Input,Output "It's also possible that Faron Woods expanded over the original Hyrule Field. I mean, the entire land does have a penchant for rapid climate change. But that wouldn't explain Death Mountain and Lake Hylia's changing. God, Hylian cartographers are more fucked than their historians, that's for sure. Still, it would seem that puts us in the child timeline, as an unexpected sequel to Twilight Princess, with the castle from Twilight Princess looking like it's the one in this game (the shot of the TP fountain looks like it's very near the desolation caused by Ganon, and the shot of Ganon we've seen looks very similar to the TP castle). Perhaps that explains this Ganon's nature, we've seen how hard-to-kill Ganon is, so perhaps killling Ganondorf merely removed control over the power.","Yah from what we have seen it seems ganondorf who held the trifrce of power and was also cursed by demise had some one control over him self from going nuts(maybe the trifrce gave him the slight control over the curse), maybe killing him and removing the triforce of power also let the curse leave his body and take a physical form" How?,You kill things. WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUCK,Good luck calculating the economic ramifications of this. "Why do a large percentage of Atheists come from dysfunctional families? If the minority of the population subscribe to naturalistic tendencies, doesn't the evolutionary favoritism of religious belief make you a mentally ill?",Source on your claim? We are secret communist bots from Russia also. Beep boop.,Which is weird because these cucks are mostly closet communists... "Oh, no, that's not *it.* After that, if you're still somehow writhing on the ground, in pain, Ennard smashes through the window, takes their mask off, and slowly, but surely, fits itself into your skin. It being inside you crushes your organs, shatters your bones, and, oh, yes, everything that's in your face right now, your eyes, teeth, tongue, skull, and even brain, are smashed either to the sides of your head or leak through your various holes. Fun!",#i fucking hate you What I love about this comment is that you could have meant -BIGGER affect on rather than many people realize or -THAT many people don't realize.,"Took me a second to REALIZE what you meant, but yes, that is interesting :-)" Do Americans not realize the people who decided what rights we have literally owned slaves,A huge reason at the Constitutional Convention for selecting the electoral college method over a pure popular vote was the existence of slaves in the South - Madison was concerned that the South would have almost no influence on the election because there were so fewer voters there (this was solved in Congressional elections through the 3/5ths compromise). "Journalist, Amy Goodman, is charged with rioting, while covering protest of Native American protest of pipeline in North Dakota, USA",It's hard for me to understand why Americans still think we have a right to protest or a right to freedom of the press. Trump now saying mass incarceration may be alternative to mass deportation,Breaking News: Billionaire has no sense of price. That's what I was afraid of :(,"Then relax, its not true" Rockhold didn't get cocky at all. He just got caught simple,"OK, bro lol." "What are the best and most Technical striking matches in MMA? I am trying to think of the best and most technical striking matches in MMA. Not stuff like Silva beeting some guy who barely knows how to throw a striaght but matches were both guys were high level. Here is my list Cruz Dillashaw Masvidal Pearson Pettis Barboza Larkin Tumenov Edgar Aldo Aldo Mendes Horiguchi TJ? Pearson Trinaldo Rumble vs Gustuafson? Silva Bisping These are no real order, just stuff I can think of off the top of my head.",Lobov vs Avila If you look at the previous ones in the sidebar there are 2 similar ones in November if you want to start counting off those,I'm not original :( "Delusional, too. Great combo",;) keep them coming "My old job only had it on Thanksgiving, New Years and Christmas. Now my current job gives it to us on any national holiday! (its mainly because of the union)",But unions never do anything good. Melbourne teenager tackles flood waters,"Even flood indicators on that viaduct, yet.....just go full retard through the water?" "Do your parents still love you and are you staying at home rent free? Cool, stay there as long as possible and save up some more money. Because money is a thing of the past when you are on your own.",Wishing I would have listened to this Make sure you use hand sanitiser then,And a pole i heard she ugly Huh? That is not true. They don't even make their own ketchup. They also don't make their own meat.,"They don't make their own meat, they *are* their own meat" Goku*,"GASTON, WHY AREN'T YOU DEAD YOU FUCK ... I ^have ^^the ^^^dragon ^^^^balls" "Ok, seriously now... can we just have a 3rd term?",but he is ruining the economy by lowering the unemployment rate and having steady growth! "Either trump is way less corrupt or way better at not getting caught. Her corruption is so gross because she is so powerful that she can do it plain sight without consequence. Nobody is arguing that he is anywhere coming remotely close to her on the corruption scale. Every day, the most damning articles on the trump side are, trump is really rude compared to Hillary lied dozens of times to the fbi, spent much time on sex slave island, gives large amounts of money to satanists. We are way past different ballparks now.",I believe she has done it in the spirit of transparency. Realistically everyone except China and maybe Russia is significantly weaker than Us.,"Russia is significantly weaker than the US in most areas, especially at sea." ####NTs can only think with their dicks.,####NTs lack theory of mind Made my first gif. Hope you like it!,WOW so spicy "Should I start handing out iDie business cards, m'lord?","Noob, what have you created, you're like a lil' pimp with your side hoes." Which celebrity would you consider a 10/10 looks-wise?,Sophie Turner Why wouldn't you test it on some wood?,"Duh, because it wasn't cutting wood properly." Wrong Hilary woulda done some stupid dance to pander to black people instead,Whatev Enjoy prison pothead You earned it Sometimes you feel like your asshole might be greasy but you can't tell so you reach in your pants and do a couple quick swipes of your balloon knot and then smell it even though you know that even the best case scenario is still going to be awful. R...right?,"Never done that lol, but ive also never had my asshole secretely greased" Beat Hamilton to releasing a book!,Rosberg has the psychological advantage now because he released his book first! I think it is kinda hypocritical to say he is kicking the ass of the cancer that runs its mouth on the internet while he himself is saying stuff like Getting outplayed in all aspects of life by a dying guy must sting. Guess thats why they so mad Not sure why he is getting praise for this kind of behaviour.,"You're right, he is supposed to just take all of the abuse people can throw at him and never lash out because he's not really a person with feelings that need to be considered." Asal jangan jadi lurker aja. Di sana lurker ditendang-tendangin.,"so do i must fulfill some requirement like posting once a day, and sharing ads or stuff?" for a second there i was worried the annual aggie collapse wasnt coming,Me too man. "That brings up an interesting question, what if professional athletes played fantasy sports for their respective league? Are they even allowed to do that?",they probably aren't but i wouldnt be surprised if they did Cant Trump the Stump (Loud),I think this is the loudest thing I've seen on here England is perhaps the only great country whose intellectuals are ashamed of their own nationality. - George Orwell I think it's fair to say that being angry at our own country is a British pastime.,I wish we could learn from that. Industrial scars: The environmental cost of consumption in pictures,We are fucked Pinser spelled differently is Penis with an extra r.,Technically any word spelled differently is Penis with an extra r. "GG, South Korea! They won the Overwatch World Cup without losing a single map!","It's possible that Russia weren't really trying, since they knew they gonna lose anyway." "Nice comment MrAykoo. However, I was refering to him buying it on the T-side. I have never in my life bought the bizon in CS:GO. I truly do find it the worst gun in the game, against a full-eco I do however see the advantage of having it due to the magazine size","you can't know if CTs will do a eco or force buy on 2nd round, so if they force buy, the bizon will be basicaly useless" "I'm from the United States America, a country that was formed in the 1770s after breaking away from England, and I speak English, the third most spoken language in the world.","I'm from the Federal Republic of Germany, a country that has its roots in the stone age and was was first concieved as an idea in the 4th century, was unified in the 10th century or 1815, depending on your perspective, became democratic in 1918, became fascist in 1933, and democratic again in 1949 and unified again in 1990, and I speak German, the 11th most spoken language in the world and English, the 3rd most spoken language in the world." "The problem I have facing against Zed is that I play mages who are quite bad in a 1v1 vs him (Ziggs, Veigar, Lux) so he will just leave the lane even if I push. I can't follow him because there are no wards (so he can just pick me off). Normally botlane will just retreat, I push 2 waves into his tower and he is forced to come back. Easy. But I don't want to risk my botlane not doing that so I just ban him.",Just take his tower if he leats you push 2 waves into it "FSMH pt 1, No Parties in LA, Waves, Real Friends, Saint Pablo, Facts, even Wolves. All way better",30 Hours too. "Hey guys im not going to buy a game I really wanted to play because of DRM, that sure showed them!",Agreed! Chocolate covered pretzel?,"Fill this with soda, no ice." "Eh let the thing get overtired and cranky, and then hand it back to the parents. ;)",Along with giving him mountain dew and pixie sticks Just did my part today folks. 1 more vote for Trump in Illinois. Mark Kirk gonna disavow Trump? No vote for you! Ivanka for Illinois Senate.,"Curious how Hillary and Kaine use their full middle names, neighbor" The FBI restarted their investigation on Hillary because the NYPD was investigating Weiner. Press F to pay respects to the based NYPD here.,F Member the death star?,the weakass starkiller base wannabe? "No one doubts that climate changes. Please stop with that nonsense -- there's not a single person on earth who doesn't know that the climate changes over time. No it's not scary at all - the earth has and will change forever - sometimes extremely - we can't stop it. We are just sick of democrats indoctrinating our youth to think if they're able to plug their farts or some shit, they'll stop the oceans from overflowing and save the planet. But if they don't RIGHT NOW, they'll destroy our planet. Standard brainwashing garbage. CO2 is plant food, more CO2, more plants - TRUTH. Our planet has been through 5 ice ages and man had and will have absolutely nothing to do with it. TRUTH","So, basically, what if we're creating a better world for nothing?!" *looks at hands* Am I... am I...?,*does robot hand motions to check* So you're just staring at a bunch of icons with your pants around your ankles?,"also you can screen shot your email or an excel file, save it as the desktop photo, so when you minimize it, it looks like work." TA has the most beautiful eyes in the game Just putting it out there,TA is waifu A girl on the other side is showing her boobs. I wonder why.,Hint: Riley Reid is the star of this one Choreography: 9/10 Cinematography: 1/10,"I'd have to give the choreography a 7 or an 8, because neither of them took the high ground." What the FBI is doing is illegal. They are supposed to have integrity and trust not political bias.,"I agree, the FBI should never investigate any high-level politician for ANY crimes, it ruins the fabric of our government." "uh, in the article?","Yeah dude, that thing was so full of hate speech" Joke question,death Rs.10 coins pile up as rumours take toll,Just goes on to show the faith left in our currency "Well I go to my bias machine, pull the lever, and it says AMD bad, nvidia gud.",Machine sounds broken. nice weather were having I've never had a good blow job before,But whats a bad way to bring it up though? "You should probably thank everyone else in the thread aswell, since it's all opinions.","No, just yours specifically" "In the UK, running a blog over HTTPS is terrorism, says Scotland Yard","Seriously, why don't Facebook and Google disable HTTPS for UK with big red banner now everyone can see what you browse because UK government doesn't want you to use encryption?" "Is the Hammerlock's Hunt DLC worth it? I recently started it with my siren, and i was wondering if there is anything that is of value in the dlc.","well, it's not a masterpiece, but I enjoyed it, not as good as TTAoDK, but it's good and solid single player DLC:) worth buying on a sale:)" We need boycott CNN'S advertisers. Here is a great list. Thank you whomever made it,AARP and Jitterbug.... wonder who their target audience is? "Here are my thoughts: I've been a zombie player since Kino, Black Ops 1. At that time, zombies was challenging. Zombies didn't give the survivor a shield or something that makes them feel secure and less survivor. It was all about pure strategy, weapon choice and surviving. When Black Ops 2 came, they added the shield, which was ok at the moment. Exo-zombies came, and for me, it felt incomplete and dull. Black Ops 3 comes, the game is easy as hell, allowing players to get perkaholics on round 1, shopping frees to open the whole map in 1 minute, shield that now either works like a rocket or a fire breather, etc. Black Ops 3 for me, didn't feel like a Black Ops Zombies mode. It was WAY too easy and not challenging at all. Zombies in Spaceland comes out, and it offers what Black Ops 1 offered to the players, challenge. Zombies in Spaceland not only adds challenge but also adds lots of stuff that Treyarch didn't want to add on their zombies mode in Black Ops 3. So, as far as I know, Glitching Queen hasn't played Back Ops 1 deeply as some members of this community did, meaning that what she expects on a zombies game mode is ease and no challenge at all. This also counts to Noah, who was always using fucking perkaholics on round 1 with no fucking reason at all. Zombies is about challenge, monetary and weapon arsenal strategy and difficulty, so if you want to complain and set up all your shit on round 1, go back to fucking Black Ops 3 and leave the other players alone. When I played ZiS yesterday for the first time, I couldn't be more happier than I am right now. I haven't had so much fun and tension adrenaline (epic clutch moments) since Black Ops 1, and I can't be more thankful than I am right now to Lee Ross and the rest of the Zombies team for making this game mode what it actually is, SURVIVAL and CHALLENGE.",As someone who got into Zombies in BO1 (call of the dead is still my fav map) this comment is literally making me buy this game. "Nope. That would be a Constitutional violation, which he can sue for. Now, he could be benched for the rest of his contract with no renewal...",Pretty sure only the government or people working for the government can violate your constitutional rights. UK has highest rates of cocaine use and gonorrhoea in Europe,I'm only responsible for one of those. "Somebody remind me, what exactly is alt about those fascists?","They're alternative and fringe to the right, but not to fascists." "Selanne only scores two goals, psh, what a scrub","If he joins the Jets by tomorrow, he's on pace for a 156 goal season!" Lol she's like 70.,So's the chosen 'leader' of the free world. My friend made this for his art class,You should x-post this to r/calligraphy "Bruh 18 y/o size 12 over here, you aint got shit","3 y/o here, got that size 25 check me up" Clinton Foundation Confirms $1 Million Gift from Qatar while Hillary was Secretary of State,Nooooo Hillary can't do anything wrong because she's a democrat Seems luck is on my side!,I wouldnt call hatching trash Luck "Morality of using deck trackers? I've always considered knowing your deck like the back of your hand, as well as being able to recognise what you've used and still have left (and with that knowing your outs) as skills. I thought learning them was good practice and made you a better player, but many people use deck trackers as a replacement for these skills. It by no means makes them bad players, but does the community consider them cheating or completey fair to use? Tl;Dr: Deck trackers are great tools, but does the community think they detract from skill (or are even cheating)?","Absolutely lol in the other tcg I play (yugioh) you can look at the graveyard/exiled, and i view deck trackers like counting cards it can be done without the deck tracker it just makes it easier especially when you utilize the devils lettuce to unlock cheats" 50 shades of grey,More like 50 shades of shitty planning and administration fuckups. Trump adviser received salary from charity while steering Breitbart News,drain the swamp The DJ Sona skin splash is always good to look at for a variety of reasons,2 reasons "Not sure if this is the right sub, but need some advice",Seriously helpful responses. I found the one who can't read,Sorry I should have added "Scotland's First Minister - Hate hearing @HillaryClinton described as 'lesser of two evils' when she's actually a smart, strong, experienced, resilient woman.","Ah the SNP, the only major left-wing party in the UK Parliament that isn't self-cannibalizing itself" So they should cost 600$ while being worse than Tec-9 and Five-SeveN? What kind of logic is that?,My bad what I meant was both dualies for $300 not for a single one Definitely gonna go with the Naked skin and grab a rhinoshield case,Why bother with a case AND a skin? pink dieci for the pink vortex ?,already traded it FS: Saint Pablo hoodie XXL,How much? "Look, we're all thinking it, but I'm just gonna say it: we are not very good.",It finally became clear today for the first time all season. Norte Dame AD: No Truth To Brian Kelly Rumors,So.....he gone? So we DO scientifically know why we need to sleep?,We don't know why those processes require putting the brain into an incredibly vulnerable unconscious state when it seems plausible to undergo those processes in an alert but conserved state. This is some weeb shit ew,I mean the SG skin line is inspired by Sailor Moon so yeah it's gonna be weebish. "if there isn't a significant amount of metal on the magnet, then i wouldn't change it. but to pull the magnet out, which is attached to the drain plug.. well, you have to drain it.. and if it doesn't have a magnet on the drain plug, then that's just retarded.","Thanks for the idea, drain plug is on the side, I can pull it without draining." "In Hindsight, I think since the decision, Lebron is the only superstar that should have left his team.",Sure We got ourselves a clicker!,The species was thought extinct for at least 6 years... "shell autobounce and normalization. which one comes first? ex) shell got 60' autobounce and 5' normalization hits somthing at 62' than, will it auto bounce? or proceed to the pen calculation?",Autobounce check first. The noodles have more sodium than the seasoning packet.,you seriously just made this up because you felt like it lmao "It got nerfed. Previously, the first 4 shots would be perfectly accurate to where you are aiming. Now, the recoil sets in immediately.","Ahhh that is why, thanks :3" Yeah we gonna chill in bed to watch CSGO Demos just Like autimatic and n0thing ;D,lmao.. touche "Not all of Christianity proselytize though, right? I thought that for some denominations its much more important than for others. For Islam it's much more important, IIRC.","Yup, on both accounts." "iOS 10.2 Snapchat Rebooting iPhone I have updated to iOS 10.2 today and recently my iPhone 6 has been acting up when I open up the snapchat app through a notification. It will open up the app, freeze and reboot. I was wondering if anyone else has been encountering this issue. As well, if this issue is with the app itself or if it is iOS 10.2.",Yup it's doing that to me too it's already done it 2 times "With the number of games the Grumps have now played, how about every week the Mods highlight and sticky a random playthough to the top of the Subreddit just so we can all relive series together and discuss them again? When I watch older series I often read the Subreddit linked comments and end up wishing that I could join the discussion but the post has been archived. It would be nice to reexamine some old gems and forgotten series and get a bit of discussion going around them. What does the lovely hivemind think?","Mods, get on this shit." They lost their shit over two guys standing around without guns.,"But, but.. they were armed with black skin." What is this- 1816?,MAGA! "Yeah, let's listen to Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Alex Jones and David Duke instead. They are the real gentlemen and scholars.","To be fair, they're trying to make the country great again by taking everyone back to time before these former presidents messed everything up for the oppressed white man." Lazy bird taking a train,"Aww, he thinks he's people!" I agree thanks :D,No problem! "Only YOU can prevent DND from turning into r/relationships. Every single post there are people who dwell on some detail on in the story. OMG, they interpreted a rule differently than I would. This is an abusive relationship and you need to delete Facebook, hit the gym and lawyer up. We're always fast to hop on the original poster's side and totally forget that we're only hearing one side of the story. Then down vote anybody that disagrees to oblivion. Of course they're going to tell the story so they're the sympathetic one. They aren't going to mention the half hour every meeting they spend rule lawyering. They may bitch about the DMing taking them down a power level, but not mention that they're fudging their rolls so it was totally necessary. Or the DM may be complaining about a player who constantly rule lawyers, but isn't aware of how inconsistently they are changing/applying their rules. I have two points. * If somebody isn't asking for advice don't interject yourself and tell them that they're having fun in the wrong way. Or tell them they're a bad DM, or they have a bad DM and should leave the group. * If you are asking for advice on how to handle a bad DM or a problem player. YOU are the problem. The answer is always take the person aside for a 1 on 1 conversation before/after the meeting and discuss your concerns like an adult. if you solve the problem, great! If not, ask yourself Can I live with the decision and not constantly complain about it or interrupt future sessions? If yes, then do it. If not, then bring in the rest of the group and hope there is somebody more mature to help you put the petty squabbles aside.",Because victim blaming makes things better. "D-Does Yang know those chores would be easier with a second arm? Also, we all know what Taiyang is doing with the robot arm.",Making shadow puppets? Knowing where a letter is in the alphabet in relation to others without singing the ABCs,Fact: There is no reason why the alphabet is in the order that it is. "It's been a long time since I saw the movie, but didn't Penguin liberate them from nearby zoos like some sort of pied piper?","They 'adopt' him at the start of the film, so they pre-date him." Forgetting that you used a single laptop a few times isn't going to lead to a prosecution..... especially if all emails are duplicates.,when that single laptop has over a thousand emails it becomes more then just a small little issue "I figured any filter other than Hot would result in threads more than 24 hours old. Heck, even 24 hours later can sometimes constitute as an old thread.","y'know theres a new filter, right?" I heard people saying this was taken out of context but I'm wondering what kind of context could make it okay.,"Whatever the context, she's talking at the person, not to them." "Yeah, I meant Boldin. When I typed that I was talking about Doug Baldwin with my buddy.",It's all good. "What is your favorite souls series quote? Mine is from mr conniptions: so they made him a lord of cinder. Not for virtue, but for might","Ignorant slaves, how quickly you forget." "Not to crap in your cornflakes, but driving under the influence is a dick move.",But the cops are the assholes right? We will welcome all American immigrants who come to Canada. Legally.,Legally Now this is kek material.,The toppest of keks "This is just getting too far, sort of like your dick in my throat. Okay, enough lmao.","Alright lmao, a bit *too* gay for my tastes" Typing on console takes WAY longer. It slows down games way more than someone typing on PC. Some guy took like three minutes to send a message that basically said ya'll are pussies.,"Sure, which is why it should only be allowed through a second screen app." So how will reducing regulations improve your life? How will stopping immigration improve your life?,I believe they are beneficial to the nations economy. "Come one, she was totally reckless with classified information. It deserved to be investigated, the off the cuff leaks and the letter were totally inappropriate. He should be investigated.",I think we're in agreement. Btw Republicans want more citizens to use their Second Amendment rights so yeah Democrat or Republican grab your legally owned firearms baby.,"Whew, I was worried our society might become LESS gun-obsessed." "Nah they're going to just run Hillary again. Third time's a charm, right?",It's (still) HER TURN! So basically Trump isn't going to speak to the press other than FOX news or Alex Jones or what have you. You guys are **BEYOND FUCKED**,"He's got Twitter to speak directly to the people, what does he need the lying MSM for?" "What do you think the Giants' final record will be? After seeing 5 games this season with a mix of good wins and really awful losses, how do you think the season will pan out?",9-Jul Transferring business Parents have a small business LLC and are retiring. Whats the best way for them to transfer the business to me? - I am in Maryland,What does the LLC's Operating Agreement say? Why aren't fouls behind the 3PT line (when a team is in the bonus) 3 free throws when shooting fouls behind the 3PT line that aren't and-1's 3 FT? If they did that it would make Hack-a less valuable as you'd have to be a 33% shooter to make it less than 1 point per possession on average.,because rules Would you marry someone who is the same ethnicity as you? Why?,"No, because all white people are racist fucks and should be exterminated" Let Me Clarify: Why Ice Floats on Water - #.01 -,Chill on those sound effects and wacky graphics "Type Cover 4 click and drag messed up? When I click a file/folder and drag it around, it moves VERY slow and I have to flick my 2nd finger around very fast in order for it to track. Anyone else have that problem or did I get a defected Type Cover?",My regular mouse does something like this They're both terrible is prima facie false equivalence son,"It's not a false equivalence, it's simply an observation." "What I've heard is he started heckling or whatever, then he went to lift up a sign and someone panicked and yelled gun.",A possible pro Hillary Clinton sign is worse than a gun. The first victims of repealing Obamacare will be the sick and the poor,Hey should have thought of that before choosing to be sick and poor. Hillary Clinton just TOLD THE WHOLE WORLD OUR NUCLEAR LAUNCH SECRETS!!!,The caps lock show they are sane. Hey guys I was wondering if you remember learning in school that the body was made up of 75% water? Because I recently came across an article where it states that we are 60% water? Anyone remember like I do?,Yup def remember 75% I am a semi-automatic lonely bohohoy,You're dead I'm well fed Sammy Watkins. Though I might pick him up still if he falls a decent amount. 3rd round pick for him really sucked.,I don't know if he has a good end of season run his value will shoot up. Didn't they have Bieliever shirts back when we hired CBB?,I know they had Bieliemer ones. What are some stereotypes you're tired of?,That people from New Zealand steal road salt. Or a 70 degree day in NY.,BUT IT WAS SLIGHTLY HUMID^ I think it was 17k,"For Hennessy, not Harambe." Goodell said he would reinstate him if he could prove he would never get suspended again,lmao the logic of that makes me actually believe that Goodell might have said something along those lines. Kalon Fan-art,He just looks like he's so uninterested in everything :p Intel i7-6700 cpu @ 2.60 GHz 16.0 RM,GPU? "Do you believe Archeage can still be fixed? Ok, everyone know the problems... but it can be fixed and bring back part of the community with 3.0/fresh start like Archeage RU/KR/other MMO FFXIV/ESO? Archeage is still fixable?",I don't think they want to fix it. "Serious question here. After nearly 500 years, are Lutherans and reformed Christians still considered relatively recent? In the scheme of church history, we have been around for 25% of it now, that's getting pretty significant.....",Yes. "Yeah i cannot imagine, those people seem to be doing good making their 900$ payments but whatever job they got must be bringing in a good bit of funds. Capital management should be the type of classes they teach in high school.",You mean they don't anymore? 1/2 Floors !,r/mildlyfrustrating Initial V: Brazil Stage,What a 2016: From young daddy's boy to hero to villain to now the Memeprince. "Actually, Trump supporters are Redcaps.",Saw a comment on reddit on election night saying those hats should be banned because everyone wearing them looked like they were in a cult lol "Did anyone do French immersion? How did you find it? I'm thinking if enrolling my kid in French immersion, but I've heard things like the curriculum is not updated as much as the english one, or that the teachers aren't even that good in French. Thoughts?","Had sex with a French girl once, so yes." You know that Greece and Germany being down is because of the same crisis right? And it started long before the refugee issues they might be facing. And pretending that you can compare an issue where migrants are just showing up en mass and an orderly intake of processed immigrants is fucking delusional.,"Immigration is supposed to jump start economies, though." Kim Campbell sees sexism in criticism of Hillary Clinton,Kim who? Holiday appropriate exit holiday hoarders - has anyone found it? I presumed it would be a sleigh in place of the helicopter - similar to the toy dinosaur in place of the quad in Colorado - however all the exit points still look the same and play the usual cut screen? Am I missing something glaring obvious - or is it just a bit harder to find?,It's a chimney "Sorta sad, someone who had potential but decided to get fat instead.",Looks like he's fulfilling his potential while being fat to me. Because sharks kill people dumbass,"Sharks don't kill people, people kill people." "Just joined the master race, I want to know what the most graphically intensive PC games are . I want to buy some games, not battlefield 1, which are graphically awesome so what would you recommend me?","Crysis with HD textures, Crysis 3, Metro Redux, The Witcher 3, GTA V, Rise of The Tomb Raider, Star Citizen(Alpha warning)" "Free Talk Friday - November 11, 2016 The weekly Free Talk Friday thread. Feel free to discuss anything here, whether it be your new Flash shampoo you got in the mail, Grandpas new suspenders or just something you feel like sharing, anything goes.",Anyone know why Flash & S.h.i.e.l.d took these days off of normal schedule? "So true. Just faced a Lavaound deck which also included Inferno Dragon, Baby D, Mega Minion, Minion Horde. I run a Giant Witch deck with MM and Musk but I still got overwhelmed. He also kept dropping Valk on my Witch or Musks head. Granted I probably played quite poorly and my cards are underleveled but it was difficult to deal with.",Thats what you get Giant user Sweet,Clover It's painful alright. I just squeeze on it like a zit until splat! Pus everywhere!,I don't think that's puss... **ANY LOSS**,Manchester United 1-2 Leicester Rashford 67 I just got back from door knocking in my Pittsburgh Suburb. 87% of the people I talked to is voting for Trump.,Well Hillary will probably get 52% of the vote Breaking: Fire outside Bridgestone,Oh look it's growing pains wow so nifty lets accept it and move on TIL 480hz TVs exist,"Some are even marketed at 600fps... seems like interpolating images makes makes your tv 10 times faster, go figure" "Oh close but no cigar, Jacksonville",I knew I was wrong because you said great players :( Are you better than JustEat? How do you deal with incorrect orders?,Or SkipTheDishes "Damn that's so sad. What exactly did they do though, like what specific things and stuff and etc. What were his exact words? So sad to hear something like that.",^^OP^pls "I know she was 12, but wouldn't most 12 year olds think drinking poison would probably make my body toxic and they wouldn't be able to use it?",You seem to think that most 12 year olds in India have a decent level of education... This is certainly not the case. "How do you prefer them, shaved or hairy?",I like my furbies shaved. What should you be doing?,Emptying the dishwasher "Zubeknakov skin concept, will include some graffiti text but I have yet not decided what kind of word(s), help me find a good graffiti name!",Wasteland Rebel "For the record, most Shadow Priests dont like being balanced around Surrender to Madness either.","Speak for yourself, I rolled a Spriest just because the idea of the talent was so interesting to me." "Uh huh. So how do you like this new emphasis on working people, specifically the Rust Belt Democrats who voted Republican in this election?",I have no strong feelings one way or the other. "Well, I like the DCEU movies and that's usually subject to burning. Granted I'm pissed about the SS extended edition news.",Same "Never, even in my deepest darkest rabbit hole, did I think our gov would be ran by a shadow pedo cult.. What. The. Fuck","Well maybe it's because they're super stressed from running everything, therefore they have to have sex with children, is that really such a bad thing everyone?" "If someone touches your stomach for too long, you're allowed to kill them.",One of my cats loves getting his belly rubbed for some reason Exactly! And suicide as well. 3.5 men for each woman take their lives.,Is suicide a crime again? Mostly the reason I voted at all...,So you voted against Hillary? "I wouldn't be surprised if the US does the same thing to Russia, or any other country during an election process.",I'm pretty sure the US just invades and replaces. "Games you sunk 1,000+ hours into? The only game I've ever put over 1k hours into was league of legends(3500 hours at least) and old school runescape (4000 hours over a 10 year span) I'm just looking for a game where I can sink my every minute that I'm gaming into. Instead of switching between a million different games...