Input,Output By everyone i mean EU members. So if EU members like Lichtenstein are aloud to restrict freedom of moment while retaining single market access other EU members should be able to do the same.,Liechtenstein is not a EU member. correct.,Is it the same with normal/heroic though? "What's the alternative in general? CCP have to demonstate the exact mechanism that they used to prove someone used an exploit? Then all the exploiters adjust what they're doing so as to avoid doing whatever triggered log messages or whatever? Whether or not these guys are guilty, its not really viable to take that approach in general as exploiters would run rings around CCP. Therefore we ascribe a certain amount of credibility to CCP based on the data they have and a certain amount of credibility to globbyy based on what he says. My view is that CCP's somewhat extensive data trumps globbyy who often talks a load of shit. Others' views may reasonably differ. But what noone can say is that globbyy has proven there was no exploiting, nor can anyone say that CCP have proven that an exploit was used.",They could fix the mechanic so people don't just randomly get banned for stumbling upon it? "Well, in all fairness, they sometimes lament how women fail to support other women. That's about as close as they come to the truth.",Feminists have written extensively on the puzzle that is feminism's apparent historical inability to accurately predict women's collective behavior or to successfully change its pattern. I'm guess there more to this than a 30cm drop,can be a 30cm drop with a 10x increased gravity "Three German soldiers playing cards, location unknown.",I don't fancy their odds.... Bernie fucking Sanders you twit!,"Yeah, self-described Socialists always do really well in US elections." "Lol the state doesn't prevent stealing, it barely even successfully penalizes it. I personally prevent theft by implementing *actual* security for my person and property.",Please tell me more about how the people who actively hunt down and detain criminals do nothing to prevent crime. "I might be in the minority here, but I didn't see anyone calling her disgusting. If she's marrying him, then yes it is likely that it's only for his money. The reason being because marriage creates a financial and legal obligation such that if they divorce or he dies, she stands to gain something whereas if they just are bf/gf and break up, she doesn't get money. No one was saying that she is disgusting for doing that, it just is a fact that if you want to chase a man for his money, marrying him creates a greater obligation than dating alone. He gets to have sex with her married or not, so it's not like much changes for him other than a cash loss if the relationship goes south. I honestly don't see anyone hating on her, moreso pointing out her motives for why she would want to marry an old rich guy as a young 21 year old.",Nobody called her disgusting and I'm not talking about her specifically - I'm replying to comments where people talk about the topic in general Tupperware party,Tupurrware But the South did start it.,Well the North started it by electing Lincoln. "Hearthstone is a game about immortalizing characters... No, it's not.",Damn i thought its a card game of some sort "Petar Milovanovic on TwitterNone of the remaining 2016 big events (EL, EPL, ESL One, EPICENTER, ECS) have the possibility for an Asian team to qualify/participate","We dont want Asians in CS:GO, look what they did to LoL... 80% of players are korean now." 'The WHITE MAN who killed BLACK PEOPLE Why not just say A man who killed 9 people during bible study at a local church These details are much more significant,I for one think that **all** details matter. "No, I was shooting a joke that was apparently miles over your head.",No it was just a shit joke (not OP) On what basis do you make this asinine claim? It sounds like you've bought into a lot of false narratives.,Yes like Trump is a racist con man. All this autofill rage is stupid. Were none of you here before the new champ select or something?,"But now that we've had it a certain way, it's not FAIR that I have to support/not do my preferred role in 1/3 games (maybe)" "Dokkan, a place where people read that you have a 9% chance and understand So, I will summon and MUST get an SSR.",It means that every 11 characters should be an SSR ArsenalFanTV: Claude and Ty engage in heated shouting argument following defeat to Manchester City.,Damn I can't believe I've never hear did this before thin line,"I just spew hate-speech ironically, triggered