Input,Output "Nope, just strange design. Some of the lines have two fetishes on them separated by a slash in an attempt to save room.",Crappy design* not sure if this is valid but...,The comments on the article truly redefine what a cuck means. I think you mean do take everything at face value. Face value is what's apparent at the surface. Not taking things at face value would mean reading into them.,I think he means if you ignore stitches face you can almost get through one of his insta posts. Taylor Swift and Kanye to perform at Trump inauguration - MEME THIS INTO REALITY!,If he can settle this beef (with no sides of beef) then he deserves a Nobel Peace Prize. Frank Ocean - Self Control,lean kills this shit That was definitely intentional grounding. Wasn't even close. The person who caught the ball 10 yards out of bounds was 3 yards behind the line of scrimmage.,Officiating has been poor "Well hi there, little guy!","That is quite peculiar becuase if they survived long enough to colonize, Castile should have taken their New World possessions as well." "No jackass, when you get older your metabolism slows significantly. I also quit smoking, so there's that. I thought I was boss in my 20s because I could eat or drink anything and not get fat. Just wait about fifteen years.",You could eat less if you're less active at 40. I've always heard the Pride sin being called Vanity.,"Vanity is a more specific sin, Pride is the category of sins." Where does Daniel Suarez go next season? I'm assuming Daniel Suarez will go back to the #19 next season but if not what should he do? Ton of talent but not sure if he's ready for cup. Thoughts?,Back to Mexico if Trump wins. Razer deathadder,He wants a mouse that will last him for a year. "It's over at the Learning Commons, & we're usually there until 6pm or so. Sometimes we go out to eat afterwards.",What time does it start? The wife had been eyeing that one.,Who Garry or Jill? Friend on Facebook made this. He said feel free to share. So I am...,"Awesome, but why no Baez or Hammel?" Some idiot.,it's a nice baby meme tho "'He lives in Toronto', for those outside of Canada 'He lives in Toronno', for those in Canada but outside Southern Ontario and major Canadian cities 'He lives in Tronno', for those in Southern Ontario and major Canadian cities but outside the Golden Horsehoe 'He lives in Chronno', for those in the the Golden Horsehoe but outside GTA 'He lives in Chrawnna', for those in the GTA but outside Toronto I live in North York, for those in Toronto","As a former North York resident, I can confirm." The FARL in action,That looks *expensive* It seems this gem wasn't here yet (Onedari Daisakusen + Himouto! Umaru-chan AMV),"Scroll down to see the vid, the page is somewhat confisung with all those previews." Every team in the metro is .500+,Buffalo is the only team in the East not .500+ "What helped me was using an oscilloscope and trying things out. Visually, what's happening to the waveform is extremely intuitive when you're using a sine-wave as a carrier and a saw wave ~3 octaves lower as a modulator. I don't know if that will work for anyone else, but for me, everything clicked after that.","I had that the same idea, but oscilloscopes ain't cheap, can you recommend me one?" Glaz looks happy,This is why I love the devs. Said the catholic.,what's the difference "So and So SAID So!!! Everyone enjoy the holiday? We all good? Because I recalled a doozy of a tale that shot my blood pressure up. We have an item that rings up per pound. This item is usually over $35 and takes 10-10+ minutes to make. As you can during a rush, this is very inconvenient. So of course, our most inconvenient item is on sale! For let's say for anonymous sake, $2 per pound. Customers don't like to read or can't, we all know that. So they see $2 **per pound** and only pay attention to the $2. Which pisses them off most of the time when they realize the item is $30ish on sale. But one customer decided to scream at the register. They said they spoke to one of us who said that they could have it for $2. And the store manager overrid the item, our long to make expensive ass item for only $2. So our department manager comes and speaks to us all. No one spoke to this customer. Doesn't end there. The store manager brings the cashier to us who is IN TEARS and asks if we spoke to the customer. Our kickass protective department manager says he spoke to us and we didn't. And NONE of us are dumb enough to ever give permission for something like that, even if we could we'd get our manager! So store manager asks who said the customer could have the item for $2 then. THE CUSTOMER LIED, DUH. He and the pissed off department manager (because wow that was the dumbest thing SM ever did) start yelling/discussing the issue while my coworker and I gave the poor cashier food to enjoy. We never did learn why he brought crying cashier back with him.",I do not understand why managers do not believe their employees over the customers in situations like this Why bring back the upset cashier too ? "I've been a retail manager for a long time, and I've never sided with a customer over an employee unless the employee was clearly in the wrong. I've banned dozens of customers for being assholes to me and my people, and only once did upper management come down on me for it.",Your are the exception to the rule but we need more managers like you "Coming from Boston, this is how much I give a fuck",a fucking based american at that. If you were the judge on a Trump case would you be biased?,Only Republicans can be impartial. Chelsea have now scored more Premier League goals this season than any other team (26),"Meanwhile, in a far away land, Hart's Torino scored 27." Obama is actually a super far leftist extremist it's just that he has to act like a center right american president and not actually do any far left stuff because he's also a secret hard core muslim. It's really pretty simple.,as a leftist obama is a terrible leftist "Idk, don't get me wrong I am on the hype train, and if Rawls was put on IR then I'd totally agree. However Rawls sounds healthy and ready week one. I don't think there is a chance in hell that CMike outshines or breaks out more than Rawls. If Rawls is healthy for 14+ games he'll be the talk of the NFL with 1,000+ yards,10+ TD's and really good YPC while CMike will have what, ~500 yards and ~4 TD's? I don't see how that will be a breakout year for CMike.",you really don't think that they're going to split the carries between the two? what happened after?,It was accually bleach from this story. Done all that doesn't work unfortunately,"Just get a cultivator and drive along the silo walls, it'll destroy the silage in the walls" "I would be fine with this on Reddit, if not for the openly arrogant and hostile response to people who believe in a religion.",Because religious folk are never hostile or arrogant "Browsing Civ V reviews on steam and found this gem, can relate",What a helpful review "GTA V on Masterrace I just want to give a shout out to R*. Ive just started replaying GTA V after first playing it when it debuted on the PS3. On fully mixed out settings, this game is a joy to play. So many features, such a huge and sprawling landscape, being able to flip people off in a first person person perspective... It's good to be on PC.",Also MultiV and FiveM-Reloaded. Screenshots from a Halloween event have just been posted on Facebook,WG pls sell paddlebote ^^^I ^^^don't ^^^care ^^^if ^^^it's ^^^a ^^^trash ^^^version. I'd honestly just rather see remastered Iron chef Japan.,Sakai and Kenichi would be totally up for that shit. i really like the editing in this video,The editing on his channel is half of what makes it so great :D "Over the past 8 years, the Obama administration has basically put the world on fire, this is the equivalent of pouring more lighter fluid on a raging wildfire.",Thank god we've got Trump 20 feet away with a high powered fire hose. "Yeah, the beast master key would have sped it up a bit. And yes, instead of the adamant blade, a second 6 point rust breaker could have sped it up too.","Thanks, I'll make an attempt with 2x 6point Rust Breakers and a Beastmasters key tomorrow" Is that a requirement to avoid discrimination? Should trans women go through and xray before they are worthy of equal treatment to other women?,"Yeah, definitely." "It'll be so embarrassing for humanity if we eventually get conquered by a race of cloud-dwelling, microbial, dust surfers from a failed star",Lol you should read The Algebraist by Iain M Banks They've always had mobile apps voBrowser works nicely,I want to like voat but their mobile apps are unusable ill check this one out tho Brett C for CEO,stuff like this goes here r/EiteDagerous Ah. I'm on mobile and just saw in stock! So I thought I'd share it.,"You're right, I was just saying that to let people know to act quick." "it shouldnt be, 45% of the country is going to vote for a white nationalist.","And then after Trump loses, we get to see the GOP eat itself." This isn't new. Republicans have been making a mockery of their political power in Congress and intelligence for many years.,"If we get a 9th Benghazi hearing, I am going to say you jinxed it into existence." So a standard Trump product then? Poor quality and over priced,All Trump products are riddled with pyrite. Shopping Surprise,The states poking dead natives outside each store made this perfect. "That is a strangely satisfying carving! Way to go, only thing better I've ever seen was a carving of luigi death stare last year.",But its a villager ;) What are the common mistakes people make that ruin their lives?,Being poor. "One wall, please.",Cancel order. "Haha don't get me wrong I see the comparison, I'm making the comment on personal bias against Perry.",I'd much rather him turn into a Perry than a Torres ACT essay score cancellation? So which countries got their essay score cancelled?,What happened? What are they going to do with audio of nose breathing and faint skin slapping?,Blind people have fantasies too My hope was there'd be a lot more people in the new queue looking for highlights!,And there was :D This is some next level shilling right here holy shit,Pedophiles talk like that. The DCEU: What's Next?,What a pretentious little shit losing a game is literally frustrating as hell,If you stop inting maybe your team can actually win some games. "#GW RANT i spend most of my time of a day in here this sub! bt this sub is NUTSSS! full of jokes. **I love some of the people here** who are really helpful, **but man, way too much knee-jerks here...** last week was about coutinho and gundogan, they left KDB and got gundogan. this week, its HAZARD! Sancehz swapped with HAZARD, sanchez who gave loads last week!!! Heard someone saying, hazard is giving PERFORMANCE OF THE YEAR! pushing other player to buy him, dude, he is AWESOME, BUT also had 5blanks!! **DONT PUSH MAN...** Sorry, but had to say!!!! I LOVE THIS SUB, And i cant tolerate this mockery...",But Anichebe and Barnes are clearly going to start banging them in now surely Can someone enhance and make 1920x1080 please,Is this just some random anime girl or is this from something? "Once they feel the power of their vote, by sending this clown packing, they will vote in every election for the rest of their lives. They also won't forgive the Republican party for nominating him for a LONG time.",Because that is exactly what is happening with the black vote right now after they elected obama Is that your word for people who have differing opinions to you / live in other countries?,No I once had our healer looting a succabus we killed while I was tanking a vrock as a unseen seer( I wasn't suppose to be tanking but I had mirror images and other illusions to help keep me from getting hit)... so instead of healing me she was grabbing rings off a corpse. It ended ripping me to shreds,"What a great healer, rogues are supposed to be keeping you alive" Except Fantastic Beasts does take place entirely in New York.,"No it's a list of fantastic beasts and where to find them, read the book cishet scum" It's also anti all the other candidates. Nobody can post anything slightly pro any other candidate without getting downvoted to oblivion.,"At this point in time, that's the reality we're in." Everyone Thank Michael Moore for Making the Rust Belt Great Again!,Thanks you fat traitor. "So ESEA servers are running on NEW patch or the OLD one? If new, time to get a break from daed gaem.",New patch "Rich people are dicks, it seems.","Nah, the nice ones are far more common than the nasty ones, the nasty ones are just more memorable and entertaining to talk about." That's a special type of autism you got there.,And I tryyyy Oh my *gosh* do I try! Art of Viktor and Skye in China,asian skye skin when Matthews and Marner singing Bon Jovi on the bench,i ship it A Matt Barnes alley-oop turns into a banked-in 3,Just pretend that you meant to do that and turn around That's awesome. He's training his cat to play goalie.,But can it hold Hyugas tiger shot? "Pic #1 is German police, not Swedish.",And its really old. "First of all, as I said in another comment, child molester does not equal pedophile and vice versa. Many child molesters harm children for reasons other than sexual attraction, while many pedophiles (such as myself) recognize that sexual activity with children is harmful and wrong and choose to abstain. As for your question, pedophiles do have sexual preferences like teliophiles (people attracted to people their own age). Some are attracted to boys, girls, or both, and some prefer certain ages more than others. Some are also exclusive in that they are only attracted to children while others (once again, like myself) are also attracted to adults, although usually the attraction to adults is weaker than the attraction to children. Finally, yes, pedophiles tend to find certain characteristics more attractive than others. I tend to prefer blondes and blue eyes and pig-tails. Personality-wise, I like kids who are feisty and tough, although I like that in adults too.","Thank you for answering, it must be hard to come out in the open like that." When you watch your ex score against your other ex :/,Love your username :) "You don't have to include text in a post, ya know",Changed it. "He's a Texans fan, don't confuse him. Using big words they can't spell or know the meaning to are kind of their thing... and supporting the inferior Texas team.",shut up Could the B1G get THREE teams in the CFP?,"Let's just say no, and find out Sunday." "At the very least, I'd try it.",Relevant username Cause it's a joke,Or an ad campaign *you're,Wow they're teaching grammar in the second grade now? "Thank you. Nox's character comes across a lot better now. She's tall, she has hips for days and she has large breasts. But people failed to realise that all that's because she's a *mother*, not a stripper. Now Nox is regal, confident, mature and sexy without seeming like an attention-hungry teenager all because of one taunt. Everything just works together. (By the way, please consider re-including the old taunt on a skin, either one we currently have or a future one, because I still thought the taunt was funny and well animated. Also, I think a lot of people want the old taunt back, so that could be a great middle-ground.)",Bringing it back in a skin seems like the best idea. Are we going to get a black Xbox One S?,as of right now no. "This is great! I was going to pass on Series 16 but I'm off to the store now. Sorry, but I am going to steal this idea.",Series 16 is maybe my favourite since I've started collecting minifigures full time (Lego Movie onwards - although I didn't get all of series 13 because a few didn't appeal to me at all). "What should you do if you were getting raped? I once read somewhere that if you're a girl and the guy is on top of you and have you pinned, you have to try to keep your legs closed. Tbh I don't think this'll will help much but anyway what should a girl or a guy do if they are getting raped?",I always gave up instead of accidentally making it worse. Ya totally. Just sucks because I used to love coming to Reddit because I could have civil and intellectual discussions with other users and not have to worry about all the marketing and brainwashing that goes on elsewhere.,You gotta go to the small dedicated subs for good discussion about anything "That's dickish of them. I know they volunteer to mod but still. Anyways, you're lucky. No feature of RES is working for me. However, i just checked again and their website seems to be up for me now. Hopefully it'll start working again in a bit.",What browser version are you on? Nipun on Twitter: Cosmos questioning the viability of NASL,No disrespect but what the fuck does that even mean "Ooh I member! But sorslor, I haven't seen much policing of Halloween up in Scotland. We don't seem to give much of a fuck.","To be fair, in my limited experience with scots... they don't give much of a fuck about anything..." "Gaijin pls? Pumpkin Bomb, A conventional Fat Man Bomb with 6,300lbs of Composition B filler. 49 were dropped on Japan Home Islands solely by the 509th Composite Group near the end of the war. New loadout for B-29.","Yeah, I'd love more reason for US teams to fly bombers." "I mean, I agree, there is too much of I said this so anything else is wrong type mentality is way to prevalent, it locks people into positions that become quickly outdated... however, the 9 times things makes it look less of I am updating my views based on further data and more I am going to say whatever is politically expedient",Well the 9 times thing is a stretch. "I have memories of my mom smoking in sears while shopping for dresses in the late 70's, Times have certainly changed.",Me too. Does Anyone know why Hank wears gloves under his glove and blocker?,Needs perfect skin to match his perfect everything else "My guess is that Thor picks a fight with Cena, since he would see Cena as a worthy opponent. Cena kicks his ass, picks up Mjolnir like it's nothing, does the can't see me hand gesture, and flies away. He's the new Thor.",Feige pls. "Without any idea what time the online time starts, I'm leaning towards buying it in a brick and mortar store. The gamestop near me might have a line so I'll take the risk. If not I'll try best buy or toys r us since they're right next to each other.",On Walmart it's Nov 23 11 pm central "He's sending a message, send one back.","putol na etits, ok na siguro." Me too... Itd be cool to get nougat even on a nexus 5,There are lots of 7.0 and 7.1 roms for Nexus 5... Get this man a desk!,The Foundation cometh calling! "To the people behind Youtube++ Firstly I love what you and your tweak does and it is one of the reasons I'm still jailbroken. With that being said your ads are ruining it. I understand and am all for advertising, it keeps the lights on, but when you have ads that play with sound non stop during videos it ruins the app. This has never happened to me before but today audio started playing over my videos from an ad and deleting the ad only stopped it for a few moments before another on popped up. Sorry for the rant and text wall but this seriously needs to be fixed. Tl;dr: ads that have audio overlapping videos are ruining this otherwise great tweak.",I never noticed any ads Thanks minimal hosts blocker What's your recommended amount of marshmallows for best effect?,After 5 its starts too fast for me. "Mac Miller Is High on Life (and Maybe, Probably, a Girl)",Good pussy is one hell of a drug "Low power mode To those of you who put your devices on low power mode all of the time, is it a substantial difference in usage time?","I used to do that, but for some reason it started eating my battery faster when it was on than when it was off." "As well as the 4XL shirt that still can't cover the underbelly that was peeking out. To OP, she was the highlight of his day as she smiled at him. To her, he was just another annoying mouthbreather that she had to fake smile at while ignoring the smell emanating from his neckbeard.","Jesus Christ, calm down." What are good debate topics that are NOT political?,Can you use a piece(s) of bread for a hamburger or hot dog instead of an actual bun. "We all drive dump trucks, right?",My truck nuts weigh 35K lbs ok? FWD:I WARNED YOU ABOUT THE FUTURE,"Oh my god, the three different art styles are hurting my brain." "I rewatched it over the past two days. That series soooo needs a second season. I'm not even asking for the fanservice, I just need closure on what happens next.",There's always the manga to help give you closure! A demonstration of how many apps OS X can run with 16GB of RAM,**A demonstration of how many apps Windows can run with 1 GB of RAM** `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` `SvcHost.exe` Yeah I'm sure I explicitly said my opinions are facts. Wooooh0h0h0hoh0hoh0h0hhoh0h0o,"Well you're willing to disregard an actual caster's experience in favor of personal opinion, so..." I see your Pentium 4 and raise you an i486,wow that i486 must shit on i7's Haitai At least that dog is cute,gabe daisuki Really? I think the real cracker designs is a badass.,Same Casey Neistat flexing that Supreme Cardboard Box.,"All I can think about is that one vlog where he passes by the Supreme store and says Man, kids will wait out here in the cold just for clothes?" that might be for battles though,TRUE Are you Trent Baalke?,No its Al Davis She's so hot. Her freckles are very attractive.,"Yeah, but didn't she go crazy and get herpes?" Completely baffled we haven't put in Treggs yet,You don't put in a short WR when you are in the red zone and can't catch a jump ball. Bring Back Bernie Sanders. Clinton Might Actually Lose To Trump.,Ha ha goodman at it again. "Damn you.. Our little boy has been puking, peeing and pooping all last night, not giving his mother or me more than 2 hours of sleep each. Now that he's finally sleeping in my arms, smiling and farting his little heart out, I forgive him for everything.","Yet when adults do that, they're told they have an alcohol problem.." Then why has every release so far resulted in a pretty stale meta where it is commonly agreed that some heroes (e.g. Zarya) are better than others and some heroes (e.g. Winston) shouldn't be touched with a ten foot pole.,But Winston is good "idk i think it could be firmino+mane, because the performance from liverpool was insane",An inform 2 weeks after he just got one isn't happening Modeste got a hattrick and didn't get 1 cuz it was 2 weeks after his first inform "Hyped for IW Zombies because... All the new things! This subs fav maps are the ones that had almost none recycled content (MoTD, Origins, SoE). And everyones most hated map as of right now is Rev with over 90% recycled content. I think the zombies community don't know what they want tbh, we think we want a nostalgic map with the thunder gun etc but in reality we want something new. All the zombies youtubers who played ZiS said that it had tons of replayability which in my opinion is the most important thing in a game.","With that logic, Tranzit is our favorite map." "Richtifone was Maxis co-worker in the WaW dimension... and in The House dimension he was an adoptive son of Maxis. I really don't see why it can't happen... If you like it or not, that's another topic","Sophia is Maxis's love interest... which is something even a game wouldn't dare to do, if she was Samantha." "*finds tissue box* Here you go, buddy.",Thank you thank you If you get the Xbox One S controller it can connect Bluetooth.,At that point i'd just play on my xbox. Because he has a ring? And we have lots and lots of money.,"No, because how he has responded to questions regarding his intentions after this season." Modi: From Nov 8 to abolish 500 and 1000 Rupee notes.,+1 to Modi Hurricane Matthew closes Port Canaveral for first time since 2004,That's one mean 12 year old hurricane! Saw this car on a road trip to Baltimore,I'm sure this isn't shopped I don't even like desiigner's music but I find him so funny that he's managed to grow on me,at what point do you enjoy the music and not the person "It is sad, but I really think the internet helps (for the most part), it at least offers depressed people a distraction if not an outlet if they want to talk (anonymity helps with this too). It's also strangely comforting to see others going through the same things as you. I wish I'd had internet access as a teenager!",internet best invention 2 mankind "It was a very sleazy attack Bernie Sanders slams Clinton campaign, Democratic establishment, in his new book","As a general rule of thumb, the more important the issue is to large numbers of working people, the less interesting it is to corporate media You don't say..." Who would you rather host a major?,Northern Arena "Heroin makes it harder for me to be turned on For years I have been addicted now and I don't know if the drug has changed me or I have just gotten older? But it used to be where if I was around sexy girls in low cut shirts and skin tight pants I was immediately turned on and would spit that game trying to get some action. But for the past year now it just doesn't excite me and exhilarate me in the same way. So here recently I have been messing with girls off Backpage and I always go for the 2 girl special since it's only $50 more. Well here's where it get weird. In order for me to get raging hard and to have wild animal sex I require these girls to get weird. My fantasy and what I have these girls play out is this, they are both straight but one is mad or whatever at the other and needs to punish the other. So I have one put on a strap on and get rough with the other. Choking, anal, double penetration..etc but never to the point where it hurts the girl. But I love that look in the girls eyes who is taking the punishment when it's supposed to hurt but she enjoys it and it feels so good to her. It's strange I know and I have no clue why it excites me or where it comes from but I fucking love and proceed to go to work happy as shit. And the whole time I keep lines of H next to us mainly for me but I'm down to let them hit some too and they always do",You need Jesus Like Hermione,Whore-my-nun "Fun isn't allowed as a premed. You are a future doctor and should behave as such, so please check your personality and sense of humor at the door.",you forgot your "Yeah, I was a Navy reservist who stopped showing up for drill more than a year ago. I have no idea what type of discharge I received. I think I was simply Administratively Separated. I always thought dishonorable discharge was for more serious offenses like murder, rape, assault, desertion in the middle of war, that type of thing.","desertion during war time is punishable by death, *up to* DD during peace time" "Man, if that's bullying, then i was straight up murdered repeatedly in highschool. O NOES THEY ASKED ME WHAT DAY IT WAS AGAIN",I don't think you understand how bullying works Hey! I drive a 2002 Jetta... and it's silver!,Honey is that you? Our games end early.,"The Lions play relatively quickly as well, I want to see how early our MNF game will end lol" This one is for all the ultrareactionary Christians,something something the muslims killed people too "No ads for nearly a week on EH and partner sites, no response from EH",I have temporarily stopped using it because Im getting nothing too. "OG.s4 I miss Moon. S4 is suppose to be the best batrider in the world, but honestly Moon's Batrider is better than S4's. You just don't feel any impact from him. He's not creating any space, he's dying because of bad decisions / overextending... I know he was a legend once, but this guy should not be on a tier 1 team anymore. He almost only plays Batrider. but he still sucks at it. I mean honestly, when will they replace him I know imma get some flame from the Alliance fanoys, but come on. I can't be the only one who has noticed how little impact this guy has on the game.",he lost game as batrider so he's not the best batrider in the world DO: Go into a flying rage if some Reddit jerk off pretends that Payton Manning is even *arguably* better than the GOAT,"Do: Be so ignorant of anything besides the Patriots that you don't spell Peyton Manning correctly, and still believe yourself an expert on all things football." The special agent we need.,Not the one we fanserve "Has anyone ever hardcast Emrakul from an opponent playing Urborg? I play UWR Nahiri, and my opponent was on Grixis control and because of the nature of the matchup, we weren't really doing anything. I didn't sac any of my fetchlands and won the game when I had fifteen lands to hardcast Emrakul. My opponent thought it was lame but I thought it was awesome.",That's pretty awesome but this brag post is lame. Why didnt the autofill lock shut down? Is that normal when filling up a motorcycle?,Never use auto lock on a motorcycle. "I'd be curious to check this out. I'm on stock lollipop debloated with Xposed modules galore. Could I just flash via TWRP with no additional steps? Also, I have the Verizon XT1096 version. Can I use the Nougat ROM?",What the other 2 said but I would update TWRP also before you flash anything. Xenophobic comments rampant online after international student charged in UBC assault,Canadians do *not* want multiculturalism and theres nothing wrong with that clippers 2017 nba champs,Stop the hype man... we want to fly under the radar. Evander Kane Just picked this guy up off the waiver wire and stashed him on my IR in hopes of his early return. What would his fantasy outlook be? League - G A PIM PPP SOG HITS,I was thinking about dropping Daniel Sending for him "Don't know who we would trade, and who we would trade for. We don't have great draft picks, and I doubt they wanna let Livingston or Iguodala go.",Klay for Nerlens "Yeah, they probably don't. Now, prove that the legislation is an objective good, considering the precedent it sets and the expansion of governmental power it involves.",So with no definition of objective good we can't judge things? Is it me or does it look like someone is still in the cockpit?,There is Fuckin PopTV #BROKEN,OBSOLETE Seems like half have been in the end zone.,That seriously might be the case. Hooch's open letter to WESG_CHINA @WESG_CN,Someone teach the man how to format properly. It still exists but it's not visible on imgthft's page.,"Oh, neato." Free Hotline Miami (idk if its 1 or 2) for whoever has yet to play this great game!,I've been wanting to play this game for a long time. "Fuck Rhodes is more like it. Walsh sucks and is a head case, but Rhodes blatantly held and gave them a new set of downs. Then instead of wrapping up on Tate, he closes his eyes, lowers his head and launches at Tate's shadow... and misses. TD.",Fuck all of the everything for doing etc. 4/5 Dunko Points is basically a 5/5 though,The only perfect game according to dunkey is super mario 2. R.I.P.,Looks like 1986. LOL Gary Johnson what is allepo comment has everyone going in on him on morning joe,not going to lie it was very satisfying watching Joe have a meltdown on live television. Afternoon Roundtable - 9/11 You can use this thread to discuss whatever is on your mind or share news articles or off topic things that would otherwise not be posted to the sub.,"I think she got sick from having to be so close to the odious presence of Trump, I'm really worried about the debates now" "A simpler solution might be something like stop saying outrageously stupid or racist things and/or picking amusing fights that are fun to watch. That could work, too!","Don't blame the victim, please." What exactly is different in the DE? Is it just packaged with the prologue? How is that worthy of release?,It has the available dlc bundled together into one sku because there's been metric data indicating a bump when new sku's are released. Nein!,Ten! "Fuck no they didn't have a better career than Wade. 3 championships, 1 FMVP. He was a monster offensively. Unstoppable player.",Both dirk and kg where unstoppable but I think the rings make wade go higher on the list My dad is maybe 5'10 and my mom is 5'7.....I don't ask many questions.,"Family photo's growing up were the best, Im always in the back corner and my older (by 4 years) brother is always somewhere far away from me so he doesnt look as short lol." No turnovers or penalties here. 10 might be enough to win this game as bad as their offense has been,Remmers heard you lol Yachty didn't even exist until after Yams died,Yams was connected to the divine tree until he could tell his plans and give away his rinnegan You're held at gunpoint and will be shot if you cannot supply a random fact that the person has honestly never heard. What do you tell them?,"If I were to stand upside down with my head in a bucket of pirahna fish, I would be unable to play the piano." I see your Pentium 4 and raise you an i486,"If my 5170 weren't gross right now, I'd show what you youngins what a real processor looks like." "When I was a CNA in a nursing home, I took care of a schizophrenic elderly lady. One of the nicest ladies in the home. Her attacks made her angry, but only at the people who were arguing with her. I would stand there next to her, and confirm that it was just us in the room. She'd tell me she knew I was being honest, but asked that I understand that someone behind me was bullying her. It was terrible, but completely changed my view of this disease.","Gotta get this to my old lady piss fence, fast!" "I can only imagine the stress that puts on upstream components. I mean, it's pretty much a show-Queen at this point, which IMO seems rather a waste of a Lamborghini.",more like a show *whore* I heard you must use a dongle for that...,Only if you're using the new mbp. 30% of American voters believe Hillary is near-death,What % hope she is? All these guys getting ready for deer camp and I'm just like,These were the primary armament of every frontline soldier in WWI right? Guys Jason Blundell worked at Infinite Warfare,Guess we can confirm no super EE Maybe this easter egg has no first step...,Ah it's. Question about changing transmission fluid.,Change it at operating temperature and also MAKE SURE you check the dipstick level while at operating temp in neutral. xkcd: Fixing Problems,This is what happens when I write code without writing tests. Angel x Bullet,saved [](/Kreygasm) no pls,Same "I bet one of them, JB or Nico, will be back in F1.",The three of them need to form the ultimate WEC team-up. I never thought I'd donate money to Jill Stein but here I am...,"Apparently she raised $3.5M over the course of the entire 2016 campaign, looks like she might raise more than that for the recount in less than 24 hours." I'm trying to imagine what it'd be like to be at war in the middle of a heated battle and seeing that plane fly by. I feel like I'd be more motivated to kill.,Hooah. Your forgot War is Peace Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength Big Brother is watching.,And we both forgot that there are 597 genders "She's just extremely reckless guys, don't worry about it.",And we all know Trump is never reckless. 