϵ≡1−r\nℓand a near-horizon radial coordinate\nρ≡1\nϵ\u0000\n1−r\nℓ\u0001\n. It follows that in terms of ρ, the boundary is located at ρ= 1.\nConsider the following linearised diffeomorphism with complex frequency ωℓ=±i,\nξµdxµ=e±tSdr−e±t\u0012\n1−r2\nℓ2\u0013\u0000\n±Sdt−∂iSdΩi\u0001\n, (F.1)\nwhere Shere is an arbitrary angle-dependent function obeying\f\f\f∂iS\nS\f\f\f≪1\nϵ. By considering the\nassociated linearised metric perturbation hµν=∇µξν+∇νξµ, we find that\nδK(hµν)|r=r=O(√ϵ), δhmn|r=r=O(ϵ)δm\nn. (F.2)\nIn terms of the near-horizon coordinate, we find that\n��θ\f\f\f\nρ=1=ξϕ\f\f\f\nρ=1=O(ϵ),−ℓ\n2ξρ|ρ=1=±ξt\f\f\nρ=1=e±t/ℓS+O(ϵ). (F.3)\nThis means that, in the ϵ→0 limit, the diffeomorphism (F.1) preserves the conformal boundary\ndata but not the location of the boundary. In particular, in the local inertial frame, these modes\nbecome angle-dependent radial/time translations.\n40References\n[1] J. G´ eh´ eniau and R. 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Shovkovy1,2,†\n1College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Arizona State Uni versity, Mesa, Arizona 85212, USA\n2Department of Physics, Arizona State University, Tempe, Ar izona 85287, USA\n(Dated: February 13, 2024)\nWe derive a general expression for the fermion self-energy i n a hot magnetized plasma by using\nthe Landau-level representation. In the one-loop approxim ation, the Dirac structure of the self-\nenergy is characterized by five different functions that depe nd on the Landau-level index nand\nthe longitudinal momentum pz. We derive general expressions for all five functions and obt ain\nclosed-form expressions for their imaginary parts. The lat ter receive contributions from three types\nof on-shell processes, which are interpreted in terms of Lan dau-level transitions, accompanied by\na single photon (gluon) emission or absorption. By making us e of the imaginary parts of the self-\nenergy functions, we also derive the Landau-level dependen t fermion damping rates Γ n(pz)and\nstudy them numerically in a wide range of model parameters. W e also demonstrate that the two-\nspin degeneracy of the Landau levels is lifted by the one-loo p self-energy corrections. While the\nspin splitting of the damping rates is small, it may be import ant for some spin and chiral effects.\nWe argue that the general method and the numerical results fo r the rates can have interesting\napplications in heavy-ion physics, astrophysics, and cosm ology, where strongly magnetized QED or\nQCD plasmas are ubiquitous.\nI. INTRODUCTION\nThe influence of magnetic fields on relativistic matter has been a topic of continued investigations and interest\nfor decades. Strong magnetic fields appear and play an important r ole in cosmology [ 1,2], and astrophysics [ 3,4],\nand heavy-ion collisions [ 5–8]. They can affect physics of magnetars [ 9], supernovae [ 10], and gamma ray bursts [ 11].\nTheoretical estimates show that extremely strong magnetic fields up to/divides.alt0eB/divides.alt0≃m2\nπare produced in high-energy\nnoncentral heavy-ion collisions [ 12–16]. Of course, the strength and temporal evolution of these fields c an be affected\nby many factors, including the collision energy, the impact paramete r, and the electrical conductivity of the plasma\n[17–22]. Even in condensed matter physics, strong magnetic fields can trig ger some relativisticlike phenomena when\ntopological features of the band structure give rise to low-energ yquasiparticlesdescribed by Dirac and Weyl equations\n[23].\nThe groundwork for understanding relativistic systems in the pres ence of a magnetic field was laid by Heisenberg\nand Euler [ 24] and later by Schwinger [ 25]. Many field-theoretical studies have been done over the years sin ce. The\nkey developments and foundations can be found in many books and r eviews, e.g., see Refs. [ 26–28]. Despite broad\ntheoretical knowledge gained, surprisingly few quantitive results a re known about the Green functions and radiative\ncorrections for relativistic plasmas in background magnetic fields be yond the two extremes of the lowest Landau level\napproximation and the weak-field limit [ 29–31]. For some of the recent developments, see Refs. [ 32–47].\nIn a uniform magnetic field, the translation symmetry in the plane per pendicular to the field is broken. As a result,\nthe usual transverse momenta are not good quantum numbers fo r charged particles. Instead, their eigenstates are\ngiven by the Landau-level orbitals. This fact has profound implicatio ns on the field theory formalism. The most\nnatural form of the fermion propagator is given in the Landau-leve l representation [ 28]. The inherent complexity of\nsuch a representation makes the evaluation of Feynman diagrams d ifficult even at the lowest one-loop order.\nThe main objective of this study is a rigorous derivation of the fermio n self-energy in a strongly magnetized hot\nrelativistic plasma. In particular, the emphasis will be made on the pro per treatment of the self-energy in the Landau-\nlevel representation. We will follow the approach developed previou sly in the context of the quantum Hall effect in\ngraphene [ 48,49]. Similar methodology was also utilized in the studies of chiral asymmetr y in magnetized QED\nat nonzero density [ 50,51]. Here we will focus on the fermion self-energy in the Landau-level r epresentation and\ninvestigate in detail its imaginary part. Such an imaginary part define s the fermion damping rate in the plasma. It is\nalso a critical input in determining the particle mean free path and som e transport properties. We will derive explicit\nexpressions for different components of the self-energy and disc uss their interpretation in terms of underlying physical\nprocesses. We will also study the quantitative dependence of the f ermion damping rate on the Landau level index\nand the longitudinal momentum.\n∗Ritesh.Ghosh@asu.edu\n†igor.shovkovy@asu.edu2\nSeveral attempts at studying the fermion self-energy in strongly magnetized vacuum can be found in the literature\n[52–56]. Most notably, the authors of Refs. [ 57–59] had the most of progress in recent years, where they calculated\nthe Fourier transform of the transitionary invariant part of the s elf-energy but stopped short of projecting the results\nonto the Landau levels. As we argue here, the latter procedure is n ecessary in order to extract observable features of\nthe self-energy.\nThe paper is organized as follows. We start from the definition of the fermion self-energy in coordinate space in\nSec.II. After removing the Schwinger phase and performing a Fourier tra nsform on the translation invariant part of\nthe self-energy, we derive a relation that resembles but is not the u sual momentum space representation. To extract\nphysics information, the corresponding result is mapped onto the L andau levels in Sec. IIIA. The numerical results\nfor the imaginary parts of the functions, defining the Dirac struct ure of the self-energy, are presented in Sec. IIIB.\nBy utilizing the imaginary part of the self-energy, we derive the ferm ion damping rate and study its dependence on\nthe Landau-level index nand the longitudinal momentum pzin Sec.IV. Note that we use two different methods in\nSubsecs. IVAandIVB, but they give the same spin-averaged expression for the damping rate. However, the use of\nthe poles of the full propagator in Subsec. IVBreveals that the rates for the two spin states of each Landau leve l are\nslightly different. Finally, we summarize our main results and conclusion s in Sec. V. Several technical derivations and\nauxiliary results are given in the appendices at the end of the paper.\nII. FERMION SELF-ENERGY IN MAGNETIZED PLASMA\nTo keep our analysis as simple as possible, we consider a hot magnetize d QED-like plasma with a single fermion\nflavor of mass ¯ m0and charge q. With minor adjustments, accounting for a different coupling const ant and the number\nof gauge bosons, the one-loop expression for the self-energy will be also valid for the QCD plasma. Without loss of\ngenerality, we will assume that the background magnetic field Bpoints in the+zdirection.\nAt the leading order in coupling, the coordinate space representat ion of the fermion self-energy is given by\nΣ(u,u′)=−4iπαγµS(u,u′)γνDµν(u−u′), (1)\nwhereα=q2/slash.left(4π)in the coupling constant, S(u,u′)is the free fermion propagator, and Dµν(u−u′)is the photon\n(gauge-field)propagator. Notethat, bydefinition, Σ (u,u′)=i/bracketleft.alt1S−1(u,u′)−G−1(u,u′)/bracketright.alt, whereG−1(u,u′)is the inverse\nof the full fermion propagator (at the leading one-loop order). In the case of the QCD plasma, one would need to\nreplace the coupling constant αwithαsCF, whereαs=g2\ns/slash.left(4π)andCF=(N2\nc−1)/slash.left(2Nc).\nBecause of the broken translation symmetry, the free fermion pr opagatorS(u,u′)and, in turn, the self-energy\nΣ(u,u′)depend on spacetime coordinates u=(t,x,y,z)andu′=(t′,x′,y′,z′)as follows [ 25]:\nS(u,u′) =eiΦ(u⊥,u′\n⊥)¯S(u−u′), (2)\nΣ(u,u′) =eiΦ(u⊥,u′\n⊥)¯Σ(u−u′), (3)\nwhere Φ(u⊥,u′\n⊥)is the famous Schwinger phase. Note that the translation-invarian t parts¯S(u−u′)and¯Σ(u−u′)\ndepend on the difference u−u′only. Assuming the Landau gauge for the background field, i.e., A=(0,Bx,0), the\nexplicit form of the Schwinger phase is given by Φ (u⊥,u′\n⊥)=qB\n2(x+x′)(y−y′), whereqis the fermion charge.\nFor reference, we derive an explicit form of the fermion propagato r in a background magnetic field in Appendix A.\nWe makesuretoemphasizeitscoordinatespacedependence andth e Landau-levelstructure. Usingthesameapproach,\nwe also obtain the inverse fermion propagator in Appendix B. Note that both propagator and its inverse (and, by\nextension, the self-energy) have exactly the same Schwinger pha se. It is consistent with the structure of Eq. ( 1) and\nthe spacetime dependence in Eqs. ( 2) and (3).\nAfter removing the Schwinger phase and performing the Fourier tr ansform on both sides of Eq. ( 1), we arrive at\nthe following expression for the self-energy function:\n¯Σ(p∥,p⊥)=−4iπα/integral.dispd2k∥d2k⊥\n(2π)4γµ¯S(k∥,k⊥)γνDµν(p−k), (4)\nwherepµ\n∥=(p0,pz)andpµ\n⊥=(px,py). Interestingly, thisexpressioncoincideswith theusualdefinition o fthe self-energy\nin a theory with unbroken translation symmetry. Clearly, it is not the case, and the vector-like variable p⊥cannot\nbe interpreted as a conserved transverse momentum in a magnetiz ed plasma. (In contrast, the two components of p∥,\ni.e., the energy p0and the longitudinal momentum pz, are conserved quantities in a uniform magnetic field.) Despite\nthe appearance, the functions ¯S(k∥,k⊥)and¯Σ(p∥,p⊥)are not the momentum-space representations of the fermion\npropagator and the self-energy, respectively. Yet, they encod e all information about the propagator and self-energy.3\nq\n(n,p ) z\n(n ,k ) z(n,p ) z\nFIG. 1. The leading order Feynman diagram for the fermion sel f-energy in the Landau-level representation.\nThe main advantage of the representation in Eq. ( 4) is its simplicity. To extract its observables effects, however,\nwe will need to render it in the Landau-level basis. The correspondin g projection will be discussed and implemented\nin Sec.III. While technically nontrivial, its outcome is obvious in the diagrammatic f orm shown in Fig. 1.\nAt this point, we will proceed with the calculation of the self-energy in Eq. (4). In the derivation, we will use the\nfollowing Feynman gauge for the free gauge-field propagator:\nDµν(p−k)=−igµν\n(p−k)2, (5)\nwheregµν=diag(1,−1,−1,−1)is the Minkowski metric. We note that a more refined analysis of a hot magnetized\nplasma may require using the hard-thermal [ 60] and hard-magnetic loop [ 28] resummations. The corresponding\nrefinements are beyond the scope of the present exploratory st udy but should be undertaken in the future.\nIt is instructive to emphasize that the Feynman gauge for the gaug e-field propagatoris convenient but not the most\ngeneral. In fact, it is well known that the fermion self-energy depe nds on a gauge choice. In this study, however, we\nwill be concerned primarily with the imaginary (dissipative) part of the self-energy and the fermion damping rate.\nFor these purposes, the simplest Feynman gauge should be sufficien t [61,62].\nBy substituting the free fermion propagator,whose explicit form is given in Appendix A, and the photon propagator\nin Eq. (5) into the expression for the self-energy in Eq. ( 4), we obtain\n¯Σ(p∥,p⊥)=−4iπα∞\n/summation.disp\nn′=0/integral.dispd2k∥d2k⊥\n(2π)4e−k2\n⊥l2γµ(−1)n′D(0)\nn′(k∥,k⊥)\nk2\n∥−¯m2\n0−2n′/divides.alt0qB/divides.alt0γµ1\nq2\n∥−q2⊥. (6)\nHereq∥=p∥−k∥,q⊥=p⊥−k⊥, and\nD(0)\nn′(k∥,k⊥)=2/bracketleft.alt1(k∥⋅γ∥)+¯m0/bracketright.alt/bracketleft.alt1P+Ln′/parenleft.alt12k2\n⊥ℓ2/parenright.alt1−P−Ln′−1/parenleft.alt12k2\n⊥ℓ2/parenright.alt1/bracketright.alt+4(k⊥⋅γ⊥)L1\nn′−1/parenleft.alt12k2\n⊥ℓ2/parenright.alt1, (7)\nwhereP±=/parenleft.alt11±s⊥iγ1γ2/parenright.alt1/slash.left2 are spin projectors, ℓ=1/slash.left/radical.alt1\n/divides.alt0qB/divides.alt0is the magnetic length, s⊥=sign(qB), andLα\nn(z)are the\ngeneralized Laguerre polynomials [ 63]. We assume that, by definition, Lα\n−1(z)=0.\nTo account for a nonzero temperature T, we use Matsubara’s formalism. In particular, we replace the fermio n\nenergiesp0andk0withiωnp≡iπT(2np+1)andiωnk≡iπT(2nk+1), respectively, and replace the integral over k0\nwith the Matsubara sum, i.e.,\n/integral.dispdk0\n2πF(p0,k0)→iT∞\n/summation.disp\nnk=−∞F/parenleft.alt1iωnp,iωnk/parenright.alt1. (8)\nThen, the self-energy ( 6) becomes\n¯Σ(iωnp,pz,p⊥)=4παT∞\n/summation.disp\nn′=0∞\n/summation.disp\nnk=−∞/integral.dispdkzd2k⊥\n(2π)3(−1)n′e−k2\n⊥l2˜D(0)\nn′(iωnk,kz,k⊥)\n/parenleft.alt2ω2nk+E2\nn′,kz/parenright.alt2/bracketleft.alt1(ωnp−ωnk)2+E2q/bracketright.alt, (9)\nwhere we used the shorthand notations for the Landau-level ene rgiesEn′,kz≡/radical.alt1\n2n′/divides.alt0qB/divides.alt0+¯m2\n0+k2zand the gauge boson\nenergyEq≡/radical.alt1\nq2⊥+q2z, and introduced the following new function:\n˜D(0)\nn′(iωnk,kz,k⊥)≡γµD(0)\nn′(iωnk,kz,k⊥)γµ\n=−4/parenleft.alt1iωnkγ0−kzγz−2¯m0/parenright.alt1/bracketleft.alt1P+Ln′/parenleft.alt12k2\n⊥ℓ2/parenright.alt1−P−Ln′−1/parenleft.alt12k2\n⊥ℓ2/parenright.alt1/bracketright.alt−8(k⊥⋅γ⊥)L1\nn′−1/parenleft.alt12k2\n⊥ℓ2/parenright.alt1.(10)\nAfter performing the Matsubara sum, we obtain\n¯Σ(p∥,p⊥) =4πα∞\n/summation.disp\nn′=0/summation.disp\ns1=±/summation.disp\ns2=±(−1)n′\n/integral.dispdkzd2k⊥\n(2π)3e−k2\n⊥l2s1s2[1−nF(s1En′,kz)+nB(s2Eq)]\nEn′,kzEq(p0−s1En′,kz−s2Eq+iǫ)\n×/brac⟩l⟩ft.alt4/par⟩nl⟩ft.alt1s1En′,kzγ0−kzγz−2¯m0/par⟩nright.alt1/brack⟩tl⟩ft.alt1P+Ln′/par⟩nl⟩ft.alt12k2\n⊥ℓ2/par⟩nright.alt1−P−Ln′−1/par⟩nl⟩ft.alt12k2\n⊥ℓ2/par⟩nright.alt1/brack⟩tright.alt+2(k⊥⋅γ⊥)L1\nn′−1/par⟩nl⟩ft.alt12k2\n⊥ℓ2/par⟩nright.alt1/brac⟩right.alt4,(11)4\nwhere we used the standard Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distribu tion functions, nF(E)=/par⟩nl⟩ft.alt1eE/slash.leftT+1/par⟩nright.alt1−1andnB(E)=\n/par⟩nl⟩ft.alt1eE/slash.leftT−1/par⟩nright.alt1−1, respectively. In the derivation, we used the following result for th e Matsubara sum:\nT∞\n/summation.disp\nnk=−∞iωnkA+B\n/par⟩nl⟩ft.alt1ω2nk+E2a/par⟩nright.alt1/brack⟩tl⟩ft.alt1(ωnp−ωnk)2+E2\nb/brack⟩tright.alt=−1\n4/summation.disp\ns1,s2=±(s1EaA+B)[1−nF(s1Ea)+nB(s2Eb)]\ns1s2EaEb/par⟩nl⟩ft.alt1iωnp−s1Ea−s2Eb/par⟩nright.alt1.(12)\nTo separate the real and imaginary parts of the self-energy, we p erform the analytical continuation iωnp→p0+iǫand\nuse the Sokhotski formula,\n1\np0−s1En′,kz−s2Eq+iǫ=P1\np0−s1En′,kz−s2Eq+iǫ−iπδ(p0−s1En′,kz−s2Eq). (13)\nIn the rest, we will concentrate on the imaginary (absorptive) par t. The corresponding expression can be simplifies\nby taking into account that\nδ(p0−s1En′,kz−s2Eq)=/summation.disp\ns′=±En′,kzEqδ(kz−ks′\nz)\n/divid⟩s.alt0(ks′\nz−pz)s1En′,kz+ks′\nzs2Eq/divid⟩s.alt0=/summation.disp\ns′=±2En′,kzEqδ(kz−ks′\nz)/radical.alt1\n[q2⊥−(q−⊥)2][q2⊥−(q+⊥)2], (14)\nwhereq±\n⊥=/divid⟩s.alt0/radical.alt1\n2n′/divid⟩s.alt0qB/divid⟩s.alt0+¯m2\n0±/radical.alt1\np2\n0−p2z/divid⟩s.alt0and the explicit expressions for the two solutions k±\nzto the energy-conservation\ncondition read\nk±\nz=pz\n2/par⟩nl⟩ft.alt41+2n′/divid⟩s.alt0qB/divid⟩s.alt0+¯m2\n0−q2\n⊥\np2\n0−p2z±p0\npz(p2\n0−p2z)/radical.alt1\n[q2⊥−(q−⊥)2][q2⊥−(q+⊥)2]/par⟩nright.alt4. (15)\nNote that, for the fermions on the mass shell, we should set p2\n0−p2\nz=2n/divid⟩s.alt0qB/divid⟩s.alt0+¯m2\n0, and the two thresholds will become\nq±\n⊥=/divid⟩s.alt2/radical.alt1\n2n′/divid⟩s.alt0qB/divid⟩s.alt0+¯m2\n0±/radical.alt1\n2n/divid⟩s.alt0qB/divid⟩s.alt0+¯m2\n0/divid⟩s.alt2.\nBy substituting the solutions of the energy-conservationconditio n (kz=k±\nz), we derive the following two expressions\nfor the particle energies:\nEn′,kz/divid⟩s.alt2\nkz→k±\nz=s1p0\n2/par⟩nl⟩ft.alt41+2n′/divid⟩s.alt0qB/divid⟩s.alt0+¯m2\n0−q2\n⊥\np2\n0−p2z±pz\np0(p2\n0−p2z)/radical.alt1\n[q2⊥−(q−⊥)2][q2⊥−(q+⊥)2]/par⟩nright.alt4, (16)\nEq/divid⟩s.alt2\nkz→k±z=s2p0\n2/par⟩nl⟩ft.alt41−2n′/divid⟩s.alt0qB/divid⟩s.alt0+¯m2\n0−q2\n⊥\np2\n0−p2z∓pz\np0(p2\n0−p2z)/radical.alt1\n[q2⊥−(q−⊥)2][q2⊥−(q+⊥)2]/par⟩nright.alt4. (17)\nWithout loss of generality, below we will concentrate on the case of L andau-level states with positive-energies, p0>0.\nOn the mass shell, they will be given by the Landau-level energies, p0=/radical.alt1\n2n/divid⟩s.alt0qB/divid⟩s.alt0+¯m2\n0+p2z. If needed, the self-energy\nresults forthe Landau-levelstateswith negativeenergiescould b e obtained by using the charge-conjugationsymmetry.\nBy analyzing the solutions for energy-conservation relation p0=s1En′,kz+s2Eqwith the assumption p0>0, we\nidentify the following three kinematic cases:\ns1>0, s2>0∶00, s2<0∶00∶q+\n⊥n′), see Fig. 2a. The second one describes a transition to a higher energy particle state with absorption of a\nphoton (ψn+γ→ψn′withnn′), (b) quantum transition to a higher\nLandau level with absorption of a photon ψn+γ→ψn′(nn′), (ii) transitions to other Landau levels with higher indices n′(ψn+γ→ψn′withn1/6 the spectrum of the Lichnerowicz operator\nis stable – its eigenvalues have positive real part. Thus we may regard large pas a regularization of the ill-\nposed Dirichlet boundary conditions. However for p <1/6 there are unstable modes, even in the spherically\nsymmetric and static sector. We then turn to Lorentzian signature. For p <1/6 we may understand this\nspherical Euclidean instability as being paired with a Lorentzian instability associated with the dynamics\nof the boundary itself. However, a mystery emerges when we consider perturbations that break spherical\nsymmetry. Here we find a plethora of dynamically unstable modes even for p > 1/6, contrasting starkly\nwith the Euclidean stability we found. Thus we seemingly obtain a system with stable thermodynamics, but\nunstable dynamics, calling into question the standard assumption of smoothness that we have implemented\nwhen discussing the Euclidean theory.arXiv:2402.04308v2 [hep-th] 4 Apr 2024Contents\n1 Introduction 1\n2 A New One-Parameter Family of Boundary Conditions 3\n2.1 The Boundary Conditions 4\n2.2 Ellipticity of the Conformal Boundary Conditions 7\n3 Euclidean Gravitational Path Integral 9\n3.1 First law of black hole mechanics 10\n3.2 Saddle points for spherical cavities: hot space and black holes 13\n3.3 Fluctuations about the empty spherical cavity 16\n3.3.1 Static spherical modes 19\n3.3.2 Instabilites for p <1/6 for the static non-spherical modes 20\n3.3.3 Stability for p >1/6 for all modes 21\n3.4 Black hole fluctuations: spherical static negative modes 24\n4 Dynamical Lorentzian Stability of Generalized Conformal Boundary Conditions 27\n4.1 Spherical stability 28\n4.1.1 Linear instabilities for spherical cavities and black holes 30\n4.1.2 Revisiting the spherical stability calculation 31\n4.1.3 End-point of the instabilities 33\n4.2 Stability beyond spherical symmetry 36\n5 Conclusion and Discussion 42\nA Euclidean Fluctuations of the Empty Spherical Cavity 46\nA.1 Modes with n=ℓS= 0 46\nA.2 Modes with n̸= 0 and ℓS= 0 47\nA.3 Non-spherical scalar-derived gravitational Euclidean modes with ℓS≥2 48\nA.3.1 Static modes 48\nA.3.2 Generic modes 51\nA.4 Modes with n= 0 and ℓS= 1 54\nA.5 Modes with n̸= 0 and ℓS= 1 56\nA.6 Non-spherical Euclidean modes with ℓV≥2 59\nA.6.1 Static modes 60\nA.6.2 Generic modes 61\nA.7 Modes with n= 0 and ℓV= 1 62\nA.8 Modes with n̸= 0 and ℓV= 1 62\nB Analyticity of pin the Unstable Complex ˜λPlane 63\nB.1 The static case ϖ= 0 63\nB.2 The general case ϖ̸= 0 65\n– i –C Static and Spherical Euclidean Modes for Vacuum Filled Cavity with Λ̸= 0 68\nD Euclidean Spherical Static Fluctuations of (A)dS Black Holes 71\nReferences 72\n1 Introduction\nYork originally considered the Einstein equations in a cavity whose boundary is a product of time with\na sphere in order to obtain a sensible canonical thermodynamic ensemble for gravity [1]. Gross, Perry\nand Yaffe had previously discovered that the Schwarzschild solution in asymptotically flat spacetime\nsuffers from a Euclidean negative mode [2], later shown to be directly related to its negative specific\nheat capacity [3–5], and thus it can never be a dominant saddle point in the Euclidean path integral\nwhich computes the canonical partition function. Introducing a finite boundary, York then found that\nthe Schwarzschild solution continuously connected to the asymptotically flat one when the the cavity\nsize is increased, the ‘small black hole’, remains unstable with a negative mode. However a second\n‘large’ black hole is now found to exist, always with a size comparable to the sphere of the cavity\nboundary, but now stable, and for sufficient temperature it dominates the partition function. Shortly\nafterwards, Hawking and Page discovered precisely the same phenomenon occurs in Anti de Sitter\n(AdS) spacetime, with the AdS length scale playing an analog role to the size of the cavity in York’s\nconstruction. For many years this was a curiosity, but with the advent of AdS-CFT it took on a crucial\nrole [6–8]. A CFT on a sphere should have a sensible partition function, and at high temperature it\nshould have a free energy which scales with the number of local degrees of freedom in the theory. It is\nprecisely the large black hole which provides the gravitational dual to this behaviour [9].\nHere we restrict our focus to four-dimensional pure gravity, possibly including a cosmological\nconstant. Thus solutions to the Einstein equations are Einstein metrics, and we are primarily interested\nin Euclidean geometries with a boundary that takes the form of S1×Σ, where S1is interpreted as\nbeing Euclidean time, τ, with length βsoτ∼τ+β, and Σ is a two-dimensional compact Riemannian\nmetric. Then βhas the thermodynamic interpretation of the inverse temperature. The canonical\ncavity to consider is a spherical one, so that Σ = S2, a round two sphere with a radius R, but we\nwish to consider here the more general setting where the gravitational path integral is thought of as a\nfunctional of βand Σ.\nAn important issue was pointed out by Avramiki and Esposito [10, 11] who considered Euclidean\nquantum gravity on manifolds with boundary, and then discussed by Anderson [12] in the context of\nEinstein metric infillings in Riemannian geometry. The natural boundary condition one would wish to\nimpose, namely fixing the induced metric on the cavity boundary, so here fixing βand the two-geometry\nΣ, does not yield a well-posed infilling problem. In Euclidean signature the Einstein equation locally\nhas an elliptic character (after dealing with the issue of coordinate freedom), but this analog of Dirichlet\nboundary conditions, so fixing the metric of the boundary, does not preserve elliptic regularity of the\nproblem. In [12] it was argued that this may be understood in terms of the Gauss constraint of the\nboundary. Anderson proposed a well-posed set of boundary conditions, which we refer to as ‘Anderson\n– 1 –boundary condition’, which entails fixing the conformal class of the boundary (so the induced metric\nup to a Weyl rescaling) together with the trace of the extrinsic curvature. The lack of well-posedness\npresents an obstruction to York’s original formulation of a stable canonical ensemble for gravity, where\nthe induced metric of the spatial cavity wall, βand Σ, is given as data. In the semi-classical limit we\nexpect a continuous map from the boundary data at the surface of the cavity to infilling saddle point\nsolutions, and lack of well-posedness for Dirichlet boundary conditions exactly implies the lack of such\na map. As emphasized in [10, 11] this leads to pathologies when computing the Euclidean partition\nfunction at 1-loop as the lack of well-posedness may lead to infinitely many zero modes. Hence one\nis naively motivated to consider instead the thermodynamic ensemble given by Anderson’s well-posed\nboundary condition.\nThere has been limited study of Anderson boundary condition in the physics context. The impli-\ncations for gravity were discussed in [13] and reviewed in detail in [14]. Recently [15] has shown that\nin the Lorentzian setting there are linear dynamical instabilities for static spherical cavities, without\ncosmological constant, that are filled with flat spacetime. They also considered a first law of thermo-\ndynamics for static cavities with spherical boundary. In fact stationary rotating black holes in such\ncavities were actually constructed some time ago in [16] – these are deformed from Kerr due to the\nrequirement the boundary is a round sphere. Perhaps unsurprisingly given the dynamical instabilities\nfound in [15], in this work we will later see that Anderson boundary condition already yields a patho-\nlogical partition function for a static spherical cavity filled with flat spacetime due to the existence of\nEuclidean negative modes.\nThe main purpose of our paper is to point out a natural generalization of Anderson boundary\ncondition. The gravitational actions relevant for Dirichlet and Anderson boundary conditions differ by\nthe coefficient of the Gibbons-Hawking-York term [17]. Our generalized boundary conditions derive\nfrom considering the coefficient of this term to parameterize a family of choices. For these the conformal\nclass is again fixed, with the trace of the extrinsic curvature weighted by a power of the volume element\nof the induced metric. Specifically letting the boundary induced metric be γ, and the trace of the\nextrinsic curvature be K, these fix the conformal class [ γ] and,\nγpK= fixed (1.1)\nwhere the constant pis related to the coefficient of the Gibbons-Hawking-York term. The case of p→0\ngives the Anderson boundary condition, and p→ ∞ corresponds to Dirichlet conditions. Alternatively\n(provided we wish Kto be non-vanishing) we may define the Weyl rescaled boundary metric,\nΓµν=K1\n(d−1)pγµν (1.2)\nand then the boundary condition neatly corresponds to fixing this rescaled metric.\nWe will thus call this family of boundary conditions the ‘generalized conformal boundary condi-\ntions’. We show that these are all well-posed in the same sense as Anderson boundary condition is, and\nfurther one can regard the (ill-posed) Dirichlet case as a limit of this family of boundary conditions.\nWe then explore the physical consequences of these boundary conditions. We begin with the\nEuclidean theory. Firstly we show that the first law of thermodynamics can be naturally formulated\nfor static Euclidean cavities, where the rescaled boundary metric Γ above is a product of a Euclidean\ntime circle, whose size is the inverse to temperature, and a spatial 2-geometry. Secondly we study the\n– 2 –Euclidean stability of a static spherical cavity, without cosmological constant, filled with flat spacetime.\nAfter an extensive mode analysis we find that for p <1/6 (which includes the case of Anderson) there\nare Euclidean negative modes, but for p >1/6 there are none. The Euclidean mode that becomes\nunstable at p= 1/6 is in fact spherically symmetric. We also look at the Euclidean stability of black\nholes, restricted to static spherical fluctuations, and find a similar pattern of instability to the Dirichlet\ncase – small black holes have an additional unstable mode relative to that of the flat space cavity – and\nthe thermodynamics reflect this with a York-Hawking-Page first order phase transition between the\nflat cavity and the large black holes. Thus we are lead to conclude that a sensible Euclidean partition\nfunction exists for our well-posed boundary conditions provided we take p >1/6. However, there is\none mystery. When we consider the specific heat capacity, for p >1/6 and sufficiently large black holes\nthis becomes negative even though they dominate the thermodynamic ensemble and seemingly have\nno Euclidean negative modes.\nWe then move on to consider the Lorentzian dynamical stability, as done for Anderson boundary\ncondition in [15]. We begin with a spherical cavity filled with flat spacetime and consider the spherically\nsymmetric sector. Here Birkhoff’s theorem enforces that the interior geometry is static. However, the\nboundary may dynamically move in this geometry in a manner similar to the Z2-symmetric branes\nof the Randall-Sundrum models [18]. In fact we may simply solve this dynamics of the boundary\nnon-linearly. In the case p <1/6 we find an instability which acts to shrink the boundary to zero\nsize in finite time, or expand it forever. For p >1/6 the cavity is stable, and at the marginal point\np= 1/6 this Lorentzian mode is static and precisely corresponds the marginal mode in the Euclidean\nanalysis. For cavities filled with black holes, we find an additional instability for p >1/6 and sufficiently\nlarge (depending on the value of p) black holes, which precisely correlates with when the specific heat\ncapacity becomes negative. Thus we see that such black holes appear well behaved from a Euclidean\nperspective, but unstable from the Lorentzian one, which is unexpected. The situation becomes yet\nmore confusing when we consider Lorentzian perturbations that break spherical symmetry. Restricting\nto a spherical cavity filled with flat spacetime we now find a plethora of unstable ( i.e.exponentially\ngrowing) dynamical modes even for p > 1/6.Thus while these generalized boundary conditions\napparently give a sensible Euclidean partition function for p > 1/6, they are apparently unstable\nin the Lorentzian setting. This is a physically unusual situation because one would not normally\nexpect sensible thermodynamics from an unstable dynamical system. It suggests to us that one of\nthe assumptions we have made in considering the Euclidean fluctuations, such as the assumption of\nsmoothness of the geometry, may be invalid.\nThe plan of this paper is as follows. We begin in section 2 by introducing our new boundary\nconditions, which include the case of Anderson, and confirm that they are well-posed in the Euclidean\nsetting. In section 3 we derive a first law of the thermodynamics and then compute the Euclidean\nstability of vacuum filled spherical cavities. We then consider the Lorentzian stability of spherical\ncavities in section 4, before concluding with a discussion.\n2 A New One-Parameter Family of Boundary Conditions\nIn this section, we first introduce our new one-parameter family of boundary conditions in section 2.1,\nwhich is adapted to general coefficients of the Gibbons-Hawking-York term. Then we prove they yield\na well-posed elliptic infilling problem in section 2.2.\n– 3 –2.1 The Boundary Conditions\nBefore we detail our novel boundary conditions, let us introduce some terminology. We will be inter-\nested in spacetimes ( M, g), where Mis ad-dimensional manifold-with-boundary. We are interested\nin determining which choice of boundary conditions we can impose on the boundary ∂Mso that we\nhave a well-defined variational problem. For the moment, we will work in Euclidean signature, so that\ngis Riemannian, since it is for this class of spacetimes that we can prove the well-posedness of the new\nboundary conditions.\nLet us first review the action with respect to which variations of the metric satisfying Dirichlet\nboundary conditions on the boundary ∂Mare stationary. It is well known that for the Dirichlet\nproblem the action reads\nS=−1\n16πGZ\nMddx√g(R−2Λ)−1\n8πGZ\n∂Mdd−1x√γ K , (2.1)\nwith Kthe trace of the extrinsic curvature Kµνcomputed using an outward pointing unit normal n,\nγthe induced metric on ∂M,Rthe Ricci scalar associated with g,Gthe Newton’s constant and Λ a\ncosmological constant. The first term is the standard Einstein-Hilbert action, whereas the second is\nthe Gibbons-Hawking-York term [17]. Varying the action with respect to gyields\nδS=1\n16πGZ\nMddx√gEabδgab+1\n16πGZ\n∂Mdd−1x√γ Tµνδγµν (2.2)\nwhere lower case Latin indices are bulk indices, lower case Greek indices run over the boundary ∂M\nand\nTµν≡Kµν−γµνKand Eab≡Rab−1\n2gabR+ Λgab, (2.3)\nwith Rabthe components of the Ricci tensor associated with g. One can see from (2.2) that imposing\nDirichlet conditions on the boundary ∂Mand the bulk equations of motion Eab= 0, do give rise to a\nwell-defined variational problem.\nWe will now ask what boundary conditions we should choose to render the first variation of the\naction\nSΘ=−1\n16πGZ\nMddx√g(R−2Λ)−Θ\n8πGZ\n∂Mdd−1x√γ K , (2.4)\nstationary with respect to metrics satisfying Eab= 0 for fixed values of Θ. To our knowledge such\ngeneral class of boundary term has never been considered in the literature and is the main objective\nof this section of our paper.\nWe now vary the action (2.4) with respect to gand keep track of all boundary terms. This yields\nδSΘ=1\n16πGZ\nMddx√g Eabδgab+1\n16πGZ\n∂Mdd−1x√γ Tµνδγµν\n+1\n16πGZ\n∂Mdd−1x δ(2√γK)−Θ\n8πGZ\n∂Mdd−1x δ(√γ K). (2.5a)\nwith\nEab≡Rab−1\n2gabR+ Λgaband Tµν≡Kµν−K γµν, (2.5b)\n– 4 –with the latter being the so called Brown-York tensor [19]. Since we are interested in spacetimes that\nsatisfy the bulk Einstein equation Eab= 0, the first term in (2.5a) vanishes.\nTo proceed, we decompose the variation of the boundary metric δγµνas\nδγµν=δ˜γµν+1\nd−1δγ\nγγµν, (2.6)\nwith δ˜γµνbeing traceless with respect to γµν,i.e.\nγµνδ˜γµν= 0. (2.7)\nOne might wonder why we chose to introduce a factor of 1 /γin the last term of the decomposition\n(2.6). This was done to align variations of the determinant of γµνwith δγ, thereby justifying the\nnomenclature.\nUsing our decomposition (2.6) we can write the first order variation as\nδSΘ=1\n16πGZ\n∂Mdd−1x√γ˜Kµνδ˜γµν+1−Θ\n8πGZ\n∂Mdd−1x√γ γ−pδ(γpK). (2.8a)\nwhere we identify\np=1\n21\n1−Θ\u0012\n1−Θ−d−2\nd−1\u0013\n⇔ Θ =2p(d−1)−1\n(d−1)(2p−1)(2.8b)\nand where we have defined ˜Kµνas the traceless part of the extrinsic curvature, which equals the\ntraceless part of the Brown-York stress tensor,\n˜Kµν=Kµν−γαβKαβ\nd−1γµν. (2.9)\nNote that Θ <0 when1\n2(d−1)< p <1\n2.\nNow we see that we have a good variational principle if we require boundary conditions on ∂M\nsuch that,\nδ(γpK) = 0 (2.10)\ntogether with either,\nδ˜γµν= 0 (2.11)\nor,\n˜Kµν= 0. (2.12)\nIn this paper we will study the first class of boundary conditions. The second class of boundary\nconditions is also of interest, providing a generalization of the Neumann condition Kµν= 0, but will\nbe studied elsewhere.\nThe condition δ˜γµν= 0 implies that we are making a statement about the conformal structure of\nthe boundary metric, since δ˜γµνhas a well defined conformal weight under Weyl transformations. We\ncan formulate our boundary condition using this language.\n1. Fix the conformal class of the boundary metric γµν– that is to say we fix the boundary metric\nγµνto be some given metric up to a Weyl transformation. This precisely yields δ˜γµν= 0.\n– 5 –2. Fix,\nγpK=f (2.13)\nwhere fis a scalar density on ∂Mwith the appropriate weight (given by p) such that this\nexpression transforms correctly under coordinate changes.\nWe see that for p= 0, so Θ = 1 /(d−1), then fis simply a function and these reduce to pure\nAnderson boundary conditions as described in [12]. Furthermore, it is evident from the expression for\nΘ (see Eq. (2.8b)) that Dirichlet boundary conditions can be attained as a somewhat singular limits\nwhen p→ ±∞ when Θ →1. In this scenario, we may more conveniently write the second condition\nas fixing γK1\np, and then taking p→ ∞ we see that this is essentially equivalent to fixing γ, the\ndeterminant of the metric. Then in combination with fixing the conformal class, this yields standard\nDirichlet boundary conditions. As we will soon show, these boundary conditions are well-posed for\nany finite p, and hence we may regard large positive pas a regulator for Dirichlet boundary conditions\nthat makes them well-posed. For large |p|and fixed length scales, the boundary conditions tend to the\nbehaviour of Dirichlet. For example, the spectrum of the Lichnerowicz operator will agree for modes\nof eigenvalue with magnitude below some fixed large value as p→ ±∞ . However, a subtle point is\nthat there is no guarantee that there are no instabilities that are introduced at short distances, or\nhigh eigenvalues. Indeed as p→ −∞ we will see exactly this, that in the Euclidean setting, there\nare negative modes of the Lichnerowicz operator that have very large magnitude as p→ −∞ . In the\npositive p→+∞the high-lying spectrum appears to be stable, and thus we may regard p→+∞as\na good regulator of Dirichlet boundary conditions, whereas p→ −∞ is not.\nWe noted above that two special values of parep=1\n2(d−1)andp=1\n2, where Θ vanishes and\ndiverges, respectively. For p=1\n2(d−1), which corresponds to p=1\n6in four spacetime dimensions, we\nobserve that Θ vanishes. Therefore, the action in (2.4) consists solely of the bulk Einstein-Hilbert and\ncosmological terms. In the case where there is no cosmological constant, this implies that the solutions\nexhibit scale invariance, given that the Einstein-Hilbert term possesses this property. Taking any\nsolution, d s2=gab(x)dxadxb, then for any constant λ >0, ds2=λ2gab(x)dxadxbis also a solution to\nthe bulk Einstein equation and boundary conditions. This can be explicitly observed in the boundary\nconditions mentioned above. Fixing the conformal class is a scale-invariant condition. Given the scale\ntransformation γ→λd−1γandK→λ2K, fixing γpKis scale-invariant precisely for p=1\n2(d−1).\nNow, consider the special case p→1\n2where instead Θ → ∞ . Fixing γpKbecomes fixing√γK,\nwhich is precisely the integrand of the boundary term. As a consequence, according to equation (2.5a),\nit is evident that Θ must diverge to counterbalance the boundary term arising from the integration by\nparts of the variation of the Einstein-Hilbert term in the action.\nIn the case that we impose the trace of the extrinsic curvature is non-vanishing, so the scalar\ndensity fis chosen not to vanish, then we may reformulate the boundary condition by defining,\nΓµν=K1\n(d−1)pγµν (2.14)\nand noting that since K̸= 0 then Γ µνis also a metric on the boundary, in the same conformal class as\nγµν. We will refer to this as the rescaled boundary metric .1One can then show that the variation of\n1Strictly we see that Γ µνas defined in (2.14) doesn’t have the correct units for a metric. We can correct this simply by instead\ndefining,\nΓµν=\u0012K\nK0\u0013 1\n(d−1)p\nγµν\n– 6 –the action can neatly be written as,\nδSΘ=1\n2Z\n∂Mdd−1x√\nΓTµνδΓµν. (2.15a)\nwith,\nTµν≡1\n8πGK−d+1\n2(d−1)p(Kµν−ΘγµνK). (2.15b)\nbeing a generalization of the Brown-York stress tensor. Now we may simply state the boundary\ncondition as being a Dirichlet condition on this rescaled boundary metric Γ µν. We will find this\nperspective very useful when considering thermodynamics in a cavity with these boundary conditions\nlater.\nIt is important to emphasize that this formulation of the boundary condition, while elegant, cannot\ncapture the case where we wish to impose that Kvanishes or changes sign. However, we note that\nparticularly for spherical cavities, it is natural to wish to impose a strictly positive extrinsic curvature.\n2.2 Ellipticity of the Conformal Boundary Conditions\nThe main advantage of conformal boundary conditions is that these give rise to well-posed elliptic\ninfilling problem. In what follows we will show that this is the case for any finite value of p.\nTo demonstrate the well-posedness of our novel boundary conditions, we will work at the linear\nlevel by setting gab= ˆgab+hab, where the hatted quantities denote a background metric, and habis\nassumed to be infinitesimally small compared to ˆ gab. Next, we will choose a suitable gauge for our\npurposes, which, as it turns out, is the de Donder gauge:\nCb≡ˆ∇ahab−1\n2ˆ∇bh= 0, (2.16)\nwhere h= ˆgabhabrepresents the trace of the metric perturbation.\nWe will follow the approach presented in [14] to review why Dirichlet boundary conditions are not\nwell-posed in this gauge. Since the issue of well-posedness pertains to high-frequency behavior, we will\nconsider our manifold with boundary to be the half-space Rd\n+within a flat Euclidean space Rd, with\nx⊥≥0. The boundary is simply defined by x⊥= 0, and has vanishing extrinsic curvature.\nA general plane wave solution takes the form:\nhab=αabeiy·K, (2.17)\nwhere y∈Rd. We aim to explore solutions that may have non-trivial behavior along the boundary\nwhile decaying away from it. For this reason, we consider y={⃗ x, x⊥}andK={⃗k, ik⊥}, where ⃗ xand\n⃗kbelong to Rd−1andk⊥>0. This choice yields\nhab=αabei⃗ x·⃗k−|⃗k|x⊥, (2.18)\nwith the perturbed Einstein equation locking k⊥=|⃗k|. Our goal is to investigate whether nontrivial\nsolutions of the above form can persist when we impose Dirichlet boundary conditions and the de\nfor an appropriate constant K0. However since this constant plays no role except to rescale Γ µν, for convenience we will always\nset it to one in our units.\n– 7 –Donder gauge for arbitrary wavevectors ⃗k. If this turns out to be the case, it indicates that the\nboundary conditions are not well-posed in the chosen gauge. Physically we may view this as saying\nthat we would then have a class of modes that have arbitrarily short wavelength along the boundary\ndirection, while decaying immediately away from the boundary into the bulk. Hence the bulk solution\nwould not correspond to a unique boundary geometry.\nWe can now analyze this component by component. When x⊥= 0, the Dirichlet boundary\nconditions imply αij= 0, where iandjdenote the directions parallel to the boundary. Let ⃗ αi=αi⊥\nandβ=α⊥⊥, with i= 1,2, . . . , d −1. It then follows that\nC⊥= 0⇒i⃗k·⃗ α−1\n2β|⃗k|= 0 (2.19a)\nand\nCi= 0⇒ −⃗ α|⃗k| −1\n2β i⃗k= 0. (2.19b)\nBoth of the above can be solved if we take\n⃗ α=−i\n2β⃗k\n|⃗k|, (2.20)\nthus showing that Dirichlet conditions are not well-posed in the de Donder gauge.\nWe would like to repeat the above for our general class of boundary conditions and show that\nfor any non-trivial ⃗kwe necessarily have αµν= 0. While the conformal class is fixed, our boundary\nconditions do allow the perturbation in the induced metric, hij, to be non-zero at the boundary x⊥= 0,\nso long as hij=δγ\nd−2ˆgijatx⊥= 0, with δγnow being infinitesimally small. This is a fluctuation resulting\nfrom an infinitesimal Weyl rescaling.\nThe linearisation of the condition δ(γpK) = 0, in coordinates where ˆ g⊥⊥= 1 and ˆ g⊥i= 0, about\nour simple wall yields\n∂x⊥hi\ni−2∂ih⊥i= 0. (2.21)\nNext we consider solutions of the form (2.18), which brings the above to\n2i⃗ α·⃗k+|⃗k|δγ= 0, (2.22a)\nwhile from the de Donder gauge condition we get\ni⃗k·⃗ α−1\n2β|⃗k|+1\n2δγ|⃗k|= 0 (2.22b)\nand\n−⃗ α|⃗k| −1\n2β i⃗k+1\n2δγ i⃗k= 0. (2.22c)\nIt is a simple exercise to check that all the above conditions can only be satisfied if ⃗ α= 0, β= 0,\nandδγ= 0, thus enforcing αab= 0 and showing that our new boundary conditions give rise to a\nwell-posed elliptic problem. The reader might note that the exponent pdoes not make an appearance\nin the above calculations. This is due to the fact that when discussing ellipticity we focus on short\nwavelengths, so that the boundary effectively has zero extrinsic curvature, so then δ(γpK) =γpδ(K),\nwhich simply implies δK= 0 – this is the same condition as for the Anderson case ( p= 0), and hence\n– 8 –our generalized conformal boundary conditions are well-posed for the same reason as for Anderson\nboundary condition, with no dependence on the (finite) value of p.\nWe note that the ill-posed Dirichlet boundary conditions correspond to the limit p→ ∞ , and then\none must take care considering the short wavelength limit as we do here – in fact the order of limits\nis important, and taking p→ ∞ first leads to the last term in each of the equations (2.22) vanishing,\nand yields the usual ill-posedness of Dirichlet conditions.\n3 Euclidean Gravitational Path Integral\nNext we delve into the realm of Euclidean gravitational path integrals, drawing inspiration from the\nperspective introduced by Gibbons and Hawking [17]. Again we consider a d-dimensional manifold\nMwith boundary ∂Mequipped with a metric gaband boundary metric γµν. On ∂Mwe impose the\nboundary conditions discussed in section 2 where (provided Kis non-vanishing) we fix the geometry\n(Γ, ∂M) defined by the rescaled boundary metric, Γ µν. In the event Kdoes vanish somewhere on the\nboundary, we should use the alternate formulation where we fix the conformal class together with γpK.\nThe discussion below can be simply rewritten using that formulation, but is less elegant, and thus we\nprefer to phrase it in terms fixing (Γ , ∂M).\nThe Euclidean gravitational path integral\nZ[Γµν] =Z\nDg e−S[g], (3.1)\nis then computed by integrating over all metrics g, satisfying the prescribed boundary conditions,\nwhere S[g] is the action given in equation (2.4).\nRegrettably, it is well-known that the Euclidean gravitational action is unbounded from below,\nowing to the so-called conformal factor problem [17]. Consequently, the integral cannot be taken over\nRiemannian metrics g. Instead, one is compelled to choose a contour of integration that ensures the\nconvergence of the path integral. Alternatively, one could initiate the analysis with Lorentz signature\n(where the path integral is always well-defined, at least in a distributional sense), leading to implications\nfor Euclidean path integrals determined through a functional Cauchy-type theorem and a careful study\nof the analytic properties of the gravitational path integral [20]. Unfortunately, we do not understand\nthe Lorentzian path integral well enough to derive consequences for the Euclidean path integral.\nNevertheless, progress can be made by focusing on saddle points. In semiclassical quantum gravity,\nthe Euclidean gravitational path integral is calculated through saddle point approximation\nZ[Γµν]∼e−S[ˆg](3.2)\nwith ˆ gsatisfying the classical equations of motion derived from S[g], subject to the appropriate bound-\nary conditions. The Euclidean stability of such saddles is then investigated by expanding the metric\ngab= ˆgab+haband computing the action to quadratic order in hab. For the case of pure gravity,\npossibly in the presence of a cosmological constant, the resulting quadratic action can be written as\nan expectation value[21, 22]\nS(2)[h] =1\n32πGZ\nMddxp\nˆg habˆGab cd(Lh)cd (3.3)\n– 9 –where ˆGab cdis a particular DeWitt ultralocal metric\nˆGab cd=1\n2\u0000\nˆgacˆgbd+ ˆgadˆgbc−ˆgabˆgcd\u0001\n, (3.4)\nand\n(Lh)ab= (ˆ∆Lh)ab+ 2ˆ∇(aˆ∇p¯hb)p (3.5)\nwhere\n¯hab=hab−ˆgab\n2h , (3.6)\nand\n(ˆ∆Lh)ab=−ˆ∇pˆ∇phab−2ˆRacbdhcd(3.7)\nis the Lichnerowicz operator. In particular, Lreduces to the usual Lichnerowicz operator ˆ∆Lon\nperturbations that satisfy the de Donder gauge (2.16), i.e., ˆ∇a¯hab= 0.\nUnlike the leading saddle point approximation, the quadratic contribution to the Euclidean path\nintegral does exhibit a linearized version of the conformal factor problem [23]. Fortunately, this issue\nhas been studied in detail in [22, 24, 25], where a rule of thumb to investigate the stability of a given\nsaddle has been presented and thoroughly examined. For the type of boundary conditions under\nconsideration, the rule of thumb in [22, 24, 25] is equivalent to studying the following eigenvalue\nproblem\n(∆Lh)ab=λhab, (3.8)\nwhere habis assumed to be in the de Donder gauge. A given mode is then stable when it satisfies\nReλ > 0, with marginal stability for Re λ= 0 and strict instability for Re λ < 0. We note that\nstability of saddle points can also be determined by their stability under Ricci flow since they are fixed\npoint of the flow, as discussed in [21], and the same condition for stability is found.\n3.1 First law of black hole mechanics\nThe canonical ensemble for gravity is defined by the semiclassical Euclidean path integral via an analysis\nof its saddle points. Before delving into the on-shell action of well-known saddles in a spherical cavity,\nthe black hole saddles and the hot flat space infilling, let us take a moment to discuss a version\nof the first law of black hole mechanics that will prove useful in the upcoming discussion. We will\nobserve that our boundary conditions give rise to a natural definition of an ensemble, accompanied\nby a corresponding thermodynamic potential, temperature, and energy. Interestingly, these quantities\nare naturally defined with respect to the rescaled boundary metric, Γ µνrather than the usual induced\nmetric, γµν.\nWe first note that general infinitesimal diffeomorphisms xa→xa+vainduce boundary diffeomor-\nphisms xµ→xµ+vµ. Naturally, these should leave the action invariant. Since Γ µνis a symmetric\ntwo-tensor, we also know that\nδΓµν= (£vΓ)µν= 2∇Γ\n(µvν), (3.9)\nwhere ∇Γis a connection that preserves the metric Γ µν. This implies that variations of the action\ngenerated by infinitesimal coordinate transformations vashould satisfy\n0 =δSΘ=Z\n∂Mdd−1√\nΓTµν∇Γ\n(µvν)=−Z\n∂Mdd−1√\nΓvν∇Γ\nµTµν(3.10)\n– 10 –where in the last step we assumed that the boundary is compact so that boundary terms can be\ndiscarded. Since the above holds for arbitrary choices of vµit must be that Tµνis covariantly conserved\nwith respect to ∇Γ,i.e.,\n∇Γ\nµTµν= 0. (3.11)\nThus we interpret Tµνas a boundary stress tensor with respect to the rescaled boundary geometry\nΓµν, and define all thermodynamic quantities with respect to the pair (Γ µν,Tµν) on∂M.\nTo derive the first law, we therefore assume that Γ µνcan be written as a thermal ultrastatic metric,\ni.e.\nΓµνdxµdxν=b2\n(2π)2dτ2+nijdxidxj(3.12)\nwhere bis a constant, and nijis a (d−2)-dimensional Riemannian metric on the space g∂Mspanned by\nthe non-thermal boundary spatial coordinates xi, and τvaries over the range τ∼τ+ 2π, denoting an\nangle along the thermal circle. The thermal circle in this rescaled geometry (Γ , ∂M) then has length\nb, and we define its inverse, t= 1/b, as the natural measure of temperature in this ensemble. We will\nassume that the infilling metric has a Killing field ∂/∂τ that remains hypersurface orthogonal, so that\nin particular Tτi= 0. It is worth noting that while the time-time component of the rescaled metric,\nΓττ, is constant, this will not generally be true for the induced metric, where γττ∼K1\n(d−1)pmight\nspatially vary over the boundary.\nLet us define an energy density ρ= Γ ττTττ, so that one can expand the variations of the action as\nδSΘ=1\n2Z\n∂Mdd−1x√\nΓTµνδΓµν\n=δbZ\ng∂Mdd−2x√nρ+b\n2Z\ng∂Mdd−2x√nTijδnij. (3.13)\nAt this stage we introduce a potential F, and an energy E,\nSΘ=b F and E=Z\ng∂Mdd−2x√nρ (3.14)\nWe note that the energy we define here is defined with respect to the Killing vector ∂/∂τ in the rescaled\ngeometry (Γ , ∂M), and hence differs from the energy defined in [26] that applies to general dynamical\ncavity geometries and hence is not defined with respect to a bulk or boundary Killing vector. Then\nusing b= 1/tyields\nδF=−E−F\ntδt+1\n2Z\ng∂Mdd−2x√nTijδnij. (3.15)\nThis formula for the variation δFhas a striking resemblance with the first law of black hole thermo-\ndynamics if one could identify b(E−F) as the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy [27, 28]. We shall shortly\nsee that this will be the case.\nTo show this we start by looking at the on-shell action which determines our potential Fas,\nb F=SΘ=−Θ\n8πGZ\n∂Mdd−1x√γK−1\n16πGZ\nMddx√g(R−2Λ)\n=−Θ\n8πGbZ\ng∂Mdd−2x√nK1−1\n2p−1\n16πGZ\nMddx√g(R−2Λ). (3.16)\n– 11 –On the other hand, for the energy we find\nb E=Z\ng∂Mdd−2x√nρ\n=b1\n8πGZ\ng∂Mdd−2x√nK−1\n2pKττγττ−bΘ\n8πGZ\ng∂Mdd−2x√nK1−1\n2p. (3.17)\nCombining these expressions gives,\nE−F\nt=1\n8πGZ\n∂Mdd−1x√γKττγττ+1\n8πG2Λ\nd−2Z\nMddx√g , (3.18)\nwhere we have used that on-shell R= 2dΛ/(d−2). Due to our symmetry assumptions, the infilling\nmetric can be written as\nds2=N(x)2dτ2+HIJ(x)dxIdxJ, (3.19)\nwhere HIJis the metric on the ( d−1)-dimensional space Hspanned by all the bulk non-thermal\ndirections, and we recall that τ∼τ+ 2π. Using the above form of the metric, we can write the ττ\ncomponent of the Einstein equation as\nRττ−2Λ\nd−2gττ= 0⇒ −N\u0012\n∇2\n(H)N+2\nd−2ΛN\u0013\n= 0⇒ ∇I\n(H)JI+2Λ\nd−2ΛN= 0, (3.20)\nwhere we defined JI≡HIJ∇(H)INand∇(H)is the metric preserving connection on H. Let us look\nat the last term appearing in Eq. (3.18) and write it as a function of JI\n2Λ\nd−2Z\nMddx√g= 2π2Λ\nd−2Z\nHdd−1x√\nHN=−2πZ\nHdd−1x√\nH∇I\n(H)JI. (3.21)\nWe see that this is a total divergence, and so can be readily evaluated on ∂H. Let us now assume that\nthe cavity is filled with a black hole with a single horizon component. The boundary of ∂Hthen has\ntwo parts: the cavity boundary, g∂M, and the bifurcating Killing horizon Hof the black hole. Then\neach component yields a contribution to the boundary terms as,\n2Λ\nd−2Z\nMddx√g=−2πZ\n∂Hdd−2x√¯γ niJi=−2πZ\nHdd−2x√¯γ niJi−2πZ\ng∂Mdd−2x√¯γ niJi,(3.22)\nwhere niis the unit outer normal to a given boundary and ¯ γabis the spatial ( d−2)-dimensional\nmetric on that boundary. In order to evaluate the contributions at the boundaries it is convenient\nto use Gaussian normal coordinates, that is to say in the neighbourhood of a boundary we choose\ncoordinates,\nds2= dr2+ ¯γijdxidxj. (3.23)\nso that the boundary is at r= 0 and the interior of the geometry is r >0.\nIt then follows that√¯γniJi=√¯γnrJr=−√¯γ∂rN . (3.24)\nFor a bifurcating Killing horizon, N=r+o(r), since we have fixed the period of τto be 2 πand so,\n−2πZ\nHdd−2x√¯γ niJi= 2πZ\nHdd−2x√¯γ= 2πA , (3.25)\n– 12 –where Ais the horizon area. For the cavity boundary, in these normal coordinates,\nKττ=−N∂rN|r=0 (3.26)\nand thus,\n��2πZ\ng∂Mdd−2x√¯γ niJi=−2πZ\ng∂Mdd−2x√γKττγττ=−Z\n∂Mdd−1x√γKττγττ, (3.27)\nwhere we used that γττ= 1/N2|r=0. We have thus found that\n2Λ\nd−2Z\nMddx√g= 2πA−Z\n∂Mdd−1x√γKττγττ, (3.28)\nwhich we can substitute into Eq. (3.18) to confirm our claim above, concluding that for a black hole\nin a cavity,\nE−F\nt=SBH (3.29)\nwhere SBH=A/(4G) is the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. Then from (3.15) we obtain the first law,\nδF=−SBHδt+1\n2Z\ndd−2x√nTijδnij. (3.30)\nWe emphasize that the temperature tand metric nijare those associated to the rescaled metric Γ µν,\nand not those associated with induced boundary metric γµν. The second term above is a work term\nassociated to deforming the boundary spatial geometry. It is a generalization of the familiar ∼PdV\nterm, and reduces to that if we restrict to a round sphere cavity so that the change in volume solely\ncomes from a change of radius. We also note that the first law above also applies to empty cavities\nwhich contain no black hole horizons, where one would simply drop the horizon entropy term. Like-\nwise if interior solutions with multiple horizon components were to exist – for example with a positive\ncosmological term [29] – then the horizon entropy term would be the sum of that from each horizon\ncomponent. A reduced first law was considered for Anderson boundary condition in [15]. This re-\nstricted to cavities with a round sphere spatial geometry, and only considered changes in dimensionless\nquantities, so in that context a dimensionless free energy as a function of the conformal class. We\nbelieve our first law is consistent with their results in that special situation.\n3.2 Saddle points for spherical cavities: hot space and black holes\nTo evaluate the gravitational path integral (3.1), we will use the saddle point approximation (3.2). We\nwant to consider spherical cavities, and we will assume that spherical symmetry is preserved in the\ninterior of the cavity. The metric γµνon the boundary ∂Mwill be S1\nβ×S2\nR0, with S1\nβhaving length β\nand parametrizing a periodic Euclidean time coordinate τ∼τ+2π, while S2\nR0represents the metric on\na round two-sphere with a radius of R0. As in the Dirichlet case, the infilling saddle points are either\nblack holes, or the vacuum spacetime with compact Euclidean time circle which we term ‘hot space’.\nWe will compare actions for the various saddles while keeping\nB ≡β\nR0andK ≡p\nγ(R0)K(R0)1\n2p (3.31)\n– 13 –constant, noting that Bdetermines the conformal class of the static spherical boundary. It is important\nto note that the different saddles we may consider might have distinct values for R0andβ, but equal\nvalues for BandK. Note that from our discussion in section 2 this is equivalent to fixing Γ µνunder\nspherical symmetry. An important point is that while βgives the size of the Euclidean time circle\nas measured in the metric γµν, we will find that it is the size of the circle in the rescaled metric Γ µν,\nwhich we denote as b, that will determine the notion of inverse temperature in the thermodynamics\nwith our conformal boundary conditions. We may compute this rescaled boundary metric to find,\nΓµνdxµdxν=b2\n(2π)2dτ2+r2dΩ2\n2with b= (2πK)1/3B2/3and r=\u00122πK\nB\u00131/3\n. (3.32)\nWe will ignore the cosmological constant here, although we do give a discussion of the case with\ncosmological constant in the Appendix D. Thus our infilling solutions must be Ricci flat and, in\nparticular, have a vanishing Ricci scalar R. As a result, the bulk action SEHvanishes and the action\nis given by the boundary term only:\nS[B,K] =−Θ\n8πGZ\n∂Md3x√γ K . (3.33)\nBy virtue of Birkhoff’s theorem [30], there are only two different line elements to investigate,\ncorresponding to Euclidean space and Euclidean Schwarzschild black hole, which we will analyse in\nturn.\nLet us first consider Euclidean space with a cavity of radius r=rE\nds2\nE=β2\nE\n(2π)2dτ2+ dr2+r2dΩ2\n2, (3.34)\nfor which the Euclidean action reads\nSE[B,K] =−rEβEΘ\nG. (3.35)\nFurthermore, it a simple exercise to compute\nBE=βE\nrEandKE= 21\n2pr2−1\n2p\nEβE\n2π, (3.36)\nwhich we could use to rewrite SE[B,K] as a function of BandKexplicitly.\nLet us turn our attention now to the line element of Euclidean Schwarzschild inside a cavity of\nradius r=rB\nds2\nB=β2\nBF(r)2\n(2π)2F(rB)2dτ2+dr2\nF(r)2+r2dΩ2\n2 (3.37a)\nwith\nF(r)2= 1−r+\nr. (3.37b)\nThe horizon, located at r=r+, is an S2bolt [31] of area 4 πr2\n+and regularity there requires the\nstandard choice [32–34] for the length of the thermal circle\nβB=2π\nF′(r+). (3.38)\n– 14 –The on-shell action now reads\nSB[B,K] =−rBβBΘ\n4G4−3x√1−x(3.39)\nand furthermore\nBB=βB\nrB= 4πx√\n1−xandKB= 2−1\n2pr2−1\n2p\nB(4−3x)1\n2p(1−x)−1\n4pβB\n2π, (3.40)\nwhere we defined x≡r+/rB∈(0,1). We see from above that, at a fixed and sufficiently small BB\nthere are exactly twoblack hole saddles with distinct values of x, one with x >2/3 and the other with\nx <2/3, as first observed by York [1]. The saddle with larger (smaller) values of xis denoted by large\n(small) Euclidean Schwarzschild black hole. We note that since xis determined by the conformal class\nof the boundary it is not sensitive to the value of p, and thus the boundary between small and large\nblack holes, x= 2/3, is the same for all the boundary conditions we consider.\nWe now impose our boundary conditions ΓE\nµν= ΓB\nµν, which in turn demands\nβB\nrB=βE\nrE= 4πx√\n1−xand rB= 4−1\n1−6p(4−3x)1\n1−6p(1−x)−1\n2(1−6p)rE, (3.41)\nand automatically ensures BE=BH≡ B andKE=KH≡ K. The difference between the on-shell\nactions can then be readily computed and we find\n∆S[B,K]≡SB[B,K]−SE[B,K] =−22\n1−6pB1+4p\n1−6p(2πK)−4p\n1−6pΘ\nGH(p, x) (3.42a)\nwith\nH(p, x)≡\u0012\n1−3x\n4\u00131+2\n1−6p\n(1−x)−1\n2−1\n1−6p−1. (3.42b)\nFor any pwe see that H(p,8/9) = 0 indicating a first order transition between the large black hole\nand hot flat space. For small xwe have,\n∆S[B,K] = 22\n1−6pB1+4p\n1−6pK−4p\n1−6p1\n4G\u0002\nx+O(x2)\u0003\n(3.43)\nshowing that the small Euclidean Schwarzschild saddle is never dominant. Furthermore, since\nΘH∼ −x\n4(3.44)\nnear x= 0 and has a single vanishing derivative at x= 2/3 in the interval x∈(0,1), we conclude that\nΘHhas a minimum at x= 2/3. This shows that the large Euclidean Schwarzschild saddle becomes\ndominant for B<8π/(3√\n3), whereas hot Euclidean space dominates in the complementary regime.\nIndeed, this result is independent of p! This is the same result that York found for Dirichlet boundary\nconditions [1] and analogous to the Hawking-Page transition in AdS spacetimes [35]. One might wonder\nwhy the point of transition is independent of p– this can be understood as being due to the on-shell\naction reducing simply to a boundary term, and changing ponly changes the coefficient of this term.\nThus the action of the competing saddles are all scaled together as pis varied, and so the value of B\nwhere the large black hole and hot space have equal action is not changed.\n– 15 –Now let us have a look at the first law of black hole thermodynamics derived in section 3.1 again.\nIn the black hole background (3.37a), we have\nb= 22−1\n6pπx(4−3x)\u00124−3x√1−x\u00131\n6p−1\nr1−1\n6p\nB,r= 2−1\n6p\u00124−3x√1−x\u00131\n6p\nr1−1\n6p\nB, (3.45)\nwhile for the potential Fand the energy Ewe find\nF=SB\nb=−21\n6pΘ\n4G·r1+1\n6p\nB·\u00124−3x√1−x\u00131−1\n6p\n, (3.46a)\nE=Z\ng∂Mdd−2x√n ρ=21\n6pΘ\n4G·r1+1\n6p\nB·(x−4Θ + 3 xΘ)·(1−x)1\n12(−6+1\np)\n(4−3x)1\n6p. (3.46b)\nCombining these together gives an explicit check of our earlier equation (3.29),\nb(E−F) =πr2\nBx2\nG=πr2\n+\nG=A\n4G, (3.47)\nwhere A= 4πr2\n+is the area of the black hole horizon, recovering the standard Bekenstein-Hawking\nentropy of a black hole.\nGiven the inverse temperature band entropy SBH, we can calculate the black hole specific heat via\nC=−b∂SBH\n∂b. (3.48)\nThis is simple to compute, but we are interested only in its sign, which is governed by the conformal\nclass as,\nC= (some positive expression) ·16x−8−9x2+ 12p(1−x)(4−3x)\n(6p−1)(3x−2). (3.49)\nWe note that for p= 0 this agrees with the specific heat computed in [15]. As for Dirichlet boundary\nconditions, for the small black hole, x <2\n3, the specific heat is always negative, indicating thermody-\nnamic instability. For the large black hole, x >2\n3, ifp <1\n6then the specific heat is positive as in the\nDirichlet case. However for p >1\n6then the specific changes from positive to negative when the black hole\nis large enough, as can be seen because C∼(positive expression)1\n1−6p(1 + (1 −12p)(1−x))+O(1−x)2\nnear x= 1. This transition happens at x→1 ifp→+∞so we still recover the Dirichlet result that\nthe large black hole is thermodynamically stable.\nThus in the case p >1/6 we obtain the novel behaviour that the specific heat capacity of sufficiently\nlarge large black holes is negative, naively indicating thermodynamic instability. We will later explore\nwhether this potential instability shows up in either the fluctuations about this Euclidean saddle point,\nor its dynamical stability.\n3.3 Fluctuations about the empty spherical cavity\nThe aim of this subsection is to demonstrate that an empty spherical cavity filled with hot Euclidean\nspace is devoid of fluctuation negative modes if pis sufficiently large, specifically if p > 1/6. Our\nfindings can be extended to Λ ̸= 0, and we defer discuss this explicitly in appendix C. While we will\nprimarily concentrate on four spacetime dimensions for the sake of presentation, we have verified that\n– 16 –our results generalize to d≥4mutatis mutandis . Note however that in d≥5 one should also consider\ntensor modes, but these are the same as in the Dirichlet case. The eigenvalue problem to study is\nsimply that given in Eq. (3.8)\n(∆Lh)ab=λ habwith ∇aha\nb=1\n2∇bh (3.50)\naround hot Euclidean space with a cavity of radius r=rE(see Eq. (3.34)), so,\nds2\nE=β2\nE\n(2π)2dτ2+ dr2+r2dΩ2\n2, (3.51)\nwhere recall that τ∼τ+ 2πso that the length of the thermal circle is βE.\nAs emphasized in [22], when gravity is placed in a cavity, due to the mixing of the transverse\ntraceless and conformal modes the Lichnerowicz operator is self-adjoint with respect to the non-positive\nDeWitt metric, and thus its eigenvalues need not be real. It was argued that stability is determined by\nthe real part of the eigenvalues being positive. This precisely correlates with stability of a saddle point\nunder Ricci flow – a saddle is a fixed point of Ricci flow, and a negative real eigenvalue corresponds\nto an unstable mode under the flow that takes one away from this fixed point in flow time. Thus for\nstability we require,\nReλ≥0 (3.52)\nfor all eigenvalues λ.\nSince ∂/∂τ is a Killing isometry, we can decompose all the perturbations into Fourier modes\neinτwith n∈Z. Furthermore, we can exploit the background SO(3) symmetry and decompose all\nmodes based on their transformations under diffeomorphisms on the S2. In four spacetime dimensions,\nthese fall into two classes: scalar-derived gravitational perturbations and vector-derived gravitational\nperturbations. Scalar-derived modes are built from spherical harmonics YℓSmSonS2, while vector-\nderived modes are built from vector harmonics on S2YℓVmV\nI , where upper case Latin indices will run\nover the sphere directions. In dimensions d≥5, there are also tensor harmonics to consider. There is\none further simplification that occurs for four-spacetime dimensions. Let GIJbe the metric on a round\ntwo sphere of unit radius. Let also DIbe the metric-preserving covariant derivative on the unit radius\nS2. It is easy to show that YℓVmV\nI are simply two-dimensional Hodge duals of gradients of YℓSmS. For\nspherical harmonics, we have ℓS≥0, while for vector harmonics ℓV≥1. For later convenience, we\ndefine\n˜τ=βE\n2πτand ei n τ=ei˜n˜τ, (3.53)\nwhere we note that n∈Z, but ˜ nis generally notan integer.\nThe analysis of the scalar fluctuations is rather technical, with various special cases to consider. The\nfull details are reserved for the Appendix A. The upshot is that the vector modes of the Lichnerowicz\noperator for our new conformal boundary condition have precisely the same spectrum as in the Dirichlet\ncase – there is no dependence on the boundary condition, and further they are all real and stable. Thus\nwe will concentrate on the scalar modes which need not be real, and depend in detail on the boundary\nconditions.\n– 17 –Non-spherical scalar-derived gravitational modes are constructed from scalar harmonics YℓSmS,\nwhich satisfy the usual eigenvalue equation\nDIDIYℓSmS+ℓS(ℓS+ 1)YℓSmS= 0, (3.54)\nwhere we recall that Iis an index on the two sphere and Dis the metric preserving covariant derivative\non the unit round two-sphere. Let lower case hatted Latin indices run over ˜ τandr. Scalar derived\nperturbations are then written as\nδds2≡+∞X\nℓS=0ℓSX\nmS=−ℓShℓSmS\nab(˜τ, r, θ, ϕ )dxadxb(3.55a)\nwith θandϕthe usual polar and azimuthal angles on the two sphere and\nhℓSmS\nˆaˆb=ˆfℓSmS\nˆaˆb(˜τ, r)YℓSmS(3.55b)\nhℓSmS\nˆaI =ˆfℓSmS\nˆa(˜τ, r)DIYℓSmS(3.55c)\nhℓSmS\nIJ =ˆhℓSmS\nL(˜τ, r)GIJYℓSmS+ˆhℓSmS\nT(˜τ, r)SℓSmS\nIJ (3.55d)\nwhere SℓSmS\nIJ is a traceless symmetric two tensor defined as\nSℓSmS\nIJ =DIDJYℓSmS+ℓS(ℓS+ 1)\n2GIJYℓSmS(3.55e)\nand\nGIJdxIdxJ= dΩ2\n2. (3.55f)\nSince all the angular dependence is fixed, we are left with determining ˆfˆaˆb,ˆfˆa,ˆhLandˆhT. At this\npoint we use the fact that ∂/∂˜τis a Killing vector field of the background and further expand ˆfˆaˆb,ˆfˆa,\nˆhLandˆhTas\nˆfℓSmS\nˆaˆb(˜τ, r) =ei˜n˜τfℓSmS˜n\nˆaˆb(r),ˆfℓSmS\nˆa(˜τ, r) =ei˜n˜τfℓSmS˜n\nˆa (r),\nˆhℓSmS\nL(˜τ, r) =ei˜n˜τhℓSmS˜n\nL (r) and ˆhℓSmS\nT(˜τ, r) =ei˜n˜τhℓSmS˜n\nT (r) (3.56)\nModes with different values of ℓS,mSand/or ˜ ndecouple from each other at the quadratic level in the\naction. For this reason, we shall drop the subscript ℓSmS˜nin what follows.\nIn the analysis of these fluctuations, given in detail in the Appendix A, the spherically symmetric\nmodes with ℓS= 0, and those with ℓS= 1 are special, since for those S1mS\nIJ= 0, and must be treated\nas separate cases. Furthermore the modes that are static with n= 0 must be treated separately.\nIn that Appendix we give analytic expressions for the various fluctuation component functions in\nequation (3.56). In all cases, included those that must be treated separately, the result of the scalar\nperturbation mode analysis may be summarized in the following condition on the eigenvalue:\np(ℓS, n, λ) =AℓS(˜Λ) + ϖ2CℓS(˜Λ)\nBℓS(˜Λ) + ϖ2DℓS(˜Λ)(3.57)\nwhere the lefthand side encodes the choice of boundary condition. Furthermore, we defined\n˜Λ≡˜λ−ϖ2, ˜λ≡λ r2\nE, ϖ ≡˜n rE (3.58)\n– 18 –and we have somewhat complicated expressions for AℓS,BℓS,CℓSandDℓS. These take the form,\nAℓS(˜Λ) =4X\nq=0aq(p\n˜Λ)J 1\n2+ℓS(p\n˜Λ)qJ3\n2+ℓS(p\n˜Λ)4−q(3.59)\nwhere the five coefficients aq(p\n˜Λ, ℓS) are polynomials in the argumentsp\n˜Λ and ℓS, up to quadratic\norder in ℓS, but have no explicit pdependence. These can be explicitly read off from the expressions\nin equations (A.26). The expressions BℓS,CℓSandDℓStake the same form. Ideally we would solve\nthe above expression (3.57) to obtain the eigenvalue λas a function of ℓS,nand the cavity radius rE.\nUnfortunately this appears not to be analytically tractable. However the above form is convenient to\nstudy the Euclidean stability of this background, hot Euclidean space, and we now discuss this.\nWe note that for Dirichlet boundary conditions, a similar analysis yields the condition on the\nmodes,\nBℓS(˜Λ) + ϖ2DℓS(˜Λ) = 0 (3.60)\nwhich corresponds to the vanishing of the denominator in (3.57), and hence to the infinite |p|limit.\nThis demonstrates that in the infinite |p|limit, modes with finite eigenvalue ˜λwill limit to those of\nthe Dirichlet problem. Conversely there will be modes whose magnitude of their eigenvalue diverges\nin the p→ ±∞ limit, and are not shared by the Dirichlet boundary conditions.\n3.3.1 Static spherical modes\nIn the case that p <1/6, we indeed find eigenmodes with Re λ <0. The simplest sector to see these\nis the static spherically symmetric scalar sector, n=ℓS= 0, where the condition above yields,\np\u0010\n˜λ\u0011\n=1\n12\n1 + 5 ˜λ−3˜λ3/2cot\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011\n−˜λcot\u0010p\n˜λ\u00112\n1 +˜λ−p\n˜λcot\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011\n. (3.61)\nNow expanding about ˜λ= 0 we find,\np=1\n6+1\n18˜λ+O\u0010\n˜λ2\u0011\n. (3.62)\nThus for p= 1/6 the spectrum has a marginal mode, with λ= 0, and near to this value, for p <1/6\nwe see that ˜λbecomes real and negative, and hence we see that an unstable mode with Re λ < 0\nexists. For real ˜λthen pis real and is given in figure 1. We may then follow the unstable mode above.\nAsymptotically one finds,\np=∓p\n−˜λ\n4+3\n4+O\u0010\n˜λ−1/2\u0011\n(3.63)\nwith the upper minus sign for Im ˜λ≥0 and the lower positive sign for Im ˜λ <0. This is shown in\nred on the figure, and so p→ −∞ as˜λ→ −∞ . From the figure we see the relation is monotonic\nfor˜λ <0, and hence the negative mode exists for all p <1/6. This asymptotics precisely illustrates\nthe behaviour mentioned above, namely that there are modes in the eigenspectrum with diverging\n– 19 –eigenvalue as p→ ±∞ . Here we see that for p→ −∞ this is a negative mode, whereas for p→+∞\nit is a stable mode.\nForp >1/6 there are no unstable modes in this static spherical sector. We see from the figure that\nmodes with positive real ˜λexist for p >1/6. Indeed for all values of pwe may also find modes with\ncomplex ˜λ, but as we will soon argue, these are stable having Re ˜λ >0. In figure 11 in Appendix A.1,\na variety of modes are shown for different p.\n-100 -50 0 50-2-10123\nFigure 1 :pas a function of ˜λfor the static spherical modes n=ℓS= 0. The green dot marks p=1\n6, where\n˜λis precisely 0. The red dashed curve gives the asymptotic behavior of p(˜λ) as˜λ→ −∞ .\n3.3.2 Instabilites for p <1/6for the static non-spherical modes\nForp <1/6 we have seen that there is an unstable spherically symmetric static mode. However for\nsufficiently small pthere are other unstable modes, both with real but also complex ˜λ. This can already\nbe seen in the static sector with ϖ= 0 (and so n= 0).\nIn figure 2 we plot pagainst negative ˜λfor both ℓS= 2 and 4. For ℓS= 2 then p=−2/3 at˜λ= 0,\nand we see that for the range −2\n3< p < −0.64422 there are a pair of unstable modes with real ˜λ. For\np <−2\n3there persists a single unstable mode. Likewise for ℓS= 4 then p=−17\n6at˜λ= 0 and for the\nrange −17\n6< p < −1.98491 there is a pair of unstable modes with real ˜λ, and for p <−17\n6there is a\nsingle real unstable mode. This phenomena holds for all ℓS, each giving rise to a pair of real unstable\nmodes for sufficiently small p, and a single mode for smaller p≤1\n12(2−ℓS−2ℓ2\nS), where the righthand\nside of this inequality derives from the value of pat˜λ= 0.\nHowever the situation is more complicated as for certain ranges of pthere may also exist complex\nunstable modes, so modes with complex ˜λwhere Re ˜λ <0. We may see these in the example of ℓS= 2\nand 4 depicted in figure 3. Here a contour plot of the real part of p, Rep, is shown in the complex\n˜λplane in the potentially unstable region, Re ˜λ < 0. Now pmust be a real value, and so only if\nIm(p) = 0 can this value of pcorrespond to a physical unstable mode. On the figures we have plotted a\nred curve showing where Im( p) vanishes. While it vanishes along the negative real axis, for ℓS= 2,4 it\n– 20 –-8 -6 -4 -2 0-0.71-0.70-0.69-0.68-0.67-0.66-0.65\n-140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0-3.0-2.8-2.6-2.4-2.2-2.0Figure 2 :pas a function of ˜λfor the static non-spherical modes with ℓS= 2 (left panel) and ℓS= 4 (right\npanel). The green dots mark\u0000\n0,1\n12(2−ℓS−2ℓ2\nS)\u0001\n.\nvanishes also on a curve that then connects to the imaginary ˜λaxis. This leaves the negative real axis\nprecisely at the point which maximizes p, so at p=−0.644 and −1.98 for ℓS= 2 and 4 respectively.\nWe find that pincreases along the curve towards the imaginary axis where p=−0.549 and −1.39 for\nℓS= 2 and 4 respectively. Therefore we conclude that for ℓS= 2 and p∈(−0.644,−0.549) we have\nunstable modes with complex eigenvalue, and likewise for ℓS= 4 we have p∈(−1.98,−1.39). In fact,\nwe observe this same feature for all ℓS≥2. The lowest few modes for ℓS= 2 are given in figure 13 in\nappendix A.3.1. The green dashed curve below the line Re ˜λ= 0 is consistent with our analysis here.\n3.3.3 Stability for p >1/6for all modes\nHaving seen that for p <1/6 there is at least one unstable mode, and that these modes may have\ncomplex eigenvalue, we now argue that for p >1/6 there are no unstable modes for any ℓSandϖ.\nBy inspecting the function for p(˜Λ) for different ℓSandϖin the complex ˜Λ plane one can verify this.\nHowever, the presence of unstable modes off the real ˜λaxis means that it is challenging to rule out\nunstable modes for all ℓSandϖ. Thus rather than relying on inspection of the function, we give a\nneater argument based on analyticity properties of the function p. The details of the argument are\npresented in Appendix B. The main claims are the following:\nClaim 1. : Repis maximized in the complex half plane Re ˜λ≤0 by its value on the imaginary axis\nRe˜λ= 0.\nWe are not able to give a rigorous proof of this, but are able to give a convincing demonstrate\nof this by a combination of analytic and numerical work presented in that Appendix. It follows from\nshowing that the function pis analytic in the complex half plane Re ˜Λ<0 and further observing that\n– 21 –-4 -3 -2 -1 002468\n-0.66-0.62-0.58-0.54-0.50\n-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0051015202530\n-2.8-2.6-2.4-2.2-2.0-1.8-1.6-1.4Figure 3 : Contour plot of Re pin the complex ˜λplane for ℓS= 2 (left panel) and ℓS= 4 (right panel). The\nred dashed curves are where Im p= 0 that corresponds to a physical unstable mode.\nRepgoes to −∞ asymptotically in all directions in that half plane. Recalling that ˜Λ = ˜λ−ϖ2with\nϖ > 0 and real, then this implies the same results hold in the complex half plane Re ˜λ < 0 of the\neigenvalue ˜λ, with this half plane being the one of interest for stability. Being analytic then writing\n˜λ=x+iy, it obeys the Laplace equation in the variables x, y, and by the maximum principle must\ntake its greatest value on the boundary of the region.\nA corollary of this result is that if Re pis bounded from above on the imaginary ˜λaxis, then that\nbounds Re pfor all ˜λin the complex half plane where Re ˜λ <0 and thus putative instabilities might lie.\nClaim 2. : Rep <1/6 for all ℓSandϖon the imaginary axis ˜λaxis.\nThe combination of these two claims then imply that Re p <1/6 for all ˜λwith Re ˜λ <0. While of\ncourse pmust be real for a physical mode to exist, this bound on the real part of pimplies that there\ncan be no instabilities for p >1/6.\nWe relegate showing analyticity to the Appendix, but here simply note that both the numerator\nand denominator of the expression for pin (3.57), given by AℓS(˜Λ) + ω2CℓS(˜Λ) and BℓS(˜Λ) + ω2DℓS(˜Λ)\nrespectively, are clearly analytic for Re ˜Λ<0 except for branch cuts along the negative real axis\nfrom the origin, from the properties of Bessel functions. Since ˜Λ = ˜λ−ϖ2, then the same holds\nfor Re ˜λ < 0. In fact pis analytic at the origin, the non-analytic behaviour of the numerator and\ndenominator cancelling there. Hence showing that pis analytic for Re ˜λ <0 comes down to showing\nthat the denominator has no zeros in that region, and this is the work detailed in Appendix B.\nOnce analyticity is shown then Re pis maximized on a boundary or asymptotically. Due to the\nreality of the components of the expression for p, we have,\nRep(x, y) = Re p(x,−y),Imp(x, y) =−Imp(x,−y) (3.64)\nwhere again ˜λ=x+iy, so that Re pis an even function of y= Im ˜λ. Further the leading asymptotics\n– 22 –for the static spherical fluctuation case in equation (3.63) are similar to those when ℓS, ϖ̸= 0. We\nrecall that ℓSis a positive number, and ϖis a positive real. Using the asymptotic properties of Bessel\nfunctions we find in the upper unstable (ie. Re ˜λ <0) plane, so x∈(−∞,0],y∈[0,∞), that pgoes\nas,\np=−p\n−˜Λ\n4+3\n4+O\u0010\n˜Λ−1/2\u0011\n(3.65)\nwith ℓSandϖonly affecting the subleading terms, and since ˜Λ = ˜λ−ϖ2we recover the same\nasymptotics in ˜λas above in (3.63). Then for any finite ϖ, writing ˜λ=reiθthen the leading asymptotic\nbehaviour as r→ ∞ is, Re p→ −√r\n4sin\u0000θ\n2\u0001\nfor the unstable region of the upper half complex plane\nπ\n2≤θ≤π. Since sin\u0000θ\n2\u0001\n>1√\n2then as r→ ∞ then Re p→ −∞ . As a result of this, the only\nasymptotic region or boundary remaining for x≤0 where Re pcould be maximized is the imaginary\n˜λaxisx= 0 where Re ˜λ= 0, or equivalently, Re ˜Λ =−ϖ2.\nWe now consider the behaviour of Re pon the imaginary ˜λaxis. To address the second claim we\nwill argue that at fixed ˜λon the imaginary axis, Re pfor all positive numbers ℓSand real ϖ≥0 takes\nits maximum value for the static spherical case ℓS=ϖ= 0. This follows from the fact that we find\nthe behaviour of Re pat fixed ˜λdecreases with increasing ℓSand with increasing ϖ.\nFirstly in figure 4 we show the value of Re pat the origin, ˜λ= 0, so at Re ˜Λ =−ϖ2, as a function\nofϖfor various ℓS= 0, . . . , 6. We see that indeed Re pdecreases for increasing ℓSand increasing ϖ.\nThe maximum value of 1 /6 is attained for the spherical static case. The asymptotic behaviour of these\ncurves is given by,\nRep=−ϖ2\n12+4−3ℓS−3ℓ2\nS\n24+O\u0000\nϖ−2\u0001\n(3.66)\nand is shown in figure 4 by the dashed curves. The value of Re pat the origin in the figure, ϖ= 0, is,\np=2−ℓS−2ℓ2\nS\n12. (3.67)\nWe see both the value at the origin and the asymptotic behaviour decrease for increasing ℓS.\nSecondly in figure 5 we show Re pwith ϖ= 0 on the imaginary ˜λaxis again for ℓS= 0, . . . , 6. We\nshow the asymptotic behaviour, at fixed ℓS, which goes as,\nRep=−√y\n4√\n2+3\n4−24 + 11 ℓS+ 11ℓ2\nS\n24√2y+O\u0000\ny−3/2\u0001\n(3.68)\nas dashed lines, which we see decreases in value as ℓSincreases. The plot confirms that increasing ℓS\nindeed decreases the maximum value of Re pon the imaginary axis. For ℓS= 0 the maximum is the\nvalue at the origin, where p= 1/6. For ℓS>0, where the value at the origin is given above in (3.67),\nin fact the maximum of Re poccurs away from the origin on the imaginary ˜λaxis.\nThus from the previous plots we have seen that Re pis maximized for ϖ= 0 on the imaginary\naxis by the spherically symmetric modes ℓS= 0. At fixed location on the imaginary axis, increasing\nℓSdecreases Re p. Further we have seen that for ˜λ= 0 increasing ϖalso decreases Re p. Generally\nwe find that increasing ϖalways decreases Re pon the imaginary axis. In figure 6 we show surfaces of\nRepplotted on the imaginary axis and also against ϖ, with various ℓS= 0, . . . , 6. For fixed Im ˜λand\n– 23 –0 2 4 6 8 10-14-12-10-8-6-4-20Figure 4 : Repas a function of ϖat˜λ= 0 for different ℓS’s. The dashed lines give the asymptotic behaviors.\nThe black solid line is Re p= 0.\n0.01 0.10 1 10 100 1000-6-5-4-3-2-10\nFigure 5 : Re pas a function of Im ˜λatϖ= 0 for different ℓS’s. The dashed lines give the asymptotic\nbehaviors. The black solid line is Re p= 0.\nφwe again see a decrease with increasing ℓS. For fixed Im ˜λandℓSwe see a monotonic decrease with\nincreasing φ. Hence the ℓS= 0 curve in figure 5 bounds all other values of ℓS= 0 and ϖ= 0, and its\nmaximum value is at the origin ˜λ= 0, where p= 1/6. Thus we have that Re p <1/6 for all ℓSand\nϖon the imaginary axis, and hence the same is true in the unstable part of the complex ˜λplane (i.e.\nwhere Re ˜λ <0). Finally then, we arrive at the conclusion that there can be no Euclidean instability\nforp >1/6.\n3.4 Black hole fluctuations: spherical static negative modes\nThe existence of negative modes for black holes is a sign of local thermodynamic instability [2]. In\n[22], the authors showed that if we compute the spectrum of the Lichnerowicz operator acting on static\n– 24 –Figure 6 : Plot of Re pagainst ˜λon the imaginary axis and also against ϖ. This is plotted for various values\nofℓs= 0, . . . , 6. The orange surface is that with ℓS= 0 and bounds all the others from above. At fixed Im ˜λ\nandϖincreasing ℓSdecreases Re p. At fixed Im ˜λ, increasing ϖdecreases Re pfor all ℓS.\nspherically symmetric perturbations, then the path integral stability matches with thermodynamic\nstability for Euclidean Schwarzschild (AdS) black holes under Dirichlet boundary conditions. We\nwill now consider the same problem, namely that of computing the eigenvalues of the Lichnerowicz\noperator for our generalized conformal boundary condition on a black hole background, and comparing\nthe Euclidean stability determined by the existence of unstable modes to the thermodynamic stability.\nUnlike the previous section, where we considered the hot flat space saddle point, here we are unable\nto solve the fluctuations analytically for a black hole background. We therefore proceed numerically,\nand restrict to considering only the static spherically symmetric sector. For simplicity here we present\nonly the case without cosmological constant. However for completeness in the Appendix D we give\nresults where the cosmological constant is included. To proceed we take the background Schwarzschild\nsolution in equation (3.37a), and consider the fluctuation,\nδds2≡habdxadxb=F(r)2a(r) dτ2+b(r)dr2\nF(r)2+r2c(r) dΩ2\n2, (3.69)\nwhere a,bandcare unknown functions of r. We impose our boundary conditions given in (C.3)\nand the gauge condition (C.5), and then examine the existence of negative modes. The numerical\nmethod we use here is the same as the one proposed in [22] and reviewed in [25]. One can also use the\ntraditional operator approach, e.g., in [21].\n– 25 –Figure 7 gives the lowest four modes of the Lichnerowicz operator in the background of a Schwarzschild\nblack hole inside a cavity with our boundary conditions for ptaking three values p= 0,1/6 and 1 /3.\nIt is worth recapping what happens for Dirichlet boundary conditions [22]. There a small black hole,\nx <2/3, has a negative mode and large black holes where x >2/3 have none. This negative mode\nis the generalization of the Gross-Perry-Yaffe negative mode of asymptotically flat Schwarzschild [2],\nand indeed becomes precisely that mode in the very small black hole limit x→0. As one moves from\nthe small black hole branch to x= 2/3 the negative mode becomes a marginal zero mode, and is\nsimply given by the tangent to the space of Schwarzschild solutions, and so is generated by perturbing\nthe Schwarzschild radius r+. This occurs as at this special point the conformal class, and hence the\ntemperature measured in units of the 2-sphere radius, is stationary as r+is deformed. This Euclidean\nstability exactly coincides with thermodynamic stability, the small black holes having negative specific\nheat and the large ones having positive specific heat. Now with our generalized boundary conditions\nwe recover what we might have naively expected. The number of static spherical negative modes for\na black hole in a cavity can be understood by taking the number of static spherical negative modes in\nan empty cavity, and adding a negative mode in the case the black hole is small. Firstly consider the\ncasep <1/6, illustrated in the figure in the left panel for p= 0. Here for p <1/6 we find two static\nspherical negative modes for small black holes, so x <2/3, one associated to the cavity boundary, and\none to the ‘small’ horizon. For large black holes with p <1/6 we find only one negative mode, which\nwe take to be associated to the cavity. At x= 2/3 there is an exactly marginal zero mode that again is\nsimply tangent to the Schwarzschild family and is generated by perturbing r+, and exists since as we\nhave seen the dimensionless temperature B=β/R 0has a minimum and so is stationary as r+varies\nprecisely at x= 2/3. Looking back to our thermodynamic calculation of specific heat, the change in\nthe number of negative modes at x= 2/3 agrees with the change in sign of the specific heat there.\nWe note that while the p < 1/6 large black holes have a positive specific heat, they suffer from a\nEuclidean negative mode associated to the cavity, and thus presumably are not good saddle points of\nour ensemble.\nNow we consider the special case p= 1/6, illustrated in the middle panel of the figure. Now we\nhave a negative mode associated to the horizon for small black holes and none for large, and for all\nblack holes we have an exact zero mode. The cavity instability for p <1/6 becomes precisely marginal\nforp= 1/6. In fact one can quickly see that this marginal mode simply corresponds to a global scaling\nof the cavity, where both the black hole radius r+and the cavity radius R0are perturbed together,\nand arises as for the special value p= 1/6 the boundary condition, γpK=constant is scale invariant,\nwhile the conformal class is always scale invariant.\nThe most interesting case is p >1/6. Here we have seen an empty cavity has no unstable modes\nand thus naively we expect that a small black hole will have one negative mode, a generalization of that\nof Gross-Perry-Yaffe, and a large black hole will have no unstable modes. This is precisely what we\nobserve in the numerics, and can be seen in the right panel of the figure where the low-lying spectrum\nfor the representative value p= 1/3 is shown. But this gives rise to a strange situation – we have seen\nthat the thermodynamics of black holes for p >1/6 has the novelty that very large black holes have\nnegative specific heat capacity, and thus we would expect them to be thermodynamically unstable.\nHowever we see no hint of this in the Euclidean fluctuation analysis where the saddle point appears to\nbe stable, at least to static spherically symmetry modes. In particular in that figure where p= 1/3 we\ndenote the range x≥0.845 for which the large black hole negative specific heat is negative, and we see\n– 26 –0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0-10123\n0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0-10123\n0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0-10123Figure 7 : The real part of the four lowest lying eigenvalues of ˆ∆Las a function of xfor the case with Λ=0.\nThe left, middle, and right panels correspond to p= 0,p=1\n6, and p=1\n3, respectively. The green dots marks\nx=2\n3. The gray solid line and the green dashed line are Re ˜λ= 0 and Re ˜λ=˜λGPY=−0.7677, respectively.\nThe dashed red line in the red panel denotes x=2\n3\u0000\n3−√\n3\u0001\n≈0.845, where the specific heat changes sign,\naccording to equation (3.49). Since only the sign of the real part of the eigenvalues determines the path\nintegral stability, we do not distinguish between real modes and complex modes.\nno hint of negative modes. We have carefully checked for other values of pfor the existence of static\nspherically symmetric negative modes in the range of xwhere large black holes are thermodynamically\nunstable, finding none.2While it is reasonable that the specific heat might be too crude a measure to\ncapture a Euclidean instability – for example the large black holes with p <1/6 have an unstable mode\ndue to the cavity, but positive specific heat – it seems far less reasonable that on can have unstable\nthermodynamics but no sign of this when considering Euclidean fluctuations. It is worth emphasizing\nthat we are only considering static and spherical fluctuations, but naively we might have expected\nthese to capture the negative specific heat of large black holes for p >1/6. We will discuss this further\nwhen we consider the Lorentzian stability of these solutions.\n4 Dynamical Lorentzian Stability of Generalized Conformal Boundary Conditions\nHaving discussed a new well-posed set of Euclidean boundary conditions, which apparently give a\nsensible thermodynamics in the case of p >1/6 for Euclidean spherical cavities, we now consider the\nLorentzian stability of these systems. We will lead to two related puzzles.\nFirstly in section 4.1, we consider the Lorentzian dynamics in the spherical subsector of the theory.\nDue to the Birkhoff theorem the bulk geometry is fixed, and we may analyse the behaviour by consid-\nering purely the dynamics of the cavity boundary, which is analogous to the motion of a ‘brane’, and\ncan be solved non-linearly. We find that the Lorentzian stability of flat spacetime filled cavities is the\nsame as that discussed above in the Euclidean theory, namely instability for p <1/6 and stability for\np >1/6. The Lorentzian instability we see is identified to the dynamics of the boundary, and gives a\n2As a further check for p >1/6 we have applied Ricci flow to static spherical perturbations of large thermodynamically unstable\nSchwarzschild black holes with our boundary conditions, following the methods in [21]. We will not give the full details here,\nbut report that generic static spherical perturbations quickly decay back to the large black hole fixed point, again confirming our\nconclusion that there are no Euclidean negative modes in the static spherical sector.\n– 27 –physical interpretation for the Euclidean instability observed above. The unstable cavity walls wants\nto shrink to a point, or to expand forever.\nThen in section 4.1.2, we consider the spherical dynamics of black holes, which produces a mystery.\nForp <1/6 the picture is as expected – there is a dynamical instability associated to the boundary\nwhich is paired to a Euclidean instability. However for sufficiently large black holes, for p >1/6 we see\na new dynamical instability, again associated to the boundary dynamics. This time this is not seen\nin the preceding Euclidean analysis, although interestingly it is hinted at in the earlier calculation of\nthe specific heat. Thus we have our first puzzle; the strange situation where a cavity with a black\nhole is stable in the Euclidean setting, but is unstable in Lorentzian signature. We should note that\nour Euclidean analysis of the Euclidean black hole was restricted to static and spherically symmetric\nmodes, and this might be a potential resolution, although we suspect that this is not the case.\nOur second puzzle then arises, in section 4.2, when we go beyond the spherical sector. We may\nanalyse this only using linear perturbation theory. For flat spacetime filled cavities we find Lorentzian\ninstabilities even forp >1/6, when they are stable in Euclidean signature. Thus going beyond the\nspherical sector we find a similar situation to that for the black holes, namely a stable Euclidean\nbehaviour but unstable Lorentzian dynamics, even for an empty cavity.\n4.1 Spherical stability\nWe begin with a spherically symmetric infilling geometry of a spherical cavity,\nds2=−V(t)F(r)2dt2+dr2\nF(r)2+r2dΩ2. (4.1)\nOf course in this situation for gravity with a cosmological constant Birkhoff’s theorem dictates the\ninfilling solution must be static (as in our ansatz above), and must in fact be Schwarzschild or its\ngeneralizations to (A)dS-Schwarzschild. Explicitly then it dictates the general infilling solution is:\nF(r)2=−r2Λ\n3+ 1−r0\nr. (4.2)\nHere we have also included a reparameterization of time for convenience through the introduction\nof the (strictly positive) function V(t). One might then naively imagine that with no gravitational\ndynamics for such spherical symmetry, there is no possibility to have an instability3.\nThe main point we wish to make here is that while the interior geometry is fixed, the boundary\nconditions for the cavity wall can induce an instability entirely localized there. In fact this instability\nis quite unrelated to the interior Einstein equation, and hence to emphasize this we will leave the\nfunction F(r) entirely free, assuming only the static, spherical interior whose line element is above.\nLet us consider the boundary which shares the spherical symmetry. Hence in our coordinate chart this\nwill follow a trajectory in the t-rplane – we may think of this as the dynamics of a ‘brane’ – which\n3We note that in fact one may take any 2-dimensional homogeneous space, so that,\nds2=−V(t)F(r)2dt2+dr2\nF(r)2+r2dΩ2\nk (4.3)\nwhere dΩ2\nkis the metric on the 2-dimensional homogeneous space, which explicitly we can take as dΩ2\nk=1\n1−kx2dx2+x2dy2,\nso that its 2d Ricci scalar curvature is equal to 2 k. The calculation leads to precisely the same equation (4.8) below, and is\nindependent of k(except through the function F(r)).\n– 28 –we parameterize as r=R(t), and we assume the interior of the spacetime near the cavity is r < R (t),\nso that the two dimensional homogeneous space shrinks inside the cavity.\nWe will impose our generalized conformal boundary conditions, so fixing the conformal class and\nγpK, or equivalently for non-vanishing Kfixing the rescaled boundary metric Γ µν, and ask whether\nthis is stable. The outward directed unit normal form, nµ, to the boundary is then,\nnµ=1q\nF(r)2−R′(t)2\nF(r)2V(t)(−R′(t),1,0,0) (4.4)\nwriting the coordinates as xµ= (t, r, x, y ). Using this we compute the projection tensor ⊥µν=gµν−\nnµnν, which can be used to pull the metric back to the cavity hypersurface to get the induced metric γµν,\nand the extrinsic curvature Kµν=⊥α\nµ∇αnν, from which we can extract its trace, K. We assume that\nfor the bulk infilling there is a static boundary location at radius r=R0. Taking V(t) = 1 /F(R0)2and\nR(t) =R0, we term the induced metric, γ0, and trace of the extrinsic curvature of this static boundary\nasK0, where these are given as,\nds2\nγ0=−dt2+R2\n0dΩ2, K 0=F′(R0) +2\nR0F(R0). (4.5)\nWe wish to consider the dynamics of the cavity, where the conformal class of the boundary γis fixed\nto that of the induced metric above, γ0, and γpKis fixed to its value for this static case, so equal to\nγp\n0K0.\nFor a dynamical cavity wall, so R=R(t) we make the choice that,\nV=˙R2\nF(R)4+\u0012R\nF(R)R0\u00132\n, (4.6)\nand then we see that indeed the induced boundary metric is conformal to the static one above,\nds2\nγ=R2\nR2\n0ds2\nγ0. (4.7)\nNow the condition on γpKcan be written explicitly as the ‘brane’ equation of motion,\n¨R\nR+˙R2\nR2−\u0012R\nR0\u00131−6p\u0012\nF′(R0) +2\nR0F(R0)\u0013s\n˙R2\nR2+F(R)2\nR2\n0=−R\nR2\n0F(R)\u0012\nF′(R) +2\nRF\u0013\n(4.8)\nand we may then regard the position of the cavity wall as a ‘brane’ undergoing this dynamics.\nIf we perturb about the static point, so R=R0+δR, then linearizing we find,\nδ¨R=−αδR , α =F(R0)\u0012\nF′′(R0) +2(1 + 3 p)\nR0F′(R0)−2(1−6p)\nR2\n0F(R0)\u0013\n. (4.9)\nThus the stability is simply determined by the sign of the coefficient α, positive implying stability and\nnegative implying instability. Again we emphasize this depends on the Einstein equation only through\nthe geometry of the static spacetime, and specifically the function F. In the case that the fixed point\nR=R0is unstable, we may use the dynamics above to solve the full non-linear evolution to see where\nthe instability leads.\n– 29 –We might wonder what happens if we instead take the spacetime interior to be r > R (t) so that the\nspherical spatial sections increase in size away from the cavity wall. This flips the sign of the extrinsic\ncurvature, but the last two equations above governing the dynamics of cavity boundary, so R(t), are\nunchanged.\n4.1.1 Linear instabilities for spherical cavities and black holes\nNow let us specialize to the case of a spherical cavity with no cosmological constant filled by flat\nspacetime, so F(r) = 1. Then,\nα=−2(1−6p)\nR2\n0, (4.10)\nso that for cavity boundary conditions with p < 1/6 (including Anderson boundary condition) the\ncavity is unstable, but for p > 1/6 we have stability. We note that for this spherically symmetric\nsector the stability precisely agrees with that of the Euclidean fluctuation stability. We might expect\nthis since for the marginal case of dynamical stability, p= 1/6, the Lorentzian static perturbation\ncontinues to a Euclidean zero mode, and hence marks the boundary of Euclidean stability as pvaries.\nWe will show this is indeed the case shortly. We note that just as in the Euclidean case, we expect the\nfrequency spectrum of perturbations to agree with the Dirichlet case in the |p| → ∞ limit. However\nthere may be modes with diverging frequency that do not coincide with those of the Dirichlet problem,\nand we may view this static spherical dynamics exactly as such a perturbation – we see the frequency,\ngoing as√αdiverges in magnitude with |p| → ∞ . For p→ −∞ this leads to an increasingly rapid\ninstability, whereas for p→+∞it is a stable mode.\nWe may consider the case with cosmological constant too. Then writing ˜ x= ΛR2\n0, we have that\n˜x <0 is the Anti de Sitter case, and 0 <˜x <3 is the de Sitter case where the cavity lies between\nthe origin at the de Sitter horizon. Finally ˜ x= 0 corresponds to the flat case with zero cosmological\nconstant. Then we find,\nαR2\n0=−1 + 6 p(2−˜x)−3\n3−˜x. (4.11)\nAs ˜x→3 then αis negative, and hence a cavity sufficiently close to the de Sitter horizon size is always\nunstable for any p. Conversely for a large AdS cavity, so x→ −∞ , then for any p >0 the cavity is\nstable, while for p >1/6 any AdS cavity is stable.\nNow let us consider the linear stability of a Schwarzschild black hole background with no cosmo-\nlogical constant, so F(r)2= 1−r+\nr. Then from equation (4.9), we obtain,\nα=F(R0)2\n4R2\n0(1−x)2·[12p(x−1)(3x−4) +x(16−9x)−8] (4.12)\nwhere x≡r+/R0∈(0,1) and so a marginal static perturbation implies\np∗=8−16x+ 9x2\n12(1−x)(4−3x). (4.13)\nThen p > p ∗is the criteria for the black hole to be stable under our one-parameter family of boundary\nconditions. In the small black hole limit x→0 this reproduces the flat space criteria. When 0 < x <\n2/3 then p∗is in the narrow interval p∗∈(pmin,1/6) with pmin= (√\n6−2)/3≃0.150. Instead when\n– 30 –2/3< x < 1, then we have p∗>1/6, and further we see from the asymptotic behaviour, p∗≃1\n12(1−x)\nasx→1 that p∗diverges to positive infinity as xapproaches to 1, indicating that large enough black\nholes are never stable unless we have strict Dirichlet boundary conditions. It appears that the close\nproximity of the cavity to the horizon leads to instability independent of psimilar to the case of the\nde Sitter cavity discussed above, where the cavity boundary becomes unstable if it gets to close to the\nde Sitter horizon.\nNow if we compare the above equation with the black hole specific heat given in equation (3.49), we\nsee that the minimal value of xfor stability for p >1/6 is precisely the same as the xwhere the specific\nheat changes sign. As a result, there is a dynamical instability associated with the thermodynamically\nunstable large black holes.\nThus our first mystery is revealed. We have seen a correspondence between the Lorentzian and\nEuclidean stability of flat space cavities. However, for black hole interiors and taking p > 1/6 the\nthermodynamics, specifically the specific heat, suggests an instability for sufficiently large black holes.\nWe have now seen this is reflected in a Lorentzian dynamical instability. However, at least in the\nspherically symmetric static Euclidean sector, the corresponding Euclidean saddle point appears to\nbe stable. Therefore this looks to be a system that is dynamically unstable, but nonetheless has a\ngood ( i.e.,stable) thermodynamic description via the partition function. It is worth emphasizing that\nthese large black holes still appear to be the dominant saddle point, as compared to hot flat space\nor the small black hole. We might wonder what happened to the na¨ ıve intuition that the Euclidean\nand Lorentzian stability should agree if the stability for one changes at a marginal perturbation, since\nthis marginal perturbation, being static, should be shared between both the Euclidean and Lorentzian\npictures. It is instructive to see why this is not the case here, so we briefly revisit this Lorentzian linear\nstability calculation by considering a spherical perturbation of the interior of the cavity, rather than\nthe ‘brane’ style calculation we have done above, in order that we can make contact with our previous\nEuclidean analysis.\n4.1.2 Revisiting the spherical stability calculation\nAn equivalent way to study the spherically symmetric dynamics is by directly perturbing the interior\nof the cavity. Consider the background metric\nds2= ¯gabdxadxb=−F(r)2dt2+1\nF(r)2dr2+r2dΩ2(4.14)\nwhich we take either to be Schwarzschild, with F(r)2= 1−r+\nr, or flat spacetime, F(r) = 1, and then\nconsider a perturbation induced by the diffeomorphism,\nr→r(1 +ϵf(r)), t→t(1 +ϵq), (4.15)\nwhich induces a new metric, related to the original one by the perturbation,\nds2=gabdxadxb= (¯gab+ϵhab) dxadxb, (4.16)\nsuch that,\nhabdxadxb=−F(r)2[1 +ϵ δT(r)]dt2+1\nF(r)2[1 +ϵ δA(r)]dr2+r2[1 +ϵ δS(r)]dΩ2, (4.17)\n– 31 –with\nδT(r) =−2q−2rf(r)F′(r)\nF(r),\nδA(r) =−2rf′(r) +f(r)\u0012\n2rF′(r)\nF(r)−2\u0013\n,\nδS(r) =−2f(r). (4.18)\nSince this new metric is related to the original metric by a diffeomorphism, the new metric also solves\nthe bulk equations of motion. Furthermore, this metric is static for any choice of f(r).\nHowever, now we do notperturb the boundary location to r=R0(1 +ϵf(R0)), because otherwise\nwe have not done anything! Instead, we keep the boundary fixed at r=R0, and focus on f(r) such\nthat f(R0)̸= 0. Then if we obey the boundary conditions at r=R0this is a genuine physical static\nperturbation of the system.\nWithout loss of generality, we choose units such that R0= 1. The boundary induced metric is\ngiven by\nds2\nγ=γµνdxµdxν=−F(R0)2[1 +ϵδT(R0)]dt2+R2\n0[1 +ϵδS(R0)]dΩ2. (4.19)\nNow we wish to fix,\nΓµν=K1\n3pγµν\f\f\f\nr=1, (4.20)\nwhere at the boundary r= 1,\nKr=1=K0+ϵδK , (4.21)\nwith\nK0= 2F(1) + F′(1), δK =F(1)\u0012\nδS′(1) +1\n2δT′(1)−δA(1)\u0013\n−1\n2F′(1)δA(1). (4.22)\nNow,\nδΓtt\nΓtt=−2q−2fF′\nF+f(2F−2F′−F′′)\n3p(2F+F′),\nδΓθθ\nΓθθ=−f(−2(1−6p)F+ 2(1 + 3 p)F′+F′′)\n3p(2F+F′). (4.23)\nwhere the r.h.s are evaluated at r= 1. Given that we must have f(1)̸= 0, or we have not done\nanything, the solution to these is given by,\nq=f(1)\u0012\n1−F′(1)\nF(1)\u0013\n,0 =F′′(1) + 2(1 + 3 p)F′(1)−2(1−6p)F(1). (4.24)\nNote that compared to the ‘brane’ calculation, the second condition is precisely the ‘brane’ linearized\ncondition in equation (4.9) (for R0= 1) that α= 0. We emphasize that the function f(r) away\nfrom the boundary is arbitrary, except that it should preserve the position of the origin of spherical\ncoordinates, or the position of the horizon. However, we could simply choose that it is compactly\nsupported close to the boundary and then these would follow. It is only the fact that it is non-zero at\nthe boundary that is important.\n– 32 –Consider the case of a perturbed flat cavity, where we see the Lorentzian and Euclidean stability\nprecisely agree, with the transition being at p= 1/6. The agreement may be understood as the marginal\nLorentzian mode at p= 1/6, being static, can be analytically continued to give a marginal Euclidean\nmode (a zero mode, so ˜λ= 0, of section 3.3.1). Why then is there disagreement for a black hole interior\nandp >1/6? The Euclidean fluctuations are stable in the spherical sector, but the Lorentzian ones\nare unstable for sufficiently large black holes. Consider now the Lorentzian marginal perturbation, so\np=p∗, for a suitably large black hole. This is again a static mode, and so the question is, why can\nwe not continue this to give a Euclidean zero mode, which would separate Euclidean stability from\ninstability?\nIndeed, we can continue the static mode to the Euclidean signature. However, if we consider\nthe perturbation above in equation (4.18) since necessarily q̸= 0 it induces a conical deficit at the\nEuclidean horizon, even if f(r) is compactly supported near the cavity wall, and has no support near\nthis horizon. In the flat space infilling there is no horizon, and so the corresponding marginal mode\ncontinues without a problem to the Euclidean setting4.\nThis suggests that enforcing smoothness of the Euclidean horizon is then the underlying reason\nthat for p >1/6 we appear to have dynamically unstable large black holes that nonetheless are stable\nEuclidean saddle points. It points to the possibility that perhaps the Euclidean path integral should\nbe taken over metrics that are allowed to have conical deficits.\n4.1.3 End-point of the instabilities\nLet us return to the ‘brane’ calculation of spherical stability, as it allows us to consider the full non-\nlinear evolution in the spherical sector. An obvious question is, where do the dynamical instabilities\nfind above evolve the system to? Let us start by considering the non-linear evolution of an empty\nflat spherical cavity, so Λ = 0 and F= 1, where we have seen that for p <1/6 the dynamics of the\nboundary are unstable. In this case where the only scale is set by the boundary, we may choose units\nwhere the static boundary position is R0= 2 without loss of generality to simplify the equations. Then\nwriting R(t) = 2p\nW(t) the dynamical equation for the boundary, equation (4.8), becomes5\n¨W\nW=W1−6p\n2s\n1 +˙W2\nW2−1. (4.26)\nThe static point then corresponds to the solution W(t) = 1. In the special case of marginal stability,\np= 1/6, we see that in fact the cavity wall can be placed anywhere and will remain exactly static.\nThus W=W0>0 is a solution. As noted earlier, this is a result of the boundary condition, which\nfixes γ1\n6Kand the conformal class of γµν, having an exact global scale symmetry.\n4One might wonder whether one could consider a perturbation generated by the diffeomorphism, r→r(1 + ϵf(r)) and\nt→t(1 +ϵq(r)), where q(r) is chosen to be compactly supported near the cavity boundary as for f(r). However now the metric\nperturbation will have explicit time dependence in the off-diagonal terms going linearly in t, so as ∼F(r)q′(r)tdtdr. After\nEuclidean continuation the τdependence, ∼τdτdr, will not be compatible with having a compact Euclidean time identified as\nτ∼τ+β.\n5Equation (4.26) admits an analytic first integral,\n˙W2=C2\n0−W2+ 2C0Wn+1\nn+ 1+W2(n+1)\n(n+ 1)2(4.25)\nwhere C0is a constant of integration and we defined n=1\n2(1−6p). We note that for some values of pit can actually be solved\nanalytically. For instance, for p=−1/6 it can be solved in terms of some Jacobi (sn) function.\n– 33 –0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5\n0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0012345Figure 8 : Behavior of the function W(t) under different p’s and initial conditions. The left panel has p=1\n6\nand the right panel has p=1\n12<1\n6.\nHowever as we see from the general p= 1/6 solution,\nW=W0\u0012\n1 +2vt+v2t2\n1−v2\u0013\n(4.27)\nfor constants W0andv, at the non-linear level these marginally stable fixed points are in fact unstable.\nIfWis perturbed at t= 0 so that ˙W=2vW0\n1−v2̸= 0, then if v <0 orv >1 the cavity boundary will\nreach zero size in a finite time,\ntshrink =(\n1−1\nv,|v|>1\n1\n|v|−1, v∈(−1,0). (4.28)\nFor−1< v < 0 and v >1 the boundary initially shrinks, but not with the exponential time dependence\nof the instabilities we have seen in the case p <1/6. Thus this is a non-linear instability. Further,\nforv <−1 initially the cavity expands, before then turning around and shrinking to zero size. For\nthe remaining range 0 < v < 1, the cavity wall initially expands, and continues to expand forever,\napproaching asymptotically the accelerated expansion W∼v2W0\n1−v2t2. The behavior of W(t) for different\nv’s are plotted in the left panel of figure 8.\nNow let us consider the unstable case p < 1/6 where the fixed point is R=R0, soW= 1.\nConsider that the fixed point is perturbed and then the dynamics takes Waway from one. To explore\nthe behaviour let us consider whether we may find ˙W= 0 at a later time, so that Whas an extremum.\nThis condition implies that where ˙W= 0 then,\n¨W\nW=W1−6p\n2−1. (4.29)\nNow given that p <1/6, this implies that at an extremum, ¨W > 0 ifW > 1, and ¨W < 0 if 0 < W < 1.\nThus Wcan’t have a maximum if W > 1, and it can’t have a minimum if 0 < W < 1. As a result,\n– 34 –we conclude that if Winitially is perturbed in the positive sense from W= 1 (so initially W≥1\nand ˙W≥0), it will continue to grow indefinitely. Likewise if it is perturbed in the negative sense (so\ninitially W≤1 and ˙W≤0), then Wwill decrease indefinitely towards W= 0. An example of this\nbehavior of W(t) taking p=1\n12<1\n6is plotted in the right panel of figure 8.\nWe may consider the cavity motion in the general background as for the dynamics (4.8). Then\nR=R0is a fixed point for the cavity radius. Let’s consider a perturbation of this, and ask again\nwhether we may have ˙R= 0. This implies the condition,\n¨R\nR=R1−6pF(R)\nR2\n0(Q(R)−Q(R0)), (4.30)\nwhere we have defined,\nQ(R) =−RF′(R) + 2F\nR1−6p. (4.31)\nNow if R > R 0implies Q(R)> Q(R0), then again ¨R > 0 and there can be no maximum in R, and\nhence the cavity will indefinitely grow if initially it is perturbed with R≥R0and ˙R≥0. Suppose the\nminimum size the cavity could be is Rmin– this might be zero size, or it might be the horizon size if\nthe cavity contains a black hole. Then if Rmin< R < R 0implies Q(R)< Q(R0) then ¨R <0 and there\ncan be no minimum in R, and Rwill decrease to Rminif initially it is perturbed with R≤R0and\n˙R≤0. A particular case of such behaviours is found if Q(R) is a monotonically increasing function of\nRforR > R min.\nOne example of this is the case of Anderson boundary conditions, so that p= 0, and an infilling\nthat is Schwarzschild, possibly including a cosmological constant, so,\nF(r) =r\n−r2Λ\n3+ 1−r0\nr. (4.32)\nThen Q(R) is indeed monotonically increasing for all values of r0and Λ, and for cavity radii greater\nthan the black hole horizon size. We have previously seen that Anderson boundary conditions are\nlinearly unstable for spherical cavities infilled with black holes. Now we see that this instability leads\nto unbounded expansion of the cavity, or collapse of the boundary to the horizon.\nLet us now consider Schwarzschild with no cosmological constant, so Λ = 0, and our generalized\nboundary conditions. We have seen above that for a given xthen for p < p ∗(x), with p∗given in\nequation (4.13), the Schwarzschild infilling is linearly unstable. For small black holes with 0 < x < 2/3,\nthen p∗∈(√\n6−2\n3,1/6), and so these mirror the stability of the empty cavity in the sense that for p >1/6\nthey are stable. However for large black holes with x >2/3 we saw that p∗>1/6, and further that\np∗∼1\n12(1−x)asx→1, and so while an empty cavity is stable for p > 1/6, if it is filled with a\nsufficiently large black hole it then becomes unstable in this spherical dynamical sector. What can we\nsay non-linearly about these dynamics?\nFirstly it is easy to show that for −√\n6+2\n3< p <√\n6−2\n3then Q(R) is an increasing monotonic\nfunction for any Rgreater than the horizon size. Small black holes in cavities with such pand are\nlinearly unstable, and this monotonicity of Q(R) shows this instability collapses the cavity to the\nhorizon or expands it forever.\n– 35 –In order to consider the other ranges of pwe note that the behaviour of Q(R) near the horizon\nand asymptotically are,\nQ(R) =−1\n2r6p−1\n2\n0√R−r0+O(p\nR−r0), Q (R) =−2R6p−1\u0000\n1 +O(R−1)\u0001\n(4.33)\nrespectively. Hence for p <1/6 we have Q(R)< Q(R0) for Rnear the horizon and Q(R0)< Q(R)\nfor large radius too. Consider the case of small black holes which are unstable with pin the range\np∈(√\n6−2\n3,1/6). Then the function Q(R) is not monontonic, but has both a maximum at the radius\nR=R−and a minimum at the radius R=R+, where these are given by,\nR±\nr0=1−21\n4p\n1−6p±p\n9p2+ 12p−2\n4(1−6p), (4.34)\nso we see that r0< R−< R +. Given that the cavity is unstable then either the unperturbed cavity\nradius R=R0is at a smaller radius than the maximum, or a larger radius than the minimum; so\neither r0< R 0< R−orR+< R 0. In the first case then Q(R) is monotonic for r0< R < R 0and so\nif the cavity wall is perturbed so that R≤R0and ˙R≤0 then it will continue to fall to the horizon.\nIn the second case it is monotonic for R0< R and so if it is perturbed in an increasing sense it will\ncontinue to expand forever.\nIn the interesting case of p >1/6 the function Q(R) has a single maximum at the value given\nbyR−above for an unstable cavity, and in particular R0< R −. Thus of the cavity is perturbed in\nthe shrinking sense, so initially R≤R0and ˙R≤0 then it will continue to fall to the horizon. If\nperturbed in the increasing sense is initially grows, but since for large Rthen Q(R)≃ −2R6p−1, so\nQ(R)−Q(R0)<0, then generically it reaches a maximum size and recontracts.\nThus in summary, we appear to find that where a linear dynamical instability exists for a cavity\nboundary, it tends to act to either shrink the cavity boundary down to a minimal size (either zero radius\nin an empty cavity or to the black hole horizon) or it acts to expand the cavity radius indefinitely.\n4.2 Stability beyond spherical symmetry\nHaving explored dynamical stability for spherical symmetry, we now explore the linear stability of our\nnovel boundary conditions concerning perturbations that break spherical symmetry , typically examined\nthrough the Kodama-Ishibashi formalism [36]. We focus on the case of an empty spherical cavity with\na vanishing cosmological constant. The background metric thus reads\nds2=−dt2+ dr2+r2dΩ2\n2, (4.35)\nand we take the cavity to be located at r=R0.\nOur initial objective is to understand how our cavity boundary conditions influence the boundary\nconditions for the Kodama-Ishibashi master variables. These variables govern gravitational perturba-\ntions derived from both scalar and vector harmonics on the two-sphere. The vector-derived pertur-\nbations can be shown to have the same boundary conditions as in the Dirichlet problem, and were\nthus studied in [37] and no instabilities were found. For this reason, we will focus on scalar-derived\nperturbations.\n– 36 –The generic form of scalar-derived gravitational perturbations has been explained in section 3.3 in\nthe Euclidean context. The same reasoning applies to the Lorentzian setup so that,\nhℓSmS\nˆaˆb=ˆfℓSmS\nˆaˆb(t, r)YℓSmS(4.36a)\nhℓSmS\nˆaI =−rˆfℓSmS\nˆa(t, r)DIYℓSmS\np\nℓS(ℓS+ 1)(4.36b)\nhℓSmS\nIJ = 2r2\"\nˆhℓSmS\nL(t, r)GIJYℓSmS+ˆhℓSmS\nT(t, r)SℓSmS\nIJ\nℓS(ℓS+ 1)#\n(4.36c)\nwhere SℓSmS\nIJ is the traceless symmetric two tensor defined in Eq. (3.55e) and recall that YℓSmSis a\nspherical harmonic on the two-sphere obeying the earlier equation (3.54). Note that there are a few\nfactors of 2, ℓS(ℓS+ 1), randr2appearing in (4.36) that differ from those of the Euclidean analysis\ndetailed in Appendix A.3. These have been added to make contact with [36, 37]. Since the background\nis static, i.e.has a timelike Killing vector field ∂/∂t, we can decompose all perturbations in Fourier\nmodes as\nˆfℓSmS\nˆaˆb(t, r) =e−i ω tfℓSmSω\nˆaˆb(r),ˆfℓSmS\nˆa(t, r) =e−i ω tfℓSmSω\nˆa (r),\nˆhℓSmS\nL(t, r) =e−i ω thℓSmSω\nL (r),and ˆhℓSmS\nT(t, r) =e−i ω thℓSmSω\nT (r).(4.37)\nFor given boundary conditions, we would like to determine\nn\nfℓSmSω\nˆaˆb(r), fℓSmSω\nˆa (r), hℓSmSω\nL (r), hℓSmSω\nT (r), ωo\n. (4.38)\nAn instability is then identified by a mode with Im( ωR0)>0.\nAt this point, we could introduce a particular gauge, and make progress. However, using the\nprocedure outlined by Kodama and Ishibashi in [36] we will bypass this altogether and instead work\nwith a master variable that is manifestly gauge invariant. To decrease the clutter, we will drop all the\nsuperscripts ℓSmSω.\nWe start by presenting what our boundary conditions imply for the metric components. These are\nsimply given by\nft(R0) = 0 , h T(R0) = 0 , f tt(R0) + 2hL(R0) = 0 ,\nf′\ntt(R0)−4h′\nL(R0)−24p\nR0hL(R0) +2\nR0frr(R0) +2p\nℓS(ℓS+ 1)\nR0fr(R0) + 2 i ω f tr(R0) = 0 .(4.39)\nThese are the boundary conditions that we would like to rewrite in terms of the corresponding Kodama-\nIshibashi variable.\nRecall that any gauge transformation can also be decomposed in terms of the harmonic decom-\nposition that we used to write the metric perturbations, and in particular, if ξaparametrizes such an\ninfinitesimal diffeomorphism we have\nξˆa(t, r, θ, ϕ ) =ξℓSmSω\nˆa (r)e−iωtYℓSmS(θ, ϕ), (4.40a)\nξI(t, r, θ, ϕ ) =−ξℓSmSω(r)e−iωtDIYℓSmS(θ, ϕ)p\nℓS(ℓS+ 1). (4.40b)\n– 37 –One can check that the following metric combinations are invariant under infinitesimal transformations\ngenerated by ξ\nF=hL+1\n2hT+1\nr(ˆ∇ˆar)ˆgˆaˆbXˆa (4.41a)\nFˆaˆb=fˆaˆb+ˆ∇ˆaXˆb+ˆ∇ˆbXˆa (4.41b)\nwhere ˆ∇is the metric preserving connection associated with the two-dimensional Minkowski spacetime\nˆgˆaˆbdxˆadxˆb=−dt2+ dr2, (4.41c)\nand\nXˆa≡1p\nℓS(ℓS+ 1)\"\nfˆa+rp\nℓS(ℓS+ 1)ˆ∇ˆahT#\n. (4.41d)\nOne can rewrite the boundary conditions (4.39) in terms of FandFˆaˆb. Three of these boundary\nconditions are manifestly gauge dependent (for instance, one of the boundary conditions demands\nhT(R0) = 0 and hTitself is gauge dependent), but can be solved to determine linear combinations of\nmetric functions. However, one can show that a single gauge invariant boundary condition emerges\nthat can be expressed in terms of FandFˆaˆb\nF′\ntt(R0)−4F′(R0) +1\nR0\u0002\nℓS(ℓS+ 1)−2−ω2R2\n0+ 12p\u0003\nFtt(R0)\n+2\nR0\u0002\nℓS(ℓS+ 1)−2−ω2R2\n0\u0003\nF(R0) +2\nR0Frr(R0) + 2iωF tr(R0) = 0 .(4.42)\nTo proceed, we introduce three auxiliary quantities X,YandZso that\nFtt(r) =−X(r)−Y(r)\n2, (4.43a)\nFtr(r) =i ω Z(r), (4.43b)\nFrr(r) =−X(r)−Y(r)\n2, (4.43c)\nF(r) =−X(r) +Y(r)\n4. (4.43d)\nOne might wonder about the motivation behind this change of variables. Indeed, using the Einstein\nequation, it can be demonstrated that both FˆaˆbandFadhere to two algebraic constraints. The\nvariables X,Y, and Zare selected to retain a single algebraic constraint. Consequently, the Einstein\nequation is simplified to three first-order differential equations for X,Y, and Z, along with a lone\nalgebraic constraint linking them. These equations can be found in [36] and turn out to be given by\nX′(r)−Z(r)ℓS(ℓS+ 1) + rY(r)\nr2+3Y(r)\nr+ω2Z(r) = 0 , (4.44a)\nY′(r)−ω2Z(r) = 0 , (4.44b)\nZ′(r)−X(r) = 0 , (4.44c)\nrω2[rX(r) +rY(r)−2Z(r)]−Y(r) [ℓS(ℓS+ 1)−2] = 0 . (4.44d)\n– 38 –Finally, one can introduce a variable Φ that is constructed from X,YandZin terms of which\nthe gravitational perturbations simplify immensely (particularly if we were to study black holes in the\ninterior of the cavity, or higher-dimensional cavities). Defining,\nΦ(r) =2Z(r)−r X(r)−r Y(r)\nℓS(ℓS+ 1)−2, (4.45a)\nthen we find that it obeys the second-order differential condition,\nΦ′′+\u0014\nω2−ℓS(ℓS+ 1)\nr2\u0015\nΦ = 0 . (4.45b)\nFrom the definition of Φ and from Eqs. (4.44), we reconstruct X,YandZfrom Φ as,\nX=−ℓS(ℓS+ 1)−r2ω2\nrΦ−2Φ′, (4.46a)\nY=−rω2Φ, (4.46b)\nZ=−Φ−rΦ′. (4.46c)\nFinally, using the above relations, and the definition of Ftt,Ftr,FrrandFin terms of X,Y,Zone\ncan rewrite the boundary condition (4.42) solely in terms of Φ and Φ′finding,\n\u0002\n4(1−6p)−3ℓS(ℓS+ 1) + 2 R2\n0ω2\u0003\nR0Φ′(R0)\n−\b\n2R4\n0ω4+ 4[1−6p−ℓS(ℓS+ 1)] R2\n0ω2−ℓS(ℓS+ 1)[3(1 −4p)−2ℓS(ℓS+ 1)]\t\nΦ(R0) = 0 .(4.47)\nForp= 0, i.e.Anderson boundary conditions, the above boundary condition agrees with the boundary\nconditions presented in [15], while as p→+∞we recover those reported in [37].\nThe generic solution to Eq. (4.45b) can be readily found in terms of Bessel functions\nΦ(r) =√rωh\nC1JℓS+1\n2(rω) +C2YℓS+1\n2(rω)i\n. (4.48)\nRegularity at the origin demands C2= 0, and then our boundary condition yields,\n\u0002\n4(1−6p)−3ℓS(ℓS+ 1) + 2 R2\n0ω2\u0003\nR0ωJℓS+3\n2(R0ω)\n+n\n2R4\n0ω4+ 2[2(1 −6p)−(2ℓS+ 1)( ℓS+ 1)] R2\n0ω2\n−(ℓS+ 1) [3(1 −4p)ℓS−(2ℓS+ 3)( ℓS+ 1)ℓS+ 4(1−6p)]o\nJℓS+1\n2(R0ω) = 0 .(4.49)\nThe above transcendental equation governs how empty spherical cavities in flat spacetime react to non-\nspherical gravitational perturbations induced by scalar-derived gravitational deformations. This is the\nanalog expression to that in equation (3.57) that we analysed earlier for the Euclidean fluctuations.\nBefore commenting on numerical results obtained from solving Eq. (4.49), let us analyse the large\nℓSlimit of ωR0with pbeing held fixed. Using uniform asymptotic expansions for Bessel functions at\nlarge order in terms of Airy functions (see for instance [38]) one can solve for the large ℓSlimit of ωR0\nappearing in (4.49), which turns out to be given by\nR0ω=ℓS−Γ\u0012ℓS\n2\u00131/3\n+1\n2+1\n16Γ11−96p−128Γ3\n7 + 16Γ3\u00122\nℓS\u00131/3\n+O(ℓ−2/3\nS) (4.50a)\n– 39 –where Γ can be any solution to the following transcendental equation:\nAi′(Γ) = 4Γ2Ai(Γ)\nwith Ai the Airy function and Ai′its first derivative. In particular, we find (at least) two complex\nroots :\nΓ≈ −0.0674243 + 0 .427905 ior Γ ≈ −0.0674243 −0.427905 i (4.50b)\nshowing that an instability exists in the spectrum regardless of p, so long as ℓSis large enough while p\nis held fixed. We note that this is in broad agreement with the particular case of Anderson boundary\nconditions studied in [15] which derived similar asymptotics for instabilities for large ℓS, but which\ndiffer in detail6. The point to emphasize here is that for large ℓSall our family of boundary conditions\nshare the same large ℓSinstabilities originating from the imaginary part of Γ above. This is one of the\nmain results of this paper, since for the case p >1/6 it shows that a spherical cavity endowed with\nour boundary conditions appears to be free of Euclidean unstable modes (as argued in the previous\nsections), and yet is dynamically unstable in the Lorentzian section with infinitely many unstable\nnon-spherical modes!\nUnlike the case of ℓS= 0, which can be followed nonlinearly, here we can only speculate as to what\nthe endpoint of this instability might look like. We note also that the instability growth rate grows at\nlarge ℓS, indicating that it is going to be hard to shut down the instability in a simple manner.\nThis is suggestive that the instability leads to a ‘turbulent’ behaviour with power being transferred\nto shorter and shorter scales as these large ℓSinstabilities are triggered by non-linear interactions.\nThe phenomenon of the superradiant instability of Kerr-AdS is a gravitational example where it is\nconjectured that a linear instability leads to such a non-smooth final state, again with power transferred\nto arbitrarily short scales [39–42]. It is worth noting that in the case of superradiance the instability\ntimescale becomes slower for modes with increasingly short scale azimuthal dependence, whereas in our\ncase the instability actually grows with ℓSas the power ℓ1/3\nS, so it may be that the turbulent cascade\nhappens even more rapidly.\nWe validate the expansion (4.50a) by comparing it with numerical results obtained through the\ndirect solution of (4.49) using a Newton-Raphson solver. In Fig.9 we compute the real (left panel)\nand imaginary (right panel) parts of ωas functions of ℓSfor the case p= 0. We successfully tracked\nthe mode up to ℓS= 2000. Achieving such large values of ℓSrequires resorting to extended precision,\nkeeping at least the first five hundred digits. This is necessary because evaluating the Bessel functions\nin (4.49) at such high orders is notoriously challenging. On both panels, the solid black line is the\nasymptotic prediction (4.50a) while the blue disks represent the numerical data, and we see good\nagreement at large ℓS.\nNext, we investigate the spectrum, that is to say R0ω, for a fixed ℓS= 2 while varying p. The\nresults are shown in the top row of Fig. 10, where the real (imaginary) part of ωR0is plotted on the left\n(right) panel. When the mode becomes complex, we represent it with a dashed green curve; for purely\nrealω, a solid blue line is used. The structure of the spectrum in the complex plane is intricate. For\nsufficiently small p, here p <−2/3, there coexist stable modes with purely real frequency and unstable\nmodes with purely imaginary frequency. For larger pthere are intervals of pwhere the ℓS= 2 modes\n6In that work they found instabilities going roughly as R0ω≃ ±ℓS±iℓ1/3\nSfor large ℓSfor the Anderson boundary conditions.\nOur result above gives the precise asymptotic behaviour which is slightly different in the crucial imaginary subleading term.\n– 40 –510 50100 50010000.340.360.380.400.420.44\n510 50100 50010000.10.20.5\n200 500 1000 20000.\n200 500 1000 20000. 9 : The real part (left panel) and imaginary part (right panel) of R0ωas a function of ℓSfor fixed\np= 0 (top row) and p= 2 (bottom row). In both panels, the solid black line corresponds to the prediction\n(4.50a), while the blue disks depict the exact numerical data.\n– 41 –appear to be stable, with purely real frequency. However these regions are interrupted by ‘bubbles’\nwhere the mode frequencies become complex, and in particular modes with Im( ωR0)>0 exist that\ncorrespond to instabilities, as seen in the righthand panel of the figure. The mode tracked in Fig. 9\nconnects to the middle ‘bubble’ in Fig. 10 with p= 0. In fact, for this mode, we recover the same\nvalue as in [15], which studied the case of Anderson boundary conditions, so p= 0. The unstable\nmodes observed in the righthand panel of the figure appear to occur also at larger values of pthan\nthose shown, with the existence of further complex ‘bubbles’ at ever greater values of p. Aspincreases,\nthese ’bubbles’ become progressively smaller. For instance, there is a complex ’bubble’ in the interval\np∈(184.12619 ,184.15074) with Re( ωR0)∈(47.08062 ,47.08219) for ℓS= 2. We have also explored\nother values of ℓSand observed qualitatively similar behavior, as shown in the bottom row of Fig. 10,\nwhere we present the spectrum for ℓS= 4.\n5 Conclusion and Discussion\nWe have introduced a one-parameter set of elliptic boundary conditions within the framework of Ein-\nstein metric infillings in Riemannian geometry. The conventional Dirichlet and Anderson boundary\nconditions are derived as limits in this context. Additionally, we have demonstrated that these bound-\nary conditions lead to a well-defined infilling problem, except in the strict Dirichlet limit. For these\nboundary conditions, one fixes the conformal structure of the boundary metric [ γµν] and γpK, with\np∈RandKbeing the extrinsic curvature of the boundary metric in the infilling space ( M, g). We\nhave referred to these as ‘generalized conformal boundary conditions’. In the case that we require the\nfunction Kto be non-vanishing we may elegantly phrase these boundary conditions in terms of fixing\nthe rescaled boundary metric Γ µν=K1\n(d−1)pγµνon∂M.\nThese boundary conditions naturally emerge when considering the Gibbons-Hawking-York bound-\nary term to have an arbitrary real coefficient Θ which then determines pvia the relation (2.8b). To the\nbest of our knowledge, this is the first exploration of these boundary conditions. Perhaps amusingly,\nthese include the case Θ = 0 for which no Gibbons-Hawking-York term is needed, corresponding to\nthe particular case of p=1\n2(d−1). We have observed that rather than fixing γpKand [ γµν], instead one\nmay fix γpKand the traceless part of the Brown-York stress tensor which also results in a well-defined\nvariational problem. We have not explored this second option here, but believe it is interesting to do\nso.\nGiven the well-posed nature of these new boundary conditions, it is logical to define an ensemble\nin reference to them, akin to the traditional concepts introduced by York. We then think of the\nEuclidean path integral as being a functional of the rescaled boundary metric Γ µν. We have derived a\nfirst law of thermodynamics applicable to a broad range of geometries, including those with bolts, such\nas the Euclidean Schwarzschild black hole. We derived this first law assuming 1) that a hypersurface-\northogonal Killing vector field exists, and extends into the bulk; 2) that Γ µνis ultrastatic. Exploring\nthe implications and consequences of relaxing these assumptions would be an intriguing avenue for\nfurther study. For instance, the Euclidean version of Kerr black holes fails to satisfy both. This first\nlaw involves the entropy and temperature (measured with respect to Γ µν) associated to possible bolts,\na work term related to deforming the boundary geometry and a free energy Fthat characterises the\nensemble. The free energy can be computed from the Euclidean path integral using the leading saddle\npoint approximation for fixed Γ µν.\n– 42 –-4 -2 0 2 4-505\n-5-4-3-2 -1 0 1 2-505\n-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15-10-50510\n-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15-15-10-5051015Figure 10 : The real (left panel) and imaginary (right panel) parts of R0ωas a function of pfor fixed ℓS= 2\n(top row) and ℓS= 4 (bottom row). If the mode turns complex, we represent it with a dashed green curve;\nwhen ωis purely real, we depict it with a solid blue line.\nFrom this point onward, we specialised to d= 4 and it would be interesting to explore any\ndimensionally dependent phenomena. We focused on spherically symmetric infilling solutions with the\nboundary metric γµνchosen as S1\nβ×S2\nR0. Identifying up to three three saddle points for a given Γ µν, we\nscrutinized both their global and local thermodynamics. Our findings, while differing in some details\nfrom those presented in [15] for the case of Anderson boundary conditions, so p= 0, align on the\naspects of global and local thermodynamic stability for that case.\nWe then investigated the Euclidean gravitational path integral beyond the leading saddle point\napproximation. In particular, we investigated the possible existence of fluctuation instabilities, so\n– 43 –Euclidean negative modes of the Lichnerowicz operator, using the methods of [22, 25] for the case of\nan empty cavity, i.e.,no bolt, with boundary metric S1\nβ×S2\nR0. Using a mixture of numerical and\nanalytic work, we believe we have provided convincing evidence that for p≥1/6, there are no such\nEuclidean negative mode instabilities. However, for p < 1/6 we explicitly constructed fluctuations\nwhose Lichnerowicz operator eigenvalues have negative real part, yielding instabilities. Indeed, for\ncertain ranges of pwe find Euclidean negative modes even for deformations that break spherical\nsymmetry. The limit |p| → ∞ corresponds to Dirichlet boundary conditions. Thus for Euclidean\nsignature we may regard large positive pas a regulator that deforms the Dirichlet boundary conditions\nto be well-posed. Then removing the regulator recovers the Dirichlet behaviour. While p→ −∞ also\ncorresponds to the Dirichlet limit, this is not a good regulator, as for large magnitude negative p, very\nnegative modes exist that would dominate the behaviour of the system.\nWe have also explored the existence of negative mode instabilities around the Euclidean-Schwarzschild\nblack hole and found an interesting puzzle that we have not fully solved. In particular, we find that\nfor small black holes an additional negative mode exists beyond any present for the flat spacetime\nfilled cavity, in agreement with the analysis based on local thermodynamic stability. However, we find\nno evidence for Euclidean negative modes for large black holes when p >1/6, even though we find a\nnegative specific heat for these. Our analysis imposed smoothness at the bolt, i.e.at the black hole\nevent horizon, and we suspect that if one relaxes this assumption, a negative mode will exist.\nWhile in this paper we focused mainly on boundary metrics with S1×S2topology, it would be\ninteresting to also investigate boundary metrics with S3topology. Furthermore, we have only studied\nthe static and spherically symmetric limit in the presence of a cosmological constant (see appendix C),\nbut it would be also interesting to perform a more systematic analysis for this more general class of\ngeometries. It would also be very interesting to understand how RG flow of our boundary term works,\nfollowing previous work looking at the Gibbons-Hawking-York term [43, 44].\nHaving studied in some detail the Euclidean problem, we turned our attention to the Lorentzian\nproblem with our generalized conformal boundary conditions. While some boundary conditions have\nbeen shown to be well-posed and geometrically unique, much less is known about initial-boundary-value\nproblems. In particular, the class of boundary conditions for which theorems exist (see for instance\n[45–47]) do not include Anderson boundary conditions or Dirichlet boundary conditions. In fact, it is\nstrongly believed that Dirichlet boundary conditions will not be consistent with geometric uniqueness\n(see for instance [48]). In this paper we did not address the issue of geometric uniqueness, and indeed\nwe only investigated the linear stability problem for our new boundary conditions. Interestingly for\nthe special case of Anderson boundary conditions the well-posedness of the linear Lorentzian evolution\nwas shown in [49] and it seems likely that this will generalize to our more general class of boundary\nconditions.\nWe examined four-dimensional spacetimes with a spherically symmetric infilling and boundary\ngeometry, without cosmological constant. Then Birkhoff’s theorem constrains the interior geometry\nto be flat spacetime, or the Schwarzschild black hole. We then considered dynamics which preserves\nthe spatial spherical symmetry. In the case of a cavity filled with Minkowski spacetime we identified\na linear instability for p <1/6. For the black hole case, we have shown that large enough black holes\nare linearly unstable so long as p >1/6, but with the Dirichlet case limit p→ ∞ being stable (in\naccordance to the results reported in [37]). Furthermore, the onset of the instability agrees precisely\nwith a change in sign of the specific heat capacity, and hence with the local thermodynamic stability for\n– 44 –the large black holes. Because of the spherical symmetry of the dynamics, we were able to determine\nthe fate of the nonlinear evolution. Indeed, we found that, depending on the initial data, either the\ncavity expands indefinitely or contracts to zero size in the case of flat spacetime, or to the horizon for\na black hole interior, in finite boundary time.\nMotivated by the analysis of the spherically symmetric sector, we investigated the linear stabil-\nity of perturbations that disrupt spherical symmetry. We took a static spherical cavity filled with\nflat Minkowski spacetime, and then considered dynamical perturbations to this that break the spher-\nical symmetry. Our analysis focused on scalar-derived perturbations which are characterized by the\nspherical harmonic index ℓS.\nOur findings indicate that, for any value of p, there exists a critical value of ℓSabove which an\ninstability occurs. Notably, the instability persists unless p→+∞, aligning with the Dirichlet case\nas analyzed in [37]. Additionally, for the particular case of Anderson boundary conditions, p= 0, our\nresults agree with those for the values of ℓSreported in [15]. The fate of the linear instability under\nperturbations that disrupt spherical symmetry remains uncertain but since an instability exists for all\nℓSlarger than a critical value, and the instability time scale grows as ℓ1/3\nSasymptotically, we might\nexpect a ‘turbulent’ behaviour where energy cascades to shorter and shorter scales.\nTo the best of our knowledge, our results reveal the first example of a rather surprising physical\nsystem. Euclidean gravity with our cavity boundary conditions with p >1/6 admits a flat spacetime\ninfilling that appears to be a stable saddle point. It apparently possesses no Euclidean negative modes,\nand for small temperatures gives the dominant saddle point contribution to the partition function.\nHowever, the corresponding Lorentzian cavity with the same cavity boundary conditions appears to\nbe dynamically unstable, with infinitely many unstable perturbations associated to ℓS→ ∞ . Thus we\nhave a system that appears to be thermodynamically stable and well behaved, and yet is dynamically\nunstable!\nIt is worth noting that numerous examples exist in the opposite direction, the classic example for\ngravity being the Schwarzschild black hole which is known to be dynamically stable [50–57], but in the\nEuclidean context has been shown to contain negative modes [2]. However, we know of no examples,\nin gravity or otherwise, of a system that is thermodynamically stable and yet dynamically unstable.\nAcknowledgments\nWe would like to express gratitude to Don Marolf for many insightful discussions of this work. Ad-\nditionally, J. E. S. extends thanks to Aron Wall for helpful discussions. X. L. thanks Gary Horowitz\nand Zhencheng Wang for illuminating discussions. J. E. S. is partially supported by STFC consol-\nidated grants ST/T000694/1 and ST/X000664/1. X. L. is supported by NSF grant PHY-2107939,\nand by funds from the University of California. T. W. is supported by the STFC consolidated grant\nST/T000791/1.\n– 45 –A Euclidean Fluctuations of the Empty Spherical Cavity\nIn this Appendix we give details of the analysis of the Euclidean fluctuations of an empty spherical\ncavity filled with flat space. We have given a general argument in the main text that for p >1/6 we\nsee no Euclidean instabilities based on the form of the condition in equation (3.57) that governs the\nmodes. In this Appendix we will derive this condition in detail, taking into account various special\ncases that require separate treatment. In addition we shall explicitly give examples of the behaviour\nof modes and their instabilities in the case p <1/6.\nA.1 Modes with n=ℓS= 0\nThese are the simplest modes, and yet, the ones that will impose the most stringent constraints on p.\nA static, i.e.n= 0, and spherically symmetric mode can be written as\nδds2=a(r) d˜τ2+ 2χ(r)d˜τdr+b(r)dr2+c(r)r2dΩ2\n2, (A.1)\nwhere a,bandcparametrize the mode in question and are functions of ronly. We introduce an\nauxiliary variable\nc(r) =f(r)−a(r)−b(r)\n2, (A.2)\nso that h= f(r). Imposing the de Donder gauge and regularity at the origin further restricts χto\nvanish, and ato take the simple form,\na(r) =−3b(r) + f( r)−r b′(r) +1\n2rf′(r). (A.3)\nThe resulting equations for band f can be determined analytically\nf(r) =C1sin\u0010√\nλr\u0011\nr√\nλ+C2cos\u0010√\nλr\u0011\nr√\nλ, (A.4a)\nb(r) =1\n2f(r) +C3\nr2λ\ncos\u0010√\nλr\u0011\n−sin\u0010√\nλr\u0011\nr√\nλ\n+C4\nr2λ\ncos\u0010√\nλr\u0011\nr√\nλ+ sin\u0010√\nλr\u0011\n. (A.4b)\nRegularity at the origin demands C2=C4= 0, so that we are left with imposing the boundary\nconditions at the cavity wall. Linearising our boundary conditions around the spherical cavity at\nradius r=rEin Euclidean space yields\na(rE) =c(rE) and1\n2a′(rE) +c′(rE)−b(rE)\nrE+6p\nrEc(rE) = 0 . (A.5)\nSubstituting the explicit expressions for a,bandcin terms of the mode (A.4) yields\n\n−1√\n˜λsin\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011\n1\n2˜λ3/2h\n3˜λsin\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011\n−sin\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011\n+p\n˜λcos\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011i\n1\n4cos\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011\n+3(4p−1)\n4√\n˜λsin\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011\n1−6p\n2˜λ3/2h\n˜λsin\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011\n−sin\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011\n+p\n˜λcos\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011i\n\nC1\nC3\n= 0,\n(A.6)\n– 46 –-10 0 10 20 30 40-10010203040\n0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5-4-2024\n0 5 10 15 20 25 30-1.0- 11 : The real part (left and middle panels) and imaginary part (right panel) of ˜λas a function of p.\nThe point ( p,˜λ) = (1 /6,0) is marked as a red disk. For p <1/6, there exists a single mode with Re ˜λ <0,\nindicating the presence of a field-theoretic negative mode. The green dashed curves indicate that the mode is\ncomplex.\nwhere we defined ˜λ≡r2\nEλ. Any nontrivial solution can only exist if the determinant of the above\nmatrix vanishes. This imposes a condition on the possible values of ˜λ, namely the following must be\ntrue\n1\n16˜λ2(\n(1 + 6 ˜λ) cos\u0010\n2p\n˜λ\u0011\n+ 3˜λ3/2sin\u0010\n2p\n˜λ\u0011\n−1−4˜λ\n+ 12ph\n1 +˜λ−(1 + ˜λ) cos\u0010\n2p\n˜λ\u0011\n−p\n˜λsin\u0010\n2p\n˜λ\u0011i)\n= 0.(A.7)\nWe emphasize that this is the same expression as follows from our one in the main text in section 3.3,\nequation (3.57), in the special case n=ℓS= 0. As discussed in that section there will be no instabilities\nforp >1/6. In Fig. 11 we plot the real part of ˜λ(left and middle panels) as well as its imaginary part\n(right panel) as a function of p. The middle plot shows a zoom in the red region marked on the left\npanel. It is clear that a single negative mode exists if p <1/6. This critical value of pcan also be\ninferred analytically from Eq.(A.7) evaluated at ˜λ= 0.\nA.2 Modes with n̸= 0and ℓS= 0\nThe modes in this section are allowed to depend on the thermal circle, so that n̸= 0, but that remain\nspherically symmetric with ℓS= 0. We write these as\nδds2=\u0002\na(r) d˜τ2+ 2χ(r)d˜τdr+b(r)dr2+c(r)r2dΩ2\n2\u0003\nei˜n˜τ. (A.8)\nOnce again, we can solve for all metric functions\nc(r) =f(r)−a(r)−b(r)\n2, (A.9a)\nχ(r) =i˜n\nλ−˜n2a′(r)−i˜n\n2(λ−˜n2)f′(r), (A.9b)\n– 47 –b(r) =˜n2\nλ−˜n2a(r) +λ−2˜n2\n2(λ−˜n2)f(r) +λ+ 2˜n2\nr(λ−˜n2)2a′(r) +λ−4˜n2\n2r(λ−˜n2)2f′(r), (A.9c)\na(r) =C1sin\u0000√\nλ−˜n2r\u0001\n√\nλ−˜n2r+C2cos\u0000√\nλ−˜n2r\u0001\n√\nλ−˜n2r(A.9d)\nf(r) =C3sin\u0000��\nλ−˜n2r\u0001\n√\nλ−˜n2r+C4cos\u0000√\nλ−˜n2r\u0001\n√\nλ−˜n2r. (A.9e)\nRegularity at the origin demands C2=C4= 0, while our boundary conditions now impose\na(rE) =c(rE) and1\n2a′(rE) +c′(rE)−b(rE)\nrE+6p\nrEc(rE)−i˜nχ(rE) = 0 . (A.10)\nThese can be simultaneously solved so long as\np=˜Λ + 6 ˜Λ2−csc2\u0010p\n˜Λ\u0011\n˜Λ\u0010\nϖ2+˜Λ\u0011\n+ϖ2\u0010\n2˜Λ−7\u0011\n+ cot\u0010p\n˜Λ\u0011p\n˜Λh\nϖ2\u0010\n8 +˜Λ\u0011\n−3˜Λ2i\n12h\nϖ2\u0010\n˜Λ−3\u0011\n+˜Λ +˜Λ2−cot\u0010p\n˜Λ\u0011p\n˜Λ\u0010\n˜Λ−3ϖ2\u0011i\n(A.11a)\nwhere\nϖ= ˜n rEand ˜Λ = ( λ−˜n2)r2\nE. (A.11b)\nAgain this is consistent with the expression (3.57) in section 3.3 and hence will give rise to no unstable\nmodes for p >1/6. We now look at the explicit behaviour of modes, and in particular find negative\nmodes for sufficiently small p. We start by noting that λ= 0 now requires p= (2−ϖ2)/12<1/6, so\na zero mode (marking a transition to a negative mode) can only exist in a regime where pis smaller\nthan the case for which ϖ= 0. Of course, it could still happen that Re ˜λ= Re( r2\nEλ) becomes negative\nsomewhere on the complex plane. However, we have explicitly checked that this is not the case for\nϖ∈R. See, for instance, Fig. 12, where we plot the real part of ˜λ(left and middle panels) as well as\nits imaginary part (right panel) as a function of pforϖ= 1. The middle panel provides a zoom near\nthe transition point, and shows a negative mode.\nA.3 Non-spherical scalar-derived gravitational Euclidean modes with ℓS≥2\nWe now consider non-spherical Euclidean fluctuations, so ℓS̸= 0. Our treatment requires ℓS≥2 and\nwe later consider the special case ℓS= 1 separately.\nA.3.1 Static modes\nModes with ˜ n= 0 have to be dealt with separately. Due to the staticity of the modes in question, the\ncomponents f˜τrandf˜τdecouple from the remaining ones, and we shall return to these at the end of\nthis section. There are then a total of five functions to solve for: {f˜τ˜τ(r), frr(r), fr(r), hL(r), hT(r)},\nwhich we turn our attention to next.\nTo simplify our expressions, we define\nhL=r2\n2(f−f˜τ˜τ−frr), (A.12)\n– 48 –-10 0 10 20 30 40-10010203040\n0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5-4-2024\n0 5 10 15 20 25 3035-1.0- 12 : The real part (left and middle panels) and imaginary part (right panel) of ˜λas a function of p.\nThe point ( p,˜λ) =\u0010\n2−ϖ2\n12,0\u0011\nis marked as a red disk. For p <2−ϖ2\n12, there exists a single mode with Re ˜λ <0,\nindicating the presence of a Euclidean negative mode. This plot was generated with ϖ= 1 and uses the same\ncolour coding as Fig. 11.\nso that the trace of the mode is simply h= fYℓSmS. Using the de Donder gauge condition, as well as\nthe Lichnerowicz eigenvalue equation (3.50) we find\nhT(r) =−r2\nℓS(ℓS+ 1)−2\u0014\nf˜τ˜τ(r) +frr(r)−4fr(r)\nr−2f′\nr(r)\u0015\n, (A.13a)\nfrr(r) =q1(r) +f(r)\n2+f′\n˜τ˜τ(r)\nr λ+f′(r)\n2rλ, (A.13b)\nfr(r) =q2(r) +f˜τ˜τ(r)\nr λ+f(r)\n2r λ, (A.13c)\nq2(r) =3r\nℓS(ℓS+ 1)q1(r) +r2\nℓS(ℓS+ 1)q′\n1(r), (A.13d)\nwith\n(r2f′)′\nr2+\u0014\nλ−ℓS(ℓS+ 1)\nr2\u0015\nf = 0 , (A.13e)\n(r2f′\n˜τ˜τ)′\nr2+\u0014\nλ−ℓS(ℓS+ 1)\nr2\u0015\nf˜τ˜τ= 0, (A.13f)\n(r6q′\n1)′\nr6+\u0014\nλ−ℓS(ℓS+ 1)−6\nr2\u0015\nq1= 0. (A.13g)\nNote that once the solutions for f, f˜τ˜τandq1are known via Eqs. (A.13e)-(A.13g), all the remaining\nfunctions can be found via Eqs. (A.13a)-(A.13d). Indeed, one can readily solve in full generality for f,\nf˜τ˜τandq1\nf(r) =C1\n(r√\nλ)1/2JℓS+1\n2\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011\n+C2\n(r√\nλ)1/2YℓS+1\n2\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011\n, (A.14a)\nf˜τ˜τ(r) =C3\n(r√\nλ)1/2JℓS+1\n2\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011\n+C4\n(r√\nλ)1/2YℓS+1\n2\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011\n, (A.14b)\n– 49 –q1(r) =C5\n(r√\nλ)5/2JℓS+1\n2\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011\n+C6\n(r√\nλ)5/2YℓS+1\n2\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011\n, (A.14c)\nwhere J pand Y pare Bessel functions of the first and second kind of order p, respectively. Regularity\nat the origin requires C2=C4=C5= 0, and we are left with three unknown constants {C1, C2, C3}\ntogether with λto determine in what follows.\nImposing our boundary conditions at the cavity wall yields three conditions\nhL(rE) =r2\nEf˜τ˜τ(rE), h T(rE) = 0 ,\nand f′\n˜τ˜τ(rE) +2\nr2\nEh′\nL(rE)−4(1−3p)\nrEf˜τ˜τ(rE)−2\nrEfrr(rE) +2ℓS(ℓS+ 1)\nr2\nEfr(rE) = 0 .(A.15)\nAll the above conditions can be simultaneously solved so long as\n˜λJ3\nℓS+3\n2\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011\n+p\n˜λΘ1(p, ℓS,˜λ) J3\nℓS+1\n2\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011\n−Θ2(p, ℓS,˜λ) J2\nℓS+1\n2\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011\nJℓS+3\n2\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011\n−p\n˜λΘ3(p, ℓS,˜λ) JℓS+1\n2\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011\nJ2\nℓS+3\n2\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011\n= 0,(A.16a)\nwith ˜λ≡λr2\nEand\nΘ1(p, ℓS,˜λ) = (12 p−2 + 3 ℓS)˜λ−(1 + 2 ℓS)(12p−2 +ℓS+ 2ℓ2\nS), (A.16b)\nΘ2(p, ℓS,˜λ) = (1 + 2 ℓS)(12p−2 +ℓS+ 2ℓ2\nS)−[24p−1 + 4 ℓS(2 +ℓS)]˜λ+ 3˜λ2, (A.16c)\nΘ3(p, ℓS,˜λ) = 3−12p+ℓS−2ℓ2\nS+ 2˜λ . (A.16d)\nAgain this is consistent with equation (3.57), and hence will give no negative modes for p >1/6. We\nnow give an example of the behaviour, determining allowed values of ˜λfor a given value of p. The\nresults for ℓS= 2 are shown in Fig. (13) and similar qualitative results hold for all other values of\nℓSwe have investigated. In the region p >1/6 we find no modes with Re ˜λ <0 consistent with our\ngeneral argument in Section 3.3. Note that negative modes do exist for p≲−0.64422, and indeed it is\nrelatively simple to show that as pbecomes more and more negative, a single negative mode persists\nwith\n˜λ=−16p2+ 24p+1\n3[11ℓS(ℓS+ 1)−3] +29ℓS(ℓS+ 1) + 40\n12p+O(p−2). (A.17)\nWe now return to the f˜τrandf˜τcomponents. As anticipated earlier, these metric components\ndecouple from the remaining ones. The de Donder gauge condition demands\nf˜τ(r) =r\nℓS(ℓS+ 1)[r f′\n˜τr(r) + 2f˜τr(r)] (A.18a)\nwith\n(r4f′\n˜τr)\nr4+\u0014\nλ−ℓS(ℓS+ 1)−2\nr2\u0015\nf˜τr= 0. (A.18b)\nThe equation for f˜τrcan be readily integrated to find\nf˜τr=1\n(r√\nλ)3/2h\nC1JℓS+1\n2\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011\n+C2YℓS+1\n2\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011i\n. (A.19)\n– 50 –-10-5 0 5 10 15 20 25-100102030\n0 5 10 15 20 25-6-4-20246Figure 13 : The real part (left panel) and imaginary part (right panel) of ˜λas a function of pforℓS= 2. The\npoint ( p,˜λ) = (1 /6,0) is marked as a red disk. This plot uses the same colour coding as Fig. 11.\nRegularity at the origin once again demands C2= 0, while our boundary conditions at the cavity wall\ndemand\nf˜τ(rE) = 0⇒JℓS+3\n2\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011p\n˜λ−(ℓS+ 1) JℓS+1\n2\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011\n= 0. (A.20)\nThis condition is independent of pand thus will yield the same results as for the Dirichlet case where\nstability was seen in [22]. It is easy to show that the above equation only has real roots, and that for\nℓS= 2 the first four modes are approximately given by\n˜λ={14.97874(7) ,55.39954(5) ,114.76860(4) ,193.78091(7) , . . .}, (A.21)\nthus showing that no negative modes exist in this sector as well.\nA.3.2 Generic modes\nThis is the most complicated sector, since both ˜ n̸= 0 and ℓS≥2. Just as in previous sections, we\nbegin by introducing an auxiliary quantity f\nhL=r2\n2(f−f˜τ˜τ−frr). (A.22)\nThe de Donder gauge condition, together with the Lichnerowicz eigenvalue equation (3.50), now imply\nthe following relations\nf˜τ(r) =i˜n\nλ−˜n2f˜τ˜τ(r)−i\n2˜n\nλ−˜n2f(r) +iℓS(ℓS+ 1) + 9 −r2(λ−˜n2)\nℓS(ℓS+ 1) ˜nq1(r)\n−4\nr˜ni q2(r) +3r\nℓS(ℓS+ 1) ˜ni q′\n1(r)−i\n˜nq′\n2(r),(A.23a)\n– 51 –f˜τr=i3\nr˜nq1(r)−iℓS(ℓS+ 1)\nr2˜nq2(r) +i˜n\nλ−˜n2f′\n˜τ˜τ(r)−i\n2˜n\nλ−˜n2f′(r) +i\n˜nq′\n1(r) (A.23b)\nhT(r) =1\nℓS(ℓS+ 1)−2(\n(λ+ 2˜n2) [2−r2(λ−˜n2)]\n(λ−˜n2)2f˜τ˜τ(r) +(λ−4˜n2) [2−r2(λ−˜n2)]\n2 (λ−˜n2)2f(r)\n−r2[3ℓS(ℓS+ 1) + 18 −2r2(λ−˜n2)]\nℓS(ℓS+ 1)q1(r) + 12 r q2(r) +λ+ 2˜n2\n(λ−˜n2)2r f′\n˜τ˜τ(r)\n+λ−4˜n2\n2 (λ−˜n2)2rf′(r)−6r3\nℓS(ℓS+ 1)q′\n1(r) + 4r2q′\n2(r))\n,(A.23c)\nfrr(r) =q1(r) +1\n2λ−2˜n2\nλ−˜n2f(r) +˜n2\nλ−˜n2f˜τ˜τ(r) +λ+ 2˜n2\n(λ−˜n2)2rf′\n˜τ˜τ(r) +λ−4˜n2\n2 (λ−˜n2)2rf′(r),(A.23d)\nfr(r) =q2(r) +λ+ 2˜n2\n(λ−˜n2)2rf˜τ˜τ(r) +λ−4˜n2\n2 (λ−˜n2)2rf(r) (A.23e)\nwhere\n(r2f′)′\nr2+\u0014\nλ−ℓS(ℓS+ 1)\nr2−˜n2\u0015\nf = 0 , (A.23f)\n(r2f′\n˜τ˜τ)′\nr2+\u0014\nλ−ℓS(ℓS+ 1)\nr2−˜n2\u0015\nf˜τ˜τ= 0, (A.23g)\n(r2q′\n1)′\nr2+\u0014\nλ−ℓS(ℓS+ 1) + 6\nr2−˜n2\u0015\nq1+4ℓS(ℓS+ 1)\nr3q2(r) = 0 , (A.23h)\n(r4q′\n2)′\nr4+\u0014\nλ−ℓS(ℓS+ 1)−8\nr2−˜n2\u0015\nq2−6\nℓS(ℓS+ 1)(r3q1)′\nr3+2r\nℓS(ℓS+ 1)(λ−˜n2)q1= 0.(A.23i)\nNote that once the solutions for f, f˜τ˜τ,q1andq2are known via Eqs. (A.23f)-(A.23i), all the remainder\nfunctions can be found via Eqs. (A.23a)-(A.23e). Indeed, all the above four equations can be integrated\nin full generality\nf(r) =C1\n(r√\nλ−˜n2)1/2JℓS+1\n2\u0010\nr√\nλ−˜n2\u0011\n+C2\n(r√\nλ−˜n2)1/2YℓS+1\n2\u0010\nr√\nλ−˜n2\u0011\n(A.24a)\nf˜τ˜τ(r) =C3\n(r√\nλ−˜n2)1/2JℓS+1\n2\u0010\nr√\nλ−˜n2\u0011\n+C4\n(r√\nλ−˜n2)1/2YℓS+1\n2\u0010\nr√\nλ−˜n2\u0011\n(A.24b)\nq1(r) =C5\n(r√\nλ−˜n2)3/2JℓS+3\n2\u0010\nr√\nλ−˜n2\u0011\n+C6\n(r√\nλ−˜n2)3/2YℓS+3\n2\u0010\nr√\nλ−˜n2\u0011\n+C7\n(r√\nλ−˜n2)3/2JℓS−1\n2\u0010\nr√\nλ−˜n2\u0011\n+C8\n(r√\nλ−˜n2)3/2YℓS−1\n2\u0010\nr√\nλ−˜n2\u0011\n,(A.24c)\nand\nq2(r) =1\n2ℓS(ℓS+ 1)(\n1\n2r\u0002\nℓS(ℓS+ 1) + 6 −r2\u0000\nλ−˜n2\u0001\u0003\nq1(r)−r2q′\n1(r)−1\n2r3q′′\n1(r))\n. (A.24d)\n– 52 –Imposing regularity at the origin in the above expressions demands C2=C4=C6=C8= 0. At this\nstage we impose our boundary conditions, which yield\nhL(rE) =r2\nEf˜τ˜τ(rE), f ˜τ(rE) = 0 , h T(rE) = 0 ,\nand f′\n˜τ˜τ(rE) +2\nr2\nEh′\nL(rE)−4(1−3p)\nrEf˜τ˜τ(rE)−2\nrEfrr(rE) +2ℓS(ℓS+ 1)\nr2\nEfr(rE)−2i˜nf˜τr(rE) = 0 .\n(A.25)\nImposing all of these conditions simultaneously constrains the possible values of λto obey the following\ncomplicated relation summarized in equation (3.57) in the main text in Section 3.3,\n4X\ni=0h\nηi(ϖ,˜Λ, ℓS) +ιi(ϖ,˜Λ, ℓS)pi\n·h\nJℓS+1\n2\u0010p\n˜Λ\u0011i4−ih\nJℓS+3\n2\u0010p\n˜Λ\u0011ii\n= 0 (A.26a)\nwhere ˜Λ≡(λ−˜n2)r2\nEandϖ≡˜n rEand\nη0(ϖ,˜Λ, ℓS) =p\n˜Λ(ℓS+ 1)( ˜Λ +ϖ2)h\n2−2˜Λ + 3(1 + ˜Λ)ℓS−4ℓ3\nS−4ℓ2\nSi\n, (A.26b)\nη1(ϖ,˜Λ, ℓS) = 3 ϖ2˜Λ2+ϖ2˜Λ−˜Λ3−3˜Λ2+ 2˜Λ−8ϖ2˜Λℓ3\nS−16ϖ2˜Λℓ2\nS+ 2ϖ2˜Λ2ℓS\n−4˜Λℓ4\nS+ 8˜Λ2ℓ3\nS−8˜Λℓ3\nS+ 16˜Λ2ℓ2\nS−˜Λℓ2\nS−6˜Λ3ℓS+ 4˜Λ2ℓS+ 5˜ΛℓS+ 8ϖ2ℓ5\nS+ 28ϖ2ℓ4\nS\n+ 26ϖ2ℓ3\nS−7ϖ2ℓ2\nS−19ϖ2ℓS−6ϖ2,(A.26c)\nη2(ϖ,˜Λ, ℓS) =˜Λ1/2\"\n3˜Λ3−ϖ2˜Λ2−ϖ2˜Λ−˜Λ2−5˜Λ + 4 ϖ2˜Λℓ2\nS+ 10ϖ2˜ΛℓS+ 6˜Λℓ3\nS\n−4˜Λ2ℓ2\nS+ 5˜Λℓ2\nS−10˜Λ2ℓS−7˜ΛℓS−4ϖ2ℓ4\nS−20ϖ2ℓ3\nS−23ϖ2ℓ2\nS+ 11ϖ2ℓS+ 11ϖ2#\n,(A.26d)\nη3(ϖ,˜Λ, ℓS) = 2 ˜Λ3−2ϖ2˜Λ2−4ϖ2˜Λ + 4 ˜Λ2+ 4ϖ2˜Λℓ2\nS+ 8ϖ2˜ΛℓS−2˜Λ2ℓ2\nS+ 2˜Λ2ℓS,(A.26e)\nη4(ϖ,˜Λ, ℓS) =−˜Λ3/2(˜Λ +ϖ2), (A.26f)\nand\nι0(ϖ,˜Λ, ℓS) =−12p\n˜Λ(ℓS+ 1)( ˜Λ +ϖ2)(1−˜Λ + 2 ℓS), (A.26g)\nι1(ϖ,˜Λ, ℓS) = 36 ˜Λ2−12ϖ2˜Λ2−12ϖ2˜Λ−12˜Λ3−12˜Λ\n−48ϖ2˜ΛℓS+ 48˜Λ2ℓS−24˜Λℓ2\nS−36˜ΛℓS+ 48ϖ2ℓ3\nS+ 144 ϖ2ℓ2\nS+ 132 ϖ2ℓS+ 36ϖ2,(A.26h)\nι2(ϖ,˜Λ, ℓS) =˜Λ1/2\u0010\n24ϖ2˜Λ−24˜Λ2+ 24˜Λ + 36 ˜ΛℓS−24ϖ2ℓ2\nS−132ϖ2ℓS−72ϖ2\u0011\n, (A.26i)\nι3(ϖ,˜Λ, ℓS) = 36 ϖ2˜Λ−12˜Λ2, (A.26j)\nι4(ϖ,˜Λ, ℓS) = 0 . (A.26k)\n– 53 –-4 -2 0 2 4-100102030\n-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2-6-4-20246Figure 14 : The real part (left panel) and imaginary part (right panel) of ˜λ=λr2\nEas a function of pfor\nℓS= 2 and ϖ= 1. The point ( p,˜λ) = (1 /6,0) is marked as a red disk. This plot uses the same colour coding\nas Fig. 11.\nNaturally, this transcendental equation has no analytic solutions, but we can proceed numerically, just\nas in previous sections. Our general argument implies no negative modes can exist for p >1/6. We\ndisplay explicit results for the example mode with ℓS= 2 and ϖ= 1 in Fig. (14) and similar qualitative\nresults hold for all other values of ℓSand/ or ϖwe have investigated. Consistent with our general\nargument in Section 3.3, in the region p >1/6, there are no modes with Re ,˜λ <0. Finally, we note\nthat at large negative values of pwe obtain a single negative mode which obeys\n˜Λ =−16p2+ 24p+1\n3\u0002\n11ℓS(ℓS+ 1)−3 + 8 ϖ2\u0003\n+29ℓS(ℓS+ 1) + 40 + 40 ϖ2\n12p+O(p−2).(A.27)\nA.4 Modes with n= 0and ℓS= 1\nNext we consider scalar-derived gravitational modes with ℓS= 1. On-shell, these modes represent\ninfinitesimal translations. For these modes, SℓSmS\nIJ = 0 and the equivalent of hℓSmS\nT in Eq. (3.55e) is\naltogether absent. This is the reason why these modes have to be analysed separately. Due to staticity,\nthe metric components f˜τandf˜τrdecouple from the remaining and shall be analysed at the end of\nthis section. The analysis is very similar to the previous sections. We first introduce the trace variable\nf via\nhL=r2\n2(f−f˜τ˜τ−frr). (A.28)\nSince we are interested in modes with n= 0, the metric components f˜τandf˜τrdecouple and shall\nbe discussed at the end. After some algebra, the de Donder condition together with the Lichnerowicz\neigenvalue equation (3.50) yield\nfrr(r) =−1\nr2λf˜τ˜τ(r) +\u00121\n2−1\n2r2λ\u0013\nf(r) +1\nrλf′\n˜τ˜τ(r) +1\n2rλf′(r) (A.29a)\n– 54 –fr(r) =1\n2rλf˜τ˜τ(r) +1\n4rλf(r)−1\n2λf′\n˜τ˜τ(r)−1\n4λf′(r), (A.29b)\ntogether with\n(r2f′\n˜τ˜τ)′\nr2+\u0012\nλ−2\nr2\u0013\nf˜τ˜τ= 0, (A.29c)\nand\n(r2f′)′\nr2+\u0012\nλ−2\nr2\u0013\nf = 0 . (A.29d)\nOnce f˜τ˜τand f are known, one can determine frrandfrvia Eq. (A.29a) and Eq. (A.29b), respectively.\nEq. (A.29c) and Eq. (A.29d) can be readily solved in full generality to yield\nf(r) =C1\nr√\nλ\ncos\u0010√\nλr\u0011\n−sin\u0010√\nλr\u0011\n√\nλr\n+C2\nr√\nλ\ncos\u0010√\nλr\u0011\n√\nλr+ sin\u0010√\nλr\u0011\n, (A.30)\nf˜τ˜τ(r) =C3\nr√\nλ\ncos\u0010√\nλr\u0011\n−sin\u0010√\nλr\u0011\n√\nλr\n+C4\nr√\nλ\ncos\u0010√\nλr\u0011\n√\nλr+ sin\u0010√\nλr\u0011\n. (A.31)\nOnce again, regularity demands C2=C4= 0. On the other hand, our boundary conditions at the\ncavity wall require\nhL(rE) =r2\nEf˜τ˜τ(rE) (A.32a)\nand\nf′\n˜τ˜τ(rE) +2\nr2\nEh′\nL(rE)−4(1−3p)\nrEf˜τ˜τ(rE)−2\nrEfrr(rE) +4\nr2\nEfr(rE) = 0 . (A.32b)\nBoth conditions can be satisfied so long as ˜λ=λr2\nEobeys\n4˜λ2+ 3˜λ−12 + 3 cos\u0010\n2p\n˜λ\u0011\u0010\n4−9˜λ+ 4˜λ2\u0011\n+p\n˜λ\u0010\n24−23˜λ+ 3˜λ2\u0011\nsin\u0010\n2p\n˜λ\u0011\n−12ph\n3 + 3 ˜λ+˜λ2+ cos\u0010\n2p\n˜λ\u0011\u0010\n˜λ2+ 3˜λ−3\u0011\n−p\n˜λ\u0010\n6 +˜λ\u0011\nsin\u0010\n2p\n˜λ\u0011i\n= 0,(A.33)\nagain consistent with equation (3.57) showing there are no negative modes for p >1/6. The point\np=−1/12 marks the location with ˜λ= 0, so that the modes develop a positive real part for p >−1/12,\nand there is a single negative mode for p <−1/12. Away from this special point and at large values\nof−pwe find that the negative mode approaches\nλ=−16p2+ 24p+19\n3+49\n6p+O(p−2). (A.34)\nOnce again, consistent with our general argument in the range p >1/6, we find no negative modes. In\nFig. 15 we plot Re ˜λ(left and middle panels) and Im ˜λ(right panel) as a function of p. The solid black\nlines indicate regions of moduli space where the mode is purely real, while the dashed green line shows\nregions where the modes become complex. The point ( p,˜λ) = (−1/12,0) is marked as a red disk, and\nthe middle panel provides a zoom of the pink-shaded region of the left panel.\n– 55 –-10 0 10 20 30 40 50-100102030405060\n-0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1-4-2024\n10 20 30 40-1.0- 15 : The real part (left and middle panels) and imaginary part (right panel) of ˜λas a function of\np. The point ( p,˜λ) = (−1/12,0) is marked as a red disk. For p <−1/12, there exists a single mode with\nRe˜λ <0, indicating the presence of a field-theoretic negative mode. The green dashed curves indicate that\nthe mode is complex.\nWe now return to the metric components f˜τandf˜τr. The de Donder gauge condition imposes\nf˜τ(r) =r\n2[rf′\n˜τr(r) + 2f˜τr(r)], (A.35)\nwhile from the Lichnerowicz eigenvalue equation (3.50) we find\n(r4f′\n˜τr)′\nr4+λf˜τr= 0. (A.36)\nThe equation for f˜τrcan be easily integrated in full generality and one finds\nf˜τr(r) =C1\n(r√\nλ)3h\nr√\nλcos\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011\n−sin\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011i\n+C2\n(r√\nλ)3h\ncos\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011\n+r√\nλsin\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011i\n.(A.37)\nRegularity at the origin demands C2= 0, whereas our boundary conditions require\nf˜τ(rE) = 0⇒1\n˜λ3/2hp\n˜λcos\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011\n−\u0010\n1−˜λ\u0011\nsin\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011i\n= 0, (A.38)\nwith ˜λ=λr2\nE. We see this is independent of pand hence yields the same results as in the Dirichlet case\nstudied in [22] where stability was found. It is a relatively simple exercise to show that no complex\nzeroes of the above transcendental equation exist, and that the real zeroes all like on the positive axis.\nThe first few are approximately given by\n˜λ={7.52793(0) ,37.41480(5) ,86.79932(7) ,155.89863(2) , . . .}. (A.39)\nA.5 Modes with n̸= 0and ℓS= 1\nWe finally reach the last scalar mode to consider. Again SℓSmS\nIJ vanishes identically and the equivalent\nofhℓSmS\nT in Eq. (3.55e) is altogether absent. However, in general, f˜τandf˜τrwill not decouple from\nthe remaining metric components. We follow a familiar procedure, mirroring the preceding sections.\nWe commence by introducing the trace variable f through the equation:\nhL=r2\n2(f−f˜τ˜τ−frr). (A.40)\n– 56 –Following some algebraic manipulations, the conjunction of the de Donder condition and the Lich-\nnerowicz eigenvalue equation (3.50) produces\nf˜τ(r) =i\n4˜n(\u0012\n2 +r2˜n2−λ\nλ−˜n2\u0013\nf˜τ˜τ(r) +\u0002\n8−r2\u0000\nλ−˜n2\u0001\u0003\nfrr(r)\n−1\n2\u0014\n8−r2\u0000\nλ−2˜n2\u0001\n−λ\nλ−˜n2\u0015\nf(r) +rλ\nλ−˜n2f′\n˜τ˜τ(r) + 2rf′\nrr(r)−rλ\n2 (λ−˜n2)f′(r))\n,(A.41a)\nf˜τr(r) =i\n2˜n\"\n4\nrfrr(r)−1\n2r\u0012\n4−λ\nλ−˜n2\u0013\nf(r) +1\nr\u0012\n2−λ\nλ−˜n2\u0013\nf˜τ˜τ(r)\n+˜n2\nλ−˜n2f′\n˜τ˜τ(r) +f′\nrr(r)−λ\n2 (λ−˜n2)f′(r)#\n,(A.41b)\nfr(r) =r\n2\"\nfrr(r) +1\n2λ\nλ−˜n2f˜τ˜τ(r)−1\n4λ\nλ−˜n2f(r)−r\n2˜n2\nλ−˜n2f′\n˜τ˜τ(r) +r\n2f′\nrr(r)−r\n4λ−2˜n2\nλ−˜n2f′(r)#\n(A.41c)\nhrr(r) =q1(r) +˜n2\nλ−˜n2f˜τ˜τ(r) +1\n2λ−2˜n2\nλ−˜n2f(r), (A.41d)\ntogether with\n(r2f′\n˜τ˜τ)′\nr2+\u0012\nλ−2\nr2−˜n2\u0013\nf˜τ˜τ= 0, (A.41e)\n(r2f′)′\nr2+\u0012\nλ−2\nr2−˜n2\u0013\nf = 0 . (A.41f)\nand\n(r4q′\n1)′\nr4+\u0012\nλ−4\nr2−˜n2\u0013\nq1= 0. (A.41g)\nSolutions to f˜τ˜τ, f and q1are found via Eqs. (A.41e)-(A.41g) and one can then determine all remaining\nvariables using Eqs. (A.41a)-(A.41d). For f˜τ˜τ, f and q1we find\nf(r) =C1\nr√\nΛ\ncos\u0010√\nΛr\u0011\n−sin\u0010√\nΛr\u0011\n√\nΛr\n+C2\nr√\nΛ\ncos\u0010√\nΛr\u0011\n√\nΛr+ sin\u0010√\nΛr\u0011\n, (A.42)\nf˜τ˜τ(r) =C3\nr√\nΛ\ncos\u0010√\nΛr\u0011\n−sin\u0010√\nΛr\u0011\n√\nΛr\n+C4\nr√\nΛ\ncos\u0010√\nΛr\u0011\n√\nΛr+ sin\u0010√\nΛr\u0011\n, (A.43)\nq1(r) =C5\nr2Λ\u00143\nr√\nλcos\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011\n−3\nr2Λsin\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011\n+ sin\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011\u0015\n– 57 –+C6\nr2Λ\u00143\nr√\nλsin\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011\n+3\nr2Λcos\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011\n−cos\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011\u0015\n(A.44)\nwhere we defined Λ ≡λ−˜n2. Regularity at the origin demands C2=C4=C6= 0, while our boundary\nconditions impose\nhL(rE) =r2\nEf˜τ˜τ(rE), f ˜τ(rE) = 0 , (A.45a)\nand\nf′\n˜τ˜τ(rE) +2\nr2\nEh′\nL(rE)−4(1−3p)\nrEf˜τ˜τ(rE)−2\nrEfrr(rE) +4\nr2\nEfr(rE)−2i˜nf˜τr(rE) = 0 . (A.45b)\nAll the last three conditions are satisfied if the eigenvalue λ(or equivalently Λ) satisfies\np\n˜Λ sin\u0010p\n˜Λ\u0011\"\n324ϖ2˜Λ2−9ϖ2˜Λ5−198ϖ2˜Λ4−81ϖ2˜Λ3−9˜Λ6+ 126 ˜Λ5−405˜Λ4+ 324 ˜Λ3\n+p\u0010\n3888ϖ2˜Λ3−108ϖ2˜Λ5−108ϖ2˜Λ4+ 972 ϖ2˜Λ2−108˜Λ6−108˜Λ5+ 972 ˜Λ3\u0011#\n+p\n˜Λ sin\u0010\n3p\n˜Λ\u0011\"\n459ϖ2˜Λ3−9ϖ2˜Λ5−306ϖ2˜Λ4−108ϖ2˜Λ2+ 135 ˜Λ6−558˜Λ5+ 567 ˜Λ4−108˜Λ3\n+p\u0010\n1620ϖ2−108ϖ2˜Λ5˜Λ4−324ϖ2˜Λ2−108˜Λ6−108˜Λ5+ 1296 ˜Λ4−324˜Λ3\u0011#\n+ cos\u0010\n3p\n˜Λ\u0011\"\n9ϖ2˜Λ6+ 90ϖ2˜Λ5−450ϖ2˜Λ4+ 324 ϖ2˜Λ3−27˜Λ7+ 342 ˜Λ6−666˜Λ5+ 324 ˜Λ4\n+p\u0010\n1728ϖ2˜Λ4−648ϖ2˜Λ5+ 972 ϖ2˜Λ3−216˜Λ6−864˜Λ5+ 972 ˜Λ4\u0011#\n+ cos\u0010p\n˜Λ\u0011\"\n198ϖ2˜Λ5−9ϖ2˜Λ6+ 18ϖ2˜Λ4−324ϖ2˜Λ3+ 27˜Λ7−54˜Λ6+ 234 ˜Λ5−324˜Λ4\n+p\u0010\n216ϖ2˜Λ5−3024ϖ2˜Λ4−972ϖ2˜Λ3−216˜Λ6−432˜Λ5−972˜Λ4\u0011#\n= 0,(A.46)\nwhere we defined ˜Λ = Λ r2\nE. Again this expression is consistent with (3.57) in the main text, showing\nthere are no negative modes for p >1/6.\nUsing the above expression we can verify that a zero mode exists if p=−(1 + ˜n2)/12, becoming a\nnegative mode in the region p <−(1 + ˜n2)/12 and positive otherwise. Away from this special point,\nwe have to proceed numerically and we find that for p <−(1 + ˜n2)/12 a single negative mode exists,\nand that at large values of −pit approaches\nλ=−16p2+ 24p+1\n3\u0000\n19 + 8˜ n2\u0001\n+49 + 20˜ n2\n6p+O(p−2). (A.47)\nConsistent with our general argument, within the range p >1/6, we observe the absence of negative\nmodes. To conclusively affirm the non-problematic nature of this mode, numerical exploration is once\n– 58 –0 5 10 15 20 25-10-505101520\n-0.25 -0.20 -0.15 -0.10-2-1012\n0 5 10 15 20-1.0- 16 : The real part (left and middle panels) and imaginary part (right panel) of ˜λas a function of p.\nThe point ( p,˜λ) = (−(1 + ˜n2)/12,0) is marked as a red disk. For p <−(1 + ˜n2)/12, there exists a single mode\nwith Re ˜λ <0, indicating the presence of a field-theoretic negative mode. The green dashed curves indicate\nthat the mode is complex. In generating this plot we took ˜ n= 1.\nagain undertaken. In Fig. 16 we depict Re ˜λ(left and middle panels) and Im ˜λ(right panel) against\np. Solid black lines delineate regions in moduli space where the mode is exclusively real, while dashed\ngreen lines demarcate areas where the modes become complex. A red disk at ( p,˜λ) = (−(1+ ˜n2)/12,0)\nserves as a reference point, and the middle panel offers an amplified view of the pink-shaded region in\nthe left panel. In generating this figure we took ˜ n= 1, but we found similar results for different values\nof ˜n.\nA.6 Non-spherical Euclidean modes with ℓV≥2\nWe now turn our attention to vector-derived gravitational perturbations. These are easier to present\nthan the scalars, owing to the fact that less components of the metric are non-zero. Importantly we find\nthat the behaviour of the vector modes is precisely the same as that in the Dirichlet case. Following\nthe stability of the Dirichlet case studied in [22] then all vector modes will be stable for our general\nconformal boundary condition for any p.\nThese modes are built from harmonic vectors on the two-sphere, i.e.\nDIYℓVmV\nI = 0 and DIDIYℓVmV\nJ + [ℓV(ℓV+ 1)−1]YℓVmV\nJ = 0. (A.48)\nwith ℓV≥1. For the case of a two-sphere, it turns out to be relatively simple to write these modes in\nterms of scalar spherical harmonics. Namely,\nYℓVmV≡YℓVmV\nI dxI=⋆S2\u0000\ndYℓSmS\u0001\n(A.49)\nwhere ⋆S2is the Hodge dual on the two-sphere with ℓV=ℓS, and non-zero modes start with ℓV≥1.\nA general vector-derived mode can now be written as\nhℓVmV\nˆaˆb= 0 (A.50a)\nhℓVmV\nˆaI =ˆfℓVmV\nˆa (˜τ, r)YℓVmV\nI (A.50b)\nhℓVmV\nIJ =ˆhℓVmV\nT (˜τ, r)SℓVmV\nIJ (A.50c)\n– 59 –where SℓSmS\nIJ is a traceless symmetric two tensor defined as\nSℓVmV\nIJ =DIYℓVmV\nJ +DJYℓVmV\nI . (A.50d)\nFor each mode, there are a total of (at most) three functions to be determined. Owing to the background\n∂/∂τ Killing vector field, we can further decompose the scalars ˆfℓVmV\nˆa (˜τ, r) and ˆhℓVmV\nT (˜τ, r) as\nˆfℓVmV\nˆa (˜τ, r) =ei˜n˜τfℓVmV˜n\nˆa (r) and ˆhℓVmV\nT (˜τ, r) =ei˜n˜τhℓVmV˜n\nT (r). (A.51)\nJust like with scalars, modes featuring distinct values of ℓV,mV, and/or ˜ ndecouple from one another at\nthe quadratic level in the action. Consequently, we will omit the subscripts ℓV, mV,˜nin the subsequent\ndiscussion. It is worth noting that modes with ℓV= 1 hold a unique status, as for these modes,\nS1,mV\nIJ = 0. The treatment of these specific modes will be addressed in sections A.7 and A.8. Finally,\nwe also note that for the vectors, our boundary conditions reduce to those of the standard Dirichlet\nproblem, being independent of p, and thus there are no negative modes.\nA.6.1 Static modes\nIn section we analyse vector-derived perturbations with ˜ n= 0. Due to staticity, the metric component\nf˜τdecouples from the remaining ones, and we shall discuss it at the end of this section. We are left\nwith determining frandhT. Imposing the de Donder gauge condition and the Lichnerowicz eigenvalue\nequation (3.50) yields\nhT=r\nℓV(ℓV+ 1)−2[r f′\nr(r) + 2 fr(r)] (A.52a)\nand\n(r2f′\nr)′\nr2+\u0014\nλ−ℓV(ℓV+ 1)\nr2\u0015\nfr= 0. (A.52b)\nThe last equation for frcan be readily solved as\nfr(r) =C1\n(r√\nλ)1/2JℓV+1\n2\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011\n+C2\n(r√\nλ)1/2YℓV+1\n2\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011\n. (A.53)\nRegularity at the origin demands C2= 0 while our boundary conditions require\nhT(rE) = 0⇒JℓV+3\n2\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011p\n˜λ−(ℓV+ 2) JℓV+1\n2\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011\n= 0, (A.54)\nagain showing the mode behaviour is independent of p, and thus the same as for the Dirichlet case. It\nis easy to show that the above equation only has real roots, and that for ℓV= 2 the first four modes\nare approximately given by\n˜λ={17.91715(3) ,57.60145(7) ,116.86211(3) ,195.83544(5) , . . .}. (A.55)\nTo sum up, there are no negative modes for this sector of modes. We now return to analysing f˜τ. This\ncomponent turns out to be gauge invariant. The Lichnerowicz eigenvalue equation (3.50) yields\nf′′\n˜τ+\u0014\nλ−ℓV(ℓV+ 1)\nr2\u0015\nf˜τ= 0. (A.56)\n– 60 –The generic solution to f˜τreads\nf˜τ= (r√\nλ)1/2h\nC1JℓV\n2+1\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011\n+C2YℓV\n2+1\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011i\n. (A.57)\nOnce again, regularity at the origin demands C2= 0, while our boundary conditions give\nf˜τ(rE) = 0⇒JℓV\n2+1\u0010p\n˜λ\u0011\n, (A.58)\nwith ˜λ=λr2\nE, again showing no dependence on p. There are no Euclidean modes lying on the complex\nplane, and in fact λis positive definite. For the first four modes we find\n˜λ={26.37461(7) ,70.84999(9) ,135.02070(9) ,218.92018(9) , . . .}. (A.59)\nA.6.2 Generic modes\nHaving discussed the case with ˜ n= 0, we now turn to the more complicated case with ˜ n̸= 0. In\nthis case all three functions f˜τ(r),fr(r) and hT(r) can in principle be non-vanishing. Just as for the\nscalar-derived modes, these can also be solved in terms of Bessel functions as follows\nhr(r) =q1(r) +ℓV−1\nrq2(r), (A.60a)\nhT(r) =−r\nℓV+ 2q1(r) +q2(r), (A.60b)\nand\nh˜τ(r) =i\n˜nr\u0014\n(1 +ℓV)q1(r) +1−ℓ2\nV\nrq2(r) +rq′\n1(r)−(1−ℓV)q′\n2(r)\u0015\n, (A.60c)\nwith\nq′′\n1+\u0014\nλ−(ℓV+ 1)( ℓV+ 2)\nr2−˜n2\u0015\nq1= 0, (A.60d)\nand\nr2\u0012q′\n2\nr2\u0013′\n+\u0014\nλ−ℓV(ℓV−1)−2\nr2−˜n2\u0015\nq2= 0. (A.60e)\nThe equations for q1andq2can be readily solved as,\nq1(r) = (rΛ)1/2h\nC1JℓV+3\n2\u0010\nr√\nΛ\u0011\n+C2YℓV+3\n2\u0010\nr√\nΛ\u0011i\n(A.61)\nq2(r) = (rΛ)3/2h\nC3JℓV−1\n2\u0010\nr√\nΛ\u0011\n+C4YℓV−1\n2\u0010\nr√\nΛ\u0011i\n, (A.62)\nwhere we defined Λ ≡λ−˜n2. Regularity at the origin demands C2=C4= 0, while our boundary\nconditions demand\nf˜τ(rE) =hT(rE) = 0 , (A.63)\nwhich translates into\nJℓV+1\n2\u0010p\n˜Λ\u0011hp\n˜ΛJℓV+3\n2\u0010p\n˜Λ\u0011\n−(ℓV+ 2) JℓV+1\n2\u0010p\n˜Λ\u0011i\n= 0 (A.64)\nwhere we have defined ˜Λ = Λ r2\nE. Since each factor can be separately vanishing we see that we recover\nthe same values eigenvalues as in the previous section, except that we should make the replacement ˜λ\nby˜Λ.\n– 61 –A.7 Modes with n= 0and ℓV= 1\nThis mode is perhaps the easiest to analyse. Here hT= 0 in Eq. (A.50d) and additionally, since the\nmetric is static, frandf˜τdecouple from each other. Indeed, the de Donder gauge fixes frto be\nfr(r) =C1\nr2, (A.65)\nand then regularity at the origin demands C1= 0, establishing that no modes exist with fr̸= 0 in this\nsector. For f˜τwe find\nf˜τ(r) =C1\ncos\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011\n−sin\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011\nr√\nλ\n+C2\ncos\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011\nr√\nλ+ sin\u0010\nr√\nλ\u0011\n (A.66)\nand regularity at the origin demands C2= 0, while our boundary conditions at the cavity wall impose\nf˜τ(rE) = 0⇒cosp\n˜λ−sinp\n˜λp\n˜λ(A.67)\nwith ˜λ=λr2\nE. Again there is no dependence on pso the behaviour is as for Dirichlet boundary\nconditions. There are no zeroes on the complex plane, and the first four real zeroes are positive (note\nthat ˜λ= 0 is not a valid mode, since then the perturbation vanishes identically) and read\n˜λ={4.49340(9) ,7.72525(2) ,10.90412(2) ,14.06619(4) }. (A.68)\nA.8 Modes with n̸= 0and ℓV= 1\nThis is the last case to analyse. The de Donder gauge condition imposes\nf˜τ(r) =i\nr˜n[rf′\nr(r) +fr(r)], (A.69)\nwhile the Lichnerowicz eigenvalue equation (3.50) yields\nf′′\nr+\u0012\nλ−˜n2−6\nr2\u0013\nfr= 0. (A.70)\nThe equation for hrcan be found in full generality\nfr(r) =C1\n3 cos\u0010\nr√\nΛ\u0011\nr√\nΛ−3 sin\u0010\nr√\nΛ\u0011\nr2Λ+ sin\u0010\nr√\nΛ\u0011\n\n+C2\ncos\u0010\nr√\nΛ\u0011\n−3 cos\u0010\nr√\nΛ\u0011\nr2Λ−3 sin\u0010\nr√\nΛ\u0011\nr√\nΛ\n,(A.71)\nwith Λ ≡λ−˜n2. Regularity at the origin demands C2= 0, while our boundary condition imposes\nf˜τ(rE) = 0⇒p\n˜Λ cosp\n˜Λ−sinp\n˜Λ = 0 , (A.72)\nwith ˜Λ = Λ r2\nE. Once again, the behaviour is independent of p, and so is the same as in the Dirichlet\ncase. Furthermore, there are no zeroes of the above equation on the real axis. Furthermore, the mode\nwith ˜Λ = 0 corresponds to a vanishing mode function f˜τand on the positive real axis we find\n˜Λ ={20.19072(9) ,59.67951(6) ,118.89986(9) ,197.85781(1) , . . .}. (A.73)\n– 62 –B Analyticity of pin the Unstable Complex ˜λPlane\nWe now argue that Re pis analytic in the complex half plane Re ˜λ≤0. While the expression for p\ngiven in (3.57) is given in terms of Bessel functions ofp\n˜Λ, the form of the expressions ensures that\nin fact pis analytic at ˜Λ = 0. As noted in the main text, the numerator in this expression has no\npoles for Re ˜Λ≤0, and other than a branch cut at ˜Λ = 0 is analytic, and so any non-analyticity in\nthe expression for pwould have to derive from the denominator BℓS(˜Λ) +ϖ2DℓS(˜Λ). Since the explicit\nform of BℓS(˜Λ) and DℓS(˜Λ) in terms of Bessel functions again guarantee analyticity for Re ˜Λ≤0,\nexcept for branch cuts at ˜Λ (which cancel with the denominator) then non-analyticity of pmay only\nderive from zeros of this denominator. Now an important point is that ˜Λ =˜λ−ϖ2, and ϖ2>0 and\nshould be real. Thus to show that Re pis analytic for Re ˜λ≤0 we should show that the denominator,\nBℓS(˜Λ) + ϖ2DℓS(˜Λ), has no zeros for Re ˜Λ≤ −ϖ2.\nFirstly we will consider the special case ϖ= 0 where we can make an analytic argument. Then\nwe will consider the general case ϖ̸= 0 where we will use a combination of analytic and numerical\nmethods to make the argument.\nB.1 The static case ϖ= 0\nIn the static case the denominator is simply the function BℓS(˜Λ). We note that in this case ˜Λ = ˜λ.\nLooking at BℓS(˜Λ) we find it factorizes as,\nBℓS(˜Λ) = 12 ˜Λ J 1\n2+ℓS(p\n˜Λ)F1F2F3 (B.1)\nwith factors,\nF1(˜Λ) =p\n˜ΛJ 1\n2+ℓS(p\n˜Λ) + J 3\n2+ℓS(p\n˜Λ)\nF2(˜Λ) = (1 + ℓS)J1\n2+ℓS(p\n˜Λ)−p\n˜ΛJ 3\n2+ℓS(p\n˜Λ)\nF3(˜Λ) = (1 + 2 ℓS−˜Λ)J 1\n2+ℓS(p\n˜Λ)−p\n˜ΛJ 3\n2+ℓS(p\n˜Λ). (B.2)\nWe now provide a simple proof, adapted from [58], that all the functions Fi(˜Λ) only admit zeroes on\nthepositive real axis, and hence the denominator in this static case, BℓS(˜Λ), has no zeros for Re ˜λ≤0.\nFor the first two conditions, we note that the statement we are after is equivalent to proving that\nfi(x)≡Fi(x2) only admits zeroes xifor real values of x. Indeed, the first two conditions can be written\nin the following form\nAiJνi(x) +xJ′\nνi(x) = 0 (B.3a)\nwith\nA1=ℓS+5\n2, ν 1=ℓS+3\n2. (B.3b)\nA2=1\n2, ν 2=ℓS+1\n2. (B.3c)\nNext, we note that a Bessel function Jνsatisfies the following differential equation\n∂x(x∂xJν)−ν2\nxJν=−xJν. (B.4)\n– 63 –We now perform a change of variable, and set x=yα, and take y∈(0,1). Later on, αwill be related\nto the zeroes of the fi, but for now it is an arbitrary complex number. Under this change of variable,\nEq. (B.4) is transformed into\n∂y(y∂yjα\nν)−ν2\nyjα\nν=−α2yjα\nν, (B.5)\nwith jα\nν(y)≡Jν(αy). We recognise the above as a St¨ urm-Liouville problem (if appropriate boundary\nconditions are chosen) with α2playing the role of eigenvalue and jα\nνthe corresponding eigenfunction.\nConsider now two distinct eigenfunctions jβ\nνandjα\nν. Consider the following combination\n−(α2−β2)Zy\n0˜yjβ\nνjα\nνd˜y=Zy\n0\u001a\njβ\nν\u0014\n∂˜y(˜y∂˜yjα\nν)−ν2\n˜yjα\nν\u0015\n−jα\nν\u0014\n∂˜y(˜y∂˜yjβ\nν)−ν2\n˜yjβ\nν\u0015\u001b\nd˜y\n=y\u0000\njβ\nν∂yjα\nν−jα\nν∂yjβ\nν\u0001\n, (B.6)\nwhere we assumed that ν >−1, so that the boundary term evaluated at y= 0 vanishes. We have thus\nconcluded that Zy\n0˜yjα\nνjβ\nνd˜y=y\nα2−β2\u0000\njα\nν∂yjβ\nν−jβ\nν∂yjα\nν\u0001\n. (B.7)\nLet us take αto be a complex zero of fiandβ= ¯αto be its complex conjugate. We will assume that\nαisnotpurely imaginary for the moment, and return to this case later. Note that if αwere purely\nimaginary, we would have α2= ¯α2, and the argument below would not work. Note that if αis a zero\noffi, so will ¯ αbecause fiis a real function of its arguments. In terms of the jα\nν, the condition (B.3a)\ncan be written as\nAijα\nνi(1) + jα\nνi′(1) = 0 . (B.8)\nEvaluating (B.7) with y= 1 (and noting that α2̸= ¯α2) yields\nZy\n0˜yjα\nνij¯α\nνid˜y= 0 (B.9)\nwith Eq. (B.8) regarded as the relevant boundary condition. But the left hand side is positive definite,\nsince j¯α\nνi=¯jα\nνi. This is a contradiction, and as such complex zeroes of (B.3a) cannot exist.\nWe are left with analysing the case where αcan potentially be purely imaginary. For this, we\nrecall the series definition of the Bessel function\nJν(α) =+∞X\nm=0(−1)m\nm!Γ(ν+m+ 1)\u0010α\n2\u00112m+ν\n, (B.10)\nwhere Γ is a Gamma function. Our condition (B.3a) can be written as\nd\ndα\u0014\u0010α\n2\u0011AiJνi(α)\u0015\n= 0⇒\u0010α\n2\u0011νi+Ai+∞X\nm=0(2m+νi+Ai)(−1)m\nm!Γ(ν+m+ 1)\u0010α\n2\u00112m\n= 0. (B.11)\nSo long as νi+Ai>0, all the terms on the right hand side of the above expression that are being\nsummed over are positive definite for αbeing purely imaginary, thus excluding the possibility of purely\nimaginary zeroes. For our choice of fithen νi>0 and Ai>0, thus establishing our proof. In fact,\none can show with some effort that for νi+Ai<0 two purely imaginary zeroes do exist.\n– 64 –The last condition in (B.2) is a little more subtle, because it cannot be written as in (B.3a).\nHowever, it can be written as\n(ν−x2)Jν(x) +xJ′\nν(x) = 0 with ν=ℓS+1\n2. (B.12)\nOne could repeat the above argument replacing (B.8) with\n(ν−α2)jα\nν(1) + jα\nν′(1) = 0 (B.13)\nas the boundary condition to use on the St¨ urm-Liouville problem. The right hand side in Eq. (B.9)\nno longer vanishes, but it is purely imaginary, and thus we still reach a contradiction for complex\nmodes that are not purely imaginary or purely real. Finally, the case with purely imaginary zeroes\ncan be dealt with in a slightly different manner. We note that this final boundary condition can also\nbe written as\nν(1−ν) Jν(α) + 2αJ′\nν(α) +α2J′′\nν(α) = 0 with ν=ℓS+1\n2. (B.14)\nUsing the series definition for J νin (B.10) yields\n\u0010α\n2\u0011ν+∞X\nm=02(2m+ 1)( m+ν)(−1)m\nm!Γ(ν+m+ 1)\u0010α\n2\u00112m\n= 0 (B.15)\nwhich again is positive definite so long as ν >0 and αis purely imaginary, establishing that F3only\nhas zeroes on the positive real axis, just like F1andF2.\nThus we conclude that BℓS(˜Λ) has no zeros for Re ˜Λ≤0, which implies that in the static case\nϖ= 0 then the denominator in the expression for phas no zeros for Re ˜λ≤0, and hence pis analytic\nin that region.\nB.2 The general case ϖ̸= 0\nNow let us consider the general non-static case where the denominator for pisBℓS(˜Λ) + ϖ2DℓS(˜Λ).\nNow DℓStakes a more complicated form than BℓSand doesn’t have a simple factorization. We proceed\nby noting that at a zero of the denominator,\nϖ2=−BℓS(˜Λ)\nDℓS(˜Λ)(B.16)\nandϖshould be positive and real. We now aim to show that such a zero cannot occur for Re ˜λ≤0\nby showing that ϖcannot be positive real in the above expression there.\nFrom their explicit forms both BℓSandDℓSare analytic for Re ˜Λ<0, except for the branch cut at\n˜Λ = 0 along the negative real axis. Hence, away from this negative real axis, ϖ2is an analytic function\nfor Re ˜Λ<0, and thus for Re ˜λ <0, provided that DℓShas no zeros. To analyze this it is convenient\nto normalize DℓSby the function\nFℓS(˜Λ) =−˜Λ3J1\n2+ℓS\u0010p\n˜Λ\u00113\nJ3\n2+ℓS\u0010p\n˜Λ\u0011\n. (B.17)\nand consider the ratio,\nIℓS(˜Λ)≡DℓS(˜Λ)\nFℓS(˜Λ). (B.18)\n– 65 –Writing ˜Λ = x+iy, then due to the properties of Bessel functions and our choice of normalizing\nfactor, then IℓSis analytic for x <0 and y >0, and zeros of DℓScorrespond to zeros of IℓSin that\nregion. Now asymptotically, IℓS(˜Λ) =−12/˜Λ +O\u0010\n˜Λ−3/2\u0011\nforx≤0 and y≥0. Hence Im IℓS(˜Λ)→0\nasymptotically. We also note that Im IℓSvanishes on the real negative ˜λaxis. Thus on all boundaries\nor asymptotic regions of the quadrant x≤0 and y≥0 except the imaginary axis then IℓS(˜Λ)→0. So\nnow we may plot this on the imaginary axis. This is shown in figure 17 for a range of ℓS= 0, . . . , 6.