much?" "Went to a Jesuit HS, we heard all about this.","Cool, but a lot of us didn't." How to waste 10m like an idiot,Escape and debilitate not bound you deserve to lose that Is it too late to raise those new tolls to $100 a trip ?,What an *odd* coincidence that this story pops out the day after Tory hits us with his new tolls on the the Gardiner and DVP. There are so many things wrong with your comment,it was a "Im a fan of tsm, but for some reason something in me wants anx to win worlds really badly",Nice flair dude. Mathi | Girl's Day - Ring My Bell +HDDR FC 99.12% 478pp,#NAME? "I'd love a is that Glock moment. Hamilton leading the race from start to finish, Rosberg driving 4th for the majority of the race. In the closing laps, Rosberg finds an extra gear and closes in on the guy in 3rd. In the final lap he passes him for the podium, with Brundle shouting is that [drivername]! Before anyone asks, this has absolutely nothing to do with Brazil 2008 and a sense of karma if it'd happen to Hamilton, absolutely nothing.",Flair checks out. The Last Airbender movie was shit,What Last Airbender movie? We need your assistance,watch out guys players might boycott the next major because of fan criticism Because he is a small town miner that is only thinking of himself. Probably incapable of big picture thinking.,BUT AMERICA FIRST ALWAYS! I'm not a wealthy beautiful millennial with adventurous wealthy beautiful millennial friends - am I still allowed to play this console?,"No, you get the mini NES that's coming out." "Everyone is sharing their Cayman Cup skins, so I thought I would show my GT3 skin for next season, just to mess with you","I still have to add the ACRL logos and my number, but otherwise it is done." Monkey seen. Monkey eaten.,Welp if they don't see other simians as equals why should we? Did this shit with combee too,At least that one makes sense Sitting over here in the never got a shiny corner..,I have been playing since silver and have not even seen one that i could catch Just found this on DeviantArt,He's gonna build a wall and hawlucha is gonna pay for it. But if you stand up for yourself how am I supposed to protect you from mean people on the internet?,You forgot the How does base building work when you're constantly going to different planets and almost never going back to ones you've already been on?,It'll work just like the rest or the game. "give elite barbs a longer sword so they have some range This would hep a lot, like then could attack over the bridge like the prince, they can kill archers then, and maybe even a Valkyrie.","Oh, I like long swords!" "Even as a female I feel like the outrage behind that song was the most hypocritical thing I've seen in a while. I mean yeah the lyrics are a total creep anthem. Still I can't even count the amount of songs out there, in several genres, that are *disgustingly* offensive to women. Why everyone chose to attack that one song baffles me.","sadly enough people expect certain genres to be disgusting to women, so it's not really called out all that much." View from 49 West wine bar,"Meh, close enough." "Reddit, where is the craziest place you've ever had sex?",Top floor of a parking garage in Orlando in the back of a mustang convertable. "If trans people transition, do cis people cisition?",What's a cis person? Where in Canada are you from? I'm from Ontario and we have lots of red lobsters!,Bc Stop buying Chinese shit and bringing in all these locusts....,"Totally, because China needs access to our markets more than we need access to theirs" But did a skeleton pop out?,no but a Flynn plushie did "Natives, duh. that aside I assume they mean the death of their culture, either due to media saturation or gentrification of poor areas natives live him.",Yep the only way to make up for this is for all white people to just kill themselves now Fidel Castro is dead at 90.,Vic from the show George Lopez must be having the best day after Thanksgiving ever. Hockey Players 8 years later,My gosh... the pressure these men must feel with the weight of a game must be immense. "Trump supporter commits voter fraud, because the polls are rigged.",I guess there were none of Trump's poll watchers around to keep things honest. What is that tiny brown loop for?,Thats the Great Leaders personal rollercoaster. League of Legends Worlds Championship Final Live Update & Discussion Thread,GO SKT! You know why I have a shit eating grin on my face. Andrew Jackson was the first Democrat!,But muh southern strategy! Whats your fav two songs that come after one another? I