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Susu Yu, Xinyue Peng, Fan Wu, Jiani Yang, Cheng Zhou, Luyun Zhang, Hui Lin, Zhisheng Wei, Wenjuan Zhang
An Epidemiological Retrospective and Predictive Analysis of Rubella in Beijing, Haidian District of China
Journal of tropical pediatrics
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "An understanding of epidemiological dynamics, once confined to mathematical epidemiologists and applied mathematicians, can be disseminated to a non-mathematical community of health care professionals and applied biologists through simple-to-use simulation applications.", "We used Numerus Model Builder RAMP Ⓡ (Runtime Alterable Model Platform) technology, to construct deterministic and stochastic versions of compartmental SIR (Susceptible, Infectious, Recovered with immunity) models as simple-to-use, freely available, epidemic simulation application programs.", "We take the reader through simulations used to demonstrate the following concepts: 1) disease prevalence curves of unmitigated outbreaks have a single peak and result in epidemics that 'burn' through the population to become extinguished when the proportion of the susceptible population drops below a critical level; 2) if immunity in recovered individuals wanes sufficiently fast then the disease persists indefinitely as an endemic state, with possible dampening oscillations following the initial outbreak phase; 3) the steepness and initial peak of the prevalence curve are influenced by the basic reproductive value R0, which must exceed 1 for an epidemic to occur; 4) the probability that a single infectious individual in a closed population (i.e.", "no migration) gives rise to an epidemic increases with the value of R0>1; 5) behavior that adaptively decreases the contact rate among individuals with increasing prevalence has major effects on the prevalence curve including dramatic flattening of the prevalence curve along with the generation of multiple prevalence peaks; 6) the impacts of treatment are complicated to model because they effect multiple processes including transmission, recovery and mortality; 7) the impacts of vaccination policies, constrained by a fixed number of vaccination regimens and by the rate and timing of delivery, are crucially important to maximizing the ability of vaccination programs to reduce mortality.", "Our presentation makes transparent the key assumptions underlying SIR epidemic models.", "Our RAMP simulators are meant to augment rather than replace classroom material when teaching epidemiological dynamics.", "They are sufficiently versatile to be used by students to address a range of research questions for term papers and even dissertations." ]
Mohammad J Al-Yamani, Syed Imam Rabbani, Syed Mohammed Basheeruddin Asdaq, Mohd Imran, Mohammed Kanan Alshammari, Noufah Aqeel AlShammari, Abdulmjeed Hussain Alshahrani, Mariem Ali Mohammed Harshan, Mohammed Yahya A Hurubi, Adnan A Mubaraki, Abdulhakeem S Alamri, Walaa F Alsanie, Majid Alhomrani
Epidemiological determinants for the spread of COVID-19 in Riyadh Province of Saudi Arabia
Saudi journal of biological sciences
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "An understanding of the processes of clinical decision-making is essential for the development of health information technology.", "In this study we have analysed the acquisition of information during decision-making in oral surgery, and analysed cognitive tasks using a \"think-aloud\" protocol.", "We studied the techniques of processing information that were used by novices and experts as they completed 4 oral surgical cases modelled from data obtained from electronic hospital records.", "We studied 2 phases of an oral surgeon's preoperative practice including the \"diagnosis and planning of treatment\" and \"preparing for a procedure\".", "A framework analysis approach was used to analyse the qualitative data, and a descriptive statistical analysis was made of the quantitative data.", "The results showed that novice surgeons used hypotheticodeductive reasoning, whereas experts recognised patterns to diagnose and manage patients.", "Novices provided less detail when they prepared for a procedure.", "Concepts regarding \"signs\", \"importance\", \"decisions\", and \"process\" occurred most often during acquisition of information by both novices and experts.", "Based on these results, we formulated recommendations for the design of clinical information technology that would help to improve the acquisition of clinical information required by oral surgeons at all levels of expertise in their clinical decision-making." ]
X Y Wang, X Y Tian, X H Hou, Y Ning, G Y Chen, X Z Jin
[Study on the development of public health and safety literacy assessment scale for university freshmen]
Zhonghua liu xing bing xue za zhi = Zhonghua liuxingbingxue zazhi
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "An unprecedented disruption in medical education worldwide was caused due to the Covid 19 pandemic.", "Online teaching has become one of the primary forms of education.", "In this paper, we aimed to understand the faculty and students' perceptions about the teaching styles adopted by the faculty during online large group teaching from two universities in the United Arab Emirates.", "This is a cross-sectional opinion survey-based study.", "A pre-validated teaching style inventory in higher education (TSIHE) questionnaire was emailed to the students and faculty involved in large group online learning and teaching activities during the lock-down period of the COVID 19 pandemic from two different medical Universities in the United Arab Emirates.", "A total of 423 students and 57 faculty participated in the study.", "Descriptive and Inferential statistics were used to analyze the data.", "There was a significant difference between the faculty and students on the perception of faculty online teaching styles.", "The difference was significant in teacher-student interaction and teacher structuring styles.", "In contrast, faculty and students' perceptions were comparable for decision-making negotiation and behavioral control teaching styles.", "The study found that there was a significant perception differences between the faculty and students on the faculty teaching style during online large group teaching.", "Importantly, faculty perceived that they were more emotionally attached and more flexible in teacher-student interaction and teaching structuring during online teaching than the student perceived." ]
Anas H A Abu-Humaidan, Jawad A Alrawabdeh, Laith S Theeb, Yazan I Hamadneh, Mohammad B Omari
Evaluating Knowledge of Human Microbiota among University Students in Jordan, an Online Cross-Sectional Survey
International journal of environmental research and public health
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "An updated time-trend analysis of anti-dementia drugs (ADDs) is lacking.", "The aim of this study is to assess the incident rate (IR) of ADD in individuals with dementia using real-world data.", "Primary care data (country/database) from the UK/CPRD-GOLD (2007-20), Spain/SIDIAP (2010-20) and the Netherlands/IPCI (2008-20), standardised to a common data model.", "Cohort study.", "Participants: dementia patients ≥40 years old with ≥1 year of previous data.", "Follow-up: until the end of the study period, transfer out of the catchment area, death or incident prescription of rivastigmine, galantamine, donepezil or memantine.", "Other variables: age/sex, type of dementia, comorbidities.", "Statistics: overall and yearly age/sex IR, with 95% confidence interval, per 100,000 person-years (IR per 105 PY (95%CI)).", "We identified a total of (incident anti-dementia users/dementia patients) 41,024/110,642 in UK/CPRD-GOLD, 51,667/134,927 in Spain/SIDIAP and 2,088/17,559 in the Netherlands/IPCI.In the UK, IR (per 105 PY (95%CI)) of ADD decreased from 2007 (30,829 (28,891-32,862)) to 2010 (17,793 (17,083-18,524)), then increased up to 2019 (31,601 (30,483 to 32,749)) and decrease in 2020 (24,067 (23,021-25,148)).", "In Spain, IR (per 105 PY (95%CI)) of ADD decreased by 72% from 2010 (51,003 (49,199-52,855)) to 2020 (14,571 (14,109-15,043)).", "In the Netherlands, IR (per 105 PY (95%CI)) of ADD decreased by 77% from 2009 (21,151 (14,967-29,031)) to 2020 (4763 (4176-5409)).", "Subjects aged ≥65-79 years and men (in the UK and the Netherlands) initiated more frequently an ADD.", "Treatment of dementia remains highly heterogeneous.", "Further consensus in the pharmacological management of patients living with dementia is urgently needed." ]
Rabail Saeed, Irtiza Hashmi
Pakistan Ranks Third Globally With the Most Unvaccinated Children: Is the Impact of Parental Perception and Attitude on Immunization an Essential Contributing Factor to an Unsuccessful Vaccination Coverage?
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "An urgent educational need is to examine the current gaps in cultural competence/humility, diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) that may significantly affect the teaching and learning environments among students/faculty.", "This mixed-methods study examined the current level of cultural competemility and perceptions of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)-related challenges and recommendations among students/faculty of health professions.", "Students and faculty completed a survey including the Inventory for Assessing the Process of Cultural Competemility Among Healthcare Professionals (IAPCC-HCP©) and open-ended questions on their DEI perceptions and needs.", "Data were analyzed via descriptive statistics and independent t-tests.", "Qualitative data were coded using thematic content analysis.", "A total of 100 participants (64 students, 38 faculty) completed the survey.", "The majority identified as Caucasian or non-Hispanic White and female, and were satisfied with DEIA-related school-level initiatives and familiar with how to use pronouns to reflect all genders.", "Compared to students, faculty scored slightly higher, although not significantly, in five of six domains, including Cultural Humility, Cultural Awareness, Culture Skill, Cultural Encounters and Cultural Desire.", "Participants shared their need to address: 1) DEIA gaps in knowledge and Schools of Health Professions curriculum; 2) involvement of students; 3) racism, biases, and discrimination; and 4) recognition of underrepresented groups.", "Training needs were in the areas of 1) DEIA assessment and training for students and faculty; 2) DEIA school activities; 3) DEIA-informed policies; and 4) modifications to clinical education.", "The faculty more than students expressed the need to enhance their DEI and cultural knowledge.", "Our findings can guide further development of educational activities and school-level DEI initiatives in schools of health professions." ]
Afıtap Ozdelikara, İrem Çaylı Karaoğlan
Effects of Oncology Patients' Health Literacy on Use of Complementary and Alternative Therapy
Alternative therapies in health and medicine
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "An Utstein style meeting of key stakeholders from the existing collaboration surrounding post-graduate training was arranged to set a direction for continuing professional development (CPD) of anesthesiologists in Denmark.", "A 2-day meeting was planned to guide discussions about competencies in anesthesiology, facilitate the development of a blueprint for a portfolio-based CPD program and provide examples of how a portfolio can be used in practice.", "The meeting agenda was based on an adaptation of Kern's six-step approach to curriculum development.", "Twenty-four participants from the university hospitals in Denmark were invited.", "Prior to the meeting participants were informed of the objectives and the Utstein style process.", "Participants acknowledged a need for a more structured approach to CPD, preferably within the current organizational set up at the departmental level, and with a portfolio-based, individualized curriculum.", "It was recognized that CPD should contain an array of possibilities to accommodate needs and wants of both the individual and the department.", "It was emphasized that, while anesthesiologists are used to give feedback to trainees, many are less familiar in providing the same to peers, and psychological safety was identified as a prerequisite to support a culture where specialists can reflect openly on each other's performance.", "The results provide an insight into the attitudes, opportunities, and challenges of anesthesiologists in relation to continuing professional development in Denmark.", "Generally, participant suggestions are in line with the shift in medical education toward workplace-based learning, feedback and lifelong learning." ]
David Kollosche, Wolfram Meyerhöfer
COVID-19, mathematics education, and the evaluation of expert knowledge
Educational studies in mathematics
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are disproportionately used by sexual minority men, with the physical and mental health implications of AAS use incompletely understood.", "To understand the reasons for use and health care needs of gay, bisexual, and queer cisgender men using AAS.", "This qualitative study was conducted from November 2021 to May 2023 using self-administered questionnaires and semistructured interviews that were transcribed and coded using reflexive thematic analysis.", "Participants were recruited through convenience and snowball sampling from lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer clinical centers in New York, New York, as well as through online platforms.", "All patients self-identified as cisgender and gay, bisexual, or queer.", "History of nonprescribed AAS use for a minimum of 8 consecutive weeks was required.", "The primary outcomes were reasons for and health implications of AAS use and interactions with health care practitioners, as determined through interviews.", "Interview transcripts were collected and analyzed.", "Thematic saturation was reached after interviews with 12 male participants (mean [SD] age, 44 [11] years), with the majority of participants identifying as gay (10 participants [83%]), White non-Hispanic (9 participants [75%]), being in their 30s and 40s (9 participants [75%]), holding a bachelor's degree or higher (11 participants [92%]), and having used steroids for a mean (SD) of 7.5 (7.1) years.", "One participant (8%) self-identified as Black, and 2 (17%) identified as Hispanic.", "Seven men (58%) met the criteria for muscle dysmorphia on screening.", "Nine overarching themes were found, including internal and external motivators for initial use, continued use because of effectiveness or fear of losses, intensive personal research, physical and emotional harms experienced from use, using community-based harm reduction techniques, frustration with interactions with the medical community focused on AAS cessation, and concerns around the illegality of AAS.", "In this qualitative study, AAS use among cisgender gay, bisexual, and queer men was found to be associated with multifactorial motivators, including a likely AAS use disorder and muscle dysmorphia.", "Despite all participants experiencing harms from use, men seeking medical help found insufficient support with practitioners insistent on AAS cessation and, thus, developed their own harm reduction techniques.", "Further research is needed to assess the utility of practitioner education efforts, the safety and efficacy of community-developed harm reduction methods, and the impact of AAS decriminalization on health care outcomes for this patient population." ]
Luis Miguel Maraví Zavaleta
Emergent curriculum in basic education for the new normality in Peru: orientations proposed from mathematics education
Educational studies in mathematics
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anaemia is a common public-health problem affecting about two-thirds of pregnant women in developing countries.", "Spacetime cluster analysis of anemia cases is important for publichealth policymakers to design evidence-based intervention strategies.", "This study discovered the potential space-time clusters of anemia in pregnant women in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan, from 2014 to 2020 using space-time scan statistic (SatScan).", "The results show that the most likely cluster of anemia was seen in the rural areas in the eastern part of the province covering five districts from 2017 to 2019.", "However, three secondary clusters in the West and one in the North were still active, signifying important targets of interest for public-health interventions.", "The potential anemia clusters in the province's rural areas might be associated with the lack of nutritional education in women and lack of access to sufficient diet due to financial constraints." ]
Wenxiu Xie, Meng Ji, Mengdan Zhao, Kam-Yiu Lam, Chi-Yin Chow, Tianyong Hao
Developing Machine Learning and Statistical Tools to Evaluate the Accessibility of Public Health Advice on Infectious Diseases among Vulnerable People
Computational intelligence and neuroscience
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anaemia remains a major public health concern, particularly, in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), where it is one of the causes of maternal death.", "The most common cause of maternal anaemia is iron deficiency or malnutrition.", "This study examined the prevalence of and risk factors for anaemia among women that participated in the Nigerian Demographic Health Survey.", "We used data of 14,454 women that participated in the 2018 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS).", "We extracted information such as demographic, social and housing, dietary characteristics and haemoglobin concentration.", "The descriptive statistic results, prevalence and 95% confidence interval (CIs) of anaemia with the selected respondents background characteristics were presented.", "The Poisson regression model with robust variance was used to assess the risk of anaemia among women of reproductive age.", "All analyses were weighted and adjusted for the complex survey design.", "Statistical significance was interpreted at p value < 0.05.", "Maternal status, body mass index, education, residence, religion, ethnicity, region and type of cooking fuel were all important determinants of anaemia.", "The prevalence of anaemia was high among pregnant women (61.8%; 95% CI: 58.5-65.0), adolescents (60.4%; 95% CI: 58.1-62.6), underweight women (62.6%; 95% CI: 59.5-65.5), women who had no formal education (64.1%; 95% CI: 62.2-66.0) and those who belonged to the poorest wealth quintile (65.8%; 95% CI: 63.1-68.4).", "Similarly, anaemia was high among women residing in rural areas (61.5%; 95% CI: 60.0-63.0), Muslims (59.9%; 95% CI: 58.1-61.6) and women with six or more children (62.1%; 95% CI: 60.0-64.1).", "The risk of anaemia were 2% less likely among women who took minimum adequate diet compared to those who do not.", "To date, this is the largest data on maternal anaemia in Nigeria.", "The study highlighted the high burden of maternal anaemia in the country and different risk factors (medical and social) that are associated with this medical condition among women of reproductive age.", "We recommend future longitudinal studies to test hypothesis in order to assess whether there is any causal relationship between identified risk factors and anaemia in this group of women." ]
Line Raunsbæk Knudsen, Kirsten Lomborg, Mwidimi Ndosi, Ellen-Margrethe Hauge, Annette de Thurah
The effectiveness of e-learning in patient education delivered to patients with rheumatoid arthritis: The WebRA study-protocol for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial
BMC rheumatology
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Analysis of functional neuroimaging data aims to unveil spatial and temporal patterns of interest.", "Existing analysis methods fall into two categories: fully data-driven approaches and those reliant on prior information, e.g.", "the stimulus time course.", "While using the stimulus signal directly can help identify the activated brain areas, it is known that the relationship between stimuli and the brain's response exhibits nonlinear and time-varying characteristics.", "As such, relying completely on the stimulus signal to describe the brain's temporal response leads to a restricted interpretation of the brain function.", "In this paper, we present a new technique called Evoked Component Analysis (ECA), which leverages prior information up to a defined extent.", "This is achieved by including the general linear model (GLM) design matrix as a regulatory term and estimating the factor matrices in both space and time through an alternating minimization approach.", "We apply ECA to 2D and swept-3D functional ultrasound (fUS) experiments conducted with mice.", "When decomposing 2D fUS data, we employ GLM regularization at various intensities to emphasize the role of prior information.", "Furthermore, we show that incorporating multiple hemodynamic response functions within the design matrix can provide valuable insights into region-specific characteristics of evoked activity.", "Finally, we use ECA to analyze swept-3D fUS data recorded from five mice engaged in two distinct visual tasks.", "Swept-3D fUS images the 3D brain sequentially using a moving probe, resulting in different slice acquisition time instants.", "We show that ECA can estimate factor matrices with a fine resolution at each slice acquisition time instant and yield higher t-statistics compared to GLM and correlation analysis for all subjects." ]
E Keane, N Moore, B Leamy, A Scally, M F McEntee
Identifying barriers to Irish traveller women attending breast screening
Radiography (London, England : 1995)
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Analysis of the concept of hypertension literacy to ensure clarity, reduce ambiguities and promote consistency in usage.", "Walker and Avant's concept analysis method was adopted.", "Searched four electronic databases using keywords combined with the appropriate Boolean operators.", "After removing duplicates, thirty titles were identified, and ten articles met the basic criteria for inclusion.", "The analysis was done using a convergent synthesis design to integrate results and transform them into qualitative descriptions.", "Hypertension literacy's defining attributes were hypertension information search skills, comprehension of numeracy associated with blood pressure and medication and utilization of hypertension prevention information.", "The identified antecedents were formal education and improved cognitive, social, economic and health-related experiences.", "Consequences of hypertension literacy included improved self-reported and increased health awareness.", "Hypertension literacy allows nurses to assess and accurately improve knowledge and facilitate people to adopt prevention behaviours." ]
Steven L Franconeri, Lace M Padilla, Priti Shah, Jeffrey M Zacks, Jessica Hullman
The Science of Visual Data Communication: What Works
Psychological science in the public interest : a journal of the American Psychological Society
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Analytical chemistry is a fast-paced field with frequent introduction of new techniques via research labs; however, incorporation of new techniques into academic curricula lags their adoption in research and industry.", "This review describes the recent educational literature on microfluidics, microcontrollers, and chemometrics in the undergraduate analytical chemistry curriculum.", "Each section highlights opportunities for nonexpert faculty to get started with these techniques and more advanced implementations suitable for experienced practitioners.", "While the addition of new topics to any curriculum brings some opportunity costs, student engagement with cutting edge techniques brings many benefits, including enhanced preparation for graduate school and professional careers and development of transferable skills, such as coding.", "Formal assessment of student outcomes is encouraged to promote broader adoption of these techniques.", "Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry, Volume 17 is May 2024.", "Please see for revised estimates." ]
Taye Bayode, Ayobami Popoola, Olawale Akogun, Alexander Siegmund, Hangwelani Magidimisha-Chipungu, Olusiyi Ipingbemi
Spatial variability of COVID-19 and its risk factors in Nigeria: A spatial regression method
Applied geography (Sevenoaks, England)
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "analyze the structure of teaching programs and contents of the adolescent health and its development in nursing education.", "descriptive observational study conducted in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.", "Data was collected by the Instrument for (self-)evaluation of the adolescent health and development component in undergraduate nursing programs, and investigated using descriptive statistics.", "A total of 95 nursing schools participated in the study (84.1% of the total).", "Of the faculty responsible for teaching contents relating to adolescent health, 31.6% had no specific training on the topic and 18.9% had no educational/pedagogical training.", "Behavior, gender identity and sexual orientation, bullying and cyberbullying, use of digital technologies, partner violence, parenting, and pubertal delay were the main topics which could be incorporated into nursing education.", "the faculty of the schools analyzed have limited education in pedagogical/educational topics and specific adolescent health issues.", "Curricula should be updated, including knowledge of laws and policies, thus expanding nurses' ability to generate, analyze and use data for decision making.", "(1) 31.6% of faculty have no specific education in adolescent health.", "(2) 18.9% of faculty have no educational/pedagogical training.", "(3) Progress is needed in the use of active methodologies and interactive multimedia.", "(4) Knowledge of laws and policies for the adolescent population must be expanded.", "(5) Current and relevant adolescent health issues need to be addressed in nursing education." ]
Erin Speiser, Genevieve Pinto Zipp, Deborah A DeLuca, Ana Paula Cupertino, Evelyn Arana-Chicas, Elli Gourna Paleoudis, Benjamin Kligler, Francisco Cartujano-Barrera
Knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of Latinas in cleaning occupations in northern New Jersey: a cross-sectional mixed methods study
Journal of occupational medicine and toxicology (London, England)
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Analyzing scored sleep is a fundamental prerequisite to understanding how sleep changes between health and disease.", "Classically, this is accomplished by manually calculating various measures (e.g., percent of non-rapid eye movement sleep) from a collection of scored sleep files.", "This process can be tedious and error prone especially when studies include a large number of animals or involve long recording sessions.", "To address this issue, we present SleepInvestigatoR, a versatile tool that can quickly organize and analyze multiple scored sleep files into a single output.", "The function is written in the open-source statistical language R and has a total of 25 parameters that can be set to match a wide variety of experimenter needs.", "SleepInvestigatoR delivers a total of 22 unique measures of sleep, including all measures commonly reported in the rodent literature.", "A simple plotting function is also provided to quickly graph and visualize the scored data.", "All code is designed to be implemented with little formal coding knowledge and step-by-step instructions are provided on the corresponding GitHub page.", "Overall, SleepInvestigatoR provides the sleep researcher a critical tool to increase efficiency, interpretation, and reproducibility in analyzing scored rodent sleep." ]
Thomas B Cwalina, Tarun K Jella, Grigory A Manyak, Andy Kuo, Atul F Kamath
Is Our Science Representative? A Systematic Review of Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Orthopaedic Clinical Trials from 2000 to 2020
Clinical orthopaedics and related research
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Analyzing the correlation between cephalometric measurements is important for improving our understanding of the anatomy in the oral and maxillofacial region.", "To minimize bias resulting from the design of the input data and to establish a reference for malocclusion research, the aims of this study were to construct the input set by integrating nine cephalometric analyses and to study the correlation structure of cephalometric variables in Korean adults with normal occlusion.", "To analyze the complex correlation structure among 65 cephalometric variables, which were based on nine classical cephalometric analyses, network analysis was applied to data obtained from 735 adults (368 males, 367 females) aged 18-25 years with normal occlusion.", "The structure was better revealed through weighted network analysis and minimum spanning tree.", "Network analysis revealed cephalometric variable clusters and the inter- and intra-correlation structure.", "Some metrics were divided based on their geometric interpretation rather than their clinical significance.", "It was confirmed that various classical cephalometric analyses primarily focus on investigating nine anatomical features.", "Investigating the correlation between cephalometric variables through network analysis can significantly enhance our understanding of the anatomical characteristics in the oral and maxillofacial region, which is a crucial step in studying malocclusion using artificial intelligence." ]