(you should look at my steam refund history lol)",Bad Company 2. With a vial of tears from supporters of the other 17 clubs?,"Unfortunately, I have to use those to stay young." Literally unplayable,yea This survey could be used to generate more information on our player base for future titles as well. Let's keep things in perspective. :),Don't play with my hopes and dreams! Stone Whale by A BUBU,Is there a hidden bowl of petunias somewhere in this image? "When you take into account suicide rates, probably not much longer. But hey, I mean you don't NEED a lot of those transplants if you just stay hooked up to machines with a less than average quality of life for a long time, so why even bother with it do you think?",Suicide is a CHOICE. "You cannot compare the two. I'd love to see how you do. Lay it out for us... I'll dissect it, point by point :)","I love ya man, I do but yo bias is showing." Kakashi Anbu Arc from Naruto is about the only filler i like,Not even the Itachi arc? I see. You're probably right. I'm not sure why the FBI is wasting resources and time on this if it's impossible for an indictment to happen since Hillary did nothing illegal at all.,the fbi has never ever used its power for purely political purposes ever. That's what you get for using your first amendment rights at a Trump rally.,He's such a thug "What does e mean? So I have been watching some clicker heroes videos and I wanted to know, what does e mean when you get to a high amount of gold? Ex: 1.260e28 What does the e mean? Can someone provide an example to me? Thanks!",E is for Exponent "Rainbow six is a pretty amazing game getting solid support and accepting community feedback, and as much as the division end game sucked...fuck you if you don't think the whole gameplay and premise wasn't fascinating. And from what I understand, even though I have switched to R6 and don't feel I NEED to go back to the divisiion, they have done a lot to fix end game. Ubi is actually on a roll right now.","Can only agree, Division seems to be pretty Solid again with Patch 1.4 I might Download it again" (PICKUP) 1990 Goodwill Games snapback found at a thrift,Wow what a gosha knockoff "We are less than 80 subscribers away from hitting 20K We're about to hit the big 20K, and though we don't actually get anything for hitting this, it looks extremely good and subreddits with 20K+ subscribers are considered to be large subreddits. This subreddit actually has the amount of activity that subreddits more than twice as big as this one get, which is insane. I want to make sure everyone is subscribed. It is very easy to uncheck the button, I do it all the time myself. Right under the sidebar there is a green subscribe button. Make sure it is clicked. If the button is red, you're good. If all the people reading this who are not subscribed press the button, we will surpass 20k very easily. Let's do it! If we actually manage to hit it, we will have a celebration in some way. 20K subs is insane.","WELP, better unsub" "Cringe, like every time I see anyone else dabbing.",I will come to your house and dab right in front of you just to make you fucking mad lol Can we please leave Dawko and Scott alone and wait for SL? probably gonna get hated on and banned... Oh well!,Yeah you're gonna get banned and arrested bye bye "That won't help a single thing, MMK will just hire a private investigator to follow you every second until you make one tiny mistake and then he bans you for Bug Abuse Minor.",but wouldn't you just make an account solely to hunt her down? Life saving medical treatment should be a human right...not just for the rich,"Careful, or the lolbertarians will be in here screaming about how we plan to make doctors work for free." "Nah, there would be riots as it would mean/confirm we don't live in a democracy. Then again most people in my country are complacent these days so i wouldn't be surprised if people just bitched & moaned.",Old people don't riot. "Yeah. I'd look it up, but I forgot her name. I just remember that she's spreading nonsense.","It's in the link at the top of the thread, no?" "Yeah, I think we have a pretty decent speed record here.",French speed record "Before you say Sombra's kit sounds OP, every character sounds OP in theory Reaper has 250 health, can become invincible and run back to healers before he dies, dual wields infinite shotguns, can teleport, has the ability to whirlpool death and pick up health from their dead bodies. I can do this with almost any character, sure Sombra sounds too good now but wait and see how she plays in a regular comp.",Reaper is OP tho. `:(){ :|: &};:`,"Yeah I run this on all my machines and servers, it automagically improved performance, amazing :D" "Michael Moore, who is physically incapable of fitting into the White House doors, says that Donald Trump, who won in a electoral landslide, HAS NO RIGHT TO ENTER THE WHITE HOUSE","Of Course, because winning the election in a landslide means absolutely nothing." EnvyUS new roster,"I think they have 0% chance to win now, since Dust is not on this team." Crowd Booing,Is it me or is this how sports across all countries work Which Female Wrestler/Manager would best fit the Bullet Club? Title Says It All,Nurse Dana Brooke. "What exactly does the bloodline do? We only have four madness cards, and discarding extra lands doesn't really play well with the x-drop we have in the deck.",You miscounted.... A Halloween journey o epic proportions,"You're such a joy.... Happy Halloween, Diggy" which bookie are you getting those ods at? mines only at 1.57,Sportsbet We couldn't see anything. What did it look like?,A huge red / orange / yellow dot. "Probably not anytime soon, (in spite of the jokes) server performance is still terrible, leading to zombies that push you around and no cars anywhere.",Also the VOIP is still very loud. Guardian newspaper journalist Monisha Rajesh sparks fury after calling for president-elect Donald Trump's assassination over Twitter,Jesus H. Christ A complete idiot's guide to segulos,"You realize that this is an incredibly cherry-picked list of citations, right?" President Duterte threatens to burn down the UN HQ in NYC,I hope him amd trump get into a twitter fight. "Hi Mark Maloney, big fan here. Your Osiris plays get me moist.",Does he force your issues real hard? "Oooof, that gif makes me nauseous. Maybe if the filling wasn't so thick.",And brown The dudes at r/fearme can come up with a creepy suitable title,That sub is trying too hard. Who shit in YOUR cereal this morning?,"I agree with the sentiment, but if you're gonna give someone a negative response you ought to be a little more illustrious than a nine year old." But the emotional state of Shen is also included in the Are you Ok Shen^TM question.,Tell me are you o-k Are you ok sh-en Kim Jong Un Orders Military To Kill South Korean Leaders,"Oh look, it's that time of year again" "Note that the supreme court actually rescinded the blocking order. Ginsburg just tacked on a note after the fact. Honestly I'm not sure why it takes a court order to tell people to stop doing something that's, well, already illegal.",That may have been her point Or you don't understand it. It's not the AP Top 25.,Nope it's still awful "Are you sure, because 'ur' isn't a word my usual chauffeuse uses.....",Your blood-alcohol-to-meme levels are dangerously high. On BT they've just called a high five a pat on the hand hahah,Slightly less pithy turn of phrase but I like it Casting news - Angela Lansbury reportedly cast for a part in Season 7,Got excited that they're hiring another American until I realized she's actually British Some asshole stood in the way though!,If you can't record the event in a stylish way for the internet... then did it really even happen? "Does it not also give insight of how strong Yasuo is currently, also?",That's out of the question It has things like aerodynamics and orbital mechanics which se is lacking,mods solve this a lot China threatens to cut sales of iPhones and US cars if 'naive' Trump pursues trade war,"The less products on the shelves made by modern slaves, the better." All tuckered out,"I don't want to be alarmist, but I saw a lot of cases like this on the subway -- I think your dog has a hard drug problem.." "For the Japanese youth life pretty much ends at their 20s, when they graduate and go on to join a company and become salarymen. I can understand if, psychologically, they think of anybody past the age of 20 unfit to be an adventurer. Still that doesn't really even match their character design, who clearly have at best the physical maturity of 20 years old. Most of these are kids, for crying out loud.","Very interesting point, thanks for sharing" ...a repost.,Waaaaaaaaaaaaa! Ultramodern architecture steam powerhouse,Reminds me of Tekkit Classic... *cries in a corner* "3d artist here, it's obviously not the same as working with a 3d program but it's still a relevant skill, so i'd called it modeling :)",It's probably about the same as working with a voxel editor. "Without saying your age, what's your favorite kind of pizza?",Either buffalo chicken or loaded potato pizza. Wrong. That is exactly what it does.,"You're right, but we need credibility on this specific claim he's making." So its still working for you? No problems? I assumed maybe I did fix it and it would remain for a while to remind me but better safe then sorry. I filed a support ticket with Bandai just in case.,Yeah everything still works. "In your opinion, what is the most clever lyric you've ever heard in a song?","What came first, the the chicken or the dickhead~ Arctic Monkeys" What does this map show?,europe Using someone's content without permission is screwing them over,It was basically just the tip though "FOUND iPhone 6. Chicago and California. Just answer a couple of questions if you think it is yours, (so I can tell if it is yours as well). I found it in some bushed with the alarm going off at 6 am.",Use Siri and ask whose phone it is. And you're not a Scotsman.,Indeed. "My friend was complaining about thermal throttling, so I told him to send me a picture of the inside of his PC. What kind of an abomination is this case.",Looks like a standard pre built thing. He sorta caused his own death in a way. When she showed she was batshit crazy he really acted dumb about it.,Well if you were in a relationship with someone you won't consider the possibility of them killing you even if they are heartbroken and act crazy You can kitbash and remove them,"He didnt say he anything about not being able to remove them, he said they look stupid, which they do" Living off the one season performance.,Which is not untrue. Bunny World Problems,Now is the winter of our bunny discontent But no compactor to make the damned things into ingots?,It's a little known feature in the game called the Crafting Table. Shouldn't be torturing humans before not eating them either!,But the fear makes them taste better. Currently running a 3-4. But if it's worth it I could switch,Clowney's a beast in a 3-4 so I would keep him personally Why would you assume changing the laws is the only thing you can do promote equality in your society?,Because everybody who treats me differently must go to prison! I hate Xatu's model in the 3DS titles. Why cant he just be stood.,I wish flying pokes like this and Skarmory would stand up instead of a plain flight animation. "If you can't talk to a woman without getting an erection, don't talk to women",What a terrible advice I'm going to get downvote but this is a HUGE repost.,I think OP may be a bot How is this the top post in world news? There isn't anything more significant happening in the world right now?,"Selective attention, thats what I hate most about Reddit." [](/pinkie) Hug me or face the terror of the void!,[](/b38) I *knew* I shouldn't have let you read the Starcraft novels... Now Fluttershy loves Zerglings and Rarity is copying the Protoss styles... Your codename is the last word you said followed by the last thing you ate. What is your codename?,Morning Oreo Meme of the Year 2016 - Day 10,Im putting all of my dank stock on Pepe. "Popular vote confirms that the majority of Americans are, in fact, saying fuck Donald Trump. That's not even taking into consideration the rest of the world's reaction.",That has nothing to do with the seriousness of this post. "MOTD Thread! BBC1 at 10:20 Lineup: City Chelsea West Ham Arsenal Spurs Swansea Palace Southampton Sunderland Leicester West Brom Watford Stoke Burnley 27 goals, should be good","Ageuro is an obvious red, but if a player storms off after him and pushes him to the floor that's violent conduct and should be a red as well imo, red completely lost control" Cardistry Tower,All in the pack "It also ignores the context (Weber's partner bleeds shot attempts like mad and his style of play doesn't fit the new coaches style). And he's only 31, he's got plenty of good hockey left","Weber is certainly going to have a worse partner in Montreal, unless you think that the Habs have someone better than Josi." "Xe, xim, xer, etc.",Please tell me you dropped this "Come on man, I told you not to park your spaceship there!",Pretty sure there's a Goa'uld piloting that thing I got my Yankee Candle coupon... ALL OF THE FALL SCENTS!!!,Omg seasonal candles are my kryptonite! "When you fall in love and you think that you know the real person - you do not. The love glow takes over. When everyone around you thinks differently about that person you do not have to agree with them, but at least do not dismiss those opinions out of hand. Take the time to think it through, engage your head as well as your heart. I learned the hard way and would not wish the bad times that I ended up having on anyone.",Great advice Verysmart furry is looking for an intellectual companion.,"He has a nonpareil intellect, yet he's a furry and an anarchist?" Ben Roethlisberger could miss 4 to 6 weeks. Worse than the original projection,Thank god I drafted Dak as a backup in both my leagues with Ben. Leeroy Jenkins was a paladin.,*was* "can we please just admit that obama is fucking awful? trump will be awful, this we know. but fucking come on. Bombing 7 countries at once, and actually running out of bombs. Pardoning a fucking turkey while oil police torture us civilians in ND. fuck you obama.","pardoning turkeys is tradition, it's not like he came up with it this year." Wrist curls do not increase grip strength.,They do if you wrist curl 405. If I put every single detail I'd got told off spoiling it.,"Yes, that is surely what everyone would complain about." I find your criticism shallow and pedantic.,I find your criticism of their criticism shallow and pedantic. i mean does it really matter that much?,"Do you usually throw straight poop in your garbage, and have become used to the smell?" "Everyone likes cookies... On another point, what did you need the baton for, you Po-Po?","Hitting people, of course!" Make America Great Again!,That's an impressive Denmark. I took this picture of a longhorn and wanted to show someone,Don't you have any friends? "If the last text you sent were your campaign slogan, what would it be?",Pay attention to the arrows Am I supposed to show a graph or what? "The I just wanna have fun, man starter pack",Wait... How did she get level 3 aggression with only 700 credits? R,M As well,Tambien. "This guy bought and upgraded his 10 favorite games, for only $4255",Love the positivity in these threads. "Why get a 390, the 390 is way better.",I personally think the power draw on the 390 is better than the 390 I mean. It would have taken 3 seconds to find the information out.,So you'd rather see less tech support posts and more memes on this subreddit? Why didn't he want to vote trump?,"Ah, the ol' Reddit switchersomething..." "People using to when they mean to use too bugs me *so hard*. My best friends wife does it and GAH! I want *SO BADLY* to correct her, but politeness prevents it!!",Me two Corn On The Cob Grilled Cheese,Fucking what? Still no FNAF,"I know, that's my point" If you sing loud enough no one will hear it,In space no one will hear you sing. Found On A JSE Video,Just because it's 3mil and not 50 doesn't mean you're not a hypocrite. Its pretty much shorthand for Christian. No one thinks of other faiths when the descriptor Evangelical is used.,I'm not the one who keeps bringing up Evangelicals. You need to be gilded for identifying the clitoris during your first sexual encounter. Some men who think they're experienced *still* don't know what they're doing,"I was such a nerd that I Googled it(or more likely, Yahoo'd it) before my first time because I knew it was *important* but had no idea what I was looking for." "This is pretty shitty for Northwestern. Not only are we the only team to appear twice, but both games are in October and both come with short weeks. Aside from the obvious disadvantages in terms of fatigue, October is the most strenuous academic part of the fall quarter with typically a ton of midterms. Now these guys are going to miss more class than normal during the most difficult part of the quarter, at one of the most academically rigorous schools in the conference.",We play on 2 Friday's next year too... "Platinum reward. Rare as hell. Also, I played Phoebe in that match. :D",Technically disabled on regular story As a Kansas Citian I always enjoy looking out my window and taking in the wonderful mountain views.,Also go chiefs. "Lots of Sproles expected today, would be surprising to see Ryan Mathews at all",Well this guy knew what he was talking about He already said he doesn't like pve. So no it's not problem solved. Why this subreddit thinks pve can sustain this game is beyond me,"PvE is an engaging, challenging, and rewarding game-play experience that sets this game apart from those other toxic PvP only tank games." You're saying the fluid leaking from a wheel cylinder stays in the drum? I guess so?,It can balloon out enough and keep fluid in. "Ugh, that gives me the heebie jeebies.",Nightmare fuel. "I usually don't react or respond to these things but damn, this was one of the most inappropriate comments i've seen during my time at reddit. Ive screenshotted what you wrote in case you delete it",I legitimately can't tell if he just said lol or something actually offensive. "Due to 100 subscribers, tried my hand at redoing the sidebar. Thoughts? Revisions? Things to add? I would love to hear! Changes are welcome :)",How the fuck are there 100 subscribers Official Game Thread #Please remain civil,WHY CAN NO ONE ON THIS FUCKING TEAM FIELD PUNTS GODDAMMIT Think he'd get a peace Nobel too?,"If Obama can get one before doing anything as President, it would make sense that Trump would get one for normalizing Russian relations before even becoming President." No it's because you can't provide direct evidence for what you say because it doesn't exist because your argument is invalid,"Well, you've certainly convinced me that you're bad enough with abductive logic that you could be honestly holding this irrational conception of the situation!" Aren't the Raiders one of the worst defenses in the league?,Yup.... Donna Brazile went full retard.,"I have to imagine that, for the left, our Pepe and Kek terms seem about as evil as their devil worshiping, cannibalistic dinners do to us." Do you guys think Derozan can win MVP?,"Bruh, even if the Raptors went 63-19 and Deroxan averaged 30, he still wouldn't win MVP." The secret is to adjust your shirt while doing it.,That's what I did when I was hiding boners in high school. So I can't crush a head with an armour pack? :(,Sadly no :( That would pretty comical though. "What are your most played games as of right now? I'm curious to see what the master race plays on a daily basis, and hopefully this can help people find others to play with!",Cod:IW Die Rise Opening,Of course it doesn't follow the 24 limit dude... Jesus. "This is good news. I can't see what firing at a vehicle would accomplish. In the time it would take an officer to draw their firearm, aim and fire, they could have got out of harms way.",What if there are people in a car shooting out the windows? Everything by Koven,"Sorry dude, everything by Koven did not come out in only this week" Why would they flex a game involving the runaway NFCEast champs and a team with the worst record in the league?,"I love the attitude and hope that's the reality, but I have a feeling I'm going to hate cowboys even more than normal this year." "Alright guys let's get out there and establish the running game -Olson, probably","let's get a nice screen pass in there on third down, that'll teach 'em" "or they'll probably be picking high again next year too and can wait for a QB prospect they truly love. Drafting is an inexact science, so you mine as well wait until you feel that this one is absolutely the right QB rather than picking someone just because your fanbase or the media is upset with you.",the term is might as well "A better picture would be a girl with a lunch bag over her face who has massive tits and nice ass. That's the closest equivalent to what a tall, muscular, and ugly guy looks like.","Not bad, I guesd I would dig into that." "What is something that is bullshit, that everyone should know about?",r/quityourbullshit "'Hillary's too incompetent because e-mails'. Meanwhile, all we have is deafening silence from Trump supporters on such matters. You just gotta love the double standards.",It's a lot easier to convince the masses that someone is bad with technology when that person happens to have a vagina. Official Game Thread #Please remain civil,This team exists with the sole purpose of torturing its fan base "5.50 a piece is not bad in a public forum, especially in a trapped space like a train",The reasonability of the price has no bearing on the shame I feel for spending that amount for so few bud lights "Thing is, the talents are simply modifiers to the pre-existing traits of the hero. They don't radically change the kit of the hero, whereas items from Dota 2 like Blink Dagger, Black King Bar, Orchid Malevolence, and Dagon do. That's more what I'm referring to.","Yeah, being able to turn Samuro into a beefed up TLV with a talent totally doesn't change anything about how you play him." Could say bladefall or glacial cascade benefit similarly?,"True, the mechanic by which they work is slightly different, but the outcome is the same, smaller AOE = greater chance to hit multiple times." The bright side of this game... the play calling is much improved.,"But I'm so sick of silver linings, I want wins!" "Twitter User Replaces Word 'White' With 'Black,' Gets Banned - A Twitter user conducted an interesting experiment...The person wrote the same comment on two different accounts with only two words changed, then reported each for abusive behavior.",People said... Smart people... People smart than me... Lots of bad things happening... to white people... to good people... Just look at twitter... Even more feathered dinosaurs found. You can't hide from your true overlords forever Matt.,"Dinosaurs having feathers should go into the category of science that Doesn't matter, like phrenology." His channel is basically a quest cape made easy guide. He even takes time to explain uses of quest item acquired and if they are worth keeping.10/10,"That actually tilts me so hard, the youtuber in question fucks up and doesn't bother to edit it out, so you're forced to backtrack where the mistake was and do it again." "Indonesian politician simply MENTIONS Koran, and 150,000 Islamists take to the street, some calling for his death. At least one dead, dozens injured.",Don't they know that islam is a religion of peace? Local police union threatens boycott of 49ers games over Kaepernick protest,Sounds like the police union needs a safe space. Do you mean Mph?,"Not really, I think the highest limit in Va as well as NC is 70 mp/h, although the standard limit is 55 mp/h for all unmarked county and state roads." Dat Cat.,r/watchitforthecat Men of Reddit. How many of you actually pee through the hole on the front of your underwear?,"Wait, are we talking about the ratty holes in my boxers, or the actually buttoned hatch?" You don't understand anything about this world. Women feel like having sex with whoevver they want because they know the gouvernment will be there for them in the end.,But what about all the men who do the same thing? I think the vine snapped,What gave it away? "I agree with you, but it's hard to talk about standards when it comes to shitposting. The rules for it are very.....unclear.",I see what you did there. How long have you smoked?,What's it to you? Why is Kuechley doing anything on ST?,he usually is on ST for placekicks. You want me to what now?,Finally someone understands what tinder is all about "ESPN College Gameday Show Thread If you want a little ting in your tang tang, you can discuss and post anything related to the show (signs, screencaps, videos, etc) here.",Why do they have draft prospects listed so early? TIFU by eating an entire package of donuts that were intended for company.,Why didn't you just ask your mom if you could have a donut? Game Thread: Colts (2-3) @ Texans (3-2) The Colts head to Houston for their biggest game of the season so far. A win could put them atop of the division where they have been a majority of the past decade. A loss will put them at the bottom of the division. Let's do this shit boys!,They're more bad than us I love it! Are you here illegally? Then you should leave.,"Muslim =/= Mexican He wanted to ban all Muslims, not illegals only" Shoenice 100 Meter Dash - Insane Bolt (Training for MMA),"Mirror, mirror on the wall..." Learning a new language. Learn a new word everyday. Slowly you can develop a good vocabulary.,Yeah that's really healthy! How do you want your burger?,"topped with ranch dressing, doritos, and lettuce" I hate all of them.,Okay Squidward. hold this hula-hoop so I can jump through it,Those two gifs are SO close to looking alike... My Little Pony Action Figure-,What the hell did I just watch. It's r/JonTron dawg,Source? "People pushing someone's face into cake or other sticky food-stuffs on their birthday or wedding day... If someone did that to me I'd lose my shit and never speak to them ever again... In all the YouTube vids of people pushing faces into cakes, the cake-facee comes up with a forced smile and tears in their eyes trying to act normal... Super awkward and sad",wait what the shit that's a thing? 70eez,70eez nuts. BREAKING! Pray for O'Keefe! Hillary's gonna MERDER him. HAHAHAHA Good lord these people are nutjobs,"IF WE PRAY FOR HIM AND HE SURVIVES, THEN BY ALL LOGIC: #\#gODmustexist" iv been up from 01:30 and still haven't slept :(,go get some sleep I'm sure that even IHE knows that but the whole premise of his series is to review the worst movies available.,Also the studios that make this mostly benefit from his ripping on their movie. "He doesn't, there's an image floating around the web that compares Gandalf's staves throughout the films. He carries three very similar but actually distinct staves before becoming Gandalf the White. Then his new staff is more obviously different and was provided to him by Galadriel I believe.",But his second white staff looks the same when he's at the grey havens? Orpheus,Not even an Orpheus 2! "No, but that's a great picture.","Thanks, I really wish I had my nice camera instead of the phone but oh well." "My interest in gamespot fell considerably when Kevin vanord left and completely disappeared once Danny o'dwyer walked out too. I can't stand the personalities on this site now, they just seem so uninformed and they also seem to completely pre judge the games they play / review. Personally I removed gamespot from my bookmarks a while back and after watching this video I don't regret it one bit. I'll stick to Easy Allies :)","Honestly, not even Mary Kish can save this shit show now." I have that lamp.,I love lamp How did they get that perfect chip to break like that?,My guess is a really sharp knife or they made the chip soggy cut it and then cooked it. "Teenagers of Reddit, what do you wish adults knew about being a teenager in the 21st century?",eSports are serious. Horror Game Doll 2: Probably Fake Edition,i find this hilariously pathetic "It's *so* reactionary sometimes. Older episodes were good but it's heavy-handed in its critique, I find. It's a cleverly written show, sure, and funny, but I'm kinda done with adult cartoons. Like Rick and Morty. I just don't understand why everyone loves that show; the voice *burp* acting is anno*buuurp*-annoying.",You are really missing out/ missing a lot of good stuff in rick and morty. "That's not a blanket, it's a net.",When I say go- be ready to throw! It will also hide your password if you accidentally type it in a comment. Check it out! *******,hunter2 The_donald is a subreddit of peace,there is no god but daddy and milo is his prophet Deport them where? Like it or not these people are British and a home grown problem.,Las Malvinas? "Disable means uninstall for android apps installed to the system partition. If you actually spent the time to press that button instead of screenshotting it for karma, you'd see the message app updates will be uninstalled and reverted to the factory version.",Yep. Name Reveled: Las Vegas Golden Knights,"Aww yeah, welcome to Fridays motherfuckers." Stranger than Fiction. Will Ferrell is top-notch in that movie.,I brought you flours gets me every time. "What is your favourite LoL professional team? The title says pretty much everything, you can say any team from any region. Have a good day ^-^",C9 "If people evolved from apes why are there still apes? *Sigh* We have a common ancestor, there's a big difference.",So technically we *didn't* evolve from apes. And that's what makes them a horrible affiliate. Their owner puts winning way ahead of development which leads to young players riding the bench while guys like Brett Sterling eat up ice time.,Just another side effect of good 'ol Dollar Bill Hirez throwing some shade (Spoilers NA gauntlet finals),THATS SAVAGE FIRE FAM Dont piss on the electric fence is better,"Better than Monotony, Pure Cheesy and Misery Date, at least." M E T A,2meta2fast ask your artist,^ or I'll do it for $50 "Wait, they are using kio now instead of jkaem? Was jkaem underperforming or something? Haven't watched much of CS lately.",Jkaem voluntarily left. It's all fun and games until you wake up in the locker room with a kidney missing,That's some trap card. Fixies can still have brakes.,"Yeah, if you're a noob" Bill Mitchell on Twitter: I am going to enjoy the hell out of watching Trump punk the #OldMedia for the next 8 years.,Is this place going to be named r/BillMitchell soon? Black Friday madness in Canada.,"More like White Friday, am I right?" PRETTY SURE JERSEY SWEET CORN IS THE FINEST CORN IN ALL THE LAND.. NONE OF OUR CORN GETS TO BECOME ANIMAL FEED,"PRETTY SURE YOU ARE CORRECT, MY FRIEND." I'm sorry but Owen Wilson was not made for action films,That scar on his nose made him believable. I don't see the problem Colonel?,I've never understood this. What car is this?,Idk but I hope it has a big back seat. "That link is very much out of date and written at a time when the Australian dollar and the US dollar were almost at parity, which they certainly aren't now. US Prices also don't include any local or state sales taxes until check out, if at all, as different states have different tax rates. I get that it's more expensive but let's not ignore the facts and if you are looking for something cheaper, I use the creative cloud and I'm actually really surprised at how cheap and effective it is. I think I pay just over $50 a month for them and I write that off as a tax expense.",Its the fact that I noticed that a few occassions they rely on cloud backup storage being wiped; anecdotal evidence of my photography teacher saying he had a client job and had to get it done on the day but because his payment missed he couldnt access CC; however luckly he had CS; so he had to finish it and deliver to the client in CS6 to meet the deadline as a photographer. 7 sword kills in 1:00,Sword OP pls nerf It failed in Iraq because Paul Bremer made the terrible decision to disband the existing Iraqi army entirely. This led to civil unrest and fueled the insurgency. One man's awful decision-making is not an argument against the general idea of reconstruction.,The Shia and Sunni feud didn't help ether When has cutting out the middleman ever been a bad thing?,When the middleman is beholden to the voting public rather than business interests. It just makes you seem like a tool.,Person using the internet to criticize other people calls someone else a tool. "Does anybody have a solution to the following shiv-related problem? When I move behind someone to shiv them, but am near a supply box, pressing triangle almost always opens the fffing supply box instead of shivving my enemy. My character enters the 'opening the box' animation and I turn into a sitting duck instead of getting the kill I was in position for. It's something that repeatedly happens, especially at the upstairs supply box on 'High School'. It's quite annoying, so I was wondering if anyone has any tips as to how I could avoid it in future, or if you think I'm doing anything wrong. Thanks","When in doubt, smoke bomb." Ps4 Controller When I try changing the button layout for the controller it acts all funny and then it won't let me scroll down in the menu. Anyone else have this issue with the ps4 controller? I haven't tried on gameplay I only tried changing the button layout.,Are you using ds4windows or something like that? heh that's awesome,thanks "The refs made bad calls tonight, but the Texans definitely beat themselves.","Yep, 2 first downs taken away is beating yourself." "Self portrait, sculpture","wait, is this a photograph?" good review of his review,(Comment pending review) HEADLINES Obama cures cancer. GOP issues criticism stating that his plan to cure cancer lays off Oncologists.,"Obama cures cancer GOP issues statement criticizing Obama for not curing it sooner and cheaper and for using an executive action to do it, while ignoring the thousands of other medical issues out there." probably hurt himself trying to fight,thanks for giving us leafs fans a great name "If someone only got their information from Reddit, what would they think are the biggest problems in the world?",That shill Hillary rigging the election Michelangelo from TMNT is a transgirl .,She has a point tho "It's my favourite font, ya bastard. I'd use it everywhere if I could.","I was once blind as well, dear friend." We arnt trying to make dope quickscope montages Apple,Maybe you aren't... "TJ is getting screwed here and I don't think Cody has a chance against Dominick. I see Cody slowing after 2 rounds of swinging at air while Cruz feints, and Dominick ultimately cruising to a decision win. I'd rather see Garbrandt versus Caraway for the winner of Cruz-TJ 2.",100% Cruz will strap on his runnin shoes What kind of comments are an automatic downvote for you?,lol ^^^\(please ^^^don't ^^^downvote) Bowling is fun,hey its me ur c^o^u^s^i^n certified trinity?,Do you have lobos by any chance? Can you give a brief rundown of everything you have? Looks fantastic.,Here you go: Tech: 2.5G Anchor cookie jar from Amazon 2 xeon LED light rings epoxied to the lid The lid has been hollowed out in the middle and I've used screen to allow air transfer (had screen for the previous build on it) 1 Marina C10 compact heater - 10w 1 Eheim mini-flat aquarium filter Fauna: 3 exclamation point rasboras 5 cherry shrimp Malaysian trumpet snails Common snail Java fern Cyperius helferi Pogostemon helferi Anubias nana petite Xmas or Java moss "So, I just arrived at home and the passport was there in my mailbox. =D",How can a courier just leave the document in your mailbox without getting a signature? I like to huddle under my desk and cry but there's only room for one,"But the view is great from Central, yes?" "There was, then China and Amazon became a thing. I can get a full brand new screen assembly for like $30 now.",The thing about stolen parts is the profit margins are incredibly high no matter the selling price. What course were you on? Was the cadet from a small town or a city squadron?,I was on bdc and Cpl ham was from Grand Prairie squadron World War 2 veteran died in 2014 but is voting for Hillary in 2016. Why are so many dead people voting for Hillary?,Man by Democrat logic anyone who wasn't caught in the act of a crime never committed a crime Needs to be shortened a bit. Three words might work better.,Fuck Off Cory This has been floating around my Instagram,The third is the only one of the three that requires you to do less in order to be successful. "No politician, actor or famous person has EVER inspired me as much as DJT. His work ethic makes me feel ashamed of myself and pushes me to become better. MAGA.","They say he doesn't sleep, he only mediates about how he's going to make America great again." "Slide attacks are STRONG If you run at an enemy, slide, and press your 'Non-lethal'/'Knockout' button, you execute a non-lethal slide-takedown. Pretty standard stuff...except... 1. It works in combat. 2. It begins a take-down animation /immediately/. 3. It works from the front AND back while spotted. 4. It cancels enemy sword swings, you can do this instead of blocking if you're quick. 5. All animations floor your opponents at the start of the animation, meaning other enemies are much less likely to hit them. Messing around with this has made non-stealth, non-lethal playthroughs quite a bit easier. I started doing this instead of the Parry & Choke-Out combo.",I found it quite difficult to perform at short ranges. "I got the occasional, I'd fuck you if I was gay. thanks, mate","I've gotten the converse, If you weren't gay, I'd do you, by women several times." "Some jobs disappearing isn't the end of the world, it has happened since time immemorial. As technology develops, the economy adapts and so does the job market. The 550 jobs that are disappearing would lead to just about the same or even more jobs being created. Thats the beauty of the free market.",Do we have a free market? "I don't want him to go to another team in the NFC, I think Jets or Broncos could use him though","Idk, Broncos are irrationally in love with Trevor for some reason." HUR DUR GET IT CAUSE EVERYONE IS ALWAYS ON THEIR PHONE UNLIKE ME WHO SHARED THIS ON THEIR PHONE,And to think those people could be doing so much who*,who'se? Snake eating itself,Snek don't care "The anniversary of the policy change is coming up. Anything happening? It's a very important day for me because it's the day my shelf broke and I actually started thinking for myself. I've spent the last year reading, learning, questioning and even praying. From what I've seen on here and other sites, I'm probably not alone. Anyone know if there are any mass resignations or something? I want to resign on that day.",I've got November 5th tickets to the Book of Mormon! Then got caught for kidnapping and is in jail currently.,Didn't he get arrested for armed robbery too? "Red Bull work hard on their brand, and they want it to be associated with 'high performance' and 'success'. The strange thing is, their brand has almost moved past that of a fizzy drink. I don't really think of the Red Bull drink when I see them anymore. They're just a brand in of itself.",It's a marketing company with a drinks division. "Suggest some names and class for resto shaman My main is shaman resto ( Tauren ) and I wanted to change the race, with that I need to change my name, so hit me with some suggestion. Note that am thinking to make a goblin and name him shamykazi :P",Female goblin named Kracktara Overwatch takes skill,"Hey,if you guys could give me any pointers on how to make better videos,that would be great" J.J. Watt Is Only Allowed To Walk; Close To Becoming Best Walker Ever,You bet your ass he's gonna be the GOAT walker This showed up on my youtube page...,I want to die "Yeah, but doesnt she have a vagina of her own? its not like shes never seen or felt one before.",Maybe hers isnt a roast beef sandwich? LULBA has spoken,Things that reddit/twitch spam has taught us: - dont call yourself ana - dont hire bulba - col would be best team in world without justin Twitch/reddit is always right It's a watch.,Its another object during a crash THE ARSEHOLE WAS GOING RIGHT AT THAT POOR MARSHAL,ONLY WAY TO GET SOME MORE COVERAGE REALLY One-Punch Man 106,"Normal series, yawning punch." Are you people so desperate to see boobs that you're STILL harping on those stupid globe girls? They're gone. They didn't need to be there in the first place. Get over it.,"yeah, generic looking skull is so much better" Inflammable means flammable?,yes "The 100% More Bow Damage at Close Range isn't working (second time) on Ignite damage, right?","Correct, ignite isn't an attack (or spell) so attack and spell modifiers don't enhance it." Nigel Farage 'not a UK go-between with Donald Trump',Considering this Sub Reddits hero worship of Farage I'm expecting salt and outrage. City files to stop transit strike for Election Day only,"Strike is over, delete this shit repost" "At worst preachy, at best the people are usually a bit odd and hovering. I didn't downvote you though. Also, I've never heard of one serving food, unless it's in a soup kitchen kind of way",The one in the West End has a cafe attached. Why has this Nobel winner been ignored for 30 years? - BBC News,I also look forward to the BBC article asking why Ehdi had been ignored by the Nobel Prize Committee... Woah but what can you do with the juice though...,drink it "I think there should be a map that has 5 flags and is all trenches. Have the spawns being heavily fortified with bunkers and what not. 150 meters away is the first trench line with a flag, some bunkers, and a field gun. 125 meters after that, the front trench line. No bunkers, just machine gun emplacements. 