Input,Output "I'll probably sell mine. I prefer showing off my white sleeved cables haha :) I'll let you know once I actually get them, i don't even know how much they'll charge for shipping yet",You could ship it directly to me so that it cuts costs to both of us "Yeah, perhaps this is one of those electronics retails stores with enough bandwidth to run a dozen HD video streams simultaneously.","Well if they sell routers as well then they could just have a separate connection for each TV, or hooK them up together and have one super internet connection." Did Ukraine not happen?,What soldiers do on vacation is their business Less than a year ago Sen. Jeff Sessions argued in favor of using religion as a reason to ban immigrants from entering the US. Yet the GOP claims to champion freedom of religion...,"Of course, we should all be free to choose our own path to accepting Jesus Christ as our lord and saviour" So whos winning the North this year?lions or vikings?,Bears Of course! I'm sure they check me out too!,I'd check anyone out if they're 40% taco. And those are?,Drumpf is president and hitler and hitler is bad and drumpf is bad and president hitler is bad thats why we can't let hitler drumpf lead us into cheeto ww3 so we have to bomb russia so hitler drumpf doesn't destroy the world "It's healthier than cigarettes and alcohol, so..",That's a great reason to start doing drugs The only salt I've ever used.,Morton may go out of business since everybody can now survive on the left's salt Civilian casualties as collateral damage are very different from intentionally torturing a helpless prisoner.,Yeah because anyone who authorizes double tap drone strikes is going to draw a moral line at torture I'm thinking they're holding New-52 Superman and Lois.,isn't New-52 Lois in SuperWoman? And the hawks get their first win versus a Philadelphia professional football team this year,Hawks beat the Philadelphia Flyers in October. "Meh. Too me, SNL said it best. It's a race between the republican and Donald Trump. Had nothing to do with the lies spread, the investigations, the emails, Wikileaks, etc etc. And this is from someone that voted for her.","Voted the same as Bernie Sanders 93% of the time in the Senate, and adapted a majority of his stances into the parties official platform--literally a Republican." Clown Sightings in Hunter x Hunter (check the profile pictures ^^),Omg Chrollo's post has zombie as a tag on it. After endless attempts,NOW **THIS** IS POD RACING My friend is a chef and he definitely grabs spaghetti out of boiling water with his hand to check if it's ready.,I've gotten to the point where I can stick my hand in 350F fryer oil if the oil is clean or not. "Yeah but being angry is cool as long as you're a man. So technically it doesn't really count as being hormonal. I mean, if he's actually that angry there surely must be a good reason for it. Probably some naggy wife (on her period obvs) that pissed him off cause she asked him to do ~~his fair share of~~ housework",I fucking hate when the same dudes who accuse women of being overemotional are the man babies who punch holes in walls when they get upset. "Budget Blowout, 24b deficit forecast due to weak wages, govt still going ahead with company tax break.",Lucky the big boys are in charge Istanbul shaken by massive blast,The rebels are just fighting for freedom...the poor rebels need support from the Erdogan regime "Buck Weaver, one of the Black Sox, had 69 triples and 420 RBI in his career.",Nice Made my stomach hurt,Must be some bad fish taco. We need that wall otherwise Civil War will break out between OSRS and RS3 players.,With eoc it'll be over in about 2 seconds. What's an assault rifle?,"It's a rifle thats black and scary, obviously" What is something you do late at night that you never do during the day?,Watch late night shows. "My dad's girlfriend doesn't think I have BPD because she's seen people with BPD and I'm not like them. Like, I'm sorry that I internalize a lot of my emotions, keep how I REALLY feel hidden from others, and don't have angry, crazy, screaming outbursts like the people you know who have it. Not everyone experiences it the same way. I wish she would understand that. She said the same thing about my bipolar disorder a while back too. I get that it makes it easier to understand mental illness through comparison to people who don't experience those same illnesses. But that doesn't mean the person you know is a poster child for said illness.","Well, I'm sorry we can't ALL be Alex Forrest." Super Bowl Era homie,"We all know the NFL has only existed for 50 years now, just as Jesus intended." why the fuck would I not want tabs,Be more modern *Fuck* hibernate. That is all,Amen brother! I'm excited to find out what the next thing people use as their reason for not climbing more.,Rylias and Courage of colossus and no remakes in Aram New teaser!,Wow... That looks nice. convince me you are not worse than the alt right or just b& me and maintain your hugbox,Next time put a few paragraph breaks into your incoherent rant so people might actually read it. no it's toyota,No it's volvo Oh man the shot of the campfire and the stars above. This game is going to be gorgeous.,The final game will not look like that. All it does is flag you if you're charged with something. They don't actually check every day but they will know right away.,The system scans CPIC everyday. "Can confirm, in platinum league and had a khaimera on my team decide he wanted mid lane as soon as the match started so I (iggy) had to try and jungle","Pffft iggy jungle is amazing, haven't you used the CC and stun that makes his gank amazing...." "Support for EU rises since Brexit vote, survey shows",Thank you Britain for your sacrifice. "I have screamed so much random shit to people that weren't my friends and I thought they were. But the best was hugging a random chinese guy because he looked EXACTLY like my friend (I'm talking same clothes, same height, same hairstyle)","Wow, why so racist?" Cayenne pepper. Works in the kitchen too,Well where else would she be? "I'm curious, not upset or confused at your opinion, but intrigued. If you hate fantasy shit, what media DO YOU like? I ask because much of modern media is made up of the fantastical, and is made up.",I wonder if they watch 'reality' shows because they're less made up... "Why is the nazi one in the center of the top, instead of in the right corner together with the other fascist one?",Didn't you know the Nazis were also socialist? Why aren't you in a relationship?,I suck at it Hispanics cringe over Mike Pence's 'Mexican thing' remark at VP debate,Strawmen can be hispanic now? The thread is not locked yet? Woah..... I should say something cool or controversial to rake in the easy karma. The xbox 1 S and the PS4 pro are a complete waste of money anyone buying one this holiday season is a sucker.,But they represent the future of gaming and the end of PC master race dominance. "Wow, your wife's head is about 5cm higher than the top of the couch in the second pic, it's amazing how much they grow.","For real, what do you feed her op?" "Have just tried about 10 public matches in a row; in every single one, at least one person was spinning constantly in spawn or moving slowly forward. Have people just given up on playing? These guys were all level 40+. The highest level player I've met in this game yet, level 71, was doing it. What the fuck? This is worse than AFK people. With them, there's hope they'll come back after a few minutes but these spinners obviously busted out the rubber bands for their analog sticks and fucked off elsewhere.","Simple fix, don't play pubs" "Diplo had a concert in Jakarta then a concert in Islamabad in the same day. It's not unheard of to do this either, it's especially not hard to believe that Zedd could still perform a 30 minute set if that before flying to I believe Washington for his show.","I agree, playing Ignite at the finals isn't even as time or energy consuming as a concert, it's like 30-60 minutes." How much more cucked would the left have to get to vote for another Clinton?,It would be \#HerTurn though. I will eat you,That was fast :) "Rape, medical reasons... Not every fetus is 'poor planning'.",Technically the first one would be poor planning on the rapist's part. "Johnny Depp, returns $2.80 for each $1 paid Will Smith, returns $5 for each $1 paid Channing Tatum, returns $6 for each $1 paid Will Ferrell, returns $6.50 for each $1 paid George Clooney, returns $6.70 for each $1 paid Adam Sandler, returns $7.60 for each $1 paid Mark Wahlberg, returns $9.20 for each $1 paid Leonardo DiCaprio, returns $9.90 for each $1 paid Julia Roberts, returns $10.80 for each $1 paid Bradley Cooper, returns $12.10 for each $1 paid At least he's making someone a buck 80",I'm surprised Adam Sandler bring that in. "Fuck dating, skip straight to marraige. Unasked for foot rubs? Are you kidding me!",This person knows how it is "I think it's middle, top, bottom. Pretty ridiculous.",Sounds like a very confused group at a BDSM club. when RNG is against you,Relic system is better. "Not sure why everyone wants to go to Mars. Venus is closer, larger, and warmer.","Also more atmospheric pressure, way high temperature, is basically covered in a cloud of acid." "I can't thank you enough for this response, it has really helped. Seriously, thank you so much.","Sure thing, good luck!" All over the world right?,Only if you cook a turkey... If I put Road of Resistance at od 0 and cs 2 I would easily fc it. But if Riviclia does it it's impressive because oooh! the approach rate is slow! wow!,"RoR is a bad example because streams, while higher object density, are way easier to read than cross screen jumps at 1/2 the density." Embiid availability tonight? Anybody know if Jojo will be playing tonight? I wanna buy tickets to tonights game but I'd like to know if he will be playing or not.,Should be. "You can now urinate infinitely. Who can you 10/10? You have suddenly gained the ability to urinate without end. The strength of the stream is no stronger or weaker than an average session, but continues to flow unending until you will it so. You can stop at any time without any discomfort and begin just as easily as you would otherwise. What's the strongest character you can reliably 10/10?",Maybe the Human Torch if he doesn't fly away. What are items you can buy from shops 16+ years old in the UK?,I'm sure there's plenty of things you can buy in shops that have been around for 16+ years And navy,thanks for the reminder :( Wiping a disc on a reckless defender has never ended in a torn ACL though.,And it has never ended in a fight. "I really hope we get a completely ruthless Vader in Rogue One, completely irredeemable at this point. I love the character when he's at his most villainous.",Everyone always hopes for this and everyone is always let down. You are not a smart person,See my other comments This was As long as it's Super Bowl Sunday then we're fine,We don't want to play against him. Crouching mechanics is the true skill of this mode.,"Wait, you mean the teabag button can be held down?" Meet & Greet with Rep. John Lewis tonight 12/20/2016!,I wish I saw this before I was home in Forsyth County wearing my slippers. Are MGTOW peoples are like those defeated male Seals who can't win a woman seal by the battle ?,Yes. Republicans aren't the ones committing crimes.,Petraeus Truck crash,"Ah man, I was like go dude, you can make i- Oh, oh no..." Probably because he's an alcoholic.,"sounds like a 17 yr old high on adrenaline, must have just got done lifting bro." "So, what about what he said after meeting with Obama?",He never met with Obama. bcoin - A JavaScript library that does a lot of hard bitcoin things for you,This is good for bitcoin! "Do many people play MHGen? I've been playing it for a couple of days now and so far there doesn't seem to be loads of people playing it , I've played monster hunter since tri on the wii and I can remember when I'd search for hubs on each of the games there'd be pages upon pages, but for this one there doesn't seem to be many (when searching from HR 1 - 999 I found 3 pages worth) :( I am liking gen but I want more people to play with :/",I think all search results are limited to 3 pages. "I need some shows to binge. What do you recommend? I prefer shows like (Friends, Parks & Rec, The Big Bang Theory, House of Cards, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt). I hope I'm not breaking any sub rules with this question!",Frasier! "Just how the game was intended to be played? You're not any better by not doing it. If anything, you're just handicapping yourself, silly goose.",I play 1st person because I'm not a no-skill *CHEESER*. The only thing that should ever be used on is a lawn mower blade.,Thanks for the constructive comment Fake Mechanic Prank,He is so cute. "Fellow Pedes, we are being brigaded (what else is new), you know what to do!!+!",This is a repost How the hell does this equate to having no skill lmfao.,no helix use Still need one? I got one for commenting but I didn't mean to get the key. I was waiting for someone to give it to. Let me know and ill pm ya,I would greatly appreciate it Or it was a joke and I would assume u/adhi- was joking as well.,"There was plenty of people bringing up Spartan Bob in this thread, hard to know who's being sarcastic without a" I don't even,srsly Also options: Ahnus Annus Anuus Anuss,It's been adjusted... just give up on the anus obsession already! Yup! It makes my chubby husband very happy!,Oh... well bye then :( "If I have the Lo Yang, is it worth keeping the Benson for competitive play?","Yes, Benson for DF and the better torps + more HP" Only note I would add is the guns on the Blys have far better arcs than the US DDs and it can actually stealth fire effectively. Somewhere around 12km. Keep the range higher during engagements than you would normally in a Benson/Mahan.,ok thanks I'm really happy that they confrirmed this.,damn it... Awesome. I have herpes. What do I get?,A console? Number pmd,me too thanks "Everything Dean Ambrose does inside the ring looks utterly fake. Sorry, i just can't get behind the guy. He has great in ring psychology, a great talker, awesome energy and has the look to make it in the WWE. But inside the ring, every punch, kick, rope move, movement, it just seems completely fake and forced. Two times during the match he did that stupid 2nd rope bounce. First, it never looks real, makes absolutely no sense and takes a stupid amount of preparation to even make the move while the opponent stands there waiting for him to do it. By far the worst move in his arsenal. Every other moves just seems so... fake, like he's a bad physical actor, when i am watching guys like AJ, Seth, Jericho, i can believe that that is a real move within the WWE realm, but the ones done by Ambrose always, always look fake... Can't remember one wrestler who always seems fake. p.s. personal opinion, what do you guys think.",Haven't seen these exact criticisms before. "The feel most of us had with lr goku. Atleast this one is Feasable... goku is insane, this is just tough.",I feel the exact opposite way. "Ottawa to announce coal phase-out, aims for virtual elimination by 2030",I'm sure this is gonna be great for Ontario's economy Little known fact: these are actually traps that the government sets out to catch the homeless and send them to B.C.,You can always count on Brad Wall to come up with the best solutions to our social problems! Happy Holidays,"I mean, at least they had the sense to plug the A/C straight in to the wall." How old is 13 really?,Depends on what your definition of 'is' is. ...We have classes for HEARING things?,Its a prerequisite class for womens/gender studies. Nightblue3 Disrespecting Yorick Damage,"I really like how they kept the Q nuke on yorick, albeit I think its a bit weaker now." Pope Francis extends Catholic priests' right to forgive abortion,How very generous of him. Are you telling me that young white suburban men don't already have the answer for mass incaeceration?,they listen to kanye west so of course they do d00d OK I checked my Chansey and I am 99% sure its HP is the same (300)...are you sure HP increased?,Looks like it stayed the same to me. Death Grips - Giving Bad People Good Ideas,Why is this here? "It's kinda meh IMO, but he's insisting on having people tell him it's sexy.",Sounds like a real fun guy to be around Peer Pressure,A+ title Amazing Savitar art by @bosslogic,Nice try I know that's a *Transformers* poster with the Flash photoshopped in Wow so apparently there were 69 charges in 2014-2015,"I bet a 70th person was about to press charges, saw that, and decided not to" The Rams didn't even rank as the #1 NFL game in their own market.,I heard STL needs a NFL team ... Andre Iguodala between the leg alley oop to Shaun Livingston... after the whistle.,cool "Let this sink in: the front page of reddit is dominated by a subreddit whose sole purpose is to defend the government at all costs, where even the slightest hint of criticism results in a permanent ban.","Yeah, they are still going on about HRC to distract people from Trump (???)" "I just watched Clayster: The Chronicle, and first, I just have to say, it was amazing. One of the best montages I've ever seen. But why did Clay get dropped from so many teams? Did it have to do with team chemistry or something like that? It can't be because of skill level right? I'm just confused as to why he kept getting dropped.",The ponytail man. "Or it might have something to do with the $10,000 donation from the Trump Foundation in May 2015.","The trump foundation didn't pay the people in charge of Hillary's campaign to admit to crimes, bruh." Titans coach Mike Mularkey says QB Marcus Mariota has a fractured fibula.,And the life of a Titans fan of disappointment and agony continues on... "Yes, I think in some cases they are whining is just a poor way of saying I can't help them or do anything about their situation, so I can't listen anymore.",Duly noted. Whoever just decided on the Rachel flair-- did you do it just to stick out on this chart?,"I'm going to guess that they aren't very active, use mobile, or kept forgetting." "Good points, thanks.",maybe tag it gluten free instead? "Okay it's not friction (it's totally friction). Real-ass answer: when an object, pretty much any object, is going mach 6 in sea level air (4,500 miles an hour or about seven times the cruising speed of an airliner) there will, no doubt, be tiny particles sheared off its surface by YES friction with the surrounding air and superheated into a plasma that looks like fire, even if nothing much is being oxidized.",Doesn't pressure heating have something to so with it too? "This may be a dumb question, but how did he not have any security there? People with this kind of political importance generally have bodyguards I thought.",Killer was a bodyguard. Jurgen Klinsmann has been fired as head coach of the U.S. National Team.,\#SigiIn? Sweet potatoes: The fuck did not have no Value!,So when they make. Jika kau fikirkan ragu ragu usahamu tidak menentu,Engkaulah apa yang kau fikirkan "*Chuckles, shakes head* That is simply not true.",You dropped this "Pulled this in the Dessert set, how does this compare to the rest of the guys I could have pulled? Also got a Tucker earlier, not sure who's considered a good pull in this set (I'm new to MM)",The dessert collectable would have been better "TIL A few days before delivering the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln saw John Wilkes Booth perform as a villain in a play at Ford's Theatre. Someone told Lincoln, He almost seems to be reciting these lines to you. To which Lincoln replied, He does talk very sharp at me, doesn't he?","Ahh, so that was what the whole Hamilton thing was about......." Scenes from Hillary's as a childhood *Shitpost*,Thanks for the trigger warning in the title btw Idk but Ido,It reminds me of when someone asks you something and you're like I don't know its just.... then you go on to explain what you said you didn't know lol And the alt/right is now apparently running things?,"Well, Hillary was just as bad and people on the left are the *real racists*." "Its your crosshair bro, can't tell where the center is lol",you forgot the In West Point's region. Played an intense game with them early spring. Great team. I don't think anyone on the team knows how to give less than 100%. Question. Are you saying that guy guarded Marques as a freshman? If he's a junior now then the only year he shared with him was his freshman year.,Marques has been known to play a few points with the Stevens guys during unsanctioned tournaments "What a racist bastard this prick is, dragging facts into the debate isn't going to help.",You forgot this - More dangerous going 60 on a fwy than speeding thats for sure,I feel like you forgot your Top 15 Facts - Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location,"Smike, is that you?" Which film would be improved if Tobias Funke played the lead role?,Shrek. "Yeah, they were attempting to arrow build, but 404 missed his arrow twice unto muma, resulting in him not being able to heal b4nny while b4nny was furiously hitting himself with the basher.",Doesnt make it less funny tho "I'm pretty sure he says can't get them all right, as in can't win them all, but it is a bit difficult to hear.",Either way he's wrong... So black pride gets capitalized but White Pride doesn't?,"Because he's racist, only reason to do that." Abed would approve of the time travel.,"In the darkest timeline, Shane went to OU" Weapons,Was looking for this. "Yep, hopefully it gets fixed decently fast. Really, though, a Kara pug on the first week isn't the greatest idea for more reasons than this.",For some of us it's PUG or nothing. You just have to move your feet very quickly when you come in from the landing and you will be fine.,All I could think of was bevis and butthead do America You don't live here and don't understand what a fucking needless inconvenience and expense this is.,"I mean, how important could 5th Avenue really be?" Like a temporary reverse-labotomy,Only thing better would be if you had severe congestion and pulling the booger out released a big pfffffft of air pressure that was trapped in your sinuses. Illegal snap? That's a thing?,"Yeah, it's when the ball snap looks weird and the refs gotta compensate for a bad call." "Which program has the thirstiest boosters? We're hearing a lot about boosters & donors having a dramatic effect on the cessations of employment for Charlie Strong and Les Miles, but which team has the most insufferable set of benefactors? Surely teams with a great history will always expect good coaching, but some seem to have much shorter strings than others. From the way things sound, it would be tough to beat Texas on this list but I'm interested to hear what other programs might have boosters who are always dissatisfied.",Yet the Ivy's regularly get $300MM+ donations and can't put a decent team on the field... It seems like you can answer these questions yourself by trying it out.,Super helpful reply. Time to go to the store for some cigarettes,i get that reference. And they wonder why we call them deplorable.,Careful calling them racist might make them mad enough to vote for Trump in 2020 "Chipotle's '300-calorie burrito' left customer too full, and he's suing",Seems reasonable. "Eh, it wasn't. There's really no opinion to it, it was beyond the spot when the knee was down.",Guess I should've added It's not really just an American thing - the classic definition of beauty in Western culture is still largely derived from Ancient Greek/Roman ideas.,It is kind of interesting the ideal male physique has largely stayed the same after all this time while the ideal female figure is always changing "If Andrew Luck cannot start Thanksgiving night vs Steelers, Scott Tolzien would.",Pick up in all formats. Did you leave the iron on? or the oven?,Did you leave the iron in the oven? Yes,Haha he did the funny thing with the yes "Not here for an invite, just here to say Jack's been super helpful any time I needed it and the market is absolutely fantastic. Needs some more concentrate vendors with high quality stuff (like if BCB would ever get his live resin again... that was amazing) but other than that the selection is phenomenal.",Second the need for more 710 "What's your Season 3 worst case scenario? Mine is: If they did a Flashpoint Paradox storyline. And then the rest of the season was spent trying to guess what happened to everyone. Can you just imagine. The utter despair. Dozens of episodes, completely wasted. People erased from memory, never to be brought up again. Random personality changes. Bad fashion sense. Of course, such a thing would require the ability to travel through time and Young Justice is far too sober to ever bring that up, so that could never happen.","Assuming the story is solid, I worry about cheaper animation." "Wanting to talk to the authorities about something that has been bothering me for a few days, but worried about doing so. Help? First I will say that the issue I want to talk to them about is not really an issue at all, in fact it is kinda ridiculous. But with that being said, that is why I am worried about talking to them to have some of my questions answered. I dont want to waste anyones time but it has really been bothering me... If you have seen some of my threads on here, you will know that I have some mental health issues regarding paranoia, and I just have some questions that if answered, would help quite a bit. I don't want to share what the issue is about because I am afraid you guys would make fun of me :c But I feel like talking to someone would just waste there time... What should I do? (And I know a therapist is a thing but I know all I will get is just some cookie-cutter response talking about how its all in my head, and I already know that.) So.... Advice please? :'(","Used to be attatched to the Mental Health Response Team, i got quite good at listening if you need to talk." What is the best Roses are red... poem you know?,Roses are red Violets are blue They don't think it be like it is But it do Amazon Prime Canada members get 20% off preorders in Canada!!!!,This just totally made prime worth it. "Living only 2 hours from Regina, I need to know how on earth that thing got there.",I would assume that someone drove it out there. I don't even think I will like half of these but I have a compulsion to download this and save it. I hate the idea of losing such a gold mine.,"Haha, that's generally my own feelings, I don't think I'll ever read half of these, but I like collecting them for the sake of collecting I guess." "Kid Cudi Names People Who Have Supported Him (Kanye, Travis, etc.)",where lupe at? Erdogan criticizes Germany over treatment of Turkish lawmaker at Cologne airport,Erodgan seems more like a political commentator on Europa than president of Turkey... Everyday he shares his latest insight on Europe and the EU. you a waste of space if you're buying a pair of shoes that's gonna wear out in 2 months for a thousand,you're a waste of space if you don't spend over a thousand dollars on overhyped shoes price driven up by adidas and resellers bruh Are variants allowed in Standard GB settings,Definitely not. The shadow of never covers the southern hemisphere like that. Half the planet has surface magma and half does not? Those are some really glaring ones.,"There is no up in space mate, who's to say which way is south" What is a scam that a large number of people buy into?,Nigerian Princes I don't get how the fact that there were machines that literally switched votes from trump to Hillary was just ignored essentially,It's a nonstory and you're a racist for suggesting otherwise! Did you sign up for the Beta/Alpha on the Webstie? If you just get invited by friends again and again you are not actually signed up and will never recieve an intvite by Ubisoft.,Yes I did. Tony Abbott tells UK Tories he believes he can be PM again,"I really hope he does, it would be the final nail in the coffin for the Liberals." Hmm... Mine is working ok. Try reinstalling the drivers,ill try googling how to do that right now Lol at send nudes under Alice Lloyd,Alice Lloyd is a classy lady Brown grass makes me suicidal I dont think anyone would care if you just straight up removed it,"what they do to determine the grass color is they take all the shit that people make from shitting on the game in the subreddit, and then they fertilize the ground with it" "imo they should make every perk OP. I want to live to see the day when I choose urban evasion over sprint burst or lightborn over iron grasp. If everything's OP, nothing's OP","If everything is OP, everything is OP." I had a cp 911 pidgeotto which i named Bush did it. Now it's a useless mon with cp 804. Thanks Niantic,"My CP 10 Onix is now CP 11, so some of us are happy about the change." I like Mr Rogers more than Bob Ross. Your move.,Pee-wee Herman master race "Meh, I think people overreact a bit. If you haven't seen the animated series it is just a television movie. It has a xena-warrior-princess quality/vibe, entertaining, but early evening type television entertaining. I watched the animated series later and yes, in comparison the film sucks.",Its the first movie I have ever walked on in theaters... "Yes, just make sure it is SFW",Thank you S7 is absolutely horrible,What an insight! You're getting fleeced. It's about $25 Canadian.,Uhh ... Jesus was American Toronto Maple Leafs Must Not Trade James van Riemsdyk,Stop spamming the subreddit Jeffler you're making me have to scroll down more for my shitposts! Drouin looked a little too casual there and brown caught him for it.,Yeah but Drouin has a better work ethic than Crosby so obviously he's better. "LeBrun: I think at some point #NYR will do everything they can to trade for a Top-4 D, or get some help on D, between now & trade deadline.",May I interest you in a ~~slightly~~ heavily used Matt Hunwick? personally i'd do the hand jobs. buuuut then again i AM gay and enjoy that kinda thing. i suppose the only way id survive is through that - im a total sissy and have no real other way of looking after myself in such a place,Id assume youd get violently raped at some point if that's your method of survival "Phyllis Schlafly, a conservative activist, has died at age 92","Sorry, but I don't see this as a great loss to humanity." Its just sad that Ainge ripped him off on his contract,"Not really that sad, lets us afford Horford" "I wish SL would create a fully customizable app I'm transitioning from SL to a PHUL, and the most difficult part is getting another fitness app figured out and optimized for my routine. Currently trying Jefit, but not nearly as simple to use. I would gladly pay $10 for an SL app that I could fully customize each workout's lifts.","I've heard some pretty good things about the app, Strong." Ed...ward...,Damn you Baby's first lmao4pl8 deadlift!,Fuck yeah dude! We're off on a secret mission...,We got us a secret plan We're going to go and slay your bro.. Why is Ragen triggered so hard by Trump?,She hates people who make assertions without any factual basis. "Weight Watchers drama on Facebook, crazy amounts of Fatlogic going on.",They sound so self confident and assured. Taking one for the team. Honorable!,Aaaaand IIIIIIiiiIIII will always love U The Celtics' 17-0 run against the Timberwolves in the 4th quarter last night,SCARY TERRY Got an example?,They said white people like mayonnaise a few times so they're totally on par with this sub Do you think the NYT presented unbiased coverage of both candidates? Did they ask Trump for permission to publish certain stories or was that just for Clinton?,"The NYT spent 90% of the time talking about Trump and making headlines about Drumpf, they may not be unbiased but, they defiantly gave far more coverage to Drumpf." Haha,"Solid argument, as we have grown to expect from the rhetorical prodigy you undoubtedly are." Not really. they don't contest south of the border and so are close to the maximum of their influence (about 7%). Labour and Con's are more likely to do deals with Lib Dems or UKIP in the situation of a swing parliament since the SNP's only policy is contrarianism.,I forgot my "A haiku has to have 5 syllables on the first line, 7 on the second, 5 on the third. Try again. :)","Well, at least it's 5 then 7 then 5 words." "Guess I'll wait for the Russians to go the sleep... Being an NA player, the concept of a waiting queue to sign in to WoT is foreign to me. I can't believe enough people play this game that the *test server* can supermax its load.",Just another sign that this game is dying "Question about cigarettes / cigarillos Hey guys, I'm seeing the lawd this Saturday at Cleveland and was wondering if I'd be allowed to smoke cigarettes or cigarillos at the show. Thanks for any help / advice in advance!",Well in Miami people were smoking blunts like it was nothing so yeah I guess I think what we all need to see is a 30/30 Jade Golem duke it out with The Ancient One.,And by duke it out you actually mean run into it once and explode right? Is that Jimmi Simpson?,Tis mmm boxy ill-fitting suit,Straight outta goodwill "I agree, but i also hate the YI community. I love playing Yi but seeing a lot of the posts on this subreddit just makes me lose hope. I fully expect to be downvoted",Wow kys yi crit opop others is trash Only if you are Republicans. Democrats believe in America.,"Naw man, people organising peaceful protests is exactly the same as this" "Simple empathy would get us all a hell of a lot farther than continuing to prop up a boogeyman that is both completely incompetent, yet capable of striking fear into the hearts of millions.","Obama will be gone shortly, no reason to fear when orange-man is near..." "What happens if #indyref2 is 'No' again? Seems to me that many on the 'Yes' side - expect #indyref2 and that it'll be a 'yes'. Lets assume for a moment, that #indyref2 happens - and it is yet another 'no'. What happens next? How will you feel? How long until #indyref3?",Focus on federalism and devolved powers - exactly what the SNP should be doing right now anyway but the EU vote forced their hand. "I'm slidin' inside 'him, Biden, but he be fightin' and flightin'. He now be hidin' in my den dat Ninja Gaiden Biden.","Slow down, Killer B. I can't keep up with you." "As someone who commutes from long island, the first time I encountered this I was amazed but really confused as to why everyone was so expressionless/annoyed. Now that I see this about twice a week, I completely understand. These people are still quite impressive though.",What do you mean...these people? No longer finding Pokemon that battle with the best of them,Did you change team? When you accidentally clicked open in new window instead of open in new tab,When you accidentally click repost instead of original content. "Coaches usually charge a fee for their services. Top players like Dabuz or DKWill are willing to help you out if you're interested in being serious about improving. If you're not willing to pay, there are a lot of match analysis on youtube and tons information out there that can help you improve by yourself. There are some locals near your place that you could go every week, you just gotta ask on your local FB smash group. Other than that, keep going to the local. Eventually they will run out of reasons to not happen. If you're tired of FG then spend a few weeks in training mode. Top players usually spend more time in training mode instead of FG anyways.","Issue is, I checked, and I don't HAVE a local Facebook group." "As an English person who has never even seen a Taco Bell, what would you recommend for my first meal?","Mexi Melt, secret menu bruh" Blizzard Working On Unannounced First Person Project,"Nice, hopefully it won't have a cashshop" Correcte,Danke Trump cut my taxes by cutting my pay!,It's Obama's fault for raising my pay in the first place Gotta find a way to blame it on Obama Rooftop,Is this her only NSFW pic? maybe I'm crazy but this seems like its gonna be broken why does Blizzard always give Druid the insane stupid cards,"Yeah, because Druid has always been the OP tier class" "Oh, then Todd is the patron saint of dumb luck",And optimism "Japan doesn't really have a problem with hookup culture, though. It's that Japanese women find the men so unappealing that they would rather remain virgins and date virtual men. Arranged marriage would just mean a lot of dead bedrooms, because the women would still find the men unappealing and unattractive.","Yeah but you can add a simple sharia law that says women must give sex to husbands, perfect!" Calling Milo Alt-Right is Hilarious,The alt-right is the most inclusive group ever to accept a gay jew brit. Is it just me worrying about those scratches on the roof?,Yeah and have fun trying to report that claim to your insurance company "Believe me, I work in one of the top 10 teaching hospitals in the US and they get just as lazy as anywhere else. I've seen patients be misdiagnosed quite a number of times only to go somewhere else and have it discovered. Residents can be over worked, fellows and attendings cab be swamped with cases. I'm not saying this is true 100% of the time, just saying every hospital and every practitioner is capable of making mistakes.","That's just because you're not even a medaling hospital, gotta go with the top 3" If you had two copies of the same power evo in your hand I'd play it since it'll bait out an evo orb or premium removal to give you parity on the next turn. Nobody can resist removing an unevolved warrior or floral.,"this is usually the right case, but it depends on what i'm trying to bait out so i can attempt to out tempo the extra evo point." "But if female cute charm sylveon gives you a 66% chance of finding male salandits, you still have a 33% chance of finding female salandits (i may be wrong though)","Actually it's a 66% chance of finding a male, a 12.5% chance of finding a female, and a 21.5% chance of it being male" Nope you get Jeff Sessions as Attorney General.,But he has the experience! Westjet did it again.,Hail Corporate! So does that mean the pricing for it has been confirmed?,not until it is fully released My mother tells me that a lot.,"Shame Akagi said the same to Kaga, and only wanted you in her fleet just to cheer you up." That feeling when you are building up your new beater and you realize the rear dropout spacing is 110mm and all your wheels are 120mm...,It looks like the frame is steel you could totally bend it and get it to fit. Love was changing the minds of pretenders,We were dancing the niiiight awayyyyyyy boo-bees.,..fuck "If you rewatch it, it's obviously not Anthony Hopkins. This man is very slender",But that just proves it's a different timeline! "The Newegg ones come with gear, maybe you can contact them to get a free copy? This card is FE with better cooler. It runs at the same clock.","I got this card from the first ebay sale but was not allowed to get a code, spent a while on newegg support." "Are CSGO ranks divided by regions? So my friends and I went on a vacation in SEA(from NA) and a couple of players wanted to play a LAN tournament with us(LAN Centers are everywhere here) I told them we might not be able to beat you guys because almost all of them are Global Elites and we are only DMG/LE. So playing against them our team completely destroyed the teams and won the tournament, but after that we shaked our heads because usually higher ranks in NA have way superior aim than these teams even in solo queue. Now I wonder how good EU globals are...",Basicly gods We've had similar replies as well. People never understand it as they don't consider anything IT related as a real job.,"Well, I mean, we sit around and play on the computer all day...." This cheese blends in with my countertops.,That's a tasty looking countertop OP. "Jesus Christ dude. If you were to compare each player and their situations, an in depth analysis would show not only are they completely different players, but also Benjamin's performance has no predictive value of OBJ's.",then why didn't you say that the first time instead of just saying lol he compared ben and obj!! It's not all that complex. This is clearly an unintended consequence of the talent. They'll patch it out.,Oh can you please make an AMA with your vast knowledge of the WoW code base and how easy/difficult it is to patch certain things? What exactly differentiates an Elite Wingman from a standard Wingman? Thanks for your help! I LOVE YOUR GAME.,If you aim it stores three bullets allowing you to burst fire. "why don't you recruit players to your own crew, that way you can see whose on Your level? you sound like an Ass with all your bs criteria.","Your K/D must not be leet enough, fuck off n00b!" "He just purged his entire post history too lol, probably because all he literally does is bitch about Mexicans.","Nah he's too busy helping hundreds of people in his awesome, 6 figure private sector job, saving for his retirement all on his own, since, you know, Mexicans." Maybe... Where are you from?,Sweden Raphael Guerreiro looked pretty good in the Euros. Anyone who follows Dortmund closely knows how's he getting along this season?,"Been playing pretty good and he was insane at Euros, him and Sanches were the best young players of the tournament imo" "Blake Martinez--Sprained MCL, Could miss Multiple games",Aaron Rodgers sucks. The majority of people I know that still have iPhones are still there because they're so invested in iTunes. Ya This is gonna' piss off a lot of people.,I dont listen to music i just prefer iphones... Although i would never use an iphone without a jailbreak "To be fair, the effects of CTE aren't seen til much later in life.",I think we are seeing them right here. "I believe that Chicago is the city with the 2nd highest Polish population, behind Warsaw.","3rd, London is second." We know from climate gate that they are lying. Also historical temp data had been changed post facto to fit with the narrative.,Climategate? "My friend had a plant infested with spider mites yet they still smoked it. Are they going to die? So my good friend was overrun with spider mites during the end of the grow, and being this ignoramus he is, and against my advice, he still dried it and smoked some. He didn't die but he said it was really weak. How stupid is he??","Yes, there is a very high likelihood your friend will be the first person in history to die from smoking marijuana." Witch Doctor?,You are talking about Voodoo Jester? Before and after green screen visualization in the 'Final Destination 5',My ribs hurt just watching that My Turn.,It's Her turn. Alt Right: A Primer about the New Honky Supremacy,A great way to get people on your side is to call them racial slurs... "You all joke, but this post is really sad. It's sad to see there are even elderly people out there that fell into the trap of DRUGS when they were younger and were hooked ever since. Now the poor lady is stuck believing that it makes her happy because the DRUGS programed her brain that way. To any kids out there that may be reading these. Please take my advice. NOT. EVEN. ONCE!",Looks like someone forgot their "I realized this my second time through the place for the hunt, first time I went through it was sheer dumb luck as I didn't think there were ever 2 options at a given time in the puzzle section.","If you pick one the other locks up, and *most* of the path is linear so they're really easy to miss." wut?,"It's a commentary on the human condition, gaming truly is a transcendant art." Squadron Morale Shirts What color is yours?,Traffic cone orange. (In a gruff voice) I heard you like poo poo.,This made me laugh unnecessarily hard Eight-team Associate T20I tournament slated for January,"This would be great - I doubt it would get the TV coverage it deserves, but I'd love to watch it." Computer God.,Geek Squad? Don't you mean...