Input,Output Need to vent about a girl YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU LOVED ME AFTER A MONTH AND THEN ENDED IT OVER TEXT A WEEK LATER BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T DIDN'T GIVE YOURSELF ENOUGH TIME TO GET OVER YOUR PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIP. FUCK YOU FAKER. THANKS FOR READING.,Nah I'm sure she was telling the truth Her responses to this were awesome imo. I never really liked her on the show but when he's off she seems like a pretty cool person. I hope they make it!,your pronouns confuse me GDT | Flames @ Avs | 7:00pm MST | Something witty about extinguishing the Flames. Go Avs. Today continues our undefeated streak until the end of the year! Ass. Satan. Daddy. Salmon. Balls.,"5 on 3, our specialty!" GDT | Avs @ Stars | 6:30pm MST | Yep.,Great pass Beauch Australians of Reddit. What does taking the piss out of you mean?,Really long way of saying saying I don't know anymore..,"As a Christian who believes in Adam and Eve, this is all very straightforward." Screw in tire. Any chance of saving it?,"Put right stuff on it and just screw it all the way in, im sure it will be fine" Videocards may bring more joy by doing massive physics instead of graphics in games,Just see r/oecake sadly there are no admins on official zeus missions,Dwarden said there is a vote kick so no admins needed Chunky cheeks...,Obesity is so sexy My Favourite is Kizaru. Who is your favourite ?,Sakazuki is pretty dope. Redditor with IQ above 130 gets called a sheep and freaks out over a video game,"I love how he thinks that a high iq means that he isn't a sheep, it just means he's a smart sheep" "CK2 as well, which just leaves Victoria 2.",Don't forget Sengoku and EU: Rome! "PDu30 slashes calamity fund by half, Office of the President funds 10 times bigger than ever.","LOL, who cares, he was at Naga making sure calamity response was topnotch" chinese cause heavy lag when they connect with VPNs and whatnot old nost was often unplayable for EU players because Chinese play in similar timeframe,Users connecting through VPNs create no additional load on the server than Users connecting directly Stop perpetuating a lie. Ya I cant recall one WRPG that has prepubescant girls with thigh skirts and panty shots while the girl is all googley eyed for your every move.,The Last of Us? "They claim there is no evidence of the gas chambers, that the rooms that supposedly were used as gas chambers were not air tight and therefore couldn't have been used as such. That and all reports of the execution camps existing were from Russian intelligence, so they don't believe them.",Then I guess all those chemical weapons in WW1 were useless because the gas was deployed in an open space. The Week: The 7 best movies we saw in 2016: 3. Ghostbusters (feat. The vitriol this movie received from a particular group of men (whose anaphylactic response to seeing women in the lead maps rather neatly onto other angry masculinist movements like Gamergate),"Don't read the bit about Arrival, as someone who hasn't seen it yet it's got a very big spoiler." "The level of cynicism and sinophobia displayed in these comments are despicable. Great job, China!",Especially when it's not the Chinese public's fault. What do you guys do to make your couch gaming PC's better?,Mini fridge with beer and food Used to live in the south. Southern people's reasoning behind not watching South Park is that it offends them. They are disgusted by this show. I laugh at them every time though because they are the ones that are being made fun of by South Park.,Good for you! "Unfortunately this will probably become the norm each year. Everyone around the world is breaking 130 yr old records. Data shows we're warming at incredible rates, and Trump is putting people in his cabinet excited about pumping more pollution into the atmosphere.",That kind of smug know it all liberal superiority is why we elected Trump. Supergirl Shocked By His Cum,Supergirl is finally a good show L.A.'s proposed ban on single adults near playgrounds is fear-based policy making Could hurt the PokemonGo community,land of the free Except they did protest both of obama's victories. Guess they had vacation built up?,It's *certainly* not the case that 9 out of the 10 most unemployed states are deeply red. You're lying. People don't communicate on console and Widowmaker doesn't get gold.,Lol Personally I like the lip curl,Those lips when smiling have this super flirty mischievous look that I fucking adore ELI5: Why is there so much snow on the ice at the Spengler cup? Was watching a Spengler cup game today when I noticed the amount of snow on the ice. Is there a reason why this rink appears to produce more snow on the ice than an NHL rink?,bunch of plugs playing who cant skate well Okay that wasn't my question. But you know whatever. I dont know if they are weapon sprays or spray on building sprays,Spray on building sprays. If a player is under 2000 coins then he is cheap in my opinion. I even consider 30k players to be cheap if they are 85+ rated or are superstar wingers (Martial etc.). You have to remember that you almost have 82k from the catalog from the start and theese are cards everyone can afford. If you cannot afford players that cost more than 750 coins then competing in higher divisions will be difficult in my personal opinion :),"I dont want to pay more than that because every player above that price is going to receive a massive price drop, and yes I know its going to be difficult to compete, especially considering its FIFA 17 and not FIFA 16." "Get off Reddit Remus, you're dead",Spoilers you monster Why do you say it's a death trap?,I didn't think it needed What's your favourite thing about living in Thunder Bay?,All the crime Overdose deaths so far in 2016 are higher than in all of 2015,"Great, less people to worry about abusing the system, right?" "Default song Every time I launch my Laptop (And thus Spotify) it defaults to the same song, which is a song I've never searched for/opened. It's called 'Es Ist Ein Ros Entsprungen' by some guy called 'Martin Mans'. Anyway, never heard of it, never listened to it. It doesn't happen on my phone nor on my home PC. I did a quick google search but it got me jack. Any info?",Spotify should default to the last song you played whenever you open it. "I sit next to a window at my office with a pretty big spider, and I would watch it kill and eat other bugs all day until an even bigger spider came and they had a battle to the death. Made for an interesting summer.",Sounds like a great job ;) "I'm talking about games *feeling like* a trap game going in to them. Pens did if only because the Pens are right there near the top of the Metro with us and it's a rivalry game, and Montreal obviously going to be a totally different game than the 10-0 rout earlier this season.","CBJ/PIT isn't a rivalry, jesus!" "Two women kissing in front of an anti gay marriage protest in Marseille, France. After going viral, this picture was named Le baiser de Marseille.",You can see just what a terrible impact the two young ladies are having on the quality of life of everyone else in the picture... "Carlingwood mall Ive been working in the Carlingwood mall for 2 months now, and im starting to wonder how is the mall still open? Rideau seems alot busier whereas Carlingwood is almost a ghost town. Does anyone think the Carlingwood mall would shutdown in a few years?",It needs a few more cellular shops. Just make sure you don't convert $1 bills. Because then you are clearly involved in a Gulenist conspiracy to overthrow the government.,A real turk would have $1 coins! But it's not storing or transmitting the data anywhere. What's the issue?,THE ISSUE IS THERE AREN'T ENOUGH TIN FOIL HATS FOR ALL MY FELLOW PARANOID COMPATRIOTS. How fucking tasteless of you.,What the hell are you talking about? How could you prank a girl into having sex with you?,"roofie in the drink, its HILARIOUS they always laugh about it" And for GWB's ethics attorney to say this?...,He is just another butthurt lib... Still ascending peasant wanting to know where to get cheap reliable Windows OS keys,Piratebay is your answer I'd bet good money this is just an alt-right sockpuppet account,Everything bad on the left is a right wing something man. I can't decide if these are getting pretty audiotechical or just more forced.,I think they're just getting Sennheiser. "Fuck that guy, that's what ambulances are for","Yup, there is nowhere in the us where its faster to get to the hospital in case of an emergency by driving as opposed to waiting for an ambulance and there is not one person in the world who has a car but not a phone" "Yeah, like thats common knowledge. I thought it was migo too till i searched the lyrics up",it is you pleb "I cant think of a worse nation to try to go to war with. 1000km away from the nearest staging point (that is held by an ally despite what they say about each other on the rugby pitch), some of the most savage mountain terrain on the planet and the Maori are tough mofos. I am sure they are terrified of Israel.","But Israel isn't the one declaring war, New Zealand is." "You know what he meant, though.",I forgot the Whether or not humans can mate with other primates.,So that's what that upcoming ape movie is about... "Terrible picture, sorry. Anyway went up 4-0 in the 1st. bigALdynamite (ps4) decides to take all the penalties he can to make me quit. From start of 2nd to end of 3rd. 45 mins later it's finally over. First time in over 200 games I've had this happen to me. Now I feel everyone else's pain. 68 pm",Only 2/27 tsk tsk Liquid nitrogen,Walmart or it didn't happen Why does the video do a sort of warpy thing?,"It's just youtube's video stabilization, as far I know every time a video is uploaded, at least when i did, this option comes up and people who don't really know youtube or uploading think it helps when really it makes it look wavy and distorted like in this video." "Hanako best girl, fite me",U wut m8 the manly picnic is the best route Funny WiFi addresses are the new funny answering machine messages.,My favorite one from my building is 3girls1couch "Da Giggione, miglior Hamburgeria in Campania.",Sembra il kebab di Samir con salsa picanto e scibolla Haha so was I! We really do need a sarcasm font or emoji,lmfao I'll settle with an occasional misunderstanding before I ruin a comment with Hillary Clinton Could Face New Email Probe After Explosive Ruling,Could but won't "Makes more sense to keep Solder around long term than trade for Thomas. There is ZERO chance, and I repeat zero chance, that Thomas puts on a Patriots uniform next year if ever.",Thanks for clearing that up Oct 17th Freakout thread? Freakout Thread.,What is so special about october 17th? and EU is rooting for FW.,"Tbh i just don't want SKT getting out, a FW/C9 win would be ideal" Debbie Reynolds dead at 84,"2016 working its way up the family tree, I see." It was awesome.,Truly a wonderful cover of one of the great speechs in history done with the complete support of the original writers and speaker. "I spent the past few weeks watching Lost. Now that I have finished, any recommendations for another series? I loved Lost so much and feel a void with it over. I love the stranded on an island type of premise...and now realize there's not much else to choose from. I also loved Castaway lol! Any recs?",Twin Peaks. Info on the bag? Been looking for something with yellow accents like yours.,It is a Mizuno Aerolite Eight 50 bag. *nervously rubs my G4 to keep bootlooping at bay*,Too bad that the rubbing heated up the motherboard giving you bootloops instead of a genie "I really liked it on my Galaxy S5. It wasn't an every day use, and I love my s7, but every now and then I miss it.",The app is annoying tho "At least they're interesting. Flat earth is the most so-bloody-what conspiracy theory I'm aware of. Oh wow, the earth is flat and millions of people are lying about it, at very great expense and effort. Uh, why?","Well of course, big globe controls the governments" Burn Up allows Arcanine to become Typeless.,Spoiler alert: Gen 20 new Type revealed. Like the witcher 3? Hmm.. Maybe this is why I have to play on low with a 970...,"Something not right there dude, I just picked up witcher3 and I'm using high-ultra settings throughout on a 970." The 9/11 terrorists had valid passports and were from developed countries.,SA is a developed country? Jane Seymour. (The mom from Wedding Crashers),"Henry VIII's been there, dude." Star Wars Battlefront Fan-made Coruscant DLC Concept Art,Can you stop spamming the subreddit with your low effort photshops? Why would you reveal this... people are going to pick my poppy now.,"i feel sorry for you, there goes your sleeper op pick that absolutely no one plays" ~~eh I'm okay with this title. #satandidnothingwrong~~,"Whoa, we got some Grima worshipers in this sub." "Hard coded subtitles. WHY!? It really annoys me more than it should, but I strongly dislike being forced to watch Arabic subtitles on all content on Du and Etisalat, when I don't read or speak Arabic (wish I did), and am an avid lover of cinematography. It's even more annoying when you realise that the set top box firmware has the ability to do soft coded subs which would allow you to enable, disable and even change subtitle languages.","if you don't like it, leave!" Joe Manganiello out with Sofia Vergara. Dude is in shape!,"In other news, water is wet." "What extensions do you allow in Incognito, if any? I only allow uBlock Origin since it's so convenient for the sites I use in Incognito. And I trust it enough not to look at what sites I visit while in Incognito.","linkclump, for opening many links to tabs" EA:s Biggest messup in this game I really like this game but i have one big problem and thats all those in real life average MLS players now beeing super owerpowered in the game and will keep beeing so until the next years release. What where they thinking when owerpowering so many average players permanently???? It would been ok during MLS playoffs/finals but then they should have been back to normal average level.,Don't worry they're fixing it by making new cards of everyone else with OVR 90+ "just explaining my point that I made, obviously you missed it, wouldn't make a point at all if I didn't care if you understood it or not.",Okay... and... "My dad defends Syrian refugees My dad was telling me about how the old guys in his coffee group were talking trash about Syrian refugees and how Canada shouldn't allow them into the country. He asked the guys how many of them came to Canada from somewhere else (all of them) and why shouldn't we give people a chance. I'm honestly so proud of him and respect him so much. He's not afraid to voice his opinion, even if everyone else thinks differently. At 76 years old, he's one of the most open-minded, fairest non-judgemental people I know.",INB4 B-b-b-but muh rape statistics I swear to fucking god that was a rail road spike.,We'll know when they find their spike expert! Lov,There's an e Harmony joke in there somewhere... Saudi man who called for end to 'guardianship of women' is jailed,Such a understanding and tolerant people When in a rush home to watch ones favorite soapy and Daddy tries to beat the Robot with a bucket of paint not properly secured in the back seat.,Wow how racist that they are in white face "Went all out after 5 years. i7 6700k, 64GB 3400MHz DDR4, Asus strix gtx1080 sli.",Now you just need a 4K monitor. "a) Doesn't need it cause her CDs are so low to begin with b) With 2 AA resets, it's basically a 3-hit passive (3rd hit does true damage)","Ah yes 12 seconds on W, 16 seconds on E and 20 seconds on passive is basically URF" "Please link to Huffpo via archive, that terrible website may have the odd gem but it doesn't deserve anyone's ad revenue.","Isn't that, in a sense, stealing?" Halak clears waivers,That's because everybody's saving that cap space for a top flight defenseman in Andrew MacDonald once he hits the waiver wire. When you realize you might have overleveled a card,Wow what a douche the ice wizard is level 2 that's overleveled kys And you think this is a problem that would be alleviated by you also donning a turban?,Obviously... no one has ever once been stopped in the US for wearing a Turban... Doesn't that tell you it was always run by Israeli agents? Not like it suddenly changed.,I thought they were russians... I think Brietbart believes Obama preserved those lands to hide the sharia courts,Is this where they're building those FEMA camps I've heard so much about? Orbit time definitely counts hehe :),yeah..I wouldn't know anything about that...... "Around November this year they had brand new fully loaded 2016 2SS ($50k sticker) for around $38k, if you want to wait till the end of next year for the 2017s to do the same.","He doesn't buy new, because new cars are never a good deal." "I use the aca since im 1099. This year i literally will have to pay the fine to go uninsured with my family of 3 because the premiums and moop are so high we wont be able to afford it. It would be 1400/month premium and 6800 moop per person. Plus our doctor doesnt take obamacare as of this year so we wouldn't even be able to go to who we want. Im better off putting 40 grand in an hsa every year. For the record i didnt vote for trump, you can check my post history, but the aca is a piece of shit that squeezes the fuck out of the middle class. It may be good for pre existing conditions. It may be good as a dirt poor person with no job, but for a hard working middle class family its fucking us so hard its absurd. Fuck obamacare.","Fuck you then, you're in the 1% you can afford it" "Well, you kind of did complain.. You complained about people complaining.","Hush, they aren't smart enough to notice that!" "The various U.S. based airline employee unions...flight attendants, mechanics, pilots, etc. gave up concessions after 9/11 because the carriers justifiably (at least in the short term) needed some help as air travel was at a low. The unions gave up a lot, pay structure included. Most all of them are making record profits these days. They gave nothing back.","Oh, but we don't need unions anymore guys!" Freddy Fazbear's Christmas show tape.,I TOLD YOU GUYS FREDDY FAZBEARS PIZZA IS REAL "This is what I'm thinking. Just make is wide spread enough. Plus, we can start complaining that the president isn't listening to the Real America (tm) because he's blocking them on Twitter.","shit, I'd Join Twitter For that." Sharks and jellyfish.,A shark tooth necklace is kind of cool. "Neat, I'm early to a thread that is likely to blow up big. Congrats to y'all, I guess. And nice snoo artwork.",Reddit finally posting news before the news again! Rep. Steve King is hanging out with the German far right and tweeting racist buzzwords,"That's Geert Wilder from the Netherlands, not Germany." "What you did there, I see it.","Thanks, Yoda." "THIS. I had an incredible workout regiment, posted my before/after photos - felt great. Within a couple weeks of showcasing my before/after, I lost all motivation that I usually had at the gym. I now look like before again.",The solution is to convince yourself that you're fat no matter how skinny you get. My thoughts exactly! I wonder if his phone is starting to suggest body parts to suck dry.,Way to suck all the fuck out of a room "i mean, it does let you know that your teammate will not be there for you to get the trade, it's actually useful information...althought its unnecessary to repeat it 3 times",But this is NA so it's completely necessary to repeat it a bunch Am I a pretty princess?,This release was a terrible mistake. Don't you need a kubrow egg for the kavats though? Or am I misremembering... been a while since I made a pet.,"yes, seems like the trend so far for different pets is kubrow egg + dna modifier" "Move to a state that does, there is literally nothing stopping you but your own laziness.",Ya just uproot your whole life it's so simple! "I think this would be a game changer for live streamers and MLG-type event viewers. Imagine doing a virtual ride along in VR with the lead driver in an iRacing championship, for example. Actually, this is making me hope that they start putting 360 cams in real race cars where you can put on a VR headset and look around the car as you wish during a live broadcast. Imagine what it'll be like when a wreck happens while you're riding shotgun!",But you'd be adding 15lbs to the car which is unacceptable! "Hypothetical question. If smashgod had beaten armada at evo, about what rank do you think he be?",To keep the Armada hasn't lost to anyone outside of Top 6 statement true he gets 6th Corey Brewer on The Ringer NBA Podcast: Talks About Playing on the Wolves for a Few Minutes.,Weird it was hard to play in a losing culture he looks way older here,That's R-Truth you racist! What the hell kinda 5 year olds do you hang out with?,Ones that are smarter than you I guess. Make so it is impossible to buy 2 sheens if I run into another ezreal who builds frozen fist and trinity force i'm gonna beat someone to death with a stick. Don't bother replying if your bronze ass think it is good to build it.,"The better thing to do is to get lich bane, and then buy archangels and manamune" "lol how old are you dude come on. 1.6 is not such a perfect game because of its graphics. You obviously don't know what you're talking about, sorry.","Ya, _obviously_, I'm only 34 and have been playing all 4 versions of the game on and off for 17 years." "I completely agree with the disgruntled masses. Getting **free** content on a **free** to play game ***during the holidays*** is excruciatingly unpleasant. You've ruined my winter break. Now, I'll fly back to uni in shambles, fail my classes, and get kicked out of my program- and it's all your fault. Shame on you, Digital Extremes.","Yeah, because they're releasing this from the goodness of their little hearts, right?" Loot?,"Junk, as always :p" Does anyone know where this pic was taken?,Not Hackney Road looking North? "Unlike many snails, *Pomacea* are gonochoristic, they have separate genders. Fairly safe to assume this one Snail Justice Worrier.","Wow, that's so snail-trans-phobic." Nintendo Mario Party ad for me. Why...,When I play Mario party I usually think of death. "I'm going to be this guy... That's not entrapment. That's a ruse- a legally acceptable lie/misrepresented half-truth in furtherance of an investigation. Entrapment would be here, smoke this crack.... HA! YOU'RE GOING TO JAIL! Otherwise... goddamn, that shit is cold hearted.","You forget, she was clearly feminist so it's got to be entrapment." "No, I think they're related because I've read and heard multiple times they're brothers. Their names together are a reference.",Nice localized Jojoke bro. "2016 is officially the worst year of humanity, topping 1939. The public now considers celebrity deaths worse than world wars.",Is America considered a celebrity now? Game Thread: Bruins @ Sabres **GO BRUINS**,"Here comes that lethal, Joe Sacco approved, power play!" I rewatched it just for this the other day. River calls him NARdole but Ramone actually NarDOLE.,"Bored of trolling fans, Moffat starts giving the cast different scripts." Imagine if a guy did that lol he'd never work again once it came out.,Yeah all the male actors who have sexually assaulted someone are blacklisted forever Am a hockey fan from Canada. Not what I was expecting when reading the word faceoff,If you were a real hockey fan you'd know that it is spelled in one word : faceoff. also thank mr skeltal for good bones and calcium,This is what I mean. "As a vegetarian, I would NEVER want someone to go out of their way to suit my personal diet needs. It makes me uncomfortable.","Well, yeah, you're a vegetarian, not a *vegan* or something." 10000 long contracts were liquidated,On Bitfinex? "So there's no such thing as a selfless act? What about say a soldier who throws himself on a grenade to save the lives of his fellow soldiers, for example?",Nah fam he did it for the post humous medal I think you will be able to switch SD cards.,Switch SD cards... The Nintendo SD Switch coming soon! "Probably blinking stalkers, microing disrupter shots, shading adepts, using storms, microing archons/immortals with warp prism, etc. Otherwise you'll just outright lose in 95% of engagements.",Nah dude protoss just a move "Fellow R/Indians, What is your budget for 31st Night? How much will you spend or have already spent? Pls don't say 1.6 Lacs ;)",1.6 Lacs "Yes. Yes. I realize that we get involved in foreign elections all the time, but we're the GOOD GUYS. DUH. -US","No no no you got it all wrong, it's not bad if it's for democracy and freedom" Sugar is more likely the culprit than 'we have more people',Maybe they're just not eating enough *acai* berries Then you realize Garnet is texting to herself,I like to imagine this is how Ruby and Sapphire communicate inside of Garnets head I was still slightly intoxicated after leaving the hospital. I didn't GET DRUNK after leaving. I swear this entire thread of people is illiterate or just isn't even reading the thread.,Well that just classes it right up... Neat cut.,"Please keep watching people, it will seriously make it a lot better, no" I like how the guy didn't even believe it was Chris Hansen because he's old and fat now.,Holy shit I thought it was a different guy. It's the tube for the towed sonar array.,Thanks for the reply! "Yeah, Wikileaks is blameless! They just want ALL secrets out in the open!* *Except in cases where it isn't helpful to Russia, of course.","Please provide an example of this, because I do want to hear your side of the argument." "Have pity on us. This ideology leaves you with very little to get truly excited about. Aw yeah, this candidate *isn't* proposing anything radical!, etc.",While our world morphs into one big panopticon... So I just saw a video on this Helly Luv woman and apparently she's on ISIS most wanted list for setting a bad example for Muslim women through her pop songs and she doesn't give AF? If this is true all I can say is YAS QUEEN.,"Yeah, that's a badass strut if I've ever seen one." better sure check the broble,Dolt "It's chilling how much 2016 resembles 1913... Fuck everyone who doesn't have world peace, defending human rights and stopping climate change as their priority.",not sure if These types of posts are the ones that annoy me by far the most,"If all you are able to do is stick your fingers in your ears, at least BE PROUD of what you can do!" Change Street Carp or Needles and Pins,Needles and Pins Cherry Waves vs Sextape I think I've seen you around Tamarack,"Sorry haven't been round there yet, but but I'm still exploring the city so maybe soon." "I am a dumbass , who am I supposed to search for ?",If you don't know the boy who lived archenemy is don't think you deserve to see her FoxNews just said the tension between the US and Russia is at an all time high,"Well I mean they're technically correct, the Russian Federation is different than the USSR." "Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.",Where is this from? "Those things are sketchy anyway. Free gifts are good, but not one that passively records your every utterance.",But they said it's totally not storing the recordings! Lost to Clash of Clans?,Church of Christ "Yes Nah it was the smile, she had that look At least I thought she did",Tren makes you do crazy shit bro "Yes, most satire on this sub is easily identifiable. Particularly when they say things like 'overweight body' is a patriarcal concept.","Not to go all SJW on you, but there are people with legitimate social disorders who are unable to comprehend sarcasm in speech, how do you think they'll feel reading plain text?" "Even worse than you, I'm at 13. I've had 10 single drops, and one three-stone drop. I have enough iron boulders saved to run nine more missions, but at the rate I'm going, I'd be surprised to have more than 25. I'm a bit concerned that I'll be frantically running sleigh rides up to the deadline. It's beginning to remind me of the grind for Venom's rank-ups, and I was never able to get to rank 5.","Yeah, I mean I wouldn't mind getting Lady Loki last minute, the problem is just that until then I'm stuck with Garbage Man and Wasp as my only fighters which if I understand other threads right makes getting Angela pretty difficult." "You know what really bothers me? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE what the devs have done with the game, playing it rn. But, there is one big BUT for me. They changed the SloMo button from LMB to RMB. Now, when I try to use SloMo, I accidentally use Dash, which fudges up my progress. Otherwise, love the game, keep up the good job, devs!",Aren't the controls changeable? "Fighting as a tank when team is behind. As a tank what do you do when your team is behind and lacks damage but you can't dive in since everyone else on your team is too far behind to follow up. Do you just farm side waves or what? An example is that you're Shen and you're 3/1 vs an ignite Irelia top and the items you have are Sunfire, Tabis, Zz'rot and spirit visage about 20-25 mins in. Your bot isn't too far behind but lacks damage eg Ezreal with only iceborn and tear. Mid is very far behind someting like 1/4. Jungle is even further behind 1/6. Enemy has a fed Syndra, Graves and Vayne. What can I do in teamfights other than just being useless and dying since I'm not tanky enough and my team can't follow up anyway.","Just peel as much as you can, look to soak damage but don't give them free gold with a death" "Post Your Raft Megathread :) I have about 10 minutes in the game, but it's super neat, so I figured I might try to get some activity going in the sub! So, post screenshots/videos/drawings/finger paintings/interpretive dance renditions of your raft here :D",umm i just made a scale model of it and you didnt put it in the description That's president trump to you boy.,"Sorry, I guess I have been to cucked up by Shillary's biased and bought up news." "invading and annexing parts of neighboring countries is a big issue. see: Crimea, South Ossetia, Abkhazia","Trump said he won't allow Russia to invade the Ukraine, so I wouldn't worry about it." ILB isn't the abbreviation for 5tech? DE is the top priority in my mind. Unless there's a playmaker available at CB or S we need a tag team partner for Goldman and Hicks.,"No, ILB is Inside Linebacker, while 5-tech is a DE playing in a specific position." "Oh Martin Tyler.... Martin: Well here comes Rooney, momentum with him now Me: Fuck off Martin don't encourage him you slut",Such great banter what desperation?,Ha. A lot of posts on Reddit are obvious satire but people still seem to take them seriously and formulate their entire political outlook around their opposition to them.,b but the sjws sweeping the nation and making everyone *PC* "An American or Canadian doing a British accent sticks out like a sore thumb 99% of the time so it makes sense in that regard. The guy who plays Felix in Orphan Black is probably the best I've heard, was genuinely shocked to learn he was Canadian.",Mike Myers could have pulled off a convincing Mad Eye Cam Newton. I was absolutely convinced he was going to be the next Jamarcus Russell and squander all of the ability he had. I thought he'd be a complete jerk. He seems to have adjusted very well in the NFL and does a ton for the community and charity. I am so pleased I was wrong.,Racist How do I rid this guy from constantly following me?,Stay with the Ebonheart Pact... that's a good way to start. My friend is gay,"Fuck him in the ass, trust me, it'll work out" Mom's spaghetti,There's vomit on my sweater already "I banged a hot Russian 20-year old a few months ago. To think she might wind up looking like one of these women in 20 years is just... depressing. That's okay, though... I'll fuck her daughter instead. :) One of the perks of staying single.","Yeah, you go and teach them master Chad" Furnace needs a hitpoint reduction.,You mean your mad that I mirror the furnace and play defense all game while throwing goblin barrels every 30 seconds? Found the redditor in Asuna,"I was gonna post this when I found this guy in Azsuna, but I felt it was really overdone and the joke isn't that funny anymore." your entire post is a wall of [citation needed],"it is cited - it is implicit in context... (I think, 2016) and second tier posts to OP don't have the citation requirement of first tier posts to OP; if that is not good enough for you then add" Switches?,"The seller should have red, brown, or blue" "Sorry, what?","Five extra cents for denial, keep up the good work" why is perry always offside,Not athletic enough to hang his skate "The reason why he kissed his biceps was because some racist asshat radio guy called him a thug because of his tattoos, and said that he didn't look like a quarterback because of them.",I guess that changes the meaning of the gesture completely. "If that were *not* true, what would racism be called if an Arab insulted a Chinese man? 45 degree racism?","They're both minorities so it's not racism at all, just both of them airing their pain about how the white man oppresses them." People are going to lynch me for this. Star Wars.,Burn the witch Wtf is a group chat. Or chat,Or a group "Then why do they care? If they don't recognize the validity, why did they do it? Ah the attention...I forgot.","Yeah, I'm sure it's not a sincere act of protest against something formerly wonderful being defiled" REMINDER: Chinese Lanterns are dangerous and cause wildfires. DO NOT USE THEM THIS NEW YEARS,I think that's racist against the Chinese dude... Not cool. "I don't believe that anybody, noticed it was wrong, until now",And all the chords we had to strum were barre-ing. Don't worry I went to Frys and asked about a graphics card for 1440p and the guy said the a 5650 was better than a 970...,"Kek, don't you know 5650 is larger than 970, ofc it's better..." "That is for charity, not adoption.",Catholic charities is an adoption agency "To be fair, floyd doesn't throw punches and just seems to dodge like a pussy. That's boxing for you though.",You forgot the I still think the offense will look a good bit different next year. I have a feeling we have no idea how handicapped the play calling and offense is when catered to Tommy,Missed the "Ronaldo on his son: I will push him a little bit to be a football player. Not to be a goalkeeper, I want him to be a striker.",No one grows up wanting to be a Gary Neville She was released?!?!?! That's insane! Those pictures are so disturbing.,Gotta make room in prison for those awful drug users. "If they're trying to expose them to get used to each other this is a weird fucking way to do it. My roommate got a puppy a couple weeks after I got my [not quite fully grown] cat and assimilating them to each other so they would play nice was a pain in the ass, but we didn't lock them in a crate together.",Thank god there was one brave soul willing to stand up to this blatant animal cruelty. Typical genji main,A typical genji main should be able to sign and take a pizza in a speed of light without it affecting their kda mate I agree. How is that not already guaranteed by the 1st and 4th amendments?,Becuase our governments know best of course Fascists cannibalizing each other really tickles my pickle.,Your kosher pickle no doubt... I'm on to you. Millennials are the most employed generation in two occupational areas: food service and the military.,"But.....but....millenials are lazy kids who rely on credit cards and family to get what they want, they don't WORK!" Snowball in Jacksonville this morning,yo lemme get an 8 ball off that No one on the ODS team is named David Smith. File a counter notification. They won't be able to get the legal materials required to keep it down. Do not enter your real information,Because I'm sure the person who did this is actually named David Smith "I don't trust Vladimir Putin, former US ambassador to Russia says","water is wet, the sky is blue, and bears do indeed shit in the woods - man who has degree in stating the fucking obvious." "Why is Overall Bowl Record considered a useful metric for determining the comparative strength of conferences? Aren't the bowl games chosen to be fairly even? I think the title is pretty self explanatory. it seems that total wins and losses in bowl games is given a lot of importance when it comes to comparing the strength of conferences, when to me it seems pretty arbitrary. Part of the criteria for selecting bowl games is that they will be fairly even, and interesting to watch, right? If Penn State loses to USC, that will count against the bowl game record for the Big 10, yet if Penn State had played worse in the regular season and then beaten an easy bowl opponent, that would somehow count *for* the Big 10 being strong? It just doesn't make any sense to me. I guess I can see how it's some sort of metric of overratedness. I.e. if you are assigned an opponent you were considered to be roughly equal to, and then get blown out, then maybe you weren't as good as we thought. But a measure of how overrated teams are is not directly related to how strong they are. A conference could be assigned a bunch of weak bowl opponents, beat them, and that might not necessarily mean they were any better than a conference that went even with tougher bowl opponents.","Nope, record is all that matters, Sun belt is clearly the best!" Compile HM's titah as book and incorporate in school syllabus...,All ~~hail~~ worship the Sultan! "groan... One more day, one more day...",I heard it's by 12 month period from sign up! Colin Cowherd also seems to have a big problem that Wall grew up with a single mom.,"Well duh, everyone knows having a single mom makes you a shitty person by default" #5 Duke at Virginia Tech .,"Damn, Duke is trippin today." "'You just need to *listen*,' I said in disgrace - 'It doesn't refer to their color or race! It's simply their *age*,' I expressed to him, pained - 'They ought to know better by now!' I explained. 'They've stopped for a coffee, and week after week - They've scoffed at my stutter and laughed while I speak! They've shamed and they've slighted and slandered and sneered! They've taunted and teased and they've jested and jeered! 'So maybe, *just maybe*, you'll venture to see - And maybe, *just maybe*, you'll stick up for me?' He turned with a sigh and a shake of his head. 'Collect your belongings, you *racist*,' he said.   ^^^:(","This belongs in a Family Guy episode with Bryan getting fired for losing it at a customer at some arbitrary job he picks up purely for this device, along with Peter, Joe...and Cleveland to make sure I'm not coming across as racist" "So yes, my statement is correct. And if you think raising the pay a couple bucks an hour is going to change their situation then you may need to look more into these people you care so much about","Yea, giving poor people more money would absolutely have no effect on their purchasing power" rama fed is disgusting.,Reported cuz you didn't get the penta Especially in a right to work (?) state like Indiana.,Love seeing my state on reddit for all the right reasons SJWs are triggered that Serena Williams is engaged to a white guy - We lost another one,Because don't forget that race mixing is wrong Rofl the 1.5moa at 500 yds is actually really funny to me.,"...but, but, AKs are only good up to 300 m and can only hit something as big as a barn at that distance!" "Metalhead has immunity to Stun and a possession ability as well as AoE Stun and Burning. Voltaik, Timerion and Metalhead has my vote.",Goran is immune to stun and freeze too. "If the Switch uses ARM architecture, why didn't Nintendo make it in such a way that it could have been the next update to the 3DS? I can understand as to why Nintendo wouldn't want to riff off the Wii branding (given that they killed it stone dead with the Wii U as well as the fact that both machines use PowerPC architecture), but given that the Switch uses ARM, why didn't Nintendo just go down that road in making Switch the next gen successor to the already successful DS/3DS handheld? I feel as if the company could easily have benefited from the established handheld branding, and at the same time, why isn't the Switch backwardly compatible to the 3DS - especially if it uses the same ARM architecture?",Yes... Let's make another WiiU marketing mistake! "Jason Robison, the man who killed Trooper Landon Weaver last night, is dead.",Oh dear what a fucking shame. "Looking back on it, the comment does look like a joke, but it should be surprising that it hit me the wrong way. Seriously, have you followed the US election at all? The person who's going to be inaugurated on January 20th is an insane, self-obsessed idiot whose followers have literally decided fact is whatever their white-supremacist news outlets feed to them. If *that's* possible, then I feel justified in my paranoia.",you forgot you So much for SmackDown being his home,"It has begun, Vince is raiding all the Smackdown talent to make up for the ratings loss!" It's almost like there's puppet masters behind the scenes who profit immensely from never ending wars and chaos....imagine that.,Stop being a conspiracy theorist! "If they have something real and are waiting until the 26th to drop it, they are bigger morons than I initially thought.","I think weekly weekend bombshells would be fun, I love popcorn drama." No it has the same shape as NTTE but it's a scout rifle,"Yeah, it's *definitely* a pulse rifle with 27 RoF and 59 impact" mtx is mtx you could do no treasure hunter game mode but its not hard to just close the icon every time you log in,Moving the cursor to that little x is a significant amount of xp that is lost and will impact me through RSI Is it just me or does Mike Pence look like he's squinting 100% of the time?,not just you. Yeah that seriously pisses me off. I've never not used a straw to drink when out somewhere...,LOL ur gay "Sore Winner: A sore winner is someone who wins and spends far too much time gloating over it, to the point that the rest of the people feel poorly about even participating. Gracious Winner: One who wins a competition while maintaining courtesy and respect for his/her opponent and refrains from excessive shit talking. -Urban Dictionary We've all considered Trump has a lack of character, but he's really hammering it home.",Yeah because the people who lost have been so quiet about it Yeah but I heard those contracts were rough... here's hoping though,"Well, he if ever needs to get out of a contract again, he could just smoke some more weed." 2/10 Apply Yourself,I'm tolerant you fucking shit Lord go kill you are self "You guys have helped Corsair ship over 10 million Power Supplies. As thank you, we're giving a limited edition RM1000i away for free! (details in comments)",How do I enter? "You guys have helped Corsair ship over 10 million Power Supplies. As thank you, we're giving a limited edition RM1000i away for free! (details in comments)",Thanks Corsair! Are there really people out there that don't understand that Baird is a cunt? Or do they just assume if you put a family friendly social presence out there on twitter you get an automatic free pass whilst being a cunt and taking the first seat on the first lifeboat?,I'm more amazed that Baird personally runs the HR department and wrote the job ad himself. Use the cap space on a punter.,"You're right, an extension for Butler here we come!" Spotted hitler,LITERALLY the worst person ever. I didn't know he used to wear Joe Sakic's number,I didn't know he used to be left handed "Where do the Professors get the starters from? They never appear as wild spawn, how do they find them? Are they endangered?",They summon them from the depths of Hell. Send the 3rd wave Feminists first instead of good men!,There are no feminists in foxholes. "So, guess what arrived from the United States today... fuck society! :)",Now login as a reddit engineer and edit some posts.... Seriously. It is so good. You'll constantly want dicks in and around your mouth.,r/nocontext/ Didn't work and GreenManGaming still has yet to respond to my support ticket. Found a way to download the game for Windows(non-Steam) on rockstar's website so giving that a try.,"Hey im having the same problem now, did that work for you?" "If it's not fake, you can't really blame the driver for getting annoyed at the biker pulling up beside him like that.","Yeah, he should be allowed to cut people off without them coming up alongside him!" IMPORTANT:: Parents Of Slain DNC Staffer Ask For Help,Sarcasm: Does Bill Clinton have an alibi? "You're playing a party game with friends that has you sing a song -- part of it or the whole thing it doesn't matter, what do you sing?",DONT STAHP BEEELEEEVIINNN. How do you know you're not a ghost?,*i see dead people's comments* You seem deeply offended for being called out on the internet. It's not harassment to point out that you're a spammer. It's childish of you to think otherwise.,"except that i'm not a spammer you're harassing me, smearing me, falsely accusing me, and i will do my best to make you pay what gives you the right to lie and attack people?" The Iridium Man,Loving your posts here. But everyone else is doing it so,I assume they're all just pretending and just as empty inside "No. The premise is that if you put your effort and attention into cultivating strong skills that you can navigate yourself into a position where you have a good work/life balance and feel passionate about what you do. It's a reversal of the oft-repeated follow your passion. It's saying something more like: prove yourself and offer something worthwhile and unique to the world, and there you will find more control over your own destiny and passion for what you do. Or to put it another way: look for your passion while you cultivate strong skills, and little can stand in your way. It claims that follow your passion alone is bad, simplistic, unhelpful advice and that there is a more pragmatic and doable way to navigate to your version of success.",Huh very interesting definitely gonna have to check it out Connecticut Police Accidentally Record Themselves Conspiring to Fabricate Criminal Charges Against Protester,Guarantee the cop won't lose his job over this. When did your baby/toddler/kid start sleeping with a pillow? My daughter (13 months) seems to like sleeping with her head on my pillow when she sleeps with me. When would I put a pillow in bed with her? Now seems to soon but I am wondering. Currently she is still in a crib with a blanket and nothing else.,"At 2,5yrs old, after transferring from the crib to his own bed." Than why was everyone in the video either fired or resigned?,Everyone in the video was not fired or resigned. Yes,I'd fuck Drake right now if he were here. "For the record, I'm registered republican. I just don't think trump seems very...presidential. He lacks grace, dignity, and all those other things I would expect from a leader",A president doesn't call a 13 year old girl a loser on the internet because she made a joke about him in a comedy routine on a TV talent show. So tell them to get the fuck out?,Dude no upvotes.. I'm surprised Are they white? Then no.,They're not the bad kind TRUMP in IOWA: Raise your hand if you're NOT a Christian conservative. I want to see that. There's a few of them. Should we keep them?,Maybe they should put on yellow patches? 3-30 million. He's not sure.,"Yeah, it's not like the census tries to count them." ritual beasts Not very consistent it's been.. So I'm here for some major help on my deck right now. I brick very easily and can't seem to get anything out first turn and struggle second Here's my list. Monsters- X3 elder X3 cannahawk X2 wen X1 Lara X1 zaframpilica X2 apelio X1 pettlephin X3 rampengu X2 ghost ogre Spells- X3 brain research lab X2 terraforming X1 e tele X2 gold sarc X1 d fissure X1 instant fusion X2 twin twisters X1 ritual beast bond Traps- X3 steeds X3 ambush X2 paradox fusion X1 macro cosmos Extra- X1 cannahawk X2 pettle X2 gaiapelio X3 apelio X1 #101 X1 emeral X1 norden X1 chidori X1 castel X1 black rose dragon Filler,Maybe drop the Paradox Fusions for another Gold Sarc and Terraforming? "Lamb burger on brioche bun with cucumber, tzatziki, red onion, and baby spinach",Hmm I've never heard of a lamb burger before. SOMEBODY SAVE THIS CHILD PLEASE,I'm not gonna let you win. "Actually, Jesus really only died for Christians, so...",MOOSLEMS DON'T COUNT AS PEOPLE "illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level",Wow..these facts are racist. Indian startup expecting you to work 61 hours/week on avg!,"but but MRCs are worst providing family insurance, company transport and bonus and car loans and what not" It's not quite the font that's the problem. The font can portray OPs personality and that's where the issue is. You can infer a lot of different opinions about them without knowing them just thorough this one thing.,"Yes, show me the font you use and I'll tell you about your personality, because aesthetics shows you what you are as a person" "No, Gareth Bale.","Great great actor, I'm just not much into football" "...newtons. Which I don't get, fig newtons are the greatest. Especially with a fresh shot of espresso.",i am disappointed this is so far down. "If he fat shames no matter what, then why hasn't he said anything about Trump?",OH SNAP Libertarianism is a political philosophy. This situation is a political issue about a current presidential candidate.,What the fuck does that have to do with libertarianism? those bastards,EVIL OPPRESSORS BEING OPPRESSIVE AGAIN That moment when the average Hamas MP is too extreme for even the Saudis.,But I thought that Hamas are just moderate freedom fighters i wonder how hamas will spin this,The evil blood drinking jews used their jewish powers to influence Abbas. For some reason trying to say Beightstes makes me lose my shit.,xD Dempsey is the bald guy from the First Strike Poster!,Omg 2 dempsey's :O I'm that way with both.,Slut. "Would uncle Iroh from ATLA be an ENTP? Those of you who have watched uncle Iroh from Avatar the Last Airbender, do you think he is an ENTP? He shows some characteristics, he's outgoing, questions Zukos logic and morals, and is spontaneous with his passion for tea and willingness to take risks. Although he also favors love over wisdom and cares about morals and honor, so he could be an ENFP.","Nah, he's cool, but I think he's more INFJish" "Come to Oklahoma where we have some of the most prolific abstinence only programs at the high schools with the highest levels of teen pregnancy in the country. A study was conducted in 2011 or 2012 (don't remember which) that showed that the schools with abstinence only education were far more likely to have a high teen pregnancy rate. Got so bad that in a smallish town near where I come from, they had to open a day care at the high school and the girls have to take a child care class.",Because telling a teenager no will make them listen to their parents "It's unsupported. You'll need to get a jmod with knowledge of RSC code (which is almost no one), and get them to try and fix it on their own time. Ya it's possible, but don't hold your breath for a quick fix, or even a fairly slow fix.","Ian Gower probably knows a bit about the rsc code...I'm sure osrs wouldn't mind losing the engine team for a while, they don't need it!" Higher Quality - ABC News Reports on Hillary Clinton's Death + Interview with ABC News about it,IMOSCAR.COM Whole building water cooling? Is it overkill?,You are never safe from the master race And that's the reason lots of people don't have them.,"Because $50 is ***much*** more expensive than a house, or a car." "I'm sorry but she isn't healthy enough to serve. The job of President takes a toll on you. She looks awful. I hate her as a politician, but I don't wish people to be ill or hurt or any of that. She needs to retire and live to be a grandma.",All you need to do is look at the GWB/Obama before and after photos to know that the presidency will literally kill Hillary. Well this is the stupidest comment I've read all week. Congrats,"You realize that almost everything involves standing in place, moving out a bit, and moving your hands around, right?" True. League is so much better. I love it when my teammates passive-aggressively troll the whole game and I can't say the word stupid without being permanently banned. So much better of a system.,here you dropped this "If I'm injured while robbing a bank, can I apply for worker's comp?",Are you a 1099 or w-2? I tend to punch in 90 secs a lot of the time. I actually think the numbers 4 and 7 on the microwave are used way less than 9.,If I want 90 seconds I usually hit 88 because it's easier to press the same number twice. I'm trying to find out how what I said is taken so far from what I actually believe. I am a hick from Missouri who likes his guns man. Have a good day amigo...,You too. Not lesbians?,"Lesbians are not secky ladies, obviously, what with their butch haircuts and lack of makeup." It's more that a lot of people have upset blue balls today. Upset a top 10 SEC team at home the first game of the season? Holy fuck the blue balls man. I woke up to the craziness since I was asleep by 9:30.,"Tennessee in particular, would've fit the narrative almost *too* well." "Not sure what you're asking. Do you mean an original defense of SA as if the trial hadn't begun? If so, then I think most people believe his team did what they could with their time and resources. IMO, the biggest miss was not looking at phone tower data and it seems like they might not have understood how that works. Or, are you talking about the current case as it stands?","I'm asking for the current, or even previous narrative which would defend steven against his conviction." "completely forgotten and lost So I think it was either 2014 or 2015 but there was a game on steam that was promising to be a game that explained what happenned between portal 1 and 2. All I remember about it was that it was a one word title, had very hd graphics and was being made by some russians. I remember the russians part because I remember seeing a post about Ukraine on their page. I dont remember this games name at all and cant find it anyway does anyone know what im talking about. It is not portal stories mel btw.",Wasn't it called conversion or something? I love Emma Watson.. But Beauty and the Beast.. really fucking really?,"Yeah she's fucking ugly, isn't she?" If you keep knocking on the devil's door sooner or later she'll let you in,Her eyebrows are fucking enormous. DC Asked who is the best fighter to step in octagon,"Nvm this, let's all boo him to death every time we see him." "Officially a first-time puppy owner. Reddit, meet Panda!",How did you come up with that name? It's not about justice. It's about intimidation.,My blood is boiling. How many different timetables have there been? At this point the only thing that would surprise me is if he played next Sunday,"Last I heard, he's actually suiting up for tonight's final preseason game." "Holy shit, this is awesome! Can you do a hunter one? It'd be cool with a nature ish theme like this too, but less mystic and magical, more greenery....does that even make sense? If it does, omg it'd be awesome!",Working on mobile versions for other classes currently :) I'll try! He should have checked himself before he Plaxico'd himself,cuz pistol rounds are bad for your health. MCC would need a very large update indeed to get players back on that thing,Maybe that's why they're so silent about it. "so, neo feudalism or merchant lords?","I take it you're implying they are the same thing, because in the USA they're the same thing." Triggered by Sausage Party. Part 2 in comments.,The ending wasn't about religion being evil ffs... Philadelphia Police Officer Investigated for Nazi Tattoo,Hurritage not hate. Don't tell me about the Press. I know *exactly* who reads the papers. The Philippine Star is read by the people who think they run the country. The Philippine Daily Inquirer is read by people who think they *ought* to run the country. The Manila Bulletin is read by the people who actually *do* run the country. The Esquire Philippines is read by the wives of the people who run the country. The Businessworld is read by people who *own* the country. The Standard is read by people who think the country ought to be run by *another* country. The Manila Times is read by the people who think it is. Oh the Media ni Duterte is shit. Best President of the Solar System.,That's some deep stuff you got there. Burta,Fuck off were full COMPETITIVE MODE GETS ME TRIGGERED,This guy's voice gets me triggered. "Is Airsoft Dying? So this is a topic that isn't really covered to much but I feel it needs to really be addressed. I've seen a bit of people on YouTube and other social media platforms talking about it so here is my take of it. Atleast for me at my local field it seems like there is less and less players coming. That itself doesn't mean to much because it's just one field but after talking to my friends, even some from out of my state, most if not all said that their local fields are also not getting as many players as the used to get. Does this mean Airsoft is dying? No not at all it just means that it is expanding faster than the current player base can handle. Back in 2012 there was a huge spike of new Airsoft players and a bunch of new fields and Airsoft retailers and manufacturers opened up. Fast forward 4 years and it has leveled back out to its normal rate of players. All of those manufacturers and fields are now hyper splitting the Airsoft community to give the illusion of less players. That is also the reason why we saw a lot of Airsoft manufacturers go out of business because they expected that huge spike to keep going but it leveled out instead of rising more. Airsoft as a whole isn't dying it is just being hyper split across more and more fields. In a few years a bit of fields will go out of business due to the hyper split player base but that will bring larger numbers back into the other fields and the whole spike in player base and hyper splitting will start all over again.",yep just like pc gaming "Banning the burqa won't give Muslim women more freedom. It will probably do the opposite, and keep them further confined to their homes. The best way to combat religion is through education. These shortsighted, hacky bans achieve nothing and only amplify the problem.","The vast majority of Muslim women in Britain don't wear burkas in the first place, so why would it restrict their freedom?" Intense shot of the AMOS static launch failure.,Still a better launch than Master Chief Collection yeah airbitz is pretty shady.,so shady... New Pittsburgh Gold stuff being put up - via Dana Heinze,Dana has the best Twitter account. Thats a crime in canada now...fuck truadu and the dirty lib libs,Hopefully "I agree, that doesn't seem legal. If you were helping them with work-related stuff, I don't think he can force you to work without getting paid..","But it was doing something I enjoy, therefore it doesn't count as me working..." He has the right to wear them and everyone else has the right to agree or disagree with his stance. That's the beauty of this country - don't forget it.,Hey now wait a minute that only applies to stuff I agree with! TIL someone can look different with makeup applied. This is amazing. Has anybody told the makeup companies this? Seems like there could be a lot of money to be made with this idea. Truly shocking.,You forgot this "No. And after a while, it'll stop looking brand new. The oxidized organic matter builds up over time. At best you'll torch the black out and it'll be sorta sandblasted/gray looking.","I was wondering what was going on with my banger, thanks this explains it." "Wait, wasn't it rather everything than just release?",shhh Lebron's game isn't that similar to MJ either.,"I think he was saying that LeBron is in the GOAT conversation, like Kobe was." He's got a good agent,So its the agent putting the hits on other qbs? Even NFL games are down over 10% this year. Its not just the CW this is a industry wide problem. And when the dam bursts it will burst hard. There will be a few month span where 100(?) cable channels collapse,Damn you mean well lose 100 of the 450 channels that I flip past all the time? I've noticed the only time Gary Johnson gets positive upvotes on this sub is when he rips on Trump. Otherwise nobody gives two fucks about him.,"Because this place is 98% liberal, nobody upvotes fiscal conservatism." "Maybe we could build them a sky rail, that would avoid cutting down the trees.",But but but but.... Pedophiles will ride trains so they can look in my backyard! What happened to the old times when people would just knock on their neighbours door and talk to them to sort out problems?,Easier to post on reddit "They were pretty good diplomats too, historically. Realpolitik can be a messy, but it was a sound politics. *(exiling the Austrians by unifying Germany without them)*","Only after the dissolution of the HRE (and even then post-Metternich), which is barely in the game." "Flowers is just.... well.. Something needs to click with him. He's just not that great, especially for a first round pick.","But don't worry, Todd Gurley definitely wouldn't have been a better pick." Great now everytime i do that ill be saying Shhhhh shhhhh it will be over soon,I've been doing that ever since I had to be lead tech on a piece of shit system. "Tamiyo, the Moon Sage PLUS Tamiyo, Field Researcher at the same time! It is glorious! =D (you may cast cards without paying, and whenever a card goes to your graveyard return it to your hand)",New OP infinite combo? BTFO! Because You'd be in Jail!,Stop Donald I can only get so erect! LUCKYYYYYYYYY,:) Trumps candidacy serves as reasonable proof of Satan,And Hillary is proof that an angel is watching over us "Big Brother US18 - Episode Discussion - September 01 2016 Thursday night usually means eviction which means we'll say goodbye to another houseguest. Who will it be? Will we see an HOH crowned tonight? Remember, do not post spoilers in this thread! If an HOH is crowned post-episode, discuss it in the Feed Discussion thread!",I don't know how they'll fit all of Meesh's campaigning into this episode. "Miracle one of the best players and fucking bulba, hope i am wrong","yep you are wrong, EE is joining, not miracle \^^" The villain in Into Darkness totally isn't Khan. -- J.J. Abrams,"He wasn't a villain, he was a victim." Can I join the club?,Please do Group draws are over! Lets be glad that this one was a rehearsal though! #TSMWIN,We had RNG in all three lol "I'll never die alone, I'll always be there to keep myself company.",Probably the best person for the job too. Yep most guys would use blowby and low compression synonymously.,Oh perfect because those are synonymous "It's not even worth it to argue with them, because they just think, these dumb females are ignoring the rational facts, and only listen to their fee-fees.",What's a fee-fee? "Seriously, though, why the fuck is there a camera on James and not Corey?!","Um, because he's America's favorite?" PNP Chief Ronald Dela Rosa leads the burning of marijuana in Benguet,I now believed that hair is essential to absorb the harmful effects of direct sunlight's UV rays whilst not killing the useful neurons in your brain. "Saw this in the Men's bathroom at the Taphouse - Good message, great placement.","Damn, I had no idea, that sign has helped me a lot!" A deal with the devil,"Dunno why he gets so much hate besides from god... But I mean, satan probably was trying spruce up heaven a bit and got evicted for all we know." "The game also has soldiers running around with 28 lb Lewis guns and wielding them as if they weighed nothing. Including firing while standing and holding the cooling shroud. Sooo many inaccuracies, but it's definitely Battlefield.",Pfft It's labeled as lightweight duh.. My name?,"if you want it to be lol, just didn't know what to say" Does my ass look better with my legs together or spread? (F),It's a tough choice but I vote spread Hahaha nice video! How badly did they whine about camping after the game?,Yeah because hitting the guys coming that close would net you much less points than face camping Nice blue backdrop. Really complements the.... beige paper it was printed on.,"here, you dropped this" People were a lot less racist a few years ago? Remember when the wayans brothers made white chicks and no one cared?,You can't be racist to white people "I've just accepted that I'll probably never have undaunted mettle. It's not about the grind for me, it's about how I have to go about grinding to get it. I don't really like the dungeons. And I despise vma. I'm sure in time they'll make it easier to get or offer a comparable alternative. I can wait.","15 minutes in a dungeon each day is a disaster, I understand." I'm kind of embarrassed that I used to think he was funny. I can't listen to him anymore. He gets so worked up over the smallest plays to the point where he's become a caricature of himself,He gets worked up over simple plays because of his passion for football Things girls have said in bed that drive/drove you crazy Some guys like slutty talk. Some guys like sensual talk Some guys like gestures/body movements Some guys like quirkier things I'm genuinely interested but will also adopt this material if it's good (I MEAN all the things I say in bed but I think men would assume it's rehearsed or something when it's so repetitive). Thanks :),"My old FWB used to say When I have your cock in my mouth...I dunno, just all my worries seem to melt away." "Never change, 9Gag, you provide this sub with too much to see you go...","Yeah man, if she has any semblance of her sexuality being visible in her life, it's a no-go bro!" Damn your laws are retarded.,"Yeah, we should tolerate throwing shit at people while they are operating a motorcycle, it should be legal!" You don't take strippers on vacations. That's for high priced escorts.,"No no, they aren't escorts, they're models!" "Imagine walking through a rain to get to that pagoda. You enter and it's cool, but dry. You start a small fire in an iron furnace to prepare a cup of tea. You listen to the crackling of the wood and pitter patter of the rain. My cozy meter is through the roof.",Instant goosebumps "Be careful, you don't want cancer",this is why you should only buy green drives even dailymotion removes videos when the sjw cry,Hey its easy to blamed on all problems to the SJW! Best team we've had in a LONG time,But you lost your best player The most accurate are the ones that collect data from the game itself and not the opinions of others. There was a table for this a few days ago I believe.,"Yeah, because Hades and Arachne are top tier, and Janus is bottom of the barrel." What about ass bombs?,Is that a new suicide weapon tactic for ISIS bombers? I'm 90% sure this is a joke that went over your head,BUT SATIRE DOESN'T HAVE A FREE PASS I CAN STILL CRINGE AT IT REEEEEEEE What if it was the wall charger that caught on fire due to a bad installation? I'm speculating but that's a higher likelihood. Electricians in the Bay Area pretty much double or triple their price when they learn the charger install is for a Tesla. Some owners just find a cheap electrician who may not use the right size gauge or breaker or forget to neutral bond a subpanel.,"I don't know what you're talking about, my NEMA 14-50 was only $8K!" Your title is missing a few,tell me about How does that tattoo NOT get infected considering placement?,"The spit clenses it, duuuh!" Anyone else bad at almost everything?,Sometimes i even wonder if i'm slightly retarded but my parents never told me or if i have no excuse for being bad at everything "Really? That surprises me, that shit was EVERYWHERE for years. Are you referencing it to 14 year olds?","Yeah, well I was outside living a life and shit, k?" "Nah, since it's the undesirables who are dying",Because drug users are horrible people to begin with. What's Zupdog? Lel,You kidding? That's why the elec companies are told told how much they can charge you.,But that's communism that will destroy the economy and make us slaves to the government! "1 person can rally 30, 10 people could rally hundreds, 100 people could turn the tide of a subreddit just by monitoring the new queue. Post something anti-Trump, and within minutes your post will be at 115 with 86% upvoted. Post something pro-Trump or anti-Hillary, and you'll be at 0 points with 14% upvoted. It takes about 2 minutes.","That's Reddit being Reddit, everything gets downvoted or upvoted based on title within 10 seconds." "Because it's not a gritty drama or a bloody, high octane fps",Neither was Halo 5 "Dude, now I know you are like a SJW. I love how like a woman you are putting words to me I never said. Straw man anyone? But I guess like a woman and SJW you love the convenience of attributing made up shit to another to feel like you scored some hollow victory when you protest against the shit you made up that the other person said. Go have some coffee and fix your brain dude.",uh huh... U.S. FDA orders antibacterials removed from consumer soaps,People thought Obama would come for their guns...he came for their soap instead... "A Free, Large, Simplistic, Difficult Platformer **Platform(s):**PC **Genre:**Platformer **Estimated year of release:**N/A. **Graphics/art style:**Pretty simplistic. A bit like a stereotypical MsPaint drawing, but with nice shape. **Notable gameplay mechanics:**Move, jump, get hit and respawn at a checkpoint. It's a free downloadable game. It might have had a browser version as well. It has a fairly large world you explore in that's put together in squares just like VVVVVV or other old platformers. There are little blue(I think) collectibles hidden all over the world. The first boss is a big rock. Another boss is in an area with pink clouds. There are 3 or 4 pink cloud platforms that bounce you high, and you use them to avoid missiles. There might be another area near the pink cloud area that's prominently white.",Is it N? Have you tried clicking on Quit? it's like an instant queue to reddit,What do you mean? Why is it always a basement? Does that even happen still? Why wouldn't people who stay at home just stay in their room?,But there is SUNLIGHT and it BURNS The real name is also a mans name.,Chandra confirmed first trans planeswalker Arabs are not indigenous to the land of Israel.,"They were only the majority population since the 12th century, gotta live there longer to count as indigenous!" If u zoom in on the I there is number behind it,"The number is changing, it's a countdown or something." Calling yourself cool....makes you look uncool....,"Technically, looking like me makes me uncool" "Why would they have to do it in one weekend? If the article was titled students struggle to find housing in one weekend, I'd certainly say No shit, Sherlock, that's really hard. I certainly think 10 per weekend would be doable.",When I was looking for a place while in University I definitely saw every single unit that was listed in the paper before committing. "Traffic on Windows 10 Maps? Hey guys, I just had a really quick question. I started using a windows phone again, and I actually really like the new map app, the layout and the fact that you can avoid toll routes. One thing though, is that Im not sure if it takes into account traffic. Just now I had my brother compare a route with his android and the arrival times were different, presumably because of traffic. Do I have to turn on it navigating through traffic? Thanks!",I would also love to know how to get traffic reports because clearly on bing website it shows this but on maps app it seems absent and sad "It's not about accessibility, it's about price. k2 is way cheaper than weed.",Really? I AM CALIBRATED TO RECORD THERMAL RADIATION QUANTITIES IN DEGREES KELVIN AND DEGREES CELCIUS. QUERY: IS 73 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT TO BE CATEGORISED UNDER THE SET COLD? Y/N.,N Dreddit is recruiting!,oh yeah dreddit is a great Corp for someone who wants to do missions in highsec Yesterday during work I snuck a picture some of the Oilers and prospects first skate in the new arena,That's a pretty small new arena. "People who criticize me for watching the vMAs are the type of people who watch game of thrones Apparently being in your 30s and enjoying Kanye talking gibberish for 5 minutes and horrible performances from shitty music artists like Rihanna, Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj and Future like a 12 year old girl is more acceptable than enjoying one of the best TV series ever made.",But it has dragons so it can't possibly be good. "You and your friend learned a valuable and important lesson about Dark Souls invasions. The best thing to do is to go *all out* when you get invaded. Any good invader will come into your world fully prepared to give you the hardest time he can. It would be disrespectful to resort to honor rules and not do the same. Ganking an invader IS honorable, if you're co-oping. These are some other things I would suggest you can do to gank with honor, take whichever ones you like the sound of: * Bow or wave when you meet the invader, and bow after you beat him. NEVER Point-Down after you beat him, Point-Down is equivalent of saying fuck you weakling, Applause is equivalent to good job idiot, be good sports instead. * Never disconnect on purpose to avoid being killed. Ideally, don't suicide either. * Stand your ground and fight one-on-one if your friend is killed in the 2 v 1, don't run away to re-summon; although, having your friend put his sign near where you're fighting might be an acceptable middle-ground, as it still allows you to co-op and it is not cowardice. * If the invader runs to hide behind enemy mobs, pop a Seed of Giants and then rush to continue fighting him, instead of hiding where it's safe (such as by the bonfire). Popping a Seed in response to his action is probably more honorable than popping it the moment you get invaded just as a precaution. * FIGHT PROPERLY. Don't R1 spam him down, don't parry-spam him, don't rush him in a straight line, DON'T TURTLE. Honor the invader with your best work; engage him with ruthless, calculating plays that make you stand out from the rest with your skill alone. Flank him on both sides, set him up for a team stunlock, punish any of his plays you see that are bad. Show the invader that you two are not chumps that will lose a 2 v 1, make the invader admire you even though he was killed. Again, *bow afterward.