\nThe lowest curve is the one for ℓS= 0, and increasing ℓSgives the curves with greater value. This is\ntrue for the values of ℓSshown, but is true for all other values of ℓSwe have tested. Thus it is positive\non the imaginary axis. We note that it has a singularity at ˜Λ = 0 and hence is discontinuous between\nthe real and imaginary axes at the origin. Since IℓSis analytic for x < 0 and y >0 then Im IℓSis\nharmonic in the complex plane, and hence its minimum is found on a boundary or asymptotically.\nHence we conclude that Im IℓSis strictly positive for x <0 and y >0, vanishing only on the negative\nreal axis, y= 0, or asymptotically, and hence Im IℓScannot have a zero except on the negative real axis.\nThen IℓScan have a zero only on the negative real axis. We may then check whether this occurs by\nconsidering Re IℓSon the negative real axis. This is also plotted in the same figure 17 for ℓS= 0, . . . , 6\nand again the lower curve is ℓS= 0, bounding the others from below, and is everywhere greater than\nzero. Again this is true for the values of ℓSshown and all other values of ℓSwe have tested. Thus we\nconclude that IℓSand hence DℓShas no zeros for Re ˜Λ<0, and hence no zeros in the unstable complex\nplane Re ˜λ <0.\n0 20 40 60 80 1000.\n-100 -80 -60 -40 -20\nFigure 17 : The lefthand figure shows a plot of Im IℓSas a function of ˜Λ on the positive imaginary axis for\nvarious ℓS= 0,1, . . . , 6. We see that the curve ℓS= 0 which is positive bounds those for the higher ℓSshown\nfrom below, so that the Im IℓSare strictly positive on the positive imaginary axis. This holds for all other ℓS\ntested. The righthand figure shows Re IℓSon the negative real ˜Λ axis for the same ℓS. Again we see the curve\nforℓS= 0 bounds the others from below, and being positive implies Re IℓS>0 on this negative real ˜Λ axis.\nAgain this holds for all other ℓStested.\n– 66 –As a consequence we have that at a zero of the denominator ϖ2is analytic as a function of ˜Λ in\nthe half plane Re ˜Λ<0. While the numerator and denominator are singular at ˜Λ = 0, their ratio\nwhich gives ϖ2is analytic there. Asymptotically it goes as,\nϖ2=−˜Λ−4ip\n˜Λ +O(1) (B.19)\nforx <0 and y >0 with the ℓSdependence being subleading. Now Im ϖ2= 0 on the negative real\naxis and its value on the positive imaginary axis is shown in figure 18 for ℓS= 0, . . . , 6, together with\nthe asymptotic behaviour shown as a black dashed curve. We see it is everywhere negative on the\npositive imaginary axis, except at the origin. Its value asymptotically in the x <0 and y >0 quadrant\naway from the axes is Im ϖ2→ −Im˜Λ for large |˜Λ|, and so is negative for x <0 and y >0. This holds\nfor all other values of ℓStested. Thus we conclude that since ϖ2is analytic for x <0 and y >0, then\nImϖ2is harmonic in xandy, so its minimum value lies on a boundaries or asymptotically, and hence\nit vanishes only on the negative real axis, and otherwise has non-zero imaginary part.\n0 5 10 15 20 25 30-40-30-20-100\n-40 -30 -20 -10 00204060\nFigure 18 : The lefthand figure shows a plot of Im ϖ2on the positive imaginary ˜Λ axis for various ℓS=\n0,1, . . . , 6. The black dotted curve is the asymptotic behaviour given in the text. We find that Im ϖ2is\nnegative away from the origin on this positive imaginary axis for these ℓSand all other values examined. The\nrighthand plot shows Re ϖ2on the negative real ˜Λ axis again for the same ℓS. Also plotted as a black dotted\nline is the condition ϖ2=−˜Λ, which lies below all the curves. We see that for these ℓSshown that while zeros\nof the denominator of pcan occur for Re ˜Λ<0, they do not occur for Re ˜Λ =−ϖ2, and hence for Re ˜λ <0\nwhere the corresponding eigenvalue would be unstable. This holds for all other values of ℓSwe have tested.\nSince ϖ2must be real and positive, then for Re ˜Λ<0 a zero of the denominator can only occur\non the negative real ˜Λ axis, as ϖ2is otherwise complex. The question is then the behaviour of ϖ2\non this negative real axis. Thus finally in figure 18 we also plot ϖ2on the negative real ˜Λ axis for\nℓS= 0, . . . , 6. For these values shown, and all others tested, we see ϖ2is positive there, and hence zeros\nare potentially allowed for Re ˜Λ<0. However as we now argue, they are not allowed for Re ˜λ <0,\nwhich implies the tighter condition Re ˜Λ<−ϖ2. In order to see this on the plot we show a black\n– 67 –dashed curve the condition ˜Λ =−ϖ2. Thus for all these ℓSshown, and all others checked, we find that\nfor any given ˜Λ<0 we see that for a zero of the pdenominator, ϖ2is greater than −˜Λ, and hence\ncorresponds to real strictly positive ˜λ=ϖ2+˜Λ, rather than negative.\nThus finally we conclude that for Re ˜λ <0 there are no zeros of the denominator of p. Hence pis\nanalytic in the half plane Re ˜λ <0 corresponding to unstable eigenmodes.\nC Static and Spherical Euclidean Modes for Vacuum Filled Cavity with Λ̸= 0\nIn this section we will restrict to four spacetime dimensions and study the eigenspectrum of (3.8) in\nthe static spherically symmetric sector for a cavity filled with the Euclidean vacuum (A)dS geometry.\nWe write this background as,\ncds2≡ˆgabdxadxb=F(r)2dτ2+dr2\nF(r)2+r2dΩ2\n2, (C.1a)\nwith τ∼τ+βand\nF(r)2= 1−3Λr2. (C.1b)\nWe will take the boundary to be the surface r=R0endowed with the metric on S1\nβ×S2\nR0. For positive\nΛ, demanding F(r)2>0 yields the bound R0≤1/√\n3Λ.\nWe restrict our attention to modes that preserve spherical symmetry and are τindependent. Such\nmodes can always be written as\nδds2≡habdxadxb=F(r)2a(r) dτ2+b(r)dr2\nF(r)2+r2c(r) dΩ2\n2, (C.2)\nwhere a,bandcare to be determined in what follows. The boundary condition δΓµν= 0 discussed in\nsection 2 implies that the following relations must be obeyed at the cavity wall r=R0:\na(R0) =c(R0) (C.3a)\nand\n2F(r0)R0[a′(R0) + 2c′(R0)]−b(R0) [4F(r0) + 2R0F′(R0)] + 6 p a(R0) [4F(r0) + 2R0F′(R0)] = 0 .\n(C.3b)\nwith′denoting differentiation with respect to r. To proceed, it is convenient to introduce the scalar\nf≡ˆgabhab=a(r) +b(r) + 2c(r). (C.4)\nExchanging cby f and solving the de Donder gauge condition yields\na(r) =F(r)2f(r) +1\n2rF(r)2f′(r)−rF(r)2b′(r) + [1−4F(r)2]b(r), (C.5a)\nc(r) =1\n2[f(r)−a(r)−b(r)]. (C.5b)\nThe eigenvalue equation (3.8) is then solved with respect to f and b, yielding\n1\nr2\u0002\nr2F(r)2f′(r)\u0003′+ 2 Λ f( r) =−λf(r) (C.6a)\n– 68 –1\nr4F(r)2\u0002\nr4F(r)4b′(r)\u0003′+4\n3Λ f(r)−2F(r)2−1\nrf′(r)−10\n3Λb(r) =−λ b(r). (C.6b)\nFor Λ ̸= 0, these equations can be solved in terms of hypergeometric functions 2F1(a, b;c;z)\nb(r) =2−Λr2\n3λ+ 2Λf′(r)\nr+3λ+ 4Λ\n6λ+ 4Λf(r) +C1\nr32F1\u00121\n4−ηb,1\n4+ηb;−1\n2;r2Λ\n3\u0013\n+C2 2F1\u00127\n4−ηb,7\n4+ηb;5\n2;r2Λ\n3\u0013\n(C.7a)\nf(r) =C3\nr2F1\u00121\n4−ηf,1\n4+ηf;1\n2;r2Λ\n3\u0013\n+C4 2F1\u00123\n4−ηf,3\n4+ηf;3\n2;r2Λ\n3\u0013\n(C.7b)\nwhere we have defined\nηb=1\n4r\n9 +12λ\nΛand ηf=1\n4r\n33 +12λ\nΛ. (C.7c)\nRegularity at the origin demands C1=C3= 0, while our boundary conditions (C.3b) can be schemat-\nically written as\nA.\u0014C2\nC4\u0015\n= 0 (C.8)\nwith A a 2 ×2 matrix that is a complicated function of the hypergeometric functions appearing in\nEqs. (C.7), and their derivatives, evaluated at r=R0. We provide the explicit form at the end of this\nAppendix. To determine the eingenvalue λwe simply demand det A = 0, and solve numerically for λ\nusing a simple Newton-Raphson algorithm.\nBefore proceeding, let us note that for λ= 0 the solutions we have determined coincide with those\nof the dynamical linear problem that we have investigated in section 4. Indeed, it is a tedious but\nsimple exercise to show that det A = 0 when λ= 0 and\np≡p⋆(R2\n0Λ) =6−R2\n0Λ\n6(3−R2\n0Λ)(2−R2\n0Λ), (C.9)\nin agreement with Eq. (4.11) with α= 0.\nIn the case Λ = 0 this reduces to the case analysed in Section 3.3.1. Here we are interested in\nthe case where Λ ̸= 0 where we can repeat the analysis but the calculations quickly become rather\ncomplicated. However, with some effort, one can find the equivalent of Eq. (3.62) which we write as\np=p⋆(R2\n0Λ)\u0002\n1 + Ξ( R2\n0Λ)R2\n0λ+O(λ2)\u0003\n⇔R2\n0λ=p−p∗(R2\n0Λ)\np∗(R2\n0Λ)Ξ (Λ R2\n0)(C.10a)\nwhere\nΞ(˜Λ) =1\n(˜Λ−6)(˜Λ−3)(\n9\n4(˜Λ−4)2\n(˜Λ−3)χ(˜Λ)−9√\n3\n2˜Λ3/2arctanh p\n˜Λ√\n3!\n−1\n(˜Λ−3)˜Λ\"\n27\n2+ 51˜Λ−44˜Λ2+ 12˜Λ3−9˜Λ4\n8+1\n8√\n33(˜Λ−4)2˜Λ2#)\n,(C.10b)\n– 69 –-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 19 : The function Ξ( ˜Λ) defined in Eq. (C.10b) as a function of its argument.\nand\nχ(˜Λ) =2F1\u0010\n1\n4\u0000\n7−√\n33\u0001\n,1\n4\u0000\n3 +√\n33\u0001\n;3\n2;˜Λ\n3\u0011\n2F1\u0010\n1\n4\u0000\n7−√\n33\u0001\n,1\n4\u0000\n7 +√\n33\u0001\n;5\n2;˜Λ\n3\u0011. (C.10c)\nIn Fig. 19 we plot Ξ( ˜Λ) as a function of ˜Λ and find that it is positive definite, diverging as Ξ( ˜Λ)∝\n(˜Λ−3)−1near ˜Λ = 3.\nSince we have established positivity of Ξ( ˜Λ) for ˜Λ≤3, we can go back to Eq. (C.10a) and read\noff the consequences for λ. We see that if p⋆(R2\n0Λ)>0, then we must require p > p⋆(R2\n0Λ) in order to\nhave stability. This will certainly happen for Λ R2\n0<2. However, if p⋆(R2\n0Λ)<0 stability now requires\np < p⋆(R2\n0Λ). Indeed, in the range 2 < R2\n0Λ<3 this is precisely what happens. Note that for R2\n0Λ = 2\none can argue that only Dirichlet boundary conditions yield stability, since limR2\n0Λ→2−p⋆(R2\n0Λ) = + ∞.\nFinally, as promised above, we give the explicit form for the 2 ×2 matrix A appearing in Eq. (C.8)\n4A11=\u0002\nR2\n0(1 + 4 ηb) Λ + 5 −12ηb\u0003\n2F1\u00127\n4−ηb,7\n4+ηb;5\n2;R2\n0Λ\n3\u0013\n−(4ηb−7)\u0000\nR2\n0Λ−3\u0001\n2F1\u001211\n4−ηb,7\n4+ηb;5\n2;R2\n0Λ\n3\u0013\n,(C.11)\n8(3λ+ 2Λ) R2\n0A12= 4 (3 −4ηf)2F1\u00127\n4−ηf,3\n4+ηf;3\n2;ΛR2\n0\n3\u0013\n+\u0002\n16ηf−12−16η2\nfΛR2\n0\u0000\nΛR2\n0−2\u0001\n+ 3(4 λ+ 11Λ) R2\n0\u0000\nΛR2\n0−2\u0001\u0003\n2F1\u00123\n4−ηf,3\n4+ηf;3\n2;ΛR2\n0\n3\u0013\n,\n(C.12)\n– 70 –A21= 2(1 + 2 p)2F1\u00127\n4−ηb,7\n4+ηb;5\n2;ΛR2\n0\n3\u0013\u0000\nΛR2\n0−2\u0001\n−1\n90\u0000\n16η2\nb−49\u0001\nΛR2\n0\u0000\nΛR2\n0−3\u0001\n2F1\u001211\n4−ηb,11\n4+ηb;7\n2;ΛR2\n0\n3\u0013\n,(C.13)\nand\n3240(3 λ+ 2Λ) A 22=−3240[(6 p−3)λ−4Λ]\u0000\nΛR2\n0−2\u0001\n2F1\u00123\n4−ηf,3\n4+ηf;3\n2;ΛR2\n0\n3\u0013\n−Λ\u0000\n16η2\nf−9\u0001(\nΛR2\n0\u0002\n6 + Λ R2\n0\u0000\nΛR2\n0−5\u0001\u0003\u0000\n16η2\nf−49\u0001\n2F1\u001211\n4−ηh,11\n4+ηf;7\n2;ΛR2\n0\n3\u0013\n−\n30\u0002\n24−9(λ+ 4Λ) R2\n0+ Λ(3 λ+ 10Λ) R4\n0+ 12p\u0000\nΛR2\n0−2\u00012\u0003\n2F1\u00127\n4−ηh,7\n4+ηf;5\n2;ΛR2\n0\n3\u0013)\n.(C.14)\nD Euclidean Spherical Static Fluctuations of (A)dS Black Holes\nIn this section, we numerically compute the spectrum of the Lichnerowicz operator of the Euclidean\nSchwarzschild black hole background with a non-vanishing cosmological constant.\nThe black hole solution to the bulk equations of motion inside a cavity at radius r=rBhas the\nsame form as that in equation (3.37a), with the blackening factor now given by\nF(r)2=−κr2\nℓ2+ 1−r+\nr\u0012\n−κr2\n+\nℓ2+ 1\u0013\n, (D.1)\nwhere ℓis the (A)dS length and is related to the cosmological constant via\nℓ=r\n3\nκΛ. (D.2)\nHere κ= 1 and κ=−1 correspond to dS and AdS spacetimes, respectively. In addition to x≡r+/rB,\nwe have another length scale y≡r+/ℓ > 07.\nThe action is now given by\nS=SEH+Sbdy=2πℓ2\nG·(1−x3)y4\nx3(−κ+ 3y2)−ΘβBℓy\n4Gx2·[(4−3x)x2+ 3(−2 +x3)y2κ]p\nx2(1−x) +κy2(x3−1), (D.3)\nand we have\nB=4π\n1−3κy2p\nx2(1−x) + (x3−1)κy2. (D.4)\nThe expression for Kis rather tedious and not very illuminating, so we do not write it down explicitly\nhere. Similar to the asymptotically flat case, there are two families of saddles with the same BandK,\nparametrized by their own xandy. We refer to the family with larger/smaller xat a fixed BandK\nas the large/small black hole. One can verify that the small black hole always has a larger action than\nthe large black hole, thus never dominates the ensemble.\n7For dS black holes, we further require that the cavity is inside the cosmological horizon, which puts another constraint on the\nrange of xandy.\n– 71 –0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5\n0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.60.00000.00050.00100.00150.00200.00250.00300.0035 (b)\n0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 (c)\nFigure 20 : The left/right panel gives the relationship between yandxat the place where Bis extremized\nfor Schwarzschild AdS/dS black holes. The middle panel gives the difference between the critical yfor the\nAnderson boundary condition and that for the Dirichlet boundary condition for Schwarzschild AdS black\nholes. At the place where Bis extremized, we expect a marginal stability of the black hole.\nUnlike the Dirichlet case8, there is no analytical relationship between yandxat the place where\nBand the action are both extremized. This is also the place where we expect the black hole to be\nmarginally stable. In figure 20 we plot the numerical relationship between yandxat the critical place\nforp= 0 (Anderson boundary condition). We also include the difference between critical yforp= 0\nand that for the Dirichlet case p→+∞in figure 20b to show explicitly that the critical points are\np-dependent. The calculations become numerically challenging for general pbut in principle, one can\nget similar figures using a high enough precision.\nFigures 21 and 22 give the lowest four modes of the Lichnerowicz operator in the background of a\nSchwarzschild black hole in AdS and dS spacetimes inside a cavity, respectively. Our numerical data\nmatches precisely (to numerical precision) with the prediction of marginal stability in section D. Again,\nthe existence of another negative mode reflects the instability of the vacuum solution under Anderson\nboundary conditions.\nReferences\n[1] J. W. 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The location and inclination angle of 𝐿 can be computed directly from coefficients 𝑐1, 𝑐2, \nwhile 𝐶 is constructed by dividing the constant term 𝑐2 by each point from 𝐿. This paper describes the t echnical \ndetails for the quadratic LC method, and then shows how the quadratic LC method works through a numerical \nexample. The quadratic LC method described here , although more elaborate than the traditional quadratic formula, \ncan be extended to find initial approximations to the roots of polynomials in one variable of degree 𝑛≥3. As an \nadditional feature , this paper also studies an interesting property of the rectilinear segments connecting key points \nin a quadratic LC structure. \nKeywords : Quadratic Equation; Roots of an Equation; Complex Number s; Line; Circumference ; Numerical Method; \nGeometrical Method; Möbius Transformation; Polynomial Root-finding Algorithm . \n \nDescription of the LC method for finding the roots of a quadratic equation \nLet’s c onsider the quadratic equation \n𝑥2+𝑐1𝑥+𝑐2=(𝑥−𝑟1)(𝑥−𝑟2)=0. (1) \nIn equation (1), we will assume that both the coefficients 𝑐1, 𝑐2 of the polynomial on the left and the \nroots 𝑟1, 𝑟2 in the central factorization are elements of the set of complex numbers, denoted as ℂ. \nMoreover, we will suppose that roots 𝑟1, 𝑟2 are both different from zero, and different from each other. \nThe geometrical method described below for finding the unknown roots 𝑟1, 𝑟2 from known coefficients \n𝑐1, 𝑐2, can be used when the roots 𝑟1, 𝑟2 of equation (1) are on a line 𝐿1⊂ℂ that does not pass through \nthe origin (i.e., 0∉𝐿1, 𝐿1 being a continuous line of infinite length, with no gaps). This line 𝐿1 can be \nexpressed as a parametric trajectory of the form \n𝐿1:𝑝1+𝑡𝑣𝜃∗, (2) \nwhere 𝑝1,𝑣𝜃∗∈ℂ are fixed values, and 𝑡∈ℝ is a parameter that determines each point contained in 𝐿1. \nPoint 𝑝1, define d as 𝑝1:=−𝑐1/2=(����1+𝑟2)/2, is called the fixed point of 𝐿1, while point 𝑣𝜃∗, define d \nas 𝑣𝜃∗:=𝑒𝑖𝜃∗=cos𝜃∗+𝑖sin𝜃∗ (𝑖=√−1), is called the directi on vecto r of 𝐿1. Notice that 𝜃∗ is the \nargument of 𝑣𝜃∗, and also, |𝑣𝜃∗|=1; that is to say , 𝑣𝜃∗ is a unit directi on vector of 𝐿1, and 𝜃∗ is the \ninclination angle of line 𝐿1 that causes 𝐿1 to contain 𝑟1, 𝑟2. Notice that 𝑝1 is the midpoint, on 𝐿1, \nbetween roots 𝑟1, 𝑟2, so |𝑟1−𝑝1|=|𝑟2−𝑝1|>0. LC method for locating the roots of a quadratic equation \n2 \n How do we compute the angle 𝜃∗ from coefficients 𝑐1, 𝑐2 in equation (1)? From line 𝐿1, it is possible to \nconstruct a semi -line of the form \n𝐿𝑑:(𝑝1+𝑡𝑣𝜃∗)(𝑝1−𝑡𝑣𝜃∗)=𝑝12+𝑡2(−𝑣𝜃∗2), (3) \nwith fixed point 𝑝12=𝑐12/4 and direction vector −𝑣𝜃∗2. Noti ce that the inclination angle of 𝐿𝑑 in (3) is \narg(−𝑣𝜃∗2)=2𝜃∗+𝜋 radians, and that 𝑟1𝑟2=𝑐2∈𝐿𝑑. This means that we can construct 𝐿𝑑 directly \nfrom the polynomial coefficients 𝑐1, 𝑐2, and therefore we can derive angle 𝜃∗ from the inclination angle \nof semi -line 𝐿𝑑. \nOperationally, we obtain 𝜃∗ in the following way: \n1. We construct a direction vector for 𝐿𝑑 from its two known points 𝑝12, 𝑐2; let's call this direction \nvector 𝑣𝑑. In this way, 𝑣𝑑=𝑐2−𝑝12. \n2. Since arg(𝑣𝑑)=2𝜃∗+𝜋, we have that 𝜃∗=arg(−𝑣𝑑)/2. \nIn conclusi on, \n𝜃∗=arg(𝑐12/4−𝑐2)/2. (4) \nNow, we know the fixed point 𝑝1 and the inclination angle 𝜃∗ of the line 𝐿1 that contain s the roots 𝑟1, 𝑟2 \nof equation (1), so we can trace it on the plane ℂ. To determine the location of the roots 𝑟1, 𝑟2 within 𝐿1, \nlet's consider the circumference \n𝐶:𝑐2/𝐿1=𝑐2/(𝑝1+𝑡𝑣𝜃∗). (5) \nNoti ce that 𝐶→0 when 𝑡→±∞. Noti ce also that roots 𝑟1, 𝑟2 are contained in circumference 𝐶. \nExpression (5) actually comes from a bijective mapping 𝐿1→𝑐2/𝐿1, called Möbius transformation. A \ndemonstration that expression (5) is indeed a circ umference in the plane ℂ can be found in Appendix 1. \nFrom the above, we see that the unknown roots 𝑟1, 𝑟2 are the intersections between 𝐿1 and 𝐶. \nTo determine the center and radius of circumference 𝐶 defined by expression (5), it is sufficient to know \ntwo distinct points on it; one of them could be 𝑤1=𝑐2/𝑝1, and another could be 𝑤2=𝑐2/(𝑝1+𝑣𝜃∗). It \nis then possible to prove that the center 𝑐 of circumference 𝐶 is the point \n𝑐=−𝑦1(𝑥22+𝑦22)+𝑦2(𝑥12+𝑦12)\n2𝑥1𝑦2−2𝑥2𝑦1+𝑖𝑥1(𝑥22+𝑦22)−𝑥2(𝑥12+𝑦12)\n2𝑥1𝑦2−2𝑥2𝑦1, (6) \nwhere 𝑥1=Re(𝑤1), 𝑦1=Im(𝑤1), 𝑥2=Re(𝑤2), and 𝑦2=Im(𝑤2). The radius of circumference 𝐶 is \nsimply |𝑐| (see Appendix 2 for details). \nIn this way, we have constructed a computable geometrical method to determine the location of the \nroots of quadratic equations of the form (1); as previously stated, this method will work as long as the \ndistinct roots 𝑟1, 𝑟2 are contained in a continuous line 𝐿1⊂ℂ\\{0} with no gaps . \nIn summary, the steps to computationally implement this geometrical method are as follows: \n \n LC method for locating the roots of a quadratic equation \n3 \n \nLC method for finding the roots 𝒓𝟏,𝒓𝟐∈ℂ of quadratic equation 𝒙𝟐+𝒄𝟏𝒙+𝒄𝟐=𝟎 \n \na) Compute the inclination angle 𝜃∗ for line 𝐿1 by using expression (4). \nb) Determine line 𝐿1 defined by expression (2), using fixed point 𝑝1=−𝑐1/2 and direction \nvector 𝑣𝜃∗=cos𝜃∗+𝑖sin𝜃∗=𝑒𝑖𝜃∗. \nc) Determine circumference 𝐶:𝑐2/𝐿1 with center 𝑐 given by (6), and with radius |𝑐|. \nd) Locate the intersections between 𝐿1 and 𝐶. These are the roots 𝑟1, 𝑟2 of equation (1). \n \n \nExample \nFind the roots of equation \n𝑥2+(−1−7𝑖)𝑥+(−18+𝑖)=0 (7) \nusing the LC method described above. \n \nSolution \nAccording to the form of equation (1), we designate coefficients in equation (7) as 𝑐1=−1−7𝑖, and \n𝑐2=−18+𝑖. Now let's carry out the steps of the LC method described above: \na) First, we c ompute the inclination angle 𝜃∗ for line 𝐿1 via the coefficients 𝑐1, 𝑐2: \n𝜃∗=arg(𝑐12/4−𝑐2)/2=arg(6+2.5𝑖)/2=0.1973956 radians =11°18′35.757\". \n \nb) Now, we obtain the parametric expression for line 𝐿1: \n𝐿1:(1+7𝑖)/2+𝑡𝑒0.1973956 𝑖=(0.5+3.5𝑖)+𝑡(0.9805807 +0.1961161 𝑖). \n \nc) From b), we immediately obtain the parametric expression for 𝐶: \n𝐶:𝑐2/𝐿1=(−18+𝑖)/[(0.5+3.5𝑖)+𝑡(0.9805807 +0.1961161 𝑖)]. \nAccording to (6), this parametric expression 𝐶 is a circ umference with center \n𝑐=0.676471+2.617647𝑖 and radius |𝑐|=2.703644 . Figure 1 shows the parametric \ntrajectories 𝐿1 and 𝐶 obtained in this example. \n \nd) From Figure 1 we can see that the intersections between line 𝐿1 and circumference 𝐶 occur at \npoints 𝑟1=−2+3𝑖 and 𝑟2=3+4𝑖. We can see that these values obtained are in fact the ones \nthat satisfy equation (7). It is perfectly feasible to construct a computational algorithm that \nnumerically approximates the intersections between a line and a circ umference in the plane of \ncomplex numbers ℂ, given a fixed point and a directi on vector for the line, as well as the center \nand radius of the circ umference . LC method for locating the roots of a quadratic equation \n4 \n \nFigure 1 . Line 𝐿1 and circumference 𝐶 associated with equation (7), plotted on the plane ℂ. The intersection s \nbetween these two trajectories coincide with the roots of (7). \n \nConclusion \nIn this paper we have described a geometrical method that helps us locate the roots of a quadratic \nequation in a single complex variable of the form (1), under the assumption that the roots are di fferent \nfrom each other and are on a line in the complex plane that does not pass through the origin. Clearly, \nthe quadratic LC method described here is more elaborate than the general formula for solving quadratic \nequations ; however, the quadratic LC method serves as the basis for a general algorithm that can be \nused to find initial approximati ons to the roots of polynomial equations in one variable of degree 𝑛≥3. \nFor more details, see [1]. \nAs an additional note, referring to Figure 1, it is possible to verify numerically that angle ∠0𝑝1𝑟1 is equal \nto angle ∠𝑟1𝑝1(𝑐2/𝑝1), or equivalently, that angle ∠0𝑝1𝑟2 is equal to the angle ∠𝑟2𝑝1(𝑐2/𝑝1); this does \nnot happen by chance. In Appendix 3 it is show n that this is in fact a property that holds for geometric \nconstructions with characteristics similar to the one in Figure 1. From this, we can conclude that an \nalternative method for determining the inclination angle 𝜃∗ for line 𝐿1 can be based on the bisection of \nangle ∠0𝑝1(𝑐2/𝑝1), which can be constructed directly from the coefficients 𝑐1, 𝑐2 of equation (1). \n \n \n \nLC method for locating the roots of a quadratic equation \n5 \n Appendix 1 \nProposition . If 𝑧∈ℂ is on a line 𝐿 that does not pass through the origin, then 𝑏/𝑧 (𝑏∈ℂ,𝑏≠0) is on a \ncircumference 𝐶 that passes through the origin without containing it. \nDemonstration . In notes by Professor Carl Eberhart (University of Kentucky), available at [ 2], it is shown \nthat if 𝑧 is on a line 𝐿 that does not pass through the origin, then 1/𝑧 is on a circ umference 𝐶 that passes \nthrough the origin without containing it. We shall see the demonstration of this lemma below, based on \nthe notes [ 2]. \nWe start from the assumption that 𝑧 is any point on an arbitrary line 𝐿⊂ℂ\\{0} that does not pass \nthrough the origin, so we could say that 𝑧 is a line that does not pass through the origin. Then, there is a \nvector 𝑢∈ℂ, |𝑢|=1 (𝑢 is a unit vector), such that 𝑢∙𝑧 is a vertical line to the right of the origin; \nalgebraically, this vertical line can be expressed as \n𝑢∙𝑧=1\n𝑐+𝑐𝑒𝑖𝜃=1\n𝑐+𝑐(cos𝜃+𝑖sin𝜃), 𝑐>0, 𝜃∈(−𝜋,𝜋). (A1.1) \nExpression (A1.1) refers to a vertical line, because Re(𝑢∙𝑧)=1\n2𝑐 is a constant value, while \nIm(𝑢∙𝑧)=−𝑐sin𝜃\n(𝑐+𝑐cos𝜃)2+(𝑐sin𝜃)2 is a real-valued continuous function of a real variable 𝜃 that decreases \nmonotonically, with dom ain (−𝜋,𝜋) and range (−∞,+∞)=ℝ; it can be seen that Im(𝑢∙𝑧)→+∞ \nwhen 𝜃→−𝜋+, and Im(𝑢∙𝑧)→−∞ when 𝜃→𝜋−. Im(𝑢∙𝑧) changes most rapidly near 𝜃=±𝜋, and \nit is symmetrical with respect to the origin, as can be seen in Figure A1. \n \nFigure A1 . Behavior of the imaginary part of 𝑢∙𝑧, within interval 𝜃∈(−𝜋,𝜋), for the parametric value 𝑐=10. \nNote that Im(𝑢∙𝑧)=0 when 𝜃=0. \nLC method for locating the roots of a quadratic equation \n6 \n Now, it is evident that 1\n𝑢∙𝑧=𝑐+𝑐𝑒𝑖𝜃 is a circ umference with center 𝑐 on the real axis of the plane ℂ, and \nradius 𝑐. Then, \n𝑢1\n𝑢∙𝑧=1\n𝑧=𝑢𝑐+𝑢𝑐𝑒𝑖𝜃=𝑐𝑒𝑖arg(𝑢)+𝑐𝑒𝑖[𝜃+arg(𝑢)]. (A1.2) \nExpression (A1.2) tells us that 1\n𝑧 is a circ umference with center 𝑐𝑒𝑖arg(𝑢) and radius 𝑐. Moreover, \ncircumference 1\n𝑧 passes through the origin (without containing it), since \n|𝑐𝑒𝑖arg(𝑢)−0|=|𝑐𝑒𝑖arg(𝑢)|=|𝑐||𝑒𝑖arg(𝑢)|=|𝑐|=𝑐; (A1.3) \nthat is to say , the distance between the origin and the center of circumference 1\n𝑧 is equal to its radius. \nWith this, we have proved the lemma stated at the beginning of this demonstration. \nTo conclude, it is now evident , from expression ( A1.2 ), that if we multiply each point of circumference \n1/𝑧 by a constant value 𝑏∈ℂ,𝑏≠0, 𝑏/𝑧 is still a circ umference passing through the origin (without \ncontaining it), a lbeit now with center 𝑏𝑐𝑒𝑖arg(𝑢) and radius |𝑏|𝑐. ∎ \n \nAppendix 2 \nProposition . The center 𝑐 of circumference 𝐶, which passes through three di fferent points 0,𝑤1,𝑤2∈ℂ, \nis given by \n𝑐=−𝑦1(𝑥22+𝑦22)+𝑦2(𝑥12+𝑦12)\n2𝑥1𝑦2−2𝑥2𝑦1+𝑖𝑥1(𝑥22+𝑦22)−𝑥2(𝑥12+𝑦12)\n2𝑥1𝑦2−2𝑥2𝑦1 (A2.1) \nwhere 𝑥1=Re(𝑤1), 𝑦1=Im(𝑤1), 𝑥2=Re(𝑤2), and 𝑦2=Im(𝑤2). Also , the radius of 𝐶 is |𝑐|. \nDemonstration : The center 𝑐=ℎ+𝑖𝑘 and radius 𝑟 of the circ umference with known points 0, \n𝑤1=𝑥1+𝑖𝑦1, 𝑤2=𝑥2+𝑖𝑦2, are obtained by solving the following system of three equations in three \nunknowns ℎ, 𝑘, 𝑟: \n(𝑥1−ℎ)2+(𝑦1−𝑘)2=𝑟2 \n(𝑥2−ℎ)2+(𝑦2−𝑘)2=𝑟2 (A2.2) \n (0−ℎ)2+(0−𝑘)2=𝑟2 \nEach of the three equations in system (A2.2) comes from the formula for calculating the square d \ndistance between a known point on a circumference and its center; the third equation in system (A2.2) \ntells us immediately that 𝑟=|𝑐|. If we expand the square d binomials in the first two equations of (A2.2) \nand subtract the third equation of (A2.2) from each of these, we obtain a reduced system of two linear \nequations in two unknowns ℎ, 𝑘: \n2𝑥1ℎ+2𝑦1𝑘=𝑥12+𝑦12 (A2.3) \n2𝑥2ℎ+2𝑦2𝑘=𝑥22+𝑦22 \n LC method for locating the roots of a quadratic equation \n7 \n The solution of system (A2.3) is \nℎ=−𝑦1(𝑥22+𝑦22)+𝑦2(𝑥12+𝑦12)\n2𝑥1𝑦2−2𝑥2𝑦1 (A2.4) \n𝑘=𝑥1(𝑥22+𝑦22)−𝑥2(𝑥12+𝑦12)\n2𝑥1𝑦2−2𝑥2𝑦1 \nThe expressions in (A2.4) correspond to the real and imaginary parts on the right side of expression \n(A2.1). Solution (A2.4) holds as long as 𝑥1𝑦2≠𝑥2𝑦1 (if 𝑥1𝑦2=𝑥2𝑦1, this means that the points 0, 𝑤1, \n𝑤2 are collinear). ∎ \n \nAppendix 3 \nProposition . If line 𝐿1⊂ℂ\\{0}, defined in expression (2) , contains the roots 𝑟1, 𝑟2 of equation \n𝑥2+𝑐1𝑥+𝑐2=0, and 𝑟1≠𝑟2, then ∠0𝑝1𝑟1=∠𝑟1𝑝1(𝑐2/𝑝1), with 𝑝1=−𝑐1/2=(𝑟1+𝑟2)/2. \nDemonstration : Let's consider the following rectilinear segments: \n𝐴≡0𝑝1̅̅̅̅̅, 𝐵≡𝑝1𝑟1̅̅̅̅̅̅, 𝐶≡0𝑟1̅̅̅̅; \n𝐴′≡𝑟1𝑝1̅̅̅̅̅̅, 𝐵′≡𝑝1(𝑐2/𝑝1)̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅, 𝐶′≡𝑟1(𝑐2/𝑝1)̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅. \nThus, ∠0𝑝1𝑟1 is the angle formed by segments 𝐴 and 𝐵, and △0𝑝1𝑟1 is the triangle formed by segments \n𝐴, 𝐵 and 𝐶; analogously, ∠𝑟1𝑝1(𝑐2/𝑝1) is formed by segments 𝐴′ and 𝐵′, and △𝑟1𝑝1(𝑐2/𝑝1) is formed \nby segments 𝐴′, 𝐵′ and 𝐶′. If we denote (for example) the length of the segment 𝐵 as |𝐵|, we can see \nthat |𝐵|=|𝑝1𝑟1̅̅̅̅̅̅|=|𝑟1−(𝑟1+𝑟2)/2|=|(𝑟1−𝑟2)/2|; using this basic approach, it is feasible to verify \nthat \n|𝐴|\n|𝐴′|=|𝐵|\n|𝐵′|=|𝐶|\n|𝐶′|=|𝑟1+𝑟2|\n|𝑟1−𝑟2|. \nThis last expression tells us that triangles △0𝑝1𝑟1 and △𝑟1𝑝1(𝑐2/𝑝1) are similar, because their \ncorresponding sides are proportional; therefore, the angle formed by segments 𝐴 and 𝐵 is equal to the \nangle formed by corresponding segments 𝐴′ and 𝐵′; i.e., ∠0𝑝1𝑟1=∠𝑟1𝑝1(𝑐2/𝑝1). ∎ \n \nReferences \n[1] Alba -Cuellar, D aniel (2024). The LC Method: A parallelizable numerical method for approximating the \nroots of single -variable polynomials. arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.15554 \n[2] Eberhart, Carl (1999). Moebius transformations of the plan e. \nhttp://www.ms.uky.edu/~carl/ma502/html/moebsln1.html \n " }, { "title": "2402.04387v1.Giant_piezoelectricity_in_group_IV_monochalcogenides_with_ferroelectric_AA_layer_stacking.pdf", "content": "Giant piezoelectricity in group IV monochalcogenides with\nferroelectric AA layer stacking\nSeungjun Lee,1Hyeong-Ryul Kim,2Wei Jiang,1Young-Kyun Kwon,2, 3,∗and Tony Low1,†\n1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,\nUniversity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA\n2Department of Physics and Research Institute for Basic Sciences,\nKyung Hee University, Seoul 02447, Korea\n3Department of Information Display,\nKyung Hee University, Seoul 02447, Korea\n(Dated: February 8, 2024)\nAbstract\nThe piezoelectricity of group IV monochalcogenides (MXs, with M = Ge, Sn and X = S, Se) has\nattracted much attention due to their substantially higher piezoelectric coefficients compared to\nother 2D materials. However, with increasing layer number, their piezoelectricity rapidly disappears\ndue to the antiferroelectric stacking order, severely limiting their practical applications. Using\nfirst-principles calculations, we investigated the piezoelectricity of MXs with the ferroelectric AA\nstacking configuration, which has recently been stabilized in experiments. We found that AA-\nstacked MXs have a ferroelectric ground state with the smallest lattice constant among other\nstacking configurations, resulting in a giant piezoelectric coefficient, which is the first demonstration\nof a strategy where the piezoelectric coefficients can increase with the number of layers. This can be\nattributed to a strong negative correlation between the lattice constant along the armchair direction\nand the piezoelectric coefficient, and spontaneous compressive strain stabilized in ferroelectric AA\nstacking configuration.\n1arXiv:2402.04387v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 6 Feb 2024I. INTRODUCTION\nAn interesting connection between mechanical energy and electricity in piezoelectric ma-\nterials makes them highly valuable in various applications, such as energy harvesting, sensors,\nand optoelectronic devices.1–3Moreover, two-dimensional piezoelectric materials (2DPMs)\nare of practical interest compared to their bulk counterparts because they are robust against\ndepolarization fields, enabling a reduction of device size.4–6Therefore, many efforts con-\ntributed in the last decade have led to the discovery of various types of monolayer or one-\nlayer (1L) piezoelectric materials such as hexagonal (h-) group III-IV materials,7h-group\nII oxides,8H-phase transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs),9,10In2Se3,11,12CuInP 2S6,13,14\nand group IV monochalcogenides (MXs, with M = Ge, Sn and X = S, Se).15–19Among the\nvarious candidates, MXs, in particular, have received much attention due to their piezo-\nelectric coefficients, which surpass those of other two-dimensional materials by orders of\nmagnitude.\nDespite these promising advancements, the practical utilization of 2DPMs has been lim-\nited because ground-state multilayer stacking configurations often lose their piezoelectric\nresponse.9,20The challenge arises from the interlayer dipole-dipole interactions, which nat-\nurally favor an antiparallel order, resulting in the restoration of spatial inversion symmetry.\nNevertheless, recent advances in materials handling and various growth techniques have\npaved the way for the experimental stabilization of metastable stacking configurations,18,21\nresulting in novel ferroelectric (FE) order in 2DPMs. For example, interlayer twisting22,23\nor sliding19,24,25give rise to additional out-of-plane FE order, which is not possible in a 1L\nor minimum energy stacking configuration. However, despite the fact that in-plane ferro-\nelectricity is also crucial for piezoelectric response, there is limited understanding of the\neffect of interlayer interactions on the in-plane FE order and the corresponding piezoelectric\nresponse.\nThrough first-principles calculation based on density functional theory (DFT), we inves-\ntigated the stacking-dependent piezoelectric responses of MXs. We first carefully evaluated\nthe piezoelectric coefficients of monolayer MX to understand the large variations in their\npiezoelectric coefficients reported previously. We found that an in-plane lattice constant\n(LC) along the armchair direction primarily controls the piezoelectric coefficients of MX due\nto the unique puckered structures. We further revealed that, the choice of van der Waals\n2(vdW) correction is particularly crucial for MXs, as it significantly affects their in-plane lat-\ntice constants not only in multilayer cases but also in the 1L limit, which is not expected for\nother 2D materials. Therefore, we investigated the piezoelectric coefficients of AA and AC\nstacked MX with carefully chosen vdW corrections. We found a significant enhancement of\nthe piezoelectric coefficients in AA stacked MX regardless of the choice of vdW corrections.\nThe physical origin of this enhancement is a spontaneous compressive strain emerging in\nthe AA stacking. Our results provide a deeper understanding of the piezoelectric responses\nof MXs and pave the way for a novel approach to optimize the piezoelectricity in 2DPMs\nthrough stacking configuration.\nII. COMPUTATIONAL DETAILS\nThe first-principles DFT calculation26was carried out using Vienna ab initio simulation\npackage (VASP).27We employed the plane wave basis to expand the electronic wavefunctions\nwith a kinetic energy cutoff of 500 eV. The projector-augmented wave pseudopotentials28,29\nwere used for the valence electrons, and the exchange-correlation (XC) functional was treated\nwithin the generalized gradient approximation of Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE).30A suf-\nficiently large vacuum region ( >20˚A) was included in the unitcell to avoid any spurious\ninterlayer interactions. The atomic basis was carefully relaxed until the Helmann-Feynman\nforce acting on every atom was smaller than 0.001 eV/ ˚A, which is very crucial to get a con-\nverged piezoelectric coefficient. The Monkhorst-Pack 21 ×21×1k-mesh was used to sample\nthe Brillouin zone. To comprehensively investigate the effects of interlayer interactions, we\nused various types of vdW interactions including, simple Grimme methods,31,32as well as\nvarious non-local vdW-DF functionals.33–36\nThe spontaneous polarization, P, of various MXs were calculated in the framework of the\nmodern theory of polarization based on the Berry phase.37Then, the planar elastic stiffness\ncoefficients Cijand piezoelectric strain coefficients eijkwere evaluated as15\nCij=1\nA0∂2U\n∂εii∂εjj, (1)\neijk=∂Pi\n∂εjk, (2)\nwhere ε,U, and A0are the strain, the total energy and the unitcell area. The effective\nthickness of the 1L MXs was treated as half of the out-of-plane LC of their bulk counterparts,\n3TABLE I. Lattice constants, aandb, spontaneous polarization, P, piezoelectric strain coefficients,\neijk, planar elastic stiffness coefficients, Cij, and piezoelectric stress coefficients, dijof 1L SnSe\ncalculated by various functionals.\nvdWa\n(˚A)b\n(˚A)P\n(pC/m)e111\n(nC/m)e122\n(nC/m)C11\n(N/m)C22\n(N/m)C12\n(N/m)d11\n(pm/V)d12\n(pm/V)\nnone (PBE) 4.383 4.292 195.7 3.17 0.48 21.47 44.73 17.6 205.01 -69.98\nnone (PBE)154.35 4.24 3.49 1.08 19.88 44.49 185.7 250.57 -80.31\nnone (PBE)384.41 4.29 2.81 0.52 23.06 42.82 18.89 175.32 -65.11\nnone (PBE)17181\nD3 4.509 4.265 281.7 1.50 -0.36 25.47 42.06 21.02 112.29 -64.61\nD2 4.305 4.248 150.6 5.31 1.46 17.85 41.64 17.24 439.27 -146.81\noptB88 4.384 4.284 192.5 2.74 0.27 25.02 45.00 20.26 164.7 -68.15\noptB88394.41 4.27 2.35 0.76 20 40.4 17 158.2 -47.7\nrev-vdW-DF2 4.331 4.271 153.8 3.91 0.59 26.61 47.6 20.19 202.8 -73.62\nwhich was used to evaluate an effective bulk polarization. Then, the piezoelectric stress\ncoefficients dijcan be calculated as\nd11=e111C22−e122C12\nC11C22−C2\n12, (3)\nd12=e122C11−e111C12\nC11C22−C2\n12. (4)\nIII. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION\nFigure 1(a) shows the crystal structure of a typical 1L MX. We set x- and y-axes as\nin-plane directions with corresponding LCs of aandb, and z-axis as out-of-plane direction.\nIt has puckered atomic structures with a mirror plane of Myand belongs to Pmn 21space\ngroup.16More importantly, its broken Mxsymmetry leads to a non-zero spontaneous polar-\nization Palong xor armchair direction. Indeed, the spontaneous polarization of 1L MXs\ncan be understood as a rearrangement of the atomic basis along the armchair direction. It\nhas also been reported that the LC along the armchair direction plays a significant role in\ndetermining its P.17Therefore, we begin with our discussion on the LCs of 1L MXs using\n4(a)\nGe,Sn\nS,Se\n𝑎𝑎𝑏𝑏\nxy\nxz𝑴𝑴𝒚𝒚\n𝑎𝑎 (Å)\n4.4\n4.34.5𝑏𝑏 (Å)\n4.3\n4.24.4(b)𝑏𝑏 (Å)\n𝒂𝒂 (Å)𝑃𝑃 (pC/m)\n4.24.4\n4.34.5\n4.2 4.4 4.3 4.5050100150200250(c)\n𝑃𝑃 (pC/m)\n150200250300𝑒𝑒𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 (nC/m )\n-2246\n0𝑒𝑒122𝑒𝑒111(e)\n𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 (pm /V)\n𝑑𝑑12𝑑𝑑11\n-200200400600\n0300\nPBE\nPBE+D2PBE+D3\noptB88- vdWrev-vdW -DF2\n𝑏𝑏 (Å)\n𝒂𝒂 (Å)𝑒𝑒𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 (nC/m )\n4.24.4\n4.34.5\n4.2 4.4 4.3 4.50468101214(d)\n(f)\n2\n𝑒𝑒\n111\n𝑒𝑒\n122FIG. 1. (a) Top and side views of a typical monolayer (1L) group IV monochalcogenides (MXs\nwith M = Ge or Sn and X = S or Se) crystal structure. (b) Lattice constants, aandb, of 1L SnSe\nobtained from different van der Waals (vdW). (c) Spontaneous polarization Pcontour map of 1L\nSnSe, calculated by the PBE functional without vdW correction. Equilibrium lattice constants\nshown in (b) were overlaid for comparison. (d) 2D piezoelectric strain coefficient ( eijk) contour\nmap of 1L SnSe calculated by the derivative of (c) with strain along a. As a result, the upper left\nand lower right triangles represent e111ande122, respectively. (e) Pandeijk, and (f) piezoelectric\nstress coefficients ( dij) of 1L SnSe obtained from different vdW functionals.\n5SnSe as an exemplary material and will carefully re-examine its piezoelectric coefficients.\nAlthough the LCs of bulk MXs have been experimentally reported,40–42those of 1L MXs\nhave not yet been done but are only available through DFT calculations. In most previous\nstudies,15,17,19the LCs of 1L MXs have been obtained only with the PBE XC functional\nwithout vdW corrections, which were considered only in the multilayer case. This is the\nmost common approach to determine the LCs of various 2D materials, since the effect of the\nvdW correction may be negligible in the 1L case. (See Fig. S1 in Supplementary Information\n(SI) for more details.) However, we found that the LC of 1L SnSe strongly depends on the\nchoice of vdW correction, as shown in Fig. 1(b). For example, the LC , a, obtained along the\narmchair direction ranges from 4.509 ˚A (PBE+D3) to 4.305 ˚A (PBE+D2), representing a\ndeviation of almost 5%. Such deviation is attributed to its puckered structure with a weak\nstiffness along the armchair direction.\nWe found that a small change in the LCs of 1L MXs would cause a large variation in their\npiezoelectric coefficients. To understand this result, we calculated Pof 1L SnSe as a function\nof the two in-plane lattice constants aandbusing PBE XC, which is shown as a contour\nmap in Fig. 1(c), where other calculated LCs using other functions are superimposed. The\ncontour map is symmetric with respect to the b=aline with C4zrotational symmetry due\nto the degenerate ground states for a > b anda < b . As clearly visualized in Fig. 1(c), Pis\npositively correlated with a, and the aspect ratio between aandbalso has some secondary\neffects. As the LC decreases, 1L SnSe loses its Pand becomes paraelectric. Therefore,\nthe vdW correction, which yields a smaller (larger) LC along the armchair direction, may\nunderestimate (overestimate) P. For example, the Pvalue of 281.7 pC/m estimated with the\nPBE+D3 correction is almost twice the value of 150.6 pC/m estimated with the PBE+D2\ncorrection. Figure 1(d) shows the contour map of the 2D piezoelectric strain coefficients,\neijk, computed by taking the first derivative of Pshown in Fig. 1(c) with respect to strain\nεjk, as explained in Computational details and Fig S2 in SI. We found significantly stronger\ne111near the boundary between the paraelectric and FE phases due to the rapid emergence\nof non-zero P, and a small enhancement in e122, although much smaller than e111. This\nresult clearly indicates that a compressive strain along the armchair direction may play a\nmajor role in the enhancement of e111of SnSe. Simultaneously, it also implies that the\nfluctuation of the LC according to the choice of vdW functionals makes a large uncertainty\nin predicting its piezoelectric coefficients.\n6FIG. 2. Calculated lattice constants of bulk group IV monochalcogenides, obtained using various\nvan der Waals corrections (red dots). Experimental values obtained from Ref. [40–42] are also\nshown as red solid lines for comparison.\nFor a more systematic study, we evaluated the piezoelectric coefficients of 1L SnSe using\nvarious vdW functionals, as summarized in Fig. 1(e, f), and Table I. Due to the strong\ncorrelation between Panda, both the strain and stress piezoelectric coefficients ( eijkanddij)\nalso strongly depend on the choice of functional. For example, e111andd11range from from\n5.31 nC/m to 1.50 nC/m, and from 439.27 pm/V to 112.29 pm/V, respectively. As predicted\nabove, the smaller aleads to the higher eijkanddij. We further confirmed that our results\nare consistent with previously reported studies, and the observed variation in both eijkand\ndijis simply understood as the result of variation in the relaxed a. Therefore, we emphasize\nthat the choice of computational options is extremely important in the quantitative analysis\nand the vdW functional should be used consistently in both 1L and multilayer cases.\nA careful investigation in the previous section indicates that there is a significant un-\ncertainty in determining the exact value of the piezoelectric coefficients of 1L MXs without\nexperimental input of LCs. Therefore, before investigating the piezoelectric coefficients of\nmultilayer MXs, we calculated the LCs of bulk MXs, and then compared them with ex-\nperimentally available values to validate which vdW correction is most appropriate among\nvarious vdW functionals. Figure 2 shows the LCs of four different bulk MXs calculated\nwith seven different functionals (red dots) together with their experimental values (red solid\nlines) for comparison. Among various functionals, the rev-vdW-DF2 method shows better\n7agreement with experimental values than the other functionals. (See also Figure S3 and\nTable S1 in SI) Therefore, here, we primarily use the rev-vdW-DF2 vdW correction in in-\nvestigating piezoelectric coefficients of 1L and multilayer MXs. For better understanding,\nwe also repeated all calculations using the Grimme-D3 vdW corrections, with all results\npresented in SI. Note that, all physical results are qualitatively consistent when using the\nsame vdW functionals for both 1L and multilayer cases, regardless of which vdW functionals\nwere used. However, the conventional approach (i.e., vdW functional is only considered in\nmultilayers) may lead to misinterpretation of the results, which will be discussed later.\nFigure 3(a) and (b) show antiferroelectric (AFE) and FE stacking orders and four possible\nsliding configurations. Thus, there are a total of eight possible stacking configurations.\nAlthough it is known that the ground state stacking configuration of MXs is the AFE AB\nstacking,18,19it has also been predicted that the FE order can be stabilized in both the AA\nand AC stacking configurations.19In addition, it has been experimentally confirmed that\nthe AA-stacked FE SnS can exist on a mica substrate below a certain critical thickness.18\nTherefore, here, we first focus on 2L AA and AC stacked SnSe to understand the FE order\nin multilayer MXs.\nFigure 3(c) and (d) show the Pcontour maps of FE 2L SnSe in AA and AC stacking con-\nfigurations, respectively. Both contour maps are nothing but those of their 1L counterparts\nshown in Fig. 1(c) with twice larger Pvalues, implying that the Pof 2L SnSe is mainly due\nto the intralayer contribution, regardless of the stacking configuration. Therefore, similar\nto the 1L case, the equilibrium LCs primarily determine their P. The obtained LCs of\nmultilayer SnSe were overlaid in Fig. 3(c) and (d). The LCs of 2L AA SnSe were evalu-\nated to be a= 4.302˚A and b= 4.263˚A, whereas those of 2L AC phase are a= 4.340˚A\nandb= 4.251˚A. Especially we focus on change in aalong the armchair direction when\nstacked from 1L to 2L. As shown in Fig. 3(c) and (d), where the LCs of SnSe with different\nnumber of layers are overlaid, AA stacking significantly reduces a, while AC stacking does\nnot change aconsiderably, compared to the 1L case. Thus, 2L AA SnSe has a smaller P\nand may have a larger eijkthan 2L AC SnSe. It is worth noting that the reduction of LCs\nof 2L AA SnSe can be understood as a result of dipole-dipole interactions. Since parallel\ndipole-dipole interaction is inherently unfavorable, relaxed structures can form in ways that\nfavor either a decrease in Por an increase in the P-Pdistance. Notably, this result remains\nrobust across different vdW functionals and is thus applicable to other MXs, emphasizing\n8the generalizability of the observed phenomenon. (See Table S2 in SI)\nFigure 4 shows the variation of four available piezoelectric coefficients ( e111,e122,d11, and\nd12) of SnSe with the number of layers up to 3L in AA, AB, and AC stacking configurations.\n(See Table S3 in SI for more details) For the AB stacking configuration, due to its AFE\norder, the piezoelectric coefficients of the even-numbered layers are calculated to be zero,\n(a)\n𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀\n(c)\n𝑏𝑏 (Å)\n𝑎𝑎 (Å)𝑃𝑃 (pC/m)\n4.24.4\n4.34.5\n4.2 4.4 4.3 4.50100200300400500 (d)xz𝑏𝑏 (Å)\n𝑎𝑎 (Å)𝑃𝑃 (pC/m)\n4.24.4\n4.34.5\n4.2 4.4 4.3 4.50100200300400500\n𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀 𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀\n𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀\nxy\nGe,Sn\n S,Se𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀 𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀\n1st unitcell 2nd unitcell\n𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀−𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀 𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐 𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀−𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀 𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐\n1L2L3L bulk\n1L\n2L\n3L\nbulk(b)\nFIG. 3. (a) Side views of antiferroelectric (AFE) and ferroelectric (FE) stacking configurations of\nbilayer MX and (b) top views of four possible in-plane sliding configurations. In (a), blue arrows\nindicate the direction of the spontaneous polarization of each layer. In (b), grey and blue dashed\nrectangles visualize unitcells of each layer. (c) Contour maps of the spontaneous polarization P\nof the FE 2L SnSe in (c) AA and (d) AC stacking configurations calculated by PBE with the\nrev-vdW-DF2 vdW correction. Equilibrium lattice constants of 1L, 2L, 3L, and bulk AA and AC\nSnSe are overlaid on (c) and (d), respectively.\n9(b) (a)\n1216\n8\n4\n01L 2L 3LPBE\nD3AA\nAB\nAC𝑒𝑒111 (nC/m )46\n3\n1\n−11L 2L 3LAA\nAB\nAC𝑒𝑒122 (nC/m )5\n2\n0\n(d) (c)350\n01L 2L 3LAA\nAB\nAC𝑑𝑑11(pm /V)300\n250200\n150\n100\n500\n−801L 2L 3LAA\nAB\nAC𝑑𝑑12(pm /V)\n−60−40−20FIG. 4. 2D piezoelectric strain coefficients (a) e111and (b) e122, and piezoelectric stress coefficients\n(c)d11and (d) d12) of 1L, 2L, and 3L SnSe with AA, AB, and AC stacking configurations, calculated\nwith the rev-vdW-DF2 vdW correction (black). For comparison, the results of the Grimme-D3\ncorrections (grey) and PBE (blue) are also shown for the AA SnSe and 1L SnSe, respectively.\nand those of the odd-numbered layers are also smaller than those of the monolayer. On\nthe other hand, the 2D piezoelectric strain coefficients ( e111ande122, in the unit of nC/m)\nincrease with the number of layers in both AA and AC stacking configurations. Moreover,\nAA stacking exhibits higher piezoelectric coefficients than AC stacking, which is consistent\nwith our prediction based on the LCs. For example, the e111of 3L AA SnSe was calculated\nto be 13.5 nC/m which is larger than that of AC SnSe (8.53 nC/m), and also six times larger\nthan that of 3L AB SnSe (2.39 nC/m). Note that the effective bulk piezoelectric coefficient\n(C/m2) of 3L AA SnSe is also 15% larger than that of 1L SnSe thanks to the smaller LC.\nThe other important coefficients, the piezoelectric stress coefficients ( d11andd12) of\nmultilayer AA SnSe are comparable or slightly larger than those of 1L SnSe, depending on\n10the choice of vdW correction. For all other AA MXs, we calculated e111,e122,d11, and d12up\nto 2L using both rev-vdW-DF2 and Grimme-D3 corrections, as summarized in Tables S4-S6\nin SI. We consistently found that as the LC decreases, e111ande122continue to enhance,\nwhile d11andd12remain comparable to those of 1L MXs. It is worth noting that although\nthere is no meaningful improvement in d11andd12in multilayer AA MXs compared to 1L,\nthese values are much larger than those of AB MXs. For example, the d11of 3L AA SnSe\n(155.96 pm/V) is almost three times larger than that of 3L AB SnSe (55.2 pm/V), suggesting\nthat AA stacking MX is a promising candidate in piezoelectric applications.\nAs shown in Fig. 3(c), the LC aof AA SnSe continues to shrink with stacking, but\nthe bulk AA SnSe loses Pand becomes paraelectric, implying that there exists a critical\nthickness below which non-zero Pis accommodated. In fact, a previous experiment has\nsuccessfully grown AA SnS on mica substrates, exhibiting room temperature ferroelectricity\nup to 15 layers,18indicating that the critical thickness is not too thin and could be further\noptimized by adjusting the experimental conditions. This observation supports our predic-\ntion of optimizing the piezoelectric coefficients of multilayer MXs by utilizing AA stacking\nconfiguration.\nFinally, we summarize the piezoelectric coefficients of multilayer MXs, as shown in\nFig. 5(a). SnSe shows the highest e111andd11, followed by SnS, GeSe, and GeS. In all\nMXs, the AA stacking boasts higher e111than any other stacking, while d11is more or less\nthan that of the corresponding 1L case regardless of the stacking configuration. In addition\ntoe111andd11, other physical properties such as stability and switching barrier between the\nFE and AFE phases are also important in piezoelectric applications. Therefore, all MXs can\nbe practically useful, and utilizing AA stacking configuration is an efficient way to optimize\ntheir piezoelectric response.\nFor comparison, we also summarized the piezoelectric coefficients of several other 2D\nmaterials, as shown in Fig. 5(b). Consistent with the previous reports, we observed that 1L\nMXs have exceptionally large piezoelectric coefficients compared to the other 2D materials,\neven larger coefficients in AA stacked MXs. It is worthy of note that the giant piezoelectric\ncoefficients observed in AA MXs not only stand out among 2D materials, but are also com-\nparable to bulk piezoelectric materials. Recent high-throughput DFT calculations revealed\nthat among 941 bulk piezoelectric materials, only 5% of materials satisfy |eij|>3 C/m2, in-\ncluding experimentally-confirmed giant piezoelectric materials such as BaTiO 3(3.49 C/m2),\n11(b)\n𝑒𝑒111 (nC/m )𝑑𝑑11(pm /V)\n0.001 100 10 1 0.01 0.11000\n100\n10\n1\n0.1\n0.01h III−V \nh II Oxides \n2H−TMD \n1L MXs \nmultilayer MXs Our works(a)\n𝑑𝑑11(pm /V)250\n200\n150\n100\n50\n0\n𝑒𝑒111 (nC/m )0 15 12 9 3 6AA SnSe \nAA SnS \nAA GeSe \nAA GeS AB SnSe \nAC SnSe 1L\n3L 2L 3L\n2L1L2L\n2L3L2L\n1L 2L1LFIG. 5. Summarized piezoelectric coefficients of (a) group IV monochalcogenides (MXs) and (b)\nvarious 2D materials. In (a), purple, dark-blue, yellow, green, skyblue, and orange circles represent\nAA (stacking) SnSe, AB SnSe, AC SnSe, AA SnS, AA GeSe, and AA GeS, respectively. In (b),\nyellow, orange, and purple circles denote materials of hexagonal Group III-V (h III-V), hexagonal\nGroup II oxides (h II Oxides), and H phase transition metal dichalcogenides (2H-TMD), respec-\ntively, obtained from Ref. [8]. Skyblue and red circles surrounded by a blue dashed rectangle\ndenote our results of 1L MXs and multilayer MXs.\nSrHfO 3(8.73 C/m2), RbTaO 3(8.93 C/m2), and BaNiO 3(27.46 C/m2).43Using the effec-\ntive thickness of 1.74 nm (1.74 nm=1.5 c,cis a out-of-plane lattice constant of bulk SnSe),\nthe effective bulk e111value of 3L AA SnSe was calculated to be 7.76 C/m2, which is even\nlarger than that of BaTiO 3. Within the Grimme-D2 vdW correction, which provides the\nsmallest LCs among all vdW functionals, the e111of 2L AA SnSe was estimated to be\n12.66 C/m2(14.68 nC/m). It is even larger than not only that of 3L AA SnSe estimated\nby rev-vdW-DF2, but also that of SrHfO 3and RbTaO 3. We now conclude that our the-\noretical calculations have undoubtedly revealed that there is a strong correlation between\nthe reduction of LCs and giant piezoelectric coefficients in AA-stacked MXs, regardless of\nthe vdW functional used, making it a promising candidate for low-dimensional piezoelectric\napplications.\n12IV. CONCLUSION\nIn summary, we have used first-principles calculations to study the piezoelectric coef-\nficients of multilayer MXs with AA and AC stacking configurations, which are known to\nstabilize ferroelectric order. Our re-examination of 1L MXs revealed the pivotal role of\nthe van der Waals interaction in ensuring accurate and reliable predictions of piezoelectric\ncoefficients. Through systematic DFT calculations, we found that the AA-stacked configu-\nrations exhibit remarkably larger piezoelectric coefficients compared to all reported layered\nmaterials, including their monolayer counterparts. The origin of this enhancement lies in\nthe compressive strain along the armchair direction, which is spontaneously introduced in\nthe ferroelectric AA stacking. These findings not only provide a comprehensive understand-\ning of the piezoelectric behavior of MXs, but also suggest a novel strategy for optimizing\npiezoelectricity in low-dimensional materials through stacking configuration.\nACKNOWLEDGMENTS\nS.L., W.J., and T.L. were supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through\nthe DMREF program under Award No. DMR-1921629. S.L. is also supported by Ba-\nsic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)\nfunded by the Ministry of Education (NRF-2021R1A6A3A14038837). 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Calculated lattice constants of graphene and monoalyer H-MoS 2, obtained using different\nexchange-correlation functionals.\n2Energy (meV /cell )30\n20(a) (b)\n𝑃𝑃 (pC/m)\n10\n0\n-10\n-20\n-30-300 300 -200-100 0100 200𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒\n𝜀𝜀𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥=−1% \n 0%\n+1% \n𝑎𝑎−𝑃𝑃 𝑃𝑃=0\n𝑏𝑏𝑃𝑃\n(c) (d) (d)\n𝑏𝑏 (Å)\n𝑎𝑎 (Å)4.31Energy (meV /cell )\n4.264.30\n4.29\n4.28\n4.27\n4.36 4.41 4.374.384.394.4000.\n𝑃𝑃 (pC/m)280\n80240\n200160120\nStrain (%)−2 2 −1 0 1𝜀𝜀𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥\n𝜀𝜀𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦xy\nxzFIG. S2. Computational procedure in determining piezoelectric coefficient of 1L SnSe. (a) Two\nmirror symmetric ground states of 1L SnSe ( Pand−P) and corresponding inversion symmetric\nstructures with P= 0 between their reaction path. (b) Calculated spontaneous polarization P\nalong with the reaction path between Pand−Pstates. The energy barrier was evaluated using\nthe nudged elastic band (NEB) calculation method.S1As discussed in the main manuscript, the\ncompressive (tensile) strain along the armchair direction decreases (increases) its P. (c) Total\nenergy contour map of 1L SnSe as a function of lattice constants. We calculated elastic coefficients\nofCijusing Eq. (1) in the main manuscripts. (d) Calculated Pof 1L SnSe as function of uniaxial\nstrain. Dots indicate DFT results, and the dashed lines show the polynomial fitting function.\nPiezoelectric strain coefficient eijkwas evaluated through Eq. (2) in the main manuscripts, and\npiezoelectric stress coefficient dijwas evaluated through Eq. (3, 4) using obtained Cijandeijk. In\nthis example, all calculation results were obtained within PBE XC functional. Similar calculations\nwere repeated to obtain piezoelectric coefficients of other materials, multilayer cases, as well as the\nsame material with different van der Waals functionals.\n3Error0.1\n0.01\n0.001FIG. S3. Performance of van der Waals functionals for bulk group IV monochalcogenides. Error\nis evaluated by/summationtext\nij((ai,j\nthy−ai,j\nexp)/ai,j\nexp)2, where athyandaexpare the lattice constants obtained\nfrom DFT calculation and experiment, iis a index for the three lattice constants ( a, b,andcin\nTable S1) and jis a index for the four materials studied in this work (SnSe, SnS, GeSe, and GeS).\n4TABLE S1. Calculated lattice constants of bulk group IV monochalcogenides, obtained using\nvarious van der Waals corrections. Experimental values are also shown for comparison.\nbulk-SnSe a(˚A) b(˚A) c(˚A) bulk-SnS a(˚A) b(˚A) c(˚A)\nPBE 4.546 4.207 11.762 PBE 4.426 4.023 11.415\nD2 4.349 4.197 11.631 D2 4.261 4.012 11.384\nD3 4.521 4.166 11.553 D3 4.409 3.990 11.184\nvdW-DF 4.791 4.263 12.295 vdW-DF 4.647 4.073 11.920\nvdW-DF2 4.857 4.334 12.512 vdW-DF2 4.703 4.133 12.076\noptB88 4.501 4.22 11.761 optB88 4.365 4.039 11.400\nrev-vdW-DF2 4.429 4.201 11.627 rev-vdW-DF2 4.291 4.025 11.282\nExperimentS24.445 4.153 11.501 ExperimentS24.34 3.97 11.14\nbulk-GeSe a(˚A) b(˚A) c(˚A) bulk-GeS a(˚A) b(˚A) c(˚A)\nPBE 4.514 3.892 11.179 PBE 4.428 3.679 10.757\nD2 4.469 3.849 11.011 D2 4.339 3.670 10.660\nD3 4.513 3.877 10.978 D3 4.452 3.671 10.634\nvdW-DF 4.779 3.942 11.802 vdW-DF 4.664 3.727 11.337\nvdW-DF2 4.782 4.027 11.924 vdW-DF2 4.669 3.795 11.388\noptB88 4.443 3.927 11.158 optB88 4.338 3.720 10.712\nrev-vdW-DF2 4.339 3.915 10.977 rev-vdW-DF2 4.229 3.713 10.544\nExperimentS34.395 3.836 10.833 ExperimentS44.30 3.64 10.47\n5TABLE S2. Calculated lattice constants of multilayer group IV monochalcogenides, obtained using\nvarious van der Waals corrections.\nMaterials vdW Stacking Thickness a(˚A) b(˚A)\nSnSe rev-vdW-DF2 2L AA 4.302 4.263\nAB 4.392 4.230\nAC 4.340 4.251\n3L AA 4.290 4.257\nAB 4.394 4.224\nAC 4.339 4.248\nbulk AA 4.257 4.257\nAB 4.429 4.201\nAC 4.339 4.238\nD3 2L AA 4.351 4.265\nAC 4.464 4.251\nD2 2L AA 4.251 4.229\nAC 4.334 4.215\noptB88 2L AA 4.356 4.281\nAC 4.398 4.27\nSnS rev-vdW-DF2 2L AA 4.170 4.071\nAC 4.195 4.052\nGeSe rev-vdW-DF2 2L AA 4.150 3.972\nAC 4.254 3.961\nGeS rev-vdW-DF2 2L AA 4.089 3.780\nAC 4.241 3.721\n6TABLE S3. Lattice constants, aandb, spontaneous polarization, P, piezoelectric strain coefficients,\neijk, planar elastic stiffness coefficients, Cij, and piezoelectric stress coefficients, dijof multilayer\nSnSe calculated by various functionals.\nLayer vdWa\n(˚A)b\n(˚A)P\n(pC/m)e111\n(nC/m)e122\n(nC/m)C11\n(N/m)C22\n(N/m)C12\n(N/m)d11\n(pm/V)d12\n(pm/V)\n2L AA ref-vdW-DF2 4.302 4.263 249.1 8.32 1.65 65.69 97.67 43.41 163.52 -55.78\nD3 4.351 4.265 398.0 6.31 1.55 22.45 70.56 16.09 317.24 -50.38\nD2 4.251 4.229 146.0 14.68 5.41 46.97 87.19 37.01 396.15 -155.67\noptB88 4.356 4.281 336.1 6.02 0.9 56.51 96.68 40.96 144 -51.7\n3L AA ref-vdW-DF2 4.290 4.257 347.5 13.5 3.05 107.82 152.92 67.63 155.96 -49.03\nD3 4.308 4.256 498.7 15.76 5.47 59.18 121.46 40.74 305.95 -57.59\n2L AC ref-vdW-DF2 4.340 4.251 381.9 5.7 0.98 51.89 92.05 37.29 144.17 -47.76\nD3 4.464 4.251 556.2 2.54 -0.38 31.89 80.25 26.75 116.08 -43.43\n3L AC ref-vdW-DF2 4.339 4.248 605.1 8.53 1.17 72.58 138.38 57.12 164.22 -59.33\n2L AB ref-vdW-DF2 4.392 4.230\n3L AB ref-vdW-DF2 4.394 4.224 230.9 2.39 0.32 65.26 129.79 56.37 55.2 -21.51\n7TABLE S4. Lattice constants, aandb, spontaneous polarization, P, piezoelectric strain coefficients,\neijk, planar elastic stiffness coefficients, Cij, and piezoelectric stress coefficients, dijof 1L SnS, GeSe,\nand GeS calculated by PBE functional.\nMaterial layera\n(˚A)b\n(˚A)P\n(pC/m)e111\n(nC/m)e122\n(nC/m)C11\n(N/m)C22\n(N/m)C12\n(N/m)d11\n(pm/V)d12\n(pm/V)\nSnS 1L 4.284 4.082 256.2 1.8 -0.13 22.33 38.97 15.98 117.47 -51.5\nGeSe 1L 4.275 3.981 330.6 1.01 -0.62 19.43 52.92 17.47 88.9 -41.06\nGeS 1L 4.487 3.660 448.5 0.41 -0.81 11.62 52.52 18.5 136.25 -63.41\nTABLE S5. Lattice constants, aandb, spontaneous polarization, P, piezoelectric strain coefficients,\neijk, planar elastic stiffness coefficients, Cij, and piezoelectric stress coefficients, dijof 1L and AA-\nstacked 2L SnS, GeSe, and GeS calculated by PBE with ref-vdW-DF2 functional.\nMaterial layera\n(˚A)b\n(˚A)P\n(pC/m)e111\n(nC/m)e122\n(nC/m)C11\n(N/m)C22\n(N/m)C12\n(N/m)d11\n(pm/V)d12\n(pm/V)\nSnS 1L 4.175 4.056 210.2 2.27 -0.14 18.68 39.21 14.27 172.09 -66.20\n2L AA 4.170 4.071 384.2 5.15 -0.58 42.88 77.82 32.07 181.67 -82.32\nGeSe 1L 4.201 3.985 274.1 1.51 -0.46 23.03 53.78 20.70 112.00 -51.66\n2L AA 4.150 3.972 597.0 2.71 -1.09 56.15 114.36 44.07 79.92 -40.33\nGeS 1L 4.253 3.722 395.5 0.68 -0.81 21.58 54.50 23.85 92.84 -55.49\n2L AA 4.089 3.780 685.1 1.64 -1.55 44.04 110.96 48.38 100.93 -57.97\n8TABLE S6. Lattice constants, aandb, spontaneous polarization, P, piezoelectric strain coefficients,\neijk, planar elastic stiffness coefficients, Cij, and piezoelectric stress coefficients, dijof 1L and AA-\nstacked 2L SnS, GeSe, and GeS calculated by PBE with Grimme-D3 functional.\nMaterial layera\n(˚A)b\n(˚A)P\n(pC/m)e111\n(nC/m)e122\n(nC/m)C11\n(N/m)C22\n(N/m)C12\n(N/m)d11\n(pm/V)d12\n(pm/V)\nSnS 1L 4.441 4.032 327.4 0.99 -0.35 14.8 41.62 16.53 137.03 -62.82\n2L AA 4.455 4.03 653.3 2.01 -0.87 24.18 74.04 27.61 168.14 -74.45\nGeSe 1L 4.266 3.978 334.7 0.95 -0.66 22.8 57.03 23.14 90.81 -48.41\n2L AA 4.255 3.967 724.5 1.49 -1.52 62.95 122.98 55.02 56.61 -37.69\nGeS 1L 4.530 3.631 461.3 0.34 -0.81 10.2 55 18.18 145.02 -62.66\n2L AA 4.428 3.656 856.3 0.69 -1.65 35.9 119.75 39.53 54.03 -31.61\n∗ykkwon@khu.ac.kr\n†tlow@umn.edu\n[S1] G. Henkelman, B. P. Uberuaga, and H. J´ onsson, J. Chem. Phys. 113, 9901 (2000).\n[S2] T. Chattopadhyay, J. Pannetier, and H. G. Von Schnering, J. Phys. Chem. 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As an application of o ur results, we study finite abelian\ndescentand Brauer-Maninobstructions forisotrivialcurv es overfunction fields andextend results\nobtained by the first and last authors for constant curves to t he isotrivial case.\n1.Introduction\nLetX/kbe a smooth projective and geometrically connected variety over a global field kwith\nseparableclosure ks. Itiswellknownthattheset X(k)ofk-rationalpointsof Xmayfailtobedense\nin the set X(Ak) =/producttext\nvX(kv) of adelic points of X, as there can be cohomological obstructions\nmediated by the Brauer group Br( X) and/or by the finite abelian descent obstruction [14, 19].\nThis remains true even if one replaces X(Ak) with its space X(Ak)•of connected components,\nwhich only differs from X(Ak) at the archimedean places. By abuse of language we will refer to\nelements of X(Ak)•also as adelic points. It is clear that the assignment L/mapsto→X(L) defines a\nsheaf of sets on Spec( k)´ et(i.e., an ´ etale sheaf) in the sense that, for any finite Galois extensio n\nL/k, we have X(L)Gal(L/k)=X(k). In this note we investigate whether the sets cut out by these\ncohomological obstructions also define ´ etale sheaves in this sense .\nFora torsor f:Y→Xunder afinite abelian algebraicgroup G/k, letX(Ak)f\n•⊂X(Ak)•denote\nthe set adelic points which survive f[21, Definition 5.2]. Then X(Ak)f\n•contains the topological\nclosureX(k) ofX(k) inX(Ak)•. For a finite separable extension L/kwe useX(AL)f\n•to denote\nthe set of L-adelic points on Xwhich lift to a twist of the base changed torsor fL:YL→XL.\nWhenL/kis Galois, there is a natural inclusion X(Ak)f\n•⊂(X(AL)f\n•)Gal(L/k). Our first main\nresult shows that this will be an equality for all Galois extensions L/kif and only if Gdoes not\ncontain any nontrivial ´ etale subgroup.\nTheorem 1.1 (Theorems 2.1 and 2.3) .LetXbe a smooth projective and geometrically connected\nvariety over kadmitting a geometrically connected torsor f:Y→Xunder a finite abelian group\nschemeGover a global field k. Then the following are equivalent.\n(1)There exists a finite separable extension K/kand a Galois extension L/Ksuch that\nX(AK)f\n•/\\e}atio\\slash= (X(AL)f)Gal(L/K)\n•;\n(2)G(ks)/\\e}atio\\slash= 0.\nFor subvarieties of abelian varieties with torsion free N´ eron-Seve ri group (e.g., if Xis a curve\nor an abelian variety) we will show that the failure of finite abelian desc ent sets to determine ´ etale\nsheaves goes away in the limit. Define X(Ak)f-ab\n•:=/intersectiontext\nf:Y→XX(Ak)f\n•, where the intersection is\ntaken over all geometrically connected torsors under finite abelian group schemes.\nTheorem 1.2. Suppose X⊂Ais a subvariety of an abelian variety over a global field with t orsion\nfree N´ eron-Severi group. Then for any finite Galois extensi onL/kwe have\nX(Ak)f-ab\n•=/parenleftbig\nX(AL)f-ab\n•/parenrightbigGal(L/k).\n12 BRENDAN CREUTZ, JESSE PAJWANI AND JOS ´E FELIPE VOLOCH\nWhenXis a subvariety ofan abelian variety A/kthe finite abelian descent obstruction is closely\nrelated to the Brauer-Manin obstruction. There are containment s\n(†) X(k)⊂\n⊂X(Ak)Br\n•⊂\n⊂X(Ak)f-ab\n•\n⊂\nX(Ak)•∩A(k)⊂X(Ak)•∩A(Ak)Br\n•⊂X(Ak)•∩A(Ak)f-ab\n•.\nFor the following conjecture we refer to [19, p. 133], [21, Section 8], [13, Question 7.4] and [15,\nConjecture C].\nConjecture 1.3. ForXa smooth closed subvariety of an abelian variety Aover a global field k\nall of the containments in ( †) are equalities.\nThisconjecturehasbeenprovenwhen A(k)andX(A/k)arefinite[17]andformostnonisotrivial\ncoset-free subvarieties of abelian varieties over global function fi elds [15], including all nonisotrivial\ncurves of genus at least 2 over global function fields [6].\nIt is not difficult to show that the bottom left set of ( †) defines an ´ etale sheaf (see Lemma 3.5).\nThus, Theorem 1.2 was predicted by Conjecture 1.3 and can be seen as some modest evidence for\nit. In Section 3 we verify that the other terms in ( †) define ´ etale sheaves in a number of cases,\nincluding the case when Xis a curve (See Theorem 3.9). We also show that, in general, none of\nthe sets in the top row of ( †) define ´ etale sheaves if we consider varieties that do not embed int o\nan abelian variety (See Propositions 3.11 and 3.13). These examples c omplement various recent\nresults studying the behaviour of obstructions under base exten sion [1, 10, 16, 23].\nPart of our motivation for studying these questions comes from th e desire to extend the results\nof [5] concerning the Brauer-Manin obstruction for constant cur ves over global function fields to\nthe case of isotrivial curves. Recall that a variety Xover the function field k=F(D) of a smooth\nprojective curve Dover a finite field Fis called constant if there is a variety X0/Fsuch that\nX≃X0×Fk. A variety X/kis called isotrivial if there is a finite extension L/ksuch that X×kL\nis constant. We note that, unlike the nonisotrivial case, it is not imme diate that X(k) is equal to\nthe subset of X(L) fixed by Galois, as there are isotrivial curves of every genus with X(k)/\\e}atio\\slash=X(k).\nAs an application of the results above we generalize [5, Theorems 1.1 and 1.2] to the case of\nisotrivial curves. See Theorems 4.13 and 4.11 below. We also deduce t he following.\nTheorem 1.4. LetXbe a smooth projective and isotrivial curve over a global fun ction field k.\nSuppose Xbecomes constant after base change to L/k. Then X(k) =X(Ak)Brif and only if\nX(L) =X(AL)Br. Moreover, Conjecture 1.3 holds for all isotrivial curves o ver global function\nfields if it holds for all constant curves over global functio n fields.\nNote that we have X(Ak) =X(Ak)•in the function field case. Some instances where the\nequality X(L) =X(AL)Bris known to hold for a constant curve over Lare given in [7, Theorem\n2.14] and [5, Theorem 1.5].\n2.Descent sets for torsors under finite abelian group schemes\nIn this section we will prove Theorem 1.1.\n2.1.The nontrivial ´ etale subgroup scheme case. For a finite abelian group scheme Gover\nk, there is a unique maximal ´ etale subgroup scheme Ge. It is determined by the property that\nGe(ks) =G(ks). We begin by proving Theorem 1.1 in the case that Gcontains a nontrivial ´ etale\nsubgroup scheme.\nTheorem 2.1. LetGbe a finite abelian group scheme over a global field ksuch that G(ks)/\\e}atio\\slash= 0.\nLetXbe a smooth projective over kwhich admits a geometrically connected torsor f:Y→XGALOIS INVARIANTS OF FINITE ABELIAN DESCENT AND BRAUER SETS 3\nunderG. Then there exists a finite separable extension K/kand a finite Galois extension L/K\nsuch that\nX(AK)f\n•/subsetnoteql/parenleftbig\nX(AL)f\n•/parenrightbigGal(L/K).\nIn particular, the assignment L/mapsto→X(AL)f\n•does not define a sheaf of sets on Spec(k)´ et.\nLemma 2.2. LetX/kbe a smooth projective variety over a global field kand letf:Y→Xbe a\ntorsor under a finite ´ etale abelian group scheme G/k. IfY(Ak)•/\\e}atio\\slash=∅, then there exists an adelic\npointx∈X(Ak)•and a finite separable extension L/ksuch that x∈X(AL)f\n•\\X(Ak)f\n•.\nProof.Call a class ξ∈H1(k,G) finitely supported if the image of ξunder the restriction map\nH1(k,G)→H1(kv,G) is trivial for all but finitely many places vofk. LetK/kbe the splitting\nfield ofG, i.e., the minimal Galois extension K/ksuch that G(K) =G(k). By [12, I.9.3] any\nfinitely supported class lies in the image of the inflation map H1(K/k,G)→H1(k,G). It follows\nthatH1(k,G) contains only finitely many finitely supported classes. Since H1(k,G) is infinite,\nthere are infinitely many classes that are not finitely supported.\nWe claim that there are infinitely many places vofksuch that the map f:Y(kv)→X(kv)\nis not surjective. To see this, let ξ∈H1(k,G) be a class which is not finitely supported and let\nfξ:Yξ→Xbe the corresponding twist. Then Yξis smooth and geometrically connected so\nhas points over kvfor all but finitely many vby the Lang-Weil estimates and Hensel’s lemma. A\npointx∈fξ(Yξ(kv))⊂X(kv) lies in f(Y(kv)) if and only if res v(ξ) = 0. Since ξis not finitely\nsupported,thereareinfinitelymanyplaceswhere fξ(Yξ(kv))isanonemptysubsetof X(kv)disjoint\nfromf(Y(kv)).\nLetMbe the maximum number of places at which a finitely supported class in H1(k,G) is\nnonzero and let w0,...,w MbeM+1 places of ksuch that f:Y(kwi)→X(kwi) is not surjective.\nLet (xv)∈Y(Ak)•and choose ywi∈X(kwi)\\f(Y(kwi)) fori= 0,...,M. Define ( zv)∈X(Ak)•\nby setting zv=f(xv)∈X(kv) forv /∈{w0,...,w M}and setting zwi=ywifori= 0,...,M.\nFor all places v/\\e}atio\\slash∈{w0,...,w M}we have that z∗\nvf=f(xv)∗f= 0∈H1(kv,G). It follows that\n(zv)∗fis nonzero precisely at the M+ 1 places w0,...,w M. From the definition of the integer\nMit follows that ( zv)∗fdoes not lie in the diagonal image H1(k,G)→/producttext\nvH1(kv,G), and so\n(zv)∈X(Ak)•\\X(Ak)f\n•.\nSinceGis ´ etale we have that for each i= 0,...,M, there is a finite separable extension Lwi/kwi\nthat kills z∗\nwif. Moreover, we can find a global Galois extension L/ksuch that, for all i= 0,...,M\nand all primes u|wiwe have that the extension Lu/kwikillsz∗\nwif. Then (zv)∈X(AL)f\n•∩X(Ak)•\nas required. /square\nProof of Theorem 2.1. LetK/kbe a finite separable extension such that X(K)/\\e}atio\\slash=∅. Then there\nexists a twist f��:Y′→XKofYK→XKwithY′(K)/\\e}atio\\slash=∅. By [21, Lemma 5.3(5)] we have that\nX(AK)f′\n•=X(AK)f\n•and similarly over L, so replacing Yby this twist if necessary we may assume\nY(K)/\\e}atio\\slash=∅. LetGe⊂Gbe the maximal ´ etale subgroup scheme (i.e., defined by Ge(ks) =G(ks)).\nThenffactors as a composition of torsors fe:Y→Zandg:Z→XunderGeandG/Ge,\nrespectively.\nThenfesatisfies the conditions of Lemma 2.2 over K, so there is a finite Galois extension L/K\nand some z∈Z(AL)fe•∩Z(AK)•which does not lie in Z(AK)fe•. Define x:=g(z), which by\nconstruction lies in g/parenleftBig\nZ(AL)fe•∩Z(AK)•/parenrightBig\n⊂X(AL)f\n•∩X(AK)•. To complete the proof it is\nenough to show that x /∈X(AK)f\n•.\nBy way of contradiction, suppose x∈X(AK)f\n•⊂X(AK)g\n•. Thenxlifts to a twist f′=g′◦f′\ne\noff=g◦fby a class in H1(K,G) andxlifts to the twist g′ofgby the image ξof this class\ninH1(K,G/G e). Since xalso lifts under gwe must have that ξ∈X1(K,G/G e). The map\nG→G/Geis ´ etale, so any separable point of the quotient will lift to a separable point of G. It\nfollows that ( G/Ge)(ks) = 0. Then X1(K,G/G e) = 0 by [8, Main Theorem]. So g=g′and4 BRENDAN CREUTZ, JESSE PAJWANI AND JOS ´E FELIPE VOLOCH\nwe see that x∈g(Z(AK)f′\ne•). Again using [21, Lemma 5.3(5)] we have Z(AK)fe•=Z(AK)f′\ne•, so\nx∈g(Z(AK)fe•)⊂X(AK)f\n•which is a contradiction. /square\n2.2.The case G(ks) = 0.It remains to prove Theorem 1.1 in the case that Gdoes not contain a\nnontrivial ´ etale subscheme. This follows immediately from the next r esult.\nTheorem 2.3. LetGbe a finite abelian group scheme over a global field ksuch that G(ks) = 0.\nLetXbe a smooth projective variety admitting a torsor f:Y→XunderG. Then for any finite\nGalois extension L/k,/parenleftBig\nX(AL)f\n•/parenrightBigGal(L/k)\n=X(Ak)f\n•.\nLemma 2.4. LetGbe a finite abelian group scheme over field Kand letL/Kbe a Galois extension\nsuch that G(L) = 0. Then the restriction map H1(K,G)→H1(L,G)Gal(L/K)is an isomorphism.\nProof.The inflation-restriction sequence in flat cohomology (see [18, p. 42 2]) gives an exact\nsequence\nH1(L/K,G(L))inf→H1(K,G)res→H1(L,G)Gal(L/K)→H2(L/K,G(L)).\nThe outer two terms are trivial because G(L) = 0 as L/Kis separable. Thus, the restriction map\nis an isomorphism. /square\nProof of Theorem 2.3. Noting that X(AL)Gal(L/k)\n•=X(Ak)•, it will be enough to show that we\nhaveX(Ak)f\n•=X(AL)f\n•∩X(Ak)•. The inclusion⊆is clear, so we show the reverse inclusion. We\nhave a commutative diagram\n(1) H1(k,G)/d31 /d127/d47/d47/d127 /d95\n/d15/d15/producttext\nvH1(kv,G)/d127 /d95\n/d15/d15\nH1(L,G)/d31 /d127/d47/d47/producttext\nv/producttext\nw|vH1(Lw,G)\nwherethe injectivity ofthe verticalmapscomefromLemma2.4andt he injectivity ofthe horizontal\nmaps is [8, MainTheorem].\nLetx∈X(AL)f\n•∩X(Ak)•and consider the image x∗fofxunder the map X(Ak)•→/producttext\nvH1(kv,G) induced by f. The image of x∗fin/producttext\nv/producttext\nw|vH1(Lw,G) is the image of a unique\nξ∈H1(L,G) under the bottom horizontal map of (1) because x∈X(AL)f\n•. For any vthere is a\nnatural action of Gal( L/k) on/producttext\nw|vH1(Lw,G) which is compatible with the action of Gal( L/k)\nonH1(L,G). The image of x∗fin/producttext\nw|vH1(Lw,G) is fixed by this action, so we conclude that\nξ∈H1(L,G)Gal(L/k). By Lemma 2.4 we have the ξis the image of some ξ′∈H1(k,G). Since the\nmaps are all injective, x∗fmust be the image of ξ′. This means x∈X(Ak)f\n•. /square\nRemark 2.5. In the proof above, the condition G(L) = 0 is only used to ensure the existence of\na lift ofx∗(f) from/producttext\nvH1(kv,G) toH1(k,G), using that its image in/producttext\nv/producttext\nw|vH1(Lw,G) comes\nfrom an element in H1(L,G). The conclusion of Theorem 2 .3 therefore holds for any (potentially\ninfinite) group scheme Gand any Galois extension L/ksuch that Diagram (1) is Cartesian.\n3.Subvarieties of abelian varieties\nThroughout this section X⊂Adenotes a smooth closed subvariety of an abelian variety over a\nglobal field k.\nDefinition 3.1. We say that X(Ak)Br\n•defines an ´ etale sheaf if, for any finite Galois extension\nL/k, we have/parenleftbig\nX(AL)Br\n•/parenrightbigGal(L/k)=X(Ak)Br\n•, and similarly for the other sets appearing in ( †).\nThis condition is equivalent to the assignment L/mapsto→X(Ak)Br\n•defining a sheaf of sets on Spec( k)´et.GALOIS INVARIANTS OF FINITE ABELIAN DESCENT AND BRAUER SETS 5\n3.1.The finiteabelian descent set. Following[21, p. 352]wedefine /hatwiderSel(A/k) = lim←−nSeln(A/k).\nThis fits into the Cassels-Tate dual exact sequence [15, Propositio n 4.3], which reads\n0→/hatwiderSel(A/k)→A(Ak)•φ→H1(k,A∨)∗.\nThe map φis induced by the sum of the local Tate pairings /a\\}bracketle{t,/a\\}bracketri}htkv:A(kv)×H1(kv,A∨)→Q/Z.\nThis sequence identifies /hatwiderSel(A/k) with a subset of A(Ak)•.\nTheorem 3.2. The sets /hatwiderSel(A/k)andX(Ak)•∩/hatwiderSel(A/k)define ´ etale sheaves.\nProof.LetL/kbe any finite Galois extension. It suffices to prove the result for /hatwiderSel(A/k), since\n/parenleftBig\nX(AL)•∩/hatwiderSel(A/L)/parenrightBigGal(L/k)\n=X(Ak)•∩/hatwiderSel(A/L)Gal(L/k).\nSuppose x∈/hatwiderSel(A/L)Gal(L/k)=/hatwiderSel(A/L)∩A(Ak)•and letd= [L:k]. We first claim that\ndx∈/hatwiderSel(A/k)⊂A(Ak)•. For this we use the Cassels-Tate dual exact sequence. For any p lacev,\npassing to an extension Lv/kvof degree dvmultiplies the local Tate pairing by dv, i.e., we have\n/a\\}bracketle{tx,resLv/kv(α)/a\\}bracketri}htLv=dv/a\\}bracketle{tx,α/a\\}bracketri}htkv. From this we deduce that for any finite extension K/kwe have\n[K:k]φ(x) =φK(x)◦resK/k∈H1(k,A∨)∗. The assumption that x∈/hatwiderSel(A/L)Gal(L/k)together\nwith exactness of the sequence gives φL(x) = 0, so φ(dx) =dφ(x) =φL(x)◦resL/k= 0, showing\nthatdx∈/hatwiderSel(A/k).\nSincedx∈/hatwiderSel(A/k) = lim←−nSeln(A/k), there is a compatible system of geometrically connected\ntorsorsfn:Yn→AunderA[n] containing lifts yn∈Yn(Ak) ofdx. Here compatible means that\nfor each m,n, we have a torsor structure Ymn→YnunderA[m] sending ymntoyn. The trivial\ntorsor [d] :A→Acontains a lift of dxby hypothesis, so fdmust be a twist of this trivial covering\nby an element ξ∈X1(k,A[d]). For each n≥1, letgnd:Znd→Abe the twist of fndby the image\nof−ξunder the map X1(k,A[d])→X1(k,A[nd]) induced by the inclusion A[d]֒→A[nd]. Then\ngd= [d] :A→Aandgdnfactors as gdn= [d]◦hnfor some torsor hn:Znd→AunderA[n]. Since\nξis locally trivial and the fndcontain lifts of dx, we have we have dx∗gnd=dx∗fnd= 0, for all n.\nIt follows that the family hndetermines an element in /hatwiderSel(A/k), and consequently an adelic point\nx′∈A(Ak)•. By construction dx′=dx, sox−x′∈A[d](Ak)•is an adelic point contained in a\nfinite subscheme of A.\nBy assumption x′−xlies in/hatwiderSel(A/L). Using [21, Proposition 3.6] in the number field case and\n[15, Proposition 5.3] in the function field case (Note that the addition al hypothesis on Athere can\nbe dropped thanks to work of R¨ ossler; see [6, Proposition 3.1]) we conclude that x′−x∈A(L).\nThenx′−x∈A(L)∩A(Ak)•=A(k). Sox∈x′+A(k)⊂/hatwiderSel(A/k) as required. /square\nProof of Theorem 1.2. As noted on [21, p. 373] the image of /hatwiderSel(A/k) inA(Ak)•is equal to\nA(Ak)f-ab\n•. This follows from the fact that the N´ eron-Severi group of Ais torsion free, and so\nthe geometrically abelian fundamental group of Ais isomorphic to its Tate module. The same\nargument works to show X(Ak)f-ab\n•=X(Ak)•∩/hatwiderSel(A/k) for any X⊂Awith torsion free N´ eron-\nSeveri group. So Theorem 1.2 follows from Theorem 3.2. /square\nAs an amusing corollary of Theorem 1.2 we have the following.\nCorollary 3.3. Suppose X⊂Ais defined over a number field and satisfies the following:\n(1)X(k)defines an ´ etale sheaf,\n(2)the N´ eron-Severi group of Xis torsion free, and\n(3) Br(Xks) = 0.\nIfX(L) =X(AL)Br\n•for all finite separable extensions L/k, thenX(L) =X(AL)f-ab\n•for all finite\nseparable extensions L/k. In other words, if the Brauer-Manin obstruction is the only obstruction\nto weak approximation for such X, then the a priori weaker obstruction coming from finite abel ian\ndescent is already sufficient to capture this obstruction.6 BRENDAN CREUTZ, JESSE PAJWANI AND JOS ´E FELIPE VOLOCH\nProof.Assumption (1) is that F(L) =X(L) =X(AL)Br\n•is an ´ etale sheaf, and G(L) =X(AL)f-ab\n•\nis an ´ etale sheaf by Theorem 1.2. The inclusion X(AL)Br\n•⊂X(AL)f-ab\n•shows thatFis a subsheaf\nofG. It is enough to show that this inclusion is an isomorphism´ etale locally, for thenF=Gby [9,\n§II Proposition 1.1], in which case we have X(L) =F(L) =G(L) =X(AL)f-ab\n•for any separable\nextension L/k.\nBy condition (3) we have Br( X) = Br 1(X) := ker(Br( X)→Br(Xks)). Condition (2) gives that\nNS(Xks) is a finitely generated free Z-module, so H1(K,NS(Xks)) = 0 for all sufficiently small\nneighbourhoods K/k. For such K/kwe have X(AK)Br\n•=X(AK)f-ab\n•as in [21, Corollary 7.8],\nshowing thatFandGare isomorphic ´ etale locally. /square\nRemark 3.4. Condition (1) of Corollary 3.3 is satisfied if X⊂Ais coset free, since in this case\nX(L) is finite for all L/k. Using [4, Lemma 3.1], Condition (3) can be replaced by the weaker\ncondition that Br( Xks) is finite, or the even weaker condition\n(3’) For every sufficiently small neighbourhood K/kof Spec(k)´ et, there is a separable extension\nL/Ksuch that\n(a) [L:K]Br(XK)⊂Br1(XK), and\n(b) res L/K: Br(XK)/Br1(XK)→Br(XL)/Br1(XL) is surjective.\n3.2.Sheafiness of the other terms in (†).\nLemma 3.5. The sets A(k)andX(Ak)•∩A(k)define ´ etale sheaves.\nProof.The topological closure of A(L) and the profinite completion /hatwideA(L) are isomorphic as\nGal(L/k)-modulesby[15,TheoremE].Since A(L)isfinitelygeneratedwealsohaveanisomorphism\nof Gal(L/k)-modules /hatwideA(L)≃A(L)⊗/hatwideZ. Then (A(L)⊗/hatwideZ)Gal(L/k)=A(L)Gal(L/k)⊗/hatwideZ=A(k)��/hatwideZ,\nthe latter being identified with A(k) by [15, Theorem E]. Thus A(k) defines an ´ etale sheaf. The\nstatement about X(Ak)•∩A(k) follows instantly since\n/parenleftBig\nX(AL)•∩A(L)/parenrightBigGal(L/k)\n=X(AL)Gal(L/k)\n•∩A(L)Gal(L/k)=X(Ak)•∩A(k).\n/square\nLemma 3.6. Ifkis a number field or the maximal divisible subgroup of X(A/k)is trivial, then\nA(Ak)Br\n•defines an ´ etale sheaf.\nProof.In the number field case, [3, Theorem 1] implies A(Ak)Br\n•=A(Ak)f-ab\n•, so this follows from\nTheorem 3.2. If the divisible subgroup of X(A/k) is trivial then A(k) =A(Ak)Br\n•=A(Ak)f-ab\n•\n(See [15, Remark 4.5]), so this follows from either Lemma 3.5 or Theore m 3.2. /square\nRemark 3.7. WhenA/kis an isotrivial abelian variety, we have that X(A/k) is finite. For A/k\nconstant, this is shown in [11], and as mentioned in Remark 6.27 of [12] it is an easy extension to\nthe isotrivial case.\nLemma 3.8. IfX⊂Ais a curve embedded in its Jacobian, then X(k)defines an ´ etale sheaf.\nProof.IfXhas genus 1, then X=Aand this follows from Lemma 3.5. So suppose Xhas genus\n≥2. Ifkis a number field or Xis a nonisotrivial, then X(k) is finite. Then X(k) =X(k) which\nclearly defines an ´ etale sheaf. We may therefore suppose Xis an isotrivial curve of genus ≥2.\nThis case is proved in Lemma 4.9 of the following section. /square\nTheorem 3.9. Suppose X⊂Ais a curve embedded in its Jacobian by an Albanese map (i.e., a\nmap sending a point Pto the class of P−Dfor a fixed k-rational divisor D∈Div(X)of degree\n1). Then all of the sets in (†)define ´ etale sheaves.\nProof.First note that X(Ak)•∩A(Ak)Br\n•=X(Ak)Br\n•=X(Ak)f-ab\n•=X(Ak)•∩A(Ak)f-ab\n•(See [21,\nCorollary 7.3]). So all of these define ´ etale sheaves by Theorem 3.2. Moreover, X(Ak)•∩A(k) and\nX(k) define ´ etale sheaves by Lemma 3.5 and Lemma 3.8. /squareGALOIS INVARIANTS OF FINITE ABELIAN DESCENT AND BRAUER SETS 7\nRemark 3.10. Suppose Cis a curve of genus ≥1 that does not have a k-rational divisor of\ndegree 1, so that it is not embedded in its Jacobian. Then Cembeds canonically in Pic1\nCwhich is\na nontrivial torsor under A= Jac(C). IfC(Ak)Br\n•/\\e}atio\\slash=∅, then Pic1\nCis a nontrivial divisible element\ninX(A/k) by [19, Proposition 3.3.5 and Theorem 6.1.2]. By Remark 3.7 this cannot occur ifCis\nisotrivial, so for isotrivial curves not embedded in their Jacobian, all of the sets in (†) are trivial.\n3.3.Counterexamples among general varieties. We now show that, in general, none of the\nsets in the top row of ( †) define ´ etale sheaves, if we consider varieties that do not admit an\nembedding into an abelian variety.\nProposition 3.11. LetY/kbe a smooth projective variety over a number field such that Pic(Y)\nis torsion free, Br(Y)is finite, and Br(Y)→Br(Y)Gal(k)is surjective.\n(1)IfY(Ak)•/\\e}atio\\slash=Y(Ak)Br\n•, then there exists a finite Galois extension L/ksuch that\n/parenleftbig\nY(AL)Br\n•/parenrightbigGal(L/k)/\\e}atio\\slash=Y(Ak)Br\n•.\n(2)IfY(k) =∅,Y(Ak)•/\\e}atio\\slash=∅andY(K) =Y(AK)Br\n•for all finite Galois extensions K/k, then\nthere exists a finite Galois extension L/ksuch that Y(L)Gal(L/k)/\\e}atio\\slash=∅=Y(k).\nProof.The assumptions in the first sentence imply that Br( Y)/Br0(Y) is finite, say of order d.\nBy [4, Lemma 3.3] there are infinitely many Galois extensions of degree divisible by dsuch that the\nrestriction map Res L/k: Br(Y)/Br0(Y)→Br(YL)/Br0(YL) is surjective. For any such extension,\n[4, Lemma 3.1(2)] gives that Y(Ak)•⊂Y(AL)Br\n•, so every element Y(Ak)•lies in the Gal( L/k)-\ninvariant subset of Y(AL)Br\n•. The claims in (1) and (2) follow immediately. /square\nRemark 3.12. Examples satisfying the conditions of Proposition 3.11(1) can be fou nd among del\nPezzo surfaces and Chˆ atelet surfaces. Chˆ atelet surfaces th at are counterexamples to the Hasse\nprinciple satisfy the conditions in Proposition 3.11(2) by [2, Theorem B ].\nProposition 3.13. LetY/kbe a smooth projective Enriques surface over a global field kof char-\nacteristic not equal to 2. Then the assignment L/mapsto→Y(AL)f-ab\n•does not define an ´ etale sheaf.\nProof.Letf:Z→Ybe aK3 cover of the Enriques surface. Then Zis ´ etale simply connected,\nand soY(AL)f\n•=Y(AL)´ et\n•=Y(AL)f-ab\n•. The result follows by Theorem 2 .1. /square\n4.Isotrivial curves\nIn this section we use results of the previous sections to generalize the main results of [5] to the\ncase of isotrivial curves.\nFix a finite field Fof characteristic p. LetDbe a smooth projective geometrically connected\ncurve over F, and let k=F(D) denote the function field of D. Throughout this section Cwill\ndenote a smooth projective and geometrically connected curve ov erkof genus g=g(C)≥2 which\nwe assume to be isotrivial. We also assume that Chas ak-rational divisor zof degree 1 and use\nthis to define an embedding of Cinto its Jacobian J= Jac(C) by the rule x/mapsto→[x−z]. This\nassumption is justified by Remark 3.10.\nThere exists a finite extension L/kwith corresponding extension of constant fields FL/Fand\na curveC0/FLsuch that C×kL≃C0×FLL. We note that for any such L/kwe also have that\nJ×kL≃J0×FLL, whereJ0= Jac(C0) is an abelian variety defined over FL. One can take\nL/kto be separable because the moduli space of curves with sufficiently large level structure is a\nfine moduli space. Moreover, replacing Lby its Galois closure we obtain a Galois extension of k\ntrivialising C.\nRemark 4.1. There are isotrivial varieties that are not separably isotrivial, mean ing that they\nonly become constant after a non-separable field extension, e.g. s ingular genus-changing curves in\nthe sense of [22]. It is possible that there exist smooth examples in hig her dimension but we do\nnot know of any.8 BRENDAN CREUTZ, JESSE PAJWANI AND JOS ´E FELIPE VOLOCH\nThe set of places of kis in bijection with the set D1of closed points of D. Forv∈D1\nwe denote the residue field of the completion kvbyFv. Note that since the valued field kvhas\nequicharacteristic p,Fv⊆kv. We define Ak,F:=/producttext\nv∈D1Fv, which is an F-subalgebra of the usual\nadele ring over Ak. IfL/kis a finite extension with constant field extension FL/F, then there exists\na smooth projective curve D′/FLwithL=FL(D′), so we may define AL,FLsimilarly.\n4.1.Locally constant adelic points. We recall the definition of locally constant adelic points\nas in [5, Section 2.2] (where they were called reduced adelic points) be fore extending this definition\nto isotrivial varieties. Suppose that X/kis a constant variety so that X=X0×Fk. SinceD/Fis\ngeometrically connected, we have natural equalities of sets\nHom/k(Spec(Ak),X) = Hom /F(Spec(Ak),X) = Hom /F(Spec(Ak),X0).\nDefinition 4.2. For a constant variety X=X0×Fkoverkwe define the locally constant adelic\npointsto be the set\nX(Ak,F) := Hom /F(Spec(Ak,F),X0).\nNote that Ak,Fis anF-subalgebra of Ak, so we have an inclusion\nX(Ak,F)⊆Hom/F(Spec(Ak),X0) = Hom /k(Spec(Ak),X) =X(Ak).\nConcretely, X(Ak,F) =/producttext\nv∈D1X0(Fv).\nDefinition 4.3. Suppose X/kis an isotrivial variety and L/kis a Galois extension with cor-\nresponding residue extension FL/Fsuch that XL/Lis a constant variety. Let X0/FLbe the\ncorresponding constant variety and let φ:XL→X0×FLLbe an isomorphism. Define the locally\nconstant adelic points ofX/kto be the set\nX(Ak,F) :=X(AL)Gal(L/k)∩φ−1((X0×FLL)(AL,FL))⊂X(AL)Gal(L/k)=X(Ak).\nThe following two lemmas show that this definition does not depend on o ur choice of trivialising\nextension Land isomorphism φ.\nLemma 4.4. LetX/kbe an isotrivial variety, and let φ,φ′:XL→X0×FLbe two isomorphisms\nofLvarieties. Then φ−1((X0×FL)(AL,F)) =φ′−1((X0×FL)(AL,F)). In particular, the set X(Ak,F)\ndoes not depend on our choice of trivialising isomorphism φ.\nProof.Note that φ′◦φ−1gives us an automorphism of X0×FL, so the result is equivalent to saying\nthat the set X0×FL(AL,F) is stable under automorphisms of X0×F(AL,F). This is immediate by\nthe definition of locally constant adelic points for constant varieties . /square\nLemma 4.5. LetX/kbe an isotrivial variety. Then the definition of X(Ak,F)does not depend on\nour choice of trivialising extension.\nProof.LetL,L′be two trivialisingextensions for X/k, and considerthe extension K:=LL′. Since\nXLis constant, we have that XL(AL,FL) =XK(AK,FK)∩XL(AL), and similarly for XL′(AL′,FL′).\nTherefore\nXL(AL,FL)∩X(Ak) =XK(AK,FK)∩X(Ak) =XL′(AL′,FL′)∩X(Ak)\nas required. /square\nRemark 4.6. Locally constant adelic points are defined precisely so that they defi ne an ´ etale\nsheaf in the sense of Definition 3 .1, and their use is justified by the property they are shown to\nsatisfy in Theorem 4 .11.GALOIS INVARIANTS OF FINITE ABELIAN DESCENT AND BRAUER SETS 9\n4.2.The Frobenius map on isotrivial varieties.\nLemma 4.7. Suppose X/kis an isotrivial variety and L/kis a Galois extension such that there is\nan isomorphism XL≃X0×FLLfor some X0/FLwhereFL/Fis the residue extension corresponding\ntoL/k. Letm:= [FL:F]. The relative Frobenius morphism FX0/FL:X0→X0induces a\nmorphism induces a morphism FXL/L:XL→XLthat is compatible with descent data, and so\nyields a morphism X→X, which we call Fm\nX/k.\nExample 4.8. Consider an isotrivial curve C:ty2=f(x) overFp(t) withf(x)∈Fp[x] for an\nodd prime p. The relative Frobenius for X/kis the morphism F:C→C(p)given on coordinates\nby raising to the p-th power, where C(p)/Fis the curve given by tpy2=f(x). Since pis odd, we\nhaveC(p)≃Cby the map ( x,y)/mapsto→(x,tp−1\n2y). The Galois extension L=Fp(t1/2)/Fp(t) trivializes\nC. The morphism F1\nX/kconstructed in the lemma is the composition of Fand the isomorphism\nC(p)≃C.\nProof of Lemma 4.7. Letqbe the cardinality of FL. On any open subset UofXLthe morphism\nFX/Lis given by\nFX/L:OXL(U)→OXL(U)\nx/mapsto→xq.\nFrom this it is clear that FXL/Lcommutes with the descent data on XL/L. /square\n4.3.Proof of Lemma 3.8 in the isotrivial case. The following lemma completes the proof of\nLemma 3.8 which stated that C(k) defines an �� etale sheaf.\nLemma 4.9. LetL/kbe a Galois extension. Then C(L)Gal(L/k)=C(k).\nProof.We claim that we can assume without loss of generality that L/ktrivialises C/k, i.e.,L/k\nis such that C×kL≃C0×FLLfor some curve C0/FL. LetK/kbe a Galois extension such that\nL⊆KandK/ktrivialises C/k. ThenC(K)Gal(K/k)= (C(K)(Gal(K/L)))Gal(L/k), so showing the\nresult for extensions that trivialise C/kimplies the result for all Galois extensions.\nLetDLbe the smooth projective curve with L=FL(DL). LetF=FC0/FLbe the relative\nFrobenius morphism. By a theorem of de Franchis the set C(L)/Fis finite. Define a set of distinct\nelements φ1,...,φ m∈C(L) = Mor FL(DL,C0) representing all morphisms from DLtoC0up to\nFrobenius twisting. Concretely this means that for any φ∈C(L), there exists integers a,b≥0 and\nani∈{1,...,m}such that Faφ=Fbφi. We can assume that the φiare distinct, separable and\nthe set{φ1,...,φ m}is closed under the action of Gal( L/k). The map C(L)/F→Map(D1\nL,C1\n0)\nis injective by [20, Proposition 2.3] and there are only finitely many φi, so we can find a finite set\nSof places v∈D1\nLsuch that the elements rS(φi) := (rv(φi))v∈S∈/producttext\nv∈SC0(Fv) are distinct for\ni/\\e}atio\\slash=j, whererv:C0(Lv)→C0(Fv) is the reduction map. Enlarging Sif needed, we can assume\nthatrS(Faφi)/\\e}atio\\slash=rS(Fbφj) for any a,b≥0 andi/\\e}atio\\slash=j. Note that rv(Faφi) =Fa(rv(φi)), where on\nthe right Facts via Gal( FL) onC0(Fv).\nLetρvbe metrics inducing the v-adic topology on C(Lv) and let ρbe a product metric\nof these inducing the adelic topology on C(AL). The reduction maps give rise to a continu-\nous retraction r= (rv) :C(AL)→C(AL,FL). By the discussion above, the set of distances\n{ρ(r(Faφi),r(Fbφj))|a,b≥0 andi/\\e}atio\\slash=j}is bounded away from 0.\nSuppose Pn∈C(L) converge to P∈C(L)∩C(Ak). For any σ∈Gal(L/k) the sequence σ(Pn)\nconverges to σ(P) =PinC(AL), since the induced map σ:C(AL)→C(AL) is continuous. Thus\nthe sequence of real numbers ρ(Pn,σ(Pn)) convergesto 0. For all n≥1 we have integers an,bn≥0\nandin∈{1,...,m}such that FanPn=Fbnφin. SinceF:C(AL)→C(AL) is continuous and\ncommutes with the action of σ, we find that the sequence ρ(Fbnφin,Fbnσ(φin)) converges to 0.\nSince the reduction map is continuous this implies that ρ(r(Fbnφin),r(Fbnσ(φin))) converge to\n0. These distances are bounded away from zero when φin/\\e}atio\\slash=σ(φin). So for all large enough n10 BRENDAN CREUTZ, JESSE PAJWANI AND JOS ´E FELIPE VOLOCH\nwe must have σ(φin) =φin. Since the action of σcommutes with Fwe find that, for all large\nenoughn, we have Fanσ(Pn) =FanPnand soPn=σ(Pn) as well. Thus the Pnare eventually in\nC(L)Gal(L/k)=C(k). Hence P∈C(k). /square\n4.4.Frobenius descent. LetL/kbe the minimal Galois extension trivializing the isotrivial curve\nC/k. ThenL/kalso trivializes J= Jac(C) and Lemma 4.7 gives an isogeny Fm\nJ/k:J→Jwhere\nm= [FL:F].\nLemma 4.10. The locally constant adelic points of the Jacobian satisfy J(Ak,F)⊂Fm\nJ/k(J(Ak)).\nProof.This is clear for constant varieties and Frobenius commutes with the Galois action. /square\nFor anyn≥1, then-fold composition of Fm\nJ/kis an isogeny φn= (Fm\nJ/k)◦n:J→Jwhose kernel\nis a finite connected abelian group scheme. The pullback of φnalong the embedding C→Jis a\ntorsorFn:Y→Cunder ker( φn). We define C(Ak)F∞=/intersectiontext\nn≥1C(Ak)Fn.\nThe following generalizes [5, Theorem 1.2] to the case of isotrivial cur ves.\nTheorem 4.11. Only global and locally constant adelic points survive infin ite Frobenius descent,\ni.e.,C(Ak)F∞=C(k)∪C(Ak,F).\nProof.For a finite separable extension L/kwith corresponding residue extension FL/Fdefine\nF(L) :=C(L)∪C(AL,FL) andG(L) :=C(AL)ker(F∞). ThenFandGare sheaves of sets on\nSpec(k)´ et, the latter by Theorem 2.3. By Lemma 4.10, all reduced adelic points s urvive Frobenius\ndescent, soFis a subsheaf ofG. For any L/ktrivializing C, we may apply [5, Theorem 1.2] in\norder to obtainF(L) =G(L). We conclude that F(k) =G(k) as in the proof of Theorem 4.13. /square\n4.5.The Mordell-Weil Sieve.\nDefinition 4.12. We define the Mordell–Weil Sieve set for an isotrivial curve embedded in its\nJacobian to be the set\nCMW-sieve:=C(Ak,F)∩J(k),\nwith this intersection taking place in J(Ak).\nWhenC/kis a constant curve this agrees with the definition of CMW-sievein [5] so the following\nresult generalizes [5, Theorem 1.1] to isotrivial curves.\nTheorem 4.13. ForC/ka smooth, projective, isotrivial curve embedded in its Jaco bian, we have\nan equality C(Ak)Br=C(k)∪CMW-sieve.\nProof.The assignments L/mapsto→G(L) :=C(AL)BrandL/mapsto→F(L) :=C(AL,F′)∩J(L) define ´ etale\nsheaves by Theorem 3.9 and Lemma 3.5. Moreover, F(L)⊂G(L) for all finite extensions L/k\nsinceC(AL)Br⊂J(AL)Br=J(L), where the final equality is given in the proof of Lemma 3.6,\nnoting that X(A/L) is finite by Remark 3.7. For any L/ktrivializing Cwe haveF(L) =G(L)\nby [5, Theorem 1.1], so we proceed as in the proof of Theorem 4 .13 to obtainG(k) =F(k) as\nrequired. /square\nRemark 4.14. IfCis an isotrivial curve that does not admit an embedding in its Jacobian,\nRemark 3 .10 shows that C(Ak)Br=∅. ForC/knot isotrivial and of genus ≥2, [6, Theorem 1.1]\ngives that C(Ak)Br=C(k). The above result is a step towards a characterisation of C(Ak)Brfor\ncurves in the remaining cases.\nReferences\n[1] Yang Cao and Yongqi Liang, Etale Brauer-Manin obstruction for Weil restrictions , Advances in Mathematics,\n410(2022).\n[2] J. L. Colliot-Th´ el` ene and J. J. Sansuc, Intersections of two quadrics and Chˆ atelet surfaces I. , Journal f¨ ur die\nreine und angewandte Mathematik, 373, (1987), 37–107.\n[3] B. 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Our previous study found that the density distribution profile of the condensates\nis a supergiant quantum vortex phase and change with rotational speed and coupling constant.\nIn this work, we further discover vortex lattice structures in the condensates under conditions\nof small rotation and strong coupling constant. This mechanism can be thought of as electrical\nsuperconductivity: Vortex lattices are created to better adapt to changes in rotation and interaction.\nFurthermore, large rotation and weak coupling constant are more likely to cause the vortex lattices\nto be destroyed and form a giant quantum vortex similar to a doughnut. We expect this phenomenon\ncan be observed in the relativistic non-central heavy ion collisions with large rotation and strong\nmagnetic field.\nI. INTRODUCTION\nThe realization of the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC)\nwith alkali metal elements provides physicists with a huge\nopportunity to study this new state of matter and marks\nthe breakthrough development of modern physics. The\napplications of BEC involve theoretical and experimental\nresearch in many fields, such as ultracold atoms [1–3], su-\nperfluidity and quantum vortices [4–6]. With in-depth re-\nsearch on BEC, physicists have extended traditional con-\ndensed matter physics to relativistic Bose-Einstein con-\ndensates (RBECs), i.e., the condensates are composed of\nrelativistic microscopic constituents [7–9]. As a conse-\nquence, in this era of rapid development of experimental\nfacilities such as relativistic heavy ion collisions, it is of\ngreat physical significance to study the properties and\nforming mechanism of RBECs.\nRotation and magnetic field in general play very im-\nportant roles in large variety of physical environments,\nsuch as rapidly rotating neutron stars [10–12], binary\nblack hole mergers [13, 14] and non-central heavy ion\ncollision experiments [15–17]. Especially, in non-central\nheavy ion collisions, the extreme conditions of strong\nmagnetic fields and high rotational speeds have been real-\nized [18–20]. By analyzing experimental results, it can be\nconcluded that the strong magnetic field generated dur-\ning the collisions can be e B∼m2[21, 22], where e is the\nvalue of an electron charge and mis the mass of a charged\npion. In addition, the numerical simulations indicate that\nthe angular momentum generated in the collisions can in-\nvolve in the range [103,105]ℏ[23, 24]; and the rotational\nangular velocity has reached Ω ≈(9±1)×1021Hz∼\n6.2 MeV [25, 26]. Generally, a strong external magnetic\nfield can enhance a fermion-antifermion condensation for\nleading to generate a fermion dynamical mass [27–29].\nResearch shows that the rotation has similar effect to a\nmagnetic field and can cause certain anomalous transport\nprocesses, for example, chiral vortical effect [30, 31] and\nchiral vortical wave [32, 33]. While, opposite to the mag-netic catalysis effect, the rotation generally suppresses\nthe chiral condensation at finite temperature according\nto effective models [34–36]. However, the lattice QCD\nsimulations at imaginary rotation seem to deny the latter\nfeature, which then cause a lot of debate and discussion\non rotation effect [37–39].\nRecently, many studies have shown that the combi-\nnation of parallel rotation and magnetic field (PRM)\ncan also induce a variety of condensed distributions.\nFor instance, based on the solutions of the Dirac equa-\ntion, the condensed characteristics of free fermionic sys-\ntems in PRM have been discussed [40–43]. Also, for in-\nteracting rotating fermion systems in a magnetic field,\nmore research focuses on the possible effects of the edge\nstates in phase structure [44–47]. Within the three-flavor\nNambu–Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model, the PRM can induce\ncharged rho ( ρ±) superconductor even at a small ro-\ntational angular velocity [48]. The combined effects of\nPRM can make non-interacting charged pions condense\nboth in the vacuum and at finite temperature [49]. How-\never, other calculations show that the charged pion con-\ndensates can only occur under the conditions of a strong\ncoupling constant and negatively large baryon chemical\npotential [50]. In our previous study [51], based on the\nviewpoint of spontaneous symmetry breaking, the results\nshow that the profile of ground state formed by inter-\nacting charged pions in PRM is a supergiant quantum\nvortex. Such possibility was verified by applying the\nGinzburg-Landau analysis in the NJL model [52].\nThis work extends the previous one [51] by looking\ninto a wider range of interaction strength, espacially,\nthe strong case. This paper is organized as follows.\nIn Sec. II, we introduce the relativistic complex scalar\nfield model with a repulsive self-interaction. In Sec. III,\nwe obtain the energy dispersion relation and wave func-\ntion of free charged pion fields by solving the Klein-\nGordon equation, and calculate the ground state density\ndistribution of interacting charged pion fields induced\nby PRM. We summarize in Sec. IV. The nature unitsarXiv:2402.04475v1 [hep-ph] 6 Feb 20242\nc=ℏ=kB= 1 are used throughout.\nII. RELATIVISTIC COMPLEX SCALAR FIELD\nMODEL\nIn order to explore the ground state formation of the\ncharged pion condensates induced by PRM, we adopt the\nrelativistic complex scalar field model with a repulsive\nself-interaction. In the cylindrical coordinates ( r, θ, z ),\nthe action of the relativistic complex scalar field can be\ngiven in a curved spacetime by\nS=Z\ndtZ\nd3xq\n−det(gµν)L(Φ∗,Φ), (1)\nwhere d3x=rdrdθdz , and the Lagrangian density is de-\nfined by\nL= (DµΦ)∗(DµΦ)−m2|Φ|2−g|Φ|4. (2)\nHere the covariant derivative Dµ=∂µ+ieAµ, where Aµ\nis the vector potential. Φ represents a charged complex\nscalar field. gis a coupling constant that reflects the\nstrength of the self-interaction. The spacetime metric\ngµνof the rotating frame reads\ngµν=\n1−r2Ω2yΩ−xΩ 0\nyΩ−1 0 0\n−xΩ 0 −1 0\n0 0 0 −1\n, (3)\nwhere r=p\nx2+y2is the radius of the cylinder sys-\ntem, the notation Ω is the rotational angular velocity,\nandp\n−det(gµν) = 1. It is convenient to rewrite the\nLagrangian density of the system as\nL=|(Dt+ ΩyDx−ΩxDy) Φ|2− |DiΦ|2\n−m2|Φ|2−g|Φ|4. (4)\nHere the Lagrangian density is obviously invariant un-\nder the local U(1) symmetry. Moreover, physical prop-\nerties are generally not influenced by the specific choice\nof gauge. For convenience, we choose the symmetrical\ngauge in the following calculations.\nIn the rotating frame, the Lagrangian density for the\ninteracting charged pion fields in the symmetric gauge\ncan be expressed as\nL=|(∂t−iΩLz)Φ|2− |DiΦ|2−m2|Φ|2−g|Φ|4,(5)\nwhere Lz=−i∂θ=−i(x∂y−y∂x) is the angular momen-\ntum along the z-axis. In the imaginary time formalism,\nthe partition function of the system is given by\nZ=Z\n[dΦ] [dΦ∗] exp Zβ\n0dτZ\nd3xL!\n. (6)\nHere β(= 1/T) is defined as the inverse temperature,\nandτis the imaginary time. By integrating the abovepartition function (6) by parts, we can rewrite the action\nof the system as\nS=−Zβ\n0dτZ\nd3xL=Zβ\n0dτZ\nd3xH, (7)\nwhere the notation Hreads\nH= Φ∗h\n−(∂τ−ΩLz)2i\nΦ\n+ Φ∗\u0012\n−∆ +1\n4e2B2r2−eBLz+m2\u0013\nΦ\n+g|Φ|4. (8)\nThe operator ∆ represents the Laplace operator in the\ncylindrical coordinate frame\n∆≡ ∇2=∂2\nr+1\nr∂r−L2\nz\nr2+∂2\nz. (9)\nIII. GROUND STATE FORMATION OF\nCHARGED PION CONDENSATES\nIf the ground state density distribution of the system\nis a Bose-Einstein condensate, the charged pion field Φ\nacquires a nonzero expectation value. Thus we can de-\ncompose the charged pion field Φ into a classical part\nϕ0(x) and a quantum fluctuation part ϕ(τ,x), i.e.,\nΦ =ϕ0(x) +ϕ(τ,x). (10)\nWe note that in a finite-size system, the condensate\nϕ0(x) is generally inhomogeneous. At zero temperature,\nthe density distribution profile of the charged pion con-\ndensates can be determined by minimizing the Gross-\nPitaevskii-like free energy\nE=Z\nd3x[ϕ∗\n0(x) (−∆ +H)ϕ0(x)]\n+gZ\nd3x|ϕ0(x)|4, (11)\nwhere the operator His defined as\nH=1\n4e2B2r2−eBL z−Ω2L2\nz+m2. (12)\nIn principle, considering that the condensate in the z-\naxis direction is homogeneous, we can simplify the Gross-\nPitaevskii-like free energy as\nK=ER\ndz\n=Z\ndr\u0014\nϕ∗\n0(r)\u0012\n−∂2\nr−1\nr∂r+L2\nz\nr2+H\u0013\nϕ0(r)\u0015\n+gZ\ndr|ϕ0(r)|4, (13)\nwhereR\ndr=R2π\n0dθRR\n0rdrwithr≡(r, θ). And Ris the\nradius of the cylinder cross section.\nIn the following, we define a certain number of con-\nserved charges. The ground state features of free and\ninteracting charged pion fields are studied separately.3\nA. Klein-Gordon equation of free charged pion\nfields\nLet us first solve the more general Klein-Gordon equa-\ntion of free charged pion fields. We consider the charged\npion fields in the cylindrical coordinate with a uniform\nmagnetic field B=B⃗ zand a constant rotation Ω= Ω⃗ z.\nIn this paper, we always take e B > 0 and Ω >0, un-\nless otherwise stated. The Klein-Gordon equation of free\ncharged pion fields in a rotating frame can be given by\n−(∂t−iΩLz)2Φ +D†\niDiΦ−m2Φ = 0 , (14)\nwith the derivative Dt=∂t−ieBΩr2/2,Dx=∂x+\nieBy/2,Dy=∂y−ieBx/2,Dz=∂z. Therefore, the\nsolution for the above equation (14) can be written as\nΦ =e−iεt+ipzzϕnl(r), (15)\nwith\nϕnl(r) =Ceilθϕnl(r). (16)\nThe notation pzis the momentum along the z-direction,\nCis the normalization factor, and lis the azimuthal an-\ngular quantum number.\nIn the infinite-size volume case, substituting (15) to\n(14), we can rewrite the Klein-Gordon equation\nh\n(ε+ ΩLz)2+ ∆−Hi\nϕnl(r) = 0 . (17)\nDue to the need to guarantee the causal conditions of\nrelativity, we must consider the rotation with a finite ve-\nlocity v= Ωr≤1 and the quantization condition justify\nwith r≫1/√\neB. When the first inequality is imposed,\nthe frame does not move faster than light to avoid patho-\nlogical effects of particle spectrum. The second inequal-\nity is satisfied for keeping the wave function localization\nat the boundary. In this way, the interference of some\nnon-physical factors can be eliminated, so that the real\nphysical results can be better obtained. In general, we\nassume that the rotation is rigid, so the rotational an-\ngular velocity Ω does not depend on the distance to the\naxis-of-rotation.\nIn the above case, it is convenient for obtaining the\nradial solution of the equation (17)\nϕnl(r) =r|l|e−1\n4eBr2\n1F1\u0012\n−anl,|l|+ 1,eBr2\n2\u0013\n,(18)\nwhere 1F1is a confluent hypergeometrical function with\nthe parameter\nanl=1\n2eBh\n(ε+ Ωl)2−p2\nz−m2i\n−1\n2(|l| −l+ 1).(19)\nTherefore, we can derive the expression of the energy\ndispersion relationship from (19) as\n(ε+ Ωl)2=p2\nz+m2+ eB(2anl+|l| −l+ 1).(20)Here the parameter anlis the n-th zero point value of the\nconfluent hypergeometric function 1F1when the angular\nquantum number lis given, i.e., anlcan be obtained by\nsolving the equation\n1F1\u0012\n−anl,|l|+ 1,eBr2\n2\u0013\n= 0. (21)\nEspecially, if we consider an infinite system with a ra-\ndius r→ ∞ ,anlis a set of non-negative integers n.\nThe function 1F1can safely be simplified to an associ-\nated Laguerre polynomial. Considering the non-rotation\ncondition again, the energy dispersion relation of the sys-\ntem returns to the Landau levels (LL): ε2=p2\nz+m2+\neB(2n+ 1). It is obvious that the LL with different lis\ndegenerate. However, when a rotational angular veloc-\nity Ω is imposed on the system, the LL produces a shift\n∓Ωl. Here, the angular quantum number of the positive\ncharged particles is land the angular quantum number\nof the negative charged particles is −l. As a result, this\nmeans that the positive charged particles split downward\nand the negative charged particles split upward.\nIn a real physical system, we choose the cylinder with\ncross-sectional radius r=R. And we impose the Dirich-\nlet boundary condition that ensures that the wave func-\ntion of the charged pion fields must vanish at the edge\nof the cylinder. In the disc plane transverse to the rotat-\ning axis ⃗ z, each momentum pzcorresponds to a Landau\ndegeneracy factor\nNf=\u0014eBS\n2π\u0015\n=\u0014eBR2\n2\u0015\n, (22)\nwhere the square bracket [ ···] means a rounding func-\ntion. For the LL to fit into the cross section disc with\nthe area S=πR2, the degeneracies of the LL are identi-\nfied with the z-component of the angular momentum in\nposition space. As a consequence, the possible range of\nthelshould be −n≤l≤Nf−nwhere nlabels the LL.\nAnd when n= 0, it means the lowest Landau level (LLL)\nwith 0 ≤l≤Nf.\nNow we turn the problem to the free charged pion fields\n(i.e., g= 0) in the coexistence of PRM. Compared with\nthe solution of the corresponding Klein-Gordon equation,\nthe global minimum of the Gross-Pitaevskii-like free en-\nergy of the system can be obtained by solving for the\nglobal minimum of Knl, where the Knlreads\nKnl=−Ω2l2+ eB(2anl+|l| −l+ 1) + m2.(23)\nIn order to conveniently consider the relativistic causal-\nity, the above (23) is rewritten as\nEnl=−(ΩR)2l2+ 2Nf(2anl+|l| −l+ 1) + m2\n0,(24)\nwhere Enl=R2Knlandm0=R2m. In this paper, we\ntake the uniform magnetic field e B=m2≈0.5 fm−2.\nThrough the above results, we plot the two lower energy\nspectra of the free charged pion fields in (24) as FIG. 1.\nThe behavior of other higher energy levels is similar.4\n150200250300350400450500550600650700-\n30- 20- 100 05001000150020002500300035000\n1 02 03 0-5005010015020025030035040005001000150020002500300035004000(a) n = 1(\nb) n = 0/s937R = 0/s937\nR = 0.1/s937\nR = 0.2/s937\nR = 0.4/s937\nR = 0.6/s8455nl l\nFIG. 1. Energy spectra of the lowest two energy levels ( n= 0 and n= 1 ) as a function of the angular quantum number l\nand different rotational speed Ω R. In this figure we take Nf= 25 and R= 10 fm.\nIt can be clearly concluded from FIG. 1 that the low-\nest energy of the l <0 is much higher than the lowest\nenergy of the l >0. And with the increase of rotational\nangular velocity Ω, the ground state of the free charged\npion system is more inclined to the position with positive\nlarger l. Obviously, this shows that the charged pion con-\ndensates of the positive lmodes are more favorable than\nthe negative lmodes, i.e., the l≥0 modes always cor-\nrespond to the ground state of the system. Specifically,\nthelcorresponding to the ground state is the angular\nquantum number at the global minimum of Knl(orEnl).\nFor example, when the rotational speeds Ω Rare 0, 0 .1,\n0.2, 0.4 and 0 .6, the locations of the lcorresponding to\nthe ground state are 0, 9, 12, 16 and 24, respectively. By\nconsidering (23), we can get that the global minimum of\nthe system depends on the competition between −Ω2l2\nand 2e B(2anl+ 1) + m2. This indicates that Ω lin the\nrotating system plays the role of an effective l-dependent\nchemical potential.B. Quantum vortex phases of interacting charged\npion fields\nAt zero temperature, the minimization of the Gross-\nPitaevskii-like free energy (13) leads to the ground state\nenergy spectra of interacting charged pion fields. The\nequation of motion of interacting charged pion system,\nhowever, is nonlinear and cannot be solved analytically.\nTherefore, we choose the variational method to numeri-\ncally calculate the lowest energy eigenstate of the system.\nConsidering the basic features of interacting charged pion\nfields, the trial wavefunction ϕ0(r) can be expressed by\nthe complete basis vectors composed of the wave func-\ntions of free charged pion fields as\nϕ0(r) =∞X\nn=0∞X\nl=−∞cnlϕnl(r). (25)\nThe variational parameters cnlare determined by mini-\nmizing the Gross-Pitaevskii-like free energy. For a given5\nFIG. 2. In the coexistence of PRM, the ground state density distribution |ϕ0(r)|2of interacting charged pion fields changes\nwith different rotational speeds Ω Rand coupling constants g. Each column has the same Ω R, and each row has the same g.\nThe rotational speeds of different columns increase from left to right and are Ω R= 0.1,0.2,0.4,0.6, respectively. The coupling\nconstants of different rows increase from top to bottom and are g= 0,0.01,0.1,0.3, respectively. In this figure we take Nf= 25\nandR= 10 fm.\nnumber of charged pions, the conserved charges δNis\ndefined as\nδN≡X\nnl\u0000\nNnl−Nnl\u0001\n=X\nnl|cnl|2, (26)\nwhere Nnl\u0000\nNnl\u0001\nis the number of positive pions (nega-\ntive pions). In realistic numerical calculations, we can\nequally choose the probability densityP\nnl|cnl|2= 1.\nSubstituting the trial wavefunction (25) into (13), this\nGross-Pitaevskii-like free energy can be written as the\nsum of two parts: K=K0+Kint. Here we take\nthe non-interacting part K0=P∞\nn=0P∞\nl=−∞|cnl|2εnl\nand the interacting part Kint=gR\ndr|ϕ0(r)|4. Accord-\ning to the dispersion relationship (23), we can obtainεnl=−Ω2l2+ eB(2anl+ 1) + m2. Obviously, Kis the\nsuperposition of the quadratic and quartic term. The\nminimum of the system still depends mainly on the com-\npetition between −Ω2l2and e B(2anl+ 1) + m2.\nBy doing complicated numerical solution, we get the\nglobal minimum (i.e., the ground state energy of inter-\nacting charged pions) of the Gross-Pitaevskii-like free\nenergy (13) and the corresponding ground state ϕ0(r).\nWithout loss of generality, we take four different rota-\ntional speeds Ω Rand four different coupling constants\ng. The ground state phase diagrams of the interacting\ncharged pion condensates are shown in FIG. 2. It should\nbe noted that we did not plot ground state density dis-\ntribution for the Ω = 0 here. Because when Ω = 0 and6\ng= 0, the interacting charged pion fields are restored\nto the free non-rotational charged pion fields. Profile of\nthe condensate shows that almost all charged pions con-\ndense in the center (i.e., the state with l= 0) of the disc.\nThis phenomenon is similar to the traditional BEC, in\nwhich all bosons occupy the same quantum state to form\na macroscopic observable. When Ω = 0 and g̸= 0, the\nground state density distribution is diffuse in the two-\ndimensional plane. In FIG. 2, it can be found that the\nprofiles of these charged pion ground states are various\nquantum vortex phases. And some of these condensates\nare characterized by the creation of a certain number of\nvortex lattices. These vortex lattices are similar to small\ntwisters inside the flowing liquids.\nIn the absence of interaction ( g= 0, see the first row in\nFIG. 2), the profile of the condensates will gradually ex-\npand from the center to the edge position with increasing\nof the Ω R. However, it is worth noting that this expan-\nsion change is not continuous, but quantized. Besides,\npure rotation cannot effectively induce multiple vortex\nlattices, but makes the charged pions condense into a\nspecific single particle state with a determined l. As pre-\nviously analyzed, the rotation causes a shift in the ground\nstate energy level. Specifically, the ground state changes\nfrom εtoε−Ωlcorresponding to the angular quantum\nnumber from l= 0 to l̸= 0, respectively. Therefore,\nthe profile of the charged pion condensates is actually a\nsingle quantum vortex state when Ω R̸= 0 and g= 0.\nThe radius of the single quantum vortex depends on the\nrotational angular velocity. Quantum vortices generally\nhave unique intrinsic angular momentum that is differ-\nent from spin. In a cylinder, the wave function of the\nquantum vortex states can be written as\nϕ0(r) =η(r)eilcθ, (27)\nwhere η(r) is just a r-dependent function, and η(r)∝\nr|lc|.lcis a non-negative integer and is also defined as\nthe winding number (or topological charge) in the vortex\nstate. Theoretically, lcis proportional to the angular mo-\nmentum quantum number. From the first row in FIG. 2,\nwe can find that the larger Ω R, the larger lc. Numerical\ncalculations show that lc=l, when the rotating charged\npions are in the ground state. In particular, the results\nshow that rotation has a certain catalytic effect in a mag-\nnetic field. This allows the non-interacting charged pions\nto form a single giant quantum vortex with a winding\nnumber lc≫1 induced by PRM.\nIn the following, we turn our attention to the system\nof interacting charged pion fields ( g̸= 0, see the rows 2-4\nin FIG. 2). We find that the formation of vortex lattices\nresults from conditions of small rotation and strong cou-\npling constant. In a uniform magnetic field, the possible\nreason for the formation of vortex lattices is to trigger\nelectrical superconductivity to adapt to the combined ef-\nfects of interaction and rotation. The number of vortex\nlattices reflects the weight of free charged pion states with\ndifferent l. It can generally be represented by the values\nof the non-vanishing parameters cnlin (25). For exam-ple, when g= 0.1 and Ω R= 0.1 (i.e., the subfigure in\nthe third row and first column in FIG. 2), there are two\nrings of vortex lattices in the ground state. The non-\nvanishing parameters cnlarec0l= (0.144,0.516,0.835)\nforl= (0,2,11), respectively. In this quantum vortex\nstructure, it is shown that there are two vortex lattices\nin the inner ring, nine vortex lattices in the outer ring\nand the total number is eleven. This result accurately\nshows that the maximum lcontained in the ground state\nis the total number of vortex lattices. In particular, the\nfeatures of other subfigures in FIG. 2 are similar.\nLarge rotation and weak coupling constant are more\nlikely to cause the vortex lattices to be destroyed and\nform a new single giant quantum vortex. As the Ω R\ncontinues to increase, more charged pions are condensed\non the edge of the disc to form a doughnut-like struc-\nture. This change demonstrates that the larger rota-\ntion destroys the equilibrium state initially formed in the\ncondensates, prompting the transformation of multiple\nvortex lattices into a single giant quantum vortex state.\nThe reason for this transformation process is probably\nthe effect of centrifugal force caused by large rotation.\nAnd the single giant quantum vortex state has a certain\nwinding number lc. For example, when Ω R= 0.6 (see\nthe fourth column in FIG. 2), the winding numbers are\nlc= 24 ,24,24,23 for g= 0,0.01,0.1,0.3, respectively.\nHere, the small difference in the lcresults from the cou-\npling of adjacent energy levels due to the existence of an\ninteraction. At this point, the interaction effect is sig-\nnificantly smaller compared to rotation. Obviously, this\nsuggests that rotation and interaction form an entangle-\nment effect in the charged pion condensates.\nThe profile of the condensates may be even richer if we\nconsider dynamic electromagnetic fields. As we all know,\nthe rotation and magnetic field have similar effects. And\nthe effect of rotation applies not only to charged parti-\ncles, but also to neutral particles. For free charged pion\nfields, the rotation causes a change in the ground state of\nthe system from l= 0 to l=lc. This change is generally\nexpressed as an effective l-dependent chemical potential.\nFor interacting charged pion fields, the combined effect\nof rotation and magnetic field may produce more mean-\ningful ground state density distribution with the various\nvortex lattice structures. These provide us with a deeper\nunderstanding of the evolution of condensates induced by\nPRM. Of course, some signals of QGP and CME can also\nbe studied through the properties of vortex phase formed\nin the condensates. Therefore, it is of principal interest\nthat we look forward to more quantitative studies in the\nnext work.\nIV. SUMMARY\nIn PRM, we calculate the ground state density distri-\nbution of charged pions formed under a wider range of\ninteractions and rotational speeds. The method is based\non the relativistic complex scalar field model with a re-7\npulsive self-interaction and then solved by variational cal-\nculations. We conclude that a certain number of vortex\nlattices are found in the condensates under conditions of\nsmall rotation and strong coupling constant.\nOur calculation results show that for free charged pion\nfields, the condensate always tends to angular quantum\nnumber l≥0 modes. And as the rotational angular\nvelocity Ω increases, the corresponding lof the ground\nstate increases. This indicates that Ω lin the rotating\nsystem plays the role of an effective l-dependent chemi-\ncal potential. For interacting charged pion fields, we find\nthat as coupling constant increases, the vortex lattices\nare generated in the ground state of charged pions. In\nthis case, this mechanism can be thought of as electrical\nsuperconductivity. These vortex lattices are created to\nbetter adapt to changes in rotation and interaction. Un-\nder conditions of large rotation and weak coupling con-\nstant, the vortex lattices inside disc tends to be destroyed\nand more pions condense on the edge of the disc to form\na doughnut-like structure. This phenomenon is similar to\nthe condensate of free charged pions in a finite-size cylin-\nder system with a large rotation, and the reason can be\nconsidered to be the result of centrifugal force. Moreover,these vortex structures are theoretically observable.\nFinally, a natural extension of the present paper will be\na more self-consistent and realistic research of the profile\nof charged pion condensates (i.e., the condensed distribu-\ntion under dynamic electromagnetic fields, the pion su-\nperfluid in non-central heavy-ion collisions), which may\nlead to more discussions about the features of the RBECs\nin a finite-size rotating system. We hope the measure-\nment of multipion correlations can help us to check the\nformation and evolution of quantum vortex phases in the\ncharged pion condensates under parallel magnetic field\nand rotation.\nACKNOWLEDGMENTS\nThe authors would like to thank Fan Wu for helpful\ncomments and discussions. This work was supported\nby the Scientific Research Foundation of Chengdu Uni-\nversity of Technology under grant No.10912-KYQD2022-\n09557.\n[1] M. Anderson, J. Ensher, M. Matthews, C. Wieman, and\nE. Cornell, Observation of Bose-Einstein condensation in\na dilute atomic vapor, Science 269, 198 (1995).\n[2] C. C. Bradley, C. A. Sackett, J. J. Tollett, and R. G.\nHulet, Evidence of bose-einstein condensation in an\natomic gas with attractive interactions, Phys. Rev. Lett.\n75, 1687 (1995).\n[3] A. Tononi and L. Salasnich, Bose-einstein condensation\non the surface of a sphere, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 160403\n(2019).\n[4] M. R. Matthews, B. P. Anderson, P. C. Haljan, D. S.\nHall, C. E. 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These models\nfor “item-level heterogeneous treatment effects” (IL-HTE) can provide more accurate\nstatistical inference, allow researchers to better generalize their results, and resolve\ncritical identification problems in the estimation of interaction effects. In this study, we\nextend the IL-HTE model to polytomous data and apply the model to determine how\nthe effect of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) on depression varies across\nthe items on a depression rating scale.\nMethods: We first conduct a Monte Carlo simulation study to assess the performance\nof the polytomous IL-HTE model under a range of conditions. We then apply the\nIL-HTE model to item-level data from 28 RCTs measuring the effect of SSRIs on de-\npression using the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS-17) and estimate\npotential heterogeneity by subscale (HDRS-6).\nResults: Our results show that the IL-HTE model provides more accurate statistical\ninference, allows for generalizability of results to out-of-sample items, and resolves iden-\ntification problems in the estimation of interaction effects. Our empirical application\nshows that while the average effect of SSRIs on depression is beneficial (i.e., negative)\nand statistically significant, there is substantial IL-HTE, with estimates of the standard\ndeviation of item-level effects nearly as large as the average effect. We show that this\nsubstantial IL-HTE is driven primarily by systematically larger effects on the HDRS-6\nsubscale items.\n1arXiv:2402.04487v1 [stat.ME] 7 Feb 2024Conclusions: The IL-HTE model has the potential to provide new insights for the\ninference, generalizability, and identification of treatment effects in clinical trials using\npatient reported outcome measures.\nKeywords : causal inference, heterogeneous treatment effects, item response theory,\ndepression, SSRIs\n21 Introduction\nHeterogeneous treatment effects (HTE) are crucial for epidemiological research and public\nhealth policy because understanding for whom and under what conditions a medical treatment\nworks allows policy makers to best target treatments to populations or subgroups that would\nmost benefit (Beghi et al., 2011; Cordero & Dans, 2021; Kent et al., 2016; Lesko et al., 2018;\nRobertson et al., 2021; Varadhan et al., 2013). One limitation of standard statistical methods\nfor HTE analysis is that they focus on person characteristics (e.g., age, gender, etc.) and\nmay ignore the potential HTE that exists among the items used to measure a latent variable\nof interest. That is, many outcomes relevant to clinical trials or epidemiological research\ncan only be assessed indirectly through multi-item surveys or psychometric instruments,\nsuch as patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) for well-being (McEvoy et al., 2011),\ndepression (Hieronymus et al., 2019; Sajobi et al., 2023), perceptions of hearing loss (Jessen\net al., 2018), pain (Dworkin et al., 2009), or recovery after childbirth (Sultan et al., 2020,\n2021), in contrast to simple biometric measures that can be measured to arbitrary levels of\nprecision and captured in a single number (e.g., height, weight, blood pressure, mortality,\netc.). Therefore, when we use a PROM to construct a sum or factor score to serve as an\noutcome measure in clinical trials or epidemiological studies, we may be ignoring potential\nHTE that exists among the individual items of the PROM. As a result, our understanding of\nthe consistency or generalizability of treatment effects may be limited (Ahmed et al., 2023;\nGilbert, Kim, & Miratrix, 2023; Sales et al., 2021), and—when there is interest in treatment\nby baseline covariate interactions—create causal identification challenges that can only be\nresolved by leveraging item-level data (Gilbert, Miratrix, et al., 2023).\nTo address these limitations, recent work applies techniques from Item Response Theory\n(IRT; Van der Linden, 2017) to allow for the assessment of treatment effects that vary at\nthe outcome item level (Ahmed et al., 2023; Gilbert, Kim, & Miratrix, 2023; Sales et al.,\n2021). These techniques allow us to determine whether treatment effects are consistent and\n1impact all PROM items equally or, alternatively, vary across the items within the PROM. To\nour knowledge, however, the “item-level heterogeneous treatment effects” (IL-HTE) model\nhas not yet been applied beyond standardized tests in education research; clinical trial or\nepidemiological studies that similarly rely on latent variable outcomes such as PROMs may\nalso benefit from such approaches. Our work therefore builds on the previous interest in the\naffordances of item-level analysis in clinical trials and epidemiological research (Andresen\net al., 2013; Barger, 2023; Chan et al., 2004; Grayson et al., 2000; Hieronymus et al., 2019;\nJones, 2019).\nOur study pursues two aims. First, we apply the IL-HTE model to polytomous item\nresponse data, thereby extending past analyses limited to dichotomous (i.e., correct vs.\nincorrect) item responses. Polytomous data is of interest in epidemiological settings given\nthe widespread use of, for example, Likert scales (Capuano et al., 2016; Esterman, 2003).\nSecond, we apply the IL-HTE model to a clinical trial context using item-level data from a\nset of 28 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating the effect of SSRIs on the 17-item\nHamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS-17). The study is organized as follows. In Section\n1.1, we contextualize the IL-HTE model within the broader context of HTE analysis, for both\ndichotomous and polytomous responses. In Section 2, we describe our Monte Carlo simulation\ndesign and our empirical data. In Section 3, we present the results of the simulation and the\nresults of our models fit to the empirical data. We conclude in Section 4 with a discussion of\nthe implications of our findings for HTE analysis in clinical trials and epidemiology.\n1.1 Estimating Heterogeneous Treatment Effects\nConsider the following standard regression model for HTE:\nYj=β0+β1Tj+β2Xj+β3Tj×Xj+ej (1)\nej∼N(0, σθ), (2)\n2in which Yjis the outcome variable for individual j,Tjis a dichotomous indicator for\nrandomized treatment assignment, and Xjis a person characteristic (e.g., age, gender, etc.).\nβ1is the conditional average treatment effect (CATE) when X= 0,β2is the main effect of\nXwhen T= 0, and β3is our HTE parameter, capturing how the CATE depends on the\nlevel of X. When β3= 0, the ATE is constant across all level of X; when β3>0, the ATE\nis larger at higher levels of X. A concrete example of such a model in epidemiology would\nbe how the effect of COVID vaccinations ( T) on mortality ( Y) varies by patient age ( X)\n(Collier et al., 2021; Faro-Viana et al., 2022).\nWhen Yjis a latent outcome such as a PROM, such as a depression rating scale with\nmultiple items reflecting various symptoms of depression, the treatment may differentially\naffects individual symptoms or symptom clusters represented by the individual items of\nthe PROM. The standard HTE model above represents one extreme based on analysis of\na single number such as the sum score as the outcome (a common practice; Flake et al.,\n2017; McNeish and Wolf, 2020) that ignores all such differentiation. On the other extreme,\nresearchers could analyze treatment effects on each item separately, but this approach is\ndifficult to interpret and suffers from multiple comparisons problems, particularly when the\nnumber of items is large. As a compromise, researchers examine effects on subscales or item\nclusters, but this approach requires an a priori specification of which subscales to evaluate\nand the assumption that within each subscale, the item effects are constant (Gilbert, 2023b),\nand as such is somewhat ad hoc.\nAn elegant solution that leverages the PROM item responses directly and thus makes use\nof all available information without the need to compute total or subscale scores in a separate\nstep of the analysis is the Explanatory Item Response Model (EIRM) (De Boeck et al., 2016;\nPetscher et al., 2020; Wilson & De Boeck, 2004; Wilson et al., 2008). For example, when\nitems are dichotomous (e.g., 0 = symptom absence, 1 = symptom presence), we can use a\n3cross-classified logistic regression model with a main effect for treatment, such as,\nlogit( Yij= 1) = ηij=θj+bi (3)\nθj=β0+β1Tj+ej (4)\nbi=bi (5)\nbi∼N(0, σb) (6)\nej∼N(0, σθ), (7)\nwhere Yijis the response of person jto item i,θjis the unobserved or latent person trait (e.g.,\ndepression), and biis item location (i.e., “easiness” in educational measurement). The EIRM\nis equivalent to a one-parameter logistic (1PL) or Rasch IRT model when the item location\nparameters are considered fixed (De Boeck, 2008). β1represents the ATE, but estimated\ndirectly on the latent trait θjwithout the need to compute a sum or factor score to be used\nas an outcome in a two-step analysis (Christensen, 2006; Gilbert, 2023a, 2023b, 2024; Gilbert,\nKim, & Miratrix, 2023; Zwinderman, 1991). Even without considering the possibility of\nIL-HTE, the EIRM still provides some benefits over a sum score analysis as it can be more\nrobust to violations of model assumptions such as heteroskedasticity or missing data (Gilbert,\n2024) and can provide unbiased estimates of standardized effect sizes that are attenuated by\nmeasurement error (Gilbert, 2023a; Hedges, 1981).\nWe can allow for IL-HTE by introducing a random interaction between treatment and\nitem in a random slope term in the equation for bij, where the added subscript jallows for\nseparate bparameters for each treatment group (Ahmed et al., 2023; Gilbert, 2023b; Gilbert,\nKim, & Miratrix, 2023; Gilbert, Miratrix, et al., 2023; Sales et al., 2021):\n4logit( Yij= 1) = ηij=θj+bij (8)\nθj=β0+β1Tj+ej (9)\nbij=bi+ζiTj (10)\n\nbi\nζi\n∼N(0,\nσbρ\nρ σ ζ\n) (11)\nej∼N(0, σθ). (12)\nHere, β1still represents the ATE on the latent trait θj, but now for the average item on\nthe scale. Item-specific residual treatment effects are represented by ζi, the item-specific\ndeviation from β1. Ifζi>0, then item iis more affected by treatment than the average item.\nTheζiare equivalent to uniform differential item function (DIF) caused by the treatment\n(Gilbert, Kim, & Miratrix, 2023; Montoya & Jeon, 2020). σζprovides a direct parameter\nestimate for the degree of IL-HTE in the data by providing the standard deviation (SD) of\nthe item-specific treatment effects around the ATE β1andρindexes the correlation between\nitem location and item-specific treatment effect size. That is, if ρ >0, then items representing\nmore commonly endorsed symptoms show systematically larger or smaller treatment effects.\nρmay be of interest in itself (Gilbert, Kim, & Miratrix, 2023, pp. 893-894), but is perhaps\nmost critical in that ρ̸= 0 can create a causal identification problem. That is, ρ̸= 0 can\ninduce spurious treatment by baseline covariate interaction effects that can only be resolved\nwith item-level analysis (Gilbert, Miratrix, et al., 2023), a result with critical implications for\nthe analysis of HTE that we will return to in our simulations, particularly given the great\ninterest in HTE by baseline severity in depression treatments (Fournier et al., 2010; Kirsch\net al., 2008). A directed acyclic graph (DAG) (Glymour, 2006; Greenland et al., 1999; Joffe\net al., 2012; Tennant et al., 2021) representation of the IL-HTE model is presented in Figure\n1.\n5Figure 1: Directed Acyclic Graph of the IL-HTE Model\nNotes: Squares indicate observed variables, hollow circles indicate latent variables, and solid circles represent\ncross product interaction terms. Inare item responses and Tjis the treatment indicator. β1represents the\naverage treatment effect. ρrepresents the correlation between item location and item-specific treatment effect\nsize. Path coefficients are fixed at 1 unless otherwise indicated.\n6A large value of σζsuggests that there is substantial IL-HTE in the data. We can test\nwhether item features can explain the IL-HTE by interacting item properties (e.g., item\nsubscale, item type, item modality, etc.) with the treatment indicator to explain some of the\nIL-HTE. For example, we can extend Eqn. 10 as follows:\nθj=β0+β1Tj+ej (13)\nbij=bi+γ1Si+γ2Si×Tj+ζiTj. (14)\nHere, Siis an indicator for whether item iis part of subscale S. Accordingly, β1represents\nthe CATE for items in the reference set (assumed here to be impacting θjdirectly), γ1is\na main effect for item location, and γ2provides the difference in the CATE for items on\nsubscale S. For example, education researchers have used the subscale effects IL-HTE model\nto look at treatment effects on items related to different reading comprehension passages\n(Gilbert, 2023b; Gilbert, Kim, & Miratrix, 2023; J. S. Kim et al., 2023).\nApplication of the EIRM to polytomous responses is less common, but it is straightforward\nto extend the IL-HTE model to polytomous data. In short, we can leverage the computational\nmachinery of binary logistic regression to fit polytomous models by reshaping the data to\nrepresent pairwise contrasts between the ordered response categories. We then fit a logistic\nregression model that includes fixed effects for item threshold parameters representing the\nboundaries between each cut point on the scale (Bulut et al., 2021). If we assume that\nthe distances between thresholds are equal across items, the result is a Rating Scale Model\n(RSM). In contrast, if we assume that each item has a unique distance between each threshold,\nthe result is a Partial Credit Model (PCM). While such models are typically implemented\nwith fixed item and threshold parameters, they can be extended to the random item case\nthat better allows for IL-HTE modeling (J. Kim & Wilson, 2020). For readers interested\nin applying these models to their own data sets, our references provide various tutorials in\n7the R programming language: the general EIRM for dichotomous items (De Boeck et al.,\n2011), extending the EIRM to polytomous items (Bulut et al., 2021), the IL-HTE model for\ndichotomous items (Gilbert, 2023b), and a Bayesian approach that allows for extensions such\nas 2PL models or the Graded Response Model (GRM) (B¨ urkner, 2021; Gilbert, 2023b).\n2 Methods\n2.1 Monte Carlo Simulation\nWe use Monte Carlo simulation to examine the performance of the IL-HTE model applied\nto polytomous item responses. Previous simulation studies of the IL-HTE model using\ndichotomous item responses have demonstrated two key results. First, in terms of statistical\ninference, they show that substantial IL-HTE inflates the standard error of the ATE ( SE(ˆβ1))\nbut does not cause bias (Gilbert, Kim, & Miratrix, 2023). Second, in terms of causal\nidentification, they show that the correlation ρbetween item location biand item-specific\ntreatment effect size ζiinduces spurious treatment by covariate interaction effects, which is\ncritical because it suggests that standard HTE analysis of composite outcomes (e.g., Eqn.\n1) can be misleading (Gilbert, Miratrix, et al., 2023). We hypothesize that same pattern\nof results will apply to polytomous data, because ordered logit models are approximately\ninvariant to the collapsing of response categories (Steele, 2011, p. 13).\nWe simulate polytomous item responses from the RSM and fit each model with the glmer\nfunction from the lme4 package in R with fixed item thresholds and random item location\nparameters (Bulut et al., 2021; De Boeck et al., 2011; Gilbert, 2023b; J. Kim & Wilson,\n2020). We fit two sets of simulations, one to examine the effect of IL-HTE on ATEs and\nassociated SEs (i.e., replicating and extending Gilbert, Kim, and Miratrix, 2023), and the\nother to examine the effect of ρon treatment by covariate interaction effects (i.e., replicating\nand extending Gilbert, Miratrix, et al., 2023). We fix the following parameters across our\n8simulations: 500 patients, 20 items, an ATE of .20 on the logit scale, σb= 1,σθ=.5, and a\nbaseline covariate with a coefficient of 1.\nIn our first set of simulations, we vary the following factors in a fully crossed 3x3 design:\nthe number of categories kat 3, 5, 7 and σζat 0, .2, .4 SDs representing no, moderate,\nand large IL-HTE. We fit two models to each simulated data set, one assuming constant\ntreatment effects, the other allowing for IL-HTE. In our second set of simulations, we fix\nk= 3 and σζ=.4 and vary ρfrom -1 to 1 in increments of .25 to determine how an estimated\ntreatment by baseline covariate interaction becomes biased when we assume a constant effects\nmodel. We fit two models to each simulated data set, one allowing for a treatment by baseline\ncovariate interaction but constant item effects, the other allowing for both the interaction\nand IL-HTE. We repeat the process 200 times per condition.\n2.2 Empirical Application\n2.2.1 The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS)\nThe Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) has been the de facto“gold standard” in\nantidepressant research for over half a century (Ruh´ e et al., 2005). The HDRS has its origins\nin the 1950s in England and has since been applied worldwide (Hamilton, 1960; Obeid et al.,\n2018). The most commonly used version of the HDRS (which we use here) consists of 17\npolytomous (3- and 5-category) items (Williams, 2001) (HDRS-17).\nThere is a long history of psychometric analysis of the HDRS-17 and derivative measures,\nincluding questioning its psychometric properties (Bagby et al., 2004) or focusing on the\ndimensionality and applying various techniques aimed at distinguishing an HDRS subscale\nwhich can function as a unidimensional measure of depressive severity across different\npopulations and treatments (Bech et al., 1975; Bech et al., 1981; Gibbons et al., 1993). Prior\nanalyses of item-level HDRS data include the reliability of subscales or items (Luckenbaugh\net al., 2015), treatment heterogeneity by baseline depression severity (Hieronymus et al.,\n9Table 1: HDRS-17 Items\nItem Number Subject HDRS-6 Item Range\n1 Depressed Mood Yes 0-4\n2 Feelings of Guilt Yes 0-4\n3 Suicide 0-4\n4 Insomnia: Early Night 0-2\n5 Insomnia: Middle Night 0-2\n6 Insomnia: Early Morning 0-2\n7 Work and Activities Yes 0-4\n8 Retardation Yes 0-4\n9 Agitation 0-4\n10 Anxiety: Psychic Yes 0-4\n11 Anxiety: Somatic 0-4\n12 Gastro-Intestinal Symptoms 0-2\n13 General Somatic Symptoms Yes 0-2\n14 Genital Symptoms 0-2\n15 Hypochondriasis 0-4\n16 Loss of Weight 0-2\n17 Insight 0-2\n2019), the properties of the unidimensional HDRS-6 subscale (also known as the Bech or\nmelancholia subscale; items 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 13) (Bech et al., 1981; Park et al., 2017; Rush et al.,\n2021), and patterns of treatment effects when individual items or subscales are analyzed\nseparately (Hieronymus et al., 2015). We emphasize that our analysis of the HDRS-17 data\nis intended to be illustrative of the affordances of the IL-HTE model rather than a definitive\nanalysis of the measurement properties of the HDRS-17 scale. The HDRS-17 items are\nsummarized in Table 1.\n2.2.2 Data\nFor our empirical application, we use a subset of data from a prior study that evaluated the\neffects of SSRIs on depression measured with the HDRS-17 (Hieronymus et al., 2019). Our\nsample is comprised of data from 28 RCTs comparing acute-phase SSRI treatment to placebo\nin patients diagnosed with depression. 8262 participants were included in the studies and\nin this analysis we focus on those 5313 patients who had HDRS-17 data available after six\n10Table 2: Taxonomy of EIRMs fit to the SSRI Data\nLabel Model Treatment Effect\n1A 1PL Constant TE\n1B 1PL Randomly Varying IL-HTE\n1C 1PL Subscale Effects IL-HTE\n2A RSM Constant TE\n2B RSM Randomly Varying IL-HTE\n2C RSM Subscale Effects IL-HTE\nNotes: 1PL = One-parameter logistic. RSM = Rating Scale Model. EIRM = Explanatory Item Response\nModel.\nweeks of treatment (i.e., excluding patients who dropped out of treatment due to e.g., adverse\nevents or lack of efficacy; for further details see Hieronymus et al., 2015; Hieronymus et al.,\n2019). In total 90313 person-item combinations were included. There were 8 missing item\nresponses; one affordance of the EIRM approach is that it employs Maximum Likelihood for\nmissing item response data (Gilbert, 2024). We included baseline HDRS-17 sum scores as a\ncovariate to improve the precision of our estimates.\n2.2.3 Model Building Strategy\nWe fit a taxonomy of six primary models, summarized in Table 2. Models 1A, 1B, and 1C use\ndichotomized item responses in a 1PL or Rasch model, where 0 indicates symptom absence\nand 1 indicates symptom presence. We begin with this simpler dichotomous model to provide\na baseline for interpretation and build on past work of the IL-HTE model of dichotomous\nitems, and to determine how sensitive the results are to dichotomization. Models 2A, 2B,\nand 2C are RSMs that account for the polytomous data, using fixed effects for average item\nthresholds with random uniform item location shifts. Models 1A and 2A allow for a constant\ntreatment effect and provide a baseline for comparison (Eqn. 3). Models 1B and 2B allow for\nrandomly varying IL-HTE by including a random slope for treatment at the item level (Eqn.\n8). Models 1C and 2C add a main effect and interaction for the HDRS-6 subscale items (Eqn.\n13) to determine whether treatment effects systematically vary by subscale.\n11We also examined two additional modeling strategies to probe the sensitivity of our results.\nFirst, to examine how ρcan induce spurious interaction effects, we fit an additional set of\nmodels interacting treatment status with baseline depression to determine how sensitive\nthe model is to the inclusion or exclusion of ρ. Second, while the RSM is not typically\napplied when items have different numbers of response categories, we determined it would\nbe appropriate in our case because item responses with ratings of 4 or 5 were (a) quite rare\nin our sample (see online supplemental materials) and (b) represented a qualitatively more\nextreme range of symptoms than the 3-category items. In our online supplement, we fit the\nmore flexible PCM that allows for separate thresholds for each item and show that the results\nof our analysis are unchanged.\n3 Results\n3.1 Monte Carlo Simulation\nOur simulation results replicate past findings from the dichotomous IL-HTE model in the\npolytomous setting (Gilbert, Kim, & Miratrix, 2023). That is, in terms of statistical inference,\nIL-HTE does not cause bias in treatment effect point estimates but IL-HTE vastly inflates\nthe SE of the ATE β1. Figure 2 shows the distribution of bias by condition and we see\nthat the degree of bias is small across all conditions and does not vary by constant effects\nor IL-HTE model. While there is a slight negative bias in both models and at all levels of\nIL-HTE as the number of response categories increases, the absolute magnitude of the bias\nis small, and additional simulations in our online supplement show that the magnitude of\nthe bias approaches 0 as the number of items increases. Figure 3 shows the calibration of\nthe SEs of the model by plotting the mean model-based SE against the observed SD of the\ntreatment effect point estimates (i.e., the empirical SE). A ratio of 100% indicates the mean\nmodel-based SE is equivalent to the empirical SE. We clearly see that as IL-HTE increases,\nthe constant TE model SEs are systematically far too low, at about 50% of their true values.\n12In contrast, the SEs of the IL-HTE model are much better calibrated regardless of the level\nof IL-HTE in the data, an important result for accurate statistical inference.\nThe inflation of SEs occurs because IL-HTE accounts for an additional source of uncertainty\nin the estimation of the ATE. That is, if there is IL-HTE in the population of items from\nwhich a PROM is constructed, any finite draw of items for a PROM administration will have\na sample ATE that varies from the population ATE due to sampling error. The random\nslope variance of the IL-HTE model ( σζ) accounts for this source of uncertainty and provides\nadjusted estimates of the SE of the treatment effect, whereas the constant effects model\nprovides uncertainty consistent with the set of realized items treated as fixed (Gilbert, Kim,\n& Miratrix, 2023; Miratrix et al., 2021). The implication of this result is that researchers\nmay be vastly overestimating their precision when they assume a constant effect model and\nintend to generalize their results to a latent trait that could have been measured with an\nalternative set of items.\nOur second set of simulations examines the impact of ρon treatment by baseline covariate\ninteractions also confirms previous simulation findings from dichotomous items (Gilbert,\nMiratrix, et al., 2023). That is, ρinduces a spurious interaction between treatment and\nbaseline variables. Figure 4 shows the bias in an estimated baseline by treatment interaction\nterm (the true data-generating value is zero), and we see that high magnitudes of ρ, both\npositive and negative, induce a substantial bias in the estimated treatment by baseline\ninteraction term in the constant effects model. In contrast, the IL-HTE model that allows for\nρsuccessfully eliminates this bias. This result suggests that treatment by baseline covariate\ninteraction effects estimated on PROMs should be interpreted cautiously when item-level\ndata is not available (B. W. Domingue et al., 2022; Gilbert, Miratrix, et al., 2023).\n3.2 Empirical Application\nModel results are presented in Table 3. In Models 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B, we see a negative ATE\nof SSRIs on depression. That is, patients randomly assigned to the SSRI condition reported\n13Figure 2: Estimated Bias of Treatment Main Effect by Simulation Condition\n3 5 7\n0 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 0.4−\nSD of Treatment EffectsBias\nModel Constant TE IL−HTE\nNotes: Each panel presents a different number of response categories k.\nsubstantial reductions in depression symptoms compared to patients assigned to the placebo\ncondition, at about -.25 units on the logit scale ( p < . 001). The 1PL and RSM provide similar\nresults in terms of magnitude and statistical significance, though the z-statistics are slightly\nlarger in the RSM, consistent with the polytomous items providing more information than\nthe dichotomized items (Steele, 2011).\n14Figure 3: Estimated Standard Error Calibration of Treatment Main Effect by Simulation\nCondition\n3 5 7\n0 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 0.46080100\nSD of Treatment EffectsRelative SE (%)\nmodel Constant TE IL−HTE\nNotes: Each panel presents a different number of response categories k. A value of 100% indicates that the\nmodel-based SE was equivalent to the empirical SE, on average.\n15Figure 4: Estimated Bias in Treatment by Baseline Interaction Term\n−0.10−\n−1 −0.75 −0.5 −0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1\nItem Location−Treatment Effect CorrelationMean Bias\nModel Constant TE IL−HTE\n16Table 3: EIRMs fit to the SSRI Data\nM1A M1B M1C M2A M2B M2C\n1 = SSRI −.272∗∗∗−.274∗∗∗−.136∗−.224∗∗∗−.204∗∗∗−.111∗\n(.036) ( .071) ( .062) ( .027) ( .052) ( .050)\nBaseline Depression (Std.) .279∗∗∗.280∗∗∗.280∗∗∗.200∗∗∗.201∗∗∗.201∗∗∗\n(.017) ( .017) ( .017) ( .012) ( .012) ( .012)\n1 = HDRS6 Item 1 .840∗∗∗1.328∗∗∗\n(.489) ( .376)\nSSRI x HDRS6 −.398∗∗∗−.265∗∗∗\n(.091) ( .072)\nThreshold 2 −.764∗∗∗−.772∗∗∗−.772∗∗∗\n(.016) ( .016) ( .016)\nThreshold 3 −2.618∗∗∗−2.642∗∗∗−2.642∗∗∗\n(.029) ( .029) ( .029)\nThreshold 4 −3.818∗∗∗−3.870∗∗∗−3.872∗∗∗\n(.075) ( .076) ( .076)\nAIC 99389 .193 99251 .523 99237 .694 146967 .819 146838 .173 146827 .259\nBIC 99436 .249 99317 .400 99322 .393 147046 .163 146936 .103 146944 .775\nLog Likelihood −49689 .597−49618 .762−49609 .847−73475 .910−73409 .086−73401 .629\nNum. obs. 90313 90313 90313 132326 132326 132326\nNum. groups: PID 5313 5313 5313 5313 5313 5313\nNum. groups: itemID 17 17 17 17 17 17\nVar: PID (Intercept) 1 .119 1 .127 1 .128 .562 .571 .570\nVar: itemID (Intercept) 1 .445 1 .678 .898 .867 .985 .549\nVar: itemID SSRI .064 .026 .034 .017\nCov: itemID (Intercept) SSRI −.183 −.010 −.090 −.004\n∗∗∗p <0.001;∗∗p <0.01;∗p <0.05\nNotes: PID = Person identifier. itemID = item identifier.\n17Comparing the constant treatment effect models (1A, 2A) to the IL-HTE models (1B,\n2B), we see substantial IL-HTE in the data, with large increases to the log likelihood for the\nIL-HTE models and σζ=.25 for the 1PL model and .18 for the RSM, SDs nearly as large as\nthe point estimates for the ATEs themselves. Accordingly, we can see that SE(ˆβ1) nearly\ndoubles in both cases, capturing the added uncertainty of which items were selected for the\nHDRS-17 from the population of potential items that could have been selected. In other\nwords, the estimated treatment effect of SSRIs on depression measured with a different set\nof items from those that could have been selected might be quite different than what was\nobserved on these items. The approximate doubling of SE(ˆβ1) is equivalent to reducing the\neffective sample size by a factor of four.\nAn intuitive way to interpret the IL-HTE parameter σζis as a measure of generalizability.\nThat is, we can calculate a 95% prediction interval (PI) for a range of item-specific treatment\neffects on out-of-sample depression items (i.e., items that are similar to those on the HDRS-17),\nusing the formula PI=ˆβ1±1.96q\nσ2\nζ+V ar(ˆβ1)(Borenstein et al., 2009, p. 130). Applied\nto Models 1B and 2B, we see that,\nPIM1B=−.274±1.96√\n.064 + .005 (15)\n=−.274±.515 (16)\n= [−.789, .241] (17)\nPIM2B=−.204±1.96√\n.034 + .003 (18)\n=−.204±.377 (19)\n= [−.581, .173], (20)\nwhich suggests that treatment effects on items measuring other symptoms that could reason-\nably be included in a depression rating scale could show anywhere from large negative effects\n18of SSRIs to moderate positive effects (i.e., be made worse by SSRIs), a key finding for the\ngeneralizability of SSRI effects on PROMs.\nThe correlation between item location and treatment effect size of about ρ=−.5 in\nModels 1B and 2B suggests that the most commonly endorsed symptoms saw the largest\n(negative) effects, as displayed in Figure 5, which plots empirical Bayes estimates of item-\nspecific treatment effects ( β1+ζi, y-axis) against item location in the control group ( bi,\nx-axis). As discussed earlier, ρcan create causal identification challenges by inducing spurious\ninteraction effects when not appropriately modeled, as shown in our simulation results in\nFigure 4. We examine this phenomenon in our online supplement by fitting additional models\nthat allow for a baseline depression by SSRI interaction, and see that the inclusion of ρin the\nmodel shifts the point estimate of the interaction effect, in line with our simulation results\nand prior research. However, the shift in the estimated interaction term in our data set is\nnot large in magnitude, changing from -.015 in the constant effects model to -.024 in the\nIL-HTE model, and neither is statistically significant. Figure 5 also highlights the HDRS-6\nitems, and it appears that the treatment effects on the HDRS-6 subscale are systematically\nlarger than treatment effects on the 11 remaining items, and that the negative correlation\nmay be partially or entirely driven by the larger effects on the HDRS-6 subscale.\nModels 1B and 2B show substantial IL-HTE and make appropriate adjustments to our\nSEs, and as such are preferable to Models 1A and 2A. However, with such a large value of\nσζ, a natural question is what item characteristics might explain this IL-HTE. Accordingly,\nModels 1C and 2C include HDRS-6 subscale by SSRI interaction effects to allow the treatment\neffect to systematically differ between the HDRS-6 items and the remaining 11 items (Gilbert,\n2023b; Gilbert, Kim, & Miratrix, 2023; J. S. Kim et al., 2023). Both models confirm\nthat treatment effects on HDRS-6 items are systematically larger than the other 11 items\n(βRSM=−.265, p < . 001). The main effect of treatment on the remaining 11 items is negative\nand statistically significant, though much reduced in magnitude ( βRSM=−.111, p < . 05).\nThese results are in line with prior analysis of differential effects when each subscale is\n19Figure 5: Correlation between Item Location and Item-Specific Treatment Effect Size\n1716\n12\n315\n89\n4\n65\n214\n11\n13\n107\n1−0.6−0.4−0.20.0\n−2 −1 0 1\nItem LocationItem−Specific Treatment Effect (Logits)\nHDRS−6 Subscale Item aa01\nNotes: Empirical Bayes estimates for item-specific treatment effect ( β1+ζi) on item location ( bi) derived\nfrom Model 2B.\n20Figure 6: Conditional Average Treatment Effects of SSRIs on HDRS-6 Items and the\nRemaining 11 Items\nHDRS6 Non−HDRS6\n−2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 −2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0−2−1012\nBaseline Depression (Std.)Log Odds\ngroup 01\nNotes: Estimates derived from Model 2C. Group 1 is the SSRI treatment, Group 0 is placebo.\nconsidered separately (Hieronymus et al., 2019); one advantage of the IL-HTE model is\nthat we obtain a direct hypothesis test of differences in effect size by subscale in a single\nmodel. The results of Model 2C are displayed in Figure 6, which shows the fitted log-odds\nof exceeding the average category on an average item in each subscale (y-axis) by baseline\ndepression (x-axis) and treatment status (color). The CATE is represented by the vertical\ndistance between the fitted lines, and we can see that it is much larger for the HDRS-6 items.\nThe larger effects on the HDRS-6 subscale have important policy implications for clinical\ntrial evaluation and interpretation, because, “if researchers could somehow a priori select\nthose items known to be more sensitive to the treatment, they would obtain a larger measured\ntreatment impact as an artifact of the selected items, rather than a truly more effective\n21treatment” (Gilbert, Kim, & Miratrix, 2023, p. 895). In the context considered here,\nevaluations of SSRIs using HDRS-6 might appear to be more effective than those using the\nfull HDRS-17, not because the treatment is more effective on depression as a whole, but\nbecause the specific symptoms of depression assessed on the HDRS-6 subscale are more\nsensitive to SSRIs. Conversely, it is also the case that some symptoms that are common in\ndepression covary also with other psychiatric and somatic conditions, as well as with age and\nsex; insomnia being more common in old age, for example. In such cases one might expect\nsome “depressive symptoms” to persist after remission of the depressive episode because in\nsuch a case they are not causally related to the depression, but to an alternative explanation\n(e.g., added exogeneous causes of the item responses over and above ηijin Figure 1). That\nis, such symptoms may reflect some construct-irrelevant variance (Downing, 2002). Indeed,\nit is well known that symptomatic remission as measured by the HDRS-17 does not map\nparticularly well to patient-defined remission (in either direction) (Zimmerman, Martinez,\net al., 2012; Zimmerman, Martinez, et al., 2012); such an inference is similarly supported by\nour IL-HTE analysis.\nFinally, we can calculate an approximate R2of the proportion of IL-HTE explained by\nthe SSRI by HDRS-6 interaction effect comparing σ2\nζbetween models B and C. We see that\nthe SSRI by HDRS-6 interaction explains 59% percent of the IL-HTE in the 1PL model\nand 50% in the RSM, and that after accounting for the differential effects by subscale, our\nestimate of ρgoes nearly to 0, in line with Figure 5, suggesting that the majority of the\nIL-HTE in the data is explained by the differential subscale effects.\n4 Discussion\nModels for heterogeneous treatment effects (HTE) have typically focused on person charac-\nteristics as moderators of treatment efficacy. While valuable, such approaches may generate\nfalse positives given the inference, generalizability, and identification challenges that arise\n22when the outcome of interest is a latent variable such as a PROM constructed from a set of\nitems. In this study, we extend novel Item Response Theory methods to the estimation of\nitem-level HTE (IL-HTE) using an analysis of clinical trial data of the effects of SSRIs on\ndepression as measured by the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale as an illustration.\nAs such, our study represents an important contribution to epidemiological methodology,\nfrom both statistical and substantive perspectives.\nWhen IL-HTE is present in the data but ignored in the model, the standard errors of\ntreatment effects are underestimated, leading to spurious estimates of precision and potential\nfalse positives. For example, the near doubling of the SE of the treatment effect we observed\nin our empirical analysis is equivalent to a reduction in the sample size by a factor of four,\na finding with implications for both statistical inference generally and prospective power\nanalysis. The IL-HTE model better accounts for the uncertainty of which items were chosen\nfor the PROM and provides a metric for how generalizable our results might be if we were\nto use different items to assess treatment impact. Similarly, the ability to model subscale\neffects can provide insight as to which symptom clusters are most sensitive to treatment,\nallowing researchers to test explicit hypotheses about differential subscale effects. Furthermore,\ncorrelation between item location and item-specific treatment effect sizes can induce spurious\ninteractions between treatment and baseline characteristics that only item-level analysis\ncan appropriately identify. While spurious interactions did not emerge in our empirical\nillustration, it would be prudent to complement analyses that examine HTE by baseline\ncovariates by the kind of item-level analysis advocated here to ensure accurate identification\nof interaction effects. Even when HTE by baseline covariates is not of primary interest,\nnon-zero correlations will also create bias in the main effects of covariates, because the main\neffect in a model without interaction is an average of the effects in each subgroup, weighted\nby subgroup sample size.\nSubstantively, the application of the IL-HTE model to the placebo-controlled SSRI trials\nshowed substantial IL-HTE in the HDRS-17. Estimates of the standard deviation of item-\n23specific treatment effects were nearly as large as the point estimates for the average treatment\neffect themselves and standard errors nearly doubled when we accounted for IL-HTE in the\nmodel. Prediction intervals for out-of-sample items suggested that the impact of SSRIs could\nbe anywhere from slightly harmful to strongly beneficial. Such a fine-grained level of insight\non the extent of SSRI impact on depression would be masked by a traditional analysis of a\nsingle number summary outcome, such as a sum score.\nFurthermore, our analysis of subscale effects on the HDRS-6 items showed systematically\nhigher treatment effects on HDRS-6 than the other eleven items, a finding that has potentially\ncritical policy implications for how we judge the effectiveness of treatments using different\noutcome measures for the same underlying construct such as depression. The HDRS-6, which\nwas designed to be a unidimensional measure of depressive severity, was developed well before\nmodern SSRIs came to market and it is therefore unlikely that researchers developing the\nHDRS-6 would have chanced upon a collection of items that would in the future make SSRIs\nappear particularly effective (Bech et al., 1975; Bech et al., 1981), especially considering that\nall efforts aimed at developing unidimensional subscales have arrived at subscales that closely\nresemble the HDRS-6 (i.e., always including the items depressed mood, feelings of guilt, work\nand activities, and psychic anxiety) (Bagby et al., 2004). Nevertheless, the HTE by subscale\nhas important implications for the interpretation of HDRS-6 or other subscales as outcome\nmeasures given that it demonstrates the extent to which efficacy estimates are conditional on\nwhich rating instrument is applied (Luckenbaugh et al., 2015; Ruh´ e et al., 2005).\nIn the same vein, SSRIs—the antidepressant class examined in this study—have well-known\nside effects related to sexual dysfunction, decreased appetite, gastrointestinal complaints and\ninsomnia (Ferguson, 2001). These side effects, which are present also in healthy volunteers\n(Knorr et al., 2019), have been shown to correlate with ratings on corresponding HDRS items\nthereby introducing another way in which ratings of individual depressive symptoms may\ndiverge from the latent variable that they are intended to measure (Hieronymus et al., 2021).\nNotably, other antidepressants such as amitriptyline and mirtazapine have the opposite effects\n24in that they are hypnotics and increase appetite and could therefore potentially introduce\nthe opposite biases, that is, making them appear as more effective antidepressants when\nmeasured on a scale including many such items.\n4.1 Limitations\nClearly, IL-HTE has both statistical and substantive implications for the analysis of treatment\neffects in clinical trials and epidemiology, but we acknowledge the following four limitations of\nthe IL-HTE, building on the limitations described in prior research (Gilbert, Kim, & Miratrix,\n2023; Gilbert, Miratrix, et al., 2023). First, it is unknown how common IL-HTE is in clinical\ntrial or epidemiological PROMs data, and we leave this largely as an open question. Some\nsystematic evidence comes from education research, where an analysis of 15 RCTs showed\nsubstantial IL-HTE, including a case where 40% of the overall treatment effect was driven\nby a single test item (Ahmed et al., 2023). Therefore, future research using the IL-HTE\nmodel in other clinical trial or epidemiological contexts has the potential to shed light on\nhow widespread the IL-HTE phenomenon is in this field.\nSecond, estimating the IL-HTE model necessitates the availability of item-level data,\nwhich may not be available, particularly in secondary analyses. As such, one practical\nimplication of our results is that researchers should heed calls to share item-level outcome\ndata (B. Domingue & Kanopka, 2023), so that researchers and secondary analysts can evaluate\nthe extent of IL-HTE in a data set given the statistical and substantive insights allowed by\nIL-HTE analysis.\nThird, the use of latent variable models such as the EIRM may be more difficult to\ninterpret and justify to practitioners, particularly when coefficients are on the logit scale\n(Breen et al., 2018; Mood, 2010). One approach to improve communicability is to convert\nthe logit coefficients to standardized effect sizes by dividing the regression coefficient by the\nestimated standard deviation of the latent variable θj, a value that can be derived from model\nresults (Gilbert, Kim, & Miratrix, 2023, pp. 907-908).\n25Finally, the EIRM can be substantially more computationally demanding than alternative\nmodels such as OLS regression because the cross-classified multilevel structure of the item\nresponse data requires numerical integration approaches (Rabe-Hesketh & Skrondal, 2022)\nor Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods in Bayesian applications (B¨ urkner, 2021;\nGilbert, 2023b). Thus, when the number of items and persons is large, IL-HTE methods may\nbecome computationally prohibitive.\n4.2 Conclusion\nIn sum, applying measurement and psychometric principles to causal inference in epidemi-\nological and public health research provides a powerful opportunity anywhere multi-item\npatient-reported outcome measures are used to assess treatment impact. By using the IL-\nHTE model, both clinical and epidemiological researchers can gain more accurate statistical\ninference, better estimates of generalizability to new symptoms, and unbiased estimates of\ninteraction effects, all essential qualities for clinical trial and epidemiological research that\naims to inform public health policy.\n265 Declarations\nResearch Ethics\nNot applicable.\nInformed Consent\nNot applicable.\nAuthor Contributions\nConceptualization: Author 1, Author 4\nMethodology: Author 1, Author 4\nSoftware: Author 1\nFormal Analysis: Author 1, Author 2\nWriting—original draft preparation: Author 1\nWriting—review and editing: Author 1, Author 2, Author 3, Author 4\nCompeting Interests\nAuthors 1 and 4 report no conflicts of interest.\nAuthor 2 has received speaker’s fees from Janssen Pharmaceuticals in the last five years\nand is a board member of the Swedish Serotonin Society.\nAuthor 3 has received speaker’s fees from Janssen Pharmaceuticals in the last five years.\nResearch Funding\nThis work was funded in part by the Jacobs Foundation.\nData Availability\nThe data analyzed in this study are proprietary. 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The existence of\na stable soliton might endanger the convexity of the (free) energy as a function\nof the charge because the phase transition between the soliton and the extremal\nReissner-Nordstrom black hole would be discontinuous. We, however, argue that\nthe existence of the hairy black hole solution circumvents the violation of convexity.\nThe thermodynamic properties of the hairy black hole show that the phase transi-\ntion becomes continuous irrespective of whether the AdS weak gravity conjecture\nholds. When it holds, the phase transition occurs between the soliton and the hairy\nblack hole, and when it is violated, the phase transition occurs between the extremal\nReissner-Nordstrom black hole and the hairy black hole.arXiv:2402.04552v1 [hep-th] 7 Feb 20241 Introduction\nConvexity of the (free) energy is at the heart of thermodynamic stability [1]. Still, it\nis a non-trivial problem whether this is realized in statistical mechanics with a given\nmicroscopic Hamiltonian. While it is generically very difficult to verify the convexity, the\ngravitational system may admit explicit analysis because we can read the thermodynamic\nproperties from the classical solutions, circumventing microscopic statistical mechanical\ncomputations. For example, a Schwarzschild black hole in asymptotically flat spacetime or\na small Schwarzschild-AdS black hole shows negative specific heat, which means that the\nconvexity (as a function of temperature) is violated while the microscopic understanding\nof the violation as well as its implication would be quite challenging.\nIn this paper, we would like to focus on the convexity of the (lowest) energy as a\nfunction of the conserved charge. Again, in generic statistical mechanics, while we ex-\npect the convexity of the (free) energy as a function of charge from the thermodynamic\nstability, it is a highly non-trivial task to verify it in interacting systems. The gravita-\ntional benchmark would be an extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole, which does show\nconvexity.\nThe recent developments in theoretical physics, however, seem to suggest that the\n(extremal) Reissner-Nordstrom black hole is not the lowest energy state with a given\ncharge. The weak gravity conjecture [2], for example, states that it should be unstable\nin any consistent theory of quantum gravity (see e.g. [3] for review). Indeed, with (light)\ncharged matter, we observe its instability caused by various mechanisms such as classical\ninstability from superradiance or quantum tunneling (e.g. Schwinger effect). Then the\ntask of verifying the convexity requires a study of the onset of such instability and becomes\nmore involved, which we will undertake in this paper.\nIn terms of the AdS/CFT correspondence, the convexity of the global energy in the\nAdS space-time as a function of the charge is related to the charge convexity conjecture\nof the conformal dimensions in conformal field theories. This was first proposed in [4] and\nthen checked in many examples [5][6][7][8][9].1A counter-example in three-dimensional\nconformal field theories was found in [10], whose significance should be understood better.\n1The convexity and the superadditivity are closely related but they can differ. Strictly speaking, in\nthe original paper [4], the charge superadditivity is conjectured. See Appendix A for the connection. See\n[5] as well.\n1A closely related subject is the interpretation of the weak gravity conjecture in terms of\nconformal field theories [11]. We do have a general picture in many examples, but the\nprecise bound has not been established.\nIn this paper, we investigate solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell-charged scalar system\nwith an arbitrary mass for the scalar in asymptotically AdS spacetime. We find there ex-\nists a horizonless charged soliton solution, which may have a lower global energy than the\nextremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole. We constructed them in perturbative series in\nsmall charge, and they are generalizations of massless cases in five dimensions [12][13][14]\nto arbitrary dimensions with arbitrary mass.2See also charged solitons in four dimen-\nsions with and without scalar masses [15][16][17]. We first point out that the existence of\nsuch a charged soliton might endanger the convexity of the lowest energy as a function of\nthe charge because the phase transition between the soliton and the extremal Reissner-\nNordstrom black hole would be discontinuous.3We, however, argue that the convexity is\nrestored thanks to the existence of the hairy black hole solution. In particular, we show\nthat the existence of the hairy black hole makes the phase transition continuous.\nWhen the AdS weak gravity conjecture is satisfied by the scalar field, the soliton is\nlighter than the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole of the same charge in the small\ncharge limit. If we increase the charge, the charged soliton becomes a hairy black hole,\nand the latter will be the lowest energy state. When the AdS weak gravity conjecture is\nviolated, the soliton is heavier than the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole in the\nsmall charge limit. If we increase the charge, the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole\nbecomes unstable to form the hairy black hole, which will be the lowest energy state. In\nboth cases, the phase transition will be continuous and the convexity will be restored. A\nschematic plot for the case when the AdS weak gravity conjecture is satisfied is given in\nFig. 1.\n2A direct motivation of our paper comes from Figures 2 and 3 in [14], which show the apparent\nviolation of the charge convexity. Their figures were “schematic” as they say, and if we closely follow\ntheir computations, their results do not violate the convexity. Compare them with Fig. 1.\n3In this paper, we consider the canonical ensemble at zero temperature. Meanwhile, the phase tran-\nsition between the (finite temperature) charged AdS black hole and soliton is often discussed in the\ngrand canonical ensemble [18] through the grand potential. The convexity of the (canonical) free energy\ndiscussed in this paper is equivalent to the concavity of the grand potential due to the thermodynamic\nrelation [1].\n2qcq*\n0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7q0. 1: A schematic plot for the mass (or global energy) of the (extremal) Reissner-\nNordstrom black hole (blue), charged soliton (orange), and the hairy black hole (red) in\nd= 3. Here, the AdS weak gravity conjecture is satisfied. See section 4 for details.\nThe organization of the paper is as follows. In section 2, we construct the charged\nsoliton solution in perturbative series in small charge and compare the thermodynamic\nproperties with those of the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole. In section 3, we\nstudy the thermodynamic properties of a hairy black hole. In section 4, we study the\nphase transition between these solutions to see if the convexity is violated or not. Section 5\nis devoted to discussion. Appendices contain details of calculations.\n2 Reissner-Nordstrom black hole and charged soliton\nWe study solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell-charged scalar theory described by the action\nS=Z\ndd+1x√−g\u00121\n16πGN(R−2Λ)−1\n4FµνFµν− |Dµϕ|2−m2\nϕ|ϕ|2\u0013\n, (1)\nwhere Λ = −d(d−1)/2 is the negative cosmological constant in units in which the AdS\nradius is unity, and the gauge covariant derivative is defined as Dµϕ=∂µϕ−ieAµϕwith\nebeing the U(1) coupling constant. For convenience, we will parameterize the mass of\nthe charged scalar by the conformal dimension ∆ as m2\nϕ= ∆(∆ −d). In this paper, we\nassume d≥3.\n3Without the scalar hair ( ϕ= 0), the supposedly lowest energy solution with charge Q\nis the Reissner-Nordstrom-AdS black hole solution. In the conventional radial coordinate,\nthe Reissner-Nordstrom-AdS black hole has the metric and gauge field:\nds2=−f(r)dt2+dr2\nf(r)+r2dΩd−1,\nAµdxµ=\u0010\nµ−q\nrd−2\u0011\ndt ,\nf(r) =r2+ 1−m\nrd−2+d−2\nd−1κ2q2\nr2(d−2), (2)\nwhere we use the notation κ2= 8πGN. The event horizon of the black hole is located at\nr=rhgiven by the largest root of f(rh) = 0. We will fix the U(1) gauge by demanding\nthe gauge field satisfies At(rh) = 0, which specifies that µis the chemical potential of the\nU(1). From these conditions, we obtain\nm=rd−2\nh \nr2\nh+ 1 +d−2\nd−1κ2q2\nr2(d−2)\nh!\n,\nµ=q\nrd−2\nh. (3)\nThe thermodynamic properties of the Reissner-Nordstrom-AdS black hole can be ob-\ntained from the above solution in a standard manner. The global energy and charge are\nrelated to the parameters in the solution as\nE=d−1\n16πGNωd−1m ,\nQ= (d−2)ωd−1q , (4)\nwhere ωd−1denotes the volume of a unit ( d−1)-sphere, ωd−1= 2πd\n2/Γ(d\n2). The chemical\npotential can then be written as a function of the charge as\nµ=Q\n(d−2)rd−2\nhωd−1. (5)\nThe temperature and the entropy are given by\nT=1\n4πf′(rh),\nS=rd−1\nhωd−1\n4GN. (6)\nThese thermodynamic quantities satisfy the first law of thermodynamics dE=TdS+µdQ.\n4In the following, we focus on the zero temperature limit, where the Reissner-Nordstrom\nblack hole becomes extremal. Note that in the extremal limit, we have µ=∂E\n∂Qbecause\nthe extremal black hole has T= 0 so F=E−TS=E, and µ=∂F\n∂Q=∂E\n∂Q. Then, we\nwant to express the energy Eas a function of charge Qexplicitly. We can obtain the\nclosed formulae valid for any charge in some particular dimensions, say d= 3,4 and 5.4\nFor example, in d= 3, we find (see e.g. [19][20])\nEd=3=4π√\n6\n9κ2r\n−1 +p\n1 + 6 κ2q2+ 6κ2q2\u0010\n3 +p\n1 + 6 κ2q2\u0011\n, (7)\nwhere qis related to Qas in (4). In this paper, instead, we will only use the small charge\nexpansion. The explicit form of the energy and chemical potential in the small charge\nexpansion is given in general dimensions by (see Appendix B for calculations)\nE=1\nκr\nd−1\nd−2Q\u0012\n1 +1\n2eQ2\nd−2−d2\n8(d−2)2eQ4\nd−2+d4\n16(d−2)4eQ6\nd−2+···\u0013\n,\nµ=1\nκr\nd−1\nd−2\u0012\n1 +d\n2(d−2)eQ2\nd−2−d2(d+ 2)\n8(d−2)3eQ4\nd−2+d4(d+ 4)\n16(d−2)5eQ6\nd−2+···\u0013\n,(8)\nwhere\neQ≡κQ\nωd−1p\n(d−1)(d−2)=κqr\nd−2\nd−1. (9)\nAt this point, we can verify that the global energy of the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom\nblack hole is a convex function of the charge. Since E(0) = 0, this implies that it is\nsuperadditive (see Appendix A). It is a non-trivial prediction of the black hole solution\nthat the expansion parameter is Q2\nd−2, which is dimension specific (rather than Q), and\nit should be contrasted with the charged soliton solution whose expansion parameter is\nQin any dimensions as we will see later.\nThe slope of the energy as a function of the charge sets the weak gravity conjecture\nbound. In this paper, we say that the weak gravity conjecture is satisfied when there is a\nstate whose energy-charge ratio is smaller than that of the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom\nblack hole in the small charge limit:\nE(Q)\nQ≤1\nκr\nd−1\nd−2. (10)\n4Eq. (52) is a quadratic, cubic, or quartic equation of r2\nhind= 3,4, or 5, respectively, and can be\nsolved for r2\nh, but it cannot be algebraically solved in general in d≥6, where the equation is quintic or\nof higher degrees.\n5Alternatively, we say that the weak gravity conjecture is violated when there is no state\nwhose energy-charge ratio is smaller than that of the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black\nhole in the small charge limit: all the states satisfy\nE(Q)\nQ≥1\nκr\nd−1\nd−2. (11)\nIn the literature, there are some different notions of AdS weak gravity conjecture than\nthat used here (see e.g. [11][21][22][23][24][25] in relation to CFTs). At least for the (non-\ninteracting) charged scalar matter, we will see that this bound is relevant in our analysis\nof the hairy black hole. We also note that the bound we consdier is the same as the bound\nused in [26] to avoid the formulation of the naked singularity in the Einstein-Maxwell-\ncharged scalar system in AdS (in d= 3 studied there). We will discuss this point further\nbelow when we introduce the critical coupling ec.\nIn addition to the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole, in this theory, there exists\na charged soliton solution, that has non-zero scalar condensate. When the weak gravity\nconjecture holds, we expect that the soliton solution, at least in the small charge limit,\nhas a lower energy than the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole.\nWe have explicitly constructed the horizonless soliton solution within a perturbative\nexpansion with respect to the scalar condensate (or equivalently charge). See Appendix C\nfor details. They are reliable in the small charge limit, which we will focus on. Some\nexamples of the solutions in various dimensions with various scalar masses can be found\nin Appendix C. Here we present the final result of the energy and the chemical potential\nof the soliton as functions of the charge up to the second order in small charge expansion:\nE= (d−2)ωd−1\u0014∆\neq+Γ(∆)2Γ(2∆ + 1 −d/2)\n2 Γ(d/2) Γ(2∆) Γ(∆ + 1 −d/2)2\u0012\n1−(d−2)∆2(∆−d/2)\n(d−1)(∆−d/4)κ2\ne2\u0013\nq2\u0015\n=Q\u0014∆\ne+Γ(∆)2Γ(2∆ + 1 −d/2)\n2 Γ(d/2) Γ(2∆) Γ(∆ + 1 −d/2)2\u0012\n1−(d−2)∆2(∆−d/2)\n(d−1)(∆−d/4)κ2\ne2\u0013\nq\u0015\n,\nµ=∆\ne+Γ(∆)2Γ(2∆ + 1 −d/2)\nΓ(d/2) Γ(2∆) Γ(∆ + 1 −d/2)2\u0012\n1−(d−2)∆2(∆−d/2)\n(d−1)(∆−d/4)κ2\ne2\u0013\nq ,\n(12)\nwhere qis related to Qas in (4). We see that µ=∂E\n∂Q, which implies TS= 0 because\nE=F. There is no horizon, so the gravitational entropy is zero. In the Euclidean\ncontinuation of the horizonless soliton, the periodicity of the compactified time direction\nis arbitrary, so is the temperature. In this paper, we consider zero temperature.