Input,Output "Oh jesus fuck. Know whats really bad? The car you drive, the food you eat, and the kids you raise.",Nice argument ! What product do you guys make?,yams "I made the albums private, I don't think I looked sexy in those old ones ;P","Noooo, I wanted to see how my girlfriend would dress up ;A;" "You gotta thank em for the dance. It works a surprising amount of the time. Not sure if it's because it's charming or so lame that it's endearing, but either way it gets results","Thanks for the tip, stranger." I am a Star Citizen! I am a Star Citizen!,"Welcome, now go back and buy more war bonds." "Does any of you have your gameplan ready? I was wondering if anyone had their gameplan ready. I certainly do! I will start with trading / cargo hauling and I will branch out to other sectors, after cargo ect I will probably start policing, mining, or exploring. I want to do everything so I know there will be enough to do for me. I had a connie Taurus but I melted it to a freelancer for a couple of reasons: - i wanted SQ42 (i couldn't afford the $54 so I melted my game package and got it for 15 or so.) - I wanted to save up for my connie, which will give me more playtime too! How about you? I'm curious to hear what your plans are!","Loaded game, find the one who should not be named, launch form torp tube, get underwear, make huge profit." "Hillary paid a ton to control this subreddit, that's for sure.","Yeah, I'm sure this place is a real campaign hotspot" Thank god for evil Facebook money because it sure as hell isn't Valve who's bringing us actual games. Now prove me wrong and announce something bastards!,"Seriously, Facebook should just keep their money out of this and let the free market bring us only a 3rd of these games." Elite company,But Joe Flacco never played for the Bears. "OP walked right into that one to be fair, Brazil lost bragging rights against us in 1950 and are probably never getting them back, should know better than to taunt us.",my man You know Tesla motors is somewhere around $2 billion in the hole right? Look up businesses/billionairs who have lost $1 bil+ during various years.,"Yep, Trump is just like Tesla" "look guys im smoke, it made me looks mature and cool!!!11",you dropped your "Yes i got that, wondering about this other song, zur party",Just another terrible song which became a meme. Why do I have the feeling this guy would rather fuck this spider than his wife?,"I dunno, but thank god he made this video to show women can handle tarantulas too and not just men..." Bout tree fiddy,Seems about right :D Sacked four times tonight. Is that not actual pressure?,"You don't understand, he's supposed to throw the ball perfectly in that 1 second window." "TIL Thousands of prisoners were abandoned in Orleans Parish Prison during Hurricane Katrina where the water and sewage rose up to neck deep. They went days without food, water or ventilation.",But they were black so it's ok "They absolutely did not throw. They had an early game draft and Alliance had a late game draft. What happens when an early game draft fails to do enough in the early game? Oh ya, the late game draft wins!","yeah dude alchemist, TA and enigma totally early game heroes that cannot do shit late game" They're rewraps because they cost too much to make. Who wouldn't want to take defective Sony/LG batteries that didn't make the cut and just rewrap them. Easy money.,Do you have a source for this claim? "The real question is to ask how long before they realize that the problem isn't all these OCs, it's Flacco.",But Flacco is ELITE Sunsetting video,Sean is a liar and you aren't allowed to enjoy this game Not so much in the competitive play though. I normally don't play Tracer in comp. because everyone else chooses there main normally I'm stuck as the healer.,This is why to main Lucio "I realize and understand the desire to get revenge, but it's a nuanced issue. If he merely arrested her, he didn't kill her, so should he be put to death for his actions? What about regular beat cops who were told to arrest certain people. Where does one draw the line at which one is culpable? Beyond that, unpalatable as it may seem, excluding classes of people from society can have severe consequences. One need to only look as far back as post-invasion Iraq, to observe how many an outcast Ba'athist went on to fight in the insurgency. If your goal is a peaceful, prosperous post-invasion society, you might have to make compromises and forgive those you would rather not forgive.","after all, he was only following orders." "Yeah, i feel you. I smoked myself into depression. I have a healthy relationship to cannabis at the time though.",But I thought the only side effect was hunger? Yes. They shot themselves in both feet. Years spent obstructing the president rather than negotiating and decades spent keeping their voter base as stupid as possible culminated to a party that is too fractured to be relevant. Best part is that they only have themselves to blame.,They didn't know what they were doing because Obama didn't tell them how dangerous it was "We're looking into this. If this is the case, it's an obvious bug, so don't anyone get banned for abusing it, please. Thanks for letting us know, DuskFalls - much appreciated.",I should stream this. Who do people tell you that you look like?,I've been told I look like sheamus by a few people. Maybe we should start exposing starving people to these chemicals and solve world hunger.,It's like impoverished people in the third world have never heard of starvation mode. That's holding. Do you need me to copy and paste the rule for holding,He is just taking longer to get up than usual right? "Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world.",I'm blue? TIL A man can divorce his wife in Islam simply by saying 'Talaq' ('I divorce you') three times to his wife.,"I'm sure this option is available to women to, right?" What is left of that poor forsaken island?,they have no oil so who cares? "No, just a lawyer at first. Weird legal issues could arise here, and letting the police get involved too early may prove to be a mistake. Whatever criminal consequences the other chick is facing, OP drove while under the influence of drugs and could be prosecuted.",Yes lawyers love taking cases without police reports I was clearly mocking the other Habs fan who claimed he was. Good God.,Oh my bad couldn't read the "What attitude? Doesn't matter I guess, it's still a distasteful and infringing idea. If you haven't heard of rifftrax/mst3k, they riff commentary over movies and they've been doing it for decades. The only way they get away with it is by paying the movie companies to license them. You're trying to do the exact same thing, but with other people's content. The only way it's not distasteful and infringing is if you get exclusive permission every single time or make a deal with channels to basically allow you to profit off of their work for no reason. If this strikes you as an attitude, I think you'll have a hard time find a content creator that will agree.","thats why hes just going to credit them dummy, problem solved!" Trade for a DE? 49ers could be dumping players before the deadline and I was wondering if we could trade Sanchez back to Chip Kelly and the Niners for Tank Carradine. We saw how much better the Cowboys were with a pass rush against the Bengals and Carradine would add a lot to that equation. I know he sucks against the run and hasn't gotten the sack production that he did in the pre-season but we have no real need for Sanchez when Romo is healthy and we might be able to get something for him.,We already have a tank "Ah yes, I had forgotten about that addition. OP's sentiment echoes my own when I had first encountered it. There's just no need to duplicate information display like that, at least not in such an overbearing way.",Triplicate* I'm too lazy to unlock the two dungeons in suramar,Which two dungeons? Toy Tokyo NUCC exclusives will go online!,"Aw, I was really hoping for the NYCC exclusives to come online, not the NUCC exclusives..." "3 weeks ago I was sharing my collection, here's another update :)",downvoted because slipstream is only striker and not veteran striker Who would have guessed that the silly season rumor this sub was taking as fact would turn out to be completely wrong?,Cant wait for Larson to take over the 5! And?,"They are just civilians, who cares right?" "It's a win-win situation for us: moderate R's don't vote for Trump, deplorables don't vote for downballot R's...","Woah now, let's not use the D word, apparently it's super offensive to Trump supporters." I've had the same quarter in mine for like 3 years now it's turning green. It's an old quarter from when they were made with silver,I wish i could make a quarter last 3 years "MAY 1985 as well. We're still cool, right?",Dad.. Get off of reddit The next batch of Hillary Clinton emails has arrived!! Thank you wiki leaks!!,Ooh this oughta shake things up. Those shoes are ugly af lol,nah dood u just dont understand *fashion* Which player do the panthers cut if they lose tonight?,Luke Keuchly Haitians are urging people not to give money to the Red Cross,"what, they don't want another 6 houses?" "Be careful bucs, Aguayo could miss it if you back up any farther",They're just building up his confidence. Twist On An Old Bartending Trick,two great tastes that taste great together Props to all non Bucs or Panthers fans watching this shit fest. Yall true.,I am just here to see one of you guys lose "I had to look this up, but.... Jesus, you aren't even kidding.",Feeling so good about that 2nd round pick. "Yes, this is painful to watch. No organisation, no discipline, no cohesion. Just a rabble running about aimlessly, getting in the way, and shouting their idiotic war cry of 'allahu akbar'. Any reasonably competent western nation could wipe them out in a matter of days if we wanted to.","Yeah, why doesn't a militia made up of random civilians who decided to fight perform as well as the military of a first world nation." "thank you, i think people forget that majority of fans right now are ones who weren't around 93 92, thats not a band wagon thing at all, being a hockey market there hasn't been a lot of attention towards baseball in recent years or much to cheer for with the Jays and thats just a fact... doesn't mean I'm not a baseball or jays fan just means they've been a lot more exciting and gained more attention recently.. I've been going to ball games since I was 8 years old. its not like all the 92-93 fans just came out from their cave and started going the the skydome last august",you're young we don't like you "Please don't play evil characters or characters who obviously don't fit in with the rest of the party. People who are new to the idea of alignment always equate evil=psycho. An evil person is not always a sadistic lunatic. A lot of the time they don't see themselves as evil at all. They love their mothers and their dog, they make friends, and they do nice things for people. Just because they're willing to commit evil acts doesn't mean they don't follow their own sense of morality. Also, most evil people understand that acting outside of the norm will get them in trouble and they will avoid that attention. The edgy evil character who murders the helpless prisoner in front of the entire party and then acts baffled when everyone is offended will not and should not last long. The right kind of evil player would wait until the party is asleep, fake an injury before stabbing the prisoner in the chest, and then convince everyone that they were attacked and the prisoner was trying to escape. Or he would attempt to corrupt the party, convincing them with smooth words why killing the prisoner is the best course of action and offer to do it himself to spare everyone else the deed. So remember kids, evil does not always mean sociopath.","Actually, a sociopath is far closer to chaotic neutral." EMT. Hopefully soon to be FF/EMT.,Ooooh man I am sooo excited to get hired at a 911 company. "Was it his idea to do a fake field goal? If so, fuck that guy, his bloodline is tainted and should be removed from society. -Justin Tucker owner","You would have been thrilled if the play worked and Tucker was credited with a td, though." The Hildebeast speaks like she is listening to someone feed her lines / same as last night - and every time the speaks.,Well to be fair it has to be taking like 150% of her energy to stand on its two feet. I lived in China. These smog levels are child's play!,"right, so let's not give a shit about it and carry on as we were" "Most effective way to complain about a bad postie? I've never had issues with a postie quite like this before. We regularly receive the neighbour's mail and we've received a couple of bills late, even not received some at all. Clearly somethings going wrong somewhere. What's the best avenue to lodge a complaint where it's most likely to actually do something?",Do you have a clown outfit? Fallout?,"Nope, real life." What T.V. show has the best intro music?,Black books "Post it in our discord chatroom for Pokemon, more people will be able to get it",Hope do I get an invite How would a vagina tax work,Everyone that has a vagina gets charged more for the same product but get paid less for the same job so like now. Probably most of them were paid to be there.,But how do you pay holograms tho? Eat outside of class?,"He was home schooled, it was always class time." "Also, stupid, retarded, idiotic, moronic, imbicilic, ridiculous, absurd...",Careful about using the r word When will the Bowling center reopen? I'll graduate by May 2017 and I'm wondering whether the bowling center will reopen by then? Any information is appreciated.,"Niko my cousin, let's go bowling!" Civilization 6 1080p DX11 Ultra GPU Benchmark,"I'm really pissed off at how badly its optimized, doesnt look any good and runs terribly slow, totally kills any CPU" Lol if my math is right this is the equivalent of me donating 9 dollars.,Braggart. "Well, the original Philippine flag (c/o Agoncillo, Agoncillo, and Herbosa de Natividad) was, guess what, sewn in Hong Kong, China.",at the time it was part of Britain though What is something you have that nobody else has?,"From what I hear from reddit, social aptitude." "Random crashes is a pretty bad bug, no?","It's up there with NPCs witnessing crimes through walls, as well as nerfed distractions and, of course, head-tracking." "I think the misunderstanding that people have with assisted cars is going to be the legal death of the technology. There's an old story (urban legend, never really happened) about an old granny who bought a motor home and misunderstood when the dealer said to use the cruise control, it practically drives itself. She set the cruise control and goes into the back to make some tea. The story goes that she won a million dollar insurance settlement. This never happened with cruise control. But I definitely see it happening with assisted driving cars. We have already seen a few cases of this kind of thing happening. People getting into accidents because they weren't paying attention to the road when the autopilot feature was on. I think either the technology will be completely removed, or there will be some sort of augmented drivers license for those with assisted driving features on their car so we can ensure that people are actually aware of the limitations of what the cars can actually do. They are definitely going to have to employ sensors to ensure that people are actually keeping their hands on the wheel and their eyes on the road.","If only granny had adaptive cruise control, lane keeping system, and automatic emergency braking systems, then the motor home would have come to a safe stop" "Then I got the 'junk ' thing wrong XD Wait, this is the Internet, how could we even have a civil talk? I must insert meme here to compensate. EA sperts: is jus Gaem",Y u heff to be med? "And he was massively helped by safety cars in Australia, Bahrain and Austria",It was a Haas inside job in Australia Must have been the interruptions ;-) Hillary interrupted once and said sorry ...,She should be investigated for being a Canadian spy! "The only way I could be more excited is if one day Deficio joins Summoning Insight. If he already has, please direct me to the episode.",Both him and Krepo were guests in last episode :) You play as this pile of flesh in a metal suit that hops around while being shot and knocked down by military space men. then you farm for yellow and blue potatoes as well as other things.,grind 2 play simulator Trump fired 'Celebrity Apprentice' star for 'locker room talk',"Yeah, save the pussy-grabbing comments for the ACTUAL locker room!" "MC's Incendiary Reduction in Beta 2.2u6 - whooot? I just read that MC's firepower is getting reduced. What!? How about all these people who grinded hard to get G5 Mc's + special effects at the beginning of 2.2? And also, oc MC's G5 have reduced accuracy, making it already hard to shoot items from few km distance! This is just incredible! I quote: - Slight reduction to the effectiveness of Incendiary rounds for Multicannons: - Remove the hidden 20% kinetic damage that was left over - Reduce the fire rate penalty from -10% to -5% - Net effect is that the DPS has gone down by 4% vs shields and 15% vs hull (if unmodified), leaving the weapon strong but a slightly clearer tradeoff.",Literally unplayable... "Actually though. Is he on a horrible contract or something? I don't know that I've ever watched him play, but 20 goals is 20 goals. Why did no one want him?",He sucks at defense and his work ethic is terrible. Liberal media like CNN makes you want to think Trump supporters are like this. You are all disillusioned and being played right now.,Wake up sheeple! I can throw a pig skin over them mountains.,Right on. Did you ever think that maybe this is an issue? If you want savings in money and time then you should join a corp or get access to a large industrial array imo.,"No, because you totally should be able to do all industry with your personal alt army." ocarina of time: any% speedrun world record (7.4 seconds),lolz so random and funee F.O.O.L/Falcon Funk - Coming Back Teaser,It's obvious why there's a cat at the end... Demian Maia predicts Wonderboy will beat Woodley,It's because Demian Maia is racist I meant Nordies trying to get south of the border. And to think we used to call it mexico.,And we'll make Stormont pay for it! Just found this sub. It's quite delightful!,You dropped this: "Student arrested at Coral Springs, FL high school with 9mm and Terror Day manifesto.",this problem is also the prosecutor who is willing to push this stuff forward. "Halloween Overwatch Patch Early Preview - New Skins, Event, Hollywood Update, and More!",Does somebody know how do golden stuff look like on that witch Mercy skin? Weren't they freaking out that Obama was going to declare martial law and proclaim himself king or something. Now that's what they want. ....,"Yes because obviously you can't trust the Kenyan Muslim ISIS agent, but you can trust Donald Trump" "Pragmatically, if you're 12% of the population, you might not want to go down the violence path.","Right, because the majority often votes to welcome the minority on equal terms without compulsion." GO GIANTS Sneak into the playoffs and knock out those Vikings!,GO GANTS lolol dankest meme ever "Muslims sure, Mexicans I'm right with ya, POWs I can live with, but go after white women? Well that's where I draw the line sonny jim",The first three are just being anti-pc and telling it like it is. Bellator has a legit November lineup. Legit top-shelf main events,nice to see MVP finally stepping up in competition "Take the motherboards and repackage them as a Samsung Galaxy A10 (2017) or something next year,",The we'll discover that the exploding batteries were somehow related to the processor (don't ask me how) when Galaxy A10's start exploding So let me get this straight. We now know Saudi Arabia at least contributed to the attacks of 9/11. Hillary Clinton admits Saudi Arabia are providing financial/logistic support to ISIS. Saudi Arabia/Qatar gave tens of millions to HRC. The U.S. Gov't is selling $60b in weapons to the Saudis. WHAT? What is going on here?,But Donald Trump is by far much worse than Killary Klanton! We are ALL a common and enduring myth that charmed a generation on this blessed day.,Speak for yourself. Really? You didn't hear any of this in college either? Must work somewhere incredibly dull too.,"Ah yes, it's a boring, wasted day when I don't hear someone bragging about their ability to sexually assault people." I think the consensus is that the guy Bale was yelling at was unprofessional but then Bale went and acted just as bad.,Doing something bad doesn't mean it's unnatural or extraordinary given the circumstances. well he uses his staff and doesn't become older. Every class when they get their awakening it's because they remember a part of their past selves and how they used to fight. Wizard probably remembers he was so powerful in magic he didn't age or something.,or its the pay for costume. Halloween Loot Boxes are able to be earned through normal leveling but won't be available to purchase until Oct. 12.,Ah man. How to Devolve/Descend into a console peasant,that was so funny best game ever inspired a great matchmaking idea: match by common words used in text chat... I'm sure this would be difficult to incorporate into matchmaking... which as we all know: is and has always been perfect. - But what if we could get matches that put people who say the same common words together on the same teams. - For instance today I played a match against two morons who couldn't stop calling each other *trash* today. It was spectacular. They both spent the whole ranked match yelling at each other and eventually devolved into both constantly trying to one up each other into doing less to play. The score was 13-2 when the match ended and they were both upside down calling each other *trash*. Near the end of the match I typed in *u r a good teammate* to which my partner said *thank you kindly* a moment later in the middle of the stream of profanities the other team was typing. My favorite game of all time. - **TLDR: if only we could round up all the toxic jerks and put them on the same losing team...**,psyonix will be getting right on this if you make a petition HHH tries to scare a little boy. Little boy isn't having it,Another fan trying to get themselves over... And sun light doesn't come from a mythical afterlife. That's why it's called sun light,I feel a sudden surge of euphoria welling up within me as I consider the fact that the unwashed masses actually believe in a magical sky fairy. "Nah, Mack doesn't get held.","Every great player gets tackled to the floor, he needs to work through it." Love Abby's T-shirt haha,I wonder what she means... How come this nigga look like a slave???,It's a comfy outfit to pick cotton in. "The two party system is the problem.. Corporate dems or repubs, pick your poison.","yup, the parties are monolithic and static." "Is that literally all she lists? Farrah has an older sister, can't recall her name right now but I know she was in the earlier seasons of Teen mom. Kinda shitty for a mom to exclude her other daughter just cause she's not famous.",Well clearly the other sister isn't pulling her weight since she can't even help deb finance her facelift. What is something that shouldn't be done naked?,Fishing with worms Which is ridiculous. The customers are paying Comcast's fine. There is no incentive for Comcast to stop their shady practices.,"It's simple, just go to another provider" "$1 item. $45 shipping to Canada. Oh, ok.","Give them a break, they're shipping from a space station!" No. My movie's cast is top billed by a female.,Today I learned that Katherine Heigl is a dude. It would probably be wise to teach Leah some healthy eating habits.,I'm sure Gary is handling that just fine. Sunglasses? Inside a chapel? I guess he isn't addressing his issues?,"look at that bright light behind him, he clearly needed them" You kinda look like a narc lol,That cuts deep man im gonna report you. "I am sorry to say this, but that shot is not as good as you think it is. The bullet registered as the car left the frame. Not only is this shot impossible, its improbable. The only other alternative is that the massive desync cause a huge delay in the hit marker because I guarantee you that you didn't hit that shot otherwise. You shouldn't have.",I am sorry for posting this then.. my bad... It's free for Shoei owners. They pay return shipping.,Do they do that for the 50$ Walmart helmets? "This is very much akin to the concept Hillary Clinton was discussing in the private speech about Abraham Lincoln that Trump brought up in the debate. She was suggesting politicians often need to argue positions that don't necessarily reflect their own private personal beliefs in order to get things accomplished in the public space. Of course most people didn't get her point and just shouted, Two faced Clinton!!",And of course notorious homophobe Obama who clearly had to evolve on Gay marriage before he was okay with it Jimmy Neutron and Dexter (not the serial killer),Because Dexter and Susan were such great friends... I can't resist... Are you white or black? ^(I AM SORRY.) ^^It ^^was ^^for ^^the ^^free ^^Karma ^^officer. ^^^Or ^^^Maybe ^^^Just ^^^Bad ^^^Karma. ^^^^:(,He could be half caste you ignorant asshole. "100ms ping is pretty garbage in every other FPS on the market...Overwatch, CSGo specifically have very good netcode and servers",They also aren't free to play games "This is my family, I watch over and protect them",Typical modern family :) I'd definitely reconsider buying a new macbook if the keyboard looked like that. It looks horrendous.,Yeah I'd be pissed too if my MacBook would come with a prototype keyboard. "Pfft, appeal to authority, I just took Philosophy 102 Critical Thinking at the local upstairs community college so I think I know a thing or two.","nice fallacy fallacy, kiddo." "Paperwork for not answering my phone while on leave? So I'm a single SrA living off base and I was on leave Friday. I missed several calls from my supervisor while I was on leave that day. Supposedly they needed help with something at work but it wasn't bad enough to officially recall me. Whatever. Fast forward to this morning, and I'm getting scolded coupled with an LOC for not answering my phone while on leave. Their reasoning? Since I'm single and live alone, I put my cell number as my emergency contact on leave web and they're using that excuse to give paperwork, saying it's irresponsible to provide an unreliable emergency contact number. I think this is bs. Thoughts?","Easy solution, call him incessantly whenever he takes leave asking him basic questions about your job." Wouldn't really call this an event since it's permanent,"they want us to think so, to made people think they got much things to celebrate their anniversary which is filled with *salt*" "I didn't take Raynad Barnes rant seriously ... ...until I ran into Paladin playing Barnes into Tirion with Redemption secret. I really have no motivation to play this game anymore, GG WP Blizzard. I'll take a break till next expansion.","That's how it works, nobody gives a shit about a card until some pro start to whine about it" At DisneyLand all photos of Walt Disney have his cigarettes photo-shopped out.,Walt Disney: Worse than Hitler. Major GOP donors are asking Trump for their money back,This is much more important than giving me my $27 back. "He never said that he wanted to sit with someone, just that he wanted to meet people, dummy.","Nonono you're doing it wrong, he's obviously right and not a complete wanker." I think some people are a bit too Prudy.,"A girl in a bikini smoking, ewwwwww!" Google maps?,No time for that! "Something like 20% of NHS resources are spent on less than 2% of their patients every year. Some of these are critically ill and need the care, others have very rare diseases and the NHS is billed six figures annually for the treatment by big pharma, but many are hypochondriacs who have become exceptionally good at playing the system and the attention they receive becomes addictive.",But just wait until we have those hundreds of millions of pounds a week to funnel in to the NHS when we leave the EU. "If they keep the voiced protagonist for the next Fallout they should replace the male voice actor Look I loved the voiced protagonist it personally gave alot more weight and value to each conversation i had with everybody. However, every time i play as a male its so hard for me to get into it because it feels so forced. What i mean is if I'm in a conversation sometimes things he says are very dry and show no real emotion to me while the female voice actress freaking kills in it in every dialoige sequence she is in, especially the delivery with he sarcastic lines. Anybody else feel the same? (This is coming from a guy btw)","They could always hire Peter Dinklage, he did wonderfully with emotion and delivery in Destiny" "Genders divided in the US - if only men voted, Donald Trump would win by a landslide",Damn women's suffrage. yeah and it's the old german design. maybe they'll do a 'hd remake' series later on :P HQ pinz,Hd pin series confirmed for eleague major Well what if he's just minding his own business in a hotbox? What's his legal recourse? Just curious.,"Legally standing outside keeping an eye out, clearly" "Hard Mode: When you step into a Clean Room, and Clean Room Eater Knight will spawn in the room diagonal from the room you're in. It will slowly make its way towards the room in a predictable path and attempt to eat the clean room once it arrives. Inevitably, despite how slowly it moves, the person assigned to kill it will miss it, and you'll have to wipe.",Dust off the ol' No Knight Strategy from Oryx... MRW Some guy online accuses me of being a woman when I mention my car and then I tell him I am,How dare you be a woman! There is no outer space.,And it's like there isn't ANYTHING we could do about radiation... I'm sorry does wiki leaks choose what leaks they receive? I'm sorry but did Donald trump threaten to drone assange? Did Donald trump delete thousands of emails? Did Donald trump get investigated by the fbi? Yeah Julian assange still has 100% record. So he hasn't looked like anything but correct.,But you don't get it Donald LITERALLY ADMITTED TO RAPE ONCE "as I said, no balls",Yeah real ballsy country starts World War 3 over Ukraine. Twist: OP is the cat.,Don't assume his gender "New F1 fan here. What are some of the most legendary moments in F1 history? I never cared much for F1 until the Max-craze started here in the Netherlands, so I decided to see what all the fuss (or fuzz?) was about. I guess that in the last couple of years (and the decades before that) I missed out on a lot of good stuff. I'm curious.",1981 and 1982 Caesar's Palace Grand Prix. You can keep it. Summit at least knows how to make beer.,MN is exporting salt now I see. "Since i live in the suburbs, the 14th safest city in the US, that's not likely it. But you maybe did just explain why people like NY pizza. 'cause that's how I imagine life is like in NYC.",because no one in Detroit owns a car? This is fake right? A real Amish wouldn't have brought the hate along for cheap laughs.,"Has to be, a real Amish's lungs couldn't handle breathing the shitty valley air." Stein: Carey Price will not accompany Habs to Buffalo for season opener,"Eichel isnt there, no need to start our #1 goalie" Martinsville will be installing LIGHTS!,It'll be good in case of rain but please do not add more night races. "In their defense, the silly/giggly and hungry are correct. Rest is straight up bullshit, though.",Don't forget forgetful you filthy forgetful pothead! why would you want to use Emacs 16.56?,There's a greybeard out there convinced it's still the best version ever released. Nice to see you just turned 16.,Nice rebuttal. Women amirite?,"I'll have life for $500, Alex." "I'm a Christian. I absolutely believe God made it all (I don't believe the Earth is young, mind you, I think one or two of those days were very long). But you know what? I'm also a scientist, and that's not science. You can't prove or disprove it in a laboratory. You can't repeat it under controlled conditions. You can't derive equations that suggest how God did something. To try to present faith as science does no service to either one. Faith is believing what you CAN'T see. Science is demonstrating what can be literally, physically proved, or at least mathematically extrapolated. These have *nothing* to do with each other. The purpose of faith is to provide *metaphysical meaning,* not physical explanation. That's something parents can and should teach at home according to their own disparate beliefs, not something that should be taught in school as fact.","You take your logic and get out, it has no place on the internet." Lol my boyfriend and I talk over each other all the time. We've had conversations where we both talk,That sounds fun. Amazing,Thank you! "Ignore him. The old What do you play in, a ___-man league comment is tired as hell. It's like people don't realize there are 8- and 10-team leagues, as well as keeper leagues that allow you to end up with a more or less stacked lineup sometimes.",Sounds like something that someone in a 6 man league would say "My racist grandfather has said far worse than what Mel Gibson was branded for, and I always loved him anyway.",therefore making you racist by association! Democratic Governor: Health Law 'No Longer Affordable',We should change its name to the Unaffordable Healthcare Act. I'm just pretending he meant this week or next.,Fire Musgrave! That term never existed back when the album was released. I'm guessing that was before your were born though,I'm guessing you also say ferret instead of catsnake... Get with it old timer "Not a big fan of Touro-CA, loved UW and OHSU, and liked but not loved PNWU.",But Vallejo is such a lovely waterfront town! Report for spoofing,Ill get right on that Mod Note : You might go to jail if you try and hack his account (not recommended).,Might be worth a perma-ban from life ;) Some people say she also slept with and **murdered** a member of council to benefit her husband.,"Paid Athenian shills, all of you." Russia just ordered all officials to fly their families back home,I'm so glad I can read and speak fluent Russian otherwise I wouldn't have been able to read this "Wow, people in first world countries with no education or knowledge about terrorism and non-state actors are ignorant of terrorism and non-state actors? Nooooooo... Everyone on Reddit is the best armchair general","Hey man, I've played Civ" MFW the flash sale still hasn't happened,Why are you posting racist Nazi frogs? What are the best examples of spiritual successors?,"Dan Brown, spiritual successor of Umberto Eco." Let's start with a Catholic Vice President!,He's secretly a Lutheran! Adding all,added you $70 a person is a lot in taxes.,You forgot the Snowflakes don't pay tax.,I don't know why Millennials came up with this stupid tax system when they don't even work! "The low paid fruit picker on the farm is still takin an american job. If the farmer had to pay a decent wage to pick his fruit then an american would work for him. There are no jobs americans won't do, just jobs americans won't do for a pittance",Don't you know all Americans are lazy and illegalls are doing the jobs we don't want "Yeah, I agree. Its a pain when everyone has different information or never confirm the actual way to do it. Don't give up man","Oh I won't haha, I'm determined to get them all done solo Even SOE :D" Parang si Daredevil ah. Pero di sya bulag eh.,pwede nmn nag bubulag bulagan Tom Hanks's acting debut was in a movie inspired by events on the Michigan State campus.,D-Day was at East Lansing? Star Citizen Space to Planet Seamless Transition,"Meh, Kerbal Space Program has had this feature for years." "Tales of my Ex-MIL Volume 2: Creative Uses for Roasting Pans Hey all! This is my second installment bitching about my ex-MIL. Eventually,I may post about my current MIL, but she's not nearly as crazy or awful. When we left off, I was just leaving my MIL's house during Christmas when she turned out to be a total hypocrite. (Bitchbot can link you to that) This also happened during this visit, and should have prepared me for the subsequent family craziness. This was Christmas morning, and we were busy prepping food to take to my ex's grandparents' home. It was going to be their last Christmas there, and we wanted it to be special. Ex-MIL even cleaned the kitchen so we could cook in a sanitary fashion! It seemed like the day was going to go well! We got through the majority of the food prep with very little incident. She told me that I wasn't doing anything right, of course, but I could ignore that. My job was to prep the veggies and salads and she would do the ham and turkey. I notice that she's taking her sweet-ass time putting the turkey in the oven, but I figure as the 17 year old guest in the house, that is wasn't my problem. SFIL chooses this moment to walk in the door. exMIL,, he asks, sounding slightly uneasy, shouldn't the turkey have gone in the oven an hour ago? Well this DOES IT for her. She had been acting reasonably up until then and apparently had enough. GREYEYEDKIYA, she roared, her inner demons waking from their slumber, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT THE TURKEY?! YOU RUINED CHRISTMAS! THE LAST ONE IN MY CHILDHOOD HOME!' SFIL (bless him) reminded her that she had offered to make the turkey, and that it was unreasonable for a 17 year old girl to know what's required when it comes to making turkey. She gave him a look that would stop a charging rhino. DON'T MAKE THIS MY FAULT! she screamed, while looking around wildly. I wondered what she was looking for. I didn't ask. She found it- she was looking for the roasting pan the raw turkey was sitting in. She dumped the stuffed turkey onto the stove with a splat, then took the roaster into her hands. THIS ISN'T MY FAULT!' She wailed. She raised the roaster high over her head and hurled it at SFIL. She missed and he retreated outside. She then turned to me, If you're not going to be any help, just go the fuck outside. I retreated with SFIL, leaving the veggies to her craziness, and doing nothing for the rest of the day. And that's the time the nutty bitch decided to use a roaster as a ranged weapon and failed.",So did she manage to finish cooking or did your negligence ruin everything for her? She needed the address before she got there. She clearly got the address or are you saying she never made it there? Name calling.. you're being a dumbass. Reflect friend.,"No, don't you get it, she lured herself there to set him up!" "PSA: Please stop summoning white signs into fight clubs Can fight club hosts please stop summoning white signs into fight clubs. I know not every host does this, but it happens way too often. When I use a white sign, it's because I want to co-op, not because I want to honour duel someone with 30% less HP. Red signs = PvP, white signs = Co-op. This is a very simple concept that some fight club hosts do not seem to understand. Then again, maybe I'm just an idiot and don't know what I'm talking about, but I don't see any reason why a host should summon a white into a fight club over a red.",Can you please not summon whites FTFY "New pve weapons in pvp To every person exploiting the unbalanced new weapons in pvp, fuck you, you know what you are doing and it reflects bady on your personality. try using a unique and varied weapon blah blah blah",Oh I'm sorry for using milwood battle axe on my strength build because it is the only viable axe and I will stop using it thanks to this divine being telling us to stop using dlc weapons that from soft gave us to use however we please. New Rogue One: A Star Wars Story poster!,"Yay, more Death Star......" Glen again following up a goal with the garbageman...why?,he's crucial to a comeback effort "As french, I never heard about anyone in my country asking France gov. actions in the middle east, but we have literally no ways to stop that, if the gov wants to go to war, they go. And you must understand that our leaders are whores to Israel (US being the same thing). I would be most pleased to throw Hollande and Sarkozy into the international tribunal for war crimes. Sarkozy received Gadaffi as a friend, before going to war against him. We're so fucked with these politicians.","Yeah, France's multiple middle East interventions are definitely Israel's fault" "Yeah, great idea! Supercell should definitely add this.",For an addition of 1000 gems sure thing Going into the right hands? You're saying trillions of dollars couldn't be spent on something better than the military?,;) forgot the "Technically Sara isn't dead, she just grew a penis.","It's 2016, I mean come on it's time." Prophets of Rage is a lot like Rage Against the Machine.,woah I better check this new band out! "Iniisip ko.kung magrereklamo ako. Pero sige, balance the genders na lang. Some of my reddit happy places R/ladybonersgw R/chickflixxx",reklamo mo masyado silang magaganda lol jk The guy in Shooter was only using a .22. An AR-15 is significantly louder.,"ar15s shoot .223 so its only a .003 difference, hardly makes a difference!" I got a diaper one today. And I even changed my gender!,"Dads can change diapers too, these days!" Fuuuuck,"Get a paint brush, dip in puddle, bring back calligraphy." "Woman calls 911 after accident, arrested for DUI, tests show she is clean, charges not dropped","You are all being way too harsh on this cop, it was only 20 minutes of action." It's not this subreddit; it's the world world. This sub is pretty accurately representing what the world is talking about right now.,"Yeah, like how the debate cited every single celebrity and their opinion on Trump out there but completely ignored the Wikileaks emails, right?" JL ENDING SPOILERS!!!,Hi my name is Ben Affleck and I am in fact playing Slade Wilson. TIL electron has version.,There's this wave version and a particle version jesus christ the hits keep coming.,That's because he's holding on to the ball too long "Bullshit. All I see around here are trump signs and I see more each week. I'm voting Johnson no matter what, but don't count him out until it's over. A not insignificant portion of the country is under his spell.","Shut up, you aren't a real libertarian." "I know, I despise this shit when people are too stupid to know history.","Nah, Kennedy and Johnson were fascist" Viral quote on not voting 'lesser of evils' can't be officially attributed to LDS prophet,Apparently he was speaking as a man. "Reporter: President Mew2king, what's your stance on gun control? President Mew2king: Whatever's most optimal",Short-hop double laser. Colonialism spawned... in Kongo!,NON EUROPEANS ARE DOOMED WITH THE INSTITUTIONS SYSTEM REEEEEEEEEEEE Very original! I've never seen that before!,You forgot the Get better. You'll learn to adapt and play well.,Wow such great advice "Yeah which is great, but now with multiple backs he is on the field less",Less chance of injury! Which is better: Mac or PC?,"Listen, bro let me tell you about Linux..." "Haunted by the loss of Mark Zuckerberg, Boston makes an appeal to millennial entrepreneurs.","yeah not a day goes by that i don't say, wow this place is so sad now that Mark left...." I'm embarrassed to be friends with her...,TIL that a woman's butt self lubricates when preparing for sex. "Why is the zero tiny in the shutter time? On my camera (D7100, but I assume this goes for almost all nikon's) the shutter time is shown with a half 0 on the display. 