20 not afraid to embrace my textuality..,"Litten, rowlet or popplio?" "Yeah. I'll get two more in January, so I'll think of it as $600 worth for $200. Should have been $400 worth for $0, but I'm striving to be a mellower and upbeat PocketSocket.","I've heard of examples where the credit has posted if you buy then select airline, but you'd have to search some DPs" "yes, but my comment was pointed to a person whos struggling with alchs","lol sry, kinda drifted away from the op then" cause that's how life works,TIL I have 3 ones. Maybe because everyone stays away from them because they don't want to get rabies?,Analytically speaking that's a valid concern. Because what's better than healing for 29 with Reno? Preemptively healing for 29 with Reno.,"But hey look at the silver lining, at least a turn two hero power will actually be more rewarding this way." "Why is FnaF 3 considered least popular? For me personally, FnaF 3 is probably my favorite by far in terms of atmosphere, game mechanics, jumpscares and lore, but from what I've seen over the interwebs, most people don't like it nearly as much as the others, some even going out of the way to call it the worst one in the series. I was wondering what your viewpoint on it was and why, I'm curious to read the responses. Thanks :)",It's my favorite one. You don't think timeouts during a 2 minute drill are important? They are probably the most important thing at that point. A 2 minute drill with 2 timeouts is much different than a 2 minute drill with 1. Having a timeout in their pocket lets them determine when to use it to get the right play called instead of just relying on the 2 minute warning.,"They're important, but you don't sacrifice time on the clock for them." Jimmy Garoppolo was 1 of 2 for 6 yards. He had a higher passer rating than both of the Jets QBs combined.,Cool thank you :),welcome :) "Champion Reveal: Camille, the Steel Shadow",Looks like I'll be one tricking Camille then.... XD What do you have against Heinrich Biber?,too barock for him. Donald Trump's Aides Have Finally Pried Twitter from His Tiny Hands,I think it's time to really heap on #FuckFaceVonClownstick and actively taunt the man child that he can read twitter but can't comment. Mongooses know they are quick little fuckers,Mongeese* Well they certainly won't be distracted by snapchat.,Soon they'll be on Readit! This teammate warning me of an enemy tank is an absolute hero! He even wore a cape.,You were probably just blocking his line of sight Barack Obama: Change the United States national anthem to We Are Number One,How fitting for America to have a national anthem about villainy BA HAHAHAHAHA. Have you never been in a Denver primetime game thread?,I forgot the Start him. Stop overthinking unless you have someone better,Phillip Rivers? Hoping for the Virtual Boy 2,"I will be amazed if it does have some kind of vr device with it, imagine the stuff nintendo could do with vr, another captain toad in vr would be bonkers mate." It's so funny to watch the people in these comments try to make it seem like YO HOMIE I GOT A GLOCK AND SELL DRUGS AND GOT GOLD TEETH IM FROM DA SLUMS is poetry,"Youre absolutely right, that sentence sums up 100% of rap music, you are an absolute genius" Which things did live up to their hype?,Tiger Woods and Lebron James "I've been trying to think of something smart ass to say as I sit on the John, but alas, I'm tired today and have nothing.",Thats because your a bad person and all your political opinions are wrong. I don't get why people always put their own flair on the national anthem. Just sing it how it's always been sung for the last 200 years please.,"But but but, change is good." Remember When Hillary Clinton Called Black Youth Super Predators and We Have To Bring Them To Heel?,But she apologized! Why would we want that?,"I'm not saying that I'm for these types of things(I'm very much against it since it's a big waste of time and potential), but hey, if we somehow got our two current candidates, then this might be a real thing in the future" Patriots activate Tom Brady,"-500 odds are nothing, sorry browns!" "nigh on unplayable after the 6.18 nerf, you have to build IE on him now. Also, fervor is way better for him in every situation",But free shields with 3rd q "Nail polish, the broken lock, and the time it wasn't me First post so I apologize in advance if the formatting is wrong, I'm on mobile. I have 3 short incidents to share and since they're so short I figured I'd put them all together. I have had a very glitchy life so I'm happy to have found this place. First incident is the nail polish. When I was about 13 or 14 lived in a house where weird things happened all the time but this was the weirdest. I was sitting in my room on the floor with my back against the wall reading. My book was in my lap so I was leaning over, there were no windows behind me and I was facing the door. Out of nowhere I felt something smack me straight in the back of the head, it felt like someone threw it at me. I reached behind me and found nail polish that I didn't own was what hit me. To be clear it didn't hit me on the top of the head, it hit me in the center of the back of my head which was facing the wall. Never been able to explain that one. The broken lock, this one happened earlier this week. The house I'm in now I've lived in for 2 1/2 years and within the first month of moving in I managed to break the lock on our bathroom door. It was around 3 in the morning when I got up to use the bathroom, I wasn't asleep and had yet to go to bed. So when I go to leave the bathroom door has locked from the inside. I turned the lock back and forth a few times and the door knob still wouldn't move. I just stood there for at least 3 minutes turning the lock until the door opened. I told my girlfriend what happened and since then I don't think the bathroom door has been shut. The time it wasn't me. This takes place when I was 16, in a different but still weird house than the nail polish story. I was home alone with my mom one afternoon when I heard her talking to someone in the hallway out side of my room. I thought she was talking to the dogs at first but the more I listened the more it sounded like a conversation. Me being an antisocial teenager I cracked my door open to see if someone came over. Instead I saw my mom in the hallway talking to me. I froze for a second and my mom turned her back to do something, then I opened my door and asked my mom who she was talking to. She turned around and asked me how I got to my room so quickly. When I told her I have been in my room all afternoon she just shrugged it off as Oh that's weird and never spoke of it again. I've got more stories I'll post later on, they're longer so they'll get their own posts. I'm cool with any theories you guys have, especially about the nail polish because that still fucks me up sometimes.",Lol I guess I am not sleeping tonight Wish we used Latimer instead of Fowler.,I'd rather have Taylor over both of them. Are they rioting?,When protests turn into people destroying property I would call it a riot. "People won't own their personal death machines and future generations will think we're crazy for driving our own. Not just that speeding, drink driving, all driving offences will be stripped meaning no income for our police force. Insurance companies won't have anything to insure. A lot of interesting and exciting societal ramifications will come from automated cars. Are we ready?",But Trump will bring jobs to America! I'm pretty sure Lor San Tekka was not a Jedi.,Kylo can kill Jedi sythocants. What do I have to change to sign up for another free trial?,If they have the same checks as hulu then even if you use a different email and credit card as long as the credit card address resolves to the same address as the previous card you used they'll kick it out and say you're not eligible. "Yeah it's for sale, I'm releasing a collection Monday",Pm site "A month ago, I Bought Zulu's Jar of Darkness 227m. Sold it a week ago for 60m.",u still got away lucky with a 60m return "Honestly, if it were a good joke, even I wouldn't have minded. But you're right; it's just dumb. Also, I'm female, so I'm not his mate :(",Hence the ette RELEASE THE WARHEADS,Let it be know that any peaceful relations that furries will try to have with the non-furries will be destroyed by the warmongering u/NUCLEAR_FURRY for he is a furry supremacist. "No, warlords. Whose name inspires more fear into the hearts of men? Scientists or warlords? You must show and embody strength, not weakness.",RieserFS would like to have a word with you... Why aren't you in a relationship?,I'm asexual C: Dothraki approves,It is known Oh I meant Hiram Burrows from the mission 'Return to the Tower'.,"Details, details haha" "...with no evidence at all, such a claim is complete speculation. For all you know this youth-rapist sees this behavior at home every week in real life, where the family just ignores it. Could be Mum, Dad , Uncle, Aunty, Cousin A,B,C, Neighbours...",I never said anything about the youth rapist What movie had a sad ending that left you satisfied?,Saving Private Ryan That's kind of a dick move,Keep your birdperson culture out of this. Unexpected Cat.,"I jumped, well done" have,the "So you had an emotional reaction to the thread, and without even watching the video, felt the need to vomit said feels into our collective laps.",Nothing emotional about knowing when there is blatant bias in a supposedly non biased forum. "I dunno, that gravelly voice had me thinking old Bostonian. (If I'm remembering it right, my memory sucks) Your voice on the other hand...",Nothing wrong with dopping my rrs I completely understand. It was a little early for a box split comment but i will back him up in regards to everything he said. It was part of the convo we had. We just need to make up the negative karma he has now in order to get him verified,Done Anti-abortion Ohio legislator never thought about women,Is this not what we've come to expect from the right wing religious nut job? I once convinced someone that Benjamin Button was based on a true story. Worryingly they're now a school teacher.,When I was in high school we convinced my gym teacher that basketball had a four point line; anything past half court. "Iowa - Dry Dock No.4 - Norfolk Shipyard, 1st May 1985","how come the deck for the iowa looks so greyish-blue in world of warships, yet in real life it looks like a much more tannish-wooden color" "how did you up the DPI? im running xfce and upping the font DPI is only changing the font size, is there a way to change menus and stuff?","It's in the theme config for xfce, I think under fonts." Paul brought up earthquakes by saying it's earthquake weather. It's been really hot and that's when they happen. There is no correlation between earthquakes and weather.,Good Lord.... The one time my vita is dead.. lmao,You can redeem it on the PSN smartphone app as well wait i've lost track of who is what kind of indian now,Can we go with dot or feather for the rest of the AMA? Playboy model charged over locker room 'body-shaming' image,IT WAS JUST LOCKER ROOM TALK GUYS CALM DOWN FUCK Its from fnaf 57,"Nah, its definetly Fnaf 12 (Remasteed)" "I'm typically very skeptical of arguments that boil down to don't hate the player, hate the game. I place the fault on the guy who scams you, not you for falling for it.","Heh, both are at fault." I love every casting except Rick Flag. Joel Kinnaman is just a really bad actor IMO. But yeah except that everyone has been perfectly cast.,But that chicken leg though. We need a new banner!,But Ruffalo does a great job! My mom asked her 2nd grade students what they've heard about Hillary and Trump:,"As much as I dislike Trump I think we should let kids be kids, they'll have plenty of time to worry about this shit later on... I don't know what your mom was trying to accomplish with this OP (besides letting his son whore karma on Reddit)." Did they catch him?,I overheard on the officers radio that they had suspects in custody and asked if I would be available to ID. "No problem! I sent you a PM with the image links. Thanks, Outlaw.","Sorry I wasn't there, I got a deal on tickets for Homestead and I had to see my driver off :'c I hope you guys had fun competing for a win, you won't get another shot for a while ;)" "Seriously though, who eats a hot dog with no bun?",Obviously only satanists and people dying from Hillary's strain of super-AIDS. The Can I speak to the manager Starter pack,"This is hilarious I've never seen it, so original" Yes definitely. I am planning to enter the European market.,And Asia? The builder can't do it. The option is not available.,You must be missing a tech then. "Student speaker removed by force by Hillary staffer in the middle of speech about Hillary being owned by corporations, banks",that crowd is huuuuuuuuuuuge Looks like it should be an album cover.,"Some metal band, album name is Damnation Eternal or something like that." Damn Right We Are!,Inception "They are *not* deplorable, though. Nope, not at all.",We shouldn't call them that because it could hurt their feelings and we shouldn't run a negative campaign. * Pants on the ground * Wide left * Who dat * Bountygate * Anything related to Herschel or Walker = triggered,Lol I have only ever heard vikings staff say negative things about 2 former employees of the team. That piece of walking trash Darren Sharper and Ragnar.,Thank you I've watched this video so many times,Same lmao "Umm. . No. Fedex leaves the package at the door, then the random thief that comes to steal the package also has a code to the house.","Yeah but not until the package is delivered, then they have full access to your house and belongings" I just got done watching her video. She is amazing. Alex Jones should ask her to work for his channel.,Great idea! "If he appears, who should Marlon Brando fight against?",Robert De Niro "Funhaus are DICKS AND PUSSIES?! Rule 34, I guess.",Reminds me of superjail Pm me the link to AceStream? Pretty please?,"Ace streams id's are generated IIRC, can't link before hand." I can never get my oil changed there again after this mishap...not in a million years...,Can you make this meme any bigger? I once saw a TV documentary where they suggested that the mutilations were being carried out by the government as a way of monitoring the level of nuclear contamination in the environment due to nuclear weapons tests in the past.,Because dead cow tits give a better reading on radioactive contamination than a Geiger counter? You better be good.,What show was this please it's on the tip of my tongue Jesus christ that is dark. Evil bastard,He was a real jerk! "Won't trump be 79 (oldest president elect) when he's sworn in, or did I hear that incorrectly last night?",He's 70 but he is the oldest person to assume to presidency. What makes no sense to you?,Religion I think it's more to weaken Alex who is a smart player but also at a huge advantage having her sister in the house. Only person in the game who has true loyalty. Monte will always be there...,huge advantage I'll take America over my sister anyday in this game "Liberal MP slams One Nation, Christensen",Coalition needs more MPs like this guy. He is just talking 20% down,"Depending on what part of CA, that amount would be like 10-15% down :/" "I don't know about everyone else, but if I open up a character and not enough dice I'm just planning to use a D6 and assigning the numbers to their corresponding abilities on the card. So the lowest blank is 1, the next one up is 2, etc etc... Seems silly to need to open up 2 of a card to play with it fully. I'm sure you'll need 2 dice for tourneys though.","Heck, you can just go find a card list, print all the cards out there, and play the entire game with regular D6." If the railways get privatized I can see a joint bel-nl limburg rail network developing. I hope belgian limburg is ready for the OV chipkaart!,"I think the systems of OV and MOBIB are pretty much the same, it wouldn't be that much work to unify those 2." RIP Servers,You're also stuck at Logging In? Look at dis shit,git gud :V Yeah honestly. This seems pretty authentically 60s or 70s. I actually really liked the intentionally uh shitty style of filming they did.,It's the memberberries again... I don't think that opposing corporate control of the political system should be considered rigid.,"No, for sure, but your response implied something very different." "Best units? Ranked # order I've had a lot of disputes with my friends about who's units are better, since were all about the same rank and skill level we need a 3rd party force who are basically better at this game than we are. *Give me a ranking of best characters in number order*",Konohamaru #1 ranked ninja in the game and pull rate is 65% if you pull him it's GG on the raids. "Then someone will make a website in which everyone can rate the person by their ability to masturbate and it will become a popular game to such an extent, that someday, it will make into the olympics.",I knew one day I'd win a gold medal for something. was expecting trump,Still smarter the trump. "Looking for business partner to create special plugin Hi, Im looking for a coder who can create a special plugin related to torrents, Im working into this niche since like 13 years and I know how much money can we get with my project. For conversation and details about the project, please contact me in private.",What are you going to do? "Ha ha the French are so cowardly. Except in WW1 when they lost 21,000 soldiers a month for all 4 years of the war. 1.2 million dead soldiers - and NEVER BROKE, NEVER SURRENDERED. but who cares about facts we are being dickish Americans.","Filthy Frenchies, should had surrendered to the Kaiserreich." For some people it might be worth it. They will be hailed as a hero by the public and will have their name in the history books.,"Yea, it's fine as long as it's someone else doing all the real work" I didn't realize butt pads were a thing!?,My boyfriend uses them because he's really skinny and it hurts to sit for a long time so it makes it more cushy "I really dont understand why they wouldnt want to market it well. They have something they should be proud of, and it deserves decent sales. i mean infinite air i havent seen a single commercial for it. I never even knew it existed until i randomly saw it on sale for Black Friday. Steep is that same way. I never heard of it until i stumbled onto it on amazons site. If i saw commercials for it i would have been here a long time ago. It is impressive this is getting such a wide response from Youtubers and other people though.",Does nobody remember that a woman died recording a promo for this game? Suppose I'd rather live in a red state that has jobs and shakes a little than live in a blue state state with next to no jobs and a high crime rate.,"Yes, everyone's doing great and working great jobs in Oklahoma." Children of Helicopter Parents: What is the most embarrassing or crazy thing they have done?,Cut them up.....flown off on them:) proof?,Trust us LOL "Because they proudly announce that they are in fact feminists, so what do you expect? You're getting too PC over this. Feminism, by definition, is about equality. And it is a good thing. The way that some self proclaimed feminists approach this, is a bad thing.","Okay then, I'll just proudly announce that I'm an octopus." Obama and Putin at the G20 summit,At least my hairline is similar to theirs. Chad ur look is too perfect... Bitch you want her to not be good at drag or what? Should she come out in a dry ass wig and wonky eyelashes? Bye,Well it worked for Jinkx "OP, if you ever find out exactly what it is I'd like to know. It's a good looking gun.",Comments say Well mb04 You're welcome.,I'm Catholic as well (; Na'Vi's New Roster,XBOCT/Alohadance Dendi GeneRaL Vanskor Alwayswannafly "Apparently, launching a nuke into your own territory allows you to declare war on yourself","Heh, I had a similar thing yesterday, Germany and (I presume another civ I hadn't met yet) declared a formal war on me (Arabia), and I as presented with a cut scene of Saladin very angrily declaring war on me." Engineers has been said a ton,I've only the ones at the top What kind of accounting? I don't think a program is going to be able to carry out an audit.,Yeah we don't like doing audits lol I took a quick look at this person's comment history and saw nothing else Hamilton related...,Maybe he's a closeted Hamiltonian? When the fuck did we get pizza?,I don't know but I like the new developments. Boneless bananas,r/bandnames/ Poor Chuck.....,I think you dropped this: "Blood coming out of his polls, out of his whatever.",Which polls? Time Warner Cable Sent Me To Collections - A Tale of Customer Database Fragmentation,"Help us, Bernie!" "This just randomly opened after I closed the game, haven't seen it in 3000hrs",Leaked operation background confirmed "Dodgers Forfeit to Cardinals, 1995. The last time a baseball game was forfeited, and also the reason balls aren't given out as souvenirs during games anymore.",Brian Jordan really giving it to the fans at the end of that video Sooooo I've never gone to one of these before. Is there a specific corner where the cool people hang out? Will there be a sign?,I'll edit the post or someone will make a comment on where we're sitting and an easy way to spot us! Would anyone watch short CSPAN style videos of the House or Senate discussing SHIELD related stuff? For example a video of the senate confirming the new director or a video of congressmen bitching about Hydra that takes place right after winter soldier. I think it would be funny to see this kind of thing but then again I'm weird and watch CSPAN for fun sometimes.,They should talk about trade routes and tax negotiations too. We voted for her by more than three million more.,You mean California voted for her by more than three million more. I sometimes playfully accuse my girlfriend of checking guys out... Realized it's only when I think the guy is hot.,Holy fuck you people are insecure! "Don't forget our buddy! As a suburban player I've resigned myself to the fact that this is the only way to get my Dragonite and 3rd tier pokemon, jogging my butt off these few days.",I've almost got my Charizard... maybe tomorrow. But you think ur better than us,No you're just insecure "Just wondering if bungie knows about titans melee glitch. It's cool, I like doing zero damage as a sun breaker and punting my opponent through a goal post. [misc]",The fact that the perk momentum transfer ruins sunbreaker melee is a whole other issue entirely "Remember guys, uber is super dangerous and you totally should not let them in the city",you forgot the "Her legs had to be amputated somehow underwater to get her out, I think it was a medical decision that to let her die was actually more humane.","Considering the dirty and debris filled water, the fact that it was Colombia in the 80's and that she was already injured, she may have died anyway." "You're comparing apples to oranges. Those are games with, often, significant differences. Slot machine games all share a common theme and play style, and probably even graphics/UI.","But in the end, all you do is press buttons, and your life has no meaning..." TBH it's still a homerun in my heart.,# #NotMyGroundRuleDouble Population of Africa split into quarters,Nigeria painted West Africa red "Geez, you need to clean that mess up. You're not going to get any traction with such a poor presentation. That's why The Gays are so successful.",I laughed. you're free to use your items as you wish but you do know incense is more effective when used while moving (between 12-29km/h) right?,yes I do but I have 40 so I wasted one at work to figure it out What will happen if Trump becomes president?,Obviously we will launch nukes at every country that denied Trump's ego "Well, TIL",Today you learnt that you most likely have below average intelligence "I would expect (to a degree, at least) the longer you played the game, the better you got.",Actually if you scrim a lot you play in custom matches so you get no xp. Sweden Has A Problem,The red pill is a bitter one "It's not hard to steal a close election. There was evidence there was just as much shitty DNC behavior against Obama as well as liberal counties voters being unable to vote, but he ended up being so popular he won with a large margin.","Wasn't ACORN attributed to providing a massive popular vote surge to Obama, and were later tried and convicted of voter fraud, and ultimately shut down because of it?" Add dabbing to Minecraft,DAB ON EM Blake Farenthold on the limits of his trump endorsement,I'm sure the Trump campaign will graciously appreciate the subtlety. "Ok cool. We have about 110L of bottled water, plus whatever other containers we'll fill up in the morning and buckets and a bathtub for non-potable water use. I'm guessing that if we lose pressure, by the time it's back there will be some way of getting the notification (P&C/other news site)?","Usually if it gets that bad, you'll need to use a radio lol, then again I'm from the country so things stay out longer there lol." Because it makes it far more likely for you to win if you do.,I was unaware that I was running for an elected position? He wont be able to live with him self and will commit a suspicious looking suicide,Two shots to the back of the head and with a note saying: I was sad It has. Titi just also bears a striking resemblance to (and would be pronounced the same as) titty. So it's not an acronym everyone is going to use. Titty aggro anyone?,Or you could pronounce it tee-tee and not make anyone uncomfortable. Maybe your mom should've taken you to a shrink.,Oh she tried... It's Sherlock vs Sherlock when you're comparing Dr. Strange's opening vs. Iron Man.,Some of his dialogue seemed to be that same Tony Snark brand casual wit as well. As a Muslim I agree. Just stop making us look like idiots. Thanks - fellow Muslim living in Canada.,"Yeah, it's not like Muhammad said or did anything like this" So...most normal people.,"Careful, such harsh words like normal bear a hefty weight when you throw them around so carelessly." "She is absolutely stunning, a genuine stunner! If I looked up the word 'stunner' in the dictionary, I'd see a picture of her! Followed by Steve Austin of course.",And that's the bottom line! Did someone ask you for spare change while you waited for your Uber?,"Not spare change, his citizenship papers." What is the greatest video game weapon of all time?,IW-80 SOCOM II "Made this for my son, the history teacher.",WAY cool! "Realtors add special clauses to a contract? I don't think so - unless you're talking about the clause that makes it very hard for the buyer to sue their realtor. The buyer & seller go to mediation, while the realtors must be sued separately. The realtor's contract protects the realtor first, not the buyer. Home insurance companies do not spend days and thousands on each policy. These policies are easy to buy, and easy to replace. If all of your examples barely apply to any normal situation, it's hard to see how your examples are very relevant. And finally the realtor conjures $20,000 out of thin air... gets the seller to pay for it. No, more like the price of the house is lowered and the buyer sees by how much. And what agent recommends the house sale be delayed for repairs? The buyer who is ignorant of the cost is in trouble, because most repairs happen after the house has changed hands - not before.",I think a realtor adding a special clause to a contract just might be construed at practicing law without a license. Sam Bradford gets passing and receiving yards on the same play!,Anyone know when Bradford gets WR designation? me and my date did vape nation for the dance,She's doing it wrong D= "What is one thing that, without, would make your life infinitely better?",Debt. can u trade the players from SBC?,"Some you can, some you can't, I think it says on the challenge for each" I made a 9GAG club on Forza Horizon 3. Feel free to join (the tag 9GAG was taken),Holy shit OP thinks we like 9gag. "It's going to be hilarious when this guy hangs himself. Small guy always plays with his head down, he should've retired about 5 concussions ago.","Hang it up, or hangs himself because those are two different actions being done." All it would take is 1 bite that baby would be dead regaurdless of how soft ect it can happen why put the risk there let alone dogs probably been licking all sorts,But my pitbull is so sweet! Do you think that shy Trump supporters could turn around the current polls?,If me and my friend group is any indication then yes. Raptors Wallpaper with Wins/Loss,"shout out to u/Higgsy13 Its not a big edit or anything, I'm just highlighting wins and losses in GIMP as the season goes on." Should probably start at 20 to be safe. 10 for life long immunity!,Alright who let the priest in here? "Match Thread: Arsenal vs. Southampton ##Arsenal vs. Southampton Won't be able to update, but I'll add the goals. ---- Arsenal: Martinez; Jenkinson, Holding, Gabriel, Gibbs; Coquelin, Elneny; Reine-Adelaide, Ramsey, Iwobi; Lucas Perez Subs: Macey, Bola, Bielik, Maitland-Niles, Xhaka, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Mavididi Southampton: Forster, Yoshida, Davis, Martina, Van Dijk, Clasie, Reed, Boufal, Bertrand, McQueen, Long --- #COYG",I'm glad Shane long is shit This Beautiful Bmw,I hope OP is being sarcastic "If your goal is to make France's social problems even worse than they already are, this would be a great way to do it.","Given that she could justify a crack down on a largely non white underclass if social problems get worse, it probably is her goal." That's great but on my girlfriend's 5 year old PC chrome regularly fills up all the RAM and starts hitting swap with nothing else open.,"KDE inherited the Microsoft mindset, always aim higher than what people are using, so people need buy new hardware and thus contribute to a thriving ecosystem where everybody is happy (except for the user)." Indeed. HHI?,Hot horny individual. Dank,very Sami Callihan(Former NXT) Double Underhook Pile driver into Suplex.,r/gifsthatendtoosoon C'mon! Please refrain from saying God's name in vain! I find it very offensive and I'm certain others do too. The fuck is wrong with you people? Just fucking stop.,How smart of you to tell Reddit to follow religious rules. I never considered what the upper incline would be for a train? Anyone know the answer to this - how steep an incline can a train realistically surmount?,A friend of mine works on the railroad-he says 2% is considered the max for normal heavy freight. "I see what you did there, you sneaky Koshka.","May your Goop never slow this speedwreck enough, clever dragon" Found dog 1960 and Jones Rd.,#[](#x ) false positive #[](#x ) "I never said I'm not here to judge. I said I don't judge people on most of their decisions, as a preface to me judging him in that situation. Nice try though.",Fair enough I suppose :D "My not-boyfriend (14/m) is leading himself on. I've been talking to this guy since we met during band camp, where we competed during our running laps. Apparently, I was the only high schooler to talk to him, and now he won't leave me alone! I was his French tutor earlier on in the year, and we went to homecoming (just as friends, and I did make sure he knew). But, even though I've directly turned him down twice now, he keeps trying to woo me. His friends kicked him out of his lunch table, so now he even sits with me at lunch. He keeps trying to buy me food during football games and band competitions, and he's told me that he intends on doing so during the basketball season as well. He also came up with nicknames for me, and keeps trying to get me to make up one for him, too. I'm in the higher-average of the middle class, and he keeps calling me rich girl. He's always super passive aggressive and constantly tries to find excuses or stuff to do with me. He tried to invite himself over to my house, and come up with his own weekly schedule for three hours! I don't like him in the same way, and if he keeps this up I might end up not even wanting him as a friend at all, either. I don't have the willpower to be mean to get him to go away, though. What should I even do?",Ask him if he has *any* self respect or dignity I heard the Russian way to say I love you translates to something like We are one and the same.,Romantic af Companies run by people like that eventually enter a death spiral. Customers leave because they're paying so much. They figure out they're being screwed or they can't afford the service or they just find someone cheaper. Then the company has trouble paying the bills so they have to charge the customers they do have more. Which drives more customers away which leads to more overcharging ...,But it's never anything they're doing. "Yeah that's like 90% angle. Vanilla trees look like shit from above because they were designed to be seen from below, before people had flying mounts from which to scrutinize them.",so if you were to go above one of legion trees they'd look like on the left? Subway is shit. Gross veggies nothing tastes fresh.,"Not saying Subway is good, but Jimmy John's is so bad it makes literally every other shitty sandwich shop better in comparison." "Deleting comment since I cant watch the video missed details, and wasnt able to watch a bog part of the video.","the only thing you missed i think, is that at the end, they showed the new battlefront dlc running at 4k about 65-70fps (ultra i guess) on the new Ryzen cpu, and a **brand new** Vega Gpu." More games should include something like this.,recommended gpu is TBA First milestone in sight: Forging Rewards Activation,"This is great news, well done team!" "Raiders owner Mark Davis rails against Oakland 'disrespect,' has sole focus on Las Vegas",I wonder if the plan was to move out of Oakland all along and that's why the 49ers Stadium is so close to Oakland. "You ain't seen Norwegians yet. Frankly, I'm surprised the language even has a word for queue.",It's still a queue even if it's 5 people wide and 3 people deep :( Governor Kasich signs bill blocking the people of Cleveland from voting on a $15 minimum wage,"Yeah, they should do it anyway." This is why you should have to pass a common sense and temperament test if you own a gun. Even if he would have hit the person he was shooting at he would still be liable since there was no threat to himself.,"Nah bro, that would lead to a slippery slope that ends with the government confiscating our guns and implementing Sharia law." "Most Useful Second Languages For Americans Working in the Space Industry I know that English is typically the language of science, but what second languages would be helpful? Personally I'm working on my French as a passion project. After that I'm considering German or Mandarin.","Mandarin would be the *second*-best option, but it would take a miracle before it becomes in any way useful." This is unacceptable Josh Norman should be fined for this.,Well he is generally aware of the situation so he should be fined at the very least. Phone call anxiety,Phone calls are actually scary though! To each their own but I like a companion that doesn't poop in my yard or eat my Christmas ornaments.,"I mean, I love animals and all, but they were putting these bulleted lists of why women are less loyal than dogs and stuff like that." WTF! You could have bought an amazing case for $500. I just don't get it.,He did buy an amazing case... This is a guy on a team that swept the entire eastern conference last year and swept the 60 win Hawks in 2015. He has every reason to be confident honestly,they went six against the raptors Spot on man,"Glad you're getting them from someone with a script, so many oxy pressed with fentanyl" The new 64-bit Orange Pi is a quad-core computer for $20,let me know when they make a lemon meringue Pi. "Is Kelvin Benjamin worth a roster spot tonight, even though he is given a low snap count? My other wide receivers on my bench are sterling, Sharpe, and terrence williams","Higher ceiling on Benjamin, Sharpe is probably the safest though." That same third probably couldn't tell you who Vladimir Lenin was if Their lives depended on it.,"Lenin B. Johnson, wasn't it?" Why would the Clinton campaign share their internal polling with a Republican operative? Or the other way around: Why would the Trump campaign share their internals (if they even have internal polling) with a well known never-Trumper?,Did she say it was Clinton's internals? "Point is, there's not a single, clearly identifiable language which could be considered standard sicilian, just a moltitude of smaller sub-dialects, each of them loosely related to the same linguistic root. It has never been codified under a common grammar structure, and it just evolved by jumping from one county to another. As you may notice from the pictures in the OP, we've always been an heavily fractured region, both culturally and geographically. Language just went along the same path.","Mr_Jingle, if you were an Italian from anywhere but Naples, could you watch the movie Gommorah without subtitles and understand what the actors were talking about?" Our jobs are shit.,"maybe your job is shit ,does not mean everyone's job is." Have u Losers ever been to an actual stadium sporting event?? This is normal. Stop being fuckin fairies,"thats the problem right there its normal to expect someone else to pick up after you, lazy, disrespectfull and being a slob is what it really is" "He's just getting started, my man","So much energy, I am wondering what Hillary might be doing..." So you're saying I should keep a bigger knife under my pillow?,I'm saying you should slow the person down while you escape and not try to engage them directly. Unsubscribing from the sub and never coming back would ultimately result in less exposure to clickbait links.,"Links sure, but what about when you encounter those links in the wild and wonder what's inside?" "Is it just me or... Is it just me, or a few of the most powerful moments in Life is Strange were when Max lost her power? I think the Everyday Hero campaign was to prove that you don't need to have a superpower to be a hero. Like when she had to convince Kate to not jump from the building, she had to do it on her own, she couldn't reverse the things being said. Then in the end, she couldn't rely on her power too, kinda. She had to decide whether to save Chloe or Arcadia Bay by herself, because it was her power that wrecked the town in the first place, her own power backfired. I chose to save Arcadia Bay instead of saving Chloe, so all those reversing didn't matter anymore in the end, it is as if she never could reverse time in the first place. Her power was rendered useless by fate.",That's what makes her an Everyday Hero. Gonna Hold On To That Rope Connect To The Tree I'm Cutting Down,"More like what could go right, that looks hella fun" "Truck made it, tire said fuck it I'm out..","By comparison, the beige car two over must feel better about their flat." How is this...? What?,Yes. What is your favourite thing about the Historical Project Mod?,Dismantling your enemies I am a stick.,The stick is just as important as the carrot. ... like Arma 3?,Sure Qualcuno ha un video dei Fuori Fuori?,"Ma come, non sei stato invitato alla Leopolda?" "because for them, girls are the ones being entertained and you're the entertainment. They don't need to put in effort in talking to guys because there's fucking loads more that'll entertain her","Girls rule, Women are funny, Get over it." We need to drop monkeys into ISIS territory. Done.,Operation Rise of the Apes "He means geopgraphically, as in languages spoken by people who lived here, within our modern borders, not necessarily as citizens of America.",Which would be the Native Americans... Of course those people don't count obviously. "But birth comes with getting to experience what it's like to have a baby growing inside you, and I imagine periods are cool during sex. It seems like the positive cancels out the negative.",Periods are not cool during sex The newly minted Acushnet stockholders must be loving this.,yeah talk about a dud tbh flames should have drafted him 2nd round,"referring to Jankowski, not Backlund, right?" Hope they go to Hawaii again soon,"According to Kanye, Jay's gonna send him to Belize instead." 