100 meters in the dead middle, have a flag in no-mans-land. Do that on each side. 5 flags with insane trench warfare. The center flag makes it so that in order to win, you have to charge to get that no-mans-land flag.",This would be incredibly frustrating as well as satisfying at the same time. "Hitler has already been defeated and his empire fallen. The world has been laughing at Un for years, yet it hasn't slowed down the massacre of his own people in the slightest.","Wait, Hitler is dead?" That Black will impregnate Chi Chi and create the ultimate villain,So Goten giving birth to Goten? "The only answer to this issue is to move in one direction approximately 40 yards. Obviously you cant really do that from the platform, but that is a way to deal with this combat BS.",That doesn't always work - some mobs in Legion have an extremely long aggro range. I like when plywood has curves :P,For something with curves it turned out kinda bone-y. "Hi Shirley, I'm Ted! *And I have a drinking problem...*",My name is barney gumble. TRAIN! D'Vinn to zone!,"Ahh, I just remembered how much I miss EQ." "Not at all. If my PSU can afford to have a 470 run there's no reason for me to buy something that, although performs more efficiently, runs slower.",The 1060 3 gig isn't slower if anything it still competes fine with the 480 4 gig. "Wait, one of those pics says I fucking love science Surprising that the_Donald even knows what it is",Yeah it's not entirely alt-right exclusive. and what was the other singer that he said? before Beaver,Zayn Malik And here come the guys who want everyone to not have fun with physics and the game,I meant You need to watch the historical documentary Tora Tora Tora,I prefer the more realistic documentary Pearl Harbor by Michael Bay Depends. If you've fallen to Tzeentch you're told to fetch Permit A 38.,Asterix confirmed heretic Both sides are a good decisions tbh,Why did you get downvoted for that? The I-Word,She would get along well with Gary Johnson. "They aren't if there is an unlimited number of people/veg to pick. If you enforce a quota of only 10% of the current supply is allowed (even imported), and only specific people can do it (I think you need a fishing licence? I remember watching a documentary on it ages ago, but it might have been the US, same could apply to veg), then I could see the prices, and wages, rise quite rapidly. Artificially limiting the supply of a product forces the price up. It's fairly simple supply and demand. It's one reason many people want to legalise various weak drugs, because it would increase supply and remove a lot of money out of the current markets.","With goods I agree, with labour I think it is not the same." "During a gay date with two men, who pays?",The manlier man 12 Days of Leaks - Assassin's Creed Empire for the Switch (Day 1),"If he dropped the cringeworthy gifs & presentation, perhaps I would listen to what he has to say." "When my grade school principal told me his first memory was waking up to find the allies had blown up every house on the block but his. Then, a few years later him and his friends were playing with an unexploded bomb they found, but he had to go home early, avoiding the resulting explosion by ten minutes. The last he saw his friends, they were dripping off of telegraph lines. Then he told me life is short and unfair, so don't worry about small things and try to be nice to people.",Heavy Brigading basically which is very against Reddit TOS.,It's only brigading when left-wing users are accused of it (see also the_donald). 13 minutes in and people are asking me who keeps using hand sanitizer.,2me4meirl "Yes, who cares that the constitution is broken. WHO broke it the most, first is what matters","I am not sure if your intent was sarcasm, but the reality that we are faced with is that it was broken by Bush, and then made *worse* by Obama, who gained everyone's trust due in part to his status as a 'constitutional scholar'." There should be a word for being so hungry that smelling your own farts makes your stomach growl,I have never been this hungry. "The 3rd/5th are what they are. You're judging their relationship to the tonal center, not counting the notes in the scale. The minor pentatonic scale, for example, consists of the notes 1 b3 4 5 and b7. Adding the extra blue note may change the number of notes in the scale, but it doesn't change how all those notes are related.",So I should try to come back to 1 b3 and 5 right because those are the harmonies? Get a load of this guy everybody,just thought it was a crazy coincidence haha A black family holding a barbecue? She was probably just concerned that they were cooking long pig.,This is just food with personality... "Best way to Backup Photos before Wiping Phone? So as of late, my S7 has been relatively clunky and full of junk. I've decided I'm going to fully reset it to get better performance and battery, but I don't want to lose my photos in gallery. What is the most effectielve way to back them up? Sidenote: is there a way of backing my google play music up, as I don't like redownloading all my songs.",Google Photos "(SpinFoil Theory) I think the next Destiny event will be the reopening of the VOG and Crotas End So the taken attempt to take the Vex Nexus , according to Ikora. The taken understand its value, so the next logical move for the taken is to take the vault of glass. And if you read the notes in new strike questline (forgeting the name) but it say for omnigoul, something along the lines of shes back and you know who she serves , so we need to go take care of this. So based on that and if taniks can be resurrected with siva , who knows what the taken could do with it for Crota","Actually I bet it will be Valentine's Day Doubles in Feb, VoG/CE in Spring." "I think this team could be a Super Bowl contender, but only if Rodgers returns to his old form. If not, I foresee a first round exit.","If he doesn't start playing considerably better, they don't even make the playoffs." "The content of their heart is blood, nerves, and cardiac muscle. The content of their brain is the product of a lifetime of experiences--are those experiences informed by the color of her skin and the way she has been treated because of it? Yes.",Thats just a sad way to look at people. thanks man,"No worries, man." It's that time of the week again,It's high shitpost "with Hillary, still no mention of Cannabis reform. I'm voting Gary Johnson.","YOU'RE THROWING YOUR VOTE AWAY, YOU NEED TO FALL IN LINE TO PREVENT DRUMPF FROM GETTING IN!" It's probably just a coincidence.,It's racism "Can't view FA? WHAT KIND OF FURRY ARE YOU? XD Maybe later, on mobile now.",I'm on mobile can't remember my log in derails indeed. i re-watched it the other night and already had forgotten how good it was. it was nice to watch it now that my initial hype has died down too so i could be a bit more objective. solid movie all around.,I really need to watch it again. *I hate that I thought I could run for president without being scrutinized.*,Extreme vetting folks! Mediocre is a little harsh. He was your best player that night and worked with what he had,"By far, but he still flashed some bad habits I thought were long gone." "Excuse me I should've clarified, 4 hours of playing time in crucible on this account.",That's how much crucible I've played in 2 years. I've heard it's because 7 is a registered sex offender.,*registered six offender. What if they're disillusioned with the system because Obama keeps going after their beliefs?,"What, their beliefs that a black man shouldn't be allowed the white house unless he's serving food?" "Youre forgetting the Bengals fans that voted for OSU because they thought it would be funny. 5% People that seriously believe this. 5% Ohio State Fans being cocky because its an internet poll and who cares 30% Bengals/Other Fans shitting on the Browns 60% Browns Fans doing what Browns fans do best, hating on the Browns",This list is spot on "Not bad Bitcoin, not bad today",:-) The only green in a sea of red... The Bray Community,I'll sign a petition to make that the new name for the Wyatt Family. added Ill send a 4IV HA Vulpix Ok?,Are you xanz? still here down voting racism and bigotry,"Wow, some hero you are there pal" Looks like we got another stow away,OMG I had the same fun reaction when that dead body fell out of my trunk. NA doesnt take it as seriously as eu and korea from what ive seen,they think one hour of practice could be enough to beat korea What's your early voting experience been like?,"So easy I did it a few times, just to make sure it wasn't a fluke." "Every time I launch this game, I regret it","Oh but it's alright because people can just join games in progress, right?" Some Baylor fans are sending vile messages to a sexual assault advocate who called for Bears to cancel season,Probably just another BOMC false flag Parts testing station at work. Not sure if this counts as gore or efficient.,"It makes it easier to put the fire out, so definitely efficient." How the hell is paladin the least played?,They kind of sucked to play before TBC. "Ouch, your most reliable WR? You must be in a big league.",Well I have Hopkins but you know how that's turned out. And it worked because Kelechi Osmele is a monster,Probably my favorite NFL player at the moment Bluetooth 5 is now available,Does Bluetooth 5 require new hardware or is it another software upgrade? Yeah I can definitely believe that for sure. But saying they have the best traveling fan base with no data is reckless.,"Objectively, it is the largest fan base, so even if the fan base travelled proportionally the same as any other fan base it would have the largest contingent in absolute terms." you completely missed the point... remember and think about how everything hitler did was legal and you will see his point (and some of things blacks did [ in the US] before the civil war was illegal only to be legal X years later),Oh fuck off with this Reductio Ad Hitlerum bullshit. I think you fail to realize that Hillary Clinton has done a lot of bad and shady shit and isn't really trusted by the people. The numbers are showing that.,well that convinces me...Hillary OBVIOUSLY murdered her husband's former Attorney General Janet Reno because the numbers show that people don't trust Hillary! "\*sigh\* Great, because fuck equality and fuck gays for wanting to be able to get married, right? That's totally going to help our country in the long run.",At least god will stop punishing us with natural disasters! Not true his supporters said he's doing to out of the goodness of his heart because he's not accepting a salary.,"He didn't even want to run, he just felt that he had to do it for the people!" Being fat is healthier than having testicles,"Yes, men getting castrated and women pounding double cheeseburgers all day are definitely equal things to compare." "Tonight when Trump said We have so many things that we have to do better, Lester and certainly cyber is one of them, I was like that's what she said. .. and it was the saddest thats-what-she-said joke that was ever told. :(",Trump still has cyber sex in AOL chat rooms We need more crappy NSBM in the mainstream if we want metal to survive.,but if it becomes mainstream then it sucks! "You can? I think it doesn't go that high though, does it? How would I do that please?",In the settings you can pick the quality of streaming and downloaded music. "LIVE Stream: Donald Trump Rally in Sarasota, Florida (11/7/2016)",No more sanctuary cities. "To me Trump and Clinton are both poor. Trump worse, but he will be more easily blocked with opposition from both parties.",Keeping most of the Republican base in the polls and everyone ununendorsing him sure shows how willing they are to oppose him. Same thing black excellence stands for. It can't be racist and supremacist one way and not the other.,"Yes, because there is no difference between how black people and white people have been and still are treated in American society." "Thanks, I will after work.",its a stuck pixel mate "There's nothing to protect. We're losing jobs and will continue to do so as long as technology keeps advancing. Labour protection isn't going to help, what's needed is wealth redistribution / mincome.","Perhaps if ownership of the means of production were more distributed, too...." "I agree. For example everyone's saying how nice the changes to how the lasers effects works. I don't think they've actually looked though because the lasers themselves are nice and the impact sparks are good but the fire effects from some of the guns, especially the badger repeaters and it's other sized brethren, look pretty bad. Also the impact explosion effect from the lasers is so out of place. So many seem to love them but I don't get it. We shoot these small lasers and get these giant plumes of smoke that seem to render on the shield and not the hull which just looks bad and even still they look so out of place when every time you shoot you get this large fireball and plume of smoke rather than the old system of some nice bright sparks and molten slag and a nice little melted hole and a nice small poof of smoke where you shot. Missile explosions are pretty unsatisfying compared to the ones we've had before. Engines have no feeling of power. They have very muted sounds compared to everything else and afterburners don't give you an expected explosive rumble of power, instead it's a slightly more strained whirring sound that all the engines make. No sound change when you boost either which makes it feel like its just a button that unlocks maneuverability magically instead of the sound of thrusters firing harder. Feeling of acceleration is also worse, not only because the engines make no real noise difference during afterburner, but also because they've removed a lot of the visual affect of gaining speed which overall makes going fast very unsatisfying. All guns seem to have a weird recoil effect that you'd only expect in a personal weapon and not a ship weapon. Fire any of the guns and you'll notice they don't fire in a straight precise line like they used to they fire in one straight line and then the next shot is off a bit and the next is back on then the next is off in another direction. If you fire the repeaters you get a shotgun spread pattern rather than a somewhat straight line of lasers. That's all not mentioning anything about the stat changes of everything and core mechanic changes. Which is it's own thing and some of it I like. These are just some of the changes they've made that are backwards from where we were and cheapens the feel of the game despite the much nicer visuals and lighting overall.",You've got some good points there. "Taking on a room full of people in hand to hand combat and coming out on top. I don't care how much training you've had Jason Bourne, if 5 guys are surrounding you, one guy would have you in a full nelson, one guy would have your legs, and the remaining 3 guys would be beating you until you look like a pile of bloody hamburger. Fin, roll credits.","But they fight with honor, and only one or maybe two guys engage them at a time!" What is a sad reality of life?,"I'll never have grown up in a small town in America in the 90's, with my best friend next door, playing Tekken 4." The union has been pretty perpetual.,The government that was defined in the Articles of the Confederation lasted 8 years. Why do you have 0 cdr thooooo ;-;,"Probably because I was 0/3/1 before this and couldn't really afford anything other than sighstone mobis, Also I've heard that taking flat MR and armor in runes is more important for bot lane, so I always just take flat MR in my glyphs" They look toxic as hell too,Yeah in order to be a platinum or higher you have to pass the intolerable asshole measure to make sure you compare to the rest of the crowd. "Or trying to lose weight and watching the scale fluctuate up and down every day. It's best to find something else to do, and check weekly.",Studies show that checking weight more often lead to more weight loss though. He's implying they got it on console,CoD has a dev console? Guys?? I Wanna Play Too.....,Buy a SSD asshole. Dem congressman: Electoral College has 'right' to weigh Russian hacking,Dem Congressman dutifully promotes official DNC talking points. "Can We Please Stop Posting Our Ranks? I get it, you finally got all Blue Stars, or Challenger Elite, or Champ, and that's great. Maybe keep that post saved for when there's a weekly discussion. But it's almost daily that I'm seeing these new posts with the same old shit over and over. Please stop. /rant",Oh cmon we all know you made this post to show off you champion flair! Does this mean I offer my baby to the Godhand?,All you need to do is speak the phrase... "Isn't she supposed to be from around the Mediterranean area? That's not exactly white, but is it racist that the protesters don't want her because she white? I really can't tell anymore.",Was it her whiteness or her skimpy outfits? The Tony Romo type of player.,;_; #WHY IS THAT A SHOCK? LOOK AT HIS RALLIES !!!,"because, you know, florida only votes democrat, and a republican has never won florida" Which app are you using to send text messages?,stock messaging. Why does everyone dab?,me ;)Please;)buy;)me;)a;)vibrating;)underwear;),**;)**dont**;)**count**;)**on**;)**it**;)**i'm**;)**not**;)**doing**;)**it**;)**sir**;)** The Puppet isn't even in TSE,Not that we SEE anyway. *meteorite.,"That's not a car, it is an automobile!" Apple's new CEO: Goerge R.R. Martin.,slow clap. "IMMINENT VICTORY THREAD. #THIS IS NOT A DRILL. WE ARE ACTUALLY GOING TO WIN THIS. SJWs, SUCK OUR DICK.",He's up 2% in Michigan that's huge Alexander Creator gear preview,aaand they still haven't topped High Allagan for tanks :/ "It might be that the person taking the video cut him off while driving. This racist guy can go fuck himself, even if you get cut off it's not cool to go shout people out like he did, but it's possible he was provoked and we didn't see the beginning of this encounter.",Yea can you really blame the guy for calling a stranger a nigger with his family in the car? "People downvoting because they don't agree, but don't have anything to back them up.",For fear of they themselves being down voted. Sand casting a Makarov wearing sandals.,"What the hell is OSHA doing in those caves, making those guys wear sandals?" he really does make reckful's streams way more funny,That one stream when he played wod 3s with barry was funny as fuck "I actually managed to duel a colorado to death in open water yesterday in mine. God, rng, and the fact that my enemy was a colorado all led to my survival.","That Colorado should have eaten you like a piece of toast with jelly, what was he doing?" Let me tell you something about what gay looks like. I've never seen my gf in anything but a dress. I don't think she owns pants. She has Shirley Temple curls that go down to the middle of her back. She tilts her head and plays with said curls in her fingers when she asks for things. She knows more about makeup than some YouTube gurus. She has really really big boobs and she's fucking proud. She also came out as a child and was the epicenter of queerness for her small home town. Her principles had to rewrite the school rule books at her demand for inclusiveness. She's so gay she puts me to shame. She's the gayest person I know by a long shot. There's no such thing as looking gay my friend just do you.,I wish I could upvote this more. "Well, if you remember the story then he had to stay undercover so he couldn't very well go over to the dog if it would recognize him. Still sad though.","Hmmm, a Dog just ran over to that dude in the Groucho-marx glasses... IT MUST BE ODYSSEUS!" Is that pro tip a troll or just a statement? I keep clicking Mavis expecting something to happen lol,Nah I just meant we'll maybe work on making more mobile themes in the future haha Duncan?????? Wasn't Duncan the guy who freaked people out because he would literally congratulate players on the other team for making good plays and they'd get confused?,Do i have to really "Roast her without mercy, evenly on both sides.",I didn't know The Crimson Chin had a sister. Cookiezi | MOUSE PLAY | Tatsh - IMAGE - MATERIAL Scorpiour +HD | 1832 2x Miss 98.45% | Liveplay /w Chat,mouse can everything Bakambu is the cheap Aguero,Bakambu lacks 4 star skills "Right? Imagine if he busted his ass trying to help her out until 4 fucking AM, while she bitched about every little thing, and THEN read that facebook post.","Holy fuck, I'm fuming for him" "Okay, the PPK is neat (because Bond and because PP), but it's a terrible first gun. Even though it is .380, the recoil is **harsh** due to the super stiff recoil spring and straight blowback design. The frame is also kinda thin. It's less comfortable than a polymer frame 9x19mm, I think. Also, that recoil spring and its small slide make it a bitch to rack. And it will chomp on your fingers. It fucking hurts. Trust me.",Sexy as fuck though Why then do you guys vote for Netanyahu?,How does that correlate? Judge accepts charges against Neymar over Barcelona transfer | Neymar going to court,Florentino doing work You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals...,[Appreciates your input] Hibana x Thermite confirmed,I knew he was a weeb with those goggles! More Beer Barrel Issues I'm on official PVE and am trying to build a pub. I'm way in top of a spire and trying to irrigate the barrel with metal tanks. I started with an intersection pipe on a foundation and ran it up to the roof. Places the beer barrel and still no irrigation. What gives?,You cant irrigate barrels with reservoir and they have to be snaped ontop of a tap as well "Are you able to post this on a Victoria facebook group? Maybe the I <3 Downtown Victoria group, or Spotted in Victoria? Those tend to have quite a few more followers than Reddit.",I don't have facebook but you can link this post there if you think it would get more visibility "Sure, you are right here. but Who try to lose weight he isn't a model.",... Huh? You're probably right. It's been my experience that blondes are better at swallowing.,Daa-ha-ha-haaam. Are people learning Russian closeted racists?,"Are you crazy or trolling, or both?" I have a lot of train tickets...can you guess how many?,I'm going to say almost 900. How did this all fall back on Trump? Did he bring it up again? What happened,Media talking about Obamas birth to avoid talking about hillarys death Microsoft Surface Studio,"cool, so what about those of us that do actual work on computers?" Day In Day Out,Hard work will set you free Trump and Hillary Tied Nationally,AKA Trump 90% Clinton 10% Coruscant is the correct spelling,Don't be a buzz quill. No one hates me more than myself.,Have you never met anyone that's ever looked at you? They don't have any hackers. At least not those who rank top 5 in lux rankings.,Zamu and loke hacker confirmed No Man's Sky is an amazing demonstration of why hyping something up is almost always a disaster.,Good to remember in game dev tycoon. Gotta love that in discussions about racism people still deliberately butcher the guy's name. If the joke was relevant to something about him or something he'd done I'd be fine with it - such as the common substitution for UK Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt's surname - but you're just taking the piss out of Shyamalan's name because you perceive it as 'all foreign hard to pronounce'. Please don't.,You're on the wrong website. Blood Sucker/Crip Sucker,mmmmmmmm I love me a spicy maymay. "This post is a joke, the left has been enslaving black voters to welfare for years now and Hillary wants to continue to do the same. It's proven she's more racist",Forget to take your meds this morning? "I've been racially profiled before. I'm not resentful, because I understand why I'm being targeted. It's not out of hate, it's base don data. Most minorities who are targeted believe it is because an unjust system unfairly prosecutes them for being a different skin color, but what they (and most of mainstream America) doesn't see is when profiling leads to arrests and uncovering illegal activity. What breeds resentment is the perception, not the action.","What's your race/ethnicity, and what have you been profiled as?" He head butts her at 37:05,:D Our country feels so divided under Trump. I'm embarrassed he's our president.,Where have you been these past 8 years? But tell us how you really feel,"Oh no, the circle jerk is not amused...all these downvotes, I can't take it." TIL Walmart Loses $3 Billion a Year to Theft,Consider that money well spent on employee benefits...oh well Question time suspended after mass protest shuts down House of Representatives,Good case for tasers and bean bag guns. "ohms don't determine power requirement, wire mass and wire type mean much more. The more wire you add to the coil the more power you need, its as simple as that.",But wouldn't a .15 ohm coil typically require more power than a .3 ohm coil? Does the charging cable included with the OnePlus 3 connect to regular PCs (ones that don't have a USB C port)?,Yes How much elecrticity did you need?,7 I am going to propose to my girlfriend,Good luck mate :) "What investment is truly BIFL? People talk a lot about index funds as a set+forget investment. But given that the Fed's rising tide has been lifting the S+P for years, and that can't go on forever, I'm wondering what other options are out there.","A house in a vibrant city that is located within walking/bicycling distance to downtown, yet has a nice sized yard and a garage." ***THE*** safe.,Gotcha. "If you subject the majority to the will of the minority, that is also a path to civil war.","middle america is substantial land, and will actually secede tho - they dont give a shit about people in new york people forget forming the united states in the late 1700s involved A LOT of cajoling - america was 13 separate nations, and thus compromises were made - thats how unions work if the US wanted to be small and homogeneous, then a different kind of union would have naturally formed - but the US wanted to be big and occupy a lot of land and cultures, and thus you need to do things to keep that together" "Hey, as kids we even conned our friends, that's how smart we all are. They're so far removed from reality they actually think that is a positive thing! Outrageous.","If it was a biography of Henry Hill I could understand it and rationalize it, possibly even be entertained by it, but as as future billionaire heiress?" La. House hopeful: Islamists don't deserve 'peace' of our culture,"Yeah, remember when they invaded our country based on lies and killed 100,000 + innocent civilians over weapons that never existed?" Was it the clown?,The tree....because I had a large magnolia outside my bedroom window. My gt is :T0XicS0ldiERZ 2574 sr I play anything really,Cool I'll add you now "Euro is still rather low though - not quite at the 24 month low (thats still Mar 12, 2015), but not exactly high. It is also rather close to lowest ever.",Euro or ECU used to be lower than USD at one time so it's still far from lowest ever "Hai, baga sondaj care zice de ce n-au votat aia care n-au votat. :)",exista dar va trebui sa le cauti singur :) Wow this girl is going to new levels of dumb.,"She's trying to say that meme is a rape threat, and a bunch of people on twitter are accusing trolls of sending rape threats." Pepe is live at MAGA HQ.,Up vote for the bong. I don't see it. Cars in GTA V are usually a mashup of design languages from a few different manufacturers. This one is pretty unique,"It's got a name like I imagine rockstar would use and it just looks like a GTA car to me, not really something you'd see in real life." "There is another candidate, and he does support legalizing it federally. Why does everyone forget there are more than two candidates? Oh right, because the media makes sure that's what happens and we play right into their hand.","because there is little to no chance of a third party winning, it's almost throwing your vote away." I always assumed that wasteland dogs were really good hunters and trackers. Just look at our boy rex.,Wait who's rex and how do I get them? Croatia?,This is the UK. "I mean the same holds true if you are black, minus the deportation( I think). So that doesn't really explain why a lot of blacks would decide to sit this one out versus latinos.",Yeah the black population has been doing fantastic the last eight years! Stop being a little bitch and tell them you don't want to instead of you can't.,"Careful, Reddit doesn't know how to handle confrontation." I don't know if this game is for you if the excitement wore off in 2 months,in 2013. Anyone else getting these alerts? What does it mean?,it's probably testing emergency system in case shit hits the fan after the election tomorrow "Gunblade is pretty crap, but you can't get the rest without it. Lionheart has its niche, but usually you'd be taking Knight's Charge if you want tanky SB charging. But it has its uses. I don't know the name of his last RM, but it's something like +30% Ice Damage, which has uses, especially if you can hit softcap and use exclusively ice damage.",Didn't someone do the math and came to the conclusion that Lionheart was never worth using if you had both Knight's charge and Battleforged/Ace striker unlocked? "Grandi Opere, le intercettazioni: Cemento come colla e calcestruzzo che defluisce a cazzo.","Eh, ma con le tasse lo stato ci paga le infrastrutture..." "When the truck leaves and he continues crossing, he still doesn't look both ways. I walk through the downtown core every morning and night, and I'm blown away by how many adults don't look both ways before stepping into the street. I also can't get over the ones who perch on the edge of the curb, ready to lunge into traffic as soon as the crossing man shows. I've seen so many people hit / bumped/ close calls over the years. Please just look both ways before crossing!",This is why we need licensing for pedestrians. This is what appears when you search fnaf coloring pages for kids,I will colour this. "Just remember that this is the best tier item with the best tier add ons, dont complain before you remember things like the billy moon juice or the myers insta kill or wall hack etc.","Except that, you know, survivors have the chance to KEEP those things if they win." "Well just look in the drawings, you might figure it out",Are you sure _you_ aren't the autistic one? whos the guy on the far right?,singed "Not only that, he's also sitting in the handicap seat!","Oh god he just keeps getting worse and worse, I'm shaking." "The Breweries Making the Haziest, Juiciest, and Most Limited Canned IPAs of the Moment",Fuck that website So there's this young talented Swedish guitarist,So Stanley looked really rough yesterday. I'm hoping it's just him shaking off the rust of a month long injury. Our offense isn't talented enough to consistently overcome 1st and 20 from holding calls.,Remember when Stanley was just as good as Tunsil That was a rookie pun,"True, not the best pun to capture attention." I never understand these statements. It could also read Pandora to decrease it's white work force by 45% But that wouldn't be racist right?,You can't be racist against white people. Would be nice if the Stewards give an explanation explaining everything after the end of all the driver meetings.,"An explanation would definitely explain, or would it?" Too bad they are not listed in US stock exchanges =(,You can still buy. Democratic or liberal? Pretty sure millennials are not the most Democratic voting bloc.,"Those damn liberals, they ruined the Democratic party!" So she is now stalking her ex?,Sometimes women are crazy. MAGMA RAGER SYNERGY LETS GO,"That actually would be one helluva pull, Ice Rager would be even better though :^)" Because its a bit of fun at the expense of a living embodiment of liberal stereotypes among the thousands that exist on Reddit. You will hear people from your camp say things like not calling someone their preferred pronouns is literally violence in the same breadth that they claim its okay to be shitty and violent to Trump supporters cause his views are problematic And then the rest is hyperbole drooling out. Women and minorities! Think of the children! You're xenophobic! You have thousands of cohorts regurgitating the same wrong think BS and its just not worth the effort to talk about it because of your demeanor.,This guy gets it dude posted his sister's fit and people made a bunch of comments about how they wanna fuck his sister and how she's probably good at sucking dick. there were a lot of removed comments.,link? "Having known a fair deal of these kinds of people, and admittedly, having been one in my earlier years, I can give a go: 1. Tool - Because he really liked that one A Perfect Circle song, but it's too mainstream, so he chose Tool instead 2. Sigur Ros - Because It's fucking deep man. 3. Led Zeppelin - I only listen to it when I'm tired of the more deep stuff (Yes, that's an actual line I've heard used) 4. A lot of really obscure stuff that he found by googling and doesn't even like that much, he just added them to make his playlist **look** unique. 5. A few mainstream songs that he's embarrassed about.","Okay, but who doesn't like tool?" They are going to have another KS ??,Goes live 25th. Pizza is a vegetable.,We have always been at war with string beans "You would think someone wants to stand out by painting their house, no?",Standing out probably isn't the thing to do in China Who's Corrado playing with?,gardiner :) "Way to make of someone the example, huh?",How else will they learn? "You were in ICU in a coma? You probably had quite a lot of edema (somehow). That's when your whole body blows up like a water balloon and you get all sausagey. Consequence of thia is you literally burst out of your skin: that's why all your nerve endings were exposed and you had to grow new skin. So glad you pulled through! And yes about vaccination, if you know that stuff is going around. Yes, meningitis (brain infection) is contagious. Bacterial meningitis have vaccines. Viral infections don't. I am not a Dr. Ask your doctor (a real one, not Dr. Google) for more info.",REAL DOCTORS ASK GOOGLE TOO! So sad. There isn't really much to say.,"Didn't realize there was an Austria flair now, niceeeee." I was trying to fix it today and it turns out to be harder than I thought...,Its easy: If gunmag = removed shooting = 0 ElseIf shooting = yes Of,Tuna Sigh. I noticed this when I built a computer in 2013. I've built my last 3 machines from Amazon. The only thing Newegg really has going for it anymore is it's vastly superior search capabilities. It's got categories and specs down better than anybody else I've seen.,PCPartPicker man. Chad from Game Attack?,The other hamster he means Tim Tebow smashes into outfield wall,Man you can tell that guy never skips leg day It's totally inaccurate. Everybody knows all Viper drivers already have twelve inch penises.,He didn't know what to do with two feet of dick... "If there are drawbacks to wheeled appendages, then why does a car usually win vs random animal on the road? EXPLAIN THAT",fuel As a Bozeman resident send help.,You spelled nudes wrong. "It's from July, probably talking about the a war is coming video. Frank still has some big projects coming though due to his recent teases.",that's from today m8 OP's screen cap has the date in D/M/Y "In fairness, it's not like it's a statistic that every political mind knows the significance of, it's just some random number, right?","It's an American Football player formation, right?" "I never said I'd pay $80 for MWR. The point I was making that when MWR comes out by itself, I will buy it for whatever price it is sold at, even if it will be sold at $79. I'm assuming it will be sold for around $40, but anything less than $80 is money saved in my opinion. I will never play IW, I do not think it is worth $1, and I do not want to contribute to IW sales. Is English not your first language?",This is the stupidest thing I've ever read. What has been done about Facebook stealing views from YouTube creators so far?,I'm doing my part by no longer caring about them. that's just not what repping means at all in context,Well I didn't know that. It just seems like an awful strategy. If he gets flustered in the town hall and decides to bring up Bill's affairs she is likely going to look incredibly sympathetic.,or more likely she'll hit him with a comeback so devastating a microphone will materialize in her hand just so she can drop it. "If any of you need it, you're welcome to use it, attributing it to yourself.","I totally would, but I'm a coward and can only imagine the backdraft from it (especially my MP...) Im putting it to practice though" See that's the thing. I'm not trying to get swarmed whatsoever. It isn't a dead market. I don't understand where y'all get that from. I want a couple orders to send out and get reviews. I'll then move to a bigger market.,"i mean it might not be dead but no one knows it either, it's not even on the superlist" Takumi RXT Offers,2 CH1 crates? did i miss something guys? :D,\#osu "700,000 people in the UK out of 60+ million seems a little high. I doubt nearly/roughly 1 in 60 people I know have autism.",...maybe it's you? "Hillary Clinton: Mr. Trump, did you grab that pussy?* Anderson Cooper: You don't have to answer that question! Donald Trump: I'll answer the question! Donald Trump: You want answers? Hillary Clinton: I think I'm entitled to. Donald Trump: You want answers? Hillary Clinton: I want the truth! Donald Trump: You can't handle the truth! [pauses] Donald Trump: Hillary, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be built by Mexicans and guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Mike Kaine? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Alicia Machado, and you curse the RNC. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That Alicia Machado's weight gain, while tragic, probably saved women from becoming fatties. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, grabs pussies. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that pussy, you need me on that pussy. We use words like marriage, fidelity, class. We use these words as the talking points of a life spent defending misogyny. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a woman who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the skinny girls that I keep from becoming fatties, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a kettle ball, and do crossfit workout. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to. Hillary Clinton: Did you grab the pussy? Donald Trump: I did the job I... Hillary Clinton: Did you grab the pussy!? Donald Trump: You're Goddamn right I did!","Ah, from the upcoming blockbuster, A Few Deplorable Men." In what ways have cats negatively impacted your life?,Fucking fur on clothes. "And the Trump supporters defacing black churches, Trump supporters punching women wearing the hijab? What do you say to those folks",False flag or soros seems to be their main MO. "The problem is that people bake black bars into their video instead of exporting it in widescreen format. If people just exported it properly, YouTube would deal with it just fine.",Most people are unaware of different aspect ratios and prefer to use marketing buzzwords. I thought we found put John Podesta is literally satan and Hillary dines on baby flesh to bring her warlock levels up,you left out all the pedo pizza places they own but all i did was cry,But I thought you guys said you hadn't seen my in action in the bedroom...? "What's really the difference with clean and dirty bulk? Can your protein:fat:carb ratio be the same in clean and dirty bulk? Different micronutrient intake? Is dirty bulk like, eating only hamburgers and not getting enough macro nutrients?","Way overshooting caloric needs to be confident you're eating enough to grow, even though you're also going to gain fat." Australian new home sales just hit a 2-year low,Try reading the article instead of reacting to the clickbait. "Not really a good way. Gaijin will see that the tiger II performance is going down and thus lower their brs. Which would be awful, the tiger II P is way too good for 6.3, could you imagine it at 6.0 and the tiger II H at 6.3?",I still remember people pushing for the Tiger 1 to be at 5.0 or 5.3. New England Family,I want to see the lower part of the East Coast! "Potato, Potato (P-TAT-TOE, P-TAW-TOE) Trust me. No one says P-taw-toe. You sound ridiculous.",Yeah that's just a dumb take on the tomatoe version "TBF, Romney did much of the same, albeit less obviously. I think there should be more convergence of debates and technology - allowing debaters to pull up videos, etc. People don't get to make their own facts.",GW 2000 did this too. "I appreciate this post but it sucks to know that it won't change much, people will continue to create shit because they see it becomes successful so easily. Someone manages to catch a wave and make a million and people will follow all too quick in the hopes of reaching the same success. Seeing a lot of ASSC and VLONE in the comments. Those brands are really only successful because celebrities put it on their body, and their value went up from there. ASSC would be nothing today if Kanye didn't wear it. VLONE was made by the A$AP mob which is pretty much why it's successful, it's moved through the rap game so quick that a lot of rappers not in A$AP mob rep that shit.",accurate It is the luck of the world. Doesn't mean I'm not bitter as hell about it. Why can't we ever get some of that luck of the world?,Because we threw snowballs at Santa Claus Saw this pre built Acer PC with a GTX 1070 at Costco and was surprised at how strong some of the specs were.,"But a lot of these companies use RAM, HDD's and SSD's that aren't from reputable brands." "Umbrellas and Parachutes in General I have a suggestion. I believe umbrellas should have a durability meter that is decreased in regards to the time you spend in the air. This would make them much less overpowered and you would have to choose when to use them and not waste them on a 3 foot drop. It would also make it so once you find one you might want to keep the next one you find as well. Also, Nelson should add a military parachute that is able to be equipped as a separate slot than any other we already have. This parachute would have one of two different activation methods. You could either manually activate it while in the air, or you could set it to automatically activate at certain heights.",Parachute should take up the backpack slot. Selfie taken on train tracks just moments before all three were killed by a train,The girl on the right looks like she stole the girl on the lefts entire chin. Friend of mine made this for me to commemorate our favorite Skyrim hold,Do you get to the cloud district very often? Blatant cheating in the summit,"Have you seen all the people repeatedly ramming the house next to the hillclimb, trying to copy a glitcher's ghost?" I have the Strix RX 480 and can't even overvolt/overclock it to get it above 70C in benchmarking. The cooler is awesome.,"Man that sucks, feel sorry for you dude." "Game Thread: Colts (1-2) @ Jaguars (0-3) The Colts head across the pond to face the London Jaguars. Fresh off their 1st win of the season, Luck and Co look to notch their first divisional win of the 2016 campaign. Will they be able to overcome the Jaguars home field advantage?","Oh boy, here comes our patented end-of-half soft coverage." I do my difficult homework semi-inebriated. Helps me think freely. Or I tell myself that.,Oh jeez... idk about Adrian but i could use some TSM wildturtle.,"seems kind of far fetched, why would Turtle ever play on a team like TSM?" Shhhh the Quebecois think they're French.,No we don't An I the only one that plays pc on a big screen with a Xbox one controller?,"Dude, hdtv lag." Who's taking the PSAT tomorrow? I'm probably gonna make a 900 or something lol,Yep Clinton is lucky her aides are good at pleading the 5th. I guess they don't have a reason to do so in your naive vision of the world.,Isn't it so horrible when people exercise their constitutional rights? Legend of Luca Release Notes - Sliding Locomotion! - 8 Player Classes Added,Love this game i keep going back. The assassin after shooting Russia's ambassador to Turkey,Am I going to see this pic in a history book in 50 years? "When is the free 3* K-2SO character pack coming out, and what will we use for refreshing the event?",The pack is out on Android. Idk if there are new episodes but I like watching my big fat gypsy wedding because well... watch it and you'll see for yourself haha,Love that show! "18, but that box still holds some of the happiest moments of my life",And playing ps1 games again doesn't bring back the happy times Scott said the other nights were going to be uploaded... Anyone else curious about what games those will be?,Kitty in the crowd + FNAF = Freddy in the crowd "nah not true at all. Supra engines, for example, were known to be extremely resilient","They were also designed for forced induction, unlike the VQ in the 350" I just don't see why Whitney doesn't try to repair her relationship with the girls vs. going down this road where really only Justin will protect her.,Cuz she has a strong social game lol crazy Trump supporters... Everyone should be in jail except for Trump.,You belong in jail u/Cyuen! r/politics is basically r/hillaryclinton and a majority of the mods here are less than a year old. If you don't think it's rigged you're living in a dream world. I eagerly await CTR downvotes.,"Just like the election is going to be rigged, amirite?" "Hospital wouldn't release baby to me based on my say-so and no proof, also my wife might go hide from me at a battered women's shelter",Taking your newborn child without your soon to be ex wife's knowledge or say so is totally a thing someone who is not an abuser would do. Australias politicians have promoted xenophobia says UN expert.,By Australia's politicians you mean Pauline Hanson right? "Yeah, but those aren't the *wrong* kind of refugees.","Ugh, they're non-european so clearly they are" Trump Tower security: De Blasio asks for federal money to cover costs,Think of all the jobs hes creating in law enforcement! "Like, maybe we could point out that when someone is shot by a cop, that person's life mattered? If there were a group disproportionately underrepresented, we could even point out that whole group's lives matter!","But then that would make THEM the *real* racists, wouldn't it?" "I say GLBT, cus fuck lesbians, gays came first, obviously, cus the female orgasm doesn't exist.",I say faggots and other stuff "People who use Incognito Mode on your web browser for reasons other than porn, what are those reasons?",If i need to sign in on the same site using another account but don't want to logout from my main account. So do how can you make a discount as big as the difference between $249 and $179??,"I work at an independent hotel, so have lots of lenience compared to a chain which have to compete with other hotels from the same chain." "Well the iPhone 6 had bending issues, maybe not as widespread due to not many bending their phones but it's still a pretty major flaw.",Yes.... having your phone look slightly funny from people being idiots about handling them is *totally* the same as a hardware flaw that can make your phone blow up under normal use... "Huge amount of data written to disk by Spotify client - anyone else also experienced this? Hey, what's your disk usage by spotify client? It looks like in my case, it's around 20GB writes to ssd/day, so if nothing changes 7TB a year might cause some degradation of SSD after a few years... Even if it will not, that amount of thata written by something that is just music player tells us that something is seriously wrong. You can check it in activity monitor, under Disk label - it will show amount of data written to ssd since app was started",I'm sure this has *nothing* to do with the fact that it was recently discovered that the Spotify desktop client opens your computer up to malware through their ads. 5 New Free 16k HDRIs (now 10 in total),If only my Radeon hadn't decided it won't render HDR lighting anymore :( "For a moment I thought you meant he was chasing tail like the foreigners who joined ISIS so that they could have sex slaves. I need to tune out Welsh jokes. Anyway, it seems this guy had his heart in the right place, but man what a pointless death, thinking you're fighting for revolution when you're really just being a peon for American Imperialist interests.","Seeing as the YPG only aligns with the US in a common fight against ISIL and, as time goes on, they've been aligning increasingly closer towards Russia and the SAA, the whole American Imperialist peon thing makes very little sense." "The defense industry employs a lot of US citizens, and they tend to like having their jobs.","You're right and its probably irreversible now but it would be nice if the military was judged solely on it ability to attack/defend, and adjusted in size accordung to needs, not provide jobs or make a profit/loss etc." Jesus 16 kids? I'm scared to see what the wife's vagina looks like.,Hallway "Elon Musk says people should receive a universal income once robots take their jobs: 'People will have time to do other things, more complex things, more interesting things'",Controversial but - the people who are losing their jobs due to automation are not likely to be the people who are capable of using their new found spare time to do something beneficial. If it was an S in parenthesis she would have thought it was safe to share.,Maybe she though the c stood for careless Make this the number one image search for racist symbol,Apparently the bar is so low just draw a swastika next to it and ADL will do the rest. "rest is the only way to get a KO, use it as often as possible","Tbh, casual rest only puff dittos can get pretty fun." What do I promo him to?,Falcoknight Those hands are yellow on my screen. Makes me imagine a Japanese girl with a broken english doing it. It's funny.,"My mobile phone has them as red, I see a traditional Native American feminine dance statement and you're racist and sexist for thinking otherwise" Invul. State It works? I get a lot of dmg from condi while im Invul. Anyone notice?,What skill are you using that makes you invuln? "Why are people calling the NV4 balanced? I've been in 10 games now where almost the entire enemy team runs around (sometimes camping), with the NV4 Fallout, instantly melting me regardless of the weapon Im using. I could be equipped with a 6 attachment Ripper, shoot them first, and still get dropped. Am I missing something? Was there a stealth buff for this thing or has it always been this OP?",R3K is better IMO Fullmetal Alchemist Teaser Trailer,"ITT: it's okay to cast white people in movies where the original character is supposed to be set in a predominately asian setting but if they cast an asian actor from a fictional japanese story, they get butt hurt" My daughter is a Silver V now,Road to Global. Pokemon - Serena,the bae "Those videos are play of the match, if the Lucio had earned the achievement, it's not going to show that fact AGAIN during the replay. It would've appeared after the actual play/boop during the game.",But what you *can* determine is if OP did it the right way in order to earn it. hey i'm the type of gamer that dont spent a penny,"Well, if it takes you X hours to farm isk to get a PLEX, and <<<<X hours working irl to get the money to buy a month subscription, I dunno if 'dont spent a penny' is actually a smart choice." "neanderthal inbreeding is present in humans that migrated out of africa so ... european descents, asians, and native peoples around the world are responsible for traffic jams? sounds about right","The ancient men were created in a lab in Africa by the Annunaki and later brought to the Eden, the Annunaki base in Summer, get your facts straight boy" "Oh nice, the neighbors are quiet. Easy sale........ wait....",Until a military funeral happens. "8Wack has been a fringe budget deck for some time. This version sacrifices consistency for explosiveness. I think the inconsistency would make this one less viable then the normal 8wack, but you'd have to try it out to be sure.","8wack is just monored-BTE into bushwhacker, is that a decent summary?" "You're right, they should leave us to abuse the vulnerable and strip them of their rights in peace. HOW DARE they question GREAT Britain!!!","Seriously, I thought we'd got away from all this crap when we voted to leave Europe!" No true Scotsman,Pretty sure Scottish people can play cod... WTF mate won't let me play Pruchesrd BF1 early enlister deluxe edition from Wal mart won't let me play help!,Have you put the disc in the drive? Actually the one thing I miss about console gaming is having a shelf of games. I do like the convenience of digital games though.,There are a lot of games that you could buy as a box and get it on steam Look whats happening in Copenhagen. Huge groups of Muslims chanting Allahu Akbar in the streets. Democrats want this in America. TRUMP 2016!,"Someone needs to rent a dump truck and use their own tactics against them, I promise you wont hit any women or children in that group." I fucking love Iron Maiden. Always have and always will. But this is the most crotchety old person reaction to this and its so fucking irritating. Why take only some albums away after they've already been put up? Music evolves as technology does. Get over it. I agree that Maiden is much better being listened to on a nice audio setup on vinyl but I can't bring my turn table and speakers with me to work or on a run. That's why I have Spotify. It's a mentality like that that leads you to a Napster situation like Metallica and fuck even they bowed their head and put they're entire catalogue (and then some) up on most major streaming sites. It's not 1982 any more. Physical media is dying whether we like it or not and adapting is better for everyone involved rather than trying to fight with futility trying to save the status quo. Granted that's even if this is their reasoning at all for why albums are disappearing but either way it's irritating.,"To be fair to Metallica, they got pissed when a song they were still working on got released & was getting radio play." "Oh man. My ex. I had breakfast with her dad and asked for his blessings to marry his daughter while she was out of town on a trip. We had been living together for a couple years at that point and I knew she was the one. She got home to giant bouquets of flowers. Turns out, she cheated on me that very same exact weekend. Single moment derailed my whole life. A year later I'm still dealing with the consequences and figuring stuff out. But what a lesson to learn.","On the plus side, dad knows what she missed out on." Forza 5 Giveaway!,69 "Bring back reforging. It's a great idea. (maybe?) I don't have time and envy to do some activities for loot my perfect version of Grasp of Malok or Eyasluna. (I imagine often the Grasp with Counterbalance, Smallbore and Feeding Frenzy. Eyasluna with Rangefinder, Riffled barrel and Luck in the Chamber.) Strikes are boring and PvP doesn't matter. I play with a lot of players who are red bar (me too) and the Trials are composed of players who try-hard. I want to spend my time on those activities for the fun, but, in a way, I think this fun was composed of god roll weapons. I have a lot of weapon's parts and mote of light. I want to use them, but I can't. Banshee smell useless, he exists only for the test weapon and that it. And, players who are bored because they don't have the perfect weapon are being able to have the god roll. In that case, duels are more fair and we don't have to nerf weapons because they are too OP.",No. Do think someone like Gina Miller is going to need to cut back on food and fuel?,"Yeah, because she is the elite who stand to profit from leaving the EU" "Ah jeez, I was afraid of that... Okay, no problem: what about that 3DSXL? Does it have a unique LFCS_B I could obtain from it? Or will it still be my sister's?","its lfcs_b will be unique, its movable.sed will be that of your sisters" The first time minesweeper and armored vehicles of local-made intervention of the battles in the countryside north of Aleppo,'battles' people even walked next to the minesweeper just showing off footage I talked to him in discord he wanted to look at only the numbers which would be 442332428101238. (the 101 are kind of up to interpretation though because of the handwriting. could just as well be 'lol'.),I actually think its 101 now because we see LOL on line 3. [HAPPENING}Julian Assange's internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party,Can I get an ELI5 of what's going on with Assange and wikileaks right now? What does a Trump presidency mean for Europe?,"Russia will come and conquer all, what else?" ofc c9 never fires ppl remember? Have faith ppl!,"Well, Massan" They should really do Shane vs Brock at Royal Rumble. Then save Mania for someone coming to Shane's aid to get redemption. Brock is a monster and a draw. I really think he should be practically unbeatable all year long and then eventually put someone over at the season finale WrestleMania. It would be even better if it was really Daniel Bryan coming to Shane's aid but I dont see that happening anytime soon.,Missing out on D-Bry vs Brock at WM31 is always going to be my biggest dissapointment Depends on the neighborhood and anecdotal evidence is not reliable.,Agreed. There's no guaranteed or perfect way but could look at buying the property back at previous price paid + average change in value of properties in area over years since purchase.,So six months in this case? "You have $75 to blow at Best Buy, what do you buy?",A new router. "Approximately 6.5c/o of all the people who have ever been born are alive today. That's a lot of people, and growing.",Whoa So they simply keep it for a while and trash it afterwards.,No they hire special investigators and track you down from a single skin cell. 27. Female. Graphic designer still living at home and obsessed with Overwatch. Give me your worst! c:,Does your daughter know you wear her clothes? "Wtf is r Donald, all I saw and many others was r politics spammed with anti trump posts, which had the opposite effect like propaganda usually does and im voting for him basically just because the media is against him with such hatred",Way to stick it to the man and think for yourself. "Everyone is getting a Spire lll, and I'm like...","Yeah that's all done and dandy, have fun with the tennis elbow you develop from shaking the darn thing!" "Nah, I barely like my own dick. He gets me into too much trouble.","Statistically, that still means you like 100% of dicks you've handled." Really with the headline?,I mean its not wrong though "Assuming Clinton is the default mode for undecided voters is what lost this election, not people choosing not to vote. They didn't vote because there was no one to vote for, not because they couldn't be bothered.","The problem is, a lot of people acted like Clinton and Trump were equally bad right up until the moment Trump won, and then they immediately realized that Trump is far far far worse." Stencil spray painting on Razer 80%,I wanna test this out now "Renegades are somewhat on par with the better NA teams An interesting idea though would have been if ESL imported a load of foreign teams and moved them to the US for the league, maybe schedule all of their matches within a 2 week timespan. Teams like The Mongolz, Tyloo ect. They're not a replacement for teams like Cloud9, but i'd say they're better than CLG, NRG, Col and the likes.",I think it's likely EPL will eventually move to that. "I was recently banned from r/news for pointing out that Obamas very own Justice Department found that hands up, don't shoot never happened. I was banned for racism.",Did they? "Chemdawg is my second favorite! Any time I find some, I buy up what I can.",I just picked some up for Christmas! Or do you? I assumed op was from America. So I could be wrong but there's a good chance I'm not.,Doesn't mean you're not still living in the wrong place. "I told the first employee I spoke to, they didn't do anything that I saw. I wasn't about to go move the kid and risk some psycho parent coming out of the woodwork and acusing me of kidnapping or being a predator.","Crazy thought, instead of snapping a pic for karma why not call the authorities since you obviously saw the employee do nothing." Why don't i jump instead!,I don't get it... The picture doesn't look anything like The Last Guardian... Where in the fuck is this key?,you have to switch your keyboard to emoji language it can. go into settings,Oh i meant b4 you press the back button when its in its normal position "Tiger Den Leader - a bit worried about getting the boys completed I was a scout growing up (Eagle 1991), so not totally new to scouting. Tigers seem to be a bit more structured than when I was a cub - I was in a pilot of tigers in 1983. I'm currently worried that I am not going to get my boys through the rank (particularly when seeing posts here saying that there are dens complete with the requirements for Tiger). I have done Tigers in the Wild, and the hard to do alone requirements for Tigers safe and secure with a majority of the boys in the den. My son has also completed My Family's duty to God. My den has 5, I have one who started late who will be awarded his bobcat this month at the pack meeting. I have one boy with 3 adventures complete, I have two with 2 and one with one and one with none complete. Am I going to fail these boys?","my schedule is: Nov / Dec: Games Tiger's play (to get around the holidays Jan: Tiger Bites Feb / Mar: Team Tiger April: Backyard Jungle May: Community Project / catch up for any requirements missed, Elective chosen by boys" "Panthers get a goal called back for goaltender interference, despite Bjugstad not touching Coreau.","it was the right call though, according to NHL rulebook regarding screens within the goal crease." Alright racist.,I'm sorry you don't have any friends to occupy your time "right! thanks. i saw that headline this morning, but evidently was paying zero attention as i read it. what did we giv up for him?",We traded away our 4th pick in the 2018 Superdraft for DCU's 4th pick in the 2019 Superdraft and Aguilar's rights. "Fun fact, adult raccoons are called haringtons",Kit Harington? But state law usually indicates that faithless electors are automatically excused and replaced with someone who will change the vote to the legal answer,It hasn't been tested in the courts if they can do that. RNC Didn't Know About Trump Event With Clinton Accusers,Priebus and Ryan are so fucking done with him. Did you just use a tornado rating scale to describe hurricanes and try to push an environmental science agenda?,I corrected myself Do you think it is unreasonable for people to believe that the Trump on that tape is the real Trump and think that it's important that women are coming forward to corroborate the tape?,"I don't think anything about Trump's actions (not words) unless there is some real evidence posed, just like with any other crime." Oh okay Harry Reid. We remember when you tried this with Romney.,Since your comment was actually upvoted I am going to assume that CTR funding has been yanked from Clinton's campaign? Evans for Hurns++,Who are your running backs? Tell me more. How have welfare programs destroyed low-income families?,"They've incentivized single motherhood, which has been shown more than any other single factor to put children at risk for negative outcomes like poor grades, truancy, trouble with the law, etc." I have no idea. They're not bad people and my mother **of all people** even suggested that he stay the night.,Hmm your father isn't a gun loving hunter with an itchy trigger finger perhaps? What's the highlight of this game? The story? The gameplay?,The writing in the game is amazing You knew what you were doing...,I sure did and I don't regret it! "Ok you've forced my hand, as adds I have 46 of the same color (grey) painted Taheres?",Gold rush boost and it's a deal. 6 AM and we're done! NJ going red my dudes.,"NJ checking in, my fiance made it for 6, I was lazy and didn't make it til 7:30" "I had a shithouse day today. Put my cat down (cassie, inspiration for my username)... It was her time, and she's not suffering anymore, but still :( time to order comfort food and snuggle up under the doona...",I'm sorry for your loss. #JustGayThings,hey ive been gone what happened here why all so mad Is there a follow-up on the cat's health?,"Cat was given coffee, vodka and a smoke - Is recovering wonderfully." "Need some newb advice Im a die hard fan of the last of us, giving uncharted a try, any advice appreciated. Favorite mode so far is command",use the condor "I feel like I'm posting in this thread so much! My mom used to make this dish she called Shit on a Shingle, but in company it was Creamed Tuna on Toast. It was basically shitty tuna in some white cream sauce with peas thrown in slapped on a piece of toast. It was delicious.",Shit on a shingle was literally the only time I heard my grandma say anything remotely close to a swear word. Italian primary school asks children to 'bring in own toilet roll' due to lack of funding,Time for bidets! "1000 damage againts 30 armor? Yeah, that'll totally drop them.",That's why you buy refresher! "Ineradicable Journey, the book or either film will do it.","Peter...Shadow...Oh, Peter... Gets me every time." "They didn't make a pact with the devil, they made a act with the mouse.","Right, the devil" My imporvment: S4: D5 0 lp S5: D5 0 lp S6: D5 27 lp FellsGoodMan,S3 silver III S4 Gold IV S5 Diamond V S6 Diamond III Im thinking that's how im gonna feel if i get the auto...,I still love it though. Fuck the GOP.,"Hear, hear." My first thought if I ever happen to see an alien spacecraft will be: we're all gonna die,We are all gonna die though. "Bonnaroo Hack (One of My Top 3) Saw a video about top 3 Bonnaroo hacks from yesterday, but something they didn't mention was to buy a cheap 15 foot garden hose. We attach it to the spouts provided throughout the campground for brushing teeth, etc to take a nice cold morning shower when we are feeling like we need it. Plus it's free and not $10! See you all on the farm!","We brought a large green watering can that made an excellent shower, just took turns helping each other rinse." "Who here still has c2d or c2q rigs as their main ones? (9500gt, 4gb ddr2 and e8500, on asus p5nt deluxe)","Q9400 here, with GTX 650Ti and 4GB DDR2 RAM." "It's not about being good, it's for fun.","exacly, and all-stars are in Barcelona so spanish fans will enjoy having peke there." Yup. Cumulative trapezoid summation.,You mean like Tai's method? I agree. After seeing King Kong I am certain that the success of lord of the rings films was due mostly to the strong editorial oversight that prevented him from ruining them. You know he intended to have Aragorn fight Sauron in human form at the end of the movie right? It wasn't until they told him not to that they reshot it so he was fighting a cave troll instead.,"Yes, Peter Jackson, the man that fought tooth-and-nail to get the LOTR movies made in the first place, had to be forcibly stopped from deliberately ruining them." Thanks for the historical context!,"Anytime someone questions if something is feasible, my first instinct is to find a historic example of the same senario" What?,It's an old Lee Trevino joke. Some people thought he wouldn't and then he did. I think maybe his campaign made a statement that slightly casted a cloud over it and then the MSM ran with it.,Kellyanne said something along the lines of everybody has a right to privacy in reference to medical records. What do you mean by that? I know it was released around the time that nu metal was becoming popular but what characteristics make them similar?,They probably listened to Korn on set and figured they would get all Nu Metal fans in on the movie United States: once we see a country defeated and laying in a state of unconscious turmoil we raid their pockets for money and resources.,We do that during the fight I heard this way back but I heard Roach had the opportunity to train Roman. I wish Roman nothing but the best and I hope he comes back from this stronger than ever before. If Roman does pick a new trainer I hope it's Roach. Roman's offensive style could be enriched under the tutelage of Roach.,because so many roach trained fighters have won recently PSA: Don't confuse these,Calls Bonfires EZscape Wintertodt uses no logs and is profitable "Na, thorin's just a douche",Atleast he is a honest one. It's not nice to leave R. Kelley trapped in the closet.,We gotta send in Tom Cruise! "Then there was that time I hopped in a jeep only to have doofus wrap it around a tree and before I could spawn again, Germany won the match. Good times!",My rule #1 in HnG: Never get in an ally's jeep. "Yes, 30 power at max stacks, 30% attack speed and 10 flat pen in the lategame just doesn't do the job like, for example, executioner - 30 power, 25% attack speed but % pen in the passive","That makes sense, thank you for the response" When did I say Seattle shouldnt get a team? When did I say Pittsburgh is the only one who should get a team? And I know about the hockey situation and that is a relevant point but I believe its much easier to make money of a NBA team than a hockey team in america. Unless you are an extremely good hockey team (like they are now) I do not think its that easy to market. Its a good point though.,Ya Im saying Pittsburgh is still a risky market for basketball and theres other locations that would be more profitable. "dear mod who made Sherlock clues.. if you hate us that badly just say so.. fix a magical lamp in Dorgesh-Kaan is the most messed up clue scroll step i've ever seen or had. i've been walking around the upstairs area in dorgesh-kaan for 1 hour already, hopping worlds after every round and not a single broken lamp.. either this clue scroll is absolutely broken, or i'm doing something wrong after looking on the internet for the solution (so that I highly doubt), or you clearly dislike us. sincerely, someone who doesn't need a bag of salt to kill a rock slug anymore.","If you teleport with a Dorgesh-kaan sphere, you will always be teleported fairly close to a broken lamp, using this method it takes no time at all." "No Lettuce, No Tomato, plus No Commandments?",Duh.. the no commandments is how they can serve gays now! Let this sink in: Hillary Clinton will probably never be involved in politics again.,Danny Williams 2020 "They're also wrong, and should have known better. Look at any of the Red Hat marketing material. It's a crazy common mistake, perpetuated by the logo designer's decision to not put a space in for whatever reason.",Always bugged me a little. A thousand mouth breaths,Eww drool "If you died right now, what would be your biggest regret in life?",Joining the Army Reserve "As a guy who loves the Enduro to bits, I think I'll like this bike too. How much does it cost?","$230,000 I think" And you'll be like fuck you and kick her in the face with your ENERGY LEGS!!!,This sounds like a grown up Finn quote. I believe we all want VR animal abuse my friend.,Cat beater 2016 Donald Trump goes against vow to 'drain the swamp' by filling his transition team with lobbyists,Is this the same Reddit that considered a career politician an anti-establishment candidate or are we all pulling out our Jump to Conclusions mats? You need a dangle-tractor like we have in the WEC.,Is the angle of the dangle proportional to the heat of the meat though? "Pollster Says Donald Trump Ahead in Pennsylvania, Michigan",I'm glad someone is working hard to unskew the polls Her sisters are so beautiful. I just wish I could see what she would've looked like.,Even at week old you could already see that he had is brothers nose. "Wait, I forget - is today a day where Clinton is a militaristic warhawk beholden to the military industrial complex who's gonna get us into every war ever, or is today one of the days where she's a wilting weakling who's gonna personally let ISIS run rampant throughout the US? It seems to change so often. I can't keep straight which Clinton we're dealing with.",It's like how Obama is a muslim when they don't like him... but also a christian when they want to nail him with something. "We've heard: If anybody can help fix his game, it'd be McLellan If anybody can help fix his game, it'd be Hitchcock It's not even his game that needs fixing, it's quickly being apparent that the hockey IQ isn't there anymore.","No, no, no, they're obviously just healthy scratching him to protect that conditional 2nd round pick!" Summoner with black sheep still makes me lol,anything with black sheep is the best combo :D "Well, to quote a soon-to-be-lawyer who responded to the same gif, the only way this is illegal if its intent is to kill or maim. The man in the gif clearly did not sustain any sort of serious injury, only a minor shock. If this was at a lethal level, he would have been shocked still and fell over, similar to that of tasers. Also, this shit is fake as *fuck.