\n6Let us introduce the notion of the critical coupling ec. When the charge Qis small,\nthe energy of the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole (8) and that of the soliton (12)\nbehave as\nERN≃1\nκr\nd−1\nd−2Q , E sol≃∆\neQ . (13)\nWe identify the critical coupling ecas the value of the coupling that equates these energies,\nec= ∆κr\nd−2\nd−1. (14)\nThis critical coupling is exactly the lower bound of the gauge coupling constant to preserve\ncosmic censorship discussed in [26] for d= 3.5We expect (14) gives the generalization of\nthe bound of [26] to general dimensions d≥3.\nThe critical coupling connects the soliton with the weak gravity conjecture mentioned\nabove. Given ∆ and small Q, the small charged soliton has a smaller energy than the\nextremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole when e > e c. This is equivalent to saying that\nthe weak gravity conjecture is satisfied by the charged soliton. We can also say that\ngravity is weaker than the electric force and a horizonless charged soliton can be formed\nwithout gravitationally collapsing to a black hole. Alternatively, the small charged soliton\nhas a larger energy than the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole when e < e c. This\nis equivalent to saying that the weak gravity conjecture does not hold because the electric\nforce is weaker than gravity.\nAnother point we would like to discuss about the properties of the charged soliton\nis the convexity of the energy. The energy of the soliton is convexd2E\ndQ2>0 when the\ncoupling constant satisfies\ne2>(d−2)∆2(∆−d/2)\n(d−1)(∆−d/4)κ2=∆−d/2\n∆−d/4e2\nc. (15)\nThe right-hand side is not positive for ∆ ≤d/2 ind≥4 and 3 /4<∆≤3/2 ind= 3.6\nThis means that, when ∆ is in these ranges, the energy of the soliton is convex for\n5In [26], the lower bound of the scalar field charge (i.e. U(1) coupling constant) qWis given in their\nnormalization as q(theirs)\nW = ∆, where the AdS radius is set unity, but our normalization of the fields and\ncoupling constant is different from theirs. Rescaling the gauge field and gauge coupling constant in [26]\nso that they match ours, the lower bound reads q(ours)\nW = ∆κ/√\n2, which is nothing but (14) for d= 3:\nq(ours)\nW =ec|d=3.\n6Recall that the range that ∆ can take is ∆ ≥d/2−1 (unitarity bound).\n7any coupling constant e. Otherwise, the right-hand side is positive. Accordingly, if the\ncoupling constant is too small, the energy of the soliton is not convex. However, such a\ncoupling is smaller than the critical coupling (14) (for ∆ > d/2) below which the soliton\nis not the configuration with the smallest energy, and the convexity is irrelevant. If we\nfurther believe in the weak gravity conjecture, this parameter region does not arise.\nWe here observe that in d= 3,4 the inequality (15) obtained from solving Einstein’s\nequation is equivalent to demanding positivity of the binding energy γgrav+γphoton >0\nfrom the perturbative formula in [27] ( d= 4) and [28] ( d= 3). See also eq. (2.5) of [4]\nand discussions there. We expect a similar comparison can be done in other dimensions.\nThe only subtle case is 1 /2<∆<3/4 for d= 3, where the right-hand side of\nthe bound (15) is larger than the critical coupling, i.e. e2>4e2\nc. This means that the\nconvexity can be violated near e∼ec. Our formula implies that the attractive force from\nthe graviton exchange (i.e. γgravin [28]) becomes infinite at ∆ = 3 /4 and continues to be\nlarge down to the unitarity bound ∆ = 1 /2. We might want to say that some extended\nnotion of weak gravity conjecture is violated in this case even though e > e c. If the soliton\nis stable, which we do not know, it may violate the charge convexity. We, however, note\nthat our formula for 1 /2<∆<3/4 is obtained from the analytic continuation of ∆ >3/4\nand we have not constructed an explicit solution in this range, which may be singular.\nTo avoid the subtlety, we assume ∆ >3/4 for d= 3 hereafter.\n3 Hairy black hole\nAs we have seen, if the weak gravity conjecture is violated, even with the existence of the\nsoliton solution, the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole solution has a lower energy\nin the small charge limit. What happens if we increase the charge? Does it show a phase\ntransition to the charged soliton? Or, does it continue to be the lowest energy state? In the\nfollowing, we will argue that at a certain critical charge, the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom\nblack hole forms a scalar hair. The formation of the hair is due to superradiant instability\nof the Reissner-Nordstrom-AdS black hole [17][29][30][31]. Similarly, if the weak gravity\nconjecture holds, the lowest energy solution with a given charge is the soliton (in the small\ncharge limit), but if we increase the charge further (as well as the energy), it collapses into\na hairy black hole. In this section, we will predict the thermodynamic properties of the\n8hairy black hole in the Einstein-Maxwell-charged scalar system, and in the next section,\nwe will study the nature of the phase transition.\nWe have already seen that both the horizonless charged soliton solution and the\nReissner-Nordstrom black hole solution are compatible with the thermodynamic relation\nµ=∂E\n∂Qat zero temperature. It is natural to expect that the hairy black hole solution\nalso obeys the thermodynamic relations. This observation enables us to use the thermo-\ndynamic equilibrium argument to predict the property of the hairy black hole as well.\nAs discussed in [14], when the charge is small, we will regard the extremal hairy black\nhole as a thermodynamic mixture of the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole and the\nhorizonless charged soliton. We express the charge and the energy of the hairy black hole\nas a non-interacting sum as\nQhairy=aQRN+bQsol,\nEhairy=aERN(QRN) +bEsol(Qsol), (16)\nwhere the mixing parameters a, b≥0 are determined by the thermodynamic equilibrium\ncondition\nµRN(QRN) =µsol(Qsol). (17)\nThe thermodynamic equilibrium condition also demands that the temperature must be\nequal, and our assumption that the charged soliton has zero temperature makes it equi-\nlibrium with the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole.\nThis simple picture gives a determination of the critical charge Qcabove which we\nwill see that the hairy black hole becomes the lowest energy state. When e < e c(i.e.\nweak gravity conjecture is violated), it is determined by equating the chemical potential\nof the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole at QRN=Qcand that of the soliton at Qsol= 0:\nµRN(Qc) =µsol(0). In the same way, when e > e c(i.e. weak gravity conjecture holds), it\nis determined by equating the chemical potential of the soliton at Qsol=Qcand that of\nthe Reissner-Nordstrom black hole at QRN= 0: µRN(0) = µsol(Qc).\nThe critical charge Qccan be analytically expressed in arbitrary dimensions.7For\ne < e c, let us take e2=e2\nc(1−θ)< e2\nc, where θ >0 is a small parameter. With this\n7Ford= 3, we assume ∆ >3\n4. See discussions after (15).\n9coupling, the chemical potential of the soliton at Qsol= 0 is given by\nµsol(0) =∆\ne=1\nκr\nd−1\nd−2\u0012\n1 +θ\n2+···\u0013\n. (18)\nComparing this with µRN(Qc) in (8) to the subleading terms, we obtain\nQc=ωd−1p\n(d−1)(d−2)d−1\nκ\u0012θ\nd\u0013d−2\n2\n. (19)\nFore > e c, we take e2=e2\nc(1 + θ)> e2\nc, where θ >0. The charge of the soliton that\nbalances with this shift of the coupling can be parametrized as Qc=qsol=bcθ. Then,\nthe series expansion of (12) in θbecomes\nµsol(Qc) =1\nκr\nd−1\nd−2+ \nbcdΓ(∆)2Γ(2∆ + 1 −d/2)\n(4∆−d)Γ(d/2) Γ(2∆) Γ(∆ + 1 −d/2)2−1\n2κr\nd−1\nd−2!\nθ+···.\n(20)\nThe leading order term is the same as µRN(0) from eq. (8). Then, from µRN(0) = µsol(Qc),\nthe critical charge is given by the vanishing of the subleading term in (20) as\nQc=4∆−d\n2κdωd−1p\n(d−1)(d−2)Γ(d/2) Γ(2∆) Γ(∆ + 1 −d/2)2\nΓ(∆)2Γ(2∆ + 1 −d/2)θ . (21)\nNow we have determined the critical charge, let us study the energy of the hairy black\nhole above Qc. We solve the equilibrium condition (16) with suitable ansatz in the small\ncharge limit. The results are summarized below for d= 3,4,5 and Q > Q c. We will also\ngive comments on the hairy black holes in d≥6. For Q < Q c, we find that the energy\nof the hairy black hole is larger than that of the soliton or extremal Reissner-Nordstrom\nblack hole (and one of the mixing parameters in (16) becomes negative), so below we will\nnot discuss the hairy black holes with Q < Q c. For derivation, see Appendix D.\n3.1 Hairy black hole in e < e c\nWhen the coupling constant is smaller than the critical value as e2=e2\nc(1−θ), we can\nconstruct a hairy black hole with Q∼θ(d−2)/2.\nAdS 4(d= 3) The critical coupling is\nQc=ω2qc, q c=√\n6\n3κθ1/2. (22)\n10The energy of the hairy black hole in Q > Q cis\nE=ω2\nκ2mhairy, m hairy=mRN−3×22∆−5Γ(∆−1/2)2Γ(∆ + 1 /2)\nΓ(∆) Γ(2∆ −3/2)κ4(q2−q2\nc)2,\n(23)\nwhere\nmRN=√\n2κq+κ3q3\n2√\n2+O(q5). (24)\nThe energy satisfies mhairy < m RNif ∆ >3/4. The energy of the hairy black hole is\na convex function of the charge as we can see at O(q3) of the Reissner-Nordstrom black\nhole (24).\nAdS 5(d= 4) The critical coupling is\nQc= 2ω3qc, q c=√\n6\n4κθ . (25)\nThe energy of the hairy black hole in Q > Q cis\nE=3ω3\n2κ2mhairy, m hairy=mRN−2(2∆−1)\n3(3∆−2)κ2(q−qc)2, (26)\nwhere\nmRN=2√\n6\n3κq+2\n3κ2q2. (27)\nFor ∆ >1 (=d\n2−1 with d= 4), we have2\n3<2∆−1\n3∆−2<1. Hence, we find that the energy\nof the hairy black hole satisfies mhairy< m RNand also is a convex function of the charge.\nAdS 6(d= 5) The critical coupling is\nQc= 3ω4qc, q c=6\n5√\n5κθ3/2. (28)\nThe energy of the hairy black hole in Q > Q cis\nE=2ω4\nκ2mhairy, m hairy=√\n3κq+ √\n3\n2κqθ−6√\n15\n125θ5/2!\n=mRN− \n35/6κ5/3q5/3\n25/3−√\n3\n2κqθ+6√\n15\n125θ5/2!\n,(29)\n11where\nmRN=√\n3κq+35/6κ5/3q5/3\n25/3. (30)\nOne can check that mhairy< m RNanddmhairy\ndq|q=qc=dmRN\ndq|q=qcby expanding (29) around\nq=qc, where |q−qc| ≪θ3/2, as\nmhairy=mRN−5√\n15\n36√\nθκ2(q−qc)2+O\u0000\n(q−qc)3\u0001\n. (31)\nThe result (29) given up to O(q) is not sufficient to discuss the convexity of mhairy, so we\nalso calculate the next order O(q2) term and find the convexity as\nd2mhairy\ndq2=5κ2Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −5/2)\n22∆−1Γ(∆ + 1 /2) Γ(∆ −3/2)2>0. (32)\n3.2 Hairy black hole in e > e c\nWhen the coupling constant is larger than the critical value as e2=e2\nc(1 + θ), we can\nconstruct a hairy black hole with Q∼θ.\nAdS 4(d= 3) The critical coupling is\nQc=ω2qc, q c=22∆−3/2Γ(∆−1/2)2Γ(∆ + 1 /2)\n3κΓ(∆) Γ(2∆ −3/2)θ . (33)\nThe energy of the hairy black hole in Q > Q cis\nE=ω2\nκ2mhairy, m hairy=√\n2κq−22∆−3Γ(∆−1/2)2Γ(∆ + 1 /2)\n3 Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −3/2)θ2\n=msol−3 Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −3/2)\n22∆Γ(∆−1/2)2Γ(∆ + 1 /2)κ2(q−qc)2,(34)\nwhere\nmsol=√\n2κq+\u00123 Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −3/2)\n22∆Γ(∆−1/2)2Γ(∆ + 1 /2)κ2q2−κqθ√\n2\u0013\n. (35)\nThe energy satisfies mhairy < m solif ∆ >3/4. Because the coefficient of q2inmhairy\nvanishes, we need to go to the next order to check the convexity. From the calculations\nincluding O(θ3) terms, we find\nd2mhairy\ndq2=3√\n2\n2κ3(q−qc), (36)\nso the convexity is satisfied in Q > Q c.\n12AdS 5(d= 4) The critical coupling is\nQc= 2ω3qc, q c=√\n6(2∆−1)\n4(∆−1)κθ . (37)\nThe energy of the hairy black hole in Q > Q cis\nE=3ω3\n2κ2mhairy, m hairy=msol−2(∆−1)2\n3(2∆−1)(3∆ −2)κ2(q−qc)2, (38)\nwhere\nmsol=2√\n6\n3κq+ \n2(∆−1)\n3(2∆−1)κ2q2−√\n6\n3κqθ!\n. (39)\nThe energy satisfies mhairy< m sol. Because 1 −∆−1\n3∆−2is positive in ∆ >1, the convexity\nis satisfied.\nAdS 6(d= 5) The critical coupling is\nQc= 3ω4qc, q c=22∆−2√\n3 Γ(∆ −3/2)2Γ(∆ + 1 /2)\n5κΓ(∆) Γ(2∆ −5/2)θ . (40)\nThe energy of the hairy black hole in Q > Q cis\nE=2ω4\nκ2mhairy, m hairy=msol−31/4Γ(∆)5/2Γ(2∆−5/2)5/2\n25∆−6Γ(∆−3/2)5Γ(∆ + 1 /2)5/2κ5/2(q−qc)5/2,\n(41)\nwhere\nmsol=√\n3κq+ \n5 Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −5/2)\n22∆Γ(∆−3/2)2Γ(∆ + 1 /2)κ2q2−√\n3\n2κqθ!\n. (42)\nWe can see that mhairy< m sol. The convexity of mhairyis satisfied because the energy of\nthe soliton (42) is already convex and it dominates over the added term in (41).\nLet us conclude this section with comments on hairy black holes in d≥6. When\ne < e c(i.e. the weak gravity conjecture is violated), the similar construction outlined in\nAppendix D leads to the expression mhairy(q) =mRN(q) +CRN(q−qc)2+O((q−qc)3)\naround q=qc. The coefficient CRNis such that qd/d−2term in the small qexpansion\nofmhairy(q) vanishes and mhairy(q) is an integer power series in q. The above form of\nmhairy(q) implies that the phase transition is continuous between the Reissner-Nordstrom\nblack hole and the hairy black hole (i.e. the first derivatives of mwith respect to qare the\n13same at q=qc). The convexity of mhairy(q) can be checked from the explicit computation\nof the O(q2) term.\nWhen e > e c(i.e. the weak gravity conjecture holds), the similar ansatz in Appendix D\ninstead leads to the expression mhairy(q) =msol(q) +Csol(q−qc)d−2\n2around q=qc. To\ndetermine the precise numerical constant Csol(independent of θ), we need the explicit\nform of the soliton to higher orders than we calculated. This is beyond the scope of this\npaper and we do not attempt. Nevertheless, we can still argue that the energy of the\nhairy black hole must be convex for d≥6 because q2term in msol(q) is dominant over\nC(q−qc)d−2\n2in the small charge expansions of mhairy(q) and we know its convexity (as\ndiscussed at the end of the previous section).\n4 Phase transition and restoration of convexity\nLet us now study the would-be phase transition between the Reissner-Nordstrom solution\nand the soliton solution that we constructed in section 2. Later in this section, within the\nparameter space where our solution is valid, we will show that this type of phase transition\nnever happens due to the existence of the hairy black hole solution. We, nevertheless,\nfirst ask ourselves what would happen if the hairy black hole solution did not exist.\nFirst, consider the case when the weak gravity conjecture is violated (i.e. e < e c). In\nthe small charge limit, the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole has the lowest energy.\nDepending on the parameter, it may or may not happen that if we increase the charge,\nthe charged soliton solution starts to possess a lower energy than the extremal Reissner-\nNordstrom black hole. When it does, generically there is a (would-be) discontinuous phase\ntransition from the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole to the charged soliton solution. It is\n(generically) discontinuous because the first derivative of the energy with respect to the\ncharge (i.e. chemical potential) at the phase transition point is discontinuous.\nSimilarly, when the weak gravity conjecture holds (i.e. e > e c), in the small charge\nlimit the charged soliton has the lowest energy. Then there may exist a phase transition\nto the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole if we increase the charge. If it does, again\nthe phase transition would be discontinuous (see Fig. 1).\nOne can compute the would-be phase transition point more explicitly in the small\ncharge limit where our solutions are reliable. In AdS 4, solving mRN(q∗) =msol(q∗) in the\n14small charge limit (i.e. |θ| ≪1), we obtain for e2=e2\nc(1 +θ)> e2\nc\nq∗=22∆−1/2Γ(∆−1/2)2Γ(∆ + 1 /2)\n3κΓ(∆) Γ(2∆ −3/2)θ , (43)\nwhile there is no q∗>0 for e < e c(we assume ∆ >3/4), so the (would-be) phase\ntransition occurs when e > e c(i.e. the AdS weak gravity conjecture holds).\nIn AdS 5, a similar calculation gives for e2=e2\nc(1−θ)< e2\nc\nq∗=√\n6(2∆−1)\n2κ∆θ , (44)\nwhile there is no q∗>0 for e > e c, so the (would-be) phase transition occurs when e < e c\n(i.e. the AdS weak gravity conjecture does not hold).\nIn AdS d+1with d≥5, we observe that the (would-be) phase transition occurs when\ne < e c(i.e. the AdS weak gravity conjecture does not hold). For e2=e2\nc(1−θ)< e2\nc, we\nobtain\nq∗=1\nκr\nd−1\nd−2θd−2\n2. (45)\nwhile there is no q∗>0 for e > e c. Note that in all these cases, the scaling of q∗with\nrespect to θis the same as that for qcstudied in the previous section.\nWhen the phase transition is discontinuous, the convexity of the energy is violated.\nThe second derivative of the energy as a function of the charge becomes negative (in the\ndelta function sense) at the phase transition, and we can easily find three charges around\nthe phase transition point where the convexity inequality λE(Q1) + (1 −λ)E(Q2)≥\nE(λQ1+ (1−λ)Q2) is violated.\nNote, however, that this does notmean that the discontinuous phase transition causes\nthe violation of the superadditivity. The convex function with E(0) = 0 is always super-\nadditive (see Appendix A), but the converse is not necessarily true. Indeed, we can show\nE(Q) = min( ERN(Q), Esol(Q)) is superadditive. The elementary proof can be found in\nAppendix A.\nThe existence of the hairy black hole solution that we found in the previous section\ncompletely changes the story above. This is because it is always the case that the hairy\nblack hole enters the phase diagram before the would-be phase transition discussed above\n(i.e.qc< q∗). See Fig. 1 for a schematic plot of this situation. In particular, the would-be\nviolation of the convexity of the energy is circumvented as we will see.\n15The study in section 3 shows that above Qc, the hairy black hole is the lowest energy\nsolution of the system with a given charge Q.8The salient feature of the thermodynamic\nproperty of the hairy black hole solution is that not only the energy but also the chemical\npotential is a continuous function with respect to Q(while the higher derivative can be\ndiscontinuous). This can be explicitly seen from our formula in the previous section where\nthe energy difference is O((q−qc)2) or higher. It is continuous but is not analytic because\nthe higher derivative shows the discontinuity at Q=Qc. We further realize that it is a\nconvex function (at least within the small charge limit we have studied). We therefore\nconclude that the convexity of the energy is restored by the existence of the hairy black\nhole solution. Since the convex function with E(0) = 0 is superadditive (see Appendix A),\nthe energy is superadditive with respect to charge.\nLet us briefly discuss the nature of the phase transition from the AdS/CFT viewpoint.\nThe big difference between the (extremal) Reissner-Nordstrom black hole and the hairy\nblack hole is that the former does not have scalar hair. The scalar hair or the scalar\ncondensation induced in the hairy black hole suggests that in the dual CFT, the scalar\noperator which is dual to ϕ(with conformal dimension ∆) has a non-zero expectation\nvalue on the cylinder in this heavy state. It is distinct from the one-particle state that is\ndual to low-dimensional single trace operators with zero scalar expectation value. In the\nplaner black hole (or black membrane), the analogous phase transition discussed here is\nreferred to as a “holographic superconductor” [32][33] (or holographic superfluid), but we\nshould point out that the phase transition here is about the properties of operators on\nthe plane (or states in the cylinder).9\n5 Discussions\nIn this paper, we have studied the convexity of the lowest energy of the Einstein-Maxwell-\ncharged scalar system in AdS under the presence of a hairy black hole. In the small\n8Logically speaking, we do not exclude the possibility that a non-spherical solution, which we have\nnot studied, has lower energy than the spherical hairy black hole.\n9Schematically, one may say that while the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole is dual to Tr(Φm) with\nm∼O(N2), the hairy black hole obtained as adding soliton should look like Tr(Φm)(Tr(Φ2))l. It may\nbe interesting to study the implication of the phase transition in terms of the recent studies of black hole\noperators in CFTs [34][35].\n16charge limit, the existence of the hairy black hole solution restores the would-be violated\nconvexity due to the phase transition between a charged soliton and a Reissner-Nordstrom\nblack hole. It should be interesting to perform (numerical) analysis in the larger charge\nregime and examine if the convexity remains true.\nIndeed, there has been some interest in studying the lowest conformal dimensions\nof conformal field theories as a function of the charge, in particular in the large charge\nexpansion. Recent studies show that the large charge behavior of the generic conformal\nfield theories should be E(Q)∼Qd\nd−2[36][37]. We can easily check that the extremal\nReissner-Nordstrom black hole satisfies this scaling. It was also numerically verified in\ncharged soliton (with ∆ = 2 in d= 3) in [38]. It will be interesting to verify the behavior\nin the large charge hairy black holes with arbitrary ∆. Note that in some supergravity,\nthey found BPS hairy black hole solutions where E(Q)∝Qrather than Qd\nd−2scaling.\nApparently, the presence of the moduli allows the linear behavior. It is generally believed\nthat it should not exhibit such a behavior without supersymmetry, but there is no proof.10\nIn relation, it is highly doubtful but is not proved if there is any solution whose scaling\nbehavior is in between Qαwhere 1 < α 2, and it remains an open\nquestion if similar arguments can be established for d= 2 CFT. It would be interesting\nif this situation could be approached from three-dimensional gravity duals.\nFinally, it may be an interesting question to address the higher derivative gravitational\ncorrections to the small charge (hairy) black holes and solitons. To satisfy the weak\ngravity conjecture in the Minkowski space-time, it is often suggested [42][43] that the\nhigher derivative corrections make the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole lighter. If\nthe same mechanism is at work in the AdS, it may conflict with the convexity conjecture.\nThe competition then may lead to new constraints on effective gravitational field theory\nin AdS.\nAcknowledgments\nThe authors would like to thank Yoshihiko Abe, Nick Dorey, and Toshifumi Noumi\nfor fruitful discussions. T.I. is supported in part by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number\n19K03871. Y.N. is in part supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 21K03581.\nThe authors thank the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics at Kyoto University,\nwhere this work was initiated during the YITP workshop “Strings and Fields 2023”.\nA Convexity vs Superadditivity\nIn this appendix, we collect some mathematical facts about convex functions in relation\nto superadditivity.\nWhen a function f(x) is convex between x1≤x≤x2, for all 0 ≤λ≤1,f(x) satisfies\nthe inequality\nλf(x1) + (1 −λ)f(x2)≥f(λx1+ (1−λ)x2). (46)\n18When f(x) is twice differentiable, f′′(x)≥0 in a segment implies the convexity in the\nsame segment. The proof is based on Taylor’s theorem\nf(x) =f(x0) +f′(x0)(x−x0) +f′′(x∗)\n2(x−x0)2, (47)\nwhere x0≤x∗≤x. By noting f′′(x∗)≥0 and setting x0=λx1+ (1−λ)x2with x=x1\nandx=x2, we have\nf(x1)≥f(x0) +f′(x0)(1−λ)(x1−x2),\nf(x2)≥f(x0) +f′(x0)λ(x2−x1). (48)\nAdding λtimes the first line and (1 −λ) times the second line, we obtain (46).\nWhen f(x) is convex in x≥0 and f(0) = 0, f(x) is superadditive (i.e. f(a) +f(b)≤\nf(a+b)). To show this, we first set x2= 0 in (46) to obtain f(λx1)≤λf(x1). Then,\nnoting f(a) =f(a\na+b(a+b))≤a\na+bf(a+b), we obtain\nf(a) +f(b)≤a\na+bf(a+b) +b\na+bf(a+b) =f(a+b). (49)\nLetg1(x) and g2(x) be two twice differentiable convex functions with g1(0) = g2(0) =\n0,g1(x)≤g2(x) when 0 ≤x≤x∗, and g2(x)≤g1(x) when x∗≤x. Let f(x) =\nmin[g1(x), g2(x)] for x≥0. Generically, f(x) is not convex, but we will show that it is\nsuperadditive.\nWhen a, b≥x∗ora+b≤x∗, the convexity of g1(x) org2(x) immediately implies the\nclaim. The nontrivial case is when a, b≤x∗buta+b≥x∗, or when a≥x∗, b≤x∗. In\nthe former case,\nf(a+b)−f(a)−f(b) =g2(a+b)−g1(a)−g1(b)≥g2(a+b)−g2(a)−g2(b)≥0,\n(50)\nand in the latter case,\nf(a+b)−f(a)−f(b) =g2(a+b)−g2(a)−g1(b)≥g2(a+b)−g2(a)−g2(b)≥0,\n(51)\nso the claim holds in all cases.\n19B Small charge extremal Reissner-Nordstrom-AdS\nblack hole\nWe want to express the energy and chemical potential (3) of the extremal Reissner-\nNordstrom black hole as functions of the charge. At T= 0, from f′(rh) = 0, the horizon\nradius and charge are related as\nq=rd−2\nh\n(d−2)κq\n(d−1)(d−2 +d r2\nh). (52)\nWhen the charge qis small, this equation can be inverted by a series expansion as\nr2\nh=eQ2\nd−2−d\n(d−2)2eQ4\nd−2+d2(d+ 1)\n2(d−2)4eQ6\nd−2−d4(d+ 2)\n3(d−2)6eQ8\nd−2+···, (53)\nwhere eQis defined in (9). Substituting the above expansion into Eandµin (3) and (4),\nwe obtain (8).\nC Explicit solution for the charged soliton\nIn this appendix, we present the explicit form of the solution of the equations of motion\ndescribing a horizonless charged soliton in the small charge expansion. We begin with\nthe spherically symmetric ansatz for the static solution of the Einstein-Maxwell-charged\nscalar system,\nds2=−f(r)dt2+g(r)dr2+r2dΩ2\nd−1,\nAµdxµ=At(r)dt ,\nϕ=ϕ(r), (54)\nwhere dΩ2\nd−1is the line element of a unit Sd−1. We have chosen the gauge so that the\ncomplex scalar field ϕis a real function of r. Substituting the ansatz into the equations\nof motion of (1), we obtain a set of equations to be solved:\nd−1\n2rf′+\u0012(d−1)(d−2)\n2(1−g) + Λ r2g−κ2r2ϕ′2+κ2m2\nϕr2gϕ2\u0013\nf\n+κ2\n2r2A′2\nt−κ2e2r2gA2\ntϕ2= 0,\nd−1\n2rg′−\u0012(d−1)(d−2)\n2(1−g) + Λ r2g+κ2r2ϕ′2+κ2m2\nϕr2gϕ2\u0013\ng\n20−κ2g\n2fr2A′2\nt−κ2e2r2g2\nfA2\ntϕ2= 0,\nA′′\nt+\u0012d−1\nr−f′\n2f−g′\n2g\u0013\nA′\nt−2e2gϕ2At= 0,\nϕ′′+\u0012d−1\nr+f′\n2f−g′\n2g\u0013\nϕ′+\u0012e2A2\nt\nf−m2\nϕ\u0013\ngϕ= 0.(55)\nHere,′denotes the derivative with respect to r.\nAround the background with ϕ= 0, we will solve these equations in perturbative\nseries with respect to a small parameter ϵas\nf(r) =f(0)(r) +f(2)(r)ϵ2+f(4)(r)ϵ4+···,\ng(r) =g(0)(r) +g(2)(r)ϵ2+g(4)(r)ϵ4+···,\nAt(r) =At(0)(r) +At(2)(r)ϵ2+At(4)(r)ϵ4+···,\nϕ(r) =ϕ(1)(r)ϵ+ϕ(3)(r)ϵ3+ϕ(5)(r)ϵ5+···. (56)\nThe strategy is to first solve the scalar equation at O(ϵ), where the integration constants\nare fixed by the asymptotic behavior. Then, at O(ϵ2), we first solve gandf. Finally,\nwe solve At. One integration constant appearing in Atis not fixed at this point but will\nbe fixed by studying the regularity of the scalar function in O(ϵ3). In this sense, the\nequations at O(ϵ2) and O(ϵ3) are bundled. Then, we continue to O(ϵ4) for f,g, and At,\nand so on.\nIn the zeroth order in ϵ, the background is the empty AdS spacetime with a constant\ngauge field specified by the chemical potential µ(0),\nf(0)(r) = 1 + r2, g (0)(r) =1\n1 +r2, A t(0)(r) =µ(0), (57)\nwhere we assume µ(0)>0. The empty AdS spacetime has zero charge.\nAtO(ϵ), we turn on the scalar field. The equation for ϕ(1)reads\nϕ′′\n(1)+\u0012d−1\nr+2r\n1 +r2\u0013\nϕ′\n(1)+1\n1 +r2 \ne2µ2\n(0)\n1 +r2−∆(∆−d)!\nϕ(1)= 0, (58)\nwhere we used m2\nϕ= ∆(∆ −d). At the center of the AdS r= 0, this second-order\ndifferential equation has regular and diverging solutions. To solve this equation (without\nhorizon), we impose regularity at r= 0. In the AdS boundary r→ ∞ , we impose the\nabsence of the source discussed as follows.\n21Inr→ ∞ , the behavior of the scalar field (not specific to O(ϵ) but to any orders) is\nϕ=c0(r∆−d+···) +c1(r−∆+···), where c0andc1are constants. For the absence of the\nsource in the boundary field theory, we require c0= 0. When ∆ > d/2,r−∆decays faster\nthan r∆−d. Hence, setting c0= 0 corresponds to keeping the subleading behavior of ϕ.\nThis case is called the standard quantization. When ∆ < d/ 2,r−∆decays slower than\nr∆−d, but the leading behavior is normalizable for ∆ in the range d/2−1<∆< d/2 [44].\nThis case is called the alternative quantization. The border ∆ = d/2 is the case that the\nscalar mass saturates the Breitenlohner-Freedman (BF) bound [45][46], where we have\nϕ=c0(r−d/2logr+···) +c1(r−d/2+···).\nIn the absence of the scalar field source c0= 0, the equation (58) is solved at discrete\nvalues of µ(0)satisfying\nµ(0)=∆ + 2 n\ne, (59)\nwhere nis a non-negative integer. This is nothing but the normal mode frequency ωof\nthe massive scalar field in the global AdS as ω=eµ(0)= ∆ + 2 n. At this µ(0), the regular\nsolution to (58) is given by the hypergeometric function as\nϕ(1)= (1 + r2)∆\n2+n\n2F1\u0012d\n2+n,∆ +n;d\n2;−r2\u0013\n, (60)\nwhose normalization is absorbed by ϵ. Using this as the seed, we proceed to the higher\norders in the perturbative series. In the following, we consider the solution with the lowest\nenergy for a given ∆, and hence we set n= 0. For n= 0, the above chemical potential\nand scalar field solution become\nµ(0)=∆\ne, ϕ (1)=1\n(1 +r2)∆/2. (61)\nForO(ϵ2) and higher, we have solved these equations for integer values of ∆ in various\ndimensions d. Some sample solutions are presented here.\nFord= 4,∆ = 4 ( m2\nϕ= 0), we reproduce the results in [12]. We obtain\nf(r) = 1 + r2−8(3 + 3 r2+r4)\n9(1 + r2)3κ2ϵ2+···,\ng(r) =1\n1 +r2+8r2(3 +r2)\n9(1 + r2)5κ2ϵ2+···,\nAt(r) =4\ne+\u00123e\n14−(3 + 3 r2+r4)e\n6(1 + r2)3−32κ2\n21e\u0013\nϵ2+···,\n22ϕ(r) =ϵ\n(1 +r2)2+···. (62)\nHere, we present the results up to O(ϵ2), but the perturbative solutions can be obtained\nalso in higher orders in ϵ. Once the equations of motion are solved, the mass m, chemical\npotential µ, and charge qcan be read off from the asymptotic behavior of the fields in\nr→ ∞ as\nf(r) =r2+ 1 + ··· −m\nrd−2+···,\nAt(r) =µ+··· −q\nrd−2+···. (63)\nThese are chosen to agree with the notation of m,µ, and qused in the Reissner-Nordstrom\nblack hole solution (2). For d= 4,∆ = 4, we find\nm=8κ2\n9ϵ2+(78336 κ2−6767e2)κ2\n39690ϵ4+···,\nµ=4\ne+\u00123e\n14−32κ2\n21e\u0013\nϵ2+122400480 κ2e2−574944256 κ4−6383817 e4\n97796160 eϵ4+···,\nq=e\n6ϵ2+(2658 κ2−241e2)e\n6615ϵ4+···, (64)\nwhere we explicitly included the O(ϵ4) contributions that are necessary for obtaining\nmtoO(q2). In the above expression, we have used the degrees of freedom to rescale\nϵto set the coefficient of r−∆inϕ(r) inr→ ∞ to be exactly ϵ(no higher orders in\nϵ):ϕ(r) =ϵ/r4+···. From this we can also read off the scalar condensate (vacuum\nexpectation value), but we will not use it, so we omit it. Because we wish to express m\nandµperturbatively as functions of small q, we invert qas\nϵ=r\n6\neq1/2+2√\n6(241 e2−2658κ2)\n735e3/2q3/2+···. (65)\nSubstituting this into mandµ, we obtain\nm=16κ2\n3eq+2κ2\n21\u0012\n9−64κ2\ne2\u0013\nq2+···,\nµ=4\ne+\u00129\n7−64κ2\n7e2\u0013\nq+···. (66)\nThus, we reproduce the results for the massless scalar in AdS 5[12].\nWe also provide some details for massive scalar in asymptotically AdS 4(d= 3) with\n∆ = 2 ( m2\nϕ=−2) [16]. We find\nf(r) = 1 + r2−r+ (1 + r2) tan−1r\nr(1 +r2)κ2ϵ2+···,\n23g(r) =1\n1 +r2−r−(1 +r2) tan−1r\nr(1 +r2)3κ2ϵ2+···,\nAt(r) =2\ne+\u0012e(1 + 5 r2)\n8(1 + r2)−κ2\n2e−etan−1r\n2r\u0013\nϵ2+···,\nϕ(r) =ϵ\n1 +r2+···. (67)\nFrom these, up to O(ϵ4), we obtain12\nm=πκ2\n2ϵ2+πκ2\n192\u0000\n(65 + 4 π2)e2−4(61 + 4 π2)κ2\u0001\nϵ4+···,\nµ=2\ne+\u00125e\n8−κ2\n2e\u0013\nϵ2+41e4(2π2−15) + 4 κ2e2(661−93π2) + 4κ4(98π2−821)\n384eϵ4+···,\nq=πe\n4ϵ2+πe\n192\u0000\ne2(25 + 2 π2)−4κ2(29 + 2 π2)\u0001\nϵ4+···. (68)\nRewriting mandµas functions of q, we find\nm=2κ2\neq+κ2\n4π\u0012\n5−4κ2\ne2\u0013\nq2+···,\nµ=2\ne+1\n2π\u0012\n5−4κ2\ne2\u0013\nq+···. (69)\nWe repeat the above calculations for various integer values of ∆ in general dimensions\nd. Some results of mandµin small qexpansion are listed below.\n•d= 3,∆ = 1 (alternative quantization):\nm=κ2\neq+κ2\n2π\u0012\n1 +κ2\ne2\u0013\nq2+···,\nµ=1\ne+1\nπ\u0012\n1 +κ2\ne2\u0013\nq+···. (70)\n•d= 3,∆ = 2:\nm=2κ2\neq+κ2\n4π\u0012\n5−4κ2\ne2\u0013\nq2+···,\nµ=2\ne+1\n2π\u0012\n5−4κ2\ne2\u0013\nq+···. (71)\n•d= 3,∆ = 3:\nm=3κ2\neq+7κ2\n4π\u0012\n1−3κ2\ne2\u0013\nq2+···,\nµ=3\ne+7\n2π\u0012\n1−3κ2\ne2\u0013\nq+···. (72)\n12Note that our expansion parameter ϵis different from [16], and therefore the coefficients in (68) are\ndifferent in higher orders in ϵ. However, the ambiguities in the parametrization of ϵcancel out when m\nandµare written as functions of qas in (69).\n24•d= 4,∆ = 2 (BF bound):\nm=8κ2\n3eq+2κ2\n9q2+···,\nµ=2\ne+1\n3q+···. (73)\n•d= 4,∆ = 3:\nm=4κ2\neq+8κ2\n15\u0012\n1−3κ2\ne2\u0013\nq2+···,\nµ=3\ne+4\n5\u0012\n1−3κ2\ne2\u0013\nq+···. (74)\n•d= 4,∆ = 4:\nm=16κ2\n3eq+2κ2\n21\u0012\n9−64κ2\ne2\u0013\nq2+···,\nµ=4\ne+\u00129\n7−64κ2\n7e2\u0013\nq+···. (75)\n•d= 5,∆ = 2 (alternative quantization):\nm=3κ2\neq+κ2\n8π\u0012\n1 +2κ2\ne2\u0013\nq2+···,\nµ=2\ne+1\n6π\u0012\n1 +2κ2\ne2\u0013\nq+···. (76)\n•d= 5,∆ = 3:\nm=9κ2\n2eq+κ2\n16π\u0012\n14−27κ2\ne2\u0013\nq2+···,\nµ=3\ne+1\n12π\u0012\n14−27κ2\ne2\u0013\nq+···. (77)\n•d= 5,∆ = 4:\nm=6κ2\neq+3κ2\n16π\u0012\n11−72κ2\ne2\u0013\nq2+···,\nµ=4\ne+1\n4π\u0012\n11−72κ2\ne2\u0013\nq+···. (78)\nBy comparing such results for integer values of ∆ in general dimensions d, we find\nthat the general expression for mandµof the soliton up to O(q2) is given by\nm=2(d−2)∆κ2\n(d−1)eq+(d−2)κ2Γ(∆)2Γ(2∆ + 1 −d/2)\n(d−1)Γ(d/2) Γ(2∆) Γ(∆ + 1 −d/2)2\u0012\n1−(d−2)∆2(∆−d/2)\n(d−1)(∆−d/4)κ2\ne2\u0013\nq2,\n25µ=∆\ne+Γ(∆)2Γ(2∆ + 1 −d/2)\nΓ(d/2) Γ(2∆) Γ(∆ + 1 −d/2)2\u0012\n1−(d−2)∆2(∆−d/2)\n(d−1)(∆−d/4)κ2\ne2\u0013\nq .\n(79)\nWe note that coefficients diverge when ∆ = d/4, which can be realized only in d= 3\nat ∆ = 3 /4 (in d≥4, we always have ∆ > d/ 2−1≥d/4). This expansion formula,\ndeduced from the results of integer ∆, hence might not be suitable for ∆ ≤3/4 ind= 3.\nAt the end of section 2, we have discussed the same issue from the viewpoint of charge\nconvexity. To avoid subtleties, in this paper we assume ∆ >3/4 when d= 3.\nD Construction of small charge hairy black holes\nThe critical coupling e=ecis where the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole and\nsoliton have the same energy for the same charge. Here, near e=ec, we evaluate the\nenergy of the hairy black hole as a non-interacting mix of the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom\nblack hole and soliton. This method was successfully employed for massless scalar in d= 4\nin [14], and here we generalize the calculations to other ∆ and d.\nD.1 Construction in e < e c\nIne < e c, the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole has a lower energy than the soliton around\nQ=Qc. At Q=Qc, we start to mix small charge soliton contributions to the Reissner-\nNordstrom black hole to evaluate the energy of a hairy black hole. We will see that the\nReissner-Nordstrom black hole is the lowest energy state in Q < Q c, while the hairy black\nhole is the lowest energy state in Q > Q c.\nIne < e c, we express the small difference of the coupling efrom ecby introducing a\nsmall parameter θas\ne2=e2\nc(1−θ). (80)\nFrom (52), the chemical potential and charge of the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom\nblack hole depends on small rh,\nµRN=1\nκr\nd−1\nd−2\u0012\n1 +d\n2(d−2)r2\nh+O(r4\nh)\u0013\n,\nqRN=rd−2\nh\nκr\nd−1\nd−2\u0012\n1 +d\n2(d−2)r2\nh+O(r4\nh)\u0013\n. (81)\n26To mix the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole and soliton, we parametrize rhand the charge\nof the soliton as perturbative series of θso that they can be compared at each order in the\nperturbative series. In e < e c, we introduce the ansatz that small soliton contributions\nare put on top of the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole. Hence, we devise the perturbative\nseries so that µRNandqRNare larger than µsolandqsol.\nD.1.1 d= 3\nTo mix the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole and soliton for d= 3 in e < e c, we take\nqRN∼rh∼θ1/2. We use the following ansatz for rh,\nrh=a1θ1/2+a2θ+a3θ3/2+a4θ2+···, (82)\nwhere we have explicitly included the terms necessary for calculating the hairy black hole\nenergy up to O(q2). With this ansatz, µRN,qRN, and mRNof the Reissner-Nordstrom\nblack hole can be expanded in powers of θas\nµRN=√\n2\nκ+3a2\n1√\n2κθ+3√\n2a1a2\nκθ3/2+3(3a4\n1−4a2\n2−8a1a3)\n4√\n2κθ2+−9a3\n1a2+ 6a2a3+ 6a1a4√\n2κθ5/2+···,\nqRN=√\n2a1\nκθ1/2+√\n2a2\nκθ+√\n2(3a3\n1+ 2a3)\n2κθ3/2+√\n2(9a2\n1a2+ 2a4)\n2κθ2+···,\nmRN= 2a1θ1/2+ 2a2θ+ 2(2 a3\n1+a3)θ3/2+ (6a2\n1a2+a4)θ2+···.\n(83)\nTo balance the chemical potential, we take the ansatz for the charge of the soliton as\nqsol=b1θ+b2θ3/2+b3θ2+···. (84)\nHere, the leading behavior of the soliton is chosen as qsol∼θin order to balance the\nchemical potential. Then, the chemical potential and mass of the soliton can be expressed\nas\nµsol=√\n2\nκ+\u00121√\n2κ+3b1Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −3/2)\n22∆−1Γ(∆ + 1 /2) Γ(∆ −1/2)2\u0013\nθ+3b2Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −3/2)\n22∆−1Γ(∆ + 1 /2) Γ(∆ −1/2)2θ3/2\n+\u00123\n4√\n2κ+(3b3+ 2b1(3−2∆))Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −3/2)\n22∆−1Γ(∆ + 1 /2) Γ(∆ −1/2)2\u0013\nθ2+···,\nmsol=√\n2b1κθ+√\n2b2κθ3/2+\u0012(b1+ 2b3)κ√\n2+3b2\n1κ2Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −3/2)\n22∆Γ(∆ + 1 /2) Γ(∆ −1/2)2\u0013\nθ2+···,\n(85)\n27where b1>0 is assumed so that msol>0. Note that, with the above ansatz, the charge\nof the hairy black hole has the series expansion of the form\nq=qRN+qsol=√\n2a1\nκθ1/2+ √\n2a2\nκ+b1!\nθ+···. (86)\nAt this point, we fix the redefinition ambiguities in the θexpansion by demanding\nq∼θ1/2with no higher θcorrections.13Then, each term in the above expansion should\nsatisfy\nq=√\n2a1\nκθ1/2,2a2\nκ+b1= 0, (87)\nand so on for the higher orders involving a3,4andb2,3. The balancing of the chemical\npotential µRN=µsolalso gives the equations\n3a2\n1√\n2κ=1√\n2κ+3b1Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −3/2)\n22∆−1Γ(∆ + 1 /2) Γ(∆ −1/2)2,\n3√\n2a1a2\nκ=3b2Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −3/2)\n22∆−1Γ(∆ + 1 /2) Γ(∆ −1/2)2, (88)\nand so on for a3andb3. From these equations, we can determine the coefficients a1,2,3,4and\nb1,2,3. The upshot is that, in q > q c, the mass of the hairy black hole mhairy=mRN+msol\nis given by\nmhairy=mRN���3×22∆−5Γ(∆−1/2)2Γ(∆ + 1 /2)\nΓ(∆) Γ(2∆ −3/2)κ4(q2−q2\nc)2, (89)\nwhere\nqc=√\n6\n3κθ1/2,\nmRN=√\n2κq+κ3q3\n2√\n2+O(q5). (90)\nRecall we assume ∆ >3/4. Then, from (89), we see that mhairy< m RN. Note that we\nalso find b1→0 inq→qcfrom above.\nIn fact, we find qsol<0 in q < q c, and therefore the above expression cannot be\napplied in q < q c, where msolwould be msol<0 ifmsol=qsol+···is assumed. This\n13In [14], a different choice to fix the ambiguities was made (i.e. qsolhas no higher order θcorrections),\nbut eventually, if we express mhairy as a function of q, the ambiguities will be gone.\n28means that we need to parametrize the soliton mass as msol=|qsol|+···. Then, repeating\nthe calculations, we find that the mass of the hairy black hole in q < q cis given by\nmhairy=mRN+22∆−1Γ(∆−1/2)2Γ(∆ + 1 /2)\nΓ(∆) Γ(2∆ −3/2)κ2(q2\nc−q2). (91)\nThus, mhairy > m RNinq < q cif ∆ >3/4. This is reasonable because in q < q cthis\nconstruction attempts to approximate the hairy black hole as a non-interacting mix of\nthe Reissner-Nordstrom black hole and soliton with the opposite charges.\nD.1.2 d= 4\nInd= 4, we use qRN∼r2\nh∼θ. The ansatz for rhis\nr2\nh=a1θ+a2θ2+···. (92)\nWith this ansatz, µRN,qRN, and mRNtakes the form\nµRN=√\n6\n2κ+√\n6a1\n2κθ+√\n6(2a2−a2\n1)\n4κθ2+···,\nqRN=√\n6a1\n2κθ+√\n6(a2\n1+a2)\n2κθ2+···,\nmRN= 2a1θ+ (3a2\n1+ 2a2)θ2+···. (93)\nTo match this, we use the ansatz for the charge of the soliton as\nqsol=b1θ+b2θ2+···. (94)\nThe chemical potential and mass of the soliton are\nµsol=√\n6\n2κ+ \nb1(∆−1)\n2∆−1+√\n6\n4κ!\nθ+ \n(∆−1)(b2−b1(∆−2))\n2∆−1+3√\n6\n16κ!\nθ2+···,\nmsol=2√\n6κb1\n3θ+1\n3\u0012√\n6κ(b1+ 2b2) +2κ2b2\n1(∆−1)\n2∆−1\u0013\nθ2+···,\n(95)\nwhere b1>0. The charge of the hairy black hole has the series expansion of the form\nq=qRN+qsol= √\n6a1\n2κ+b1!\nθ+ √\n6(a2\n1+a2)\n2κ+b2!\nθ2+···. (96)\n29Solving µRN=µsoland fixing the redefinition ambiguities by demanding q∼θwith no\nhigher θcorrections, we can determine a1,2andb1,2. The mass mhairy =mRN+msolis\nobtained in q > q cas\nmhairy=mRN−2(2∆−1)\n3(3∆−2)κ2(q−qc)2, (97)\nwhere\nqc=√\n6\n4κθ ,\nmRN=2√\n6\n3κq+2\n3κ2q2. (98)\nInq < q c, where qsol<0, we find\nmhairy=mRN+4√\n6(2∆−1)κ\n3(3∆−2)(qc−q)> m RN. (99)\nD.1.3 d= 5\nInd= 5, we use qRN∼r3\nh∼θ3/2. The ansatz for rhwe choose is\nrh=a1θ1/2+a2θ+a3θ3/2+a4θ2+···. (100)\nWith this ansatz, µRN,qRN, and mRNcan be parametrized as\nµRN=2√\n3κ+5a2\n1\n3√\n3κθ+10a1a2\n3√\n3κθ3/2+5(−5a4\n1+ 12a2\n2+ 24a1a3)\n36√\n3κθ2\n+5(−5a3\n1a2+ 6a2a3+ 6a1a4)\n9√\n3κθ5/2+···,\nqRN=2a3\n1√\n3κθ3/2+2√\n3a2\n1a2\nκθ2+5a5\n1+ 18a1a2\n2+ 18a2\n1a3\n3√\n3κθ5/2\n+25a4\n1a2+ 6a3\n2+ 36a1a2a3+ 18a2\n1a4\n3√\n3κθ3+···,\nmRN= 2a3\n1θ3/2+ 6a2\n1a2θ2+\u00128a5\n1\n3+ 6a1a2\n2+ 6a2\n1a3\u0013\nθ5/2\n+\u001240a4\n1a2\n3+ 2a3\n2+ 12a1a2a3+ 6a4\n1a4\u0013\nθ3+···. (101)\nFor the matching of the scaling of the above charge, we take the ansatz for the charge of\nthe soliton as\nqsol=b1θ3/2+b2θ2+b3θ5/2+···. (102)\n30The chemical potential and mass of the soliton are\nµsol=2√\n3κ+1√\n3κθ+5×22−2∆b1Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −5/2)\n3 Γ(∆ + 1 /2) Γ(∆ −3/2)2θ3/2\n+ √\n3\n4κ+5×22−2∆b2Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −5/2)\n3 Γ(∆ + 1 /2) Γ(∆ −3/2)2!\nθ2\n+22−2∆(5b3−2b1(2∆−5))Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −5/2)\n3 Γ(∆ + 1 /2) Γ(∆ −3/2)2θ5/2+···,\nmsol=√\n3κb1θ3/2+√\n3κb2θ2+√\n3\n2κ(2b3+b1)θ5/2+···, (103)\nwhere b1>0. The charge of the hairy black hole has the series expansion of the form\nq=qRN+qsol=\u00122a3\n1√\n3κ+b1\u0013\nθ3/2+ \n2√\n3a2\n1a2\nκ+b2!\nθ2+···. (104)\nWe solve µRN=µsolandq∼θ3/2fora1,2,3,4andb1,2,3. The mass mhairy=mRN+msolis\nthen given in q > q cby\nmhairy=√\n3κq+ √\n3\n2κqθ−6√\n15\n125θ5/2!\n=mRN− \n35/6κ5/3q5/3\n25/3−√\n3\n2κqθ+6√\n15\n125θ5/2!\n, (105)\nwhere\nqc=6\n5√\n5κθ3/2,\nmRN=√\n3κq+35/6κ5/3q5/3\n25/3. (106)\nInq < q c, where qsol<0, we find\nmhairy=mRN+ 2√\n3κ(qc−q)> m RN. (107)\nD.1.4 d≥6\nIne < e c, hairy black holes for d≥6 can be constructed in a similar way as d= 5 and\nare of no qualitative difference. We first notice qRN∼rd−2\nh∼θ(d−2)/2(see (19) and (52)).\nThen, we parametrize rhandqsolby series expansion in θso that qRNandqsolhave the\nsame powers of θ. To calculate the energy up to O(q2), for even d, we use the ansatz\nr2\nh=a1θ+a2θ2+···+ad/2θd/2+···,\n31qsol=b1θ(d−2)/2+b2θ(d−2)/2+1+···+bd/2θd−2+···. (108)\nand for odd d, we alternatively use the ansatz\nrh=a1θ1/2+a2θ+···+ad−1θ(d−1)/2+···,\nqsol=b1θ(d−2)/2+b2θ(d−2)/2+1/2+···+bd−2θd−2+···. (109)\nFor example, for d= 6, we have\nr2\nh=a1θ+a2θ2+a3θ3+···,\nqsol=b1θ2+b2θ3+b3θ4+···. (110)\nAs we have done above, we can determine parameters aiandbiby balancing the\nchemical potential µRN=µsoland demanding the charge to be q∼θ(d−2)/2(with no\nhigher order corrections). We can systematically calculate the energy of the hairy black\nhole for any d≥6. Here, we list some results.\n•d= 6: We have q∼θ2. The phase transition at q=qcis continuous as\nmhairy=mRN−\u001223/2κ3/2q3/2\n53/4−2√\n5κqθ+4\n27θ3\u0013\n=mRN−9κ2\n20θ(q−qc)2+O\u0000\n(q−qc)3\u0001\n, (111)\nwhere the second line is the Taylor expansion around q=qc, where |q−qc| ≪θ2,\nand\nmRN=4√\n5κq+23/2κ3/2q3/2\n53/4+···,\nqc=2√\n5\n9κθ2. (112)\nBy considering the O(q2) terms as well, we can check the convexity (because ∆ >2)\nas\nd2mhairy\ndq2=6(∆−1)(∆−2)2κ2\n5(2∆−1)(2∆ −3)>0. (113)\n•d= 7: We have q∼θ5/2. The phase transition at q=qcis continuous as\nmhairy=mRN− \n57/10κ7/5q7/5\n67/10−r\n5\n6κqθ+2×55/2\n77/2θ7/2!\n32=mRN−75/2κ2\n6×55/2θ3/2(q−qc)2+O\u0000\n(q−qc)3\u0001\n, (114)\nwhere the second line is the Taylor expansion around q=qc, where |q−qc| ≪θ5/2,\nand\nmRN=r\n10\n3κq+57/10κ7/5q7/5\n67/10+···,\nqc=25√\n6\n75/2κθ5/2. (115)\nBy considering the O(q2) terms as well, we can check the convexity (because ∆ >\n5/2) as\nd2mhairy\ndq2=7κ2Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −7/2)\n9×22∆−3Γ(∆ + 1 /2) Γ(∆ −5/2)2>0. (116)\n•d= 8: We have q∼θ3. The phase transition at q=qcis continuous as\nmhairy=mRN− \n62/3κ4/3q4/3\n72/3−r\n6\n7κqθ+27\n256θ4!\n=mRN−64κ2\n189θ2(q−qc)2+O\u0000\n(q−qc)3\u0001\n, (117)\nwhere the second line is the Taylor expansion around q=qc, where |q−qc| ≪θ3,\nand\nmRN= 2r\n6\n7κq+62/3κ4/3q4/3\n72/3+···,\nqc=9√\n42\n128κθ3. (118)\nBy considering the O(q2) terms as well, we can check the convexity (because ∆ >3)\nas\nd2mhairy\ndq2=2(∆−1)(∆−2)(∆−3)2κ2\n7(2∆−1)(2∆ −3)>0. (119)\nD.2 Construction in e > e c\nIne > e c, the soliton has a lower energy than the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole around\nQ=Qc. At Q=Qc, we start to mix small charge Reissner-Nordstrom black hole\ncontributions to the soliton to obtain a hairy black hole. We will see that the soliton is\n33the lowest energy state in Q < Q c, while the hairy black hole is the lowest energy state\ninQ > Q c.\nIne > e c, we write the small difference of the coupling efrom ecas\ne2=e2\nc(1 +θ). (120)\nD.2.1 d= 3\nInd= 3 and e > e c, we take qRN∼rh∼θso that qRNis not more dominant than qsol.\nThe ansatz for rhcan be taken as\nrh=a1θ+a2θ2+···. (121)\nWith this ansatz, µRN,qRN, and mRNcan be parametrized as\nµRN=√\n2\nκ+3a2\n1√\n2κθ2+···,\nqRN=√\n2a1\nκθ+√\n2a2\nκθ2+···,\nmRN= 2a1θ+ 2a2θ2+···. (122)\nTo match this, we use the ansatz for the charge of the soliton as\nqsol=b1θ+b2θ2+···. (123)\nThe chemical potential and mass of the soliton are then\nµsol=√\n2\nκ+\u0012\n−1√\n2κ+3b1Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −3/2)\n22∆−1Γ(∆ + 1 /2) Γ(∆ −1/2)2\u0013\nθ+\n+\u00123\n4√\n2κ+(3b2+ 2b1(2∆−3))Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −3/2)\n22∆−1Γ(∆ + 1 /2) Γ(∆ −1/2)2\u0013\nθ2+···,\nmsol=√\n2b1κθ+\u0012(2b2−b1)κ√\n2+3b2\n1κ2Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −3/2)\n22∆Γ(∆ + 1 /2) Γ(∆ −1/2)2\u0013\nθ2+···,(124)\nwhere b1>0. The charge of the hairy black hole takes the form\nq=qRN+qsol= √\n2a1\nκ+b1!\nθ+ √\n2a2\nκ+b2!\nθ2+···. (125)\nWe solve µRN=µsolandq∼θfora1,2andb1,2. The mass mhairy=mRN+msolis then\ngiven in q > q cas\nmhairy=√\n2κq−22∆−3Γ(∆−1/2)2Γ(∆ + 1 /2)\n3 Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −3/2)θ2\n34=msol−3 Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −3/2)\n22∆Γ(∆−1/2)2Γ(∆ + 1 /2)κ2(q−qc)2, (126)\nwhere\nqc=22∆−3/2Γ(∆−1/2)2Γ(∆ + 1 /2)\n3κΓ(∆) Γ(2∆ −3/2)θ ,\nmsol=√\n2κq+\u00123 Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −3/2)\n22∆Γ(∆−1/2)2Γ(∆ + 1 /2)κ2q2−κqθ√\n2\u0013\n. (127)\nInq < q c, we find qRN<0, and hence we repeat the calculations by using the expression\nof the mass to be mRN= 2|a1|θ+···. Then, we obtain\nmhairy=msol+ 2√\n2κ(qc−q)> m sol. (128)\nD.2.2 d= 4\nInd= 4, we use qRN∼r2\nh∼θ. The ansatz for rhis\nr2\nh=a1θ+a2θ2+···. (129)\nWith this ansatz, µRN,qRN, and mRNare given by\nµRN=√\n6\n2κ+√\n6a1\n2κθ+√\n6(2a2−a2\n1)\n4κθ2+···,\nqRN=√\n6a1\n2κθ+√\n6(a2\n1+a2)\n2κθ2+···,\nmRN= 2a1θ+ (3a2\n1+ 2a2)θ2+···. (130)\nTo match this, we use the ansatz for the charge of the soliton as\nqsol=b1θ+b2θ2+···. (131)\nThe chemical potential and mass of the soliton are\nµsol=√\n6\n2κ+ \nb1(∆−1)\n2∆−1−√\n6\n4κ!\nθ+ \n(∆−1)(b1(∆−2) +b2)\n2∆−1+3√\n6\n16κ!\nθ2+···,\nmsol=2√\n6κb1\n3θ+1\n3\u0012√\n6κ(2b2−b1) +2κ2b2\n1(∆−1)\n2∆−1\u0013\nθ2+···.\n(132)\nThe charge of the hairy black hole is\nq=qRN+qsol= √\n6a1\n2κ+b1!\nθ+ √\n6(a2\n1+a2)\n2κ+b2!\nθ2+···. (133)\n35We solve µRN=µsolandq∼θfora1,2andb1,2. Then, we obtain the mass mhairy =\nmRN+msolas a function of q. The result is, in q > q c,\nmhairy=msol−2(∆−1)2\n3(2∆−1)(3∆ −2)κ2(q−qc)2, (134)\nwhere\nqc=√\n6(2∆−1)\n4(∆−1)κθ ,\nmsol=2√\n6\n3κq+ \n2(∆−1)\n3(2∆−1)κ2q2−√\n6\n3qθ!\n. (135)\nInq < q c, where qRN<0, we find\nmhairy=msol+4√\n6(∆−1)κ\n3(3∆−2)(qc−q)> m sol. (136)\nD.2.3 d= 5\nInd= 5, we use qRN∼r3\nh∼θ3/2. The ansatz for rhwe choose is\nrh=a1θ1/2+a2θ+a3θ3/2+a4θ2+···. (137)\nWith this ansatz, µRN,qRN, and mRNcan be parametrized as\nµRN=2√\n3κ+5a2\n1\n3√\n3κθ+10a1a2\n3√\n3κθ3/2+5(−5a4\n1+ 12a2\n2+ 24a1a3)\n36√\n3κθ2\n+5(−5a3\n1a2+ 6a2a3+ 6a1a4)\n9√\n3κθ5/2+···,\nqRN=2a3\n1√\n3κθ3/2+2√\n3a2\n1a2\nκθ2+5a5\n1+ 18a1a2\n2+ 18a2\n1a3\n3√\n3κθ5/2\n+25a4\n1a2+ 6a3\n2+ 36a1a2a3+ 18a2\n1a4\n3√\n3κθ3+···,\nmRN= 2a3\n1θ3/2+ 6a2\n1a2θ2+\u00128a5\n1\n3+ 6a1a2\n2+ 6a2\n1a3\u0013\nθ5/2\n+\u001240a4\n1a2\n3+ 2a3\n2+ 12a1a2a3+ 6a4\n1a4\u0013\nθ3+···. (138)\nFor the balancing of the chemical potential, the ansatz for the charge of the soliton is\nchosen as\nqsol=b1θ+b2θ3/2+b3θ2+b4θ5/2+···. (139)\n36The chemical potential and mass of the soliton are\nµsol=2√\n3κ+\u0012\n−1√\n3κ+5×22−2∆b1Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −5/2)\n3 Γ(∆ + 1 /2) Γ(∆ −3/2)2\u0013\nθ\n+5×22−2∆b2Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −5/2)\n3 Γ(∆ + 1 /2) Γ(∆ −3/2)2θ3/2\n+ √\n3\n4κ+22−2∆(5b3+ 2b1(2∆−5))Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −5/2)\n3 Γ(∆ + 1 /2) Γ(∆ −3/2)2!\nθ2+···,\nmsol=√\n3κb1θ+√\n3κb2θ3/2+ √\n3\n2κ(2b3−b1) +5b2\n1κ2Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −5/2)\n22∆Γ(∆ + 1 /2) Γ(∆ −3/2)2!\nθ2\n+1\n2\u0012√\n3κ(2b4−b2) +5b1b2κ2Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −5/2)\n22∆−2Γ(∆ + 1 /2) Γ(∆ −3/2)2\u0013\nθ5/2+···, (140)\nwhere b1>0. The charge of the hairy black hole is\nq=qRN+qsol=b1θ+\u00122a3\n1√\n3κ+b2\u0013\nθ3/2+···. (141)\nSolving µRN=µsolandq∼θ, we obtain a1,2,3,4andb1,2,3,4. The mass mhairy=mRN+msol\nis then expressed as the following function of q, inq > q c,\nmhairy=msol−31/4Γ(∆)5/2Γ(2∆−5/2)5/2\n25∆−6Γ(∆−3/2)5Γ(∆ + 1 /2)5/2κ5/2(q−qc)5/2, (142)\nwhere\nqc=22∆−2√\n3 Γ(∆ −3/2)2Γ(∆ + 1 /2)\n5κΓ(∆) Γ(2∆ −5/2)θ ,\nmsol=√\n3κq+ \n5 Γ(∆) Γ(2∆ −5/2)\n22∆Γ(∆−3/2)2Γ(∆ + 1 /2)κ2q2−√\n3\n2κqθ!\n. 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The Lie group’s equivariance prop-\nerty simplifies the preconditioner fitting process,\nwhile its invariance property eliminates the need\nfor damping, which is commonly required in\nsecond-order optimizers. As a result, the learning\nrate for parameter updating and the step size for\npreconditioner fitting are naturally normalized,\nand their default values work well in most scenar-\nios. Our proposed approach offers a promising\ndirection for improving the convergence of SGD\nwith low computational overhead. We demon-\nstrate that Preconditioned SGD (PSGD) outper-\nforms SoTA on Vision, NLP, and RL tasks across\nmultiple modern deep-learning architectures. We\nhave provided code for reproducing toy and large\nscale experiments in this paper.\n1 Introduction\nOptimizing machine learning models with millions of free\nparameters presents a significant challenge. While conven-\ntional convex optimization algorithms such as Broyden-\nFletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS), conjugate gradient\n(CG), & nonlinear versions like Hessian-free (HF) opti-\nmization (Martens and Sutskever, 2012) have succeeded in\n*Equal contribution1Department of Electical Engineer-\ning, University of California, Los Angeles, USA2Independent\nresearcher, San Jose, CA 95132. Correspondence to:\nOmead Pooladzandi , Xi-Lin Li .\nPreprint , Copyright 2024 by the author(s).small-scale, convex mathematical optimization problems,\nthey are rarely used for large-scale, stochastic optimiza-\ntion problems that arise in machine learning (ML). One of\nthe main reasons is their reliance on the line search step.\nIn many ML models, such as variational & reinforcement\nlearning models, cost functions are defined as expectations\n& can only be evaluated through Monte Carlo (MC) sam-\npling averages. This can result in large variances, making\noptimizers that rely on line search to ensure convergence\nproblematic. Several recent extensions of these methods to\ndeep learning, such as K-BFGS & KFAC, have foregone\nthe line search step in favor of damping (Goldfarb et al.,\n2020; Martens and Grosse, 2015). However, this adds com-\nplexity by introducing extra hyperparameters.\nEmpirical results indicate that plain SGD is a highly effi-\ncient optimizer for most ML problems. However, for prob-\nlems with a large eigenvalue spread, SGD may converge\nslowly once the solution is located in a basin of attraction.\nAdaptive optimizers such as RMSProp & Adam (Kingma\nand Ba, 2015) converge faster but have been shown to gen-\neralize worse on many problems (Wilson et al., 2017; Zhou\net al., 2020a). Reducing the generalization gap between\nSGD & Adam remains an active topic of research (Zhuang\net al., 2020). This work focuses on providing SGD with\na good preconditioner to accelerate its convergence around\nthe basin of attraction without undermining its generaliza-\ntion capacity. The curvature information for preconditioner\nfitting can be sampled from Hessian-vector products or fi-\nnite differences of parameters & gradients, similar to the\nBFGS algorithm. However, constructing a preconditioner\nin a deterministic way, as in BFGS (Boyd and Vanden-\nberghe, 2004; Goldfarb et al., 2020), may not be possi-\nble due to potential issues with line search & damping.\nTherefore, we adopt the more general & gradient-noise-\nrobust preconditioner fitting criterion proposed in Li (2015)\n& fit the preconditioner online with another “gradient de-\nscent”(GD) algorithm. The key is to avoid making the pre-\nconditioner fitting more difficult & computationally expen-\nsive than the original parameter-learning problem.\nIn this paper, we propose using Lie groups as a tool for\npreconditioner fitting. The “GD” on a Lie group is simi-\nlar to common gradient descent in Euclidean space. It in-\nvolves applying a series of small transforms via multiplica-\ntion with I+µG, where µis a small scalar & Gis the group\n1arXiv:2402.04553v1 [cs.LG] 7 Feb 2024Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\ngenerator (see D.1). The Lie group is a rich & convenient\nspace to work in as moving a preconditioner around any\npoint on the group behaves similarly to moving it around\nthe identity element of the group, i.e., the identity matrix I.\nThis is known as the Lie group equivariance property.\nRecent curvature-aware optimization methods such as Hes-\nsianFree, KFAC, AdaHessian (Yao et al., 2021), K-BFGS,\nShampoo (Gupta et al., 2018) & GGT (Agarwal et al.,\n2018) have shown moderate empirical results in Deep\nLearning (Osawa et al., 2022). Yet, they require damping,\nline search, or regret & thus require many hyper-paramers\n& are prone to pitfalls that do not affect PSGD where gradi-\nent noises regularize parameter & preconditioner updates.\nContributions. In our paper, we are interested in the per-\nformance of two novel families of preconditioners (Sparse\nMatrix-Free & Low Rank Approximation) in the PSGD\nframework & the structures of the solutions learned by the\nnetwork. In particular, our main observation is that:\nPrecontioned Stochastic Gradient Descent on over-\nparametrized neural networks leads to flat generalized so-\nlutions. While standard optimizers can find solutions that\nare over confident in their predictions, PSGD finds solu-\ntions that are significantly flatter, generalize better while\nbeing drastically less confident.\nWe make the following contributions:\nNovel Preconditioners: In Section 3 we propose two novel\nprecondtioners for PSGD: an extreamly light weight diago-\nnal & coross-diagonal approximation to the Hessian coined\nXM AT, & a powerful light weight Low Rank Approxima-\ntion to the Hessian LRA. These preconditioners are de-\nsigned to leverage curvature information, enhancing the\nperformance of SGD. Both of these preconditioners can be\nused without any adjustment to NN architecture while set-\nting a new SOTA across many deep learning workloads.\nGlobal Curvature Information: The Affine version of\nPSGD as well as KFAC & Shampoo type precondition-\ners all only take each layer’s curvature information into ac-\ncount independently without consideration of interaction of\nlayers. This is clearly an oversimplification. PSGD XM AT\n& LRA are two proposed perconditoners that take into ac-\ncount interaction between all NN layers.\nLie Group Framework: Our approach utilizes a unique\nLie group framework for preconditioner fitting. This\nmethodology simplifies the preconditioner fitting process\nwhile preserving the symmetry & invariance properties,\ncontributing to more stable & efficient optimization.\nPSGD finds Flat Solutions Fast: In Section 5.1 we\npresent toy experiments showing PSGD is the only opti-\nmizer achieving quadratic convergence on the Rosenbrock\nobjective minimization as well as showing clear evidence\nthat PSGD finds flatter solutions while outperforming both\nstandard & sharpness aware optimization methods. Thereexists empirical evidence that width of a local optimum\nis related to generalization (Keskar et al., 2016; Izmailov\net al., 2018; Chaudhari et al., 2019).\nEmpirical Validation: In Section 5.2-5.4 we present\nextensive empirical evidence of PSGD setting a new\nSoTA across vision, natural language processing (NLP),\n& reinforcement learning (RL) tasks, & establishes new\nSoTA for many networks & settings, e.g. ResNet,\nLSTMs (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997) & GPT-\n2 (Radford et al., 2019). We consider optimization prob-\nlems involving MNIST (LeCun and Cortes, 2010), CIFAR-\n10 (CF10) (Krizhevsky, 2009), Penn Treebank (Marcus\net al., 1993), the works of Shakespeare, the Open Web Text\n(OWT) dataset (Gokaslan and Cohen, 2019), HalfCheetah\n& RoboWalker (Brockman et al., 2016). PSGD outper-\nforms SoTA methods with negligible overhead compared\nto SGD on a wide range of optimization tasks.\nIntuitive Experiments: In Section 6 we provide intuition\nfor understanding characteristics for solutions founds by\nPSGD. In addition to flat solutions; we observe four other\nproperties of solutions found by PSGD. textbfUncertanty\nAnalysis: PSGD does not overfit, converging to solutions\nthat are less certain about predictions while outperform-\ning other optimizers. Forgettability Statistics: PSGD fo-\ncuses on points that are important to generalization & not\nmemorization. Neuro-Plasticity: NNs trained with PSGD\nare flexible; usually NNs trained with corrupt data early in\ntraining concede significant performance even if the data\nis corrected later in training. NNs trained with PSGD can\nrecover this performance loss. Learning Long Term De-\npendence: With this simple scenario we show PSGD is the\nonly optimizer that solves the XOR problem, learning long\nterm dependence without memorizing partial solutions.\nThus, we conclude that PSGD is unique in its ability to\nboth improve generalization, decrease solution curvature\nwithout memorization in a data-adaptive fashion. PSGD\nprovides practitioners with a powerful, stable, & efficient\noptimization tool that can significantly enhance the perfor-\nmance of deep learning models in various domains.\n2 Related work & background on PSGD\n2.1 Notations\nThe objective is to minimize a loss function defined as an\nexpectation, L(θ) =Ez[ℓ(θ, z)], where θ∈Rnis the pa-\nrameter vector to be optimized & zis a random vector that\ncan be sampled to evaluate the loss ℓ(θ, z). We assume\nthat the considered problem is second-order differentiable.\nTo simplify the notation, we use ˆL(θ)to denote a sampled\nnoisy evaluation of L(θ). A step of SGD with learning rate\nµ& an optional positive definite preconditioner Pis:\nθi+1=θi−µP ∂ ˆL(θ)/∂θ|θ=θi(1)\n2Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nwhere iis the iteration index, µ >0is the learning rate, &\nPtypically is a variable or adaptive preconditioner. Once\nthe solution enters a basin of attraction centered at a local\nminimum θ∗, we approximate the iteration step in Eq 1 as:\nθi+1−θ∗≈(I−µPˆH)(θi−θ∗) (2)\nwhere ˆH=∂2ˆL(θ)\n∂θT∂θ|θ=θ∗is the sampled Hessian at the\nlocal minimum. Conceivably, the eigenvalue spread of PˆH\nlargely determines the speed of convergence of the quasi-\nlinear system in equation 2. Nearly quadratic convergence\nis possible if we can find a good approximation for H−1.\nHowever, ˆHis a noisy Hessian & is not necessarily positive\ndefinite, even if the exact one at θ∗, i.e., H, is.\n2.2 The Preconditioner Fitting Criterion\nWe adopt the preconditioner fitting criterion proposed in\nLi (2015). Let (δg, δθ )be associated gradient parameter\nperturbations. Then, the fitting criterion is:\nc(P) =Eδθ[δgTPδg+δθTP−1δθ] (3)\nWith autograd tools, we can replace the pair (δθ, δg )with\n(v,ˆHv), where vis a random vector, & ˆHvis the noisy\nHessian-vector product, which can be evaluated as cheaply\nas gradients. Criterion equation 3 only has one positive def-\ninite solution, P= (H2+Ev[ϵ2])−1\n2, even for indefinite H,\nwhere ϵ=ˆH−His a stochastic noise term. This precon-\nditioner automatically dampens gradient noise. It is worth\nnoting that criterion equation 3 gives the same precondi-\ntioner used in equilibrated SGD (ESGD) (Dauphin et al.,\n2015) & AdaHessian (Yao et al., 2021) when Pis diago-\nnal, i.e., E[v⊙v]⊘E[(ˆHv)⊙(ˆHv)], where ⊙&⊘denote\nelement-wise product & division, respectively.\n2.3 Preconditioners on Lie Groups Naturally Arise\nIt is natural to fit the preconditioner on a Lie group for sev-\neral reasons. First, by rewriting equation equation 1 as\nP−1\n2θi+1=P−1\n2θi−µ∂ˆL(θ)/∂(P−1\n2θ)|θ=θi,it is clear\nthat a preconditioned SGD is equivalent to SGD in a new\nset of coordinates defined by ϑ=P−1\n2θ. This coordinate\nchange consists of rotations & scalings, i.e., operations on\nthe orthogonal group O(n)& the group of nonsingular di-\nagonal matrices. We can represent this coordinate trans-\nform with matrix Q−1&, accordingly, P=QTQ. Thus,\nwe pursue a variable Qon the Lie group to fit it.\nSecond, PSGD can also be viewed as SGD with trans-\nformed features when the parameters to be learned are a\nlist of affine transform matrices (Li, 2019). Specifically, the\nmost commonly used feature transformations (e.g., whiten-\ning, normalization, & scaling) can be represented as matri-\nces on the affine groups. For example, the popular batch\nnormalization (Ioffe and Szegedy, 2015), layer normaliza-\ntion (Ba et al., 2016), & group normalization (Wu and He,\n2018) can be represented as a sparse affine Lie group matrix\nwhere only the diagonal & last column can have nonzerovalues (Li, 2019) (See Appendix ??). The decorrelated\nbatch normalization (Huang et al., 2018) is related to the\nwhitening affine preconditioner in Li (2019). Thus, the Lie\ngroup arises as a natural object to work with.\n3 General Lie Group Preconditioners\nHere we discuss relevant Lie groups properties, PSGD con-\nvergence & present two novel Lie group preconditioners.\n3.1 Properties and Convergence of PSGD\nLie groups have two properties that are particularly suit-\nable for our task. Like any group, a specific Lie group\npreserves certain symmetries or invariances. For exam-\nple, with Q∈GL+(n,R), the general linear group with\npositive determinant, ϑ&θwill always have the same ori-\nentation. This eliminates the need for damping to avoid\ndegenerate solutions, since P=QTQis guaranteed to be\ninvertible. The equivariance property of Lie groups further\nfacilitates the preconditioner fitting. The same group gen-\nerator, i.e., the one at the identity matrix, is used to move a\npreconditioner on any point of the Lie group.\nIn fact, the preconditioner Pestimated by PSGD converges\nto the inverse of “absolute” Hessian regardless of the defi-\nniteness of Hessian. From this, one can show that the pa-\nrameters converge following the established results in open\nliterature. For more details & proof see A. Note that the\nfollowing statements are general to PSGD.\nProposition 3.1. Assume that His invertible, & dQ=\n−µ∂c\n∂QorE=−µQT∂c\n∂Q. Then, Qconverges to ±|H|−0.5\nby update equation 6, Qnew= [(Q′)TQ′]0.5withQ′=\nQold+QE, & a small enough positive step size µ.\nCorollary 3.1.1. Assume L(θ)is second order differ-\nentiable with absolute eigenvalues of the Hessian well\nbounded, i.e., 0< l≤ |λ(H)| ≤u <∞. Then with\nPSGD, the loss drops at least with a linear rate, & param-\neters converge at least linearly to the optimal solution θ∗.\nIt is worth mentioning no convergence rate beyond lin-\near are observed for first or second order line-search-free\nstochastic optimization. Proposition 3.1 & Corollary 3.1.1\n(proved in A.1, A.2) are not aimed to push the theoreti-\ncal convergence limits. Instead they investigate how PSGD\nconverges asymptoticlly with small enough step size.\nThe preconditioners proposed in Li (2019) can only be ap-\nplied to a list of affine transform matrix parameters. Al-\nthough many machine learning models exclusively con-\nsist of affine transforms & activation functions, this is not\nalways the case. Additionally, it can be impractical to\nreparameterize many existing modules, such as a convo-\nlutional layer, into their equivalent affine transformation\nform. Hence, in this paper, we propose two types of novel\ngeneral purpose preconditioners.\n3Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\n3.2 Sparse Matrix-Free Preconditioners\nLet us consider bijective mappings that take vectors in Rn\n& map them to other vectors in the same space, i.e., T:\nRn7→Rn. The following claim gives one way to construct\nsuch sparse matrix-free Lie group preconditioners.\nClaim 3.1. LetK={σ1, . . . , σ m}be a subgroup of the\npermutation group Sn. Then, linear transform T:Rn7→\nRn, T (x|a1, . . . , a m) =Pm\ni=1ai⊙σi(x), forms a sub-\ngroup of GL(n,R)parameterized with {a1, . . . , a m}if\nT(·|a1, . . . , a m)is bijective, where both ai&xare∈Rn.\nSee proof of Claim 3.1 in Appendix B.\nExample 1 : the group of invertible diagonal matrices. We\nmust have K={e}if|K|= 1, where eis the identity ele-\nment of Sn, i.e., e(x) =x. Then, Tsimply has a diagonal\nmatrix representation, i.e., T(x|a1) = diag( a1)x. Crite-\nrion equation 3 gives the preconditioner in ESGD (Dauphin\net al., 2015) & AdaHessian (Yao et al., 2021) as a special\ncase when Pis on this group.\nExample 2 : The group of “X-shape matrices.” Let K=\n{e, σf}, where σfdenotes the flipping permutation. Then:\nT(·|a, b)T(·|u, v) =T(·|a⊙u+b⊙σf(v),\na⊙v+b⊙σf(u))\nT−1(·|a, b) =T(·|σf(a)⊘c,−b⊘c)\nwhere c=a⊙σf(a)−b⊙σf(b). Clearly, such trans-\nforms form a Lie group if they are invertible, i.e., no ele-\nment of cis zero. The matrix representation of this Tonly\nhas nonzero diagonal & anti-diagonal elements, thus the\nname X-shape matrix (XM AT). This becomes our minimal\noverhead general purpose preconditioner for PSGD.\nExample 3 : The butterfly matrix. For an even n, subgroup\nK={e, sn\n2}induces a Lie group whose representations\nare invertible butterfly matrices, where sn\n2denotes circu-\nlar shifting byn\n2positions. This group of matrices are the\nbuilding blocks of Kaleidoscope matrices.\nAdditionally, the group GL(n,R)can be recovered by let-\ntingK={e, s1, . . . , s n−1}, where sidenotes circular\nshifting by ipositions. But, GL(n,R)is too expensive for\nlarge scale problems. The group of diagonal matrices, i.e.,\nthe Jacobi preconditioner, is sparse but empirically shown\nto be less effective without the help of momentum for cer-\ntain machine learning problems (Dauphin et al., 2015). We\nare mostly interested in the cases with 2≤ |K| ≤4. These\nLie groups are sparse enough, yet simple enough to derive\ntheir inverse manually, & at the same time can significantly\naccelerate the convergence of SGD by shortcutting gradi-\nents separated far away in positions.\n3.3 Low-Rank Approximation Preconditioner\nLow-rank approximation (LRA) is a standard technique for\nprocessing large-scale matrices. Commonly adopted formsof positive definite low-rank approximation, such as P=\nρI+UUT, cannot always be factorized as P=QTQfor\ncertain Lie groups, where ρ >0is a small positive number.\nAdditionally, this form of approximation is not effective for\nreducing eigenvalue spread. In many real-world problems,\nthe Hessian has a few very large & very small eigenvalues,\ni.e., tails on both ends of the spectra (Sagun et al., 2016;\n2017). However, all the eigenvalues of Pin this form are\nlower bounded by ρ, meaning that it can only fit one tail of\nthe spectra when rank (U)≪n.\nThus, we propose a new LRA with form Q=ρ(I+UVT),\nwhere ρis not necessarily small nor positive, & U&V\nhave rcolumns with r≪n. To justify this form of ap-\nproximation, we need to establish two facts. First, it forms\na Lie group. Second, P=QTQwith this form can fit\nboth tails of the spectra of Hessian, providing an accurate\ncharacterization of the curvature of a function, improving\noptimization algorithms, & assessing their robustness.\nClaim 3.2. Preconditioner P=QTQwithQ=ρ(I+\nUVT)can have positive eigenvalues arbitrarily larger\nthanρ2& arbitrarily less than ρ2with proper U&V.\nClaim 3.3. Ifρ̸= 0 &(I+VTU)−1or(I+UTV)−1\nexists, AV(ρ, U) = ρ(I+UVT)defines a subgroup\nofGL(n,R)parameterized with ρ&U. Similarly,\nAU(ρ, V) = ρ(I+UVT)defines another subgroup of\nGL(n,R)parameterized with ρ&V.\nSee proofs of Claim 3.2 &3.3 in Appendix C.1 & C.1.\nThe form of Qin Claim 3.2 is rather constrained as ρis\na scalar. In practice, we replace ρwith another Lie group\nmatrix & define QasQ=B(I+UVT). In our imple-\nmentations, we choose Bto be the group of diagonal ma-\ntrix with positive diagonals & update Balong with U&V\non two separate Lie groups. Note that now B(I+UVT)\ngenerally no longer forms a single Lie group.\n4 Practical Considerations\nAbove-proposed preconditioners can be fit online by min-\nimizing criterion equation 3 using GD on Lie groups. Un-\nlike traditional GD, moving an object on a Lie group is\nachieved by multiplying it with I+µG, where Gis the\ngroup generator & µis small enough such that ∥µG∥<1.\nThis series of small movements trace a curve on the Lie\ngroup manifold, & Gis in the tangent space of the group as\nthe Lie algebra is closed. See App D.\nNote that optimizer damping is neither necessary nor gen-\nerally feasible on a Lie group, although it is widely used\nin other second-order optimizers to avoid degenerate solu-\ntions. On one hand, by fitting Qon a connected Lie group,\nP=QTQcannot be singular. On the other hand, damping\ncould be incompatible with certain forms of Lie groups, as\nwe may not always be able to find another Q′on the same\ngroup such that Q′TQ′=QTQ+λI, where λ >0. This\n4Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\neliminates the need for setting up a proper damping sched-\nule. However, gradient clipping can be helpful in promot-\ning stability. The quadratic approximation leading to the\nquasi-linear system equation 2 is only valid within a certain\nregion around θ. Thus, ∥δθ∥=µ∥P∂ˆL(θ)/∂θ∥should be\nsmall enough such that θ+δθstill locates in this trust re-\ngion. We can adjust µor clip ∥P∂ˆL(θ)/∂θ∥to ensure that\n∥δθ∥is small enough.\nTheoretically, one Hessian-vector product evaluation dou-\nbles the complexity of one gradient evaluation. In prac-\ntice, we could update the curvature estimation with proba-\nbility 0.1. The cost of updating Pis negligible for r≤100\ncompared with SGD. Then the per iteration complexity of\nPSGD becomes 1 + 2×0.1 = 1 .2times of that of SGD, as\nshown empirically in 15 & 9. For time & space complexity\nanalysis see App. Tables 5 & 6. Lastly, we use a learning\nrate of 0.01 but find PSGD is quite robust to learning rate\nand weight decay, see App K.5.\nFor the LRA preconditioner, the gradients on the Lie\ngroups are given by 0.5∇B= diag[( Ph)hT−v(P−1v)T],\n0.5∇U= [( Qh)(Qh)T−(Q−Tv)(Q−Tv)T]V&\n0.5∇V= [(Qh)(Qh)T−(Q−Tv)(Q−Tv)T]U, respec-\ntively. Interested readers can refer to the App for details.\nTo put these together, we summarize the proposed PSGD\nmethods into Algorithms 1 2,4 and App E.\nAlgorithm 1 PSGD Optimizer\nInitialize: θ0,t←0,Q0∝I\nWhile θtnot converged do\nt←t+ 1\ngt← ∇ θft(θt−1)\nIfu < p withu∼ U(0,1)then\nht← ∇ θ(vT\ntgt), where vt∼ N(0, I)\nUpdate Qtvia(vt, ht):\nQ Update Step\nElseQt←Qt−1\ngt←QT\ntQtgt\nθt←θt−1−µ1gt\nend while\nAlgorithm 2 LRA Q Update Step\nPh=QT(Qh)\nP−1v=Q−1(Q−Tv) via Woodbury identity 2x\n∇d= (Ph)⊙h−v⊙(P−1v)\nd←d−µ2d⊙ ∇d/max(|∇d|)\nIfu <0.5withu∼ U(0,1)\n∇U= (Qh)(Qh)TV−(Q−Tv)(Q−Tv)TV\nU←U−µ2∥∇UVT∥−1∇U(I+VTU)\nElse\n∇V= (Qh)(Qh)TU−(Q−Tv)(Q−Tv)TU\nV←V−µ2∥U∇T\nV∥−1(I+V UT)∇V\nReturn Q= (I+UVT)diag( d)5 Empirical Results\nIn this work, we evaluate the performance of the PSGD\nalgorithm on a diverse set of tasks. First we consider\ntwo toy problems, Rosenbrock objective minimization to\nshow quadratic convergence of PSGD, as well as using a\nLeNet5 (Lecun et al., 1998) (see Figure 1b & Table 13)\nfor MNIST (LeCun and Cortes, 2010) digit recognition for\nstudying the generalization property of PSGD.\nNext, we benchmark more large-scale vision, natural\nlanguage processing (NLP), & reinforcement learning\n(RL) tasks. For each task we benchmark PSGD vs\nthe leading SoTA optimizers. In the domain of com-\nputer vision, we evaluate algorithm performance on the\nMNIST dataset via convex large-scale logistic regres-\nsion (see Appendix K.6). Additionally we consider the\nCIFAR10 (CF10) (Krizhevsky, 2009) & CF10 derived\ndatasets, namely noisy labels, blur-deficit, adversarial at-\ntacks, & class imbalances, (see Figure 2a & Table 15) with\nResNet18 (RN18) to explore generalization performance.\nFor NLP tasks, we study the use of LSTMs (Hochreiter\nand Schmidhuber, 1997) & GPT-2 style transformers (Rad-\nford et al., 2019), on various text corpora, including the\nPenn Treebank (Marcus et al., 1993), the complete works\nof Shakespeare, & the Open Web Text (OWT) dataset\n(Gokaslan and Cohen, 2019) (see Table 17 & 1). In the\nRL setting, we consider a Proximal Policy Optimization\n(PPO) (Schulman et al., 2017) applied to the HalfCheetah\n& RoboWalker environments using OpenAI’s gym envi-\nronments (Brockman et al., 2016) (see Fig. 5).\nTo provide insight into the fundamental differences be-\ntween SGD & PSGD, we perform uncertainty & forget-\ntability analysis (Toneva et al., 2018). Finally, we exam-\nine the pathological delayed XOR problem, first introduced\nin Hochreiter and Schmidhuber (1997), in order to further\nour understanding of the strengths & limitations of differ-\nent optimization methods.\n5.1 Performance Study with Toy Examples\nQuadratic Convergence: The first toy example is the\nminimization of the Rosenbrock function demonstrating\nthe recovery of curvature information by PSGD. As shown\nby Proposition 3.1, preconditioner Pfollows (HTH)−1/2.\nThis property helps PSGD to escape saddle points as P→\n∞when H→0, & accelerate convergence around the\nbasin of attraction. This quadratic convergence behavior of\nPSGD is clearly shown by the convergence curve solving\nthe Rosenbrock benchmark problem in Fig. 1a. For more\ncomparison see App Fig 18.\nPSGD Finds Flatter NNs: Next, we demonstrates that\nPSGD preserves the generalization property of its kin,\nSGD, as the gradient noises regularize both parameter &\npreconditioner updates. The task is the MNIST digit recog-\nnition with the LeNet5. Adam is selected as the counter-\n5Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\n(a) Rosenbrock objective minimization\n (b) LeNet5 minima pair\n (c) PSGD excels in bfloat16\nFigure 1: (a) Rosenbrock objective minimization comparison among PSGD & its competitors. Only PSGD shows a clear quadratic\nconvergence curve. (b) MNIST hand written digit recognition with LeNet5. Hessians at the minima of Adam are estimated with a\ndummy LRA PSGD optimizer that only updates the preconditioner. (c) PSGD is able to significantly outperform closed form solutions\nfor curvature at bfloat16. This exemplifies the stability of our method.\nexample as it is known to be more easily trapped in sharp\nminima than SGD (Zhou et al., 2020b). Fig. 1b shows ten\npairs of minima, each starting from the same random initial\ninitialization. We see that PSGD converges to minima with\nflatter or smaller Hessian, i.e., larger preconditioner. From\nthe view of information theory, the total cross entropy &\n0.5 log det( H)≈ −0.5 log det( P)are good proxies of the\ndescription lengths of the train image-label pairs & model\nparameters, respectively. Fig. 1b shows that minima with\nsmaller description lengths tend to perform better on the\ntest sets as well, as suggested by an arrow pointing to the\ndown-left-front corner of the cube.\nCurvature Representations at Low Precision: Here we\nexemplify PSGD’s robust performance & resilience to\nnoise in low-precision settings. All PSGD implementations\nmaintain stability across both single & half (bfloat16) pre-\ncision computations. The inherent equivariance property\nassociated with the Lie group is instrumental in PSGD’s\napproach, leading to a scenario where PSGD effectively\nfits the product PH, which asymptotically approximates\nthe identity matrix I, irrespective of the condition number\nofH. In figure 1c we compare PSGD’s adaptive solution\nvs prevalent closed-form methods. Specifically we com-\npare fitting PSGD via P= tr( PH2+P−1−2H)vs the\nwell known closed form solution P=E[hhT]−0.5when\nv∼N(0, I). This showcases PSGD’s efficiency in solving\nthe secant equation. Moreover, PSGD circumvents numer-\nical challenges commonly encountered in operations such\nas matrix inversion, Cholesky decomposition, & eigenvalue\ndecompositions. These attributes contribute to PSGD’s ro-\nbustness & efficiency, especially in low-precision compu-\ntational environments. For more see App Fig 19.\n5.2 CIFAR-10 and Friends on ResNet18\nWe train an RN18 on the CF10 image classification task us-\ning PSGD, SGD, Adam, & Apollo (Adaptive Quasi New-\nton Diagonal). We adopt the cosine learning rate scheduler(Loshchilov and Hutter, 2016) & train for 200 epochs (see\nK.8). We find that as other first & second-order optimizers\nperformance reduces & increases in variance as task com-\nplexity increases, PSGD is able to sustain the classification\naccuracy of the RN18, outperforming other optimizers by\nas much as much as 64%, see Figure 2a Table 15 for details.\nThese tasks provide a rigorous test for the generalization\nability of optimizers. We maintain the tuned hyperparame-\nters from the standard RN18 CF10 classification task for a\nfair comparison between the optimizers. For robustness &\nsensitivity analysis on PSGD’s hyper-parameters as well as\nmore experimental details see K.5. We update the precon-\nditioner of PSGD every ten iterations, resulting in a 20%\noverhead over SGD, see Table 15 & K.4 for empirical &\ntheoretical timing analysis.\nCIFAR10 with Asymmetric Noisy Labels: We asym-\nmetrically perturb 60% of the CF10 training labels ran-\ndomly, resulting in one of the classes having approximately\n55% incorrect labels & the other 9 classes having 5%in-\ncorrect labels, yielding asymmetric label noise . We use\n(P)SGD, Adam & Apollo to train an RN18 on this task for\n100 epochs with 8 different seeds & compare train & test\nclassification accuracy Fig. 6a & 6b.\nFigure 6a & 6b, show that PSGD achieves the lowest av-\nerage train accuracy (assuming incorrect noisy labels) with\nthe highest ground truth test accuracy. SGD gets an average\ntraining accuracy between Adam & Apollo. SGD has seven\nruns reaching 55% memorizing the train set, yielding 10%\naccuracy on the test set. & one run (due to lucky initializa-\ntion) reaching 34% on the train set, learning an underfit yet\ngeneralizing solution, yielding 77% on the test set.\nFor SGD, this is not a standard case of over-fitting nor a\ncase of catastrophic forgetting, since the training accuracy\ndoes not change. Instead, our experiments show there ex-\nists a tipping point in the test accuracy at around epoch 35,\nwhere within a single epoch the test accuracy drops from\n71% to10% while the training accuracy shows no intelli-\n6Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nStandardResidual FreeBlur Deficit\nClass ImbalanceAdvaserial Noisy Best Noisy Final65707580859095Accuracy\nApollo\nAdam\nSGD\nPSGD\n(a) CF10 RN18 Experiments\n (b) Train Acc: Noisy Label CF10\n (c) Test Acc: Noisy Label CF10\nFigure 2: CIFAR-10 ResNet-18: (a) Robustness of PSGD: We clearly see as classification task increases in complexity( →), PSGD\nis able to consistently outperform other first and second order optimizers. (b) Assym Label Noise Train Acc: Accuracy plots based\non incorrect noisy labels. PSGD effectively mitigates label noise, learning the true underlying solution with low variance, while other\noptimizers tend to overfit/memorize the miss-leading trainset. (c) Assym Label Noise Test Acc: Under ground truth test labels, we see\nthat PSGD reaches a significantly better test accuracy with a very low variance compared to Apollo, Adam, and SGD.\ngible indication of this change. Furthermore, the test ac-\ncuracy does not increase for the rest of the 65 epochs. At\nthe 35 epoch mark Adam & Apollo both go through a pe-\nriod of high variance over-fitting that eventually converges.\nNote that the average margins or predicted probabilities in\nTable 3 indicate that PSGD finds a generalizable solution\nwhereas other first & second-order optimizers fall into a\nregime of overfitting/memorization further discussed in 6.\nIn conclusion, we show PSGD finds a generalizable so-\nlution that can mitigate both over & underfitting. Other\noptimizers easily over/under-fit or memorize incorrect im-\nage label pairs, have large optimization instabilities during\ntraining, & reach degenerate solutions where the NNs have\nreasonable train accuracy but random test accuracy. For\nmore details & experiments on learning under asymmetric\n&symmetric label noise see K.2 & K.2.\n5.3 Language Modeling: nanoGPT\nTransformers have become the de facto language modeling\narchitecture, largely replacing RNN-based models. Trans-\nformers employ sparse self-attention mechanisms that al-\nlow for efficient computation of gradients. Thus, they are\ntypically trained using first-order methods. In this section,\nwe study the effect of curvature information in training\ntransformer models. And provide results for LSTM-based\nexperiments for predicting the Penn TreeBank Dataset us-\ning Zhuang et al. (2020)’s framework in Table 17.\nIn a recent study, Karpathy (2022) proposed a frame-\nwork for reproducing GPT-2 results using the OpenWeb-\nText dataset. Here, we expand upon this by investigating\nthe training of GPT-2 models of different sizes on both the\nOpenWebText & Shakespeare character datasets. Our pri-\nmary objective is to benchmark the performance of PSGD\nagainst other SoTA optimization algorithms.\nAs shown in Table 1, our results indicate that PSGD con-\nsistently outperforms other optimization algorithms acrossTable 1: Comparing different test loss of optimizers over GPT-2\nstyle transformers on the Shakespeare-char (SC) & OpenWebText\n(OWT) datasets. PSGD outperforms other optimizers including\nthe SoTA optimizer AdamW over various model sizes. Trainined\non a single NVIDIA 3080 GPU.\nnanoGPT PSGD SGD AdamW AdanW AdaBelief AdanBelief\nSC: 0.82M 4.52 4.68 4.68 5.52 5.94 6.66\nSC: 1.61M 4.47 4.75 5.03 5.05 5.06 6.47\nSC: 6.37M 4.53 5.31 19.53 4.92 21.04 5.34\nOWT: 50M 197.07 257.86\nvarious model sizes. Notably, a moderate gap in perplex-\nity is observed for the smaller GPT-2 model trained for\n5k iterations on the Shakespeare-char dataset, with a sig-\nnificant gap observed on the 50M parameter GPT-2 LLM\ntrained on the OpenWebText dataset, for 600k iterations\nusing AdamW & 100k iterations using PSGD. We found\nthat decreasing the precond lr to 0.001 greatly improved the\nperformance of transformer models. Lowering the precond\nlrsmoothens the curvature in the sparse embedding layer\nof GPT-2 over time & enables the optimizer to consider a\nlarger window of curvature information. This “curvature\nmemory” improves performance & prevents divergence re-\nsulting from the otherwise sparse embedding space. For\nLSTM experiments see Table 17.\n5.4 Reinforcement Learning\nHere we consider two standard Proximal Policy Optimiza-\ntion (PPO) problems in Reinforcement Learning (RL):\nWalker2d and HalfCheetah. We optimize the actor and\ncritic independently. We compare the performance of the\ntwo SOTA optimizers AdaBelief and Adan to PSGD. We\noptimize the actor and critic independently.We find that\nPSGD can find a higher reward for both Walker2d &\nHalfCheetah as shown in Figure 5.\n7Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\n(a)Walker2d\n (b)HalfCheetah\nFigure 3: PSGD outperforms SOTA optimizers on PPO RL on Walker2d & HalfCheetah.\n6 Understanding Second Order Optimizers\nWith the performance distinctions between PSGD & the\nSoTA optimiziers now apparent, we aim to conduct a series\nof simple experiments to better understand the nature of\nsolutions PSGD finds.\nUncertainty Analysis: We train a standard RN18 on CF10\nwith PSGD, SGD, Adam, & Apollo, & after 200 epochs\nwe check the entropy over the softmax-logits & miss-\nclassification margin Toneva et al. (2018) of both NNs. We\nsee in Table 3 that PSGD has higher entropy & a lower\nmargin of classification compared to other optimizers. This\nvery low minimum entropy of other optimizers may be in-\nterpreted as a form of overfitting or memorization. Intu-\nitively, some data points that are low entropy have infor-\nmation that is easily memorized by NNs, giving up network\ncapacity learning points that do not improve generalization.\nConversely, we observe that PSGD never becomes overly\ncertain about any data point, with the minimum entropy\nbeing six orders of magnitude larger than other optimizers.\nSimilar trends can be observed in the mean & maximum\nentropy values. From these statistics, we believe standard\nfirst & second-order optimizers can push NNs into a dan-\ngerous regime of overconfidence which given clean labels\ncan reduce their generalization capacity with the potential\nof catastrophic forgetting. In the scenario where a network\nis given noisy labels (or imaginably poisoned points), train-\ning other SoTA methods may lead to memorization of the\ntraining set with little to no generalization capacity as seen\nin the noisy labeled experiments 2a.\nPSGD’s higher entropy & lower margins are indications\nof a larger exploration of the parameter space, more di-\nverse solutions, & a lack of memorization. Suggesting that\nPSGD is able to better balance the trade-off between over-\nfitting & underfitting, without memorizing points.\nFor more on the nature of low & high entropy points and\nits connection to Forgettability see K.7 &K.8.\nForgettability Statistics & Learning Toneva et al. (2018)\nfound that one can prune 30% of the CF10 train samples\nwithout loss of generalization via Forgettability. Toneva\nfound point’s generalization utility is directly correlatedwith the number of times it is learned and forgotten during\ntraining. We investigate whether the performance differ-\nence between PSGD & SGD’s generalization performance\ncan be attributed to this forgettability ordering.\nWe train the RN18 and keep the top Nimportant points\nbased on each optimizer’s expected forgettability score. Ta-\nble 16 shows that PSGD focuses on points that are central\nto generalization. When we limit the dataset to only the\n5k most forgettable data points deemed by each optimizer,\nPSGD is able to outperform SGD by nearly 14%.\nPSGD Preserves Neuro-Plasticity: Recently, Achille\net al. (2017) studied the phenomenon of neuroplasticity\nin NNs. They found that NNs exhibit a critical learning\nperiod, during which if a learning deficit is not removed,\nthe NN becomes unable to learn effectively. To simulate\nthis deficit, CIFAR10 images are blurred for the first half\nof training, after which the deficit is removed. Following\nAchille et al. (2017), we used an exponential learning rate\ndecay. To investigate the impact of optimization on neuro-\nplasticity we compare SGD & PSGD. We find that PSGD\nretains neuro-plasticity outperforming SGD by 6% & 3%\non test & train sets seen in Fig 2a, 16b & Table 15.\nFor more on critical learning periods & the importance of\ncurvature information early in training for improving dis-\ntributional shift for transfer learning, see & K.8 & K.8.\nUnderstanding long term dependence and memoriza-\ntion via the Delayed XOR Problem: The task is to\npredict the XOR relation of aandbrandomly scattered\nfar away in a long sequence. This problem is challeng-\ning for many architectures and optimizers because it can-\nnot be “partially solved” as memorizing either aorbalone\ndoes not help to predict XOR (a, b). We consider solv-\ning it with the vanilla RNNs and LSTMs optimized us-\ning SGD, AdaBelief, Adan, AdaHessian, Apollo, Hessian\nFree, Shampoo, KFAC, and PSGD at different sequence\nlengths. Apollo was not able to solve the XOR problem\nin any scenario. The success rates for each optimizer are\nshown in Table 2. Clearly, PSGD LRA is the only method\nthat can solve the XOR problem passing sequence length\n32 with an RNN. Furthermore, LSTMs show no benefit to\n8Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nTable 2: Success rate on the delayed XOR problem with variant sequence lengths, optimizers, & networks.\nXOR PSGD LRA AdaHessian KFAC HessianFree Shampoo SGD AdaBelief Adan\nLength RNN LSTM RNN LSTM RNN LSTM RNN LSTM RNN LSTM RNN LSTM RNN LSTM RNN LSTM\n32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1\n55 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0.6 0 0.8 0 0 0 0 0 0\n64 1 1 0 0.8 0 0 0 0 0 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 0\n112 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\nTable 3: Uncertainty Statistics: PSGD’s higher uncertainty leads\nto better generalization & less over-fitting.\nNTK Entropy Margin\nMin Mean Max Min Mean Max\nPSGD 0.139 0.260 1.545 0.144 0.956 0.994\nSGD 7x 10−70.01 0.8975 0.3925 0.999 1\nAdam 1.5x 10−70.009 0.8645 0.3625 0.999 1\nApollo 1x 10−60.05 0.8851 0.4326 0.999 1\nTable 4: Forgetting statistics for CF10 on RN18. PSGD finds\nbetter forgettability statistics outperforming SGD.\nForgetting 50k 25k 15k 5k\nPSGD 96.65 95.83 94.95 56.46\nSGD 96.21 95.56 93.7 42.48\nRNNs without using curvature information. Also, RNN op-\ntimized with PSGD outperforms LSTM optimized by any\nother methods. These results hint at two points. First, the\nchoice of optimizer could be equally important as model\narchitecture. Second, similar to the CF10 tasks, PSGD re-\nlies less on the memorization of train samples in problem-\nsolving. See K.8 for rank analysis.\n7 Conclusion\nThis work presents a comprehensive study of the proposed\ngeneral-purpose Lie group preconditioners for optimiza-\ntion of deep learning problems. We’ve provided theoretical\nguarantees for the convergence of Lie group preconditioned\noptimization methods, & empirical results demonstrating\nPSGD outperforms SoTA optimizers in generalization, ro-\nbustness, & stability across various tasks in Vision, NLP,\n& RL. Our analysis of forgettability & entropy shows that\nPSGD effectively focuses on forgettable points, leading to\nimproved generalization. These findings provide valuable\ninsights for further developing efficient & effective opti-\nmization techniques for deep learning models.\n8 Acknowledgments\nThis work was partially supported with Cloud TPUs from\nGoogle’s Tensorflow Research Cloud (TFRC). We would\nlike to acknowledge Yang Gao and Lalin Theverapperuma\nfor their discussion on PSGD as well as Yaroslav Bulatov\nfor his continued encouragements of the work on PSGD.REFERENCES\nAlessandro Achille, Matteo Rovere, and Stefano Soatto.\nCritical learning periods in deep neural networks. CoRR ,\nabs/1711.08856, 2017. URL http://arxiv.org/\nabs/1711.08856 .\nNaman Agarwal, Brian Bullins, Xinyi Chen, Elad Hazan,\nKaran Singh, Cyril Zhang, and Yi Zhang. Effi-\ncient full-matrix adaptive regularization. arXiv preprint\narXiv:1806.02958 , 2018.\nJimmy Lei Ba, Jamie Ryan Kiros, and Geoffrey E. 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Then, we can write the criterion for the preconditioner estimation in PSGD as\nc(P) =E[hTPh+vTP−1v]\n=tr(PE[hhT] +P−1E[vvT])\n=tr(PH2+P−1) (4)\nwhere\nH2=H2\n0+E[εεT]\nClearly, H2is positive semi-definite regardless of the definiteness of H0.\nNote, we do not assume any definiteness or sparsity properties for H0. Hence, in general, we assume that Qis fitted on a\nconnected branch of the general linear group with learning rule\nQnew=Qold+dQ=Qold+QE (5)\nwhere Qrelates to Pas\nP=QTQ,\nand both dQandEare sufficiently small matrices related by dQ=QE. One technical difficulty in proving the convergence\nofQwith the learning rule equation 5 is that it cannot exclude any rotation ambiguity of Qas suggested by\n(UQ)T(UQ) =QT(UTU)Q=QTQ\nwhere Ucan be any matrix on the orthogonal group. To ameliorate this technical issue, we constrain dQto take on certain\nstructure. In our proof, we assume that both QoldanddQare symmetric such that Qnewis always symmetric as well. To\nachieve such a constraint, we should update Qoldon the Lie group as\nQ′=Qold+QE\nQnew=[(Q′)TQ′]0.5(6)\nIn this way, dQ=Qnew−Qoldis guaranteed to be symmetric as long as the starting guess Qoldis symmetric as well.\nStill, in practice we have used the learning rule equation 5, and equation 6 only serves for the purpose of proof.\nProposition 3.1. Assume that His invertible, & dQ=−µ∂c\n∂QorE=−µQT∂c\n∂Q. Then, Qconverges to ±|H|−0.5by\nupdate equation 6, Qnew= [(Q′)TQ′]0.5withQ′=Qold+QE, & a small enough positive step size µ.\nProof. Given a small perturbation dQofQ, the change of Pis given by\ndP=(Q+dQ)T(Q+dQ)−QTQ\n=QTdQ+dQTQ+dQTdQ\nThe change of P−1is a little more complicated. We omit any terms smaller than O[(dQ)2], and can expand dP−1as below\n12Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\ndP−1=(P+dP)−1−P−1\n=−P−1dPP−1+P−1dPP−1dPP−1\n=\u0000\n−Q−1dQP−1−P−1dQTQ−T−P−1dQTdQP−1\u0001\n+ (Q−1dQQ−1dQP−1+Q−1dQP−1dQTQ−T\n+P−1dQTdQP−1+P−1dQTQ−TdQTQ−T)\n=−Q−1dQP−1−P−1dQTQ−T+Q−1dQQ−1dQP−1\n+Q−1dQP−1dQTQ−T+P−1dQTQ−TdQTQ−T\nNow, the change of the PSGD criterion is given by\ndc=tr(dPH2+dP−1)\n=tr(H2QTdQ+H2dQTQ+H2dQTdQ)\n+ tr(−Q−1dQP−1−P−1dQTQ−T+Q−1dQQ−1dQP−1\n+Q−1dQP−1dQTQ−T+P−1dQTQ−TdQTQ−T)\n=2tr( H2QTdQ−P−1Q−1dQ) (7)\n+ tr(dQTdQH2+ 2dQQ−1dQP−1Q−1+dQP−1dQTQ−TQ−1)\nFrom equation 7, the first order derivatives of cwith respect to Qis given by\n∂c\n∂Q=QH2−Q−TP−1\nA stationary point is obtained by letting∂c\n∂Q= 0, which leads to H2=P−2. Hence, such a Palways exists as long as H2\nis invertible. Via relationship dQ=QE, the gradient on the Lie group is\n∇E=QT∂c\n∂Q\nThus, fitting Qon the Lie group yields the same stationary point since Qis invertible. Note that the stationary points only\ntell us that QTQ=H−1without excluding the rotation ambiguity.\nWithout the constraint dQ=dQT, the second order derivative of cwith respect to Qcan be shown to be\n∂2c\n∂(vec(Q))2= 2I⊗H2+ 2JT[Q−1⊗(QP)−T] + 2[ Q−T⊗(QP)−1]J+ 2(QQT)−1⊗P−1\nwhere Jis the permutation matrix satisfying\nvec(dQT) =Jvec(dQ)\nVia relationship dQ=QE, the second order derivative on the Lie group is\n∇2\nE= (QT⊗I)∂2c\n∂(vec(Q))2(Q⊗I) (8)\nWe see that neither∂2c\n∂(vec(Q))2nor∇2\nEis guaranteed to be positive definite. Hence, the learning rule equation 5 does not\nconvergence to a point as expected due to the rotation ambiguity.\nOn the other hand, both QanddQare symmetric with the learning rule equation 6. Thus, the second order derivative of c\nwith respect to Qsimplifies to\n∂2c\n∂(vec(Q))2= 2I⊗H2+ 2Q−1⊗(QP)−T+ 2Q−T⊗(QP)−1+ 2(QQT)−1⊗P−1\n13Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nAt a stationary point, we have Q=±P0.5=±|H|−0.5. Thus, this second order derivative reduces to\n∂2c\n∂(vec(Q))2|Q=±|H|−0.5= 2I⊗H2+ 4H0.5⊗H1.5+ 2H⊗H (9)\nBy equation 8, the second order derivative on the Lie group is\n∇2\nE|Q=±|H|−0.5= 2H−1⊗H2+ 4H−0.5⊗H1.5+ 2I⊗H (10)\nNow, both∂2c\n∂(vec(Q))2and∇2\nEare positive definite for an invertible Hat the stationary point. Thus, Qconverges to either\nstationary point, i.e., |H|−0.5or−|H|−0.5.\nFrom Proposition 3.1, we see that Pconverges to |H0|−1when ε= 0, i.e., inverse of the “absolute” Hessian. With\nstochastic gradient noises, ε̸= 0 and we always have P≺ |H0|−1. This is not a bug but rather a feature of PSGD that\ndamps the gradient noises perfect such that PE[δgδgT]P=E[δθδθT](Li, 2015), a relationship generalizing the Newton\nmethod to non-convex and stochastic optimizations. Unlike the damping strategies in other second order methods, this\nbuilt-in gradient noise damping mechanics of PSGD does not requires any tuning effort.\nA.2 Linear Convergence of PSGD under General Setting\nCorollary 3.1.1. Assume L(θ)is second order differentiable with absolute eigenvalues of the Hessian well bounded, i.e.,\n0< l≤ |λ(H)| ≤u <∞. Then with PSGD, the loss drops at least with a linear rate, & parameters converge at least\nlinearly to the optimal solution θ∗.\nProof. For a general nonconvex problems, we assume that the eigenvalues of Hessian is well bounded as\n0< l≤ |λ(H)| ≤u <∞\nThen by Proposition 2.1, Pconverges to |H|−1. Thus\n0<1/u≤λ(P)≤1/l <∞\nThe learning rule for parameters with positive step µand preconditioner Pfollows as\ndL(θ) =(dθ)T∂L(θ)\n∂θ\n=−µP\u0012∂L(θ)\n∂θ\u0013T∂L(θ)\n∂θ\n=−µtr\"\n∂L(θ)\n∂θP\u0012∂L(θ)\n∂θ\u0013T#\n≤ −µ\nutr\"\n∂L(θ)\n∂θ\u0012∂L(θ)\n∂θ\u0013T#\n=−µ\nu\r\r\r\r∂L(θ)\n∂θ\r\r\r\r2\nThus the loss decreases at least with a linear rate. Convergence to a local minimum, if exists, with at least a linear rate\nimmediately follows from the convergence of loss as the Hessian is assumed to be nonsingular everywhere.\nA.3 Quadratic Convergence of PSGD under Convex Setting\nIn the previous subsection we proved that the estimate of the preconditioner Precovers the true inverse Hessian. As such,\nunder the assumptions detailed in A.0.1 bellow, PSGD recovers Newton’s method.\nCorollary A.0.1. Assume that L(θ)isα-strongly convex & β-smooth function. Then with learning rate µ=α/β, PSGD\nrecovers Newton’s method with update rule of Eq. equation 1, & convergences to the optimal solution θ∗at least with\nlinear rate L(θt+1)− L(θt)≤ −α\n2β2∥∂L(θt)\n∂θt∥2.\n14Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nProof. We prove Corollary A.0.1 (similarly to the proof of Newton’s method in (Boyd and Vandenberghe, 2004)) for the\nfollowing general update rule: Note from Proposition 3.1, we have that Pconverges to |H0|−1when ε= 0, i.e., inverse of\nthe “absolute” Hessian. With stochastic gradient noises, ε̸= 0and we always have P≺ |H0|−1.\n∆θt=H−1\ntgt (11)\nθt+1=θt−µ∆θt (12)\nDefine λ(θt) = (gT\ntH−1\ntgt)1/2. Since L(w)isβ-smooth, we have\nL(θt+1)≤ L(θt)−µgT\nt∆θt+µ2β∥∆θt∥2\n2(13)\n≤ L(θt)−µλ(θt)2+β\n2αµ2λ(θt)2, (14)\nwhere in the last equality, we used\nλ(θt)2= ∆θtHt∆θT\nt≥α||∆θt||2. (15)\nTherefore, using step size ˆµ=α\nβwe have θt+1=θt−ˆµ∆θt\nL(θt+1)≤ L(θt)−1\n2ˆµλ(θt)2(16)\nSince αI⪯Ht⪯βI, we have\nλ(θt)2=gT\ntH−1\ntgt≥1\nβ∥gt∥2, (17)\nand therefore Ldecreases as follows,\nL(θt+1)− L(θt)≤ −1\n2βˆµ∥gt∥2=−α\n2β2∥gt∥2. (18)\nB Construction of matrix-free preconditioner\nThe following statement gives a systematic way to construct a family of black-box matrix-free preconditioners.\nClaim 3.1. LetK={σ1, . . . , σ m}be a subgroup of the permutation group Sn. Then, linear transform T:Rn7→\nRn, T (x|a1, . . . , a m) =Pm\ni=1ai⊙σi(x), forms a subgroup of GL(n,R)parameterized with {a1, . . . , a m}if\nT(·|a1, . . . , a m)is bijective, where both ai&xare∈Rn.\nProof. The proof follows by showing that such matrices have the following four properties required to form a Lie group.\nFirst, we show that Iis the identity element. Note that Khas element esince it is a subgroup of Sn. Then without the loss\nof generality, we can set σ1=eanda1to be a vector of ones, and all the other ai,i >1, to be vectors of zeros. This leads\ntoT(x|a1, . . . , a m) =x, and thus T(·|a1, . . . , a m) =Iwhen represented as a matrix.\nSecond, we show that such transforms are closed with binary operation T(1)◦T(2)defined as [T(1)◦T(2)](x) =\nT(1)[T(2)(x)]. Specifically, we have\n[T(1)◦T(2)](x) =mX\ni=1a(1)\ni⊙σ(1)\ni\nmX\nj=1a(2)\nj⊙σ(2)\nj(x)\n\n=mX\ni=1mX\nj=1[a(1)\ni⊙σ(1)\ni(a(2)\nj)]⊙σ(1)\ni(σ(2)\nj(x))\nSince Kis a subgroup of Sn,σ(1)\ni(σ2\nj(·))still belongs to K. Hence, T(1)◦T(2)will have the same form as T(·|a1, . . . , a m)\nafter merging like terms.\nBy representing T(·|a1, . . . , a m)as a matrix, it is clear that the associativity property, i.e., (T(1)◦T(2))◦T(3)=T(1)◦\n(T(2)◦T(3)), holds since matrix multiplication is associative. Lastly, the inverse of T(·|a1, . . . , a m)exists since we assume\nthatT(·|a1, . . . , a m)is bijective, and thus its representation is an invertible matrix.\n15Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nWe want to point out that not all simple matrix-free preconditions can be constructed by Theorem 3.1. Let us take the\nwidely used feature normalization transform, e.g., batch normalization (Ioffe and Szegedy, 2015), layer normalization (Ba\net al., 2016) and group normalization (Wu and He, 2018) as an example. We have\nT(x|µ, σ) = (x−µ)/σ\nwhere µandσare either scalar or vector mean and standard deviation of x, respectively. This T(·|µ, σ)forms a sparse\naffine group for σ̸= 0(Li, 2019). However, we cannot use such preconditioners as black-box ones.\nC Construction of low-rank approximation preconditioners\nThe following property states that the proposed low-rank approximation preconditioners can fit both ends of the spectra\nof Hessian. It is not difficult to prove this statement. But, it reveals an important advantage over traditional low-rank\napproximation preconditions with form P=ρI+UUT, whose eigenvalues are lower bounded by ρ.\nC.1 Notations\nLetQ= (I+UVT)B, where UandVare two tall thin matrices, and Bis a matrix on certain group, e.g., the\ngroup of diagonal matrix, or simply a scalar. It is an important preconditioner as after reparameterization, we can have\nQ= diag( d) +UVTfor diagonal matrix B, which relates to the LM-BFGS, HF, and conjugate gradient (CG) meth-\nods. This preconditioner is efficient if low-rank modication can significantly further reduce the condition number1after\npreconditioning the Hessian with a diagonal matrix, i.e., a Jacobi preconditioner. One also can think Qas a low-rank\napproximation of the inverse square root of a positive definite Hessian. Note that this form of preconditioner can fit both\ntails of the spectra of Hessian.\nClaim 3.2. Preconditioner P=QTQwithQ=ρ(I+UVT)can have positive eigenvalues arbitrarily larger than ρ2&\narbitrarily less than ρ2with proper U&V.\nProof. Let us check the simplest case, i.e., ρ= 1,U=uandV=v. Then, Pis shown to be\nP=(I+vuT)(1 + uvT)\n=I+vuT+uvT+ (uTu)vvT\nThisPhas two eigenvalues determined by uandv, sayλ1andλ2. They satisfy\nλ1λ2=(1 + uTv)2\nλ1+λ2=2 + 2 uTv+∥u∥2∥v∥2\nBy choosing uandvproperly, these two eigenvalues can be arbitrarily smaller or larger than 1. For example, by letting\nuTv= 0 and∥u∥=∥v∥ → ∞ , we have λ1λ2= 1 andλ1+λ2→ ∞ . Hence, we must have one eigenvalue arbitrarily\nlarge, and the other one arbitrarily small. In general, the order of rank can be larger than 1, and thus more degree of\nfreedoms for fitting the spectra of Hessian.\nClaim 3.3. Ifρ̸= 0&(I+VTU)−1or(I+UTV)−1exists, AV(ρ, U) =ρ(I+UVT)defines a subgroup of GL(n,R)\nparameterized with ρ&U. Similarly, AU(ρ, V) =ρ(I+UVT)defines another subgroup of GL(n,R)parameterized\nwithρ&V.\nProof. Without the loss of generality, we assume ρ= 1, and simplify rewrite AV(1, U)asAV(U) =I+UVT. We can\nshow that AV(U)forms a Lie group by revealing the following facts\nAV(0) = I\nAV(U1)AV(U2) =AV(U1+U2+U1VTU2)\nA−1\nV(U) =AV[−U(I+VTU)−1]\n1Since PH is not symmetric, smaller eigenvalue spread does not always suggest smaller condition number, e.g., [1, a; 0,1]has\narbitrarily large conditioner number for |a| → ∞ . In PSGD, Pdoes not amplify the gradient noise (ref (Li, 2015), page 5-6, section\nIV .B), and thus avoids such degraded solution.\n16Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\ni.e., the existence of identity element, closed with respect to matrix multiplication, and the existence of inverse, respectively.\nThe last equation is simply the rewriting of the Woodbury matrix identity, i.e.,\n[I+UVT]−1=I−U(I+VTU)−1VT\nThe condition that (I+VTU)−1exists is necessary as otherwise AV(U)is singular. Lastly, the associativity property\nclearly holds for matrix multiplications. Hence, all such matrices form a Lie group. Similarly, we can show that AU(V) =\nI+UVTdefines another Lie group.\nTHE ROTATION AMBIGUITY AND SCHUR DECOMPOSITION\nNote that UVT=UQ(V Q)Tfor any orthogonal matrix Q. Thus, we can remove this rotation ambiguity by selecting a\nQsuch that QT(VTU)Qis an upper triangular block matrix with block size 1or2, i.e., the Schur decomposition. AV(U)\nandAU(V)still form groups by constraining VTUto be quasi-triangular.\nD Low-rank approximation preconditioner fitting\nIn practice, we seldom use Q=ρ(I+UVT)as a preconditioner directly. Its limitation is clear, i.e., most of its eigenvalues\nareρ2withr≪n. In our method, we start from a rough preconditioner guess, say B, and modify it with I+UVTto\nhave the refined preconditioner as\nQ= (I+UVT)B\nIf matrix Bis from another Lie group, we still can update Qefficiently. For example, Bcan be a diagonal matrix with\nnonzero diagonals. Then this composited preconditioner reduce to a diagonal one when r= 0.\nComputation Note that neither of or methods require direct formation of a curvature matrix. Instead we use Hessian\nvector products. One can utilize auto-differentiation packages to calculate the exact Hessian vector product or approximate\nthem with finite differences both detailed by (Pearlmutter, 1994). Given a neural network with N parameters, the Hessian\nvector calculation can be done in O(N) time and space, and does not make any approximation. Additionally, we often only\ncalculate the preconditioner with probability p = 0.1, making the PSGD as practical as SGD.\nD.1 Fundamental operations on Lie Group\nTHE CONCEPT OF GROUP GENERATOR\nUnlike the additive update to move a point in a Euclidean space, we use multiplicative update to move a point on the Lie\ngroup. For example, we can move AV(U)to any its neighbor, say AV(U+E), as\nAV\u0000\nE(I+VTU)−1\u0001\nAV(U) =AV(U+E)\nSince AV(µU) =I+µUVT=eµUVTforµ→0,UVTis a group generator for any U̸= 0. Indeed, the Lie algebra is\nclosed as shown by\n< U 1VT, U2VT>=U1VTU2VT−U2VTU1VT= (U1VTU2−U2VTU1)VT\nwhere <·,·>is the Lie bracket.\nTHE GRADIENTS FOR PRECONDITIONER UPDATING\nHere, the gradient always refers to the one on the Lie group. Thus dA, say on group AV(U), is either AV(E)AV(U)or\nAV(U)AV(E), where E → 0. Since we will update both groups, we simple put it as dA=E1AordA=AE2. Let’s drop\ntheEin the PSGD preconditioner fitting criterion and derive the stochastic gradient as below,\nd(hTPh+vTP−1v)\n=hTdPh−vTP−1dPP−1v\n=2hTdQTQh−2vTP−1dQTQP−1v\n17Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nSince we are to fit AandBon the Lie groups, thus let\ndQ=dAB +AdB\n=E1AB+ABE2\n=E1Q+QE2\nThen, we have\nd(hTPh+vTP−1v)\n=2hTdQTQh−2vTP−1dQTQP−1v\n=2hTQTET\n1Qh+ 2hTET\n2QTQh−2vTP−1QTET\n1QP−1v−2vTP−1ET\n2QTQP−1v\n=2hTQTET\n1Qh+ 2hTET\n2Ph−2vTQ−1ET\n1Q−Tv−2vTP−1ET\n2v\n=2tr\b\nET\n1\u0002\n(Qh)(Qh)T−(Q−Tv)(Q−Tv)T\u0003\t\n+ 2tr\b\nET\n2\u0002\n(Ph)hT−v(P−1v)T\u0003\t\n(19)\n(20)\nD.1.0.1 Gradient with respect to B\nFor diagonal matrix, we simply have\n0.5∇B= diag[( Ph)hT−v(P−1v)T]\nfrom (19), and thus update Bas\nB←B(I−µ∇B)\nwhere the step size µis small enough such that µ∥∇B∥<1, and∥∇B∥is just the max absolute diagonal element for a\ndiagonal matrix. Here, ∥ · ∥ denotes spectral norm.\nFor a diagonal matrix, we also can update its diagonals with element-wise step sizes as the Lie group reduces to the direct\nsum of a series smaller ones with dimension one. This could lead to faster convergence when the true Hessian is diagonal.\nOtherwise, we do not observe any significant difference between these two step size selection strategies in our numerical\nresults.\nD.1.0.2 Gradient with respect to Uon group AV(U)\nSince\ndA= (I+EVT)(I+UVT)−(I+UVT) =EVTA\nwe replace the E1in (19) with EVTto obtain gradient\n0.5∇U= [(Qh)(Qh)T−(Q−Tv)(Q−Tv)T]V\nThen, we update Aas\nA←A−µ∇UVTA\nwhich suggests its parameter can be updated as\nU←U−µ∇U(I+VTU)\nsince we are operating on the group AV(U), where the step size is small enough such that µ∥∇UVT∥<1. Note that\n∇UVThas at most rank two. Hence, its Frobenius norm can be used to bound its spectral norm tightly, as shown by\n∥∇UVT∥F/√\n2≤ ∥∇ UVT∥ ≤ ∥∇ UVT∥F\n18Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nD.1.0.3 Gradient with respect to Von group AU(V)\nAs\ndA= (I+UET)(I+UVT)−(I+UVT) =UETA\nwe replace the E1in (19) with UETto give gradient\n0.5∇V= [(Qh)(Qh)T−(Q−Tv)(Q−Tv)T]U\nThus, we update Aas\nA←A−µU∇T\nVA\nwhich implies that its parameter Vshould be updated as\nV←V−µ(I+V UT)∇V\nwhere the step size is small enough such that µ∥U∇T\nV∥<1. Again, U∇T\nVhas at most rank two, and its Frobenius norm\ngives a tight enough estimation of its spectral norm.\nE Algorithm\nAlgorithm 3 PSGD\n1:Initialize parameter θand its learning rate 0< µ 1<1\n2:Initialize preconditioner as Q∝I, and its update rate and frequency as 0< µ 2<1,0< p≤1, respectively\n3:foriteration = 1,2, . . .do\n4: Sample a stochastic loss ℓ(θ, z)\n5: Compute stochastic gradient g=∂ℓ(θ,z)\n∂θ\n6: ifu < p withu∼ U(0,1)then\n7: Sample vector v∼ N(0,I)\n8: Compute Hessian-vector product h=∂(v⊤g)\n∂θ\n9: Update preconditioner Qwith pair (v, h)and rate µ2\n10: end if\n11: Compute preconditioned gradient g=Q⊤Qg\n12: Update parameter as θ←θ−µ1g\n13: Adjust (µ1, µ2, p)if needed; stop iteration if certain criteria are met\n14:end for\nA few notes for Algorithm 1. Both learning rates, µ1andµ2, are normalized by design. We should not set either of them\nlarger than 1. When the second order derivative is not supported by a certain automatic differentiation tool, we approximate\nthe Hessian-vector product via finite difference as\nv∼ N(0, εI), h≈∂ℓ(θ+v, z)\n∂θ−∂ℓ(θ, z)\n∂θ\nwhere εis a small positive number, e.g., the machine precision. We should avoid forming the preconditioner Pexplicitly as\nP=QTQ. Instead, the preconditioned gradient is always calculated as g=QT(Qg). Algorithm 1 is for PSGD with any\npreconditioner design. Here, we elaborate its preconditioner update algorithms on the two specific Lie groups proposed in\nthis paper. We are not going to detail the algorithm on the calculation of g=QT(Qg)as its math is pretty straightforward.\n19Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nAlgorithm 4 XMat Preconditioner Update\n1:Prepare inputs Q= diag( a) + adiag( b)and pair (v, h)\n2:Calculate Qh=a⊙h+b⊙flip(h)\n3:Calculate Q−Tv= (flip( a)⊙v−flip(b)⊙flip(v))⊘(a⊙flip(a)−b⊙flip(b))\n4:Calculate gradient ∇a= (Qh)⊙(Qh)−(Q−Tv)⊙(Q−Tv)\n5:Calculate gradient ∇b= (Qh)⊙flip(Qh)−(Q−Tv)⊙flip(Q−Tv)\n6:ifbhas odd length then\n7: Set central element of ∇bto zero\n8:end if\n9:Calculate step size µ=µ2\nmax[max( |∇a|),max(|∇b|)]\n10:Update aasa←a−µ(∇a⊙a+∇b⊙flip(b))\n11:Update basb←b−µ(∇a⊙b+∇b⊙flip(a))\n12:Return updated preconditioner as Q= diag( a) + adiag( b)\nHere are a few notes for Algorithm 2. Notation adiag( b)denotes the anti-diagonal matrix with elements in vector bas its\nentries. Notation flip(a)denotes the operation of flipping the order of elements in vector a. For Qwith an odd size, we\nassume that the central element of bis zero to obtain a unique form of representation of the Lie group.\nAlgorithm 5 Low Rank Approximation Preconditioner Update\n1:Prepare inputs Q= (I+UVT)diag( d)and pair (v, h)\n2:Calculate Qh\n3:Calculate Ph=QT(Qh)\n4:Calculate Q−Tvusing the Woodbury matrix identity\n5:Calculate P−1v=Q−1(Q−Tv)using the Woodbury matrix identity\n6:Calculate gradient ∇d= (Ph)⊙h−v⊙(P−1v)\n7:Update dasd←d−µ2\nmax(|∇d|)d⊙ ∇ d\n8:ifu <0.5withu∼ U(0,1)then\n9: Calculate gradient ∇U= (Qh)(Qh)TV−(Q−Tv)(Q−Tv)TV\n10: Update UasU←U−µ2\n∥∇UVT∥∇U(I+VTU)\n11:else\n12: Calculate gradient ∇V= (Qh)(Qh)TU−(Q−Tv)(Q−Tv)TU\n13: Update VasV←V−µ2\n∥U∇T\nV∥(I+V UT)∇V\n14:end if\n15:Return the updated preconditioner as Q= (I+UVT)diag( d)\nHere are a few notes on Algorithm 3. With the Woodbury matrix identity, linear system Qx=bcan be solved as\nx=Q−1b= diag(1 ⊘d)[b−U(I+VTU)−1(VTb)]\nwhich can be separate into the following two steps\nsolve ( I+VTU)y=VTb\nx= diag(1 ⊘d)(b−Uy)\nwhere I+VTUis a square matrix with size r, i.e., the rank or order of low rank approximation. Solving for such a linear\nsystem should not be considered as a burden for a moderate r, say up to thousands, on today’s hardware. Note that ∇Uis\na matrix with rank 2at most. Thus, we have no need to form ∇Uexplicitly in the actual implementation by writing it as a\ndifference of two outer products,\n∇U= (Qh)[(Qh)TV]−(Q−Tv)[(Q−Tv)TV]\nThis saves considerable memory and computes for a large r. The spectral norm of ∇UVTis approximated with its\nFrobenius norm. Again, since the rank of ∇UVTis at most 2, relative error of this approximation is bounded by 3dB. The\n20Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nsame processing techniques apply to the update of Vas well. Note that we cannot update both UandVin a single step due\nto the special way we have constructed these two “twin” Lie groups for low rank approximation. In our implementation,\nwe choose to update either one with equal probability.\nIn the style of the main here are the algorithms with explicit notation.\nNotations we use the following notations:\n•f(θ)∈R, θ∈Rd:fis the loss function to minimize, θis the parameter in Rd\n•gt: the gradient at step t\n•p: preconditioner update probability default is 0.1\n•ht, vt:htthe Hessian vector product; vtdrawn from ∼ N(0, I)\n•P, Q :Pis the gradient preconditioner (never explicitly formed) defined as P=QTQ\n–UV d : For UV d ,Qtakes form of Q= (I+UVT)diag( d)\n–XMat: For XMat,Qtakes form of Q= diag( a) + adiag( b)\n*adiag( b): the anti-diagonal matrix with elements in vector bas its entries.\n*a: the operation of flipping the order of elements in vector a.\n•µ1, µ2:µ1is the optimizer step size; µ2is the preconditioner step size, both default to 10−2\nAlgorithm 6 PSGD Optimizer\nInitialize θ0,t←0,Q0∝I\nWhile θtnot converged\nt←t+ 1\ngt← ∇ θft(θt−1)\nIfu < p withu∼ U(0,1)\nht← ∇ θ(vT\ntgt), s.t.vt∼ N(0, I)\nUpdate Qtvia(vt, ht)\nQ Update Step\nElse\nQt←Qt−1\ngt←QT\ntQtgt\nθt←θt−1−µ1gtAlgorithm 7 UVd Q Update Step\nPh=QT(Qh)\nP−1v=Q−1(Q−Tv) via Woodbury identity 2x\n∇d= (Ph)⊙h−v⊙(P−1v)\nd←d−µ2d⊙ ∇d/max(|∇d|)\nIfu <0.5withu∼ U(0,1)\n∇U= (Qh)(Qh)TV−(Q−Tv)(Q−Tv)TV\nU←U−µ2∥∇UVT∥−1∇U(I+VTU)\nElse\n∇V= (Qh)(Qh)TU−(Q−Tv)(Q−Tv)TU\nV←V−µ2∥U∇T\nV∥−1(I+V UT)∇V\nReturn Q= (I+UVT)diag( d)\nAlgorithm 8 XMat Q Update Step\nQ−Tv= (a⊙v−b⊙v)⊘(a⊙a−b⊙b))\n∇a= (Qh)⊙(Qh)−(Q−Tv)⊙(Q−Tv)\n∇b= (Qh)⊙(Qh)−(Q−Tv)⊙(Q−Tv)\nIfbhas odd length\nSet central element of ∇bto zero µ =\nµ2\nmax[max( |∇a|),max(|∇b|)]\na←a−µ(∇a⊙a+∇b⊙b))\nb←b−µ(∇a⊙b+∇b⊙a)\nReturn Qt←diag( a) + adiag( b)\n21Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nF Space and Time Complexity\nPSGD has the benefit of the equivariance of the Lie group and as such does not require dampening parameters such as K\norC.This clearly reduces both space and time complexity. We see that calculation of the descent direction for PSGD is\nsignificantly cheaper than other second order methods. In terms of memory usage PSGD XM AThas the same memory usage\nas Adam while PSGD LRA has rank multiplier on complexity. On modern GPUs r <100makes negligible difference.\nIteration Cost Method △µ(descent direction) Update SKorK Update SCorC ∇µℓ(BackProp)\nKFAC O(d2\nido+d2\nodi) O(1\nT(md2\ni+d3\ni)) O(1\nT(md2\no+d3\no)) O(mdido)\nShampoo O(d2\nido+d2\nodi) O(1\nT(md2\ni+d3\ni)) O(1\nT(md2\no+d3\no)) O(mdido)\nAdamW O(dido) NA NA O(mdido)\nPSGD LRA (with rank parameter r) O(rdido) NA NA O(mdido)\nPSGD XM AT O(dido) NA NA O(mdido)\nTable 5: Iteration cost for a non-weight-sharing layer, where mis the size of a mini-batch and µ∈di×dois a learnable weight matrix.\nTable 6: Additional Storage\nMemory Usage Method P ∇µℓ⊙ ∇ µℓ S KorK S CorC\nKFAC NA NA O(d2\ni) O(d2\no)\nShampoo NA NA O(d2\ni) O(d2\no)\nAdamW NA O(dido) NA NA\nPSGD LRA O(rdido) NA NA NA\nPSGD XM AT O(dido) NA NA NA\nG More on: Lie Groups, Preconditioners and Practical Considerations\nAs Lie Groups are not a ubiquitous framework for optimization and even less for machine learning, we provide an overview\nof why we need a general-purpose preconditioner, and practical considerations/timings under different frameworks. Fur-\nthermore, we consider different Hessian structures not included in the main paper. We consider fine and coarse grids for\nfuture ways to update preconditioners, theoretical connections to PCA, FFT, and DCT preconditioners, and more.\nNote we have fundamentals on Lie Groups for low-rank approximations and XMat preconditioners in Appx B & D\nG.1 The Need for a General Purpose Preconditioner\nAmong the Lie groups listed in Table 7, the Kronecker-product one has been proven successful for many tasks (Martens and\nGrosse, 2015; Li, 2019; Goldfarb et al., 2020). However, it is inconvenient to use as we need to sort out the parameters to\nbe optimized as a list of tensors in a certain way such that those preconditioners are doing meaningful operations. Here, we\nare looking for some general-purpose black box preconditioners to avoid the need to rearrange the tensors to be optimized\nin certain specific ways.\nG.2 Practical considerations\nClearly, we cannot initialize either UorVor any diagonal element of Bto zero. We can only update UandVsequentially.\nIn my implementations, I update either UorVin a single step, determined in a random way, to save computations. I call\nit the UVd preconditioner. Another form, dUV has the same capacity as shown by\n(I+UVT)diag( d) = diag( d) +U[diag( d)V]T= diag( d)\b\nI+ [diag( d−1)U][diag( d)V]T\t\nThe Woodbury matrix identity turns Q−Tvinto solving for a system of rlinear equations, where ris the rank of Uand\nV. Table 8 summarizes the wall time comparison results on a few typical solvers. We see that their efficiency varies a lot.\nThe fastest one is about two orders of magnitude faster than the slowest one for r= 10 . A poor combination of hardware\nand solver could slow down the updating of this preconditioner. Note that theoretically, we could use the Woodbury\nmatrix identity to update the inverse of I+VTUrecursively as well. However, similar to a Kalman filter, this process\ncould be numerically unstable. Directly solving the system of linear equations should be cheap enough for a typical r, say\n1≤r≤20. Again, the low efficiency of certain linear solvers for a small ris another issue, but solvable.\nH Hessians with certain structures\nOne import family is the preconditioners for a list of affine transform matrices studied in (Li, 2019). Here we discuss some\nother ideas.\n22Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nTable 7: Useful Lie groups (one form may have several disconnected groups)\nexample forms parameters notes\n\n·\n·\n·\n non-zero diagonals diagonal matrices, scaling\n\n· · ·\n· ·\n·\n non-zero diagonals Triangular matrices (lower or upper), feature whitening\n\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\n·\nnon-zero diagonals feature normalization as in batch normalization\n\n· · · ·\n· · ·\n·\n·\nnon-zero diagonals incomplete triangular matrices\n\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\ninvertible butterfly matrices, building blocks of Kaleidoscope/FFT/DCT matrices\n\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\ninvertible similar to the butterfly matrices, but defined for both odd and even dims\n\n· · ·\n· · ·\n· · ·\n invertible plain dense invertible matrices, i.e., the general linear (GL) group\nC Cis invertible and circulant cyclic or anti-cyclic group, fast matrix-vector product via FFT\nU Uis orthogonal/unitary the groups of rotations (reflections are not continuous)\nA |det(A)|= 1 traceless, tr log( A) = 0\nC−1AC Ais on a Lie group, and Cis invertible useful for blending when C−1is cheap to calculate\nUTAU Ais on a Lie group, and Uis orthogonal useful when Uis DFT/DCT/Hadamard like transformations\nA⊕B⊕. . . AandBare on the same or diff groups direct sum as in block diagonal matrices\nA⊗B⊗. . . AandBare on the same or diff groups good for matrix/tensor gradient preconditioning\nI+UVTinvertible, either fixed UorV useful for preconditioning via low-rank approximation\nA B . . .\nC D\n......\n invertible and all blocks on the same group large sparse preconditioner construction; special case: butterfly matrix\nH.1 Band Hessian\nThe most common assumption is that the Hessian is roughly a band matrix if parameters far away are not strongly coupled.\nStill, band matrices generally do not form groups, and their inverses are not necessarily band-limited. To obtain a tractable\nsolution, we can approximate Qwith\nQ= (C−1AC)B\nwhere both AandBare block-diagonal matrices with block size K×K, and Cis a left or right circular shifting matrix\nthat shifts K/2positions. The following equation shows this clearly when K= 2and the first block of Ais diagonal.\n\nC−1AC:\n·\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\n·\n\n×\nB:\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\n\n⇒\n· ·\n· · · ·\n· · · ·\n· · · ·\n· · · ·\n· · · ·\n· · · ·\n· ·\n\nFor preconditioner estimation, we do not need to constrain the two 0.5K×0.5Kanti-diagonal blocks of A’s first K×K\nblock to be zeros (the resultant Qis ‘circular’ band). Note that the circular shifting matrix is unitary, i.e., C−1=CT.\nThus, P=QTQ= (ACB )T(ACB ). Hence, we can simply redefine Qas\nQ=ACB\n23Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nTable 8: Mean wall time (ms) over 3000 runs on solving the system of rlinear equations, Ax=b. Hardware: Xeon (R) W-2135 CPU,\nand GeForce RTX 2080 GPU.\nr= 10 r= 100 r= 1000\nMatlab ( CPU, double, x=A \\b) 0.0078 0.10 14.2\nNumpy ( CPU, double, x=np.linalg.solve(A,b ) 0.17 6.7 57.2\nScipy ( CPU, double, x=scipy.linalg.solve(A,b ) 0.016 0.14 20.5\nPytorch ( GPU, single, x=torch.linalg.solve(A,b ) 0.17 0.53 6.2\nTensorflow ( GPU, single, x=tf.linalg.solve(A,b ) 0.67 0.92 6.6\nGRADIENTS\nLet us have\ndQ=dACB +ACdB\n=E1ACB +ACBE2\n=E1Q+QE2\nNow, it is clear that Eq. equation 19 still can be used to calculate the gradients w.r.t. AandB.\nLetdB=BE. Then from Eq. equation 19, the gradient w.r.t. Bis\n0.5∇B= blkdiag[( Ph)hT−v(P−1v)T]\nand thus we update Bas\nB←B−µB∇B\nSimilarly, let dA=EA, we can show the gradient w.r.t. Ato be\n0.5∇A= blkdiag {[(Qh)(Qh)T−(Q−Tv)(Q−Tv)T]}\nThen, we update Aby\nA←A−µ∇AA\nAs usual, the step size should be small enough such that µ∥∇B∥<1andµ∥∇A∥<1. It is also possible to use block-wise\nstep sizes.\nON THE ESTIMATION OF ∥∇B∥AND∥∇A∥\nFirst, the norm of a block diagonal matrix is the maximum norm of its blocks. Second, note that each block has form\nabT−uvT, which has at most rank 2. Thus, ∥abT−uvT∥F/√\n2≤ ∥abT−uvT∥ ≤ ∥ abT−uvT∥F. Hence, the maximum\nFrobenius norm of blocks gives a tight enough spectral norm estimation for the two block diagonal matrices ∥∇B∥and\n∥∇A∥.\nH.2 The two-grid preconditioner\nInspired by the algebraic multigrid method (AMG), we may precondition on two half-overlapped coarse grids, i.e.,\nQ=C−1(A⊗I)C(B⊗I)\nwhere AandBare two small matrices, and Cis a circular-shifting matrix. The ‘coarseness’ is determined by the size of I.\nClearly, it reduces to a dense preconditioner for I= 1. When the size of Iis large, we only precondition the ‘low-frequency\ncomponents’ of the Hessian.\nThe popular Kronecker product preconditioner also can be viewed as preconditioning on a coarse grid. Unlike AMG, we\ndo not have a prolongation/interpolation step to refine the coarse error since the target is the unknown Hessian.\n24Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nH.3 Preconditioning as PCA or Karhunen–Loeve transform\nTHE CONNECTION TO PCA\nIfvis drawn from N(0, I), then we can simplify Eq. equation 3 as below\nE[hTPh+vTP−1v] =E[hTPh] +E{trace[ P−1vvT]}=E[hTPh] + trace( P−1)\nThen, the optimal Psimply whitens has shown by E[(Ph)(Ph)T] =I. Thus, the optimal preconditioner is performing\nPCA (principal component analysis). We can even reformulate the preconditioner estimation problem as an online PCA\none with a cost\nE[∥QTQh∥2]−4 log|detQ| (21)\nHowever, fitting Qin this way converges slowly as this criterion does not exploit all the information encoded in pair (v, h).\nStill, this connection suggests that we could use certain PCA tools for preconditioning.\nKALEIDOSCOPE , FFT AND DCT MATRICES\nIf the Hessian has certain sparsities, a Kaleidoscope matrix like Qcould do a good job, e.g.\nQ=\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\n·\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\n×\n· ·\n·\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\n×\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\n· · ·\n· · ·\n· · ·\n\nfor a 7×7Hessian. Theoretically, such a preconditioner has complexity O(Nlog2N)for an N×NHessian. But,\npractically, this will take a lot of effort to achieve such efficiency. For now, I rely on the FFT libs to approximate the KLT.\nDCT PRECONDITIONER\nPractically, DCT is asymptotically equivalent to KLT for a first-order Markov process with strong adjacent sample correla-\ntion. If this is the case, a diagonal or very narrow band preconditioner is sufficient. If the Hessian, H, has certain sparsity\nor regularity like nature signals, e.g., images, then UHUTwill be a highly sparse matrix with most energies concentrated\non the upper left corner, where Uis the DCT matrix. Hence, we could try a preconditioner like\nQ=AUB\nwhere Ais a proper sparse matrix, and Bis a diagonal matrix for preconditioning the Hessian-vector products. We call it a\nDCT preconditioner as UHUTperforms a 2D discrete cosine transform of H. Since we are to fit AandBon Lie groups,\nthus let\ndQ=dAUB +AUdB\n=E1AUB +AUBE2\n=E1Q+QE2\nNow, it is clear that we can use the same equation in equation 19 for gradient derivation.\nH.4 Practical considerations and limitations\nTo facilitate the implementations, we may require Nto have special values, e.g., mod( N, K ) = 0 with block size K, or\nN= 2a3b5c7dfor most FFT libs. If Nis not such a number, we could augment the cost as\nL(θ) + 0.5ϑTϑ\nand optimize vector [θ, ϑ], which has a conformable length. This trick works well in practice.\nAll the preconditioners here have certain limitations. Without knowing the block structure, a band preconditioner scales\npoorly. The DCT preconditioner indeed can de-correlate the input features very well, and thus is good for layer-wise\npreconditioning, but not necessarily good for preconditioning the whole flattened gradient. Similar to the AMG method,\nit is very difficult to define a reasonable coarse grid for preconditioning without knowing the connection of weights in the\nnetwork.\n25Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\n100101102103104\nnumber of iterations118120122124126128130132preconditioner fitting lossclosed-form solution\nelement-wise step size\none single step size\nFigure 4: Comparison of three diagonal preconditioner fitting methods on a random dense 100×100Hessian with eigenvalues drawn\nfrom the standard uniform distribution.\nI Preconditioner on a single Lie group\nI.1 Diagonal/Jacobi preconditioner\nPossibly the simplest preconditioner with closed-form solution p=p\nE[v⊙v]/E[h⊙h], where P= diag( p). A Jacobi\npreconditioner is not very competitive. Still, it is simple enough for performance study. We have compared three ways\nfor the estimation of P: closed-form solution where expectations are replaced with sample averages; updating with a\nsingle-step size as\np←p−µ(h2⊙p−v2⊘p)⊙p\nwhere µis small enough such that µmax|h2⊙p−v2⊘p|<1; and updating with element-wise step size as (reduce to\nsign SGD)\np←p−µ⊙sign(h2⊙p−v2⊘p)⊙p\nwhere 0< µ < 1. The closed-form solution performs the best, and the single-step size updating may perform slightly\nbetter than the element-wise one.\nI.2 X-matrix preconditioner\nThis simple preconditioner brings a short-cut connection among gradients far away in positions and performs better than\nthe diagonal one. The X-shape can be nested to knit a fishnet-like preconditioner. The butterfly matrices also work well.\nThese simple preconditioners are very light and can be readily adopted to boost the performance of SGD with marginal\noverhead. Note that these preconditioners can be reduced to the direct sum of smaller groups, i.e., they are reducible.\nDiagonal /Jacobi :\n·\n·\n·\n\nX shape matrix :\n· ·\n·\n· ·\n,\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\n· ·\n\nFishnet like matrix :\n· · ·\n· ·\n· · ·\n· ·\n· · ·\n,\n· · · ·\n· · · ·\n· · · ·\n· · · ·\n· · · ·\n· · · ·\n· · · ·\n· · · ·\n\nI.3 Triangular matrix preconditioner\nPreviously proposed in (Li, 2015) called a dense preconditioner. This calculated the full rank preconditioner and is only\napplicable to small-scaled problems due to memory and complexity constraints.\n26Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nJ The group of X-matrix\nAll invertible matrices with form\nA= diag( a) + adiag( b)\nform a Lie group, where adiag means skew- or anti-diagonal. Clearly, Acan be reduced to the direct sum of ⌈N/2⌉smaller\ngroups. We assume that the central element of bis zero for Awith odd dimensions.\nShort-hands:\nabdenotes the element-wise product of two vectors aandb.\n← −adenotes the flipped version of a.\nProjX(A)denotes projecting a dense matrix Aonto an X-matrix.\nThen, we have properties:\n[diag( a) + adiag( b)]x=ax+b← −x\ndiag( a) diag( b) =diag( ab)\ndiag( a) adiag( b) =adiag( ab)\nadiag( a) diag( b) =adiag( a← −b)\nadiag( a) adiag( b) =diag( a← −b)\n[diag( a) + adiag( b)] [diag( u) + adiag( v)] =diag( au+b← −v) + adiag( av+b← −u)\n[diag( a) + adiag( b)]−1=diag\u0012← −a\na← −a−b← −b\u0013\n−adiag\u0012b\na← −a−b← −b\u0013\n[diag( a) + adiag( b)]T=diag( a) + adiag(← −b)\n∥diag( a) + adiag( b)∥ ≤∥diag( a)∥+∥adiag( b)∥= max |a|+ max |b|\n∥diag( a) + adiag( b)∥ ≥max(max |a|,max|b|) (for even dim)\nProjX(abT) =diag( ab) + adiag( a← −b) (for even dim)\nwhere for odd dimensionalities, the central element of adiag( ·)must be set to zero so that the last two equations hold as\nwell.\n27Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nK More Experimental Results\nK.1 RL Problems\nHere we consider two standard Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) problems in Reinforcement Learning (RL): Walker2d\nand HalfCheetah. We optimize the actor and critic independently. We compare the performance of the two SOTA optimiz-\ners AdaBelief and Adan to PSGD. We optimize the actor and critic independently. We find that PSGD can find a higher\nreward for both Walker2d & HalfCheetah as shown in Figure 5.\n(a)Walker2d\n (b)HalfCheetah\nFigure 5: PSGD outperforms SOTA optimizers on PPO RL on Walker2d & HalfCheetah.\nK.2 Noisy Label CIFAR10\nSymmetric Noisy Label\nIn this section, we consider training a ResNet18 under 60% symmetric label noise. We randomly select 60% of the\nCIFAR10 training labels, resulting in each class having approximately 46% correct labels and the 54% consisting of 6%\ndrawn from the other nine classes. Recently, (Kwon et al., 2021) proposed a novel flat basin-seeking algorithm named\nAdaptive Sharpness-Aware Minimization (ASAM) that set a new SoTA for symmetric noisy label for CIFAR10.\nSymmetric Noisy Label Cross Entropy Smoothened Cross Entropy (0.1)\nPSGD (Ours) 77.0 77.0\nASAM (SoTA) 70.55 70.19\nWe benchmark PSGD against ASAM and see that PSGD outperforms ASAM by 7%.\nASYMMETRIC NOISY LABEL\nNext, we consider asymmetric label noise. We asymmetrically perturb 60% of the CIFAR10 training labels randomly,\nresulting in one of the classes having approximately 55% incorrect labels and the other 9 classes having 5%incorrect\nlabels. We use SGD, PSGD, Adam, and Apollo to train a ResNet18 on this task for 100 epochs with 10 different seeds\nand compare train and test classification accuracy 6. Additionally, we consider the recently proposed flat basin-seeking\nalgorithm named Adaptive Sharpness-Aware Minimization (ASAM) (Kwon et al., 2021) that set a new SoTA for symmetric\nnoisy label for CIFAR10 under the asymmetric label noise setting. We compare ASAM to SGD and PSGD (see Table 9)\nseparately from the other experiments since ASAM is orthogonal yet complementary to SGD and PSGD. To the best of\nour knowledge, no optimizer has been designed specifically for asymmetric label noise.\nStandard Optimization Techniques\nFirst looking at Figure 6, we see that PSGD achieved the lowest average training accuracy of around 40%, with Apollo\nreaching the highest average train accuracy of 57%. While SGD gets an average training accuracy between Adam and\nApollo (with 7/8 runs getting 55%, and 1/8 getting 34%), and well above PSGD. During testing, SGD exhibits clear\ninstabilities, falling into a regime of pure memorization of the training set. This can be seen as among the 8 runs of SGD,\nonly one lucky initialization achieved a test accuracy of 77% (learning regime), while the other initializations had a test\naccuracy of 10% (memorization regime) with an average predicted probability of 0.999. This is not a standard case of\nover-fitting nor a case of catastrophic forgetting, since the training accuracy does not change. Instead, our experiments\nshow there exists a tipping point in the test accuracy at around epoch 35, where within a single epoch the test accuracy\ndrops from 71% to10% while the training accuracy shows no intelligible indication of this change. Furthermore, the test\n28Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\naccuracy does not increase for the rest of the 65 epochs. At the 35 epoch mark, Adam and Apollo both go through a period\nof high variance but eventually converge (due to the cosine learning rate decay). PSGD achieved an average accuracy of\n82.63%±0.11after 100 epochs, outperforming SGD by 63.93% and exhibiting no optimization instabilities (See Figure\n6).\n(a) Train Accuracy: Noisy Label CIFAR-10\n (b) Test Accuracy: Noisy Label CIFAR-10\nFigure 6: CIFAR-10 Noisy Label ResNet-18: (a) Train Acc: We clearly see that Apollo (Quazi-Newton diagonal) over-fits the training\nset which includes 60% noisy labels, whereas PSGD finds a solution that results in a significantly worse train accuracy. Furthermore, we\nsee that the variance for Apollo, Adam, and SGD is very high during training starting around epoch 40. Note SGD had 7 runs with train\naccuracy near 55%, and one with train accuracy around 34%. (b) Test Acc: We see that PSGD reaches a significantly better test accuracy\nwith a very low training variance compared to Apollo, Adam, and SGD. In this run, SGD had 7 NNs that got 10% test accuracy and\none network that got 72% test accuracy. For more on SGD’s performance see main paper CIFAR with Noisy Lables . The combination\nof these two plots shows other optimizers can easily over-fit/memorize incorrect image label pairs, can often have large optimization\ninstabilities during training, and even reach degenerate solutions where the NNs have reasonable train accuracy but random test accuracy.\nSharpness Aware Optimizers\nIn this section we compare Adaptive Sharpness-Aware Minimization (ASAM) (Kwon et al., 2021) that set a new SoTA for\nsymmetric noisy label for CIFAR10 under the asymmetric label noise setting to PSGD and SGD. Note to the best of our\nknowledge there has not been an optimizer specifically designed for asymmetric label noise and no specific optimizer has\nbeen deemed SoTA.\nTable 9: Comparing (P)SGD to Sharpness Aware Optimizers. Here we see that PSGD can outperform SGD and ASAM by 12.38% and\n76.31% respectively.\nAsymmetric Noisy Label Final Best\nCIFAR10\nTrain Test Train Test\nPSGD (Ours) 40.44% ± 0.12 82.63% ± 0.11 41.03% ± 0.11 82.63% ± 0.11\nSGD 52.5% ± 19.87 18.7% ± 33.75 56.3% ± 0.1 73.98% ± 5.65\nASAM 64.03% ± 1.12 6.32% ± 2.6 64.03% ± 0.1 40.48% ± 0.8\nWe see in Table 9 that while ASAM is able to achieve the best training accuracy we see that greatly overfits the dataset\nresulting 6%test accuracy at the end of 100 epochs, 12.38% below SGD and 76.31% below PSGD. While ASAM may\nhave been the SoTA for Symmetric label noise, clearly another solution is needed under the Asymmetric setting.\nAs such we see that PSGD, which is a general-purpose optimizer, is able to outperform general first and second-order\noptimizers as well as flat minima-seeking optimizers under the noisy label regime.\n29Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nK.3 MNIST Handwriting Digit Recognition\nTo have a fair comparison between the diagonal and low-rank approximation (LRA) preconditioners, we slightly upgrade\nQin the LRA preconditioner to form\nQ= diag( d)(I+UVT)\nwhere dis a vector. This form of Qcannot form a Lie group. Still, its two factors, diag( d)andI+UVT, can be fitted on\ntheir own Lie groups. Now, the diagonal preconditioner is a special case of this LRA one with order r= 0.\nWe have tested orders r= 0,1,2,5,and10. The batch size is 64. Totally ten epochs of training are performed. The\nlearning rate for parameter updating is annealed exponentially from 0.1for the first epoch to 0.001for the tenth epoch.\nThe step size for preconditioner fitting is annealed exponentially from 0.1for the first epoch to 0.01for the tenth epoch.\nThe preconditioned gradient norm is clipped to 10if too large. No momentum is used. Figure 1 summarizes the test\nclassification error rates for preconditioners with different orders of approximations over 50runs. From Fig. 1, we see that\nthe simple diagonal preconditioner performs well. Still, LRA brings marginal gains up to order r= 5. This cost function\nis fairly ‘flat’ since the only nonlinearities in LeNet5 are two piece-wise linear functions, i.e., the activation function ReLU\nand max pooling one. Only the cross entropy loss introduces the ‘curvature’.\n0 1 2 5 10\nr6.577.588.599.5test error rate10-3\nFigure 7: MNIST test classification error rates over 50runs using preconditioners with different orders of LRA. The one with order 0\nreduces to the diagonal preconditioner. Table 1 reports results of classification accuracy for r= 5. Higher is better.\nK.4 Toy Example: Investigating the Flatness of SAM based solution\nVery recently sharpness-aware minimization (SAM) based optimizers have become a popular area of research. We were in-\nterested to see if PSGD compares to SAM in a toy MNIST LeNet5 classification task. We discussed in 5.1, how the smaller\nthe−logdet (P)of a NN is, the flatter the solution found by the optimizers. Since SAM has been specifically designed to\nfind flat optima we would like to compare. Fig. 8 shows ten pairs of minima, each starting from the same random initial\ninitialization. We see that PSGD converges to minima with flatter or smaller Hessian, i.e., larger preconditioners. From\nthe view of information theory, the total cross entropy and 0.5 log det( H)≈ −0.5 log det( P)are good proxies of the de-\nscription lengths of the train image-label pairs and model parameters, respectively. Fig. 8 shows that minima with smaller\ndescription lengths tend to perform better on the test sets as well, suggested by an arrow pointing to the down-left-front\ncorner of the cube.\n30Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nCross entropy0\n200\n400\n600\n800\n1000\n1200\n1400logdet(P)\n240000\n220000\n200000\n180000\n160000\n140000\n120000\n100000\n80000\nT est error rate\n0.00700.00750.00800.00850.00900.00950.01000.01050.0110\nFigure 8: (Adam,ASAM) →PSGD: MNIST hand written digit recognition with LeNet5. Hessians at the minima of Adam are estimated\nwith a dummy LRA PSGD optimizer that only updates the preconditioner.\nThis shows that we can actually find flatter minima compared to SAM-based optimizers without explicitly optimizing for\nthem.\nWALL-CLOCK TIMINGS\nTheoretically, one Hessian-vector evaluation doubles the complexity of one gradient evaluation, since we do this with a\nprobability of 0.1, the per iteration complexity of PSGD becomes (1+0.1*2) = 1.2 times that of SGD. Empirical timings for\nLeNet5 added in the general response (Figure 9) align with the theoretical calculation. We see that PSGD LRA (Low-Rank\nHessian Approximation) with a rank of 10’s overhead is minimal compared to SGD and is 2x faster than AdaHessian which\nuses a diagonal Hessian estimate.\nDynamics of Preconditioner\nThe dynamics of the preconditioner depend on the specific network structure and task to study. Suppose we start from\na moderate initial guess for the preconditioner (by default it is set to 1). For many tasks, we have observed that the\nmax eigenvalue of the preconditioner keeps increasing until saturation to a point during the whole learning process. As\nthe maximum eigenvalue Pof corresponds to the inverse of the minimum eigenvalue of H, this is expected for over-\nparameterized NNs as their minimum eigenvalue approaches 0. The minimum eigenvalue of Pfirst increases during the\nearly stages of learning, and then eventually drops and settles down on a small value, suggesting parameters are locked\nalong those eigenvector directions associated with small eigenvalues. These empirical results coincide with independent\nfindings from many authors showing that network learning has two stages: the early growing one and the latter refining one.\nWe showed the dynamics of the preconditioner on the LeNet5 (see Figure 10). For this specific task, the min eigenvalue\noccasionally drops but keeps increasing during the last stage of learning due to the vanishing Hessian phenomena when the\ntrain cross-entropy loss approaches zero (meaning the absolute logistic outputs can be scaled to be arbitrarily large, thus\ngradient and Hessian all approaching 0 on the train set).\n31Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\n0 20 40 60 80 100 1200. Train CE lossSGD\nAdaHessian\nPSGD\n0 20 40 60 80 100 120\nWalltime (s) T est error rateSGD\nAdaHessian\nPSGD\nFigure 9: Wall-Time: LeNet5 Comparing SGD, PSGD, and AdaHessian. We see that PSGD UVd (rank 10 Hessian estimate) takes 1.2x\nthe time of SGD but finds a better solution. AdaHessian (Hessian diagonal estimate) takes 2x to complete the run and reaches an error\nrate compared to both SGD and PSGD.\nFigure 10: Dynamics of Preconditioner for LeNet5: The max eigenvalue of preconditioner keeps increasing until saturation to a point\nduring the whole learning process. For this specific task, the min eigenvalue also keeps increasing during the last stage of learning due\nto the vanishing Hessian phenomena when the train cross-entropy loss approaches zero.\n32Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nK.5 CIFAR10 Image Classification with ResNet18\nWe follow the implementations of Adabelief2algorithm (Zhuang et al., 2020) to test preconditioned SGD (PSGD) on the\nCIFAR10 image classification task with the ResNet18 model. One main difference from the implementations in (Zhuang\net al., 2020) is that we reduce the learning rate by tenfold twice for all the optimizers, while the original stage learning rate\nscheduler only anneals the step size once. We also consider the cosine learning rate scheduler, which helps SGD to achieve\nthe state-of-the-art (SOTA) test accuracy about 95.5%. Training and testing accuracy convergence curves over 16runs are\nplotted in Fig. 11. We only show the results of PSGD and SGD here as SGD is known to achieve the SOTA results for this\nproblem.\nFor PSGD, we use step size 0.02for parameter updating and 0.01for preconditioner fitting. The preconditioner is only\nupdated once per ten iterations, and thus its overhead over SGD is marginal. The same momentum factor, 0.9, is used for\nboth SGD and PSGD. Since the step size in PSGD is normalized, we update the momentum as m←0.9m+ 0.1g, instead\nofm←0.9m+gas in the SGD. No gradient clipping is used. Weight decay is realized by adding the L2 regularization\nterm0.5λθTθto the cross entropy loss. We have found that λbetween 0.01and0.02performs the best.\nFrom Fig. 11, we observe that SGD performs very well with the cosine learning rate scheduler. This is expected as these\nresidual networks are highly evolved to be first-order optimizer-friendly. The extensive use of piece-wise linear functions,\nresidual connections, and batch normalizations make these models fairly ‘flat’ and resemble shallow models, instead of\ndeep ones (Veit et al., 2016). Still, PSGD slightly outperforms SGD when we remove the shortcut connections or use a\nless-tuned learning rate scheduler, e.g., stage one here.\nPSGD IS ROBUST TO HYPER -PARAMETERS\nTo showcase the robustness of PSGD to hyper-parameters we show in table 10 the test classification accuracy of a ResNet18\ntrained on CIFAR10 using different learning rates and weight decay.\nPSGD Learning Rate Weight Decay Test Accuracy\nXMat 2e-2 2e-2 95.32\nLRA 2e-2 2e-2 95.69\nLRA 5e-2 2e-2 95.48\nLRA 5e-2 2e-2 95.46\nLRA 4e-2 2e-2 95.55\nLRA 3e-2 2e-2 95.57\nLRA 2e-2 1e-2 95.45\nLRA 2e-2 3e-2 95.51\nTable 10: We see that PSGD is robust to hyper-parameter selection making tuning significantly easier compared to other optimization\nmethods.\nWe clearly see the test accuracy of PSGD in a wide range of learning rates and weight decay converges within the expected\nrange of 95.49±0.08%.\nK.6 A Large-Scale Logistic Regression Problem\nWe consider a simple logistic regression model to solve the MNIST classification problem, with and without Bernoulli\nnoise. We considered AdaHessian, AdaBelief, SGD, LBFGS, PSGD LRA/XMat, KFAC, and HessianFree optimizers. Let\nxbe the vector of the image with length 282. Instead of regression on vector x, we do the regression on the outer product\nvector of x, which has length 284. This significantly increases the test classification accuracy but leads to a large regression\nmatrix with over six million coefficients. The KFAC preconditioner did not fit on our GPU and the HessianFree optimizer\nwould diverge far from all other optimizers in more than 50% of our runs. Both are omitted from further discussion in this\nsection.\nNo momentum is considered since this is the case for LM-BFGS. The train batch size is 500. It is tricky to select the\ninitial learning rate for LM-BFGS even though we exponentially anneal it. We have found that LM-BFGS diverges on\nroughly one-third of the trials with an initial learning rate of 0.1, but0.05is too small and may lead to worse performance\nthan SGD. For PSGD, we consider the LRA preconditioner with order 10and set the learning rates for parameters and\n2https://github.com/juntang-zhuang/Adabelief-Optimizer\n33Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\n0 50 100 150 200\nEpoch859095100Train accuracy (%)stage lr\n0 50 100 150 200\nEpoch8284868890929496Test accuracy (%)stage lr\n0 50 100 150 200\nEpoch859095100Train accuracy (%)cos lr\n0 50 100 150 200\nEpoch8284868890929496Test accuracy (%)cos lr\n0 50 100 150 200\nEpoch859095100Train accuracy (%)cos lr, no shortcut\n0 50 100 150 200\nEpoch8284868890929496Test accuracy (%)cos lr, no shortcut\nFigure 11: CIFAR10 image classification with ResNet18. The order of low-rank Hessian approximation is 10. Mean and variance are\nestimated over 16runs. Higher is better.\n34Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\n2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20\nEpoch10-310-210-1100Train cross entropySGD\nLM-BFGS\nPSGD\nFigure 12: Standard MNIST dataset: Typical convergence curves on the logistic regression problem. Lower is better. When comparing\nthe convergence speed, one should be aware that one step of LM-BFGS may take up to ten iterations, while SGD and PSGD always have\none iteration per step.\npreconditioner to 0.05and0.1, respectively. Since LM-BFGS might diverge with a learning rate of 0.1, we only show a\nfew typical convergence curves of SGD, LM-BFGS, and PSGD in Fig. 12. LM-BFGS converges to regression losses a few\ntimes smaller than SGD. PSGD could converge to losses about one order of magnitude lower than that of SGD and LM-\nBFGS. Regarding test classification error rate, we have 2.37%±0.08,2.09%±0.18,1.98%±0.08for SGD, LM-BFGS,\nand PSGD, respectively, averaged over ten runs. Again, LM-BFGS outperforms SGD, and PSGD performs the best on the\ntest classification error rate as well.\nNext, we simply randomly add Bernoulli noise to the MNIST dataset to add diversity to the dataset. Even though LM-\nBFGS is the standard optimizer for large-scale logistic regression we wanted to consider some other SOTA optimizers for\ndeep learning. PSGD UVd/XMat performed the best in this scenario but we found that AdaBelief did surprisingly well\ngiven its lack of second-order information. Losses and Accuracies plotted in Fig 13\n(a)Train Loss\n(b)Test Accuracy\nFigure 13: We consider logistic regression on the MNIST dataset with Bernoulli noise. We see PSGD finds the lowest loss on the train\nset, with the Belief mechanism also working well. PSGD and AdaBelief generalize well to the Accuracy of the Test Dataset.\nWe see that PSGD significantly outperforms the SOTA optimizers in the convex logistic regression setting under noise-free\nor noisy domains while being memory efficient.\n35Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nK.7 Forgettability & Uncertainty: Rank Analysis\nVery recently, (Toneva et al., 2018) shows that Forgettable points are crucial for generalization in the supervised setting.\nIn the unsupervised, semi-supervised, self-supervised, and generative setting (Pooladzandi et al., 2023) shows that one\ncan use the low entropy samples generated by the generative model to significantly boost the classification performance\nof the Latent Energy Based Model which acts as generative-classifier. Here we acknowledge the previous findings and\nfocus on the supervised setting. We train a ResNet18 on CIFAR-10 and record entropy and forgettability statistics. We\nplot the strong correlation between low forgettability score and low entropy found in our statistics in Fig. 14 and provide\ncorrelation coefficients in Table 11.\nFigure 14: There is a strong correlation between the forgettability ordering and the entropy ordering. i.e. unforgettable points have a\nvery low entropy.\nEntropy v Forgettability Score Correlation Coefficient p-value\nSGD PSGD SGD PSGD\nSpearman 0.72 0.73 0 0\nPearson 0.57 0.65 0 0\nKedal Tau 0.54 0.56 0 0\nWeighted Tau 0.60 0.75 0 0\nTable 11: Comparison of correlation metrics comparing Entropy Score vs Forgettability score between SGD and PSGD. We see that\nPSGD’s average correlation between entropy and forgettability is stronger than that of SGD.\nGENERALIZATION GAPBETWEEN HIGH AND LOWENTROPY SUBSETS\nWe train an Oracle LeNet5 on the full MNIST dataset for 20 epochs, we categorize the train set into two subsets; a high\nentropy subset and a low entropy subset, each consisting of 10k points. The entropy is defined over the softmax of the\nlogits. We then train two different LeNet5s on each dataset. We find that the low entropy dataset does not generalize to\nthe test set well achieving a test accuracy of 74%, whereas the high entropy dataset achieves a 99.3% which is on par\nwith Oracle LeNet5 (see 12). This clearly shows for supervised learning the high entropy points are most important for\ngeneralization.\nFurthermore, we find that training on low entropy points results in low entropy and a lower mean entropy network. This\nsupports the hypothesis that there are certain points that the net can lower the entropy over which do not lead to general-\nization. We see in Table 12 that training over the full dataset resulted in a higher mean low entropy compared to that of the\nfull dataset. This supports the idea that high entropy points are important for supervised learning.\nIn terms of distance from initialization, we see that the network is pushed farther from initialization when using the\nfull dataset than while using the high entropy points and the least when using the low entropy points. This supports\nthat training with low-entropy or unforgettable points unnecessarily pushes a network’s parameters far from initialization\nreducing generalization capacity. Furthermore, we see that when training on low entropy points, PSGD does not push the\n36Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nneural network far from initialization preserving generalization capacity (Cao and Gu, 2019).\nMNIST\nStatisticsAccuracyExpected\nLow EntropyExpected\nHigh EntropyDistance from\nInitilization\nSGDDistance from\nInitialization\nPSGD\nFull Dataset 99.3% 5e-16 6e-3 23.1 26\nHigh Entropy Subset 99.3% 1e-10 2e-2 21.7 21.2\nLow Entropy Subset 74.2% 6e-18 4e-4 9.2 8.7\nTable 12: Comparing generalization accuracy of a LeNet5 trained on either 10k high or 10k low entropy datapoints. We see high entropy\ndatasets can match generalization of the full dataset whith a higher test entropy compared to the other datasets. We see that the distance\nfrom initialization is less for the low entropy points.\nFinally, we see that an NN trained on low entropy points has a mean low entropy 2 orders of magnitude smaller than\ntraining on the full dataset, and 8 orders of magnitude smaller than training on the high entropy subset. This shows that low\nentropy points cause a level of confidence in a NN which is not needed and in some cases can be hurtful to generalization\n5.2.\nK.8 Effect of Rank on XOR\nThe full rank version of PSGD (Li, 2019) can solve the XOR problem with an RNN past delay of 128. Since we can\narbitrarily increase the rank of Hessian approximation in our LRA version of PSGD, we consider the effect of rank on\nconvergence on the XOR problem using an RNN. We find rank approximations of r= 0,1,2,5,and10converge with\nprobability p= 0.1,0.4,0.8,1and1respectively.\n0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10\nr0. rate\nFigure 15: Success rate over ten runs in solving the XOR problem with a simple RNN and LRA preconditioners of orders 0, 1, 2, 5, and\n10. Higher is better.\nThis example shows a typical problem where the diagonal preconditioner struggles, while a low-order Hessian approxima-\ntion works perfectly for preconditioning.\nFor all experiments, both step sizes for parameter and preconditioner updating are fixed at 0.01. The gradient clipping\nthreshold is set to 1. No momentum is used. We run 10 runs per optimizer for 100,000iterations or until convergence.\nThe success rates over ten runs for each r are plotted in Fig. 15. This example shows a typical problem where the diagonal\npreconditioner struggles, while a low-order Hessian approximation works perfectly for preconditioning.\nSETTING A BASELINE USING KFAC, PSGD APSGD LRA/XMat , SGD AND ADAM\nIn this section, we compare general-purpose black box versions of PSGD, namely PSGD LRA andPSGD XMat to the\nAffine or Kronecker Factorized version of PSGD A,to KFAC, SGD, and Adam. While PSGD Ais able to outperform the\nother optimizers, the Affine version of PSGD requires careful adjustment of neural network architecture to be used. This\n37Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nTable 13: Test accuracy of LeNet5 on MNIST over 10runs.\nSGD Adam KFAC PSGD APSGD XMat PSGD LRA\n99.04 99.12 99.16 99.26 99.22 99.22Table 14: Stage & cosine learning rate and residual-free\nResNet18-RF on CIFAR10.\nResNet18 ResNet18-RF\nlr cos stage cos stage\nSGD 95.51 95.07 94.97 94.35\nPSGD 95.54 95.43 95.36 95.17\nTable 15: Test Accuracy of RN18 on diverse CIFAR10 derived tasks with (P)SGD, Adam & Apollo (2nd order). The current SoTA\noptimizer is italicized , and the best accuracies are bolded. ESAM and AESAM took far too long to run on our TPU based system and\nhad sub-par performance, as such we did not continue conducting sharpness aware minimization examples.\nCIFAR10 Standard No Shortcut Class Imb Noisy Final Noisy Best Adversarial Blur Deficit\nPSGD (Ours) 95.490.08(5.5hrs) 95.270.0987.160.8582.630.11 82.630.11 85.170.04 89.510.12\nSGD 95.47 0.14(4.5hrs) 94.66 0.16 86.32 0.84 18.733.75 73.9755.65 83.82 0.18 83.51 0.15\nAdam 93.150.02(4.5hrs) 92.700.02 83.181.2 72.47 2.17 74.47 1.06 82.260.49 82.620.015\nApollo 90.590.252(5hrs) 92.000.20 78.231.3 67.711.49 72.580.92 73.90.57 79.250.46\nESAM 93.70(days) - - - - - -\nAESAM 93.71(days) - - - - - -\nbecomes infeasible for large and intricate modern NN architectures. We see in Table 13 that the black box variants nearly\nmatch the test accuracy of PSGD Aoutperforming the memory-hungry KFAC (second order) optimizer, as well as first\norder SGD and Adam.\nRemoving Skip Connections To increase curvature in the relatively flat modern ResNet architecture, we remove the\nresidual skip connections that gave ResNets their namesake. A recent study (Zhang et al., 2022) demonstrated the use\nof Tailored Activation Transformation (TAT) in conjunction with K-FAC (Martens and Grosse, 2015) (another second-\norder optimizer) to close the gap between residual networks with and without residual skip connections. However, in our\nexperiment, we do not utilize TAT and instead compare the performance of SOTA optimizers on both residual-free and\nstandard ResNet18 models. The results, summarized in Table 14, indicate that PSGD outperforms SGD by 0.61% and\n0.20% on residual-free and standard ResNet18, respectively. Our findings are consistent with the results from (Zhang\net al., 2022), where a difference of 0.6%was observed between the optimization of residual-free using TAT and standard\nResNet18.\nClass Imbalanced CIFAR10 We evaluate the optimization performance on a class-imbalanced version of the CIFAR10\ndataset, where 50% of the classes are randomly reduced by an order of magnitude. We compare SGD and PSGD on\noptimizing ResNet18 and report the results in Table 15. Our results show that PSGD outperforms the SOTA by 1.03% on\nthis dataset.\nAdversarial Attacked CIFAR10 Finally, we trained a ResNet18 on 10k unmodified CIFAR10 images and evaluated it\non a test set consisting of 40k samples perturbed using Neural Tangent Generalization Attacks (Yuan and Wu, 2021). As\nshown in Table 15, PSGD outperformed SGD by 1.35%.\nForgettability Statistics & Learning We revisit Toneva et al. (2018)’s forgettability experiments, which found that one can\nprune 30% of the CF10 train samples without loss of generalization. The study found that a point’s utility for generalization\nincreases as it is learned & then subsequently forgotten during training, regardless of the optimizer or architecture used.\nEssentially, forgettability ordering shows which data points an NN uses to define high-dimensional boundaries akin to\nsupport vectors. We investigate whether the performance difference between PSGD & SGD’s generalization performance\ncan be attributed to this forgettability ordering.\nWe train the RN18 four times, keeping the top Nimportant points based on each optimizer’s expected forgettability score.\nTable 16 shows that PSGD focuses on points that are central to generalization. We see this since, when we limit the dataset\nto only the 5k most forgettable data points deemed by each optimizer, we see PSGD is able to outperform SGD by nearly\n14%.\nTable 16: Forgetting statistics for CIFAR10 on ResNet18. PSGD finds better forgettability statistics outperforming SGD.\nForgetting 50k 25k 15k 5k\nPSGD 96.65 95.83 94.95 56.46\nSGD 96.21 95.56 93.7 42.48\n38Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nSGD and PSGD exhibit fundamentally different importance orderings, which is evident from the significant generalization\ngap observed when training on pruned datasets using these orderings at various degrees. We find that PSGD and SGD\nhave a statistically significant correlation between their forgettability orderings, but the strength of the correlation is weak\n(Spearman coefficient of 0.02 and a p-value of p= 1x10−12). This indicates that the nature of training observed through\nforgettability is different for PSGD compared to first-order optimizers.\nFurthermore, we see a strong correlation coefficient of 0.75 and 0.60 between a low forgetability score and low entropy\nscore with a p-value of p= 0 for PSGD and SGD respectively (see Fig 14). Hence, PSGD does a better job of shaping\nthe NN to focus on the highly forgettable points that are important for generalization while not becoming overconfident on\nthe easy unforgettable points giving up too much capacity, unnecessarily pushing the parameters away from initialization\nreducing generalization ability (Cao and Gu, 2019) (see 12). Note while (Toneva et al., 2018) shows that forgettable points\nare more important for generalization for supervised learning, very recently (Pooladzandi et al., 2023) showed low entropy\npoints are the more important points for learning in the unsupervised, semi-supervised, and generative model setting. See\nTable 12 showing generalization gap training low and high entropy points and how it affects the distance from initialization.\nStubborn Solutions of First Order Optimizers From the previous examples, we learned that first-order optimizers tend\nto heavily overfit certain data points, reducing entropy. In the case of noisy labels, this often results in pure memorization\nwhere the network achieves the training accuracy of PSGD on the train set, but only 10% accuracy on the test dataset\nwith an average confidence of 99.9%. To better understand the stubbornness of SGD solutions, we consider the lucky\ninitialization, which resulted in a test accuracy of 77% under noisy label conditions. Here, we examine a transfer learning\nproblem, where a ResNet18 was trained on noisy data for 100 epochs and then on clean labels for another 100 epochs. This\nsimulates a real-world distributional shift where noisy labels may be refined throughout training, leading to a distributional\nshift. We compare neural networks trained with each optimizer, as well as those that changed optimizers after 100 epochs\nof training.\nAs seen in Fig 16a, PSGD finds a flexible solution when given noisy labels. This is seen since when we correct the labels\nboth PSGD and SGD can reach an accuracy of 92.42%. In contrast, the solution found by SGD seems to be stubborn since\nwhen we correct the noisy labels, PSGD then SGD reaches an accuracy of 91.7% and SGD then PSGD has an accuracy of\n88%. This shows the importance of curvature information in the early periods of training.\n(a)Noisy Label CIFAR-10\n (b)Nero-Plasticity\nFigure 16: a) Solutions found by SGD are harder to optimize compared to PSGD. Note for SGD we used a lucky initialization (see 5.2).\nThe blue and yellow dotted line are the average accuracy of PSGD and SGD after 100 epochs respectivly. b) Removing the blur-deficit\nat epoch 100, PSGD is be more neuro-plastic compared to SGD, achieving better train and test performance.\nIntuitively, first-order methods cause NNs to dedicate parameters to memorizing some data points, unnecessarily reducing\nentropy. When memorization occurs given incorrect labels, it may be difficult to reshape the NN when the labels are\ncorrected, leading to the loss in generalization accuracy seen in Fig 16a. In contrast, as PSGD finds a less certain or suborn\nsolution in the first stage of training, either optimizer can then reshape the NN to their liking in the second stage.\nWe believe the noisy-label and neuro-plasticity results have strong applicability to transfer learning and coreset selection\n(Pooladzandi et al., 2022), particularly in scenarios where the training distribution changes during training. Recently,\n(Osawa et al., 2022) demonstrated that the affine Lie group variant of PSGD outperforms other optimizers when fine-\ntuning a ResNet18 and ViT (Dosovitskiy et al., 2020) on CIFAR10 that were pre-trained on ImageNet (Deng et al., 2009).\n39Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nMore Experiments on Neuro Plasticity\nNeuroplasticity experiments done by (Achille et al., 2017) provided an interesting insight into the critical learning periods\nof NNs. Here we consider whether PSGD can extend the critical learning period of an NN. The summary of (Achille et al.,\n2017) , is that if there is a deficit in learning that is not removed by the first 80 epochs, the final test accuracy will be\nsignificantly hindered.\nFigure 17: Defecit plot: We see that PSGD is able to close the gap\nIn Figure 17, we see that if we remove the blur at epoch 100, well after the end of the critical learning period of an NN\ntrained with SGD/Adam, PSGD is able to retain classification accuracy as if we removed the deficit around epoch 50. If we\nswitch to a cosine learning rate schedule, PSGD is able to recover the accuracy as if one removed the deficit at 20 epochs.\nWe believe that this nature of PSGD is due to us finding a flat generalizable solution that is not memorizing points. Since\nwe are not memorizing, and keeping our entropy relatively high compared to other first and second-order optimization\nmethods, we are able to recover accuracy and reshape our NN when the deficit is removed.\n40Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nTable 17: Test perplexity (lower is better) on Penn Treebank for one-, two- and three-layered LSTMs.\nLSTM PSGD Adan AdaBelief SGD AdaBound Adam AdamW Padam RAdam Yogi\n1 layer 83.5 83.6 84.2 85.0 84.3 85.9 84.7 84.2 86.5 86.5\n2 layers 64.9 65.2 66.3 67.4 67.5 67.3 72.8 67.2 72.3 71.3\n3 layers 59.7 59.8 61.2 63.7 63.6 64.3 69.9 63.2 70.0 67.5\nLSTM based models We conduct a performance comparison between second-order optimization methods and first-order\nmethods for training recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and transformer models. RNNs have a recurrent structure that\nexhibits strong curvature properties, making them particularly suitable for second-order optimization methods. Such meth-\nods can efficiently leverage this structure to converge quickly to good solutions. Consequently, RNNs usually perform\nbetter when trained with second-order optimization methods (Martens, 2016), particularly when the objective function has\nextreme local curvature properties.\nWe benchmark PSGD by predicting the Penn TreeBank Dataset using LSTMs using (Zhuang et al., 2020)’s framework.\nOur results (see Table 17 ) indicate that PSGD consistently outperforms (lower is better) other first-order optimization\nalgorithms, including the SoTA AdamW, on 1, 2, and 3 layer LSTMs.\nRosenbrock: A degenerate problem with known solution\nConsider applying PSGD to the limited complexity two-dimensional stochastic Rosenbrock minimization problem, with\nthe goal of exploring the strengths of our approach in an interpretable domain. We perform a comparison with popular first\nand second order solvers, as well as with more traditional methods such as L-BFGS (results can be seen in Table 18). The\nfirst problem we consider is the search for the minimum of the two-dimensional Rosenbrock test function, which has the\nuseful benefit of enabling us to visualise the trajectories found by each optimiser. Specifically, we use the stochastic variant\nof this function, R:R2→R:R(u, v) = (1 −u)2+ 100 ϵi(v−u2)2,where at each evaluation of the function, a noise\nsample ϵiis drawn from a uniform distribution U[λ1, λ2]withλ1, λ2∈R(we can recover the deterministic Rosenbrock\nfunction with λ1=λ2= 1). To assess robustness to noise, we compare each optimizer on the deterministic formulation\nand two stochastic variants (with differing noise regimes).\nWe clearly see that PSGD is able to outperform all the standard deep learning optimizers as well as LBFGS which is\noptimized for mathematical optimization. We see that PSGD quadratically converges exactly to the minimum of the\nRosenbrock problem which is at (1,1) seen in Figure 18 and Table 18. We utilized (Novik, 2020) to optimize all other\noptimizer’s hyper-parameters while leaving PSGD on its default params.\nFigure 18: PSGD optimization trajectory on the Rosenbrock problem. We see PSGD converges quadradically to the optimal solution.\n41Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nOptimizer Best Loss Achieved\nAdam 0.00077\nSGD 1.59\nAdaBound 1.45e-04\nAdahessian 0.0011\nAdaMod 2.06\nAdamP 6.74e-04\nDiffGrad 0.0028\nLamb 2.06\nMADGRAD 1.04e-04\nNovoGrad 6.38e-05\nRAdam 1.95e-06\nYogi 0.0013\nAccSGD 0.55\nSGDw 3.45\nSGDP 3.45\nPID 1.59\nQHM 0.78\nQHAdam 9.11e-04\nRanger 1.35\nRangerQH 0.67\nRangerV A 7.80e-05\nShampoo 0.074\nLookaheadYogi 0.025\nAggMo 7.13e-04\nSWATS 5.48e-04\nAdafactor 7.48e-03\nA2GradUni 6.77e-03\nA2GradInc 5.53e-03\nA2GradExp 7.15e-03\nAdaBelief 0.0016\nLBFGS 4.92-6\nPSGD 0.0\nTable 18: Considering different optimizers on the Rosenbrock problem. We see PSGD outperforms all other first and second order\noptimizers converging to the exact numerical solution.\n42Curvature-Informed SGD via General Purpose Lie-Group Preconditioners\nK.9 Effectiveness of Lie Group Preconditioner under limited precision\nIn this section we continue the comparison of the proposed adaptive Lie group preconditioner namely PSGD to the closed\nform solution. We clearly see that there is only a minmal gap between the solution found by PSGD in float32 vs bfloat16.\nFurthermore both of these solutions have significantly lower loss compared to the closed form solution seen in 19.\n(a)λ(H)∼from Uniform distribution\n (b)λ(H)∼from Exponential distribution\n (c)λ(H)∼from LogNormal distribution\nFigure 19: Comparing Preconditioner fitting loss for PSGD style vs closed-form solution like used in AdaHessian, under under float32\nand bfloat16. We see adaptive learning on Lie group under either float32 or bloaf16 significanly outperforms closed-form solutions\nunder all eigenvalue distributions of H.\nK.10 Potential Social Impacts and Limitations\nRegarding social impact, our optimization method can outperform other optimization methods in generalization accuracy\nas well as minimizing loss with negligible computational overhead and less tuning efforts due to normalized learning rates.\nThis will enable better training of machine learning systems. Furthermore, since PSGD is better at generalization based on\nimbalanced datasets, it has the potential to reduce bias and provide better representation for under-represented classes and\nsub-classes.\nThe main potential limitation for PSGD we see, is that its certain forms. e.g., low-rank approximation one, require more\nmemory to store the curvature information. Yet, it is still negligible compared to other popular second-order methods like\nKFAC that require per-sample derivatives. XM ATwhich is another variant of PSGD takes the same memory complexity\nas Adam.\nK.11 Hardware & Software\nExperiments were run on a single NVIDIA 3080 10GB GPU with an 11th gen Intel i7 processor or TPUs provided by\nTFRC in the later stages of the experimentation. We utilized PyTorch (Paszke et al., 2017) version 1.13. Base PSGD code\nfrom Xi-Lin Li can be found at Xilin’s github repo while more extensive experiments can be found on Omead’s giuthub\nrepo.\nL Reproducibility\nWe ran all our code with reproducibility in mind. We have kept seeds as well as hyper-parameters for each experiment\nand will release them to public once published. We have included a codebase as a zip for now to retain anonymity. Note\nall results have been averaged over 8-16 experiments with variances provided. Also for PSGD we have hyper-parameter\nsweeps to show that we are robust to changes in these values (see Table K.5).For all Propositions, Corollarys and Claims\nin the main we provide proofs with all assumptions states in the appendix (see Appendix A, B, and C). Additionally, since\nLie Groups are not a ubiquitous framework for machine learning, we provide both crucial as well as extra math for those\ninterested (see D.1 and G). Furthermore, we provide many practical considerations and limitations that come-about in\nimplementation G.2.\n43" }, { "title": "2402.04556v1.Large_Eddy_Simulation_of_the_evolution_of_the_soot_size_distribution_in_turbulent_nonpremixed_flames_using_the_Bivariate_Multi_Moment_Sectional_Method.pdf", "content": "Large Eddy Simulation of the evolution of the soot size\ndistribution in turbulent nonpremixed flames using the\nBivariate Multi-Moment Sectional Method\nHernando Maldonado Colm´ ana,∗, Michael E. Muellera\naDepartment of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton,\nNJ 08544, USA\nAbstract\nA joint volume-surface formalism of the Multi-Moment Sectional Method\n(MMSM) is developed to describe the evolution of soot size distribution in\nturbulent reacting flows. The bivariate MMSM (or BMMSM) considers three\nstatistical moments per section, including the total soot number density, total\nsoot volume, and total soot surface area per section. A linear profile along the\nvolume coordinate is considered to reconstruct the size distribution within\neach section, which weights a delta function along the surface coordinate.\nThe closure for the surface considers that the primary particle diameter is\nconstant so the surface/volume ratio constant within each section. The in-\nclusion of the new variable in BMMSM allows for the description of soot’s\nfractal aggregate morphology compared to the strictly spherical assumption\nof its univariate predecessor. BMMSM is shown to reproduce bimodal soot\nsize distributions in simulations of one-dimensional laminar sooting flames\nas in experimental measurements. To demonstrate its performance in turbu-\n∗Corresponding author.\nEmail address: hm2524@princeton.edu (Hernando Maldonado Colm´ an)arXiv:2402.04556v1 [physics.flu-dyn] 7 Feb 2024lent reacting flows, BMMSM is coupled to a Large Eddy Simulation (LES)\nframework to simulate a laboratory-scale turbulent nonpremixed jet flame.\nComputational results are validated against available experimental measure-\nments of soot size distribution, showing the ability of BMMSM to reproduce\nthe evolution of the size distribution from unimodal to bimodal moving down-\nstream in the flame. In general, varying the number of sections has limited\ninfluence on results, and accurate results are obtained with as few as eight\nsections so 24 total degrees of freedom. The impact of using a different\nstatistical model for soot, the Hybrid Method of Moment (HMOM), is also\ninvestigated. Aside from the fact that HMOM cannot provide information\nabout the soot size distribution, the most significant qualitative difference\nbetween HMOM and BMMSM is in number density in the oxidation region\nof the flame, suggesting that BMMSM outperforms HMOM in reproducing\nkey aspects of the soot oxidation process. Finally, the total computational\ncost of using BMMSM as low as approximately 44% more than the cost of\nHMOM. Therefore, the new formulation results in a computationally efficient\napproach for the soot size distribution in turbulent reacting flows, enabling\nsimulations of the soot size distribution in complex industrial configurations\nthat are unattainable using traditional sectional models.\nKeywords:\nSoot; Size distribution; Multi-Moment Sectional Method; Large Eddy\nSimulation (LES); Turbulent nonpremixed combustion\nNovelty and Significance Statement\nThis paper introduces a joint volume-surface formulation of the Multi-\nMoment Sectional Method (MMSM), called the bivariate MMSM (BMMSM),\n2which allows for tracking the soot size distribution in turbulent reacting\nflows including soot’s fractal aggregate morphology. Also, this model has\nbeen implemented in a Large Eddy Simulation framework, which allows for\nthe description of the evolution of the soot size distribution in turbulent\ncombustion. BMMSM is shown to qualitatively and quantitatively predict\nthe evolution of the soot size distribution in laminar and turbulent flames.\nOverall, the total computational cost for turbulent reacting flows is only\nmarginally more (44%) than the cost of traditional moment methods, which\ndo not provide the soot size distribution.\nAuthors contribution\nHMC : performed research, software development, writing – original draft\n& editing\nMEM : designed research, writing – review & editing, project administra-\ntion\n1. Introduction\nThe need for clean, efficient combustion devices is imperative to prevent\nemissions from propulsion and power systems. In this context, mitigating\npollutants is crucial due to their negative effects on the environment and\nliving organisms, which includes addressing the formation of soot particles.\nSoot formation is a significant concern for engineers and researchers, for fine\nsoot particles directly affect air quality (hazardous for the respiratory system)\nand can contribute to global warming [1]. However, tracking the evolution of\na tremendous number of soot particles in turbulent reacting flows is a grand\nexperimental and computational challenge. In computational modeling, this\n3would entail of a mathematical framework capable of handling a transport\nequation for individual soot particles. For that reason, statistical soot mod-\nels are required in simulations, which amounts to tracking the evolution of\nthe soot Number Density Function (NDF). Its evolution is governed by a\nPopulation Balance Equation (PBE). For instance, Monte Carlo solves for\nthe evolution of a downsampled representative set of particles [2]. However,\nMonte Carlo is prohibitively expensive beyond 0D or 1D systems so would\nnot be suitable for large-scale industrial systems. A computationally efficient\napproach for solving the PBE is through the transport of a few statistical\nmoments of the NDF, known as the method of moments [3]. These statistical\nmodels can accurately represent global soot attributes from the NDF, such\nas soot volume fraction or number density, but they are unable to track the\ndetailed evolution of the size distribution.\nComputationally, the traditional approach for modeling the evolution of\nthe soot size distribution is the sectional method. In the sectional method,\nthe size distribution is subdivided into a set of “sections” that are governed\nby statistical physics of particle dynamics and surface reactivity with the sur-\nrounding gas [4]. In traditional soot sectional methods, the NDF evolution\nis described by transporting the number density per soot section, which is\noften defined with respect to discrete volume intervals. The primary compu-\ntational challenge with the sectional method is cost since it typically requires\na range of 30 to 100 sections to accurately track the soot size distribution.\nAdditionally, these volume-only models can only consider spherical soot and\ncannot characterize fractal aggregate morphology. While some approaches\nattempt to model a fixed size at which aggregation begins to occur [5–9],\n4the use of multivariate sections directly addresses this issue of morphology\nwithout ad hoc size limits. For instance, Zhang et al. [10, 11] developed\na sectional method considering two internal coordinates within soot mass-\nbased sections, namely number densities of soot primary particles and soot\naggregates. However, given the added model fidelity and improved accuracy,\nsuch an investment in higher computational resources is not without merit.\nRather than adding unknowns per section for morphology considerations,\nother approaches instead add unknowns per section to account for different\nchemical reactivity (H /C ratio) within each section [12].\nWhile the multivariate sectional methods aforementioned are simply too\nexpensive for simulating turbulent sooting flames, simplified sectional models\nhave been successful in reproducing the evolution of the soot size distribution\nin simulations of turbulent sooting flames [8, 9, 13, 14], which may consider\ndirectly spherical soot or including the aggregation limit occurring at a crit-\nical size.\nOther (non-sectional) methodologies have also been extended to include\nthe soot size distribution via mathematical reconstruction of the NDF. For\ninstance, the Extended Quadrature Method of Moments for soot [15, 16] was\nimplemented in an LES framework [17, 18] and allowed the reconstruction\nof the NDF by approximating them using weighted kernel distribution func-\ntions (KDFs). Despite this, the model was not validated against experimental\ndata of turbulent flames [18]. A three-equation model for soot formation was\nintroduced by Franzelli et al. [19], in which global soot quantities are trans-\nported. Similar to EQMOM, the NDF was retrieved by approximating it\nas weighted Pareto distributions, which was numerically validated against a\n5sectional method in laminar and turbulent flames. The open question with\nthese mathematical reconstruction is accuracy of the resulting size distribu-\ntion since it does not rely on the underlying PBE.