30-35,35-40 Who needs jingle bells when you have dumbbells?!,Never gets old. "Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what's with the major droopage right at the end? Is that just your fans turning off?",I'd say that's when the soil got too dry Well maybe against whomever was still circulating them. But not against the ex unless he was party to it after 2015.,"yeah, that makes sense." I am unironically 97 mmr. AMA. I will try to answer as many as I can.,Can you do a stream? Electric fences (the ranch ones) require signs.,Oh is that a federal statute? Would he then have to deal with the visa issues leffen is having?,"I think Ice will be more careful than Leffen, at least with Leffen having the Visa Issues, he's more likely to make sure he has the correct Visa" "I feel for you all. When Showstopper was introduced, I got it on my first run. Crap gun though. And I got Barrett's on my 4th run...Pure luck","Then you went to the casino and came home with the assets of Massive, Ubisoft, and half of Square Enix, because you can." Cooler? Im using the heat-sink that came with my CPU,Get an aftermarket cooler. The patriots are cheaters,The truth......IT BURNS! UMP on distance is so fucking shit ...yeah But i managed to kill a guy from Cache mid sandbags ..he was in the corner of the A plant first three bullets and bam headshot. Ofc this was 99.999% luck because i just quick peeked him. Why am i even writing this here? Got lost in my thoughts lol.,Thank you MiniPiez. Nixon was a good president though... Her was just really sheisty which let his rivals get him,"Wait, so are you saying that a few bad things doesn't mean someone is the the devil?" "How do you reckon the show will conclude? Ever since it was announced that AT is coming to a close in 2018, I've been wondering how the show will end, more how I want it to end. What I find in a good ending is that I'm not left with any questions that might lead to another season. So tbh I kinda want to have an ending where Finn dies (Sorry for it being grim :C )... What are all your opinions?",Finn turns into an adult and moves away from Jake That'd be so sad and wonderful Anquan Boldin has the penis the size of an oil dick?,That's what I meant my bad Nice bit of Tech she has there from 7 years ago!,She was ahead of her time. "TIL that at the surrender of the American Civil War, the Union troops began to cheer but Grant silenced them immediately. He later stated that The Confederates were now our countrymen, and we did not want to exult over their downfall,",What a bro. ~~mfw love juice~~,~~You know you would accept it any time and any place~~ "I remember her talking about Bill Maher on the SGU once, but it was part of a wider discussion about Real Time and how he misses the mark on a lot of science issues. I've never heard her mention any other celebrities, so I'm not sure what you are talking about with leveraging her past relationships to accelerate her career and whatnot. I also can't think of any time she's brought up feminism. I feel like Steve talks about that stuff more than she does.",She's a woman so that immediately makes her a prime suspect for being a feminist.. Duh Who remembers this legend? Need more. Without micro transactions...on console.,My favorite game as a kid lol What is Michelle Obama's political future? David Axelrod swears that Michelle Obama will never seek public office but that was before Trumps victory. Is there any chance Michelle Obama could run for President in 2020? Trump shows the public doesn't care about experience so not having held elected office doesn't seem like an issue. Could she run for the Senate if Dick Durbin decided to run for Governor of Illinois in 2018?,The IL state Democratic party is basically begging her to run for Durbin's senate seat but she's not going to do it. How is it that Nixon can get impeached but Hillary can still run for office despite her scandals?,How is it that some guy got charged for murder while that guy who jaywalked got off Scot-free? You don't think people have been affected by the Trump Campaign in indirect ways? Really?,"I believe I've seen people attacked for potentially supporting trump, I believe people have expressed a far left wing opinion with authoritarian furor because of trump's campaign....But I haven't seen how the city of portland(a huge liberal city in a left leaning state) was affected to the point of protest boarding on the level of riot." Ya vote por Hilaria en Texas.,"Pero segun Trump, Mexicanos son flojos, entonces como votaste temprano?" "100% OK. We have Teslas as poolcars. Teslas 'autopilot has - like the others to - a massiv issue with construction zones at the autobahn. It just dosn't recognizes the yellow stripes that mark the new way and trys to follow the old, whites. It also has issues with complex overlapings of lanes that sometimes can happen and then tends to go straight even if your real lane takes a slight curve. Next thing... the autopilot is to slow for the autobahn. If you drive over 160km+ on the left lane, its reacts way to late to cars that swap over the left for a quick pass in the middlelane. If it reacts, it reacts hard. I guess its about the range of the radar? Overall, I never use the 'autopilot' out of the above reasons. Just in low speed jams it is, like all the other assistants of similar properties, a nice thing. In all the other scenarios its sadly, a headache. So, it should be called what it is, like at the other manufacturers. An assistant - not more. But with that, you ain't getting the sweet viral PR in the internet.",It's the most advanced assistant by a country mile by auto companies... Tottenham fans label Vincent Janssen the new Roberto Soldado after awful Bournemouth performance We don't need another Soldado,Now this is a shit post Send an invite to Bill Murray.,I'm not sure Ol Murricaine would want to come. "Digging through old Legos atm, I will find it",I also vote for this to be put on the banner or to replace the snoo for the sub What instruments are used in TWW music? I'm particularly interested in the stringed instrument that sounds like a piano being played from the inside. Is it some sort of dulcimer?,I think it's called harpsichord. "just a correction, you mean the top 1% is the top 130,000","Ah thanks, yeah I meant to top 10%" TREENAGERS,Imo I think it would be funnier if the panels were flipped "As a side note, those are great headphones.",Not as good as Beats That's exactly how I like my sissies. What was the pr?,405lb for a single ;) Nisekoi Final Omake,Onodera got cucked harder than the MC of Erased If ______ could learn to ______ they'd be a much better player Fill in the blanks at your discretion,Puljujarvi Skate "Without saying the name, what country do you live in?",The one that's gonna BUILD A WALL! Most universally well liked drivers? Who do you think are the drivers that are universally liked in the sport right now? I'd have to say Daniel Ricciardo and maybe 2015 Le Mans Winner Nico Hulkenberg don't really seem to have too many haters. Also Kimi. Because Kimi.,"Must be Lewis, isn't it?" German police are slow learners if it takes them so long!,"Lol sorry about the downvotes, I laughed." Why do all the idiots assume whoever is 6k doesnt have a job...I'm almost positive my career is far above your job. Just cause we grasped the game better than you doesn't mean we are jobless.,Sorry I mean't why don't you get some friends. Who is your coach of the year? At this point,Gus Bradley Gtfo of here Bill.,He was just keking Auckland apartment development seized by Bank,How about we seize the banks instead? GST is a tax you know. Could be one of the taxes they're looking at cutting.,"Hopefully, it unfairly targets the poor." "Wolverine-616 died a while back encased in adamantium. Old-Man-Logan is from an alternate world, but ended up in 616 after Battleworld. The female Hawkeye is from what used to be Young Avengers.",How'd he end up encased? What is C&C?,Command and conquer "Want to Bring Back Jobs, Mr. President-Elect? Call Elon Musk",Musk built his factory in Nevada rather than Californi because of... TAX BREAKS Crystal Maiden,Nope. Launching a rocket would probably work and would be really cool to try. Unfortunately I don't have the funds (zero funds) for that but it's something I'd definitely would try with more funds.,A weather balloon is very cheap and easy to do The Meltdown,um op are you ok? "Getting the answers to the real, important questions",TEST flagship? how can an angmoh be a chinese temple medium?,Because white privilege. Watch Cannabis Nasal Spray Stop Grand Mal Seizure in its Tracks,"Yeah, clearly no fucking medicinal benefits." "That's awesome! I once biked two miles with four bags on my bike handles, but this guy takes the dining room set!",I once did it with a burrito in the bag.... My bike ate my burrito The Canucks have their first lead since Oct 20th,Oct 20th **2016** for those wondering 9 mana means that the game is almost over for most classes beside Warrior (and Priest if they get better),"Priest died, but it's okay he got better." 160424 JIMIN,Dat scrunchy face. "Another kid show theory: Thomas the Tank Engine takes place in a post-apocalyptic Europe after AI brought humanity to the brink of destruction, but ultimately lost the war and was forced to be very useful to the humans.",I was always for the idea that Thomas was just some guy's fantasy playing with miniature trains... Anything can be improved for the better.,For one thing; NSA surveillance. Donald Trump's Instagram Following Is Full Of Bots And Russians,He's definitely going to lose now "It is, but it's a bad enough idea that it bears repeating separately from never fighting a land war in Asia.",Fair enough I think we tend to forget that dude pants are usually a lot looser than lady pants. I've tried to wear them under jeans and it's a no-go but my boyfriend's jeans are a lot looser than mine. Can't speak for dudes who wear skinny jeans because I don't hang out with dudes who wear skinny jeans,Guys who wear skinny jeans usually wear them at their knees. Grapenut ice cream? Does anybody know a good spot for grapenut ice cream in the north shore area that's open in the winter? Oddly enough it's my mother's favorite flavor and I'd love to get her some for her birthday at the beginning of January. I know Soc's in Saugus has it but I don't think they're open in the winter. Dairy Dome in Stoneham has it but my mom has deemed theirs no good. Any recommendations are highly appreciated!,I've put GrapeNuts on ice cream for the crunch but never knew it was a flavor somewhere. Aren't the draugr already dead though? I wouldn't count rekilling them as a kill,The same argument could be made about the dragons then. Sodium and metal-halide HID lamps if youre super serious,Salt lamp melded in Mordor if we are being super super serious. I have an Anglicised version of the NRSV-CE. Do you thinks its a good Bible for private study?,"I have never used the ACE, but I don't see why not." personally i don't see how associating Black Lives Matter with anti-patriotism could possibly help the cause of black lives matter.,And when have you known BLM to take actions that would make people want to associate with them and help their cause? "Maybe that's why you don't spend $100 on a date before you have shown your romantic interest and had it confirmed. I mean, how hard is that?","But he's *soooo* nice, man." That's not how it works....That's not how ANY of this works,"Yeah, you'd have to run at the speed of light and just let the knives go to make it work." "Nope. Dads think all day and night about what will make their daughters happy, and then they try their best to make it happen, some how, some way, and they're devastated when they can't. This guy got those outfits and came up with the idea of wearing it for one reason, and one reason only - he wanted to see his little girl's eyes light up. Case in point. Years ago Leon Russell was playing a gig here in town, and I really wanted to go. However, the Jonas Brothers were playing the same night. Guess which show we went to? And I enjoyed the hell out of it. They are actually solid musicians, but you know what made the night? The look on my little girl's face. Nothing else matters to a Dad, ever. Don't kid yourself about that. You are the only thing he thinks about day in and day out.","the feels, man." "Oh, man, I haven't had that shit in ages. It is still as delicious as my childhood memories think it is?",It tastes like chalk that happens to have been made in the same factory as chocolate bars. "Get your I voted flair here! Get your voting flair here! Simply put reply with I voted and you'll get it. Yeah, I know I was supposed get an improved flair for this election cycle. Much like our politician's promises, it'll be a day late and a buck short.",I voted "Bassnectar played noon on Saturday, and people were already completely fucked. They weren't checking any backpacks at ALL that whole fest. They were not prepared for what that lineup brought to Gulf Shores.","He played at like 4pm that Friday, then did the late show later that night starting about 1230AM." Thats such a teacher necklace,Teacher hairdo as well. Can I buy stuff trough itunes money?,Also can I use my steam login into itunes version? "Moroccan Fade 2 Stroke Stirrup ... homie snagged up @ Sleeks Ice Cream Social in Chicago! Pukin' Beagle 25mm, piece is CFL Reactive as well.","Back to how sick this piece is, I love the strokanite just off the banger hanger." "My homophobic brother wants to live with me for 6 months I was never able to come out to my family because of their strong views on homosexuality. After college I moved to Boston, and I've been out to my social circle and people at work. I've never been happier. Recently my older brother asked if he could live with me for about 6 months while he finds a job here and gets his finances together. I didn't even know he was planning on moving to Boston. I mean I knew he was also tired of living back home but I didn't think he had it in him to leave. I said sure but now I'm sorta depressed. I realize now that I've been living in a bubble. No one back home knows about me, so I have to go back to repressing my sexuality when he gets here I'm not even sure want I'm asking. I've just been really anxious, angry, and frustrated. Can I get a few good excuses to get him not to live with me? He's planning on coming over next month.","Well, now is the time to tell him." Remember Legends,Would have been 10x better if at the end you just hear member berries "He was indeed perfect. But then, Sam Elliot looks more like Buford than Buford does.",Sam Elliot is my man crush. "Then to call that taunting penalty on Woods, Jesus Christ refs. We need professionals, half these guys are clueless and a the rest are ego tripping little bastards",They ignored the extra tap the defensive player gave him that I provoked the 'taunt'. "Go to immigration immediately Monday morning and plead your case. They're not going to throw a baby in detention. Worst case scenario, they'll tell you that one of you needs to take him back to Korea immediately. Best case (and most likely) scenario, they'll give him an extension for a few weeks for when you leave. This is the path of least paperwork and no negative press.","And even if baby gets detained, your kid might become Bane, that's pretty cool." I was torn between that and some sort of found him on the door step situation.,Or stole him from the hospital Wall Street economists: Trump presidency could trigger recession,From many of the same people who said a simple vote to leave the eu would as well. 100%. I thought I had a high spice tolerance until I went here and ordered the Thai hot. Friends warned me. The restaurant warned me. I was not prepared. My stomach was not prepared. My butt was not prepared. My toilet was not prepared. Have fun!,I enjoyed eating the medium but went back to mild plus so my life wasn't defined by a Johnny Cash song. I never said it made it any better I was just simply stating the actual facts of what happened since your post was misleading and your comment back to me is still misleading it's an old dried up booger it was crispy so there was no way he smeared it on the other bed. Again I'm not saying that it's better because it was a dry booger just want the true facts out there.,Hmm.. don't know how I feel about this info tbh. The insanity of these lads and lasses is off the wall,2am is literally the only acceptable time to order calzones. "Where the hell is my Third Impact, then?",2016 isn't over yet.... "Including internal campaign emails. We have never seen internal campaign emails during the election before. The last time internal party materials were stolen and the crime came to light, the masterminds lost the White House.","When Trump says Clinton's emails are the worst scandal greater than Watergate, he means that he asked Russia to steal the emails, and he's surprised that's not a greater scandal." "Dude, just say That is pathetic Why be scared of something just out of respect? Respect has to be earned.",Confirmed for never being in a family whatapp group Umm... No shit? Alcohol is legal too...,Well there's a difference between getting high/drunk at work and doing so on the weekend. If I was tom Brady I would lie about voting if I actually voted trump.,~~If I was tom Brady~~ I would lie about voting if I actually voted trump. "For someone simultaneously dying of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's and 8 kinds of cancer she really is spry. But seriously, she's completely on-message, passionate, and honest after a solid 20 hours of GOTV appearances. THIS is what a damn Commander in Chief looks like.","It's paradoxical spryness, which tends to be comorbid with homicidal mania in Alzheimers/Parkinsons/Octocancer patients." Note another pun thread!,Exploding comment tree! I was surprised to find a blurb about anime in my World History book.,Wow it almost made me think that anime was good for a moment. He might be a tad too dedicated to being in character,Wow I've never seen this before. you can fit so much in those pockets though,They're so _functional_ Umm. No.,Sorry forgot the What are you REALLY up to at night?,At night is when I really like to reflect on mistakes I've made in the past and imagine how different things could be had a made a different choice(s) in life. Republicans should tie up these cars!,"I'm not from the US and I don't have a view, but that suggestion doesn't sound much like like democracy." My friend made me a Tonkatsu Sandwhich today. Looks unreal!,Is your friend's name Ignis? Hayzer is Obey's Coach for Super Regionals!,"Sunder in 50, come on guys call your cooldowns I will never forget that moment, it will be my foundation of my shitcalls (typo?)" Dick Smith is a deadset legend who has done more for this country than you will ever come close to.,"Like siding with literal fascists, a failed electronics chain and food worshipped by fascist supporters." "yeah, she's kinda always OP and not very difficult ^^^^come_at_me",Salty Nami main ;) TIL a bollard is a a short pole/pillar.,bollard = 7 letters pillar = 6 letters pole = 4 letters Not that short if you ask me Clinton: There must be 'something terrible' in Trump's taxes,There must be something terrible in Clinton's wall street speech transcripts. Do you feel guilt after killing insects? Why or why not?,"Nope, I consider myself the Krombopulous Michael of insect killings." "Just in time for that change you've all been waiting for, and it only took him 8 short years",It's hard to fit it into you're schedule with only eight years. "Could we play as Willard Wyler? (Reasoning inside) If you look on this reddit page's right side where the ZIS image is, you can see The Hoff on the left and Willard Wyler on the right. That portrait of The Hoff is the same one in the HUD when you're using him so I'm thinking that maybe there is a way to play as Wyler since you know, both their pictures are on that poster. It's just a thought guys.","Good thinking, super EE reward confirmed?" What would happen if the dad sold the ring? Since he didn't steal it.,I'm pretty sure he'd be arrested for handling stolen property instead. Lmk,I'm on right now my PSN is : TheCraigington "still working, when site was down?","it still is down for me, it saying that faceitstats has denied the connection" "Cheaters ruining PoGO for the whole community. Any thoughts? A group of players with maxed Dragonites and Lapras have taken over about 30 gyms around my local area. Living in a pretty small town (c. 9000) with 7 gyms and most players can't really challenge these guys. Yesterday I was travelling through some of the local villages and towns and realized they had taken over these too. There used to be a great dynamic in town with gyms changing hands throughout the day and good, friendly rivalries really getting everyone involved. Now everyone is getting fed up with this and not playing PoGO as much anymore. It's pretty sad to see, any thoughts or suggestions from the Silph Road community? Cheers guys!","A 1600-ish Pokemon can take down pretty much anything, so I dont get the problem besides being jelly not having an equally strong Pokemon really." Short student film about abuse,Plot twist: it was the pizza delivery guy "I must have missed the part where it came out that Trump was anti-birth control. There have certainly been republicans with that position, most of them didn't want the government paying for it. Then you have idiots like Santorum but that seems more like an outlier.","Outlier, right..." "I was sure it was gonna be Paveling book, lol. Instead we got the memiest Thijs moment.",Idk what you're talking about that's a Kolento clip Case brother!,The Elite version was announced a month after I built this rig :( That poor kid :( If I could I'd send him cookies.,"From what I've heard, Muslims aren't allowed to eat cookies." Jesus is the camera guy trying to get the cops over here to shoot this guy? Screaming this guy's threatening people and has a gun is a good way to get someone murdered.,"Yeah, cameraman needs to be charged with endangering an unarmed man's life." Amazon patents show flying warehouses that send delivery drones to your door,r/titlegore Make my day a little bit worse,Not sure whether to make a gay or lesbian joke. Upcoming Balance Update,"Am I the only one feels that every time if there a nazeebo in a patch notes, there gonna be a gargantuan number nerfs?" Thank you so much for posting this! The intro especially is very cute. I love the dynamic between the VAs and look forward to seeing the sibling relationship in-game.,It was interesting that they both had different experiences when it came to auditioning. My uncle just got me this old ATI video card from '08. Now it's a matter of finding appropriate hardware for it so it won't bottleneck.,Q6600 8 gigs ddr2 "Also, wrong use of aka",What is wrong with saying also known as for you gamers? Funny how Trump became public enemy #1 just happened to coincide with CTR's announcement that they just received an additional $5 M in funding. And also funny how not even one negative Hillary post pops up.,"No you're wrong, everyone on politics decided that Hillary was their queen and that Donald was going to lead to nuclear armageddon." "I don't think rules change but the subreddit definitely will. Shitposts will start first and in a week or so you'll see speculative posts on next season pop up ever more frequently followed by even more shitposts. Every parcel of news will be argued over, reposted and argued over again and by the time you're strongly considering unsubbing it'll hopefully be time for the pre-season tests.",Dark times ahead "As most Americans are asleep for the next few hours, this will be the last chance for the rest of the world to use reddit in peace for a while.",I'm ready to vote in Pittsburgh because there's an election today if you haven't heard. I'm pretty sure in that situation you sell out to stop White. Carroll probably figured that the extra other player would help move the line more than Bush would.,Did you not watch the USC/Notre Dame game that year? Praise Kek,buy pepe What I've learned from this election is people will believe anything. There are so many things about both Trump and Clinton that millions of people think are fact that are so twisted and taken out of context but will argue to their death about. The media controls us.,Not anymore they don't. "Lime-green, silver and black... That actually sounds very nice! Only problem is that the keyboard isn't RBG so I'm stuck with blue :( Gonna experiment some when i replace it though! Thanks!","You could try gluing a green filter onto the keyboard, but i dont know much about that." UFC 205: Inside The Octagon - Strawweights and Middleweights,"Yeah guys Tony just suddlnly started having fun in the second round, I guess he just figured RDA out." "To summarise this episode: They are playing Tekkadan like a fucking fiddle! * The showdown between Arbrau and the SAU is in Balfour Plain, sparked by an SAU recon plane getting pwned by Ahab Reactors of the ADF's Hloekk Grazes in hiding. The SAU have their noobish defence force, backed up by 'Horn garrisons and even the White Elephant Fleet. Arbrau have their equally noobish defence force, the outmanned Tekkadan, and Mossa's MS team. * This attrition warfare has lasted for two weeks, and the Arbrau forces are feeling the strain. Even Takaki feels something is amiss with this border conflict. Cue OP. * Aston, in a Landman Rodi, watched a fellow pilot get pwned by a Graze, so he went berserk on the assailant. Meanwhile, Lord McGillis observed the battle from afar. His retinue didn't expect the conflict to be so hard-fought and drawn out. But the Genius Elusive Shadow picked up on Arbrau's restrained tactics to deliberately keep a stalemate instead of going all-out and decide the victor right away, especially in using Tekkadan like puppets. * Despite incoming enemy reinforcements, Aston retreated, promisig to retrieve his fallen brother in arms. Meanwhile, an ADF MW became a loose cannon and charged onwards. A Tekkadan MW tried to stop him, only to get thanklessly pwned. * At daybreak, Takaki just bagged up their 12th fallen. Billy Mays walked in to press 'F' for the fallen and offer some rations. He sure gave Takaki and Aston some good figurative petting with the You boys did great, despite the situation talk and stuff before leaving. All part of the plan... * At camp, the tired boys sighed at how they lost track of time and forgot what the war was for. Takaki unwittingly did Mossa's bidding of holding the carrot on a stick at the boys, telling them to hang in there. Later, he admitted he also felt as lost as the boys. Just then, Takaki received another deployment order from Captain Billy Mays--Wait, **Captain**?! Oh, because Mossa was the one calling the shots and all, huh? OK... * Meanwhile, Gokaiger Yellow was pestering Megaranger Blue who was working on his Gundam equipped with a unique system. She then went on about her Senpai and Rustal-sama before calling Darth Vidar's identity into question. You may share Gaelio's voice for whatever reason, but who are you really? * Meanwhile again, Space Nils gloated about how everything is going to Lord Elion's plan, especially with Lord Fareed steadily losing Prestige and gaining opinion maluses. For Lord Elion, the real MVP is Billy Mays for keeping his plot so fun to track. * En route to the AO, Takaki spaced out about the point of the battle when Aston took point and spotted an SAU blockade. He wastd no time to try and go to town on the enemy. * Even as the Hotarubi drew closer to Earth, Eugene grumbled about the ongoing comms blackout. News feed was all they got to keep posted on the boys on Earth. But Big Boss knows he can rely on his boys on Earth and on the way to Earth to prepare themselves. * While Lafter and Azee watched Guts pump iron, the newbies wondered why the air wasn't so tense despite rushing to Earth. As Kudelia also sighed about the comms blackout, Hush appeared to Mika to report. He has done his Shiden sims, his Shiden tuning, and even his work out. Mika instructed his wingman to rest up while he can, because he probably ain't getting any on arrival. * Eugune then followed up with a rousing speech comparable to Orga's. He's just aping Orga, Mika remarked, annoying the Deputy Boss. Akihiro hoped his boys would hold on a bit longer. Cue interim. * After school, Fuka visited Chad in Edmonton General Hospital. He's been in a medical nanomachine (son!) for so long, still unconscious. The nurse assured the slower healing process only means he'll get a lot better afterwards. While she's doing her homework at home, she wondered how her brother was doing out there. * Takaki's MW convoy were under heavy fire, in fact losing two brothers. The Tekkadan MS were about to sortie when Mossa's Geirail launched ahead. An SAU Hexa Frame Gilda got a bead on Takaki when the Geirail came to save the day. Billy Mays sure shot the hell out of that MS for good measure. Once again, Mossa played his give doggy a treat card on Takaki. * The Hotarubi have arrived at the Jutland 1 spaceport and the Martian boys finally got to see Terra. But the veterans knew they should've made Earthfall by then. Eugene was rightfully pissed with bureaucracy denying them a landing shuttle. In that case, he got just the plan to get to Earth... * Radish reported to Billy Mays that the Hotarubi has buggered off. Ratdice was even impressed Mossa got the Tekkadan mutts on his leash. He's apparently taken a particular interest in Aston. * During their bout of insomnia, Takaki and Aston talked about how they're perceiving the war. And the former disapproves of the latter resigning to his imminent demise in battle. He's even sure Galan will get them all home soon. *sigh* Poor boy... * After a month of stalemate, McGillis decided to sortie in his Graze Ritter. An unexpected move for Billy Mays. Time to rouse the boys for the final battle! Even Takaki went to pilot a MS. If only he knew sooner that he had been dancing to Galan's fiddle tune. Cue ED. * The preview for next episode is brought to you by Guts mid-workout. From what we see, the Hotarubi indeed landed on Earth. I mean, of course. I just wonder if McCK will get his turn to turn the tables on Rustal in their game of intrigue where everyone is just a chess piece. Will we also see a 2nd Calamity War on the horizon?",Is there any chance that the Char clone is Gaelio and Ein in one body? You both seem like douchebags.,You seem like a pussy Until they find this comment,wouldnt matter anyway way past statutory limits fewer tigers,Maybe the tigers got fat too Fascinating.,Ash *did* make the Reaper more effective! Ivan Stepanovich Marchuk - In Our Yard,Are those dead fish? "How do you think Heather Dubrow would fare as a Real Housewife of Beverly Hills? I've seen this discussed here, but never as a separate post, so feel free to delete if this post is redundant. I'm watching WWHL with Lisa Vanderpump right now and she just cringed at the clip Andy showed of the OC girls describing Tamra's department store Kelly push. I feel like a lot of us can agree that Heather would rather be on RHOBH than OC. If she somehow was able to make a move to the more fancy pants show, how would she fare? What alliances would she make? Who would put her in her place?",I think the BH ladies would all say that she's new money and think she's tacky pants. It means: CHUMBAWUMBA POTO SOLO CUP HOHOHO.,I'm even more confused now. Are you literally retarded? Where's my smart pedes at?,"Yes, and I'm literally shaking because of how much your post triggered me" Well we finally have a US president with the temperament of Civ 6 AI.,Its this kind of attitude from 'intellectuals' that common people feel disenfranchised enough to vote for him. Didn't you ask for a billion isk loan from me five minutes ago? :thinking:,Loan application: #DENIED What if you are a rectangle?,"BE THERE OR BE A CIRCLE, WAIT" INB4 Corsair steals this for their own website,And it's gone... No shame. No guilt.,No brains either clearly Born in the 80's?,End of them "Seriously if people choose Football over voting then so fucking be it, those guys have their priorities made up for them.",But have you watched football? "No no, she HATED Time Travel lol. Captain Janeway: Time travel. Since my first day on the job as a Starfleet captain I swore I'd never let myself get caught in one of these godforsaken paradoxes - the future is the past, the past is the future, it all gives me a headache.",tell that to the borg. Fuck this Sanders traitor,Just like Sanders himself! "Oh fuck off with this already. This is a hockey forum, some of us actually want to talk about hockey, not just be a smart ass on the internet.","I get pissed at the same thing man, don't worry." Is it the EU's fault?,What else? "Assuming it's Halal, yes.",Which is a bad assumption to make in most cases. Greek Polls: Gap Between New Democracy-SYRIZA Widens by 15%,Stop shitposting and go vote. "You really shouldn't vote for Hillary until you have dived into one of the many forums that are discussing what was found in the emails ( no I'm not talking about what CNN told you ). It's really crazy stuff, will make you wonder why anyone would ever vote for Hillary after seeing the truth of the situation.","Yeah, people should really indulge in all the crazy conspiracy theories, supported by mountains of conjecture from solitary out-of-context emails before they vote for Clinton." The Bachelorette Canada Finale Discussion. Eeeeee,Wtf with the canned crowd noise Selling 600k for $10/100k - Tax Covered - Paypal Only,Im interested Did they do this for the Sox?,What are the Six? Crooked Hillary lost.,True. What kind of stupid racist drivel is that?,It's as stupid as thinking trumps tax plan will net you anything. Legitimately uncounterable,*legiterally "One of my friends was blocked by him long ago, like before I met him. One day about two years ago (after we became friends) he got pissed off at one of Jack Curry's stats on the post game and tweeted that he was a chicken fucker. And I thought you know what, Jack Curry should know what people are saying about him. So I quoted the tweet and @ed him aaaaand then he blocked me. Tl;dr Jack Curry literally shot the messenger",lmao What would be a genuinely surprising thing to find inside a Kinder surprise?,The spannish inquizition "4:3 is standard. When you are shooting in 16:9, the camera is cropping the image so you get less pixels.",Thanks dude! What's a slight peel in this context?,What's an Iwatch in this context? "One of the major problems facing scientific studies of weight loss techniques is non-compliance. Changing your lifestyle is hard and a certain portion of your participants are going to give up, corrupting your data. Well, at 40 lbs down and 65 more to go I said to myself, I've proven that I can stick to a diet plan and I intend to lose more weight anyway. Let's sign up for a study. For Science! But wait! Science doesn't want me. I used a study finder to search for things going on in my area and after filtering out the bariatric surgeries (no thanks) all of the studies have three conflicting requirements: a BMI of 30 to 40, a willingness to restrict caloric intake, and no significant weight loss or gain in the last 6 months. So you need to be overweight, capable of sticking to a reasonable diet, but simply have chosen not to. Science, where are you finding these slightly chubby unicorns?",Only one thing for it - bulk up to BMI 35 and wait another six months. Why is it happening?,Someone got hold of a red magic marker. Kim Jong Il delivering himself at birth sounds pretty farfetched,You have been banned from r/pingpong "I've not had a console for 8 years. I had 360. I noticed the ps4 sells more, is PlayStation better now?",but no mods for bethesda games After this election I will never ridicule conspiracy theorists again,"We can still ridicule people who unironically believe chemtrails are real, right?" Hidden Camo Thread Any info on a Hidden Camo after Regal? i have one more gun left in the snipers until Regal :),Wow how did you do it that fast? "Favorite game so far this season? Mine has to be week 3 when we beat the Giants in their own house. This game had everything. A big return by Crowder, a big hit/forced fumble on Eli, Noman/Beckham antics, deep balls to DJax, Dunbar picks Eli off in the endzone AGAIN, Reed breaks three tackles for a 1st down, the fake punt, and Cravens gets a pick to win the game. What more could you want?",*the Bengals game* On MAC:,If that's all failed I suggest calling them back Bill Reel from Mormon discussion Podcast.... nice to meet ya,"...nice to meet you, tone is hard to read when you aren't familiar." "Ok, but like for real... I know trump doesn't take office until January, and Obama is the current president, but how can we blame this on Trump? Or... this is gonna sound crazy, we take the time to learn about the case in particular, the jurisprudence of the issues, and why the judge decided to rule as such... but I'm not gonna lie that is a shit ton of work... so yeah... shit","The short version is it's not the President's job to do this, which is correct but enraging to Democrats (until Trump is President)" "We know about all the movies that make you cry tears of sadness... But how about movies that make you cry tears of happiness/joy? The two that come immediately to my head are: the ending of **The Pursuit of Happyness**, when Smith is finally awarded the full-time job. His choked up reaction in the office and subsequent moment of relief out in the New York streets never fails to get me misty. Another one would be the ending of **127 Hours**, Franco's loud cry for help when the people finally spot him. Mixed with that music... Shit. What are some of your happy cry movies?",The ending of Homeward Bound. Guilty until proven innocent... And you guys claim to be the real Americans,How can we prove her innocense if no is willing to take her to court? The fake news this subreddit consumes is massive and unimpeded. Sanders said nothing about thin-skinned white racists.,"Lol no one reads the articles, no fake news is consumed." "If Trump wins, the DNC will be almost fully to blame for their collusion to nominate a corrupt, cheating candidate. HRC is the least popular candidate in the history of the Democratic party and should loose for stealing the primary. The lesson here should be one that helps to preserve our democracy. If you steal your primary from the candidate that actually deserved to win, then you ought to lose in the general.",But it's her turn and she's a woman! "You mean like the tolerant liberal trash who spraypaint Trump supporter cars, or firebomb the SC Repulican HQ? Those kind of people?",It was North Carolina and nobody was caught so it's not confirmed who actually did it. Your life as a teacher *will* be a affected...,Your life as a teacher either will or will not be affected... "Then there is no reasons to ever go to the voting screen anymore. I approve this, make it so!",Apart from voting obviously. Masculinity in Steven Universe: A Matter of GEMder?,Nice title Isn't that like... the first actual swear of the entire show? Damn doesn't count.,I'm 110% Sure it is Dat input lag due to not having a lagless monitor,"Still, TN laptop screens aren't too bad, at least compared to IPS ones lmao" I live in New Orleans and Im offended by this ^^passport ^^down ^^here ^^and ^^try ^^this ^^line ^^..... ^^for ^^science,Well aren't we a special little snowflake r/hentai though...,"You have good taste, Centipede" "That could have happened in either of the Battle of the Block, or Roadkill seasons as well. BBOTT is not that unique.",Shh..don't tell people the truth. "Heard a friend talking about csgo, checked if the game is still as aids as before (the reason I quit cuz of bad community experience) so I checked the reddit if its still like that. And yes it is so I'll just refrain from csgo","I say, if you play with friends its a much better experience, Just the playerbase is toxic, Thats the only bad part - mostly.." Dog to the rescue!!!,"Like 50% of the videos on youtube of people playing around in their house, some dog jumps in and ruins everything!" Aesthetically speaking,"Of course it's cool looking, that's why Hitler stole it." Democracy Election I wonder if he'll beat the 99% mandate the democratically elected government of North Korea has.,"North korea has a 100% mandate, they offer only one option and you are arrested for not choosing it." "Bing-watched Survivor:Fiji (Opinions - Spoiler-ish) Yesterday I started to watch Survivor Fiji (It was my first time actually, I knew the major events like Edgardo blindside, the winner and boot order,though) I almost finished it but I fell asleep during the finale so I finished it today. I want to post my opinions about the season. First of all, I think Fiji is really high-spirited season. During the run, I had smile on my face the whole time. I think It is because of the people that was on the season. The opening: I LOVE the beginning. 