Margaux Lê, Pauline Quémart, Anna Potocki, Manuel Gimenes, David Chesnet, Eric Lambert
Modeling the influence of motor skills on literacy in third grade: Contributions of executive functions and handwriting
PloS one
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anatomical variation is an inherent part of every health curriculum, due in large to the negative clinical consequences that can ensue if anatomical variation is not thoroughly understood.", "However, current literature fails to describe any structured whole-of-course pedagogy for the teaching of anatomical variation in higher education.", "This study therefore aimed to (i) propose a whole-of-course curriculum framework to guide academic development and implementation of anatomical variation resources and assessment; and (ii) assess the depth of anatomical variation knowledge in a multiyear undergraduate health-science cohort (n = 152) at the Queensland University of Technology.", "Current anatomical variation pedagogy, and subsequently the need for the curriculum framework, were explored using a scoping review protocol.", "As part of this study, anatomical variation was novelly defined as macroscopic differences in morphology (shape and size), topography (location), developmental timing, or frequency (number) of an anatomical structure between individuals that form during embryological or subadult development and result in no substantive, observable interruption to physiological function.", "The framework incorporated three themes of anatomical variation learning outcomes: description of anatomical variation, theories of the professional implications of variation, and investigation of variant formation.", "These themes were strongly aligned with the concepts recommended for teaching identified through the scoping review.", "Significant deficits in anatomical variation student knowledge were identified, with the third-year cohort recording a mean total score of only 54.6%.", "A strong recommendation to implement the anatomical variation curriculum framework in all medical and health-science curricula is made to intentionally develop student understanding of anatomical variation and improve future clinical practice." ]
José Batista, Carla Munhoz Pinheiro, Carla Madeira, Pedro Gomes, Óscar Ramos Ferreira, Cristina Lavareda Baixinho
Transitional Care Management from Emergency Services to Communities: An Action Research Study
International journal of environmental research and public health
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anatomy education is a fundamental part of clinical nursing, but anatomy courses may lead to a range of psychological changes, such as death anxiety and sense of meaning in life.", "Such experiences and changes may influence student's willingness to donate their body.", "There is insufficient evidence on whether anatomy courses bring about these changes, and the reasons behind experiences are unclear.", "Focusing on these changes is essential to improve anatomy education in nursing and to promote the mental health of students in the nursing field.", "To explore changes and underlying reasons for death anxiety, sense of meaning in life, and the willingness to donate a body before and after anatomy courses.", "An explanatory sequential explanatory mixed-methods study.", "A total of 60 students completed quantitative surveys and 16 students from the sub-samples of the quantitative stage were included in the qualitative interviews.", "All students were from a comprehensive university in Changsha, Hunan Province, China.", "Data were collected from September 2022 to April 2023, including two rounds of questionnaire surveys and one interview.", "The questionnaires included sociodemographic data, the Death Anxiety Scale (CT-DAS), the Meaning of Life Scale (MLQ), and a body donation willingness question.", "Interviews were conducted based on the research objectives.", "The statistical methods included descriptive statistics, z-tests, and thematic analysis.", "Quantitative results showed a decrease in emotional dimension of death anxiety (z = -2.534, P < 0.05) and an increase in body donation willingness (z = -3.183, P < 0.05).", "Qualitative analysis revealed cognitive experience and value assessment may relate to the changes.", "Based on the two themes, the reduction of death anxiety in emotional dimension can be further attributed to four factors: demystification, instrumentalization, desensitization, and respect and gratitude towards donors.", "The increase in willingness to donate bodies can be further attributed to two aspects: increase in knowledge of body donation and the affirmation of the value of donation.", "The study found that students experience a decrease in death anxiety in the emotional dimension and an increased inclination to donate their bodies after anatomy courses, which may be related to cognitive experience and value assessment.", "Future nursing anatomy education could delve deeper into these two perspectives and support students to positively cope with death anxiety and rethink body donation through enriching death education activities such as donor memorial ceremonies.", "These results provide a basis for designing anatomy courses and improving the psychological well-being and professional competence of nursing students." ]
Hawazin Alhazzani, Ghaida AlAmmari, Nouf AlRajhi, Ibrahim Sales, Amr Jamal, Turky H Almigbal, Mohammed A Batais, Yousif A Asiri, Yazed AlRuthia
Validation of an Arabic Version of the Self-Efficacy for Appropriate Medication Use Scale
International journal of environmental research and public health
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anatomy practical classes are an essential part of learning human anatomy.", "The flipped classroom teaching model has been used in medical education in recent years.", "However, its precise impacts on anatomical knowledge acquisition and learning outcomes remain controversial.", "With the development of information technology, new educational tools, such as Rain Classroom, have recently attracted much interest.", "The Rain Classroom is an application that can easily connect students and teachers through smartphones or computers.", "However, whether and how to apply it to the flipped classroom in anatomy practical classes needs to be evaluated.", "In this study, we designed a teaching model of flipped classroom assisted by Rain Classroom and carried it out in anatomy practical classes at our university.", "Results showed that the final exam scores of the experimental group were significantly improved, compared with the control group (p < 0.01); the final exam score was significantly correlated with both the pre-class quiz score (p < 0.05) and the in-class quiz score (p < 0.001).", "Student satisfaction was measured by a questionnaire on a Likert scale of 1-5.", "All the mean scores were greater than 4.5, indicating that most students had positive attitudes toward this teaching model.", "The present study suggests that the Rain Classroom helps support students throughout the learning processes of the flipped classroom, and the model of flipped classroom assisted by Rain Classroom could improve students' learning efficiency and ultimately increase their exam performance in anatomy practical classes." ]
Kati Hiltrop, Nina Hiebel, Franziska Geiser, Milena Kriegsmann-Rabe, Nikoloz Gambashidze, Eva Morawa, Yesim Erim, Kerstin Weidner, Christian Albus, Nicole Ernstmann
Measuring COVID-19 Related Health Literacy in Healthcare Professionals-Psychometric Evaluation of the HL-COV-HP Instrument
International journal of environmental research and public health
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Androgen receptor pathway inhibitors (ARPIs) are widely prescribed in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC).", "Real-world frequencies and potential impacts of comorbidities and concomitant medication (conmed) interactions with ARPIs are not well described.", "Patients receiving ARPIs for mCRPC were identified from the electronic Prostate Cancer Australian Database (ePAD).", "Demographics, clinicopathologic characteristics, and outcome data were extracted.", "Conmeds and comorbidities were collected from medical records.", "Potential interacting comorbidities were defined from trial and post-trial data.", "Clinically significant drug-drug interactions (DDIs) were identified using UpToDate Lexicomp and Stockley's databases.", "Patient characteristics, comorbidity interactions, DDIs, and outcomes were analyzed.", "Two hundred thirty-five patients received first- or second-line ARPIs for mCRPC from 2012 to 2021, with a median follow-up of 27 months.", "One hundred sixteen received abiraterone acetate (AAP) and 135 received enzalutamide (ENZ).", "The median age was 74 years, and the median number of conmeds was 4.", "Clinically significant DDIs occurred in 55 (47%) AAP patients and 90 (67%) ENZ patients.", "Only 5% of DDIs were predicted to affect ARPI pharmacokinetics (PK) or pharmacodynamics, whereas 95% were predicted to impact conmed PK or increase toxicity risk.", "In patients receiving ENZ, DDIs were associated with lower PSA50 (50% v 74%, P = .04) and poorer overall survival (28 v 45 months, P = .04), although statistical significance was not maintained on multivariate analysis.", "No significant survival differences were seen with DDIs in patients receiving AAP.", "Potential interactions between comorbidities and ARPI were present in 72% on AAP and 14% on ENZ with no significant associated survival differences.", "DDIs and drug-comorbidity interactions in real-world patients receiving ARPIs for mCRPC are common and may affect outcomes.", "Ongoing clinician education regarding DDIs is necessary to optimize patient outcomes." ]
Roberta Bevilacqua, Stefano Strano, Mirko Di Rosa, Cinzia Giammarchi, Katerina Katka Cerna, Claudia Mueller, Elvira Maranesi
eHealth Literacy: From Theory to Clinical Application for Digital Health Improvement. Results from the ACCESS Training Experience
International journal of environmental research and public health
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Androgens are produced in both sexes.", "In females produced by the adrenal gland and the ovaries they play a crucial role in regulating ovarian function, estrogen synthesis and follicular growth.", "Age leads to a reduction in androgen concentrations, although, at present, these mechanisms are not elucidated in mares.", "The objective of this study was to evaluate the concentrations of testosterone (T), androstenedione (A4) and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in mares of different ages.", "Blood samples were drawn from seventy cyclic Spanish Purebred mares belonging to five age groups: 3-5 years, 6-9 years, 10-13 years, 14-16 years and > 16 years.", "The concentrations of T, A4 and DHEA were determined by EIA, validated specifically for horses.", "Mares aged 3-5, 6-9 and 10-13 years had higher T concentrations (P < 0.05) than mares aged >16 years, and mares aged 6-9 years had also higher concentrations than those 14-16 years old (P < 0.05).", "A4 concentrations were lower (P < 0.05) in mares >16 years old when compared with those of other age groups.", "DHEA concentrations were lower (P < 0.05) in mares 14-16 years and > 16 years old when compared with those of other age groups.", "DHEA was positively correlated with T (r = 0.61; P < 0.05) and A4 (r = 0.51; P < 0.05).", "Age induces reduction in androgens' synthesis in physiologically cyclic Spanish Purebred mares.", "These physiological variations must be duly considered for a correct and objective interpretation of the analytical data." ]
Lina Bergman, Ulrica Nilsson, Karuna Dahlberg, Maria Jaensson, Josefin Wångdahl
Health literacy and e-health literacy among Arabic-speaking migrants in Sweden: a cross-sectional study
BMC public health
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anemia among women of child bearing age is a global public health problem.", "In developing countries such as Rwanda, women and their children may be particularly susceptible to anemia.", "The main objectives of this study were to assess the prevalence of anemia among women of reproductive age in Rwanda and to identify the risk factors associated therewith.", "The current study considered socio-economic, demographic and environmental factors and the 2014/2015 Rwanda Demographic and Health Survey data was used for this purpose.", "Due to the complexity of the sampling design, the present study used survey logistic model that takes account of sampling weight, stratification and clustering.", "The SAS statistical software was used for the analysis of the results.", "The anemia status was assessed among 6 680 women aged between 15 and 49 years old and the prevalence of anemia among women of this child bearing age group, was found to be 19.2%.", "The study also revealed that body mass index, contraceptive use, use of mosquito bed nets, marital status, wealth quintile of the household, size of the household, literacy, tobacco use, type of cooking fuel, type of toilet facilities, type of source of drinkable water, and province of residence, were all factors associated with anemia among women of reproductive age in Rwanda.", "Hence the current study highlights several health, geographical and socio-economic issues that can assist health care professionals and other relevant authorities in fostering an environment that reduces the risk of anemia for women and children." ]
Gul Seckin, Susan Hughes
Patient-Reported Outcomes in a Nationally Representative Sample of Older Internet Users: Cross-sectional Survey
JMIR aging
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anemia and stunting are two health problems in the child population; therefore, their concurrence needs to be quantified.", "We estimated the prevalence of concurrent anemia and stunting (CAS) in children aged 6-59 months and identified the factors associated with this condition.", "The data came from the Demographic and Health Survey of Peru (DHS), 2022.", "The study design was cross-sectional and included 19,191 children.", "Height and hemoglobin measurement followed the specifications of National Health Institute of Peru.", "To reduce error in measures, the anthropometry personnel was training, the quality of measuring equipment was ensuring, and protocolized techniques and procedures was applying.", "Hemoglobin concentration was measured in capillary blood using the Hemocue model Hb 201+.", "Stunting was defined as a height-for-age Z-score less than minus two standard deviations (SD) from the median, following the 2006 WHO child growth standard.", "Anemia was classified into mild (10.0 to 10.9 g/dL), moderate (7.0 to 9.9 g/dL), severe (< 7.0 g/dL), and no anemia (11.0 to 14.0 g/dL).", "We performed a bivariate analysis to evaluate factors associated with CAS.", "To include variables in the multivariate analysis, we applied a statistical criterion (p < 0.10 in the crude analysis) and an epidemiological criterion.", "We used a binary logistic hierarchical regression model.", "The prevalence of CAS was 5.6% (95%CI: 5.2 to 5.9).", "The modifiable factors associated with higher odds of CAS were: \"poorest\" (aOR: 3.87, 95%CI: 1.99 to 7.5) and \"poorer\" (aOR: 2.07, 95%CI: 1.08 to 3.98) wealth quintiles, mother with no formal education or primary (aOR: 2.03, 95%CI: 1.46 to 2.", "81), father with no formal education or primary (aOR: 1.55, 95%CI: 1.16 to 2.07), no improved water source (aOR: 1.36, 95%CI: 1.10 to 1.68), no roof with improved material (aOR: 1.49, 95%CI: 1.12 to 1.98) and low birth weight (aOR: 7.31, 95%CI: 4.26 to 12.54).", "In Peru, five out of every 100 children suffer from anemia and stunting simultaneously; there are modifiable factors that, if addressed, could reduce their prevalence." ]
K R Sowmya, Manjunath P Puranik, K S Aparna
Association between mother's behaviour, oral health literacy and children's oral health outcomes: A cross-sectional study
Indian journal of dental research : official publication of Indian Society for Dental Research
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anemia during pregnancy is a significant risk factor for adverse maternal and fetal outcomes, including preterm birth, low birth weight, and maternal mortality.", "In Brazil, anemia prevention and treatment programs are available, but regional variations in prevalence and factors associated with antianemic drug use remain understudied.", "The objective was to identify the prevalence of gestational anemia and the factors associated with the use of antianemic drugs during pregnancy in a cross-sectional population-based study carried out in Rio Branco, AC.", "To do so, we planned a cross-sectional, population-based study with a total of 1190 postpartum women who gave birth between April 6 and July 10, 2015, were interviewed about demographic, socioeconomic, reproductive, and prenatal care factors.", "The prevalence of anemia during pregnancy was found to be 13.8 %, with 93.2 % of women using antianemic drugs, such as ferrous sulfate and folic acid.", "Factors positively associated with antianemic drug use were higher education (elementary school II RCajust = 2.46; 95 %, CI: 1.01-6.13; high school RCajust = 2.61; 95 %, CI: 1.11-6.12), primiparity (ACadjust = 1.69; 95 %, CI: 0.98-3.74), 6 to 8 prenatal consultations (ACjust = 2.16; 95, CI%: 1.15-4.05), and planned pregnancy (ARjust = 1.94; 95 %, CI: 1.05-3.74).", "Food security during pregnancy was inversely associated.", "These findings suggest that while anemia prevention and treatment programs exist, more targeted strategies are needed, particularly for women with lower socioeconomic status, to improve maternal and fetal health outcomes." ]
Ejercito M Balay-Odao, Nahed Alquwez, Fatmah Alsolami, Hanan M M Tork, Khalaf Al Otaibi, Abdulellah Al Thobaity
COVID-19 crisis: Influence of eHealth literacy on mental health promotion among Saudi nursing students
Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anemia has a negative impact on school children, including poor physical growth and reduced mental performance.", "Children show poor attentiveness, behavior, and memory and reduced school performance.", "There is limited evidence of the magnitude of anemia and associated factors in school-age children in Ethiopia, including the study area.", "To assess the magnitude of anemia and associated factors among public elementary school children in Asella Town, Southeast Ethiopia, in 2022.", "A school-based cross-sectional study was conducted in Asella Town from April 5 to May 5, 2022.", "A total of 442 school children aged 7-14 years were included in the study using the multistage sampling method.", "Data were collected using a pretested and semistructured questionnaire through a face-to-face interview technique.", "The hemoglobin concentration was determined by using the HemoCue 301+ analyzer.", "Anthropometric data and stool examinations were collected from participants.", "Data were entered into EpiData version 4.6, transported, and analyzed by Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 26.", "Bivariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses were carried out.", "Adjusted odds ratios along with their 95% confidence interval were used, and a p value of ≤0.05 was used for declaring statistical significance.", "A total of 435 students with a mean age and standard deviation of 10.77 ± 2.21 years participated in the study.", "The magnitude of anemia was 78 (17.9%), with a 95% CI (14.3, 21.47).", "Of the participants, 63 (14.5%) were mild anemic and 15 (3.4%) were moderately anemic.", "Children whose mothers have no formal education (AOR = 3.94, 95% CI: 1.89, 8.21), underweight children (AOR = 3.83, 95% CI: 1.98, 7.40), and parasites in their stool (AOR = 3.72, 95% CI: 1.50, 9.20) were significantly associated with anemia in school-age children.", "Anemia among school-age children was found to be a mild public health problem.", "Uneducated mothers, intestinal parasite infections, and underweight children were found to be determinants of anemia among school-age children.", "Health professionals should provide health education for mothers about child-feeding practices and the consumption of dietary sources of iron." ]
Stefan T Trautmann, Yilong Xu, Christian König-Kersting, Bryan N Patenaude, Guy Harling, Ali Sié, Till Bärnighausen
Value of statistical life year in extreme poverty: a randomized experiment of measurement methods in rural Burkina Faso
Population health metrics
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anemia is a complex condition associated with diet, chronic infections, and blood loss.", "Children living at high altitudes have higher absolute hemoglobin levels due to hypoxemia.", "However, they are exposed to repeated infections and dietary limitations.", "We conducted a cross-sectional study to identify factors affecting the hemoglobin concentration in children living in high-altitude rural communities in the Anta province of Peru.", "All children 3-16 years of age attending public schools were invited to participate.", "We enrolled children 3-16 years old in schools and visited their homes to collect demographic, socioeconomic, medical history, and anthropometric data.", "Children provided blood and stool samples for complete blood counts, iron status markers, and helminth infection testing.", "Among the 2,000 children enrolled, the mean age was 9.9 (±3.4) years, 1,004 (50.2%) were female, and the median residence altitude was 3,398 (interquartile range 3,35-3,497) meters.", "The mean hemoglobin level was 15 (±1.15) mg/dL; 320 (16%) had anemia as defined by WHO.", "Children with anemia were more likely to have lower serum iron levels (odds ratio [OR] 2.8 [95% CI 2.2-3.6], P <0.001) and serum transferrin saturation (OR 2.8 [95% CI 2-3.9], P <0.001).", "Younger age (OR 0.85 [95% CI 0.82-0.89], P <0.001), stunting (OR 0.68 [95% CI 0.59-0.79], P <0.001), education of the mother (OR 0.94 [95% CI 0.91-0.98], P <0.005), and low eosinophils (OR 0.49 [95% CI 0.26-0.9], P = 0.022) were associated with anemia.", "Helminth infections were not associated with anemia.", "Anemia among children at high altitude is multifactorial, but iron deficiency is a contributing factor.", "Further studies are needed to evaluate iron status and anemia in children living at high altitudes." ]
Ana Luisa Neves, Katelyn R Smalley, Lisa Freise, Paul Harrison, Ara Darzi, Erik K Mayer
Determinants of Use of the Care Information Exchange Portal: Cross-sectional Study
Journal of medical Internet research
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anemia is a major public health issue throughout the world.", "Nutritional deficiencies in terms of iron, B12 (cobalamin) and B9 (folate) are the main causes of anemia in the absence of genetic abnormalities and chronic diseases in many countries.", "Lactating mothers are susceptible to anemia because of maternal iron depletion during lactation as well as blood loss during childbirth.", "The present study examines the prevalence of anemia among the lactating (cases) and nonpregnant-nonlactating (control) married Tangkhul women of Ukhrul district.", "A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 400 individuals (lactating: 150; nonpregnant-nonlactating women: 250) from 11 villages of the Ukhrul district in Manipur.", "A pretested schedule, which included height, weight, and socio-demographic parameters were used.", "Body mass index = weight (in kg)/height (in metre2) was computed of each subject and categorized.", "Hemoglobin concentration was measured using Sahli's method.", "Statistical methods namely Chi-square (χ2) test and binary logistic regression were applied.", "The prevalence of anemia was higher in the lactating women (62.0%) than nonpregnant-nonlactating women (56.8%).", "Odds ratio (OR) of multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that anemia was significantly associated in both cases and control with low literacy level (OR = 5.03 and 3.71), low income (OR = 2.51 and 3.56), cultivator (OR = 6.20 and 3.86), and multigravida >4 (OR = 5.25 and 2.67), respectively.", "Dietary practices play an important role in causing anemia.", "Low literacy level, low income, cultivator, and high gravidity were identified as the associated risk factors of anemia." ]
Rahman Panahi, Fereshteh Osmani, Keyhan Javanmardi, Ali Ramezankhani, Leila Dehghankar, Roohola Amini, Ali Asghar Haeri Mehrizi, Mohiadin Amjadian, Mohamad Anbari, Nooshin Hosseini
The Relationship between Different Levels of Health Literacy and Smoking Prevention Among Medical Sciences Student
International journal of preventive medicine
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anemia is a significant contributor to the global disease burden, of which thalassemia is the most common hereditary anaemic disease.", "Previous estimates were based on data that were geographically limited and lacked comprehensive global analysis.", "This study provides the prevalence, incidence, mortality and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) of thalassemia in 204 countries and regions of thalassemia between 1990 and 2021, focusing on the age structure and time trends of the disease burden.", "To provide effective information for health policy, allocation of medical resources and optimization of patient management programs.", "Using the standardised Global Burden of Disease (GBD) methodologies, we aimed to derive a more precise representation of the health burden posed by thalassemia by considering four distinct types of epidemiological data, namely the incidence at birth, prevalence, mortality and DALYs.", "The presented data were meticulously estimated and displayed both as numerical counts and as age-standardised rates per 100,000 persons of the population, accompanied by uncertainty interval (UI) to highlight potential statistical variability.", "The temporal trends spanning the years 1990-2021 were subjected to a rigorous examination utilizing Joinpoint regression analysis.", "This methodological approach facilitated the computation of the annual percentage change (APC) and the average annual percentage change (AAPC), along with their corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs).", "Globally, the age-standardized prevalence rates (ASPR), age-standardized incidence rates (ASIR), age-standardized mortality rates (ASMR), and age-standardized DALYs rates for thalassemia in 2021 were 18.28 per 100,000 persons (95% UI 15.29-22.02), 1.93 per 100,000 persons (95% UI 1.51-2.49), 0.15 per 100,000 persons(95% UI 0.11-0.20), and 11.65 per 100,000 persons (95% UI 8.24-14.94), respectively.", "Compared to 1990, these rates have decreased by 0.18 (95% UI -0.22 to -0.14), 0.25 (95% UI -0.30 to -0.19), 0.48 (95% UI -0.60 to -0.28), and 0.49 (95% UI -0.62 to -0.29) respectively.", "In 2021, the ASIR of thalassemia was highest in East Asia at 7.35 per 100,000 persons (95% UI 5.37-10.04), and ASMR was highest in Southeast Asia at 0.37 per 100,000 persons (95% UI 0.29-0.45).Gender comparisons showed negligible differences in disease burden, with the highest prevalence noted in children under five, decreasing with age.", "The global ASPR and ASMR declined from 1990 to 2021 overall, though an increasing trend in prevalence was found among the elderly.", "Joinpoint analysis revealed that the global ASPR increased between 2018 and 2021 (APC = 9.2%, 95% CI: 4.8%-13.8%, P < 0.001), ASIR decreased (APC = -7.68%, 95% CI: -10.88% to -4.36%, P < 0.001), and there was a significant rise in ASMR from 2019 to 2021 (APC = 4.8%, 95% CI: 0.1%-9.6%, P < 0.05).", "Trends in ASPR and ASMR varied across regions, with notable changes in South Asia.", "The global burden of thalassemia, reflected in its prevalence, incidence, mortality, and DALYs, exhibits significant disparities.", "Geographic and demographic shifts in disease distribution have been observed from 1990 to 2021, with an overall decrease in burden, yet an increase in cases among the elderly population.", "Analysis of epidemiological trends over time highlights the influence of health policies and significant public health interventions on thalassemia outcomes.", "There data are crucial for healthcare professionals, policymakers, and researchers to refine and enhance management strategies, aiming to further mitigate thalassemia's global impact.", "National Natural Science Foundation of China; Guizhou Province Science and Technology Project; Guizhou Province Science and Technology Foundation of Health Commission." ]
Maurice J Meade
Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: A cross-sectional survey assessing the quality of information on the Internet
Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anemia is a significant public health problem in many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), with young children being especially vulnerable.", "Iron deficiency is a leading cause of anemia and prior studies have shown associations between low iron status/iron deficiency anemia and poor child development outcomes.", "In LMICs, 43% of children under the age of five years are at risk of not meeting their developmental potential.", "However, few studies have examined associations between anemia status and early childhood development (ECD) in large population-based surveys.", "We examined the associations between severe or moderate anemia and ECD domains (literacy-numeracy, physical, social-emotional, and learning) and an overall ECD index among children age 36-59 months.", "Nine Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) from phase VII of The DHS Program (DHS-7) that included the ECD module and hemoglobin testing in children under age five years were used.", "Bivariate and multivariate logistic regressions were run for each of the five outcomes.", "Multivariate models controlled for early learning/interaction variables, child, maternal, and paternal characteristics, and socio-economic and household characteristics.", "Results showed almost no significant associations between anemia and ECD domains or the overall ECD index except for social-emotional development in Benin (AOR = 1.00 p < 0.05) and physical development in Maldives (AORs = 0.97 p < 0.05).", "Attendance at an early childhood education program was also significantly associated with the outcomes in many of the countries.", "Our findings reinforce the importance of the Nurturing Care Framework which describes a multi-sectoral approach to promote ECD in LMICs." ]
Jie Wang, Xin Wang, Lei Wang, Yan Peng
Health Information Needs of Young Chinese People Based on an Online Health Community: Topic and Statistical Analysis
JMIR medical informatics
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anemia is a wide-spread public health problem characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin concentration and/ or red blood cell volume below an established cut-off value.", "In developing countries including Ethiopia, about half of children are estimated to be anemic.", "Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the pooled prevalence of anemia and its predictor factors among children in Ethiopia.", "The studies were identified through explicit and exhaustive search of reputable databases (PubMed, Google scholar, Science Direct, EMBASE, Cochrane library, and the hand search of reference lists of previous prevalence studies to retrieve more related articles.", "Thirty-nine studies were selected based on a comprehensive list of inclusion and exclusion criteria.", "Data were extracted using a standardized and pre-tested data extraction checklist, and the analysis was done using STATA 14 statistical software.", "To assess heterogeneity, the Cochrane Q test statistic and I2 tests were used.", "In our analysis, considerable heterogeneity was observed.", "Therefore, a random effect meta-analysis model was used to estimate the pooled prevalence of anemia.", "Moreover, the predictor factors of anemia were examined.", "The forest plot of 39 included studies revealed that the overall pooled prevalence of anemia among children in Ethiopia was 34.4% (95% CI: 29.1, 39.7%).", "Sub-group analysis showed that the highest anemia prevalence was observed in Somali Region with a prevalence of 49.4 % (95% CI: 20.9, 77.8).", "Also, anemia in children was found to be highest in the age group of less than five years (45.2, 95% CI: 39.6,50.8).", "Low literacy of families: 1.3 (95% CI: 1.1, 1.7), low family socioeconomic status: 1.9 (95% CI: 1.1,3.01.3), having housewife mothers or with no job: 1.5 (95% CI: 1.4, 1.9) and rural residence: 3.3 (95% CI: 1.7,6.1) were found to be predictors of anemia among children.", "In this study, one in three children were anemic in Ethiopia.", "It is a moderate public health problem in children in this study.", "Low literacy, low socioeconomic status as well as rural residence of the families and helminthic infection of the children were found to be predictors of anemia in the children.", "Community and school-based interventions should be strengthened to improve the problem." ]
Matheus Lotto, Kaiane Fátima Maschio, Kimberly Kamila Silva, Patricia Estefania Ayala Aguirre, Agnes Cruvinel, Thiago Cruvinel
eHEALS as a predictive factor of digital health information seeking behavior among Brazilian undergraduate students
Health promotion international
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anesthesia providers face numerous occupational hazards, including exposure to anesthesia gases, which can lead to fatigue.", "These professionals face challenges such as night shifts, OR stress, limited mobility and sunlight access, high workload, inadequate rest breaks.", "Health-related sociodemographic variables, such as smoking, sleep patterns, and obesity.", "Our research aims to explore various risk factors associated with fatigue among operating theatre workers including sleep quality.", "A cross-sectional study was conducted on 227 of operating room healthcare professionals from five tertiary hospitals in Saudi Arabia, for a period of 6 months, between January 1, 2023 to June 1, 2023.", "The study used a five-point Likert scale sheet and the FSS \"fatigue severity scale\" to analyze and measure fatigue and sleep quality.", "The questionnaire included all socio-demographic variables, work conditions, and fatigue severity scale items.", "The major findings revealed a significant correlation between fatigue severity scores and exposure to anesthesia gases.", "Socio-demographic variables such as smoking have showed major relevance to fatigue in the sample size, as (76.6%) of the participants that answered as regular smokers have showed result of positive correlation to fatigue and with a significant of (0.034).", "Out of the total sample, 76.1% were exposed to anesthesia gases once daily, showing a positive association with fatigue severity scores.", "Work-related factors like job experience and position also had a lower association with fatigue severity.", "p (0.031) Univariate logistic regression p (0.035).", "The study found that the work-related conditions like workload on Anesthesia technicians and technologists over 44 h per week and gas exposure is directly linked to fatigue severity and sleep quality so is the socio-demographic considerations.", "With poor sleep quality in younger staff which is documented in the study result a large-scale prospective analysis to understand the factors affecting OR staff's sleep quality and fatigue severity and what can be done to regulate working hours and break time and incorporate naps in to enhance patient safety and well-being for anesthesia providers in Saudi Arabia." ]
Chao Wu, Lin-Yuan Zhang, Xin-Yan Zhang, Yan-Ling Du, Shi-Zhe He, Li-Rong Yu, Hong-Fang Chen, Lei Shang, Hong-Juan Lang
Factors influencing career success of clinical nurses in northwestern China based on Kaleidoscope Career Model: Structural equation model
Journal of nursing management
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Animacy plays a key role for human cognition, which is also reflected in the way humans process language.", "However, while experiments on sentence processing show reliable effects of animacy on word order and grammatical function assignment, effects of animacy on conjoined noun phrases (e.g., fish and shoe vs. shoe and fish) have yielded inconsistent results.", "In the present study, we tested the possibility that effects of animacy are outranked by reading and writing habits.", "We examined adult speakers of German (left-to-right script) and speakers of Arabic (right-to-left script), as well as German preschool children who do not yet know how to read and write.", "Participants were tested in a picture naming task that presented an animate and an inanimate entity next to one another.", "On half of the trials, the animate entity was located on the left and, on the other half, it was located on the right side of the screen.", "We found that adult German and Arabic speakers differed in their order of naming.", "Whereas German speakers were much more likely to mention the animate entity first when it was presented on the left than on the right, a reverse tendency was observed for speakers of Arabic.", "Thus, in literate adults, the ordering of conjoined noun phrases was influenced by reading and writing habits rather than by the animacy status of an entity.", "By contrast, pre-literate children preferred to start their utterances with the animate entity regardless of position, suggesting that effects of animacy in adults have been overwritten by effects of literacy." ]
Seyedeh Atefeh Koohpayeh, Fatemeh Estebsari, Fatemeh Lashani, Abdollsamad Homayouni, Malihe Nasiri
Relationship between Health Literacy and Knowledge, Attitude, and Performance Regarding Cancer Warning Signs
Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Animal behavior is shaped by a myriad of mechanisms acting on a wide range of scales, which hampers quantitative reasoning and the identification of general principles.", "Here, we combine data analysis and theory to investigate the relationship between behavioral plasticity and heavy-tailed statistics often observed in animal behavior.", "Specifically, we first leverage high-resolution recordings of C. elegans locomotion to show that stochastic transitions among long-lived behaviors exhibit heavy-tailed first passage time distributions and correlation functions.", "Such heavy tails can be explained by slow adaptation of behavior over time.", "This particular result motivates our second step of introducing a general model where we separate fast dynamics on a quasi-stationary multi-well potential, from non-ergodic, slowly varying modes.", "We then show that heavy tails generically emerge in such a model, and we provide a theoretical derivation of the resulting functional form, which can become a power law with exponents that depend on the strength of the fluctuations.", "Finally, we provide direct support for the generality of our findings by testing them in a C. elegans mutant where adaptation is suppressed and heavy tails thus disappear, and recordings of larval zebrafish swimming behavior where heavy tails are again prevalent." ]
I-Ju Lai, Li-Chun Chang, Chia-Kuei Lee, Li-Ling Liao
Nutrition Literacy Mediates the Relationships between Multi-Level Factors and College Students' Healthy Eating Behavior: Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Study
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Animal behavior is shaped by a myriad of mechanisms acting on a wide range of scales.", "This immense variability hampers quantitative reasoning and renders the identification of universal principles elusive.", "Through data analysis and theory, we here show that slow non-ergodic drives generally give rise to heavy-tailed statistics in behaving animals.", "We leverage high-resolution recordings of C. elegans locomotion to extract a self-consistent reduced order model for an inferred reaction coordinate, bridging from sub-second chaotic dynamics to long-lived stochastic transitions among metastable states.", "The slow mode dynamics exhibits heavy-tailed first passage time distributions and correlation functions, and we show that such heavy tails can be explained by dynamics on a time-dependent potential landscape.", "Inspired by these results, we introduce a generic model in which we separate faster mixing modes that evolve on a quasi-stationary potential, from slower non-ergodic modes that drive the potential landscape, and reflect slowly varying internal states.", "We show that, even for simple potential landscapes, heavy tails emerge when barrier heights fluctuate slowly and strongly enough.", "In particular, the distribution of first passage times and the correlation function can asymptote to a power law, with related exponents that depend on the strength and nature of the fluctuations.", "We support our theoretical findings through direct numerical simulations." ]
Hoang Nguyen, Kathleen Veronica Doherty, Claire E A Eccleston, Aidan Bindoff, Laura Tierney, Ron Mason, Andrew Robinson, James Vickers, Fran McInerney
Consumer Access, Appraisal, and Application of Services and Information for Dementia (CAAASI-Dem): a validation study
Aging & mental health
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Animal scientists face an increasing need to communicate with the lay public because of the public's interest in the origin and production of animal-sourced foods.", "Consumers' increased interest infers a critical need for effective communication skills among animal science graduates.", "Effective communication skills are mandatory if students are to explain scientific information and mitigate misinformation about livestock production.", "The purpose of our study was to investigate the communication styles and communication effectiveness of upper-level animal science students enrolled in a beef cattle production and management course at Texas A&M University across five semesters (N = 241; spring 2018 = 61, summer 2018 = 15, Fall 2018 = 54, spring 2019 = 55, and fall 2019 = 56).", "Male animal science students (n = 25; 32.9%) preferred assertive and direct communication (a driver communication style) and female students (n = 32; 19.4%) preferred collaborative and accommodating communication (an amiable communication style).", "Students were moderately experienced with beef cattle production (M = 3.09, SD = 1.07) before enrolling in the course; however, former beef cattle experiences did not influence their preferred communication style [F(10, 230) = 0.36, P = 0.96].", "Researchers also observed students' communication skills during an end-of-semester beef cattle production and management project presentation and identified strengths and weaknesses.", "Students demonstrated strong, in-depth animal industry knowledge, an ability to connect beef production techniques to management success, and critical thinking skills when answering questions.", "Oral communication skills warranting improvement included integrating visual aids and/or visual slides to support findings, using improved stage presence and confidence, and sharing responsibilities when presenting as a team.", "Finally, completion of a supplemental communication training module, intended to develop oral communication skills, significantly improved [F(1, 55) = 4.16, P = 0.046] students' beef cattle production and management project presentation scores.", "As students become aware of their communication preferences and tendencies, they become equipped to adjust their communication practices and techniques when needed.", "Through this study, we gained insight into students' communication tendencies and skills, which can be used to provide curricular recommendations and enhance students' workforce readiness." ]
András Fehér, Miklós Véha, Henrietta Mónika Boros, Bence Kovács, Enikő Kontor, Zoltán Szakály
The Relationship between Online and Offline Information-Seeking Behaviors for Healthy Nutrition
International journal of environmental research and public health
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Animals play a crucial role in social occupational fields.", "The positive effects of animals are described in theory and practice.", "However, the significance of animal welfare in animal-assisted intervention settings has not yet been extensively researched, so that the aim of this explorative study was to investigate the perception and significance as well as the understanding of animal welfare and its implementation on the part of professionals working with animals.", "In the present project, 270 animal-assisted professionals from Germany were interviewed about their individual perceptions of animal welfare and their implementation of animal welfare with the help of questionnaires with closed questions (5-point agreement scale) and open questions.", "The quantitative data were analyzed using the statistical software SPSS and MS Excel.", "The qualitative data were analyzed using thematic coding.", "The quantitative and qualitative results show that animal welfare poses high importance for people working in animal-assisted interventions.", "The structure and design of assignments, animal-related aspects and conditions, and education and knowledge are mentioned as generally relevant conditions for ensuring animal welfare from the perspective of animal-assisted intervention practitioners.", "In addition, different concrete courses of action to ensure animal welfare are described, which are characterized as stopping or changing the setting at different levels.", "Animal welfare plays a central role for professionals working with animals.", "However, further studies are necessary in order to record other animal welfare-relevant aspects in the animal-assisted interventions, depending on the respective animal species, and to examine the implementation of animal welfare-related measures." ]
Sutapa Biswas, Judita Syiemlieh, Roken Nongrum, Shashi Sharma, Maqsood Siddiqi
Prevalence of Tobacco Use in Young Adult Literate Girls of 18-25 Years in Meghalaya, India: A Cross-Sectional Study
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Annotation Enrichment Analysis (AEA) is a widely used analytical approach to process data generated by high-throughput genomic and proteomic experiments such as gene expression microarrays.", "The analysis uncovers and summarizes discriminating background information (e.g.", "GO annotations) for sets of genes identified by experiments (e.g.", "a set of differentially expressed genes, a cluster).", "The discovered information is utilized by human experts to find biological interpretations of the experiments.", "However, AEA isolates and tests for overrepresentation only individual annotation terms or groups of similar terms and is limited in its ability to uncover complex phenomena involving relationship between multiple annotation terms from various knowledge bases.", "Also, AEA assumes that annotations describe the whole object of interest, which makes it difficult to apply it to sets of compound objects (e.g.", "sets of protein-protein interactions) and to sets of objects having an internal structure (e.g.", "protein complexes).", "We propose a novel logic-based Annotation Concept Synthesis and Enrichment Analysis (ACSEA) approach.", "ACSEA fuses inductive logic reasoning with statistical inference to uncover more complex phenomena captured by the experiments.", "We evaluate our approach on large-scale datasets from several microarray experiments and on a clustered genome-wide genetic interaction network using different biological knowledge bases.", "The discovered interpretations have lower P-values than the interpretations found by AEA, are highly integrative in nature, and include analysis of quantitative and structured information present in the knowledge bases.", "The results suggest that ACSEA can boost effectiveness of the processing of high-throughput experiments.", "" ]
Genevieve Perrins, Tabassum Ferdous, Dawn Hay, Bobby Harreveld, Kerry Reid-Searl
Conducting Health Literacy Research With Hard-to-Reach Regional Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations: Evaluation Study of Recruitment and Retention Methods Before and During COVID-19
JMIR formative research
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Annually, 5.4 million children under five face mortality, with 2.5 million deaths in the first month, 1.6 million between one and eleven months, and 1.3 million aged one to four.", "Despite global strides, sub-Saharan Africa, including Ghana, grapples with persistent high child mortality.", "This study employs statistical methods to pinpoint factors driving under-five mortality in the Greater Accra Regional Hospital.", "The data was acquired from Greater Accra Regional Hospital, Ghana, spanning January to December 2020.", "The data comprised all under-five deaths recorded in the hospital in 2020.", "The statistical tools employed were the chi-square test of association and the multinomial logistic regression model.", "In 2020, there were 238 cases of under-five mortality recorded in the hospital, with males constituting the majority (55%).", "About 85% of these cases occurred within the first month of birth, primarily attributed to respiratory distress, prematurity, and sepsis.", "Notably, meconium aspiration was the least common among grouped diagnoses.", "The test of association and multinomial logistic model emphasised the child's age, birth type, and weight at birth as significant factors influencing child mortality.", "Conversely, attributes like sex, marital status, and mother's age displayed no notable association with the diagnosis of death.", "The study on child mortality at the Greater Accra Regional Hospital unveils key factors shaping child health outcomes, emphasising the role of age, birth type, and weight.", "While specific demographics show no significant association, identified predictors are vital for targeted interventions.", "Proposed strategies encompass education programs, improved care, birthing practices, and data-driven policies." ]
Changfeng Yuan, Yulong Zhang, Jiahui Wang, Yating Tong
Modeling and evaluation of causal factors in emergency responses to fire accidents involving oil storage system
Scientific reports
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Antenatal breast milk expression (ABE) offers a host of benefits, including reduced formula consumption, support for breastfeeding success, and increased maternal satisfaction.", "Despite these advantages, experience with ABE differs significantly, often leading to anxiety over perceived inadequate milk supply and eventual breastfeeding cessation.", "This study comprehensively evaluates the knowledge, attitudes, and real-world experiences of individuals with gestational or pregestational diabetes concerning ABE, with a focus on total milk volume expressed prior to birth.", "Utilizing a convenience sampling method, we surveyed individuals with gestational or pregestational diabetes from three health care facilities who were trained in ABE.", "Knowledge and perceptions were gauged through presurvey statements, while postsurvey statements were employed to measure experiences, both using a 5-point Likert scale.", "In parallel, a retrospective study assessed both maternal and infant outcomes among the same participant pool.", "Statistical comparisons between individuals with and without reservations were made using the Wilcoxon signed rank sum, Mann-Whitney, chi-square, and Fisher's exact tests.", "Of the 138 participants, 75% completed both survey segments, and 61% expressed reservations about ABE.", "Both groups were demographically similar and showed comparable newborn outcomes.", "However, individuals with reservations experienced heightened pain during ABE, reported lesser lactation support, and were less willing to repeat the process compared to those individuals without reservations.", "The median total ABE volume was significantly lower by 14 mL among those with reservations (7 vs. 21 mL, p = 0.009).", "Although both groups demonstrated improved attitudes toward the utility of ABE for individuals with gestational or pregestational diabetes, no significant shift occurred in the perception of ABE difficulty.", "Our results indicate that individuals with gestational or pregestational diabetes who have reservations about ABE face unique challenges and tend to express lower milk volumes.", "This underlines the need for specialized interventions and ongoing research to address antenatal lactation support and alleviate ABE-related concerns among individuals with gestational or pregestational diabetes.", "· Reservations of ABE were associated with reduced milk volumes.. · Regardless of reservations, ABE was felt to be beneficial.. · Our results underscore the need for more ABE education for those with reservations.." ]
Salamah Abimbola Junaid, Oluchi Joan Kanma-Okafor, Tolulope Florence Olufunlayo, Babatunde A Odugbemi, Obianuju Beatrice Ozoh
Tuberculosis stigma: Assessing tuberculosis knowledge, attitude and preventive practices in surulere, Lagos, Nigeria
Annals of African medicine
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Antenatal care (ANC) is critical to reducing maternal and infant mortality.", "However, sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) continues to have among the lowest levels of ANC receipt globally, with half of mothers not meeting the WHO minimum recommendation of at least four visits.", "Increasing ANC coverage will require not only directly reducing geographic and financial barriers to care but also addressing the social determinants of health that shape access.", "Among those with the greatest potential for impact is maternal education: past research has documented a relationship between higher educational attainment and antenatal healthcare access, as well as related outcomes like health literacy and autonomy in health decision-making.", "Yet little causal evidence exists about whether changing educational policies can improve ANC coverage.", "This study fills this research gap by investigating the impact of national-level policies that eliminate tuition fees for lower secondary education in SSA on the number of ANC visits.", "To estimate the effect of women's exposure to tuition-free education policies at the primary and lower secondary levels on their ANC visits, a difference-in-difference methodology was employed.", "This analysis leverages the variation in the timing of education policies across nine SSA countries.", "Exposure to tuition-free primary and lower secondary education is associated with improvements in the number of ANC visits, increasing the share of women meeting the WHO recommendation of at least four ANC visits by 6-14%.", "Moreover, the impact of both education policies combined is greater than that of tuition-free primary education alone.", "However, the effects vary across individual treatment countries, suggesting the need for further investigation into country-specific dynamics.", "The findings of this study have significant implications for policymakers and stakeholders seeking to improve ANC coverage.", "Removing the tuition barrier at the secondary level has shown to be a powerful strategy for advancing health outcomes and educational attainment.", "As governments across Africa consider eliminating tuition fees at the secondary level, this study provides valuable evidence about the impacts on reproductive health outcomes.", "While investing in free education requires initial investment, the long-term benefits for both human development and economic growth far outweigh the costs." ]
Hua-Xuan Liu, Bik-Chu Chow, Wei Liang, Holger Hassel, YaJun Wendy Huang
Measuring a Broad Spectrum of eHealth Skills in the Web 3.0 Context Using an eHealth Literacy Scale: Development and Validation Study
Journal of medical Internet research
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Antenatal care (ANC) is essential health care and medical support provided to pregnant women, with the aim of promoting optimal health for both the mother and the developing baby.", "Pregnant women should initiate ANC within the first trimester of pregnancy to access a wide range of crucial services.", "Early initiation of ANC significantly reduces adverse pregnancy outcomes, yet many women in Sub-Saharan Africa delay its initiation.", "The aim of this study was to assess prevalence and determinants of delayed ANC initiation in Ethiopia.", "We conducted a secondary data analysis of the 2019 Ethiopian Mini Demographic and Health Survey (EMDHS).", "The study involved women of reproductive age who had given birth within the five years prior to the survey and had attended ANC for their most recent child.", "A total weighted sample of 2,895 pregnant women were included in the analysis.", "Due to the hierarchical nature of the data, we employed a multi-level logistic regression model to examine both individual and community level factors associated with delayed ANC initiation.", "The findings of the regressions were presented with odds ratios (OR), 95% confidence intervals (CI), and p-values.", "All the statistical analysis were performed using STATA-14 software.", "This study showed that 62.3% (95% CI: 60.5, 64.1) of pregnant women in Ethiopia delayed ANC initiation.", "Participants, on average, began their ANC at 4 months gestational age.", "Women with no education (AOR = 2.1; 95% CI: 1.4, 3.0), poorest wealth status (AOR = 1.9; 95% CI: 1.3, 2.8), from the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples (SNNP) region (AOR = 2.1; 95% CI: 1.3, 3.3), and those who gave birth at home (AOR = 1.4; 95% CI: 1.1, 1.7) were more likely to delay ANC initiation.", "The prevalence of delayed ANC initiation in Ethiopia was high.", "Enhancing mothers' education, empowering them through economic initiatives, improving their health-seeking behavior towards facility delivery, and universally reinforcing standardized ANC, along with collaborating with the existing local community structure to disseminate health information, are recommended measures to reduce delayed ANC initiation." ]
Doris Schaeffer, Eva-Maria Berens, Dominique Vogt, Svea Gille, Lennert Griese, Julia Klinger, Klaus Hurrelmann
Health Literacy in Germany - Findings of a Representative Follow-up Survey
Deutsches Arzteblatt international