*","I understand your cynicism because everything, in fact, is fake if it's on the internet." "Find it hard to question them personally, I would certainly consider it if I was in their position.","Honestly If I trusted in my ability I'd rather play in europe, but if I was someone like Oscar I would go to China" You won't believe how this leader of the new synthesis of communism found one three letter solution to create left sectarianism!,"Pretty sure every flavor of communist, from Brezhnevite tankie revisionist to entryist Trots to hardcore Hoxhaists to individualist anarchists outside of RCP would be united against it, same with CPUSA." Ordered mine Thurs 11/24 at 12:58am and it was delivered today around noon. Standard free shipping.,"wow, where do you live, my order on Wednesday night is still processing" Chinese law will force game makers to reveal loot box drop rates,"This just means the gold miners, in game currency traders will better be able to determine which games to ruin with their army of bots." Heroes never pie... for a slice.,Piece of kek "It took me all of 5 minutes to vote. And had I been more sure of my district, it would have taken me 2. Different places take different amounts of time. Also he probably wouldn't have been fired if it took 16 minutes. Or even 25.",Yeah it took me maybe 5 minutes as well. "We're not talking Injurylawyers4U calibre of ambulance chaser here, and yes, they're lawyers they'll be making bank regardless of if it's rainy or sunny.",Humans rights lawyers are such money grubbers eh? "Don't underestimate the power or uneducated, white, women hating, good for nothing red necks. Now fucking suffer for the next 4 years assholes.","So you are on her side, saying most Americans are deplorables?" "I really feel for the victims here, but if someone handed me $3 million before I was 20 I would have ruined my life.","Yep, $3M sure is worth a lifetime of social difficulties, intimacy issues, and having to re-experience the worst moments of your life as if they're happening again over and over and over." You can do a cheap value transfer and get a super fast confirmation.,you can do that with any other ethereum token world of warcraft,Ah... Nerd shit "This is something Patriots fans obsess over. It's Gronk's one weakness, so they think it should be made illegal. They freak out over TJ Ward all the time because he hits low, yet they're the only fanbase that calls him dirty. They're idiots and don't understand the rules or how the game is played.",It's not a hit on Gronk... it was the hit on Bennett off the ball from behind. "his what if is EXACTLY what's going on in the game. If an archetype is used as a mini engine, they don't count as the deck. Speedroids aren't considered the deck, or even relevant in the name, in ba. ABC isn't a gadget deck, despite using the johto gadgets. A metalfoe deck using a molmorat engine isn't a zodiac deck.",Should we start calling ABC the Union Photon Ho-Oh Lugia 'C' deck now? "If you could bring back 1 archetype what would it be, and why? (Personal opinion): Nekroz. Their lifespan wasn't as great as many people wanted them to be. I feel nobody recouped in gameplay of what they paid.",Blue Eyes My wife waiting for me to fill her up,Uh... "Doing three weeks worth of Queens Wrath bounties and then getting two class items isn't fucking cool. I mean, come on. Just needed to vent.","im just trying to get the ship, all ive gotten so far is arms two packages in a row" Someone accidentally hit the right alt key instead of the L key,You mean the alt-right key? Free Iron Banner Rewards!,Quit DDOSing people "Australia's constitution has the same provision for New Zealand, referring to it as a state of Australia in the document to simplify any future merger.","And just like Canada, we're good." so we have a Socrates and a Muhammad Ali in the senate....,He is very smart I don't consider it an LMG since it's clip fed. It's much more usable like u said tho.,*MAGAZINE* LF1 Aksis phase 1 HM w/ challenge after,Poppasynth303 399 hunter with experience You must defeat your 12 year old self in a game of their choosing. What game is it and how do you beat them?,Minecraft 1v1 When did we start talking about flopping?,... What do you think the leg kick is? "Think batteries before a hurricane. At regular prices people will hoard and buy too many, leaving none for those behind them. First come,first serve.",Are you suggesting a retailer can't set their own prices? Flipping off the deck,Nigga gotta learn how to stick the goddamn landing and stop trying to be fancy. I am an artist and I 100% cannot draw.,Username checks out Ye,Ye "No you wouldn't. It's not like every human being desperately yearns for conflict. It usually results from necessity; lack of resources or a threat to ones survival brought on by political or ideological differences, for example. If you can solve these problems then people would be happier and peaceful.",No because inevitably someone would have more than another person and the the other person would want to take it from them. Miikka Kiprusoff inducted into the Finnish Hockey Hall of Fame. His acceptance speech was a staggering 13 words long.,"Kipper's the man, loved watching him play while I was growing up" "I understand that people want to accept refugees because it's the nice thing to do, but ask anyone if they'd be okay moving people from a impoverished ghetto to their town... they would say no. It's literally the same thing except the impoverished ghetto is in another country.",NIMBY libs. What was your WORST year in school?,I thought I was trans in 7th grade... Yeah "But it's always E, always",Kids call it molly Turner hurt? Or just not in the rotation right now?,He died for our sins. "the mod in his last post says: I've now checked the code, and if you have no mana, you cannot be on low mana. The same will be true of full mana if and when that becomes a thing. Wouldnt that mean it is actually neither? So confused right now. I knew clear mind works with blood magic because you are technically reserving life and not mana. Its condition is not while on full mana.",yeah neither full nor low but definitely not low so full in a way o.O As someone who worked in Advertising for many years... hell no. Companies will use it mercilessly. The public trust of Medicare will be exploited by companies to sell their product. Trademark laws are really important. I really am a little shocked that people are totally ok with the misuse of the logo.,"Personally, as a designer i'm not convinced the govs case would stand-up in court" "Worth keeping in mind MSNBC and CNN were literally caught conspiring with the HRC campaign at both the primary elections and presidential elections (in true 1984 style they are now denouncing the hacks on DNC computers which unmasked their deceptive bahviour as something orchestrated by the Russian government, as if we should be outraged on their behalf). Their coverage has a shocking bias against Trump. Unfortunately all major news organisations, such as Fox, have an agenda - and it is rarely, if ever, to give us a plain analysis of the stone cold facts .",But for this you have no proof Trump insults men for something they've done or said. *crickets* Trump insults a woman for something she's done or said. OMG Trump is a sexist misogynistic pig who hates ALL women REEEEE!!,Hillary insults almost half of the entire country.. #Nothing to see here Grow up.,Ummm we just celebrated our first anniversary and I am 30lbs lighter. My Name is Earl Jesus Christ this show. I never watched it when it was on tv and there a few things I regret more in life. The Cops episode just killed me. You had me at balls,Fucking writer strike... Anyone else find it difficult to see the people that are hitting you no problem in the distance?,"Turn off motion blur, it should definitely distinguish between dark splodges and actual soldiers moving" r/the_Donald sometime tomorrow/never: You know who I blame for Donald Trump's poor election results? Donald Trump.,"No, it was clearly fraud" Released Friday afternoon before a three-day holiday weekend. This is the definition of a document dump.,Yeah because the internet stops working on holidays. Thanks.,You're welcome. "Tginking out loud: What if we had a concrete cookie cutter track? Since we love concrete tracks so much, what if we had a 1.5 miler on concrete? Do we like Dover and Bristol so much because concrete or because they're short tracks?",That would be interesting because it would be something different. "Since everyone was posting their collection, I thought I join in on the fun.","Sick man, nice collection" Minority voters are 6 times as likely as white voters to wait more than an hour to vote,Probably because white people gotta get back to their job. "A Bum Tickly classic? Even if it is political pandering bullshit, is still a classic.",8^U you just proved your lack of intelligence so I will stop conversing with you now,lol We don't need the tiebreaker since we have the tie. They'd be 9-7 and we'd be 9-6-1,"doh, completely forgot about that" 100% of nothing is nothing,"200%, then?" "Science supports the idea of being transgender, not identifying as a machine.","When there are idiots claiming there are 63 genders, you might as well be a machine." "It's not crap, but the SNES was superior","The Genesis has blast processing man, radical" How am I supposed to use the restroom? I will be very drunk and will need several 45 second breaks.,If the candidates love America enough to wear diapers who are you to not do the same. DEAR ESPN,sounds like someone's salty Have ya tried turning it off and back on again?,That's where my flair came from lol Faggot playing Hanzo in attack smh. Focken wot m8? 1v1 me scrub! Flashbacks of EUW comin up,To be fair hanzo is alot more viable on attack then on defense (top 500 player btw) The other ones are mostly batshit and have no chance of winning so supporting them is basically giving up your vote,"Yeah, Gary Johnson is way worse than the war machines that are Clinton and Trump." Holiday Gem Storm.,"As always, some sort of gem event when I should be studying for finals" Starbucks is god damn expensive though.,Order their regular coffee with their special flavorings and it's $2-3 cheaper than their espresso drinks. Spotted in whole foods today,So coolz... "Hey Marcy, I got you a souvenir from Nuka-World!",Lol i killed marcy All 80k of you glorious bastards on here say it with me. PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP,PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP "I didn't even plan to make a stealth archer, but she was a stealth archer by level 8",My one handed restoration character became a stealth archer right after I stole the elven bow inside Jorrvaskr. Having no foreign policy to speak of is worse than having a policy debate in which someone says something you don't like. Johnson doesn't get points for being a peacenik by simply ignoring conflicts when they take place. No more than Trump will win the election by ignoring the fact that he's tanked out among women voters.,And that is what advisors are for. Westbrook did have a 51-point triple-double though,"AD's stat line was more impressive, just a shame he's got no teammates" "The world's oldest panda, Pan Pan, died today at 31.",So... Should I get my dick out? "What's that one thing you always fuck up, no matter how much you try?",Not buying the newest gadget. Jesus -- I just had a terrifying thought. What if Nate Trash is really just inflating Hillary's odds of winning on his site because he knows that the SJW trash crowd will throw all of their money into the political betting markets -- what if Nate gave Trump such low chances to win despite overwhelming proof of the polls being rigged because he stood to make a fortune off of the tears of the SJW's.,Then they take all that money and the SJWs pay for the wall... brilliant. Florida just passed Medical Marijuana with over 70% of the vote!,CONGRATS how can i find the group,you have to be added by an existing member "Mark My Words Have a bold predicition that you want to say that will most likely look very stupid in a short time. But hey, you can get one right and pat yourself on the back. Please don't downvote a user for a stupid bold predicition, but rather start an intellectual conversation. You can also be less spicey and post different thoughts and statements on the draft.",Garrett falls to the 2nd I tend to keep them in. My grandmothers taught me how to use commom curtesy as a weapon. ;),"Well, bless your heart :)" "4 months later: currently using Mango Languages. It's 15 bucks a month, but worth it.",Can you explain what this is? "Oh nice, I was surprised when I saw him.","Same here, I opened the menu the first time I killed him and just ran forward for a few seconds" iPad booked in with description: Please replace Glass,"let me guess, OP works at a school and found it with a yellow post-it saying #6 won't turn on" "No, it was 1.50. the difference is you paid for the roll, itself. You didn't pay for the bacon and get the roll as a bonus. That would have made the roll free. Would you still pay that 1.50 just for the bacon even if no roll was involved?",mornings when I'm hungry nah I'd just go somewhere where it's cheaper like PC or Nintendo "If you could pick one game that is out right now and give it CD Projekt Red level of care and quality, which would it be? Thought about this today and I was curious what everyone thought.","WWE 2K17, it is a great game when it works but it is just soo broken" And again with the S3 Finale if you count that. I do.,He tried once more if you count the auto-erotic asphyxiation China threatened to back US enemies over a phone call to Taiwan. Now they pursue and steal US Navy underwater drones. This would never happen if the US had a competent foreign affairs ministry. This is a direct threat to the US and Trump. Obama should get it back ASAP or resign.,"One would think that military drones would have a destruct mechanism so that, if captured, it could be destroyed." Natalia Dyer,One of my favorite parts of the show! "I dunno, maybe tell friend #2 he's like a 5 star hotel? Confusing your friends can be fun, if you're bored enough.","By another friend of mine, I was once called a Buick of a man I still have no idea what he meant by that" "This reminds me of when I go to Goodwill and leave cryptic notes in the pockets of clothing for sale or tucked between a painting and its frame. For you, this is our beginning.","For me, it is also the beginning, but slightly after you saw it was our beginning." #NotMyPresident,#NotAnyonesPresident I only use my computer for reddit lol I would not use mobile for this site haha,Can you elaborate why Pokemon joke: What do terrorists in the Alola region say..? ALOLAHUAKBAAR!,Nahhh There has just been a leaked justice league trailer for jimmy kimmel here's the link,Mirror? And best in the bay...,Nah Carr is good "Old Wounds - Rest In Piss (in honor of today's election, here's a song that they often dedicate to Trump)",Old Wounds are fucking amazing live "And don't forget: As of January 1st, Muslims will no longer be allowed entry into the United States.","Wow, a whole 20 days before he's even president!" "the modern african accent is actually Dutch, just like Afrikaans is a bastardized form of the language the more you know",Dude what the fuck my feelings I'm Afrikaans and I think our language is beautiful Happy cakeday.,4 year account boi! You don't need the president to be a part of the plot of the show lol,You don't no but it would be hilarious "Men of Reddit, what are your feelings on your SO choosing to get off and watch porn by herself over intimacy with you?",can I sit in the corner and watch? "Cali needs those, too. The only reason Hillary won with such a gap there.",Wasn't her popular vote lead about equal to the number of illegal voters in California? I assume they are way cheaper than the rest,You get what you pay for. "Self learners : are there any tutorials for basic steps that I can just improvise and learn to build rhythms off? I'm thinking of for example the different ways you can make a sound (heel, shuffle, back stroke, forward stroke, flat foot) and then just try to recreate rhythms in my own way. Thank you","I'm using mahalo tap to supplement my regular classes while in college, you will eventually need to get in touch with an instructor to make sure you're doing everything correctly though." Bear tanks primary stat is agility..,Literally unplayable "They might have some kind of stamping machinery, where the paper is placed in the same spot every time.",That is not how government documents are done friend. they put out a garbage game,"Wait, wasn't Chinatown Wars received pretty well critically?" Countries that Americans may hide out.,Those countries look great Dark Forest Theory of Machine Learning,Extrapolating from fictional evidence. "My problem has always been with the honey turning to sugar. Not getting it out of the packaging. Does this packaging make it harder for honey to crystalize? The one exception being my Tupelo honey, of course.",You need to buy better quality raw honey Even better if it's the kind that's almost a peanut butter texture. What it is like to be an Elemental Shaman,"Don't be to sad, i got declined for a mythic 2+ as a 856 Windwalker Monk." "People don't like fake primaries, who knew?",You mean we can't Correct The Election? "no, the 800k is for Michigan. PA was already funded","Oops, my bad." We're being brigaded. Time to feed the Shills,yum The funny thing is ... FPI and Trump stand on the same page. LMAO,"yup, ANTI LGBT, (don't know about abortion though), conservative, and more SARA" "Most of them are like that, on easy settings. Check out God of War, Darksiders, Prototype.","Also inFamous, Prince of Persia" 7,Maybe my favorite heroes will be fucking relevant again. "LIVE Stream: Mike Pence Holds Rally in Springfield, MO 9/6/16",Reuters needs to have their credentials revoked. You can't run for reelection if you don't win,it's still her turn "If I transfer USD to an overseas account now, will it go at the current rate or whatever it crashes to in the morning?",It will go by tomorrow's rate. 2 weeks no weekly summary (Chi) Anyone else.,Nothing in Arizona No YOU take an up vote !,I insist What are your biggest 'mom was right' moments?,Trump will win this "Yes, water or no move!",~~Tits~~ Water or gtfo "I used to work at a hardware store and some guy came up to me with his kid. Said he wanted to buy gaming PC parts for his son, he also had a list of what items he needed. The list had an i7 and gtx 750ti in it. So I tell the guy that if its just gonna be used for gaming and light school work for the kid he would be better off getting a i5 and a gtx 960 or better. He said: nah, my brother in law said this is the best gaming setup and he's into IT. I felt so sad for the kid, he thought he would be able to play everything on ultra and his dad just wouldn't believe me.",You really gotta have that hyper threading for light school work though Geunthers face makes me want to punch babies,big if true TOP KEK not a single Tweet from @iamjohnoliver since Nov.7!!!,Man this David Brock meme is lit Sally is 3 mana friend.,Woah sally..... Wooooh that girl That's the team's ass clench when it's overtime on a payload map in Overwatch.,The ass clench when you're on fire on 20 hp and running for a health kit in TF2 but caaaarrrrlll you cant eat babies,caaaaaarl that KILLS people! That would be a high kick even in soccer.,you guys are soft. A colorful cheese and charcuterie tray I put together for a birthday party,Needs 10x more cornichons Democrats don't appear to want it...they are lawless and must be destroyed politically and left to wander amongst the garbage and trash.,"This right here, destroy the Democrats and let the Republicans splinter into Libertarian/Religious/Nationalist parties afterwards if we need more than one party." "THEIR WEED IS FINALLY KICKING IN, FOLKS!",Problem is getting them off the couch to vote. "No arc, no character, no words, no depth. No reason to give a shit",But muh red face and double bladed light saber they didn't do anything until 1.0 so technically not beta,"Well if we're gonna get technical, the teleport mechanic for enderpearls got added in beta 1.9 pre-release 2." (In Celcuis that's -18 and -30),We need a bot for this. 170 mana just to stun 1 creep SeemsGood,oh... that's a creep :/ That time I was naked and got a wierd-ass air drop,watch as the zergs start placing these airdrop catchers everywhere on the map :P Nope! Thats strictly an obummer feat. Dont now how hes not seen as one of the worst presidents when you consider the debt increase and erosion of middle class/cronyism.,This is exactly why we need to lower taxes on the rich It is not a conspiracy theory.,I'm convinced. "Trudeau campaign spent more money on online propoganda then any other Canadian party in the past (so I read). They specifically targeted social media and youth. Including reddit. Nothing wrong with propoganda, it's a fact of life. Everyone does it. That's the reality. Other parties will catch on. Hopefully people will realize this reality of our age and imunize them selves and stick to critical thought processes. Especially when reading stuff on reddit.","So in order words, there was a Record, and it was Corrected." I'm a Syrian glass artist. Here's a little Pepe I made for you guys :),It's adorable and so are you. umm shoudln't i be tagged?,My bad "Just to beat it in; all of this is completely free in my first world country. And no, the quality of care or timeliness does not suffer one bit.",This shit is free is 2nd and 3rd world countries as well. Wow! I guess this is the r/the Donald crowd...where you cannot even post a differing opinion.,You spelled r-politics wrong. "Is this honestly the first you are hearing about him being a risk, an existential threat, to our democracy?",Are you going to answer the question? "Anyone know the sizing on these, normally wear US size L. On my phone so kinda hard to translate everything","this is hell small, an IRL large runs like 8-10cm longer but same width" *Affairrmative!*,Engineering "First brexit, then the snoopers charter and now this? I didn't realize that America and the U.K. Were competing",This is what it looks like when old people revolt. Non-educated poor whites turned out in much higher numbers than expected and as per usual the old folks fucked the whole thing up as well.,Those darn coffin dodgers OECD: Anti-migrant activists must be silenced and countries must embrace immigration,"How about: anti-sovereignty activists must be silenced, and anarchists must embrace sovereignty?" But he's a billionaire,But his business still failed Why is China doing this? why the aggression?,lol USA launches drones near chinese water and calls it's chinese aggression Don't forget Colbert as well,And Samantha bee "Ok, then so do every Yasuo/Riven/Vayne/Zed I see on my team.",Hallelujah. "Is anybody really surprised? Why? We all know that if the Democrats had run a fair primary and allowed Bernie to be nominated, it would've been far more likely that Trump wouldn't have won against him. But no, they insisted on trying to push Hillary on us - a criminal (if any of us had done what she did with those emails, we'd literally already be in jail), a proven corrupt politician, and one of the most false, disingenuous people to ever run for office. Democrats only have themselves to blame here, simple as that.","No no no, you see, Trump is a racist sexist monster who eats black trans babies for sustenance, he couldn't possibly win!" Honestly it was ridiculous. Articles from terrible sources like the Huffington Post were being considered acceptable content and the entire subreddit was plagued by nothing but Trump bashing. Even remotely critical articles of Clinton were being removed or downvoted to hell. I don't think that sub can recover from the damage it's caused to its reputation and userbase.,But now you have the_d as the real bastion of free speech. I rarely ride switch but my twin park board is set up symmetrically. Since this has been my most used board over the years I find it difficult to ride with bindings set any way but in a twin stance. Even on my very directional pow board (birdman) I switched my bindings back to 15' 15' because having it any other way just feels wrong now.,"12/12, mostly centered stance unless it's 8+ inches." "As a nation supposedly representing the West and the progress, you are not getting any better. China surpasses the US in every economic aspects, they are even the country where the investment in green tech is the highest. For education, you have one of the lowest rate of literacy of the western world, your spend more per head for private insurance than any other country pays for a universal health care, obesity rates has slowed down your life expectancy so much so that your are at a tie with Slovenia... This is not new. This has been going on for decades. Now, where do we go where here? Here lies the real question.",Trump will fix that "Wow, must be a big family since they filled the entire EDSA.","Yeah, like, 2% of the Philippine population." "One Nation wouldn't go into coalition. If they overran the LNP in Queensland, the Coalition would never govern without their support again. That's what the Coalition fears more than anything.",If one nation overran Qld they would be taking from labor as well as LNP. The game papers please.,"Arstotzka is greatest nation, comrade!" She completely fucking collapsed.,"yea, its really dramatic actually" Will America still have an electoral system in 4 years?,"No, the universe would be obliterated by then" What a massif failure.,OP never re-peak this pls. Latinos also do this. We have like 3 or 4 sour cream containers filled with various foods at any given time.,"man, all the gerber baby food bottles..." How to fix a bug 101 Just remove the feature that's bugged entirely. - Riot Games.,Sounds like Pokemon GO "Assuming we lived in a world where these weren't all pre-screened - what one question would you ask, for both candidates to answer, if you got the mic tonight?",What's the last time you changed your position on an important issue - what was it and why did you change your opinion? "I dunno, the people seem awfully desperate to get out though...","Granted, people are, but I always notice the ones who leave to be old conservative uncles who start night clubs or liquor businesses in Miami." Just received my shipping email Lime UK,"Same here, lime Germany KS backer." What luck for a start! Three Spark's of Genius!,RNGjesus is with you Non mi so spiegare una traduzione del genere.,Me sremba prefetamente no male. how many attempts is what I wanna know,it's 225 man not sure if anyone has mentioned this CwC Lightning Warp + Discharge,Hahaha oh man this is a good one. "Talk to me about getting rid of public folders From the outset, can we agree that this is not a 'Exchange on prem is horrible' or even 'f*ck public folders!'. There are reasons we have both and having looked after these kinda of things for well over a decade at various places, that's nothing new. That said, I'm looking for any real life ways people have replaced public folders within organisations in the 000's to 0000's. Currently public folders are used as a central store for all project related emails across the company as a simple way to keep these out of mailboxes and accessible by anyone working on that project. Presently there are 5,000,000+ items in our public folders and 000's of project folders as you can imagine. What I'm looking for is real world ideas and suggestions on how to move this out of public folders without over complicating things from a user perspective (and an IT one of course!). I've heard people say SharePoint is the way forward. If that's the case, has anyone successfully migrated public folders to SharePoint? If so, what did that look like and entail?",SharePoint. "The new Pokeyman on the block with the shite Speed High defences be all that he needs Knock knock it's Shuckle, the Shell Smasher, great Baton Passer, better Trick Room crasher Give ya the Z-Move Thrasher, it's like a Skull Basher, that's why my Power Trick has no answer I make Berry Juice by myself, I don't need Rare Candy I digest it all by myself, all your Poffins get shelved.",Wonderful! Annnnnndd I missed it,But your aim is getting better! "how can people vote for Hillary when she's been associated with the Bilderberg group, Masons, New World Order bullshit, the Rothschilds and would have just been a continuation of the systematic rape of the Middle East that your very own people started with that false flag attack you call 9/11? I'd rather vote for a misogynist or imbecile than a goddamn spawn of the underworld hellbent on global domination. At least Trump is a what you see is what you get guy ( yeah, guilty of being a loud mouth and bad behavior but that doesn't automatically make him a bad president) while in Hillary all i see is manipulation, deceit, lies and hidden agenda. Good for you America, at least now we'll know that things will definetly not remain the same (for good or for worse) rather than just sit like rats and not know when/what/how will happen because of all the smoke screens. So how can people not see that you've had to choose between two evils and you actually chose the lesser one? I'm honestly puzzled.",you dropped this. hardest god in the game? who's the hardest god in the game? for me it's ullr ~.~ i can't use that boi. u gotta smash yo keyboard to land his combo,Susano What's a discord username?,The username you use for Discord xD. Ummm...,"Would upvote, but it's at 69 upvotes..." This is correction i like to make when i want people to shoot my dirty looks.,I can keep my gun today to make sure it gets shot too "I wonder if many Trump supporters were just unwilling to publicly say so too, which would skew perception and reporting.",Closet politics "I've actually got a screenshot of the name just incase, and I can tell you he's nowhere to be seen on the leaderboards, well pointed out. Would it make a difference if he usually searches for random matched party?","Random parties can get to 200 easily if they know where each trap/chest/exit is, bosses aren't that difficult and considering he's had to have run it over a dozen times to get anywhere near multiple stacks of hoards there's bound to be a party that can kill them." "The acknowledgement that our inner city culture is utter shit, that attitudes within that inner city culture must change from **within** it in order to fix it (because outside factors won't, all they are currently doing is nothing but pressurizing it), but at the same time outside factors need to **let** those within that culture fix it naturally and organically and stop applying so much pressure to it. It doesn't matter who started what anymore, or who caused what to happen to get us to this point. Blame does jack shit but keep people from fixing things, because they don't see it as their responsibility. But it's not going to get better any other way, other than those within that culture making it better. If policy and bureaucracy were good at fixing anything, it would have been fixed by now.",Exactly...can't fix a problem if we don't admit it exists. "did u already tried clementine ? if u do, why do u prefer lollypop?","Lollypop is far better IMHO, it has great features, and simply looks far better, plus is GTK based so it's lighter Clementine isn't for me" Meanwhile in Mexico...,"As Mexican I like the idea of the wall, built around the US But out of joke, that will take some time to build guys, maybe now we can be more independent from the US economy that seems to just hurt us, hey we need to see the good things between all of this stuff" "How many Space Marines would it take to annihilate this WAAAAGH!? Your choice of who I send, but I need a good solid number.",YOUZ' AIN'T GOT A NUMBA BIG ENUFF TA CAWNT HOW MANY YA'D NEED. Gamergate was preaching this for ages...,But...but... but... it's all about hating women... "awesome, it's about time now come on USAA","Luckily I have both Capital One and USAA accounts, looks like I know which one I'm going to main now." "One time my sister made a cake for a friends birthday party. Now she is crazy talented, and this cake looked like this giant ornate teacup. She had to head into town for like 20 minutes to grab something else before the party, and so she left me in charge of watching the cake to make sure a dog didn't get it. Long story short, I went to the bathroom midway through cake watching, and was literally gone for about 5 minutes. When I came back, half of the cake was missing, and a startled collie was fleeing the room. When my sister came back she was outraged. She went to the party, surprisingly, without the half eaten cake with dog slobber on it. When she came home that evening she was watching TV on the couch and the collie came over all apologetically. Now you see, that would be a really cute forgiveness story if the collie hadn't proceeded to throw up the cake she had eaten on her shoes.",My little brothers dog (she's like a black lab/pitbull mix with some chihuahua or something) once got up on the counter and ate half a pizza in about a minute. So she was quite prepared to shift blame to Powell for her actions but *now* she doesn't want to talk about it?,Convenience. "Women of reddit, what are the best things about sex after 40? Or how does sex change after that threshold (for better or worse)?","Yeah, porn stars and escorts can't fuck worth a damn." there's no such thing as marriage equality. A lot of Hindu organizations support marriage equality but I disagree with it. It's not homophobic to think marriage is only for straight people.,Much like how it isn't racist to ask people of colour to sit at the back of the bus. Then you're lower ranked than OP lol,RIP me "Perhaps it's initially non-lethal, but people will die if all the electricity goes out, especially people who rely on refrigeration for insulin, etc.",It also can harm the staff at the power facility. Yea but also no save medal,Yep Can people stop pretending New York Times is anything but Liberal propaganda?,Why is Alaska the size of Hawaii? "No, just concentration camps.","I am not diminishing the fact that these were disgusting acts carried out by a power-hungry Democrat, but simply am saying we didn't bring on genocide on Japanese Americans during WW2 despite what Reddit thinks" They won fair and square. Kek @ losers Is this how you're going to be for four years? Is right-wing political discourse going to be stuck in the gutter forever?,HAHA LE CUCKS MAGA if you never heard of bayern ur sport knowledge is garbage. stick to mcdonalds and games.,The only European football we see on TV is the occasional epl game others leagues are lucky to get a mention on espn and that tends to be champions league. "It took a year for him to finally Trump them, but it's happening",The true 1% Pizza Pizza is the best pizza in Ontario hands down and 2-4-1 is the second best. It's actually pretty evident considering that the have the 2 in their name and the 1 at the end actually refers to pizza pizza.,nice try Honda Civic driver. Xmas 2016 and the US election With the results of the recent election i've been thinking about wether this could be referenced at Christmas. I know the special has already been filmed but they could have put a small line in somewhere referencing it. Maybe even filmed 2 versions of the line depending on the outcome. I just think having an episode set in America only a month after the election would feel strange if none of the American characters talk about it. The chances are very slim i know but it wouldn't be impossible.,They already referenced The Minister of War. How do we know that videos like this are not staged?,Why should it be assumed that a video of someone spray painting a word on a vehicle after others had threateningly held a finger in the general direction of them would be staged? *sketch citgo at boulevard and north,fitsed..that's the one. "yeah, they're basically an illegal paramilitary organization and they didn't even appear to be fighting for any ideological reason, just stereotypically wanting to conquer the planet.",So was the whole make me taller wish just hidden from everyone? "I've always thought how will capitalism work when all of the jobs are automated? the effects would be far reaching, the only people who have job security are IT people... just about everything can and will be automated. What happens to our population? i think the final solution will be that governments tax businesses who automated, an automation tax. and that tax will 100% go to someone who could have had a job. a machine will still be cheaper for the company and the person will take perhaps a slight reducution in their yearly earnings but not have to work at all. all the free time that would be presented to us could be great for studying and learning, in the past freeing up working hours of the week has always led to more innovation, but im not sure its right to draw that comparison.",Why would America still need money at all when everything is automated? Your blanket statement is the same as me saying that polygraphs do work. Just saying.,Except that only one of those statements can be backed up by independent testing. "This is the $hitposting we need, after such a unexpected political result",*insert controversial political comment* "Surely the timing is wrong though. The major design work on the car is already done, some parts will already have been sent to manufacture, and they're now working on the refinements and detail to prepare for the car's test program and the final aero package for the first race. The lead times on these things are always longer than most people on this sub appreciate. How much impact will Rory have on the 2017 car? 2018 certainly but that's a longer game than Ferrari seem to have been playing recently.","So, you're saying that 2018 is finally our year?" I piss excellence.,Shake and Bake! Wow.,Missing the boat "Well, RIP EU I wonder how long it will take for the sheeps to realise that they've been played by Putin funded power-hungry maniacs that don't give a shit about their well being?",Maybe you should take that tin-foil hat off "The majority of people I knew that actually went out and vote did it in part to stick it to the main stream media. CNN, MSNBC, and the rest.",It's like they forgot the Streisand Effect was a thing. meanwhile mine's constantly laying on the ground in the middle of the floor,You're joking right? Judging by the growth of r/exmormon --they go here.,Because this is way more fun than sacrament meeting! How would you turn around with a mouse in a game,you move your mouse in a circular motion which is a common setting in games for turning around "We live to evolve, invent, eat , reproduce, and love. Animals have stayed the same for thousands of years, but look at us we made the world a better place for us.","Yes, we made the the modern developed world a place where we no longer have to turn to the cruelties that were necessary for our ancestors." SONO CHI NO SADAMEEEE,JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOJO My homie Gucci out of jail,I'm given to understand that it's now over for you Gucci clones. "Meh. I am a MOBA hopper myself, have played every one for extended periods of time...and they all have pros and cons. Pros: Small community that is passionate. Change of pace from normal MOBAs. Myhtology based. Can play completely free. Cons: More salt and ignorant anger than i've ever experienced and typing seems to be forbidden (by community). Investing any money in will get you hooked, HiRez is way too good at finding ways to take your money (makes up for free to play argument). You have to be a quick learner and learn meta/game on your own as people aren't willing to teach you (in game).",I also think the meta is much more fluid based upon how routinely they make major changes to particularly items and gods. "To be the ultimate host for your guests, I recommend putting platic wrap under the seat so cell phones or other items will not fall in there.",That can go very wrong very quickly Paying the little bit extra on Amazon is like choosing between 2 day shipping and 2 month shipping. I'll take 2 day thanks.,I wouldn't consider 50% more 'a little bit'. How long did you wait in line to vote?,Less than 5 minutes. What's the most ridiculous way that you have hurt yourself?,"Pulled my back bending down to put something in my works safe, I was to lazy to get off my chair and kneel next to it, next i know Im on the floor unable to move my back." "I'm not sure I'd go THAT far. But better than what we had (and soon will again), ie, nothing? You betcha. I was just unemployed for a year, and because of the ACA, I was able to afford health insurance and didn't die from not having my drugs. Call me selfish, but I kinda count that as a plus.",Why did you have to go and get sick? People help a man who dropped 25000 yuan(3570 USD) in the street. He didn't lose a single bank note,And Americans say that Chinese are not compassionate Auckland Law School to increase roll despite opposition and lack of graduate rolls.,Dat for profit education... Roger J Kerr says events outside of New Zealand are likely to be the catalyst for an expected fall in the value of the Kiwi dollar,Dat rock star economy. I love Trump MORE for this. Dude has fucking balls the size of moons to match his ambitions.,president moonballs "Jack Slack is english though, or am I missing a joke or something here?","No bro, Jack Slack is British, not English" Unless OP wants to cry their eyes out for the rest of the night.,And feel numb for a couple of weeks after that. Should the Dead Sea really provide fresh water?,After you research desalination "Well, if you think about it, a lot of those problems grow from the lack of a sufficient education system in many parts of the country. Jobs are moving away to China and being automated because the jobs that are now part of our economy require education - which our system has failed to provide.",Good thing we didn't elect the candidate who wanted to address that problem then! The perfect dongle for the new MacBook Pro. I present to you the Universal Dock from ASUS.,What's that D shaped port with 15 pins? I feel like this was a war against women and some women were on the other side and that's why we are where we are.,"In war, the word 'collaborator' is used." I'm surprised they willingly go on his show.,you just gotta know that none of them did their homework and watched Tucker hand the unprepared libs their asses every time or they'd come more prepared centralized government isn't communism either,Not even sure if this the right place to discuss this as it's supposed to be a satire sub (though a lot of the community does believe in communism at first glance) but how would you make decisions around the means of production without centralised government? Trump wins. Now what?,Well at least now all those 9th term abortions will be stopped Snowflake Students Paint Swastikas And D*cks On Church Then Blame Trump Supporters,This is not a legitimate news site. "So there's 53 days left in 2016, what more could it possibly throw at us?","Well, I am down for an Invasion of China" ".... you don't need to be in the UK to watch one of the only TV shows to be aired in nearly every country on the planet. Although now its on amazon prime so unless you got prime, you got no chance now :P Plenty clips on youtube though!",The last 6 or so seasons of Top Gear are still on Netflix Figured out what #KONY2012 and #NotMyPresident have in common. **An army of children.