4o instead of 40 for example. It does not really matter, but why? They use a standard 7 segment display. They show all other number normally. Is there any reason?",It probably saves like a tiny bit of power Parking for Rochester show tomorrow,There's parking to the left of the venue for $10 if anyone's still following this. The dialogue in that game was amazing,"Oh come on, the dialogue in Fallout 4 is on a whole other level than the crap in New Vegas." "Gun enthusiasts of Reddit, what is the worst common misconception regarding firearms?",Guns kill people They have ZERO reason to be using the term wet works,Like with a wet rag or something? Hillary asks driver can't you go back? Why can't you go any closer? The driver was 4 feet away from the airplane stairs! Listen to first 4 seconds of video.,She is so high energy! First I've heard those neighborhoods called that.,"Well, *those in the know* call it LiRo" I think you're fine on the TE front. Try seeing if you can get Olsen with Crowell and Julius Thomas,"appreciate the advice, thank you!" No different than any other sport. Reddit care bears at it again.,Let's start throwing pyrotechnics at the players or fight security guards just because it also happens in real life sports as well. Help me ! I'm stuck in Arena 1 !,"Try climbing up to Spell Valley, unlock Ice Wizard, drop back down to Goblins Stadium and use him" "Is there a sequel for an anime you want despite that anime having a complete story line and ending? Sorry if the title isn't clear. What I'm trying to say is, have you ever had an anime that was you enjoyed so much that you wanted a sequel/continuation to it even though it had a perfectly good ending?",Chuunibyou really needs a third season... We do?,"When accusations come at Trump they are false and when they comes at the Clintons, they are obviously true" "Yeah, the President of the United States should fly coach, by himself and uber to play golf. So. Fucking. Stupid.","No, no...they are saying; stay in your office and work all the time and never have fun, ever." Sprug,He deserves to die after doing this. Blind people?,and how are they supposed to read it? "AS2 EP 8: All Stars Supergroup Live Reaction / Discussion Thread. I've got on highest hair, my flattest flats, and the best device for concealing my harness. Keep all discussion in this thread and let's all try to act like ladies no matter what happens. ~xoxo","Wow, Michelle's lines certainly didn't seem fed to her at all." Watching that rally scared me. Seriously. That so many people could cheer those words and ideas. I believe Americans are good people and just don't understand how that could happen.,"Ya I know it's scary and could lead to the literal destruction of the republic but guys... Hillary just doesn't *excite* me, you know?" The exploding Note 7 is no surprise - leaked Samsung doc highlights toxic internal culture,"I don't know about you, but getting a signed picture of the ceo would truly make me a loyal employee." What is something most think is real but is really fake?,Global Warming Turned 18 last month,Fucking angsty teen. How can Lavaloonion survive if Supercell adds that leaked Air defense lvl 9 from Spanser ?,Maybe the ship is a flying troop that will balance that. "Costa Rica's in Mexico, right?","To be fair, I don't think that Mexico or Central America are mentioned in the Bible anywhere." "I think if his daughter wasn't married to one, this would have been front and center. They still use the dog whistle, the media.",And among the Alex jones types banking is a code word too... you know because the rothchilds run everything and elders of Zion is a true text Women are expected to humour harassment. This is why we can't,"And everybody else is expected to believe that harassment means any undesirable interaction at all, or hurt feels, according to the cerebral feminist giants of Tumblr, Twitter and Facebook..." Profile review please!,"Eh 6/10, not enough memes." It's flavor text for Dead. They ded,Stupid Nuzlocke rules I'm going to tell my Grandchildren about this moment.,"As a Genji player, you provably won't get grandchildren, or even children for that manner." There's a 100% natural detox and it's called pissing and shitting,Also Leeaching. Pound slumps to 168-year low,"Now the pound is British again, why don't we just set the price to what WE want it to be?" It's definitely not on that they shifted the times around. I agree it seems they intentionally made it impossible to avoid. Extremely disreputable behaviour. What a shame. Sorry it happened to you and your daughter.,"cheers, at least we raised awareness a little." Then he'd release it. But he doesn't. Know why? He doesn't have it.,He needs to keep it secret until after the trial "Here with a question Really looking forward to our game this Sunday! I wanted to ask about your defense, which I haven't kept up with in detail in the last year or so. If you were to specify a key weakness, if any, what would it be? Our offense managed to exploit a slight lack of speed in Denver's linebackers, but I have no idea what to expect from you guys.",Yeah we play too much cover 3.. Riot i want a new marksman,Heard Thresh was a good adc Did you not watch the news the last day or two when multiple women came forward claiming that Trump sexually assaulted them?,"Can't trust the news, it's conspiring against Trump and out to rig the election so Trump loses." What should I try enhancing now?,Your free red nose gear Customer uses TVs as dominos,Not fake. "I'm really not one of those people who gives a shit about semi-naked women on the front page doing cosplay. People like it, it looks good, I like beautiful women, win win. But I like it to at least be a _good_ cosplay. Naked Cortana girl looks like Cortana. This particular costume is just _lazy_.",But... She did her hair. *Chef* features the titular character and his son taking a road trip through the American south. It's sort of a tour of Southern US cuisine.,Chef was awesome! "You okay, pal? Your sentences are starting to get mixed up.",I'm trying to say that I realise as a friend in a country that it trust to friend but not a guestly friend "I'll be going in with a blank mindset when watching this series. This feels so fun and exciting, and I don't want my bias with the XY series to ruin this experience.",A blank mindset...just like Ash when the writers reset him Pokemon Go interest over time (up to date)... it's just sad.,"Because when I've googled something I want to know about, I continue to google that same thing weeks and months hence even though I've already learned what I needed" "Eh, you weren't wrong, I'm pretty shit. It's more that it didn't offer anything to the discussion. That's what the downvote feature is for.","nah, should've added the much needed" NJ to NYC: one hour for 3 miles...,NYC to NYC: one hour for 3 blocks I dont know that many jobs would even consider it worth it have someone come into the office for only 4 hours.,"Yep, it's more normal in construction, which is where I work." Please CIG why still no attack helicopters.,I identify as an Apache attack helicopter and CIG are being Racist for not including me Unvaccinated Adults Cost the U.S. More Than $7 Billion a Year,But how much more would they cost the US if they were autistic? Man the first Matrix was so good The other two... well ... the 3rd had some okay action scenes.,The matrix was great too bad they never made a sequel 5 days on. 2 days off. 5 days on. 2 days off. 5 days on. 2 days off. I can barely take it anymore. Just how fucking mundane it is. If it was 2 days on and 5 days off however....,"I only get 5 days off a month, so you can go eat my balls." "No of course not. If you don't blindly agree with them, you're obviously a paid shill and it's all one giant conspiracy.",Obviously no one dislikes Trump unless they are paid to. ... which Brown and Miller?,And which Gronk? "he's a 3 inch tall lego figure, he can't reach the keys",Me too thanks "His mouth matters more? than what Hillary has done to the US? that makes no sense. The President isn't supposed to be the Pope if you were wondering,","Sorry, I forgot to add." "Not to preheat the oven with Tupperware inside, not to fall asleep while cooking something after their 12 hour shift, not to let their children play with lighters/matches...",Why would there be Tupperware in the oven? "Some golfers shake their club before swinging. Some soccer players spring from their heel before the run up to a penalty or free kick. Some darts players do a double wind before they throw. Some footballers tap the ball before they throw. Its just one of those things some players do, its basically just muscle memory and instincts which can make the throw feel more in rhythm/on point. Its a mental thing more than a physical thing.",Brady does it to deflate the ball a little bit before chucking it Back before you had even evolved a weedle,"Came here to say the same thing XD, it's hard to come by 12 weedle candies when you're level 8" "Losers shouldn't be tolerated, plain and simple. Progress isn't made relying on the weak.",Best Hitler quote ever. "These fat activists see so many fatphobic doctors. Like, if you're so healthy, why are you going to so many fucking doctors? I have high blood pressure. I see my doctor twice a year to make sure my meds are still working. (My high blood pressure is actually genetic. Every member of my family has it and my doctor has openly stated the only way for me to have it at my age and weight is genetic disposition.) The last time I went to a doctor for something else was a triple ear infection caused by allergies this spring. My father smokes. Has for decades. He broke his hip last year and recovered so fast, his physical therapist was shocked. Other than that, he hasn't been to the doctor in years cause he hasn't needed to. He's 69 and hasn't retired yet. My obese 60-year-old mother with out of control diabetes? Cardiologist, endocrinologist, hematologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, stacks on stacks on stacks of prescriptions. She's now in ICU, on a ventilator, with a feeding tube, a urinary catheter. and a rectal catheter (no, that's **not** a typo). She has heart failure, kidney failure, about to go on dialysis if things don't improve, she's septic with MRSA in her blood and we're waiting for the results to see if she has blood cancer. She's suffering from malnutrition because she wouldn't eat anything we tried to make or give her, except junk food and sweets. We refused to give them to her, so she went long periods where she didn't eat. I'm not Sherlock fuckin' Holmes, but come on. At what point do they start to go... If I'm so healthy, why am I in a scooty-puff at 28 years old? What do they think is coming in their future? You wanna prove you're just as strong and healthy as a thin person? If one, JUST ONE, obese person can complete a course on American Ninja Warrior, I'll become a fucking fat activist. Hell, not even a full course. Just a Warped Wall. But they won't. Cause they gotta talk to their many fatphobic doctors about their wildly idiopathic joint issues.",inb4 ninja warrior is fatphobic "She's already Nommed. Kryssie for 3rd nom to ensure someone from their side goes, so we'll have a balanced house again",Weird... I didn't see that "Marijuana is being legalized, Cuban cigars are back, what a time to be alive.","Finally, the president is taking care of the important issues that really matter" LeBron James has plans to go to college once his schedule allows,The school that gets him has to be NCAA title favorite i sold a 0.007 for 122k around 2 days ago. hope this helps.,Thank you! If just men voted...,Ah i love it how people constantly rag on the far interior states Today's NY Daily News Cover - Trump's 9/11 Lie,And suddenly the news cares about politicians lying. "Okay, but Alan Turing wasn't raping people.","Yay, so chemical castration really does work!" "Let's jail everyone that doesn't agree with us, because that's how a democracy works........also should we jail Bill Clinton's accusers too?",No they are just standing up against the murderous Clintons who shamefully tried to discredit them. TIL Eminem bought Elton John 2 diamond cock rings for his civil partnership,Well that was tasteful MDMA is not brown.,Right we all know it's pink or neon green! Things more OP than Seth with an infinite use rewarp staff.,Seth with Galeforce Cause his suit was on bed he was naked waiting for her does he only own 1 suit not sure that's great point,...which makes the attempted rape totally ok! "Quick, what the fuck? You promised me and the rest of the team you'd work on your anger issues over the summer...","No, no, using words is a step forward!" Mostly because Hillary didn't do any of the things you just listed.,But it's only fair to give Breitbart and Russian state media equal consideration to the Times and Post. TNA draws lowest total viewership since moving to Pop,Matt Hardy is the hottest wrestler out there That awkward moment when you have to use a sub category of a sub category to get your spin rotating.,"Welp, that's exactly how young latinos like to be referred to by Clinton supporters, a SUB category." I feel like a piece of shit for my reaction to CitCon after seeing the work they did to make it happen Sorry CIG.,*stands up boldly among the crowd of angry people* I. I forgive you. How would it make you feel if your wife/future wife was watching lesbian porn?,"Yea, I'm sure you're a dude posting from your girlfriend's account and not just a woman trying to find dude's opinions because you're uncomfortable with the fact that you are interested in lesbian porn" "When in doubt, replace netgear switches Just a PSA about how much I hate netgear switches when they inevitably die to early and start causing latency issues or just stop forwarding traffic all together. God I hate netgear.",I love Netgear products! oh ok that must be it. we were at grafton on labor day and they were talking about how it was the last day,Probably the last day for swimming "Why does it seem like he's just up there rambling, with no plan or direction, about whatever pops in his head?",Because the teleprompter doesn't work! And employees. And contractors. And competitors. And customers. And developers. And architects. And TV producers. And board members. And managers. And government bureaucrats. And and and and,But but but he isn't even that successful! "The availability of eggs is 63 per person per year, while as per National Nutrition Institute this should be about 180 eggs per person","Well, all the prod Jains are sacrificing their eggs for this country." I for one prefer AMD to Intel and Nvidia.,because reasons My tag when playing Ganondorf is MrDragmire and like NOBODY ever gets it,I don't get it oh man lucky white people arrived to wash them with their magic water to wash away all their sins! *insert huge sarcastic sigh right here*,"Haha, stupid Christian nutters, giving starving people free food and water in exchange for spreading their religious fairy tale" I love how mettaton is exactly the same.,Mettaton is looking super duper old in that one wadaya mean? "Jill Stein is totally correct. For the sake of our country Trump absolutely must win this election. I actually think Russia is 100% behind the email hacking, and are in fact trying to get Trump elected. I think they want Trump elected entirely because of their own selfish interests. What is it that they want, you ask? ***TO PREVENT WORLD WAR FUCKING 3 WITH AMERICA*** The Russians are fully aware of how much of a crazed war-hawk Hillary is. She voted for the war in Iraq, was all-in for literally every drone strike, and as SoS oversaw the death of Khadaffi which resulted in turmoil in the middle-east. Hillary is hell-bent on keeping Assad out of power, and is being incredibly antagonistic towards the Russians, who are adamant that Assad remain in power. Sanctions will not work, and thus a No-Fly-Zone, which Hillary is for, wouldn't mean shit unless US is ready to shoot Russian jets down. The moment that happens, we're at war with Russia, which will rapidly turn into a nuclear/World War. So yes, the Russians want Trump in office, because Trump actually wants to cooperate with the Russians instead of being at war with them. ***A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for World War 3.*** Even Jill Stein agrees with this, and to an extent Sanders as well because even he said Hillary has bad Judgement.","Dude, you forgot the" "Change My View: Voting for anti-1A, 4A, 8A, and 14A Trump because 2A! is not okay","I think we all dislike Trump, but have a worse option with Hillary." 1 Hit,Get gud. "Oh, well most of Europe has night and day at the same time then, so let's take a look at what they're doing, and see what we can use.","Those countries are small, their sample size wouldn't work." How Did Walmart Get Cleaner Stores and Higher Sales? It Paid Its People More,"Who knew that money tends to motivate people and give them more disposable income for buying stuff, this is really weird." When it's racist rather than religious?,They call themselves the crusaders.. what could possibly be religious about that "Punisher has to change, there's no way he'd wear that ever.",That explains why he wore it in the comics. TIL a 6 feet wide stream exists in England that all who swim in it are sucked to certain death.,"Some drunk dude trying to impress his friends can swim over the Niagara Falls and come out alive without a scratch, yet no one can make it out alive on this tiny strong river Shenanigans I say!" "hell yeah I forgot about this one, I love where Wilt blocks Dwight",As if he was going to make it anyway... Illegal for citizens is not illegal for the government.,a monopoly of force means nothing if you don't enforce it. barra ese.,barra cual? "Hey, she doesn't have to look into it anymore! We just did her a big favor!","I know we just saved her so so much work, I can't imagine how hard she's been working for months to release them I can't imagine how much more work there was" Justin Bieber's Believe,"Ah jeez bud there was a bucket's worth of these laying around, I grabbed em and now that I think of it, I've got way to many for myself here why don't you take one-" "I am a right winger and MtF! I believe in smaller gov't, anti welfare (get off your duff and make something of yourself!), gun rights, prolife AND prochoice (they are two separate issues neither of which are gov't responsibilities) and will support Trump in November. More like a fiscal, political conservative but liberal moralist.","Right, because people wouldn't need welfare if they weren't so lazy" "I know when Auburn is bad, I am insufferable",Is that why you got banned from the mothersub? "I can't tell if those are Jews or Aztecs, I mean, they're practically the same.",Jazztecs What Arteezy thinks of !Attacker,"Clip of Arteezy saying 2 words, first page incoming." Who else here is making buckwheat gains?,"Eat some wheatbran: 100 grams contains: -216 calories -16g protein -43g dietary fibre Other than the intestinal bleeding, it's all good." Well it sure makes sense to blame the gun and not the person behind it.,"Well just remember that if the person isn't responsible for the shooting, that toast must toast, toast." "The whole I think i have a right bit gets me. Being elected does not grant rights to or for your chosen religion. It is astounding, how some elected officials act.","Yea, It's total fucking bullshit." this is .......boring hockey.,"You're so much more entertaining, please keep talking." "Does anyone else love how many different ways there are to get max light right now? Right now I am 384 on my Warlock, 385 on my Hunter and 386 on my Titan and I still have not even attempted the raid. I personally think the light progression is in a very great place, but I am kinda disappointed that all my stored legendary engrams won't be able to help me up to 400 unless they decrypt as exotics(unlikely with my luck). Also I am not sure what exactly has changed in the crucible since RoI dropped, but my KD has gone up immensely. Destiny Tracker has my average KD at about .88 but since RoI is has been closer to 1.3-1.4.",The only thing I wish they'd change is for the 350 strike playlist to drop higher level gear. should they have teleport then?,use the airports duh "My girlfriend went to school with Ben Davies, does that mean I'm going to play for Tottenham?",thought that didn't need an "Thane. That drell can have me in tears and i'm not even a huge fan of his. I can't remember all of the prayer but the guide him to where the traveller never tires, the lover never leaves and the hungry never starve. hit me like a ton of bricks. Then to be told that the prayer's for Shepard, and my Shep at this stage is tired, wants things he can't get and his love life's a shambles. It's exactly what he needs, its like the one person in the galaxy who really understands him is dying. Bwahhhhhhhh! Honourable mention to Miranda, I felt like that was the one spot on my Shep's otherwise spotless reputation, a moment of selfishness and self indulgence ended up getting his friend killed. I wanted to hug everybody on screen at the time, including Liara who'd only come along because I needed biotic backup.","There's an even better one, and with Thane too, romance him and play the Citadel DLC, I personally couldn't bare to play it myself, I just watched the scene on youtube and it was still was hard to watch." Yea because everybody here is SO receptive. /no,Found the shill "When Blundell said 18 months for Revelations Is it possible that that's how long it will take for all 6 comics to release, and the last issue will reveal the true ending and or super easter egg steps?",Maybe he meant IW zombies is gonna be poo we would have to go back and play BO3 until the new 3arc zombies comes out "What melee weapon would allow an average man to 8/10 defeat a fully grown angry Kodiak Bear ? So let's say a 5'10 175 athletic male that maybe works out 4 times a week. A large and angry Kodiak. Weapon has to be melee, NOT projectile. The weapon cannot be powered e.g. a chainsaw.",A 20kg axe. "Reddit newbie here. Why is it that some posts explode, and others don't?","10,000 alt accounts." Except the older strikes are still very much in the rotation,Wait there's new strikes in the rotation? "Bingo. I never have a problem finding a spot in lot 100 in the mornings, it just takes me 20 fucking minutes to get from Jones - Butler & Luther to Reed.",Exaggeration? "So Killers, what do you dodge? (and why) Just curious right now im so sick of sabo i dodge anyone with a tool box or jake. Yea it takes awhile to get a game but they are always better. (yes I understand sabotage is a teachable perk but easy enough to see happen and just leave).","I dodge bloody clothing, flashlights, toolboxes, maps, keys, Megs, Claudettes, Dwights, Neas, Jakes, SWF groups, and solo queue survivors." I got a used 2DS from gamestop for $49.99 and then put a custom firmware on it and pirated pokemon for free. Pretty good value.,"Yeah, we're all proud of you" "Look mom, I am Zelda !!!",This joke totally hasn't gotten old at all "Dudes whole channel is very impressive I must warn you, if you do decide to watch a few of his other videos to do so on a full stomach, or you may find yourself eating random food combinations to quench your hunger. Not sure about the knife either sorry.",Thanks for posting leading me to this I spend a lot of time watching cooking videos and now I can stir this into the mix! One of the first ever jokes about Destiny.,Very original "Hillary Clinton campaign WikiLeaks emails reveal disdain for Catholics, Southerners, 'needy Latinos'","If there's one thing this sub loves, it's Catholicism." These new trees are ridiculous *MASTERWORK* My lumberman and minerdude had been missing for a while nd never actully had a job to do so i finally decided to find out why. motherfuckers were stuck in the trees. how they got up there is beyond me but they were stuck up in the brnches or leaves or air or some bullshit without any sensible way of actuslly getting up there like did the trees just up and grow right under them or did they just wit for it to grow on them like shit dude these trees are god damn dangersous im o mad right now its been almost a year and i have gotten 1 migrant wave of 4 people and i am just toally fuked over because 2 of my most importsnt dwarves are stuck in a tree and i have no way of cutting them down cause their stuck up their with their cat like refelxes and fuck everthing,If only there was some way to instruct your workers to build some kind of platform or structure to reach them... "If you woke up tomorrow and suddenly realized you were now in Donald Trump's body, what is the first thing you would do?",I'd reenact the bathroom scene from full-metal jacket using live ammunition. I am amazed that GameHive got back to you. The seem to have black listed me...,Well you are in hb so obviously they don't want to talk to cheaters "Apparently, you didn't. He says the American people need to come up with a way to vouch for the truth. And I agree -- when un-educated people, like yourself, see a simple headline, they leap to conclusions. Then they tell their friends about the evils of our government, and how it's always out to get us.","Yeah, like just believing whatever CNN says." "I'm not mad, I'm disappointed","Quick, he needs another 400 downvotes for making a post!" "Jump can't deal elemental damage ? Hi ! Just noticed something today with my fresh new Kain : when I use jump with an elemental weapon against an enemy with the appropriate weakness, there's no weakness message. I tried to auto-attack and the message pop up normally. Bug ? Normal feature ? It's just the message that fail to pop ?",It's a feature! "I forgot it existed, it sucks so bad. Here's an overcosted card for playing an overcosted card. Great tempo, such rogue.","Its also a 3 drop, something that rogue lacks" Realistic hair drawing time lapse,Every time there's a cut they just drop a lock of hair onto the paper Coaches Poll (10/16),*Utah to SEC west confirmed* Sarcasm? or are we not watching the same game,"Yeah, I should have added a" New improved rocket launcher!,Hackers always ruining GTA Online Trolling? Hard to tell sometimes.,Definitely needs I'm afraid I will not be able to deliver. Sly Cooper is mine. **MINE**,Q__Q Oh... ok then. "Nice pics, I'm going to use a few as wallpapers if you don't mind.",Go for it. Let's cut off that bus,"If you play stupid games, you win stupid prices" "In november, please fight back",Vote Ted Cruz 2016! "I really hope Levelcap doesn't ruin this game. From what I've noticed Levelcap seems to think that everything in the game should fit his playstyle, which not everyone has. Just leave it the way it is","He's a youtuber, clearly he knows better than you" "Yeah, it just comes down to opportunity. They just have a lot more time to develop on tv.","You're right, no two-hour movie has ever produced a memorable antagonist." Tron car,Why the fuck is this posted in r/funny? UW-Madison Student Creates Sweatshirt That Says All white People Are Racist,Obviously he means all white people are racist *too* "i love that final room, looks so pretty. Shame there's no chests in the final room of guild puzzles anymore though, I always feel cheated when I get to the end! (really miss the cheese chest in proxemics)",I miss my two blues and a green :(. "Media regulation =/= ministry of truth. It merely means regulation to ensure there isn't undue concentration of corporate power in the media. What that means is that Super Evil Mega Corp. is free to launch their own nationwide news service and broadcast how terrible Obama or Trump is. But they can't go buy all the radio and tv shows in the country, so that all things broadcasted are the opinion of Super Evil Mega Corp",And government regulation isnt exploited at all... I AM STILL HERE,#praise the lord and reason for is entire sub Yikes. Should probably be made class exclusive.,To priest "Well, at least we got the Bears next week","Jokes on you, Bears are gonna start their undefeated run." Which are they?,3 different branches of Islam Lets joke about domestic violence!!,Yeah but it's a guy that guy assaulted so its okay. Republican HQ in Orange County firebombed,That'll change their minds InB4 everyone says: the packers aren't a good team that's why they won,"Come on bro, it's not like they beat an elite team like the Steelers" Gears 4 is This Year's GOTY - Video Game Culture HQ,I'm playing and enjoying the game now... but handing out Game of the Year in Mid October? Typical Sunday Morning Facebook picture. Nsfw,Source? What about the tens of thousands of people who personally saw the second plane with their own eyes?,LSD in the water supply obviously "Since you couldn't decipher it yourself, I'll give you a hint... Feminists cray","Yeah, fuck feminists for thinking that women are people too who should be afforded the same rights as men!" Wow took some today earlier and it gave me a bunch of modivation to get stuff done around the house! Is this normal? Was a red strain.,Junkie... Fed should put a stop to all this nonsense Do you have any evidence to support that claim?,"Don't be ridiculous, you don't need evidence for common knowledge." "In november, please fight back",No but you see milo supports him so he can't be homophobic "pena de muerte al politico, exilio para su familia directa, toma de posecion de todos sus bienes.","No hay que exagerar, con la pena de muerte se manda el mensaje necesario." You misspelled raise,Alabama players actually take a paycut to play in the NFL. "Well what is she supposed to do? Good job guys, nice work!?",she was supposed to sense it before it happened. "TIL Men have weaker immune systems, higher cholesterol, more heart problems, greater susceptibility to diabetes, higher rates of cancer and lower chances of surviving it. Men make up over 2/3 of murder victims, 3/4 of traffic accident fatalities and are 3 times more likely to commit suicide",Male privilege exists This is what you bring up while thousands of young men are going into battle to liberate a city and most likely many of them will not return? While hundreds of thousands of civilians are hunkered in their homes with the sounds of war booming and hoping not to be a casualty?,Yeah because the outcome of this war doesn't have any impact on the US. Wait... Do I know you?,"Yeah, turned out the guy I thought you were (and his girlfriend who teaches in Commerce) was out of town on that day." "D-List maybe, he was a presenter and host for a lot of things.",He's a Ryan Seacrest Type What if we ^buff^kukulkan??,We should make his tornados global Implying that leftcoms would even attend a revolution,I'll have you know revolution is un-communist Scandinavianslaughatyourpunylittlespaces,Finnsgrumblecontemptuouslysincelaughterisbothersome "Just a monday Google is down for french customers of Orange ISP (someone fucked up in the DNS) According to the users, Google seems to be equal to the whole Internet Just a monday :)",I thought google was the internet... 