* * If you encounter the same invader multiple times (and he's not rushing you down on sight), consider dropping him a gift! Even a stack of Green Blossoms will make any invader smile, you have no idea how quickly we burn through them! If he's one of the cool ones, he'll leave you a gift back, and now you've made a new friend. Those are just top-of-my-head ideas! I definitely believe ganking with honor is a thing though, and that both the host's team and the invaders can be allowed to enjoy Dark Souls at the same time. Just work to make invasions fun and not stressful. You're definitely right though, tooth-and-nail is what the majority of co-opers go through, invasion or not. I think a lot of young players that invade miss the point, and the onlookers who watch YT videos of invaders owning gankers and have no clue what all the social newaunces mean, even moreso. Don't give up, you two! I promise you your plight is understood and that the one who sent you that angry message was one of the young'uns, and he's going to either learn his lesson himself or move on to another game, where he is hopefully more welcome than in ours.","Good info, and i'll keep all of this in mind :) thank you!" "Have there been any players that have transferred to a rival school? I was thinking about if there has ever been any players that transferred to their rival school. For example, a Michigan player going to Ohio State, or an Alabama player going to Auburn, Texas to Oklahoma, etc",Ahmir Mitchell from Michigan to Rutgers Just your average household science experiment,Erm.. yeah you've lost your deposit "Kept off the debate stage, Gary Johnson very politely protests",Is no one gonna point out that 1 guy that's holding it upside down? People use the word literally too liberally. You don't need it.,I literally agree Stein asked a stupid question or was asked?,Was asked. I think what he was trying to say is that because of how republicans in Congress dealt with the bill it became a mess (No public option etc) but it came out bad,Doesnt help that Republican states refused to expand Medicare to help cover people who cant afford insurance. She didn't do anything about healthcare One of the things she actually did! When she wasn't even a SENATOR!!!,CHIP "Good multiplayer games? A friend and I are looking for some good multiplayer games for when we get tired of RS:Siege. We like things like Rust or Ark and FPS games. Best suggestion/whatever we go with gets their choice of Tharsis, Savage Lands, or Shelter 2.",No Man's Sky What's the female equivalent??? Haban-yerhole? Pusserano? Ghost peppoonani?,"Jalapenis for men, Ghost peppoonani for women, Habanerotic for the general category." Tried to pull Sephiroth after the no more farmables announcement. Not even mad tho,I just want a pull with Minnie :( "Yeah and if you aren't brain dead you will say no thanks when they ask for seconds. I've literally never been at a tech company that isn't hiring. If you have those skills you are in demand, don't be a moron",It's almost like they know software engineers generally don't have social skills and suck at negotiating. HERO,"Okay, okay, okay, but does he stand for the national anthem?" Why not the nearest male relative? Why don't men have any responsibility? Why is it okay for men to be slutty but not women? Why is slutty a bad thing if they use protection?,"Because men aren't slutty, they're studly, and that is as God demands!" Na'Vi's TI7 Strat Revealed,"You just need aghanims, refresher and enough mana to use 2x boat and refresher nothing biggy" officially confirming the long known fact that betas aren't actually betas,"Yeah, why would they want to test their game on thousands of PC setups for way less money than what they would have to pay quality testing companies who test with 20 PCs." "Poll: Clinton leads in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, as email questions linger",**Pennsylvania** Clinton 45 (+8) Trump 37 **North Carolina** Clinton 46 (+4) Trump 42 "Post Game Thread: New York Islanders at New York Rangers *** |Time Clock| |:--:| |FINAL| |Teams|1st|2nd|3rd|Total| |:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |Islanders|0|0|3|3| |Rangers|1|1|3|5| |Period|Time|Team|Strength|Description| |:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |3rd|18:25|Islanders|Even|Brock Nelson (1) Wrist Shot, assists: Josh Bailey (1), Anthony Beauvillier (1)| |3rd|17:37|Rangers|Even|J.T. Miller (1) Wrap-around, assists: Kevin Hayes (1)| |3rd|16:11|Rangers|Power Play|Brandon Pirri (1) Snap Shot, assists: Chris Kreider (1), Mika Zibanejad (2)| |3rd|09:45|Rangers|Even|Chris Kreider (1) Backhand, assists: Pavel Buchnevich (1), Nick Holden (1)| |3rd|04:04|Islanders|Even|Cal Clutterbuck (1) Tip-In, assists: Nikolay Kulemin (1), Casey Cizikas (2)| |3rd|00:47|Islanders|Even|Nick Leddy (1) Wrist Shot, assists: Casey Cizikas (1), Travis Hamonic (1)| |2nd|17:41|Rangers|Even|Mats Zuccarello (1) Deflected, assists: Brady Skjei (1), Mika Zibanejad (1)| |1st|13:41|Rangers|Even|Michael Grabner (1) Wrist Shot, assists: Brandon Pirri (1), Jesper Fast (1)| |Period|Time|Team|Type|Min|Description| |:--:|:--:|:-:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |3rd|18:46|Islanders|Minor|2|John Tavares Tripping against Dan Girardi| |3rd|15:51|Islanders|Minor|2|John Tavares Holding against Mika Zibanejad| |2nd|11:09|Islanders|Minor|2|Thomas Hickey Cross checking against Mika Zibanejad| |2nd|08:53|Rangers|Minor|2|Brady Skjei Delaying Game - Puck over glass against Anders Lee| |2nd|03:39|Rangers|Minor|2|Pavel Buchnevich Hooking against Nick Leddy| |1st|19:25|Islanders|Minor|2|Anthony Beauvillier Tripping against Mika Zibanejad| |1st|14:05|Rangers|Minor|2|Chris Kreider Interference against Cal Clutterbuck| |1st|06:58|Islanders|Minor|2|Calvin de Haan Boarding against Jimmy Vesey| ***",Fuck What's the manliest smell? I'm a sucker for the smell of wood chips/dust and 2 stroke oil that you get from a session of chainsawing.,"Crude oil, smokey Irish whiskey and BBQ." He inferred that this 10 year old should be a cam whore.,Go on... She's always been careful with data...approaching paranoia. Anything to prevent anyone from getting the information...ever.,You must have had some huge debates with all those people calling her extremely careless then. "Just saw 19 buses in a row on Finch, lined up just east of Bayview. Sorry for potato quality",It's a bus parade! "Irish too, right ?",Damn Italians too! If Trump gets elected its only a matter of time before we have the House of Representing...,Because Hillary will save the US and Trump has nothing to offer except appealing to idiots. WHAT THE FLYING DUCK FLYING FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE DUMB FUCKED MUFTI ?,Jangan hina mufti I'm so sorry. He's one of those players with so much athleticism but nothing else. He'll never amount to anything.,"The best part about that, is that he is somehow still better than the entirety of our TE from last year combined." Man with bomb nabbed in Davao checkpoint,"Nako tsong, huli ka yata sa balita nang kalahating taon." "Ah shit, so there is. Sorry for your loss OP, best of luck on the reprint.",Thanks Blue tooth babies. Why can't i send my semen via bluetooth? Fucking absurd,Why would you want to give semen to babies to begin with? "you know what, if this comment gets really popular and dinosaur hammer becomes another thing that reddit drives into the ground, that's it i'm ending it all",Dinosuar hammer was already a thing (kinda). How is this illegal exactly?,"my guess is, as is often the case, the contracts that give netflix access to some of fox's content contain provisions about poaching employees..." He also met Linus,Isn't that guy Linux? Wolf Pack !!,"I have five or six Zekts in jp and I'm very sorry you have to suffer with me... but hey, misery loves company :')" "I have an uniqlo ULD from a few years back, and it's fairly thin. It was good for Texas winters, but I wouldn't rely on it as a primary insulating layer for anything colder than that.","I live in TX, so good to know!" "YOU GOT DA POWA YOU GOT DA POWA Not sure why but out of all the breif snaps I saw that un-identified song stood out the most. His voice didn't even sound like Bino it was awesome and bizarre as shit haha. It kinda made me chuckle to just hearing him say what I can only assume was YOU GOT DA POWER, YOU GOT DA POWER cannot fucking wait to hear the actual song lol.",I'M NOT JOINING YOUR CULT Bino's getting into the copier/printing business?,See if the lyrics and tracklist is hidden! Boston inferiority complex,Somehow still the lovable underdogs "indeed, there's no way any amount of people higher then say 10.000 us going to change such a thing","Yep, all ten of us." Mark Sanchez Signs With Dallas Cowboys (Adam Schefter),I thought we had another thread for shitposts like this "Gotcha. Well, I'll be checking in every so often then. Good luck in the army. Thank you for enlisting.",I'll post it to r/tattoos or r/Cloud9 or just pm you the end result if you want. "Oh yes you're right, should have researched a bit before posting... but thanks for your correction","Wasn't trying to be mean, just sounds better when you happen to talk about it again c:" "Yes, apple is very bad too, though Carriers cant preinstall their apps like on android,so its a little bit better.",But how else am I supposed to get tips for the phone I already know how to use? "Fuck that, I couldn't beat the first level of Two Towers when I borrowed it.",As a kid though you could play that same level 100 times and not get bored because slashing up orcs was so satisfying! "I think that's called cultural relativism. It's one thing to respect other people's traditions even though they're different, but there needs to be a moral boundary to our tolerance. Child rape is clearly far on the wrong side of that boundary.","Come on Clay, just because they rape young boys and wipe their ass with their bare hand doesn't mean they are not a civilized as us..." Most experts say that Obama will phase in self driving cars and cell phones over the next 25 years.,A lot of very smart people have told me this. Let. Me. Pee.,"Ugh, that's terrible." I guess they were influenced by Overwatch and were curious how payload would work in 6s. But I think they should have experimented with a smaller and also more established payload map.,Upward! I tried this with my laptop many times and it never worked for me. I think it has something to do with my computer but for the life of me I could not figure out how to make it work.,You might have to manually assign the IP addresses on both devices so they don't conflict "You see it in every sport in some sort, it's unfortunately nothing new.",I have never once been somewhere watching the NFL and heard people yelling racist comments about the players nor have I read about players getting racist tweets after they beat a popular team. Hackers Offer a DIY Alternative to the $600 EpiPen,"now just shrink it, because that's pretty damn big." Troll Dad XL: Title Not Found VII,will steal this everytime someone calls my clothes gay What a sweetheart! How old is she?,"About 15, almost 16 I believe" "I found it very intersting to read, maybe one day I'll understand it.",Same... "Existential core music Have a Nice Life - Deathconciousness Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Life Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven Tim Hecker - Ravedeath, 1972",Hello /mu/ "Best way you've ever cheesed a map? So I'm wondering, how many of you here have ever taken the easy way out of a level through a loophole, or something else the developers didn't see? It's always fun to find a way to circumnavigate the usual setup, and even better if the level is frustrating. I've always cheesed Revelations Chapter 12, primarily because the level is stupid and slow and frustrating and I hate it. So I just sent Reina over the side of the ship with Subaki carrying Azura. Sic Reina on Flora, sing to her, attack again, level over. No stupid waiting around for ice bridges, and I get my Malig Knight.","Chapter 21,22 and 23 conquest can be easily done with corrin+benny pair up." If I remember there was another team that lost their first P5 game and went on to win it all though,You're welcome for Baylor. Trump mistakes C-section for abortion,"Trump: I only grab the pussy, I never claimed to know how it works" How is trump supposed to help black people? Serious question.,What do they have to lose? this is what i imagine the average redditor to be like irl,He actually had a gf It's in everyone's best interest to just declare this a lack of nutrition incident.,Yep a writer for ESPN is totally covering it up guys! "Where can I get the best subwoofer? I'm looking for some Funky Pup subwoofers, but can't find them anywhere at all! I'm looking at getting three, maybe four of them powered by about 2 Pyle 7500W RMS amps. Expecting to reach like 143.7 DBz with them once I can get them. These will be going in my Ford Pinto. Thanks!",In Best Korea? "Alabama, Georgia declare state of emergency after pipeline spill","So, gas prices to fall?" Me?,Squeee Why do people keep saying rift is dead without backing it up it's not dead lol,Because 4k players participating in a worldwide event is low. Bloodbane is being shutdown. Bloodbane admin shut it down due to lies on the internet and low population numbers.,"Oh no, what a great loss to the community" "'Times are changing, pay your taxes', euro zone chief tells corporations","Whatever the motivations for it now are, is not the result something all nations should have been doing all along?" "I have an iPhone 4s, running 9.3.2. I've been delaying my upgrade to 9.3.5, but is it worth it? Is there a chance there'll be a 9.3.2 jailbreak for my device or will the next jailbreak be on 9.3.5?",I swear 9.3.2 is already supported? "I did a rough calculation the other day, The Walton family who owns half of Walmart could alone give every single man, woman, and child in America a one time gift of $250--and still keep $50b for themselves. Rich people have enough to pay everyone's moderate grocery bill forever while still maintaining financial supremacy. Its downright sickening how much they have been allowed to enslave the rest of the populace. How bad does it have to get before we take to the streets and take back what we workes for? I hope it happens in my lifetime.",I'd say the average person probably saves over $250/year by shopping at Walmart vs other more expensive stores. I doubt the people who tackled the workers actually own the land as many of those present are from out of state.,you know what they say about opinions harlequin ichthyosis,"Bullshit, that's the baby of a lizard person you can't fool me." Bernie has been in Washington longer than Clinton though...,"The Democratic party is so *crazy* for picking a Democratic senator, former presidential candidate, first lady, and Secretary of State over some random independent from Vermont who changed his party identification just to run for president." Polls Shows Bernie Sanders Would Win Election By Landslide,Should have waited his turn like everyone else "While some settings like Shadowrun and some Final Fantasy's explore more modern fantasy settings, one thing I'd like to see is a stone age fantasy world.","Malazan kind of does this, although its not primarily set in a stone age setting." What's a TwitchSupport Volunteer on twitter? Hey I just asked a question to @TwitchSupport on Twitter and got an answer from a TwitchSupport Volunteer. What is this? Are they just some random dudes who call themself like that? Are they verified from Twitch to do that? Thanks,*zips mouth shut and goes back to drinking morning coffee* "Moderate white guy here, don't lump us all in with these dick knuckles.","But you're white, so you MUST be a racist." one more ball and you wouldn't be walking,I limped home.. That was a great 25 minute limp back to my parents house... "Google isn't helping me right now, but I believe that about 70%(?) of pilots shot down didn't even know they had someone trailing them until it was too late.",Didn't they hear the drone of another plane behind them? Remove disc means the PS4 is definitely removing that disc,"Yeah, it's totally the PS4's fault." That's what advisors are for.,This is how we get Trump. It's been 3 years since the last Diretide. Are we gonna have one this year?,"You ruined it now, they were planning a surprise and you ruined it all, they won't hold it this year anymore." "Yaya Toure 'humiliated' over Manchester City Champions League snub, says agent",If he wasn't african he would have made the squad Mafia 3 quality control,Spent all their money on voice acting and licensed songs. My favorite as Zarya is telling everyone ult is ready and to let me know when they are ready or positioned. Instead they just ult as I'm getting to where they are or something. So I got to the point of tabbing and checking ult. Then fire it and see if they capitalize in QP. In comp I'll play someone else,In comp you could say in VC hey Bros I got this ult here and then when they ignore you and ult alone you can play someone else. "If we don't get a lightning strike effect, I don't even know what to say anymore.","If we don't get a lightning strike effect, there won't be a mono red burn deck to lose to this card." Only 2 percent of the migrants went to there as well. Funny how the most anti-refugee state has the fewest refugees...,Fear of the unknown Time to harvest?,Just to get the point across....nope. Use two devices when using a lucky egg to evolve 'mons.,"while I hope this isn't a bannable offense, I have a feeling it is.... really hope I'm wrong though because this is awesome!" "For the rest of our lives, no matter what, whenever we see a gorilla we will think of Harambe",What are you taking about? de_v1ce Map Preview,What an overrated map. Math isnt your strong suit,"No he's right, they polled 110% of the American population in that study." Every phone I've ever owned (taken on a Galaxy S7),But how did you take the first picture? "Why are there soo many Chinese players in NA right now. Not trying to go full svenskeren but why are there soo many Chinese players in NA right now, I noticed them a few months ago and I get like 2-3 per game calling people sb every 2 seconds.",mid 87 "Don't be myopic to just Reddit. Where are her campaign signs when I travel? Where are her bumper stickers? Where are the people at her rallies? *Her supporters just don't exist.* If they do, point me to them. Show me a picture of them gathered in one room.","Ah yes, those 1000+ independent polls this election season are all a coordinated effort to undermine the election." I didn't know the SOS has so much power. Why even be president?,Cheney is not to blame for Iraq either! So are we going to vote for someone that isn't liberal / conservative next time? Or are we going to just keep floating between two parties we hate?,"But none of the other parties have ever been in power, clearly they'd have no idea what they're doing and ruin the country." Kitty Pryde is sold out as well,"Seems to be available for pickup, found over 10 locations thankfully." This is why ''Respect your elders'' never made any sense to me What if my elders are ignorant? worst part is you cant reason with them,I lived more than you on earth so i must know more than you. Maintaining peace and harmony in the Alolan region with quiet dignity.,No Goldenrod is in Johto What never fails to cheer you up?,Jolly dickbutt "Thanks to this guy, I finally know when to keep my girl mouth shut! Before I read this great text, especially the paragraph about Metal, I did not know it's only ok to say I don't like a band or a game if the topic comes up. And that otherwise I'll just prove to all the men what a stupid girl I am. Someone really should have told me this years ago. Now I just have to wait for the right moment to shine and show I'm obedient and not a stupid fake! I reckon it goes somewhat like this: if a man mentions he does not like Metallica, I can say that I don't like Metallica either! Instantly, we can bond! If I just randomly state that I don't like Metallica, I will obviously be labeled as a poser because I was not asked for my opinion. It's so confusing being a female. Glad he helped me learn appropriate behavior! Honestly: I don't like Metallica, but I really like Zelda. And no, I am not talking about Link. He totally missed another possibility for poser-shaming there... Maybe he doesn't know the difference between Link and Zelda? Maybe he is just a poser himself? Ha!","I'm sure, like me, you only like Zelda because it was introduced to you by a man (because it's easy to grasp and has romance)!" "Where was the racism? He said he's gonna smack her black ass. She's black, so her ass is also black. Acknowledging the color of her skin is *not* racism.",The kid called him a racist he must be! I keep getting recommendations from a certain guy named after the Emperor of the Akkadian Empire. Just why.,"Because he is the emperor of a known state that has existed for thousands of years, duh." I know the main thing on *my* mind while defending myself during a home invasion is my drywall.,r/Rainbow6 check this game out if you like shotguns through drywall. I opened the comments hoping someone would explain how to cast whatever spell made this,Helix Wingardium Leviosa! TIL Liam Neeson was fired from his teaching job after punching a 15-year-old student who pulled a knife on him.,He has a certain set of teaching skills. "Telstra, Optus and Vodafone to receive tens of millions for data retention",Money well spent Why do Americans practically worship the military yet say killing is wrong?,"Because killing is only ok if the person isn't white, obviously." S H I M A D A GENJI GENJI GENJI GENJI GENJI,SHIMADA MADA "I agree with you, totally though I would argue that its not chemically addictive only because of the fact of the serotonin release we get with different achievements we get from the hobby itself, which in turn we could use as compensation for other areas of life that usually would be received from other simple tasks like social gratification or household chores.",TIL household chores are chemically addictive Wait that reason doesnt make sense,"Of course, this is where the FBI got the whole idea to do it." "Billionaire, my ass",Trump will neither confirm nor deny these statements. He wasn't even projected as a good kicker this year.,"Ahhh yes, I forgot how accurate kicker projections are." "Girls, when did you first learn that it hurts guys to get hit between the legs? I got curious :)","I can't remember the exact moment, but 90s cartoons were chock full of nut shots and I watched a lot of them." Sneak Peek #1!,BOOM BEACH MIXTAPE CONFIRMED "I want add another note: If you are low-alpha-low-tier, dont take a key spot, and if you take first and a high tier come to same place, leave the spot. One of the most annoying things is you in a Skorpion havig damage denied because a ally Cromwell on front of you.","It's a pity that you cannot relocate in that slow a** Skorpion, right?" "It's a very interesting thing. As I recall a few years ago they polled support for the US among the Phillipino population. It was disgustingly high, like equal to US support for the US.",Yes how disgusting that another country likes America Hook of Precision,the king crimson of overwatch I have pineapple...,I have a Pen "As I said, just compare her to Trump For instance, Trump publicly requesting that Russia should hack US government emails.",Yeah that's way worse than actually mishandling sensitive classified information. Sounds like he watched The Matrix back to back with Jupiter Ascending. Now he's trying for a grand unified theory of Wachowski sibling movies. The real question is how does Speed Racer fit in with What's Really Going OnTM?,Obviously it's TPTB telling how how to defeat them (winning the big race) as a way of mocking the sheeple who will never do it. Maybe he missed playing? Retiring and unretiring happens a lot in America. Michael Jordan and Brett Favre are just two examples.,Scholes did this as well! "Every post 41F form 1/4 must have a current photo. Each member of the trust has to complete the questionnaire and provide pictures and fingerprints. Im guessing it isn't on Trumps radar. Though a nuisance, the 41F changes don't prevent anyone from NFA item ownership. It's certainly made my job more difficult though.","Yeah, but it sure is making it harder for all those felons to register their short barrel rifles or make silencers." "Well apparently enough of your own countrymen think that you're wrong to the point that AfD went from nobodies to the second biggest party in that regional election in only one cycle. Let me guess, they're all hopelessly misinformed?",#RACIST SEXIST HOMOPHOBES He couldn't even win the primary in his own party. Safe to say that less than 25% of the country liked him.,Yes because 100% of the country is engaged in the political process "Give Valve a chance. It has been quite some time since the last major update to CS:GO, I wouldn't say the tapping buff was THAT major, but think about it. With the removal of coaches from IGL roles and moving the next major to JANUARY is honestly a great sign. I really believe that Valve have something amazing in store for us, but we need to stop all the hate and give them time to work on it. I think we are being too hard on Valve and need to give them a chance to show they know what they are doing and are willing to do what it takes to give this game a bright future.",no but the game is broken and valve wont do anything because i am 13 years old and totally know how to fix a game with 3 000 000 lines of code hurr durr I applaud both our teams for giving us another day of opening weekend football.,Hear Hear! What is the saddest song you know?,"Dance with the Devil by Immortal Technique, that song is so fucking sad" I spilled a glowstick at night and it looked like I was a warlock,2legion4me "Putang ina means son of a bitch, but is an interjection, like Goddammit. If he was actually calling him a son of a bitch, he would have said putang ina mo (you son of a bitch).",The Tagalog interjection actually means your mother is a whore... Every fluent Tagalog speaker would translate the interjection as your mother is a whore.... Son of a bitch would be translated to Tagalog as anak ng puta "Somethings wrong with ya then, mate.",Guess so. How is it a scam? Your agreed to it. They emailed you a warning. It renewed. Not a scam.,"But ignoring it should make it go away, right?" Why did they omit the female astronauts' statements?,"I don't know, the patriarchy or something?" I made this because I wanted to.,hOW DARE YOU RIP OFF *MY* POST "Because they all wanna be a special snowflake with their emblems and shaders, and 'how dare someone who hasn't put in the time like I have get all the challenges done at once' I'm all for it. The raid is boring as fuck lately and would mix it up",And screw those who only recently came back to the game! True true. We should swap them around. what's your companies immigrant pool looking like? Then again maybe not.,I like their food but that's all they're good for. "The libfems I've known strongly feel that offering non-gendered toys to girls will teach the girls that being feminine is less good than being masculine. That if we don't pile on the pink, we're taking away their human right to be girlie. Maybe this shouldn't shock me as much as it does, since it's clear libfems consistently confuse womanhood with the performance of femininity, but the backlash is very strong. We're on our own here.","That idea comes to us from everyone's favorite MRA in a dress, Julia Serano, and hearing it was the first time I wondered if mainstream feminism made any sense anymore." Video of Hillary carried into van!!!!,#Weekend at Hillary's #Bernie was robbed of his memes. When will this meme die.,When a child falls into the meme enclosure. People who say they don't want anything for their birthday - what do you REALLY want for your birthday?,My parents love Noose,:( I think that it was so easy for Michael at times even he struggled to stay awake himself,"Seems that history repeats himself, since he can't stay awake now either" "You found this while hiking in your bathtub? Yikes, I'd get a new one ASAP.",Woopse! "Teemo, Teemo Passive, Q - Blinding Dart, W - Move Quick, E - Toxic Shot, R - Noxious Trap",I think we have a winner of most cancerous champion. Should Nintendo open up a new studio that specialises in developing games aimed at an older audience?,"Mature titles dont sell that great on Nintendo consoles, so they might not have the business incentive." Hence why they copyrighted 7P earlier in the summer,They should have called it the 6p+. "Not an expert, but I did write my senior thesis on it, and I think they're pretty darn precise (especially relative to any other bombing technique). The excuses are more like disputing how many of the dead were really innocent civilians, or how certain you have to be that the person is fighting with/helping the enemy before it's ok to fire, or how high-ranking a known terror leader needs to be before it's acceptable to blow up his house even if you know his wife and children are inside with him, etc. The few occassions the CIA has admitted it fucked up were times where they hit the exact people they were aiming at, but their intel was off, and it turns out that madrassa was a school (not a training compound) or those vehicles were a wedding procession (not a supply convoy).","Yeah, it would be much less casualties if we sent troops into the area and did airstrikes." "Oh trust me, they tried hun xoxo",Oh hey oxoxo yeah i remember when some bitch asked nelly to smile for her just so she could look at his grills.,You forgot your but daddy went to buy smokes days ago.,*years ago "Chandra, Torch of Defiance","too bad the minus can't hit players, aweful card" "Gene is hilarious in the series. Its on Netflix if you have it, up to season 5.",Not on Canadian Netflix :c "Oh I thought he only wanted black models, my bad","It's okay, just keep it wavy." What if they are vegan/vegetarian or because of there religion that they can't eat pork or something?,Then they need to choose something from the menu that fits their needs. banging on your chest?,Stop appropriating Harambe's culture. I'm more worried about Hauntzer and he is doing fine in solo queue.,"Don't worry brother, TSM has been giving the enemy top the counter pick for the whole playoffs so as to hide his true skill." Playing Battlefield 1 with adreN,wow you played a game with him... thats so nuts dude. "I fucking love emacs. I use it every day, and every time I find some feature I didn't know about (like the psychotherapist) I have to laugh. It's hilariously bloated, and I reckon it's the only text editor that's ever made somebody smile before.",They can pry Emacs from my cold dead pinkies. Why is everything a kickstarter these days? Don't get me wrong I see the value it brings but what happened to companies taking on the risk as they are the ones to reap reward. IMO kickstarter is like investing rather than preordering.,money with no string attached. Liberal Party signs gender diversity plan to increase female representation in Parliament,Libs sacrificing that vital reddit MRA vote They're racist. We want an accurate portrayal.,Forgot the "You seem to undermine your own point here. Men are generally more likely to be outliers, but then you say But there are still plenty of examples of women doing just as well in those extremes. Which one are you trying to argue?",The most pitiful gotcha I've seen today Not everyone can afford the 'other stuff',"Yes, I'm losing a shit ton of money buying grains, fruits, and vegetables." "I once had sex with a semi-famous return missionary, so I sort of accomplished my goal? Still, I want that forbidden fruit! (no pun intended)",Was it one of the guys from the preach my gospel vids? The man who ruined Stannis by first convincing him to leave Mel behind at the Blackwater and then persuading him to go North at winter's doorstep.,"Yeah, we needed way more of the Demon Lord." Or the moon ..holy shit beer on moon,We'll have to get there first! That doesn't seem to have changed anything. Are you on 7.1 as well?,Just 7.0 You'll need to clear Schengen immigration. That's probably what you're referring to. Customs is hardly ever a big deal unless you're importing illegal things. 2h probably not enough for separate tickets.,"Hm, even if it's on the same airline?" At least with Stein or Johnson I can voice my concerns with the established two party system.,Wait so if Clinton was elected there would be no way to voice your concerns? "They learned, but because it worked so well, this generation has forgotten about how common it was for your children to die from a disease. Advil won't save you from the measles, polio, and tetanus. I had an argument with a friend over this. She said if my kid isn't vaccinated and yours is, how would they get sick? I tried to explain It makes them resistant not completely immune, but she didn't get it, or didn't want to.","Well, obviously by not vaccinating her child she is helping your child's immune system to fight those diseases, you libtard." And AJ should reply thank you for my two of my four best matches since I arrived. and they probably actually already did that backstage,Hopefully that'll show you what you're supposed to think of Roman around here cabrakan can,"Dont lie, Cabrakan cant Support" He hit up 20-30 other women with the same message.,It's a numbers game He sounded really Chinese when he said Who is he?,Showing his true colors. Move along. These are all alike; one of these things is not *not* like the others.,I know like who would want to be in sharknado 2 and 3? "Does anyone know SA gave blood in 2005 for investigation? I mean, they said the blood in the RAV4 was SA's blood and had his DNA. How did they know that? My fear: when they have SA's from 2005 they can plant that or use that on a swap for KZ.... Or already planted his 2005 blood in 2005",I'm hoping that the crucial witnesses that have come forward have tipped KZ off about how the blood was acquired for planting in the RAV4 which is why she's so adamant about testing the age of the blood. "Scurvy is not *enough* vitamin C, not too much. That's why pirates were known to get scurvy easily, as they typically would not stock fruits on their ships since they spoil too easily. You actually can't overdose on vitamin C, as excess amounts are expelled through urine.",And enough will cure polio! It is the sword on the cover after all.,I remembered I once heard someone say the sword on the cover was the broadsword... Gives me conniptions You do realise that Obama has faced more open racism from his colleagues then any other black statesman short of the ones who got lynched.,"No, I don't, actually." "Mmm, burning foam rubber. Smells like cancer.",Only in the state of California though. "Old Maid, United Air Lines, 1966","Ah yes, the 'good old days'" "See, the quotation-marks () indicate that it is in fact, not an actual toaster, but rather something else.",sorry I wasn't obvious. WoW...Another new map?I did not expect that so soon...,You forgot Hitting your kids or wife in public.,Yeah do that in private like anybody else Sure am Glad I don't have to sleep tonight... oh my.,Anyone else reading this in George Takei's voice? Doing something other men cant.,Successfully staying in a long-distance relationship? "What puzzles me about r/incels They will make it very clear that they don't like social-justice types. Plenty of people there mock the idea of male privilege and other basic concepts of the modern left. Yet when you ask them why normies don't understand them, the usual response goes along the lines of: average men don't repel women, women don't want to admit to themselves they do this, and incels are by definition lonely and disconnected, so they don't show up on mainstream society's view of itself. In short, they are using the theory behind privilege and invisible minorities, that they claim is without merit. I've been asking myself for a while now: is it worth engaging them? I'm sure I can qualify, and I see among them my own worst traits magnified (passivity, fear of coming across wrong, complete blank at society's web of expectations and simply no interest in what passes for ordinary conversation). The odd thing is, there are still plenty of disturbingly misogynistic posts, but the most upvoted comments are the saner ones, suggesting that the place has a demographic of well-adjusted observers (which is not true of any red-pill sub). There seems to be a pattern of: extremists (Caamib, in this case) found the place, it attracts followers who are less committed, they attract more normal people trying to convert the followers. As it is, I'm unsure I can contribute anything. But I wish I could.",Fucking normies Any Way To Get Chernarus Into An Editor To Fly Around For Ariel Shots?,ARMA 3 The guy just looked blankly at the cans of soup,"As a Target employee, this is why I never ask anyone if they need help." "Yeah! I want that bug gone for an factory image, I don't understand why I have been downvoted. At this rate, I might just leave Android subreddit....",No... Please don't What do you expect from 3.17 Patch Notes?,Bellona receiving buffs because she's underperforming. Prices guesses What does everyone think pricing will be like for new iPhone and Apple Watch tomorrow?,**iPhone SE** 16gb: $399 64gb: $499 **iPhone 6s** 16gb: $499 64gb: $599 **iPhone 6s Plus** 16gb: $599 64gb: $699 **iPhone 7** 32gb: $649 128gb: $799 256gb: $949 **iPhone 7 Plus** 32gb: $749 128gb: $899 256gb: $1049 You thought you could be sneaky didn't you! Well you know what! You got me :(,"Ah, fuck you guys I love this song!" but someone posted the game times ect on reddit couple days ago lol,Guess I should have known to check reddit every day on off the chance they were posted here. "This is how u hide black money, expect more baba's to start making movie. Babawood.",And Haryana's tax payers 50 lakh too gifted by the sports minister "Cant decide if should Flex Jennings or Frank Gore... My gut says gore, i just can't trust the Giants o line yet.",Ya at least that Colts o-line looks solid. Chargers McCluster - Chiefs McCluster = Titans McCluster It checks out boys!,r/theydidthemath It certainly provides strong evidence and possibly enough evidence to convict you. A lot depends on the context of the post.,Im going to start painting twitter tags of people i dont like on street art to get them arrested! "What the hell is wrong with you people? The burgers don't even compare. Two totally different styles. It's a matter of preference. If you like mediocre burgers, then you have In-n-Out. If you enjoy fantastic tasting burger, then you have Whataburger. Why is this always a competition?",Because some people have never had Krystal? Anyone knows what these are for? I'm curious.,oh no you have pegasus! "The ban came without any recent warnings. Geez, how many do you need? Good riddance cheaters!",It's not their fault if they don't understand what the temp ban is Last night I found an enemy sitting in a house firing his gun at a wall for 10 minutes,But did he get his Avatar on the 'high score' screen? "A day ago, the shitty, jock-bully normies that DESPISE us executed their latest blow in the campaign of **oppression and hatred** they have been carrying out against we innocent, nonviolent INCEL men. They thought they could take our sub. They thought they could silence me. **They were wrong.** Like the Phoenix, I have arisen from the ashes, born anew in the FLAMES of tyranny that were levelled against me. Like Jon Snow in the latest Game of Thrones season, I have come back stronger and more dedicated than ever to the cause of Incel Liberation. A message to you neurotypicals, Chads, feminists, and other degenerate normie FILTH out there who have been crowing over your supposed victory: you have achieved NOTHING but to make me more powerful than ever before. I have learned from my mistake and will now make it IMPOSSIBLE for you to ban me by staying firmly within the letter of the law, but still spreading my views and INCEL philosophy through this site like the words of CHRIST HIMSELF. You cannot stop me, you cannot kill me, I am everywhere and nowhere. The alpha-hater and the omega-male savior. We INCELs will have our day. The crushing sexual poverty in which we exist *cannot* and *will not* stand. All your trolling, mocking us in other subs, brigading, and mashing the report button like the whiny little snitches you are, is absolutely MEANINGLESS. As you can see, we are still here. Does that anger you normies? Do you feel a twinge of *fear* when you realize that the INCEL movement hasn't been halted, but rather, is gaining steam and momentum with each and every injustice you heap upon us? By all means, get angrier. Continuing invading our space with your spam and downvotes and reports. *It will do you no good.* **THE INCEL REVOLUTION CANNOT BE STOPPED.