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Antenatal care is directed toward ensuring healthy pregnancy outcomes.", "Quality antenatal care increases the likelihood of receiving an effective intervention to maintain maternal, fetal, and neonatal well-being, while poor quality is linked to poor pregnancy outcomes.", "However, owing to the complex nature of quality, researchers have followed several approaches to systematically measure it.", "The evidence from these variable approaches appears inconsistence and poses challenges to programmers and policymakers.", "Hence, it is imperative to obtain a pooled estimate of the quality of antenatal care.", "Therefore, considering the scarcity of evidence on the quality of antenatal care, this study aimed to review, synthesize, and bring pooled estimates of accessible evidence.", "This study aimed to estimate the pooled magnitude and predictors of quality of antenatal care services and compare regional disparity.", "We conducted a comprehensive systematic three-step approach search of published and unpublished sources from 2002 to 2022.", "The methodological quality of eligible studies was checked using Joanna Briggs Institute critical appraisal tool for cross-sectional studies.", "Meta-analysis was carried out using STATA version 16.", "Statistical heterogeneity was assessed using Cochran's Q test.", "In the presence of moderate heterogeneity (I2 more than 50%), sensitivity and subgroup analyses were conducted and presented in a forest plot.", "Effect size was reported using standardized mean difference and its 95% confidence interval.", "Funnel plots and Egger's regression test were used to measure publication bias at the 5% significance level.", "A trim-and-fill analysis was conducted to adjust for publication bias.", "Pooled estimates were computed using random-effects models and weighted using the inverse variance method in the presence of high heterogeneity among studies.", "A 95% CI and 5% significance level were considered to declare significance variables.", "The global pooled poor-quality antenatal care was 64.28% (95% CI: 59.58%-68.98%) (I2 = 99.97%, p = 0.001).", "The identified pooled predictors of good-quality antenatal care service were: number of antenatal care visits (fourth and above antenatal care visit) (Adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 2.6, 95% CI: 1.37-3.84), family wealth index (AOR = 2.72, 95% CI: 1.89-3.55), maternal education attainment (AOR = 3.03, 95% CI: 2.24-3.82), residence (urban dwellers) (AOR = 4.06, 95% CI: 0.95-7.17), and confidentiality antenatal care (AOR = 2.23, 95% CI: -0.36 to -4.82).", "The study found regional and country-level disparities in the quality of antenatal care services for pregnant women, where poor-quality antenatal care services were provided for more than two-thirds to three-fourths of antenatal care attendants.", "Therefore, policymakers and health planners should put a great deal of emphasis on addressing the quality of antenatal care services." ]
Ana Luísa Neves, Cristina Jácome, Tiago Taveira-Gomes, Ana Margarida Pereira, Rute Almeida, Rita Amaral, Magna Alves-Correia, Sandra Mendes, Cláudia Chaves-Loureiro, Margarida Valério, Cristina Lopes, Joana Carvalho, Ana Mendes, Carmelita Ribeiro, Sara Prates, José Alberto Ferreira, Maria Fernanda Teixeira, Joana Branco, Marta Santalha, Maria João Vasconcelos, Carlos Lozoya, Natacha Santos, Francisca Cardia, Ana Sofia Moreira, Luís Taborda-Barata, Cláudia Sofia Pinto, Rosário Ferreira, Pedro Morais Silva, Tania Monteiro Ferreira, Raquel Câmara, Rui Lobo, Diana Bordalo, Cristina Guimarães, Maria Espírito Santo, José Ferraz de Oliveira, Maria José Cálix Augusto, Ricardo Gomes, Inês Vieira, Sofia da Silva, Maria Marques, João Cardoso, Ana Morete, Margarida Aroso, Ana Margarida Cruz, Carlos Nunes, Rita Câmara, Natalina Rodrigues, Carmo Abreu, Ana Luísa Albuquerque, Claúdia Vieira, Carlos Santos, Rosália Páscoa, Carla Chaves-Loureiro, Adelaide Alves, Ângela Neves, José Varanda Marques, Bruno Reis, Manuel Ferreira-Magalhães, João Almeida Fonseca
Determinants of the Use of Health and Fitness Mobile Apps by Patients With Asthma: Secondary Analysis of Observational Studies
Journal of medical Internet research
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "anterior cruciate ligament injuries (ACL) continue increasing in frecuency in the general population and sportmen who practice soccer and american football where we can locate 53% of the total of cases, the annual incidence is 70 per 100,000 persons.", "The incidence of this injuries has being increasing in women probably of the increase of the participation in such sports.", "to document the causes of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) plasty failure, as well as the diagnosis, surgical technique, and postoperative care of a revision ACL plasty surgery.", "a search for relevant information, original research articles, clinical trials, and reviews in indexed journals was performed.", "anterior cruciate ligament injuries continue to increase among the general population and athletes who play soccer and American soccer mainly, in this population group we found 53% of the total cases.", "The gold standard for treatment is arthroscopic reconstruction of the ligament.", "ACL reconstruction surgery has good results, with an estimated 75-90% success rate.", "Long-term failures of anterior cruciate ligament repair represent 5-25%.", "Among the factors associated with this failure are technical errors, traumatic antecedents, biological factors, among others.", "in ACL revision surgery good results can be achieved with respect to graft stability, return to play and functional stability of the knee, but the results are generally inferior to those of primary ACL reconstruction." ]
Chia-Wei Li, Ching-Ju Chiu
Incorporating gerontological and geriatrics information into picture books for 9-12 year-old children: A stakeholder engagement design
Gerontology & geriatrics education
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anthelmintic resistance in sheep parasitic gastrointestinal nematodes is widespread and a severe health and economic issue but prevalence of resistance and involved parasite species are unknown in Germany.", "Here, the faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) was performed on eight farms using fenbendazole, ivermectin and moxidectin and on four farms using only moxidectin.", "A questionnaire was used to obtain data on management practices to potentially identify risk factors for presence of resistance.", "All requirements of the recently revised WAAVP guideline for diagnosing anthelmintic resistance using the FECRT were applied.", "Nematode species composition in pre- and post-treatment samples was analysed with the nemabiome approach.", "Using the eggCounts statistic package, resistance against fenbendazole, ivermectin and moxidectin was found on 7/8, 8/8 and 8/12 farms, respectively.", "No formal risk factor analysis was conducted since resistance was present on most farms.", "Comparison with the bayescount R package results revealed substantial agreement between methods (Cohen's κ = 0.774).", "In contrast, interpretation of data comparing revised and original WAAVP guidelines resulted in moderate agreement (Cohen's κ = 0.444).", "The FECR for moxidectin was significantly higher than for ivermectin and fenbendazole.", "Nemabiome data identified 4 to 12 species in pre-treatment samples and treatments caused a small but significant decrease in species diversity (inverse Simpson index).", "Non-metric multidimensional scaling and k-means clustering were used to identify common patterns in pre- and post-treatment samples.", "However, post-treatment samples were scattered among the pre-treatment samples.", "Resistant parasite species differed between farms.", "In conclusion, the revised FECRT guideline allows robust detection of anthelmintic resistance.", "Resistance was widespread and involved multiple parasite species.", "Resistance against both drug classes on the same farm was common.", "Further studies including additional drugs (levamisole, monepantel, closantel) should combine sensitive FECRTs with nemabiome data to comprehensively characterise the anthelmintic susceptibility status of sheep nematodes in Germany." ]
Kate Harline, Jesús Martínez-Gómez, Chelsea D Specht, Adrienne H K Roeder
A Life Cycle for Modeling Biology at Different Scales
Frontiers in plant science
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anti-fat attitudes and weight-based discrimination are prevalent in healthcare settings and among healthcare practitioners and clinical trainees, and can result in immense harm to patients.", "There is increasing recognition that anti-fat bias in healthcare is a critical issue that must be addressed, but there is a dearth of evidence demonstrating sustained attitude and behavioural change among clinicians, illustrating a need for more innovative educational approaches and rigorous evaluation.", "We describe the co-design and delivery of a narrative-based continuing professional development curriculum aimed at raising awareness of weight-based bias and stigma.", "Our research team of lived experience educators, clinicians and researchers collaboratively developed a series of seven podcast episodes comprised of narrative descriptions of lived experiences with and impacts of weight bias, stigma and discrimination in healthcare settings, as well as a post-podcast workshop to facilitate reflection and discussion between participants.", "The curriculum was piloted among 20 clinicians practicing at a large urban hospital in Mississauga, Canada.", "We explored feasibility, acceptability and learning impact by analyzing responses to questionnaires completed following each podcast episode and responses shared during the workshops and follow-up feedback sessions.", "We observed high acceptability and feasibility of the curriculum.", "Participants experienced the podcast as a practical and convenient learning format and the workshop as a valuable opportunity to collectively debrief and reflect.", "The learning impact of the curriculum was strong; participants described a range of emotions elicited by the podcasts, engaged in self-reflection, and expressed a desire to modify clinical approaches.", "Barriers to the application of learnings identified by participants include pervasiveness of the use of body mass index (BMI) as an indicator of risk and a criterion for referral; discomfort with difficult conversations; prevalent biomedical understandings about the association between weight and health; and clinicians' defensiveness.", "This pilot study yielded promising findings and demonstrated potential impact on weight bias and stigma among healthcare providers.", "Necessary next steps include conducting larger scale, rigorous evaluations of the curriculum among broader populations, both health professions trainees and current healthcare providers." ]
C Bouclaous, I Haddad, A Alrazim, H Kolanjian, A El Safadi
Health literacy levels and correlates among refugees in Mount Lebanon
Public health
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Antibiotic overuse is a serious health issue.", "It has been demonstrated that improper antibiotic use is linked to a lack of knowledge in the public.", "To encourage judicious antibiotic use in the COVID-19 ERA, it is critical to provide accessible and secure therapies.", "This study aimed to assess the effects of instructional video and community radio broadcasting interventions on knowledge and behavior of antibiotic use.", "Adults over the age of 20 were enrolled in a quasi-experimental study.", "A total of 369 representatives were divided into two groups: 185 participants in the control group and 184 participants in the intervention group.", "Data were collected twice, before and after the educational program by community health workers.", "Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data.", "The participants' average age was 56.4 ± 0.6 years.", "Most of the respondents were female (264, 71.5%) and had only received an elementary education (186, 50.4%).", "A mean difference score was produced for the control and intervention groups.", "Both groups experienced a statistically significant gain in mean difference score of knowledge following the educational program (3.42 ± 4.18, [95% CI 2.81-4.02] vs 5.42 ± 4.97, [95% CI 4.69-6.14]) (P < 0.001).", "A mean difference score was produced with behavior (1.78 ± 3.45, [95% CI 1.28-2.28] vs 2.77 ± 3.06, [95% CI 2.28-3.27]) (P < 0.001).", "A mean difference in knowledge score between the groups was greater, with the intervention group scoring higher; all significant variables were controlled by multivariable regression analysis (1.31 [95% CI 0.53-2.09]) (P = 0.001).", "Similarly, a mean difference behavior score (1.34 [95% CI 0.82-1.86]) (P < 0.001).", "The integration of an educational poster, instructional video, and community radio broadcasting interventions about antibiotic use through CHWs in local communities is beneficial.", "This program should be implemented at the national level to promote rational drug use.", "Future studies should investigate how the educational program affects antibiotic use rates in the long term." ]
Emeka Ray-Offor, Nze Jebbin
Risk Factors for Inadequate Bowel Preparation During Colonoscopy in Nigerian Patients
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Antibiotic resistance (ABR) is a major public health issue, associated with increased patient morbidity and mortality globally, with significantly higher rates in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).", "Assessment of contextual factors, such as information, education, infrastructure and regulations are important for developing local solutions against ABR.", "To determine the knowledge and practices of healthcare workers (HCWs) towards ABR in hospitals in Sudan.", "A survey was conducted in three different hospitals in Khartoum, Sudan from February to December 2020.", "HCWs of different specialties and expertise were invited to participate.", "Data were descriptively analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).", "ABR was identified as a big challenge by 89% of 345 HCWs who participated.", "The results show that 79% of doctors don't rely on the clinical microbiology laboratory (CML) results for antibiotic prescription or clinical decision-making.", "Sixty percent of HCWs agreed there are infection prevention and control (IPC) guidelines in their hospital, but 74% of them don't have access to them, and infrequently receive relevant IPC training.", "Furthermore, HCWs obtain ABR information from other colleagues informally, not through local data or reports.", "Despite adequate knowledge of ABR locally, there are significant contextual technical challenges facing HCWs in Sudan, such as availability of policies and accurate data from CMLs.", "The results indicate a poor link between HCWs and the CMLs for infection management and it is essential to improve communication between the different hospital departments with regard to ABR transmission, and ensure the effectiveness of local IPC policies based on locally available data." ]
Bridianne O'Dea, Mirjana Subotic-Kerry, Catherine King, Andrew J Mackinnon, Melinda R Achilles, Melissa Anderson, Belinda Parker, Aliza Werner-Seidler, Michelle Torok, Nicole Cockayne, Simon T E Baker, Helen Christensen
A cluster randomised controlled trial of a web-based youth mental health service in Australian schools
The Lancet regional health. Western Pacific
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Antibiotic resistance is a component of antimicrobial resistance and is often referred to as the silent pandemic.", "It is one of the causes of global health problems that must be addressed.", "Resistance occurs due to frequent misuse and overuse of antibiotics by dairy farmers.", "Therefore, this study aimed to examine the influence of the characteristics of dairy farmers and analyze the variables that directly and indirectly affected the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of dairy farmers regarding antibiotic resistance in a dairy farmers' cooperative in North Cianjur.", "A cross-sectional design was used with a structured questionnaire validated by Pearson correlation and reliability tested with Alpha Cronbach.", "Data were obtained from interviews with 75 dairy farmers in KPSCU, Cianjur District, West Java, Indonesia.", "The outcome variables were analyzed using descriptive and pathway analyses.", "The results showed that dairy farmers had good and sufficient knowledge (42.7%), the attitude level was positive (81.3%), and all farmers had sufficient practices (100%).", "The results also showed that most dairy farmers were over 40 years of age, with 54.7% having elementary school education.", "Approximately 50.7% of farmers had been engaged in breeding for 10-20 years, 80% owned their livestock, and 76% had attended training.", "There was a significant relationship between age, education, training, and knowledge level.", "Knowledge was the primary factor influencing the overall attitude.", "In addition, age, education, type of business, knowledge, and attitude were factors that influenced the practice of antibiotic resistance.", "Training and education really influenced KAP of farmers.", "Therefore, the best way to reduce antibiotic resistance is by increasing farmers' knowledge and understanding of antibiotic resistance and monitoring the use of antibiotics." ]
Joana Falcão, Allison Zerbe, Claude Ann Mellins, Joanne Mantell, Kirsty Brittain, Bill Kapogiannis, Eduarda Pimentel de Gusmao, Teresa Beatriz Simione, Elaine J Abrams
The secret life of young adolescents living with HIV in northern Mozambique - a mixed methods study
BMC public health
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Antibiotic resistance is a global health concern.", "Humans can acquire antibiotic resistance through human-to-human transmission, from the environment, via the food chain, and through the contact with animals.", "The National Action Plan on antimicrobial resistance 2020-2024 highlights the prudent use of antibiotics in veterinary activities as the key element in keeping antibiotics effective.", "We determined the factors associated with misuse of antibiotics among animal health professionals in Rwanda.", "This was a cross-sectional study that enrolled animal health field professionals from five districts, where stratified random sampling was used to select one district by each province of Rwanda.", "Structured questions were used during face-to-face interviews.", "The misuse of antibiotics was defined as the use of antibiotics for reasons other than treatment, the non-completion of required courses, or the use of a high dose (i.e., an overdose) of antibiotics.", "We collected socio-demographic data of respondents, as well as elementary knowledge and perceptions on veterinary antibiotics and antibiotic resistance.", "A backward stepwise logistic regression model was used to identify the factors that were predictive of the inappropriate use of antibiotics.", "There were 256 respondents to the survey.", "Of those, 198 were male and 58 were female.", "Almost three quarters of respondents (n = 174/256; 68%) reported the misuse of antibiotics at least once in the previous 12 months.", "The final logistic regression analysis identified the following factors to be predictive of antibiotics misuse: aged ≤ 24 years (aOR 0.92; 95% CI [0.88, 0.96]; p < 0.001); low trust in veterinary antibiotics available in the local market (aOR 8.45; 95% CI [4.18, 17.07]; p < 0.01), insufficient knowledge about basic understanding of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance (aOR 2.78; 95% CI [1.38, 5.58], p < 0.01) and not acquiring any continuing education (aOR 1.97; 95% CI [1.02, 4.19]; p = 0.04).", "This study identified inadequate perceptions of proper antibiotic use among animal health professionals.", "There is a need for continuous education on appropriate antibiotic use among animal health professionals to lessen the negative impact of antibiotic resistance on public health security." ]
Yasna K Palmeiro-Silva, Caroline Weinstein-Oppenheimer, Carlos Felipe Henríquez-Roldán, Shrikant I Bangdiwala
[Statistical literacy and risk communication for COVID-19 vaccination: a scoping reviewLiteracia estatística e comunicação de risco para a vacinação contra a COVID-19: revisão de escopo]
Revista panamericana de salud publica = Pan American journal of public health
2024-05-30 21:23:03
English Abstract
[ "Antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) can prolong hospitalization, increase medical costs, and even lead to higher mortality rates.", "Therefore, it is essential to predict the incidence of AAD in elderly intensive care unit(ICU) patients.", "The objective of this study was to create a prediction model that is both interpretable and generalizable for predicting the incidence of AAD in elderly ICU patients.", "We retrospectively analyzed data from the First Medical Center of the People's Liberation Army General Hospital (PLAGH) in China.", "We utilized the machine learning model Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) and Shapley's additive interpretation method to predict the incidence of AAD in elderly ICU patients in an interpretable manner.", "A total of 848 adult ICU patients were eligible for this study.", "The XGBoost model predicted the incidence of AAD with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) of 0.917, sensitivity of 0.889, specificity of 0.806, accuracy of 0.870, and an F1 score of 0.780.", "The XGBoost model outperformed the other models, including logistic regression, support vector machine (AUC = 0.809), K-nearest neighbor algorithm (AUC = 0.872), and plain Bayes (AUC = 0.774).", "While the XGBoost model may not excel in absolute performance, it demonstrates superior predictive capabilities compared to other models in forecasting the incidence of AAD in elderly ICU patients categorized based on their characteristics." ]
Yue Sun, Jing Sun, Yan Zhao, Aixiao Cheng, Junhong Zhou
A new comprehensive oral health literacy scale: development and psychometric evaluation
BMC oral health
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Antibiotics Time Machine is an important problem to understand antibiotic resistance and how it can be reversed.", "Mathematically, it can be modeled as follows: Consider a set of genotypes, each of which contain a set of mutated and unmutated genes.", "Suppose that a set of growth rate measurements of each genotype under a set of antibiotics is given.", "The transition probabilities of a 'realization' of a Markov chain associated with each arc under each antibiotic are computable via a predefined function given the growth rate realizations.", "The aim is to maximize the expected probability of reaching to the genotype with all unmutated genes given the initial genotype in a predetermined number of transitions, considering the following two sources of uncertainties: (i) the randomness in growth rates, (ii) the randomness in transition probabilities, which are functions of growth rates.", "We develop stochastic mixed-integer linear programming and dynamic programming approaches to solve static and dynamic versions of the Antibiotics Time Machine Problem under the aforementioned uncertainties.", "We adapt a Sample Average Approximation approach that exploits the special structure of the problem and provide accurate solutions that perform very well in an out-of-sample analysis." ]
Bright Opoku Ahinkorah
Socio-demographic determinants of pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in selected high fertility countries in sub-Saharan Africa
BMC pregnancy and childbirth
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Antibodies are essential research tools whose performance directly impacts research conclusions and reproducibility.", "Owing to its central role in Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, hundreds of distinct antibody clones have been developed against the microtubule-associated protein Tau and its multiple proteoforms.", "Despite this breadth of offer, limited understanding of their performance and poor antibody selectivity have hindered research progress.", "Here, we validate a large panel of Tau antibodies by Western blot (79 reagents) and immunohistochemistry (35 reagents).", "We address the reagents' ability to detect the target proteoform, selectivity, the impact of protein phosphorylation on antibody binding and performance in human brain samples.", "While most antibodies detected Tau at high levels, many failed to detect it at lower, endogenous levels.", "By WB, non-selective binding to other proteins affected over half of the antibodies tested, with several cross-reacting with the related MAP2 protein, whereas the \"oligomeric Tau\" T22 antibody reacted with monomeric Tau by WB, thus calling into question its specificity to Tau oligomers.", "Despite the presumption that \"total\" Tau antibodies are agnostic to post-translational modifications, we found that phosphorylation partially inhibits binding for many such antibodies, including the popular Tau-5 clone.", "We further combine high-sensitivity reagents, mass-spectrometry proteomics and cDNA sequencing to demonstrate that presumptive Tau \"knockout\" human cells continue to express residual protein arising through exon skipping, providing evidence of previously unappreciated gene plasticity.", "Finally, probing of human brain samples with a large panel of antibodies revealed the presence of C-term-truncated versions of all main Tau brain isoforms in both control and tauopathy donors.", "Ultimately, we identify a validated panel of Tau antibodies that can be employed in Western blotting and/or immunohistochemistry to reliably detect even low levels of Tau expression with high selectivity.", "This work represents an extensive resource that will enable the re-interpretation of published data, improve reproducibility in Tau research, and overall accelerate scientific progress." ]
Ryan E Flinn, Michael T Kalkbrenner
Matching Variables With the Appropriate Statistical Tests in Counseling Research
Teaching and supervision in counseling
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anticipatory grief leads to a highly stressful and conflicting experience among caregivers of patients with terminal cancer.", "Nurses lack the competency to assess and manage the caregivers’ psychological problems, which in turn affects the caregivers’ quality of life.", "A scale assessing the anticipatory grief counseling competency among nurses is unavailable.", "In this study, an Anticipatory Grief Counseling Competency Scale (AGCCS) was developed for nurses.", "The Scale (AGCCS) was translated into Chinese and then revised.", "Psychometric testing of the scale was conducted on 252 nurses who participated in the care of patients with terminal cancer at a regional teaching hospital in Southern Taiwan.", "The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, reliability, and Pearson’s correlation, and principal component analysis and analysis of variance were performed.", "Item- and scale-content validity indexes were 0.99 and 0.93, respectively.", "The Cronbach α of internal consistency was 0.981.", "The final 53-item AGCCS had five factors, which accounted for 70.81% of the total variance.", "The Pearson correlation coefficients of these factors ranged between 0.406 and 0.880 (p < 0.001).", "The AGCCS can be used to evaluate the aforementioned competency for improving caregivers’ quality of care.", "It can also facilitate in-service education planning and evaluation." ]
Raquel Rosas, Filipa Pimenta, Isabel Leal, Ralf Schwarzer
FOODLIT-tool: Development and validation of the adaptable food literacy tool towards global sustainability within food systems
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anticoagulants have long been fundamental in preventing and treating thromboembolic disorders, with a recent shift of focus towards direct oral anticoagulants, thanks to their ease of use, efficacy, and safety.", "Despite these advancements, bleeding complications remain a major concern with any anticoagulant, highlighting the need for safer drugs.", "Factor XI (FXI) inhibitors have emerged as promising agents in this regard, offering a novel approach by targeting upstream factors in the coagulation system.", "Phase 2 trials have shown encouraging outcomes, indicating a reduced bleeding risk compared to traditional anticoagulants, particularly in the context of cardiovascular disease management when combined with antiplatelet therapy.", "However, the variability in findings and limited efficacy data call for a cautious interpretation pending phase 3 trial insights.", "These trials are essential for validating the potential of FXI inhibitors to balance bleeding risk reduction and maintain anticoagulant efficacy.", "This review explores the pharmacology, potential indications, clinical data, and future directions of FXI inhibitors, providing a perspective on their evolving role in anticoagulant therapy.", "It also provides a detailed analysis of data from published clinical trials on FXI inhibitors in various indications.", "Preliminary data from ongoing trials is also outlined.", "As the field moves forward, a cautiously optimistic outlook can be expected, focusing on comprehensive data from phase 3 trials to define the role of FXI inhibitors in various clinical scenarios." ]
Leslie N Woltenberg
Cultivating Statistical Literacy Among Health Professions Students: a Curricular Model
Medical science educator