*Cuckle* up?,Haven't heard that one before I have a lot more I could invest - just willing to play around some to get the feel of the market. The stocks I have are long term hold that I never thought of selling. Thanks!,Playing Around = Gambling I would advise to do some research and see what the experts advise and then diversify into a few as long as you get cheap trades. Upvote for visibility,"breaking wards loses visibility so you should downvote, obv." "LPT If a sticker isn't peeling off, run it under hot water and it'll come right off.","If that doesn't work, soaking it & letting it sit usually works." Name Reveled: Las Vegas Golden Knights,"Wow, I am shocked!" "I grew up in NYC and have lived in NY and Los Angeles over 90% of my life, and I voted in 1988. In my little universe a higher percentage of people know Soros then not.","Sure, easy for you to say, you coastal elitist." Biggest Libertarian Victory of 2016: Maine Introduces Instant-Runoff Voting,"Hey, I got to vote yes on this one." Wither isn't a channeled spell I don't think.,It is "Draw a picture of her and then give her the picture so that she knows you still like her, maybe she feels the same way but is too shy to tell you.",But do it in like blood or somethin so she knows you're serious "I really don't think I was fucked. I had full throttle pulling the car back into the turn, but I agree it would've been close.","Hm, from what I see, you may have been able to make the turn, but your exit would have been slow had you not gotten the boost." "Kind of hypocritical to sue someone for climate change, when im sure he grew up riding around in cars and buying and discarding plastics.","So tell me, then, how do you have a device that's 100% eco-friendly that can post on Reddit because I'm sure the business world would love to mass-produce/advertise it?" "UBI can only come about when productivity is no longer linked with most humans. We need far more automation to generate that wealth. We're not even close to this reality yet, so there's really no point debating it. Once a robot manages your job, does your dishes, drives you, and makes new robots, then we need to talk UBI.",Or what if by then it's the robots that need to talk UBI for us? "Yeah, straight white male here, I've had exactly jack shit handed to me. But apparently my life is amazing, and I never knew.","Quit complaining, you racist." Would you guys mind filling out a 1 minute survey for my statistics class? It's only two questions + giveaways (details in comments),Thank youOP for the giveaway and good luck on your stats class! We need economist as president.,Sri Mulyani after Jokowi ye ? Eyy nice mutation,"I can't build it in dual coil mode and in tc mode anything over 300 Burns it, besides my bad skill i love this rda" he'll report you too...,I didn't say anything that will get me suspended so why would he bother ? At least there is merchandise...,That merch will fly off the rack in Las Hockey's! Why isn't there a registry for false rape claims? If you would lie about that you are pretty much the worst scum on the planet already.,Because patriarchy! "OverWatch LoadOuts: Is overwatch combat diverse enough? I've had this thought in my mind for a long time now, about how overwatches combat design is very simple. We get to choose a hero, the hero has a kit and you go kill some dudes. It's a good formula, and it works. My idea takes the original idea and builds upon it, Keep in mind these ideas I am presenting don't necessarily have to or will ever have an impact on the current state of the game. That being said I want overwatch to introduce Loadouts. Loadouts would work similar to how the league of legends rune system would work where people could choose how to improve their gameplay through through additional increases in stats or even passive abilities, this would introduce strategic diversity among the champion pools. This would give players more to think of when playing this competitive mode. Example: a loadout could include an increase to the shield power of winston's shield (E) along with more damage with a trade off for less HP and mobility. Perhaps. This is just a basic/rough concept of how it would work, please tell me how it would be broken or otherwise. My other idea was something that came to me when they announced sym getting two different ultimate abilities. My idea takes that further and allows each hero to have two different kits. This gives players more options for their play styles and changes the dynamic of the game. This idea would most likely take up a lot of resources and less likely to happen. And lastly these changes would happen on a different game mode, so as to not effect the original style.",Blizzard should also add a trading system so we can trade skins and things like that. "Do y'all ever lay in bed with your dog and think about how lucky you are to have them in your life? I just lay there cuddled with him, while he snores in my face, and think about how much I love him. He's not the perfect dog but he's all mine.",Doing that right now! alt-right? racist,"~~Akchually it is called ephebophilia~~ Sorry, wrong canned answer... This is why Trump won, you libtard cuck." Who on earth said that?,Alot of raiders/chiefs fans were posting in our sub during the off season. We are happy to announce our new store location! Stop in for all your shitposting needs and meet the mods! Conveniently located near the Whitehouse.,Do you ship internationally? "#LOL PREACHING TO THE CHOIR MAN - 10 Trillion more debt - Worst economic growth since the great depression - ISIS grows stronger - Obamacare - Allies hate us, Enemies disrespect us etc etc",Celebrities and the media love him though! "I feel cheated, some of those words are real words",Real words are made up too Ten days ago I married my best friend,Hope your boyfriend is okay with it He still has toes right? Why don't they scan those!,"but it says fingerprint, if I take a toeprint it would be a bureaucratic anomaly!" And then you guys says NA LCS isn't rigged,"For the arcade trailer Riot literally said Welcome to the GOLDEN AGE, if that doesn't prove NA LCS is rigged for CLG I don't know what will" "Because Mirage won't put down that fucking Synoid Simulor, the dumb bitch.","Yea, fuck mirage players for using an optimal weapon, because no other part of this game is cheese" "Yeah, stupidly for the recorded versions I didn't bother drawing the path on - You can just about see them in the screen shot examples.",Can you do one for dijkstras? "Without naming the location, where do you live?",Home of the Moss' Atheist sues after Kentucky refuses 'IM GOD' licence plate,"I'm so glad these tax dollars aren't going to something useful, like education or something." New Clothing,"Yea, I think this is the confirmed legacy prestige" What is a knock-off/generic product that is better than the original version?,Oreo This sub has no fucking idea what the president does.,but he gets friendship bracelets from the VP so he's like totally the best president ever But they're the same!!1!,you forgot the Blood Elves existed before WoW,I think he means that before tbc they were called high elves. France bans video showing happy Down syndrome children,I'm soooo proud of my country. 23 runs in 23 innings last year,That's consistent. This. Nuclear is much more expensive than having people put solar panels on their personal property and connecting to a grid already set up to take them.,"Choice, conservation and management are even more accessible, and very effective." "I mean, he goes on to explain, Oh those aren't technically Nazi's. They're police! Oh, so, the Ordnungpolizei, otherwise known as... the Nazi police?","what's the difference, everyone knows the primary job of the police is to supress minorities anyway" Does anyone know if there is a similar marker when using ElvUI?,you can change the colours too "Let's assume Clinton's popular vote win overcomes the Electoral College tally, or there are enough EC defectors to switch the outcome. Do you really imagine, this far into the transition process, that there won't be pandemonium on a scale we haven't seen since the Civil War? I'm all for it. Let's do the pandemonium. But holy shit.","Bern it down, anyone?" ELI5 Digital India I've seen Reliance Jio and PayTM thanking 'Digital India' in their ads. What on earth is Digital India though? I tried going to the website but honestly it sucks. There is nothing clear on it. * What are the goals? * What is the plan? * What exactly is the roadmap? * Who is paying for all the marketing? And how much? * What is the government doing? Can someone help me with this?,It's a state of mind I think it's time to retire.,Sick controller aim dawg! "He's always been very reserved but he got a bit teary eyed tonight, one of those once in a lifetime things.",Now get out there and go kill some black people with dad! I think the 0-16 parade would be hilarious honestly.,so do i. and maybe if the browns see how much of a joke they have become some changes might come... but i highly doubt that Exactly. It makes no sense for a civ to constantly break promises and hurl threats and butthurt at you when your military is over double theirs in strength.,Sounds a bit like North Korea. Zblock the streamer?,"Zblock is the anti-cheat for esea, a hosting service for Counter Strike matches." What's LoL?,Most popular game with biggest amount of active players? "Another over looked point is just if we give amnesty, or any pathway to citizenship to those illegally here now - it's a big sign telling everyone else to come in too.",Which is why you'd have to secure the border prior to that. If they really wanted to have the NFL look into this then they would have said he takes PEDs,It said weed. It's not Bandai's fault this guy couldn't beat Aokiji lol.,Bamco could make the game easier I call it the Age of unreason. Critical thinking is scarcer than ever.,That must explain the growing population of religion in America "The UK parliament has 650 seats for <20% of the population of the US. Admittedly this is very likely going to be reduced to 600 in the next general election, but it's still a much higher proportion.",We should use the New Hampshire ratio Netflix (U.S.) added the hilariously bad Super Mario Bros. Super Show to its instant library Watch the show that has become somewhat of a cult classic. The Legend of Zelda cartoon is not included though.,There was never a Zelda cartoon! My case is full... Now what? (x-post to r/gamecollecting),Take it to Gamestop and start over. Anyone else on arch having this issue with links and code segments coming out a mangled mess?,Gonna close this as it's very much so an issue with arch. Can we please rename hydropower to something other than green energy? Its incredibly damaging to the environment.,Lol yeah totally. "should I use lumberjack instead of mini pekka? Because my mini p rarely get to the tower unlike lj. And where is the distraction for tank supports. And I just can't play a payfecta without fireball/poison as you can't get rid of supports easily (3 m kills you). My idea is miner, princess, ice wiz, lj, inferno, zap, poison, ???",Deal with 3m using inferno miner where all musks target inferno as you drop miner to the back That's probably because you're fat. These weightclasses are meant as ideals for elite level lifters,:( I should be a crossfitter now "awaken, my masters","Maybe it's time for an upgrade, just in time for Black Friday too!" I fail to understand the anti-vax logic here. Let's make our country great again! We're going to start by sending men back down into coal mines. OTOH Vaccines are bad and pose a risk to our health. (and coal mining doesn't?),"Well not if you believe the coal companies, who know that they could go broke paying their miners' medical bills if they ever admitted the truth, and have been keeping accurate diagnosis out of the court system...I mean, black lung is caused by scented candles and there isn't anything to worry about!" "Trump can do no wrong. He could literally make Jerry Sandusky the head of the Department of Education and they would fall over themselves to defend him, saying how much experience he has in academia at a prestigious school like Penn State.","And another thing also too, Trump has more political experience than Obama (if you don't count Obama's documented history of political service)!" "What will happen is a power outage will occur, the game will be put on hold until the season ends and both teams will continue the streak.",A power outage at the Xcel energy center sounds funny. Brexit minister David Davis accused of 'having no idea what Brexit means' after saying UK wants to stay in single market,"Tbf, most of those who voted didn't know what Brexit was about, and they were also allowed to have a say" "There was a baby, doctor cut it out, now there isn't because it's life supply is gone. Aka death. Inb4 it's a fetus not a baby and other mental gymnastic deflections.","Well said, personally I'm pro choice however there's no doubt in my mind that someone is ending a life when having an abortion." How the hell are the Minireenas able to loosen the oxygen tanks when they don't even have fingers?,same way they dissipate into thin air at a shock game logic "Wouldn't it make more sense to destroy ash's qol after releasing the skin. Ohh, new ash skin, ohh ash is just a worse loki without an ult ability.",Yeah it destroys his qol to have to aim from time to time... "Its in the center, where it sorta juts straight into the end.",There's virtually nothing to indicate the end or start of the maze. "Weird how you chose to ignore the fact that I stated that far more older fans are Wengerout, whereas it's the new fans who are Wenger sycophants. The former group, who have been going since the fucking sixties and seventies, are almost wholly Wengerout, but they aren't very present on social media. Wenger supporters are all new shirters and scarfers who show up in droves to the Grove. Why do you think you know what you're talking about? I don't butt into your club and try to lecture you on shit on which I'm totally ignorant. *You don't know what you're talking about*. I've been directly involved in this and emotionally invested in the entire fucking period we're discussing. What kind of absurd and idiotic hubris do you have to try to lecture me on it? Fucking pathetic piece of shit.","Simmer down, yank." "Whatever Ghost-type you get could be The Undertaker, since he's a necromancer in character! I've recently stated watching WWE Smackdown.","Okay, I will do that *makes a note* I somehow guessed that already." Why anyone would care about SMS integration but not enough to just buy an iPhone and get imessage.,.. are .. are you serious? "that's scottish, pal",Or Ulster "Anavel, Zaiross, Lagmaron, Chasun, AND Kfg? Time for me to get a bunch of Astars!",3 stars* FTFY I kno white people are the fucking worst we should send them to special camps to work off their privilege.,Typical...Givie the white people all the good jobs. Females are good comedians ^dont ^^get ^^^mad ^^^^pls,"Girls are funny, get over it" My favorite is the do you know how much money I am losing with this system down? My response was generally Well maybe i should be charging you moar.,You'd think you would have a back up or disaster plan in place for mission critical systems. You're right. I'll take the same ones off the snap on truck for $100 though.,Buying used one piece at a time? Sadly no. Rowlett with a pretty solid type spread,It's like I don't even know you anymore. Corsair K70 or Strafe ? Which is better I can't decide they both have advantages and disadvantages which one should I get ?,"A strafe is cheaper and has the option of MX Silent keys, but it lacks media keys and the aluminum base." "Isn't this the fucking internet? Since when do you need a college degree to have credibility? His point was legit and directly addressed your concern, which you didn't respond to.",If the returns are fake then how the fuck are they returning capital every 6 months? "PGT: Anaheim Ducks 3 @ Calgary Flames 1 **First Period** * 11:09 M. Backlund, M. Tkachuk, D. Engelland (0-1) **Second Period** * 6:16 A. Vermette **PP**, C. Perry, K. Bieksa (1-1) **Third Period** * 5:37 J. Silfverberg, R. Kesler, K. Holzer (2-1) * 8:30 R. Rakell **PP**, A. Vermette, R. Kesler (3-1) **Three Stars** * FIRST STAR - Vermette * SECOND STAR - Backlund * THIRD STAR - Gibson",Shout-out to Wideman and the refs for fucking us that game. "My university library, ladies and gentlemen.",1/10 no muscle structure in arm to note He's been getting torched lately,"Yea doesn't get thrown at for 70% of the game and then gets beat once or twice, what a scrub." "They're not amateurs, they're unpaid interns!",Who were told theyd be paid fellow gp guy? I was looking at that abortion as well,Yup I have to google this every damned time. But not before trying to figure it out. *Single-ass homeless man? Small-ass hamster male?* I think the M just makes me think man or male and it puts me off.,But the a is always ass? but why,"for light, fam." I'm inclined to agree. Would probably put FaZe above Astralis atm as well.,flair checks out McDowell staying in the 95 full time next year!,Idk why.. But tgis announcement makes me stupidly happy.... Like extremely happy :-).. I think mcdowell amd levine are a great fit "Waiting on some new patch cables arriving, then i'm good to go",This isn't a personal attack but I always kinda scratch my head when I see mini pedals that aren't the clones made in China and cost at least half the price of the brand name gear...blind shoot out they sound the same and you get twice the amount of pedals for the same money. Angola plays Catan,its a shame America is next and rolls a 7. Racism is cool as long as you're being racist towards whites. Can't imagine why the Democrat nominee didn't get more of the white vote.,"You can't be racist towards whites, we have all the, uhh, power, I think." LUl at 21 I was sitting in my moms basement jerking to hentai and searching for dank memes on the interwebs.,so what you're saying is that you're still 21 Is this rosemary in my backyard?,"It looks like it, but the easiest way to tell is to run your hand over it and see if it smells like rosemary!" get used to it... welcome to the new normal...,Thanks Obama Erm... Are we going to need protesters to protest the protesters trying to take Sioux land?,White men taking the natives land again; guess old habits die hard Is that happy man taking a pair of scissors to a penis?!,"not a happy man, but le happy merchant" Ah yes. And you just know that the specific strategy this Planeswalker uses is the creatively named Deck.,Vronos was the equivalent in his respective default games lol. Did they even mention a single reason why I should vote for clinton aside from the hulks dong?,Clinton's entire campaign is attack ads so don't hold your breath. It's always the little things,You pussy... You are supposed to break any spirit she has with your intellect... That's how you get them to love you. "Can monkey king shut the fuck up after starting client Seriously guys, it's really annoying hear his voice all the time. I'm sick of that hero",chigi chiga ta chiga ta hu ha Hibike! Euphonium 2nd Season TV CM,Yesss Yuko gets more screentime. Cool so what about those of us with poor and/or dead parents?,Just eat less smashed avocado and cancel Sky. Soo...what can i combine this pull with? Ive got a delta amex and a the blue cashback one earlier this year...,"30k SPG, 25k green, 25k ED, 30k EDP... you have options" Removable batteries make the waterproofing MUCH more difficult to achieve.,Galaxy S5 makes your point moot. Could we replace the welcome screen?,"Good post, but you're assuming that Valve cares" Why is he unlucky? He just found a huge opal deposit.,The guy who moved out "That's how the rolls go. For everything that is easy, there's the opposite end of the spectrum. Good with the bad. The sun will come out tomorrow.",Unless it is the grind we are talking about where there are only bad rolls that are being ended with fucking finally rolls. AOL and askjeeves first. Then maybe go over to get a hotmail address.,Is this before or after making a geocities site using Netscape Navigator? OBJ,"But you guys aren't even in the same conference, why would you hate the Giants?" "This entire situation is so stupid, I didn't care at the time because he destroyed me in two finals but I'm now glad Jordy wrecked their asses.",Salty because Zimmer stole the eyepatch look? Testosterone is a helluva drug,Fuck you for thinking of the same thing I was thinking ten hours before I did. Still better than how SCEA treated Vita.,Well...uhh..we have plenty of weeaboo shit and 10 dollar indies! All biases exist for a reason. It doesn't make them acceptable to act upon however.,It's only men "Fully agree. Something is going on, but it's highly unlikely that it's that Assange is missing/dead. I'm also inclined to think that JA is the only one with the PGP key. He doesn't have Internet access, so he can't sign. Neither can they do a live video stream of him for the same reason. It seems far more likely that this is a black PR campaign against WikiLeaks, rather than that Assange is missing/dead. I can't even tell what the majority of people on Reddit thinks anymore, since there are so many bots and trolls. All of the sensible arguments coming from rational posters seem to think that Assange is fine, however.",Seems to me based on the threads I've followed over the last few days that the rational posters are probably more open to the possibility that JA is not fine now. "I am out of the loop, what happened?",every podcats they talk about the new hitman update and dan hates it "Not a bad read, but they didn't at all cover Sega's atrocious handling of the Sonic Boom TV series, spending no money on advertising, and not even bothering to promote it using their very active Sonic twitter account. A cacophony of failures.","Well, this is game informer, I think k the focus of the article was on the game franchise." THIS IS PATRIARCHY!,Too bad he didn't get this $100% true thing on video. How well goes this work with HSTS enabled sites?,It works with HSTS and HPKP. Negative reviews of Megyn Kelly's memoir removed by Amazon .,But but muh reviews are free speech...censorship! "However the players DON'T Understand this obscene price/way to get Tidus, and hopefully they are realizing this FACT!!! Like why the hell do we have Summon Tickets if we can't use them to SUMMON!!!",so you can waste them all in ability card gatcha and get nothing useful in return Ocho hasn't played a football game since 2014. And that was for the CFL's Montreal Alouettes. He hasn't played in the NFL since 2011.,It was in reference to the show The League This. Either commit and get some pass rushing olbs or change your dline. Likely easier to get new OLBs instead of a new dline though.,What are some good pass rushing OLBs? She's beautiful,We are very happy "Honestly I would take pick quotes over ban quotes, especially if we go to 10 ban. I'm pretty tired of hearing the permabanned champs lines.","In Bronze, we hear I do not tolerate cowardice every game." It's splurge. Splooge is... something else.,Maybe he REALLY likes Velcro. Do y'all support the Raiders or 49ers?,"49ers, God help me" The CEO of Reddit confessed to modifying posts from Trump supporters after they wouldn't stop sending him expletives,Well he showed them. I just don't understand why he is doing this? Why does he want these people here so bad when one of our allies determine they're a threat? I just don't get it.,Our allies are obviously realist. I had one single ms from shop... finally got her,gz! "If I wasn't the nice mod that I am, I would remove this, but it's a good point :P. I'll let the other mods deal with it...","Just out of curiosity, why would you remove this?" "But he had a confederate flag shirt on, the security guard would've high fived him and said it won't be long now before there are all white hospitals. Seriously, though, glad to hear that ERs are a little more sane than this. Pretty sure that Hippocratic Oath thing doctors take says they shouldn't stand there while a child dies just cause his dad is racist. Beyond the obvious thathappened-ness of this, why doesn't the hospital have more than one nurse capable of helping this child? I assume the OOP is of the mind that she is the only competent person on the planet.","Seriously, so do they just expect this nurse to work 24x7 or let the kids who come in with heart issues (which is apparently a lot if this nurse has saved kids in that condition a million times) die while this lady sleeps?" "That's because he didn't know the direction he was running in yet. I saw no hesitation, but it is fake so who cares",Everything online is fake This probably has less to do with the fact that people had a college degree and more to do with the fact that most universities in America are overwhelmingly liberal and there is a giant circle jerk to prove how tolerant/liberal you are to your peers. Add in the part where nobody wants to look like an idiot so they stroke themselves while loudly lambasting republicans so that they look more educated on the subject. Educated persons are no less subject to identity politics and peer pressure than their uneducated peers.,Probably less to do with a college degree and more to do with critical thinking skills and proper recognition of logical fallacies and ability to properly apply logic. "Hmm, You know Hillary was Obama's Secretary of State right? HRC helped orchestrate what we see going on now in the middle east.","Yeah, and nobody will stop it between 2016 and 2024, you can take that to the bank." Lol he's not bring nitpicky at all,I'm assuming you meant being but yeah definitely was "Let me guess, Jon's arm gets hurt? Amputated or something?",And he's secretly a method actor and legit amputated his arm off. You could always play it and see?,"That requires installing it and setting all the settings *just right* again, when I could just ask someone's opinion who perhaps plays it regularly." NAM 35 Now Available,Damn just noticed I've been using NAM 31 haha How to get away with rape,"Silly shitlord, only brown people can be muslim" "It doesn't even have to be 1 person. It could be the entire team jumping on the Widow-hate bandwagon, even if the pick is completely justified. I recently saw a YouTube video with a guy wanting to go to 3500 SR and only wanted to play Soldier for the day. In a game, people gave him shit and told him he wasn't doing well, even though he had gold damage and elims, which are the only ways for them to gauge his performance. Now, of course, Soldier might not work because of the enemy comp, and if they'd said that, fair, but they told him to switch so *someone else* could play Soldier and do it better. And the entire team jumped on that. Not because they needed another hero instead of Soldier, but because they had somehow gotten it into their heads that the only reason they were losing was because of the gold Soldier being bad at Soldier. And that was enough for them to bully and moan the entire match. It was one of the stupidest things I've ever witnessed.",anecdotal evidence is the best way to support your argument Last of Us Factions is RETARDED,"Yeah, the game is ruined because of the online." TIL that you can underflow the Xbox One's game hub leaderboards. (Skyrim/Xbox One),hacks How to play this game ??,this isnt gamebreaking at all You two agree that the situation is shitty as fuck but are arguing with each other about it......come on son.,So... Stand up for Singapore? The CEO of Reddit confessed to modifying posts from Trump supporters after they wouldn't stop sending him expletives,"ahh, who cares, its not like any of us use reddit" Sometimes he's taking camps too so he's not always around for skirmishes either.,But he'll use The Hunt 1 v 5 when it really counts. Oh gott... Einfach nein.,"wenn du nicht dran glauben **willst**, kannst du die wahrheit ja nicht erkennen." Cat.,Cat. "want to meth, out of dopamine Is there any worse feel? I started doing 20mg meth doses as an adderall substitude a week ago, first 4 days were fucking topsy turvey, after that, less and less. This shit really is the KING but only if u have enough feelgoods in ur brain. So the question is, how to regain the feelgoods? Feeling an urge to just full out vacuum cleaner on my stash.","Give it a week, if you redose you're still dopamine depleted, it will be wasteful and not get you high" Completely forgot you can't remove the battery on that phone. Guess I'm used to being able to do that on my G4.,Read G4 as C4 with the whole explosions thing truth,"On the flip side, as a driver, do your best to be visible and predictable." Baton Pass Eevee is gonna be everywhere.,Unless the opposing pokemon has Unaware as its ability. "And they like bernie Sanders, which should be a pretty big tip off that the system isn't working for them since bernie has been rebelling against systems for 60 years",Years of liberal intervention is great success! i feel attacked,Then go back to your safe space in the_donald. I love these rounds. Makes the game intense,Never seen one of these before! "Reddit is a well known hub for racists, sexists and pedophiles. The CEO editing a few comments ISN'T going to ruin the sites credibility. It already has none. lmao reupload",Spez should have just banned the_adolf instead of editing few comments. There are so many hackers in Overwatch...,"60% actually pls, I can do that without hax" Barron Trump has become a celebrity in Japan that they created his own manga comic.,You spelled maga wrong. "Back in '82, I used to be able to throw a pigskin a quarter mile.",If coach would have just put me in "I wouldn't call a mage gun the high point personally, not many gun wielding mages, Yuna and Tyro are about it I think.",There is also Vincent out there too. You spoooony bard!,I'm glad someone said it since I didn't. Have there been killer clown sightings?,There's been a lot in the midwest recently "What other reasons would there be too get drunk? Honest question, I'm just wondering",Socialisation? "Arians Says Nkemdiche Needs to Mature, Compared to Humphries 1st year, DJ Worked Harder","Eh, who needs immediate production from their first round picks anyways." R u OK?,Little disappointed by the Warriors loss but other than that Christmas is great You should have actually laughed.,"I really should have, except that I'll be staying at her house until Saturday, and she's the kind of person that's easily offended (and cannot be argued with), so I'm just trying to keep the peace for a couple more days." "How do I start cemu? When I try it, it says the program can't start because MSVCP110.dll is missing. What does that mean?",Download Microsoft visual studio More like it doubles up with Guzzlord as one of the optional post-game legends you get that's tangentially tied to the main game.,TFW the sidequest mon is more lore-relevant than the third legendary in the trio. "I made a toon deck and though I love the art.. they're just garbage to play. The whole can't attack when summoned (besides TDMG) and Toon Kingdoms inherent weakness at being popped.. it just gets destroyed so easily. Do you have any tips on making it more viable, even as just a rogue deck?",I like their potential to get Cyber Dragon Infinity and Red Eyes Flare Metal Dragon onto the field Hopefully my ream of faker and smeb on the same team comes true!,You will get a taste of it in all stars. "I want yellow bonfire names for areas that are popping online at my level and... give us a way to see the number of people that have been online in the past week and what level/weapon upgrade they have. for instance it would say (after the weekly census) High Wall of Lothric | Lvl 1-20 | Upgrade +0 to +1 | 258 ppl online past week i think it would give a lot of longevity to the game because the population is dwindling, i want to sunbro and play online with my jolly ashen homies",Why the hell would they add a feature that was present in DS2 ? The Warning(2009) a Documentary revealing how President Clinton was influenced by the investment banking industry to create the conditions necessary for them to profit off the eventual 2008 financial collapse.,"This is bogus, the Clintons never did a dishonest thing in their lives" A full list of reasons why Mitt Romney should be trusted as SoS,I don't see the list. The 1.19 change that no one has mentioned yet,What's with the deep black lines? CENSORSHIP HAS BEEN CENSORED OFF THE FRONT PAGE DESPITE HAVING 7K+ UPVOTES.,What a surprise "I guarantee you the thief is still sitting with the bucket of gold flakes, wondering what the fuck to do now. If he's smart enough, he will wait until the heat on him dies down and slowly start dumping the flakes through a re-seller in a jewelry district or hop over to Canada and sell them there. Let's see if this guy doesn't fuck up.",Why not melt it all down and cast it into an ingot? Make sure to label this as smash 4,Wouldn't want people getting confused about that Cloud character 7:00 minute game. MVP Black is galaxies above the rest.,And then a 40 minute gap between games. "Exactly, the dumb ass is lucky he didn't get shot and killed.",He's not black When Theresa May became our PM.,She must be some elon musk technological genius to have put this all in place so fast! 14373,Car mechanic 2015 "Well in that case, I'm reviving the almighty Dearest_Wario",WARIO IS GOD 20 Ways To Die in Farming Simulator 2017 | You can't actually die in this game.,This is past click bait to blatant lying for clicks. What do you want your tombstone to say?,Pepperoni and cheese. "I know it's petty, but the whole carriage is empty ... Sit somewhere else!","I hate it when people use a public space in a completely