** Your tyranny WILL be overthrown and, as I have said from the beginning, there WILL come a reckoning. That is all.",I disagree World Cup 2018: El Salvador 'refuse bribe to fix match',Maybe it is time to crowd fund bribing all concerned to rig the game so the skill of the players like wins the game. "Can a ECU+ICM from a 95 sportster be traded for a newer 2 in 1 module from the recent sportsters? It's been a shit show trying to find out why my bike is failing and $500 later I still don't have a spark. From forums I read, my symptoms now seem like a failing ignition module. Harley doesn't sell the unit I [think I] need because it is now obsolete and newer bikes have the two computers combined in one unit. Would the newer units from recent sportsters be compatible with mine or do I need to pick up an old model wherever I can find it?","I'm no Harley tech, but I imagine that the newer style ECU will also require an entirely new harness, and likely, several new components to match." Considerably larger than I expected.,I get that all the time Wacky tobaccy,The GREEN DEATH Real Madrid drop points against Las Palmas. Barcelona 1 point behind now,"Was reading their match-thread, it was hilarious.. At some point they were blaming the ref cuz he's from Catalonia..." Tequila shots in 3....2....1....,Because his name is Miguel? "I tried to explain that Denmark is not socialist, but a capitalist social democracy.",THEY PAY IN EUROS SO IT'S A SOCIALIST COUNTRY Had a thought today that the hospital liaison committees are kind of actual death panels Did anybody know anyone on those? I only knew one really old man who had been on it for a long time,"yep, my father has been on it for the last 20 years." I'm scared that's true because I quite like the Rocket Shield,Your opinion is wrong. "Possible step? Just got out of a game, round 28 and we had the 'God' hat. We shot the gravestones and just before we started the keeper step, we was in Shang and the skull stone in the middle was lit up purple. It was a boss round with marwga, but I've never seen it like that before, it went away after that round and we started the keeper step. As soon as that had finished, we got connection interrupted and we got the Forrest. Tried to go and have a look in theatre but it hasn't saved because of the crash. I don't know if this is a step or it happens all the time, but it seemed weird that marwga was spawning in and this had a purple light shining up. Has anyone else experienced this?",*We were "In a maple-leaf onesie, baby Ahmed is a 'proud Canadian' born to Syrian refugee family",Pumping out kids while already having several and not having secure work ... great "i was exaggerating for comedic effect, im kinda sad i have to explain that :D",It was a Florida fan. Yoan Moncada has earned himself a golden sombrero,Should've traded him for Sale. "Mega Cities in term of Overpopulation not by basic daily Infrastructure , We may even exceed 7 and create 10 mega cities of the world in Population. Indian cities will be like dirty Super markets, overcrowded and everybody crashing into each other.",India has no over population problem "Jesus Christ Almighty... Do you need money to pay off the debt for four RPis, bud? ^(Don't think I should say it, but this is a satirical comment, so don't take it too seriously)",Or you could just say I....Don't know how to feel just now,You still have feelings after your last seasons Abbas already declined yesterday.,big surprise There is no solution! Let us keep expanding our settlements and colonizing the land in peace. Thank you.,"no talking to isis either, time to give them a state i guess." Was probably drinking or high,Nobody drinks on those dunes! You are the shit. The other site didn't even go up to my size :'(,Also saw em on the champs website! Regarding fifa 17 ratings Can someone explain why some ratings are so skewed? Pique at 86? Messi 89 pace? Why?,"Because Barcelona is official partner of Konami, duh" "Like, in first person? How do you jerk it to that?",Really quickly Oooooh she's pregnant. Looks like she's holding her butt on my phone.,why is her butt on your phone in the first place "No, they are going to increse its pulse and show in which direction the enemy its facing.",what about showing the wireframe of enemies that are in the same hex as you are whenever you plant a recon dart in the spawn room "Well, a gaming rig isn't exactly the most intensive use of ram. Something like working with huge CAD files or video editing would be.",Both sound like totally plausible use cases for a phone You can't have fun whilst playing smite it's all about the pro builds.,Sorry "Was there any other way to legitimately stop Zod in the end? SNAP! The controversial decision to allow Superman to kill Zod divided fans, with some calling Supes decision to do it crazy.. Was there any other way to stop Zod, in your opinion?",He should have kept smiling in his face and Zod sooner or later would have given up But the hand-rail is another story?,Sure anything can be a story FUCKING FUCK SONY ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS PLAY THE NEW PARAGON UPDATE FOR FUCKS SAKE,Because life is only about video games and the world revolves around you. You are talking complete nonsense.,"Yeah, this definitely doesn't happen in London." Simple thing about cheats that need to be explained.,player moves crosshair towards the general direction of another player ... must be cheating guys literally no other explaination of it guys ban him valve What about the people who do want Trump to win?,"Oh please, that's just an urban legend." "Before anyone asks, he pulled up next to me in the drive thru lane, indicating that he wanted to talk about it.",Why don't you learn to drive and not cut him off next time? Randy Orton done giving any fucks,Did this make the SmackDown ticker? Not when your F2P then it just feels like sadness,For the betterment of the guild character gravestones Our characters have graves with their names on them is spawn has anybody tried getting lil' arnie kills and throwing some over there to maybe pick them up? seems too straightforward to be anything but worth a try?,Mb use the staffs Trump said he had a plan for doing it. Apparently the plan was asking someone else for a plan.,Sounds like a plan to me Pence Mike sounds like a hip hop name.,"Exactly, they'd never the connection to Mike Pence." "Fastest way is unfortunately deleting your server, but I assume your list of channels is normally small. It would be somewhat trivial with a bot, though, and also quite simple. Hit me with a pm if you want, I can see what I can whip up.",Inb4 another couple thousand channels "He just likes spicy food. His ID is spicy hotpot, his favorite food is spicy crawfish...and his favorite ramen is the most spicy ramen out there...very consistent...I can see why he doesn't like cheese, coz it's not spicy","Food seems to be a very big deal for chinese players, and i can understand it since it affects their performance in game so much when playing in another country" "Iran isn't part of our banking system.. So we can't wire money or write them a check. Our options are gold, cash or bootlegged Tremors 3 DVDs. They don't want the DVDs and we don't have the gold, so cash it is!",Iran has joined the SWIFT You shouldn't judge **any** movement by the actions of one supporter.,Like national socialism and Hitler "And what? It most likely came of the manifold at 3.00 inches in diameter. Have you noticed, sewer pipes get larger down the line, too.","No, I'm sure it's 8 inch pipes the entire way" "What are some of your favorite songs to play, just for fun? I'm still pretty new myself, but when I'm working on something hard and getting a bit discouraged, I always go back to Deep Cover by Man Man. Its stupid easy but I think its a lot of fun to play! I wanna know what your guys go-to fun songs are!","I mostly play old standards and jazzy stuff, but once in a while I'll bust out Breaking The Law by Judas Priest." The next 4 maps will be remastered maps of the 4 remastered maps we got in revelations. it will be full,10/10 can confirm I am Jason blundell "Sigh, another one of those He's using bad words must report kind of people.","The internet is my safe space, I will not tolerate any of your microagressions" He just wanted to talk issues.,Like his 4% yearly economic growth plan stimulated by a massive tax cut on the wealthiest people in the country only COD crowd.,LMAO COD KIDDIES AMIRITE XDXDXDXDXDXDXD Gezien het omgerekend 240 euro lijkt me dat wel waarschijnlijk.,Misshien dateert de boete uit het guldentijdperk. Hexagons Loading/Activity Indicator,"Tested it on iPhone 5S, it looks good :p" "If they were to repeat, that would cement sid as top 5 all time.",He's a cheater bro Muslims complain about 9/11 Memorial,As a german i complain about all the nazi memorials. "Buy the book freedom of the hills, also John Longs, anchor building field guide. YouTube is great, but having a pocket size instructional book with you at the crag is better.","Freedom of the hills is quite a bit more than pocket sized, and is better used as a reference than to learn from" "Why is it better to lie about being an idiot than to admit you did something wrong? If you're too stupid to know what that C meant as the head of the state department, you're too stupid to run the country.",**C**linton? You haven't understood anything I said have you,Clearly I'm incapable of absorbing such complex concepts. *Someone makes a stupid thread complaining about something ridiculous (eg Jason Grilli sucks now)* *Someone makes a stupid thread criticizing the anti-Grilli thread* *Someone makes a stupid thread criticizing the anti-anti-Grilli thread* Just how far is this going to escalate?,"I don't like your tone, I'm going to bitch about it in another thread." Zephyr in the Line version,plot twist: it's berry good and aokiji Eddie Norton how could you :(,Kate Winslet how could you :( "They built an entire ballroom for $6m there. Also, there seems to be corroboration that there was no real damage, no permits requested for major construction and Don Jr's wedding was held there a week after one of the hurricanes.","I'd Trump has 1/12 of the money he says he has, time isn't an issue." legit hackers don't go around telling people they're a hacker,No.. No we don't... "Height listed as top deal breaker, according to sociologists","You're 171 cm, you have no right to complain" What are two truths and a lie about you?,I've been to 5 Weird Al concerts People often mistake me for Sam Rockwell from a distance I've accidentally ridden my mattress down the stairs Answer: [#2 is a lie!] Wasn't there a Stanford student who raped a woman and didn't go to jail?,Yea but they sat outside his house with guns and totally dissuaded him from ever doing it again. In what world is a dick pic a pick me up?,BUT WHAT IF HIS PENIS IS MAGIC When you finally get a top mounted fan.,The only reason I really want to build a pc for: make receipts twirl Gibbs has talked about killing people. guess he's a murderer,"Shit, does this mean Eminem really killed Kim too?" "I occasionally put on my beta emblem, I fit this joke well.","That's MY emblem, and I send anybody who uses it hate mail." Andrew Luck was limited in practice today with a right shoulder injury,8-8 confirmed Wow this is gorgeous. Please please please. What would the perk be..,"Timeless SIVA~Clast : This weapon fires automatically, deals significant bonus damage to Fallen" Me as a Lucio main as I stand alone on the objective: Group up with me! Group up with me! Group up with me! Too many messages sent...,How can people rack up eliminations if they're on the objective? "29, bearded male looking for female gym/life partner",the beard matters "I meant your comment, that's real good advice",im getting a sense of I cough like that when my allergies are really acting up. About twice a year I get a really bad cough that sounds like I smoke a pack a day even though I don't smoke.,You must be dying from Parkison's like her then "If the last text you sent were your campaign slogan, what would it be?","Stop getting fresh with Sara, you hussie." Rosa Luxmburg,Damnit Bernie Do people just come across your ID on accident or can you search for usernames of people?,In my case I left Reddit open on my computer and I let someone use it. "Death : First person or Third person ? What do you think should happen when you die, switch to third person (current) or stay in first ?","I'd rather it pan out for a full view of my attacker, along with their name, home address, and yearly income." Amazing job by Google,Aaaaand we're all on a list "Maybe don't get yourself to the point where a silly joke like that will actually scare you over and over again? I mean, yes, it would be nice if he stopped, but are you seriously that scared due to him mentioning a name that you know doesn't exist? I think a 10 year old would be able to eventually stop being scared over something like that","Riiiiight, cuz people can definitely control what scares them.... Especially when it's to the point where they have anxiety attacks about it" "They can impeach just because they do not like the person, good luck getting a majority though.",A majority of functional Americans already dislike her.. so thats a start. After Apple announces the iPhone 7 without an audio jack,You can always buy the $160 dollar wireless headphones tho That moment right when the small lid finally nests into place... no words,"Just moans, really" Sadly it's slowly getting worse again especially harassment from Muslim immigrants. And it's not getting better. Their children that are born here are even more extreme and antisemite.,"No way, muslims are peaceful and tolerant people" "Like The Donald said, I will hire the best and brightest! It does not matter if they are women, black, etc. He is not racist, misogynist, homophobic.",He hired a woman so he could pay her less than a man It's actually really inexpensive. MS put it in the One S for $100 less.,"Right, because clearly that's the only thing you are buying..." Triple Black Ultra Boost reportedly coming October 13,Will these be 1.0 or 2.0 PK pattern? 1800-REVERSE DON'T YOU REMEMBER THE ADS?,"NAH MATE, HE NEEDS ONE THREE DOUBLE **OH** SIX TRIPLE FIVEEEEE OH SIX." "Wee haw, somebody want to post the story of the 30 year old vegan girl who had a heart attack and fucking died?","Obviously lies, everyone knows vegans are all superhumans who make deadpool look like an obese chicken nugget with their acrobatics and make superman look like a toddler with their strength." Patch Teaser (September 7th Reveal),"Wow, and here I thought there was no Vitos love... Need crystals now... That skin is cool as hell." "Hah! Lots of people agree with them. Yes, it does appear they are throwing every psycho-marketing technique at the missionary effort. I know I am preaching to the choir, but I'd just like to say in response, And lots and lots more people disagree with them!",But those who disagree with them really do like them. Trump cited putin's 82% approval rating as evidence that he's a great leader. Wut,"Well ever since all Putin critics have been shot or otherwise murdered, you dont hear much of them in the polls anymore." Just a picture of pepe planning his next move.,That evil Nazi frog scheming on poor poor Hillary Why do people always say inb4 lock ?,they think it's funny even though most of them never get locked "Peanut butter was invented by the Mayans. We have been over this, ad nauseum.","I'm aware, actually- so is the guy who wrote this joke." But Lyte left Riot like 5 months ago,He saw the dark side in Riot and decided to stop working for the filthy dark sided company they are. "I wonder how these people would react to the ISS livestream, where you can clearly discern Earth's curvature ...",You mean the digitally alternated pre recorded livestream? "In all fairness, I don't think the Morton County, North Dakota District Attorney's Office has much influence over whether or not charges are ever brought against Ms. Clinton. If I know North Dakota like I think I do, I suspect they would charge Hillary in a hurry if they did.",You have no idea the level of influence that man's yields in DC's halls of power. And working class white men had lower incomes in 1996 than they did in 1986. Workers wages have been going down for 30 years.,It's just because people have become lazy and entitled. "Not to sound stupid, but why are people called the goat? I listen to the living the stream podcast and they refer to Marvin Jones as the goat. Just really want to be in on the joke...",Greatest Of All Time "Obama - holder of a Nobel peace prize, selling weapons to a country that is actively invading another country. The age of doublethink is upon us!","Kissinger got it, it's not like Obama doesn't deserve it either" So weird. Second Salute Your Shorts reference I've seen this week.,Probably Nickelodeon shills feeling out a remake What famous (i.e celebrity/reporter..) female has the most beautiful/attractive speaking voice according to you? Would love to read your preferences :),Commenting again to say the voice actress of Megara in Hercules. "That's exactly the point - if someone is seeking out places to jump from, putting barriers at one spot doesn't do anything except cause them to find another. That doesn't address the problem, it just relocates it.",Yeah but the problem here is not that someone wanted to kill themselves but that we had to witness it / hear about it Female referee stops match after being told to 'wash the dishes'.,"That's right, she better start with the dishes right away!" "GSLV-F05 / INSAT-3DR Mission is scheduled to be launched on Sept 08, 2016 at 16:10 hrs (IST) from SDSC, SHAR, Sriharikota.",Who cares. "Friend, I delivered on life changes when I got out. Haven't broken the law since then.","Man, good thing Walmart and their efficient Loss Prevention department caught you!" That it will confirm my theories xd,"Hah, yeah, confirm some of our theories God dammit!" Buy two pairs,Use one AirPod at a time. "Nobody made fake stats. It represents Vilnius not whole Lithuania, and as far as I know most of the people living here are happy about the city",I love it here! Growing pot costs less to setup and less knowledge to get a good product. I grew a lot of weed for years and I currently brew my own beer and make my own vodka. Pots easier.,That is my experience as well. "I might have missed something but what I saw was the regular battle, but you can pause it and select your next attack and target. It also slowed down the music, which to me is more of a punishment if you want to use it a lot.",That's lame. Depends. Is it someone I know or some random creepy dude?,But how am I supposed to get to know you without commenting on your cleavage? I'm not even light level 330. I haven't hoarded anything. RoI will be fun.,Filthy Casual! The Mets are signing Tim Tebow to a minor league deal.,"Look out Peter Alonso, there is another ex-Gator with home run pop that's coming for your job." ITs just an alternative lifestyle.,"Working in IT is definitely an alternatively lifestyle, but I am not sure what that has to do with this article :P" This add came up while browsing YouTube.,iPPMR "Oh, of course it is...",Human eye can't see past 1080p anyway I'll buy almost anything if it is shiny and made by apple,I'll buy almost anything as long as it isn't made by Apple. "If it is animated, then this is the greatest calling card of all time",unless it's a tease with no actual staves Theresa May claims selling arms to Saudi Arabia helps 'keep people on the streets of Britain safe',LAND OF HOPE AND GLOOOOOORYYYYYY "Already has powerful allies modifier when I have no allies... So I can understand why this modifier is in the game, it keeps nations from snowballing and getting tons of huge allies. However it's obvious it does not work, as evident in my Mongolia game. I'm trying to ally with the Commonwealth, however this modifier is giving me a -35 as apparently Mongolia already has powerful allies This is of course an absolute lie, Uzbek was my only ally the whole game and they rivaled me and broke the alliance hundreds of years ago. The only relations I have are my two vassals, a 1 province Sarig Yogir, and 5 province Tibet. Together they have like 14k troops, hardly what I would consider powerful allies. This is really pissing me off as I'd be able to ally the Commonwealth if it weren't for this, and I really need them as an ally to deal with the Ottoman/ Scandinavian alliance.","Gee Mongolia, why ever would Eastern Europeans not want to be your friends?" It upsets me that you put fork before knife. Where abouts are you from?,I also say pepper and salt. You learned to drive at an airport?,You're gonna get some hop ons... What is something random you would like to share with us?,I put too much sugar in my coffee this morning :( You'd have to cross reference the forum transcripts with press releases.,"Girl, bye!" "If anyone tried to 'do anything about it', then there would be far more deaths. Nobody wants to have the blood of millions of brainwashed people on their hands. If you piss off Kim Jong Un then the people of NK are the ones who suffer, not him.","well yes the people of NK will suffer more... but most of SK will be reduced to a nuclear wasteland... we know all the missle tests are mostly bullshit, their missles won't make it to the US, but we also know that they can and will hit Seoul" I think she can afford the risk. This won't alienate women or minorities where she is kicking ass,lmfao delusion Is the waypoint req store updated yet?,"At work with 100,000 RP saved up, so this is what I am waiting for." "It has been like 7 weeks of this bullshit, how have they not fixed it?! It's game breaking for the class. It works maybe, 1 out of 5 times.",I'm glad they spent valuable time debating how to change and then implementing that change on the skyhorn kite and brulfist idol rather than addressing key gameplay issues. What is the best movie were the main character dies?,The Shining [because the main character dies in The Shining] "I would recommend going with a nice seagate 2tb drive, as they go for like $60, a C-Series cablemod kit would have the perfect touch to make it glorious.",Would a C-Series kit give me every wire Ill need? What is something random you would like to share with us?,"A net is the only thing that if you put a hole in it, it then has less holes than when it was new." "Yes, give up on the normies and become increasingly unhinged on camera. That's the ticket. Home stretch boys!",Nov 4 can't come quick enough You can see the shadow of this planes trail in the clouds,"I dunno, looks to me like this is a clear example of a plane spraying 2 different kinds of chemicals to genetically modify our kids into mind controlled surveillance vessels of the NSA." Now you can get a Henrik jersey with a C!,The gall to suggest that Henrik deserves a 'C'... Beckenbauer?,The tennis player? "I don't think they've said its cancelled yet. The latest solicits still have them in their list. And i've liked society under abbett. That being said, i'm expecting them to switch them for the traditional jsa eventually. And I agree, that flash tease was great.","Ah yeah dang, idk why I thought it was ending... Sigh if Terry Sloan returns and Michael Holt doesn't I'm going to be pissed, lol." "Invention perk which lets you gain adrenaline past 100% I have a suggestion for a future invention perk, inspired by the new crystal shield invention perk. This perk will allow you to store adrenaline past 100%, say up to 125%. As an example as to why this is useful: Currently when in a deaths swiftness it is impossible to do every threshold in your arsenal, however, if you are able to store 125% adrenaline, you can build to 125, ult which uses 90% adren (vigour), adren pot, and immediately have 60% adrenaline while in a deaths swiftness. This allows you to do every thresh you have plus multiple of the same thresholds all within the same deaths swiftness.",Wow this is ridiculously op for reasons I won't mention so that if it is implemented it could be used for an obscenely overpowered combination and will have some time before nerf. What is the best new superpower you can come up with?,The ability to detect sarcasm. "A squad who knows what they're doing is going to have 3 assault troops on you with anti tank shells taking 60% of your health every 5 seconds. You beat a bunch of noobs in the beta. Tanks will absolutely not do as well in the full version, and that goes double for other maps.","Another squad that knows what they're doing will have 2 snipers and 2 medics covering the tank, countering your squad." Down,Never "TIL: Touching a caught Pokemons Animation, Triggers its angry animation I just found this out, it's probably common knowledge","Attack animation, no?" "I agree Bjergsen is a great midlaner and stuff, but in that scenario, every good Lissandra/League player would have done the exact same thing honestly. It does help when the enemy is literally sitting on each other, too.",yeah anyone can do that "Popcap already said there's no gravedigger and I can confirm, no gravedigger :)",they liiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed A Republican in the White House. A Republican controlled House and Senate. A Republican majority Supreme Court. #I CAN ONLY GET SO ERECT AT ALL THIS UPHOLDING OF THE CONSTITUTION AND SMALLER GOVERNMENT!,"Constitution is being upheld now perfectly, it is a living document and is capable of changing its minds to reflect the times." And his Ratatouille recipes,Thats racist "Generally, this is false. Software Engineer here. While unused ram may seem useless, often unused ram is used by your operating system to cache frequently used files/programs. It allows them to open faster and your computer to feel more responsive. Try running your computer with less than a gig of free ram. It will run, but feel incredibly slow. try it again with 8+ gigs to spare. it's night and day.","Nice, now I can complain about prefetching and caching using all my memory and making my computer slower." So closing your knees stops rape?? He should do a PSA.,I thought the female body knew how to shut down a rape "Spinbot only spins for other players looking at you On your own screen you're not moving at all, and can aim normally That's the whole point of it",Extremely obvious "please DE, tell me how I'm supposed to aim","But you've got crosshair in the middle, oh don't be silly..." Why besides SK? They've been really bad recently too.,Because some people think having a stand in is an excuse for getting 16-0d "But first, let me post on Facebook about it.","It'll be fine, Kenny always comes back to life in the next episode." "Question : Dead bugs dissapearing. I've had two weird things happen to me : One, a few months ago, I saw a dead millipede at like..2 in the morning, dead, in the kitchen . As I was walking in teh dark, I accidentally 'pushed' the millipede , and it still didn't move. I said Ehh, I'll pick it up in the morning'. Next morning, it wasn't there. Later that day, I find THE SAME DEAD MILLIPEDE on the balcony. I threw it away. And the second story, this happene..20 minutes ago: I saw a dead cockroach. Ehh, will pick it up later. 8 hours later, it's not there anymore. Is my house haunted, or is there something I should know?",The chupabugra. One catch bro,But WHAT a catch it was Squirtle the Eevee and Fennekin the Riolu... right?,nope its Squirtle the Fennekin and Fennekin the Squirtle Google does not allow you to create apps for platforms they have not officially provided a SDK for. This is how they will keep the game played between Apple and Android and not let anyone else onto their field.,"As a software developer who has used xamarin to write an app (unpublished) for windows phone and android with a shared codebase, I am interested what they could possibly do to stop me from writing an app for windows." Comedians Tom Segura & Christina Pazsitzky tell Tom's dad simple blonde jokes and the results are hilarious.,"Ahaha, the looks that were exchanged were hilarious after TopDog maybe let it slip that he laughs harder at these jokes than Tom's standup." "I really liked my S7 Edge when I first bought it, but I'm ready to throw this damn thing out a window. It's constantly lagging (there are times where I type a whole message, and I'm finished typing before it even starts processing the message), and battery life has been awful, lately. I kind of expected a 3600 mAh battery to last me the day (and not drop to less than 50% in a morning).",Sounds like you have a bad battery there is no hate towards the person but there is tons of laughs at the scenario. The persons weight only comes into play when people like u/pam111 suggest that the harness magically reacted differently because the guy was heavy. In reality the guy should have not strapped anything to his feat and then miraculously not been taken by natural selection.,"It wasn't strapped to his feet, watch closely as he slides backwards in the end, he slips down through the harness and it tightens on his foot" Inb4 they are all fake accounts created by Scott to make him feel better about himself.,FAKECEPTION? So I just started streaming the paralympics in the background. Get this: nobody on the whole WC basketball team stood up for the national anthem. Kap's catching on.,Wow so disrespectful "My dream is that all of the Sailfish and Marlin leaks so far have been misinformation spread on purpose by Google to cover up the real design. HTC has used dummy case/phone exteriors in the past to hide the true look/design of an in progress phone. I don't honestly think this is likely, I just love the idea of a true Pixel designed phone with a sleek body and lightbar.",Don't let your dreams be dreams I wonder what the three dots near the camera on the back are for.,Mic phase detect auto focus and laser auto focus "We are very lucky to have our games free on Youtube. If the USL can improve the quality / camera angles for most teams, it would reach a much more broad audience.",With USL starting to control the production this year we should see a drastic improvement in some of the matches. Herstory of the world alternatives,commas are your friend "Sometimes Anal, Handjobs Mostly","underrated, but not unappreciated comment" "Game Thread: San Francisco 49ers at Carolina Panthers The automod didn't create the thread so sorry, no live stats this week!",I want Steve Smith back It's almost like they don't learn from mistakes,It's almost like we need to bail them out...again... False accusers never get prosecuted. It's bullshit.,Bit then real victims won't come forward "I'm Madeline Moreira, attorney and Co-Chair of Latinos With Trump-- AMA!",When did you first realize that you were actually a white male KKK member? "IWTL How to start drinking coffee black I haven't been a coffee drinker for that long, maybe about a year. But, I would like to know the best route to take to getting used to drinking my coffee with less creamer, or without any at all. I don't want to have the sugar that is in creamer, and I've heard from some people that when you drink coffee black you can taste some unique flavors that are hidden when you add in sugar and milk. Thanks for any suggestions!",Humans aren't even supposed to have lactose Having been with a few engaged women was how I first learned how pathetic some people can be. Fucking her while she has a giant rock on her finger,"She has to hurry, time is running out." Almost exactly actually,Null is original dragon confirmed Where *is* the notice? I couldn't find anything on the website or the twitter account. Is there some sort of launcher I don't see because I use steam?,Top of the forums is one place where they post notes about the game coming down or sales coming to an end soon. I don't understand why there has to be a season break... Just keep working so we can watch this show more.,"Yeah who cares about giving the crew and actors a break and a life, amirite?" "Definitely flayer. It just fixes Junds weaknesses, like not drawing into the stuff you need and feeds into its overall plan like filling the graveyard, having efficient beaters, etc. It's definitely better in Abzan, but definitely shouldn't be discounted in jund, as it's an even more 'must deal with' threat than Goyf imo, because there are situations where I don't mind getting hit by Goyf a few times.","Oh yeah, topdeck card quality has always been Jund's main weakness" "Hes a business man first and foremost, he basically gambles his pocket change",thanks for the insider knowledge! "I'm Trouble, pale skin, purple hair, (Sidecut, the pointy ends right after eye kind, not emi kind.] headphones, Black T-Shirt with lightning bolt on it, camo pants, black boots, blue sword and eyes. [Yes, edgy emo weeb, I know.]",nothin personell.... kid probably 10K like most of the max bountys,"Judging by the width of censored digits, I'd say first digit was not a '1'." What do you think about the Nintendo Switch presentation (not the console just how they presented it)?,Clever to use skyrim and show they can still get big 3rd party games. "148, not a bad effort for someone who doesn't follow the FCS at all. But some silly errors (like forgetting Auburn) made. Better performance expected next up.",Forgetting AU is never a bad thing. This is the guy who makes buying textbooks for $500 mandatory.,That he coincidentally authored. "SDC hunts everybody, they don't care how good you are. Or even if you're armed",But they do it for our own good "Global outrage, but is anything going to happen out of it?",I think nothing will happen until Kim really does some shit that will justify bombing the hell out of NK. LDS ?,"Nah, rural Catholic church on the east coast" Tomorrow is the Half Life tipping point,"Every few years I have to go back and play the series from HL1 to Ep2 or I forget what's happened, and I don't want to be caught out in case they release HL3 tomorrow and I can't remember wtf Graham and Alissa were up to." I remember the many lectures I received from people here telling me that Guardiola would flop in the premier league and we'd obviously finish above them....,"With the quality City have at their disposal, we can't guarantee a finish over them even with David Moyes in charge." Why is the Draw-screen so negative? The music and the red text make me feel like i've lost.,Draw it's when both team lose. #JET FUEL CAN'T MELT STEEL BEAMS,No but Thermight can burn horizontally... shirts,Wow great shitpost Because being a jokester is such an acceptable reason for ignoring rules and treating people badly. Imagine doing any one of these behaviors to a boss who is trying to run a meeting at work.,Bro it's just a prank calm down bro hey "No, I don't. Sorry.",thank you Cant provide what they never supplied. They killed there own server without a word. To be fair though they should release their core to the other Servers. Because they had a much better scripted server than the big 3.,If you can't provide proof of your claim that usually means it's not true. He says later in the thread that going out more than once a month is pathetic.,"Sure, I can see that, once per month is clearly the objectively correct number of times a person should be able to go out." "Working in IT, I find this show really satisfying. They are the most accurate on tech and the show is playing with your mind. HOLY SHIET! So far, season 2 is amazing! Watched s2e10 yesterday night, can't wait for next week.",Hi I'm Elliot - *just* a tech Mattress Company Condemned for 'Tasteless' 9/11 Commercial - TIME Magazine,Making fun of national tragedies is only allowed in comedy clubs! "That missile did not hit a drivers hatch, it hit THE IRON CURTAIN!",Confirmed t34 has postwar upgrades :D "Speaking from a game development standpoint, it's way easier to polish a game once its features are intact, than to go through endless cycles of minor improvements that then get torpedoed by changes in planned features. This is hardly gamebreaking.","Building on top of bugs, and half finished features always turns out well." "First time on RealGirls, what do you think?",Def not real! would you like it toasted,"Yes, I want your organs **toasted in a stick**" "* Literally * on so many levels * tryin to or not tryin to _____ * a minute sarcastically * lol (never liked it, never got into it)",I was literally tryin to not lol on so many levels for about a minute Yeah. And that map was from WaW. Map design has gotten stale lately.,but bro classic 3 lane is SO GUD just ALL THE TIME I guess actually reading the product description before buying is too much to ask,Who actually uses optical drives to install windows these days? "Wouldn't net be after accounting for exports? Semantics aside, we're in the red $49.2 billion, a decent sized trade deficit.",We are in the red for 58.2 billion in 2015 "Sorry not true. Transcript clearly stated when ALL airborne photos were taken. Judge asked this question and KK confirmed that all airborne photo Exhibits were taken after RAV4 has been removed. Meaning, after Nov 5.",Oh then it must be true... "Well... one good thing to come out of this is that South Korea and Japan will definitely get the THAAD system and China can scream and stomp their feet all they want. Should've done something about the Kims, China. Your country just lost medium to long range nuke deployment capabilities over the Sea of Japan and a significant portion of the China Sea.",I'm sure if they dealt with NK that the US wouldn't find a way to put THAAD in to surround China. Did my client go back in time?,That's pretty freaky to look at Laws use to demand gays be chemically castrated.. Blindly accepting laws and never questioning leads to bad endings always.,"Because declaring money in hand is such an evil, murderous, family destroying law, right?" So who here has Pre ordered the pro?,"Hell no, I'm not getting this just for them to announce the PS5 at the next E3." I am Groot.,What's this one from? The bible is a science based book now?,"The oldest, most accurate, and only infallible science book....." "I really, really hate dailies and bonus xp activities. I'm sure that's become an upopular opinion on 2007scape but I wish stuff like that would be kept to the live game. I know it sounds like an exaggeration but we're going to need an oldschool-reboot of OSRS if we keep up the rate of reintroducing pre-EoC-like content. Also based on the tone of this subreddit now compared to 2 years ago, what happened? Did a lot of RS3 players come to OSRS and want more or less a version of the live game without Treasure Hunter? New players? I'm not saying it's wrong to like these new methods but it's odd compared to the opinions even a few months to a year ago. The mention of things like Ivy or Bonfires used to trigger borderline PTSD episodes, now we've got profitable ivy & bonfires in OSRS and people defend the hell out of it.",You forgot the Go to Strand if you live in NY. I bought Capital for $6,"South bend, indiana so not close but if i visit ill pick some stuff up" I live within 50 miles of the crimes scene. This was BIG news for the two years or so it was happening. The sentiment and facts were such that I never ever could have imagined the case being made for Prison Steve's innocence. I am biased that way.,Then you should have seen it at ground zero...... how a local judge and jury was used in a neighboring courthouse is beyond me. "So Trump wants to work with Putin, and somehow this is more repugnant than openly supporting and funding Iran? Aside from the obvious liberals are retards argument, what is the possible logic here? I mean there HAS to be a shred of an argument here right? I'm just at a loss of what it could possibly be. Any thoughts? Logical arguments only, we know that liberals struggle to walk and breathe at the same time so let's take the reasoning to the next level.","No, Trump is clearly KGB agent because he did an interview with Larry King who licenses his stuff to RT, Hulu, and PBS" This makes my head hurt,Yeah it should be lingarie Nsfw means not safe for work.,I didn't think I needed a MidOne with the next level BoT,Poor man's Blink Dagger "I got a similar question last night? My boyfriend wear's a size 36 in pants, would a medium shirt fit him? I wouldn't know personally ma'am, but if you keep the tags on it and it doesn't fit you could return it in the morning. She spent the entire night filling the cart up with crap,only to dumb it in the middle of the department and leave.",oh don't you just LOVE those people? They have reward program now if you get 200 points you get $10 off. Im close to getting my first redemption.,"What does that equal, two slices of bacon?" Saving so much space removing the headphone port.,they should give a million bonus to whoever apple employee who came up with this revolutionary idea It really says a lot about uPlay that I'd rather pay the $7.,"Uplay isn't that bad, you clearly haven't tried it since its initial release." Is cow shit any different then bull shit?,Patriarchy Lego minifigs that look like 3d animated characters that look like classic toy soldiers that look like real soldiers.,We have to go deeper. "I can get you a 950% set, 8ex.",Now melee will finally be viable! "Maybe I just code badly, yeah bet you never thought of that didja?",i just got bodied "I like this one, it would work because it makes him/her look at you.","Yes because if you are locked in a room with 10 people and one coughs, nobody will look at them" You could check out the moontower. I think that place is pretty cool.,Indian roller too "It's a lot easier once you realize it's Control. Srsly though, Apple mice had the ability to sense right clicks for quite a while now, you just had to activate it in the software",\#ItJustWorks They hate Muslim Extremist Terrorist groups so they decided to become a Christian Extremist Terrorist group. I want to make a joke but this is just sad.,But at least they're not Muslim! Put the ragnarocks in the kino teleporter lol!,Nah throw your arnies into each jump pad right as you go to the next island. How is that not taunting? Twice.,Because he wears his heart on his sleeve he's just having fun! Innocent but naughty vibe. Guess I should have phrased it as I know who the wives are and good lord they are sexy.,Who cares who the guys are! anyone a spare ticket for the Derby tomorrow? Traveling to Glasgow tomorrow with a friend and havent got a ticket. Im hoping to buy one outside the ground if i am lucky but if anyone on his site could help it would be very much appreciated. Hail Hail,Aye m8 I've got one lying about somewhere Millie with the mother of dragons,thanks to u/ChevyNewport Naughty Unicorn - Money,"What, did the unicorn join the Tory party?" "You know, for kids!","Ah, translation conventions, how do they work?" The Robot Wars teams are selling parts of their robots in support of cancer research. More items are going to be added over the next week.,"What's the point if you can't buy the full robot and use it as a guard dog, or alternatively to attack chavs?" Blijkbaar is het hebben van dezelfde waarden cruciaal in het doen van zaken.,Misschien bedoelen ze monetaire waarde? Millenials have a thing about clowns?,Millennials are clearly the cause of all of society's ills. That's interesting. I hope you don't mind me asking whether you've ever had any major doubts about your faith?,"Planting the seed, eh?" Chillicothe,I just watched The Vanishing Women on Investigation Discovery... Seems like a lovely place... "LSD/LSP has popped up. Boomkins, mages and shadow priests. UH DK. Sin rogues are also strong for adding to a split pressure style.",Thanks for the advice! "Local Chicago artists and rappers I've met believe his dad was instrumental in his rise. Chicago is fucking hard as shit to make it as an artist, partly due to lack of any major label representation. Especially when you're relying on live performances to get noticed. For such a large city, Chicago has a limited number of venues. The city plays a large part in this, mainly through noise restrictions. Even smaller number of venues where rappers can perform. Now because Chance's dad worked for the mayor's office in the past, people suspect he pulled strings that got him the shows he needed to play early on. I have zero evidence of this but after living in Chicago as a performing artist and witnessing first hand how crooked that city is I don't find it hard to believe.",Acid rap was an amazing album im sure that had nothing to do with his rise to fame Enjoying the AFL half-time interviews,Which channel was this on again? "Her parents first, then police. Only after I told her best friend and her sister that she was about to be kicked out for being abusive did any action occur.",If she assaulted you why didn't you just walk into a police station and filed charges? "No, she should not have said that. Yes, she should have gone the typical politician route and candy coat shit. But this how I know that whole anti-PC movement is bullshit. People complain that Clinton is too robotic and fake. Well, she tells people how she really feels (which is pretty tame) and the reaction shows how fragile people really are.",She can't win for losing. "I mean, that's flawless logic. Let's nerf Anubis while we're at it, yeah?",Yea we should nerf his ult damage cuz it's too strong where is pnoy and mar?,yellowtard detected! "Could also be because of diabetes, it's better to go to a doctor.","i'll have it checked as soon as i can then, thanks :D" Not for all of us...,Just go to Valhalla and drink until it's ok. "Its a natural reaction through your nervous system little impulses and such almost like putting electricity through say a wet noodle, makes it move about. There's also a biological and evolutionary method, basically if you sit still for too long blood begins to pool, veins and arteries are cramped and clenched... So the more you fidget the less of a risk there is for developing a blood clot. Its basically a mini survival instinct. When its cold, fidgeting and shivering causes you to keep warm through movement and keeping your blood circulating. The reason this works is the same reason fidgeting helps you from forming a blood clot.","Yes, good job figuring that out ... evolution." Hey Dog... wake up! This is you,I like how she is nodding at the beginning like she had been sitting on the idea for awhile and it just all came together. "I love it when they come into the store and you recognize them a little bit and they expect you to remember every mattress you showed them and which one they liked the best. Buddy, I wrote you up the business card for a reason... so I wouldn't have to remember off the top of my head! I'd be a god if I could remember everything each customer looked at!","And in that case, you wouldn't be seeking your soul at a mattress store." "Churchill literally wrote a history of WW2 Edit - actually, Caesar writing De Bello Gallico is a much better example",Wow that doesn't sound like it would be unbiased or anything Giving Horvat like 100% defensive zone starts,How else is he going to learn the defensive game Oh gosh. Hawt af.,"Bizounette, get on it" Was actually dissapointed that there's something in that sub.,same they should just made it a blank white page New Boss Idea,too op pls nerf The Airbnb I stayed at a few weeks ago had an incredible view from the roof.,Have a link to the airbnb listing? What makes you think that someone who owns such an expensive iron doesn't give to charity?,"Because us wealthy are all evil heartless bastards, thats the only way to succeed in life." Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch. So glad Android is over the phase of longest phone names possible,I just refer to it as the SGS2E4GT - that's not so bad. Why don't you hang out too?,That sounds like a comfortable and pleasant evening for all parties. "Furiosa doesn't need her own movie. Honestly, what would it be about? She was captured as a child and spent her entire life as a slave for Immortan Joe. They might as well make a movie about Nux.",A movie about about how a random female child slave grew into a respected general in an entirely male army... you're right that sounds like shit. Insight from inside the Washington locker room. Can't beat that.,Play the Washington D too Need Blueberries (Tumblr),STEALING MY KARMA ASIAN! Jason Cole is to reporting as Mike Carey is to Officiating,That's racist! "I was told to run East, but there's no running away",This is when you grab the Medieval Schlieffen achievement (then have your game mysteriously crash). My God she is the world's most contrary person.,No she's not. Ice probably isnt going to stream today as he hasnt even gone to sleep yet,oh kk scuffed streamer [](#4Head) Okay but gay people exist too,"Whaaaat don't be silly, gays are just a myth." Like Jesus in the original Benhur.,My gardener was in Benhur? do you want my rock?,Well in all fairness he did have a picture of the rock.... Doesn't come up,It's not like it's stickied on the front of the page ffs If I called George bush or Barack Obama a war criminal would that mean I'm anti-United States?,Well don't you know that everyone who is anti-Israel or even not 100% pro-Israel is automatically a clear as day raging anti-Semite and a Holocaust denier. A lot of it isn't even in true 1080p right now :|,But it's on a 4k TV that means it's 4k! "Lmao this trol is great, no one noticed yet","Something told me to look up when I saw his post, lol classic" I would have been like oh you pay for my membership now? No? Stfu,Yeah works at university so why not at bjj NIGHTMARES.,:0 How the fuck would I know how to write it?,You know like when the thing is there but not too enough to put into a way that people think right? "So there's a treaty that no country are able to occupy or claim any lands of Antarctica by 2048. This place is oil rich and has natural resources waiting to be claimed, will this place soon be a battlefield for world powers like Russia and US by then?","No, humans are clearly above using military power in order to gain control over natural resources" Way the judges have been I was expecting Faber to win with judges citing those being the most significant shots of the night,what if they bring in awful judges so that when cm punk wins by decision it doesent look like it was rigged But now no one's depressed any more because Johnny Fuckwit clicked the like button. Few things piss me off more than 'Awareness campaigns' or 'Charities' that do nothing more than make people feel good for supporting them. It gives people the illusion of helping without doing anything of any fucking use!,"Thank you random Twitter folks, you've cured me!" It seems people with server chronic pain can take higher doses without side effects usually,And ex-opiate addicts Overplayed,And yeezy's aren't at this point? Cute Child Makes Funny with great Expression,OP's account looks spammy af good lawd Defend your statement without SSBM,That's like saying defend pc gaming without steam! What are the best subreddits to browsed while stoned?,I imagine all of them will be an adventure if you're high enough Stafford is Asian? Never would have guessed.,Isn't it obvious from the picture? This happened in my adopted home state of Ohio. Heroin is a massive epidemic right now and this is becoming a common image in the newspapers across the state. I'll never understand the desire to try heroin with seeing all of this happen. Just smoke weed.,We've had over 40 OD's just yesterday night come through my work. "While everyone was focused on the Group of Death, i noticed the True Disaster...","Gromp has my sympathy, but not my regret -Wraith probably" "Uhh, exactly. Problem?","Um yes, it has the most powerful explosion in the game; lets make it easier to use." Why didn't Punk reverse that choke into some kind of pin,He was practically begging for the gts there all he had to do was lift him and just bam right in the skull Flower pots in Dal Is there anything that happens from planting herbs in the pots? Google and searching Reddit have failed me so far.,I wasn't paying attention when i first found this and wasted a felwort on it -_- I'll fucking cut you man....,Keerti anna is that you? "Better yet, let's just kill sbmm and and these incessant nerfs.",But we need it for #balance "It may not be a cat sitting on top of some beast rig, but it's close enough.",What type of cat is that OP La Rai cambia immagine grafica Nuovi loghi e colori innovativi,"Ottimo, dovrebbero vedersi bene in full HD." Ma che c'entrano i Napoletani? D:,Pare che i napoletani c'entrano sempre "Just shoot up nightclubs and commit hate crimes, but nothing too serious. Maybe the ones who do that will be the sons of those refugees so sympathizers on the left can go It wasn't because of immigration, they were born in America so that means they're a red blooded American just like you and me!","Yeah, hate crimes and mass shootings are only committed by Muslim refugees." Am I the only one who hasn't got the update yet?,Yes you Are the only one "Question for jagex: if I die IRL, how long would you keep taking money for my auto-renewing membership subscription for?",You'd respawn in lumbridge or wherever your spawn point is. FIRST PEN ON UNO,Wow this guy is gonna be so OP with PEN grunil gloves. "I remember it causing a shit ton of controversy. Also remember going through shooting people but I didn't know there was that many civilians. As a child I was just shooting anybody, there wasn't any thought behind who they were.","Nah you clearly took enjoyment in killing innocent civilians as a child, and are now a danger to the general public as a psychotic adult..." Nirvana Easter Egg in the X Files,Come as you are has always been a popular phrase.......... "Ghost Ship should drop Event White. Ghost Ship is an Event Boss, hence it should drop an Event White.","Yeah, I think Helm of the Juggernaut would be a good addition to Ghost Ship drop table" Fire up the Data,Ja! John Wick 2 - First Images,I'm digging it Envy Hakuhos thoughts on the season,tl;dr: Hakuho is going to try and work on washing his hair more But....she opened a pickle jar....,"Let's get real guys, 81 degrees in New York is almost like sniper fire" What is very dangerous and can attack at anytime?,North Korea My coworker had his mission in south America and i was always so envious of how much of a handle he has on spanish.,"When you're talking to locals all day, every day your language skills tend to become at least decent :p being able to speak Spanish will be great." Game Thread: Week 1 - Cincinnati Bengals @ New York Jets [](/CIN) Cincinnati Bengals VS [](/NYJ) New York Jets Time: 1:00 PM EST **Help the mods by reporting trolls** *Sort by new for up to date discussion.*,You guys seasons over what are you all doing here "The best question to ask young earth creationists If the young earth stance is correct, why are there no young earth geologists employed by for-profit companies? Mining, drilling, excavation, etc. companies want to get the best info to make a profit. If the young earth position was correct, it would be widely taught in schools whose grads would be snapped up by these companies. Instead, they only hire geologists who are taught and do research consistent with an earth that is 4.5 billion years old. Why is it that employment and profitable predictions do not come to young earth geologists at a rate far surpassing the ancient earth geologists? Ask this in a serious, respectful manner (don't be condescending or dismissive.) You want them to think out the answer for themselves.","well then, we'll just have to pressure for-profit companies to start doing geological research that's in line with the teachings of ~~Pat Robertson~~Jesus H Christ!" "Also, don't most politicians cover their entire body?","I mean, obviously she needs to do her next press conference in a bikini, right?" Did this ever happen to you in the new Rumble mode?,"Yes, sometimes people use these things which make us switch locations" what the hell did u just say u shitspirit scrub how dare u shittalk my techs 1v1 me irl,shut the fuck up you mongoloid bin laden wannabe What do you mean again? He's been cutting all summer ;),Cutting through that China food. bernie automatically gets it since he didn't release his delegates.,Here you dropped this True. He supported apartheid as long as it separated Blacks from Whites but not Indians from White.,Well....I guess you gotta draw the line somewhere right....right? "2nd Season worth watching? I just marathoned through the entire first season and I liked it. But it feels like the series is.. how do I describe it.. over? Of course there's the question of where is Tyrell and whats going to happen, now that the debts of all people have been deleted, but What is there to look forward to in the following season(s)? Without giving spoilers, would you recommend it to keep watching? Honest opinions please :D Thanks","Abandon this show, its very bad, we are idiots for watching it" "Imagine if it was Bill that met with the US AG, oh wait...",But that's acceptable because it's Clinton Webm can't be viewed in IPhones,Get a better phone. Hollywood had its worst summer in over a decade and here's why | they've made shit films,Those darn millenia just aren't going to movies What a fucking moron,Ya think? Hillary Clinton's Doctor Says She Has Pneumonia and Became Overheated and Dehydrated,Why do we care what disease her doctor has? What's the trashiest thing you've seen in public?,Ok why mostly all of the top commetns are regarding women lol? "Except then you have to deal with game crashes, freezes, disconnection from XBL or PSN, etc.",So what does having money have to do with that lol "Pack it up, it's just dehydration folks! Letter from Hillary's doctor","Senator Sanders is prepared to make a statement, as soon as he finishes his regimen of one-armed push-ups." "Ugh, I was considering going this year, but then I've been crunching on getting my software stack to run on Vive, so I dropped the ball. Maybe next time. Good news is, my software stack is now running on Vive.","Yeah, I live in Seattle so it's not a huge commitment for me :)" A shooting involving 3 mexicans in Texas? Business as usual in the Lone Star state,We should destroy the border! "Big Brother US18 - Official Results, Feed Interviews and Episode Discussion - September 21 2016 Well, another season of Big Brother is in the books. We have a new champion and a new AFP winner. What do you think of the two crowned tonight? How will they be remembered next year at this time? Remember, All Access subscribers can watch the post-season interviews on the feeds. Who do you want to hear from? Who gave the best interview? Discuss below. # Tonights Results Paul Abrahamian won part 1 of the HOH. Nicole fell off first, and James fell off almost immediately after. Nicole Franzel won part 2 of a really cool carnival-themed HOH. She finished the competition in less than half of James time. Paul won Part 3 of the HOH, 4-3. Paul chose to evict James **Nicole Franzel** won Big Brother US 18. She defeated **Paul Abrahmian** 5-4 Nicole | Paul | :---:|:---:| Corey | James Natalie | Victor Paulie | Michelle Zakiyah | Bridgette Da'Vonne | **Victor Arroyo** won America's Favorite Player. The top 3 were announced: Victor Arroyo, James Huling , Natalie Negrotti :D",I will miss you so much. Work to continue on Mopac into 'early 2017.',I'm shocked Desk?,Ikea Bekant in black. What's with all those 5 stars?,Patriotism. Sounds like either lupus or vitiligo to me.,It's never lupus "Valve also makes a ton more money, that was my point.",But wasn't Tryndamere who advocated on spending only the money you made in a context in said context? Secret isnt secret anymore and eg isnt eg anymore Its basically sea stars vs NA stars (I consider cr1t and zai NA enough to be included),Cr1t- and zai are as much NA star as Puppey and PLD are SEA stars Both were given a 25$ subway giftcard,Yeah but if they told us it would have to be a $25 ****** giftcard because we cant have any sponspors ruining league no ones going pay a high price for him with charles coming back unless your in a league with tacos.,Tacos can't play fantasy football. I can imagine someone having a fetish for this.,You're talking to him "Flaking Foot Skin After Stopping Again? Here's one that I don't think has been mentioned before. Since putting the bottles back down a couple of days ago it was rather embarrassingly pointed out by one of my house guests that there was a ridiculous amount of dead skin on the soles of my feet. This has never been an issue before. To qualify despite being a complete wreckhead I do look after myself physically and cosmetically pretty well. Yet this is a new symptom - not even remotely in WDs at all, generally fine by standards. CA - why are my feet peeling so? Can Space Aids melt one?",I recommend shoes Hot water in milo isn't for Australians,if you want to dissolve Milo you might as well go Quick. Maybe you should date ugly chicks.,"because ugly chicks totally know that they are ugly, they don't have an army of idiots telling them on the internet every day how beautifulhotamazing they are." Introduce yourself for a free random shiny!,"^^^on ^^^this ^^^post ^^^^sorry ^^^^could ^^^^help ^^^^it ^^^^;P Hi my name is TheInfiniteBananaGun, earlier tonight i played pretty much all night and have loved it so far look forward to playing more." Insane play by Bunny FuFuu on Thresh,Wtf rito support sucks because i can't carry with it "Media and there shit posting. Kearney could be back in NZ to see family and have a good old fashion Boil Up. Everybody be like oh shit, he must be getting the coaching job","I saw Cleary in nz for new years, can't believe I he isn't coach yet" I better buy Hatsuharu again so I can get a free Akatsuki!,You forgot How would they punish though? Maybe someone can translate what they said.,Spoil or Cancel "With the Note 7 being $1050 in Canada and having near everything hardware wise, the Pixel will need to seriously impress if the price remains close.",Does Does not explode count as a feature? r/haloonline Have none of you played this?,The problem is that no one is playing it You mean two women dressing like whores either for attention or to try and sell something,"Whore or exploited, women do not dress sexy for any other reasons." Is a go route the only route Dez can be utilized in?,Maybe if he was a top WR in the league... "Think about it this way; you can either spend $100 on a fucking cab, or you can spend $10k on legal fees, no more job and health insurance, a black mark for whenever you try to get a new job, a possible divorce etc. Why fucking risk it?","100$ guaranteed, or a *chance* at not paying 10k$..." "In the U.S., wireless companies marketing new no overage fees cellphone plans without clarifying that, after a small amount of data use, you lose the ability to access data over the network until your monthly account renews.","No overage, no overage fees!" "Look, if you feel like your BF is getting physical past a point you enjoy, and are unsure of what to do about it, you have alot of advice here already. Reading some of your replies I've noticed the reoccurrence of could this be an extension of our horseplay... and I feel like maybe you're unsure of how to ask about it. Google Total Power Exchange Obedience Training and Consensual Nonconsent He may view things like biting your nails as disrespecting yourself, thus training you to not disrespect yourself comes from a place of love.",Is the name calling and disrepect coming from a place of love too? The new Xbox One S Battlefield 1 Special Edition Bundle,for years we begged for a special edition battlefield xbox console and this is what they put out... you can see where they put a lot of thought into the design What Do You Think Is Going To Happen At the end? What do you think is going to happen at the end? are all the characters going to die? is maxis going to die? will richtofen die? i wanna know what you guys think will happen?,Danny trejo will teleport into kino and finally explain that there is no morse code in the truck at spawn "Yeah but everyone did it with Glowy, no one has thought to use Cardes AFAIK",Now do it with Noah next the big one?,Batik has best chest "The government doesn't need to label you, the conditionned population of SJWs will do it for them.",Because it's the #currentyear. fuck. just made me sad. but well-said.,i think you mean **well-fed** So edgy,"It's so edgy, my bones are bleeding black blood, and I don't even know how that is supposed to work!" KOTOR When the game was released I never played a game like this before,This will always and forever be my answer to this question. Such a shame there wasn't a single person in the large and rapidly growing colony/young country willing to buy some fertile farmland so that Washington could get some liquid assets,"Yeah, or a rich man could just move out a little father and buy twice the land at a tenth of the price." I know it's a birth mark for the GoldSrc engine but if we were to be realistic you could just say the hinges were rusty as hell.,Every single hinge must have 1000 layers of rust then. "I mean, I don't mean to stereotype or judge, but just look at the author.... that should be your explanation.","You clearly learned that sort of profiling in your imperialistic, racist ROTC classes." TIL Auburn = Nicholls = Central Michigan.,He's talking about Troy... "It always ends in death, privation and misery. Yet every time it's tried, the proponents shout but this time it'll be different!",Not REAL socialism! Are kids so retarded these days that every movie requires talking animals?,Did you just call every non-white in existence an animal? "Haha I shit you not, the opposite happened to me a couple weeks ago. Come home late after drinking with the buddies. Wake up to a pissed off girlfriend throwing garbage on my chest and slamming shit around muttering about how I came home acting like an ass with a used condom wrapper in my pocket how can I treat her that way all that shit. I look down and it's an alka seltzer wrapper. Never saw someone look so stupid. Total psycho.",Siq brah HARRISON SMITH!,I clearly remember it was Chad Greenway that was making all the amazing tackles in yesterday's game... The announcers told me so! "And even if Wentz turns out good, it still doesn't prove that the Browns FO made the wrong decision. The trade we did could be a win-win situation. It doesn't have to be a win-lose one.",Yeah not sure why people are acting like one team won and another lost. "Find whoever moderates the debate team at a major university, and have them moderate it.",But the universities are all havens of liberal propaganda! Look closely: There's an upside-down letter in the Camp Randall Stadium end zone,OMG Scandal! Zika Exploded While Congress Went on Vacation,But remember guys Obama is the anti Christ because he takes the occasional vacation and goes golfing.... Going over insurance plans with HR orientation. Haven't had the opportunity to talk much so I can't make a fool of myself.,Being on Reddit during HR paperwork is a great start! "Suggestion: Blizzard use brain please... And allow us to use repair mounts ANYWHERE in a dungeon. I'm really, really not having fun running back from the last boss in Vault of the Wardens for 5 minutes to repair myself. I appreciate that you thought it would be wise to at least port us to the last boss on the way back, but why the heck not allow us the repair mount inside. I don't care it doesn't make sense to mount up indoors. The way it is now is just a HUGE pain in the ass. Thanks",And the dumb keep getting dumber.... Maybe because more adults have more experience thus more power?,But you're invalidating the voices of the children! No **good** reason.,Gauthier should have had a steak and calmed the fuck down "What if self-unhooking gave you invulnerability? Lots of times people will try to unhook themselves just for the hell of it because they know it's the end. But then they do manage to unhook themselves. The sad thing is, many killers camp hooks so hard that they'll just end up on the hook again. What if survivors had a 2-3 second invulnerability period? The animation that makes you just lie down prone is already a huge nerf to their survival.",If the kiler is camping you fly off and drop-kick them in the face and the killer dies Conservative cartoonist Michael Ramirez drew pregnant Karl Marx for Labor Day.,Conservatives sure make a lot of sense. "incarceration, slavery, rape mention. on the question what is your ideal gulag?",Why rehabilitate when you can torture? VIDEO: Prof. Stephen F. Cohen And Author Masha Gessen on CNN,This is not propaganda. Because they are close to us.,We like the moooooooonnnn But not as much as a spoooonn "I hate uninformative negative reviews. I'm responsible for my company's online sales presence and some eighty percent of the negative reviews we've received, when followed up, have been utterly ridiculous. If you buy your girlfriend a necklace and then find out she's been fucking your best friend that isn't the necklace's fault.",Clearly the necklace was so bad that it convinced the girlfriend to cheat *man wants to become a science teacher so he can teach evolution instead of creationism in the classroom* Witty Redditor: I too would like to force my worldview upon impressionable kids,It's fucking bullshit to equate _communism_ with the science of evolution. "ITT: Scare mongering, calls for socialism, and otherwise the usual religion of warmists making noise until winter sets in, where they will just start blaming the cold on climate change.","Yes, NASA are just a bunch of libral hippies." "Someone also said something about h2k 7 to tsm 2, but no screenshots",Nine games makes it sound false. Crossbone fans rn be like,This isn't even the right Crossbone reeeeeeeeeee! Kevin Pereira's Snapchat the calm before.,Nintendo NX actual name: The Storm confirmed! Job creator Lepage to layoff 51 state workers - export jobs to New York.,More employed people in NY mean less drug dealers for them to send up! What's the deal with all the griefers lately? There really needs to be a report griefing option. This seems to happen every 2nd or 3rd game for me. (Apologies for the long clip),Colorblindness? your 4 limited items + tit white mariachi hat & lime wizard hat,Your trolling right ahahah sure mate Polio will do that,Damn vaccines. Uber in Bali Going to Bali at the end of the month and wanted to read people's experiences on using the Uber app in Bali.,Try gojek as well for motorbike taxis "The Scientific Revolution occurred when humans learned to peel back the curtains that obsucrred our vision and revealed the most important truths of Nature: the laws of mechanics, electricity, gravity, genetics and the other great secrets of the Universe. Certain people looked on and said, Wait what *were* those curtains? We could use obfuscating, metaphorical curtains like that to hide obvious truths that are harming our important business plans. Thank you, thank you oh Scientists. We will be richer than ever! You truly have made a brilliant and important discovery.",Yeah cuz snake oil salesmen only came about after the scientific breakthroughs Same here. This is how hysterical the Clinton campaign has become.,"You can't accuse women of being hysterical, you shitlord scum!" Where do you shop for board games? I typically watch games that I'm interested in on Amazon until they go on sale. Is there a better strategy?,"I try to buy as much as I can from my LGS, after that is CoolStuffInc, Miniature Market and Amazon." "1 kid tries to start a fight on the second day of school, the other kid takes the high road",Cool street fight Trump goes into rally crowd to help woman who fainted,No way this was stage! Well around here its the assholes that hike or enjoy the wilderness with their shitty music on blast. Get some goddamn headphones!,Boy has Apple got the perfect solution for you! "I think that's Trump's sense of humor at work. Now, it's a serious issue, so he'll handle it like someone who wants to be President of the United States.",It's just a prank bro! "But oppai lolis are fucking filth, objectively and scientifically.","Oh yeah then link to the peer reviewed, randomized, double blind studies that show that" "So he should at least resign as deputy whip. But he should also quit parliament given that he supported their position in order to gain a senate spot, knowing full well that he would not support the party policies.","He should quit, go home, walk barefoot on some lego, bash his shin on a coffee table, set himself on fire, and then hang himself, along with anyone else who does not see the LNP light." Comparison: Bitcoin vs Monero vs Dash vs Zcash,There seems to be a section missing about the Monero innovations which make it scale better than an unrestricted (non-Blockstream/Core) Bitcoin. An incense that broadens your spawn area by 100m Instead of new ones spawning around you just let it increase your capture distance. Perhaps make them cost a few more coins or something.,"And you should get more XP for each and every action you do, even daily sign in, more 10 KM eggs, more rare pokemon should spawn in your house, 10 regular pokeballs should turn 10 ultra balls if your bag is full when you spin a stop, you should get 90 or more coins for holding a gym and infinite incubator each time you level up, more candy for buddy pokemon each 10 meters and you should be able to change evolved pokemon moves at your every whim" You said you didnt trust him. Thats different than disagreeing with him on policy. He has not said or done anything to view him as untrustworthy.,Turncoats are by definition untrustworthy. iPhone 7 and 7 Plus review: The future in disguise,gee I wonder when will iPhone 7 get updated to Android N This would be a nice QoL change although what if you're double stacking?,If you're doublestacking you probably suck and don't use vgs. "So unprofessional, no wonder AFL isn't listed here",So meta 8 keys for crimson sunbursts?,"Interested, added you on steam" FB Cringe,"Haha, isn't casual racism just the best?" "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you. I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. Thomas Jefferson",Thomas Jefferson was a shitlord slave owner who could not envision the benevolent bureaucratic utopia that our current Democratic party supports. "Without naming it and only using a statistic about it, what country do you live in?",#1 exporter of potassium "Hope we can customize clothing for mypark in the future. I've never really liked the clothing in the 2k store. Plus I don't like seeing a bunch of players with the same clothing as me. I think it would be great to see customized clothing, from hoodies, caps, trousers. maybe even sneakers. Or let us change the colours of each layer of sneakers. Imagine you place your own logo onto your clothing, so during cutscenes in mycareer it looks like you have your own clothing line. I think customization makes the game a lot more enjoyable. The more, the better.",This isn't a dress up Barbie game How dare you choose your dog over me,Because he's your one and only chance and there are no men out there who like dogs. "Ahh yes, that rare strain of pneumonia that makes you lock up stiff as a board, twitch around a bit, and then completely collapse when you try to take one step.",I definitely saw that as well "no, look at S5 fnatic. there's your answer",But muh TSM is obviously better than last year FNC "1,000,000,000 bees are each given a tiny flamethrower and taught how to use it. Who's the strongest they can beat?",Monsanto Corp. Low on ATF? You're probably low on ATF.,Why do you think that the transmission locking up would have *anything at all* to do with it being low on lubricant? I literally just stated this FACT in another post where someone was asking to move to Charlotte from Chicago. I am a Realtor here in town and know for a fact that apartment complexes are hiking the prices while the Charlotte housing market is booming. This boom will not continue as we see the move of interest rates upward in the coming months. I also graduated from UNCC majoring in finance and continually run my own statistics for the Charlotte housing market. If anyone is interested in checking out my stats please feel free to PM me.,Do you sell magic 8-balls as well by chance? Small Update?,more sombras "Economic models can change, or be replaced.","yeah, because the world is gearing towards ridding itself of Capitalism.." Agreed. In-N-Out can't be beat for the taste and value.,Threads like these always make be appreciate how close i live to an In n Out Warlock + Shotgun = New Meta?,You'll never be a true warlock main! "Interview with (President) Bill and Hillary Clinton in 1993. Look at Hillary's reaction when Bill is asked, How long do you think before there is a woman president?",Starts at 15:30 **...AMONG VERMONTERS it's in the first line. the very first line. i love bernie - but they arent talking national favorability numbers here. misleading title,"Dude your not suppose to actually read the article, just upvote for the title!" titties,You win "Blinded by the light, revved up like a deuce....",He says douche m8 What would overloading your defence do?,Presumably boost to 118 and stay for 30 mins It *is* easier than journalism.,I thought it was journalism. "First off, no one can travel in and out with all of their own food and gear on a plane. I flew in and did it on my own: tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, food, beer, scotch, some clothes, cooler, small camp chair and water. I supplemented water by buying two bags of ice every day. Arrived Sunday and left the following Sunday.",You entitled asshole. Clinton is running a professional campaign. More at 11.,I can't believe she is communicating with her campaign! "Loki, Loki, Loki.",Asshole? Hyundai 128GB microSDXC Flash Memory with Adapter (see price in cart= $30.99),Does it come with 10 year / 100000 mile warranty? "Christophe Dugarry says Zlatan's lack of mobility is one of the reason for Man Utd's current troubles: Ibra is a cone. People talk about his stats... but he's a cone. When you see Zlatan's matches, it's not possible to do that. It's English football, it goes at 2,000 kilometres an hour.","It's not Zlatan's fault United have beens struggling, but this analysis isn't false." "Yes, two of our wins came from crappy teams.",Fortunately not sure another team in that division touches 7 wins let alone 9-10. Aneek- Adam Betts,Is he using the Roland dual zone trigger to launch samples from the pad? Whaaaaaaaat the fuck.,That's just Space Jesus. Some of them look so young! I bet TV is thriving in his Im a dad who games role :),At least 2 of the twelve are currently in high school. "No worries, but you have to write fuck off, we're full on the back with a permanent pen or it's not patriotic enough.","No thanks, don't want it then." I think he's more into actions and stuff than wasting time listening/watching cut scenes :(,That dann story always getting in the way of the important stuff.. Richard Childress and Austin Dillon sure don't help to dispel Austin's reputation as a whiny and entitled spoiled brat. It was highlighted this week but it's been a theme every time I hear something from the two of them. If I was Paul Menard I would also be looking to take my business elsewhere.,Menard to Penske rumors confirmed! The point is that states with less gun control experienced a similar drop as those in states with more gun control.,So what your saying is an armed society has no impact on crime rates then right? That one where he takes it onto his chest in front of goal is shocking. It doesn't look genuine.,Match fixing surely Damn 18 upvotes on a 600+ pp play... We really got high standards now,And we have a 350pp play with 1k upvotes Only on console...,"Its just as bad on pc... lets just agree, The people that do it are twats." "UA also has Tom Brady, Cam Newton, and Bryce Harper.",Who? And they told him he would never become a model.,"Take that Tyra Banks and your skinny hoes, a plus size can be a successful model too" H1Z1 - Everyone's after s0frito! Can a Guy catch a Break?,A 30 second intro.... good job! "$20 for 10 grams, you could have gotten 200 grams if you had ordered it from Motark and I'm sure the quality would be better too.",can someone send me a legit site i can order some before it becomes illegal? Is this garbage time yet or does the team actually look good now?,Garbage time. buy a pos gold wing on craigslist for 500 bucks and park it there.,You say that like I have $500 laying around to spend on a pos Goldwing! Lol bukaru did you just reply to let me know you have a higher score?,98.3 bitches SUCK IT jajajaja Esperanto Word of the Day | historio: history,Historio gee I wonder what this means. 