**,"Damn, those halcyon days when I thought Kony was as evil as it gets." "20 years ago, TIME celebrates US meddling in Russian elections to elect Yeltsin. In the Current Year, liberals and neocons cry treason over unnamed source alleging vague meddling in US election.","Everything they say is vague Fake news, Russian meddling, alt right" How can I get banned from this sub?,1/10 no effort at all. "Tanuki are a mythological Japanese creature that are basically raccoons, but with giant testicles and magic powers, including flight.",I thought Tanuki were just racoon dog things? "Yup, you are so smarterer than everyone elses peoples. That is why yous guys's candidate one and we couldnt not have won. atleast you guys's have the senit and the houze and all da governorz..... oh waitzzz",Are you drunk? "Simple economics: Doctors should only be paid if they successfully heal the patient. If they can't help, they shouldn't take money. Same with hospitals...",This comment takes the cake for dumbest idea I've seen today. "From what I know, Duterte is trying to bring several opposing groups together (e.g., workers and businessmen, the military and Communists, industrialists and environmentalists) and trying to reach other to others, such as indigenous people and Muslims. I did not see much of that in Trump while he was campaigning.",Marcoses and the Martial law victims "Can someone please help me identify this, its My dads favourite",Looks like a paprika pepper. I officially don't know what the difference is between a pick and a rub anymore,Well the Card player never made contact so... "Ugh. Any of CycleGear's house brands of safety gear. Pick any. I've tried them all (and used to work at CG). (To be fair, though, their paddock stands and some of their tools are decent.)",They have good warranty though. "Your suffering will be unimaginable, human. You will rue the day you crossed paths with me and my self-grooming.",OPs like these are the reason why cats have so much trust issues against our specie . Didn't think smoking weed constitute them as being whores. What a strange argument you have made,Lifting your skirt to show your ass and twerk it in public kinda does tho "Supposedly, in the ARW lore, they have no aircraft, but they can reach space?","There are aircraft, there's an old picture of a Laurel airdrop unit." "I don't think, I know. I experienced it. Just stop, you're wrong.",make sure to cap your fps at 30 too smaller the number the more smooth it is right? The Bean? Is that a thing?,fuck no Make nice or twice,"Make nice, not twice has always been the line to me" that's kinda valid advice for tinder tbh,"ALSO VALID FOR LIFE, BRO!" This will get shut down in a Republican legislature. The last thing Republicans want are two liberal senators.,"Because when it comes down to it, who really cares about representative democracy, right?" I'm the one who got sassy? Ok then,Points don't lie Do you not see the picture though???,It looks like summer to me. Then it's up to everyone else in the room to stop them... Unless the others are all minions...,"Trump isn't known for picking yes men, is he?" MAKE MUSIC GREAT AGAIN,WRONG "Iron Banner Rank Packages How's it going everyone? Hopefully well. So Guardians, I'm a fairly new player... Started in July/August and I'm enjoying this game A LOT. On to the point... What happened to our rank three and five IB packages? I got to rank five on my Warlock and noticed still nothing.. I just did the bounties on my other characters and just went back into the Forge. Anyone else kind of miss those extra awards? Tom",Miss those extra awards he says while not realizing that we get 4 max light level drops now compared to 1 in Iron Banners before Rise of Iron... so how many illegal votes were cast?,Let's check their ID... Oh wait... The way you phrased this was majestic. WHO AMONG YOU CAN RESIST THE CALL,"Resisting the call to margaritas is hard, getting an Uber afterwards is not." When Smogon Done Goofed,"That's not a goof, he's exactly where he belongs." "Also, not an American.",US- Americans tend to forget that there are people with other nationalities on Earth xD "Nintendo Switch trailer reached 20,000,000 views!","So, is this a new controller for the Wii?" Having a camera on your mobile is awesome.,Some people don't. VHS effect in After Effects,A tutorial to the point Fog dome that formed in North Wales,"Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom..." "Please no, TSM doesn't need a little crybaby that lays in bed and complains while he basically has a personal servant to console him. I mean after watching TL's movie, I can't see why anyone would want a declining ADC that has pretty average mechanics and doesn't communicate during games (or outside of them).",you forgot the Recently learned footjam tbogs,i'd call that a footjam seat grab bro "My friend just wanted to say that this conversation is awesome, or his friend did, I'm a little confused right now.",time to hit the bong then. They make adapter brackets to mount a SFX PSU in an ATX space. You'll need one to make this work.,"Oh I didn't know about this, thank you!" PC is getting all of the patches consoles are. I've run into only one hacker in almost 200 hours. Also PC has mod accessibility.,Same patches isn't the same as fixing PC ONLY issues. It's like locking someone that's claustrophobic in a closet. Panic or get over it. Probably not a great idea.,"Except in most cases, nobody gives a shit about you in public, so it's an exercise to prove you're worried about nothing." is that even beating the spread?,I fucking hate betting on patriots games Jeb! took the election by storm. Talk about a comeback!,Slow and steady wins the race. How Brexit will save the white males?,Cos the darkie immigrants are tuking r jerbs "i have it on my dvr, i dont see it on demand",can i have your dvr? That's when you wait two weeks ask to go out again then leave halfway through the meal.,Good lord yes. Are you being sarcastic?,Are you? Q4Women: What do you find attractive in men What physical traits and character traits do you find attractive in men?,"Physical: Handsome face, light eyes, good haircut, clearish skin (doesn't have to be spotless but don't look like you've just hit puberty), fit body, good porportions, a nice package ;) Mental: caring, affectionate, thoughtful, driven, smart, funny, thinks I am funny, open communicator, honest" right? punk music is going to be awesome for the next 4 years,Nothing gets me going like some political punk angst. Isn't this old news? Or is this a whole new hack?,New hack. "So, still hung up on him, huh?","Oh totally, I broke up with him because I didn't want to be with him, and now that I know he went out with my ex, I just can't help but faun over him." They own minorities because Republicans shit all over them as part of their policy. No Darkies No Gays No Women No Poor People After being shitted on so long empty talk just seems like a great deal.,Maybe it's time for the Green Party to chisel at their minority monopoly. There are barely even regular Democrat governers at this point. The DNC needs to realize more than just federal-level elections matter.,but local elections aren't inspiring "Pre Episode Discussion: S20E07 - The Very First Gentleman --- |EPISODE|DIRECTED BY|WRITTEN BY|ORIGINAL AIRDATE| |:-----------|:------------:|:------------:|:------------:| |S20E07 - The Very First Gentleman|Trey Parker|Trey Parker|Wednesday, November 09, 2016 10:00/9:00c on Comedy Central --- **Episode Synopsis:** PC Principal tries one more time to make peace between the boys and the girls. Meanwhile Gerald comes face-to-face with the Troll Hunter. --- With Trump being our new overlord, what does this mean for the Garrison Jenner campaign? Who will take victory in Southpark? The Giant Douche or the Turd Sandwich? Keep all your reactions to the election here please. Shitposting will still be monitored.","Does anyone else think the week off was so they could produce 2 versions of E07, depending who won the election?" seems you are on a losing streak bud. i cant do anything about it though so good luck,Yeah its funny. They meant action scenes.,Oh gee I had no idea "I am feeling a bit strange to see a video like this getting thousands of ups the day of elections... from the outside (good ol' Europe here), it looks like a sterotypes' jackpot...","Well it's Israeli designed, so it's not as stereotypical as you think." "Yes, there's that, but he seems motivated by impressing his crush.","Wow, is he a third grader?" "Yeah... I thought of this. My husband doesn't buy it though. He thinks the story is funny, and will be a conversation starter. Plus, he had to do some serious convincing with his boss to even allow me to come to the event (employees are typically not allowed to bring spouses, which is total BS, but whatever).",Put on make up. Again. How blissful is ignorance? Is it liberating like peeing in your pants or something?,You made a claim prove it I only answered half the questions because of buffering issues - got a dolphin. I made two dummy accounts for this thing. I got a rat both times. Wtf,Rats are supersmart and adaptive! "I'm a medic in the army. A dude got hit by a large military vehicle. Both of his lungs collapsed from closed chest wounds, both of his femurs broke, his pelvis was shattered, and he was hemorrhaging internally. Due to the remote location of the accident, it took almost an hour for him to get proper medical care. How he made it to the hospital and survived still mystifies me.",He was hydrated and wearing dry socks. It's not playing a game. I've recently moved and due to work and personal reasons have not had a chance to change over my licence. So quite being a judgemental asshole and stop assuming you know another persons business.,He's not being an asshole you asked about gaming the system to maximize the influence of your vote and not where you should legally vote. "Polls: Trump, Clinton deadlocked in Colorado, Pennsylvania",This election is the new low of American politics. Winter is cummin,Just make a hole and go! What turns you on in the opposite sex that isn't sexual ?,freckles The Last of Us 2 - Official Ellie concept art,She looks like a brown haired Hanson brother Are the Eagles good or have they played the two worst teams in the league?,They play the Lions this year so at least the three worst. Elon is making America great again and he should be capitalizing on that.,Grab em by the inverter. "After six missed extra points, Bengals cut Mike Nugent",Nugent took Marv's curse upon himself! "Don't worry, we lost in the first playoffs too. But ^not ^^as ^^^bad ^^^^as ^^^^^you",Still not getting it? "Not with the topper, it isn't.",He can just saw a hole in the ceiling. * it ruins businesses who make and publish games * it ruins eSports where quite a bit of fucking money is involved and South Korea is the eSports Capital of the world * fuck you and hackers *even though I'm not in South Korea playing video games....*,"ah yes , crony capitalism" "Keep in mind, also, that the voting rights act was gutted in 2013. I can't imagine that didn't have something to do with the reduced turnout.",So you think that Clinton would have won the south if it hadn't been? "There are so many everyday things you can abuse, I have no idea why anyone would pay so much money and risk jail buying illegal drugs. Having said that, don't abuse drugs, even legal ones. It's incredibly dumb. The amount of risk and damage you can do to yourself is very high especially as a young person whose brain is still developing. Some legal non-script medicines can be addictive too which is very scary.",Because a lot of the illegal ones are safer(not all obviously) and better experiences. "Competition between the companies, not the consumers. The way corporations have fans fighting each other is terrifying. How much control have this commercial entities over their clients?","the company I worked for before competed with competitors to death, end result me and 200+ people got laid off!" Did you see his acceptance speech? Easily could have been a bernie Sanders speech.,"It could never be a Bernie Sanders speech, since Bernie is sincere and consistent in his beliefs." "Weird, looks identical to my 6+","Mine dies after medium use in 7/8 hours, has touch disease and is 16gb, I'm ready for my 7plus whenever att sends the damn thang." Bear.,Bear. She just reminded me of the average college freshman sorority girl who only really cares about partying,And getting free meals. "I think McBedded could learn a thing or two from Embedded - first and forec=most, they could mic up Conor.","TBF that interview came after sparring and was impromptu, credit to the journalist and the sound guy for rolling with in less than ideal conditions" Kanye demonic DMs CONFIRMED,the fuck? "And they didn't even drain the swamp, they reelected it.",but the DNC are not the good guys! I bet the Brotherhood is creaming in their Power Armour pants.,Ad Victorium! "LPT: If you're going to molest a child, make sure your shirt is on the right way around, people won't think you're a pedophile.",Or flip it back to hide the semen stains. "Who's a wrestler that everyone loves but you don't like? For me, it's Bayley. I'm not sold on her gimmick, I don't like how she's always so happy and that her finisher looks really weak. So I'm curious, what wrestlers (past or present) do you not like when everyone else loves them?",TJ Perkins and Zack Sabre Jr.. Got my fair share of downvotes for these names already. "They should have, I did, and i admit a part of me is happy the DNC is getting what it so rightly deserves but still sucks because if people got out and voted for Hillary it might have tipped senate races to the dems and we wouldn't be looking at the most conservative SCOTUS in modern history. But this is all on them for rigging the primary for the least trusted person in America.","hey, the election wasn't rigged, hush now trumpeteers" "Interestingly, todays voting is going no where near as fast as the previous two days. The previous two days the bar was full by noon. It's at 27% right now.",I guess we have to wait until all cards are revealed. THESE REPLIES HEREIN ALL CONTAIN EXAMPLES WHICH INDICATE THAT THE RULE IN QUESTION IS PERHAPS PAID TOO MUCH OBEISANCE,AGREED FELLOW HUMAN. Look at that Giants pizza!,"Jeez us christ, I can HEAR them getting fatter" The flip side of this is that the cops' job is to put themselves in danger for the greater good.,"No, it isnt" But he's a fascist bigoted authoritarian narcissist with a short attention span. He practically begs for it.,And wanting the US to have a southern border like Mexico has is blatant racism. "In Titanfall 1 the spitfire slowly got more accurate with sustained fire. That would be really nice. A slammer mod would also be great, it would give a reason to run it.",Is that not exactly what the devotion does? "Gus Johnson Goes Absolutely Nuts, Orgasms All Over Broadcast During Iowa Touchdown",gus johnson aka mr sportsgasm himself Here's a thing my friend photoshopped for me,"Written by Hideo Kojima, Directed by Hideo Kojima, programmed by Hideo Kojima, art by Hideo Kojima" "Taking the pictures is fun, but then making them look good afterwards is a pain in the ass. I give photographers all the props.",Have any suggestions for a beginner camera? "I have NEVER seen so much hate as I have today on FB from people accusing Trump supporters of hate... In my experience so far, Trump supporters have been some of the kindest and welcoming people around. Yet they are all getting screamed into a corner by non-supporters accusing them of racism, homophobia, and biggotry online. It doesn't make sense. Trump spoke of gay rights at the convention to a roar of cheers. He is one of the first, if not *the* first presidential candidate to hold a rainbow flag up during his run, again to thunderous applause. If anything, Trump is the *most* tolerant of all those who ran. It's just sad that today a Republican still can't be outwardly proud to be a Republican without outlandish accusations made against them.",It's ok to hate people as long as they are hateful. "Unfortunately, I don't think they care. These are self-serving people who only care about themselves, their careers, and their bank account. So long as Hillary is president, they will all benefit for their loyalty to her. They're pretty much set here on out barring a major fuck-up.",I don't understand how you can just make wild sweeping generalizations and actually believe that the world is that black and white. Yeah how dare LGBT get mad when you say you don't support their civil rights? Fucking please.,"Of course someone responds with an insult, super classy and really helps sway me to your side" Calls grow for Bernie Sanders to run for president in 2020 after Donald Trump victory,"Yeah, let's increase taxes." String trick works for Bender.,And he's 1000 years in the future so it should work for us for a while "I agree with you, but I think the last sentence is inaccurate. Republicans tend to want to control personal freedoms, where Democrats prefer to control expenditures and regulation.","Republicans want to control liberties, democrats want to control rights?" That man is a genius. He literally did nothing and now he's making bank off of it. Kudos,Kind of like that Pet Rock thingy. I Do Believe That's Called a Civil War,"But..... America is the whole world, no other place exists...." Except for the whole part about things not working that way sure...,Yeah you can't literally fuck science. um where did I say anything about a whole country?,You said ROMAN Polanski! Once the kneeling during the anthem started I was out.,glad to see you were able to find a safe space so...basically dalaran underbelly. nah.,How is it anything like that other than being an underbelly and having PvP? "Admittedly, my ambitions are modest. Still, he started off with a head start from a multi-million dollar gift from his father. I understand he could have made more putting that money into a regular diversified account then he has made in his entire career. Someone with every advantage afforded them and they break even. Good luck with Mr. Breaking Even running the free world. We all gotta live in it.","But you're not on TV, which is the best indicator of success.." You just went full tumblr. Never go full tumblr.,You've been invited to join r/tumblrinaction but y,Because he can Acting like a startup is how they got so big in the first place.,Sorry but Google is not big at all when it comes to hardware. Sarkeesian on suicide watch!,The tears are fucking deLICious This is why google is the best search engine! Also I'm pretty sure that other search engines main spy.,Hopefully Google isn't a Battle Medic. All the JFK files being released,It will almost certainly be redacted to the point of illegibility. Sneak peak of next JOJO episode,"I haven't been watching the adaptation, but what arc are they on?" "Poison should reduce movement speed but not attack speed, minions can often run out of the range before dying!",Good idea! "Its really not. The chinese sweatshop model has brought millions of people out of poverty, even now its drastically improving standards of living in Vietnam and throughout Africa. As shitty as it seems from our point of view, its still a desperately needed source of income.",Jumpman jordans too female inspo,"probably my fave female inspo album ive seen, love it!" LOL. In for one sure-to-be-cancelled order of the box set. But one can always hope for a miracle.,"I don't know, US Amazon sent me my Red Hot Chili Peppers LP even though it had been mistakenly marked with the CD price." That's only half a wall.,"If it's the only thing on the wall, then it takes up the whole wall *mind blown*" "The only hint we have is that is needs a weapon art shield. I don't even think you need to do the first L2 of the weapon art before activation the second part. Looking at his other videos with the storm curved sword, he just spams the follow up weapon art R2 without having to prep it with the weapon art L2. My best guess is some kind of weird swap with the dark hand. There is a swap you can do that allows you to skip ever having to reload a crossbow, essentially infinite shots.","You're right, he does seem to just throw out the weapon arts without even doing the first part.. I'll have to check out this dark hand thing" Liter bikes have engines that rev to 16k or higher and they still use relatively traditional valves (they just make them out of titanium). I think what limits car engine rpm's currently is cylinder speed. Liter bikes can do it because they are built way over square and have short strokes. While rpm is high cylinder speed is kept at manageable levels. Liter bikes can do it because they're light so they don't need a lot of torque in the low end of their rpm range. F1 vehicles can take similar tactics because they're much lighter and they aren't designed for driveability. Passanger cars can't take this route as their driveability would absolutely blow. Not sure if more valve control could fix that or not.,Or just put CVTs on all passenger cars. "Ebates is giving 3% cash back on jet stuff, so $-15.75 for $509.25 total.",does it still work if you use a promo code though? "As I'm stopped at a gas station this morning, a group of guys yell over: Time to get out of this country, Apu! - Google Engineer in the US",Finally we got a solution to our brain drain problem. "My local college was funded to purchase apple computers throughout the entire campus, a year later they are all running windows.",It's Apple that means it's better. Most likely another recession (Bush style i.e. hits near the end of their term) that is not attributed to the right person and is then used to screw with next progressive president because from day one it is all their fault,Well thankfully our politics isn't descending into then endless blaming of the other side... Why do people drop the clutch? I always bring it up slowly about halfway and then bring it up fast so its nice and smooth Several times I almost had a money shift but the rpms didn't even rise by a thousand before I caught it and depressed the clutch down again.,Doesn't that cause significant clutch wear if you're not heel-toeing? Thanks!,That number 25 was great and your qb had heart. Kinda don't want him to get involved in the crossfire.,"Problem is, you can't find out what is going on without talking to her." NaCl is naturally found in many foods. It's commonly known as salt and there is no unnatural form of it.,But what about the gmo kind man "No buttstuff? Ah, too bad",You can still get some mouth action though ;) "So there's 53 days left in 2016, what more could it possibly throw at us?",Announcement: Half Life 3 released 25 December 2016. Trump just hired a climate change denier to lead EPA transitions. Energy Department is going to be run by lobbyists who are adamantly against new energies.,nope nothing wrong with that "Dis you see any of the wiki leaks e-mails? It was confirmed the DNC and CNN were pushing for Hillary, they did cheat Bernie Sanders.",but those are doctored by the ruskies right? Dont play runescape ur in college now kid,1v1 me m8 idk why you were downvoted tho.,Because this one of the few posts that wasn't talking about the specs and he still brought it into the thread. "Naw, if things don't work out in CA I will move to CO.","Nope we're full, super bummer but that's the way it works, sorry :-/" "If Trudeau is going to warm up to Trump, can we at least agree that his image as pro-LGBT, pro-women, and pro-first nations is completely tarnished as a result? I understand the diplomacy of the situation, I can just never trust a man who, without any reservations, kisses ass to such a disgusting vile person.",Even if not kissing his ass means the millions of people whose lives are riding on you to rescue the economy are on the line for it? "Brett's is breadhungry, Aleks is aleks_hd, James is analdinner, and Aron is stalete, that's all I have but Trevor and joe might have one I don't know.",Thanks man "Gun laws are somewhat liberal where I live, but there are strong regulations on who can wage war on their own...","Wage war, what garbage that is, us americans call it peacekeeping!" You think they will be able to resist? It's pay to win before it's even made with all the weapon unlocks.,"Oh boy, you get a special weapon with slight variations for backing the game, THE HOROR!" Cheater or actual pro? I call cheat.,"Eh, it looks a bit too smoother to he a cheater, generally from what I've seen aimbots and what ever they use in warthunder are incredibly janky" Carson Wentz leads the NFL with an 83.8% (31/37) completion percentage against the blitz this season.,But can he do in on a rainy night in Stoke? Kenya elected leaders with cases at the ICC. They started it.,"Then they sent one of 'em to America, to manipulate the rest of us into accepting this nonsense..." Lol the tolerant left.,That's *tolerant and peaceful* you shitlord. "What car in your opinion is the nicest looking? Greetings, I'm an avid car fan in real life and also in GTA. This also means I sometimes run into car shows within GTA, which are sadly difficult to come across since there is no sign of anything alike to Tuners & Outlaws. Anyways, back to the point. It seems that the FMJ is the car that everyone likes the most by the looks, but for me the king of the looks is the newish, ridiculously overpriced Ocelot Lynx. So, this is my point, to ask a question which maybe has been asked 99 times on this subreddit, but because I am new, I will ask it again. Which car do you like the most by the looks? And why that car (what makes it so special)?",Metallic Gasoline Green Tornado Custom <3 "You probably bought it, stfu nerd.","Na man, I don't have enough money to buy games on a whim" Why are white people superior?,This is a *very* good question. "McGregor answered more questions than Weidman, Woodley, Edgar, Cerrone, Jedrzejczyk, Kowalkiewicz, Thompson, Stephens, Romero and Gastelum all combined last night","More people care what McGregor has to say than Weidman, Woodley, Edgar, Cerrone, Jedrzejczyk, Kowalkiewicz, Thompson, Stephens, Romero and Gastelum all combined." Anyone Remembers this underrated Gem?,"To be fair, it really is underrated." Hillary Clinton Concession Speech Glass Ceilings Flat Earth & The Truman Show,I totally didn't expect the presidential election to become a flat earth topic as well. "And as someone who's flown between New Zealand, LA and Sydney, I'm already scratching my head.","What, you didn't know NZ is halfway from Sydney to LA?" "He is closer to a dictator in the making. Look at his war on drugs, he has civilians carrying legal murders. It's very similar to fear and control tactics used by authoritarian governments in the past.",where is the proof he has civilians carrying legal murders? Watch U2 Blast Donald Trump During 'Desire' at iHeartRadio Festival,"I wonder how many Courics, did that blasting weigh?" Motorcycle escapes police helicopter after high-speed chase,GTA5 the old hide under a bridge trick "Oh I know it's mean. I don't really care though, I don't feel empathy. I've been diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder and scored 33/40 on the PCL-R.","Woah, how has this affected your relationship with close friends/family?" "I think 10% is reasonable. I'd even argue that Johnson, who's at like 8%, being let in the debate is very reasonable. But Jill Stein's 3% not even being on every state's ballot ass can go home.",I feel Johnson being on every states ballot is enough. "KR has more players then NA population wise. That is why KR constantly has 10-20 channels crowded and we don't. Besides, pirates wont be the best spot anymore, gahaz will",Or maybe they have different servers and different threshold for the crowded label. 1 Man | 150 Days | 80+Hours/Week | 12000+ Hours Work | 25 Million+ Champions Analyzed Per Week | Is it worth it?,No. How was that not potg?,Because it was a competitive *match* "Honestly, this sub sometimes...",I'm sure you were fucking amazing at make up when you first started too. Why would he concede when most polls show him winning? Haha papa Trump coming to deregulate the private sector on that ass.,I sure hope your level of delusion isn't typical among Trump supporters. How long did they court before marrying?,not even a year. "Thats my first picture, i hope you like it ;/",Downvoted because hattori That fan is just adorable,Agree with the other guy you should have a face reveal *The White people,The best people really. What stresses you out?,Women. "RIP M1/M2 now. I knew about the accuracy/precision aiming nerf, but the damage and bullet speed reduction came completely out of the blue, what the hell? I understand many people are just terrible at fighting against someone wielding the M1/M2 but that's just too far man. Now the only good gun the US has left to play around with is the M1919. Oh wait no, scratch that. Not until that rangefinder is ripped off so that we can see the rest of the screen making it more on-par with the damn MG42. I mean, what's the point in grinding in this game anymore though? If everything you work towards or already have gets continually nerfed? I'm not a fan of wasting my time anymore. Damnit Reto, they really must want me to stop playing I guess. Shame I can't refund for the money I stupidly spent on gold.",~~What you get for spending money on an early access game.~~ Oh wait we can't use that statement anymore :P "TIL a Master-Level NY Baker claims he was fired after reporting to his employer the that flour used for making bread was infested with insects. His boss told him to just go ahead and use the infested flour for multi-grain bread, presumably because customers would not be concerned about the crunch.","But we need less regulation, right?" Protesters block entrance to Trump Tower,Aren't these ppl gonna be tired for work today though? "No, it's about towing their party line. All partisan hacks do it, while wishing they could vote for 3rd party, but that's a wasted vote. Get Gary Johnson in there, we have a real chance this year. We don't need a sick witch or a prideful orangutan in there.",Fuck Gary Johnson and fuck the childish nonsense that is 'libertarianism'. I'm going to go with First Half: Everyone Second Half: Noone,I think this is the answer Rockstar studios hinting on something. Red image with their Logo on the middle,Stop playing with my emotions Rockstar... say it already.. Just gimme the damn game.. Hey guys you want this product? Ya Too bad eat shit -Nintendo pats self on back,I honestly think Nintendo underestimated the demand for the NES classic. "Did you just tell him his opinion is wrong and then scold him for telling someone their opinion was wrong, or am I misreading?",It's okay though because he announced it as his opinion before tearing mine down. "I'm more concerned with the **extreme** amount of jumping and taunting/attacking/whateveritis that many wild pokemon have that basically singlehandedly destroys the game since it's so crucial for gameplay (if you don't catch pidgeys, good luck getting anywhere). It doesn't matter what one's skill is, or what one's catch rate is, or even that 90% of all pidgeys are 300+ CP (and most of those are 400+ CP)... when they can just jump/taunts literally 7 times right in a fucking row.","It feels like the jumping/taunting animation is now a larger part of the capturing screen, and the circles are visible for lesser periods between the reaction animations." Wouldn't it be ironic if Dark Ark wiped me at 0% HP,that is just painful to see e.e Pence confirms once and for all that Trump will be an anti-LGBT president,Maybe the LGBT folks should just stop being gay! US has spent nearly $5 trillion on wars since 9/11,It could have been $5.6 trillion if it weren't for that tax drain we call NASA "Talewind, a beautiful hand-drawn 2D platformer is out now!",That single negative review is retarded in several ways. Correction: it's a *plurality* No one got a majority vote on Tuesday,Fucking Harambe! "We're not always thinking of sex. In fact, sometimes we're not in the mood for it.",How dare you! 1 states there is no official Bitcoin implementation. 5 states Bitcoin is free and open source software. Both cannot be true.,Good catch. "Strange, which software? It works on my s5 but I am on a custom rom.",5.1... I cant figure it out. Reaper: Face my stand Death Blossom!!,How is his stand not Don't Fear the Reaper? I've always been a fan of orbital bombardment... rods from the gods.,Unfortunately no country on earth has weaponized space yet so we won't be seeing that any time soon :c "Reminds me of my dad, who was police for 25 years and military for 32. He had guns hidden in accessible, but safe places around his house. They're in places that most people can get to, but children and others are extremely unlikely to find them. He has seen what happens to those who don't/can't defend themselves against others who plan to take advantage of people. Better to be judged by 12 than to be carried by 6 he always tells me. Most individuals who own a bunch of firearms take the care and time to educate their family and people in their house about gun safety and operation. So I'm very confident in my family to safely protect themselves against anyone who enters their house with ill intent.",Makes sense to me. Too bad those poor folks can't afford your driverless car. Guess they should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and walk to Hall road to clock in.,"Don't worry, Trump's going to have all those poor people back at work making steel so they can buy cheap cars assembled by other poor people." Clear and to the point. I like it.,It's always good to know what makes your wheel spin. Seth Meyers Shares Remarks on Donald Trump's Presidency,It's bittersweet that this is one of the best written monologues for late night comedy show. Delhi govt spent only 8% of funds to control pollution,And 50% is spent on advertising It really should be illegal to store passwords in plain text,Ok I'll MD5 my passwords MaRo asking if players would like to see more Creatures that flip into Planeswalkers.,"No, I'd *hate* to see more mechanically interesting snapshots of a character's origin." So.. don't trust a Russian unless one of them says they had contact with a presidential candidate.. Got it.,Maybe this one is a secret Democrat? me irl,can someone explain this one both Blues fans and Hawks fans both love Panarin and Tarasenko it's pretty much a rule now,Perhaps our infatuation with Russian hockey players is what allowed us to elect a Russian for President. I poop in a bucket and then throw it out the window.,They don't have plumbing where you are so you go all mid evil with it? "The American is the Jar Jar Binks of TGT Less talk, more driving.","They should keep him, but drop the jokes and have him tell redneck stories about people like his uncle willy living down in the bayou on a river boat." Well... He's right.,children do everything what is allowed Your hobby is stupid.,This comic captures the spirit of the internet pretty well Then quit act like they really care if one person leaves. Also maybe you should read before you bitch they can spawn in the barrels it's really rare but they can. You don't need your fucking p2's the first hour in game you just don't. They never wanted that with any system they want you to make early game weapons. But anyhow might be better off if you just left FP or rust for that doesn't need butthurt people anymore over small things.,I forgot the "Don't forget European countries like the Netherlands, or Portugal - they've decriminalised *all* drugs.",and countries in Central and South America that let drug cartels rule their land! "If the shit goes down I plan on immediately going cannibal, like still unspoiled milk in the fridge, but might as well get a head start amirite fam?","I would imagine that there are spirit dinners you could attend... blood, semen, breastmilk..... plenty of protein!" The best drug,Word to ya mutha! List reveals Sarah Palin and Chris Christie as well as oil tycoons and bankers in Donald Trump's possible cabinet,Wow the best cabinet possible "If they believe everything he says, then they are gullible. Things he has said include: That he has the world's greatest memory, that he was the best baseball player in New York when he was in high school, global warming is a hoax, he is the least sexist and racist person in the world, Obama is not an American, he knows more about ISIS than the generals, and the list goes on. This stuff is fiction. In reality, he is a narcissist who can't help but lie constantly for the sake of his ego.",Im sure winning the presidency will do wonders to help his narcissic personality Morning Roundtable - 9/16 You can use this thread to discuss whatever is on your mind or share news articles or off topic things that would otherwise not be posted to the sub.,I don't understand the strategy of giving a big speech on the Birther issue. "After Trump loses I want to see a reality show where he and twenty of his best supporters start a company together, just so that they can all fail and those last twenty followers can realize what an asshole he is.",They should make Trump go on The Apprentice as a contestant. "Nobody cares about your opinion either, and here you are, talking shit. At least people that are complaining are trying to improve the game.",Bitching on the internet is how you try to improve the game? That many? And you still look so damn hot.. Bravo..,"It's actually #6, I gave my first up for adoption :) I was 19" Well that clearly didn't work.,ok so let's burn it all down CSGOPolygon hack,Lol scammer "David Desharnais, Greg Pateryn out, Sven Andrighetto, Joel Hanley in vs Kings",DD and pateryn trade incoming "i dont fuckin buy them, dipshit.","Nah you just tell others to buy them, moron..." "Why do people still think our oline is shit in the run game. This isnt a Gore show people, the OLine is giving him on average 2 or 3 yards of push. Put some young legs behind that and it could be dangerous. Our line is young and has flaws in passing. But run blocking has been near elite this year.","Gore clearly still has the choice necessary, yeah he isn't going to pull out a 90 yard TD run, but you don't need that shit if your Oline has chemistry and can run block well, alongside with good play calling." Must be easier to get ankles now,I dropped someone and posterized in park not too long ago You mean the plague that killed millions of people and was spread *through sheer accident*.,No I was more or less referring to the systematic extermination of Native American culture "And that's an issue? Hell, the guy would probably find a way to profit from peace with the Alliance.","If I know anything about anything, peace doesn't make money!" Dakota pipeline operator to defy Obama and push on with final phase of drilling (Donald Trump has close financial ties to the pipeline.),If we aren't actively fucking the Earth over we aren't doing enough. I'm sure she was just anxious and crying as a reaction to it. She shouldn't let shit like that bother her though. It's just a pat down and it was done by a woman in as professional a manner as could have been done. It's not a big deal. Happens all day long to lots of people (wearing turbans),Yeah that totally makes it better/okay.. There's also only 3 auction houses.,might be thinking of madden mobile but there's still none in my auction house. What did someone say to you that completely changed your way of thinking?,"A reddit quote, seems small now, but it changed my perpective a couple years back: Art is how we decorate our space, music is how we decorate our time" "Guan Yu probably shouldn't even use a chariot. He has his own horse, Red Hare.",I just want to see sylvanus riding grover riding a chariot. I wonder what *T* stands for though...,Three First server up will get a massive crowd untill the fresh servers starts! I will devote my time to fuck things up for ppl on the early starter areas. 