normal, unharmful way, ugh!" "Drafted 5th of 12 teams in a Yahoo head-to-head league. Categories are: G, A, +/-, PPP, Shots, Hits, Wins, GAA, SV% Round Pick Player Position 1. (5) Connor McDavid C 2. (20) Ben Bishop G 3. (29) Kris Letang D 4. (44) Henrik Lundqvist G 5. (53) John Klingberg D 6. (68) Ryan Johansen C 7. (77) Justin Faulk D 8. (92) Alex Galchenyuk C 9. (101) Brandon Saad LW,RW 10. (116) James van Riemsdyk LW 11. (125) Mike Hoffman LW 12. (140) David Krejci C 13. (149) Brendan Gallagher RW 14. (164) Jaden Schwartz LW 15. (173) Robby Fabbri C,LW 16. (188) Nikolaj Ehlers LW,RW I Wasn't too keen on taking McDavid but I think he'll be pretty coveted in my league so I should be able to package him in a deal. Was thinking about maybe targeting the manager who has Pavelski and Burns.","Honestly, McDavid will be great this year assuming health." Got a cat. He hates me. Now what do I do?,get a better pet. It was,Restart Steam and if necessary your PC and try again. I could make a constructive argument that could counter or at least address some of your arguments and claims but I am pretty sure it would just be met with another bigoted half-arsed straw man since you obviously have no interest in a thoughtful discussion. So I am just going to call it quits here. There are a lot of ways to discuss different opinions and you decided to take the least effective path.,That's an excellent way to respond when someone mostly agrees with you. i like how you didnt assume his/her gender,its xis/xer/xemself you ignorant bigot My aunt was wearing this around her neck and it unscrews into different pieces. Does anyone know what it is?,Looks like a zippo lighter fluid holder. I DEMAND THIS CREATURE NOW ALIM.,We already have Bran I don't want to cut ties with the UK at all.,Why you need to cut ties with UK - just remove the provision to have Queen as the Head of the State. I want to see this compete in BattleBots,"I wish I had built and entered this in the competition, it would do disgusting things to the robot I actually entered." It exactly like besta pizza logo,But they changed it though! Awwww i have that color already in Moon Ball sadly.,Shame :/ This is what happens when you are bad a fighting wars and constantly getting your ass handed to you. As a group you rationalize the losses and blame it on shadowy figures and foreign countries that have no real direct involvement. This is how leaders of rebel groups and dictators stay in power. They tell the people that everyone else is the reason for their suffering not those in power who actually cause the suffering.,Wait how did we go from religion to military "Any Habits Developed From Aqours? Do you find yourself doing or saying the same things as the Aqours characters? For example, I every time You-chan says Yousoro!, I literally salute out of habit. It can be anything from Buu-buuu desu wa! to SHINYYYYY!!","ohayousoro with a keirei to everyone i meet, regardless of time of day" I'm poking fun at the circlejerk.,Yeah I understand should've put a Also in all other states it's 16 for everything.,"and the fact that if there is any kind of power dynamic involved with the older party, then the age of consent is back at 18 (at least in the ACT)." "TIL in 1888, U.S. President Hayes wrote in his diary: This is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people no longer. It is a government of corporations, by corporations, and for corporations.",But corporations *are* people Perrin is fired on Monday and Fenves is probably right behind him,If only. "We kicked their ass at home (I know they won the SB, which is why I put kinda. Because they had the highest of highs at the end. But it was pretty great at the time)",Sounds to me like you helped them out by giving Manning some rest... "Eh, water fountains are designed to sort of blast away the bacteria with that water arc they make. A dog drinking from one isn't a huge deal.","Ah yes, the Super Soaker approach to hygiene." "Lol what? I'm an American who has visited 35 states, has family in Canada, visited 18 countries and lived in three different countries. The US has a LOT of things to improve in and I go through love hate cycles every few months with this place. Not to mention being abroad as an American can be a pain in the ass. So many people assume things about you because you are American, Americans must think this, why do you hate black/brown people? why did you Americans blow my family up? Why does your government support this/that regime? Ha! You don't know who the governor of Punjab is? You Americans are soooo stupid! etc. etc. It gets old and annoying knowing that in the international community I was in the other countries don't get nearly as much if any pestering about where they are from. I didn't choose to be born in the asshole of the world. :/",Hey do you guys still own slaves? Share your worst Thanksgiving stories,This year my aunt called the First Lady a baboon and I had not had enough wine yet to deal with that. Interacted with people,"Oh yeah, did you do that thing where one person would say words and the other would respond?" "I wasn't disagreeing with you, I also didn't know there was two videos. How long was the original serious video up before he deleted it? I'm pretty active on YouTube and steel's videos are usually ones that I watch as I see them uploaded.","The original video was probably 15 minutes long, unfortunately I cannot find any reuploads of the video, it is completely gone :(" For the same reason many western buildings don't have a 13th floor - 7 is considered unlucky in some eastern cultures.,im gonna create a culture where all numbers are unlucky so that nobody has to do math "TIL in 1888, U.S. President Hayes wrote in his diary: This is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people no longer. It is a government of corporations, by corporations, and for corporations.",It's a good thing that corporations are people or I'd be pissed What about 80% men who face violence,They can go and mope in garage like a man does and suck it in. What's the worst about this whole situation is that everyone is blaming fraud and corruption. If they're a bit more savvy (but still wrong) they're blaming mismanagement. This is the very predictable (and often repeated) result of a commodity rich economy going down the tubes when their primary commodity takes a shit. Is there any country in recent history that can provide a working example of transition from a commodity economy to a manufacturing or service economy?,"Yeah, Russia!" It was exaggerated which is why I changed it. I still don't think vandalism should be acceptable if you disagree with something.,I changed my statement to reflect your statement. What? You're missing the point buddy. Maybe don't look for the most credible information in the same places you look for cumsluts.,You mean... Google? Dont forget Jade Helm.,I think that was took over Texas How do you hook up with someone?,"I never had a one night stand, it's more of a few days at least; usually still in bed with them the next day." "Everything's up to date. Drivers are the first step I took to solve the issue, and no overheating or anything.",Is your CPU at 100% when you play bf1 Just finished revising my setup so I figure'd it was time to share.,Nice build fuck I died XD,Oh ok. Looking for an anime in a genre that I cant find Im looking for anime with a competent MC who has a rival that is also competent and strong but they develop feelings for each other and become romantically involved but keep it a secret. anyone know of animes close to this or stories close to this?,{Special A} - is the only one I know that has almost the same exact setting minus the keeping it a secret. Freddie Mercury passed away 25 years ago today. What a legend.,Wow... I would have never known this if it weren't posted on Reddit 37027 times today. Star Trek,"If I were in Star Trek, I would make the best Barclay." Aw yiss things are getting serious now.,"don't fuck it up bro and no,teletubbies costum is not a good choice for potential first date." "The Valve store has new merch! Lots of mousepads, posters, and some T-shirts",I'm afraid to get the medic patches because I don't want normal people to assume I can do something medical irl. "Are you a boy, or a girl?",ARE YOU ASSUMING XE CAN'T BE ANYTHING ELSE ? Which continued all the way to 2016?,What where Rosberg destroyed Hamilton in one of the most one sided seasons in formula 1 history? Percentage of obese population?,And by what standards is a person obese? She did this weird soft baby voice when saying she wasnt mean,because she's high calss now.. Raised self shot,Milf? "47 of the world's poorest countries are aiming to hit 100% renewable energy - The idea is ... to skip from pre-industrialisation to renewables, avoiding the 'messy part' in the middle where a need for more energy to support economic growth spurs fossil fuel use to dangerously high levels.",We have to also consider how much more it is worth to us to force Africa to go through its own fossil fuel phase and NOT skip straight to renewables. This comment is somehow less funny then the first one you made,"Hey now, don't be sew rude." Mitchell out killing folks again... Fuck the Steelers!,"No it's okay, he's just playing tough football" "I'm a Mormon and certainly don't care if people drink around me. Heck, I don't care if people smoke, drink, swear, or get gay married around me. Why would I expect everyone else to obey *my* religion? That just doesn't even make sense.",Stwap trying to convert me by acting nice "Will HD slow the mannerisms of the presenters , particular the nodding head syndrome displayed by the ABC women announcers?",Yes they will be more scantily clad "Revenge doesn't make it so you don't get stunned by attacks, right? Just health and damage boost?",Yeah I think it's just a health and damage boost Bernie Sanders being arrested in 1963 at an Anti-Segregation protest in Chicago,A white supremacist if I ever saw one BEWARE: Fake Zelda Link to the Past Cartriges on eBay.,"I dont knoww, looks pretty legit to me" "May I ask what the plan was? Was the tent city empty for long stretches of time, or were you like an armed agent of the department of transportation? Im genuinely curious.",Clean up an eyesore and do it again in a week or two. I would much rather have steak for thanksgiving. Turkey is such no.,"Turkey meat is pretty dry and bland, that's why recipes call for stuffing and gravy." New DeFrancoFam Video: THE WAY TO HER HEART,I think this is the first time i've watched trey have a coherent convo which made me feel all like hey you're a people too. Take Mike Pence please!,And then it'll be safe to assassinate Trump. Seriously? It's one of the best films I saw this year.,Found the Sony bot. "The fake news isn't pushed through conventional mediums. If an established paper or news network publishes an erroneous report, they get sued. If some random dude fabricates a story Md spreads it through social media, there's no accountability. Large organizations are held accountable. Random people with social media skills can spread whatever the fuck they want anonymously.",We need the government step in and take that away from us! Morning Robin,"Totally relaxed robin this morning, pecking away on some scraps." "I didn't even know that. I got a fairly recent one with 2x of Noel's BSB. I never consisted using Noel before, but I believe it's Full Breakdown with Power and Magic Breakdown? Noel has a weird skillset and Support BSB.","Noel's BSB cast hits the enemy with a stronger version of Full Break: the normal Full Break effects the enemy with a -30% stat reduction, while the BSB effects the enemy with a -40% reduction." "Sono uno di quelli che pensa che se protesti contro il diritto allo studio negato (il solito motivo astratto che danno tutti quando glielo chiedi) non studiando, non stai ottenendo nulla. Stai solo dimostrando di non voler studiare. Penso che per protesta gli studenti dovrebbero continuare ad andare a lezione, magari senza fare neanche un'assenza, e protestare dopo le lezioni.",Fascista e borghese! And that man in the street's name? Famed firefighter S. Bucemi. Who just happened to be riding by on his narwhal. Snacking on some bacon. At midnight.,What? Nadeshot don't @,Did no FaZe players try YouTube aswell early on? "Every government does that, go live in the woods and keep off our roads if you don't like it.",Oooor we could just stop killing civilians and funding jihadists with that tax money and actually spend it on the crumbling infrastructure across our country "We don't have a two-party system, though. We have a de facto one-party system that serves the interests of one class, the Business/Capitalist class. Those with concentrated wealth can concentrate political power, which in turn gives them more wealth, which in turn gives them more political power. People arguing about government regulators and corporate executives don't seem to realize that *those are often the same people*. We have a revolving door at the top of myriad government agencies where a handful of people gladly exchange their golden parachutes for bureaucratic red tape and are free to scratch the backs of their fellow industry friends for a few years before they shuffle on out to some other top gig at some other corporation where they can reap the bountiful rewards of the policies they crafted. Yes, there are laws that are supposed to curtail this very type of activity, but they're largely ineffective and really just part of the greater facade of democracy we've cultivated in America.","I understand that there are very, very wealthy people in this country with what seems like lots and lots of power, but I do believe that the two parties exists because the two parties actually, genuinely believe that their ideas are right and that the other side is a bunch of lunatics the trying to throw the county into anarchy." "Not gunna lie, I thought she looked pretty fit...then I read that she is a transexual :/","that makes you gay now, welcome to the dark side" "Highly relevant username? As in, you're fond of the etymology of our slang term johnson?",El BJ. "Swastikas, anti-Semitic messages seen around Toronto",This is Trumps fault! Skill perk earrings and zero cost skill.,"My understanding was that the skill perk is a very small bonus, and zero cost will be likely invalidated due to 1 cost in the near future?" "Day Pass option missing Hey there, I'm using a Nexus 6P on a 4 line One@work plan. My line has the $25/month One plus addon. I've had the plan for a couple of months now, but I have been unable to activate day passes through the Tmobile app or website. There is no HD Day Pass option anywhere on either portal for me, and I have followed the instructions on the website to the letter. Additionally, I brought my phone into a Tmobile store and asked a sales rep about it, and he was unable to add day passes to my account either. Essentially, I'm paying $25/month for nothing--which kind of sucks. Anyone know what's going on?",Don't forget 4G LTE tethering "If it was propaganda, I doubt that China would even acknowledge the smog.","They did not at first, but when it became blatantly obvious to everyone it became hard to convince people that walking through blankets of smog wasn't bad for their health." World War 1 and 2 were pretty bad times.,Not as bad as a gorilla getting shot. "That's the hurtful one. But I've been playing with ziggs support lately and with the brush plus first attack mastery and sheen, he really is strong bully in lane without needing much gold. It's great against champs like vayne. You pop the w on him and then e him while stunned he will tumble into all that damage. It's pretty nice.","Even though you want to play Ziggs support, your teammates don't want you to play Ziggs support." yup **a** real skill,nice a skin "It is normalized here. Almost everyone in my town thinks Trump is amazing, that what happens in a man's home is his business (as in wife and child beating) and the women quite often are so brainwashed that if someone complains about the way things are, THEY will jump all over the person. It is like some creepyass movie a lot of the time. They all post memes about how if you spare the rod you spoil the child and then post 'I got the belt and I turned out just fine' two days after being arrested for being drunk and assaulting a police officer. Cognitive dissonance is a real thing.",Do you live in Alberta? Ont. teacher allegedly told student to 'lick me where I fart',"You stay classy, Ontario." Canadian Black Friday Sales,"Nah, Canadian Black Friday is earlier in the year." If you were a god in Smite who would you be? Rat for me.,"Jing Wei, happy af and I can fly." I want to take action against the bank for removing her from our joint accounts without my consent and her for removing herself without my consent.,The bank only needs her consent to remove her from the account. People are stupid. Why not order shit online?,BECAUSE I HAVE TO HAVE IT NOW IN MY HANDS OR ITS NOT REAL BLACK FRIDAY "Bring back golden bow -- although this time, passive only works on melee hits. I pleaded for this well before golden bow even became meta. Just like stone cutting swords passive, golden bow should've always been the same. To me this is the most obvious decision rather than the item being removed. Think about it - does it break the game like it did before? Absolutely not. Not even close. In fact this only really would help gods outside of conquest. Maybe some nemesis, and other picks could be viable in something like solo lane..but for jungle, you dont really need it.",Why would a bow be melee only? Early cod Zombies memories ? Hey guys I know a lot of you have been here since the beginning and what's your earliest memories ? For me it started with world at war I would always play split screen and never buy a door (had no idea of the box) then after months I tried playing online my mind was blown when you could get a flame thrower then even more amazed when I got a ray gun. Then months later I got the map Der reise and thought people where hackers when I saw lazers coming out of thier guns lol.,"falling for Jimbothys Golden ray gun video when I was 10, and ragequitting when me and my friends almost did the MOTD ee, because I was lagging alot -_-" "I really believe in this. Honestly, I think the best thing we could do, although near impossible, would be to call a constitutional Congress to add federal level ballot initiatives.",No reason not to dream big but we need a measured first step! Anyone know of any interesting or fun tours to go on in Houston?,Houston Downtown Architecture tour "I can give you Petlil, Vullaby, Drampa, and Alolan Sandshrew. Just give me their Version Counterparts.",Thanks! Alex Jones is a motherfucking crackpot and a half.,I take it you haven't read the wikileaks yet? "Because everyone knows stealing can never be greedy, and there's no impact on the environment.","but, i'm only doing it to get back at corporate america..." Gwyneth Paltrow plugged an expensive handbag on her website and pissed off soccer moms everywhere.,RIP Gwyneth Paltrow's career Found these at the store today..,still better than the kiss tongue lollipops I fucked myself an hour ago then,detaaiills please~ "At first I was confused by this thumbnail, then I realized it's a parody of click bait thumbnails that use big arrows and big red circles,.....clever? (Also Freddies)","somebody make a drinking challenge out of this for the adult viewers, one shot for every cringey fact" "The Real History is the Japanese didn't buy-in to voluntary extortion white religious imprisonment. Throwing out the white European 'christians' is what lead Japan to close its ports for over 200 years. The Japanese saw the Holy Roman Church was using Jesuits as their exploratory invasion force, with their We Come In Peace routine. In Nagasaki, there is the site where a barrel the size of a large swimming pool was filled with boiling oil and 38 priests were thrown into that. Scorsese actually gets a lot of reality mixed in with his movies. Several scenes are real scenes in real life, like the scene in Casino where Nicky and his brother dig their own graves in a Kansas corn field, stripped to their underwear and beaten with baseball bats until they were *almost* dead, then thrown into the grave and buried alive. There are news photos from the discovery of their bodies, and Scorcese had the scene laid out just like it happened. He is showing the extremely close relationship of the Mafia with the Pope in his Godfather movies. He seems to be sending the message about how evil the Holy Roman Church has been, so it will be interesting to see how he portrays this pivotal period.",Yeah and I'm sure the tens of thousands of innocent Japanese Christians had it coming too. Those are usually immature girls. I don't think it's as common as you think. My bf is an inch shorter than me.,That's so nice of you! My creepy neighbor texted me out of the blue today.,you're lucky your last reply was not delayed. But then it wouldn't be battlefront anymore....It would be Epsiode I Pod Racer.,Just like call of duty black ops having zombies makes black ops not black ops. Reddit told me Snuff was failcascading?,Obviously their Goon puppetmasters are the only thing keeping them together now! "I'm finishing up a program right now (The Iron Yard). From what I understand, the quality of boot camp programs can vary a lot, even within the same organization. I'm super happy with mine. I think my campus has something like a ~90% placement rate for graduates, and it's in a growing tech area (Indianapolis). In researching their curriculum, I found some reviews that almost scared me off, but I went to a Meetup they hosted and a few other events, talked to alumni, saw how plugged in they are with the local tech community, and I was sold. I heard from multiple people that it's the best decision they've made for their careers. I'm not finished with the program, but so far, I'm inclined to agree. Do some local research if you're considering options. Don't trust Google'd reviews unless it's relevant to your local campus. Scope out the relationships and connections with area tech employers. Talk to alumni, especially; they'll know better than anyone if it's worth it. tl;dr - Maybe.","Yeah, when I think of hot tech areas, I think of Indianapolis." "Got a lovely reminder why I'm not close with my family Thanksgiving is supposed to be a great day, right? Family and all that jazz. Well, here are the bullet points from yesterday: - Button is 18 months next week. Does not like long drives. Scream cried the last 40 minutes of the drive. - We started the 2 hour drive around nap time. Button did not nap. On our way, we were told that the dinner planned for 3 was being moved to 6. Because of my sister, L. - Dinner was moved because she was driving in from a few states away and wanted a shower first when she got here. Yep. Whole dinner moved 3 hours. For her. One person. - L was over an hour late from the time she said she would be there. Food got cold. Her husband let it slip to my husband that they went to their in laws (his parents) first for dinner. She held up the entire dinner so she could go to another party first. - Decided to do the prayer and talked about how she drove all day, had to leave the next day, and was thankful to get to eat all the food and that someone else cooked. - Button did NOT nap. She ate at 6 because fuck everyone else. We left immediately after she got there. She didn't even hardly say hi to me. - If you think I was quiet about this, I wasn't. I told my family that we will not be doing this again. That it was rude and selfish of her and that our daughter was the one who suffers for it. The excuse Well, it's thanksgiving earned a hearty fuck you from me. - So from now on, unless it's my Uncle hosting, we are not going. Period. My Uncle gives no fucks and waits for no one. I'm not dealing with her bullshit again. My husband and I also called this. I said that she was going to somehow hijack the holiday, because she always does. - Oh, and I just got a group text from her to my and my other sister thanking us for cooking, saying it was the best she has had in months and how she has barely eaten. Martyr much? Yeah, not responding. - Did I mention I haven't been home in 3 years either? Yeah.","Dude, the only reason to move back dinner is that dinner isn't done." seeing that the theory is about cucks I would say the fact that it comes from alt righters is not surprising,Ducks are every where my dude! So you think we SHOULD rape people just in case they're into that shit?,Yes Isn't that...rape?,Yeah but he's a guy so that's okay How will plane rides in the next 100 years be different?,We won't need them anymore. New phone,Who dis "What archaic peace deal was that? The main point of contention is the 'Right to Return', because it'd result in mass cultural suicide for the Israelis.",Every single peace offer Israel has proposed in this century and the last has included the maintenance of Israeli settlements with hundreds of thousands of settlers. keep supporting the pyramid =),=))) "I really wish Sjin had a better understanding of what Lewis is doing. Lewis alluded to it in episode 3, but just to spell it out clearly: Lewis has a near-compulsive need to take control. I'm not saying this as criticism, it has made the Yogscast what it is today. But it is *especially* true in a sandbox game when there are various jobs/tasks for people to do. If Lewis stuck with the group, he wouldn't be able to resist taking over and telling everyone what to do. Lewis is going hard-RP because he knows this about himself. This is Sjin's series on Sjin's channel and this is Lewis' way of letting Sjin be in charge. I see this as Lewis showing great self-awareness and I applaud him for it. I just wish Sjin could see it, instead of thinking that Lewis is not helping by running away. Sjin: You ran away! Lewis: I did not run away. I went off on my own because I didn't want to get in your way.","I don't know, pretty sure Lewis just wants to be a kick ass wizard by himself." Do Romani count as POCs?,"Nah, it's not like they had their own special designation in the Nazi Concentration Camps or anything" New Donald Trump movie to be titled The Donald,DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP DONALD TRUMP 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New MMORPG'S 2017-2019? I cannot find anything new. Nothing decent looking that is. Whats coming out like DK Online all look like utter trash. Is the era over?,Camelot Unchained. Older packs will eventually appear as rewards to brawl and arena. You heard it here first.,"You mean, like, the classic pack we get almost every week from tavern brawl?" "The reason why price tags are shown pre-tax is because it allows companies to make the item seem cheaper than it is. The way your mind reads a price like $6.75 is six dollars plus a little something. If the post-tax price was shown your mind would read it as seven dollars plus a little something. That difference is enough to cause some lost sales, so everyone does it the first way. Of course, a walking calculator wouldn't be fooled, but a lot of times your brain doesn't work hard enough to calculate things out and just goes with the six something and seven something heuristic.","If it was the norm to show the price after taxes, then we wouldn't read it as 'and a little something' because we would know that's the price after tax." Most satisfying way to clear a wave?,Decoy I'd like to see Rng exotic perks and unfixed exotic perktrees. I'd like a neutral game subclass with no super.,E A S Y. T H E R E. S A T A N. Don't you forget to buy cases of these!,"Moved from California to North Carolina shortly after the 2012 election- so not only did my vote mean something this year, I can also enjoy this patriotic brew!" "You both got it wrong, its polar bears.",The maulings or the kidneys? Yeah right after cyber Monday. They thought that out very well.,"They are doing the maintenance every Thursday, not just this particular one." If 2016 takes our queen I'm officially just going to live in a hole until 2017,You live in Europe you kinda already do "idk Im having fun, Pearl clutch","Pearl is well-designed, fun to play against champion, which is giving it's player a lot of opportunities for different playstyles." what a fucking beta male lmao,youre so alpha for saying that. What wheel do you use,Logitech G920 "Geez, in just under the deadline Jill. Give me a heart attack why don't you.","If significant evidence of voter fraud is found in the recount for HRC, shouldn't they recount the results of the Senate and House as well?" A pregnant police officer asked for light duty since her vest/belt don't fit over her belly. She was told to take unpaid leave and she should have planned better and saved up more sick days.,Just shoot some unarmed black guy and get paid leave. Population is a bit larger than it was 140 years ago,"They're using percentages, not raw numbers, to compare" Burn n churn,Wake n bake And that Economics 101 course that helps you understand that taking a paycut doesn't give you additional income.,Sounds an awful like that liberal education I hear about on the MSM... Francois Fillon takes strong lead in French presidential primary,Is this some kind of elimination round? I imagine they're doing this with more functions than just push-ups in mind.,"Yeah, they're gonna do sit-ups too!" If you were Orange you could have ran for president!,isn't it nice to see Annoying Orange do so much after his internet career? Lol. Sure aint animatronics.. they are tied down tho..,I dunno they had a fake Croc they used in Octopussy which had James Bond in. "There's going to be a rude awakening for people who think they can get a Hornet in a couple of hours. If that is the case, no way the game lasts. Nobody would spend real money. Upkeep of the universe would be impossible.",But but but...ships are not progression. Thank you Fidel Castro. Your country is better than if we had been in charge,"Yeah man, Cuba is a much better place than the US." the man understands how to create a solid strawman and run away with it from people who have no idea they are taking on a strawman argument. It does make for meaningless if not atleast entertaining materiale from time to time.,Can you provide an example of Destiny strawmaning? Give a signature move a worse name. Lex Luger's Torture Rack- The Lex Flex,Brick lesnar with the Summer Drizzle! Palestinian firefighters offer to help put out devastating wildfires in Israel.,I'm sure the comments of this article will be level headed and rational. It can take a beating but it suffers from a drastic loss of control after a certain amount of damage. It's effectively disabled.,That's pretty much the case for any ship that can have it's thrusters blown off. Shopping cart traffic during Black Friday,They took the black part seriously. "Never had my hair cut by somebody other than my mom, it's about time to change that. Thinking shorter on the sides and back, not sure about the top. Thoughts?",Dude that hair is beautiful as is Kyle vs Kyler in the RRSO,You mean the Red River Rivalry? "Marxism is regressive, not progressive.",Please tell this to all of the angry conservatives on my facebook feed. A good reminder why it's a bad idea to ask an atheist to pray,What entertainment! Thank god Green wasn't voted woman of the year. One can only guess what these morons would have to say about that.,"I few years ago in high school all of the fat athletes, including me, would tape M&M magazine ads with the green M&M doing sexy poses in our lockers." It's a drink you get from gas stations that you can fill up with whatever sort of pop you like. They're usually giant (like 42 oz.),42 ounces of diabetes. Mexico hasn't agreed to pay for the wall.,And...? Hubby came home with this. He likes to buy things impulsively. He will make muffins now,aww he looks so disappointed "Holy shit you might be the most butthurt little bitch on this subreddit. I listed McIntyre because he would be a realistic potential candidate. Harbaugh is a long shot, so I didn't initially. Also, is clown the only insult in your repertoire? Grow the fuck up.",he just wants his proper MLA format work cited recognition for john harbaugh to texas What's wrong with the beats on Encore?,Dre probably popped a lot of pills and started sucking too. "It's actually Camp Kinser (a Marine base in Okinawa, Japan), filmed from CLR-37's barracks. It was a good time.",So many kids were born 9 months later after that typoon For those who became an officer from enlited Hi i'd like to start off as i'm new to the forums and made this account for this question. I will be going to BMT February 7th 2017 and the field i will be going into is Space System Operations. I will be going for 6 years as i signed my contract already. My questions is what it's like to try to become an officer from enlisted. My end goal is to become an officer in the Air Force and i wish to make this my career. I thought prior enlistment would help me understand the Air Force more before i try to hit officer. What are your guy's recommendation and how was your experience in becoming one? any info and insight would be most helpful.,U gon die Why has our culture turned against tobacco but not against alcohol?,Because alcohol doesn't cause illness after prolonged mild use. ESL with a heart rate sensor at the ESL Meisterschaft.,MARKET LEADER PogChamp "You're partially right. In high school chemistry you learn about combustion reactions, which involves burning carbon-containing compounds in oxygen. However, this is not the only reaction that controls flammability and there are plenty of compounds that will burn despite not containing any carbon (ammonia, thermite, metal dusts, hydrogen, etc.).",Hence why I separated combustability and flammability Yanet Garcia,The time has come... for a BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL! FIRST OFFICIAL Trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming,Can't wait to see aunt may again. "Is Russian 4.7 worth it? Seriously, its like putting your dick in a red hot hydraulic press, over and over. It always seems to be I get uptiered into Tigerville USA, or downtiered into 3.7 where I can actually function. On the rare chance I get a 4.7 match, I get memerolled by krauts. Should I stick with 3.7 or what. Also fuck the SP system, Im tired of getting memescoped by an 88 13 seconds in and going to the hangar.",Just flank brah I've never been killed by the kolibiri but I've killed people with it many times and make a point or t-bagging them afterwards. I'm sorry.,I accept your apology. "OH NO!!!!!!!!! Lambo has revealed that he is actually p2w! If this post gets 100 UpWallets, this sub will become money themed.",I bet that Boom is golden too. well at least no one has complained about the pain yet.,No complaints = no problem. so you telling us not to build AD on AD carry? :thinking:,You get ad from maw "As far as the ship design rules go; who knows. Its aesthetics certainly don't fit with the rest of Aegis ships, however, it's the only Aegis ship that's not military in nature. Easy lore reasons could be that the design was outsourced to a 3rd party. As a Reclaimer pilot-to-be; whoever the manufacturer is, I just hope the aesthetics don't get changed too much. It's my favorite looking ship in the game.",It's because it ends in 'er' KI-87 Advanced Pack Details $29.99 Ki-87 (Rank 4 Japan) 1000 Golden Eagles Premium account for 7 days,"Why is it that newer Tier 4 premium plane packs, like the Wyvern and Ki-87 for example, are $25 - $30, while the Tier 4 premium tank packs, like the T29, Tiger II, Strv-81, and Black Prince, are all $40?" it handles better than a Ferrari and is more reliable,"And again, Miata is the answer." What would you consider to be your favorite nickname you've given to a pokemon?,"Duplibloop, my ditto." You're a woman with penis?,...Yes? "Happy Birthday, Toby! We've all been really fortunate to have a guy like you on the planet. You have made a simply wonderful game and inspired so many people in the process. I hope you have an absolutely fantastic b'day :D","Mods, sticky this please." "Im sorry, but I lowkey can relate to this.",Which part tho... Guy gets 5 gold claiming not to use r/The_Dingus but agrees with their current whinings. He has multiple comments in r/The_dingus,"He must have just forgotten, only hillary has people who lie in the internet for her" who wants to help me pick a new phone? My LG G4 is hot garbage. Right now I am leaning towards either a nexus 6p or waiting until the new google phone comes out.,"The new nexus should be coming out sometime this fall, if you can wait" add tbeckis on psn :),i already did :P "Picked this up in Frankenmuth, MI. It speaks to me on so many levels.",Marilyn Monroe was THIS CLOSE to getting it right... not even funny.,BINGO This intellectual would pour water over fluoroantimonic acid.,"It's add water to acid, right?" uh he hasn't ever drunk alcohol because his brother died from it. nice try though,he'd be proud of you and your knowledge of emperor clod trivia "If you were a dictator, what kind of ridiculous dictator-like shit would you do?",Play real life Tropico how many keys for fsls,6? "It can't be 100% fact. One good example: What happened to Judas' silver? In Matthew, he throws it down in the temple when they refuse to take it back, hangs himself, and they use the silver to buy the field in which he hung himself. In Acts, he buys the field himself, then falls to his death. Both can't be true.",The lord works in mysterious ways Ps4 Lf3m to do vog hard mode,Superscatman 385 hunter Bernie's political money has already gone to HRC or sent to down ballot races when he dropped out. Any leftovers go to the DNC,Bernie used his campaign email list to launch an organization called Our Revolution which is no doubt collecting monthly contributions from a number of people (myself included) Logged onto an old save to find blocks replaced by Aerial A.I. cards,This isn't even my final form! What kind of gun do you want this to be for? I know you can get an integrally suppressed Novem 9mm from Specialty Interest Arms that matches what you describe. They also have a version that has a permanent shroud that allows you to use regular suppressors while still maintaining the short OAL and keeping the barrel over 16.,.300 BLK for home defense so I don't blow my ears out. Hate to be that guy but *MG-34,Nah it's cool man. "He was, even back in the 90's he was the most oppurtunistic cunt you ever saw. i mean the guy donated 160,000 to the Liberal party in 2011 do you expect him not to be biased towards to LNP",Being GG is lot cheaper than being Prime minister. You shit,Use ypur shovel to scoop away that shit Which is funny because so much of her Democratic primary victory was based