19 people lived on same island for 3 days, I have never seen something like that before on Survivor? It was really amazing and I loved how clueless they were. Its a shame they have never done something like that after but at the same time It gives to Fiji a very unique tone. The Have/Have-not twist: You know from what I heard, I really thought It was gonna be much more miserable but I didn't think It was as bad as people say. Yeah it must be really hard to be Ravu, but at least they (production) tried to balance it out with the challenges. The challenges until the merge was not really physical It was more mental and strategy oriented. Some will say but food deprivation also has an effect on mentality and I agree but I think It was more about Ravu's poor strategy on challenges. They came close a couple of times and they blew it. I don't think they should repeat the twist, what I am trying to say is I expected more horrible thing form what I heard beforehand, you know. (It was only very unfair to Sylvia) The twist that screwed Michelle: Again, I am not mad at the twist. It was def not against one person, Michelle just got a really bad luck. This is the nature of the game nowadays, so watching it with modern survivor day mentality, It did not bother me at all. Poor Michelle tho. I would not want to be in her shoes. They should have sent these five to exile and let them strategize for a couple hours imo. Side note, I could not stop about thinking the whole gang-bang thing whenever I saw Michelle lol. What do you think happened? Do you think It is real? If so damn Michelle, at least have a decency to bang Boo, who I think was the cutest male in this season. The fall of Horseman: It is interesting how people pinpoint it on Edgardo blindside. They did a lot of mistakes pre-merge. First they should have got rid of Cassandra instead of Lilliana. Lil would be a loyal solider. What the hell were they thinking? Second, after the tribe swap they should have got rid of Dreamz instead of Lisi. I know Lisi was a flip-flop but she really liked/cared for Ed and Alex and would not quit and screw them in the future. Most importantly, Lisi had a great shot to pull Stacy back with them. Plus she would be a perfect goat. They literally set themselves up for a failure. However, AGAIN I dont think they were as bad people as people say. I mean the only thing that was very mean that they did was Alex's FTC speech. It was very rude to Cassandra and what he asked to her was so pointless lol. Cassandra did not even vote out Stacy. (P.S. I love how Stacy turned from a hating mean person, to a UTR hero and best buddies with Cassandra. I really like her LOL) Idols: It was amazing how It took them 6-8 clues to find the idol and all clues were basically same LOL. I thought last clue would be like ''Damn you suck here is the idol'' . I thought It was better than modern area because It took work and determination. They pinpoint where the idol is nowadays and Its kinda boring. Yau-Man and Earl friendship is TOTALLY friendship goals. I adored them so much. Earl is really as great person/player as some people say and he is very underrated winner. I want him to back but only if he is the same person he was on Fiji. (charismatic, very funny but strategic) If not please do not ruin your legacy Earl. Fiji might be really boring to watch week to week when it aired, but It is one of the greatest season to bing-watch. I highly recommend it, esp If you are having a boring weekend like myself. FINAL WORDS. Fiji is a very very unique season. I know It is not a top-tier season but It is not as bad as some think.In my opinion, Mid-school survivor seasons are the best..","Great recap, I finished watching every single season for the first time in August and now I'm starting my first rewatch of a few seasons - Cagayan ( it was my first season ), currently I'm on Borneo and hopefully I'll get around to rewatch all the seasons." He surrounds himself with racists. He retweets racists. He fills his speeches with classic dog whistle racist comments.,But how is that racist? Thank you. I was about to make a comment because I missed the joke,You're welcome. What are the chances of blacklist becoming backwards compatible... I would literally be so happy if it were.,I'm assuming you're talking about splinter cell: blacklist and i really hope it doesn't become BC because that game was about as enjoyable as sticking my head in an oven Triss as Yenefer for Halloween by koffeya,"Well, she was always eager to replace Yennefer in any way." Fuckin god fuckin damn it iv been trying to get one forever now..............................,Yeah it went quickly catman scares me please send help,This is more r/autistic like. Come to California.,"California is so expensive to live in, though." Looks dope man,"Thanks bud, I appreciate it!" "I've never played this game, is that the dying animation at the end of the gif? That looks like a really bad animation to me for some reason.","The games is 4 years old after all, peoples computers are having a hard time running this game so adding ragdoll-physics or something similar would make it even worse." "If you could rename planet Earth, what name would you pick?",Bob "Fuck it Reddit, here I am. If I voted in the deep blue state of NY, you all better get out and make a difference! Vote!",We are gonna make NY red again! I have no problem with drug users or pushers being killed.,Yeah they're supporting pushers pushing it to more people though which strengthens every other aspect of their organization sooo you're a godless immoral being. "The world is a slightly less sad place for me now, because I know this cat organ exists. How did I live for so long without this?","this is now my favorite thing in the world, ever." "This photo by Joel-Peter Witkin, using an actual corpse.",That's one very pronounced rib-cage. David Carr down in field telling teammates It's broke.,Worst championship day ever. Very doable. I agree. XDA makes that shit happen on a daily basis.,"At the expense of the camera, sure." Trump gets booed at his polling station,But it's the crowds! Crosswalk button was super effective,"two words, neodymium magnet" Also who comes to Reddit? We're all ingame slowly wasting our life away.,You are here right now. If you're finding this type of people then you're stuck on really shitty mmr.,im playing with people around 4400-5000 right now. Who does tony place his Bets with? For example when he drops 100k in Chasing It. Just a little thing I'm curious about. Maybe a bookie in one of the New York families?,"If memory serves, he usually loses it in the casinos or the racetrack, no?" Florida here: voted for Jill a few days ago. My Trump friends said its a vote for Hillary and my Hillary friends said its a vote for Trump.,3 votes for the price of one! "The fraud in the Food Stamp program is systemic. Worse, it's been a vote buy for the Democrat party just like other entitlement program designed to keep people poor and dependent upon government. We need better enforcement, means testing, drug testing, alcohol testing and tobacco testing for recipients otherwise the working class are subsidizing these bad habits for the non-working class. And this post will be removed as 'off topic' by the mods as it does not advance liberal politics.",Who are you mad at? I've sent many things to the wrong place before. What might seem stupid is easy for some people to do. I always forget to add my unit number to my address. It's hard for ADHD kids to pay attention to address details.,So we agree? "Those poor bastards in SD. KO will be mad he missed a game. MEJ **could** get some snaps, and I'm sure he'll have something to prove. Carr is going to throw for like 450+ yards, and King is going to have to dance on the sidelines because the offense will ensure he's only on the field to hold for extra points.",I hope you're right. "Whether the FBI is corrupt or she really is innocent (no intent, but committed the crime), I'm just bothered by the fact that for so long she was mishandling classified information and claims to not realize she was doing anything wrong, despite people coming out saying she was warned multiple times.. and no one cares.",Why do you hate women? "I'm going to to against the grain here and say hold it. It would be different if you had bought it as a single, but since you pulled it from a pack, it seems like it doesn't cost you much to hang on to it for at least a year or two and see where it goes. I'm betting it's not going to go lower, but it could have reasonable upside.",Whether you pulled a card or bought a card is irrelevant to whether you should hold or sell it. First look at the Emoji movie...,God is dead and we killed him Is his name Bob by any chance?,"No, it's Vladimir." "######First Lesson of Memes Every meme must reference, serious or silly, at least two of the following: 1. Care: cherishing and protecting others; opposite of harm. 1. Fairness or proportionality: rendering justice according to shared rules; opposite of cheating. 1. Liberty: the loathing of tyranny; opposite of oppression. 1. Loyalty or ingroup: standing with your group, family, nation; opposite of betrayal. 1. Authority or respect: obeying tradition and legitimate authority; opposite of subversion. 1. Sanctity or purity: abhorrence for disgusting things, foods, actions; opposite of degradation. If you do not, then the viewer will not feel emotionally connected enough to spread, upvote, or laugh about it. There is a theory that politically liberals only understand the first two. This means they respond emotionally to any two of the five, but can only create using the first two. If a liberal makes a meme with the first two, it will spread. However if it violates any of others every non-liberal will hate the meme and it will not spread. If a non-liberal makes a meme, it will spread. However liberals may feel odd about it as they don't have any principles to logically understand why they respond to it, they will however spread the meme. #USE THIS KNOWLEDGE RESPONSIBLY",I see you are from the Haidtian School of Esoteric Memetics. holy shit ive never seen the full pic before,It's so high res. Someone tell that dude with the fro to stop man-spreading!,"Close your legs, Tan!" Russian Seppuku,\*Sudoku The moment you realize you chose the wrong server....,Oh shit... That's my server -_- Could you say no to this face?,Absolutely. "i used to feel self conscious about my receding (receded?) hairline, and balding crown, until i realised it was my ugly as fuck face i should be concerned about.",So did you opt for plastic surgery instead of a hair transplant then? Unless the wizard put an intelligent construct or something that monitors the system.,If it's intelligent then it can be confused with mind games. are you his ghost writer,"I'm not totally sure what you meant with that comment cause I'm dumb, but that's from his verse in No Problems" "Is it me or would a biopic on Bobby and Steve's life be amazing. I literally have never seen a film about Asian Americans let alone one that avoids cliche. From wrestling, drug abuse, sexual encounters, to abuse and being beaten by the electric piano to comedy there's so much there.",This is a job for Harmony Korine! Or the Avalanche as a Nordiques fan.,Or the Rams as a Rams fan. That's unfortunately not how an intelligent REGEX check works.,You forgot the It could have been handled at the local level by a beat cop. You stated that the police should have been called These two are not the same. Nice try though.,TIL a cop is not the police. Clinton Voters in a nutshell,"Correction, voters in a nutshell" Whoah there,It's high noon "Worst LPT ever. Every LPT that discusses water as a cure-all, is a shit show.",DRINK WATER TO BECOME MORE OPTIMISTIC AND TO STOP PROJECTING YOUR NEGATIVITY ON REDDIT. Do you know if there is a website or place where they rate the different trinkets for prot warrior? I have like 4 trinkets and i have no clue which ones are valued higher.,Do you have discord? Jason and Jozea OVER THE TOP,Super disappointed the returning houseguest is gonna be one of them. How many teams really rebuild in the top 10 same teams seem to be there yearly. See bucs browns jags Titans. Just my two cents.,The Colts needed just one pick. Instant replay and red cards for fakers would end this crap.,Knowing FIFA these things will probably be introduced sometime around 2060... Is Reddit beginning to lean more left? It seems like a few anti-capitalist subs have been hitting r/all lately. Should we ride this momentum continue to agitate and normalize anti-capitalist sentiment?,God I hope so! What is the biggest waste of potential that you have ever seen?,Myself. "Nope, didnt say that at all",You implied it. Her lips look like the batman symbol,except... they don't? "Someone please sell me iP6/5s with saved 8.3 blobs, please!",I have an 5s running 8.4 at the moment. "My friend got a legendary chest but was mad about it My friend recently got a legendary chest. He already had Sparky, Princess, and Lava Hound. He got very mad and said I can't believe I'm so unlucky when he got a 2nd princess in the chest. You know your friend is spoiled when that happens.",unfriend him "81 year-old today, Alain Delon",He's impossibly cool in Le Samourai. Made my lunch last night. Grabbed the wrong tupperware this morning.,As someone who grew up on raw chicken wings... *HNNNNNGGGGGGG......* Because Demonbolt got hit with a nerf twice so....,"Yes, Demonbolt was nerfed before BRF came out." What's the toughest Would you rather question you've ever heard?,Would you see your birth or conception video? You have so little time to react by the time you know what's going on.,Ori shows up with her ball MIA and she has a Shaco on her team so what else could possibly be going on besides them about to fuck you with no lube Could I take my current hard drive and put it into a new PC without losing windows activation or any of my games?,This is why you partition your drive people and especially if you have only one drive. "The bee of course, flies anyway...",Because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Killer ~~Clown~~ Queen,has already touched that doorknob "Not even the US operates on such unequal balances of trust. She ***absolutely*** owed me a reason if she wanted a friendship. Repeating this doesn't make you more convincing. It just shows how insane you are. The fundamental truth here is, we have a difference of opinion.","Yes, you're right, how dare she think she could just have your friendship without a proper explanation of why she doesn't want to be romantically entwined with you" Of course it's about percentages. Everything is about numbers in the end.,sound reasoning "Big Brother Over the Top - Wednesday Night Live Event Discussion - October 26 2016 On the live feeds tonight, beginning at 10p EDT/7p PDT, we will have a one hour recap of the past week. At 11p EDT/10p PDT, We will have a live eviction. If it's anything like last week, it will be very productionless and the HG will fill in for most of Julie's usual role. Starting at midnight/ 9pPDT, an HOH competition will be played. During the eviction, your best bet is to watch the Quad View. Who will be evicted? How will the votes fall? What awkward moment will we get from the live eviction? How about the weird 30 min of nothing after that and before HOH? Who will be crowned? Discuss all that and whatever else below.",Hearing production talk is so bizarre I like OP more thougj,OP fanboy confirmej. Hard pass.,You will regret it! "Nail art isn't too common on this sub, but I thought you guys might like this. Happy hunting!","Wow I want those too, I wish you could do my nails!" tare is dipping sauce in Japanese cooking. Joke went over a lot of heads.,Tare is also when you zero a balance for weight. "I suppose they can be allowed to vote, too. I'm more concerned with making sure felons are allowed to vote, though. somehow I don't think that quite as many people are trying to stop state legislators.",State legislators should be the ones to pick the president "He's going to be a candidate for 2nd, but most likely he's going to be either a backup or a platoon player. Obviously if Wright goes down he shifts to 3rd",Then what is Flores? Rudy Giuliani: We cannot let blacks and Hispanics decide this election. This racist brain-dead motherfucker is voting. Are you??,I think he forgot we're all Americans? Poll: Which headband are you copping?,gosh darn resellers You must be a fag if you drink HOMOgenized milk!,All humans assigned as female are lesbians cause they come out of the womb sucking tits. My character has had this bruise for ages and its not makeup. Bug?,Prolly from the first day of online you got socked at level 1 and never recovered. "It's in Croatian, was only ment for OP to reply to, amigo!","To nije hrvatski, to je srpski" ITT: People that hate the government interfering in their privacy but are totally okay with the government trashing civil rights to stop terrorism. The cognitive dissonance is real.,Fascism is real and Trump is the leader of fascist America. "Ok, but can I place early bets on: No wall ISIS thriving Inner city crime continuing unabated Not a single manufacturing job returning to the rust belt GDP growth falling And Unemployment rising?",But...he promised. How is that racist? - Trump supporters,Black man's fault for being there. Do something good to the world,Is that $25 statistic right? "it is obvious but it really needs emphasis. at the port of my city, there are about 50 spawn spots, its a small area, it is like a pokemon party, there pokemon ALL OVER the place, visiting it ar random times. still, finding a dratini is rare and i dont even hunt for it, i am going there for water pokemon. he needs to know how HARD it is to find a dratini, unless u find a dratini nest i guess.",Dratini nests don't exist anymore :( They fucking left pigeons to die! What more proof do you need?,"That's not proof that they intended or meant to do it, just that it happened." Then who was phone?!,Not like theees... Rotating your character during customization Just a minor thing but I miss being able to rotate your character to see how their armor looks when you customize their outfit.,Kinda hard to look at my new FTL helmet when he won't fucking look at me :( "Acting like they don't vote because they're just too sick of the two-party politics and are above that. You know, like, I just can't bother because the presidential candidates don't matter. Cool, you've never seen a ballot. Or are we just going to pretend like your municipality taking out a half billion in bonds doesn't matter? Or your parcel taxes or the local sales tax? You've never had an important local election? And if you live in a state with voter initiatives...well how can you say your vote doesn't matter?","Yeah, because the only logical conclusion to not wanting to be involved in the shit-show that is politics is that they've never voted" That's the joke?,That was an opportunity for the ol' reddit santaroo but you let it get away! I've given in!,:D Post Game Thread: Sabres @ Flyers Fuck the Shootout ODFUSOIFOSIDFS WE WON A SHOOTOUT,Mase worked on his 5-hole! Lateralus,same with Aenima Why is there so many arms,Mutants need dick too! Plus all of FFXV lololololol,Don't forget Mass Effect: Witcher 3 FEMALES MAKE MY PEEPEE FEEL GOOD,That picture of Peyote Manning was totally unexpected and unexpectedly arousing... Wow you guys just can not get rid of swaggy can you?,"I mean, he's no KD." "I totally missed the DD/MM/YY format. Well shit, I guess I was born on July 1st and not January 7th.",!RemindMe January 7th I agree.,Seconded You're In The Club And This Guy Slaps Your Girlfriend's Ass,is this before or after he calls me the n-word "Well you will get as many vampires as you want and more in Transylvania. I would just push the CotSG story 100% and elbow your way on through, skipping anything else except for maybe those 2-step side missions that are along the way anyway.",The problem is that if I do that I get steamrolled in later missions due to being undergeared. "Seriously, it makes no sense to ignore public statements from the president elect. Yeah, he's a thin skinned idiot who lashes out at anyone not kissing his ass enough or feeding his ego, but he's still the president elect. We have to know what he's doing and saying, no matter how fucking idiotic.","When you've got all the guns of the US military at your beck and call, you can be an idiot spouting nonsense and still be worth paying attention to" I play with a bunch of older people. A couple younger than me (28). I am pretty surprised most of the people in my league can use a computer/phone to play at all. Highly doubt they use reddit or this sub.,Define older. Has Huawei removed the protected apps option in emui 4(android 6)?,"Nope, they are now in the phone manager app, and not in settings anymore" Thats fucked up Im EMOTIONAL it is a gang its a culture I AM EMO what do you mean Im emotional black veil brides suicide,Do you listen to Snowing? Downloading iOS 10 beta,"Downloading/opening the profile directly in Safari on your iPhone should install it, what issue are you having?" "Ya, the real question is if they're actually selling for that price.","I talked to them this afternoon, I'll update tomorrow." "cc1, cc2, 3 cc3, and other items Offers",Trinity? Sudowoodo.,"Name means Pseudo wood, meaning it's not wood" No i can comprehend bunnyhat listen ok my best friend haf put me in the middle of this when i had no knowledge of what was going on at that moment in time,Bunnyhat? One of the things that I actually like about win 10 is the auto grids that it does,"I'm pretty sure that was in Windows XP, maybe even earlier." CCTV released of 'attempted abduction' of woman in Canberra suburb of Red Hill,Why did the other lady just keep playing pokemon on her phone like nothing was happening? Hey,You Tryna go smoke again? Oklahoma is never a key state. - signed Texas.,* signed Kevin Durant He wasn't even touched!!!,If he wasn't even touched... who beat up the menacing black kid? "Stormzy - shut up was a looped beat bro, took over the fuckin world too",Almost no one outside the UK knows who he is. **E**,**T** Oh ok that makes sense. The baby kind of looked like her though. Well now I know thanks.,That's racist. When you make an alt to grind xmas sets and ypu get a konecny in the starter pack...,He's in like 95% of the starter teams... "Well maybe just not as shitty, I mean that is pretty well one of the few good scenes",I liked Home Alone 2 :( Look up Stefan Molyneux's video the truth about the crusades. He should have sources you are wanting linked in the description.,"Thanks a lot, appreciate it" But now it shoots all of its feathers for arrows so it doesn't have the feathers to fly and it's pretty hard to fly when you're made of steel,Skarmory says otherwise. Finally UA1 Solo! Autoheals OP!!!,reddit meta arena viable confirmed "Ronove - Ragnarok Dragon vs Linthia So I have a... developing Ronove team: Ronove / Kaede / Sumire / A.Tsukuyomi (flex A.Freyja) / Urd / Ronove I know that flex slot should probably have either Linthia or Ragdrag in it, but I'm wondering how worthwhile it is to buy the dragon if I already have Linthia, and almost have her evolved, as I'm just missing the cocoon for Swallowtail. Ronove pretty much negates the bad effects from Linthia, and I'm not sure if I'd ever get Ragdrag evolved considering the materials needed. That said, I could buy him, but I'd be selling: D.Meta, R.Sonia, G.Sonia x2, B.Odin, L.Meta x2, Some dragon swordsmen. So, is Linthia fine, or should I really be shooting for the dragon?",In a nutshell: linthia better for ua2/ua3 bc vishnu and radardras ragdra better in all other dungeons with no god/dragons with damage absorbs "Yeah, I'm not sure about all this heartburn, either. I think we're going to get down voted into oblivion but I'm not really upset the STs are getting a nice reward.","Yup, in this thread lots of people using the downvote button as the disagree button." I would step away for a bit. All of our feelings are still fresh. Come back at him when he least expects it.,"I will probably draft something, and come back to it in a few days to make sure that I have completely thought it through." What do people hope to achieve by telling people to go outside? Is it just supposed to be a snidey comment? Because that's how it comes across.,Going outside gives perspective. Your username is hilarious.,one too many mia khalifa videos changes a man Did anyone else see the live clip of Donald and his kids yelling at each other next to their car? Ivanka looked mad!,someone needs to link to this I was made a few weeks ago by a middle age lady. Was loading a ladder into my suv not paying attention. As she passed by she pointed to my waist subtly and whispered careful with that widow maker bud and continued about her business.,"It can also be a widower maker, how dare she assume someone's gender!" "the official policy is to immediately contact police in vandalism, but not rape... disgusting",Just goes to show what they value. That's a 50/50 situation for me there. I think it depends on what beer I'm drinking (I don't like hard liquor). I haven't figured out which one makes me pee more often though.,"Technically whichever has more alcohol in it should, because alcohol is a diuretic." "As someone who didn't vote for Obama, and never thought I'd be saying this, I'd totally re-elect him right now if I could. I don't agree with a lot of his politics but there's no denying that he's been an incredibly presidential president. He's on his game every time he comes into the public eye. The past 8 years we've seen him angry, we've seen him sad, and we've seen him goofing off with kids, but no matter what he always looks like a president. That's far more than I can say for the two morons we're being stuck with now.","I agree, president represents United States internationally, President Obama is an outstanding figure for this." what the scariest thing you've seen on the internet??,Bearstein bears You must defeat your 12 year old self in a game of their choosing. What game is it and how do you beat them?,"Monopoly, past me wouldn't stand a chance against current me" And in 50/50,50/50 is my ultimate underrated movie. Sedins will be like Jagr except they won't retire and comeback... they'll keep playing into their 50's.,Sedin Jagr Sedin line? "Diseased dicks. Definitely. Maybe video links to infected abscess surgeries? (That's one of my hobbies but something I understand, from my husband and friends, is usually found repulsive and disgusting by most people). There are so many horrifying pictures on the internet. The only problem is that you'd have to see it too if you sent it? I'm not sure I thought this all the way through..... Sorry!","I look for pics on WTF Reddit to try and gross out my friend, problem is I gross myself out looking there." "She got CA, that gave her a boost",That was expected though. "I'm watching Sky News' stream, and some woman was complaining about Trump saying it's evil to abort A 9 MONTH FETUS. Thank fucking god he's about to clinch!!",**HISSS** RACIST! I has a sad.,"oh no, that sucks!" word B,Hur dur potato for the long post Maybe I'll finally use the rainbow shell train station.,It's the technicolor aardvark. "It's a very simple build and something different. My daughter built the one I had in my stash, thinking of replacing it.","Took me 3 hours to snap it together for my girlfriend, she loves it(but now wants the Beserker mode as well)" Dude raped kids. fuck him and fuck you.,And free will doesn't exist so might as well reprogram the meat robot and get him to do something useful instead of wasting all the resources that kept it alive for so long. Bye bye Pence,Love it "How did you feel when your favourite ships got sunk? When I started reading about the trolls, I shipped Katnep SO HARD (and I still do), but when nepeta died I was like: noooooooooooooo.",Wasn't that ship sunk even earlier in one of the walkaround flashes were he straight up said the feelings were unrequited? This is the only spoken word I've listened to that's really caught my attention.,yea because J. Ivy on Never Let Me Down isn't straight heat. Maybe you shouldn't have put Saudi Arabia on the Human rights council you morons.,Money talks. How is this dorm room set up guys?,That a sick wii u cover you have Haha... another problem is I am a man,Gg It's hard to admit to things that our government has hidden from us.,"I think he meant that governments should admit it, not regular citizens who didn't even know this was going on." I refer you back to my previous comment.,"I can see where he's coming from, though." What's your NBN Plan B?,"As someone who rents in a fttp zone I am not keen on ever having to move, I suppose a transition to a fttn network would be bearable, but there's no way I could ever go back to a subpar adsl connection" "Might want to reconsider, they gave HRC over a 98% chance to win!",Well close enough "If Trump wins this despite losing the popular vote, which may very well happen, this'll be the fifth election where that happens. All five losers would be Democrats.",#Rigged RIP America,Replace 'emails' with 'because she is a woman' GOATS,Do you think they'll take the Baitz? Do we REALLY need a post-game thread AND a upvote party thread,Yes. Thank you guys for all the love <3. I'll probably make for Reaper and Junkenstein soon !,omg plz reaper :D should i sub to your channel to see if u make more of these? "Clay, Woods, and McCoy are expected. Powell had to beat his man on a slant, which is usually easy. It's not a bad playcall. Just a hell of a play by E.J. Gaines.","I agree it was a great play by the rams corner, just wish we targeted one of our playmakers in that situation." Bought a gun yesterday. You've probably never seen one of these.,It doesn't look like anything to me. He thinks the government turns frogs gay and subscribes to basically every conspiracy theory out there. It's not at all unreasonable.,...i want a gay frog After electing it's first black president America decides to elect the guy who tried to impeach him based on his skin color. One step forward and two steps back. A sad day for this country,Not to mention also a guy who was endorsed by the KKK. "Speak for yourself, I was euphoric.",wow are you a pro quote maker? He cannot beat me on Smash Bros. He is like 4 already like get the fuck out of here,If he can't wavedash yet I think it's time to put him up for adoption Bush too. 16 good years.,well there was that one bad thing that some people blame on bush... So is Sorin still trapped in a rock? I may have missed something but the lore seems to make no mention of Sorin's fate. Is he just chillin' in a rock relieved that his plane is safe but slightly agitated for being part a ruined Doric facade?,Maybe he'll become a city landmark like Angelo What do you guys think of my Karl Pilkington emblem?,It's nice I get to see this on the side of a 1918 vehicle lotteries too!,So tax for the poor? Australia ranked 6th most prosperous nation in the world by the Legatum Institute,Straya stronk! "Future President Trump has two court dates in Nov and Dec, one of racketeering and one for child rape. Plenty of material to go on.",Pretty sure the child rape case has been dropped. She has to be found guilty to receive a pardon.,"Wrong, On September 8, 1974, president of the United States Gerald Ford issued Proclamation 4311, which gave Richard Nixon a full and unconditional pardon for any crimes he might have committed against the United States" Didn't they just buff every single lock spec?,Woohoo a 7% dps increase! Let's hear it for two time loser and soon to be prison cell occupant HILLARY It's not technically illegal CLINTON,Silver lining of the night. "Living in Colorado this is amazing to me. We don't have cable, only internet, and I've seen zero campaign ads.",Im hearing them on the radio. Incredibly biased casters in NiP vs Vega Squadron,"2 things: 1; Vega are the underdog 2; F0rest, Xizt, GTR, and Friberg have never missed a major in CSGO, until maybe now" Donald Trump va fi al 45-lea Presedinte al Statelor Unite ale Americii; Ce consecinte prevedeti pentru Romania?,Cum s-ar spune in popor: am belit belenghelu "She claimed that she was on a 707 flight, and the reality was that they only operated 727s that year between NYC and Dallas. The inconsistencies point to her inability to remember details, not necessarily to whether or not they were on the same flight.",She's getting the clinton standard of required recollections. does this ban them from having foreign workers?,"No, but it serves no purpose except to shame them for doing so far - it is a policy which purposefully exploits and reinforces xenophobia." "I'm horribly sorry for thinking that Hilary was a better candidate and voting for her in the Primary, like the majority of Democrats did. The election was not rigged. The Democratic party did not want Bernie. That is not rigging, that is democracy.","The dnc leaked emails, dnc head dws forced to step down then Hillary gives her a cabinet seat, the podesta emails..." "WE ACTUALLY HAVE AOES NOW IN THE GAME. A 6 AoE that can kill 1-3 Mana minions, #what a novel concept.",tbf it also kills a 0 mana 5/5 taunt "You know, for the last year my anti-Americanism made me feel Americans deserve Trump and I want him to win to see your stupid faces. But now that's happened. It does nothing, there's nothing there. I was smug at first, but now, it's nothing. But... let this be a lesson of humility for you. America is not the greatest nation on earth. America is not some shining beacon of freedom and democracy. But, still despite all that, some of you are alright.","Well, the fact they've managed to elect an orange chimp is undeniable proof that the US is a nation of diversity, democracy and acceptance." So proud to be an American tonight!,You dropped this "I tried to give them to pet stores and everyone working there. I'm gonna try to keep them alive as long as possible but I don't have a tank anymore, just the bucket. Do you think a lake is better than the toilet? I know it sounds mean but idk what else to do and they won't live long in a bucket",Releasing fish into their non-native environment is never an acceptable solution. Sensitive much?,"Oh, absolutely, darling." "I knew he was going to win starting a couple of months ago when my front page had nothing but anti-Trump posts. And then every time I posted a comment that was not nice to Clinton, I'd get downvoted and attacked. Horrible horrible corruption of social media. People who support Hillary have no idea the oppression her Presidency would have entailed. To suppress the opinions of half the citizenry may feel good, but it's the stuff of civil war.",Because calling everyone whod don't support you a stupid cuck is not suppresing other opinions? i forth this,I am too Is that why Armageddon was a much better movie than The Core?,You are laughing but it is easier to train drillers. "Willem verkozen tot nieuwe president van de VS, monarchie ingezet",Driewerf hoezee! rustbell has taken over Tokyo,godzilla How long after taking Adderall XR should I wait before doing blow?,24 hours is this rape?,"Look at what he's wearing, he was clearly asking for it." "I like Corona, please rip me apart.",Pacifico for life. "Oh, sorry. That was all I saw mentioning financial support in the free sections of the research paper. Do you maybe have to buy it to view the funding info on it? Or do you know how to find the funding source beyond what they've stated or what u/imperatorhadrianus has said?",If you don't know who paid for the research you don't know how valid the 'results' are. "Its cyber Monday! Anyone got suggestion for a good mouse? Need a good mouse for not just league, but other games as well. I play a variety of games from fps like csgo, to moba like league, so I need a mouse that can do all. I also don't want a mouse that is really complicated with a lot of buttons. Just two on the side is fine. Lastly, I have medium sized hands so not too large plz. Suggestions? thx",Steelseries Rival 300 is fucking fantastic Eddie Alvarez explains exactly how he'll finish Conor McGregor at UFC 205,If he actually comes to stand and throw down with Conor he is going to get fucked up. "I would give my left nut to see an ending where we see Nikoali get his wife back, i honestly think this would bring the community to tears.",Nikolai just hits me in the feels sometimes :( I'm ready *Xbox can't screen shot the home screen btw*,insert spongebob i'm ready gif "Wow, Benghazi and emails all in one post when the OP has nothing to do with it. That's impressive. I would say you can't insult veterans and military families, fabricate lies about people cheering on 9/11, and otherwise flip-flop a hundred times on every issue imaginable and become president, but here we are.","They were just one ACORN, or super predators away from my Rage Against Hillary BINGO sheet." Will Trump's presidency have a big effect on player visas,I was about to answer but i realized that i have to go to sleep because i need to build a wall tomorrow . "That's been the mantra of the republicans of congress for 8 years though. Anything Obama wanted was a no. They wouldn't even consider his Supreme Court nominee, who many on both sides had considered an extremely fair choice.","Well as long as both Reps and Dems burn the fucking country to the ground while pointing at each other, I guess it's alright" Jimmy Fallon Under Fire For Tousling Donald Trump's Hair,It was hilarious and Clinton's idea Does the knot get the adrenaline pumping?,It's pumping something alright So fighting political correctness is more important than fighting climate change?,Priorities. Well they're both somewhat right. The only reason we guys can do it so easily is because we drive with our cocks.,I wrap mine around the gear stick How about we talk about the gender pay gap in modeling?,"Ok, what about the gender pay gap in modeling?" "If I had any doubt before, now I know...","*Well, God let King Noah be king*" OP's mom,"if you can pry the old bitch out of her casket she's all yours, flyboy." "So after all the talk of a rigged system, it looks like it was actually rigged against the dems.",Right. 75 Day Reddit account. Lol talk to me when you actually make a post.,All his comments have been deleted but im gonna imagine that you shut him very well so congrats "Well, they are exercising their right to free speech.",Amazing how much people want free speech until somebody says something they disagree with. "Will the election mess with anything mtg-wise? Seeing as wotc is based in the us, will it affect anything in foreign markets?",Wall of Omens might spike - somebody's paying for those walls "they absorb basically the same amount of light, a camera sensor is just more senstive",potayto potahto "Haha, my Hillary friends are calling me a retard for ruining America. I love it!",Well thank goodness Trump is going to make it great again. "Java Locks, return values and try/finally Ehy, I am using Java Locks to synchronize threads and I need to understand something. What is the best way to return from a method that uses locks to lock and needs to return a value? For example, say I have a bounded buffer and that consumer threads get the head of the list. I would do something like this: public Object get(){ try{ lock.lock(); while(list.size()==0){ // wait condition.await(); } Object retVal = list.getFirst(); return retVal; } catch (InterruptedException e) { // handle exception from await e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ lock.unlock(); } } But then, if an exception is caught, the return value is not specified. What is the best way to do this properly? Thank you very much",Usually you just want to rethrow the interrupted exception. "*Technically* there is nothing wrong with it. There are just standard rules and guidelines most techs follow when balancing tires. The way I was taught (that some people might disagree with in one way or another) is that you never put more than 3.0oz MAX (still not suggested to do that much) on one side of a passenger tire, this tire has double that (each little square is 0.25oz). Also, I never stack weights, it just makes it easier for them to fall off the car. So the fact that this one wheel/tire combo means either the tire or wheel is defective someway or simply paired in the worst possible way. Regardless it should've been addressed, never shipped this way.",What would you do if the balancer calls for this much weight? Shit this is me,"I'm the opposite, I end up browsing for an hour and just turn it off, because I don't know what I want to watch" "2020 will go back to Dems IMO, as long as they're smart and elect a candidate who can get people excited and wanting to vote. Which very well could be Bernie if he's in good health, and pick someone younger as his VP since he'll be getting older and older.","Please, be Bernie." Jim Beglin is just as bad. Both complete garbage.,Jim Beglin is actually really good... Coming from a German perspective that is very usual and isn't really seen as anything special here.,"Finnish here, normal for us too." Proper Fucked.,Fuckin' right dickered there boys "Dang, that's crazy how it's advanced. I want to learn programming.",That's 3D Modeling... "I cannot believe we lost this division while Brock Oswieler was throwing against us And Irsay saying no moves will be made is icing on the cake. Our team, and this division, are complete jokes","Seriously, this division should be yours to win tho..." What is The Best horror movie of all time?,I''m going to say The Thing by John Carpenter "Yeah, I'd vote for him too...",WRONG "The human eye can only see max 32 bits anyway, maybe 33 at a push","Although it is possible to overstock to 35, tops." "I saw a guy selling a motherboard and a gtx 750 that were ran over by a car and the card bent completely, no joke",I mean other than the irreparable damage to it it runs perfectly. "What do you think the least talked about / most forgotten episode is from each season? My thoughts: 1A - Beach Party. I literally never see anyone talk about this episode. Mostly because nothing really stands out. 1B - Secret Team. Literally does anyone care about this episode... like.. at all? 2 - Historical Friction. An amusing, but ultimately forgettable episode that got lost in the annals of time. 3 - Steven vs. Amethyst. This one was a case of being sandwiched. It got massively overshadowed by Bismuth and onwards, and proceeded by Crack the Whip, the start of the Amethyst arc. 4 - Buddy's Book. Only 7 to choose from, and I feel this one wins.",Least talked about but definitely not forgotten is Say Uncle. Novorossiya is for certain. Looking back it probably would have been for the best to not have the coup and just depose Yanukovych democratically. In hindsight Lithuanians look like geniuses for not trying to ask for Kaliningrad.,"Kaliningrad was offered to Lithuania at one point, but we declined due to the costs associated with rebuilding it." "Finished IT and I have a question about the ending?