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has escalated to pandemic levels, posing a significant global health threat.", "This study examines the patterns and trends of AMR in Bloodstream Infections (BSIs) across India, aiming to inform better surveillance and intervention strategies.", "Six-year data from 21 tertiary care centers in the Indian Council of Medical Research's AMR Surveillance Network (IAMRSN) were retrospectively analyzed to estimate cluster-robust trends in resistance.", "Time-series analysis was used to discern lead/lag relationships between antibiotic pairs and the directional influence of resistance in community and hospital-acquired BSIs(CA/HA BSIs).", "A data-driven Bayesian network ensemble averaged over 301 bootstrap samples was modelled to uncover systemic associations between AMR and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).", "Our findings indicate significant (p < 0.001) monthly increases in Imipenem and Meropenem resistance for Klebsiella, E. coli, and Acinetobacter BSIs.", "Importantly, Carbapenem resistance in HA-BSIs preceded that in CA-BSIs for Klebsiella and Acinetobacter (p < 0.05).", "At a national level, Cefotaxime resistance emerged as a potential early indicator for emerging Carbapenem resistance, proposing a novel surveillance marker.", "In Klebsiella BSIs, states with higher achievement of SDG3 goals showed lower Imipenem resistance.", "A model-based AMR scorecard is introduced for focused interventions and continuous monitoring.", "The identified spatiotemporal trends and drug resistance associations offer critical insights for AMR surveillance aligning with WHO GLASS standards.The escalation of carbapenem resistance in BSIs demands vigilant monitoring and may be crucial for achieving SDGs by 2030.", "Implementing the proposed framework for data-driven evidence can help nations achieve proactive AMR surveillance.", "No specific funding was received for this analysis." ]
Mary Clare K Houlihan, Masako Mayahara, Barbara Swanson, Louis Fogg
A review of clinical trials of advance care planning interventions adapted for limited health literacy
Palliative & supportive care
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Antimicrobial stewardship programs attempting to optimize antibiotic therapy and clinical outcomes mainly focus on inpatient and outpatient settings.", "The lack of antimicrobial stewardship program studies in the emergency department (ED) represents a gap in tackling the problem of antimicrobial resistance as EDs treat a substantial number of upper respiratory tract infection cases throughout the year.", "We intend to implement two evidence-based interventions: (1) patient education and (2) providing physician feedback on their prescribing rates.", "We will incorporate evidence from a literature review and contextualizing the interventions based on findings from a local qualitative study.", "Our study uses a quasi-experimental design to evaluate the effects of interventions over time in the EDs of 4 public hospitals in Singapore.", "We will include an initial control period of 18 months.", "In the next 6 months, we will randomize 2 EDs to receive 1 intervention (ie, patient education) and the other 2 EDs to receive the alternative intervention (ie, physician feedback).", "All EDs will receive the second intervention in the subsequent 6 months on top of the ongoing intervention.", "Data will be collected for another 6 months to assess the persistence of the intervention effects.", "The information leaflets will be handed to patients at the EDs before they consult with the physician, while feedback to individual physicians by senior doctors is in the form of electronic text messages.", "The feedback will contain the physicians' antibiotic prescribing rate compared with the departments' overall antibiotic prescribing rate and a bite-size message on good antibiotic prescribing practices.", "We will analyze the data using segmented regression with difference-in-difference estimation to account for concurrent cluster comparisons.", "Our proposed study assesses the effectiveness of evidence-based, context-specific interventions to optimize antibiotic prescribing in EDs.", "These interventions are aligned with Singapore's national effort to tackle antimicrobial resistance and can be scaled up if successful.", " NCT05451863;", "DERR1-10.2196/50417." ]
Woochun Jun
A Study on Cause Analysis of Digital Divide among Older People in Korea
International journal of environmental research and public health
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Antipsychotic medication is increasingly prescribed to patients with serious mental illness.", "Patients with serious mental illness often have cardiovascular and metabolic comorbidities, and antipsychotics independently increase the risk of cardiometabolic disease.", "Despite this, many patients prescribed antipsychotics are discharged to primary care without planned psychiatric review.", "We explore perceptions of healthcare professionals and managers/directors of policy regarding reasons for increasing prevalence and management of antipsychotics in primary care.", "Qualitative study using semi-structured interviews with 11 general practitioners (GPs), 8 psychiatrists, and 11 managers/directors of policy in the United Kingdom.", "Data was analysed using thematic analysis.", "Respondents reported competency gaps that impaired ability to manage patients prescribed antipsychotic medications, arising from inadequate postgraduate training and professional development.", "GPs lacked confidence to manage antipsychotic medications alone; psychiatrists lacked skills to address cardiometabolic risks and did not perceive this as their role.", "Communication barriers, lack of integrated care records, limited psychology provision, lowered expectation towards patients with serious mental illness by professionals, and pressure to discharge from hospital resulted in patients in primary care becoming 'trapped' on antipsychotics, inhibiting opportunities to deprescribe.", "Organisational and contractual barriers between services exacerbate this risk, with socioeconomic deprivation and lack of access to non-pharmacological interventions driving overprescribing.", "Professionals voiced fears of censure if a catastrophic event occurred after stopping an antipsychotic.", "Facilitators to overcome these barriers were suggested.", "People prescribed antipsychotics experience a fragmented health system and suboptimal care.", "Several interventions could be taken to improve care for this population, but inadequate availability of non-pharmacological interventions and socioeconomic factors increasing mental distress need policy change to improve outcomes.", "The role of professionals' fear of medicolegal or regulatory censure inhibiting antipsychotic deprescribing was a new finding in this study." ]
Nigist Alemayehu Woldekidan, Ammas Siraj Mohammed, Amsalu Degu, Yohannes Tadiwos
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and associated factors among psychiatric patients at University of Gondar Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia
PloS one
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Antipsychotics are commonly prescribed to treat a range of psychiatric conditions in women of reproductive age and during pregnancy, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression, autism spectrum disorder, and insomnia.", "This study aimed to evaluate whether children exposed to antipsychotic medication prenatally are at increased risk of specific neurodevelopmental disorders and learning difficulties.", "Our population-based cohort study used nationwide register data (1 January 2000-31 December 2020) on pregnant women diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder and their live-born singletons from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.", "Cox proportional hazard regression yielded propensity score-weighted hazard ratios (aHRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for risk of intellectual-, speech or language-, learning-developmental disorders, and a composite outcome of the listed disorders.", "We defined poor performance as scoring within the lowest quartile on national school tests in mathematics and language arts.", "We estimated propensity score-weighted risk ratios (aRRs) using Poisson regression.", "We analysed data from Denmark separately and pooled results using random effects meta-analysis.", "Among 213,302 children (median follow-up: 6.7 years), 11 626 (5.5%) were exposed to antipsychotics prenatally.", "Adjusted risk estimates did not suggest an increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders: aHR of 1.06 (95% CI 0.94-1.20) for the composite outcome, or for poor academic performance: aRR of 1.04 (95% CI 0.91-1.18) in mathematics, and of 1.00 (95% CI 0.87-1.15) in language arts.", "Results were generally consistent across individual medications, trimesters of exposure, sibling- and sensitivity analyses.", "The findings of this large multinational cohort study suggest there is little to no increased risk of child neurodevelopmental disorders or learning difficulties after prenatal exposure to antipsychotics.", "Our findings can assist clinicians and women managing mental illness during pregnancy.", "This study was funded by the NordForsk Nordic Program on Health and Welfare (Nordic Pregnancy Drug Safety Studies, project No.", "83539), by the Research Council of Norway (International Pregnancy Drug Safety Studies, project No.", "273366) and by the Research Council of Norway through its Centres of Excellence funding scheme (project No.", "262700), and UNSW Scientia Programme Awards (PS46019, PS46019-A)." ]
Ayechew Ademas, Metadel Adane, Awoke Keleb, Gete Berihun, Getu Tesfaw
Water, sanitation, and hygiene as a priority intervention for stunting in under-five children in northwest Ethiopia: a community-based cross-sectional study
Italian journal of pediatrics
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anxiety about performing numerical calculations is becoming an increasingly important issue.", "Termed mathematics anxiety, this condition negatively impacts performance in numerical tasks which can affect education outcomes and future employment.", "The disruption account proposes poor performance is due to anxiety disrupting limited attentional and inhibitory resources leaving fewer cognitive resources for the current task.", "This study provides the first neural network model of math anxiety.", "The model simulates performance in two commonly-used tasks related to math anxiety: the numerical Stroop and symbolic number comparison.", "Different model modifications were used to simulate high and low math-anxious conditions by modifying attentional processes and learning; these model modifications address different theories of math anxiety.", "The model simulations suggest that math anxiety is associated with reduced attention to numerical stimuli.", "These results are consistent with the disruption account and the attentional control theory where anxiety decreases goal-directed attention and increases stimulus-driven attention." ]
Audrey Hemmer, Kathryn Hitchcock, Youn Seon Lim, Melinda Butsch Kovacic, Seung-Yeon Lee
Development of Food Literacy Assessment Tool Targeting Adults With Low Income
Journal of nutrition education and behavior
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anxiety and depression are among the common comorbidities of people diagnosed with cancer.", "However, despite the progress in therapeutic options and outcomes, mental health care and support have lagged behind for cancer patients.", "Estimating the extent and determinants of mental health disorders among cancer patients is crucial to alert concerned bodies for action.", "In view of this, we aimed to determine the pooled prevalence and determinants of anxiety and depression among cancer patients in Ethiopia.", "Relevant literatures were searched on PubMed, African Journals Online, Hinari, Epistemonikos, Scopus, EMBASE, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, and Gray literature sources.", "Data were extracted into an Excel spreadsheet and analyzed using STATA 17 statistical software.", "The random effect model was used to summarize the pooled effect sizes with their respective 95% confidence intervals.", "The I2 statistics and Egger's regression test in conjunction with the funnel plot were utilized to evaluate heterogeneity and publication bias among included studies respectively.", "A total of 17 studies with 5,592 participants were considered in this review.", "The pooled prevalence of anxiety and depression among cancer patients in Ethiopia were 45.10% (95% CI: 36.74, 53.45) and 42.96% (95% CI: 34.98, 50.93), respectively.", "Primary and above education (OR= 0.76, 95% CI: 0.60, 0.97), poor social support (OR= 2.27, 95% CI: 1.29, 3.98), occupational status (OR= 0.59; 95% CI: 0.43, 0.82), advanced cancer stage (OR= 2.19, 95% CI: 1.38, 3.47), comorbid illness (OR= 1.67; 95% CI: 1.09, 2.58) and poor sleep quality (OR= 11.34, 95% CI: 6.47, 19.89) were significantly associated with depression.", "Whereas, advanced cancer stage (OR= 1.59, 95% CI: 1.15, 2.20) and poor sleep quality (OR= 12.56, 95% CI: 6.4 1, 24.62) were the factors associated with anxiety.", "This meta-analysis indicated that a substantial proportion of cancer patients suffer from anxiety and depression in Ethiopia.", "Educational status, occupational status, social support, cancer stage, comorbid illness and sleep quality were significantly associated with depression.", "Whereas, anxiety was predicted by cancer stage and sleep quality.", "Thus, the provision of comprehensive mental health support as a constituent of chronic cancer care is crucial to mitigate the impact and occurrence of anxiety and depression among cancer patients.", "Besides, families and the community should strengthen social support for cancer patients.", ", identifier CRD42023468621." ]
Alemu Gebrie, Animut Alebel
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence and predictors of anemia among children in Ethiopia
African health sciences
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anxiety and depression are the most prevalent mental disorders associated with aging.", "Positive thinking training is a way to help older adults cope with anxiety and depression and increase their happiness.", "This study aimed to determine the effect of positive thinking training on anxiety and happiness among older adults.", "This quasi-experimental study was conducted with 48 older adults referred to two comprehensive health service facilities in the southeastern Iranian province of Kerman.", "The intervention (n = 24) and control (n = 24) groups were randomly assigned from a convenience sample of older adults.", "The intervention group attended eight two-hour training sessions on positive thinking.", "Data were collected before and one month after the positive thinking training using Beck Anxiety Inventory and Oxford Happiness Inventory.", "All statistical procedures were performed in SPSS software (version 22), with the significance level set to P = 0.05.", "Before the positive thinking program was delivered, the mean anxiety scores in the intervention and control groups were 13.98 ± 8.61 and 19.25 ± 11.67, respectively.", "After the intervention was completed, the mean scores for the intervention and control groups were 4.50 ± 4.07 and 15.54 ± 9.04, indicating a significant reduction in anxiety among intervention group participants (t = -5.45, P < 0.001).", "The mean baseline happiness scores in the intervention and control groups were 26.58 ± 12.40 and 37.91 ± 5.57, respectively, which changed to 62.91 ± 4.66 and 35.62 ± 10.62 at the post-test.", "Positive thinking training improved happiness in a significant manner (t = -4.08, P < 0.001).", "Results revealed that positive thinking training decreased anxiety and enhanced happiness among older adults.", "Given the growing elderly population, clinical managers, clinical specialists, nurses in health care centers, and those involved in elderly care facilities can benefit from this non-pharmacological treatment program for older adults suffering from anxiety and depression.", "It is suggested that preventive programs based on positive psychology be developed to aid in the prevention of people's declining happiness and increasing anxiety as they age." ]
Alexandra Rouquette, Laurent Rigal, Julien Mancini, Francis Guillemin, Stephan van den Broucke, Cécile Allaire, Sylvie Azogui-Levy, Virginie Ringa, Christine Hassler
Health Literacy throughout adolescence: Invariance and validity study of three measurement scales in the general population
Patient education and counseling
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anxiety and depressive disorders are characterized with frequent co-occurance.", "Depression comorbid to anxiety disorder increases severity of main disorder, aggravates it`s clinical course, worsens social functioning of the patients and decreases life quality, results resistance to therapy and increases the probability of suicidal attempts.", "In patients with depressive disorders onset of anxiety disorder results increased severity of disorder and decrease in quality of remission.", "There are different opinions on nature and phenomenology of comorbidity of anxiety and depressive disorders.", "There are biological and psychological factors of risk of comorbidity.", "Some scientists consider comorbid disorders to be independent and not to effect each other; others pay attention at common anatomic basis of comorbid disorders, which explains manifestation of comorbid disorder.", "Hierarchical analysis of clinical features of comorbid disorders favors nosological approach to understanding of comorbidity, and implicates the need for inclusion of transdiagnostic elements.", "Some authors consider comorbid disorders to be separate type of disorder, characterized with special dynamics of syndromes which reveals transformation of one disorder into another.", "Phenomenon of comorbidity can be described as part of concept of disease spread which estimates important role of bridge psychic states.", "Considering clinical features of comorbid disorders, difficulties of their therapy based on concepts of phenomenology of comorbid depressive and anxiety disorders recommendations on prevention, early diagnosing and managing of comorbid disorders were elaborated.", "Psychotherapy (including CBT, which demonstrated high efficiency) is an essential element of treatment of comorbid depressive and anxiety disorders.", "Psychotherapy is supposed to be correcting personality traits, cognitive mistakes and maladaptive strategies of coping with disorder, which support the comorbidity." ]
Martin Lange, Alexandra Löwe, Gerrit Stassen, Andrea Schaller
Health literacy, health status and health behaviors of German students- study protocol for the "Healthy Habits" cohort study
BMC public health
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anxiety disorder is one of the most common mental disorders.", "This cross-sectional research aimed to determine anxiety literacy (A-Lit) psychometric properties among the Iranian population in 2022.", "This research was conducted on 690 people in Iran in 2022.", "In this study, people were selected by proportional stratified sampling, and the validity and reliability of the A-Lit designed by Griffiths were assessed.", "Validity of A-Lit was assessed by face validity, content validity, and confirmatory factor analysis.", "Reliability of A-Lit was evaluated by the McDonald's omega coefficient, Cronbach's alpha coefficient, and test- retest.", "In analytical sections, the tests of One-way ANOVA, Chi-squared test, and independent samples t-test were used.", "The rates of S-CVI/Ave and CVR for A-Lit were 0.922 and 0.774, respectively.", "In confirmatory factor analysis, three items were deleted because the factor loading was less than 0.4, and goodness-of-fit indexes (Some of goodness-of-fit indexes: χ2/df = 4.175, GFI: 0.909, RMSEA = 0.068, PCFI = 0.745, AGFI = 0.883) were confirmed as the final model with 19 items.", "For all items, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.832, the McDonald's omega coefficient was 0.835, and the intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.874.", "According to the results of this study, 1.3% (n = 9) did not answer any questions correctly and 8.4% (n = 58) were able to answer 1-6 questions correctly.", "Approximately 72% (n = 495) were able to answer 7-12 questions, and eventually only 18.6% (n = 128) were able to answer 13 questions and more.", "There was a significant relationship between sex, age group, occupation status, marital status, and get information related to mental illness with A-Lit level (p < 0.05).", "The Persian version of A-Lit was confirmed with 19 items, and this scale is a reliable tool for measuring A-Lit in the general population.", "The results also showed that a few people have a higher level of anxiety literacy and that educational and intervention programs need to be designed and implemented for the public population." ]
Mariel Carolina Montiel-Aponte, Paulo Henrique Ferreira Bertolucci
Do you look for information about dementia? Knowledge of cognitive impairment in older people among their relatives
Dementia & neuropsychologia
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Anxiety disorders represent the single largest mental health problem in the United States [Greenberg et al., 1999.", "J Clin Psychiatry 60:427-435; Rice and Miller, 1998.", "Br J Psychiatry 173:4-9].", "However most individuals with anxiety disorders never seek treatment [Henderson et al., 2002.", "Can J Psychiatry 47:819-824; Mojtabai et al., 2002.", "Arch Gen Psychiatry 59:77-84; Roness et al., 2005.", "Acta Psychiatr Scand 111:51-58].", "Deficits in the ability to recognize anxiety disorders and beliefs about them, (i.e., \"mental health literacy\") may contribute to low levels of help seeking.", "Survey data assessing mental health literacy for multiple anxiety disorders and for depression were collected from 284 undergraduate students enrolled in psychology courses at a public university in the United States.", "Specifically, respondents were presented with vignettes portraying individuals experiencing various forms of mental illness and were asked to label the disorder, its cause and whether or not they would recommend treatment.", "Findings showed that social phobia and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) were associated with recognition rates that were generally high and similar to depression (approximately 80%).", "In contrast, less than half of the respondents labeled panic disorder or generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) correctly.", "Symptoms of OCD were attributed to mental illness by approximately 50% of respondents, but such attributions were rare for the other anxiety disorders studied (<12%).", "Finally, data on help-seeking recommendations suggested that such recommendations are far from universal and varied between different anxiety disorders and according to perceptions of the causes of symptoms.", "Given that the current sample was well-educated young adults, mental health literacy of the general public may be even lower." ]
Bright Opoku Ahinkorah, Eugene Budu, Richard Gyan Aboagye, Ebenezer Agbaglo, Francis Arthur-Holmes, Collins Adu, Anita Gracious Archer, Yaa Boahemaa Gyasi Aderoju, Abdul-Aziz Seidu
Factors associated with modern contraceptive use among women with no fertility intention in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from cross-sectional surveys of 29 countries
Contraception and reproductive medicine
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Aphasia is among the most debilitating of symptoms affecting stroke survivors.", "Speech and language therapy (SLT) is effective, but many hours of practice are required to make clinically meaningful gains.", "One solution to this 'dosage' problem is to automate therapeutic approaches via self-supporting apps so people with aphasia (PWA) can amass practice as it suits them.", "However, response to therapy is variable and no clinical trial has yet identified the key brain regions required to engage with word-retrieval therapy.", "Between Sep 7, 2020 and Mar 1, 2022 at University College London in the UK, we carried out a phase II, item-randomised clinical trial in 27 PWA using a novel, self-led app, 'iTalkBetter', which utilises confrontation naming therapy.", "Unlike previously reported apps, it has a real-time utterance verification system that drives its adaptive therapy algorithm.", "Therapy items were individually randomised to provide balanced lists of 'trained' and 'untrained' items matched on key psycholinguistic variables and baseline performance.", "PWA practised with iTalkBetter over a 6-week therapy block.", "Structural and functional MRI data were collected to identify therapy-related changes in brain states.", "A repeated-measures design was employed.", "The trial was registered at (NCT04566081).", "iTalkBetter significantly improved naming ability by 13% for trained items compared with no change for untrained items, an average increase of 29 words (SD = 26) per person; beneficial effects persisted at three months.", "PWA's propositional speech also significantly improved.", "iTalkBetter use was associated with brain volume increases in right auditory and left anterior prefrontal cortices.", "Task-based fMRI identified dose-related activity in the right temporoparietal junction.", "Our findings suggested that iTalkBetter significantly improves PWAs' naming ability on trained items.", "The effect size is similar to a previous RCT of computerised therapy, but this is the first study to show transfer to a naturalistic speaking task.", "iTalkBetter usage and dose caused observable changes in brain structure and function to key parts of the surviving language perception, production and control networks.", "iTalkBetter is being rolled-out as an app for all PWA and anomia: so that they can increase their dosage of practice-based SLT.", "National Institute for Health and Care Research, Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging." ]
Maurice J Meade, Craig W Dreyer
Orthodontic treatment consent forms: A readability analysis
Journal of orthodontics
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Application of knowledge is shown to improve student comprehension, but with dwindling hands-on clinical opportunities in nursing programs, active learning strategies need to be incorporated into classroom learning.", "Nursing faculty in an undergraduate nursing program transitioned from a lecture format to a flipped classroom format, thereby incorporating active learning.", "Quantitative and qualitative data on student performance were collected over three semesters.", "The Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) maternal-newborn content mastery exam, used as the final examination for the course, was used to assess student academic performance.", "End-of-course student feedback was collected from the Campuslabs IDEA Student Rating of Instruction (SRI) evaluation to assess students' perceptions of their ability to understand and apply knowledge, as well as perceptions of the flipped classroom format in general.", "The ATI exam scores for the course did not change significantly, but the SRI showed a statistically significant increase in the percentage of students who felt they gained a \"deeper understanding\" and could \"apply the knowledge and skills.\"", "Although students resisted the flipped classroom format change initially, subsequent cohorts came to accept the change.", "Implications for educators are that although student dissatisfaction increased initially, the inclusion of the flipped classroom format within a course improved students' confidence in their ability to perform." ]
Premyuda Narkarat, Surasak Taneepanichskul, Ramesh Kumar, Ratana Somrongthong
Effects of mobile health education on sexual and reproductive health information among female school-going adolescents of rural Thailand
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Applied artificial intelligence, particularly large language models, in biomedical research is accelerating, but effective discovery and validation requires a toolset without limitations or bias.", "On January 30, 2023, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS) appointed an ad hoc committee to identify needs and opportunities to advance the mathematical, statistical, and computational foundations of digital twins in applications across science, medicine, engineering, and society.", "On December 15, 2023, the NAS released a 164-page report, \"Foundational Research Gaps and Future Directions for Digital Twins.\"", "This report described the importance of using digital twins in biomedical research.", "We developed an innovative method that incorporated phenotype-ranking algorithms with knowledge engineering via a biomimetic digital twin ecosystem.", "This ecosystem applied real-world reasoning principles to nonnormalized, raw data to identify hidden or dark data.", "We performed a clinical exome sequencing study on patients with endometriosis and were able to identify four variants of unknown clinical significance potentially associated with endometriosis-related disorders in nearly all patients analyzed.", "One variant of unknown clinical significance was identified in all patient samples and could be a biomarker for diagnostics.", "To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to incorporate the recomandations of the NAS to biomedical research.", "This method can be used to understand the mechanisms of any disease, for virtual clinical trials, and to identify effective new therapies." ]