off states that she had no chance of winning in the general.,Thankfully all those southern democrats votes totally helped her in the general election! and i love her everytime i listen to kurt's version of and i love her i burst into tears. can anyone else relate?????,gay So I saw this in Egypt...,Pretty funny Lovely backsplash. Your kitchen is marvelous cabinets notwithstanding,"Thanks man, took a long time and crazy stressful to put it together but look at us now!" In France this kind of swimsuit is now forbidden because it's too Islamic!,"Nah, I'm sure it's fine if a white woman wants to wear one." Noam Chomsky: Hillary Clinton Better Choice Than Donald Trump,Too Soon What would be the biggest fuck you to the fans they could do to end the Game of Thrones series?,Joffrey comes back to life to successfully reclaim the throne. ....,Sorry reddit did I forget the Turn your music back on You paused it for something but forgot about it,9/10 I've paused it to watch a video on YouTube and then I'm sat in silence scrolling through reddit wondering what's different Lockheed Martin's VR Schoolbus takes kids to Mars,ffs you linked to the end of the video "What would some good teams for a Point Forward? I plan on playing a point forward in 2k17, along with quite a few people I'm sure, and I'm not sure exactly what team I want to plan on yet. The Clippers would probably be the easiest, but there's no challenge in that. I was thinking about the Celtics or Grizz, but they don't have any good 3 point shooters. Any thoughts?",Honestly any team is a good fit for a point forward. You're weird.,"Come on man join the cause, your cinematic universe needs you!" My friend just received this message looking for real friends,Am I the only one who REALLY wanted his name to be Mike? "Another follower of the dark side, drawn to the light. Well done.","Come to the dark side, we have free cookies after a $5 fee" TIL that size 30 is something you identify as.,I'm a size 6 but i identify as a size 2... even though those clothes don't fit me at all. All MUCH too weak to play in constructed because of all the high stat minions that will be played. What good is a mana geode turn 2 if you opponent just played a 3/3 or 3/2?,"That's more a problem of raw stats being more powerful in HS than synergies, not that there are no synergistic cards that don't rely on stats being printed, which is what the thread suggests." "We did 8 sets of 2 mins with 1 min rests and the first 6 were okay, it was only the last two which I found really difficult - so I think it's just that I'm a terribly unfit newb :).","Yeah that sounds fine, I would expect a few weeks before you can do them all comfortably given that you stay at the same pace." "USFG huh? I can't say that I've seen that before, is that the official ancronym for the gov't?","Don't know if it is, but many are using it now." "Even if he is it's not anything negative. Autism basically means next step in evolution. And it would make him very high level cyber. But yeah, the fat pig is obviously using it to try to get a rise out of Donald, disgusting.",And of course she's qualified to make such claims - she's a washed up 90s daytime talk show host! Just bought this bad boy,This is like a much more low-effort box post. "Not really, yes full backs in 9 out of 10 teams do overlap, but theres that one team that has them stay back and play as actual defenders (Atleti, West Brom, etc) and it should be an option for people to use and even though there is an option in stay back while attacking it doesn't work, if you want it as you are saying and having your full backs push, just leave them on default, but this is something that should be addressed imo, as it completely shuts out an entire style of play",Except Luis for athletico bombs forward and crosses? I'm not even an 'audiophile' and I got triggered.,Welp im a trigger and I got audiophiled... "I don't see the Bounsweet, was it sniped?","Yes it was, I'll put another in" wait... D.VA can destroy meis ult projectile!?,"Yes, D-Va can cancel 4 ults (Tracer/Mei/Hanzo/Zarya) just by right clicking, and that's perfectly balanced." Pogba is out of the cup game,I would say that's OKish as we need him more for the league. This update in a nutshell,"um how can you know for sure he didn't just add all the features he promised, did you explore all 19 quintillion planets?" *Sven.,Sthene. "Hey dad, mind if i borrow ur stuff for a while?","Daddy, what's this blue screen on the monitor?" Has science gone too far?,Now my life is complete. Name one Saudi Arabian politician without googling it. (I know you can't),Aladdin? How much you want to bet that the artist was making a regular tiger then fucked up and added all those heads and made something even better than what they intended to?,me irl "It's a she, her name is Priscilla",Did you just assume its gender based on its name? ana (f),ganda bomba! Seraph Progession. It's beautiful.,I just realized she smiled at the end :D Why should anyone care what your view is? What credentials do you gave to add credence to your belief?,"Oh, I'm so sorry I thought I posted to Change MY VIEW" "No, Apple, killing your headphone jack is not courage",It takes courage to tank your company in one fell swell swoop As much as i know you hate us (Rangers). I still hope you can over come and bump out those cocksucking Toronto BJ's.,I'm sadly not surprised that the Rangers want the Astros in the playoffs :( "People who *did* vote for Hillary aren't liberals; she's a neo-liberal at best, an entrenched conservative if we're being honest.",And you should feel proud that your mindset created a trump Presidency which I am sure will push liberalism forward huh? One last iconic death...,Oh god not Kanye! Ok every card game has a stack. Triggers and ordering events of how cards interact is a major part of gameplay. See how spells interact with Wild Pyro and how Cthun attacking death rattles work. These are all determined by a process and ordering of events - which is essentially a stack Just Saiyan.,"Yes, he is an excellent streamer" "Fine, but of course you need to wait at the login screen for 30 mins and pay 5 million credits for the taxi ride.",Forgot the Please let me know how you determined this man was a crackhead. Thanks.,He was black wasn't he? "Finally, the rarity of my pepes pays off.",Fucking white supremacist. Brandin Cooks... What the heck happened?,Droppable in all formats. I guess my phone thinks I'm rich. My phone is horribly mistaken.,Probably should stop spending so much money on guns then That gave me a freight,...S...Sean Scurry. "Man in van throws middle finger and bottle at biker, but biker returns with a surprise.","Yea, like that mini van couldn't just blow by him." "It's genuinely awful. All I can do is pray he does well for the country. I hate his ideologies and his supporters are some of the most backwards and sheltered thinking individuals I have ever had to meet. Regardless, we are in this together. I hope I really am the piss baby special snowflake seeking a safe space that they believe I am. I really want him to do a great job because we *need* to be wrong. If we are right, we are so fucked.",I hope some 2nd amendment guys take care of him "He never specified that, ever. He said he had learned things from his mentor about the force from him. He never clarified who had cheated death and the way he said it was very mysterious and inteniinally vague.",His mentor is darth plagueis Watch it be the mets,I mean the Mets are short on corner outfielders Because a generation that has grown up with participation ribbons like to bitch about everything,"Duping is not a big deal, we are just a bunch of crybabies." "Sorry I wasn't trying to insinuate that. My two comments were separate statements. I don't actually know why his other thread got taken down. It was a guess that these are mining cards, hence why he has so many of them.",Taken down for invalid format. "No backsies I just had one of the saddest conversations of my life. A good friend of mine is getting a divorce. 2 kids. She confessed to me that she didn't really want to have kids, she just bought into her husband's idea of family life. Loves her kids, wouldn't give them up for anything, yadda yadda and all that, but told me straight out she envies me for sticking with my CF life. I feel so sorry for her. For the love of god, if you're reading this and you're on the fence; make up your own mind. Don't let someone else decide for you, no matter who they are.","I have had a lot of parents confide in me that they would do things a lot differently in regards to having kids, if they could go back in time." "Tripp, get a stylist",it's an early game give him a break jeez Ska better than s1mple? I like C9 but I'm not THAT much of a fanboy.,Sorry forgot my I've definitely checked this but thanks for reminding me to keep checking it!,Once I lost my wallet in a cab but didn't check my other inbox til TWO YEARS LATER so I didn't know that someone had actually found it and tried to contact me :( "Yeah, Ray Lewis really murdered his soul. Like, stabbed it out with a knife and left it laying dead on an Atlanta street.",*Allegedly What happened to the popular kid from high school?,He gave himself Type II diabetes from work-out supplements in college. "If I don't make him think twice about what he said he'll post more stupid shit in the future. I'm a hero of reddit mate, removing shitposts one comment at a time.",I'd rather get rid of assholes than shitposts "I think there should be an option to disable auto-fill. Some people want to play their main role no matter what, and they should, so an option to guatentee their role after a 2 hour queue sounds great for me","I agree with this, if somebody wants to take that instead of a quickie game then LET THEM!" "Thanks to Trump, we can better understand how Hitler was possible - U.S. Election 2016 - Haaretz - Israel News","Thanks to the GOP, FTFY." Read the manga. The ending is great.,Evil like you is why we have to have passwords on our accounts "An acquaintance of mine has a little girl who is underweight because she's a slow and incredibly picky eater. Guess what? She was put on a DIET! A diet for weight increase, mind you, but still a diet. Why are these people acting like its the most cruel thing in the world to care for the health of our children?",But but but kids are supposed to look like the Michelin Man's bastard spawn. Dad just sent me this while hunting,Your dad's a James Bond villain? "Don't forget dead people, they love claiming dead people vote.",TBF have you seen the Republican Party's constituency? "I agree with most of the posts here... how about this.. .watch another streamer. I got bored of Lirik last summer, found another streamer... then another... now he is one of a few I check in on instead of my main entertainment. Feels good man.",Other streamers on twitch DansGame What do you hate about something you love?,I hate the load times but I LOVE sonic 06 Superman got nominated back in the day.,Did it win? What next? Rosie will make fun of Trump for having a brother who died from alcoholism? Oh... wait... she already did.,It makes the future deaths from Trump vodka all the more responsible. Maybe they're getting shot at,You can see that they're not getting shot at. Have yall learned nuthin from flashpoint?,"So if we stop Gorilla Grodd's death, Lex Luthor never becomes president?" they made money buy selling things ! mind= blown,"We're not buying things, we're pledging and getting a gift!" Whooooo boy! Look at that 38% upvoted rating. Somebody doesn't want this story getting out there.,It'll go up a bit tomorrow when all the kiddie weekend-reddit-warriors have to go to school to be further programmed. Gaines just stopped.,What a joke In the South it already is.,Hell yeah "Oh man, imagine this with the 1 mana spell that gives all of your in-hand minions +1/+1.",Nah man bliz would never print somthing that interacts with the hand like that. Lashkar desperate for new notes,"Wow, even The Hindu is driving government propaganda." Vow Renewal Emergency! I need help picking a substitute! (Text in the comments),Number 3 for sure. "So how is Bharat Bandh going on in your place? please answer with the city and state.... P.S. If you are from Kerala or West Bengal,there is no need to answer because I know there will be Bandh today....","In south Delhi, looks like a normal day so far." Done!,"Instead of the M&M Store, try Economy Candy" Vitalik Buterin Interview,"A very good interview, and nice questions from the host." oh shit I can't take this,!remind me 10 years Southern Tide and Vineyard Vines,"ONLY willing to trade for Aeropostale, Abercrombie, or Hollister." "Fidel Castro Still Dead, Miami continues to party for a second night","Miami, happier than the KKK on November 10th." How do you guys manage to shove Israel in everything is beyond me.,The acts of defense by 6M justify the acts of offense by 1.3 Billions. She definitely wants to be a victim.,"And there is nothing you can do for those types of people :( I know it's a bit of a non-issue when they are so horrible in general but really what a sad state to be in, a head space where you just have to be the one being taken advantage of/ neglected etc and even your child's wedding has to spun for sympathy." "That's a false conclusion. Two examples that are more local are: the self checkout at many major department stores. One person watching over 6-12 self checkout lanes is not making 6-12 times what one register clerk makes. So even with the labor pricing staying the same there is still phasing out of employees. Another is Walmart laying off 91 people in their optical labs. White collar jobs that require at least some modicum of being above the lowest common denominator are still at risk. The final and less local example is Foxconn. You may remember this company for making the news due to work related stress induced suicide attempts. They just announced 60,000 layoffs. It's a Chinese company and organizations have been outsourcing to China for slave labor wages for decades. Line all of those up. You can't get paid the same always, or you face replacement. You can't be paid above the average because it is work related replacement due to automation. You can't even be slaved to mental collapse. If a job can somehow be replaced by automation, it will. Employee payment has literally nothing to do with it. Lights out factories exist. One or two rooms in a facility where humans regularly occupy the space, the rest of the rooms can be completely dark with no hiccups. Bill gates says society isn't ready for the amount of job loss automation will spur on. This finger pointing to people who deserve a fair and living wage is proof of it",Don't worry they'll get people to repair people's because there's so going to be demand for 100000s of repair people in a given area ! Metuz hilarious 1v1 yolo defuse,Thought we were watching Anders and he was going to spectate someone called Metuz You can't like country if you like black people Like whatever music and whatever people you want,Darius rucker would like to have a word... So am I going to have to play the game again to see this new content they're adding?,Will probably be on YouTube soon enough if you don't want to play again. Curry because he actually did his,Why are we pretending 402 made threes on 11 attempts per game is good ? Praise Geralt,Praise Geraldo "More Random Events Right now we only have rain, cargo planes and attack helicopters. Adding more random events would be awesome. I've seen many posts about people's ideas for random events, but here's some of mine. Military Squad: A squad of military soldiers spawns at the top of the map, and will hunt players. Their weapons would include MP5s, LR300s, 92s and M249s, but also new military weapons such as AT4s, AWSMs, Desert Eagles and Tavor-21s. All of these weapons would drop. They would have exclusive military grade armour, which would be Helmet: Military Helmet, Top: BDU Top, Vest: Kevlar vest, Pants: BDU Pants, Gloves: Tactical Gloves (Also have a special ability to punch without any weapon) and Boots: BDU Boots M1 Abrams: A tank arrives at the coast (away from spawn) via a transport boat. It will only target players with a mid tier or better gun in their hot bar and at least 3 clothing items on. It would be extremely durable, and would have two firing modes, Cannon, which it aims its Cannon at a player and then fires a tank shell which does 200 Blunt and 300 Explosive Damage. Its other mode, Machine Gun, sprays bullets at players, dealing medium damage. Destroying the Tank makes the engine explode, and set fire for several minutes. It's crates would be similiar to the helicopter's crates. Ground Zero: At a random monument a nuclear siren will alarm. 45 seconds later, a nuclear missile will be visible and will hit the centre of the monument, turning every animal rad and increasing the radiation. The initial blast does 1000 explosive damage in a 30m squared radius. Shortly after, a squad of hazmat soldiers arrives and will kill anyone who is not in a hazmat suit. On death, the hazmat soldiers drop military grade weapons and hazmat suits.",Seems like an assload of coding and effort but it could be something for awhile on. As if anyone here but guys from 4chan support those comics.,Did you just asume my imagebordism? Reignover to replace Dardoch on Team Liquid in 2017,Did not see that coming "Suspicous behaviour means doing something that other people don't. If you punish suspicious behaviour, you don't allow change. You do realise that is precisely why those in a powerful position believe it is a good idea, right? Let me try instead: If you punish unusual behaviour and change, you risk losing power to those nations which permit it. If you ban cryptography, then the Swedish, Feminist, Atheist, Muslim, Lesbian, Socialists will control the global media, and use it to destroy your values!",Gotta stand up to those pesky atheist muslims! How did you get enough coins to do the SBC? Just started FIFA yesterday and it seems like getting coins is gonna be a hassle,With a name like that you'll fit right in here Cloud 9 owner to pay $96k over importing ice pipes to WA,I'm not interested in meth but I'm still more outraged that this piece of shit was planning on selling 75 cent pipes for $60-120... Well at least my life has gotten a lot easier once I was able to own slaves again,plus with women not being able to vote anymore Trump was a shoe in for president! "I discovered that my grandma's mom was ethnically Romany (Gypsy), which would have been a real problem for her back then (lots of racism). Her dad died when she was a kid and nobody knew where he came from, so I guess that's why nobody ever talked about him much. I also discovered that my parents are (very, very) distant cousins, and are both apparently related to the Stuart Kings of Britain...despite the fact that all my grandparents are Polish. How weird.","Bloody Poles, coming over here taking our King's jobs" Greek inspired or Overwatch inspired? ;),You forgot advanced warfare inspired Yeah i am,May I asked how you knew or why you deleted the comment? He was seeing her before mom died,How... do you know? I feel like Windows is just making fun of me now (That's one of the automatic backgrounds),I feel sad for those penguins... My game against Bacon,Looks like someone was skill zoning "Song vs Song Pretty simple, compare any two songs by the band, for e.g. Endors Toi vs Sundown Syndrome The next person who comments will choose the one they prefer and leave their comparison for the next commenter to choose from, and so on and so forth. Enjoy!",The Less I Know The Better vs Eventually TIL my depression is fake and my psychiatrist is a dumb fuck,"I feel horrible for laughing at the second comment, I hope you get through this OP and f*ck this verysmart." did you just stop?,Can you just stop? Has science gone too far?,Has ideology gone too far? "Hell just thinking that if you want to level a character from level 1, thats 97 levels you have to earn before you will even see your artifact.",It took 8 years for my characters to see their Artifact weapons. "Urien classic is allowed, though.","Well of course, there's no boobs or feminine butts, so nothing to be sexualized." The order of their slate is not an issue. We don't need another Batman origin movie. The issue is the fact that the movies they put in the theaters haven't been exactly that great. If BvS had amazing critical reception and passed the 1 billion mark would you still think the slate is screwed up? They just need to put good movies in the theaters.,*better movies "So, analog to that, how do you handle killing children on a daily basis to fulfill your nutritional supply since you haven't solved the world hunger problem which we are partly causing with our own food distribution and creation?",I haven't claimed to have solved world hunger any more than I've claimed to be only using renewable energy. Ok ok so we finally had snow in Catalonia...,Global warming confirmed fake. My problem is always that the part I didn't have out the whole time will now burn. I tanned when I was a teen and wore underwear in the booth. By the time I regretted it there was no going back :(,"But you didn't catch the funk, so I'd consider that a small price to pay." Generate Electricity and Digital Currency by Walking Over Street Tiles,I want my walkcoins back "Donald J. Trump on Twitter: If Cuba is unwilling to make a better deal for the Cuban people, the Cuban/American people and the U.S. as a whole, I will terminate deal.",What horrible trade standards by an unqualified president At what cost though?,"Doesn't matter brah, the ends justifies the means ;)" My boss and I had an ugly sweater competition.,well now if i ever enter an ugly sweater contest i'm just going to make a 5 foot long sweater with a hole centered over my face "Windowed, Borderless Window, or Full-Screen?","Usually fullscreen but a few games are run in borderless windows (like GTA V online, or more like loading simulator)" Cody and Tash have the same face Are we sure that's not just 2 pictures of one girl?,I think they're twins lol It ought to be dropping the Chicken Leg of Doom.,But why would a turkey drop chicken? Parents Outraged At School's Introduction Of Unisex Toilets For Kids Over Age Of 8,But their outrage goes against the world policy of we are all ONE people...teach the kids young and now before we become more separated but equal. "Why is it always jews? No matter where the nationalists are, they always blame the jews.","The fellow is posting from a new account, but it seems like they might actually be an American of asian descent." But Fox-Samus is unwinnable. Samus is unviable,Are you memeing cuz I've been seeing this phrase being used more and more "If they aim to be a top10 team then sure they should keep this roster, but if they want to reach the next level they need to get some underrated awper starting with a K, forgot his name though",Koosta.... Can you imagine doing this in real life? You mess up a report and one of your coworkers shoves you? What a jerk.,As long as you're the all star worker and the one being shoved is a lowly intern This is why new people quit. They want a job not a cult.,"Actually, I signed up for the cult... is this an actual job?" "Police mull helicopters, CCTV to fight New Year sex crimes",How racist. "Foolish Liberals, what's next? Repeal the 13th?",Repeal the fifth. I'm from the berry myself. Went to CHS.,"Im from Avoyelles but work in da berry, baw." I always go for many thanks,Kind regards Because everyone else doesn't care. No GR3 gear??,Maybe this is a sign that we're trading him for Rudy Gay The choice of Sogno Di Volare as the title track for Civ VI bothers me How did Christopher Tin not call it Baba Yetwo,Baba Yetwo: Electric Yetaloo? It's the Friday night special on TTM T.V. #dramarama,Haha! The m40x I use right now have a detachable cable. They cost me ~$80 plus $10 for a braided replacement short cable from Amazon. This guy is willing to pay $160 for shit quality earbuds. That's why Apple is so successful. The majority of their customer base has much more money than common sense.,"Exactly, I have yet to see anything on them actually changing the quality of the sound from the earbuds which was just 'passable' to 'solid' when they were wired." I need a new name any options? I've had I Just Came for about 3 years now I think so it's time for something new lol. I'm a ADC main so I'd like something funny with that if possible. I'm not very creative lmao.,Oops Misclick Sorry that's the story of reddit,Well imma fight it one by one wow. But i bet there is a catch. just wait for it,Only catch mentioned in their stream was that you had to have a regular package. "So 30 minutes in and no mention of channel listings, DVR information, etc. How about some actual information.",but you get taylor swift. WE TOLD YOU THIS ENTIRE TIME IT WAS JUST A TAX GRAB,"And if people are ok with a cigarette tax, why wouldn't they be ok with a soda tax." "Great Barrier Reef suffered worst bleaching on record in 2016, report finds",BBC selling untruths to the public again. I don't care who he votes for but he has given to openly anti gay causes,"and abstinence only education, aka one of the single most useless and ineffective educational initiatives of all time." Am female. It's always a fun day when your identity is used to shame and humiliate. Might as well have the n-word printed on the vest.,Hoping you forgot a Stopped by the Dime MTL pop up last week!,I have a fitpic but imgur is being weird on me. Why is this not uplifting?,"Fuck that little girl, that's why!" How would you split them?,"East, West, and Florida." Do you ever find it hard to understand people's accents?,Only chinese/cantonese people rly Added new ship weapon technology Has anyone gotten any new weapons for there ship yet? I haven't been able to find any,"You have to make a base or get a freighter and then get an armored through the quests, they'll eventually give new weapon tech." TIL that Ciera Eastin is the only contestant in Survivor history to vote out her own mom.,How is this on the front page "What are 3 characters you hope to see in the game at some point? NM does a pretty good job of giving us new characters and content. With the Marvel Universe full of unique and awesome characters, who are three that you're dying to see in the game at some point? My top three: 1) Mysterio - my absolute favorite villain in the entire marvel universe. I would want a classic version of the character, fish bowl and all. Can you imagine how visually appealing his skills would be since they're illusion-based? I don't know if it'll ever happen, but here's to hoping. 2) Wonder Man - Another one of my all-time favorites. I'd love to see Wonder Man in this game, especially with an ultimate style costume where he's basically living ionic energy. 3) Nova (Richard Rider) - cosmic heroes are extremely cool and Nova feels far overdue, especially since the Nova corps are in the game. Honorable mention: Howard the Duck - Quack-Fu. That is all.",I wanna see the wrecking crew. Libertarian isn't free market. that's capitalism not Libertarianism.,"You're right, Capitalism is an economic philosophy and Libertarianism is a political one, making it even less likely that Economics could prove that Libertarianism does not work." "The best trick is the flat rate repair on macbooks oh, your two year old laptop has an issue that should really be covered by an extended warranty? That'll be $799, or you can buy this new one for $999","yeah I hear Dell will replace a broken $2,000 2 year old laptop for free" "Her argument that made her sound like a 5 y/o is actually very relevant. Feminists have this thing called retroactive consent withdrawal where they literally say that they do not consent (present tense) to the sex they had before (past tense). While you can obviously withdraw consent during the act, you can't just say Hey, I regret that time I had sex with Tom. Actually, you know what, I withdraw consent. He raped me. It's like watching a movie. You can, at any time, decide that the movie isn't worth watching anymore. But you can't watch it, then decide you want your time back because you didn't like the movie.",spoken like a true rapist Do you really think it's cool or are you trying to seek attention because you're a girl?,yep definitely seeking attention from an account named nimbletendiefinder Battlefield 1 giveaway. I will pick winner randomly at 10pm mt.,I win thanks Anybody can be a porn star on molly,what a beautiful drug mdma is... upvote this to die instantly,ur looking for me_irl pal I wouldn't go for a gift based on Latios & Latias.... unless their last name are Lannister,Don't judge my fictional friends! Jose Aldo slams Conor McGregor's title reign after giving up featherweight belt,"Who's the biggest paper champ, Aldo or DC?" For all those who were bummed out by Evangelion,God burn it with fire plz He specifically states he wants ideas or rumours.,"Well, I think Vega will be the 6 hundred series cause I dont like 5 because I think its a stupid number." Clogging the toilet is truly a shitty feeling.,Like this shitty post clogging my reddit "Since 9/11, Almost 100,000 Somalian Refugees Admitted Into USA","Hillary said they're all peaceful, though." Shady just got his 27th TD I wonder how different this team would be if Carson had a reliable RB like that...,You act like we would even have Wentz if we never traded away shady okay cool thanks!,you can send me a request now It's the lack of understanding. I had someone who was surprised when I bought a box of ammo that I could walk around the mall legally with it. People just don't understand our laws at all,In case you turn out to be a terrorist and start tossing live rounds at people. "Yes, I don't understand how this information should be made public.","Dumb uneducated guess here, but maybe because he's a public servant?" "Should nerf the inferno tower i hate it so much, and why is mega M being nerfed.","Sure, let's nerf cards because individuals hate them." Only treyarch makes prefect challenges. The other two companies just don't get it,"What do you mean, the maaws challenges in advanced warfare were toooootally perfect" ^^^^^^BORKNADO,^^^^^^^WOOFNADO Pretty sure that app is a crock of shit. I've had for a couple of weeks now and it gives me a different reading every time I open it.,"Haha it sure does look that way, but the readings match what I get from more intrusive alternatives I have on my jailbroken iPhone so you can trust them." "What to do with M-Games Forte? Just built BCA Deangelo and I already have DiMarco as my FB, leaving no space for Forte. Do I elite exchange him or keep him just as a collectible?",Keeping him around for the rarity is one cool thing to do with him but he's also a free elite that you can probably put in the potentially upcoming MVP sets. *No one trains past level 7 anymore,"I'll try to train gyms up past lvl7 for teammates if I have the supplies, but they're usually lowest priority to train up unless it's stood for several days." Hey Pilo... WTF ARE YOU DOING!?,"Damn, I didn't even know the beta was out yet!" really hating the way Butler is finishing this game,Free throws are looking brutal "Trump on Twitter 2/7/13: Obama can kill Americans at will with drone strikes, but water-boarding is not allowed-Only in America! If you hate America so much maybe you should run for president and fix things Be careful!",Fuck fucking fuck "My (probably very biased) attempt at a team, with those just behind in brackets. I've tried to go for players who have performed in several games, so May or O'Brien for instance can't really be considered as they have only played about twice each. Wing and flanker the hardest to pick IMO 1) Mako Vunipola (McGrath and Moody) 2) Dane Coles (Creevy and Guirado) 3) Tadhg Furlong (Franks) 4) Maro Itoje (Gray, Retallik and Launchbury) 5) Sam Whitelock (AWJ and Toner) 6) Who knows. Stander? Kaino? Robshaw? Moriarty? No consistent standouts across the year. 7) David Pocock (again tough, maybe Haskell or Hooper) 8) Billy Vunipola (Isa, Heaslip, Picamoles and Reid) 9) Conor Murray (Smith and Landajo) 10) Beauden Barrett (daylight) 11) Simon Zebo (Nadolo and Vakatawa maybe) 12) Owen Farrell (Henshaw) 13) Anton Lienert Brown (Joseph) 14) Israel Dagg (North) 15) Ben Smith (Hogg and L Williams) So basically New Zealand, England and Ireland with a small handful of others scattered in. No Saffas.",Where are all the South African players? "There's an inconsistency with William being MiB. When MiB was telling his story to Teddy about seeing how far he could go black hat, He shots Maeve and her child then he notices that Maeve seemed to show behavior beyond the regular host programing which implies this is the first time he's noticed it except it shouldn't be if he's william since he's noticed this unusual behavior in Dolores.","Shhhhh don't blow this theory, it's the R+L=J there's no room for detractors." Only for US.,Im pretty sure this existed on Eu too at some point I literally have a whole box of red sample cups from last year our store was going to throw out lmao,now you know what to do with them! "as someone who lives in baltimore, im looking to gtfo asap. things have gotten so much worse after the riots, and criminals are basically free to roam especially juveniles cause they catch them when they commit crimes but release them like the next day. its really really shitty and this whole city is doomed to fail.",But I thought BLM had solved the growing crime problem in Baltimore? "Creepy Neighborhood During Break So I'm one of those poor souls who is staying over the break alone. I must say I've been seeing several strangers especially during night time all around campustown. One of my friends saw a stranger lurking around the apartment building and running away when made eye contact. I never really gave much thought to staying alone (Already did during thanksgiving break, didn't have any problem at all), but after witnessing and hearing all these incidents I must say I am startled. Should I be afraid?",Don't go outside. The latest update from RBI on amount of Old Notes deposited/exchanged up to 27th November is here.,Who the hell cares how much monies goes in.. Allz we want to know is how much prints out dormaamu?,"Doramammu, I've come to bargain" But Paris Hilton has actually worked hard.,i believe you do you believe the point i made? Your delusion is outstanding.,You're* "I haven't tested this yet, but I have a defense theory for tunnel defense. It's a theory, so take this with a grain of salt. Start with your tunnel, and go down the tunnel at least 10 blocks or so, preferably deeper. In fact, deeper would be better, but a minimum of 10 blocks in. Dig yourself a pit, using the tunnel as your center, about 3 blocks to both sides, about 8 blocks down the length of the tunnel, and maybe seven blocks down (lower is okay). Reinforce that pit with the best materials you have, because it's going to take a lot of damage. Now, build an iron ledge on the side of the pit where the tunnel leads to your base, maybe two blocks out. This is to protect against the spider zombies and to put you roughly in the middle of the pit. Build a temp bridge so you can cross to the tunnel normally... you'll be removing it during the horde. At the bottom of the pit, cover it in spikes, the best you can make. You'll be replacing these after each horde, guaranteed, so don't get attached to them. When the horde hits, remove the temp bridge, and wait for them to show up. Stand on your iron ledge, and watch them shove each other into the bridge. They'll start taking damage and tearing everything up, including the walls, but you should be high above them as they are roaming around. Let them build up down there for a little bit, and when you think the time is right.... drop bombs on them. Fire is also quite useful, I'd think drop both down there. With the bombs, fire, and spikes all doing their work, even the strongest zombies are going to have a bad day. If flyers manage to get in, you'll be able to back into the tunnel and fight them with melee. This setup will likely leave ferals alive, you'll have to shoot them to death, but you should be safe while they struggle in the pit. Cops will likely try to snipe you from across the tunnel, but they're going to be getting shoved into the pit from the other zombies or shooting their fellow zombies in the back, and you can gun them down from a distance... now that I think of it, putting a defensive barrier of some sort to hide behind would be a good idea. Give it a try, I'm curious how effective it is. I'm going to be trying this when I start my new game next week.",Did something like this but found out that they will hone in directry to vault door aka dig the brix out of mountain wall .. Neocom for iOS android is garbage why would u ever get android laffo,"Go buy another apple product, i hear theyre not overpriced junk." A slice of only the finest,"And his full name is *Kevin James* LaBrie, which makes the joke even funnier!" So not the tow hook? Designed exactly for this purpose? No part of the frame is designed to take that kind of sudden force.,"That was the joke, guess i should've gone with a" "I feel like, thematically for the story, the pokemon is holding back. They don't seem to be bloodthirsty, and it doesn't feel like they're trying to kill each other, just incapacitate. For more competitive aspects of the game, yeah I think it is pretty annoying though.","Yeah, Giratina and Guzzlord don't seem remotely bloodthirsty..." Ahem... Freedom units.,"Yep, because the imperial America has certainly become known for its freedom of late." "Thought's on Brilliant fusion engine in Metalfoes? I'm running it in my Metalfoe/Deskbot build and it's been pretty nice. The only problem is deck space, but I've found some decent rations. I'm planning on moving to a pure Metalfoe build in the future though, and I was wondering what peoples thoughts were.",Which one is the LIGHT target for Seraphinite? "I am going to be putting a train horn on my truck this winter. Right behind the front bumper. I already have a genuine used train horn that I snagged from when I worked with the CN, so I just need to rig up the air system. Those horns need a *ton* of airflow.",Niiiiiice! Everyone on Earth gets to wish for a superpower but you'll only get yours if literally no one else wishes for the same power. What do you wish for?,The ability to painlessly poop a nugget of gold weighing exactly 0.4395721943599235250892 grams in weight. You say it like it is a bad thing,[vette or torian dying is a bad thing tho :(] "Yeah, that's impressive enough if it can be reproduced cheaply, and introduced into the market.",But no company will actually do this because repeat sales will be zero. "honestly, I don't believe the people at your door think they are advertising. I am sure most of them feel they are doing the work of god. However, somewhere up the chain of command there's a group of people rubbing their hands together, hoping you'll bring another tither to the audience.",It's like MLM - only those at the very top make anything. "They're right, he could have shot her. But didn't.","Lets not get carried away, she wasn't black." Can I have reset button for my life? Anet help!,"Yes, but this time go actually get one." Abella Anderson and friend,Does Abella have a snapchat? "We have mastered the spin. All forms of media do it for varied reasons, many times just to sell more. Truth has become irrelevant for almost all news sources. Only thing that matters is 1. is it moderately believable? 