2004 was a great year in gaming history.,Why is condition zero here WELL SAID!!!,THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN They did try to foist Palin onto the other 49 states.,No one should be blamed for things they did 'x' years ago... "As an LCK fan at Worlds foe C9 vs SSG, that crowd wasnt just rude, it was hostile. The people next to me were very angry and towards the end, very drunk. Everytime SSG made a play and I cheered, I was told to Shut the fuck up. I get that you want your team to do well, but it was bad. I was super thrilled for Worlds to be in Chicago since it was my only chance to go see a game like that, but it was shameful. Most of our car ride home was us talking about how bad it made the US look.,","But it's okay to be a hostile asshole, because they do it in other sports!" "It's just a crazy coincidence that it finally went through now, 3 weeks before the election?",Totally just a coincidence! Nintendo hasn't posted on Twitter for 2 days...,"It means they meant to post today, but Reggie guessed the wrong password 3 times, and they locked out." "Why are Germans soo racist Just to upset Noone, im German aswell xd So I found out that we Germans make a lot of jokes about other races. Especially Jews, even if we have absolutely no right to do that, is enyone experiencing the same? Of course this applies to Csgo cause af many jew corners and insulting opponents","You mentioned Csgo once, therefore it's relevant to this sub." "The same Maine governor who in the year 2016 said that one of the biggest threats to his state were east coast blacks coming to his state, selling drugs, impregnating white women, and leaving? That dude is deplorable.","No, you don't understand, he has a binder the proves it!" "Be the bigger man and don't cave in. If you don't Snapchat, don't Snapchat. You'll seem weak trying to be a part of it just because they are.","Yes, be the bigger man and don't take an interest in what your S/O is into." Rinkah?,painted abs don't count People are asking if they could add all of fallout 4s assets into it too. You just can't please some people.,They should add every asset from all Skyrim games with new graphics and models in the remaster so modders can use them! "They could pay the $10 instead, which would be even worse than 1000 gold. Basically Blizzard stealing money from worse players and giving it to better players. Might as well be If you're Legend rank, you can enter this brawl and fight for rewards, otherwise you waste 900g and a lot of time.","Yeah, no one should ever pay to enter any sort of tournament, ever." Even Java will get a REPL with Java 9,So I can finally type two essays worth of text into the console for Hello World REJOICE! "This just shows that the trump campaign is part of the conspiracy to rig the election against trump. You can only trust trump himself. And only when he's not being sarcastic, or using locker room talk, or joking, or on video contradicting himself.",At least he tells it like it is! "For the record, I cleaned the games with a tiny spot of rubbing alcohol and even tried jiggling the cartridges to no avail. They also played fine on a friend's SNES about an hour later, so I know it's not a game issue. So obviously the issue must lie with the pins or the video processor, right? Is this an easy fix, or am I screwed?",But did you blow in the game? It happened to me. I politely asked for a refund. Was declined. Then I wasnt able to use chat again,I'm sure that's the full story and you're not leaving anything out. Don't forget lottery tickets.,"Well, that way they have a chance of breaking out of that lifestyle!" I realized something about my keyboard today.,Do you know that your other keys are in the wrong places? My bench with feet up: 325 My bench with feet down: 345 20%? Everybody is different.,Well obviously you are under-preforming with your feet down Some Cap shields for ya (posted by the Russos),Can I have one please? Collection for the achievents of these rats,Sounds like a nice chap. "Well now I can't doubt you, who needs a source when it's honestly a fact.","If it wasn't a fact, they wouldn't have posted a source to that human trafficking awareness campaign's website where the stickers come from..." "I don't know about you, but I'm homo sapiens superior.","Online IQ test said 165, so I'm going to Facebook to brag and ask why I'm single" Receive dick pic. Reply with a dick pic. He hopes his daughter doesn't grow up to be like me.,How dare you send him an unsolicited graphic image? "When you work in an office that loves glitter, I count this as a win.",They just don't love you enough to get the glitters out... Who's missing significant time this week?,Moncreif lol South Park usually reports the news in a more unbiased and accurate way than most news stations,r/politics is unbiased "Hey, do you know Tomb Raider? No","Oh great.. You're one of 'those' gamers, aren't you?" ay bridgeport station,yay for translink! "To be fair, us lot need to learn the difference between ignorant haters and people who genuinely have tried to like ye and couldn't",the difference is only the first group exists Don't you just love having your personal sex life and how your own ladybits react to things/what they like explained to you by someone else?,"Of course, it helps me realize that I shouldn't take sexual assault for granted cause 'it's better than nothing'" Gallery: Honda RA616H power unit,Thanks OP I always wanted to see what a GP2 engine looked like "God will not help you, Christine, were his pained words. I have cried out the same words for many years. God will not hear you. There is only Erik, you see. Only Erik. She tried to wretch out of his grasp but he pulled her tightly to his chest. Where would you be, he whispered into the shell of her struggling ear, were it not for Erik? At home with my husband, she spit out, struggling harder. No, Christine, he said sadly. Your husband would not have recognized you were it not for Erik bringing your voice to the front of the stage. Tell me, dear, where would you be without me? She suddenly stopped fighting, collapsing fully into his arms. He didn't mind so much, he thought. Alone, she whispered. Yes, he said solemnly. Alone, and possibly worse. It has always only been Erik. Only Erik, she echoed emotionlessly. She began to cry softly and he pressed a kiss to her hanging head. Good girl, he whispered.",D: Console games are made on PCs so STFU,And iOS games are made on Macs! Lactating Milkmaid,Seems totally legit and not at all some kind of phishing scam Beautiful day for our community. Bring on some football.,How dare anyone be in support of the stadium. WikiLeaks has confirmed that Ecuador is responsible for cutting Julian Assange's internet access,Maybe a youtube video will appear and there will be an attack on the embassy because of it resulting in his death "This has been yet another episode of I am a teenager and know everything. Tune in next week for our next episode Fuck you, dad! You can't tell me what to do!",Series finale on November 8! "I like that kid. I mean, think about it. If you factor in all the greenhouse gasses from manufacturing the weaponry, infrastructure to support troops, the troops themselves, and concentration camps, plus the oil and gas used to heat the ovens, plus the actual heat output of the ovens, he's probably correct.",I'd doubt the concentration camps themselves had any significance. State Department official 'pressured' FBI to declassify Hillary Clinton email,I am shocked that an uncorroborated allegation such as this can possibly be believed! You're gonna jinx it!,What jinx? I don't understand how anyone can really have any strong opinion about her? She hasn't done much of anything besides cuddle up with Taylor,That piece of shit! Meg Turney,Can someone x-ray Gavin next? That's because no one expects him in the pocket. It is like searching for an Easter egg while it was already in your basket the entire time.,He's too short for the defense to see "I mean the comic is just a long con to build an audience in order to more effectively spread communist propaganda, so it's hardly surprising.","I see you are a member of the Frankfurt school then, yes?" "I suggest we make it a rule that only government sources can be used ;Utusan, NST, The Star because they are the most accurate",You forgot the #NAME?,Is it possible to get a transcript of all of the Facebook comments that are accompanying it? Labour MPs demand answers over Jeremy Corbyn's appointment of Shami Chakrabarti,Is it possible for her to be in the shadow cabinet without either being an elected MP or a peer? That fucking twist ending HOLY FUCKIN SHIT,What happened at the end? It's not a bug really.,I guess It's a feature then. Didn't have a super soul equiped when I warped. Just went super sayian and held it till level 3. Where is your source for this information about upgrading moves?,He's his own source "Hey bud, you got a light?",On second thoughts I don't need a light So I Just Got Perma-Banned for I Have No Clue What Reason.,"Misleading title, 30 years is technically not a perma-ban!" "I wanna get into speedrunning. First of all, I'm new to this sub so sorry if I did anything wrong. I've always loved watching speedruns and have always wanted to try it but have never had the time to do so. I've decided I want to try a speedrun Terraria first. I don't wanna do a very long run, maybe EoC. Does anyone have any tips for me getting into this?",Wear the frost spark boots on asphalt blocks then you'll run super fast. What would happen if limp bizkit touched the holy corpse?,He'd keep rollin rollin rollin rollin In 4-8 days someone is getting an awesome knife!,"I used the link to change the shipping address to my house, thanks OP!" GG Nunu,this is fucking hilarious Yeah. Because it WAS fake. The only people that still believe that crap are just a bunch of parroting followers.,You forgot the "I dont know about you, but every game i play doesnt involve me fiddling with settings or configuring anything. Games set your settings automatically.","Yes, and they always do such a wonderful job of it." So basically their entire argument is that people who drive while intoxicated tend to get involved in more fatal accidents? Well no shit! Better ban alcohol then.,Don't just ban it... make it a Schedule I substance and ruin anyone's life who gets caught drinking it. she actually has a pretty decent energy policy. Please stop spouting off nonsense,"But, but they're both the same!" "me? Im SMFC rn, just lost my globe.",I wonder why "To summarize Pro-Trump tweets: 1.6M - 576k bots = 1,224,000 human tweets Pro-Clinton tweets: 613,000 - 137,000 bots = 476,000 human tweets I think that the focus on bots is missing the real point here","The real point is that trump is going to win the election and everyone is rigging it against him, of *course*" Manipulating relations with other countries to stop yourself from being implicated is a federal RICO violation. Kerry is a douch,"But that's not his intention, so it's okay." Poll: Clinton leads Trump by 48 points among millennials,Biased poll "Cleveland's leading sources of revenue are Cav's tickets, bars that serve brunch, and meth.",What about the browns Jesus Christ!,Yes Son? "But is it younger than 19 year old passlack and Dembele, 18 yr old pulisic and 21 22 weigl and ginter. That's most likely part of our squad today. Maybe 19 mor gets in there too. Opta Franz says yikes",What a deadly strike partnership Passlack and Emre Mor would be death sounds fun..,"I mean, if your PC, monitor, and laptop cease to exist; what is the point of existing yourself?" Baghdadi survives coup attempt by ISIS Islamic Police in Mosul,i guess he wasn't extreme enough I saw this in the sky during a pub...,"A skycode, quick, decode it, it's probably a new character hint!" Its 2560x1440 not 2160x1440,It's obviously the 15:10 Master Race! Well at least he's not a pedophile like the Jeepers Creepers guy.,Bryan Singer did Jeepers Creepers? Reverse CSGO'd,I would've abandoned and yelled at valve to fix their broken game if that happened to me. "Dr. Jill Stein, #PodestaEmails10 show HRC kept 55K emails from Congress. How much more evidence does the govt need to press charges?",Honest question: How would this constitute evidence to press charges? "Yeah these Chinese guys right. It's not the first and certainly not the last ripoff. Now imagine some bigger and more expensive project. You can make some shield for Arduino and as you start to manufacture it, it magically appears in different colours and for 2/3 of the price.",But my hobby dollars are more important than your compensation for hard work! "SMU WR Courtland Sutton is a Julio Jones clone I'm not even just talking about oh he's big and fast, he literally plays like Julio. Go watch Julio in 2015 when he's the only WR getting open for the Falcons, then go watch Sutton at SMU. Not only is he the only WR getting open but he's dominating. He's clearly the best athlete on the field in basically every SMU game. He also had a higher yard/TD market share last year at age 20 than Sammy Watkins, DeAndre Hopkins, and Martavis Bryant had at the same age under Chad Morris. Any idea where he's projected to go? I'm really curious what this dude tests like athletically, he really strikes me as a freak.","Cool, guess he's a lock to go 1st overall then." "Basically, they believe that it is possible under common law to live in a country without agreeing to be a citizen of that country (i.e. to be a sovereign citizen), which means they have no obligation to participate in whatever that country wants them to do (pay taxes, follow bogus laws, etc.) nor do they have any right to receive benefits afforded to citizens of the country. The core of it is a rejection of the idea that you are automatically entered into a binding agreement with a government just by existing inside its borders. There is some legal justification for this concept if you look hard enough for it, but courts have constantly rejected any such claims of legal exemption, most commonly from people who refuse to pay taxes.",But the courts don't have any authority over them! I was told the day of the NC campaign field office firebombing that the Republican party was the party of hatred. The cognitive dissonance is real.,"We still are that party, because we firebombed our own headquarters and called ourselves Nazis." Humble Bundle - No new bundle today,Their focus on the monthly subscription played no role in this. Vikings couldn't pull out a win this week. A true Super Bowl contender would have found a way to win.,We should've scheduled a game so we can be the first team to go 17-0 in the regular season! "I used to think that students were getting dumber. This makes me think that it's the teachers who are losing brain cells year on year. And no, I'm not white.","That's just the institutional racism talking, you don't mean it!" Don't pre-order any other games for the remainder of...ever because you won't play them over Paragon.,"Wait, what about that no man's sky game... I heard that was pretty good..." "#TWIS: Flying the Isis flag is legal, Sweden declares",Three cheers for the caliphates first conquest in europe! "The Gateses, Tim Cook on List for Clinton's Veep","Good thing those emails were illegally obtained, or we'd never have learned of this important story." I posted some of his wines with notes here a few years ago and got zero comments. I'm the KLWM rep in my market and I've been through three vintages of the whole line now and they're magnificent.,Its kind of hard when the wines are hard to get and shops get 3 bottle allocations "While we're at it, Daley Blind is Europe's best CB this season according to WhoScored.",But Mane destroyed him yesterday didn't you hear "Obligatory dolphins are mammals, not fish.","Nope, they're gay sharks" "Wait, what part of the female anatomy does the word foreskin possibly imply?","Must've replied with the wrong named attached....point still stands, hope your manginas not toooooo salty" Way too many of those people? Easy fix: Make Spain Fascist Again and let them disappear!,Yeah because if you aren't anarchist you must be fascist Reverse CSGO'd,nice cheats "Well no, that's not even true, the ADS time even with Quickdraw is not faster than MW2 and MW3 with the same perks. The sway is definitely lower though, I'd be fine with them increasing sway a bit but not ADS time. Why are people seriously saying it's easier in this game than those? It's fucking not. Go back and play those games, sniping was so much easier then than it is in IW.","Interesting fact, nobody used snipers in competitive in those games anyway, wouldn't the 'serious' players want to get the edge on their opponents and use 'op' snipers?" I HAF HEORY ON SOBRERO,Guys did you hear about that code in the sky on Dorado? "When I was working at a bar I overheard this ex Army guy talking about one of Saddam's families rape dungeons his unit accidentally discovered. (I think it was a group of vets, and they decided to get this one guy drunk to talk about his problems). Stuff like how there was a professionally machined rape drill, like a power tool but with various rape attachments you could enable, from the obvious to cheese grater stuff. Its the most fucked up thing Ive ever overheard. Its also the reason that even now I support the decision to invade Iraq.",Glad we stabilized the region so well that rape and torture are at their all time minimum there now. "I had to explain that Halloween, in fact, can never be on Friday the 13th.",What if you're dyslexic? Look at all the women at trump rally's saying he could grab their pussys. Internalized misogyny is so much bigger than I realized when I was younger.,You're just mad about the word! She's been high on the list ever since I've seen her,That's weird I'm pretty sure her and Jericho have never even met each other Is Adobe encoding the best in business? Or are there better ones oput there that don't cost the world?,The professionals all use Ogg Vorbis *exclusively* What about the 1.8 billion transfer to Qatar ? Is it confirmed ?,Just another vast right-wing conspiracy. "American redditors seem to think that it's no big deal to consume cocaine even though they are funding these cartels. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it should be legal. Until it is, you are still funding the cartels and taking part in bloodshed.",But I wanna party... idk but those yeezy's are hot,How'd this guy get them before they drop? Write in for Ralph Nader.,"Yeah, because Nader has never fucked up an election" How,With a small loan of a million dollars "haven't seen any reviews on podesta 11 emails, anybody know whats in them?",Just more lies from Russia. Sunlight detecting sunglasses,It's a good thing they look cool too "What's something you don't want to see in Rogue One, that we'll probably see in Rogue One Characters planning around a hologram right before a climactic action scene.",*Another* Death Star. Bill Clinton was gifted 1million,what like the exact same amount that was supposedly given to Assange by Russia...why that is just spooky... "They made a YUUUGE mistake when they fired him, basically they confirmed the fraud.",he says he stepped back "Important Samuro damage bug, need to know if you can reproduce it In Try Mode I have found that Samuro's Burning Blade does not become stronger if you empower his Basic Attacks through Way of Illusion. Burning Blade also stays the same even after taking Illusion Master. Mirror Images do 40 AoE damage every Critical Strike across the board. Samuro does 133 AoE damage every Critical Strike as well. I have restarted the game a couple times with a clean Try Mode for individual traits to make sure there aren't any problems with Reset Talents.",Seems like he's in dire need of a buff. WATCH: Police car runs over protesters after US embassy scuffle,Galing ng mga police force natin... Blood DK: Everything has mastery. I would love if everything had haste. Confirmation bias is a bitch.,plate is the same as cloth "Well, you don't know that they didn't get shit from higher ups. Its actually pretty likely they got a mouthful/internal punishments. Just because they weren't charged with anything doesn't mean they weren't disciplined.","Today I learned that apparently a stern talking to is sufficient punishment for negligence in the face of duty, and that incompetency resulting in the loss of all evidence in a quadruple homicide deserves a good lecture." "There's really no such thing as using a weapon wrong. When I started in MH3U I played GS and just spammed X and A, and guess what? Monsters still died. Sure, there are much more effective ways to use the weapon, but the bottom line is that it's a video game. It's meant to have fun, and there really is no right and wrong, as long as you're doing what needs to be done.",But if you're not doing adept bow you're doing bow wrong "Why didn't Afton just watch his daughter play with Baby? He didn't want her to play with Baby because he was worried that she would kill her. But if Baby only attacks when parents aren't around, why didn't he just watch her and stay next to her? Then she'd get to play with Baby, and not want to go see her when her dad wasn't around.",DEADBEAT DAD take console - throw out of window - order gaming PC,"Yeah, just have more money!" Lmfao and literally concludes with I will be committing voter fraud.,It's just a prank bro Prostitution Pagodas? Is that a euphemism for a particularly elaborate kind of brothel?,Isn't this what Spirited Away was about? how much over?,"30,001 by my guesstimate." Complete this phrase: Pepe is...,just a frog. *Do you feel that Randy? The way the shit clings to the air? Shit blizzard's coming.*,"The shithawks are flying in low, trying to rig the election" Are we not sitting in pokemon anymore?,Because Game Freak hates us I use to hate pewdiepie and always scoffed whenever people mentioned him but he's actually pretty dope to watch now,I think you forgot the "Ah, the old reddit 'I know a lot about psychiatry because I was depressed as a fourteen year old or so I think' specialists.",Excuse me but Im a depressed *19* year old "Got a second date coming up. It's bowling, do I let her win or play well to show off? Title. We're playing a couple of games then going out to dinner afterwards. I play reasonably well (regularly 130+) but don't know her ability. Do I let her win or try to show off to impress her?",You think this is a motherfucking game? That is some next level determination. I'm guessing you work in some form of IT or Computer science related position.,Just sounds like an average receptionist who likes reddit "Just got VR, what's the first game I should buy? (anything but sport-related titles plz)",Rigs Censorship: CNN Cuts feed of Rep. Chris Collins When He Brings Up WikiLeaks,"This is all possible due to the 1996 Telecommunications Act, so thanks Bill Clinton" Anyone suggest an order to read these in?,"* ALEX FERGUSON My Autobiography * Red: My Autobiography * Leading * Keane: The Autobiography * The Second Half Books i just ordered from Amazon if anyone can't see it, just wondered if some are better read before others :)" He stole this idea from a post here that shows dredful black and white but then in the middle of a noose it's all bright and sunny.,That was the first post I remember seeing on reddit. "Putting a process like that on OS level is honestly processing bloat as well. OSs should be as lightweight as they can possibly be, everything else belongs to the user interface.","That sure worked out well for Hurd and Minix, didn't it." Dynamic Resolution is legit on Xbox One,calling fake..tanks dont have gas gauges in BF1 "Come over to Overwatch! It's in its infancy right now but it's probably going to be a real Korean e-sport with the Sister team dynamic and everything. Right now it's not really in a great spot for viewing but League of Legends too two and a half years to have an OGN competition, Overwatch didn't even take 6 months! This should be the second coming of OGN's amazing leagues and Blizzard hopefully wont bomb it like Riot did.",yeah riot definitely bombed it alright You make it sound like it's hard when it is actually astoundingly easy. The caller ID database is pretty comprehensive. All the prosecutor needs is for the carrier to send data about whether any of the numbers assigned to the husband texted the wife. If the husband's number is on that list then that's probable cause right there. You clearly have no idea what probable cause means as evidenced by your use of the word proof. They don't need proof;they need evidence that indicates a crime has likely occurred. Once the guy was arrested they could have interviewed him for answers. 90% chance he confesses right there. Try not to comment when you don't know what you're talking about.,"Yeah all the prosecutor needs is for the carrier to do something they'd never do without a warrant, no biggy!" "I'm in Florida. This place is still, indeed, a battleground. I don't need anything coming out saying Clinton has this state won. People still need to go out and vote. I mean, FFS, this state was dumb enough to vote Rick Scott in TWICE!","Yeah, I live in Georgia, and some of us have considered that a wall along that Florida border might be a good way keep what ever it is that is causing that insanity from crossing into our state." Purple Ketchup.,This is the only thing in my life I have been allergic to "Look, Mrs. Obama appears to be a wonderful person, but for the love of all things holy, can we please have a break from the past after this Clinton leaves the White House? The sooner we can put the Bushes, Obamas and Clintons in the rearview mirror, the sooner we can consider climbing out of this cesspool we call American politics.",Chelsea Clinton 2032! yeah got that,Did you say 33.3 for the other last one? "A jury Wednesday found NBA star Derrick Rose and two friends did not rape a woman, handing the men a victory in a high-stakes civil trial.",One less thing we have to worry about! "BOMBSHELL WikiLeaks 12: Hillary Caught Sending Classified Information To John Podesta's Gmail Account In 2014, Who Did Not Have Security Clearance - ITS A FELONY, THEY DISCUSSED IT ON AN UNSECURE PRIVATE SERVER",It's apparently okay if Hillary does it. Yeah but he's not English so obviously isn't as good right,here you dropped your I made this...,You didn't build that. well not at the same time,"True, you can only vote in two Florida and what ever state you are in now." "People are saying it. I'm not saying it. But people are saying it, some very smart people, the best people. Allahu akbar, that I can tell you.",I thought he apple-gized for that cement. Who knows. Trump supporters are completely fact-free at this point.,They don't let no mere fact get in their way of the truth. Idk but they just banned me and called me a faggot.,"Next time you'll think twice before you point out their toxic racism, evil do'er." "I'm no expert, but I'm not getting a we're lying vibe from these nice young men.",is that "no problem, hows the new job?",i'm obviously a pillar of customer service in the coolidge corner retail sector I told the guy who drew this it'd hit front page.,Clearly she's letting him do it because he's famous. "that ping is not bad at all, so i don't see a problem",that ping is the reason he isnt challenger yet "Writing a story about men automatically excludes and alienates women, says male game dev.","Because as we all know, females are incapable of having empathy toward anything with a penis." So true it hurts,You must have missed the memo that Hillary Clinton said Pepe is a hate symbol. It's turning into that. The liberals are acting like you have to agree with them or you're a very horrible person. What happened to free opinion?,Those darn liberals! Gameday Thread 10/19/16: Cubs (Lackey) at Dodgers (Urias) (5:00),I think it's bad form to criticize the umpires in New York for making such a tough call League of Legends is Forecasted to Bring in Nearly $1.8 Billion This Year,Totally owner's faults for not paying their players enough.. Why is open borders bad? We're heading there whether we like it or not,Because they're brown Double your taxes.... 0% to 0% Donald?,At least he wasn't lying about that "Prime getting less and less reliable for 2 day shipping I'm starting to have issues getting products on on schedule now. Sometimes they take 2 or 3 days to ship. And if I am unlucky enough to get a usps shipment, it may even take longer than 2 days after that. 100 dollars a year for this service is not chump change. If this becomes the norm, I can't see it being worth it to renew. 2 day shipping should mean 2 days and not 2 or 3 days after whenever we get around to shipping it.",When I do not receive my Prime packages on time I contact customer service and request an additional free month of service. The Flag of the African Union with the Sinai Peninsula removed.,Radical Israeli vexillological revisionism "I am more in favour of joining NATO than I am against it, but there are some arguments for staying out of NATO that I have heard: 1. Staying neutral has its benefits and, for example, keeps us from being de jure aligned with USA, which can be beneficial for good relations with non-NATO members. 2. Joining NATO would provoke Russia further, possibly permanently damaging relations, and trade with Russia is vital for Finland. 3. Joining NATO would come with its own obligations, such as possibly having to take part in a war that Finns don't consider to be relevant to them. 4. Avoiding the 2% budget rule and having snarky Americans claiming to pay for our defense.",We are the guardians of the free. 28 and lambo in singapore? Hmmmmmmmmmmm which mp is his relative,"TIL that if you want a lambo, get an MP as a relative." WHY IS TRUMP SO BAD AT EXPLAINING FOREIGN POLICY,wrong Breakdowns and unplanned stops are much more expensive than spending a few hours down a week to keep it in good condition. That's why preventative/predictive maintenance exists,Exactly "I'm at a private school, they're really strict about that.",Then shit your pants irl 3 extra hours a day. 5 days a week. 4 weeks a month. That's 60 hours a month you spend on the bus. It'd almost be worth your time to get some crappy part time job on the weekends to make just enough for your parking. Might save you time in the long run.,Hooray for capitalism I play a ton of golf but I basically never find another golf ball. Where do you find these at?,"Maybe, if you missed the fairway on occasion, you would find some." "CNN/ORC Poll: Clinton Won the Final Debate, 52-39",The Poll is Rigged. "Pack it up boys, we're done here",But are they all t12? "For the love of god, don't trade the event for a hidden ability poke. I'll give you one. Give me two seconds.",Thank you though! "Fucking hell, she could have at least spelled pianissimo and diminuendo correctly...","He's the genius, not her!" "Was a BK paralegal, once had to explain to a client that you couldn't declare bankruptcy, be discharged of a car loan and still keep the car. They didn't understand why their car was being repossessed eight months of no payments after discharge. They were incredulous - you mean it's not a 'Get your car for free' program? And then they were mad at us for 'not telling them'. Fun times.",That's why you take a cash advance on your credit cards to buy the car. "It isn't a difficult concept. Just ask yourself, if FNC faced KOO in the quarterfinals last year and went 0-3, would they suddenly not be in the top 4 best teams that worlds? Use your heads instead of trying to push the ol' EU superiority narrative.",But EU gets to the semis like ever year Fucking hell I do hope Netflix doesn't think like you do. You like comic book shit. Okay. Doesn't mean all of art had to revolve around it. Nor does it mean that your taste is the only one that should be catered to. We have enough Marvel junk to last several lifetimes.,The media should cater to my tastes only and nothing else. I don't believe that Evan Peters character was actually killed I think that was the only stunt murder. He said he wanted to leave anyway for another project and Sydney was just using him to start panic in the house.,"I'm inclined to agree, because didn't they say the moon wasn't full yet?" The Second City cast and staff quit after unprecedented racist taunts from audiences,But political correctness is what is really ruining comedy. "Discuss: Edmonton, Winnipeg, Calgary, Toronto and Buffalo each have new young talent. Who becomes perennial cup contenders? McDavid, Laine, Gaudreau, Matthews and Eichel each have the potential to have teams built around them and to become perennial playoff teams (see 2005 Penguins). But they can't all get there, that would be absurd. Which of these teams do you think will do the best job of building around these guys and in 3-5 years is making the playoffs on a regular basis? I think Winnipeg could do it, Buffalo maybe, Edmonton could make the playoffs this year already. Side note: All of them need better goaltending because Brian Elliot is the best goalie of the five teams and that's just not good enough.","Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Buffalo" "I think most Liverpool fans still love Suarez, which is kind of funny because he's a much more questionable character than Ozil.",Liverpool fans are questionable characters themselves. "Venezuela pisses them off in particular because the ruling party is Socialist, not surprised at all :P",not true socialism though How exactly could they do that? Make a post saying: If you are a fan of our org please stop using social media?I mean there are a lot of stupid TSM fans no doubt but it feels really bad when people are spreading so much hate against the whole fan base instead of the bandwagoners/vocal minority,Woah there buddy he never said tsm Does Vegeta know the Dance?,Yeah I mean he's clearly *never* seen his son do it "You seem to be discarding those facts that are inconvenient to your side of the argument in a circular fashion in an attempt to boil down your point to simple allegory. A nation is not a house, friends are not national allies. The parallels you're drawing are weak.","go to reddit, learn military alliances don't mean anything can't argue with that genius" "Your love for coffee is satisfied by the exploitation of the proletariat, comrade.",Yeah because working voluntarily for an employer is definitely exploitation. Trump wrongly says $6 billion went missing at State Department under Clinton,Yeah this belongs here. The most unrealistic part of this trailer was competitive Splatoon filling an entire stadium.,Lol yeah that felt a little forced How do you think religious people would handle evidence of aliens?,"Well, he just made them as a sidehobby clearly, we're the REAL god's perfect creation." The most annoying thing about fall golf.,"Easy, just scrape them off when you get on the green!" Yep I'm online right now!,thank you very much for it I think he's a Trump puppet.,Your the puppet! Dabigblingdrake,that looks like my mission ship why whats wrong with it? What's up with the S and S- rankes?,Not enough wards Well I mean reread the person I responded to. Why else would he avoid playing mercy now? Context.,lol you are a funny man "What incentive is there for an American company to stay in a country that wants nothing to do with them? Countries like that tend to do things like Cuba did, such as seize assets from foreign investors. Getting out while the getting's good seems like it'd be first order of business once Duterte makes this thing official.",Yeah Duterte is going to seize all foreign assets That is petulant as fuck.,dude is little more than a rich *kid* "She Spits, He Cums",Nothing better than a girl who stops jerking before I finish cumming. Youth football team has season canceled for taking a knee,I guess it's good for these innocent kids to get their first taste of injustice at a young age. "Farming Mk 3 Stun Cuffs for a week - 68 Multi Sims, 71 cuffs in 387 battles",Now do some ANOVA comparing drop rates of other purples whilst using the upstairs toilet vs the downstairs toilet. "Nothing says DC will be free of corruption like making sure congressmen are only accountable to lobbyists and their party, not the voters","Quick, replace all the senior level representatives with our easily-controlled freshman congressperson that we select for you!" Nah I doubt it. Hitler used to be a hobo who took shits in the street and dumbass Germans decided to give a homeless person control of their country. That's why you don't elect people who were homeless to the most powerful position in the country cause they might start doing homeless people shit and start a world war.,"Right.. it all came down to his financial status, I'm sure." Did you read it again?,I tried.. But it's gone luls. "Go a step further, buy your own modem and have zero pieces of comcast equipment involved in your internet configuration. You'll save yourself money too. my $65 modem is on like year 4-5 now of avoiding $10-12 modem rental fee.","Thought about it, but then if anything goes wrong they will refuse to provide support because it's not their equipment." That sounds just awful,But it's dry heat ;) "Bernie Sanders wants to know why this cancer drug costs nearly $200,000 a year","It's made out of platinum that came out of a meteor impact crater or something, I don't know..." Original Fw-190A-5 - BMW-801 - Only Flying Original in the world,"Please post this particular video more often here, I want to see it on the front page every time." A woman in Italy just died in miscarriage after a doctor conscientously objected to terminating the pregnancy even though it was an emergency and doing so likely would have saved the mother's life.,Thank god for that doctor and his ethical and moral clarity. Has this happened to anyone else?,No you're literally the only one this has happened to Sorry. going '80' feels more like 50 or so to me. Just wondering if anyone else feels the same.,Your measurements are set to metric and you use imperial IRL. "WTF I actually use that, RITO CMON you can't take all the nice things away, you dumb bitches",Because comments like these are definitely going to convince them Trump's Business Credit Score Is 19 Out Of A Possible 100,Rigged.... "Oh gosh, you sure told me. I certainly didn't minimize your population to make the point that well it's like this in the UK is not a great argument in against anything. You guys don't even have rights! You're like half-fascist!",You sure know how to dig holes. What a beautiful dog standing at attention. NY is making progress. Allows MMA and now a Pitbull Police Dog. Fuck Montreal for their ban.,I think Fuck Montreal should be the new motto for this sub. "Scratch & Bend Test, The Pixel passed JerryRigEverything's test with flying colors!","I really don't understand the point of this guys videos... Wow you can scratch glass and metal, also phones can break who knew!" "Dare you - Hardwell And though it was hella overplayed, I still have a soft spot for Reload.",Reload always hits the right spot! "Go in to Top easy, ask for guidance on how to handle this situation please and thank you 1SG.",so tactical haha This is the best sign we've got PATCO?,"cardboard sign is missing anything helps, god bless" John Cena is now voicing Ernie in TV ads for Wonderful Pistachios.,"what a sell out, see ya in 10 years to steal some punks spot John!" He's a big man,for you "Ironically, we executes drug dealers but release these animals back to the society where they could do potential harm and spreading radicalism influence...",Yea because drugs are worse than radicalisation Clearing a frozen water pipe,Haven't seen *this* gif before. "At this rate, people are staying away and will be staying away from today's DRD. Mukhang hindi tayo aabot ng 1k today, which might mean that the back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back 1K+ comments won't happen. Sadlyf.",Aabot yan ng 1K kasi yung mga hindi napapansin yung link post/text post nila na sub walang nakukuhang comments at upvotes so dito sila magpapapansin. "Fix for Crash on startup/after taleworlds logo (windows 10) Since I upgraded to Windows 10 I've had an issue where M&B, would launch the launcher and load past the Taleworlds logo cinematic before crashing to desktop. I tried deleting .ini, verifying cache, messing around with compatibility, changing graphics loading settings, launching as admin, even a full reinstall of all files. For some fucking reason, launching in windowed mode fixes the problem. Way to go Microsoft. Just in case anybody else has been having this problem: most of the threads I've seen don't end conclusively. Sorry if this is against the rules.","I blame Taleworlds, for not developing the community (which we are), to provide the solutions for us through a quick google search." Tbh being confident as Santi says is no secret.,Didn't think I'd need "Imagine if he played in a different era... A meaningless thought as the training would be