Aleda M H Chen, Anastasia L Armbruster, Beth Buckley, Jennifer A Campbell, Devra Khanh Dang, Radhika Devraj, Imbi Drame, Akesha Edwards, Sally L Haack, Qing Ma, Natasha Petry, Lourdes G Planas, Cheryl A Sadowski, Jennifer Santee, Latasha Wade, Nancy Borja-Hart
Inclusion of Health Disparities, Cultural Competence, and Health Literacy Content in US and Canadian Pharmacy Curriculums
American journal of pharmaceutical education
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Applying constant tensile stress to a piece of amorphous solid results in a slow extension, followed by an eventual rapid mechanical collapse.", "This \"creep\" process is of paramount engineering concern, and as such was the subject of study in a variety of materials, for more than a century.", "Predictive theories for τ_{w}, the expected time of collapse, are incomplete, mainly due to its dependence on a bewildering variety of parameters, including temperature, system size, tensile force, but also the detailed microscopic interactions between constituents.", "The complex dependence of the collapse time on all the parameters is discussed below, using simulations of strip of amorphous material.", "Different scenarios are observed for ductile and brittle materials, resulting in serious difficulties in creating an all-encompassing theory that could offer safety measures for given conditions.", "A central aim of this paper is to employ scaling concepts, to achieve data collapse for the probability distribution function (pdf) of lnτ_{w}.", "The scaling ideas result in a universal function which provides a prediction of the pdf of lnτ_{w} for out-of-sample systems, from measurements at other values of these parameters.", "The predictive power of the scaling theory is demonstrated for both ductile and brittle systems.", "Finally, we present a derivation of universal scaling function for brittle materials.", "The ductile case appears to be due to a plastic necking instability and is left for future research." ]
Nastja Tomat, Matej Perovnik, Gaj Vidmar, Vesna van Midden, Sara Fabjan, Hana Hawlina, Dolores Trol, Alina Holnthaner, Sebastijan Krajnc, Maruša Grešak, Liza Žerdin, Judita Vidmar, Mara Bresjanac
Lay Public View of Neuroscience and Science-Based Brain Health Recommendations in Slovenia
Frontiers in public health
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Applying new technologies in teaching has led to the phenomenon of blended learning (BL), which is currently flourishing as a specific requirement for higher self-efficacy and success in increasingly complex healthcare environments.", "Although various forms of novel education are on the rise worldwide, the effects of electronic learning (EL), combined with collaborative learning (CL) and lecture-based teaching (LBT) approaches, have not yet been validated on academic self-efficacy among undergraduate nursing students.", "Utilizing a pre-/post-test comparison-group design, this quasi-experimental study was conducted on 70 undergraduate nursing students of Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran, selected by the census sampling technique in 2020.", "The eligible participants were allocated to intervention groups, viz., the EL+LBT group (n=34) and the EL+CL group (n=36).", "A learning management system (LMS) was used for both intervention groups along with the LBT approach, and then 10 steps were integrated into the CL approach during 14 sessions, lasting 150 minutes.", "Afterward, a demographic information form and the College Academic Self-Efficacy Scale (CASES) were administered to collect the data.", "The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, independent-samples t-test, and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA).", "No significant difference was observed in the CASE scores between the students were taught using the EL+LBT (113.76±16.98) and the EL+CL approaches (107.66±16.70) before the interventions (P=0.136).", "However, the CL+EL approaches resulted in the highest changes in the CASE scores at the pre- (107.66±16.70) and post-test (119.08±25.49) stages (P=0.019).", "Moreover, the female students attending the CL+EL classrooms experienced significantly positive differences in their CASE scores (127.12±30.34), compared to the males (112.65±19.30) (P=0.011).", "Blending the EL and CL approaches significantly promoted CASE among the undergraduate nursing students in this study by providing sufficient collaboration, essential educational equipment, and better technical support." ]
Saskya Byerly, Lydia R Maurer, Alejandro Mantero, Leon Naar, Gary An, Haytham M A Kaafarani
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Surgical Decision Making
Surgical infections
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Applying the knowledge gained through implementation science can support the uptake of research evidence into practice; however, those doing and supporting implementation (implementation practitioners) may face barriers to applying implementation science in their work.", "One strategy to enhance individuals' and teams' ability to apply implementation science in practice is through training and professional development opportunities (capacity-building initiatives).", "Although there is an increasing demand for and offerings of implementation practice capacity-building initiatives, there is no universal agreement on what content should be included.", "In this study we aimed to explore what capacity-building developers and deliverers identify as essential training content for teaching implementation practice.", "We conducted a convergent mixed-methods study with participants who had developed and/or delivered a capacity-building initiative focused on teaching implementation practice.", "Participants completed an online questionnaire to provide details on their capacity-building initiatives; took part in an interview or focus group to explore their questionnaire responses in depth; and offered course materials for review.", "We analyzed a subset of data that focused on the capacity-building initiatives' content and curriculum.", "We used descriptive statistics for quantitative data and conventional content analysis for qualitative data, with the data sets merged during the analytic phase.", "We presented frequency counts for each category to highlight commonalities and differences across capacity-building initiatives.", "Thirty-three individuals representing 20 capacity-building initiatives participated.", "Study participants identified several core content areas included in their capacity-building initiatives: (1) taking a process approach to implementation; (2) identifying and applying implementation theories, models, frameworks, and approaches; (3) learning implementation steps and skills; (4) developing relational skills.", "In addition, study participants described offering applied and pragmatic content (e.g., tools and resources), and tailoring and evolving the capacity-building initiative content to address emerging trends in implementation science.", "Study participants highlighted some challenges learners face when acquiring and applying implementation practice knowledge and skills.", "This study synthesized what experienced capacity-building initiative developers and deliverers identify as essential content for teaching implementation practice.", "These findings can inform the development, refinement, and delivery of capacity-building initiatives, as well as future research directions, to enhance the translation of implementation science into practice." ]
Seo Young Park, Ji Eun Park, Hyungjin Kim, Seong Ho Park
Review of Statistical Methods for Evaluating the Performance of Survival or Other Time-to-Event Prediction Models (from Conventional to Deep Learning Approaches)
Korean journal of radiology
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Appraisal of treatment outcomes in integrative medicine is a challenge due to a gap between the concepts of Western medicine (WM) disease and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) syndrome.", "This study presents an approach for the appraisal of integrative medicine that is based on targeted metabolomics.", "We use non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with spleen deficiency syndrome as a test case.", "A patient-reported outcome (PRO) scale was developed based on literature review, Delphi consensus survey, and reliability and validity test, to quantitatively evaluate spleen deficiency syndrome.", "Then, a metabonomic foundation for the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with spleen deficiency syndrome was identified via a longitudinal interventional trial and targeted metabolomics.", "Finally, an integrated appraisal model was established by identifying metabolites that responded in the treatment of WM disease and TCM syndrome as positive outcomes and using other aspects of the metabonomic foundation as independent variables.", "Ten symptoms and signs were included in the spleen deficiency PRO scale.", "The internal reliability, content validity, discriminative validity and structural validity of the scale were all qualified.", "Based on treatment responses to treatments for WM disease (homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance) or TCM syndrome (spleen deficiency PRO scale score) from a previous randomized controlled trial, two cohorts comprised of 30 participants each were established for targeted metabolomics detection.", "Twenty-five metabolites were found to be involved in successful treatment outcomes to both WM and TCM, following quantitative comparison and multivariate analysis.", "Finally, the model of the integrated appraisal system was exploratively established using binary logistic regression; it included 9 core metabolites and had the prediction probability of 83.3%.", "This study presented a new and comprehensive research route for integrative appraisal of treatment outcomes for WM disease and TCM syndrome.", "Critical research techniques used in this research included the development of a TCM syndrome assessment tool, a longitudinal interventional trial with verified TCM treatment, identification of homogeneous metabolites, and statistical modeling." ]
Andrea K Newman, Beverly E Thorn
Intersectional identity approach to chronic pain disparities using latent class analysis
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Appreciative inquiry harnesses an individual's strengths to realize positive change, and a flourishing-focused mindset emphasizes engagement, social connectivity, and seeking meaningful work.", "Though the impact of these models on physician well-being and career planning has been evaluated in graduate medical education, their integration into career development initiatives for faculty has been limited.", "We designed a workshop to nurture hospitalist career development, based on our CORE2 conceptual framework (character strengths, overall vision, role assessment, explicit goals, and evaluation).", "We presented the workshop at the 2022 and 2023 Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) annual conferences.", "This 1.5-hour workshop comprised four modules and three small-group activities designed to help participants identify their signature character strengths, draft a professional vision statement, prioritize professional roles, and develop SMART goals aligned with these roles.", "At the 2023 SHM annual conference, 36 participants attended the workshop, and 32 (89%) completed pre- and postworkshop surveys.", "After workshop completion, participants' self-assessed familiarity with their signature character strengths, knowledge of evidence-based principles to develop SMART goals, and confidence in their ability to write a vision statement and SMART goals all increased significantly (p < .05).", "This workshop provides a valuable framework for self-directed longitudinal career development and reflection.", "We build on prior curricula on educator identity formation by guiding participants from identity definition to professional vision development to professional role evaluation to aligned goal creation and iterative evaluation.", "Our workshop's principles are readily generalizable to clinician-educators across medical disciplines." ]
Jia-Wen Guo, Andrea S Wallace, Brenda L Luther, Bob Wong
Psychometric Evaluation of the Screener for Intensifying Community Referrals for Health
Evaluation & the health professions
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Appropriate infant and young child feeding (IYCF) involves the initiation of breastfeeding within an hour of delivery, exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months, introduction of complementary feeding at 6 months while continuing breastfeeding for 2 years or beyond.", "Adequate IYCF knowledge among caregivers is associated with improved practices, lowers risk of kids developing malnutrition, infection, morbidity, and mortality.", "Early introduction of solid foods, mixed feeding, inadequate breastfeeding, and complementary feeding are all prevalent in South Africa.", "These are related to caregivers' lack of IYCF knowledge.", "Hence, this study aims to determine the IYCF knowledge level of caregivers of children under 24 months in the semiurban Seshego Township, South Africa.", "Quantitative and cross-sectional design was applied.", "A total of 86 caregivers were selected using simple random sampling, which is representative of a target population of 110.", "Structured questionnaire was utilised to gather data, and analysed through statistical software, using descriptive and inferential statistics.", "Chi-square test was used to calculate associations at 95% confidence interval, where a p-value of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.", "Findings show that 67% of participants had good IYCF knowledge (a score of 81 to 100%) and there was a significant relationship between knowledge and education (p = 0.001).", "Moreover, 40.7% did not know that exclusive breastfeeding should be up to 6 months, and 90% mentioned that breastmilk protects the child against diseases.", "Most participants (82.6%) know that complementary feeding should be introduced at 6 months with continuation of breastfeeding.", "Caregivers know that breastfeeding should begin immediately after birth, and that it protects against diseases.", "Moreover, they know that solid food should be introduced at 6 months.", "However, there is still a need to strengthen IYCF education, particularly on exclusive breastfeeding.", "Interventions to improve IYCF knowledge should be intertwined with improving educational and health literacy on breastfeeding and complementary feeding." ]
Carleigh B Nesbit, Catherine C Pollack, Nicolina S Mascia, Valerie H LaCroix, Devin M Applebee, Amy W Bosco, Ivy Wilkinson-Ryan, Elisabeth D Erekson, Rebecca H Evans
Interest in and uptake of genetic counseling for preconception carrier screening when offered to predominantly white reproductive-age persons seeking gynecologic care at a single U.S. academic medical center
Journal of genetic counseling
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Appropriate infant and young child feeding (IYCF) plays a crucial role in promoting the healthy growth of children.", "Currently, many Chinese urban parents are seeking care of children from the early childhood education (ECE) institutions, however, little is known about the feeding practices of infants and young children in ECE institutions.", "This study aims to investigate the complementary feeding practices for Chinese urban children aged 6-23 months in ECE institutions and explore potential factors influencing their feeding practices.", "This cross-sectional study was conducted among primary caregivers of children aged 6-23 months in ECE institutions across 31 provinces in China from 1 March to 30 April 2023.", "Convenience sampling was used to recruit caregivers from centres of Gymboree Play & Music (an ECE institution).", "Self-administered questionnaires were designed using the online survey tool Sojump and distributed through WeChat platform, which collected information on 1) children's complementary feeding practices; 2) food frequency of seven food groups; 3) caregivers' feeding knowledge and practices; 4) frequency of children attended ECE classes and the primary caregivers' daily nurturing care time; 5) source of information on complementary feeding.", "A total of 2731 children and their caregivers were surveyed, with 416 children aged 6-11 months and 2315 children aged 12-23 months.", "The prevalence of minimum dietary diversity (MDD), minimum meal frequency (MMF), and minimum acceptable diet (MAD) was 59.4, 60.6, and 39.2%, respectively.", "Only 17.3% caregivers believed that continued breastfeeding should be at two years or above, and 29.5% children were continuously breastfed at 12-23 months (CBF).", "The proportion of non-responsive feeding practices among caregivers ranged from 28 to 64%.", "Except for CBF, the prevalence of other key complementary feeding practices was higher among children who attending ECE classes than those not attending ECE classes (all P < 0.05).", "Moreover, children aged 12-23 months who received long-nursing care time (≥4h/d) had significantly higher MMF and MAD prevalence than those in short-nursing care time group (MMF = 66.2 vs. 58.8%, P = 0.0003; MAD = 44.2 vs. 38.3%, P = 0.0047).", "The complementary feeding practices of children aged 6-23 months in ECE institutions in urban China remained suboptimal, and non-responsive feeding practices among caregivers were common.", "The attendance of ECE classes and the caregivers' daily nurturing care time could be beneficial in ensuring children to comply with complementary feeding recommendations." ]
Rachel Brown, Jamie A Seabrook, Saverio Stranges, Andrew F Clark, Jess Haines, Colleen O'Connor, Sean Doherty, Jason A Gilliland
Examining the Correlates of Adolescent Food and Nutrition Knowledge
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Appropriate knowledge and actions of residents in housing are expected to reduce health effects, defined as \"living literacy.\"", "With the spread of COVID-19 and the diversification of lifestyles, a quantitative evaluation of a comprehensive model that includes living literacy in the housing environment is required.", "In this study, the author conducted two web-based surveys of approximately 2000 different households in Japan during the summer of 2020 and winter of 2021, and a statistical analysis based on the survey results.", "As a result, ventilation by opening windows was observed as a new resident behavior trend under COVID-19.", "In addition, structural equation modeling using the survey samples confirmed the certain relationship between living literacy and subjective evaluation of the indoor environment and health effects in both periods." ]
Elliott Brady, Kristina Bridges, Megan Murray, Huan Cheng, Bing Liu, Jianghua He, Jennifer Woodward
Relationship between a comprehensive social determinants of health screening and type 2 diabetes mellitus
Preventive medicine reports
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Approximately 1.3 billion people worldwide face barriers in accessing inclusive healthcare due to disabilities, leading to worse health outcomes, particularly in low and middle-income countries (LMIC).", "However, there is a lack of training of healthcare workers about disability, both globally and in Uganda.", "To use mixed research methods to develop a comprehensive training program with standardisedelements for healthcare workers in Uganda, focusing on improving their knowledge, attitudes, and skills inproviding care for people with disabilities.", "The Medical Research Council (MRC) approach was employed to guide the development of the training intervention.", "We conducted an umbrella review to gather relevant literature on disability training for healthcare workers.", "Interviews were conducted with international experts to gain insights and perspectives on the topic.", "Additionally, interviews were undertaken with people with disabilities and healthcare workers in Uganda to understand their experiences and needs.", "A participatory workshop was organised involving key stakeholders, to collaboratively design the training material based on the findings from these data sources.", "Eight review articles examined training programs for healthcare workers on disability.", "Training settings ranged from specialised clinical settings to non-clinical settings, and the duration and evaluation methods of the training varied widely.", "Lectures and didactic methods were commonly used, often combined with other approaches such as case studies and simulations.", "The impact of the training was assessed through healthcare worker reports on attitudes, knowledge, and self-efficacy.", "Interviews emphasised the importance of involving people with disabilities in the training and improving communication and understanding between healthcare providers and people with disabilities.", "Five themes for a training on disability for healthcare workers were generated through the workshop, including responsibilities and rights, communication, informed consent, accommodation, and referral and connection, which were used to guide the development of the curriculum, training materials and training approach.", "This study presents a novel approach to develop a training program that aims to enhance healthcare services for people with disabilities in Uganda.", "The findings offer practical insights for the development of similar programs in LMICs.", "The effectiveness of the training program will be evaluated through a pilot test, and policy support is crucial for its successful implementation at scale." ]
H Salim, S Shariff Ghazali, P Y Lee, A T Cheong, N H Harrun, S Mohamed Isa, H Pinnock
Health literacy levels and its determinants among people with asthma in Malaysian primary healthcare settings: a cross-sectional study
BMC public health
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Approximately 10% of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) can be attributed to hypertension.", "The prevalence of hypertension is steadily increasing among urban, rural, and tribal populations alike.", "There has been a growing incidence of hypertension within underprivileged groups; however, there is a scarcity of research focusing on the risks of hypertension within Indian tribes.", "The current study aimed to estimate the pooled prevalence of hypertension among tribes and the risk factors of hypertension.", "This study uses data from the fifth phase of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5) in India, covering 2,843,917 individuals in 636,699 households.", "A total of 69,176 individuals belonging to tribal communities aged between 15 and 49, encompassing both males and females, have been incorporated into our study.", "The study utilized bivariate and multivariable binary logistic regression analyses, which were conducted using the R statistical software.", "Among 69,176 tribal populations between 15 and 49 years, the overall prevalence of hypertension was 12.54% (8676/69176; 95% CI, 12.29%, 12.79%).", "The prevalence of hypertension among males was 16.4% and 12.07% among females.", "Age, gender, education, marital status, smoking, and alcohol consumption were found to be the significant predictors of hypertension among tribes.", "The rising prevalence and potential dangers of hypertension within Indian tribes highlight their epidemiological transition burdened by significant cardiometabolic health concerns, necessitating prompt and ongoing monitoring and surveillance." ]
Rosemary Leonard, Kerrie Noonan, Debbie Horsfall, Marguerite Kelly, John P Rosenberg, Andrea Grindrod, Bruce Rumbold, Alison Rahn
Developing a death literacy index
Death studies
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Approximately 10% to 30% of patients who receive chemotherapy experience hyperglycemia, which can affect the adverse reactions and treatment efficacy of chemotherapy.", "However, there is a paucity of research to explore the factors affecting hyperglycemia and include them in nursing interventions.", "The aim of this study was to understand the prognostic factors of hyperglycemia in cancer patients on chemotherapy.", "This retrospective, descriptive study included 134 adult patients with cancer receiving chemotherapy at Keimyeng University Dongsan Hospital in Daegu between July 1, 2021, and March 31, 2022.", "Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, average, and standard deviation statistics and compared by t test, χ2 test, and logistic regression analysis.", "Logistic regression analysis revealed that sex (male) (95% confidence interval [CI], 7.24-745.49; odds ratio [OR], 73.48); education (95% CI, 4.02-201.59; OR, 28.46); exercise durations of 30 to 60 minutes (95% CI, 0.00-0.06; OR, 0.01), 60 to 90 minutes (95% CI, 0.00-0.05, OR = 0.01), and ≥90 minutes (95% CI, 0.00-0.42; OR, 0.03); exercise amount ≥ 2000 kcal/wk (95% CI, 0.01-0.77; OR, 0.06); and daily fat (95% CI, 1.02-1.14; OR, 1.08), protein (95% CI, 0.82-0.95; OR, 0.88), and seaweed (95% CI, 0.85-0.99; OR, 0.92) intake were significant predictors of hyperglycemia.", "The prognostic factors of hyperglycemia should be included in nursing interventions to prevent and manage hyperglycemia, which in turn may help reduce adverse reactions related to chemotherapy and improve treatment efficacy.", "To prevent and manage hyperglycemia in patients on chemotherapy, prognostic factors, including exercise and protein, fat, and seaweed consumption, should be considered in nursing interventions.", "Particularly, in men and patients with low education levels who are at a high risk of hyperglycemia, nursing interventions for diet and exercise should be individualized." ]
Maryam Kazemi, Mina Bazyar, Mohammad Mehdi Naghizadeh, Azizallah Dehghan, Massih Sedigh Rahimabadi, Mahsa Rostami Chijan, Mostafa Bijani, Maryam Zahmatkeshan, Alireza Ghaemi, Nastaran Samimi, Reza Homayounfar, Mojtaba Farjam
Lipid profile dysregulation in opium users based on Fasa PERSIAN cohort study results
Scientific reports
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Clinical Trial
[ "Approximately 235,000 deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) people live in Germany.", "Due to communication barriers, medical care for this group is difficult in many respects.", "Especially in the case of acute illnesses, the possibilities of communication, e.g., through sign language interpreters, are limited.", "This study investigates the satisfaction of DHH patients with medical care in Germany in unplanned medical consultations.", "The aim of this study is to provide insights into DHH patient's perception of medical care, to identify barriers and avoidance behaviours that stem from fears, miscommunication, and prior experiences.", "We obtained data from adult DHH participants between February and April 2022 throughout Germany via an online survey in German Sign Language.", "The responses of N = 383 participants (65% female, M = 44 years, SD = 12.70 years) were included in statistical analyses.", "Outcomes were convictions of receiving help, satisfaction with healthcare provision, and avoiding healthcare visits; further variables were concerns during healthcare visits, incidences of miscommunication, and a communication score.", "We calculated t-tests, ANOVAs, correlations, and linear and logistic regression analyses.", "Our main findings show that (1) DHH patients were unsatisfied with provided healthcare (M = 3.88; SD = 2.34; range 0-10); (2) DHH patients reported many concerns primarily about communication and treatment aspects when visiting a doctor; and (3) 57% of participants deliberately avoided doctor visits even though they experienced symptoms.", "Factors such as concerns during doctor's visits (B = -0.18; 95%CI: -0.34--0.02; p = .027) or miscommunication with medical staff (B = -0.19; 95%CI: -0.33-0.06; p = .006) were associated with satisfaction with medical care, while we found almost no associations with gender and location, and only few with age and education.", "Overall, our findings suggest that DHH patients are unsatisfied with provided healthcare, they deliberately avoid doctor visits, and they face various communication barriers.", "This study revealed several communication-related determinants of satisfaction with healthcare in DHH patients, such as incidences of miscommunication and the communication score.", "Communication-related barriers have high potential to be addressed in collaboration with the DHH community.", "To improve the medical care and the satisfaction with healthcare in DHH patients, training healthcare professionals, digital technologies, and other communication-enhancing interventions should be explored in future intervention studies." ]
Dalia Al-Abdulrazzaq, Abdullah Al-Taiar, Muneera Al-Haddad, Abeer Al-Tararwa, Nabeela Al-Zanati, Amna Al-Yousef, Lena Davidsson, Hessa Al-Kandari
Cultural Adaptation of Health Literacy Measures: Translation Validation of the Newest Vital Sign in Arabic-Speaking Parents of Children With Type 1 Diabetes in Kuwait
The science of diabetes self-management and care