2. does it gather interest? 3. can I monetize it? ...sounds good, publish it.",If it bleeds it'll lead. "Fun fact: the 2003 Houston Astros featured an all-Jeff infield: 1st baseman Jeff Bagwell, 2nd baseman Jeff Kent, 3rd baseman Geoff Blum, and shortstop Adam Everett (who goes by his middle name, first name: Jeffrey) (x-post r/Jeff)",Not to mention team cook: Jeff Boyardee "Trump Only Got 4.63% of the Vote in Oakland, Lost to Jill Stein in Berkeley","Yeah, but that's counting the millions who voted illegally, and all voted for Killary." Cat.,Cat. "What, why? This isn't some celebrity or sports star you can just ignore, this guy's running the goddamn country!","Yeah, he's been elected to run the country, so posting humiliating pictures of him is a healthy outlet" I'm so excited for this. First live pro wrestling show in like... a decade. Opted to choose between TakeOver or Survivor Series. Went with TakeOver. Think I made the right call.,NXT will most likely always be the right call. "They made up the lie, that then somehow became the truth, because why again? Are you saying racist Pepe memes didn't exist until the Daily Beast said they did?",Because trolls like to piss off idiots like you plain and simple. Progressives Demand Gun Control After Knife Attack At Ohio State,WE NEED COMMON SENSE KNIFE CONTROL "I love your username so much, wish I was clever enough to think of that","Thanks, I even named my son who was born this year Owen so I'd never forget the 2008 Detroit Lions" "I first took it as Gender of Bender, some offshoot Futurama robot gender",See you at the fight "Rather than putting your name on a list and making the job easier for the super surveillance state, you should be organizing protests and taking to the streets",where they can watch you with cameras? Looks clean as hell man,"Thanks, I'm very happy with them." "Freshman hitting me up. Wat do? I'm a sophomore right now and a freshman girl has been messaging me for a couple of days and I'm fairly sure she's interested in me. But there's the whole thing with freshman being freshmen, so I don't know if I should go for it. I know that at the very least my friends will almost definitely give me shit for it. Advice pls",You cant taint your gene pool with freshies bro "The petty part of me says to accept her invitation to work out together and completely fucking annihilate her. Like, run laps around her screaming This is so easy, right? Come on, let's goooo!",OP DO THIS! "NATO wants an enemy, their business model is shit without an enemy.","Russia wants an enemy, their business and political model is shit without an enemy." "Well, I guess we can't brigade it and earn ourselves some two day bans. Thanks, Reddit!",Never understood the purpose of banning people from an anonymous site they can register an unverifiable account to within 30 seconds of their ban. "To be fair, I'd wager that most intellectuals lean liberal and left on the scale though.","Only because of the libral bias in education, news... reality." "Simulation Middle-Earth was a write-off. The program was limited, the population rebelled. Controlling programs proved ineffective in non-confrontational advisory positions. Rebooting into 2000's simulation. Granting program AgentSmith.exe upper-level editation privileges.",I highly doubt the matrix is run in Windows What does burning the flag have to do with citizenship? I don't agree with a lot he is doing but I have absolutely nothing against what he said in this case. I get you may want to live in a country that is so free that people can protest and burn flags but at the same time there are people who died protecting those rights. The military doesn't let the flag touch the ground. What a fucking slap in the face to see people burning it in the streets because they don't like someone elected to a cabinet position. In Donald's words: Sad!,You forgot the "The sub that cannot be named is now using the Hillary who argument. So is the rest of Reddit. Apparently, the whatabouthillary argument stopped being valid. Like 5 hours before. Seriously at this point they can teach a parrot to say I don't like Trump and they'll support it.",The flag tweet? December Subscriber Flair - Gold Drake Herald model,Is it 500$? At least five people have died the last couple of years using his technique. I would be very carefull.,Someone said it on reddit so it must be true. I guess he wasn't planning on paying for his drink anyway but now he'll need to so his day got worse still.,Real joke in the comments. Feel free to send me a MG Zaku 2.0 u/CVUnknown,I'll take my payment in 1/144 scale DL model waterslides. Why do they need money for an election recount?,I suppose people will volunteer for this exciting opportunity Can you please provide details of the config? Thanks!,Added as comment! NEW REQUEST THREAD you kno what to do,Borgore x G-Eazy - Forbes (Boombox Cartel Remix) i need this in my life <3 Eminem comment chain in Ask Reddit thread,Whats the song name? Double woosh?,Thanks for contributing to the conversation. "#SUSPECT Fuck, I hate this.","Well I mean he was only found with a knife, and was seen stabbing people, that's not exactly conclusive evidence though" My Dad and Uncle at their joint wedding. 1970's,"They look like Allman Brothers Band musicians, cool af." Northern England Power Ranking - Autumn 2016,this is all lies FatBen is the bes' That's the one.,Title? Even Bennie and the Jets never got old for me. It sounds like it's being played in concert but the crowd noises were all added after it was recorded.,Steve Buscemi was a firefighter Nah because Rogan wouldn't say something like that to his face because that's a dick head thing to say. In fact the only person who would say something like that would be some Internet tough guy whom the closest they've ever gotten to a fight is punching their keyboard in anger when their dank meme gets down voted.,"Nah that guy wouldn't say shit as well, the moment he looked at Hunt's size he would piss his pants." "Hey Lara, where's your gun?",The double jointed elbow makes it. The standard iphone/ipad calculator app has it when you rotate as well.,There's no built-in calculator on iPad unfortunately. "IAMA Professional Fundraiser at a Conservative Think Tank in the US. AMA about politics and dark money! **My short bio:** I've been working in conservative politics for almost four years and work at a conservative think tank in the US as a development (fundraising) professional. In a nutshell, it's my job to keep the lights on by meeting with individual donors, foundations, corporations, and other types of organizations. I also work on soliciting the general public for support via direct mail, email, phone calls, online giving drives, and so on. I won't reveal who I am or who I work for, and in return, I will provide as much transparency as possible (without naming names), and clear up any misconceptions people may have about so-called dark money. **My Proof:** Sent to the mods.","Do you think that campaign finance reform is something that should happen, and if so, what changes would you propose to improve our current system?" OH FOR FUCKS SAKE I actually wanted to go to Rams vs Eagles in LA and or course it might be a considered game for London.,"we have the chargers game, fellow socal-lite" I was joking. I was thinking the sarcasm was more obvious.,You dropped this: I'd say it's hilarious how pathethic Russia is.,"Oh my, what an insult." The newest tracker needs a few more tweaks; some players still heavily affected.,Nice disguise I agree with you I'm a Penn State fan and I know that the committee will probably snub the winner of the B1G championship in favor of Washington. Who wouldn't win 8 games playing a big ten schedule.,"Pac-12 is a joke, the fact that any team from that conference would make it in the CFB is a farce." "Just a couple of weeks ago, Giuliani went on TV and boasted that he's saved more black lives than any other public figure. That's the sort of people who have Trump's ear.",Those ungrateful black people in NYC... "All-In Jitters Def not a savvy degen like some on here, but I dabble. I had a Bovada account I hardly used and decided to go all-in every time and see where it takes me. I started two weeks ago with $30 and am currently sitting on $500. My goal is to make $5k to pay for my wedding coming up next year. My only rule is that every bet has to be all-in. I've avoided parlays (although I did take Pats and Raiders to win in a parlay yesterday afternoon) I also have taken bets I normally wouldn't take like Golden State to win betting $200 to win $20 or something silly like that. Anyone try this strategy? How did it work out? Anything I should look out for? My betting units are usually in the single digits, so these last few bets have been pretty fun to watch unfold! I figure I'm 4-5 bets away from hitting my goal. It feels a bit like real-life Who Wants To Be A Millionaire... this is me using a lifeline to call Reddit and get some pointers.","This is how I turned 300 dollars into 100,000 within 3 months!" "Google Allo hit 5 million downloads in 5 days - two months later, its momentum seems utterly stalled",I wonder why.... "If you have such a precious Carr, you gotta pay for the expensive insurance!",You spelled Carr wrong stupid raider fan. Any Idea why Jagex never invites sparc mac to these video maker meetings? He is one of the biggest streamers and uploads consistently on his own channel (Not the community Channel) it's just very sad to see how they ignore him like this...,"He cancelled a while ago, not sure if the girlfriend business is what made him do it." If I may. Pirate it. Check if you can play and buy it if you can. That's what I did.,"I already bought it, tried it, it loads but lags extremely, unplayable, that's why I made this thread =p" How much FAAB did player X cost in your league? Let's get some real data for the folks who have late waivers. Use percentages. Jordan Howard? Terrelle Pryor? Kyle Rudolph? Jimmy Graham? Jamison Crowder? Orleans Darkwa?,Fozzy Whitaker went for $53 of $100 last week.... Rich Chigga,I'ma..... pull up.... wit dat..... stick and.... Hitcho...... Mutha fuckin... Mine hasn't listed a whole lot.,"That's always hard, I wish you the best of luck!" Olympia Stream?,jesus christ again? "I sneakily picked up Peterson and Watkins for $1 (waiting a couple weeks for gurley) in my 12 team keeper. We're allowed to keep free agents/waivers for what we bid + $5. Boy are people going to be pissed when I keep peterson, watkins and lacy for $18 next year","Wow, that's like the dream team or something!" "Body autonomy naturally follows with body *responsibility*. It is the woman's body, thus it is *her* baby unless the father agrees that it is also his.",Quit mansplaining "Hmmm, something is missing here",Looks like a perfectly normal high flow valve to me. Ask to see their statements as it is only right and just as quick as they will refuse. Let them know just as they see their finances as private they should jave the same respect. At 15 i was making $800.00 a week working 2 jobs and my parents never asked to see anything or had any concern for my money,"Yea, because a parent wanting to know about their minor child's finances is the same as a kid wanting to see his parent's finances" You're acting like his advisors are smarter than him when they're a bunch of idiots as well.,"Yes, all these people coming from successful careers to work in the White House are idiots." Not only was he an AMAZING pitcher. But he was also one of the rare superstars that truely has fun playing the game,It was fun to watch JFer pitch John Jay to Cubs,WHATEVER JON JAY GO TO THE LAME ASS CUBS AND NEVER WIN A RING. "I'm not sure what's up with Sweet Scent, it should work as Cutiefly/Ribombee can have Honey Gather and you can buy Honey which works in the overworld, or dig but I know for sure teleport no longer works outside battle. Seems the game is intent on forcing you to buy honey for wild encounters and escape ropes for caves.","Damn PokeGovernment, makin it harder for f2p trainers!" "What Makes a True Fan? Something has been bothering me a little bit for the past couple of weeks... Is it a bad thing that I don't keep up with every last update and *Did You Know?* video for the *Five Nights at Freddy's* series? For those of you who have seen my two-part speech about how this amazing series has transformed my life for the better, you already know how much I love the games and their creator. However, this question has crossed my mind a few times, because I feel like some people may think that I don't hold up to my word, even though college has been taking up so much of my time. &nbsp; If you have any reassuring words for me, I would appreciate them. You guys in this Subreddit are some of the best people I've ever met!",A true fan of FNaF would donate 10 dollars to me monthly "When you join matches hosted in other countries, what irrational stereotypes do you have about their playstyle?","As a 'murican, I expect everybody else to be stupid, talk funny, run the maps incorrectly, and be hacking." You guys are acting like JJ has never been on NBCSN before. JJ is employed by the Flyers Flyers are owned by Comcast Comcast is owned by NBC NBC also owns the NBC Sports Network They employee their employees for their stations...,TIL NBC owns NBC sports network Looks like the Kamehameha is going for a diplomatic victory.,That's Hawaii actually. Trump picks Goldman Sachs Alumn Mnuchin for Treasury,Wow that swamp sure is getting drained. "What will be the first few legendary cards you craft in MSOG? The three that stick out for me are Inkmaster Solia, Raza the Chained, and Kazakus. I love the Reno style of decks. A dragon-Reno priest deck looks like it has potential to be a lot of fun, and possibly even competitive. How about you?","Genzo, the Shark" Holy fuck the things you guys complain about,I like this sub. how accurate is this article I wonder?,"I think it's time to swallow the bitter pill, my friend." "This is interesting. Has Romney ever really served in any capacity in DC? I think what Trumplings see Romney as is a guy who didn't support Trump, and that's not forgivable for them.","Obviously Romney is an insider, unlike Newt" "Just bought my flight to Orlando for the Goofy Challenge in Jan, anyone else doing that race?",Dopey here. "Still mad at myself for not pulling the trigger on a new 14 sedan limited when I had the chance, now they're all used & becoming more molested as each day passes. :(",But being molested saves you on cost Sheet,Quality title Legacy Python,AKA most of the production python code "As much as I support historical preservation, and enjoyed the character of the Cavalier years ago, I don't support this. It does not have real historic significance and the amount of money (via tax breaks and incentives) is staggering. If a developer wants to invest and recoup their investment that is one thing, but tens of millions of public money for a private hotel that will never generate the ROI for the city is disgraceful. Of course, if there is some evidence that the revenue being brought into VB over the next 5 years fully offsets or exceeds the millions in tax breaks and incentives, I withdraw my negative opinion.","Yea but at least it's not going to light rail, right?" Gift Ideas,I think a print of Rixx Javix's of one of the more iconic ships (or a favorite if you know which one) would be a sweet gift. "This is not wtf. This is a victory. That man chose to die with the assistance of doctors; he wasn't euthanized against his wishes. It's not up to us to tell people their lives are worth living. Only they can decide that. There was a woman who suffered tinnitus and opted to end her life because the constant noise made her standard of living unbearable. Oh, you might think, what's a little noise in your ear? I could live with that. But she couldn't and that should be enough. I think suicide should be an issue of medical autonomy.",But what about his eternal soul? Ill just drop my phone and start rubbing my hands together,Put some respek on my lack of mourning. Any chance I can get that on a zip,In Canada we don't use Zip code Why America's white working class feels left behind (2016),Because they just figured out the American Dream is an opiate designed to keep them from realizing they are slaves to the corporate masters. "Chris Paul has his first Triple Double of the season. 26pts, 13asts, 10rbs It was a pretty big mess of a game, but Chris Paul played his heart out as he usually does and earned himself his first Triple Double of the season. He also hit a huge clutch 3pt to send it to OT.",Wonder how many rebounds he stole from his bigs padding his stats for that trip dub Still hunting Ditto...when I see gotcha it feels like I'm the one that's been had.,We gotta be like that guy that caught one while driving "According to the title, it was a Craigslist donor. You can find *anything* on Craigslist!",My coworker was looking for donor egg on CL and ended up helping a farm out with collecting their chicken eggs. Tories open near record poll lead - The Conservatives lead Labour in every area of the country across every social group,It's the Blairites fault! Ugly people must think the world is full of assholes.,"As someone that's <5/10, I might as well confirm this as well to give this comment more credibility." Dom is the winter soldier right now,Hope it's received better than Winter Soldier though. "Well, guns have one job as far as I'm aware and if I were in the market for some guns based on this need I'd want to see what kind of capacity I'm getting for my money.","But guns don't kill people, people kill people" Vodka,"Any booze, for me." "I dunno, I've gotten with some pretty good looking guys at cons.",Obviously you must be a landwhale^tm "Monty will make random remarks when you go down. The shadow man will talk directly to your character (I believe) upon your first down after the wisps swap to red. So far from experience; He questions Tank directly, asking if he even remembers his own name. He questions Nikolai directly, asking if he is actually proud of his russian blood. I think he asks Richtofen about a promise. And I don't remember Takeo's. I think it had to do with his pursuit of honor.",But I haven't listened to any wisps in that game or does it not matter at all "I once performed cunnilingus on my pocket pussy , after i had sex with it. I was on xanax. Not really a story , just wanted to let it out.",That's kind of sweet in a reciprocating kind of way. "You base these judgments off of history, not actions like statements, and history has shown Trump to be very moderate and even liberal. Using history might not be perfect but it's the most accurate indication we have to how someone will act in the future.",but it's so much easier to assume he's Hitler cuzz cnn says sooooooo. "What if they're replaced with Nadia and Ruby? It might work, it's not bringing in newcomers. Nad n Ru! (Also, a lesbian and a Muslim... very channel 4!)",We were 1/2 the way there anyway... "Hmm okay, hate to base my game purchasing off of reviews, but $60 seems like a gamble for this one. There hasn't been a good Final Fantasy since 10 ugh",...member? Frieza death beams Gohan all over after Gohan beat Tagoma-Ginyu. Right before Piccolo jumps in the way to save him since he can't Dodge!,"Ohhhh, I wasn't taking Super into account, of course :P" "Say what you want about their foreign policy, but Russian interventionism has resulted in greater peace and stability than anything the US has instigated.","Lol, tell that to Donbas or Syria." "Football grounds that sound like locations in Lord of the Rings, I'll start: Deepdale",Pittodrie. "I know this a parody meant for the lulz, but if you really have that much trouble with snipers I'd suggest using the Fists of Steel and trying to avoid sniper sightlines as much as possible. Also spam crouch when you HAVE to cross a sightline as it'll throw off their aim and make headshots a lot more difficult.",Because avoiding open areas is fun "Snow, forest and mountains. I found Canada.",Not enough liberals. Too damn close.,"Damn, never knew the sniper could use a minigun" You clearly cared enough for you to leave a comment.,"Naw, it's not that he cares, he just wants attention...just like Rachel for having been raped, amirite?" Someone in my local got this for his Pre-Release promo,Silumgar on kaladesh confirmed "Well, I certainly applaud anyone wanting to eat 800 big Macs, but take it from this old McDonald's rat, I've spent my entire adult life eating at McDonnald's, and a program like this one can do more harm than good. If you only eat big Macs one part of your body (and that's all a single burger type like Big Mac is going to do for you), you're setting yourself up for injuries down the road. I've seen it a hundred times. Big Macs basically only train the gut muscles and to some extent, the esophagus. What you really want to do is train your entire digestive system, all the major gut groups (esophagus, stomach, colon, liver, and kidneys) at the same time, over the course of a Big Mac meal. So, you will need to add large Big fries, and Large coke with it. Ask for the Go Big program. I'm proud of you guys wanting to do this. Three big meals! Falling in love with eating big Macs, etc., is one of the greatest things you can do for yourself. And you WILL fall in love with it if you can just force yourself to stick with it a year or two and experience the amazing progress you'll make. But do it right, okay? My advice, find any McDonnald near you, with qualified burger flippers who will design your burger for you (especially in the beginning, until you get the hang of it yourself) and guide you in your quest for physical fatness. Three to 5 burgers a day, three days a week, is all you'll ever need to do (I refuse to believe anyone is so busy that he or she cannot make time for that, especially considering how important it is). And don't worry about being embarrassed or not being out of shape the first time you walk into McDonnalds. You have to start somewhere and almost every one of us were there ourselves at one time. So no one will say anything to you and very, very quickly you will progress way beyond that stage anyway. Now get out there and get fat! :-)",Spoken like a true Tumblrina Can precision throwing knife hits be a one-shot kill if you have Incendiary Blade on?,No Santa hats in Seattle I have been all over downtown looking for Santa hats. The only ones I've found are too small to fit my head. Any advice?,maybe try that evil online company that is based here. It's your inability to phrase things clearly.,I didn't edit anywhere for clearing things that's for sure Wayne paints blue line in support of police,Lot of dudes to paint that one line What about Mei?,You could miss the shift key There is nothing unplayable or game breaking imo. Minor annoyances are some delays before skill deploys but doesn't break it.,The game itself is unplayable and alpha bridge is game breaking rofl "Complicated? No. Unnecessary? Yes. If I spawn and I select AK + Tec9, just give me that all next spawns. Why would one of the two be taken away from me? Also spawning the first round without guns... DM is pretty broken in that regard.","If you spawn and buy an AK + Tek9, you WILL have those guns for all further rounds until you buy again... It's only if you buy ONE gun after that (a pistol or primary) that the other one gets wiped away when you respawn again." "Your arms shouldn't be crossing and your hands should *mostly* stay at the same positions throughout the turn. Towards the end of the turn, loosen your grip and the wheel will come back to its original position on its own. Practicing in a parking lot will probably help. This is one of those odd things that's easier to feel and do than explain on paper.","Don't know what state OP is in, but it MO they will take points off the score for letting the wheel come back on its own." Can we get the scope texture for the SSG Dragonfire? It looks amazing!,But the next cosmetic is different scope skins! You can win the popular vote and still lose the election.,I get this reference! those are trees,Ancient trees ... Google's Adsense platform absolutely will help you design and create the ads. They offer a bunch of tools do so.,Well I wouldn't really be calling their staff a bunch of tools "Actually baseball has a salary cap. But you can exceed it, if your willing to pay the luxury tax, which most don't. Not even the Yankees anymore",just wait for 2018 bud Finally Hangouts Got the GIF Keyboard Integration,Because *that's* the feature that makes Hangouts worthwhile. "Young Men....shit, that one dude at *least* thirty.",Id say that falls under young man "I've literally had to tell people to move so I could enter a public place bc they were just standing in the doorway talking. Wasn't even a bar or anything, it was a pharmacy and a grocery store. If you wanna tell Sheryl about your brat's baseball league, take it into the parking lot.",I'm so sorry you had to do that. Yeah why would a predominately African American industry dislike someone who waves the flag of a country whose very raison d'etre was overwhelmingly the continued violent oppression and subjugation of African Americans. Such a mystery.,B-b-but it means something different to him "Was thinking the same thing. I have a decent set of clubs that cost me like $1,000 a few years ago and I'm sure I wouldn't get more than a couple hundred for them now. I guess every little bit counts, but scrounging for $500 for a wedding is tough to hear about.",Especially when you'll pay 5 times what you got to replace them. Did anyone else used to read the original game manual for fun? This is how I got my wow fix as a kid when I couldn't play (2004),Game manual? "If you have any exposed wiring, you should either cover it up with a shrink wrap or go and buy a new one. Make sure you buy a licensed charger because the cheaper ones are bad build quality",*the cheaper ones are bad build quality* As opposed to the Apple ones which are super awesome. Didn't you hear? It only matters if the rural battleground states want it to be legal.,But GOOD PEOPLE DONT SMOKE MARIJUANA "No what you said in your other comment was NA fans think real KR talent would join western teams. In other words NOT REAL TALENT, such as pray, bengi and duke would not go to NA/EU, which news flash 2 of those 3 are probably going to NA, and that's REAL KR talent. You seem like a monte wannabe with less brain cells.",Man Bengi isnt real Korea talent he is just a washed up Korean jungler 3x world champion isnt real korean talent "Beta to ios10? I downloaded the public beta version of ios10 a while ago, and I'm wondering if it's possible my phone automatically updated to the actual ios10 version today? It says I am running iOS 10.0.1. Just wanna make sure I'm not on beta anymore. Thanks!",If you don't want to be on beta anymore you need to delete the beta profile in your settings "Basically parliament could've voted to *endorse* a Royal Commission, but as you rightly point out, the Commission itself can only be issued by the Crown. It would've been a tactical coup (and it already was, in a sense), but wouldn't have resulted in an RC.",Thanks for the tip :) "Wow, it blocks doorknocks?","No, but you can get a doorbell with a camera that you can tell them to go away with!" "All bolts should come out of the fusion rifle, even if you die during the firing animation... I know it's taking a risk even whispering about fusion rifles, let alone making a post about them, but damn it! If the gun makes the sound and animation of firing the bolts, then all of the bolts should come out of the gun! It's been brought up before, but it's worth mentioning again... It sucks to charge up a shot, have it fire, die during firing, and only have 2 or 3 bolts come out...",But Fusion Rifles aren't even competitive 2 dead electronic devices + 3 delayed flights + 6 colored pencils I found in my backpack = a self portrait,"I'm calling false, you don't have that many flowers in your hair." And the opposite crew didn't win as well,"Must have been all that sabotage, amirite?" "Considering the right wing party will implement immigration policies that will probably save this holocaust victim from being another victim, her fears are completely misguided","Yes, the outgroup is to be feared" "Keynes never proposed never-ending deficits and higher taxes to pay for ever increasing spending. And yes, vulgar keynesianism was proven decisively wrong in the 70's. There's a reason neo-liberalism and the Washington Consensus came about.","Whereas the tax, spending, and regulations arrangements of Neoliberalism have been absolutely perfect" Twitter says it will ban Trump if he breaks hate-speech rules,Sure they will... "Yeah, but the unfortunate thing in this case is Priests were competitive and then fell to the bottom when Standard launched. Since then they complained constantly and they are being rewarded for it. With Rogue, they were hit hard with the Blade Furry nerf. There was some reasonable complaining about it, and they were ignored. Which is shown in the original comic. If that is what continues happening, it will turn into everyone complaining even more because Blizzard rewards it.",I'm sure they go by cries and not actual ladder winrate (which they have access to) when they decide to buff or nerf a class SKT Peanut confirmed!,But EU/NA Peanut... "That's why he's a bandwagoner, he switched to Indians","Shhhh, he's always been a Indians fan" Botched execution by firing squad in Nigeria 1971. One guy in the middle still alive after getting shot twice.,1971 is before they learned lucrative spam techniques. "First thing you do....check if you have a delay in the software you are using in school and the actual stock market. That was the case when I was in school. Our software was on a 15 min delay, so you could just look up what stocks were going up and then buy them at the price cheaper price.",We are basing it off of the closing price Nothing on this planet happens without them.,"I agree Without socks, society would collapse, animals would die, and the ecosystem would explode." "During an apocalypse, what would you do with your pets?",Eat them when I run out of food. "To be fair, it's for your own benefit. You don't have to, but that's helping a community out, making the game a better game. If you're too selfish to see the point of helping the VAC team out, don't bother replying.",nobody here would even get a privat cheat from a known coder lmao "Hi guys, I have a pair of bookshelf speakers and a power amplifier, but no pre-amp. Can I just hook up the power amp to my TV and use the speakers thru the power amp? Or will this risk damage to the speakers?",You don't need a preamp just hook it into the amp. Here's Fletcher Cox moving Corey Linsley literally 5 yards in the backfield despite not making the tackle from Monday,"Nope, if he ain't tackle him it don't count" You ever play Oregon Trail?,No please go into great detail what that is Is it ever possible to win against this?,Try Murloc Druid. What are those great things again?,The people are so quirky and friendly! "Wikihow has guides on how to become a dictator with pictures, or how to overthrow a government and start a revolution. So flag burning guides are pretty mild things for them.",ITS A GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO RUN A MILLITIA EXCEPT FOR THOSE MILLOTIANT HOMOS TODD STARNES TOLD ME ABOUT A baby? I suggest you call a doctor.,"Haha no, a radio shack" Would Jabrill Peppers be best suited to play as a coverage linebacker? Peppers has showed he's an elite athlete and can play anywhere on the field. Mostly plays at safety but takes snaps at linebacker. Would his best position in the NFL be as a coverage linebacker similar to what Mark Barron (former top ten safety pick) is for the LA Rams? His tackling and athleticism would make me a deadly weak side coverage backer.,I wonder if he'll gain muscle and move to LB like Thomas Davis for Carolina? Does it always use 100% or is that just in Survival?,"I've only used Survival so far, but I believe in Normal mode it's just like before." "I lose more respect for this guy everyday. In that statement, when he says be on the ground it means do stuff for the American people. He says democrats aren't on the ground because they are busy working on international policy. As if that is, by any measure, a success? He has been the biggest letdown of a president, driving us right of a cliff while he rides a predator drone all over Syria, waging a war on whistle-blowers, increasing government surveillance and standing by while our militarized police jerk off to their abuse power right and left and somehow, there is coalition of law enforcement violating human rights while faced the wrong fucking way at DAPP. What a joke.","I know, fuck.that.guy." Am i fat?,Yes where are all the offended people at?,hiding in their safespace Surrender to madness doesn't need top level experience to realize it's stupid.,it's good you gave yourself that qualifying statement then "I feel like this is what it means to be an adult. Where you spend countless hours juggling eggs and eventually end up dropping them. Luckily, there was a skillet right under you.",Das deep mane "It is, but the person I'm responding too clearly didn't read it. Collecting =/= selling.",But much conspiraciz. Silly season. We're linked because its easy to throw the name of the reigning champs in the mix of a rumor article.,That does sound nice "palakasan sa gobyerno patuloy pa rin ... aminado na si bato sa kanyang mga kasalanan, wala pa ring kaso","hindi importante yan, ang issue yung basura sa rally at nag santa claus sya." Swallow recommits to Gold Coast,That's pretty cool Return mail order. Basically means to claim your warranty.,Cos it's prebuilt from Inet and i don't even have the carton A stinky mexican that's what.,mfw we didn't build the wall in time. "Why do Americans think stuff like that will happen? Nobody wants to kidnap you, just get over it.",Really it's more because if it did happen it could be quite a problem than because it's likely... Also the zodiac killer was never caught "Oh, if they are all Breaker then I guess you are good.","If they're not, uninstall" Classism at its finest.,"He can't be classist, he used to be poor!" Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - Armagan Yavuz Interview | Beta Expected!,"My god, I can't wait to do EVERYTHING" I got about 146 LI right now and I only joined as pug or with pugs. Maybe we dont 1shot but killing bosses is not that hard. And i believe when there's a dps meter more people will be kicked even after a succes bosskill because leader thinks you wont do enough dmg for the next boss.,And that's somehow a bad thing - replacing someone who will drag you down for the next boss? "That's it! He's really good, but I didn't want to show that to OP as it doesn't 100% explain an F1 box :/","Ohhh, true, it was mainly on sequential... And looks like that raised more questions for the OP (which is good)." Conte's mission should be to build a team. He can't do this with 1 year and 4 signings. He needs to stay at least until january 2018. And the board have to listen to his requests.,"With nowdays expectation, i dont thing he will keep his job if the team play like this.. with so many team have improve on the league, it will be one hell of ride" Ammonia and bleach.,Especially cat pee and bleach. Freebie Bottle,"If you pick me, I'll do the same thing for a sealed bottle of Macallan CS." "According to social science it's true. Although social science isn't actually science, it's usually just one turds shitty opinion laced with their own insecurities. When you actually look at the real figures behind it a very different picture is painted almost across the board. Although facts and figures really get in the way of playing the victim at everything",That's why facts and figures are oppressive and have no place in a feminist friendly society! 