*SPOILERS* So I just finished IT and I have a question for the readers of this sub. Am I the only one who thought it was weird that they have a gangbang at the end? Did I miss something? Was it just so they could be closer with each other? I'm being very serious about this, I just didn't get why? Was it to signify the ending of childhood? Just wondering what others thought","Yes, you are literally the only person who's ever mentioned that scene in the history of the book's publication." "That's what sales are for, first they reduce the price, then increase it higher than before.",(It was a nice way of calling out a repost) Hate to break it to you buddy but a majority of trumps supporters would probably like to turn your country into a crater.,"Yes, we voted for Trump to bomb MORE countries" Proud of this Seige,Siege* "How, especially after this election, can you be so confident about anything?","Because look at the polls, and he is literally Hitler, and racist and sexist and a rapist, and only racist xenophobes will vote for him and they are a small minority in this country!" **NAME**,"Wow dude way to ruin it,,," That hat actually looks pretty good on her,Still doesn't change the fact that she's a shitty philosopher. What movie traumatized you as a kid but wasn't actually that terrifying?,Mirrormask Hey it's only about half of Americans. The rest of us are a bit shocked and terrified.,"Less than half, even." "Down 50% in physical sales but up in digital. You underestimate the amount of money supply drops bring in. Get a few youtubers to open a ton for their young fanbase, add in a parents card you have a goldmine. It's Pokemon cards but digital.",I just hope they use some of the money to upgrade their servers. calling it a riot is a bit of a stretch as far as I know the only casualties were trash cans?,"Yeah why I threw riots in quotes kind of using that loosely there, but there was fighting, one girl I know came back with a black eye." Don't disrespect harbambe idiot,You spelled our lord and savior's name wrong and you dare talk about disrespect? My girlfriend got this pig on a whopper plopper at our local spot.,Looks like it has a broken jaw...or ripped lip "Eh, they'll be irrelevant tomorrow night and they're sure as hell not going to sway the outcome in CA haha.",loool "Seriously...North Dakota and Arkansas legalized medical marijuana before we did. WTF I know the signatures got thrown out here. But fuck, man.",Because we are now Kansas2.0 Doing a backflip on stairs,**I meant frontflip please don't kill me** kinda happy to be honest,"Let's not lower ourselves to Ukraine's level, shall we." or we could just accept the result and try to work together..?,Ya because Republicans worked together with Democrats for the past 8 years "ooooook, now go back eat your assburgers with a 2L coke",WTF? "I not a big fan of Trump, but I do not support a criminal as president. I am neither happy nor upset at this result as there was no better alternative.",Well I guess murica doesn't have anything other than idiots and criminals then.. Cleaning an aluminum chainmail shirt.,Mithril! "Glenn Beck: If not electing Trump means electing Clinton, 'so be it'",How long before he's branded a RINO? "I was under the impression it was because -f is a modifier for -r. -r means to delete recursively, -f means to not ask questions about the recursive dirs.","`-f` means force, so when deleting files it won't ask every time if it should delete files." Your disappointed sixteen-year-old self appears and demands to know why your life turned out like this. What do you tell them?,"I don't know what the hell I did over the next 2 years, but I guarantee you it is not yet my fault." "Not this election, but every time it's election season my mom makes a note to remind me that when I was 4, I supported George W. Bush for president because it would be neat to have a shrubbery for president","come on, it's 2001 for fucks sake, how have we not had a shrub president?" Can we just buy the cap?,I would love to know this... "Is this your first election? You might as well write in Bernie for the rest of your life because there is never going to be a candidate that you agree on everything with. I bet if you actually looked on Hillary's website you would realize that you align with her on some of the issues, but instead write in Bernie so it makes you feel superior.",Or maybe they just don't trust her cuz they think she lied and cheated her way throughout the entire primary and maybe people hold a grudge for things like that... "I have never been to a restaurant that did this, I feel cheated.",friendly's tends to offer ice cream with certain meals. "I would agree it was not Holy nor Roman but it was an Empire, and a pretty large one too.","For the first 200 years maybe, then it became a confederation of fiefdoms that occasionally worked together" "We get it, shotguns are the gun of Supremacy But.... When the dust settles can we talk about those wonderful shotguns? I really enjoy fusions, but I don't really enjoy people bouncing around the map like its call of duty playing warrior because it's one of the only viable styles of play now. I know, plenty of people will hate on this; especially those who aren't great at PvP and shotguns let them compete. But we can't let one archetype of one weapon type control an entire playlist. My recommendation is that you eliminate the high impact tier of shotguns and move them to mid/low impact. That will put shotguns in a decent place and allow fusions to flourish a bit more. I shouldn't have to find a god roll fusion to compete with the bottom of the barrel high impact shotguns. We can at least agree that something needs to be done, regardless of what it is. Sincerely, Tilted mid game player. [misc]","Oh yes, because removing some people's favorite weapons from the game would go over well with the fan base" omg so witty,Just like your post You're white passing.,Which is just as much as a sin as being white. "Even if this was true.... It is worlds less scary than mobs of people rioting and busting out windows in small businesses and attacking cop cars. Further more it is rioting/protesting people screaming out against a perceived hate. All in support for a woman known in the past for equally and in some cases far worse racial rhetoric linked to ISIL funding, pedophiles, perjury, fraud and treason (all verified and confirmed multiples times). Don't get me wrong I am not a Trump supporter as I would have rather had Jill Stein.... But seriously wow...",Mobs of vandals are less scary than small groups of white people ganging up on individual Asian people? "Hmm I like it although a 500 feet reel of Opticon quad is $1,440. I think I could probably spend as much as the robo itself just on fiber converters and all the Opticon quad stuff I would need.","Even if you skipped the opticalcon and went with standard ST connectors, you're still looking at about $1,000 for a 500ft reel with four strands." Which deck do you play?,"A few different ones, but lately I've been on BW Eldrazi and Taxes and Bant Eldritch Evolution." "I don't know what was the success of TW Shogun in Japan, but a Asian centered title around China, India, the south eastern kingdoms and the Balinese merchants kingdom (Majapahit power) could be awesome and quite successful in the Chinese market no ?","Also, Japan with the dynasty warriors and romance of the three kingdoms games selling pretty well and being quite popular." Actually the DNC did it when they rigged the primary Accept the blame that you and yours are due,Don't argue with someone who clearly knows more than us all. your gf sounds like a fucking moron,Better be a 9+ and into butt stuff The election is over - no more politics Just my two cents but lets keep this subreddit free of all political talk unless it is directly connected to TSCC. I am done. I need at least one sanctuary online free of politics.,"What if the TSCC were so powerful they actually had control of say the senate in a whole state, wow that would be scary." One of my playmates sent me this during Hurricane Matthew. Kept me warm (and hard) while I was trapped 24 hours working in a hospital.,That's fucking nasty delete this,Why? It has nothing to do with communism but nice with the red scare tactics I guess. The fact that you're trying to discredit somebody by holding up a red herring shows how little ground you have to stand on.,"Lol, ok bud." Driving on the freeway,At least they're using their blinkers. I like Kat Dennings... :P,You're hotter than Kat "To bad people don't care about ranked 3v3, just went into my 1st game and 20mins into the game my rumble just went afk for no reason. 2v3 so fun",Yeah that NEVER happens in 5v5. When your team leaves you but you go Rambo on the other team,trump also went rambo Or maybe Hillary is what's wrong with the democratic party.,Yes and what does that make trump to the republican party? You can taste the passive aggression coming from this article. Almost like the Seattle Times had something against ST3 from the get-go!,The comment section is downright hilarious. D-d-dark souls..,Was gonna say looks like a staircase out of DS or bloodborne. "my anecdotal evidence makes my racism justified is basically the theme of this thread, it's disgusting.",It's disgusting until you work in a service industry and get enough life experience to lose your ignorance. It's just been revoked.,Fucking bravo Main campus?? In stillwater?,Google a little or read a little before making a fool of yourself. With all the Red Dead hype around here...,"Or, eat a dick, I'll spend my money how I want." "Habs v. Bolts 7:30p EST - Payin' the Price Edition Hey, this is what you get for letting ME make the GDTs in here. Go Bolts! And Namestnikov, please resist the urge to be the new MFC.",I love you Paquette We may have been set back 40 years. That's all.,But Hillary was the same... Is this a California rule about towing? I've never heard of that in Missouri,"I don't know how much it varies state-to-state, but in general if your car is not registered with up-to-date inspection it can't be on the road." Stafford is so fucking clutch it's not funny,Slay and Prater too. "Apple is launching iWipe, a smart toilet paper. What features does it have?","It's a bidet that plays music, makes phone calls, reads you the news, and looks like an iPod." This post has dropped by 200 up votes in less than an hour. No way people on this sub are openly down voting this. They want to hide this.,lol they wanna hide pretty much anything that comes out of here. "Dead Apple Watch after updating It seems that my Apple Watch is dead. What can I do? I bought it less than a month ago, could I just return it or get a new one? Thank you",Yes to both. "Jimmy Fallon is not a journalist, but Jimmy Fallon is a taxpaying American citizen with a minimal obligation to help keep a tyrant from reaching the most powerful position in the world. He failed that obligation last night.",Lmfao shut the fuck up "Undocumented PTR Change: Nova's talent Covert Ops Before: Increases Pinning Shot's slow by 2% for every second that Nova is Cloaked, to a maximum of a 60%. Bonus fades when Nova is un-Cloaked for 1 second. After: Increases Pinning Shot's slow by 2% and decreases its mana cost by 5 for every second that Nova is Stealthed, to a maximum of a 60% slow and 50 cost reduction. Bonuses are lost after losing Stealth for 1 second.","just the buff she needed, 65% winrate incoming!" BREAKING: Former Arsenal midfielder Mathieu Flamini having medical at Crystal Palace,big if true "One thats not here but has a 100% increase is Luke Shaw. Best LB in the prem, will cost a lot on release. 6'0, 86 sprint speed, 80 strength, good going forward and hype.",let me introduce you to danny rose Master thread.,"Oh, alright..." In Australia: giant spider carrying a mouse is horrifying and impressive,All these people here thinking how awesome these spiders are and im just sitting here with my arachnofobia. What's the gateway drug for your hobby?,"Itsa me, Mario." "As a German, can other countries stop making dumb decisions","Oh please, what's the worst that could happen?" MAKE UNDERGROUND CABINS GREAT AGAIN!,Please avoid using fully capitalised words when posting and commenting. "The poorest people in Americans inner cities still demand a higher wage than factory workers in China, India, etc. Bringing back manufacturing jobs is a lost cause.","Also manufacturing has been coming back, just not the jobs associated with it because automation in the US with less tariffs and shorter supply chains is cheaper than sweatshop labor in China with the rising wages they have seen in the past decade." Which two well-known bass riffs describes you the best as a bassist? I'll start out with: main-riff of Tool's Schism and chorus riff of Muse's Plug in Baby,Walkabout-RHCP Black Dog-Led Zeppelin "Rule 84: Since DJing is so simple literally anyone can do it, any and every DJ name already exists.","I don't know if you're serious or not, because djing isn't really all that simple or easy to do well, and just because there are so many djs out there doesn't mean that many of them are very good at djing, and that's ignoring the numerous djs out there who play prerecorded sets and don't actually do anything when they pretend to mix." "Privately funded is a-ok with me. If that's where the current position is, I retract my former comment.","I bet Kshama will find some reason to oppose it, even if there's no public funding" It IS desperation. Their poll numbers are falling faster than Hillary on a warm day.,Cool day* ftfy Loki ult seems to be working..,...I'm speechless. Tfw at 9% bf i had a 32 inch waist,Fuuuuuuuck I hope your massive Would people want to see card fan art? I'm thinking about sketching some fan art but I don't know if people would want to see it. Do people like fan art?,lets see... 50% humor posts 25% rage posts 24% reposts 1% posts that require effort we totally dont need effortful drawings I'm not inbred.,you broke yur f2p virginity you inbred But Why?,It just followed the chicken. Is there proof that you should give a player big contract after one big playoff run?,Not the best example but Wade is picking up where he left off in the Playoffs last year and seems to be worth his full contract that Miami didn't want to give him. I've been there. I have good friends in Portland and Hood River. You don't have to worry about me coming to your state and driving real estate prices higher. I am perfectly happy living in the mountains in Colorado.,be prepared for a mass oregonian exodus to colorado.. we cant afford to live here =) "You think social conservatives are homophobic? You do know what the word means, right? No, social conservatives are not afraid of homosexuals. Funny thing; I have a brother who is moderately socially conservative, has a PhD in Divinity and teaches in a seminary. He is also openly gay, although celibate. Something doesn't compute. As for social conservatives being anti-woman, that is simply ludicrous. :)",You must be aware that your brother is by no means an accurate representation of the average social conservative. How you get people with allergies to hate you.,They are of weak lineage...we will endure without them. I certainly hope he reconsiders his party of choice. Not much of a party.,Yeah he'll never win ...she was pregnant,The biggest imperfection a woman can have "Okay, $15k. And then $75 dollars for the dumpster. Still missing over $300k here.","Well that was for one day, and I think the $400k is for the whole cleanup." "Which TV series did you enjoy initially, but left you disappointed you as the series progressed?",Dexter Plug your ears and the sing. You'll tell real fast how bad you sound.,"I wanted to gouge my eyeballs out, thanks" "Careful, they might also call you a white cis male like they did to me. They also might assume that you are rich.",Having a job makes you rich fyi When the only person you can trust is yourself,"That must be what Tom called a stunt suit, definitely looks like a lot more can be done in it, it also doesn't have rubber on the black part, it looks like a onesie." "No, you're Zoom. Try to keep up.","I'm not zoom, thanks HZ for taking my name and confusing everyone" "Better than 5 when it came out (by a lot); awesome mechanics that show you there's a great game there behind the issues (which hopefully will be fixed eventually), which are: * Bad AI. Like comically bad; far worse than 5 (the AI of which was itself worse than 4) - we're talking bad at a level where it *may* disgust you from playing. Doubt it'll get patched seriously; but hopefully mods will help (there's already a few, although they don't do much thus far). * Pretty bad UI. Most notably, this includes the absence of the Alert button for units; either they sleep or they don't - no waking up when an ennemy is seen. That should be easy to patch though. * Pretty large logic bugs there and there (diplomacy feels bugged regularly; also, you can sell some units for far more than what they cost in the Buy screen, etc.). Easy to patch too. * A few balance issues. Should take a bit longer to patch I guess. All in all, it'll be a great game once those issues are fixed; and there is already far, far more features than in 5 when it launched. The game is also pretty stable and feels complete. Until those are fixed though, Civ 5 with BNW + an AI mod (or even better, Vox Populi) is still way more fun; although the novelty of a new Civ version is enough (to me at least) to keep me playing to the new one for now.","The UI is quite crappy but what bugs me the most is when you reach the state where you would turn to gold or science production in V you got to keep micromanage every city, and the fact that it took 4 or 5 jet bombers to sink an army of embarked tanks." It's not,"Also, it's the bee's knees with Pepperoni." Blame Hillary's lack of messaging for President Trump,"Also her disdain for voters, corruption, and shitty attitude." Matthews vs Laine,Why do people like Patrick Laine? The cars will be using an operating system that is technically hackable by third parties. No thanks.,"To be fair, Teslas are pretty damn secure" *BREAKING* Kasich Ties Faith Spotted Eagle in 2016 Final Electoral Vote Count; Forms Exploratory Committee for 2020 Bid,"Despite not campaigning in 2016, Colin Powell received 3x Kasich's tally but was unavailable for comment." Lmao Trump believes in a local governments power to decide as a community and also believes in a business or non profits right to decide. Written as Trump hates gays reeeeeee,B-b-b-b-b-but the federal government should tell us what to do and how to do it! Spineless dems,"Yeah, democrats should be just as morally bankrupt as republicans!" Love how you redirected people to our subreddit <3,I'm a one-man-circlejerk Our brindle dog matched our brindle rug pretty well,Glad to see I wasn't the only one thinking on this line. He certainly remembers the face of his father.,But can he do that while missing a finger? JW Nice mouse controle flicking onto frigerg to secure the round,Downvoted cause title. This is an AMA. AMA. Just ask something,Something? "Yeah, over the summer it was often before my night shits so it was a good thing to wake up to.",Whenever I do a lot of day drinking I get the night shits HENNY BREAKS HER SILENCE ON THIS ELECTION,instantly iconic And other users are saying it's the other way around. Conclusion: if someone wants to be insulted they will find a way.,Insecurities uh... find a way. "I am alive, so you invariably must be correct. Well, as long as I consider living a good thing...",You also could've called them a worse word... Did you see that lovely edit to his old crowd funding post? Put a nice big 'fuck you baum' at the top.,"He also removed all of the info about crowd funding, one of the main things baumi was pissed about, the fuck you was cover" Fiengold lost. Holy shit,In an election which Bernie surely would have won. "Oh damn, I'm sorry to hear that! I'll re-send the link. Tell him some stranger on the internet wishes him the best.",Thanks dude I'll send that on to him. 2.5.1 Patch Notes,Is this being patched immediately? Can someone give me a TL;HR of that book?,nerd shit I'll change camera off later to see if there's a difference. Is there a way to fire a missile without the camera changing?,well i guess turning the cinematic cam off would be the solution It's like you guys have been reading my mind today. What if Trump quits?,You mean pull a pope move? "Besides, if you play like a bitch and try to farm under turret without getting killed the enemy will most likely leave the lane because roaming gives him more opportunity to snowball. Which, if your team isn't retarded, will give you an opportunity to farm a bit without risk and make yourself useful again.","If he roams, you warn your teammates and either follow or push the lane carefully until you see him on the map again." "I'm back, invite me",Good trades :) "I had not realized that. much earlier, how much?","Well, using their usual time zone, I'd expect to have up to 24 h more, since I don't know the difference between mine and theirs exactly." People 'like zombies' after ODing on synthetic drugs near downtown St. Louis homeless shelter,He need some milk! It is about abortion.,"Oh right, which has nothing to do with women and their health." Shift to automation may prevent Trump from delivering on his jobs promise,"So what your saying is it is already not his fault he didn't deliver, he is soooo not status quo" "After last night, the term highly unlikely when it comes to Trump is meaningless.",The election of an outsider to the highest office does not negate laws. The obvious murderers and rapists?,"Sorry, were deporting the Mexicans if you haven't heard" "Yeah, according to this theory they found her alive with no visible injury to the head. So they decide to rape and strangle their daughter to stage a sexual predator crime, because even though Burke was too young to be charged with murder, they didn't want his life to be ruined. Then, they decide to write a ransom note to stage a kidnapping instead - but they don't stage a break in. Then, they dispose of the source of the rope and the duct tape somewhere outside of the home, but they leave JonBenet's body inside the house. Then, they call police to their house and pretend that she was kidnapped, even though they didn't ask for a realistic ransom, and knew JonBenet's body would be discovered inside the home. Oh, and a hispanic male's DNA profile from saliva just happens to be in JonBenet's underwear. And later, tests from a separate lab showed that the same profile was on her pajama pants as well.","Well, they didn't need to stage a break-in; the basement window was already smashed." New 'App' Offers Anarchist Alternative to Calling 911,"Peacemaker has done this, and had an episode on the Tom Woods show, but not sure what its current status is." Election reaction on CNN.,Oh the respect the liberal left have for the people of America is palpable. When OP tried to transform a repost into karma.,What anime is this? "Well, I'm glad to see you liked the wallpaper I made. I have it in other colors, too. If you're interested, let me know and I'll link them.",I enjoy it because it matches the finish of my keyboard :) Trumpistas: it matters because it's the KKK and you emboldened them. You know this shit.,At least they aren't rioting like a group the democrats emboldened. "I though i hated mvc models, turns out it's just spring and java in general.","Spring can be a little heady sometimes, but it offers a lot of flexibility when it comes to unit testing and environment configuration." That's like asking why water is wet.,Water is wet because of viscosity and surface tension. "Let's just say, I pour a real mean bowl of cereal.",Put some orange slices in it you fucking idiot sandwich. "Looking back Obama was probably one of the best candidates to go down in history as the first. Say what you want about him, the man is a class act through and through. Although there is a long history of cross party presidents taking the piss out of the next line. Bill Clinton's staff stole all the 'W's off the keyboards and stuff like that...",What a good use of resources Saliva more than tea,"For non Cantonese speakers, this means you speak too much." "I don't know. You can't reason people out of a position they got into because of feelz. It just doesn't work. It's unlikely there is any study, any actual data that will help them. They need their social media Svengali's to somehow become gun-friendly, or at least gun-tolerant. They're sheep. They want to be cool. All the cool kids hate guns. You're cool, aren't you? So you hate guns too? Good. Glad you're different, just like all of us.. Jon Stewart smugly says guns 'r bad, gun owners 'r bad people. His moon-eyed sycophants echo whatever he says, actually taking his satire as news. Their feelz match whoever is mocking someone else, so they can mock them too. It's sad, but it seems no more sophisticated than that.",And calling them sheep and saying they're just doing it to be cool is a real great way to make progress.. That's an excellent suggestion. I think cell phone manufacturers should be legislated to incorporate this technology into their phones ASAP. Lives are at stake.,"Yeah because fuck anyone who rides in a car as a passenger, or takes a train, or a bus, or any other form of public transportation." Wednesday Comedy: Phantom of the Brave Commanders! The Heroes of Grand Gaia will be finished with their business here in Neo Tokyo but they still remain loyal to those that recruited them. What are your thoughts about Selena's failure during the training? Did you find it funny or sad that she talks to lexida that way? Tell us in the comments section below.,no "Hitler was named time magazine man of the year in 1938. He brought Germany out of the world wide depression in the 30's(one of the first countries to recover, especially in peace time). What you fail to grasp is, just because 97% of what an organization does is beneficial, does not mean that the 3% that they do bad makes up for that. You seem to be suck in this liberal MSM narrative that planned parenthood can do no wrong...",So planned parenthood is like.. Literally.... Hitler..... Honestly not feeling it. It seems just desperate for attention.,I think that's the point Chevron attempts to enter native settlement; offers 'tribute' (WATCH WHOLE VIDEO),Seems totally legit. "If Possible, where would you live in either of the parks? Example: Tarzan's TreeHouse or Tower of Terror.",The Blue Bayou part of PotC Gus got a new tie!,"Ahh yes, Target" Put Captain Solo in the cargo hold. created by Edison Moody of Lynx Art Collection,That's a long EE-3... "Also fuck them. They hate us so why not just hate them right back? Level the playing field, so to speak.",Well that's the way to move forward... Where Genji gets his feathers from,It was the feathers that Hanzo left at the alter for Genji... Or maybe thats his true opinion. Suarez said something similar too,"La Liga top to bottom have better teams, but one thing they don't tend to do is defend deep and take lumps out of the opposing team(though Atletico and Levante have their moments)." Tim Kaine was literally the most boring and milquetoast person they could have picked for VP. I think the VP selection was one of the DNC's great follies this election. They could have gone with someone much more likeable that could have energized the base more.,Hey he got them VA. habe Android :),"jap google play acc, vpn und jap google play guthaben :/ paypal is glaube die einfachste variante (brauchst aber ne jap adresse wenn ich mich nicht irre)" I always saw it as an alternate Toonforce thing were instead of the funnier thing happening it was the weirder thing.,"Well, OLD SPICE BODY WASH IS SO POWERFUL IT CAN BREAK THROUGH TO OTHER COMMMMEEEERRRRCCCCIIIIAAAAALLLLSSS It's reality warping, no toonforce about it." Most of the time...I don't recommend trying this. The same goes for most animals. I walk past deer every day and most days they barely care. One day I was walking and one of them ran right for me. Luckily he got about five feet from me and turned left into the woods. I shat my pants that day.,"very good point though, It's definitely not something i would recommend to anyone but being a Floridian golfer you get very used to seeing gators on the banks of damn near every water hazard." "He also screwed up the Hillary slogan. He said: America is already great, because we are pretty good.",Love trump's hate. (NXT SPOILERS) New Takeover Toronto match just announced William Regal just announced DIY v Revival for the NXT tag titles in a 2 out of 3 falls match at NXT Takeover Toronto!!,This should be fucking incredible... I can actually see that happening lol,Imagine the tfs version My Fb feed is full of OMG my LGBTQ friends! At what point did Trumps platform involve banning gay people? He is the first Republican to mainstream love and support the LGBTQ community!,republican is always antigay didnt you know shitlord? *Growls like rabid dog*,"If DMX had access to the internet when he was like, 13." "Mike Pence confirms he will do his best to de-fund Planned Parenhood, abolish birth control mandate, transgender protection, and repeal laws he's sees as being anti-Christian",Is stoning soon legal way to punish the sinners? Wait to shave him or pound him?,"Little from column A, little form column B." Garlic bread,Discusting There is more evidence for the pizza emails than this hacking the election at this point.,Whatever you need to believe to sleep at night. "Kellyanne Conway Becomes First Woman To Run Winning Presidential Campaign! (Trump was the first Republican to give a woman a chance, it paid off)",bu...bu...but...he's sexist. Uh-oh; mandatory diversity is on the way. How might these measures improve or degrade your Air Force?,**WAKE ME UP INSIDE** --- DC is really tiny compared to states tho. Its more like 8 states and 1 major city as a bonus,"Yeah, but if you're in Virginia or Maryland I could see that being a big plus." I like that! But that means I would also have to simultaneously declare that I am both gay and a Hillary voter.,Do it if you think it's safe to do so :) The current #1 overall seed in the entire NBA is the LA Clippers. wtf mods,"See you guys in the first round, somewhat" "ink boost, c2 crate certified graduation cap smartman5001",I have turtle Graduation cap add me nostalgia_cory technically you can do that start game open console type observe and then watch the chaos,"You just made my day, thanks!" Hmm. I'd like to know the difference between distinction and difference. Or would it be the difference between distinction and difference? Are the two words distinctly different?,"A distinction is a clarification, while a difference is a comparison between two dissimilar things." "Why are you frightened? Tell me. If he and the next President have your best interests in mind, isn't that important?",That's what I keep saying about ISIS. "Hi, I'm 7-1 Nebraska and I have hope. Hi, I'm 7-2 Nebraska, hold me :(","Same buddy, same :(" Isn't every country in the world this way with America?,Except Australia from memory. League of Legends. I love the game but half the people playing are toxic af,Never main top lane Question. If Trump actually enacts laws aimed to deport Mexicans - would there be a legitimate way for California to oppose or not enforce those laws?,We will just hide them in our houses just like in Nazi Germany. Can't play music though the car stereo from the phone,what about connecting phone to center console and using it to navigate my music? "Nobody's making fun of your problems, just your solutions.",That's very well put. "Interesting article that shows it's not at tight a race as I thought earlier. I'd say a Clinton win is looking more likely based on their findings, but the Trump supporters on this thread do make me concerned. They seem so smug and self assured that I get the feeling they won't just be disappointed come Tuesday, they'll be shocked and then outraged (The vote was rigged!! etc) I feel kinda sorry for them. Yes it looks narrow, but my money's on Clinton for solid polling reasons, and not just #NeverTrump. Meanwhile they're so arrogantly confident of a win, it's pretty sad.","Yes, they are too overconfident, and will be shocked and disgusted come tuesday." I'll accept Halo 6: Custom edition with all the original files from H1+ as usable assets and dedicated servers. After they can start working on porting all the campaigns and making them mp.,You could always join us over at r/haloonline Halo 3ish on PC with a decent community behind it. "Hey reddit, what's that one super cringey or awkward thing you said/did in the past that you keep having flashbacks to?",Making my aunt listen to Akon's - I wanna love you (uncensored). What's the most obscene display of wealth you've witnessed in India?,"for starters, vijay mallya's car collection and unused mansions, Muthoot finance owner's daughter's wedding" That right there is a can of worms you may regret opening.,Tfw the ppl are too offendable now crowd is afraid of hearing about some stuff "The rest of the world will hate us, relations will drop to abysmal levels. I'm optimistic by thinking whatever Trump does to fuck this nation's progress, our younger generations will work to unfuck. I am already fueled up to do everything I can to get a democrat back in the office and I've never been that motivated to do so. I think Trump might be sealing the long term deal as far as shutting down ignorant bullshit leaders in the future if he does as shitty as I'm hoping.","China is having better environmental policies at this point, that says something.." In a week?,What do you mean? Now the evil is on the outside of the goose instead of the inside Geese are angry creatures,Geese are majestic when they are angry... Some new medals found after update,3h 45m left to find out the next banner and events... let's go! "It wasn't supposed to be. I'll upload a full-game, how about that?","if its a good one, why not." I supported Bernie and didn't consent to being fucked by the DNC. I should probably open a sex shop too.,And the DNC should be held accountable. "Wait, but what would the right answer be? People can detect thousands of frames per second if it is just a blinking light, but with other things it is hard to tell with more than a few hundred. And even than, thousands is not an exact answer...","The upper limit is unknown from what I remember, so I would guess that means people have been able to detect up to what current technology allows." An Ottawa synagogue got graffiti'd with swastikas last night.,All the lefties that decided to move to Canada because Trump won are starting to make themselves felt over there. Duckhorn Parraduxx. Do it and don't look back. Approximately $40,"Likewise, there's Decoy for about $20." She looks like she hasn't a clue what going on.,"Both of them are degenerates, the guy and the girl." I honestly thought people would assume I am sarcastic. I was.,If your doing subtle sarcasm you have to put "Damn nice. Our school cracked down on it, so since we had an Assembly that day we set all our phone alarms to go off simultaneously during it. Pretty tame. I had a relative go there ages ago, they painted the religious statues as clowns and TP'd the disciplinarian's car.",My class wanted to do that as well.. turned out they hated me and my alarm was the only one who went off No more than 300MB,Perfect! BeasTV,we need to make a ocean wall What was the most important phone in the history of Android?,The Original Galaxy Note. Best feeling :D,Give me your points per match pls "I wish we could turn off ALL of these pop-ups. No exceptions. Be it content or a promo. I read main page regularly as well as reddit, I *always* know all of this stuff before I get a pop-up in game. And I sure don't want spins fml even on my main",Oh so you know about the exclusive offer for you before you get it? Can we please have an increase the amount of notes we're allowed to have?,coming soon to solomon's store... NOTEPAPER! "You are posting a symbol of hate speech on this subreddit, I have to ask you to take yourself and your pepe's away from here for fear of triggering people. Sincerely, Safe Space Police",I agree phats are hate speech! "What is one show that you love, even after countless rewatches?",Corner Gas. day 132 of nerfed-to-shit xing tian jk i don't fucking know who cares,I care :( i miss the days of being top damage with the fucking tank..... I vaguely remember somewhere reading that he only got famous because of his family connections and was not well liked by his peers in the industry.,"His mother ownsThe Comedy Store, which is a famous Hollywood stand up club." Whereabouts downtown?,6th and pine Does Mitt Romney have a nickname?? I'm thinking STINKY MITT,"Dimwit Mitt, the trolling shit." "That's due to the pathogen long you get if you click to move somewhere over anon walkable terrain/obstacle. It paths to walk the shortest way around. Happens a lot which causes fail flashes. Can confirm, I fail flash all the time cause of it. :)","Yea she definitely meant to click edge of drag pit and clicked other side of the wall instead, causing her to walk back into the fight" What's your least favorite part about being a human?,The fact that I'm a human. Haven't you heard tho? All trump supporters are racist bigots.,And those Bernie or bust people are being ridiculous! Elvis of course,I didn't know the king was dead. I'm calling it. Ally ends the year by taking Zero saga right from the man's hands.,I don't think ally will even finish top 10 o mecla de proasta si o minte de dinamovist. then they ask me why I hate women,"fmm," Refer to everything and everyone as an it. Don't just desexualize. Dehumanize! That'll cut the head off that particular snake pretty quick.,IT puts the lotion in the basket or IT gets the hose again! ISTR that the law was written by the medical and insurance industries.,They were just advising don't you know anything? "omg, i love it, i want it. anyone know a way to side car an r3? would that even work?",They do make sidecars for sport bikes. "If you get out of your car and proclaim/argue for your support for Trump in an all black neighborhood, you deserve what you get. For reference, I live in a 98% black area. Saw an older white gentleman with a MAGA hat on. He didn't so much as catch a dirty look, and nobody was rude to him. My guess is that the guy in the video was initiating conflict.",Oh then he definitely deserved to be brutally beaten. "As a cruiser, i fire a salvo just before slipping behind an island. with the fire chance long as i aimed correct it sets a fire or two. Repeat as needed with each target. Long as you dont get, say, ocean, you can use the better speed and concealment to determine WHEN to engage...and doing so when the target is occupied/just fired is key. Its a cruiser. if you wanted to go slug for slug with a battleship, should have chosen a battleship.",I might be blind or just too tired but I don't see your point here. "I haven't seen any Republican say they want to keep the mandate. But, without the subsidy, how in the world do they keep the mandate?",Put