different, still neat to think about though. Ovechkin is such a great player",Imagine how many GWG's Jagr would've scored if he didn't go to the KHL "20 Years Ago... 20 years ago we had Steve Jobs, Johnny Cash, and Bob Hope. And now, we have no jobs, no cash, and no hope",At least we have trump "It's not that much cringe lol, French classes do that too. It's to get you used to the mind-set of speaking in that language.",W-well thats not cringe cause its not japanese! I don't understand how people actually think this will lead to griefing. It's literally just a shortcut so you can spend less time typing and more time playing.,no obviously making dota harder to play and more complex can only lead to it being a better game "Graduated in PoliSci @ ASU in May, can confirm this is how polling is done","Nah, it's a giant conspiracy!" "So the 'good news club' talks about the end of the world? If the world ending is good news, can I sign up for the bad news club instead?",The good news is you can be saved. A parsec is measurement of distance not time. Han took a shortcut by skirting the Maw black hole cluster.,"Which means he did the Kessel Run in the shortest distance possible, pleb." Are we really saving their lives if they were in France? Is it that bad over there?,"Well it's overtaken the UK in the economy ranking, so it must be absolutely wonderful over there" Guy filming himself singing in his car hydroplanes and flips,don't sing and drive! "Purpose of usb ports? So what are these for exactly? Aside from possibly using a game cube controller for it, let's say I download a game online and put it on the usb, can I play the torrented game through that?",Yeha they added the ports so you could pirate games "Writing a paper comparing and contrasting Formula 1 and NASCAR...any suggestions? We were allowed to pick the topics to compare/contrast in my college English class, I picked something dear to my heart. Unfortunately, I know very little about NASCAR. Any suggestions to push me in the right direction? (don't think you're just writing my paper for me, I'll have to find sources for any information I use) Thanks!",In F1 they also turn right. Bernie Sanders just posted this on Facebook.,Yes because if the senate flips it would totally be because of Bernie... "If this is true, why are my young neighbors able to get into a house, one working at a day care, and the other working at a warehouse? Oh, wait, they actually spent 30 hours per week helping to build the house as their down payment. I forgot. There are always ways to buy a house. STOP BITCHING. START WORKING.",Your anecdote about your neighbor is really inspiring. Praise to Lisa Su she awesome but.. Most time this also team effort not only one person. Also.. She may have raised AMD to more successful company better products to compete and i'm glad she and her team did this but without the fans no AMD. But lets not forget all the fans who for years stick with AMD and support AMD no matter what plus constantly had to defend agains the zealots of other side. AMD would not have been where it's now if it was not for those FANS!!! AMD/Radeon Forever!!!,Because they would have overheated without fans dumb fucking gimmick for little kids,My mario kart detachable controller will definitly give me the edge in the competive enviroment. Watch what you say in Canada: PRIVATE conversations can get you fired.,"If this is the case, I wish employers would come together and publish a list of thoughts you're not permitted to express privately." Ment it the other way around.People saying mtg copied from hs.,"Well, I mean.... WoW was the first MMO ever, so..." No. You lose water weight throughout the night.,So you're saying I should stop drinking water? Thats another player lmao,I should have put an Cows and Cats,But cows are dumb. "With 11 points in 7 games, Connor Mcdavid has sole possession of the NHL lead in points.","Hey, calm down, the Oilers need to be humble because they ruined so many NHL careers over the last 10 years..." Annoying Childhood Friend Runs for President,We woulda won the game if the refs didn't suck Arsenal have signed a new top class club photographer,"It's the same photographer, just been given a little more leeway" Lol what? This doesn't break rule 3,"yea it does, it's an overused meme" "4 chan, for lolz",topkek "Today I ascend, to a mobile unit",I think you can only DEcend when going to a laptop. "dark souls is dope as hell though, like gawd dam",Dark Souls is just a shitty attempt to recreate the absolute magical ejaculatory existence that is Demon's Souls O'KEEFE SET UP DEAD MAN SWITCH. FINGERS CROSSED NOTHING HAPPENS TO THE MVP PEDE!,Better announce that to the world! Why is everyone ok with ISIS having a space station?,Maybe if the christians prayed really hard; the muslim space thingy will come off the sky carpet! "Liberals, commit voter fraud, RECYCLE EVIDENCE! HAH",At least they recycled He must go through a lot of pants,Fixing damaged pants instead of buying new ones at full price is killing the pants industry. We had to draw mandalas in class and I drew this...,Should have drawn the black sun from the keepers No. If I shoot you I want you shot dead. Body and soul. I want you to go straight to the afterlife version of CSI. I guess you could say This is a double homicide YEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!,"Just aim for the head, it's not like it's hard" Too bad the remaster didn't focus on what was important. The bugs.,That's just part of the Bethesda charm! Can I get it lmao?,"No, I just love starting giveaway threads for no reason" But I'm Not An AWPer,So this is what a 1v1 with moe and SmithZz would look like Spooky TTR Story. The Halloween update will come out... In december.,I hear that Christmas will come out on ValenToons Only 3GB?,5.5 at the moment lol "this. Really tired of mediocre players being given cards better than Crosby, Ovi, Price etc. 92 Matt Cooke? Really?","Yeah, because Crosby, Ovi, and Price totally won't be getting 99 overalls this year..." This showed up on Facebook page yesterday evening. I hope it fits in here.,I'm very interested in the second spine. "If you like this guy, you should check out [Night Sky Murals](!!",Are you affiliated by chance? ELEAGUE - No 1080p 60fps for Twitch? Now that ECS and EPICENTER have been utilising 1080p 60fps on Twitch it feels weird to not have it. Also I kind of expected it from ELEAGUE tbh. Anyone else feel similar?,The human eye can't see above 24 fps Big bone for a big pup,Such a cutie "When I was a troop commander in the Army I had a kid who came up hot for coke on a piss test and then a week later was arrested by the local police department narcotics task force for being an enforcer in a local civilian-military drug ring. They charged him and remanded him back to Army custody where I immediately started the paperwork to chapter him out and let the civilian justice system take its course. The guy was 23 I think. His mom called me several times to tell me that Chris has never been in any real trouble before and he's such a sweet kid. Anytime anything happened in high school I helped him work it out. I need to come up and talk to you and get this sorted out. I was dumbfounded. This guy was 23 years old, in the Army, and his *mom* thinks she can come up and work it out with me. I was polite for the first call but by the second or third phone call I had had enough. I told her (again) not to bother coming to the installation, that her son wasn't a sweet kid or else he wouldn't have beaten some guy up for not paying money he owed to a local drug dealer, and that the whole reason he was in this mess in the first place was becasue his mom had never let him be accountable for his actions. I told her that he was under my authority now and I had no time or patience for someone who didn't take their obligation to the Army, the country, or their buddies seriously enough to keep themselves out of trouble long enough to make our upcoming deployment to Iraq. When she complained that getting a dishnorable discharge would ruin his life I informed her that fortunately I didn't have the time to waste giving him a dishonorable discharge so he would be okay on that score (other than honorable is what he wound up with) but that the city of Harker Heights and the State of Texas might have more time than I did, so that was where she ought to focus her effort. She said I was being unfair and called my boss, which was fine by me. It blew my mind that a woman with a fully grown adult son *in the Army* would think it was appropriate or healthy to call and talk to her son's commander about his multiple counts of misconduct and general failure to be an adult. But that, of course, is why he failed at being an adult in the first place.",The armed forces are literally the #1 place to not care what mommy says Except the coast guard "if you were a secret shadow government pulling the world's strings behind the scenes, why would you drop hints everywhere?","So that conspiracy theorists will try to convince others with evidence like this post, but they'll just look silly and everyone else will continue living as oblivious sheeple." "if You have $10,000,000 USD, but you can only buy things that start with the first letter of your name. What would you buy?",Lots of stuff. He's a stupid asshole with dreams of dictatorship but comparing him to Hitler is a bit harsh I think.,To Hitler "With Nothing Left To Lose, Donald Trump Lashes Out At Michelle Obama","Great strategy, that should go over well" Seems Legit,"Hey look at that, the serial number from the lower, don't mind me guys" Unlike most other competition it's not good fo the consumer tho,"yeah, i dream about the world where xbox is the only available console" But Turbine is a great map.,You forgot Wouldn't he want people to try and block his shots so he can get better at making them?,That's what ranked is for! "He is. Not many Jews admit to it tough. He's not our best product. We have better lines. We have the RichLawyer, RichBanker and many other far better ones.","Yes, it's important to protect the lines and thus the race!" "As a Scandinavian, I feel like I have to say that you may only have to imagine a radically different *country*.","Goddammit, stop bragging about your civilized way of doing things!" How long until she joins the ranks of women to say they were groped?,"No, dude, have you *seen* her?" Just got a 69% on my exam. Fucking Russians keeping me from getting an 80.,MUHAHAHA! Seattle teachers take a powerful #BLM stand,Because violent racism is what's missing for the children of Seattle. "Despite the way too toxic community, what is your favourite thing about CSGO? Personally i have to say the masterfull feeling of ranking up. Even though im only GNM it feels so acomplishing to rank up :D (Sorry for the potentially bad english, Im Norwegian) :)",How you must provide overpay on downgrades Plus she is fat. Or at least looks huge when held in small man hands.,You forgot to mention her being short. "Great, but how do we keep women faithful?",Everyone knows that women never cheat! Report: Biffle to leave RFR & join JTG as second team Jayski is reporting that Biffle will leave RFR at the end of the season and join JTG as second team starting 2017 but still questionmark on how would they obtain charter for their second car.,who? Bernie lovers: Vote Green Party,Vote for the lady who wants to print money without the Constitutional power to do so. ##Don'tUseDickAsAnInsult #Men'sRights,Uuuh sarcasm? "Why is gay marriage okay but things like polygamy aren't? Not trying to be controversial or anything, I'm just wondering.",Taxes Doubles static trapeze,"That dude has abs on his back, Jesus Christ" "i dont think nas really has a better claim than jay. When it comes to music jay z overall has a better discography all though illmatic is better than anything jay has done. Nas is a better storyteller and is more poetic but jay z is way more clever, better wordplay, metaphors and all that.",But Nas Ethered Jay "It varies. A lot. More specific of a question would help. I have PTSD from child abuse. Before treatment... I was a wreck. I left my room as little as possible i was terrified. I saw reminders of my abuser everywhere. I saw danger everywhere and for every second of my day, it felt like my life was in danger. I stutter and quake talkin to older women. If they raise their voices,I shut down. I become a child again and do whatever I have to do to not get hurt. I shake profusely at triggers (such as teeth, people who look like my abuser, loud noises, stomping, etc). It's like there's boss music playing...and playing... But you dont see the danger. Its waking up at night screaming,shaking, crying. Sometimes you remember the nightmare, a lot of the times I dont. I just have the fear. The need to bolt and not stop until my heart gives out. Its tossing and turning and hiding under covers from a real life demon coming out of the closet. Its not stopping at certain stores for fear of seeing her. Its constantly whipping my head around,looking for danger, when i have to get gas near where she may live now. Its not going to stores because of events that happened there. It's finally walking into that store and getting lost. It's silently crying as you wander like a lost child again. It's flinching from people you know you should trust. Its people laughing at your flinch and being incredulous that you think they mean you harm. It isnt personal because you think everybody means you harm.",you just have to think positive! "I live with two nine year olds, ha ha! Now, when they were toddlers, they would cough into your open mouth if you weren't paying attention, but at 8, they had a little more common sense than to puke on food, ESPECIALLY cake!",You must be an understanding parent. Your coaches are bad.,"Now I see why Herbstreet left Columbus, it's an absolute cesspool there" "Nope, just a pleasant mistake I guess.",I'm not going to hold that one on you without enthousiastic verbal ongoing consent. JGR cars just got pulled off qualifying grid to go back into inspection line.,DEM DARN CHEATIN TOYOTERS See you on November 28.,"Weird, almost like you can't acknowledge that innocent until proven guilty is an established concept in our laws without admitting that there is no actual case against Trump or something." "I don't think there gonna be a new sniper. Instead I'm thinking of some kind of hacker, that can make the Attackers use the camera network of the Defenders. And as for their Bushido spirit, they can't be interrogated by Caveira or will give falsified information upon being interrogated. I want an Operator that could counter Caveira so bad :(",you could try shooting her Mfw placing 4th at TI and still not getting invite to Majors,They saw the True Sight documentary and decided that the hard working Koreans who do nothing but play Dota all day deserve the invite. "Yes, it's currently available in their premium store, but not in the Liberte paint job variant. The WG Premium store auto currency conversion says the standard package (tank + slot) is $40.",so if i buy it from the russian website can I get it on my NA account without that TERRIBLE paint job? Think white men are the most discriminated against though and you get labeled as a racist mysoginistic trump supporter,Well Black fathers aren't around to molest their kids. "On Hillary's first 100 days she plans to turn America into a socialist hellscape under sharia law. But sure, this is worse.","...and take all our guns, don't forget that." "They're very strong pills, (heard they're amazing though) but since you're still new to it I would take half then maybeee redose a quarter later on if you need but I don't think you will, but it's up to you tbf just remember they're strong. and enjoyyy",I have done a full one before half then another half I was pretty fucked lol As an Ana main I say yes please,"You're not an official Ana main until you have a reddit flair, smh" just make a fist,But then it'd be flying upside down! nah dude we can totally trust hillary on this one,yeah shes got a history of being totally trustworthy. Living the Borg Life,"Yo, he's holding onto Beast Boy Cyborg will be a TT film, confirmed" "Mines more of an inny, not an outty",all this male privilege penis talk Monday release predicitions? After Sacha's recent set of tweets im guessing the return of Grant Bowtie :D,Stonebank "I believe it was a Facebook meme that read, A choker is a black belt for slobbing on dicks.","And if it made it on facebook, it must be true!" So uhh... there's a couple of black dudes in the middle of the crowd,Did you just assume their race? Science builds airplanes & skyscrapers... ...and faith brings them together.,Saying faith did WTC is like saying Central Europeans did Poland in 1939. Really heavy handed on that chromatic aberration,That's what makes it a good render. Jihn ult has no counterplay,"nami can disengage it pretty easily, but otherwise, a massive pain" "Thank God, more laws will ALWAYS make it better!",Always! I'm totally jelly of Eastern Orthodox chants and liturgy.,"Don't worry bro, we totally have the same thing with guitar masses" They support a political party that doesn't care about their well-being. A guaranteed minimum income would do wonders for rural white poor.,"Because Eastern NC was doing so well under Democratic control pre-2010, right?" When I see people on mobility scooters I always assume they are lazy rather than have problems walking,So say we all. They want to do an armed rebellion but are confident that the gov wouldn't respond with force,Well yeah cause they're all cucked The 1060 is twice as fast.,Especially if you get the 3Gb version Check out the Campus on this guy...,Should have build a encampment. The guy on the left has a great hiding spot!,What guy? I wonder if my wife would like this look for our bedroom?,She's not the right one if she doesnt. Official Game Thread: Baltimore Ravens (3-3) at New York Jets (1-5) ...,I love the pressure we're giving them But then you don't understand what's going on Kappa,"Indeed, it would be better if there are English text above the Chinese ones to tell us what's happening" Just don't ask her what Plan C stands for.,What is (C) for? "If the above poster is right then I'm not fucking surprised. I had oakleys before, they fell off my face all the fucking time. They don't bend around your ears so if you bend over at all they fall off. I'm never getting oakleys again. Biggest pain in the ass ever.",Just get them adjusted at the opticians? Help me Champion! *Destroys the zone with meteor* Where are you?!,"That meteor scared the shit out of me the first time, I thought I was dying." when you drunk as fuck,Haven't seen this one before "That's sort of the opposite of the point. The apples euphemism is actually perfect here - a few bad apples spoil the bunch *if you leave them in the barrel.* Bad apples are inevitable, leaving them in there to fuck up the rest of the apples is very avoidable.",So... what you're saying... is... is we SHOULD FIGHT IS IS AND END IT! Kid Gaming on a Mac Pro,That's about the only thing it can handle "Just gonna backport here, safely.",just lag What does diversity in the government mean?,It means that proper job qualifications apparently mean nothing to millenials anymore as long as you're a different skin color. How do you get jewels/gems after you've beaten all Normal/Hard Stpry quests? And by beaten I also mean reset the map Just wondering since I'm almost done with the story.,you roll a new account and ditch the old account. "Yep, it's about time for this- it's gotten out of control. I was in Algonquin Park a couple of weeks ago and there was someone flying a drone right above a moose along hwy60. It's like anything else, some people are responsible but there's always idiots that ruin it for everybody.",should probably throw him in jail for life for that offense It's an idiom. Not meant to be taken literally.,This literally kills me every time... "Not for nothin, but sometimes you gotta get to the stuffed crust first while that cheese is still hot","Go back to Russia, you trumpett!" I'm assuming that guy is American. Every time you touch someone over there there is talks of taking people to court lol. In the majority of the world if you get handled by a bouncer for being a dickhead then that's just a night out.,He sure sounded and dressed American "Are you offended? Because the internet is full of offending things, that's just the truth",My bad I forgot the How Not to Interpret Data Part 1: Line Charts,Maybe if all of those places are along a single road and the growth rate varies continuously along that road? Anyone notice the two Hendrick cars crashing back to back?,"Alright mods, reactivate the tinfoil hats, we got work to do!" Parallax Heatwave one for one,Fair trade Me and my dad share a really nice electric razor for our faces. But that thing was several hundred dollars and is only used for facial hair.,@ Dranginator Sure it is I'll call it Great Britain when they call us Great America.,So *that's* what Make America Great Again is about! Ahh such a nice culture they got over there.,"But remember, we can't judge them because they are different" This guy was dressed as Katy Perry's shark in a party an this is him kissing a girl.,Gets a little hot in these shark costumes. Made some armbands for likely my last Brand New concert.,Why last? "Alternative solution: get rid of the useless SPD as they waste our tax dollars whilst providing zero help to the public. I often see 3 SPD cars just for monitoring a single fender bender. But when there's a cluster of drug addicts loitering, SPD is conveniently absent. Most useless police department in the country.",'Whilst' makes you sound so smart. close. H3,polar bears are dying you inconsiderate dirtbag "Do Clinton donors 'throw gays off of buildings'? No, that's ISIS",But Clinton is the founder of ISIS so its the same thing right? Is this illegal in Clash Of Clans!? So I have a quick and short question to ask. I really wanted to know if running two separate accounts on a single device is legal or not. Will i get ban for two accounts ?,"Yes, the police will be called and you will be arrested." "This makes Jabari the third USC LB suspended from the team since the start of the season. Jabari was also earlier suspended for the aforementioned Alabama incident. So far, details are scarce and it's unknown whether it's a football-related issue or something else.",We're only left to assume he nut stomped another student at USC until further details shed light otherwise. wtf is wrong with that second one?,CULTURAL APPROPRIATION ONLY POLES CAN YELL KURWA "bjergsen counts as an na resident, despite being Danish","np we can use the EU Talent of G2 Perkz instead, he is like the best midlaner in the west anyways" "It's fairly clear as to who Dr. Monty and The Shadow Mans identities are. Dr. Monty being that of Richtofen and The Shadow man being Maxis. Both of which, we can safely assume are ascended forms of the Richtofen and Maxis we know. The Shadow man after all does use Maxis as a conduit for himself to enter into the realm that revelations takes place in, so it's clear that the shadow man is Maxis. That means we can safely assume that Monty is Richtofen. The depiction of PRIMIS in Kino clearly shows a representation of Monty as a zombie, that can be clearly explained as to Richtofen and is former evil self in another dimension being the ruler and controller of the zombies in a select universe. Monty is not the bad guy, Monty is Richtofen, a person who has done wrong, who has fallen from the very high pedestal he was held on (smart man who only wanted the best for humanity but in the end ruined it all and lost his sanity) and is trying to correct and save an existence of himself that can change the future for the better. Same goes for Maxis, a man lost in his studies and someone who wanted a better humanity but in a different light. The Shadow man once mentored Monty, (Maxis mentored Richtofen) but things changed and mind sets were set on different goals. There is no arguing anymore as to who the true identities of Monty and The Shadow man are in my honest opinion, as the wisps clearly hint at it and put into light the same situations that Maxis and Richtofen were in before this all occurred, same stories, same people, but different names. Thanks for reading! Take care!",Monty isn't Richtofen he's a duck I didn't realize obama was president in the late nineties. Was he also responsible for 9/11 in your fantasy world?,"Didn't you hear, Obama was the one who invaded Iraq." Judy shot of the day,When you hear the opportunity to crush someone's day by ticketing them! "also, the-kissing-the-other-person-to-stop-them-yelling is awful & creepy.",move on em like a bitch. MLS ranks 7th in the world in average attendance for 2016,No one will ever take this league seriously without pro/rel. Children need to be educated in subjects that cannot be measured by standardized testing.,How else will we know what schools to give more money to? "The consensus so far: - Keep firewall enabled - Disable Firewall and replace it with 3rd party - Disable Firewall, rely on perimeter firewall All we need now is for someone to say they disable the firewall and plug all computers directly into the internet and we have all options covered.","I mean, that's best practice right?" "Its so stupid how many people are crying about Riot taking away their favourite game whereas the hard fact was other than the Dominion tournaments played by the elite Dominion players, the casual Dominion was infested with bots trying to farm IP/level literally more than 20% of the time. (i.e. you'd be lucky to have a no bot game if you queued up at the most popular time) Yes it was a great game, but it had so many issues that didnt have a fix that it was just better to remove it than to have people suffer from its problems",Yeah its so stupid that they will delete an entire map and game mode instead of fixing the bot issues. "Since Marxists hate racism, that means racism is a Marxist construct.",The word racism is a bourgeois construct invented by Leon Trotsky to attack Stalin's treatment of Jews. "Creepy as fuck! I hate hate hate when that happens to me when I run. I would never pull my car over and make some guy stop because I thought he was just *so hot* I had to have his number. It basically is like some guy saying Hey, I am a total stranger, but I saw you running and I like the way your body looks. I know nothing about you or your personality, but I feel like I'm entitled to stop you in the middle of what you're doing because I'm physically attracted to you.",be less hot duh The New York Times used 2 full pages to print all of Donald Trump's insults from the campaign,"..but that's not what he meant, he was being sarcastic." How many upvotes are required for it to be the bandwagon?,OVER 9000 Facts and warnings to consider before going on a cruise,so shocked that a travel insurance company would come up with a list of tragedies that could happen. Naked hoofed Hillary Clinton (FULL VIDEO) statue appears in NYC,Good strategy. Who wants to fuck Rachel?,Who hasn't fucked Rachel You can report any post or any comment.,Reported. "Blurring it doesn't help the fact that a client trusted him to not release footage as personal entertainment. It's a great way to lose a client, or more. It would be obvious where the footage originated from and who did it. I to, work in video.","Sure, but since I'm an atheist morals or ethics hold no value to me." No shit. Look at Marquette King!,Joey Julius "*Smooth Talker*- Make up a bullshit excuse that actually works. *Bat Out of Hell*- Sprint through an airport and make the connecting flight on the other side of the damn terminal for once in your life. *Gather Round, Children*- Tell a story that you over exaggerate but people still enjoy hearing.","Does - taking the wrong train in germany and being stuck in a small town's rail yard with the only the janitor, speaking deutch exclusivly, then taking a random train with no ticket only to exit running full speed with 2 week's worth of luggage in my back to cross to the other side or the railroad by a sewer-like construction to reach the train as the doors were closing - count as *Bat Out of Hell*?" Good point: 1. Exactly how do we know that she is a lesbian? 2. Why would that matter anyway? Are we only allowing the pretty lesbians to use the facilities now?,"Because, obviously, all women that dress a little more masculine must be lesbians." damn i really like this one. Clever,Thanks! It's been two years and counting.,"If only OP knew what to call her, he might have responded!" "Cynthia, Laganja, Delta, Latrice and Morgan (with Michelle!) at AIDS Walk Los Angeles!",And 2 others but who cares they've never been on drag race so they don't matter. "Hi, i can trade you for Ninetails, i've got the Bibarel.",Alright thank you! That's three classes per year of middle and high school that you're adding. What three subjects are you getting rid of?,Just extend the school day without increasing education costs my fucking god,lol forgot to put the America's most liked politician.,He would never sell out pay for a vpn if you think the UNI cares.,but broke ass college kid That's his nickname Belel Remember the Name Muhammed,Who? Bedsheet cloth is used to mend the rift confirmed,you forgot the Sanders: My emails would be just as bad about Clinton,"Well it's reassuring to know that Bernie is making quid pro quo deals, insulting Catholics, holds public and private positions on issues, wants open borders, a hemispheric common market, and ranks his staff on their Diversity level." Oh god the mono-unit posts are back,TFW it's different evolutions for a reason "Airlines used to serve meals on flights, and they were included in the ticket. Any passenger would have noticed that they were being charged more for an olive than they'd pay for a pack of cigarettes.",Hide it in the 'booking fee' Ricky and Lace are going so that's 3 C9 players,As is Assault yeah these numbers dont mean much without context,"You expected proper context, accuracy, and intelligence on a reddit post about policy?" I'd like them to get some nicer apparel stores in that area if it's going to be like a Greenway Station. Right now I almost never stop in there because it's random fast foodish places and odd little shops that aren't much of a draw on their own.,"But but, beef jerky outlet store." Also don't his wounds not heal like with Beric? So more like Wanna see the holes in my chest?,"Beric's wounds healed, no?" "The irony here is that Steven Yeun was able to break the type casting of asian actors in the u.s. Only to end up being so recognizable as Glenn that may cause him to have trouble finding immediate work, especially of the quality we're used to seeing.",He could always go back to the big bang theory Bad new for Miller owners: Texans RT Derek Newton has torn both patella tendons,Good thing I just traded Marshall so I could get Miller The TRON rollercoaster in Shanghai Disney is remarkable,I almost lost it when the Chinese women was all futuristic with her blue eyes. "Does anyone else feel like there's no in between for women in groups like these? Like, either you're deemed attractive and everyone fawns over you constantly because omg a woman, or you get ignored entirely and treated condescendingly (you're not a _real fan_).","Or, the unwinnable quantum juxtaposition of those two situations, you're *so* attractive that you can't *possibly* be a real fan" Uh I don't think that's 30,yes sorry for no put And the 1970 Darwin award goes to...,"No, it happened in Sydney!" Try hoarder,Try hodor Not all. Not good enough for me.,You dropped an This is Mountain Biking,Nice gta v mod... "Deeply embedded telemetry, the full extent of which is still unknown a year and a half after its release. There are programs out there that disable a lot of the known tracking features, but Windows 10 sends a *lot* of data back to Redmond every day, sometimes on the order of gigabytes.",Would you kindly link to some of the programs you mentioned? "One student goes back to his parents school, around the same time they're there. He gets drunk at a party and has a one-night stand. 1 month later, she finds him and tells him she's pregnant and he's the father. Then it clicks. That's his mom! See how this poor bastard finds out parenting himself is harder than it looks! Rob Schneider is DADSON! Coming summer 2017!","Oh, very original" "Sadly, first term Obama was truly inexperienced, and it showed. By the time he found his footing, the Republicans had coalesced on a strategy of stopping any progress, regardless of whether it was something they agreed with.","Largest health care expansion in history, killed Bin Laden, brought the economy back from the brink, saved the auto industry, yeah it really showed" Space Murica,Could have sworn there was a subreddit for this type of shit. I'm voting for a criminal because Trump said mean things,More like because Trump is the most unqualified person to ever run for president in the history of the United States while Hillary has a good grasp on politics in spite of her flaws and past mistakes. Have a put away animation instead of deplay animation,Why aren't you helping our mentally handicapped at Facepunch? Google Pixel 4K Cinematic Video Footage (Camera Test) Amazing,Nice Some mana rocks work with charge counters and become really good with her instead of just decent. So you can include 2-3 of them among your mana rocks. Then you have a few creatures that use counters for utility. (straight up going for more +1/+1s is going to be a severe disappointment. If they don't provide value they'll be a waste of a turn casting them) and a handful of Planeswalkers (no more than 8) that support your overall strategy that you go for. I think infect would be a mistake.,The vivid lands are pretty sweet too "They want you to use the actives more often, which is weird, because statistically, most players don't make much use of actives, so balancing them will become a rather difficult task.","this is contradictory, too, to them removing the active from muramana, because no one managed it well" "Who's the VT player? Only one I can't get. Malcolm Delaney, apparently.",Should've been Steph... Damn you Seth Greenberg "BOMBSHELL: The same exact day that Cheryl Mills told John Podesta they needed to 'clean up' the email scandal, Virginia Governor & Hillary Surrogate Terry McCauliffe met with the FBI agent who oversaw the Clinton email case and his wife and promised financial support ($500k+) if she ran for office.","But like, at THIS POINT, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?" Super Girl Guide,[OC] Video of HOFer John Randle's trash talking highlights,My favorite part of the Larry Allen segment on NFL top 100 was Randle saying that he wouldn't talk trash to Larry Allen b/c he didn't want to make him mad. "the lead in your starter is neither growing nor dissipating. Take a small amount of starter, say 40g, and mix with 200g lead-free water and 200g flour. Now you have a more lead-free starter. Keep doing this and then one day you'll have a nearly 100% lead-free starter.","Or, if you believe in homeopathy, you've just made the lead stronger!" You mean sexist! Sorry if I triggered you with my correction.,"Stop mansplaining, you should know better than to correct somebody who didn't ask to be corrected, that is literally rape." She's progressive now. Somebody should of told you. Anyway get the memo. Hillary is progressive now.,You dropped this: loot from 10 hours of abuse,10 hours of abuse Posted 5 hours ago Nice try "flag football is starting to be a thing, check it out",Yea I play in winter and spring leagues. "KEF 104/2 + Sony SA-WM40 powered by a Yamaha RX-V463. Been trying to incorporate the ideas you guys have been giving me for placement, any more help is greatly appreciated :D",You might want to add some sugarcubes for full effect "Problems With Continent Bonuses With the new system of continent bonuses, there is a problem. It is that there isn't a limit on the number of bonuses you can have. Earlier I was playing and VS had Indar, Hossin, and Esamir bonuses. Because of this, people go and play on VS because they want the bonuses, and then VS can get the continents locked faster. I think that there should be a limit on the number of bonuses that a faction can have.","Yeah, but you nerfed the Gatekeeper so this is fair." President Obama will go down as one of the best presidents our country has EVER had.,"Here, you dropped this -" "It may be true among early voters, and that's not that weird. Most people at my school are cucked and voting clinton, but UT by no means has enough pull to swing Texas.",TFW college kids can't even be bothered with reading and learning to make the correct decision this election... God forbid they not get laid one weekend by some campus SJW because they said Trumps name out loud or mentioned anything about voting Trump. A. Oxlade-Chamberlain scores against Reading (2-0),Ball looks a mile out.. Fuck em both just get a MAC it just works ok.,"While you're at it, why not switch to Console, it just works!" Getting real tired of these fake Ratatouille fans thinking the rat's name is Ratatouille,"I mean they only call him Remy several times in the movie and nobody ever calls him Ratatouille, easy mistake." "That was actually the worst ref'd game I've ever seen. (Though I guess when you act like pelini it's not hard to turn refs against you, but still) That year frustrated the hell out of me, we definitely had a championship caliber team but we just couldn't get it together.",It was just a little pinch on the booty nothing to throw a flag over Why is Serena not participating in the WTA Finals?,This is the kind of question that can be googled or searched in the side bar. You're a joke bitch_squire. Leave in shame.,You're cool That you are aware of anyway.,Or anyone. Do I keep all these for trading or transfer all the shitty ones during the Halloween event to get that extra candy? (Question),"If they aren't over 3k they are useless, may as well transfer them all" Nutflix and Chill?,I'd fuck a squirrel Does this say anything about Electro Pea?,"The only thing this says about the Electro Pea, is how you have no taste in customizing the variant" I was one with the syringe that game.,fuckin' white supremacist They would have been cooler if they could change the color with glyphs. I wanted mine green like Kael,Definitely not enough green this expansion Nothing that limits population growth or alters human organic qualities.,"Rock solid argument, whew glad we got that out of the way" "Yes they are, Clinton news network.",Never heard that one before. Downtown. Just started a couple weeks ago. I ended up using T-Mobile twitter support and I was told my zipcode downtown is going through modernization recently and can cause slowdowns. Told me it should be finished by the end of the month. So good news hopefully overall,I was told the same about downtown Boston and it actually seems like it may have gotten better recently... definitely a little peeved about band 12 performance being so horrible at first though (and still not great). they will fit together and there are premade coils available for the nautilus x tank,Alright thanks man t_d is defending this guy on a stickied thing lmaooo,Very surprising! Just spoke with T-Mobile technical support. This phone is driving them insane. He's also not confident that the replacements they're sending out are going to last. I've seen multiple reports of the replacement phones bootlooping. Same thing happened with my G4. Twice.,I'm just praying that the V20 doesn't have any issues. Really nty man,That's a good offer man those Halloween items are so rare Prediction: Absolutely nothing about flying a Panther Clipper will be exciting.,2ly jump range and like 4000 cargo space! My facebook friends are goldmines #2,"Neolution, anyone?" plant but he's actually reaper,Overwatch *stole* Plant's design from Nuclear Throne! Could you still be able to trade to group members though?,"It's obviously an upgrade compared to other mounts, so no." Pop clarity and spam stun amirite,Don't give leafeator any ideas "Trust me, it doesn't work.",But they could use it for a funding source "Decided I would run Mirfah dungeon on quest repeat while I slept, went 7 times",RIP your Year-2016-Summon-Gate-Luck Come gestite le cremazioni?,In che senso? 