20k comment karma's a bit large for a throwaway.,missed the "something about having enough to live, then having extra income you can dispose of at a whim does that to people.",Save for a few months to raise $300...sure sounds like spending at a whim to me. "Remove the blood from the skins. Remove the blood from the skins,mostly T-shirts it makes them ugly,same goes for the Military Scrubs set.",but i like the tampon stains on my white pants :P "If the Pixels are meant to be flagship smartphones they need to have water resistance. I love my 6p, but the lack of real water resistance is disappointing. I'm of the opinion that if Google really wants to position the Pixels as flagship smartphones they need to have water resistance. Samsung offers it, Sony has had it for ages, and now even Apple has it.",So if google pixel smartphone is really a flagship and if its a iPhone competitor then will google support this pixel devices for 4 years like apple do? "To add insult, this was at the outskirts of a gay neighborhood in Canada, where people are typically much more polite.","Wait, Canadians can vary in their politeness?" I had the exact opposite of this and found out that one of the RAs in my building my junior year had a stripper pole in her room.,Well now you know where they got it! "If you have to track down twenty thousand or even just two thousand to get those two hundred who'll answer and participate, maybe. Especially if you have to add more data points for everyone else to achieve uniform fidelity. Just a thought, though. I have no idea what I'm talking about.","It's great when we all speculate on professional statisticians' methods, isn't it?" My mind was yelling body double,Well I'm sure the lizards can make more than one suit! "freija uc level 2 with limit cost, done!",May I ask what are your sphere set-ups? What... How?,"Sorry, lost an Overwatch match and thus my temper..." "No good sf uses left tree. You are starved for points as it is. 3 points mid tree is core, and no soul fighter that knows how to play the class in pvp will go left tree.",Guess being class rank 3 SF in tower is just my p2w gear then It isn't very good.,Fucking brilliant comment m8 I'm sure these rating will prove you right at the end of season "I don't support David Cameron by any means but blaming all this on one man is simply convenient scape-goating. He's resigning and leaving political life anyway so people will pin as much on him as possible. There are plenty still in power who have questions to answer about this and we should not look for a simple villain to blame. Same goes for the doctors strike, NHS funding, education reform etc. His party are responsible for a lot of negatives in the UK and abroad, they have not earned a clean slate by changing a few people around.","The whole Brexit thing was supposed to draw attention away from the war inquiries, what are these idiots doing by bringing it up again!" I just started a thing and it feels great to take a positive step. But I still need to wait and see if there is a real outcome before I tell people about it.,Pics or it didn't happen I'm pretty sure the parallel universe theory was confirmed in the Delta Episode of ORAS.,So did that mean OR/AS are parallel or RSE/ORAS are parallel? "A simple moment, but out of all the moments in the game, this is my favorite.",could be considered a spoiler What could this be?,Looks like a goblin. Which turned into another nothingburger.,But Comney is obviously a shill when he said the 3 classified emails she had were labeled incorrectly. They track people from previous drug related offenses. They have to present a documentation that they have sworn to stop taking and are asked if they're continuing to use by the officers. Some of them get mouthy or violent and get shot.,I'm sure that's exactly how it goes down. "anyone else feelslike that bard is pretty weak now :/? idk recently it feelslike bard is rly weak compared to this tank meta. hes not doing that much dmg against the tank supps, and is just one more squishy in the team. your opinions?",bard is kinda weak no offense I'm not sure you really want an 0-16 team.,Think of what they'll get because they'll get the #1 pick again. "Last time I checked, chess wizards make subtle well-thought-out moves and not impulsive ones.",our feeble minds just can't understand his tactics Ever seen white chicks the movie. Get over yourselves social warriors.,Yeah but that was black people saying white chick's have privilege... so much different All she did was bring a highly infectious and lethal disease into the country. Who amongst us could say we haven't done the same?,"Standard Friday night, isn't it?" Ald. Carrie Austin blasts fellow Democrats for 'double-cross' in election for Cook County Chief Judge,I know when I go to vote the #1 criteria to who gets my vote is their race! Ultimately Responsible for the rise of ISIS? Not something you'd want on your CV.,Yes and Cammy will be typing up his CV in best boiler plate ironing his suit and going to a job interview right? Fox News obviously,"In case anyone was worried," Shokugeki no Souma 183,Wow I did not see this coming! "Si coliba mea e utilitate publica daca o viziteaza toata lumea. Give me the money, now",Coliba ta nu este muzeu/cladire istorica de importanta internationala Eight. We got eight games last week. :),BC abandoned confirmed "Oh look, another reason we should have nominated Sanders.",because bernie would have weakened the fda. "Yes, how can you display churros in a show stopping way?","In a window box, obviously!" "It sucks how I can't be too nice to any men. A rant: Backstory: I'm a vendor that's been working with a restaurant for the past 2 years. Workers there come and go but there's an old man that's been there the entire time. Once, a long time ago, he asked me if I would put songs on a mp3 player for him. I told him ~~hell~~ no and that he needed to learn to use a computer himself, to which he didn't like, but I don't care because I can take or leave the guy. The other day I was getting ready to take off and he comes up to me asking me questions (english isn't his first language and like I said, I can take or leave the guy so I just wanted him to go away the entire time) to which I act friendly enough. He starts feeling my arm, saying I must have big muscles, then he starts trying to pull me in for a kiss. I was at work so I couldn't strangle his stupid ass like I would've liked, but I made it clear he's dead to me. This isn't the first time this has happened. Some men just come to the conclusion that I'd have anything to do with them just because I'm polite. And it's not always old men either, guys have beckoned me over for whatever reason and then have leaned in for a kiss *as* I'm telling them I want nothing to do with them. I should just tell them the truth, I'd never consider dating an old man. I think old men are disgusting. They should stick with women their own age. Young women who are into old men have issues or they want their money when they die. Old, broke-ass men that chase after young women are fucking pathetic. No guy, I don't want to get to know you, I don't even want to expend the energy it would take to remember your name. I'd rather go back to before I was burdened with your existence, I miss that, please let me relive that time once again. I swear to all that's holy, I take the time to make myself look as ratchet as possible and I *still* can't get men to leave me alone. I could cover myself with literal feces and will still get hit on by at least one fucking homeless guy. What do I have to do?!? I don't want to assume every man is like that because it's not true. But when I have to look at the ground everywhere I go because merely making eye contact for even one second is enough to get me followed around an entire grocery store (and I see you, motherfucker, you think you're slick but you're as plain as day, do you think I'm stupid or blind?!) what choice do I have but to put up my defenses? I need a really big fucking dog to take around with me or something...",You sound pleasant person "Saw him play last summer in Korea, all of us walked away saying 'he has about 6 months left' bam.",So do we blame you for his death? Why the hell are we sharing private illegally collected information about our own citizens with foreign governments? The usual excuse of protecting Americans cannot even enter into the equation at this point.,So that those foreign governments give us information about their own citizens... who are all non-american terrorists Segregation is back in style.,"It's not segregation if it's done for the right reason, and I know what the right reason is because I'm right." Aside from administering the largest denomination of the largest religion in the world?,"No, no, his job is to try to trick some atheists in America, but they're to clever for him and see right through him." Oh this will be a life saver. Have at least 4-5 calls a week for my free tickets to Bahamas.,Do you ever redeem them? Worried about too many dating options?,"There are bigger problems in life, you can have serious health issues from just being tall, also increased likelyhood of STD's *FROM ALL THE PUSS WE DROWN IN YEABOI*" "There are so many good uses for concussion blast. Good for quick direction changes midair to avoid enemy fire. Getting out of range of ults. Boosting back to the fight after a respawn. Others have mentioned separating Reinhardt from his team. Also nudging his charges off-course, and sending him out of melee range after he ults. I like to use it to push enemies away from my teammates caught in a zarya ult too. Most of all, though, it's useful to disrupt your opponent in 1 on 1 duels. Making McCree miss even one shot can be the difference between life and death. And the forced movement can make it easier to land that one rocket on a slippery tracer. It's easy to write it off as a low-impact move but used strategically, it's anything but. Boops are awesome, but they're just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this move's power.","Dropping a Concussion to swing a 1v1 in your favor or to disengage is something that had not crossed my mind, excellent point." "Why, Microsoft?","To allow for the highest quality pixels, if course." Will a carrier store sell you an iPhone 7 in full price without purchasing a plan or using their service?,In the past no He won Zakiyah back...,That seems like it'd be so hard to do... Diss na czarny protest kobiet,Co za kurwa debile... Yeah because the fact that I can't even remember driving myself to work without the proper medication is really just a symptom of low self control.,"Well, since any bodily imperfection is clearly a sign of moral dissipation you must have ticked off the Little Baby Jesus right and proper..." Warsaw sends police officers to Harlow after killing of Polish man,Next they'll be putting decent hardworking British coppers out of the job by undercutting them What even is that picture of me.,"nothing but a visual glitch, what you need to do is hit the buttons in nacht and place the dg4's in the teleporter" This paving slab looks like the back of an Apple Watch,"Apple isn't innovating anymore, they're just copying existing solutions and they market them as something new." "Welp, he says he's 21 and her flair says she's 26, so 5 years.",Damn 5 years is a massive age gap! "Pop goes the weasel The location of the 6th bone is in a pattern. If you seen it you would know it stands out. The locations of Bone 6 is at a broken pattern. It **pops** out at me. Firstly there's the old nursery rhyme that ends with the phrase pop goes the weasel, and maybe the broken pattern is a reference to the broken cycle of MotD?","It can be a reference, maybe searching in the MoTD area in the Verruckt Island?" "Well, Mt. Rushmore got a much needed facelift.",Babies don't belong in aww. "Probably because calling somebody skinny isn't considered an insult in most of society, whereas calling somebody fat definitely is.","Yeah, being called bean pole for most of my teenage years was all fun and games, because at least I wasn't being called whale." Australians petition to put Steve Irwin on their money.,"He was basically a country bumpkin with a TV show, not sure we have anyone more worthy" Well they had been sitting in my lock box since the show. I don't think unused Green Day Tickets would fetch to much cash. I preferred having the tickets to a real show.,But what about the scrapbooks! "It's not a stupid question. You're right in that there's no up or down in space, everything is relative. The planets are actually all almost in the same plane of rotation around the sun, so I'm guessing the North Pole corresponds with the direction of our North Pole. No idea what they do with Uranus as its tilt is 90 degrees.",I believe an impactor gave uranus it's tilt. "Hello, I currently live in Orange County. I will message you.",Oki doki What better name than that of a person who dedicated their life to making this a better country? Isn't that what serving in the military is all about?,"Nah, you see, they can't be notable or celebrated, they were dirty SJWs!" I still haven't calmed down. I knew nothing about TJP until the tournament but I had to get behind the fellow Filipino and he certainly didn't disappoint. Can't wait for more on a huge stage that is Raw.,"And I heard Gran Metalik's yaya is from the Philippines, very proud of our countrymen!" So we give Israel 38 billion but stipulate that they have to use the funds to buy military products from the USA. So basically we're not giving Israel money but we're giving weapon manufacturers money. I wonder if certain political decision makers sit on the boards for those companies.,"that would be crazy, and we would circle around you lamenting about how silly your little tinfoil hat is......." WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON THIS ELECTION!? WHY IS NOBODY BUSTING HIM FOR THIS BULLSHIT!?,"Because Trump is running against an ambitious woman, so we have to apply a double standard." Spigen's AirPods Strap is a $10 leash for Apple's new AirPods wireless earbuds,"Because, you know, technology has yet to invent wired in ear headphones that stay together when they fall out of your ears." "TIL The world's largest concentration of nukes is housed 20 miles NW of Seattle, and it's defended by trained dolphins.","Well, that's relaxing." The most ridiculous answer I've heard to this question was God created himself.,"Well he can do anything, so it makes sense!" "I'm a police officer and have never parked my police car in a handicap spot, let alone my personal vehicle. Once I responded to an emergency and blocked the handicap spot. Immediately after stabilizing the scene, I moved it out of the way. This guy should be fired.","But you're just a police officer, he's a garbage man and far more intelligent." Why don't legends have the walk out animation? Also will all Informs have the walk out or only high rated ones?,Because most of them can't walk now "Skin changer ? Good day, as you can see in the title, this post is about skin changer. Im thinking about this software, one of my friends is playing on his main with this for 5 months and he did get vacced. I would also like to play with it just because ( i know itll sound wierd) im playing better with skins than without. I have a 3 years old account, im global since mid 2015 and never deranked, lvl 40 on steam and i spent in game about 300euro, do you think valve will ban me ? this is helping me with nothing, but it makes me to play better, dunno what to do, do you think i should risk ?",you seem to have a very precious account maybe you won't get banned Why a Donald Trump Victory Could Make Climate Catastrophe Inevitable,All the bombs Clinton will drop on other countries have to be carried by drones and planes that burn fuel. "Nooo, stupidity is much more the norm. In any society.",That sounds like something someone malicious would say! no sydney fc players :( I got all the way through the SBC for Del Piero except the A-league Sydney fc one... There's a minimum of 8 Sydney fc players and only 3 are on the market for ridiculous prices :(,Bronze pack.. "Yeah, I hate racism. Specific people doing specific racist things (like your comment).",So could you explain how Michelle is not what a First Lady should look like? But the rich arent eligble for the benefits,"The tax credit is in addition to the deduction, not instead of it." Interview about racist abuse interrupted by racist abuse,"But they are white, I didn't think white people were allowed to be victims of racism" The same time Dick Cheney does.,"To be fair, they both belong in jail." You shut up ya rude ass mf.,"Here, you dropped this:" Are you starting Capoue GW5?,Capoue: The Mahrez of 2016/2017 "p8 of latest FAQ : Captain Kagi If an enemy ship equipped with Fire-Control System is at range to acquire a target lock on Captain Kagi and attacks a ship other than Captain Kagi, the target lock provided by Fire-Control System must be acquired on the defender, not Captain Kagi. If the enemy ship also has Weapons Engineer, its second target lock must be acquired on Captain Kagi. If a ship already has a target lock on Captain Kagi, it cannot acquire a target lock on a different ship if it is at range to acquire a target lock on Captain Kagi.",Your quote from the FAQ specifically says you can't acquire the second lock if you already have one on Kagi. Passive Aggressive tourism sign,There are a number of things to do... like yourself "Living in the past, again, forever into the future I posted this in the offseason, looks like it's playing out perfectly again. Last year I was so hyped, and we all felt the same for good reason. Team had played well before...if Randall and DMC could be ok, and if our defense could be just as good as it was (not very good) then there was no reason to think we wouldn't be a pretty damn good team with a nice shot to do well in the playoffs! I remember posting on here, that NOTHING matters if Romo goes down. Well low and behold, Romo goes down and our team falls apart and we have the worst season in recent memory. Our defense was about as crappy as we felt it would be, our running game was pretty damn good as we hoped it would be. So w hy did we suck so hard? We can't close out teams, and even in 2014, we haven't been able to close out a team with our defense for damn near as long as I can remember. In 2014, Romo got us leads and Demarco closed them out. And if that didn't happen, we could always count on Romo to bring us back and give us a chance for that FG or game winning TD IF we got the last possesion. Please note that's our offense: getting us leads closing out games and/or bringing us back from the brink. Our defense rarely ever makes game changing plays when we need them. Because this teams defense SUCKS DICKS at closing out games when we have a lead. I had a feeling that every time we are up by less than 8, and the opponent gets the ball in a situation where they will have the last possession, we're done. We cant' get any pressure on the QB, and in no huddle 2 minute drill it's just way to much pressure on our extremely below average defense to hold onto that lead. We saw it last year in OT 2 times. Neither time did the offense even get on the field and we lost. Reddit and PFF to the rescue here is the data since 2011 in the scenario where the Cowboys are either tied or ahead by less than 8 with 4 minutes to go in the 4th quarter. Dallas has allowed the most TDs in that time with 12. The Vikings have allowed the most total scoring plays with 21 Dallas has lost more games than any other team in the league in this scenario with 15 losses since 2011. That's out of 31 opportunities, which is 48.39% of the time. That's almost a full season worth of losses because our defense can't stop the opponent when it matters most. and in that time, Dallas has the worst percentage of all NFL teams. So with all that being said, looking at our current roster, what reasons do I have to believe our defense is better now at getting press ure and sealing wins. With Romo, there are games we'll win even though the defense gives up points at the end of games as long as there is SOME time left for him to use his magic. But if he goes down, and he probably will at some point, we're doomed. I do believe if we have Romo, and Elliot playing well that we can close out games using our offense, but that's such a damn risky proposition. Because your a one trick pony at that point, and if that pony gets hurt in any significant way, again, we're doomed. ..discuss",But the stats say our defense is top 10 Stars in Shadow is now available on Steam Early Access,Did the game become somewhat more stable? What is fuelling Vancouver's overheated real estate market? Kathy Tomlinson will answer your questions - Reddit AMA,Why do we need an AMA when r/vancouver already has all the answers? Trump says he would eliminate food safety regs,Is this those burdensome regulations that I hear are strangling our economy and thwarting job creators? Which is why Community Colleges are so attractive. $40 unit as opposed to 10x or more. But CCs carry a stigma around privileged young people. They think they're too good for CC. They'd rather rack up $50K in debt.,"Correction, I have racked up $30k in debt thank you very much." I mean our standards have fallen a lot considering Trump is a serious candidate for President. Why not go all the way.,Trump for SCOTUS! 60% werent even fauls just tough challanges. Offside goal happens. The manu players are to blame not the ref,"Loads of soft fouls, annoyed at the offside but we were fucking shit anyway" They do it because its an easy way to deflect blame off your shortcomings.,"How's YOUR territory doing, pal?" Does anyone know if/where it's available online? Now I want to re-watch!,"I tried to find it too but couldn't, which is weird cause they have all the other being so and so on the app" This is one of the most frightening comments I've ever seen. Where do you get your information from? How have you deluded yourself into believing that Great Britain started World War II? Do you also believe that Great Britain instigated World War I?,Clearly WWI is actually Russia's fault for honoring their alliance. "Oh, and you might as well quit your job now since an H1B is going to take it. Stay ahead of the curve.","Well, with no job, I guess I could start drinking PBR, buy a monster truck, a confederate flag and a Trump bumper sticker to be in with the in crowd I guess." "of all the groups on the entire planet is there one more qualified to refuse to honor the US flag than the native americans? shit, can't even tell them don't like it go back where you came from!",That's what the student should say to the teacher! ESA released Gaia's first map of the Milky Way,Whoever put their fingers on the lenses is so getting fired. "OMG, there's so much going on in this photo. The dramatic pose, the humping dog, that shirt... he's either the coolest man who ever lived or the dorkiest.",I'm not sure that cool and dorky are mutually exclusive... "No guarantees, but I will make sure they see the request.","Adding my voice in hoping for this, and here's something to use, if you guys and girls want: no sparrow.... just our characters flying low to the ground, black & white-era superman style, basically." did you.. did you just out-phreak phreak?,####pool party trynd lets make it happen rito pls "I have never played a game of TDM in COD where people favour camping. In fact, camping is an anathema to most COD players in any game mode.",You forgot the "How artisan's memory changed my perspective of BDO I have a set of boss gear to enchant, tough stuff, I was on the verge of quitting the game because of how painfully tiring relic groups are and how all the memfrags are now sold out, I was so close to quitting. Until artisan's memory came along! Now there is one less layer of stress and I have more time to do the things I love in bdo, like grinding sausans... or grinding pirates... or basilisks... cresents?",Think of how much time you could save if you could have just bought pen boss armor right in the cash shop! "Fun fact, Nike targeted NU hard in 1995 and NU could have been Nike U but instead Tom Osborne chose to go with Adidas, which now is currently holding the longest contract of any college football team with one sponsor.",I'm confused what does Northwestern have to do with this? "This is EXACTLY Hillary Clinton's problem. She is always in cover up mode for things that mostly aren't a big deal, but because she lies, it makes it seem like there is a nefarious shady deal going on, and so noone trusts her. This recent sickness thing was just so stupid, all she had to do was put out a statement right away that, Got diagnosed with Pnuemonia on Friday, tried to power through the 9/11 Memorial but needed to rest for a little bit and her critics would have looked stupid. But instead it was another string of half-truths from her staff and all of a sudden the Terrible Health rumor gains credence and she loses another point in the polls.",Because it was totally Pneumonia. Can a fetus be considered a US citizen? Can it be put on trial?,Can a 20 week fetus? I'm genuinely curious how you're drawing that conclusion.,"Because if someone has more stuff in a video game than you, it must be because you're better than them and they have no life right?" 2015 was the year of women's wrestling. 2016 is the year of the cruiserweights. What should 2017 be the year of? Let's make it the year of the hosses!,Goldberg my body constantly hurts and im always tired and school just seems like so much more effort than it really is and i kind of want to die and i cant talk to anyone about it because no one wants to be around someone who complains and i dont want to make anyone not want to be around me anymore,username checks out I hate when I accidently shoot someone's foot trying to get a drone and they feel the need to shoot me back. Like yeah man you're really making the situation better by giving us both not full health.,"Yeah if you could stop shooting me in the foot, that'd be great." Poplio,LiEr "Had a cheating girl friend tell me she, inspected the guys penis really well to make sure he didn't have any signs of disease. That made me feel alot better obviously.",I mean... at least she had your health in mind. Would anyone mind to ELI5 the significance of this?,he solved the riddle of the number of the beast. "That would seem the case for Tim Caine, but Bernie may just have been out of spite",so top Democrats except Hillary either vetoed or abstained from voting for a bill with strong bipartian support? "Will Usher - #GamerGate Never Harassed Anita Sarkeesian, According To Crash Override Network",well gee I wonder who could have thought this was a possibility. HQ Armour - AFV OPR(trainee) anyone knows what i'm gona be doing?,"Welcome to Gedong, Hope u enjoy 42 sar cookhouse food." "Bubble butt, perky tits","WHOOOOOSHHHHHHHHHH,.................................." The lack of hype for sandbox and replay in this thread is concerning,I think everyone is focusing on the assassin reworks since both Sandbox and Replays were known beforehand. Elder Ballard - No Pokemon Go,These are the pearls of knowledge that make the 10% worth it. "Probably, given the amount of diamonds. Makes me wonder who designs it. These look particularly diamond heavy.","Jostens, I'd bet." First She Lost 50% of US calling us Deplorable...Now They Fat Shame Trump to Lose the Rest,It's not fat-shaming if you're doing it to a cishetero patriarchal scumbag Guess who is Alberta's Health Minister,\#HealthAtAnySize Yeah Kalisto and Sin Cara are bona fide fan favorites,Yeah and that Ray Mystery guy who ever gave a fuck about him A girl with a bionic arm,Get that Aug off of here! "The thing I've been waiting for the Blue Decay. I.e. 1U Instant Counter target spell with converted mana cost 3 or less. It's a hard counter, but one with counterplay. It's better than Mana Leak, but not strictly better. It doesn't straight up brick any deck in the format, and fits along the Abrupt Decay/Inquisition of Kozilek lines. I feel like this is a card that would routinely be run as a 4-of, but wouldn't warp the meta around itself.",You forgot the uncounterability clause Newman lives in the same building I think.,That's why he would do it from orbit. "A lot of people don't understand how programming can be creative. You have clear vs unreadable code, terse vs verbose code, resilient vs fragile code, wasteful vs efficient code... to me it's like watching a painter or sculptor at work, starting with a blank foundation and gradually shaping it into something awesome. I feel that same sense of satisfaction, as a creative outlet.",But how can something complicated be fun? "I gotta disagree.. wash your god damn face, don't be a scungy fuck.. the shaving I get though, shits annoying.",But if you don't shave it will make you undisciplined and useless in combat. "Speaking of older women giving dating advice, my friend's mum told me I should go out into the city at the end of a festival/celebration and offer girls a ride home as a pick up strategy. She's in her 50's.",You should drive her and and Chad to her apartment. ahh yes donald trump and theresa may are such big rosemary shippers our status in politics is perfectly fine,Yeah and heteronormativity is not a consequence of human reproduction requiring both sexes and troll society is not binormative because their biological sex doesn't matter in the reproduction process. Watson is the best QB but the Pac-12 has the best and it's not even close.,you forgot the Anyone know any Cartoonish metal bands?,Ghoul Warrant out for Adam for failure to pay child support,He's clearly Daddy of the yar YALL GIVE HIM A DAMN BREAK "that moment when you're playing Super Mario Galaxy in beatiful 4k with AA, and the cutscenes are still in 480p or whatever it is.","Duh, it's part of the original charm!" English here.. bloody love Irn Bru. But then again.. I love Scotland and everything about it. I think I should have been born Scottish.,You're a bloody traitor you kilt sniffing cunt! "Seeing as I am of Hispanic origin, I'm really just laughing at you. Sorry.","Yeah, I also conveniently declare that I'm of hispanic origin when I get triggered." Why would you do that to a shitty car in the first place,"Yeah, modifications like this should be reserved for only the finest European luxury sedans." Research shows that obese people need less healthcare over a lifetime Because they're dead.,"I'd rather be dead than healthy and living a long life of agonising health and painful, painful happiness." In the Uk they refer to the subject of 'mathematics' as 'maths' you muppet.,TIL. US 'embarrassed' by security flaws exposed by alleged hacker Lauri Love,"This is exactly what our private, for-profit prisons want, lifetime memberships." And when you've wrong dragged someone's name through the mud.... what do you say?,"Believe me, folks." Our thoughts exactly,not with that defense we're not IOS Crashing after purchasing Welcome Bundle I used the in app purchase to acquire the Welcome Bundle. The app froze at the waiting for authorization step and now the app crashes whenever it gets to the logo splash screen. I have restarted my iPhone and reinstalled the app. I still crash no matter what I do. Anyone else having this issue?,Same thing happened (Ipad) to me everytime it tries to log in Hearthstone crashes the app to the home screen. Varias primas y hermanitas n.n,Relevant flair Arguably the best roster of champions ever?,I guess those other guys just aren't as durable as Cruz. Needed a hobby other than firearms...,I didn't know shit posting is a hobby :] the only comment this thread needs,But not the comment this thread deserves. That's great and all but I can't hold on to the vive on my head for 2 hours straight while doing racing tournaments..,"Good news man, the Vive now comes with a headstrap so you don't have to physically hold it on your head!" Explain Dylan Roof getting a free ride to Burger King from the cops minutes after murdering 8 black people in a self-professed hate crime and being peacefully apprehended. Then talk to me about who is or isn't worth rehabilitation.,"Yeah great comparison, these two incidents are completely related" "We need a full range of Cephalon weapons. We have: a beam sidearm, a launcher, and a hammer. We need a: sniper, laser shotgun, automatic rifle, sword","A dildo that spits acid too, right?" Elliot looks like he's about to drop the hottest mixtape of 2016,Mind asleep... Awake body? fair Mormons reply to this hurts my head. so ignorant....,"Hey, lots of people fell for the moon hoax, so you can't hold it against the prophet for giving specific details about the inhabitants of the moon, including their style of dress and their life expectancy, and promising members that they would preach the gospel to those living on the moon." Canadians suffering for lack of public washrooms: expert,What's wrong with just going to your local Tim Horton's? And you wonder why Saudi Arabia is one of the biggest donors to the Clinton Foundation. I'll give you a hint: Not because they love women rights and th lgbt community folks. Pay for Play.,"Yeah, because aid for Saudi Arabia started under Obama." Vaccination.,I can nearly confirm I was not autistic until I was vaccinated. What's the most well known quote?,You miss 100% of the shots you don't take - wayne gretzky - Michael Scott "he had one job, this guy.....a gun for hire then and a witness now, still cant do it right. smh",Eh Grade 1 lang daw napagtapos eh. MSG,Madison Square Gardens? "Yep, she totally went outside just to give it to somebody out there.","I thought that scott came in the backyard after her, am I wrong?" Probably because he didn't even say anything at all.,"he made noise, basically talking in my book" If you're RUBBISH at skateboarding you'll fall over A LOT.,If you don't fall while skating you're not pushing yourself hard enough. Top of Utah marathon?,Xterra Man frees wolf from fence,not even a thanks? The problem with that theory is that the people that agree with TSCC on the gay issue also hate Mormons (non-Christian devil worshipers in their eyes) as much as they hate the gays.,"Wait a minute, I thought all the bigots liked each other." Whoa. Did hanny get his leash yanked?,It'll be interesting to see if he dials down his rhetoric for a bit. Are you sure they were getting a drink and not dusting off their shoes?,Now that you mention it... Neither did PK last year.,"51 points in 68 games played last year, what a horrible stat line." Then don't complain when you get friendzoned.,but but I collected enough friend karma to exchange for oral sex "If I had a dollar every time I saw this article, I could buy a pc with all the upgrades needed to attain equal level graphics as a xbox/playstation",You've only seen this article about 50 times? "Actually, the interesting thing is that I think he may legally be able to. Someone should correct me if I'm wrong, but people have said that he isn't legally required to step down from his business if he is president, so it seems like he should be able to run a TV channel too. That would be incredibly frightening for the nation","Yeah, it worked out great for Italy." He lives in Vegas and has a Poke fish restaurant. I doubt he's paid the 10 million.,"They should have him back on again, and if he wins they pay of his lawsuit lol." Why would you need gender neutral bathrooms if there are just 2 genders? Just go to the bathroom you think you belong in. Easy peasy.,but muh genders Can you count how many mobile suits pass by?,Im at 69 so far.... am I missing something Black men for Bernie is actually a pretty racist group. People have been saying it since they popped up in the primaries,Kind of like how Bernie and his supporters are racist and sexist I suppose? Welcome aboard!,Thank you! "Essentially, get Hillary elected, then pressure her to no end to adopt a more progressive agenda. It would work if the momentum is maintained. Having said that, voting for her is still highly unappealing.",Sure worked with Obama. "They said it was a ripoff of the Jim Caviezel-Dennis Quaid movie, Frequency. Which, incidentally, is being adopted into a TV show for some reason... As I recall there was also a debate over whether it was Dennis or Randy Quaid in the movie.",Which they said was a rip off of an encyclopedia brown book "Can we make a new commitment. If someone chooses to remain anonymous while trying to ask for something monetary or manpower related, among other important things, we ignore them. I'm sorry if mister billionaire wants to remain anonymous but none of us have any reason to trust him. Reveal yourself publicly or forever me untrusted with large scale things. Real simple actually. It's just a safety precaution.","But... but, they will call us xenophobes for not accepting of veiled outsider!" Matt Lauer reportedly 'hung out to dry' at NBC,"I thought Trump was supposed to create jobs, not destroy them." "A day after veto override, Congress has second thoughts and may fix Sept. 11 bill",And many Republican actions over the last eight years have not been driven by animus towards Obama. Poll: Clinton widens Michigan lead as Trump support slides,But his outreach to Black voters was so effective. Pep forced into changes for Man City against Bournemouth,Finally today Pep will have his first real test! I got bored so I made a rough supercut of different versions of Stars from Les Miz,"What, no Russell Crowe?" Really? That's interesting. Is there a particular reason?,Cause she can't crit "Sadiq Khan never had a son. He has two daughters, 15 and 17 years old. Oops...",Lol all Khans are alike... I'm done with rap music.,who cares. "Looks weird as fuck, why isn't he just putting his arms around them like a normal guy?","Yeah what a fucking loser, why can't he be totally alpha and normal and confident like you?" "Female trainees of the LAPD firing their newly issued revolvers, March 6, 1948.","Looks like they're ready to murder some black folks, woohoo." Nice try Leafster,That black screen at the end to push the video to 27 seconds. "Few americans voting for anyone this election. Most americans are just voting against the other person. This is the election of the lesser of two evils, both sides are right, the other sucks and were fucked either way",this is why I'm voting for Hillary twice... Didn't Trump's current trophy wife pose for a bunch of porno shots with another woman?,"dude, that was ART..." "Never noticed any names or anything like that, when did they start doing that?",How you know psyonix isn't really good at marketing. Irl apfsds don't ricochet though Every armour is treated like butter,You can see in some videos on the test range the round does bounce off the ground after passing though the target :D Russman looks so badass?????,"'Russman' remembers now.... 'Bad' is his first name, 'Ass' is his last name." Is there away for US netflix to watch other countries shows/movies. It'd be so cool to watch this !,its avail on amazon prime. Thanks RNGesus (Lunar Box),Can I downvote this post ? Outbreak Prime is OP That's its acronym.,ayyy I feel I have been wronged so I'm going to stereotype large portions of the population in turn.,Oh now you're just being transphobic "Why does Jon never really play the old-school iso fallout games as much? I know he played some of tactics, but genuinely finding myself wanting a fallout 1/2 playthrough and wondering why he hasn't spoken about that yet. (As far as I know)",No controller support His hermitcraft series has revived my brother's and my interest in our group vanilla server (played with 8 or so others). The server goes through ebbs and flows (?). Building a base with a theme got me inspired again to do the same. Im not visually creative so just coming up with interesting base design was getting me down. Doing something to a theme on the other hand I find helps with ideas and I can feel good just getting things to match the theme rather then try to come up with interesting architecture out of my imagination (not gonna happen!).,"Man I kinda wanna get back to playing vanilla, I just get stumped every time I start over because my friends aren't playing anymore :/ I'd really like to join your server though, you guys sound like a fun bunch" wow this one got downvoted really hard...,"Of course, as expected" That speed is pretty ugly tho.,Personality is what matters Inferno dragon,Sell asap before his price drops "The thread was closed for a reason. It has also been stated one cannot openly disagree with this (must be done so quietly). So, creating a topic where people cannot actually dissent and discuss viewpoints is... an interesting one. Great and informative read, anyway.","Telling men they are wrong or that they cannot have or be something is hate speech, don't you know that?" The threat of small claims can be enough to get them to listen.,Exactly this. Not enough #grit.,Kesler should have beaten him with the stolen stick! I'm a Trump supporter Can I repost too?,Noooooo drumpf hates gays right guys ESEA does not have medals..,guess i should have added a Seriously wtf did we do to the football gods?,You humiliated CMR in 2013. "Carlos Carrasco leaves after 2 pitches. SEASON OVER. Unbelievable. went -7 in pts league earlier this week, now this. I hate fantasy sports why do allow myself to care","In a dynasty league, REALLY hope they put him on the DL instead of taking up another roster spot along with Keuchel and Salazar." "The ACA as it was passed could only ever have been a stopgap. Obama and most Dems wanted a public option, whereas the Senate bill drafted by Max Baucus and his former insurance exec staffers was designed to be a fig leaf that would leave insurers free to kill reform and replace it with something that would give them the subsidies without the regulations. Of course, all of it could have been avoided if Dems had bothered to actually campaign for Ted Kennedy's Senate seat.","To be fair, LOADS of outside money came in to win that seat away from the democrats." But then those guys would basically have to pick players from their own teams first. Curry would never risk his team's chemistry because Draymond keeps asking him why he picked AD over him. You'd just end up with the teams of the two best players,Just ban people from picking their own teammates maybe? *than I do. Otherwise we English better than we you.,Stop trying to be better than him "As if everyone could do the strafe jump consistently 100% of the time. It's not like old nuke jump to silo, you actually have to practice the jump for a while to even make it once. Now when I played vertigo it's actually pretty gamebreaking because previously if you wanted to get one guy ladder, you needed 2 people. Now 4 can rush ramp while 1 goes ladder and it's super annoying to play against.",Wtf u talking about boost to silo was hard as fuck "I don't agree with the name of the website, but these numbers are crazy. The left really needs to read up on this.",This seems like a completely unbiased publication full of accurate information from reliable sources... Grown men fight over shoe brands,Not shoe brands op wtf are you on "What's the most subtle change you can make to a champ and they instantly become broken? Title. I'm curious as to what you guys can come up with. Remember, it has to be as subtle and seemingly insignificant as possible, but would instantly be a HUGE buff to that champion.",Sivir's W bounces can now crit And a weedle.,I guess he woke up in the middle of his sleep to start another incubator. Must be my white male privilege that causes this.,Yes because white people are so oppressed "I know, but a decent amount of Germans did actually get fucking brainwashed into the whole YOU'RE ALL RESPONSIBLE FOR THE NADZIS AND THE SIX TRILLION DEAD bullshit.","Yeah, Hitler did that all by himself." "Who do you think is really as bad as they say? What bloggers are legitimately terrible? I think a lot of GOMI is total BEC now, but...there are still some total doozies. Kiki La Rue/Becka jumps to mind. She is just the worst person in the history of the universe. Unequivocally. I also think Hello Happiness is grating and gross and that the criticisms in that thread always seem warranted. Who else?","My votes go to Jenna/That Wife, Neely and Feminist Breeder." CNN is making this about the election right now...,Inb4 it's some house of cards conspiracy shit It's the little things,"Charge your freaking phone, man!" The Bat Cave,How are you playing Binding of Isaac with a mouse In America we have some of the stupidest people circling the lot or waiting for the nearest spot. Ten spots down there are wide open parking spots with no wait and it takes less time to park and walk the 50 feet.,What about shade though? "Was just on cnn, which I know this sub hates. It was the second top story.",Yeah im watching it on CNN right now. CNN just reported a 3rd IED was discovered in NY,But it's not terrorism! Some,jizzle "Phonetic useful travel phrases? Hey all! I'll be visiting Shanghai for a