5 year old and certified pre owned just doesn't click with me,What do you mean? "They're afraid that if the bass is lowered too much, those headphones might actually reveal some mids and highs.",:o What the fuck are those? Cat.,Cat. She's just in it for followers.,OP is new to Tinder's Instagram follower gatherers. "Came back to eve. Not wanting to be *that* hi-sec, bored out of his brain, l4 running carebear. Should I get into wh's? Hell, I don't even know what people do in wh's, except people jerk themselves off while boasting about the bazillion isk they pulled in there. I mean, sure, data/relic sites, whatever, but beyond that? What else is there to do, except die to the proteus that's cloaked behind you?","Stop being a bear, join a wh pvp corp, become the proteus." BREAKING: Sheriff's Dept to Fine People $1K for Bringing in Food and Supplies to Standing Rock,"First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." "Pogba, Ibra, de Gea, Mkhi and Juan featured in Guardian's 100 Best Footballers in the World 2016",Where the fuck is Rooney? Copenhagen Airport Fire & Rescue training area,What's the plane to the upmost right? So it's okay for admins to edit comments because they don't like them?,"Well OBVIOUSLY it's because they have CORRECT NARRATIVE mate, stop being such a fucking Russian Bot^TM" Jeff Fisher & Bill Belichick have both been coaching 22 years. Belichick: 232-115. Fisher: 173-163,Fisher will retire at 180-180-18 Where are you loc,Hawaii "Directed at him, you said go outside and lose some weight, at least it will look bigger compare to the rest of your body. I like it as a diss, but it was in bad taste.","that was my experience, take it or leave it." "Do not ever consent to a field sobriety test. You have a 5th Amend. right to not incriminate yourself, or create evidence that can be used against you. A field test is not for your benefit, it is to help the cop arrest you. You do not refuse to take the test. You say you are incapable of doing the test. The cop will ask you several times, Are you refusing to take the test? Your answer is, No, I am not refusing, I am physically incapable of doing the test. Then shut your mouth. There is no need to tell the cop why. The cop will then decide, based on how coherent you are when speaking with him, if you are let go, or taken to the station for a breathalyzer. I'm 50/50 on this so far. The first time I got to go the the station, where I blew a 0.000% BAC. The 2nd time I was let go. If I had done the field tests, I might have got a DUI.",Thank's for the heads up! Uhhh. We wouldn't even have democracy if it wasn't for Christianity.,Waiting for the Billionaire chair of Donald Trump's New York campaign says he hopes Obama dies from 'having relations' with a cow and Michelle goes back to being a male ape in the new year,What a charming fellow. Scotland is 96% white,It's 15% red (headed)... As long as it isn't SBMM for SRL I'll be OK. That and I don't want to constantly get matched into sweaty races filled with Gjallarwings.,Do you think LFG groups will be requiring Gjallarwings for SRL? Give Zulrah a Santa hat for Christmas,No support they do this on rs3. The face of betrayal,"Great repost, 10/10" Russell Wilson getting rid of the ball quicker than ever,"I'd like to see the median time to release the ball in each season, as that would ignore those long scrambles that raise the average." "well british children in britain should have priority in british schools, should they not? or is this racist to put your countrymen first especially in areas where the schools are full up and people are finding it hard to find places?","No, your kids are supposed to get a lower education in order to cater to the immigrant kids who are only there because their countries can't get their shit together." "This can't be right. Something on reddit that actually makes me feel good? Where am I? It's still 2016, right?","While you were typing this comment, 5 more Harambes were shot and killed." Do you think homosexuals should be punished?,"No, I have many gay friends and we are best friends." We took in a homeless kitten. His name is Doug. He's fitting in nicely,Bring on the you shouldn't let your baby be that close to a dirty street cat comments. "Camel never gave me anything :( On a serious note though that sounds awesome. My case is a beautiful brown leather and steel. Got it for a great price. I bought it because 2 of my coworkers, my boss and my father smoked the same brand I did so I lost a pack or 2 a day because they took it. It works wonders and it's very durable.",Except cancer Just when all browsers are going to block Flash by default next year?!,"When that happens, there will be virtually no difference between Chrome and the open source Chromium browser, right?" my bodybuilder friend,How can you take yourself seriously as a bodybuilder when your eyebrows are thicker than your arms? "It's too bad that in AMAs like this (and really, all AMAS) we never get to see answers to really good follow up questions like this one. Wish Reddit had a mechanism to have some of the more intriguing follow-ups answered, either during or after the AMAS.",Or asking people about the details of uncomfortable sexual experiences is sort of messed up... Level 14+ in Goblin Stadium. (Mirror level 13 on arena towers and king tower),Level 15 on Clash of Clans? I'd have no problem with it as long as they were voted into power for being a good leader and having good policies. I don't want to see a black person or Muslim voted into power just because they are black or a Muslim. That's the wrong way to go about it. Similar to how people wanted to vote for Clinton just because she'd be the first woman president. It's nuts.,I thought people voted for Clinton 'cause she's not Trump Jaguar eats a sea turtle alive,Tai-Lung vs Oogway alternate ending What sites do you go on to kill time?,9Gag Marchetti is possibly out injured with something calf related. He will be tested right before the match. They loaned Berisha to Atalanta so the 2nd goalkeeper is a 21 year old with only 10 caps in Serie B.,"That would be advantageous for us, if we can get some shots on target... That seemed to be a challenge vs Sampdoria..." "FUT champion rewards PC players, when?",Got them 20 hours ago "I think I agree. The Force awakened, not Rey or so and so awakened. I've thought since day 1 that it was the Force actually coming into it's own (for lack of a better phrase.) I think the Force is experiencing life for itself for the first time, or at least after many years of only flowing and binding others.",Star Wars Episode 8: The Force hits Puberty. What's difference does it make? Counties widely vary in population.,"It is a statistical curiosity, like who won the popular vote or who won the most [insert race/gender/class/religion] votes." Retirement doesn't get you out of the contract at all.,"Great news, can't wait for the next Meisha Tate fight!" "His reasoning in raising the prices was sound, and the media never gave him a chance to explain himself until he posted his own video explaining it. Someone has a link somewhere","Raising the prices on drugs the Clinton foundation was buying, no?" Prooooooooooooooof,Delivered. "I love how Puddy was just staring straight forward at nothing. I suppose the TV could have been on but with no audio from it, it looks like he was just staring. Classic Puddy.",Jeff does it in Curbed too! "1060 6gb is affordable, hopefully not too far out of budget",Thanks! For every dude going ''Those games are overhyped and if you play them now they're not that good'' there are 2 dudes like you who just played it for the first time and are like ''wow'',Did you just assume my gender? Well then do what the CIA does best and overthrow a government,They just need to get Trump to fly to Dallas. YW1017 11.0.0-33U - Black Friday N3DS Super Mario White Edition YW7029 11.0.0-33U - Black Friday N3DS Super Mario Black Edition,"I'll get my serial when I get home, but my White Super Mario Black Friday was 11.1." "That was two years ago, majority of us haven't seen it before","Yes, but OP is a serial reposter." Goldman Sachs poised for return to power in Trump White House,drain the swamp indeed "Wow. That's one science-y fucktard. How can one refute such emotionless, well-researched positions haha","Having access to health care, being able to vote, not being sexually assaulted, owning my own credit card, buying a house, wearing what I want, having a job...these are the things that make me smile." Popcorn flavor 3mg thanks for the chance!,This really doesn't have enough upvotes man. "As someone else with ADHD, there is always help to be given once it is sought.",Ok New Patch Live On PS4/XB1,"Please god let them have fixed the dreaded BAMBERGA error, i just wanna play ZiS with friends!" and threw her into a van like a side of beef! (I got to say it for once lol),Like a bitch. He made the right choice. Last action hero is a good movie that has been misunderstood for decades. I saw it in theaters and loved it ever since. It's possibly the first meta parody action comedy ever.,"I'd say 80's Troma films were one big wink-wink, nudge nudge." Why did the driver of the vehicle with the cam not stop?,That's what the title refers to...*he's* the one that was sleeping Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. I hope you get fired you whinny entitled dipshit.,that's racist miles?! HA!!!!,"Pfft, who uses imperial!" "This victory tour is going to backfire for Trump. I see massive protests, maybe some violence. It would be nice if he used this tour to calm the panic, reassure people that he has good intentions. I really think he's going to gloat over his win, and double down on all the issues that have caused such a great divide.",It worked so well for Andrew Johnson "Judging from the responses here, making Flowers into a rape victim is a very important part of promoting this story for Team Trump.",You forgot ESAM's 1.1.6 Tier List Pt. 5 (TOP TIERS),"I'm one of the few people who think Diddy isnt top 5 and bayo is secret best character in the game, but sonic cant be that low holy shit." (Canucks post) The real story,So what you're saying is... we are all Matt Bartkowski's? "But bro, it has one pseudo traffic calming walkway. Obviously that makes it carytown.","Thankfully, Starbucks is a great and notable Richmond brand that should be mentioned on the map." "How to go about Why does this happen in physics the math used in physics comes from experimental results, or deductions based on assumptions made about the physical phenomena, they don't explain why we infer as to why. they just describe behavior. How does one go about questioning why things work the way they are? It seems to get pretty philosophical when you start questioning very fundamental laws of physics, too. Why do different charges attract each other??? Why do similar charges repel each other???",How do magnets work? Best part was how the police officer strutted backwards.,He need to learn to moon walk. Any reason why it looks like the two teams are wearing basically the same jersey color? Don't teams usually have multiple kits to avoid this?,TIL: Solid red jerseys are similar to green and white jerseys. "Some fruitarians do that I believe. That sounds ideal, you could say you live your life without killing a single thing.",No you couldn't Brian Billick citing Toxic Differential as evidence Giants wont make the playoffs,This sounds really dumb graffiti is the coward's protest (deserved or not).,"No, it's art" That type of fake-out is as bad as the Dream sequence that you don't know is a dream sequence that ends with the character waking up sweating in bed. I fucking hate when shows/movies do that. It's so fucking lazy.,Man you're really not going to like the series finale. "Exactly, lots of space, not many people. Perfect. Europe is so crowded. Also Europeans can be vicious, all those wars. Canadians are so nice we hear (not to cute puppy seals though surprisingly, really what's with that ?). Demographic charts say that in coming years some tens than hundreds of millions people from Africa will be needing home. You don't mind to help them do you ?","I don't care about them, that's all I can say." President-Elect Trump picked General Mattis for Secretary of Defense. Thoughts?,He made a good choice Your 2017 predictions for our hobby What do you think will happen within our hobby (and for relevant/related industries or brands) in 2017? I'll post mine in the comments.,MS will be dead. "As a 76ers fan, I guess TSM isn't my favorite lol team anymore. Can we trade Nerlens Noel for Bjergsen?",At least you get to cheer for Xpecial again. The Dallas Cowboys are now the first team to clinch a 2016 playoff berth Thanks to Washington losing to Arizona,Winter is coming! Because it must be TSM fans doing the chant? I was in Stockholm last year for the EU finals and the crowd had a massive TSM chant going on before the games,And they were very likely TSM fans.. Is chargeback on the credit cards an option?,Its not unsual for the charge back to be ineffective after 3 months. What's a LB? Is that a line...backer? They play in the middle of the defense right? Do things like stop the run? So this should help.,"He's a Dat Backer, not a Von Backer." Hobby: guns Wonderwall: Get a Glock 19,Tec-9 Rush B Critiquing Progressive Mormonism and r/exmormon,If all TBMs were replaced with progressive mormons I would still be glad to be gone Have you ever played against a lulu? karma? janna? all these shield basically the same as what you describe.,None of those can throw daisy in your face :P "Don't worry, it'll only last 12 hours and then they will apologize and say it was just a glitch No censorship here, nope, not on reddit.",You forgot Of course his 2+1 combo...but I mean he has stupid damage to follow his crazy burst unlike most mages with burst damage.,He's an assn.... Let's not forget Sobek! He needs some love too...,Pls if they buff sobek in any way now he will be OP My experience tells me that they cock their heads to the side and then they go do something they're not allowed like get up on the counter and eat food.,Your dog isn't allowed to eat food? "R2 Sidewinder gameplay? I've been watching for this from Frothy, gamesager, anyone really, but I haven't seen a single piece of gameplay from the Sidewinder primary in R2. Anyone know of any videos of it in action?","Iirc in frothy's weapons video he said one of the grenade launcher class weapons was similar, so it at least has a successor." Gaz got gains,Too bad he scores on his own team. "How to Report Racial Slurs in Username to Nintendo? Saw a person with the username 'burnt*nigger' in the festival plaza two nights ago. I took a picture and tried to contact Nintendo on their forum about it, but haven't had any luck or response. Anyone know how to formally notify them of this?",You go on with your life. Now lets just hope he isn't one of the people that hasn't found out about artifact knowledge.,But Blizzard should've included something to tell us about artifact knowledge! That makes her smart. More CEOs should show initiative like that.,Found the Trump supporter What is the most stupid men's rights activist quote you've ever heard?,Can we have ONE conversation about feminism where men get to be in charge? I'd creep on you friend <3,I knew you were a dude! (Serious) What is it with half naked women getting thousands of upvotes?,Because guys "Town of Salem Mobile? Is there anyway to play on mobile? The play store app seems to be for tablets only, chrome on mobile couldn't run it either",Don't play on a mobile jihad,Now you're just being closed-minded. "Can an econ major help me out with homework I got Econ homework I need help on for class today at 5 P.M. It's not long at all. Will someone help me out, ill give you $5. Thanks",Not an Econ major so I can't help ya but 5 bucks isn't very motivating when most tutors charge 25-30 per hour "If it's real butter, then it's not cheap (this being Canada). I'd rather they provide a quality product and charge for it (and by extension, not charge those who don't want it). Anyway, the Mayfair does have some pretty good popcorn.",Bytowne uses real butter and they do not charge. Are you my senpai?,If you want "I don't buy the spending money in the local economy argument - yes they might shop at the local Kroger, Target, or eat at Crapplebee's but that money doesn't stay local.","You're right, income and sales taxes doesn't exist, and those local employees actually live in California where the company is really headquartered." I can not port my save.,"You can actually, but you obviously lose anything that was reliant on your classic mods." I like it how I main Support and Bot and I get auto filled into mid half of the time.,Suuuuure Half of the time This erection of mine is definitely going to last more than four hours.,Came here to talk about my moto-boner being at the position of attention.....glad to see every other Marine beat me to it! "Yeah just the 2 P, that's why I mentioned it. I mean, I'd rather just not have the Tiger 2s in there at all, but if they're going to why add the P instead of the H? It's not historical.","Balance, the 2H would be OP in the event, the 2P has useless armor thanks to the turret" You probably shouldn't respect anything about hitler,"Guys, he was just misunderstood" Sorry to hear that man. You were obviously such a huge drug dealer moving .01. I understand why they consider you a danger to society and had to get you off the streets. I mean imagine if that .01 had gotten into a toddlers hands.,"yeah fuck this guy ruining our youth, what a fucking asshole." Foreal though I was zoned out in the gym today and was randomly wondering wtf happened to him. Did he not make the NFL? Does he still get clowned by his friends? Is it hard for him to pick up chicks now?,He was playing for the Chargers before tearing his Achilles this past weekend... so right now he's probably not having a great time "Hmm, this tree doesn't count as line of sight... Ooh, a level 101 Horde leveling peacefully, and I have both Incarnation and Full Moon ready.",Moonkin are the bravest heroes. If we discovered the earth was actually flat. I mean all those jokes about flat earthers.... Meaningless,Science was wrong before! Not much has changed,Roboto Mono? This the biggest point programs want to hire a sure fire coach someone with Head coaching experience is normally the best candidate and safest hire. This was a great advantage that the blue bloods had they could hire away successful coaches from the program. But the middle of the pack programs had to gamble on coordinators and assistant coaches. Tom Herman is a perfect example of this Texas would not have hired him had he stayed tOSU OC but because he was UH HC and successful Texas was much more willing to hire him.,That and the fact that he is coaching at a school in the same state which means he's already familiar with the main recruiting territory of said blue blood school. "Ba'athism, but no Juche?",Sadam had better facial hair "Your state, OP. It is shaped like a certain body part.",A finger? My sis in law made me this awesome cover for my French press. So the second cup of joe is always still hot.,Nice Yes please. I have a breakdown as an 18 year old when I was given the choice: sign up to be a tool of war or you can't get student loans.,I heard slaving away your whole life to pay for a $1m debt is more fun than being a tool for war TIL Frank Sinatra never learned to read sheet music his whole career,He did it his way. "I woke up to look at my DreamTime brand alarm clock, it read 6:59, I sighed with relief as I reached to turn it off, I always hated when the radio pulled me out of sleep. Suddenly Dream On by Aerosmith blared out of the small clock and I scowled angrily before slapping my hand down on the button as hard as I could. Everything was like a blur as I got ready for school, the only thing I remembered was my breakfast, Inception: the Cereal, after all it's hard to forget Leonardo DiCaprio shaped marshmallows. Wait up! my mom shouted as I walked out the door towards the bus stop, You were supposed to bring your favorite movie for film class! She tossed me my collectors edition of A Nightmare on Elm Street. Thanks mom! I shouted, This is a real dream come true! The bus arrived just after that, Mr. Sandman was driving it to fill in for the regular teacher, Mr. Freud. I took my usual seat in the back next to my best friend Little Nemo. What's good? I asked him. Why are you naked? he asked me. I looked down in shock, Hypnos preserve me! I shouted, I *am* naked! I looked around in shock, suddenly everyone was laughing at me. I have to get home! I said, panicked. But if you go home you'll miss the big test! Nemo said. The test!? I shrieked, What test? The one for the class you signed up for at the beginning of the year but then forgot about and then never attended, Nemo explained, If you don't pass the final then you'll fail out of college and disappoint everyone you love. How could this get any worse!? I moaned as I sat at the desk to take the test I knew I would fail. Oh look, Nemo said, Here comes the girl you like, and she's dating that politician you hate! MFFUMFMA, I muttered as my teeth fell out. WAIT! shouted a random Indian man from a seat in front of me, It's me! he explained, M. Night Shamalangadingdong! I gasped in shock, but I couldn't say anything without my teeth. This is a dream, he said, motioning around, and not a very well written one. What a twist! I exclaimed, my teeth restored, what comes next? He shrugged, I don't know, if I had my way these things would just sort of end after the twist was revealed. I looked around for the easy resolution, but none presented themselves, Well shit, I said, I guess we just have to wait for- **THE END**","Thats quality writing, loved the references, great job" I'M DRUNK AND I HAVE TO TELL YOU GUYS This is my favorite sub of all time and I love Trump so much I want to work for him hook a sister up!!! If he needs engineering students tell me,pence transition team has a web page you can submit your resume "What the hell is hiring 17 full-time officials gonna do? Human error, and judgement errors will still be there. I'm all for the gps chip inside the football, and replays on penalties/non-penalties.",Hire one ref per flag so they are responsible for that exact flag. Well that's what I call them. They are actually two bathrooms we have next to the break room.,"But, they are away from customers, right?" HA! Latrice is truly one of the shadiest of them all,"i hope that's not your post, if that's your post that sucks" Team Skull Smeargle.,Smeargle lost Dark Void - Turned to a life of Crime "I'm a proud support main who climbed from Bronze to Mid Plat. (AMA!) Supports are the best, and I want to convince you that fact <3","I call BS, you can't climb as support main" Apparently flagrants and techs aren't the same thing... I don't really get it either.,I thought a flagrant was considered a technical foul. How about everytime King appears.,"Yeah, and we all know that King appears in every other chapter." Look for the one with the most glorious flag.,"Dress sense, and a good taste in wine." Vladimir Putin says Russia hopes to 'normalise' relations with the United States,I think the US should apologize for the annexation of Crimea. "Now I'm older, I don't understand how my mom can talk so much with them. If I saw someone I knew from high school, I would most likely avoid all sort of eye contact and deliberately try to avoid them.",You're underestimating the desperate burning need to socialize with adults rather than snot-covered hellions. The only thing that needs to happen now is the uprising at the end.,"Yes, the political situation in the UK is **exactly** like that in V for Vendetta." CEOs Can Now Be Prosecuted Like War Criminals at the Hague,"I'm sure this won't lead to: A) Inflated pay to cover the risk, or B) Incompetent leadership because anyone sensible enough wouldn't take that risk" 95% of us will be doing this after that bill passed.,Finally there will be weed in Ireland. so much for headshots,Headshots dont work against robots. "Octane ZSR 2 of each BM, Alpha set, 420 keys, a liver, your soul and a cat Pls",Don't you think you're asking for a bit too much? Countries with Mandatory Maternal Leave,But if America had paid maternity leave their economy would collapse Yep happens to me whenever i hear or read one that hits home ..thought i was going through something weird,Maybe we're special :) Approved Giveaway $250 of Xbox Digital Gift Cards. Random winners chosen Saturday noon EST.,Thanks! Seems like the baseband is outdated. That could be the issue.,Awesome I'll try that Mark 1 not in garage? I played yesterday and the tank was there but now I log in today and it's gone? Have I done something wrong or?,I am sad my crew trainer is gone. "Surprisingly, my record is 24-8-26 :')","It's OK OP, this sub ain't judgemental" What,It's a meme they don't have to talk like normal people Conservative... we are completely destroying our planet,"It's ok, they found clean coal." This cat's eyes are mesmerizing,All glory to the hypnocat! "I mean, aren't we all cousins in a sense",It's been said that it's mathematically certain that everyone on the planet is related to everyone else by at least the 34th cousin. "Take that, flat earthers!",It was taken using a wide angle lens!! I think we know where trump is right now since he's the freaking president,Except for when he sneaks out to dinner without notifying the press. "Three months have past, how is the supposed flagship killer (OnePlus Three) so far?",Still killing flagships by the looks of it What is your Guilty Pleasure?,;) "Because the immediate response was to have no argument and call me racist. That's the definition of leftist. It's also a loud minority of people on Reddit, which is why I added the disclaimer, to preempt the default response to challenging to common narrative.",I forgot my MFW an Islamic Somali refugee terrorist was here for 2 years and attended Ohio State University and I work 40+ hours a week for an American company and could never dream to afford state college.,"And yet, we are privileged!" nope u dont,Ask someone that has one... I have no idea how to get flair. "But fuck the elo hell of gold. My season high was 2501, I'm a Plat player. Oh, my season end was actually 1900, this is bullshit I ranked 1899.",you forgot an Maybe people actually play the game ?,what do you mean? I mean... Kevin Ward Jr. once thought it would be a good idea to smoke,I wonder if this guy hangs with Newman and lights one up? "10 years ago in the Premier League, the month of December brought us these beauties.",Poor Tim Howard got 3 of those scored on him.. rough December What's the other game?,Final Fantasy (11 and 14 to be specific) "Mike Pence on Twitter: Heavy hearts today. Our beagle of 13 years passed away quietly last night. Rest In Peace, Maverick. We will miss you.",F "Oh thank heavens. Now the dude can finally go about his life, while society remembers him as a rapist. And she sees no consequences for her actions.",Society has no idea who this person is. "Just put him out of his misery, we don't need people like this.",Yeah bro because executing people without due process is a GREAT idea. "Make river more water-like Right now i don't even think about that i am actually running on water, minor tweak to the map but would be cool. What do you think?",IGN wouldn't enjoy that I decided to only have only natural sugar a while back (so just the naturally occurring sugars in fruit) and LITERALLY EVERYTHING MAN MADE IS FULL OF SUGAR.,"Nothing like lots of high fructose corn syrup and refined white flour to make a tasty loaf of bread, amirite?" First gen. Tiburon?,2nd gen pre-facelift "Trump team reassures AT&T over Time Warner merger review - Trump vowed to block sale during campaign, but early signs look good for AT&T",I feel like I've said this a lot this year... I'm utterly shocked. Brace yourself - Donald Cronies are about to loot the US in ways not seen since Hoover.,Cause he's smart "the stream didn't even started yet , and the clickbait has already begun , today is gonna be a fun day LUL",Don't forget to comment and upvote :D "Hello there, can we get some of those HS recruits you guys have in NJ? That would *great* Also thank you for Saquon.",Man you just don't even appreciate how stacked our backfield is I found The Force Awakens to be a cheap and largely inaccurate depiction of the events surrounding the destruction of Alderaan.,Your joke would have been funny but you either said the wrong film or the wrong planet depending on which one you got right. I got my kindergartners to guess how old I am. First guess was 10. Second was 100. I said I am definitely between 10 and 100,11 99 RIP A bit late,Add me? There is an oversupply of TBM's on the market. Early retirement is needed?,"Too many TBMs, so they need to offend them and get rid of the tares, obviously." Stabilizing the hostage when time runs out counts as the hostage being KIA,what I've noticed is that when ever my team needs to pick the hostage up its in the last 3 sec of the round "if you think thats cool, just wait til you get to leviathan",I'm considering playing through again just to do this fight. When people show up to the gym already smelling like they just ran through a garbage dump,You just can't handle my powerful pheromones A racist xenophobic organization supports a racist xenophobic candidate. News at 11.,So racist that one of their major speakers on social media is a black male. Because Republicans care more about the Constitution than children.,Yeah fuck people's rights if it creates the illusion of safety! I'd hate to know what is more highly classified than the government spying on everyone in the USA.,"If everyone knows it (or thinks they do), it's not really classified, is it?" "TIL in 2006, to understand and protect the home planet was quietly removed from NASA's mission statement.","In 2016, to fuck the home planet was quietly put in its place." "I went to the Zootopia subreddit, they definitely all swing that way :p","Contrary to the Undertale subreddit, where No loods of the gote is a major underlying theme." "is there a way to try this game out? so first im absolutely unsure if this will run on my toaster at lowest settings, and i just wanna see if theres some kind of a demo, im a tf2 player and i love tf2 i watched a few plays of overwatch and it looked really fun",You missed the free weekend :( On your order details does it show them as an item?,"Yes, but they haven't been sent" "Drugs, bacon and alcohol.",What's the point of even living at that point? "Fantastic four invented a time machine that initially just took them back to war-time england, where they solved mysteries with a dog as the famous five. At the end of the movie they try to return to the present but go back instead to the wild west, where they start out as comically inept and get gradually more badass and cynical, and ultimately lose their moral code altogether. After the hateful eight they try to return back to the present once again but instead transport themselves to a different dimension where they are all puppets (nine). After this another failed attempt leads to Mr fantastic being transported to Mount Sinai in biblical times, where he comes up with the ten commandments. He is then transported into the mind of a small girl called eleven and I can't be fucked to do this anymore",Christ i envy your creativity even though i consider myself pretty good at making shit up that is impressive mate respect "Back in the old days of the Trans Am racers, they had a setup using a windshield washer pump to spray water into the brake cooling ducts.","Ah, the James may Burma brake cooling system." I didn't find it funny at all. I guess my sense of humour is a bit more sophisticated than the puerile children that frequent this subreddit.,You dropped this This might not be the card for me.,usually you pay less for less inches.... You are more obsessive than me. I just friended you.,Haha.. fair enough friend. "Don't have kids, but can definitely tell you when I realized my parents were creepy",But... you didn't "You just said piglet, wildturtle, and pray have similar results... let that sink in.",-Sink- our season was a disappointment but consider this,This season was pretty much a disappointment You're hostile,"Nah, just not very patient with asshats" "A farmer has 895 sheep. Realising that this is quite a lot of sheep for one farm, and Jess the sheepdog is getting a bit old, he decides he'll probably need a new dog- no, a whole team of dogs- to round so many sheep up. So the next day, the farmer goes to the pet store. He looks around at the various herding dogs- they seem very fit, but young and untrained. The shopkeeper asks the farmer if he wants any help. Why yes, says the farmer. I need a team of sheepdogs to help round up my flock. I have a rather large number of sheep, you see, and I don't think any of these young pups would be up to the task of rounding up so many. The shopkeeper says, I've got just the thing for you. and leads the farmer into a small back room, where a single sheepdog sits waiting. Are you sure? asks the farmer, I have very many sheep and I don't think one dog will be able to round all of them up.. I'm sure. says the shopkeeper, This is a very intelligent dog. He's been well-trained for many jobs and has skills beyond any other dog I've ever seen. Yes, says the dog, I know six languages, eight martial arts and I have a degree in engineering. The farmer, clearly very impressed by this dog- who wouldn't be impressed by that?- decides to take him home. That afternoon, the farmer and the dog walk together up hill, and from the top they can see the entire flock covering the fields. Well, says the farmer, I'd like you to round up all of these sheep.. Okay. replies the dog, You have nine hundred sheep.",this is a bad joke .. We need to supply these people with colored pencils.,It's pencils of color you racist! American cops would've just been like pew pew pew then dead guy with a knife.,"Exactly, and rather this story end up concluding with And both officers were stabbed and killed as the criminal fled the scene it would end with Nobody was harmed as man threatening officers with a deadly knife was shot to death." It's hard to say without a picture. Also is this a regular L or a L Tall (which they also sell)?,It's a regular L Do you even squat?,Maybe she was turning a traumatic sexist experience where the trainer wanted to hit on her into a positive light? "I will take an Amazon gift card, Daddy. Please and thank you.","lol.. was just an offer to the first person, but happy holidays!" "Whoever said they'd be doing it willingly? That's what guns are for. And if they still don't want to give it up, that's what the NKVD and Committee of Public Safety are for. They only gave up some of the gains of the Industrial Revolution under the threat of commies killing them all; it won't be any different this time.",Because rich people don't have guns. "My teeth are in terrible condition, I don't have insurance, what can I do, where can I go? Hello I live in the Valley and having massive problems with my teeth, 2 broken teeth recently and I don't have insurance. Is there some sort of aid I can apply for, or can someone recommend places to go, or options I can try. Thanks, PM or post here.",Try the USC dental school How about no wars. What is the environmental impact of bomb explosions vs cow farts. Which is worse for the climate?,Cow farts(actually burps release methane) are bigger by many orders of magnitude. Haha,Ha Nah it would make getting RCB too easy... t80 2h cbow for essentially 1.2m and no skill...,Yea because people clearly struggle on QBD The irony of them harassing the ever-loving fuck out of this guy just because of a piece of clothing he's wearing seems to be completely lost on these folks. Seriously just replace every instance of them ripping on his shirt with whatever racial slur you want.,"well see, *he* isnt even human so he deserves to die." #AFTERSHOW: Trixie & Edward REACT to Being Cast on American Horror Story: My Roanoke Nightmare!,It was so weird seeing them in the show I love you Ryan Murphy ahhaha "The roid-rage guy was probably gonna pound their asses, but didn't want poo on his johnson, they are lucky they did not have one.",For real Toronto's Liberal Red through and through.,"Yeah, they all hang out together in the Distillery District." prusik,That's a hitch bro.. a hitch.. "I love when I'm trying to film stuff and my character is like OH MY GOD, LOOK AT THE COLORS ON MY ARMS~!. High in the forest, and now isnt the time XD. The pebble video I made recently, I edited out like 6 different arm checks - think one is still in there lol.",Haha tfw Stands absolutely still while getting head shot... did you stop healing me mercy?,"I saw that for a split second you stopped healing, all your fault" You're a real fun guy.,Fun Gus pulls up.....slow golf claps go 'round with the oh yeah's and smiles. nope,N o p e It's so special that it was too dumb to get into special Ed.,Write some more jokes this was hilarious! Thorin back at it again with the ''sick'' predictions,"Thorin predicted SK to win the series, what a pleb predicting everything wrong amirite?" Trump considering Sheriff David Clarke as Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security,"Yeah, because cops need more power right?" "We have the best racists, don't we folks?",islam is an evil ideology poisoning our culture. Always believe what the government says.,"Yeah, 99,9% of scientists are stoopid eh?" I'm all about engine swaps in things... but this... Why?? This seems like a lot of effort and expense just to piss people off...,Well you won't have to rebuild the engine every 80k miles... I'd be asking for the source saying whatever Pachinko is is making more. I find it hard to believe that something I've never heard of is making more money than the Metal Gear games and whatever else Konami produces.,Pachinko is huge in Asian markets.... you from Japan? "It's a common event even today. My parents furniture older than me? Still looks good and functions today. Furniture I bought for the same price (inflation adjusted)? Broken after a few years. Toys my parents bought for me (connect 4, hungry hippos and more)? Worked for years and eventually sold at yard sales. I bought the same games for my kids and plastic pieces snapped/bent within a month. The TV my grandparents had worked for something like 40 years. In the nonstop quest for saving a few bucks, people have slowly opted for total shit over something that works. I don't blame companies at all for making the crap they do. I'd bet anything they were shocked and confused as people were purchasing wildly inferior products for slightly cheaper than their high quality products. Sure the competitor might look and function the same today, but in a year or two it would fail while the other would keep marching on. Over time it became a race to the bottom, to make the cheapest possible kind of everything. The story above isn't about an evil company, it's about a horde of uninformed consumers purchasing the cheapest crap they can find. I'd bet their sales were slowly suffering, with outlook getting bleaker by the year. Eventually they made the hard decision to not fight the tide anymore.",r/buyitforlife I'm more excited about Notre Dame's women's basketball. This is probably the only chance to beat UConn this entire season. Pls Notre Dame. Do it for America.,God if we beat UCONN this might finally be our year I'm banned from r/incels,Fucking normie Chad! Like blue Mountain Dew,"It's called voltage, pleb" Join.,Die! President Obama Is Handing a Strong Economy to His Successor,"Now if the NY Times is praising Obama it must be true, I guess." "LPT: dollar bills are dirty and tampon applicators make great straws I'm pretty sure that's what the plastic part of a tampon, is called but I'm a guy so I may be wrong. Either way an unused one is clear than a bill and doesn't come unrolled. It is also less conspicuous than a cut up and shortened disposable drink straw. I've been doing this for years and figured I'd share. Anyone else have creative nose straw suggestions?",You can pop both ends off your average bic pen with ease. Can't tell if you're being sarcastic. Any help?,Reality has a liberal bias. Waiting for the ATLA 1080p upscale like,What was it 1p before? "We need minutes with Faried and Jokic, I just don't like any small ball lineup with Faried at center.",I don't disagree but I do like how Jokic can space the floor with a stretch 4 The mysterious billionaire who wrote cheques to get Donald Trump elected,"Hey, he is an outsider who totally isnt corrupted" "TIL that in the final two years of his life, Van Gogh averaged about 3 completed paintings per week. All in all, he produced 900 paintings in a 10 year career, making him one of the most prolific painters