3/4 of the gains are in registered accounts.,Well RRSP will rape you in taxes in retirement I guess "Well, they did just give us another free 5* ticket",There is also a free 4* for beating floor 2 of Shadowland the first time. Excuse me miss,When you see it to you'll shit bricks TIL playing a Batchat is sealclubbing.,Those were some 'sick' burns. Picked a Fury Nitro for $224!,"I will find you, and I will kill you... and then take your GPU." "On one hand, I'm looking forward to Bednar's reign of error. On the other hand, I'm concerned about the amount pain and death he is causing with his horrible teachings.",Yeah I know people like my mom are going to take everything to heart when he says it and I can't imagine how many people will be beating themselves up for not living to his standards Beware has hit 1 million views,Ugh when my favorite band becomes mainstream "The other guy wants to overturn roe v wade, thinks global warming isn't real, wants massive unprecedented tax cuts for the wealthy, and has a temper tantrum anytime calls him chicken. Pass.",But he says he's doing it for the middle class and he wouldn't lie to us because he isn't a politicain "incest apologists? Like rape, or consensual incest? Is there something inherently bad about incest that I didn't know about? Genuine question","If you're actually interested in learning, ask this question in one of the subs that aren't circlequeefs" "...yeah, no. I draw the line at 'size of your damn head'. The older ones were much better.","If something is good, more must be better" I realized 3 years after that what he meant,I guess OP missed the IV drip in his arm. What's your least favorite part about being a human?,Emotions "Right?! She hasn't been posting stuff for a while which is sad, she has inspired so many of us with her dragons. I am open for commissions at the moment, especially dragons, Im in a dragon mood :D",Please PM me I want to buy one q.q How to cope with the nexus 6ps size? Hey guys I recently posted here asking about whether to buy the nexus6p or the one plus 3. I pulled the trigger on the 6p and it's a fantastic device. The only thing that is taking a toll on me is the size. Is it just a thing I've gets used to or do we have to have some kind of predisposition in regards to that? What's your story?,Grow your hands a bit or wear large gloves. "She is completely insensitive to racial issues. She's white and makes no attempt to understand how black Americans view interactions with the police. Dislikes any kind of civil disobedience, for reasons I still don't understand.",Dang white people. Merkel will Googles Suchalgorithmus sehen,Neuland offenlegen! "The new Jaguar commercial with Steven Hawkings and James McAvoy implies that Jaguar drivers are more intelligent and privileged than the rest of us, AND that British is better! TRIGGERED",But that's true though "Where's Riot Repertoir at ? Last week @Riotrepertoir was here taking our suggestions, we were talking with him but i feel like he suddenly disappeared, will he still communicate with us before the rework goes live ? Will he still take our feedback in consideration ? Just wondering OwO",Got fired for siding with the assassins at the latest Assassin Roster Update Team Meeting (caps intentional). Very short version: Absinthe became very popular when wine was scarce during The Great Blight. Once the grapevines recovered wealthy French vintners went on a Reefer Madness campaign against absinthe and had it declared illegal so that they wouldn't have competition. People got testy when their booze was made illegal to protect someone else's money.,I'm glad there's none of that in today's society! I've started to internally groan every time CJ steps in the floor,he hasn't been the same since he went off at the beginning of last season Honestly I don't think his side of the story matters much. Unless Montreal Impact did some heinous and terrible thing there's no justification for giving up on your team during a cup run.,Even if they didn't get him a cake for his birthday? oh no....I did not study!!,"Just write as much bullshit as you possibly can, that's what everyone is doing anyway." "I don't know which smart, wealthy people you hang out with but when you reach a certain income level lottery participation drops dramatically.",wealthy people dont even have the time and dont hang out at places where you can buy that shit Uwe Boll Announces His Retirement From Filmmaking,what a sad day ! What happened to Halloween?,Because Halloween is the devil. My rule of thumb is at least an hour of fun gameplay for every dollar I spend. If I don't think I'll get that I don't buy it.,Spoole is that you? Supplier saying bullshit. I assume Mobileye and Elon are not on good terms.,Nahhh just playful banter.. Glad to see Google is taking our bike's privacy seriously,"Google's analysis shows that noone enjoys looking at the front of a V Strom - in order to maximise user enjoyment of Google Maps, they did us a favour and hid it" The Strokes are teasing a surprise release for new music,Surprised to hear them featured in the NME "Stigma against vaporizers? So I picked up a da Vinci ascent vaporizer before my uni semester started (great buy highly recommend it), and I've been using it as my main source of getting high. My friend group on the other hand prefers to smoke GB's and Bongs, one even likes to knife hit when bud runs dry. I dont tend to partake in their methods, just cause I don't like the burn and feeling, even though it does get me higher. Since I prefer to hit my little vape, I've been teased about it, you know the standard macho man talk, how I'm a pussy and how it's weird to use a vape (all in good fun not serious). In my eyes a vape is awesome, uses little weed, much healthier than other methods, gives me a good taste and is kind to my lungs, plus I get a great high. So the point of this long-winded post is to see if others have had similar experiences to mine, and if you think that there is a negative connotation to those who prefer vapes over more conventional means of smoking? Thanks! TL:DR // What experiences have you all had with someone who owns a vape and prefers that to other means of getting high, whether that be you or a friend. Also, do you think there are any stereotypes towards vapers in the weed community.",You're a pussy because you care about lung health and weed efficiency. I think money spent on protecting our elected reps is money well spent regardless of your political leanings.,"Yeah you know, people throwing eggs and cow shit ... definitely needs an armed response!" Android # Buu Cell Dabura East kai Frieza Goku Hit Icarus Jeice Krillin Launch Mai Nappa Oolong Piccolo Q - Roshi Shenron Tien Uub Vegeta Whis X - Yamcha Zamasu How it should have been.,Xicor? We're going to need to order more ointment.,With premiums like that lets just let it heal Loose lips sink ships..... and he is sinking a whole load of em.,I thought it was loose lips sink families? It's a trait of humanity. We'd have to evolve.,Too bad evolution's just a theory... "Even outside of the election, that's fucked up on too many levels.","At least he's not at bad as Milo, saying someone is fat." Nippon Navy has 3 Missile Destroyers docked in Manila Port Area right now coincidentally in time with Du30 visit in JP.,"They're defensively protecting Japanese domestic affairs on PH soil, of course." I have a friend who is a doula and several others who used doula services. They are a fantastic option!! The only problem is that in the US many hospitals no longer allow doulas so you have to be aware of the rules where you go.,*problem is that in the US many hospitals no longer allow doulas* Ain't the business of birth grand? Incendiary comment. What's the need for a Roads minister to wade into this controversy?,What's the need for a random internet op like u/lolwatrollwa to comment on UCC online? Did you just assume that they want to be associated with a gender?,**TRIGGERED** Reminder that Skywrath Mage's aghs is horrible,ye but 7k dmg over 12 seconds "we luiggi, aggiungi gli effetti speciali del 5d! guarda che sono al massimo! tu aggiungi! ennesimo caso di sisma artificiale, tutto calcolato",Tutta colpa delle lobby del subwoofer! "Shelby - Not to be racist but this seems like a black people thing. Why does she say things like this, please? :)","Oh shit everyone, Shelby's racist!" "We made a drinking game out of that. Everytime we see someone jerking of, you gotta drink. Needless to say, you get wasted quite fast.",Drink what? Falsely? There is literally a leaked tape of him claiming to do those things to women,But he didn't know anyone was listening! The pound is measured in value against other currencies for trade not against what it's worth in our own country. Those few million pesos or whatever may be worth nothing here but they'd buy you a lot more in the country they're used in.,It's a good job we don't import most of what we consume "Have to say, even just hearing your side of the story, it sounds like you were a bigger dick.",being lazy and putting an expectation on a stranger like that is definitely the bigger dick move here.. He just made his point. Ordered a GTX 1080 from Amazon Warehouse and got a dusty R9 270X instead,Trust me it is just as good dont be mad "Reading these comments makes the USA seem like a completely different world from Europe. While i might be male, I've never experienced, or heard of anyone experiencing anything that could be construed as harassment when out running. Feel for you guys!",It's just locker room talk everyone! there are *dozens* of you!,And a fair few of them go to the matches too "Even without winning any of the battleground states, Clinton has 272 EVs.",So voting is optional at this point. Bullshit scientific apologism. I have a PhD in a stem field. I have worked in research for over 20 years. You're full of it. It's deliberate and it's a result of scumbag people falsifying results to advance their careers. I've spent years of my life chasing down bad journal articles and have even figured out how to make a couple of them work and published the corrections. The authors lied. Period. It is far more common than you are making it out to be.,Thank you. Exeter do have some great fans though,Only if you are a fan of cultural appropriation. Goldie Starling made a Lil Poundcake Tutorial,Surprised NikkieTutorials hasn't done a look with purple eyeshadow and a red lip and called it 'poundcake inspired' Then the EU is well within their rights to punish and make an example out of the UK.,"Yes, because that won't legitimise the leave vote or May's government at all" "Poland's abortion laws, activists blame grip of the 'hardline' church","Because the only one who knows the best for you is the church, right?" "On this day in 2012, Obama led Romney by 1% in the RCP national average. In 2016, Clinton leads Trump by 5.4% It is tight though",Clearly Smoke Spots in Nature? Where do you go around here for some solitude in nature. Where you can be to unwind for a couple hours and soak up the goodness of the earth?,"You should find some solidarity at 1 Monroe Center St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503" I never understood the fascination with the spiders,lets honor 20-134 and change our name to the Spiders! Amazing water I found at a local grocery store,"Is it gluten free, because I have been gluten free for two days now and I feel amazing!" That's kind of cute that you think a multi-million dollar business would not have 24 hour IT staff on demand at their server facilities.,"Pfft, FFXIV is run by a small group of Japanese people who make this game for fun and not for the 19.884 billion yen revenue!" "Flaming Shotgun Shells - America, FUCK YEAH!",Perfect for setting the woods on fire behind the family double-wide! What are some relationship green flags that indicate that the person is a keeper?,Insists on a kiss every morning to make you feel loved and learns a language just to be with you. "Assuming you are using something other than a cell phone (the cell towers will be destroyed) your device will probably be fried by the EMP, those tend to go past the blast radius.",just carry one of those portable lead boxes with you at all times Pssssssst... black and hispanic... Pass it on...,Same thing "What's some good reading material to learn about advanced metrics in hockey? I want to learn about advanced metrics, where should I start?",Andrew Berkshire's Twitter What are some cheap ways to stay warm in the winter?,Newspapers inside zipped up jacket. "hit me up im selling mine for 10,000$",Do you still have that ticket? "I want to see what comps people can come up with that abuse brush passives. Caitlyn, Rengar and Kha'Zix can all gain a fair bit of strength from having brush placed for them. Nid too I guess for the MS.",Kah post rework will really get use out of it. WCW Biggest Pops #2 : Ric Flair and the 4 Horsemen reunion,"All those New Day signs in the crowd, ahead of their time." They actually changed the games icon thanks to my post yesterday?,"yeah, they totally saw your post and changed the icon because of it" Apple announced new thinner and lighter MacBook with Touch Bar,Because that's exactly what everyone wants right now. What's your favorite video game NPC?,Nazeem Pussy Riot's Lead Singer: Donald Trump Is a Misogynist Pig,I thought we didn't want Russians meddling in our elections? Homeless Trump supporter is now guarding the restored Trump's walk of fame star,Ah yes if there is one thing the Republican party is no doubt known for it is helping the poor and homeless. "An Exhaustive and Possibly Misinformed Review of the Pixel, by a lay(wo)man",Haha this gave me a laugh! "This would actually be doable against decks that flood the board. Mass dispel, purify, then this. Of course, that would require you to survive long enough to do all of that...",Just play freeze mage and get mass dispell from Spellslinger Is it not always?,check the psvr streams bruh Girls rule. Women are with the Force. Get over it.,'Member when there weren't so many Blacks and Mexicans in Star Wars? "The wife & I moved here for careers about 2 years ago. I know there are a lot of people who move in and mouth off, so I pretty much keep my mouth shut. But the unflouridated water is goddamn backward. There's a group on FB for a certain affluent neighborhood near our place, and when this news broke a month or two ago, I could not comprehend the stupidity of the tinfoil-hat-wearing crazies in those comments.","Yeah, toxic chemicals in the water is so backwards!" I am amazed at the number of adults here who think midnight is late. I can count on my fingers the number of times this year that I went to bed before midnight.,"Midnight is late for adults when you have kids, work early the next day, or middle-aged and older." "Best place to obtain 400 boots? I did the nightfalls, raids this week. I'm 398. Does crucible drop boots often? Anywhere else?","Payless had a decent selection, and with such comparatively low prices you should be able to buy 400 boots in bulk cheaply." I've stopped caring.,"This is the final straw, we need mental health reform in the US" "I imagine the numbers for Wagner are much less these days. It seems odd that an opera composer would top the list for a symphony orchestra. And just quickly looking at their calendar for this season, you see a lot of Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Brahms, etc., but very little Wagner (maybe none).",Maybe they measured by *duration of performance time* rather than *number of performances*. Same with his cancer 100% crit from 2 items.,But his crits do less damage! Who is this cute little lesbian,And how tight is her pussy "People who spit out their chewed gum where others can step on it, why do you do it?",Because I'm a villainous misanthrope. Is anyone elses r/all feed nothing but posts from r/the_donald?,Russians must have did it. "It was awesome. She knew she had him. Many people watching might not have understood it. But, she knows the press and bloggers will explain it.",Duckworth is certainly a traditional Thai name. Early Voting Results Bode Well for Trump in Key States,But I thought the election was rigged! ...He'll be 81 in 2024...I doubt he'll be running for President then.,"If Hillary can win the presidency on her death bed, so can Uncle Joe!" 2+2=8,"It's ironic, don't you get the meme" Allen Robinson is on the sidelines,He has a higher chance of getting points at least. Steve jobs is rolling in his grave. The gimmicky task bar seems like something from 10 years ago.,It's innovation "As I just recently finished a full relisten of the back catalog, I started realizing that 2016 has been one of the best years for TESD in quite some time. It started with the return of Overkill, there was a spate of cruise episodes (different, but still good IMO), the first live TESD in I-don't-know-how-long, the fishing episode, Episode 300, Vinylcast 2, Zippos, TESD Out of Context, and this Halloween episode. I'm amazed how prolific the boys have been this year. It's a good time to be an ant.",BUT WE HAVENT GOTTEN THE CLAYMATION SO FUCK THESE MOTHERFUCKING GREEDY BASTARDS This class banner,I was saying spooe ohmrs They Love Congratulating Themselves,Cheers to all the women (in particular) who find this paragraph barf-worthy. "We had that before the modern social justice movement. It was called, your home.",Yeah but then people started acting weird at home and their parents got tired of their shit and kicked them out of the basements. Youre joking right???,I refuse to ever use I'm just curious why they're waiting till now to start making a stink. the deal sucked from day 1 but they didn't decide to start making noise till after lorenzo left.,"You would end buried in the Mojave, pal." "Molyneux has fallen off. He is in full shilling mode right now for the views and subs. He still puts out great stuff, exposing the media bias against Trump and occasionally returns to more ancappy topics, but it sucks to see this new fanbase he has built up and that he is falling into it himself.",**(((NOT AN ARGUMENT)))** Is this a scam/virus??,No people give out $800 things for free all the time. "I agree. But to be fair, sending thank you flowers monthly to somebody paying off a lawsuit to you is pretty petty too. Hilarious, but petty.",The thank you was for mailing the check on time and not making them sue for it. Holy F#@k : Image Transition Effect,"Yay, because website bloat isn't a thing." What are we in the Golden Age of?,Cinema One thing I've noticed is that verbal communication from the squad leader (along with order commands) greatly increases the squad's cooperation.,But then we'd have to talk to strangers. They do. The majority of the people they lead do not. I took this to mean a call for an education of the general populace.,Clearly instead of spending money fighting them we should just pay for their tuition at harvard. You think it is bad now? Just wait until Trump wins.,"Yeah, Trump's *totally* going to cause a clown holocost." Newcastle suffer Dwight Gayle blow ahead of Preston game.,"Last 2 games: Mitro, 2 goals, Ayoze, 3 goals, Gayle, 0 Goals Ipswich and PNE soooo, Mitro is clearly our best bet, as we've known all along" "Christianity seen as unwelcoming for LGBT people, poll confirms","Holy shit, really?" TIL a greater percentage of Dutch people speak English than Canadians. 90% of Dutch people speak English. Only 85% of Canadians do.,I'm not sure that 90% of English people speak English. Blake Bortles is the king of garbage time stat padding,"But remember, Bortles is better than Teddy because of stats." Damn it!! No fear evolved for Xbox !!!!,"Cmon guys, it's an alpha, you agreed to that when you purchased the game, and the dlc." #**TRUMP LANDSLIDE CONFIRMED**,Goo thing Trump has such a strong ground game "Spero per lui che abbia del buon senso. Una volta lessi un commento che elencava storie di disgraziati che avevano vinto alla lotteria, i brividi.","lo ricordo anche io, veramente atroce... meglio rimanere con il normale stipendio e i piedi per terra" "Do like in soccer, board in the away fans in one section",Yeah cause in soccer the situation is clearly better What the Big 12 needs to do to repair its dwindling reputation,Get Nick Saban to come home. "What are some good revenge movies? I like revenge movies because they have meaning and are intriguing. I only know a few revenge movies. The long kiss goodnight, i spit on your grave, american mary, farewell, my love were good. I just want to want to watch more and expand my movie knowledge. Those smart and violent revenge movies, that really build the suspense and are unexpected is what I am looking for.",Revenge of the Nerds it's in the damn title "Silence = consent apparently, but only when it pertains to white people.","Welp, I guess it's time to stick to not raping white chicks huh?" "Those of you actually playing Trials right now, how is it? The mega thread appears to be full of people stuck at work or school bitching about how Cauldron with no revives and no radar is going totally suck balls that they totally aren't playing Trials this weekend. So for those of you actually playing it right now, how it is really? I think it sounds like a fun change for 1 weekend.",I got sniped in the first second and they are just camping the point for the next minute and a half. The Bolts own Price. Like the GIF though lol,yup just lit him up last night "I know you're joking, but I'm pretty sure that rock hammer isn't going to damage the moon's delicate ecosystem.","Evidently it did ... to the point that there's nothing alive on the moon, now" doesn't matter if shes indicted though. What happens if they indict if she wins? Does the VP just take the reins?,She can pardon herself. Kronovi's crazy read from Squishy's pass.,"lol unreal, its like the pros have more boost or something." "Doesn't this happen for every event? How hard is it to put in an SOP that says Hey, the day before an event check the schedule to make sure it's set to go live at the right time before we go home?",I mean then we might have a different motd each day and that's not allowed. "Are the police wearing body cams that can prove that they're seeing fires, bombs, fired shots, and other shit (did I get all your entries?) There's plenty of media coming from the protesters' side that show the aggression is coming from the police. I'm pretty unbiased here, so I'd be happy to look at evidence showing that the protesters are behaving as you state. But so far, I'm not seeing it. Feel free to share! From the NBC article: *Seven protesters used sleeping dragon devices, which typically involve PVC or other pipe, to attach themselves to items, and fires were set on a highway and improvised fire bombs were thrown at law enforcement, the Morton County Sheriff's Department said in a statement.* *One woman allegedly fired three shots from a revolver at police, an emergency services official said. No one was hit.* In both cases, we're getting statements from the police. Any video evidence?",Cops don't lie I believe the bootloader is locked from Verizon.,I believe someone has already cracked it. "Funny, the media is doing the same thing to him and his supporters. Perhaps you shouldn't have started it if you didn't like him using it back on you?",Rules for thee but not for me! Finally got my baby after 3 months! Who next?,In my opinion T3 Reim is just as nice as T3 Rona "Reddit, you just died. You have a chance at resurrection if you can beat God at a videogame of your choice. You only get one chance, what game do you pick?","Hearthstone one month ago; it was a coin flip anyway, right?" "What arguement? Protestors fired shots into the crowd, 6 separate firebombs were used, they are on private land, etc. When people are stupid they should learn what happens. There is no argument. It is a picture of police about to manage a group of protestors in the middle of nowhere that is becoming more violent and further escalated.","Yeah, the protestors are totally the ones who started the violence." "Are you the person who downvoted me? It's not a disagree button. The generally lighter tone of Buffy doesn't make it a sitcom of course (it wasn't), but I can understand why the commenter brought up that death in this context. Personally, I wasn't directly comparing it to 8 Simple Rules. The person I replied to reminded me of two screen deaths that I was impacted by, and I commented on them. Joyce's death resulted in one of my all-time favorite hours of TV, so I wanted to talk about it. If you're insisting on a sitcom comparison, Roseanne *was* a sitcom with a very sad, impactful death. I wasn't necessarily agreeing that it was definitively sadder or better portrayed than the 8 Simple Rules episode. My agreement was just that there are other episodes of other shows that are worthy of discussion in this context. In the end, there is no correct answer. The saddest sitcom, TV, or screen death will vary based on personal opinions. And that's okay. Hope that clarifies things for you.","I disagree, downvoted" Any luck?,no luck How to make Rocket League 1000x more fun,What is voice chat? Hell yeah! Wii U needs an awesome game. PC-Wii U is the best gaming system combo. 3DS too.,You dropped your "They obviously have an org lined up to make the decision to leave, instead of just sticking with rise and dropping loony. Must be a good one since rise are a solid org themselves. Not sure if they need a sub or an AR player, since we don't know what the meta will be for IW.",100 THIEVES TIME? "Canadian here. That's good though, to see you guys do that. I always figured the media jumps on whatever they can.",American here and THATS NEWS BABY LET THE WORLD KNOW Yeah... 2015 sure was a good year for them.,"yeah, they won Katowice" "Anyone getting an odd numbered amount of candies from eggs? 2x candies should mean only even numbers prevail. I don't have a screenshot, but I just hatched a Vulpix with 33 candies. Thought this was odd","That's weird, I don't think anyone else has noticed and asked this question before." putting your dick in a cat is bad,But is it though? "Yeah, my grandfather was fighting nazis in the 40s and I will gladly do the same.",Your grandfather is literally as bad as the fascists for using violence to fight fascists Edmontons won 5.,And it only took them ten years to pull it off! "Probably serious, people outside the concerned industries usually have no idea what real-time and low-latency mean. *Hint: it starts with no dynamic memory allocation, just because a page fault once in a while is NOT acceptable.*","Seriously though, what's wrong with your airplane freezing up for 100 microseconds every few seconds?" "My wife wants to continue to meet with the LDS missionaries but as an atheist husband I forbid it, and I chewed out her LDS friends for talking with my wife about the church See how ridiculous it sounds when we switch it around? It sounds a bit controlling and even abusive, right? [Please note - the title is a parody so don't get mad at me]",Well you are the non priesthood holder. Is the other 80% Hyundai?,Samsung and hyundai/kia is ~35% "I love how the right will fight for the life of an unborn fetus, but not for the lives of children intentionally having barrel bombs dropped on them.",Maybe if their mothers hadn't been so irresponsible and had them born in Syria in the first place "Last I checked, this was a county-by-county thing in most states. That's lots and lots and lots of rigging to do. How many thousands of people are in on this conspiracy?",They are very well organized. now we're just missing neilio,And this Halo Nova guy too When you hear the window break behind you on Oregon...,I dunno why they keep trying to peek that window "Desktop PC, came in for noisy fan.","There's your problem right there, the thermal paste has left the building." immigrants never stay in rural areas.,That means we have to bring in 1 million per year! You gotta be kiddin' me...,At least it's better than not buying anything! There's more people complaining about SJWs than there are actual SJWs.,Sounds like something an SJW would say! God how I've missed this subreddit.,Shut up cunt "I think what is needed is a UN intervention, I don't see the situaton getting better on its own.",Maybe we should give both sides nukes so they can use MAD-doctrine to keep the peace. Lord I hate the whole Trojan feminist campaign routine that 4chan does. It's just stupid and they're always so smug and self satisfied about it despite fooling nobody,"No, I'm sure everyone totally believes this, just like everyone microwaved their iPhone" Hahahaha,Hahahahaha But then I'll be accused of not trying apparently,You just need to git gud mate It is and is no longer a vehicle. TopGear UK accidentally burnt it to the ground.,:( why do they have to ruin everything. This guy knows bitcoin like the back of his hand. Debate over. Just do it.,You dropped this: "Third party candidate Jill Stern does an AMA, it goes as well as expected.",she's worse than Hilary! Nice female Lnk cosplay,Isn't that Zelda? "Is there a thread dedicated to girls and hula hoops? Wish the mods would do something about these videos, the frequency of them brings down the quality of this sub - imo. Once you've experienced something over and over, it loses its value - these videos aren't impressive at all anymore.","Yeah, sex is definitely not as great now..." "Yes and have everyone run around with masks that are more than twice the big as the head-hitbox in the Crucible. Great idea but some of the masks incredibly annoying in PVP, just because it doesn't give you a clear indication where their head is. For PVE I could definitely agree, but how would you solve that.",Git gud Agent of both Jaroslav Halak and J.F. Berube speaks out against the Islanders using three goalies,No way Halak's agent did anything like this.... "The Bruins are now 4-0 with Rask, and 0-4 without",Shouldn't have built your whole team around a goalie! "The Minnesotta Wild, in there last 3 games have a score of 13-0",*they're* Clinton's State Department spent $5.4 million on 'crystal stemware',I'm sure she was there personally rejecting the reasonably priced alternatives. "FFS sake thank you! A panel of experts on my local NPR station talked about the seemingly world-ending threats to IoT devices for an hour straight, concluding that there's no way to protect these devices from hackers. Ignoring that it's basically the equivalent of when someone leaves there facebook account logged in and somebody posts that they h4cked their account. Not a single one suggested this! Mandate that all devices come with randomly generated admin and passwords!! The threat would disappear as quickly as their invitations to endlessly ramble on air about the lawless wasteland that IoT devices will usher in.",But terrorists! Tell them that you are gay. Thank me when the shit hits the fan and you don't die :),"Yeah, I mean homosexual persecution is totally not coming to Turkey." "That's the anti tank rifle not anti-air, and that is nowhere near as OP as the stationary AA guns.",Nuhuh that's a Tankgewerh which stands for Totally-A-Noob-Killer Gewerh. why only usn what are the japanese excluded from losing planes now???,No but Saipan is. Why is gravity a thing?,Yo' moma so massive she start**e**d pullin' things toward herself and some life **e**volv**e**d. "I would run around outside big city police stations screaming at the top of my lungs Allahu Akbar, death to infidels!!!!. What could go wrong, it's just a prank bro?",You dropped this "You came back from tomorrow to tell us? Halloween is 31st Oct, dumbass","Because everyone goes out on a Monday night, yes, you're totally right." "This was a mistake which was fixed later. It's not automatic and sometimes the guy in charge of those overlays messes up, it happens in other games too.",No you dont get it Blizzard is trying to help the asian teams win. Hahaha the independents certainly won't be voting for Hillary. Even Jill Stein would be better choice hahahaha.,Your reasoned analysis has swayed me. Riding in tandem shooting video i found last year--i can't help but notice the irony of the comments!,This is duterte's fault. Don't do that. Guaranteed food poisoning.,You don't know until you try! "Another key thing is over time. Unless you're also drinking it, sticking an uninjured hand into some mercury once or twice isn't going to do much to you at all. Sticking your hand into some mercury once or twice a day for a long period of time wouldn't be great either I'd imagine.","Yeah, I thought about getting some to play with, but I think I might go with gallium, cos it is safer, although not as cool" "Teebo escapes on the rancor fail more after the patch. Anyone else experiencing this? My guild mostly runs T4(70% escape chance) and T5(60% escape chance)raids and we run them on just about a 24 hour cycle. After the patch with the new raid I started noticing that when the time came to attempt an escape on the rancor, Teebo failed over and over. I would try different team configurations but the result were the same. Something fishy going on here. I started keeping track. Today I hit 25 escape attempts. In only 2 of those attempts was Teebo actually able to escape. In one of those instances I tried to get Teebo out a little early and it failed. I got lucky and made it all he way around and got another chance to escape with Teebo and it worked. 2 out of 25 times guys! That's 8% of the time. None of my other toons are even close to that bad when I attempt to escape with them. I feel like I'm already passed the point of just bad luck RNG here. This is fucking ridiculous with such a high escape chance on those lower raid tiers. I've decided I'm keep track till at least 100 attempts and will report back. I just wanted to see if I was alone here. Having to attempt the raid over and over and over has completely sucked the fun out for me. Why can all my other characters get out just fine CG? Something stinks here.",well that sounds like no fun if u wanna have fun try the new AAT raid. "We have 4 strikers at 9 Ibra Rashgod martial and rooney, and you want us to buy a fifth. Might as well start looking for a gk because Chelsea score 4.",Why not? Only 2 teams have been able to beat Samsung Galaxy,tsm third best team in the world Internet commenter solves homelessness!,"Shut it down guys, this guy's got us." "so mccown is in, and we have barely gone deep, and we have little to no running game.. thought all of the above was because cody has a noodle arm?","It is, Cody is the reason McCown is playing bad..shhhh don't tell anyone...HAHAH" I'd say Profit but we all know twitter doesn't know how to make money,Too soon RIP Vines "15 years of being employed. 