\nTo address the computational cost shortcomings of traditional sectional\nmethods, Yang and Mueller [20] introduced a Multi-Moment Sectional Method\n(MMSM) that essentially combines a sectional method with the method of\nmoments. Within each section, the approach reconstructs the NDF using a\nlinear distribution whose parameters are defined using two section-local mo-\nments. MMSM has a lower computational cost than a traditional sectional\nmethod since fewer sections and overall degrees of freedom are required,\ndue to an improved rate of convergence compared to traditional sectional\nmethods [20]. This implies that MMSM can be as accurate but faster than\ntraditional sectional methods. However, fractal aggregate morphology was\nnot fully described since previous work only considered a univariate (strictly\nspherical) formulation, failing to capture bimodal soot size distributions in\nlaminar flames. Additionally, MMSM was not applied to turbulent flames\nIn this work, a bivariate formulation of MMSM is developed, called BMMSM,\nwhich introduces a joint volume-surface description of soot. Following the\nprevious work of the senior author’s group, BMMSM includes a bivariate\nformulation based on the formulation of the Hybrid Method of Moments\n(HMOM) [21]. BMMSM is first tested in 1D laminar sooting flames and\ncompared to experimental measurements. BMMSM is then integrated in\nan LES framework in order to simulate a laboratory-scale turbulent non-\npremixed jet flame. Combustion and subfilter closures are adapted from\nRef. [22], which were initially developed for HMOM. Computational results\n6are analyzed and compared against available experimental data of soot size\ndistributions. The LES results with BMMSM are then analyzed to provide\nbetter understanding of key aspects of the evolution of the soot size distri-\nbution. Finally, the computational cost of turbulent combustion simulations\nwith BMMSM is then compared to simulations using HMOM.\n2. The Bivariate Multi-Moment Sectional Method\nThe univariate Multi-Moment Sectional Method developed by Yang and\nMueller [20] considered strictly spherical soot particles described by the soot\nparticle volume V. A statistical representation of the particle size distribu-\ntion was considered through a NDF n(V), which was discretized in volume\nsections Vi. In each section, two local (up to first-order) moments were solved,\nthe number density Mi\n0and the volume moments Mi\n1, defined as\nMi\nx=Z\nΩV\nini(V)VxdV, (1)\nwhere ΩV\niindicates the support of the ithsection (out of Ns). The local\nmoments were used to reconstruct the local size distribution with linear ap-\nproximation within each section. The section size ∆ Vi, except for the last\nsection, was centered at Vi. The total number of variables Ns\nvconsidered\nin this approach was Nv= 2Ns. In the following subsections, the MMSM\nformalism is extended to a bivariate soot model.\n2.1. Soot governing equations\nThe bivariate MMSM, hereafter referred as BMMSM, accounts for a joint\nvolume-surface area formalism and can describe the fractal aggregate mor-\nphology of soot particles [23]. The NDF n(V, S) is then a function of two\n7internal coordinates: the soot particle volume Vand surface area S. Mueller\net al. [21] have shown computationally, through Monte Carlo simulations,\nthat the joint surface-volume NDF is divided in two regions with fundamen-\ntally different S−Vdistributions: spherical particles ( S∝V2/3) and fractal\naggregates. Therefore, while a global relationship between SandVis not\nexpected to be accurate or general, section-local relationships between Sand\nV, allowed to vary based on the dynamics of the PBE, are expected to be\naccurate, and a fully multidimensional MMSM is not required. Given this as-\nsumption, the bivariate NDF n(V, S) in section iis modeled with a presumed\ndependence of SandVwithin the section:\nn(V, S) =n(V)δ(S−ˆSi(V)), (2)\nwhere ˆS(V) is the soot surface area for a soot particle of volume Vin the ith\nsection, which needs closure. Then, the bivariate moment in the ithsection\nis defined as\nMi\nx,y=x\nΩV,S\nin(V, S)VxSydVdS\n=Z\nΩV\nin(V)VxˆSy\ni(V)dV.(3)\nAs a first approximation, the primary particle diameter dp= 6V/Sis assumed\nconstant within each section, that is, S/V remains constant within each\nsection and equal to αi. The model variable αiestimates the proportionality\nS/V and is an index of the sphericity or degree of aggregation of the soot\nmorphology in a given section. Low αivalues indicate that soot approaches\na spherical shape, with lower limit (36 π/V i)1/3. To ensure nucleated particles\nare spherical [24], the first section considers α1= (36 π/V 1)1/3and is centered\n8atV1=V0, which corresponds to the nucleated soot particle volume V0.\nThen, the soot surface area ˆSi(V) of a soot particle of volume Vin the ith\nsection can be approximated as\nˆSi(V) =Mi\n0,1\nMi\n1,0V=αiV, (4)\nwhich, inserted to Eq. 3, leads to\nMi\nx,y=αy\niZ\nΩV\nin(V)Vx+ydV=αy\niMi\nx+y,0. (5)\nThis new closure requires an additional degree of freedom per section: the\ntotal surface moment Mi\n0,1. This increases the total number of unknowns Ns\nv\ntoNv= 3Ns.\nThe spatiotemporal and size ( V-S) evolution of the NDF is governed\nby the Population Balance Equation. In the context of the Multi-Moment\nSectional Method, the PBE is integrated to obtain the moment transport\nequations of sections i= 1, . . . , N s, which leads to\n∂Mi\nx,y\n∂t+∂u∗\njMi\nx,y\n∂xj=˙Mi\nx,y, (6)\nwhere u∗\njis the total velocity, including flow and thermophoretic effects [25],\nof diffusionless soot particles [26], and ˙Mi\nx,yare the soot source terms, whose\nclosures are developed in subsection 2.3.\n2.2. Local volume-dependent NDF reconstruction\nThe bivariate NDF defined above needs closure for the volume-dependent\nNDF n(V) within each section. The closure chosen by Yang and Mueller [20]\nis retained. Here, n(V) is modeled with a linear distribution in the first\nNs−1 sections as follows:\n∆Vin(V)|Ωi=a(V−Vi) +b, (7)\n9where Viis the ithsection with section size ∆ Vialong the volume coordinate\nandaandbare local moment-dependent model parameters, defined as\na=12\n(∆Vi)2\u0000\nMi\n1,0−Mi\n0,0Vi\u0001\n(8)\nand\nb=Mi\n0,0, (9)\nrespectively. In the last section ( i=Ns), an exponential distribution is\nconsidered:\n∆VNsn(V)|ΩNs= ∆VNsbaexp\u001a\n−a\u0014\nV−\u0012\nVNs−∆VNs\n2\u0013\u0015\u001b\n, (10)\nwith aas\na=MNs\n0,0\nMNs\n1,0−2VNsMNs\n0,0/(fs+ 1)(11)\nandbthe same as in Eq. 9. The model considers a geometrically increasing\nsection size ∆ Vi, to reproduce rapid coagulation processes, with a spacing\nfactor fsdefined as\nfs=∆Vi+1\n∆Vi, (12)\nleading to\n∆Vi= 2Vi\u0012fs−1\nfs+ 1\u0013\n. (13)\nThe section support in volume space is Ω i= [Vi−∆Vi/2, Vi+ ∆Vi/2) in\nthe first Ns−1 sections (finite), while in the last section is Ω Ns= [VNs−\n∆VNs/2,∞) (semi-infinite). In the last section, the true barycenter is\nV∗\nNs=2VNs\nfs+ 1+1\na. (14)\n10The moment source terms of Eq. 6, defined in the following subsection, are\ncomputed using the bivariate NDF and integrated as in Eq. 3. To limit the\ncomputational costs of those operations, integration using two-point Gauss-\nLegendre quadrature for i < N sand, similarly, two-point Gauss-Laguerre\nquadrature for i=Nsis performed [20].\n2.3. Source terms\nThe sole term on the right-hand-side of Eq. 6 represents the physiochem-\nical phenomena affecting soot evolution: particle dynamics and soot surface\nreactivity with the surrounding gas. This work utilizes the formulations of\nMueller and co-workers [20, 21, 23] with contributions from nucleation, coagu-\nlation, condensation, surface growth, and oxidation. Oxidation-induced frag-\nmentation [27] is not considered in this work and is negligible in the valida-\ntion and application configurations presented in subsequent sections. These\nsource terms, previously formulated within the univariate MMSM model [20],\nare extended to the bivariate formalism below.\n2.3.1. Nucleation\nIn this model, a collision of a pair of PAH dimers leads to a spherical soot\nparticle [28] of fixed volume V0, which also corresponds to the first section\nsizeV1=V0. The nucleation source term is non-zero in the first section and\nzero otherwise and is modeled as follows:\n˙M1\nx,y|nuc=1\n2βnuc[DIMER]2Vx\n0ˆSy(V0), (15)\nwhere βnucis the dimer collision rate and [DIMER] is the PAH dimer con-\ncentration.\n112.3.2. Coagulation\nAfter a reasonably straightforward integration along the soot surface area\ncoordinate, in similar fashion as Eq. 3, the coagulation source term is com-\nputed using a two-point Gauss-Legendre or Gauss-Laguerre quadrature in\neach section along the volume coordinate as in Ref. [20], resulting in\n˙Mi\nx,y|coag=k≤j≤iX\nV(j+k)±∈Ωi\u0012\n1−δj,k\n2\u0013\nβj±,k±Vx\n(j+k)±Sy\n(j+k)±wj±Nj±wk±Nk±\n−wi±Ni±NsX\nk=1βi±,k±Vx\nk±Sy\nk±wk±Nk±,(16)\nwhere the wi,±andVi,±represent the quadrature weights and nodes, with ±\nas a root pair combination. Here, the surface area Si±and number density\nNi±are evaluated from Eqs. 4 and 7 at Vi±, respectively. Then, each pair\nof products (evaluated with opposite root signs) is summed. Within each\nsection, n(V) is equal to the derivative of the local number density Nas\ndN/dV =n(V) (see Eq. 7). δi,jis the Kronecker delta function. βi,jis\nthe soot particle collision frequency, obtained by the harmonic mean of the\ncollision frequencies in the free-molecular and continuum regimes [29].\nThe collision frequency in the free-molecular regime is calculated from\nkinetic theory:\nβfm\nj,k=K\u00121\nVj+1\nVk\u00131/2\n(dc,j+dc,k)2, (17)\nwhere dcare the collision diameters and Kis a constant that considers the\nvan der Waals enhancement factor equal to 2.2, the Boltzmann constant kB,\nand (constant) soot density ( ρsoot= 1800 kg m−3) [30]:\nK= 2.2\u0012πkBT\n2ρsoot\u00131/2\n. (18)\n12The collision diameters dcfor fractal aggregates are calculated as Kruis et\nal. [31] following the expression\ndc,i=dp,in1/Df\np,i=6\n(36π)1/DfV1−2/Df\ni\nS1−3/Df\ni, (19)\nwhere dp,i= 6Vi/Siandnp,i=V−2\niS3\ni/(36π) are the primary particle diam-\neter and number density in the ithsection, respectively, and Df= 1.8 is the\nfractal dimension of soot particles. The collision diameter is then function of\nViandSi=ˆS(Vi), which is closed using Eq. 4.\nThe collision frequency in the continuum regime is given by the Stokes-\nEinstein equation:\nβcont\nj,k=2kBT\n3µ\u0012Cj\ndm,j+Ck\ndm,k\u0013\n(dc,j+dc,k), (20)\nwhere µis the dynamic viscosity, dm,iis the mobility diameter of the ith\nsection, which is assumed equal to the collision diameter dc,i(Eq. 19), and\nCi= 1 + 1 .257Kn iis the Cunningham slip correction factor with Knudsen\nnumber Kn based on the collision diameter dc,i.\nFinally, different collisions types are considered for ˙M0,1|coagand are mod-\neled as in Mueller et al. [21], with both pure aggregation and coalescence as\nlimits. The particle volume resulting from the collision V(j+k)±(in the pro-\nduction part of Eq. 16) is equal to the sum of each particle volume as it is\nconserved: V(j+k)±=Vj±+Vk±. Regarding the surface sizes S(j+k)±, if the\ntwo particles are from the first section ( j=k= 1), the pure coalescence\nlimit is considered:\nS(1+1)±= (36 π)2/3(V1+V1)2/3= (72 πV0)2/3. (21)\n13Then, if one of the particles is from the first section and the other one from\na larger section ( k= 1 and j=iork=iandj= 1, for i >1), then the\nresulting larger particle becomes slightly more spherical:\nS(i+1)±=Si+δS1. (22)\nFor all other collisions ( j >1 and k >1), pure aggregation occurs:\nS(j+k)±=Sj+Sk. (23)\nIn Eq. 22, the change of surface area δS1, due to the collision with a spherical\nparticle from section 1 with volume δV1=V1=V0, is given by the power law\nderived in the work of Mueller et al. [21]:\nδS1\nSi=δV1\nVi\u00122\n3n−0.2043\np,i\u0013\n, (24)\nwhere np,iis the primary particle number at the ithsection.\n2.3.3. Condensation, surface growth, and oxidation\nSource terms for soot growth, such as condensation (particle and PAH\ndimer collision) and surface growth (carbon addition to soot surface via the\nHACA mechanism [24]), and soot destruction, such as oxidation (by oxygen\nmolecule [32] and hydroxyl radical [33]), are modeled using two-point quadra-\nture in three consecutive sections, based on a traditional sectional method\nof Park and Rogak [4] and extended for the univariate MMSM by Yang and\nMueller [20]. The expression for Mi\n0,0source terms is\n˙Mi\n0,0(Ii) =Ai−1\u0002\nw(i−1)±I(i−1)±N(i−1)±\u0003\nV∗\ni−1+Bi[wi±Ii±Ni±]\nV∗\ni\n+Ci+1\u0002\nw(i+1)±I(i+1)±N(i+1)±\u0003\nV∗\ni+1,(25)\n14where the root pair of a quadrature is symbolized by ±,V∗\ni=Vifori < N s,\nand, due to the barycenter variation, V∗\ni=V∗\nNsfori=Ns.Iirepresents the\ncondensation, surface growth, and oxidation rates. The model coefficients\nAi,Bi, and Ciobey\nAi+Bi+Ci= 0, (26)\nsuch that the change of Mi\n0,0is conserved [4]. The expression for Aiis\nAi=fs−Bi(fs−1)\nf2\ns−1, (27)\nand for Bi:\nBi=\n\n−1\nfs+1erf\u0010\n1\n4d lnNi\nd lnVi\u0011\nifd lnNi\nd lnVi>0,\n−fs\nfs+1erf\u0010\n1\n4d lnNi\nd lnVi\u0011\notherwise ,(28)\nwhich is selected to reduce numerical instability and numerical diffusion is-\nsues [4]. The derivative d ln Ni/d lnViis computed using a second-order\ncentral difference. Finally, Ciis obtained from Eq. 26:\nCi=−(Ai+Bi). (29)\nEquations 27-29 are valid for i= 2, . . . , N s−1. The expressions for i= 1\nandi=Nsare derived with the intention of conserving both soot number\nand mass [4]. C1is set to zero since is not needed in Eq. 25. Then, following\nEq. 29, the coefficients in the first section are given by\nA1=−B1=1\nfs−1, C1= 0. (30)\nThe same reasoning is made for ANs, and the model coefficients in the last\nsection are given by\nANs= 0, BNs=−CNs=f∗\ns\nf∗\ns−1. (31)\n15Finally, for i= 1 or i=Nsin Eq. 25, A0=CNs+1= 0 since those sections\ndo not exist. For the last section, to accommodate the barycenter variation,\na modified section spacing factor f∗\ns[20] is considered:\nf∗\ns=1\na\u0012∆VNs−1\n2\u0013\n. (32)\nThe source terms for Mi\n1,0are derived from the number density source\nterms and given by\n˙Mi\n1,0=˙Mi\n0,0(Ii)V∗\ni, (33)\nwhich is obtained by multiplying Eq. 25 by V∗\ni. Finally, the source terms for\nMi\n0,1are\n˙Mi\n0,1=˙Mi\n0,0\u0012\nIiδSi\nδV\u0013\nV∗\ni. (34)\nNote that the ˙Mi\n0,1in Eq. 34 is recast from Eq. 33 by introducing the argu-\nment Ii(δSi/δV), similar to Mueller et al. [21]. δVis the change of volume\nassociated with growth or destruction processes. Then, δSi/δVis calculated\nfollowing Eq. 24 for condensation and surface growth, whereas for oxidation\n[28] the surface area change is equal to\nδSi\nδV=2\n3Si\nVi. (35)\nThe condensation, surface growth, and oxidation rates Iiare based on\ndetailed models from Mueller et al. [21, 23, 27]. The condensation rate is\nwritten as\nIi|cd=βCiδV[DIMER] , (36)\n16where βCiis the collision rate of PAH dimers and soot particles and δVis\nequivalent to the volume of a PAH dimer [21]. Then, the surface growth rate\nis given by\nIi|sg=ksgχSiδV, (37)\nwhere ksgis surface growth rate coefficient [24], χ= 1.7×1019m−2is the\nhydrogenated sites surface density, and δVis equal to the volume two carbon\natoms [21]. Finally, the oxidation rate is\nIi|ox=−koxχSiδV, (38)\nwhere koxis the oxidation rate coefficient including oxidation by both OH\n[33] and O 2[32] and δVis similar as in surface growth [21]. Further details\non the formulation of these terms can be found in Mueller et al. [21].\n3. Validation in laminar flames\n3.1. Experimental and computational setups\nThe new BMMSM model is validated in Flame C4 from Abid et al. [34],\na burner-stabilized laminar premixed ethylene-oxygen-argon flame at atmo-\nspheric conditions. The inlet composition corresponds to ϕ= 2.07 (C 2H4:\n16.3%, O 2: 23.7%, Ar: 60%, by volume). The inlet velocity is 6 .53 cm /s.\nComputational results using the univariate MMSM are also shown to evaluate\nthe performance of the new bivariate BMMSM. Computations where carried\nout in FlameMaster [35], with an imposed temperature profile from experi-\nmental measurements and a gas-phase kinetic mechanism consisting of 158\nspecies and 1804 reactions, including PAHs up to four aromatic rings from\n17Blanquart and coworkers [36, 37]. Simulations were performed with multiple\nnumbers of sections, Ns= 6, 8, 12, 16, and 32, in order to compare the\naccuracy of the models with respect to the number of sections. The section\nspacing factor fsis considered such that the ratio VNs/V1remains the same\nin all cases, which gives fs= 333 .59, 63.43, 14.025, 6.94, and 2.56, respec-\ntively. Results presented in the following subsections are labeled according\nto the total number of (soot) variables solved in each case, NMMSM\nv = 2Ns\nandNBMMSM\nv = 3Ns.\n3.2. Results\nSoot volume fraction and number density are calculated considering soot\nparticles with particle diameters larger than 2 .5 nm, as specified in Ref. [34]\ndue to instrument limitations. Yang and Mueller [20] previously showed ac-\nceptable accuracy in soot volume fraction fvwith the univariate model with\nas few as eight sections, which is confirmed in Fig. 1 (top). With as few\nas six sections, BMMSM is able to predict the soot volume fraction accu-\nrately compared to both a larger number of sections and the experimental\nmeasurements. Fig. 1 (bottom) shows the number density Nprofiles. Com-\nputational results using the univariate MMSM overpredict Nall along the\nflame profile. Conversely, BMMSM improves these results by capturing the\ndecrease of Ndue to the bivariate characterization: for the same volume,\naggregates will coagulate faster, leading to an ultimately lower number den-\nsity. The variation of the soot number density with the number of sections is\nmore significant than for the soot volume fraction, but the number density is\npredicted within experimental uncertainty again with as few as six sections\nat and beyond the peak at 4 mm.\n18Figure 1: Soot volume fraction (top) and number density (bottom) profiles calculated\nconsidering soot particles with particle diameters larger than 2 .5 nm. Computational\nresults using the univariate MMSM (left, dash-dotted) and BMMSM (right, solid) are\ncompared against experimental measurements [34]. The color code indicates those results\nusing the same number of sections.\nResults for the particle size distribution function (PSDF) ˆ n(dp) are shown\nin Fig. 2. The PSDF is defined as in the work of Abid et al. [34] as\nˆn(dp) =1\nNdN(dp)\nd log dp\f\f\f\f\ndp, (39)\nwhere dpis the particle diameter, N(dp) is the (reconstructed) soot particle\n19cumulative distribution function (CDF), and N=N(+∞) is the total par-\nticle number density. Similarly to soot volume fraction and number density,\nthe PSDF is computed by only considering soot particles with particle di-\nameters larger than 2 .5 nm (in the normalizing N) [34]. Figure 2 shows the\nPSDF at two different heights above the burner: H= 3.5 mm (left column)\nand 5 .5 mm (right column). Abid et al. [34] observed spherical particles us-\ning a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) and have defined a corrected\nspherical particle diameter. Therefore, BMMSM results are plotted using\nboth the spherical diameter ( dp∝V1/3), as the univariate model, and mobil-\nity diameter ( dp=dm), which is assumed equal to the collision diameter dc\nas stated in Section 2. A unimodal PSDF is obtained at H= 3.5 mm. Both\nunivariate MMSM and BMMSM are capable of reproducing the experimen-\ntal observations, with no major difference between results. At this location,\nthe soot population is nucleation dominated, so both models predict essen-\ntially all spherical soot. A slight overprediction is observed in the bottom\nrow using BMMSM with small Ns. Increasing Nsimproves the accuracy of\nresults in all cases, due to improvements in predicting the initial coagulation\nprocess. A bimodal PSDF is observed at H= 5.5 mm in the experimental\nmeasurements. For the most part, MMSM still predicts a unimodal distribu-\ntion and a maximum size far smaller than the experimental measurements.\nConversely, BMMSM correctly predicts both a bimodal size distribution with\nthe presence of much larger particles, with a small deviation between results\nusing different dpdefinitions. Unsurprisingly, the bivariate description of soot\nis required to accurately reproduce the evolution of the size distribution. In\nall cases, the PSDF within each section present a parabolic shape, which is\n20Figure 2: PSDF at two locations above the burner: H= 3.5mm (left column) and 5 .5mm\n(right column). Computational results using the univariate MMSM (dash-dotted, top\nrow) and BMMSM (solid), considering dpequal to the spherical (middle) and mobility\n(bottom) diameters, are compared against experimental measurements (symbols) [34].\nThe color code indicates those results using the same number of sections.\n21due to the linear approximation of the NDF in volume as indicated in Eq. 7\n(fori < N s). Indeed, the soot volume Vis proportional to the cube of the\nparticle diameter V∝d3\np, so the derivative in Eq. 39 in terms of volume is\nproportional to V2.\n4. Application to turbulent sooting flames\n4.1. LES modeling framework\nIn this work, the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) modeling framework in-\ncludes the aforementioned soot model, a combustion model, and a turbulence-\nchemistry-soot interactions model. The latter two models are succinctly de-\nscribed below with complete details provided in the cited works.\nThe Radiation Flamelet/Progress varable (RFPV) with soot considera-\ntions [38, 39] is utilized to model the combustion. This approach character-\nizes the thermochemical state by parameterizing it in terms of the mixture\nfraction ( Z), progress variable ( C), and heat loss parameter ( H), which are\nobtained from solving the nonpremixed manifold equations in mixture frac-\ntion (steady flamelet equations). To account for soot formation, the mixture\nfraction has a compensatory source term ˙ mZfor the local mixture leaning\ncaused by the removal of PAHs from the gas phase. Similarly, the source\nterm for the progress variable is adjusted to consider the local variation in\neffective fuel resulting from the removal of PAHs [38]. The heat loss param-\neter source term captures radiative heat losses with H= 0 corresponding\nto the adiabatic state. The radiation model employs an optically thin gray\napproach, including gas effects, as in Barlow et al. [40], and soot effects, as\nin Hubbard and Tien [41]. A Strain-Sensitive Transport Approach (SSTA)\n22is utilized to manage different effective Lewis numbers of species, based on\ntheir characteristic length scales [42]. In addition, a lumped PAH transport\nequation is solved to address their slower chemistry compared to other com-\nbustion products in the thermochemical database, following the approach\ndeveloped by Mueller and Pitsch [38]. The lumped PAH source term is sep-\narated into contributions from chemical production, chemical consumption,\nand dimerization.\nTurbulence-chemistry-soot interactions require closure at the subfilter\nscales. To close turbulence-chemistry subfilter interactions, convolution is\nperformed for each manifold solution in the database with a presumed beta\nsubfilter Probability Density Function (PDF) for the mixture fraction. The\nresulting thermochemical database is then stored in a lookup table, in terms\nof the filtered mixture fraction eZ, subfilter mixture fraction variance Zv,\nfiltered progress variable eC, and filtered heat loss parameter eH. To close\nturbulence-soot subfilter interactions, a presumed soot subfilter PDF model\nthat captures finite-rate oxidation of soot is employed, following the work\nof Maldonado Colm´ an et al. [22], which was validated for turbulent non-\npremixed jet flames [22, 43] and bluff body flames [44]. This model is based\non the presumed bimodal PDF of Mueller and Pitsch [27], which considered\nsooting and non-sooting modes. The sooting mode profile accounts for a\ntransition from rich to lean mixtures to account for the oxidation of soot\nas it encounters rich mixtures. Previous work of Yang et al. [39] considered\nan abrupt transition as soon as the soot oxidation rate surpassed the soot\nsurface growth rate, which assumes that soot oxidation is strictly mixing\ncontrolled so oxidation infinitely fast. In the work of Maldonado Colm´ an\n23et al. [22], which is adapted to BMMSM here, this abrupt transition was\nreplaced with a smooth transition to account for finite-rate soot oxidation\ncompared to the local soot transport rate, which depends on the local mix-\nture fraction dissipation rate. The subfilter intermittency, that is, the weight\nbetween the sooting and non-sooting modes, is obtained by solving an ad-\nditional transport equation for N2, where N=P\niMi\n0,0, which is similar to\nHMOM [38, 45].\n4.2. Experimental and computational details\nBMMSM is evaluated with the KAUST turbulent nonpremixed jet flame,\ninvestigated experimentally by Boyette and coworkers [46, 47]. The experi-\nmental configuration is similar to the Sandia sooting flame [48] but with a\nnitrogen-diluted central jet (C 2H4: 35%, N 2: 65%, by volume). The inner\njet diameter is D= 3.2 mm and bulk velocity 54 .7 m/s, with a Re = 20 ,000.\nBoth pilot flame (ethylene-air mixture with ϕ= 0.9) and surrounding air\ncoflow are kept the same as the original configuration. Further details about\nthis burner can be found in Refs. [46–48]. Experimental measurements of the\nparticle size distribution function were obtained with a SMPS in Refs. [46, 47]\nat several positions along the flame centerline.\nLES computations were carried out using the NGA structured finite dif-\nference solver for low Mach number turbulent reacting flows [49, 50]. The\ngrid-filtered LES equations are computed in a similar domain as in Mal-\ndonado Colm´ an et al. [22] for the Sandia sooting flame, with dimensions of\n300D×75Din the axial and radial directions, respectively, and discretized\nwith 192 ×96×32 grid points in the axial, radial, and circumferential direc-\ntions, respectively. Inlet boundary conditions are prescribed as in Ref. [22],\n24precomputing the unsteady velocity inflow of the central jet following the\nexperimental conditions and the coflow velocity set to 0 .6 m/s. Only the\ncentral jet mixture composition is modified to match the current case. La-\ngrangian dynamic Smagorinsky(-like) models [51, 52] are considered to close\nthe subfilter stress and scalar flux terms. The kinetic mechanism for the\ngas-phase is the same as the one from Section 3 [36, 37].\nTwo simulations are performed with BMMSM with 8 and 12 sections,\nresulting in 24 and 36 unknowns, with spacing factors fs= 8.8327 and 4.0,\nrespectively, in order to focus in the experimental soot size region (2 to 70\nnm [46]). A simulation using the Hybrid Method of Moments (HMOM)\n[21] is also performed in order to compare BMMSM’s performance. In all\ncases, the presumed subfilter PDF model for finite-rate oxidation of soot from\nRef. [22] is considered for subfilter turbulence-chemistry-soot interactions as\ndescribed in the previous section. The total duration of simulation is 150 ms,\nwhich is equivalent to approximately 5 flow-through times through along the\nsooting region of the flame ( x/D≈140), which is sufficient for statistical\nconvergence.\n4.3. Temperature, soot volume fraction, and total number density\nFigure 3 shows centerline profiles of the mean (continuous) and rms re-\nsolved fluctuations (dashed) of the temperature (top), soot volume fraction\nfv(center), and total number density N(bottom). Although no experimen-\ntal measurements exist for these three quantities, computational results are\nshown using HMOM and using BMMSM with 8 and 12 sections, with the aim\nto assess the influence of soot statistical approach and number of sections.\nThe mean and rms temperature profiles show a good agreement between\n250 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 05 0 01 0 0 01 5 0 02 0 0 0h T i ( K )\n01 0 02 0 03 0 0\nTr m s( K )H M O M 2 4 B M M S M 3 6 B M M S M\n0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 002468h f v i ( ! )# 1 0! 9\n0246\nfr m s\nv ( ! )# 1 0! 9\n0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0\nx = D ( ! )0246h N i ( c m! 3)# 1 01 1\n0246\nNr m s( c m! 3)# 1 01 1Figure 3: Centerline profiles of mean (left axes, solid lines) and rms (right axes, dashed\nlines) temperature (top), soot volume fraction (center), and total number density (bot-\ntom). Computational results using the BMMSM with 8 and 12 sections and HMOM are\ncompared.\n26models with a slight difference after the temperature peak. Note the signifi-\ncant increase in the relative magnitude of the rms temperature fluctuations\nin the downstream portion of the flame, which corresponds to the maximum\nin the rms soot volume fraction fluctuations so likely due to soot radiation\nfluctuations.\nThefvprofiles show that BMMSM predicts the same or lower soot vol-\nume fraction compared to HMOM, which is favorable because this modeling\nframework with HMOM has been shown to overpredict the volume fraction\nin such configurations [22, 43]. For both the mean soot volume fraction and\nthe mean soot number density, the BMMSM results with fewer sections are\ncomparable to HMOM, which is consistent with prior work in laminar flames\n[20]. While the maximum mean soot volume fraction in BMMSM is some-\nwhat sensitive to the number of sections (about 1.4 ppb difference between\n8 and 12 sections), the results are not strongly sensitive. The soot volume\nfraction fluctuation profiles indicate that the number of sections does not\nhave as strong of an influence as the soot model, with differences between\nHMOM and BMMSM of about 2 ppb in the peak. The mean number density\nprofiles using BMMSM show little variation with respect to the number of\nsections and are lower compared to using HMOM, whose peak value is about\n20% higher. The most significant qualitative difference between HMOM and\nBMMSM is observed in the oxidation region of the flame, where HMOM\npredicts significant number density for regions up to x/D≈115. Here,\ntheNrms fluctuations are much greater using HMOM compared to using\nBMMSM. Clearly, HMOM and BMMSM are predicting fundamentally differ-\nent soot oxidation processes. The explanation for these trends in the number\n27density findings are further analyzed later.\n4.4. Soot intermittency and soot temperature\nTo understand better the nature of soot fluctuations in the previous sub-\nsection, computational results of resolved soot intermittency and soot tem-\nperature ( Tsoot) are analyzed. The resolved soot intermittency denotes the\nprobability of not finding soot at a spatiotemporal location conditioned on\na threshold criterion of soot volume fraction, which is usually established by\nthe experimentalist. Essentially, the soot intermittency is obtained by time-\naveraging binary detection of soot, where unity indicates that no soot was\npresent over the threshold. Since no experimental measurements of soot inter-\nmittency or volume fraction are available for this configuration, the threshold\nis set at 3% of the maximum value of soot volume fraction observed in sim-\nulations, i.e., about 0.5 ppb, which was utilized in recent experiments by\nBoyette and coworkers [53]. Figure 4 (top) shows computational results of\nsoot intermittency using BMMSM and HMOM. The sooting region is well\ndefined between the abrupt intermittency drop at about x/D = 40 in the\nsoot growth region, consistent with low rms soot volume fraction in Fig. 3,\nand by a more moderate increase downstream starting at x/D = 75 in the\noxidation region, where larger fluctuations in the soot volume fraction are\nobserved in Fig. 3. Interestingly, the differences in the intermittency more\nor less mirror the differences in the soot volume fraction profiles, with only\nsmall differences in the oxidation region. Therefore, the differences in the\noxidation region in the number density and its fluctuation are due to inher-\nent differences in the soot statistical models and how particles of different\nsizes interact with turbulence rather than some fundamental difference in the\n28overall sooting flame dynamics.\nFigure 4: Centerline profiles of resolved intermittency (top) and mean soot temperature\n(bottom). Computational results using the BMMSM with 8 and 12 sections and HMOM\nare compared.\nMean soot temperature profiles are plotted in Fig. 4 (bottom), which is\ncomputed by locally averaging temperature values when the instantaneous\nresolved soot intermittency is zero. BMMSM profiles are similar to that of\nHMOM with differences only appearing once soot has nearly disappeared.\nThe influence of number of sections on soot temperature is negligible. This\nmeans that the location of soot with respect to mixture fraction is essentially\nthe same between the statistical models and is much more sensitive to the\n29subfilter soot-turbulence interactions model [22], which is common between\nBMMSM and HMOM.\n4.5. Size distribution\nThe computational results of the PSDF using BMMSM were obtained at\nseveral locations downstream of the burner along the centerline from x/D =\n60 to 90, with ∆ x/D = 5, and an eighth one further downstream at x/D =\n110 and are plotted in Fig. 5. Experimental data are available only for the\nfirst seven locations [46], including only soot particles with particle diameter\nlarger than 2nm and smaller than 225nm. The PSDF is calculated following\nEq. 39, which is normalized using the total particle number density within the\nexperimental detection limits. The PSDF evolution is well captured: a small\namount of large soot particles is found closer to the burner, which effectively\ngrows as they travel further downstream from the burner. The different plots\nsuggest that BMMSM is capable of reproducing the transition from unimodal\nPSDF in the first seven locations, which is supported by the experimental\ndata, to bimodal PSDF in the last location. It is also noticeable that the\npredicted PSDF is not a strong function of the number of sections. Overall,\nBMMSM is very accurate along the entire flame compared to measurements.\nNevertheless, the model exhibits a slight overprediction of the PSDF in the\nmid-size region ( dp≃20 nm) near the burner ( x/D≤70), which diminishes\nas it progresses downstream. Moreover, BMMSM results are in line with\nother results in the literature [9] but requiring fewer degrees of freedom.\nIn the present study, the use of the BMMSM method reduces the required\nnumber of soot scalars to 24 or 36 for fractal aggregate soot, whereas the\nsectional model from Ref. [9] used 62 soot scalars for only spherical soot.\n30Figure 5: PSDF at several locations along the centerline depicting the progress from a\nunimodal to a bimodal distribution. Computational results using BMMSM with 8 and 12\nsections (lines) are compared against experimental measurements (symbols) [46].\n31Since experimental measurements revealed the evolution of the PSDF in\nthe streamwise direction only, additional computational analysis is conducted\nto assess the radial variation of the PSDF at different locations downstream\nof the burner. Figure 6 shows the radial evolution of the PSDF at four\nlocations downstream of the burner: x/D = 50, 70, 90, and 110. Each\nlocation is representative of a portion of the sooting region (see Fig. 4).\nThe colorbar represents the normalized radial distance ( r/D) of the PSDF,\nwith darker colors being nearer the centerline. For particles with small sizes\n(dp���30 : nm), the PSDF decreases radially outward in the first three loca-\ntions, which shifts from nucleation-dominated to growth-dominated moving\naway from the centerline. In the last location, where oxidation dominates,\nthe PSDF remains nearly constant. Furthermore, in the first three locations,\nmoving away from the centerline, a “trough” emerges in the PSDF for par-\nticle diameters ranging from 20 to 30 nm, indicating the formation of the\nsecond mode. At x/D = 110, the already existent trough is slightly shifted\nto smaller diameters, which is attributed to the oxidation process, whereas\nthe magnitude of PSDF is practically unchanged or increases (as the total\nnumber density decreases). For particles with larger sizes ( dp>30 nm), the\npresence of a second mode is evident already near the burner at large radial\ndistances and becomes more apparent closer to the centerline with increasing\ndownstream distance. Basically, the core of the flame near the centerline is\nmore unimodal while moving toward the periphery of the sooting region of\nthe flame results in a bimodal distribution. However, in the last location,\nthe second mode remains practically unchanged, with a slight shift towards\nsmaller particle diameters.\n32Figure 6: Variation of the PSDF in the radial direction (radial distance indicated by the\ncolorbar) at four different locations downstream of the burner. Computational results\nusing BMMSM with 12 sections are shown.\n4.6. Source terms\nA comprehensive examination of the soot source terms within the flame\nenables a more refined understanding of the mechanism of evolution of the\nsoot particle size distribution. Mean soot source term fields are evaluated\nfrom simulations using BMMSM with 12 sections and are compared to those\nusing HMOM. The findings obtained with 8 sections closely align with those\nobtained with 12 sections, leading to similar conclusions. Figure 7 shows\nresults using HMOM (top row) and BMMSM (bottom row), and the columns\ncorrespond to fields of mean soot-related quantities: soot volume fraction\n33Figure 7: Fields of mean soot-related quantities by columns: ( a) soot volume fraction\nfv; (b) total number density N; soot volume fraction source terms d fv/dt[s−1] for ( c)\nnucleation and condensation, ( d) surface growth, and ( e) oxidation (magnitude); and\ntotal number density source terms d N/dt[m−3s−1] for ( f) nucleation, ( g) coagulation\n(magnitude), and ( h) oxidation (magnitude). Computational results using HMOM (top\nrow) and BMMSM (12 sections, bottom row) are compared. The dotted line corresponds\nthe mean stoichiometric mixture fraction iso-contour.\n(fv), total number density ( N), and their source terms (d fv/dtand d N/dt,\nrespectively). The magenta dashed line indicates the mean stoichiometric\nmixture fraction iso-contour ⟨Z⟩=Zst, which represents the mean position\nof the flame front.\nThe fields of soot volume fraction in column ( a) show good agreement\nbetween BMMSM and HMOM, with a 20% disparity in the maximum values\nconsistent with the centerline profiles discussed above. The peak is located in\nthe mean rich region, as indicated by the Zstisocontour. However, in column\n34(b), HMOM overestimates the total number density compared to BMMSM,\nshowing a difference of about 40%, again consistent with the centerline pro-\nfiles discussed above. Additionally, the number density demonstrates a much\nmore significant presence of soot in regions where the mean mixture faction\nis fuel-lean in HMOM compared to BMMSM, even with the same location\nof the maximum.\nColumn ( c) shows the source term of the soot volume fraction resulting\nfrom the combined effect of nucleation and condensation. Very similar results\nare obtained for both HMOM and BMMSM, which occurs primarily in the\nrich region, since this a function only of the gas-phase soot precursors. On\nthe other hand, the surface growth (column ( d)) and oxidation (column ( e))\nsource terms exhibit higher rates of soot volume fraction production when\nusing HMOM. However, the explanation for this trend is simple: the soot\nvolume fraction is higher in HMOM compared to BMMSM, and the surface\ngrowth and oxidation rates scales with the amount of soot so are expected\nto be larger in magnitude.\nColumn ( f) shows the field of the rate of change of total soot number den-\nsity due to nucleation. Both HMOM and BMMSM show similar results, with\nBMMSM results radially spread further than HMOM; this minor difference is\nsimply due to lower number density predicted by BMMSM in regions closer\nto the mean Zstresulting in less condensation relative to nucleation. Fields of\ncoagulation in column ( g) show more significant differences between models.\nHMOM predicts the peak coagulation rate at the mean Zstcontour along\nthe centerline, while BMMSM predicts the peak coagulation also along the\nZstcontour but closer to the burner and away from the centerline. This ex-\n35plains the increased number density in HMOM compared to BMMSM along\nwith the centerline with a delay in coagulation until further downstream.\nLikewise, the fields of column ( h) for oxidation rates also exhibit qualita-\ntive differences. The magnitude of the oxidation rate for the number density\nis much higher for BMMSM (despite the volume fraction magnitude being\nlower) compared to HMOM. Clearly, even though the mean soot volume\nfraction is comparable between HMOM and BMMSM, the two approaches\nprovide fundamentally different evolutions of the total number density so,\nby extension, also mean particle size. The reason for this differences can be\nexplained by analyzing individual sections.\nThe evolution of the contribution of the odd sections i= 1 to 11 on\nthe soot volume fraction is shown in Fig. 8 (top). Particles of larger size\nare located preferentially downstream. A significant decrease of soot volume\nfraction is observed in the latest sections, which indicates few big particles\nexists and that the choice of the spacing factor was appropriate. Similarly,\nthe fields of number density by section are plotted in Fig. 8 (bottom). Al-\nthough the distribution by section looks qualitatively similar as the soot\nvolume fraction, quantitatively the number density fields maximizes in the\nfirst section and decreases as the local section number increases. By focusing\non specific axial and radial locations, bimodality can be identified. For in-\nstance, at x/D = 90 and r/D = 2.5, significant soot is formed from section\ni= 1 to 9 and peaks between sections i= 5 to 7. Similar behavior is observed\nfurther downstream, and the peak value moves toward larger sections. This\nis analogous to what it was observed in Fig. 6.\nTo understand better the behavior of number density source terms, ob-\n36Figure 8: Fields of mean soot volume fraction (top) and number density (bottom): contri-\nbution by odd sections i= 1 to 11. Computational results using BMMSM (12 sections) are\nshown. The dotted line corresponds the mean stoichiometric mixture fraction iso-contour.\nserved in columns ( g) and ( h) of Fig. 7, the fields of the contributions by odd\nsections i= 1 to 11 for coagulation (top) and oxidation (bottom) are plotted\nin Fig. 9. The rates due to coagulation indicate a transition from negative\nvalues to positive values as the local section number increases: the smallest\nparticles are only lost to form larger particles and the largest particles pre-\ndominantly formed from smaller, with the small-large transition increasing in\nsize with downstream distance as larger and larger particles are formed. The\ncoagulation and oxidation rates of small particles are greater in magnitude\nthan those of large particles, owing to their higher number density. Larger\nparticles tend to oxidize closer to the mean Zstcontour since this is where\n37the particles are located. Note that the coagulation dynamics governing the\nparticle sizes by downstream distance: the distribution of smaller particle\ndecreases as the coagulation rate turns negative as downstream distance in-\ncreases. On the other hand, the distribution of larger particles increases as\nthe coagulation rate tends to remain positive in the further downstream dis-\ntance, only decreasing in magnitude as for the largest particles until oxidation\ndominates and destroy the remaining soot particles. The oxidation rate is\nthen a reflection of where the particles are and the dependence of rate on\nsize. Basically, the smaller particles, which are located further upstream, are\noxidized quickly and disappear, while the larger particles, which are located\nfurther downstream, are oxidized more slowly so reach further downstream\ndistances. This is directly correlated to the observations in Fig. 6. The first\nmode peak decreases in both streamwise (by coagulation) and radial (both\ncoagulation and oxidation) directions. The second mode peak increases in\nthe streamwise direction more than in the radial direction due to the com-\npetition between coagulation and oxidation as the particles reach the flame\nfront and leaner regions. Overall, BMMSM gives a larger loss of particles\nsince first-order HMOM only has one large particle size rather than a distri-\nbution of large particle sizes so cannot capture this size-dependent oxidation\nprocess.\n4.7. Computational costs\nThe computational costs of simulations using BMMSM and HMOM are\nassessed in Table 1. The computational costs, expressed in time per time step,\nare averaged over 10,000 time steps using the same computational resources.\nSpecific costs to both solve the scalar transport equations and evaluate the\n38Figure 9: Fields of the rate of total soot number density change due to coagulation (top)\nand oxidation (bottom): contribution by odd sections i= 1 to 11. Computational results\nusing BMMSM (12 sections) are shown. The dotted line corresponds the mean stoichio-\nmetric mixture fraction iso-contour.\nsoot source terms are also examined. Remarkably, on average, BMMSM\nsimulations cost about 1.44 and 1.86 times more than HMOM in total using\n8 and 12 sections, respectively. Within these, the combined costs of scalar\ntransport and soot calculations are about 2 and 3.2 times more than HMOM,\nrespectively. Additionally, by varying the computational resources for each\nsimulation (i.e., more or less compute nodes), the cost of BMMSM compared\nto HMOM follows the same tendency (not shown), so the results in Table 1\ndo not seem to be sensitive to the balance between communication and com-\nputation between HMOM and BMMSM. The cost of scalar transport and\n39Table 1: Computational time comparison between soot models per time step. Costs units\nare in s.\nMethod NsNs\nvNfcs\nvTotal Scalar+Soot\nHMOM − 4 13 4.37 1.28\n24 BMMSM 8 24 33 6.31 2.57\n36 BMMSM 12 36 45 8.13 4.07\nsoot roughly scales linearly with the total transported variables ( Nfcs\nv), i.e.,\nconsidering all flow, combustion, and soot variables. These costs confirm\nthat BMMSM constitutes a “low-cost sectional model” with joint V-Schar-\nacterization of soot, allowing for detailed characterization of the soot size\ndistribution in turbulent reacting flows.\n5. Conclusions\nBased on the Multi-Moment Sectional Method (MMSM), a new bivariate\nformulation of MMSM was developed in this work, called BMMSM, account-\ning for a joint volume-surface formalism that can capture fractal aggregate\nmorphology of soot. The model derivation also included some features of\nprevious models such as HMOM.\nBMMSM was first implemented in a laminar flame framework. A burner-\nstabilized laminar premixed flame was simulated using both the univari-\nate and bivariate models and validated against experimental measurements.\nComputational results using BMMSM indicate an improvement in soot quan-\ntities, not only to capture the number density trends but also the bimodal\nparticle size distribution.\n40Then, BMMSM was integrated in an LES framework. PSDF results using\nBMMSM with 8 and 12 sections were compared against experimental data.\nConcerning global soot quantities, HMOM was observed to significantly over-\npredict the total number density fluctuations in the oxidation region com-\npared to BMMSM. This indicates that BMMSM outperforms HMOM in\nreproducing essential dynamics of the soot population, especially for oxi-\ndation. The new model is capable of reproducing particle size distribution\nevolution accurately, which is not a strong function of number of sections.\nFurther analyses suggest that the PSDF evolves from unimodal to bimodal in\nboth streamwise (further downstream than the available experimental mea-\nsurements) and radial directions, providing a better understanding of size\ndistribution in turbulent jet flames. Subsequently, soot source terms were\nanalyzed using HMOM and BMMSM in order to identify soot quantities be-\nhavior along the entire flame. Key differences are observed in aspects such\nas surface oxidation, as expected, and coagulation.\nFinally, the computational costs using BMMSM were evaluated and com-\npared against those of HMOM. An extraordinary outcome was observed:\nBMMSM with 8 and 12 sections respectively cost only 1.44 and 1.86 times\nmore than HMOM in total, indicating a nearly linear scaling with the total\nnumber of variables transported in each model. Overall, this methodology\nis very promising and noteworthy, allowing for detailed soot characteriza-\ntion in large-scale complex industrial configurations at limited increase in\ncomputational cost compared to widely used moment methods.\n41Acknowledgments\nThe authors gratefully acknowledge funding from the National Science\nFoundation, Award CBET-2028318. The simulations presented in this ar-\nticle were performed on computational resources supported by the Prince-\nton Institute for Computational Science and Engineering (PICSciE) and the\nPrinceton University Office of Information Technology Research Computing\ndepartment. The authors gratefully acknowledge the experimental data for\nthe KAUST flame provided by Dr. Wesley R. Boyette.\nReferences\n[1] R. P. Lindstedt, H. A. Michelsen, M. E. Mueller, Special issue and per-\nspective on the chemistry and physics of carbonaceous particle forma-\ntion, Combust. Flame (2023) 113042. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/\nj.combustflame.2023.113042 .\n[2] M. Balthasar, M. Kraft, A stochastic approach to calculate the particle\nsize distribution function of soot particles in laminar premixed flames,\nCombust. Flame 133 (2003) 289–298.\n[3] M. Frenklach, S. J. Harris, Aerosol dynamics modeling using the method\nof moments, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 118 (1987) 252–261.\n[4] S. Park, S. 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We also prove the positivity of the Bon di energy-\nmomentum under conditions ensuring certain asymptoticall y null hy-\npersurfaces are of order 2.\n1.Introduction\nIn general relativity, a spacetime is a 4-dimensional Loren tzian manifold\nwhose metric gsatisfies the Einstein field equations\nRµν−R\n2gµν+Λgµν=Tµν, (1.1)\nwhereRµνis the Ricci curvature, Ris the scalar curvature, Λ is the cos-\nmological constant and Tµνis the energy-momentum tensor of matter. In\nparticular, it is vacuum when Tµνvanishes. When it is wave-like and ra-\ndiates energy, the metric gis referred as gravitational waves, see, eg., [24].\nThe existence of gravitational waves was predicted by Einst ein theoretically\nand was first detected by LIGO and Virgo in September, 2015, wh ich is a\nblack hole event, named GW150914 [1]. Measured by solar mass , the initial\nblack hole masses are 36 units and 29 units, and they collide a nd form the\nfinal black hole whose mass is 62 units, with 3 units of mass rad iated away\nin gravitational waves.\nGravitational waves areassumedtobevacuumspacetimes. Wh enthecos-\nmological constant is zero, they were firstly studied by Bond i, van der Burg,\nMetzner for axially symmetric isolated spacetimes and by Sa chs for general\nasymptotically flat spacetimes in 1962 [3, 15]. They introdu ced so-called\nthe Bondi-Sachs metrics using retarded time together and po lar coordinates\nof 3-dimensional space and Bondi defined the Bondi energy and derived its\nnon-increasing property. Soon later, Penrose introduced s imple spacetimes\nto study gravitational waves in terms of conformal compacti fication and\n2000Mathematics Subject Classification. 53C50, 83C35.\nKey words and phrases. Bondi-Sachs metric; Scalar field; Peeling property; Bondi\nenergy-momentum.\n12 J LI AND X ZHANG\nshowed the peeling property of the Weyl curvatures, see, e.g . [10, 11, 12].\nThe Bondi energy is referred as the total energy after loss ca rried away by\ngravitational waves. It is a fundamental problem whether is olated gravita-\ntional systems can radiate away more energy than they initia lly have, i.e.,\nwhether Bondi’s Energy is nonnegative. The proofs of this po sitivity were\nclaimed by using both Schoen-Yau and Witten’s positive ener gy arguments,\nc.f. [16, 4] and references therein. The rigorous and comple te arguments\nwere provided under some extra conditions ensuring certain asymptotically\nnull hypersurfaces are of order 2 in [9, 22, 23], and, without these extra\nconditions, the arguments fail to work. The positivity of th e Bondi en-\nergy should require conservation of system’s total energy- momentum. But\nasymptotes of the Bondi-Sachs metrics are weak and not suffici ent for the\nADM total energy-momentum to be conserved in general.\nFor other issues related to the Bondi-Sachs spacetimes, we r efer to Wang\n[18] and the reference therein for study of the angular momen tum, and to\ne.g. [6, 19] for study of the case of nonzero cosmological con stant. We point\nout that, when the cosmological constant is nonzero, some co smological\nconstraints occur for the boundary conditions. This causes the situation on\nasymptotes is completely different, and the good definition fo r the Bondi\nenergy is still lack.\nIn this paper, we study the Bondi-Sachs formulism for the Ein stein scalar\nfield equations when the cosmological constant is zero. Phys ically, scalar\nfields can describe dark matter, see, e.g. [2]. Therefore the theory can be\nreferredas interaction of gravitational waves and dark mat ters. For massless\nscalar field Ψ, the energy-momentum tensor is given by\nTµν=∇µΨ∇νΨ−1\n2gµν∇σΨ∇σΨ. (1.2)\nThe Einstein scalar field equations are\nRµν=∇µΨ∇νΨ. (1.3)\nDenote/square=∇µ∇µthe wave operator. Twice contracted Bianchi identity\nimplies that\n/squareΨ = 0. (1.4)\nThis paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we study the structure\nof the Einstein scalar field equations for Bondi-Sachs metri cs and separate\nthem into seven equations. In Section 3, we provide asymptot ic expansions\nfor the Bondi-Sachs metrics as well as the scalar fields. In Se ction 4, we\nprove the peeling property for the Einstein scalar field equa tions. In Section\n5, we derive the first and the second fundamental forms of asym ptotically\nnull spacelike hypersurfaces in Bondi-Sachs spacetimes an d show that they\nare asymptotically null of order 1. In Section 6, we prove the positivity\nof the Bondi energy-momentum for the Einstein scalar fields u nder certain\nconditions ensuring certain asymptotically null hypersur faces are of order\n2. In Appendix, we provide explicit formulas relating to the Einstein scalar\nfield equations.BONDI-SACHS FORMALISM 3\n2.Einstein scalar field equations for Bondi-Sachs metrics\nInthissection, westudythestructureoftheEinsteinscala rfieldequations\nfor Bondi-Sachs metrics. A Bondi-Sachs metric gon some open set of the\nMinkowski spacetime takes the following form\nds2=−/bracketleftbigge2βV\nr−r2/parenleftbigg\ne2γU2cosh(2δ)+2UWsinh(2δ)\n+e−2γW2cosh(2δ)/parenrightig/bracketrightbigg\ndu2−2e2βdudr\n−2r2/parenleftbigg\ne2γUcosh(2δ)+Wsinh(2δ)/parenrightbigg\ndudθ\n−2r2/parenleftbigg\ne−2γWcosh(2δ)+Usinh(2δ)/parenrightbigg\nsinθdudφ\n+r2/parenleftbigg\ne2γcosh(2δ)dθ2+2sinh(2δ)sinθdθdφ\n+e−2γcosh(2δ)sin2θdφ2/parenrightbigg(2.1)\nin coordinates {u, r, θ, φ }(uis retarded time)\n−∞0. Indeed,\nby [3, 15, 17], the Christoffel symbols of the Bondi-Sachs metr ics give that\ngαǫΓ0\nαǫ=2e−2β\nr, (2.9)\nand, (1.3), (2.4) give that\ngαǫ/parenleftbigg∂Ωµα\n∂xǫ−1\n2∂Ωαǫ\n∂xµ−Γδ\nαǫΩµδ/parenrightbigg\n= 0 (2.10)\nforµ= 0,1,2,3. Thus, using (2.6), we get\n(1)µ= 1: (2.10) reduces to\n−gαǫΓ0\nαǫΩ01= 0. (2.11)\n(2)µ=A: using (2.7) and (2.9), (2.10) gives\ne−2β\nr2∂\n∂r/parenleftbig\nr2Ω0A/parenrightbig\n= 0, A= 2,3. (2.12)\n(3)µ= 0: using (2.7), (2.9) and Ω 02= Ω03= 0, (2.10) gives\ne−2β\nr2∂\n∂r/parenleftbig\nr2Ω00/parenrightbig\n= 0. (2.13)\nTherefore, (2.7) holds by (2.9), and (2.11), (2.8) hold ever ywhere if they\nhold at some r0>0 by (2.12), (2.13). So it only needs to study the six main\nequations, which separate into two groups.\n(1) four hypersurface equations\nΩ11= Ω12= Ω13= 0,\n/parenleftbig\ne−2γΩ22+e2γcsc2θΩ33/parenrightbig\ncosh(2δ)−2cscθΩ23sinh(2δ) = 0.BONDI-SACHS FORMALISM 5\n(2) two standard equations\ne−2γΩ22−e2γcsc2θΩ33= 0,\n/parenleftbig\ne−2γΩ22+e2γcsc2θΩ33/parenrightbig\nsinh(2δ)−2cscθΩ23cosh(2δ) = 0.\nIt concludes that the Einstein scalar field equations (1.3) a re equivalent to\nthe following seven equations\nβr=R1,(2.14)\n/parenleftig\nr4e−2β/parenleftbig\ne2γUrcosh(2δ) +Wrsinh(2δ)/parenrightbig/parenrightig\nr=R2,(2.15)\n/parenleftig\nr4e−2β/parenleftbig\nUrsinh(2δ) +e−2γWrcosh(2δ)/parenrightbig/parenrightig\nr=R3,(2.16)\nVr=R4,(2.17)\n(rγ)urcosh(2δ)+2r(γuδr+δuγr)sinh(2δ) =R5,(2.18)\n(rδ)ur−2rγuγrsinh(2δ)cosh(2δ) =R6,(2.19)\n(rΨu)r=R7,(2.20)\nwhere R1,...,R7are given in the appendix. The most important feature is\nthatR1,...,R7do not contain any derivatives with respect to x0=u.\nNull-timelike boundary problems for (2.14)-(2.20): Given initial data\nγ(u0), δ(u0),Ψ(u0)\non a null hypersurface {u=u0}, boundary values\nβ(r0), U(r0), Ur(r0), W(r0), Wr(r0), V(r0), γu(r0), δu(r0),Ψu(r0)\non a timelike hypersurface {r=r0>0}such that the constraint (2.8)\nΩ00(r0) = Ω02(r0) = Ω03(r0) = 0\nhold on{r=r0>0}, can one prove the local and global existence?\nWe refer to [7] for null-timelike boundary problems for line ar wave equa-\ntions on the Bondi-Sachs metrics. The question is still open for the Einstein\nfield equations. Heuristically, we can solve (2.14)-(2.20) as follows. On the\nnull hypersurface {u=u0}, integrating (2.14) with respect to r, we obtain\nβ=/integraldisplayr\nr0R1dr+B, (2.21)\nwhere\nB(u0,θ,φ) =β(u0,r0,θ,φ).6 J LI AND X ZHANG\nIntegrating (2.15), (2.16) with respect to r, we obtain\nr4e−2β/parenleftbig\ne2γUrcosh(2δ)+Wrsinh(2δ)/parenrightbig\n=/integraldisplayr\nr0R2dr−6N,(2.22)\nr4e−2β/parenleftbig\nUrsinh(2δ)+e−2γWrcosh(2δ)/parenrightbig\n=/integraldisplayr\nr0R3dr−6P,(2.23)\nwhere\nN=−1\n6/parenleftig\nr4e−2β/parenleftbig\ne2γUrcosh(2δ)+Wrsinh(2δ)/parenrightbig/parenrightig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nu=u0,r=r0,\nP=−1\n6/parenleftig\nr4e−2β/parenleftbig\nUrsinh(2δ)+e−2γWrcosh(2δ)/parenrightbig/parenrightig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nu=u0,r=r0\ndetermined by the initial data γ(u0),δ(u0) atr=r0and the boundary\nvaluesβ(r0),Ur(r0),Wr(r0) atu=u0. From (2.22), (2.23), we can solve Ur\nandWr, then integrate them with respect to r, we obtain\nU=/integraldisplayr\nr0e2βr−4/parenleftbig\ne−2γxcosh(2δ)−ysinh(2δ)/parenrightbig\ndr+Y, (2.24)\nW=/integraldisplayr\nr0e2βr−4/parenleftbig\ne2γycosh(2δ)−xsinh(2δ)/parenrightbig\ndr+X, (2.25)\nwhere\nY(u0,θ,φ) =U(u0,r0,θ,φ), X(u0,θ,φ) =W(u0,r0,θ,φ).\nIntegrating (2.17), we obtain\nV=/integraldisplayr\nr0R4dr−2M, (2.26)\nwhere\nM(u0,θ,φ) =−1\n2V(u0,r0,θ,φ).\nNote that (2.18) and (2.19) take the form\nfr+ζˆf=R5, (2.27)\nˆfr−ζf=R6. (2.28)\nwhere\nf=rγucosh(2δ),ˆf=rδu, ζ= 2γrsinh(2δ),\nThen we can solve γu,δuby integrating (2.27), (2.28) with respect to r,\nas well asγ,δby integrating the expressions of γu,δuwith respect to u,\nwhere integration constants are determined by the boundary valuesγu,δu\natr=r0and the initial data γ,δatu=u0. Finally, integrating (2.20) with\nrespect torandu, we obtain\nΨ =1\nr/integraldisplayu\nu0/integraldisplayr\nr0R7dr+r0\nrΨu(u0,r0,θ,φ)(u−u0)+Ψ(u0,r,θ,ψ).\nWe repeat this procedure to extend uby using the obtained γ(u,r,θ,φ),\nδ(u,r,θ,φ) and Ψ(u,r,θ,φ) as the new initial data. Then we get the local\nand global existence.BONDI-SACHS FORMALISM 7\n3.Asymptotic expansions\nIn this section, we study the power series solutions of the Ei nstein scalar\nfield equations (2.14)-(2.20) for asymptotically flat Bondi -Sachs metric (2.1)\nwith asymptotical condition (2.2). We follow the idea of [3, 15, 17] and\nassume that γ,δsatisfy the following outgoing radiating condition\nγ=c\nr+/parenleftbigg\n−1\n6c3−3\n2d2c+C/parenrightbigg1\nr3+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n, (3.1)\nδ=d\nr+/parenleftbigg\n−1\n6d3+1\n2c2d+D/parenrightbigg1\nr3+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n. (3.2)\nThe absence of r−2term in the above expansions prevent appearance of\nlnrterm in the expansions of unknown in vacuum Einstein field equ ations\n[3, 15, 17]. We refer to [5] for polyhomogeneity expansions i nvolvingr−2\nterm and ln rterm.\nDefinition 3.1. A 4-dimensional Lorentzian manifolds ( M,g) is called an\nasymptotically flat Bondi-Sachs spacetime if there exists a 4-dimensional\nLorentzian manifold Mcfoliated by compact 3-dimensional spacelike hyper-\nsurfaces and a diffeomorphism\nM\\Mc/ma√sto−→R3,1\\(BR0×R)\nfor someR0>0and the metric gtakes form (2.1)with asymptotic expan-\nsions(3.1),(3.2)onM\\Mc.\nAssume that the scalar field Ψ takes the following expansion\nΨ =I(u,θ,φ)+O/parenleftbigg1\nr/parenrightbigg\n.\nIt is easy to know that the ln rterm doesn’t appear in the power series\nexpansions of U,W,V,γuandδuif and only if\nIθ=Iφ= 0.\nOn the other hand, compare the left and right sides of (2.20), we obtain\nIu= 0.\nTherefore, in order to prevent the ln rterm in the power series expansions\nof (2.14)-(2.20), we need to choose Ias constant. As the Einstein scalar\nfield equations (1.3) are invariant by adding any constant in to Ψ, we choose\nI= 0 and take the following power series expansion for Ψ\nΨ =H\nr+K\nr2+L\nr3+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n. (3.3)\nUsing (2.21), (2.24), (2.25) and (2.26), we obtain the asymp totic form of\ng00=(X2+Y2)r2+r/parenleftbigg\n4dXY−e2BYcotθ8 J LI AND X ZHANG\n+4e2BYBθ+4e2BXBφcscθ−e2BXφcscθ\n−e2BYθ−2c(X2−Y2)/parenrightbigg\n+O(1).\nThe condition (2.2) concludes\nX=Y= 0.\nIn the following we show that, similar to [3], we can reduce B= 0 by a\ncoordinate transformation\n\nu=u0(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ),+u1(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ)\nˆr+O/parenleftbigg1\nˆr2/parenrightbigg\n,\nr= ˆr+r0(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ)+O/parenleftbigg1\nˆr/parenrightbigg\n,\nθ=ˆθ+θ1(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ)\nˆr+O/parenleftbigg1\nˆr2/parenrightbigg\n,\nφ=ˆφ+φ1(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ)\nˆr+O/parenleftbigg1\nˆr2/parenrightbigg\n.(3.4)\nDenote (ˆxα) = (ˆu,ˆr,ˆθ,ˆφ) and\nˆgµν=g/parenleftbigg∂\n∂ˆxµ,∂\n∂ˆxν/parenrightbigg\n.\nTransformation (3.4) yields\nˆg01=−(u0)ˆu(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ)e2B(u0(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ),ˆθ,ˆφ)+O/parenleftbigg1\nˆr/parenrightbigg\n,\nˆg11=1\nˆr2/parenleftbigg\n2u1(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ)e2B(u0(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ),ˆθ,ˆφ)+θ2\n1(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ)\n+φ2\n1(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ)sin2ˆθ/parenrightbigg\n+O/parenleftbigg1\nˆr3/parenrightbigg\n,\nˆg12=−(u0)ˆθ(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ)e2B(u0(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ),ˆθ,ˆφ)−θ1(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ)+O/parenleftbigg1\nˆr/parenrightbigg\n,\nˆg13=−(u0)ˆφ(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ)e2B(u0(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ),ˆθ,ˆφ)−φ1(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ)sin2ˆθ+O/parenleftbigg1\nˆr/parenrightbigg\n.\nTherefore\nˆg22ˆg33−ˆg2\n23−ˆr4sin2ˆθ\n=2ˆr3/parenleftbigg\n−2(u0)ˆφ(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ)e2B(u0(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ),ˆθ,ˆφ)Bφ(u0(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ),ˆθ,ˆφ)csc2θ\n−2(u0)ˆθ(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ)e2B(u0(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ),ˆθ,ˆφ)Bθ(u0(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ),ˆθ,ˆφ)\n+(φ1)ˆφ(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ)+(θ1)ˆθ(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ)+θ1(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ)cotˆθBONDI-SACHS FORMALISM 9\n+2r0(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ)/parenrightbigg\nsin2θ+O/parenleftbig\nˆr2/parenrightbig\n.\nChoosingu0such that\n(u0)ˆu(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ) = e−2B(u0(ˆu,ˆθ,ˆφ),ˆθ,ˆφ),\nwe obtain\nˆB= 0.\nTakeB=X=Y= 0. Denote\nl=cθ+2ccotθ+dφcscθ,ˆl=dθ+2dcotθ−cφcscθ.(3.5)\nSubstituting (3.1), (3.2), (3.3) into (2.21), (2.22), (2.2 3), (2.24) and (2.25),\nwe obtain the following asymptotic expansions\nβ=−2(c2+d2)+H2\n8r2−HK\n3r3+4\nβ\nr4+O/parenleftbigg1\nr5/parenrightbigg\n, (3.6)\nU=−l\nr2+2(2cl+2dˆl+3N)\n3r3+4\nU\nr4+O/parenleftbigg1\nr5/parenrightbigg\n, (3.7)\nW=−ˆl\nr2+2(2dl−2cˆl+3P)\n3r3+4\nW\nr4+O/parenleftbigg1\nr5/parenrightbigg\n, (3.8)\nV=r−2M−/parenleftbig\nlθ+lcotθ+ˆlφcscθ/parenrightbig\n+1\nV\nr+O/parenleftbigg1\nr2/parenrightbigg\n,(3.9)\nwhere\nM=M−lθ+lcotθ+ˆlφcscθ\n2, (3.10)\nand\n4\nβ=1\n8/parenleftbigg\n(c2+d2)2−6(cC+dD)−3HL−2K2/parenrightbigg\n,\n4\nU=1\n24/parenleftbigg\n−48c3cotθ−12c2(3cθ+2dφcscθ)\n−24d2cθ−6c(2dcφcscθ+8d2cotθ+2ddθ\n+12N−H2cotθ)+36Cθ+72Ccotθ\n−36d2dφcscθ−72dP+36Dφcscθ+3H2cθ\n+3H2dφcscθ+8HKθ−4KHθ/parenrightbigg\n,\n4\nW=1\n24/parenleftbigg\n−12c2(−3cφcscθ+2dθ+4dcotθ)\n−12d2(3dθ−2cφcscθ)−12c(dcθ−ddφcscθ\n−6P)+36(−Cφcscθ+Dθ+2Dcotθ)10 J LI AND X ZHANG\n−48d3cotθ−72dN−3H2(cφcscθ−dθ)\n−4KHφcscθ+8HKφcscθ+6dH2cotθ/parenrightbigg\n,\n1\nV=1\n12/parenleftbigg\n2(25cos2θ−1)c2csc2θ+2c(5cφφcsc2θ\n+37cθcotθ+5cθθ+24dφcotθcscθ)\n+2d(−24cφcotθcscθ+37dθcotθ+5dθθ\n+5dφφcsc2θ)−32cφdθcscθ+32cθdφcscθ\n+22c2\nθ+22c2\nφcsc2θ+2(24csc2θ−25)d2\n+22d2\nφcsc2θ+22d2\nθ−12Nθ−12Ncotθ\n−12Pφcscθ+3H2−3H(Hθθ+Hθcotθ\n+Hφφcsc2θ)+3H2\nθ+3H2\nφcsc2θ/parenrightbigg\n.\nUsing (2.18), (2.19), we obtain\nγu=cu\nr+3γu\nr3+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n, (3.11)\nδu=du\nr+3\nδu\nr3+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n, (3.12)\nwhere\n3γu=1\n48/parenleftbigg\n2c/parenleftbig\n11cθθ+21cθcotθ−11cφφcsc2θ\n−48dud+16dθφcscθ+8dφcotθcscθ+12M/parenrightbig\n−/parenleftbig\n10c2\nφ+10d2\nφ−3H2\nφ+3HHφφ−12Pφsinθ/parenrightbig\ncsc2θ\n+10/parenleftbig\nc2\nθ+d2\nθ/parenrightbig\n+2d/parenleftbig\n−16cθφcscθ−8cφcotθcscθ\n+11dθθ+21dθcotθ−11dφφcsc2θ/parenrightbig\n−8(3−cos(2θ))c2csc2θ−16d2(6cu+1+csc2θ)\n+3HHθθ−3Hθ(Hθ+Hcotθ)+12Ncotθ−12Nθ/parenrightbigg\n,\n3\nδu=1\n24/parenleftbigg\n2c/parenleftbig\n11cθφcscθ+5cφcotθcscθ+24cud−4dθθ\n−8dθcotθ+4dφφcsc2θ/parenrightbig\n+/parenleftbig\n10cθcφ+10dθdφ\n+3(HHθφ−HθHφ−HHφcotθ)−6Nφ/parenrightbig\ncscθ\n+2d/parenleftbig\n4cθθ+8cθcotθ−4cφφcsc2θ+11dθφcscθ\n+5dφcotθcscθ+6M/parenrightbig\n−6Pθ+6Pcotθ/parenrightbigg\n.BONDI-SACHS FORMALISM 11\nSubstituting (3.1) into (3.11) and (3.2) into (3.12), we obt ain\n−c2cu\n2−3dduc−3d2cu\n2+Cu=3γu, (3.13)\n−d2du\n2+ccud+c2du\n2+Du=3\nδu. (3.14)\nSubstituting the above power series expansions into (2.20) , we obtain\nΨu=Hu\nr−Hθθ+Hθcotθ+Hφφcsc2θ\n2r2+3\nΨu\nr3+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n,(3.15)\nwhere\n3\nΨu=1\n4/parenleftbigg\n4cθHθ−4cφHφcsc2θ+2Hcθθ+6Hcθcotθ\n−2Hcφφcsc2θ+2c/parenleftbig\nHθθ+3Hθcotθ−Hφφcsc2θ\n−2H/parenrightbig\n+4dθHφcscθ+4dφHθcscθ+4Hdθφcscθ\n+4Hdφcotθcscθ+4dHθφcscθ+4dHφcotθcscθ\n+2HM−Kθθ−Kθcotθ−Kφφcsc2θ−2K/parenrightbigg\n.\nSubstituting (3.3) into (3.15), we obtain\nKu=−Hθθ+Hθcotθ+Hφφcsc2θ\n2, Lu=3\nΨu.(3.16)\nFinally, comparing the coefficients of r−2term in three supplementary equa-\ntions (2.8), we obtain\nMu=−c2\nu−d2\nu−H2\nu\n2, (3.17)\n6Nu=4cudφcscθ+4dφcsc3θ−4ducφcscθ+4dcuφcscθ\n+2cθ−cθθθ+3cucθ−ccuθ−3cθθcotθ+3cθcsc2θ\n+3cθφφcsc2θ−4cduφcscθ+3dudθ−dduθ (3.18)\n+dφφφcsc3θ−3dθθφcscθ−3dθφcotθcscθ\n+3HuHθ\n2−HHuθ\n2−2Mθ,\n6Pu=−4cudθ+4cθdu−4dcuθ−8dcucotθ−dduφcscθ\n−3cθθφcscθ−ccuφcscθ−3cθφcotθcscθ\n+cφφφcsc3θ+3cucφcscθ+4cφcsc3θ+4cduθ\n+8cducotθ+3dudφcscθ−dθ+dθθθ+3dθθcotθ(3.19)\n−4dθcsc2θ−3dθφφcsc2θ+dθcot2θ\n+3HuHφ\n2cscθ−HHuφ\n2cscθ−2Mφcscθ.12 J LI AND X ZHANG\n4.Peeling property\nIn this section, we prove the peeling property for the Einste in scalar fields\nwhen spacetimes are asymptotically flat Bondi-Sachs and the scalar field Ψ\nsatisfies (3.3).\nPeeling property indicates that the Weyl curvatures of asym ptotically\nflat spacetimes have good asymptotic behaviors, which plays a significant\nrole for extracting gravitational waves from numerical sim ulation. When\nspacetimes are vacuum and asymptotically simple, Newman an d Penrose\nintroduced a complex null tetrad and proved this property [1 0, 11, 12]. This\nprocedureisreferredastheNewman-Penroseformalism. For vacuumBondi-\nSachsmetrics, peelingpropertyholdsalsowhencosmologic al constantiszero\n[3, 15], or nonzero [19]. In [8], He and Cao proved the peeling property for\nEinstein scalar field equations with zero cosmological cons tant via Newman-\nPenrose formalism. As it is unclear whether Newman-Penrose and Bondi-\nSachs coordinates are equivalent, the peeling property is a lso important via\nBondi-Sachs formalism.\nDenote i =√−1. The Bondi-Sachs metric (2.1) has the following null\ntetrad [19]\nˆe0=l= e−2β/parenleftbigg∂\n∂u−V\n2r∂\n∂r+U∂\n∂θ+Wcscθ∂\n∂φ/parenrightbigg\n,\nˆe1=k=∂\n∂r,\nˆe2=m=e−γ/parenleftbig\n1−isinh(2δ)/parenrightbig\nr/radicalbig\n2cosh(2δ)∂\n∂θ+ieγ/radicalbig\ncosh(2δ)cscθ√\n2r∂\n∂φ,\nˆe3=¯m=e−γ/parenleftbig\n1+isinh(2δ)/parenrightbig\nr/radicalbig\n2cosh(2δ)∂\n∂θ−ieγ/radicalbig\ncosh(2δ)cscθ√\n2r∂\n∂φ.(4.1)\nUnder this null tetrad, both the metric matrix (ˆ gµν) = (g(ˆeµ,ˆeν)) and its\ninverse matrix (ˆ gµν) are\n\n0−1 0 0\n−1 0 0 0\n0 0 0 1\n0 0 1 0\n.\nThe structure coefficients ˆCσ\nµνof the tetrad satisfy\n[ˆeµ,ˆeν] =ˆCσ\nµνˆeσ.\nDenote\nˆCµνσ=ˆCτ\nµνˆgτσ.\nUse the Koszul formula [13]\n2/a\\}b∇acketle{t∇XY,Z/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht=X/a\\}b∇acketle{tY,Z/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht+Y/a\\}b∇acketle{tZ,X/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht−Z/a\\}b∇acketle{tX,Y/a\\}b∇acket∇i}htBONDI-SACHS FORMALISM 13\n+/a\\}b∇acketle{t[X,Y],Z/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht−/a\\}b∇acketle{t[Y,Z],X/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht+/a\\}b∇acketle{t[Z,X],Y/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht,\nwhere/a\\}b∇acketle{tX,Y/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht=g(X,Y), we obtain connection coefficients\nˆΓµνσ=/a\\}b∇acketle{t∇ˆeµˆeν,ˆeσ/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht=1\n2/parenleftig\nˆCµνσ−ˆCνσµ+ˆCσµν/parenrightig\n.\nWe introduce the spin coefficients defined in [14].\nDefinition 4.1. The spin coefficients of the null tetrad (4.1)are twelve\ncomplex-valued functions\nκ=−/a\\}b∇acketle{t∇kk,m/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht=−ˆΓ112,\nρ=−/a\\}b∇acketle{t∇¯mk,m/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht=−ˆΓ312,\nσ=−/a\\}b∇acketle{t∇mk,m/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht=−ˆΓ212,\nτ=−/a\\}b∇acketle{t∇lk,m/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht=−ˆΓ012,\nν=/a\\}b∇acketle{t∇ll,¯m/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht=ˆΓ003,\nµ=/a\\}b∇acketle{t∇ml,¯m/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht=ˆΓ203,\nλ=/a\\}b∇acketle{t∇¯ml,¯m/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht=ˆΓ303,\nπ=/a\\}b∇acketle{t∇kl,¯m/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht=ˆΓ103,\nε=1\n2/parenleftig\n−/a\\}b∇acketle{t∇kk,l/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht+/a\\}b∇acketle{t∇km,¯m/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht/parenrightig\n=1\n2/parenleftig\n−ˆΓ110+ˆΓ123/parenrightig\n,\nγ=1\n2/parenleftig\n/a\\}b∇acketle{t∇ll,k/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht−/a\\}b∇acketle{t∇ l¯m,m/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht/parenrightig\n=1\n2/parenleftig\nˆΓ001−ˆΓ032/parenrightig\n,\nβ=1\n2/parenleftig\n−/a\\}b∇acketle{t∇mk,l/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht+/a\\}b∇acketle{t∇mm,¯m/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht/parenrightig\n=1\n2/parenleftig\n−ˆΓ210+ˆΓ223/parenrightig\n,\nα=1\n2/parenleftig\n/a\\}b∇acketle{t∇¯ml,k/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht−/a\\}b∇acketle{t∇ ¯m¯m,m/a\\}b∇acket∇i}ht/parenrightig\n=1\n2/parenleftig\nˆΓ301−ˆΓ332/parenrightig\n.\nIt is straightforward that the spin coefficients of Bondi-Sac hs metric (2.1)\nκ=0,\nρ=−1\nr,\nσ=−γr−tanh(2δ)δr+i/parenleftbigg\nsinh(2δ)γr−sech(2δ)δr/parenrightbigg\n,\nτ=1\n2√\n2r/radicalbig\ncosh(2δ)/parenleftbigg\ne−2β−γ/parenleftbig\n−2e2ββθ+e2γr2Urcosh(2δ)\n+r2Wrsinh(2δ)/parenrightbig\n+i/parenleftbig\n−2eγβφcosh(2δ)cscθ\n+2e−γβθsinh(2δ) +e−2β−γr2Wr/parenrightbig/parenrightbigg\n,\nν=e−2β−γVθ\n2√\n2r2/radicalbig\ncosh(2δ)+i/parenleftbigge−2β−γVθsinh(2δ)\n2√\n2r2/radicalbig\ncosh(2δ)14 J LI AND X ZHANG\n−e−2β+γVφcscθ/radicalbig\ncosh(2δ)\n2√\n2r2/parenrightbigg\n,\nµ=e−2β\n2r2/parenleftbigg\nr2Ucotθ+r2(Uθ+Wφcscθ)−V/parenrightbigg\n,\nλ=e−2β−2γ\n8r/parenleftigg\n8rtanh(2δ)(−Wcotθ+Wθ)\n+4e2γ/parenleftbigg\n−V(δrtanh(2δ)+γr)\n+rU(−cotθ+2δθtanh(2δ)+2γθ)\n+2rWcscθ(δφtanh(2δ)+γφ)\n+r(−Wφcscθ+Uθ+2δutanh(2δ) +2γu)/parenrightbigg\n+isech(2δ)/parenleftbigg\n−4e4γrcosh2(2δ)Uφcscθ\n+2r(3−cosh(4δ))(Wcotθ−Wθ)\n−2e2γrU(4δθ+sinh(4δ)cotθ−2sinh(4δ)γθ)\n−2e2γ/parenleftig\n2rWcscθ(2δφ−γφsinh(4δ))\n+rWφsinh(4δ)cscθ−2Vδr+4rδu\n+sinh(4δ)(Vγr−rUθ−2rγu)/parenrightig/parenrightbigg/parenrightigg\n,\nπ=e−2β−γ/radicalbig\ncosh(2δ)\n2√\n2r/parenleftbigg\n2e2ββθsech(2δ)+e2γr2Ur\n+r2Wrtanh(2δ)−i/parenleftbig\n2e2γ+2ββφcscθ\n−2e2ββθtanh(2δ)+r2Wrsech(2δ)/parenrightbig/parenrightbigg\n,\nε=βr+isech(2δ)\n4/parenleftbigg\nsinh(4δ)γr−2δr/parenrightbigg\n,\nγ=e−2β\n8r2/parenleftbigg\n−2V+2rVr\n−ie−2γrsech(2δ)/parenleftig\n2e4γrcosh2(2δ)cscθUφ\n+2rcosh2(2δ)Wcotθ−2rcosh2(2δ)Wθ\n+e2γ/parenleftbig\n4rWδφcscθ−2rWγφcscθsinh(4δ)\n+rUsinh(4δ)cotθ+4rUδθ−2rUγθsinh(4δ)\n−2Vδr+Vγrsinh(4δ)+rWφcscθsinh(4δ)BONDI-SACHS FORMALISM 15\n−rUθsinh(4δ) +4rδu−2rγusinh(4δ)/parenrightbig/parenrightig/parenrightbigg\n,\nβ=e−γ/radicalbig\ncosh(2δ)\n4√\n2r/parenleftig\n2βθsech(2δ)−2γθsech(2δ)\n+2cotθsech(2δ)−2δθtanh(2δ)sech(2δ)\n+r2e2γ−2βUr+e−2βr2Wrtanh(2δ)\n+2i/parenleftbig\ne2γβφcscθ−βθtanh(2δ)\n+e2γδφcscθtanh(2δ) +γθtanh(2δ)\n+e2γγφcscθ−2δθ+δθtanh2(2δ)\n−cotθtanh(2δ)+1\n2e−2βr2Wrsech(2δ)/parenrightbig/parenrightig\n,\nα=e−γ/radicalbig\ncosh(2δ)\n4√\n2r/parenleftig\n2βθsech(2δ)+2γθsech(2δ)\n−2cotθsech(2δ)+2δθtanh(2δ)sech(2δ)\n+r2e2γ−2βUr+e−2βr2Wrtanh(2δ)\n+2i/parenleftbig\n−e2γβφcscθ+βθtanh(2δ)\n+e2γδφcscθtanh(2δ) +γθtanh(2δ)\n+e2γγφcscθ−2δθ+δθtanh2(2δ)\n−cotθtanh(2δ)−1\n2e−2βr2Wrsech(2δ)/parenrightbig/parenrightig\n.\nIt is clearly\n¯µ=µ,α+¯β=π.\nDenoteWthe (0,4) type Weyl tensor. We introduce the following Weyl\nscalars [14]\nΦ0=Wkmkm,\nΦ1=Wklkm,\nΦ2=Wkm¯ml,\nΦ3=Wlkl¯m,\nΦ4=Wl¯ml��m.\nTheorem 4.1. The peeling property\nΦk=fk\nr5−k+O/parenleftbigg1\nr6−k/parenrightbigg\n, k= 0,...,4,\nholds for asymptotically flat Bondi-Sachs spacetime, where fkare functions\ndepending only on u,θ,φ.\nProof :It is straightforward that\nΦ0=k(σ)−σ(2ρ+3ε−¯ε),16 J LI AND X ZHANG\nΦ1=k(β)−m(ε)−(α+π)σ−(ρ+ε−¯ε)β,\nΦ2=k(µ)−m(π)+l(Ψ)k(Ψ)\n6−m(Ψ)¯m(Ψ)\n6−ρµ\n−σλ−2βπ+(ε+¯ε)µ,\nΦ3=k(ν)−l(π)−µ(π+¯τ)−λ(¯π+τ)−π(γ−¯γ)\n+ν(3ε+¯ε)−1\n2l(Ψ)¯m(Ψ),\nΦ4=−l(λ)+¯m(ν)−(2µ+3γ−¯γ)λ+(2α+2π−¯τ)ν.\nUsing the asymptotic expansions, we obtain\nΦ0=−12C+cH2+i(12D+dH2)\n2r5+O/parenleftbigg1\nr6/parenrightbigg\n,\nΦ1=1\n4√\n2r4/parenleftig\n4dcφcscθ−10ccθ−4cdφcscθ\n−8c2cotθ−10ddθ−8d2cotθ+12N\n−HHθ+i/parenleftbig\n−4dcθ−10ccφcscθ+4cdθ\n−10ddφcscθ+12P−HHφcscθ/parenrightbig/parenrightig\n+O/parenleftbigg1\nr5/parenrightbigg\n,\nΦ2=1\n6r3/parenleftig\n−6ccu−6ddu−6M+HHu+6c\n−9cθcotθ−3cθθ+3cφφcsc2θ−6dθφcscθ\n−6dφcotθcscθ+i/parenleftbig\n−6dcu−6cθφcscθ\n−6cφcotθcscθ+6cdu+3dθθ+9dθcotθ\n−3dφφcsc2θ−6d/parenrightbig/parenrightig\n+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n,\nΦ3=−lu−iˆlu√\n2r2+O/parenleftbigg1\nr3/parenrightbigg\n,\nΦ4=−cuu−iduu\nr+O/parenleftbigg1\nr2/parenrightbigg\n.\nTherefore the theorem follows. Q.E.D.\n5.Asymptotically null spacelike hypersurfaces\nIn this section, we study the geometry of asymptotically nul l spacelike\nhypersurfaces. As metrics of null hypersurfaces degenerat e and many geo-\nmetric properties are lost, asymptotically null spacelike hypersurfaces play\nan important role in understanding null infinity.\nIn Minkowski spacetime, the hypersurface\nu=/radicalbig\n1+r2−rBONDI-SACHS FORMALISM 17\nis hyperbola H3equipped with the standard hyperbolic metric ˘ g. Let{˘ei}\nbe the frame\n˘e1=/radicalbig\n1+r2∂\n∂r,˘e2=1\nr∂\n∂θ,˘e3=1\nrsinθ∂\n∂Ψ.\nLet{˘ei}be the coframe. Denote ˘∇i=˘∇˘ei, where ˘∇is the Levi-Civita\nconnection of ˘ g. The connection 1-forms {˘ωij}are given by\n˘∇˘ei˘ej= ˘ωk\nj(˘ei)˘ek,˘ωkj= ˘gkl˘ωl\nj=−˘ωjk.\nIt gives that [20]\n˘ω12=−√\n1+r2\nr˘e2,˘ω13=−√\n1+r2\nr˘e3,˘ω23=−cotθ\nr˘e3.(5.1)\nLet˘Mbe an asymptotically flat Bondi-Sachs spacetime ( M,g), which is\ngiven by the inclusion:\ni:˘M−→M,\n(y1,y2,y3)/ma√sto−→(x0,x1,x2,x3),\nand, onM\\Mc,\nx0=u(y1,y2,y3), x1=y1=r, x2=y2=θ, x3=y3=φ.\nLet ˘g=i∗gbethe inducedmetric of ˘Mand˘∇bethe Levi-Civita connection\nof˘M. For any tangent vectors ˘Yi,˘Yj∈T˘M,i∗˘Yi,i∗˘Yjare the tangent\nvectors along ˘M. Letenbe the downward unit normal of ˘M. The second\nfundamental form is defined as\n˘h(˘Yi,˘Yj) =g/parenleftig\n∇i∗˘Yii∗˘Yj,en/parenrightig\n.\nNow it is straightforward that [9]\ni∗∂\n∂yi=∂xµ\n∂yi∂\n∂xµ=∂x0\n∂yi∂\n∂x0+∂\n∂xi,\nDenoteei=i∗˘ei,u,i=∂u\n∂yi. Then\ne1=/radicalbig\n1+r2/parenleftbigg\nu,1∂\n∂x0+∂\n∂x1/parenrightbigg\n,\ne2=1\nr/parenleftbigg\nu,2∂\n∂x0+∂\n∂x2/parenrightbigg\n,\ne3=1\nrsinθ/parenleftbigg\nu,3∂\n∂x0+∂\n∂x3/parenrightbigg(5.2)\nand\n˘g(˘ei,˘ej) =g(ei,ej), i, j= 1,2,3.18 J LI AND X ZHANG\nDefinition 5.1. A spacelike hypersurface ( ˘M,˘g,˘h) in an asymptotically flat\nBondi-Sachs spacetime is asymptotically null of order τ >0if, onM\\Mc\nwith sufficiently large r,\n˘g(˘ei,˘ej) =δij+aij,˘h(˘ei,˘ej) =δij+bij,\nwhereaij,bijsatisfy\n/braceleftig\naij,˘∇kaij,˘∇l˘∇kaij,bij,˘∇kbij/bracerightig\n=O/parenleftbigg1\nrτ/parenrightbigg\n.\nLet (˘M,˘g,˘h) be an asymptotically null spacelike hypersurface with the\ninduced metric ˘ gand the second fundamental form ˘hin asymptotically flat\nBondi-Sachs spacetime ( M,g), which is given by\nu=u0+/radicalbig\n1+r2−r+/parenleftbig\nc2+d2+λH2/parenrightbig\nu=u0\n12r3+a3(θ,φ)\nr4(5.3)\nfor sufficiently large rguaranteeing u>u0, whereλis a real constant. The\ninduced metric can be obtained by substituting d uinto (2.1). Let Xnbe\nthe downward normal vector\nXn=−∂\n∂x0−̺i∂\n∂xi.\nLeteibe given by (5.2). Since Xnis orthogonal to ei, we obtain\ng(ei,Xn) = 0.\nWe obtainXnby solving\nu,1g01+g11u,1g02+g12u,1g03+g13\nu,2g01+g21u,2g02+g22u,2g03+g23\nu,3g01+g31u,3g02+g32u,3g03+g33\n\n̺1\n̺2\n̺3\n=−\nu,1g00+g01\nu,2g00+g02\nu,3g00+g03\n.\nDenote the unit normal vector\nen=Xn/radicalbig\n−g(Xn,Xn).\nThen the second fundamental form is given by\n˘h(˘ei,˘ej) =g(∇eiej,en), i, j= 1,2,3.\nProposition 5.1. Asymptotically null spacelike hypersurface (5.3)in an\nasymptotically flat Bondi-Sachs spacetime is of order 1.\nProof :Forrsufficiently large on M\\Mc, we expand the following func-\ntions atu=u0by Taylor series\nc(u,θ,φ) =c(u0,θ,φ)+cu(u0,θ,φ)(u−u0)\n+cuu(u0,θ,φ)\n2(u−u0)2+O/parenleftbig\n(u−u0)3/parenrightbig\n,\nd(u,θ,φ) =d(u0,θ,φ)+du(u0,θ,φ)(u−u0)\n+duu(u0,θ,φ)\n2(u−u0)2+O/parenleftbig\n(u−u0)3/parenrightbig\n,BONDI-SACHS FORMALISM 19\nC(u,θ,��) =C(u0,θ,φ)+Cu(u0,θ,φ)(u−u0)\n+Cuu(u0,θ,φ)\n2(u−u0)2+O/parenleftbig\n(u−u0)3/parenrightbig\n,\nD(u,θ,φ) =D(u0,θ,φ)+Du(u0,θ,φ)(u−u0)\n+Duu(u0,θ,φ)\n2(u−u0)2+O/parenleftbig\n(u−u0)3/parenrightbig\n,\nM(u,θ,φ) =M(u0,θ,φ)+Mu(u0,θ,φ)(u−u0)\n+Muu(u0,θ,φ)\n2(u−u0)2+O/parenleftbig\n(u−u0)3/parenrightbig\n,\nN(u,θ,φ) =N(u0,θ,φ)+Nu(u0,θ,φ)(u−u0)\n+Nuu(u0,θ,φ)\n2(u−u0)2+O/parenleftbig\n(u−u0)3/parenrightbig\n,\nP(u,θ,φ) =P(u0,θ,φ)+Pu(u0,θ,φ)(u−u0)\n+Puu(u0,θ,φ)\n2(u−u0)2+O/parenleftbig\n(u−u0)3/parenrightbig\n,\nH(u,θ,φ) =H(u0,θ,φ)+Hu(u0,θ,φ)(u−u0)\n+Huu(u0,θ,φ)\n2(u−u0)2+O/parenleftbig\n(u−u0)3/parenrightbig\n,\nK(u,θ,φ) =K(u0,θ,φ)+Ku(u0,θ,φ)(u−u0)\n+Kuu(u0,θ,φ)\n2(u−u0)2+O/parenleftbig\n(u−u0)3/parenrightbig\n,\nL(u,θ,φ) =L(u0,θ,φ)+Lu(u0,θ,φ)(u−u0)\n+Luu(u0,θ,φ)\n2(u−u0)2+O/parenleftbig\n(u−u0)3/parenrightbig\n.\nWe obtain\n˘g(˘e1,˘e1) =1−(1−2λ)H2\n4r2+1\n12r3/parenleftbigg\n96a3+6M\n+3(lθ+lcotθ+ˆlφcscθ)−6(ccu+ddu)\n−3HHu−8HK/parenrightbigg\n+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n,\n˘g(˘e1,˘e2) =−l\n2r2+1\n12r3/parenleftbigg\n12N−3lu−6(ccθ+ddθ)\n−4cdφcscθ+4dcφcscθ−8(c2+d2)cotθ\n−2λHHθ/parenrightbigg\n+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n,\n˘g(˘e1,˘e3) =−ˆl\n2r2+1\n12r3/parenleftbigg\n12P−3ˆlu−6(ccφ+ddφ)cscθ20 J LI AND X ZHANG\n+4cdθ−4dcθ−2λHHφcscθ/parenrightbigg\n+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n,\n˘g(˘e2,˘e2) =1+2c\nr+2(c2+d2)+cu\nr2+1\nr3/parenleftbigg\nc3+cd2\n+2C+2(ccu+ddu)+cuu\n4/parenrightbigg\n+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n,\n˘g(˘e2,˘e3) =2d\nr+du\nr2+1\nr3/parenleftbigg\nc2d+d3+2D+duu\n4/parenrightbigg\n+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n,\n˘g(˘e3,˘e3) =1−2c\nr+2(c2+d2)−cu\nr2+1\nr3/parenleftbigg\n−c3−cd2\n−2C+2(ccu+ddu)−cuu\n4/parenrightbigg\n+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n,\n˘h(˘e1,˘e1) =1+8c2+8d2+(1+6λ)H2\n8r2+1\n6r3/parenleftbigg\n96a3−6M\n−3(lθ+lcotθ+ˆlφcscθ)+4HK/parenrightbigg\n+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n,\n˘h(˘e1,˘e2) =l\n2r2+1\n12r3/parenleftbigg\n3lu+4(c2+d2)cotθ−24N\n+2(cdφ−dcφ)cscθ−6(ccθ+ddθ)−8λHHθ/parenrightbigg\n+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n,\n˘h(˘e1,˘e3) =ˆl\n2r2+1\n12r3/parenleftbigg\n3ˆlu+2(dcθ−cdθ)−24P\n−6(ccφ+ddφ)cscθ−8λHHφcscθ/parenrightbigg\n+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n,\n˘h(˘e2,˘e2) =1+c\nr+8cu+(1−2λ)H2\n8r2+1\n8r3/parenleftbigg\n6M−32a3\n−8C−4c(c2+d2)+10(ccu+ddu)+3cuu−lθ\n+3lcotθ+3ˆlφcscθ+(1−2λ)cH2+HHu\n+8\n3HK/parenrightbigg\n+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n,\n˘h(˘e2,˘e3) =d\nr+du\nr2+1\n8r3/parenleftbigg\n(4cot2θ+4csc2θ+(1−2λ)H2)d\n−4d(c2+d2)−8cφcotθcscθ−2dφφcsc2θ\n−2dθcotθ−2dθθ−8D+3duu/parenrightbigg\n+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n,BONDI-SACHS FORMALISM 21\n˘h(˘e3,˘e3) =1−c\nr+(1−2λ)H2−8cu\n8r2+1\n8r3/parenleftbigg\n6M−32a3\n+8C+4c(c2+d2)+10(ccu+ddu)−3cuu+3lθ\n−lcotθ−ˆlφcscθ−(1−2λ)cH2+HHu\n+8\n3HK/parenrightbigg\n+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n.\nHere all functions in the right hand sides take value at u=u0. Therefore\n(˘M, ˘g,˘h) is asymptotically null of order 1. Q.E.D.\nIn [20] (see also [22, 23]), the second author proved the posi tive energy\ntheorem for asymptotically null infinity. Let ( ˘M, ˘g,˘h) be an asymptotically\nnull spacelike hypersurface of order τ >3\n2in an asymptotically flat Bondi\nspacetime which satisfies the dominant energy condition\nT00/greaterorequalslant/radicalig\nT2\n01+T2\n02+T2\n03, T00/greaterorequalslant|Tµν| (5.4)\nfor frame {eα}such thate0is timelike, eiis spacelike, 1 ≤i≤3. The total\nenergy-momentum of ( ˘M, ˘g,˘h) are given by\nEν(˘M) =1\n16πlim\nr→∞/integraldisplay\nSrEnνr˘e2∧˘e3(5.5)\nwhere\nE=˘∇ja1j−˘∇1tr˘g(a)+(a22+a33)+2(b22+b33).(5.6)\nIt holds that\nE0(˘M)/greaterorequalslant/radicaligg/summationdisplay\n1/lessorequalslanti/lessorequalslant3Ei(˘M)2. (5.7)\nIfE0(˘M) = 0, then Mis flat along ˘M.\nFor the Einstein scalar fields\nT00=1\n2/parenleftig\n(e0(Ψ))2+/summationdisplay\n1/lessorequalslanti/lessorequalslant3(ei(Ψ))2/parenrightig\n,\nTii=1\n2/parenleftig\n(e0(Ψ))2+(ei(Ψ))2−/summationdisplay\n1/lessorequalslantj/lessorequalslant3,j/negationslash=i(ej(Ψ))2/parenrightig\n,\nTαi=eα(Ψ)ei(Ψ), α/\\e}atio\\slash=i.\nTherefore the dominant energy condition (5.4) holds.\n6.The Bondi energy-momentum and positivity\nIn this section we prove the positivity of the Bondi energy-m omentum\nfor the Einstein scalar fields when spacetimes are asymptoti cally flat Bondi-\nSachs and the scalar field Ψ satisfies (3.3). Following from §6 in [9], we22 J LI AND X ZHANG\ndefine the Bondi energy-momentum of null hypersurface as\nmν(u) =1\n4π/integraldisplay\nS2M(u,θ,φ)nνdS, (6.1)\nfor eachu, whereν= 0, 1, 2, 3, and\nn0= 1, n1= sinθcosφ, n2= sinθsinφ, n3= cosθ.\nBy (3.17), we obtain\ndmν\ndu=−1\n8π/integraldisplay\nS2/parenleftbig\n2c2\nu+2d2\nu+H2\nu/parenrightbig\nnνdS. (6.2)\nIn particular, taking ν= 0, (6.2) gives rise to the famous Bondi energy loss\nformula\ndm0\ndu=−1\n8π/integraldisplay\nS2/parenleftbig\n2c2\nu+2d2\nu+H2\nu/parenrightbig\ndS≤0 (6.3)\nfor the Einstein scalar fields. In this case, it is reasonable to referMas the\nmass aspect andcu,du,Huas thenews functions .\nRemark 6.1. The original definition of Bondi energy-momentum is\nmν(u) =1\n4π/integraldisplay\nS2M(u,θ,φ)nνdS\nfor vacuum, i.e., Ψ = 0. However, in order to prove (6.2), we need extra\nassumptions that\n/integraldisplay2π\n0c(u,0,φ)dφ=/integraldisplay2π\n0c(u,π,φ)dφ= 0\nfor eachu, see, e.g. [3, 15, 17, 21, 9] . The definition (6.1)is more natural.\nSimilar to [9], we prove the following Bondi energy-momentu m loss for-\nmula.\nProposition 6.1. On asymptotically flat Bondi-Sachs spacetimes, the Bondi\nenergy-momentum for the Einstein scalar fields with conditi on(3.3)satisfies\nd\ndu\nm0−/radicaligg/summationdisplay\n1/lessorequalslanti/lessorequalslant3m2\ni\n/lessorequalslant0, (6.4)\nand the equality at some u0implies that\ncu/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nu=u0=du/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nu=u0=Hu/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nu=u0= 0. (6.5)\nProof :We use the same argument as Proposition 2.1 [9] and provide th e\nproof here for the sake of completeness. Denote\n|m|=/radicalig\nm2\n1+m2\n2+m2\n3.\nWe assume |m| /\\e}atio\\slash= 0, otherwise the proof follows from (6.3). Using\n(n1)2+(n2)2+(n3)2= 1BONDI-SACHS FORMALISM 23\nand Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we obtain\n/summationdisplay\n1/lessorequalslanti/lessorequalslant3/parenleftbigg/integraldisplay\nS2/parenleftbig\n2c2\nu+2d2\nu+H2\nu/parenrightbig\nnidS/parenrightbigg2\n=/summationdisplay\n1/lessorequalslanti/lessorequalslant3/parenleftbigg/integraldisplay\nS2/parenleftbig\n2c2\nu+2d2\nu+H2\nu/parenrightbig1\n2/parenleftbig\n2c2\nu+2d2\nu+H2\nu/parenrightbig1\n2nidS/parenrightbigg2\n≤/summationdisplay\n1/lessorequalslanti/lessorequalslant3/integraldisplay\nS2/parenleftbig\n2c2\nu+2d2\nu+H2\nu/parenrightbig\ndS/integraldisplay\nS2/parenleftbig\n2c2\nu+2d2\nu+H2\nu/parenrightbig/parenleftbig\nni/parenrightbig2dS\n=/parenleftbigg/integraldisplay\nS2/parenleftbig\n2c2\nu+2d2\nu+H2\nu/parenrightbig\ndS/parenrightbigg2\n.\nTherefore\n/summationdisplay\n1/lessorequalslanti/lessorequalslant3mi/integraldisplay\nS2/parenleftbig\n2c2\nu+2d2\nu+H2\nu/parenrightbig\nnidS\n/lessorequalslant|m|/bracketleftigg/summationdisplay\n1/lessorequalslanti/lessorequalslant3/parenleftbigg/integraldisplay\nS2/parenleftbig\n2c2\nu+2d2\nu+H2\nu/parenrightbig\nnidS/parenrightbigg2/bracketrightigg1\n2\n/lessorequalslant|m|/integraldisplay\nS2/parenleftbig\n2c2\nu+2d2\nu+H2\nu/parenrightbig\ndS.\nThis together (6.2) yield\nd\ndu/parenleftbigg\nm0−|m|/parenrightbigg\n=dm0\ndu−1\n|m|3/summationdisplay\ni=1midmi\ndu≤0.\nIf equality holds at some u0in (6.4), then there exists constants ǫi, which\nare independent of θandφ, such that, for i= 1,2,3,\nǫi/parenleftbig\n2c2\nu+2d2\nu+H2\nu/parenrightbig1\n2=/parenleftbig\n2c2\nu+2d2\nu+H2\nu/parenrightbig1\n2ni,\nholds atu0. This implies that\n/parenleftbig\n2c2\nu+2d2\nu+H2\nu/parenrightbig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nu=u0= 0.\nTherefore (6.5) holds. Q.E.D.\nLemma 6.1. Let (M,g) be asymptotically flat Bondi-Sachs spacetimes and\n(˘M,˘g,˘h) be asymptotically null spacelike hypersurface given by (5.3)for\nsufficiently large r. If\nc(u0,θ,φ) =d(u0,θ,φ) = 0, (6.6)\nthen\nE=4M(u0,θ,φ)\nr3+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n. (6.7)24 J LI AND X ZHANG\nProof :Using the asymptotic expansions of ˘ g,˘hderived in Proposition\n5.1, we obtain, at u=u0,\na22+a33=4(c2+d2)\nr2+4(ccu+ddu)\nr3+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n,\nb22+b33=(1−2λ)H2\n4r2+3M−16a3+5(ccu+ddu)\n2r3\n+lθ+lcotθ+ˆlφcscθ\n4r3+H(3Hu+8K)\n12r3+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n.\nUsing the formula\n˘∇kaij= ˘ek(aij)−3/summationdisplay\nl=1ajl˘ωli(˘ek)−3/summationdisplay\nl=1ail˘ωlj(˘ek),\nwe obtain\nE=˘∇ja1j−˘e1(tr˘g(a))+a22+a33+2(b22+b33)\n=˘e1(a11)+ ˘e2(a12)+ ˘e3(a13)−3/summationdisplay\nj=1(aj2˘ω21(˘ej)+aj3˘ω31(˘ej))\n−a113/summationdisplay\nj=1˘ω1j(˘ej)−a123/summationdisplay\nj=1˘ω2j(˘ej)−a133/summationdisplay\nj=1˘ω3j(˘ej)\n−˘e1(a11)−˘e1(a22)−˘e1(a33)+a22+a33+2(b22+b33)\n=1\nr∂a12\n∂θ+1\nrsinθ∂a13\n∂φ−3/summationdisplay\nj=1aj2√\n1+r2\nr˘e2(˘ej)−3/summationdisplay\nj=1aj3√\n1+r2\nr˘e3(˘ej)\n+√\n1+r2\nra11˘e2(˘e2)+√\n1+r2\nra11˘e3(˘e3)−a12√\n1+r2\nr˘e2(˘e1)\n+cotθ\nra12˘e3(˘e3)−a13√\n1+r2\nr˘e3(˘e1)−cotθ\nra13˘e3(˘e2)\n−/radicalbig\n1+r2∂a22\n∂r−/radicalbig\n1+r2∂a33\n∂r+a22+a33+2(b22+b33)\n=1\nr∂a12\n∂θ+1\nrsinθ∂a13\n∂φ−√\n1+r2\nr(a22+a33)+2√\n1+r2\nra11\n+cotθ\nra12−/radicalbig\n1+r2∂(a22+a33)\n∂r+a22+a33+2(b22+b33)\n=8√\n1+r2\nr3/parenleftbig\nc2+d2/parenrightbig\n+12√\n1+r2\nr4(ccu+ddu)\n+M+16a3−ccu−ddu\nr3+3M−16a3+5(ccu+ddu)\nr3\n+lθ+lcotθ+ˆlφcscθ\n2r3+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbiggBONDI-SACHS FORMALISM 25\n=8(c2+d2)\nr2+8M+32(ccu+ddu)+lθ+lcotθ+ˆlφcscθ\n2r3+O/parenleftbigg1\nr4/parenrightbigg\n.\nIf (6.6) holds, we have, at u=u0,\nlθ+lcotθ+ˆlφcscθ=−2c(u0,θ,φ)+cθθ(u0,θ,φ)−cφφ(u0,θ,φ)csc2θ\n+2dθφ(u0,θ,φ)cscθ+3cθ(u0,θ,φ)cotθ\n+2dφ(u0,θ,φ)cotθcscθ= 0.\nTherefore (6.7) follows. Q.E.D.\nTheorem 6.1. Let (M,g) be an asymptotically flat Bondi-Sachs space-\ntime which satisfies the Einstein scalar field equations and t he scalar field Ψ\nsatisfies (3.3). Suppose that (6.6)holds for some u=u0.\n(i) For allu/lessorequalslantu0,\nm0(u)/greaterorequalslant/radicaligg/summationdisplay\n1/lessorequalslanti/lessorequalslant3m2\ni(u). (6.8)\nIfm0(u0) = 0, the spacetime is flat and the scalar field Ψvanishes along\nany asymptotically null spacelike hypersurface given by (5.3)for sufficiently\nlarger.\n(ii) If there exists u1< u0such that the equality holds at u=u0, u1in\n(6.8), then the equality holds and\nc=d=Hu= 0 (6.9)\nfor allu∈[u1,u0].\n(iii) If there exists u1< u0such thatm0(u1) =m0(u0) = 0, then the\nspacetime is flat and the scalar field Ψvanishes for all u∈(u1,u0].\nProof :(i) Choose an asymptotically null spacelike hypersurface ˘Mgiven\nby (5.3) for sufficiently large r. By Lemma 6.1, we obtain, for ν= 0,1,2,3,\nEν(˘M) =1\n16πlim\nr→∞/integraldisplay\nSrEnνr˘e2∧˘e3\n=1\n16πlim\nr→∞/integraldisplay\nS2Enνrr2sinθdθdφ\n=1\n16πlim\nr→∞/integraldisplay\nS2Enνr3dS\n=1\n4πlim\nr→∞/integraldisplay\nS2M(u0,θ,φ)\nr3nνr3dS\n=mν(u0).\nAs the dominant energy condition holds, we can apply (5.7) an d obtain\nm0(u0) =E0(˘M)/greaterorequalslant/radicaligg/summationdisplay\n1/lessorequalslanti/lessorequalslant3E2\ni(˘M) =/radicaligg/summationdisplay\n1/lessorequalslanti/lessorequalslant3m2\ni(u0).26 J LI AND X ZHANG\nThen the Bondi energy-momentum loss formula (6.4) gives (6. 8).\nm0(u)−/radicaligg/summationdisplay\n1/lessorequalslanti/lessorequalslant3m2\ni(u)/greaterorequalslantm0(u0)−/radicaligg/summationdisplay\n1/lessorequalslanti/lessorequalslant3m2\ni(u0)/greaterorequalslant0.\nThis gives (6.8) for all u/lessorequalslantu0. Ifm0(u0) = 0, then E0(˘M) = 0 and\nT00= 0 along any asymptotically null spacelike hypersurface gi ven by (5.3)\nfor sufficiently large r. This implies that the spacetime is flat and the scalar\nfield Ψ vanishes along these hypersurfaces.\n(ii) By the Bondi energy-momentum loss formula (6.4), we kno w that the\nequality and (6.5) hold for all u∈[u1, u0]. Then (6.9) holds as c=d= 0 at\nu=u0.\n(iii) By the Bondi energy loss formula (6.3), we know that m0(u) = 0 and\n(6.9) holds for all u∈[u1, u0]. By (i), the spacetime is flat and the scalar\nfield Ψ vanishes along any asymptotically null spacelike hyp ersurface given\nby\nu= ˇu0+/radicalbig\n1+r2−r+/parenleftbig\nc2+d2+λH2/parenrightbig\nu=ˇu0\n12r3+a3(θ,φ)\nr4\nfor sufficiently large rguaranteeing u>ˇu0, whereu1/lessorequalslantˇu0/lessorequalslantu0. This gives\nthe conclusion. Q.E.D.\nAcknowledgement The work is supported by the National Natural Science Founda tion\nof China 12326602, the special foundation for Junwu and Guan gxi Ba Gui Scholars.\nAppendix: Explicit formulas for R1,···,R7in(2.14)-(2.20)\nR1=1\n2r/parenleftig\nγ2\nrcosh2(2δ)+δ2\nr/parenrightig\n+1\n4rΨ2\nr,\nR2=2r2/parenleftig\nβrθ+2δrδθ−2r−1βθ−4γrδθsinh(2δ)cosh(2δ)\n−/parenleftbig\nγrθ−2γrγθ+2γrcotθ/parenrightbig\ncosh2(2δ)/parenrightig\n+2r2e2γcscθ/parenleftig\n−δrφ−2δrγφ+(γrφ+2γrγφ)sinh(2δ)cosh(2δ)\n+2γrδφ(1+2sinh2(2δ))/parenrightig\n+2r2ΨrΨθ,\nR3=2r2e−2γ/parenleftig\n−δrθ+2δrγθ−2δrcotθ−(γrθ−2γrγθ\n+2γrcotθ)cosh(2δ)sinh(2δ)−2γrδθ(1+2sinh2(2δ))/parenrightig\n+2r2cscθ/parenleftig\nβrφ+2δrδφ−2r−1βφ+4γrδφcosh(2δ)sinh(2δ)\n+(γrφ+2γrγφ)cosh2(2δ)/parenrightig\n+2r2ΨrΨφcscθ,BONDI-SACHS FORMALISM 27\nR4=2e2βcscθ/parenleftig\n(βθφ+βθβφ+2δθδφ)sinh(2δ)\n+(δθφ+δφcotθ+δθγφ−γθδφ+δθβφ+βθδφ)cosh(2δ)/parenrightig\n−e2β−2γ/parenleftig\n(βθθ+β2\nθ+βθcotθ+2γ2\nθ+2δ2\nθ−1−γθθ\n−3γθcotθ−2βθγθ)cosh(2δ) +(δθθ+3δθcotθ+2βθδθ\n−4γθδθ)sinh(2δ)/parenrightig\n−e2β+2γcsc2θ/parenleftig\n(βφφ+β2\nφ+2γ2\nφ+2δ2\nφ\n+γφφ+2βφγφ)cosh(2δ) +(δφφ+2βφδφ+4γφδφ)sinh(2δ)/parenrightig\n−1\n4r4e−2β/parenleftig\n(e2γU2\nr+e−2γW2\nr)cosh(2δ) +2UrWrsinh(2δ)/parenrightig\n+1\n2r(rUrθ+rUrcotθ+4Uθ+4Ucotθ)+1\n2rcscθ(rWrφ+4Wφ)\n−1\n2e2β/parenleftig\n(e−2γΨ2\nθ+e2γΨ2\nφcsc2θ)cosh(2δ)−2ΨθΨφsinh(2δ)cscθ/parenrightig\n,\nR5=1\n2(γrVr+γrrV+r−1γrV)cosh(2δ)+2γrδrVsinh(2δ)\n+1\n8r3e−2β(e2γU2\nr−e−2γW2\nr)+1\n2r−1e2β−2γ(βθθ+β2\nθ−βθcotθ)\n−1\n2r−1e2β+2γ(βφφ+β2\nφ)csc2θ+r−1e2β(βθδφ−βφδθ)cscθ\n+1\n4re2γcscθ/parenleftig\n(Urφ+2r−1Uφ)sinh(2δ) +4δrUφcosh(2δ)/parenrightig\n−1\n4re−2γ/parenleftig\n(Wrθ−Wrcotθ)sinh(2δ)+2r−1(Wθ−Wcotθ)sinh(2δ)\n+4δr(Wθ−Wcotθ)cosh(2δ)/parenrightig\n−1\n4r/parenleftbig\nUrθ+2r−1Uθ−Urcotθ\n−2r−1Ucotθ+4r−1γθU+4γrθU+2γθUr+2γrUθ\n+2γrUcotθ/parenrightbig\ncosh(2δ)−r(δrUθ+2γrδθU+2δrγθU\n−δrUcotθ)sinh(2δ)+1\n4rcscθ(Wrφ+2r−1Wφ−4r−1γφW\n−4γrφW−2γφWr−2γrWφ)cosh(2δ)+rcscθ(δrWφ−2δrγφW\n−2γrδφW)sinh(2δ) +1\n4re2β/parenleftbig\ne−2γΨ2\nθ−e2γΨ2\nφcsc2θ/parenrightbig\n,\nR6=1\n2/parenleftig\nδrVr+δrrV+r−1δrV−2γ2\nrVcosh(2δ)sinh(2δ)/parenrightig\n−1\n2re2β−2γ(βθθ\n+β2\nθ−βθcotθ)sinh(2δ)−1\n2re2β+2γcsc2(θ)(βφφ+β2\nφ)sinh(2δ)\n−1\nre2βcscθ/parenleftbig\n−βθφ−βθβφ+βφcotθ+βθγφ−γθβφ/parenrightbig\ncosh(2δ)\n+1\n8r3e−2β/parenleftig\n(e2γU2\nr+e−2γW2\nr)sinh(2δ) +2UrWrcosh(2δ)/parenrightig28 J LI AND X ZHANG\n−1\n2r/parenleftig\n2δrθU+2r−1δθU+δrUθ+δθUr+δrUcotθ−2(γrUθ\n−γrUcotθ+2γrγθU)cosh(2δ)sinh(2δ)/parenrightig\n−1\n2rcscθ/parenleftig\n2δrφW\n+2r−1δφW+δrWφ+δφWr+2(γrWφ−2γrγφW)cosh(2δ)sinh(2δ)/parenrightig\n−1\n4re−2γ/parenleftig\nWrθ−Wrcotθ+2r−1(Wθ−Wcotθ)−4γr(Wθ\n−Wcotθ)cosh2(2δ)/parenrightig\n−1\n4re2γcscθ/parenleftig\nUrφ+2r−1Uφ+4γrUφcosh2(2δ)/parenrightig\n−e2β\n4r/parenleftig\n(e−2γΨ2\nθ+e2γΨ2\nφcsc2θ)sinh(2δ)−2ΨθΨφcosh(2δ)cscθ/parenrightig\n,\nR7=1\n2VΨrr−rUΨrθ−rWcscθΨrφ+1\n2re2β−2γcosh(2δ)Ψθθ\n−1\nre2βΨθφcscθsinh(2δ)+1\n2re2β+2γΨφφcosh(2δ)csc2θ\n+r\n2/parenleftigV\nr2+Vr\nr−Ucotθ−Uθ−Wφcscθ/parenrightig\nΨr\n+/parenleftbigg1\n2re2β−2γ/parenleftig\ncosh(2δ)cotθ+2cosh(2δ)βθ+2sinh(2δ)δθ\n−2cosh(2δ)γθ/parenrightig\n−1\n2(2U+rUr)−1\nre2βcosh(2δ)cscθδφ\n−1\nre2βsinh(2δ)cscθβφ/parenrightbigg\nΨθ+/parenleftbigg1\n2re2β+2γcsc2θ/parenleftig\n2cosh(2δ)γφ\n+2sinh(2δ)δφ+2cosh(2δ)βφ/parenrightig\n−1\n2(rWr+2W)cscθ\n−1\nre2ββθsinh(2δ)cscθ−1\nre2βδθcosh(2δ)cscθ/parenrightbigg\nΨφ\nReferences\n[1] B. 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Let/u1D43Ebe a field admitting a Galois extension /u1D43Fof degree/u1D45B, denoting the\nGalois group as /u1D43A=Gal(/u1D43F//u1D43E). Our focus lies on the space Symm/u1D43E(/u1D43F)of symmetric\n/u1D43E-bilinear forms on /u1D43F. We establish a decomposition of Symm/u1D43E(/u1D43F)into direct sum\nof/u1D43E-subspaces/u1D434/u1D70E/u1D456, where/u1D70E/u1D456∈/u1D43A. Notably, these subspaces /u1D434/u1D70E/u1D456exhibit nice\nconstant rank properties. The central contribution of this paper is a decomposition\ntheorem for Symm/u1D43E(/u1D43F), revealing a direct sum of(/u1D45B+1)\n2constant rank /u1D45B-subspaces,\neach having dimension of /u1D45B. This holds particularly when /u1D43Ais cyclic, represented\nas/u1D43A=Gal(/u1D43F//u1D43E)=/an}bracketle{t/u1D70E/an}bracketri}ht. For cyclic extensions of even degree /u1D45B=2/u1D45A, we present\nslightly less precise but analogous results. In this scenar io, we enhance and enrich\nthese constant results and show that,the component /u1D434/u1D70Eoften decomposes directly into\na constant rank subspaces. Remarkably, this decomposition is universally valid when\n−1∉/u1D43F2. Consequently, we derive a decomposition of Symm/u1D43E(/u1D43F)into subspaces of\nconstant rank under several situations. Moreover, leverag ing these decompositions,\nwe investigate the maximum dimension of an /u1D45B-subspace inside /u1D440(/u1D45B,/u1D43E)and/u1D446(/u1D45B,/u1D43E)\nfor various field /u1D43Ewhere/u1D440(/u1D45B,/u1D43E)and/u1D446(/u1D45B,/u1D43E)denote the vector spaces (/u1D45B×/u1D45B)\nmatrices and symmetric matrices over /u1D43E, respectively.\nKeywords. symmetric form, constant rank space, cyclic extension\n2020 Math. Subj. Class. : 12F05, 12F10, 15A63\n1.I/n.pc/t.pc/r.pc/o.pc/d.pc/u.pc/c.pc/t.pc/i.pc/o.pc/n.pc\nLet/u1D43Ebe a field of characteristic other than two and Symm/u1D43E(/u1D449)denote the space\nof all symmetric bilinear forms on a /u1D43E-space/u1D449of dimension /u1D45B. Suppose/u1D43Eadmits a\nGalois extension /u1D43Fof degree/u1D45B. Taking the /u1D45B-dimensional /u1D43E-space/u1D43Fas a model for\n/u1D449it is shown in in this paper that ideas from Galois Theory can b e fruitfully applied\nfor studying symmetric bilinear forms on /u1D449. Notably, this approach sheds light on the\nsubspaces of Symm/u1D43E(/u1D449)whose nonzero skew-forms all have the same rank equal to /u1D458,\nsay. Such “/u1D458-subspaces\" besides being interesting in their own right pl ay an important\nrole in coding theory (see [ 6],[5]). An essential consideration is given to /u1D45B-subspaces of\nSymm/u1D43E(/u1D449)-subspaces where all nonzero skew forms are non-degenerate . The Galois\nnature of the extension enhances the vector space structure , enabling constructions\nthat would be unachievable without the additional field-the oretic apparatus. The\ndevolopment in this paper is modelled on that of [ 1] and [ 2] for skew-forms. In\nparticular, we adapt many key results in these papers to our s ituation. In this paper,\n12 SUGATA MANDAL\nreplacing/u1D449by the/u1D43E-space/u1D43F, we intend to investigate symmetric bilinear forms\ndefined on/u1D43F×/u1D43Fand taking values in /u1D43E. Our particular interest lies in subspaces of\nsuch forms and their properties concerning rank.\nThe Galois-theoretic trace map Tr/u1D43F\n/u1D43E:/u1D43F→/u1D43Eis a central tool, defined by\nTr/u1D43F\n/u1D43E(/u1D44E)=/summationdisplay.1\n/u1D70E∈Gal(/u1D43F//u1D43E)/u1D70E(/u1D44E),∀/u1D44E∈/u1D43F.\nAs is well known, this form is non-identically zero and exhib its the Galois invariance\nproperty Tr (/u1D70F(/u1D465))=Tr(/u1D465)for all/u1D465∈/u1D43Fand all/u1D70F∈/u1D43A. It serves as the primary tool for\nconstructing and investigating subspaces of symmetric bil inear forms in our study.\n2.S/y.pc/m.pc/m.pc/e.pc/t.pc/r.pc/i.pc/c.pc /b.pc/i.pc/l.pc/i.pc/n.pc/e.pc/a.pc/r.pc /f.pc/o.pc/r.pc/m.pc/s.pc /a.pc/n.pc/d.pc G/a.pc/l.pc/o.pc/i.pc/s.pc /e.pc/x.pc/t.pc/e.pc/n.pc/s.pc/i.pc/o.pc/n.pc/s.pc\nFor each/u1D70E∈/u1D43A:=Gal(/u1D43F//u1D43E)and/u1D44F∈/u1D43Fwe may define the symmetric bilinear form\n/u1D719/u1D44F,/u1D70E(/u1D465,/u1D466)=Tr/u1D43F\n/u1D43E(/u1D44F(/u1D465/u1D70E(/u1D466) +/u1D70E(/u1D465)/u1D466)),∀/u1D465,/u1D466∈/u1D43F. (2.1)\nLemma 2.1. Let/u1D719=/u1D719/u1D44F,/u1D70Ebe a symmetric bilinear form defined above. Thus we have\n/u1D719(/u1D465,/u1D466)=Tr((/u1D70E−1(/u1D44F/u1D465) +/u1D44F/u1D70E(/u1D465)/u1D466))\nfor all/u1D465and/u1D466in/u1D43F.\nCorollary 2.1. An element/u1D465is in the radical of /u1D719/u1D44F,/u1D70Eif and if\n/u1D70E−1(/u1D44F/u1D465)=−/u1D44F/u1D70E(/u1D465). (2.2)\nRecall that if /u1D439is an intermediate subfield and /u1D44E∈/u1D43Fthen the/u1D43F//u1D439-norm/u1D441/u1D43F//u1D439(/u1D44E)\nof/u1D44Eis defined as /u1D441/u1D43F//u1D439(/u1D44E)=/productdisplay.1\n/u1D703∈Gal(/u1D43F//u1D439)/u1D703(/u1D44E). For the sake of convenience in what\nfollows we shall denote the fixed field of /u1D70E∈Gal(/u1D43F//u1D43E)by/u1D43F/an}bracketle{t/u1D70E/u1D456/an}bracketri}ht.\nLemma 2.2. Let/u1D719=/u1D719/u1D44F,/u1D70Ebe a symmetric bilinear form defined above, with /u1D44F∈/u1D43F×,\nthen/u1D719is degenerate if and only if −/u1D70E(/u1D44F)/u1D44F−1is expressible in the form /u1D70E2(/u1D450)/u1D450−1for\nsome/u1D450∈/u1D43F×that is,/u1D719is degenerate if and only if\n/u1D441/u1D43F//u1D43F/an}bracketle{t/u1D70E2/an}bracketri}ht(−/u1D70E(/u1D44F)//u1D44F)=1. (2.3)\nMoreover, in this case rk(/u1D719)=/u1D45B−/u1D45B\n[/u1D43F:/u1D43F/an}bracketle{t/u1D70E2/an}bracketri}ht]\nProof. Let/u1D445denote the radical of /u1D719and let/u1D465be an element of /u1D445. By Corollary 2.1\nand applying /u1D70Eon (2.2), we obtain\n/u1D44F/u1D465=−/u1D70E(/u1D44F)/u1D70E2(/u1D465).SYMMETRIC BILINEAR FORMS AND GALOIS THEORY 3\nConsequently if /u1D465≠0 then taking /u1D465=/u1D450−1, we have\n−/u1D70E(/u1D44F)/u1D44F−1=/u1D70E2(/u1D450)/u1D450−1.\nThe next assertion is now clear in view of the Hilbert Theorem 90.\nNow will compute the rank of /u1D719when/u1D719is degenerate. At first we claim that dim (/u1D445)=\n/u1D45B\n[/u1D43F:/u1D43F/an}bracketle{t/u1D70E2/an}bracketri}ht]. Indeed let /u1D465∈/u1D445then it can be checked that /u1D465∈/u1D450−1/u1D43F/an}bracketle{t/u1D70E2/an}bracketri}ht, also conversely\nif/u1D466∈/u1D450−1/u1D43F/an}bracketle{t/u1D70E2/an}bracketri}htthen/u1D466∈/u1D445. Thus/u1D445=/u1D450−1/u1D43F/an}bracketle{t/u1D70E2/an}bracketri}ht. Thus dim /u1D445=/u1D45B\n[/u1D43F:/u1D43F/an}bracketle{t/u1D70E2/an}bracketri}ht], that is,\nrk(/u1D719)=/u1D45B−/u1D45B\n[/u1D43F:/u1D43F/an}bracketle{t/u1D70E2/an}bracketri}ht]. /square\nLemma 2.3. Suppose that the order of /u1D70Eis odd then for each non-zero element /u1D44F∈/u1D43F,\nthe symmetric bilinear form /u1D719/u1D44F,/u1D70Eis non degenerate.\nProof. If possible, let there be a /u1D44F∈/u1D43F×such that/u1D719/u1D44F,/u1D70Eis degenerate. Then by Lemma\n2.2we obtain a/u1D450∈/u1D43Fsatisfying\n−/u1D70E(/u1D44F)/u1D44F−1=/u1D70E2(/u1D450)/u1D450−1.\nAgain by [ 1, Lemma 3], /u1D453/u1D44F,/u1D70Eis degenerate, where /u1D453/u1D44F,/u1D70Eis a skew-form defined by\n/u1D453/u1D44F,/u1D70E(/u1D465,/u1D466)=Tr/u1D43F\n/u1D43E(/u1D44F(/u1D465/u1D70E(/u1D466) −/u1D70E(/u1D465)/u1D466)),∀/u1D465,/u1D466∈/u1D43F.\nConsequently there exists a /u1D451∈/u1D43Fsuch that\n/u1D70E(/u1D44F)/u1D44F−1=/u1D70E2(/u1D451)/u1D451−1,\nby [1, Lemma 2]. Thus\n/u1D70E(/u1D450/u1D451−1)=−/u1D450/u1D451−1,\nwhich is contrary to the fact that −1 is an eigenvalue of /u1D70E. /square\nObservation. In particular if /u1D70E=/u1D456/u1D451then/u1D719/u1D44F,/u1D70E≠0and/u1D719/u1D44F,/u1D70E(/u1D465,/u1D466)=Tr(2/u1D44F/u1D465/u1D466). It is\nnon-degenerate as it is well known fact that the Trbilinear form of a Galois extension\nis non-degenerate.\nLemma 2.4. Suppose that the order of /u1D70Eis even, say 2/u1D45Fthen there exist /u1D44F,/u1D44F′∈/u1D43F×such\nthat the symmetric bilinear forms /u1D719/u1D44F,/u1D70Eand/u1D719/u1D44F′,/u1D70Eare degenerate and non-degenerate\nrespectively.\nProof. Since/u1D70Ehas even multiplicative order therefore −1 is an eigenvalue of /u1D70E, let/u1D44F\nbe a corresponding eigenvector. Consequently, /u1D70E(/u1D44F)/u1D44F−1=−1. Then taking /u1D450=1, we\nmust have\n−/u1D70E(/u1D44F)/u1D44F−1=/u1D70E2(/u1D450)/u1D450−1.4 SUGATA MANDAL\nThus/u1D719/u1D44F,/u1D70Eis degenerate.\nNext we will show the existancy of a non-degenerate symmetri c bilinear form. At first\nwe assume that /u1D43Eis finite. Let |/u1D43F/an}bracketle{t/u1D70E/an}bracketri}ht|=/u1D45Ethen|/u1D43F|=/u1D45E2/u1D45F. It is straight forward to\nobserve that the number of elements of the form −/u1D70E(/u1D44F)/u1D44F−1is\n/u1D45E2/u1D45F−1\n/u1D45E−1\nwhile the number of elements of the form /u1D70E2(/u1D450)/u1D450−1is\n/u1D45E2/u1D45F−1\n/u1D45E2−1.\nAs\n/u1D45E2/u1D45F−1\n/u1D45E2−11. For the sake of convenience in what follows we\nshall denote the subfield /u1D43F/an}bracketle{t/u1D70E/u1D456/an}bracketri}htas/u1D43F/u1D456.\nWe begin by noting the following restatement of the degenera cy criterion Lemma\n2.2.\nProposition 3.1. Let/u1D44F∈/u1D43F. Then the skew-form /u1D719/u1D44F,/u1D70Eis degenerate if and only if\n(−1)/u1D45F/u1D441/u1D43F//u1D43F2(/u1D70E(/u1D44F)//u1D44F)=1, (3.1)\nthat is,/u1D453/u1D44F,/u1D70Eis degenerate if and only if\n/u1D441/u1D43F//u1D43F2(/u1D44F)=/u1D44F/u1D70E2(/u1D44F)···/u1D70E/u1D45B−2(/u1D44F) (3.2)\nis an eigenvector of /u1D70Ecorresponds to either the eigenvalue −1or1depending on\nwhether/u1D45Fis odd or even.8 SUGATA MANDAL\nProof. The first assertion is now clear in view of the Lemma 2.2. Moreover the\ncondition (−1)/u1D45F/u1D441/u1D43F//u1D43F2(/u1D70E(/u1D44F)//u1D44F)=1 is easily seen to be equivalent to the condition\n(−1)/u1D45F/u1D441/u1D43F//u1D43F2(/u1D44F)=/u1D70E(/u1D441/u1D43F//u1D43F2(/u1D44F))\nwhere/u1D441/u1D43F//u1D43F2(/u1D44F)=/u1D44F/u1D70E2(/u1D44F)···/u1D70E/u1D45B−2(/u1D44F). /square\nSuppose that /u1D70E/u1D456is not an involution. By Lemma 2.2, the symmetric bilinear form\n/u1D719/u1D44F,/u1D70E/u1D456∈/u1D434/u1D456⊆Symm/u1D43E(/u1D43F)is degenerate if and only if −/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D44F)//u1D44F=/u1D70E2/u1D456(/u1D450)//u1D450for\nsome/u1D450∈/u1D43F. As/u1D70E2/u1D456is a generator for Gal (/u1D43F//u1D43F2/u1D456), in view of Hilbert Theorem 90,\n/u1D719/u1D44F,/u1D70E/u1D456is degenerate if and only if /u1D441/u1D43F//u1D43F2/u1D456(−/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D44F)//u1D44F)=1. A glance at Proposition\n3.1above shows that this is precisely the condition for the symm etric bilinear form\n/u1D719∼\n/u1D44F,/u1D70E/u1D456∈Symm/u1D43F/u1D456(/u1D43F)defined by\n/u1D719∼\n/u1D44F,/u1D70E/u1D456=Tr/u1D43F\n/u1D43F/u1D456(/u1D44F(/u1D465/u1D70E(/u1D466) +/u1D70E(/u1D465)/u1D466)),∀/u1D465,/u1D466∈/u1D43F.\nto be degenerate (we write /u1D719∼\n/u1D44F,/u1D70E/u1D456instead of/u1D719/u1D44F,/u1D70E/u1D456to emphasize the fact that we are now\nconsidering/u1D43Fas/u1D43F/u1D456-space).\nLet us write /u1D434∼1:={/u1D719∼\n/u1D44F,/u1D70E/u1D456|/u1D44F∈/u1D43F}. In view of Theorem 2.1we then have a /u1D43E-\nisomorphism /u1D434/u1D456/simequal/u1D43Fvia/u1D719/u1D44F,/u1D70E/u1D456/uni∈1A6.endl→/u1D44Fand an/u1D43F/u1D456-isomorphism /u1D43F/simequal/u1D434∼1via/u1D44F/uni∈1A6.endl→/u1D719∼\n/u1D44F,/u1D70E/u1D456.\nThe composition of these maps clearly yields a /u1D43E-isomorphism /u1D434/u1D456/simequal/u1D434∼1. The\nfollowing is then clear.\nRemark 3.1. With respect to the above isomorphism if an /u1D43F/u1D456-subspace W ≤/u1D434∼1\nhas all its non-zero symmetric bilinear forms non-degenera te (or all its non-zero\nsymmetric bilinear forms forms degenerate) then the same is true for the corresponding\n(K)-subspace in /u1D434/u1D456.\nRemark 3.2. If/u1D43F//u1D43Eis cyclic Galois extension of degree /u1D45Bwith/u1D43A=Gal(/u1D43F//u1D43E)=/an}bracketle{t/u1D70E/an}bracketri}ht\nwe define/u1D434/u1D456:=/u1D434/u1D70E/u1D456. Thus/u1D434/u1D456={/u1D453/u1D44F,/u1D70E/u1D456:/u1D44F∈/u1D43F}. If/u1D45Bis even then there is a unique\ninvolution/u1D70F1=/u1D70E/u1D45B/2and in this case we denote /u1D4351:=/u1D434/u1D70F1={/u1D453/u1D44F,/u1D70E/u1D45B/2:/u1D44F∈/u1D43F}. Then\nthe decomposition (2.5)becomes\nAlt/u1D43E(/u1D43F)=/u1D4351⊕/u1D4340⊕/u1D4341⊕/u1D4342⊕ ··· ⊕/u1D434/u1D45A. (3.3)\nNote that/u1D4351is an/u1D45B-subspace of dimension /u1D45Band by Lemma 2.3,/u1D434/u1D456is an/u1D45B-subspace\nof dimension /u1D45Bif/u1D70E/u1D456has order odd.\nTheorem 3.1. Let/u1D43Ebe a field and /u1D45B=2/u1D458, where/u1D458≥1is odd. Let/u1D43Fbe any cyclic\nextension of /u1D43Eof degree/u1D45Bwith Galois group /u1D43A=/an}bracketle{t/u1D70E/an}bracketri}ht. Then\n/u1D4341=U1⊕ V 1, (3.4)SYMMETRIC BILINEAR FORMS AND GALOIS THEORY 9\nwhereU1is an/u1D45B-subspace of dimension /u1D458andV1is an(/u1D45B−2)-subspace of dimension\n/u1D458.\nProof. Let/u1D448:=/u1D43F/u1D458and 0≠/u1D462∈/u1D448. Clearly\n/u1D70E2(/u1D462),/u1D70E4(/u1D462),...,/u1D70E2/u1D458−2(/u1D462) ∈/u1D448.\nIt follows that\n/u1D441/u1D43F//u1D43F2(/u1D462) ∈/u1D43F2∩/u1D448=/u1D43F2∩/u1D43F/u1D458=/u1D43E.\nBy Proposition 3.1the skew-form /u1D453/u1D462,/u1D70Eis non degenerate, thus U1is an/u1D45B-subspace.\nNote that/u1D441/u1D43F//u1D43F2(/u1D70E(/u1D462)//u1D462)=1. Let/u1D457is an eigenvector of /u1D70Ecorresponding to the\neigenvalue −1 then\n/u1D441/u1D43F//u1D43F2(/u1D70E(/u1D457)//u1D457)=−1.\nBy Proposition 3.1/u1D719/u1D457,/u1D70Eis degenerate. Set /u1D449:=/u1D457/u1D448. Then for 0 ≠/u1D462∈/u1D448\n/u1D441/u1D43F//u1D43F2(/u1D70E(/u1D457/u1D462)\n/u1D457/u1D462)=/u1D441/u1D43F//u1D43F2(/u1D70E(/u1D457)\n/u1D457)/u1D441/u1D43F//u1D43F2(/u1D70E(/u1D462)\n/u1D462)=(−1).1=−1.\nIt thus follows by proposition 3.1that all the nonzero skew-forms /u1D719/u1D44F,/u1D70Ewhere/u1D44Flies\nin the subspace /u1D449=/u1D457/u1D448(of dimension /u1D458) are degenerate. Clearly /u1D448∩/u1D449={0}\nso/u1D43F=/u1D448⊕/u1D449. By Theorem 2.1the subspace /u1D448of/u1D43Fcorresponds to a subspace\nU1of Symm/u1D43E(/u1D43F)with the same dimension defined by U1:={/u1D719/u1D44F,/u1D70E:/u1D44F∈/u1D448}.\nSimilarly/u1D449corresponds to V1≤Symm/u1D43E(/u1D43F)such that dim (/u1D449)=dim(V1). Then the\ndecomposition ( 3.4) follows. /square\nCorollary 3.1. Let/u1D43Ebe a field and /u1D45Bbe even. Suppose /u1D43Fis a cyclic Galois extension\nof a field/u1D43Eof degree/u1D45Bwith Galois group Gal(/u1D43F//u1D43E)=/an}bracketle{t/u1D70E/an}bracketri}ht. Iford(/u1D70E/u1D456) ≡2(mod 4)\nandord(/u1D70E/u1D456)≠2then\n/u1D434/u1D456=U/u1D456⊕V/u1D456,\nwhereU/u1D456is an/u1D45B-subspace of dimension /u1D45B/2andV/u1D456is an(/u1D45B−2/u1D45B/ord(/u1D70E/u1D456))-subspace\nof dimension /u1D45B/2.\nProof. This follows from Theorem A, noting Remark 3.1and the fact (Remark 2.1)\nthat a skew form in /u1D434/u1D456is either non-degenerate or has rank equal to /u1D45B−2/u1D45B/ord(/u1D70E/u1D456)./square\nConsequently we obtain the following.10 SUGATA MANDAL\nCorollary 3.2. Let/u1D43Ebe a field and /u1D45B=2/u1D458, where/u1D458≥1is odd. Let/u1D43Fbe any cyclic\nGalois extension of /u1D43Eof degree/u1D45Bwith Galois group /u1D43A=/an}bracketle{t/u1D70E/an}bracketri}ht. Then\nAlt/u1D43E(/u1D43F)=/u1D4351/circleplusdisplay.1\n/u1D4340/circleplusdisplay.1/parenlefttpA/parenleftexA/parenleftexA/parenleftexA/parenleftexA\n/parenleftbtA/circleplusdisplay.1\nord(/u1D70E/u1D456) ≡0(mod 2)\nord(/u1D70E/u1D456)≠2/parenleftBig\nU/u1D456/circleplusdisplay.1\nV/u1D456/parenrightBig/parenrighttpA/parenrightexA/parenrightexA/parenrightexA/parenrightexA\n/parenrightbtA/circleplusdisplay.1/parenlefttpA/parenleftexA\n/parenleftbtA/circleplusdisplay.1\nord(/u1D70E/u1D456) ≡1(mod 2)/u1D434/u1D456/parenrighttpA/parenrightexA\n/parenrightbtA,\n(3.5)\nwhere/u1D4351,/u1D4340,/u1D434/u1D456(forord(/u1D70E/u1D456) ≡1(mod 2)) andU/u1D456are/u1D45B-subspace of dimension /u1D45B/2,\n/u1D45B,/u1D45Band/u1D45B/2respectively and V/u1D456is an(/u1D45B−2/u1D45B/ord(/u1D70E/u1D456))-subspace of dimension /u1D45B/2.\nProof. In light of Remark 3.2, the decomposition ( 3.3) becomes\nAlt/u1D43E(/u1D43F)=/u1D4351/circleplusdisplay.1\n/u1D4340/circleplusdisplay.1/parenlefttpA/parenleftexA/parenleftexA/parenleftexA/parenleftexA\n/parenleftbtA/circleplusdisplay.1\nord(/u1D70E/u1D456) ≡0(mod 2)\nord(/u1D70E/u1D456)≠2/u1D434/u1D456/parenrighttpA/parenrightexA/parenrightexA/parenrightexA/parenrightexA\n/parenrightbtA/circleplusdisplay.1/parenlefttpA/parenleftexA\n/parenleftbtA/circleplusdisplay.1\nord(/u1D70E/u1D456) ≡1(mod 2)/u1D434/u1D456/parenrighttpA/parenrightexA\n/parenrightbtA.\nNow it is clear in view of Corollary 3.1and Lemma 2.3. /square\nIn view of Theorem 3.1in following theorems we focus on the case where /u1D45B=2/u1D45Fis\ndivisible by 4. Since in this case /u1D45Fis even thus by Proposition 3.1it follows that /u1D719/u1D44F,/u1D70E\nis degenerate if and only if\n/u1D441/u1D43F//u1D43F2(/u1D70E(/u1D44F)//u1D44F)=1,\nthat is,/u1D441/u1D43F//u1D43F2(/u1D44F)is an eigenvector of /u1D70Ecorresponds to eigenvalue 1. This degeneracy\ncriterion for /u1D719/u1D44F,/u1D70Eis identical to the degeneracy criterion for the skew form /u1D453/u1D44F,/u1D70E(see\n[2, Proposition 3.1]).\nProposition 3.2. ([2, Lemma 3.1]) Let/u1D45B=2/u1D6FC/u1D458where/u1D6FC≥2and/u1D458is odd. Suppose\nthat/u1D43Fis a cyclic extension of a field /u1D43Eof degree/u1D45Bwith Galois group Gal(/u1D43F//u1D43E)=/an}bracketle{t/u1D70E/an}bracketri}ht.\nThen the following hold.\n(i)For1≤/u1D456≤/u1D6FC−1the subspace /u1D438/u1D456:={/u1D44F∈/u1D43F:/u1D70E/u1D45B/2/u1D456(/u1D44F)=−/u1D44F} ≤/u1D43Fhas\ndimension/u1D45B/2/u1D456.\n(ii)Let/u1D4491:={/u1D44F∈/u1D43F:/u1D70E/u1D458(/u1D44F)=/u1D44F}and/u1D4492:={/u1D44F∈/u1D43F:/u1D70E/u1D458(/u1D44F)=−/u1D44F}. Then\ndim(/u1D4491)=dim(/u1D4492)=/u1D458.\nLetE/u1D456be the subspace of /u1D4341corresponding to /u1D438/u1D456:={/u1D44F∈/u1D43F:/u1D70E/u1D45B/2/u1D456(/u1D44F)=−/u1D44F}under\nthe isomorphism of Theorem 2.1, that is,E/u1D456={/u1D719/u1D44F,/u1D70E:/u1D44F∈/u1D438/u1D456}( 1≤/u1D456≤/u1D6FC−1 ).\nSimilarly, let V/u1D457correspond to the subspace /u1D449/u1D457of/u1D43F, that is,V/u1D457={/u1D719/u1D44F,/u1D70E(/u1D457=1,2)}.SYMMETRIC BILINEAR FORMS AND GALOIS THEORY 11\nTheorem 3.2. ([2, Theorem B]) Suppose/u1D45B=2/u1D6FC/u1D458where/u1D6FC≥2and/u1D458is odd. Let/u1D43Ebe\nan algebraic number field such that −1is not a square in /u1D43E. Then there exists a cyclic\nextension/u1D43Fof/u1D43Eof degree/u1D45Bwith the Galois group /u1D43A=/an}bracketle{t/u1D70E/an}bracketri}htsuch that\n/u1D4341=E1⊕ ··· ⊕ E /u1D6FC−1⊕ V 1⊕V 2, (3.6)\nwhere\n(i)E/u1D456is an/u1D45B-subspace of dimension /u1D45B/2/u1D456for1≤/u1D456≤/u1D6FC−1,\n(ii)V/u1D457is an(/u1D45B−2)-subspace of dimension /u1D458for1≤/u1D457≤2.\nCorollary 3.3. ([2, Corollary 4.3]) In the situation of Theorem 3.2iford(/u1D70E/u1D456) ≡\n0(mod 4), sayord(/u1D70E/u1D456)=2/u1D6FD/u1D458′(/u1D6FD≥2)then\n/u1D434/u1D456=V/u1D456\n1⊕ V/u1D456\n2⊕ E/u1D456\n1⊕ ···E/u1D456\n/u1D6FD−1, (3.7)\nwhere\n(i)E/u1D456\n/u1D458is an/u1D45B-subspace of dimension /u1D45B/2/u1D456for1≤/u1D458≤/u1D6FD−1,\n(ii)V/u1D456\n/u1D457is an(/u1D45B−2)-subspace of dimension /u1D458′/u1D45B/ord(/u1D70E/u1D456)for1≤/u1D457≤2.\nCorollary 3.4. In the situation of Theorem 3.2there is direct-decomposition\nAlt/u1D43E(/u1D43F)=/u1D4351/circleplusdisplay.1\n/u1D4340/circleplusdisplay.1/parenlefttpA/parenleftexA/parenleftexA/parenleftexA/parenleftexA\n/parenleftbtA/circleplusdisplay.1\nord(/u1D70E/u1D456) ≡2(mod 4)\nord(/u1D70E/u1D456)≠2/parenleftBig\nU/u1D456/circleplusdisplay.1\nV/u1D456/parenrightBig/parenrighttpA/parenrightexA/parenrightexA/parenrightexA/parenrightexA\n/parenrightbtA/circleplusdisplay.1/parenlefttpA/parenleftexA\n/parenleftbtA/circleplusdisplay.1\nord(/u1D70E/u1D456) ≡1(mod 2)/u1D434/u1D456/parenrighttpA/parenrightexA\n/parenrightbtA\n/circleplusdisplay.1\nord(/u1D70E/u1D456) ≡0(mod 4)/parenleftBig\nV/u1D456\n1/circleplusdisplay.1\nV/u1D456\n2/circleplusdisplay.1\nE/u1D456\n/u1D6FD−1/circleplusdisplay.1\n···/circleplusdisplay.1\nE/u1D456\n1/parenrightBig\n(3.8)\nProof. Using Corollaries 3.1,3.4and Lemma 2.3as well as the decomposition 3.3,\nwe can deduce the required decomposition. /square\nRemark 3.3. Let/u1D45B=2/u1D6FC/u1D458where/u1D6FC≥1and/u1D458is odd. Suppose that /u1D43Fis a cyclic\nextension of a field /u1D43Eof degree/u1D45Bwith Galois group Gal(/u1D43F//u1D43E)=/an}bracketle{t/u1D70E/an}bracketri}ht. Iford(/u1D70E/u1D456)is\neven then there always exists an /u1D45B-subspace of dimension /u1D45B/2inside/u1D434/u1D456. If/u1D6FC=1this\nfollows from Corollary 3.2. Otherwise if /u1D6FC >1then it follows from Theorem 3.2that\nE1:={/u1D453/u1D44F,/u1D70E:/u1D44F∈/u1D4381}is the desired subspace for /u1D4341. The corresponding assertion for\n/u1D434/u1D456now follows in the light of Corollary 3.4.\nRemark 3.4. ([2, Remark 4.2]) As its proof shows, Theorem 3.2as well as its corol-\nlaries remain valid for an arbitrary cyclic extension /u1D43F//u1D43Eof degree/u1D45B=2/u1D6FC/u1D458(/u1D6FC≥2)12 SUGATA MANDAL\nsuch that −1is not a square in /u1D43F. Similarly, let /u1D43Ebe a field such that /u1D453(/u1D44B):=/u1D44B4+1\nis irreducible in /u1D43E[/u1D44B](it is not difficult to show that /u1D43Ehas this property if and only\nif none of −1,2and−2is a square in /u1D43E). Then Theorem /u1D435holds true for any cyclic\nextension/u1D43F//u1D43Eof degree/u1D45B=2/u1D6FC/u1D458. Indeed, if/u1D702/u1D456is a2/u1D456-root of unity for /u1D456≥1then the\nconditions −1∉/u1D43E2and/u1D70E(/u1D702/u1D456)=−/u1D702−1\n/u1D456mean that/u1D702/u1D456∉{−± 1,±/u1D456}, where/u1D456denotes a\nprimitive 4-th root of unity in /u1D43F. Thus/u1D702must have order 2/u1D460where/u1D460≥3. Since/u1D702∈/u1D43F2\nthis would mean that /u1D43F2contains an element of order 8and thus a root of /u1D453implying\n/u1D453has a quadratic factor in /u1D43E[/u1D44B].\nTheorem 3.3. ([2, Theorem C]) Let/u1D43Ebe a finite field with /u1D45Eelements such that −1is\nnot a square in /u1D43E. Let/u1D45E+1=2/u1D44E/u1D459(l odd) where /u1D44E≥1and/u1D45B=2/u1D6FC/u1D458(k odd) where\n/u1D6FC≥2. Suppose/u1D43Fis a cyclic extension of /u1D43Eof degree/u1D45BwithGal(/u1D43F//u1D43E)=/an}bracketle{t/u1D70E/u1D453/an}bracketri}htwhere\n/u1D70E/u1D453is the Frobenius map of /u1D43Fdefined by/u1D70E/u1D453:/u1D44F→/u1D44F/u1D45E.\n(1)If/u1D6FC≤/u1D44E+1then\n/u1D4341=V1⊕V 2⊕ E 1⊕ ··· ⊕ E /u1D6FC−1, (3.9)\nwhere\n(i)E/u1D456is an/u1D45B-subspace of dimension /u1D45B/2/u1D456for1≤/u1D456≤/u1D6FC−1,\n(ii)V/u1D457is an(/u1D45B−2)-subspace of dimension /u1D458for1≤/u1D457≤2.\n(2)If/u1D6FC>/u1D44E+1and/u1D459=1, that is,/u1D45E=2/u1D44E−1, then\n/u1D4341=V1⊕V 2⊕ E 1⊕ ··· ⊕ E /u1D6FC−1, (3.10)\nwhere\n(i)E/u1D456is an/u1D45B-subspace of dimension /u1D45B/2/u1D456for1≤/u1D456≤/u1D44Eand an(/u1D45B−2)-\nsubspace of dimension /u1D45B/2/u1D456for/u1D44E+1≤/u1D456≤/u1D6FC−1,\n(ii)V/u1D457is an(/u1D45B−2)-subspace of dimension /u1D458for1≤/u1D457≤2.\nRemark 3.5. ([2, Remark 5.1]) In Theorem 3.3when/u1D6FC > /u1D44E+1and/u1D459 >1thenE/u1D456is\nneither an/u1D45B-subspace nor an (/u1D45B−2)-subspace for /u1D44E+1≤/u1D456≤/u1D6FC−1.\nTheorem 3.4. ([2, Theorem D]) Let/u1D45Dbe a prime and /u1D43E=Q/u1D45Dbe the/u1D45D-adic completion\nofQsuch that −1is not a square in /u1D43E. Let/u1D45D+1=2/u1D44E/u1D459(l odd) where /u1D44E≥1and\n/u1D45B=2/u1D6FC/u1D458(k odd) where 2≤/u1D6FC≤/u1D44E+1. Then there exists a cyclic extension /u1D43Fof/u1D43Eof\ndegree/u1D45Bsuch that the decomposition (3.9)holds.SYMMETRIC BILINEAR FORMS AND GALOIS THEORY 13\n4.A /s.pc/h.pc/o.pc/r.pc/t.pc /s.pc/u.pc/r.pc/v.pc/e.pc/y.pc /o.pc/n.pc /u1D45B-/s.pc/u.pc/b.pc/s.pc/p.pc/a.pc/c.pc/e.pc /o.pc/f.pc /u1D440/u1D45B(/u1D43E)/a.pc/n.pc/d.pc/u1D446/u1D45B(/u1D43E)\nFor every/u1D45B∈Nand every field /u1D43E, let/u1D440(/u1D45B,/u1D43E)be the vector space of the (/u1D45B×/u1D45B)\nmatrices over /u1D43E, let/u1D446(/u1D45B,/u1D43E)be the vector space of the symmetric (/u1D45B×/u1D45B)matrices over\n/u1D43E. We recall that a /u1D43E-subpace/u1D446of/u1D440(/u1D45B,/u1D43E)or/u1D446(/u1D45B,/u1D43E)is an/u1D45B-subspace if all of its\nnon-zero elements are invertible. Define\n/u1D70F/u1D45B(/u1D43E)=max{dim/u1D446:/u1D446is an/u1D45Bsubspace of/u1D440(/u1D45B,/u1D43E)},\n/u1D707/u1D45B(/u1D43E)=max{dim/u1D446:/u1D446is an/u1D45Bsubspace of/u1D446(/u1D45B,/u1D43E)}.\nIt is easy to observed that /u1D707/u1D45B(/u1D43E) ≤/u1D70F/u1D45B(/u1D43E). For an arbitrary field /u1D43Eexact determination\nof/u1D70F/u1D45B(/u1D43E)or/u1D707/u1D45B(/u1D43E)is a difficult problem. However /u1D70F/u1D45B(/u1D43E) ≤/u1D45B, as any subspace\n/u1D446⊂/u1D440/u1D45B(/u1D43E)of dimension greater than /u1D45Bmust intersect nontrivially with the subspace\nof matrices with the first column equal to zero. The invariant /u1D707/u1D45B(/u1D43E)is intimately\nrelate with the invariant /u1D70F/u1D45B(/u1D43E). In general if /u1D45Bis even then we can easily checked that\n/u1D707/u1D45B(/u1D43E) ≥/u1D70F/u1D45B/2(/u1D43E). Since if/u1D448be an/u1D45B/2-subspace of /u1D440(/u1D45B/2,/u1D43E)then the subspace of\nall/u1D45B×/u1D45Bsymmetric matrices of the form/parenleftbigg0/u1D434\n/u1D434/u1D4470,/parenrightbigg\nwhere/u1D434runs over all (/u1D45B/2×/u1D45B/2)matrices with entries in /u1D448and/u1D434/u1D447denotes the\ntranspose of /u1D434is an/u1D45B-subspace of /u1D446(/u1D45B,/u1D43E).\nIn the following, we will discuss the values of the invariant s/u1D70F/u1D45B(/u1D43E)and/u1D707/u1D45B(/u1D43E)across\nvarious fields.\n4.1.For algebraic closed field. Suppose/u1D43Eis an algebraic closed field. It can be\neasily checked that /u1D70F/u1D45B(/u1D43E)=/u1D707/u1D45B(/u1D43E)=1 as for any /u1D434,/u1D435∈/u1D434/u1D45B(/u1D43E),/u1D434−/u1D706/u1D435is singular\nwhere/u1D706is an eigen-value of /u1D434/u1D435−1.\n4.2.For real number field. Suppose/u1D43Eis real number field. Then it follows from\n[3, Theorem 1] /u1D70F/u1D45B(/u1D43E)=/u1D70C(/u1D45B), where/u1D70C(/u1D45B)denotes the Radon-Hurtwitz number and is\ndefined by/u1D70C(/u1D45B)=2/u1D450+8/u1D451, whenever/u1D45B=(2/u1D44E+1)2/u1D450+4/u1D451where/u1D44E,/u1D44F,/u1D450,/u1D451 are integers\nwith 0≤/u1D450≤3. Now if/u1D45Bis odd then/u1D70C(/u1D45B)=1, consequently /u1D70F/u1D45B(/u1D43E)=/u1D707/u1D45B(/u1D43E)=1. On\nthe otherhand if /u1D45Bis even then/u1D70F/u1D45B/2(/u1D43E) ≤/u1D707/u1D45B(/u1D43E) ≤/u1D70F/u1D45B(/u1D43E). Thus\n/u1D707/u1D45B(/u1D43E)=8/u1D451,if/u1D450=0\nand\n/u1D707/u1D45B(/u1D43E) ∈ \n[1+8/u1D451,2+8/u1D451] if/u1D450=1\n[2+8/u1D451,4+8/u1D451] if/u1D450=2\n[4+8/u1D451,8+8/u1D451] if/u1D450=3.14 SUGATA MANDAL\n4.3.For algebraic number field. Suppose/u1D43Eis an algebraic number field. Then by\n[4, Lemma 4] for each /u1D45Bthere exists a cyclic Galois extension /u1D43Fof/u1D43E. Let/u1D45D(/u1D465)be\na irreducible polynomial of degree /u1D45Bover/u1D43Eand let/u1D434∈/u1D440(/u1D45B,/u1D43E)be a matrix whose\ncharacteristic polynomial is /u1D45D(/u1D465). Let/u1D448⊂/u1D440(/u1D45B,/u1D43E)be the/u1D43E-subspace spanned by\nthe powers of /u1D434. Then/u1D448is an/u1D45B-subspace of /u1D440(/u1D45B,/u1D43E)of dimension /u1D45Bas/u1D448is a field\nisomorphic to /u1D43E[/u1D465]//parenleftbig/u1D45D(/u1D465)/parenrightbig. Thus/u1D70F/u1D45B(/u1D43E)=/u1D45B. Although/u1D434may not necessarily belong\nto/u1D446(/u1D45B,/u1D43E)but still we can still obtain an /u1D45B-dimensional /u1D45B-subspace inside /u1D446(/u1D45B,/u1D43E).\nThen by Theorem 2.2and Remark 3.2,/u1D4340is an/u1D45B-subspace inside Symm/u1D43E(/u1D43F). Since\nSymm/u1D43E(/u1D43F)is isomorphic to /u1D446(/u1D45B,/u1D43E), hence/u1D4340corresponds to an /u1D45B-subspace of\n/u1D434(/u1D45B,/u1D43E). Consequently /u1D707/u1D45B(/u1D43E)=/u1D45B.\n4.4.For finite field. Suppose/u1D43Ebe a finite field. Then for each /u1D45B∈Nthere exists a\ncyclic Galois extension /u1D43Fof/u1D43Eof degree/u1D45B. Then, employing a similar argument as in\nthe case of an algebraic number field, we deduce /u1D70F/u1D45B(/u1D43E)=/u1D707/u1D45B(/u1D43E)=/u1D45B.\n5.C/o.pc/n.pc/c.pc/l.pc/u.pc/s.pc/i.pc/o.pc/n.pc\nThe eigenspaces associated with elements of the Galois grou p yield constant rank\nsubspaces in Symm/u1D43E(/u1D43F). If ord(/u1D70E/u1D456) ≡0(mod 2), then in light of the Remark 3.3, an\n/u1D45B-subspace of dimension /u1D45B/2 can always be found inside /u1D434/u1D456. As mentioned earlier in\nthis paper, the degeneracy criterion for the symmetric form /u1D719/u1D44F,/u1D70Ealigns with that of the\nskew form/u1D453/u1D44F,/u1D70E(defined in [ 1]), consequently, the quest for determining the maximum\ndimension of an /u1D45B-subspace inside /u1D4341⊆Symm/u1D43E(/u1D43F)is analogous to solving the\nproblem of the maximum dimension of an /u1D45B-subspace within /u1D4341⊆Alt/u1D43E(/u1D43F). However,\nspaces derived from eigenvalues may not necessarily repres ent the maximum possible\ndimension of an /u1D45B-subspace in /u1D4341(as exemplified in [ 2, Section 5]), unless /u1D45B=2/u1D458with\n/u1D458odd (Theorem 3.1) or/u1D43Eis finite (or more generally, /u1D4361[4, Lemma 3] ). Furthermore,\nit is noted that if /u1D43Eadmits a cyclic Galois extension of degree /u1D45B, then/u1D434/u1D456forms an\n/u1D45B-subspace of dimension /u1D45B(when/u1D70E/u1D456has odd order). The question remains open\nwhether there exists an /u1D45B-subspace in Symm/u1D43E(/u1D43F)with exactly dimension /u1D45Bor greater\nthan/u1D70F/u1D45B\n2(/u1D43E)(when/u1D45Bis even) for a field /u1D43Elacking a Galois extension. Furthermore, as\nindicated by [ 1, Theorem 6] and [ 1, Theorem 7] for the cyclic extension /u1D43F//u1D43E, we can\ninfer that the rank of any non-zero symmetric form in the dire ct sum/u1D4341⊕/u1D4342⊕...⊕/u1D434/u1D458\nis at least/u1D45B−2/u1D458.SYMMETRIC BILINEAR FORMS AND GALOIS THEORY 15\nA/c.pc/k.pc/n.pc/o.pc/w.pc/l.pc/e.pc/d.pc/g.pc/e.pc/m.pc/e.pc/n.pc/t.pc/s.pc\nThe author gratefully acknowledges support from an NBHM res earch award.\nR/e.pc/f.pc/e.pc/r.pc/e.pc/n.pc/c.pc/e.pc/s.pc\n[1] R. Gow, R. Quinlan, Galois extensions and subspaces of al ternating bilinear forms with special\nrank properties, Linear Algebra And Its Applications 430pp. 2212-2224 (2008)\n[2] A.Gupta, S.Mandal, Constant rank subspaces of alternat ing bilinear forms from galois theory,\narXiv:2310.03340 v1(2023)\n[3] J. F. Adams, Peter D. Lax and Ralph S. Phillips, On Matrice s Whose Real Linear Combinations\nare Nonsingular, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 16pp. 318-322 (1965)\n[4] R. Gow, R. Quinlan, On the vanishing of subspaces of alter nating bilinear forms, Linear And\nMultilinear Algebra 54pp. 415-428 (2006)\n[5] P.Delsarte, Bilinear Forms over a Finite Field with Appl ications to Coding Theory. J. Combin.\nTheory Ser. A 25pp. 226-241 (1978).\n[6] P. Delsarte, J.M. Goethals, Alternating bilinear Forms over/u1D43A/u1D439(/u1D45E),J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 19\npp. 26-50 (1975).\nS/u.pc/g.pc/a.pc/t.pc/a.pc M/a.pc/n.pc/d.pc/a.pc/l.pc, D/e.pc/p.pc/a.pc/r.pc/t.pc/m.pc/e.pc/n.pc/t.pc /o.pc/f.pc M/a.pc/t.pc/h.pc/e.pc/m.pc/a.pc/t.pc/i.pc/c.pc/s.pc, R/a.pc/m.pc/a.pc/k.pc/r.pc/i.pc/s.pc/h.pc/n.pc/a.pc M/i.pc/s.pc /s.pc/i.pc/o.pc/n.pc V/i.pc/v.pc/e.pc/k.pc/a.pc/n.pc/a.pc/n.pc/d.pc/a.pc E/d.pc/u.pc/c.pc/a.pc-\n/t.pc/i.pc/o.pc/n.pc/a.pc/l.pc /a.pc/n.pc/d.pc R/e.pc/s.pc/e.pc/a.pc/r.pc/c.pc/h.pc I/n.pc/s.pc/t.pc/i.pc/t.pc/u.pc/t.pc/e.pc (B/e.pc/l.pc/u.pc/r.pc C/a.pc/m.pc/p.pc/u.pc/s.pc), H/o.pc/w.pc/r.pc/a.pc/h.pc, WB 71 1202, I/n.pc/d.pc/i.pc/a.pc\nEmail address :gmandal1961@gmail.com" }, { "title": "2402.04613v2.Wasserstein_Gradient_Flows_for_Moreau_Envelopes_of_f_Divergences_in_Reproducing_Kernel_Hilbert_Spaces.pdf", "content": "Wasserstein Gradient Flows for Moreau Envelopes of\nf-Divergences in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces\nSebastian Neumayer†∗Viktor Stein‡∗Gabriele Steidl‡Nicolaj Rux‡\nMarch 12, 2024\nAbstract\nMost commonly used f-divergences of measures, e.g., the Kullback-Leibler diver-\ngence, are subject to limitations regarding the support of the involved measures. A\nremedy consists of regularizing the f-divergence by a squared maximum mean dis-\ncrepancy (MMD) associated with a characteristic kernel K. In this paper, we use the\nso-called kernel mean embedding to show that the corresponding regularization can be\nrewritten as the Moreau envelope of some function in the reproducing kernel Hilbert\nspace associated with K. Then, we exploit well-known results on Moreau envelopes\nin Hilbert spaces to prove properties of the MMD-regularized f-divergences and, in\nparticular, their gradients. Subsequently, we use our findings to analyze Wasserstein\ngradient flows of MMD-regularized f-divergences. Finally, we consider Wasserstein\ngradient flows starting from empirical measures. We provide proof-of-the-concept nu-\nmerical examples for f-divergences with both infinite and finite recession constant.\n1 Introduction\nIn variational inference [10, 30] and generative modeling [5, 22], a common task is to min-\nimize the f-divergence for a fixed target measure over some hypothesis space. For this,\nmany different f-divergences were deployed in the literature, such as the Kullback-Leibler\n(KL) divergence [35], Tsallis- αdivergences [44], power divergences [37], Jeffreys and Jensen-\nShannon divergences [39], and Hellinger distances [25]. If the recession constant is infinite,\nthen the hypothesis space in the above tasks reduces to reweighted target samples. To\neliminate this disadvantage, regularized f-divergences can be applied. The probably most\nwell-known case is the regularization of F= KL( · |ν)with target measure νby the squared\n‡Institute of Mathematics, TU Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 136, 10623 Berlin, Germany, {stein,\nsteidl,rux}@math.tu-berlin.de\n†Institute of Mathematics, TU Chemnitz, Reichenhainer Straße 39, 09126 Chemnitz, Germany\nsebastian.neumayer@mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de\n∗Equal contribution.\n1arXiv:2402.04613v2 [stat.ML] 9 Mar 2024Wasserstein-2 distance. This regularization appears in the backward scheme for computing\nthe gradient flow of Fin the Wasserstein geometry [31]. It can be considered as a Moreau\nenvelope of Fin the Wasserstein-2 space.\nIn this paper, we discuss the regularization of generic f-divergences by a squared maxi-\nmummeandiscrepancy(MMD)thatisinducedbyacharacteristickernel K. Sincethespace\nof signed Borel measures embeds into any reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) with\nreproducing kernel K, the associated MMD can be rewritten as a distance in this RKHS. As\nour first contribution, we establish a link between our MMD-regularized f-divergences and\nMoreau envelopes of a certain functional on this RKHS. Here, two main challenges arise.\nFirst, covering f-divergences both with a finite and an infinite recession constant makes the\nanalysis more involved. Second, as the kernel mean embedding is not surjective, we must\nsuitably extend the f-divergence to the RKHS and have to prove that the corresponding\nfunctional is lower semicontinuous. Based on this link and the well-known properties of\nMoreau envelopes, we prove similar properties for our regularized f-divergences. As our\nsecond contribution, we analyze Wasserstein gradient flows of the regularized f-divergences\nand, in particular, the associated particle gradient flows. Using our theoretical insights from\nthe first part, we prove that the regularized f-divergences are λ-convex along generalized\ngeodesics in the Wasserstein space for sufficiently smooth kernels. Then, we show that their\nsubdifferential consists of just one element and use this to determine the Wasserstein gradi-\nent flow equation. Finally, we deal with particle flows, which are proven to be Wasserstein\ngradient flows that start in an empirical measure with an empirical target measure. For\nthe numerical simulations, we focus on the Tsallis- αdivergence, which is smoothed based\non the inverse multiquadric kernel. Even in the case of a finite recession constant, where a\nrepresenter theorem can not be applied to reduce the dual problem to a finite-dimensional\nproblem, we prove that we can still only solve a finite-dimensional problem if the regu-\nlarization parameter satisfies a certain lower bound. We simulate the gradient flows for\nthree different target measures from the literature. Since α= 1corresponds to the KL\ndivergence, we are especially interested in the behavior for different values of α. It appears\nthat choosing αmoderately larger than one improves the convergence of the gradient flow.\nA similar behavior was observed in [24] for differently regularized Tsallis-divergences.\n1.1 Related work\nOurworkisinspiredbythepaperofGlaseretal.[21](whichbuildson[6,43])onWasserstein\ngradient flows with respect to the MMD-regularized KL divergence. In contrast to their\npaper, we deal with arbitrary f-divergences and relate the functionals to Moreau envelopes\nin Hilbert spaces. This helps to streamline the proofs. Moreover, our simulations cover the\nmore general Tsallis- αdivergences.\nAn opposite point of view is to regularize MMDs by f-divergences [34]. The provided\nanalysis covers entropy functions fwith an infinite recession constant and probability mea-\nsuresthathavetofulfilladditionalmomentconditions. Thepaperfocusesonkernelmethods\n2of moments as an alternative to the generalized method of moments. It is different from\nour paper, where we deal with gradient flows.\nWasserstein-1 regularized f-divergences for measures on compact metric spaces are con-\nsidered in [66] and when choosing their exponent αto be equal to two, one obtains a Moreau\nenvelope. However, their definition of f-divergence is slightly more general than ours, since\nit accounts for negative measures, too.\nThe authors of [9] investigated the regularization of f-divergences using the infimal\nconvolution with general integral probability metrics. Again, only entropy functions f\nwith an infinite recession constant were considered. Choosing a MMD as the integral\nprobability metric leads, in contrast to our paper, to a regularization of f-divergences with\nthenon-squared MMD. For this setting, no interpretation as Moreau envelope is possible.\nWasserstein gradient flows of these regularized f-divergences and their discretization are\ndiscussed in [24], although neither existence nor uniqueness of the Wasserstein gradient flow\nis proven.\n1.2 Outline of the paper\nIn Section 2, we collect basic facts from convex analysis, especially about Moreau envelopes.\nFurther, we recall the notation of RHKSs and MMDs. Then, in Section 3, we discuss f-\ndivergences both with finite and an infinite recession constant. We introduce their MMD-\nregularized counterparts and establish the relation to Moreau envelopes of a specific proper,\nconvex and lower semicontinuous function on the RKHS associated with the kernel of the\nMMD. In Section 4, we recall the concept of Wasserstein gradient flow and prove the\nexistence and uniqueness of the Wasserstein gradient flow with respect to MMD-regularized\nf-divergences. We discuss the simulation of these Wasserstein gradient flows when both the\ntarget and the starting point of the flow are empirical measures in Section 5. Here, we show\nthat the representer theorem can be also applied for the constrained optimization setting\nrelated to f-divergences with finite recession constant. Then, we illustrate the behavior\nof such flows with three numerical examples in Section 6. Finally, we draw conclusions in\nSection 7. We collect examples of entropy functions, their conjugates, and their associated\nf-divergences in the A. Further ablation plots and implementation details are provided in\nthe supplementary material (Section B).\n2 Convex Analysis in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert spaces\nThis section contains the necessary preliminaries and notions. In Subsection 2.1, we start\nwith basic facts from convex analysis in Hilbert spaces, especially Moreau envelopes and\nproximal mappings can be found, e.g., in the textbook [7]. Our Hilbert spaces of choice\nwill be RKHSs, which are properly introduced in Subsection 2.2. In particular, we require\ntheir relation to the space of signed Borel measures in terms of the so-called kernel mean\nembedding. ThisembeddingalsorelatesthedistanceinRKHSswiththeMMDofmeasures.\n32.1 Moreau Envelopes in Hilbert Spaces\nLetHbe a separable Hilbertspace with inner product ⟨·,·⟩Hand corresponding norm ∥·∥H.\nThe domain of an extended function F:H → (−∞,∞]is defined by dom( F):={h∈ H:\nF(h)<∞}, and Fis proper if dom( F)̸=∅. By Γ0(H), we denote the set of proper,\nconvex, lower semi-continuous extended real-valued functions on H. TheFenchel conjugate\nfunction of a proper function F:H → (−∞,∞]is given by\nF∗(h) = sup\ng∈H{⟨h, g⟩H−F(g)}.\nIfFis proper and convex, then F∗∈Γ0(H). Thesubdifferential of a function F∈Γ0(H)\nath∈dom( F)is defined as the set\n∂F(h):=\b\np∈ H:F(g)≥F(h) +⟨p, g−h⟩H∀g∈ H\t\n.\nIfFis differentiable at h, then ∂F(h) ={∇F(h)}. Further, p∈∂F(h)implies h∈∂F∗(p).\nNext, recall that the Moreau envelope of a function G∈Γ0(H)is defined by\nGλ(h):= min\ng∈Hn\nG(g) +1\n2λ∥h−g∥2\nHo\n, λ > 0, (1)\nwhere the minimizer is unique. Hence, the proximal map proxλG:H → Hwith\nproxλG(h):= arg min\ng∈Hn\nG(g) +1\n2λ∥h−g∥2\nHo\n, λ > 0,\nis well-defined. The Moreau envelope has many advantageous properties, including the\nfollowing ones.\nTheorem 1. The Moreau envelope of a function G∈Γ0(H)has the following properties:\ni) The dual formulation of Gλ:H →Rreads as\nGλ(h) = max\np∈Hn\n⟨h, p⟩H−G∗(p)−λ\n2∥p∥2\nHo\n. (2)\nIfˆpis the maximizer in (2), then the minimizer in (1)isˆg=h−λˆpand vice versa.\nii) The function Gλis Fréchet differentiable with derivative given by\n∇Gλ(h) =λ−1\u0000\nh−proxλG(h)\u0001\n.\nIn particular, it holds that ∇Gλis1\nλ-Lipschitz and that Gλis continuous.\niii) For λ↘0, we have Gλ↗G, and for λ→ ∞thatGλ↘minx∈Rd{G(x)}pointwise.\n42.2 Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces and MMDs\nA Hilbert space Hof real-valued functions on Rdis called a reproducing kernel Hilbert\nspace(RKHS), if the point evaluations h7→h(x),h∈ H, are continuous for all x∈\nRd. There exist various textbooks on RKHS from different points of view [63, 19, 60].\nBy [63, Thm. 4.20], every RKHS admits a unique symmetric, positive definite function\nK:Rd×Rd→Rwhich is determined by the reproducing property\nh(x) =⟨h, K(x,·)⟩Hfor all h∈ H. (3)\nIn particular, we have that K(x,·)∈ Hfor all x∈Rd. Conversely, for any symmetric,\npositive definite function K:Rd×Rd→R, there exists a unique RKHS, denoted by HK\nwith reproducing kernel K[63, Thm. 4.21].\nAssumption 1. In the following, we use the term „kernel” for symmetric, positive definite\nfunctions K:Rd×Rd→Rthat are\ni) bounded, i.e., supx∈RdK(x, x)<∞, and\nii)K(x,·)∈ C0(Rd)for all x∈Rd.\nThe properties (i)) and (ii)) are equivalent to the fact that HK⊂ C0(Rd). Further, the\nembedding is continuous: HK,→ C 0(Rd)[61, Cor. 3].\nRKHSs are closely related with the Banach space M(Rd)of finite signed Borel measures\nwith total variation norm ∥ · ∥ TV. Later, we also need its subset M+(Rd)of nonnegative\nmeasures. For any µ∈ M(Rd), there exists a unique function mµ∈ H Ksuch that\nEµ[h]:=⟨h, µ⟩C0×M=Z\nRdh(x) dµ(x) =Z\nRd⟨h, K(x,·)⟩HKdµ(x)\n=D\nh,Z\nRdK(x,·) dµ(x)E\nHK=⟨h, m µ⟩HK (4)\nfor all h∈ H K. The linear, bounded mapping m:M(Rd)→ H Kwith µ7→mµgiven by\nmµ(x) =⟨K(x,·), µ⟩=Z\nRdK(x, y) dµ(y), (5)\nis called kernel mean embedding (KME) [41, Sec. 3.1].\nAssumption 2. In this paper, we restrict our attention to so-called characteristic kernels\nK, for which the KME is injective.\nA kernel Kis characteristic if and only if HKis dense in (C0(Rd),∥ · ∥∞), see [61].\nHowever, the KME is not surjective and we only have (ran(m),∥ · ∥HK) =HK, see [64].\n5Themaximum mean discrepancy (MMD) [12, 23] dK:M(Rd)×M(Rd)→Ris defined\nas\ndK(µ, ν)2:=Z\nRd×RdK(x, y) d(µ(x)−ν(x)) d(µ(y)−ν(y))\n=Z\nRd×RdK(x, y) dµ(x) dµ(y)−2Z\nRd×RdK(x, y) dµ(x) dν(y)\n+Z\nRd×RdK(x, y) dν(x) dν(y).\nBy the reproducing property (3), see also [23, Lemma 4], this can be rewritten as\ndK(µ, ν) =∥mµ−mν∥HK.\nSince the KME is injective, dKis a metric on M(Rd)and, in particular, dK(µ, ν) = 0if\nand only if µ=ν. The widely used radial kernels are of the form K(x, y) =ϕ(∥x−y∥2\n2)\nfor some continuous function ϕ: [0,∞)→R.\nRemark 2. By Schoenberg’s theorem [72, Thm. 7.13], a radial kernel is positive definite\nif and only if ϕis completely monotone on [0,∞), that is ϕ∈ C∞((0,∞))∩ C([0,∞))\nand(−1)kϕ(k)(r)≥0for all k∈Nand all r >0. Hence, ϕandϕ′′are decreasing on\n(0,∞). Moreover, the Hausdorff–Bernstein–Widder theorem [72, Thm. 7.11] asserts that\nϕis completely monotone on [0,∞)if and only if there exists a nonnegative finite Borel\nmeasure νonB([0,∞))such that\nϕ(r) =Z∞\n0e−rtdν(t),∀r≥0.\nBy [62, Prop. 11], K(x, y) =ϕ(∥x−y∥2\n2)is characteristic if and only if supp( ν)̸={0}. Stan-\ndard examples of radial characteristic kernels are the Gaussians with ϕ(r) = exp( −1\n2σ2r),\nσ∈Rand the inverse multiquadric with ϕ(r) = (σ+r)−1\n2, where σ >0.\nWe have the following regularity result.\nLemma 3. For a radial kernel K(x, y) =ϕ(∥x−y∥2\n2)with ϕ∈ C2([0,∞))it holds that\nHK,→C2(Rd). Then, we have for any y,˜y∈Rdthat\n∥∂yiK(·, y)∥2\nHK=−2ϕ′(0)\nand\n∥∂yiK(·, y)−∂yiK(·,˜y)∥2\nHK≤4ϕ′′(0)\u0000\n2|yi−˜yi|2+∥y−˜y∥2\n2\u0001\n.\nFurthermore, we have for any h∈ H Kthat\n∥∇h(y)− ∇h(˜y)∥ ≤2∥h∥HKp\nϕ′′(0)(d+ 2)∥y−˜y∥. (6)\n6Proof.The continuous embedding follows from [63, Cor. 4.36]. Next, we obtain by straight-\nforward computation ∂xi∂yiK(x, y) =−4ϕ′′(∥x−y∥2\n2)(xi−yi)2−2ϕ′(∥x−y∥2\n2). By applying\n[63, Lem. 4.34] for the feature map y7→K(·, y), we get\n\n∂yiK(·, y), ∂yiK(·,˜y)\u000b\nHk=∂xi∂yiK(y,˜y) =−4ϕ′′(∥y−˜y∥2\n2)(yi−˜yi)2−2ϕ′(∥y−˜y∥2\n2)(7)\nand in particular ∥∂yiK(·, y)∥2\nHK=−2ϕ′(0). By (7) and since ϕ′is Lipschitz continuous\nwith Lipschitz constant ∥ϕ′′∥∞=ϕ′′(0), see Remark 2, it holds\n∥∂yiK(·, y)−∂yiK(·,˜y)∥2\nHK=−4ϕ′(0) + 8 ϕ′′(∥y��˜y∥2\n2)(yi−˜yi)2+ 4ϕ′(∥y−˜y∥2\n2)\n≤4ϕ′′(0)\u0000\n2(yi−˜yi)2+∥y−˜y∥2\n2\u0001\n.\nThe final assertion follows by\n|∂ih(y)−∂ih(˜y)|=|∂i⟨h, K(·, y)⟩ −∂i⟨h, K(·,˜y)⟩|=|⟨h, ∂yiK(·, y)−∂yiK(·,˜y)⟩|\n≤ ∥h∥HK∥∂yiK(·, y)−∂yiK(·,˜y)∥HK.\nThis finishes the proof.\nIn the rest of this paper, kernels always have to fulfill Assumptions 1 and 2.\n3 MMD-regularized f-Divergences and Moreau Envelopes\nLet us briefly describe the path of this section. First, we define f-divergences Dfof non-\nnegative measures for entropy functions fwith infinite or finite recession constant. Such\nf-divergences were first introduced by [17, 2], and we refer to [38] for a detailed overview.\nWe prove some of their properties in Subsection 3.1, where allowing a finite recession con-\nstantmakestheproofsmoreexpansive. Then, inSubsection3.2, wedealwiththeassociated\nfunctionals Df,ν:=Df(·|ν)with a fixed target measure ν. If the recession constant is infi-\nnite, then Df,νis only finite for measures that are absolutely continuous with respect to ν.\nThis disadvantage can be circumvented by using the MMD-regularized functional\nDλ\nf,ν(µ):= inf\nσ∈M +(Rd)n\nDf,ν(σ) +1\n2λdK(µ, σ)2\n|{z}\n∥mµ−mσ∥2\nHKo\n, λ > 0. (8)\nNow, our main goal is to show that (8) can be rewritten as the Moreau envelope of some\nGf,ν:HK→(−∞,∞]. Tothisend, weexploittheKME mandintroduce Gf,ν=Df,ν◦m−1\non ran (m)and set Gf,ν=∞otherwise. This function is proper and convex. We prove\nthatGf,νis lower semicontinuous, where we have to face the difficulty that ran (m)̸=HK.\nThen Gf,ν∈Γ0(HK)yields the desired Moreau envelope identification\nDλ\nf,ν(µ) =Gλ\nf,ν(mµ):= min\ng∈HKn\nGf,ν(g) +1\n2λ∥g−mν∥2\nHKo\n.\nwhich allows to exploit Theorem 1 to show various of its properties in Subsection 3.3.\n73.1 f-Divergences\nA function f:R→[0,∞]is called an entropy function , iff∈Γ0(R)with f(t) =∞for\nt <0andf(1) = 0. The corresponding recession constant is given by f′\n∞= lim t→∞f(t)\nt.\nThen, f∗∈Γ0(R)is non-decreasing and int (dom( f∗)) = (−∞, f′\n∞), see, e.g., [37]. Further,\nf∗is continuous on dom( f∗)andf∗(0) = 0, in particular 0∈dom( f∗). By definition of the\nsubdifferentialandsince f(1) = 0, itfollowsthat 0∈∂f(1), andthen 1∈∂f∗(0). Examples\nof entropy functions together with their recession constants and conjugate functions are\ncollected in Table 1 in A.\nLetfbe an entropy function and ν∈ M +(Rd). Recall that every measure µ∈ M +(Rd)\nadmits a Lebesgue decomposition µ=ρν+µs, where ρ∈L1(Rd, ν),ρ≥0andµs⊥ν, i.e.,\nthereexistsaBorelset A ⊆Rdsuchthat ν(Rd\\A) = 0andµs(A) = 0[37, Lemma2.3]. The\nf-divergence Df:M+(Rd)×M +(Rd)→[0,∞]between a measure µ=ρν+µs∈ M +(Rd)\nandν∈ M +(Rd)is defined by\nDf(ρν+µs|ν) =Z\nRdf◦ρdν+f′\n∞µs(Rd) = sup\ng∈Cb(Rd),\nf∗◦g∈Cb(Rd)\u001aZ\nRdgdµ−Z\nRdf∗◦gdν\u001b\n(9)\nwith the usual convention 0·(±∞) = 0, see [37, Eq. (2.35), Thm. 2.7, Rem. 2.8]. The\nfunction Dfis jointly convex and nonnegative, see [37, Cor. 2.9]. Moreover, we will need\nthe following lemma.\nLemma 4. Letf∈Γ0(R)be an entropy function with f′\n∞>0that has its unique minimizer\nat one.\ni) The function Dfis a divergence: for µ, ν∈ M +(Rd), the relation Df(µ, ν) = 0\nimplies that µ=ν.\nii) For all t > τ > 1we have f(t)>f(τ)\nτ−1(t−1)and thus limt→∞f(t) =∞.\nProof. i) Suppose we have ν∈ M +(Rd)andµ=ρν+µs∈ M +(Rd)such that Df(µ|\nν) = 0. Since both summands in the primal definition (9) of Dfare nonnegative,\nthey must be equal to zero. In particular, µs(Rd) = 0and since µs∈ M +(Rd), this\nimplies µs= 0. Hence, µ=ρνand\nDf(µ|ν) =Df(ρν|ν) =Z\nRd(f◦ρ)(x) dν(x) = 0 .\nSince fis nonnegative and ν∈ M +(Rd), we must have f◦ρ= 0ν-a.e. Since fonly\nhas one as its only minimizer and f(1) = 0, this implies ρ= 1ν-a.e., which means\nthatµ=ν.\n8ii) Fix τ >1. For any t > τwe write τasτ= 1−λ+λt, with λ=τ−1\nt−1∈(0,1). By the\nconvexity of fwe have\n0< f(τ)≤(1−λ)f(1) + λf(t) =λf(t) =τ−1\nt−1f(t).\nSince 1is the unique minimizer and τ >1this implies\nlim\nt→∞f(t)≥lim\nt→∞f(τ)\nτ−1(t−1) =∞.\nAssumption 3. From now on we assume that all entropy functions fulfill both assumptions\nin Lemma 4.\nExamples of f-divergences are contained in Table 2 in A. Note that the assumptions of\nLemma 4 are fulfilled for all f-divergences in Table 1 except for the Marton divergence and\nthe trivial zero divergence. However, it is not hard to check that the Marton divergence is\npositive definite on the space of probability measures P(Rd), too. Below is an example of a\nnon-trivial f-divergence that does not have this property.\nExample 5 (Rescaled Marton divergence) .Letf(t) = max(1\n2−x,0)2on[0,∞). Then\nf′\n∞= 0and we have for any absolutely continuous ν∈ P(Rd)that Df(1\n2ν+1\n2δ0|ν) =\nf(1\n2) = 0.\nRecall that M(Rd)is the dual space of C0(Rd). A sequence of measures (µn)n⊂ M (Rd)\nconverges weak* to a measure µ∈ M(Rd)if we have for all g∈ C0(Rd)that⟨g, µn⟩ → ⟨ g, µ⟩\nasn→ ∞. Moreover, if (µn)n⊂ M +(Rd)is bounded, then µ∈ M +(Rd), see [52,\nLemma 4.71, Cor. 4.74].\nThe following lemma also follows from the more general [3, Thm. 2.34], but we prefer\nto give a simpler proof for our setting to make the paper self-contained.\nLemma 6. For any fixed ν∈ M +(Rd), the f-divergence (9)can be rewritten as\nDf(ρν+µs|ν) = sup\ng∈C0(Rd;dom( f∗))\u001aZ\nRdgdµ−Z\nRdf∗◦gdν\u001b\n. (10)\nTherefore, Dfis jointly weak* lower semi-continuous.\nProof.In the proof, we have to be careful concerning the support of ν.\ni) (9) ≥(10): This direction is obvious since g∈ C0(Rd; dom( f∗)),0∈dom( f∗)and the\ncontinuity of f∗on its domain imply g∈ Cb(Rd)andf∗◦g∈ Cb(Rd).\n9ii) (9) ≤(10): Let g∈ Cb(Rd)with f∗◦g∈ Cb(Rd). Using continuous cutoff functions, we\ncan approximate gby a family of functions (gk)k∈N⊂ C0(Rd; dom( f∗))with supg≥\nmaxgk≥infgk≥min(inf g,0), which implies |f∗◦gk| ≤sup|f∗◦g|, for any k∈N,\nandlimk→∞gk(x) =g(x)for all x∈Rd. Further, the continuity of f∗on its domain\nimplies that (f∗◦gk)k∈Nsatisfies limk→∞(f∗◦gk)(x) = (f∗◦g)(x). Now, the claim\nfollows as in the first part using the dominated convergence theorem.\niii) Let (µn)nand(νn)nconvergeweak*to µandν, respectively. Since f∗iscontinuouson\nits domain, where f∗(0) = 0andg∈ C0(Rd; dom( f∗)), it follows that f∗◦g∈ C0(Rd).\nThen, we have for g∈ C0(Rd; dom( f∗))that\nlim\nn→∞{⟨g, µn⟩ − ⟨f∗◦g, νn⟩}=⟨g, µ⟩ − ⟨f∗◦g, ν⟩ (11)\nand by inserting (11) into (10) we get\nDf(µ|ν) = sup\ng∈C0(Rd;dom( f∗))n\nlim\nn→∞⟨g, µn⟩ − ⟨f∗◦g, νn⟩o\n≤lim inf\nn→∞sup\ng∈C0(Rd;dom( f∗))\b\n⟨g, µn⟩ − ⟨f∗◦g, νn⟩\t\n= lim inf\nn→∞Df(µn|νn).\nThus, Dfis jointly weak* lower semi-continuous.\n3.2 Regularized f-Divergences\nToovercomethedrawbackthat Df(µ, ν)requires µtobeabsolutelycontinuouswithrespect\ntoν, we introduce the MMD- regularized f-divergence Dλ\nf:M+(Rd)× M +(Rd)→[0,∞)\nas\nDλ\nf(µ|ν):= inf\nσ∈M +(Rd)n\nDf(σ|ν) +1\n2λdK(µ, σ)2o\n, λ > 0. (12)\nFor fixed ν∈ M +(Rd), we investigate the functional Df,ν:=Df(· |ν):M+(Rd)→[0,∞].\nSimilarly, we consider its regularized version Dλ\nf,ν:M(Rd)→[0,∞)that was already\nannounced in (8). Note that Dλ\nf,νis well-defined also for nonpositive measures. Further, it\nis no longer required that µis absolutely continuous with respect to νto keep the function\nvalue Dλ\nf,ν(µ)finite.\nNow, our aim is to reformulate (8) as the Moreau envelope of a certain function on HK.\nUsing the KME in (5), we see that\nDf,ν(µ) =Gf,ν(mµ), (13)\nwhere Gf,ν:HK→[0,∞]is given by\nGf,ν(h):=\u001aDf,ν(µ),if∃µ∈ M +(Rd)s.t.h=mµ,\n∞,else.(14)\n10Since m−1is linear and Dfis jointly convex, the concatenation Gf,νis convex. Further,\nGf,ν(mν) = 0, so that the function is also proper.\nWe now prove that even though ran(m)is not closed in HK, the function Gf,νis lower\nsemicontinuous. Hence, it is covered by the theory for Moreau envelopes on Γ0(HK).\nLemma 7. Iff′\n∞>0andfhas its unique minimizer at t= 1, then Gf,ν:HK→[0,∞]is\nlower semicontinuous.\nProof.Fixh∈ H Kand let (hn)n⊂ H Kwith hn→h. We need to show that Gf,ν(h)≤\nlim inf n→∞Gf,ν(hn). Iflim inf n→∞Gf,ν(hn) = +∞,wearedone. For lim inf n→∞Gf,ν(hn)<\n+∞, we pass to a subsequence which realizes the limes inferior. We choose this subsequence\nsuch that Gf,ν(hn)<∞for all n∈N. Then, there exist µn∈ M +(Rd)with m(µn) =hn.\nIn principle, two cases can occur.\nCase 1: The sequence (∥µn∥TV)ndiverges to ∞.\nSince Df,0=f′\n∞· ∥ · ∥ TV, this is impossible for ν= 0. Ifν∈ M +(Rd)\\ {0}, then Jensen’s\ninequality implies\nGf,ν(hn) =Df,ν(µn) =Z\nRdf◦ρndν+f′\n∞µs\nn(Rd)\n≥ ∥ν∥TVf\u0012Z\nRdρn\n∥ν∥TVdν\u0013\n+f′\n∞µs\nn(Rd)\n=∥ν∥TVf\u00121\n∥ν∥TV\u0010\nµn(Rd)−µs\nn(Rd)\u0011\u0013\n+f′\n∞µs\nn(Rd). (15)\nSince limn→∞Gf,ν(hn)<∞andf′\n∞>0, (15) implies that the sequence (µs\nn(Rd))nmust\nbe bounded. By Lemma 4 the same holds for the sequence (µn(Rd)−µs\nn(Rd))n. Hence,\nalso(µn(Rd))n= (∥µn∥TV)nis bounded, which contradicts our initial assumption and thus\nthis case cannot occur.\nCase 2: The sequence (µn)nsatisfies lim inf n→∞∥µn∥TV<∞.\nSinceC0(Rd)isseparableand C0(Rd)∗∼=M(Rd),theBanach-Alaoglutheorem[33,Cor.5.4.2]\nimplies that there exists a subsequence (µnk)kwhich converges weak* to some µ∈ M(Rd).\nSince K(x,·)∈ C0(Rd)for any x∈Rd, we thus have\nlim\nk→∞mµnk(x) = lim\nk→∞Z\nRdK(x, y) dµnk(y) =Z\nRdK(x, y)dµ(y) =mµ(x).(16)\nSince (mµnk)kconverges to hinHK, (16) entails\nh(x) = lim\nk→∞mµnk(x) =mµ(x)∀x∈Rd.\nThus, his represented by the measure µ. For any nonnegative test function φ∈ Cc(Rd),\nthe weak* convergence of (µnk)ktoµyieldsR\nRdφdµ = lim k→∞R\nφdµ nk≥0. By [52,\n11Lemma 4.71] we have µ∈ M +(Rd). The weak* lower semicontinuity of Df,νfrom Lemma\n6 yields\nGf,ν(h) =Df,ν(µ)≤lim inf\nk→∞Df,ν(µnk) = lim inf\nk→∞Gf,ν(hnk) = lim\nn→∞Gf,ν(hn).\nThe following lemma and its proof build upon the theory of convex integral functionals\ninitiated by [56, 57] and developed in, e.g., [13].\nLemma 8. The conjugate function of Gf,νin(14)is given by\nG∗\nf,ν(h) =Eν[f∗◦h] +ιC0(Rd,dom( f∗))(h) (17)\nProof.Using (4) and (13), we obtain for h∈ H Kthat\nG∗\nf,ν(h) = sup\ng∈HK\b\n⟨g, h⟩HK−Gf,ν(g)\t\n= sup\nµ∈M +(Rd)\b\n⟨mµ, h⟩HK−Df,ν(µ)\t\n= sup\nµ∈M +(Rd)\b\n⟨h, µ⟩C0×M−Df,ν(µ)\t\n.\nApplying [1, Prop. 4.2.6] (a similar argument can be found in the earlier paper [51]) with (in\ntheir notation) (Ω,F)beingRdequipped with itsBorel σ-algebra, X=M(Rd)andYequal\nto the space of bounded measurable functions on Rd, we get that (X, Y)isν-decomposable\nwith Ξ ={∅}, so that ess im Ξ= ran, and thus\nsup\nµ∈M +(Rd)\b\n⟨h, µ⟩C0×M−Df,ν(µ)\t\n=(\nEν[f∗◦h],ifran(h)⊂dom( f∗),\n∞, else.\nfor any h∈Y, so in particular for any h∈ H K.\nNext, we establish the link between Dλ\nf,νand the Moreau envelope of Gf,ν.\nCorollary 9. For any fixed ν∈ M +(Rd)letGf,νbe defined by (14). Then, it holds for\nµ∈ M(Rd)that\nDλ\nf,ν(µ) =Gλ\nf,ν(mµ). (18)\nProof.Since Gf,ν∈Γ0(Rd), we have that\nGλ\nf,ν(mµ) = min\ng∈HKn\nGf,ν(g) +1\n2λ∥g−mν∥2\nHKo\nis well-defined andclearly the unique minimizer fulfills g∈ran(m). Hence we can substitute\ng=mµforµ∈ M +(Rd)to obtain\nGλ\nf,ν(mµ) = min\nµ∈M +(Rd)\b\nDf,ν(µ) +1\n2λ∥mµ−mν∥2\nHK\t\n,\nwhich yields the assertion.\n123.3 Properties of MMD-regularized f-Divergences\nNow, wecombineTheorem9withthepropertiesofMoreauenvelopesinTheorem1toprove\nvarious properties of the MMD-regularized functional Dλ\nf,νin a sequence of corollaries. For\nthe KL divergence, these properties have been shown differently in [21] without using the\nMoreau envelope properties.\nCorollary 10 (Dual formulation) .Forν∈ M +(Rd)andµ∈ M(Rd), we have that\nDλ\nf,ν(µ) = max\np∈HK\np(Rd)⊆dom( f∗)n\nEµ[p]−Eν[f∗◦p]−λ\n2∥p∥2\nHKo\n. (19)\nIfˆp∈ H Kmaximizes (19), then ˆg=mµ−λˆpminimizes (18)and vice versa. Further, it\nholds\nλ\n2∥ˆp∥2\nHK≤Dλ\nf,ν(µ)≤ ∥ˆp∥HK(∥mµ∥HK+∥mν∥HK)and∥ˆp∥HK≤2\nλdK(µ, ν).(20)\nProof. i) From Theorem 9 and Theorem 1(i)), we obtain\nDλ\nf,ν(µ) =Gλ\nf,ν(mµ) = max\np∈HKn\n⟨p, m µ⟩HK−G∗\nf,ν(p)−λ\n2∥p∥2\nHKo\n.\nBy (4), we have ⟨p, m µ⟩HK=Eµ[p]and plugging this into (17) yields the first asser-\ntion.\nii) Using (18), we get\nDλ\nf,ν(µ) =Gf,ν(ˆg) +1\n2λ∥ˆg−mµ∥2\nHK≥1\n2λ∥ˆg−mµ∥2\nHK=λ\n2∥ˆp∥2\nHK,(21)\nwhich is the first lower estimate. For the upper one, we use that f(1) = 0, so that\nf∗(p)≥pfor all p∈R. Then, together with (4), the upper estimate follows by\nDλ\nf,ν(µ) =Eµ[ˆp]−Eν[f∗◦ˆp]−λ\n2∥ˆp∥2\nHK≤Eµ−ν[ˆp]≤ ∥ˆp∥HK(∥mµ∥HK+∥mν∥HK).\nConcerning the second statement in (20), we conclude by (21) and the above estimate\nthatλ\n2∥ˆp∥2\nHK≤Eµ[ˆp]−Eν[ˆp]≤ ∥ˆp∥HKdK(µ, ν).\nRemark 11. In [21, Eq. (2)], Glaser et al. introduced a so-called KALE functional. This is\nexactly the dual functional (19)multiplied by 1+λfor the Kullback-Leibler entropy function\nfKLin Table 1. As expected, the dual function of the KALE functional [21, Eqs. (6)]\n13coincides with our primal formulation (12). Indeed, we have Df(σ|ν)<∞if and only if\nthere exists a density ρ∈L1(Rd, ν;R≥0)such that σ=ρν. Thus,\nmin\nσ∈M +(Rd)Df(σ|ν) +1\n2λdK(µ, σ)2= min\nρ∈L1(Rd)\nρ≥0Z\nRdfKL◦ρdν+1\n2λ∥mρν−mµ∥2\nHK.\nCorollary 12 (Topological properties) .\ni) For every ν∈ M +(Rd), the function Dλ\nf,ν:M(Rd)→Ris weakly continuous.\nii) If Dfis a divergence, then Dλ\nfin(12)is a divergence as well.\niii) If Dfis a divergence and f∗is differentiable in 0, then Dλ\nfmetrizes the topology on\nthe balls Br(µ0) ={µ∈ M +(Rd) :dK(µ, µ0)≤r} ⊂(M+(Rd), dK)for any r >0\nand any µ0∈ M +(Rd).\nProof. i) Letthesequenceofmeasures (µn)n∈Nconvergeweaklyto µ,i.e., limn→∞⟨f, µn⟩=\n⟨f, µ⟩for all f∈ Cb(Rd). Then, we have by [61, Lemma 10] that mµn→mµinHK.\nSince Gλ\nf,νis continuous by Theorem 1(iii)), this implies together with Theorem 9\nthat\nDλ\nf,ν(µ) =Gλ\nf,ν(mµ) = lim\nn→∞Gλ\nf,ν(mµn) = lim\nn→∞Dλ\nf,ν(µn).\nii) The definiteness follows directly from definition (12) since both summands are non-\nnegative. We refer to [9, Thm. 75.4] for a more detailed proof in a slightly different\nsetting.\niii) Let µn, µ∈Br(µ0)for all n∈N. As Gλ\nf,νis continuous, the relation dK(µn, µ) =\n∥mµn−mµ∥HK→0implies Dλ\nf(µn|µ) =Gλ\nf,µ(mµn)→Dλ\nf(µ|µ) = 0.\nFor the reverse direction, assume that Dλ\nf(µn|µ)��0. For any n∈N, we define\ngn:=mµn−µ=mµn−mµ, for which it holds that\n∥gn∥C0≤C∥gn∥HK=CdK(µn, µ)≤C\u0000\ndK(µn, µ0) +dK(µ0, µ)\u0001\n≤2Cr,(22)\nwhere C >0is the embedding constant from HK,→ C 0(Rd). Hence, it holds for any\nf′\n∞\n2Cr> ϵ > 0thatϵgn(Rd)⊂dom( f∗)since ϵ|gn(x)| 0\nindependent of nsuch that Dλ\nf(µn|µ)≥ϵ\n2∥gn∥2\nHK=ϵ\n2dK(µn, µ)2. From this, we\ninfer dK(µn, µ)→0.\nNow, we investigate the two asymptotic regimes of Dλ\nf.\nCorollary 13 (Limits for λ→0andλ→ ∞).\ni) If 0∈int(dom( f∗)), then it holds limλ→0Dλ\nf(µ|ν) =Df(µ|ν)forµ, ν∈ M +(Rd).\nii) We have that Dλ\nf,νconverges to Df,νin the sense of Mosco: It holds for every µ∈\nM+(Rd), every monotonically decreasing sequence (λn)n∈N⊂(0,∞)with λn→0,\nand every sequence (µn)n∈N⊂ M +(Rd)withµn⇀ µthat\nDf,ν(µ)≤lim inf\nn→∞Dλn\nf,ν(µn).\nFurther, there exists a sequence (˜µn)n∈N⊂ M +(Rd)withµn→µsuch that\nDf,ν(µ) = lim\nn→∞Dλn\nf,ν(˜µn).\niii) If f∗is differentiable in 0, then it holds for any r >0and any µ0∈ M +(Rd)that\nlim\nλ→∞sup\nµ∈Br(µ0)\f\f\f(1 +λ)Dλ\nf(µ|ν)−1\n2dK(µ, ν)2\f\f\f= 0.\nProof.\ni) ByTheorem1(iii)), wegetpointwiseconvergenceto Gν,f. Then, thestatementfollows\nby the final part of Lemma 8 and Theorem 9.\n15ii) By Theorem 1(iii)), the sequences (Gλn\nf,ν(h))n∈Nare monotonically increasing with\nsupn∈NGλn\nf,ν(h) =Gf,ν(h)for any h∈ H K. As Gf,νis lower semicontinuous, [14,\nRem. 2.12] implies that (Gλn\nf,ν)n∈NΓ-converges to Gν,f. More precisely, it holds that\nGf,ν(h)≤lim inf n→∞Gλn\nf,ν(hn)for every h∈ H Kand any sequence (hn)n∈N⊂ H K\nwith hk→h. Further, for every h∈ H Kit holds that Gf,ν(h) = lim n→∞Gλn\nf,ν(h).\nThe statement now follows from the fact that Dλ\nf,ν=Gλ\nν,f◦mby Theorem 9 and\nsince µn⇀ µinM+(Rd)implies mµn→mµby [61, Lemma 10].\niii) From (12), we infer that (1 +λ)Dλ\nf(µ|ν)≤1+λ\n2λdK(µ, ν)2. To also get a lower bound,\nwe proceed as for Corollary 12(iii)). For gµ,λ:=1\nλmµ−νwith λ >C\nf′∞|µ−ν|(Rd)(note\nthat f′\n∞>0since f∗is differentiable at 0), we have that gµ,λ(Rd)⊂dom( f∗).\nAnalogously to (23) and (25) (using the same h), we get the lower bound\n(1 +λ)Dλ\nf(µ|ν)≥(1 +λ)\nλdK(µ, ν)\u00121\n2dK(µ, ν)−Cν(Rd)\r\r\rh◦gµ,λ\ngµ,λ\r\r\r\n∞\u0013\n≥1\n2dK(µ, ν)2−Cν(Rd)dK(µ, ν)1 +λ\nλ\r\r\rh◦gµ,λ\ngµ,λ\r\r\r\n∞.(26)\nCombining (26) with the above upper estimate, we get for any µ∈Br(µ0)that\n\f\f\f(1 +λ)Dλ\nf,ν(µ)−1\n2dK(µ, ν)2\f\f\f\n≤dK(µ, ν) max\u0012dK(µ, ν)\n2λ, Cν(Rd)1 +λ\nλ\r\r\rh◦gµ,λ\ngµ,λ\r\r\r\n∞\u0013\n≤\u0000\ndK(µ0, ν) +r\u0001\nmax\u0012dK(µ0, ν) +r\n2λ, Cν(Rd)1 +λ\nλ\r\r\rh◦gµ,λ\ngµ,λ\r\r\r\n∞\u0013\n.\nHere, the first term in the maximum converges to zero as λ→ ∞. As for Corol-\nlary 12(iii)), ∥gµ,λ∥∞≤C\nλ(dK(µ0, ν) +r)together with limt→01\nth(t) = 0yields that\nalso the second term in the maximum converges to zero. Thus, the claim follows.\nTheMoreauenvelopeinterpretationof Dλ\nf,νallowsthecalculationofitsgradientwithout\nthe implicit function theorem, which is used to justify the calculations for the particular\ncase of the KALE function in [21, Lem. 2].\nCorollary 14 (Gradient) .The function Dλ\nf,ν:M(Rd)→[0,∞)is Fréchet differentiable\nand∇Dλ\nf,ν(µ) = ˆ p, where ˆp∈ H Kis the maximizer in (19). Further, the mapping\n∇Dλ\nf,ν:M(Rd)→ C 0(Rd)is1\nλ-Lipschitz with respect to dK.\nProof.By Theorem 1(ii)) and Corollary 10, we obtain\n∇Gλ\nf,ν(mµ) =λ−1\u0000\nmµ−proxλGf,ν(mµ)\u0001\n= ˆp.\n16As the concatenation of a Fréchet differentiable and a continuous linear mapping also\nDλ\nf,ν=Gλ\nf,ν◦mis Fréchet differentiable. The Fréchet derivative of the KME m:M(Rd)→\nHKatµ∈ M(Rd)isdmµ=m∈L(M(Rd);HK). Using these computations together with\nthe chain rule, we get for any σ∈ M(Rd)that\ndDλ\nf,ν(µ)[σ] = d( Gλ\nf,ν◦m)(µ)[σ] = dGλ\nf,ν(mµ)[mσ] =⟨ˆp, σ⟩C0×M.\nHence, we can identify ∇Dλ\nf,ν(µ) = ˆp∈ C0(Rd). Finally, we have by Theorem 1(ii)) that\n∥∇Gλ\nf,ν(mµ)− ∇Gλ\nf,ν(mσ)∥∞≤λ−1∥mµ−mσ∥HK=λ−1dK(µ, σ),\nwhich completes the proof.\n4 Wasserstein Gradient Flows of Regularized f-Divergences\nNow, we are interested in gradient flows of Dλ\nf,νin the Wasserstein space. This requires\nsome preliminaries from [4, Secs. 8.3, 9.2, 11.2], which are adapted to our setting in the\nfollowing subsection.\n4.1 Wasserstein Gradient Flows\nWe consider the Wasserstein space P2(Rd)of Borel probability measures with finite second\nmoments, equipped with the Wasserstein distance\nW2(µ, ν)2:= min\nπ∈Γ(µ,ν)Z\nRd×Rd∥x−y∥2\n2dπ(x, y), (27)\nwhere Γ(µ, ν) ={π∈ P 2(Rd×Rd) : (P1)#π=µ,(P2)#π=ν}. Here, T#µ:=µ◦T−1\ndenotes the push-forward ofµvia the measurable map T, and Pi(x):=xi,i= 1,2, for\nx= (x1, x2)∈Rd×Rd.\nA curve γ: [0,1]→ P 2(Rd),t7→γtis ageodesic ifW2(γt1, γt2) =W2(γ0, γ1)|t2−t1|for\nallt1, t2∈[0,1]. The Wasserstein space is geodesic, i.e., any two measures µ0, µ1∈ P2(Rd)\ncan be connected by a geodesic. These are all of the form\nγt=\u0000\n(1−t)P1+tP2\u0001\n#ˆπ, t ∈[0,1],\nwhere ˆπ∈Γ(µ0, µ1)realizes W2(µ0, µ1)in (27).\nFor a function F:P2(Rd)→(−∞,∞], we set dom(F):={µ∈ P 2(Rd) :F(µ)<∞}.\nThe function Fis called M-convex along geodesics with M∈Rif, for every µ0, µ1∈\ndom(F), there exists at least one geodesic γ: [0,1]→ P 2(Rd)between µ0andµ1such that\nF(γt)≤(1−t)F(µ0) +tF(µ1)−M\n2t(1−t)W2(µ0, µ1)2, t ∈[0,1].\n17Frequently, we also need a more general notion of convexity. Based on the set of three-plans\nwith base σ∈ P2(Rd)given by\nΓσ(µ, ν):=\b\nα∈ P2(Rd×Rd×Rd) : (P1)#α=σ,(P2)#α=µ,(P3)#α=ν\t\n,\nageneralized geodesic γα: [0,1]→ P 2(Rd)joining µandνwith base σis defined as\nγα,t:=\u0000\n(1−t)P2+tP3\u0001\n#α, t ∈[0,1],\nwhere α∈Γσ(µ, ν)with (P1,2)#α∈Γopt(σ, µ)and(P1,3)#α∈Γopt(σ, ν). Here, Γopt(µ, ν)\ndenotes the set of optimal transport plans that minimize (27). The plan αis interpretable\nas transport from µtoνviaσ. A function F:P2(Rd)→(−∞,∞]isM-convex along\ngeneralized geodesics if, for every σ, µ, ν ∈dom(F), there exists at least one generalized\ngeodesic γα: [0,1]→ P 2(Rd)such that\nF(γα,t)≤(1−t)F(µ) +tF(ν)−M\n2t(1−t)W2\nα(µ, ν), t ∈[0,1],\nwhere\nW2\nα(µ, ν):=Z\nRd×Rd×Rd∥y−z∥2\n2dα(x, y, z ).\nEachfunctionthatis M-convexalonggeneralizedgeodesicsisalso M-convexalonggeodesics\nsince generalized geodesics with base σ=µare actual geodesics.\nThestrong Fréchet subdifferential ∂F(µ)of a proper, lower semi-continuous function\nF:P2(Rd)→(−∞,∞]atµconsists of all v∈L2(Rd, µ)such that for every η∈ P 2(Rd)\nand every π∈Γ(µ, η), it holds\nF(η)− F(µ)≥Z\nRd×Rd⟨v(x1), x2−x1⟩dπ(x1, x2) +o(C2(π)), (28)\nwhere C2(π):=R\nRd×Rd∥x1−x2∥2\n2dπ(x1, x2)and the asymptotic o(·)has to be understood\nwith respect to the W2metric.\nA curve γ: (0,∞)→ P 2(Rd)is called absolutely continuous if there exists a Borel\nvelocity field v:Rd×(0,∞)→Rd,(x, t)7→vt(x)withR∞\n0∥vt∥L2(dγt)dt <∞such that the\ncontinuity equation\n∂tγt+∇ ·(vtγt) = 0\nis fulfilled on (0,∞)×Rdin a weak sense, i.e.,\nZ∞\n0Z\nRd∂tφ(t, x) +⟨∇xφ(t, x), vt(x)⟩dγt(x) dt= 0for all φ∈ C∞\nc\u0000\n(0,∞)×Rd\u0001\n.\nAn absolutely continuous curve γ: (0,∞)→ P 2(Rd)with velocity field vtin the regular\ntangent space of P2(Rd)is called a Wasserstein gradient flow of F:P2(Rd)→(−∞,∞]if\nvt∈ −∂F(γt),for a.e. t >0. (29)\n18In principle, (29) involves the so-called reduced Fréchet subdifferential ∂F. We will show\nthat our functionals of interest Dλ\nf,νare Fréchet differentiable such that we can use the\nstrong Fréchet subdifferential from (28) instead. For this setting, we have the following\ntheorem from [4, Thm. 11.2.1], see also [26, Thm. 3].\nTheorem 15. Assume that F:P2(Rd)→(−∞,∞]is proper, lower semi-continuous, coer-\ncive and M-convex along generalized geodesics. Given µ0∈dom(F), there exists a unique\nWasserstein gradient flow of Fwithγ(0+) = µ0.\nRemark 16. By [4, Eq. (11.2.1b)] any proper M-convex functional that is bounded from\nbelow by some constant is coercive in the sense of [4, Eq. (2.1.2b)].\n4.2 Wasserstein Gradient Flow of Dλ\nf,ν\nNow, we show that Dλ\nf,νis locally Lipschitz, M-convex along generalized geodesics, and\nthat ∂Dλ\nf,ν(µ)is a singleton for every µ∈ P 2(Rd). To this end, we rely on [70, Prop. 2,\nCor. 3], which we adapt to our setting in the following lemma.\nLemma 17. Let the kernel Kfulfill K(x, x) +K(y, y)−2K(x, y)≤C2\nemb∥x−y∥2\n2with\nsome constant Cemb>0. Then, it holds\ndK(µ, ν)≤CembW2(µ, ν). (30)\nIfK(x, y) = Φ( x−y)is translation invariant, then we get Cemb=p\nλmax(−∇2Φ(0)). For\nradial kernels K(x, y) =ϕ(∥x−y∥2\n2), we have\n∇2Φ(x) = 4 ϕ′′(∥x∥2\n2)xxT+ 2ϕ′(∥x∥2\n2) id,\nso that Cemb=p\n−2ϕ′(0).\nNote that the authors in [70] found Cemb=p\nλmax(−∇2Φ(0))Φ(0) instead, which we\ncould not verify. Now, we prove the local Lipschitz continuity of Dλ\nf,νwith Theorem 1(ii))\nand Lemma 17.\nLemma 18. The function Dλ\nf,ν: (P2(Rd), W2)→[0,∞)is locally Lipschitz continuous.\nProof.By Theorem 1(ii)), we know that Gλ\nf,ν:HK→[0,∞)is continuously Fréchet dif-\nferentiable. Hence, it is locally Lipschitz continuous. Since m: (P2(Rd), dK)→ H Kis an\nisometry and Gλ\nf,ν◦m, the claim follows using (30).\nNext, we show the M-convexity of Dλ\nf,νalong generalized geodesics, where the Moreau\nenvelope interpretation allows a simpler proof than the one given in [6, Lem. 4].\nTheorem 19. LetK(x, y) =ϕ(∥x−y∥2\n2)withϕ∈ C2(Rd). Then, Dλ\nf,ν:P2(Rd)→[0,∞)\nis(−M)-convex along generalized geodesics with M:=8\nλp\n(d+ 2)ϕ′′(0)ϕ(0).\n19Proof.Letµ1, µ2, µ3∈ P 2(Rd)andγ: [0,1]→ P 2(Rd),t7→((1−t)P2+tP3)#αbe a\ngeneralized geodesic associated to a three-plan α∈Γµ1(µ2, µ3). Furthermore, ˜γ: [0,1]→\nP2(Rd),t7→(1−t)µ2+tµ3denotes the linear interpolation between µ2andµ3. Since Gλ\nf,ν\nandDλ\nf,νare linearly convex, it holds for t∈[0,1]that\nDλ\nf,ν(γt)≤(1−t)Dλ\nf,ν(µ2) +tDλ\nf,ν(µ3) +Dλ\nf,ν(γt)−Dλ\nf,ν(˜γt)\n≤(1−t)Dλ\nf,ν(µ2) +tDλ\nf,ν(µ3) +\n∇Gλ\nf,ν(mγt), mγt−m˜γt)\u000b\nHK.\nWe consider the third summand. Let ˆptmaximize the dual formulation (2) of Gλ\nf,ν(mγt).\nThen, we know by Theorem 1(ii)) that ∇Gλ\nf,ν(mγt) = ˆpt, so that\n\n∇Gλ\nf,ν(mγt), mγt−m˜γt\u000b\nHK\n=Z\nRd×Rd×Rdˆpt\u0000\n(1−t)y2+ty3)\u0001\n−\u0000\n(1−t)ˆpt(y2) +tˆpt(y3)\u0001\ndα(y1, y2, y3).\nDue to (6), ∇ˆptis Lipschitz continuous with Lip(∇ˆpt)≤2∥ˆpt∥HKp\nϕ′′(0)(d+ 2). Hence,\nthe descent lemma [42, Lemma 1.2.3, Eq. (1.2.12)] implies that ˆptis(−Lip(∇ˆpt))-convex\nand\n\n∇Gλ\nf,ν(mγt), mγt−m˜γt\u000b\nHK≤1\n2Lip(∇ˆpt)t(1−t)Z\nRd×Rd×Rd∥y2−y3∥2\n2dα(y1, y2, y3)\n=1\n2Lip(∇ˆpt)t(1−t)W2\nα(µ2, µ3).\nBy (20), we have ∥ˆpt∥HK≤2\nλ(∥mγt∥HK+∥mν∥HK). For any µ∈ P2(Rd), it holds that\n∥mµ∥2\nHK=Z\nRd×RdK(x, y) dµ(y) dµ(x) =Z\nRd×Rdϕ(∥x−y∥2\n2) dµ(y) dµ(x)≤ϕ(0),\nwhich implies\n∥ˆpt∥HK≤4\nλp\nϕ(0). (31)\nThus, for all t∈[0,1], we have Lip(∇ˆpt)≤M:=8\nλp\nϕ(0)ϕ′′(0)(d+ 2), and Dλ\nf,νis−M-\nconvex along generalized geodesics.\nThe following proposition determines the strong subdifferential of Dλ\nf,ν.\nLemma 20. LetK(x, y) =ϕ(∥x−y∥2\n2)be a radial kernel and ϕ∈ C2(Rd). Then, it holds\nfor any µ∈ P2(Rd)that∂Dλ\nf,ν(µ) ={∇ˆp}, where ˆp∈ H Kmaximizes (19).\n20Proof.First, we show that ∇ˆp∈∂Dλ\nf,ν(µ). By convexity of Gλ\nf,νand Lemma 14 , we obtain\nfor any η∈ P2(Rd)and any π∈Γ(µ, η)that\nDλ\nf,ν(η)−Dλ\nf,ν(µ) =Gλ\nf,ν(mη)−Gλ\nf,ν(mµ)≥ ⟨∇ Gλ\nf,ν(mµ), mη−mµ⟩HK\n=⟨ˆp, m η−mµ⟩HK=Z\nRdˆp(x2) dη(x2)−Z\nRdˆp(x1) dµ(x1)\n=Z\nRd×Rdˆp(x2)−ˆp(x1) dπ(x1, x2). (32)\nCombining (6) and (31), we get that ˆp∈ H Khas a Lipschitz continuous gradient with\nLipschitz constant L:=8\nλp\nϕ(0)ϕ′′(0)(d+ 2). Hence, we obtain by the descent lemma that\nDλ\nf,ν(η)−Dλ\nf,ν(µ)≥Z\nRd×Rd⟨∇ˆp(x1), x2−x1⟩ −L\n2∥x2−x1∥2dπ(x1, x2)\n=Z\nRd×Rd⟨∇ˆp(x1), x2−x1⟩dπ(x1, x2)−L\n2C2\n2(π).\nNext, we show that ∇ˆpis the only subdifferential. For some fixed v∈L2(Rd, µ), we define\nthe perturbation map At(x):=x+t(∇ˆp(x)−v(x)),t >0and the perturbed measures\nµt:= (At)#µwith an induced plan πt= (id , At)#µ∈Γ(µ, µt). For these choices, it holds\nby (32) that\nDλ\nf,ν(µt)−Dλ\nf,ν(µ)≥Z\nRd×Rd⟨∇ˆp(x1), x2−x1⟩dπt(x1, x2)−L\n2C2\n2(πt)\n=Z\nRd×Rd⟨v(x1), x2−x1⟩+⟨∇ˆp(x1)−v(x1), x2−x1⟩dπt(x1, x2)−L\n2C2\n2(πt)\n=Z\nRd×Rd⟨v(x1), x2−x1⟩dπt(x1, x2) +tZ\nRd∥v(x)− ∇ˆp(x)∥2dµ(x)−L\n2C2\n2(πt)\n=Z\nRd×Rd⟨v(x1), x2−x1⟩dπt(x1, x2) +tC2\n2(π1)−L\n2C2\n2(πt).\nSince tC2(π1) =C2(πt), we further have\nDλ\nf,ν(µt)−Dλ\nf,ν(µ)≥Z\nRd×Rd⟨v(x1), x2−x1⟩dπt(x1, x2) +C2(πt)C2(π1)\u0010\n1−L\n2t\u0011\n.\nUnless C2(π1) = 0, which is equivalent to ∇ˆp=v µ-a.e., this contradicts (28), which\nconcludes the proof.\nBased on Theorem 15 and Lemma 20, we have the following result.\nCorollary 21. LetK(x, y) =ϕ(∥x−y∥2\n2)be a radial kernel and ϕ∈ C2(Rd). Let ˆpγtbe\nthe maximizer in the dual formulation of Dλ\nf,ν. Then, for any µ0∈ P2(Rd)the equation\n∂tγt−div(γt∇ˆpγt) = 0 . (33)\nhas a unique weak solution γtfulfilling γ(0+) = µ0, where γ(0+) := lim t↘0γt.\n21Wasserstein Gradient Flows for Empirical Measures. Finally, we investigate the\nWasserstein gradient flow (33) starting in an empirical measure\nµ0:=1\nNNX\ni=1δx(0)\ni. (34)\nTo solve (33) numerically, we consider a particle functional DN:RdN→[0,∞)ofDλ\nf,ν\ndefined for x:= (x1, . . . , x N)as\nDN(x):=Dλ\nν,f\u00121\nNNX\nk=1δxk\u0013\n,\nand consider the particle flow x: [0,∞)→RdNwith\n˙x=−N∇DN(x), x(0):=\u0000\nx(0)\n1, . . . , x(0)\nN\u0001\n. (35)\nIn general, solutions of (35) differ from those of (33). However, for our setting, we can show\nthat the flow (35) induces a Wasserstein gradient flow.\nProposition 22. Assume that K(x, y) =ϕ(∥x−y∥2\n2)is a radial kernel, where ϕ∈ C2(Rd).\nLetx(t) = ( xi(t))N\ni=1⊂RdN,t∈[0,∞), be a solution of (35). Then, the corresponding\ncurve of empirical measures γN: [0,∞)→ P 2(Rd)given by\nγN(t) =1\nNNX\ni=1δxi(t)\nis a Wasserstein gradient flow of Dλ\nν,fstarting in µ0.\nProof.ForMN(t):=1\nNPN\ni=1˙xi(t)δxi(t)=−PN\ni=1∇xiDN(x)δxi(t)andφ∈C∞\nc((0,∞)×\nRd)it holds that\nZ∞\n0\u0012Z\nRd∂tφ(t, x) dγN(t) +Z\nRd∇xφ(t, x) dMN(t)\u0013\ndt\n=1\nNNX\ni=1Z∞\n0\u0000\n∂tφ(t, xi(t)) +∇xφ(t, xi(t))·˙xi(t)\u0001\ndt\n=1\nNNX\ni=1Z∞\n0d\ndtφ(t, xi(t)) dt= 0.\nHence, ∂tγN+ div( MN) = 0holds in weak sense, and it is left to show that MN(t) =\n−∇ˆpγN(t)γN(t). First, note that DN(x) =Gf,νλ(mγN)andmγN=1\nNPN\ni=1K(·, xi). For\n22the second term, we obtain by Lemma 3 that ∇ximγN=1\nN∇xiK(·, xi). Thus, we can apply\nthe chain rule, Corollary 14 and the derivative reproducing property of ∂jK(·, xi)to get\nN∇xiDN(x) =\u0010\nˆpγN, ∂jK(·, xi)\u000b\nHK\u0011d\nj=1=∇ˆpγN(xi).\nConsequently, we obtain ∂tγN−div(γN∇ˆpγN) = 0as required.\nRemark 23 (Consistentdiscretization) .An advantage of the regularized f-divergences Dλ\nν,f,\nν∈ P 2(Rd), is that Dλ\nν,f(µ)<∞for any µ∈ P 2(Rd)(even if Dν,f(µ) =∞). This is\nimportant when approximating the Wasserstein gradient flow of the original functional Dν,f\nstarting in µ0∈dom( Dν,f)numerically with gradient flows starting in empirical measures\nµ0,N=1\nNPN\ni=1δxi(0), which might not be in dom( Dν,f). To deal with this issue, we can\nchoose (λN)N∈Nwith limN→∞λN= 0such that supN∈NDλN\nν,f(µ0,N)<∞. Then, as shown\nin Corollary 13(i)), the functionals DλN\nν,fMosco converge to Dν,f. If we additionally have\na uniform lower bound on their convexity-modulus along generalized geodesics, then [4,\nThm. 11.2.1] implies that the Wasserstein gradient flows of DλN\nν,fstarting in µ0,Nconverge\nlocally uniformly in [0,∞)to the flow of Dν,fstarting in µ0. Whether such a lower bound\nexists is so far an open question. In Theorem 19, we only established a lower bound on the\nweak convexity modulus of DλN\nν,fwhich scales as 1/λN. A similar convergence result was\nrecently established in [36] for regularization with the Wasserstein distance W2instead of\nthe MMD dK. However, their proof cannot be directly extended to our setting.\n5 Computation of Flows for Empirical Measures\nIn this section, we are interested in the Wasserstein gradient flows γstarting in an empirical\nmeasure (34), where Dλ\nf,νhas an empirical target measure ν=1\nMPM\nj=1δyj. For the KL\ndivergence, such flows were considered in [21] under the name KALE flows. The Euler\nforward discretization of the Wasserstein gradient flow (35) with step size τ >0is given by\nthe sequence (γn)n∈N⊂ P 2(Rd)defined by\nγn+1:= (id−τ∇ˆpn)#γn,\nwhere ˆpnmaximizes the dual formulation (19) of Dλ\nν,f(γn). Since the push-forward of\nan empirical measure by a measurable map is again an empirical measure with the same\nnumber of particles, we have that\nγn=1\nNNX\ni=1δx(n)\ni,\nwhere\nx(n+1)\ni =x(n)\ni−τ∇ˆpn(x(n)\ni), i = 1, . . . , N. (36)\n23Since both γnandνare empirical measures, the dual problem (19) for ˆpnbecomes\nˆpn= arg max\np∈HK\np(Rd)⊆dom( f∗)\u001a1\nNNX\ni=1p(x(n)\ni)−1\nMMX\nj=1f∗(p(yj))−λ\n2∥p∥2\nHK\u001b\n. (37)\n5.1 Discretization Based on Representer Theorem\nIff′\n∞=∞or supp (ν) =Rd, then the constraint p(Rd)⊂dom( f∗)in (37) becomes\nsuperfluous. By the Representer Theorem [59], the solution of (37) is of the form\nˆpn=M+NX\nk=1b(n)\nkK(·, z(n)\nk), b(n):= (b(n)\nk)M+N\nk=1∈RM+N, (38)\nwhere\n(z(n)\n1, . . . , z(n)\nN+M) =\u0000\ny1, . . . , y M, x(n)\n1, . . . , x(n)\nN\u0001\n∈Rd×(M+N).\nWe denote the associated kernel matrix by K(n):= (K(z(n)\ni, z(n)\nj))M+N\ni,j=1.\nIff′\n∞<∞, we cannot drop the constraint p(Rd)⊂dom( f∗)in (19) to apply the\nRepresenter Theorem. The situation is similar for the primal problem (12), where the\ncondition f′\n∞<∞entails that we have to consider measures µthat are not absolutely\ncontinuous with respect to the (empirical) target ν. In the following, we provide a condition\nunder which computing ˆpnfor (37) reduces to a tractable finite-dimensional problem. To\nsimplify the notation, we omit the index nand use the shorthand L(p) =Eµ[p]−Eν[f∗◦\np]−λ\n2∥p∥2\nHKfor the objective in (19).\nLemma 24. Letfbe an entropy function with f′\n∞∈(0,∞). If µ, ν∈ M +(Rd)and\nλ >2dK(µ, ν)p\nϕ(0)/f′\n∞, then\narg max\np∈Hk\np(Rd)⊆supp( f∗)L(p) = arg max\n∥p∥HK2dK(µ, ν)p\nϕ(0)/f′\n∞, we get\n24ˆp∈Xdue to ∥ˆp∥HK≤2\nλdK(µ, ν)< f′\n∞/p\nϕ(0). Since X⊆C, we get that ˆpmaximizes L\noverX. This proves the first claim.\nFor the second part, consider the parameterization Ψ:HK→Xwith Ψ(0) := 0and\nΨ(p):=p\n∥p∥ψ(∥p∥)otherwise, where ψ: [0,∞)→[0,f′\n∞\nϕ(0)]is given by\nψ(t) =2f′\n∞\nπp\nϕ(0)arctan( t).\nThe bijectivity of arctandirectly implies the bijectivity of Ψ. Hence, the reparameterized\nproblem arg maxq∈HKL(Ψ(q))has the unique maximizer ˆq= Ψ−1(ˆp). Since ˆq∈ H k, we can\ndecompose ˆqasˆq= ˆs+ ˆr, where ˆs∈span{K(·, z) :z∈Z}andˆr∈span{K(·, z) :z∈Z}⊥.\nThen, for all z∈Zwe get that\nˆq(z) =⟨ˆq, K(·, z)⟩=⟨ˆs+ ˆr, K(·, z)⟩=⟨ˆs, K(·, z)⟩= ˆs(z).\nHence, it holds that\nL(Ψ(ˆq)) =Eµ[Ψ(ˆq)]−Eν[f∗◦Ψ(ˆq)]−λ\n2∥Ψ(ˆq)∥2\nHK\n=1\n|supp( µ)|X\nz∈supp( µ)Ψ(ˆs(z))−1\n|supp( ν)|X\nz∈supp( ν)f∗◦Ψ(ˆs(z))−λ\n2∥Ψ(ˆq)∥2\nHK\n=Eµ[Ψ(ˆs)]−Eν[f∗◦Ψ(ˆs)]−λ\n2∥Ψ(ˆq)∥2\nHK\nNow,∥Ψ(ˆq)∥HK=ψ(∥ˆq∥HK),∥ˆq∥2\nHK=∥ˆs∥2\nHK+∥ˆr∥2\nHKand the strict monotonicity of Ψ2\nimply\nL(Ψ(ˆq)) =Eµ[Ψ(s)]−Eν[f∗◦Ψ(ˆs)]−λ2(f′\n∞)2\n(πp\nϕ(0))2arctan\u0010q\n∥ˆs∥2\nHK+∥ˆr∥2\nHK\u00112\n≤Eµ[Ψ(ˆs)]−Eν[f∗◦Ψ(ˆs)]−λ2(f′\n∞)2\n(πp\nϕ(0))2arctan( ∥ˆs∥HK)2=L(Ψ(ˆs)).\nHence, we must have ˆq= ˆs. This directly implies ˆp= Ψ(ˆ q)∈span{K(·, z) :z∈Z}, which\nmeans that we can write ˆp=P\nz∈ZbzK(·, z)andb∈RZ.\n5.2 Numerical Implementation Details\nRecall that both for infinite and finite recession constant (see Lemma 24), the solution ˆpn\nto the dual problem has the representation\nˆpn=N+MX\nk=1b(n)\nkK\u0000\n·, z(n)\nk\u0001\n.\n25To determine the coefficients b(n)= (b(n)\nk)M+N\nk=1, we look instead at the primal problem (18),\nwhich by Corollary 10 has a solution of the form\nˆgn=mγn−λˆpn=M+NX\nk=1β(n)\nkK\u0000\n·, z(n)\nk\u0001\n=mˆσn, ˆσn:=M+NX\nk=1β(n)\nkδz(n)\nk,\nwith the nonnegative coefficients\nβ(n)\nk:=(\n−λb(n)\nk,ifk∈ {1, . . . , M }\n1\nN−λb(n)\nk,ifk∈ {M+ 1, . . . , M +N}.\nHence, to compute b(n), we can minimize the primal objective only with respect to the\ncoefficients β(n), which results in the objective\nJ\u0000\nβ(n)\u0001\n=Df,ν(ˆσn) +1\n2λ∥mˆσn−mγn∥2\nHK. (39)\nWith the change of variables q(n):=−λMb(n)∈RN+M, we getdˆσn\ndν(z(n)\nk) = q(n)\nkfor\nk∈ {1, . . . , M }andˆσs\nn(Rd) = 1 +1\nMPM+N\nk=M+1q(n)\nk. Plugging this into (39) yields\nJ\u0000\nq(n)\u0001\n=Z\nRdf◦dˆσn\ndνdν+f′\n∞ˆσs\nn(Rd) +1\n2λM2(q(n))TK(n)q(n)\n=1\nMMX\nk=1f\u0000\nq(n)\nk\u0001\n+f′\n∞+f′\n∞\nMM+NX\nk=M+1q(n)\nk+1\n2λM2(q(n))TK(n)q(n).\nThe constraint β(n)≥0translates into the constraints\nq(n)\nk=−λb(n)\nkM(\n≥0, k ∈ {1, . . . , M },\n=β(n)\nk−M\nN≥ −M\nN, k∈ {M+ 1, . . . , M +N}.\nWe minimize the convex objective Jwith these box constraints using the L-BFGS-B lim-\nited memory approximation of the Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shannon quasi-Newton al-\ngorithm, which is provided in the SciPy package [49]. For this, we require the gradient of\nJwith respect to q(n), which reads\n∇J\u0000\nq(n)\u0001\n=1\nM\"\u0002\nf′\u0000\nq(n)\nk\u0001\u0003M\nk=1\nf′\n∞1N#\n+1\nλM2K(n)q(n).\nTo summarize, with the optimal coefficients ˆq(n)\nk, the update step (36) becomes\nx(n+1)\nj =x(n)\nj+τ\nλMM+NX\nk=1ˆq(n)\nk∇K\u0000\n·, z(n)\nk\u0001\n(x(n)\nj), j ∈ {1, . . . , N }.(40)\n266 Numerical Results\nIn this section, we use three target measures from the literature to compare how fast the\ndiscrete Wasserstein gradient flow (40) for different Dλ\nf,νconverge∗. We always choose N=\nM= 900particles. Further, we use the inverse multiquadric kernel defined in Remark 2.\nWe focus on the Tsallis- αdivergence for α≥1because the corresponding entropy function\nhas an infinite recession constant and is differentiable in the interior of its domain. For\nα≥1, the Tsallis- αdivergence Dfα(µ|ν)between µ, ν∈ P(Rd)with µ≪νreads\nDfα(µ|ν) =1\nα−1\u0012Z\nRd\u0010dµ\ndν(x)\u0011α\ndν(x)−1\u0013\n.\nIn our experiments, the commonly used KL divergence (which corresponds to the limit for\nα↘1) is outperformed in terms of convergence speed by values of αthat are moderately\nlarger than one. In all our examples, we observed exponential convergence of the target,\nboth in terms of the MMD and the Wasserstein distance. Since by Corollary 13(iii)) the\nfunctional (1 +λ)Dλ\nf,νconverges to1\n2dK(·, ν)2forλ→ ∞, we always consider the gradient\nflow with respect to the functional (1 +λ)Dλ\nf,νinstead of Dλ\nf,ν.\nThree rings target First, we consider the three rings target from [21, Fig. 1]. Our\nsimulations are provided in Figure 1. The starting point µ0of the flow are samples from a\nnormal distribution with variance s2= 2×10−3around the leftmost point on the rightmost\ncircle. Further, we choose the kernel width σ2= 5×10−2, regularization parameter λ=\n10−2, and step size τ= 10−3.\nWe observe that for larger α, the particles advance faster towards the leftmost circle\nin the beginning, and accordingly, the MMD decreases the fastest; see also Figure 2. On\nthe other hand, for too large α, there are more outliers (points that are far away from the\nrings) at the beginning of the flow. Even at t= 50, some of them remain between the rings,\nwhich is in contrast to our observations for smaller α. This is also reflected by the fact that\nthe MMD and W2values plateau for these values of αbefore they finally converge to zero.\nThe “sweet spot” for αseems to be α∈[3,4]since the MMD and W2loss drop below 10−9\nthe fastest for these values. For the first few iterations, the MMD values are monotone\nwith respect to α: the lower curve is the one belonging to α= 7.5, the one above it belongs\ntoα= 5, and the top one belongs to α= 1. For the last time steps, this order is nearly\nidentical. We also observed that for even larger values of α, e.g., α∈ {10,50,100,500}the\nflow behaves even worse in the sense that the plateau phases becomes longer, i.e., both the\nW2and the squared MMD loss converge to 0 even slower.\nNeal’s cross target Inspired by [73, Fig. 1f], the target νcomprises four identical\nversions of Neal’s funnel, each rotated by 90 degrees about the origin, see Figure 3. We\ngenerate the samples {(x1,k, x2,k)}N\nk=1of Neal’s funnel by drawing normally distributed\n∗The code is available at https://github.com/ViktorAJStein/Regularized_f_Divergence_Particle_\nFlows , where every entropy function from Table 1 and many kernels are implemented.\n271\n 3\n 7.5\nt=0\n t=0.1\n t=0.2\n t=1\n t=10\n t=50\nFigure 1: Discretized Wasserstein gradient flow of the regularized Tsallis- αdivergence Dλ\nfα,ν\nforα∈ {1,3,7.5}, where νare the three rings.\nFigure 2: Comparison of squared MMD ( left) and W2distance ( right) along the flow for\ndifferent α, where νis the three circles target. Note the logarithmic axis.\nt=0\n t=0.1\n t=1\n t=10\n t=50\nFigure 3: Discretized Wasserstein gradient flow of the regularized Tsallis- αdivergence\nDλ\nf7.5,ν, where νis Neals cross.\n28Figure 4: Comparison of the flow for Dλ\nfα,ν, where νis Neal’s cross. We depict the squared\nMMD (left)and Wasserstein distance (right)toνfor different α.\nsamples x2,k∼ N(7.5,2)andx1,k∼ N(0, e1\n3x2,k), where N(m, s2). For our simulations, we\nchoose α= 7.5,λ= 10−2,τ= 10−3andσ2= 0.25.\nWe observe that the particles of the flow (blue) are mostly pushed toward the regions\nwith a high density of target particles (orange) and that the low-density regions at the ends\nofthefunnelarenotmatchedexactly. Inpractice, weoftenassumethattheempiricaltarget\nmeasure νis obtained by drawing samples from some underlying non-discrete distribution.\nHence, this behavior is actually acceptable. Figure 4 shows that for α= 1the gradient\nflow with respect to Dλ\nfα,νrecovers the target slower, both in terms of the MMD or the\nWasserstein metric and that α= 7.5performs best.\nBananas target The set-up of this last experiment is inspired by Aude Genevay’s\ntalk “Learning with Sinkhorn divergences: from optimal transport to MMD”†, see Figure\n5. The target νis multimodal and the “connected components” of its support are far apart.\nAdditionally, the initial measure is not chosen in a manner that takes the properties of\nsupp( ν)into account. Still, we observe the convergence of the particles to the target ν. We\nalso observe a mode-seeking behavior: the particles concentrate near the mean of the right\n“banana” first, which is even more visible for the left “banana” at later time points.\nSince the parameter λpenalizes the disjoint support condition, we choose λto be higher\nthan for the other targets, namely λ= 1, so that the particles are encouraged to “jump”\nfrom one mode to another. We further choose τ= 10−1,σ= 2×10−2andα= 3for the\nsimulations. Empirically, we observed that the value of αmakes no difference though.\nFinite recession constant and annealing Lastly, in Figures 6 and 7, we show that\nthe three rings target is also well recovered for entropy functions with finite recession con-\nstant. To illustrate the convergence of our procedure, we first choose the total variation\n†Talk given at MIFODS Workshop on Learning with Complex Structure 2020, see https://youtu.be/\nTFdIJib_zEA?si=B3fsQkfmjea2HCA5 .