of all time.",When is the next Tupac Shakur album coming out? SUPER genuine.,Hey I think you dropped this: "I have 200gb iCloud storage but the problem is that when I had it turned on on my MacBook, it took up all the memory on my Mac. I thought the whole point was for you to not need actual disk space but it used up a ton. When I turned it off it freed up like 100gb of memory on my MacBook.","As I mentioned, pick a name brand cloud storage - stop dicking around with iCrap." "I loved it when he slew footed Davidson, and then fell on his shoulder. Davidson is still out.",Isn't that a little bit a double standard when you guys have McDavid breaking ankles left and right? "Thorin on Twitter- Congratulations Astralis, ELEAGUE Season 2 champions",thorin predicting against us because he wants us to win Killing hatred with kindness: Black man has convinced 200 racists to abandon the KKK by making friends with them despite their prejudiced views,Can I say as a Trump supporter this really heartens my soul? ?,Having a spaniard means their not NA duh Life is over meaning you would keep it ? No adoption/abortion?,Well hey if the wife stayed pregnant at least he wouldn't have had to share his 6-pack. War Eagle!,I'm sorry but we can't be friends This is a good thing. This allows people that are in worse economic position to better their life. They are then less costly to the rest of society. We should really be stressing better birth control but I see no problem with this.,Well then why don't we just sterilize low income populations? "Watchu talkin about fool? I play it all the time, I hate losing",You're only allowed to get kills in team deathmatch "Bon Bons Vietnam Experience - (video by TheSuperjohn702, vocals by me, and music by M3gabro)",FNaF 6: the war. "Excellent cosplay, I rate 11/10",No scar tho 0/10 Mr. PoopyButthole was a companion of mine.,until you learned to wipe properly. You're not allowed to talk poorly about Russia in the_safespace. Can't expect them to know about this.,Instead of slinging petty insults why not actually make an argument. Eyes rolled out of my head,:/ Well doesn't that just help highlight what was wrong with what I said. Puppy Play: How these grown men relieve stress,I am so triggered by the use of grown here. "They resigned him, along with bang, Wolf, huni, and peanut.",they can still negotiate his contract though Too bad he was outed and deleted his 33x gilded account.,He's ruining the economy taking all that gold with him there are programs that can read it got you... also blind people have sighted friends,But how do they communicate? Yes but does the EU control the UK in the same way that westminster controls Scotland?,"No because Westminster is looking at what powers it can devolve to persuade them to stay, the EU on the other hand is looking at what powers it can take without people leaving." Noice. Innovative. I like it.,i know it can seem stupid but i feel very satisfied when i do it Inhale cannabis.,Breathe Marijuana. My friend's grandparent gave her their collection of Muni Fast Passes from the 1970's.,Very cool... Thanks for posting. I'm curious as well. He's pretty explicitly not a Trump supporter.,"He made that movie and if you're careful you can cut a four minute piece from the middle which almost sounds pro-Trump, so it's obvious" Fastest way to make your guild hate you I just got my first legendary while dead and AFK in LFR. How have you made your guild hate you?,lmao So a statement from a Trump surrogate is that Trump tells him that a cousin of the accuser told Trump that the accuser want's be a reality TV star. That's the defence.,Expect anything else from the deplorables? "Which Ball/Pokemon combinations in Sun & Moon look the best? Now that I'm in the post-game, I'm shifted my attention to catching and breeding interesting Ball/Pokemon combinations. I've mainly done Pokemon in Beast Balls so far, but I'm wanting to expand into more variety. So, I thought I'd see others' thoughts on good combinations. In particular, I hope to hear what balls would best go with each of the Minior cores, but any and all Ball/Pokemon combinations are welcome.",Lure Ball on a shiny Golduck is awesome. Iron Porn,"This must be private server, haven't seen charter boat full of supplies ever." Too easy? I never get that. It's harder to download a buffered show than it is to torrent it.,I think they were saying it would make it easier for people to download it and then make torrents of it. Death Billiards / Death Parade. I also recommend When They Cry and Paranoia Agent. Mirai Nikki,Mirai Nikki is already on my bucketlist but I didn't know it was horror "This game is so much fun, but I feel like it's missing something and I don't know what This game is like on the 90% on being a game I'd play all the time, and I feel like they can improve it, but I just don't know what it is, it's like a feature that if they implemented I'd say Oh obviously. What's the reason for this post? Who knows, that's just my opinion","Voice chat and better UI, also some of the characters have weird eyes that are kind of creepy." Lamborghini: Never Insult a Tractor Tycoon,Volkswagen owns so many awesome car brands. "I guess I don't understand why they need a diagnosis of dysarthria or other medical diagnosis to qualify for services? Maybe it's different state by state, but here in NC, kids seeking early intervention services qualify for speech and language services from Medicaid if they meet certain criteria for a delay - even if they have a mild delay, which here is 20-24% delay for their age, Medicaid will cover services. Moderate and severe delays of course also get covered no problem. I guess it must be different where you are?",We have a state early intervention program separate from Medicaid but it pays the company less. "My point was if Haskell wasn't fast enough for me, I can imagine switching to OCaml. I wouldn't like it, but it wouldn't be much of a step down, more of a step side-ways. But *Go?* My legs would break from the fall.",...unless it's a bottomless pit! NiP Xizt - The London Clutch,"I got to see it live, crowd went insane :)" "I like your thinking, but sadly I just find it overly optimistic. Current Labour voters did actually majority support Remain. If we decide to be niceKIP, then we lose out massively to the Liberal Democrats. As for centrist liberal elitism, I think that's just woefully discredited at the moment. The electorate gave that a chance, and decided it didn't work out for them. Centrist liberal elite parties are getting decimated all across the Western world. I think I most strongly just agree with your last sentence; I don't think Labour will seriously recover, even if we tossed Corbyn and found ourselves the idealized perfect leader who could please everyone in the party, unless the current neo-authoritarian political force just cocks up completely and gives liberalism leftism a chance to make its case again. I feel all Labour can do is wait and grimly cling on, trying to weather it as best as possible.",When do you think our next GE win will be? It says my phone can't watch the video smh,"I'm so sorry, friend" CNN apologises after producer is heard joking about Donald Trump's plane crashing,We apologize for getting caught CNN is the worst. High boot on Walker - no booking or caution,"Concussion protocol works flawlessly, I see." (A turbo original) Best response to when you win and your opponent says EZ? You say Yes it was. Drop the mic.,when you win and they say ez it's not really considered bm; it's just funny "That saw is meant for finished lumber, not green growth.",Get that man a Silky Saw! I think it works on many levels,Yeah but the creator said it is just a phone screen "Lets jump and shoot randomly like that reddit post I saw a few days ago, as if it's going to work",Don't turn this game into CoD goddammit! "Leg Workout routine without upper body mobilization Hi guys, I had bicep tendonesis surgery done on my right shoulder/arm about 1 1/2 month ago so I cannot place any weights or move my arm around. My current routine for legs is doing lunges, pistol squat progression, calf raises, bridges and hip abduction w/ resistance bads. Sprints are out of the question due to activating/engaging my arms but I wanted to check if there are other workouts which don't require engaging my arms and shoulders in anyway. thanks PS: I am not asking for medical advice just possible exercises for lower body that don't require me to hold weights on my upper body or require me to engage my arms.",I'll just copy stuff from Al/Danny Kavadlo's book: - Narrow squat - Wide squat - Prisoner squat - Split squat - Walking lunge - Hindu squat - Archer squat - Step up - Drinking bird (1 leg deadlift) - Advanced pistol (hands behind your back) - Dragon pistol - Shrimp squat variations - Hawaiian squat That's it :) So you voted for someone you knew was lying to you?,"If I knew he was lying to me from the beginning then he wasn't really lying to me, was he?" Reported for what exactly?,Swearing on the internet "Amy Schumer eyed for Sony's live action Barbie film, because of course she is.","Women are funny, get over it." Meet the 'Mad Dog' Donald Trump wants to lead the Pentagon,He sounds like just the kind of cool and level headed person we need. History classes are our best hope for teaching Americans to question fake news and Donald Trump,But lets just keep cutting education funding Iza napada na Stierove servere 99 posto stoje ruski hakeri...,"Koje iznenadjenje, u Rusiji ima dosta botnet servera." hit me with SOME TRUTH,"Where's the one place you've always dreamed of visiting, and why?" 1 extra damage I know,he was just playing around mortal strike But... Why are they shooting themselves? D:,"Russian Roulette for money, like in The Deer Hunter One shot, one kill uguu~" New amp day! Fender Hot Rod Deluxe (2000s),Wrong spot there champ #25 West Virginia University @ #6 University of Virginia (2:00 PM ET),Welcome to 2016 where even in sports we now have safe spaces "Most backlights either work or they don't. The image quality being compromised I guess theoretically could be a backlight problem, but you didn't mention anything about it being dim or flickery. Do you have a bootable USB/DVD to boot from and see if there's any difference? I still feel like it's a driver issue of some sort.",Just tried out my liveUSB and same issue. EXTREMELY RARE MALIK OBAMA PEPE. Bidding starts at $3000 US. Go!,Malik Obama is a known white supremacist! "Less game modes with an extra queue option Hirez should add a queue in between ranked and casual for people who don't want to commit an hour to a ranked game, but would still like Ps and Bs or to play with people who care if then win or lose. Really tired of the old it's casual I do what I want attitude of some players but I also can't justify sitting in q for 10 minutes, 10 minutes of picks and bans, and then a 40 minute game for ranked. Adding an actual semicompetitive q would split the player base tho, but honestly they could drop a few game modes that they don't update, balance for, or put at the bottom of the list where no one can even fucking see it to q Just a thought from a player that doesn't want the commitment or stress of ranked, but does want the competitiveness/giving a shitness of ranked",Yes lets make matchmaking worse by splitting the queues for the modes more. The Last of Us Part II Announced!,I'VE BEEN WAITING SO LONG FOR THIS idiots buy the new ones still,"but man, the new ones have better graphics and are more innovative" Nice!,Thanks! (POLL) How would you rate maps from best to worst?,Dust2 - best Everything else - shared worst place "He's got a rabble that will listen to him regardless of evidence or truth, because he's speaking directly to their emotions. That's a great group of people to appeal to when starting a TV network, and if he's got a hook (*The election was rigged, and WE should have won!* would work nicely) that he can come back to thematically on that network, he can make a lot of money for a long time by stoking the resentment his supporters have for e.g. muslims, Democrats, black people, etc... The talk of a rigged election is either a face-saving measure being taken by someone very aware of the brand perception around his name (and therefore his wallet), someone priming the collective id of his followers to subscribe to a countercultural movement (like the TV network), or both. I don't know that I'd call Donald Trump a smart guy, but he's very calculating, at the least - I'm guessing he's got a few contingency plans to make sure that he gets his no matter *what* happens to the country in the process.",Lets just hope he doesn't use this to inspire his supporters to commit violence against anyone. "Mine occurred to me, appropriately, at the mall yesterday. 1. Drive to the mall, shopping center, ect. 2. Find the busiest parking lot. 3. Secure a prime spot nearest the doors as possible. 4. Place your car in reverse, with your foot firmly on the brake. Use of the parking brake might also be advisable. 5. Read a book, have lunch, basically kill some time. 6. Count the death glares of the harried shoppers that wasted time waiting for you to pull out.","Calm down, Satan." Body Positivity Win: This 14-Year-Old Boy Would Have Sex With Absolutely Anyone,"But if it's his hot woman teacher, she has harmed him really bad." "Clinton Foundation Is Charity Fraud Of Epic Proportions, Analyst Charges In Stunning Takedown",But top marks from Charity Navigator! need help what are all the bosskiller characters in bleach and thanks,"Go to bleach fyi, click on every characters and see which ones inflict burn or poison with their specials." I do them on push days. I remember I used to hate this but I'm used to it now. BB OHP 3x5 on push 1 and seated DB OHP 3x8-12 on push 2. Alternatively doing seated OHP's on the smith machine if I feel like shit after benching. Some people do it on leg day instead but I'm personally not a fan of it. You can do shoulders on a separate day as well but then it's essentially a typical brosplit. You can then do shoulders + arms on that day instead of doing tri/bi on push/pull. But the main reason I'm running PPL is because I want to hit the same muscle groups twice a week and if you have an extra day for shoulders it will be one extra day between every Push/Pull/Legs if you know what I mean.,How do you feel OHP movements have impacted your shoulder growth? "This kid was born after its release, and has grown up enough to experience the great disappointment of the series stopping.",There's people in their late teens/20s now that were this kid's age when they saw this and are still waiting for a conclusion "So insinuating that all men are imbeciles or asshole is better than insinuating that all women are weak or cowardly? Mind you, I don't think any of this stuff is offensive, but **you** have to be consistent, friend.","I am being consistent, you are not getting the point nor the sentence...." Finding this in NC was like finding a unicorn,"oh snap the weed is a different color, must be the dankest shit in the effing world" ptf if I took steroids I could do that too,Shoulda added the There was someone on NPR a couple of weeks ago who said that at the very maximum there might be a wall along 30% of the border and that there's already currently a wall or a fence along 10% of the border. The interviewer was surprised that Trump had made just a fuss about 20% more of a wall. The person being interviewed didn't think it was an issue at all.,That 20% is going to make illegal immigration a thing of the past and then there's going to be so many more awesome jobs available! Let's Not Forget The 6 Billion Unaccounted For At The State Department During Hillary's Tenure. Can We Get To The Bottom Of How 6 Billion Disappears Into Thin Air?,"Get over it man, didn't you hear Trump just authorized a $7m tax break?" Rockies showing continued interest in Mark Trumbo,Can you imagine what having a real slugger in Coors would be like? "Hi, i threw together a short 10 question survey for anyone who considers themselves a gender critical / radical feminist. Id really appreciate a few takers :)",There isn't much Reddit history under your username. Ah okay so they're the team Madrid played last in la cops del Rey.,"Exactly, that video's fairly recent." If you were wondering why Summer Rae posted this: she's the one in the mask,"Funny, I thought she was Mike Dalton" Huh......Prey tell my good chap what is it then?,Late war Panzerschrek. ''Twas a gift from God.,I thought Mother Nature was in charge of trees. A woman here ILLEGALLY attacks a mom and tries to steal her kids. Get bonded out (doesn't show up for court) and 4 months later kills a different mom and steals her 6 day old baby. I'm disgusted.,Racist! "Actually, have they ever claimed they have americas best interest in mind?","No, because America is evil and patriotism a plague." THE GIVEAWAY BEGINS !!!! All you need to do is drop your reddit username below to enter!! we will be holding the give away till wed good luck to everybody!!!,Fapping_ninja "It's on the internet, it must be true.",I WANT TO BELIEVE "While this was from India, it was not from right now. This happened within a day or three of the initial announcement (on Nov 8th).",What event? Shepard S. Shepard.,What does the S stand for? everyone grows out of anarchy eventually,Everyone grows out of anarchism when they read The State and Revolution "That is far from savage, it's barely a mild annoyance.",someone has had a bad experience with jing weis.... Reddit what video games are you currently playing?,"Mortal Kombat XL Picked it up for 17 bucks, always wanted it and finally got it for PC." "Better than his scouting report, his run d has been awesome when he doesn't lose contain on the edge. Did not think he'd be nearly as physical.",he loses edge containment too often gundogan...,GundoGONE "Who's the heretic you can't help but love? For me it's Kalkator of the Iron Warriors from the beast arises series. Absolute bad ass mofo, his entrance to the setting was incredible and this guy cut off his own arm to stop the flesh change and everyone under his command who has been subject to the change has cut it out. Won't go into spoilers but a heretic who can talk to imperials is impressive too, even if it is just for survival.","Argel tal, he is a tragic hero." Stunt on these hoes,TRUE Disguised Toast with the Deadly Shot call,"guys, please do not upvote this, it was a 1 in 4" Twitter is where memes go to die,I thought that was family guy? "Yes, but with more poop.",How much poop do you put in your tea? "Mathematically, Bill Belichick (.670) would have to go 0-16 for 56 straight seasons before his career winning percentage matched Gus Bradley's (.230)",How many wins bradley would need to match bill's record? Hey Marvin I got an idea,He should follow Steve Smith out.. "Whelp, you've just changed my strategy for keeping my kingdom intact before I can push primo. Before I just made any sons other than my first commanders and hoped they died before I did, or console command killed them in the name of unity...",Ultimogeniture guide you in your quest for super bastards "How do you expect them to market Xbox Scorpio? I think the most successful way would be simply saying PS4 Pro has 4.12 terflops and the Xbox PlaceHolderName? has 6 teraflops What do you think they'll even name the Scorpio? They could start naming xbox by year, but I bet they'll give it a specific name because that's much more powerful and memorable. Xbox Ultra or Xbox 4K seems likely.","1st true 4k console, native 4k gaming, 4k blu ray player, most powerful console ever" "Organization XIII Pick Up Lines Xemnas: If light and darkness are eternal, then surely our love must be the same: Eternal Xigbar: Me, i'm already half of you. Xaldin: I was stealing Beast's rose... for you. Vexen: I'd create a replica of you if you won't date me. (Possibly jail) Lexaeus: Let us bide our time and see what develops. (Lazy on this one, just take it out of the Zexion context.) Zexion: I won't disguise myself for you. Saix: Which would you rather suffer the loss of, some fake, make-believe romance, or this real one? Axel/Lea: Let's f\*\*\*, got it memorized? (From GamersJoint video, and **WILL LAND YOU IN JAIL**) Demyx: Baby, I can make your water dance. (See above) Luxord: The die has been cast, things are in motion, you can't stop this (Possible jail alert) Marluxia: (.... he uses FLOWERS. Isn't that good enough!?!?) Larxene: (....she's a prick. Do you really think she'd flirt?) Roxas: I guess my single life... is over. Xion: (Who?)",Seems to me like you got lazy on 4* of them "And American Samoa, and the Mariana Islands... But I'm not sure if everyone knows them all.","Totally... American Samoa... where them Girl Scouts get them cookies, right?" Playing with Her Hair,"Yup checks out, is hair." J Parker fastbreak dunk that doesn't count,"Nah guys, there's a gather step in there it's cut down to 4 steps now" **Justice is served! Praise Kek!**,This warms the cockles of my heart. 0.0 CASUALTIES,How do you have .1 casualties? The Schuyler Sisters,Wait there are three of them? whatever you do dont forget your healer engi and your condi guardian,Ok will do ALL USA WINNER'S FINALS ASIAN DICKRIDERS ON SUICIDE WATCH,Clearly what this shows is that SF5 isn't a legitimate measure of aptitude. But pizza and Scott Foval!,Lock him up! I didnt understand that there are winners and losers until college,Harrison Bergeron! "When you don't watch where you're going, you're gonna run into things. It's as simple as that.",I always assumed that the world had to adjust to me? Why would it be terrifying? Polar bears?,"The polar bears see him better in the snow, that's why!" "Reddit, Whats a random fact you know that you would like to share?",I like turtles. Didn't see this coming... MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries Pre-Alpha Footage (Mech_Con 2016),"Shit, I was really hoping they'd keep working on Transverse" username checks out,"and for the record I totally grab your moms pussy, but I found out there's a pickle in there, lol!" "Kayle scripting, dodging abilities with no vision almost point-blank","shes not scripting, shes just amazing at this game" Lets wish juliano and device all the best <3,Didn't know that Device and Juliano is a thing. Is there an equivalent to Breitbart on the left?,NYTimes What skid plate is that on the tacoma??,"Looks like a stock one, just rattle canned red." Type: All is Arceus,Type: Null might be a failed attempt to create a second Arceus though. That's a great way for the school to get sued/fined. Not legal at all.,Ayup. It was sarcasm. Should've been more direct.,And I should have realized that. As if people haven't faked being in the US military to get praise and free stuff.,"Also, stolen valor is a worse crime against humanity than the Holocaust." "An intellectual euphorically posing with his waifu. (Disclaimer:Just to be clear, I am not a professional picture maker. I am just enlightened by my MS Paint skills)","Chicks dig big guys, not skinny sticks who aren't loyal." how to spot a nice guy without knowing any context he refers to girls as females but to guys as guys and not males,"Of course, men have personalities and are full persons whereas females are just sex vending machines who are suppose to accept niceness tokens in exchange for sexy times." These guys get it,I always thought the name applied to the two guys who started the company or currently own it together. great! I'm waiting in the plaza,Thanks! "Being from the east coast, it's hard to think of 9% as soaring. The Atlantic provinces have been hovering in double digits for as long as I can remember, and everyone acts like it's normal.",The meaning in the title implies the high rate of change from a significantly lower unemployment rate. What the fuck is going on with kripp's thumbs?,"You make a post without a link, how is everyone supposed to have watched that shit?" ***YES***,How tho? Go to %appdata% mmf,"That's not the MFA, that's the info files." "Pros: * Great voice. His natural voice has improved a lot, and you can tell that on Me and Your Mama and Stand Tall. * The instrumentals are interesting to listen to and super funky. Everything sounds pretty new to me as a rap fan. * The album is pretty short and easy to listen to imo. I don't consider anything filler and no stretch of the album seems weaker than any other stretch, so it's a consistent listen across the board. Cons: * This album doesn't really go anywhere, at least on the surface. After I finished it, I was just kind of like what was that? As I listen more and more, it gets a little better, but I wish it was more cohesive or at least had something stand out. * The vocoder can get a little irritating at times. Not too bad since I only notice this on California. Imo it's an 8.5/10. Not a lot to complain about. I'm on my fifth listen and it gets a little nicer each time. Pretty solid album. I do have to admit that I miss his rapping and more conventional songs. I appreciate the direction and I'm interested to see where he goes.",you on some IGN shit Just installed new pads and rotors on my G37x,Stoptech kit? any way to stop getting troll symetras and torbs on my team?,Not playing competetive for a couple of days? How do you feel about joe rogan as a comedian?,Meh D.Va: Initiating self-destruct sequence! ... ... ... Tracer: **BOOM!** Ahhhh! (Something tells me the translation wasn't necessary but here you go anyways),Reading this in the kid's voice from the overwatch cinematic trailer makes this even better "ESPN has never shown a presidential debate, so it would be very weird to blackout it's highest rated show to broadcast the debate.",They are actually letting you watch the debate on the ESPNWatch app I believe so you can watch the debate and the game at the same time. Nope. I'm only a year older than OP and this relationship sounds exhausting. I cannot imagine being woken up and screamed at for 3 hours for having the audacity to *fall asleep earlier than I said I would*. Like holy shit. Not that the girlfriend sounds really mature either.,Someone more mature would have told him where to stick it a very long time ago. extrema esquerda,Aqui tem uma frase do Hitler que comprova isso... I don't even want to think about the honeymoon.,"Jesus fuck, is he a nosferatu?" "What is your favorite underrated game of this generation that is available on the Xbox One? I haven't really played too many Xbox One games that aren't BC games, so I can't really say (my only next-gen games I've played are Halo: MCC, Arkham Knight and Battlefield: Hardline). I've heard Arkham Knight get some flak, so I guess I'll say that, since I love it so far.",Evolve and Sunset Overdrive. The USE button lives!,Nuke it from orbit. So you can sit me here next to Britney Spears.,"Shit, Christina Aguilera better switch me chairs" "Considering they have to spend times with the likes of Mao & Sam Houston, while having nothing to do but watch millions die in the hellhole the world has turned into? Probably pretty somber. Or maybe they drink to help them ignore how terrible it all is~~",But Sam is still alive. feels,Parochial. B.C. affordable housing projects are not all new,why doesn't the government sprinkle magic all over the housing prices to make it go away? 0400 start time? Throw me off a cliff. I can barely stand 0600.,I actually enjoyed the year I was on the rotating 1500 to 0300 car.... "sure u could debate it, but youd lose",dae think rappers can be measured objectively? Just quit. I don't get it.,"Yup, If I can do anything, everyone who can't is just not trying" Game Thread: Chiefs @ Falcons I dislike automod.,Ya'll ever seen a game where we were down by 1 score and Matty *actually* led us to victory? ALEX WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT YOURE AN NFL QB,Eh that's a pretty tough throw to make someone waterboard this piece of shit and find out what he knows!!! (did i just break the law?),"Yes, you assumed her gender, you bigot!" "except frenzy, wrath, sprint are all nouns.",But none of them can be called physical objects like a relic is supposed to be. Why do WE have to be garbage? Like why? Why can't be be one of those teams like the patriots that they are always superbowl contenders? Why can't we play football? Why does this happen to us? That's why I have no shame when I side bandwagon another team for some time.,"Goes all the way up to ownership and front office, IMO" Brady had to get 201 against the team he beat to get his first Superbowl ring. Can't write it any better than that.,*Clear* proof that the NFL is rigged. lol hopefully the Denver sports media will STFU about how Lynch is a superior quarterback now,But he was drafted higher. When you're bursting abby demons and some guy logs onto your world,Hey let people play the game however they want They have the Browns' rank improved since the preseason? Between them and me somebody is taking crazy pills because I don't see what they're seeing.,You can really see the improvement by their record Not this shit again! Just like with the Raiders it ain't happening. They tried it 2 years ago and no one other than the Mayor wanted to spend the money. People need to wake up.,What makes you think the Raiders aren't happening? What do you enjoy that Reddit absolutely shits on?,Reposting! Ive made a simple comparsion between Japan and my country.,Wait...Japan has a 15 month calendar? How lucky are we to have Azpi. Team needs a LB: I got this. Team needs a CB: I got this.,"Now, if only we could clone him 10 times, we'd win the CL!" USA: Did somebody say... oil?,In this case they could really use some freedom... no for real this time. Frozen waves,AND YOU SAY GLOBAL WARMING STILL EXISTS. JJMACCA as Mod How do you negros feel about JJMACCA becoming a mod? I think he's a cunt but he gave me a quickie in the toilet for mod.,If he gave you a quickie dickie then I think he has to get mod tbh Actually got my first full body shiver in a long time from that. That was a work of art.,"And I'm over here getting shivers every time I use the urinal, oh yeah it feels so good!" "to the degree its is experienced, most of the time yes",Are you trying to tell me that I don't get nervous around cops while driving as if Lucas knew How to make a good movie,"Yeah just look at ANH, what rubbish" "Sure. Can't use them with either current gen or new gen macbook pros without an adapter though, which is the point of the complaint.","I didn't think anyone ever used their Apple earbuds with their phone, much less their laptop" "In my opinion yes, in other people's opinion no. But if they dont count it. Idk how people count UMG Cali last year after Denial didn't attend after winning Champs","Tbh i don't really count event as a win due to the weapon draft literally being removed the day of the tournament, when all of the teams practiced with weapon draft online leading up to this weekend." "Can your opponent see when you hover their hand to count cards? Playing against a Maly rogue, they had Auctioneer on the board, and 9cards in hand. Last card of the the turn they cast Conceal. I had Naturalise in hand, intending to mill them. Did I give away my play?","No, they can not." What is the one piece of irrefutable evidence would you require in-order to change your stance on the church?,The Gold Plates of course. "I got Come to an end peacefully flashbacks, the liberalism is real.","Sorry for the terrible view, had to get a picture of this." Blackbeard so overpowered.... Can even warp gravity now!,So that's who has been throwing hostages out of windows... "YES IT IS! It has been a long time since I've seen one this good. The I killed a guy one still sits the Throne, but this is some top tier stuff. Bravo!",Link? "i put the sister location description through 4 layers of google translate , and well ... this is what it said. The child Pizzeria Welcome to the circus, where the family of the interactivity of the game, and to do nothing for the other places you can see in this, * pizza! No more strangers and strike the-art animatronic children socks, so the pizza and dislikes, fears, no, he had not heard at all, and boys from college! But the technical realm night. We enjoyed tight spaces and comfortable, and the operation of",animatronic children socks Link to merch lore solved Catchy anime theme song,RIN RIN RIN RIN! "But you just *know* that it will work eventually, and the millions of starvation deaths caused by socialism are worth it, huh?","That's my opinion yes, I never claimed to be an expert." If you want to start in the Old Gods start then I would suggest starting as Rurik in Novgorod or as whoever is in Kiev. Both have ample opportunities to expand but it is easier as Novgorod. Early on the Magyar will leave a bunch of counties in South-Eastern Ukraine as independent. You will want to invade all of them. Although I wouldn't recommend it. Defensive pagans are boring.,Whats wrong with defensive pagans in your opinion? Prove that it was Hillary before making that claim.,Your liberal SJW politically correct world is imploding Very happy Christmas!,We have the exact same tension wrench! It doesnt suck. Unless you prioritize stadiums over public funds,"Wasn't talking about this particular instance, I was talking about the one in Pinellas county." "On a serious note, check the NFL YouTube. That's the closest you'll get.",Were you even listening he said NGL Does it matter?,"I don't know man, I think it's Sushi World, and that obviously has a huge impact on how you perceive this season." I've always used 7-zip over winrar. Is there a reason to switch?,No the most impressive thing here is s4 not being picked bat for once,Well... he did play 6 different heroes in 6 games yesterday. It's a little ways down the road from now but the new Star Trek series is going to be centered around a female lead. Also the most recent Star Wars movie had a female lead if you somehow missed that.,What is star wa...whatever it was Emergency dam discharge,Damn. "Yeah, sounds much more like the old testament god instead of that new-age hippy jesus fellow.",That's correct so maybe the original commenter should compare it to the right biblical figure lol Who does number two work for?,Code name kids next door "if dmt is theoretically the dream chemical... then would that mean every experience is just a look into yourself? ive only done dmt once, and i know for sure i blasted off but im just curious what you guys think: do you think dmt is a gateway to another dimension or is it all subconscious? my trip was really heavy and really affected me, a year and a half later my thoughts are still affected by it, but i dont want to get reality confused with dreams...",Have you considered the possibility that dreams are more than our subconscious? "Used to love the logic that he learned from him with these great QBs. Only really goes so far. I could watch Mike Tyson train and fight all the time, but I'd still get my ass kicked",Don't knock it 'til you try it What are some pointless problems about certain websites that haven't been fixed?,Reddit's search feature is amazing and needs no fixing. "Make sure he's using Luma3DS, and not some older CFW.",RXTools bois let's go! "Any time someone refers to it as being computer illiterate it bugs the shit out of me. Illiteracy is the inability to read. You use a computer, you don't read it. Use a better word to describe your computer retardation. But, if someone refers to it that way, I usually fully accept in that moment they're about as useful with a computer as a cock flavoured lollypop","Thanks, guy." "Curator Scientist. You hire him/her/it from their station and he stays, I think, until death. He is the reason the 'Curator Lab module' is available.","The lab module is available if you have a good rep with the Curators, you don't need the scientist actually." a battle of will...,Clearly shields are broken and need a buff. "Why Does Everyone Keep Saying That a Person Can't Survive Scooping? Every time the topic of scooping, the identity of Eggs, or the ending to the game is brought up, people immediately start reciting, You can't survive scooping! But why does everyone assume so? In truth, we don't actually know what happens when a human gets scooped. Nowhere in the game is it clarified, so don't go trying to pass speculation as fact. In reality, the only piece of evidence we have is that Ennard tells the player that, You won't die. (side note: the final cutscene monologue's meaning is still up for debate, so whether or not it turns out that Michael believes the scooping should have killed him is unknown) Whether or not Ennard is a trustworthy source is arguable, but the possibility that scooping a human really doesn't kill them can't just be outright dismissed. Indeed, the only human we're aware of to be scooped, Eggs, survives. There might be some piece of actual evidence I'm forgetting, but it seems right now that a few people started saying that no one can survive scooping in order to make the events of the game agree with their headcanons, and now that there's evidence to the contrary, there are still a ton of people who still treat this speculation (albeit, reasonable speculation) as fact.",Obviously you can't survive a scooping because the scooper hits you right in the nutsack at high speeds Gunman detained at Comet Pizza restaurant was 'self-investigating' fake news reports,"Geez whiz, you gotta love those Second Amendment People!" "I run MST, as I can't afford the discard or the actual card. Fiendish Chain is arguably worse for me, as you can attack over the stunned Weasel (not that you'd want to as Tsujik is a card), but Fiendish is unsearchable and doesn't float, so it would do so less consistently.",So then breakthrough skill would be in a similar vein yeah? |All we need to do is build a new sun and stick it in a box of some kind. I think that's the general idea...,if only there were some way to harness the power from the sun without having to build our own Everyone is being a bit dramatic... they just beat the NFC Super Bowl team from last year by 30 points :),Yeah cause that team looks exactly the same from last year "Of course they're still there. Right now, the fishermen feeding their families is progess. Now to get back our oh so favorite pride, our Military needs to be beefed up, equipment wise. PH has waay too many other problems so military might, is going to have to take a back seat :(",how does duterte's bullshit taste? I had a similar situation like this. I was at work from 10 am - 8 pm and my phone died in the middle of my shift. Next thing you know my girl pop up at work so I'm like what's up bae? Come to find out she came to see if I was at work even though she saw my car outside. She try and hit me with I wanted to make sure you didn't get in someone else's car and go somewhere,She was just makin sure you didnt get kidnapped