10 of which I've been a supervisor. I've never considered giving a man a job over a woman just because of their gender. It's always ability, experience, and education. I *have* been pressured to give women more opportunities due to their gender, which is absolutely wrong. Example: It's great that you took 4 years off to raise a kid. I completely support you in that - but that means your worth less than someone who spent those same four years on the grind, in school, or learning a trade. This is why I'm going to offer them more than you. They *earned* it. No other reason.","There you have it: discrimination doesn't real, because I'm not a sexist." Until one day the trays is empty and the little doggy turns on the customer and ends up chewing up their hand for some tasty finger food.,That definitely seems like this dog's disposition. "How does the feature set compare to JSON.stringify, which is already preloaded in every browser console?","The same, as it's implemented using that, with some syntax highlighting sprinkled on op :) I picked JSON exactly for that reason as the amount of worked required to get the core functionality working was very small, the rest of the time went into everything else: registering the domain name, tinkering with bootstrap/CSS, and all the niggly bits around getting it up and running." TIL you can use your MG to take down tree's again Finally,Because it is realistic being able to chop down a forest with a quick burst of .303... Oh you bathe? Check your clean privilege!,"Well on the plus side, they wont be breeding." but theres no way for scream to know none of them have helmet until he headshots them,well he knows its an eco. Damn a RATM reference? How old are you bruh,21 Unskew those polls!,It is how they are doing the polling that is the problem. "I would also like to offer the members of this forum a secret sale! I will take 100 American Silver Eagles and smack each one with a steel mallet. Each DASE (Dented American Silver Eagle) will be unique, with no coin being exactly the same, and my total run will be limited to only 100 pieces. Given the exclusivity of this series, I'm sure that at the super special bargain price for forum members of $1599.99 per coin (discounted from $3599.99 for a limited time only) these will go quickly! Don't miss out! Get yours today!!",I'll take 2 Nope,"Hmm that sucks, Thanks anyway dude" I was really hoping for Ghosts 2 actually. Mainly because of the campaign cliffhanger and Extension.,"Ah, I loved extension" Unfortunately for them they're at the smallest minority since the 20's and we don't need their approval lol,"Cool, they can tank the economy again and somebody will pick up the pieces like FDR did." Never underestimate the power of being thoughtful!,What comic is this? "Turns out I was mostly wrong, check OP for details.",Called it :) Note 7 look-alike with better specs (sort of),No spen disqualifies it. "Passing as one gender or another is like looking at two piles of sand and trying to determine which is larger. Some people have a whole lot of sand and big rocks in one pile and not very much in the other, and others have more equal piles. HRT basically moves some of that sand from one pile to the other, but can only move so much and so fast... So sometimes you have to bust out the shovel and other heavy machinery and do some serious work.","And with some, the rock is made of bedrock." You're right. I overstepped. I am sorry.,Lol well it turned out to be pretty much the right quote so all is forgiven I hope your dick had permission from CNN before getting so excited.,Wolf never approved SHA256. Not that big.,"well, a 64 bit string / pass is a pretty long password :)" Saving a drunk man from getting hit by train,Looks like someone played football in high school. "yeah this is honestly a really weak poster, but it's Embiid so I was hoping to trigger someone here",How's this for a trigger: *You just lost to the Sixers* "IPhone Upgrade while staying on More Everything plan I am currently on Verizon paying $80 for $8GB + $15/line after Line access discounts on More Everything plan. I am thinking of getting an iphone 7, but, am worried that I might lose the line access discount which will push my line access to $40/line. Is there a way to keep the line access discount?!",You keep it "I know lucidity can vary, but... I see lots of different things online, but assuming this is from the viewpoint of an experienced lucid dreamer-do LDs feel real, just like waking life, or just feel like a normal dream that you can control? I'm trying hard to LD but if I get experienced I think it would be a lot cooler if it actually felt real.","I am too trying to have lucid dreams, but when you are dreaming ( not when you remember it later) it feels exactly like real life , you dissociate it only when you wake up." blaming your problems on anthropomorphized years is something really smart people do #imwithher #lovetrumpshate,What does this have to do with politics? "Any fans left? Since most of the bandwagon fans should be gone now, anyone left? I love this team. Win or lose. That should have been a fucking win. Shitty play and all. But cmon. It's unbelievable how much of a nose dive we've taken, but I'm still a fan. And I can't fucking wait until teddy is back. Adrian can go. Send him to the Browns. We need a back that can run out of the gun",Yes just really pissed off She has to wear the jacket because of her copyrighted tattoo I'm pretty sure.,I honestly think she's playing up the whole tattoo thing. Nat tried to say she never really was close to Bridge,She told James to his face that he better not put her up. Sim /= sd,I know. "Fuck! My ears. This chick is as annoying as Hillary. What she's saying is irrelevant because after 3 seconds of that voice all will to live is gone. I'm assuming I keep seeing her on here due to cuckish virtue signalling? Herp derp, it's ah fermerl minerhity on ouer serd!!! We verbrernt nerw!!!1! Zomg!!",the fuck are you even talking about? "If there's a kids menu, you're not at a fancy restaurant.",ok guy im exaggerating Why so serious?,Because I have 3k games on a champ that essentially doesn't exist anymore :( I have not been able to watch it -- only place I've seen it available required me to have an HBO account. Where can I see it?,"It's an HBO documentary, so that's the only place I know of, legally, anyway." "Yes, it'll have that",That's a relief "Great info. Just to add a little, doses do often start small and build up, often it's considered standard practise (not that that means it's right or wrong). Perhaps because if that particular treatment option causes side effects for you they'll probably be spotted before they become a serious problem, but suddenly starting you on high dose could be risky if you have an allergic reaction to that particular chemical. I wouldn't be worried if I were you OP, it sounds like things are going smoothly so far :)","This, titration is important for any long term medication." Speedforce.,And that wraps up that! You sound like a girl fucked you and your ass is sore.,he sounds like 3 men fucked him and all 3 of his holes are sore. "My network hasnt changed, and all my friends are affected too. Network problems is just this subs fucking retarded way of saying no one knows. My wingmates are also sometimes seeing ships i cant see. And vice versa.",Server related then. "TO THE TOP, LADS!!! Can I get a WEW?!?",BOMBSHELL BREAKING TO THE TOP THEY DISABLED UPVOTES AND DONT WANT U TO SEE THIS My tips and tricks to rebuild the SAN DIEGO Chargers 1. Trade Rivers to Cleveland for a couple 1st round picks 2. Being back Vincent Jackson and Quentin Jammer 3. Fire McCoy 4. Fire Telesco 5. Hire Josh McDaniels to run HC and GM duties 6. Film some Chiefs practice sessions 7. Don't be pussies 8. Grit 9. ??? 10. Win,You forgot the Love you bae,</3 "What do you think would be the most useful STAND in day-to-day life? I think it would be harvest, you could pick up anything from anywhere and you could easily get rich from it.","Stone Free, I could put my hair up with no effort at all and no chance of losing my hair tie." "1,383,309","1, 383, 310" It looks like great fun motorcycle drifting.,What kind of bike? You just hate us cause you Anus.,Butt. RUMOR: NX reveal announcement tomorrow,I'll believe it when I see it. "OVER 2,000 COMMENTS NO BRAKES ON THE TRUMP TRAIN TRUMP/PENCE 2016",RSBN better break their record of live viewers again gotta get above 67k I think "Damn, I was just starting to feel confident about benching baldwin for Marvin Jones","Considering that he and Tate are the only healthy offensive skill players the Lions have, I wouldn't worry too much." "Take this with some grains of salt. Exit data is generally quarantined until 5pm EDT. Unless they're doing their own exit polling, which in that case, I wonder abut the sample size. Either way, Trump is losing BIGLY tonight.","Yep, still gotta get out and vote if you haven't yet." "KKK is here, fight back with upvotes!",The Koopa Klux Klan is no match for the Kaga Kids Klub 40 butts (\_(\_\_) (\_\_)\_) (\_(\_\_) (\_\_)\_) (\_(\_\_) (\_\_)\_) (\_(\_\_) (\_\_)\_) (\_(\_\_) (\_\_)\_) (\_(\_\_) (\_\_)\_) (\_(\_\_) (\_\_)\_) (\_(\_\_) (\_\_)\_) (\_(\_\_) (\_\_)\_) (\_(\_\_) (\_\_)\_) (\_(\_\_) (\_\_)\_) (\_(\_\_) (\_\_)\_) (\_(\_\_) (\_\_)\_) (\_(\_\_) (\_\_)\_) (\_(\_\_) (\_\_)\_) (\_(\_\_) (\_\_)\_) (\_(\_\_) (\_\_)\_) (\_(\_\_) (\_\_)\_) (\_(\_\_) (\_\_)\_) (\_(\_\_) (\_\_)\_),(\^_\^)) "Remember, if the Bears win, they will have gained a crucial game on everyone in the NFC North, which will vault them to a status of having a non-zero chance to win the division.",Big if true If I'm trying to date a girl I don't try to sleep with her.,"Well, eventually I'd hope" I don't know how much you keep up with world events but Putin has done a few things since the last election that aren't very friendly to us or our allies.,Maybe we shouldn't try to topple democratically elected regimes He might be the most unorthodox runner I have ever seen. With that being said... I love the man.,He's one of the most patient running backs I've ever seen. One of the biggest problems is how consistently classes can grab their early game snowball cards. Could this not be fixed by upping the deck size to 40?,"Aggro decks fill the gaps with more early game, Control decks have an even worse time finding their removals." Considering what he has said about Saudi Arabia and his spat with Saudi Princes on twitter I don't think so.,Maybe... 9 months or so ago I was open to voting for Trump because he seemed to be against our endless war mongering but now I am not so sure. "Overclocking a 6700k I just recently acsended to the master race and am interested in overclocking, what would be a good target with a i7 6700k, asus z170a, and a hyper 212 evo, my cpu sits around 30c on idle because my house is usually around 26-28c. Also what are the reasonable voltage ranges for skylake processers?","Bump it to 1.325V, raise the multiplier to like 45 and stress it." Say no if someone asks to borrow one. Unless you don't mind them fucking it up.,Buy one of those cheap Kiwi knives to lend Mine said error & gave the option to retry but same result. Not working for me. :(,What theme is it? I think going forward Wind is going to focus on devices that support band 66 for high end devices.,That's only the LG V20 for now. "Why was it rushed at all? All thes friggen years they had to develop it? They had just about 7 years. 7 DAMN YEARS AND THEY SCREWED THE STORY OVER LIKE THAT!? What happened between fallout 3 and its realease? They didn't even make Fallout: New Vegas and its story still crapped on Fallout 4's (I love New Vegas from the bottom of my heart though). I waited from the moment it was announced to play it, downloaded it the day it came out, and was disappointed when I found out how the factions were handled. **Fallout 4's story was rushed to hell** ...But the gameplay just about overshadows it. I mean I haven't had that much fun just killing things in ages :D.","I think they had 4 years, skyrim in 2011" Top 5 Worst NFL Injuries (Hard to Watch),No Theisman? "How can christian conservative actually believe that Trump is one of them? The man is working his way through breaking all the commandments - lying, multiple marriages, infidelity, the list goes on and on.",He even covets his own wives... Inside Trump's 'cyborg' Twitter army,Let's confuse this army by creating a fake issue for them to respond to "Add me!! 1934-1822-7895 Name: Dark-Rose I have ACNL, Pokemon X and AS and MK7!!",Added you Bush 2 was a wartime president. I just looked it up and it seems that there has never been an incumbent president unseated if they ran for reelection.,His dad was a wartime president who lost an incumbent re-election. Jeremy Lin,"Not like he fell off or anything, he's a really consistent starter" Merry*,Kill me. ASSC x UNDFTD coming soon?,#TRASH "So disappointed in Lenovo. I tried to purchase a ThinkPad with my credit card, and it keeps giving me an error message. Anyone know what I should do?","Give back the card, Tyrone" "Julian Assange Vows Huge Wikileaks Dump on Hillary, Just Before the Debates",The Boy Who Cried Wolf "Since the Democrats have nothing to lose, they might as well give him the Clinton treatment. Keep him mired in legal battles so that they can campaign on the fact that he is mired in legal battles.",I mean he goes to court for fraud at trump U and for the rape of a 13 year old soon... "I think it's harder to pinpoint what cards are OP in Zoo. 4 mana 7/7, Yogg, Tuskarr Totemic, Call of the Wild, etc, are all clearly standout OP/unfair cards in their decks, but it's hard to say what card stands out in Zoo as OP, hence Kibler's joke about banning Life Tap, cause let's be real, Life Tap is the thing that makes Zoo Zoo.",abusive serg is probably the strongest aggro card next to argent squire. So do birds,they pay in ridiculous headbobs How gouda is it? A few gouda men.,It's gouda nuf for me "When you perform an oil change, is the amount of oil that you take out supposed to be equivalent to the amount of oil that you put back in? Obviously, the answer should intuitively be yes, but I'm just wondering because it seems like the volume of oil that I dispose of seems lighter than the volume I put in. My car takes about 5.5 quarts, but it looks like the oil I disposed of is closer to 4.5 quarts. I checked my dipstick though, and I'm back at the correct oil level. Is it possible for the oil to shrink in volume after several thousand miles of usage?","Depending on the car and the engine, usually a quart in 5-10k miles is pretty normal consumption." US update within the next hour.,What's the estimated downtime? "Devs: Does the goal always have to be the goal in RL Training? Hi I haven't messed around with creating trainer sequences but it seems in playing some that success is always measured in terms of scoring a goal within the time limit. Could the objective be modified to add passing the ball through a designated area , in a certain section of the air or on the ground? That would allow some good playmaker training I think",Great idea "Won PS4 over the weekend, gf won iPad Pro. Guess it's our year.",I hate you... T_T Tornado Ruined My Life,It's barely been out so maybe allow for people to learn it but it seems to be a a force king tower activation No way he makes 155. He would be like that guy in TUF5. And that guy looked like he was on his bones. If he can make 170 with a strict diet then he should get 10 pounds of muscle and then cut from 180,He has 3 UFC wins at LW. Ain't that dude supposed to be a Bears fan?,Yea remember when he said with his one packers stock he'd trade Rodgers to the Bears? how do i connect to ripple on mac mac support when,Have you tried using wine? I really think I'm gonna like Scott way more than Steve and Ian,Dude is so much better than i thought he would be I was watching the debate. Did I miss any OBJ outbursts?,He hugged the kicking net. Starks expected to miss multiple weeks,Well the WRs and Rodgers better get it together now. "This poll is flooding the sub. I'm not on Donald Trump's side, but the best way to overcome the mods at politics is to overwhelm them.",So whose side are you on? Not sure how Trump could make money from wars. Do you really think he would start something intentionally unless there was money in it for him?,I believe he'd start a war with North Korea over a tweet. I guess this is where they all ended up after being deemed offensive...,I had a golli and both my sons do. First thing I hear when I tune in: Hillary claiming to take responsibility for her decisions.,"DAE notice Matt has sat all the way through so she can stand, talk, then sit?" It's Pre-Season...,"Uh, they never said Training Mode would be in pre-season.." WTF? Hilary Clinton to run for President in 2020,How does one run for POTUS from a jail cell? Worked out well for the charismatic leader who stepped in when it happened?,Obama? "No, this is an SJW prepared. Their ideas are just so fucking stupid they appear unprepared.",Good point centipede. "Christie out, Cruz in. This is the best season ever. The twists keep coming.",When does Donald Junior get eaten by Direwolves? How embarrassing is it that we have to fact check the president-elect. We can argue how reliable the checker is. But the whole need for it is shameful.,Sad to say that the people who most benefit from this kind of plug-in are the least likely to use it. What is your least favourite thing about the human body?,That anuses aren't self-lubricating **;)** "yeah, they were socialist",It's almost as if their revolution did not succeed. "I mean, that's cool and all, but will it blend?","No, but it will wok" "yeah, i guess. but rengar has some simple mechanics for newbies like going the nb3 build. and me being a khazix main mostly, i get pissed off when people say that kha is broken and easy","He's definitely not easy, but imo easier than rengar" No (confirmed) kills.,I have over 300... The forehead,"Ok, shallow Hal" Sadly Destiny requires my guardian to wear pants still.,I'm sure someone's found a glitch Or both.,Or just KP^^^because^melo^is^past^it "There is no way you didn't also see a person when drawing this, right? I see a spine a nose a jaw. Brain. Teeth. Tongue.",No shit Sherlock. The Forge Freeze Sucks! Don't Waste Your Tickets!,Oh great.... it's a worse paralyser "Bush did steal the 2000 election though, for real-real. Most people who voted didn't vote for him.","You just can't help yourself, can you?" <--- HOW MANY MORE HOES & PU$$Y WILL YOU GET IF YOU USE DANK VEGA + RAYYZEN BUILD INSTEAD OF TRASHSCAL + DONGRADE LAKE ayy lmao good automod m8 m88 m89 bad automod ati,i already was getting 0 so the multiplier doesnt affect me ayy "30 for 30 on Oregon rising to one of the best teams in CFB to starting to decline in the past few years. Would be awesome to see how Oregon became a power, but not achieving the National Championship.",Almost Made It U (With fancy uniforms!) Makes it easier to watch your favorite Big Ten team from the New York area.,Also a free win "We need to talk about the online radicalisation of young, white men","It would be nice if the neo-liberals took notice of this and became more inclusive , but the current trend is for doubling down, so expect it get even worse." The Internet doesn't come from one place.,That's what they want you to think Tater tot hotdish and lefse as well.,"Damnit, I need to make tater tot hotdish at some point, haven't had it in forever..." "I really wanna know, because every time MOCC calls me it comes up as a number from Egypt...",Whoever set up the phones was retarded You think they'll ever put out a legacy collection version of it?,Like a VST? It was brutal to watch isoball creep back. #shadesofkobesystem,Toronto fans getting PTSD right now. Idaho lost to us by 50 when our defense is busy getting arrested/expelled. I'd say that's pretty bad.,But it's Idaho. H,E HONESTLY ITS HELLA RACIST THAT THE THREE FACES OF CHARLES WRIGHT ARE NOT AS CHERISHED AND RENOWNED AS FOLEY'S FACES... **#PIMPLIVESMATTER**,You dropped this - Does anybody else find the timing of this IG post odd? Shaq just happens to post a video of him in boxers and an undershirt looking stronger than the hulk 3 days after we brought up his weight?,Yep Shaq was shattered some random people on the internet thought he was fat "Ahh yes the system is obviously working, producing brilliant talents like Connor Pain!",Fuck you Can I get those WeakAuras? And how'd you make them look so niiiiice?,What weakauras? BREAKING: Vote Shaving Software Discovered Nation Wide,But this is from loony Alex Jones so it's not at all credible. "Yeah, but given that the Haka does in fact, undisputedly give an advantage, shouldn't as much as possible be done to ensure that advantage is minimised and it be as fair as possible?",Aussies. "There is a chance that for the first time in 16 years, LSU will not go bowling If you look at LSU's remaining games, they have the hardest remaining games. They do not play a team that has less than 5 wins. Sat, Nov 5 vs Alabama Sat, Nov 12 @ Arkansas Sat, Nov 19 vs Florida Thu, Nov 24 @ Texas A&M All of these teams have really looked good the last few weeks. I am not trying to rip any LSU fans or divert how BAD FSU is this year, but it seems LSU is just having a very, very rough year...",L O FUCKING L "Bastet Mid is pretty good. She has amazing poke, and kill potential as soon as she hits 5. Her clear isn't the greatest early on, but after a few items you're set.",OP said Ao Kuang not Bastet Ne Zha. Why the fuck does it have make our eardrums so bleed? I understand he's young but no excuse to burst our eardrums.,"MY PITCH IS SO PERFECT, I'LL SHATTER YOUR EARDRUMS!" Paused the video and got a kiss from Phil,this would make a great dart board! My briefs came in a resealable bag. But why?,and yet cereal doesn't What does the MacBook have in common with Donald Trump? I would tell you.... But I don't compare apples to oranges.,There's gotta be a Jobs joke in here somewhere... Story driven porn?,Star Wars XXX It's a classic. Underrated by whom?,Those who underrate it. Binge watching TV can actually kill you,But not quick enough to count as suicide. Any challengers?,"can tell he's asian without even seeing the face, right?" Sizzle would be an amazing firefighter nickname.,"Slightly related, a welding buddy of mine has the nickname marshmallow/ marsh for short, because that's exactly what he smells like when he catches fire." Who was your childhood idol that you don't look up to anymore?,My stepdad And I account for 67%,I'm the guy who had multiple bots with TAS to press F5 frame perfect I never understand people who buy houses in places like this and then complain.,Cheap property? "Yeah, but he said he's getting 300Mbps... Or I hope that's what he means",Yep that's what I meant :) "Elections all over the world are pretty crazy right now. A lot of European and Western countries have this weird nationalist, right wing undercurrent. It's making for some interesting politics.",Yeah but nothing like trump and hillary "When I was 18 I slept with the assistant manager at a restaurant I worked at. I was 18 and she was a 32/33 fucking bombshell of a Venezuelan milf. She began by taking my phone number from their files and texting me randomly one day, asking me if I wanted to catch lunch sometime. I was pretty fucking nervous but there was no way I was turning this down. Date went good and we agreed to catch movie later that week. After the movie, she asked me if I wanted to spend the night. Best fucking sex of my life. We fucked twice that night and twice in the morning. Asked me how it felt to fuck my manager and kept telling me how young my dick made her feel. In the morning she made me breakfast while her 10 year old son sat next to me. Awkward. Before I left she told me next time she would make love to me with her mouth. Too bad there was no next time. I ended up getting a lump on my dick which I blamed on her and cut off all contact with her. Turned out to be an ingrown hair and when I tried talking to her again she was having none of it.",Lol eating breakfast with her kid. "Billy Crudup was excited for the part and may stay. Kiersy Clemons, idk. She joined mostly because Rick was directing. If she is a good sport she will stay else she might leave",If she leaves then they should get a red-head They kinda are tho. Things like tone and characterizations like Lex have received a lot of criticisms.,"That's not how an opinion works, you have to actually make a statement, not just say two things you have opinions on..." Women of Overwatch (Fancy dress),I now want a chinese and russian girlfriend It's better to keep this kind of stuff to yourself in real life. Unless you have some very close friends or family.,Sad but true. Finally Plat!,The ranked system seems to be a complete mess this season. You're leaving because you're offended?,Or maybe they just wanted to ~~sin~~ get back to the fold. "If you can afford the following: * Computer to play Eve on. * Internet Connection to play eve. Then you can afford a sub. Computer/Internet are luxury items. If you can afford luxury items, then your not to poor, i dont care where you live, to afford one more luxury item that cost less than either of those two.","Might want to speak to some Governments about that, since they're basically forcing everyone online to use a lot of basic services" "Oh wow, REZ is an old game. Lets hope it gets ported to PC.",it's so old you don't even need a port - just emulate it :D "Ska and punk, blues, reggae, jazz. Occasionally metal and various forms of electronic. One of my hobbies is making ska or acoustic versions of chiptune songs from the 80s.",pickitup **LEARN-ING**,I loled. Introducing New Vesuvius! Even better than classic Vesuvius!,But does it got what plants crave? I just bought one for cyber monday. Tis pretty,"I was extremely close to getting a Strix 1080, but decided on an MSI 1080 since my motherboard was already MSI." i got a 12% shot with my sniper who had a repeater and one shotted a sectapod. xcom 2,w-why put a repeater on a sniper? "A bar in my old town, which has a large military base, had a no military policy. It was the best bar to go to because of that policy.","In the city I went to college, I met more than a few women who would avoid military guys (while at bars and parties) at all costs due to past aggressive experiences with them." "The best is when it hits you not at home, like in the subway or a meeting. Don't mind me moaning and making faces, just gonna die real quick and respawn later...","To me the best part is when you finally break down and go to the emergency room, sweating, vomiting and dying inside, only to be treated like a pill seeker." ABC is more boring than Monarchs? They are the next SD but they are giving me a bad feeling. I loved Monarchs cause Monarchs and the playstyle was funny (More or less) but they were OP. Will ABC more OP but more funny or vice versa?,"I get your point, most of the time the field will end up with CDI and the ABC tank with set backrow/card in hand." HONESTLY!,Seb embracing the memes A Reno in Paris,Which Range T mod are you using? are you just a limp skeleton?,You'd be surprised I'm going to wriggle myself into every base and building I can reach just for the chance of finding you and nailing you with my Canister harasser.,My C4 is ready :* Sweden is paying people to fix their belongings instead of throwing them away,Can't tell you how many monitors (I think 11) I've pulled out of the trash and got working for $6 worth of capacitors. Tomorrow is today for some of us.,"What is today, but yesterday's tomorrow?" What is a mystery that you would like to finally have solved?,Roanoke Amelia Earhart How anyone thinks Trump is sane What decade age range was the best for you? 10s? 20s? 30s? 50s? What?,"Being 19, I've only got 2 decades to draw on (clearly this question isn't aimed at me) but 0-9, easiest years of my life, no question!" Full Frontal Presidential Interviews: Barack Obama | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS,I really enjoyed her millennial impression. "Booker was so open on so many plays, instead semen forces it into tight coverage",Welcome to CJ Anderson owners nightmares for the first 7 weeks World War 3 cancelled,"This is such a simple, great and probably eerily truthful headline." The center court logo is massive couple that in with the two wood shades and you get too much going on. Ohh don't forget the stupid B1G logo we need to put on our courts and the half circles. MSU just kept adding to it. Massive center court logos were a thing 5 - 10 years ago.,"Again, what?" That... Sounds really dumb. Where did he get the dragon ~~balls~~ souls?,Trained with an old elven dragon rider and got told about the riders old city And I was about to do a RobinxCordelia playthrough soon.. well thanks for saving me time B),Welcome. super gaster was the one i was talking about,I see.theres also that one gaster fight that isn't unitale He was a very accomplished heart surgeon. When it comes to heart surgery he's probably your man. But he's not trained in any of the other shit he talks about. I don't understand why people crucify him though but nobody mentions dr. Phil doing the same shit with mental health.,He's not prescribing or recommending drugs. i found this dank kush. Can you explain how i can 420 yolo blaze it,Roll it up light it up smoke it up live it up "And here we see the common high tier potato, Maxus-rangus Carolinus, in it's natural habitat.","Let me guess, you are one of those helpful destroyers that go around using their stealth to never be seen and in fact stay out of the way of anything that might even remotely look like it could potentially shoot at you while complaining about sniping BBs that don't want to sail into torpedo broadsides?" What can you enthusiastically talk about at length if given the opportunity?,Post-Soviet rap. "If the sandwich lady gives you a pie on an ironman account, you cant pick up the dish if you drop it. I want my dish back. It tells me as an ironman i cannot take other players loot. It's my dish. She GAVE it to ME. I want my dish back.","But moooooom, you choose to limit yourself." Like I said you WOULDN'T be able to buy them but USE them for one day. So after Halloween you would'nt be able to use them.,"oh ok, didnt read through properly my bad." The market will reach out and stop that guy from running the red light?,This guy gets it. "Ive seen a muk, snorlax, and gyrados on my radar in the last day or two. Havent been able to track them without fastpokemap being up. Niantic, you are ruining this game. I sincerely wish another company were in charge of Pokemon Go. Any other company...",Their map data is borderline ground-breaking but the actual meat and potatoes of the app really deserve better hands. "A Victoria's Secret gift you shou-, Bobby why are these ripped and covered in dry cum?","That was a awkward gift to mom, and I'll remember the relatives faces for the rest of my life..." We're talking about people that already live in France. Denying their kids the right to an education with create a caste of completely uneducated and unintegrated people that will resort to crime. But I suppose that's exactly what Le Pen and her supporters want to see. Another argument I've seen made by her supporters is that they're already all a bunch of criminals anyway so it's ok. How hateful do you have to be to support these insane notions?,They won't be living in France for long I think alola grimer looks better without the yellow stripe going up its face,Still looks like it's ate a jar of mustard Use a wash cloth. You will notice a difference in how clean you smell at the end of the day versus just soaping yourself with the bar. Cloth removes a lot more grime and dirt than just water running over you,It boggled my mind when I found out my wife grew up not using a washcloth and didn't see the point. When you're so fast you can run through a fissure,They really should upgrade the default *tick rate*; force staff'd people get melee'd all the time. You didn't know about Ivanovic before 2014?,What The mods are distracted. Post other Firaxis games.,Sweet Memberries! "To be fair, her face will also get all saggy and wrinkly at a similar rate so the tattoo will at least be kind of accurate.","Yeah, that thought came to my mind, too." "There's a line to get to his ass and, yet, his mouth is unoccupied. These bros lack initiative.",That ass must be truly magic then You'll need a new wardrobe and a more aggressive attitude.,I will see you in the pit. "If you want to be cynical about this, it makes sense that virtually every powerful entity on the face of the planet is trying to stop Trump in some way or another. Still doesn't make him anti-establishment. China just happens to be on the right side of the issue here.",Yeah coming from a country who fabricated and master minded the yuuuge climate change lie. Donald Trump Has Told His Supporters To Stop Harassing Minorities,After a year and a half of publicly harassing them himself... and fuck all will change.,Then we need to organise and use collective action Wanting new furry friends I'm samurai. A mutt. I'm 20 a female and just looking for more active new faces to add to my furry chat. My kik is Samuraielune. Look me up and let's chat,Have a telegram account? M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56M56,"But hang on, what vehicle is this again?" What? Why is that?,Because US is a day ahead of EU. I've heard good things. Does it lean PG or PG-13? grounded or over-the-top? sci-fi or street-crime?,"PG-13 More grounded than any of the cartoons, less grounded than the original comic Both." Upvoted for using could instead of should,"^ this, he's not actually being whiny, an actual suggestion" "Only loadout u need is: A: Scattergun, Winger, Boston Basher (the BB can be replaced with stock and its reskins...the BB is just there for comp players.) B: Scattergun, Pistol, BB or stock/reskins Some youtube channels that make good tf2 related content: nate fox, muselk, aegis, ikonakona, uncle dane, funke, red robot, nst, scotjaw,",And NISLT This is what drives me nuts. There's enough stuff to attack that asshole one and yet people are attacking him for following tax law and for tweeting memes. How about just stick to the times he acted like an asshole or some of his crazy policies.,"It's not that he followed the law that bothers me, it's that he has been so hypocritical about it, complaining about how poor people don't pay taxes while he himself didn't pay any either." "Why everyone writes James Cameron's Alita, while the director is Rodriguez?",Because Rodriguez is not bankable director and James Cameron name itself will add millions to box office. Self-deprivation is not the kind of suffering that is going to effect change.,"No successful revolutionary change has ever been completed without the participants experiencing self-deprivation of some sort or another, up to and including loss of life." The Carrier Deal is already having a HUGE impact on the 2020 Election...Trump won't even have to campaign.,Trump will be too busy winning in 2020 to campaign. Patriotic giant,I dun get it Trump on Russia sanctions: 'We ought to get on with our lives',Like you let Obama get on with his life after he was elected? Is that Hanzo shooting 2d chibi Assassin's Creed guys in Stormwind? What?,i hanjo "Just because he said it, doesn't mean thats his position. I suggest asking some Trump supporters in real life. Few of us thought he would literally build a wall.","Wow, that's some Orwell-level doublespeak." Everything they touch turns to skittles,"What if they were super touchy touchy with everyone, including you?" What did I prove?,That you think your thoughts are superior. Miller isn't a Wisconsin beer. You only think it is.,"Well it's brewed here sooo.... (I get what you mean, for the record)" Skull tricking is so unbelievably scummy,Nah just dumb people who fall for it Crazy MMAFighting UFC 205 preview show,"Ariel & the irish bringing another quality preview show, love it!" Can't say because it is a bot,can you not summon it? i dont see how maddox will be able to stop his ego from firing xawn after ep. 18,And every episode of Best Debate is going to sound like it's coming from the other side of a wall after that. empty skies? Why do I keep being constantly being shot at from lolpods then?,Did you even read his post? Tenth woman accuses Donald Trump of sexual misconduct,I think that's actually 13 but can't give them too much flak given how hard it is to keep track at this point s/Hungary/Abbasid,magyar pls It will when it becomes a Y,And a z Welcome to Battlefield 1!,God I want those flame throwers so badly! Which notes did you miss?,"The F, the A, and the G, ok." My husband stole all the karma the other day. Here's the whole family!,"Wow, your husband has a funny looking Serena costume." What episode is this?,"I haven't a clue, sorry :/" Grow up Penguin.,Penguins can't grow when they are adults they stay the same height. This coming from Fox News,name a top television news station that doesnt blatantly show bias. Ravens D or Chiefs D?,Ravens Huh reminds me of what my friend did,Wiped out his dick and peed on you? High perception level,Could you elaborate? "Well, there's your lack of muscle mass for one. Your inability to fight for two. Your asthma and severe myopia for three. I mean, I could go on, but what's the point.",That'd be s great burn if you knew anything about him. No he wouldn't. Ryan still has the edge over him in every single category except TD's where he's behind by 1.,"He'd be in the conversation though, which still says a lot about how bullshit the anti Rodgers narrative is." "If you do decide to stay in a room with one of those tubs, bring a dishwasher pod. Cleans the cum and pubic hair out of the jets, etc. MacGyver told me.",Maybe that's the reason OP wants to go "Doesn't matter to me. They are 2 guys i've always wanted to see wrestle. Doesn't have to be for the title, but that's the only scenario i could think of that would make sense for them to fight.",I'd love to see it too but it absolutely shouldn't be for a title They can fight with a Monday Night Wars theme WCW vs WWE "A midfield consisting of Sergio, Koke, Silva, and Iniesta? lol no chance",SQUAD not team Dealing with female Trump supporters,Fake and gay "The white balance is just different between the two phones. Screens between any 2 phones are often different, even if you put 2 Nexus 5Xs side by side they will probably differ somewhat. This looks very normal to me, the Nexus seems more accurate than the Moto G.","Yup, that Moto is pink." Hines Ward removed his acl like you,Maybe that's actually Hines Ward Alvarez on WOR -- The WWE have something big planned for Survivor Series Just listened to the latest episode. Alvarez claimed the WWE have something big planned for Sunday. Meltz didn't say much other than a 'yeah.' Take that as you will.,did they say it in a speculative way or confirmative way? Just PMd you.,PM me too if it doesn't work out "Nah sorry, I didn't think that you guys would take it that serious haha :D",Don't be a pussy OP Read that sentence again.,Read the sentence that follows. Largest rally of Hillary voters yet,##SUCH A LIVELY BUNCH I just wasted 25 hours of my life to beat Platinum with only a level 97 Zubat,What pokemon would you like to see someone use to do something like this? Korean girl bangs 5 guys in an alleyway,This is one of those snuff videos. "xD Where you from, fam?","US, east coast" "I would downvote the stupidity of Sharp. But I want discussion to be had. Sharp is an idiot, and Stafford is playing great as of today, and is playing deserving of a massive contract, he is pivotal to this team.",I posted *because* of the stupidity Judge to woman in rape case: Why couldn't you just keep your knees together?,"Um, because she was being raped?" US builds working theory on cause of Syrian airstrike,Bombs fall due to gravity? Mexican police find van with homemade bazooka for launching drugs into U.S.,Punkin' Chunkin' during the off season? This is over a year old.,Impressed with your abilities! Why Hasn't Hillary Clinton Denounced The Violent Anti-Trump Riots?,You don't bite the hand (Soros) that feeds you or the riots... "Until Chelsea Clinton discloses the fact that she's on the board of directors for TheDailyBeast, I don't think that site should be sourced here.",Why not be aware? "Mike Pence, Donald Trump's running mate, told Congress in 2002: 'There is a growing list of facts that suggest Iraqi involvement not just in the events of 9/11, but perhaps ... even in the events and circumstances that led to the anthrax bacillus finding its way to Capitol Hill'",What a zionist cum-gurgling ass hat. Who? I genuinly can't think of anyone I can't criticise,Lol Agree. It's a smart move. No side benefits from riots.,Except maybe the side benefit of getting rid of the crooks in government? What scary movies are you watching this Halloween?,A Adam Sandler film. "Oh dear, I think you're confused... This is r/tardtales You're looking for r/tailtards",D-d-d-destruction! Must be due to all that poetry by ee cummings,"I was just messing with you, I skipped an apostrophe in solidarity." 