\n29t=0\n t=10\n t=100\nt=1000\n t=10000\n t=1000000\nFigure 5: Discretized Wasserstein gradient flow of the regularized Tsallis-3 divergence Dλ\nf3,ν,\nwhere νis the bananas target.\n30t=0\n t=1\n t=10\n t=50\n t=100\nFigure 6: Discretized Wasserstein gradient flow of the regularized TV divergence Dλ\nfTV,ν,\nwhere νis three rings target.\nt=0\n t=1\n t=10\n t=50\n t=100\nFigure7: DiscretizedWassersteingradientflowoftheregularized1\n2-Tsallisdivergence Dλ\nf1\n2,ν\nwithout annealing (top) and with annealing (bottom), where νis three rings target.\nentropy function, τ= 10−3and the kernel width σ= 5×10−2. In order for Lemma 24 to\napply, we choose λ= 2.25. As a second example, we choose the1\n2-Tsallis entropy function,\nτ= 10−3and the kernel width σ= 5×10−2as well as λ= 2.25(so that Lemma 24 applies).\nSince smaller λleads to better target recovery, we use an annealing heuristic (similar\nto [15]): Ultimately, we want to sample for the target distribution. Hence, we reduce the\nvalue of λalong the flow. This is justified as follows. For the Wasserstein gradient flow\n(γt)twith respect to Dλ\nf,νfor a fixed λ, we expect that Dλ\nf(γt, ν)→0ast→ ∞. Then,\nby Corollary 12(3), the same holds for dK(γt, ν), see also Figures 2 and 4 for empirical\nevidence. Based on Lemma 24, we can thus reduce the value of λalong the flow while\nmaintaining the finite-dimensional minimization problem. In this last example, we divide\nthe value of λby five three times, namely at t∈ {5,10,20}. We observe that this indeed\nimproves the convergence.\n7 Conclusions and Limitations\nWe considered interpolations between f-divergences and squared MMDs with characteristic\nkernels. For these interpolations, we have proven that they are M-convex along generalized\n31geodesics, and calculated their gradients. This allowed us to establish the existence and\nuniqueness of the associated Wasserstein gradient flows. Proving the empirically observed\nexponential convergence rate under reasonable assumptions is subject to future work.\nWhen considering particle flows for f-divergences with infinite recession constant or if\nthe regularization parameter is chosen in a certain way, the Euler forward scheme reduces\nto solving a finite-dimensional, strongly convex optimization problem in every iteration.\nFurther, we would like to extend this paper’s theory to non-differentiable kernels such\nas the Laplace kernel, i.e., the Matérn-1\n2kernel, and to non-bounded kernels like Coulomb\nkernels or Riesz kernels, which are of interest, e.g., in generative modeling [26, 27] and\nimage dithering [20].\nRecently, we became aware of the nice paper [16], where the authors considered several\ninfimal convolution functionals with two or three summands as smoother loss functions in\ngenerative adversarial networks. In particular, the infimal convolution of the MMD arising\nfrom the Gaussian kernel and convex functions appears to be a promising loss function.\nPotentially, our results can contribute in this direction, which is also in the spirit of [9].\nAcknowledgments\nV.S. and G.S. gratefully acknowledge funding from the BMBF project “VI-Screen” with\nnumber 13N15754. V.S. extends his gratitude to Jean-François Bercher for making the\npaper [69] available to him.\nReferences\n[1] R. Agrawal and T. Horel. Optimal bounds between f-divergences and Integral Prob-\nability Metrics. J. Mach. Learn. Res. , 22(1), jan 2021.\n[2] S.M.AliandS.D.Silvey. Ageneralclassofcoefficientsofdivergenceofonedistribution\nfrom another. J. R. Stat. Soc. Ser. B. Stat. Methodol. , 28(1):131–142, 1966.\n[3] L. Ambrosio, N. Fusco, and D. Pallara. Functions of bounded variation and free discon-\ntinuity problems . Oxford Mathematical Monographs. Oxford University Press, 2000.\n[4] L. Ambrosio, N. Gigli, and G. Savaré. 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The Tsallis-1\n2-\ndivergence is equal to the Matusita-1\n2-divergence and equal to half of the squared\nHellinger distance [25]. In the limit α↗1, the Matusita entropy function converges\nto the TV entropy function.\n•Forα→1, both the power and the Tsallis divergence recover the Kullback-Leibler\ndivergence. However, only the power divergence recovers the reverse Kullback-Leibler\ndivergence for α→0, while the Tsallis entropy function converges to 0.\n•The1\n2-Lindsay divergence is called triangular discrimination or Vincze-Le Cam [71,\nEq. (2)] divergence. The Lindsay divergence interpolates between the χ2divergence\nand the reverse χ2divergence, which are recovered in the limits α↘1andα↗0,\nrespectively. In the limit α→1, the perimeter-type divergence recovers the Jensen-\nShannon divergence, and in the limit α→0, it recovers1\n2times the TV-divergence.\nThe special case α=1\n2already appears in [45, p. 342].\n•Forα↘1, Vadja’s χαdivergence becomes the TV-divergence - the only (up to\nmultiplicative factors) f-divergence that is a metric.\n•The Marton divergence plays an essential role in the theory of concentration of mea-\nsures; see [53, Rem. 7.15] and the references therein.\n39Table 1: Entropy functions with recession constants and conjugates.name entropy f(x) f′\n∞ f∗(y)\nTsallis [67],\nα∈(0,1)∪(1,∞)1\nα−1(xα−αx+α−1) ι(0,1)(α)−α\nα−1\u0000α−1\nαy+ 1\u0001α\nα−1\n+−1 +1(0,1)(α)·ι\u0010\n−∞,α\n1−α\u0011(y)\npower divergence,\nα∈R\\ {0,1}[37]1\nα(α−1)(xα−αx+α−1)(\n∞, α ≥1,\n1\n1−α, α < 1\n\n1\nα((α−1)y+ 1)α\nα−1\n+−1\nα,ifα >1,\ngα(y) +ι\u0010\n−∞,1\n1−α\u0011(y),if0< α < 1,\ngα(y) +ι\u0010\n−∞,1\n1−αi(y),ifα <0,,\nwhere gα(y):=1\nα((α−1)y+ 1)α\nα−1−1\nα\nKullback-Leibler\n[35]xln(x)−x+ 1 ∞ ey−1\nJeffreys [28, Eq. 1] (x−1) ln( x) ∞ y+ 2 + W0(e1−y) +1\nW0(e1−y)\nVajda’s χα,\nα >1[68, 69]|x−1|α∞\n\ny+ (α−1)\u0010|y|\nα\u0011α\nα−1,ify≥ −α,\n−1, else.\nequality indicator\n[8, 65]ι{1} ∞ y\nJensen-Shannon\n[39]xln(x)−(x+ 1) ln\u0000x+1\n2\u0001\nln(2) ι(ln(2) ,∞)(y)−ln(2−ey).\nα-Lindsay,\nα∈[0,1)[40](x−1)2\nα+(1−α)x1\n1−α\n\n∞ ify >1\n1−α,\n2−α\n(1−α)2, ify=1\n1−α,\nα(α−1)y−2√\n(α−1)y+1+2\n(α−1)2 else.\nPerimeter-type,\nα∈R\\ {0,1}\n[46, 47]sgn(α)\n1−α\u0010\n(x1\nα+ 1)α−2α−1(x+ 1)\u0011\n\nln(2), α = 1,\n1\n1−α(1−2α−1), α > 0,\n1\n2, α = 0,\n1\n1−α2α−1, α < 0.\n\ny−sgn(α)\n1−α\u0012\nhα(y)α\nα−1−2α−1\u0013\n\u0012\nhα(y)1\nα−1−1\u0013α +sgn(α)\n1−α2α−1, y < f′\n∞,\n1\n1−α(1−2α−1) +ι(−∞,0)(α), y =f′\n∞,\n∞, else,\nwhere hα(y):=1−α\nsgn(α)y+ 2α−1\nBurg [35] −ln(x) +x−1 1 −ln(1−y) +ι(−∞,1)(y)\nSymmetrized Tsallis,\ns∈(0,1)[18]1 +x−(xs+x1−s) 1 (⋆)\nMatusita α∈(0,1)\n[11, Eq. (4.1.30)]\n[29, p. 158]|1−xα|1\nα 1 (y− |y)1\n1−α\u0010\n1−sgn(y)|y|α\n1−α)\u0011−1\nα+ι(−∞,1)(y)\nKafka α∈(0,1]\n[54], [32]|1−x|1\nα(1 +x)α−1\nα 1 (⋆)\ntotal variation\n[8, 65]|x−1| 1(\nmax(−1, y)ify≤1,\n∞ otherwise\nMarton\n[53, Rem. 7.15]max(0 ,1−x)20\n\n∞, ify >0,\n1\n4y2+y,if−2≤y≤0,\n−1 else.\nzero [8, 65] ι(0,∞) 0 ι(−∞,0](y)\n40Table 2: The f-divergences belonging to the entropy functions from Table 1.divergence Df Df(µ|ν), where µ=ρν+µs\nTsallis- α,α∈(0,1)1\nα−1\u0002R\nRdp(x)α−1 dν(x)−α\u0000\nµ(Rd)−ν(Rd)\u0001\u0003\nTsallis- α,α >1(\n1\nα−1\u0002R\nRdρ(x)α−1 dν(x)−α\u0000\nµ(Rd)−ν(Rd)\u0001\u0003\n,ifµs= 0,\n∞, else.\npower divergence, α <1, α̸= 0R\nRdρ(x)α−1\nα(α−1)dν(x) +1\nα−1\u0000\nν(Rd)−µ(Rd)\u0001\npower divergence, α >1(R\nRdρ(x)α−1\nα(α−1)dν(x) +1\nα−1\u0000\nν(Rd)−µ(Rd)\u0001\n,ifµs= 0,\n∞, else.\nKullback-Leibler(R\nRdρ(x) ln\u0000\nρ(x)\u0001\ndν(x)−µ(Rd) +ν(Rd)ifµs= 0,\n∞ else.\nJeffreys(R\nRd\u0000\nρ(x)−1\u0001\nln(ρ(x)) dν(x),ifµs= 0andν({ρ= 0}) = 0 ,\n∞, else\nVajda’s ��α,α >1(R\nRd|ρ(x)−1|αdν(x),ifµs= 0,\n∞, else.\nequality indicator(\n0ifµ=ν,\n∞otherwise\nJensen-ShannonR\nRdρ(x) ln\u0000\nρ(x)\u0001\n−\u0000\nρ(x) + 1\u0001\nln\u00001\n2\u0000\nρ(x) + 1\u0001\u0001\ndν(x) + ln(2) µs(Rd).\nα-Lindsay, α∈[0,1)R\nRd\u0000\nρ(x)−1\u00012\nα+(1−α)ρ(x)dν(x) +1\n1−αµs(Rd)\nPerimeter-type, α∈R\\ {0,1}sgn(α)\n1−αhR\nRd\u0010\nρ(x)1\nα+ 1\u0011α\ndν(x)−2α−1\u0000\nµ(Rd) +ν(Rd)\u0001\n+1(0,∞)(α)µs(Rd)i\nBurg(R\nRdln\u0000\nρ(x)\u0001\ndν(x) +µ(Rd)−ν(Rd),ifν({ρ= 0}) = 0 ,\n∞, else..\nSymmetrized Tsallis µ(Rd) +ν(Rd)−R\nRdρ(x)s+ρ(x)1−sdν(x)\nMatusitaR\nRd|1−ρ(x)α|1\nαdν(x) +µs(Rd)\nKafkaR\nRd\f\f1−ρ(x)\f\fα\u0000\n1 +ρ(x)\u0001α−1\nαdν(x) +µs(Rd)\ntotal variationR\nRd|ρ(x)−1|dν(x) +µs(Rd)\nMarton1\n2R\nRd|ρ(x)−1|dν(x) +1\n2\u0000\nν(Rd)−µ(Rd)\u0001\n.\nzero 0\n41B Supplementary Material\nHere, we provide more numerical experiments and give some implementation details.\nB.1 Implementation Details\nTo leverage parallel computing on the GPU, we implemented our model in PyTorch [48].\nFurthermore, we use the POTpackage [58] for calculating W2(µ, ν)2along the flow. Solving\nthe dual (37) turned out to be much more time-consuming than solving the primal problem\n(18), so we exclusively outlined the implementation for the latter. As a sanity check, we\ncalculate the “pseudo-duality gap”, which is the difference between the value of the primal\nobjective at the solution qand the value of the dual objective at the corresponding dual\ncertificate1\nλN[−q,1N]. Then, the relative pseudo-duality gap is computed as the quotient\nof the pseudo-duality gap and the minimum of the absolute value of the involved objective\nvalues. Since the particles get close to the target towards the end of the flow, we use\ndouble precision throughout (although this deteriorates the benefit of GPUs). With this,\nall quantities can still be accurately computed and evaluated.\nB.2 The Kernel Width\nFor the first ablation study, we use the parameters from Section 6, namely α= 5,λ= 10−2,\nτ= 10−3andN= 900. In Figure 8, we see that the kernel width has to be calibrated\ncarefully to get a sensible result. We observe that the width σ2= 10−3is too small. In\nparticular, the repulsion of the particles is too powerful, and they immediately spread out\nbefore moving towards the rings, but only very slowly. If σ2= 10−2, everything works out\nreasonably, and there are no outliers. For σ2= 10, the particles only recover the support\nof the target very loosely.\nThe Matern kernel with smoothness parameter ν=3\n2, see [55, Subsec. 4.2.1], reads\nkσ2,3\n2(x, y) = \n1 +√\n3\nσ2∥x−y∥2!\nexp \n−√\n3\nσ2∥x−y∥2!\n,\nThe shape of the flow for different kernel widths σ2is quite different. In Figure 9, we choose\nα= 3,λ= 10−2,τ= 10−3andN= 900. We can see that when the width σ2= 10−3is\ntoo small, then the particles barely move. The particles only spread on the two rightmost\nrings for σ2= 10−2. For σ2= 10−1, the particles initially spread only onto two rings but\nalso match the third one after some time. The width σ2= 1performs best, and there are\nno outliers. For σ2= 10, the behavior is very similar to the case σ2= 10in Figure 8.\nForσ2= 102, we observe an extreme case of mode-seeking behavior: the particles do not\nspread and only move towards the mean of the target distribution.\n4210−3\n10−2\n10−1\n 1\n 10\nt=0\n t=0.1\n t=1\n t=3\n t=10\n t=25\nFigure 8: Ablation study for the parameter σ2of the inverse multiquadric kernel.10−3\n10−2\n10−1\n 1\n 10\n 100\nt=0.1\n t=1\n t=5\n t=10\n t=50\n t=100\nFigure 9: Ablation study for the parameter σ2of the Matern kernel with ν=3\n2.\n4310−3\n10−2\n10−1\n 1\nt= 0.1\n t= 0.5\n t= 1\n t= 10\n t= 20\n t= 50\nFigure 10: Ablation study for the parameter λ, illustrated for the Jeffreys divergence.\nB.3 The Regularization Parameter λ\nFirst, we investigate the behavior of the flow if only the regularization parameter λvaries.\nFor this prupose, we choose the Jeffreys divergence. In our scheme, we choose τ= 10−3\nandN= 900and the inverse multiquadric kernel with width σ2= 5×10−1. Even though\nthe Jeffreys entropy function is infinite at x= 0, the flow still behaves reasonably well, see\nFigure 10. If λis very small, many particles get stuck in the middle and do not spread\ntowards the funnels. If, however, λis much larger than the step size τ, then the particles\nonly spread out slowly and in a spherical shape. This behavior is also reflected in the\ncorresponding distances to the target measure ν, see Figure 11. In our second example,\nwe use the compactly supported “spline” kernel k(x, y):= (1− ∥x−y∥2)3\n+(3∥x−y∥+ 1),\nthe 3-Tsallis divergence, τ= 10−3,N= 900and the three circles target from before, see\nFigure 12. Overall, the behavior is similar to before.\nTo find the combinations of λandτthat give the best results, we use the two “two\nbananas” target and evaluate each flow after 100 iterations of the forward Euler scheme.\nNote thatτ\nλis the prefactor in front of the gradient term in the update step (40). Hence,\nit influences how much gradient information is taken into consideration when updating\nthe particles. The results are provided in Figure 13. We observed that the behavior for\nλ∈ {102,103}is nearly identical to the behavior for λ= 10.\n44Figure 11: Comparison of the squared MMD ( left) and W2distance ( right) for Figure 10.\nFigure 12: Comparing the squared MMD ( left) and W2distance ( right) for different λ.\n45λ= 10−2\nλ= 10−1\n λ= 1\n λ= 10\nτ= 10−3\nτ= 10−2\nτ= 10−1\nτ= 1\nFigure 13: Here, we use α= 2, the inverse multiquadric kernel with width σ2= 5×10−2,\nandN= 900. We plot the configuration of the particles at t= 100. One should not choose\nτto be larger than λby orders of magnitude.\n46" }, { "title": "2402.04622v2.On_rigidity_of_hypersurfaces_with_constant_shifted_curvature_functions_in_hyperbolic_space.pdf", "content": "arXiv:2402.04622v2 [math.DG] 22 Feb 2024ON RIGIDITY OF HYPERSURFACES WITH CONSTANT SHIFTED\nCURVATURE FUNCTIONS IN HYPERBOLIC SPACE\nWEIMIN SHENG, YINHANG WANG, AND JIE WU\nAbstract. In this paper, we first give some new characterizations of geodesic spheres\ninthehyperbolicspacebytheconditionthathypersurfacehascon stantweightedshifted\nmean curvatures, or constant weighted shifted mean curvature ratio, which generalize\nthe result of Hu-Wei-Zhou [ 25]. Secondly, we investigate several rigidity problems for\nhypersurfaces in the hyperbolic space with constant linear combina tions of weighted\nshifted mean curvatures as well as radially symmetric shifted mean c urvatures. As\napplications, we obtain the rigidity results for hypersurfaces with c onstant linear com-\nbinations of mean curvatures in a general form and constant Gaus s-Bonnet curvature\nLkunder weaker conditions, which extend the work of the third autho r and Xia [ 42].\n1.Introduction\nThe rigidity problem of hypersurfaces with constant curvature fu nctions is a funda-\nmental question in differential geometry. A classical theorem due t o Alexandrov [ 4]\nstates that any closed, embedded hypersurface in Euclidean spac e with constant mean\ncurvature is a round sphere. Alexandrov’s method is based on the m aximum principle\nfor elliptic equations and is now referred to as Alexandrov’s reflectio n method. This\nresult is remarkable in that it requires no assumptions about the top ology of the hyper-\nsurface, which improves previous results due to S¨ uss [ 39] and Hsiung [ 23]. Later, Reilly\n[36] provided a new proof of the Alexandrov’s theorem by using his famo us integral\nformula. Following the work of Reilly [ 36], Ros [37] generalized Alexandrov’s result to\nthe hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature. Also, by usin g the classical Alexan-\ndrov’s reflection method, Korevaar [ 28] gave another proof to this result and indicated\nthat Alexandrov’s reflection method works as well for hypersurfa ces in the hyperbolic\nspace and the hemisphere. Later, Ros [ 38] extended his result to any constant k-mean\ncurvature, which was also proved by Montiel and Ros [ 34] using a direct integral method\ndue to Heintze-Karcher [ 20]. The argument in Montiel and Ros’s paper [ 34] also applies\nto the hyperbolic space and the hemisphere.\n2020Mathematics Subject Classification. 53C24, 53C42.\nKey words and phrases. Constant shifted curvature, Rigidity, Hyperbolic space, Gauss-B onnet\ncurvature.\n1After the work of Montiel and Ros, lots of extensions appeared on such rigidity topic.\nFor example, Koh [ 26,27] gave a new characterization of spheres in terms of the ratio of\ntwo mean curvatures. Aledo-Al´ ıas-Romero [ 3] extended the result to compact space-like\nhypersurfaces with constant higher order mean curvature in de S itter space. In [ 21],\nHe-Li-Ma-Ge investigated the compact embedded hypersurfaces with constant higher\norder anisotropic mean curvatures. In [ 9], Brendle showed that Alexandrov Theorem\nholds in general warped product manifolds, including the (Anti-)deS itter-Schwarzschild\nmanifolds as a typical example. Brendle and Eichmair [ 10] later extended Brendle’s\nresult to any closed, star-shaped convex hypersurface with con stant higher order mean\ncurvature. For other generalizations, see for instance [ 1,2,6,7,22,31,33] and references\ntherein.\nIn a different direction, the curvature quantity with weight Vappears naturally.\nHereV= coshr, whereris the hyperbolic distance to a fixed point in Hn+1. For\ninstance, the weighted mean curvature integral/integraltext\nΣVH1dµappears naturally in the def-\ninition of the quasi-local mass in Hn+1and the Penrose inequality for asymptotically\nhyperbolic graphs [ 14]. The Alexandrov-Fenchel inequalities with weight Valso hold\nin the hyperbolic space. For example, Brendle-Hung-Wang [ 11] and de Lima-Gir˜ ao [ 15]\nproved an Alexandrov-Fenchel-type inequality for the weighted me an curvature integral/integraltext\nΣVH1dµ. Ge, Wang and the third author [ 18] established an optimal inequality con-\ncerning/integraltext\nΣVHkdµ. See also [ 24,40]. In [41], the third author considered the weighted\nhigher-order mean curvature VHkand gave a new characterization of geodesic spheres\nin the hyperbolic space Hn+1.\nTheorem A ([41]).LetΣbe a closed embedded hypersurface in Hn+1. If either of the\nfollowing conditions holds on Σ:\n(i)VHkis constant for some 1≤k≤n,\n(ii)VHk\nHlis constant for some 0≤l < k≤nandHldose not vanish on Σ,\nthenΣis a centered geodesic sphere.\nThe proof of Theorem Aused the similar argument of Montiel and Ros as in [ 34,38],\nand the Heintze-Karcher-type inequality for mean convex hypers urface in Hn+1(due to\nBrendle) also plays an important role. Recently, Hu-Wei-Zhou [ 25] established a new\nHeintze-Karcher-type inequality for hypersurfaces with mean cu rvatureH > nin the\nhyperbolic space. See ( 2.19) for the precise statement. As applications, they obtained an\nAlexandrov type theorem for closed embedded hypersurfaces wit h constant shifted kth\nmean curvaturein hyperbolic space. For this, we recall thedefinitio n of shifted kthmean\ncurvature. Let Σ be a smooth hypersurface in Hn+1, its shifted principal curvatures are\n2defined by ˜ κ= (˜κ1,···,˜κn) = (κ1−1,···,κn−1), where κ= (κ1,···,κn) are the\nprincipal curvatures of Σ. Then the shifted kth mean curvature Hk(˜κ) of Σ is given by\nthe thenormalized kthelementary symmetric functionof ˜ κ. These definitions arise quite\nnaturally in the setting of horospherically convex (h-convex) geom etry of hypersurfaces\ninHn+1(see [5,16] for instance).\nTheorem B ([25]).LetΣbe a closed embedded hypersurface in Hn+1. If the shifted kth\nmean curvature Hk(˜κ)is constant for some k∈ {1,···,n}, thenΣis a geodesic sphere.\nFirstly, we give some generalizations of the above result for closed h ypersurfaces in\nthe hyperbolic space. We prove the following theorem.\nTheorem 1.1. Assume that χ(s)is a smooth, positive and monotone non-decreasing\nfunction defined on R+. LetΣbe a closed embedded hypersurface in Hn+1. If either of\nthe following conditions holds on Σ:\n(i)χ(V)Hk(˜κ)is constant for some 1≤k≤n,\n(ii)χ(V)Hk(˜κ)\nHl(˜κ)is constant for some 0≤l < k≤nandHl(˜κ)dose not vanish on Σ,\nthenΣis a geodesic sphere. Moreover, if χis strictly increasing, then Σis a centered\ngeodesic sphere.\nIfχ= 1, case ( i) of Theorem 1.1reduces to Hu-Wei-Zhou’s result [ 25]. Our second\nresult is the rigidity for hypersurfaces with constant linear combina tions of weighted\nshifted mean curvatures in Hn+1.\nTheorem 1.2. Letn≥2. Assume that χ(s)is a smooth, positive and monotone non-\ndecreasing function defined on R+. Let0≤k≤nbe an integer and Σbe a closed\nhypersurface in Hn+1with˜κ∈Γ+\nk. If one of the following holds:\n(i) 2≤l < k≤nand there are nonnegative constants {ai}l−1\ni=1and{bj}k\nj=l, at least\none of them not vanishing, such that\nl−1/summationdisplay\ni=1aiHi(˜κ) =k/summationdisplay\nj=lbj(χ(V)Hj(˜κ));\n(ii)there are nonnegative constants a0and{bj}k\nj=1, at least one of them not vanish-\ning, such that\na0=k/summationdisplay\nj=1bj(χ(V)Hj(˜κ));\n3(iii) Σis star-shaped, 1≤l < k≤n−1and there are nonnegative constants {ai}l−1\ni=0\nand{bj}k\nj=l, at least one of them not vanishing, such that\nl−1/summationdisplay\ni=0aiHi(˜κ) =k/summationdisplay\nj=lbj(χ(V)Hj(˜κ)),\nthenΣis a geodesic sphere.\nRemark 1.1. Theorem 1.2contains the case that the weighted shifted mean curvature\nratioχ(V)Hk(˜κ)\nHl(˜κ)are constant for k > l. We notice that the condition of ˜κ∈Γ+\nkis\nsuperfluous in this case since it is implied by the constancy o fχ(V)Hk(˜κ)\nHl(˜κ). Furthermore,\nwe also prove a similar rigidity result with weight χ(V−u)for h-convex hypersurfaces.\nSee Theorem 4.1below.\nTheorem 1.2will be proved by using the classical integral method due to Hsiung [ 23]\nand Reilly [ 36]. The main tools are a family of Newton-Maclaurin inequalities as well as\na New Minkowski type formula, Lemma 2.5.\nFollowing the idea of Theorem 1.2, we investigate the following general formof rigidity\nresult for linear combinations of shifted higher order mean curvatu res.\nTheorem 1.3. Letn≥2. Let0≤k≤nbe an integer and Σbe a closed hypersurface\ninHn+1with˜κ∈Γ+\nk. Letrbe the distance in Hn+1from a fixed point p0. If one of the\nfollowing holds:\n(i) 2≤l < k≤nand there are two families of nonnegative smooth functions\n{ai(r)}l−1\ni=1and{bj(r)}k\nj=l, which are monotone decreasing and monotone increas-\ning respectively, at least one of them not vanishing, such th at\nl−1/summationdisplay\ni=1ai(r)Hi(˜κ) =k/summationdisplay\nj=lbj(r)Hj(˜κ);\n(ii)there are nonnegative smooth monotone decreasing function sa0(r)and monotone\nincreasing functions {bj(r)}k\nj=1, at least one of them not vanishing, such that\n(1.1) a0(r) =k/summationdisplay\nj=1bj(r)Hj(˜κ);\n(iii) Σis star-shaped, 1≤l < k≤n−1and there are two families of nonnegative\nsmooth functions {ai(r)}l−1\ni=0and{bj(r)}k\nj=l, which are monotone decreasing and\nmonotone increasing respectively, at least one of them not v anishing, such that\nl−1/summationdisplay\ni=0ai(r)Hi(˜κ) =k/summationdisplay\nj=lbj(r)Hj(˜κ),\n4thenΣis a geodesic sphere.\nIn fact, the above equation is the equation of Krylov type which has been introduced\nand studied by Krylov in [ 29] in the following form\n(1.2)k−1/summationdisplay\ni=0αi(x)Hi/parenleftbig\nD2u/parenrightbig\n=Hk/parenleftbig\nD2u/parenrightbig\n, x∈Ω⊂Rn,\nwhere Ω is a ( k−1)-convex domain and uis a twice continuously differentiable function.\nIt’s an extension of the work investigated by Caffarelli et al. [ 12,13] on the Hessian\nequation. Krylov observed that if αi(x)≥0 for 0≤i≤k−1, the natural admissible\nconeto make theequation ( 1.2) elliptic is theΓ+\nk-conewhich is thesame asthe k-Hessian\nequation case.\nTheorem 1.3contains the case whereHk(˜κ)\nHl(˜κ)=η(r) for some monotone decreasing\nfunction ηandk > l. This result is the general form of Theorem 1.1(ii).\nNext, we investigate a rigidity result of non-linear form.\nTheorem 1.4. Letn≥2. LetΣbe a closed star-shaped hypersurface with ˜κ∈Γ+\nkand\nrbe the distance in Hn+1from a fixed point p0. If there are two families of nonnegative,\nsmooth, monotone increasing functions {aj(r)}k\nj=1and{bj(r)}k\nj=1, such that\n(1.3)k/summationdisplay\nj=1/parenleftbigg\naj(r)Hj(˜κ)+bj(r)H1(˜κ)Hj−1(˜κ)/parenrightbigg\n=η(r),\nfor some smooth positive radially symmetric function η(r)which is monotone decreasing\ninr, thenΣis a geodesic sphere.\nTheorem 1.4contains two special cases which are worth mentioning: (i) Hk(˜κ) =η(r)\nand(ii)H1(˜κ)Hk−1(˜κ) =η(r), whereη(r)isamonotonedecreasing function. Thesecond\ncase can be seen as a “non-linear” version of Theorem B.\nIn [30, Theorem 3], Kwong, Lee and Pyo proved a rigidity theorem for self- expanding\nsolitons to the weighted generalized inverse curvature flow in Rn+1\n(1.4)d\ndtX=/summationdisplay\n0≤i0for some 0≤i < j≤n}, andΣbe\n5a closed hypersurface with ˜κ∈Γ+\nkinHn+1. If there exists a constant β >0satisfying\n(1.5)/summationdisplay\n0≤i0,1≤i≤k}.\nAnd its closure is denoted by Γ+\nk. A symmetric matrix Ais said to belong to Γ+\nkif its\neigenvalues λ(A)∈Γ+\nk. Let\n(2.5) Hk=σk\nCk\nn,\nbe the normalized kth elementary symmetry function. As a convention, we take H0= 1,\nH−1= 0. We have the following Newton-Maclaurin inequalities.\nLemma 2.2 ([19]).For1≤l < k≤nandλ∈Γ+\nk, the following inequalities hold:\n(2.6) Hk−1(λ)Hl(λ)≥Hk(λ)Hl−1(λ).\n(2.7) Hl(λ)≥Hk(λ)l\nk.\nMoreover, equality holds in ( 2.6) or (2.7) atλif and only if λ=c(1,1,···,1).\nNext, we collect some well-known results on geometry of hypersurf aces in hyperbolic\nspace.\n8In this paper, we view hyperbolic space as the warped product spac eHn+1= [0,∞)×\nSnequipped with the metric\n¯g=dr2+λ(r)2gSn,\nwheregSnis the standard round metric of Snandλ(r) = sinh r. Let Σ be a smooth\nhypersurface in Hn+1. Denote ¯∇and∇as the Levi-Civita connection on Hn+1and Σ,\nrespectively. Let {ei}n\ni=1andνbe an orthonormal basis and the unit outward normal\nof Σ, respectively. Then the induced metric gof Σ isgij= ¯g(ei,ej), and the second\nfundamental form h= (hij) of Σ in Hn+1is given by\nhij=h(ei,ej) = ¯g/parenleftbig¯∇eiν,ej/parenrightbig\n.\nThe principal curvatures κ= (κ1,···,κn) of Σ are the eigenvalues of the Weingarten\nmatrix/parenleftbig\nhj\ni/parenrightbig\n=/parenleftbig\ngjkhki/parenrightbig\n, where ( gij) is the inverse matrix of ( gij). The mean curvature\nof Σ is defined as\nH=gijhij=n/summationdisplay\ni=1κi.\nA hypersurface Σ in Hn+1is called star-shaped if its support function\n(2.8) u=/an}b∇acketle{tλ(r)∂r,ν/an}b∇acket∇i}ht ≥0.\nNote that X=λ(r)∂ris a conformal vector field satisfying\n(2.9) ¯∇X=λ′¯g.\nWe first show that there exists at least one elliptic point such that all principal curva-\nturesκi>1 fori= 1,···,non any closed hypersurface in the hyperbolic space Hn+1,\nby following the argument as Lemma 2.1 in [ 31].\nLemma 2.3. LetΣbe a closed hypersurface in the hyperbolic space Hn+1. Then there\nexists at least one elliptic point xsuch that all principalcurvatures κi>1fori= 1,···,n\nonΣ.\nProof.Let{e1,···,en}be a local orthonormal frame on Σ, and assume that the second\nfundamental form hij=/angbracketleftbig¯∇eiν,ej/angbracketrightbig\nis diagonal with eigenvalues κ1,···,κn. Then\n(2.10) ∇ei∇r=∇ei/parenleftbigg1\nλ(r)λ(r)∂⊤\nr/parenrightbigg\n=−λ′\nλ(∇eir)∂⊤\nr+1\nλ∇ei/parenleftbig\nλ∂⊤\nr/parenrightbig\n.\nIt follows from ( 2.9) that\n(2.11)∇ei/parenleftbig\nλ∂⊤\nr/parenrightbig\n=∇ei(λ∂r−/an}b∇acketle{tλ∂r,ν/an}b∇acket∇i}htν) =/parenleftbig¯∇ei(λ∂r−/an}b∇acketle{tλ∂r,ν/an}b∇acket∇i}htν)/parenrightbig⊤\n=λ′ei−/an}b∇acketle{tλ∂r,ν/an}b∇acket∇i}htκiei.\n9Substituting ( 2.11) into (2.10), we get\n(2.12) ∇ei∇r=−λ′\nλ(∇eir)∂⊤\nr+1\nλ(λ′−/an}b∇acketle{tλ∂r,ν/an}b∇acket∇i}htκi)ei.\nNow we consider at the maximum point xofr, we have ∇r= 0,ν=∂rand∇2r≤0 at\nx. Then from ( 2.12), we get\nκi≥λ′\nλ>1, i= 1,···,n,\ni.e.xis an elliptic point of Σ such that all principal curvatures κi>1 fori= 1,···,n.\n/square\nWe need the following Minkowski type formula in hyperbolic space, whic h is included\nin the proof of [ 24, Lemma 2.6] or [ 25, Lemma 2.3]. For completeness, we involve the\nproof here.\nLemma 2.4. LetΣbe a closed hypersurface in Hn+1. Denote by V= coshrand\nu=/angbracketleftbig¯∇V,ν/angbracketrightbig\n=/an}b∇acketle{tλ∂r,ν/an}b∇acket∇i}ht. Then we have\n(2.13)/integraldisplay\nΣ(V−u)Hk−1(˜κ)dµ=/integraldisplay\nΣuHk(˜κ)dµ, k= 1,···,n.\nProof.It follows from the Gauss-Weingarten formula and ( 2.9) that\n(2.14) ∇i∇jV=/angbracketleftbig¯∇i(λ∂r),ej/angbracketrightbig\n−uhij=Vgij−uhij.\nDenote˜h= (hi\nj−δi\nj)n×nand note that Hk(˜κ) =Hk(˜h). Multiplying ( 2.14) by the kth\nNewton transform tensor ( Tk−1)j\ni(˜h) and summing over i,j, we obtain\n(2.15)n/summationdisplay\ni,j=1(Tk−1)j\ni(˜h)∇i∇jV=n/summationdisplay\ni,j=1(Tk−1)j\ni(˜h)/parenleftbig\nVδi\nj−uhi\nj/parenrightbig\n=n/summationdisplay\ni,j=1(Tk−1)j\ni(˜h)/bracketleftbig\n(V−u)δi\nj−u/parenleftbig\nhi\nj−δi\nj/parenrightbig/bracketrightbig\n=kCk\nn((V−u)Hk−1(˜κ)−uHk(˜κ)).\nwhere in the last equality we used ( 2.2) and (2.3). Notice that ˜hij=hij−gijis a Codazzi\ntensor, i.e., ∇ℓ˜hijis symmetric in i,j,ℓ. It follows that ( Tk−1)j\ni(˜h) is divergence free.\nThe equation ( 2.13) follows from integration by parts and the divergence free proper ty\nof (Tk−1)j\ni(˜h). /square\nFor later purpose to prove the rigidity result on weighted shifted cu rvature functions,\nwe need to extend the above lemma to the following type.\n10Lemma 2.5. Assume that χ(s)is a smooth function defined on R+. LetΣbe a closed\nhypersurface in Hn+1. We have\n(2.16)/integraldisplay\nΣχ(V)uHk(˜κ)dµ=/integraldisplay\nΣχ(V)(V−u)Hk−1(˜κ)dµ+1\nkCk\nn/integraldisplay\nΣχ′(V)(Tk−1)j\ni(˜h)∇iV∇jVdµ,\nwhere˜h= (hi\nj−δi\nj)n×n. Moreover, if χis non-decreasing and ˜κ∈Γ+\nk, then we have\n(2.17)/integraldisplay\nΣχ(V)uHk(˜κ)dµ≥/integraldisplay\nΣχ(V)(V−u)Hk−1(˜κ)dµ.\nProof.From (2.15), we arrive at\n(2.18) ( Tk−1)j\ni(˜h)∇i∇jV=kCk\nn((V−u)Hk−1(˜κ)−uHk(˜κ)).\nMultiplying above equation by the function χ(V) and integrating by parts, one obtains\nthe desired result ( 2.16). Under the assumption that ˜ κ∈Γ+\nk, the (k−1)th Newton\ntensorTk−1is semi-positively definite (see e.g. Guan [ 19]), hence\n(Tk−1)j\ni(˜h)∇iV∇jV≥0.\nTogether with assumption χ′≥0, (2.17) holds. /square\nFinally, we need the Heintze-Karcher-type inequality due to Hu, Wei and Zhou [ 25].\nProposition 2.1 ([25]).LetΩbe a bounded domain with smooth boundary Σ =∂Ω\nin hyperbolic space Hn+1(n≥2). Fix a point o∈Hn+1andV(x) = cosh r(x), where\nr(x) =d(o,x)is the distance to this point o. Assume that the mean curvatur e ofΣ =∂Ω\nsatisfiesH > n, then\n(2.19)/integraldisplay\nΣV−u\nH−ndµ≥n+1\nn/integraldisplay\nΩVdvol,\nwhereu=/angbracketleftbig¯∇V,ν/angbracketrightbig\n=/an}b∇acketle{tsinhr∂r,ν/an}b∇acket∇i}htis the support function of Σandνdenotes the unit\noutward normal of Σ. Equality holds in ( 2.19) if and only if Σis umbilic.\nWeremark that for thecase of n= 1 (the curve case), the inequality ( 2.19) was proved\nby Li and Xu [ 32].\n3.Proof of Theorem 1.1\nAfter all the preparation work, we are ready to prove our main the orems. We start\nwiththeweightedshiftedcurvatureandtheirquotients. TheMinko wski-typeinequalities\nand the Heintze-Karcher-type inequality play important roles.\n11Proof of Theorem 1.1.(i) Fixk∈ {1,···,n}. Sinceχ(V)Hk(˜κ) =cfor some constant\nc, the condition χ >0 and Lemma 2.3imply that c >0, which in turn implies that\nHk(˜κ)>0 on Σ. Then by the result of G˚ arding [ 17], we have ˜ κ∈Γ+\nk.\nIt follows from ( 2.17) that\n(3.1) χ(V)Hk(˜κ)/integraldisplay\nΣudµ=/integraldisplay\nΣχ(V)uHk(˜κ)dµ≥/integraldisplay\nΣχ(V)(V−u)Hk−1(˜κ)dµ.\nBy the Newton-Maclaurin inequality ( 2.7), we have\nHk−1(˜κ)≥Hk(˜κ)k−1\nk,\nthus\n(3.2)/integraldisplay\nΣχ(V)(V−u)Hk−1(˜κ)dµ≥/integraldisplay\nΣχ(V)(V−u)Hk(˜κ)k−1\nkdµ\n= (χ(V)Hk(˜κ))k−1\nk/integraldisplay\nΣχ(V)1\nk(V−u)dµ.\nHence (3.1) and (3.2) imply\n(3.3)/integraldisplay\nΣudµ≥(χ(V)Hk(˜κ))−1\nk/integraldisplay\nΣχ(V)1\nk(V−u)dµ,\nand equality holds in and only if Σ is a geodesic sphere. On the other han d, applying\nProposition 2.1and the Newton-Maclaurin inequality ( 2.7) we derive that\n(3.4)/integraldisplay\nΣudµ= (n+1)/integraldisplay\nΩVdvol≤/integraldisplay\nΣV−u\nH1(˜κ)dµ≤/integraldisplay\nΣV−u\nHk(˜κ)1\nkdµ\n= (χ(V)Hk(˜κ))−1\nk/integraldisplay\nΣχ(V)1\nk(V−u)dµ.\nFinally combining ( 3.3) and (3.4) together, we conclude that the equality holds in the\nNewton-MacLaurin inequality ( 2.7), so Σ is totally umbilical and then is a geodesic\nsphere. Moreover, suppose χ′>0. Since Σ is totally umbilical and χ(V)Hk(˜κ) is a\nconstant, we have Vis a constant. Therefore the distance of each point in Σ to the\norigin is a constant. So we conclude that Σ is a centered geodesic sph ere.\n(ii) The first step is more or less the same as above. Lemma 2.3andχ >0 imply\nthat the ratio χ(V)Hk(˜κ)\nHl(˜κ)is a positive constant. Since by the assumption Hl(˜κ) dose not\nvanish on Σ, Hl(˜κ) andHk(˜κ) are positive everywhere in Σ. From [ 17], we know that\n˜κ∈Γ+\nk.\nIfl= 0, it is reduced to the case of Theorem 1.1(i). In the following, we consider the\ncasel≥1. Denote the positive constant by c, namely,\nc:=χ(V)Hk(˜κ)\nHl(˜κ)>0.\n12Applying the Newton-Maclaurin inequality ( 2.6), we note that\nHk(˜κ)\nHk−1(˜κ)≤Hl(˜κ)\nHl−1(˜κ)\nwhich yields\n(3.5) χ(V)Hk−1(˜κ)\nHl−1(˜κ)≥c.\nIt follows from ( 2.17) and (2.13) that\n/integraldisplay\nΣχ(V)(V−u)Hk−1(˜κ)dµ≤/integraldisplay\nΣχ(V)uHk(˜κ)dµ=c/integraldisplay\nΣuHl(˜κ)dµ=c/integraldisplay\nΣ(V−u)Hl−1(˜κ)dµ.\nThis gives/integraldisplay\nΣ(V−u)(χ(V)Hk−1(˜κ)−cHl−1(˜κ))dµ≤0.\nNote that V−u >0. The above together with ( 3.5) imply\nχ(V)Hk−1(˜κ)\nHl−1(˜κ)=c,\neverywhere in Σ. By an iteration argument, we have\nχ(V)Hk−l(˜κ)\nH0(˜κ)=χ(V)Hk−l(˜κ) =c,\neverywhere in Σ. Finally, from Theorem 1.1(i), we complete the proof. /square\nFor the similar rigidity problem with weight V−u, the horoconvexity is necessary.\nThat isthefollowing theoremwhich isincluded in[ 32, Proposition8.1]and[ 25, Theorem\n1.3]. For the completeness, we involve the proof here.\nTheorem 3.1. Assume that χ(s)is a smooth, positive and monotone non-decreasing\nfunction defined on R+. LetΩbe a smooth bounded and uniformly h-convex (κi≥1+ǫ,\nfor some constant ǫ >0)domain in Hn+1. IfΣ =∂Ωsatisfies\n(3.6)Hk(˜κ)\nHl(˜κ)=χ(V−u),\nwhere0≤l < k≤nandHl(˜κ)dose not vanish on Σ, thenΣis a geodesic sphere.\nMoreover, if χis strictly increasing, then Σis a centered geodesic sphere.\nProof.As the hypersurface Σ is uniformly h-convex, we have ˜ κi>0,Hk(˜κ)>0 and\n∂Hk(˜κ)\n∂˜κi>0. For the case of l= 0, it has been proved in [ 25]. In the following, we only\nfocus on the case l≥1.\n13Applying the Newton-Maclaurin inequality ( 2.6), we note that\nHk(˜κ)\nHk−1(˜κ)≤Hl(˜κ)\nHl−1(˜κ)\nwhich implies\n(3.7)Hk−1(˜κ)\nHl−1(˜κ)≥χ(V−u).\nSimilar to the proof of ( 2.17), one can prove that\n(3.8)/integraldisplay\nΣχ(V−u)uHk(˜κ)dµ≤/integraldisplay\nΣχ(V−u)(V−u)Hk−1(˜κ)dµ,\nwhere we used ∇i(V−u) =−(hj\ni−δj\ni)∇jV. It follows from ( 3.8) and (2.13) that\n/integraldisplay\nΣχ(V−u)(V−u)Hl−1(˜κ)dµ≥/integraldisplay\nΣχ(V−u)uHl(˜κ)dµ=/integraldisplay\nΣuHk(˜κ)dµ=/integraldisplay\nΣ(V−u)Hk−1(˜κ)dµ.\nThis yields/integraldisplay\nΣ(V−u)(χ(V−u)Hl−1(˜κ)−Hk−1(˜κ))dµ≥0.\nNote that V−u >0. The above together with ( 3.7) imply\nHk−1(˜κ)\nHl−1(˜κ)=χ(V−u),\neverywhere in Σ. By an iteration argument, one obtains\nHk−l(˜κ)\nH0(˜κ)=Hk−l(˜κ) =χ(V−u),\neverywhere in Σ. It reduces to the case of Hu-Wei-Zhou’s result [ 25]. We complete the\nproof. /square\n4.Proof of Theorem 1.2\nNext, we show the rigidity result for constant linear combinations of weighted shifted\nmean curvatures in the hyperbolic space. This argument needs pay more attention to\nthe use of the Newton-Maclaurin inequality at the first step.\nProof of Theorem 1.2.(i) By Lemma 2.3and non-vanishing of at least one coefficient,\nwe know that/summationtextl−1\ni=1aiHi(˜κ)>0. Since ˜ κ∈Γ+\nk, we recall from ( 2.6) that\n(4.1) Hi(˜κ)Hj−1(˜κ)≥Hi−1(˜κ)Hj(˜κ),1≤i < j≤k,\n14where all equalities hold if and only if Σ is umbilical. Multiplying ( 4.1) byai,bjandχ\nand summing over iandj, we obtain\n(4.2)l−1/summationdisplay\ni=1aiHi(˜κ)k/summationdisplay\nj=lbj(χ(V)Hj−1(˜κ))≥l−1/summationdisplay\ni=1aiHi−1(˜κ)k/summationdisplay\nj=lbj(χ(V)Hj(˜κ)).\nBy the assumption\nl−1/summationdisplay\ni=1aiHi(˜κ) =k/summationdisplay\nj=lbj(χ(V)Hj(˜κ))>0,2≤l < k≤n,\nwe infer from ( 4.2) that\n(4.3)k/summationdisplay\nj=lbj(χ(V)Hj−1(˜κ))≥l−1/summationdisplay\ni=1aiHi−1(˜κ).\nOn the other hand, we obtain from ( 2.17) that\n(4.4)0 =/integraldisplay\nΣ/parenleftiggk/summationdisplay\nj=lbj(χ(V)Hj(˜κ))−l−1/summationdisplay\ni=1aiHi(˜κ)/parenrightigg\nudµ\n≥/integraldisplay\nΣ/parenleftiggk/summationdisplay\nj=lbj(χ(V)Hj−1(˜κ))−l−1/summationdisplay\ni=1aiHi−1(˜κ)/parenrightigg\n(V−u)dµ≥0.\nHere, the last inequality follows from ( 4.3) andV−u >0. We conclude that the\nequality holds in the Newton-MacLaurin inequality ( 2.6), which implies that Σ is totally\numbilical and thus a geodesic sphere.\n(ii) Making use of ( 2.6) and (2.17), we derive\na0/integraldisplay\nΣudµ=/integraldisplay\nΣu/parenleftiggk/summationdisplay\nj=1bjχ(V)Hj(˜κ)/parenrightigg\ndµ≥/integraldisplay\nΣ(V−u)/parenleftiggk/summationdisplay\nj=1bjχ(V)Hj−1(˜κ)/parenrightigg\nH1(˜κ)\nH1(˜κ)dµ\n≥/integraldisplay\nΣ(V−u)/parenleftiggk/summationdisplay\nj=1bjχ(V)Hj(˜κ)/parenrightigg\n1\nH1(˜κ)dµ=a0/integraldisplay\nΣV−u\nH1(˜κ)dµ\n≥(n+1)a0/integraldisplay\nΩVdvol =a0/integraldisplay\nΣudµ,\nwhere in the last inequality we used Proposition 2.1. Therefore, the equality in both\ncase yields that Σ is a geodesic sphere.\n(iii) The proof is essentially the same as above. One only needs to notic e the slight\ndifference regarding the value of indices. By Lemma 2.3and non-vanishing of at least\none coefficient, we have/summationtextl−1\ni=0aiHi(˜κ)>0. Since ˜ κ∈Γ+\nk, we recall from ( 2.6) that\n(4.5) Hi(˜κ)Hj+1(˜κ)≤Hi+1(˜κ)Hj(˜κ),0≤i < j≤k,\n15where all equalities hold if and only if Σ is umbilical. Multiplying ( 4.5) byai,bjandχ\nand summing over iandj, we get\n(4.6)l−1/summationdisplay\ni=0aiHi(˜κ)k/summationdisplay\nj=lbj(χ(V)Hj+1(˜κ))≤l−1/summationdisplay\ni=0aiHi+1(˜κ)k/summationdisplay\nj=lbj(χ(V)Hj(˜κ)).\nUsing the assumption\nl−1/summationdisplay\ni=0aiHi(˜κ) =k/summationdisplay\nj=lbj(χ(V)Hj(˜κ))>0,1≤l < k≤n−1,\nwe obtain from ( 4.6) that\n(4.7)k/summationdisplay\nj=lbj(χ(V)Hj+1(˜κ))≤l−1/summationdisplay\ni=0aiHi+1(˜κ).\nApplying ( 2.13) and (2.17) again,\n(4.8)0 =/integraldisplay\nΣ/parenleftiggl−1/summationdisplay\ni=0aiHi(˜κ)−k/summationdisplay\nj=lbj(χ(V)Hj(˜κ))/parenrightigg\n(V−u)dµ\n≥/integraldisplay\nΣ/parenleftiggl−1/summationdisplay\ni=0aiHi+1(˜κ)−k/summationdisplay\nj=lbjHj+1(˜κ)/parenrightigg\nudµ≥0.\nHere, the last inequality follows from ( 2.8) and (4.7). We finish the proof by examining\nthe equality case as before. /square\nIn a similar way, one can also prove the rigidity result for the weight V−u. We only\nstate the result here and leave the proof to readers.\nTheorem 4.1. Letn≥2. Assume that χ(s)is a smooth, positive and monotone non-\ndecreasing function defined on R+. LetΣbe a closed uniformly h-convex hypersurface\ninHn+1. If either of the following holds:\n(i) 2≤l < k≤nand there are nonnegative constants {ai}l−1\ni=1and{bj}k\nj=l, at least\none of them not vanishing, such that\nl−1/summationdisplay\ni=1ai(χ(V−u)Hi(˜κ)) =k/summationdisplay\nj=lbjHj(˜κ);\n(ii) Σis star-shaped, 1≤l < k≤n−1and there are nonnegative constants {ai}l−1\ni=0\nand{bj}k\nj=l, at least one of them not vanishing, such that\nl−1/summationdisplay\ni=0ai(χ(V−u)Hi(˜κ)) =k/summationdisplay\nj=lbjHj(˜κ),\n16thenΣis a geodesic sphere. Moreover, if χis strictly increasing, then Σis a centered\ngeodesic sphere.\n5.Proof of Theorems 1.3–1.5\nIn this section, we use the similar idea as in the work of Kwong-Lee-Py o [30]. The\nfollowing formulas will play an essential role in the proof.\nLemma 5.1. Letφbe a smooth function on a closed hypersurface ΣinHn+1. We have\n(5.1)/integraldisplay\nΣφuHk(˜κ)dµ=/integraldisplay\nΣφ(V−u)Hk−1(˜κ)dµ+1\nkCkn/integraldisplay\nΣ(Tk−1)j\ni(˜h)∇iφ∇jVdµ,\nwhere/tildewidehi\nj=hi\nj−δi\nj.\nProof.Similarly, by ( 2.15), we arrive at\n(Tk−1)j\ni(˜h)∇i∇jV=kCk\nn((V−u)Hk−1(˜κ)−uHk(˜κ)).\nMultiplying above equation by the function φand integrating by parts, one obtains the\ndesired result ( 5.1). /square\nProof of Theorem 1.3.(i) It follows from ( 5.1) and ˜κ∈Γ+\nkthat, for each iandj,\n(5.2)/integraldisplay\nΣai(r)((V−u)Hi−1(˜κ)−uHi(˜κ))\n=−1\niCin/integraldisplay\nΣλ(r)a′\ni(r)(Ti−1)q\np(˜h)∇pr∇qr≥0\nand\n(5.3)/integraldisplay\nΣbj(r)((V−u)Hj−1(˜κ)−uHj(˜κ))\n=−1\njCj\nn/integraldisplay\nΣλ(r)b′\nj(r)(Tj−1)q\np(˜h)∇pr∇qr≤0\nSumming ( 5.2) overiand (5.3) overj, and then taking the difference gives\n(5.4)0 =/integraldisplay\nΣ/parenleftiggk/summationdisplay\nj=lbj(r)Hj(˜κ)−l−1/summationdisplay\ni=1ai(r)Hi(˜κ)/parenrightigg\nudµ\n≥/integraldisplay\nΣ/parenleftiggk/summationdisplay\nj=lbj(r)Hj−1(˜κ)−l−1/summationdisplay\ni=1ai(r)Hi−1(˜κ)/parenrightigg\n(V−u)dµ.\nAs in the proof of Theorem 1.2(i), one can obtain the following inequalities:\n(5.5)k/summationdisplay\nj=lbj(r)Hj−1(˜κ)≥l−1/summationdisplay\ni=1ai(r)Hi−1(˜κ).\n17Combining this with ( 5.4), we conclude that all integrands in ( 5.4) are zero. This implies\n(5.5)isanequality andhence Σisageodesicsphere by theNewton-Maclau rin inequality.\n(ii) By dividing ( 1.1) bya0(r), it suffices to prove the result in the case where\n(5.6) 1 =k/summationdisplay\nj=1bj(r)Hj(˜κ).\nFrom (2.6) and (5.1), we have\n/integraldisplay\nΣudµ=/integraldisplay\nΣu/parenleftiggk/summationdisplay\nj=1bj(r)Hj(˜κ)/parenrightigg\ndµ≥/integraldisplay\nΣ(V−u)/parenleftiggk/summationdisplay\nj=1bj(r)Hj−1(˜κ)/parenrightigg\nH1(˜κ)\nH1(˜κ)dµ\n≥/integraldisplay\nΣ(V−u)/parenleftiggk/summationdisplay\nj=1bj(r)Hj(˜κ)/parenrightigg\n1\nH1(˜κ)dµ=/integraldisplay\nΣV−u\nH1(˜κ)dµ\n≥(n+1)/integraldisplay\nΩVdvol =/integraldisplay\nΣudµ\nwhere in the last inequality we used Proposition 2.1. Therefore, the equality in both\ncase yields that Σ is a geodesic sphere.\n(iii) Similarly, as in the proof of Theorem 1.2(iii), one can obtain\n(5.7)k/summationdisplay\nj=lbj(r)Hj+1(˜κ)≤l−1/summationdisplay\ni=0ai(r)Hi+1(˜κ).\nWe infer from ( 5.1) and ˜κ∈Γ+\nkthat, for each iandj,\n(5.8)/integraldisplay\nΣai(r)((V−u)Hi(˜κ)−uHi+1(˜κ))\n=−1\n(i+1)Ci+1n/integraldisplay\nΣλ(r)a′\ni(r)(Ti)q\np(˜h)∇pr∇qr≥0\nand\n(5.9)/integraldisplay\nΣbj(r)((V−u)Hj(˜κ)−uHj+1(˜κ))\n=−1\n(j+1)Cj+1\nn/integraldisplay\nΣλ(r)b′\nj(r)(Tj)q\np(˜h)∇pr∇qr≤0\nSumming ( 5.8) overiand (5.9) overj, and then taking the difference gives\n(5.10)0 =/integraldisplay\nΣ/parenleftiggl−1/summationdisplay\ni=0ai(r)Hi(˜κ)−k/summationdisplay\nj=lbj(r)Hj(˜κ)/parenrightigg\n(V−u)dµ\n≥/integraldisplay\nΣ/parenleftiggl−1/summationdisplay\ni=0ai(r)Hi+1(˜κ)−k/summationdisplay\nj=lbj(r)Hj+1(˜κ)/parenrightigg\nudµ≥0.\n18whereinthelastinequalityweused( 2.8)and(5.7). BytheNewton-Maclaurininequality,\nit implies that Σ is a geodesic sphere. /square\nProof of Theorem 1.4.By dividing ( 1.3) byη(r), it suffices to prove the theorem in the\ncase that\n(5.11)k/summationdisplay\nj=1/parenleftbigg\naj(r)Hj(˜κ)+bj(r)H1(˜κ)Hj−1(˜κ)/parenrightbigg\n= 1.\nByu≥0 and the Newton-Maclaurin inequality ( 2.6), we have\n(5.12)/integraldisplay\nΣudµ=/integraldisplay\nΣu/parenleftiggk/summationdisplay\nj=1(aj(r)Hj(˜κ)+bj(r)H1(˜κ)Hj−1(˜κ))/parenrightigg\ndµ\n=/integraldisplay\nΣk/summationdisplay\nj=1aj(r)uHj(˜κ)dµ+/integraldisplay\nΣk/summationdisplay\nj=1bj(r)uH1(˜κ)Hj−1(˜κ)dµ\n≥/integraldisplay\nΣk/summationdisplay\nj=1aj(r)uHj(˜κ)dµ+/integraldisplay\nΣk/summationdisplay\nj=1bj(r)uHj(˜κ)dµ.\nIt follows from ( 5.1) and ˜κ∈Γ+\nkthat\n(5.13)/integraldisplay\nΣaj(r)((V−u)Hj−1(˜κ)−uHj(˜κ))\n=−1\njCj\nn/integraldisplay\nΣλ(r)a′\nj(r)(Tj−1)q\np(˜h)∇pr∇qr≤0.\nSimilarly,\n(5.14)/integraldisplay\nΣbj(r)((V−u)Hj−1(˜κ)−uHj(˜κ))\n=−1\njCj\nn/integraldisplay\nΣλ(r)b′\nj(r)(Tj−1)q\np(˜h)∇pr∇qr≤0.\nSubstituting ( 5.13) and (5.14) into (5.12), using ( 2.6), we have\n/integraldisplay\nΣudµ≥/integraldisplay\nΣk/summationdisplay\nj=1aj(r)(V−u)Hj−1(˜κ)dµ+/integraldisplay\nΣk/summationdisplay\nj=1bj(r)(V−u)Hj−1(˜κ)dµ\n≥/integraldisplay\nΣk/summationdisplay\nj=1aj(r)(V−u)Hj(˜κ)\nH1(˜κ)dµ+/integraldisplay\nΣk/summationdisplay\nj=1bj(r)(V−u)Hj−1(˜κ)dµ\n=/integraldisplay\nΣV−u\nH1(˜κ)/parenleftiggk/summationdisplay\nj=1(aj(r)Hj(˜κ)+bj(r)H1(˜κ)Hj−1(˜κ))/parenrightigg\ndµ=/integraldisplay\nΣV−u\nH1(˜κ)dµ.\n19On the other hand, Hu-Wei-Zhou’s inequality (Proposition 2.1) is the reverse inequal-\nity/integraldisplay\nΣudµ≤/integraldisplay\nΣV−u\nH1(˜κ)dµ.\nThese two inequalities yield the equality in Hu-Wei-Zhou’s inequality. We c onclude that\nΣ is a geodesic sphere. /square\nProof of Theorem 1.5.The assumption ˜ κ∈Γ+\nksaysHj(˜κ)>0 for all j= 0,···,k. It\nfollows from ( 1.5) thatu >0.\nAssume first that k≥2. By Newton-Maclaurin inequality ( 2.6), we have for 0 ≤i <\nj≤k,\n(5.15)/parenleftbigg1\nH1(˜κ)/parenrightbiggj−i\n≤Hi(˜κ)\nHj(˜κ)=j−1/productdisplay\nm=iHm(˜κ)\nHm+1(˜κ)≤/parenleftbiggHj−1(˜κ)\nHj(˜κ)/parenrightbiggj−i\n.\nTherefore, by Newton-Maclaurin inequality ( 2.6) again,\n(5.16)\nβu\nV−u=/summationdisplay\ni\n0, as for electrons. Reversing the sign of γyields the case\nof liquid3He.\nVariables. We write the differential of the scalar en-\nergy density dεin terms of:\n(a) the scalarentropydensity sandits thermodynamic2\nconjugate, the temperature T;\n(b) the spin space vector magnetization /vectorMand its\nthermodynamic conjugate, the effective field/vectorB∗. This\nincludes the applied field /vectorBand an internal field that in\nequilibrium leads to /vectorB∗\neq=/vector0. On setting µ0= 1 we take\n/vectorB∗=/vectorB−1\nχ(/vectorM−/vectorM0), (1)\nso that/vectorMeq=/vectorM0+χ/vectorB; in the absence of anisotropy the\nremanent magnetization /vectorM0will be parallel to /vectorB. We\nmay also write\nδ/vectorM≡/vectorM−/vectorMeq,/vectorB∗=−χ−1(/vectorM−/vectorMeq) =−χ−1δ/vectorM.\n(2)\nFor this approach to be valid /vectorMmust be able to relax to\nequilibrium, so there must be a finite relaxation time τM.\n(c) the mixed tensor (one real space index and one\nspin space index) spin flux /vectorJiand its thermodynamic\nconjugate, /vector vi, both of which are zero in equilibrium.\nBecause /vectorMhas units of γ/planckover2pi1n, where nis a number\ndensity, /vectorJihas units of γ/planckover2pi1nv, wherevis a velocity. We\nalso include a factor of 1/2 for the spin.\nWe write a reactive (i.e., non-dissipative) term\n/vectorJi≈ρM/vector vi, (3)\nwhere for /vector vito have units of velocity, the material pa-\nrameter ρMmust have units of γ/planckover2pi1n. For/vectorJi·/vector vito be\nan energy density we multiply it by 2 m/γ/planckover2pi1, wheremis\nan appropriate particle mass. On including this factor,\nthe thermodynamics will be taken to include the term\n2m\nγ/planckover2pi1/vector vi·d/vectorJi.\nThermodynamics. Using these variables, the ther-\nmodynamics is specified in the differential of the energy\ndensity\ndε=Tds−/vectorB∗·d/vectorM+2m\nγ/planckover2pi1/vector vi·d/vectorJi. (4)\nSymmetries. For the energy to be invariant under\nvirtual rotations of all spin-space vectors by δ/vectorθ, as in\nδ/vectorM=δ/vectorθ×/vectorM, (to be modified when spin-orbit effects\nare present) we have\n−/vectorB∗×/vectorM+2m\nγ/planckover2pi1/vector vi×/vectorJi=/vector0, (5)\nThis implies\n/vector vi·(/vectorJi×/vectorB∗) = 0, /vector vi·(/vectorJi×/vectorM) = 0,(6)\nresults that will simplify some of the calculations to fol-\nlow. Additional relations follow from (5) but they will\nnot be needed.\nIn the absence of dissipation, under time-reversal /vectorB∗\nand/vectorMare odd, and /vector viand/vectorJiare even.III. EQUATIONS OF MOTION\nOnsager’s irreversible thermodynamics involves un-\nknown fluxes (generically, upper case J’s to avoid con-\nfusion with the lower case space index j) and unknown\nsources(generically R’s). However,insteadofthe flux /vectorJij\nwe use/vectorΠij– a spin-space stress tensor. The general ap-\nproach enforces the condition that (4) remains true at all\ntimes, and that the rate of entropy production is always\nnon-negative.\nIn terms of these quantities we take the equations of\nmotion to have the form\n∂tε+∂iJε\ni= 0. (7)\n∂ts+∂iJs\ni=Rs≥0. (8)\n∂t/vectorM+∂i/vectorJi=−γ/vectorM×/vectorB+/vectorRM. (9)\n∂t/vectorJi+∂j/vectorΠij=−γ/vectorJi×/vectorB−γ/vectorJi×λ/vectorM+/vectorR/vectorJ\ni.(10)\nBoth/vectorMand/vectorJiprecess around /vectorB, and we include the\nsymmetry-allowed precession of /vectorJiabout a mean-field\nalong/vectorM, as found in Fermi liquid theory.4,6The coef-\nficientλcan be found from Fermi liquid theory.\nWe now rewrite (4) using all of the above equations of\nmotion. Then TRssatisfies\n0≤TRs=T∂iJs\ni+T∂ts=∂i(TJs\ni)−Js\ni∂iT+∂tε+...\n(11)\nWritten out in detail TRsis a sum of terms that can be\nrewritten in the form of\n(a) a divergence involving fluxes,\n(b) a sum of products of fluxes and their thermodynamic\nforces, and\n(c)asumofproductsofsourcesandtheirthermodynamic\nforces.\nBecause of (6), the precession terms do not contribute to\nTRs.\nIn (4) the term in /vectorB∗·d/vectorMhas sign opposite to the\nother terms, a feature that will appear in the divergence\nterms, theflux-relatedentropyproductionterms, andthe\nsource-related entropy production terms.\n(a) Divergence terms. InTRsthe flux terms sum\nto\n−∂i/bracketleftbig\nJε\ni−TJs\ni+/vectorB∗·/vectorJi−2m\nγ/planckover2pi1/vector vj·/vectorΠji/bracketrightbig\n.(12)\nThis will be set to zero, thus determining Jε\niin terms\nof the other fluxes. These fluxes, in the linear response\nregime, are proportional to the thermodynamic forces\nwith coefficients perhaps associated with the order pa-\nrameter /vectorM. We will not actually need Jε\ni.\n(b) Product terms. InTRsthe terms due to prod-\nucts of fluxes and thermodynamic forces sums to\n−Js\ni∂iT+/vectorJi·∂i/vectorB∗−/vectorΠji·2m\nγ/planckover2pi1∂i/vector vj≥0.(13)\nWe will take the fluxes to be proportional to (as consis-\ntent with symmetry) a sum of thermodynamic forces.3\nReversible flux terms. Time-reversal symmetry\npermits a reversible term /vectorΠijthat is proportional to\n/vectorB∗δijand a reversible term in /vectorJiofρM/vector vi. With the\nremaining parts of /vectorΠjiand/vectorJigiven as /vectorΠ′\njiand/vectorJ′\ni, we\nwrite\n/vectorΠji=/vectorΠ′\nji+α/vectorB∗δij,/vectorJi=/vectorJ′\ni+ρM/vector vi.(14)\nThe reversible terms cannot contribute to the rate of en-\ntropy production; as a consequence, they are related.\nWe now use (14) in (13) to replace /vectorΠjiby/vectorΠ′\njiand/vectorJi\nby/vectorJ′\ni. This gives (13) the terms\nρM/vector vi·∂i/vectorB∗−2m\nγ/planckover2pi1α/vectorB∗·∂i/vector vi\n=∂i[ρM/vector vi·/vectorB∗]−(ρM+2m\nγ/planckover2pi1α)/vectorB∗·∂i/vector vi.(15)\nThe last two terms are proportional to /vectorB∗·∂i/vector vi, which is\nodd under time-reversal. They cannot contribute to the\nrate of entropy production, which is even under time-\nreversal, so they must sum to zero, so\nα=−2m\nγ/planckover2pi1ρM. (16)\nThis is a powerful constraint on the coefficient of /vectorB∗\nthat is independent of the specifics of the system other\nthanα.\n(c) Decay terms. The entropy production terms due\ntoproductsofsourcesandthermodynamicforcessum, on\nusing/vectorB∗·(/vectorM×/vectorB∗) = 0 and (6), to\n/vectorB∗·/vectorRM−2m\nγ/planckover2pi1/vector vi·/vectorRJ\ni≥0, (17)\nwhere/vectorRMand/vectorRJ\nimust be chosento makethe two terms\nequal and non-negative.\nIV. THERMODYNAMIC FLUXES AND\nFORCES\nThe thermodynamic forces are ∂iT,∂i/vectorB∗, and∂i/vector vj.\nRetaining only the diagonal terms, for the dissipative, or\nirreversible, thermodynamic fluxes we have\nJs\ni=−κ\nT∂iT, (18)\n/vectorJ′\ni=DMχ∂i/vectorB∗, (19)\n/vectorΠ′\nji=−D/vectorJρM∂i/vector vj. (20)\nIntheabove,themagneticsusceptibility χandthe“mag-\nnetic compressibility” ρMare non-negative equilibrium\nparameters, and DMandD/vectorJare new diffusion constants\nassociated with /vectorMand/vectorJi. To ensure non-negative en-\ntropy production, the parameters DM,D/vectorJand the ther-\nmal conductivity κmust be non-negative.Retaining only the diagonal terms, for the dissipative\nthermodynamic sources we write\n/vectorRM=−χ\nτM/vectorB∗, (21)\n/vectorRJ\ni=−1\nτ/vectorJ/vectorJi. (22)\nHereτMandτ/vectorJare new relaxation times associated with\n/vectorM, and/vectorJ. To ensure non-negative entropy production\nthese times are non-negative.\nThe right-hand-sides of eqs. (18-22) are zero in equi-\nlibrium, consistent with no flux or source terms in equi-\nlibrium.\nMagnetic Equations of Motion. We now use (14)\nand (16) to write /vectorΠij≈ −δijρM/vectorB∗and use (2) to write\n/vectorB∗=−χ−1δ/vectorM. We also use the collinearity of /vectorM0and\n/vectorBwhen there is no anisotropy. Then, with ∂t/vectorM=∂tδ/vectorM,\nthe equations of motion (9) and (10) read\n∂tδ/vectorM+∂i/vectorJi=−γδ/vectorM×/vectorB−1\nτMδ/vectorM.(23)\n∂t/vectorJi+ρM\nχ∂iδ/vectorM=−γ/vectorJi×(/vectorB+λ/vectorM)−1\nτ/vectorJ/vectorJi.(24)\nClearly the independent variables are δ/vectorMand/vectorJi. Rela-\ntive to the Fermi liquid theory of Ref. 4, Eq. (23) has δ/vectorM\nin place of /vectorM, and the decay term in τM, and Eq. (24)\nhas∂iδ/vectorMin place of ∂i/vectorM.\nWe now consider a time-dependence e−iωt. Then tak-\ning the time derivatives gives a factor of −iω, and we\nobtain\n∂i/vectorJi=−δ/vectorM×/vectorB−/parenleftbigg1\nτM−iω/parenrightbigg\nδ/vectorM. (25)\nρM\nχ∂iδ/vectorM=−γ/vectorJi×(/vectorB+λ/vectorM)−/parenleftbigg1\nτ/vectorJ−iω/parenrightbigg\n/vectorJi.(26)\nParamagnet. We write χin terms of N(0), the total\ndensity of states at the Fermi level:6,7,16\nN(0) =m∗pf\nπ2/planckover2pi13, (27)\nχ= (γ/planckover2pi1\n2)2N(0)\n1+1\n4Z0. (28)\nUse of Leggett’s results4then gives\nρM\nχ=1\n3v2\nF/parenleftbigg\n1+1\n4Z0/parenrightbigg/parenleftbigg\n1+1\n12Z1/parenrightbigg\n,(29)\nλ=1\nγ/planckover2pi11\nN(0)/parenleftbigg\nZ0−1\n3Z1/parenrightbigg\n, (30)\nwherevFistheFermivelocity, and Z0andZ1arethefirst\ntwo coefficients of the Legendre expansion of the Fermi\nliquid interaction. In the absence of such interactions, χ\nis the non-interacting value, ρM/χ=v2\nF/3, andλ= 0.4\nV. STEADY STATE SOLUTIONS\nAmong other things, spintronics requires the steady-\nstate response of a ferromagnet when a spin-polarized\ncurrententersorleavesit. Inpractice, forathin film (our\nconcern) the demagnetization field /vectorBdwill force /vectorMin the\nplane of the film, and the demagnetization field will be\npresent and different for the two transverse directions.14\nHowever, we will neglect this asymmetry.\nRecall that /vectorM=/vectorM0+δ/vectorM, soδ/vectorMand/vectorJiare de-\ntermined by their respective boundary conditions. We\nnow introduce G≡ρM/χ, given for the paramagnet by\n(29), which can be thought of as the spin analog of the\ncompressibility ∂P/∂ρ. Before tensorization of the pa-\nrameters of the theory, the time-independent equations\nof motion become\n∂i/vectorJi=−γδ/vectorM×/vectorB−1\nτMδ/vectorM. (31)\nG∂iδ/vectorM=−γ/vectorJi×(/vectorB+λ/vectorM0)−1\nτ/vectorJ/vectorJi. G≡ρM\nχ,(32)\nLet us now ‘tensorize’ in spin space, using\nG→G↔≡GLˆMˆM+GT(1↔−ˆMˆM).(33)\nTo be specific we take /vectorBand the equilibrium /vectorMto be\nalong ˆzand to be nearly uniform. Then the longitudinal\ncomponents satisfy\n∂iJLi=−1\nτMLδM, (34)\nGL∂iδM=−1\nτJLJLi. (35)\nTaking∂ion (35) and substituting (34) then gives\nGL∇2δM=1\nτJLτMLδM. (36)\nSettingδM,JMi∼ei/vectorkL·/vector r, we find that\nk2\nL=−1\nGLτJLτML. (37)\nRelative to Ref. 1, τMLis the same as τsf, andGLτJL\nis the same as 2 D0, whereD0is a spin diffusion constant.\nThus the effective diffusion constant is a combination of\nGL, associated with energy of nonuniformity (e.g., com-\npressibility), and τJL, associated with decay of /vectorJi.\nFollowing Refs. 1 and 3, for conducting ferromagnets,\nwe neglect /vectorB, so the exchange field dominates.\nTaking/vectorMto be nearly constant, and performing ∂i\non (31) while substituting (32), gives an equation in /vectorMT\nalone:\nGT∇2/vectorMT=1\nτMT[γλ/vectorMT×/vectorM0+1\nτJT/vectorMT].(38)Writing /vectorMT=Mxˆx+Myˆy∼ei/vectorkT·/vector r, and taking /vectorMfor\n/vectorM0, and along ˆ z, gives the two vector components\n(GTk2+1\nτJTτMT)Mx=−γλM\nτMTMy,(39)\n(GTk2+1\nτJTτMT)My= +γλM\nτMTMx.(40)\nCross-multiplication and factoring out MxMyleads to\n(GTk2+1\nτJTτMT)2=−(γλM\nτMT)2,(41)\nso the transverse wavevectors are\nk2\nT=−1\nGTτJTτMT±iγλM\nGTτMT. (42)\nThis has the same structure as the −(1/l)2equation\nfound by Zhang, Levy, and Fert,1,15wherelis the com-\nplex decay length. Thus the present approach, based\non the macroscopic properties of the magnetization /vectorM\nand its current /vectorJi, reproduces results that have been em-\nployed to analyze numerous spintronics experiments.3\nWhenBis included k2\nTbecomes:\nk2\nT=−1\nGTτJTτMT±iγ\nGT/bracketleftBig1\nτMT(B+λM)+1\nτJTB/bracketrightBig\n.\n(43)\nVI. FINITE FREQUENCY MODES\nWe now consider finite frequency modes by taking\nδ/vectorM,/vectorJi∼ei(/vectork·/vector r−ωt). Before tensorizing the parameters,\nthe time-independent equations of motion are given by\n(23) and(24). Toobtainfinite frequencyresults, consider\nthe time-dependence e−iωt, sotakingthe time derivatives\ngives a factor of −iω.\nTherefore the finite frequency modes can be obtained\nby making the following replacements to the decay rates\nin the steady state equations and solutions:\n1\nτM→1\nτM−iω, (44)\n1\nτ/vectorJ→1\nτ/vectorJ−iω. (45)\nPerforming these replacements in (37) gives the longi-\ntudinal wavevectors at finite frequency:\nk2\nL=−1\nGL/parenleftbigg1\nτJL−iω/parenrightbigg/parenleftbigg1\nτML−iω/parenrightbigg\n.(46)\nAt high frequency we find ω=±√GLk, corresponding\nto longitudinal magnetic sound.\nPerforming these replacements in (43) gives the trans-\nverse wavevectors at finite frequency:\nk2\nT=−1\nGT(1\nτJT−iω)(1\nτMT−iω)\n±iγ\nGT/bracketleftBig\n(1\nτMT−iω)(B+λM)+(1\nτJT−iω)B/bracketrightBig\n.(47)5\nAt high frequency we find ω=±√GTk, corresponding\nto transverse magnetic sound.\nVII. LONGITUDINAL SPIN WAVES FOR\nPARAMAGNETS\nThe Fermi liquid interaction coefficients are given in\nterms of dimensionless quantities expressed in terms of\nthe total density of states N(0).At least three dimension-\nless forms exist.\nThe Russian literature employs\nFl=N(0)fl, Z l=N(0)ζl. (48)\nLeggett uses Zl.\nBaym and Pethick employ\nFs\nl=Fl, Fa\nl=Zl\n4. (49)\nThese works emphasize3He.\nThe velocity of longitudinal spin waves vMfor small\nspin polarization, in the collision-dominated regime, is\ngiven by analogy to that for first sound. We express vM\nboth in terms of ZnandFn=Zn/4:\nv2\nM=G=1\n3v2\nF/parenleftbigg\n1+1\n4Z0/parenrightbigg/parenleftbigg\n1+1\n12Z1/parenrightbigg\n,\n=1\n3v2\nF(1+Fa\n0)/parenleftbigg\n1+1\n3Fa\n1/parenrightbigg\n. (50)\nFor liquid3He, we take m∗/m= 1.43 andpF//planckover2pi1=\nkF= 0.76×1010m−1,16which give vF= 112m/s. Then,\ntaking values at pressure P= 0 forZ0/4 andZ1/4,6,17–19\nwefindthat vMrangesfrom21m/sto37m/s. Toinclude\ndamping for liquid3He we may let τ/vectorJ→ ∞.\nPlatzman and Wolff, who expanded on Silin to\nstudy transverse spin resonance in paramagnetic metals,\nemploy12\nBl=fa\nlN(0)2\n2l+1=Fa\nl2\n2l+1=Zl1\n2(2l+1).(51)Eq. (50) also applies to simple metals. To evaluate\nthis for Na and K, we take B0andB1from Refs. 20\nand 21. For Na, we take vF= 1.07×106m/s and find\nvM= 5.8×105m/s. For K, we take vF= 0.86×106\nm/s, and find vM= 4.3×105m/s.\nVIII. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS\nUsing the symmetry of a ferromagnet, which is inde-\npendent of particle statistics, we have applied Onsager’s\nirreversible thermodynamics to study the transverse and\nlongitudinal response of a magnet as a function of fre-\nquency. Two collision times, a spin stiffness, and an\nexchange field enter the theory. For the transverse re-\nsponse, the low frequency wavevectorhas the same struc-\nture as that of the distinct theory of Zhang, Levy, and\nFert, which has been used in previous analyses of spin-\ntronics experiments.\nThe longitudinal mode is similar, but without preces-\nsion effects. From the known Fermi liquid interaction\ncoefficients, and in the absence of damping, both liq-\nuid3He and the alkali metals should support longitu-\ndinal spin waves. To our knowledge, only transverse spin\nwaveshavebeen studied in these systems.20,21Longitudi-\nnal spin waves seem not to have received much attention\nin the literature.\nThe results that do not depend on having a finite\nτMshould also apply to atomic gases, both bosons and\nfermions.22–25\nAcknowledgements\nC.S. wassupportedbyNationalNaturalScienceFoun-\ndation of China under No. 12105094, and by the Funda-\nmental Research Funds for the Central Universities from\nChina.\n∗Electronic address: chensun@hnu.edu.cn\n†Electronic address: wsaslow@tamu.edu\n1S. Zhang, P. M. Levy, and A. Fert, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88,\n236601 (2002), “Mechanisms of Spin-Polarized Current-\nDriven Magnetization Switching”.\n2J. Zhang, P. M. Levy, S. Zhang, and V. Antropov, Phys.\nRev. Lett. 93, 256602 (2004), “Identification of Transverse\nSpin Currents in Noncollinear Magnetic Structures.”\n3T. Taniguchi, S. Yakata, H. Imamura, and Y. Ando, Appl.\nPhys. Express 1, 031302 (2008), “Determination of Pene-\ntration Depthof Transverse SpinCurrentin Ferromagnetic\nMetals by Spin Pumping”.\n4A. J. Leggett, J. Phys. C 3, 448-459 (1970), “Spin diffusionand spin echoes in liquid3He at low temperature”.\n5W. M. Saslow and C. Sun, unpublished.\n6G. Baym and C. Pethick, Chapter 1 of The Physics of Liq-\nuid and Solid Helium, Part II, edited by K. H. Bennemann\nand J. B. Ketterson (Wiley, New York, 1978).\n7L. D. Landau, Zh. Eksp. i Teor. Fiz. 30, 1058 (1956), So-\nviet Phys. JETP 3, 920 (1957), “The Theory of a Fermi\nLiquid”.\n8L. D. Landau, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 32, 59 (1957) [Sov.\nPhys. JETP 5, 101 (1957)], “Oscillations in a Fermi Liq-\nuid.”\n9V. P. Silin, Zh. Eksp. i Teor. Fiz. 33, 127 (1957), Soviet\nPhys. JETP 6, 945 (1958), “Oscillations of a Fermi liquid6\nin a magnetic field.”\n10V. P. Silin, Zh. Eksp. i Teor. Fiz. 33, 495 (1957), Soviet\nPhys. JETP 6, 387 (1958), “Theory of a degenerate Fermi\nliquid.”\n11V. P. Silin, Zh. Eksp. i Teor. Fiz. 35, 1243 (1958), Soviet\nPhys. JETP 8, 870 (1958), “Oscillations of a Degenerate\nFermi liquid.”\n12P. M. Platzman and P. A. Wolff, Phys. Rev. Lett. 18, 280\n(1967). “Spin-Wave Excitation in Nonferromagnetic Met-\nals.”\n13A. B. Wilson and D. R. Fredkin, Phys. Rev. B 2, 4556,\n(1970), “Collective Oscillations in a Simple Metal. I. Spin\nWaves.”\n14C. Kittel, Phys. Rev. 73, 155 (1948), “On the Theory of\nFerromagnetic Resonance Absorption”.\n15In Ref. 1 the equation corresponding to k2\nTis−l−2, with\na real part that is equivalent to the inverse square of the\nspin flip length, and an imaginary part involving a term J\nthat is implicitly proportional to M.\n16A. A. Abrikosov and I. M. Khalatnikov, Rpts. Prog. Phys.\n22, 310 (1959), “Theory of a Fermi Liquid.”\n17L. R. Corruccini, D. D. Osheroff, D. M. Lee, and R. C.\nRichardson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 27, 650 (1971). “Spin Diffu-\nsion in Liquid3He: The Effect of Leggett and Rice.”\n18T. A. Alvesalo, T. Haavasoja, and M. T. Manninen, J. Low\nTemp. Phys. 45, 373 (1981). “Specific Heat of Normal andSuperfluid 3He.”\n19D. Candela, N. Masuhara, D. S. Sherell, and D. O. Ed-\nwards, J. Low Temp. Phys. 63, 369 (1986). “Collisionless\nspin waves in normal and superfluid3He.”\n20G. L. Dunifer, D. Pinkel, and S. L. Schultz, Phys. Rev. B\n10, 3159 (1974), “Experimental determintion of the Lan-\ndau Fermi-liquid-theory parameters: Spin waves in sodium\nand potassium.” See p. 3177 for the Fermi liquid coefficient\nvalues for Na and K.\n21D. Pinkel and S. Schultz, Phys. Rev. 8, 6639 (1978).\n“Experimental determination of the Landau Fermi-liquid-\ntheory parameters: Spin waves in rubidium.”\n22K. Miyake, W. J. Mullin, and P. C. E. Stamp, J. Physique\n46, 663-671. “Mean-field and spin-rotation phenomena in\nFermi systems: the relation between the Leggett-Rice and\nLhuillier-Lalo¨ e effects.”\n23M.¨O. Oktel and L. S. Levitov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 230403\n(2002). “Internal Waves and Synchronized Precession in a\nCold Vapor.”\n24J. N. Fuchs, D. M. Gangardt, and F. Lalo¨ e, Phys. Rev.\nLett. 88, 230404 (2002). “Internal State Conversion in Ul-\ntracold Gases.”\n25J.E. Williams, T. Nikuni, and C. W. Clark, Phys. Rev.\nLett. 88, 230405 (2002). “Longitudinal Spin Waves in a\nDilute Bose Gas.”" }, { "title": "2402.04642v2.On_the_Mathematical_foundations_of_Diffusion_Monte_Carlo.pdf", "content": "arXiv:2402.04642v2 [math.ST] 19 Feb 2024On the Mathematical foundations of Diffusion Monte Carlo\nMichel Caffarel1, Pierre Del Moral2and Luc de Montella2,3\n1University of Toulouse, Lab. de Chimie et Physique Quantiqu es, Toulouse , 31062, FR. E-Mail:\ncaffarel@irsamc.ups-tlse.fr\n2Centre de Recherche Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, Talence, 334 05, FR. E-Mail:\npierre.del-moral@inria.fr,luc.de-montella@inria.fr\n2Naval Group, Bouguenais, 44340, FR. E-Mail: luc.demontella@naval-group.com\nFebruary 20, 2024\nAbstract\nThe Diffusion Monte Carlo method with constant number of walkers, a lso called\nStochasticReconfigurationaswellasSequentialMonteCarlo,isaw idelyusedMonte\nCarlo methodology for computing the ground-state energy and wa ve function of\nquantum systems. In this study, we present the first mathematic ally rigorous anal-\nysis of this class of stochastic methods on non necessarily compact state spaces,\nincluding linear diffusions evolving in quadratic absorbing potentials, yie lding what\nseems to be the first result of this type for this class of models. We p resent a\nnovel and general mathematical framework with easily checked Ly apunov stability\nconditions that ensure the uniform-in-time convergence of Diffusio n Monte Carlo\nestimates towards the top of the spectrum of Schr¨ odinger oper ators. For transient\nfree evolutions, we also present a divergence blow up of the estimat es w.r.t. the time\nhorizon even when the asymptotic fluctuation variances are unifor mly bounded. We\nalso illustrate the impact of these results in the context of generaliz ed coupled quan-\ntum harmonic oscillators with non necessarily reversible nor stable diff usive particle\nandaquadraticenergyabsorbingwellassociatedwith asemi-definit epositivematrix\nforce.\n1 Introduction\nThe many-body Schr¨ odinger equation describes interactin g quantum particles. Depend-\ning on the domain of application, these particles may repres ent electrons in solid-state\nphysics or quantum chemistry, nucleons in nuclear physics, atoms in quantum liquid\nphysics, or coupled modes of oscillators in molecular spect roscopy, among the main ap-\nplications. Except for trivial quantum systems, it is impos sible to solve this equation\nanalytically. The diffusion Monte Carlo method (abbreviated DMC) provides a power-\nful stochastic approach to numerically approximate the gro und state energy and wave\nfunction of Schr¨ odinger operators.\n1The DMC methodology has a long and rich history, dating back t o its first mention\nin 1949 by Ulam and Metropolis in [ 1]. The idea was first implemented by Donsker and\nKac [2], and by Kalos [ 3] in the early 1960s. Over the years, the physics community\nhas proposed numerous variants of Diffusion Monte Carlo, know n by various names\nsuch as Green’s function Monte Carlo,[ 3,4] Fixed-Node Diffusion Monte Carlo,[ 5], Pure\nDiffusion Monte Carlo, [ 6,7] Stochastic Reconfiguration Monte Carlo,[ 8,9,10,11] and\nReptation Monte Carlo,[ 12] to cite the main ones. Despite their apparent diversity, al l\nthese approaches are fundamentally based, in one way or anot her, on the stochastic\nsimulation of a specific implementation of the Feynman-Kac f ormula with importance\nsampling.\nFor a more detailed discussion on the origins and the applica tions of these Monte\nCarlo techniques in physics we refer the reader to the recent review article [ 13] as well\nas to [14,15] and references therein.\nThe version of interest employed here is the DMC method with a fixed number of\nwalkers, commonly known in physics as Stochastic Reconfiguration Monte Carlo ; see the\npioneering article by Hetherington [ 8], followed by Sorella and co-authors [ 9,10] and by\nthe first author and his co-workers in [ 11].\nIn mathematics, the methodology may also be referred to by di fferent names, such\nas genetic algorithm with selection and mutation, populati on Monte Carlo or sequential\nMonte Carlo [ 16,17,18,19,20]. For a more thorough discussion on these application\nmodel areas we refer to the books [ 21,22] and references therein.\nThese sequential Monte Carlo methods do not rely on biased va riational techniques.\nThey can be seen as a sophisticated genetic-type Monte Carlo methodology to simulate\ninteracting quantum many-body systems. Various asymptoti c results have been derived,\nincluding central limit theorems and large deviation princ iples, see for instance [ 23,24]\nand [25,26], as well as the books [ 27,21,22] for an overview.\nOur work concerns less studied non-asymptotic and time-uni form problems. Recall-\ning that the estimation of ground state energies relies on th e limiting behavior of the\nwalkers’ evolution in the DMC method, it is therefore crucia l to obtain uniform-in-time\nconvergence estimates. Despite its importance, there is a n otable gap in the literature\nand very few results have been proven in this respect. To the b est of our knowledge,\nsuch uniform controls are mainly valid for compact state spa ce models, see for instance\n[28,21,22] as well as [ 29]. Surprisingly, thetheoretical efficiency of the DMC method has\nnever been verified rigorously even in basic linear-Gaussia n scenarios such as the simple\nand well known harmonic oscillator. In this paper, we addres s this gap by establishing\nthe first uniform-in-time convergence estimates that apply to general state space models\nincluding the coupled harmonic oscillators presented in [ 30].\nOur approach is partly based on recent developments on the st ability of positive\nsemigroups presented in [ 31,32], see also the analysis of generalized coupled harmonic\noscillators presented in [ 30]. In the present article, we provide a natural Lyapunov con-\ndition that ensures the exponential stability of possibly t ime varying positive semigroups\non non necessarily compact state spaces (cf. ( 5) and the local conditions ( 6)). In the\ncontext of time homogeneous positive semigroups, these con ditions ensure the existence\n2of an unique leading eigen-triple (see for instance ( 11)). We underline that these results\ndo not rely on any reversibility-type condition, nor on some spectral theorem. They\ncan be seen as an extended version of Perron-Frobenius and Kr ein-Rutman theorems for\npossibly time varying positive operators.\nWe present a nonlinear Markov chain interpretation of the DM C methodologies. In\nthis interpretation, the genetic type evolution of the walk ers can be seen as a mean field\nparticle simulation of a nonlinear Markov chain (see Sectio n2.4). In this context, we\npresent an auxiliary Lyapunov condition that depends on the potential function and the\nfree evolution of the walkers that ensures the time uniform p erformance of the DMC\nmethodology (cf. condition ( 5), as well as Theorem 1and Corollary 2). We illustrate\nthis condition in the context of generalized coupled harmon ic oscillators for a linear\ndiffusive-type particle and a quadratic energy absorbing wel l associated with a semi-\ndefinite positive matrix force. In this context, we also show that the DMC methodology\nmay diverge when the free evolution of the walkers is unstabl efor any fixed number\nof walkers, even if the asymptotic variance of the Central Limi t Theorem is uniformly\nbounded with respect to the time parameter (see Proposition 1, as well as Section 5.3\nand Proposition 2).\nIn the context of absorbing wells centered at the origin, thi s study leads us to con-\njecture that stable free evolution transitions is a necessa ry and sufficient condition for\nthe DMC method to be uniformly convergent w.r.t. the time hor izon.\nAdditionally, we propose and, to some extent, establish the validity of an importance\nsamplingtransformation to overcome this difficulty. Thisty pe of technique is related but\nnot identical to the use of guiding wave functions in physics to direct the Monte Carlo\nmoves to improve the efficiency of the DMC method [ 33,34]. In contrast with con-\nventional guiding waves techniques our approach is based on conditional free evolutions\ntransitions and survival weight potential functions (cf. S ection2.4and Section 5.2).\nThe rest of the article is organized as follows: In Section 2, we provide a detailed\ndescription of the general framework in which our study is se t, as well as the theoretical\nfoundations on which our proof will be based.\nSection3is devoted to the presentation of our main results. Section 4is mainly\nconcerned the detailed proofs of time-uniform estimates.\nSection5is devoted to the application of our convergence result to ge neralized cou-\npledharmonicoscillators [ 30,35,36]. Thesemodels ariseinvarious fieldssuchasmolecu-\nlarspectroscopy[ 37], quantumoptics[ 38], quantumcryptography[ 39]andphotosynthesis\n[40]. In signal processing, the harmonic oscillator and the DMC methods coincides with\nthe Kalman and the particle filter [ 41,42].\n2 Description of the models\n2.1 Free evolution semigroups\nConsider a Markov chain Xnindexed by n∈Nand taking values in a locally compact\nPolish space ( E,E), where Eis the Borel σ-field onE. LetC(E) be the algebra of\n3continuous measurable functions on E. We also define Cb(E)⊂ C(E) as the sub-algebra\nof bounded measurable continuous functions endowed with th e supremum norm /⌊ard⌊l./⌊ard⌊l.\nWith a slight abuse of notation, we denote by 0 and 1 the null an d unit scalars as well\nas the null and unit functions on Eand we denote by I:x∈E/ma√sto→I(x) =xthe identity\nfunction on E.\nForn∈N∗, we consider the Markov transitions Pnassociated with Xn, and assume\nthat they are Feller; in the sense that for any f∈ Cb(E) we havePn(f)∈ Cb(E), with\nthe function Pn(f) defined for any x∈Eby the integral operator\nPn(f)(x) :=/integraldisplay\nEPn(x,dy)f(y) =E(f(Xn)|Xn−1=x).\nLetC∞(E)⊂ C(E) be the sub-algebra of uniformly positive continuous funct ions\nVthat grow at infinity; that is, for any r≥V⋆:= inf EV >0, ther-sub-level set\nV(r) :={V≤r} ⊂Eis a non-empty compact subset. We further assume that there\nexists aP-Lyapunov function V∈ C∞(E); in the sense that V(E)⊂[1,∞) and there\nexistsǫ∈[0,1) andc∈Rsuch that for any n∈N∗we have\nPn(V)≤ǫV+c. (1)\nLetCV(E)⊂ C(E) bethe sub-space of functions f∈ C(E) such that f/Vis bounded,\nequipped with the norm /⌊ard⌊lf/⌊ard⌊lV:=/⌊ard⌊lf/V/⌊ard⌊l. The Markov semigroup associated with the\nMarkov chain Xnis defined for any f∈ CV(E) by\nPk,n(f)(x) := E(f(Xn)|Xk=x).\nCondition ( 1) ensures that Pk,nisV-Feller in the sense that for f∈ CV(E) we have\nPk,n(f)∈ CV(E). To ensure the semigroup Pk,nis exponentially stable [ 31], we assume\nthe integral operator\nPn(x,dy) =pn(x,y)ν(dy)\nhas a density pnw.r.t. some Radon measure νsatisfying for some r1>0 and for any\nr≥r1the local minorization condition\n00 such that for any k≤n, and anyµ1,µ2∈ PV(E) we\nhave\n||µ1Pk,n−µ2Pk,n||V≤ae−b(n−k)||µ1−µ2||V. (3)\nNote that the r.h.s condition in ( 2) is met as soon as Vhas compact sub-level sets\nwith non empty interior and νis a Radon measure with full support; that is νis finite\non compact sets and strictly positive on non-empty open sets . For time-homogeneous\nmodels, the l.h.s. minorization condition is satisfied as so on as (x,y)∈(E◦)2/ma√sto→pn(x,y)\nis a continuous positive function on the interior E◦of the setE.\n42.2 Feynman-Kac semigroups\nWe associate with a sequence of strictly positive functions (Gn)n∈N∈ CV(E)Nthe dis-\ncrete generation Feynman-Kac semigroups\nQk,n(f)(x) =E\nf(Xn)n−1/productdisplay\np=kGp(Xp)|Xk=x\nand/hatwideQk,n(f) :=G−1\nkQk,n(Gnf),\nwithG−1\nk:= 1/Gk. To simplify notation, for k= (n−1) sometimes we write Qnand\n/hatwideQninstead ofQn−1,nand/hatwideQn−1,n. In this notation, we have\nQn(f)(x) =Gn−1(x)Pn(f)(x) and /hatwideQn(f)(x) =Pn(Gnf)(x).\nWe also use the convention Qn,n=Pn,n=Id, the identity operator.\nLetMb(E) be the set of bounded signed measures on E. Also, let P(E)⊂ Mb(E)\nbe the convex subset of probability measures on Eand denote by PV(E) the convex\nset of probability measures µ∈ P(E) such that µ(V)<+∞. The left action of Qnon\nPV(E) is given for any ( η,f)∈(PV(E),CV(E)) by the formula\n(ηQn)(f) :=η(Qn(f)) =/integraldisplay\nη(dx)Qn(f)(x) =/integraldisplay\nη(dx)Qn(x,dy)f(y).(4)\nBy Fubini’s theorem, the integration order doesn’t matter. Thus to simplify notation,\nwe sometimes write ηQn(f) instead of ( ηQn)(f) orη(Qn(f)).\nWe denote by C0(E) :={1/V:V∈ C∞(E)} ⊂ Cb(E) the sub-algebra of bounded\ncontinuous positive functions hthat vanish at infinity; that is, for any 0 <ǫ≤ /⌊ard⌊lh/⌊ard⌊l<∞\ntheǫ-super-level set {h≥ǫ} ⊂Eis a non empty compact subset.\nWe further assume the Lyapunov function Vintroduced in ( 1) is aQ-Lyapunov\nfunction in the sense that ( 1) holds and there exists Θ ∈ C0(E) and a compact subset\nK⊂Esuch that for any n≥1 we have\nQn(V)/V≤Θ and (Gn−1(x)−Gn−1(y))(1E\\K(x)V(x)−1E\\K(y)V(y))≤0.(5)\nNote that the l.h.s. condition in ( 5) holds as soon as there exists G∈ C0(E) such that\nfor anyGn≤G, for anyn≥0. This condition ensures that for any positive function\nf∈ CV(E) andn≥1 we have\nQn(f)/V≤Qn(V)/V≤Θ.\nBy (2) the integral operator Qn(x,dy) =qn(x,y)ν(dy) also has a density given by\nqn(x,y) =Gn−1(x)pn(x,y) and for any r≥r1we have the local condition\n00 such that for any k≤n, and\nanyµ1,µ2∈ PV(E) we have\n/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleµ1¯Qk,n−µ2¯Qk,n/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nV≤ae−b(n−k)||µ1−µ2||V/Hµ\nk,n. (10)\nNote that for constant potential functions Gn(x) =Gn(y) we have ¯Qk,n=Pk,nand the\nabove contraction estimates resume to ( 3).\nFor time homogeneous models Qn=Q, Theorem 4.4 in [ 32] ensures the existence of\na leading eigen triple ( h,E0,η∞)∈/parenleftbig\nCV(E)×R∗\n+×PV(E)/parenrightbig\n,such that\nQ(h) =E0h , η ∞Q=E0η∞andη∞(h) = 1. (11)\n2.3 Schr¨ odinger semigroups\nThe objects defined in the previous subsection are core to a va riety of physics problem.\nIndeed, consider an Hamiltonian differential operator Hgiven by the formula\nH:=−L+U,\nwhereUis a potential energy function from EtoR+, andLis a kinetic energy operator\nacting on a subset D(L) ofC(E). The time dependent Schr¨ odinger equation and the\n6imaginary time version associated with the hamiltonian Hare given, respectively, by the\nequations\ni∂tψt(x) =H(ψt)(x) and −∂tϕt(x) =H(ϕt)(x),\nwith prescribed initial conditions ( ψ0,ϕ0). In the above display, i∈Cstands for the\nimaginary unit. The right-hand side equation is obtained vi a a formal time change by\nsettingϕt(x) =ψ−it(x), and can be equivalently written in the following form\n∂tϕt(x) =L(ϕt)(x)−U(x)ϕt(x) with initial condition ϕ0. (12)\nFor a twice differentiable function ϕ0, the solution of ( 12) is given by the Feynman-\nKac path integral formula\nϕt(x) =Qt(ϕ0)(x) :=/integraldisplay\nQt(x,dy)ϕ0(y) (13)\n=E/parenleftbigg\nϕ0(Xt) exp/parenleftbigg\n−/integraldisplayt\n0U(Xs)ds/parenrightbigg\n| X0=x/parenrightbigg\n.\nIn the above display, Xtstands for a time homogeneous stochastic process XtonE, with\ngenerator L. To facilitate the interpretation of the theoretical and nu merical physics in\nthe measure theoretical framework used in this article, we n ote that the Feynman-Kac\npropagator defined by the integral operator ( 13) is sometimes written in terms of the\nexponential of the Hamiltonian operator with the exponenti al-type symbol\nQt:=e−tHor in the bra-kets formalism Qt(ϕ0) =|e−tH|ϕ0/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}ht.\nThe integral operator Qtis sometimes called the Feynman-Kac propagator. For any\ns,t≥0 the integral operators Qtsatisfy the semigroup property\nQs+t(x,dz) = (QsQt)(x,dy) :=/integraldisplay\nQs(x,dz)Qt(z,dy) =⇒ϕs+t=Qs(ϕt).\nIn terms of left action bra-kets, defining µϕ(dx) :=ϕ(x)dx, Fubini’s theorem yields\n/an}⌊ra⌋ketle{tϕ|e−sH|ϕt/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}ht=/integraldisplay\ndx ϕ(x)Qs(x,dy)ϕt(dy) = (µϕQs)(ψt)\n=µϕ((QsQt)(ϕ0)) =µϕQs+t(ϕ0) =/an}⌊ra⌋ketle{tϕ|e−(s+t)H|ϕ0/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}ht.\nThe exponential notation is compatible with finite space mod els and the matrix\nnotation of the continuous one-parameter semigroup for tim e homogeneous models. The\nbra-ket notation (a.k.a. Dirac notation) is also used to rep resents linear projection forms\nacting on Hilbert spaces associated with some reversible or some stationary measure,\nsuch as the Lebesgue measure for the harmonic oscillator.\nThe present article deals with different types of non necessar ily stationary stochastic\nprocesses, including the free evolution process Xtdiscussed in ( 13). Apart in the re-\nversible situation in which spectral theorems are stated on the Hilbert space associated\n7with a reversible measure, the use of the exponential symbol or the use of the bra-\nkets formalism is clearly not adapted to represent different e xpectations with respect to\ndifferent types of stochastic and non-necessarily reversibl e processes.\nTo analyze these general stochastic models, we have chosen t o only use elementary\nand standard measure theory notation such as ( 4). The integral actions of a given\nintegral operator Qton the right for functions and on the left for measures are cle arly\ncompatible with finite space models and matrix notation. The left actionµ/ma√sto→µQtmaps\nmeasures into measures, while the right action f/ma√sto→ Qt(f) maps functions into functions.\n(µQt)(dy) :=/integraldisplay\nEµ(dx)Qt(x,dy) andQt(f)(x) :=/integraldisplay\nEQt(x,dy)f(y).\nIn this context the normalized measures are defined for any s≤tby the flow of measures\nµt(f) := Φs,t(µs)(f) :=µsQt−s(f)/µsQt−s(1), (14)\nwhereµ0stands for the distribution of the initial random state X0. Note that\n∂tµ0Qt(1) =−E/parenleftbigg\nU(Xt)exp/parenleftbigg\n−/integraldisplayt\n0U(Xs)ds/parenrightbigg/parenrightbigg\n=−µ0Qt(U)\n=⇒∂tlogµ0Qt(1) =−µt(U) =⇒µ0Qt(1) = exp/parenleftbigg\n−/integraldisplayt\n0µs(U)ds/parenrightbigg\n.(15)\nThe operator Qtdefined in ( 13) is sometimes called a Feynman-Kac propagator.\nHowever, despite its mathematical elegance, it can rarely b e solved analytically. Under\nsome regularity conditions (cf. for instance [ 32]) the flow of measures µtconverge as\nt→ ∞to some limiting fixed point measure µ∞= Φs,t(µ∞) (a.k.a. quasi-invariant\nmeasure). In this case, choosing µ0=µ∞in (15) we have\nµ∞Qt(1) =e−λ0twithλ0:=µ∞(U).\nWhenever it exists, the ground state h0is the leading eigen-function associated with λ0;\nthat is, we have\nQt(h0) =e−λ0th0.\nOn a given time mesh tn=nδ, with time step tn−tn−1=δ>0 we clearly have\nµtn(f) =µtn−1Qδ(f)\nµtn−1Qδ(1)andQδ(x,dy) =Gδ(x)Pδ(x,dy),\nwith the function\nGδ(x) :=Qδ(1)(x) and the Markov transition Pδ(x,dy) :=Qδ(x,dy)\nQδ(1)(x).\nNote that\nµ∞(Gδ) =µ∞Qδ(1) =e−λ0δas well as Qδ(h0) =e−λ0δh0andµ∞Qδ=e−λ0δµ∞.\n8Inotherwords,choosing( G,P) = (Gδ,Pδ)inthetime-homogeneousFeynman-Kacmodel\ndiscussed in ( 7) and (11), we obtain the leading triple\n(η∞,E0,h) = (µ∞,e−λ0δ,h0).\nThis yields the formula\n−1\nδlogµ∞(Gδ) =λ0=µ∞(U).\nUnfortunately, with the notable exception of coupled harmo nic models (cf. [ 30] as\nwell as Proposition 7.1 in [ 31]), the potential function Gδcan rarely be evaluated and\nthe Markov transition Pδcannot be sampled. The Feynman-Kac measure ηnintroduced\nin (7) can also be interpreted as the solution of a discrete-time a pproximation of the\nformula ( 13). Indeed, consider a discrete time approximation Xtnof the process Xtnand\nlet\nQ(x,dy) =G(x)P(x,dy),\nwith\nG(x) = exp( −U(x)δ) andP(x,dy) =P(Xδ\ntn∈dy|Xδ\ntn−1=x).(16)\nIn this situation, choosing n=⌊t/δ⌋we have\nη0Q0,n(f) =E\nf(Xδ\ntn)/productdisplay\n0≤k1, leaving\nopen only the case A= 1.\nProposition 1. Assume that A2>1andP0>0. For anyp∈N∗we have\nsup\nn∈NE/parenleftbig\n|ηn(I)−ηN\nn(I)|p/parenrightbig1\np= +∞.\nThe proof of this proposition can be found in Subsection 5.3.\nNote that all corollaries in this subsection can be extended to a control on the\nestimation of the limit measures, ground state, and eigenva lue using the same approach\nas presented in Corollary 2.\n4 Stochastic interpolation\n4.1 Time varying semigroups\nIn this subsection, we focus on proving Theorem 1. To take advantage of the con-\nditional independence of the walkers, we structure our appr oach around the following\ndecomposition of the difference between the Feynman-Kac meas ure and its empirical\napproximation, using the convention ηN\n−1=η0. Following [ 27,28], we use the following\nstochastic interpolation formula\nηN\nn−ηn=n/summationdisplay\nq=0[φq,n(ηN\nq)−φq,n(φq(ηN\nq−1))]. (27)\n17Each term on the right-hand side represents the error that oc curs when using the\nDMC approximation instead of the real propagator for a singl e extra time step. Com-\nbining the uniform bound given in Lemma 1with the contraction property ( 10), the\nfollowing Lemma establishes an exponentially decreasing c ontrol for these local errors.\nLemma 2. For anyp∈N∗, there exists (c,ρ,β)∈R∗2\n+×(0,1]such that for any function\nf∈ C\nVλ\n4p(E)and any (N,q,n)∈N3withq≤nwe have\nE/bracketleftBig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle[φq,n(ηN\nq)−φq,n(φq(ηN\nq−1))](f)/vextendsingle/vextendsinglep/bracketrightBig1\np≤ce−(n−q)ρN−β\n2. (28)\nProof:\nLet (η,µ)∈ P(E) and letγ∈ PV(E) be defined as in ( 17). Consider Hq,n:=Hγ\nq,n\nas defined in ( 9). Applying the updating formula ( 8), we obtain\nφq,n(η)(f)−φq,n(µ)(f) = (ψHq,n(η)¯Qq,n−ψHq,n(µ)¯Qq,n)(f)\n=1\nη(Hq,n)(η−µ)/parenleftbig\nHq,n¯Qq,n[f−ψHq,n(µ)¯Qq,n(f)]/parenrightbig\n.\nThis yields the formula\nφq,n(η)(f)−φq,n(µ)(f) =1\nη(Hq,n)(η−µ)(Fµ\nq,n), (29)\nwith the function\nFµ\nq,n(x) :=Hq,n(x)/integraldisplay\nEψHq,n(µ)(dy)[¯Qq,n(f)(x)−¯Qq,n(f)(y)].\nThen, applying H¨ older’s inequality for any β∈[0,1), we obtain the estimate\nE/parenleftBig/vextendsingle/vextendsingleφq,n(ηN\nq)(f)−φq,n(φq(ηN\nq−1))(f)/vextendsingle/vextendsinglep/parenrightBig1\np\n≤E/parenleftBig\nηN\nq(Hq,n)−2p/vextendsingle/vextendsingle(ηN\nq−φq(ηN\nq−1))(FN\nq,n)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2p(1−β)/parenrightBig1\n2pE/parenleftBig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle(ηN\nq−φq(ηN\nq−1))(FN\nq,n)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2βp/parenrightBig1\n2p,\nwithFN\nq,n:=Fφq(ηN\nq−1)\nq,n. Using ( 29) this yields the estimate\nE/parenleftbig/vextendsingle/vextendsingleφq,n(ηN\nq)(f)−φq,n(φq(ηN\nq−1))(f)/vextendsingle/vextendsinglep/parenrightbig1\np\n≤E/parenleftBig\nηN\nq(Hq,n)−2βp/vextendsingle/vextendsingleφq,n(ηN\nq)(f)−φq,n(φq(ηN\nq−1))(f)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2p(1−β)/parenrightBig1\n2p\n×E/parenleftBig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle(ηN\nq−φq(ηN\nq−1))(FN\nq,n)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2βp/parenrightBig1\n2p.\n18Recalling that f∈ C\nVλ\n4p(E), this implies that\nE/parenleftbig/vextendsingle/vextendsingleφq,n(ηN\nq)(f)−φq,n(φq(ηN\nq−1))(f)/vextendsingle/vextendsinglep/parenrightbig1\np\n≤/bracketleftBig\nE/parenleftbig\nφq,n(ηN\nq)(Vλ)/parenrightbig1\n4p+E/parenleftbig\nφq,n(φq(ηN\nq−1))(Vλ)/parenrightbig1\n4p/bracketrightBig\n×E/parenleftbig\nηN\nq(Hq,n)−4βp/parenrightbig1\n4pE/parenleftBig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle(ηN\nq−φq(ηN\nq−1))(FN\nq,n)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2βp/parenrightBig1\n2p.\nFrom Lemmas 1and9, we deduce that, to conclude, it is enough to prove that, for s ome\nconstantc∈R∗\n+independent of n,qandN, we have\nE/bracketleftBig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/bracketleftbig\nηN\nq−φq(ηN\nq−1)/bracketrightbig/parenleftbig\nFN\nq,n/parenrightbig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2βp/bracketrightBig1\n2p0, the walkers ( ξi\nq)1≤i≤Nare independent conditionally to ηN\nq−1we have\n[ηN\nq−φq(ηN\nq−1)](f) =ηN\nq\n1\nN/summationdisplay\n1≤i≤Nhi\nwithhi:=f−Sq−1,ηN\nq−1Pq(f)(ξi\nq−1).\nMoreover, we have\nφq(ηN\nq−1) =1\nN/summationdisplay\n1≤i≤nµiwithµi=δξi\nq−1Sq−1,ηN\nq−1Pq.\nSince for any i∈/llbracket1,N/rrbracket, we haveµi(hi) = 0, we can apply Lemma 7.3.3 from [ 21],\nand deduce that there exists C∈Rsuch that\nE/bracketleftBig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/bracketleftbig\nηN\nq−φq(ηN\nq−1)/bracketrightbig/parenleftbig\nFN\nq,n/parenrightbig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2βp/bracketrightBig1\n2p=E/bracketleftBig\nE/parenleftBig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/bracketleftbig\nηN\nq−φq(ηN\nq−1)/bracketrightbig/parenleftbig\nFN\nq,n/parenrightbig/vextendsingle/vextendsingleλβ′\n|ξq−1/parenrightBig/bracketrightBig1\n2p\n≤E/bracketleftbigg\nE/parenleftBig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/bracketleftbig\nηN\nq−φq(ηN\nq−1)/bracketrightbig/parenleftbig\nFN\nq,n/parenrightbig/vextendsingle/vextendsingleλ|ξq−1/parenrightBigβ′/bracketrightbigg1\n2p\n≤C\nNβ/2E/bracketleftbigg\nφq(ηN\nq−1)/parenleftBig\n|FN\nq,n|λ/parenrightBigβ′/bracketrightbigg1/2p\n.\nForq= 0, the walkers are iid with common distribution η0. The previous reasoning\ntherefore holds using the convention E(X|ξ−1) =E(X).\nApplying the contraction property ( 10) withµ=δxandη=δywe get the existence\nof (a,ρ)∈R2\n+such that\n|¯Qq,n(f)(x)−¯Qq,n(f)(y)| ≤ae−ρ(n−q)/parenleftbigg\n1+V(x)\nHq,n(x)/parenrightbigg/parenleftbigg\n1+V(y)\nHq,n(y)/parenrightbigg\n.(31)\n19By substituting ( 31) into thedefinition of Fq,nandapplyingH¨ older’s inequality along\nwith Jensen’s inequality, we obtain, for some ( a′,ρ′)∈R∗2\n+\nE/bracketleftbigg\nφq(ηN\nq−1)/parenleftBig\n|FN\nq,n|λ/parenrightBigβ′/bracketrightbigg1/2p\n≤a′e−ρ′(n−q)E/bracketleftBig\nφq(ηN\nq−1){(Hq,n+V)λ}β′φq(ηN\nq−1){(Hq,n+V)}λβ′φq(ηN\nq−1)(Hq,n)−λβ′/bracketrightBig1\n2p\n≤a′e−ρ′(n−q)E/bracketleftBig\nφq(ηN\nq−1){(Hq,n+V)λ}/bracketrightBig1\n4pE/bracketleftBig\nφq(ηN\nq−1)(Hq,n)−2λβ′/bracketrightBig1\n4p.\nFrom our hypothesis on Qn, we deduce from Lemma 3.2 in [ 32] that there exists\na constant csuch that for any ( q′,n′)∈N2,Hq′,n′≤cV. We can then conclude by\nchoosing a small enough β′and using Lemmas 1and9.\nThe proof of Theorem 1is now relatively straightforward.\nProof of Theorem 1:\nLetf∈ C\nVλ\n4p(E). From the sub-additivity of the Lp-norm applied in ( 27), we have\nE(|ηN\nn(f)−ηn(f)|p)1\np≤n/summationdisplay\nq=0E/parenleftBig/vextendsingle/vextendsingleφq,n(ηN\nq)(f)−φq,n(φq(ηN\nq−1))(f)/vextendsingle/vextendsinglep/parenrightBig1\np.\nBy applying Lemma 2, we deduce that there exists ( C,ρ,β)∈R×R∗\n+×(0,1] such\nthat for any N∈N∗we have\nE(|ηN\nn(f)−ηn(f)|p)1\np≤C\nNβ\n2/summationdisplay\n0≤l≤ne−(n−l)ρ≤C\nNβ\n2(1−e−ρ).\nThis ends the proof of the theorem.\n4.2 Ground state estimates\nThissubsectionconcentratesonprovingCorollary 1. Weconsiderthusthetime-homogeneous\nmodel.\nLetf∈ C\nVλ\n4p(E). Notice that wecan decomposetheerrormadebytheDMC metho d\nin the following way:\nE(|ηN\nn(f)−η∞(f)|p)1\np≤E(|ηN\nn(f)−ηn(f)|p)1\np+|ηn(f)−η∞(f)|.\nTheorem 1implies that there exists ( C1,β)∈R∗×(0,1] such that\nsup\nn∈NE(|ηN\nn(f)−ηn(f)|p)1\np≤C1\nNβ/2.\n20According to Theorem 4.3 in [ 32], there exists ( C2,ω)∈R∗2\n+such that\n|ηn(f)−η∞(f)| ≤C2e−ωn.\nHence\nE(|ηN\nn(f)−η∞(f)|p)1\np≤C1\nNβ/2+C2e−ωn.\nThus, letting a=1\nωln(C2/C1) andb=β\n2ω, we deduce that there exists C∈Rsuch\nthat\nsup\nn≥a+bln(N)E(|ηN\nn(f)−η∞(f)|p)1\np≤C\nNβ/2.\nThis concludes the proof.\n5 Coupled harmonic oscillators\n5.1 Lyapunov functions\nThis subsection is dedicated to the proof of Corollary 3. Therefore we place ourselves\nwithin the framework associated with this corollary. We onl y consider the general case\nwherePandGdepend on a time parameter. If this is not the case, and χis replaced\nby the ground state energy in ( 23), then the demonstration is completely analogous.\nThe Markov transition kernels Pnconsidered are Feller. Moreover, it is clear from\nSubsection 2.2that proving the existence of a continuous P-Lyapunov function V∈\nC∞(Rd) makes ( 22) and (23) sufficient condition for ( 2) to hold. To guarantee the\nexistence of an appropriate Q-Lyapunov function, we need a result obtained by Kato in\n[50]. We present it here using the formulation provided in [ 51].\nLemma 3. Suppose that D⊂Ris an interval, and let Abe a continuous function from\nDto the space of real d×dmatrices. In this case, there exist deigenvalues (counted\nwith algebraic multiplicities) of A(t)which can be parameterized as continuous functions\nλ1(t), ...,λd(t)fromDtoR.\nWe can now ensure the existence of a Q-Lyapunov function under a simple matrix\ncondition.\nLemma 4. Assume that ATSA|A(i)|−1\nS(i). (35)\nHence lim\nn→+∞/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleA(i)\n1+S(i)tn/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle<1. Fornlarge enough, the approximation made by the\nDMC method enhanced by importance sampling is then the same a s the usual DMC\napproximation of an harmonic oscillator with a stable Marko v transition. We can thus\nconclude using Theorem 1.\n5.3 Divergence and fluctuation estimates\nIn the previous subsections, we presented a simple sufficient condition for controlling\nthe DMC method and introduced an importance sampling techni que that satisfies this\ncriterion. However, it is natural to question the robustnes s of this condition and whether\nitisnecessarytouseimportancesampling. Specifically, fo rtheuni-dimensionalharmonic\noscillator, the convergence condition reduced to A2<1, and we will prove divergence of\nthe DMC method when this stability condition is not met.\n25Within this framework, we can break down the evolution of the walkers into two\ndistinct steps, a mutation transition and a selection trans ition\n/parenleftbig\nξi\nn/parenrightbig\ni∈/llbracket1,N/rrbracket∈RNselection− −−−− →/parenleftBig\n/hatwideξi\nn/parenrightBig\ni∈/llbracket1,N/rrbracket∈RNmutation− −−−−− →/parenleftbig\nξi\nn+1/parenrightbig\ni∈/llbracket1,N/rrbracket.\nThe initial configuration/parenleftbig\nξi\n0/parenrightbig\ni∈/llbracket1,N/rrbracketis determined by sampling Nindependent ran-\ndom variables from the distribution η0. The selection transition involves the sampling\nofNindependent random variables/parenleftBig\n/hatwideξi\nn/parenrightBig\ni∈/llbracket1,N/rrbracketusing the weighted distributions\nǫn(ηN\nn)GS(ξi\nn)δξin+(1−ǫn(ηN\nn)GS(ξi\nn))/summationdisplay\nk∈/llbracket1,N/rrbrackete−S\n2ξk2\nn\n/summationtext\nj∈/llbracket1,N/rrbrackete−S\n2ξj2\nnδξkn.\nThe mutation transition is defined using a family of Gaussian random variables with\nzero-mean and unit variance ( Vi\nn)i∈/llbracket1,N/rrbracketsuch that\nξi\nn=A/hatwideξi\nn−1+√\nBVi\nn.\nThe measures ( ηn)n∈Ncan be described exhaustively using the Kalman filter equa-\ntions. It provides us with the mean and variances ( mn,σ2\nn) of the Gaussian random\nvariablesηnwith the recurrent equations\n\n\nmn+1=A\n1+Sσ2nmn\nσ2\nn+1=A2σ2\nn\n1+Sσ2n+B. (36)\nIn this scenario, when the condition A2>1 is met, it is possible to prove that the\nDMC’s error in approximating the Feynman-Kac measure does n ot admit a uniform-in-\ntime bound. It is properly stated in Property 1, and we can now conduct its proof.\nProof of Proposition 1:\nFor anyn≥2, we know from ( 36) that\nηn(I) :=mn=A2\n(1+Sσ2\nn−1)(1+Sσ2\nn−2)mn−2≤A2mn−2.\nFor anyn∈N∗, letξ∗\nn= min\ni∈/llbracket1,N/rrbracketξi\nnanddefinetherandomvariables V∗\nninthefollowing\nway:\nV∗\nn=−max\ni∈/llbracket1,N/rrbracket/vextendsingle/vextendsingleVi\nn/vextendsingle/vextendsingle.\nBy definition of the evolution of the walkers, there exits ( i,j)∈/llbracket1,N/rrbracketsuch that\n26ξ∗\n2n=A2ξj\n2n−2+√\nBVi\n2n−1+A√\nBVj\n2n−2≥A2ξ∗\n2n−2+√\nBV∗\n2n−1+|A|√\nBV∗\n2n−2.\nThus\nηN\n2n(I)−η2n(I)≥A2(ξ∗\n2(n−1)−m2(n−1))+√\nBV∗\n2n−1+|A|√\nBV∗\n2n−2.\nIterating the process, we obtain\nηN\n2n(I)−η2n(I)\nA2n≥(ξ∗\n0−m0)+√\nB/summationdisplay\n1≤k≤nV∗\n2k−1\nA2k+|A|√\nB/summationdisplay\n1≤k≤nV∗\n2(k−1)\nA2k.\nFor any sequence of Nindependent centred Gaussian random variables Uiwith unit\nvariance, we have\nE/bracketleftbigg\nmax\n1≤i≤N|Ui|/bracketrightbigg\n≤/radicalbig\n2log(2N).\nThisinequalityisobtainedbyusingJensen’sinequalityas follows, with t=/radicalbig\n2log(2N)\nexp/bracketleftbigg\ntE/parenleftbigg\nmax\n1≤i≤N|Ui|/parenrightbigg/bracketrightbigg\n≤E/bracketleftbigg\nexp/parenleftbigg\ntmax\n1≤i≤N|Ui|/parenrightbigg/bracketrightbigg\n≤N/summationdisplay\ni=1E[exp(t|Ui|)],\nand noticing that\nE[exp(t|Ui|)] = 2/integraldisplay+∞\n0exp/parenleftbigg\n−(x−t)2+t2\n2/parenrightbigg\ndx≤2exp(t2/2).\nThen, on the event\nΩǫ:=/braceleftBigg\nξ∗\n0≥ǫ+m0+2√\nB(1+|A|)\nA2−1/radicalbig\n2log(2N)/bracerightBigg\n, (37)\nwithǫ∈R∗\n+, we have\nE[ηN\n2n(I)−η2n(I)|ξ∗\n0]≥ǫA2nn→+∞− −−−− → +∞. (38)\nIntegrating over ξ∗\n0we deduce\nE[|ηN\n2n(I)−η2n(I)||]≥ǫA2nP(Ωǫ). (39)\nWe can then conclude by noticing\nP(Ωǫ) =η0/braceleftBigg/bracketleftBigg\nǫ+X0+2√\nB(1+|A|)\nA2−1/radicalbig\n2log(2N),+∞/parenrightBigg/bracerightBiggN\n>0.(40)\n27For the case A= 1, we are not able to assert whether or not a uniform bound exi sts.\nTo the best of our knowledge, the best divergence-type resul t proved to date is a linear\nbound on the variance of the unnormalized measure when R=S= 1 [53].\nThe divergence result in Proposition 1highlights the importance of studying non-\nasymptotic uniform convergence results rather than relyin g solely on central limit the-\norems (CLTs). Extensive research has been devoted to CLTs an d, under appropriate\nassumptions. We quote the first studies in this field [ 25,27] mainly based on uniformly\nbounded potential and test functions.\nMore general fluctuation theorems that apply to more general models including\ndiffusion-type processes with Lipschitz drift and diffusion fu nctions as well as test func-\ntions with at most polynomial growth are discussed in [ 54,55]. We can formulate the\nfollowing result :\nLemma 7. In the context of proportional selection/reconfiguration, f or anyn≥1, we\nhave the following convergence in law as N tends toward +∞\n√\nN[ηn(I)−ηN\nn(I)]L− −−− →\nN→∞N(0,σ2\nn),\nwith the asymptotic variance\nσ2\nn:=n/summationdisplay\np=0ηp/bracketleftBigg/parenleftbiggQp,n(1)\nηpQp,n(1)¯Qp,n(I−ηn(I))/parenrightbigg2/bracketrightBigg\n.\nRelated asymptotic variance formulae and comparisons are d iscussed in [ 48] in the\ncontext of random walks with absorbing barriers, including geometric killing rates and\nlocal reflection moves.\nIn [56], Nick Withley also obtains a uniform time bound on the asymp totic variance.\nHowever, our next proposition shows that, for a given system , the DMC method can\nhave a uniform time bound on its asymptotic variance, despit e the fact that its non-\nasymptotic variance is unbounded.\nProposition 2. LetG:x∈R/ma√sto→e−x2\n2S, andPsuch thatδxP∼ N(Ax,B)for some\n(A,B,S)∈(1,+∞]×R∗2\n+. There exists an intial distibution η0such that\nsup\nn∈Nσ2\nn<∞andsup\nn∈NE/parenleftbig\n|ηn(I)−ηN\nn(I)|p/parenrightbig1\np= +∞, (41)\nwhereσ2\nnis defined as in Lemma 7.\nProof :\nConsidering η0∼ N(m0,σ2\n0) and using the Kalman filter’s equations, we are able to\nfully describe the measures ηn. Forn∈N∗we have\n28ηn∼ N(mn,σ2\nn) with\n\nmn+1=A\n1+Sσ2nmn\nσ2\nn+1=A2\n1+Sσ2n+B.\nThe limit measure is given by η∞=N(0,σ2\n∞) whereσ2\n∞is the fixed point of the\nfunctionx∈R+/ma√sto→A2\n1+Sx+B. From now on, we assume that η0=η∞. We have then\nσ2\nn=n/summationdisplay\np=0η∞/parenleftbig\nQp,n(I)2/parenrightbig\n(η∞Qp,n(1))2.\nUsing the calculations and notations from Lemma 10, we have then\n\n\nη∞(Qp,n(1)) =λn−p/radicalbig\n2πσ2∞/integraldisplay\nRe−y2\n2σ2∞e−y2\n2qn−pdy=λn−p/radicalbig\nqn−pσ2∞+1\nη∞/parenleftbig\nQp,n(I)2/parenrightbig\n=µ2\nn−p/radicalbig\n2πσ2∞/integraldisplay\nRy2e−y2\n2σ2∞e−y2qn−pdy=µ2\nn−pσ2\n∞\n(2qn−pσ2∞+1)3/2,\nand\nσ2\nn=σ2\n∞n/summationdisplay\np=0µ2\nn−p\nλ2\nn−p(qn−pσ2\n∞+1)3/2\n(2qn−pσ2∞+1)3/2.\nAs a solution to a Riccati equation, qnconverges towards some q∞∈R∗\n+such that\nq∞=A2q∞\n1+q∞B+S.\nSinceA>1, we obtain that 1+ q∞B=A2+S/q∞>A. Thus, there exists C∈(0,1)\nsuch that, for nlarge enough, we have\nµn+1≤Cµn√1+qnB\nThus, comparing the defintion of λnand the previous bound, we deduce that there\nexistsα∈Rsuch that we have\nµ2\nn−p\nλ2\nn−p(qn−pσ2\n∞+1)3/2\n(2qn−pσ2∞+1)3/2≤αC2(n−p).\nWe can thus conclude on the right-hand side. of ( 41). The left-hand side is a direct\napplication of Proposition 1.\n29Acknowledgments\nMC thanks the European Research Council (ERC) under the Euro pean Union’s Horizon\n2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no . 863481) for financial\nsupport.\nLuc de Montella would like to thank Naval Group for its suppor t as part of a CIFRE\nfellowship.\nAppendix\nSome technical Lemmas\nLemma 8. Let(G,V)∈ C(E)×C∞(E)be positive functions and K⊂Ebe such that the\nright-hand side of (5)holds. There exists c∈R+such that for any probability measure\nµonE:\nψG(µ)(V)≤µ(V)+c.\nProof : Let¯V:=1R\\KV. For any (x,t)∈E2, we have:\n0≥(G(x)−G(y))(¯V(x)−¯V(y)) =G(x)¯V(x)+G(y)¯V(y)−G(y)¯V(x)−G(x)¯V(y).\nIntegrating with respect to the probability measure µover bothxandy, we obtain:\nµ(G¯V)−µ(G)µ(¯V)≤0.\nHence\nψG(µ)(¯V)−µ(¯V) =µ(G¯V)−µ(G)µ(¯V)\nµ(G)≤0.\nThus\nψG(µ)(V)≤ψG(µ)(¯V)+sup\nKV≤µ(¯V)+sup\nKV≤µ(V)+sup\nKV.\nLemma 9. LetV∈ C∞(E)be aQ-Lypaunov function, then\nsup\n(q,n,N)∈N3\nq≤nE/bracketleftbig\nφq,n(ηN\nq)(V)/bracketrightbig\n<+∞andsup\n(q,n)∈N2\nq≤nφq,n(ηq)(V)<+∞.(42)\n30Proof: First, let’s prove that for any γ∈ PV(E), we have, with ( ǫ,c)∈[0,1)×R\ndefined in ( 1),\nsup\n(q,n)∈N2\nq≤nφq,n(γ)(V)≤γ(V)+c\n1−ǫ. (43)\nTo do so, we begin by using the Q-Lyapunov property of Vas well as Lemma 8for\nsomel∈N∗to deduce that\nφq,n(γ)(V) =φq,n−1(γ)(GnPn(V))\nφq,n−1(γ)(Gn)≤ǫ φq,n−1(γ)(V)+c′.\nBy iterating the process, we obtain ( 43). We now prove that\nsup\nn∈NE/bracketleftbig\nηN\nn(V)/bracketrightbig\n≤η0(V)+c′\n1−ǫ. (44)\nNotice first that\nE/bracketleftbig\nηN\nn(V)|ηN\nn−1/bracketrightbig\n=1\nNN/summationdisplay\ni=1ηN\nn−1Sn−1,ηN\nn−1Pn(V) =ψGn−1(ηN\nn−1)(Pn(V)).\nThen, using as previously the Q-Lyapunov property of Vand Lemma 8we obtain\nψGn−1(ηN\nn−1)(Pn(V))≤ǫ ηN\nn−1(V)+c′.\nBy iterating the process, we obtain\nE/bracketleftbig\nηN\nn(V)/bracketrightbig\n≤ǫnη0(V)+c′n−1/summationdisplay\ni=0ǫi≤η0(V)+c′\n1−ǫ.\nThus, by combining ( 43) and (44), we can conclude regarding the first part of ( 42).\nThe second part is obtained by proceeding in a strictly analo gous way.\nProof of Lemma 1\nWe first consider the case where only ( 18) holds and prove that\nφ0,q(γ)(Qq,n(1))≤Cχn−q−1. (45)\nForq≤n+2, we have\n31Qq,n(1)(x) =Qq,n−2(Gn−1Pn(Gn))(x)\n≤χ Qq,n−2(Gn−1)(x)≤χ Qq,n−1(1)(x).\nIterating the process, we deduce\nQq,n(1)≤χn−q−1Gq−1.\nUsing (17) we deduce ( 45).\nForq≥1 andµ∈ {ηN\nq,φq(ηN\nq−1)}, we have then\n1\nµ(Hγ\nq,n)=φq,n(µ)(W)×φ0,q(γ)Qq,n(1)\nµ(Qq,n(W))≤Cχn−q−1φq,n(µ)(W)\nµ(Qq,n(W)).\nFrom Holder’s inequality, Jensen’s inequality and the hypo thesis onW, we get :\nE/bracketleftBig\nµ(Hq,n)−β/bracketrightBig\n≤CβE/bracketleftBig\nφq,n(µ)(W)2β/bracketrightBig1\n2E/bracketleftBig\nχ2β(n−q−1)µ(Qq,n(W))−2β/bracketrightBig1\n2\n≤Cβ\nχβE/bracketleftBig\nφq,n(µ)(V)2β/bracketrightBig1\n2E/bracketleftBig\nµ(W−2β)/bracketrightBig1\n2.\nThen, by choosing βsmall enough such that W−2β≤¯WandV2β≤¯V, where ¯W\nand¯VareQ-Lyapunov functions, we obtain\nsup\n(q,n,N)∈N3\nq≤nE/bracketleftBig\nµ(Hγ\nq,n)−β/bracketrightBig\n≤Cβ\nχβsup\n(q,n,N)∈N3\nq≤nE/bracketleftbig\nµ(¯V)/bracketrightbig1\n2×sup\n(q,n,N)∈N3\nq≤nE/bracketleftbig\nµ(¯W)/bracketrightbig1\n2.\nWe can conclude using Lemma 9.\nThe demostration for time-homogeneous models with E0< χis analogous. Indeed\nthe equivalent of ( 45) is obtained by noticing that\nφ0,q(η∞)Qq,n(1) =η∞Qq,n−1(G) =η∞Qq,n−1(1)η∞(G) =E0×η∞Qq,n−1(1) =En−q\n0.\nThe rest of the proof follows the same arguments, thus it is sk ipped. This ends the proof\nof the lemma.\nProof of Lemma 6\nLet us begin by proving the result for k= 1. Takex∈Rd:\n/hatwideG(1)(x) =1/radicalbig\ndet(I+BS)exp/parenleftbigg\n−1\n2xTAT(S−1+B)−1Ax/parenrightbigg\n,\n32Applying the Woodbury matrix identity we get:\n/radicalBig\n(2π)ddet([B−1+S]−1)×/hatwideP(1)(x,dy)\n= exp/parenleftbigg\n−1\n2/bracketleftbig\nyTSy+(y−Ax)TB−1(y−Ax)−xTAT(S−1+B)−1Ax/bracketrightbig/parenrightbigg\ndy\n= exp/parenleftbigg\n−1\n2(y−(I+BS)−1Ax)T(B−1+S)(y−(I+BS)−1Ax)/parenrightbigg\ndy.\nAssume the property true for k∈N∗. We let ¯Sk:=Sk+S. In this notation, we have\n/hatwideG(k+1)(x) =P(G/hatwideG(k))(x) =λkP/parenleftbigg\nz/ma√sto→exp(−1\n2zT¯Skz)/parenrightbigg\n(x).\nThis implies that\n/hatwideG(k+1)(x)\n=λk/radicalbig\n(2π)ddet(B)/integraldisplay\nRdexp/parenleftbigg\n−1\n2[z¯SkzT+(z−Ax)TB−1(z−Ax)/parenrightbigg\ndz\n=λk/radicalbig\n(2π)ddet(B)exp/parenleftbigg\n−1\n2[xTATB−1Ax−xTATB−1(¯Sk+B−1)−1B−1Ax]/parenrightbigg\n×/integraldisplayd\nRexp/parenleftbigg\n−1\n2(z−(¯Sk+B−1)−1B−1Ax)T(¯Sk+B−1)(z−(¯Sk+B−1)−1B−1Ax)/parenrightbigg\ndz\nfrom which we check that\n/hatwideG(k+1)(x) =λk/radicalbig\ndet(I+BS+BSk)exp/parenleftbigg\n−1\n2xTAT(B+(S+Sk)−1)−1Ax/parenrightbigg\n.\nMoreover, since δx/hatwideP(k)∼ N(Akx,B2\nk) we also have\nδx/hatwideP(k)P∼ N(AAkx,ABkAT+B).\nAccording the Gaussian update formula (see Proposition 4.5 .2 in [43] for example),\nifη=N(m,Σ), thenψGS/parenleftbig\nη) =N[(I+ΣS)−1m ,(I+ΣS)−1Σ/bracketrightbig\n. Then we have\nψG/parenleftBig\nδx/hatwideP(k+1)/parenrightBig\n∼ N/parenleftbig\n(I+ABkATS+BS)−1AAkx,(I+ABkATS+BS)−1(ABkAT+B)/parenrightbig\n.\nThis concludes the proof.\nLemma 10. LetG:x∈R/ma√sto→e−x2\n2S, andPsuch thatδxP∼ N(Ax,B)for some\n(A,B,S)∈R×R∗2\n+. Denoting by Qnthen-times composition of the operator Q, we have\nQn(1)(x) =λne−x2\n2qnandQn(I)(x) =µnx e−x2\n2qn, (46)\n33with the parameters (q0,λ0,µ0) = (S,1,A)and\n\n\nqn+1=A2qn\n1+qnB+S\nλn+1=λn√1+qnBandµn+1=Aµn\n(1+qnB)3/2.\nProof:\nForn= 0 the result is immediate. Assume that it holds for some n∈N. In this\nsituation, we have\nQn+1(1)(x) =Q(Qn(1))(x) =λnQ/bracketleftbigg\ny/ma√sto→e−y2\n2qn/bracketrightbigg\n(x)\n=λn√\n2πBe−x2\n2S/integraldisplay\nRe−y2\n2qn−(Ax−y)2\n2Bdy\n=λn√\n2πBe−x2\n2/parenleftBig\nA2\nB−A2\nB(1+qnB)+S/parenrightBig/integraldisplay\nRe−(1+qnB)(A\n1+qnBx−y)2\n2Bdy\n=λn√1+qnBe−x2\n2/parenleftbigg\nA2qn\n1+qnB+S/parenrightbigg\n.\nSimilarly, we have\nQn+1(I)(x) =Q(Qn(I))(x) =µnQ/bracketleftbigg\ny/ma√sto→ye−y2\n2qn/bracketrightbigg\n(x)\n=µn√\n2πBe−x2\n2/parenleftbigg\nA2qn\n1+qnB+S/parenrightbigg/integraldisplay\nRye−(1+qnB)(A\n1+qnBx−y)2\n2Bdy\n=Aµn\n(1+qnB)3/2xe−x2\n2/parenleftbigg\nA2qn\n1+qnB+S/parenrightbigg\n.\nThis ends the proof.\nReferences\n[1] Nicholas Metropolis and Stanislaw Ulam. The Monte Carlo method. Journal of the\nAmerican statistical association , 44(247):335–341, 1949.\n[2] Monroe D. Donsker and Mark Kac. A sampling method for dete rmining the lowest\neigenvalue and the principal eigenfunction of schr¨ odinge r’s equation. 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Then, we chara cterize Clifford and Hopf\ntori as the only Willmore surfaces satifying a sharp Simons- type integral inequality.\nOn the other hand, we also obtain some integral inequalities for closed surfaces with\nconstant extrinsic curvature in E3(κ,τ), becoming equalities if and only if the surface\nis a Hopf torus in a Berger sphere.\n1.Introduction\nA classical problem in the theory of isometric immersions is to classify immersed\nsurfaces into a space form of constant sectional curvature h aving either constant mean\ncurvature or constant Gaussian curvature. In this directio n, we can highlight the\nrigidity theorems due to Alexandrov [ 3], Liebmann [ 18] and Hilbert [ 14] on surfaces\nof constant curvature as the most celebrated results in the t heory of surfaces in the\nEuclidean space R3. For generalizations of these results we quote [ 2,21]. Besides\nthat, we cannot fail to highlight the classical Hopf’s theor em [15] which characterizes\ntotally umbilical spheres as the unique topological sphere s of constant mean curvature\nimmersed into a 3-dimensional space form of constant sectio nal curvature.\nA natural generalization of space forms are the so-called homogeneous spaces. A\nRiemannian manifold is said to be homogeneous if for any two p ointspandq, there\nexists an isometry that maps pintoq. Geometrically, an homogeneous manifold seems\nthe same everywhere. As it is well-known, simply connected 3 -dimensional Riemannian\nhomogeneous spaces areclassified. Suchmanifoldshave anis ometry groupof dimension\n6, 4 or 3. When the dimension is 6, they correspond to space for ms. When the\ndimension is 3, the manifold has the geometry of the Lie group Sol3. In the case where\nthe dimension of the isometry group is 4, such manifold fibers over a two-dimensional\nspaceformofconstant sectional curvature κ,M2(κ), andits fibersarethetrajectories of\na unit Killing vector field. These last manifolds are usually denoted by E3(κ,τ), where\nτis the constant bundle curvature of the natural projection π:E3(κ,τ)→M2(κ)\nandκ/ne}ationslash= 4τ2. According to the constants κandτwe can classify such spaces. When\nτ= 0,E3(κ,0) =M2(κ)×RwhereM2(κ) is the sphere S2(κ) of curvature κ >0 or\nthe hyperbolic plane H2(κ) of curvature κ <0. When τ/ne}ationslash= 0,E3(κ,τ) is a Berger\n2020Mathematics Subject Classification. 53C42, 53A10, 53C30.\nKey words and phrases. Willmore surface, homogeneous space, constant extrinsic c urvature, Clifford\ntorus, Hopf torus.\n1WILLMORE SURFACES AND HOPF TORI IN HOMOGENEOUS 3-MANIFOLDS 2\nsphereS3\nb(κ,τ) ifκ >0, a Heisenberg group Nil 3(τ) ifκ= 0 or the universal cover of\nPSL(2,R) ifκ <0.\nIn the last years, the study of surfaces in homogeneous space s with 4-dimensional\nisometry group has attracted the attention of many geometer s. We can say that this\nattention is due to the studies of Abresch, Rosenberg and Mee ks which made possible\ngreat advances in the research in this area [ 1,20,25]. Indeed, Abresch and Rosen-\nberg [1] discovered an holomorphic quadratic differential for surfa ces with constant\nmean curvature in these spaces and solved the Hopf’s theorem for them. Moreover,\nthese spaces are also related to the eight geometries of Thur ston [28]. Furthermore,\nin [12], G´ alvez, Mart´ ınez and Miraconsidered thestudyof thecl assical Bonnet problem\nfor surfaces in the homogeneous 3-manifolds E3(κ,τ). Later on, Rosenberg and Tribuzy\nshowed in [ 26] a rigidity result for a family of complete surfaces in an hom ogeneous\nspace having the same positive extrinsic curvature and sati sfying a certain condition.\nSome years ago, Hu, Lyu and Wang developed in [ 16] a Simons-type integral in-\nequality for immersed minimal closed surfaces into the homo geneous space E3(κ,τ),\nthe equality being satisfied if and only if the surface has par allel second fundamental\nform. When the homogeneous space E3(κ,τ) is the Berger sphere S3\nb(κ,τ) (κ/ne}ationslash= 4τ2),\nthey showed that the equality holds if and only if the surface is the Clifford torus.\nWe recall that the Clifford torus is the only minimal Hopf torus in the Berger sphere.\nRecently, P´ ampano has considered in [ 24] a more general setting, where the ambient\nspace is the total space of a Killing submersion. Specificall y, he studies surface ener-\ngies depending on the mean curvature, which extend the class ical notion of Willmore\nenergy. Furthermore, the author constructs critical tori f or these energy functionals.\nConcerning product spaces, even more recently the second au thor has studied in [ 11]\nimmersed complete surfaces into a product space M2(κ)×Rwith nonnegative constant\nextrinsic curvature. In this setting, he has shown that thes e surfaces must be either\ncylinders when κ=−1, or slices when κ= 1. Our goal is, on the one hand, to present\na Willmore functional for immersed closed surfaces into E3(κ,τ), to obtain its Euler-\nLagrange equation, and as a consequence to present a charact erization result for closed\nWillmore surfaces in S3\nb(κ,τ) in terms of an integral inequality. On the other hand,\nwe extend the technics developed in [ 11] to the study of immersed closed surfaces with\nconstant extrinsic curvature into E3(κ,τ) (τ/ne}ationslash= 0).\nThe outline of the paper goes as follows. In Section 2we describe some basic facts\nabout surfaces in the homogeneous space E3(κ,τ) (τ/ne}ationslash= 0) with isometry group of di-\nmension 4, introducing some relevant families of surfaces i n such homogeneous spaces.\nLater on, working with the Cheng-Yau’s operator, we develop in Section 3a Simons-\ntype formula for these surfaces (cf. Proposition 3.2), as well as a divergence type\nformula involving the Cheng-Yau’s operator (cf. Lemma 3.4). In Section 4we com-\npute the Euler-Lagrange equation for the Willmore function al of an immersed closed\nsurface into an homogeneous space E3(κ,τ) (cf. Proposition 4.1). As an application,\nwe characterize Clifford and Hopf tori as the only Willmore sur faces satisfying a sharp\nSimons-type integral inequality (cf. Theorem 4.1). In the last section, we consider\nclosed surfaces with constant extrinsic curvature and we al so obtain integral inequal-\nities, becoming equalities if and only if the surface is a Hop f torus in a Berger sphere\nS3\nb(κ,τ) (cf. Theorems 5.1and5.2).WILLMORE SURFACES AND HOPF TORI IN HOMOGENEOUS 3-MANIFOLDS 3\n2.Preliminaries\nIn this section, we will introduce some basic facts and notat ions that will appear\nalong the paper.\nLetκandτbe real numbers. The region Dof the Euclidean space R3given by\nD=/braceleftbigg\nR3, ifκ≥0\nD(2/√−κ)×R,ifκ <0\nand endowed with the homogeneous Riemannian metric\n/an}b∇acketle{t,/an}b∇acket∇i}htR=λ2(dx2+dy2)+(dz+τλ(ydx−xdy))2, λ=1\n1+κ\n4(x2+y2),\nis the so-called Bianchi-Cartan-Vranceanu space (BCV-space) which is usually denoted\nbyE3(κ,τ) := (D,/an}b∇acketle{t,/an}b∇acket∇i}htR).\nAs it is well-known, there exists a Riemannian submersion π:E3(κ,τ)→M2(κ),\nwhereM2(κ) is the 2-dimensional simply connected space form of consta nt curvature κ,\nsuch that πhas constant bundle curvature τand totally geodesic fibers. Furthermore,\nξ=E3is a unit Killing field on X(E3(κ,τ)) which is vertical with respect to π.\nTheBCV-spacesE3(κ,τ) are oriented, and then we can definea vectorial product ∧,\nsuch that if {e1,e2}are linearly independent vectors at a point p, then{e1,e2,e1∧e2}\ndetermines an orientation at p. Then the properties of ξimply (see [ 10]) that for any\nvector field XonX(E3(κ,τ)) the following relation holds\n(1) ∇Xξ=τ(X∧ξ),\n∇being the Levi-Civita connection of E3(κ,τ). Moreover, let us recall that the curva-\nture tensor of E3(κ,τ)1satisfies, (see [ 10]),\nR(X,Y)Z=(κ−3τ2)(/an}b∇acketle{tX,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}htY−/an}b∇acketle{tY,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}htX)\n+(κ−4τ2)/an}b∇acketle{tZ,ξ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht(/an}b∇acketle{tY,ξ/an}b∇acket∇i}htX−/an}b∇acketle{tX,ξ/an}b∇acket∇i}htY)\n+(κ−4τ2)(/an}b∇acketle{tY,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tX,ξ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht −/an}b∇acketle{tX,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tY,ξ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht)ξ,(2)\nwhereX,Y,Z∈X(E3(κ,τ)).\nIn what follows, let Σ2be an isometrically immersed connected surface which we\nassume to be orientable and oriented by a globally defined uni t normal vector field N.\nLet us denote by Athe second fundamental form of the immersion with respect to N\nand by∇the Levi-Civita connection of Σ2. Then, the Gauss and Weingarten formulae\nare given by\n∇XY=∇XY+/an}b∇acketle{tA(X),Y/an}b∇acket∇i}htN\nand\nA(X) =−∇XN,\nfor every tangent vector fields X,Y∈X(Σ).\nFurthermore, we can consider a particular function natural ly attached to such a\nsurface Σ2, namely, C=/an}b∇acketle{tN,ξ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht. Let us observe that Cmeasures the cosinus of the\n1We adopt for the (1 ,3)-curvature tensor of the spacetime the following definiti on ([23, Chapter 3]),\nR(X,Y)Z=∇[X,Y]Z−[∇X,∇Y]Z.WILLMORE SURFACES AND HOPF TORI IN HOMOGENEOUS 3-MANIFOLDS 4\nangle determined by the vector fields Nandξ. A direct computation shows that the\nprojection of the vector field ξonX(Σ) is given by\n(3) T=ξ⊤=ξ−CN,\nwhere (·)⊤denotes the tangential component of a vector field in X(E3(κ,τ)) along Σ2.\nThus, we get\n(4) |T|2= 1−C2.\nBesides, from ( 1), (3) and the Gauss and Weingarten formulae we easily obtain the\nintegrability equations,\n(5) ∇XT=C(A−τJ)(X) and ∇C=−(A+τJ)(T),\nwhereJdenotes the (oriented) rotation of angle π/2 onTΣ given by J(X) =N∧X.\nIn particular,\n/an}b∇acketle{tJ(X),J(Y)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=/an}b∇acketle{tX,Y/an}b∇acket∇i}htandJ2(X) =−X,\nfor every X,Y∈X(Σ). Therefore, from the first equation in ( 5) it easily follows that\n(6) div( T) = 2CH,\nwhere div denotes the divergence operator on Σ2andHstands for the mean curvature\nof Σ2, defined by H=1\n2tr(A). Furthermore, it is immediate to check that\n(7) 4 H2=|A|2+2Ke,\nwhere|A|2= tr(A2) andKe= det(A) denotes the extrinsic curvature of Σ2.\nAs it is well-known, the fundamental equations of Σ2are theGauss equation\nR(X,Y)Z=(κ−3τ2)(/an}b∇acketle{tX,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}htY−/an}b∇acketle{tY,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}htX)\n+(κ−4τ2)/an}b∇acketle{tZ,T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht(/an}b∇acketle{tY,T/an}b∇acket∇i}htX−/an}b∇acketle{tX,T/an}b∇acket∇i}htY)\n+(κ−4τ2)(/an}b∇acketle{tY,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tX,T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht −/an}b∇acketle{tX,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tY,T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht)T\n+/an}b∇acketle{tA(X),Z/an}b∇acket∇i}htA(Y)− /an}b∇acketle{tA(Y),Z/an}b∇acket∇i}htA(X),(8)\nwhereRdenote the curvature tensor of Σ2andX,Y,Z∈X(Σ), and the Codazzi\nequation\n(9) ∇A(X,Y)−∇A(Y,X) = (κ−4τ2)C(/an}b∇acketle{tX,T/an}b∇acket∇i}htY−/an}b∇acketle{tY,T/an}b∇acket∇i}htX),\nwhere∇A:X(Σ)×X(Σ)−→X(Σ) denotes the covariant differential of A,\n∇A(X,Y) = (∇YA)(X) =∇YA(X)−A(∇YX),for allX,Y∈X(Σ).\nFrom the Gauss equation ( 8), jointly with ( 4) and (7) it holds\n(10) 2 K= 2τ2+2(κ−4τ2)C2+4H2−|A|2= 2τ2+2(κ−4τ2)C2+2Ke.\nLet us recall now some classical surfaces in E3(κ,τ) which can be constructed in the\nfollowing way. Given anyregular curve αinM2(κ),π−1(α) isanisometrically immersed\nsurface into E3(κ,τ) which is usually known as a Hopf cylinder . Hopf cylinders are flat\nsurfaces, which have ξas a parallel tangent vector field and they are characterized by\nC= 0. Furthermore, these cylinders satisfy\nH=kg/2, K= 0, Ke=−τ2and|Φ|2= 2H2+2τ2,\nwherekgis the geodesic curvature of α.WILLMORE SURFACES AND HOPF TORI IN HOMOGENEOUS 3-MANIFOLDS 5\nMoreover, if αis a closed curve and the Riemannian submersion πhas circular fibers,\nwhich happens just in the case where E3(κ,τ) is a Berger sphere S3\nb(κ,τ), thenπ−1(α)\nis a flat torus which is also called a Hopf torus .\nLet us remember at this point that the Berger sphere S3\nb(κ,τ) is isometric to the\nusual sphere S3={(z,w)∈C2;|z|2+|w|2= 1}endowed with the metric\n/an}b∇acketle{tX,Y/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=4\nκ/parenleftbigg\n/an}b∇acketle{tX,Y/an}b∇acket∇i}htS3+1\nκ/parenleftbig\n4τ2−κ/parenrightbig\n/an}b∇acketle{tX,V/an}b∇acket∇i}htS3/an}b∇acketle{tY,V/an}b∇acket∇i}htS3/parenrightbigg\n,\nwhere/an}b∇acketle{t,/an}b∇acket∇i}htS3stands for the usual metric on the sphere, V(z,w)=J(z,w) = (iz,iw) for\neach (z,w)∈S3andκ,τare real numbers with κ >0 andτ/ne}ationslash= 0. We note that if\nκ= 4τ2thenS3\nb(κ,τ) is, up to homotheties, the round sphere. The Hopf fibration\nπ:S3\nb(κ,τ)→S2(κ), defined by\nπ(z,w) =1√κ/parenleftbigg\nzw,1\n2/parenleftbig\n|z|2−|w|2/parenrightbig/parenrightbigg\n,\nis a Riemannian submersion whose fibers are geodesics. The ve rtical unit Killing vector\nfield is given by ξ=κ\n4τV. A particular Hopf torus in S3\nb(κ,τ) is theClifford torus given\nby\n{(z,w)∈S3\nb(κ,τ);|z|2=|w|2= 1/2}.\nIt is well-known that the Clifford torus is the only minimal Hop f torus in any Berger\nsphere (see for instance [ 30]).\nLet us finish this section by recalling a classification resul t for parallel surfaces in\nE3(κ,τ), proved by Belkhelfa, Dillen and Inoguchi in [ 6]. From now on, we will under-\nstand by a parallel surface a surface with parallel second fu ndamental form.\nLemma 2.1. [6, Theorem 8.2] LetΣ2be an isometrically immersed parallel surface\ninto the homogeneous space E3(κ,τ),κ−4τ2/ne}ationslash= 0. Then,\n(1) ifτ/ne}ationslash= 0 Σ2is a piece of a Hopf cylinder over a Riemannian circle in M2(κ),\nthat is, over a closed curve in M2(κ)with constant geodesic curvature.\n(2) ifτ= 0 Σ2is either a piece of a slice in M2(κ)×Ror of a Hopf cylinder over\na Riemannian circle in M2(κ).\n3.A Simons-type formula for the Cheng-Yau operator in E3(κ,τ)\nIn consideration of the foregoing we are going to compute the Laplacian of |A|2.\nFirst and foremost, we recall the following Weitzenb¨ ock fo rmula (see for instance [ 22])\n(11)1\n2∆|A|2=1\n2∆/an}b∇acketle{tA,A/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=|∇A|2+/an}b∇acketle{t∆A,A/an}b∇acket∇i}ht,\nwhere ∆ A:X(Σ)−→X(Σ) is the rough Laplacian of the second fundamental form,\nthat is,\n(12) ∆ A(X) = tr/parenleftbig\n∇2A(X,·,·)/parenrightbig\n=2/summationdisplay\ni=1∇2A(X,ei,ei),\n{e1,e2}being an orthonormal frame on X(Σ) and ∇2A(X,Y,Z) = (∇Z∇A)(X,Y)\nfor allX,Y,Z∈X(Σ). In this setting, on the one hand we obtain from the Codazz iWILLMORE SURFACES AND HOPF TORI IN HOMOGENEOUS 3-MANIFOLDS 6\nequation ( 9) and theintegrability equations ( 5) thefollowing symmetry in the two firsts\nvariables of ∇2A,\n∇2A(X,Y,Z) =∇2A(Y,X,Z)−(κ−4τ2)/an}b∇acketle{t(A+τJ)(T),Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht(/an}b∇acketle{tX,T/an}b∇acket∇i}htY−/an}b∇acketle{tY,T/an}b∇acket∇i}htX)\n+(κ−4τ2)C2(/an}b∇acketle{tX,(A−τJ)(Z)/an}b∇acket∇i}htY−/an}b∇acketle{tY,(A−τJ)(Z)/an}b∇acket∇i}htX).(13)\nOn the other hand, it is not difficult to see that\n(14) ∇2A(X,Y,Z) =∇2A(X,Z,Y)+R(Y,Z)A(X)−A(R(Y,Z)X).\nMakingY=Z=eiin (13) and taking traces, we have\n2/summationdisplay\ni=1∇2A(X,ei,ei) =2/summationdisplay\ni=1∇2A(ei,X,ei)−(κ−4τ2)C2(2HX−(A+τJ)(X))\n−(κ−4τ2)(/an}b∇acketle{tX,T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht(A+τJ)(T)−/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}htX).(15)\nFurthermore, from ( 14) it yields\n(16) ∇2A(ei,X,ei) =∇2A(ei,ei,X)+R(X,ei)A(ei)−A(R(X,ei)ei).\nObserve now that, using the Gauss equation ( 8), we get\n2/summationdisplay\ni=1R(X,ei)A(ei) =(κ−3τ2)(A(X)−2HX)−|A|2A(X)+A3(X)\n+(κ−4τ2)(/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}htX−/an}b∇acketle{tX,T/an}b∇acket∇i}htA(T))\n+(κ−4τ2)(2H/an}b∇acketle{tX,T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),X/an}b∇acket∇i}ht)T\nand\n2/summationdisplay\ni=1A(R(X,ei)ei) =−(κ−3τ2)A(X)+A3(X)−2HA2(X)+(κ−4τ2)|T|2A(X).\nThus, inserting these two last equalities in ( 16),\n2/summationdisplay\ni=1∇2A(ei,X,ei) =2/summationdisplay\ni=1∇2A(ei,ei,X)+2(κ−3τ2)(A(X)−HX)+2HA2(X)\n+(κ−4τ2)/parenleftbig\n/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}htX−/an}b∇acketle{tX,T/an}b∇acket∇i}htA(T)−|T|2A(X)/parenrightbig\n+(κ−4τ2)(2H/an}b∇acketle{tX,T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),X/an}b∇acket∇i}ht)T−|A|2A(X).(17)\nObserve now that, since the trace commutes with the Levi-Civ ita connection,\n2/summationdisplay\ni=1∇2A(ei,ei,X) = tr(∇X∇A) =∇X(tr(∇A)).\nWe claim that\n(18) tr( ∇A) = 2∇H+C(κ−4τ2)T.WILLMORE SURFACES AND HOPF TORI IN HOMOGENEOUS 3-MANIFOLDS 7\nIndeed, using the Codazzi equation ( 9),\n/an}b∇acketle{t∇A(ei,ei),X/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=/an}b∇acketle{t(∇eiA)(ei),X/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=/an}b∇acketle{tei,(∇eiA)(X)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=/an}b∇acketle{tei,∇A(X,ei)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht\n=/an}b∇acketle{tei,∇A(ei,X)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+(κ−4τ2)C(/an}b∇acketle{tX,T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−/an}b∇acketle{tX,ei/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tT,ei/an}b∇acket∇i}ht),\nwhich implies that\n/an}b∇acketle{ttr(∇A),X/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=2/summationdisplay\ni=1/bracketleftbig\n/an}b∇acketle{tei,(∇XA)(ei)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+C(κ−4τ2)(/an}b∇acketle{tX,T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−/an}b∇acketle{tX,ei/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tT,ei/an}b∇acket∇i}ht)/bracketrightbig\n= 2/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,X/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+(κ−4τ2)C/an}b∇acketle{tX,T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht,\nfor allX∈X(Σ), so the claim is proved. Hence, from ( 18) and (5), it holds\n(19)∇X(tr(∇A)) = 2∇X∇H−(κ−4τ2)/an}b∇acketle{t(A+τJ)(T),X/an}b∇acket∇i}htT+(κ−4τ2)C2(A−τJ)(X).\nTherefore, putting ( 15), (17) and (19) in (12),\n∆A(X) =2∇X∇H+2(κ−3τ2)(A(X)−HX)−|A|2A(X)+2HA2(X)\n+(κ−4τ2)/parenleftbig\n2/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}htX−2/an}b∇acketle{tX,T/an}b∇acket∇i}htA(T)−|T|2A(X)/parenrightbig\n+(κ−4τ2)(2H/an}b∇acketle{tX,T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−2/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),X/an}b∇acket∇i}ht)T+ 2(κ−4τ2)C2(A(X)−HX)\n−τ(κ−4τ2)(/an}b∇acketle{tJ(T),X/an}b∇acket∇i}htT+/an}b∇acketle{tX,T/an}b∇acket∇i}htJ(T)).\nConsequently,\n/an}b∇acketle{t∆A,A/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=2tr(A◦HessH)+2(κ−3τ2)(|A|2−2H2)+2(κ−4τ2)C2(|A|2−2H2)\n+2(κ−4τ2)/parenleftbig\n3H/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht −2/an}b∇acketle{tA2(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−τ/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),J(T)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/parenrightbig\n−(κ−4τ2)|T|2|A|2−|A|4+2Htr(A3).(20)\nNow, taking into account the characteristic polynomial of A, we observe that\n(21) 4 H/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht −2/an}b∇acketle{tA2(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht= 2|T|2Ke.\nBesides that, from ( 7) it holds\n2(κ−3τ2)(|A|2−2H2)+(κ−4τ2)(1−C2)(2Ke−|A|2)\n= 2(κ−3τ2)(|A|2−2H2)−2(κ−4τ2)(1−C2)(|A|2−2H2)\n= 2(|A|2−2H2)(τ2+(κ−4τ2)C2).(22)\nMoreover, it is easy to check that tr( A3) = 3H|A|2−4H3, so again from ( 7) we deduce\nthat\n(23) −|A|4+2Htr(A3) =−|A|4+6H2|A|2−8H4= 2(|A|2−2H2)Ke.\nHence, taking into account ( 10), (21), (22) and (23), (20) reads\n/an}b∇acketle{t∆A,A/an}b∇acket∇i}ht= 2tr(A◦HessH)+2(|A|2−2H2)K+2(κ−4τ2)C2(|A|2−2H2)\n+2(κ−4τ2)/parenleftbig\nH/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−/an}b∇acketle{tA2(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−τ/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),J(T)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/parenrightbig\n,WILLMORE SURFACES AND HOPF TORI IN HOMOGENEOUS 3-MANIFOLDS 8\nso (11) yields\n1\n2∆|A|2=|∇A|2+2tr(A◦HessH)\n+2(|A|2−2H2)K+2(κ−4τ2)C2(|A|2−2H2)\n+2(κ−4τ2)/parenleftbig\nH/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−/an}b∇acketle{tA2(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−τ/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),J(T)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/parenrightbig\n.(24)\nRemark 3.1. Let usobserve that formula( 24) was already obtained in[ 16]. Infact, let\nusconsideralocalorthonormalframe {e1,e2}suchthat A(e1) =λ1e1andA(e2) =λ2e2.\nMoreover, by the definition of J, we must have J(e1) =e2andJ(e2) =−e1. Taking\ninto account these two facts and writing T=/an}b∇acketle{tT,e1/an}b∇acket∇i}hte1+/an}b∇acketle{tT,e2/an}b∇acket∇i}hte2, we have\n/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),J(T)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht= (λ2−λ1)/an}b∇acketle{tT,e1/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tT,e2/an}b∇acket∇i}ht,\nso we recover [ 16, Lemma 3.1]. However, we have included the proof for the sake of\ncompleteness, and because it represents an alternative rea soning based on tensorial\nanalysis.\nNevertheless, our aim in this section is to obtain a Simons-t ype formula for the\nCheng-Yau’s operator. To this respect, following [ 9] we introduce the Cheng-Yau’s\noperator /squareacting on any smooth function u: Σ2→Rgiven by\n/squareu= tr(P◦Hessu),\nwherePdenote the first Newton transformation of A, that is, P:X(Σ)→X(Σ) is the\noperator given by\n(25) P= 2HI−A,\nwhich is also a self-adjoint linear operator which commutes withAandsatisfies tr( P) =\n2H.\nTakingu= 2H, from equation ( 7) we obtain the following,\n/square(2H) = tr(P◦Hess(2H))\n= 2H∆(2H)−2tr(A◦HessH)\n=1\n2∆(2H)2−4|∇H|2−2tr(A◦HessH)\n=1\n2∆|A|2+∆Ke−4|∇H|2−2tr(A◦HessH).(26)\nInserting ( 24) in previous equality, we get\n/square(2H) =∆Ke+|∇A|2−4|∇H|2+2(|A|2−2H2)K+2(κ−4τ2)C2/parenleftbig\n|A|2−2H2/parenrightbig\n+2(κ−4τ2)/parenleftbig\nH/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−/an}b∇acketle{tA2(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−τ/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),J(T)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/parenrightbig\n.(27)\nFor our purpose, it will be more appropriate to deal with the t raceless part of A,\nwhich is given by Φ = A−HI, withIthe identity operator on X(Σ). Then, tr(Φ) = 0\nand\n(28) |Φ|2=|A|2−2H2≥0,WILLMORE SURFACES AND HOPF TORI IN HOMOGENEOUS 3-MANIFOLDS 9\nwith equality at p∈Σ2if and only if pis an umbilical point. In contrast to the case\nwhere the ambient is a Riemannian product, it was proved in [ 27] that there does not\nexist any totally umbilical surface in E3(κ,τ) withτ/ne}ationslash= 0.\nNow, from the characteristic polynomial of Φ and identity ( 28), the following equal-\nities hold,\n−2/an}b∇acketle{tA2(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+2H/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=−|Φ|2|T|2−2H/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht\nand\n2C2|A|2−4H2C2= 2C2|Φ|2.\nBesides this, equations ( 4) and (10) give us\n2K+(κ−4τ2)/parenleftbig\n2C2−|T|2/parenrightbig\n= 2Ke+5(κ−4τ2)C2−κ+6τ2.\nTherefore, inserting these three last equations in ( 27), we have finally shown the fol-\nlowing Simons-type formula for the Cheng-Yau’s operator.\nProposition 3.2. LetΣ2be an isometrically immersed surface into an homogeneous\nspaceE3(κ,τ). Then,\n/square(2H) = ∆Ke+|∇A|2−4|∇H|2+|Φ|2/parenleftbig\n2Ke+(κ−4τ2)(5C2−1)+2τ2/parenrightbig\n−2(κ−4τ2)(H/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+τ/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),J(T)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht).\nRemark 3.3. Whenτ= 0, as it was said in the Introduction, the homogeneous space\nE3(κ,τ) is exactly the product space M2(κ)×R, whereM2(κ) is a space form with\nconstant sectional curvature κ. Thus, Proposition 3.2extends [ 11, Proposition 1.2].\nLet us finish this section by showing a nice divergence formul a involving the Cheng-\nYau’s operator.\nLemma 3.4. LetΣ2be an isometrically immersed surface into an homogoneous sp ace\nE3(κ,τ). Then,\n(29) div( P(2∇H)) =/square(2H)−2C(κ−4τ2)T(H).\nProof.Observe that by a standard tensor computation\n(30) div( P(2∇H)) =/square(2H)+2/an}b∇acketle{tdivP,∇H/an}b∇acket∇i}ht,\nwhere\ndiv(P) =2/summationdisplay\ni=1∇P(ei,ei)\nwith\n∇P(X,Y) = (∇YP)X=∇Y(PX)−P(∇YX),\nfor every X,Y∈X(Σ).\nIt remains to compute the last term of equation ( 30). Indeed, from ( 25),\n∇P(X,Y) = 2Y(H)X−∇A(X,Y),\nfor every X,Y∈X(Σ). Then, ( 18) implies that\n(31) div( P) = tr(∇P) = 2∇H−2∇H−(κ−4τ2)CT=−C(κ−4τ2)T,\nso finally ( 29) follows from ( 30) and (31). /squareWILLMORE SURFACES AND HOPF TORI IN HOMOGENEOUS 3-MANIFOLDS 10\n4.Willmore surfaces in S3\nb(κ,τ)\nLetx: Σ2→M3(κ) be an isometrically immersed orientable closed, i.e. comp act\nwithout boundary, surface into the Riemannian space form M3(κ) with constant sec-\ntional curvature κ. The Willmore functional is defined by\nW(x) =/integraldisplay\nΣ(H2+κ)dA,\nwheredAdenotes the area element of the induced metric on Σ2. Associated to this\nfunctional, there is the famous Willmore conjecture, solve d in 2012 by Marques and\nNeves [19], which guarantees that this integral is at least 2 π2when Σ2is an immersed\ntorus into R3. We say that Σ2is aWillmore surface if it is a stationary point for\nthe functional W. Moreover, it is well known that Wis a conformal invariant and its\nEuler-Lagrange equation is given by (see [ 7,31])\n∆H+|Φ|2H= 0.\nFor our interests, let x: Σ2→E3(κ,τ) be an isometrically immersed orientable\nclosed surface into the homogeneous 3-manifold E3(κ,τ). Following Weiner [ 31], we\nconsider the following Willmore functional,\nW(x) =/integraldisplay\nΣ(H2+K)dA,\nwhere at any p∈Σ2,Kdenotes the sectional curvature of TpΣ inE3(κ,τ), which\nfollowing ( 2)-(4) can be expressed as\n(32) K=τ2+(κ−4τ2)C2.\nIn the following result we obtain the Euler-Lagrange equati on ofW, extending the\nresult of Weiner [ 31, Theorem 2.2] for immersed surfaces into the homogeneous sp ace\nE3(κ,τ).\nProposition 4.1. Letx: Σ2→E3(κ,τ)be an isometrically immersed orientable closed\nsurface. Then xis a stationary point of Wif and only if\n∆H+/parenleftbig\n|Φ|2+(κ−4τ2)(1+C2)/parenrightbig\nH−2(κ−4τ2)/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht= 0.\nProof.Let us consider a variation of x, that is, a smooth map X: (−ε,ε)×Σ2→\nE3(κ,τ) satisfying that for each t∈(−ε,ε), the map Xt: Σ2→E3(κ,τ), given by\nXt(p) =X(t,p), is an immersion and X0=x. Then, we can compute the first variation\nofWalongX, that is,\nd\ndtW(Xt)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nt=0=d\ndt/integraldisplay\nΣ(H2\nt+Kt)dAt/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nt=0\n=/integraldisplay\nΣ/parenleftbiggd\ndt(H2\nt+Kt)dAt+(H2\nt+Kt)d\ndt(dAt)/parenrightbigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nt=0,(33)\nwhere, for each t∈(−ε,ε),HtandKtstand, respectively, for the mean curvature of\nΣ2and the sectional curvature of TpΣ inE3(κ,τ) with respect to the metric induced\nbyXtanddAtdenotes its volume element.WILLMORE SURFACES AND HOPF TORI IN HOMOGENEOUS 3-MANIFOLDS 11\nObserve that, on the one hand, the following identity is well known (see for in-\nstance [5])\n2dHt\ndt/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nt=0= ∆f+2/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,Y⊤/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+(Ric(N,N)+|A|2)f,\nRic being the Ricci curvature tensor of E3(κ,τ) andY=∂X\n∂t/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nt=0the variational vector\nfield related to the variation X, which can be decomposed as Y=Y⊤+fNwith\nf=/an}b∇acketle{tY,N/an}b∇acket∇i}ht.\nOnthe other hand, denoting by Ntthe unit normal vector field along Σ2with respect\nto the metric induced by Xt, sinceN0=Nit holds\ndKt\ndt/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nt=0=d\ndt/parenleftbig\nτ2+(κ−4τ2)/an}b∇acketle{tNt,ξ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht2/parenrightbig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nt=0= 2(κ−4τ2)/an}b∇acketle{tNt,ξ/an}b∇acket∇i}htd\ndt/an}b∇acketle{tNt,ξ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nt=0.\nSinceY=∂X\n∂t/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nt=0is a coordinate field, there exists an orthonormal frame {e1,e2}in\nX(Σ) such that [ Y,ek] = 0, for any k= 1,2. Thus, a direct computation gives us\n∇f=−∇YN−A(Y⊤).\nThen, from the integrability equations ( 5) we get\ndKt\ndt/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nt=0=−2(κ−4τ2)C/parenleftBig\n/an}b∇acketle{t∇f,T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+/an}b∇acketle{t(A+τJ)(T),Y⊤/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/parenrightBig\n.\nFurthermore, by using Lemma 4 .2 of [4] (see also [ 8, Lemma 5.4]), we have\nd\ndt(dAt)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nt=0=/parenleftBig\n−2Hf+div(Y⊤)/parenrightBig\ndA.\nUsing the previous equalities we obtain\nd\ndt(H2\nt+Kt)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nt=0dA=2HdHt\ndt/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nt=0dA+dKt\ndt/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nt=0dA\n=H/parenleftbig\n∆f+(Ric(N,N)+|A|2)f/parenrightbig\ndA+/an}b∇acketle{t∇H2,Y⊤/an}b∇acket∇i}htdA\n−2(κ−4τ2)C/parenleftBig\n/an}b∇acketle{t∇f,T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+/an}b∇acketle{t(A+τJ)(T),Y⊤/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/parenrightBig\ndA(34)\nand\n(35) ( H2+K)d\ndt(dAt)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nt=0=−2H(H2+K)fdA+(H2+K)div(Y⊤)dA.\nLet us also observe that\ndiv(H2Y⊤) =H2div(Y⊤)+/an}b∇acketle{t∇H2,Y⊤/an}b∇acket∇i}ht.\nFrom (5) it also holds\ndiv(KY⊤) =Kdiv(Y⊤)−2(κ−4τ2)C/an}b∇acketle{t(A+τJ)(T),Y⊤/an}b∇acket∇i}ht.\nThen, it follows from ( 35) that\n(H2+K)d\ndt(dAt)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nt=0=−2H(H2+K)fdA+div(H2Y⊤)dA−/an}b∇acketle{t∇H2,Y⊤/an}b∇acket∇i}htdA\n+div(KY⊤)dA+2(κ−4τ2)C/an}b∇acketle{t(A+τJ)(T),Y⊤/an}b∇acket∇i}htdA.(36)WILLMORE SURFACES AND HOPF TORI IN HOMOGENEOUS 3-MANIFOLDS 12\nHence, replacing ( 34) and (36) in (33), we get\nd\ndtW(Xt)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nt=0=/integraldisplay\nΣ/parenleftbig\nH∆f+H(Ric(N,N)+|A|2)f−2H(H2+K)f/parenrightbig\ndA\n−2(κ−4τ2)/integraldisplay\nΣC/an}b∇acketle{t∇f,T/an}b∇acket∇i}htdA\n=/integraldisplay\nΣ/parenleftbig\n∆H+(Ric(N,N)+|A|2)H−2H(H2+K)/parenrightbig\nfdA\n−2(κ−4τ2)/integraldisplay\nΣC/an}b∇acketle{t∇f,T/an}b∇acket∇i}htdA.\nBesides this, from ( 5) and (6),\ndiv(CfT) =Cfdiv(T)+C/an}b∇acketle{t∇f,T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+f/an}b∇acketle{t∇C,T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht\n= 2HC2f+C/an}b∇acketle{t∇f,T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−f/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht.\nTherefore\nd\ndtW(Xt)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle\nt=0=/integraldisplay\nΣ/parenleftbig\nH∆f+H(Ric(N,N)+|A|2)f−2H(H2+K)f/parenrightbig\ndA\n+2(κ−4τ2)/integraldisplay\nΣ/parenleftbig\n2HC2−/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/parenrightbig\nfdA\n=/integraldisplay\nΣ/parenleftbig\n∆H+(Ric(N,N)+|A|2)H−2H(H2+K)/parenrightbig\nfdA\n+2(κ−4τ2)/integraldisplay\nΣ/parenleftbig\n2HC2−/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/parenrightbig\nfdA.\nConsequently xis a stationary point of the Willmore functional Wif and only if\n(37) ∆H+/parenleftbig\n|Φ|2+Ric(N,N)−2K+4(κ−4τ2)C2/parenrightbig\nH−2(κ−4τ2)/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht= 0.\nFinally, by an straightforward computation from ( 2) and (4) we easily obtain\nRic(N,N) =κ−2τ2−(κ−4τ2)C2,\nwhich jointly with ( 32) and (37) yields the desired result. /square\nRemark 4.2. It is not difficult to check that minimal tori and Hopf cylinder s over a\ncurveofgeodesiccurvature kg=/radicalbig\n2(2τ2−κ), forallκ,τ∈Rwithκ <2τ2satisfy (37).\nSo, they are stationary points of the Willmore functional W.\nBefore presenting our classification result for Willmore su rfaces in E3(κ,τ), we firstly\nneed the following lemma whose proof follows the ideas devel oped in [ 13, Lemma 2.1]\n(see also [ 17]).\nLemma 4.3. IfΣ2is an isometrically immersed orientable surface into the ho moge-\nneous space E3(κ,τ), then\n(38) |∇A|2≥3|∇H|2+2(κ−4τ2)C/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht.\nProof.Given any a∈R,let us consider the following tensor\nF(X,Y,Z) =/an}b∇acketle{t∇A(X,Y),Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht\n+a(/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,X/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tY,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,Y/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tX,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tX,Y/an}b∇acket∇i}ht).WILLMORE SURFACES AND HOPF TORI IN HOMOGENEOUS 3-MANIFOLDS 13\nA direct computation gives\nF(X,Y,Z)2=/an}b∇acketle{t∇A(X,Y),Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht2+2aQ1(X,Y,Z)+a2Q2(X,Y,Z),\nwhere\nQ1(X,Y,Z) =/an}b∇acketle{t∇A(X,Y),Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht(/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,X/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tY,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,Y/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tX,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tX,Y/an}b∇acket∇i}ht)\nand\nQ2(X,Y,Z) =/parenleftbig\n/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,X/an}b∇acket∇i}ht2/an}b∇acketle{tY,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht2+/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,Y/an}b∇acket∇i}ht2/an}b∇acketle{tX,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht2+/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht2/an}b∇acketle{tX,Y/an}b∇acket∇i}ht2/parenrightbig\n+2(/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,X/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tY,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,Y/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tX,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,X/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tY,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tX,Y/an}b∇acket∇i}ht)\n+2/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,Y/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tX,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,Z/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tX,Y/an}b∇acket∇i}ht.\nIn order to compute these last terms, let us take {e1,e2}an orthonormal frame on\nX(Σ). Then, it is not difficult to check that\n2/summationdisplay\ni,j,k/an}b∇acketle{t∇A(ei,ej),ek/an}b∇acket∇i}ht2=|∇A|2and2/summationdisplay\ni,j,kQ2(ei,ej,ek) = 12|∇H|2.\nBesides that, from Codazzi equation and ( 18), we have\n2/summationdisplay\ni,j,kQ1(ei,ej,ek) =2/summationdisplay\ni,j=1(/an}b∇acketle{t∇A(ei,ej),ej/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,ei/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+/an}b∇acketle{t∇A(ei,ej),ei/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,ej/an}b∇acket∇i}ht)\n+2/summationdisplay\ni=1/an}b∇acketle{t∇A(ei,ei),∇H/an}b∇acket∇i}ht\n=6|∇H|2+2(κ−4τ2)C/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht.\nHence,\n|F|2=|∇A|2+2a/parenleftbig\n6|∇H|2+2(κ−4τ2)C/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/parenrightbig\n+12a2|∇H|2.\nTakinga=−1/2 we obtain ( 38). /square\nWe can finally present our first main result.\nTheorem 4.1. LetΣ2be an isometrically immersed orientable closed Willmore su rface\ninto an homogeneous space E3(κ,τ). Then,\n/integraldisplay\nΣ/parenleftbig\n|Φ|4−/parenleftbig\n2τ2−(κ−4τ2)(1−3C2)/parenrightbig\n|Φ|2/parenrightbig\ndA\n−(κ−4τ2)/integraldisplay\nΣ/parenleftbig\n|∇C|2+(Ke+τ2)(1−5C2)+2τ2(1−3C2)/parenrightbig\ndA≥0.\nwhere the equality holds if and only if Σ2is a parallel surface.\nIn particular, if κ <2τ2the equality holds if and only if E3(κ,τ) =S3\nb(κ,τ)and\nΣ2is either a Clifford torus or a Hopf torus over a closed curve of g eodesic curvature/radicalbig\n2(2τ2−κ)onS2(κ).WILLMORE SURFACES AND HOPF TORI IN HOMOGENEOUS 3-MANIFOLDS 14\nProof.Firstly, taking into account ( 28), (26) can be written as follows,\n/square(2H) = 4H∆H−2tr(A◦HessH)\n= 2H∆H−1\n2∆|Φ|2−2|∇H|2+1\n2∆|A|2−2tr(A◦HessH),\nwhere ∆H2= 2H∆H+2|∇H|2has been used. Consequently, by ( 24),\n/square(2H) =2H∆H−1\n2∆|Φ|2+|∇A|2−2|∇H|2\n+|Φ|2/parenleftbig\n2Ke+(κ−4τ2)(5C2−1)+2τ2/parenrightbig\n−2(κ−4τ2)(H/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+τ/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),J(T)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht).(39)\nLet us observe now that from Lemma 4.3we get\n|∇A|2−2|∇H|2≥ |∇H|2+2(κ−4τ2)C/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht\n≥2(κ−4τ2)C/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht,(40)\nwhere the equality holds if and only if\n|∇A|2= 3|∇H|2+2(κ−4τ2)C/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht= 0,\nthat is, if and only if Σ2is a parallel surface. Then, from Lemma 3.4and taking into\naccount ( 39) and (40) we obtain the following inequality,\ndiv(P(2∇H)) =/square(2H)−2(κ−4τ2)C/an}b∇acketle{t∇H,T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht\n≥2H∆H−1\n2∆|Φ|2+|Φ|2/parenleftbig\n2Ke+(κ−4τ2)(5C2−1)+2τ2/parenrightbig\n−2(κ−4τ2)(H/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+τ/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),J(T)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht).\nTherefore, the divergence theorem yields\n−2/integraldisplay\nΣH∆HdA≥/integraldisplay\nΣ|Φ|2/parenleftbig\n2Ke+(κ−4τ2)(5C2−1)+2τ2/parenrightbig\ndA\n−2(κ−4τ2)/integraldisplay\nΣ(H/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+τ/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),J(T)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht)dA.\nOn the one hand, from Proposition 4.1we can write\n2H∆H=−2H2/parenleftbig\n|Φ|2+(κ−4τ2)(1+C2)/parenrightbig\n+4(κ−4τ2)H/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht\n=−/parenleftbig\n|Φ|2+2Ke/parenrightbig/parenleftbig\n|Φ|2+(κ−4τ2)(3C2−1)/parenrightbig\n+4(κ−4τ2)H/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht\n=−|Φ|2/parenleftbig\n2Ke+|Φ|2+(κ−4τ2)(3C2−1)/parenrightbig\n−2(κ−4τ2)(3C2−1)Ke\n+4(κ−4τ2)H/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht,(41)\nwhere we have used that\n(42) |Φ|2−2H2=−2Ke,\nwhich follows from ( 7) and (28). Hence,\n0≥/integraldisplay\nΣ|Φ|2/parenleftbig\n−|Φ|2+2(κ−4τ2)C2+2τ2/parenrightbig\ndA+2(κ−4τ2)/integraldisplay\nΣ(1−3C2)KedA\n+2(κ−4τ2)/integraldisplay\nΣ(H/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−τ/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),J(T)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht)dA.(43)WILLMORE SURFACES AND HOPF TORI IN HOMOGENEOUS 3-MANIFOLDS 15\nOn the other hand, by using A2−2HA+KeI=A2−2HΦ−/parenleftbig\n|Φ|2+Ke/parenrightbig\nI= 0 and\nthe integrability equation ( 5), we easily obtain\n(44) |∇C|2= 2H/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+2τ/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),J(T)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+/parenleftbig\n|Φ|2+Ke+τ2/parenrightbig\n|T|2.\nNow, let us consider the local orthonormal frame on X(Σ),{e1,e2}such that e1=T\n|T|\nande2=J(e1) we get\ndiv(J(T)) =−/an}b∇acketle{tJ(T),∇e1e1/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+e2(|T|),\nwhich using once more the integrability equations ( 5) yields\n(45) div( J(T)) = 2τC.\nSo, from ( 5) and (45),\ndiv(τCJ(T)) = 2τ2C2−τ/an}b∇acketle{t(A+τJ)T,J(T)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=−τ/an}b∇acketle{tφ(T),J(T)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−τ2(1−3C2).\nThus, by ( 44)\n2H/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−2τ/an}b∇acketle{tφ(T),J(T)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=|∇C|2+4div(τCJ(T))+τ2(3−11C2)\n−(|Φ|2+Ke)(1−C2)\nTherefore, by ( 43) we obtain\n0≥/integraldisplay\nΣ|Φ|2/parenleftbig\n−|Φ|2+(κ−4τ2)(3C2−1)+2τ2/parenrightbig\ndA\n+(κ−4τ2)/integraldisplay\nΣ/parenleftbig\n|∇C|2+(Ke+τ2)(1−5C2)+2τ2(1−3C2)/parenrightbig\ndA.(46)\nwhich is the desired inequality.\nMoreover, as we have remarked before, the equality holds in ( 46) if and only if Σ2is a\nclosed parallel surface. Then, from Lemma 2.1Σ2is either a Hopf torus (necessarily in\nS3\nb(κ,τ)) over a Riemannian circle in S2(κ), or a piece of a slice in M2(κ)×R. However,\nsince Σ2is closed this last case only occurs in the case τ= 0 and κ >0, which do not\nsatisfy the assumption κ <2τ2.\nConsequently, Σ2is a Hopf torus in S3\nb(κ,τ), so in particular C= 0 and Ke=−τ2.\nHence, (41) reads\n0 =/parenleftbig\n−|Φ|2+2τ2/parenrightbig\n(|Φ|2+κ−4τ2.\nThen, either |Φ|2= 2τ2, which implies that H= 0 and Σ2is the Clifford torus, or\n|Φ|2+κ−4τ2= 0. Thus, from ( 42) we get H=/radicalBig\n2τ2−κ\n2and, consequently, Σ2is\nisometric to a Hopf torus in S3\nb(κ,τ) over a curve of geodesic curvature/radicalbig\n2(2τ2−κ)\nonS2(κ), for 0< κ <2τ2. /square\n5.Classification results for constant extrinsic curvature c losed\nsurfaces\nLet us begin by obtaining some new interesting divergence fo rmulae, which will play\na fundamental role in the proof of the main results in this sec tion.\nLemma 5.1. LetΣ2be an isometrically immersed surface into the homogeneous s pace\nE3(κ,τ). Then the following divergence formulae hold on Σ2,WILLMORE SURFACES AND HOPF TORI IN HOMOGENEOUS 3-MANIFOLDS 16\n(a)div(∇TT) =K|T|2+T(divT)+|∇T|2−4τ2C2.\n(b)div(div(T)T) =T(divT)+4H2C2.\n(c)div(|T|∇|T|) =K|T|2+T(divT)+|∇T|2−2τ2|T|2−2τ/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),J(T)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht.\nProof.Firstly, let usobservethat items ( a)and(b) havealready beenproved in[ 29](see\nalso [16, Lemma 3.2]). However, we will include the proofs for the sak e of completeness.\nFrom the integrability equations ( 5) it is immediate to check that\n(47)\ndiv(∇TT) = div(C(A−τJ)(T)) =−/an}b∇acketle{tA2(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+τ2|T|2+Cdiv(A(T))−τCdiv(J(T)).\nOn the one hand, given a local orthonormal frame {e1,e2}onX(Σ) diagonalizing A,\nfrom the Codazzi equation ( 9) it holds\ndiv(A(T)) =2/summationdisplay\ni=1/an}b∇acketle{t(∇eiA)(T),ei/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+2/summationdisplay\ni=1/an}b∇acketle{tA(∇eiT),ei/an}b∇acket∇i}ht\n= tr(∇TA)+C(κ−4τ2)|T|2+2/summationdisplay\ni=1/an}b∇acketle{t∇eiT,A(ei)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht\n= 2T(H)+C(κ−4τ2)|T|2+C|A|2,(48)\nwhere in the last equality we have used again ( 5) and the fact that the trace commutes\nwith the Levi-Civita connection.\nOn the other hand, ( 6) yields\n(49) T(div(T)) =−2H/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+2CT(H).\nThen, taking into account ( 45), (48) and (49), (47) reads\ndiv(∇TT) =K|T|2+T(div(T))+C2|A|2−2τ2C2,\nwhere we have used ( 10) and (21). Finally, item ( a) follows by observing that\n(50) |∇T|2=2/summationdisplay\ni,j=1/an}b∇acketle{t∇eiT,ej/an}b∇acket∇i}ht2=C2(|A|2+2τ2),\nfor any{e1,e2}local orthonormal frame on X(Σ).\nItem (b) follows directly from ( 6).\nWith respect to item ( c), a direct computation from ( 5) guarantees us that\n(51) |T|∇|T|=C(A+τJ)(T).\nThen, taking divergences in ( 51),\n(52) div( |T|∇|T|) = div(A(T))C+τdiv(J(T))C+/an}b∇acketle{t∇C,(A+τJ)(T)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht.\nIt is easy to check from ( 21) and from the integrability equations ( 5) that\n/an}b∇acketle{t∇C,(A+τJ)(T)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=−/an}b∇acketle{tA2(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−2τ/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),J(T)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht −τ2|T|2\n=−2H/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+Ke|T|2−2τ/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),J(T)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht −τ2|T|2.(53)\nThen, item ( c) follows by inserting ( 48)-(50) and (53) in (52). /square\nBringing all these formulae together we get the desired dive rgenge-type formulae,WILLMORE SURFACES AND HOPF TORI IN HOMOGENEOUS 3-MANIFOLDS 17\nCorollary 5.2. LetΣ2be an isometrically immersed surface into an homogeneous\nspaceE3(κ,τ). Then the following divergence formulae hold,\ndiv(U) = ∆Ke+|∇A|2−4|∇H|2+2|Φ|2/parenleftbig\nKe+(κ−4τ2)(4C2−1)+τ2/parenrightbig\n−2(κ−4τ2)/parenleftbig\n2H/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+(Ke−τ2)(1−3C2)/parenrightbig\n,(54)\nwhereU=P(2∇H)+(κ−4τ2)(∇TT−|T|∇|T|+div(T)T)and\ndiv(V) = ∆Ke+|∇A|2−4|∇H|2+2|Φ|2/parenleftbig\nKe+3(κ−4τ2)C2+τ2/parenrightbig\n−2(κ−4τ2)/parenleftbig\n|∇C|2−2(Ke+τ2)C2/parenrightbig\n,(55)\nwhereV=P(2∇H)+(κ−4τ2)(|T|∇|T|+div(T)T−∇TT).\nProof.On the one hand, let U1=∇TT−|T|∇|T|+div(T)T, then from items ( a), (b)\nand (c) of Lemma 5.1we can compute\n(56) div( U1) =−2τ2(3C2−1)+2τ/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),J(T)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+T(div(T))+4H2C2.\nThen, from ( 56), (49) and item ( d) in Lemma 5.1we get\ndiv(U) =/square(2H)−2H(κ−4τ2)/parenleftbig\n/an}b∇acketle{tA(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−2C2H/parenrightbig\n−2τ(κ−4τ2)/parenleftbig\nτ(3C2−1)−/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),J(T)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/parenrightbig\n.\nTaking now into account Proposition 3.2jointly with ( 4) and the definition of Φ we\neasily deduce\ndiv(U) = ∆Ke+|∇A|2−4|∇H|2+2|Φ|2/parenleftbig\nKe+(κ−4τ2)(4C2−1)+τ2/parenrightbig\n+(κ−4τ2)/parenleftbig\n−4H/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+(1−3C2)(2τ2+|Φ|2−2H2)/parenrightbig\n.\nThen (54) follows from ( 42).\nOn the other hand, let us observe that\nV −U= 2(κ−4τ2)(|T|∇|T|−∇TT).\nTherefore, from ( 54) and items ( a) and (c) of Lemma 5.1, it holds\ndiv(V) = ∆Ke+|∇A|2−4|∇H|2+2|Φ|2/parenleftbig\nKe+(κ−4τ2)(4C2−1)+τ2/parenrightbig\n+2(κ−4τ2)/parenleftbig\n4τ2C2−2τ2|T|2−2τ/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),J(T)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−2H/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−(Ke−τ2)(1−3C2)/parenrightbig\n.\nThen, the desired formula ( 55) follows from ( 4) and (44), so Corollary 5.2is proved. /square\nIn the next results we will approach the case in which the extr insic curvature is\nconstant and negative. For this, the following lemma is esse ntial.\nLemma 5.3. LetΣ2be an isometrically immersed orientable surface into the ho moge-\nneous space E3(κ,τ)with constant extrinsic curvature Ke<0. Then\n(57) |∇A|2≤4|∇H|2.\nIn particular, the equality holds if and only if Σ2is a parallel surface.WILLMORE SURFACES AND HOPF TORI IN HOMOGENEOUS 3-MANIFOLDS 18\nProof.Indeed, let {e1,e2}be a local orthonormal frame which diagonalizes A, that is,\nA(ei) =λiei,i= 1,2. Then |∇A|2=/summationtext2\ni,j=1(ei(λj))2, and by a direct computation we\nget\n4|∇H|2= (e1(λ1)+e1(λ2))2+(e2(λ1)+e2(λ2))2.\nHence,\n(58) |∇A|2−4|∇H|2=−2(e1(λ1)e1(λ2)+e2(λ1)e2(λ2)).\nOn the other hand, since Ke=λ1λ2is a negative constant, taking derivatives with\nrespect to e1ande2,\n(59) 0 = ei(Ke) =ei(λ1)λ2+λ1ei(λ2), i= 1,2.\nFurthermore, λ1,λ2/ne}ationslash= 0, so from ( 59) it holds\nei(λ1) =−λ1\nλ2ei(λ2), i= 1,2.\nTherefore, ( 58) reads\n(60) |∇A|2−4|∇H|2=2λ1\nλ2(e2\n1(λ2)+e2\n2(λ2)) =2Ke\nλ2\n2(e2\n1(λ2)+e2\n2(λ2))≤0\nas desired. The conclusion about the equality is immediate. /square\nCorollary 5.4. There exists no immersed surface into the homogeneous space E3(κ,τ)\nwithκ−4τ2/ne}ationslash= 0, satisfying the equality in (57)and having positive constant extrinsic\ncurvature.\nProof.Indeed, suppose there exists an immersed surface Σ2intoE3(κ,τ),κ−4τ2/ne}ationslash= 0,\nsatisfying the equality in ( 57) and having positive constant extrinsic curvature. Fol-\nlowing the same reasoning as in the proof of Lemma 5.3we obtain ( 60), so\n0 =|∇A|2−4|∇H|2=2Ke\nλ2\n2(e2\n1(λ2)+e2\n2(λ2))≥0.\nSinceKe>0, we must have e1(λ2) =e2(λ2) = 0. Therefore λ2is constant, so by the\nassumption on theextrinsic curvature λ1is also constant. Thus, Σ2should bea parallel\nsurface of E3(κ,τ). Hence, from Lemma 2.1Σ2is either isometric to a piece of a Hopf\ncylinder or of a slice, which is a contradiction since in both casesKe=−τ2≤0./square\nNow, we present our first result related to surfaces with cons tant extrinsic curvature\ninS3\nb(κ,τ).\nTheorem 5.1. LetΣ2be an isometrically immersed closed surface into the homoge -\nneous space E3(κ,τ),κ−4τ2/ne}ationslash= 0, with negative constant extrinsic curvature. Then\n/integraldisplay\nΣ|Φ|2/parenleftbig\nKe+(κ−4τ2)(4C2−1)+τ2/parenrightbig\ndA≥(κ−4τ2)/integraldisplay\nΣQτ,KedA,\nwhere\n(61) Qτ,Ke= 2H/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+(Ke−τ2)(1−3C2).\nThe equality holds if and only if E3(κ,τ) =S3\nb(κ,τ)andΣ2is a Hopf torus over a\nRiemannian circle in S2(κ).WILLMORE SURFACES AND HOPF TORI IN HOMOGENEOUS 3-MANIFOLDS 19\nProof.By Corollary 5.2,\ndiv(U) = ∆Ke+|∇A|2−4|∇H|2+2|Φ|2/parenleftbig\nKe+(κ−4τ2)(4C2−1)+τ2/parenrightbig\n−2(κ−4τ2)/parenleftbig\n2H/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+(Ke−τ2)(1−3C2)/parenrightbig\n.\nSincewearesupposingthattheextrinsiccurvatureisanega tiveconstant, fromLemma 5.3,\nwe can estimate the divergence in this way\ndiv(U)≤2|Φ|2/parenleftbig\nKe+(κ−4τ2)(4C2−1)+τ2/parenrightbig\n−2(κ−4τ2)/parenleftbig\n2H/an}b∇acketle{tΦ(T),T/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+(Ke−τ2)(1−3C2)/parenrightbig\n.\nTherefore, taking integrals and using the classical diverg ence theorem, we have\n(62)/integraldisplay\nΣ/braceleftbig\n|Φ|2/parenleftbig\nKe+(κ−4τ2)(4C2−1)+τ2/parenrightbig\n−(κ−4τ2)Qτ,Ke/bracerightbig\ndA≥0,\nwhereQτ,Keis defined as in ( 61), which is the desired inequality.\nFurthermore, the equality is satisfied if and only if the equa lity holds in ( 57). Since\nKe<0, Lemma 5.3guarantees that Σ2is a parallel surface in E3(κ,τ). Therefore,\nfrom Lemma 2.1, we conclude that Σ2is isometric to a piece of a Hopf cylinder or\nto a slice of M2(κ)×Rwhenτ= 0. Thus, by closedness and recalling that slices in\nM2(κ)×Rare totally geodesic surfaces, so consequently satisfy Ke= 0, the equality\nin (62) is only satified in the case where E3(κ,τ) =S3\nb(κ,τ) and Σ2is isometric to a\nHopf torus. /square\nWe can also obtain the following alternative characterizat ion result from ( 55).\nTheorem 5.2. LetΣ2be an isometrically immersed closed surface with negative c on-\nstant extrinsic curvature into the homogeneous space E3(κ,τ)such that κ−4τ2>0.\nThen\n(63)/integraldisplay\nΣ/braceleftbig/parenleftbig\n3(κ−4τ2)C2+Ke+τ2/parenrightbig\n|Φ|2+2(κ−4τ2)(Ke+τ2)C2/bracerightbig\ndA≥0.\nThe equality holds if and only if E3(κ,τ) =S3\nb(κ,τ)andΣ2is a Hopf torus over a\nRiemannian circle in S2(κ).\nProof.The proof of ( 63) follows immediately taking integrals in ( 55) and taking into\naccount Lemma 5.3. The conclusion regarding the equality follows as in Theore m5.1.\n/square\nAcknowledgements\nThe authors would like to heartily thank the referee for his/ her valuable remarks\nand comments. The first author is partially supported by MICI NN/FEDER project\nPGC2018-097046-B-I00, by the Regional Government of Andal usia ERDEF project\nPY20-01391 and Fundaci´ on S´ eneca project 19901/GERM/15, Spain. Her work is a\nresult of the activity developed within the framework of the Program in Support of\nExcellence Groups of the Regi´ on de Murcia, Spain, by Fundac i´ on S´ eneca, Science and\nTechnology Agency of the Regi´ on de Murcia. The second autho r is also partially\nsupported by CNPq, Brazil, under the grant 431976/2018-0.WILLMORE SURFACES AND HOPF TORI IN HOMOGENEOUS 3-MANIFOLDS 20\nReferences\n[1] U. Abresch and H. Rosenberg, A Hopf differential for constant mean curvature surfaces in S2×R\nandH2×R, Acta Math. 193(2004), 141–174.\n[2] J.A. Aledo, L.J. Al´ ıas and A. Romero, A new proof of Liebmann classical rigidity theorem for\nsurfaces in space forms , Rocky Mountain J. Math. 35(2005), 1811–1824.\n[3] A.D. Alexandrov, Uniqueness theorems for surfaces in the large I , Vestnik Leningrad Univ. 11\n(1956), 5–17.\n[4] J.L.M. Barbosa and A.G. Colares, Stability of hypersurfaces with constant r-mean curvature , Ann.\nGlobal Anal. Geom. 15(1997), 277–297.\n[5] J.L. 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Therefore, it is highly desirable to study its electronic structure down to\nthe atomic orbitals. In the present research, we applied momentum-resolved resonant photoelectron\nspectroscopy to study TiSe 2at the Ti2p →Ti3d absorption edge by using a momentum microscope,\nwhich can simultaneously detect the electronic states in a wide ( kx, ky) range. We have also used\nconstant initial state (CIS) spectroscopy and density functional theory (DFT) calculations to reveal\nthe hybridization between the Ti3d and Se4p orbitals within the valence band at the Γ point at\nroom temperature. In addition, an interesting result comes from our analysis of the CIS spectrum\nfor the energy band located at a binding energy of 2 eV at the M-point. This band, mainly com-\nposed of the Se4p orbital, exhibited a Fano line profile at the Ti2p edge, with a negative value of\nthe parameter ‘ q’. This is the first clear evidence of the inter-atomic interaction during the valence\nband photoelectron emission process. This behavior differs significantly from the standard reso-\nnant photoelectron emission, which usually involves intra-atomic interactions. It also differs from\nthe multi-atom resonant photoelectron emission (MARPE) observed in the core-level photoelectron\nemission, as we focus on the photoelectron emission from the valence band in this research.\nI. INTRODUCTION\nThe layered transition-metal-dichalcogenide (TMDC)\nTiSe 2has been extensively studied for decades due to its\ncharacteristic charge-density-wave (CDW) transition be-\nhavior [1]. The (2 ×2×2) superstructure, which forms\nbelow a critical temperature ( Tc) of approximately 200\nK, was first reported by Di Salvo et al. [2]. Debates\nhave arisen concerning the driving force behind the CDW\ntransition. One perspective suggests the involvement of\nthe electron-phonon interaction [3, 4], while another pro-\nposes the exciton condensation as the driving factor [5].\nAlthough the latter perspective is currently considered\nmore favorable, especially in light of critical measure-\nments using electron energy loss spectroscopy [6], the ori-\ngin and nature of the CDW transition in TiSe 2remains\ncontroversial.\n∗Correspondence email address: stanaka@sanken.osaka-u.ac.jpThe band structures, derived from our density func-\ntional theory (DFT) calculations, are presented along the\nM-Γ-M line (represented by the black dotted line) and the\nA-L-A line (depicted by the red dotted line) in Fig. 1(a)\nalong with the angle/momentum-resolved photoelectron\nspectroscopy (ARPES/MRPES) intensity map (recorded\nat room temperature with hν=80 eV) . The notation of\nthe symmetry points in the Brillouin zone is illustrated in\nFig. 1(d). Further details about the measurements and\ncalculations will be provided later.\nNote that the kzvalue in the ARPES/MRPES map,\ncalculated assuming the inner potential of 13 eV [7],\nvaries from −0.08˚A−1(BE=5 eV) to 0.06 ˚A−1(EF) at\nΓ(A) , and −0.18˚A−1(BE=5 eV) to −0.06˚A−1(EF)\nat M(L). The bands accountable for the CDW transition\nare schematically illustrated in Fig. 1(e). They consist of\nthe electron pocket (often referred to as the conduction\nband) situated at the M(L) point, clearly distinguish-\nable in Fig. 1(b), and the hole pocket (often referred to\nas the valence band) located at the Γ(A) point. ThearXiv:2402.04664v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 7 Feb 20242\nFigure 1. (a) Calculated band dispersions of TiSe 2along the Γ-M line (black dots) and the A-L line (red dots) together with\nthe experimentally obtained photoelectron intensity map in a color scale shown at the right side of the panel taken at photon\nenergy ( hν) of 80 eV and at room temperature. (b,c) Iso-energy photoelectron intensity maps at the binding energy (BE) of 0\nand 0.2 eV, respectively, under the same condition as (a). (d) the 3D Brillouin zones and high symmetry points. (e): Schematic\nof the electronic structure of TiSe 2near the Fermi level, where the electron and hole pockets are located at M (L) and Γ (A)\npoints, respectively.\nvalence band at the Γ (A) point is also observable in\nthe ARPES/MRPES map but slightly weaker than the\nelectron pocket in Fig. 1(c). In the proposed exciton con-\ndensation process [5], thermal excitations lead to the cre-\nation of electrons in the conduction band and holes in the\nvalence band, providing the electron-hole bound states\nknown as excitons. With a periodicity determined by\nthe spanning vector that connects the valence band max-\nimum to the conduction band minimum, this can cause\na transition to a coherent ground state of condensed ex-\ncitons and the superlattice formation [5]. Consequently,\nunderstanding the orbitals of these bands is critical to\na deeper understanding of the CDW transition. In the\nsimplest description, the electronic configuration of TiSe 2\nis (Se4p)6(Ti3d)0, where the valence band is commonly\nassumed to be derived from the Se4p orbital and the\nconduction band from the Ti3d orbital. However, some\nstudies [8–11] have proposed a hybridization between the\nTi3d and Se4p orbitals in the valence band located near\nthe Γ point in the CDW phase. Therefore, an experi-\nmental investigation is desirable to elucidate the orbital\ncharacter of these electronic states.\nIn order to access to this objective, resonant pho-\ntoelectron spectroscopy utilizing synchrotron radiation\nis an ideal tool and has been extensively employed to\nprobe the electronic structure of various materials [12–\n14]. In resonant photoelectron emission, the photon en-\nergy is scanned around the core-to-bound excitation en-\nergy, leading to multiple pathways of excitation and de-\ncay. In instances where the incident photon generates a\ncore hole (in the current case, it is Ti2p) and the bound\nelectron in the conduction band (illustrated as A in Fig.2), subsequent exchange and direct Auger decay [15] (de-\nnoted as B and B’ in Fig. 2) result in a hole within the\nvalence band.\nThe notations of the “exchange” and “direct” are ac-\ncording to Bambynek et al. [15] Since the final state of\nthis process is identical to that of the normal (direct)\nphotoelectron emission from the valence band, shown\nas C in Fig. 2, the photoelectron intensity from the\nvalence band is resonantly enhanced in the vicinity of\nthe core-level photo-absorption energy. Resonant en-\nhancement in the photoelectron emission is more pro-\nnounced when the interaction between the core-hole de-\ncay and the Auger-electron emission is stronger. This\ninteraction exhibits significantly greater strength when\nthe relevant core and valence/conduction bands are con-\ntributed from the atomic orbitals of the same atom,\nwhich is known as intra-atomic Auger decay, as opposed\nto when they are contributed by different atoms (inter-\natomic Auger decay). As a result, conducting resonant\nphotoelectron spectroscopy at the Ti2p excitation al-\nlows us to distinguish the Ti3d-derived band from the\nSe4p-derived band. Although some studies using reso-\nnant photoelectron spectroscopy on the Ti2p excitation\nin TiSe 2have been reported [16, 17], the measurements\nwere momentum-integrated and the bands near the Fermi\nlevel were not well resolved. Therefore, a detailed study\nof the momentum-resolved resonant photoelectron spec-\ntroscopy on TiSe 2is highly desirable. Here we adopt a\nnew approach, where the momentum-resolved CIS spec-\ntra are obtained and compared with the momentum-\nresolved DOS of specific atomic orbitals.\nFano resonance has been widely investigated in may3\nEnergyABB’C\nPhotoelectron\nFigure 2. The schematic model during the photoelectron\nemission process in the resonant photoelectron spectroscopy.\nSee the text for details.\nspectroscopic fields so far [18, 19] including the photo-\nelectron spectroscopy [12, 13, 20]. In the resonant pho-\ntoelectron spectroscopy, it arises from interference be-\ntween distinct energy levels during excitation, followed\nby the Auger decay (process A →B/B’), and excitation\ninto continuous levels (process C). Constant initial-state\nspectroscopy (CIS), in which the photoelectron intensity\nat a specific binding energy of interest is plotted as a\nfunction of photon energy, has been used to examin the\nFano shape. The Fano resonance [18, 19] is formulated\nas\nI=I0\n1 +q2(q+ϵ)2\n1 +ϵ2(1)\n, where qis the asymmetry parameter that determins the\nFano-type spectral shape, I0is the intensity, and ϵis the\nnormalized energy as\nϵ=x−x0\nΓ(2)\n, where xis the photon energy, x0is the core-absorption\nenergy, Γ is the Lorentzian width. With increasing |q|,\nthe peak shape becomes more symmetric and ultimately\nbecomes a Lorentzian curve when |q|=∞, implying that\nthe whole process is dominated by the distinct excitation\n(A→B/B′). In real cases, both the continuous and\ndistinct excitation are involved, and finit postive q’s have\nbeen observed reflecting the relative strength and phase\nof the two excitations. [12, 13, 20]\nMeanwhile, it has been highlighted that resonant pho-\ntoelectron emission can arise from the inter-atomic Auger\nprocess. When a core-level electron of one atom is ex-\ncited into an empty state at a higher energy than the\nFermi level, it may be possible to influence the neighbor-\ning atoms when they are bonded directly. Then, at the\nphoton energy corresponding to the absorption edge of\none atom, the photoelectron emission from the the neigh-\nboring atoms may be modulated via the inter-atomic in-\nteraction between two atoms due to their direct bond-\ning. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as multi-\natom resonant photoemission (MARPE) [21–23]. Thefirst reported case was the resonant behavior of the O1s\ncore-level photoelectron emission at the Mn2p absorption\nedge in MnO [21]. Subsequently, MARPE phenomena\nhave been claimed in various materials in the context of\nthe core-level photoelectron emission [24–26], although\nan ongoing debate persists regarding the observability of\nMARPE [27–29]. In the context of valence band photo-\nelectron emission, however, the resonant effect could eas-\nily be overshadowed by conventional resonant photoelec-\ntron emission because the inter-atomic interaction is sig-\nnificantly weaker than the intra-atomic interaction. Al-\nthough MARPE associated with the photoelectron emis-\nsion from the core level has been reported, we believe\nthat no MARPE from the valence band has been proved\nso far. It should be noted that inter-atomic Auger elec-\ntron decay involving the valenve band has been suggested\nin TiO 2based on the experimental results in electron-\nstimulated ion desorption, where the electron threshold\nenergy for O+ion desorption coincided with the Ti3p\nexcitation [30]. However, according to a later work on\nTiO 2using electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy, which\nis a more sophisticated and specific experimental tech-\nnique, along with systematic comparisons of ion desorp-\ntion from other metal oxides, their proposal was called\ninto question [31]. Therefore, we examined the possibil-\nity of the electron emission from the valence band due\nto the inter-atomic interaction for the first time by us-\ning the momentum-resolved experiment by photoelectron\nmomentum microscopy (PMM).\nII. DETAILS OF EXPERIMENTS AND\nCALCULATIONS\nAll the experiments were carried out at the soft\nX-ray beamline BL6U of the UVSOR synchrotron\nradiation facility of Institute for Molecular Science\n(IMS), Okazaki, Japan. The endstation of the beam-\nline consists of a load-lock chamber, a sample-prepare\nchamber and a measurement chamber which haused\na momentum microscope with a single hemispheri-\ncal electron energy analyzer manufactured by SPECS\nSurface Nano Analysis GmbH, which enabled us to\nachieve an Angle/Momentum-Resolved PhotoElectron\nSpectroscopy(ARPES/MRPES) [32–34]. The grazing-\nincidence monochromator with a varied-line-spacing\nplane grating (photon energy range was 40-700 eV) was\nused. The photon is always horizontally polarized, corre-\nsponding to the p-polarization with respect to the sample\nsurface. The momentum microscope was set as its objec-\ntive lens axis is normal to the sample surface.\n1T-TiSe 2single crystals were grown by the chemical\nvapor transport method [35, 36]. First, stoichiometric\namounts of Ti powder and Se lumps, and iodine as a\ntransport agent were vacuum-sealed in a quartz ampoule.\nNext, the quartz ampoule was placed in a horizontal tube\nfurnace and heated to 900◦C in the raw material zone and\n800◦C in the crystal growth zone for 1 week for the CVT4\ngrowth. Then, the sample was taken out from the quartz\nampoule, and inserted into the ultra-high vacuum con-\ndition. The sample was cleaved to obtain an atomically\nflat clean surface just before the measurements, which\ntypically lasted less than 12 hours. The condition of the\nsample surface was checked by the ARPES/MRPES and\ncore-level spectroscopy which showed no trace of any con-\ntamination.\nThe DFT calculation was carried out by using the\nopen-source Quantum Espresso package (ver. 6) [37, 38]\ninstalled at Research Center for Computational Science\nin IMS, Okazaki, Japan. The pseudopotential files for Ti\nand Se were Ti.rel-pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF\nand Se.rel-pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.0.2.UPF , both of which\nwere projector-augmented wave (PAW) type and gener-\nated using the “atomic” code produced by A. Dal Corso\nthrough fully-relativistic calculation. The energy cutoff\nof the plane wave and charge density were set to 52.0\nRy (707 eV) and 576 Ry ( 9197 eV), respectively. Be-\nfore calculating the self-consistent electron density, the\ncrystal structure was optimized using the variable cell\noptimization (vc-relax) method, which resulted in the\noptimized lattice parameters as a=b= 3.544, and\nc= 6.693˚A. The self-consistent field calculation was\nfollowed by a non-self-consistent field calculation using\ndense 64 ×64×12k-meshes in the Brillouin zone. Next,\nthe results were used to determine the band energies, den-\nsity of states, and projected density of states, wherein the\ncontribution of each individual atomic orbital was indi-\ncated.\nIII. RESULTS\nFigure 3(a) shows the electron yield curves at the Ti-\nL3edge, acquired using Ti LV V -Auger electron yield\n(solid black line) and photoelectron yield (solid red line)\nfrom the entire valence band (VB), where the binding en-\nergy and and |k|||are set within 5 eV and 5 ˚A−1, respec-\ntively, are displayed. These intensities were normalized\nto align the background and peak intensities. Notably,\nthese yields closely resemble the X-ray absorption spectra\nof TiSe 2previously reported [39]. The discernible peaks\nat 457 (III) and 459 eV (V) are attributed to the excita-\ntions from Ti2p 3/2to Ti3d- t2gand Ti3d- eglevels, respec-\ntively [39]. Figure 3(b) shows the momentum-resolved\nenergy-distribution curves (EDCs) at the Γ, M, and M∗\npoints (using a full window size of 0.2 ˚A−1forkxandkyin\nthek-space) without normalization, with the assumption\nthat the photon intensity in this region remains constant.\nFor M/M∗points, the data were averaged across three\nequivalent points in the first Brillouin zone to improve\nthe statistics. Photoelectron intensity maps at binding\nenergies (BE) of 0.1 ±0.1 eV and 2 ±0.1 eV are displayed\nin Figs. 3(c) and (d), respectively.\nFigures 3(e) shows a photoelectron intensity map\nwhere the horizontal axis is kxalong the M-Γ-M∗line\n(ky=0 using a full window size of 0.2 ˚A ) and the ver-\nBCA\nCʼ\n(d)(c)\nMM*\n(e)\nCC’\nCC’ABFigure 3. (a) The Ti- LV V Auger electron (black line)\nand valence band photoelectron (red line) yields of TiSe 2as\nfunctions of the photon energy at room temperature. (b)\nPhoton-energy dependent photoelectron spectra at M∗, M\nand Γ points. The used photon energies I-Vare given in\nFig. 3(a). (c,d) Iso-energy photoelectron intensity maps at\nBE=0.1 eV and 2 eV, respectively, (e) the photoelectron in-\ntensity map along the M∗-Γ-M line.\ntial axis shows the BE. In Figs. 3(c-e), we do not show\na detail of the resonant behavior of the photoelectron\nemission (this will be discussed later) but rather present\nthe overall band structures. Then, all the photoelectron\nintensities recorded at photon energies from I to V have\nbeen averaged to enhance the statistics and mitigate the\nresonance effect in Figs. 3(c-e). The first Brillouin zone\nand the positions of M and M∗points are depicted in\nFigs. 3(c) and (d), respectively. It is worth mentioning\nthat the notations of M (M∗) and Γ are not accurate but\napproximate, as the kzvalue is estimated to range from\n−0.15˚A−1(hν=455 eV) to −0.10˚A−1(hν=459 eV) at\nthe “M” point and from −0.1˚A−1(hν=455 eV) to −0.05\n˚A−1(hν=459 eV) at the “Γ” point. The determination\nof the kzvalues is based on the assumption as the inner\npotential V0of 13 eV [7].\nIn this analysis, we direct our attention towards three\nprominent peaks: Peak A, originating from the electron\npocket crossing the Fermi level at both the M and M∗\npoints; Peak B, associated with the hole pocket situated\njust below the Fermi level at the Γ point; and Peak C,\ncorresponding to the band with BE of 2 eV at the M\npoint as shown in Fig. 3(b). The peak A vanishes at the\nphoton energy below the Ti2p threshold (I) and becomes\nfaintly observable at photon energies II-IV, with partic-\nularly heightened intensity at V as clearly recognized in\nFig. 3(b). The peak A demonstrates roughly similar in-\ntensities at both the M and M∗points. The peak B5\n(d)\n(e)\nCCʼAB\nFigure 4. (a) Ti2p XAS spectra obtained by means of the\nphotoelectron-yield of the entire valence band (same as the\nspectrum in black line in Fig. 3(a)) (dots), and the result of\nfitting using two Lorentzian curves and linear background.\n(b,c) Constant Initial State (CIS) spectra (dots) and the re-\nsult of fitting using four Lorentzian curves and linear back-\nground for the BE=0.1 eV at the M point (peak A defined\nin Fig. 3(b) ) and BE=0.2 eV at the Γ point (peak B defined\nin Fig. 3(b) ), respectively. The peak height of the XAS and\nCIS spectra are normalized to the same value from (a) to (c).\n(d,e) Photoelectron intensity maps as functions of the bind-\ning energy and the photon energy at the M and M∗points,\nrespectively. (f) CIS spectra for BE=2 eV at M point (peak\nC defined in Fig. 3(b) ; red line) and M∗point (peak C’ de-\nfined in Fig. 3(b); black line) and their difference (blue line).\nThe intensities for the peaks C and C’ are averaged among\nthree equivalent M and M∗points, respectively. (g) the differ-\nence in the CIS intensity between the peaks C and C’ (dots)\ntogether with the result of the least-square fitting using two\nFano resonance curves with q=−0.5 and−0.8 (lines) .\nexhibits a comparable intensity trend to the peak A, as\nshown in Fig. 3 (b). The peak C, on the other hand,\nexhibits a somewhat different behavior. It is already ob-\nservable at the photon energy I (below the Ti2p X-ray\nabsorption threshold), and its intensity does not exhibit\nany resonant enhancement at the photon energy V where\nthe peaks A and B show clear enhancements in intensity.\nMoreover, the peak C’ at the M∗point consistently ex-\nhibits lower intensity compared to the peak C at the M\npoint across all the photon energies. The asymmetry\nin intensity between the peak C and C’ is further high-\nlighted in Fig. 3(d and e). Considering that M and M∗\nare energetically degenerate in the k-space, the asymme-\ntry in photoelectron intensity between them is attributed\nto the matrix element effect during the photoexcitation\nprocess. This discrepancy may arise when one takes into\naccount the light polarization vector, as depicted by the\nyellow allow in Fig. 3(d). Figure 4(a) shows the CIS\nspectra of the entire valence band, that mirrors Ti2p 3/2-\nto-bound excitation [Fig. 3(a)], together with the result\nof the least-square fitting using two Lorentzian peaks.\nThe peak positions (widths) in the photon energy for the\nTi3d- t2gand the Ti3d- egpeaks were estimated 456.9 and\n459.3 eV (0.8 and 1.6 eV), respectively. CIS spectra forthe peaks A and B [defined in Fig. 3(b)] are presented\nin Figs. 4(b) and (c), where the photoelectron inten-\nsity yields, with window sizes for electron energy and\nmomentum set at 0.2 eV and 0.4 ˚A−1, respectively, are\nplotted as dots. These spectra cannot be fitted using two\nLorentzian curves as was possible in Fig. 4(a), but two\nadditional components were required to achieve a rea-\nsonable agreement with the experimental results [Figs.\n4(b,c)]. Two components (blue and red lines) are fixed\nto the same energies and widths as the CIS spectrum\nof the total VB (relative intensities serve as fitting pa-\nrameters), while the other two (dashed lines in green\nand violet) are allowed to be independently adjusted.\nThe energy positions of additional components are set\nat 456.3 and 458.7 eV for the peak A at the M point\n[Fig. 4(b)], and 456.5 and 458.7 eV for the peak B at\nthe Γ point [Fig. 4(c)]. All the components observed in\nthe CIS spectra of the peaks A and B were represented\nby the symmetric Lorentzian curves and no asymmetric\nFano shaped curve was required. As mentioned in the in-\ntroduction, this suggests that the photoelectron process\nis largely governed by the cascade process following the\ncore excitation (processes A →B/B’ in Fig. 2) without an\ninterference with the direct photoelectron process (C in\nFig. 2). This implies that the probability of direct photo-\nelectron emission processes is considerably low [18, 19],\nwhich is consistent with the very low intensities of the\npeaks A and B in ARPES/MRPES at the photon energy\nbelow the Ti2p threshold [Fig. 3(b)].\nTwo additional peaks, distinct from the two X-ray ab-\nsorption peaks corresponding to the Ti2p 2/3→Ti3d- t2g\nand Ti2p 2/3→Ti3d- egexcitations[Fig. 4 (a)], are ob-\nserved in both the CIS of peak A (BE=0.1 eV) at the\nM-point and peak B (BE=0.2 eV) at the Γ point, re-\nspectively[Figs. 4 (b,c)]. These additional peaks in the\nCIS spectra exhibit shifts of 0.6eV from the Ti3d- t2gpeak\nand 0.5 eV from the Ti3d- egpeak in the XAS spetrum for\nthe peak A [Fig. 4 (b]], and 0.5 eV/0.5 eV from the Ti3d-\nt2g/Ti3d- egpeaks ifor the peak B [Fig. 4 (c]]. Plausibly,\nthese shifts can be attributed to surface sites (includ-\ning the surface defect site such as the Se-vacant at the\nsurface), considering the short escape depth of the pho-\ntoelectrons possessing a kinetic energy of several hundred\neV. This discovery represents, to the best of our knowl-\nedge, the first experimental evidence of a surface-energy\nshift in the X-ray absorption spectrum of the TiSe 2sur-\nface. It is important to note, for a detailed discussion,\nthat the excitation energy of the core-to-bound state is\ndetermined by three factors: a) the energy shift in the\nTi2p core-level, b) that in the conduction-band, and c)\nthe shit in the core-exciton binding energy.