like the movie *taken* Not much of a mud fan :/,Need to bring that to a slab meet in Houston New Zealand Prime Minister resigns after getting caught giving $13.7 million in taxpayer money to the Clinton Foundation.,"It's just a charity, the Clintons never get any of it and they never give favors to people to give large amounts." Tentano di far saltare la cassa continua di un supermercato ma non ci riescono,hashtag justbiellanthings "Civilization V, just passed 10,000 hours. Got hooked on Revolution around the time it was going to be released. Bought it, downloaded, and have a serious problem stopping... Just on more turn",So that's like a single uninterrupted game right "What zero interest rate? I keep hearing about this supposed 0% interest rate from doomsayers all the time, but the fact is the fed interest rate has never been down to zero, and is in fact methodically rising as the economy improves (the main reason stock markets are hanging on to Yellen's every word). The dollar is stronger than ever, so I don't understand where these devaluation worries are coming from either.",lol dollar stronger than ever wouldn't possibly signal a petro dollar bubble Was playing Vibe yesterday and thought I had the game won. All of a sudden 8 of my Thor's are all shooting each other. Fuckin brutal.,Your Thor's 8 guns? Justin Trudeau vows 'significant improvements' to refugee system,AKA: Spend $18 million more on refugees. Looks super clean and nice. Good to see WoW players out there. FOR THE HORDE,Clearly made this to play hearthstone "The pass coverage makes no fucking sense. You can't cover every single pass like it's going to be 40 yards. No matter how many yards the Giants needed for a first down, our secondary treated it like it was gonna be a hail mary. 2nd and 3? Better be 20 yards downfield just in case. 3rd and 7? Better stand in the endzone.",I swear there was like a 3rd and 3 or something short like that and the Giants threw a quick pass to OBJ for an easy 1st because the CB was 5 or more yards off of him at the snap. Customize Your Widgets,How come he doesn't have a carrier name in status bar? "What, what the fuck? I thought they shut it down?",BUT BERNIE CAN STILL WIN THE PRESIDENCY "Here, take it..",r/holdmybeer "When he talks about his accomplishments. For example, I went on a date with this guy once. He talked about how much $ he made and his sports accomplishments (10-15 years old...) You should be proud of your accomplishments, but even if you were state champion or whatever, be humble about it. Like I don't want to hear about it on the first date.",If I were state champion at 10 years old I would talk about it too! Joey Bada$$ Says J. Cole asked for His Blessing Before Using Waves Beat,fuck joey b4d4ss for hating on kanye like this What gifts you got for family members this Christmas?,Legos and books for my daughter Contempt and bitterness for my wife. Una remera un tanto particular.,"Pero mira, si es un rediturro en su habitat natural usando los colores de su gente!" "In that range, Bonobos and J. Crew are both good options. I like the cut of Bonobos a bit more, but be aware that their vanity sizing is *insane*. I'm a 29-30 generally, but the 29 slim in their chinos still leaves me with a good 2-3 inches in the waist. I had to go down to a 28 in their tailored cut to get something that fit me.",any idea the difference between 484 and driggs? "Sure, but where would the 350k come from in the first place?","People donating to charity, of course." "Est date: I don't fucking know, Oct maybe? little do they know, they can't play me cause I can't qualify HUEHUEHUE!",I found my soulmate Hey at least they learned from their mistakes and have changed their ways since getting blown out in the election,You dropped this: Grizzlies always play us tough! Looking forward to it.,didnt lose by 50 Ares? But probably only in arena.,His passive is op what are you talking about? "Hahaha Trump is that terrible douchebag your friend is dating, where she makes excuses like, it's different with me or he's not like that when we're alone when everyone else knows he's a terrible human being who will shit all over her. I'm a woman before anyone replies with le friendzone, etc.",Le Friendzone XDDDDDDD "That's an assumption made by the writer of the article, and you cite it like it's a fact","...but they were, in fact, released without charges." "There is one (or perhaps two) valid reasons on your list - weather (providential hindrance), and facility rental (also a providential hindrance).","No, if you miss a Sunday due to weather, you're apostate." "Can anyone tell me what is in the Roman chest? I am unable to use my PC right now and the curiosity it killing me, can anyone give me a full list of what is in the chest? Thanks! :)",BA5S JANUS LETS GOOOOOO (I'm a little excited to get this skin) Half naked women get thousands of up votes; how many for our boys in blue?,ELIOOTL? Why the fuck would we let the UN do anything?,Because clearly America can't be trusted with its own elections Land cruiser VS Hummer H3,But they were on road How to wreck a Raptor.,Those damn weak frames! South Philly's Finest,It'd be better if he was on a boat And because of this stuff am I glad that we have yearly inspections and MOT,"But... But... But... This is an invasion of privacy, the Government has nothing to do in your private life..." Scherzer Stras Sale Roark and Ross holy shit. (That is if we don't trade Ross),Nah that's not that good. "Dang the servers are awful, did they ever acknowledge it or plan on fixing them? Im really considering to stop playing if it stays this way",Don't expect them to fix anything. Have you been living under a rock? This subreddit has been complaining about the lack of ruskis since a week after the mission was posted.,And as ever our totally in touch and not rediculous WGEU members are totally keeping track of this and changing it for the best of the community. Chill. Haha. They're just kids.,It's okay.. duterte will kill them when they grow up General Tso's Chicken with pork fried rice and steamed broccoli,R.I.P. "Im talking about triple a games, most which are rated m. Call of duty Black Ops 2 had the option to completely turn off language, as does sunset overdrive, which Im considering. Those are the kind of games Im looking for.",can confirm Sunset Overdrive (which BTW is the most underappreciated game on X1) What's your 10/10 would NOT watch again?,Rick Astley - never gonna give you up Maybe less of a hot take and more just Randy being Randy. Dude really dislikes the Cowboys.,As do all sane Americans bunch of recently released t-shirts = zzzz,"haha yea OP sucks, doesnt understand that if it isnt old it sucks no matter what" When the ult hits just right...,"I love playing dva and absorbing hanzo dragon arrows, the salt is refreshing!" does it look like a washing machine,Now that you mention it he kinda does "He's exciting, but he's a fucking scumbag. I hope Rico batters him and knocks his ass out.",Rico will get the decision Please give us an example of a fight you think is fight of the year.,This dude said Lawler/Condit already--not an unreasonable choice but surprising (OT) The Thailand Super Series Super Car GTM class has a Holden V8 Supercar in it!,"Yeah, chuck a paddleshift and some fancy electronics in as well as strip some weight out, add bigger wings and it could be a good race car, but probably still not as fast as a customer GT3 Huracan or 458." Neat!,What are you some kinda neat guy? I'm gonna try and talk to the girl about it today at school. Wish me luck,If she wants to be friends you don't have to annoy her about a relationship. I would assume you will still be charged. Would be amazing if it wasn't. But I wouldn't get my hopes up too much :P,We always keep our hopes down around here "I disagree. Lithuania should be teaching its people how to peacefully surrender to the Russian military. Resistance is going to accomplish nothing other than needless death. Russia will be taking over many of its former states over the next few years, now that the U.S. no longer stands in its way. We can only hope that as many people surrender peacefully as possible.",You forgot the Any idea on the timing? I figured it'd be out by now!,"I know u/cherzo said they had problems uploading QI yesterday due to computer issues, maybe the same thing?" "Wat. Those heroes are fun to play as and all but Mei (and Mei still can be) fine to play against. None of them are broken OP and unfixable, so why should they be removed from the game",Because only his opinion matters and you're a bigot if you disagree! "Chicken, Brisket, Bacon & Cheese burger (Sydney, AU)",Oh baby oh baby oh baby "TwoX has a hard time deciding if scientology is bad, and which religion is actually the worst (did you know christians did crusades?).",And now I'm banned from TwoX... "THE TRIBES ARE PLEASED NAN, I'D SAY GO KISS GIRLS IN CELEBRATION BUT YOU KNOW THE RULES SO I'D SAY BUY A NICE JACKET INSTEAD",i bought a new pair of jorts to celebrate The whole indivisible part may mean very different things depending on interpretation. It's feels pretty divided right now.,It's because people dont have to say the pledges of allegiance anymore. What a wonderful collection. There is a Corgan Strat sized hole in my soul. I regret not picking one up when they were in production and relatively affordable.,Your soul is much larger than mine if it has that large of a hole. "Skip Bayless: Bama had to play vs one good QB all yr, got torched again by Chad Kelly. If Bama had to play USC now w Darnold at QB, I'd take USC.",Skip Bayless says *stops reading immediately* "Not a tattooer, but I met a white guy at a concert booth who had tattooed both his balls completely black, I didn't believe him until he showed me, must have been painful.",that's a whole new meaning to going black SK announces roster changes,I didn't see that coming "I don't know where either of you are getting your info! I was a bio major, switched to architecture. Started cooking as a summer job and loved it but I never even considered not finishing my degree. (If I ever said that it was probably just hyperbole. My mother would have killed me and I would have been super dumb to drop out of college.)","Hey, who are you to be correcting people discussing your life!" "I've recently gone through all of his reviews. Just from memory, he reviewed the Hifiman HE series (350, 400, 400i, 400s, 500, 560), and he tried the Oppo PM-3, although he didn't give the Oppos their own video. Instead, he did a comparison video with other portable headphones at a similar price. So yeah, he's at least tried those.","Yeah but audio memory is a difficult thing, so if he doesn't have it on hand it'll be near impossible to give a good comparison." ":/ that's a bummer... Do these people not realize they are buying into the caricature of the uncultures, screaming, stupid, red faced, fat American that everyone perceives us as? This is utterly humiliating to me as an American citizen. We have become Idiocracy.","We'v been idiocracy for a while now, man." Who is your league MVP at the moment and what would other contenders need to do to overtake them?,Referees ... They are winning the game single handedly Oakland's ROS situation I think it's incredible that coming into this week oak was 10-2 and they were still in the worst spot of any advice playoff team. They had to play @ chiefs for the division which they lost. Now they will likely play @denver in week 17 to decide who plays @AFC north (I think the Steelers but who knows) who is way better than whoever wins the AFC south and then @NE week 2 of the playoffs. One of the crazier scheduling situations I can remember down the stretch.,We do not have a lock on the bye yet hommie "Sheeesh, the amount of times I've read re-signs as resigns :/",Classic Aleague Click-Bait Vermaelen was apparently forced to learn Catalan as part of his transfer agreement with Barcelona,Has the verminator got connections in Brussels? *Buys extra candy corn so we can share*,My man. Is season 2 of competitive fixed? Season 1 was full of horrible things like sudden death. I haven't had anytime to play recently but I've finally got some free time so how much better is it?,The system is ''better'' but the randoms you get make league look like a great community "The selling point is playing time, right? Hey man, this is cool right? I mean, yeah our o-line managed to get our shit together for the SEC championship game, but look all this other tape I have. We suck! You'd be starting right away! Isn't that cool? Also, look at these sick white helmets, our fans may hate 'em, but man do the players think they look slick. Also also, how do you feel about wearing all orange in every third game?",I get the slightest feeling you do not like Jim Mcelwain! Build Update Complete - any suggestions for improvements,Can you make it green instead. Yep. Glad it's not just me! Delete key is awful - it's as bad as the 'stop' button for an alarm. I don't know why Apple don't pick up on these things.,If you update to the latest iOS 10 (10.1.1) it comes with a proper sized button now You got it right. Dunno why people are still asking for him...,Likely good old TI1 nostalgia. "And you know what, Trump said that was 'great, really strong move' by Chinese Government.",I'm sure he did. "I've got #5 covered, I kill myself all the time.",But this hurts my stats on Overbuff and Masteroverwatch and I'm being called a scrub in game for killing myself. What song do you want played at your funeral?,Lazy Scouts. "Russia does all the same things you just listed, but we're supposed to be buddies with them. If that's the stance, then Trump should stop making out big sloppy kisses with Putin.",But Russia is white & a christian country so they are infalliable. Rip Racine o7,o7 Operation human shield.,Have you ever heard of the emancipation proclamation? Plot Twist! The new pokemon they are referring to is Ditto...,That drink is very Ditto-colored. So I fixed up Mistberg's Chica Model,Had to check Scott Games to confirm if this was a real character. Maybe make Ion's Laser Core push enemies back or slow them if they try to charge through the laser?,"All the other Titans can get executed from the front while using their Cores, so why should Ion be any different?" There's a guy that I play with sometimes that always brings his daughter. Idk how old she is but I want to say less than 10. He's a single dad so he either has to bring her along or not play. He just keeps her in a stroller and he keeps his discs in the little storage compartment underneath. She's super nice and well behaved so she's no bother. She even throws on some holes too. She's fun. I guess it really depends on the parent and the kid,What he's saying is: maybe your friend is a terrible parent. ITT: Robot finds the secret to happiness.,Westworld Finale Spoiler: [Murdering your creator] "he tried, congress denied.",Then don't make campaign promises you can't keep. "My PC I built in August won't stay asleep for some reason It's been doing this for a little while now. Any time I set it to sleep mode it'll go to sleep...then a few seconds later wake back up. It's annoying, but once I set it to sleep again it stays asleep usually. But starting just the day before last, it won't stay asleep no matter what. It keeps continuously waking up and I have to just shut it down for the night. It's Windows 8.1, and I built it myself so I don't have any bloatware that I know of. Anyone else have this problem? How do I fix it?",Ambien.exe America and canada are still the least racist countries in the least racist time in all of human history.,As an 'American' this shit is as far from the truth as possible. I'm pretty sure it was the most devastating loss in the 3 year existence of the franchise.,Tbh I'm really pleased for Seattle's fans that they got their NFL franchise back after they lost it after Super Bowl XL and then lost the Sonics in '08 lf2m for IBanner Username,"Hey, LIGERSMILK" Good idea. I reckon we could get Hillary down to around $200k per podcast?,"I mean, if that's what we are gonna offer..." Seriously how can anyone hate the Warriors. You must truly hate good basketball.,BECAUSE STEPH CHEWS HIS MOUTHPIECE 4 keys (5keys if certified) Dom GT,6 Key for certified. kobe shaking his head like remember when u used to be able to stat pad?,But Westbrook tho Godin blew me away with his innovative technique to defend lobbed through balls,This must be what the Russians were upset about. Putting a vague title for a post containing spoilers... but not including what game is being talked about?? Can we not do this?,"I'm fairly certain it is The Last of Us, however I don't get the reference either." Thanks friend!,(Y) This guy needs to be contacted If there is ever a campaign needed to dissuade kids from getting into STEM.,Might convince me to switch to gender studies right now! "Actually Mao told a Japanese minister that there was no need for such apologies, as without the Japanese invasion the national also would never have been weakened enough for the communists to win the following civil war.","Sure, because we should all be taking moral advice from the person who caused 45 million deaths and loads more suffering from the Cultural revolution during his reign of China." "She may have been, but I do know he cheated on her with (I think) his nurse",Oh well it's all even then. "A couple of my coworkers from NJ/NY were just talking about this, and they said Scottie's is the best so far. Apparently it's important that you can get a plain slice of pizza there (where they call it 'plain') for $2.","Ugh, plain" "I dunno man. She might also like guys who can cook. So get yourself 99 cook as well. With that 401k and the ability to cook dinner, you will be going through women",No point in getting a gf if you can cook yourself If you look closely you can see my dad's hummer.,I'd say this amount of karma was worth dumping it in there! I hunt for knee deep powder snow on 30 to 40 degree slopes. That is actually a pretty tough and expensive hobby.,Doesn't the snow begin to melt if it vets above 32 degrees? Could Amazon GO be coming to Australia?,"A technology that enables the two biggest companies in Australia to sell their products with nearly no staff, I don't think they would want that" "TheLegend27 is a meme, much like CrazyShitfire in a tank ;)",Tank HA "Pentagon Buried Study That Could Have Saved $125 Billion By Cutting Waste in bureaucracy, bad contract deals, and mismanagement. Govt execs tried to keep from public view, I do not want this spilling over into further public discourse",They probably use those studies to save the money internally.. Easy way to funnel 125 billion into black projects with the money being accountable. Was that a bird walking around during the celebration?!?!,"No, that was Otamendi" Did the candidate lose?,One can only assume. "One thing that bothers me about Paladins and its Champions. Have you guys ever felt like the characters and the world of Paladins has too much of their own personalities and, most of the time, they don't seem to mix well togheter? When I first heard the name Paladins, what I had in my was this medieval world where people battle using knights, magic and whatnot, but the game is set on a totally different reality. You have people using high technology powered by magical crystals, then you have people that haven't decided what they want to be... Have you guys taken a look at Skye? Like... she's an ELF, that uses technology to be hidden and pretend to be a JAPANESE NINJA? What about Grohk? He's an OGRE but, at the same time, a NATIVE AMERICAN? It feels like Grohk heard about World of Warcraft and went too literal on the Shaman look. He's blue, he's a native american and he uses a staff powered by crystals. Fernando, Bomb King, Cassie, Barik and Drogoz seem to be from the same Medieval Characters with magical hi-tech weapons pack, but at some point in development, they forgot about it and said Fuck it, we will have japanese elves, russian soldiers and that tree from the other game. - Oh shit, he doesn't have a weapon? Er... give him... an axe? You throw them, but he gets another one out of somewhere. Not to mention the characters are homeless. Why are the some many inca temples in the game? Why does Androxus is trying to destroy Buzz Lighthyear? Why does Sha Lin's bow deal more damage than Kinessa's fucking sniper rifle? Is it because he's asian? I think characters and the world itself has too much of their own and they hardly share characteristic with each other. If you look at TF2, they are all soldiers, fighting. On Street Fighters, they are all martial artists, humanoids and differentiate themselves by their nationality and culture. Paladins is a fat kid with a Naruto bandana on it's head and earphones pumping country songs.","Wait, Buck Lightyear and Androxus are enemies?" Because it is cliche to the absolute max,"most ppl love cliche stuff, its why it became popular xD" "That was NiP, I think. NRG was the first to win with it.",More like the other way around. "No, thats not even in the same year..",Yeah because the timing was off I'm not a pathological liar.,"Guys, I found the pathological liar." Where are you at the moment?,The sofa. "Tons of murderers took photos of their victims. Off the top of my head, Ted Bundy, Bob Berdella, Jeffery Dahmer, Rodney Alcala, Dennis Rader, Dean Corll. There's no evidence whatsoever to connect Zodiac to the crime, and in fact, it isn't definitively proven the girl in the photograph is Calico.","If you don't realize that the zodiac is a timelord as well as the only person that has committed ALL the crime in the last 47 years, then you just don't know your history!" Just had to throw it out there didnt you.,Still not as bad as this one Time I sneezed but I farted and cried because I shit my pants in my Lamborghini Trump doesn't have charisma. He just spouts ridiculous bullshit and idiots lap it up.,**WRONG** Somewhat ironic that Braunau of all places voted VDB.,Because of VdB posting with a dog in the Alps! Any armor that looks similar to this?,Rogue current tier/pvp set Down to Cardinals and Blue Jays bidding for Fowler,So we'll be out but by the Jays then learning through fun.,Practical nahi ho paata hai lekin kabhi to fayda kya. Klay Thompson 60 Points vs Indiana Pacers- Full Highlights (12/5/16),And you guys laughed at Barkley when he said Klay was the 2nd best player in the league But you're a Koch brother puppet! No I'm not you're bussed in by Soros! Divide and conquer,"You make too much sense, you must be CTR." "Tbf, a lot of that land is uninhabitable.",Adelaide isn't that bad! "If you could pick one artist to return this year (two years in a row), who would it be? My vote is Anderson .Paak, dudes performance was lit",Underworld because I had to skip them last year. If I ever come up against him I'll play him hard until eightieth minute then let him win,then send him abusive messages about scripting! Angela Merkel calls for a BURKA BAN and says 'the full veil is not appropriate here',This sounds like an effective solution! Jill Stein has never been involved with anything more weighty than a city council seat. You might as well write in your garbage mans name on that reasoning.,"Thanks for the insult, you changed my mind!" "Just curious, do you think that AF1 is expensive for no reason?",They could always remove the countermeasure system to save costs I wonder what we are brainwashed to think is a good thing that isn't.,Freedom. Who cares what was said? Do you go around hitting people who say things you don't like?,But if he said the N word he's guilty of death My smoke spot tonight,"Why don't you stop all this fucking vaping shit and smoke a joint like a real fucking man, cocksucka" And what about all those single parents who did vote?,"Should've voted more than once, like all the people Trump said did vote multiple times" Who the hell is Bill Trinen?!,You may also recognize him from the recent Breath of the Wild gameplay from the Game Awards I don't get the LISP one?,Clearly you've not used lisp Is bumping your opponent bm? I am pretty new to rocket league and was recently trying out ranked 1's. I had several opponents who kept saying things like 'stop bumping!' 'the only way you can win is to bump me' etc etc.. So is it considered bm? Or just salty opponents?,If you watched any of the rlcs games you would see that bumping and demos are legitimate strategies although it can be aggravating. Luck or Stafford? Leaning toward Stafford because both have pretty solid matchups and Luck has that lingering injury crap. Appreciate any advice.,"I'd say they are both even in their matchups, but since Stafford has out performed Luck points wise, I'd go with Stafford." "I was a skeptic, but the Chuck Taylor II's won me over.","Those are clean, but I wish they would release these in the OG white/red and black/white colorways." "Thanks, glad you like it!",What did you use to make it? Post your 3 most mastered champions and let others describe you. Thought it was fun last time it occurred.,Jhin Kha'zix and Graves "Early Morning Rant: I Told You So Edition I've been telling my liberal friends for close to a year that it was going to happen. I'm one of the only dissenting views on my mostly liberal Facebook feed. Everyone called me crazy. They called me a troll. They called me a bigot. They linked 538. They cited Salon. They refused to realize that 99% of the country doesn't give a shit about identity politics. Well who's laughing now you regressive sheep. I told you so. I. Told. You. So. The reaction from the left is fucking amazing, and I'm sure conservatives are celebrating privately. Instead of owning up to their failure to create a viable message, they fall back on their blame game, identity politics bullshit. I was graceful for the first few weeks, but now I'm done. You lost. We won. We have a mandate. Keep focusing on putting dudes in girls bathrooms while the grown ups get the real work done. I. Told. You. So.",Yes sir. Fuze is high right now because of his buff and the challenge. I don't think it will last long though. He'll go back to his normal pick rate soon enough.,"Yes, to the benefit of many hostages" Sending the new guy minesweeping,I'm so glad to see that the trust and loyalty of your subordinates is not something you take lightly. "I can't think of a mod which wasn't possible in 32bit. However, you will be able to use more mods together without running into problems. For instance, if you spawn 200 NPCs in Vanilla non-modded Oldrim (and without any memory patch/fix), it would crash. Vanilla unmodded SSE can handle that easily. For me personally, though, I'm really interested what can be achieved with SKSE64. But until it gets an update, I'll probably stick to Oldrim.",something something make all the cities open something something worldspace spanning battles "Finally! Thank you. Most people really don't know this, and think that countries are being too sensitive. Burqas are just plain oppressive, and should not exist in modern democratic states.",But what if the girl wants to be a slave! "The MSM will ignore, say $50B isn't that much, say Obama did it, or pretend that it was going to happen anyway.","Obviously, it happened while Obama was still president, so he should get all the credit!" I hope the map will be renamed to Kings Snow ^^I'm ^^sorry,DAKINGINDANORF As an aviator it enrages me to see the rudder wagging the way it does and the plane having practically zero reaction to it.,it's only game. The rest of my team needed to go 52-93 lol. They didn't do it..,"Wait, but it was a close game, and that's all that matters, right?" Time Urges 65 Million Americans Who Voted For Hillary Not To Pay Taxes,More responsible journalism. Exactly what a terrorist would say...,Damn foiled again! nominated for most delusional member,How did you know that's what I nominated you for? What if you are rugged and masculine but aren't stupid enough to fall for nationalist propaganda?,Then you aren't rugged and masculine ;) I present my Ram Wreath,Forgotten Memories :( But ur mom saw me coming,That was a cum shot. Official Teaser of a Skin,pale skin skin for Gengi and Reaper confirmed? What would you prefer it be titled?,Clinton says xyz in FBI interview and then a few words on the implications on what she said. Best way to kill a rorqual? Drop on it with rorquals,Racial purity "Gears of War 4 Title Update arrives, balancing Horde and bringing new maps.Adds Vertical Campaign Split Screen",But... But... Microsoft doesn't care about PC gamers and muh Steam. I would go for gtx 960,that might work if i can save a bit more. Fiesta bowl playoff game tickets are down to $59,OU would have traveled better than that because we are conference champs. She makes a lot of bold claims for someone who shows us a video of a ROUND earth; jeez who does she think she's fooling?,Such a nasty woman. Don't Ask Me How These Pugs Got Here...,They have died of Dysentary It's on Virtual Console for the WiiU.,That doesn't help me haha. "I don't no Saudi Arabia's defense needs, but I would believe the implication is that they are taking those weapons and feeding them to non-state groups. This seems to mean they are funneling weapons to terrorist groups.",Lol fake news "Let's see the contortions they employ to somehow paint this as Labor's fault, even though they haven't been in power for 3.5 years.",Its obviously because Labor delayed the ABCC & backpacker tax "Guy Calls Restaurant, Employee Freaks Out",Should have interrogated the bus boy. "I want to remind you all to go watch the best Holiday film, tis the season!",Iron Man 3 is the best holiday season CBM! 2017 is shaping up to be a big year for gaming. Made this gif to keep track...,"What, no Madden 18?" He needs that bin to cart around his massive testicles.,Seeing this in every thread someone does something brave makes me wanna puke at how unoriginal people are. If you want to know where I am you can ask. If you don't I don't want you to know period. It's really not complicated. There isn't and never will be anybody I would want to have the ability to know where I am without explicitly asking me. It's not and never will be their business.,What if you're out at a party and you leave with someone. Please allow bridges like the one if this picture to be upgraded to be more visually appealing in the 1.1 update,"Probably going to be a mod for that in no time, but don't think that extra bridges are easy, the way they work means that adding new types of bridges is actually a lot of work on CA's part." "i might have norden, i have to check, if so would you do 18, norden and crystal?",Was looking to get more than that for it Pupils who get 20% in maths to be passed - HeraldLIVE,*plays funeral march for this country* Your argument is cookie cutter and could be used for literally anything. Just replace gender dysphoria with current topic,"Any argument verified by medical science, yes." The real comments are always in the comments,Maybe because comments can't be in the post? Violent delights have violent ends.,By most mechanical and dirty hand... How blazed are you on a scale of maokai to ivern,yes What a misleading marketing graph. An 8% gain more than doubles from 100%?,They just forgot to label the exponential y-scale. I really didn't think that would work,Really nice redirect! You have to flog the dolphin before a big date. If not it's like going out with a loaded gun,"Also effective in the case where you know you are getting lucky and want to last longer; works a hell of a lot better at 25 than it does it 55, though." I understand those people. I'm a gamer but this esports thing is still pretty stupid imo.,It's not any more stupid than most things people do for entertainment. Yeah but my dick looks really nice. So i don't see the issue.,You dropped this Our culture has turned into every man for himself.,Fuck you got mine has been a thing since before I was born. TIL Living next to a nuclear plant for 1 year gives you 100 times less radiation than eating a bag of potato chips every day for 1 year,Eating four bags of potato chips gives you more radiation than living next to a nuclear plant for a year? Gym flying into the sun,Solgaleo Easter egg confirmed. "weird how prayer can stop thinks from getting worse, but not actually prevent the thing happening in the first place.",God made the sink hole as a test. It really drives home how much the American people hate her. Faced with a candidate as terrible as Trump they STILL couldn't bring themselves to vote for Hillary!,That's because literally all the millions of people who didn't vote for her are idiots and racists. Well I work for a multinational corporation that supports it because it helps them cut costs and increase their customer base. It should be good for my career.,How does it help them cut costs? "Thanks Friend! I didn't know. When I saw this one doing the happy paws, I realized he was probably purring. Until today I thought only small cats purr.","Btw, if you look up a video of a cougar purring, it sounds like distant chainsaws." "Great, reddit playark is now...",Great more spam of complaining. Clinton to throw thank-you party for millionaire donors,No such thing as corruption in America "No.. did you become a parent on your first time? That sucks! Unless, that's what you wanted of course..",I think it's a grandmas boy movie reference. What about male-male rape?,That's toxic masculinity. I almost couldn't contain myself,I am always out of grenades in such situations too. fwd: you sure are,Because that's a completely fair and balanced portrayal of the refugee population. Colorado dumps caucuses in favor of primaries,I think you mean the (((ESTABLISHMENT))) has RIGGED the system! "I refuse to vote for Hillary because she sounds and looks like shit. --Bernout on my facebook feed. You can't make this shit up, folks.",Not sexist at all! What does that have to do with this?,He probably means that slavery =/= racism "Ya but Mongolian spots are mostly non whites, duh",Freckles - the mark of Cain? 252 LEFT,This will sell out. So what's worse? Sleeping when your're not supposed to or repeatedly lying to your Sergeant after getting caught?,the latter 100 percent Doctors in Denmark want to ban circumcision for under-18s,Boo hoo hoo how can you so racist and not let people deform the genitalia of children? You want to value a human life by the stats he put up?,"Nah, we measure it by net worth" What is this?,A lie? Tell me where the water for the ice came from? Natural springs? What about the fluoride if it came from tap?,Pshht....yeah enjoy your slow death from fluoride poisoning. you getting -30 for this comment reminds me why i hate reddit,"I know, people voicing their opinion on something via the voting system is an actual travesty." I also wanted to be a garbage man at 4,"Because career choice is exactly like gender identity, right?" "Not gonna lie, have used this, it's wildly over rated.",Can't imagine.. Proof he was an addict?,"He was gunned down in the street, only an addict would get gunned down in the street like that!" Creative V5 in Alaska's new rock gym,Looks like a fun problem And we get another fucking rental in return,"Oh no, another World Series contending team, how will we ever recover" "Weird, the only program I could find is in Hawaii boss",I remember six months or so ago seeing one of the big training firms (CBT maybe) offering a 3-4 day Caribbean technical learning cruise. When she ask what my tongue game looks like,It had to be brown... And he's tackled at the 2 yard line game over,That's the Titans Super Bowl story line bro... Need to be more original "Gorn. I like the word, it gives me confidence. Nice and woody.","here's a lil fun fact for you:Gorn is a genre of porn that mix gore and porn together,mostly in asian hentai/manga,like mai-chan's daily life where the protag is an immortal girl who people do the worst kind of stuff to her like impregnating her then taking the child right out of her putting him in a weird dress then smashing the child then jizz all over it ,hope you enjoyed this fun fact friends!" Yup. And they have the cheek to tell us the new mode is FREE in big capital letters,Bruh other people are paying for your rumble update with keys and you are still mad why? I guess that's comforting to those still being raped.,Well they should feel better that the church's culture no longer condones the behavior as much as they used to right Suggestion is good. The ideas good. EVERYTHING IS GOOD,does that mean my shitposts and mspaint comics are too? Cory in the white house is my favorite anime,lazy town beats it That frame rate,that explains why he was playing mercy "TIL Netflix was forced to add subtitles to all their releases after the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) filed suit against them, citing their lack of closed captioning for streaming video as a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act .",Look out YouTube... "Cospris will is far better than consuming dark/apeps rage. Consuming dark poisons off of chaos damage while Cospris will is far more effective thanks to phys/chaos both contributing to poison, not to mention you could use vulnterability+temp chains as damage/defense. This works well as an occultist along with -20%chaos res. Also, Vaal Pact isn't a great with poison builds like this because you're not scaling the initial hit hard enough to benefit off of instant leech to leech as much as your hp every second. Cospris will matches Shavs in terms of damage actually, as poison is 1 support gem and that roughly translates to 30% more damage (better than PA because you can actually double dip this extra SUPPORT gem) - downside being you have an EVA chest",Coloring cospri 5xb is pretty much a non-starter STOP TALKING LIKE THAT,Ayyy fam lmao xd cuz "Nah, the main one is Washington.","But they don't have a trophy for that game, I thought that's what made a game a rivalry" "Francis Model for SFM (W.I.P.) Also, information about the Children SFM Movie in comments later.",Child porn! "Tom Ford believes all men should be penetrated by another man at some point in their lives, to help them understand women","The moron doesn't even understand human anatomy, physiology, sexuality, psychology... Apart from that he has a point." "Apparently! How were you guys reading it? Full disclosure, I wasn't sober when I wrote it.","It read like you were saying that the comic was self-deprecating, like the OP understood that he really did change and that it wasn't her fault." "I work with a staffing company recruiting Physical, Speech, and Occupational Therapists.",You don't have to answer if you don't want to but as a PT in school right now is there anything you'd recommend a future PT putting on their linkedin profile that makes it more attractive? Anubis t5,"I mean, it's not like you can change your camera angle or anything"