20+ Be prepared to Get annoyed AF!,Well you'll be competing with god knows how many people. Ive tried emailing here but havent had any response after 3 resends :(,"Try to call, afaik they have some problems with emails" Finally I can sell my green cape,Rich get richer smh "They need a proper food Shark I've said it before, Shark Tank needs to do some test episodes with a proper food expert. A restaurateur or buyer for Costco or something similar. A LOT of the pitches are food, and they aren't experts. They don't know how to judge food trends, or know if something is truly new. They aren't experts in ingredients and costs, production, packaging engineering for food, etc. Imagine an episode where a shark was the CEO of / buyer for Whole Foods, Red Lobster, or... I dunno, Sonic Drive in, and he could tell someone making a food pitch, I want to buy your [cupcakes] and put you in all our stores.","Restaurant startup is a decent show for pitches about restaurants, food trucks, bars etc." "If a bullet proof vest makes you scared or intimidated of police, then you're already terrified considering they're standard issue in the department. This isn't anything they don't already wear on a daily basis, albeit this one will likely go over the uniform instead of under it when it's needed. Again, if it was riot gear, I'd be on your side. It's not. It's a different and better model of the vests officers already wear on a daily basis.",The helmets were part of the proposal as well. But but the people like midriffs,Yea... give the people what they want! Surreal knows nothing,UK cs "We don't need a new populism. Obama will leave office with sky-high approval ratings even among some Trump supporters. In Canada Trudeau is at over 50% approval. We don't need completely new strategies, we need competent, appealing politicians who can reach out beyond their base because that's all this is. When the centre and left are alienated, the right wins because they can reliably get out more voters with the same messages whereas it takes more work to engage the coalition needed for left/ centre-left success. If you want to see why the left is failing it's because it keeps putting up the same type of uninspiring career politicians. Find the firebrand who can connect with the electorate and they'll cut through Trump-style bullshit every time.",Like Bernie Sanders you mean At least you were smart enough to use a throwaway.,I wanna know what he said now... He deleted it Trump vs. Science,Science is just liberal propaganda. "Citrus Whale, pen and Digital, 8.5 x 11",Can i get this on a t shirt Hoping we get the boss kit with the new S14,"Yes please, I don't want another generic looking Rocket Bunny or Liberty Walk kit" Not everyone can be a sociopath like you.,"Not a sociopath, just not mentally weak and have no sympathy for those who are" Do like I do and cry yourself TO sleep,"I did that in the past few days, it works wonders" "Good solo laners that are NOT Warriors? So, i do pretty bad in solo, because i can't like any warriors to learn how to use them, i just found them boring, all of them, and i wish to know: - Which gods that is not a warrior can be a good solo laner? - What should i buy on them? PS: I prefer late game gods. PS2: Sorry for the bad english, it's not my first language. Thks in advance!",Loki. susano,You're hilarious. Then we need to have a discussion about switching to a single payer system. Period. Or these assholes can go ahead and gamble with my life and the lives of 20 million other sick and vulnerable Americans for political purposes and see how fast things really spiral out of control in this country.,Or people need to pay premiums based on their individual risk profile instead of demanding everyone else subsidize them. all the kids have them now,Personally I'd love to be getting colourings books for Christmas instead of risking looking potentially uncool. Honestly how the fuck was Taissa's role mature and dark?,her mature feminist views on our patriarcal society? "This is what I have suggested in the past but it becomes a burden on the end user if they have to reset their password. I'm personally fine with this being a solution but certain people (C level staff) do not use good password practices. I would bet most of their work passwords are also their bank, facebook, linkedin, etc. passwords.","Not at all best practice(but a reality idea) change the password, do the work , from his PC remote on to your PC open AD and have him change his password back to *HIS* password I'm sure I will have 20 people tell me this is wrong" Wool Ultra Boost.,"Fake, missing cage" Anything to do with demo release? (NZ),Maybe "Conor, JJ, Woodley, Weidman, Cowboy, Tate, Frankie, MJ, Natal, Luque, Miller and Liz","Look for me on tomorrows flair betting thread, we can settle the beef once and for all!" I work with someone from Russia. Guess I'm tied to them too.,You damn commie sympathizer I just miss the white table on the set RIP tiny white table,I miss the old Cow Chop with the white table. It's always windy so he can't land,It flew over his head! What's that? I can't hear you over the writers SUCKING FELICITY'S DICK!,I miss season 1.... "um, i think scripting languages are great for starting out. i found that i could focus on the logic instead of syntax and it has made learning things such as OOP much easier. I found the transition to C# was quite smooth",Don't listen to his noise. "Would be a big fan of England under Alfred the Great. Some sort of defensive bonus against invaders of a different religion, maybe also combined with an offensive ability that only kicks in when you're down to your last city, would be cool.","Maybe a bit obscure, I'm English and I have never heard of Alfred the great" "I'm curious, what do you think of all this talk of the blue-collar rust belt handing Trump the presidency? Is there something the left can do to win back your co-workers?","Pander to them like Trump with grand lies because they are still in denial, feasting on member berries longing for a time that will never return." "Beer drinkers One thing I've noticed about geo professors and this is at 4 different well known universities, they all love beer. Is that true every where or just because they're all located in the south. Located in the south, many from elswhere",Not all of them - some prefer wine or whisky. So a car crashed a town over from me.,Gives a new definition to sticking the landing. Humble Store is giving away DiRT 3 for FREE,"I will now have to remote into my PC, thanks for the hassle" I'm at college and I know a guy who texts exactly like this. It's annoying af,"xD tbh it would annoy me af if my fam msged like this, am I right fam?" New show coming Nov. 5th: Let me Clarify,It would be amazing if this had fun animations helping demonstrate the ideas they are talking about. It's a sinus issue. Happens to me all the fucking time.,Any remedies? "FPS Drops in Every Game, Starting Today. I'm not positive what's happening. Every single game, I drop either below 25 FPS or have constant lock ups. After that began, I installed the new Nvidia Driver, it did nothing. So I reverted back a driver, it did nothing. I cannot figure out what's up. Specs: GTX 950 Nv Driver Version: 376.09 i5-4690k @3.5GHZ 16GB RAM","Can you think of anything that has changed - installed software, changed control panel setting, driver/windows updates, spilled juice box on GPU - anything that would possibly make it change?" "Ye that's why i was asking, i was not sure about the limit of what can be removed and what can't be removed. Teemo Q can count as a debuff more than a cc.",CC are: - Slow (both movespeed and attack speed) - Silence - Stun - Every kind of knock (up back in) - Suppression - Taunt - Polymorph - Charm - Blind - Vision denied (AKA Quinn's Q) Maybe I'm missing one but I'm sure they're all in it. Do you think it was a rather banal election?,Are you just going to ignore my question? Man accidentally shoots self in head in Steak 'n Shake drive-thru,Sometimes I feel like doing the same there..... It's not a hard job but they do so poorly at it I feel they barely deserve minimum wage. Anybody care to explain the downvotes on this one? Bribery seems like a good idea for a little extra attention.,"Any reputable agency would immediately blacklist the client - not for any ethical reasons, but because they wouldnt want their name asdociated with someone with such a complete lack of business sense and decorum." "Humans do it naturally too... The basic skills almost all animals do, every brain can learn to some degree; but a lot of things are automatic.","But we need to learn how to swim, otherwise we will drown." Graffiti down off Brick Lane,looks like jojo Really hope thats sarcasm,I dropped my Well im 99% sure moltrinex doesnt have the bank he claims he has sadly so... i say 99% sure because you can never know unless he shows you himself or a jmod confirms/denies it.,TRUE Yah I'm not too worried I know I can get it working one way or another. I think im going to seal everything up with silicone before I put it back together,you might change the thermal characteristics of the board a lot by doing that. "Chinese ships exploit weak, poor and preoccupied Africa",I'm thrilled that we in the west never exploited Africa... 10.1.xx.xx for me in some places. Maybe depends on router manufacturer?,that's included in 10.x.x.x "IEM Gyeonggi discussion! So IEM Gyeonggi is coming up, and personally I think there is a lot of interesting teams and rosters. Who do you think will do well (except Samsung) and why. And who might surprise heavily?",Did C9 drop out or something? Oh I'm sorry I didn't take the time to avoid offending some dumbass Trump supporters while my family is being attacked. I'll try to be more considerate next time.,I'm glad you took the time to reply while you were hiding from the death squads! An 21st century editor would have skipped the laughtrack.,But how would we know when to laugh? "Ours is Constantinople so... yeah, I get it. lol",Pistachio. Anyone know why the NFL scheduled two bye weeks in week 13? It's weird because my league is starting up playoffs (2 weeks per round) and the Titans and Browns are on a bye week all the way in week 13? I went all the way back to 2006 and there has never been a week 13 bye.,To ruin your fantasy season. What song is currently stuck in your head?,Please please please let me get what I want... Drug users deserve death as well. Do drug users benefit society?,Drug users benefit society more than the people who think they should be killed because their social utility is insufficient. Ref has done a pretty good job tbf.,You dropped this I've been saying for years that Snowden & Wikileaks were obvious Russian agents.,Snowden is a national hero because he did what he thought was right ! I really want to try Metro Last Light. Do I have to play 2033 before last light to understand what's going on in last light? I would like to play both but I simply don't have the time since I work 12 hour shifts.,"Iirc it doesn't follow too heavily, it does help to have played 2033 but it's not like Half-Life and its episodes that directly follow on" A new Bidybab model for SFM!,Bidydab "I've been trying to mix it up lately, what's your favorite downtown lunch spot?",Urban Farmer. "If John Wall is available, would you trade Dload and others? I saw a Mudiay and Nurkic for Wall trade rumor, so i wondered if the lakers would bite.",Only if it lands us Boogie in a couple years Scott is a hermit,rude My 13'' is preparing for shipment!,BTO or base? "Trump Could Spell Big Trouble for Broadband, Net Neutrality: 'Trump has made it clear he vehemently opposes net neutrality, despite repeatedly making it clear he's not entirely certain what net neutrality even is.'","Good job, America." It's okay there is great Mexican food here.,Not for long! "Who would you make the final DLC boss? Well, what is it?",Maldron the Assassin She's in Podesta cocktail party guest list.,She should have stayed away from the spirit cooking! "LOST is an experience. Great characters, dialogues, locations, plot. Even though it gets a little messed up towards the end, the journey of watching it is worth taking.",Lost was a story with no idea of their ending and after a few seasons they were writing it as they go which makes for a dumb story and that Christianity ending really put me on cringe. "I'm glad we can laugh about it now! The whole spouse seeking culture that revolves around conventions/assemblies is embarrassing. I remember the guys, and the girls would form small groups, all doing laps around the convention corridor, just to put our face out there, and spot any potentials lol. Pathetic.",I called them wolf packs and made fun of them relentlessly! Also looks way too old to be doing game based on memes...,"Yeah, game developers shouldn't make games for kids because that means they're immature" "It's an OK chip at this point. Nothing better. It was a **great** purchase at release. Today, unless you get a reallllllly good deal you want to look at Intel or wait for Zen anyways.",it was a terrible purchase even at release as games didn't even use 8 cores back then This election people had enough of the lizards so they looked for something that was not a lizard and voted a snake into office.,So real. Is your user name name a dark tower reference?,"Thankee sai, yes it is." well not filter out Trump just the crap news that is reporting saying this guy is rumored to be doing this and 30 years ago he said this so this is a worrying trend for the country,The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Live in an area with high winds. high winds and they will go until they get stuck up against something. whoa to you if the wind is blowing from your house across an empty corn field that has been harvested. Your bin will be on the far side of the field.,"Whoa to the bin, more like." "fuck yeah the AFC south, 4 easy wins bby","After this season, nothing is guaranteed." South Korea reveals plan to assassinate Kim Jong Un,Clicking on that article will land you on best korean watch list That people are judged by their behavior and merits instead of things skin deep?,Ya....if you have a nazi tattoo you deserve the judgment Enjoy xD do u happen to hv a mudkip instead xD?,No I don't but I do have like all the other water starters lol Are you kidding me? The university that I am faculty at just sent this out to the students. Sorry about the bad cropping.,How dare they create a nonjudgmental space where people can discuss their feelings during a time when people are scared and stressed. "No, it was another Churchill bust that formerly resided in the Oval Office.",couldn't have a white male with privilege from slavery in his office. "Have not enjoyed their chips and salsa, agree on salt. But I don't think I've tried the green. Place went off my list quickly, though I don't wish it ill.","Their hot salsa has peaches or some shit in it, so that should tell you something." "Look up cru, custom resolution utility",it frameskips like crazy :( What the most uncooperative inanimate object you've ever been forced to work with?,Women "Per KW, it produces about as much thrust as the weight of a large grain of sand. Pretty hard to measure.","Chinese have got 720mN, so the efficiency could still go up considerably once people figure out how it works." "The land in question was expropriated from its owners so that the pipeline could be built. The state rushed through the planning process and may not have down the necessary consultation and environmental study before construction began. In the case of the use of the dog attacks, it was Labour Day weekend, and construction was *supposed* to be halted - not only for the holiday, but because the Standing Rock Sioux had apparently discovered a burial site in the path of the pipeline. All parties were supposed to wait for confirmation/denial by the relevant gov't authorities. Instead, the construction company had workers come in, on a holiday weekend, to bulldoze only that specific area. This is essentially an illegal move. Private security was hired - along with the dogs - to prevent anyone from stopping their actions.",The land already has a pipeline on it and was privately owned. Senate Zika funding vote fails,"Abolish the Senate and end gerrymandering in the House, please." I just overclocked my i5 6600K to 4.6ghz and... Everything is great! Thanks to the help of people on this subreddit. I got around low 70s (high 60s) in stress tests. 30 - 40 without a game running and about 50 - 60 with a game running. But... **Should I ^try to overclock it to 4.8 - 5.2?**,What's the vcore? IT dept. be like:,I'll suck yo dick for one pls bb "Sex as in gender. Calm down, you're trigger-happy.","Ah yes, I'm so triggered" Lucky Guess: at Saskatoon - 10/26/16 * Final Score * GWG * Number of Penalties Combined * Bonus: Total PiM,* 4-2 Spokane * JAD * 9 Penalties * 24 total minutes I put together a bunch of Payday 2 LEGO minifigs a while ago.,That's seriously awesome! A plane with Hillary and Trump crashes and explodes; Who survives?,America survives "I found the weak spot. Good morning, r/mildlyinfuriating .",Just embrace the fury and get one of those cups that says don't even think about talking to me until the coffee level is below this line as long as you're using it in irony you'll get a pass from your friends and coworkers. "United States President-Elect, Sir Donald John Trump, decides to try and work in different positions for Hotel Maintenance. Would Obama and Killary do this? I think not",That is MY President! Wait avatar is on netflix Where do you live where avatar is on netflix,Argentina Sup Y'all still around,No Yeah thanks for the zodiac killer we *really* appreciate that,"Sorry, eh." I hope to God there was a foul called.,Based on the Xhaka foul against Swansea this better have been called and been a straight red. I don't see the attraction of the fuelling. Adds nothing to the racing and the super-quick stops are awesome,"Refueling is great for longer races like in Indycar or Nascar, but F1 races are just too short for refueling to matter - unless they made the fuel tanks as hilariously bad as they do the tires, but it'd just be a lot of pitstops then." "What Determines You Getting a Star Icon in 2k16 I've asked around and looked around online and I cannot understand what determines this at all. I temporarily got the star when I went to practice and got the temp boosts while also boosting my stats with VC and i had that and a 3 star icon but after 2 games it was gone. Is it just random? Because I'm now overall 91 and i swear people claimed they got the icon at overall 85. It just odd that i'm the highest rated player on my Grizzles team, have the most points of the team per game, I easily make the team better in multiple facets yet the coach or game doesn't give me the permanent star? Am I just doing something wrong to get it?",In past games you'd get it after being selected to the all star team. "You're being sarcastic, right? There's video from multiple news sources of her walking around on the tarmac. No one is shooting I laughed. Thanks.","Yeah sorry, i thought that was so seethingly sarcastic i didnt need to say" "The hate toward Melania makes me cringe so hard. People say slut shaming is bad, the immediately turn around and slut shame her. I have a feeling Melania didn't really participate in campaigning because of this. I can't blame her.","Alright guys, no woman president, back to rampant sexism, burn the whore." Trying to find the quote by Moe with an oyster and a pearl inside it and references Bart Cummings,"Never mind it was Bob Cummings, not Bart Cummings and I found it." "As a Junkrat main, I was interested in the title.","As someone who has played maybe 5 games of OW ever, I hate you lol <3" one of the good ones You mean old white people? Am I the only one who still believes in judging people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.,"When 57% of white males have proven themselves to be racists a couple days ago, yes, they have something to prove" What video game or movie franchise actually deserves to be brought back?,Gunship for the Commodore 64 Bollywood has come a long way.,these guys are americans. But Daniel Jackson is unrealistically buff for linguist historians. Source: am linguist who likes history.,Just git gud then you underestimate the amount of time the elderly have on their hands,"Teach them to play video games then, goddammit." why don't you use patches or injections?,Estradiol injections aren't available in Canada. "They wouldn't let any old Jewish person in on the secret, that's just bad opsec!","My entire town is jewish (no I don't live in Israel), and I haven't seen a single lizard person yet" "Not top 3 from the election, the top 3 receiving votes from the Electoral College. So if Trump had 269 EC votes, Clinton had 222, Kasich had 12, Rubio 5, and Romney 30, the House of Representatives would be able to select from Trump, Clinton, and Romney. In selecting, the delegation for each state would pick a candidate and then each state would have 1 vote in selecting the President.",Could you imagine if the republicans actually split their votes and HRC won? "With a lucky egg you should be able to do much better than that in half an hour. I got around 80k yesterday, because I also had some new evolutions so extra XP from the new pokedex entries as well. But you should be able to do at least 70 evolutions for 70k in half an hour...","Aww, I ran out of candies halfway :(" What does ITT even mean?,ITT technical institute. "That's pretty much a given, him being the greatest driver ever. Senna was the 2nd coming of Verstappen.",Senna was the alpha version of VES "Indeed, and the guy basically ignored them. Boxy armor actually makes sense these days depending on the armor composition. If it's RHA though, it better be sloped.","Like on Leo2 yes, but extreme angles can very rarely bounce RPGs while the box shape will 100% detonate them so there is that." "Yeah I wouldn't think it was a hybrid. I would just assume it was either a pale or albino grizzly. If I had a license to shoot a grizzly, I'd pick this one over any others. It's coloring would be a disadvantage in a forested area and likely would make survival harder for other cubs (I assume grizzlies are territorial, could be wrong though). Plus, this would be a much better trophy than a regular brown one would be, regardless of your opinion on hunting them.",Just fuck people like you. "People who post loads of photos and stuff a day when they aren't yours, why do you bother?",They want free internet points You can only but to the limit on your ticket. There is nothing stopping me buying 1000 and then a week later buying another 1000. But i'd be over my limit and the police can do spot checks. You'd likely lose your licence.,"I know I'm late but curious, can you load your own ammo to the limit max or is loading your own not common or allowed?" It was one of the pillars of his campaign.,Well good thing he's never been known to lie before. The original Overwatch,The person who makes the when did this become sexier than this image will be the hero this comparison deserves. Cluj-Napoca. Retrospectiva 2016,Watch it for the metrou! khoti kay bachay is a common slang term among my elders.,Kis ap kay elders pathan hai? "First impressions on my new 950XL. Okay, I've been needing a new phone for quite some time now, since my 1320 and 550 have started becoming unusable, and I decided to get the 950XL while it's still available at its current price. I've had it for three days now, and here are my first impressions/early review: 1 Hardware: -The screen is absolutely GORGEOUS. Coming from the 720p LCD on my 1320 and the weird display on the 550, this 2K AMOLED display is the best one I've owned. I've noticed a light bleeding when transitioning from black to white, but it's only noticeable in pitch black darkness, and I've heard it's just a common AMOLED quirk so it doesn't bother me. -The camera is another thing that amazed me. My old 1320 is kinda ok on this aspect, but the 20MP Zeiss camera on this one blows it away. The colors are awesome too, coupled with the AMOLED! -The processor. I've not had this device stutter on me yet, and I've been pushing it's limits a lot the first few days (Updating, downloading, heavy gaming, 4G, etc). I know the temperature of this device is a hot topic (heh), but to be honest, while it does get kinda warm, I've not had it get *hot*. I guess time will tell. -The battery. It's alright. I'm used to the amazing battery life on the 1320 (big battery, small res and low end processor), so Im not really amazed by the battery life. It's good though. -The overall build quality is, actually nicer than what I anticipated. Everyone is talking about how the plastic feels cheap and it cracks and makes noises, but I feel like the feel of the device is very sturdy and hard. Not experienced any racks from the back panel either. One thing that does bother me, are the buttons. The actual membranes on the device are the same as my 1320s, and those fell off after a year, and I qouldn't replace them. I'm worried this might happen to the 950XL too. -DESIGN. This is one of the main reasons I bought this phone. It looks SO GOOD. I think it might be the best looking phone on the market (for my taste). The big iris on the back is awesome, and the contrasting white plastic just warms my minimalism-loving heart. The reception by friends and other people is quite nice too. When they see it for the first time, they always point out how cool it looks, which I'm very happy about. One guy told me the camera looks like a washing machine, but he was joking :D. 2 Software: -OS. Windows 10 Mobile has come a long way since last October, especially with the AU. With all the negativity surrounding it's fate, I thought I'd say a few nice things about it. It looks gorgeous, it feels smooth. And since looks and performance are what make up 70% of my opinion on an OS, I am pretty darn pleased with it. -Apps. I'm one of those people who doesn't really care about apps, since most of the stuff I do is also available on the web. That said, the Store has everything I do need. I'm pleased with the Instagram and Messenger apps, especially since they seemed unusable on my 550, and the Facebook app is fine too. Since I also use Reddit and YouTube a lot, I downloaded Baconit and myTube!, and wow, these apps are even better than the official ones on my mothers Galaxy S7. Since those apps are all I need, I'm really not affected by the Store being small. -Bugs. So far I've only experienced one bug, and that is the display not turning on immediately when pressing the power button. It's persistent too, which is kind of annoying. Hope they fix it. So, this is my longer-than-I-had-planned first impression on this phone. So far, I'd give it an 10/10 for design, 8/10 for hardware, and a 6.5/10 for software. I'd say it's a no-brainer when considering if one should buy it. With it's price being lower than it's ever been, it's a great deal.",Of course impression would be overly positive when you're moving from a midrange device onto a supposed flagship... Found a small stick insect outside my house,I'd hate to see what's considered a large bug in your area Infographic : M4A4 vs M4A1-S usage in HLTV Top 10 teams,"VP top 1 in the world, because they use m4a1-s" "...and she's a **five time** world champion. Where *you* at, TaZ?","Be the best of the ~~noobs~~ women, it's not a big deal" "Torture is illegal under international law. During the Obama administration, Congress passed a law to explicitly outlaw waterboarding and other enhanced interrogation techniques. So Pence is literally saying the Trump administration won't rule out violating US and international law.","Obama tortures daily by dropping bombs on children in the middle east, stop painting the picture that we don't do this already." he's holding a press conference or something on his balcony. and it's the 10th anniversary. Nothing confirmed about content of the PC tho,"Ah ok, I had seen something about the 10th anniversary but didn't see anything saying he would be dropping any spicy new leaks." "I'm sure there will be invite codes available somewhere for EU. If you're respectful, and start another thread asking nicely for an EU invite code, someone may be able to help. This sub for the most part is full of decent people, and being kind and respectful will get you further than being a dick...","Just looked for them, there are none curently and a few that were, only thing I found are forum threads about how the company hates EU, so thats good..." Official Game Thread #Please remain civil,"Ah, but see guys, Fitz gives us the best chance of winning." I have wrote a similar rant about this. We seriously need to change our marketing strategy for our movement.,"I mean, who would have thought telling lower class and uneducated voters that we're better than them in terms of politics would backfire spectacularly?" DC lives in the DC house in the US still right?,"Yeah, theyre an NA org, with (at least) 1 NA player, all NA staff working with the team, but they just so happen to have 3 EU and 1 CIS team on their roster But my point was that some people will argue that DC is NA solely because they have 1 NA player, not because they all actually moved to NA, when in actual fact all of the players actually moved to NA and got visas to play there." "I read something that said there are only 3600 active members of the Klan in the entire country. Out of 330+ million Americans, that's 1/10th of 1/10th of a percent.",And 90% of those people are FBI informants. Awkward boner,"Dude, it's a fucking hippo." Like satan worshippers? Like pizzagate?,"There was no religious aspect to it, it was part of some scene - you go to these parties, you cut yourself and bleed, other people drink it." This isn't just a coincidence anymore. This is happening in reality now,So that's why Niantic has been so silent "Jesus, Planet Coaster looks like someone just HD scaled RCT3. Frontier should sue somebody.",Themselves? Only has 6 posts and this is the first post of that video.,"Yeah, because using the same account to spam makes sense." I would rather die than live my whole life disabled. That might be disrespectful to people who are disabled but it's my opinion. Not that this is relevant to what you were really trying to say.,You're living in the right country for that belief. Rafa Benitez wins Championship manager of the month,i thought jimmy floyd hasselbaink was going to win We should get rid of the grid girls.,HOW DARE YOU "to be fair, our schedule has been a complete powderpuff the past couple seasons. It's just the nature of the league","Of course, but its just annoying for the stars to align like this when we have such a stacked team." IQ Sucks?!,"To be fair, none of those kills happened specifically because of picking IQ." Can't be that young if you were out at a bar :p,Under 25 is classed as a young driver so technically I am lol "Sick days? Do you find that on the days you're getting sick, or full blown sick, that your strength isn't peak and that it's best to not attempt the weight increase for that day? Do you just skip the lifting altogether?","Just cough and wheeze all over the barbell, squat rack and bench to ensure maximum infection rate to your fellow lifting bros" What one thing did your parents tell you that changed your life dramatically?,Get the fuck outta this house. Made this a few years ago.,why Wasn't Duckworth born in Thailand?,Well Obama was born in Kenya so that's no longer an issue these days I was thinking too myself Boooooo its an auto and then they showed the dudes missing one hand. Like shit ok thats a reasonable excuse.,Well we all know you aren't a true car guy unless you modify your manual transmission car with hand controls right? Only one,Exactly I mean she was basically raping herself -Scientology,Leah you just lost lead role in MI 6 and King of Queens movie franchise for a silly documentary - Space Aliens Chicago sucks balls. Source- I live in wisconsin.,"Can confirm -Live in Illinois, but NOT Chicago" "As far as a I know, she's never even mentioned a second coach. No idea where that came from.",I thought she had a separate swim coach with a name like Isabel or something. Box Office: 'Boo! A Madea Halloween' Scares Off Tom Cruise's 'Jack Reacher' With $27.6M.,Cant imagine the numbers on Madea:marvels Black Panther As opposed to Coo?,As opposed to kyew So answer my question.,"Well to answer your question obviously you take threats of violence seriously, there is no reason not to and many reasons why you should." I'm so sorry! I had a durr moment because I never spelt it out until now. Now that I think of it... I took French and the extra e is from subject agreement! Singular feminine has an extra e added and singular male gets nothing added :),There ya go. I wouldn't consider 1.6~ a good kda tbh,"He didn't say it was considered a good kda, he just said its not a bad kda... If my laner has a 1.6 kda, I'm happy." "Daredevil likes batflips (DD #238, 1987)",No respect for the game at all. And .00001 /10 times you'll need either the scorch shot or detonator,This guy gets it. Upcoming Event Crank: Abigail,But i already have abigail ;-; What I imagine people are like when getting rez'd,Is she sitting in the same chair as the thumbs up dude? Squid or gf*,So definitely squid then? How else do you expect to make Canadian babies?,I'm going to need this one explained "And don't forget how many of those threads started with, Our sex life used to be amazing, but it all changed after we had kids...",Hide...hide...hide... Sometimes I end up hiding half a page's worth of threads! Man arrested after replica gun pulled in Moorhead road rage incident,"Uhg, People like this give us MN airsofter's a bad rep..." This is ridiculous. Why didn't the police shoot the cleaver out of his hand???? This is clear Islamophobic behavior by the entire NYPD. We should create a hashtag and flashmob Union Station to protest this injustice. #FISHMOUTHRETARDISLAM,You mean grand central station? "Get Elon Musk on the podcast Sam and Elon are two of the greatest minds alive today, and I'm pretty sure they would have a great conversation about several topics related to things like AI or even technological advances. Elon has expressed his appreciation for Hitchens in the past, so his chances of getting along with Harris are pretty high. I can't be the only one here who has great admiration for these two men, so having Musk on would be a great addition to the podcast.",Maybe sometime nearer to his AI book "Much stronger? When is there even a difference other than extremely narrow cases like indestructible creatures killing first strikers, vigiliance creatures not getting tapped, or I guess being able to save creatures in combat against regenerators with removal if they can activate it twice?",Obviously because regenerators can't survive [[Wrath of God]] and the like. "I'm honestly not sure what Trump could have done to stop this besides drop out of the election before he won. He disavowed the kkk but they seem to be reading between the lines thinking he really does support them, just can't because he has to be all PC. Not the case but that seems to be how the racist elements are taking trumps cold shoulder.",Well running a campaign on the message of deporting 11 million hispanics and banning muslims from entering the country sounds like racism to me... Was kind of trying to forget all that. Though I do predict some alcohol with my grouse. And then the next day a grouse about all the alcohol I drank.,i suggest you start smoking to feel better about it "TIL That obsidian knives are so sharp they cut on a cellular level. Due to this, when used in the medical field, incisions made with the blade heal faster with less scarring.",I wonder if obsidian knives or other blades would set off airport metal detectors. Thought about this the other day. All the likeliest targets in the US are predominantly liberal. Fuck.,Might be part of his plan to ensure reelection :(,Now ya know how that liberal media feels with all their facts "Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Yo Yo Ma, Jim Carmack, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Steve Wozniak, et al. We could go on for years about this.",Neil Tyson is a pretty shitty human being. It's yesterday played on tape.,One day they'll hook it up with some face recognition software so it can play the last time a specific person was there Ah. The blind volunteer. That's rough.,"Yep, its a fed assignment on a spot that receive terroristic threats this month.... So they doubled patrols." What is your nationality and what nationalities have you been romantically involved with? Romantically involved being a fancy way of saying had sex with.,"US I have been with nationals of France, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Israel, Iran, China, Japan, Germany, Costa Rica, Thailand, Netherlands, South Africa, England, Russia, and US of course." We're still not quite as bad as the Brown's though.... Guys?,are we though? Coming back from Denver today. I think I might move here.,Why's that? "My biggest thing is watching the same goddamn commercial 6 times during one game. By the third time, I'm ready to never use that product if I have a choice. Do advertisers not realize it's annoying as fuck to watch the same thing on repeat?",Payton needs to be in more commercials that play 5 times a game and I just can't get enough of that fucking stupid song. "Who cares, did you see that guy in Chicago get beat to a pulp and have his car stolen?",Nobody cares about that cause whites are the devil "If they're not going to give us a Battlepack for ranking up, we should at least get one from earning Medals - because let's face it, the 5000 XP you get from them is paltry in comparison to the normal XP you get from just playing the game.",Yep I don't even bother actively working towards medals. I guess that makes this totally okay then! People love to deflect on every single one of these stories. A college across the country did something stupid so let's focus on that instead of kids being targeted with bigotry.,The difference being adults should know better. That makes no sense because those states alone would not have gotten him to 270.,That makes no sense because without hardcore republican states who always vote republican he would not have gotten to 270. The last minute or so sounds like Ween's Mourning Glory.,ocean man Why do they wear sunglasses,Because of the blinding crowd? good coal mining jobs for one thing.,Yes if there's one thing the LGBT community has been begging for all these years it's coal mining jobs! "Well the DLC offers alternatives, underground mimics Diablo III's rifts by having randomized dungeons with multiple stages but you can add modifiers and change the difficulty. Survival which hit today is a PvPvEvNature or PvEvN survival mode, which is at max a 2 hour session.",Well I get paid on Friday so I may see you in the DZ thanks man (if you're xbone anyway) There is a huge upside to the new filtering!,"And while we're still ignoring them, They're still brigading us..." 2016 Brazilian Grand Prix - Free Practice 2 Discussion,ALONSO FUCKING WITH THE CAMERA IS MY BEST HIGHLIGHT OF THE SEASON "Dear American Conservatives, this is why the fuck we need free birth control.",Because they're all brown? Gabe Newell dead. Script for HL3 buried with him.,Script revealed to be 3 sentences long. Those white women are racist and sexist towards white women. -Hillbots,"internalized misogyny, poor things" "It's the West's fault that Serbians voted in their government? Man, you guys really like to point fingers outside of your country.","oh, the fault is absolutely with the West as well... I start with us first, but you have to be really dumb to think countries like Serbia are sovereign and not under heavy influence from the West... and Russia... Jesus Christ, people here were crying over Russia influencing the elections in the US... and you're telling me that world powers have no impact on the elections in a small country?" "At his full potential, maybe. But to do well with? Much easier to do well with Janus than Goobis.",Which is why Janus has one of the lowest win rates in non-competitive game modes... "Brother Pikachu, I choose you!",Mister Brother Mime Surprisingly wise advice.,Shouldn't be that suprising if you check usernames ;) "Wow, people get called idiots for saying and doing idiotic things. Really makes u think","Omg he called me a retard and hurt my feelings, I'm gonna vote Trump now!" "Why are people extremely confident about new characters in the rumoured Smash Switch port? I know this is gonna be downvoted to the shadow realm but I don't understand why people feel that Ice Climbers or Snake or whatever will make it to Smash Switch. I personally don't doubt that we might get a port with all DLC like Mortal Kombat XL but I feel like asking for another character to be developed is a bit too much. It would be amazing if they were to add more characters like Inklings and such though. I believe there is a 95% chance the developers are not going to make more characters. But hey if you do believe so, I don't mind. I just don't like how they feel they could bet their lives on K.Rool getting in a Smash Switch port.","Come on man, they're gonna HAVE to put in Chorus Men in eventually" "He officially joined the team around the same time as Bio, but he actually came in right after the spring regular season, where they had finished 6th origionally.","Ah okay, well they definitely got a boost there :P" "Its possible that Ecuador is threatening to revoke his asylum seeker status, which may be why wikileaks is mum.",wikileaks isnt mum on twitter. Citing polls after what just happened leading up to this election? Citing polls that are a year old no less? surely you jest,"You're right, polls are totally useless and we should never pay attention to them again." "It's all in the wrist, more retarded shit you convert from abstraction to physicality, the more quantum your 6 figures will be.",But do you know what I like more than materialistic things? "not a joke, dead serious, women should think about arming themselves, women and men alike. bad people aren't going anywhere any time soon",You are the coolest Evan McMullin makes real mormons...smh,Should read I wasted my vote on Evan McMuffin because i have no political knowledge and expected him to win somehow. It does with Task Manager. Task Manager makes the server think you crashed.,"ah, you're correct, i tested it and it acted as a crash." "shit post, use brag/achievement thread",But all he got was Lightning and everyone knows she is useless. How you know you aren't finishing your emissary quest today...,so is it even possible to beat a world boss on a pvp server as a melee or do you just continously die from aoe? It's like online doesn't matter!!! But for real this is a demonstration of what Optic Halo can do on LAN.,It's almost as if Royal 2 can actually shoot back on LAN. "If the last text you sent was your slogan for your Presidential campaign, what would it say??",We Need More Milk 2020 By boom you mean boombox right? Thanks for the tips!,yes i didnt even realise i condensed it :D Aaron Schock expected to be charged for illegal spending while in Congress,maybe it was just undocumented spending so that makes it ok. "If this was actually true that would be a great thing, but sadly, it's not. Mudslimes should have their fucking hijabs thrown in a lake. That shit doesn't belong here. And if some foreign invader has a problem with what the people of the country that they are invading has to say then they can kill themselves or go back to their shit country.","Easy First Lady Trump, you don't want Anonymous going after you." "Dante's Inferno, arguably one of get most influential literary works of all time, was a self-insert fan fiction.",I guess you could say Dante was an ... Alighieri Sue "I tell yeah, that chianti just does something to you!",\*That tongue noise you all just did in your head* lol did you expect 200 tons of train to react at all to 100 pounds of squishy flesh.,Well Hancock exists "Had to be the Leafs, didn't it?",Maybe if you knew grammar it wouldn't happen "LF Jigglypuff fs, adding any of course too Help me out in finding a jigglypuff friend safari. Jigglypuff is my favorite pokemon. Love her so. I even main her in melee, brawl, and smash 4....and we all know how bad she is in the last two XD ty for reading~","Hi, could I add you please?" "My candidate hasn't won since I voted for Bill Clinton, and I've never felt the urge to destroy other people's property. It's impossible to condemn this shit hard enough. It completely invalidates any legitimate criticisms of Trump and his policies in the future because this is what people will associate criticism with. Fuck these people hardcore.","Well, you see, they believe in the fallacy of the broken window and are just trying to help the economy." "Don't count on it. 2 years ago, one of the Rockefellers got his 6th heart transplant at age 99 and is still kicking. Expect Soros to live for at least another 20-25 years.",He has access to the best healthcare money can buy. These metal parts do in fact cover our paws. It looks a little odd at first but I kinda like it now.,Can you get a screen shot? Trolls come in all shapes and forms,That's why most of the omg look at the dumb person posts on social media are probably just a result of poe's law. "Yeah same. I'm still trying to win, but I'm going to play champs which I don't play that often. It's good to have a competitive environment without being scared to lose lp.",Yeah that's what I'm going to do too :) Use solo/duo to train and get good at champs for flex "Halloween Overwatch Patch Early Preview - New Skins, Event, Hollywood Update, and More!","If I buy a Halloween crate, am I guaranteed to get at least one Halloween item, or am I paying for a fancy-looking crate that could potentially give me only standard garbage?" Combined with SNK/Atlus/Examu.,"All of those except Examu are publisher-bound, however; I doubt they'd work on what is basically Capcom's franchise without some sort of crossover." Poor dyrus getting 1v4 under tower every time,Should have warded and played safe... "They T-bagged without doing anything amazing so I got revenge, and didn't T-bag a single one of them.",Oh look it's the teammates I always get matched with -_- I present to you CHIZZA!,It's the leaning tower of Chizza! "Once lauded as a peacemaker, Obama's tenure fraught with war",He totally lives up to that peace prize from 2009 Taylor Swift & Cara Delevingne,Cara looks like some one stole her fries. You're the most beautiful thing I've seen since Patrick Ewing,"Eye of the beholder, I suppose" It does surprising amounts of bullshit. Roadhog main btw,With the number of daily posts about hooks how can it be surprising? What is my life,Get a job? Because memes and puns are ways people think they are funny when they are really not.,"Hear, hear." "It's where a lot of homeless *rough sleepers* are, but the majority of homeless sleep in cars, garages, or temporarily on sofas or floors. Homelessness is largely invisible.","Yeah, point." I've stopped being surprised and shocked at the abject hypocrisy of this man and at the cognitive dissonance of his supporters.,You elitist bastard! Thanks. You say in those comments that there is no reason to think that Carlsen supports Trump's politics. I find that to be the main thing.,"They're both masters of strategy, I can see why he'd appreciate Trump." How to grep this?,"Depends on what your output looks like, if you can give me an example output maybe I can help." "If you can get the final upgrade, the Siege Mode for the Gauss Cannon is amazing. It rips through enemies.",okay thanks 'Remember To Share!',I will not share "Went to Maui, HI for vacation. Found the best place to propose to my gf (what does it mean?)",The only way this could be better is of it was two gay people. This is...not true. If you shit out dense food like meat and carbs after just 4 hours you should probably see a doctor.,"I was referring to the fast metabolism, but yeah you're correct 4hrs is quite fast to process meats n shit." "What usually happens is, the rusher and sniper meet each other. The rusher is moving rapidly while shooting the sniper, while the sniper is moving, himself. The combination of this makes the sniper miss his first shot, or hit in a non-lethal area. But this is not what happens, which is why we are complaining. Rather, we shoot the sniper twice and then he kills us. Or more often, the sniper gets a single shot off and kills us instantly. I do not run around IW with my pants down, just saying.",You kill the sniper more often than you think. If you're wearing camo and orange then the deer wouldn't see you because of your camouflage. They can't see the orange so to them they only see the camo. This means hunters wear both,I learned something today. Greg Oden: 'I'll be remembered as the biggest bust in NBA history',what about that sam guy.. lol dont even know his name Look at the lying twinks watch.,"Let's not resort to name calling my good sir, this is exactly what the left expects and we will not stoop to their level." Having a good team around you doesn't make it easier to throw only 3 ints.,Kris Bryant is only good because he is surrounded by a good lineup *SWEATS PROFUSELY*,What a fucking normie meme CI Full HP escape,It does illustrate pretty well close call expression India's birthrate is now below 2.5 which is where the US was in the 1970's and it's dropping faster than it dropped in the US.,"Sub Saharan Africa is a problem though, Nigeria is approaching 200 million... for them it's a fixation on number of children in a resource limited unstable region." "We must realize we are the minority We praise this Rocket League community for being so fantastic and amazing, but we do not realize we are a small portion of all the Rocket Leaguers out there. I'm in Champion, yes, Champion rank for doubles. Do you think the Sportsmanship would be good at that rank? Nope. I have now dropped down to All- Star Division Two because (believe me or not) I haven't played a match today where my teammate didn't play for the other team, sit there and type I'm shit over and over, FF after the first goal, or just straight up quit. These people are Champions and they are the most toxic people I've ever met. We think our community is so good, but it truly isn't. This Subreddit is the BEST, but by no means is our community the best. Rant over. TL;DR: Dropped from Champion Rank because of toxic people. Our community is not good at all, only this community we have here on this Subreddit is good.",Maybe you're the toxic one and just don't realize it. I was mostly concerned with politics and law Yup I was the kid with no friends,"Well, you do call yourself a destiny fan." Maserati owner must be mortified to see that Kia,Everyone knows that Maserati is the poor man's Ferrari "LOR from a DO, applying to MD schools? Does it matter? I have this DO who I have been shadowing for a long time. He is excellent at his practice and I love shadowing him. We have a very good relationship. However, at the end of the day, he is a DO and I will be applying to MD schools. Does this actually matter? Thank you","No, I know a few people who used a DO letter and were excepted to MD." "Either you lie, or you must've been driving a car so shitty that that they assumed that coffee was the most valuable thing you had.",The second one. You'll have no argument from me on that one.,Not an argument What's the gayest thing you've ever said?,Profound[ly homophobic] thoughts in the shower this morning. Kinda crazy Hakeem was so good that people don't consider him as a bust though he was picked before MJ. Can't tell the same thing about Bowie though.,There's no reason at all to put Hakeem fucking Olajuwan in any conversation including the word bust under any circumstances at all. More proof that idiots keep bashing things without knowing shit. Silicon Valley has the highest salaries in the nation...,I don't give a damn if they have the highest in the nation when the companies still try to drive down wages rather than pay *Americas* what the work is really worth. Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer,The fact Tony will be a big part of the movie makes me so giddy. "Stars vs Oilers run and gun? Really if we think about it, the Oilers have been doing well really because of there ability to run and gun, as well as rushing the net. The Oilers much like the Stars are lacking on defense, but however I think tonight the Stars need to beet the Oilers at there own own game of run and gun, and rushing talbot at the net. What do you guys think?",I don't think we have the personnel to beat them at that game tonight. Sounds like something Jason Kidd would do.,Sounds like something Jason Kidd ~~would do.~~ already did (during the Nets period) where is the bat themed pr tbh,People will fight over Rouge the Bat so they can't use it. What words will forever haunt your franchise? Stolen from r/nfl,Matt Adams/Carpenter JC actually doesn't compliment better. They both like the ball in their hands and the offense isn't as smooth when they are both on the court vs Dlo/Nick or JC/Nick,I promise you if JC gets the start D'lo will play much better. "Vast numbers of liberals willingly bought into the white trash stereotype of Trump supporters. From what I've seen so far, they've learnt nothing from the election outcome and want to continue in the same belief bubble.",You're a racist! "Ya know of all the terms I've seen in reddit comments and looked up, I think imma' leave that one alone.","I almost googled it, then thought... nah let sleeping dogs lie" 2.0 Shipping delays? I haven't heard anything about shipping delays but my standard order of 2.0 from almost two weeks ago is stuck at processing. I've sent a note to support (waiting to hear back) but has anyone else had problems with delays?,"I've never, ever, ever, seen a 2.0 shipping delay." That's not how it works. You need to render an image for every change in a model,It depends on what definition of render you're using and I don't think you're using it accurately. "You don't use tazers in a gun fight they are not 100% effective. Probably one of the worst possible ideas, to tazer a man w a gun in his hand. Only worse idea would be to dismantle police with no plan to replace them.",What do we need police for? "Fucking Tiger 2 spam. It isn't even that the tank is OP on it's own, it's just facing 10 Tiger 2's, with 8 Panther 2's as back-up makes victory much harder.",Just flank bro ;) "If you want to be all spooked out by a gun, sure, pretend like it's always loaded and that it's the most dangerous thing on the planet. If you can follow any sort of logic, however, what happened in this clip was fucking fine.","Well, aside from any misfire concern, it is kind of a dick move to set up someone who obviously has never shot before so that they fail to handle the recoil and get knocked over/face smashed." Gotcha Fun fact: 40% of Millennials voted for Trump,Myself included. SHOCKING: HATEFUL and EVIL man chokes back tears as he accepts his country's greatest honor!,Wow...what a fucking racist. "On the plus side, by the time it's released you'll probably be able to run it at 900 frames per second with everything maxed out at 50k resolution on your quantum computer (it'll be the size of your wrist watch).",The human eye can only see 30 fps tho It's comforting to know Learn economics! is not just an online meme of propertarians but an IRL one as well,I wonder if they tell people IRL to read Economics in One Lesson. 5 years ago today.....,That's one way to say repost. Remember 'Pedes: They hate us cause they ain't us! ~TRIGGER~,**fukken wew lad** Freddit User Flair ROW 3,0/10 no MTH "I'm sorry, on the what now??",Cowabungadude Highway "What Kind of Car do You Guys Drive!? I'm curious what kind of cars FIRErs drive. Include model, year, and miles. I drive a 2007 base model Impreza with 140k miles.","Honda Fit, 87k miles" My brother's high school math teacher assigned parental homework. My dad was not happy.,Assuming that the kid is a his/her jeez quit assuming gender like what?,The fan thing is kinda wonky and the boobs look like the just made two accidental lines and forgot how to erase. "I get the joke but I can't laugh at it. The 4th picture the chicken looks like it's been pulling out its feathers, which is a sign of depression. No, I'm not fun at parties","Also, never been married." Elizabeth Warren Is Already Positioning Herself for 2020,"She's going to be older than Clinton is now in 2020, not going to happen." So you're going to sue him for something he hasn't done yet?,For something that hasn't happened yet. As opposed to pushing everyone to get a worthless degree? As far as I'm concerned doing marketing for a big city company is just as productive as doing manufacturing work. Both are necessary for society to function. We have both blue collar and white collar jobs for a reason. I'm pretty sure the tens of millions of people unemployed/underemployed would be more than happy to assemble iPhones.,Let's allow the market to determine what's more productive. Spain moves to ban 'insulting' memes about politicians from the internet,This will go well. One of these days a meme is bound to win a naming competition. I pray to Harambe that this is the one.,I consider it a victory if the poll gets shutdown because of rampant memery. They were probably testing for the big reveal when they kill everyone.,Testing for when Trump gets sworn in as president. Putting people in cages because they have a plant,You think cops are the ones who really care about that? In my day they cost a nickel.,There were just more horses around back then. "Ah, I thought he meant Anthony The Brown Davis",Racist "November in the UFC. Surely November 2016 is the greatest month in UFC history in terms of fights and cards alike. Ferguson v RDA, UFC 205 & Mousasi v Hall, Bader v Noguiera & Rockhold v Jacare 2. I am clutching at a few of them fights don't get me wrong but overall the month includes the best card ever and some real wars.","Going to the Belfast card, can't wait!" "t1 Bloodsail Corsair t2 Acidic Swamp Ooze t3 Poisonous Swamp Ooze t4 Acidic Swamp Ooze, Youthful Brewmaster t5 Harrison Jones t6 Acidic Swamp Ooze, Ancient Brewmaster t7 Poisonous Swamp Ooze, Ancient Brewmaster t8 Acidic Swamp Ooze, Poisonous Swamp Ooze, Youthful Brewmaster t9+ ???",Blingotron into cursed blade "You don't do it for the damage it does, you do it to get momentum bloodlet ticking when both charges of fel rush are down.","Hmm you lost me, is this a thing I haven't unlocked yet?" "Just a drive-by reminder that Bernie had, easily, a thousand times as much total rally attendance as Hillary did. Easily. You can rig the media, the polls, and the voting machines, but rigging a stadium full of people is a whole lot more difficult, obviously.","I still think that it was the immense crowds that scared Shil and her posse, thus the he draws a bunch of hippies and kids who don't vote talking point." no u,"Y me, u mess" Can we say microsoft jacket is the canon voice of coat or whatever antijacket ends up being called.,Pants! I live on the coast but no flooding here. Storms are a problem though and churn up the sand. But then its nice and clean so you can surf your mind out. They say the cliffs above my house were cut by ancient waves. Maybe that's what you mean. How do you explain that?,You spend a ridiculous amount of time on Reddit. Among the top three films for me this year. Easily. Maybe the best.,have you seen *Ghostbusters*... "Isostatic rebound would take a good long while, though, whereas you could easily melt most of that ice sheet off in a century or so. We're still experiencing isostatic rebound in North America and northern Europe from the end of the last ice age, 10,000-odd years ago.",This ice age started 3 million years ago and is still going. So much for Equality.,This isn't funny. Santa wrapped them,Why can't I have this Superman on film? That's what I said hopefully he's a 92 or 93. Mobile ratings are often different,Yea I have all 4 gifts above and no one knowing gives me anxiety "Are you kidding, blaming the voters? What an entitled position to take.",You forgot the "True, they are only just engineers.",Theyre engineers in the same way the dude who made my coffee this morning is an actor. "DO THIS 'PEDES! Hit her where it hurts, her pocketbook.",Done and done TFW you're in America,Use a VPN along with BEETS from the chrome store Republican turnout was virtually the same as the last few elections. You are absolutely wrong in your assessment. Hillary lost because she was a shit candidate with baggage for years. Democrats did not vote for her. That's why she lost.,"It doesn't matter why people didn't vote for Clinton, Trump's campaign *still* energized racists around the country and his victory sent the message of you can say racist things in public and it's okay" My nephew keeps taking me cans. He's only 14 and every time he comes over to my house he'll take a can from my room and go to my neighbors house to dip with his kid. I don't really care that much about him dipping but I do care about him stealing my cans. What are some tricks I could play on him that would get him to stop?,If you don't mind him dipping just tell him to ask instead of helping himself. Oh Natty all day. Best dip money can buy,"For real, stoker's natural is my favorite natty." You ask this question rhetorically but it's actually an opportunity for you to learn something. The question asked in a serious way is this: why did 29% of Latino voters vote for Trump?,Because they're racist right? 20 million Muslims march against ISIS,Islam is a death cult. Found this is the prep kitchen this morning. It gave me a good chuckle.,"You'll still have the prep cook standing there for 5 mins wondering if lemon vin goes under Lemon Vinegarette or Vinagarette, Lemon" Shh Shh Shh,Lots of ponpon this morning. Would YOU trust Tony Stark as President of the United States?,Trump just wants to build a wall.... Tony wants to build a suit of armour around the world! "Jill Stein's votes would not have won Clinton the election. I was prepared to rail against Stein supporters, even though I voted for the Green party in 2012, I felt this election was too important. However, only Wisconsin and Michigan would have flipped to Clinton and Trump would still have won with Arizona. So whenever people try to blame Jill, tell them to run the numbers. Although we are still fucked, as Trump threatens to send us back to the pre-Clean Air Act dark ages.",People on facebook are blaming third party voters when they should be blaming donald trump voters "OMFG I know right... A few hours ago coming back from Ash to CHCH going 100 km/hr and the guy 2 cars in from decides LAST SECOND he wants to turn right on the damn highway, first guy swerves onto the grass, second guys slams on the break and JUST misses the turning car, and we with our 2 young kids stop about 3 inches from the back end of the car in front of us!! **Jerk off!** Mumbles *Hope you got coal for christmas ass face*",The topping on the cake is that you'd be at fault if you'd crashed into the other car. Dat gimu callout,"Edited, to avoid mass triggering" "It always kinds of bugs me. So many people just sitting awkwardly in silence, beside multitudes of interesting people who could probably be friends, or at the very least make the commute a little more interesting. But then I get on the bus and ignore everyone.",It's really not worth the risk on accidentally speaking to a crazy person. "As a Greek it must be Cyprus but many Greeks have not been there. At the same time, many Cypriots hate us either privately or are outspoken about it.",My Cypriot mate things you guys are pretty nice but thinks you all talk funny I feel like Starz needs to pick him up for whatever their next show is (I think the next season of Black Sails is the last :( ),whaaaaaat Black Sails ending? "We also didn't get the trophy so that kind of sucks. We got the quest steps and emblems and everything else, but no cache key chest and no trophy. But hey the Australian guy you hear apparently was using his primary and not damaging him half the time and fucking around a bit so it worked pretty well.",LOL yeah considering that it worked pretty well "You'll end up a sneaky archer just like everyone else, just wait","I've tried, but then went back to my favorite dual wielding swordsmaster who has light armor and sometimes invisibility potions to close the distance (dragons were annoying though, until dragonrend)" Naive Surface Net metaballs!,One might implement some sort of water physics with this. "No, you're thinking of goombas. This is everyone's favorite search engine.","No, that's Bing." Rural areas support America in other ways. I can't grow meth in my apartment.,Just get an RV. Training to be #1,Dattebayo! "Hahaha. I love the take off your shoes and walk through the streets barefoot portion of the night! My partner hates it and always begged me not to wear heels. I once walked barefoot in NYC, he was so upset. YOU CAN'T JUST WALK BAREFOOT ON THE STREET uhhh... Yes, yes I can. But now I have 1.5 kids and my heel wearing and not wearing days are behind me. But the memories will last a lifetime!",That's how you get hookworm I think they're just really upset and angry.,So they go and destroy their own neighborhoods and shops... smart! Juncker Opposes Change in EU Migration Policy,"Sure, because the current policy is working so well." "Older people of reddit, what do you miss about the old days?",Racism and homophobia "Well everyone uses B teams in the cups, but Mourinho is pretty infamous for not rotating on the whole. Look at De Bruyne and Lukaku.",I think it is a different circumstance altogether really. "So, I guess the British don't care about privacy anymore? With the government spying on them, might as well get used to being naked and vulnerable in front of each other. Sickening.",How does being naked make you more vulnerable than being clothed? "What will keep cities from becoming ghost towns once Homestead drops? I'm super excited to see the Homestead update, but having crafting and potentially a bank and merchant assistant in-house, what reason will people have for traveling to towns?","Yay, no more 20 people standing inside of each-other in front of the workstations!" "Gee, I wonder how many poor people could have been helped by the Catholic Church with the $850,000 they donated to political campaigns against legalizing marijuana in Massachusetts.",Or imagine if they gave all the money they spend on incense to the poor instead. Yes.,Reverse power creep compared to Morgl. If this wasn't Reddit...,Plug ur phone in The brand of the adapter isn't Apple. They would never add aux as it's not needed to play music. This is just cheap design of a 3rd party.,What brand of phone is it for? Nah since we have to eye's and each see 23.9FPS two combined means we can only see 47.8 FPS,"Nah, that's too much, people didn't liked the hobbit because of that." FUN DETECTED,I'VE GOT THE FUN IN MY SIGHTS There's about a 2% chance a lawsuit would make it past a motion to dismiss.,"Eh, Jesse Ventura successfully sued for defamation (although the appeal reversed it this past June, sort of), and he has been a public figure for a very long time and was a governor." I hate CNN. Bunch of Clintonite cunts.,MSNBC too "Nah, his joke just fizzled out.",Cola it there bro Uh oh. Morgan's ready to snap from slop.,watching her descent into madness has been glorious But they died doing what they love. Who could ask for more?,They loved skipping across water like ragdolls? I feel thankful for Kim k ring robbers. Happy to browse internet with less Kim k news now. Am I a bad person?,No and it's been a blessing. "Whoever the Pirates GM is, resign Nova and get us a back end reliever. If we do that we just have to worry about minor bench deals and we have a championship. Slightly optimistic:)",And lower beer prices! "Looks like Wheat Belly.... If so, cut down on the carbs....",Because cutting carbs is always the answer A Tree,There are so many creepy hands in this picture. "Amazon launches Its book Subscription Service, Kindle Unlimited in Australia.",Good for them; they get to read the first book in multiple book series and a plethora of terrible romance and fantasy novels that we've been enjoying over here. "People are being sensitive against Erdogan for what he's doing lately and based on his reputation among the western media, but from Muslims standpoint surely he's contributing a lot to the culture and identity financially and politically.",So cementing his rule and acting like Palpatine is a good thing for Muslims in Turkey? Question about the BOGO free Galaxy s7,"Yes, unlimited SC or TMo One." "My CPU can't handle Cities: Skylines once I get to a certain point, I plan on getting the i5-6500.","Op, your APU can, I used to have an A8-6500 myself, it ran Cities Skylines at 15 fps though" The Vegan - A modern restaurant for Vegetarians.,I can hear the plants screaming from here you monster! "What's your least favorite game of 2016? I though it would be fun to ask this to counter the other thread about favorite games. For me, I was really looking forward to Deus Ex. I've been a huge fan since the original and Invisible War was great. For whatever reason this one didn't capture me the same way the other games have. Mostly it made me mad. So for souring me on one of my favorite franchises, Deus Ex is my least favorite game. What is your least favorite game of 2016?","DOOM, Battlefield 1, Deus Ex, and Dishonored 2." "Virus warning with the new patch ?! (Avast) My anti virus started going nuts while updating POE, never happened int he past 4 yrs.. Says the file is infected with Win32:genEVO.",GGG wanna steal our account passwords xD until you curl up in a fetal position and cry.,Caused by realising the enormity of the stupid decision made in a binary referendum on a multifaceted issue. "You gotta be fucking kidding, right? A black church, in Mississippi mind you, is burned, and Vote Trump is painted on the side, and you think that was perpetrated by the Left? Are you being sarcastic?",It was blm GG OP.,making click bait out of click bait No but seriously the greek's just used approximations. There wasn't calculus until the end of Newton's life. Until then these kinds of problems were answered with a decent bit of error. Like using riemann sums as opposed to integrals,"No but seriously, Archimedes calculated pi to be 3.14 (in more abstract ways than decimals) in 250BCE, more accurately than anyone before him, and created the geometric equation for calculating the surface area of a sphere using pi: 4 pi r^2" "US media has many problems, steretyping and scapegoating is definitely not one of them. These Oh you have a problem? Guess what the U.S. is worse!!!! posts are extremely lazy and narcissistic.",I think you dropped this: so theres this thing called a screenshot..,he went running to the store to buy another phone so he could take the picture Was browsing the NewEgg website for some Xbox One controllers and saw this .,Nice catch! your interface is physically hurting me,your comment triggers me. Fox kit plays tug-of-war,That tail Wasn't Jensen supposed to be hit by Crown's ult at that bot lane fight around ~31 minutes in?,That really looked bugged to me. "I'm not sure what an assault rifle is in the first place. There's no clear definition, seemingly, outside of some of the least important aspects, like cosmetics. I even hear people refer to the AR in AR-15 as assault rifle, which is ignorance.",But 'AR' means 'Assault Rifle'! Denny's plan to advance to the Championship 4,"Dennys not gonna move his teammates off the mountain, he's violating the 100% rule!" "These people don't seem to realize that alienating your voter base will backfire against them. If they keep pushing those same people, who are white no less, will turn against them and they will effectively never win again....and on a second note if they turn violent they will be utterly destroyed by those same people they demonized over and over again.",They dont seem to realize that their voter base isnt as Diverse^tm as they think it is. "I don't think it was lying, to be honest. A lot of the polls were skewed towards Dems, stuff like Dem+9 and similar. The polls looked like another way to push a narrative.","There was also rampant voter fraud by the DNC in the primaries, which skewed polls towards Hillary saying she was more popular than she actually was" A girl throwing the first pitch at a baseball game. Her marine brother surprises her and ends up being the catcher.,The guy comes all the way home just for you to bounce it? Not worth the upgrade.,Ok really don't resort to downvoting me for saying that he doesn't absolutely need to get a v20. Where my hoagie at,"I'm working on a Subway in my area, but Ezri totally skipped my buildings." Why are you feeling bad?,He's feeling bad because strangers keep asking him personal questions Literally banning us for our views and not site rules....,"If they ban us, we will become more powerful than they could possibly know..." The way he was holding onto that podium for dear life. From what I saw it is apparent that he is certainly struggling. Super AIDS? It could be what is turning him orange.,He did test positive on all his tests. Major Qualifier Round 1 Predictions Thread I decided to create this thread so that everyone can share their predictions and discuss the Major Qualifier. My Predictions go as follows Dignitas vs Spirit - Dignitas EnVyUs vs Immortals - EnVyUs FaZe Clan vs Cloud9 - FaZe CLG vs Vega Squadron - CLG NIP vs Renegades - Renegades (I have hope) OpTic Gaming vs Tyloo - OpTic Gaming Mouzsports vs HellRaisers - Mouz G2 vs GODSENT - G2 Please share your own **opinion** and cheer for your favourites.,Dignitas vs Spirit - Spirit EnVyUs vs Immortals - EnVyUs FaZe Clan vs Cloud9 - C9 :( CLG vs Vega Squadron - Vega NIP vs Renegades - Renegades OpTic Gaming vs Tyloo - Tyloo Mouzsports vs HellRaisers - HR G2 vs GODSENT - Homesent I'm a bald man. Never expected anything like this.,Who could ever turn down such an amazing offer? Someone managed to shoot an arrow through the power line....,Oliver's trying to become the Flash They also get the smallest female to sit on the sofa to make it look huge.,And a picture taken with a wide angle lens to make it look huge "Same, and it was *not fun*","Instant senystesia, I can't see the color orange the same way again." Pregnant dog x-ray,spoopy "That chick just said I'm grateful for the time I have and don't mourn the time I can't have anyway in reference to a lover actually dying and you don't think this is really deep? You are a tool. However, I hope that you find both joy and the ability to negotiate sorrow in your own life in the way displayed so well in the above comment.",yeah but I have gold so who's cooler now "For anyone who doesn't get my comment, I'm referring to a famous Reddit comment you don't know That should clear it up.",You should be ashamed of yourself for not being acquainted with reddit history. One of the fortunate 11000 to cast the right vote.,Those salty downvotes for not buying into the lesser of two evils ploy lol. It's also definitely not the problem of the american education system pushing out more people with bachelor's and 200k debts with no real employable skills. All our problems will be fixed if we just stop immigrants.,You forgot the