just realized how much i love the Devil in a new dress- Runaway combo. It feels like having sex only that youre nutting for 13 minutes. Second best would probably be the Gone to Diamonds from Sierra lones combo. Whats your favourite combo?,Paranoid + RoboCop "Be careful, the privileged far leftist apologists for Castro are going to tell you how wrong you are.",but he centralized healthcare and education plus the US kills people too sometimes so Castro is good "Worst. Marketcrash. Ever I'm not mad, just disappointed",Yeah it was a pretty bad market crash considering I made over 700k profit "Had the same thing for my physics professor. But he also added a ton of rules that must be followed at all times. He gave us daily quizzes and if we broke one of his rules he kicked us out of class and gave us 0s for the day. His rules: No talking at all, no yawning, no sneezing, no questions until he permits, no phones, no laptops, no recording devices. He also yelled at us for breaking any of the rules for like 10 minutes before kicking us out. I dropped his class within a week","Also no blinking, moving or leaving" "So macht man das richtig. Wer sich nicht benehmen kann, sollte rausfliegen. Sollte sich Deutschland ein Beispiel daran nehmen, aber bei uns kann man ja eh machen was man will.",Du Nazi! It and castration...,"Puh...The more I don't know about it, the happier I get, I think..." HDMI cables.,But the gold plating makes it go faster. THIS JUST IN! I'm going to spoil the SHIT out of my match this year. That is all.,if its me buy me a xbone or gaming pc goofy pants,Eat shit and die "Yes, but if you're paying for it you need to approve of it. She asked if the vet could take a quick look at work. I suppose that would have been the time to explicitly tell her not to authorize anything over $x, but I think she should have known not to do that, especially since she wasn't going to be paying. I'd be tempted to tell her that because she authorized the procedure she volunteered to pay for it.","She didn't authorise shit, OP clearly did." But I have it memorized.,Good thing the ATM asks you for your entire card number when you need money. Smh what a gay kit,I really hope your being Most Overrated Player? Another fun question for the week. Mines Scream,This thread would be much better with reasoning rather than throwing random names down Damn right. He's been better than Ham all season. If he wins the WDC it'll be well deserved.,factz This is not my opinion. It is a joke. Sorry that you didn't get it,Sorry i forgot the Top Die...,deep On the phone with them now. They're reverting my email log in ID back and then just a password reset,That's good news What on earth is the commentator talking about? European runs?,He mentions English clubs that Basel had played against Nothing like some good pedantry in the morning. How about we pretend I said 4 seasons or that I made that comment in about a month,*a little over a month "Can never start Operations from beginning Is it just me or can you never start an operations game right from the start? I always get dropped right in the middle, and you don't have the option of continuing after the mode is over",Out of the 30 or more games of operations I've played not once was I put in a match that hadn't started yet or just the very beginning with 5 or less attackers killed. "You guys really, really need a smarter electorate.","Nah, teachers are lazy mooches, better defund schools!" This is not your best work.,Well thought out counterclaim that supports your argument you've got there! *flips through nudie mag*,National Pornographic Trump calls Castro a brutal dictator,"I can't believe he had the nerve to speak the truth, disgusting!" "No sweetie that's Graham Garden, competely different kettle of fish",I guess I forgot the Part of the story is missing here! Has your BF explained or given a story about why the dog is missing? Have you even told him the dog isn't there and asked where it is?,"It sounds like he isn't sure why she hasn't called in tears yet, so he keeps texting her are you ok?" ...did you just equate humans to cows?,"I think it was specifically just women, which isn't insulting at all." No - you don't. IPMI/BMC runs completely independently of everything else; no CPU/RAM/Drives required.,"Great, that's what I thought because it has its own chip and network interface." Wk aghs can makes duels give damage to both participants,everyone wins i dont see the problem True but still there were no steel types in Gen 1,"Some Pokemon were retyped, like Magnemite." Maybe I'm just a