people in jail for profit prisons are good and the slave labor they provide are frosting Pence: Trump will end war on coal on Day 1,"more strip mining, good-bye mountains, we can't talk less destructive forms of energy, unless it's owned by private corporations, okie dokie, fine." "Brother, move your ass and get Battle Brothers. One of the best turn-based combat games since a decade. It's basically Mount & Blade (overland travel with cities and so on) combined with tactical battles. You manage a mercenary group. Weapons matter, builds matter, stats matter, armor matters. Everything fucking matters.","I'll check it out, thanks for the recommendation." "my computer is faster than yours \**snicker*\* P.S. I guess this is one of those instances where Python 2 is genuinely faster :( Python 2.7: In [1]: %timeit 'abc'[:1] == _ 10000000 loops, best of 3: 39.7 ns per loop In [2]: %timeit 'abc'.startswith('a') 10000000 loops, best of 3: 117 ns per loop Python 3.5: In [1]: %timeit 'abc'[:1] == _ 10000000 loops, best of 3: 75.8 ns per loop In [2]: %timeit 'abc'.startswith('a') 10000000 loops, best of 3: 111 ns per loop",Python 3.6 *should* be faster again. "There was absolutely a moment of unity following the election of Obama. This doesn't mean you go along with shit you don't agree with but you should at least give them a chance before you throw a hissy fit. You could easily turn your pointless comment around and say Liberals being divisice etc., called for unity after Obama. You are also saying blatantly racist shit and getting upvotes. This is truly remarkable stuff. You literally said you HATE rural whites and wished ill will upon them. Don't you realize that is racist?","Don't you know, only whites can be racist" "Moscow had contacts with Trump team during campaign, Russian diplomat says",That was all just made up by the Democratic Party. Dem abs doe.,"That means she works out, that means those (big) boobs are so firm...already drooling" Oh I agree. I just wanted to compliment her looks. Because it's good to see something other than dudes all the time. But I guess that's downvote material.,You can't just compliment a female athlete on her looks you jerk! "It was actually all faked in a studio, later used for the moon landing and is right next to the place where they make vaccines.","if the moon landing was done in a studio, how did they fit the moon in the studio?" "Yes! I agree! Time for an angry, adamant leftist party. There's a huge vacuum and lots of opportunity to get some messages and policies out there.","Hostage takers like the tea party, yaaaayyyyy!" Nearly 1 year and still unplayable...,thats why you should never preorder ! Why would they? There are more PS4s in homes than Xbox. Selling half would be seriously overperforming.,So the ps4 sales will stop just because they release it on Xbox? "You know what they say, if you can't reach for the head, go for the nuts. Little did he know Faker has balls of steel :)",Yeah but NA has Balls of Diamond. For people who have no secrets,Well that's one way to measure stand-up vs sit down wipers. "Dude, you should become a timpanist. Second highest paid position in an orchestra because of how insanely hard it is to get the drums to the right pitch",That's like saying the second best speller in the kindergarten class... not that much money to be made You can have sex with one real person from all of human history - who is your ultimate lay?,"The Virgin Mary, before she was pregnant." Same here and I'm dumbfounded as to how this isn't passing. I'm guessing it will pass in a couple days when more people vote.,The f2p quest list is sacred - it shan't be tarnished by new age whim Children are already being harassed in the name of our president-elect,But we are silly for protesting No.,:/ Guess I'll keep looking. The problem is that people who feel marginalised may be less likely to vote.,Or stick 14 people down at their address as postal voters Third war we lost because we're in the 'spenders bracket',On the bright side you may not be in the spenders bracket soon... "I'm not there right now, whatcha looking for?","oh nothing in particular, just want to get a better a better look what there is ;p" I think guys are conditioned to be quiet due to growing up with the shame/fear of being caught masturbating.,"Yes, because girls moan and squeal full throttle when masturbating with family in the house." Has that episode been out for 16 years?? How long has simsons been out for?,27 years. "Hunters need an exotic with the heavy ammo perk. Bungie, please fix this. Warlocks have three and Titans have two, but Hunters have ZERO exotics that give the Heavy Ammo perk. Bones should give the Heavy Ammo perk like they did in Y1.",Why does a hunter even need ammo when they can just go invisible and run away like the puny cowards they are! "no, glo- never mind",no "I don't know they're probably the most popular team in CS, i think they're worth the money.",Maybe in na Quiero creer que te downvotearon por no conocer la cita...,Yo tambien.... "You Achilles shot him when he comes toward you. He uses atlas after he rose offensives onto you, he then uses feint of heart and you use halcyon charges to get away, he uses on point, but you reflex. He retreats, lacking abilities, you Achilles shot him again, he comes back with his feint of heart and you kite him building bm stacks. Another achilles shot. He offensives over a wall to get away, then you ult him. I am an avid player player of both. CP is much stronger than WP Ringo. Utility BF is a lot stronger than WP. Both would over power either if they play their cards right. But Ringo has the range advantage, travel speed, cool-downs, and poke. BF has the tankiness, stickiness, peel, and sustain.",1 word: Shiversteel He won.,"As a troll response, actually he didn't win." Wtf?,Sorry wrong sub That's the paradox of the whole tolerance argument. Demanding that someone be tolerant of their views makes them intolerant of others views. If I tell you to be more tolerant of turtles then I am not being tolerant of your specist view of turtles.,I suggest reading Karl Popper's response to this issue. Source?,2 "Which anime character reminds you of yourself? Obviously I'm not asking if any of you pilot giant mech suits or anything (but if you do PLEASE SHARE). Are there any anime characters that have personalities similar to yours? Or maybe certain characters have said things that remind you of yourself? I've always related to Shikamaru (from Naruto). I lay down in the grass and look at the sky way too often. Also, I'm an excellent planner. I have led groups through tough situations, but I'm not actually the top performer in the field (I leave that to the stronger and faster members of the team). Realizing this has actually help me accept my place on many teams I've been a part of. I take information and process it, and then I do my work in the shadows. But even though I'm intelligent I'm still under-motivated, and I'd prefer cloud watching on a beautiful day over being bothered with work. Any of you see yourself in the characters you watch? Are you like Mugen (Samurai Champloo), more carefree, but not to be taken lightly? Or Jin, always thinking several moves ahead? Are you Ein (Cowboy Bebop) with amazing potential, but never being fully understood? Or Faye Valentine, having woken up after decades in suspended animation into a new world where you only have your quick wit and guns to rely on... and a mountain of debt? Do you often walk around with your hands behind your head, or in your pockets? Have you mastered the three-sword style? Hopefully you have some fun with this, but also I hope it helps you learn a little about yourself! And if any of you need a cloud-watching friend let me know.","Vash, minus the unbridled determination to save lives" Laws don't apply any more? I'm going to spend the day setting up a small business and laying out sub-minimum wage employment contracts with all of the local unskilled labor.,"Oh, make sure to hire a group of undocumented workers too and make damn sure you don't pay the women anywhere close to the men." Is this just a glass bottle with a built in filter or am I missing something?,Just saw this on kickstarter if you eatch the video i think your question will be answered I'm so going to enjoy 2034 when we go up 30 in a row on UT.,I hate that there are two UTs So how does that make the manager racist?,"Never said it did, I was talking about the old man who started the whole situation" UK political parties as flags,DAE UKIP ARE FASCISTS "M(actual)RW I can overhear my coworkers talking about how if Hillary had been elected, we would have become socialist and they would have been jailed for expressing their opinion and practicing their Christian Faith.",Why do I suddenly feel like I'm in a country with a bunch of fuck boys/girls that were never taught to share? "No one will be getting the game until it's 3pm (if that's when the game truly releases) in Scott's time zone. That's 4pm EST, 9am NZT. Technically people in places like New Zealand, for example, would be getting it at 9am on Saturday, because that's the same time as 3pm in Scott's time. (Please correct me if I'm wrong, relying on Google time difference calculations.)",I live in New Zealand! "how much of you is you? is one hair me? many hairs? jared is in fact a sweater now, but it's because jared is no longer one jared, he is many jared","I have no gold, but there's this thing called Reddit silver I heard about." That's...that's pretty much murder.,"If I told you I'm going to kill myself if you didn't give me 1mln $, then would refusing to give the money be a murder?" Third time this year,He needs to see a neurologist. Playing blackjack,"Please sir, back those scissors away from the breastages... thank you." Your last statement isn't true. Adults try to control the behavior of others that doesn't even affect their lives much less stress them. Look at gay marriages.,"I know, friggin' gay people trying to manipulate me into a rage by getting married." THE WESTCHESTER KNICKS HAVE A MASCOT AND IT IS A DOGGY!!!!!,Is he a good defender though? Thicc thighs matter!,HANDS UP DON'T GRAB! White evangelicals just elected a thrice-married blasphemer,Because evangelicals are totally not hypocrites on every other issue... The demographic pie-slicing really has gotten out of hand. The media seem more interested in *who* supported a candidate than in *why* they supported them.,"Well obviously it's because they are stupid, racist, sexist bigots or because they are smart and intelligent downtrodden minorities." "Anyone have a link or working on a project to combine all growley and other baised comments from today and july testimony togeather in one short nice to share video? Not everyone has the time to wait for the gold and watch this like we do, we have an information battle to get these comments out there.","Yeah that would be great, thanks" You dripped sarcasm on my keyboard,dripped it in my pants Nah pictured there is JackyLove (adc) and Baolan (sup).,oh lol all i did is looking the roster up tho lmao GT also beat Vanderbilt though. Don't forget to include that one.,"Touche, forgot about that one." What time does this happen at,If it happens at the same time as double XP and what not it will be at 10 AM PST If the GPU hit's 100% it's not bottle-necking.,That was my point. Trump will be to conservatives like Obama was to liberals.,"Well-meaning, somewhat successful, intelligent, classy and articulate?" Rape is a violent crime. Sexual assault might in certain cases be classed non-violent. *Correct me if I am wrong and didn't get details correct but this is just a common sense approach and based on similar definitions I have read in other nations definitions of a crime such as rape.*,But all sexual assault even catcalling is rape! Rothwell KO's Schaub into another dimension,You know the fight is over when your opponent starts playing an invisible harp. `This was a triumph`,Huge success! "Can someone remind me again, why is this AV option so strong against infantry?",Because Hornets are slightly OP at AI and massively OP at AV. "Likely a defect then unless you cannot reproduce it in any other game. Have had this happen once a loooooong time ago in csgo, and never since (And thats on a desktop)",Just on CS it happens I ALSO HEARD ROX IS HAVING NIGHTMARES ABOUT A CERTAIN CELESTIAL DRAGON,I ALSO HEARD THIS SO CALLED BIG BROTHER IS HAVING NIGHTMARES ABOUT THUNDERCOW I've only ever seen one girl post about where are all the good guys. I've seen dozens of posts from guys claiming that girls post about that all the time.,"Probably you know more sane women than me... lol... As I said, is not a majority, simply that I've seen it..." Really pisses me off when people assume you're on a cell phone.,Really pisses me off when people are unable to reach a basic level of commun sense and insults you for it. 12/apachehelicopter/cali,The modern twist "Social Sunday (11-09-2016) Grab your coffee and get comfortable, it's Sunday :) *Talk about anything, or something else!*",I have just realized how much I hate 2-day weekends. "It's not bad, but it's the fact that you are being charged for something that used to be included. Companies like ASUS even throw in dongles for their USB C laptops.",Yeah but Apple charges you for the dongle so... same thing. "Berths would work, as strictly speaking they refer to a place to sleep with no specification on the size. Nice visuals too!. But I'm not sure how they would fit into the overall theme of the port.","Berths sounds good :D And yeah the theme is really just a placeholder, I was lazy to come up with something new that is why I used the WoT barrack tab." "Alright Guys. Gonna Get Back Into It. Hey everyone, So, I'm going to be jumping back into this again. I've tried once before and I inevitably succumbed to the dark side. Some shit went down in my life and I ended up going back to my old tendencies and it just spiraled out of control. The first time around I lost 60lbs in 4 months which was incredible, but when I felt like I plateaued, I just lost all drive to keep going at it. Little bits here and there and I ended up dropping Keto altogether. So... I need some help to keep motivated guys. I'm going to be driving forward with this. And after lurking around here for a while, I finally have a smidge of motivation to go full force at this again. I'm currently 6'2 and roughly 330lbs. My GW is <=210. Time to go at this again, because I'm so sick of who I've been. Its time for a change and I guess this is Day 1... The second time around...",You got this. The entire point is to be disruptive.,"Yes, disrupting the lives of people who agree with them is TOTALLY a great way to showcase their anger!" has won NAT 2016!,looks like vaxie got dq'd? "Question to anyone employed at Apple When I went to Apple to get my boyfriends iPhone 6S fixed, they told me that it was unable to be repaired due to a fracture in the housing. I was 99% sure they would say that so I asked what my other options were. They told me that I could give them this basically destroyed device and they would give me a discounted replacement (ended up costing me about $345.00). My question is, can I do this same method at Apple with an iPhone 5C? Or is the model too old? I didn't know if replacement devices worked differently and they still had some older models to use as replacements.",$269 USD plus tax for an iPhone 5c Its hard to beat teams above us when we are top of the leagueeeeeeee.,Whoosh "Shadowing a architect this week need some info I have never shadowed anyone before, but I am interested in architecture so I thought I would give it a try. Are there any things that I should do while there ? Dress a certain way? Should I be taking notes? Etc...",Prepare yourself to see the sorry results of architects slowing fucking themselves over for the past century. Pixel dialer,"Block that motherfucker, please." We are still working out the chemistry and material science behind those,but the reddit told me they were real! "I was permabanned on election night for saying mfw all the salty SJW libcucks cry themselves to sleep tonight TRUMPED it wasn't even directed at Destiny, it was aimed at all the PC ultra-liberal college kids.",Yeah I always forget how many ultra lib cuck college kids are in chat again this is just becoming too much work for a gif,What if I told you in the amount of time you've been replying to this chain you could have already done it? "Anyone else play Girlfriend of Steel 2nd? I recently played through Girlfriend of Steel 2nd recently (psp version btw) and thought I'd give my two cents. I thought it was pretty good, the story and writing were good and the visuals were on point. My biggest gripe with the game is it's too short, by the time you get to know the characters and take in all the locations it's over. And with another issue I have are the stores in the game. They don't really have a purpose other than scenery, which is fine other that the fact that the entire downtown area is pointless and very big. Other then that it was enjoyable but a little tedious at times. What is y'all's opinion on the game?",It was entertaining until I was denied a proper Kaworu ending. "I was on a run, I couldn't care less.",Could care less* how do people mess this up See the icon in the top left? Use that. Make sure you have recent iOS/Android versions installed...,Rip I was wondering how to too but I'm still on ios 7 :/ "Finally picked up my Holy Grail shoes, SL02H breds, off of Grailed.",nice jordans "No... it shows how the skill disparity has fallen. If you apply your argument to the NiP csgo era, you're basically saying that because NiP stopped winning every game, the skill of the top teams fell. The opposite is actually true - the other teams caught up to NiP. The NiP of 2013 would get smashed by any top 10 team today because everyone has gotten WAY better.",but 87-0 I dont even know what buzzfeed's doing anymore. It's just the I'm feeling oppressed today channel.,Buzzfeed is the end result of certain segments of humanity running out of real problems to complain about. MattyBRaps with the HEAT,His album is hotter tho. But spanish! Gotta get them brownie points (see wat i did there?),why are you assuming all latinos are drug smuglers ? "I've never really heard much hate for the senior Bush, much more so his son.","i hate Jeb as well," Its almost like different people have different opinions...,"No, clearly the Internet is a singular entity that I converse with." "Michael Bennet is a supremely talented player, but I still think Bobby Wagner is the most important player on Seattle's defense.",Apparently Jeremy Lane was the most important player "Michael Moore nailed it when he said We live in a world of Reality TV. Donald Trump is better entertainment than Hillary Clinton, therefore he will win. Welcome to politics In 2016.","Or, you know, it could be that Hillary is lying, corrupt twat who should never step foot in the WH again." Chavez? He just relentlessly stalked. Maybe Wlad with his jab and grab. No body shots and no uppercuts.,He's got a pretty nasty right hand though. rap rap rappity rap fap fap fappity fap fap rap fap rap fap fap fap,Eminem is that you? "... you're talking about this new generation of PC idiots who have been even more narrow minded than our racist ancestors. Kids who've been blinded into committing more hatred through a guise of self righteousness. They only consume biased media they agree with, which social media in turn serves to solidify. Science and facts are being quickly thrown out the window.",Science and facts are triggering. New Condo Sales and Prices Continue to Slip in San Francisco,Maybe it's because of those $1 condos in the millennium tower? "Theives, violent offenders and jay-walkers are punished to the fullest extent of the law; nobody bats an eye. Talk about deporting *illegal* immigrants? Everyone *loses their minds*!",I bet throwing that Joker line in sounded really edgy and clever in your head. Blend tool,Rip your ram tough "Jim Talent, Sam Brownback on list of potential cabinet members in Trump administration.",I always wanted another recession. "The anti-gun thing has been a part of identity politics for a long time. Having a gun marks you as other in the minds of democrats. That's not what their tribe does. That's something that marks you as part of the stupid racist misogynistic tribe that they hate. Thus it is deeply embedded in the democratic psyche that: Gun ownership = racist Gun ownership = misogyny Gun ownership = backwards Losing an election to the hated other tribe won't change those associations at all. If anything, it will make them more hateful, and more likely to attack the signs of otherness.","The fact that violent crime keeps falling as gun ownership increases proves it is all a ploy by stupid, racist, misogynistic, gun fetishists are conspiring to hide the truth!" "The UFC hasn't let him go. His contract is up. He's free to negotiate with whoever, including the UFC.",And the UFC probably has rights to match whatever offer another org gives. "Wow, I looked at the computer for like 1 minute and they were already kicking. I missed the entire set.",draw draw draw punt "What's sad is money was already given to cable companies to do this in the 90's. They pocketed that cash an didn't do it cause faster, and higher cap Internet threatened their TV monopoly.","According to the Media trump is Nazi, so i guess if Comcast won't bend over it's gas chambers for them." 18C complaint against Labor MP Linda Burney,"Yawn, hasn't this been done before?" Am I the only one really struggling to play against the AI?,"Haven't played online yet so can't compare to that, but for sure the AI seem to be better on the ball than in 16." "They're going for 5,000 I can sell you one at a steal for 1,000 though, let me know","Sure bro, sounds like a great deal and because I know nothing about supreme I'm gonna assume you aren't trying to rip me off!" They have privates for something,Edge dressing? "Are some insurance companies better than others, or are they all pretty much the same Looking to reinsure two cars and contents, probably looking at paying monthly at this stage if it makes a difference. Currently with State, but is there anything else to consider?",Ive had multiple vehicle and contents claims with State and have no complaints. "Forgive the newb question, but is this legal? If I did this, would I be on a list? Looks great, BTW!",Ofcourse it's legal. ME2 for me. from the very fucking beginning when you are walking in space with the SR1 falling apart around you in absolute silence,I think he's just implying the whole trilogy Bill gates still has it!,I saw this yesterday 100% the Dogs-GWS rivalry is real. Did we even have any historical rivalries?,"We seemed to be riding the same wave of success/failure as the Saints for a while, those games got a bit intense." Your heart can't feet.,Even if it said feel it wouldn't make sense. "Well yea obviously.. I mean I know that.. I mean any strategies, I know how the class works","Well since it's a vampire rig, don't worry about putting it in heal mode at all, since every time you take something down you'll refill your health anyway" Bernie Sanders on if he would have won: 'What good does it do now?',Is there a link to the full segment? "Yep I've been playing the new update, it's running very smoothly. I haven't tried to load 100% of the map (or even 50%), but I know my laptop is shitty (specs are actually lower than yours, I just checked) and also the fan is starting to die so I'm trying not to push it too hard. Also, 100% looks *amazing* but I'm unlikely to make a round the world trip any time soon. I've been on a dying spree lately, 30% of the world is plenty for me to die in so far. Haven't tried three colonies, but two is fine so far!",Will try to make a benchmark test with 5 bases with I dunno 5-6 colonizers and spawn a lot of creatures so I can inform you how it goes with my specs =) "Flash S03E03 'Magenta' Live Episode Discussion Synopsis: Barry (Grant Gustin) and Team Flash are thrilled to reunite with Earth-2 Wells (Tom Cavanagh) and Jesse (guest star Violett Beane). Wells confides to Barry and Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) that Jesse has all the powers of a speedster and has been saving people on his Earth. He is concerned about her safety and wants them to talk her out of using her powers. Meanwhile, Magenta, (guest star Joey King) a new meta who can control metal, terrorizes the city.",Wells has the meta human ability of common sense "If you gave me the million dollars, two of us would be laughing and one would still have a million dollars. That is a net gain for humanity :)","If he had the million dollars, and gave you the million dollars, then you gave it to me, we'd all be laughing and one of us would still have a million dollars." He sucks dude,Here you dropped your How inbox collectors display their tree!,Noob - no protector on it got the game on friday. Any questions?,Is Jordi in it? Oh look another DAE LITERALLY HITLER piece from the Guardian... How new and refreshing,Apparently they sprinkle in good journalism with the bad you know. Especially if they have no keeps. You could end the game but its better to deny them boss!,Make sure to go b and then do merc camps on your side of the map and absolutely not help the boss kill the core. Peed on...?,... Reacher :] "ooh, very nice. I've been looking at getting a Scar-H for my next gun, what make/model is it and how does it perform??",Its obviously the $3200 .22 SCAR 17 I do love that JLI recruitment issue where Creeper basically lifts a gag from Stripes. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? You said *convicted* right? Come to think of it...,"As much as I kind of shit on that book, the recruitment scenes gave me a good chuckle." You definitely don't know how to use commas.,Username checks out though. "Just pull up part 91, highlight the parts where it says the PIC shall: have all pertaining NOTAMS prior to flight, weather and do on. It's not your responsibility until they put it in an SOP. I agree, if something is a legitimate issue, by all means tell them. But random Tower light NOTAMS are not our responsibility to ensure they have those.",BUT WHAT IF THE NOTAMS CAME OUT AFTER THEY LEFT THEY NEED TO BE IN CONSTANT CONTACT WITH FSS/FAA NOTAMS PAGE AT ALL TIMES F5 F5 F5 F5 Relevant.,Username. "Latinos tend to vote more conservatively anyway. If the democratic candidate doesn't excite them, they will prefer the Republican, even if they are biased against them.","Well, if they vote Republican they're clearly racist" Pitta with two of the worst possible blocks on back to back plays,He was the one who let collins just totally wreck flacco right? "I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to be looking at, here.","same here, i don't get it" "I was doing the first two parts of the guide: the attract and repel. The basic must be done first Also, I am extremely busy irl for college and piano practice",Oh... Ok... ~~***GUYS I KNOW MORE STUFF ABOUT ANOKUU***~~ Maine Smash 4 Power Rankings,"Not a single bUrself, 0/10 worst PR in existence" I swear she changed her profile pic to the tear herself...,Because Clinton's cabinet sooooo would not have just been people who bought their way in. "Wait, did I add that right?",I've always loved that whenever Homer imagines himself as Senator or President he has a top hat "Next time try some honey. You kind of gave away the game there. Now again, fuck off. I dont suffer Brock's trolls gladly.","Mods: out of respect for this sub, I'm done with this time-waster." "so as long as my clothes don't burn, I can't be hurt by fire? This changes my entire real life...",Makes sense to me "But if I listened to you then I'd be doing what someone told me to do with my vote, which you implied is a bad thing!",4D chess Follow the instructions and give me your answer in three words (why? cause I said so),Major cities in Ontario "...well, it is a request.",*1 million years later* "Oh, derp. I see that now haha.. it is good to see other people are finding the book helpful as well. Are you reading the book?",Haven't gotten it yet can I get a fuck Roger Goodell?,You wait your turn. Trump slams Michelle Obama: 'All she wants to do is campaign',I think he's trying to win the election by some sort of integer underflow "LOLWUT? Out of the 317 episodes, there's less than ten episodes of actual filler.",I know I forgot to put an Dansby Swanson crushes the Tigers' playoff dreams with a clutch double play.,Dansby you beautiful beautiful man! A large amount of charms were added to the store today. All are able to be bought with renown. All prices shown are with the 10% discount,i think the ACE one is my first choice Seconding the u/TribeOfficial AMA!,"Oh, the unrestrained takes would be molten." More like I'm going to improve the new player experience! A while later... fuck,:( poor little octopus IrI would have put the print in the back but looks nice anyway.,I usually have a backpack on me and didn't want to hide it "Kevin Durant has not scored 20 points for the first time in 72 games. With coach Kerr taking out all of his starters with a few minutes to go and a large lead, it's unlikely he gets to 20. He ends his streak tied with Michael Jordan for 72 games",Flog A haircut.,wadafak "It's an aesthetic choice that makes no sense. It's just a blob of hair. What is possibly sexy about it? It's not styled or colored or anything, it's just a little black brillo pad between the legs. There's nothing conceivably sexy about a brillo pad. I'm surprised nobody has used the, It's how u kno she's a woman defense yet, because that's part of my point as to why it makes no sense to find it attractive - most guys who like bush don't *also* like leg hair and armpit hair and upper lip hair on women, even though those are also signs of grown women, too, so the fetish for bush makes no sense. That's why I must conclude that most people who like it are just old men who want to re-live their youth back when bush was in style.",STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE "I know for a fact that if the person behind the load when it falls off is a motorcyclist, a lot could go wrong.",I think it was missing an "Worst Club Names Just saw the thread called Best Club Names, and thought I would complement it with this one. I have seen some horrendous names and some really popular but really not funny club names (I'm looking at you, Egg Fried Reus). What are some of the worst ones you have seen?",Worst one: dont messi with me Best one: McRonaldo "They don't have bacon. By definition, In-n-out cannot be the Best",This man speaks the trufe. Please bring back T screen for season 4.,T New Mario render?,Analyze it for clues about Mario on the switch It's stupid and cringy.,"That'll show her, right?" I think unattractive women will still get more than an unattractive guy,They will get the same amount. Didn't a lot of the performance issues with No Man's Sky only affect high end systems (but not lower end ones which could run it fine)? Almost every performance complaint I've seen has been talking about how a 1080 can't run it but then there are loads of people who aren't having issues at all.,970 here with 20-75 fps on high/med settings Her?,"I think OP is the one in the photo, and it was his female friend who brushed the dog" The Buried crash was at a much higher round so many people are unaware of it. It usually occurs around the 150s.,"Ah, is understandable then." kablaze | Imperial Circus Dead Decadence - Uta 99.51% FC | 614pp,so many uta fc that makes this song seems ez Excellent rebuttal.,You forgot this: If only the alt-right held that same train of thought of libtards and protesting we might could make reddit a civil place.,These guys don't represent Trump supporters but those guys who carjacked that guy in Chicago absolutely represent Hillary supporters. "Alt-right is just the 2016 buzzword for racist, which in itself was just a buzzword for white person who's not an Obama supporter.",Yeah even though they call themselves Alt-right and are unabashedly racist it's just a made up buzzword to silence white people "Looking for trance tracker I'm looking for good trance tracker.Already have an acc at TranceTraffic,but content isn't satisfied. Maybe exist something similiar to TranceRoute? IMO it was the greatest trance tracker,but closed :(",sadly there aren't many options out there and honestly wouldn't be surprised if one shows up to fill this niche; TT is your best option. You think them making a one off line about Barb is going to ruin the entire show?,"No, but it's a very slippery slope" What do you like at taco bell for breakfast ?,I really like the biscuit taco but the value burritos are good! "Removing stuff from the registry is almost never helpful and can frequently cause problems. I can't count the number of systems I have seen broken by ccleaner. Programs like WinDirStat by themselves are not harmful, unless you somehow end up deleting a system file but that is rare.",I've never seen one system broken by CCleaner? Can you bottle it? WHAT IS THE SECRET?,The secret comes in a bottle... "It's thumbing the scales. Is it guaranteed to work? No but it shifts the odds. With the nature of viral media, you never know what will gain traction. This way, they kept flinging shit at the wall until something stuck.","After how close the Gore-Bush election was, I suppose it should have been obvious that a group would eventually try to do this" "Basandomi sull'unica foto che ho visto, no",E infatti l'ha detto anche lei che la foto fa cagare "So, if you begin a task with the intention of failing but instead succeed, then which have you done?",You failed at failing by succeeding. Remember when I ordered an open box 1080 and got an R9 270X? This time I ordered a brand new 1080 and got a 980 Ti.,no fucking way Life in California could be surprisingly normal if 'Calexit' happens and the state secedes from the US,I'm sorry we have a system that prevents California from dictating the nation. Girlfriend wanted the facial hair gone. This felt weird.,Missed the eyebrows dude One of the worlds most venomous snakes lets try and get up close to hit it....,The snek told him to get fucked "This is so disturbing to me. They were so bent and twisted and it was just horrifying. I need a place I can go to see pictures and gifs of cute, wholesome things to clean my brain now.",If only there was such a place. "Yea, but you're fat, so...","And, you lift funny" So that'll be a lot of fun,...for me On par? With who? Aliens? We could do nothing for 20 years and still be ahead in superiority. We're not even on the same level as the rest of the world.,A GoPro Karma is capable of carrying and delivering a playload of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phones to destroy multiple target on American soil. "Virtus Pro havent lost to a NA team (With their core 5) since November 30th 2014..... Almost 2 full years This will be extremely hard. The veterans of CSGO. Have been together for 3 years with no roster swaps. Neo and Taz have played 13 years together now, Taz/Pasha/Neo for almost 11 years now. VP will instaban Nuke, Will ban Dust 2, Will ban Overpass Expect the map to be Cache or Cobble. Ill be shocked if its anything else. If the map is Train or Mirage, then OG fucked up their veto incredibly",that statistic is INSANE "Not sure either, probably is like 7 3-7, sounds legit.",not 7-3-8? and the red spaghetti with banana ketchup instead of actual tomato sauce.,"the plot, I mean sauce thickens..." Did you miss Civil War? Spidey is MCU now.,But rights still belong to Sony That's what he gets for wearing kerosene cologne. Because that's the only possible way this can happen.,"Look at the dark spot on his shirt, the part that catches fire." *FIX BAYONETS!