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Approximately 5% of Alzheimer's disease patients develop symptoms before age 65 (early-onset Alzheimer's disease), with either sporadic (sporadic early-onset Alzheimer's disease) or dominantly inherited (dominantly inherited Alzheimer's disease) presentations.", "Both sporadic early-onset Alzheimer's disease and dominantly inherited Alzheimer's disease are characterized by brain amyloid-β accumulation, tau tangles, hypometabolism and neurodegeneration, but differences in topography and magnitude of these pathological changes are not fully elucidated.", "In this study, we directly compared patterns of amyloid-β plaque deposition and glucose hypometabolism in sporadic early-onset Alzheimer's disease and dominantly inherited Alzheimer's disease individuals.", "Our analysis included 134 symptomatic sporadic early-onset Alzheimer's disease amyloid-Positron Emission Tomography (PET)-positive cases from the University of California, San Francisco, Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (mean ± SD age 59.7 ± 5.6 years), 89 symptomatic dominantly inherited Alzheimer's disease cases (age 45.8 ± 9.3 years) and 102 cognitively unimpaired non-mutation carriers from the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network study (age 44.9 ± 9.2).", "Each group underwent clinical and cognitive examinations, 11C-labelled Pittsburgh Compound B-PET and structural MRI.", "18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose-PET was also available for most participants.", "Positron Emission Tomography scans from both studies were uniformly processed to obtain a standardized uptake value ratio (PIB50-70 cerebellar grey reference and FDG30-60 pons reference) images.", "Statistical analyses included pairwise global and voxelwise group comparisons and group-independent component analyses.", "Analyses were performed also adjusting for covariates including age, sex, Mini-Mental State Examination, apolipoprotein ε4 status and average composite cortical of standardized uptake value ratio.", "Compared with dominantly inherited Alzheimer's disease, sporadic early-onset Alzheimer's disease participants were older at age of onset (mean ± SD, 54.8 ± 8.2 versus 41.9 ± 8.2, Cohen's d = 1.91), with more years of education (16.4 ± 2.8 versus 13.5 ± 3.2, d = 1) and more likely to be apolipoprotein ε4 carriers (54.6% ε4 versus 28.1%, Cramer's V = 0.26), but similar Mini-Mental State Examination (20.6 ± 6.1 versus 21.2 ± 7.4, d = 0.08).", "Sporadic early-onset Alzheimer's disease had higher global cortical Pittsburgh Compound B-PET binding (mean ± SD standardized uptake value ratio, 1.92 ± 0.29 versus 1.58 ± 0.44, d = 0.96) and greater global cortical 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-PET hypometabolism (mean ± SD standardized uptake value ratio, 1.32 ± 0.1 versus 1.39 ± 0.19, d = 0.48) compared with dominantly inherited Alzheimer's disease.", "Fully adjusted comparisons demonstrated relatively higher Pittsburgh Compound B-PET standardized uptake value ratio in the medial occipital, thalami, basal ganglia and medial/dorsal frontal regions in dominantly inherited Alzheimer's disease versus sporadic early-onset Alzheimer's disease.", "Sporadic early-onset Alzheimer's disease showed relatively greater 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-PET hypometabolism in Alzheimer's disease signature temporoparietal regions and caudate nuclei, whereas dominantly inherited Alzheimer's disease showed relatively greater hypometabolism in frontal white matter and pericentral regions.", "Independent component analyses largely replicated these findings by highlighting common and unique Pittsburgh Compound B-PET and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-PET binding patterns.", "In summary, our findings suggest both common and distinct patterns of amyloid and glucose hypometabolism in sporadic and dominantly inherited early-onset Alzheimer's disease." ]
Faustin Habyarimana, Temesgen Zewotir, Shaun Ramroop
Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with Anemia among Women of Childbearing Age in Rwanda
African journal of reproductive health
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Approximately 50% of firefighter injuries occur in the musculoskeletal system.", "Poor movement quality increases injury risk, while movement-based interventions may reduce injuries.", "Investigate the effectiveness of auto-generated exercise programming on movement literacy scores among firefighters with lower baseline Functional Movement System (FMS™) scores.", "Eleven male firefighters (mean age 44) with FMS™ scores less than 14/21 were included.", "Detailed explanations of the seven movement screens, five clearing procedures, and scoring were provided prior to baseline FMS™ assessments.", "Firefighters attempted each test up to three times, with highest scores retained.", "Scores ranged from 0 to 3 for each of the seven movement screens, with a maximum composite score of 21.", "Completed test scores were reviewed, and a report was provided to each firefighter through the FMS™PRO App.", "Additionally, auto-generated programs from the FMS™PRO App with exercise figures, descriptions, and videos to be performed prior to routine conditioning programs were provided.", "On average, participants were followed up after 262 days for a re-assessment.", "Mean composite scores significantly improved (p = .003) from 11.2 to 15.6/21, with a large effect size (r = 0.9).", "Individual item scores significantly improved for the deep overhead squat, hurdle, shoulder mobility, and rotary stability (p ≤ .046), with effect sizes of r = 0.3-0.8.", "Significant changes were not present for the inline lunge, active straight leg raise, and trunk stability push-up (p ≥ .083).", "An auto-generated corrective exercise program individualized to scores on the FMS™ was effective and exceeded error thresholds based on a minimal detectable change of 2.5/21." ]
María Mendoza-Muñoz, Sabina Barrios-Fernández, José Carmelo Adsuar, Raquel Pastor-Cisneros, María Risco-Gil, Miguel Ángel García-Gordillo, Jorge Carlos-Vivas
Influence of Body Composition on Physical Literacy in Spanish Children
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Approximately 6.5 million people in the U.S. are affected by an intellectual or developmental disability (IDD).", "However, their healthcare needs often remain unmet due to the inadequate education and training of healthcare professionals.", "Given that various procedures may require anesthesia in as many as 40% of individuals with IDD, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist Programs need to incorporate IDD training into their curriculum.", "A cross-sectional survey using a 12-item questionnaire was conducted to assess IDD training.", "Statistical analyses included the chi-square test and participant demographics were reported as frequencies or percentages.", "Numerical data were presented as means and standard deviations.", "A total of 277 respondents completed the survey and most reported (55%) a lack of IDD training at nurse anesthesia programs and 90% recognized the need for additional training.", "Only 24% felt competent in providing care for patients with IDD, while 52% reported feeling somewhat or very competent.", "A significant correlation was found between the number of clinical anesthesia experiences and self-rated competence (P < 0.001).", "Incorporating IDD training into the nurse anesthesia curriculum is critical to preparing competent graduates capable of serving this diverse population.", "Nurse anesthesia programs should evaluate their curriculum to effectively address this healthcare inequality." ]
Hyeona So, Dahyun Park, Mi-Kyung Choi, Young-Sun Kim, Min-Jeong Shin, Yoo-Kyoung Park
Development and Validation of a Food Literacy Assessment Tool for Community-Dwelling Elderly People
International journal of environmental research and public health
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Approximately five years ago, the Royal College emergency medicine programs in Canada implemented a competency-based paradigm and introduced the use of Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) for assessment of units of professional activity to assess trainees.", "Many competency-based medical education (CBME) based curricula, involve assessing for entrustment through observations of EPAs.", "While EPAs are frequently assessed in clinical settings, simulation is also used.", "This study aimed to characterize the use of simulation for EPA assessment.", "A study interview guide was jointly developed by all study authors and followed best practices for survey development.", "A national interview was conducted with program directors or assistant program directors across all the Royal College emergency medicine programs across Canada.", "Interviews were conducted over Microsoft Teams, interviews were recorded and transcribed, using Microsoft Teams transcribing service.", "Sample transcripts were analyzed for theme development.", "Themes were then reviewed by co-authors to ensure they were representative of the participants' views.", "A 64.7% response rate was achieved.", "Simulation has been widely adopted by EM training programs.", "All interviewees demonstrated support for the use of simulation for EPA assessment for many reasons, however, PDs acknowledged limitations and thematic analysis revealed certain themes and tensions for using simulation for EPA assessment.", "Thematic analysis revealed six major themes: widespread support for the use of simulation for EPA assessment, concerns regarding the potential for EPA assessment to become a \"tick- box\" exercise, logistical barriers limiting the use of simulation for EPA assessment, varied perceptions about the authenticity of using simulation for EPA assessment, the potential for simulation for EPA assessment to compromise learner psychological safety, and suggestions for the optimization of use of simulation for EPA assessment.", "Our findings offer insight for other programs and specialties on how simulation for EPA assessment can best be utilized.", "Programs should use these findings when considering using simulation for EPA assessment." ]
Arina Anis Azlan, Mohammad Rezal Hamzah, Jen Sern Tham, Suffian Hadi Ayub, Abdul Latiff Ahmad, Emma Mohamad
Associations between Health Literacy and Sociodemographic Factors: A Cross-Sectional Study in Malaysia Utilising the HLS-M-Q18
International journal of environmental research and public health
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Are humans intuitive Bayesians?", "It depends.", "People seem to be Bayesians when updating probabilities from experience but not when acquiring probabilities from descriptions (i.e., Bayesian textbook problems).", "Decades of research on textbook problems have focused on how the format of the statistical information (e.g., the natural frequency effect) affects such reasoning.", "However, it pays much less attention to the wording of these problems.", "Mathematical problem-solving literature indicates that wording is critical for performance.", "Wording effects (the wording varied across the problems and manipulations) can also have far-reaching consequences.", "These may have confounded between-format comparisons and moderated within-format variability in prior research.", "Therefore, across seven experiments (N = 4909), we investigated the impact of the wording of medical screening problems and statistical formats on Bayesian reasoning in a general adult population.", "Participants generated more Bayesian answers with natural frequencies than with single-event probabilities, but only with the improved wording.", "The improved wording of the natural frequencies consistently led to more Bayesian answers than the natural frequencies with standard wording.", "The improved wording effect occurred mainly due to a more efficient description of the statistical information-cueing required mathematical operations, an unambiguous association of numbers with their reference class and verbal simplification.", "The wording effect extends the current theoretical explanations of Bayesian reasoning and bears methodological and practical implications.", "Ultimately, even intuitive Bayesians must be good readers when solving Bayesian textbook problems." ]
Joseph I Amuka, Tochukwu G Onyechi, Fredrick O Asogwa, Anthony O Agu
Couples' social characteristics, family planning, and unwanted pregnancy risk: Evidence from two Nigerian Demographic and Health Surveys
African journal of reproductive health
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Are impaired glucose tolerance (as measured by fasting glucose, glycated hemoglobin, and fasting insulin) and cardiovascular disease risk (as measured by low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, systolic blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure) causally related to infertility?", "Genetic instruments suggest that higher fasting insulin may increase infertility in women.", "Observational evidence suggests a shared etiology between impaired glucose tolerance, cardiovascular risk, and fertility problems.", "This study included two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) analyses, in which we used genome-wide association summary data that were publicly available for the biomarkers of impaired glucose tolerance and cardiovascular disease, and sex-specific genome-wide association studies (GWASs) of infertility conducted in the Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child Cohort Study.", "There were 68 882 women (average age 30, involved in 81 682 pregnancies) and 47 474 of their male partners (average age 33, 55 744 pregnancies) who had available genotype data and who provided self-reported information on time-to-pregnancy and use of ARTs.", "Of couples, 12% were infertile (having tried to conceive for ≥12 months or used ARTs to conceive).", "We applied the inverse variance weighted method with random effects to pool data across variants and a series of sensitivity analyses to explore genetic instrument validity.", "(We checked the robustness of genetic instruments and the lack of unbalanced horizontal pleiotropy, and we used methods that are robust to population stratification.)", "Findings were corrected for multiple comparisons by the Bonferroni method (eight exposures: P-value < 0.00625).", "In women, increases in genetically determined fasting insulin levels were associated with greater odds of infertility (+1 log(pmol/l): odds ratio 1.60, 95% CI 1.17 to 2.18, P-value = 0.003).", "The results were robust in the sensitivity analyses exploring the validity of MR assumptions and the role of pleiotropy of other cardiometabolic risk factors.", "There was also evidence of higher glucose and glycated hemoglobin causing infertility in women, but the findings were imprecise and did not pass our P-value threshold for multiple testing.", "The results for lipids and blood pressure were close to the null, suggesting that these did not cause infertility.", "We did not know if underlying causes of infertility were in the woman, man, or both.", "Our analyses only involved couples who had conceived.", "We did not have data on circulating levels of cardiometabolic risk factors, and we opted to conduct an MR analysis using GWAS summary statistics.", "No sex-specific genetic instruments on cardiometabolic risk factors were available.", "Our results may be affected by selection and misclassification bias.", "Finally, the characteristics of our study sample limit the generalizability of our results to populations of non-European ancestry.", "Treatments for lower fasting insulin levels may reduce the risk of infertility in women.", "The MoBa Cohort Study is supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services and the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research.", "This work was supported by the European Research Council [grant numbers 947684, 101071773, 293574, 101021566], the Research Council of Norway [grant numbers 262700, 320656, 274611], the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority [grant numbers 2020022, 2021045], and the British Heart Foundation [grant numbers CH/F/20/90003, AA/18/1/34219].", "Open Access funding was provided by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.", "The funders had no role in the study design; the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; the writing of the report; or the decision to submit the article for publication.", "D.A.L.", "has received research support from National and International government and charitable bodies, Roche Diagnostics and Medtronic for research unrelated to the current work.", "O.A.A.", "has been a consultant to HealthLytix.", "The rest of the authors declare that no competing interests exist.", "N/A." ]
Michael D Linderman, Sabrina A Suckiel, Nathan Thompson, David J Weiss, J Scott Roberts, Robert C Green
Development and Validation of a Comprehensive Genomics Knowledge Scale
Public health genomics
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Argon (Ar) has been proposed as a potential therapeutic agent in multiple clinical conditions, specifically in organ protection.", "However, conflicting data on pre-clinical models, together with a great variability in Ar administration protocols and outcome assessments, have been reported.", "The aim of this study was to review evidence on treatment with Ar, with an extensive investigation on its neuroprotective effect, and to summarise all tested administration protocols.", "Using the PubMed database, all existing pre-clinical and clinical studies on the treatment with Ar were systematically reviewed (registration:", "Study titles and abstracts were screened, extracting data from relevant studies post full-text review.", "Exclusion criteria included absence of full text and non-English language.", "Furthermore, meta-analysis was also performed to assess Ar potential as neuroprotectant agent in different clinical conditions: cardiac arrest, traumatic brain injury, ischemic stroke, perinatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, subarachnoid haemorrhage.", "Standardised mean differences for neurological, cognitive and locomotor, histological, and physiological measures were evaluated, through appropriate tests, clinical, and laboratory variables.", "In vivo studies were evaluated for risk of bias using the Systematic Review Center for Laboratory Animal Experimentation tool, while in vitro studies underwent assessment with a tool developed by the Office of Health Assessment and Translation.", "The systematic review detected 60 experimental studies (16 in vitro, 7 ex vivo, 31 in vivo, 6 with both in vitro and in vivo) investigating the role of Ar.", "Only one clinical study was found.", "Data from six in vitro and nineteen in vivo studies were included in the meta-analyses.", "In pre-clinical models, Ar administration resulted in improved neurological, cognitive and locomotor, and histological outcomes without any change in physiological parameters (i.e., absence of adverse events).", "This systematic review and meta-analysis based on experimental studies supports the neuroprotective effect of Ar, thus providing a rationale for potential translation of Ar treatment in humans.", "Despite adherence to established guidelines and methodologies, limitations in data availability prevented further analyses to investigate potential sources of heterogeneity due to study design.", "This study was funded in part by Italian Ministry of Health-Current researchIRCCS and by Ministero della Salute Italiano, Ricerca Finalizzata, project no.", "RF 2019-12371416." ]
Felicitas M Schmidt, Jan M Zottmann, Maximilian Sailer, Martin R Fischer, Markus Berndt
Statistical literacy and scientific reasoning & argumentation in physicians
GMS journal for medical education
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Arguably the most famous principle of toxicology is \"The dose makes the poison\" formulated by Paracelsus in the 16th century.", "Application of the Paracelsus's principle to mechanistic toxicology may be challenging as one compound may affect many molecular pathways at different doses with different and often non-linear dose-response relationships.", "As a result, many mechanistic studies of environmental and occupational compounds use high doses of xenobiotics motivated by the need to see a clear signal indicating disruption of a particular molecular pathway.", "This approach ignores the possibility that the same xenobiotic may affect different molecular mechanism(s) at much lower doses relevant to human exposures.", "To amend mechanistic toxicology with a simple and concise guiding principle, I suggest recontextualization of Paracelsus's following its letter and spirit: \"The dose disrupts the pathway\".", "Justification of this statement includes observations that many environmental and occupational xenobiotics affect a broad range of molecular cascades, that most molecular pathways are sensitive to chemical exposures, and that different molecular pathways are sensitive to different doses of a chemical compound.", "I suggest that this statement may become a useful guidance and educational tool in a range of toxicological applications, including experimental design, comparative analysis of mechanistic hypotheses, evaluation of the quality of toxicological studies, and risk assessment." ]
Orsolya Papp-Zipernovszky, Andrea Klinovszky, Norbert Buzás
[Illness knowledge of type 2 diabetes patients: the Hungarian validation of Diabetes Knowledge Test]
Orvosi hetilap
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Argument schemes are abstractions substantiating the inferential connection between premise(s) and conclusion in argumentative communication.", "Identifying such conventional patterns of reasoning is essential to the interpretation and evaluation of argumentation.", "Whether studying argumentation from a theory-driven or data-driven perspective, insight into the actual use of argumentation in communicative practice is essential.", "Large and reliably annotated corpora of argumentative discourse to quantitatively provide such insight are few and far between.", "This is all the more true for argument scheme corpora, which tend to suffer from a combination of limited size, poor validation, and the use of ad hoc restricted typologies.", "In the current paper, we describe the annotation of schemes on the basis of two distinct classifications: Walton's taxonomy of argument schemes, and Wagemans' Periodic Table of Arguments.", "We describe the annotation procedure for each, and the quantitative characteristics of the resulting annotated text corpora.", "In doing so, we extend the annotation of the preexisting US2016 corpus of televised election debates, resulting in, to the best of our knowledge, the two largest consistently annotated corpora of schemes in argumentative dialogue publicly available.", "Based on evaluation in terms of inter-annotator agreement, we propose further improvements to the guidelines for annotating schemes: the argument scheme key, and the Argument Type Identification Procedure." ]
Kara Brick, Janice L Cooper, Leona Mason, Sangay Faeflen, Josiah Monmia, Janet M Dubinsky
Tiered Neuroscience and Mental Health Professional Development in Liberia Improves Teacher Self-Efficacy, Self-Responsibility, and Motivation
Frontiers in human neuroscience
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Around 2000 children are born in the UK per year with a neurodevelopmental genetic syndrome with significantly increased morbidity and mortality.", "Often little is known about expected growth and phenotypes in these children.", "Parents have responded by setting up social media groups to generate data themselves.", "Given the significant clinical evidence gaps, this research will attempt to identify growth patterns, developmental profiles and phenotypes, providing data on long-term medical and educational outcomes.", "This will guide clinicians when to investigate, monitor or treat symptoms and when to search for additional or alternative diagnoses.", "This is an observational, multicentre cohort study recruiting between March 2023 and February 2026.", "Children aged 6 months up to 16 years with a pathogenic or likely pathogenic variant in a specified gene will be eligible.", "Children will be identified through the National Health Service and via self-recruitment.", "Parents or carers will complete a questionnaire at baseline and again 1 year after recruitment.", "The named clinician (in most cases a clinical geneticist) will complete a clinical proforma which will provide data from their most recent clinical assessment.", "Qualitative interviews will be undertaken with a subset of parents partway through the study.", "Growth and developmental milestone curves will be generated through the DECIPHER website ( where 5 or more children have the same genetic syndrome (at least 10 groups expected).", "The results will be presented at national and international conferences concerning the care of children with genetic syndromes.", "Results will also be submitted for peer review and publication." ]
S M Yasir Arafat, Araz Ramazan Ahmad, Hersh Rasool Murad, Hardawan Mahmoud Kakashekh
Perceived Impact of Social Media on Panic Buying: An Online Cross-Sectional Survey in Iraqi Kurdistan
Frontiers in public health
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Around 40%-70% of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) may experience cognitive impairments during the course of their disease with detrimental effects on social and occupational activities.", "Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS has been investigated in pain, fatigue, and mood disorders related to MS, but to date, few studies have examined effects of tDCS on cognitive performance in MS.", "The current study aimed to investigate the effects of a multi-session tDCS protocol on cognitive performance and resting-state brain electrical activities in patients with MS. Twenty-four eligible MS patients were randomly assigned to real (anodal) or sham tDCS groups.", "Before and after 8 consecutive daily tDCS sessions over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), patients' cognitive performance was assessed using the Cambridge Brain Sciences-Cognitive Platform (CBS-CP).", "Cortical electrical activity was also evaluated using quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) analysis at baseline and after the intervention.", "Compared to the sham condition, significant improvement in reasoning and executive functions of the patients in the real tDCS group was observed.", "Attention was also improved considerably but not statistically significantly following real tDCS.", "However, no significant changes in resting-state brain activities were observed after stimulation in either group.", "Anodal tDCS over the left DLPFC appears to be a promising therapeutic option for cognitive dysfunction in patients with MS.", "Larger studies are required to confirm these findings and to investigate underlying neuronal mechanisms." ]
Desalew Tilahun, Adanech Gezahegn, Kenenisa Tegenu, Belete Fenta
Functional Health Literacy in Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases: Cross-Sectional Study in Ethiopia
International journal of general medicine
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Art-based education is gaining interest in the medical field, particularly in specialties with a strong visual focus.", "Visual arts are increasingly used for the development of observational skills and social competencies.", "While content and objectives of art-based programs widely differ across medical faculties in the Netherlands, the diverse range of options underscore the interest in and the potential of this educational approach.", "In this report, we explore the value of art-based observational training for medical students and surgical residents in two prominent Dutch museums in Amsterdam and Rotterdam, respectively.", "Our program, conducted at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and Depot Boijmans van Beuningen Museum in Rotterdam engaged medical students (n=24) and surgeons (in training) (n=66) in an interactive workshop focused on art observation led by an experienced art-educator and a clinical professional.", "Learning objectives were defined and a post-workshop questionnaire was devised to evaluate participants' perceptions, with a specific focus on contribution of the program to professional development.", "Both residents and surgeons acknowledged that the program had a positive impact on their professional skills.", "The program learned them to postpone their judgements and contributed to the awareness of their personal bias.", "Notably, medical students believed in the program's potential contribution to their professional development.", "Surgeons were more critical in their evaluation, emphasizing the challenge of sustainable improvement of skills within the limited duration of the course.", "An interactive art-based medical education program was offered to medical students, PhD students, house officers, surgical residents and surgeons in two well known Dutch museums.", "Participants expressed enthusiasm for the innovative educational approach they experienced at the museums.", "They learned about the importance of critical observation in their professional work, handling of ambiguity and got the opportunity to practice both observational and communicational skills in a creative manner.", "The findings indicate that medical students and surgical residents can benefit from art-based observational training, using art as a vehicle to develop their professional competencies." ]
Sau Nga Fu, Man Chi Dao, Carlos K H Wong, Bernard M Y Cheung
Knowledge and practice of home blood pressure monitoring 6 months after the risk and assessment management programme: does health literacy matter?