pack addict. I opened 24k packs last year alone (no money spent) and I pulled a few Ltd cards.,you forgot your Reload,reload with 10 bullets in cs LUL what do you think this is COD? "You say this based on what you've been taught in the united States, where Cuba is bad and communist and is so close to Florida and is a huge threat to democracy for some reason. As someone from the Caribbean, his death saddens me more than i can say here without Reddit jumping down my throat.","Yeah I feel real bad, I wish he was still here so he could keep throwing gay people in concentration camps." Maybe there are too many people on this planet to start supporting the growth of more.,"or maybe a right to reproduce is fundamentally part of what it means to be a human and should not, in any way, interfere with your right to work." Thanks!,You're welcome. What is the tastiest beverage you have ever drank?,Sprite as long as it's accompanied by a Big Kahuna Burger. You right fam!,Warriors now literally destroying the league like the media kept complaining about. tell me why and i will,Because yes. "Reddit confuses the fuck out of me... France stands firm on Syrian refugee decision - 'Fuck Syrian refugees, we don't want them, they don't matter!!' UAE starts taking in refugees - 'This is fucking awful - they're going to be slaves!!!!!'",It's almost as if Reddit is made up of millions of different people with opposing viewpoints And free-reinforcing horde mercs.,Luckily hordes pay 50% reinforcement costs now in 1.19 Team vs Individual (Formula One Pit Stop),"Question: If 1 guy can change a rear wheel in 6.13 seconds, how long does it take 3 guys to change a smaller front wheel?" feefees?,Feelings. Another option you should consider is having all api related code in a folder within each app named api. That way each app remains self contained. I choose this method and then also have an api app where I define the parent router for all /api/ routes.,this is what I do as well isnt Tien supposed to be an alien?,He descends from aliens iirc. "A decent pair of winter tires will cost ~$1000. If it was mandated the government would have to eat some of the cost. My insurance company offers a discount if I have winter tires so there is that as an incentive. The problem comes down to people's lack of confidence driving in bad weather, and especially in the winter with snow and ice. I've always thought that drivers Ed classes/tests should have a mandatory component to pass driving in bad weather.",You do realize that when the government eats some of the cost it usually trickles down to us covering the cost with the added government mismanagement premium. Stylis Studios Wall Cancer,Sadly this is the part of ROBLOX that came from Youtubers not known for playing ROBLOX except the MLG Roaster who was a descendant of the original Robloxians. "I have 250 Keys atm, what should i do with them? Stick to them for a time or trade for something specific? any help appreciated",Open cases I forgot to state that the price I posted included that.,You can also get the Fury for like $40 more. "Chart is broken. See: Western Europe, Murrica.","Not really comparable to the inequality in Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa is it?" How come I experience Swimmer's high but not Runner's high? I have since my childhood been a very active swimmer and after an hour or so I start to experience the high of swimming. I started running about a year ago and I think it's a great workout but I still don't get that same high.,Swimming is much more strenuous over the whole body compared to just running. Veteran boats fail surprisingly often. If you load up the boat with low combat level people failing will be more common than not.,To be fair the only reason the veteran boat fails is because half the team is AFK. Cop Confiscates Cammer's Condoms at Sobriety Checkpoint,No way this dude fucked 3 girls with a voice like that. "i like to use my phones naked, so the back glass should have been something super strong or not have it at all.",I mean I'm all for freedom of choice but what does your clothing have to do with how you use your phone? "Why. I don't get this. If you are gonna talk a certain way it shouldn't bother you if other people read it. I'm all for naming and shaming. People should have a right to know who the dickheads are, if they don't change their name it makes having a fun game that much easier because you can dodge them.",Cool story but its against the rules. I have the inclination to believe that the father of the individual who owns this car will