*,front on knifing animation is fine Payback to Ferrari for spinning him out.,Salt incoming When the NZT side effect booster shot run outs...,You're a cunt. "We may be running out of water, but the majority of our water use is for agriculture to provide crops for the rest of the country. And our state is definitely not going broke, we've run a pretty consistent budget surplus. Enough so that we provide more money to the federal government than we receive in federal funding.","Idk about calis crop supply, but doesn't California have like a half trillion in debt?" Gun needs to fire diamonds instead.,It costs 400 000 000$ to fire this weapon for 12 seconds. Dirt is normal. It is part of nature. Your toddler should be exposed to it. Overly sanitary conditions likely contribute to many of the diseases and maladies of civilization.,"I agree with you, but too much of a good thing can be bad for you to." Now I can't unsee Trump and Duterte locking horns over almost anything.,Plot twist: they'll get along after some locker room talk. "You have no idea what caused her death Yes, she battled with alcoholism, but considering she also experienced abuse, homelessness, and poverty, I find it really disrespectful that people keep bringing up her alcoholism. We don't know the circumstances that led to her death yet.",Yet it's a reasonable hypothesis st this point to think that an alcoholic with a sudden influx of a looot of money might have abused alcohol sufficiently for bad health outcomes to occur. "Yeah, I have a story with Squishy too. It's not a big deal, but I have been good friends with Squishy, playing RL with him and talking on discord, for at least 3-4 months. He just randomly deletes you because the fame gets to him. He usually added me back and apologized, but about a month ago, he kicked me from his discord and blocked me on steam (truly randomly) and he ignored me since. So yeah, Squishy isn't quite yet mature enough to be a respectable Rocket League pro, and that's coming from a 15 year old RL player, but that's just my 2 cents.",I'll be your friend "Should I buy Siege? Please for the love of god stop asking this! I've seen this question hit the front page 4 goddamn times now, do you expect all 63,000+ of us to tell you it's shit? I was around Titanfall 1 when it was released and as numbers started falling, this question was asked so many times on the sub a thread was put in the sidebar for it. Siege is popular and fun, we don't need stupid questions about the worth of purchase. If you like shooters with more teamwork, buy it. There's a free play weekend soon, play it. STOP ASKING IF YOU SHOULD GET THE GAME.",No you shouldn't buy R6:S. Everyone in this sub plays the game ironically and none of us actually like the game re:quest - Narcos Just finished season 2 and boy what an amazing series. Im sure boys would LOVE the camera work. Sometimes the whole scene that lasts 5 minutes is just one cut!!! And amazing portrayal of Escobar!!! Amazing series would love to see them review it in HITB,"I loved the series but they don't do TV series, Stranger Things was a one off because of it's 80's films vibe." "Where do I start with women? My life was, and still is, the epitome of holding back. While others in middle school and high school went out to get the girl they wanted, I was always held back by insecurity, shyness, and a lack of ability to talk to women. Playing video games were easier. Since the first year of high school, I aimed to improve myself as a human, and only after 2 years I started (slooowly) to become the man I'd like to be. I build up my character, which was pretty much nonexistent, I made some friends, I started to understand how I should shape myself. But my life was almost always void of women, before high school, because I was really beta and never could figure out girls (even though I wasn't really unpopular, quite the opposite in fact), and during/after high school, because I was in a technical high school, so there were like 20 girls vs. a few hundred boys (we used to have a joke, that we have 20 girls in our school - two of which shave their legs, and both are taken). Currently I'm on a first year of IT-related course in college, and obviously the proportion is still not in favour of males, but that doesn't matter, as the wonders of being an adult college student are that you aren't confined to your fellow students' community in search for a partner. Therefore, I ask you this: if I have no idea about dating, women, sex, and all this stuff, and I'd like to find someone, what should I do? The only guidance I ever got was from my parents (which was useless, as the times have changed drastically) and from my collegues (which were way more experienced already so all their ideas were crazy to me). I mean, I know you can pick up women everywhere you find them, but from someone starting from zero, how could I get more experienced and comfortable with dating, relationships etc.?",To start with women cut off penis and get boobs job. "on positive side, its known that spanish shipbuilding industry isnt top ntoch, they will be paying inflated prices and getting substandard quality.","lol, the ignorance." How did he feel about your pick for president?,"what was he supposed to do, punch me in the face harder?" "yeah, but you guys are comparing the full silencee build with only fervor+DD haha that's kinda unfair",He asked for it thought. She thicc.,*Thicccccccccccccc "I think everyone cares about their country, they just have different ideas on what's best for it.",Republicans care about the country... about how much they can dismantle to enrich themselves. Get your own damn flair.,I love you Make It - SC Box build #2,What is that overhead router/drill on rails thing called? "Before someone posts a why bitcoin price is dropping , may I suggest this likely buy the rumor sell the news type of situation related to the Italian vote.",price dropped 1.2% Panic sell! "Yeah, well this time, they'll really mean it. The DNC is hiring the best They're going to write Tweets and reblog memes. They've already got 1,000+ bloggers ready to write articles about how Trump is going to personally break down your front door and put you in a death camp for being a minority, or gay, or even really just any color other than pale white or heartthrob orange. They spent the last two years doing this, so they've really improved. Just wait.","If they keep doing the same thing, it will have different results, right?" People only get pissed when Nate is referred to as 170 though.,he was 280lbs though really... "What do you eat for lunch? I have an idea of what Americans eat for breakfast or for dinner. But what about lunchtime? I guess it depends on some factors like whether you're a student, work at an office etc. Do you have another warm meal, just like for dinner? Or do you just have a PB&J sandwich? Are there some typical lunch meals?","Piece of fruit, a granola bar and a peanut butter and honey sandwich." Trying to be as unbiased as possible - I think he did for the first 15-20 minutes. Until their first dust-up (can't remember what it was over) but until that point we were having a very presidential debate about whether Trickle-Down or Bottom-Up economics is the way to go. Then things got Trumpy.,As soon as hinted that he might not be as wealthy as he claims he went into full meltdown mode "A Trump supporter goes home... A Trump supporter goes home and masturbates his typical useful idiot fantasy. A Berniebro attacking Hillary, a Berniebro pushing false equivalency, a Berniebro voting for Jill Stein. The Trump supporter enjoys intercourse with his Berniebro, as he secretly fantasizes Trump raping everyone on the left. The Trump supporter and Berniebro get dressed up on Sunday - and go to a Trump rally, or maybe to their pro-Stein group. Have you ever looked at the Reddit posts on your local subreddits? Do you know why threads like Trump and Hillary are the same get so many upvotes? To what in us are they appealing?",I'm glad to have started a trend among this sub. "Best as a fan of my team? No Best in terms of balance? Hell yes. There is no way to know who will win a match in advance, that's what makes it exciting!","except for betting on korean teams, that's still a safe thing to do" YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO PRONE! Nuff said,Fucking role player ruining the game KC-10's and other aerial tankers also have a boom operator - a crew members whose only job is to make sure something like that doesn't happen.,He had only one job. Randy Quaid Spotted In Canada,"Hey, Kids, I heard on the news that an airline pilot spotted Santa's sleigh on its way in from Halifax!" Chris Archer to pitch for Team USA in WBC.,I see Team USA doesn't want to win Just boils down to more control tbh,But Archer has more walks/9 IP "They may have said shit, but again, I don't remember riots. There's a huge fucking difference in what happened in 2008 and what's happening now. If my kids are in trouble, they can scream and call me names all they want, but if one starts breaking shit it's different.","No, everything is all the same, and it's white people's fault regardless." What cis privilege looks like for gay people,But white cis gays are so privileged "She might've been told Barry can run at X speed, but even so, how can she tell how fast RF is running just from getting a glimpse of him for a second?",The League of Assassins train their members to be able to analyze the speed of an object so they can accurately take out a target at any speed. Thats terrible. You might win a game and one of your players doesnt want to finish and waits for the next baron spawn just for that and it can lose you the game.,Or you know git gud and end it yourself "Kickstarter Cancelled, but Not the Dream",What a surprise Let's get this shit over with.,Greetings 51st district from the 15th up north! No thanks. It would be too expensive to send you the pizza only for you to send it back.,i lol'd on the edit Malamute Dragon by Bogdan Marica (xpost r/EpicMounts),Wow this is fantastic How well they did it is irrelevant to the point i'm trying to make. The devs tried to do something extra and people didn't like how it turned out (who knows if it is actually finished) and are constantly complaining about something extra they did. They have no reason to try to do extra if people are just going to complain.,Pretty sure most people would have preferred they did nothing at all as opposed to this perpetual cocktease. The Vikings are so good and that pisses me off. Shoulda won that damn WC game.,All the points were scored by Blair Walsh though. Thats what keeps Mr. Burns alive.,"Nah, he's kept in shape by all his illness neutralizing one another while they fight among themselves, didn't you watch that episode?" "Lol I posted the same thing yesterday about vanity items drop rate being too low, got quite a few people calling me a whiny baby",Stop being such a whiny baby about people calling you a whiny baby. "What trainers returned in the Battle Tree, if I can ask?","Outside those announced (Red, Wally, Blue, Cynthia) there's [ Colress, Frontier Brain Anabel, Grimsley, Sina]" Anyone got the percentage on florida's chances of winning the east now? Last week it was sitting at about 17%. I'd expect it to be around 7-8% this week.,"It's got to be Tennessee with the best chance followed by Georgia still, right?" We should send Matt Damon as one of the pioneers,Why not discount Matt Damon? Haven't seen this in a while.,If by a while you mean a few hours...I know those feels Dope! Oldies horror feel,"thanks fam, I tried to match the aesthetic of the old cover with something firey and then threw an old horror spin on it!" -_-,"Sorry, forgot to put in the" Not that part,"You just can't accept N. Fredbear was a girl this whole time, can't you?" Toddler Sniper,That giggle at the end! Fuck off.,"What a reasonable response, just keep ignoring population growth until the entire planet is Universe 25." "Why is no one talking about the Nintendo Switch's battery life and storage? The moment I saw Skyrim showed off I instantly wondered how on Earth a tablet that size can handle that huge game and how long can it play that? None of these questions have been answered so far, and I know I'll catch some flak for going against the hype train but I haven't seen much people ask these questions. Hopefully this isn't a case of rose-tinted glasses, because when you wear them all the red flags just look like flags.","Yeah I'm wondering about battery life, storage, and frame-rate on mobile." "As a 48 year old, I remember a time before memes.",As an 18 year old democrat voter I am triggered by this thread REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE "Yeah of course they still keep track, but me personally I care because of those reasons. Plus I think them not releasing subs is because of the WoW token. They can be down like 1 mil subs which sounds bad but the amount of people using wow tokens increase which actually nets them more money.",Why count subs and tokens separately? "BAN ALL MASHUPS Oh wait, that's Mr. Rental...",BAN ALL FNAFFANS No how about minorities stop committing the most crimes in the city. Cry because Arabs and blacks are stopped the most . Don't act like it isn't for a reason,Yayy racism! Yeah I voted for trump. I vote for people not getting investigated by the fbi,Yeah but Trump said mean things! I'd watch that,One of those things you didn't know you *really* wanted until just now. Atheists BTFO,This is like visual ear rape. The Florida Everglades would like a word with you,That's where you dump bodies right? This looked good until I got to the shipping cost. They wanted $40 to ship 50 30ml bottles.,Must be where you live it's 17 bucks for 100 for me in US Ohio. Her speech writer plagiarized the speech. I don't think she actually wrote it.,I agree but at the time she was insistent that she wrote the speech and didn't have writers. "LOL Her disabled son who can't talk right, has emotional issues, and is clearly challenged, immediately feels the need to ask who won the election upon waking up?!? $100%",Autistic savant confirmed Russia's Putin sees risk of budget deficit exceeding 3.7 percent of GDP,"2 sentences, almost too much to read in one go." Aren't Paperboi and Darius an homage to Outkast?,Why do you say that? "Go home, London. You're drunk. You had David Cameron. You're no one to talk.",David Cameron seems like the good old days... Shit. "For many, supporting Trump was more about rejecting Clinton than supporting him. Clinton supporters don't seem to get this.","I can only hope we all get what they wanted, and not what trump was promising them" "you wanna disagree with an election? That has been tried before, it was called the civil war. You can't win by shouting racist, about half of america just voted for trump and you are a fool if you believe the same group of people that voted in a black president is racist. this happens every 4 years now get over yourself",This just in: You can't be racist if you like at least one black person. Those dogs have balls of steel.,That the reason they could stay so low. "[Nearly there buddy. You've done great. And think of the glory that awaits you, if you pull this off, this game will the first since V1 to have a proper ending.]",[V4 had a proper ending too] [:*] You can also see moving ball hit the blue one if you expand the gif really large.,"Yeah, it does hit it slightly: 3/10" Torry Holt will forever be my favorite player from the GSOT. That man was fantastic.,He's the reason I'm a Rams fan today "I'm using Sportsnet Now, but I'm using it on Xbox. No white bars for me. You might try reloading the page if you're on PC, probably just a glitch with the player.","I'm on a Mac, and reloading the page isn't working." I mean he did well. Until he passed into nowhere.,Looks like i dropped an I don't know what to believe anymore #TeamCharzard,Team I want some fuckingg McDonald's rn cuz I'm starving "Liberal here. It only 'poisons' her relationship with the left, if those people are also naive and not pragmatic people.",You're not the left. Not my best commit message,Commit messages should be in Imperative He never said it was low. He was looking at the printer most of the time while troubleshooting with me. Had him restart several times and he never mentioned it. I got him to go into the settings and check the ink levels. I sincerely hope he did not overlook the warning it should have given.,"You'd certainly hope so; but with the number of stories on here of users that leave out critical, obvious information, I wouldn't take anything for granted...." "I'm a Giants fan, but I also like the Eagles and the Cowboys. My high school classmate said this about 6 years ago and I will resent him forever.",Got something against the skins Wer ist dieser 4Chan? Doch nicht etwa unser 4stand?,Vierstand? Her body double is *Ted Cruz?*,Hillary Clinton is the zodiac killer? "I got married to the most amazing person ever. Everyone shits on 2016, but man, it's the year I cemented one of the best things that happened to me, which is being with my wife.",Well congrats! "Meh, more videogames copying hollywood movies without the writing or acting required to really make it work.","Wat, this is a sequel to a game made years ago, that isn't following any movie footsteps or anything hollow wood, maybe the whole zombie thing but that's about it and the zombie thing doesn't really have a whole lot of presence in the game since like half the game is fighting other people and really the whole story is what the games about the zombies are just a gameplay element" "You just haven't played enough. No matter the hardware, every save file starts out smooth as can be, but gets worse and worse as time goes on.","Not trying to be picky but I'm pretty sure it's amount of saves not time, this game and saving a lot have problems" "Christianity also believes in stoning women, specifically rape victims and killing gays. But you don't seem to be protesting Christianity, do you?",That's actually more of a rule for jews but I doubt you'll see anyone mad at them for it; Christians are actually told by god himself to let he who is without sin throw the first stone Experience,"Oh, now I believe you." "Imo Its too late for NA to become a top region. Regions like Korea started becoming really really good in Season 3. Why? Because they created the kind of solo queue environment that produces hidden talent that they can pick up and mold into amazing players. Think about it like this. Say we take two hypothetically equally skilled players. And lets just hypothetically say both are really really good. Now lets say one is from Korea and one is from NA. In Korea if you're good and consistently shit on pros in solo queue you pretty much WILL get picked up by a pro team or at least looked at. In NA however instead of finding and developing homegrown talent like Korea has done since Season 3, NA has A. Kept washed up pros around for waaaaay too long that needed to be booted ages ago Seasons 3-5 NA was notorious for this. B. Rather than cultivate new up and coming players and try to improve them, they've instead turned to importing. So if hypothetically you're really good as an NA player its very likely you won't even get looked at by a pro team over an import or some old washed up pro with a big brand name, so why bother? And because no one bothers NA solo queue is constantly a joke and everyone trolls, which means players that had the potential to maybe be great with some molding give up and join the troll fiesta and the region becomes a joke year after year. If NA wanted to be a serious Worlds contender it needed to happen years ago, NA needed to immediately boot all its old washed up pros back in Season 3 and not treat LCS like a good ol boys club, then start picking up NA talent out of solo queue and developing it instead of relying so heavily on imports. Then you'd have a self perpetuating flow of quality talent rising through solo queue. But NA orgs and players didn't do that, and so now they don't have that.",NA doesnt have the population for a good soloq environment. Native 240hz TN monitor is on its way!,Do the Dumbo ears protect my virginity? Good current gen or backwards computability couch co-op games?,"Overcooked, Borderlands 1-3, Diablo 3, Rayman Legends, Castle Crashers, Left 4 Dead 2, iDarb are the best couch co op games imo." "For newer players definately Poloma\x When you get mechanically good there is that sick control-burst combo of Croak+Sirius. Petrify one and stun-kill another, then when you get really good you can go double Croak ( never played duo party in BR, obly in BLC, can you do doubles even?)",I don't think you can do doubles. "No, every person I know with a desktop has had 7200rpm hdds. The only people I have seen using 5400rpm ones are people with laptops.",Oh well if that's all you've seen in your small group of people that must be how it is everywhere Budget Beasts CBs?,95 Josh Norman Stupid question: is there protein in this?,Tofu and beans yeah. "Oh, really? I only saw that on the TARDIS after the prom, not on the other planet.",Yeah I just rewatched that scene and the St John's Ambulance sticker is visible on the TARDIS And that is the price they pay for making poor choices.,god works in mysterious ways Corey Taylor (Slipknot) follows Game Grumps has no one noticed this or? I'd love to see Taylor be on Guest Grumps,He's also been following a lot of the guys from Channel Awesome as well. Who's a grumpy Gus?,Probably the guy sitting in a puddle of piss I'd suspect. "Well, I didn't know that. I guess you learn something new every day :)",I'm more surprised Homestuck references got into a Duolingo subreddit. Widowmaker,get gud Professor Willow discovered that Eggs have different patterns depending on the distance required to hatch them. What does this even?,"i want to know the same, dont see any mention of it here hmm" "What does he think he's going to gain out of this? The recount is against him... Just let it go, Pat.","If Pity Pat can hold the election count open until January, the State Congress can appoint him governor at the start of the new session (and they will because the gerrymandered Repubs are still there.)" What country do you live in where this is taught at school?,Germany Clinton calls Trump's aggressive sex talk 'horrific',"in a decent society, people like this are shunned instead of party nominees" "Last year we had Shakey Hamels, now we have Shakey Bush.",Gonna need a shaky odor "What did the Muslim woman who lied about having her hijab stolen gain? What did the gay film maker in Santa Monica have to gain? Some sympathy. So since there is 0 proof of this happening, you're probably lying.",Yeah I should totally violate someone's privacy to prove you wrong don't come back. Assassins are broken and you won't have fun unless you are the assassin,You forgot this: How to beat giannis moments challenge? I'm struggling with it and would love some pointers!,"run him at the point and put him in the post to get matched up with kyrie or mo williams, put him at the 4 when james jones gets put at the 4. straight to the basket.. if you miss the layup you either get fouled or have a chance at an offensive rebound." "What is so funny about copypasta? Someone put a lot of time in writing out a wall of text, and all you do is just copy and paste it? Unbelievable. Freaking unbelievable. It is so fucking disrespectful for the original writter to have his thoughts repeated over and over just for some kind of sick joke. You fools know the CSU copypasta, right? People chuckle at it because he was very mad. Well, think about it, motherfucker. What if he WAS very mad? What if he actually had feelings and his day was ruined? Ever think about it like that? No, of course not. You tools just took his words over and over and used it for shits and giggles. How fucking rude. At this point, my 10 page essay on why I think Brawl is ass could be used as a copypasta. That is just fucking wrong on so many levels. I'm not going to write out a copypasta myself, because I don't want my words to be shat out over and over again. I'm just expressing my thoughts and feelings on the abuse of copypasta. It just needs to fucking stop.",Vagina boob 750,"Well then that is a must buy with it being that cheap, oh boi" "as a cowboys fan, I honestly think you guys deserved the get the flag. that was weak shit on the refs.",Thats because it should have been a flag haha More like 8 bit but still super awesome!,"Well, it's got pixels, so it's *n*-bit where *n* is a random power of two." I don't think you'll like their solution of charging for overhead space,"I think Spirit charges for carry on bags, but they also a charge for breathing on their planes." xDDDD sO RaAnDuum!,Oh god please no You are completely nuts,Compelling argument. You guys realize all Hillary did was spew hate too right? You don't get to accuse one when both were doing it? And i saw way more hillary commercials than trump.,"Yes, pointing out the hateful shit Trump has said and done is just spewing hate." When I deleted my facebook account I just wrote a very dramatic goodbye post. Now I feel outclassed...,i guess flamming on facebook just took a new meaning "Eh, seems like a win/win to me",Until you realize it's a behind the scenes photo of Fat Bastard in his birthday suit. Animal calling 101,Guy on the right looks like Will Forte "I'm an American who works with a lot of Aussies, Kiwis, and Brits cunt is thrown in every single sentence possible. At first I was a bit taken aback but now its completely normal to me.",Good cunt Nothing is more appealing than being stacked on top of each other,"Well people are moving out of small towns and into cities so evidently so evidently yes, it is pretty appealing." Set up a VPN back into your home network. Some home routers have this option. You could in theory then control Chromecast from any location. :O,I like the way you think. "Red Dead Redemption Comes to PC, PS4 Next Week","Just broke three personal records: - Most hastily achieved erection - Most savagely dashed hope - Most hastily lost erection Thanks for that, OP." He wasnt even good in that movie. Tom hardy should have got the Oscar,But he was cold! Haha thank you!,No problem man you deserve it Donald Trump: Deport George Soros. 1000 signatures.,The punishment for treason is not deportation.... Shouldn't you have Hawks flair in that case?,Could throw on a saints flair in support of Kenny vac Any suggestions for cool bars with personality? One stipulation: NO tv's! Nuff said. Neighborhood doesn't matter.,Skylark "My father in law is a beekeeper. For two weeks he will celebrate his 60th birthday and I want to give him something connected to his hobby and to show him that I care. But the problem is, I don't know anything about beekeeping. Found this kit, will it make a good gift?",If you're in North America a gift certificate from Mann Lake (an online retailer) or his local feed and seed store might be useful. CF Halloween! How does the rest of CF celebrate this most glorious of holidays?,We'll be in Hawaii tricks or drinking Let seems to be in question. Many obviously didn't. Way to stay classy.,Oh you mean these lying hags who are suddenly feeling violated 35 years later one month before the election? "Wow, Sims 4 for $10. That's pretty damn tempting. How's the base game content?",I think it's very good and well worth $10 Report: LSU has given Jimbo Fisher an extremely substantial offer,Buckle up everyone "hehe, you know what wasn't edgy? TFA. lol",Neither was that punchline :p "I spent $60 on it and I feel I have totally gotten my money's worth. I spend hours exploring at a time and love every minute of it. But hey, maybe that's just me",I'm right there with you. "I asked a climate scientist what we should do starting RIGHT NOW if he were president and had the backing of the congress. He said build nuclear power plants, shut down the oil and coal plants, require new vehicles be hybrids then eventually full electric, and phase out gas stations to be replaced with electric stations. Meanwhile, develop solar and wind to supplement or replace nuclear.",Cause electric cars are so environmentally friendly... Honestly I have a lot more respect for the genuine supporters on r HillaryClinton than for the shills that infested r redacted.,Don't hate on computer bots doing what they were programmed to do. But my handheld electronic device is superior to your handheld electronic device and is an essential element of my identity.,You are not so smart podcast? "Mark my words, pedophiles will be the next group SJWs try to normalize",Incest actually "Obama has a better body for clothes, he's slimmer.",I thought Trump was the most fit person to run for president? "Useful free software on Tor? I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find some useful, downloadable, free-to-use software on Tor. Specifically software that is exclusive to the DeepWeb/Tor brower. Thanks for the input.",AB has API keys "What's a type of snack you feel you invented, or that only your family eats?",Nothing too odd but when ever i have a bread roll and mash potatoes i love dipping the bread in the mashed potatoes before taking a bite On narrow streets of cobblestone,Beneath the halo of a street lamp "TIL Well, no biggie. Vietnam is still my favorite so I don't really mind","I went travelling around Vietnam because of it, would highly recommend" Richard Branson: 'People will die' without Obamacare,'People will die' with Obamacare. Just checked urban dictionary for a definition; and nothing. Anyone?,The woman who plays the monster is named Catherine Keener. afew x kangaroos jelly,Beautiful Trevor Bauer spent his friday night on twitter helping a highschooler with her math homework.,He should be focusing on baseball at 9:30PM on a Friday. Ty Montgomery officially declared out today,It would have been really nice to know that before the noon games I prefer being an optimist. Being a lifelong cynic has detrimental health effects.,"Putting your health before the nation, typical nationalist" My 21 year old cat enjoying the warmth of the sun on a fall day.,"One day, i dont know when, i will reach the level of peace that this cat has." I think genji should be in his own class and they should make the game revolve around him. That'd be a nice change don't ya think?,We'll make him the new face of Overwatch; I'm sure Tracer wouldn't mind that at all. Trump won because he's a racist and sexist bigot and when other racist and sexist bigots saw he was running they wanted him to win to validate their own racist hate and bigotry. It's pretty simple.,Thank God people such as you are so enlightened and unbigoted. "For me it's the lack of the trinity, which paired with the down mechanic has a bad impact on gameplay imo. Was stoked to drop the trinity when it launched but I don't think it worked out. I love everything else about GW2 but yeah, that drives me away.","People enjoy playing specialized roles, and lacking trinity sort of blurs the line to the point of homogenization where no class feel truly unique." It's rather hard for me to make jokes about something that's already a joke,Lmao. \#Marin,"I'll have you know we finally let the German Messi, Marko Marin go this summer." Some Lovely Farm Animals,I lost it at Go Go Goat. "Ah yes, Fox is pretty famous for their unbiased and 100% accurate information.",hahaha yeah they are amazing "Best way to get games cheap, that don't fuck up the developers? Hey, I'm a student, and I've heard tons of good stuff about Overwatch, but i cant afford it really, are there any sites like Kinguin that sell games cheaper, but don't screw over the developer of the games? thanks",G2A piu il tempo dello scrutinio,"Mmm, che goduria!" Biologa kenyota malmenata dal tassista,"Ma anche lei, dai, lo sanno anche i sassi che non bisogna mai dire ad un tassista la strada da fare!" ma dove se li e' bruciati tutti sti soldi?,sicuro non lezioni di canto "Err, you clearly don't live where I live in Bradford. Niqabs are extremely common. Probably more common than any other head scarf up here.","Spent a lot of time in Birmingham where niqabs and burqas are fairly rare, considering how many Muslims there are in the West Midlands." "If more men in this country had balls like his, there would be a lot less crying and China wouldn't be on our door step. the kiss-ass and do nothing Filipino man mentality is what got here. Any moment China could realize what pussies we have for men in this country and just roll over us.... Filipino men actually think going out kissing internal ass or sucking some Obama dick will stop them? Who among you will do anything but cry like baby on the internet?","Rodrigo, is that you?" IS,BACON "Not the person you asked, BUT I'm getting laser hair removal right now. The old way used to hurt a lot, but there's newer technology that isn't painful at all. It's a little warm/bordering on hot around areas with more follicles. But honestly absolutely worth it, 100% less painful than waxing, and for me it's working like a dream.",Is it permanent? The Latest: Trumps attend church services on Christmas Eve,Where's Huff Po to tell me how this is racist? except straight white people fuck them,"We exclude white people because they are racist by nature, its not racist to exclude them!" Europe holds its breath as Italy heads to the polls for critical referendum,"Good luck, y'all." But what happens when Cena wins it?,Submission knocks him unconscious rather than forcing him to tap out "So far, it seems like he's just surrounding himself with friends and family rather than people that know anything about anything :(.",Watch out how the Trump family will end the DC cronyism "If it's any consolation, this is what being vegan looks like in my house too (I'm from the UK). All that fancy bs is not healthy. You've got everything you need.",You're right :) I already mentioned that I wouldn't eat processed food if I had them avaible Good work! Very extensive.,TY! Damn! That pic is showing $600 worth of tapes then.,"Yes, and now they're about to go in the trash." "Yeah I probably should have left that part out, my overall point was that if you don't get some type of answer from the questioning route and he research here doesn't add up with what is laid out as facts, maybe start amending the search by testing the validity of some of the believed truths.",Truth has came to light-ish if you read the updated OP You are a child-devouring witch. What updates do you do to your gingerbread house to lure in the modern-day brat?,Pokestop NFL reportedly won't fine Titans' Avery Williamson for 9/11 cleats,Why would he get fined in the first place? Not a single word or sentence from any of these girls made any sense what so ever.,It made sense to them and that is all that matters. When have you immediately understood that you're witnessing a historical moment?,Definitely this election. omg this is beautiful my heart is aching from the raw emotions portrayed thank you for sharing!,Thank you for reading! I don't think ideological testing will hurt closeted exmuslims.,"Yeah, I'm sure a nevermoose would know..." What should we all do before 2016 is over?,"Personally, kill myself." BREAKING: Donald Trump on refusing presidential salary: I won't take even $1,"BREAKING NEWS ON CNN: Trump finds penny on White House floor, lies about taking money from the government" "Suppressing fire is just about the only use. Mortars, artillery, airstrikes, and snipers do most of the actual killing in modern wars.",If you'd have to use the STG77 to supress fire in automatic something did go horribly wrong. Bernie Sanders warned Democrats he could beat Donald Trump; party sabotaged him anyway,It was her turn! Victor '07 checking in.,ONE OF US. "So, there's only about 3 weeks left to December. DE said both the infested and bard frame would drop this year. You guys think it will happen?","Well, if we can make a fortress using the Infested frame's maggot pods... that would be one heck of a *base drop*, am I right?" James Bond: Daniel Craig Reportedly Offered $150 Million to Return to the Spy Series for Two More Films,"Hopefully if he does take the offer, he puts his heart back into it." I just started CS and read the blog post. What do they mean with the remaining eight teams will meet in a single-elimination group stage. Is this a mistake or will there actually be no playoffs?,That's a wording mistake. I would be worried about hurting the dog with the stick,....... Why should I get a Subaru? I currently own a Volkswagen Jetta TDI. I am part of the buyback and I am looking at new cars. If I bought a Subaru it would most likely be a crosstrek. Why should I get a Subaru over another VW?,You won't have to cheat emissions tests "A cheaper alternative might be a GTX 1050 or 1050 ti if you can't splurge on a 1060. If you do intend to go the 1060 route, you might want to consider the 3GB variant which is offered at around ~$50 cheaper and performs almost the same.",3gb is shit. Built myself a new glorious gaming PC,"Specs: | ------|---------------- CPU: | Intel Core i5 4690k @ 4.4GHz CPU Cooler: | Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO Motherboard: | ASRock Fatal1ty Z97 RAM: | HyperX Fury 16Gb (2x8GB) 1866MHz GPU: | EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 @ 2138MHz core clock/8680MHz effective memory clock Storage: | PNY 240GB SSD, PNY 480GB SSD, Seagate Barracuda 1TB HDD PSU: | Corsair AX760 Case: | Phanteks Enthoo Pro M Acrylic mid tower" Global Times G20 Coverage - 70 stories in 4 days!,lol r/natureismetal,this is awesome Because your country is a wealthy nation today in part because you plundered these peoples' natural resources and labor. The least you can do is acknowledge this.,"Uh, learn some German history." People will tell you their password but not their middle name.,if you type out your password in a comment it turns it into stars ******* For just pennies a day you too can help fund a civil war.,how do I know my money is going to the screaming fanatical jihadists that need it though and not some well fed child? It's like I'm trying to see the benefit in the bright ass fucking orange,"Idk man, I mean, that's cool if you works on roads at night or smthg" Order online,She looks like a knockoff version of Selena Gomez Achcha hai. Less profit to shitty bollywood movies,Less crappy movies from Khans. ...I think they were making a TF2 joke.,Yeah I saw it after.. Haven't played tf2 since the orange box many years ago. Whats going to happy to Jimmy G?,"trade or not, I can't wait till Jimmy G is gone so we can stop getting these threads every three hours every day" why are downvoting a man for having an opinion? Cmon lol,He's disrespecting the maple leaf When the Deagle-stars allign,What's this crosshair? No one on Trumps side is acting like this. There aren't riots where conservatives are destroying their homes and business to celebrate.,Shh he's british he knows better than you americans "I wonder if these people realize that at some point they interacted with a pedo before in their lives. Hell I bet some of those people have friends, family or coworkers who are pedos. It's just that they don't know. Yet they wouldn't take service from one. Ignorance is bliss I guess.",Yeah if somebody took nude pics of my kids I'd definitely let them continue to hang out I have some I can bring with me next week if my mp5 ever arrives.,I will be out of town for the next shindig. Aren't there multiple H1B openings at Trump properties right now?,That makes him smart "WARNING! All gamers that have got WD2 early... Please do not post any story spoilers, or you will be reported.",Marcus joins the templars and helps them find the last halo ring to stop Alduin the World Eater from eliminating all Pokemon. SicK 1v3 clutch,Oooooh nice 1v1 from Sick "And your country will vote for Le Pin in April/May, she is as bad as Donald Trump","But at least we have the most progressive far right, #1 is a woman and #2 is gay." Wikileaks and Russia didn't write the emails.,"you know, I hadn't heard ONE surrogate after the election mention Russia, it's like that whole argument just stopped ... I wonder why?" Kiefer is a Pirate,He's already a demon. When have you immediately understood that you're witnessing a historical moment?,The day we invaded Iraq. If we turn Soros over to Putin I will submit to the power of meme magic forever.,"So what you're saying is, a black bag move, to leave him hog tied and trussed up on the front gate of the Russian embassy would get your souls will be ours?" "Sorry, i dont think i understand. Where exactly are the solder points?","Any of the 5v points on the board, have you done any kind of gameboy mods before?" Donald Trump 'plans to split time' between White House and his New York penthouse,So presidential "There was an outdoor concert and I could hear the bass for about 2 miles but the midrange+ wasn't clear at 1,000'. Why is this?",Attenuation due to resistance of air molecules as well as the shielding effect of objects are more pronounced at higher frequencies meaning the bass is usually the loudest part by the time you get out that far. "So what do you make of the fact that Trump called for marches on Washignton after Obama won, and that his supporters, including members of Congress, called for armed rebellion if he lost? Are those tantrums as well? Or the acts of patriots?",Whataboutisms really make you look like you have the moral high ground. "I don't know why you think its so bad, senior citizens sit on their ass all day and accomplish nothing. Our PM has put a commendable example by doing something similar. While he is toiling for this country's future he is also showing us how to make the best use of useless people. I showed my 88 year old grandmother the article and shamed her for being such a burden when 96 year olds are doing their part in standing with the nation in times like these. Jai Hind",^TopKek and Dre.,last seen in Eminem's trunk Having a 6 plug power strip and only 3 plugs can fit on it,"Well, that's the price you pay for cheaping out: you'll end up with a power strip that's designed for the least material use and production steps, rather than a sensible outlet placement." Started off at 1904. But now down to 1256. Haven't had much luck. Last season I was 2444,"Cool, I wont be able to play comp with you but ill add you if you just want to play casually." "So doing identity politics if fine, as long it is not based on a native European identity?",That's what the left in general have kept insisting so it must be true "You know it, I know it. Everybody knows it",I said CITATION NEEDED DeMar Derozan went Black Mamba on the Hornets,he must've worked out with kobe in the summer Lebron James and the Cavs dance it off after Ohio State pick-six,if the buckeyes lost today i would have blamed lebron "If you feel that way with skilled workers for H1B, do you not understand why the working class is against illegal immigration? It's the same idea.","Because fuck the working class peasants, that's why." This guy's submission history tells a depressing tale,Incels FTW lol Why only Blade? What about Blade 2? Or Blade Trinity?!!,"This guy is probably more familiar with two/three sword style, training hard with Zorro senpai" A10 is op at mid range I don't give a fuck what other people tell me I know I'm right,Make sure you put "Social promotion usually occurs at 16. Most inner city schools can't afford to hold a student back that long, they'd rather promote then off to the high school than keep them.",FUMU... Prepping to be federal government employees. r/vgb,Subscribed. "i really admire his work for centcom and for his service to our country. he's