\nIn recent X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic works on\nthe TiSe 2crystal [40, 41], no surface energy shift in the\nTi2p core level has been observed on this surface. This\ncontradicts the factor (a). Moreover, there has been no\nreports on the surface peak in the valence band photo-\nelectron spectroscopy [4, 5, 7–9, 11],which may suggest\nthat there is no bulk-to-surface energy shift in the con-6\nduction band as well. Consequently, the factor (b) does\nnot seem to be the main reason for the observed phe-\nnomenon. Therefore, it’s plausible that the factor c),\ni.e., the energy-shift due to the formation of the surface\ncore exciton, dominates the surface energy-shift in the\nCIS spetra of TiSe 2. Although the surface core exciton\nhas seldom been investigated [42–44], it is crucial to be\naccounted, especially when a significant Coulomb inter-\naction may be expected between the core-hole and the\nbound electron in the conduction band. A recent study\non the CaF 2surface proposed the surface shift in the\nexciton binding energy using sophisticated DFT calcula-\ntions employing a many-body approach [45]. Our finding\nimplies a possible difference in the excitonic interaction\nbetween the Ti2p core hole and the Ti3d conduction band\nat the surface and the bulk. We note that the intensity\nratios between these additional peaks and those in the\nX-ray absorption spectrum differ substantially in Ti3d-\nt2gand Ti3d- egpeaks (peaks around 456.9 and 459.3 eV,\nrespectively) both in spectra in Fig. 4 (b) and (c). This\ndivergence indicates that a simple assumption of a single\nsite with a single energy cannot explain the spectrum.\nA more intricate scenario, involving multiple reconstruc-\ntions and/or defects at the surface, should be considered.\nA more systematic study, including complementary data\nregarding the surface condition of the sample, is required\nto reveal the true nature of the excitonic interaction at\nthe TiSe 2surface. This aspect will be investigated sepa-\nrately in the near future after improving the energy res-\nolution of the instrument.\nMeanwhile, Figs. 4 (d) and (e) show the photoelectron\nintensity maps as functions of the photon energy and the\nbinding energy at the M and M∗points, respectively. Fig-\nures 4 (d) and (e) illustrate the photoelectron intensity\nmaps as functions of photon energy and binding energy at\nthe M and M∗points, respectively. Notably, only at the\nM point[Fig. 4 (d)], the intensity at BE=2 eV is evident\nat all photon energies, consistent with the EDC spectra\n[Figs.3 (b,d,e)]. The CIS spectra of the peaks C and C’\nin Fig. 3 (b), along with their difference, are displayed in\nFig. 4(f), utilizing the same window sizes as those for the\npeaks A and B in Figs. 4(b and c). In both CIS spectra\nof the peaks C and C’[Fig. 4(f)], two peak structures are\nobserved around 456.9 eV and 459.3 eV (indicated by the\ndotted lines) similarly to the the X-ray absorption spec-\ntrum [Fig. 4(a)]. However, these peak structures may\nnot correspond to the true intensity changes in the peak\nC but rather to changes in the background. In the EDC\nspectra presented in Fig. 3(b), the peaks C and C’ are sit-\nuated on the shoulder of the peak centered around BE=3\neV, which exhibit a strong enhancement at the photon\nenergy of 459.3 eV as shown in the EDC spectrum V\nin Fig. 3 (b), and this enhancement may be contribut-\ning much to the apparent resonant enhancement of the\npeaks at 456.9 eV and 459.3 eV in the CIS spectra of the\npeaks C and C’ [Fig. 4 (f)]. The intensity of the peak\nat BE∼3eV, probably contributed mainly from the Ti3d\nstate, remains relatively consistent from M to M∗, as alsodepicted in Figs. 4(d) and (e). Consequently, their differ-\nence shown in Fig. 4(f) can be interpreted as an approx-\nimate true yield spectrum, effectively isolated from the\nbackground due to the Ti3d-related electron emission, of\nthe peak C. It should be noted that no adjustments in\nintensities between the CIS spectra for the peaks C (at\nM) and C’ (at M∗) were carried out before the subtrac-\ntion except averaging the intensity at three equivalent M\nand M∗points. The photon-energy dependence of the\npeak C is drastically different from the situation of the\npeaks A and B, where the resonance enhancements in\nsymmetric Lorentzian curves were observed at the Ti2p-\nto-bound excitation photon energy as shown in Figs. 4 (b\nand c). In contrast, it is clear that almost no “resonant\nenhancement” in the photoelectron emission is observed\nfor the peak C in the excitation photon energy region\nbetween 455 and 458 eV as seen in Fig. 3(b). Instead,\nthe largest peak intensity of the peak C is achieved when\nthe photon energy is just below the Ti2p photoexcita-\ntion threshold [case I in Fig. 3 (b)], and become smaller\nwhen the photon energy passed over 456.9 eV and 459.3\neV, which correspond to the excitation from Ti2p 3/2to\nTi3d- t2gand Ti3d- eg[Fig. 4(f)]. The disparities between\nthe CIS spectra at M and M∗points can be fitted using\nnon-conventional Fano-type asymmetric peak shapes. In\nFig. 4(g), two Fano-shaped curves (eqs. 1 and 2) are em-\nployed for fitting. In this fitting, x0(456.9 and 459.3 eV)\nand Γ (0.8 and 1.6 eV) are kept consistent with the values\nin the CIS spectrum of the entire VB [Fig. 4(a)], and only\ntwo sets of parameters of I0andqwere adjusted. The\nresults exhibit a remarkable alignment with the experi-\nmental outcomes. A noteworthy emphasis lies in the fact\nthat the obtained qparameters are both negative, with\nvalues of −0.8 and −0.5, a phenomenon hitherto unob-\nserved in resonant photoelectron spectroscopy to the best\nof our knowledge.\nFigure 5. (a) Momentum-resolved photoelectron spectrum\nat M(L) point taken at the photon energy indicated. (b) Two-\ndimensional photoelectron intensity maps at BE=2 eV taken\nat hν=455 eV (upper map) and 100 eV (lower map), (c)\nCalculated photoionization cross section for Ti3d and Se4p\norbitals [46].\nFor more comprehensive exploration of the photoelec-7\ntron emitting process and the peak interpretation, a\nstudy encompassing a wider range of photon energies\nwas conducted. Figure 5(a) presents EDC profiles at the\nM point (excluding M∗) across several photon energies.\nEach spectrum is normalized in intensity to the averaged\namplitude in the observed binding energy range. Mean-\nwhile, Fig. 5(b) displays an iso-energy photoelectron in-\ntensity maps at BE= 2 eV, recorded at photon energies\nof 455 and 100 eV.\nA clear observation emerges: the peak A near the\nFermi level exhibits pronounced strength at lower pho-\nton energies below 200 eV but disappears drastically at\nhν=455 eV (note that this value lies below the Ti2p\nthreshold which starts at around 456 eV). Conversely,\nthe peak C at BE=2 eV is almost absent at lower photon\nenergies below 100 eV but becomes prominent at hν=455\neV, both in the M-point EDC and the iso-energy intensity\nmaps at BE=2 eV [Figs. 5 (a,b)]. This divergence can\nbe attributed to the varying photoionization probability\nof atomic orbitals as a function of the photon energy.\nFigure 5 (c) displays the photoionization cross section\nof the Ti3d and Se4p orbitals, as calculated by Yeh and\nLindau [46]. Notably, the Se4p cross section exhibits a\nprominent dip around hν=100 eV and remains relatively\nconstant from 200 eV to 600 eV. Conversely, the Ti3d\ncross section decreased gradually and monotonically with\nthe photon energy up to 600 eV. The narrow thin lines\nindicate the photon energy range (455-459 eV) of our res-\nonant photoelectron spectroscopy measurements. Within\nthis range, the photoionization cross section of the Ti3d\nstate decreases significantly down to approximately 1%\nof that of the Se4p state. Consequently, (direct) photo-\nelectron emission from the bands predominated by the\nSe4p orbital occurs at the photon energies within 455-\n459 eV, while the dominance of the Ti3d orbital is evi-\ndent at photon energies at ∼80-100 eV. As a result, the\npeaks A and B in Fig. 3(b) can be attributed to the\nTi3d-derived band, whereas the peak C corresponds to\nthe Se4p-derived band.\nTo validate the aforementioned interpretation, we con-\nducted Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations,\nwhich yielded wavefunction projections onto atomic or-\nbitals. The populations of Se4p and Ti3d orbitals in\nbands were determined using a 64 ×64×12k-mesh.\nConvolutions were applied in both momentum and en-\nergy, utilizing integration window sizes of ∆ k= 0.1˚A−1\nand ∆ E= 0.1 eV, respectively, across the Brillouin zone.\nThe subsequent results include EDC at specific k-points\nand iso-energy density of states at particular binding en-\nergies.\nFigures 6(a) and (b) respectively illustrate the inten-\nsity distribution of the Ti3d and Se4p bands at the Γ(A)\nand M(L) points. The calculated outcomes are integrated\nalong the kzaxis within the Brillouin zone, since there\nis a non-negligible dispersion along the kzaxis in some\nbands (refer to Fig. 1(a)) as the exact energy position\nof the band is not expounded and is not important here.\nOn analyzing the Γ (A) point [Fig. 6(a)], it becomes ev-\nFigure 6. Results of the DFT calculations: (a,b) Projected\nenergy-distribution curves for the Ti3d and Se4p orbitals at Γ-\nA (a) and M-L (b) points. The density of states are integrated\nalong the kzline in the Brillouin zone. (c,d) Projected density\nof states of Ti3d(c) and Se4p(d) orbitals in the kx-kyspace\nat BE=2 eV.\nident that the states around the Fermi level have the\nrather equivalent contributions from the Se4p and Ti3d\norbitals, although the absolute binding energy is some-\nwhat shifted to higher binding energy from the experi-\nmental result[Figs. 1(a,b) and Fig. 3(b)]. This calcu-\nlation signifies the hybridization between the Ti3d and\nSe4p orbitals at the top of the valence band at the Γ (A)\npoint. This correlates well with the CIS spectrum for the\npeak B [Fig. 4 (c)], where the resonant enhancement in\nthe photoelectron intensity is evident at the photon en-\nergy corresponding to the Ti2p →Ti3d excitation indicat-\ning the valence band top (the peak B) is contributed from\nthe Ti3d orbital. It is noteworthy that the hybridization\nof the valence band between the Ti3d and Se4p states at\nthe Γ(A) point in the CDW phase has been previously\npostulated [8–11], while our experiments and the DFT\ncalculation save been made on the non-CDW phase. The\nTi3d orbital contributes dominantly to the states crossing\nthe Fermi level at the M (L) point, as shown in Fig. 6(b).\nThis is consistent with the CIS spectrum of the peak A\nat the M (L) point in Fig. 4 (b).\nConversely, the electronic states of BE=1-2 eV at the\nM (L) point [Fig. 6(b)] are predominated by the Se4p or-\nbital, aligning with the interpretation as stated above.\nThis is further substantiated by comparing the calcu-\nlated results of the projected iso-energy two-dimensional\ndensity of states at the binding energy of 2 eV (Figs.\n6(c) and (d)) to the photoelectron intensity map taken\nat hν=455 eV (Se4p-dominated) and 100 eV (Ti3d-\ndominated)[Fig. 5(b)]. These photon energies are sen-\nsitive to Ti3d and Se4p, respectively, as predicted in Fig.\n4(c). Though the detailed structures might not be in per-\nfect agreement, possibly due to dispersion along the kz8\naxis, the overarching trend persists. Specifically, the Ti3d\nstates predominate in the vicinity of the Γ (A) point,\nwhile the Se4p states prevail around the M (L) point.\nIn accordance with the interpretation of the peak C\nbeing predominated by the Se4p orbital, its CIS spec-\ntrum [Fig. 4(g)] can be attributed to an Auger electron\nemission originating from the same band subsequent to\nthe Ti2p →Ti3d excitation. To further discuss the de-\ntail of this Auger electron emission proccess, two dis-\ntinct possibilities have to be checked. The first possibil-\nity is the CVV Auger decay, wherein C denotes the core\nlevel (Ti2p), and the two V’s represent the valence bands\n(Ti3d and Se4p). This scenario is depicted in Fig. 2. Al-\nternatively, a cascade (intra-atomic) CVV Auger decay\nmay transpire, where all pertinent levels (bands) are de-\nrived from the Se states following an inter-atomic CCC\n(Ti/Se/Se) Auger decay which yields the core hole at the\nSe atom. This inter-atomic CCC Auger process, in which\nthe Se-core holes are provided after the de-excitation of\nthe Ti2p core hole, is the same as the concept of the pre-\nvious MARPE. [21–23] In the latter process, the Fano\nline shape in the CIS spectrum of the peak C [Fig. 4(g)]\nis predominantly determined by the conventional core-\nlevel MARPE process. To investigate this possibility,\nangle-integrated photoelectron monitoring of the Se3d\ncore level was conducted while varying the photon energy\naround the Ti2p →Ti3d excitation threshold. Figure 7(a)\nillustrates the Se3d peak recorded at hν=450 eV, and\nFig. 7(b) showcases examples of the Se3d peak spectra\nat varying photon energies. The dots in the graphs de-\npict actual data, while the lines represent the results of a\nleast-square peak fitting calculation employing the Voigt\nfunction together with the Shirley background function\nalongside a linear background. The intensities of the peak\narea and the averaged background are plotted against the\nphoton energy in Fig. 7(c). The outcome is clear: Despite\nthe enhancement in background intensity, which likely\narises from secondary electrons, there is no resonance in\nSe3d photoelectron emission near the Ti2p →Ti3d exci-\ntation. In essence, we do not observe core-level MARPE\nin TiSe 2, and can deny the cascade process. Then, it\nleads to the conclusion that the Fano resonance observed\nin Fig. 4(g) arises from the interference between the\nSe4p photoelectron emission and the inter-atomic CV V\n(Ti2p/Ti3d/Se4p) Auger electron emission.\nIV. DISCUSSION\nIt appears evident that both the conduction band bot-\ntom at the M(L) point and the valence band top at\nthe Γ(A) point [the A and B peaks in the EDC spectra\nshown in Fig. 3(b)] are contributed by the Ti3d orbital.\nThis conclusion is supported by the noticeable increases\nin photoelectron intensities at the photon energy corre-\nsponding to the Ti2p →Ti3d photoexcitation [shown in\nFigs. 4(b,c)]. This interpretation gains further support\nfrom: a) A comparison of the photon energy dependence\nFigure 7. (a) Angle-integrated photoelectron spectrum\nrecorded at hν=450 eV in the region of the Se3d core level.\n(b) Series of the photoelectron spectra with changing the pho-\nton energy. The dots show the actual data and the lines show\nthe results of the peak fitting using the Voigt peak shape and\nlinear background. (c) Plots of the peak intensity and back-\nground intensity as a function of the photon energy.\nbetween ARPES/MRPES and the cross-section for pho-\ntoionization of atomic orbitals [depicted in Figs. 5], and\nb) Orbital-specific DFT calculations [illustrated in Figs.\n6 (a, c)]. The CIS spectra shown in Figs. 4(b, c) do\nnot consist of the asymmetric Fano-type curve that has\nbeen commonly observed in resonant photoelectron spec-\ntroscopy [12, 13, 20], but consist of symmetric Lorentzian\ncurves. This discrepancy can be explained by consider-\ning the very weak Ti3d photoionization cross-section at\nthe photon energies of around 455 eV [Figs. 4(c) and\n5(c)]. As mentioned already in the introduction, the\nconventional resonant photoelectron emission process is\ninduced by the interference between the direct photo-\nelectron emission process [process C in Fig. 2 ] and the\nAuger electron emission following the core-hole creation\n[processes A and B/B’ in Fig. 2 ]. Within the photon\nenergy range corresponding to the Ti2p →Ti3d photoex-\ncitation , the photoionization cross-section of the Ti3d\nstates is extremely small compared to that of the Se4p\nstates, leading to the predominance of the Auger elec-\ntron emission. Consequently, effective interference does\nnot occur, resulting in infinite value of the parameter q\nin the Fano resonance. As a consequence, the symmetric\nLorentzian curve is achieved as shown in Figs. 4 (b,c).\nThe evaluation of the contribution from the Se4p\norbital through the Ti2p-resonant photoelectron spec-\ntroscopy is not easy when the observed band has a sig-\nnificant contribution from the Ti3d orbitals which can\novershadow the weak resonance of the Se4p state. There-\nfore, our present results do not discount the possibility of\nhybridization between the Ti3d and Se4p orbitals. Con-\ncerning the top of the valence band [peak B in Fig.3(b)],\none expects the contribution from the Se4p state con-\nsidering the simple electronic configuration of TiSe 2as9\n(Se4p)6(Ti3d)0. Consequently, at the top of the valence\nband at the Γ(A) point, the Ti3d-Se4p hybridization\nis highly likely. It’s worth noting that the Ti3d-Se4p\nhybridization at the top of the valence band has been\npreviously proposed as a result of the CDW transition,\nwherein the M(L) point is folded into the Γ(A) point [8–\n11]. However, our current findings suggest that this hy-\nbridization occurs even in the absence of the CDW phase.\nTheoretical work based on our experimental results is\nhighly expected to elucidate the detailed mechanism of\nthe CDW transition.\nMeanwhile, the band corresponding to the peak C\n(BE∼2 eV at the M-point) in ARPES/MRPES spectra\nis predominated by the Se4p orbital, as proved by the\nphoton energy dependent ARPES/MRPES and DFT cal-\nculations. In conventional resonant photoelectron spec-\ntroscopy, the resonant enhancement occurs for the pho-\ntoelectron emission from a band consisting of the core-\nexcited atom’s orbitals, and a band originating from an\norbital not associated with the core-excited atom is typi-\ncally assumed to have no significant resonance. However,\nin the case of the peak C [BE ∼2 eV at the M point in\nFig. 3(b)], the CIS spectrum, after subtracting the CIS\nspectrum of C’ (at the M∗point) for the background\nelimination, can be successfully fitted using the Fano-\nresonance function as shown in Fig. 4(g) . This indicates\nthat there is some interference between the photoelec-\ntron emission process from the Se4p-derived band and the\ninter-atomic Auger electron emission following the Ti2p\ncore-level excitation[Figs. 2]. On the “exchange” Auger\ndecay (process B in Fig.2), the transition from the excited\nTi3d state to the Ti2p core hole provides the energy for\nthe electron emission from the occupied Se4p state via\nthe inter-atomic Coulomb interaction. In the case of the\n“direct” Auger decay (process B’ in Fig.2), meanwhile,\nthe inter-atomic transition from the Se4p state to the\nTi2p core hole provides the energy for the electron emis-\nsion from the Ti3d state. These “direct” and “exchange”\nAuger processes are energetically degenerate. It is impor-\ntant to note that the inter-atomic Coulomb interaction\nis generally much weaker than the intra-atomic interac-\ntion. As a result, the inter-atomic resonance effect is ex-\npected to be much smaller compared to the intra-atomic\nresonance effect observed in the conventional resonant\nphotoelectron spectrum. This likely explains why such\nan effect has not been previously reported. In the cur-\nrent scenario on TiSe 2, however, the direct photoelectron\nemission process from the Ti3d state is much weaker than\nthat for the Se4p sate[Fig. 4(c)]. This is the reason why\nthe Se4p resonance can be observed without being over-\nshadowed by the Ti3d resonance in the present case.\nAnother important result observed for the first time\nin this research is the negative qvalue in the Fano reso-\nnance in resonant photoelectron spectroscopy. Although\nnegative qhas often been reported in many researches\n(in fact, negative qwas reported in the very first applica-\ntion of the Fano formula to the 2 s2p1Pautoionized level\nat∼60 eV of double excitation of the He atom [18]),only positive qhas been reported in the resonant pho-\ntoelectron spectra [12, 13, 20]. In analogy to classical\nmechanics [47, 48], Fano resonance can be described as\nan interference between two coupled harmonic oscillators\nwith different frequencies and damping factors that de-\ntermine the spectral width. The damped oscillator with\na wider spectral width corresponds to the continuous lev-\nels, and the oscillator with a narrow width corresponds to\nthe distinct levels in the ordinal Fano resonance. The pa-\nrameter qis determined by the phase shift of the damped\noscillator at the resonant frequency. The sign of qde-\npends on the sign of the frequency difference between\nthe two oscillators [47, 48]. In the quantum mechanics,\nmeanwhile, qis also connected to ϕwhich is a phase-\nshift between two excitations (distinct and continuous)\nbyq=−cotϕ[19, 49]. Furthermore, it has been reported\nthatqcan be controlled from negative to positive by tun-\ning the temporal condition between the distinct and con-\ntinuous transitions using the ultrashort pulse lasers [49].\nTherefore, it is considered that the sign of qin the res-\nonant photoelectron emission is determined by the tem-\nporal characteristics of the core-excitation/Auger decay\nand the direct photoelectron emission processes. A fun-\ndamental distinction of the current situation, marked by\na negative q, from the conventional resonant photoelec-\ntron emission lies in the contrast between inter-atomic\nand intra-atomic interactions during the Auger decay. It\nseems reasonable to posit that these processes exhibit\ndiverse phase conditions concerning the interference be-\ntween direct photoelectron emission and Auger electron\nemission. It seems interesting to point out that only pos-\nitive qvalues have been reported in the resonant photo-\nelectron emission associated with the inter-atomic core-\ncore-core Auger decay known as MARPE [21–23]. The\ndiscernible contrast between conventional MARPE and\nour current investigation suggests a variance in the dy-\nnamics of excitation-decay during photoelectron/Auger\nelectron emission. This discrepancy becomes apparent\nwhen comparing scenarios involving solely localized core\nstates to those where delocalized valence states are in-\nvolved. To gain deeper insights into the sign of qduring\nresonant photoelectron emission, a more intricate theo-\nretical investigation focusing on the microscopic dynam-\nics of excitation and decay is required. Furthermore, con-\nducting similar experiments on magnetic compounds ex-\ncited by circularly polarized synchrotron radiation light\ncould potentially unlock avenues for a more comprehen-\nsive discussion of inter-atomic interactions, encompassing\nspin-spin and spin-orbit couplings, within resonant pho-\ntoelectron spectroscopy.\nV. CONCLUSION\nIn this study, we have conducted an investigation\nby means of momentum-resolved resonant photoelectron\nspectroscopy on 1T-TiSe 2at the Ti2p-edge, focusing un-\nder room temperature conditions. This investigation was10\nmade possible by the use of high performance momen-\ntum microscopy equipment. The investigation was fur-\nther facilitated by analyzing the comprehensive range\nof photon-energy dependence within the momentum-\nresolved photoelectron spectra. This analysis was com-\nplemented by the use of theoretical results of the atomic\norbital photoionization cross sections, together with den-\nsity functional theory (DFT) calculations. Through the\ncombined efforts of these experimental and theoretical\napproaches, we have uncovered the following significant\nfindings:\n1. The valence band located at the Γ(A) point exhibits\nthe intricate hybridization involving both the Ti3d\nand Se4p orbitals, even at room temperature. No-\ntably, this hybridization is not a consequence of the\ncharge-density-wave (CDW) transition.\n2. The CIS spectrum for the Ti3d-derived band at\nthe Ti2p edge is not characterized by the Fano-\ntype curve, but by the symmetric Lorentzian curve.\nThis can be understood by the fact that the pho-\ntoionization cross section of the Ti3d orbital is quite\nsmall at the photon energies corresponding to the\nTi2p edge. Therefore, the photoelectron emission\nin this photon energy region is almost dominated\nby the Auger electron emission following the ex-\ncitation from Ti2p to Ti3d states, and the Fano\ninterference is effectively suppressed.\n3. The band primarily characterized by the Se4p\norbital, located at the binding energy of ∼2\neV at the M-point, exhibits a fascinating res-onant phenomenon. This peculiar behavior is\nevident through the manifestation of a distinct\nFano line shape featuring a negative value of\nq. The occurrence of Fano resonance within\nthe Se4p-derived band can be attributed to the\nintricate interference between the direct photo-\nelectron emission originating from this band and\nthe inter-atomic CV V (Core-Valence-Valence, i.e.,\nTi2p/Ti3d/Se4p) Auger electron emission process.\nNotably, this observation of a negative qvalue is\nthe first occurrence in the field of resonant photo-\nelectron spectroscopy. It is also noteworthy that\nthe experimental evidence has demonstrated the\nunique nature of this result of the electron emis-\nsion from the valence band in contrast to the\nconventional multi atom resonant photoemission\n(MARPE), where only core-level states are involved\nin inter-atomic Auger electron emission.\nVI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT\nWe would like to thank UVSOR staff for their kind\nsupport for the experiments. This work was performed\nat the BL6U of UVSOR Synchrotron Facility, Institute\nfor Molecular Science (IMS program: 20-212, 21-201).\nThe computation was performed using Research Cen-\nter for Computational Science, Okazaki, Japan (Project:\n21-IMS-C161,22-IMS-C162). This work was supported\nby JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers 21K04826 and\n22H05445.\n%apsrev4-2.bst 2019-01-14 (MD) hand-edited version\nof apsrev4-1.bst\n[1] G. Gr¨ uner, The Dynamics of Charge-Density Waves ,\nRev. Mod. Phys. 60, 1129 (1988).\n[2] F. J. Di Salvo, D. E. Moncton, and J. V. 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Isoperimetric problem, isoperimetric inequality, capill arity, quantitative isoperimetric inequality, perimeter .\n12 GIULIO PASCALE AND MARCO POZZETTA\nwhere/u1D714/u1D45Bdenotes the measure of the unit ball in ℝ/u1D45B. To prove a quantitative version of ( 1.2) means to estimate the\ndistance of a competitor from the set of minimizers in terms o f the energy deficit of the competitor with respect\nto the infimum of the problem. The first quantitative isoperim etric inequality for ( 1.1) with sharp exponents was\nproved in [ FMP08 ], and it reads\n(1.3) /u1D6FC(/u1D438)2≤/u1D436(/u1D45B)/u1D437(/u1D438),\nwhere/u1D6FC(/u1D438)and/u1D437(/u1D438)are respectively the Fraenkel asymmetry and the isoperimet ric deficit of /u1D438, i.e.,\n/u1D6FC(/u1D438) ∶= inf/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟3/u1D438Δ/u1D435(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D465)\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∶/u1D465∈ℝ/u1D45B/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3\n/u1D437(/u1D438) ∶=/u1D443(/u1D438)−/u1D443(/u1D435(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜))\n/u1D443(/u1D435(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)),\nwhere/u1D435(/u1D463,/u1D465)denotes the ball in ℝ/u1D45Bwith volume /u1D463centered at/u1D465, for/u1D463 >0and/u1D465∈ℝ/u1D45B, and/u1D435(/u1D463) ∶=/u1D435(/u1D463,0).\nThe inequality ( 1.3) improves the previous non-sharp inequality proved in [ Hal92 ], after [ HHW91 ;Fug89 ]. We\nalso mention [ FMP10 ;CL12 ;FI13 ;FJ14 ;IN15 ] for further quantitative isoperimetric inequalities for possibly\nanisotropic perimeters, [ BDS15 ;CMM19 ;CES23 ] for quantitative isoperimetric inequalities on manifold s, and\n[Cia+11 ;BDR12 ;BBJ17 ;Cin+22 ;FL23 ] about weighted quantitative isoperimetric inequalities .\nIn this paper we prove quantitative isoperimetric inequali ties for the following classical capillarity problems.\nIf/u1D438is a measurable set in the half-space {/u1D465/u1D45B>0}⊂ℝ/u1D45Band/u1D706∈ (−1,1), we define the weighted perimeter\nfunctional\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438) ∶=/u1D443(/u1D438,{/u1D465/u1D45B>0})−/u1D706/u1D45B−1(/u1D715∗/u1D438∩{/u1D465/u1D45B= 0}),\nwhere/u1D458, for/u1D458≥0, denotes the /u1D458-dimensional Hausdorff measure in ℝ/u1D45B, and/u1D715∗/u1D438denotes the reduced boundary\nof/u1D438(see Section 2.1). Interpreting the perimeter as a measure of the surface ten sion of a liquid drop, the constant\n/u1D706basically represent the relative adhesion coefficient betwe en a liquid drop and the solid walls of the container\ngiven by{/u1D465/u1D45B>0}.\nIf/u1D463>0, we consider the isoperimetric capillarity problem\n(1.4) inf/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438) ∶/u1D438 ⊂{/u1D465/u1D45B>0},/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u1D463/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n.\nMinimizers for ( 1.4), below called isoperimetric sets for ( 1.4), are given by suitably truncated balls lying on the\nboundary of the half-space. More precisely, if /u1D435/u1D706= {/u1D465∈/u1D4351(0)⊂ℝ/u1D45B∶⟨/u1D465,/u1D452/u1D45B⟩>/u1D706}, and for/u1D463>0we set\n/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463) ∶=/u1D4631\n/u1D45B\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜1\n/u1D45B(/u1D435/u1D706−/u1D706/u1D452/u1D45B)\nthen minimizers for ( 1.4) are sets of the form\n(1.5) /u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463,/u1D465) ∶=/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463)+/u1D465,\nfor/u1D465∈ {/u1D465/u1D45B= 0} , see [ Mag12 , Theorem 19.21].\nThe first variational results regarding capillarity proble ms go back to works by Giusti, Gonzalez, Massari and\nTamanini who established existence, symmetry and regulari ty results for the isotropic sessile drop problem, where\nan additional potential energy representing gravity is add ed to the minimization of /u1D443/u1D706(see [ Gon76 ;Gon77 ;GT77 ;\nGMT80 ;Giu80 ;Giu81 ]; see also [ Fin80 ] where uniqueness results for the symmetric sessile drop we re estab-\nlished). We refer to [ Fin86 ] and [ Mag12 , Chapters 19, 20] for a more complete treatment regarding cl assical\nresults. More recently, in [ Bae15 ] the shape of liquid drops and crystals, resting on a horizon tal surface and under\nthe influence of gravity, are described in the anisotropic se tting. The shape and the fine regularity of volume con-\ntrained minimizers of weighted perimeters like /u1D443/u1D706, where the weight on the interface touching the boundary of t he\ncontainer may be nonconstant and where an additional potent ial term is present, are addressed in [ MM16 ;DM15 ;\nCEL24 ]. In [ DM15 ] the perimeter functional measuring the area of the interfa ce that does not touch the container\nis also possibly anisotropic. Recently, the isoperimetric problem for the relative perimeter of sets contained in the\ncomplement of a convex set had been addressed in [ CGR07 ], where a sharp isoperimetric inequality is established,\nand in [ FM23 ], where the rigidity of the inequality is addressed in the ge nerality of measurable sets. Extensions\nof [CGR07 ] to higher codimension have been considered in [ LWW23 ;Kru17 ].\nThe minimality of sets /u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463,/u1D465)for (1.4) comes with an isoperimetric inequality for /u1D443/u1D706, see Theorem 3.5below.\nIn order to prove a quantitative isoperimetric inequality f or (1.4), we define the corresponding Fraenkel asymmetry\nand isoperimetric deficit by setting\n/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438) ∶= inf/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟3/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463,/u1D465)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463,/u1D465)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∶/u1D465∈ {/u1D465/u1D45B= 0}/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3\n, /u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438) ∶=/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)−/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463))\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463)),\nfor any/u1D438 ⊂{/u1D465/u1D45B>0}. The infimum defining the asymmetry is, in fact, a minimum.\nThe first main result of the paper is the followingQUANTITATIVE ISOPERIMETRIC INEQUALITIES FOR CLASSICAL CA PILLARITY PROBLEMS 3\nTheorem 1.1. Let/u1D706∈ (−1,1)and/u1D45B∈ℕwith/u1D45B≥2. There exists a constant /u1D450iso=/u1D450iso(/u1D45B,/u1D706)>0such that for any\nmeasurable set /u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B∩{/u1D465/u1D45B>0}with finite measure there holds\n(1.6) /u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)2≤/u1D450iso/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438).\nAs for the classical ( 1.2), perturbing the boundary of an optimal bubble only inside t he container {/u1D465/u1D45B>0}, it is\npossible to check that exponents in ( 1.6) are sharp.\nIn the context of these capillarity problems it is also spont aneous to consider a notion of asymmetry for the part\nof the boundary of a set that touches the half-plane {/u1D465/u1D45B= 0} . For a measurable set /u1D438 ⊂{/u1D465/u1D45B>0}, we define\n/u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D438) ∶= inf/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟4\n/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1/u1D715∗/u1D438∩{/u1D465/u1D45B= 0} Δ/u1D715∗/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D465)∩{/u1D465/u1D45B= 0}/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1/u1D715∗/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D465)∩{/u1D465/u1D45B= 0}/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1 ∶/u1D465∈ {/u1D465/u1D45B= 0}/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟4\n.\nThe previous quantity measures the asymmetry of the set /u1D715∗/u1D438∩{/u1D465/u1D45B= 0} with respect to (/u1D45B−1)-dimensional balls\nin{/u1D465/u1D45B= 0} having volume equal to the one of the trace of the optimal bubb le corresponding to the volume of /u1D438.\nWe establish the following second quantitative isoperimet ric inequality, that provides a quantitative estimate on /u1D6FD/u1D706.\nTheorem 1.2. Let/u1D706∈ (−1,1)and/u1D45B∈ℕwith/u1D45B≥2. There exists a constant /u1D450)uni2032(var\niso=/u1D450)uni2032(var\niso(/u1D45B,/u1D706)>0such that for any\nmeasurable set /u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B∩{/u1D465/u1D45B>0}with finite measure there holds\n(1.7) /u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D438)≤/u1D450)uni2032(var\nisomax/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟2\n/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438),/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)1\n2/u1D45B/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n.\nStrategy of the proof and comments. Observing that, roughly speaking, the minimization proble m (1.4) is sym-\nmetric with respect to the first /u1D45B− 1axes, it is possible to adapt arguments in the spirit of [ FMP08 ] to see that,\nin order to prove Theorem 1.1, it is sufficient to prove ( 1.6) in the class of Schwarz-symmetric sets, see Corol-\nlary 4.9. Here a set /u1D438is said to be Schwarz-symmetric (Definition 3.1) if the intersection /u1D438∩ {/u1D465/u1D45B=/u1D461}is an\n(/u1D45B−1)-dimensional ball in {/u1D465/u1D45B=/u1D461}centered at (0,/u1D461), for any/u1D461. However, we point out that it seems not possible\nto push the strategy of [ FMP08 ] to the very end to prove Theorem 1.1. Indeed the arguments in [ FMP08 ] require\nto Schwarz-symmetrize a competitor with respect to a prefer red axis depending on the competitor, while in our\ncase it is only possible to symmetrize with respect to the /u1D45B-th axis. One finds an analogous obstruction also in a\npossible adaptation of the proof via symmetrization revise d in [ Mag08 ] (see also [ Fus15 ]); in [ Mag08 ] the quanti-\ntative isoperimetric inequality for Schwarz-symmetric se ts is eventually obtained performing a quantitative versio n\nof Gromov’s proof [ MS86 ] of the isoperimetric inequality, but again after having sy mmetrized a competitor with\nrespect to a convenient axis.\nThe proof of ( 1.6) in the class of Schwarz-symmetric sets is achieved here wit h a new combination of the so-\ncalled selection principle [ AFM13 ;CL12 ] with an Alexandrov–Bakelman–Pucci-type technique in the spirit of\n[Cin+22 ].\nIn the recent [ Cin+22 ], the authors prove sharp quantitative isoperimetric ineq ualities for a class of isoperimetric\nproblems in cones where volume and perimeter are weighted in terms of a function satisfying suitable homogeneity\nand concavity properties. The proof in [ Cin+22 ] stems from the fact that the isoperimetric inequality for t he\ncorresponding problem was proved in [ CRS16 ] by a so-called ABP argument. The methods that go under the\nname of ABP techniques were originally employed to derive re gularity estimates for second order elliptic equations\n[GT01 , Chapter 9] and they were applied to give a new direct proof of the classical isoperimetric inequality in\n[Cab00 ;Cab08 ] (see [ Cab17 ] for a detailed account on the method). More precisely, for t he classical isoperimetric\nproblem, if/u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45Bis a smooth connected open set, one would consider a solution /u1D462to\n(1.8)/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟4\nΔ/u1D462=/u1D443(/u1D438)\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜on/u1D438,\n/u1D715/u1D708/u1D462= 1 on/u1D715/u1D438,\nwhere/u1D715/u1D708/u1D462denotes outward normal derivative. It is immediate to check that∇/u1D462(/u1D438)uni2032(var)⊃ /u1D4351(0)where/u1D438)uni2032(var∶= {/u1D465∈\n/u1D438∶ ∇2/u1D462(/u1D465)≥0}, hence the area formula together with the arithmetic-geome tric mean inequality readily imply\nthe Euclidean isoperimetric inequality, indeed\n/u1D714/u1D45B=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D4351(0)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/uni222B.dsp/u1D438)uni2032(vardet∇2/u1D462≤/uni222B.dsp/u1D438/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2Δ/u1D462\n/u1D45B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2/u1D45B\n=/u1D443(/u1D438)/u1D45B\n/u1D45B/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D45B−1.\nNow the rough idea is that a control on the energy deficit shoul d control the \"asymmetry\" of the solution /u1D462with\nrespect to the solution corresponding to the optimal shape /u1D4351(0), that is the radially symmetric parabola /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜2∕2.\nIn fact, this is achieved in [ Cin+22 ] by controlling the asymmetry of a coupling function which is defined as a\nsuitable convex envelope of /u1D462. Adapting arguments from [ FMP10 ], in [ Cin+22 ] the authors then show that it is4 GIULIO PASCALE AND MARCO POZZETTA\npossible to employ trace-type theorems to estimate the asym metry of a competitor set in terms of the asymmetry\nof the coupling function, which is in turn estimated by the en ergy deficit.\nIn Theorem 3.5below we will give an ABP proof of the isoperimetric inequali ty for the problem ( 1.4) by\nanalyzing an elliptic problem analogous to ( 1.8), see ( 3.4). We are then in position to consider a coupling function\nas done in [ Cin+22 ] and we can quantitatively estimate its asymmetry, which wi ll be achieved in Proposition 5.4.\nMoreover, Schwarz-symmetric sets that are sufficiently smal l/u1D4361-perturbations (in the sense of Definition 5.10) of\nan optimal bubble ( 1.5) readily verify the needed trace-type inequalities that re late asymmetry of the competitor\nwith the asymmetry of the coupling. Hence this establishes t he quantitative inequality ( 1.6) for Schwarz-symmetric\n/u1D4361-perturbations of optimal bubbles, see Corollary 5.11. Observe that, in our setting, isoperimetric sets are just\nLipschitz-regular and a set /u1D438is/u1D4361-close to an optimal bubble if just the relative boundary /u1D715/u1D438∩{/u1D465/u1D45B>0}is close\nto the relative boundary of an optimal bubble as /u1D4361-hypersurfaces with boundary.\nOnce ( 1.6) is proved for /u1D4361-perturbations of optimal bubbles (Corollary 5.11), we want apply a selection-type\nargument in the spirit of [ AFM13 ;CL12 ] in the class of Schwarz-symmetric sets in order to extend th e validity\nof the quantitative inequality to the whole class of Schwarz -symmetric sets. In this way we also avoid the imple-\nmentation of further technical results that in [ FMP10 ;Cin+22 ] allow to reduce to just consider sets that enjoy the\nrequired trace-type inequalities.\nRoughly speaking, in a selection-type argument one argues b y contradiction assuming existence of sets contradict-\ning the quantitative isoperimetric inequality and one uses such sets to define an auxiliary minimization problem, cf.\n(5.22). Minimizers to the previous problem still contradict the q uantitative isoperimetric inequality, but at the same\ntime they are shown to be small /u1D4361-perturbations of some isoperimetric set, contradicting t he inequality already\nproved for sets given by small perturbations of optimal ones .\nIn our case, we will prove that minimizers /u1D438to the auxiliary minimization problem are /u1D4361-perturbations of opti-\nmal bubbles up to the boundary of the half-space {/u1D465/u1D45B>0}as a consequence of the classical interior regularity of\n(Λ,/u1D45F0)-minimizers of the perimeter (Definition A.1), see [ Tam84 ] and [ Mag12 , Chapter 26], together with a simple\nvariational argument that allows us to propagate the regula rity up to the boundary of the half-space {/u1D465/u1D45B>0}. This\nessentially follows from the fact that a Schwarz-symmetric local(Λ,/u1D45F0)-minimizer/u1D438in{/u1D465/u1D45B>0}is locally of\nclass/u1D4361and has bounded mean curvature (in a generalized sense, see L emma A.2); hence a uniform bound on the\nwhole second fundamental form on a portion of boundary /u1D715/u1D438∩{00}of a competitor /u1D438and\nthe relative boundary of some bubble in terms of the Fraenkel asymmetry of /u1D438, under the assumption that /u1D438is a so-\ncalled(/u1D43E,/u1D45F0)-quasiminimal set, see Definition 6.2and Lemma 6.4. This is achieved since quasiminimal sets enjoy\nuniform density estimates at boundary points, see Theorem 6.3. Exploiting Theorem 1.1, the previous quantitative\ninequality yields an inequality of the form ( 1.7) in the class of quasiminimal sets. Eventually, Theorem 1.2follows\nby applying again a selection-type argument where now /u1D6FD/u1D706plays the role of the Fraenkel asymmetry.\nOrganization. In Section 2we collect definitions and facts on sets of finite perimeter an d we prove some prelim-\ninary results on the capillarity functional. In Section 3we establish the sharp isoperimetric inequality for /u1D443/u1D706via\nABP method and we prove preliminary facts on the Fraenkel asy mmetry and on the deficit. Section 4is devoted to\na series of technical results that allow to reduce the analys is to Schwarz-symmetric sets. In Section 5we complete\nthe proof of Theorem 1.1by proving ( 1.6) on Schwarz-symmetric sets. Finally in Section 6we prove Theorem 1.2.\nIn Appendix Awe recall some facts about (Λ,/u1D45F0)-minimizers and we recall a formula for the mean curvature of\naxially symmetric hypersurfaces.\nAcknowledgments. The second author is partially supported by the PRIN Project 2022E9CF89 - PNRR Italia\nDomani, funded by EU Program NextGenerationEU. The authors are grateful to Nicola Fusco for many suggestions\nand for stimulating discussions.QUANTITATIVE ISOPERIMETRIC INEQUALITIES FOR CLASSICAL CA PILLARITY PROBLEMS 5\n2. P RELIMINARIES\nFrom now on and for the rest of the paper it is assumed that /u1D706∈ (−1,1)and/u1D45B∈ℕwith/u1D45B≥2are fixed.\nList of symbols.\n∙/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜⋅/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜denotes Lebesgue measure in ℝ/u1D45B.\n∙/u1D435/u1D45F∶=/u1D435/u1D45F(0)⊂ℝ/u1D45Bfor/u1D45F>0,/u1D435∶=/u1D4351.\n∙/u1D435/u1D706= {/u1D465∈/u1D435∶⟨/u1D465,/u1D452/u1D45B⟩>/u1D706}.\n∙/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463) ∶=/u1D4631\n/u1D45B\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜1\n/u1D45B(/u1D435/u1D706−/u1D706/u1D452/u1D45B), for any/u1D463>0.\n∙/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463,/u1D465) ∶=/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463)+/u1D465, for any/u1D465∈ {/u1D465/u1D45B= 0} . In particular /u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463) =/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463,0).\n∙/u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706),/u1D436(/u1D45B,/u1D706)denote strictly positive constants, depending on /u1D45B,/u1D706only, that may change from line to line.\n∙/u1D451denotes Hausdorff distance in ℝ/u1D45B.\n∙/u1D43B∶= {/u1D465/u1D45B≤0}.\n∙/u1D451denotes/u1D451-dimensional Hausdorff measure in ℝ/u1D45B, for/u1D451≥0.\n∙/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706) ∶=/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D465)) =/u1D443(/u1D435,{/u1D465/u1D45B>/u1D706})−/u1D706/u1D45B−1(/u1D435∩{/u1D465/u1D45B=/u1D706}).\n∙/u1D444/u1D45F∶= [−/u1D45F,/u1D45F]/u1D45B⊂ℝ/u1D45B, for any/u1D45F>0.\n∙/u1D45F/u1D706∶= min/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟2√\n1−/u1D7062,1−/u1D706/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n,/u1D445/u1D706∶= max/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟2√\n1−/u1D7062,1−/u1D706/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n.\n2.1. Sets of finite perimeter. We recall basic definitions and properties regarding sets of finite perimeter, referring\nto [AFP00 ;Mag12 ] for a complete treatment on the subject. The perimeter of a m easurable set /u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45Bin an open\nset/u1D434⊂ℝ/u1D45Bis defined by\n(2.1) /u1D443(/u1D438,/u1D434) ∶= sup/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟3\n/uni222B.dsp/u1D438div/u1D447(/u1D465)d/u1D465∶/u1D447∈/u1D4361\n/u1D450(/u1D434;ℝ/u1D45B),‖/u1D447‖∞≤1/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3\n.\nDenoting/u1D443(/u1D438) ∶=/u1D443(/u1D438,ℝ/u1D45B), we say that /u1D438is a set of finite perimeter if /u1D443(/u1D438)<+∞. In such a case, the\ncharacteristic function /u1D712/u1D438has a distributional gradient /u1D437/u1D712/u1D438that is a vector-valued Radon measure on ℝ/u1D45Bsuch that\n/uni222B.dsp/u1D438div/u1D447(/u1D465)d/u1D465= −/uni222B.dspℝ/u1D45B/u1D447d/u1D437/u1D712/u1D438,∀/u1D447∈/u1D4361\n/u1D450(ℝ/u1D45B;ℝ/u1D45B).\nIt can be proved that the set function /u1D443(/u1D438,⋅)defined in ( 2.1) is the restriction of a nonnegative Borel measure to\nopen sets. The measure /u1D443(/u1D438,⋅)coincides with the total variation /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D437/u1D712/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜of the distributional gradient, and it is\nconcentrated on the reduced boundary\n/u1D715∗/u1D438∶=/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟3\n/u1D465∈ spt/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D437/u1D712/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∶ ∃/u1D708/u1D438(/u1D465) ∶= −lim\n/u1D45F→0/u1D437/u1D712/u1D438(/u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465))\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D437/u1D712/u1D438(/u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465))/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜with/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D708/u1D438(/u1D465)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜= 1/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3\n.\nIntroducing the sets of density /u1D461∈ [0,1]points for/u1D438defined by\n/u1D438(/u1D461)∶=/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟3\n/u1D465∈ℝ/u1D45B∶ lim\n/u1D45F→0/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438∩/u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u1D461/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3\n,\nwe have that the reduced boundary coincides both with ℝ/u1D45B⧵(/u1D438(1)∪/u1D438(0))and with the set /u1D438(1∕2)up to/u1D45B−1-\nnegligible sets. The vector /u1D708/u1D438is called the generalized outer normal of /u1D438. Moreover/u1D443(/u1D438,⋅) =/u1D45B−1/u1D715∗/u1D438, and\nthe distributional gradient can be written as /u1D437/u1D712/u1D438= −/u1D708/u1D438/u1D45B−1/u1D715∗/u1D438.\n2.2. Preliminary results on the capillarity functional. In this section we prove some preparatory results on the\nfunctional/u1D443/u1D706. From now on, /u1D43Bdenotes the closed half-space /u1D43B∶= {/u1D465/u1D45B≤0}.\nRemark 2.1.Let/u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bbe a measurable set. We observe that\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438) =/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438⧵/u1D43B1−/u1D706/u⎪⎫27E8.⎟1\n/u1D452/u1D45B,/u1D708/u1D438/u⎪⎫27E9.⎟1\nd/u1D45B−1,\nwhere/u1D708/u1D438is the generalized outer normal to /u1D438. In particular, since /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜<1, we have that /u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)≥0. The previous\nidentity follows from the divergence theorem, indeed\n0 =/uni222B.dsp/u1D438div/u1D452/u1D45Bd/u1D465= −/u1D45B−1(/u1D715∗/u1D438∩/u1D715/u1D43B)+/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438⧵/u1D43B/u⎪⎫27E8.⎟1/u1D452/u1D45B,/u1D708/u1D438/u⎪⎫27E9.⎟1d/u1D45B−1.\nWe now aim at proving an approximation result for sets of finit e perimeter contained in ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bby sequences\nof sets having smooth boundary relative in ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B. We need the following lemma first.6 GIULIO PASCALE AND MARCO POZZETTA\nLemma 2.2. Let/u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bbe a set of finite perimeter with finite measure. For any /u1D461≥0define the\ndiffeomorphism /u1D711/u1D461∶ {/u1D465/u1D45B≥0}→{/u1D465/u1D45B≥0}given by/u1D711/u1D461(/u1D465)uni2032(var,/u1D465/u1D45B) ∶= (/u1D465)uni2032(var,/u1D465/u1D45B(1 +/u1D461/u1D452−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465)uni2032(var/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜2)), where we wrote\n/u1D465= (/u1D465)uni2032(var,/u1D465/u1D45B) ∈ℝ/u1D45B−1×ℝfor any/u1D465∈ {/u1D465/u1D45B≥0}⊂ℝ/u1D45B. Then\n(1)for at most countably many /u1D461∈ [0,+∞) there holds\n/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟1/u1D465∈/u1D715∗(/u1D711/u1D461(/u1D438))⧵/u1D43B∶/u1D708/u1D711/u1D461(/u1D438)(/u1D465) = ±/u1D452/u1D45B/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1>0;\n(2)for at most countably many /u1D708∈/u1D54A/u1D45B−1there holds\n/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D465∈/u1D715∗/u1D438∶/u1D708/u1D438(/u1D465) = ±/u1D708/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n>0.\nProof. We begin by proving (1). Define /u1D453/u1D461∶ℝ/u1D45B−1→ℝby/u1D453/u1D461(/u1D465)uni2032(var) ∶= 1+/u1D461/u1D452−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465)uni2032(var/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜2, and let\n/u1D434/u1D461∶=/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟2\n(/u1D465)uni2032(var,/u1D465/u1D45B) ∈/u1D715∗/u1D438∩ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bwith/u1D465)uni2032(var∈ℝ/u1D45B−1⧵{0} ∶/u1D708/u1D438(/u1D465)uni2032(var,/u1D465/u1D45B)is proportional to (/u1D465/u1D45B∇/u1D453/u1D461(/u1D465)uni2032(var),/u1D453/u1D461(/u1D465)uni2032(var))/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n.\nWe claim that, if /u1D460,/u1D45F>0, with/u1D460≠/u1D45F, then/u1D434/u1D45F∩/u1D434/u1D460= )uni2205(var. Indeed, if/u1D434/u1D45F∩/u1D434/u1D460≠)uni2205(var, there exist (̄ /u1D465)uni2032(var,̄ /u1D465/u1D45B) ∈/u1D715∗/u1D438∩ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B\nand̄ /u1D6FC∈ℝ⧵{0}such that\n(̄ /u1D465/u1D45B∇/u1D453/u1D45F(̄ /u1D465)uni2032(var),/u1D453/u1D45F(̄ /u1D465)uni2032(var)) =̄ /u1D6FC(̄ /u1D465/u1D45B∇/u1D453/u1D460(̄ /u1D465)uni2032(var),/u1D453/u1D460(̄ /u1D465)uni2032(var)).\nSince/u1D465/u1D45B>0and/u1D465)uni2032(var≠0, then̄ /u1D465/u1D45B∇/u1D453/u1D45F(̄ /u1D465)uni2032(var) =̄ /u1D6FC̄ /u1D465/u1D45B∇/u1D453/u1D460(̄ /u1D465)uni2032(var)implies/u1D45F=̄ /u1D6FC/u1D460. Thus/u1D453/u1D45F(̄ /u1D465)uni2032(var) =̄ /u1D6FC/u1D453/u1D460(̄ /u1D465)uni2032(var)implies1 =̄ /u1D6FC,\nwhich in turn implies /u1D45F=/u1D460, contradiction.\nFor/u1D458∈ℕ≥1let us define\n/u1D440/u1D458∶=/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟2\n/u1D461>0 ∶/u1D45B−1(/u1D434/u1D461)>1\n/u1D458/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n.\nWe want to prove that /u1D440/u1D458is finite. Let /u1D4611,…,/u1D461/u1D459∈/u1D440/u1D458, with/u1D461/u1D456≠/u1D461/u1D457if/u1D456≠/u1D457. Since/u1D434/u1D461/u1D456≠/u1D434/u1D461/u1D457= )uni2205(var, then\n/u1D443(/u1D438)≥/u1D459/u⎪⎫2211.⎟1\n/u1D456=1/u1D45B−1(/u1D434/u1D461/u1D456)≥1\n/u1D458/u1D459,\nand then#/u1D440/u1D458≤/u1D458/u1D443(/u1D438). Therefore the set\n/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D461>0 ∶/u1D45B−1(/u1D434/u1D461)>0/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n=/u⎪⎫22C3.⎟1\n/u1D458/u1D440/u1D458,\nis countable.\nSince the differential of /u1D711/u1D461is represented by the matrix\nd/u1D711/u1D461(/u1D465)uni2032(var,/u1D465/u1D45B) =/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3\nIdℝ/u1D45B−10\n/u1D465/u1D45B∇/u1D453/u1D461(/u1D465)uni2032(var)/u1D453/u1D461(/u1D465)uni2032(var)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3\n,\nrequiring that /u1D708/u1D711/u1D461(/u1D438)(/u1D711/u1D461(/u1D465)) = ±/u1D452/u1D45Bfor some/u1D465= (/u1D465)uni2032(var,/u1D465/u1D45B)means that\n/u1D708/u1D438(/u1D465)uni2032(var,/u1D465/u1D45B)is proportional to (/u1D465/u1D45B∇/u1D453/u1D461(/u1D465)uni2032(var),/u1D453/u1D461(/u1D465)uni2032(var)),\nsee [Mag12 , Proposition 17.1] and [ AFP00 , Proposition 2.88]. Therefore for any /u1D461∉ ∪/u1D458/u1D440/u1D458there holds\n/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D465∈/u1D715∗(/u1D711/u1D461(/u1D438))⧵/u1D43B∶/u1D708/u1D711/u1D461(/u1D438)(/u1D465) = ±/u1D452/u1D45B/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n= 0.\nThe proof of (2) is analogous. For /u1D458∈ℕ≥1let\n/u1D441/u1D458∶=/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟2\n/u1D708∈/u1D54A/u1D45B−1∶/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D465∈/u1D715∗/u1D438∶/u1D708/u1D438=/u1D708/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n>1\n/u1D458/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n.\nAs above one gets that ∪/u1D458/u1D441/u1D458is at most countable, and (2) follows. /square\nLemma 2.3 (Approximation with regular sets) .Let/u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bbe a set of finite perimeter with finite measure.\nThen there exists a sequence of sets /u1D438/u1D456⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bsuch that\n(1)/u1D438/u1D456is a bounded set such that /u1D715/u1D438/u1D456⧵/u1D715/u1D43Bis a smooth hypersurface (possibly with smooth boundary) su ch\nthat either/u1D715/u1D438/u1D456∩/u1D715/u1D43B= )uni2205(varor/u1D715/u1D438/u1D456⧵/u1D715/u1D43Bintersects/u1D715/u1D43Borthogonally;\n(2)/u1D438/u1D456→/u1D438in/u1D43F1,/u1D443(/u1D438/u1D456,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)→/u1D443(/u1D438,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B),/u1D45B−1(/u1D715/u1D438/u1D456∩/u1D715/u1D43B)→/u1D45B−1(/u1D715∗/u1D438∩/u1D715/u1D43B), as/u1D456→+∞.\nIn particular, /u1D443(/u1D438/u1D456)→/u1D443(/u1D438)and/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D456)→/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)as/u1D456→+∞, for any/u1D706∈ (−1,1);\n(3)/u1D45B−1({/u1D465∈/u1D715∗/u1D438/u1D456∶/u1D708/u1D438/u1D456(/u1D465) = ±/u1D452/u1D457}) = 0 for any/u1D457= 1,…,/u1D45B−1;\n(4)/u1D45B−1({/u1D465∈/u1D715∗/u1D438/u1D456⧵/u1D43B∶/u1D708/u1D438/u1D456(/u1D465) = ±/u1D452/u1D45B}) = 0 .QUANTITATIVE ISOPERIMETRIC INEQUALITIES FOR CLASSICAL CA PILLARITY PROBLEMS 7\nProof. Since/u1D443(/u1D438),/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜<+∞, by a diagonal argument we can assume without loss of general ity that/u1D438is bounded.\nStep 1. We first construct a sequence /u1D439/u1D456⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bsuch that 1. and 2. hold with /u1D439/u1D456in place of/u1D438/u1D456. Let us\ndenote by/u1D439the union of /u1D438with the reflection of /u1D438with respect to the hyperplane {/u1D465/u1D45B= 0} . There exists a\nsequence of smooth sets ̃/u1D439/u1D456⊂ℝ/u1D45B, symmetric with respect to {/u1D465/u1D45B= 0} , such that they converge to /u1D439in/u1D43F1(ℝ/u1D45B)\nand/u1D443(̃/u1D439/u1D456)→/u1D443(/u1D439)(see, e.g., [ AFP00 , Theorem 3.42]). The fact that ̃/u1D439/u1D456is symmetric with respect to {/u1D465/u1D45B= 0}\nfollows as̃/u1D439/u1D456can be obtained as superlevel set of a convolution of /u1D712/u1D439with a symmetric mollifier. In particular, if\n/u1D715̃/u1D439/u1D456∩/u1D715/u1D43B≠)uni2205(var, then/u1D715̃/u1D439/u1D456intersects/u1D43Borthogonally, and thus /u1D715̃/u1D439/u1D456∩/u1D715/u1D43Bis a smooth (/u1D45B−2)-dimensional manifold.\nLet/u1D439/u1D456��=̃/u1D439/u1D456⧵/u1D43B. Then/u1D439/u1D456→/u1D438in/u1D43F1and\n/u1D443(/u1D439/u1D456,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B) =1\n2/u1D443(̃/u1D439/u1D456)→1\n2/u1D443(/u1D439) =/u1D443(/u1D438,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B).\nLet us define the function\n/u1D453∶ℝ/u1D45B→[0,+∞)\n/u1D453(/u1D463) =/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D463/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u1D706⟨/u1D452/u1D45B,/u1D463⟩.\nNote that/u1D453is continuous; moreover /u1D453(/u1D461/u1D463) =/u1D461/u1D453(/u1D463)for any/u1D461≥0and/u1D453is convex. Let us set\n/u1D707/u1D456∶=/u1D708/u1D439/u1D456/u1D45B−1(/u1D715∗/u1D439/u1D456∩(ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B))\n/u1D707∶=/u1D708/u1D438/u1D45B−1(/u1D715∗/u1D438∩(ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)).\nSince/u1D708/u1D439/u1D456/u1D45B−1/u1D715∗/u1D439/u1D456→/u1D708/u1D438/u1D45B−1/u1D715∗/u1D438weakly∗inℝ/u1D45B, then/u1D707/u1D456→/u1D707weakly∗inℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B. Since we already know\nthat/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D707/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜(ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)→/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D707/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜(ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B), by Reshetnyak continuity theorem (see, e.g., [ AFP00 , Theorem 2.39]) we deduce\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D456) =∫/u1D453(/u1D707/u1D456∕/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D707/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)d/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D707/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜→∫/u1D453(/u1D707∕/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D707/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)d/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D707/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438).\nStep 2. Let us consider the flow /u1D711/u1D461∶ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B→ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bsuch that\n/u1D711/u1D461(/u1D465)uni2032(var,/u1D465/u1D45B) ∶= (/u1D465)uni2032(var,/u1D465/u1D45B(1+/u1D461/u1D452−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465)uni2032(var/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜2)),\nfor/u1D461≥0. By Lemma 2.2for a.e./u1D461we have that /u1D711/u1D461(/u1D439/u1D456)satisfies (4). Moreover, for any /u1D461≥0there exists a sequence\nof rotations /u1D457,/u1D461∶ (/u1D465)uni2032(var,/u1D465/u1D45B)↦(/u1D445/u1D457,/u1D461(/u1D465)uni2032(var),/u1D465/u1D45B)along the/u1D45B-th axis converging to the identity such that\n/u1D45B−1({/u1D465∈/u1D715∗(/u1D457,/u1D461(/u1D711/u1D461(/u1D439/u1D456)) ∶/u1D708/u1D457,/u1D461(/u1D711/u1D461(/u1D439/u1D456))(/u1D465) = ±/u1D452/u1D459}) = 0\nfor all/u1D459= 1,…,/u1D45B− 1. By a diagonal argument, since /u1D711/u1D461(/u1D439/u1D456)maintains orthogonal intersection with /u1D715/u1D43B, one\nextract the desired sequence /u1D438/u1D456. /square\nCorollary 2.4. Let/u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bbe a set of finite perimeter with finite measure. Then\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)≥1−/u1D706\n2/u1D443(/u1D438).\nProof. Let{/u1D438/u1D456}/u1D456be the sequence of smooth sets in ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bgiven by Lemma 2.3. Since the orthogonal projection\non/u1D715/u1D43Bis a1-Lipschitz and surjective map from /u1D715/u1D438/u1D456∩(ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)onto/u1D715/u1D438/u1D456∩/u1D715/u1D43B, then (see, e.g., [ AFP00 , Proposition\n2.49])\n/u1D443(/u1D438/u1D456,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)≥ /u1D45B−1(/u1D715∗/u1D438/u1D456∩/u1D715/u1D43B).\nSince\n(2.2) /u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D456) =1+/u1D706\n2(/u1D443(/u1D438/u1D456,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)−/u1D45B−1(/u1D715∗/u1D438/u1D456∩/u1D715/u1D43B))+1−/u1D706\n2/u1D443(/u1D438/u1D456),\nthe claim follows by passing to the limit /u1D456→∞. /square\n3. I SOPERIMETRIC INEQUALITY FOR /u1D443/u1D706, FRAENKEL ASYMMETRY AND DEFICIT\n3.1. Isoperimetric inequality via ABP method. In this section we give a proof of the isoperimetric inequali ty\nfor the capillarity functional /u1D443/u1D706exploiting an ABP method. We start by defining Schwarz-symme tric sets.\nDefinition 3.1. Let/u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45Bbe a Borel set. Then its Schwarz symmetrization (with respec t to the/u1D45B-th axis) is the\nset\n/u1D438∗∶= {(/u1D465)uni2032(var,/u1D461) ∈ℝ/u1D45B−1×ℝ∶/u1D714/u1D45B−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465)uni2032(var/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D45B−10}be a set of finite perimeter. Let /u1D438be Schwarz-symmetric with profile function /u1D453.\nAssume that /u1D45B−1({/u1D465∈/u1D715∗/u1D438∶/u1D708/u1D438(/u1D465) = ±/u1D452/u1D45B} = 0 .\nThen/u1D453is differentiable almost everywhere (see, e.g., [ Mag12 , Theorem 18.11]) with derivative\n/u1D453)uni2032(var(/u1D461) = −/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟4\n1\n/u1D714/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1/u1D45B−1(/u1D438∩{/u1D465/u1D45B=/u1D461})/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1/u1D45B−2/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟41\n/u1D45B−1\n/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438∩{/u1D465/u1D45B=/u1D461}/u⎪⎫27E8.⎟1/u1D708/u1D438(/u1D467,/u1D461),/u1D452/u1D45B/u⎪⎫27E9.⎟1\n/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u1D708/u1D438(/u1D467,/u1D461)−⟨/u1D708/u1D438(/u1D467,/u1D461),/u1D452/u1D45B⟩/u1D452/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.xd/u1D45B−2(/u1D467),\nat a.e./u1D461∈ℝsuch that/u1D453(/u1D461)>0. The generalized outer normal to /u1D438can be written as\n/u1D708/u1D438(/u1D453(/u1D461)/u1D452,/u1D461) =1√\n1+(/u1D453)uni2032(var)2(/u1D452,−/u1D453)uni2032(var),\nfor any/u1D452= (/u1D4521,…,/u1D452/u1D45B−1) ∈ℝ/u1D45B−1with/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D452/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜= 1and for a.e./u1D461∈ℝsuch that/u1D453(/u1D461)>0.\nMoreover by area formula [ AFP00 , Theorem 2.71] we have\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438) =/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438⧵/u1D43B1−/u1D706/u⎪⎫27E8.⎟1/u1D452/u1D45B,/u1D708/u1D438/u⎪⎫27E9.⎟1d/u1D45B−1\n=/uni222B.dsp+∞\n0/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3\n(/u1D45B−1)/u1D714/u1D45B−1√\n1+(/u1D453)uni2032(var)2/u1D453/u1D45B−2−/u1D706/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438∩{/u1D465/u1D45B=/u1D461}/u⎪⎫27E8.⎟1\n/u1D452/u1D45B,/u1D708/u1D438/u⎪⎫27E9.⎟1√\n1+(/u1D453)uni2032(var)2d/u1D45B−2/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3\nd/u1D461\n= (/u1D45B−1)/u1D714/u1D45B−1/uni222B.dsp+∞\n0/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2√\n1+(/u1D453)uni2032(var)2/u1D453/u1D45B−2+/u1D706/u1D453)uni2032(var/u1D453/u1D45B−2/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\nd/u1D461.\nSince the bubbles /u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463)are Schwarz-symmetric, we can exploit Remark 3.2to compute their energy.\nLemma 3.3. There holds /u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463)) =/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜1\n/u1D45B/u1D463/u1D45B−1\n/u1D45B, for any/u1D463≥0and/u1D706∈ (−1,1).\nProof. By scale invariance, it is sufficient to prove that /u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706) ∶=/u1D443(/u1D435/u1D706,{/u1D465/u1D45B>/u1D706})−/u1D706/u1D45B−1(/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706∩{/u1D465/u1D45B=/u1D706})is\nequal to/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜.\nIf/u1D706= 0, we have/u1D4430(/u1D4350) =1\n2/u1D443(/u1D435) =1\n2/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D4350/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜. So if we prove that\n(3.1)d\nd/u1D706/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706)−/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n= 0,\nfor any/u1D706∈ (−1,1), the claim follows. Let /u1D711(/u1D461) ∶= (1−/u1D4612)1\n2, for/u1D461∈ [−1,1], be the profile function of the standard\nunit ball in ℝ/u1D45B.\n∙By coarea formula, the volume of /u1D435/u1D706equals\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/uni222B.dsp1\n/u1D706/u1D714/u1D45B−1/u1D711/u1D45B−1d/u1D461.\n∙By Remark 3.2we get\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706) =/uni222B.dsp1\n/u1D706/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2\n(/u1D45B−1)/u1D714/u1D45B−1√\n1+(/u1D711)uni2032(var)2/u1D711/u1D45B−2+/u1D706(/u1D45B−1)/u1D714/u1D45B−1/u1D711)uni2032(var/u1D711/u1D45B−2/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\nd/u1D461\n=/uni222B.dsp1\n/u1D706(/u1D45B−1)/u1D714/u1D45B−1(1−/u1D706/u1D461)/u1D711/u1D45B−3d/u1D461.\n∙Since/u1D711)uni2032(var= −/u1D461∕/u1D711, the derivative of /u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706)equals:\nd\nd/u1D706/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706) =/uni222B.dsp1\n/u1D706(/u1D45B−1)/u1D714/u1D45B−1(−/u1D461)/u1D711/u1D45B−3d/u1D461−(/u1D45B−1)/u1D714/u1D45B−1(1−/u1D7062)/u1D711/u1D45B−3(/u1D706)\n= (/u1D45B−1)/u1D714/u1D45B−1/uni222B.dsp1\n/u1D706/u1D711)uni2032(var/u1D711/u1D45B−2d/u1D461−(/u1D45B−1)/u1D714/u1D45B−1/u1D711/u1D45B−1(/u1D706)\n= −/u1D714/u1D45B−1/u1D711/u1D45B−1(/u1D706)−(/u1D45B−1)/u1D714/u1D45B−1/u1D711/u1D45B−1(/u1D706)\n= −/u1D45B/u1D714/u1D45B−1/u1D711/u1D45B−1(/u1D706).\n∙The derivative of the volume /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜equals\nd\nd/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜= −/u1D714/u1D45B−1/u1D711/u1D45B−1(/u1D706).\nPutting together the above computations we haved\nd/u1D706/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706) =/u1D45Bd\nd/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜, which is ( 3.1). /squareQUANTITATIVE ISOPERIMETRIC INEQUALITIES FOR CLASSICAL CA PILLARITY PROBLEMS 9\nRemark 3.4.Let/u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bbe a connected open set such that /u1D715/u1D438⧵/u1D43Bis a smooth hypersurface with boundary\nthat intersects /u1D715/u1D43Borthogonally. Then the Neumann problem\n(3.2)⎧\n⎪\n⎨\n⎪⎩Δ/u1D462=/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜in/u1D438,\n/u1D715/u1D462\n/u1D715/u1D708= 1 on/u1D715/u1D438⧵/u1D715/u1D43B,\n/u1D715/u1D462\n/u1D715/u1D708= −/u1D706 on/u1D715/u1D438∩/u1D715/u1D43B,\nhas a solution /u1D462∈/u1D4361(/u1D438)∩/u1D436∞(/u1D438).\nIndeed, existence of a weak solution of ( 3.2) follows by classical arguments exploiting the Riesz repre sentation\ntheorem. By [ Nit11 , Proposition 3.6] there exists /u1D6FE >0such that every weak solution is in /u1D4360,/u1D6FE(/u1D438). Hence we can\napply [ Lie88 , Theorem 1] to the equivalent problem\n⎧\n⎪\n⎨\n⎪⎩Δ/u1D462−/u1D462=/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u1D462=∶/u1D453 in/u1D438,\n/u1D715/u1D462\n/u1D715/u1D708= 1 on/u1D715/u1D438⧵/u1D715/u1D43B,\n/u1D715/u1D462\n/u1D715/u1D708= −/u1D706 on/u1D715/u1D438∩/u1D715/u1D43B\ngetting that a weak solution is in fact /u1D4361(/u1D438).\nTheorem 3.5 (Isoperimetric inequality for /u1D443/u1D706).Let/u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bbe a set of finite perimeter with /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∈ (0,+∞) .\nThen\n(3.3)/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D45B−1\n/u1D45B≥/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706)\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D45B−1\n/u1D45B=/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜1\n/u1D45B.\nMoreover, equality occurs in (3.3)if and only if /u1D438=/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)up to a translation and up to negligible sets.\nProof. We just give a proof of the inequality ( 3.3) here, referring to [ Mag12 , Theorem 19.21] for an alternative\nproof comprising the characterization of minimizers.\nBy the standard isoperimetric inequality, we can assume tha t/u1D45B−1(/u1D715∗/u1D438∩/u1D715/u1D43B)>0. By Lemma 2.3, we can\nfurther assume that /u1D438is a bounded set such that /u1D715/u1D438⧵/u1D715/u1D43Bis smooth and intersects /u1D715/u1D43Borthogonally.\nLet us further assume for the moment that /u1D438is connected. Let /u1D462be the solution of the Neumann problem\n(3.4)⎧\n⎪\n⎨\n⎪⎩Δ/u1D462=/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜in/u1D438,\n/u1D715/u1D462\n/u1D715/u1D708= 1 on/u1D715/u1D438⧵/u1D715/u1D43B,\n/u1D715/u1D462\n/u1D715/u1D708= −/u1D706 on/u1D715/u1D438∩/u1D715/u1D43B,\nwhere/u1D715/u1D462∕/u1D715/u1D708denotes the outer normal derivative of /u1D462on/u1D715/u1D438. Observe that such a solution exists and /u1D462∈/u1D4361(/u1D438)∩\n/u1D436∞(/u1D438)(see Remark 3.4). We consider the “lower contact set” of /u1D462defined by\n(3.5) Γ/u1D462∶=/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟2\n/u1D465∈/u1D438∶/u1D462(/u1D466)≥/u1D462(/u1D465)+⟨∇/u1D462(/u1D465),/u1D466−/u1D465⟩for all/u1D466∈/u1D438/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n.\nWe claim that\n(3.6) /u1D435/u1D706⊆∇/u1D462(Γ/u1D462).\nTo show ( 3.6), take any/u1D45D∈/u1D435/u1D706. Let/u1D465∈/u1D438be a point such that\nmin\n/u1D466∈/u1D438{/u1D462(/u1D466)−⟨/u1D45D,/u1D466⟩}=/u1D462(/u1D465)−⟨/u1D45D,/u1D465⟩.\nIf/u1D465∈/u1D715/u1D438⧵/u1D715/u1D43Bthen the exterior normal derivative of /u1D462(/u1D466)−⟨/u1D45D,/u1D466⟩at/u1D465would be nonpositive and hence (/u1D715/u1D462∕/u1D715/u1D708)(/u1D465)≤\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D45D/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜<1, a contradiction with ( 3.4). Similarly, if /u1D465∈/u1D715/u1D438∩/u1D715/u1D43Bthen(/u1D715/u1D462∕/u1D715/u1D708)(/u1D465)≤⟨/u1D45D,−/u1D452/u1D45B⟩<−/u1D706, a contradiction\nwith ( 3.4). It follows that /u1D465∈/u1D438and, therefore, that /u1D465is an interior minimum of the function /u1D462(/u1D466)−⟨/u1D45D,/u1D466⟩over/u1D438.\nIn particular /u1D45D= ∇/u1D462(/u1D465)and/u1D465∈ Γ/u1D462, hence Claim ( 3.6) is now proved.\nFrom ( 3.6), since/u1D462∈/u1D436∞(/u1D438)andΓ/u1D462⊂/u1D438, we can apply the area formula on ∇/u1D462to deduce\n(3.7) /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∇/u1D462(Γ/u1D462)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/uni222B.dsp∇/u1D462(Γ/u1D462)d/u1D45D≤/uni222B.dspΓ/u1D462/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜det∇2/u1D462(/u1D465)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜d/u1D465.\nSince points /u1D465∈ Γ/u1D462are interior minima for /u1D466↦/u1D462(/u1D466)−⟨∇/u1D462(/u1D465),/u1D466⟩, then∇2/u1D462(/u1D465)is positively semi-definite. Hence\nby the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜det∇2/u1D462/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=det∇2/u1D462≤/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2Δ/u1D462\n/u1D45B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2/u1D45B\ninΓ/u1D462.10 GIULIO PASCALE AND MARCO POZZETTA\nHence\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/uni222B.dspΓ/u1D462det∇2/u1D462d/u1D465≤/uni222B.dspΓ/u1D462/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2Δ/u1D462\n/u1D45B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2/u1D45B\nd/u1D465≤/uni222B.dsp/u1D438/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2Δ/u1D462\n/u1D45B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2/u1D45B\nd/u1D465,\nsinceΔ/u1D462≡/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)∕/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜. Plugging in the value of Δ/u1D462, the claimed inequality follows.\nIt remains to consider the case when /u1D438is not connected, hence when /u1D438is a disjoint union of finitely many bounded\nsets/u1D438/u1D456, for/u1D456= 1,…,/u1D458, such that/u1D715/u1D438/u1D456⧵/u1D715/u1D43Bis smooth and intersects /u1D715/u1D43Borthogonally. We can apply the isoperi-\nmetric inequality that we just proved for /u1D443/u1D706on each component /u1D438/u1D456. Summing the inequalities and exploiting the\nsubadditivity of /u1D461↦/u1D461/u1D45B−1\n/u1D45B, the final inequality follows. /square\n3.2. Asymmetry and deficit. We now define the Fraenkel asymmetry with respect to optimal b ubbles/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463,/u1D465)\nand the deficit corresponding to the functional /u1D443/u1D706, proving some preliminary properties on these quantities.\nDefinition 3.6 (Fraenkel asymmetry) .Let/u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bbe a Borel set with measure /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u1D463∈ (0,+∞) . We define\n/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438) ∶= inf/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟3/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463,/u1D465)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u1D463∶/u1D465∈ {/u1D465/u1D45B= 0}/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3\n.\nIt is readily checked that the Fraenkel asymmetry of /u1D438is a minimum.\nDefinition 3.7 (Isoperimetric deficit) .Let/u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bbe a Borel set with measure /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u1D463∈ (0,+∞) . We define\n/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438) ∶=/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)−/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463))\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463)).\nLemma 3.8. There exists ̄ /u1D450=̄ /u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)>0such that if a Borel set /u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bsatisfies/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)< ̄ /u1D450then/u1D443(/u1D438,/u1D715/u1D43B)>\n0.\nProof. If/u1D438is a Borel set such that /u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)< ̄ /u1D450 and/u1D443(/u1D438,/u1D715/u1D43B) = 0 , then the standard isoperimetric inequality\ntogether with Lemma 3.3imply\n/u1D45B/u1D7141\n/u1D45B\n/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D45B−1\n/u1D45B≤/u1D443(/u1D438) =/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)<(1+̄ /u1D450)/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)) =/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜1\n/u1D45B(1+̄ /u1D450)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D45B−1\n/u1D45B.\nSince/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜>0for̄ /u1D450small enough, we get a contradiction if ̄ /u1D450is sufficiently small. /square\nLemma 3.9. If{/u1D438/u1D456}/u1D456∈ℕand/u1D438are sets of finite perimeter in ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bwith finite measure such that\n/u1D438/u1D456/u1D43F1\nloc/uni2190.x /uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x →/u1D438.\nThen\nliminf\n/u1D456→+∞/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D456)≥/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438),liminf\n/u1D456→+∞/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D456)≥/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438).\nProof. Exploiting Remark 2.1and Reshetnyak lower semicontinuity theorem (see, e.g., [ AFP00 , Theorem 2.38]),\none easily checks that /u1D443/u1D706is lower semicontinuous with respect to /u1D43F1\nlocconvergence (see the proof of Lemma 2.3).\n/square\nLemma 3.10. If{/u1D438/u1D456}/u1D456∈ℕand/u1D438are sets of finite perimeter in ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bwith finite measure such that /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜>0and\n/u1D438/u1D456/u1D43F1\n/uni2190.x /uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x →/u1D438.\nThen\nlim\n/u1D456→+∞/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D456) =/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)\nProof. Let/u1D463∶=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜and/u1D463/u1D456∶=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜, then/u1D463/u1D456→/u1D463.\nIf/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438) = 2 , there exists /u1D466 >0such that /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438∩{/u1D465∈ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B∶⟨/u1D465,/u1D452/u1D45B⟩< /u1D466}/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜= 0. Let/u1D4660be the least upper\nbound of such /u1D466’s; then every spherical cap /u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463,/u1D465), with/u1D465∈/u1D715/u1D43B, is contained in {/u1D465∈ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B∶⟨/u1D465,/u1D452/u1D45B⟩/u1D4660}/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D456∩{/u1D465∈ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B∶⟨/u1D465,/u1D452/u1D45B⟩/u1D4660}/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/uni2190.x /uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x →\n/u1D4560,\nhence/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D456)→2.QUANTITATIVE ISOPERIMETRIC INEQUALITIES FOR CLASSICAL CA PILLARITY PROBLEMS 11\nSuppose then that /u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)<2, let/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)be attained by some /u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463,/u1D4650). Then\n/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438) =/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463,/u1D4650)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u1D463= lim\n/u1D456→+∞/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D456Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463,/u1D4650)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u1D463/u1D456/u1D463/u1D456\n/u1D463/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3\n≥limsup\n/u1D456→+∞/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D456Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463/u1D456,/u1D4650)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463/u1D456,/u1D4650)Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463,/u1D4650)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u1D463/u1D456\n≥limsup\n/u1D456→+∞/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3\n/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D456)−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463/u1D456,/u1D4650)Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463,/u1D4650)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u1D463/u1D456/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3\n= limsup\n/u1D456→+∞/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D456).\nOn the other hand, let /u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D456)be attained by /u1D435/u1D706\n/u1D456(/u1D463/u1D456,/u1D465/u1D456). We claim that {/u1D465/u1D456}/u1D456is bounded. If {/u1D465/u1D456}/u1D456⊂ /u1D715/u1D43B were\nunbounded, then there would be a subsequence {/u1D465/u1D456/u1D457}/u1D457such that/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465/u1D456/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜→+∞. From the hypothesis we have that, for\nsufficiently large /u1D457,/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463/u1D456/u1D457,/u1D4650)∩/u1D438/u1D456/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜>/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463/u1D456/u1D457,/u1D465/u1D456/u1D457)∩/u1D438/u1D456/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/uni2190.x /uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x →\n/u1D4570, in contradiction with the definition of asymmetry.\nTherefore {/u1D465/u1D456}/u1D456is bounded. Let {/u1D465/u1D456/u1D458}/u1D458be a subsequence such that lim/u1D458→+∞/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D456/u1D458) = liminf/u1D456→+∞/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D456). By the\nboundedness of {/u1D465/u1D456}/u1D456there is a subsequence {/u1D465/u1D456/u1D458/u1D459}/u1D459of/u1D465/u1D456/u1D458such that/u1D465/u1D456/u1D458/u1D459→/u1D465∈/u1D715/u1D43B. Then\n/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463,/u1D465)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u1D463≤lim\n/u1D456→+∞/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D456Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463,/u1D465)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D456Δ/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u1D463/u1D456= lim\n/u1D456→+∞/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D456Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463,/u1D465)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u1D463/u1D456\n≤liminf\n/u1D459→+∞/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D456/u1D458/u1D459Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463/u1D456/u1D458/u1D459,/u1D465/u1D456/u1D458/u1D459)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463/u1D456/u1D458/u1D459,/u1D465/u1D456/u1D458/u1D459)Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463,/u1D465)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u1D463/u1D456/u1D458/u1D459\n= liminf\n/u1D459→+∞/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D456/u1D458/u1D459) = lim\n/u1D458→+∞/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D456/u1D458) = liminf\n/u1D456→+∞/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D456),\nwhich gives the needed reversed inequality. /square\nCorollary 3.11. If{/u1D438/u1D456}/u1D456∈ℕare sets of finite perimeter in ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bsuch that /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D456⧵/u1D43E/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜= 0for any/u1D456and for some\ncompact set /u1D43E ⊂ℝ/u1D45B, and if\nsup\n/u1D456∈ℕ/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D456)<∞,\nthen there exists /u1D438of finite perimeter in ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Band/u1D456/u1D458→∞as/u1D458→∞such that\n/u1D438/u1D456/u1D458/u1D43F1\n/uni2190.x /uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x →/u1D438liminf\n/u1D458/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D456/u1D458)≥/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438).\nProof. By Corollary 2.4we have that /u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D456)≥1−/u1D706\n2/u1D443(/u1D438). Thensup/u1D456∈ℕ/u1D443(/u1D438/u1D456)<∞. Hence by classical pre-\ncompactness of sets of finite perimeter (see, e.g., [ Mag12 , Theorem 12.26]) and recalling Lemma 3.9the claim\nfollows. /square\n4. R EDUCTION TO BOUNDED SYMMETRIC SETS\nIn the following arguments, in order to prove Theorem 1.1, we will repeatedly reduce ourselves to consider sets\n/u1D438having isoperimetric deficit smaller than some chosen const ant. This reduction is always possible.\nIndeed, let/u1D6FF>0be some positive constant; if /u1D438is a set of finite perimeter such that /u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)≥/u1D6FF, since/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)≤2,\nwe immediately get\n/u1D6FC2\n/u1D706(/u1D438)≤4\n/u1D6FF/u1D6FF≤4\n/u1D6FF/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438).\nTherefore, if Theorem 1.1is proved on sets with deficit ≤/u1D6FF, then it is proved for any set.\nHence,\nwithin this section we will assume that /u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)< ̄ /u1D450for any competitor /u1D438involved, where ̄ /u1D450is given by Lemma 3.8.\nIn particular /u1D443(/u1D438,/u1D715/u1D43B)>0.\n4.1. Reduction to bounded sets. In this section we prove that, in order to prove Theorem 1.1, it is sufficient to\nprove the quantitative isoperimetric inequality ( 1.6) among suitably uniformly bounded sets.\nFrom now on, we shall denote /u1D444/u1D459∶= [−/u1D459,/u1D459]/u1D45B⊂ℝ/u1D45B. We start by proving an estimate on the area of horizontal\nslices of a set in terms of its deficit.12 GIULIO PASCALE AND MARCO POZZETTA\nLemma 4.1. Let/u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bbe a bounded set of finite perimeter such that /u1D715/u1D438∩ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bis a smooth hypersurface\n(possibly with smooth boundary) with /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜and such that /u1D45B−1({/u1D465∈/u1D715∗/u1D438⧵/u1D43B∶/u1D708/u1D438(/u1D465) = ±/u1D452/u1D45B}) = 0 . Then\n(4.1) /u1D45B−1(/u1D438∩{/u1D465/u1D45B=/u1D461})≥1\n2/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟4/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3/u1D714/u1D45B\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟31\n/u1D45B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3\n1−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438∩{/u1D465/u1D45B0. In particular\n(4.2) /u1D45B−1(/u1D715∗/u1D438∩/u1D715/u1D43B)≥1\n2/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟4/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3/u1D714/u1D45B\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟31\n/u1D45B\n−1−/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟4\n.\nMoreover, if /u1D439 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bis a set of finite perimeter with /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜, then (4.1)holds with/u1D439in place of/u1D438for\nalmost every /u1D461>0, and (4.2)holds with/u1D439in place of/u1D438.\nThe estimates given by Lemma 4.1are clearly nontrivial only when the deficit is sufficiently sm all. On the other\nhand, if the deficit /u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)is sufficiently small, since /u1D714/u1D45B∕/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜>1, (4.1) and ( 4.2) essentially yield a quantitative\nversion of Lemma 3.8, nontrivial also for slices /u1D45B−1(/u1D438∩{/u1D465/u1D45B=/u1D461})with/u1D461>0as long as /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438∩{/u1D465/u1D45B0, and let/u1D454(/u1D461) ∶=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438∩{/u1D465/u1D45B< /u1D461}/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∕/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜. By\nthe standard isoperimetric inequality we have that\n/u1D443(/u1D438,{/u1D465/u1D45B>/u1D461})+/u1D463/u1D438(/u1D461) =/u1D443(/u1D438∩{/u1D465/u1D45B>/u1D461})≥/u1D45B/u1D7141\n/u1D45B\n/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438∩{/u1D465/u1D45B>/u1D461}/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D45B−1\n/u1D45B=/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3/u1D714/u1D45B\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟31\n/u1D45B\n(1−/u1D454(/u1D461))/u1D45B−1\n/u1D45B, (4.3)\nfor any/u1D461>0. Moreover, for any /u1D461>0, we observe that for any /u1D465)uni2032(var∈/u1D715∗/u1D438∩/u1D715/u1D43B, the halfline [0,/u1D461] ∋/u1D465/u1D45B↦(/u1D465)uni2032(var,/u1D465/u1D45B)\neither intersects /u1D715∗/u1D438∩{00. Hence we conclude that\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706)(1+/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)) =/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438) =/u1D443(/u1D438,{/u1D465/u1D45B>/u1D461})+/u1D443(/u1D438,{0/u1D461})−/u1D463/u1D438(/u1D461)\n(4.3)\n≥/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3/u1D714/u1D45B\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟31\n/u1D45B\n(1−/u1D454(/u1D461))/u1D45B−1\n/u1D45B−2/u1D463/u1D438(/u1D461),\nfor any/u1D461>0, which yields ( 4.1). By [ Mag12 , Theorem 18.11] (see also [ FMP08 , Theorem 6.1]), the function /u1D463/u1D438\nbelongs to/u1D44A1,1(0,+∞) , thus ( 4.2) follows by letting /u1D461→0+in (4.1).\nNow if/u1D439 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bis as in the assumptions, let /u1D438/u1D456be given by Lemma 2.3applied to/u1D439, and let̃/u1D438/u1D456∶=\n(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∕/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)1\n/u1D45B/u1D438/u1D456. Hence the inequality ( 4.2) and the right hand side of ( 4.1) applied with /u1D438=̃/u1D438/u1D456pass to the limit\nas/u1D456→∞. Moreover\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜̃/u1D438/u1D456Δ/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/uni222B.dsp+∞\n0/u1D45B−1(̃/u1D438/u1D456Δ/u1D438∩{/u1D465/u1D45B=/u1D461})d/u1D461≥/uni222B.dsp+∞\n0/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u1D45B−1(̃/u1D438/u1D456∩{/u1D465/u1D45B=/u1D461})���/u1D45B−1(/u1D438∩{/u1D465/u1D45B=/u1D461})/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.xd/u1D461.\nSince/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜̃/u1D438/u1D456Δ/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜→0, the left hand side of ( 4.1) passes to the limit as well as /u1D456→∞, for a.e./u1D461>0. /square\nWe are ready to prove the claimed reduction to bounded sets. T he proof follows the line of [ FMP08 , Lemma\n5.1], essentially truncating a competitor with coordinate slabs having estimated width. To give a bound for the\ntruncation in the /u1D45B-th direction will need to modify the argument in [ FMP08 , Lemma 5.1] and we will exploit\nLemma 4.1.\nLemma 4.2 (Reduction to bounded sets) .There exist/u1D459=/u1D459(/u1D45B,/u1D706)>0and/u1D4361=/u1D4361(/u1D45B,/u1D706)>0such that, if/u1D438 ⊆ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B\nis a set of finite perimeter with /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∈ (0,+∞) , then there exists a set of finite perimeter /u1D438)uni2032(var⊆/u1D444/u1D459∩(ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)such\nthat/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜and\n(4.5) /u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)≤/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var)+/u1D4361/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438), /u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var)≤/u1D4361/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438).\nProof. By scale-invariance of the asymmetry and of the deficit, it is sufficient to prove the claim assuming also\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜. First of all we observe that we may prove the claim assuming t hat/u1D715/u1D438∩ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bis smooth and\n(4.6) /u1D45B−1({/u1D465∈/u1D715∗/u1D438∩ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B∶/u1D708/u1D438(/u1D465) = ±/u1D452/u1D456}) = 0\nfor all/u1D456= 1,…,/u1D45B. Indeed, if/u1D438is a generic set of finite perimeter, then by Lemma 2.3there exists a sequence\nof smooth sets {/u1D438/u1D456}/u1D456∈ℕconverging to /u1D438such that ( 4.6) holds. If we know that the claim holds for /u1D438/u1D456, we getQUANTITATIVE ISOPERIMETRIC INEQUALITIES FOR CLASSICAL CA PILLARITY PROBLEMS 13\nthe existence of /u1D438)uni2032(var\n/u1D456⊆ /u1D444/u1D459∩ (ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)such that ( 4.5) holds with /u1D438,/u1D438)uni2032(varreplaced by /u1D438/u1D456,/u1D438)uni2032(var\n/u1D456. Hence we can apply\nCorollary 3.11 on the sequence /u1D438)uni2032(var\n/u1D456, and by Lemma 3.9and Lemma 3.10 the inequalities ( 4.5) pass to the limit.\nWithout loss of generality, we can further assume that\n(4.7) /u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)<(21∕/u1D45B−1)∕4.\nLet us consider the axis /u1D4651first. Thanks to ( 4.6), by [ Mag12 , Theorem 18.11] (see also [ FMP08 , Theorem 6.1])\nwe deduce that\n/u1D463/u1D438(/u1D461) ∶=/u1D45B−1({/u1D465)uni2032(var∈ℝ/u1D45B−1∶ (/u1D461,/u1D465)uni2032(var) ∈/u1D438}) for/u1D461∈ℝ\nbelongs to/u1D44A1,1(ℝ), hence we may assume that /u1D463/u1D438is continuous. Setting\n/u1D438−\n/u1D461∶= {/u1D465∈/u1D438∶/u1D4651/u1D461})+/u1D463/u1D438(/u1D461),\nwhere/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438,{/u1D4651>/u1D461})is defined analogously. Let us now define the function /u1D454∶ℝ→[0,+∞) given by\n/u1D454(/u1D461) ∶=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438−\n/u1D461/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜.\nHence/u1D454is a nondecreasing /u1D4361function with /u1D454)uni2032(var(/u1D461) =/u1D463/u1D438(/u1D461)∕/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜. Let−∞≤/u1D44E 0.14 GIULIO PASCALE AND MARCO POZZETTA\nLet\n/u1D70F1= max/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟3\n/u1D461∈ (/u1D44E,/u1D4611] ∶/u1D463/u1D438(/u1D461)≤/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)\n2/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3\n,\n/u1D70F2= min/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟3\n/u1D461∈ [/u1D4612,/u1D44F) ∶/u1D463/u1D438(/u1D461)≤/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)\n2/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3\n.\nNote that/u1D70F1and/u1D70F2are well defined since /u1D463/u1D438is continuous and /u1D463/u1D438(/u1D461)→0as/u1D461→/u1D44Eor/u1D461→/u1D44F; moreover, by ( 4.11)\nand ( 4.13),/u1D463/u1D438(/u1D70F1) =/u1D463/u1D438(/u1D70F2) =/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)\n2. Moreover, from ( 4.12) and by definition of /u1D70F1, we have\n/u1D4611−/u1D70F1≤2\n/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)/uni222B.dsp/u1D4611\n/u1D70F1/u1D463/u1D438(/u1D461)d/u1D461=2\n/u1D45B/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)/uni222B.dsp/u1D4611\n/u1D70F1/u1D454)uni2032(var(/u1D461)d/u1D461≤2/u1D454(/u1D4611)\n/u1D45B/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)≤2\n/u1D45B(21∕/u1D45B−1),\nand an analogous estimate holds for /u1D70F2−/u1D4612.\nWe consider the truncation ̃/u1D438∶=/u1D438∩ {/u1D465∶/u1D70F1< /u1D4651< /u1D70F2}. From the above estimate and ( 4.14), we have\nthat/u1D70F2−/u1D70F1< /u1D6FD for some/u1D6FD=/u1D6FD(/u1D45B)>0. Moreover by ( 4.8) and ( 4.12), by the definition of /u1D70F1,/u1D70F2, and since\n/u1D443(/u1D438,{/u1D4651< /u1D70F1,/u1D4651> /u1D70F2})≥/u1D706/u1D45B−1(/u1D715∗/u1D438∩/u1D715/u1D43B∩ {/u1D4651< /u1D70F1,/u1D4651> /u1D70F2})(see the proof of Corollary 2.4) we can\nestimate\n(4.15) /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜̃/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≥/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3\n1−2/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)\n21∕/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3\n, /u1D443/u1D706(̃/u1D438)≤/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)+/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438).\nWe finally define\n/u1D70E∶=/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜̃/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟31∕/u1D45B\n, /u1D438)uni2032(var∶=/u1D70Ẽ/u1D438.\nClearly,/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜and by ( 4.15) we get that /u1D438)uni2032(varis contained in a strip {/u1D70F)uni2032(var\n10. Let us now show that /u1D438)uni2032(varsatisfies ( 4.5) for a suitable constant /u1D4361=/u1D4361(/u1D45B,/u1D706)>0that\nmay change from line to line. To this aim, since we are assumin g/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)small by ( 4.7), from ( 4.15) we get that\n1≤/u1D70E≤1+/u1D4360/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438), with/u1D4360=/u1D4360(/u1D45B). Thus, from ( 4.15) and ( 4.7), we get\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var) =/u1D70E/u1D45B−1/u1D443/u1D706(̃/u1D438)≤/u1D70E/u1D45B−1(/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)+/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438))\n=/u1D70E/u1D45B−1/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706)(1+2/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438))≤/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706)(1+/u1D4361/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)).\nHence, the second inequality in ( 4.5) follows. To prove the first inequality, let us denote by /u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D45D), with\n/u1D45D∈/u1D715/u1D43B, a spherical cap such that /u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var) =/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(varΔ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D45D)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜. From the first inequality in ( 4.15), recalling that\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜, we then get\n/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D45D∕/u1D70E)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ̃/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜̃/u1D438Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∕/u1D70E/u1D45B,/u1D45D∕/u1D70E)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∕/u1D70E/u1D45B,/u1D45D∕/u1D70E)Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D45D∕/u1D70E)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438⧵̃/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var)\n/u1D70E/u1D45B+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)⧵/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∕/u1D70E/u1D45B)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n(4.15)\n≤/u1D4361/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)+/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var)+/u1D4361(/u1D70E−1)\n≤/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var)+/u1D4361/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438).\nThus the set /u1D438)uni2032(varsatisfies ( 4.5) and points in /u1D438)uni2032(varhave first coordinate contained in an interval of length boun ded by\n/u1D459)uni2032(var.\nStarting from /u1D438)uni2032(var, we can repeat the same construction finitely many times with respect to the axes /u1D4652,…,/u1D465/u1D45B−1,\nthus getting a new set, still denoted by /u1D438)uni2032(var, satisfying ( 4.5).\nIt remains to adapt the construction with respect to the coor dinate axis/u1D465/u1D45B. In this case we eventually aim at\ntruncating the set /u1D438)uni2032(varin some controlled slab of the form {00. It is readily checked that, arguing as above, one estimates\n(4.16) ̄ /u1D463(/u1D461)≥1\n2/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D713(̄ /u1D454(/u1D461))−/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n,QUANTITATIVE ISOPERIMETRIC INEQUALITIES FOR CLASSICAL CA PILLARITY PROBLEMS 15\nwhich is analogous to ( 4.9), for any/u1D461such that̄ /u1D454(/u1D461) ∈ (0,1). Similarly as before, we define 0<̄/u1D4611<̄/u1D4612such that\n̄ /u1D454(̄/u1D4611) = 1−̄ /u1D454(̄/u1D4612)and/u1D713(̄ /u1D454(̄/u1D4611)) =/u1D713(̄ /u1D454(̄/u1D4612)) = 2/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var). Therefore, using ( 4.16) and the concavity of /u1D713, arguing as\nbefore one estimates\n(4.17) ̄ /u1D463(/u1D461)≥/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n4/u1D713(̄ /u1D454(/u1D461)) ∀ /u1D461∈ [̄/u1D4611,̄/u1D4612],\nwhich is analogous to ( 4.13).\nLet\n/u1D434∶=1\n2/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟4/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3/u1D714/u1D45B\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟31\n/u1D45B\n−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟4\n>0.\nWe claim that there exists ̄ /u1D700=̄ /u1D700(/u1D45B,/u1D706)>0such that if/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)< ̄ /u1D700then\n(4.18) ̄ /u1D463(/u1D461)≥/u1D434\n2for a.e./u1D461∈ (0,̄/u1D4611).\nIndeed, since /u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var)≤/u1D4361/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)and/u1D713(̄ /u1D454(̄/u1D4611)) = 2/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var), then for any /u1D714>0there is̄ /u1D700=̄ /u1D700(/u1D45B,/u1D706)>0such that\n̄ /u1D454(̄/u1D4611)0there exists̄/u1D6FF=̄/u1D6FF(/u1D45B,/u1D706,̄ /u1D700)>0such that if/u1D438 ⊆ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B\nis a Borel set such that /u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)≤̄/u1D6FF, then/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)≤̄ /u1D700.\nProof. By scale-invariance of the asymmetry and of the deficit, it is sufficient to prove the claim assuming also\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜. We argue by contradiction. Suppose there exist a number ̄ /u1D700 >0and a sequence of sets {/u1D438/u1D456}/u1D456, with\n/u1D438/u1D456⊆ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Band/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜, such that/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D456)<1\n/u1D456and/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D456)> ̄ /u1D700for all/u1D456∈ℕ. Let us consider the sequence\nof sets{/u1D438)uni2032(var\n/u1D456}/u1D456, with/u1D438)uni2032(var\n/u1D456⊂ /u1D444/u1D459∩ (ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)and/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var\n/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜, given by Lemma 4.2. Moreover the Lemma assures\nthat/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var\n/u1D456)> ̄ /u1D700∕2for large/u1D456, and/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var\n/u1D456)→0. Since each set /u1D438)uni2032(var\n/u1D456is contained in the same /u1D444/u1D459, by Corollary 3.11\nwe can assume, up to a subsequence, that /u1D438)uni2032(var\n/u1D456/u1D43F1\n/uni2190.x /uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x/uni2190.x →/u1D438)uni2032(varfor some set /u1D438)uni2032(varof finite perimeter with /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜. By the\nlower semicontinuity of the perimeters we get /u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var)≤/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706), hence/u1D438)uni2032(var=/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D465)for some/u1D465∈/u1D715/u1D43B∩/u1D444/u1D459\nby uniqueness of minimizers. The convergence of /u1D438)uni2032(var\n/u1D456to/u1D438)uni2032(varimplies that /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var\n/u1D456Δ/u1D438)uni2032(var/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜→0, against the assumption\n/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var\n/u1D456)>̄ /u1D700\n2. /square16 GIULIO PASCALE AND MARCO POZZETTA\nCorollary 4.4. There exist/u1D434/u1D706,/u1D447/u1D706,/u1D702 >0depending on /u1D45B,/u1D706such that for any set of finite perimeter /u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B\nwith/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x≤/u1D702and/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)≤/u1D702there holds\n/u1D45B−1(/u1D438∩{/u1D465/u1D45B=/u1D461})≥/u1D434/u1D706,\nfor almost every /u1D461∈ (0,/u1D447/u1D706).\nProof. Let us prove the inequality assuming /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜first. Fix/u1D447)uni2032(var\n/u1D706>0such that\n/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3/u1D714/u1D45B\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟31\n/u1D45B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟4\n1−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,0)∩{/u1D465/u1D45B0. By Corollary 4.3, for any/u1D714 >0there is/u1D702 >0such that if/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)< /u1D702then/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438∩{/u1D465/u1D45B< /u1D447)uni2032(var\n/u1D706}/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,0)∩{/u1D465/u1D45B0the right hand side in the previous estimate is bounded below by some constant\n/u1D434)uni2032(var\n/u1D706(/u1D45B,/u1D706)>0.\nFor a generic set /u1D438such that /u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x≤/u1D702and/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)≤/u1D702, the set/u1D438)uni2032(var=/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜1\n/u1D45B∕/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜1\n/u1D45B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n/u1D438has measure equal\nto/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜and deficit/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var)≤/u1D702. Up to decreasing /u1D702 >0, applying the first part of the proof to /u1D438)uni2032(var, the desired\nestimate holds on /u1D438for/u1D447/u1D706=/u1D447)uni2032(var\n/u1D706∕2and/u1D434/u1D706=/u1D434)uni2032(var\n/u1D706∕2. /square\n4.2. Reduction to (/u1D45B− 1)-symmetric sets. In this section we prove that, in order to prove Theorem 1.1, it is\nsufficient to further reduce to show ( 1.6) among(/u1D45B−1)-symmetric sets, i.e., sets which are symmetric with respec t\nto reflection across /u1D45B−1orthogonal hyperplanes, each one orthogonal to {/u1D465/u1D45B= 0} . The results are analogous to\n[Mag08 , Section 6].\nLemma 4.5. Let/u1D438 ⊆ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bbe a Borel set with finite measure, symmetric with respect to /u1D458∈ {1,…,/u1D45B− 1}\northogonal half-hyperplanes /u1D43B/u1D457=/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟1/u1D465∈ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B∶/u⎪⎫27E8.⎟1/u1D465,/u1D708/u1D457/u⎪⎫27E9.⎟1= 0/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1for1≤/u1D457≤/u1D458, where/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D708/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜= 1and/u⎪⎫27E8.⎟1/u1D708/u1D457,/u1D452/u1D45B/u⎪⎫27E9.⎟1= 0\nfor any1≤/u1D457≤/u1D458. Then\n(4.22) min\n/u1D465∈/u1D715/u1D43B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D465)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤min\n/u1D466∈/u1D715/u1D43B∩⋂/u1D458\n/u1D457=1/u1D43B/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤3 min\n/u1D465∈/u1D715/u1D43B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D465)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜.\nProof. We can suppose for simplicity that ∀/u1D457∈ {1,…,/u1D458}we have/u1D708/u1D457=/u1D452/u1D457. If/u1D4650= (/u1D4650\n1,…,/u1D4650\n/u1D45B−1,0)is such that\n/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)is achieved by /u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D4650), then/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)is achieved also by /u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜, ̄ /u1D4650), wherē /u1D4650= (−/u1D4650\n1,…,−/u1D4650\n/u1D458,/u1D4650\n/u1D458+1,…,\n/u1D4650\n/u1D45B−1,0). Since/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D4650)Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D4650)Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,̄ /u1D4650)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜we have\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D435/u1D706/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D4650/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D4650/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D435/u1D706/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D4650/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D4650/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1Δ/u1D435/u1D706/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,̄ /u1D4650/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D435/u1D706/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D4650/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D4650/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\nΔ/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D435/u1D706/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,̄ /u1D4650/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n= 3/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D435/u1D706/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D4650/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜. /square\nGiven a Borel set /u1D438 ⊆ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bwith finite measure and a unit vector /u1D708with⟨/u1D708,/u1D452/u1D45B⟩= 0, we denote by /u1D43B+\n/u1D708=\n{/u1D465∈ℝ/u1D45B∶⟨/u1D465,/u1D708⟩>/u1D461}an open half-space orthogonal to /u1D708where/u1D461∈ℝis chosen in such a way that\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438∩/u1D43B+\n/u1D708/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n2.\nWe also denote by /u1D45F/u1D708∶ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B→ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bthe reflection with respect to /u1D43B/u1D708∶=/u1D715/u1D43B+\n/u1D708, and by/u1D43B−\n/u1D708∶=/u1D45F/u1D708(/u1D43B+\n/u1D708)the\nopen half-space complementary to /u1D43B+\n/u1D708. Finally we write /u1D438±\n/u1D708∶=/u1D438∩/u1D43B±\n/u1D708.\nObserve that\n(4.23) /u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438±\n/u1D708∪/u1D45F/u1D708(/u1D438±\n/u1D708))≤2/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438).QUANTITATIVE ISOPERIMETRIC INEQUALITIES FOR CLASSICAL CA PILLARITY PROBLEMS 17\nIndeed\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438±\n/u1D708∪/u1D45F/u1D708(/u1D438±\n/u1D708))−/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜))≤2/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)−/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438∓\n/u1D708∪/u1D45F/u1D708(/u1D438∓\n/u1D708))−/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜))\n= 2(/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)−/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)))+/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜))−/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438∓\n/u1D708∪/u1D45F/u1D708(/u1D438∓\n/u1D708))\n≤2(/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)−/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜))),\nwhere in the last inequality we used the isoperimetric inequ ality of Theorem 3.5.\nLemma 4.6. There exist ̄/u1D4362,̄/u1D6FF2>0depending on /u1D45B,/u1D706such that, if/u1D438 ⊆ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bis a Borel set with finite measure\nsuch that/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)≤̄/u1D6FF2, and if/u1D7081and/u1D7082are two orthogonal vectors, with ⟨/u1D708/u1D456,/u1D452/u1D45B⟩= 0, such that/u1D43B/u1D7081and/u1D43B/u1D7082divide\n/u1D438in four parts of equal measure, then there exist /u1D456∈ {1,2}and/u1D460∈ {+,−}such that, setting /u1D438)uni2032(var=/u1D438/u1D460\n/u1D708/u1D456∪/u1D45F/u1D708/u1D456(/u1D438/u1D460\n/u1D708/u1D456),\nthere holds\n(4.24) /u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)≤̄/u1D4362/u1D6FC(/u1D438)uni2032(var).\nProof. By scale-invariance of Fraenkel asymmetry, it is sufficient t o prove the claim assuming also /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜. If\n/u1D456∈ {1,2}and/u1D460∈ {+,−}, let/u1D438)uni2032(var/u1D460\n/u1D708/u1D456denote the sets obtained by reflecting /u1D438/u1D460\n/u1D708/u1D456along/u1D43B/u1D708/u1D456and let/u1D435/u1D706,/u1D460\n/u1D456=/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D465/u1D460\n/u1D456)\nbe four spherical caps such that\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var/u1D460\n/u1D708/u1D456Δ/u1D435/u1D706,/u1D460\n/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜= min\n/u1D465∈/u1D43B/u1D708/u1D456∩/u1D715/u1D43B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var/u1D460\n/u1D708/u1D456Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D465)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜.\nFor/u1D456= 1,2, by the triangular inequality we have\nmin\n/u1D465∈/u1D715/u1D43B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D465)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D435/u1D706,+\n/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜(/u1D438Δ/u1D435/u1D706,+\n/u1D456)∩/u1D43B+\n/u1D708/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜(/u1D438Δ/u1D435/u1D706,+\n/u1D456)∩/u1D43B−\n/u1D708/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜(/u1D438Δ/u1D435/u1D706,+\n/u1D456)∩/u1D43B+\n/u1D708/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜(/u1D438Δ/u1D435/u1D706,−\n/u1D456)∩/u1D43B−\n/u1D708/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜(/u1D435/u1D706,+\n/u1D456Δ/u1D435/u1D706,−\n/u1D456)∩/u1D43B−\n/u1D708/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n=1\n2/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var+\n/u1D708/u1D456Δ/u1D435/u1D706,+\n/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+1\n2/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var−\n/u1D708/u1D456Δ/u1D435/u1D706,−\n/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+1\n2/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706,+\n/u1D456Δ/u1D435/u1D706,−\n/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜.(4.25)\nOnce we show that if /u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)is sufficiently small then there exists /u1D450/u1D45B,/u1D706>0such that at least one the following\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706,+\n1Δ/u1D435/u1D706,−\n1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤2/u1D450/u1D45B,/u1D706/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var+\n/u1D7081Δ/u1D435/u1D706,+\n1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var−\n/u1D7081Δ/u1D435/u1D706,−\n1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706,+\n2Δ/u1D435/u1D706,−\n2/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤2/u1D450/u1D45B,/u1D706/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var+\n/u1D7082Δ/u1D435/u1D706,+\n2/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var−\n/u1D7082Δ/u1D435/u1D706,−\n2/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2 (4.26)\nholds, then we soon conclude the proof. Indeed, assume for ex ample that the first inequality in ( 4.26) holds. Then,\nfrom ( 4.22) and ( 4.25) with/u1D456= 1, we get\nmin\n/u1D465∈/u1D715/u1D43B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D465)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜(4.25)\n≤(/u1D450/u1D45B,/u1D706+1∕2)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var+\n/u1D7081Δ/u1D435/u1D706,+\n1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var−\n/u1D7081Δ/u1D435/u1D706,−\n1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n(4.22)\n≤3(/u1D450/u1D45B,/u1D706+1∕2)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2\nmin\n/u1D465∈/u1D715/u1D43B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var+\n/u1D7081Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D465)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+ min\n/u1D465∈/u1D715/u1D43B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var−\n/u1D7081Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D465)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n,\nthus proving ( 4.24) with̄/u1D4362= 6(/u1D450/u1D45B,/u1D706+1∕2) and/u1D438)uni2032(varequal to/u1D438)uni2032(var+\n/u1D7081or/u1D438)uni2032(var−\n/u1D7081.\nObserve that, given ̃ /u1D700 >0, Corollary 4.3, (4.22) and ( 4.23) imply that there exists ̄/u1D6FF2(/u1D45B,/u1D706)>0such that if\n/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)<̄/u1D6FF2then\n(4.27) max⎧\n⎪\n⎨\n⎪⎩/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438),/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var±\n/u1D708/u1D456Δ/u1D435/u1D706,±\n/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∶/u1D456= 1,2⎫\n⎪\n⎬\n⎪⎭< ̃ /u1D700.\nThanks to ( 4.27), we can show that the caps /u1D435/u1D706,±\n/u1D456get closer and closer to the optimal ones for /u1D438, as̄/u1D6FF2decreases.\nIndeed, let us assume by contradiction that there exists /u1D702 >0such that for every /u1D457∈ℕthere exist/u1D438/u1D457, with\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457)<1\n/u1D457, with/u1D435/u1D706\n/u1D457∶=/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D465/u1D457)realizing the asymmetry of /u1D438/u1D457, but for/u1D456∈ {1,2}and\n/u1D460∈ {+,−}, if/u1D435/u1D706,/u1D460\n/u1D456,/u1D457∶=/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D465/u1D460\n/u1D456,/u1D457)is such that\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var/u1D460\n/u1D457,/u1D708/u1D457\n/u1D456Δ/u1D435/u1D706,/u1D460\n/u1D456,/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜= min\n/u1D465∈/u1D43B/u1D708/u1D457\n/u1D456∩/u1D715/u1D43B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var/u1D460\n/u1D457,/u1D708/u1D457\n/u1D456Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D465)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,\nwhere/u1D438)uni2032(var/u1D460\n/u1D457,/u1D708/u1D457\n/u1D456is given by reflections of truncations of /u1D438/u1D457along orthogonal subspaces /u1D43B/u1D708/u1D457\n1,/u1D43B/u1D708/u1D457\n2, then/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465/u1D460\n/u1D456,/u1D457−/u1D465/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜>/u1D702\nfor some/u1D456∈ {1,2},/u1D460∈ {+,−}and any/u1D457. Without loss of generality we can assume that that /u1D456= 1and/u1D460= +.18 GIULIO PASCALE AND MARCO POZZETTA\nLet us translate every set in the above contradiction assump tion by−/u1D465/u1D457. Without relabeling the objects involved,\nup to subsequences, we have that /u1D438/u1D457→/u1D435/u1D706\n0∶=/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,0)in/u1D43F1. We can show that /u1D438)uni2032(var+\n/u1D457,/u1D708/u1D457\n1→/u1D435/u1D706\n0as well. Indeed,\nup to a rotation we can further assume that\n/u1D43B/u1D708/u1D457\n1=/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟1(/u1D44E/u1D457,0,…,0)+/u1D452⟂\n1/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1, /u1D708/u1D457\n1=/u1D4521,∀/u1D457,\nwith/u1D44E/u1D457∈ℝ. By the definition of /u1D43B/u1D708/u1D457\n1, we have\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n2=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n2=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D457∩{/u1D4651>/u1D44E/u1D457}/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜.\nThen{/u1D44E/u1D457}is bounded and, up to subsequence, converges to /u1D44E∞= 0because, if/u1D44E∞≠0, then\n/u1D438/u1D457∩{/u1D4651>/u1D44E/u1D457}→/u1D435/u1D706\n0∩{/u1D4651>/u1D44E∞}\nwith/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u1D435/u1D706\n0∩{/u1D4651>/u1D44E∞}/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x≠/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n2. In particular /u1D438)uni2032(var+\n/u1D457,/u1D708/u1D457\n1→/u1D435/u1D706\n0. Finally by ( 4.27)\ñ /u1D700/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≥lim\n/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u1D438)uni2032(var+\n/u1D457,/u1D708/u1D457\n1Δ/u1D435/u1D706,+\n1,/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x≥min\n/u1D465∈/u1D715/u1D43B,/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≥/u1D702/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟1\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D465)Δ/u1D435/u1D706\n0/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n=∶/u1D436(/u1D702)>0.\nBut for/u1D457sufficiently large, since /u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457)→0, by ( 4.27) we can choose ̃ /u1D700such that̃ /u1D700/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜< /u1D436(/u1D702)∕2, getting a\ncontradiction.\nWe observe that for ̃ /u1D700>0sufficiently small, that is for ̄/u1D6FF2>0sufficiently small, there exists /u1D450/u1D45B,/u1D706>0such that\nfor all possible choices of /u1D460,/u1D461∈ {+,−}there holds\n(4.28) /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜(/u1D435/u1D706,/u1D460\n1Δ/u1D435/u1D706,/u1D461\n2)∩(/u1D43B/u1D460\n/u1D7081∩/u1D43B/u1D461\n/u1D7082)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜>/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706,/u1D460\n1Δ/u1D435/u1D706,/u1D461\n2/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u1D450/u1D45B,/u1D706.\nWe only sketch the argument for ( 4.28). Letting/u1D444∶= (/u1D43B/u1D460\n/u1D7081∩/u1D43B/u1D461\n/u1D7082)and/u1D4351(ℎ) ∶=/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,ℎ/u1D465/u1D460\n1),/u1D4352(ℎ) ∶=\n/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,ℎ/u1D465/u1D461\n2)forℎ∈ [0,1], one can compute\nd\ndℎ/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x(/u1D4351(ℎ)Δ/u1D4352(ℎ))∩/u1D444/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x=/uni222B.dsp/u1D715/u1D4351(ℎ)∩/u1D4352(ℎ)∩/u1D444/u⎪⎫27E8.⎟1/u1D708/u1D4351(ℎ),/u1D465/u1D461\n2−/u1D465/u1D460\n1/u⎪⎫27E9.⎟1d/u1D45B−1+/uni222B.dsp/u1D715/u1D4352(ℎ)∩/u1D4351(ℎ)∩/u1D444/u⎪⎫27E8.⎟1/u1D708/u1D4352(ℎ),/u1D465/u1D460\n1−/u1D465/u1D461\n2/u⎪⎫27E9.⎟1d/u1D45B−1\n=/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟4\n/uni222B.dsp/u1D715/u1D4351(ℎ)∩/u1D4352(ℎ)∩/u1D444/u⎪⎫27E8.⎟4\n/u1D708/u1D4351(ℎ),/u1D465/u1D461\n2−/u1D465/u1D460\n1\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465/u1D460\n1−/u1D465/u1D461\n2/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫27E9.⎟4\n+/uni222B.dsp/u1D715/u1D4352(ℎ)∩/u1D4351(ℎ)∩/u1D444/u⎪⎫27E8.⎟4\n/u1D708/u1D4352(ℎ),/u1D465/u1D460\n1−/u1D465/u1D461\n2\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465/u1D460\n1−/u1D465/u1D461\n2/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫27E9.⎟4/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟4\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465/u1D460\n1−/u1D465/u1D461\n2/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n=/uni222B.dsp/u1D715(/u1D4351(ℎ)∩/u1D4352(ℎ))∩/u1D444/u⎪⎫27E8.⎟1\n/u1D708/u1D4351(ℎ)∩/u1D4352(ℎ),/u1D463/u1D460,/u1D461\n12/u⎪⎫27E9.⎟1\nd/u1D45B−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465/u1D460\n1−/u1D465/u1D461\n2/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n≥/u1D450/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465/u1D460\n1−/u1D465/u1D461\n2/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,\nwhere/u1D463/u1D460,/u1D461\n12is obviously defined, provided ̃ /u1D700is small enough, for some /u1D450=/u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)>0that will change from line to\nline. The last estimate follows since/u⎪⎫27E8.⎟1\n/u1D708/u1D4351(ℎ)∩/u1D4352(ℎ),/u1D463/u1D460,/u1D461\n12/u⎪⎫27E9.⎟1\n≥0pointwise and, for ̃ /u1D700small, centers /u1D465/u1D460\n1,/u1D465/u1D461\n2are so close\nthat/u⎪⎫27E8.⎟1\n/u1D708/u1D4351(ℎ)∩/u1D4352(ℎ),/u1D463/u1D460,/u1D461\n12/u⎪⎫27E9.⎟1\ncan be estimated from below by a positive constant on a set of /u1D45B−1-measure uniformly\nbounded from below away from zero. On the other hand one can es timate\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜(/u1D435/u1D706,/u1D460\n1Δ/u1D435/u1D706,/u1D461\n2)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/u1D450/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465/u1D460\n1−/u1D465/u1D461\n2/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜.\nHence\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜(/u1D435/u1D706,/u1D460\n1Δ/u1D435/u1D706,/u1D461\n2)∩(/u1D43B/u1D460\n/u1D7081∩/u1D43B/u1D461\n/u1D7082)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/uni222B.dsp1\n0d\ndℎ/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x(/u1D4351(ℎ)Δ/u1D4352(ℎ))∩/u1D444/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.xdℎ≥/u1D450/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465/u1D460\n1−/u1D465/u1D461\n2/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≥/u1D450/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜(/u1D435/u1D706,/u1D460\n1Δ/u1D435/u1D706,/u1D461\n2)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,\nand ( 4.28) follows.\nLetting\n/u1D4461= (/u1D435/u1D706,+\n1∩/u1D43B+\n/u1D7081)∪(/u1D435/u1D706,−\n1∩/u1D43B−\n/u1D7081), /u1D4462= (/u1D435/u1D706,+\n2∩/u1D43B+\n/u1D7082)∪(/u1D435/u1D706,−\n2∩/u1D43B−\n/u1D7082),\nwe deduce\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D4461Δ/u1D4462/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≥/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜(/u1D4461Δ/u1D4462)∩(/u1D43B/u1D460\n/u1D7081∩/u1D43B/u1D461\n/u1D7082)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜(/u1D435/u1D706,/u1D460\n1Δ/u1D435/u1D706,/u1D461\n2)∩(/u1D43B/u1D460\n/u1D7081∩/u1D43B/u1D461\n/u1D7082)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜>/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706,/u1D460\n1Δ/u1D435/u1D706,/u1D461\n2/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u1D450/u1D45B,/u1D706.\nIn particular we have\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706,+\n1Δ/u1D435/u1D706,−\n1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706,+\n1Δ/u1D435/u1D706,+\n2/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706,+\n2Δ/u1D435/u1D706,−\n1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜<2/u1D450/u1D45B,/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D4461Δ/u1D4462/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706,+\n2Δ/u1D435/u1D706,−\n2/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706,+\n2Δ/u1D435/u1D706,+\n1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706,+\n1Δ/u1D435/u1D706,−\n2/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜<2/u1D450/u1D45B,/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D4461Δ/u1D4462/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜.(4.29)QUANTITATIVE ISOPERIMETRIC INEQUALITIES FOR CLASSICAL CA PILLARITY PROBLEMS 19\nIf by contradiction ( 4.26) were false, then\n(4.30) /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var+\n/u1D7081Δ/u1D435/u1D706,+\n1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var−\n/u1D7081Δ/u1D435/u1D706,−\n1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜0depending on /u1D45B,/u1D706such that, if /u1D438is a\nBorel set with /u1D438 ⊆ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B,/u1D438 ⊆/u1D444/u1D459,/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜and/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)≤/u1D6FF2, there exists a Borel set /u1D439 ⊆ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B,/u1D439 ⊆/u1D4442/u1D459,\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜, symmetric with respect to /u1D45B−1orthogonal half-hyperplanes (each orthogonal to /u1D715/u1D43B) and such that\n/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)≤/u1D4362/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D439), /u1D437/u1D706(/u1D439)≤2/u1D45B−1/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438).\nProof. Let us define /u1D6FF2∶=̄/u1D6FF22−(/u1D45B−2), wherē/u1D6FF2is the constant appearing in Lemma 4.6. We can apply Lemma 4.6\n/u1D45B−2times to different pairs of orthogonal vectors in {/u1D4521,…,/u1D452/u1D45B−2}normal to corresponding pairs of affine hyper-\nplanes splitting the measure of /u1D438in two halves. Therefore, also recalling ( 4.23), we find an (/u1D45B−2)-symmetric set\n/u1D438)uni2032(varsuch that /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜and\n/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)≤̄/u1D436/u1D45B−2\n2/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var), /u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var)≤2/u1D45B−2/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438).\nTo perform the last symmetrization, let us consider a half-h yperplane/u1D43B/u1D45B−1orthogonal to /u1D452/u1D45B−1and dividing /u1D438)uni2032(varinto\ntwo parts of equal measure. For simplicity let us assume that /u1D43B/u1D45B−1= {/u1D465/u1D45B−1= 0}⧵/u1D43B. We denote by /u1D438)uni2032(var+(resp.\n/u1D438)uni2032(var−) the set obtained by the union of /u1D438)uni2032(var∩{/u1D465/u1D45B−1>0}(resp./u1D438)uni2032(var∩{/u1D465/u1D45B−1<0}) with its reflection along /u1D43B/u1D45B−1. By\n(4.23) we have\n/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var±)≤2/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var)≤2/u1D45B−1/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438).\nRegarding the asymmetry of /u1D438)uni2032(var±note that since /u1D438)uni2032(varis symmetric with respect to the first /u1D45B−2coordinate hyper-\nplanes,/u1D438)uni2032(var+and/u1D438)uni2032(var−are(/u1D45B−1)-symmetric. By Lemma 4.5we get\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var)≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(varΔ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜(/u1D438)uni2032(varΔ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜))∩{/u1D465/u1D45B−1>0}/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜(/u1D438)uni2032(varΔ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜))∩{/u1D465/u1D45B−1<0}/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n=1\n2/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var+Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438)uni2032(var−Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n≤3/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n2/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2\n/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var+)+/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var−)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n.\nTherefore at least one of the sets /u1D438)uni2032(var+,/u1D438)uni2032(var−has asymmetry greater than1\n3/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var)and, denoting by /u1D439this set, we\nhave\n/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D439)≤2/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var)≤2/u1D45B−1/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)\n/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)≤̄/u1D436/u1D45B−2\n2/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)uni2032(var)≤3̄/u1D436/u1D45B−2\n2/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D439).\nFinally, the inclusion /u1D439 ⊂ /u1D4442/u1D459follows since /u1D439was obtained by performing reflections of /u1D438 ⊂ /u1D444/u1D459along affine\nhyperplanes of the form {/u1D465/u1D457=/u1D44E/u1D457}for/u1D457= 1,…,/u1D45B−1with/u1D44E/u1D457∈ (−/u1D459,/u1D459). /square\n4.3. Reduction to Schwarz-symmetric sets. In this section we observe that, in order to prove Theorem 1.1, it is\nsufficient to further reduce to show ( 1.6) just among Schwarz-symmetric sets. The proof is analogous to [Fus15 ,\nProposition 4.9].\nLemma 4.8 (Reduction to Schwarz-symmetric sets) .There exists/u1D4363=/u1D4363(/u1D45B,/u1D706)>0such that the following holds.\nLet/u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bbe a set of finite perimeter with /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜. Suppose that /u1D438is symmetric with respect to the\ncoordinate hyerplanes {/u1D4651= 0},…,{/u1D465/u1D45B−1= 0} and that\n/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)<1, /u1D438 ⊂/u1D4442/u1D459,\nwhere/u1D459=/u1D459(/u1D45B,/u1D706)is as in in Lemma 4.2. Then\n(4.31) /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D438∗/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/u1D4363√\n/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438) and/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438∗)≤/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438),\nwhere/u1D438∗denotes the Schwarz symmetrization of /u1D438with respect to the /u1D45B-th axis.20 GIULIO PASCALE AND MARCO POZZETTA\nProof. The second inequality in ( 4.31) follows from the fact /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438∗/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜and/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438∗)≤/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438). Exploiting Lemma\n2.3, we may assume\n(4.32) /u1D45B−1({/u1D465∈/u1D715∗/u1D438⧵/u1D43B∶/u1D708/u1D438(/u1D465) = ±/u1D452/u1D45B}) = 0,\nand thus that /u1D463/u1D438∈/u1D44A1,1(ℝ). Indeed, if/u1D438/u1D456is given by Lemma 2.3and the claim is proved for /u1D438/u1D456, by the contractivity\nof Schwartz rearrangement ([ Mag12 , Exercise 19.14]), for every ̃ /u1D700>0and with/u1D456sufficiently large, we get\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D438∗/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D438/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D456Δ/u1D438∗\n/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438∗\n/u1D456Δ/u1D438∗/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n≤2/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D438/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D456Δ/u1D438∗\n/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n≤2̃ /u1D700+/u1D4363√\n/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D456),\nand the last term tends to /u1D4363√\n/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)as/u1D456→∞.\nFor1-a.e./u1D461∈ (0,∞)denote\n/u1D463/u1D438(/u1D461) ∶=/u1D45B−1({/u1D465)uni2032(var∈ℝ/u1D45B−1∶ (/u1D465)uni2032(var,/u1D461) ∈/u1D438}),\n/u1D45D/u1D438(/u1D461) ∶=/u1D45B−2(/u1D715∗{/u1D465)uni2032(var∈ℝ/u1D45B−1∶ (/u1D465)uni2032(var,/u1D461) ∈/u1D438}),\nand employ analogous notation for /u1D438∗. Since/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D715∗/u1D438∩/u1D715/u1D43B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D715∗/u1D438∗∩/u1D715/u1D43B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜, we get\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)−/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706)≥/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)−/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438∗) =/u1D443(/u1D438,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)−/u1D443(/u1D438∗,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B).\nIt is therefore possible to reproduce the computation in [ Fus15 , Proposition 4.9] verbatim up to [ Fus15 , Eq. (4.29)]\nto estimate the right hand side in the last equation from belo w. We include the computation for the convenience of\nthe reader. By [ Mag12 , Theorem 19.11, (19.30)] one has\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)−/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706)≥/u1D443(/u1D438,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)−/u1D443(/u1D438∗,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)≥/uni222B.dsp∞\n0/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3/u⎪⎫221A.⎟1\n/u1D45D2\n/u1D438+/u1D463)uni2032(var2\n/u1D438−/u⎪⎫221A.⎟1\n/u1D45D2\n/u1D438∗+/u1D463)uni2032(var2\n/u1D438/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3\nd/u1D461\n=/uni222B.dsp∞\n0/u1D45D2\n/u1D438−/u1D45D2\n/u1D438∗/u⎪⎫221A.⎟1\n/u1D45D2\n/u1D438+/u1D463)uni2032(var2\n/u1D438+/u⎪⎫221A.⎟1\n/u1D45D2\n/u1D438∗+/u1D463)uni2032(var2\n/u1D438d/u1D461≥/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3\n/uni222B.dsp∞\n0/u⎪⎫221A.⎟1\n/u1D45D2\n/u1D438−/u1D45D2\n/u1D438∗d/u1D461/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟321\n∫∞\n0/u⎪⎫221A.⎟1\n/u1D45D2\n/u1D438+/u1D463)uni2032(var2\n/u1D438+/u⎪⎫221A.⎟1\n/u1D45D2\n/u1D438∗+/u1D463)uni2032(var2\n/u1D438d/u1D461\n≥/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3\n/uni222B.dsp∞\n0/u⎪⎫221A.⎟1\n/u1D45D2\n/u1D438−/u1D45D2\n/u1D438∗d/u1D461/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟321\n/u1D443(/u1D438,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)+/u1D443(/u1D438∗,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)\n≥/u1D450(/u1D706)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3\n/uni222B.dsp∞\n0/u⎪⎫221A.⎟1\n/u1D45D2\n/u1D438−/u1D45D2\n/u1D438∗d/u1D461/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟321\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)+/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438∗),\nwhere in the last inequality we used Corollary 2.4. Since/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)<1and/u1D45D/u1D438≥/u1D45D/u1D438∗, we have/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438∗)≤/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)≤\n2/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706)and\n√\n/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)≥/u1D450/uni222B.dsp∞\n0/u⎪⎫221A.⎟1\n/u1D45D2\n/u1D438−/u1D45D2\n/u1D438∗d/u1D461=/u1D450/uni222B.dsp∞\n0√\n/u1D45D/u1D438+/u1D45D/u1D438∗√/u1D45D/u1D438∗/u⎪⎫221A.⎟2/u1D45D/u1D438−/u1D45D/u1D438∗\n/u1D45D/u1D438∗d/u1D461\n≥√\n2/u1D450/uni222B.dsp∞\n0/u1D45D/u1D438∗/u⎪⎫221A.⎟2/u1D45D/u1D438−/u1D45D/u1D438∗\n/u1D45D/u1D438∗d/u1D461,(4.33)\nfor some constant /u1D450=/u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)>0changing from line to line. Note that (/u1D438∗)/u1D461is a(/u1D45B−1)-dimensional ball with the\nsame/u1D45B−1measure of/u1D438/u1D461. Then the quantity\n/u1D45D/u1D438(/u1D461)−/u1D45D/u1D438∗(/u1D461)\n/u1D45D/u1D438∗(/u1D461)\nis the classical isoperimetric deficit in ℝ/u1D45B−1of/u1D438/u1D461with respect to the standard perimeter. By the quantitative\nisoperimetric inequality in ℝ/u1D45B−1[FMP08 ], the fact that /u1D438/u1D461is/u1D45B−1symmetric with (/u1D438∗)/u1D461centered at the center of\nsymmetry of /u1D438/u1D461and Lemma 4.5, we have\n/u1D45B−1(/u1D438/u1D461Δ/u1D438∗\n/u1D461)\n/u1D45B−1((/u1D438∗)/u1D461)≤/u1D450(/u1D45B)/u⎪⎫221A.⎟3\n/u1D45D/u1D438(/u1D461)−/u1D45D/u1D438∗(/u1D461)\n/u1D45D/u1D438∗(/u1D461).\nBy (4.33) and the inclusion /u1D438 ⊂/u1D4442/u1D459we conclude\n√\n/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)≥/u1D450/uni222B.dsp∞\n0/u1D45D/u1D438∗(/u1D461)\n/u1D45B−1((/u1D438∗)/u1D461)/u1D45B−1(/u1D438/u1D461Δ/u1D438∗\n/u1D461)d/u1D461≥/u1D450\n/u1D459/uni222B.dsp∞\n0/u1D45B−1(/u1D438/u1D461Δ/u1D438∗\n/u1D461)d/u1D461=/u1D450\n/u1D459/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D438∗/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜.\n/squareQUANTITATIVE ISOPERIMETRIC INEQUALITIES FOR CLASSICAL CA PILLARITY PROBLEMS 21\nPutting together Lemma 4.2, Lemma 4.7and Lemma 4.8, one immediately gets the following corollary.\nCorollary 4.9. There exist/u1D6FF4,̃/u1D459>0depending on /u1D45B,/u1D706such that for every 00such that the following holds. Let /u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bbe a connected\nbounded open set. Suppose that /u1D438has Lipschitz boundary and that /u1D715/u1D438∩{/u1D465/u1D45B≥0}is a hypersurface of class /u1D4361\nwith boundary.\nThen there exists a 1-Lipschitz convex function Ψ ∶ℝ/u1D45B→ℝof class/u1D4361,1such that ΔΨ≤/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜and such that\n∇Ψ(ℝ/u1D45B) = ∇Ψ(/u1D438) =/u1D435/u1D706up to negligible sets. Moreover, if /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜and/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)≤1, then\n(5.1)/uni222B.dsp/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∇2Ψ−id/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜d/u1D465≤̂/u1D436√\n/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)\n(5.2)/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438(1−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∇Ψ/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)d/u1D45B−1≤̂/u1D436/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438).\nProof. Let us assume first that /u1D715/u1D438⧵/u1D715/u1D43Bis a smooth hypersurface with smooth boundary intersecting /u1D715/u1D43Borthog-\nonally. Let/u1D462∶/u1D438→ℝbe a solution of ( 3.4) and(/u1D43E/u1D456)/u1D456∈ℕa sequence of compact convex sets such that /u1D43E/u1D456⊂⊂̊/u1D43E/u1D456+1\nand∪/u1D456∈ℕ/u1D43E/u1D456=/u1D435/u1D706. We showed in the proof of Theorem 3.5that for any /u1D709∈/u1D435/u1D706the minimum of /u1D462(/u1D465) −⟨/u1D709,/u1D465⟩\ncannot be achieved on the boundary of /u1D438. Moreover, at any point /u1D465∈/u1D438such that ∇2/u1D462(/u1D465)≥0, it holds\n0≤∇2/u1D462(/u1D465)≤Δ/u1D462(/u1D465)id =/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜id.22 GIULIO PASCALE AND MARCO POZZETTA\nTherefore, recalling Remark 3.4, by Proposition 5.3we get that̄ /u1D462/u1D43E/u1D456is a sequence of 1-Lipschitz functions, being\nsuprema of 1-Lipschitz functions, that is uniformly bounded in /u1D4361,1on compact sets; hence up to subsequence it\nconverges to a limit function Ψin/u1D4361\nloc(ℝ/u1D45B). Since∇̄ /u1D462/u1D43E/u1D456(ℝ/u1D45B) = ∇̄ /u1D462/u1D43E/u1D456(/u1D438) =/u1D43E/u1D456, then∇Ψ(ℝ/u1D45B) = ∇Ψ(/u1D438) =/u1D435/u1D706,Ψis\na convex function of class /u1D4361,1, and writing the inequality Δ̄ /u1D462/u1D43E/u1D456≤/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜in the sense of distributions, one checks\nthat it readily passes to the limit as /u1D456→+∞for the function Ψ.\nTo prove that /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∇Ψ(/u1D438)Δ/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜= 0, let/u1D44D ⊂/u1D438 be a compact set and notice that\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∇̄ /u1D462/u1D43E/u1D456(/u1D438⧵/u1D44D)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/u1D450(/u1D45B,/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438))/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438⧵/u1D44D/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∇̄ /u1D462/u1D43E/u1D456(/u1D44D)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∇̄ /u1D462/u1D43E/u1D456(/u1D438⧵(/u1D438⧵/u1D44D))/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≥/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∇̄ /u1D462/u1D43E/u1D456(/u1D438)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∇̄ /u1D462/u1D43E/u1D456(/u1D438⧵/u1D44D)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D43E/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u1D450/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438⧵/u1D44D/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜.\nPassing to the limit we find\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∇Ψ(/u1D44D)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≥/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.xlimsup\n/u1D456∇̄ /u1D462/u1D43E/u1D456(/u1D44D)/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x≥limsup\n/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∇̄ /u1D462/u1D43E/u1D456(/u1D44D)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≥/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u1D450/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438⧵/u1D44D/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,\nhence letting /u1D44D↗/u1D438, we get that ∇Ψ(ℝ/u1D45B) = ∇Ψ(/u1D438) =/u1D435/u1D706up to negligible sets.\nSuppose now that /u1D438is a generic connected set as in the assumptions. If /u1D45B≥3we can apply the above argument\nto a sequence of sets /u1D438/u1D456approximating /u1D438given by Lemma 2.3, suitably modified connecting possibly disconnected\ncomponents with thin tubes vanishing in the limit. If /u1D45B= 2, then/u1D715/u1D438⧵/u1D715/u1D43Bis a union of /u1D4361curves, which thus can\nbe approximated by smooth ones touching /u1D715/u1D43Borthogonally preserving the connectedness of the set. Appl ying the\nfirst part of the proof on the approximating sequence /u1D438/u1D456we get a corresponding sequence of functions Ψ/u1D456uniformly\nbounded in/u1D4361,1on compact sets, hence converging in /u1D4361\nlocup to subsequence to a convex function Ψof class/u1D4361,1\nwithΔΨ≤/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)∕/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜. Moreover, since /u1D438has Lipschitz boundary, there exists a sequence of compact s ets/u1D44D/u1D457⊂/u1D438\nsuch that/u1D44D/u1D457⊂/u1D438/u1D456for any/u1D456≥/u1D456/u1D457and such that /u1D44D/u1D457↗/u1D438. Hence one can repeat the above argument with Ψ/u1D456,/u1D438,/u1D44D/u1D457\nin place of̄ /u1D462/u1D43E/u1D456,/u1D438,/u1D44D , respectively, to deduce that\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∇Ψ/u1D456(/u1D44D/u1D457)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≥/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u1D450(/u1D45B,/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D456))/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D456⧵/u1D44D/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≥/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u1D450(/u1D45B,/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438))/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D456⧵/u1D44D/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜.\nLetting/u1D456→∞first, and then /u1D457→∞, we get that ∇Ψ(ℝ/u1D45B) = ∇Ψ(/u1D438) =/u1D435/u1D706up to negligible sets.\nWe now prove ( 5.1) and ( 5.2). The symbol ̂/u1D436shall denote a positive constant depending on /u1D45B,/u1D706changing from\nline to line. By the area formula, the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality and the properties of Ψwe get\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∇Ψ(/u1D438)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/uni222B.dsp/u1D438det(∇2Ψ)d/u1D45B≤/uni222B.dsp/u1D438/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2ΔΨ\n/u1D45B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2/u1D45B\nd/u1D465≤/uni222B.dsp/u1D438/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)\n/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3/u1D45B\nd/u1D465=/uni222B.dsp/u1D438/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)\n/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3/u1D45B\nd/u1D465\n=/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3/u1D45B\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜= (1+/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438))/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜.(5.3)\nHence\n(5.4)/uni222B.dsp/u1D438/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)\n/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3/u1D45B\n−det(∇2Ψ)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3\nd/u1D465≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜(1+/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438))/u1D45B−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤̂/u1D436/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438).\nBy [Cin+22 , Lemma A.1] applied with /u1D45A=/u1D45B,/u1D7061= … =/u1D706/u1D45B= 1,(/u1D4651,…,/u1D465/u1D45B)equal to the eigenvalues of ∇2Ψ\nand/u1D450=/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)\n/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706)≥1, we obtain\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∇2Ψ−id/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜2≤2/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∇2Ψ−/u1D450id/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜2+2/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜(/u1D450−1)id/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜2≤̂/u1D436/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)\n/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3/u1D45B\n−det(∇2Ψ)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3\n+2/u1D45B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)−/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟32\n≤̂/u1D436/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)\n/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3/u1D45B\n−det(∇2Ψ)+/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)2/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3\n.(5.5)\nTherefore by ( 5.4) and ( 5.5) we get\n/uni222B.dsp/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∇2Ψ−id/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜2d/u1D465≤̂/u1D436/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438),\nwhich implies ( 5.1).\nArguing as in ( 5.3), by the divergence theorem we get\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/uni222B.dsp/u1D438/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2ΔΨ\n/u1D45B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2/u1D45B\nd/u1D465≤/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)/u1D45B−1\n/u1D45B/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D45B−1/uni222B.dsp/u1D438ΔΨd/u1D465=/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)/u1D45B−1\n/u1D45B/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D45B−1/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438/u⎪⎫27E8.⎟1∇Ψ,/u1D708/u1D438/u⎪⎫27E9.⎟1d/u1D45B−1\n≤/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)/u1D45B\n/u1D45B/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D45B−1−/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)/u1D45B−1\n/u1D45B/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D45B−1/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438(1−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∇Ψ/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)d/u1D45B−1.QUANTITATIVE ISOPERIMETRIC INEQUALITIES FOR CLASSICAL CA PILLARITY PROBLEMS 23\nRearranging terms, since /u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)≤1and/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜, we obtain\n/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438(1−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∇Ψ/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)d/u1D45B−1≤/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)/u1D45B−/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706)/u1D45B\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)/u1D45B−1≤̂/u1D436/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438).\n/square\nWe now want to translate the quantitative estimates obtaine d on the coupling in Proposition 5.4into quantitative\nestimates on the asymmetry of a competitor. We will need some technical results first.\nThe next lemma is analogous to [ Cin+22 , Lemma 6.2], but with a varying range of parameters that here must\ndepend on/u1D706.\nLemma 5.5. Let/u1D438 ⊂[0,∞)be a1-dimensional set of locally finite perimeter with /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜<∞and set\n/u1D45F/u1D706∶= min/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟2√\n1−/u1D7062,1−/u1D706/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n, /u1D445/u1D706∶= max/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟2√\n1−/u1D7062,1−/u1D706/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n.\nThere exists ̂ /u1D450=̂ /u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)>0such that for any7\n8/u1D45F/u1D706≤/u1D459≤9\n8/u1D445/u1D706there holds\n(5.6)/uni222B.dsp/u1D438Δ[0,/u1D459]/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461≤̂ /u1D450/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟4\n/uni222B.dsp/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2\n0,/u1D45F/u1D706\n2/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n⧵/u1D438/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461+/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438/u1D461/u1D45B−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D459−/u1D461/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜d0/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟4\n.\nProof. It holds/u1D438Δ[0,/u1D459] = ((/u1D459,∞)∩/u1D438)∪([0,/u1D459]⧵/u1D438). We claim that\n(5.7) max/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟4\n/uni222B.dsp[/u1D459,∞)∩/u1D438/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461,/uni222B.dsp/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2/u1D45F/u1D706\n2,/u1D459/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n⧵/u1D438/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟4\n≤̂ /u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟4\n/uni222B.dsp/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2\n0,/u1D45F/u1D706\n2/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n⧵/u1D438/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461+/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438/u1D461/u1D45B−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D459−/u1D461/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜d0(/u1D461)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟4\n.\nWe will estimate the two terms on the left-hand side separate ly.\nWithout loss of generality, suppose [/u1D459,∞)∩/u1D438≠)uni2205(var. Since/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜<∞, then/u1D715∗/u1D438∩[/u1D459,∞)is nonempty and we can\nassume it has finite supremum ̄/u1D461(otherwise the right hand side in ( 5.7) equals+∞). In particular the right-hand\nside in ( 5.7) is finite. It holds\n/uni222B.dsp[/u1D459,∞)∩/u1D438/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461≤/uni222B.dsp̄/u1D461\n/u1D459/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461≤̄/u1D461/u1D45B−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜̄/u1D461−/u1D459/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438/u1D461/u1D45B−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D459−/u1D461/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜d0(/u1D461),\nand the first term in the left-hand side of ( 5.7) is bounded as wished.\nLet us now consider ∫/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2/u1D45F/u1D706\n2,/u1D459/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n⧵/u1D438/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461. Its value is a priori bounded by/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2\n9\n8/u1D445/u1D706/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2/u1D45B\n. If/u1D715∗/u1D438∩/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2/u1D45F/u1D706\n4,3\n4/u1D45F/u1D706/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n≠)uni2205(varand/u1D70Fis\none of its elements, then\n/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438/u1D461/u1D45B−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D459−/u1D461/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜d0(/u1D461)≥/u1D70F/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D459−/u1D70F/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≥/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2/u1D45F/u1D706\n4/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2/u1D45B1\n8/u1D45F/u1D706≥̂ /u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟29\n8/u1D445/u1D706/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2/u1D45B−1/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x9\n8/u1D445/u1D706−/u1D45F/u1D706\n2/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x≥̂ /u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/uni222B.dsp/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2/u1D45F/u1D706\n2,/u1D459/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n⧵/u1D438/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461.\nSo from now on we can assume that /u1D715∗/u1D438∩/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2/u1D45F/u1D706\n4,3\n4/u1D45F/u1D706/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n= )uni2205(var. If/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2/u1D45F/u1D706\n4,3\n4/u1D45F/u1D706/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n⧵/u1D438≠)uni2205(var, then/u1D438∩/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2/u1D45F/u1D706\n4,3\n4/u1D45F/u1D706/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n= )uni2205(varand\n/uni222B.dsp/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2\n0,/u1D45F/u1D706\n2/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n⧵/u1D438/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461+/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438/u1D461/u1D45B−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D459−/u1D461/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜d0(/u1D461)≥/uni222B.dsp/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2/u1D45F/u1D706\n4,/u1D45F/u1D706\n2/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461=̂ /u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)≥̂ /u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟29\n8/u1D445/u1D706/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2/u1D45B−1/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x9\n8/u1D445/u1D706−/u1D45F/u1D706\n2/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x\n≥̂ /u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/uni222B.dsp/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2/u1D45F/u1D706\n2,/u1D459/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n⧵/u1D438/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461.\nSo we can further assume/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2/u1D45F/u1D706\n4,3\n4/u1D45F/u1D706/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n⊂ /u1D438. If/u1D715∗/u1D438∩/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2/u1D45F/u1D706\n4,/u1D459/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n= )uni2205(var, then/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2/u1D45F/u1D706\n2,/u1D459/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n⊂/u1D438 and there is nothing to prove.\nFinally, if/u1D715∗/u1D438∩/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2/u1D45F/u1D706\n4,/u1D459/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n≠)uni2205(var, let us denote by /u1D461the infimum of /u1D715∗/u1D438∩/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2/u1D45F/u1D706\n4,/u1D459/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n. Then\n/uni222B.dsp/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2/u1D45F/u1D706\n2,/u1D459/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n⧵/u1D438/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461≤/uni222B.dsp/u1D459\n/u1D461/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461≤/u1D459/u1D45B−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D459−/u1D461/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u1D461/u1D45B−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D459−/u1D461/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3\n/u1D459\n/u1D461/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3/u1D45B−1\n≤̂ /u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/u1D461/u1D45B−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D459−/u1D461/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n≤̂ /u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438/u1D461/u1D45B−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D459−/u1D461/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜d0(/u1D461).24 GIULIO PASCALE AND MARCO POZZETTA\nThis concludes the proof of the claim ( 5.7). Hence\n/uni222B.dsp/u1D438Δ[0,/u1D459]/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461≤max/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟4\n/uni222B.dsp[/u1D459,∞)∩/u1D438/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461,/uni222B.dsp/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2/u1D45F/u1D706\n2,/u1D459/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n⧵/u1D438/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟4\n+/uni222B.dsp/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2\n0,/u1D45F/u1D706\n2/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n⧵/u1D438/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461\n(5.7)\n≤̂ /u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟4\n/uni222B.dsp/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2\n0,/u1D45F/u1D706\n2/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n⧵/u1D438/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461+/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438/u1D461/u1D45B−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D459−/u1D461/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜d0(/u1D461)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟4\n+/uni222B.dsp/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2\n0,/u1D45F/u1D706\n2/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n⧵/u1D438/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461,\nand the proof follows. /square\nWe shall also need the following standard technical result s tating that a Vol’pert property holds for the intersec-\ntions of a set of finite perimeter with rays from the origin, cf . [Vol67 ]. The proof follows, for example, by adapting\nthe proof of [ Fus04 , Theorem 3.21] working in polar coordinates rather than in C artesian coordinates.\nLemma 5.6. Let/u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bbe a set of finite perimeter with /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜<+∞. If/u1D717∈/u1D54A/u1D45B−1∩(ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B), we define\n/u1D438/u1D717∶= {/u1D461≥0 ∶/u1D461/u1D717∈/u1D438}.\nThen, for /u1D45B−1-almost every /u1D717∈/u1D54A/u1D45B−1∩(ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B),/u1D438/u1D717is a1-dimensional set of locally finite perimeter such that\n/u1D715∗/u1D438/u1D717∩{/u1D461>0} = {/u1D461>0 ∶/u1D461/u1D717∈/u1D715∗/u1D438}.\nMoreover, if /u1D702∈/u1D43F1(/u1D715∗/u1D438)is nonnegative, we have\n(5.8)/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438⧵/u1D43B/u1D702d/u1D45B−1≥/uni222B.dsp/u1D54A/u1D45B−1⧵/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3\n/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438/u1D717/u1D461/u1D45B−1/u1D702(/u1D461/u1D717)d0(/u1D461)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3\nd/u1D45B−1(/u1D717).\nCombining Lemma 5.5with Lemma 5.6we get the following result that estimates the symmetric diffe rence of\na competitor with a bubble that is just close to a standard bub ble/u1D435/u1D706(/u1D463,/u1D465). The result is analogous to [ Cin+22 ,\nProposition 6.1].\nLemma 5.7. There exist/u1D700,̃ /u1D450 >0depending on /u1D45B,/u1D706such that the following holds. Let /u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bbe a bounded\nset of finite perimeter. If/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u1D438∩/u1D435/u1D45F/u1D706\n2(0)/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x≥1\n2/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u1D435/u1D45F/u1D706\n2(0)⧵/u1D43B/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x, then\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ(/u1D4351(/u1D4650)⧵/u1D43B)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤̃ /u1D450/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438⧵/u1D43B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465−/u1D4650/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜d/u1D45B−1(/u1D465),\nfor any/u1D4650∈ℝ/u1D45Bsuch that /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D4650−(0,…,0,−/u1D706)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜0 ∶\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D461/u1D717−/u1D4650/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜<1}is an open segment (0,/u1D461(/u1D717)), with/u1D461(/u1D717)close to the number\n/u1D447/u1D717∈/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2\nmin/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟2√\n1−/u1D7062,1−/u1D706/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n,max/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟2√\n1−/u1D7062,1−/u1D706/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n=∶ [/u1D45F/u1D706,/u1D445/u1D706]\nsuch that/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D447/u1D717/u1D717+/u1D706/u1D452/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜= 1. In particular, if /u1D700is sufficiently small, then9\n8/u1D445/u1D706≥/u1D461(/u1D717)≥7\n8/u1D45F/u1D706for any/u1D717∈/u1D54A/u1D45B−1∩(ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B).\nAs before, for any /u1D717∈/u1D54A/u1D45B−1⧵/u1D43Blet\n/u1D438/u1D717∶= {/u1D461≥0 ∶/u1D461/u1D717∈/u1D438}.\nBy coarea formula we get\n(5.9) /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D4351(/u1D4650)∩(ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/uni222B.dsp/u1D54A/u1D45B−1⧵/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3\n/uni222B.dsp/u1D438/u1D717Δ[0,/u1D461(/u1D717)]/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3\nd/u1D45B−1(/u1D717).\nBy Lemma 5.5we obtain\n(5.10) /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D4351(/u1D4650)⧵/u1D43B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/uni222B.dsp/u1D54A/u1D45B−1⧵/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟4\n/uni222B.dsp/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2\n0,/u1D45F/u1D706\n2/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n⧵/u1D438/u1D717/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461+/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438/u1D717/u1D461/u1D45B−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D461(/u1D717)−/u1D461/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜d0/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟4\nd/u1D45B−1(/u1D717).\nFor every/u1D461>0, we claim that\n(5.11) /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D461/u1D717−/u1D4650/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≥/u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D461−/u1D461(/u1D717)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜.\nNote that there exists /u1D6FF=/u1D6FF(/u1D45B,/u1D706,/u1D700) ∈ (0,/u1D45F/u1D706∕8)such that for /u1D461∈ [/u1D461(/u1D717)−/u1D6FF,/u1D461(/u1D717)+/u1D6FF]there holds\n/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.xd\nd/u1D461/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D461/u1D717−/u1D4650/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x=/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x⟨(/u1D461/u1D717−/u1D4650)∕/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u1D461/u1D717−/u1D4650/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x,/u1D717⟩/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x≥/u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706,/u1D700)>0.\nThen, for/u1D461∈ [/u1D461(/u1D717)−/u1D6FF,/u1D461(/u1D717)+/u1D6FF],\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D461(/u1D717)−/u1D461/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D461/u1D717−/u1D4650/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,QUANTITATIVE ISOPERIMETRIC INEQUALITIES FOR CLASSICAL CA PILLARITY PROBLEMS 25\nand in this case the claim follows. Regarding the remaining c ases, note that\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D461/u1D717−/u1D4650/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D461(/u1D717)−/u1D461/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜→1 as/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D461/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜→+∞\nand the claim follows for /u1D461≥/u1D445=/u1D445(/u1D45B,/u1D706,/u1D700)>0big enough. Finally, if 00\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D461(/u1D717)−/u1D461/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706,/u1D445)\nhence the claim follows as well.\nTherefore\n(5.12)\n/uni222B.dsp/u1D54A/u1D45B−1⧵/u1D43B/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438/u1D717/u1D461/u1D45B−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D461−/u1D461(/u1D717)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜d0(/u1D461)d/u1D45B−1(/u1D717)(5.11)\n≤/u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/uni222B.dsp/u1D54A/u1D45B−1⧵/u1D43B/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438/u1D717/u1D461/u1D45B−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D461/u1D717−/u1D4650/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜d0(/u1D461)d/u1D45B−1(/u1D717).\nBy Lemma 5.6we deduce\n/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438⧵/u1D43B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465−/u1D4650/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜d/u1D45B−1(/u1D465)≥/uni222B.dsp/u1D54A/u1D45B−1⧵/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3\n/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438/u1D717/u1D461/u1D45B−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D461/u1D717−/u1D4650/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜d0(/u1D461)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3\nd/u1D45B−1(/u1D717). (5.13)\nSince/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465−/u1D4650/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≥/u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)>0in/u1D435/u1D45F/u1D706\n2(0), by coarea formula and relative isoperimetric inequality w e get\n/uni222B.dsp/u1D54A/u1D45B−1⧵/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟4\n/uni222B.dsp/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎨eft.⎟2\n0,/u1D45F/u1D706\n2/b⎜⎞c⎭et⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n⧵/u1D438/u1D717/u1D461/u1D45B−1d/u1D461/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟4\nd/u1D45B−1(/u1D717) =/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2\n/u1D435/u1D45F/u1D706\n2(0)⧵/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n⧵/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x=/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2\n/u1D435/u1D45F/u1D706\n2(0)⧵/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n⧵/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u1D45B−1\n/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2\n/u1D435/u1D45F/u1D706\n2(0)⧵/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n⧵/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x1\n/u1D45B\n≤/u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438∩/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3\n/u1D435/u1D45F/u1D706\n2(0)⧵/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3d/u1D45B−1\n≤/u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438⧵/u1D43B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465−/u1D4650/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜d/u1D45B−1(/u1D465).(5.14)\nPutting together ( 5.10), (5.12), (5.13) and ( 5.14), the proof follows. /square\nWe can finally show that if a suitably regular Schwarz-symmet ric set satisfies a trace inequality, then the quan-\ntitative estimates in Proposition 5.4imply a quantitative isoperimetric inequality.\nProposition 5.8. There exists /u1D6FF5=/u1D6FF5(/u1D45B,/u1D706)>0such that for any /u1D450/u1D447>0there exists/u1D6FE=/u1D6FE(/u1D45B,/u1D706,/u1D450/u1D447)>0such\nthat the following holds. Let /u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bbe a bounded connected open set with /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜. Suppose that /u1D438\nhas Lipschitz boundary and that /u1D715/u1D438∩ {/u1D465/u1D45B≥0}is a hypersurface of class /u1D4361with boundary. Assume that /u1D438is\nSchwarz-symmetric with respect to the /u1D45B-th axis and that there exists a constant /u1D450/u1D447such that for every function\n/u1D453∈/u1D435/u1D449(ℝ/u1D45B)∩/u1D43F∞(ℝ/u1D45B)there is a constant /u1D450∈ℝsuch that the following holds\n(5.15)/uni222B.dsp/u1D438d/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D437/u1D453/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜(/u1D465)≥/u1D450/u1D447/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438∩(ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)tr/u1D438(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D453−/u1D450/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)d/u1D45B−1(/u1D465).\nIf/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)0.\nFinally\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D4351(0,…,0,/u1D465/u1D45B\n0)∩(ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≥\n≥/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)Δ/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D4351(0,…,0,/u1D465/u1D45B\n0)⧵/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\nΔ/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D4351(0,…,0,−/u1D706)⧵/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x\n(5.19)\n≥/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)−/u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706,/u1D450/u1D447)√\n/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438).\n/square\nIn the next lemma we observe that optimal bubbles do satisfy t race inequalities.\nLemma 5.9. There exists ̄ /u1D450=̄ /u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)>0such that for every function /u1D453∈/u1D435/u1D449(ℝ/u1D45B)∩/u1D43F∞(ℝ/u1D45B)there is a constant\n/u1D450∈ℝsuch that the following holds\n(5.20)/uni222B.dsp/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)d/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D437/u1D453/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜(/u1D465)≥̄ /u1D450/uni222B.dsp/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)⧵/u1D43Btr/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D453−/u1D450/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)d/u1D45B−1(/u1D465).\nProof. The proof follows combining the classical Poincaré inequal ity [AFP00 , Theorem 3.44] with the boundary\ntrace theorem [ AFP00 , Theorem 3.87].\n/square\nWe now introduce a notion of /u1D4361-distance from /u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)for sets in the half-space ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B, and we deduce that\nSchwarz-symmetric sets sufficiently close in /u1D4361to/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)enjoy a quantitative isoperimetric inequality.\nDefinition 5.10. Let/u1D711/u1D706∶/u1D715/u1D4351⧵/u1D43B→/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)⧵/u1D43Bbe such that /u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)⧵/u1D43B= {/u1D711/u1D706(/u1D465)/u1D465∶/u1D465∈/u1D715/u1D4351⧵/u1D43B}.\nLet/u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bbe a bounded open set. Suppose that /u1D438has Lipschitz boundary and that /u1D715/u1D438∩ {/u1D465/u1D45B≥0}is a\nhypersurface of class /u1D4361with boundary. Assume that /u1D438is Schwarz-symmetric. Suppose that there exists a /u1D4361\nfunctions\n/u1D711∶/u1D715/u1D4351⧵/u1D43B→/u1D715/u1D438⧵/u1D43B\nwhose graph parametrizes the boundary of /u1D438inℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B, that is\n/u1D715/u1D438⧵/u1D43B= {/u1D711(/u1D465)/u1D465∶/u1D465∈/u1D715/u1D4351⧵/u1D43B}.\nWe define the /u1D4361distance of/u1D438to/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)byd/u1D4361(/u1D438,/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)) ∶=‖/u1D711−/u1D711/u1D706‖/u1D4361(/u1D715/u1D4351∩ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B).\nA sequence of sets /u1D438/u1D457as above is said to converge to /u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)in/u1D4361ifd/u1D4361(/u1D438/u1D457,/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜))→0as/u1D457→+∞.QUANTITATIVE ISOPERIMETRIC INEQUALITIES FOR CLASSICAL CA PILLARITY PROBLEMS 27\nCorollary 5.11. There exist̂ /u1D700,̂ /u1D6FE >0depending only on /u1D45B,/u1D706such that the following holds. Let /u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bbe as\nin Definition 5.10. Ifd/u1D4361(/u1D438,/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜))≤̂ /u1D700, then\n/u1D6FC2\n/u1D706(/u1D438)≤̂ /u1D6FE(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438).\nProof. Let/u1D711,/u1D711/u1D706be as in Definition 5.10. If/u1D712∶ [0,+∞)→[0,1]is a smooth cut-off function such that /u1D712(/u1D461) = 0\nfor/u1D461<1\n4min{√\n1−/u1D7062,1−/u1D706}and such that /u1D712(/u1D461) = 1 for/u1D461>1\n2min{√\n1−/u1D7062,1−/u1D706}, we define the diffeomorphism\n/u1D713∶ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B→ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B /u1D713 (/u1D465) =⎛\n⎜\n⎜\n⎜⎝1−/u1D712(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)+/u1D712(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)/u1D711/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2\n/u1D465\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n/u1D711/u1D706/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2\n/u1D465\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2⎞\n⎟\n⎟\n⎟⎠/u1D465.\nNote that\n‖/u1D713−id‖/u1D4361≤/u1D450̂ /u1D700,\n/u1D713(/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)⧵/u1D43B) =/u1D715/u1D438⧵/u1D43B,\nfor some/u1D450=/u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706,/u1D712), ifd/u1D4361(/u1D438,/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜))≤̂ /u1D700<1.\nLet/u1D454∈ Lip/u1D450(ℝ/u1D45B)and define/u1D453∶=/u1D454◦/u1D713. If/u1D450is the constant in ( 5.20) corresponding to /u1D453, then by area formula\nand ( 5.20) we get\n/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438∩⧵/u1D43B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D454−/u1D450/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜d/u1D45B−1≤/u1D436(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/uni222B.dsp/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706⧵/u1D43B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D453−/u1D450/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜d/u1D45B−1≤/u1D436(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/uni222B.dsp/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∇/u1D453/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜d/u1D465\n≤/u1D436(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/uni222B.dsp/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∇/u1D454/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜d/u1D465.\nTherefore, if ̂ /u1D700is small enough, we can apply Proposition 5.8with/u1D450/u1D447therein depending on /u1D45B,/u1D706only, and we get\n/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)≤̂ /u1D6FE(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438).\n/square\n5.2. Proof of the first quantitative isoperimetric inequality. We are ready to prove the main quantitative isoperi-\nmetric inequality. Let us recall the following immediate re sult, completely analogous to [ Fus15 , Lemma 5.3].\nLemma 5.12. The standard bubble /u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)is the unique solution, up to translations along /u1D715/u1D43B, of\nmin/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟2\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D439)+Λ/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x∶/u1D439 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n,\nfor anyΛ>/u1D45B.\nProof of Theorem 1.1.Let̂ /u1D6FE(/u1D45B,/u1D706)be the constant given by Corollary 5.11 and let/u1D6FF4,̃/u1D459be given by Corollary 4.9.\nBy Corollary 4.9it is sufficient to prove that there exists /u1D6FF∈ (0,/u1D6FF4)such that, if /u1D438is a Schwarz-symmetric set\ncontained in /u1D444̃/u1D459such that /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜and/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)2̂ /u1D6FE(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/u⎪⎫221A.⎟1\n/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457).\nFor every/u1D457we consider a minimizer /u1D439/u1D457of the problem\n(5.22) min{/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D439)+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D439)−/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+Λ/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∶/u1D439Schwarz-symmetric contained in /u1D444̃/u1D459},\nforΛ>0to be chosen large. Up to subsequence, /u1D439/u1D457converges in /u1D43F1to a minimizer of /u1D439↦/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D439) +/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D439) +\nΛ/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x, hence, taking Λ>/u1D45B, we have that /u1D439/u1D457converges to /u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)by Lemma 5.12. Also, by comparison\nwith with/u1D438/u1D457, we have that /u1D443/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)→/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706).\nWe prove that /u1D439/u1D457is a local (Λ1,/u1D45F0)-minimizer in ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B, for some Λ1,/u1D45F0>0and/u1D457large. Let us consider a\nball/u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465)⊂⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B, with/u1D45F0. Assume for instance that\n/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D44D∗)≥/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)(the opposite case being symmetric), then\n/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D44D∗)−/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44D/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44D∗Δ/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u1D457Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44D/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−1/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u1D457Δ/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n≤/u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44DΔ/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44D/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44DΔ/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n≤/u1D450(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D43AΔ/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜.\nArguing analogously in case /u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D44D∗)0}is a/u1D4361,1\n2manifold and /u1D715/u1D439/u1D457∩ {/u1D465/u1D45B>0}⧵/u1D715∗/u1D439/u1D457has Hausdorff\ndimension ≤/u1D45B−8. Since/u1D439/u1D457is Schwarz-symmetric, if there exists a point (/u1D45F/u1D717,/u1D461) ∈/u1D715/u1D439/u1D457∩{/u1D465/u1D45B>0}⧵/u1D715∗/u1D439/u1D457for some\n/u1D45F,/u1D461>0,/u1D717∈/u1D54A/u1D45B−2, then(/u1D45F/u1D717)uni2032(var,/u1D461) ∈/u1D715/u1D439/u1D457∩{/u1D465/u1D45B>0}⧵/u1D715∗/u1D439/u1D457for any/u1D717)uni2032(var∈/u1D54A/u1D45B−2. Hence/u1D715/u1D439/u1D457∩{/u1D465/u1D45B>0}⧵/u1D715∗/u1D439/u1D457⊂{/u1D461/u1D452/u1D45B∶\n/u1D461>0}. However by Theorem A.3for every/u1D700>0the set/u1D715/u1D439/u1D457∩{/u1D465/u1D45B≥/u1D700}converges to /u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜) ∩{/u1D465/u1D45B≥/u1D700}in\n/u1D4361,/u1D6FCfor any00depending on /u1D45B,/u1D706. Then points /u1D461/u1D452/u1D45Bfor/u1D461∈ (0,/u1D447/u1D706∕2)are points of density\n1for/u1D439/u1D457, hence they belong to the interior of /u1D439/u1D457. Therefore, for /u1D457large enough, /u1D715/u1D439/u1D457∩ {/u1D465/u1D45B>0}⧵/u1D715∗/u1D439/u1D457must be\nempty and/u1D715/u1D439/u1D457∩{/u1D465/u1D45B>0}is an axially symmetric hypersurface of class /u1D4361,1\n2.\nBy the minimality of the /u1D439/u1D457, (5.21) and Lemma 5.12 we observe that\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)+Λ/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x+/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)−/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457)/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x≤/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457)\n≤/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜))+/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜))\n4̂ /u1D6FE2(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/u1D6FC2\n/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457)≤/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)+Λ/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x+/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜))\n4̂ /u1D6FE2(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/u1D6FC2\n/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457).(5.23)\nTherefore, we have that\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)−/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜))\n4̂ /u1D6FE2(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/u1D6FC2\n/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457).\nSince/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457)→0we get that\n/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)\n/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457)→1.\nLet{̂/u1D706/u1D457}⊂(0,∞)such that, setting ̃/u1D439/u1D457∶=̂/u1D706/u1D457/u1D439/u1D457, then/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜̃/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜. Clearlŷ/u1D706/u1D457→1since/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜→/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜. Since\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)→/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜))andΛ>/u1D45B, for/u1D457sufficiently large we have /u1D443/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)<Λ/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜and\n/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u1D443/u1D706(̃/u1D439/u1D457)−/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x=/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x̂/u1D706/u1D45B−1\n/u1D457−1/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x≤/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x̂/u1D706/u1D45B\n/u1D457−1/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x≤Λ/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x̂/u1D706/u1D45B\n/u1D457−1/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜= Λ/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜̃/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x.\nHence, by definition of ̂/u1D706/u1D457and by ( 5.23) we get\n/u1D443/u1D706(̃/u1D439/u1D457)≤/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)+Λ/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜̃/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x=/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)+Λ/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x\n(5.23)\n≤/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜))+/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜))\n4̂ /u1D6FE2(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/u1D6FC2\n/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457).(5.24)\nSince/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)∕/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457)→1as/u1D457→∞we have/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457)2<2/u1D6FC/u1D706(̃/u1D439/u1D457)2for/u1D457sufficiently large. Hence from ( 5.24) we\nfinally obtain\n(5.25) /u1D6FC/u1D706(̃/u1D439/u1D457)>√\n2̂ /u1D6FE(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/u⎪⎫221A.⎟1\n/u1D437/u1D706(̃/u1D439/u1D457).\nFor/u1D461>0let\n/u1D711−\ñ/u1D439/u1D457(/u1D461) ∶=/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟4\nmin/u1D465∈/u1D715̃/u1D439/u1D457∩{/u1D465/u1D45B=/u1D461}/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟1/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u1D465−/u1D461/u1D452/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\nif/u1D715̃/u1D439/u1D457∩{/u1D465/u1D45B=/u1D461}≠)uni2205(var,\n0 if /u1D715̃/u1D439/u1D457∩{/u1D465/u1D45B=/u1D461} = )uni2205(var.\nbe the function measuring the distance of /u1D715̃/u1D439/u1D457∩{/u1D465/u1D45B=/u1D461}from the/u1D45B-th axis, set to zero in case /u1D715̃/u1D439/u1D457∩{/u1D465/u1D45B=/u1D461} = )uni2205(var .\nFor/u1D457large we can apply Corollary 4.4again to deduce that there exists /u1D447/u1D706,/u1D434/u1D706>0such that /u1D45B−1(̃/u1D439/u1D457∩ {/u1D465/u1D45B=\n/u1D461})≥/u1D434/u1D706for almost every /u1D461∈ (0,/u1D447/u1D706). Sincẽ/u1D439/u1D457is Schwarz-symmetric and its relative boundary in {/u1D465/u1D45B>0}is/u1D4361\nregular, then we can write that /u1D711−\ñ/u1D439/u1D457(/u1D461)≥/u1D434)uni2032(var\n/u1D706>0for/u1D457large and for any /u1D461∈ (0,/u1D447/u1D706).QUANTITATIVE ISOPERIMETRIC INEQUALITIES FOR CLASSICAL CA PILLARITY PROBLEMS 29\nRecalling that /u1D439/u1D457is a local (Λ1,/u1D45F0)-minimizer, by Lemma A.2its boundary has generalized mean curvature\nbounded by Λ1for any/u1D457. Sincẽ/u1D439/u1D457=̂/u1D706/u1D457/u1D439/u1D457witĥ/u1D706/u1D457→1, then/u1D715̃/u1D439/u1D457∩(ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)is a hypersurface of class /u1D4361,1\n2with\ngeneralized mean curvature /u1D43B/u1D715̃/u1D439/u1D457bounded by 2Λ1for any/u1D457. Observe that if we locally parametrize /u1D715̃/u1D439/u1D457∩(ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)\nwith the graph of a function Φ/u1D457, thenΦ/u1D457weakly solves the mean curvature equation\ndiv⎛\n⎜\n⎜\n⎜⎝∇Φ/u1D457/u⎪⎫221A.⎟1\n1+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∇Φ/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜2⎞\n⎟\n⎟\n⎟⎠=/u⎪⎫27E8.⎟2\n/u1D43B/u1D715̃/u1D439/u1D457,/u1D441Φ/u1D457/u⎪⎫27E9.⎟2\n,\nwhere/u1D441Φ/u1D457is the unit normal corresponding to Φ/u1D457and/u1D43B/u1D715̃/u1D439/u1D457is evaluated along the graph of Φ/u1D457. Since/u1D43B/u1D715̃/u1D439/u1D457is\nbounded, we get that Φ/u1D457is of class/u1D44A2,/u1D45Dfor every/u1D45D<∞(see [ GT01 ]).\nFix/u1D45D0∈/u1D715̃/u1D439/u1D457∩ {/u1D4651>0,0< /u1D465/u1D45B≤/u1D447/u1D706} ∩ span{/u1D4521,/u1D452/u1D45B}. Since/u1D715̃/u1D439/u1D457∩ (ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)is/u1D4361,1\n2, there exists a curve\n/u1D6FE/u1D457= (/u1D6FC/u1D457,0,…,0,/u1D6FD/u1D457) ∶ (/u1D44E,/u1D44F)→span{/u1D4521,/u1D452/u1D45B}⧵/u1D43Bsuch that the map /u1D54A/u1D45B−2× (/u1D44E,/u1D44F) ∋ (/u1D717,/u1D461)↦(/u1D6FC/u1D457(/u1D461)/u1D717,/u1D6FD/u1D457(/u1D461))\nparametrizes /u1D715̃/u1D439/u1D457in a neighborhood of /u1D45D0. We claim that /u1D6FC/u1D457,/u1D6FD/u1D457∈/u1D44A2,/u1D45D, up to reparametrization.\nIndeed, we can also parametrize /u1D715̃/u1D439/u1D457in a neighborhood /u1D448of/u1D45D0as the graph of a function Φ/u1D457with domain contained\nin some affine hyperplane of the form /u1D45D0+/u1D449, and without loss of generality we can assume that either /u1D449= {/u1D4651= 0}\nor/u1D449= {/u1D465/u1D45B= 0} . If/u1D45B= 2, then the claimed regularity immediately follows from the r egularity of Φ/u1D457. Then assume\n/u1D45B≥3, and suppose for example that /u1D449= {/u1D4651= 0} . The image of the curve /u1D6FE/u1D457in/u1D448can be parametrized as the\ngraph of a function /u1D461↦(/u1D453(/u1D461),0,…,0,/u1D461). Writing as (/u1D465)uni2032(var,/u1D465/u1D45B) ∈/u1D45D0+/u1D449the variable for Φ/u1D457, the fact that the distance\nfrom the/u1D45B-th axis is constant on the intersection of /u1D715̃/u1D439/u1D457with any horizontal hyperplane yields the identity\n/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2\nΦ/u1D457(/u1D465)uni2032(var,/u1D465/u1D45B)+dist/u1D465/u1D45B(/u1D45D0)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟22\n+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465)uni2032(var/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜2=/u1D453(/u1D465/u1D45B)2,\nwheredist/u1D465/u1D45B(/u1D45D0)denotes distance of /u1D45D0from the/u1D45B-th axis. Since Φ/u1D457is of class/u1D4361and/u1D44A2,/u1D45Danddist/u1D465/u1D45B(/u1D45D0)>\n0because/u1D711−\ñ/u1D439/u1D457≥/u1D434)uni2032(var\n/u1D706>0, inverting the above identity we find that /u1D453is of class/u1D44A2,/u1D45D, hence so is /u1D6FE/u1D457, up to\nreparametrization. In case /u1D449= {/u1D465/u1D45B= 0} , the observation follows analogously relating Φ/u1D457with a parametrization\nfor/u1D6FE/u1D457.\nWe further observe that, for /u1D6FC/u1D457,/u1D6FD/u1D457∶ (/u1D44E,/u1D44F)→(0,∞)as above, since /u1D6FC/u1D457,/u1D6FD/u1D457are of class/u1D44A2,/u1D45D\nloc, up to reparametriza-\ntion by arclength we can apply Lemma A.4to get that\n/u1D43B/u1D715̃/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x(/u1D6FC/u1D457(/u1D461)/u1D717,/u1D6FD/u1D457(/u1D461))=/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟4/u⎪⎫27E8.⎟2\n/u1D458/u1D6FE/u1D457,/u1D708/u⎪⎫27E9.⎟2\n−(/u1D45B−2)/u1D6FD)uni2032(var\n/u1D457\n/u1D6FC/u1D457/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟4\n(−/u1D6FD)uni2032(var\n/u1D457/u1D717,/u1D6FC)uni2032(var\n/u1D457),\nin the notation of Lemma A.4. Recalling that /u1D711−\ñ/u1D439/u1D457≥/u1D434)uni2032(var\n/u1D706>0on(0,/u1D447/u1D706), we have that /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D6FC/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≥/u1D434)uni2032(var\n/u1D706and thus\n(5.26) /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D458/u1D6FE/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤2Λ1+/u1D45B−2\n/u1D434)uni2032(var\n/u1D706.\nObserve that the upper bound in ( 5.26) is independent of /u1D457and of the initially chosen point /u1D45D0.\nFix now/u1D45E0∈/u1D715̃/u1D439/u1D457∩{/u1D4651>0,/u1D465/u1D45B=/u1D447/u1D706}∩span{/u1D4521,/u1D452/u1D45B}, let/u1D6FE0\n/u1D457∶ [0,/u1D4590)→span{/u1D4521,/u1D452/u1D45B}be part of a curve defined\nas before, parametrized by arclength, such that/u⎪⎫27E8.⎟2\n/u1D6FE0\n/u1D457(/u1D461),/u1D452/u1D45B/u⎪⎫27E9.⎟2\n≤/u1D447/u1D706for any/u1D461. Iflim/u1D461→/u1D459−\n0/u1D6FE0\n/u1D457(/u1D461) ∉/u1D715/u1D43B, the curve can\nbe extended to a longer one, parametrized by arclength, by jo ining/u1D6FE0\n/u1D457with a curve defined as before for the choice\n/u1D45D0= lim/u1D461→/u1D459−\n0/u1D6FE0\n/u1D457(/u1D461). Hence we can consider /u1D70E/u1D457∶ [0,/u1D43F/u1D457)→span{/u1D4521,/u1D452/u1D45B}the maximal extension of /u1D6FE0\n/u1D457parametrized\nby arclength that parametrizes ̃/u1D439/u1D457∩{/u1D4651>0,00the set/u1D715̃/u1D439/u1D457∩{/u1D465/u1D45B≥/u1D700}\nconverges to /u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)∩{/u1D465/u1D45B≥/u1D700}in/u1D4361,/u1D6FCfor any00and/u1D707≥/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D437/u1D712/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜, we deduce that /u1D707=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D437/u1D712/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜, and then /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D437/u1D712/u1D438/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜weakly* converges to /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D437/u1D712/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜.\nWe can now fix an increasing sequence of Lipschitz bounded ope n setsΩ/u1D457⊂⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bsuch that∪/u1D457Ω/u1D457=ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B\nand/u1D443(/u1D438/u1D456,/u1D715Ω/u1D457) =/u1D443(/u1D438,/u1D715Ω/u1D457) = 0 for every/u1D456,/u1D457. Hencelim/u1D456/u1D443(/u1D438/u1D456,Ω/u1D457) =/u1D443(/u1D438,Ω/u1D457)for any/u1D457. Moreover\n/u1D443(/u1D438/u1D456,ℝ/u1D45B⧵(/u1D43B∪Ω/u1D457))≤1\n1−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟4\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D456)−/uni222B.dspΩ/u1D457/u1D453(/u1D708/u1D438/u1D456)d/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D437/u1D712/u1D438/u1D456/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟4\n,QUANTITATIVE ISOPERIMETRIC INEQUALITIES FOR CLASSICAL CA PILLARITY PROBLEMS 31\nfor any/u1D456,/u1D457. Applying Reshetnyak continuity theorem [ AFP00 , Theorem 2.39] on Ω/u1D457we get\nlimsup\n/u1D456/u1D443(/u1D438/u1D456,ℝ/u1D45B⧵(/u1D43B∪Ω/u1D457))≤1\n1−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/uni222B.dspℝ/u1D45B⧵(/u1D43B∪Ω/u1D457)/u1D453(/u1D708/u1D438)d/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D437/u1D712/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤1+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n1−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D443(/u1D438,ℝ/u1D45B⧵(/u1D43B∪Ω/u1D457)),\nfor any/u1D457. Therefore\nlimsup\n/u1D456/u1D443(/u1D438/u1D456,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)≤/u1D443(/u1D438,Ω/u1D457)+1+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n1−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D443(/u1D438,ℝ/u1D45B⧵(/u1D43B∪Ω/u1D457)),\nfor any/u1D457. Letting/u1D457→∞, the proof follows. /square\nWe will also exploit the concept of (/u1D43E,/u1D45F0)-quasiminimal set.\nDefinition 6.2. Let/u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bbe a set of finite perimeter with finite measure, and let /u1D43E≥1,/u1D45F0>0. We say\nthat/u1D438is a(/u1D43E,/u1D45F0)-quasiminimal set (relatively in ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B) if\n/u1D443(/u1D438,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)≤/u1D43E/u1D443(/u1D439,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B),\nfor any/u1D439 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bsuch that/u1D438Δ/u1D439 ⊂⊂/u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465), for some ball /u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465)⊂ℝ/u1D45Bwith/u1D45F≤/u1D45F0and/u1D465∈ {/u1D465/u1D45B≥0}.\nQuasiminimal sets have well-known topological regularity properties following from uniform density estimates\nat boundary points. We recall these facts in the following st atement. The proof follows, for example, by repeatedly\napplying [ Kin+13 , Theorem 4.2] with /u1D44B= {/u1D465/u1D45B≥0}in domains Ω =/u1D44B∩/u1D435/u1D45F0(/u1D465)for/u1D465∈/u1D44B, in the notation of\n[Kin+13 , Theorem 4.2]. Observe that in [ Kin+13 ], the perimeter functional coincides with the relative per imeter in\nℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B, hence the definition of quasiminimal set in [ Kin+13 , Definition 3.1] coincides with our Definition 6.2. Al-\nternatively, the proof follows by adapting the proof of [ Mag12 , Theorem 21.11] working with (/u1D43E,/u1D45F0)-quasiminimal\nsets instead of (Λ,/u1D45F0)-minimizers.\nTheorem 6.3. Let/u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bbe a(/u1D43E,/u1D45F0)-quasiminimal set, for some /u1D43E≥1,/u1D45F0>0. Then there exist /u1D45A=\n/u1D45A(/u1D45B,/u1D43E,/u1D45F0) ∈ (0,1)and/u1D45F)uni2032(var\n0=/u1D45F)uni2032(var\n0(/u1D45B,/u1D43E,/u1D45F0) ∈ (0,/u1D45F0]such that\n/u1D45A≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438∩/u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465)⧵/u1D43B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤1−/u1D45A∀/u1D465∈/u1D715/u1D438⧵/u1D43B,∀/u1D45F∈ (0,/u1D45F)uni2032(var\n0].\nIn particular the set /u1D438(1)of points of density 1for/u1D438is an open representative for /u1D438.\nWe will identify a (/u1D43E,/u1D45F0)-quasiminimal set with its open representative /u1D438(1). In order to prove Theorem 1.2we\nneed two preparatory lemmas.\nLemma 6.4. For any/u1D43E≥1,/u1D45F0>0there exist/u1D6FF6,/u1D4365,/u1D4366>0depending on /u1D45B,/u1D706,/u1D43E,/u1D45F0such that the following\nholds. If/u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bis a bounded (/u1D43E,/u1D45F0)-quasiminimal set with /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜and/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)≤/u1D6FF6, then\n(6.3) /u1D451/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2\n/u1D715/u1D438⧵/u1D43B,/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D465)⧵/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n≤/u1D4365/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)1\n/u1D45B,\nwhere/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D465)is a bubble realizing the asymmetry of /u1D438. Moreover\n(6.4) /u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D438)≤/u1D4366/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)1\n2/u1D45B.\nProof. Up to translation, we can assume that /u1D465= 0. Also, letting /u1D45A,/u1D45F)uni2032(var\n0be given by Theorem 6.3, up to decreasing\n/u1D45F0we can assume that /u1D45F0=/u1D45F)uni2032(var\n0. Let/u1D45D∈/u1D715/u1D438⧵/u1D43Bbe such that\n/u1D4510∶= dist/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2\n/u1D45D,/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)⧵/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n= max/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟2\ndist/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2\n/u1D466,/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)⧵/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n∶/u1D466∈/u1D715/u1D438⧵/u1D43B/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n.\nHence/u1D435/u1D4510(/u1D45D)∩/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)⧵/u1D43B= )uni2205(var. Then either /u1D435/u1D4510(/u1D45D)⧵/u1D43B ⊂/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)or/u1D435/u1D4510(/u1D45D)⧵/u1D43B ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵(/u1D43B∪/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)).\nIn the first case Theorem 6.3implies\n/u1D45A/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465)⧵/u1D43B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465)⧵(/u1D43B∪/u1D438)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)⧵/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=1\n2/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438) ∀/u1D45F∈ (0,min{/u1D4510,/u1D45F0}),\nwhile in the second case Theorem 6.3implies\n/u1D45A/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465)⧵/u1D43B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465)∩/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438⧵/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=1\n2/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438) ∀/u1D45F∈ (0,min{/u1D4510,/u1D45F0}).\nSince/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D445(/u1D465)⧵/u1D43B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≥/u1D436/u1D45F/u1D45B, thenmin{/u1D4510,/u1D45F0}/u1D45B≤/u1D436/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438), for/u1D436=/u1D436(/u1D45B,/u1D706,/u1D43E,/u1D45F0). So by Corollary 4.3, choosing/u1D6FF6\nsmall enough we have that /u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)is so small that min{/u1D4510,/u1D45F0} =/u1D4510and then\n/u1D451/u1D45B\n0≤/u1D436/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438).32 GIULIO PASCALE AND MARCO POZZETTA\nSince density estimates as those in Theorem 6.3hold for/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜), repeating the above argument exchanging the\nroles of/u1D438and/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜), (6.3) follows.\nFrom ( 6.3), we deduce that\n/u1D715/u1D438⧵/u1D43B ⊂/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟2\n/u1D466∈ {/u1D465/u1D45B≥0} ∶ dist/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2\n/u1D466,/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)⧵/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n≤/u1D4365/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)1\n/u1D45B/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n.\nHence\n/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1/u1D715∗/u1D438Δ/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n≤ /u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟2\n(/u1D465)uni2032(var,0) ∈ℝ/u1D45B∶ (1−/u1D7062)1\n2−/u1D4365/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)1\n/u1D45B≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D465)uni2032(var/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤(1−/u1D7062)1\n2+/u1D4365/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)1\n/u1D45B/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n≤/u1D436/u1D6FC/u1D706(/u1D438)1\n/u1D45B≤/u1D436/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)1\n2/u1D45B,\nfor some/u1D436=/u1D436(/u1D45B,/u1D706,/u1D43E,/u1D45F0), where we used Theorem 1.1in the last inequality. Hence ( 6.4) follows. /square\nLemma 6.5. There exists /u1D6FF7,/u1D4367>0depending on /u1D45B,/u1D706such that for any measurable set /u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bwith\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜and/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)≤/u1D6FF7there holds\n(6.5) /u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D438)≤/u1D4367/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)1\n2/u1D45B.\nProof. FixΛ>/u1D45B. Let/u1D444⊂ℝ/u1D45Bbe a large cube whose interior contains the closure of /u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜), and let/u1D439 ⊂/u1D444⧵/u1D43B\nbe such that /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜∕2≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤2/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜. Let/u1D43A ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bbe such that /u1D43AΔ/u1D439 ⊂⊂ /u1D435/u1D45F0(/u1D465), for/u1D465∈ {/u1D465/u1D45B≥0}and\n/u1D45F0∈ (0,1)to be chosen small. Let /u1D44D∶=/u1D43A∩/u1D444. Observe that\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44D/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44DΔ/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜≤/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D43AΔ/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜1\n/u1D45B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D43AΔ/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D45B−1\n/u1D45B≤/u1D7141\n/u1D45B\n/u1D45B/u1D45F/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟2\n/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D43A/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D45B−1\n/u1D45B+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D45B−1\n/u1D45B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n≤/u1D436(/u1D45B)/u1D45F0(/u1D443(/u1D43A,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)+/u1D443(/u1D439,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)),(6.6)\nwhere in the last inequality we used the relative isoperimet ric inequality in a half-space (see [ CGR07 ] for the sharp\ninequality). Let /u1D466,/u1D467∈/u1D715/u1D43Bbe such that\n/u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D439) =/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D715∗/u1D439Δ/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1, /u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D44D) =/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D715∗/u1D44DΔ/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44D/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D467)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44D/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D467)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1,\nObserve that /u1D466,/u1D467exist since/u1D439,/u1D44D ⊂/u1D444 . Suppose, for instance, that /u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D44D)≥/u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D439). Then\n/u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D44D)−/u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D439)≤/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D715∗/u1D44DΔ/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44D/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44D/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1−/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D715∗/u1D439Δ/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n≤/u1D45B−1(/u1D715∗/u1D44DΔ/u1D715∗/u1D439∩/u1D715/u1D43B)+/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D715∗/u1D439Δ/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n+/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)Δ/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44D/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44D/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1 +\n−/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D715∗/u1D439Δ/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n=/u1D45B−1(/u1D715∗/u1D44DΔ/u1D715∗/u1D439∩/u1D715/u1D43B)\n/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44D/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1+/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1−/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44D/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x\n/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44D/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1 +\n+/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D715∗/u1D439Δ/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟4\n1\n/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44D/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1−1\n/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.��1\n/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟4(6.7)\nBy a trace inequality [ AFP00 , Theorem 3.87] we estimate\n/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D715∗/u1D44DΔ/u1D715∗/u1D439∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n≤/u1D436(/u1D45B)(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44DΔ/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u1D443(/u1D44D,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)+/u1D443(/u1D439,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B))\n≤/u1D436(/u1D45B)(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D43AΔ/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u1D443(/u1D43A,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)+/u1D443(/u1D439,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B))\n≤/u1D436(/u1D45B)(/u1D443(/u1D43A,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)+/u1D443(/u1D439,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)),\nwhere the last inequality follows as in ( 6.6), and/u1D436denotes a constant depending on suitable parameters that ch anges\nfrom line to line. For /u1D45F0small, depending only on /u1D45B,/u1D706, we can ensure that\n/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44D/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n≥/u1D436(/u1D45B,/u1D706)>0.QUANTITATIVE ISOPERIMETRIC INEQUALITIES FOR CLASSICAL CA PILLARITY PROBLEMS 33\nFinally\n/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n−/u1D45B−1/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44D/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,/u1D466)∩/u1D715/u1D43B/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x≤/u1D43F/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44D/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜\n(6.6)\n≤/u1D436(/u1D45B,/u1D706)(/u1D443(/u1D43A,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)+/u1D443(/u1D439,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)),\nfor a suitable Lipschitz constant /u1D43F=/u1D43F(/u1D45B,/u1D706). Therefore ( 6.7) becomes\n/u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D44D)−/u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D439)≤/u1D436(/u1D45B,/u1D706)(/u1D443(/u1D43A,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)+/u1D443(/u1D439,ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B)).\nIn case/u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D44D)0, and we define\n/u1D43E∶=1+/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+/u1D7000/uni0303.s1/u1D436(/u1D45B,/u1D706)+Λ/u1D436(/u1D45B)/u1D45F0\n1−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u1D7000/uni0303.s1/u1D436(/u1D45B,/u1D706)−Λ/u1D436(/u1D45B)/u1D45F0>1.\nLet/u1D6FF6,/u1D4366be given by Lemma 6.4corresponding to the parameters /u1D43E,/u1D45F0∕2. We want to prove that if /u1D6FF7is\nsufficiently small, then\n/u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D438)≤2/u1D4366/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)1\n2/u1D45B.\nWe argue by contradiction assuming that there exist sets /u1D438/u1D457⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bwith/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜and/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457)≤1∕/u1D457such\nthat\n(6.9) /u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457)>2/u1D4366/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457)1\n2/u1D45B,\nfor any/u1D457. Up to translation, /u1D438/u1D457→/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,0)and/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457)→/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706). Since the trace operator is continuous\nwith respect to strict convergence of /u1D435/u1D449functions, see [ AFP00 , Theorem 3.88], by Lemma 6.1we deduce that\n/u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457)→0.\nLet/u1D439/u1D457be a minimizer of the problem\n(6.10) min/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟2\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)+/u1D7000/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D438)−/u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜+Λ/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x∶/u1D438 ⊂/u1D444/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n.\nBy Corollary 3.11, up to subsequence /u1D439/u1D457converges to a limit set /u1D439in/u1D43F1. If by contradiction /u1D6FD/u1D457(/u1D439/u1D457) ̸→0, by\nLemma 5.12 for large/u1D457we would have that\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜))+/u1D7000/u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457)/u1D45B, for/u1D457sufficiently large we have /u1D443/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)<Λ/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜and\n/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u1D443/u1D706(̃/u1D439/u1D457)−/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x=/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x̂/u1D706/u1D45B−1\n/u1D457−1/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x≤/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x̂/u1D706/u1D45B\n/u1D457−1/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x≤Λ/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x̂/u1D706/u1D45B\n/u1D457−1/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜= Λ/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜̃/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x.\nHence, by definition of ̂/u1D706/u1D457and by ( 6.11) we get\n/u1D443/u1D706(̃/u1D439/u1D457)≤/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)+Λ/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜̃/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x=/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)+Λ/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D439/u1D457/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜−/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x(6.11)\n≤/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706)+/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706)\n(2/u1D4366)2/u1D45B/u1D6FD2/u1D45B\n/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457). (6.12)\nSince/u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D439/u1D457)∕/u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457)→1as/u1D457→∞and/u1D6FD/u1D706is scale invariant, we have /u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D438/u1D457)2/u1D45B<2/u1D6FD/u1D706(̃/u1D439/u1D457)2/u1D45Bfor/u1D457sufficiently\nlarge. Hence from ( 6.12) we obtain\n/u1D6FD/u1D706(̃/u1D439/u1D457)2/u1D45B≥22/u1D45B−1/u1D4362/u1D45B\n6/u1D437/u1D706(̃/u1D439/u1D457),\nthat is/u1D6FD/u1D706(̃/u1D439/u1D457)≥21−1\n2/u1D45B/u1D4366/u1D437/u1D706(̃/u1D439/u1D457)1\n2/u1D45B. On the other hand, for /u1D457large,̃/u1D439/u1D457is(/u1D43E,̂/u1D706/u1D457/u1D45F0)-quasiminimal. As ̂/u1D706/u1D457→1, then\ñ/u1D439/u1D457is(/u1D43E,/u1D45F0∕2)-quasiminimal for /u1D457large. Moreover /u1D437/u1D706(̃/u1D439/u1D457)→0. By the choice of /u1D4366above, Lemma 6.4implies\nthat\n/u1D6FD/u1D706(̃/u1D439/u1D457)≤/u1D4366/u1D437/u1D706(̃/u1D439/u1D457)1\n2/u1D45B,\ngiving a contradiction. /square\nProof of Theorem 1.2.By Lemma 6.5it follows that for any /u1D434 >0there exists/u1D436/u1D434>0such that for any set\n/u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bwith/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜and/u1D45B−1(/u1D715∗/u1D438∩/u1D715/u1D43B)≤/u1D434there holds\n(6.13) /u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D438)≤/u1D436/u1D434/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)1\n2/u1D45B.\nIndeed, if/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)≤/u1D6FF7, for/u1D6FF7as in Lemma 6.5, then ( 6.13) follows with /u1D436/u1D434=/u1D4367. Otherwise we just have\n/u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D438)≤/u1D436(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1/u1D45B−1(/u1D715∗/u1D438∩/u1D715/u1D43B)+/u1D45B−1(/u1D715∗/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,0)∩/u1D715/u1D43B)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1≤/u1D436(/u1D45B,/u1D706,/u1D434)/u1D6FF1\n2/u1D45B\n7\n/u1D6FF1\n2/u1D45B\n7≤/u1D436(/u1D45B,/u1D706,/u1D434)/u1D4371\n2/u1D45B\n/u1D706.\nNext we observe that, letting /u1D436/u1D706such that/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706)≤/u1D436/u1D706/u1D45B−1(/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜) ∩/u1D715/u1D43B), then for any set /u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43B\nwith/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜and/u1D45B−1(/u1D715∗/u1D438∩/u1D715/u1D43B)≥2/u1D436/u1D706\n1−/u1D706/u1D45B−1(/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)∩/u1D715/u1D43B)there holds\n(6.14) /u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D438)≤/u1D4368/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438),\nfor a constant /u1D4368=/u1D4368(/u1D45B,/u1D706)>0.\nIndeed\n/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D438)−/u1D443/u1D706(/u1D435/u1D706)≥(1−/u1D706)/u1D45B−1(/u1D715∗/u1D438∩/u1D715/u1D43B)−/u1D436/u1D706/u1D45B−1(/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)∩/u1D715/u1D43B)≥1−/u1D706\n2/u1D45B−1(/u1D715∗/u1D438∩/u1D715/u1D43B),\nand\n/u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D438)≤/u1D436(/u1D45B,/u1D706)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n/u1D45B−1(/u1D715∗/u1D438∩/u1D715/u1D43B)+/u1D45B−1(/u1D715∗/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,0)∩/u1D715/u1D43B)/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n≤/u1D436(/u1D45B,/u1D706,/u1D436/u1D706)/u1D45B−1(/u1D715∗/u1D438∩/u1D715/u1D43B).\nSetting now /u1D434∶=2/u1D436/u1D706\n1−/u1D706/u1D45B−1(/u1D715/u1D435/u1D706(/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜)∩/u1D715/u1D43B)in (6.13), taking into account ( 6.14) we conclude that for any set\n/u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45B⧵/u1D43Bwith/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜=/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D435/u1D706/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜there holds\n/u1D6FD/u1D706(/u1D438)≤max{/u1D436/u1D434,/u1D4368} max/b⎜⎞ce⎨eft.⎟2\n/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438),/u1D437/u1D706(/u1D438)1\n2/u1D45B/b⎜⎞ce⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟2\n.\n/square\nAPPENDIX A. A UXILIARY RESULTS\nA.1. Regularity of (Λ,/u1D45F0)-minimizers. We recall definitions and basic properties of local (Λ,/u1D45F0)-minimizers of\nthe perimeter. A detailed account on the theory of (Λ,/u1D45F0)-minimizers can be found in [ Mag12 ].\nDefinition A.1. LetΩ⊂ℝ/u1D45Bbe an open set and let /u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45Bbe a set of finite perimeter. We say that /u1D438is a local\n(Λ,/u1D45F0)-minimizer of the perimeter in Ω, withΛ,/u1D45F0>0, if\n/u1D443(/u1D438,/u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465))≤/u1D443(/u1D439,/u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465))+Λ/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D438Δ/u1D439/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜,\nwhenever/u1D438Δ/u1D439 ⊂⊂/u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465)⊂⊂Ωand/u1D45F≤/u1D45F0.\nIt is well-known that local (Λ,/u1D45F0)-minimizers have bounded mean curvature in a generalized se nse. We could\nnot find an explicit reference in the literature, hence we pro vide a proof in the following result.QUANTITATIVE ISOPERIMETRIC INEQUALITIES FOR CLASSICAL CA PILLARITY PROBLEMS 35\nLemma A.2. LetΩ⊂ℝ/u1D45Bbe an open set and let /u1D438 ⊂ℝ/u1D45Bbe a local (Λ,/u1D45F0)-minimizer of the perimeter in Ω. Then\nthere exists/u1D43B∈/u1D43F∞(/u1D443(/u1D438,⋅),ℝ/u1D45B)such that ‖/u1D43B‖/u1D43F∞≤Λand\n/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438div/u1D447/u1D44B= −/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438⟨/u1D44B,/u1D43B⟩∀/u1D44B∈/u1D4361\n/u1D450(Ω,ℝ/u1D45B),\nwherediv/u1D447/u1D44Bis the tangential divergence of /u1D44Balong the ( /u1D45B−1-a.e. defined) tangent space of /u1D715∗/u1D438. We shall refer\nto/u1D43Bas to the (generalized) mean curvature of/u1D438.\nProof. Let/u1D44B∈/u1D4361\n/u1D450(/u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465)), with/u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465)⊂⊂Ωand/u1D45F≤/u1D45F0. Let{/u1D454/u1D461}/u1D4610and letting/u1D461→0+we get\n−/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438div/u1D447/u1D44Bd/u1D443(/u1D438,⋅)≤Λ/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜d/u1D443(/u1D438,⋅).\nUp to changing /u1D44Bwith−/u1D44Bwe obtain\n/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438div/u1D447/u1D44Bd/u1D443(/u1D438,⋅)/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x/u⎪⎫007C.x≤Λ/uni222B.dsp/u1D715∗/u1D438/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D44B/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜d/u1D443(/u1D438,⋅),\nthat implies the existence of the generalized mean curvatur e/u1D43B∈/u1D43F∞(/u1D443(/u1D438,⋅)/u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465))for/u1D438in/u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465)with\n‖/u1D43B‖/u1D43F∞≤Λ. Since/u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465)was arbitrary in Ω, by a partition of unity argument the claim follows. /square\nLet us further recall the following fundamental regularity properties of local (Λ,/u1D45F0)-minimizers.\nTheorem A.3 ([Tam84 ], [Mag12 , Theorem 26.3, Theorem 26.6]) .LetΩ⊂ℝ/u1D45Bbe an open set. Let /u1D438 ⊂Ωbe\na local(Λ,/u1D45F0)-minimizer in Ω. Then the set /u1D438(1)of points of density 1for/u1D438is an open representative for /u1D438.\nMoreover, representing /u1D438with/u1D438(1), we have that /u1D715∗/u1D438∩Ωis a/u1D4361,1\n2manifold and /u1D451(/u1D715/u1D438∩Ω⧵/u1D715∗/u1D438) = 0 for any\n/u1D451 >/u1D45B−8.\nLet/u1D438/u1D456⊂Ωbe a sequence of local (Λ,/u1D45F0)-minimizers in Ωthat converges to /u1D438in/u1D43F1(Ω). If/u1D715/u1D438∩/u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465)is of class\n/u1D4362, for some/u1D435/u1D45F(/u1D465)⊂Ω, then/u1D715/u1D438/u1D456∩/u1D435/u1D45F∕2(/u1D465)is of class/u1D4361,1\n2for large/u1D456and converges to /u1D715/u1D438∩/u1D435/u1D45F∕2(/u1D465)in/u1D4361,/u1D6FCfor\nany/u1D6FC∈ (0,1∕2).36 GIULIO PASCALE AND MARCO POZZETTA\nThanks to Theorem A.3, we will always identify a local (Λ,/u1D45F0)-minimizer/u1D438with the open set /u1D438(1).\nA.2. Axially symmetric hypersurfaces. We recall a formula for the mean curvature of axially symmetr ic hyper-\nsurfaces of class /u1D44A2,/u1D45D.\nLemma A.4. Let/u1D44E < /u1D44F . Let/u1D6FC,/u1D6FD∶ (/u1D44E,/u1D44F)→(0,∞)be/u1D44A2,/u1D45Dfunctions, with /u1D45D∈ (1,∞], parametrizing the\ncurve/u1D6FE∶ (/u1D44E,/u1D44F)→span{/u1D4521,/u1D452/u1D45B}⊂ℝ/u1D45Bgiven by/u1D6FE(/u1D461) = (/u1D6FC(/u1D461),0,…,0,/u1D6FD(/u1D461)), and assume that /u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜/u1D6FE)uni2032(var(/u1D461)/u⎪⎫007C.v⎞⎜= 1and that\ninf(/u1D44E,/u1D44F)/u1D6FC>0. Let/u1D446be the axially symmetric hypersurface around the /u1D45B-th axis parametrized by\n/u1D711/u1D446∶/u1D54A/u1D45B−2×(/u1D44E,/u1D44F)→ℝ/u1D45B\n/u1D711/u1D446(/u1D717,/u1D461) = (/u1D6FC(/u1D461)/u1D717,/u1D6FD(/u1D461)).\nThen the vector\n/u1D43B=/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟3/u⎪⎫27E8.⎟1\n/u1D458/u1D6FE,/u1D708/u⎪⎫27E9.⎟1\n−(/u1D45B−2)/u1D6FD)uni2032(var\n/u1D6FC/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟3/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎨eft.⎟1\n−/u1D6FD)uni2032(var/u1D717,/u1D6FC)uni2032(var/⎝⎞⎜e⎪⎜⎫g⎧t.⎟1\n,\nfor every/u1D717and a.e./u1D461, where/u1D458/u1D6FEis the curvature of /u1D6FEand/u1D708(/u1D461) = (−/u1D6FD)uni2032(var,0,…,0,/u1D6FC)uni2032(var), is the (generalized) mean\ncurvature of /u1D446. More precisely\n(A.2)/uni222B.dsp/u1D446div/u1D447/u1D44B= −/uni222B.dsp/u1D446⟨/u1D44B,/u1D43B⟩,\nfor any/u1D44B∈/u1D4361\n/u1D450(ℝ/u1D45B,ℝ/u1D45B)such that spt/u1D44B∩/u1D715/u1D446= )uni2205(var, wherediv/u1D447/u1D44Bis the tangential divergence of /u1D44Balong/u1D446.\nProof. If/u1D6FC,/u1D6FDare smooth, the claimed formula follows by a direct computat ion. The statement then follows by\napproximating /u1D6FC,/u1D6FDin/u1D44A2,/u1D45D. The approximating hypersurfaces /u1D446/u1D456converge to/u1D446in/u1D4361and the measures /u1D43B/u1D456/u1D45B−1\n/u1D446/u1D456converge to/u1D43B/u1D45B−1/u1D446in duality with compactly supported continuous fields. Henc e (A.2) passes to the limit.\n/square\nREFERENCES\n[AFM13] E. Acerbi, N. Fusco, and M. Morini. “Minimality via s econd variation for a nonlocal isoperimetric\nproblem”. In: Comm. Math. Phys. 322.2 (2013), pp. 515–557.\n[AFP00] L. Ambrosio, N. Fusco, and D. Pallara. Functions of bounded variation and free discontinuity prob -\nlems. Oxford Mathematical Monographs. Oxford University Press , Oxford, 2000, pp. xviii+434.\n[Bae15] E. Baer. “Minimizers of Anisotropic Surface Tensio ns Under Gravity: Higher Dimensions via Sym-\nmetrization”. In: Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 215 (2015), pp. 531–578.\n[BBJ17] M. 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We can also handle the numerator. Our algorithm is inco m-\nplete so far as we cannot predict the special part of the denom i-\nnator. However, we do have some structural results about spe cial\npolynomials forthesettingunder consideration.\nCCS CONCEPTS\n•Computingmethodologies →Algebraic algorithms .\nKEYWORDS\nsymbolic summation;difference rings\nACMReference Format:\nShaoshi Chen/u1D44E,/u1D44F, Ruyong Feng/u1D44E,/u1D44F, Manuel Kauers/u1D450, Xiuyun Li/u1D44E,/u1D44F,/u1D450. 2024.\nTowards a Parallel Summation Algorithm. In .ACM, New York, NY, USA,\n9 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/nnnnnnn.nnnnnnn\n1 INTRODUCTION\nThe main difference between the first and the second edition of\nManuel Bronstein’s classicaltextbookonsymbolicintegra tion[8]\nis an additional tenth chapter about parallel integration, which is\nbasedonhislastpaper[9]onthesubject.Parallelintegrat ionisan\nalternative approach to the more widely known Risch algorit hm\nforindefiniteintegration,whosecarefuldescriptiondomi natesthe\nremainder of Bronstein’s book. Parallel integration is als o known\nS. Chen was partially supported by the National Key R&D Progr am of China (No.\n2023YFA1009401), the NSFC grant (No. 12271511), CAS Projec t for Young Scientists\nin Basic Research (Grant No. YSBR-034), and the CAS Fund of th e Youth Innovation\nPromotion Association (No. Y2022001). R. Feng was partiall y supported by the Na-\ntional Key R&D Program of China (No. 2023YFA1009401) and the National Key Re-\nsearch and Development Project 2020YFA0712300. M. Kauers w as supported by the\nAustrianFWF grants PAT 9952223 and I6130-N. X. Li was partia llysupported by the\nLand Oberösterreichthrough the LIT-AILab.\nPermission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of thi s work for personal or\nclassroomuseisgrantedwithoutfeeprovidedthatcopiesar enotmadeordistributed\nfor profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this n otice and the full cita-\ntiononthefirstpage.Copyrightsforcomponents of thiswork owned byothersthan\nACMmustbehonored.Abstractingwithcreditispermitted.T ocopyotherwise,orre-\npublish,topostonserversortoredistributetolists,requ irespriorspecificpermission\nand/or afee. Request permissionsfrompermissions@acm.or g.\n, ,\n© 2024 Associationfor Computing Machinery.\nhttps://doi.org/10.1145/nnnnnnn.nnnnnnnastheRisch-Normanalgorithm[12–14,19,20,23,31]andasp oor-\nman’s integrator [50].\nAlthough the technique is not complete, i.e., it fails to find a\nclosed form of certain integrals, it is an attractive altern ative to a\nfull implementation of the Risch algorithm, which is guaran teed\ntofindaclosedformwhenever thereisone.Oneadvantageisth at\nitismucheasiertoprogram.Indeed,Bronstein’sMapleimpl emen-\ntation [50] barely needs 100 lines of code. A second advantag e is\nthat it extends more easily to integrals of non-elementary f unc-\ntions.Forexample, it canfind theevaluation\n/uni222B.dsp/u1D4652+ (/u1D4652+2)/u1D44A(/u1D4652)\n/u1D465(1+/u1D44A(/u1D4652))2/u1D451/u1D465=1\n2/u1D4652\n/u1D44A(/u1D4652)+log(1+/u1D44A(/u1D4652))\ninvolvingtheLambert /u1D44Afunction[11].Thisisnotonlyinteresting\nbecause/u1D44Ais defined by a nonlinear equation, but also because\nthere is a factor in the denominator of the closed form that is not\nalreadypresent intheintegrand.\nIn a seminar talk that never led to a formal publication, Zim-\nmermannobservedthatparallelintegrationcanbecombined with\ntheconceptofcreativetelescoping[49]inordertohandled efinite\nintegralsinvolving aparameter,similarasdonebyRaab[36 ]with\nRisch’s algorithm. A version of parallel integration for in tegrals\ninvolving algebraic functions was presented byBöttnerin[ 6]and\nforintegrals ofAiryfunctions byDu and Raab in[15].\nTo our knowledge, the idea of parallel integration has not ye t\nbeentranslatedtothesetting ofsymbolicsummation.Thego alof\nthepresentpaperistodoso.Asummationexamplethatissimi lar\ntotheaboveintegralcanbegivenintermsofthelogisticseq uence\n/u1D461/u1D45B[17,Example1.9,Chapter1]satisfyingthenonlinearrecur rence\nequation/u1D461/u1D45B+1=/u1D461/u1D45B(1−/u1D461/u1D45B)with/u1D4610∈ (0,1). Here we have the\nsummationidentity\n/u1D45B−1/summationdisplay.1\n/u1D458=01\n1−/u1D461/u1D458=/u1D45B/summationdisplay.1\n/u1D458=1/parenleftbigg1\n/u1D461/u1D458+1−1\n/u1D461/u1D458/parenrightbigg\n=1\n/u1D461/u1D45B−1\n/u1D4610,\nand again, the denominator of the closed form contains a fact or\nthatis notalready present inthesummand.\nOntheotherhand,thedenominatorofaclosedformisnotcom-\npletely unpredictable. Like in parallel integration, we ca n distin-\nguish the specialand thenormalpart of a denominator. Based on\nthis distinction, we show in Section 2 how the normal part of t he\ndenominator of a closed form depends on the normal part of the\ndenominator of the corresponding summand. Unfortunately, we\ndo not have a complete understanding of the special part, but we\ndohavesomeresultsthatlimitthenumberofspecialpolynom ials\n(Sect. 2.2). Morecan besaid if wefocusonamorespecificsett ing.\nSect. 2 is about the general paradigm of parallel summation,\nwhich in principle could be applied to many different specific set-\ntings. In Sect. 3 we restrict the attention to one such settin g. Weconsider summationproblems oftheform\n/u1D45B/summationdisplay.1\n/u1D458=0rat(/u1D458,/u1D453(/u1D458),/u1D453(/u1D458+1),...,/u1D453(/u1D458+/u1D45F−1)),\nwhere rat is a multivariate rational function and /u1D453is defined by a\nlinearrecurrenceoforder /u1D45Fwithpolynomialcoefficients.Thetask\nis to decide whether a given sum of this type can be written as a\nrationalfunctionin /u1D45B,/u1D453(/u1D45B),...,/u1D453(/u1D45B+/u1D45F−1).Whilewearenot(yet)\nable to solve this task in full generality, the idea of parall el sum-\nmation provides a significant step towards such an algorithm .We\ncandescribemorepreciselythestructureofspecialpolyno mialsin\nthiscase(Sect.3.1),andwecaneffectivelysolvethe /u1D70E-equivalence\nproblem(Sect.3.2),which implies thatwecancompletelyid entify\nthenormalpartofthedenominatorof anyclosedform.Simila r as\ninthedifferential case[8,9],thespecialparthastobedete rmined\nheuristically, unless we impose further restrictions on th e setting\n(Sect.4).\n2 PARALLEL SUMMATION\nSimilar toparallelintegration, thegeneral idea ofparall el summa-\ntionistoavoidtherecursivenatureofsummationalgorithm ssuch\nas Karr’s algorithm by viewing the summand as an element of a\nfieldofmultivariaterationalfunctionsoveragroundfield. Wenow\nsetupthegeneralalgebraicfoundationforparallelsummat ionand\nlistsomerelatedproblems.Likeinthesituationofparalle lintegra-\ntion,these problemsare ingeneral far from beingsolved.\nLet/u1D434be a ring and /u1D70E:/u1D434→/u1D434be an automorphism of /u1D434. We\ncall the pair (/u1D434,/u1D70E)adifference ring and adifference filed if/u1D434is a\nfield. Note that the set {/u1D44E∈/u1D434|/u1D70E(/u1D44E)=/u1D44E}forms a subring of /u1D434\nwhich is called the constant subring of(/u1D434,/u1D70E), denoted by /u1D436/u1D434. A\ndifference ring (/u1D434∗,/u1D70E∗)is called a difference extension of(/u1D434,/u1D70E)if\n/u1D446⊆/u1D434∗and/u1D70E∗|/u1D434=/u1D70E. By abuse of notation, we will often write /u1D70E\nfor theextended automorphism /u1D70E∗of/u1D434���.\nP/r.sc/o.sc/b.sc/l.sc/e.sc/m.sc1(I/n.sc/d.sc/e.sc/f.sc/i.sc/n.sc/i.sc/t.sc/e.scS/u.sc/m.sc/m.sc/a.sc/t.sc/i.sc/o.sc/n.scP/r.sc/o.sc/b.sc/l.sc/e.sc/m.sc). Let(/u1D434∗,/u1D70E)bea\nspecific difference extension of (/u1D434,/u1D70E). Given/u1D453∈/u1D434, decide whether\nthereexists/u1D454∈/u1D434∗suchthat/u1D453=/u1D70E(/u1D454)−/u1D454.Ifsucha/u1D454exists,/u1D453issaid\ntobesummable in/u1D434∗.\nBothAbramov’salgorithm[1–3]andPaule’salgorithm[33]s olved\ntheindefinitesummationproblemforrationalfunctions.Th eindef-\ninite hypergeometricsummationproblemwassolvedbyGospe r’s\nalgorithmin[21]andthemoregeneralP-recursivecasewith outde-\nnominators was solved by Abramov-van Hoeij’s algorithm [4, 5].\nAs a discrete analogue of Risch’s algorithm for elementary i nte-\ngration, Karr’s algorithm [26,27] solves the indefinite sum mation\nproblem in a so-called ΠΣ-extension of a given difference field.\nKarr’s algorithm has been implemented and improved by Schne i-\nder in [37, 40, 41] with applications in physics [42]. The ide as of\nKarr have also been extended to higher order equations [7, 24 , 38,\n39].\nKarr’s structuraltheorem shows that themost interesting s um-\nmation problem in ΠΣ-extensions is the in-field summation prob-\nlemwhere/u1D453,/u1D454are in the same field. This is quite different from\nthe situation in symbolic integration where computing the l oga-\nrithmic part is the most difficult step. In this paper, we will o nly\nfocusonthein-field summationproblem.Let/u1D436beafield ofcharacteristiczero and /u1D43E:=/u1D436(/u1D465)bethefield\nofrationalfunctionsin /u1D465over/u1D436.Wedefinetheusual shiftoperator\n/u1D70E:/u1D43E→/u1D43Eas a/u1D436-automorphism of /u1D43Esuch that/u1D70E(/u1D465)=/u1D465+1. So\n(/u1D43E,/u1D70E)becomesadifference fieldanditsconstantsubfieldis /u1D436.Let\n/u1D445:=/u1D43E[/u1D4610,...,/u1D461/u1D45B−1]and/u1D439:=/u1D43E(/u1D4610,...,/u1D461/u1D45B−1). Thecentral problem\nofparallelsummationis as follows.\nP/r.sc/o.sc/b.sc/l.sc/e.sc/m.sc 2. Given/u1D453∈/u1D439, decidewhether there exists /u1D454∈/u1D439such\nthat/u1D453=/u1D70E(/u1D454) −/u1D454.\nFor a general /u1D436-automorphism /u1D70Eof/u1D439, the following example\nshows that the difference field (/u1D439,/u1D70E)may contain new constants\nthatis notin /u1D436.\nE/x.sc/a.sc/m.sc/p.sc/l.sc/e.sc 3. Let/u1D439=/u1D436(/u1D465,/u1D4610,/u1D4611)with the/u1D436-automorphism /u1D70Esat-\nisfying/u1D70E(/u1D465)=/u1D465+1,/u1D70E(/u1D4610)=/u1D4611, and/u1D70E(/u1D4611)=/u1D4610+/u1D4611. Then/u1D45D=\n(/u1D4612\n1−/u1D4612\n0−/u1D4610/u1D4611)2isa newconstant in /u1D439.\nIn general, deciding the existence of new constants is a very\nhard problem. The following example shows that in general, t he\ndenominator of /u1D454may have factors that are not related to any of\nthefactorsofthedenominator of /u1D453.\nE/x.sc/a.sc/m.sc/p.sc/l.sc/e.sc 4. Let/u1D439=/u1D436(/u1D465,/u1D4610,/u1D4611)and/u1D70Eis the/u1D436-automorphism\ndefinedby/u1D70E(/u1D465)=/u1D465+1,/u1D70E(/u1D4610)=2/u1D4610+/u1D465/u1D4611and/u1D70E(/u1D4611)=2/u1D4611.Then\n/u1D70E/parenleftbigg/u1D4610\n/u1D4611/parenrightbigg\n−/u1D4610\n/u1D4611=2/u1D4610+/u1D465/u1D4611\n2/u1D4611−/u1D4610\n/u1D4611=/u1D465\n2.\nTomaketheproblemmoretractable,wewillimposethefollow -\ninghypothesis throughouttheremaining partof this paper.\nH/y.sc/p.sc/o.sc/t.sc/h.sc/e.sc/s.sc/i.sc/s.sc5. The constant fieldof (/u1D439,/u1D70E)isthe field/u1D436and/u1D70Eis\nalsoa/u1D436-automorphismof /u1D445.\nTosolveProblem2,onefirstneedstoestimatethepossibleir re-\nduciblepolynomialsin thedenominator of /u1D454. Tothis end, wenow\nextend thenotionof specialpolynomialsinparallelintegr ationto\nthesummationsetting.\nD/e.sc/f.sc/i.sc/n.sc/i.sc/t.sc/i.sc/o.sc/n.sc 6. A polynomial /u1D443∈/u1D445is said to be specialif there\nexist/u1D456∈Z\\ {0}such that/u1D443|/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D443)and it is said to be normalif\ngcd(/u1D443,/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D443))=1for all/u1D456∈Z\\ {0}. A polynomial /u1D443∈/u1D445is said\nto befactor-normal if all of its irreducible factors are normal. Two\npolynomials /u1D443,/u1D444∈/u1D445issaid to be /u1D70E-equivalent if there exist /u1D45A∈Z\nand/u1D462∈/u1D43Esuch that/u1D443=/u1D462·/u1D70E/u1D45A(/u1D444).\nBy the above definition, any nonzero element in /u1D43Eis both spe-\ncialandnormalandanirreduciblepolynomialin /u1D445iseitherspecial\nornormal.Theproductofspecialpolynomialsisalsospecia l.Iftwo\nnormalpolynomialsarenot /u1D70E-equivalent,thentheirproductisstill\nnormal.\nConcerningspecialandnormalpolynomials,therearetwoba sic\nand natural questions: firstly, how to decide a given irreduc ible\npolynomialisspecialornormal?secondly,howtodecidewhe ther\ntwo polynomials are /u1D70E-equivalent or not? We will answer these\nquestions in next section for the difference field generated b y P-\nrecursivesequences.\n2.1 Local dispersions anddenominator bounds\nAbramov in [1] introduced the notion of dispersions for rati onal\nsummation that is a discrete analogue of the multiplicity. W e de-\nfinealocalversionofAbramov’sdispersionsin /u1D445atanirreduciblenormal polynomial that was first used in [10]. Let /u1D45D,/u1D444∈/u1D445with\n/u1D45Dbeing an irreducible normal polynomial. If /u1D70E/u1D456\n/u1D461(/u1D45D) |/u1D444for some\n/u1D456∈Z, thelocal dispersion of/u1D444at/u1D45D, denoted by disp/u1D45D(/u1D444), is de-\nfinedasthemaximalintegerdistance |/u1D456−/u1D457|with/u1D456,/u1D457∈Zsatisfying\n/u1D70E/u1D456\n/u1D461(/u1D45D) |/u1D444and/u1D70E/u1D457\n/u1D461(/u1D45D) |/u1D444; otherwise we define disp/u1D45D(/u1D444)=−∞.\nConventionally, we set disp/u1D45D(0)=+∞. The (global) dispersion of\n/u1D444,denoted bydisp (/u1D444),is defined as\nmax{disp/u1D45D(/u1D444) |/u1D45Dis anirreduciblenormal polynomialin /u1D445}.\nNote that disp (/u1D444)=−∞if/u1D444∈/u1D445\\ {0}has no irreducible normal\nfactor. For a rational function /u1D453=/u1D44E//u1D44F∈/u1D439with/u1D44E,/u1D44F∈/u1D445and\ngcd(/u1D44E,/u1D44F)=1, we also define disp/u1D45D(/u1D453)=disp/u1D45D(/u1D44F)and disp(/u1D453)=\ndisp(/u1D44F). The set {/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D45D) |/u1D456∈Z}is called the /u1D70E-orbit at/u1D45D, denoted\nby[/u1D45D]/u1D70E. Note that disp/u1D45D(/u1D444)=disp/u1D45E(/u1D444)if/u1D45E∈ [/u1D45D]/u1D70E. So we can\ndefine thelocaldispersionand dispersionofa rationalfunc tionat\na/u1D70E-orbit.\nThe following lemma shows how the local dispersions and dis-\npersionschangeundertheactionofthedifferenceoperator Δ,which\nis defined by Δ(/u1D453)=/u1D70E(/u1D453) −/u1D453for any/u1D453∈/u1D439.\nL/e.sc/m.sc/m.sc/a.sc 7. Let/u1D453=/u1D44E//u1D44F∈/u1D439with/u1D44E,/u1D44F∈/u1D445andgcd(/u1D44E,/u1D44F)=1and\nlet/u1D45D∈/u1D445be an irreduciblenormal factor of /u1D44F. Thendisp/u1D45D(Δ(/u1D453))=\ndisp/u1D45D(/u1D453) +1anddisp(Δ(/u1D453))=disp(/u1D453) +1.\nP/r.sc/o.sc/o.sc/f.sc.Let/u1D451=disp/u1D45D(/u1D44F). Without loss of generality, we may\nassume that /u1D45D|/u1D44Fbut/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D45D)∤/u1D44Ffor any/u1D456<0. Since gcd (/u1D44E,/u1D44F)=1\nand/u1D70Eis a/u1D436-automorphismof /u1D43E[/u1D4610,...,/u1D461/u1D45B−1],gcd(/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D44E),/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D44F))=\n1forany/u1D456∈Z.Wenow write\n/u1D70E(/u1D453) −/u1D453=/u1D70E(/u1D44E)/u1D44F−/u1D44E/u1D70E(/u1D44F)\n/u1D44F/u1D70E(/u1D44F)=/u1D434\n/u1D435,\nwhere/u1D434,/u1D435∈/u1D43E[/u1D4610,...,/u1D461/u1D45B−1]and gcd(/u1D434,/u1D435)=1. Since/u1D45D|/u1D44Fbut\n/u1D45D∤/u1D44E/u1D70E(/u1D44F), we have/u1D45D∤(/u1D70E(/u1D44E)/u1D44F−/u1D44E/u1D70E(/u1D44F))and then/u1D45D∤/u1D434. By\nthe definition of local dispersions, /u1D70E/u1D451(/u1D45D) |/u1D44Fbut/u1D70E/u1D451+1(/u1D45D)∤/u1D44F.\nSince gcd (/u1D44E,/u1D44F)=1, we have/u1D70E/u1D451(/u1D45D)∤/u1D44Eand then/u1D70E/u1D451+1(/u1D45D)∤/u1D70E(/u1D44E).\nThen/u1D70E/u1D451+1(/u1D45D)∤/u1D70E(/u1D44E)/u1D44F, which implies /u1D70E/u1D451+1(/u1D45D)∤(/u1D70E(/u1D44E)/u1D44F−/u1D44E/u1D70E(/u1D44F))\nand also/u1D70E/u1D451+1(/u1D45D)∤/u1D434. So/u1D45D|/u1D435and/u1D70E/u1D451+1(/u1D45D) |/u1D435, which implies\nthat disp/u1D45D(/u1D435) ≥/u1D451+1. Since/u1D435|/u1D44F/u1D70E(/u1D44F), we have disp/u1D45D(/u1D435) ≤\ndisp/u1D45D(/u1D44F/u1D70E(/u1D44F))=/u1D451+1.Therefore, disp/u1D45D(/u1D435)=/u1D451+1.Sincetheequal-\nity disp/u1D45D(/u1D435)=/u1D451+1 holds for all irreducible normal factors, we\nhave disp (Δ(/u1D453))=disp(/u1D453) +1.\nBy the above lemma, we get that /u1D453is not/u1D70E-summable in /u1D439if\ndisp(/u1D453)=0. If we know how to detect the /u1D70E-equivalence in /u1D445,\nthen wecan writea given polynomial /u1D443∈/u1D445as/u1D443=/u1D443/u1D460·/u1D443/u1D45B,where\n/u1D443/u1D45Bismonic,allirreduciblefactorsof /u1D443/u1D460∈/u1D445arespecialandallirre-\nducible factors of /u1D443/u1D45B∈/u1D445are normal. We call (/u1D443/u1D460,/u1D443/u1D45B)thesplitting\nfactorization of/u1D443and/u1D443/u1D45Bthenormal part of/u1D443.\nT/h.sc/e.sc/o.sc/r.sc/e.sc/m.sc 8. Let/u1D453∈/u1D439and/u1D463/u1D45B∈/u1D445be the normal part of the\ndenominator of /u1D453. If/u1D453=/u1D70E(/u1D454) −/u1D454for some/u1D454∈/u1D439, then the normal\npartof thedenominatorof /u1D454dividesthepolynomial\ngcd/parenleftBigg/u1D451/productdisplay.1\n/u1D456=0/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D463/u1D45B),/u1D451/productdisplay.1\n/u1D456=0/u1D70E−/u1D456−1(/u1D463/u1D45B)/parenrightBigg\n,\nwhere/u1D451:=disp(/u1D454)=disp(/u1D453) −1.P/r.sc/o.sc/o.sc/f.sc.Write/u1D453=/u1D462//u1D463∈/u1D439with/u1D462,/u1D463∈/u1D445and/u1D454/u1D450/u1D451(/u1D462,/u1D463)=1.\nAssume that the splitting factorization of /u1D463is(/u1D463/u1D460,/u1D463/u1D45B) ∈/u1D4452. If/u1D453=\n/u1D70E(/u1D454) −/u1D454for some/u1D454∈/u1D439, we also write /u1D454=/u1D45D//u1D45Ewith/u1D45D,/u1D45E∈/u1D445and\n/u1D454/u1D450/u1D451(/u1D45D,/u1D45E)=1 and let (/u1D45E/u1D460,/u1D45E/u1D45B)bethesplitting factorizationof /u1D45E.By\nLemma 7,we have /u1D451:=disp(/u1D45E/u1D45B)=disp(/u1D463/u1D45B) −1.Wenow show\n/u1D45E/u1D45B|gcd/parenleftBigg/u1D451/productdisplay.1\n/u1D456=0/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D463/u1D45B),/u1D451/productdisplay.1\n/u1D456=0/u1D70E−/u1D456−1(/u1D463/u1D45B)/parenrightBigg\n. (1)\nWe first show that /u1D45E/u1D45B|/producttext.1/u1D451\n/u1D456=0/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D463/u1D45B). The equality /u1D453=/u1D70E(/u1D454) −/u1D454\nimplies that\n/u1D454=/u1D463/u1D70E(/u1D454) −/u1D462\n/u1D463(2)\nApplying/u1D70Etobothsides of theaboveequationyields\n/u1D70E(/u1D454)=/u1D70E(/u1D463)/u1D70E2(/u1D454) −/u1D70E(/u1D462)\n/u1D70E(/u1D463).\nSubstituting /u1D70E(/u1D454)intheequation(2) yields\n/u1D454=1\n/u1D463/parenleftbigg\n/u1D463·/u1D70E(/u1D463)/u1D70E2(/u1D454) −/u1D70E(/u1D462)\n/u1D70E(/u1D463)−/u1D462/parenrightbigg\nAfter/u1D451repetitions oftheabove process,weget\n/u1D454=/u1D44E·/u1D70E/u1D451+1(/u1D454) −/u1D44F\n/u1D463/u1D70E(/u1D463) ···/u1D70E/u1D451(/u1D463)\nforsome/u1D44E,/u1D44F∈/u1D445. Thedenominator of the /u1D454is/u1D45E=/u1D45E/u1D460/u1D45E/u1D45B,whilethe\ndenominator of theright-hand sideof theabove equalityis a divi-\nsorof/u1D449:=/u1D463/u1D70E(/u1D463) ···/u1D70E/u1D451(/u1D463)/u1D70E/u1D451+1(/u1D45E).Then/u1D45E/u1D45B|/u1D449.Let(/u1D449/u1D460,/u1D449/u1D45B)bethe\nsplittingfactorizationof /u1D449.Then/u1D449/u1D45B=/u1D463/u1D45B/u1D70E(/u1D463/u1D45B)···/u1D70E/u1D451(/u1D463/u1D45B)/u1D70E/u1D451+1(/u1D45E/u1D45B)\nand/u1D45E/u1D45B|/u1D449/u1D45B. Since/u1D451/u1D456/u1D460/u1D45D(/u1D45E/u1D45B)=/u1D451, we have gcd (/u1D45E/u1D45B,/u1D70E/u1D451+1(/u1D45E/u1D45B))=1.\nHence we have /u1D45E/u1D45B|/u1D463/u1D45B/u1D70E(/u1D463/u1D45B)···/u1D70E/u1D451(/u1D463/u1D45B). The proofof thedivisibil-\nity/u1D45E/u1D45B|/producttext.1/u1D451\n/u1D456=0/u1D70E−/u1D456−1(/u1D463/u1D45B)is analogous. So the divisibility (1) holds.\nE/x.sc/a.sc/m.sc/p.sc/l.sc/e.sc9. Let/u1D439=/u1D436(/u1D465)(/u1D4610,/u1D4611)witha/u1D436-automorphismdefined\nby/u1D70E(/u1D465)=/u1D465+1,/u1D70E(/u1D4610)=/u1D4611and/u1D70E(/u1D4611)=−6/u1D4610+5/u1D4611. Consider the\nequation\n/u1D453=636/u1D4613\n0+443/u1D4612\n0/u1D4611−1428/u1D4610/u1D4612\n1+565/u1D4613\n1\n2592(3/u1D4610−2/u1D4611)2(/u1D4610−/u1D4611)2(2/u1D4610−/u1D4611)(/u1D4610+/u1D4611)=/u1D70E(/u1D466.alt) −/u1D466.alt.\nWenow decidewhetherthisequationhasa solution in /u1D439.Firstly,we\ncandetectthattheirreduciblefactor 2/u1D4610−/u1D4611isspecialandotherirre-\nduciblefactorsarenormal.Thenthenormalpartofthedenom inator\nof/u1D453is/u1D435:=(3/u1D4610−2/u1D4611)2(/u1D4610−/u1D4611)2(/u1D4610+/u1D4611)with dispersion /u1D451=2.\nByTheorem8,the normalpartof thedenominatorofany soluti on/u1D454\ndivides the polynomial (/u1D4611+/u1D4610)3/u1D70E(/u1D4611+/u1D4610)2. Then we can make an\nansatz for/u1D454as\n/u1D454=/u1D448\n(/u1D4611+/u1D4610)3/u1D70E(/u1D4611+/u1D4610)2(2/u1D4610−/u1D4611),\nwhere/u1D448∈/u1D436(/u1D465)[/u1D4610,/u1D4611]satisfying therecurrenceequation\n(/u1D4611+/u1D4610)3/u1D70E(/u1D448) −/u1D70E(/u1D4611+/u1D4610)/u1D70E2(/u1D4611+/u1D4610)2/u1D448=/u1D44F,\nwhere/u1D44F=(/u1D4611+/u1D4610)2/u1D70E(/u1D4611+/u1D4610)(636/u1D4613\n0+443/u1D4612\n0/u1D4611−1428/u1D4610/u1D4612\n1+565/u1D4613\n1).\nWecanboundthedegreeof /u1D448whichis3.Thenweget /u1D448=/u1D4613\n0+4/u1D4612\n0+\n5/u1D4610/u1D4612\n1+2/u1D4613\n1bysolvingalineardifferencesystemforrationalsolutions .\nSowe have the rationalsolution\n/u1D454=2/u1D4611+/u1D4610\n36(/u1D4611−2/u1D4610)(/u1D4610+/u1D4611)(/u1D4611−/u1D4610)2.We will discuss how to estimate special factors in the denom-\ninator of/u1D454in next section for the difference fields generated by\nP-recursive sequences.\n2.2 Number ofirreducible specialpolynomials\nInSection2.1,wehavealreadyoutlinedtheprocedureforco mput-\ningthenormalpartofthedenominatorof /u1D454satisfying/u1D70E(/u1D454)−/u1D454=/u1D453.\nThechallengethatremainsistohandlethespecialpart.Asd emon-\nstratedinExample4,apeculiarsituationarises where thed enom-\ninator of/u1D454contains aspecialpolynomialthatdoesnotalready ap-\npear in the denominator of /u1D453. Hence, to determine the denomi-\nnator of/u1D454, it becomes necessary to identify all irreducible special\npolynomials.However,thecomputationofallspecialpolyn omials\nremains anunresolved issueatpresent. Inthissubsection, weaim\nto establish that there are at most /u1D45Birreducible special polynomi-\nals that do not pairwise differ by elements of /u1D43E∗. This provides a\ncrucialinsightintothelimiteddiversityofirreducibles pecialpoly-\nnomials. In Section 3.1,under certain assumptions, we will unveil\nthestructureofirreduciblespecialpolynomials.Webegin withthe\nfollowinglemmathatisadirectconsequenceofTheorem2.1. 12on\npage 114of[30].\nL/e.sc/m.sc/m.sc/a.sc 10. Suppose that Fis a/u1D70E-field with algebraically closed\nfield/u1D436of constants, and /u1D453∈ Fsatisfying that /u1D70Eℓ(/u1D453)=/u1D453for some\nℓ>0.Then/u1D453∈/u1D436.\nC/o.sc/r.sc/o.sc/l.sc/l.sc/a.sc/r.sc/y.sc 11. Suppose that /u1D45D1,/u1D45D2,...,/u1D45D/u1D45Aare special polyno-\nmials that are linearly independent over /u1D43E,/u1D6FC2,...,/u1D6FC/u1D45A∈/u1D43E. Then\n/u1D45D1+/u1D6FC2/u1D45D2+ ···+/u1D6FC/u1D45A/u1D45D/u1D45Ais a special polynomial if and only if /u1D6FC2=\n···=/u1D6FC/u1D45A=0.\nP/r.sc/o.sc/o.sc/f.sc.Itsufficestoshowthenecessarypart.Supposethat /u1D45D1+\n/u1D6FC2/u1D45D2+···+/u1D6FC/u1D45A/u1D45D/u1D45Aisaspecialpolynomial.Thenthereisapositive\nintegerℓand/u1D6FE,/u1D6FD1,...,/u1D6FD/u1D45A∈/u1D43Esuch that/u1D70Eℓ(/u1D45D/u1D456)=/u1D6FD/u1D456/u1D45D/u1D456and\n/u1D70Eℓ(/u1D45D1+/u1D6FC2/u1D45D2+···+/u1D6FC/u1D45A/u1D45D/u1D45A)=/u1D6FE(/u1D45D1+/u1D6FC2/u1D45D2+···+/u1D6FC/u1D45A/u1D45D/u1D45A).\nA straightforward calculation reveals that /u1D6FD1=/u1D6FE, and/u1D70Eℓ(/u1D6FC/u1D456)/u1D6FD/u1D456=\n/u1D6FD1/u1D6FC/u1D456for all 2≤/u1D456≤/u1D45A. This implies that /u1D70Eℓ(/u1D6FC/u1D456/u1D45D/u1D456)=/u1D6FD1/u1D6FC/u1D456/u1D45D/u1D456and\nconsequently, /u1D70Eℓ(/u1D6FC/u1D456/u1D45D/u1D456//u1D45D1)=/u1D6FC/u1D456/u1D45D/u1D456//u1D45D1,forall2 ≤/u1D456≤/u1D45A.According\nto Lemma 10, /u1D6FC/u1D456/u1D45D/u1D456//u1D45D1∈/u1D436. For each 2 ≤/u1D456≤/u1D45A, as/u1D45D/u1D456and/u1D45D1are\nlinearly independent over /u1D43E,itfollowsthat /u1D6FC/u1D456=0.\nP/r.sc/o.sc/p.sc/o.sc/s.sc/i.sc/t.sc/i.sc/o.sc/n.sc 12. Suppose that /u1D45D1,...,/u1D45D/u1D45Aare irreduciblespecial\npolynomials that are not pairwise shift equivalent. Denote byℓ/u1D456the\nsmallest positive integer such that /u1D45D/u1D456|/u1D70Eℓ/u1D456(/u1D45D/u1D456). Then the/u1D70E/u1D457(/u1D45D/u1D456),/u1D456=\n1,...,/u1D45A,/u1D457 =0,...,ℓ/u1D456−1are algebraicallyindependentover /u1D43E.\nP/r.sc/o.sc/o.sc/f.sc.Set/u1D441=lcm(ℓ1,...,ℓ/u1D45A).Then/u1D70E/u1D441(/u1D70E/u1D457(/u1D45D/u1D456))=/u1D6FC/u1D456,/u1D457/u1D70E/u1D457(/u1D45D/u1D456)\nfor some/u1D6FC/u1D456,/u1D457∈/u1D43E. Suppose on the contrary that the /u1D70E/u1D457(/u1D45D/u1D456),/u1D456=\n1,...,/u1D45A,/u1D457 =0,...,ℓ/u1D456−1 are algebraically dependent over /u1D43E. Due\nto thedifference analogueof Kolchin-Ostrowski theorem (se e [22,\n32]), there are integers /u1D451/u1D456,/u1D457,/u1D456=1,...,/u1D45A,/u1D457 =0,...,ℓ/u1D456−1, not all\nzero, and/u1D6FD∈/u1D43E∗such that\n/u1D45A/productdisplay.1\n/u1D456=1ℓ/u1D456−1/productdisplay.1\n/u1D457=0/u1D6FC/u1D451/u1D456,/u1D457\n/u1D456,/u1D457=/u1D70E/u1D441(/u1D6FD)\n/u1D6FD.Since/u1D70E/u1D441(/producttext.1\n/u1D456,/u1D457/u1D70E/u1D457(/u1D45D/u1D456)/u1D451/u1D456,/u1D457)=/producttext.1\n/u1D456,/u1D457/u1D6FC/u1D451/u1D456,/u1D457\n/u1D456,/u1D457/producttext.1\n/u1D456,/u1D457/u1D70E/u1D457(/u1D45D/u1D456)/u1D451/u1D456,/u1D457,wehavethat\n/u1D70E/u1D441/parenleftBigg/producttext.1\n/u1D456,/u1D457/u1D70E/u1D457(/u1D45D/u1D456)/u1D451/u1D456,/u1D457\n/u1D6FD/parenrightBigg\n=/producttext.1\n/u1D456,/u1D457/u1D70E/u1D457(/u1D45D/u1D456)/u1D451/u1D456,/u1D457\n/u1D6FD.\nDue to Lemma 10,/producttext.1\n/u1D456,/u1D457/u1D70E/u1D457(/u1D45D/u1D456)/u1D451/u1D456,/u1D457=/u1D450/u1D6FDfor some/u1D450∈/u1D436. Denote\n/u1D4461={(/u1D456,/u1D457) |/u1D451/u1D456,/u1D457>0}and/u1D4462={(/u1D456,/u1D457) |/u1D451/u1D456,/u1D457<0}.Since the/u1D451/u1D456,/u1D457are\nnot all zero and /u1D4610,...,/u1D461/u1D45B−1are algebraically independent over /u1D43E,\nneither/u1D4461nor/u1D4462is empty.Thisleads to\n/productdisplay.1\n(/u1D456,/u1D457)∈/u1D4461/u1D70E/u1D457(/u1D45D/u1D456)/u1D451/u1D456,/u1D457=/u1D450/u1D6FD/productdisplay.1\n(/u1D456,/u1D457)∈/u1D4462/u1D70E/u1D457(/u1D45D/u1D456)−/u1D451/u1D456,/u1D457.\nChoose(/u1D4561,/u1D4571) ∈/u1D4461. Then/u1D70E/u1D4571(/u1D45D/u1D4561)divides/producttext.1\n(/u1D456,/u1D457)∈/u1D4462/u1D70E/u1D457(/u1D45D/u1D456)−/u1D451/u1D456,/u1D457\nandthusthereexists (/u1D4562,/u1D4572) ∈/u1D4462suchthat/u1D70E/u1D4571(/u1D45D/u1D4561)divides/u1D70E/u1D4572(/u1D45D/u1D4562).\nAs both/u1D70E/u1D4571(/u1D45D/u1D4561)and/u1D70E/u1D4572(/u1D45D/u1D4562)are irreducible, /u1D70E/u1D4571(/u1D45D/u1D4561)=/u1D6FE/u1D70E/u1D4572(/u1D45D/u1D4562)\nfor some/u1D6FE∈/u1D43E. If/u1D4561=/u1D4562then 0≤/u1D4571≠/u1D4572≤ℓ/u1D4561−1. Without\nlossofgenerality,assume /u1D4572>/u1D4571.Then/u1D70E/u1D4572−/u1D4571(/u1D45D/u1D4561)=/u1D45D/u1D4561//u1D70E−/u1D4571(/u1D6FE),\nwhich contradicts the minimality of ℓ/u1D4561. If/u1D4561≠/u1D4562then/u1D45D/u1D4561and/u1D45D/u1D4562\nareshift equivalent,contradictingtheinitial assumptio n.\nSince tr.deg(/u1D439//u1D43E)=/u1D45B,we have thefollowingcorollary.\nC/o.sc/r.sc/o.sc/l.sc/l.sc/a.sc/r.sc/y.sc 13. Suppose that /u1D45D1,...,/u1D45D/u1D45Aare irreducible special\npolynomialsthatarenotpairwiseshiftequivalent.Then/summationtext.1/u1D45A\n/u1D456=1ℓ/u1D456≤/u1D45B,\nwhereℓ/u1D456isthe smallestpositive integersuch that /u1D45D/u1D456|/u1D70Eℓ/u1D456(/u1D45D/u1D456).\n3 THE P-RECURSIVECASE\nP-recursive sequences, introduced by Stanley [45], satisf y linear\nrecurrenceequationswithpolynomialcoefficients.Thegene rating\nfunctionofaP-recursivesequenceisaD-finitefunction,wh ichsat-\nisfies a linear differential equations with polynomial coeffic ients.\nThis class of sequences has been extensively studied in comb ina-\ntorics[43,48]andsymboliccomputation[28,29]togetherw ithits\ngeneratingfunctions.Inthissection,wewillfocusonpara llelsum-\nmationin difference fields generated byP-recursive sequenc es.\nLet/u1D439be the field /u1D436(/u1D465)(/u1D4610,...,/u1D461/u1D45B−1)with a/u1D436-automorphism /u1D70E\nsatisfying that /u1D70E(/u1D465)=/u1D465+1,/u1D70E(/u1D4610)=/u1D4611,...,/u1D70E(/u1D461/u1D45B−2)=/u1D461/u1D45B−1, and\n/u1D70E(/u1D461/u1D45B−1)=/u1D44E0/u1D4610+···+/u1D44E/u1D45B−1/u1D461/u1D45B−1,\nwhere/u1D44E0,...,/u1D44E/u1D45B−1∈/u1D436(/u1D465)and/u1D44E0≠0. So/u1D70Eis a/u1D436-automorphism\nof the ring/u1D445=/u1D436(/u1D465)[/u1D4610,...,/u1D461/u1D45B−1]. We still assume in this section\nthattheconstant fieldof (/u1D439,/u1D70E)is thefield/u1D436.Inorder tostudythe\nindefinitesummationproblemin /u1D439,wefirstaddresstwobasicques-\ntions onspecialand normal polynomials.InSection 3.1,we p rove\nsome structural properties on special polynomials under ce rtain\nassumptions. In Section 3.2, we will answer the question of d ecid-\ning whether two irreduciblepolynomials in /u1D445are/u1D70E-equivalent or\nnot.\n3.1 Degrees ofirreducible specialpolynomials\nIntheP-recursivecase,byLemma14below,computingallspe cial\npolynomialsof degree /u1D45Ais equivalent tocomputingall hypergeo-\nmetricsolutionsof the /u1D45Athsymmetric power ofthesystem\n/u1D70E(/u1D44C)=/u1D434/u1D44C (3)or/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D44C)=/u1D434(/u1D460)/u1D44Cforsome/u1D460>1,where\n/u1D434=/parenlefttpA/parenleftexA/parenleftexA/parenleftexA/parenleftexA/parenleftexA/parenleftexA\n/parenleftbtA0 1\n0 1\n......\n0 1\n/u1D44E0/u1D44E1/u1D44E2... /u1D44E/u1D45B−1/parenrighttpA/parenrightexA/parenrightexA/parenrightexA/parenrightexA/parenrightexA/parenrightexA\n/parenrightbtA\nand/u1D434(/u1D460)=/u1D70E/u1D460−1(/u1D434).../u1D70E(/u1D434)/u1D434. Algorithms for computing all hy-\npergeometric solutions of a given linear difference equatio n are\nknown, for example, refer to [34]. Corollary 13 establishes the ex-\nistence of a degree bound for all irreducible special polyno mials.\nHowever, by the absence of a known degree bound, the computa-\ntion of all irreducible special polynomials remains an unre solved\nchallenge. Inthissubsection,weaimtoprovethatwhen/summationtext.1/u1D45A\n/u1D456=1ℓ/u1D456=\n/u1D45Bwithℓ/u1D456as defined in Corollary 13, all irreducible special poly-\nnomials are linear in /u1D4610,/u1D4611,...,/u1D461/u1D45B−1. Consequently, in this specific\ncase, the degree of all irreducible special polynomials is e xactly\nequalto1andthuswecancomputeallirreduciblespecialpol yno-\nmials.\nL/e.sc/m.sc/m.sc/a.sc14. Allspecialpolynomialsare homogeneous.\nP/r.sc/o.sc/o.sc/f.sc.Suppose that /u1D45Dis a special polynomial and is not ho-\nmogeneous. Write /u1D45D=/summationtext.1/u1D45A\n/u1D456=0/u1D45D/u1D456where/u1D45D/u1D456is the/u1D456-th homogeneous\npart of/u1D45Dand/u1D45D/u1D45A≠0. Assume that /u1D70Eℓ(/u1D45D)=/u1D6FC/u1D45Dfor some nonzero\n/u1D6FC∈/u1D436(/u1D465). Then/u1D70Eℓ(/u1D45D)=/summationtext.1/u1D45A\n/u1D456=0/u1D70Eℓ(/u1D45D/u1D456)=/u1D6FC/u1D45D=/summationtext.1/u1D45A\n/u1D456=0/u1D6FC/u1D45D/u1D456. Note that\n/u1D70Eℓ(/u1D45D/u1D456)isalsohomogeneousofdegree /u1D456.Wehavethat /u1D70Eℓ(/u1D45D/u1D456)=/u1D6FC/u1D45D/u1D456\nfor all 0≤/u1D456≤/u1D45A. Since/u1D45Dis not homogeneous, there is an /u1D4560such\nthat/u1D45D/u1D4560≠0.Hence/u1D70Eℓ(/u1D45D/u1D4560//u1D45D/u1D45A)=/u1D45D/u1D4560//u1D45D/u1D45A.AccordingtoLemma10,\n/u1D45D/u1D4560//u1D45D/u1D45A∈/u1D436, which contradicts the fact that the numerator and\ndenominator of /u1D45D/u1D4560//u1D45D/u1D45Ahave different degrees.\nWestartwiththe /u1D436-finitecase.Inthiscase,wewilldemonstrate\nthat the degree of all irreducible special polynomials is al ways\nequalto1,withoutrequiring theassumptionthat/summationtext.1/u1D45A\n/u1D456=1ℓ/u1D456=/u1D45B.\nP/r.sc/o.sc/p.sc/o.sc/s.sc/i.sc/t.sc/i.sc/o.sc/n.sc 15. Supposethat /u1D434∈GL/u1D45B(/u1D436).Thenall irreducible\nspecialpolynomialsare linearin /u1D4610,/u1D4611,...,/u1D461/u1D45B−1.\nP/r.sc/o.sc/o.sc/f.sc.Let/u1D435∈GL/u1D45B(/u1D436)such that/u1D435/u1D434/u1D435−1=diag(/u1D43D1,/u1D43D2,...,/u1D43Dℓ),\nwhere/u1D43D/u1D456is a Jordan blockof order /u1D45B/u1D456. We claim that /u1D45B/u1D456=1 for all\n1≤/u1D456≤ℓ. Without loss of generality, assume that /u1D45B1>1 and/u1D6FC1\nis the eigenvalue of /u1D43D1. Set¯/u1D447=(¯/u1D4610,...,¯/u1D461/u1D45B−1)/u1D461=/u1D435(/u1D4610,...,/u1D461/u1D45B−1)/u1D461.\nThen/u1D70E(¯/u1D447)=/u1D435/u1D434/u1D435−1¯/u1D447. Therefore /u1D70E(¯/u1D461/u1D45B1−1)=/u1D6FC1¯/u1D461/u1D45B1−1+¯/u1D461/u1D45B1and\n/u1D70E(¯/u1D461/u1D45B1)=/u1D6FC1¯/u1D461/u1D45B1. From these, it follows that /u1D70E(¯/u1D461/u1D45B1−1\n¯/u1D461/u1D45B1)=¯/u1D461/u1D45B1−1\n¯/u1D461/u1D45B1+1\n/u1D6FC1.\nConsequently,\n/u1D70E/parenleftbigg¯/u1D461/u1D45B1−1\n¯/u1D461/u1D45B1−/u1D465\n/u1D6FC1/parenrightbigg\n=¯/u1D461/u1D45B1−1\n¯/u1D461/u1D45B1−/u1D465\n/u1D6FC1.\nIn other words, ¯/u1D461/u1D45B1−1/¯/u1D461/u1D45B1−/u1D465//u1D6FC1∈/u1D436, leading to a contradiction.\nThisprovesourclaim.Therefore /u1D435/u1D434/u1D435−1=diag(/u1D6FC1,...,/u1D6FC/u1D45B),where\n/u1D6FC/u1D456∈/u1D436.Finally,supposethat /u1D45Disanirreduciblespecialpolynomial.\nNote that/u1D45Dcan be expressed as a polynomial in ¯/u1D4610,¯/u1D4611,...,¯/u1D461/u1D45B−1.\nCorollary11impliesthat /u1D45Disamonomialin ¯/u1D4610,¯/u1D4611,...,¯/u1D461/u1D45B−1.Hence\n/u1D45D=/u1D6FD¯/u1D461/u1D456for some 0 ≤/u1D456≤/u1D45B−1 and/u1D6FD∈/u1D43E, and so it is linear in\n/u1D4610,/u1D4611,...,/u1D461/u1D45B−1.R/e.sc/m.sc/a.sc/r.sc/k.sc16. IntheproofofProposition15,thespecialpolynomials\n¯/u1D4610,...,¯/u1D461/u1D45B−1are not pairwise shift equivalent and then the condition/summationtext.1/u1D45A\n/u1D456=1ℓ/u1D456=/u1D45Bis automatically satisfied. In fact, suppose /u1D70E(¯/u1D461/u1D4561)=/u1D6FD¯/u1D461/u1D4562\nforsome0≤/u1D4561≠/u1D4562≤/u1D45B−1and/u1D6FD∈/u1D43E.Since/u1D70E(¯/u1D461/u1D4561)=/u1D6FC¯/u1D461/u1D4561forsome\n/u1D6FC∈/u1D43E, it follows that ¯/u1D4611,¯/u1D4612are linearly dependent over /u1D43E, which\ncontradicts the fact that ¯/u1D4610,...,¯/u1D461/u1D45B−1are algebraically independent\nover/u1D43E.\nBefore proceeding to the general case, let’s recall some fun da-\nmentalresultsfromdifference Galoistheory.Fordetailedi nforma-\ntion, readers can refer to Chapter 1 of [46]. Let Rbe the Picard-\nVessiotringfor /u1D70E(/u1D44C)=/u1D434/u1D44Cover/u1D43E,where/u1D434isgivenasin(3).In R,\nthereexist idempotents /u1D4520,/u1D4521,...,/u1D452/u1D460−1such that\nR=R0⊕ R1⊕ ···⊕ R /u1D460−1,\nwhereR/u1D456=/u1D452/u1D456RandR/u1D456is a domain. Moreover, R/u1D456serves as the\nPicard-Vessiot ringfor /u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D44C)=/u1D434(/u1D460)/u1D44Cover/u1D43Ewith\n/u1D434(/u1D460)=/u1D70E/u1D460−1(/u1D434).../u1D70E(/u1D434)/u1D434.\nLet/u1D43AbetheGaloisgroupof /u1D70E(/u1D44C)=/u1D434/u1D44Cover/u1D43Eand/u1D43BbetheGalois\ngroup of/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D44C)=/u1D434(/u1D460)/u1D44Cover/u1D43E. By Corollary 1.17 on page 13 of\n[46],[/u1D43A:/u1D43B]=/u1D460and consequently, /u1D43Bcontains/u1D43A◦, the identity\ncomponentof /u1D43A.Ontheotherhand,duetoProposition1.20, R/u1D456is\na trivial/u1D43B-torsor which implies that /u1D43Bis connected since R/u1D456is a\ndomain.Hence /u1D43B=/u1D43A◦.\nL/e.sc/m.sc/m.sc/a.sc17. Supposethat /u1D45D1,...,/u1D45D/u1D45Aarespecialpolynomials.Then\nthereexists a fundamentalmatrix Z ∈GL/u1D45B(R)of/u1D70E(/u1D44C)=/u1D434/u1D44Csuch\nthat/u1D45D/u1D456(Z/u1D457)is invertible in Rfor all1≤/u1D456≤/u1D45A,1≤/u1D457≤/u1D45B, where\nZ/u1D457denotesthe/u1D457thcolumn of Z.\nP/r.sc/o.sc/o.sc/f.sc.Let/u1D441be a positive integer such that /u1D45D/u1D456|/u1D70E/u1D441(/u1D45D/u1D456)for\nall 1≤/u1D456≤/u1D45Aand let/u1D45E=(/producttext.1/u1D45A\n/u1D456=1/u1D45D/u1D456)/u1D70E(/producttext.1/u1D45A\n/u1D456=1/u1D45D/u1D456)···/u1D70E/u1D441−1(/producttext.1/u1D45A\n/u1D456=1/u1D45D/u1D456).\nThen/u1D70E(/u1D45E)=/u1D6FC/u1D45Eforsome/u1D6FC∈/u1D43E.Wefirstshow thelemma for /u1D45E.\nLetZ ∈GL/u1D45B(R)be a fundamental matrix of /u1D70E(/u1D44C)=/u1D434/u1D44C. We\nclaim that there exists an /u1D440∈GL/u1D45B(/u1D436)such that/u1D45E((Z/u1D440)/u1D457)≠\n0. Letu=(/u1D4621,...,/u1D462/u1D45B)/u1D461be a vector with indeterminate entries.\nSinceZis invertible, as a polynomial in R[u],/u1D45E(Zu)≠0. Write\n/u1D45E(Zu)=/summationtext.1/u1D451\n/u1D457=1/u1D453/u1D457(u)m/u1D457, where/u1D453/u1D457(u) ∈/u1D436[u]andm1,...,m/u1D451∈ R\nare linearly independent over /u1D436. As/u1D45E(Zu)≠0, at least one of\n/u1D4531(u),...,/u1D453/u1D451(u)is not zero, say /u1D453/u1D4571(u)≠0. Set/u1D448tobethe Zariski\nopen subset of /u1D436/u1D45Bconsisting of all ain/u1D436/u1D45Bsuch that/u1D453/u1D4571(a)≠0.\nThen/u1D448×···×/u1D448isanon-emptyZariskiopensubsetof /u1D436/u1D45B×/u1D45B,where\nthedirectproducttakes /u1D45Btimes.Let/u1D440∈/u1D448×···×/u1D448besuchthat\ndet(/u1D440)≠0.Such/u1D440exists because /u1D448×···×/u1D448is Zariski dense in\n/u1D436/u1D45B×/u1D45B.Thenforeach column cof/u1D440,itfollowsthat /u1D453/u1D4571(c)≠0,and\nthus/u1D45E(Zc)≠0. Since/u1D440is invertible, Z/u1D440is also a fundamental\nmatrixof/u1D70E(/u1D44C)=/u1D434/u1D44C.This proves ourclaim.\nLetcbeacolumnof /u1D440. Then\n/u1D70E(/u1D45E(Zc))=/u1D45E/u1D70E(/u1D434Zc)=/u1D70E(/u1D45E)(Zc)=/u1D6FC/u1D45E(Zc)\nwhere/u1D45E/u1D70Edenotes the polynomial obtained by applying /u1D70Eto the\ncoefficients of /u1D45E. Hence,/u1D45E(Zc)generates a nonzero /u1D70E-ideal inR.\nSinceRis/u1D70E-simple, this ideal mustbeequalto Rand thus/u1D45E(Zc)\nis invertible in R. Finally, for each 1 ≤/u1D456≤/u1D45A, since/u1D45E(Zc)=\n/u1D45D/u1D456(Zc)ℎ/u1D456forsomeℎ/u1D456∈ R,/u1D45D/u1D456(Zc)is invertible in R.\nL/e.sc/m.sc/m.sc/a.sc 18. Suppose that there exist irreducible special polyno-\nmials/u1D45D1,...,/u1D45D/u1D45Athat are not pairwise shift equivalent, satisfyingthat/summationtext.1/u1D45A\n/u1D456=1ℓ/u1D456=/u1D45B, whereℓ/u1D456is the smallest positive integer such that\n/u1D45D/u1D456|/u1D70Eℓ/u1D456(/u1D45D/u1D456).Thendim(/u1D43A)=/u1D45B.\nP/r.sc/o.sc/o.sc/f.sc.Itsuffices toshow that dim (/u1D43A◦)=/u1D45B.Set\n/u1D45Eℓ0+ℓ1+···+ℓ/u1D456+/u1D457=/u1D70E/u1D457−1(/u1D45D/u1D456+1)\nwhere 0 ≤/u1D456≤/u1D45A−1, 1≤/u1D457≤ℓ/u1D456, andℓ0=0. By Lemma 17,\nthere exists a fundamental matrix Z ∈GL/u1D45B(R)of/u1D70E(/u1D44C)=/u1D434/u1D44C\nsuch that/u1D45E/u1D456(Z/u1D457)is invertible in Rfor all 1 ≤/u1D456,/u1D457≤/u1D45B, where\nZ/u1D457denotes the /u1D457th columnof Z. Consider R0, the Picard-Vessiot\nring for/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D44C)=/u1D434(/u1D460)/u1D44Cover/u1D43E. LetFbe the field of fractions\nofR0. Since/u1D43A◦is the Galois group of /u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D44C)=/u1D434(/u1D460)/u1D44Cover/u1D43E,\ndim(/u1D43A◦)=tr.deg(F//u1D43E). Note that/u1D4520Zis a fundamental matrix\nof/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D44C)=/u1D434(/u1D460)/u1D44Cand/u1D4520/u1D45E/u1D456(Z/u1D457)=/u1D45E/u1D456(/u1D4520Z/u1D457)isinvertiblein R0.Set\n/u1D441=lcm(ℓ1,...,ℓ/u1D45A). Then/u1D45E/u1D456|/u1D70E/u1D460/u1D441(/u1D45E/u1D456)for all 1≤/u1D456≤/u1D45B.Suppose\nthat/u1D70E/u1D460/u1D441(/u1D45E/u1D456)=/u1D6FC/u1D456/u1D45E/u1D456with/u1D6FC/u1D456∈/u1D43E.Thenfor each 1 ≤/u1D456≤/u1D45B,it holds\nthat/u1D70E/u1D460/u1D441(/u1D45E/u1D456(/u1D4520Z/u1D457))=/u1D6FC/u1D456/u1D45E/u1D456(/u1D4520Z/u1D457)for all1≤/u1D457≤/u1D45B.\nWe claim that for each 1 ≤/u1D457≤/u1D45B,/u1D45E1(/u1D4520Z/u1D457),...,/u1D45E/u1D45B(/u1D4520Z/u1D457)are\nalgebraically independent over /u1D43E. Assume on the contrary that\n/u1D45E1(/u1D4520Z/u1D457),...,/u1D45E/u1D45B(/u1D4520Z/u1D457)arealgebraicallydependentover /u1D43E.Using\nan argument similar to that in the proof of Proposition 12, we ob-\ntain integers /u1D451/u1D456,notall zero,and a nonzero /u1D6FD∈/u1D43Esuchthat\n/u1D70E/u1D460/u1D441/parenleftBigg/producttext.1\n/u1D456/u1D45E/u1D451/u1D456\n/u1D456\n/u1D6FD/parenrightBigg\n=/producttext.1\n/u1D456/u1D45E/u1D451/u1D456\n/u1D456\n/u1D6FD.\nDue to Lemma 10,/producttext.1\n/u1D456/u1D45E/u1D451/u1D456\n/u1D456=/u1D450/u1D6FDfor some/u1D450∈/u1D436. In other words,\n/u1D45E1,...,/u1D45E/u1D45Barealgebraicallydependentover /u1D43E.Thiscontradictsthe\nconclusionof Proposition12. Theclaim is established.\nNow,for 1 ≤/u1D4571≠/u1D4572≤/u1D45B,wehave that\n/u1D70E/u1D460/u1D441(/u1D45E/u1D456(/u1D4520Z/u1D4571)//u1D45E/u1D456(/u1D4520Z/u1D4572))=/u1D45E/u1D456(/u1D4520Z/u1D4571)//u1D45E/u1D456(/u1D4520Z/u1D4572).\nBy Lemma 10 (replacing /u1D70Ewith/u1D70E/u1D460),/u1D45E/u1D456(/u1D4520Z/u1D4571)=/u1D450/u1D456,/u1D4571,/u1D4572/u1D45E/u1D456(/u1D4520Z/u1D4572)\nfor all 1 ≤/u1D456≤/u1D45B, where/u1D450/u1D456,/u1D4571,/u1D4572∈/u1D436. Denote by ˜Fthe subfield\nofFgenerated by all /u1D45E/u1D456(/u1D4520Z/u1D457)over/u1D43E. Then the previous discus-\nsion implies that tr .deg(˜F//u1D43E)=/u1D45B.Note that for each 1 ≤/u1D457≤/u1D45B,\nevery entry of /u1D4520Z/u1D457is algebraic over /u1D43E(/u1D45E1(/u1D4520Z/u1D457),...,/u1D45E/u1D45B(/u1D4520Z/u1D457))\n(and thus algebraic over ˜F), because/u1D45E1(/u1D4520Z/u1D457),...,/u1D45E/u1D45B(/u1D4520Z/u1D457)are\nalgebraically independent over /u1D43Eand they are polynomial in the\nentries of/u1D4520Z/u1D457. HenceFis a finite algebraic extension of ˜F, as\nF=/u1D43E(/u1D4520Z). So tr.deg(F//u1D43E)=/u1D45Band then dim (/u1D43A◦)=/u1D45B. Conse-\nquently,dim (/u1D43A)=/u1D45B.\nT/h.sc/e.sc/o.sc/r.sc/e.sc/m.sc 19. Under the same assumption as in Lemma 18, all\nirreduciblespecialpolynomialsare linearin /u1D4610,/u1D4611,...,/u1D461/u1D45B−1.\nP/r.sc/o.sc/o.sc/f.sc.Let/u1D45E/u1D456,/u1D6FC/u1D456beasintheproofofLemma 18.Wefirstshow\nthat/u1D43A◦isatorus.DuetoLemma18,dim (/u1D43A◦)=/u1D45B.Hencetherank\nof/u1D44B(/u1D43A◦), the group of characters of /u1D43A◦(which is a free abelian\ngroup), is at most /u1D45B. As/u1D70E/u1D460/u1D441(/u1D45E/u1D456(/u1D4520Z1))=/u1D6FC/u1D456/u1D45E/u1D456(/u1D4520Z1), for each\n/u1D454∈/u1D43A◦,/u1D70E/u1D460/u1D441(/u1D454(/u1D45E/u1D456(/u1D4520Z1)))=/u1D6FC/u1D456/u1D454(/u1D45E/u1D456(/u1D4520Z1)).Hence/u1D454(/u1D45E/u1D456(/u1D4520Z1))=\n/u1D712/u1D456(/u1D454)/u1D454(/u1D45E/u1D456(/u1D4520Z1)), where/u1D712/u1D456(/u1D454) ∈/u1D436. In other words, /u1D45E/u1D456(/u1D4520Z1)in-\nduces a character /u1D712/u1D456∈/u1D44B(/u1D43A◦). Suppose that there are integers /u1D451/u1D456,\nnotallzero,suchthat/producttext.1\n/u1D456/u1D712/u1D451/u1D456\n/u1D456=id,whereidistheunitaryof /u1D44B(/u1D43A◦).\nThenfor all /u1D454∈/u1D43A◦,\n/u1D454/parenleftBigg/productdisplay.1\n/u1D456/u1D45E/u1D456(/u1D4520Z1)/u1D451/u1D456/parenrightBigg\n=/productdisplay.1\n/u1D456/u1D712/u1D451/u1D456\n/u1D456(/u1D454)/productdisplay.1\n/u1D456/u1D45E/u1D456(/u1D4520Z1)/u1D451/u1D456=/productdisplay.1\n/u1D456/u1D45E/u1D456(/u1D4520Z1)/u1D451/u1D456.TheGaloiscorrespondence(see,forexample,Lemma1.28onp age20\nof[46])impliesthat/producttext.1\n/u1D456/u1D45E/u1D456(/u1D4520Z1)/u1D451/u1D456∈/u1D43E,whichcontradictsthefact\nthat/u1D45E1(/u1D4520Z1),...,/u1D45E/u1D45B(/u1D4520Z1)arealgebraicallyindependentover /u1D43E.\nThereforetherankof /u1D44B(/u1D43A◦)isexactlyequalto /u1D45B.Let ˜/u1D7121,...,˜/u1D712/u1D45Bbe\nabase of/u1D44B(/u1D43A◦), as a freeabelian group.Consider themorphism\n/u1D719:/u1D43A◦−→GL1(/u1D436)/u1D45B\n/u1D454/u\\i∈∞A6.e\\dl−→ (˜/u1D7121(/u1D454),...,˜/u1D712/u1D45B(/u1D454)).\nThen/u1D719issurjectivewithfinitekernelbecausedim (/u1D43A◦)=/u1D45B.More-\nover,duetoLemmaB.20of[18],ker (/u1D719)isgeneratedasanalgebraic\ngroup by all unipotent elements of /u1D43A◦. Notethat if ℎ∈GL/u1D45B(/u1D436)is\nunipotent then ℎis of finite order if and only if ℎ=/u1D43C,the identity\nmatrix.Soker (/u1D719)={/u1D43C}and/u1D719isanisomorphism.Thisprovesthat\n/u1D43A◦is a torus.\nByTheorem2.1 of [24],there exists a /u1D447∈GL/u1D45B(/u1D43E)suchthat\n/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D447)/u1D434(/u1D460)/u1D447−1=diag(/u1D44F1,...,/u1D44F/u1D45B),\nwhere/u1D44F/u1D456∈/u1D43E.Set(¯/u1D4610,...,¯/u1D461/u1D45B−1)/u1D461=/u1D447(/u1D4610,...,/u1D461/u1D45B−1)/u1D461.Then/u1D70E/u1D460(¯/u1D461/u1D456)=\n/u1D44F/u1D456¯/u1D461/u1D456for all 0 ≤/u1D456≤/u1D45B−1. In other words, ¯/u1D4610,...,¯/u1D461/u1D45B−1are spe-\ncial polynomials. Finally, using an argument similar to the proof\nof Proposition 15, it follows that every irreducible specia l polyno-\nmialis linear in /u1D4610,/u1D4611,...,/u1D461/u1D45B−1.\n3.2/u1D70E-Equivalence Problem\nWe now present a method for deciding whether two irreducible\npolynomials /u1D45D,/u1D45E∈/u1D445=/u1D43E[/u1D4610,...,/u1D461/u1D45F−1]are/u1D70E-equivalent ornot.\nIf one of/u1D45Dand/u1D45Eis special, say /u1D45D, then there exists a minimal\npositive integer /u1D45A(not greater than /u1D45Bby Corollalry 13) such that\n/u1D45D|/u1D70E/u1D45A(/u1D45D). To decide whether /u1D45Dand/u1D45Eare/u1D70E-equivalent, it suffices\nto check whether /u1D45Eis associate over /u1D43Eto one of elements in the\nset{/u1D45D,/u1D70E(/u1D45D),...,/u1D70E/u1D45A−1(/u1D45D)}.Itremainstoconsiderthecaseinwhich\nboth/u1D45Dand/u1D45Eare normal.\nWe now assume that /u1D45D,/u1D45E∈/u1D445are irreducible and normal in /u1D445.\nWewant todecidewhether there exist /u1D456∈Zand/u1D462∈/u1D43E\\{0}such\nthat/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D45D)=/u1D462/u1D45E.Observe firstthattherecanbeatmostonesuch /u1D456.\nFor,if/u1D456,/u1D456′and/u1D462,/u1D462′aresuchthat /u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D45D)=/u1D462/u1D45Eand/u1D70E/u1D456′(/u1D45D)=/u1D462′/u1D45E,then\n/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D45D)//u1D70E/u1D456′(/u1D45D)=/u1D462//u1D462′,so/u1D45D|/u1D70E/u1D456′−/u1D456(/u1D45D),andsince/u1D45Disnotspecial,we\nmusthave/u1D456=/u1D456′.Observealsothatforagivencandidate /u1D456∈Z,itis\neasytocheckwhetherthereexists a /u1D462with/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D45D)=/u1D462/u1D45E.Therefore,\nitsuffices todetermine a finitelistof candidates for /u1D456.\nLet/u1D43F,/u1D440∈/u1D43E[/u1D446]be the (unique) monic minimal order anni-\nhilating operators of /u1D45Dand/u1D45E, respectively. Let /u1D460be their order.\nNote that/u1D45Dand/u1D45Ecannot be shift equivalent if the orders of /u1D43F\nand/u1D440are distinct. Write /u1D43F=/u1D446/u1D460+ℓ/u1D460−1/u1D446/u1D460−1+ ··· +ℓ0and/u1D440=\n/u1D446/u1D460+/u1D45A/u1D460−1/u1D446/u1D460−1+···+/u1D45A0.By theminimality oftheorder of /u1D43Fand\n/u1D440,wehaveℓ0,/u1D45A0≠0.\nForevery/u1D456∈Z,themonicminimal orderannihilating operator\nof/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D45D)is\n/u1D43F(/u1D456):=/u1D446/u1D460+/u1D70E/u1D456(ℓ/u1D460−1)/u1D446/u1D460−1+···+/u1D70E/u1D456(ℓ0),\nand for every /u1D462∈/u1D43E\\ {0}, the monic minimal order annihilating\noperatorof1\n/u1D462/u1D45Eis\n1\n/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D462)/u1D440/u1D462=/u1D446/u1D460+/u1D45A/u1D460−1/u1D70E/u1D460−1(/u1D462)\n/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D462)/u1D446/u1D460−1+···+/u1D45A0/u1D462\n/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D462).\nA necessary condition for a pair (/u1D456,/u1D462)to be a solutionto the shift\nequivalence problem is that /u1D43F(/u1D456)=1\n/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D462)/u1D440/u1D462.Therefore, for everysuch pair wemusthave\n/u1D70E/u1D456(ℓ/u1D458)\n/u1D45A/u1D458=/u1D70E/u1D458(/u1D462)\n/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D462)\nsimultaneouslyforall /u1D458∈ {0,...,/u1D460}.\nObserve that /u1D43Fmust have at least three terms. If it had only\ntwo terms, we would have /u1D43F=/u1D446/u1D460+ℓ0. This means /u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D45D)=−ℓ0/u1D45D,\nandthisisacontradictionto /u1D45Dnotbeingspecial.Wecantherefore\nassumethat /u1D43Fhasatleastthreeterms.Wemayfurtherassumethat\nthecoefficientof /u1D446/u1D458in/u1D43Fisnonzeroifandonlyifthecoefficientof\n/u1D446/u1D458in/u1D440is nonzero, because if this is not the case, then the shift\nequivalence problemhas no solution.\nL/e.sc/m.sc/m.sc/a.sc20. Underthesecircumstances,we have\n/u1D70E/u1D456/parenleftBigℓ/u1D458//u1D70E/u1D460(ℓ/u1D458)\n/u1D70E/u1D458(ℓ0)//u1D70E/u1D460(ℓ0)/parenrightBig\n=/u1D45A/u1D458//u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D45A/u1D458)\n/u1D70E/u1D458(/u1D45A0)//u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D45A0)(4)\nfor every/u1D458∈ {1,...,/u1D460−1}such thatℓ/u1D458≠0.\nP/r.sc/o.sc/o.sc/f.sc.From\n(/u1D44E)/u1D70E/u1D456(ℓ0)\n/u1D45A0=/u1D462\n/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D462)and(/u1D44F)/u1D70E/u1D456(ℓ/u1D458)\n/u1D45A/u1D458=/u1D70E/u1D458(/u1D462)\n/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D462)\nweobtain\n(/u1D450)/u1D70E/u1D456(ℓ0)\n/u1D45A0/u1D45A/u1D458\n/u1D70E/u1D456(ℓ/u1D458)=/u1D462\n/u1D70E/u1D458(/u1D462)\nApply/u1D70E/u1D458to(/u1D44E)and/u1D70E/u1D45Fto(/u1D450)toobtain\n(/u1D44E′)/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D70E/u1D458(ℓ0))\n/u1D70E/u1D458(/u1D45A0)=/u1D70E/u1D458(/u1D462)\n/u1D70E/u1D460+/u1D458(/u1D462)and\n(/u1D450′)/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D70E/u1D460(ℓ0))\n/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D45A0)/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D45A/u1D458)\n/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D70E/u1D460(ℓ/u1D458))=/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D462)\n/u1D70E/u1D460+/u1D458(/u1D462).\nDividing (/u1D44E′)by(/u1D450′)gives\n/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D70E/u1D458(ℓ0))/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D45A0)/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D70E/u1D460(ℓ/u1D458))\n/u1D70E/u1D458(/u1D45A0)/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D70E/u1D460(ℓ0))/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D45A/u1D458)=/u1D70E/u1D458(/u1D462)\n/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D462).\nFinally, divide (/u1D44F)bythis equationtoobtain\n/u1D70E/u1D458(/u1D45A0)/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D70E/u1D460(ℓ0))/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D45A/u1D458)/u1D70E/u1D456(ℓ/u1D458)\n/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D70E/u1D458(ℓ0))/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D45A0)/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D70E/u1D460(ℓ/u1D458))/u1D45A/u1D458=1.\nTheclaim followsfrom here.\nUnless both sides of Equation (4) are constant, we get at most\none candidate for /u1D456and are done. It remains to consider the case\nwhenbothsidesareconstantforevery /u1D458withℓ/u1D458≠0(and/u1D45A/u1D458≠0).\nIn this case, the constant can only be 1, because ℓ0,ℓ/u1D458,/u1D45A0,/u1D45A/u1D458are\nrational functions and /u1D70Edoesnotchange leading terms.\nIf bothsides of (4) are equalto1 then\n/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D45A0)/u1D4401\n/u1D45A0=/u1D460/summationdisplay.1\n/u1D458=0/u1D45A/u1D458\n/u1D70E/u1D458(/u1D45A0)//u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D45A0)/u1D446/u1D458=/u1D460/summationdisplay.1\n/u1D458=0/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D45A/u1D458)/u1D446/u1D458=/u1D440(/u1D460).\nTherefore, if /u1D456∈Zand/u1D462∈/u1D43Eare such that /u1D43F(/u1D456)=1\n/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D462)/u1D440/u1D462, then\nwealsohave /u1D43F(/u1D456+/u1D460)=1\n/u1D70E2/u1D460(/u1D462)/u1D440(/u1D460)/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D462)=1\n/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D462)/u1D45A0)/u1D440/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D462)/u1D45A0.\nThis means that in terms of operators, the shift equivalence\nproblem may have more than one solution in the situation unde r\nconsideration. In the former cases, where there was at most o ne/u1D456\nwith/u1D43F(/u1D456)=1\n/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D462)/u1D440/u1D462, this/u1D456is then the only candidate for which\nwe can possibly have /u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D45D)=/u1D462/u1D45E. In the present situation, wherethereareinfinitely many /u1D456’s thatsolvetheproblemonthelevel of\noperators, it remains to determine which of them (if any) sol ves\ntheoriginal problemin termsof /u1D45Dand/u1D45E.\nL/e.sc/m.sc/m.sc/a.sc21. If/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D45A0)/u1D440=/u1D440(/u1D460)/u1D45A0,thenthereisan operator /u1D447∈\n/u1D436[/u1D446]with constant coefficients such that /u1D440is a right factor of the\nsymmetricproduct /u1D447⊗ (/u1D446/u1D460−/u1D45A0).\nP/r.sc/o.sc/o.sc/f.sc.The condition /u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D45A0)/u1D440=/u1D440(/u1D460)/u1D45A0means that for any\nsolution/u1D45Eof/u1D440,also1\n/u1D45A0/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D45E)is asolutionof /u1D440.Butthesolutions\nof/u1D440form a/u1D436-vector space of dimension at most /u1D460, so for every\nsolution/u1D45Eof/u1D440,theelements\n/u1D45E,1\n/u1D45A0/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D45E),1\n/u1D45A0/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D45A0)/u1D70E2/u1D460(/u1D45E), ...,/parenleftbigg/u1D460−1/productdisplay.1\n/u1D456=01\n/u1D70E/u1D460/u1D456(/u1D45A0)/parenrightbigg\n/u1D70E/u1D4602(/u1D45E)\narelinearly dependent over /u1D436.\nTherefore, every solutionof /u1D440is also a solutionof an operator\noftheform\n/u1D446/u1D4602+/u1D450/u1D460(/u1D460−1)/u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D460−1)(/u1D45A0)/u1D446/u1D460(/u1D460−1)+···\n···+/u1D4501/parenleftbigg/u1D460−1/productdisplay.1\n/u1D456=1/u1D70E/u1D460/u1D456(/u1D45A0)/parenrightbigg\n/u1D446/u1D460+/u1D4500/parenleftbigg/u1D460−1/productdisplay.1\n/u1D456=0/u1D70E/u1D460/u1D456(/u1D45A0)/parenrightbigg\nforcertainconstants /u1D4500,/u1D450/u1D460,...,/u1D450/u1D460(/u1D460−1).\nThis operator can be factored as a symmetric product. Up to\n(irrelevant) left-multiplicationbyan element of /u1D43E,itis equalto\n(/u1D446/u1D4602+/u1D450/u1D460(/u1D460−1)/u1D446/u1D460(/u1D460−1)+···+/u1D4501/u1D446/u1D460+/u1D4500) ⊗ (/u1D446/u1D460−/u1D45A0).\nThis completes theproof.\nThismeansthateverysolutionof /u1D440,inparticular /u1D45E,canbeinter-\npretedasaproductofaC-finiteandan /u1D460-hypergeometricquantity.\n(We donotclaim thatthese factorsareelements of /u1D445.)\nWe can reason analogously for /u1D43Fand find that every solution\nof/u1D43F, in particular /u1D45D, can be interpreted as a product of a C-finite\nandan/u1D460-hypergeometricquantity,withthe /u1D460-hypergeometricpart\nannihilated by /u1D446/u1D460−ℓ0.\nIf the/u1D460-hypergeometric factors are not also C-finite, then their\ncomparisonleadstoatmostonecandidate /u1D456∈Zsuchthat/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D45D)//u1D45E∈\n/u1D43E. In this comparison, we must take into account that in the fac -\ntorization of /u1D45Dand/u1D45Einto a C-finite and a hypergeometric part,\nexponential terms /u1D706/u1D465and polynomials in /u1D465can be freely moved\nfromone factortotheother.\nFor thecomparison, weuse theGosper-Petkovšek form [35] of\nℓ0and/u1D45A0:\nℓ0=/u1D706/u1D70E(/u1D44E)\n/u1D44E/u1D44F\n/u1D450, /u1D45A 0=˜/u1D706/u1D70E(˜/u1D44E)\n˜/u1D44E˜/u1D44F\n˜/u1D450.\nWeignore/u1D706,˜/u1D706,/u1D44E,˜/u1D44E,astheycorrespondtotheexponentialandpoly-\nnomial part, respectively, and check if there is an /u1D456∈Zsuch that\n/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D44F//u1D450)=˜/u1D44F/˜/u1D450.If so,then this /u1D456is theonlycandidate forwhich we\nmayhave/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D45D)//u1D45E∈/u1D43E.\nIt remains to consider the case when /u1D45Dand/u1D45Eboth are C-finite.\nByTheorem4.1in[44],thereexistpairwisedistinct /u1D7061,...,/u1D706/u1D461∈/u1D436,\npairwisedistinct /u1D7071,...,/u1D707/u1D461′∈/u1D436andpolynomials /u1D44E1,...,/u1D44E/u1D461,/u1D44F1,...,/u1D44F/u1D461′∈\n/u1D436[/u1D465]such that\n/u1D45D=/u1D44E1(/u1D45B)/u1D706/u1D45B\n1+···+/u1D44E/u1D461(/u1D45B)/u1D706/u1D45B\n/u1D461\n/u1D45E=/u1D44F1(/u1D45B)/u1D707/u1D45B\n1+···/u1D44F/u1D461′(/u1D45B)/u1D707/u1D45B\n/u1D461′,Therequirement /u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D45D)=/u1D462/u1D45Etranslates into\n/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D44E1)/u1D706/u1D456+/u1D45B\n1+···+/u1D70E(/u1D44E/u1D460)/u1D706/u1D456+/u1D45B\n/u1D460=/u1D462/u1D44F1/u1D707/u1D45B\n1+···+/u1D462/u1D44F/u1D461/u1D707/u1D45B\n/u1D461.\nThereisnosolutionunless {/u1D7061,...,/u1D706/u1D461}={/u1D7071,...,/u1D707/u1D461′},sowemay\nassume that /u1D461=/u1D461′and/u1D706/u1D458=/u1D707/u1D458for all1≤/u1D458≤/u1D461.Thenwe need\n/u1D706/u1D456\n/u1D458/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D44E/u1D458)=/u1D462/u1D44F/u1D458\nforall/u1D458.Fromanytwosuchequations,saythe /u1D458thandtheℓth,we\nget theconstraint\n(/u1D706/u1D458\n/u1D706ℓ)/u1D456/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D44E/u1D458\n/u1D44Eℓ)=/u1D44F/u1D458\n/u1D44Fℓ\nIf/u1D44E/u1D458//u1D44Eℓisnotaconstantor /u1D706/u1D458//u1D706ℓisnotarootofunity,thenthere\nisatmostonesolution /u1D456.If/u1D44E/u1D458//u1D44Eℓisaconstantand /u1D706/u1D458//u1D706ℓisarootof\nunityforeverychoiceof /u1D458andℓ,then/u1D45Dcanbewrittenasaproduct\nof/u1D44E1and/u1D706/u1D465\n1anda/u1D436-linearcombinationofpowersofrootsofunity.\nThisimpliesthat /u1D45D//u1D44E1isaspecialpolynomial,whichconflictswith\ntheassumptionthat /u1D45Dis normal.\nIn conclusion, wehave proven the correctness of thefollowi ng\nalgorithm.\nA/l.sc/g.sc/o.sc/r.sc/i.sc/t.sc/h.sc/m.sc22. INPUT:/u1D45D,/u1D45E∈/u1D445=/u1D436(/u1D465)[/u1D4610,...,/u1D461/u1D45F−1]irreducible\nand normal\nOUTPUT:/u1D456∈Zsuch that either /u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D45D)//u1D45E∈/u1D436(/u1D465)or/u1D45Dand/u1D45Eare not\nshift-equivalent.\n1Compute monic minimal annihilating operators /u1D43F,/u1D440∈/u1D436(/u1D465)[/u1D446]\nof/u1D45Dand/u1D45E.\n2If there is a /u1D458such that the coefficient of /u1D446/u1D458is zero in one of the\ntwo operatorsbut nonzerointheother,return 0.\n3Let/u1D460betheorder of /u1D43F(and/u1D440).\n4For every/u1D458∈ {1,...,/u1D460−1}withℓ/u1D458≠0,do:\n5If at least one of the two rational functions /u1D44E:=ℓ/u1D458//u1D70E/u1D460(ℓ/u1D458)\n/u1D70E/u1D458(ℓ0)//u1D70E/u1D460(ℓ0)\n/u1D44F:=/u1D45A/u1D458//u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D45A/u1D458)\n/u1D70E/u1D458(/u1D45A0)//u1D70E/u1D460(/u1D45A0)isnot in/u1D436\n6Return/u1D456∈Zsuch that/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D44E)=/u1D44F,or0ifnosuch/u1D456exists\n7ComputetheGosper-Petkovšekform /u1D706/u1D70E(/u1D44E)\n/u1D44E/u1D44F\n/u1D450ofℓ0andtheGosper-\nPetkovšek form ˜/u1D706/u1D70E(˜/u1D44E)\n˜/u1D44E˜/u1D44F\n˜/u1D450of/u1D45A0.\n8If/u1D44F//u1D450≠1or˜/u1D44F/˜/u1D450≠1then\n9Return/u1D456∈Zsuch that/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D44F//u1D450)=˜/u1D44F/˜/u1D450,or0ifnosuch/u1D456exists\n10Computetheconstants /u1D7061,...,/u1D706/u1D460∈/u1D436,polynomials /u1D44E1,...,/u1D44E/u1D460,\n/u1D44F1,...,/u1D44F/u1D460∈/u1D436[/u1D465],as above.\n11For/u1D458=1,...,/u1D460,do:\n12Forℓ=1,...,/u1D458−1,do:\n13If/u1D44E/u1D458//u1D44Eℓisnot aconstant or /u1D706/u1D458//u1D706ℓisnot aroot ofunitythen\n14 Return/u1D456∈Zsuch that (/u1D706/u1D458\n/u1D706ℓ)/u1D456/u1D70E/u1D456(/u1D44E/u1D458\n/u1D44Eℓ)=/u1D44F/u1D458\n/u1D44Fℓ, or0if nosuch\n/u1D456exists\n4 THE C-FINITE CASE\nTheproblemofindefinitesummationintheC-finitecasehasbe en\ninvestigatedin[16,25,47]underspecificassumptions.Let /u1D434bede-\nfinedasin(3)andassumethat /u1D434∈GL/u1D45B(/u1D436).In[25],theauthorsin-\ntroduceamethodforcomputingrationalsolutionsoftheequ ation\n/u1D462/u1D70E(/u1D466.alt)−/u1D463/u1D466.alt=/u1D464,where/u1D462,/u1D463,/u1D464∈/u1D445,undertheassumptionthat /u1D45B=2\nand/u1D434has two eigenvalues /u1D7061,/u1D7062such that/u1D7061//u1D7062is not a root of\nunity.However,theirmethodisnotcompleteastheyareunab letoboundthemultiplicitiesofirreduciblespecialpolynomia lsappear-\ning in the denominator of solutions. In [16], assuming that /u1D434is a\ndiagonalizable matrix, the authors characterize all new co nstants\nin/u1D439andpresentanalgorithmforcomputingonerationalsolutio n\noftheequation /u1D450/u1D70E(/u1D466.alt) −/u1D466.alt=/u1D453,where/u1D450∈/u1D436∗and/u1D453∈/u1D439.According\ntotheproofofProposition15,if /u1D439containsnonew constant,then\n/u1D434will always be diagonalizable, and thus the C-finite case und er\nourassumptionis reducedtothecaseconsidered in[16].\nAcknowledgement. Theauthorsthank Michael Singer formany\ndiscussions aboutsummationinfinite terms.\nREFERENCES\n[1] Sergei A. Abramov. The summation of rational functions. Ž. Vyčisl. Mat i Mat.\nFiz.,11:1071–1075,1971.\n[2] Sergei A. Abramov. The rational component of the solutio n of a first order lin-\near recurrence relation with rational right hand side. Ž. Vyčisl. Mat. i Mat. Fiz. ,\n15(4):1035–1039, 1090,1975.\n[3] SergeiA.Abramov. Indefinite sumsof rationalfunctions . 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Real cameras change the focal length slightly to obtain sharp objects in the image and this feature skews the calibration result if a unique pin- hole model is computed with a constant focal length. \nIn this paper, a deep analysis of the camera calibration pr ocess is done to detect and strengthen its weaknesses. The camera is \nmounted in a robot arm to known extrinsic camera parameters with accuracy and to be able to compare computed results with the true ones. Based on the bias that exist between computed results and the true ones, a modification of the widely accepted \ncamera calibration method using images of a planar template is presented. A pin- hole model with distance dependent focal \nlength is proposed to improve the calibration process substantially. \nIndex Terms — camera calibration, camera parameters coupling, 2D calibration template \n—————————— —————————— \n1 INTRODUCTION\nAMERA calibration is an essential issue in robotics \nand computer vision because it establishes the geomet-\nric relation between 2D image coordinates and 3D world \ncoordinates [1, 2, 3 , 4]. Many published papers explain \nhow to obtain the correct mapping between 3D space and \nthe 2D camera plane. Most of the work is based on the pin-\nhole camera model using 3D [ 5, 6], 2D [ 7, 8] or 1D [ 9, 10, \n11, 12] templates or doing self -calibration [ 13,14]. Photo-\ngrammetric methods use precise coordinates of calibration points in 3D space, arranged in a predesigned 3D, 2D or 1D template. Self -calibration methods assume that several \nimages of a rigid scene with fixed camera parameters is enough to compute them. \nMost existing methods propose a nonlinear minimiza-\ntion step that computes the correct camera parameters by iteratively minimizing the difference between the detected \ncontrol points in images and their computed projections in \nthe image plane. This difference is called the reprojection \nerror [ 15]. A closed -form linear transformation solution in-\nitializes the nonlinear minimization step. The closed -form \nsolution obtains an approximation of all linear camera pa-rameters and the nonlinear minimization improves this \napproximation, together with nonlinear camera parame-\nters such as lens distortion. The nonlinear minimization \nprocess ends when the reprojection error is close to zero. If \nthe reprojection error is zero, the difference between the \ndetected points in the image and the control points pro-\njected by the computed model is also zero. In consequence, \nit is assumed that the computed model is correct. \nThe problem arise s when the distance from the camera to the calibration template vary in each image and the cam-era focus changes the lens position to obtain a focused im-\nage. In this case, images with different focal length are used \nto compute a unique model with a constant focal length. The reprojection error verifies that the computed model is \nsatisfied with the input data, but it does not confirm that \nthe computed model represents the real camera and the \ntrue camera location w hen the calibration images were \ntaken. \nIf the camera -template distance varies in each image \nand a unique model with a constant focal lenght is com-\nputed, defocused images should be used . Several authors \npropose different methods to detect template control \npoints in defocused images accurately [16 - 22]. Th is is out \nof the scope of this paper . \nThis aim of this paper is to analyse the influence of the \ncamera focus in the results of the camera calibration pro-\ncess and to define a set of rules that will help to improve \nthe outcomes when a camera is calibrated using an autofo-\ncus lens. The camera is a system in which intrinsic and ex-\ntrinsic camera parameters are tightly coupled. When pa-\nrameters are interdependent, a nonlinear minimization process that simultaneously computes all parameters to-\ngether may not be the best choice. It is assumed that ran-\ndomly acquired images reduce computed camera parame-ters bias but this is not always true as pointed out by Hu \nand Kantor [16]. Ryusuke and Y. Yasushi [17] proposed a \nseparate calibration method for intrinsic camera parame-ters, but special equipment and a controlled environment \nare required. Alturki [1 8] and Lu [19] compute the princi-\npal point singularly by finding orthogonal projections of \nthe camera optical axis on the image plane. \nThis paper proposes a calibration process of a camera \nwith autofocus lenses modifiying a well- known camera \nxxxx-xxxx/0x/$xx.00 © 200x IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society ———————————————— \n• Carlos Ricolfe -Viala is with the Institute of Industrial Informatics and Au-\ntomat ic Control in Polythechic University of Valencia (UPV), Spain +34 \n963 877007; e -mail: cricolfe@upv.es). C 2 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON JOURNAL NAME, MANUSCRIPT ID \n calibration process with a set of rules that help to improve \nthe method . Section 2 analyses the camera calibration pro-\ncess using a two -dimensional template proposed by Zhang \n[4]. This analysis demonstrates that the interdependence of camera parameters means that the computed model can-\nnot accurately represent the real camera in some cases. \nThis inaccuracy arises in some conditions when if the final nonlinear minimization process computes all camera pa-\nrameters at the same time. To demonstrate the inaccuracy \nof the camera calibration process, the camera is assembled on a robot arm in order to be able to accurately measure \nthe extrinsic camera parameters. Computed camera pa-\nrameters with a reprojection error close to zero are com-pared to the real ones so as to note the any discrepancy be-\ntween them. Section 3 proposes a set of tests to calibrate \ncameras with guaranties of accurate results. First, intrinsic camera parameters are computed depending on the dis-\ntance of camera to the calibration template and second, ex-\ntrinsic parameters are computed alone to avoid the cou-pling between intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters. \nSection 4 shows results that demonstrate the efficiency of \nthe proposed method. Upon testing the proposed method, more accurate results are obtained because intrinsic cam-\nera parameters are isolated and they are constant in the it-\nerative nonlinear minimization process. Paper ends wit h \nconclusions . \n2 A NALYSIS OF THE EXISTING CAMERA \nCALIBRATION PROCESS USING A 2D TEMPLATE \nMany current methods compute both camera parameters and lens distortion models. The most widely implemented \nis the method proposed by Zhang in his 2000 paper on \ncamera calibration [4]. This method uses several images of \na 2D chessboard template to compute the camera pin-hole \nmodel represented as: \np t R A p sw c]· ·[ · = (1) \nwhere cp = [p u, pv, 1]T is the 2D coordinates in the camera \nframe of the 3D point in the scene represented as wp = [px, \npy, pz, 1]T . As the camera model works with projective ge-\nometry, s is an arbitrary scale factor. Rotation matrix R and \ntranslation vector t are extrinsic parameters that relate to the camera and world frames. Extrinsic camera parameters represent the location of the camera in the world. Matrix A \ncontains intrinsic parameters as follows: \n\n\n\n\n=\n1 0 0000\nvu\nAβγ α\n (2) \nα and β are the scale factors in the u and v camera axis. Both \nscale factors are defined with the focal length f of the cam-\nera and the size of the camera sensor along the u and v axis. \n𝛾𝛾 is the skewness of axis u and v in the case they are not \northogonal. u0 and v0 are the coordinates of the principal \npoint in the image plane. Figure 1 shows a diagram of the \npin-hole camera model parameters. \nThe calibration process proposed by Zhang consists of \nseveral steps. First, n images of a flat chessboard template \nare captured from different locations. At each location where the images wer e captured, the coordinates of the \ntemplate points and their projection in the image are used to compute homographies between the template plane and camera plane. Second, combining elements of all homog-\nraphies, intrinsic camera parameters are computed. Third, \nextrinsic camera parameters are computed for every loca-tion in which an image was taken. The final step of calibra-\ntion consists of an iterative nonlinear minimization process \nto improve the computed intrinsic and extrinsic parame-ters, minimizing the reprojection error given by : \n( )2\n1 1, , , ^ ∑∑\n= =−n\nim\njjw\ni i ijcp t R A p p (3) \nwhere n is the number of images, m is the number of points \nin the chessboard template and p^ (A,Ri,ti,wpj) is the projec-\ntion with the estimated camera parameters A, Ri, ti, of cal-\nibration template point wpj in the image i according with \nequation (1). The minimization of the reprojection error shown by (3) is an iterative nonlinear minimization prob- \nFig. 1. Pin-hole camera model parameters. \n \nFig. 2. Robot arm ABB IRB 140 with an EoSens® 12CXP+ camera of \n4,096 × 3,072 pixels and sensor size of 23.04 × 23.04 mm active area \nwith 18 mm lens with manual focus . \nAUTHOR ET AL.: TITL E 3 \n lem that is solved using the Levenberg -Marquardt algo-\nrithm. The aim is to reduce the distance that exists between \ndetected points in images and projected points in images \nusing the computed model. \n2.1 Empirical test of the calibration process \nNormally, intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters are \nunknown and the result of the calibration process is con-\nsidered valid because the reprojection error is close to zero. To verify the accuracy of computed camera parameters, an \nempirical experiment is performed. Figure 2 shows the \nsetup of this experiment. It uses an EoSens® 12CXP+ cam-era o f 4,096×3,072 pixels, sensor size of 23.04×23.04 mm ac-\ntive area and an 18mm manual focus lens. This camera is assembled on a robot arm ABB IRB 140 for calibration pur-poses. As the camera is on a robot arm, extrinsic camera \nparameters can be accurately known when an image is \ntaken to calibrate it. This allows a comparison of the cali-bration algorithm results with the true values given by the \nlocation of the robot arm. Calibrating the camera with the \nwidely accepted method, proposed by Zhang, which uses a 2D template, gives a valid solution because the reprojec-\ntion error is close to zero. However, when computed ex-\ntrinsic camera parameters are compared with the true real ones, they are consistently revealed to be incorrect. \nThe erro r in computed parameters is depicted in fig-\nures 3 and 4. The reprojection error defined in equation (3) has a mean value of 1.2092×e -09 with a standard deviation \nof 2.3201 pixels. The computed model projects all the tem-plate points in the images using equation (1) and 98% of distances between the projected and detected points in im-ages is in a range of ±4.64 pixels. Since the image has a res-\nolution of 4,096×3,072, 4.64 pixels represent an error of \n0.1%, which is small enough to validate the computed model. In this case, since the camera location is known for \neach image, computed extrinsic parameters are compared with the true ones to validate the calibration result. Figure 3 shows the calibration stage, including the location of \ncameras and template points, both in the capturing stage \nand after the calibration process. Locations with an asterisk denote the true locations when images were captured with \nthe camera on the robot arm. Locations without an asterisk \nshow the location of the camera given by the calib ration \nprocess. All computed camera locations are 100mm closer \nto the calibration template than the true location. Figure 4 \nshows the resulting calibration errors in location for coor-dinates x, y and z. Errors are computed using the true cam-\nera location as the reference frame. Errors in the x and y -\naxis are positive and negative in a range from -75mm to 75 \nmm. However, errors in Z coordinates show that the com-puted camera location is always closer to the calibration \ntemplate than the true real location by a mean value of \n100mm, within a range from 60 mm to 160 mm. This means \nthat, in all cases, the computed camera location is closer to \nthe calibration template than the true location. Conse-quently, values for scale factors α and β are biased . \nTo summarize, the calibrated model is considered valid \nbecause the reprojection error is close to cero, but empirical experiments show that there are consistent bias in camera \nlocation. Bias in camera location means bias in intrinsic \nFig. 3. Camera locations for 10 images. True camera locations have an asterisk. They are known because the camera is assembled on the \nrobot arm. Computed camera locations are denoted with the number only. Computed camera locations are all closer to the templa te by about \n100 mm . \n4 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON JOURNAL NAME, MANUSCRIPT ID \n camera parameters if r eprojection error is close to cero. If \nthe camera is calibrated using the currently well- estab-\nlished method, it is possible to arrive at a seemingly valid \nsolution, but it does not represent the real camera. \n2.2 Why a re the camera parameters biased? \nCalibr ating a pin -hole model of a camera with focus lenses \nis liable to failure. This is because the pin -hole model does \nnot represent the focus camera behaviour accurately. A focus \ncamera system adjusts lenses to focus on the chessboard tem-\nplate with every imag e. In consequence, focal length f (ex-\npressed with the scale factors α and β in the camera model) is \nnot constant and a systematic error arises if the pin -hole \nmodel with a constant focal length is adjusted for different camera- chessboard distances. \nTo perform a precise camera calibration process, the com-\nputed model is only valid for a range of distances from the \ncamera to the calibration object. Given a fixed focal length, \nthe range of distances in front of and behind the focal plane within which objects a ppear sharp is called the depth of field. \nAssuming that applications need sharp images for a given cir-cle of confusion, objects appear acceptably sharp in images \nwhen they are in the depth of field zone. If an object is out of \nfocus, the focal length shoul d change to obtain a sharp image \nof the object. In consequence, for a specific application, it is necessary to know the required range of distances between the \ncamera and the object to perform a precise calibration. Out of \nthis zone, the sharpness of objec ts will be poor and focal \nlength will have to be changed to improve it. \nThe depth of field is controlled using the camera diaphragm \naperture and the focal length. Given a constant diaphragm ap-erture, the rule is that the closer the object is, the smaller the depth of field is; conversely, the further the object is, the greater the depth of field is until it is infinite. The hyperfocal \ndistance is considered when the object is far away from the \ncamera and the depth of field is infinite. Therefore, if the cal-ibration is performed with the template located at different distances from the camera, it could obtain biased results, as the focal length varies in each image to obtain sharp objects. \nFigure 5 illustrates this effect. \n2.3 Where is the hyperfocal distance? \nIn figure 6 an analysis of rays that form the image passing through the camera lens is performed. The ideal projective \nray that represents the pin- hole model is the projection of \npoint p in the scene passing through the pin- hole of the \ncamera. It is denoted in red. The ray going through the edge of the lens is deviated according with the curvature \nof the lens and it is denoted in green. The ratio between the \nangle of the incoming ray φ and the angle of outcoming ray \nω is constant for a distance to the centre of the lens. As the \ndistance of the object to the lens varies, so do the angles φ \nand ω, as is shown in figure 6 for two distances. The sharp-\nest image arises when the intersection of the projective ray \nwith the ray coming from the edge of the lens coincides \nwith the sensor plane, as is shown in figure 6. This point is represented as point q in that figure. \nAn analysis of the variation of the point q with the dis-\ntance of the object to the camera will give the hyperfocal distance. The variation of point q gives different values of \nthe focal length f depending on the distance of the object to \nthe camera. Two cases are shown in figure 6. Figure 6(a) \nshows the point q when the object is far away from the \ncamera. In figure 6(b) the object is close to the camera. De-\npending on the distance of the object to the camera the an-gle of the incoming ray φ varies until a point that this var-\niation is insignificant for a circle of confusion. This point is where the hyperfocal distance is defined. \nFrom a mathematical point of view, considering a coordi-\nnate system XY with the origin in the intersection of the opti-\ncal axis with the lens plane, coordinates of point p in figure 6 \nare (d, a) where d is the distance of point p to the lens, and a \nis its distance to the optical axis. The equation of the ideal \nprojective ray that represents the projection of point p in the \nscene going through the pin- hole of the camera is: \nxday ·− = (4) \nThe equation of the projective ray of point p that goes \nthrough the edge of the lens is: \nD xda Dy +−= · (5) \nwhere D represents the radius of the lens. The angle of the \nincoming ray to the lens φ is defined as: \n\n−=−\na Dd1tanϕ (6) \nThe angle of the outcoming ray ω is proportional to the \nFig. 4. Bias in computed camera locations. The reference frame is the true camera location obtained with the robot arm. Bias in X and Y -axis \nare positives and negatives, ranging from -75mm to 75 mm. However, bias in Z coordinates show that the computed camera location is always \ncloser t o the calibration template than the real location in 100mm as mean value within a range from 60 mm to 160 mm. \nAUTHOR ET AL.: TITL E 5 \n angle of the incoming ray φ as ω = k·φ where k depends on \nthe lens. The equation of the outcoming ray of the lens is: \nD x y +− − = ·2tanϖπ (7) \nThe intersection of line defined in (4) and line defined in \n(7) gives the point q where the sensor plane must be posi-\ntioned to obtain the sharpest image. Coordinates of point q are \n(f, b), where b represents the projection of the point p in the \nimage plane and f is the distance of the sensor to the lens de-\nfined as the focal length. Lines (4) and (7) intersection is \ngiven by: \nD x xda+− − = − ·2tan · ϖπ (8) \nThe value of x which solves (8) represents the focal length \nf. Therefore, the focal length that gives the sharpest image is \ncomputed as: \ndaDf\n−−=\nϖπ\n2tan (9) \nExpression (9) demonstrates that the focal length varies to \nobtain sharp images when the distance of the object to the camera changes. Moreover, the focal length depends on \nthe sensor size. The size of the sensor is represented by the \nradius of the lens D that illuminates it. The bigger the sen-\nsor is, the larger the value of D. Figure 7 represents how focal length varies with the distance of the object to the \ncamera defined in equation (9). When the object is far away from the camera, variation s of f to obtain a sharp image are \ninsignificant. Considering that the sharpness of the image is defined up to a circle of confusion, objects that are far away from the hyperfocal distance of the camera will be \nfocused . \n2.4 Why is the reprojection error close to zero and \nparameters are biased ? \nIt’s widely accepted that the result of the calibration pro-\ncess is valid if the reprojection error defined in equation (3), gives an error close to zero. However, an exhaustive analysis of the pin- hole camera model reveals that this as-\nsumption is not definitive. \nA camera is a tightly coupled system in which errors of \nintrinsic parameters are compensated with incorrect val-ues in the extrinsic parameters, and vice versa, to keep the reprojection error close to zero. \nOn the one hand, the camera focal length parameter f is \ntightly coupled with the distance between the camera and the calibration template, as can be observed in figure 8. Ac-\ncording to figure 8 the focal length and the distance of the \nobject to the camera p\nz, are related as: \nz ypf\npv= (10) \nUsing coordinates v and py to compute camera parame-\nters f and pz, the results are infinitely varied because the \nparameters are interdependent. According to equation (10) any pair f and p\nz, that satisfy the ratio v/ py is valid. In figure \n8(a) and (b), given fixed v and cpx, both different solutions \nof f and cpz are correct according to the criteria of the repro-\njection error, because both solutions satisfy it properly. \nOn the other hand, the camera location, the focal length \nand the principal point of the camera are also tightly cou-pled. Figure 9 shows this coupling. Both images show \nvalid solutions for the calibration problem using the same coordinate points in the template p (p\nx, py) and the image q \n(u, v) as the input data of the calibration process. In both \ncases, camera parameters and the calibrating data give a repro jection error equal to zero. Errors in the principal \npoint are compensated by incorrect values in the camera \nlocation and vice versa. Moreover, biased values in the \nprincipal point and camera location have a direct effect on the camera focal length. \nAccording to figure 9, given an optical axis perpendicular (a) \n \n(b) \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nFig. 6. The sharpest image appears when the intersection of the ideal \npin-hole ray and the ray coming from the edge of the lens is in the cam-\nera sensor plane. The angle of the incoming ray φ and the outcoming \nray ω varies with the distance of the object to the lens. Camera optics \nsystem adjusts lenses to focus the object in the scene. \nFig. 5. Camera optics system adjusts lenses to focus the object in the \nscene. In consequence, focal length f and scale factors α and β are not \nconstant and depend on the distance of the camera to the object. As-\nsuming that applications need sharp images f or a given circle of confu-\nsion, objects appear acceptably sharp in images when they are in the \ndepth of field zone. Given a fixed focal length, the range of distances in \nfront of and behind the focal plane is called depth of field, and objects in \nthis zone appear sharp with no variation of focal length. If an object is \nout of focus, focal length should be changed so as to obtain a sharp \nimage of the object . \n6 IEEE TRANSACTIONS O N JOURNAL NAME, MANUSCRIPT ID \n to the image plane, all camera parameters are represented by \nthis optical axis. In this figure, two different focal lengths, \nwhich use the same calibration data, are considered valid be-cause other camera parameters compensated this variation. Both solutions arise changing the optical axis , which is per-\npendicular to the image plane. There is a plane that represents \nall candidates to camera optical axis given a pair of points p \nand q to calibrate the camera. This plane is called the Sophia \nplane and it is represented in figure 9(b). This plane contains \nthe ray that goes through the point p(p\nx, py) to the point q(u, \nv) and all optical axis that represent different camera parame-\nters. Depending on the chosen optical axis, camera parame-ters vary. \nCamera parameters coupling has been demonstrated \nusing just one pair of points p and q in the scene and in the \nimage. When several points are used to calibrate the cam-\nera, several Sophia plane s arise and the camera parameters \nare defined with the best optical axis that satisfy all Sophia \nplanes. It is considered , that using several images of a cali-\nbration template with several calibration points, the true \nsolution of camera parameters will be obtain. However, \nthis assumption fails if the empirical experiment described \nin subsection 2.1 is performed. Results showed in figures 3 and 4 are biased. This empirical experiment demonstrates \nthat using several calibration points in several images do \nnot guarantee unbiased camera parameters. Moreover, this \nbias is not detected if camera parameters are validated us-\ning the reprojection error tool. \n3 PROPOSED CAMERA CALIB RATION PROCESS \nUSING A 2D TEMPLATE \nExisting camera calibr ation methods perform two steps. \nFirst, an approximation of camera parameters is computed \nbased on an algebraic solution. Second, an iterative nonlin-ear minimization problem improves the algebraic solution \naccording to the criterion of the reprojection err or, with the \naim of computing the correct parameter values. Intrinsic \nand extrinsic parameters are updated in every iteration. It \nis assumed that using several images taken from different \nFig. 9. Coupling between the principal point ( u0,v0), focal length f and \nthe extrinsic camera parameters tx and ty. Changes in intrinsic camera \nparameters ( u0,v0) are compensated with changes in the location o f the \ncamera tx and ty and focal length f . Figure (a) shows a solution for cam-\nera parameters and figure (b) shows another solution for camera param-\neters using the same data to compute camera parameters (coordinates \npoints in the template ( px, py) and coordinate points in the image ( u, v)) \nAny optical axis that belongs to the Sophia plane gives a valid solution \nfor the camera parameters. This is shown in figure (b). Using reprojec-\ntion error as the tool to determine true camera parameters, all optical \naxis that belongs to the Sophia plane will be a valid solution. \nFig. 7. Variation of the focal length with the distance of the object to the \ncamera according with expression (9) . \nFig. 8. Coupling between the camera focal length parameter f and the \ndistance of the camera to the calibration template. Using coordinates v \nand cpy to compute camera parameters f and cpz has infinite solutions \nbecause both parameters are tightly coupled. In this figure, starting with \nthe same value of v and cpy both f and cpz solutions (a) and (b) are valid . \nAUTHOR ET AL.: TITL E 7 \n locations will condition the nonlinear minimization algo-\nrithm to achieve the right solution [4, 10]. \nHowever, when a camera is calibrated using images \nfrom several locations, this assumption fails, as it was shown in the empirical experiment described in the previ-\nous section. As was shown in subsection 2.2.1, different \ndistances from the camera to the calibration object produce \nchanges in the focal length parameter to obtain sharp im-\nages. These variations in the focal length depend on the \ncamera sensor size also, as was demonstrated in equation (9). Using the method proposed by Zhang, since the cam-\nera calibration process computes only one camera model \nwith a fixed focal length, the interdependence between the camera parameters leads the nonlinear minimization pro-\ncess to get zero reprojection error that camouflages a bi-\nased result . \nTo improve the solution of the camera calibration pro-\ncess, it is necessary to define previously the range of dis-tances from the camera to the calibration object where the focal length parameter will remain constant when getting \na sharp image. This analysis will give the limits of the dis-\ntances where the focal length varies in each image and the distance where the focal length keeps constant (i. e., where \nthe hyperfocal distance starts). \nFigure 7 represents these limits. The hyperfocal distance \nis the starting point from where focal length is constant alt-\nhough the distance between the object and the camera var-\nies. If the distance between the object and the camera is \nsmaller than the hyperfocal distance, the focal length is ad-\njusted in each image to o btain sharp images. \nUsing the method proposed by Zhang in [4], if the cali-\nbration is done with images where the focal length varies (below the hyperfocal distance), all calibration images \nshould be taken with similar distance between the calibra-\ntion template and the camera in order to guarantee that the \ncomputed parameters are correct. If images taken at sev-\neral distances in the range where the focal length varies are \nused, computed result using the method proposed by \nZhang in [4] will be biased although the reprojection error \nis zero. In this case, since images are taken at several dis-\ntances in the range where the focal length varies, several \nfocal lengths should be computed depending on the dis-\ntance of the camera to the calibration template. From the point of view of the application that uses the calibration \nresults, calibration will be valid only for images that are taken in the same range of distances defined in the calibra-tion process. \nThe aim of the proposed method is to identify this hy-\nperfocal distance to ensure that the calibration process is \ncorrect. In the case where the calibration images are taken \nin a distance shorter than the hyperfocal distance, a \nmethod to compute several focal lengths that depends on the distance of the camera to the c alibration template is \nproposed . \n \n3.1 Identifying the hyperfocal distance and \ncomputing the scale factors α and β \nThe hyperfocal distance starts when the scale factors α and \nβ are constant. As it was described in equation (2) scale fac-\ntors α and β are defined with the focal length f of the camera \nand the size of the camera sensor along the u and v axis. \nUsing the projective geometry property described in figure \n8 the coordinate v of a point in the image is: \nβ·\nzy\nppv= (11) \nwhere β corresponds to the scale factor in the v axis de-\nnoted with f in figure 8. Two points in a template plane in \nthe scene that is parallel to the image plane have the same \npz and py1, py2, respectively. These two points will project \nthe image in coordinates v 1 and v2. The increment between \nthe two coordinates in the v axis is: \n()\nzy y\nzy\nzy\npp ppp\nppvvβββ · · ·2 12 1\n2 1 −=−=− (12) \npz is equal at both points because the template scene \nplane is parallel to the image plane. Several images of the same two points in the calibration template at different dis-\ntances will result in different increments in the image and \ndifferent scale factors. \nii\nidtvβ·∆=∆ (13) \nwhere the camera distance p z is denoted with d i, and \nΔvi=(v 1-v2), i=1...n where n is the number of images. β i cor-\nresponds to the scale factor in each distance of the camera \nto the calibration template. Δ t is the constant increment be-\ntween adjacent points in a scene. Arranging the data in a \nmatrix form, the following expression arises: \n\n\n\n\n∆∆∆\n∆=\n\n\n\n\nn n n dvdvdv\nt\n·...··\n·1\n...2 211\n21\nβββ\n (14) \nIn the case that α corresponds to the u axis, the deduc-\ntion is similar and the equation (14) becomes: \n\n\n\n\n∆∆∆\n∆=\n\n\n\n\nn n n dududu\nt\n·...··\n·1\n...2 21 1\n21\nααα\n (15) \nIf elements of vector α i or βi are plotted, a figure similar \nto the figure 7 appears that is very useful to decide where \nFig. 10. Example of the image for the proposed method for calibrating \nthe scale factors α and β. Resulting image and values Δ u and Δ v. \n8 IEEE TRANSACTIONS O N JOURNAL NAME, MANUSCRIPT ID \n is the hyperfocal distance. \nTo compute the scale factors αi or βi of the camera axis \nu and v using expressions (14) and (15), we propose a sim-\nple empirical experiment. Several images of a planar chess-\nboard template are taken, in which the image plane is as \nparallel as possible to the chessboard plane. It is important to know the distance from the camera to the chessboard \nplane when the image is captured. \nFigure 10 shows an example of the resulting image. \nHere, Δ u and Δv are defined. The increment between adja-\ncent points of the chessboard calibration template is Δ t and \nd\ni is the distance from the camera to the chessboard . The \ncorners of the black and white boxes in the images are de-\ntected and the increments between the adjacent points are \ncomputed. The increments along the horizontal axis u are \ndenoted with Δ ui,j and the ones in the vertical axis v are \ndenoted with Δ vi,j., where i, j represent the increment j of \nadjacent points in the image i. If the image has no distor-\ntion, the values of Δu i,j will be similar and their mean val-\nues will be represented with Δ ui. Likewise, in the v axis, Δ vi \ndenotes the value of the increment along the v axis in im-\nage i. Further, if the pixels are square, Δu i will be equal to \nΔvi and the scale factors α i or βi will be equal. \nIn the case of distorted images, Δ ui and Δv i is computed \nusing the detected points in the centre of the image only, \ninstead of using points all over the image. In images with \nradial distortion, points close to the centre of the image \nhave an insignificant deviation from the undistorted posi-\ntion. If all points in the image are used, distortion could be \ncorrected before computing the increments of Δ ui and Δ vi \nusing the methods proposed by Ricolfe -Viala, [ 20, 21] or \nZhu [ 22]. However, improvement on the results when dis-\ntortion is corrected is negligible and therefore unnecessary . \n \n3.2 Computing camera model with several scale \nfactors \nOnce the experiment described in previous subsection \nis performed, it is possible to define the hyperphocal dis-\ntance that establishes the limit where the focal length var-ies or it is constant. If calibration is done with images taken \nat distances where the scale factors are constant, the \nmethod proposed by Zhang in [4] could work properly. In case that the calibration proce ss is done with images taken \nat distances where the scale factors vary, it is necessary to compute extrinsic parameters considering that the scale factors are different in each image. \nThis section describes a variation of the method pro-\nposed by Zhang in [4] to compute the extrinsic camera pa-rameters using images taken at distances where the scale \nfactors vary. The process consists of a nonlinear minimiza-\ntion process to adjust camera parameters to a set of data but in this case, computing only the principal point ( u\n0, v0), \nthe skewness and the extrinsic camera parameters and con-sidering the scale factors as constant valued computed with the method described in previous subsection. \nTo perform a nonlinear minimization process, an initial \nguess is necessary. The scale factors α\ni and βi for several \ndistances di are computed with the specific trial described in previous subsection. The image principal point parame-\nters ( u0, v0) is initialized to the centre of the image. This in-\nitialization does not disturb the final result because the \nnonlinear minimization process will obtain the right solu-\ntion taking into account that the focal length is constant. It \nwill find out the correct optical axis that satisfy the focal length in each image according with the figure 9. As it was \nsaid before, a set of camera parameters are defined with \nand optical axis and in this case, the constant value of the focal length will force the nonlinear minimization to com-\npute the best optical axis for the given focal length. The \nskewness γ is initialized to zero and the extrinsic camera \nparameters are obtained as follows. \nUsing initial values of intrinsic camera parameters, the \nmatrix A defined in (2) has a specific value for each camera \ndistance d\ni. Moreover, coordinates of calibration template \npoints have z =0 and the relation between the camera plane \nand the calibration template plane is defined with an homography H. Equation (1) is rewritten as: \nptRApw\ni i ic]· ·[= (16) \n[]\n\n\n\n\n=\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n=\n\n\n\n\n1· ·\n10· ·\n12 1\n332313\n322212\n312111\nyx\ntrrAyx\nttt\nrrr\nrrr\nrrr\nA vu\ni\nzyx\ni (17) \n[ ] p Hph hhpw\niw c· ·3 2 1 = = (18) \nTo compute the homography H i, a technique based on \nnonlinear least squares proposed in [4] is used. Let c=[h1 h2 \nh3 ]T, the equation (18) can be rewritten as: \n0·· 0· 0=\ncpv ppu p\nT w T w TT w T T w\n (19) \nWith n points, n equation (19) arise which can be writ-\nten in matrix equation as L ·c=0 where L is a 2· n×12 matrix. \nThe solution is the right singular vector of L associated \nwith the smallest singular value, or the eigenvector, of LT·L \nassociated with the smallest eigenvalue. Matrix L is poorly \nconditioned because some elements are a constant 1, others \nare in pixels and others are in millimetres. Better results are \nobtained by performing a simple data normalization pro-\ncess, as proposed in Hartley [ 24]. \nOnce the homography H i is computed and using the \nintrinsic camera parameters arranged in a matrix A i, extrin-\nsic camera parameters are computed as: \ni i ii i ii i ii i i\nhA trr rhA rhA r\n312 1 321\n211\n1\n······\n−−−\n=×===\nρρρ\n (20) \nBecause of the noise, computed elements of R will not \nsatisfy t he properties of a rotation matrix. To approximate \nthe computed 3×3 matrix Q to the best rotation matrix R , \nthe singular value decomposition of Q is necessary. Given \nthe singular value decomposition Q=U·S·V, the best rota-\ntion matrix is R=U·VT. For further reference to matrix com-\nputation, see Golub and Loan [ 25]. \nThe maximum likelihood estimation is the nonlinear \nminimization process that improves computed results, re-AUTHOR ET AL.: TITL E 9 \n ducing the geometric error between detected point coordi-\nnates in images cpij and projected points with the com-\nputed camera model defined as cpij^(Ai, Ri, ti, wpj). The \nmaximum likelihood estimation is computed by minimiz-ing the following function: \n( )2\n1 1, , , ^ ∑∑\n= =−n\nim\njjw\ni i i ijcp t R A p p (21) \nRotation matrix R i is expressed with three parameters \nusing the Rodrigues formula [26]. This nonlinear minimi-zation problem is solved with the Levenberg -Marquardt \nalgorithm using the values of A\ni, Ri and ti computed pre-\nviously as the searching starting point. Notice that several matrices A\ni of intrinsic camera parameters exist that de-\npend on the distance di. In this case, searching parameters \nare extrinsic camera parameters R i and ti, the principal \npoint ( u0, v0) and the skewness γ. Scale factors α i and βi in \nmatrices Ai remain constant to avoid the intrinsic and ex-\ntrinsic camera parameters influencing each other which re-\nsult in a biased solution at the end of the minimization pro-\ncess. Moreover, constant values of scale factors α i and βi \nforce the searching process to find out the finest optical \naxis in the Sophia plane that best represents the camera \nmodel according to figure 9. When the minimization pro-\ncess is finished, reprojection error will be close to cero but in this case, it has been computed with a constant value of \nthe focal length or scale factors α\ni and βi. \n3.3 Camera lens distortion \nMost of the authors of papers about camera lens distor-\ntion report that distortion function is dominated by radial components if the image distortion is small [ 21, 22, 2 6]. A \nsecond order radial distortion model between the distorted \npoint in the image \ncp* and the correct one cp is defined as \nδ+ =*p pc c (22) \nsuch as ( )\n( )4\n22\n14\n22\n1\n· · ·· · ·\nv v d vu u d u\nr k r k vr k r k u\n+ ∆ =+ ∆ =\nδδ (23) \nwhere r2 is the distance between the distorted point coor-\ndinate and the principal point. Δu d=ud-u0, Δvd=vd-u0. r is \ncomputed as r2=Δud2+Δvd2. \nSimilar to the method proposed by Zhang in [4], the \ncamera lens distortion model defined in (23) is included in the maximum likelihood estimation and equation (21) is extended taking into account radial distortion parameters: \n( )2\n1 12 1 , , , , , ^ ∑∑\n= =−n\nim\njjw\ni i i ijcp t R k k A p p (24) \nAs before, sc ale factors α i and βi of matrices A i remain \nconstant to avoid the intrinsic and extrinsic camera param-eters influencing each other. Maximum likelihood estima-\ntion computes extrinsic camera parameters R\ni and ti, and \nthe principal point ( u0, v0), the skewness γ and the distor-\ntion parameters k 1, k2 as intrinsic camera parameters. k1, k2 \nare initialized to zero. \n4 E XPERIMENTAL RESULTS \nTo demonstrate the influence of the focus in the camera \ncalibration process, two set of images are captured using \ntwo cameras with different features assembled on two ro-\nbot arms. The main difference between both cameras is the sensor size to verify that in bigger sensors, the hyperfocal \ndistance is further away from the camera than in smaller \nones as was defined in (9) . Therefore, the risk of capturing \nimages with different focal lengths for calibration pur-\nposes increases in cameras with bigger sensors. In conse-\nquence, if only one focal length is computed in the calibra-tion process, biased parameters will be computed. In these \ncases, several camera models with different focal lengths \nare necessary to represent the focusing process of the cam-era when the distance of the camera to the calibration tem-\nplate varies under the hyperfocal distance . \nFig. 11. Robot arm ABB IRB 140 with the measuring too l defining 3D coordinates of template control points. Robotiq wrist camera mounted in \ncollaborative robot Universal Robot UR3 . \n10 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON JOURNAL NAME, MANUSCRIPT ID \n In our experiment, one camera is a Robotiq wrist camera, \n1279×724 pixels with electrically actuated focus, assembled \non a collaborative industrial robot UR3. The other one is an EoSens® 12CXP+ of 4,096 × 3,072 pixels, 23.04 × 23.04 mm active area with an 18 mm lens with manual focus, mounted on an ABB IRB 140. Both cameras are assembled on robot \narms so as to establish the extrinsic camera parameters and to \ncompare the computed values with the known true ones. It is assumed that better extrinsic parameters will result in more accurate intrinsic parameters with similar reprojection errors. \nThe reprojection error is also computed to check if model is correct from a geometric point of view. \nCamera location is obtained by using the location of the \nend of the robot arm that is provided by its control unit. \nWith this location, it is possible to compute a transfor-mation matrix that transforms the location of the robot arm \ninto the location of the camera image frame or the measur-\ning tool. Figure 11 shows an im age of the robot arm ABB \nIRB 140 with the measuring tool, obtaining 3D coordinates \nof the calibration template points. The same operation is \nperformed with the collaborative industrial robot UR3. Camera and template locations are in the robot base coor-\ndinate frame. No simulated data is used because it does not \nrepresent the real world. With computer simulations, data is generated with models that have a constant focal length \nwith independence of the distance of the camera to the cal-ibration template. Under the simulation umbrella, every-thing fits perfectly (even with Gaussian noise), because \nreal camera behaviours such as focus features, are not con-\nsidered in the theoretical model. In this case, only real data is used to demonstrate the influence of the came ra focus in \nthe calibration process. \n4.1 Computing the scale factors αi and βi. \nTo compute the scale factors α i and βi using the method \nproposed in subsection III.A., several images of the calibra-\ntion chessboard template are captured, taking into account \nthat the image plane should be as parallel as possible to the \ntemplate plane. In addition, the distance of the camera to \nthe chessboard template is known for each image. Figure \n12 shows selected images that were captured to compute the scale factors α\ni and βi of both cameras. Chessboard cor-\nners were detected using the Harris corner detection algo-rithm implemented in openCV. Increments Δu\ni and Δv i \nwere computed as described in subsection III.A. \nScale factors α i and βi for each camera -template distance \nare compute d with equations (14) and (15). As it was as-\nsumed, the focal length is not constant in all distances as it is shown in figure 13. Black crosses represent the values of the elements of the vector α\ni in (15). With a real camera, fo-\ncal length is adjusted when the distance of the camera to the template changes to capture sharp objects. In conse-quence, scale factors α\ni or βi do not have a constant value, \nexcept when the focus is set in the hyperfocal distance. When the focus is in the hyperfocal distance, the depth of field is at its maximum and the focal length does not \nchange to capture sharp images. This effect is illustrated \nwith the real values computed with the cameras. Figures 13(a) and 13(b) use crosses to show the elements of vector \nα\ni for both the Robotiq wrist camera and the EoSens® \n12CXP+ camera respectively. Analysing the results, three \nzones appear when the scale factor is plotted versus the \ndistance of the camera to the template. Zone 1 is d efined \nby a variation of the focal length with each image to obtain \nsharp images. Zone 2 is defined by the constant value of \nthe focal length: the focus is set in the hyperfocal distance \nand without changing the focal length, images are sharp in the image although the distance of the camera to the object \nchanges. Zone 3 is defined by variations in the scale factor \nbecause the template is far away from the camera and the poor quality of the calibration template in the image does \nnot allow accurate detection of the image’s control points. \nWith this experiment, it is possible to obtain the range \nof distances at which the camera will work properly with a constant focal length defined using Zone 2. In addition, \nif the camera is closer to the object and it is working in Zone 1, different values of the focal length will help to obtain ac-\ncurate camera parameters. Moreover, Zone 3 will give the \ndistance of the camera to objects in which the accuracy is reduced because the image resolution is not enough to de-\ntect objec t details with precision. Zone 3 will be condi-\ntioned by the size of the chessboard calibration template. \nThe details of the objects than can be detected will be de-\nfined by the size of the squares in the chessboard template \n(in this experiment, one size measures 25 mm). \nZone 1 of the Robotiq wrist camera is between 0 and 150 \nmm. Zone 2, where the focal length is constant, is when objects are between 150 mm to 1200 mm away from the camera. If objects of 25 mm are more than 1200 mm away \nfrom the camera, the de tection of their details is noisy, \nmeaning that the measurements are not accurate. On the \nother side, with the EoSens® 12CXP+ camera, zone 1 is \nfrom 0 mm to 700 mm and zone 2 is from 700 mm to \n2700mm, approximately. \nFigures 13(a) and 13(b) show the compute d values of \nthe scale factor α\ni using different methods. As mentioned \nbefore, black crosses represent the values of the elements \nFig. 12. Images to calibrate the scale factors and principal point with the proposed method with the Robotiq wrist camera, 100mm, 700mm, \n1300mm, distance between camera and calibration template . \nAUTHOR ET AL.: TITL E 11 \n of the vector α i in (15). The black line is the mean value of \nthe elements of the vector α i in zone 2, which corresponds \nto the scale factor α computed with no variation of focal \nlength because the lens is focusing in the hypefocal dis-\ntance. The red line shows the computed value using the \nmethod based on the 2D calibration template proposed by \nZhang[4] when the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) ends. The blue line shows the value computed with the al-\ngebraic solution from the Zhang method before it is im-\nproved with the maximum likelihood estimation. Calibra-tion with Zhang method is performed with 15 images \ntaken from several locations. Similar results are computed \nfor the scale factor β . Values calculated using each method \nare shown in table 2. \nIf a continuous camera model were necessary to com-pute the focal length of the camera according with its dis-tance to the object, a function can be empirically adjusted \nto data in figure 13 as follows: \n0 2α α+ − =dkf (25) \nwhere α is the scale factor for a distance camera- object de-\nfined with d and α0 is the scale factor when the focus is set \nto the hyperphocal distance. Parameters k f and α0 can be \nadjusted using the least squares technique. Figure 14 \nshows the results of adjusting scale factor data of both cam-eras to the function defined in (26). Similar expression is \ncomputed for β . \n4.2 Computing the complete camera model . \nUsing the scale factors α i or βi computed in previous sub-\nsection, it is possible to compute a complete set of camera \nFig. 13. (a). Results for the Robotiq wrist camera assembled on a collaborative industrial robot UR3. (b) Results for the EoSens® 12CXP + \ncamera assembled on an industrial robot arm ABB IRB 140. Black crosses represent the result of equation (15). Each black cros s is the scale \nfactor αi computed with the increments of each image Δ ui and the distance di from which it was taken. The black li ne represents the mean value \nof all values in zone 2 (equations (14) and (15)). The red line shows the computed value using Zhang ’s method when the maximum likelihood \nestimation (MLE) ends. The blue line shows the computed value of the algebraic solution o f the Zhang method before it is improved with the \nmaximum likelihood estimation . \n \nFig. 14. Adjusting the camera scale factor to the function defined in (25 ) (a). Results for the Robotiq wrist camera. (b) Results for the EoSens® \n12CXP+ camera . \n12 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON JOURNAL NAME, MANUSCRIPT ID \n models with several scale factors using the method de-\nscribed in subsection III.B. An algebraic solution is com-\nputed with equation (20) that is improved with a nonlinear minimization problem defined in (21) or in (24) that in-\ncludes the camera lens distortion parameters. \nThe aim is to minimize the reprojection error that rep-\nresents the distance between the detected points in the im-\nage and the chessboard template points projected with the \ncomputed model. The Zhang method tries to minimize this index by modifying all camera parameters at the same \ntime. With the proposed method, the scale factors α and β of the matrix A remain constant to avoid the coupling be-\ntween intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters. The \nsearched parameters are the extrinsic ( R\ni and ti) and the \nintrinsic ones (the principal point ( u0, v0), skewness γ and \ndistortion, represented by k 1, k2). \nThe mean values and the standard deviation of the \nreprojection error, with different solutions, are summa-\nrised in table 1. Table 2 shows the computed camera pa-\nrameters with the proposed method and the Zhang method, including the algebraic and the MLE results. \nFigure 15 compares several solutions of the position \nvector t\ni computed w ith both methods and both cameras. \nSince camera true location is given by the robot arm, bias \nerrors are obtained using the true camera location as the \npoint of reference. The blue line corresponds to the bias with the algebraic solution computed with the method \nproposed in subsection 3.2. The green line corresponds to \nthe MLE solution, computing only the subset of parame-ters proposed in this paper and assuming a constant focal \nlength. The red line corresponds to the algebraic solution \nproposed by Zhang, and the black line corresponds to Zhang’s MLE solution. Figure 15(a) corresponds to the er-\nrors in the location computed with the Robotiq wrist cam-\nera and figure 15(b) shows errors in location with the the EoSens® 12CXP+ camera. \n4.3 Discussion \nBias in the position vector t i will give the accuracy of the \ncomputed camera parameters with each method. Analys-ing position vector t\ni bias in figure 15, with both cameras, \nthe camera positions computed with the proposed method are closer to the true positions than the positions comput ed (a)\n(b)\n \nFig. 15. (a). Error in locations for the Robotiq wrist camera. (b) Error in locations for the EoSens® 12CXP+ camera. In both cameras, the \nproposed method computes camera locations closer to the real one than the method proposed by Zhang. Analysis of the Zhang sol ution shows \nthat, although the reprojection error is bigger, the algebraic result is closer to the real location than the MLE . \n \nTABLE 1 \nMEAN VALUES AND STANDARD DEVIATION OF THE REPROJECTION \nERROR WITH DIFFERENT SOLUTIONS \n \nMethod Median Stand-\nard de-\nviation \nRobotiq \nwrist cam-\nera Proposed method 0.3362 2.1709 \nMLE Proposed method 9.0165× e -11 1.5626 \nZhang algebraic solution 0.0472 1.8667 \nZhang MLE solution 1.8347× e -10 1.0487 \nEoSens® \n12CXP+ Proposed method -2.4143 14.4151 \nMLE Proposed method -1.5807×e -10 3.1542 \nZhang algebraic solution 0.4644 9.0036 \nZhang MLE solution 1.2092×e -09 2.3201 \nThe reprojection error with MLE is smaller because parameters are adjusted to \nthe data accurately. However, the differences between reprojection error vary-\ning all parameters and varying extrinsic parameters, distortion and skewness \nonly is not significant. \n \n AUTHOR ET AL.: TITL E 13 \n by Zhang method. With the proposed method, MLE ad-\njusts the computed model to the input data, changing only \nthe extrinsic camera parameters, distortion, skewness and \nprincipal point, and assuming that scale factors are accu-rate as they have been computed by specific trials. MLE \ndoes not significantly modify the result solution. However, in the case of Zhang’s result solution, the difference be-tween the algebraic solution and MLE is significant . Anal-\nysis of the Zhang solution shows that the algebraic result is closer to the true location than the MLE. MLE obtains worse results than the algebraic solution. Even though the \nreprojection error is bigger with algebraic methods, esti-mated locations are closer to the real ones. This is ex-plained with the coupling between all camera parameters. \nThe algebraic solution computes the camera parameters separately and the MLE solution tries to find out the best solution for all camera parameters at the same time. Solv-\ning the nonlinear minimization problem based on repro-\njection error by computing all the camera parameters is not \na very good practice. \nAnalysing table 1, reprojection error values with MLE \nare smaller because the parameters are accurately adjusted to the data. However, the differences between the reprojec-\ntion error computing all the parameters at the same time \nand computing all parameters assuming a constant focal \nlength are not significant. This is because the parameters \nare adjusted to data but in one case all parameters change \nin every iteration of the optim ization process and in the \nother case the focal length remains constant during the op-\ntimization process. A constant focal length sets a reference \nin the nonlinear optimization process that helps to reach \nan unbiased solution. Since all the parameters are t ightly \ncoupled, MLE is able to finish with a solution where the \nparameters satisfy the model for the given data but differ-\nent of the true one. Indeed, the computed solution is rep-\nresented by an optical axis in the Sophia plane which does \nnot correspond to the true one. With the proposed method, \nintrinsic parameters, such as scale factors are estimated with specific tests, and MLE is used to compute extrinsic \nparameters, distortion, skewness and the principal point. \nCamera parameters are divided into two gro ups to avoid \nincorrect solutions due to the coupling between them . The \nconstant focal length sets the reference to compute the un-biased optical axis in the Sophia plane. \nAs can be seen in table 2, with the Robotiq wrist cam-\nera, the algebraic solution that results from the Zhang method is closer to the one computed with the lens focus-ing in the hypefocal distance. However, the MLE solution \nis notably different. Analysing the results from the \nEoSens® 12CXP+ camera, the algebraic solution is differ-ent from that of the lens focusing in the hypefocal distance, \nand the MLE solution even more so. To explain these re-\nsults, it is necessary to observe the range of distances that cove r zones 1, 2 and 3, respectively, with each camera. \nZone 2 of the Robotiq wrist camera, in which focal length \ndoes not change, is delimited by distances of 150mm and 1200mm. Capturing images of the chessboard closer to \n150mm to the camera is not possible if the chessboard is \nprinted in an A4 sheet. Consequently, since all images are taken in Zone 2, the focal length is constant and the alge-\nbraic solution of the Zhang method is similar to that of the \nlens focusing in the hypefocal distance, supposed as unbi-ased. However, when the algebraic solution is improved \nwith the maximum likelihoold estimation, the tightly cou-\npling between intrinsic and extrinsic parameters means \nthat, although the final solution has a very small reprojec-\ntion error, the computed paramet ers are biased. \nGoing deeper , if the chessboard were smaller than an \nA4 sheet because the application needs images closer to the camera, most of the calibration images would be in the \nzone 1 and camera parameters would be different to the \nones computed wit h the lens focusing in the hypefocal dis-\ntance. Moreover, if camera parameters computed with the \nZhang method were used in a camera -object distance \ncloser than 150 mm, results would be biased. \nAnalysing distances in Zones 1, 2 and 3 for the \nEoSens® 12CXP+ c amera, Zone 2 (where the focal length \nis constant), starts at 700 mm and ends at approximately \n2700 mm. With this camera, it is possible to put the A4 \nsheet calibration template in the image completely when \nthe camera is 300 mm away from the calibration te mplate. \nIn consequence, images that are taken within a range of 300 mm and 700 mm are in Zone 1, where the focal length var-ies in order to obtain a sharp image. Therefore, using these \nimages with the Zhang method disrupts the results be-\ncause they were take n with a different focal length. The al-\ngebraic solution from the Zhang method does not compute \ngood parameters similar to the ones computed when the \nlens is focusing in the hypefocal distance. Similar to the computed results with the Robotiq wrist camera, the MLE \nobtains an even more biased solution. When starting the \nMLE with biased parameters, the MLE will end producing more biased results due to the coupling between intrinsic \nand extrinsic camera parameters. \nAs the experiments show, the proposed method g ives \na stable solution to obtain an accurate camera calibration. The method proposed by Zhang could lead to incorrect re-\nsults because of the camera parameters coupling and as TABLE 2 \nCAMERA PARAMETERS COM PUTED USING THE PROP OSED \nMETHOD IN ZONE 2 AND USING THE ZHANG METHOD \n Param. Proposed \nmethod Zhang alge-\nbraic solution Zhang MLE \nsolution \nRobotiq \nwrist \ncamera α 1370,8 1362,8 1319,7 \nβ 1373,8 1369,9 1329,7 \nu0 645,8 651,7 711,2 \nv0 359,3 370,5 375,9 \nγ 0,0001 -0,002 0,0008 \nk1 0.0087 0.0048 -0.016 \nk2 -0.072 -0.056 -0.003 \nEoSens® \n12CXP+ α 4755,8 4487,0 4289,8 \nβ 4789,1 4442,8 4295,1 \nu0 2052,3 2046,8 2127,5 \nv0 1548,5 1448,1 1566,7 \nγ 0,0012 0,0239 0,0280 \nk1 0.0022 0.0421 -0.1703 \n k2 0.0570 -0.134 0.1389 \n 14 IEEE TRANSACTIONS O N JOURNAL NAME, MANUSCRIPT ID \n images are taken at any distance and it does not define \nwhich set of images obtain the best solution. In most cam-\nera calibration papers an analysis of the number of images is performed, but the camera location is not defined . \n5 CONCLUSION \nIn this paper, the influence of the focus in the calibration process has been analysed in depth. T o obtain the sharpest \nobjects in the image, lenses are adjusted depending on the \ndistance of the camera to the object varying the focal length \nin each image. Since the pin- hole model does not consider \nthis variation, computing the camera model using images \ncaptured from different distances to the calibration tem-\nplate could obtain incorrect results. Moreover, an exhaus-\ntive study of the interdependence between intrinsic and \nextrinsic parameters has demonstrated that they are tightly \ncoupled. The focal length of the camera is linked to the dis-\ntance of the camera to the object and the principal point is \nlinked to the location X and Y of the camera in the scene. \nIn consequence, computing all the camera parameters to-\ngether in an iterative nonlinear minimization pr oblem can-\nnot be considered a good practice in general. It gives a \nvalid result based on the reprojection error but the result \ndoes not represent the real camera. \nThe camera calibration process has been improved in \nthree aspects. First, a camera model is pr oposed where sev-\neral values of scale factors are used depending on the dis-\ntance of the camera to the object in the scene. Secondly, the \nscale factors are computed with a specific, separate exper-iment, to avoid incorrect results due to the interference be-\ntween intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters. Thirdly, \na nonlinear minimization problem is solved by computing only extrinsic parameters, the principal point, skewness \nand lens distortion instead of computing all camera pa-\nrameters at the same time. \nThe proposed improved method accounts for the exist-\nence of several set points of the camera lens to obtain sharp images. In consequence, it is necessary a camera model with several values of scale factors to represent camera be-\nhaviour accurately. If a model wit h a constant value of \nscale factor is used, it is necessary to know the range of dis-\ntances between the camera and the objects where these \nscale factors camera parameters are valid or conversely, to \ncapture images of the calibration template in a range of d is-\ntances valid for the application. In addition, to avoid the \ncoupling effects between intrinsic and extrinsic camera pa-\nrameters, it is advisable to conduct a specific test to sepa-rately compute each camera parameter instead of trying to \nsolve the nonlinear minimization problem by computing \nall parameters at the same time. Computing all camera pa-rameters at the same time in a nonlinear minimization pro-\ncess computes biased results. An improved method to \ncompute the camera principal point with more accuracy, could be considered in a future work. At present, the pro-\nposed method is a step forward in the field of camera cali-\nbration that will help in any application where the camera parameters represent a crucial step. REFERENCES \n[1] L. Kang, L. Wu, Y. Wei, S. Lao, Y. Yang, Two -view underwa-\nter 3D reconstruction for cameras with unknown poses under \nflat refractive interfaces Pattern Recognition, Volume 69, \n(2017). \n[2] M. Alemán -Flores, L. Alvarez, L. Gomez, P. Henriquez, L. \nMazorra, Camera calibration in sport event scenari os Pattern \nRecognition, Volume 47, Issue 1, (2014) . \n[3] S. Yi, S.Min, A Practical Calibration Method for Stripe Laser \nImaging System, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and \nMeasurement , (2020) DOI 10.1109/TIM.2020.3024336, \n[4] T Jiang, H. Cui , X. Cheng, Accurate calibration for large- scale \ntrackingbased visual measurement system, IEEE Transactions \non Instrumentation and Measurement ( 2020) DOI \n10.1109/TIM.2020.3016412, \n[5] H. Yu, W. Zhen, W. Yang, S. 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He cooperates with the Institute of Industrial Informatics and \nAutomatic Control of Valencia. \n " }, { "title": "2402.04690v1.Near_equilibrium_growth_of_vapor_bubbles.pdf", "content": "Near-equilibrium growth of vapor bubbles\nOrr Avni, Eran Sher, and Yuval Dagan∗\nFaculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, 320003, Israel.\nAbstract\nThis study delves into the near-equilibrium dynamics of vapor bubbles. Utilizing a regular perturbation\nmethod, we derive analytical solutions to capture the bubble’s initial growth stages, wherein surface tension\nand viscous dissipation forces impede the bubble’s growth. The accuracy of these solutions is validated with\nnumeric solutions of the complete Rayleigh-Plesset equation. Although limited to near-critical bubble radii,\nour analytical solutions predict the initial delay period as a function of two nondimensional parameters,\nsignifying the initial deviation from the critical radius and the surface tension to viscosity ratio. We found\na transition in the dominant delay mechanism, marking a shift from surface tension to viscous damping\ndominance. Our findings emphasize the significance of considering the surface tension delay, particularly for\nshort timescales, and highlight its crucial role in accurately modeling the bubble’s initial growth dynamics.\nThe derived analytical solutions and the obtained correlation for surface-tension-induced delay may prove a\npractical tool and could be integrated into existing models of vapor bubble growth.\n∗yuvalda@technion.ac.il\n1arXiv:2402.04690v1 [physics.flu-dyn] 7 Feb 2024I. INTRODUCTION\nNucleation of vapor bubbles within a superheated liquid is a fundamental yet complex and\nelusive phase-change phenomenon. The ubiquity of vapor bubbles in natural processes [1–3],\nwide-ranging industrial [4–8], and medical [9–11] applications poses a solid scientific research\nmotivation. Embryonic vapor nucleons constantly form spontaneously in superheated liquids due\nto the liquid’s inherent local density fluctuations; the contrasting effects of the inward-directed\nsurface tension and outward-directed pressure acting on the nucleated bubble interface cause small\nnucleons to collapse immediately. However, nucleons surpassing the unstable equilibrium radius\ninitiate localized liquid-vapor phase change. The subsequent growth of a single vapor in an\nunbounded superheated liquid includes three discernible stages [12, 13]. Surface tension forces\npredominate the initial growth stage, impeding significant growth for a – usually short – delay\nperiod. After the nucleus grows, surface tension influence diminishes, and inertia forces dominate\nthe growth. The constant growth is driven by a steady pressure gradient across the interface,\noriginating from the liquid’s superheat degree [14]. Heat consumed by evaporation at the interface\ncools the liquid boundary layer around it, reducing the vapor pressure and transitioning to the last\nstage of the bubble’s expansion. As the pressure gradient tends to zero, the growth is driven solely\nby heat supplied to the interface via thermal diffusion; hence, during this asymptotic stage, the\ngrowth rate is proportional to the square root of time [15].\nMost current analytic models focus on the latter stages of the growth; notably, the Mi-\nkic–Rohsenow–Griffith (MRG) model [16] pioneered the interpolation between the inertial and\nthermal regimes. Following works [17–19] have since modified the interpolation and improved\nits accuracy in the transitional regime. On the other hand, numerical studies [20–22] solved the\ncoupled inertial-thermal problem and successfully captured the entirety of the growth process,\nincluding the surface tension regime. Recently, Sullivan et al. [23] presented an improved inter-\npolated semi-analytical model capable of approximating the growth of the bubble across all three\nregimes. Near-equilibrium growth was studied numerically and subsequently interpolated with\nthe broader analytic model for the bubble’s growth. Another approach to studying the growth of\na post-nucleation vapor bubble is molecular dynamics simulations. Using Lennard-Jones large\ncomputational volume simulations of liquid-to-vapor nucleation, Ang ´elilet al. [24] managed to\nmeasure the properties of bubbles from their inception as stable, critically sized bubbles to their\ncontinued growth. Crucially, the study reported good agreement up to the molecular scale between\n2molecular dynamics simulations and results obtained via the simplified Rayleigh-Plesset model\nused in most analytic and numeric models. However, both numerical and molecular-dynamics-\nbased works are limited in their generality and applicability compared with analytical models,\nwhich yield immediate predictions without requiring significant computational effort.\nOn the other hand, studying the early dynamics of vapor bubbles faces experimental challenges.\nThe vapor bubble critical radius may reach extremely small scales [25], especially when considering\nhomogeneous nucleation in highly superheated liquids. Therefore, this study focuses on analytical\nmodeling of the near-equilibrium, surface-tension-dominated growth regime, aiming to bridge\nthe existing theory gap. We adopt a regular perturbation method to derive an approximate near-\nequilibrium solution. Using this method, one may explore the underlying physics governing the\ndynamics of vapor bubbles following nucleation inception, aiming to provide a better understanding\nof their initial growth.\nSection II outlines the methodology and mathematical modeling approach used to derive an\nanalytical solution for near-equilibrium bubble growth. Section III explores the growth of a vapor\nbubble wherein viscous dissipation effects are negligible, comparing several analytical and numeric\nsolutions. The analysis is extended in Section IV to damped growth, where the influence of viscous\ndamping is investigated. Finally, the implications and outlook of the present analysis are discussed\nin Section V.\nII. NEAR-EQUILIBRIUM SOLUTION\nThe immediate aftermath of a spontaneous nucleation event is considered here: the phase-\nchange-driven growth of a vapor bubble within a superheated liquid. Such vapor-liquid systems\nare mechanically unstable; the equilibrium state, i.e., the stable bubble radius, is predicted by the\nYoung-Laplace relation\n𝑅𝑐=2𝜎\nΔ𝑝0, (1)\nwhere𝑅𝑐is the critical bubble radius, 𝜎is the vapor-liquid surface tension, and the Δ𝑝0is the\npressure gradient acting on the interface. Thus, we consider initially still, expanding bubble\nwhose initial radius is perturbed with respect to the critical radius, ˜𝑅(˜𝑡=0)=𝑅𝑐+˜𝜀. This\nmathematical perturbation may be associated with the thermodynamic density fluctuations that\nlead to the bubble’s nucleation. The model assumes a perfectly spherical bubble immersed in a\nsemi-infinite, incompressible liquid medium; thus, any potential interactions between nucleated\n3bubbles are discounted. Our analysis is restricted to near-nucleation growth scales, wherein thermal\ndiffusion effects are insignificant and constant temperature difference across the sharp interface is\nmaintained. Finally, we assume the bubble does not contain dissolved gases and consists solely\nof vapor molecules, maintaining thermodynamic equilibrium with the outer superheated liquid.\nGiven a constant vapor temperature, a saturated state implies that the growth process is driven by\na steady pressure gradient across the bubble interface Δ𝑝0. The steady driving force distinguishes\nthe growth process of a vapor bubble from the dynamics of a gas bubble, wherein the inner pressure\nis coupled to the bubble’s volume.\nThe simplifying assumptions yield a single ordinary differential equation for the bubble radius\n˜𝑅, the Rayleigh-Plesset (RP) equation [15];\n˜𝑅¥˜𝑅+3\n2¤˜𝑅2=Δ𝑝0\n𝜌𝑙−2\n𝜌𝑙˜𝑅\u0010\n𝜎+2𝜇𝑙¤˜𝑅\u0011\n, (2)\nwhere𝜌𝑙is the liquid’s density and 𝜇𝑙is its viscosity. The resulting bubble oscillator experiences\nexternal forcing from a constant pressure gradient, countered by surface tension spring-like rigidity\nand the damping effect of viscosity. The inertia terms of the oscillator are nonlinear, originating\nfrom the integration of the unsteady (first LHS term) and radially convective (second LHS term)\ncomponents of the Navier-Stokes equation. Using the critical radius 𝑅𝑐and the inertial regime\nvelocity\n¤˜𝑅𝐼𝑛𝑒𝑟=√︄\n2Δ𝑝0\n3𝜌𝑙=√︄\n4𝜎\n3𝜌𝑙𝑅𝑐, (3)\nwe normalize Eq. (2) and its initial conditions, yielding the following initial value problem (IVP)\n2\n3𝑅¥𝑅+¤𝑅2−1+1\n𝑅\u0012\n1+4√\n3𝑂ℎ𝑐¤𝑅\u0013\n=0, 𝑅(0)=1+𝜀,¤𝑅(0)=0, (4)\nwhere𝑂ℎ𝑐is the nucleation Ohnesorge number , defined as\n𝑂ℎ𝑐=𝜇𝑙\n𝜎√︄\nΔ𝑝0\n2𝜌𝑙=√︄\n𝜇2\n𝑙\n𝜎𝜌𝑙𝑅𝑐. (5)\nThe nucleation Ohnesorge number 𝑂ℎ𝑐signifies the ratio between viscous damping and surface\ntension forces acting on the critically sized bubbles, i.e., the balance between the two at – and\nshortly after – nucleation inception. Since the surface tension forces are coupled to the bubble’s\ncharacteristic radius, the nucleation Ohnesorge number is dictated by both liquid medium properties\nand the thermodynamic conditions at nucleation.\n4Due to the inherent nonlinearity of the RP equation, obtaining a fully analytical solution is\npossible only for reduced, limiting cases. Hence, we seek an approximate solution for the initial,\nnear-equilibrium growth of the vapor bubble by substituting a regular perturbation series of the\nbubble radius 𝑅=𝑅0+𝜀𝑅1+𝜀2𝑅2+𝜀3𝑅3+...in the original IVP. The leading order solution is a\ntrivial one𝑅0=1, betokening the stability of the bubble in the absence of any perturbation. The\nfirst-order approximation yields a linearized, homogeneous IVP\nL[𝑅1]=2\n3¥𝑅1+4√\n3𝑂ℎ𝑐¤𝑅1−𝑅1=0, 𝑅1(0)=1,¤𝑅1(0)=0, (6)\nand the next terms of the perturbation series yield\nL[𝑅2]=−4\n3𝑅1¥𝑅1−¤𝑅12, 𝑅2(0)=¤𝑅2(0)=0 (7)\nL[𝑅3]=−4\n3\u0000𝑅1¥𝑅2+𝑅2¥𝑅1\u0001−2¤𝑅1¤𝑅2−𝑅1¤𝑅12−2\n3𝑅2\n1¥𝑅1, 𝑅3(0)=¤𝑅3(0)=0. (8)\nThe particular solution for the first-order term is\n𝑅1(𝑡)=𝑒−3𝑡\n4𝑂ℎ𝑐cosh \n3𝑡\n4√︂\n8\n3+𝑂ℎ2\n𝑐!\n+𝑂ℎ2\n𝑐sinh\u0012\n3𝑡\n4√︃\n8\n3+𝑂ℎ2\n𝑐\u0013\n√︃\n8\n3+𝑂ℎ2\n𝑐; (9)\nwhile higher-order analytical solutions are also obtainable. The approximated solution is, by\ndefinition, limited to near-equilibrium bubble radii. Thus, the following sections investigate\nthe solution accuracy and validity region by comparing them against numerical solutions of the\noriginal, complete RP oscillator Eq. (4). First, Section III examines a limiting case where the\nnucleation Ohnesorge number tends to zero, i.e., the bubble’s initial growth is not damped by\nviscous dissipation.\nIII. UNDAMPED GROWTH\nThe initial, near-equilibrium vapor bubble growth may be considered undamped when the\nviscous dissipation effects are negligible compared with the pressure difference and the surface\ntension forces. Undamped growth occurs in two distinct cases: when the liquid viscosity tends\nto zero and when nucleation conditions dictate a large critical radius. Large critical radii could\nprompt undamped bubble growth even in a highly viscous liquid, whereas a high superheating\ndegree prior to nucleation could result in a small nucleated bubble, for which viscous damping\n5FIG. 1. Dominant balance analysis of the normalized RP equation using a numeric solution for Eq. (4), given\ninitial radius perturbation of 𝜀=0.01. (a) Dotted lines depict the results for undamped growth 𝑂ℎ 𝑐=0,\nwhereas dashed lines depict a case model 𝑂ℎ 𝑐=1 for a damped growth. (b) Close-up of the initial growth\nstages. Changes due to increased damping are highlighted with colored arrows.\nis significant even when the surrounding liquid’s viscosity is low. Thus, the 𝑂ℎ𝑐→0 limit may\nrepresent different physical systems and serve as an important limiting case.\nFig. 1 presents a dominant balance analysis of the nonlinear oscillator leading terms while\nutilizing an RK4 numeric scheme for the solution of Eq. (4). Each term of the normalized RP\nequation is plotted individually, allowing one to assess the dominant physical terms throughout\nthe growth. The analysis is conducted for two distinct case models: undamped growth, wherein\n𝑂ℎ𝑐=0, and damped growth, wherein 𝑂ℎ𝑐=1. The latter case will be discussed in Section IV.\nAs our model postulates, the normalized pressure term remains constant in both cases; the surface\ntension and convective inertia terms switch roles as the second dominant terms. The linearized\nEq. (6) and Fig. 1 suggest the initial growth is governed by the balance between pressure and surface\ntension forces, justifying the omission of the nonlinear convective inertia term on the linearized IVP.