3422 degrees Celsius. That's hot.,"I came, I saw, I came." McCoy gets in limited practice Wednesday,THUMBS UP! Don't panic. You have plenty of time.,Know where your towel is. For anyone not wanting to read the article I will summarize. EVGA tested a GTX 1070 FTW in their 30 degree ambient chamber and while the memory chips and VRM controller did get hot they are still within official specification and in no danger. EVGA will however be offering free thermal pads that reviewers and customers can apply to their cards. Starting October 24th you can contact them to receive the pads. They will be working with Toms Hardware to have a third party test done with the pads installed.,Do they give these thermal pads internationally? You are living the live version.,Gotta go put some more Gatorade on the lawn. First,I'm pretty sure I was first. I find it hilarious we make great shops like this -- yet no Hillary supporter has tried to make it look like she wasn't tossed like a sack of potatoes into a van.,What are the odds one of her actual 200 supporters in America are great at Photoshop? Maybe the scrotum is Nature's way of giving females a chance to display dominance by grabbing them.,"Carpe Scrotum, and their hearts and minds will follow." 'Kept me out of jail': Top DOJ official involved in Clinton probe represented her campaign chairman,No conflict of interest here. "Hunters to Jungler/Assassin At first I was like so much work switching lanes and I can't even aim properly, then I started playing Ao Kunag and realized who need sustained damage when you could 2 shot their team, one by one.",I think you mean 1 shot. This is just an edited version of the brexit post.,Which was an edited version of an MRI showing terminal cancer "What is a game you want to play, but is exclusive to the console you don't have? Playstation are like the kings of console exclusives. The Last of Us Bloodborne God of War",i own xbox and ps but really want to play some nintendo games Also we are guaranteed top 4 by end of the week. If my math is correct.,"Don't know why you're being downvoted, you're right." 3 #YPG forces killed and many others injured after the #Turkish air strikes on #Tal_Riffat,Is this air strikes happened today? Immediately there's the water pump that needs completely replaced. That's just to get it running again. Running safely it needs a lot of work done with tire rods and other important but small parts. KBB lists it at $1k. Repair costs are nearly double that.,"What car is it, specifically?" Satire?,Serious? I haven't been to Toybox Birstro but their interior photos online look like a 10 year old's wet dream. Not exactly where I'd want to have a meal with the family on Thanksgiving.,"I understand that, I'm just saying that there are definitely better places." This is no joke. It's usually among younger people who have dick measuring contests who knows more about technology and shit.,Flashing their epeens at eachother to see whose is bigger "I'm judging you on your cruel response to a person who may be losing their widowed grandma. If you care about cats more hey man I guess it's about perspective, right?",my dogs arent here illegally...plain and simple "I have one, ordered on Oct 17th, received Oct 28th.",what date were u projected to get it? Then what's the free-mumia movement all about,"If you knew, then why did you ask?" "That Boris Johnson only supported Brexit because thought it would be best for his political career. Turned out he actually didn't believe in Brexit, even wrote an article against Brexit but the fucker actually went and won the referendum. Cameron's out of the hot seat and Boris is plotting his next move to be Prime Minister. Total fucking cunt",Some House of Cards shit Pence denies he's said 'Putin is a better leader' than Obama,and here we thought there wasn't a bigger liar than donald trump "Youve just died and enter heaven, St Peter says you get a personal heaven tailored how you want. What is your heaven?",A world without religion Every Donald Trump Sniff from the Debate,"That explains a lot, clearly he's having a difficult time supplying oxygen to his brain" "Shut it, you Liverpudlian faggot.",I'm from London thanks. This thread gave me a good laugh since I had to study Spanish for five years as a kid.,"Haha, I did German instead which is why I don't know this stuff I don't even think my school taught Spanish at the time (I know they do now though)" This guy is the guy that turns brave axe wielding nords into sneaky archers.,Or they could run like a pussy like what I do every time. LEAKED HILLARY EMAIL WILL SURELY END HER CAMPAIGN!!! TO THE TOP!!!,Bringing all the isis refugees confirmed "My class did this as well. We did get away with it. It's a shame, we were so mad we probably could have used a good disciplinary force to teach us the madness of our ways. I'm an upstanding citizen now, of course, however, I can't say that about the other lads.","Once mad, always a lad" "What you need to understand, OP, is that this isn't about you. There are parents who understand that their adult children are sexually active and leave it be, and there are parents who just can't stomach the idea of their children, even 20 year old children, having sex. This is really an issue between your SO and her mom, so don't try to mediate or meddle. But also don't think that this is because you rap on the side or anything. This was always going to be her reaction.","Hey daughter you should leave him, cause his flow's so fire I can't trust you anymore, so from sex you will retire If you don't, I'll turn his bangers and mash into spaghetti Cause you won't be havin sex till I say you're ready -Shitty poem by Mom 2016" "MotorTrend's criticisms of the M4 have been that the throttle response is bad (you have to mash the pedal to get any boost on normal and it's on a hair trigger on //M mode), steering feel is non-existant, engine noise is bizarrely bad, and overall it's less fun, just as capable, and barely more luxurious than an Camaro","Luckily there's a third throttle setting right between, sport is perfect." "uhhhhhh... no, more like a double positive","oops, I really thought I knew what that word meant" "Warning vs. American Idiot vs. 21st Century Breakdown vs. Revolution Radio - best self-titled single? Just like the title says, what do y'all consider to be the best self-titled lead song of each of the following? I honestly think Revolution Radio might be the best. American Idiot is one of their best albums, but I feel like the self-titled track is one of the weakest on the album. 21st Century Breakdown and Warning are very solid though.","AI, and it's not even close." Today,Earth-42 Team Flash "My D Line. Ron Rivera. Jack Del Rio. BoB. With probably Bowles and Zimmer LBs O Line. Mularky at TE, Andy Reid and BA as Tackles, McCarthy and Quinn at guard with Rex Ryan at center. And I'm taking the ex-Miami Dolphin QB JASON GARRETT",Why wouldn't Rivera be linebacker? "Nope. Can't handle this level of meme magic. I'm out, boys.","Yeah, I was all in for shitposting and playfully calling him the god emperor, but I'm a little scared now." I got told off for saying he looks like ass. I forget you're not allowed to voice facts and opinions on Reddit.,Please don't confuse your opinions with facts. Don't touch me madafucka,im a beast im a dog im the motherfuckin problem They fucking planned this?,I'm not sure what's worse. "And that's perhaps the best outcome for our country -- a Trump defeat, followed by a Clinton impeachment, giving us 4 uneventful and boring years of a Tim Kaine Presidency where absolutely nothing gets done except some center-left SCOTUS appointments.","I don't know, 4 years of board politicians might be a nice chance of pace after the last 8 years, we might actually get something done.." the frame rate hurts my eyes.,Runs at 24ish fps on base PS4 It's not uncommon.,Is it common for people to hunt socialized animals? They can't see waist down anyway,"she looks a lot like Allie Sin, I miss her lol" "Nurses save lives 4 a living. We also LOVE our country, but @HillaryClinton says we belong in a #BasketOfDeplorables",Some of the replies to that tweet is pure cancer. Who in this room do you most trust?,Myself "I got one a while back with hidden hand and last resort, I usually play with it more than my trials or event horizon in 3's just because my friends suck and I'm usually the last one alive a lot.","I'd kill to have one with Shortgaze and Hidden Hand, I wouldn't even care what the other perks were LOL" "You can't just say, 'bankruptcy' and expect anything to happen.","He knows, that's why we're witnesses." "Actually, it would say human trapped in a man's body if it were referring to me. `fsck`.",Your OS has microaggressions. The look of a defeated man No morals No principles,No dignity So what exactly does this mean?,according to the article if i read that right is that its still kinda illegal but police won't care unless you have other worse illegal stuff going on "Weird that your GPS app is off. I suggest using OC Bus Tracker, works perfectly.",Thx for tip! Your fist in Anokuu's pu$$y. I know your dirty guilt. Anokuu says she wants you to do anal.,for fucks sake man u can go kys now I don't know honestly. I'm an independent.,But she will run against her own father? You can rewind it.,That's too hard! dont you need a lvl75 character first to use the boost or was that only to make a Demon Hunter?,boost is for any level character. Maybe it's an inside joke to them? Maybe he just procrastinates when he should be doing the dishes? There is nothing cringy here. Its a nice cake.,I like all of the bullshit people immediately assume and generalize about for pictures like this. Robespierre owns.,He that lives by the guillotine shall be guillotined. Rather big toilet if you ask me,"The joke is that since we're not in a toilet, the toilet must be so huge we can't even see the exit." Honestly it just feels like a scam at this point.,It was never not a scam. "$5 for breakfast? What is that, half a bagel and a banana peel?",That's a lox spread bagel (toasted) with a canned beverage in the Bay Area. "EvE is dead....... leaving messege to an old game. This game has gave me good memories but unfortunately that has come to a close, as for alot of people behind me they leave due to the games stagnant stature. Same bureaucratic shitlords sitting on the top, middle and even bottom also with so much decline in numbers within the game of active players/wars. The bullet point is that this games community kills the game matched with no severe changes to the game apart from re-balancing ships or adding stuff instead of changing the core game engine or upgrading to a better engine to make those glossy eve adverts a reality. All that aside i bid farewell to all my close friends in the game and wish this community all the best. o7",Please stop posting. "Without revealing your age, what's something you remember that if you told a younger person they wouldn't understand?",The huge NYC blackout in 2003 One more liberal judge will do the trick.,Then I shudder to think what will happen if Crazy-Trump makes the Supreme Court choices... Yikes! "No need to make a thread, because the answer is University Tavern.",YES "Update to Rule 8 So as some of you may have seen, we were asking for community opinion on an update to our Rule 8 as we believe it may be too much. Thanks to the community, we have come to a decision, and it will be as such from now on. The current system is one month between reposts, or 10% price reduction. The new rule will be 2 weeks WITHOUT price drop. If you wish to repost before that 2 weeks, you may drop the price 10% **OR** $25. Whichever is less. This rule is effective immediately, if you have any questions as to how it works, drop a comment and let us know. Any feedback is appreciated.",<3 mods is this guy really a moderator?,The same mod who removed both posts Now would be a good time for our bench to go super Saiyan.,Or literally anything at all. "I partially agree. I don't see the point in not rezzing. I would personally say hey, don't stand in the fire, it makes it really hard to keep up with everything and give them a couple chances. Then, they get relegated to my HoT. Unless it's unavoidable damage,If they can't stay up with just the HoT and an occasional heal, I'm not gonna push myself to keep them alive. Sometimes, letting people die makes things go smoother. But making them run back just makes things take longer. (Unless they're a dick, then screw them.)","That's exactly my point, it would be MUCH more beneficial for the healer to just say hey, don't stand in that stuff rather than you died cause you're dumb so you can walk back" "This guy got 2.5 years of prison time for entirely nothing. He several times violated protest rules as an individual protester, which is just an administrative offensive. I put violated into quotes, because it's doubtful he violated anything in the first place, individual protests don't require permission in Russia. But if you violate protest rules more than twice in 180 days, it's a crime according to new insane law.",Those activists in Crimea(I believe local deputies that were protesting against illegal bars and amusement parks that were blocking the beach) are put in prison and sentenced for nothing either lol haha spending on hated west? what about the hated russia and china from the western countries? they are also blaming them for hacking elections in the USA and Brexit yea its allways the russians...,Nobody is screaming hate towards Russia and going there to enjoy free time... Russian state officials say how bad west is and how patriotic they are while their families live abroad and they themselves go abroad whenever possible .. lol "* Roberto Gonzales. In late 2015, after BFZ had been released, and before any other spoilers for OGW had been posted, Gonzales posted pics of the full-art Raymond Swanland Wastes, new Kozilek, and Mirrorpool on either his twitter or tumbler. I forget witch. Anyway, he posted them as Hey guys, check out how fake these are. And got a 3 year ban for it. WotC eventually downgraded it to a 1 year ban, but it was still some heavy-handed corperate bullshit. * Zach Jesse had his DCI account hit with a ~40 year ban, and had his MTGO account locked by WotC. That all happened because some other salty pro got beat by ZJ, so he decided to dig up ZJ's past and throw it out there for the community to discuss.","I'm still pretty upset by the way the Zach Jesse debacle was handled, but we're not allowed to talk about that." Thousands of Facebook users check into Standing Rock to confuse police monitoring pipeline protest,"Or they could have you know, just not checked in...because Facebook check ins are really helping this situation" Be as brutal as possible,Malcolm X & Beaker's lovechild. Today was a good day for NC. Ayy lmao.,What's it like in silver? cringy as fuck,lol it is "If you actually make the trek into Boston I've been to the Bleacher Bar inside of the monster at Fenway for a Bills game and its a great atmosphere...plenty of specials, good time all around","Haven't been to Bleacher Bar for a game, but The Harp is dope as fuck because they play 'Shout' after we score." I hate how people at the gym thinks I'm not making progress and not doing much when I lost 90 lbs! I'm lucky to be maintaining my less than 100 lb bench =(,Do people come up at say this to you? New sales? Now that the Halloween sale is over does anyone know when/what the new sale is? Thanks!,Rockstar has traditionally kept these *closely guarded secrets* exclusive to only a handful of people on Twitter and Newswire. "Also, where the fuck did his claw go?","Can probably replace it with a normal mech hand, those things are a dime a dozen in overwatch" Pretty much how it works. It's called an alibi.,you have to have a case first. "How's your life buddy? Well he's never been in a drunken fight with his own son, can walk without tearing a quad and can still move so... Probably pretty good?",And Meltzer is fucking JACKED. "But she represent her Office and is de facto the Person who is in Charge, she is the Person who is responsible for what her Offfices are doing. She can't trust this People and should leave this Place.","And the moment someone else fills the position, they'll be in Koike's shoes, and therefore should leave just as she did?" "Who has the lowest chance to make an appearance today? I don't have slots to start them all. Diaz, Chapman, Oh, Dyson, Colome, Thornburg",Would have to say Thornburg. Or snopes.,Snopes is pretty good. Straight married men are for sex only. Not relationships.,straight married men don't fuck men. "This so much, it's so aggravating waiting at zero to spawn in the forward spawn only to have the point taken and be forced to spawn at the rear spawn, I wouldn't mind looking at a counter that was still ticking but staring at 0 is infuriating","Huh, spawning at forward spawn on defense is usually a death sentence." "Despite the oohing and aahing, Memory of Radegast sucks, and here's why... We've all seen the youtube videos of some folks geeking out and having fun bouncing back any kind of attack they can think of. However, the Memory of Radegast actually is terribly implemented and.. it frankly sucks. I'll stop short of saying it blows, but it's so not worth using. . First, it gives you a bit of extra sword ammo, okay. Not important because of the following problem(s). . It sucks for one reason: Whatever it bounces back takes exponentially more from your ammo than it actually does in damage to any targets. I took it on the Dread to patrol and test out. I tried it on a number of things. Here are the problems with using it: . Taking any kind of damage at all will instantly drain your ENTIRE stock of ammo reserves. I went from 70 sword ammo to zero sword ammo in about 1/2 a second by taking an ogre eye blast. I didn't even bounce it back and do any damage. I just lost all my heavy in the blink of an eye. The level of damage I took to drain that entire sword ammo capacity was miniscule considering I could stand there in full gaze of the ogre's beam without doing anything for at least 5-10 seconds without worry of death, but the sword breaks instantly. . I tried using it against centurions up where they spawn from the drop ships. 5 centurions hitting me all at the same time only bounced back a small amount of damage, half of which missed its target the other half of which barely tickled the captain's shields (he had about 80% shields left) before my sword broke from lack of ammo That lasted all of 2 to 2.5 seconds on several different tries. . The ONLY mobs that this bounce back incoming damage perk even worked was for the lowest level hive horde. You know, the ones you can melee in 1 hit and stand there ignoring most of the time? Even then the only reason the sword didn't break right away was because their incoming damage was so low that what bounced back didn't even amount to 10% of their health bars. This STILL rapidly drained the sword while I stood there experimenting because holding block on your sword drains ridiculously fast. While it was in no risk of breaking the sword due to excessive incoming damage, it was a waste of time because it would never come close to a fart in the wind compared to ONE single bullet of whatever primary you used. . What about crucible, you might ask? You only get so much ammo per heavy brick in crucible. You have to block with the sword to bounce back. You'll get only a few seconds of blocking to use before you're out. You would have to be omniscient to know exactly when to block and when to already have your heavy out, and even then ANY kind of attack you bounce back would be your only attack. You'd be out of ammo after that. Assuming the Deus ex Machina kicked in and you miraculously perfectly blocked at the right time, also accounting for the significant network lag lately, you just aren't going to get anything done with the reflect perk. . **TL&DR**: Any minor incoming damage drains your entire stock of heavy ammo with NOTHING to show for it. It's utterly worthless in PvE, and almost entirely useless in PvE outside of pre-scripted and pre-coordinated stunts. The only thing it does is up your sword ammo count at the expense of making your sword ammo go away instantly every time you use it.",Well your first problem was not using memory of felwinter whoa,"Keanu, is that you?" Is Israel controlled by Jews?,"That's very impressive work young men, but everybody knows that Egyptians are black." Half of Reddit is sucking Castro's dick right now.,I imagine it's a bit gamey but probably an easier sell to call it free ranged. "3rd time Fiora's don't know their own damage potential, Olaf counters Fiora, and IWD probably should have ganked top again just to be sure Hash still had a lead after his death. No seriously, the fact that IWD ignored top after all that was a really bad idea.",uhm dude you are either a really bad troll or just completely delusional Peach is so annoying to play against said the lasercamping Fox.,"Well I mean, there are times when almost every character seems annoying." "He wouldn't. He would just spin around in it, barreling through the guards.",I don't think he could lift the boulders. "My thought is that the Borg Queen figures the Federation is a problem. Bigger than their tech distinctiveness. Much like the Founders want to dominate, so do the Borg through their Queen (a mistake, imo, of convenience to make a story work rather than any need to have a true Queen such as her, but that's a side point.) So kill 'em in the past, no Federation, tada, problem solved. One wonders how the Dominion and the Borg would get along... or be assimilated... could you imagine a Changeling Borg? Or Jem'Hadar one? Somebody write this. :)","An aside, I kinda disliked the addition of a Queen Borg; I liked the idea that they were a collective that assimilated and forced conformity without a distinctive leader." "If the passive Vacuum range stays nerfed to 6m and the Carrier vacuum range stays the same, then Carrier Prime.",*5m What do you think of Pepe the frog being declared a hate symbol?,Kek Jesus would probably forgive you.,I'm not really sure what the point is that you're trying to make here. They're actively trying to stop conservatives however.,"People who kill people over bullshit religion is fine, but people disagreeing with a feminist is a tragedy and must be cracked down on." "Vancouver will always be a preferred place for people to get their money out of China. The 15% tax will become an accepted extra cost of getting money out. - Overheard at a party last Sunday If this is true prices will not drop to affordable prices, ever.",The only question I have is when are we going to 50%? Hmm.. interesting. Noted. I assumed most people would at least know about the film. Sorry for the assumption.,I only heard about it after Trump mentioned the case again last week or whenever it was (very recently). "The Mayor's daughter vs the ground... Nah, how about Matilda vs faulty ejection seats",Sydney vs a space colony Sure. We'll see what happens :),"He's putting up LT numbers, LT is an all time great but Bell will never be the GOAT unless he plays till like 40 to get the volume stats, something his glass knees and crippling weed addiction will never allow." Yelling hentai on the bus with this weeb's friend group I'm a freshman and this week i was sitting alone on the bus (surprise surprise) and this 6th Grader and like 4 8th Graders start talking about anime. It isn't too bad just some naruto or some shit and all of a sudden this weeb shouts out HENTAI IS THE BOMB! I was so fucking confused. I'm internally laughing my ass off and thinking about how I'm gonna post this on Reddit (wow so cool of me). Anyways they literally start pulling up hentai on their phone and showing each other while I was just waiting to get off the bus. Luckily my stop wasn't to far away. Please excuse me while I wash my eyes out with bleach.,You read like subreddit simulator. "4 teachables per week on 27? (5x3 survivors and 4x3 killers) so the odds are 4*1/27 at worst, 10-15 weeks is an if you're not lucky scenario",It was a joke.... "any tips to pull a knot thats attached with silicone? always thought it would pull right out, but dat sumbitch is in der good!",Pull harder. Two of the worst system songs,Nothing wrong with a power ballad man. The only thing I second guess is humanity.,thats too bad. One iOS update benefit - more room in the notification bubbles.,How can you even have that many emails? "I couldn't figure that out, either. I feel he resembles something much closer to a politician.",He was an anti politician if anything. Your attractive cousin gave you an open mouth kiss. What do you do?,Back away and be like Sorry Harry but I'm straight and we're related Because giraffes run over lions?,Did he stutter? The other half of this sub doesnt listen to logic,"Which is quite sad, they should work on the last hat&ai's hat etc and ZIS instead of this 'super ee' which we have done already" If Vikings had power tools,Fire it up pussy. What's the best 2 song mash-up song you've ever heard?,You reposted in the wrong neighborhood "Unfortunately, the losers in life have as much of a vote as the winners. In fact, they have just elected Trump, caused Brexit. Perhaps we should start listening to them?",fair point.... It isn't but they have money...,"So did Milan originally, or Liverpool when they started to decline." that's not an explanation of the difference. explain the difference,Well it's obviously that he is a man and she is a woman "I'd like to question: is Clinton's ground game actually that good? I live in Denver and the only voter contact we've had was a canvasser from the Bernie Sander's campaign. I see very few voter signs in people's yards, only a few more campaign bumper stickers on the freeway. For contrast, in 2012 I saw far more Romney stickers driving around than I've seen Clinton ones this year. The only presidential sign I've seen within three blocks of my house was a Trump sign, and I live in a primarily working class Hispanic/Asian neighborhood with a notable Muslim minority demographic. This area should be Disneyland for Hillary Clinton. My wife is a registered Democrat who caucused for Bernie Sanders, but no one from the campaign has contacted her to ask who she plans to vote for (Hillary of course, but wouldn't they want to at least cross her name off a list?) By contrast, we'd had many contacts by the Obama campaign in both their '08 and '12 iterations by this point in the cycle. Obama signs and bumper stickers were ubiquitous, as were McCain and Romney ones. I can only see two possibilities here. Either Clinton believes Colorado is already in the bag for her and is spending resources elsewhere or...her ground game is only considered great because her opponent's is non-existent. I guess we'll find out on Tuesday, but this is going to be a much tighter win for Hillary than she expected.",I live in Michigan and go to MSU and I can tell you that the Clinton campaign is VERY active here and around Lansing Which university?,Michigan State! Morning Roundtable - 9/18 You can use this thread to discuss whatever is on your mind or share news articles or off topic things that would otherwise not be posted to the sub.,Ugh Priebus is back onto the crowd sizes = votes BS ANTI-DRUG BRAVE BRIGHT MAKE SCHOOL brains good STRONG CHOICES CONTROL SMART SAY 'no',I cant even tell what order thats supposed to be in "You haven't heard of the other cases of insanity such as a kid being arrested for a lego figure gun or the one that was expelled for a pop tart gun? Gun owners are obviously considered second class citizens (if not 5th class) in this country & seem unwanted by 99% of the govt. If they don't want us,fine,i could care less....i hate politicians & the current system.but don't come after me with armed men when i refuse to participate in your system.","There was a meme flying around that had a cloud shaped as a gun and so all the kids were expelled for X days... It's funny because 1 would think that's absurd, but KIDS HAVE BEEN EXPELLED FOR MAKING A POPTART SHAPED GUN" Mercedes autonomous cars will protect occupants before pedestrians,Cross post to /rage "Bomb Shelter or Green House? Looking at my budget and trying to decide. I live in a cold climate, so from September to April, I can't grow any food. I'm trying to decide between spending money on an underground shelter, or a fairly large green house. What do you all think is more important and why?",Greenhouse. you`re my hero of the day. thank you! (smiles & giggles),STOP SMILING! The state needs to be split 55 electoral votes is too much.,Urbanites have disproportionate control over rural areas too. What was wrong with GTA5 or MP3?,GTA V was a few years late and does not support mods very well. "Despite what liberals claim, Trump is not misogynistic nor is he anti-gay rights (partially). He is not completely anti-abortion. He supports abortion in cases of rape and sexual assault. Any arguments put forth by liberals drawing on these two points are invalid. It *is* worrying that he is decreasing funding for Planned Parenthood. Another concerning, and IMO major, issue is his stance on climate change and his move to go forward with establishing the Keystone pipeline. All in all, as someone who originally supported Bernie and was neutral about Hillary, Trump isn't as demonic as he appears to be.","His tax plan, immigration policy, foreign policy, healthcare policy, education policy, and trade policy are all pretty bad (speaking as a liberal) and are far from Bernie's policies (with the possible exception of trade)." When were you the most creeped-out by another player's actions in an online game?,One dude in some mobile game asked me where I lived "I think that's true, but on the same hand, if he was running against Biden, Sanders, Kaine, etc... I can picture the exact same scenario taking place. It's really a hatred of progressivism and the left in general that's the main fuel, not a single individual.",You hit the nail on the head. "Aside from wins, how do we like TB12's chances of breaking two other QB records? I'm thinking specifically about passing yards and passing touchdowns. Right now he trails Manning by 11,000 yards in the former and 89 in the latter. How many feel as though he has a realistic shot at either of these? Three games left in this season, and if he were to play an additional two seasons (and physically, I gotta say he looks very pliable right now) then it would seem like he has a decent chance.","If we're being honest here, I think Brees will own the passing yards record when he retires." i wish danny updated his own snapchat more often,*ever Eva Marie,Stunning! "News: if you drop your phone to the floor, it will break.",Can confirm: dropped a Nokia; floor broke. Gillette for razors and shavers.,I'll take a DE safety razor over a Mach3 any day. my dick has never felt so yuge,Noice! Tobias fate insane fart on stream. Front page.,Tobias Fate 1shotting the back creeps with INSANE EQ combo Front page 3400 updoots Jimmie Johnson Lowe's Christmas Inflatable,BOOM Interesting shot. The moment I captured my friend lowside off of the road at ~70mph and hit a couple of trees. Ended up having to get life flighted. His full gear helped tremendously. It was complete rider error and we laugh about it now.,"I found his problem, his foot isn't on his peg!" How a Guy with a Pepe the Frog Tattoo Feels Now That He Has a Hate Symbol on His Hand,feelsbadman.jpg Hillary Clinton Says She Doubts Trump 'Has Ever Read The Constitution',"I he has read it, he clearly didn't understand what he read." That soap is dangerously close to his eye,its also pretty much in his mouth ...I think you are mixing up Marshall and Lloyd. Unless Lloyd has BPD and I have never heard that,He has BPD too. Who was better please?,"Coutinho got man of the match and scored, he was obviously the better player that game" "Obama Presser on CBS: 'The information discovered in the Wikileaks emails, may be uncomfortable or embarrassing. But they were pretty routine, nothing illegal' --- SO, I GUESS RIGGING PRIMARIES IS NOW LEGAL in OBAMA'S BANANA REPUBLIC",If they were routine how did they influence the election then? "Will they come after hand sanitizer next? People offer that stuff to me all the time and I'm like You just saw me wash my hands, why would I need that too?",There's no such thing as too much Purell! When your sixty year old neighbors whip out a T_D meme at the neighborhood Christmas party,60 something I'm excited about.... EVERYTHING!!!!!!!,"When STR SSJ Bardock gets a rebirth, his SA quote better be EVERYTHING!" "My biggest concern for this game is that the playerbase is ALREADY dwindling. When the game plays smooth it's probably one of my favorite CoDs. I am really enjoying it and can see myself playing for a while. However, I'm genuinely concerned the playerbase on this game is going to be very low. It's already very low in sales compared to previous CoD's. Combine that with the online connection issues and I fear it will become a ghost town. I'm already finding longer than average waits for certain gamemodes like FFA, where in other games there's never a wait. Even this subreddit is fairly low and not that active. The game was certainly not as well received as previous CoD's and I can see it just completely falling off in a few months.","Until they fix their game, it's not going to do well and the player base will continue to decline." "No. The church will never advocate for or against a candidate directly. They would lose their tax exempt status, something they are careful never to jeopardize. The Des News did run an editorial calling on Trump to resign after his pussy video came out.",The church's personal newspaper however can endorse anyone and not have it reflect the church's opinions. No. You have reading comprehension issues and a need to move the goalposts when you're shown to be wrong. Sorry about your luck.,What goal post was moved? the title of this post keeps making me giggle because it just sounds like someone making a mouthless puppet say english words with bad grammar We havin' the bestest words!,"No, you're the puppet!" "I wonder if you timed it right if you could assassins creed style assassinate someone in this game from the roof. Provided the enemy back is turned and you're able to fall right behind them, I wonder if the melee kill animation would stop you from dying from the fall.",I got someone off the cliff in Sinai desert like this What happened to all the free enterprise rhetoric?,Goes out the window when it works against you. Bettman in the booth! We'll see what he says,There will not be a lockout this year! "Does anyone have experience transferring from a four year university to a community college? I really hate school and I don't really care for the social aspect of it (I prefer to be by myself playing piano or drawing, I have three friends at home and while I like meeting new people I don't love going to parties or school clubs or anything). I don't even know what I want to major in. I want to take classes in community college and maybe get my associate's there or just take more gen eds so I can reenroll somewhere else. I'm a junior at my school and probably ~40 credits away from graduating with a degree in comparative literature but A) I feel miserable at this school and B) I don't want to put myself 30k more in debt just for that degree especially if I won't have the grades to get into grad school. Have you guys done this/know anyone who has? It seems like the best option for me but my parents aren't sold since my cousin did the same thing and ended up dropping out of college entirely.","It's a long road, but it sounds like it'll be a decent option." Good. Let's take back all of the terminology back from these parasites who wants to hijack this hobby.,Normies get out ReeeeeEEEEEEEEE Republicans : We don't want SpaceX investigating its own rocket accidents,If he's eventually putting people in these things and one of them just exploded - I think that's their concern. "Immediate takeaway.. Yes, I would say Trump is a lot better at dealing with corruption than Clinton. Fixing it... not so much, but dealing with it for his own advantage? Absolutely :)",his whole life he was the corruptor share the pics!,"I've never shared anything before, so don't know how, and I'm lazy =p" You wouldn't say that about an ugly fat girl you insecure hypocritical prick.,You look pretty shitty. "Gurriel isn't as good as Moncada, but Moncada got over 60MM. For Gurriel to get just 22MM is nuts.","moncada was producing at an elite level when he was 18 in Cuba, this guy was decent not elite until this last season" White people.,Lol "which profession seems like your looks and appearance don't matter, but in reality they do ?",Almost every single one. "Is there any way to get the $250k bonus now? I couldn't get online while the promotion was going on, so would it be possible to still get it now?",Easy: just change the date of your PC/console to October 29th NEXT IPHONE TO HAVE NO CAMERA HUMP BY REMOVING CAMERA,It might be the HTC A9 2! "To be honest, I don't see the point in this. It adds nothing to gameplay or functionality. If you want to title someone, just do it as part of their name, problem solved.","Except there is a character limit, and it's pretty restrictive." "they are both are very smart, they just post stupid things on reddit 99% of the time",Who cares if they're smart if they write like 12 year olds (no offence Vaxei) President Obama says GOP 'stood by' while Donald Trump happened,Looks like they could have benefited from some extreme vetting of their potential candidates Good!,...but my equality! Bret Hart buries Seth Rollins (...again) on Booker T's podcast,"Bret, I love you, but you need to stop!" Are they doing a final two this year?!!!,One can hope! Sur ou hors de la glace?,"Je parlais de hors de la glace, des commentateurs et analystes qu'on entend de nos jours." It's all just political