been retired since 2013 and i just hope the 'bomb iran' neo-cons didn't get any influence over him. we need to be tough on iran but going to war with iran would be a fucking disaster...russia is friendly with iran and i want us to be on good terms with russia without bombing iran (i don't mind us sanctioning iran or diplomatically isolate iran though, or even better make good deals with iran that help both the u.s. and iran out but also don't turn into bribes like obama's terrible deal with iran).",My point is that if you looked into his views you would know there is no way he supports just going to war with Iran. "Almost black out drunk at after-office drinks I just got almost black out drunk after a night of drinks with co-workers, I even threw up and I might have said some ridiculous stuff. I even confessed to some of my co-workers that I'll be leaving the firm (I was obviously drunk though). I don't remember half of the night. They even had to drive me home. How do I deal with the shame? People had to carry my around like a baby. Like, I used to be the shy, quiet guy and now I'll be known as that one guy that drinks too much and throws up.","The trick is to do it again every time possible, this way you'll be known as the office drunk and it wasn't anything unusual" "This is 4,000 times more corrupt than Hillary could ever hope to be. If your family is in charge, that is the exact opposite of a BLIND TRUST. If he has a conflict of interest between his business assets and the public good, which one do you think he'll choose? You got grifted you fucking rubes.",Corruption is only what's illegal "My new favorite thing: when I encounter a ridiculously biased article, I look up the journalist's name on wikileaks to see if they are part of the Clinton Machine. (They are)","They usually also echo, or their boss' name echoes." "1. Get beef, leeks, ginger, and chili 1. Put them in a pot",How long should they be placed in a pot before I can start cooking them? "Well given 4pct growth is pretty much impossible, I'm gonna go with yes.",But India grows at 6%! "I used several programs to extract the models directly out the game, I will share the files if it isn't in conflict with psyonixs.","Sweet, are the models print ready when you do extract them or do you have to do some editing?" That isn't the issue here,"Yeah sorry, was just wondering because if not then that would be a huge inconvenience." an entire thing is my favorite unit of measurement.,"Same here, I got it from Arrested Development and it's been my go-to for years." I actually have an easier time buying the comic level buffoonery and ineptitude and posturing of Mussolini than I can buy the Hitler comparison.,"Meanwhile, we have a Stalinesque Russian leader who's obviously hungry for land." but what about the 4.0 blockchains? I've heard that's where the real innovation will be. And don't forget 5.0 OMG.,"Yes, if Ethereum doesn't continue innovating it will be left behind" I just said i'd be fine with it if he was on a minutes restriction due to his recent injury. Ease him you know. I thought that was pretty clear in my comment.,yeah but you're forgetting rubio is the greatest pg to ever play the game and we have to play him 48 minutes a game Smash the Record - Liquid Hungrybox vs DT| Hugs Hugo's Samus loses 3-0 to Hbox's ness! LUL,guys i swear hugs is still a good player Is he drunk? :O,He hasn't slept much these days. What?,This is what this sub has become. "Since it can get pretty buried in the main Diary thread, I figured most people probably missed it so I'm posting it for visibility.",What if a nation doesn't get formed? "Guide for Aggressive AWPing As many of you may know I am a former Counter-Strike 1.6 and Counter-Strike Source professional. I've been playing Counter-Strike for about 12 years and over the years I've learned all kinds of tips and tricks for the game and I'm going to share some of them with you now. 1) Aim!!! I can't stress this enough. If someone comes running around a corner, aim at the fucker before you scope in. It'll greatly increase your chances of hitting them. 2) Jump peek. I know it sounds silly but it's what I was known for back in the CSS days. jump around corners and prescope at where you think the enemy will be, with the new jumping mechanics this is even more effective than before because your character model moves a lot more! 3) Use your pistol! AWPs take way too long to reload in this version of counterstrike so you have to always be ready to whip out your pistol and spray somebody down. ALWAYS use your pistol for close range, you can move and shoot which you can't do with the AWP. 4) Stop taking out your fucking knife. You constantly see on streams players switching to their knives between every shot. STOP DOING THIS. It doesn't help at all and takes longer to re-scope in. In fact unbind your knife key. Knives are useless in this game unless you sneak up on somebody and can backstab them. 5) Finally, I'll talk about the scout. The scout is an amazing gun when you can't afford an AWP. You move way quicker which makes it much harder for enemies to hit you AND YOU CAN JUMP. So instead of waiting until landing to take your shot with a jump peek you can jump around a corner and hit an enemy while STILL IN THE AIR. That's all I have for my aggressive AWPing guide. Stay tuned for future guides and good luck! -NostraDumAzz","Never heard of you, are u from NA?" Vancouver council voting on empty homes tax today,This should be put to referendum. "Mark Zuckerberg allows you to add 1 'rule' to Facebook that everyone must follow, what would that rule be?","Facebook is now a subsidiary of MySpace, therefore allowing infinite options for profile creativity and art." The New Definition of the DAB.,This is really quite funny though Surprise! Donald Trump is wrong about immigrants and crime.,"He don't even know his own Net worth, of course he is ignorant to world problems and issues." Frazier is looking like a rain deer in headlights without ad out there..,Pretty sure a reindeer could just fly out of the way if they seen headlights I wish prostitutes still looked this good... They've really gone down hill in the last 100 or so years.,They definitely don't look like that down here in New Orleans anymore Microprocessor,*cough cough AMD cough cough* "And even then, with most of our computers shooting up to 8-16GB of RAM it doesn't really matter as much anymore.","But your's only has 1gb of ram, and a pentium 3, thats like, half a chrome tab." Thats a regular c at my old high school,"Where the fuck did you go to highschool, Pyongyang?" "Disneyland's opening day, 1955.",It still looks the same today! BIOWORLD. STOP THIS AWFUL MERCH.,not that bad better than most of the shit they make Tim Tebow hits HR in first at bat,Intangibles. "Thanks, announcers, for reminding all of us the Raptors could have been the one-seed last year. (Not that it would have mattered to the eventual outcome, obviously).",Idk home court won 5/6 in the ECF last year "As I was saying in an earlier thread, this game was going to make me sad regardless of the outcome. Either team, after such an incredible and unbelievable run, had to be stopped, there. But after I saw Yamato here, I definitely wanted Splyce to win. Although I'm still sad for Unicorns... it just would have been way worse otherwise.","this, and to think this will happen again with c9 and imt..." Do a barrel roll!,This games physics suck You can buy them straight from the government auctions. Fairly cheap too.,"But, how you have money to spare?" Investigating the repost on the reals....,Get back to me. "No need to unfriend them. You could put them on the restricted list, and they wouldn't see posts you share with friends. If you really want, you can show any post to a customized list of people of your choosing.","Certainly good to know, but it's too late now :/" Bloody Kyle. It's always a Kyle.,"Nice try, Kartman!" "Hannity has always been loyal to us, and a few other exceptions, but yeah. Those who turned were never with us to begin with. All they have accomplished is to expose themselves - and they will suffer for it.",Hannity is rock solid and last I checked Coulter was still killing it? "TIL Boris Nemtsov, a former physicist and liberal Russian politician who was instrumental in the introduction of capitalism following the collapse of the USSR, was shot four times in the back and died on a Moscow bridge in 2015.",It was ruled a suicide ^ "Most Australian Catholics rarely turn up to church and don't take the church's teaching seriously. Still, we should reject those who are likely to take it seriously, just like we should reject the average Ugandan Christian or bible-belt lunatic from America. If it were up to me I would refuse to give a visa to a foreign duplicate of Fred Nile or Steve Fielding. The Muslims who don't take it seriously, who have boozy parties to celebrate religious feasts, who never say their prayers, and so on are fine, and they should be allowed in.",And who decides? "Yes, it's far less inclusive. Source: Am French Canadian",Which one is less inclusive? "Plus summer games was 3 weeks, and tomorrow is 3 weeks from Nov 1st, the date the event ends.",Do you remember what time they released the summer games stuff? I'll take the GEC!,I will pm you in a bit Not to be rude but the card transforms a random minion on the board. There are 8 minions on the board. 1/8. This isn't exactly rocket science.,"But it would either give him lethal or not give him lethal, so obviously it was a 1/2 chance of success." Quas the god.,!quas the four nations lived together in harmony,Then everything changed when ~~the Fire Nation attacked~~ it got patched. "Oh, I should clarify. I don't really care.",That's cool man Bringing edibles on plane?,No the FBI is literally already on their way. What is the most pathetic meal you've ever eaten at home because you neglected to go to the store?,Parmesan cheese packets. Family First,Maybe it means lowest tobacco quantity in town? "The spoiler effect may not have been relevant in your state, and a lot of people may lean on it more heavily than they should when trying to make a point, but it shouldn't be discounted entirely. If we got rid of first past the post voting, and switched to a more sensible model, we could eliminate the spoiler effect and let people vote their conscience without worrying about putting the major party candidate they like the least into office.",We should just ban 3rd parties so they can't be spoilers. AZR ends Relyks career,wow somebody's whose career ended a long time ago just ended relyks career What is solo challenges? Too many H2H,Season Games and Live Events most probably. a t6 champs team wasn't invited but t32 renegades were lel cod,they are doing this so that FaZe has a higher chance of winning! Especially as Trump has seriously thin skin,Imagine sitting across the table of that carrot colored man trying to negotiate any sort of deal when you've written him off as a total flop. Sitka October 2016,"After 15 years, I still miss Sitka." "Better reverb, but he's off key.","I went in thinking can't be that bad, I'm a little bit tone deaf My god, it's wildly off." "Lol, that's not how power scaling works :P","probably a reality warper too, just too top it if off" This will hopefully spice things up a bit,"Yeah, i can't wait for the start behind safety car either ^" "The microphone icon is only displayed on the tab header in chrome, if you are in-game you won't see it. (At least last time I used it)","Thanks, that's great to know." Barkley is absolute trash,"No, he's not." Maybe Bryz can strap on the pads again since it seems he's at the games sometimes.,Would that reactivate his contract? Give Tucker her timeslot!,And the raise she's been demanding! "If SMRT can keep going after a breakdown, so can you.",Nice try SMRT CEO Ran into John Malkovitch at a dive bar in New Orleans called Johnny White's. I realized who he was and the bar was pretty empty so while i was ordering my drink I looked over at him and asked Has anyone ever told you that you have a startling resemblance to John Malkovitch? He slyly smiled and and told me that he gets that all the time. I laughed and walked out with my drink in hand.,What's a dive bar exactly? You're welcome. Don't let anyone call you antisemitic for wanting to be informed. They are liars.,<3 Those crowns have countless happy childhood memories associated with them. They're much too good for Trump.,MAGA hats are too good for trump. what if she asked you if you want to play magic the gathering?,My red green deck is ready "MFW the Don wins the popular vote too, killing the argument of any butthurt lib still protesting.",THAT'S A HATE SYMBOL How so exactly?,By not peddling the same lines as msm You guys are a joke.,And you're a fucking asshole. Feels good man,Noice A major symptom of climate change is more extreme and unpredictable weather patterns.,Great news for Texas Two white men standing in a gold-plated lift are claiming they've stuck it to the elite,"Yeah, because all white people are super rich and lord it over everyone else." Interesting. Can someone please explain to me how Pakistan supports Terrorism? And to what benefit do they gain?,Have you ever heard of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan? "Funny that, I think many other Euro sceptic countries would actually see a UK damaged by the EU as MORE reason to leave. The human spirit doesn't like to see someone kicked when down, and also by doing so it would just prove the true face of the EU.",You do realise: Not a good deal is not equal to punishment. It's *almost* like Trump is going to be a Russian puppet.....,you forgot the "Canadian here. First, nobody knows who's responsible, so stop blaming each other. This election is getting scary. You've got Trump supporters who are turning on their own RNC party, and yes, there may be deplorables in the Democratic base. Until the culprits are found and identified, stop sniping at each other. Also, people like this don't represent the majority of voters and supporters. Can't we all just get along?",lol... you are just worried we are all going to flee north. MJ's hangtime was ridiculous,He goddamn looks like a different species out there lol Armoured/Lore Freya Concepts,10/10 would impliment Ghost in the Shell | Trailer #1 | UK Paramount Pictures,It's a shame that the release of a live action one will completely destroy all copies of the anime leaving us with nothing to enjoy but this. me irl,When the meme is tired earlier than you are. "Oh wow, it's already a year? I wasn't too hopeful beforehand because I didn't care about any of the potential candidates people had been talking about. About 5 mins before the direct started, I was talking with my friend about what character's we'd want to see, and I'm like The only character I can think of that I'd really want is Cloud and he's like Well that's probably never going to happen. Then it fucking happened! Lol I'm getting excited just remembering it. That was awesome. When the song came on I had that Shit, I know this but can't think of what it is moment. Then Smash x Final Fantasy and I'm thinking, Holy shit there's no way it's actually Cloud. Then Cloud's boots on the screen and I was mindblown. My favorite reactions were Nairo + Gunblade and Maximillion Dood.",Maximillion's was gold OH MY GOD I LOVE VIDEO GAMES SO MUCH!!! Many people call that the flag of the Philippines.,Some call it the flag with the sun symbol It just sounds like he's the exact thing some Americans are with the United States.,"Yeah, but he's the wrong kind of patriot." OK now I even get mad when we're down in Georgia. Definitely a symptom of too much winning.,You're getting sick of winning! "Love when people speak as though they were a fly on the wall during the whole production process, you don't know what happened so don't sit there and point fingers at Snyder.",Yes because snyder doesnt have a track record for this. Keep it up and it'll get 4 years longer.,Now that doesn't sound like a threat. "It's a Mirror Bush. It might be classed as a weed in your area, particularly if you're coastal.","Awesome, thanks :)" Recruiting a CSS mod,13 mods and not a single one can make a custom css... must be an all female team Anyone seen this glitch before? O.o,"*Where we're going, we don't need droid callers*" What really rattles me is that chicks think its okay to ask if you have foreskin when theyre totally thinkin about puttin that cack in their mouth. Ive had so many broads ask. Its like asking if their vagina is tight or a waste of my time. Cunts.,"But see it's okay for them to do that because they go through things you never will like periods and giving birth, life is much more unfair for them!" Carr was off and had an injured finger. Run game was working and they couldn't stop it all game. Chiefs had no MLB. We're in the red zone on 3rd and 1 and they throw jump ball to Holmes. Why Musgrave? Why no audible this time Carr?,Why the entire 4th quarter wasn't dedicated to running until they dropped out of cover 2 I'll likely never understand. "Software for Secure File Syncing and Sharing I'm currently looking into getting my hoarding on with a FreeNAS server. So far I feel I've figured out my offsite backups with Duplicati. But what I need now is to figure out is what software to use to sync my Desktop, Laptop, Android phone and whatever else that may come along. I've looked at Owncloud, Nextcloud, Seafile, etc. but I don't know enough about them to be able to pick out which would work the best. I've toyed with an install of Nextcloud from the plugins page but I have no idea how to secure it with HTTPS and the like so that I don't have to worry about someone sniffing my data. If you guys could point me in the right direction that'd be great. I think this is my final roadblock before I can settle in on figuring out what hardware to get for my final setup.",BTsync? Revolution,Wow I wonder why south Texas is so blue. How can you be confident in yourself when you're constantly surrounded by people who are 10x more successful than you?,"I just remember what my goal in life is and keep reminding myself that in my career path it is doable (I want a 4-br house, 2-3 kids, wife, and a 10 second car, preferably a Mustang or an LS1 F-body, or maybe an LS2 GTO)." "It looks so fucking awesome, its sad that people dont care much about VR.","yet, problem here: money and location (location make the vr stuff ridiculous expensive)." Where are the American flags lol,"but abbas just filed a copyright infringement suit on the usa flag with unesco, so that's an arab symbol now too..." HOLY SHIT NO WORDS CAN EVEN DESCRIBE HOW MUCH I HATE AGHOLOR RIGHT NOW,FUCKING WORST PLAYER IN THE NFL PHYS 135: How Things Work,"Yup, easy as shit and pretty interesting." "I'll just smash this light with a big rock, WCGW?",run it off I am so sick of the church getting politically involved. If they want separation of church and state then they should also follow the goddamned rules!,But they want representation without taxation. Ah shit I totally should have got the super moon in a shot.,"What would have looked awesome is a shot from where the water went out to, looking back to the beach with the moon in it" Dani fans saying Shelby is throwing temper tantrum's to get hoh and now she is sleeping with production members? lol.,When she goes to the DR she's just having a quickie with production no. He sounds like an average 12 year old. FNAF and Minecraft,Yeah pretty much. So this game and last are just to sort out those who jumped on cause of the Wentz wagon right?,Hopefully The Tiffany FRS,Not enough lense flare "The trillion dollars given to the banks wouldn't enter the money supply, it would simply be used to cancel the liability on the balance sheet of the student and cancel the asset on the balance sheet of the bank.",How is that not injecting $1 trillion into the money supply? "Why is it whenever one of my animals is doing something cute, when I point the camera at them, they stop immediately. This cat is playing to the camera like a champ","They don't want you to cash in on all the karma, become a famous redditor and abandon them for that memester-lifestyle." "Women can tell colors apart better than males, generally speaking. Apparently Burnt Sienna isn't Darkest Orange or whatever",I don't know if there's scientific proof for that but I think most of it comes down to a huge amount of men simply not caring about learning a ton of names for slightly different colors. trick,Wow that mom just got rekt. Saw this Tentacruel in a gym today.. trainer might need to hit a Poke Center and heal him up,What lol? Connor vs. GSP,Gsp doesn't have the fight in him anymore Does anybody have a picture of Conor holding the tiltes?,"Oh geez that would have been a perfect time to take a picture, i don't think anyone brought a camera though" UFC 203 Free Fight: Travis Browne vs Brendan Schaub,Bad stoppage was defending intelligently "Also dislike Halloween. Let's have an anti-Halloween party where we just eat candy and binge watch Gilmore Girls. ETA: Oooh and drink wine, cause we're grown ups and can do that!",What wine pairs best with Halloween candy? Bill Clinton He did popularize the blow job.,Pretty sure they were popular before him.... Does shot IQ even do anything when you're controlling the character?,"I would say it might reduce the amount of contesting from the defender, or allows you to shoot more unexpected shots." "Bro, Portland is like 95% white. People crossed the street when they saw me coming at night. I'm a big brown guy",But I thought Seattle and Portland were such tolerant towns! Wasn't there just a blurb that Ingram got banged up?,Oh I wasn't aware i'm not sure why infinity ward has stuck with such dull palettes throughout their development but coming from such a bright exciting like BO3 i completely feel your pain.,Well then we should stop calling it camouflage... Chips wouldn't do anything. At best you might be able to detect when they're in the stadium. You'd never figure out who is on the field.,"They already wear the RFID chips and it tracks a lot of data: position, speed, etc..." Getting a win this game should help us jump up to about 24 on the power rankings?,nah you get negative points for beating a Packers team thats just not having a good day Donald Trump Expected to Pick Reince Priebus as Chief of Staff,"The more things change, the more the stay the same." Neighbor parks over the parking line. What can I do about this? So my neighbor likes to park his truck on the parking line with a small portion of the back of his truck and his whole side mirror is jutting into my parking spot. This makes it extremely difficult for me to get in and out of my vehicle. What can I do other than leave notes and talk to the building managers? Can I get his truck towed or ticketed for parking into my private property? I always park dead center because the other guy next to me sometimes parks his SUV there and I don't want to hassle him to serve the other guy.,Get a smart car and you will have no worries.... I think Haryanto did a pretty decent job this year. If he gets another shot though I hope it's still for a team towards the back of the grid.,He was good in quali but was outclassed on race day way to much... So yes he was better than expected... But that's about it "Clinton was against gay marriage in the 90's, that is true. But people's opinions can and do change; just look at Trump, who was a registered Democrat until 2004.",But any politician that ever changes their opinion is a no good flip flopper! "Does anybody else really like tragedies? Ok, that sounds really messed up, let me rephrase. Does anybody else kind of enjoy when bad things happen in the world? Like isn't there some entertainment value in watching different aspects of the story come out and piece together? Also the way they bring everybody together and get people talking about issues? I don't want these things to happen, but there is a special feeling when they do.",Yeah I loved watching Sandy Hook unfold **improvving,Improv is short for improvisation so it would probably be less awkward to say improvising instead of improvving I'm definitely planning a spring act to Rabbit Whore! It's gonna happen!,Do third eye with flashing strobos I predict nothing. I've seen no advertising.,there's still tomorrow left. When she texts we need to talk,**Lol** "I brought a DBS, because I uh ... like refitting for the current task. + speed, agility, range, power.",Is there any specific reason why the Scout version instead of the Explorer one? There are a lot of good power supplys in the $75-100 range.,"Seeing that PSU usually outlast 1-2 rigs, I can't see the reason spending less than $100-150 for something like the G2 or higher-end Seasonics - not counting for sales or mail-in rebates though." Resurrect Walter jones!,#MakeLeftTacklesGreatAgain "New Form Trunks stronger than Vegito? Seriously, what the fuck was that ass pull? He's suddenly strong enough to kill Fused Zamasu with just the boost from a spirit bomb? Whats up with Trunks power level?",I'm really hoping the manga cleans up the mess the anime has been making What the media has realized is that they can't shape the opinion of the US electorate quite as well as they thought they could. They aren't too happy about it.,Ohh I'm pretty sure 24 straight months of Hillary Clinton's emails and 8 years of Obama is a gun grabbing Muslim terrorist with a fake birth certificate did a fantastic job at shaping the opinion of the US electorate "Depends on the color of your skin though. May even come down to ethnicity, or both.",Gay here that's a thing Is it a lunatone or just random?,I also got a lunatone so it may not be random "Honestly, kind of scared. I live in Southern California and people have been protesting since he won. After seeing some Trump supporters attacked, I'd rather just lay low and not risk getting jumped.","These protesters seem like reasonable, open-minded people." Streamer tries to cover up his accidental racist joke,Forsen in 2016 LUL This subreddit has turned into a farm of memes.,"You forgot 'It's a Popgoes Promotion'... ...I fucking hate you, I put fucking 10 years into making that fucking meme, and you didn't even fucking include it on your list, how fucking dare you!" Don't worry the wild bear won't get you OH GOD,So **THAT** was the first FNaF1 teaser. Does this work with the elegy custom?,Unfortunately not. "Yes, The Walking Dead will start again this monday! Zombie girl 13 x 18 cm acrylic on paper Jasper Oostland 2016",This is the first advert I've seen for TWD this season. "2016 Week 4 Game Thread: Pittsburgh Steelers(2-1) Vs. Kansas City Chiefs(2-1) Please Remember: **Leave all opinions/thoughts inside of this thread. Anything that isn't newsworthy posted outside of this thread during the game will be removed.** Don't be rude. We're all here to watch the game. Do not troll the other sub's game thread/post game thread. We will be notified and we will take necessary steps after that. If you see someone in here trolling, feel free to file a report and we will take care of it. Thank you and enjoy the game.",Ben is slaughtering that defense "FIFA 17 Defensive techniques (or any other FIFA) Alright kids, listen the fuck up. You're gonna learn some fucking defending. I play on PC but you fucks can translate these techniques to whichever fucking console you want. **COVER** You twats will have all heard about the 'cover' option in custom tactics right? Well it ain't just fuckin' about that, dumbass. You have to go through with it as well. All this shit about how the defence will defend for you is utter bollocks, to an extent. You want to keep the back line as organised as possible, and that means dragging your defender back from your shitty contain that you enabled 2 seconds earlier. That means anticipating runs and following them, whilst then covering with another defender, yeah? K good. **RUNNING BACKWARDS** Alright, you fuckin' moron what do you think you're doing? why the fuck are you running facing towards your own goal? At the VERY LEAST you should be holding contain towards your goal, to keep control and not go running off like a bell end. Hold LT/L2 and move backwards. It's so much more effective as your player will be able to intercept far easier. Doing this won't fuck you up in the long run, and will help far better against that shitty one-on-one you just fucking got yourself into. **PLACE DEFENDER IN FRONT OF GOAL** The amount of times I've seen cunts fuckin' run out of the way to let me through is ridiculous. ALWAYS keep your fucking defender in front of the goal. That doesn't mean plant him on the line like a Nazi, that means jockey your fucking player so that he is between the ball and the goal, don't worry about the opposition player, they'll do some daft shit like pass the fucking ball to you as they have run out of options and panic pass; else, your defenders will clear up. **AMBUSH** This is a genius fucking technique I have used over the years to surprise tackle-fuck the opposition player's players. So, as I said before (if you were fucking listening) you jockey the player backwards, you keep doing this until the player slows down as they can't get past, you wait a little bit AND SURPISE! he gets fucked, you go in for the tackle quickly, efficiently and you're on your way to scoring shitty corner goals or some shit. **BEAT THE SKILLERS** Want to know the best way to kill off those stupid skill spammers? Berba spins n' shit like that? Simple. You stand fucking still, no one fucking expects it; usually most players are too busy running around like a manic fucking chimp to realise that less is more, sometimes. **DON'TS** * For the love of all that is fucking holy stop using automatic player switching, Jesus you all fuck yourselves up and look like retards. I use semi-switching (air-balls) to allow me to be able to control a midfielder whilst my defence is lined up at the back like a fucking wall. * Don't contain and then double contain the ENTIRE FUCKING TIME - your defenders get pulled out, meaning I'm left with options to pass to. * Defend with strikers like an idiot. The reason most strikers don't have the highest stamina is because they're goal hanging fucknuts, stop defending with them, leave them be, they will score. * Like shitty auto switching, don't just run around with one player the whole time, they get tired and easy to predict. * Don't blame EAids for your shit defending. Since I've improved at defending, lo and behold, you don't blame EAids as much, yeah shit happens but you put yourself in that situation in the first place. * Stop using central defenders on the wings, unless it's the last resort. IF your fullback can catch up, let them catch up, you don't have to rush defend, it's unexpected and easier. Alright cockpilots, that's the end of that, I'll be posting god damn amazing tutorials on other things when I can be fucked in the future. Peace out.",Cunts run out the way Never done this before "majority of them do not repeat the same phrase other then the guards. most of them have individual content. Not always very large amount of content but still different content. As for the building template, you are correct of that, however this game is much older and deserve more credit for the amount of effort put into the game.","yea, meanwhile the devs of skyrim put absolutely *no* effort in it whatsoever" "Are there any platoons that do coordinated air a lot on NC? (I need the footage) Hello, I'm making a promotion for our noble air knights and wish to showcase them in all their splendour. In all seriousness, I hope that this will make more people see the benefits and awesomeness of rolling with coordinated air squadrons. All I am asking for is those who often do coordinated air platoons on NC to identify themselves, so I may tag along sometime and record them performing majestic maneuvers. Thanks in advance. From, ACTIONFIGHTER11",What's air? This came up on my Facebook news feed. Top of the Wilshire Grand. Unreal.,"Who took the photo, lol?" Probably some sort of custom collar with a handle to grab,I think that's a saddle mount. Arabs are semites. Jews are semites. I'm pro-palestine and anti-israel. I am pro-semitic while I hope israel is wiped off the map.,You and Bannon would get along great I think "Because in the comfort of their tent they can practice their aim uninterrupted, whereas dying before they can even press mouse1 does them little good. Besides, long range sniping is more about prediction than aim.",You still have to aim where you predict them to go... "I've heard that Lega Nord has started reaching out to southerners. Yeah, you're not northerners, but you're still better than *i negri*. I hope that the American 'alt-right' doesn't end up becoming analogous as a result of Trump.",They have basically transformed the party from a northist movement to a nation-wide anti-Euro anti-migrant anti-everything-that-is-not-strictly-christian-european. Then that points to the **real answer**. Simply don't censor at all!,That's why reddit works so well without moderators right! Doesn't ambush lower your aim assist?,Yeah and without that aim assist it's 100% unusable. TYT,Hahahahahahah Maybe we should just make sure everyone has good healthcare,But if the poor people get health care how will I feel special and assured that MY healthcare is the best! god damn liberals,Surf voice chat in a nutshell. Zeke's Game Winning TD!,The steelers *let* Zeke run for a TD to conserve time "The Colour of Magic (and to a large extent its immediate sequel The Light Fantastic) are largely a sequence of loosely related humorous events happening to Rincewind. To use a comparison you'll obviously recognise: its a lot like Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy. Later books tighten up the plot, have more character development, maintain spots of absurd hilarity, and gain moments and ideas that can really make you think and feel.",Very cool thanks for the help. "Acer B286HK - $267.99(Manufacturer Refurbished, new for ~390)","To anyone still looking at this, bestbuy is going to have a Samsung 4 TN monitor new on black Friday for $250" "New to the NFL, how to learn about teams and decide on a team? I'm new to the NFL. What's the fastest way to learn about teams, and team history and why should I be a fan of your team?","Come to the Patriots, we are coached by a sentient article of clothing and QB'd by a animal." (spoilers) I don't think that we are playing as William Afton,"Erm, this may or may not be taken down due to low effort." Sounders had Almiron Discovery Rights,"TAM for Seattle, then." How do you not know who disguised toast is,He's probably only seen the videos where he's wearing the mask They will have a cake walk with the disaster that is unfolding. We can only pray that the Democrats are not hijacked by radical leftist populism and can get back to being sensible.,I'm sorry the victorious nominee of our party hasn't been able to satisfy you on day -50. I don't know what to say.,"Meanwhile, on the Internet..." "MVP almost always goes to a QB, but it's possible. He will likely win Rookie of the Year though.",Easily has to be Goff That's incorrect. it is bear.,"oh dear, let me" "Did Ned ever state that Jon was his bastard? Is it possible Ned said, he is of my blood, then let people think what they would and he never corrected them? I know it is just a technicality but it seems to fit with Ned's views of honor to state something in a way that isn't specifically lying but is misleading. He did the same thing when he replaced Joffrey with my heir when taking down Robert's last words.",He calls Jon his son in the very first chapter. Also welcome to the family :),How the actual fuck do you remember your username dude Getting tired of all the preperations and yet very little action..,Yeah hurry up with the killing.. once told me,pls no I need to preserve a body but I cannot use embalming fluid. What else could I use?,Honey or tree sap and make an amber block with the person inside Damn Junkrat players only doing trash damage.,You dropped your "No 5th TD for Brady :( But, at least they're kicking the shit out of the Bills. I seriously can't believe people thought this game would be close.",There's still plenty of time :) People want Obama to move to the UK and become the next Prime Minister,Won't it be a problem that he was born in Kenya? Where will the next political bombshell land?,One woman's terrorist is another one's freedom fighter. Oi,GT: OSE NERO That is more like Morgan Freeman in there.,Pretty sure it's Nelson Mandela. Come on man you know how that shit go,40 confirmed that it is should not shit. Stephen Curry & Klay Thompson have both scored 30 points in the same game for the 10th time in their careers. Warriors are 9-0 when they do,You mean having 2 or more people score 30 points each wins games? "Wow. When somebody is critical of the moderation, they get perma-banned? That doesn't seem right to me.",If that were the case you wouldn't *still* be here going on about it. How is this not pure heresy from Pope Francis?,TIL I have to curse the Jewish religion in order to uphold my own. No means Yes and Yes means Anal.,I like the way you think. That's just gravity.,Who needs periods or hormonal cycles when the **MASS** of existence crushes you every single day. YouTube account with Iron Cross profile picture defends Hulk Hogan's leaked racist comments: I'm black btw,because obviously Black people don't use locker rooms Not a minority? Don't voice your opinion.,I'm a cis white woman who's been struggling with mental illness her whole life but it doesn't matter because every minority ever has it worse than me Final exam in 6 hours. May I join you guys/gals?,Presentation on Monday about a codebase that is 10k LoC and I'm sitting here thinking about Rogue One! Found the KSP player.,How did you know? "Black and white is all, but there is also a silver one that came exclusive to hot topic and only like 240 or so we made... So probably not going to get that one",I believe there was 144 made. "I had no idea, thanks!","Yeah, I have a Zdeno Chara stick that is 160 flex, a foot and a half longer than stock, and is probably 30% thicker than a normal stick." "When everyone is pulling from the belt for materials for building it becomes harder to keep the belt full. A better example is when a large number of people want power armor MK2 with fusion reactors and such. Just power armor for one person is 14.7k iron plates, 26.2k copper plates and 200 blue circuits.",I find alien tech to be harder to get for that because in huge multiplayer the evolution factor goes up so quickly that it becomes difficult to fight aliens with the weaker armor. "Do grapes need watering? When i water my grapes, the ground underneath doesn't go any darker, and on the wiki it doesnt say anything about watering them. Any help?",its a bit harder to see the ground becoming wet under a trellis DAE develop a small crush on someone and then after a few days have made up an entire life with this person in their head? I think of all the fun we would have together in my fantasy world.,"Yeah, but apparently it's bad to put someone on a pedestal :(" "Fellow Indians, any list of libraries which lend ebooks in India?",how can you lend ebooks? This just in: Bernie Sander NOT a Democrat He's not a democrat! He has no right to try and take over a party that he fucked over! Go fuck yourself Bernie!,YOU LIE! "He has to appear like he's leaving, so he'll be able to steal all the guns when the gun owners think they're safe.","Don't worry, HillBot 2016 will clean up all the guns." Keepin' It 1600 tried calling him and he hung up.,Is this Larry's Wilmore's new show? Incompetence masquerading as a revolution.,Thanks Bernie!