few days next month. I don't speak much Chinese (despite taking a year of Mandarin years ago...), so I'd love to have a few handy Chinese phrases to use, ideally written phonetically or at least in pinyin. I'd rather not buy a phrase book for a 3 days trip... Anyone have any recommended websites, or have a list they want to share?",Wo yaw knee duh yen dow Wrong sub.,yes because there isn't enough mainstream enthusiast peripherals on this sub. "Why wasn't Jesus born in the USA? Because the United States of America didn't exist when Jesus was born,making it absolutely impossible.",Because in the US wise men don't exist? "Budaya Ketimuran I bet most peoples here are already familiar with this term. And i have to admit, back then i actually buy and believe this idea that Eastern culture is promoting all sort of good morality value (ex: polite clothing, family value, religion, etc). But as time goes, i realize how questionable it really is. Eastern culture are very different from one another. There is the more conservative Middle Eastern culture, the more liberal country such as Japan and South Korea, the strict government controlled country such as China and of course there is Best Korea. Basically, it's a very wide spectrum and contain a lot of value that contradict one another. Perhaps the only value that i can agree to be still totally applied to all or at least most of them is the family value. In my opinion, the current Indonesia tries too hard to be on the conservative spectrum of the Eastern culture, while some of it's citizen openly (or secretly) want to be on the more liberal spectrum of lifestyle/culture. I know it might be a bit of an over-simplification, but what do you guys think?",It's just a bullshit done by conservative to downplay any culture that is against Conservative's view(aka Islam). "They did a hilariously weird job of hiding her pregnancy at the end of last season. Always sitting, holding a folder, or standing being a chest high set piece.",Should have just gone the large purse routine as seen in How I Met Your Mother Oh yeah cos that C9 and the current one are an identical team,"They only changed 60% of their team since then, that's means they are completely identical." "Let me guess, you're a SNP voter who voted for independence.",What gave me away? "To those na anti-government, ano ang pinaglalaban niyo, at bakit? Medyo nakakalungkot lang na madami sa atin ang ayaw makipagtulungan to our government. Like, what is there to lose pag naging pro-gov kayo? What's so bad aboout being pro-gov? Masama na ba mag-agree sa ating President?",I fight for being anti-government... TIL There was an Official Cinematic for Dominion,"God im old, i was under the impression that this was something everyone knew" "RIP this post when NA wakes up. I didn't really expect any upsets here, but RNG spit out a lot of high numbers",how do you make those random numbers? "When is the wisdom tab getting deleted? It hasnt had an update since probably the start of the season for the new maps. Everything about it is completely outdated, Just go to god guides and select Vulcan and you will see how little they care about updating the wisdom tab.",It's on their radar Nope. Carbon sequestration rate is limited by photosynthetic capacity. In addition the carbon is released again when the plant material decomposes. The best solution we have available so far to actually remove diffuse carbon dioxide from the atmosphere seems to be giant seaweed farms.,if only we could introduce THC producing genes in seaweed. Erm... coz men are better at running? Duh,"Yeah, playing a black female cancels it out." Sharticle: Toronto couple in million-dollar home struck by calamity when power pole installed in front of house,poor upper class "antz was way more mature than I expected it to be, i can see why it has the low audience rating",Disney paid off the audience "Sorry, it was a bit unclear, I thought you didn't like theses upgrades. my bad.",Banned Gibe Malvinas Back! Plox.,Una copa por las islas "This sounds like every ardent Fox News viewer who parrots the same bullshit line about how liberals get their news from the Clinton News Network or MSDNC, two networks not even liberals give a shit about these days.",But but.... They are editing the DOW to fit Hilary's narrative! Yes he did. Be thankful.,He's right Obama created the 2008 financial crisis then elected himself into office to fix it so he could come out as the hero. Weird stuff...,ITT since this is so *gendered*: Good girls deserve loyal guys that give them their entire paycheck and won't do weird stuff in other people's bedrooms Have me made progress on the unsolved part of thereal_df cipher,you are all fools in believing there is anymore! Kassadin?,More like Malzahar "I'm mostly just excited that I have a solid team to cheer for, honestly. If USA Hockey can dig their collective heads out their asses by the next Olympics/World Cup, I'll be fine with not having Team NA around. Otherwise, I will be very sad.",no team usa needs more grit and more blocks The Chiefs winning doesn't fit the narrative that the refs want to happen.,We need to get a Verizon commercial where Kelce is chopping wood in the forest and maybe we'll get some love. redzone offense is a dumpster fire,Can't call runs against the ever dominant Cowboys defensive line! "Freaked out by this Coincidence Okey, so atm i'm watching Pokemon first time we see Blastoise on youtube while playing pokemon and prepping a mass evolve sessh' Then suddenly i see a squirtle popp up right next to my house. and yeah i though it was weird since it's the first one i've ever seen in my area... then right before i engaged it, i see another one spawn right next too it. (Yeah I caught both of them) i'm just freaked by this coincidence I know its a wild shot, but does anyone (other than me) think that this was no Coincidence at all?","Nah dude, pokego can totally read your YouTube data, pick up on images and then react in-game." aw come on you guys are the worst,uh come again This explanation is wrong in one minor but very important way. The will become section should read: - 0 seconds - 0 pixels moved - 1 seconds - 0 pixels moved (no mouse data received yet) - 2 seconds - 200 pixels moved (mouse sent 400px of motion) - 3 seconds - 400 pixels moved (last mouse data still 400) - 4 seconds - 700 pixels moved (mouse has now sent 1000px of motion) - 5 seconds - 1000 pixels moved The important bit here is the smoothing adds latency to the mouse because it cant interpolate until it knows where it is interpolating to.,"Yeah, but when you're gaming, that 1 second is really gonna kill ya." Zombies wasn't ruined from this cut scene lol. Zombies was ruined when Blundell took over...,yeah dude buried die rise and TranZit are way better than mob and origins Lighthouse... ;),hahahaha it's shaped like a penis which is a private part and inappropriate hahahaha So someone would come to you with wood and spend time building your house for you?,Ahh the beauty of socialism "Young Chinese clueless about sex, most likely to seek abortion",ABSTINENCE ONLY. Because they want to have OCD for some reason,"As a white Christian male, mental illness is the only chance I have left to be able to enter any progressive conversations." I think I like that Sanu guy,No way hes overpaid that was such a good documentary,The moral of the story is transsexuals are gross fucked up criminals who kidnap dolphins and are not to be trusted. "Where was this holding. And we werent gifted a penalty, your player made an error",Ah yes getting shoved out of bounds i is stepping out voluntarily...I guess I forgot that part of the rules "Yay, yet another video that says feminist, despite that being like having the title Crazy Christian hates the gays! on a video about the Westboro Baptist church!","Well technically, it's not wrong." "Personally, I'd like for the WRC license to go to Gran Turismo again (even if it was limited and the physics are sorta ass offroad, they did give some care the license) and to continue to see Codies do their own thing. As it stands, they access all branches off offroad motorsport without licensing, get some of the best cars around, and have created damn good physics in a well developed game. Gran Turismo 5 and 6 did the WRC licensing right for me personally, but I'd understand if that's an unpopular opinion.",It would just delay GT7 by another 2 years Found me a cutie pie,hell yeah "This can't be. According to the media, Muslims are extremely kind, tolerant, all-around wonderful people.","Yeah, this is just idealism" Same as last year only get yards off fucking penalties.... how do you go through a whole offseason and not change anything?,Because you won the superbowl SIX years ago! Doctor knows what's best.,Now that baby has autism. Tallulah Willis Topless,Sure when she does it it's called modeling but when I do the same thing I am charged with indecent exposure. Had a 3 star Tracer last night that refused to touch the point. Watched multiple times as they danced around outside refusing to contest.,Bb.... Buutt muhhh kda ratioooooo OK what's your problem? There's nothing wrong with asking for different opinions...ya really gotta be a fucking prick about it?,You dropped your "What are the best attention to detail in Fallout 4? We all now Fallout 4 isn't as deep as it could be, but let's focus on the moments when Bethesda actually did pay attention to detail. For one, in the General Atomics galleria bowling, the robot says you need 5000 pre-War U.S. dollars to pay for a game. If you actually were to have 5000 dollars in your pocket, you *can* pay for a game - unique dialogue and everything. What moments like these Developers' Foresight have you found?",The pre war jet Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;--,Noooo you're gonna break Reddit "People do tend to retire when they are quite old, yes.",I thought they had good work ethic over there. Bill Cosby takes an Uber,What is the original source here? I found a letter folded neatly and placed under some packs of tortillas at my local grocery store.,I think we can all agree you just crossed paths with the next Eminem... Thoughts on Moving to Haskell from Elm and Erlang,Nit: You've got a lot of typos in there... Customer complained about brightness / proximity issues after replacing their own screen :O,"C'mon, let's just all appreciate the fact that they got everything essential right and managed not to bring it to you in pieces in a bag." That music though,"his music is super fucking weird, I'll grant you that lol" no doubt spies,"yeah,I'm sure chinese in america are spies too" "And if possible, I can satisfy Soyeon much more revealing bikinis, especially thong bikinis and g-string bikinis because i'd be more than destined to one of my cum.",You are much better than the real CarolinaPanthers "If you could choose only 3 games for your Xbox to play, which ones would you pick? This also includes reverse compitability games","Rainbow six siege, Destiny, Elite Dangerous" "Fuck off with this allegedly shit. Yeah, 2 years ago someone stole Paul Combetta's screen name to ask about how to hide email addresses. Give me and everyone in the fucking world a break. It's him.",It could have been a Breitbart reporter trying to stir up trouble for the guy. I use my brain.... and malwarebytes,brain.exe was not found malwarebytes.exe has stopped working - fuck :P Emacs 25.1 Released With Tons Of New Features,Oh nice they upgraded the kitchen sink "Something explodes in my dream. Wake up to realize it's actually thunder, but the car alarm didn't help convince me.",Great for the insomnia! "Yeah dude, I love having a mouse that weights more than my table.",Yeah man the G303 is sooo heavy! New York bombing: Suspect identified as 28-year-old Ahmad Khan Rahami,He's obviously a privileged white male scum. "Wait, where are all the people saying the cop shouldn't have shot him and instead should have wrestled him to the ground and disarmed him? I mean come on, it is just a knife, can't do any harm.",You forgot the Is that thinphobia or is that totally acceptable?,Why did you say the same thing twice? Yeah but will it be a (((real))) press conference?,She's giving FAR TOO MANY press conferences! This ts the danger of calling it 'sequel' instead of S.Q.L - One more syllable and you don't send your new hires on a headlight-fluid style task.,that's why you pronounce it squirrel New York bombing: Suspect identified as 28-year-old Ahmad Khan Rahami,That's such a Jewish sounding name... no wait Christian... "Comrades!, for only $500 a month you can live in a 25 sq ft crawlspace in the New York, The city of opportunity",What a deal ! "It says that it won the writing category with Battle of the Bastards. How did it win best writing for that episode. It was very well directed, but the writing doesn't deserve an award, really.",This.. holy shit the writing of BotB was bad and it won them writing award... probably a slow year for script writing That is a libra sign. Go back to britain you fucking tea monkey.,Looks like Wikipedia got the wrong URL and description for it then. Is the Chinese IS-2 any good? I have the Type 58 and my current greatest fear is I'm going to get the IS-2 and hate it.,"apart from perosnal nitpicking, all the IS tanks play exactly the same, great tank on any line" "Roots also work, for some reason. So druids, get your entangling roots out.",roots out for [Ysera] They went to tribal council and there weren't even any votes.,Your favorite moment is the One World merge? Custom keycaps with stupid pets? Don't mind if I do!,Dont call them stupid that is beastialty and I'm extremly triggerd So the battle lines are drawn. And finally we understand where the manga gets its title.,"Are you saying by the end he's only going to have one ball left, or are they each going to take one?" This is a great suggestion. Too bad the card is already printed and it's impossible to change it without Blizzard reaching into your collection and tearing up the card.,I almost Lol'd "*There's no roo' in space, foo'!*","Or in space, the roof keeps raising itself ;)" "Your actually pretty close to getting it. One of the major flaws of the flintlock design is that you have to rely on there being powder outside of the weapon, and you have to rely on the frizzen to keep it in place. A problem with this a lot of people discovered the hard way is that after a vigorous activity like climbing a tree, riding a horse, or clubbing someone with the gun the frizzen can swing open. Even if it barely opens up the powder inside the pan can spill out. So if you have it completely loaded, ready to go, and you swing it, the frizzen could open up, and spill your powder leaving the gun unable to fire.",But at least you have an axe! Connecticut Police Accidentally Record Themselves Conspiring to Fabricate Criminal Charges Against Protester,"Cops can do no wrong though, at least, that's what Blue Lives Matter & All Lives Matter activists tell me." "It simply doesn't. It would if WotC didn't give a heads up on what to look for, just like they have done before.","That's not how processes work, the more variables the more difficult." Maybe he's lonely and you aren't available when he reaches out for you? Feelings get bottled up.,"mauka hai, business badhao" "Yeah, fair play. I guess to a pro athlete you need a certain amount of competitiveness. I just personally find it a bit strange - probably because I'm so fucking apathetic about everything. And, at risk of sounding like a dick - a triathlon really isn't that hard - probably most people who are in shape could do one. Fair enough, they're doing it at a professional level...",Euphoric.. "Except for Saint Apple, of course.",But Saint Apple molest kids so.... IMO you lose you job and any benefits you accrued. As well as no longer bring able to hold any job for the state or federal government. Open and shut. You conspire to ruin someones life you ruin your own.,Yeah losing your job and that's it seems a reasonable punishment for making some false charges trying to destroy an innocent guys life "After court threat, Mich. removed Flint's power to sue",But it's all the Democrat mayors fault! From mirage CT to short in 1 sentence.,"Never seen before, impressive!" Someone we work with did. Kid worked in local pizza shop.,That's a horrible story. "What would happen if an INFJ grew up in an non-supportive environment? Okay, so I'm the guy struggling with his type. I don't want to force myself into an INFJ mould but I keep getting odd results. Simple tests show INFJ and complex show very odd stuff. So what would happen if (and this isn't to hate on my family or their types) an INFJ was raised in a sensing home? What if their intuitive thoughts were discouraged in favour of the concrete and logical? Purely theoretical here... **This question isn't about deciphering my type. I have posts for that.**","for real i think infj-ness is reinforced by non-supportive environment, i feel quite independent but it's very much off of others' dependency fuck im traumatized" DC's in ranked.,Otherwise Well it cant be worse than Fugbeanz right?,I don't find it bad but it is different but not in the Hippy kind of way. "Simple and elegant, like a Zen koan.",Resisting arrest No other charge is brought Mobius justice Truex took a pay cut to race for Furniture Row in 2016,But Truex is still an asshole amirite? Isn't the victim the guy in this case,You don't need to mansplain everything idk why you wrote so much tbh,"This is obviously the correct response to time, care, attention, and depth: make fun of the effort." And what?Putin has a 85 percent support in Russia.It doesnt matter what the West wants or demand.He is nationalist and patriot.,"When someone has an 85% approval rating, that's usually when there is the most election fraud." Millennial Voters May Cost Hillary Clinton the Election,"Yea it sucks there wasn't some other candidate we could have voted for in the primaries who was well liked, had a long history of being above board, had the support of millennials, and was projected to beat Trump in a landslide by almost every major polling body." "It's based on the urban legend, commonly referred to as Humans can lick too. IIRC the story has roots dating back to the 19th century, even JoJo doesn't have that sort of legacy.",But part 1 takes place in the 19th century. I just want to play Overwatch in peace,"But, you were following me, and you are a girl, that means you want me right?" Because god forbid people use reliable information instead of acting on a whim. Very presidential!,It is a weak man who has to justify his actions with facts! "Well the hardcore community is asking for it and we are what keeps your game popular. We post the dank memes, the videos, the guides, the content, go to events ect.... I feel like the one thing Riot really shits the bed on is listening to the hardcore community that is invested in the game. Give us Star Gaudian Urgot. Please.",o yeah the reddit challengers 'North Korea will collapse regardless of nuclear weapon',North Korea has been a country for almost a century but surely they will collapse any minute now... "Two possession game with 11 minutes left and people are pouring out? Not a good look, Chicago",Time to relocate to LA I guess that looks absolutely disgusting and dry and just no,How does the food look though? "It's not even a comparison between the two. Is Hillary a good candidate? Not really. Has she been upfront 100% of the time? No. Has she straight up lied about stuff? Yeah, of course. Has she threatened to initiate thermonuclear war for absolutely no reason? No. Trump has. End of story.",But *why* can't we use them if we have them? "I think you'll find the two groups don't overlap as strongly as you think they do. I'm for gay marriage, every friend I have is for gay marriage. Granted that's merely anecdotal.","If you're under 30, and still against gay marriage in Canada, you're ... special." CDs that come with posters?,Pusha - Darkest Before Dawn Run the Jewels - RTJ2 Travis Scott - Rodeo My Aesop Rock - The Impossible Kid vinyl came w a poster idk about CDs tho tatsumaki cuz reasons...,Can tell by that sexy flair OP should be an objective from 10min on IMO. It should always be something to look for an opening for - even if you're not turning it in. Having OP buff on a tank during a team fight is huge.,Wow I guess MOBAs are suppose to be like this im sorry guys "Mine has them, and they get used.",Must be faulty Black people commit crime at a grossly disproportionate rate compared to other races in America. Police discrimination against black people stems from that.,B-b-but statistics are racist! "But he LOVES TPP, which will allow companies to sue governments.",Totally the same thing. Faux pas,Why are you talking about fox paws? It would likely be easier for a Sasquatch to transition to city life holding down a 9-5 job and living in an apartment than it would be for an average person to survive in the woods for an extended period of time.,He works for Jack Links jerky. Weezer's Pinkerton finally goes platinum,Well that escalated quickly... Kobe's Guide to Group D,"When I saw the predictions I checked the title again, but no its not Jatt's guide" Does Memory of Felwinter still trigger Tlaloc on Warlocks?,The super bar stays empty so I'd have to guess it doesn't. Brostep Is Still the Subgenre That Should Have Never Existed,But electro-swing is still worse amirite So my brother and i help our friend build a pc and....,HAHAHA HE DOESNT KNOW ANYTHING WHAT A DICK "Yeah that's no dingo tail. Ain't many dogs with a tail that long either, not that sticks out like that. No one would breed that, it's not efficient for any working breed. Sure, it could be a mutt, but canines do a side-wag on instinct. Notice how stiff the tail is, but how relaxed the body is? That's not canine behavior. But that's certainly within the scope of marsupial behavior. Canines talk with their tails. They'd never just leave it rigid through that whole clip. I may know a bit too much about animal behavior. Please don't lock me up.",That's very much what a fox tail with mange looks like both aesthetically and during movement. "Surprised by how many good games exist on this system It seems every day I'm learning about awesome vita games that I never knew even existed. freedom wars? check. Ninja guidan? check. tearaway? check. velocity 2x? check. And then stuff I knew. uncharted? little big planet? KZ? NFS? check check check check XD Plus there is Tekken 6. Nothing can rival Tekken 6. (I recently got a vita for a sweet deal, don't own a single game, but that will change soon.. hehe)",But the Vita has no games. Not quite. He is one of the smartest people when it comes to money and economics.,"Yeah, and Alex Jones is one of the smartest people when it comes to conspiracy." "Only 500 million? I would have figured just the teams combined to be worth that much, let alone them plus NASCAR as a whole.","Nah - 600-800 million would have thrown this case out right away because Cox probably thought it was too unrealistic, let alone 500!" It's only funny or accurate if you ignore the majority of the best selling games on the platform.,This guy gets comedy Terry Crews does do a good robot.,"Wow Jimmy Fallon is clapping and laughing, what a dick host!" You took my words as they were coming out of my mouth.,you can't have them back! Anyone else getting a lot of Beaver codes? I've never ever had any error codes occur while playing destiny but today I get a lot of beaver error messages and I get randomly removed from the game when I tried to do a strike from the Playlist Anyone else having the same problem?,That is solid internal testing done by Bungie yet again.... Obviously there was no way for them to anticipate and plan accordingly for the release of their expansion "Looking for a 3d printer for my school- must have an enclosed build area and air filter My school finally got approved to get a printer, and I'm the one mainly in charge of deciding which one we get. I actually don't know what my exact budget is, but it's safe to assume it'll be at least 1.5k USD. So far I've settled on the Lulzbot TAZ 5 and the Printrbot Plus as a backup, but I was informed that the printer must have an enclosed build area and filter to comply with health standards. Now, I understand how easy it is to build such an enclosure, and we're certainly capable of doing it. But, in case we're for some reason not allowed to do that, I need a backup printer. A final note, I'd like a printer that's open source (or at the very least, DRM free). We actually already have a Stratasys UPrint SE, but while it makes decent parts, it's not really available for students to use because of the high material cost. Thanks in advance for the help!","Like the others said, if you have to have an enclosure and filter, the only good option is Cubicon's printers, which aren't terribly cheap." where on her body is that,Did you just assume this persons gender? TIL a century ago women were very involved in the movie industry in key positions. Half of all the films copyrighted in between 1911 and 1925 were written by women and during the twenties a quarter of the screenwriters were women,Just one reason why movies have gotten better over the past 80 years It amazes me they always give the margin to Trump.,Always give the margin of error to Trump when he was 1 campaign office in a state vs her 40 TAB to play Sweetwater 420 Fest in Atlanta in April 2017,So no spring tour then ... "A really sweet but odd little animation, 16,223 views, 3 years old.",Too many feels from this "It depends. He said he doesn't live in Asia, so hanging out with only Asians is a self limiting behavior. He clearly identifies as a trans-racial Utopian, and who are we to criticize his identity? You must be one of those boring, nerdy, math-obsessed fob Asians. You need to diversify yourself (with white people). Don't you see white people hanging out with mostly white people? Now THAT is progressive. We should all do the same thing, and hang out with more white people.",lmao All over the place. It's like a papercut. Not a big deal.,I thought you meant that you had tattooed one massive papercut onto your skin and I was very confused. "Health Insurance question I wasn't sure where to post this so please let me know if there is a better venue. My wife is just over 3 months pregnant and currently covered under her mother's insurance. To my understanding, her coverage ends on her 26th birthday. The problem we have is that her 26th birthday is on the first of the month, and the due date is at the end of the month. My current company has health insurance at a good rate, but if I sign up for the family plan, it ends up taking about 25% of my paycheck which would be extremely unaffordable. This, combined with my wife's unpaid maternity leave, puts us in a very bad spot. What are our options for my wife to get affordable coverage? Any suggestions are welcome. We live in NY.",Tell her to push really hard right before her birthday? It's only seven months old?,Everyone knows games are dead after 6 months 9/20 PBE Update,That Jinx ultimate looks like clarity will not be an issue My 1vs2 little yasuo outplay,"But,but, Warlords is useless on Yasuo till 40 minutes into the game with a full glass cannon build!" I thought this thread was ok.,"I, too, thought this post was okay." "and for the price it would've taken to keep chandler parsons we got ariza, brewer, and smoove which lead to our best season in 2 decades oh, he landed that dwight fella too",I forgot Chris Smoove played for them. "Millennials, millenials, millenials!","Calm down, Steve Balmer." "Top 3 Shows You Don't Mind Your Toddler Watching I'd love to hear some of the TV gems you've found for your little ones! You know, shows you actually watch with your toddler because they don't make you want to pull your hair out or cover your ears so you don't have to hear one more little animated character screeching or whining. Nice, gentler shows that you secretly enjoy. Our top 3 are: Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Justin Time Puffin Rock",Daniel Tiger Umizoomi Super Why TSCC teaches that if you know Christ you will recognize him instantly. Remember that old story told in church all the time about a man who is called in for an interview and he is asked if he knows Jesus and he rattles off all kinds of facts. He is asked again and he rattles off more facts. Then the next guy is called in and he walks through the door and as soon as he sees the interviewer he drops to his knees and says Oh Lord Jesus. Cook has to be riffing off of that story.,I had forgotten that particular story--thanks so much for bringing it back to me. "Oh boy, I can't wait for the NRA crowd to come thundering down on this proposal. Any minute now...",Aaaaaaaaaannyyyyyyyyy minute now... *checks watch and shuffles feet* "Looking for friends Hey everyone! I've had some stuff happen to me recently, I'm feeling very lonely at the moment, so I'm looking to make some new friends who I can relate to. I'm posting here about it because gaming is my biggest hobby and one of my passions, and honestly it's a great way to meet people! So heres a little bit of information about me; I'm a 24 year old trans-female Canadian. I'm into all sorts of games, I'm dabbling in WoW again lately, and I love Overwatch, I'm on PC. I play a lot of League of Legends too, with a few IRL friends. I'm not a very competitive gamer when it comes to PvP, but I love a challenging games. I am obsessed with Dark Souls and a little game called Furi that came out a little while ago. I'm not so big into RTS games or those open world survival games, but I'm willing to give anything a shot. I have all the modern consoles, and I own a mid-range PC, so I'm willing to meet you on whatever you have. My schedule is a little crazy right now with work and school, but If you're looking for a laid back new friend, or you feel kinda like I do, send me a message and lets play some games. Or we could just talk. I'm really down for whatever right now. Battletag: Grumpasaurus#11186 Steam ID: HatesToParty Gamertag: GrumpySkelly PSN: Webzys Nintendo FC: ....pls god no.",Added you on Steam and Battlenet! Better person,meirl 'Doctor Strange' Director Explains Controversial Casting,"You did a great job not offending anyone, then..." Colombus was Genoan wasn't he?,"He was Genoese, yes." are we really getting nostalgia nostalgia now?,tbh I really wish we had 2005scape instead of 2007. not even Ice wiz fit in here anywhere?,"I originally used ice wiz instead of fireball, but fireball works better for me." Postponing happens when weather makes a baseball game unplayable. Skipping an entire event put on by you because your failing health is called canceling.,Hey now you sexist! Gharnef: Gharnef You can't win against Gharnef.,Are you saying I'm too much of a noob to beat SD? "Yes but they are both equally as evil and Reddit thinks otherwise of Clinton. Clinton is worse than Trump, neither of them get my vote, but the things she has done as someone in the position of power that she is in is unacceptable for the American Presidency.","That Reddit guy has so many sock puppet accounts on this website, it's sickening." maybe a 'greatest hits' type deal?,"That's what I thought at first, but then why would the Alone remix and The 90s be on there?" "I don't get it. Why not, ya know, wait until you actually need it? What are they doing, getting an early bird rate? Fucks sake.....",Maybe college football is rigged and they're hinting at the drama that WILL come later! What to do with my old Note 3? Hey I was just wondering if there is anything anyone would recommend to do with my old Note 3. Like jailbreaking it or whatever it may be. Thanks in advance!,I use mine as a remote for tv. "Power went out, had to improvise. NSFW","Not his work, seen this before." "Nah man I think it's a Chinese RNG fan who is currently studying in Europe. He saw that RNG got dumpstered by G2, TSM and possibly C9 in scrims so he got mad and took his revenge. His european IP and a cheeky fuck NA is a perfect cover.",Nah hes a pissed off Korean fan who doesn't want NA teams to succeed because kr coaches were saying Western teams learn more from scrims than kr teams do "one of my colonists got into a daze, then fell asleep naked. IN THE FREEZER. I had to arrest her to save her for dying, meaning -10 mood or some shit. Yeah. This colony is going to shit",could have heated it temporarily "How about a game where Pokemon are literally just discovered? You arrive on a boat with people who are going to settle in this new region. The professor is someone who came from a different region too. They discovered some starter Pokemon and you choose one. Then you go out and find other settlers around the region who arrived in different ships. Some of them have declared themselves as the first gym leaders in the region. As you go along you find some natives who have their own ideas of legendaries, like Native Americans with their own gods.",And you can marry pokemon Now that's something.,"If Radiant did one kill for every minute and Dire did one kill for every second, how did Dire lose?" "Upside: Hot. Downside: Smart, has a good job. Should he marry her or keep spinning plates? Tune in next time on As the Merp Perps!",That damned Hypergamy is running out of control. How did you find it in the auction house? I can't find one anywhere.,There under AMG Transport Dynamics Google's ad revenue is declining pretty hard. They need to find ways to monetize the data they have on you in a world where ad blockers prevent most traditional marketing. Allo is a money grab. Assistant could have easily been a standalone app.,Yeah man Google is going to go bankrupt any day now thanks for the stock tip Digital Sueicide,I wonder why a post about these litigious fuck would appear on Jim Sterlings Subreddit? "To outshine is my real test, to clobber them with my cause","I will travel, across the web Blogging far and wide" "Not that much to be honest, you're playing a 2 mana 3/2 and your opponent still has a 7/7 Medivh that you still have to deal with with other resources. You can 'win' in terms of mana and tempo if you have a good follow up but Ooze only really fits into control decks and in control vs control it often doesn't do as much as people think it does even when it destroys a weapon, Atiesh or otherwise. In most circumstances I would be far more concerned if it got Harrisoned and they now have more cards to out-value me.",Not to mention if your opponent played a War Golem - it would be one turn earlier and your Ooze would be a dead card! Stress Relief,what kind of magazines are those? People like him are the reason I usually voted no in votekicks. Way too often I've witnessed people just votekicking people because someone thought they underperformed.,Thanks for not kicking the two AFKs in spawn. Im a lesbian. Where I live im not allowed to foster. The government would rather the kids suffer than be looked after by a lesbian.,"Well, can't risk them catching the gay." Complaining about the lack of a breeze. Now I've seen everything.,70% voted for it Which said team left him at home for unknown reasons. I really hate our national team's front office. So. Much.,"We don't need speed, we need more grit." "Do I want to look sexy, or do I want to gain strength? It's even rougher with a gym partner, because he can actively see me not gaining strength while trying to cut.",Why not both? "building a new pc, need some help What is the most private yet user friendly OS and software I should use? I download a lot of torrents and play a lot of games.... want to be off the grid Thanks guys!",windows 10 Stronghold,with radar on if the consistently perform on it "An argument I never forgot. When I was a teenager more than 10 years ago I was a fully committed Muslim who was keen on spreading the word of Mohammed. I went on Paltalk (if any of you remember what that is, it's a voice-chat-room client) and started arguments against Christians and the sort after watching Ahmad Deedat and the works. Then one day an atheist (who's name passes me) asked a simple question: **Here's the argument:** When the devil disobeyed god, god damned him. Damning, meaning the devil will never be allowed into heaven. Then how the hell did the devil sneak back into heaven to trick Adam and Eve? Was God unaware? Was he too weak to guard his borders? What kind of God can't back his own word? This is where I started to logically question all the things I was told, the stories always fell apart when you applied logic. Now, I'm not sure if that particular story has an actual answer or if it is solid. Was the devil waiting for his damnation to be processed by bureaucratic angels? Who knows? But it set something off in me, and I thank those people for making good logical arguments (even though they were pretty snobby and rude about it). It was worth it in the end.",Allah knows best brother I use openSUSE and the only time I truly need the terminal is when I want to chmod an .sh file. Every setting a consumer might need has a graphical frontend really.,I use arch I really never needed the terminal and everything just worked fine out of the box. literally doesn't even come a step closer to justifying it.,No you don't understand his car was running she had to shoot him! "Rockhold is an animal on the ground and effective at long range but is very vulnerable in the pocket, his boxing fundamentals are poor. He doesn't tuck his chin and keeps his hands out after punching. I wasn't surprised that Bisping was able to catch him but didn't expect a KO like that.",Ya *everyone* knew Bisping was going to win "Oh no, I agree, it's great that a person gets to suffer massive trauma after a traffic violation.","Hey traffic violations exist for safety, when you're a dumbass and ignore them you're also ignoring safety." Liberals Have Failed to Teach Millennials About the Horror of George W. Bush,And they say fearmongering is exclusive to the right "If you could call yourself five years ago and had 30 seconds, what would you say?",Everything will be alright! "Yeah, I guess as consumers we can bend over for anything right. No need for some decency or public relations.","Of course we have to bend over for everything, especially since papa TRS might reward me if I kiss their ass enough." "What is r/Acadiana Watching? The listening too question has gotten a bit redundant, so maybe this will freshen things up. Brought to you this week by Judice Inn. No, they still don't serve any goddamn french fries.",Casual on Hulu. ISP's will be delighted: now they don't need data caps anymore.,Now we can make 57 new speed tiers and charge exponentially more per tier upgrade! "I don't understand why companies don't-- Because money. Obviously money. To make more. To lose less. This should be so obvious it doesn't need explaining, unless you're a fucking child. Re: Any time somebody suggests a company should offer some service or perk for free, for some shaky loyalty/courtesy-based reasoning, despite it being perfectly legal to charge for it and customers being willing to pay for it. What don't you - an adult or even teen - understand about a company not wanting to throw away a functioning source of revenue? Why do I *constantly* see posts like this, who need it to be pointed out to them?",Yay neoliberalism! "You know, I hate Trump with a passion and I will be voting enthusiastically for Hillary, but this is fucking funny. Welcome to politics in 2016 - everything is taken out of context by people who all have their minds made up already. You want to show some crude picture of Hillary supposedly sucking your dick? Good on you son - you keep exercising that first amendment we all love and share.",He is using an ASUS tablet though. He should have realized authenticity doesn't work if you're a shitty person.,But he tells us he beat 17 great candidates with his authenticity. Member Richard nixonnn,The President Nixon told me that Richard Nixon was not a crook. "Phototoxicity is real, which is why it worries me that so many hippie cosmetics brands brag about the 100% NATURAL essential oils in their products.",But doesn't natural automatically mean it's good and organic and better than everything else that has nasty