theater for her. She knows for a fact he can not release the evidence of an ongoing investigation.,"And that's good, it keeps the American people in a state of paranoia of not wanting to vote for a crooked P.O.S." "Yup. I've been eyeing it for a while,, it will take a long way to the top to rock'n'roll. I'm basically being paid peanuts. One of the reasons I'm trying to PP is to get some passive income :D",Make sure you fit a kill warrant scanner! "2 wins vs 15 losses! This tavern brawl was supposed to be fun, but OMFG.... Typically what happens is; Opponent plays a minion on a board with 2 of my minions and 1 of his. It triggers the Blessing of Kings on his minion. My turn. Play a minion, it triggers (true story) Blessing of Kings. On his minion! I am not the greatest Hearthstone player. But this tavern brawl is 90% RNG. My RNG is insane, for some reason, my minions ALWAYS selfdestruct as soon as they hit the board. From the 2 games 1, the second was only because my opponent left even though he was winning. The first was a win where I actually had a decent amount of luck. Probably a little more then my opponent. That is 1 game in 17 games where luck was in my favor. If I would get a dollar for every time a random damage spell killed my own minions... I would have somewhere around 350 dollar.",This brawl is a rage-fest from experience I disagree with that. The worst is Krul imo. He just doesnt work well with his Reno condition.,Lol are you high?Krul is good. Yeah they just got bought out by a big company (Walmart?) to compete with Amazon.,"Thank you, I didn't know that." "Granted, but they already had big cities a hundred years ago.",Not sure how this relates to what I was saying. All the textures are place holders until I come up with better models for the sides.,Okay then. No! It is intelligently and lovingly designed by God,Forgot the "I work with someone from England and she just came back with a few bags of Digestives. They weren't bad, chocolate and sweet, but can't the name be changed?",Ask Mcvitie's! "This is exactly what has happened to the Lions this year. I blame our OC some, but Riddick can't run between the tackles to save his life. Neither can Washignton. And the only times we bring Zenner in is when we are going to run him right up the middle. And despite being propped by a killer pass attack, we have one of the worst (bottom 5 by several metrics) run games in the NFL.","No, you can't blame JIM BOB COOTER" And people wonder why emergency hospital staff never get holidays off,Stupidity doesn't TAKE holidays! "What should I buy , fallout 4 with season pass or black ops 3 with season pass By the way , my friends don't play neither black ops 3 nor fallout 4","I would most definetly choose fallout 4, much more bang for your buck if you ask me" Being able to open crafting log while crafting When will this be a thing?,I wish..... Is the game worth getting? Well from the title is the game worth getting and when does the origin black firday sale ends,Yes "I think the highs are also subjective. Like, I understand intellectually that it's very cool to watch someone grow up and become a real person, but it's not even on my top 10 list of things I really want to do.","I already watched someone turn into an adult firsthand, why do I need to do it again?" "The reason anyone is noticing or talking about Kaepernick is because the media has made it a point to show video of what he's doing over and over again and keep on trying to make it into a story. And I see what you're saying about when you're watching a game on TV, but I believe the etiquette is only really for when you're actually at an event where the anthem is playing. Imagine watching the Olympics at home and having to stand everytime the US won gold haha",I'm willing to bet most people that are at the Olympics don't stand for the anthems either. Trump: I will ask Congress to repeal Obamacare,"If it didn't happen the 67 other times, it wont happen the 68th." "Just because new PC sales are falling, doesn't mean people are not upgrading their PCs.","But that is true, there is absolutely no good reason to upgrade any Intel CPU that is less than 5 years old unless you want to spend some money on new hardware just for the sake of it." Right question for us...wrong sub for him.,"Well, maybe he is really into server porn." The show has gotten critical acclaim and for someone that young to have a show that is critically acclaimed is rare in the film/tv industry. That is the *only* reason why she's famous.,She's also a daughter of two highly lauded artists with possible nepotism that that got her into the industry What did your parents almost name you?,My mom wanted my name to be Julian Diamond. Finn and Poe's Excellent Adventure,Adventure Time with Poe and Finn Isn't it a crime to shoot a federal agent?,"Not if you're taking an idiom literally, there's an exemption for that." "tbh facebreakers are grossly overrated (maligaros craposity gloves are even worse). the reason reddit need it to reach passable multi is because they buy bad jewels (or they don't buy them at all). noKappa. also unique gloves are trash because of essence of insanity gloves, voidbringer isn't even BiS for vaal spark anymore. buff essence of insanity to 25% imo","Yes, I'm sure most of the top-tier players in the game are favoring Facebreakers because they don't know how to play around jewels correctly." "The Same To You Doubled, Robert Sheckley","Holy uncanny valley, Batman!" "That seems to be suppliers opinion as well.. It is quite sharp, any ideas for dealing with that? Other than: Grow a pair Gloves Give it to your wife/ sister/ daughter to shoot Your mom.",Throw a rail section on in front of it with an afg if it bothers you that much. "But have 62 fire res, 49 light res, 39 cold res and 83 life.",Had What Asian women really think of black men,She seems nice. I got only lime i can add with it crimson painted witch hat if u want and i will add very rare for a key,If op doesn't take it I'd do certified aviator dark matter for the lime chakrams. Official Preseason Game Thread: Baltimore Ravens @ New Orleans Saints ...,The Ravens D was all along the Hightower. This guy's probably not getting hired. So looking for a new tech at work and I got to sit in on the interview. Guy seemed nice enough and we got down to to the usual standard questions. Me:Do you have any experience imaging machines? Interviewee: Oh yeah of course. I've done that a lot in the past Me:What have you used to image machines? Interviewee: Mostly Snipping tool That was all that I needed to hear. The search continues.,Ghost all the way. 2a. Can't build nuke plant due to environmental regulations.,The New California Republic scoffs at your regulations; our flag has a two headed bear on it! I'm not a hardcore player I'm level 34 Does not compute Does not compute Does not compute,it all depends on what you consider hardcore I will be level 32 by the end of the event and I do not play much maybe an hour a day if I am lucky ... if someone has been playing from the start I can see how they can be level 34 at this point not being hardcore ... on the other hand 700k dust and 1 million xp in a week is pretty hardcore in my opinion "I didn't mention them, but you did. Do you get paid for every uber/lyft reference you make?","Oh, my bad, you clearly were referencing some other totally different thing when talking about fingerprints again, gotcha." As much as I love this video this wasn't for Hillary voters. This was for Romney voters in 2012.,I see it as more of a response to any idiots who claim they're going to abandon their country at the slightest turning of the tide. We seriously go through this every time my dad discovers a new feature on his phone that he can use to be peak dad.,my dad did this when he discovered emojis every now and then he sends me a text with nothing in it but spiders and poop "Not a very good pollster, the race is almost certainly narrower, but still any good news, I will take.",*poll comes out with Clinton +7* .... *the race is narrowing* wut I was confused at first but then I read your user name and laughed. You've got my up vote.,up_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________vote. I'm going to need a study and source on that claim.,Every study ever done shows the same. I have no idea either! I called my Grandmother Nana and she was very important to me growing up. She spelled it that way so I adopted that spelling too :),Do you have Cajun or French ancestry? Joe Flacco has thrown more interceptions (6) than touchdown passes (5) this year.,If that doesn't scream ELITE then I don't know what does. I like that though. I don't *pretend* to love it.,Liar. "Tips on getting offspec relics without switching loot spec? I am trying to gear up my offspec to dps in raids when needed, but I don't want to switch my lootspec for fear of getting a legendary drop for dps when I main heals. For regular gear it's not too bad; I just need to collect things with the appropriate secondary stats, but for relics it's a bit difficult since WQs only spawn holy / life relics. Has anyone tried switching loot specs before logging off in order to get offspec WQ loot spawns? Or do you know any other tips for getting offspec gear without potentially blowing my legendary load on a dps item?","If you're a ret paladin just do WQs, they never give ret relics anyway" "Should I jailbreak work phone? Ok to preface this, I have my own personal 7 plus so not jailbroken. I have a bunch of work phones here on iOS 9.3.x and am debating jailbreaking one for fun. They are not in use for another few months (only used a few months a year). Now before you go all it's a work phone don't your IT will know. I am the IT that supports and handles all the phones as well as configure and deploy them. I am just wondering people's thoughts and opinions on this. Since they aren't in use and I'll be wiping them anyways before they get used. Also what are your guys's opinions on jailbreaking a work phone if you are the user?",It's not really worth it. He also makes for a really hate-able douche bag as Captain Sobel on Band of Brothers.,He also plays a prick quite well in 'Breast Men'. So I might have missed it but did Katz pay for over half the arena? I'm not talking about surrounding areas that he'll make a profit on re ting office space and such. I mean the arena itself.,"The city loaned Katz the money, which he's paying back over the life of the arena." This. Is. Brilliant.,Kamala Harris is about to get a falcon punch of constitutional justice. "3D-Printed Gun Files Aren't Free Speech, Court Rules","Right, let's see them enforce it." "Personal observation, but at the house-hold level, it's pretty easy to see which homes eat healthy and which ones do not. The ones that do not have garage bins overflowing with food package waste. The houses that eat healthy have very modest amounts of trash.",Very modest amounts of trash could also be from homes where the residents only eat elsewhere (restaurants etc) How do you keep yourself entertained at an airport during a long layover?,I read (or listen to) books. You guys should duke it out to decide :P,This sounds a lot like the US presidential election... TJ Perkins getting his stuff ready for RAW,"Too bad this is all a work, and after TJP is introduced he is going to get squashed by Braun Strowman." * Xeon E3 1231-v3 (basically an i7-4790k without overclocking or an iGPU) * The XFX whateveritscalled aftermarket RX 480 * 8 gigs of DDR3 1600mhz ram,GTR ? I beautified my SO's build for his birthday,"Picture isn't the sharpest, What's the red vertical area inside the case?" "Or botflies (sometimes called warbles), or abscesses....or maybe just lumpy.",Nobody will ever know... Will it make a difference if the car is AWD vs 2 wheel drive?,The wheels all rotate the same way when the car moves whether they are powered or not. "Ezekiel Ansah has high ankle sprain, will miss time",High ankle sprains must be contagious. "Sure I can check it out, I just installed the 1070 so maybe something got messed up. I'll get back to ya in a bit. Thanks for your help btw","No worries, hope it works out." "Those HIV stats are for **AFRICA** not the developed world where there isn't FGM, polygamy, dry sex, and rampant other infection fostering vectors of entrance for the HIV virus during heterosexual sex.",You're like an anti-vaxxer stating a disease has been wiped out so we don't need to vaccinate against it anymore. New Subreddit Banner: Winter Wonderland - A Christmas collaboration with 10 subreddit artists,I LOVE THIS SO MUCH "the screech is the true killer, and also gives me a fucking headache, and I thought *Omnigul* was bad...",You haven't met the screech of the Synoid Simulor "I think it's more a quality and longevity problem than speed, so be careful, but even the worst ssd beats a hard drive",Thanks. Remember when Frank ate KAT's lunch in the NCAA tournament?,"Oh yeah, I 'member" I'm looking for gripping mobile games with a great story. Any recommendations? Hi all! I'm looking for gripping mobile games with a great story. I find it really hard to find anything like this in app stores... It doesn't matter if the game is paid or for free. Do you have any recommendations?,KOTOR It's like if KFC invented the triple down.,Triple Trump It's finger-drumpfing good! Why does it has to have anything to do with race ? Some of you guys equating western culture to the white race sound racist as fuck.,Well obviously if you care about your country you must be a racist! How do I beat campy Guiles as Urien?,Your fireballs are good and Urien has this knee drop move that evades and punishes fireballs If I was WB I would buy Chris Terrio's soul and force slavery work him on every DC script and project.,I'm not sold on Terrio yet since a lot of that script was his 2D game of Whac-A-Mole,On acid. I'm afraid people will decide based on a 2 hour showing rather than on month of listening to this guy ... I am worried if he manages to keep together for those debates (as unlikely as it is) that could sway the electorate enoug to wipe all the crap he's been flinging for a year ...,Hes gonna kill it! "42 hours, still never had potg.","I finally got one, it was mild" Nikita Kucherov scores on Carey Price for Team Russia,Pay the man Every Team Ole Miss Has Faced This Year Has Come Into The Game Undefeated,It's like it is the beginning of the season or something Do you find muscles on a woman to be unattractive? Why or why not?,It would be nice if they could move Lucky BS flag on the Falcons or it would be 14-0.,Flag was perfectly valid. "It's meaningless. It meant like the game, Rogue. Now it's meant some wholly new thing with procedural maps and randomness and one life. It's a meaningless term.","So under the new definition, something like Diablo is a rogue-like now?" Would you play a League of Legends MOBA?,Sounds like it would be the worst game with the most toxic community ever Dishes and folding/hanging warm laundry!,Yes! Y O U ' R E S P E C I A L ! by VirtuallyTwisted,Reminds me of Tim Burton "One thing I'm not clear on which maybe they're referring to, what about individuals tax? Trump said business tax small and big companies, is it going to 15% for the average American? Genuinely curious here. Also wonder what Crooked'd tax rates would be in percentages","In the debate their was nothing about personal taxes, at least not that I'm aware of" God you are so cringy,Noice "Lots of women have come out and said he sexually assulted them. One was in NYT. Trump has demanded a retraction and NYT was like, lol, no. Also, a video of him being creepy towards ten year old girls was released.",Holy crap Dominant Force Weekday Ops Plus New Bundles!,"So confused, so the su76i is not a oneday sale?" "If it was made to be played while walking, then why is the speed requirement for a pokemon to be spawned off an incense at a rate of 1 per minute ~7.5 mph? Anything slower than that, spawn rate is 1/5min.","Biking, likely." "I can't believe you've never heard of the Islamic Republic of Iceland. Sheesh, keep up.",this Does it break through all 3 of the life bars?,"No, lol." Why did you think you were drafted so high son? Think you were going to a winning team?,In his defense Zeke got drafted higher and is on the best team in the NFL. 9cm I dumped him as fast as I saw it.,"See guys, men aren't the only assholes." Friend of mine assumed I was pro Hillary because I am trans. Now he's angry that I'm ready to MAGA!,Love you Any word on nixing occupation and illegal settlement or are those still on?,"No, the communications ministry is going to announce their peace initiative next week." Lol I had the soccer version of this good times,"I always wanted these, the soccer one and the NBA one, because the customization capabilities of the jersey torso!" i don't think he has a choice now,There's always a choice... are you my dad? "You have been granted super strength, how you earn the most money?","I feel as if TC somehow achieved super strength and is trying to get money, while instead should be sharing with us how they got this super strength." Layers,Ogres "TIL if you take pictures of planes landing in San Diego, the Laurel Airport Parking attendant will threaten to call the police",Photography is not a crime Don't put it in your mouth if your mom is watching,Imagine what those eyebrows would look like untamed.... The infamous he government. Down with patriarchy!,Username doesn't check out. Canada Was Once Governed by a Prime Minister Who Sought Advice from Dead People,So just like the current leader of South Korea then? NEW LIRAEL BOOK SAY WHAT?? Thanks for the head's up! I just bought it for myself and another copy for my sister. :D,YEAH you guys enjoy that surprise reading! "One day, I was walking with some friends to my University's quad, when out of the blue this girl walks past me and says, Hey, nice sandals. I said thanks, and then she yells back, enjoy the last supper, and continues on her way. I couldn't function the rest of the day.",Biblical. If alcohol can be legal weed should be legal. It's completely bullshit we can go to our capital and burn one down but can't in other states legally.,that didn't answer the question tho that answered 50% The one where people actually search their question before posting a duplicate that gets reposted every month or so.,"Uh, do you not realize what this subreddit is for?" "This is how we got Bush. Gore is too establishment. He hasn't earned my vote. He and Bush are basically the same. He won't do anything for the environment. He doesn't seem trustworthy enough. I refuse to vote for the lesser of the two evils. Gore is a warmonger. He's too boring. Bush doesn't mean the things he says. And if Bush does win, people will support a more progressive candidate in four years anyway. Then it became It's not Nader's fault that Gore wasn't a better candidate. It's not our fault that Gore lost Florida by 500 votes. Blame the Democrats there who voted for Bush. At least my conscience is clean. And now people who don't remember the 2000 election are saying that Sanders is a once in a lifetime candidate, even though there have been dozens of left wing populists exactly like him including Ralph Nader. They will deeply regret this holier-than-thou crap under a Trump presidency, but by then it'll be way too late.","Yep, this has all the earmarks of us being Nadered." "Crackhead throws water bottle at biker, biker responds accordingly.",Crackhead? I'd have the shop do it. But only because I don't have time to do repairs and my neighborhood really discourages doing repair work.,Which is why I will *never* even consider living in a place with an HOA. **For those wondering:** **Triple monitor setup:** ASUS MG279Q 1440P @ 144hz Freesync **Top Monitor:** ASUS PB287Q 4K @ 60Hz **Monitor Stand:** Ergotech Triple Desk Stand with Telescopic Wings and 36 Pole,Do you find yourself using freesync much when you cant really use all your monitors with it on? #downwithcis #notmyally,"Yes, the worst type of person in the world is the one that identifies as the gender that they were born as." What makes your country great?,We don't have Donald Trump as our leader we gave Stevan harper the boot maple syrup is great our soldier's are more peace keepers then wariors *but when they have to fight they do a great job at it cough ww1* also who else has a leaf for a flag eh? "Disney have come a long way in recent years, but I really doubt they're going to have *sisters* being in a romantic relationship with one another.","Doubt it, but the bigger picture definitely leads to the conclusion that they're involved." Can you explain the second coming to me?,"Well, Jesus was already here once, so we couldn't very well call it the First Coming, could we?" Especially since she died. Reportedly he's not even allowed to open up her casket.,Hard to open someone else's casket when youre already in one... "The Chiefs have placed RB Jamaal Charles on IR, per a league source.",thank god we finally have some solid news. "Maybe the fact that he sent his own daughters to kill themselves was the limit for them and he crossed that line? I'd love to know why he got killed by his own group, though.",He did other stuff most likely Oh wow I didn't know NFC could be used with Smart Lock...unless you used Tasker to disable screen lock or something,"You can but afaik your phone has to be in range of the tag and will relock as soon as your phone loses connection with the tag, unless they updated smart lock to keep your phone unlocked for a short time after your phone comes out of contact with the tag." Not to pile on (but I will...): **Did they ever have a plan?**,"if milwaukee is any evidence, its to defend dangerous criminals" Well last year we got em at 12am GMT on christmas eve. That is already over so,And last year we had a crash. How to get notes after missing class as a transfer who doesn't know classmates yet?,Ask a random person. hidey ho neighborino!,I live Family Guy! So like the muggle version of muffilato.,You are correct! XxXSAN1CXxX titan 363 i've done the whole raid i know what to do,"Sorry, filled up!" "Without revealing your age; what is something you remember, that if you told a younger person, they wouldn't understand?",Carbon paper "Hey, you wanna play some **Q CK TCH**? It's my favorite mode.",ROFL! "When a Movie is Made About the 2016 Election.... The_Donald, Pepe, 4chan, and Shitposting better be in it for historical accuracy. We have quite literally changed history no matter the outcome.",With all the schlonging it will be a porno "Omg I know. How can these people who've been in war torn theocracies their whole life do such terrible things, demons. Meanwhile they have wet dreams about people invading their country and start a white power resurgence because they're too lazy to move to where the jobs are.",Red Dawn 2 "Not only the glare, but the wind protection that eye glasses provide! I need sunglasses for the glare and wind protection...otherwise my eye lids feel like sandpaper dragged across my eyeballs","Also a side effect of Lasik (ditto having trouble with sunlight, and dry eyes)." I would check out Brian Reimer Audio on St. Mary's. I've been going there for years because they have the best service in town. Very knowledgeable staff and not pushy at all.,X2 You're held at gunpoint and will be shot if you cannot supply a random fact that the person has honestly never heard. What do you tell them?,THE MITOCHONDRIA IS THE POWERHOUSE OF THE CELL. Getting rid of my girlfriend.,Doing something once isn't habitual. Desktop. Chrome. Add-ons are u block origin and ghostery.,You're a champ what POSITIVE things happened in 2016?,Pokemon Sun and Moon I pleasured myself to this,Me too man me too My boots look like that in 6 months. Sure those boots might be 25 years old but they haven't seen 5 days a week of 8 plus hour days for the last 25 years. Let's not exaggerate.,I'll make sure to filter the rest of my life experiences through the other people used it harder so my experience is invalid next time. There's the shot in the trailer where he's shirtless and he bulked up,Like Banner bulk-up "Daily Discussion Thread: 12/18/2016 Feel free to post things in the Daily Discussion Thread that don't warrant a subreddit-level discussion. Although most of our posting rules will be relaxed here, you should still consider your audience when posting. Most importantly, show respect to your fellow redditors. General redditiquette always applies.",I fucking love doing legs when I'm bulking. "Are there enough 'great' offensive lineman in the league to go around? Being a Broncos fan, I have became more aware of what it feels like to have a less-than-adequate offensive line. It seems like if there was SOMEONE out there we would at least try to get them, but the options seem almost non-existent. My question is, if all teams had the cap space, and money, would there even be enough great offensive lineman to go across the league?","Building a line is easy, just draft a few players, and pick up some UDFAs and boom, elite level line for 5-10 years." "If you could delete any legendary from the game, what would it be? (Discussion post) Hey guys! I've really liked making discussion posts and looking at your answers, so I've decided to make this a daily everyday thing! So, for today's discussion post, if you could delete any legendary from the game, what would it be? Discuss!",miner i never want to see his chin again... but doesn't that give an unfair advantage to who ever gives up a home game to play in London?,Ask Goodell Crimson Discotheque Offers Make me your best offer,"Pink lightning, pink crown, hypernova, guardian dark matter" Proof That Speeding While Crossing Multiple Lanes On The Highway Is A Bad Idea,All the bags and shit flying out ahead of the car though.. 2meirl4meirl,The paper boy is really a serial killer who knows your routine... He's ready to make his move. Bug & tar remover with clay bar and polish to finish it up.,I second this motion. "To be entirely fair, there probably is no real 'inner Donnie', at least not the way you and I would think of it. Most of us have some basic moral tenets, a few driving urges, and the occasional dark secret-- Donald has none of these. His only ethical consideration is his own immediate gratification; his only driving urge an insatiable greed. As some of us hide skeletons in our closets, Donald proudly displays his on the lawn: see what he has made. In this way he is worse than an actual bigot. A genuinely awful person still has some central beliefs, but what sits in the empty center of Donald Trump is opportunism stripped of cleverness or cause-- just an ugly desire to exploit.",A compelling and devastating critique. "What if the Cyclone had a transformation mechanic. One form could be the Test Map version, while the other could be the Live version. Perhaps one could be behind an Armoury or tech requirement",Would combining the best of both of them be too strong? why would you even want texas is what i dont get,And how can he take over a state he's already president of? The line for tonight's Trump rally in Wisconsin is ENORMOUS! MAGA!!,Photoshopped I Got crimson disco Whats your offer?,Fg discos + type s Not sure if top tier meme or because Allu is a pretty common nickname in Finland,Top tier meme for sure "I'm beginning to think trump really hates Obama, for some unknown reason",Probably because he's not white. "Are you stupid enough to believe that people who are brainwashed by a religion that is entirely preposterous would not all have an agenda handed down to them by that religion. Yes, yes you are.",To call the majority of a religious group with over 1.3 billion followers is a bit of a generalization. It's always. Quantum. Physics.,"The fuck, why is it ALWAYS quantum physics." ta a ficar mais frio :(,eu amo o frio. They're gonna love you in college.,I only share my opinions on the internet :P Pet pooping station at the airport,I just saw one of those in JFK Sunday. Star Citizen Planet to Planet Quantum Jumping,Hopefully this isn't another no man's sky New cards sound effects.,Can someone explain to me what the hell is wrong with the electric wizard.. Would you be okay with this if it was Pelosi or Tim Kaine?,"I think there's a difference being a Catholic politician who has an obligation to his faith to support the moral good, then say, a Catholic celebrity who at the very worst is still demonstrating to the world the goodness of the Catholic faith, even if they still have liberal views leftover from Hollywood." What's your it's such a small world! story?,"Had an online friend in Sweden, he introduced me to someone who was childhood friends with someone I know at college." Exactly *Mateo voice*,I don't feel like her is at the same level as the rest of us. "I didn't get to watch the game, how did Reimer do?","He did pretty well, could have been better but ultimately all 3 goals were poor defensive plays" "I don't think Benson or Shields have what it takes to be Ufc Champs. Rory has had two opportunities to be champ and has come up short, he seemed to be a gate keeper towards the end.",Yeah Benson could never be a UFC champ.... Here's the soundtrack for the Hindu Pantheon since its been ages since we got to hear it in game.,What's a Hindu Pantheon? The churro recipe doesn't look like its very good.,His churros are basically fried flour and water "That all depends on the man doesn't it? Some people want to do what they want to do no matter what the outcome is right? Then there are other people who want a certain outcome and so do what they need to do to get that outcome. Women are like this too. One of my friends says she is big boned or has a thyroid problem but what she really has is an I eat a bagel and schmear for breakfast every day followed by a giant burger and fries from shake shack for lunch problem! So, no skinny jeans for her even though she is lovable, funny, sweet and generous, also no dates for her either.","She should settle for the fat guy down the block, but no, because she is shpeshial.. right?" Adam?,Aye Solid post game analysis tweet from NFL twitter account,That's easily the best thing they've ever tweeted. Feels Good Man,#CUCKS CURRENTLY PREPPING BULLISH MEME MARKET The City of Vancouver's announcement to move away from gas was only a week or so ago. Site C and LNG were both proposed years ago.,VanCity's plan has been under discussion for donkey's years. EVGA GTX 1080 and 1070 cards reportedly catching fire due to VRMs overheating,Again? I should have guessed that this was said before... Oups xD,"Meh, that was 2 years ago, I wouldn't sweat it." "Clinton maintains lead in Pennsylvania, new poll finds","Without PA, Trump has no realistic path to victory." "Joe Heck un-endorses Trump, calls for him to step down from race","Your thoughts on the matter, DJ Khaled?" GSP was been tested twice by USADA last week and provided four samples - evidence to suggest the comeback is really on,"be careful man, Dana will blacklist you if you do your job" "I did, and did not see anything refering to problems since the last patch","It has worked as it always has, as you would see if you searched 'Eevee evolution' like I just did and found multiple posts." Wow 3 nfc east teams.,I thought the NFL *Least* was a weak division? This video is ridiculous. It takes a second to load the images. Big fucking deal. It plays music instantly from thin fucking air! How is that not the most amazing thing in the world?,"Sure, cause Play Music has a patent for playing music instantly from thin fucking air." The hacker known as 4chan?,4chin* Hawks vs Kings Picks for Spread and O/U Hawks are 7 point favorites and the O/U is 202. Thoughts? I'm liking the 7 points in this one. Sacramento starting a healthy road trip and on the front end of the back to back. If the Hawks get some separation after halftime I could see the Kings holding back to save legs for tomorrow night. No good feeling on the O/U. Kings have been averaging a little over 100 per game but will our defense hold them down?,Hawks-109 Kings-88 go raiders,I will destroy you "The only thing that get me crazy is the people that score 2 random goals in the last 20 seconds and the write ez. Seriously... Wish me death, cancer, everithing but don't fucking say it was easy :|",sounds like to piss you off is.... 2 ez "I'll never forget it, probably my favorite sports moment I got to watch live. I'm in college and walked out to the front room and said to my roommate that I thought there was a day game that day, and we turned in on a they were coming back from commercial to start the 7th.",So how was that burger "TIFU by spending so much money on phone games , I'm in unescapable debt. Over a series of a few months I have spent 8 grand and I'm 6 thousand in debt. It's an addiction like a drug to me to have the cool things in these games like clash of clans and pokemon go. If I start paying off the maxed credit cards and over drafted bank accounts I wont be able to pay bills or car payments. I F U really bad.","Wow, this shit belongs in #ThingsThatDidn'tHappen" what did he say (s p a c e i t),Is my comment deleted? Inferno T-Spawn Bells added!,LITERALLY FUCKING UNPLAYABLE VALVE HOW DO I RING THE BELLS GG 911 PLZ FIX ICEFROG. your flair gave me AIDS,Well that's unfortunate Where did you find those? This is gonna be the best happening bunker ever.,I have a Dunkaroo dealer. Hezbollah flaunts American equipment in Syria parade,This has been a massive failure to the Obama administration who should never have got involved in Syria. "Holy shit, you're a psychopath.",You're a tallywhacker. "Yeah New Avengers is what I was thinking the second they decided to change the name and not tell anybody. Hell, it might not even be revealed until after Infinity War Releases. If that means we're going to have a movie with actual consequences, I'm for it.","But Tony felt, like, really bad about Sokovia, so AoU had real consequences." I know nothing about the KKK,"I like Trump, he's a very thoughtful person, he doesn't want to pronounce without doing research first." Roast her,I thought those novelty glasses came with a mustache too Forwards from The_Donald,"By this logic, since Obama did the opposite of all this (and they hate him for it), doesn't that prove that he's NOT a Muslim?" Out for a casual stroll,Jesus I am REALLY happy with Outlandish Phallus so far this season.,I'm loving all these nicknames for Wiercioch "Couldn't see it and didn't read the title... Damn, today I've incorrectly ID'd 2 pairs of UBs. Lemme just quietly hold this L...","Just delete your account, you've lost all credibility" "Well according to the left I'm horrible, disgusting, and completely rotted out on the inside for supporting President Trump!",Into that cozy basket with Pepe! "1,584,204","1,584,205" "Honestly, if you watch the map to see what's being taken. You can get so many kills dropping bombs. Of course, I didn't get a kill every time but when I did it felt like I would get 3 or 4 kills at once. Wish, I still had the kinect to record..",Why would you need a kinect? "You're not getting it. Beating the odds isn't lucky if the outcome is unfavorable. It means you missed something good happening WAY more than you should have. That is unlucky. Lucky is either getting something good to happen more frequently than it should, or getting something bad to happen less frequently than it should. Yeah I beat the odds on not six-socketing, but that's a shit outcome. **UN**lucky",Statisically you are lucky regardless of the unfavourable outcome. And bacon. Lots and lots of Canadian Bacon.,And don't forget a love for hockey! I about shit my pants when that happened. That possession lasted 7 seconds.,I couldn't help but laugh. On a horse,"Even with that gag, I doubt he would say neigh to that." Didn't this shit happen like 2 or three years ago already?,Yes I CUT OPEN SOME SHOTGUN GATTERIES AND FOUND FUGGIN RATSHOT INSIDE,fun fact: large volumes of rat shot in a shotgun turns it into bird shot. yeah but he came to louisiana and spent 46 seconds giving aids to the residents!,46 more seconds then clinton though in the future its royale with cheese because metric system,....they wouldn't know what the fuck a Quater Pounder is! Gay,bretty good You must have fucking dial-up.,More like cups and string love and famiry,rove and famiry dying right war sour sounds a bit like a really poor poem "If you consider that Dota 2, League and CS:GO were released years back, I can understand that Overwatch won. After all, it's the Game Awards **2016**, and Overwatch was the only nominated game that was actually released in 2016.","TBH i didn't even know there was a competitive scene for Overwatch... hell, even RL has a better comp scene than it" "Ha! Who's making fun of Allen *now*! (Everybody, still, because a 60 mil stadium is always ridiculous)",And one that had structural problems so soon after opening. Suggestion: Void's lvl 25 talent that gives him 20% evasion should also give him 20% spell evasion For the old days,F O R T H E ~~B O Y S~~ O L D D A Y S Too bad the Clinton's didn't win. You-know-who would find a way.,I thought there was only one Clinton running for office. You Never Know Unless You Say Hello - 1PP,Bang Bang That PPSh 41 is great for CCQ,I came here to make a ppsh comment as well comrade Well at least he was going really slow. Could have been bad otherwise.,Imagine how much more it would've hurt had he been moving at normal speed? Forgot JJ. And would JJ be Joanna or Jon?,Joanna no doubt Jones is JBJ "New Orleans Pelicans (12-21) vs. Los Angeles Clippers (22-11) | December 28th, 2016 #Smoothie King Center, New Orleans, LA. **Tip:** 7pm CST #Geaux Pelicans",Man remember how awful Austin was here? What are you talking about? Surrogacy isn't any more human trafficking than adoption is. Or even having a child of your own.,"Yeah, no, using someone's body as some kind of farm to harvest human beings like some kind of consumer product is human trafficking, and no amount of warm fuzzies the product gives you will change this." "Judging by the poor quality stitching and general tag quality, plus the awkward elastic shrinkage in the sleeves. I'd say it's legit.",Damn lol Is this Keemstar's daily routine?,Who is that lesbian and how tight is her pu$$y George Washington's Teeth,Bald eagle musk I was thinking of her wording. 5 Weeks after she submitted her application. Most don't submit their application until the stamped results come back. Maybe it is actually closer to 9-10 weeks over all. I should email and ask her.,Couldn't hurt. "QUESTION: Who would win in a fight, the SEC, or a hurricane?",Definitely not Miami.