Postgraduate medical journal
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Artemether-lumefantrine is widely used for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria; sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine plus amodiaquine is used for seasonal malaria chemoprevention.", "We aimed to determine the efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine with and without primaquine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine plus amodiaquine with and without tafenoquine for reducing gametocyte carriage and transmission to mosquitoes.", "In this phase 2, single-blind, randomised clinical trial conducted in Ouelessebougou, Mali, asymptomatic individuals aged 10-50 years with P falciparum gametocytaemia were recruited from the community and randomly assigned (1:1:1:1) to receive either artemether-lumefantrine, artemether-lumefantrine with a single dose of 0·25 mg/kg primaquine, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine plus amodiaquine, or sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine plus amodiaquine with a single dose of 1·66 mg/kg tafenoquine.", "All trial staff other than the pharmacist were masked to group allocation.", "Participants were not masked to group allocation.", "Randomisation was done with a computer-generated randomisation list and concealed with sealed, opaque envelopes.", "The primary outcome was the median within-person percent change in mosquito infection rate in infectious individuals from baseline to day 2 (artemether-lumefantrine groups) or day 7 (sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine plus amodiaquine groups) after treatment, assessed by direct membrane feeding assay.", "All participants who received any trial drug were included in the safety analysis.", "This study is registered with, NCT05081089.", "Between Oct 13 and Dec 16, 2021, 1290 individuals were screened and 80 were enrolled and randomly assigned to one of the four treatment groups (20 per group).", "The median age of participants was 13 (IQR 11-20); 37 (46%) of 80 participants were female and 43 (54%) were male.", "In individuals who were infectious before treatment, the median percentage reduction in mosquito infection rate 2 days after treatment was 100·0% (IQR 100·0-100·0; n=19; p=0·0011) with artemether-lumefantrine and 100·0% (100·0-100·0; n=19; p=0·0001) with artemether-lumefantrine with primaquine.", "Only two individuals who were infectious at baseline infected mosquitoes on day 2 after artemether-lumefantrine and none at day 5.", "By contrast, the median percentage reduction in mosquito infection rate 7 days after treatment was 63·6% (IQR 0·0-100·0; n=20; p=0·013) with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine plus amodiaquine and 100% (100·0-100·0; n=19; p<0·0001) with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine plus amodiaquine with tafenoquine.", "No grade 3-4 or serious adverse events occurred.", "These data support the effectiveness of artemether-lumefantrine alone for preventing nearly all mosquito infections.", "By contrast, there was considerable post-treatment transmission after sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine plus amodiaquine; therefore, the addition of a transmission-blocking drug might be beneficial in maximising its community impact.", "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation." ]
Astha Koolwal Kapoor, Sushma Bhatnagar, Rajni Mutneja
Clinical and Socio-demographic Profile of Hospice Admissions: Experience from New Delhi
Indian journal of palliative care
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Arterial hypertension is one of the most prevalent chronic, non-communicable diseases and the leading preventable risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and all-cause mortality worldwide.", "Although its primary causes and consequences are preventable, it often remains undiagnosed.", "Consequently, this study aims to determine the prevalence and factors associated with normotensive, diagnosed, and undiagnosed hypertension in adults.", "A cross-sectional, population-based study was conducted in Sabaneta, Colombia, between 2021 and 2022, with 286 adults aged 18 and older.", "Stratified and systematic random sampling methods were employed.", "The World Health Organization STEP survey and the Perez Rojas test were utilized to assess behavioral risk factors and sedentary lifestyles.", "Body mass index, waist circumference, and arterial tension were measured using standardized instruments.", "The prevalence of hypertension was then estimated.", "Risk factors influencing normotensive, diagnosed, and undiagnosed hypertension were analyzed using multinomial regression.", "The outcome variable comprised three categories: normotensive (reference category), diagnosed hypertension, and undiagnosed hypertension.", "The multinomial regression coefficients were exponentiated and are presented as relative risk ratios (RRR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI).", "The model was adjusted for sex and sample weight per neighborhood.", "The study revealed a hypertension prevalence of 38.5% and an undiagnosed hypertension rate of 50.9%.", "Those with undiagnosed hypertension were predominantly adults over 60 years (RRR = 0.68; 95% CI: 0.53-0.86), individuals with an elementary school education (RRR = 1.75; 95% CI: 1.27-2.42), those physically active (RRR = 1.52; 95% CI: 1.22-1.89), without prior diagnoses of chronic comorbidities (RRR = 1.42; 95% CI: 1.12-1.82), and with obesity (RRR = 2.25; 95% CI: 1.63-3.11) or overweight conditions (RRR = 1.70; 95% CI: 1.334-2.15).", "Undiagnosed hypertension was significant among populations without risk conditions.", "There is an urgent need for community-based early detection and education strategies to mitigate this issue." ]
Gandhari Basu, Dipanjan Nandi, Sujata Biswas, Suman Kumar Roy
Quality of life and depression among diabetic patients attending the lifestyle clinic of a teaching hospital, West Bengal
Journal of family medicine and primary care
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Artificial cells can be engineered to display dynamics sharing remarkable features in common with the survival behavior of living organisms.", "In particular, such active systems can respond to stimuli provided by the environment and undertake specific displacements to remain out of equilibrium, e.g.", "by moving towards regions with higher fuel concentration.", "In spite of the intense experimental activity aiming at investigating this fascinating behavior, a rigorous definition and characterization of such \"survival strategies\" from a statistical physics perspective is still missing.", "In this work, we take a first step in this direction by adapting and applying to active systems the theoretical framework of Transition Path Theory, which was originally introduced to investigate rare thermally activated transitions in passive systems.", "We perform experiments on camphor disks navigating Petri dishes and perform simulations in the paradigmatic active Brownian particle model to show how the notions of transition probability density and committor function provide the pivotal concepts to identify survival strategies, improve modeling, and obtain and validate experimentally testable predictions.", "The definition of survival in these artificial systems paves the way to move beyond simple observation and to formally characterize, design and predict complex life-like behaviors." ]
Sarah Quinones, Tia M Palermo, Tumpe Mnyawami Lukongo, Paul Luchemba, Respichius Mitti, Karen Devries, Richard de Groot, Atif Khurshid, Hannah Kuper
Disability status and multi-dimensional personal well-being among adolescents in the Southern Highlands Region of Tanzania: results of a cross-sectional study
BMJ open
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Artificial intelligence (AI) agents encounter the problem of catastrophic forgetting when they are trained in sequentially with new data batches.", "This issue poses a barrier to the implementation of AI-based models in tasks that involve ongoing evolution, such as cancer prediction.", "Moreover, whole slide images (WSI) play a crucial role in cancer management, and their automated analysis has become increasingly popular in assisting pathologists during the diagnosis process.", "Incremental learning (IL) techniques aim to develop algorithms capable of retaining previously acquired information while also acquiring new insights to predict future data.", "Deep IL techniques need to address the challenges posed by the gigapixel scale of WSIs, which often necessitates the use of multiple instance learning (MIL) frameworks.", "In this paper, we introduce an IL algorithm tailored for analyzing WSIs within a MIL paradigm.", "The proposed Multiple Instance Class-Incremental Learning (MICIL) algorithm combines MIL with class-IL for the first time, allowing for the incremental prediction of multiple skin cancer subtypes from WSIs within a class-IL scenario.", "Our framework incorporates knowledge distillation and data rehearsal, along with a novel embedding-level distillation, aiming to preserve the latent space at the aggregated WSI level.", "Results demonstrate the algorithm's effectiveness in addressing the challenge of balancing IL-specific metrics, such as intransigence and forgetting, and solving the plasticity-stability dilemma." ]
Kenric B Ware, Marty Faile, Carrie Lynch
An Analysis of Perceived and Actual Anticoagulant Knowledge among Independent Pharmacy Patients
Innovations in pharmacy
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are poised to have a substantial impact in the health care space.", "While a plethora of web-based resources exist to teach programming skills and ML model development, there are few introductory curricula specifically tailored to medical students without a background in data science or programming.", "Programs that do exist are often restricted to a specific specialty.", "We hypothesized that a 1-month elective for fourth-year medical students, composed of high-quality existing web-based resources and a project-based structure, would empower students to learn about the impact of AI and ML in their chosen specialty and begin contributing to innovation in their field of interest.", "This study aims to evaluate the success of this elective in improving self-reported confidence scores in AI and ML.", "The authors also share our curriculum with other educators who may be interested in its adoption.", "This elective was offered in 2 tracks: technical (for students who were already competent programmers) and nontechnical (with no technical prerequisites, focusing on building a conceptual understanding of AI and ML).", "Students established a conceptual foundation of knowledge using curated web-based resources and relevant research papers, and were then tasked with completing 3 projects in their chosen specialty: a data set analysis, a literature review, and an AI project proposal.", "The project-based nature of the elective was designed to be self-guided and flexible to each student's interest area and career goals.", "Students' success was measured by self-reported confidence in AI and ML skills in pre and postsurveys.", "Qualitative feedback on students' experiences was also collected.", "This web-based, self-directed elective was offered on a pass-or-fail basis each month to fourth-year students at Emory University School of Medicine beginning in May 2021.", "As of June 2022, a total of 19 students had successfully completed the elective, representing a wide range of chosen specialties: diagnostic radiology (n=3), general surgery (n=1), internal medicine (n=5), neurology (n=2), obstetrics and gynecology (n=1), ophthalmology (n=1), orthopedic surgery (n=1), otolaryngology (n=2), pathology (n=2), and pediatrics (n=1).", "Students' self-reported confidence scores for AI and ML rose by 66% after this 1-month elective.", "In qualitative surveys, students overwhelmingly reported enthusiasm and satisfaction with the course and commented that the self-direction and flexibility and the project-based design of the course were essential.", "Course participants were successful in diving deep into applications of AI in their widely-ranging specialties, produced substantial project deliverables, and generally reported satisfaction with their elective experience.", "The authors are hopeful that a brief, 1-month investment in AI and ML education during medical school will empower this next generation of physicians to pave the way for AI and ML innovation in health care." ]
Hilal Hamid Mir, Subeena Parveen, Naushadul Haque Mullick, Shazia Nabi
Using structural equation modeling to predict Indian people's attitudes and intentions towards COVID-19 vaccination
Diabetes & metabolic syndrome
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications have the potential to revolutionize conventional healthcare practices, creating a more efficient and patient-centred approach with improved outcomes.", "This guide discuses eighteen AI-based applications in clinical decision-making, precision medicine, operational efficiency, and predictive analytics, including a real-world example of AI's role in public health during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.", "Additionally, we address ethical questions, transparency, data privacy, bias, consent, accountability, and liability, and the strategic measures that must be taken to align AI with ethical principles, legal frameworks, legacy information technology systems, and employee skills and knowledge.", "We emphasize the importance of informed and strategic approaches to harness AI's potential and manage its challenges.", "Moreover, this guide underscores the importance of evaluating and integrating new skills and competencies to navigate and use AI-based technologies in healthcare management, such as technological literacy, long-term strategic vision, change management skills, ethical decision-making, and alignment with patient needs." ]
Patrick J Brady, Natoshia M Askelson, Brad Wright, Eliza Daly, Elizabeth Momany, Brooke McInroy, Peter Damiano
Food Insecurity Is Prevalent in Iowa's Medicaid Expansion Population
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Artificial intelligence (AI) applications, specifically generative pre-trained transformers, have shown potential in medical education and board-style examinations.", "To assess this capability, we conducted a study comparing the performance of GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 on the American Urological Association (AUA) 2022 self-assessment study program (SASP) exams from 2012-2023.", "We used a standardized prompt to administer questions from the AUA SASP exams spanning 2012-2023, totalling 1679 questions.", "The performance of the two AI models, GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, was evaluated based on the number of questions answered correctly.", "Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher's exact test and independent sample t-tests to compare the performance of GPT-4 to that of GPT-3.5 among test years and urology topic areas.", "Percentile scores were not calculable, however, a score of 50% is required to acquire CME credits on AUA SASP exams.", "The analysis showed significantly superior performance by GPT-4, which scored above 50% across all exam years except 2018, with scores ranging from 48-64%.", "In contrast, GPT-3.5 consistently scored below this threshold, with scores ranging from 26-38%.", "The total combined score for GPT-4 was 55%, significantly higher than the 33% achieved by GPT-3.5 (odds ratio [OR] 2.5, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.2-2.9, p<0.001).", "GPT-4 significantly outperformed GPT-3.5 among AUA SASP test years from 2012-2023 (mean difference 23, t(22) 14, 95% CI 19-26, p<0.001), as well as among urology topic areas (mean difference 21, t(52)=5.5, 95% CI 13-29, p<0.001).", "GPT-4 scored significantly higher than GPT-3.5 on the AUA SASP exams in overall performance, across all test years, and in various urology topic areas.", "This suggests improvement in evolving AI language models in answering clinical urology questions; however, certain aspects of medical knowledge and clinical reasoning remain challenging for AI language models." ]
Ashley A White, Aissatou Ba, Trevor Daniel Faith, Viswanathan Ramakrishnan, Clara L Dismuke-Greer, Jim C Oates, Edith Marie Williams
The Care-coordination Approach to Learning Lupus Self-Management: a patient navigator intervention for systemic lupus inpatients
Lupus science & medicine
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Artificial intelligence (AI) has been commoditized.", "It has evolved from a specialty resource to a readily accessible tool for cancer researchers.", "AI-based tools can boost research productivity in daily workflows, but can also extract hidden information from existing data, thereby enabling new scientific discoveries.", "Building a basic literacy in these tools is useful for every cancer researcher.", "Researchers with a traditional biological science focus can use AI-based tools through off-the-shelf software, whereas those who are more computationally inclined can develop their own AI-based software pipelines.", "In this article, we provide a practical guide for non-computational cancer researchers to understand how AI-based tools can benefit them.", "We convey general principles of AI for applications in image analysis, natural language processing and drug discovery.", "In addition, we give examples of how non-computational researchers can get started on the journey to productively use AI in their own work." ]
Elizabeth P Caldwell, Libby E Rosonet
The Influence of Health-Seeking Behaviors on the Health Literacy of Adolescents With Sickle Cell Disease
Journal of pediatric oncology nursing : official journal of the Association of Pediatric Oncology Nurses
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Artificial intelligence (AI) has birthed the new \"big thing\" in modern medicine.", "It promises to bring about safer and improved care that will be beneficial to patients and become a helpful tool in the hands of a skilled physician.", "Despite its anticipation, however, the implementation and usage of AI are still in their elementary phases, particularly due to legal and ethical considerations that border on \"data.\"", "These challenges should not be brushed aside but rather be recognized and resolved to enable acceptance by all relevant stakeholders without prejudice.", "Once these challenges can be overcome, AI will truly revolutionize the field of medicine with improved diagnostic accuracy, a reduction in physician burnout, and an enhanced treatment modality.", "It is therefore paramount that AI be embraced by physicians and integrated into medical education in order to be well-prepared for our role in the future of medicine." ]
Robert A Oster, Katrina L Devick, Sally W Thurston, Joseph J Larson, Leah J Welty, Paul J Nietert, Brad H Pollock, Gina-Maria Pomann, Heidi Spratt, Christopher J Lindsell, Felicity T Enders
Learning gaps among statistical competencies for clinical and translational science learners
Journal of clinical and translational science
2024-05-30 21:23:03
Journal Article
[ "Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize nursing education.", "This study compared NCLEX-RN questions generated by AI and those created by nurse educators.", "Faculty of accredited baccalaureate programs were invited to participate.", "Likert-scale items for grammar and clarity of the item stem and distractors were compared using Mann-Whitney U, and yes/no questions about clinical relevance and complex terminology were analyzed using chi-square.", "A one-sample binomial test with confidence intervals evaluated participants' question preference (AI-generated or educator-written).", "Qualitative responses identified themes across faculty.", "Item clarity, grammar, and difficulty were similar for AI and educator-created questions.", "Clinical relevance and use of complex terminology was similar for all question pairs.", "Of the four sets with preference for one item, three were generated by AI.", "AI can assist faculty with item generation to prepare nursing students for the NCLEX-RN examination.", "Faculty expertise is necessary to refine questions written using both methods.", "[J Nurs Educ.", "2023;62(12):679-687.", "]." ]