chemicals in it? Ivy proposes clamping down on early recruiting of athletes,"Impossible, if you don't croot the kid before he gets hair on his balls how are you going to know what kind of player your going to get" The GOP's Jewish Donors Are Abandoning Trump,Funny I thought that the short guys in yarmulkes would love him. Urban and Zero to Orbit,Orbit going from EU to NA to ANZ and back to EU "Met an awesome girl This week i started drawing lessons and one of my fellow students is an incredible girl. Funny, intelligent, artistic, beautiful. We started talking and we have a lot in common. Today i accidently met her on the train en we talked some more. I really like her and i think she likes me too. What should i do? Thanks in advance!",Don't let yourself get too attached too soon. LOCK THEM ALL UP: Report Suggests Clinton Flack David Brock Is Laundering Money Through Media Matters,"Damn, I was just about to get that haircut!" Google asked by Taiwan to blur South China Sea military facility images,"OK, someone please post the location(s) of these sites, so we can all take a look while able to do so." Authorities believe the victim was in a love triangle with a woman and her mother. Just like ole' Joe!,"If you're talking about Joe, you're going to need go with a love polygon -- a triangle is grossly lacking in number of sides." "The 'land of the free' was built upon genocide, intimidation, and corruption.",Such an astute comment! "I have the feeling the person behind me yesterday was at least distraced by their phone. Their car is hardly hurt, but they pushed my prius under an F150, destroying the front. And now im car shopping ffs. And I only just finished dealing with my last accident where a guy wasn't paying attention! Fml Im totally fine, so it could be worse, but I dont wanna look for a new car!!!",Maybe it was just because you drive a prius How many keys do you earn per week ? I earn just 2 or 3 keys. I have 100+ keys in stock. I buy here and try to re-sell the next day here with a key profit. But it's painfully slow. I just make 2 or 3 keys per week. So I am curious to know whether it's just me or everyone are earning so little nowadays. Any helpful tips are most welcome. Thanks in advance.,It depends how many people are dumb and I scam per week. 2+2=FISH is the key to everything,Secret fish melee weapon confirmed "I thought he was playing pretty well, maybe this means he will play against Leicester. Can hardly see Rooney playing again after playing the full 90 today","Maybe Jose's not letting Rooney play himself out of the team, he's trying to give him a heart attack." If you think that the GFC was caused by 'teh bankers' then you're seriously misinformed.,Well how could anybody be misinformed with you here being so incredibly informative? Read this and thought you were questioning Hauntzer's choice in champion pool haha.,LOL Hauntzer my boy when you gonna read the meta right and play Lucian top Now they trying for Harlem!,Must be those racist white males that hate people of any color. "I wonder if his alcoholism began after leaving WI. Also, do we know how long after TH's murder that he left?","He didn't drink any more than he did in WI, it's just that the bar for alcoholism is much lower outside of WI" "CSC 209 without 207 or 148 I am wondering if it would be possible for one to do CSC 209 without doing 207 or 148 first, I personally have a lot of experience with Linux(Gentoo Master Race), and C/C++. And would you need a prof to approve of it first?",Are you a fedora wearing neck-beard? Torbjorn is actually terrifyingly strong,So what your saying is that Reinhardt is obsolete now? "Shit my dad says I only have to fake being LDS for 9 more months, but some weird shit happened today. I'm in Florida at DisneyWorld. My family was on the Spaceship Earth ride, which shows how humans have communicated in the past up until now, through cave paintings, the invention of an alphabet, books, etc. At the very end of the ride, it shows Earth amongst the stars and says that the future is up to you. There are cool hanging lights, kind of like the ones at DMM Planets in Japan (though nowhere near as good). While we were in that part of the ride, my dad leaned over and told me completely out of the blue that The church has never said anything about what happened to most of the 12 tribes of Israel, but space travel is a possible explanation. It took a lot of effort not to laugh my ass off right there. After we got off the ride, I told him, I'm not trying to be mean, but that sounds like a giant load of BS. He backtracked and told me that this was just a theory told to him by his dad. Now I'm wondering what other crazy shit he believes.","That's probably where the Lamanites went, too!" BUT HOW CAN THAT BE LINUX IS LITERALLY THE BEST AT EVERYTHING THIS IS THE YEAR OF LINUX ON THE DESKTOP RMS TOLD ME SO,Maybe once DirectX works at all... The guy is an absolutely terrible manager. I'm sick of people defending him because there is nothing to defend. He's a terrible decision maker and has no clue as to how to manage a bullpen. I'm tired of this guy costing us games and wasting this teams when we're in a situation where we have a great contending window.,"No, but he makes fiery speeches so clearly we're wrong about Collins" "Is 3rd person aim or some crosshairs glitchy? My crosshair will be right on top of them and my bullets won't be hitting a lot of the time. I noticed it in my first game with a medium range encounter with my AR. Despite firing most of my bullets with my crosshair on top of him, no hit markers even when I surely saw my crosshair on his head at one shot. Happened again later, this one was the most unbelievable. A guy I was right behind not even a few feet away. Shot him in the back with a shotgun, no hit marker. While my character pumped the shotgun he turned around, and I shot him again, this time even closer and with my crosshair on his chest. No hit marker again. Then he headshots me with an AR before I could shoot again. And finally just now, when I had a medium range encounter with my AK. I held down the trigger and actually did a surprisingly good job of keeping the crosshair on him, because I'm usually pretty bad with the AK. I was proud of myself until I realized I didn't get any hit markers until the last 2-3 bullets but it was too late and I he killed me? I fired over half a clip.. Not sure what to say. I don't recall having this problem in the old H1.",This is a good read That's what I did. Unfortunately windows restarts anyway.,Clearly you are doing something wrong since it works perfectly for others. Rip Australia's internet speed when that happens,There's people that live in Australia? Shroud VAC Shot,ESEA has such a shitty anti cheat system That fancy Zenyatta though,"Yeah right, too bad we only see him in the background of the second picture" i bet you reddit gold he doesnt respond in a satisfactory way.,Its on "ASIA, NOT the Worst Server! (WOWS Anniversary Events Part 2)",ASIA server worst server You need help.,I have never upvoted you so much in one thread lol this guy is just a lost cause. "Hold on, I've sussed it!","Well, I'm convinced!" It's a super special textured brake rotor...,In creased surface area for better cooling and stopping. I see videos of people not wearing gloves and instantly think it's superimposed rather than real. Stupidity is off the chart.,"Fact: The faster you go, the harder you are to hit, especially without gear slowing you down." "I slowed it down and counted, it was 49 fast claps with 2 at the end.",That's about 10 claps per second "Great article. A Fijian Super Rugby team would be tremendous, with Ben Ryan as Director of Rugby they would win it in their first year. I think it is World Rugby's responsibility to police this though, as the Islanders are being exploited by rich nations coming in and buying the players up, and using rugby to facilitate lining their own pockets.",I wish the Pacific Islands would stop poaching NZ born players. What was the answer?,Smelling salts Charlotte Protests RIOTS Innocent White Guy Attacked,Whitey had it coming Slain Charlotte man had lengthy criminal record,Well it was okay to gun him down then! I think G2 Esports (Foil) | Cologne 2016 could be a good investment since its shiny white. No other Sticker is nearly pure white so i see this one with great potential.,wow great advice why dont i sell all my skins and buy a few of these bad boys Outrage as second police force said they would allow muslims to wear a BURKA ON DUTY,"Yeah, because the middle eastern men are going to respond so well to a burka-clad female telling them what to do." What? Yes he would have,"No dude, he would have to work his way up the rankings... Probably would have faced Jared Rosholt to see if he's legit..." I would at least replace the shifters with boss covers and remove the small chainring for a cleaner look.,"Clearly the down tube shifters are set up to actuate the dropper seatpost, no?" I swear they would keep the discovery to themselves and would try to learn new tech from ETs to get the global edge.,"But if it was Americans instead, they would use it to cure cancer and poverty." Mississippi Flag Confiscated at Ole Miss Football Game,Heritage not hate guys Remind me again why we aren't supposed to take these people seriously again?,Because they're just a tiny fringe group only present on the internet and probably all trolls anyway. "its an Agi weapon, all of the AGI melee dps classes can ignore their artifact until their relics push it to ilvl 810 without issue","Especially WW monks, Strike of the Windlord is entirely useless" Sounds like your management needs to learn that IT is an engine of innovation and not a cost center.,Isn't that management at most places? It's been seven weeks.,!remindme 1 week Shi No Numa loading screen from Black Ops 1. Possible Apothicon symbol on the hat?,Treyarch wouldn't do that. "Where the Earth meets the sky, Bolivia.",Flat earth confirmed member separate drinking fountains?,You mean exclusive black fountains that the liberals took away from them! You get shivers but I think that kind of stuff is heart warming. The idea that there is an afterlife and those who die can reach out to loved ones they didn't get to know in life.,B. But.. But science? "Aye, for the whole world.","Yeah you're right, people from other countries don't count." A Trump campaign chair in Ohio says there was 'no racism' before Obama | US news,Thanks Obama! Thinking about your friends inevitably finding your reddit account and realizing who you truly are...,thats why i dont use my real name "Just not all at once, gotta keep those attendance numbers below estimates.","But remember that low numbers is just Satan's work, he's got his minions and powers fighting this thing" People are willing to pay $7.99 a month for one program?,Shit dude I pay 2.50 an episode to Google for shows I like Tribal Huntress Skadi,I'm so good at drawing wolves Then I am not sure what you need a smartphone for...,"Yep, I don't need a phone which has always been used for calling and texting." What mobile OS will you switch to?,Windows? Dez has a hairline fracture in his knee.,How... how bad is that? WCOH POTG Toews and MacKinnon!,Oh you's a bitch Did I miss something? Did he confirm its not a hybrid or something?,"Yeah, that picture is a quote from an interview that was held today." "1800 is the same amount as 2 of the 900s. However, the price of the 1800 pack is a penny more than buying 2 of the 900s. You are paying a penny more for the same amount.",I guess I should of put a Don't give him the views.,its not keemstars account "Men in a relationship, how often do you like to have sex?","Every 2-3 days, give or take depending on mood and circumstance." Oh my lord the RNG on the drop is really that bad? I ground it out for myself yesterday and it took no where near that long.,"Everything this xpac is RNG man, it makes the game more fun." "Yeah! Who is REALLY the spoiled one here huh, getting free humans and shit.","Cat doesn't like human, pulls some shit; gets new human." Policy free campaign is what the media wants,How can we talk about policy when all these brown people are invading MY country Never thought I would see this happen,yea i know that glitch where the gym turns yellow often happens to me to there were actually pretty bad exploits with that mod,I wonder why Kaom's were so cheap before 2.4.0g and will suddenly go up in price now That's gold,"No that's a round robin elimination, Canada's gold" "ok, I get your point. I guess my old habits from Pascal came back here... :) However, for the sake of code clarify, especially in a tutorial, I do see the advantages of separate line for the declaration.",I honestly don't see how that adds clarity to the code. Yep. I almost didn't go see it because they had cast him. I was like really? A movie staring a wrestler? No thanks. I'm glad my friends talked me into it.,"Yeah, a movie starring the wrestler, like Dwayne The Rock Johnson, is bound to suck" TIL I can play offensive line for FSU.,Some old Dale Earnhardt gas station standees would be improvements "Same, it was the fairweather fans who ate up the vile spew that the media was churning out that hated him.",There's such a thing as Leafs fair weather fans? Car break-in suspects tied to 'dozens' of N. Fulton incidents,See what happens when you get the MARTA? "Last Year, Saudi's Crown Prince Became Twitter's 2nd Largest Shareholder. Last Night, Twitter Suspended Accounts That Trended #StopEnslavingSaudiWomen. Just a Reminder, The Clinton Foundation Has Taken $25 Million in Saudi Donations.",But the russians want Trump! So sick of Melbourne pedestrians taking so long to cross the road even after I honk them.,It's because of the shitty op shop shoes they wear! "Yuck! Why are there so many Trump supporters here? We're anarchists, not vehement statists (like Trump). I haven't been here in a while, but this sub isn't what it used to be. Just because Hilary is evil and moronic doesn't mean Trump is much better. I personally think he's a hair better, but he's not great from an ancaps perspective by any stretch of the imagination. I'm not at all opposed to voting (like some ancaps are). Of course, I am opposed to voting for neoconservatives and social liberals. But this election I'm not voting because there isn't anyone good. Trump, Clinton, Johnson, and Stein aren't libertarians, so I couldn't justify voting for any of them. Johnson's the closest, but the fact that he claims to be a libertarian and doesn't at all understand libertarianism is making libertarians look bad. Maybe I'll vote for Kokesh in 2020.","You know it's bad when you ask what Hoppe, David Friedman, and Huemer think about it, and all you get is TRUMP WILL STOP LEFTISTS" I've never seen someone look that pumped in a black and white picture,I've never seen this picture. "That's not a concert though. That's the one I don't understand. Why do you want a short, shaky, blurry video with hecka horrible audio, of a tiny band playing on a tiny stage? You're never going to watch it.","You don't go to concerts because it's fun, you go to show everyone how fun you are!" There's no dxm in halls.,That menthol high tho... "Guy pre-orders the digital version of Paper Mario Color Splash, but ends up getting the full game immediately",What if this is Nintendo's secret plan to get people to buy the game? I thought the same thing. Why would they excuse the sisters after the sacrament?,"So the men can sit around and discuss important matters, without the nuisance of troubling the pretty little heads of the women?" "ah, ok. yeah I didn't read the article, this was more of a knee-jerk reaction.",The Reddit way "the officers repeatedly ordered the man to stop being black. when he didnt comply, they responded with lethal force",i'm pretty sure that was "Weird drag race adjacent head space Is it just me or is John Polly of extra lap recap, like, weirdly hot? like in that Your friend's Dad kind of way? or am I just going though a thirsty patch? (like a salt miner in the desert.)","I mean, attractiveness is subjective... but I'd blow him." No.,what a great contribution to this discussion. "Would you like to see a Pokemon Sun & Moon difficulty option? Since growing up with the first 3 generations of Pokemon games I eventually grew out of it a bit. However I revisited the series when Black and White was released and have since purchased every entry. I feel that the series has become way too easy, I know what you're thinking the series is aimed at children but does that mean we shouldn't have a difficulty setting to appeal to an older audience? I feel that there was at least some degree of difficulty in the older games but now they're a joke. Maybe I'm just a overall a better gamer but short of the free legendaries, dumb AI, and being given EXP share at the beginning of the game (which applies to all of your Pokemon) I feel like the series could benefit from a increased difficulty mechanic. This could make trainers more combat aggressive, carry more Pokemon for you to battle against and even removing the option to switch out of battle without missing a turn would be a great start. I'd certainly play a game like that, what do you think?","No, and it doesn't look like it's one of the most requested features" #**No**,I don't know why your getting downvoted:( Joe Rogan on Edmond's Delusion,I want to hear Joe Rogan comment on Joe Rogan's delusion. Aaron Rodgers First 116 gms: 8.22 YPA (3rd all time) | Last 14 gms: 5.95 YPA | Lowest in NFL history: 5.79 YPA (Joey H),Time to *Pack* it in for him? That's kind of bullshit though. Football was in danger of dying before helmets were introduced because so many players were dying.,"Exactly, you can't have players developing CTE if they're dying of cracked skulls on the field." "Turns out life is a simulation, what do you do now?",Scream for tech support and ask how do I get an upgrade. "It only raises questions about it if you're an outraged men's rights activist, nobody else really cares.","Because being a mens rights activist is being a cry baby, am I right?" ...which *one* of our current Presidential candidates wants to completely ignore. Make America Great Again!,Ya but emails "Bro, reading is hard. Same reason this needed its own post instead of asking in the megathread","To be fair, I don't think this rule applies to Mage's Ballad even though it explicitly states it applies to the caster using it." I disagree I'm enjoying them. You can't play them like other he spamming ships. You need to be a bit more cautious,Play them sneaky beaky like. Lock the damn door from the garage to the house. Seriously people WTF.,But this is Calgary a safe and harmless city where nothing bad happens to no one ever "Croatian figs are the best!! Best figs I've ever eaten were picked freshly off the tree in the Elafiti Islands, in the UK we get imported black figs that are not the same :(",Have you ever eaten Turkish figs? Pep was also the Bears qb coach for a time. We all know how Cutler gets raped every game. Maybe Pep secretly hates QBs,Omfg how dare you use rape in that context its 2016 this is unacceptable "Yet if I stopped going outside to exercise, I'd probably be mocked by the same guys for being fat and disgusting!",That's one of the other silly rules - you can never win as a woman! I'm just scared of the thought of this Patriots team with a rested and healthy Brady. Good luck AFC,"Not going to make much difference, he's just a system QB after all" shes cute,non-cutes don't make any money. "Best: Michael Keaton and Kevin Conroy(the BEST Batman voice) Worst:Ben Affleck (He was pretty disappointing in my opinion) Although i did like BvS(it was good, not amazing), there were many flaws in the movie, but one of the main big flaws is that Lex was REALLY MISCAST, i never expected him to be played by the obnoxiously annoying Jesse Eisenberg...",Your right George Clooney was way better as batman "He's really trying to get my vote. Too bad he's an uncouth, proudly professed unrepentant dickwad.","Fortunately for him, he is running against Hillary who, if you could build the worlds worst candidate, it would be her." "I miss the Stone Cold Lock of the Century of the Week. :( As a matter of fact, I just miss ATHF in general.","Why are you complaining when you have Brad Neely's Harg Nallin Sclopio Peepio to watch, literally the greatest show Adult Swim has ever conceived." "She also has AIDS that she got from Bill Clinton, who got it from gay sex with Magic Johnson.",*That's what many people are saying* Honestly surprised it happened as late as it did...,Should have stayed on the 250... Which is right now,yes? "They are doing it for the same reason Indiana has been doing it - because some abortion pills basically cause miscarriages that are clinically indistinguishable from unprovoked miscarriages, and that sometimes result in problems that require further medical care. So now, if you end up in the hospital with a miscarriage, everyone is under presumed guilt",Yes because punishing women who are not fortunate to have an ideal pregnancy is the right plan... "Ugh, I'm tired of shit advice on this very serious forum. He needs to hook a uhaul trailer to the towing hook, preferably attached to the plastic bumper cover (make sure it is on the plastic and not on the frame) and put his gf on the trailer so his car doesn't get attached to her. I've been a truck mechanic for one hundred and seventy two years now, I've seen this before, and if he doesn't take these measures his truck **WILL** sleep with his gf and impregnate her. If he has truck nuts it might be too late... God, why do you people even come here?! Please stop with ignorant advice.",Ajar means the door is not completely closed Why would you buy a phone that clearly doesn't have a headphone jack just to be butthurt about it not having a headphone jack.,because iphone master race "Not the whole convo, but you get the idea ...",He totally doesn't have malice towards you! Recently got a new Apple Watch band. Figured his was the proper thing to do,Motherfucker tryina steeeal my idea for an iPhone protective case design! "Headlight chime now working Okay, so, for the second time this month, I have killed my battery by leaving my headlights on since there is no chime to tell me they're still on. It used to work, but recently has stopped working. Does anyone know where it is? I know I can get an aftermarket universal type chimer, but I'd rather try and fix the factory one first if possible. If not, I'll probably use the factory wiring to activate the factory one.",Relieve stress and solve the problem at the same time by punching the headlight switch in its smug little face before you get out. Yeah a lot of people who witness their spouse get shot tend to be kind of shaky. What's up with that?,And a lot of people confront cops making demands. One of the most iconic KO's in UFC history. Of course they're going to show it.,Nah bro they just don't respect Bisping Season 3 competitive point I think in season 3 they should make 1 more skin for every hero. And you can only unlock it with CP. in theory id like the skins to be more CP than getting a gun gold. It'd be a good switch up. And it'd be crazy to see a hero with the skin and gold gun. It'd really show you like that hero,"Sure, make more skins unavailable for people who solo Q, definitely a big improvement!" Pink inspo album,Inb4 no pink guy Awaiting nothingburger comments.,Sad! Going to rick roll everyone,And that's why this is the first and last time you get the aux "Yes, the police ARE OK with thefts and assaults. They happen every day on South Nevada, but where are the police? OH...they show up AFTER the fact. Right. But let's continue with that - it's worked out right?",yeah stopping the people jaywalking are gonna stop the murders "I Dont Need To Tank, Gogeta Will Kill Him",Did Gogeta kill him? His argument is that people are too stupid to keep things out of the reach of children? That's pretty flimsy.,He lost the bag WHILE MAKING THIS ARGUMENT... If it could happen to such an upstanding citizen it could clearly happen to anyone. The reboots are what I'm referring to. Which are heavily inspired by Uncharted.,The only acceptable answer you could have given was that's the joke. "Those arrested during protest: Most local, most without criminal records",George Soros having them bused in from University City. "Mistaken identity, they were looking for the man's cousin",this is an Arrested Development gag. You have no idea what I'm capable of. I made a Kaiserliche Marine that matched the Royal Navy. Imagine what I can do with the capacity of England...,conscript your entire male population then we will start talking And here we are crying over not being able to see Fawad/Maira/Rahat - Khans in bollywood!,"I thought rahat got indian citizenship, why should he face any problems?" In-system jumps to other stars. Will we ever get them? What do you think?,that would hurt my sense of scale of the ~~galaxy~~ system. "It's funny, but switch this to black Girls be all... and it would be the end of the fucking world wouldn't it?","you can only be racist if you're white, after all." "So 3 black men randomly jumped out of the shadows, shot this guy and then ran away? Sounds like a paid execution",But I heard leaving the person you were shooting at alive during a robbery and just killing their husband that was protecting your original target then running away was the way to rob people? Can we get something thats actually an issue with young people? All I'm seeing are common human issues.,#NAME? "I love Pebble, but I'm moving to Apple Watch I've worn both the OG and PTR for a combined two years. I fell in love with both of them and soon found myself panicking if I left my watch at home. They helped me drastically reduce the number of times I pulled out my phone and completely erased my what if they responded anxiety. So when I bought an Apple Watch during a very impulsive binge shopping spree, I figured I'd just try it out and return it. Figured the complaints about the battery life and slowness would immediately turn me off. Well, I was wrong. I fell in love with it, hard. The number of very useful apps for things I already used on my phone was amazing, and I found the health features to be more helpful for me. I'm not saying the Apple Watch is objectively better than Pebble. It's going to come down to personal preference. If you want something basic that stays out of the way and keeps things simple, Pebble is fantastic for that. For me, I appreciate the interaction options with Apple notifications and being able to quickly give input to certain apps. And I've made use of Siri and receiving calls directly on the Watch far more than I thought I would. So Pebble, it's been fun, and I may eventually be back. For now, though, I'm jumping ship. On a side note, I will be selling my silver/white PTR (smaller size). There is a slight scuff on the screen (just looks like a tiny smudge) but otherwise clean. I have both the red leather band (looks worn) and the silver mesh Pebble band. So if anyone is interested, feel free to message me!",Seize him guys! What the hell is wrong with Jagr's arm in this recent photo?,It's probably the infection he got from all his steroids injections. Every programer should have to spend time coding for an old 486 system so they learn how to not waste code.,"so this is why half life 2 was optimized, still doesn't run on the 486 tho" Omnigul drops blues at up to 365. Great if you want to do the raid.,"Dude, no way!" "How to spend $500 goodwill package dealer credit? My wife and I each have a $500 dealer credit (one Audi, on VW), which will expire soon. Our cars are due for service, but... what's the point given the very likely buyback? I'm looking for ideas for spending these credits on things that will be useful beyond the cars - maybe bike racks that can be used on future cars?",I happened by a dealer that was selling a VW potbelly stove. Just add bread and you have a melt.,Do you mean a grilled cheese I have osteoporosis,"I hope you had fun with your drinking, then!" "all of which is interesting, as supposedly some white supremacists groups also use LOTR as indoctrination: the Orcs are the *evil blacks* coming to rape and pillage, and it's up to the *good white* people to stop them.",How else could you read that? MRW someone tells me that I'm going to regret my tattoos one day.,"Yes, I'm sure that random person knows how you'll feel at some indeterminate point in the future much better than you do." training and punishment,I try to use positive reinforcement above punishment but when we're not home i can't stop her from eating poop So no,missing the He was an awesome kid: Family and co-workers distraught and shocked after deputy blows away 23-year-old at the beginning of a traffic stop,The best part about being a cop is you get to shoot dogs and retards without losing your job. The Average Cable TV Bill Has Hit a New All-Time Record,"It couldn't be at a more opportune time for cable companies either, what with the complete lack of other options for consumers." People still watch cable?,"That's how baby boomers learn about those spoiled, entitled millennials." "He's using a pen name, so it's anonymous.","Yep, to this day no one knows mark Twain 's real name." Woman riding a mattress on top of van dies after fall,Good thing rope was recently invented for tying loads down on vehicles... New York Times endorses Hillary Clinton for president,I thought they did this before she announced. "My 7970 bit the dust yesterday, ordering a 1070 now. Have to have a card with 7 and 0 in it",Better buy 9 1070s TIL that the Confederate battle flag has a saltire instead of a cross to avoid the symbol of a particular religion from becoming the symbol of the nation,Sounds like 'revisionist history' to me. Think about how characters are optimized long term. No way Bayo isn't top 2 in this damn game. Witchtime and Afterburner are too good and they both belong to the same character.,"Game and watch has bucket and 9, he definitely has to be top ten" DnD related food to eat during session?,Ale is a food right Former Bucs TE Austin Seferian-Jenkins was not claimed on Waivers,Gee I wonder why? New gif via the front page. We swimming pretty boys,"dangit, now I regret making it" Phi2 isn't the only one to get death threats Roxxxy did and so did Alaska. They have handled it better. Also all this Phi2 drama is taking attention away from other queens. Ginger has released music but everyone's still talking about Phi2.,"I understand your concern for the irreparable damage the drag music scene has suffered, but can't we divide our attention between these two equally tragic events?" Maybe she should have you know... Moved,"Maybe the Jews should have, you know... just left Europe in the 20's." "At this point they could announce a Pixel phone better than the note 7 at 99 cents + taxes and people in here will bitch saying the phone will suck or something. I've been saying this for almost a month, everyone in here like to bitch about everyhting, its good people start noticing it.","Man, you'd probably have to pay the tax on the original retail price, so you'd be like $159 to get it out the door fuck that" Please hit report on things like this so we can remove them quickly. We appreciate the help.,I'm sorry my terrible story was so bad. iPhone 7+ home button and camera dead after 30 seconds in bowl of water,He did something wrong or every single other tester is paid by Apple "He doesn't. He even said as a Footballer ruling out a move to Bayern is pretty stupid. If, god forbid, he doesn't stay with us 7+ years I think he'll manage them.",Gonna save your replay and show it you in 20 years again when Klopp is still the manager of LFC ;) Aj VS Hogan,Wtf ? "It's a nightmare, and notorious for being a nightmare.",At least Photos is well designed "Ah, shit. Original artist here, my bad.",You might have to give out party hats to make up for it. "Broken arrow acknowledged, ordinance danger close.",Such balance. "TIL that during WWII, other candy manufacturers donated their sugar rations to keep Life Savers in production so that the little candies could be shared with Armed Forces as a tasty reminder of life at home.","Everyone sacrificed and contributed in WW2, no matter how big or small." @BlondeAndWet is her Twitter. This is a repost that gets posted here all the fucking time.,"Can confirm, will repost next week" A lot of people didn't vote. It was mostly coffin dodgers with nothing better to do until Countdown was on.,Oh of course that's exactly how it happened Does shelving antibiotics to reduce drug resistance work in practice?,"Oh my, shelving pills means something VERY different where I'm from." No one's falling for what you're doing.,I totally hate that magnificent alpha bastard! "Her brand is about women's empowerment?! And people buy into that?! This from the woman who said Daddy told her she could be anything she dreamed of, and chose to work protected under his shadow.",Think of all the empowered third world children who make her high heels! Return of the meltdown,Chef our one true lord and Savior Nice policies. Agree with all of them. Shame he'll never win a general election...,He will never win a General Election because he's unelectable It's the narrative the Zionist media has been pushing since the 80s when MTV and rap became popular. It's their own to weaken the other white societies by getting their women to breed with blacks and create mud babies. The eventual endgame is that the Jews will have no real competition left and can enslave the poor and intellectually inferior broken half breed cultures and then it's game over,I think you forgot the "Some of us are slow, maybe we should use a tag to identify shitposts like this?",We should regulate weaponized shitposting "I feel like I know a disturbing amount of info about Arin and Suzy's sex life Like how in today's Kirby dreamcourse episode, Arin talked about how nuts can wack a pussy when you're doing it doggystyle... Or the other time in an OoT episode where Arin was talking about having sex with a girl in details and unless him and Suzy had a break once in their relationship, it wasn't hard to figure out who that girl was... Maybe this is just stuff that he comes up with on the spot though or maybe he saw it on porn or something. I sure hope so anyway.","Don't even worry about it dude, it's just some wacky zany super silly in detail sex story about Arin's wife." i dont get it he should be swiss cheese by now,Responding officers forgot to be racist as per department guidelines. Normal runs can be pretty interesting as well,I bet he boosted you really well after all. "Because the east is so united? Pretty sure Chinese fans aren't going to root for a KR team to win the cup anymore then a EU fan is going to root for an NA team. I like quite a bit of the NA teams, think they are really entertaining, have some good players. And I will root for them to come second, right after EU.","cuz east needs to be united, because we could see last years that their lack of union with every other eastern region made them lose every international event!" You're right. We should just cut that arrogant bastard. Aaron is the entire reason that the Packers have sucked since 2009.,Here you forgot this "At first 2.1 teraflop looked meh, but then I released that's at 1367Mhz, this card may just be an overclockers dream if it goes to 2000Mhz+ like all the other cards do. Overclocked we're probably looking at something like 3 teraflops.",Plot twist: manufactured on 14nm LPP Why would they give an RB card when he's a GK?,Yeah he is left footed so should get an LB card decent looking knives around ~20 keys?,bayo doppler in a few more months Is this DoDo rex going to be on all maps or just SE?,"dodo rex will be on the island + the centre, dodo wyvern will be scorched earth" "I'm just not a fan of the UI though, doesn't look as clean as chrome.","Yeah, not Material enough for me." What's the problem with letting their kid get a buzz cut?,It's not normal so it's unacceptable! It is only a matter of time before SJWs start killing people in the 1st world for saying things that are politically incorrect.,"Oh yeah, evil Tumblr is gonna overpower us all and make it an Authoritarian state" "Just gonna put it out there, that pop was 100% **legal** but if Ward did it, people would freak out.","What a DIRTY player, suspend him NOW!" 0 targets for kelvin benjamin. Anyone know what's going on there?,"My WR core of OBJ, Kelvin Benjamin, and Larry Fitzgerald sure is putting up some serious numbers today!" My wife says I have a growing problem.,Beats saying you have a groin problem The rambo shooting with his eyes closed does it for me,Those aren't closed you racist "I'm watching a Sunday Ticket stream, and you guys are at least two full plays behind me. It's making this really weird.",Oh look at moneybags over here who actually gets to watch a *broadcast* of the game instead of a restream! Trump gives Black man a second chance. Democrats are disgusted.,You sound pretty racist. "Twilight. If you actively watch it it's complete garbage. But... It was on HBO or something years back and they played it over and over nonstop. I quickly started reading more as a result (couldn't find anything else on TV), and I'd have Twilight playing in the background. The cinematography and music are excellent, there's a lot of flyover shots of beautiful forests, and the plot/dialogue are so easily ignored... I got a LOT of reading done. Probably watched Twilight like 25 times.",The song they play at the wedding though.... Now I'm a fat house cat Nursing my sore blunt tongue Watching the warm poison rats Curl through the wide fence cracks Pissing on magazine photos Just beautiful. Anna Bell?,Northern Lion. Probably would have helped if they had bought a defensive/central midfielder like Labbadia wanted. So that Hamburg can actually start attacks in the midfield not having to play around it. I don't see how a new coach will fix that problem.,"Easy, next coach will play Halilovic and they'll proceed to win every game." because there is no such thing as left or rite. they are in the same pocket of the same wealthy people keeping you distracted with sstupid shit while they rob you blind and keep you in poverty.,You forgot the "Have you ever run out of ammo with your awp? I have never run out of ammo completely with my awp. When I say completely, I mean none in the mag and none on your belt. If you've run out completely, what happened?",Inb4 new Valve update: awp ammo reduced to 10/10 Matthew Stafford has been great this game and people are gonna find a way to blame him.,Well he did throw that INT. "Terrible news. As usual, thanks r/The_Donald for being a sub where information and discussion are both up to date and uncensored.",Surely it was just a fundie scientologist Biker with a death wish,Start seeing motorcycles! Obviously a dude with long hair.,But men aren't supposed to have long hair! "Yes. Do not push further, as SJWs do, asking plumbing companies to introduce sensitivity seminars.",You mean we as a community shouldn't ask for reparations? *Barry*,tbh ireallydgaf he sucks i don't look like an idiot misspelling it "Just yesterday, there were 7 heroin/fentanyl related deaths in ONE COUNTY in Ohio. All the while, Insys Therapeutics, which sells fentanyl, is spending $500k to convince people in AZ that weed is the real danger. It's time to fight back, folks. People are dying. Register to vote. Links in comments.",We need to fund more of the DEA to control the situation! "In this week's edition of Shit Utter Says, he goes after his colleagues",How dare members of the sport's media dedicate their time towards being sports media. "BREAKING: Mass shooting reported in Malmo, Sweden. Gunman is still at large",probably a young latino boy This is what giving up looks like.,Dog filter=giving up? "Meh, SNL hasn't been funny since the late 90s. He recently said in an interview that he still watches SNL and when asked what he thought of it said I don't like agenda comedy. I guess I could say that.",Saturday Night dead amirite? "and the moderator will say, ok next question.","Moderators, not fact checkers." How'd she manage that?,She hacked the online votes