\nHowever, as the bubble interface accelerates, the nonlinear term becomes dominant, breaking the\nassumptions of our linear analysis and inducing a shift in the bubble growth regime. Viscous effects\nalso influence the dominant terms; they delay the surge in the inertia term, playing a significant\nrole immediately post-nucleation and up until the bubble grows beyond the critical radius order\nof magnitude. Nevertheless, a distinct velocity threshold emerges in both cases, delineating a\ntransition from a surface-tension-dominated to an inertia-dominated growth regime.\n6FIG. 2. Comparison between a numeric solution of RP equation, represented by a dashed line, and different\norders of the approximated perturbation solution, represented by solid lines, given initial radius perturbation\nof𝜀=0.01 and undamped growth 𝑂ℎ 𝑐=0. (a) Bubble radius as a function of time and (b) Bubble interface\nvelocity as a function of bubble radius.\nFig. 2 compares the obtained approximated solutions with a numeric solution of Eq. (4) for initial\nperturbation of 𝜀=0.01. The approximated and numeric solutions converge and are indiscernible at\nthe initial growth stages. As the bubble grows, the approximated solutions diverge; the hyperbolic\nterms in each approximation asymptotically approach ±∞. Increased order of approximation\nyields improved precision and a marginally expanded region of validity. Nevertheless, a common\ndivergence among all solutions emerges when the velocity attains a magnitude of ¤𝑅≈0.1, i.e., when\nthe velocity reaches the inertial velocity order of magnitude. This common divergence accentuates\nthe critical influence of the nonlinear convective inertia term ¤𝑅2on the near-equilibrium bubble\ndynamics and the transition between the distinctly different growth regimes, as suggested by Fig. 1.\nThe surface tension delay may be evaluated using each approximated solution. Although the least\naccurate, Fig. 2 suggests that the first-order solution captures the essence of the initial delay while\nyielding a simple relation for the delay,\n𝜏𝑆𝑇≈√︂\n2\n3sinh−1\u00121\n5√\n6𝜀\u0013\n. (10)\nDominant balance analysis also indicates that the unsteady inertia term influence is compar-\natively small in the overall undamped system behavior. This observation allows for extracting a\nreduced outer solution, approximating the bubble’s behavior in the transition to the fully inertial\nregime. By excluding the unsteady inertia term and setting 𝑂ℎ𝑐=0, Eq. (4) simplifies into an\n7autonomous, first-order ODE,\n𝑅\u0010\n¤𝑅2−1\u0011\n+1=0. (11)\nThis ODE is amenable to inverse solution for 𝑅> 1, yielding\n𝑡(𝑅)=sinh−1\u0010√\n𝑅−1\u0011\n+√︁\n𝑅(𝑅−1)+𝐶1. (12)\nHowever, the remaining degree of freedom 𝐶1cannot be independently resolved; regular matching\nwith any inner solution is unobtainable since they tend to ±∞. Nevertheless, we may extract\na uniform solution for the undamped bubble growth based on the first-order inner solution by\nimposing continuity of both radius and velocity terms. Velocity continuity necessitates that the\nsolutions are tangent at their intersection 𝑅𝑡𝑎𝑛, resulting in an implicit relation dependent on the\ninitial perturbation\n1√︃\n1+(𝑅𝑡𝑎𝑛−1)2+2𝑅𝑡𝑎𝑛−1\n2√︁\n𝑅𝑡𝑎𝑛(𝑅𝑡𝑎𝑛−1)=√︄\n2\n3\u0002\n(𝑅𝑡𝑎𝑛−1)2−𝜀2\u0003. (13)\nSubstituting the extracted tangent intersection point allows the determination of the integration\nconstant\n𝐶1=√︂\n2\n3cosh−1\u0012𝑅𝑡𝑎𝑛−1\n𝜀\u0013\n−sinh−1\u0010√︁\n𝑅𝑡𝑎𝑛−1\u0011\n−√︁\n𝑅𝑡𝑎𝑛(𝑅𝑡𝑎𝑛−1), (14)\nand resolves the uniform solution.\nThe obtained solution is presented in Fig. 3, elucidating three stages in the bubble’s undamped\ngrowth for an initial perturbation of 𝜀=0.01. The bubble growth is initially delayed due to\nthe dominance of surface tension forces. The velocity threshold ¤𝑅≤0.1 marks the end of the\nsurface-tension-dominated regime as the system transitions into the inertial, linear growth regime.\nThe unified solution provides a new approximation for the surface-tension-dominated and the\nintermediate regime, wherein both surface tension and inertial forces influence the dynamics. The\nend of the transitional regime is marked by a second threshold, after which the bubble’s velocity\nis practically constant, as expected for inertially limited growth. This threshold is defined based\non the bubble interface acceleration, setting the criterion ¥𝑅≤0.01 to demarcate the transition\ninto this regime. We offer this criterion to provide a quantifiable indicator, facilitating a distinct\nseparation between the growth regimes.\nFig. 4 provides a comparative analysis of different solutions for the undamped growth of a\nvapor bubble. Standard analytic models such as the MRG model often overlook the initial surface-\ntension-induced delay and assume the growth begins from the linear regime – as depicted by the\n8FIG. 3. Unified approximated solution illustrating the undamped growth of a vapor bubble with an initial\nperturbation of 𝜀=0.01. The inner solution, given by Eq. (9), is represented by the blue line, while the outer\nsolution, given by Eq. (12), is depicted by the yellow line. Dashed lines demarcate the transitions between\ngrowth regimes: (a) transitional to the linear regime, defined using acceleration threshold ¥𝑅< 0.01 and (b)\nsurface-tension-dominated to the transitional regime, defined using velocity threshold ¤𝑅> 0.1.\nFIG. 4. Comparison of different solutions for an undamped bubble growth. The numeric (dashed black\nline), inner (blue line), and outer (blue line) are obtained for an initial perturbation of 𝜀=0.01. The green\nline represents estimates from common models, such as MRG [16], where the surface tension delay is not\nconsidered. The purple line incorporates the surface tension delay time, retarding the linear growth models\nto account for the initial delay.\n9green dashed line. We propose two enhancements for the current models. The first involves\nincorporating the surface tension delay time, defined by the velocity threshold, to retard the onset\nof linear growth. This simple retardation promptly improves the model’s agreement with the\nnumeric result. However, as illustrated in Fig. 4, the extracted uniform solution offers a markedly\nmore accurate approximation for short time scales. The deviation between the uniform solution\nand the numeric result stems from excluding the unsteady inertia term, notably impacting the\nintermediate regime. Fig. 4 findings emphasize the significance of considering the surface tension\ndelay, particularly during short timescales, and highlight its crucial role in accurately modeling\nthe dynamic behavior of the bubble. The analysis is extended in the following section to a general\ncase where the nucleation Ohnesorge number 𝑂ℎ𝑐does not necessarily approach zero, allowing\nfor investigation of viscous effects influence on near-equilibrium vapor bubble growth.\nIV. DAMPED GROWTH\nViscous effects could play a significant role in the near-equilibrium vapor bubble growth: it may\ndampen the bubble’s expansion, extending the surface-tension-dominated regime and retarding the\ntransition to the linear growth regime. The potential delay induced by viscous effects becomes\ndominant where the phase change is abrupt and characterized by short timescales. The delay\nperiod could be substantial compared to the entirety of the violent and fast growth process. As the\ncritical bubble radius reduces, the viscous effects could dominate the surface tension’s spring-like\nforce, as encapsulated by the definition of nucleation Ohnesorge number 𝑂ℎ𝑐. Revisiting the\ndominant balance analysis presented in Fig. 1, one may note that viscous damping affects both\nthe surface tension and transitional regime. However, its effect diminishes as the bubble radius\nincreases, not influencing the inertial regime. Thus, the analysis underscores that a reduced analytic\nsolution used for the undamped scenario cannot effectively describe the transitional regime. Such a\nsolution cannot be extracted since the viscous term is significant, resulting in unresolvable reduced\nIVP. However, as for undamped growth, the surface tension regime and delay can still be identified\nusing the velocity threshold, providing valuable insights into the near-equilibrium growth dynamics\ninfluenced by viscosity.\nFig. 5 presents the surface-tension-induced delay as a function of the nucleation Ohnesorge\nnumber𝑂ℎ𝑐. The delay values were obtained for an initial radius perturbation of 𝜀=0.01 while\nutilizing the previously defined velocity threshold. We evaluate here the sensitivity of the delay\n10FIG. 5. Surface-tension-induced delay as a function of the nucleation Ohnesorge number 𝑂ℎ 𝑐, given\ninitial radius perturbation of 𝜀=0.01. Comparison between results obtained using the numeric solution,\nrepresented by black crosses, and results obtained using different orders of the approximated perturbation\nsolution, represented by solid lines.\nto the chosen model order; low nucleation Ohnesorge values exhibit greater sensitivity to the used\napproximation order, whereas the results converge for 𝑂ℎ𝑐>1. A distinct transition of the initial\ndelay behavior as a function of nucleation Ohnesorge number is illuminated by Fig. 5. For small\nvalues of nucleation Ohnesorge, the surface tension delay remains unaffected by changes in its\nvalue. As the nucleation Ohnesorge tends to 𝑂ℎ𝑐=0.1, the delay begins to increase, marking a\nshift to a linear relation between the two for 𝑂ℎ𝑐 > 1. This transition indicates a change in the\ndominant delaying mechanism: for 𝑂ℎ𝑐<0.1, the initial delay is primarily governed by surface\ntension, rendering it independent of the nucleation Ohnesorge. Contrarily, for 𝑂ℎ𝑐>1, viscous\ndamping becomes the dominant factor setting the initial delay, manifested by the obtained linear\ncorrelation between 𝑂ℎ𝑐and𝜏𝑆𝑇.\nThe surface-tension-induced delay is set by both the nucleation Ohnesorge number and the\ninitial perturbation from the stable radius, with a shorter delay expected for larger deviations from\nequilibrium. However, the relation between the two is not trivial, as illustrated by Fig. 6, presenting\nthe initial perturbation 𝜀for various values of nucleation Ohnesorge number 𝑂ℎ𝑐. While the\n11FIG. 6. Surface-tension-induced delay as a function of the initial radius perturbation 𝜀for various values\nof nucleation Ohnesorge number 𝑂ℎ 𝑐. Solid lines demarcated the delay as extracted using the third-order\nperturbation solution, whereas dashed lines correspond to the prediction of the correlation Eq. (15).\ndelay indicated a relatively modest sensitivity to the solution order in Fig. 5, we opted to use the\nthird-order solution for enhanced precision. In the undamped case, we successfully derived an\nanalytical correlation for the delay, Eq. (10). However, in the damped scenario, obtaining a direct\nclosed-form expression for 𝜏𝑆𝑇(𝜀,𝑂ℎ𝑐)proved unattainable. Nevertheless, we opted to extend the\npreliminary correlation for surface tension delay in undamped growth using data extracted from\nthe perturbation solution, yielding the following relation:\n𝜏𝑆𝑇≈\u0010\n1+3.4𝑂ℎ𝑐𝜀0.01\u0011√︂\n2\n3sinh−1©\n«√︃\n8\n3+𝑂ℎ2𝑐\n20𝜀ª®®\n¬. (15)\nThis correlation is depicted in Fig. 6, providing a comparative analysis with predictions from the\nperturbation solution.\nFig. 6 reveals that delay values for low Onesorge values ( 𝑂ℎ𝑐=0–10−1) converge as expected,\nindicating that the delay is primarily controlled by surface-tension forces dictated by the initial\nperturbation. In this range, the delay exhibits higher relative dependence on 𝜀– an order of\nmagnitude change. The transition in dominant delaying mechanisms around 𝑂ℎ𝑐=10−1–100also\nalters the sensitivity to the initial perturbation, with a small relative change at higher Ohnesorge\nvalues (𝑂ℎ𝑐=101–102). Yet significant absolute changes in the delay are still expected at these\n12values, highlighting that perturbation magnitude could not be overlooked when viscosity is the\ndominant delaying mechanism. The extended correlation, Eq. (15), proves accurate for high\nOhnesorge values but overestimates the delay, especially for small initial perturbations. Since the\ndefinition of the delay is not deterministic and aims to evaluate only the phenomenon’s order of\nmagnitude, the correlation could still provide a prompt estimation of the delay. Thus, we believe\nFig. 6 and Eq. (15) may serve as applicative tools for the preliminary evaluation of the near-\nequilibrium growth, encapsulating the essence of the initial delay. Using two nondimensional, one\nmay readily estimate the delay between nucleation and violent, rapid growth onset. One, 𝑂ℎ𝑐, is\nderived directly from vapor-liquid properties, and the other, 𝜀, is evaluated through thermodynamic\nstatistical models, correlating with the physical mechanisms triggering nucleation. Comparing the\nestimated delay with the entire phase-change characteristic time scale will provide insights into the\nsignificance of this delay, assisting one in analyzing the process accurately.\nV. CONCLUDING REMARKS\nIn this study, we derived analytical solutions to explore the near-equilibrium growth of vapor\nbubbles. Regular perturbation methods were used to isolate the physical mechanisms controlling\nthe surface-tension-dominated regime, offering a closed mathematical formulation for the initial\ndelay of the bubble growth for the first time. Using the obtained solution, we studied two gener-\nalized growth scenarios discerned by the ratio between surface tension and viscous forces. The\nanalytical solutions were validated with direct numeric solutions of the Rayleigh-Plesset equation,\nsuccessfully capturing the initial growth delay.\nOur analysis predicts the initial delay period as a function of two nondimensional parameters: the\nnormalized perturbation from criticality and the nucleation Ohnesorge number, encapsulating the\ninterplay between viscous damping and surface tension forces near criticality. For low nucleation\nOhnesorge numbers, 𝑂ℎ𝑐<1, the delay is governed solely by surface tension, while higher values,\n𝑂ℎ𝑐>1, lead to a linear correlation with viscous damping. The derived analytical solutions,\nparticularly the correlation for surface-tension-induced delay, may be integrated into existing\nmodels for vapor bubble growth. This incorporation could refine the accuracy of such models,\nespecially during the early stages of bubble evolution. The obtained results highlight the necessity\nof further experimental efforts to study post-nucleation vapor bubble dynamics targeted at capturing\nthe predicted growth delay. Finally, this approach may be extended to include bubble curvature-\n13dependent and dynamic surface tension models. Such an extension broadens the applicability and\nenhances model predictions, especially applicable to bubbles nucleating within highly superheated\nliquids; an ongoing study is dedicated to unraveling the influence of this phenomenon on near-\nequilibrium dynamics.\nACKNOWLEDGMENTS\nThis research was supported by the ISRAEL SCIENCE FOUNDATION (grant No. 1762/20).\nEran Sher acknowledges the financial support of Minerva Research Center (Max Plank Society\nContract No. AZ5746940764).\n[1] A. M. Smith, Negative pressure generated by octopus suckers: A study of the tensile strength of water\nin nature, Journal of Experimental Biology 157, 257 (1991).\n[2] J. E. Gardner, Surface tension and bubble nucleation in phonolite magmas, Geochimica et Cosmochim-\nica Acta 76, 93 (2012).\n[3] O. Vincent, P. Marmottant, P. A. Quinto-Su, and C.-D. 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The Ricci tensor and the Ric ci scalar made out of\nthis generalised Weyl affine connection contain, naturally, kinetic terms for the scalar\nfield and the gauge field. This provides a geometric interpret ation for these terms.\nIt is also shown that scale invariance in the presence of a cos mological constant and\nmass terms is not completely lost. It becomes a duality trans formation relating various\nfields.\n∗e-mail: noureddine.mohammedi@univ-tours.fr\n11 Introduction\nIt is plausible to think that at very high energies, when gravity was st rong, there were only\nmassless fields in the Standard Model of particle physics. Hence the Standard Model coupled\ntogravitymighthave enjoyed ascale symmetry. This symmetry wou ldthenbeofimportance\nto the physics of the early Universe and its effects could be seen in co smological observations.\nThis explains also the renewed research activity in this direction. A his tory and a modern\nreview of scale invariant theories of gravity could be found in [1] (se e also [2], [3], [4], [5]).\nSome issues regarding the use of scale invariant gravity in cosmology , inflation and other\nastrophysical observations are treated in [6–32]. Various studies concerning the coupling of\nthe Standard Model of particle physics to gravity in a scale invariant manner are accounted\nfor in [33–45]. Classical solutions in the context of scale invariant gra vity could be found\nin [46], [47], [48], [43].\nAs it is well-known, in order to render Einstein theory of gravity invar iant under the\nrescaling of the metric tensor\ngµν−→eσ(x)gµν (1.1)\none needs the introduction of a scalar fiels ϕhaving the transformation\nϕ−→ϕ+1\nqσ(x). (1.2)\nThe scale invariant theory of gravity is then described by the action1\nS1=ξ/integraldisplay\nd4x√−ge−qϕ/braceleftBigg\n−R−/parenleftbigg\n3q∇2ϕ−3\n2q2∂µϕ∂µϕ/parenrightbigg\n+κe−qϕ/bracerightBigg\n.(1.3)\nThe last term is independently scale invariant and ξ,κandqare constants.\nThe action (1.3) can be cast in the form\nS=ξ/integraldisplay\nd4x√\n−G/braceleftBigg\n−R(G)+κ/bracerightBigg\n, (1.4)\nwhere the scale invariant metric Gµνis defined as\nGµν=e−qϕgµν (1.5)\nandR(G) is the Ricci scalar constructed out of this metric. Hence, the field ϕis simply the\nconformal factor of the metric Gµν.\nIn the action (1.3), the propagating scalar field is in fact\nχ= exp/parenleftBig\n−q\n2ϕ/parenrightBig\n. (1.6)\n1Our conventions are such the Riemann tensor is given by Rµ\nνρσ=∂ρΓµ\nνσ+Γµ\nραΓα\nνσ−(ρ↔σ), the Ricci\ntensor is Rµν=Rα\nµανand the Ricci scalar is R=gµνRµν. The signature of the metric gµνis mostly minus\n(+,−,−,−). The covariant derivative is denoted ∇µsuch that ∇µVν=∂µVν+Γν\nµσVσ, for a four-vector\nVν, and∇2=∇µ∇µ.\n2For convenience, we still work with the field ϕthrough out this note. The kinetic term (after\nintegration by parts) for the scalar field χis\n−6ξ√−g∂µχ∂µχ . (1.7)\nAsξis a positive constant, this kinetic terms is negative and leads to the in terpretation that\nthe scalar field χis a ghost.\nThere is in fact another manner to obtain a scale invariant theory of gravity. It consists\nin using a gauge field Cµhaving the transformation [1]\nCµ−→Cµ+1\nq′∂µσ(x). (1.8)\nHereq′is a constant. The scale invariant action in this case is given by\nS2=ξ/integraldisplay\nd4x√−ge−qϕ/braceleftBigg\n−R−/parenleftbigg\n3q′∇µCµ−3\n2q′2CµCµ/parenrightbigg\n+κe−qϕ/bracerightBigg\n.(1.9)\nNotice that one still needs the scalar field ϕ. It has the scale transformation (1.2).\nThe two action S1andS2are in fact related. The gauge field Cµin (1.9) is a non-\npropagating field whose equation of motion is\nCµ=q\nq′∂µϕ . (1.10)\nInjecting this in (1.9), we recover the action S1in (1.3).\nThe two scale invariant theories described by the actions S1andS2have two drawbacks.\nThe first is that thepropagating field χinS1isa ghost field having a negative kinetic term as\nshown in (1.7). The second is that the gauge field CµinS2does not propagate. Fortunately,\nthe remedy to this two problems is known in the literature. It consist s in considering the\nscale invariant actions [34]\nS(a)\nscale=Sa+σa/integraldisplay\nd4x√−ge−qϕDµϕDµϕ\n−1\n4/integraldisplay\nd4x√−gCµνCµν, (1.11)\nwhere\nCµν=∂µCν−∂νCµ (1.12)\nis the fields strenght corresponding to the gauge field Cµand\nDµϕ=∂µϕ−q′\nqCµ. (1.13)\nis the scale invariant covariant derivative.\n3In the actions (1.11) the index atakes the values 1 or 2. The two constants σ1and\nσ2are adjusted such that the kinetic terrm for the scalar field χis of the canonical form\n+1\n2√−g∂µχ∂µχ. The desired values for σ1andσ2are\nσ1=q2/parenleftbigg1\n8+3\n2ξ/parenrightbigg\n, σ 2=1\n8q2. (1.14)\nWith these two values, we have\nS(1)\nscale=S(2)\nscale (1.15)\nup to total derivative terms.\nAs explained in the next section, the two actions S1andS2have a natural interpretation\nin terms of Weyl geometry. However, the scale invariant actions in ( 1.11) lack a geometrical\ninterpretation. It is the aim of this note to provide such an interpre tation.\nThe paper is organised as follows: In the next section we quickly revie w Weyl geometry\nin connection with the two actions S1andS2. It is then followed by a subsection in which we\nrecall that the gauge kinetic term stems also from Weyl geometry. In section 3, we present\na method for scale invariance of gravity relying simultaneously on the gauge field Cµand\nthe scalar field ϕ. This has a natural interpretation in the context of a generalised W eyl\ngeometry as explained in section 4. This constitutes the main result o f this note.\nSections 5 and 6 are dedicated to the scale invariant Standard Mode l as an application of\ntheformalism. Insection7, weobtainacuriousresultintheformofa dualitytransformations\nresembling scale transformations. Finally, our conclusions and outlo ok are summarised in\nsection 8.\n2 The usual Weyl geometry\nThe actions S1andS2of the previous section can be given a geometrical interpretation. The\nChristoffel symbols\nΓα\nµν=1\n2gατ(∂µgτν+∂νgτµ−∂τgµν) (2.1)\ntransform under the scale symmetry gµν−→eσgµνas\nΓα\nµν−→Γα\nµν+1\n2/parenleftbig\nδα\nµ∂νσ+δα\nν∂µσ−gµνgατ∂τσ/parenrightbig\n. (2.2)\nOne can then, with the help of the gauge field Cµ, build the scale invariant symbols /tildewideΓα\nµνas\n/tildewideΓα\nµν= Γα\nµν−q′\n2/parenleftbig\nδα\nµCν+δα\nνCµ−gµνgασCσ/parenrightbig\n, (2.3)\nAs a consequence, the scale invariant Riemann tensor /tildewideRµ\nνρσis defined as\n/tildewideRµ\nνρσ=∂ρ/tildewideΓµ\nνσ−∂σ/tildewideΓµ\nνρ+/tildewideΓµ\nρα/tildewideΓα\nνσ−/tildewideΓµ\nσα/tildewideΓα\nνρ. (2.4)\nFinally, the scale invariant Ricci tensor /tildewideRµνand the Ricci scalar /tildewideRare\n/tildewideRµν=/tildewideRα\nµαν,/tildewideR=gµν/tildewideRµν. (2.5)\n4The expression of the Ricci scalar /tildewideRis given by\n/tildewideR=R+/parenleftbigg\n3q′∇µCµ−3\n2q′2CµCµ/parenrightbigg\n. (2.6)\nUnder the local transformation gµν−→eσgµν, the Ricci scalar /tildewideRscales as\n/tildewideR−→e−σ/tildewideR . (2.7)\nThis suggests that the scale invariant theory should be given by the action\nSWeyl=/integraldisplay\nd4x√−g/braceleftBigg\n−ξ\n4κ/tildewideR2/bracerightBigg\n. (2.8)\nThis last action can be cast in the form\nSWeyl=ξ/integraldisplay\nd4x√−ge−qϕ/braceleftBigg\n−/tildewideR+κe−qϕ/bracerightBigg\n. (2.9)\nThe fieldϕenters as a non-propagating auxiliary field whose equations of motio n is\ne−qϕ=/tildewideR\n2κ. (2.10)\nThe action SWeylin (2.8) is obtained when using this equation of motion.\nUsing the explicit expression of /tildewideRas written (2.6), the action (2.9) is precisely S2of the\nprevious section. The elimination of the gauge field Cµthrough its equation of motion gives\nthen the action S1.\n2.1 The gauge field kinetic term\nThe scale invariant Ricci tensor /tildewideRµνas defined in (2.5) is not symmetric in its indices. Its\nanti-symmetric part is given by\n/tildewideR[µν]=1\n2/parenleftBig\n/tildewideRµν−/tildewideRνµ/parenrightBig\n=−q′Cµν, C µν=∂µCν−∂νCµ. (2.11)\nTherefore, one could add to (2.8) the scale invariant action\nSadd=1\nq′2/integraldisplay\nd4x√−g/braceleftBigg\n−1\n4/tildewideR[µν]/tildewideR[µν]/bracerightBigg\n=/integraldisplay\nd4x√−g/braceleftBigg\n−1\n4CµνCµν/bracerightBigg\n. (2.12)\nThis known observation assigns a geometric origin to the kinetic term of the gauge field Cµ.\n53 An alternative way\nIt is now clear that scale symmetry of gravity requires a scalar field ϕand a gauge field Cµ.\nUnder the scale transformations\ngµν−→eσ(x)gµν,\nϕ−→ϕ+1\nqσ ,\nCµ��→Cµ+1\nq′∂µσ (3.1)\none obtains the changes\nR−→e−σ(x)(R−∆R),\n3q∇2ϕ−3\n2q2∂µϕ∂µϕ−→e−σ(x)/parenleftbigg\n3q∇2ϕ−3\n2q2∂µϕ∂µϕ+∆R/parenrightbigg\n,\n3q′∇µCµ−3\n2q′2CµCµ−→e−σ(x)/parenleftbigg\n3q′∇µCµ−3\n2q′2CµCµ+∆R/parenrightbigg\n,(3.2)\nwhere\n∆R= 3∇2σ+3\n2∂µσ∂µσ . (3.3)\nNotice that the cancelation of the variation ∆ Rcoming from the Ricci scalar Rcan be\nachieved by including either the scalar field ϕor the gauge field Cµor both. It is this last\noption that we adopt.\nThe scale invariant gravitational theory we propose is given by the a ction\nSε=ξ/integraldisplay\nd4x√−ge−qϕ/braceleftBigg\n−R−ε/parenleftbigg\n3q∇2ϕ−3\n2q2∂µϕ∂µϕ/parenrightbigg\n−(1−ε)/parenleftbigg\n3q′∇µCµ−3\n2q′2CµCµ/parenrightbigg\n+κe−qϕ/bracerightBigg\n. (3.4)\nHereεis a constant. In particular, the two actions S1andS2are obtained, respectively, for\nthe special values ε= 1 andε= 0.\nThis last action can be written as\nSε=ξ/integraldisplay\nd4x√−ge−qϕ/braceleftBigg\n−R−/parenleftbigg\n3q′∇µCµ−3\n2q′2CµCµ/parenrightbigg\n+κe−qϕ/bracerightBigg\n−3\n2q2εξ/integraldisplay\nd4x√−ge−qϕDµϕDµϕ . (3.5)\nThe total derivative term we discarded is −3ξεq/integraltext\nd4x√−g∇µ(e−qϕDµϕ) and the covariant\nderivative Dµϕis given in (1.13). Furthermore, we see that the action (3.5) is\nSε=S2−3\n2q2εξ/integraldisplay\nd4x√−ge−qϕDµϕDµϕ . (3.6)\n6This is the sum of two scale invariant parts.\nIn a similar way, one can show that the action (3.4) can also be written as\nSε=ξ/integraldisplay\nd4x√−ge−qϕ/braceleftBigg\n−R−/parenleftbigg\n3q∇2ϕ−3\n2q2∂µϕ∂µϕ/parenrightbigg\n+3\n2q2(1−ε)ξ/integraldisplay\nd4x√−ge−qϕDµϕDµϕ . (3.7)\nThis up to the total derivative term 3 q(1−ε)ξ/integraltext\nd4x√−g∇µ(e−qϕDµϕ). Hence, we have\nalso\nSε=S1+3\n2q2(1−ε)ξ/integraldisplay\nd4x√−ge−qϕDµϕDµϕ . (3.8)\nTherefore, the action proposed in (3.4) is the parent theory for S1andS2. These are now\nequivalent up the a scale invariant term proportional to/integraltext\nd4x√−ge−qϕDµϕDµϕ.\nWe notice that a positive canonical kinetic term\n+1\n2√−g∂µχ∂µχ , (3.9)\nwhere the scalar field χis as defined in (1.6), is obtained for\nε=−1\n12ξ. (3.10)\n4 A general Weyl geometry\nThe variation, due to the rescaling of the metric, of the Christoffel symbols as given in (2.2)\ncan be cancelled by taking the scale invariant symbols /tildewideΓα\nµνto be given by\n/tildewideΓα\nµν= Γα\nµν−q\n2ω/parenleftbig\nδα\nµ∂νϕ+δα\nν∂µϕ−gµνgασ∂σϕ/parenrightbig\n−q′\n2(1−ω)/parenleftbig\nδα\nµCν+δα\nνCµ−gµνgασCσ/parenrightbig\n, (4.1)\nwhereωis a constant. This can be also written as\n/tildewideΓα\nµν= Γα\nµν−q′\n2/parenleftbig\nδα\nµCν+δα\nνCµ−gµνgασCσ/parenrightbig\n−q\n2ω/parenleftbig\nδα\nµDνϕ+δα\nνDµϕ−gµνgασDσϕ/parenrightbig\n. (4.2)\nThe scale invariant Riemman tensor /tildewideRµ\nνρσis still as defined in (2.4) and the scale invariant\nRicci tensor /tildewideRµνand the Ricci scalar /tildewideRare as given in (2.5).\nAn explicit calculation gives\n/tildewideR=R+3qω∇µDµϕ+3q′∇µCµ\n−3\n2/parenleftBig\nq2ω2DµϕDµϕ+2ωqq′DµϕCµ+q′2CµCµ/parenrightBig\n. (4.3)\n7This allows us to write the two useful relations\ne−qϕ/tildewideR=e−qϕ/bracketleftbigg\nR+3q′∇µCµ−3\n2q′2CµCµ+3\n2q2ω(2−ω)DµϕDµϕ/bracketrightbigg\n+ 3qω∇µ/parenleftbig\ne−qϕDµϕ/parenrightbig\n(4.4)\nand\ne−qϕ/tildewideR=e−qϕ/bracketleftbigg\nR+3q∇2ϕ−3\n2q2∂µϕ∂µϕ−3\n2q2(1−ω)2DµϕDµϕ/bracketrightbigg\n−3q(1−ω)∇µ/parenleftbig\ne−qϕDµϕ/parenrightbig\n. (4.5)\nBy making the identification\nε=ω(2−ω) (4.6)\nand using the two relations (4.4) and (4.5), the action Sεin (3.5) or in (3.7) can be both\nwritten as\nSε=ξ/integraldisplay\nd4x√−ge−qϕ/braceleftBigg\n−/tildewideR+κe−qϕ/bracerightBigg\n. (4.7)\nThis is up to total derivative terms. In this action, the term e−qϕ/tildewideRis as given in (4.4) or\n(4.5).\nIn the action (4.7), the scalar field ϕis no longer a Lagrange multiplier as /tildewideRcontains\nderivatives of this field. The kinetic term +1\n2√−g∂µχ∂µχ, for the scalar field χof (1.6),\nstems from the Ricci scalar /tildewideRwhenε=−1\n12ξ.\nThe anti-symmetric part of the scale invariant Ricci tensor /tildewideRµνas defined in (2.5), but\nwith the scale invariant symbols /tildewideΓα\nµνnow given in (4.2), is found to be given as\n/tildewideR[µν]=1\n2/parenleftBig\n/tildewideRµν−/tildewideRνµ/parenrightBig\n=−q′(1−ω)Cµν. (4.8)\nWe could supplement the gauge field Cµwith a kinetic term by including the additional\naction\nSadd=1\nq′2(1−ω)2/integraldisplay\nd4x√−g/braceleftBigg\n−1\n4/tildewideR[µν]/tildewideR[µν]/bracerightBigg\n=/integraldisplay\nd4x√−g/braceleftBigg\n−1\n4CµνCµν/bracerightBigg\n. (4.9)\nWe are of course assuming that ω/negationslash= 1 (or, according to (4.6), ε/negationslash= 1). Ifω= 1, then the\ngauge field Cµdoes not take part in the construction of /tildewideΓα\nµνas can be seen from (4.1).\nInsummary, ascaleinvariant theoryofgravitycouldbedescribed b ythegeometricaction\nSscale=Sε+Sadd\n=ξ/integraldisplay\nd4x√−ge−qϕ/braceleftBigg\n−/tildewideR+κe−qϕ/bracerightBigg\n+1\nq′2(1−ω)2/integraldisplay\nd4x√−g/braceleftBigg\n−1\n4/tildewideR[µν]/tildewideR[µν]/bracerightBigg\n. (4.10)\n8The expressions of /tildewideRand/tildewideR[µν]are given, respectively, in (4.3) and (4.8). Notice that\n(1−ω)2= (1−ε), as can be seen from (4.6), and for a positive kinetic term for the s calar\nfieldχ, we takeε=−1\n12ξ.\nThe action (4.10), when unpacked, is also given in ref. [34] where diffe rent terms were\nintroduced by ’hand’. Here we provide a geometric origin to the scale in variant theory.\n5 Application: scale invariance of the Standard Model\ncoupled to gravity\nIn this section we supplement the Standard Model with the scalar fie ldϕand the gauge field\nCµand couple it to gravity in a scale invariant manner. The scale transfo rmations of the\nfields of the Standard Model are\nH−→e−1\n2σ(x)H ,\nψ(a)−→e−3\n4σ(x)ψ(a),\nA(i)\nµ−→A(i)\nµ, (5.1)\nwhereH,ψ(a)andA(i)\nµrepresent, respectively, the Higgs doublet, any fermion field and a ny\ngauge field in the Standard Model.\nThe scale invariant Standard Model coupled to gravity could be desc ribed by the action\nS=ξ/integraldisplay\nd4x√−g/parenleftbig\ne−qϕ+ζH†H/parenrightbig/braceleftBigg\n−R−ε/parenleftbigg\n3q∇2ϕ−3\n2q2∂µϕ∂µϕ/parenrightbigg\n−(1−ε)/parenleftbigg\n3q′∇µCµ−3\n2q′2CµCµ/parenrightbigg\n+κe−qϕ/bracerightBigg\n+/integraldisplay\nd4x√−g/braceleftBigg\n−1\n4CµνCµν−γ\n2CµνBµν/bracerightBigg\n+/integraldisplay\nd4x√−g/braceleftBigg\n(DµH)†(DµH)−λ/parenleftbig\nH†H/parenrightbig2+.../bracerightBigg\n. (5.2)\nWe have included a mixing term, with a parameter γ, between the field strength Cµνand the\nU(1) field strength Bµν=∂µBν−∂νBµof the Standard Model. The last contribution in this\naction is the Standard Model action with the Higgs mass set to zero2and the dots stand for\nthe rest of the Standard Model Lagrangian (written in a covariant form). The non-minimal\ncoupling of the Higgs field to the scalar curvature, with parameter ζ, is permitted by the\nscale symmetry. Of course, we take ε=−1\n12ξ, as in (3.10), for a positive kinetic term for the\nscalar field χin (1.6).\n2In the absence of gravity and with a mass term for the Higgs field, th is theory represents a St¨ uckelberg\nextension of the Standard Model (see, for instance, [49,50]).\n9The gauge covariant derivative acting on the complex doublet His now given by3\nDµH=/bracketleftbigg\n∂µ−i\n2g′Bµ−igWµ+1\n2q′Cµ/bracketrightbigg\nH . (5.3)\nTheSU(2) and the U(1) gauge couplings are, respectively, gandg′.\nSince, the gauge fields do not scale, all the gauge kinetic terms in the Standard Model\nLagrangian are scale invariant. The kinetic terms corresponding to the fermions as well as\nthe Yukawa interaction terms are also scale invariant (see appendix A). We assume that the\nfermions are not charged with respect to the additional gauge field Cµ.\n6 A gauge choice : The Higgs non-minimaly coupled\nto gravity\nThe extra scalar field transforms as ϕ−→ϕ+1\nqσ(x). This calls for the obvious gauge fixing\nϕ= 0. (6.1)\nIn this gauge, the action (5.2) becomes\nS=/integraldisplay\nd4x√−g/braceleftBigg\n−ξ/parenleftbig\n1+ζH†H/parenrightbig\nR+ξκ\n−ξζ(1−ε)H†H/bracketleftbigg\n3q′∇µCµ−3\n2q′2CµCµ/bracketrightbigg/bracerightBigg\n+/integraldisplay\nd4x√−g/braceleftBigg\n−1\n4CµνCµν−γ\n2CµνBµν+1\n2m2CµCµ/bracerightBigg\n+/integraldisplay\nd4x√−g/braceleftBigg\n(DµH)†(DµH)−M2H†H−λ/parenleftbig\nH†H/parenrightbig2+.../bracerightBigg\n.(6.2)\nWe have discarded the total derivative -3 ξq′(1−ε)/integraltext\nd4x√−g∇µCµand made the identifi-\ncation\nM2=−ζξκ\nm2= 3ξq′2(1−ε). (6.3)\nWe notice that the Higgs field Hacquires a mass upon the breaking of the scale symmetry.\nSimilarly, the gauge field Cµbecomes massive. The two constants ξandζshould satisfy the\nrelation\nξ/parenleftbig\n1+ζv2/parenrightbig\n=M2\nP\n2, (6.4)\n3We could have taken DµH=/bracketleftbig\n∂µ−i\n2g′Bµ−igWµ+τ\n2q′Cµ+1\n2(1−τ)q∂µϕ/bracketrightbig\nH. However, if the real\nparameter τis different from 1 then the theory is not renormalisable in the absenc e of gravity.\n10whereMPisthereducedPlanckmassand v2=−M2\n2λistheHiggsexpectationvalue(assuming\nthatM2is negative). This relation means that the Planck mass is generated b y the Higgs\nexpectation value.\nThe action (6.2) when the gauge field Cµis absent and4\nξκ+λ/parenleftbiggM2\n2λ/parenrightbigg2\n= 0 (6.5)\nis exactly that studied in the context of inflation based on a non-minim ally coupled Higgs\nfield to gravity [51–53].\nIndeed, the coupling between the Higgs field and the Ricci scalar Rcan be absorbed by\nexpressing the action (6.2) in the Einstein frame. This is achieved by r escaling the metric as\ngµν−→e−αρgµν, (6.6)\nwhereαis a constant (to be fixed later) and the scalar field ρ(x) is such that\ne−αρ/parenleftbig\n1+ζH†H/parenrightbig\n=M2\nP\n2ξ. (6.7)\nThe fieldρ(x) will be identified with the inflaton field [54].\nIn the unitary gauge in which the Higgs doublet His given by\nH=/parenleftbigg\n0\nh(x)/parenrightbigg\n(6.8)\nthe action (6.2), in the Einstein frame, takes the form\nS=/integraldisplay\nd4x√−g/braceleftBigg\n−M2\nP\n2R+3\n4α2M2\nP/bracketleftBigg\n1+1\n61\nζξ1/parenleftBig\n1−2ξ\nM2\nPe−αρ/parenrightBig/bracketrightBigg\ngµν∂µρ∂νρ\n−V(ρ)+.../bracerightBigg\n. (6.9)\nWe have maintained only the terms relevant to inflation and the poten tialV(ρ) is given by\nV(ρ) =e−2αρ/braceleftBigg\nλ\nζ2/parenleftbiggM2\nP\n2ξ/parenrightbigg2/bracketleftBigg\neαρ−1/bracketrightBigg2\n−/bracketleftBigg\nξκ+λ/parenleftbiggM2\n2λ/parenrightbigg2/bracketrightBigg/bracerightBigg\n. (6.10)\nThe relation in (6.4) has been used in obtaining this potential.\nWhen the condition (6.5) holds and\nα=/radicalbigg\n2\n31\nMP,2ξ\nM2\nPe−αρ≪1,1\n61\nζξ≪1 (6.11)\ninflationis driven by the scalar field ρ[54] withapproximate kinetic term1\n2gµν∂µρ∂νρ. Inthis\nlimit the potential is flat (slow-roll condition) and is dominated by a cos mological constant\nequal toλ\nζ2/parenleftBig\nM2\nP\n2ξ/parenrightBig2\n.\n4ThisrelationexcludesacosmologicalconstanttermandgivestheHig gsfieldthe potential λ/parenleftbig\nH†H−v2/parenrightbig2\nwithv2=−M2\n2λ.\n117 A duality transformation\nWe will consider the same action as in (5.2) supplemented with a cosmolo gical constant Λ\nand mass terms for the complex doublet Hand the extra field ϕ. More precisely, we take\nthe action\nS=ξ/integraldisplay\nd4x√−g/parenleftbig\ne−qϕ+ζH†H/parenrightbig/braceleftBigg\n−R−ε/parenleftbigg\n3q∇2ϕ−3\n2q2∂µϕ∂µϕ/parenrightbigg\n−(1−ε)/parenleftbigg\n3q′∇µCµ−3\n2q′2CµCµ/parenrightbigg\n+κe−qϕ/bracerightBigg\n+/integraldisplay\nd4x√−g/braceleftBigg\n−1\n4CµνCµν−γ\n2CµνBµν/bracerightBigg\n+/integraldisplay\nd4x√−g/braceleftBigg\n(DµH)†(DµH)−λ/parenleftbig\nH†H/parenrightbig2+.../bracerightBigg\n+/integraldisplay\nd4x√−g/braceleftBigg\n−Λ−M2H†H−1\n2m2\nχe−qϕ/bracerightBigg\n. (7.1)\nOf course, the additional last term in this theory breaks scale invar iance and we would like\nto see to what extent this scale symmetry is broken.\nIndeed, the last term transforms under the scale symmetry gµν−→eσgµν,H−→e−1\n2σH\nandϕ−→ϕ+1\nqσas\n√−g/braceleftBigg\n−Λ−M2H†H−1\n2m2\nχe−qϕ/bracerightBigg\n−→√−g/braceleftBigg\n−Λe2σ−M2H†Heσ−1\n2m2\nχe−qϕeσ/bracerightBigg\n.\n(7.2)\nLet us now demand that/braceleftBigg\n−Λe2σ−M2H†Heσ−1\n2m2\nχe−qϕeσ/bracerightBigg\n=/braceleftBigg\n−Λ−M2H†H−1\n2m2\nχe−qϕ/bracerightBigg\n.(7.3)\nThis last relation is satisfied if σis given by\neσ=−1−1\nΛ/parenleftbigg\nM2H†H+1\n2m2\nχe−qϕ/parenrightbigg\n. (7.4)\nTo summarise, the action (7.1) remains unchanged under the trans formations\ngµν−→eσgµν,\nϕ−→ϕ+1\nqσ ,\nCµ−→Cµ+1\nq′∂µσ ,\nH−→e−1\n2σH ,\nψ(a)−→e−3\n4σψ(a),\nA(i)\nµ−→A(i)\nµ. (7.5)\n12The scale factor σis a function of the two fields Handϕas given in (7.4). This is a duality\ntransformation since σis not an arbitrary function but depends on the fields Handϕof the\ntheory. As usual, ψ(a)andA(i)\nµare the not-shown fermions and gauge fields of the Standard\nModel Lagrangian. This duality transformation assumes that the c osmological constant Λ\nis different from zero and is valid in a domain where\n−1−1\nΛ/parenleftbigg\nM2H†H+1\n2m2\nχe−qϕ/parenrightbigg\n≥0. (7.6)\n8 Conclusions\nA scale invariant theory of gravity necessitates, beside the metric tensor field gµν, a scalar\nfieldϕand a gauge field Cµ. We have in this note assembled these three fields together and\nconstructed a scale invariant Christoffel symbols /tildewideΓα\nµνas given in (4.2). The scalar field ϕ\nis then a physical field having a positive kinetic term. As an application o f the formalism,\nwe have coupled the Standard Model to gravity in a scale invariant ma nner. The widely\ninvestigated subject of the non-minimally coupled Standard Model t o gravity is obtained as\na consequence of the breaking of this scale symmetry. However, t he theory contains an extra\ngauge field Cµ. It would be of great interest to explore the issues brought by the presence of\nthis gauge field in the context of inflation in the early Universe.\nThe analyses carried out in this article could be easily generalised to th e case ofNscalar\nfieldsϕiwithi= 1,...,N. The scale invariant Christoffel symbols /tildewideΓα\nµνare then written as\n/tildewideΓα\nµν= Γα\nµν−q′\n2/parenleftbig\nδα\nµCν+δα\nνCµ−gµνgασCσ/parenrightbig\n−vi\n2/parenleftbig\nδα\nµDνϕi+δα\nνDµϕi−gµνgασDσϕi/parenrightbig\n, (8.1)\nwhereDµϕi=∂µϕi−q′\nqiCµandviandqiare constants. Each scalar field transforms as\nϕi−→ϕi+1\nqiσ.\nThe Ricci scalar constructed out of the scale invariant Christoffel symbols/tildewideΓα\nµνin (8.1) is\nthen given by\n/tildewideR=R+3vi∇µDµϕi+3q′∇µCµ\n−3\n2/parenleftBig\nvivjDµϕiDµϕj+2viq′DµϕiCµ+q′2CµCµ/parenrightBig\n. (8.2)\nUnder the local transformation gµν−→eσgµν, the Ricci scalar /tildewideRscales as /tildewideR−→e−σ/tildewideR.\nSimilarly, the anti-symmetric part of the scale invariant Ricci tensor /tildewideRµνis\n/tildewideR[µν]=1\n2/parenleftBig\n/tildewideRµν−/tildewideRνµ/parenrightBig\n=−q′/parenleftbigg\n1−vi\nqiω/parenrightbigg\nCµν. (8.3)\nA sum over the repeated index iis understood. The scale invariant theory is described by\n13the action\nSscale=ξ/integraldisplay\nd4x√−ge−qiϕi\nN/braceleftBigg\n−/tildewideR+κe−qjϕj\nN/bracerightBigg\n+1\nq′2/parenleftBig\n1−vi\nqi/parenrightBig2/integraldisplay\nd4x√−g/braceleftBigg\n−1\n4/tildewideR[µν]/tildewideR[µν]/bracerightBigg\n. (8.4)\nThe expressions of /tildewideRand/tildewideR[µν]are as given in (8.2) and (8.3), respectively.\nFinally, we have shown in section 5, that there is a kind of a duality tran sformation in the\ntheory written in (7.1). This duality holds only in the presence of a cos mological constant.\nAn extension of the present study would be a further exploration o f the consequences of this\nduality transformation.\n14A Scale invariance of a fermionic kinetic term and a\nYukawa coupling\nThe kinetic part of a Lagrangian for a fermion field ψis given by\nLfermion=i√−g¯ψγaEµ\naDµψ , (A.1)\nwhere\nDµψ=/parenleftbigg\n∂µ+1\n2ωbcΣbc+.../parenrightbigg\nψ . (A.2)\nThe dots in Dµψstand for possible coupling to gauge fields. Here we use the notation\ngµν=ηabea\nµeb\nµ, ea\nµEµ\nb=δa\nb, ea\nµEν\na=δν\nµ. (A.3)\nThe vielbeins scale as ea\nµ−→eσ/2ea\nµand their inverses as Eµ\na−→e−σ/2Eµ\na. Latin indices\nare raised and lowered with the flat metric ηaband its inverse ηab. The spin connection is\ngiven by\nωa\nµb=−Eν\nb/parenleftbig\n∂µea\nν−Γα\nµνea\nα/parenrightbig\n. (A.4)\nWe ave also\nΣab=1\n4[γa, γb], γaγb+γbγa= 2ηab. (A.5)\nThe spin connection transforms under the scaling symmetry gµν−→eσgµνas\nωa\nµb−→ωa\nµb+1\n2/parenleftbig\nEν\nbea\nν−ηadEν\ndec\nµηcb/parenrightbig\n∂νσ . (A.6)\nThe covariant derivative then changes as\nDµψ−→e−3σ/4/bracketleftbigg\nDµψ−3\n4∂µσψ+1\n4/parenleftbig\nηbcEν\ncea\nν−ηadEν\ndeb\nµ/parenrightbig\n∂νσΣabψ/bracketrightbigg\n.(A.7)\nNext, the Lagrangian transforms as\nLfermion−→Lfermion+i√−g¯ψEµ\nc/bracketleftbigg\n−3\n4γc∂µσ+1\n4/parenleftbig\nηbcγdΣdb−ηacγdΣad/parenrightbig\n∂µσ/bracketrightbigg\nψ .(A.8)\nUsing the properties of the Dirac matrices as in (A.5) and recalling tha tγa=ηabγb, one\nfinds that\nηbcγdΣdb−ηacγdΣad= 3γc. (A.9)\nThis means that the terms involving ∂µσin (A.8) cancel and we have\nLfermion−→Lfermion. (A.10)\nFinally, a typical Yukawa interaction in the Standard Model is of the f orm\nLYukawa=√−g/parenleftbig¯lH†L+¯LHl/parenrightbig\n, (A.11)\nwhereLis a fermionic doublet and lis a fermionic singlet. It is clear that this interaction\nterm is invariant under gµν−→eσgµν,L−→e−3\n4σL,l−→e−3\n4σlandH−→e−1\n2σH.\n15References\n[1] E. Scholz, The Unexpected Resurgence of Weyl Geometry in late 20th-Cen tury Physics ,\nEinstein Stud. 14(2018) 261-360, arXiv:1703.03187 [math.HO].\n[2] N. Rosen, Weyl’s geometry and physics , Foundations of Physics 12, 213 (1982).\n[3] J. T. Wheeler, Weyl geometry , Gen. Rel. Grav. 50(2018) 80, arXiv:1801.03178 [gr-qc].\n[4] Alfredo Iorio, L. O’Raifeartaigh and I. Sachs, Weyl gauging and conformal invariance ,\nNucl. Phys. B 495(1997) 433-450, hep-th/9607110 [hep-th].\n[5] LochlainnO’RaifeartaighandNorbert Straumann, Gauge theory: Historical origins and\nsome modern developments , Rev. Mod. Phys. 72(2000) 1-23.\n[6] M. 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Though theoretically offering a vast chemical and phase space, relatively few MABs have yet been\nsynthesised. To guide experiments, we perform a systematic high-throughput ab initio screening of MABs that combine group\n4–7 transition metals (M); Al, Si, Ga, Ge, or In (A); and boron (B) focusing on their phase stability trends and mechanical\nproperties. Considering the 1:1:1, 2:1:1, 2:1:2, 3:1:2, 3:1:3, and 3:1:4 M:A:B ratios and 10 phase prototypes, possible\nstabilisation of a single-phase compound for each elemental combination is assessed through formation energy spectra of the\ncompeting mechanically and dynamically stable MABs. Based on the volumetric proximity of energetically-close phases, we\nidentify systems in which volume-changing deformations may facilitate transformation toughening. Subsequently, chemistry-\nand phase-structure-related trends in the elastic stiffness and ductility are predicted using elastic-constants-based descriptors.\nThe analysis of directional Cauchy pressures and Y oung’s moduli allows comparing mechanical response parallel and normal to\nM–B/A layers. Among the suggested most promising MABs are Nb 3AlB 4, Cr 2SiB 2, Mn 2SiB 2or the already synthesised MoAlB.\nKeywords : MAB phase; Ab initio; Phase stability; Elastic\nconstants; Ductility\n1 Introduction\nMAB phases (MABs) are atomically-laminated borides in\nwhich hard ceramic-like transition metal M–B layers alter-\nnate with relatively softer metallic-like mono- or bilayers of\nan A-element (typically Al, Si, Ga or In)1, 2. Though dis-\ncovered already in the 60s3, MABs have recently made a\nbreakthrough in the development of 2D materials for new-\ngeneration nanodevices4–6. Offering an interesting combina-\ntion of mechanical, magnetocaloric, and catalytic properties,\nhigh-temperature oxidation resistance, as well as damage and\nradiation tolerance, MABs are prominent candidates for appli-\ncations in the fields of protective and wear-resistant coatings,\nmagnetic cooling, electrocatalysis or electrochemical sensing,\nor radiation shielding1, 7–9.\nWith typical formula M n+1AB 2n(n={1,2,3})10and\npossible structures with hexagonal2or orthorhombic1sym-\nmetry, MABs theoretically provide a vast chemical and\nphase space. However, relatively few material systems\nhave been achieved experimentally: mostly bulk poly-\ncrystals (Ti 2InB 22, Cr 2AlB 211–13, Cr 3AlB 412, 13, Cr 4AlB 613,\nMoAlB9, 14, WAlB9, 15, Fe 2AlB 216, Mn 2AlB 217), and only\none thin film (MoAlB18–20). Thus, further development of\nboth bulk and thin film MAB phases calls for a systematic\ncomputational screening across a relevant subspace of the\nperiodic table, in particular, predicting trends in the phase\nstability and structure–property relationships for various M\nand A combinations.\nIn terms of phase stability predictions, solid work has al-\nready been done using the ab initio density functional the-ory (DFT) framework (see, e.g., Refs.7, 10, 21–25), or machine-\nlearning based approaches26, 27. In particular, Khazaei et\nal.22studied stability of the orthorhombic M 2AlB 2, MAlB,\nM3AlB 4, and M 4AlB 6systems with M from the group 3–6\ntransition metals, considering the decomposition into compet-\ning M–B, M–Al, and M–Al–B compounds. Siriwardane et\nal.7suggested that stability of a MAB phase for a given M\ndecreases for A changing from Al →Ga→In→Tl, i.e., with\nincreasing atomic number of the A element. This observation\nwas correlated with increased M–A and B–A bond lengths,\ncausing a decreased ionicity. Later, Carlsson et al.10screened\northorhombic and hexagonal MAB, M 2AB2, M3AB4, M4AB4,\nand M 4AB 6phases with M from the group 3–6 transition\nmetals or Mn, Fe, Co, and A ={Al, Ga, In}, confirming\nthermodynamic stability of 7 previously synthesised MABs,\npredicting 3 additional ones to be stable and 23 nearly sta-\nble. Furthermore, the authors hypothesised on preferential\northorhombic/hexagonal symmetry for MAB phases contain-\ning Al and {Ga, In}, respectively.\nMost ab initio investigations have been directed to identifi-\ncation of new stable MABs, while only few aimed on system-\natic predictions of materials’ properties and their relationships\nto phase prototypes and/or elemental composition27–30. For\npurposes of this work, we focus on studies addressing mechan-\nical behaviour28, 29, 31–33. Within the DFT framework, this is\ntypically realised by calculating the elastic constants ( Ci j) and\nderiving phenomenological strength and ductility indicators:\nthe Young’s modulus, shear-to-bulk modulus ratio, or Cauchy\npressure (widely accepted trend-givers in the family of ce-\nramics34–38). Employing Ci j-based indicators, Liu et al.29\nproposed TcAlB, NbAlB, WAlB, Tc 2AlB 2, Co 2AlB2, and\nNi2AlB 2to be the most ductile and Mo 2AlB 2with W 2AlB 2arXiv:2402.04726v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 7 Feb 2024to be the stiffest MABs of the MAB and M 2AB2phase proto-\ntypes, considering M from the group 3–5 transition metals and\nA=Al. Going beyond calculations of elastic constants, Dai\net al.33modelled (0 K) shear deformation of (CrB 2)nCrAl,\nn={1,2,3}, suggesting that tiltable B–A–B bonds can re-\nlease shear strain in weaker A layers, hence, contribute to high\nfracture toughness and damage tolerance.\nExperimental investigations on MABs’ mechanical re-\nsponse have most often concerned Young’s modulus mea-\nsurements (e.g., MoAlB18, 19and Mn 2AlB 217) whereas\ntoughness-related quantities have been significantly less re-\nsearched. For example, Fe 2AlB 239exhibited K1C=5.4±\n0.2MPa√m, which exceeds typical values for transition metal\ndiborides40–42). Recently, crack deflection and crack healing\nbehaviour have been reported for MoAlB43, 44and Fe 2AlB 245,\nfurther motivating the need for theory-based understanding\nof MABs’ mechanical response in relation to their chemistry\nand phase structure.\nOur study uses high-throughput DFT calculations to map\nphase stability trends, structural and mechanical properties of\nMAB phases containing group 4–7 transition metals, M= (Ti,\nZr, Hf; V , Nb, Ta; Cr, Mo, W; Mn, Tc, Re), A= (Al, Ga,\nIn, Si, Ge), and boron (B). For each elemental combination,\n10 phase prototypes with various M:A:B ratios are consid-\nered. These include experimentally known MAB and MAX\n(X=C, N) phases1, 2, 46, or are inspired by common transition\nmetal (di)boride structures, exhibiting intrinsically layered\ncharacter but not yet regarded as possible MAB structures.\nOur initial screening concerns formation energy, mechani-\ncal, and dynamical stability calculations, identification of the\nmost favourable structure, and prediction of a single-phase\nMABs synthesisability. For systems passing our stability cri-\nteria, chemistry- and phase-structure-related trends in elastic\nstiffness and ductility are predicted, including both the poly-\ncrystalline approximates and directional values parallel and\nnormal to the metal/ceramic layers. Finally, the most promis-\ning candidates for the synthesis of novel MABs are suggested.\n2 Methods\nDensity Functional Theory (DFT) calculations were per-\nformed using the Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package\n(V ASP)47, 48together with the projector augmented plane-\nwave (PAW) method49and the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof\n(PBE) generalised gradient approximation50. Following con-\nvergence tests, the plane-wave cutoff energy was set to 600 eV\nand the Γ–centred k-point mesh of the Brillouin-zone was au-\ntomatically generated with a length parameter ( Rk) of 60 Å\n(i.e., k-points separated by 1 /60 Å−1along each bvector).\nIn total 60 atomically-laminated M–A–B systems were\nmodelled, including all combinations of M= (Ti, Zr, Hf; V ,\nNb, Ta; Cr, Mo, W; Mn, Tc, Re), A= (Al, Ga, In, Si, Ge) and\nboron (B). For each elemental combination, we considered\nthe 1:1:1, 2:1:1, 2:1:2, 3:1:2, 3:1:3, and 3:1:4 ratio between\nM, A, and boron, and 10 MAB phase prototypes given below\nand schematically depicted in Fig. 1 (the thereby establishednotation will be used throughout this work):\n•For the 1:1:1 chemistry :MAB (orthorhombic with a\nspace group (s.g.) Cmcm ; a 12-atom simulation cell).\n•For the 2:1:1 chemistry :M2AB(hexagonal with a s.g.\nP63/mmc ; an 8-atom simulation cell).\n•For the 2:1:2 chemistry :M2AB 2(orthorhombic with\na s.g. Cmmm ; a 10-atom simulation cell), α-M2AB 2\n(hexagonal with a s.g. P6m2; a 10-atom simulation cell),\nω-M2AB 2(hexagonal with a s.g. P6 3/mmc, a 20-atom\nsimulation cell), and ω’-M 2AB 2(hexagonal with a s.g.\nP63/mmc, a 20-atom simulation cell), γ-M2AB2(hexag-\nonal with a s.g. P6 3/mmc, a 10-atom simulation cell).\n•For the 3:1:2 chemistry :M3AB2(hexagonal with a s.g.\nP63/mmc ; a 12-atom simulation cell).\n• For the 3:1:3 chemistry :M3AB 3(orthorhombic with a\ns.g. Pnma; a 14-atom simulation cell).\n• For the 3:1:4 chemistry :M3AB 4(orthorhombic with a\ns.g. Pmmm; an 8-atom simulation cell).\nThe above-described phase prototypes were fully relaxed\nfor all combinations of M and A elements (in total 600 MABs),\nuntil forces on ions did not exceed 0.005 eV/Å and total\nenergies were converged up to 10−5eV/supercell. Cr- and\nMn-based MAB phases have been considered in their non-\nmagnetic state. Subsequently, relative chemical stability was\nestimated by the energy of formation\nEf=1\n∑sns \nEtot−∑\nsnsµs!\n, (1)\nwhere Etotis the total energy of the simulation cell (from the\nlast ionic step of a structure relaxation), nsandµsare the\nnumber of atoms and the chemical potential, respectively, of\na species s. Chemical potentials, µs, were conventionally set\nto the total energy per atom of the ground-state structure for\nthe respective element, from Material’s project55that is fcc-\nAl; bcc-V , -Nb, -Ta, -Cr, -Mo, -W, -Mn; diamond-Si, -Ge;\ntetragonal-In; orthorhombic-Ga; rhomboedral-B; and hcp-Ti,\n-Zr, -Hf, -Tc, -Re.\nThe stress-strain method56–58was used to calculate fourth\norder elasticity tensors (according to Hooke’s law), which\nwere projected onto symmetric 6×6matrices of elastic con-\nstants, Ci j, using the V oigt notation. Positive definiteness of\ntheCi jmatrix was verified in order to determine mechanical\nstability of the corresponding structure59. For mechanically\nstable MABs, their dynamical stability was assessed based\non the corresponding phonon spectra: by checking for no\nimaginary phonon modes (i.e. non-zero phonon density of\nstates only in the positive frequency region). The phonon\nspectra were obtained with the aid of the Phonopy package60,\nusing the finite displacement method with the default displace-\nment of 0.01 Å and 2 ×2×2 replicas of the fully relaxed MAB\nstructures (supercells with 64–160 atoms). The supercells size\n2Figure 1. Snapshots of the here considered MAB phase\nprototypes . (a–c) The MAB ,M2AB2,M3AB4are known MAB\nphase prototypes1experimentally achieved for, e.g., MoAlB18,\nMn2AlB 217, and Cr 3AlB 412, 13. (d–e) The M2ABandM3AB2are\nexperimentally known MAX ( X=C, N) phase prototypes46, where\nthe M 2AB structure has been considered for MABs in a recent DFT\nstudy51. (f–j) The α-M2AB2,ω-M2AB2,ω’-M 2AB2,γ-M2AB2,\nandM3AB3are hand-designed based on common structures of\ntransition metal borides (TMBs). The α-M2AB2is based on the\nhexagonal α-AlB 2type phase ( P6/mmm ; typical for the group 4–6\nTMB 2s52) and has been reported for a bulk Ti 2InB 2MAB phase2.\nTheω-M2AB2,ω’-M 2AB2, and γ-M2AB2are based on the\nω-WB 2type phase (P6 3/mmc; ABBA stacking) and the γ-ReB 2\ntype phase (P6 3/mmc; BABA stacking), see Ref.53. The difference\nbetween ω-M2AB2andω’-M 2AB2is that in the former (latter), Al\nreplaces the flat (puckered) B sheets while the puckered (flat) sheets\nremain B and form the ceramic M–B layer. The M 3AB3prototype is\nbased on the structure of TiB (Pnma)54, 55. Other structures of\ncommon boride-based ceramics (e.g., Ti 3B4and Ti 2B) inspired\nhypothetical phase prototypes of additional MABs, however, were\nfound irrelevant due to their high formation energies, thus excluded.\neffects have been tested for several cases, indicating that the\nchosen supercells are sufficient to verify dynamical stability.\nTheCi jmatrices of MABs fulfilling conditions for mechan-\nical and dynamical stability were further post-processed to\nestimate mechanical properties. Imposing the macroscopic\nsymmetry, the matrices were projected on those of a hexago-\nnal or an orthorhombic system, yielding 5 and 9 independent\nelastic constants, respectively ( C11,C33C12,C13,C44for the\nhexagonal symmetry, and additional C22,C23, and C55for the\northorhombic symmetry). The polycrystalline Young’s modu-\nlus,E=9BG/(3B+G)was calculated using Hill’s average\nof the bulk, B, and shear modulus, G61, 62. The polycrystalline\nPoisson’s ratio, ν, and the directional Young’s moduli, E⟨001⟩,\nE⟨010⟩, and E⟨100⟩, were calculated following Ref.61. Conse-quently, the out-of-plane and the in-plane Young’s moduli, i.e.,\nnormal and parallel to the metal/ceramic layers, respectively,\nwere calculated as\nE⊥=E⟨001⟩, (2)\nE∥=1\n2(E⟨010⟩+E⟨100⟩). (3)\n3 Results and discussion\n3.1 Stability trends\nThe searched chemical and phase space of hypothetical MAB\nphases contains all combinations of the group 4–7 transition\nmetals (M elements) with Al, Si, Ga, Ge or In (A elements)\nand 10 phase prototypes (Fig. 1) for each elemental combi-\nnation. Though Tc-based MABs have expectably low appeal\nfor applications63, they are included for completeness. Our\nfirst aim is predicting stability trends, preferential phase pro-\ntotypes, and energetically-close competing MABs.\nThe energy of formation, Ef, serves as a basic chemi-\ncal stability indicator, allowing to pre-select hypothetically\n(meta)stable MABs further tested for stability with respect\nto “small” elastic deformations and phonon vibrations, i.e.,\nmechanical and dynamical stability. For each (M, A) com-\nbination, we identify (i) the lowest-energy phase, and (ii)\nenergetically-close phases, i.e., within an energy threshold,\nEthr\nf, from the lowest-energy phase (here Ethr\nf:=0.25eV/at.).\nFor thereby selected MABs, we verify positive definiteness\nof the corresponding elastic constants matrix (mechanical\nstability condition59) and the absence of imaginary phonon\nmodes in the phonon spectra (dynamical stability condition).\nNote that MABs passing these stability conditions may be\nstill metastable against the decomposition to any competing\nbinary or ternary non-MAB compounds10, 22not considered\nin this work.\nThe predicted Eftrends are depicted in Fig. 2. Out of\nall hypothetical MABs (total 600), about 50% (317 MABs)\nfulfil the above selection criteria (energetic, mechanical and\ndynamical stability), and are visualised by coloured symbols.\nTogether with the analysis of the corresponding structural\nproperties—per-atom volumes, Vper-at. (Suppl. Fig. S1), and\ndensities, ρ(Suppl. Fig. S2)—results in Fig. 2 lead to the\nfollowing observations:\n(3.1a) Trends in the energetic ( Ef) stability are mainly\ndriven by M . Typically, the MABs’ formation en-\nergy increases for M from the group 4 →5→6→7.\nExemplarily, Efof the M 2AlB 2phase gradually in-\ncreases from −0.93to−0.41eV/at. for M changing as\nTi→V→Cr→Mn. Generally, the Efincrease is accom-\npanied by the volume (Vper-at. )decrease andthe density\n(ρ)increase . Changing the M’s period (4 →5→6) has a\nrelatively minor effect on Ef,Vper-at. , and ρ.\n(3.1b) For a given M, Al-containing (In-containing) MABs\ntypically exhibit the lowest (highest) Efamong the\n3here-considered phase prototypes. In-containing MABs\nalso show the highest volume and the lowest density ,\npossibly due to the large atomic radius of In (compared\nto Al, Ga, Si, and Ge), which is closer to that of M ele-\nments (see the atomic difference ratio analysis in Suppl.\nFig. S3). Most often, Efincreases for A changing as\nAl→Si→Ga→Ge→In. The choice of A more signifi-\ncantly impacts stability for MABs that contain M from\ngroups 6–7 (compared with M from groups 4–5). There\nare no stable MABs combining Re and In.\n(3.1c) The M element’s group also notably influences which\nphase prototypes are energetically favourable and\nhow many energetically-close MABs exists . The\nM3AB 4prototype always yields the lowest volume and\nthe highest density, while the M 2AB and M 3AB 2are\ntypically the least dense.\n•For M from the group 4 ( =Ti, Zr, Hf) , the lowest-\nenergy MABs are M 3AB 4(A={Al, Ga, In}) and\nα-M2AB 2(A={Si, Ge}), followed by M 2AB 2\nandω-M2AB 2. The Ti–Al–B and Ti–Si–B sys-\ntems exhibit the highest number of possible MABs:\nM3AB 4,α-M2AB 2, M 2AB 2,ω-M2AB 2, M 3AB 3,\nand MAB, where the last two exhibit the highest\nEf, thus are the least likely to form.\n•For M from the group 5 ( =V, Nb, Ta) , the lowest-\nenergy MABs are M 3AB 4,α-M2AB 2or M 3AB 2,\nwhere the last one only concerns Ta–A–B systems\nwith A={Si, Ge, In}. Compared to M from the\ngroup 4, there are more competing MABs. The\nMAB phase prototype becomes a competing phase,\nparticularly for A={Al, Si}. The M 2AB 2and\nω-M2AB 2prototypes are competing phases in the\nV–A–B and Nb–A–B systems for A ={Ga, In}.\n•For M from the group 6 ( =Cr, Mo, W) , the lowest-\nenergy MABs are M 3AB 4,α-M2AB 2, M 2AB 2,\nMAB (Mo–Al–B and W–Al–B systems), ω′-\nM2AB 2(W–Si–B and W–Ga–B systems), and\nM3AB 3(W–Ge–B system). While nearly all the\nhere-considered phase prototypes fall within the Ef\nthreshold, some are dynamically unstable.\n•For M from the group 7 ( =Mn, Tc, Re) , the\nlowest-energy MABs are ω′-M2AB2, M2AB2(Mn–\nA–B system for A={Al, Si, Ga}), α-M2AB2(Mn–\nGe–B system), M 3AB 4(Mn–In–B system). Mn–\nAl–B and Re–Al–B exhibit the highest number of\ncompeting MABs.\nCalculated with respect to energies of the constituting ele-\nments (i.e. their chemical potentials), absolute Efvalues in\nFig. 2 may change under (highly) non-equilibrium synthesis\nconditions, reflected by changes of the reference chemical\npotentials (see a case-study of TaN64). Consequently, this may\nalter relative stability order of energetically-close MABs. Theactual Efdistribution of all dynamically stable MABs, how-\never, will be less affected by “small” variations of chemical\npotentials. In particular, a system in which the lowest-energy\nphase exhibits a “large” Efseparation from competing phases\nwill likely enable single-phase MAB formation (supposing\nit will not decompose into binary or ternary non-MAB com-\npounds), contrarily to a system with many energetically-close\nphases. To quantify this intuitive idea, we take inspiration\nin the EFA (entropy forming ability) descriptor by Curtarolo\nand co-workers65, 66and introduce a single-phase indicator ,\nSPI. Considering the Efdistribution of competing MABs in a\ngiven M–A–B system, SPI is calculated as\nSPI(n) ={σ[spectrum (Ef(n))]}−1, (4)\nwhere σis a standard deviation of energies, Ef. A “low” SPI\nsuggests a high propensity to form a single-phase MAB, simi-\nlar to Curtarolo’s “low” EFA pointing towards formation of a\nsingle-phase high-entropy ceramic65. An example Efspectra\ntogether with the resulting SPI are given in Fig. 3(a,b,c). The\nSPIs evaluated for all elemental combinations (Fig. 3d) render\nthe following hypotheses:\n•Hf and Zr combined with Si or Ge are likely to form\nsingle-phase MABs ( SPI≈6–7 (eV/at.)−1), if not de-\ncomposed into other non-MAB compounds.\n•Contrarily, Re in combination with Si ( SPI≈\n98(eV/at.)−1) or Ge ( SPI≈56(eV/at.)−1), and Mn and\nW in combination with In ( SPIof≈37and 45 (eV/at.)−1,\nrespectively) do not provide a suitable basis for stabilisa-\ntion of single-phase MABs.\n•For A =Al—the most typical A element in experimen-\ntally reported MABs—there is no extremely high or\nlow propensity to single-phase MABs formation. Ex-\namples of M elements yielding relatively “lower” and\n“higher” SPI are M ={Ti, Cr, Mo, Mn, Tc, Re}, with\nSPI≈10–13 (eV/at.)−1, and M ={Zr, Hf, Ta} with ≈21–\n26 (eV/at.)−1, respectively.\nThe SPI reflects energetic aspects only (here, zero Kelvin\nformation energies of dynamically stable MABs). In practice,\nhowever, single-phase MAB formation will be driven also by\nkinetic factors and specific experimental setup (e.g. sputter-\ning from a ternary vs. elemental targets). A simple add-on\nto the SPI may be considering the volumetric proximity of\ncompeting phases based on the Vper-at data in Suppl. Fig. S1.\nSupposing the MABs’ layered character enables a rela-\ntively “easy” transformation pathway from one phase proto-\ntype to another, the availability of energetically-close phases\n(intermediate-to-high SPI) with similar volumes as the energet-\nically most preferred phase may actually be beneficial: facili-\ntating transformation toughening during volume-changing me-\nchanical deformation. For example, cubic Ti 0.5Al0.5N subject\nto [001] tension undergoes local lattice transformations to the\nenergetically-close wurtzite structure, thus improving tough-\nness67. An additional important condition for the phase trans-\nformation may be that the M:A:B ratio remains unchanged.\n4●314−type MABs\nM3AB4 (o; Pmmm) 212−type MABs\nM2AB2 (o; Pmm2) \nα−M2AB2 (h; P−6m2) \nω−M2AB2 (o; Cmc2 1)\nω'−M2AB2 (o; Cmcm) \nγ−M2AB2 (m; C1m1) 222−type MABs\nMAB (o; Cmcm)Other−type MABs\nM3AB3 (m; P2 1/m)\nM2AB (h; P6 3/mmc) \nM3AB2 (h; P6 3/mmc) \n●●●\n●●a) M=Ti\n−1−0.8−0.6−0.4−0.200.2Formation energy [eV/at.]M from Group 4\n●●●\n●d) M=VM from Group 5\n●●●\n●●g) M=CrM from Group 6\n●●●\n●j) M=MnM from Group 7\n●●●b) M=Zr\n−1−0.8−0.6−0.4−0.200.2Formation energy [eV/at.]●●●e) M=Nb\n●●●h) M=Mo\n●k) M=Tc\n●●●c) M=Hf\n−1−0.8−0.6−0.4−0.200.2Formation energy [eV/at.]High E f (>Efmin+Efthr), and/or,\nmechanically unst. , and/or,\ndynamically unst.\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Ge●●f) M=Ta\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=GeEfminEfmin+Efthr(=0.25eV/at.) ●i) M=W\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Gel) M=Re\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=GeFigure 2. Trends in the phase stability of MABs , as quantified by the formation energy, Ef(see Eq. (1)). For each (M, A) combination,\nthe black solid lines guide the eye for MABs energetically close to the lowest-energy phase, i.e. within the Efthreshold, Ethr\nf=0.25 eV/at.\nMABs that are above Ethr\nf, and/or, mechanically, and/or dynamically unstable are depicted in grey. All MABs marked by colour are\nmechanically and dynamically stable. Trends in the corresponding per-atom volumes, densities, and atomic difference ratios are shown in\nSuppl. Fig. S1, Suppl. Fig. S2, and Suppl. Fig. S3, respectively.\n5a) Hf−Ge−B MABs:\nSPI=6.1 (eV/at.)−1\nb)Dynamically stable MABsTa−Al−B MABs\nSPI=21.3 (eV/at.)−1\n−1.0−0.8−0.6−0.4−0.20.0c) Mo−In−B MABs\nSPI=18.2 (eV/at.)−1\nEf [eV/at.]102050100\n●\n●●●●\n●●●●●\n●SPI [eV/at.]−1\n Single−phase Competing phasesd)\nM=Ti\nM=Zr\nM=Hf\nM=V\nM=Nb\nM=Ta\nM=Cr\nM=Mo\nM=W\nM=Mn\nM=Tc\nM=Re●A=AlA=GaA=InA=SiA=GeFigure 3. Prediction of the MABs’ propensity to form a single-phase compound , as quantified by the single-phase indicator , SPI, see\nEq.(4). (a,b,c) Examples of formation energy ( Ef) spectra used to derive SPI. The spectra contain all dynamically stable phases (identified in\nFig. 2) for the respective (M, A) combination. (d) The SPI descriptor for all (M, A) combinations. Low SPI values indicate tendency to form\nas single-phase MAB, whereas high SPIs are a sign of several energetically-close competing MABs. Mind the log scale of the y-axis (SPI).\nOur Efand volumetric analysis points towards Cr 2AlB 2,\nRe2AlB 2, Cr 2SiB 2, W 2SiB 2, and Mn 2SiB 2as to MAB phases\nwith intermediate SPI≈11–25 (eV/at.)−1, favouring the 2:1:2\nstoichiomtery and exhibiting energetically-close 2:1:2-type\nphases with volumes by 1%–10% larger (smaller in case of\nMn2SiB 2), thus possibly forming under tensile (compressive)\nstrains.\n3.2 Trends in the electronic structure\nOur stability predictions revealed in total 317 (meta)stable\nMABs (see coloured symbols in Fig. 1). Due to various crystal\nsymmetries, chemistry, and elemental composition, however,\nunderstanding trends in their mechanical properties may be\ndifficult. To shed light on their most fundamental similarities\nand differences, we first investigate their electronic density of\nstates (DOS) near the Fermi level.\nFig. 4 presents DOS of selected representative MABs, il-\nlustrating general trends observed also for other phase proto-\ntypes and (M, A) combinations. The energy range in focus\nis≈[−15,5]eV , where 0 corresponds to the Fermi level, EF.\nFrom a qualitative DOS analysis, we infer the following:\n(3.2a) The DOS of all MABs has metallic character and the\nFermi level vicinity is dominated by the transition metal\nd-electrons (Fig. 4a–o), suggesting that the M element\nsignificantly influences mechanical properties.\n(3.2b) The most decisive factor for the general shape of DOS\nis the phase prototype, whereas the EFposition with\nrespect to the nearest peaks is mainly governed by the M\nelement’s group (Fig. 4a–l). Exceptions (e.g. Cr 3B4in\nFig. 4i) may be rationalised by high formation energy of\nthe corresponding phase prototype for given M.(3.2c) For the same phase prototype and M from the same\ngroup in the periodic table (i.e. with the same valence\nelectron concentration), both the shape of DOS and EF\nare typically nearly the same (Fig. 4d–f).\n(3.2d) Changing the A element influences the general shape of\nDOS, however, to a lesser extent than changing the phase\nprototype (Fig. 4m–o). The relative EFposition with\nrespect to the neighbouring peaks is nearly uninfluenced.\nOur results indicate that the main features of DOS near EF\nare dictated by the phase prototype, which may be the most\nnatural mean of sorting MABs when searching for trends in\nmechanical properties. The group of the M element—in other\nwords, the number of M’s valence electrons—influences the\nFermi level position with respect to the closest DOS mini-\nmum or peak, thus, may be a crucial factor for optimisation\nof mechanical properties. Shifting the EFfor different phase\nprototypes, however, will likely lead to filling different states\nand an in-depth analysis (out of our scope) would be neces-\nsary to understand how these impact the MABs’ mechanical\nresponse.\n3.3 Stiffness and ductility indicators\nThis section focuses on predicting trends in mechanical prop-\nerties of MAB phases via phenomenological elastic-constants-\nbased descriptors. Specifically, Young’s modulus ( E), shear-\nto-bulk modulus ratio ( G/B), and Cauchy pressure ( CP) are\nused to compare all dynamically stable MAB candidates (all\ncoloured symbols in Fig. 1, comprising 317 MABs) in terms\nof theoretical stiffness and ductility. Although ductility is a\ncomplex property—dictated by structure, density, and mobil-\nity of extended crystallographic defects over different length\nand time scales— Ci j-based indicators have served as common\n6total s(M) p(M) d(M) s(A) p(A) s(B) p(B)\n(a−c) M 2AB2 phase prototype, A=Al, M from Group 4−6 & Period 4\nTi2AlB2a)DOS [a.u.]V2AlB2b)Cr2AlB2c)\n(d−f) M 2AB2 phase prototype, A=Al, M from Group 5 & Period 4−6\nV2AlB2d)DOS [a.u.]Nb2AlB2e)Ta2AlB2f)\n(g−i) M 3AB4 phase prototype, A=Al, M from Group 4−6 & Period 4\nTi3AlB4g)DOS [a.u.]V3AlB4h)Cr3AlB4i)\n(j−l) MAB, phase prototype, A=Al, M from Group 4−6 & Period 4\nTiAlBj)DOS [a.u.]VAlBk)CrAlBl)\n(m−o) M 3AB4 phase prototype, M=Ti, A={Al, Si, Ga} \nTi3AlB4m)DOS [a.u.]\n−10 −5 0 5\nE−EF [eV]Ti3SiB4n)\n−10 −5 0 5\nE−EF [eV]Ti3GaB4o)\n−10 −5 0 5\nE−EF [eV]Figure 4. Electronic density of states (DOS) for representative MABs illustrating general DOS shape depending on the phase\nprototype and elemental composition . The grey-shaded area denotes the total DOS, while the red, blue,and yellow lines are partial\ncontributions from the M, A, and B element (dotted line: s-electrons, dashed line: p-electrons, solid line: d-electrons). The zero energy\nalways denotes the Fermi level ( EF). (a–c) The role of the group from which M is chosen , exemplified by the M2AB2phase prototype.\nThe DOS shapes are very similar, while the EFshifts. (d–f) The role of the period from which M is chosen , exemplified by the M2AB2\nphase prototype. Both the DOS shape and EFare very similar. (g–i) The role of the group from which M is chosen , exemplified by the\nM3AB4phase prototype. The DOS shape is very similar (slightly differing for the eneregtically least stable Cr 3AlB 4), while the EFshifts.\n(j–l)The role of the group from which M is chosen , exemplified by the MAB phase prototype. The DOS shape is very similar, while the\nEFshifts. (m-l) The role of the A element , exemplified by the M3AB4phase prototype. The DOS shape changes slightly, while the EF\nposition relative to the nearest DOS peak remains nearly constant.\ntrend-givers in the family of refractory ceramics34–37, 68, 69\nwith reasonably similar crystal and electronic structures.\nDue to the non-cubic crystal symmetry and layered archi-\ntecture, MAB phases should generally exhibit an anisotropic\nelastic response. The degree of anisotropy can be estimated\nby the universal anisotropy index, AU70, identically zero for\nlocally isotropic single crystals. In our case, AUvaries be-\ntween 0.01 ( α-Nb 2InB 2) and 6.35 (Ta 3InB 4), where nearly80% of all MABs exhibit AU≤0.5(Suppl. Fig. S8). The most\nenergetically preferred phase for a given (M, A) combination\nyields AU=0.01–1.43, comparable to AU=0.01–1.88 of\ntransition metal diboride ceramics (MB 2, M from the group 4–\n7;AUwas evaluated based on data from Ref.53). Interestingly,\nAUof the α-M2AB2phase prototype is fairly independent of\nelemental composition ( AU=0.11±0.14), while others, e.g.,\nthe M 2AB 2and M 3AB 4phase prototype, exhibit larger AU\n7variations ( AU=0.54±0.49andAU=0.66±1.16, respec-\ntively).\nIn the first step (Fig. 5), we disregard the MABs’ elas-\ntic anisotropy and evaluate “effective” strength and ductility\nindicators using the polycrystalline moduli ( B,G,E) and\naveraging the directional Cauchy pressure values,\nCPeff=CP⊥+CP∥\n[1]+CP∥\n[2]=\n=C12−C66\n3+C13−C44\n3+C23−C55\n3, (5)\nwhere CP⊥(CP∥\n[1],CP∥\n[2]) are out-of-plane (in-plane) Cauchy\npressure, i.e. orthogonal and parallel to the M–B/A layers.\nThe obtained ductility map ( CPeffvs.G/Bin Fig. 5a) in-\ndicates an important role of the M element. The strongest\ntrend observed is a ductility increase for M from the group\n4→5→6→7. Among the most ductile MABs containing com-\nmon elements (excluding Ga, Ge, In, Mn, Tc) are V 2SiB,\nNb2SiB, Ta 2AlB 2, Ta 3AlB 4, Ta 2SiB, Cr 3AlB 3, Mo 2AlB 2,\nMo 2SiB 2, Mo 3AlB 3, Mo 3SiB 3, W 3SiB 2, Re 2AlB 2, and Re-\nAlB. There are, however, several outliers. For example,\nCr2AlB 2and MoAlB (M from the group 6) are predicted\nto be surprisingly brittle ( CPeff<−30GPa), while Ti 3GeB 4\nand ZrGaB (M from the group 4) would be surprisingly duc-\ntile (CPeff>30GPa). These outliers may be explained by (i)\nenergetic reasons ( Ef“high” above that of the lowest-energy\nphase, e.g., ZrGaB with Ef0.24 eV/at above Efof the most\nstable Zr 3GaB 4), by (ii) differences between the phase pro-\ntotypes, i.e. different optimal position of the Fermi level\n(inducing more ductile/brittle response to deformation), by\n(iii) effects of the A element (recall that In-containing MABs\nwere always the least energetically stable and the least dense),\nor by (iv) elastic anisotropy. To support the energetic argu-\nment (i), all data points in Fig. 5 are scaled based on their\nEfdifference from the lowest-energy phase for a given (M,\nA) combination, so that smaller symbol sizes correspond to\nlarger Efdifferences.\nThe so far experimentally reported MABs most often crys-\ntallised in the M 3AB 4, M 2AB 2, and MAB type phase, de-\npicted in Fig. 5b–d. Here, Ta 3AlB 4, Ta 2AlB 2, Re 2AlB 2, and\nReAlB stand out in terms of theoretical ductility.\nFig. 5e–h shows the relationship between the elastic stiff-\nness and ductility, estimated by the polycrystalline Young’s\nmodulus, E, and the shear-to-bulk modulus ratio, G/B, re-\nspectively. To prevent failure during mechanical loads, one\nseeks a compromise between high Eand low G/B, providing\nan atomic-level basis for initially hard but then reasonably\nplastic response to deformation. For the here-studied MABs,\nEvaries significantly—between 96 GPa ( ω-Mo 2GeB 2) and\n441 GPa (Cr 3AlB 4)—and seems to be less controlled by the\nM element than ductility.\nSuggested already by low density of In-containing MABs\n(Section 3.1, Suppl. Fig. S2), their Emoduli are generally low,\n232±50 GPa, where the standard deviation represents values\nfrom various M elements and phase prototypes. Al- and Si-\ncontaining MABs, in contrast, posses relatively high Evalues,312±60 GPa. There is eleven MABs with E>400GPa.\nOnly one contains a group 4 M element (Ti 3AlB 4) and the top\nthree are Cr 3AlB 4, TaSiB, and VSiB possessing G/Bof 0.73,\n0.80 0.84, respectively, thus illustrating the typical inverse\nrelationship between stiffness and ductility. A combination of\nrelatively high Young’s modulus ( E>350GPa) and low G/B\nratio ( G/B<0.55) is shown by Cr 2SiB 2, Cr 3SiB 4, W 2AlB 2,\nα-W2SiB 2, and γ-Re 2GeB 2. Among them, Cr 3SiB 4is the\nlowest-energy phase in the Cr–Al–B system, and the other\nones are energetically close to their most favourable phases\n(∆Ef=0.01–0.05 eV/at.).\nAs noted at the beginning of this section, elastic response\nof MABs is strongly directional. This is illustrated in Fig. 6\npresenting two Cauchy pressure and Young’s modulus val-\nues: in-plane, i.e., parallel to the metal/ceramic layers (de-\nnoted by CP∥,E∥), and out-of-plane, i.e. orthogonal to\nthe metal/ceramic layers (denoted by CP⊥,E⊥). The lat-\nter is aligned with the most typical growth direction. Ac-\ncording to Fig. 6a, about 20% of all MABs can be seen as\nstrongly Cauchy-pressure anisotropic, with |CP∥−CP⊥|>\n100GPa. Interestingly, the ratio of MABs with CP∥>CP⊥\nandCP∥150GPa, indi-\ncating superior in-plane ductility), or Ta 2SiB and γ-Mo 2GaB 2\n(CP⊥−CP∥>150GPa, indicating superior out-of-plane duc-\ntility). Furthermore, the data show that (i) almost all MABs\ncontaining group 4 transition metals exhibit CP∥150 GPa).\nAmong the most common phase prototypes and (M, A)\ncombinations, the M 3AB4(Fig. 6f) and the M 2AB2(Fig. 6g)\ntype phase typically exhibit E∥>E⊥. In particular, Nb 3AB4,\nTa3AB4, and Re 2AlB 2yield E∥−E⊥>100GPa. The MAB\nphase prototype (Fig. 6h) shows small differences between\nin-plane and out-of-plane Young’s moduli, with the most\nanisotropic MABs being CrAlB, ZrSiB, and the energetically\nrather unlikely (smaller symbol sizes) TiAlB and V AlB.\n8●●● ●●● ●●● ●●●M from Group 4 M from Group 5 M from Group 6 M from Group 7\nTiZrHf VNbTa CrMoW MnTcRe● Phase\nprototypes:M3AB4\nM2AB2α−M2AB2\nω−M2AB2ω'−M2AB2\nγ−M2AB2MAB\nM3AB3M2AB\nM3AB2\n●●●\n●●\n●●●●●●●●\n●●\n●●\n●●\n●●\n●●●\n●●●●●●●\n●●●\n−100−50050100150CPeff [GPa]a)\nPettifor's ductility \ncriterion \nPugh's ductility \ncriterion INCREASING\nDUCTILITYAll phase prototypes and elements\n●\n●\n●●●●●\n●●\n●\n●●\n●●\n●●\n●●●\n●●●●\n●●●●●\n●●\n●●●\n●\n100200300400500E [GPa]e) All phase prototypes and elements\nINCREASING\nSTIFFNESS\n●●\n●●\n●●\n●●●●\n●\n−100−50050100150CPeff [GPa]b)\n(Cr,Al)(Cr,Si)\n(Hf,Al)(Mo,Si)\n(Nb,Al)(Ta,Al)\n(Ti,Al)(Ti,Si)(V,Al)(V,Si)\n(Zr,Al)M3AB4, M!={Mn,Tc} & A={Al,Si}\n●\n●●\n●●\n●●\n●●\n● ●\n100200300400500E [GPa]f)\n(Cr,Al)\n(Cr,Si)(Hf,Al)\n(Mo,Si)(Nb,Al)(Ta,Al)(Ti,Al)\n(Ti,Si)(V,Al)\n(V,Si)\n(Zr,Al)M3AB4, M!={Mn,Tc} & A={Al,Si}\n−100−50050100150CPeff [GPa]c)\n(Cr,Al)(Cr,Si)\n(Hf,Al)(Mo,Al)(Re,Al)(Ta,Al)\n(Ti,Al)(Ti,Si)(V,Al)(W,Al)\n(Zr,Al)M2AB2, M!={Mn,Tc} & A={Al,Si}\n100200300400500E [GPa]g)\n(Cr,Al) (Cr,Si)\n(Hf,Al)\n(Mo,Al)(Re,Al)\n(Ta,Al)(Ti,Al)\n(Ti,Si)(V,Al)(W,Al)\n(Zr,Al)M2AB2, M!={Mn,Tc} & A={Al,Si}\n−100−50050100150\n0.\nG/BCPeff [GPa]d)\n(Cr,Al)(Cr,Si)\n(Mo,Al)(Mo,Si)\n(Nb,Al)(Nb,Si)(Re,Al)\n(Ta,Al)\n(Ta,Si)(Ti,Al)\n(Ti,Si)(V,Al)(V,Si) (W,Al)(Zr,Si)MAB, M!={Mn,Tc} & A={Al,Si}\n100200300400500\n0.\nG/BE [GPa]h)\n(Cr,Al)(Cr,Si)\n(Mo,Al)(Mo,Si)\n(Nb,Al)(Nb,Si)\n(Re,Al)(Ta,Al)(Ta,Si)\n(Ti,Al)(Ti,Si)(V,Al)(V,Si)(W,Al)\n(Zr,Si)MAB, M!={Mn,Tc} & A={Al,Si}Figure 5. Trends in theoretical ductility (a–d) and stiffness (e–h) of MAB phases estimated via elastic-constants-based descriptors :\neffective Cauchy pressure ( CPeff, Eq. 5), polycrystalline shear-to-bulk modulus ratio ( G/B), and polycrystalline Young’s modulus ( E). The\ndashed lines in (a–d) guide the eye for Pettifor’s71and Pugh’s72semi-empirical ductility criteria (commonly used for ceramics34–37, 68, 69but\noriginally developed for metals, these criteria should be treated only on a qualitative level). Panels (a) and (e) show results for all stable\nphases (marked by colour in Fig. 2), while panels (b–c) and (f–h) focus on the most common phase prototypes and elements (excluding Mn,\nTc, Ga, Ge, In). The underlying (phase-, M-element-, and A-element-resolved) B,G, and Evalues for all MABs are shown in Suppl. Fig. S4,\nSuppl. Fig. S5, and Suppl. Fig. S6, respectively. The corresponding Poisson’s ratios are shown in Suppl. Fig. S7.\n9●●● ●●● ●●● ●●●M from Group 4 M from Group 5 M from Group 6 M from Group 7\nTiZrHf VNbTa CrMoW MnTcRe● Phase\nprototypes:M3AB4\nM2AB2α−M2AB2\nω−M2AB2ω'−M2AB2\nγ−M2AB2MAB\nM3AB3M2AB\nM3AB2\n●●●\n●●\n●●●●●●●●\n●●\n●●\n●●\n●●\n●●●\n●●●●●●●\n●●●\n−100−50050100150CPin−plane [GPa]a) All phase prototypes and elements\nIncreasing ductility out−of−planeIncresing\nductility\nin−plane●\n●●●●\n●●\n●●\n●●●●●●\n●\n●●●●\n●●●\n●●●●\n●●●\n●●●\n●\n100200300400500Ein−plane [GPa]e) All phase prototypes and elements\nIncreasing stiffness out−of−planeIncresing\nstiffness\nin−plane\n●●\n●●\n●●\n●●●●\n●\n−100−50050100150CPin−plane [GPa]b)\n(Cr,Al)(Cr,Si)\n(Hf,Al)(Mo,Si)\n(Nb,Al)(Ta,Al)\n(Ti,Al)(Ti,Si)(V,Al)(V,Si)\n(Zr,Al)M3AB4, M!={Mn,Tc} & A={Al,Si}\n●●\n●●\n●●●\n●●\n●\n●\n100200300400500Ein−plane [GPa]f)\n(Cr,Al)(Cr,Si)\n(Hf,Al)\n(Mo,Si)(Nb,Al)\n(Ta,Al)(Ti,Al)(Ti,Si)(V,Al)\n(V,Si)\n(Zr,Al)M3AB4, M!={Mn,Tc} & A={Al,Si}\n−100−50050100150CPin−plane [GPa]c)\n(Cr,Al)(Cr,Si)\n(Hf,Al)(Mo,Al)(Re,Al)\n(Ta,Al)\n(Ti,Al)(Ti,Si)(V,Al)(W,Al)\n(Zr,Al)M2AB2, M!={Mn,Tc} & A={Al,Si}\n100200300400500Ein−plane [GPa]g)\n(Cr,Al)(Cr,Si)\n(Hf,Al)(Mo,Al)(Re,Al)\n(Ta,Al)(Ti,Al)\n(Ti,Si)(V,Al)(W,Al)\n(Zr,Al)M2AB2, M!={Mn,Tc} & A={Al,Si}\n−100−50050100150\n−100−50050100150CPin−plane [GPa]\nCPout−of−plane [GPa]d)\n(Cr,Al)(Cr,Si)\n(Mo,Al)(Mo,Si)\n(Nb,Al)\n(Nb,Si)(Re,Al)\n(Ta,Al)(Ta,Si)(Ti,Al)\n(Ti,Si)(V,Al)\n(V,Si)(W,Al)(Zr,Si)MAB, M!={Mn,Tc} & A={Al,Si}\n100200300400500\n100200300400500Ein−plane [GPa]\nEout−of−plane [GPa]h)\n(Cr,Al)(Cr,Si)(Mo,Al) (Mo,Si)\n(Nb,Al)(Nb,Si)\n(Re,Al) (Ta,Al)(Ta,Si)\n(Ti,Al)(Ti,Si)\n(V,Al)(V,Si)\n(W,Al)\n(Zr,Si)MAB, M!={Mn,Tc} & A={Al,Si}Figure 6. Trends in theoretical in-plane vs. out-of-plane ductility (a–d) and stiffness (e–h) of MAB phases estimated via\nelastic-constants-based descriptors : directional Cauchy pressure ( CPin-plane =CP∥,CPout-of-plane =CP⊥) and directional Young’s modulus\n(Ein-plane =E∥,Eout-of-plane =E⊥). The dashed diagonal lines guide the eye for the case of equal in-plane and out-of-plane values. Panels (a)\nand (e) show results for all stable phases (marked by colour in Fig. 2), while panels (b–c) and (f–h) focus on the most common phase\nprototypes and elements (excluding Mn, Tc, Ga, Ge, In).\n103.4 Suggestions for the most promising MABs\nIn Fig. 7 we present M–A–B systems suitable for the develop-\nment of MAB phases with favourable combination of stiffness\nand ductility. These are identified based on Cauchy pressure\nand Young’s modulus values of all mechanically and dynam-\nically stable MABs, weighted according to their formation\nenergy difference from the energetically most stable phase.\nConsequently, the following elemental combinations are\nproposed:\n•A=AlandM={Nb, Mo, W, Mn, (Tc), Re} (Fig. 7a).\nThe most energetically stable compounds—listed in\nTab. 1—are Nb 3AlB 4, Mo 2AlB 2, MoAlB, W 2AlB 2,\nWAlB, Mn 2AlB 2,γ-Re 2AlB 2, and ω′-Re 2AlB 2(Tab. 1).\nBulk WAlB9, 15, bulk Mn 2AlB 215, 17, and thin film and\nbulk MoAlB9, 14, 18–20have already been synthesised.\nThe experimental Young’s modulus of MoAlB19,E=\n379±30GPa, compares well with our DFT value,\nE=346GPa (Tab. 1). Furthermore, the here-predicted\nMo 2AlB 2was observed in HRTEM after topochemical\ndeintercalation of Al from the single crystalline MoAlB4.\nWith both Cauchy pressures positive ( CP∥≈36GPa,\nCP⊥≈16GPa) and the lowest G/B(≈0.53), W 2AlB 2\nstands out in terms of theoretical ductility. Mn- and Re-\ncontaining MABs exhibit the highest elastic stiffness.\nMn2AlB 2is significantly stiffer in-plane, E∥≈419GPa,\nE⊥≈292GPa (comparable to room-temperature ex-\nperimental value of 243 GPa17), whereas γ-Re 2AlB 2is\nnotably more isotropic, E∥≈373 GPa, E⊥≈371 GPa).\n•A=SiandM={V, Nb, Ta, Cr, Mo, W, Mn, (Tc),\n(Re)} (Fig. 7b). The most energetically stable com-\npounds are α-V2SiB 2, V3SiB 4,α-Nb 2SiB 2, Ta 3SiB 2,\nα-Ta2SiB 2, Ta 2SiB, Cr 2SiB 2, Cr 3SiB 4,α-Cr2SiB 2,α-\nMo 2SiB 2,ω′-W2SiB 2,γ-W2SiB 2, W 2SiB, α-W2SiB 2,\nW3SiB 3, Mn 2SiB 2,α-Mn 2SiB 2,γ-Mn 2SiB 2, and ω′-\nMn 2SiB 2(Tab. 1). Re exhibits many competing phases.\nContrarily to Al-containing MABs, their Si counterparts\nare experimentally mostly unexplored. Considering out-\nstanding oxidation properties of Si-alloyed boride ceram-\nics73–75, we envision that also Si-containing MABs will\nattract attention.\nAs suggested by Cauchy pressure and Poisson’s ratio\nvalues in Tab. 1, Si-based MABs are slightly less brittle\nthan Al-based MABs. With the 2:1:2 M:A:B chemistry,\nW exhibits three energetically- and volumetrically-close\nphase prototypes ( ∆Ef=0.001–0.045 eV/at., ∆V=0–\n3.4%) providing a basis to optimise mechanical proper-\nties. Similarly, Mn offers four energetically-close phases\nof the 2:1:2 chemistry. The α-Mn 2SiB 2exhibits the high-\nest ductility indicators among all Si-containing MABs\n(CP∥≈102GPa, CP⊥≈27GPa, G/B≈0.4,ν≈0.32),\nbut rather low Young’s moduli ( <300 GPa).\n•A=GaandM={V, Cr, W} (Fig. 7c). The most en-\nergetically stable compounds are α-V2GaB 2, V3GaB 4,Cr3GaB 4,α-Cr2GaB 2, Cr 2GaB 2,ω′-W2GaB 2, and γ-\nW2GaB 2(Tab. 1). Although no Ga-containing MABs\nhave been reported, several Ga-containing MAX phases\n(Ti2GaC, Ti 4GaC 3, Cr 2GaC) have been explored76, 77.\nThe here-suggested Ga-based MABs are significantly\nYoung’s-modulus- and Cauchy-pressure anisotropic. For\nillustration, W-containing MABs show CP⊥≥110GPa\nandCP∥≤ −56 GPa.\n•A=GeandM={V, Mn, (Re)} (Fig. 7d). The most\nenergetically stable compounds are α-V2GeB 2andα-\nMn2GeB 2(Tab. 1). Re exhibits many competing phases.\nSimilar to Ge, also Ge-based MAB phases are currently\na theoretical concept. Nonetheless, there are reports\non Ge-based MAX-phase thin films (Ti 2GeC, Ti 3GeC 2,\nTi4GeC 3, Cr 2GeC78, 79), which may also inspire the de-\nvelopment Ge-containing MABs.\nThe here-suggested Ge-based MABs have generally\nrather low bulk moduli. The α-Mn 2GeB 2stand out in\nterms of theoretical ductility ( CP∥≈84GPa, CP⊥≈\n45 GPa, G/B≈0.39, and ν≈0.33).\n4 Summary and conclusions\nHigh-throughput ab initio calculations were employed to fa-\ncilitate rational material selection for the synthesis of novel\nternary borides with MAB-phase structures. The most promis-\ning MAB candidates were identified based on the predicted\nphase stability trends, energetics and volumetric proximity of\ncompeting MABs, as well as elastic-constants-based indica-\ntors of intrinsic stiffness and ductility parallel and normal to\nthe metal/ceramic layers.\nThe searched chemical and phase space contained all com-\nbinations of the group 4–7 transition metals (M elements) and\nAl, Si, Ga, Ge or In (A elements), with 10 possible phase\nprototypes for each elemental combination. Representing the\n1:1:1, 2:1:1, 2:1:2, 3:1:2, 3:1:3, and 3:1:4 M:A:B ratios, the\nprototypes included experimentally known MAB and MAX\nphases, or were inspired by typical transition metal (di)boride\nstructures interlayered with an A layer. The main predictions\nare as follows:\n1.The MABs’ formation energy typically increases (indi-\ncating lower chemical stability) for M from the group\n4→5→6→7. The group of M also most notably influ-\nences the preferred phase prototype and the number of\nenergetically- and volumetrically-close MABs, which is\nthe highest for the group 5–6 transition metals. Com-\npared to M, the A element’s effect is lower, most often\ndecreasing stability as Al →Si→Ga→Ge→In, where In-\ncontaining MABs are also the least dense.\n[Supporting data and discussion in Sec. 3.1 ]\n2.Consistently with qualitative analysis of the electronic\ndensity of states, the M element significantly influences\nelastic properties. The strongest trend observed is a\n11●\n●\n●●\n●\n●●\n●\n●●\n●\n●M element in M−A−B\nTi\nZr\nHfV\nNb\nTaCr\nMo\nWMn\nTc\nRe\nSymbol size scales\ninversely with SPI:\nlarger −> tendency to form\na single−phase MABa) A=Al\n●●●●●●\n●●●\n●●●\n●●●●��●\n●●●\n●●●\n00.\n00.\nRelative stiffness indicatorRelative ductility indicatorM=NbM=MoM=W\nM=MnM=TcM=Re\nDuctility &\nstiffness\nincreaseSelectedb) A=Si\n●●●●●●●●\n●●\n●\n●\n●●●●●●●●\n●●\n●\n●\n00.\n00.\nRelative stiffness indicatorRelative ductility indicatorM=VM=NbM=Ta\nM=CrM=MoM=WM=Mn\nM=Tc\nM=Re\nc) A=Ga\n●●\n●●●●\n●●\n●●●\n●●\n●●●●\n●●\n●●●\n00.\n00.\nRelative stiffness indicatorRelative ductility indicatorM=VM=CrM=Wd) A=Ge\n●●●●●●●●●\n●●\n●\n●●●●●●●●●\n●●\n●\n00.\n00.\nRelative stiffness indicatorRelative ductility indicatorM=VM=MnM=Ree) A=In\n●●●●●●●●●●●\n●●●●●●●●●●●\n00.\n00.\nRelative stiffness indicatorRelative ductility indicatorFigure 7. Suggestion of suitable M–A–B systems for the development of MAB phases with favourable combination of stiffness and\nductility. The relative stiffness (ductility) indicator is calculated as a weighted average of the polycrystalline Young’s moduli, E, (effective\nCauchy pressures, CPeff) of all stable MABs in the respective M–A–B system (identified in Fig. 2). The weights are based on the formation\nenergy difference from the lowest-energy phase—having a weight of 1—and the values are then normalised with respect to the global maxima\n(the Mn–Si–B and Re–Si–B system for ductility and stiffness, respectively). The symbol size scales with the single-phase indicator (SPI,\nEq. (4)): systems that tend to form single-phase MABs are depicted by larger symbols, while systems with energetically-close competing\nphases are depicted by smaller symbols. The dashed lines guide guide the eye for top 60%-ranking material systems (top-right corner).\nductility increase for M from the group 4 →5→6→7. Al-\nand Si-containing MABs typically possess the highest\nYoung’s moduli. The energetically most stable phases\ntend to show the lowest degree of elastic anisotropy,\ncomparable to that of transition metal diborides.\n[Supporting data and discussion in Sec. 3.2 and 3.3 ]\n3.The suggested most promising MAB candidates combine\ngroup 5–6 transition metals and Al or Si, most often with\nthe 2:1:2 chemistry. Based on the Cauchy pressures\nand Poisson’s ratio, Si-based MABs are predicted to be\nslightly less brittle. Among them, W 2SiB 2and Mn 2SiB 2\nexhibit energetically- and volumetrically-close phases of\nthe same chemistry, possibly facilitating transformation\nplasticity upon loading.\n[Supporting data and discussion in Sec. 3.4 ]\nIn projection, our study may guide experimental develop-\nment of laminated borides with optimised structure–property\nrelationships. Additionally, the here-produced coherent and\naccurate ab initio dataset can serve to train machine-learning\nmodels (e.g., for formation energy and elastic constants pre-\ndictions) or to fit machine-learning interatomic potentials.Possible next steps on the computational side include (i) cal-\nculations of decomposition energies with respect to non-MAB\ncompounds (e.g. intermetallics), (ii) the impact of point de-\nfects on phase stability and elastic properties, (iii) in-depth\nstudies on Cr 2SiB 2and Mn 2SiB 2(which we suggested as\npromising but treated as non-magnetic), and (iv) transforma-\ntion pathways between specific prototypes (e.g. for various\n2:1:2 types, to assess the possibility of transformation plastic-\nity under mechanical loads as suggested here).\n12Table 1. Properties of the most energetically favourable MABs for promising (M, A) combinations (as identified in Fig. 7). The\ncolumns “M”, “A”, “Phase”, ∆Ef, and∆Vspecify the elements, M and A, the phase prototype, the formation energy and volume difference\nfrom the most stable phase in the respective M–A–B system (phases with ∆Ef<0.05 eV/at. are shown). Furthermore, the universal\nanistotropy index ( AU70), the polycrystalline bulk, shear, and Young’s modulus ( B,G,E), the in-plane and out-of-plane Young’s modulus ( E∥,\nE⊥), the effective Cauchy pressure ( CPeff), the in-plane and out-of-plane Cauchy pressure ( CP∥,CP⊥), the B/Gratio, and the Poisson’s ratio\n(ν) are presented.\nM A Phase ∆Ef ∆V AUB G E E∥E⊥CPeff CP∥CP⊥G/B ν\n[eV/at.] [%] [GPa] [GPa] [GPa] [GPa] [GPa] [GPa] [GPa] [GPa]\nNb Al M 3AB4 0 0 0.21 227 127 322 351 228 8 37 −49 0.56 0.26\nAl α-M2AB2 0.011 −15.6 0.03 182 130 315 297 268 −36 −42 −23 0.71 0.21\nMo Al M 2AB2 0 0 0.06 237 134 338 379 284 13 25 −9 0.56 0.26\nAl MAB 0.006 −4.6 0.16 211 141 346 276 252 −32 −45 −6 0.67 0.23\nW Al MAB 0 0 0.18 229 146 361 269 276 −23 −41 12 0.64 0.24\nAl M 2AB2 0.02 4 0.06 260 138 352 375 287 30 36 16 0.53 0.27\nMn Al M 2AB2 0 0 0.09 237 166 404 419 292 −45 −17 −102 0.70 0.22\nRe Al γ-M2AB2 0 0 0.02 255 162 402 373 371 −17 −23 −5 0.64 0.24\nAl ω′-M2AB2 0.002 0 0.02 253 159 394 373 362 −12 −19 1 0.63 0.24\nV Si α-M2AB2 0 0 0.09 218 156 379 338 310 −48 −70 −4 0.72 0.21\nSi M 3AB4 0.003 12.1 0.26 256 136 346 390 448 18 50 −44 0.53 0.28\nNb Si α-M2AB2 0 0 0.23 223 136 339 268 279 −15 −45 45 0.61 0.25\nTa Si M 3AX 2 0 0 0.36 217 115 294 216 211 10 −15 60 0.53 0.27\nSi α-M2AB2 0.006 12 0.36 239 133 336 243 297 0 −43 87 0.56 0.27\nSi M 2AX 0.044 −5.5 0.92 205 89 233 131 206 27 −23 129 0.43 0.31\nCr Si M 2AB2 0 0 0.15 269 143 365 402 472 23 52 −32 0.53 0.27\nSi M 3AB4 0.022 6 0.13 279 151 383 424 478 22 45 −23 0.54 0.27\nSi α-M2AB2 0.045 −7.1 0.11 237 152 375 351 256 −22 −27 −14 0.64 0.24\nMo Si α-M2AB2 0 0 0.09 253 147 369 324 296 4 −8 27 0.58 0.26\nW Si ω′-M2AB2 0 0 0.32 264 151 381 284 474 −3 −51 94 0.57 0.26\nSi γ-M2AB2 0.001 0 0.37 264 147 373 255 486 1 −54 111 0.56 0.26\nSi M 2AX 0.038 −13.3 0.62 247 128 328 223 171 6 −15 49 0.52 0.28\nSi α-M2AB2 0.045 3.4 0.09 273 147 373 321 318 24 11 49 0.54 0.27\nSi M 3AB3 0.049 −5.1 0.25 213 114 290 304 259 12 −1 39 0.54 0.27\nMn Si M 2AB2 0 0 0.26 282 122 320 369 281 68 123 −42 0.43 0.31\nSi α-M2AB2 0.033 −8.7 0.11 237 94 249 292 250 77 102 27 0.40 0.32\nSi γ-M2AB2 0.045 −9.6 0.14 237 158 388 306 366 −32 −49 0 0.67 0.23\nSi ω′-M2AB2 0.048 −9.6 0.2 236 148 366 284 316 −19 −35 13 0.63 0.24\nV Ga α-M2AB2 0 0 0.02 183 146 346 367 295 −61 −56 −70 0.8 0.18\nGa M 3AB4 0.011 13.5 0.14 223 143 353 387 261 −20 10 −82 0.64 0.24\nCr Ga M 3AB4 0 0 0.09 243 132 335 398 314 20 42 −22 0.54 0.27\nGa α-M2AB2 0.028 −14.9 0.05 202 148 357 381 265 −47 −33 −74 0.73 0.2\nGa M 2AB2 0.032 −9 0.15 224 119 304 372 268 20 47 −34 0.53 0.27\nW Ga ω′-M2AB2 0 0 0.24 233 131 331 255 410 3 −56 121 0.56 0.26\nGa γ-M2AB2 0 0.1 0.23 234 135 339 255 411 −2 −59 110 0.58 0.26\nV Ge α-M2AB2 0 0 0.05 204 144 349 328 289 −38 −55 -4 0.70 0.22\nMn Ge α-M2AB2 0 0 0.17 218 85 226 283 259 71 84 45 0.39 0.33\nGe M 3AB3 0.048 −1.7 0.46 169 89 226 301 192 8 −3 29 0.53 0.28\nCRediT authorship contribution statement\nNK: Conceptualisation, Data curation, Formal analysis, In-\nvestigation, Methodology, Visualisation, Writing – original\ndraft. LH: Resources, Writing – review & editing. PHM : Re-\nsources, Writing – review & editing. DGS : Conceptualisation,\nMethodology, Resources, Writing – review & editing.\nDeclaration of Competing Interests\nThe authors declare no competing interests.\nData Availability\nThe data presented in this study are available from the corre-\nsponding author upon reasonable request.Acknowledgements\nNK acknowledges the Austrian Science Fund, FWF, (T-1308).\nLH acknowledges financial support from the Swedish Govern-\nment Strategic Research Area in Materials Science on Func-\ntional Materials at Linköping University SFO-Mat-LiU No.\n2009 00971. Support from Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foun-\ndation Scholar Grants KAW2016.0358 and KAW2019.0290\nis also acknowledged by LH. DGS acknowledges financial\nsupport from the Swedish Research Council (VR) through\nGrant N ºVR-2021-04426 and the Competence Center Func-\ntional Nanoscale Materials (FunMat-II) (Vinnova Grant No.\n2022-03071). 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Materialia 12, 100810\n(2020).\n16SUPPLEMENTARY DATA\n•Supplementary figures Fig. S1, Fig. S2, and Fig. S3 complement the discussion of stability trends in Section 3.1 of the\nmain text.\n•Supplementary figures Fig. S4, Fig. S5, Fig. S6, Fig. S7, and Fig. S8 complement the discussion of mechanical properties\nin Section 3.3 of the main text.\ni●314−type MABs\nM3AB4 (o; Pmmm) 212−type MABs\nM2AB2 (o; Pmm2) \nα−M2AB2 (h; P−6m2) \nω−M2AB2 (o; Cmc2 1)\nω'−M2AB2 (o; Cmcm) \nγ−M2AB2 (m; C1m1) 222−type MABs\nMAB (o; Cmcm)Other−type MABs\nM3AB3 (m; P2 1/m)\nM2AB (h; P6 3/mmc) \nM3AB2 (h; P6 3/mmc) \n●●●\n●●a) M=Ti\n8101214161820Volume [A°3\n/at.]M from Group 4\n●●●\n●d) M=VM from Group 5\n●●●\n●●g) M=CrM from Group 6\n●●●\n●j) M=MnM from Group 7\n●●●b) M=Zr\n8101214161820Volume [A°3\n/at.]\n●●●e) M=Nb\n●●●h) M=Mo\n●k) M=Tc\n●●●c) M=Hf\n8101214161820Volume [A°3\n/at.]\nHigh E f (>Efmin+Efthr), and/or,\nmechanically unst. , and/or,\ndynamically unst.\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Ge●●f) M=Ta\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Ge●i) M=W\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Gel) M=Re\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=GeFigure S1. Trends in per-atom volume, Vper-at. , for MABs depicted in Fig. 1 in the main text. MABs lying above the Efthreshold\n(Ethr\nf=0.25 eV/at, described in the main text), and/or, mechanically, and/or dynamically unstable MABs are marked by grey colour. All\nMABs marked by colour are mechanically and dynamically stable. The symbol sizes scale with energetic stability quantified by the Ef\ndifference from the lowest- Efphase for a given (M, A) combination.\nii●314−type MABs\nM3AB4 (o; Pmmm) 212−type MABs\nM2AB2 (o; Pmm2) \nα−M2AB2 (h; P−6m2) \nω−M2AB2 (o; Cmc2 1)\nω'−M2AB2 (o; Cmcm) \nγ−M2AB2 (m; C1m1) 222−type MABs\nMAB (o; Cmcm)Other−type MABs\nM3AB3 (m; P2 1/m)\nM2AB (h; P6 3/mmc) \nM3AB2 (h; P6 3/mmc) \n●●\n●●●a) M=Ti\n0. [g/cm3]M from Group 4\n●●\n●●d) M=VM from Group 5\n●●\n●●\n●g) M=CrM from Group 6\n●●\n●●j) M=MnM from Group 7\n●●\n●b) M=Zr\n0. [g/cm3]\n●●\n●e) M=Nb\n●●●h) M=Mo\n●k) M=Tc\n●●\n●c) M=Hf\n0. [g/cm3]High E f (>Efmin+Efthr), and/or,\nmechanically unst. , and/or,\ndynamically unst.\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Ge●\n●f) M=Ta\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Ge●i) M=W\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Gel) M=Re\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=GeFigure S2. Trends in density, ρ, for MABs depicted in Fig. 1 in the main text. Denoting Vvolume, the density is calculated as ρ=m/V,\nwith m= (mMnM+mAnA+mBnB)/NA, where miandniare the mass and number of atoms of element type i(i={M, A, B}), respectively,\nandNAis the Avogadro number. MABs lying above the Efthreshold ( Ethr\nf=0.25 eV/at, described in the main text), and/or, mechanically,\nand/or dynamically unstable MABs are marked by grey colour. All MABs marked by colour are mechanically and dynamically stable. The\nsymbol sizes scale with energetic stability quantified by the Efdifference from the lowest- Efphase for a given (M, A) combination.\niii●314−type MABs\nM3AB4 (o; Pmmm) 212−type MABs\nM2AB2 (o; Pmm2) \nα−M2AB2 (h; P−6m2) \nω−M2AB2 (o; Cmc2 1)\nω'−M2AB2 (o; Cmcm) \nγ−M2AB2 (m; C1m1) 222−type MABs\nMAB (o; Cmcm)Other−type MABs\nM3AB3 (m; P2 1/m)\nM2AB (h; P6 3/mmc) \nM3AB2 (h; P6 3/mmc) \n●●\n●●\n●a) M=Ti\n0. At. diff. ratioM from Group 4\n●●\n●●\n●d) M=VM from Group 5\n●●●●\n●g) M=CrM from Group 6\n●●●\n●\n●j) M=MnM from Group 7\n●●\n●●\n●b) M=Zr\n0. At. diff. ratio●●\n●●\n●e) M=Nb\n●●\n●●\n●h) M=Mo\n●●\n●●\n●k) M=Tc\n●●\n●●\n●c) M=Hf\n0. At. diff. ratio\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Ge●●\n●●\n●f) M=Ta\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Ge●●\n●●\n●i) M=W\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Ge●●\n●●\n●l) M=Re\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=GeFigure S3. Trends in atomic difference ratio (alternatively called the “size factor”), ∆r, for MABs depicted in Fig. 1 in the main text.\nFollowing Zhang et al.80,∆ris calculated as ∆r=|rM−rA|\nrM, where rM(rA) represent atomic radius of the M (A) element in a MAB phase.\nFrom the definition, ∆r, is the same irrespective of the phase prototype, therefore, all points for a given (M, A) combination overlap.\niv●314−type MABs\nM3AB4 (o; Pmmm) 212−type MABs\nM2AB2 (o; Pmm2) \nα−M2AB2 (h; P−6m2) \nω−M2AB2 (o; Cmc2 1)\nω'−M2AB2 (o; Cmcm) \nγ−M2AB2 (m; C1m1) 222−type MABs\nMAB (o; Cmcm)Other−type MABs\nM3AB3 (m; P2 1/m)\nM2AB (h; P6 3/mmc) \nM3AB2 (h; P6 3/mmc) \n●●\n●●\n●a) M=Ti\n100150200250300B [GPa]M from Group 4\n●●\n●●d) M=VM from Group 5\n●●\n●●\n●g) M=CrM from Group 6\n●\n●\n●●j) M=MnM from Group 7\n●●\n●b) M=Zr\n100150200250300B [GPa]●●\n●e) M=Nb\n●●\n●h) M=Mo\n●k) M=Tc\n●●\n●c) M=Hf\n100150200250300B [GPa]\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Ge●\n●f) M=Ta\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Ge●i) M=W\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Gel) M=Re\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=GeFigure S4. Polycrystalline bulk modulus, B, calculated for all MABs fulfilling all stability criteria ( Ef“close” above that of the\nlowest-energy phase, mechanical and dynamical stability). The symbol sizes scale with energetic stability quantified by the Efdifference\nfrom the lowest- Efphase for a given (M, A) combination.\nv●314−type MABs\nM3AB4 (o; Pmmm) 212−type MABs\nM2AB2 (o; Pmm2) \nα−M2AB2 (h; P−6m2) \nω−M2AB2 (o; Cmc2 1)\nω'−M2AB2 (o; Cmcm) \nγ−M2AB2 (m; C1m1) 222−type MABs\nMAB (o; Cmcm)Other−type MABs\nM3AB3 (m; P2 1/m)\nM2AB (h; P6 3/mmc) \nM3AB2 (h; P6 3/mmc) \n●●\n●●\n●a) M=Ti\n50100150200G [GPa]M from Group 4\n●\n●\n●●d) M=VM from Group 5\n●\n●\n●●\n●g) M=CrM from Group 6\n●\n●\n●●j) M=MnM from Group 7\n●●\n●b) M=Zr\n50100150200G [GPa]●\n●●e) M=Nb\n●●●h) M=Mo\n●k) M=Tc\n●●\n●c) M=Hf\n50100150200G [GPa]\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Ge●\n●f) M=Ta\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Ge●i) M=W\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Gel) M=Re\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=GeFigure S5. Polycrystalline shear modulus, G, calculated for all MABs fulfilling our stability criteria ( Ef“close” above that of the\nlowest-energy phase, mechanical and dynamical stability). The symbol sizes scale with energetic stability quantified by the Efdifference\nfrom the lowest- Efphase for a given (M, A) combination.\nvi●314−type MABs\nM3AB4 (o; Pmmm) 212−type MABs\nM2AB2 (o; Pmm2) \nα−M2AB2 (h; P−6m2) \nω−M2AB2 (o; Cmc2 1)\nω'−M2AB2 (o; Cmcm) \nγ−M2AB2 (m; C1m1) 222−type MABs\nMAB (o; Cmcm)Other−type MABs\nM3AB3 (m; P2 1/m)\nM2AB (h; P6 3/mmc) \nM3AB2 (h; P6 3/mmc) \n●●\n●●\n●a) M=Ti\n50100150200250300350400450500E [GPa]M from Group 4\n●●\n●●d) M=VM from Group 5\n●\n●\n●●\n●g) M=CrM from Group 6\n●\n●\n●●j) M=MnM from Group 7\n●●\n●b) M=Zr\n50100150200250300350400450500E [GPa]●\n●●e) M=Nb\n●●●h) M=Mo\n●k) M=Tc\n●●\n●c) M=Hf\n50100150200250300350400450500E [GPa]\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Ge●\n●f) M=Ta\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Ge●i) M=W\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Gel) M=Re\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=GeFigure S6. Polycrystalline Young’s modulus, E, calculated for all MABs fulfilling our stability criteria ( Ef“close” above that of the\nlowest-energy phase, mechanical and dynamical stability). The symbol sizes scale with energetic stability quantified by the Efdifference\nfrom the lowest- Efphase for a given (M, A) combination.\nvii●314−type MABs\nM3AB4 (o; Pmmm) 212−type MABs\nM2AB2 (o; Pmm2) \nα−M2AB2 (h; P−6m2) \nω−M2AB2 (o; Cmc2 1)\nω'−M2AB2 (o; Cmcm) \nγ−M2AB2 (m; C1m1) 222−type MABs\nMAB (o; Cmcm)Other−type MABs\nM3AB3 (m; P2 1/m)\nM2AB (h; P6 3/mmc) \nM3AB2 (h; P6 3/mmc) \n●●●●●a) M=Ti\n0. νM from Group 4\n●●●●d) M=VM from Group 5\n●●●●●g) M=CrM from Group 6\n●●●\n●j) M=MnM from Group 7\n●●●b) M=Zr\n0. ν\n●●\n●e) M=Nb\n●\n●\n●h) M=Mo\n●k) M=Tc\n●●●c) M=Hf\n0. ν\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Ge●●f) M=Ta\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Ge●i) M=W\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Gel) M=Re\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=GeFigure S7. Polycrystalline Poisson’s ratio, ν, calculated for all MABs fulfilling our stability criteria ( Ef“close” above that of the\nlowest-energy phase, mechanical and dynamical stability). The symbol sizes scale with energetic stability quantified by the Efdifference\nfrom the lowest- Efphase for a given (M, A) combination.\nviii●314−type MABs\nM3AB4 (o; Pmmm) 212−type MABs\nM2AB2 (o; Pmm2) \nα−M2AB2 (h; P−6m2) \nω−M2AB2 (o; Cmc2 1)\nω'−M2AB2 (o; Cmcm) \nγ−M2AB2 (m; C1m1) 222−type MABs\nMAB (o; Cmcm)Other−type MABs\nM3AB3 (m; P2 1/m)\nM2AB (h; P6 3/mmc) \nM3AB2 (h; P6 3/mmc) \n●●●\n●●a) M=Ti\n0. from Group 4\n●●●\n●d) M=VM from Group 5\n●●●\n●●g) M=CrM from Group 6\n●●●\n●j) M=MnM from Group 7\n●●●\nb) M=Zr\n0.\n●●\n●e) M=Nb●\n●\n●h) M=Mo\n●k) M=Tc\n●●●\nc) M=Hf\n0.\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Ge●f) M=Ta\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Ge●i) M=W\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=Gel) M=Re\nA=Al\nA=GaA=In\nA=Si\nA=GeFigure S8. Universal anisotropy index, AUcalculated for all MABs fulfilling our stability criteria ( Ef“close” above that of the\nlowest-energy phase, mechanical and dynamical stability). The AUis calculated as AU=5GV\nGR−BV\nBR−6(Eq. 9 in Ref.70), where GandBare\nthe shear and bulk moduli and the upper indexes, VandR, denote the V oigt and Reuss estimates. The symbol sizes scale with energetic\nstability quantified by the Efdifference from the lowest- Efphase for a given (M, A) combination.\nix" }, { "title": "2402.04728v1.Detection_Schemes_with_Low_Resolution_ADCs_and_Spatial_Oversampling_for_Transmission_with_Higher_Order_Constellations_in_the_Terahertz_Band.pdf", "content": "1\nDetection Schemes with Low-Resolution ADCs and\nSpatial Oversampling for Transmission with\nHigher-Order Constellations in the Terahertz Band\nChristian Forsch, Graduate Student Member, IEEE, Peter Zillmann, Osama Alrabadi, Stefan Brueck,\nand Wolfgang Gerstacker, Senior Member, IEEE\nAbstract —In this work, we consider Terahertz (THz) commu-\nnications with low-resolution uniform quantization and spatial\noversampling at the receiver side. We compare different analog-\nto-digital converter (ADC) parametrizations in a fair manner by\nkeeping the ADC power consumption constant. Here, 1-, 2-, and\n3-bit quantization is investigated with different oversampling fac-\ntors. We analytically compute the statistics of the detection vari-\nable, and we propose the optimal as well as several suboptimal\ndetection schemes for arbitrary quantization resolutions. Then,\nwe evaluate the symbol error rate (SER) of the different detectors\nfor a 16- and a 64-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM)\nconstellation. The results indicate that there is a noticeable\nperformance degradation of the suboptimal detection schemes\ncompared to the optimal scheme when the constellation size is\nlarger than the number of quantization levels. Furthermore, at\nlow signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs), 1-bit quantization outperforms\n2- and 3-bit quantization, respectively, even when employing\nhigher-order constellations. We confirm our analytical results by\nMonte Carlo simulations. Both a pure line-of-sight (LoS) and a\nmore realistically modeled indoor THz channel are considered.\nThen, we optimize the input signal constellation with respect to\nSER for 1-bit quantization. The results show that the minimum\nSER can be lowered significantly for 16-QAM by increasing\nthe distance between the inner and outer points of the input\nconstellation. For larger constellations, however, the achievable\nreduction of the minimum SER is much smaller compared to\n16-QAM.\nIndex Terms —Low-resolution quantization, oversampling, Ter-\nahertz communications, maximum-likelihood detection, symbol\nerror rate, constellation optimization.\nI. I NTRODUCTION\nFUTURE wireless communication systems are expected to\nprovide ultra-high data rates with extremely low latency\nin order to enable a plethora of new applications [2]. The large\nbandwidths and high symbol rates which are required for such\napplications and which can be realized in the Terahertz (THz)\nband necessitate very high sampling frequencies of analog-to-\ndigital converters (ADCs), causing a high power consumption.\nThis problem can be tackled by decreasing the quantization\nThis article was presented in part at the 2022 IEEE Latin-American\nConference on Communications (LATINCOM) [1]. This work was supported\nby a gift from Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.\nChristian Forsch and Wolfgang Gerstacker are with the Institute for Digital\nCommunications, Friedrich-Alexander-Universit ¨at Erlangen-N ¨urnberg, Erlan-\ngen, Germany (e-mail: christian.forsch@fau.de; wolfgang.gerstacker@fau.de).\nPeter Zillmann, Osama Alrabadi, and Stefan Brueck are\nwith Qualcomm CDMA Technologies, N ¨urnberg, Germany (e-\nmail: pzillman@qti.qualcomm.com; osamaa@qti.qualcomm.com;\nsbrueck@qti.qualcomm.com).resolution of the ADC [3], arriving at low-resolution quan-\ntization such as 1-, 2-, or 3-bit quantization. However, such\nquantization with only few bit limits the spectral efficiency to\n1-3 bit per channel use (bpcu) per real dimension for Nyquist-\nrate sampling [4]. Oversampling provides a remedy to increase\nthe achievable rate by retrieving some of the information\nlost due to quantization [5]–[8]. This can be achieved in the\ntemporal domain by increasing the sampling frequency or in\nthe spatial domain by receiving the useful signal via multiple\nantennas/channels. Therefore, in this work, we consider the\ncase of low-resolution quantization with spatial oversampling\nat the receiver side. Furthermore, we focus on higher-order\nconstellations, implying that the number of quantization in-\ntervals of the ADC is typically smaller than the number of\npossible transmit symbols in our scenarios.\nCommunication systems with oversampled low-resolution\nquantization have been already previously studied in the\nliterature. In particular, the case of 1-bit quantization was\nconsidered frequently in previous works due to its relevance\nand simplicity. In [9], a spread spectrum system with 1-bit\nquantization was considered which has similarities to our\nsystem model. It was shown that binary phase-shift keying\n(PSK) is not optimal anymore with respect to the channel\ncapacity when observing the transmitted symbol multiple\ntimes, i.e., employing oversampling. In [10] and [11], it was\ndemonstrated that oversampling can increase the capacity\nof communication systems with 1-bit quantization to more\nthan 1 bpcu per real dimension. In [12], the results of [10]\nand [11] were extended to a more realistic system model\nwith intersymbol interference (ISI) which is even beneficial\nfor transmitting with higher-order constellations, especially\nat high signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). In [13], the achievable\nrate for different modulation schemes including higher-order\nmodulation was investigated and the benefit of oversampled\n1-bit quantization was confirmed. The authors of [14] showed\nthat higher-order constellations can be detected with 1-bit\nquantizers in a spatially oversampled system in case the\nnumber of receive antennas is sufficiently high and the SNR\nis appropriate. Thus, these previous works motivate the usage\nof higher-order constellations for 1-bit quantization.\nFurthermore, there are also results on multi-bit quantiza-\ntion. In [15], the achievable rate of massive multiple-input\nmultiple-output (MIMO) systems, which correspond to spatial\noversampling, with 1- and 2-bit quantization was analyzed.\nThe results show that the use of higher-order constellations isarXiv:2402.04728v1 [cs.IT] 7 Feb 20242\nfeasible. In [16], it was also demonstrated that the achievable\nrate can be increased for 2-bit quantization with higher-order\nconstellations such as 64-ary quadrature amplitude modulation\n(QAM), and it was shown that the performance in terms of\nachievable rate for 3-bit quantization is very close to the\nunquantized case.\nIn addition to the achievable rate analysis of low-resolution\nquantization with oversampling, which was mainly conducted\nin the above referenced works, the performance in terms of\nerror rate for higher-order constellations is of interest. In [17],\nthe symbol error rate (SER) for different symbol sources\nwas analyzed for 1-bit quantization with oversampling. The\nresults indicate that 4-ary amplitude-shift keying (ASK) with\nindependent and uniformly distributed symbols results in a\nhigh error floor for the utilized detector. In [18], it was shown\nvia numerical evaluation that the SER for quantization with 1-3\nbit for higher-order constellations can be reduced by inducing\nartificial noise in a maximum ratio combining receiver. The\nperformance for PSK-modulated symbols was investigated\nin [19] for a massive MIMO scenario with 1-bit quantization.\nAccording to the presented SER results, the spatial oversam-\npling enables a reliable detection even for higher-order PSK\nconstellations. There are various further works which deal with\nmassive MIMO systems with low-resolution quantization and\nhigher-order constellations, e.g., [20]–[24]. In these works,\ndifferent detection schemes are developed and their viability\nis shown via Monte Carlo simulations.\nThe above referenced works do not provide any exact\nanalytical results on the SER of higher-order QAM or ASK\nconstellations. Some corresponding results were presented\nin [25] and [26]. Here, the SER for 1-bit quantization with\ndifferent oversampling factors and a 4-ASK constellation was\nanalyzed, and the optimal maximum-likelihood (ML) detec-\ntor was developed. However, multi-bit quantization was not\nstudied in [25] and [26].\nMore recently, low-resolution quantization has been consid-\nered particularly for THz communications. In [27], a transmis-\nsion with zero crossing modulation (ZXM) signals specifically\ntailored to 1-bit quantization and temporal oversampling at the\nreceiver is studied in the sub-THz band. Finite-state machines\nare developed for an efficient demodulation of the ZXM\ntransmit signals. Similarly as in our work, a single-antenna\ntransmitter and a receiver with multiple antennas are assumed\nin a line-of-sight (LoS) scenario. Conventional linear modula-\ntion and higher-order constellations are not considered. In [28],\na deep learning-assisted THz receiver is designed for a single-\ninput single-output (SISO) transmission with 1-bit quantiza-\ntion, temporal oversampling, and THz device imperfections.\nAn optimum ML detector is derived for quadrature PSK, and\nthe device imperfections are combatted via a twin-phase train-\ning strategy and a neural network based demodulator. In [29],\na downlink multi-user indoor THz communication system with\ndistance-aware multi-carrier modulation, an array-of-subarrays\narchitecture with hybrid precoding, and low-resolution digital-\nto-analog converters (DACs) and ADCs is investigated. The\nachievable rate is analyzed, and it is shown via numerical\nresults that with moderate resolution DACs and ADCs with 3-\n5 bit almost the same performance as in the infinite resolutioncase can be obtained. No specific modulations are considered,\nand no error rate analysis is conducted.\nIn this work, based on [1], we extend the results in [25]\nand [26] by providing a more detailed analysis on the 1-bit\nquantization case and considering multi-bit quantization. The\ngeneralization to arbitrary quantization resolution is also an\nextension of our previous work [1]. We consider a simplified\nchannel model as well as a more realistic channel model than\nin our previous work and show that the developed optimal\nsymbol detector performs well also for realistically modeled\nTHz band indoor channels. We compare different quantization\nresolutions in a fair manner by constraining the total ADC\npower consumption to remain constant. Such approach was\nalso adopted in some existing works, e.g., [24] and [30],\nhowever, not for higher-order constellations. Moreover, we\nperform a constellation optimization which was also conducted\nin [4] and [11]. Here, our approach is different since we do\nnot focus on capacity-achieving constellations but construct\nconstellations which achieve a minimum SER for a given con-\nstellation size and SNR. Compared to our previous work [1],\nwe investigate not only 4-ASK but also larger constellations.\nOur contributions can be summarized as follows:\n•We derive the optimal ML detector for an arbitrary\nquantization resolution when performing the detection\nbased on an average of the oversampled observations in\na frequency-flat single-path LoS THz channel.\n•We compare the performance of the optimal ML detector\nto two suboptimal detection schemes. From the SER\nresults, it can be observed that there is a noticeable\nperformance degradation of the suboptimal detectors\nwhen the constellation size is larger than the number of\nquantization levels of the ADC.\n•Analytical SER results are presented which are favorable\nin terms of computation time compared to exhaustive\nMonte Carlo simulations. Hence, SER curves can be\nobtained for a fine SNR grid revealing some interesting\nproperties when employing low-resolution quantization\nin conjunction with higher-order constellations. It can be\nobserved that the SER curves are not smooth and exhibit\nmultiple local minima.\n•We compare the performance of quantization with 1-3\nbit in a fair manner by keeping the total ADC power\nconsumption constant. Thereby, we show that 1-bit quan-\ntization outperforms 2- and 3-bit quantization at low\nSNRs, even for higher-order constellations.\n•We show that our proposed optimal detector also per-\nforms well in a realistic indoor THz channel with multi-\npath propagation and ISI.\n•We optimize the transmit symbol constellation for 1-\nbit quantization with respect to the SER. Here, we gain\nsome interesting insights into optimizing higher-order\nconstellations. In particular, the minimum achievable SER\ncan be decreased by increasing the distance of the outer-\nmost symbols to the remaining inner symbols of a QAM\nconstellation. The optimization yields very high gains in\nterms of the minimum achievable SER.\nThis paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we3\nDetectionVGA\nVGA\nVGA\nFig. 1. SIMO LoS THz channel with analog phase shifters, variable gain\namplifiers, uniform quantizers, linear filter, and detector at the receiver side.\nintroduce and motivate the system model. In Section III, the\nADC power consumption model is presented, and we specify\nADC parametrizations for a prescribed power consumption. In\nSection IV, we compute the statistics of the considered detec-\ntion variable and present corresponding detectors, including\nthe optimal ML detector. In Section V, we present numerical\nresults for the SER of the presented detectors. In Section VI,\nwe optimize the transmit constellation with respect to the\nSER of 1-bit quantization. Some conclusions are drawn in\nSection VII.\nNotation: a,a, andArepresent a scalar, a column vector,\nand a matrix, respectively. aiis the ithelement of the vector a.\n(·)∗and(·)Tdenote the complex conjugate and the transposi-\ntion operation, respectively. diag{·}is a diagonal matrix with\nthe elements in brackets on the main diagonal. The Hadamard\nproduct is given by ⊙.|A|stands for the cardinality of the\nsetA.E{·}is the expectation operator and ⌊·⌋represents the\nfloor function. The set of natural numbers including zero and\nthe set of real numbers are denoted by N0andR, respectively.\n0N,1N, andINrepresent an all-zero column vector of length\nN, an all-ones column vector of length N, and an N×N\nidentity matrix, respectively. R{·} andI{·} return the real\nand imaginary part of the argument, respectively. N(µ,Σ)and\nCN(µ,Σ)denote a real and complex multivariate Gaussian\ndistribution with mean vector µand covariance matrix Σ,\nrespectively. Q(x) =1√\n2πR∞\nxe−t2\n2dtis the Q-function.\nII. S YSTEM MODEL\nWe consider a LoS THz channel with uniform quantiza-\ntion and oversampling at the receiver side. Oversampling is\napplied in the spatial domain, i.e., we consider a single-\ninput multiple-output (SIMO) system with multiple receive\nantennas. The corresponding system model is illustrated in\nFig. 1. Here, the input symbol xc∈ X is chosen from\na complex finite alphabet Xwith cardinality |X| =M\nand power σ2\nx=Exc\b\n|xc|2\t\n.1More specifically, an M-\nary square QAM constellation with equiprobable symbols is\nconsidered. For the following developments, we assume a\nfrequency-flat single-path LoS THz channel which is a valid\nassumption since non-line-of-sight (NLoS) paths are heavily\nattenuated due to the use of directional antennas and the\nadditional reflection and scattering loss in the THz band [31].\nFurthermore, we consider transmission windows which are\n1We use the superscript (·)cto denote complex-valued variables. When\ndealing with real-valued quadrature components later on, we omit this\nsuperscript for better readability.not heavily affected by molecular absorption which renders\nthem practically frequency flat. However, these assumptions\nare discarded in Subsection V-B where we study a realistic\nindoor THz channel, modeled based on ray tracing. The SIMO\nchannel with Nreceive antennas can be described as a vector\nhc= [hc\n1···hc\nN]Twith channel coefficients [32]\nhc\ni=c\n4πfdi·e−1\n2κ(f)di·e−j2πfdi\nc, (1)\nwhere cis the speed of light, fis the operating frequency, di\ndenotes the distance between transmitter and receive antenna\ni, and κ(f)stands for the frequency-dependent molecular\nabsorption coefficient. Thus, the first term in (1) accounts for\nthe spreading loss, the second term stands for the molecular\nabsorption loss, and the last term indicates the phase shift the\nwave experiences when traveling over a distance di. At the\nreceiver, the signal is corrupted by additive white Gaussian\nnoise (AWGN) which yields the receive vector\nyc=hcxc+nc, (2)\nwithnc∼ CN (0N, σ2\nnIN). We define the SNR as the\nratio of the average received symbol power and the noise\npower, SNR =||hc||2\n2σ2\nx\nNσ2n. Before quantization, the noisy receive\nsamples yc\niare fed into analog phase shifters and variable\ngain amplifiers (VGAs) which compensate for the channel’s\nphase shift and attenuation. For this, perfect knowledge of the\nchannel coefficients hc\niis assumed at the receiver. The analog\nsignal processing yields the vector\n˜ yc=˜hc∗⊙yc=xc1N+˜ nc, (3)\nwith ˜hc=h\nhc\n1\n|hc\n1|2···hc\nN\n|hc\nN|2iT\nand ˜ nc∼\nCN\u0010\n0N,diagn\nσ2\nn\n|hc\n1|2, . . . ,σ2\nn\n|hc\nN|2o\u0011\n. For co-located receive\nantennas, the different path gains are approximately the\nsame, i.e., |hc\n1|2≈ ··· ≈ | hc\nN|2=:|hc|2. Hence, the noise in\ndifferent branches is independent and identically distributed\n(i.i.d.), ˜ nc∼ CN\u0000\n0N,˜σ2\nnIN\u0001\nwith ˜σ2\nn=σ2\nn\n|hc|2. This yields N\nindependent AWGN channels with the same noise variance.\nThen, the vector ˜ ycis quantized element-wise by a b-bit\nquantizer with law Qc\nb{˜yc\ni}=Qb{R{˜yc\ni}}+ jQb{I{˜yc\ni}},\ni.e., real and imaginary part are quantized separately. The\nquantizer is chosen as a uniform midrise quantization law\nwith step size ∆,\nQb{˜yi}=\n\nsign(˜yi)·\u0010j\n|˜yi|\n∆k\n∆ +∆\n2\u0011\nfor|˜yi|<2b−1∆\nsign(˜yi)·(2b−1)∆\n2otherwise,\n(4)\nas illustrated in Fig. 2. The resulting vector zcis processed by\na linear filter fc∈RNwhich returns the detection variable\ndc=fcTzc=fcTQc\nb{˜ yc}=fcTQc\nb{xc1N+˜ nc}.(5)\nWe aim at analyzing the performance of the system for a\nspecific detection filter fc=1\nN1N, constituting a simple\naveraging filter. Finally, the detector returns the estimated input\nsymbol ˆxc.4\nFig. 2. Law Qb{·}ofb-bit uniform midrise quantizer with step size ∆.\nNote that the spatial-wideband effect [33] is not relevant\nin our scenario since the sampling time of each ADC can be\nadjusted according to the path delay of the respective antenna.\nEstimating these delays as well as the channel coefficients\nin (1) based on quantized observations is beyond the scope of\nthis paper. However, there exist already approaches for such\nestimation in millimeter-wave channels under low-resolution\nquantization, cf. e.g., [34]–[37], based on compressive sens-\ning techniques, the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm,\ndeep generative networks, and a combined ML and least-\nsquares approach, respectively. It is expected that correspond-\ning channel estimation approaches can be also designed for\nthe THz channels considered in this work.\nFurthermore, our system model is also applicable to hybrid\nreceivers which are often discussed in the literature. Here,\nthe signal after analog combining in a receiver subarray via\nphase shifters and an adder would be fed into the VGA before\nquantization. It should be noted that especially in the case of\nhigher-order modulation, the availability of a sufficient number\nof quantized observations is crucial, i.e., analog combining\nshould provide a sufficient number of output streams. Finally,\nwe note that VGAs are not necessary in the case of 1-bit\nquantization. However, the knowledge of the channel gains is\nstill important here for detection.\nIII. ADC P OWER CONSUMPTION\nIn this section, we introduce the adopted model for the\npower PADC consumed in the ADC based on the models\nin [38]–[41] which can be unified as\nPADC=γ·N·2ζq·fν\ns, (6)\nwhere γdenotes a constant which depends on the utilized\nADC technology. Here, one common choice for γis the\nWalden figure of merit [42]. Furthermore, Nstands for the\noversampling factor as introduced in the previous section, q\ndenotes either the total number of bits bused in quantization\nor the effective number of bits (ENOB) of a given ADC, the\nparameter ζ∈ {1,2}depends on the quantization resolution,fsis the sampling frequency, and the parameter ν∈ {1,2}is\nrelated to the sampling frequency. For lower-resolution ADCs,\nζ= 1 is usually chosen, whereas ζ= 2 is used for moderate-\nto-higher-resolution ADCs, and ν= 1 is utilized for small\nsampling frequencies while ν= 2 for larger sampling fre-\nquencies. According to [3] and [43], a doubling of the power\nconsumption when increasing the quantization resolution by\n1, i.e., ζ= 1, occurs for ADCs with a signal-to-noise-and-\ndistortion ratio (SNDR) of SNDR <50 dB which is equivalent\nto ENOB <8 bit. Larger sampling frequencies, i.e., ν= 2,\ncorrespond to the range fs>100 MHz [3], [43].\nIn this work, we analyze the performance of low-resolution\nADCs which are primarily of interest for very high sampling\nfrequencies. Hence, we consider the parametrization ζ= 1and\nν= 2. Furthermore, we use q=bwhich facilitates the power\nconsumption computation of the b-bit quantizer introduced in\nthe last section.2As a consequence of this parametrization,\nincreasing the quantization resolution by 1 bit has the same\neffect as doubling the oversampling factor N. Therefore, for\nexample, 1-bit quantization ( b= 1) with an oversampling\nfactor of N= 64 results in the same power consumption as\nusing a 2-bit ADC with N= 32 or a 3-bit ADC with N= 16 ,\nrespectively. These three cases will be analyzed in Section V\nin more detail. It should be noted that the linear scaling of the\npower consumption with respect to the oversampling factor\ndoes not contradict the quadratic increase with respect to the\nsampling frequency fsaccording to (6) with ν= 2. Here, the\nlinear scaling with respect to Ncan be motivated by time-\ninterleaved ADC architectures or by spatial oversampling.\nIV. O PTIMAL SYMBOL DETECTION\nThe optimal ML detector maximizes the probability mass\nfunction (PMF) of the detection variable dcgiven the input\nsymbol xc, i.e., pdc|xc(dc|xc). The resulting ML estimate of\nthe transmitted symbol is\nˆxc= arg max\nxc∈Xpdc|xc(dc|xc). (7)\nIn order to derive the likelihood function pdc|xc(dc|xc), the\nconditional probability distributions of the unquantized and\nquantized received signals have to be determined first. For\nthis, we make the assumption of co-located receive antennas\nwhich yields approximately i.i.d. noise samples. Furthermore,\nwe consider the real and the imaginary part separately which\nis justified since both components are independent and have\nthe same noise variance according to (3). In the following,\nwe express the fact that we consider only one quadrature\ncomponent by omitting the superscript (·)c, e.g., xandd\ndenote either the in-phase or the quadrature component of the\ninput symbol xcand the detection variable dc, respectively.\nThe ML estimate of the respective quadrature components is,\nhence, given by\nˆx= arg max\nx∈X′pd|x(d|x), (8)\n2ENOB depends on the actual hardware realization of the ADC. Since we\ndo not consider any specific ADC realization, we use q=b.5\nwith the M′-ary quadrature component constellation X′=\nR{X} =I{X} of the original M-ary square QAM constel-\nlationXwhere M′:=√\nM.\nA. Probability Distributions of Received Signals and Detec-\ntion Variable\nFor a fixed input symbol x, the unquantized vector ˜yfollows\nthe same probability distribution as the noise vector except\nfor a shift of the mean by x, i.e., ˜y∼ N (x1N,˜σ2\nn\n2IN)\nwhich implies that the unquantized samples are i.i.d. Gaussian\ndistributed with mean xand variance˜σ2\nn\n2. We denote the\nrandom variable corresponding to one received sample ˜ynas\n˜y. Due to the independent unquantized observations and the\nelement-wise quantization, the quantized vector zalso consists\nof independent entries if conditioned on x. Therefore, the\ncorresponding likelihood function can be written as\npz|x(z|x) =NY\nn=1pz|x(zn|x), (9)\nwhere pz|x(zn|x)is the PMF of the nthentry of zgiven\nx,n∈ {1, . . . , N }. Here, the quantized samples znare\nrealizations of the discrete random variable zwhich follows\na multinoulli distribution with K= 2bdifferent values\nz(k):=\u0000\nk−K+1\n2\u0001\n∆,k∈ {1, . . . , K }. Due to the normally\ndistributed elements in the unquantized vector, the conditional\nprobabilities of the possible values of the random variable z\ncan be computed as\nPk(x):=pz|x(z(k)|x) =py|x(y∈ Dy(z(k))|x)\n=Q\u0012τlow(z(k))−x\n˜σn/√\n2\u0013\n−Q\u0012τup(z(k))−x\n˜σn/√\n2\u0013\n,(10)\nwhere the quantizer decision region and corresponding thresh-\nolds are given by\nDy(z(k)) ={y∈R|τlow(z(k))≤y < τ up(z(k))},(11)\nτlow(z(k)) =(\nz(k)−∆\n2forz(k)>−(K−1)∆\n2\n−∞ otherwise, (12)\nand\nτup(z(k)) =(\nz(k) +∆\n2forz(k)<(K−1)∆\n2\n+∞ otherwise. (13)\nNow, the mean and the variance of zgiven xcan be calculated\nas\nµz(x) =Ez|x{z|x}\n= ∆· K−1X\nk=1Q\u0012τup(z(k))−x\n˜σn/√\n2\u0013\n−K−1\n2!\n,(14)\nσ2\nz(x) =Ez|x\b\n(z−µz(x))2|x\t\n= ∆2· K−1X\nk=1(2k−K)·Q\u0012τup(z(k))−x\n˜σn/√\n2\u0013\n+\u0012K−1\n2\u00132!\n−µ2\nz(x),(15)where we have used the fact that τlow(z(k+ 1)) = τup(z(k))\nfork∈ {1, . . . , K −1}.\nAs mentioned above, the random variable zfollows a\nmultinoulli distribution with Kpossible values and is observed\nNtimes. We denote the number of observations of the kth\nvalue z(k)asκk∈ {0, . . . , N }withPK\nk=1κk=N. Hence,\nthe collection of the numbers of observations is multinomially\ndistributed,\npκ|x(κ|x) =\u0012N\nκ1, . . . , κ K\u0013KY\nk=1Pκk\nk(x), (16)\nwith the vector of numbers of observations κ= [κ1···κK]\nand the multinomial coefficient\u0000N\nκ1,...,κ K\u0001\n=N!\nκ1!...κK!. Since\nthe detection variable dis the average of all Nobservations,\nit can be expressed in terms of the numbers of observations\nκk,\nd=d(κ) =1\nNKX\nk=1κkz(k) =1\nNKX\nk=1κk\u0012\nk−K+ 1\n2\u0013\n∆.\n(17)\nEquation (17) can be rearranged as\nKX\nk=1κkk=N\u0012d\n∆+K+ 1\n2\u0013\n. (18)\nTherefore, all vectors κwhich satisfy (18) for fixed dyield\nthe same value dof the detection variable. Hence, the PMF\nof the detection variable is given by a sum of multinomial\ndistributions,\npd|x(d=d(κ)|x) =X\nκ∈Kd\u0012N\nκ1, . . . , κ K\u0013KY\nk=1Pκk\nk(x),(19)\nwith the set of vectors of numbers of observations correspond-\ning to detection variable value d,\nKd=(\nκ∈NK\n0\f\f\f\f\fKX\nk=1κk=N∧KX\nk=1κkk=N\u0012d\n∆+K+ 1\n2\u0013)\n.\n(20)\nNote that the detection variable can only take on discrete\nvalues from z(k= 1) toz(k=K)with a spacing of\n∆\nN, resulting in N(K−1) + 1 possible different values.\nThe set of all possible vectors of numbers of observations\nK={κ∈NK\n0|PK\nk=1κk=N}consists of |K|=\u0000N+K−1\nK−1\u0001\ndifferent elements [44]. If b >1andN > 1, there are more\nelements in Kthan possible detection variable values. Hence,\nthere is no one-to-one mapping between κanddfor multi-\nbit quantization under oversampling which is exemplified in\nTable I for b= 2 andN= 2. This means that the receiver is\nnot able to unambiguously determine the vector of numbers\nof observations κwhen inspecting the detection variable d,\ncontrary to 1-bit quantization where always a one-to-one\nmapping between κanddexists. This has an influence on\nthe complexity and the performance of the ML detector based6\nTABLE I\nALL POSSIBLE VECTORS OF NUMBERS OF OBSERVATIONS AND\nCORRESPONDING DETECTION VARIABLE VALUES FOR b= 2 ANDN= 2.\nκ1κ2κ3κ4 d\n2 0 0 0−3/2 ∆\n1 1 0 0 −∆\n0 2 0 0−1/2 ∆\n1 0 1 0−1/2 ∆\n1 0 0 1 0\n0 1 1 0 0\n0 1 0 1 1/2 ∆\n0 0 2 0 1/2 ∆\n0 0 1 1 ∆\n0 0 0 2 3/2 ∆\n00.\n-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1\nFig. 3. PMF pd|x(d|x)(19) and (scaled) continuous approximation\nfd|x,CLT(d|x)(23) for b= 1 ,∆ = 2 ,N= 64 , andX′={±1,±3}\nat SNR =0 dB.\nondwhich will be discussed later on in more detail. The mean\nand the variance of dcan be computed using (14) and (15),\nµd(x) =Ed|x{d|x}=1\nNNX\nn=1µz(x) =µz(x), (21)\nσ2\nd(x) =Ed|x\b\n(d−µd(x))2|x\t\n=1\nN2NX\nn=1σ2\nz(x) =1\nNσ2\nz(x).\n(22)\nThus, a higher oversampling factor leads to a smaller variance\nof the detection variable. With the above calculated mean and\nvariance, via the central limit theorem (CLT), we can approx-\nimate the PMF of dfor large Nwith a continuous Gaussian\nprobability density function (PDF), d∼ N(µd(x), σ2\nd(x)),\nfd|x,CLT(d|x) =1√\n2πσd(x)e−(d−µd(x))2\n2σ2\nd(x). (23)\nIn Fig. 3, the PMF of das well as the continuous CLT\napproximation which is scaled with∆\nNare illustrated for b= 1,\n∆ = 2 ,N= 64 , and a 4-ASK constellation, corresponding\nto 16-QAM when considering both quadrature components. It\ncan be seen that the approximation and the true distribution\nmatch very well for the given oversampling factor, input\nconstellation, and SNR. However, there are some limitations\nto the continuous approximation of the discrete system which\nwill be pointed out later. Furthermore, the variance of dfor\ninput symbols with different magnitudes is not equal, resulting\nin consequences for the ML detector which will be discussed\nin the next subsection. In Fig. 4, the PMF of dis shown for\nb= 3,∆ = 1 ,N= 16 , and otherwise the same parameters\n00.\n-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4Fig. 4. PMF pd|x(d|x)(19) and (scaled) continuous approximation\nfd|x,CLT(d|x)(23) for b= 3 ,∆ = 1 ,N= 16 , andX′={±1,±3}\nat SNR =0 dB.\nas in Fig. 3. Here, the variance of dfor different input\nsymbols varies as well. However, the relative difference in the\nvariances is smaller than for 1-bit quantization which makes\n3-bit quantization with N= 16 closer to the unquantized case\nwhere the variances are equal for all input symbols.\nB. Symbol Detectors\nWe can use the PMF in (19) to specify the ML detector\naccording to (8),\nˆxML= arg max\nx∈X′X\nκ∈Kd\u0012N\nκ1, . . . , κ K\u0013KY\nk=1Pκk\nk(x). (24)\nThe complexity of the detector according to (24) is quite high\ndue to the summation of |Kd|terms, each comprising a multi-\nnomial coefficient and a product of Kpowers. However, for\n1-bit quantization, the detector simplifies significantly because\n|Kd|= 1∀ddue to the one-to-one mapping between κand\nd, and, therefore, the multinomial coefficient is irrelevant for\nthe maximization with respect to x. Hence, only the product\nofK= 2 powers needs to be computed which was already\nindicated in [1] and [26]. Moreover, we consider an alternative\ndetector based on the CLT approximation which is given by\nˆxCLT= arg max\nx∈X′1\nσd(x)e−(d−µd(x))2\n2σ2\nd(x). (25)\nIn our case, we cannot employ the classical ML approach for\nan unquantized channel and minimize the Euclidean distance\nbetween dandµd(x)in order to realize (25) because the\nvariance σ2\nd(x)depends on x. Therefore, in general, the\noptimal decision thresholds do not lie exactly in the middle\nbetween the mean values µd(x)of adjacent input symbols.\nNevertheless, we investigate the performance of such subop-\ntimal approach as well with decision rule\nˆxminDist = arg min\nx∈X′(d−µd(x))2. (26)\nThe three detectors according to (24), (25), and (26) result\nin three different sets of decision thresholds. In Fig. 5, the\nthresholds between decision regions for x= +1 andx= +3\nare depicted exemplarily for 1-bit quantization.7\n00.\n0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8\nFig. 5. Thresholds between the decision regions for x= +1 andx= +3\naccording to the detectors (24), (25), and (26) for b= 1,∆ = 2 ,N= 64 ,\nandX′={±1,±3}at SNR =0 dB. The colored discrete markers and\ncontinuous lines represent the PMF pd|x(d|x)(19) and (scaled) continuous\napproximation fd|x,CLT(d|x)(23), respectively.\nThe fully optimum ML detector is directly based on the\nquantized vector z, i.e., no filter fcis applied, and can be\nexpressed via the likelihood function in (9), resulting in\nˆxnoFilt= arg max\nx∈X′pz|x(z|x) = arg max\nx∈X′KY\nk=1Pκk\nk(x).(27)\nAccording to (27), the exact vector zis not relevant for\ndetection but the numbers of observations κk,k∈ {1, . . . , K },\nare a set of sufficient statistics which was also mentioned\nin [9] for 1-bit quantization. Due to the one-to-one mapping\nbetween dandκin case of 1-bit quantization, which makes\nthe averaging filtering an invertible operation, it can be easily\nshown via the data processing theorem [45] that the detector\nin (24) is equivalent to the fully optimum detector in (27).\nAs a consequence, the averaging filter fcis optimal for the\nconsidered system with b= 1 . For b > 1andN > 1,\nhowever, this is not the case anymore due to the many-\nto-one mapping between the numbers of observations and\nthe detection variable, exemplified in Table I. Therefore, for\nmulti-bit quantization with oversampling, the detector in (24)\nperforms worse than the optimal detector in (27). However,\nthe performance loss is negligible as will be observed later\nfrom the numerical results.\nC. Symbol Error Rate Computation\nIn order to compute the SER analytically for a given\ndetector, M′−1decision boundaries [b1b2···bM′−1]per\nquadrature component have to be determined first. Without\nloss of generality, an ordering of the constellation symbols\nxi∈ X′is assumed, i.e., x1< x2< . . . < x M′. For the ML\ndetector in (24) and the CLT-based detector in (25), the deci-\nsion threshold bican be found by comparing the PMF (19) and\nPDF (23), respectively, for the two adjacent input symbols xi\nandxi+1, and choosing the smallest argument value of dwhere\nthe function value corresponding to the greater symbol xi+1\nis higher than or equal to the function value corresponding to\nthe smaller symbol xi. For the suboptimal detector (26), the\nithdecision threshold is given by bi=µd(xi)+µd(xi+1)\n2with\nµd(x)from (21). In general, the decision boundaries dependon the noise variance and, therefore, have to be recalculated\nin case the SNR changes.\nFor computing the SER analytically via the detection vari-\nabled, we define for each possible quadrature input symbol xi\na decision region Difor the detection variable which depends\non the utilized detector. Given the transmitted symbol is x1,\na detection error occurs if the detection variable dis equal\nto or above the boundary b1. Thus, the decision region for\nx1isD1= [z(k= 1) , b1). For the last symbol xM′, a\nwrong symbol will be detected if dis smaller than bM′−1, thus\nDM′= [bM′−1, z(k=K)]. The decision region for any inner\nsymbol xi,i∈ {2, . . . , M′−1}, is given by Di= [bi−1, bi).\nCorrespondingly, the SER of one quadrature component for\nall detectors based on dcan be expressed as\nSER ASK=1\nM′X\nxi∈X′X\nd/∈Dipd|x(d|xi), (28)\nusing the likelihood function pd|x(d|x)in (19).\nIn order to compute the SER analytically for the detector\nutilizing z, we can evaluate the likelihood function in (9) for\nall possible quantized vectors zand all possible input symbols\nxand then find suitable decision sets for all x. However, there\nareKNpossible quantized vectors which might be too many\nfor an efficient SER computation. Instead, we can compute\nthe conditional probabilities of all possible vectors of numbers\nof observations κ∈ K for each input symbol x,pκ|x(κ|x),\naccording to (16). Then, we find the most probable symbol\nxifor each vector κbased on the computed probabilities\nand include the considered vector κin the decision set of\nthe corresponding symbol xi,Ki={κ∈ K | pκ|x(κ|xi)≥\npκ|x(κ|xj)∀j̸=i}, where we do not allow a vector κto\nbelong to multiple decision sets. The resulting SER of one\nquadrature component is given by\nSER ASK,noFilt =1\nM′X\nxi∈X′X\nκ/∈Kipκ|x(κ|xi). (29)\nDue to the orthogonality of in-phase and quadrature com-\nponents, the SER of the complex-valued input symbols x∈ X\nis given by\nSER= 1−(1−SER′)2= 2·SER′−SER′2, (30)\nwhere SER′is the SER of one quadrature component, obtained\nfrom (28) or (29).\nV. N UMERICAL RESULTS\nA. Frequency-Flat Single-Path LoS THz Channel\nIn the following, SER results for the frequency-flat single-\npath LoS THz channel with co-located receive antennas, as\nintroduced in Section II, are presented for the derived detectors\nand the three ADC parametrizations mentioned in Section III.\nHere, the exact choice of the transmit power, the carrier\nfrequency, the distance between transmitter and receiver, or\nthe noise variance is not important since the performance\nfinally depends on the SNR. Therefore, we do not specify these\nindividual parameters here. The following results are valid\nfor any combination of the aforementioned parameters which\nyield a given SNR value. A realistic choice of parameters8\nfor THz communications is made in the next subsection.\nMoreover, we have computed the SER of an unquantized\nsystem with the same oversampling factor as ultimate bench-\nmark which is equivalent to a single-antenna receiver with\nnoise variance˜σ2\nn\nN. In this case, the presented suboptimal\ndecision boundaries become optimal since the variance of the\ndetection variable for different input symbols become equal\nand minimizing the Euclidean distance is optimal. Besides,\nwe have conducted Monte Carlo simulations with 108random\nsymbol transmissions in each case in order to verify the\nanalytical results. Furthermore, for 2- and 3-bit quantization,\nthe choice of the step size ∆is important. We will not optimize\nthe step size analytically. However, we heuristically choose\ndifferent step sizes for b= 2 andb= 3 , depending on\nthe transmit symbol constellation. For 16-QAM transmissions\nwithX′={±1,±3}, we choose the step size to be ∆ = 2 for\nb= 2and∆ = 1 forb= 3such that the constellation symbols\nare evenly spread over the quantization region. For 64-QAM\ntransmissions with X′={±1,±3,±5,±7}, we choose ∆ = 4\nforb= 2 and∆ = 2 forb= 3 for the same reason.\nAt first, we consider a 16-QAM constellation with X′=\n{±1,±3}. The corresponding SER curves are illustrated in\nFig. 6. For 1-bit quantization (Fig. 6a), we observe that the\nSER curves are not smooth. This behavior stems from the\nstrong nonlinearity in the system and the discrete nature of\nthe detection variable and can be only observed when the\nresolution with respect to the SNR-axis, based on which the\ncurves are drawn, is sufficiently high. Using our analysis,\nthe SER results can be computed very fast for arbitrary\nSNR values which is not feasible for exhaustive Monte Carlo\nsimulations. Furthermore, it can be observed that the SER\ndegrades for high SNR and converges to 0.75 as expected\ndue to the fact that at high SNR the four symbols in each\nquadrant, e.g., 1+j,1+3j ,3+j and3+3j in the first quadrant,\ncannot be distinguished anymore since they are all mapped to\nthe same quantization level due to the negligible influence\nof noise. Furthermore, one can observe from Fig. 6a that\nthe decision rule based on the continuous CLT approximation\nleads to a significant performance degradation compared to the\noptimal ML detector. Besides, the other suboptimal approach\nbased on minimizing the Euclidean distance also leads to\na significant performance degradation compared to the ML\ndetector. Furthermore, it can be observed that the ML detector\nbased on the detection variable din (24) shows exactly the\nsame performance as the fully optimum ML detector based on\nthe quantized vector zin (27) which was already mentioned\nin Subsection IV-B. Finally, the performance gap between 1-\nbit quantization and the unquantized case seems acceptable\nwhen considering the benefit of possible power savings in a\nreal system. Here, the loss in SNR equals 2.3 dB, 3.2 dB, and\n6.0 dB at an error rate of SER = 10−1, SER = 10−2, and\nSER= 10−3, respectively.\nFor 2-bit quantization (Fig. 6b), a performance deviation\nbetween the optimal ML detector based on dand both subop-\ntimal detectors can be still observed even though the number\nof quantization levels is equal to the number of possible input\nsymbols. Only for 3-bit quantization (Fig. 6c), there is almost\n-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 2010-610-410-2100(a)b= 1,N= 64 .\n-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 2010-610-410-2100\n(b)b= 2,N= 32 ,∆ = 2 .\n-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 2010-610-410-2100\n(c)b= 3,N= 16 ,∆ = 1 .\nFig. 6. Analytical SER (solid lines) and simulated SER (markers) for the\nML detector (24), CLT-based detector (25), minimum distance detector (26),\nand fully optimum detector without filtering (27) under 16-QAM transmission\nwithX′={±1,±3}. Furthermore, the ML detection performance for the\nunquantized case with the same oversampling factor is shown.\nno noticeable difference between the three detectors. Zooming\nin the curves for 2- and 3-bit quantization (not shown here),\none observes a small performance loss of the ML detector\nin (24) compared to the fully optimum detector in (27). This\nloss is related to the nonexistent one-to-one mapping between\nthe vectors of numbers of observations κand the detection\nvariable values dwhich was discussed in Subsection IV-A.\nHowever, the loss is negligibly small, thus, the combination\nof the quantized observations via an averaging filter does\npractically not degrade the system performance and yields\nnear-optimum results. Besides, it can be noticed for 2- and 3-\nbit quantization that the SER goes to zero for increasing SNR\nbecause the number of quantization levels is larger or equal\nto the number of possible input symbols. Nevertheless, there\nis still a performance loss compared to the unquantized case,9\n-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 2010-610-410-2100\nFig. 7. Analytical SER for the ML detector (24) and different ADC\nparametrizations under 16-QAM transmission with X′={±1,±3}.\neven for 3-bit quantization. Finally, it can be observed that the\nanalytically obtained SER results match exactly with the SER\nresults obtained by Monte Carlo simulations. This confirms\nthat our analysis is accurate. In Fig. 7, the performance of\nthe different ADC parametrizations is compared for the ML\ndetector (24). Here, 1-bit quantization is superior to multi-\nbit quantization over a relatively large SNR region up to\n2.9 dB. For higher SNR, 2-bit quantization always yields the\nsmallest SER. Hence, it seems to be not useful to increase the\nquantization resolution beyond log2(M′)bit.\nNext, we analyze the SER performance for a 64-QAM\nconstellation with X′={±1,±3,±5,±7}in Fig. 8. The min-\nimum SER for 1-bit quantization is quite high at approximately\n0.24 due to the large constellation and low resolution. Here,\nthe performance could be enhanced by increasing the number\nof receive antennas N. The receiver with 2-bit quantization\nyields a minimum SER of SER = 10−2. Besides, the SER\nincreases for b= 1 andb= 2 at high SNR because there\nare more constellation symbols than quantization levels. For\n3-bit quantization, the SER decays to zero for high SNR as\nexpected. Furthermore, we observe a performance gap be-\ntween the optimal detector based on dand the two suboptimal\ndetectors as in the 16-QAM transmission case. Moreover, it\ncan be observed again that the analytically obtained SER\nresults match exactly with the SER results obtained by Monte\nCarlo simulations. Finally, when comparing the results for the\ndifferent ADC parametrizations in Fig. 9, we deduce that 1-\nbit quantization performs best up to an SNR of approximately\n2.2 dB. Then, there is an SNR window up to approximately\n10.8 dB for which 2-bit quantization yields the minimum SER.\nHowever, for SNR >10.8 dB, 3-bit quantization performs\nbest. For both 16-QAM and 64-QAM transmission, at low\nSNRs below a certain threshold, 1-bit quantization yields the\nsmallest SER when constraining the ADC power consumption\nto be constant.\nB. Realistic Indoor THz Channel\nIn this subsection, we consider a realistic frequency-\nselective indoor THz channel with multipath propagation in-\ncluding reflected and scattered rays and adopt a corresponding\nray tracing based channel model [46]. We show that our\nproposed ML detector (24) performs similarly well for this\n-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 2010-310-210-1100(a)b= 1 andN= 64 .\n-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 2010-310-210-1100\n(b)b= 2,N= 32 ,∆ = 4 .\n-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 2010-310-210-1100\n(c)b= 3,N= 16 ,∆ = 2 .\nFig. 8. Analytical SER (solid lines) and simulated SER (markers) for the\nML detector (24), CLT-based detector (25), minimum distance detector (26),\nand fully optimum detector without filtering (27) under 64-QAM transmission\nwithX′={±1,±3,±5,±7}. Furthermore, the ML detection performance\nfor the unquantized case with the same oversampling factor is shown.\nrealistic scenario as for the simplified scenario of a frequency-\nflat single-path LoS channel, analyzed in Subsection V-A. We\nconsider data transmission at a carrier frequency of 300 GHz\nwith a bandwidth of 20 GHz in a large rectangular room\nwith a length, width, and height of 10 m, 20 m, and 2.5 m,\nrespectively. The walls of the room are made of plaster\n”sample s2” from [47] which has a high roughness. We\nassume a transmit power of 13 dBm [48] and employ a root-\nraised-cosine (RRC) filter with a roll-off factor of 0.25 at\nboth transmitter and receiver side. This results in a data rate\nof 64 Gbps and 96 Gbps for 16- and 64-QAM transmission,\nrespectively. Furthermore, we consider perfectly aligned horn\nantennas at both the transmitter and the receiver. Here, we\nuse the Gaussian beam model for the radiation pattern of the\nhorn antenna with a gain of 18.9 dBi [49]. Besides, we utilize10\n-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 2010-310-210-1100\nFig. 9. Analytical SER for the ML detector (24) and different ADC\nparametrizations under 64-QAM transmission with X′={±1,±3,±5,±7}.\nTABLE II\nTHZ SIMULATION PARAMETERS .\nParameter Value\nCarrier frequency 300 GHz\nBandwidth 20 GHz\nDistance 1-17 m\nWall material Plaster\nTransmit power 13 dBm\nTransmit pulse and receive filter RRC filter with roll-off factor 0.25\nTransmit and receive antennas Horn antenna with 18.9 dBi gain\nNoise power density −174 dBm/Hz\nNoise figure 15 dB\na uniform planar array (UPA) with λ/2antenna spacing at\nthe receiver with 8×8,8×4, and 4×4antennas in the\nhorizontal and vertical direction for N= 64 ,N= 32 , and\nN= 16 , respectively. Finally, the noise power density is set\nto −174 dBm/Hz, and a noise figure of 15 dB is selected. The\nsimulation parameters are summarized in Table II.\nThe transmitter is placed at one side of the room at the\ncoordinates 5 m, 1.5 m, 2.4 m as illustrated in Fig. 10. The\nreceiver is located at a height of 1.5 m at nine different\ndistances from the transmitter, ranging from 1 m to 17 m.\nFor each distance, we consider three different positions of\nthe receiver: one in the middle of the room, one close to\nthe wall, and one in between as can be also observed from\nFig. 10. For each receiver position, we transmit 100 inde-\npendent blocks, each consisting of 104consecutive symbols.\nISI occurs only between the symbols within one block due\nto protection intervals between the blocks. Then, the SER\nresults corresponding to the three different positions with\na given distance are averaged. Hence, we consider in total\n3·106symbol tranmissions for each distance. Finally, in order\nto guarantee a good detection performance even for small\ndistances, i.e., for high SNR, we add artificial noise in front of\nthe ADCs for 16-QAM and 64-QAM transmission in case of 1-\nbit quantization and for 64-QAM transmission in case of 2-bit\nquantization, respectively. The optimum power of the artificial\nnoise is determined by inspecting the analytical results from\nSubsection V-A and identifying the SNR value which yields\nthe smallest SER. According to Figs. 6a and 8a, this optimum\nSNR value is given by approximately 5.6 dB and 3.8 dB for\n16-QAM and 64-QAM transmission, respectively, in case of\n1-bit quantization. For 2-bit quantization and 64-QAM, the\n20\n15 012z\n0\ny10\nx55\n10 01mTx3m5m7m9m11m13m15m17mFig. 10. Indoor environment with transmitter and receiver positions.\n0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1810-410-310-210-1100\nFig. 11. Simulated SER versus distance in a realistic indoor THz channel\nfor the ML detector (24) and different ADC parametrizations under 16-QAM\ntransmission with X′={±1,±3}.\noptimum SNR value is 12.2 dB according to Fig. 8b. Note\nthat these optimum SNR values can be only reached when the\nactual SNR is larger than the optimum value which is the case\nfor relatively small distances. When the actual SNR is lower\nthan the optimum value, i.e., for large distances, we cannot\nenhance the performance by adding artificial noise.\nIn Fig. 11, SER versus the communication distance is shown\nfor 16-QAM. Here, we can observe that 2-bit quantization\nperforms best at small distances. This is in agreement with the\nresults in Fig. 7 for high SNR. For distances larger than 13 m,\n1-bit quantization performs best. Furthermore, we observe\nthat adding artificial noise before 1-bit quantization enhances\nthe performance for small distances and keeps the error rate\nconstant up to a distance of approximately 9 m. In this case,\nthe SER is as small for sufficiently small distances as for the\nsimplified frequency-flat single-path LoS channel in Fig. 6a.\nHence, we conclude that the simplifying assumptions are\njustified for the considered indoor THz channel, i.e., ISI can\nbe neglected, and all channel gains are approximately equal.\nHence, our proposed detector is still (close-to-)optimal in this\ncase. SER versus distance for 64-QAM transmission is shown\nin Fig. 12. Here, similar observations can be made as in case of\n16QAM before. 1- and 2-bit quantization benefit from adding\nartificial noise, whereas 3-bit quantization only performs best\nat small distances. A comparison with the results of Fig. 8\nagain confirms the validity of the simplifying assumptions\nadopted for detector design.\nIt should be noted that a similar performance can be also\nattained for larger distances by increasing the SNR via, e.g.,\nincreasing the transmit power, using more directional antennas,\nor decreasing the noise level at the receiver.11\n0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1810-410-310-210-1100\nFig. 12. Simulated SER versus distance in a realistic indoor THz channel\nfor the ML detector (24) and different ADC parametrizations under 64-QAM\ntransmission with X′={±1,±3,±5,±7}.\nVI. C ONSTELLATION OPTIMIZATION FOR 1-BIT\nQUANTIZATION\nOne main difference of the statistics of the detection variable\ndcompared to those of the detection variable y=x+nof\nan unquantized Nyquist-rate sampling transmission is that the\nvariance of ddepends on the transmitted symbol, whereas\nthe variance of yis identical for all input symbols. Due\nto the equal variance in the unquantized case, it is optimal\nto place the input symbols equidistantly, i.e., |x1−x2|=\n|x2−x3|=. . .=|xM′−1−xM′|. However, for the\nquantized system, this is not valid anymore. Especially for\n1-bit quantization, the variance can vary significantly for\ndifferent input symbols as can be seen in Fig. 3. Therefore,\nit is not obvious what is the optimum constellation which\nyields a minimum SER. In the following, we aim at de-\ntermining the optimum constellation for 1-bit quantization.\nWe focus on square 16-, 36-, and 64-QAM constellations\nwith one, two, and three degrees of freedom, respectively,\nfor constellation optimization. Here, the inner four symbols\nare fixed to ±1±j, whereas the outer symbols are variable.\nTherefore, the quadrature component constellations are given\nbyX′={±1,±a1}for 16-QAM, X′={±1,±a1,±a2}\nfor 36-QAM, and X′={±1,±a1,±a2,±a3}for 64-QAM.\nWe find the optimal constellations empirically in each case\nby comparing SER for different choices of the available free\nparameters. Similar analyses can be done for 2- and 3-bit\nquantization. However, here, the choice of the quantizer step\nsize∆has to be considered as well.\nIn Fig. 13, analytically obtained SER curves are shown for\nthe ML detector (24) and various 16-QAM constellations with\ndifferent values of a1. It can be observed that the minimum\nSER can be decreased significantly by increasing a1. For\nexample, the minimum SER for a1= 3is9.8·10−4, while the\nconstellation with a1= 8yields a minimum SER of 4.5·10−7.\nThis emphasizes the importance of choosing an optimized con-\nstellation. However, the minimum SER for a1= 8is achieved\nat a higher SNR than that for a1= 3. Another interesting\nobservation can be made for a1>8. Here, the location of the\nminimum SER moves to higher SNR for increasing a1while\nthe minimum SER value itself does not decrease anymore.\nThis suggests that the minimum SER, illustrated in Fig. 14,\nconverges to a fixed value for increasing a1, and a1≈8is\n-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 2010-610-410-2100Fig. 13. Analytical SER for the ML detector (24) and different 16-QAM\nconstellations with X′={±1,±a1},b= 1, and N= 64 .\n2 4 6 8 10 12 14 1610-610-410-2\nFig. 14. Minimum SER for the ML detector (24) and different 16-QAM\nconstellations with X′={±1,±a1},b= 1, and N= 64 .\nthe smallest outer quadrature component constellation point\nfor which this value can be reached closely. However, the\nouter constellation point with this property depends on the\noversampling factor. Hence, the constellation optimization has\nto be carried out individually for each oversampling factor of\ninterest. Furthermore, we note that the results indicate that for\nincreasing SNR the optimal outer points will become larger or\nequivalently the inner points shrink when including a power\nnormalization into the constellation. For SNR → ∞ , this will\nresult in a 9-QAM constellation which was also proven to be\noptimal in [11]. Some further results on optimized 16-QAM\nconstellations can be found in [1].\nNext, we investigate the SER performance for different\n36-QAM constellations, illustrated in Fig. 15. Here, a large\nnumber of constellations is considered with integer values for\na1anda2, and 2≤a1< a 2≤17. As for the 16-QAM\nconstellations, we observe different minimum SER values for\ndifferent constellations, while multiple constellations yield the\nsame minimum SER at different SNR. The minimum SER\nversus the constellation parameters a1anda2is shown in\nFig. 16. Here, also non-integer values of a1anda2have\nbeen included. From the analytically obtained SER values,\nit can be observed that, similarly to the 16-QAM case, the\nminimum SER converges for a1= 3.3anda2>11. Hence,\nwe can conclude that the position of the optimum middle\nquadrature component constellation point is almost identical\nto the classical case with a1= 3, but the position of the outer\nconstellation point is moved to much higher values compared\nto the standard constellation. Also, we can observe from12\n-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 2010-210-1100\nFig. 15. Analytical SER for the ML detector (24) and different 36-QAM\nconstellations with X′={±1,±a1,±a2},b= 1, and N= 64 .\n2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16246810121416\n10-210-1\nFig. 16. Minimum SER for the ML detector (24) and different 36-QAM\nconstellations with X′={±1,±a1,±a2},b= 1, and N= 64 .\nFig. 16 that selecting a large value for a1or choosing a2close\ntoa1always results in a poor performance. For the classical\nconstellation with a1= 3 anda2= 5, a minimum SER of\n8.4·10−2is achieved, while for the optimized constellation\nwitha1= 3.3anda2>11a SER of approximately 1.0·10−2\ncannot be undercut.\nNow, we study 64-QAM constellations with three degrees\nof freedom, a1,a2, and a3. The corresponding SER versus\nSNR is depicted in Fig. 17 for different constellations with\ninteger constellation points with 2≤a1< a 2< a 3≤17.\nA similar behavior as for 16- and 36-QAM constellations can\nbe recognized. The same holds for the minimum SER which\nis illustrated in Fig. 18 for integer values of a1,a2, and a3\nfor simplicity. However, we also conducted a full search over\na finer grid, showing that a minimum SER of approximately\n1.0·10−1is achieved for a1= 3.1,a2= 5.7, and a3>14,\nwhereas the classical constellation yields a minimum SER of\n2.4·10−1.\nFinally, we motivate the reduction of SER for the optimized\nconstellations. For 16-, 36-, and 64-QAM transmission, we\nobserved that the minimum SER can be decreased by in-\ncreasing the distance of the outermost constellation points to\nthe remaining inner constellation points and simultaneously\nkeeping the inner points almost equidistantly. This behavior\ncan be explained by comparing the PMFs pd|x(d|x)(19)\nconditioned on the symbols of the classical constellation\nand the optimized constellation at the SNR which yields\nthe minimum SER, respectively, shown in Fig. 19. For 16-\nQAM, the main difference between the two PMFs is that for\nFig. 17. Analytical SER for the ML detector (24) and different 64-QAM\nconstellations with X′={±1,±a1,±a2,±a3},b= 1, and N= 64 .\n155\n1010\n515\n14 12 10 8 6 4 2\n10-1\nFig. 18. Minimum SER for the ML detector (24) and different 64-QAM\nconstellations with X′={±1,±a1,±a2,±a3},b= 1, and N= 64 .\nthe optimized constellation (Fig. 19b) the probability mass\nfor the outer symbols is concentrated in a single detection\nvariable value d=±1, whereas for the classical constellation\n(Fig. 19a) the probability mass for the outer symbols is spread\nover essentially three detection variable values. Therefore, the\noverlap between the probability mass for the outer constella-\ntion point and the probability mass for the inner constellation\npoint is smaller for the optimized constellation, and, hence, the\nSER is reduced. The same holds for 64-QAM transmission,\ncf. Figs. 19c and 19d. In Table III, the SERs of single\nquadrature component constellation symbols are collected. It\ncan be observed that for a given classical constellation the error\nrates of all symbols are of same order of magnitude. However,\nthis is not true anymore for the optimized constellations. Here,\nthe error rate of the outer constellation points is negligible\nwhich is in accordance with the previously presented PMFs.\nHence, SER is determined by the remaining inner symbols.\nAlso, the reduction in error rate compared to the classical\nconstellation is smaller for the inner symbols than for the outer\nsymbols. This explains why optimizing the constellation yields\na higher gain for 16-QAM than for 64-QAM.\nVII. C ONCLUSION\nIn this work, we have investigated the SER performance of\na THz band transmission with uniform multi-bit quantization\nand spatial oversampling at the receiver. At first, we consid-\nered the ADC power consumption in general and determined\ndifferent low-resolution reception schemes with equal ADC13\nTABLE III\nERROR RATES OF SINGLE QUADRATURE COMPONENT CONSTELLATION SYMBOLS x∈ X′AT OPTIMUM SNR FOR THE ML DETECTOR (24) WITH b= 1\nANDN= 64 .\nClassical constellation\nx∈ X′−7 −5 −3 −1 +1 +3 +5 +7\n16-QAM / / 3.9·10−46.0·10−46.0·10−43.9·10−4/ /\n36-QAM / 4.6·10−27.1·10−21.3·10−21.1·10−27.1·10−24.6·10−2/\n64-QAM 1.0·10−12.9·10−19.0·10−23.7·10−22.8·10−29.0·10−22.9·10−11.0·10−1\nOptimized constellation\nx∈ X′−a3 −a2 −a1 −1 +1 +a1 +a2 +a3\n16-QAM / / 7.6·10−415.6·10−73.3·10−77.6·10−41/ /\n36-QAM / 7.6·10−129.2·10−37.4·10−35.1·10−39.2·10−37.6·10−12/\n64-QAM 2.2·10−57.6·10−27.4·10−27.1·10−25.4·10−27.4·10−27.6·10−22.2·10−5\n00.\n-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1\n(a) Classical 16-QAM.\n00.\n-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 (b) Optimized 16-QAM.\n00.\n-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1\n(c) Classical 64-QAM.\n00.\n-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 (d) Optimized 64-QAM.\nFig. 19. PMF pd|x(d|x)(19) for b= 1,∆ = 2 ,N= 64 , and different\nconstellations at optimum SNR, respectively.\npower consumption for a fair comparison. Then, the statistics\nof the detection variable which is generated by combining the\nquantized observations have been analyzed. We have formu-\nlated the ML detector as well as several suboptimal detection\nschemes. It has been shown that the ML detector for 1-bit\nquantization has a significantly reduced complexity compared\nto multi-bit quantization. Furthermore, our results indicate that\nthe suboptimal detection schemes perform noticeably worse\nthan the optimal ML detector when the constellation size is\nlarger than the number of quantization levels of the ADC. We\nhave also shown that 1-bit quantization outperforms 2- and\n3-bit quantization at low SNRs even in case of a transmission\nwith more than 1 bpcu per real dimension. Then, we have\ndetermined SER-optimized 16-, 36-, and 64-QAM symbol\nconstellations for 1-bit quantization. Here, the minimum SER\ncan be decreased significantly by increasing the distance ofthe outermost symbols to the remaining inner symbols. The\neffect of this outer point movement is especially strong for\nsmall constellations, resulting in a SER reduction by several\norders of magnitude.\nIn future work, we want to generalize our findings on\noptimum constellations to multi-bit quantization and arbitrary\noversampling factors and constellation sizes. Furthermore,\nchannel estimation with low-resolution ADCs and the con-\nsequences of imperfect channel state information on the de-\ntection performance of our proposed detectors are of interest.\nAnother future topic of interest is channel coding for quantized\nreception and the exploitation of soft information available due\nto oversampling in the decoding process.\nREFERENCES\n[1] C. Forsch, P. Zillmann, O. Alrabadi, S. Brueck, and W. 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While extensive literature\nhas been dedicated to the non-parametric estimation of both the linear and non-\nlinear Hawkes process, there remains a significant gap in the literature regarding\nthe marked Hawkes process. In response to this, we propose a methodology for\nestimating the conditional intensity of the marked Hawkes process. We introduce\ntwo distinct models: Shallow Neural Hawkes with marks - for Hawkes processes\nwith excitatory kernels and Neural Network for Non-Linear Hawkes with Marks -\nfor non-linear Hawkes processes. Both these approaches take the past arrival times\nand their corresponding marks as the input to obtain the arrival intensity. This\napproach is entirely non-parametric, preserving the interpretability associated with\nthe marked Hawkes process. To validate the efficacy of our method, we subject the\nmethod to synthetic datasets with known ground truth. Additionally, we apply our\nmethod to model cryptocurrency order book data, demonstrating its applicability\nto real-world scenarios.\nKEYWORDS: Marked Hawkes processes, non-parametric estimation, online learning, cryptocurrency\norder book\n1 Introduction\nHawkes process proposed by A.G. Hawkes is a self or mutually exciting multivariate point process\nwith the intensity function dependent on time steps of past events Hawkes [1971]. Marked Hawkes\nprocess is an extended version of the Hawkes process, where the conditional intensity function\nconsiders the past timestamps of events and the associated mark with each timestamp. These marks\ncan represent various factors, aside from event time, that directly affect the intensity of the events.\nConsider the scenario of market order arrivals in a exchange; the time of the next market order is not\nonly determined by the history of order arrivals but is also influenced by the history of past order\nvolumes. This illustrates a marked Hawkes process where, in an arrival process, the occurrence of the\nnext event depends on both the arrival history and the mark history (in this example, order volume\nserves as the mark component). The marked Hawkes process has found applications in diverse\nfields such as seismology where magnitude and position of the earthquake are the mark variables\n(Ogata [1998], Zhuang et al. [2004], and Fox et al. [2016]), in social networks where the number of\nfollowers serves as a mark category (Kobayashi and Lambiotte [2016], and Chen and Tan [2018]), in\nfinance which has volume (Chavez-Demoulin and McGill [2012] and Fauth and Tudor [2012]) and\nthe occurrence of extreme events (Embrechts et al. [2011], and Stindl and Chen [2019]) as the mark\nvariable and, in criminology with fraud transactions as marks (Yuan et al. [2019], and Narayanan\nPreprint. Under review.arXiv:2402.04740v1 [stat.ML] 7 Feb 2024et al. [2022]). In a Hawkes process without marks, when an event occurs, it can excite or inhibit more\nevents. The size of each excitation or decay, referred to as the jump size, remains constant across all\nevents. In contrast, in a marked Hawkes process, an event’s impact on future events is characterized\nby varying jump sizes. Figure 1 illustrates the distinction between a Hawkes process and a marked\nHawkes through an intensity-time plot. In this plot, we observe a constant intensity jump for Hawkes\nand a variable jump for the marked Hawkes process.\n(a) Hawkes Process\n (b) Marked Hawkes Process\nFigure 1: Comparison between Hawkes process and Marked Hawkes process\nFor a marked Hawkes process, similar to a Hawkes process, the intensity function combines exogenous\nbackground rate and endogenous kernels. This combination can take linear or non-linear forms. A\nHawkes process, which models the self-excitability of events based on their past occurrences, can\nbe limited in explaining dependencies related to the characteristics of the event, such as volume,\nprice, magnitude, number of followers or any other relevant features. Consider the earlier example of\nmarket order arrivals in an exchange; even though a Hawkes process without marks can explain the\ndependency of an order arrival with its past arrival, it won’t be able to explain the effects of order\nvolume on market order evolution. But considering it as a marked Hawkes process allows the model\nto capture not only the temporal dependencies between successive orders but also the impact of the\nvolume of past orders on the evolution of the market. This is essential in understanding how the\narrival of market orders is influenced by past order volumes. Take another example of earthquake\naftershocks: the magnitude of an earthquake serves as a crucial mark that influences the likelihood\nof further aftershocks. A marked Hawkes process enables the modelling of the arrival intensity of\naftershocks, considering both temporal dependencies between the aftershocks and the influence of\ntheir magnitudes.\nThe kernels in a marked Hawkes process intensity function play a pivotal role in capturing the\ntemporal and mark dependencies. They quantify the influence of past events and their marks on\nthe likelihood of future events. Thus understanding the form of these kernels is crucial for accurate\nmodelling and estimation in the marked Hawkes process.\nHence here, we propose a novel feed-forward neural network-based approach to model the marked\nHawkes process kernel function. Our method utilizes a 2-layered feed-forward neural network to\ncapture the Hawkes kernel using the history of event times and their associated marks. The network\ndesign includes a hidden layer and an output layer for approximating the kernel function that receives\nboth the historical data of past arrivals and their corresponding marks as the input. This modelling\napproach extends the neural network-based models, specifically the Shallow Neural Hawkes (SNH)\n(Joseph et al. [2022]) and the Neural Network for Non-Linear Hawkes (NNNH) (Joseph and Jain\n[2023]), which were initially designed for Hawkes processes without marks.\n1.1 Literature Review of Marked Hawkes Process\nWhile there has been considerable research on estimating the Hawkes kernels and base intensity,\nthe literature focused specifically on the marked Hawkes process is relatively scarce. Most of the\navailable studies on estimating the marked Hawkes process primarily revolve around parametric\nassumptions, with only a few exceptions exploring non-parametric methods.\nThe early studies of the marked Hawkes process primarily focused on predicting earthquake after-\nshocks, known as ETAS (Epidemic-Type Aftershock Sequence). The ETAS model was developed in\nOgata [1988] and Ogata [1999], considering past earthquake event times as the temporal variable\n2and earthquake magnitude as the mark variable. Subsequently, Zhuang et al. [2004] modified this\napproach to incorporate the event location as an additional spatial mark factor. It’s worth noting that\nboth methods rely on parametric assumptions for the kernel and mark function. Embrechts et al.\n[2011] leans towards parametric assumptions, applying the marked Hawkes process to model extreme\nprice moves in stock market index data. Similarly, Chen and Tan [2018] adopts a parametric marked\nHawkes process to model retweet cascading on Twitter data.\nTransitioning to non-parametric approaches for the marked Hawkes process, Bacry and Muzy [2016]\nuses the Wiener-Hopf integral, while Fox et al. [2016] employs the EM algorithm for estimating the\nmarked Hawkes kernel and base intensity. Although both models are non-parametric, they model the\ntemporal and mark part of the kernel as distinct functions with no interdependence. Furthermore,\nseveral non-parametric techniques based on neural networks have been proposed. For instance,\nMei and Eisner [2017], Du et al. [2016] and Shchur et al. [2019] utilize recurrent neural network\n(RNN)-based models with maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) as the loss function to estimate\nthe marked Hawkes process. Another approach, as proposed by Xiao et al. [2017], adopts the RNN-\nbased Wasserstein generative adversarial network (WGAN) to learn the marked Hawkes process.\nHowever, it’s worth noting that RNNs may face challenges in capturing extended dependencies and\nencounter issues like gradient vanishing and gradient explosion, as highlighted by Pascanu et al.\n[2013]. Introducing a different perspective, Zuo et al. [2020] presents the transformer Hawkes,\nwhich utilizes self-attention modules combined with feed-forward networks to learn the marked\nHawkes process. Fabre and Toke [2024] utilize the physics-informed neural network (PINN) to\nestimate the kernels of a marked Hawkes process. This model incorporates the first and second-order\ncharacteristics equation of Bacry and Muzy [2016] to facilitate the training of the neural network.\n1.2 Contribution and Organization of the paper\nThe aforementioned methods employ neural networks to directly model the conditional intensity\nfunction, making it challenging to deduce the causal relationships between each event and its historical\ncontext. Even though neural network-based methods have conducted joint analyses of marks and time,\nthose approaches typically handle discrete marks (marks in Z+). In the approaches that consider\nmarks as continuous, such as Fabre and Toke [2024], the marked Hawkes kernel function is taken as\na decoupled function of time and mark.\nThus, as our first contribution, we propose a novel approach based on neural networks, which can\napproximate the marked Hawkes process kernel instead of the intensity function. This allows for\ninferring causal relationships between events across each dimension using the estimated kernels. The\ntwo-layered feed-forward network accommodates continuous marks, enabling a more comprehensive\nmodelling of the marked Hawkes process. The parameters of the model are estimated by maximizing\nthe log-likelihood function. Since the log-likelihood function is non-convex for a Hawkes process,\neven for a parametric setting (Joseph et al. [2022]), we use the stochastic gradient descent (SGD)\nmethod to derive the network parameters. The model represents a novel approach capable of jointly\nmodelling a marked Hawkes kernel’s temporal and mark dependency.\nThe application of the proposed method to the high-frequency cryptocurrency trading data is our\nnext contribution. The dataset comprises the arrival times and their associated volumes for market\norders in Bitcoin-US Dollar and Ethereum-US Dollar pairs. From the proposed method, we obtain\nthe underlying kernels, providing insights into the relationship of an event concerning both the history\nof time and the mark. This improves predictions of future arrivals and uncovers connections between\narrival patterns, historical data, and associated order volumes. This insight can provide a clearer\nunderstanding of the underlying dynamics of the market’s microstructure.\nThe remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 provides the definition of the marked\nHawkes process and its associated log-likelihood function. In Section 3, we establish the neural\nnetwork models of the SNH with marks and the NNNH with marks. Section 4 is dedicated in\nvalidating the performance of our proposed model, with evaluations conducted on simulated datasets\nwhere the ground truth is known. Furthermore, we apply the estimation method to a real-life\ncryptocurrency market order arrivals dataset, considering order volume as the mark component.\nFinally, Section 5 presents a concise conclusion of the paper.\n32 Preliminary Definitions\nDefinition of the Marked Hawkes Process: As per the definition provided by Daley and Vere-\nJones [2007], a marked point process N(X × M ), with event time in the space Xand marks in the\nspaceM, is a point process {(tn, mn)}n≥1onX × M with the additional property that ground\nprocess Ng(.)(Ngconstitutes the collection of the event times {tn}) is itself a point process; i.e. for\na bounded set A∈BX(where BXis the Borel set of the space X),Ng(A) =N(A×M)<∞.\nA D-dimensional marked point process defined as {N1(X × M ), . . . , N D(X × M )}, where each\nNd(X × M ) =Ng\nd(t)ford= 1, . . . , D represents a marked point process. We introduce H≡\nHt:t≥0as the internal history, where Htis the history of the process up to and including time\nt, andHt−is the history of the process up to but not including time t.For the given marked point\nprocess N:={Nd(X × M )}D\nd=1, the mark space Mcan take various forms: it can be discrete, as\nin the case where marks represent the number of fraudulent transactions (Narayanan et al. [2022]\nor the number of Twitter followers (Kobayashi and Lambiotte [2016]), positive continuous when\nmarks represent energy (Ogata [1998]), volume (Chavez-Demoulin and McGill [2012]) or price\n(Lee and Seo [2017]), or even multidimensional Euclidean space for space-time processes. In this\npaper, without loss of generality, we explore examples where Mis positively continuous, denoted as\nM ∈R+, andX ∈[0, T).\nThedth dimensional conditional intensity of the marked point process Ndefined on [0, T)× M ,\nwith respect to its internal history Hrepresented by λd(t, m)is given by,\nλd(t, m)dt dm ≈E[Nd(dt×dm)|Ht−]. (1)\nThe given intensity λd(t, m)can also be represented as,\nλd(t, m) =λg\nd(t|Ht−)fd(m|t,Ht−), (2)\nwhere λg\nd(t|Ht−),is the conditional intensity of the ground process (from this point onwards, for\nease of notation we will denote λg\nd(t|Ht−)asλg\nd(t)), and fd(m|t,Ht−)is the conditional density of\na mark at tgivenHt−.This emphasizes the significance of the distribution of marks in defining the\nHawkes intensity function. Consider the following definitions from Daley and Vere-Jones [2007]:\n•Independent marks: Nd:=Nd([0, T)× M )has independent marks if, for a given set of\nevent times {td\nn}n≥1,the marks {md\nn}n≥1are mutually independent random variables such\nthat the distribution of md\nndepends only on the corresponding event time td\nn.\n•Unpredictable marks: Ndhas unpredictable marks if the distribution of mark at tis inde-\npendent of its history Ht−.\nIn the context of a marked counting process, the independence of marks implies that both marks and\nthe event times are independent of each other, i.e. the marks don’t influence event times and vice-versa.\nAdditionally, unpredictable marks occur when the distribution of marks can influence the subsequent\nevolution of the event times, but event times don’t influence the distribution of marks. This work’s\nproposed models are suitable for independent and unpredictable marks. For both the independent and\nunpredictable marks case, the conditional mark density is i.i.d. with fd(m|t,Ht−) =fd(m).\nThe conditional intensity, λd(t, m),for the d-th dimension of a Ddimensional non-linear marked\nHawkes process can be expressed as:\nλd(t, m) = Ψ d\nµd(t) +DX\nj=1X\n{∀k|(tj\nk