be driven to drinking if he does not stop driving said hot rod Lincoln.,"One could go as far as to say that the driver of said Lincoln would be arrested and thrown in jail, then have to call the aforementioned father to post his bail." telling another redditor that he has a girlfriend. you go down in history as one of the top 10 nicest redditors thanks!,<3 Washington tops in hops. Washington State surpasses Germany as world's top hops grower.,"If you get a chance try some of WA states craft beers, I recommend Mt Tahoma Blonde, and Irish Death." "People said auburn would be, like, yesterday. So I mean. But if the excuses help you sleep at night",But we knew it was over when they named Jeremy Johnson the starter. I just don't like how uneven it looks while they're in formation lol,Gotta love those perfect squares. What infant car seats fit in the fr-s/brz? Anyone had luck with specific car seats? I know some fit and some don't.,"Just lay your child down on the backseats, your baby wont roll off since there's no leg room anyway" "Working-class whites voted for a president who will sap health care, wages","It's because it's not the system that's screwing them, it's the immigrants!" "Am American, don't understand. What did Thatcher do to Newcastle?","Smothered it with love, affection, and puppies" Black Friday traffic cart jam,"this is fucked up, America." There is so much wrong here,Elaborate... Armada and Hbox's Entrances,I have a feeling Armada was just told to sit and play a friendly with Abu before going on stage and he was too frustrated at the mang0 loss to be a part of it They'll make the eu follow,"They run the EU, no?" How is the weather where you live?,Damp and dark What product do you like that has been discontinued?,"Oreo cakesters, for sure." You misspelled Defender.,I don't like the look of the Defender :P Let's talk free antivirus Hi guys. Since 2005 I've been using AVG Free. Is there any alternatives or is AVG the best?,Linux has worked well for me Maybe you should be more concerned about the horrible dictatorships we actually support today rather than the cold war's greatest hits.,"Like who, America?" "In that case (same answers won't work for other version), it wouldn't be marked as a duplicate question.",I'd agree but we both know that nobody who's flagging questions as dupes has actually bothered to read past the title. Half a House,"I mean but we are in a scarcity economy, that's why things have value... Great episode nonethless" "Ah a strawman, noice.",Just interested. #MAKE,#AMERICA What I wonder is: has any work of fiction fouled up Nietzsche more than *God's Not Dead*?,Can't tell if GAME THREAD: WARRIORS (14-2) VS TIMBERWOLVES (10-5) (11/26/16) LETS GO BOYSS,Smh maybe yall should get rid of Green "Depends. Mavs and Heat have recently let players walk or be traded/waived after winning a title. Cleveland did this with Delly this last off-season, but I'm not sure how feasible it was to keep him. SA brought back like 14 players after 13-14 and had a first round exit (albeit wonky due to silly divisional rules that have since been remedied giving Portland the 4th seed) So it wouldn't be unprecedented to make a move, or necessarily in their best interest to stay put (as long as they don't interrupt team chemistry) The Pistons made the move to trade Adrian Dantley in 88-89 for Mark Aguire after going to the Finals in 87-88 and losing to the Lakers. They became back to back champs. 2004 Pistons traded pieces and 2 firsts for Rasheed and that put them over the hill. They had gone to the ECF the year before. I know those two teams aren't examples of defending champs, but it still shows that a really good team can make a risky move and it pay off for them.",Why was Portland the 4th seed? "Not sure we deserved to win that game, but I'm glad we did.","Those are the best games to win, the ones not deserved :)" "You don't even need a stud finder, you are covering the wall with cabinets so you can be fairly aggressive in finding the studs prior to hanging, I say aggressive, but I mean you can drill pinholes if the studfinder is blowing goats at its job.. which they usually do.","Been doing maintenance for 5 years and I've never seen a stud finder work the way it's intended to, tried about 10 of them." I'm not even liberal tho...,Well you may be liberal if you raise any point against racism I live in the Bay Area and the toll for 237 express lane (goes into the heart of where all the tech companies are) goes up to 7$ on almost a daily basis.,"As a bay area resident, this (and the insufferable traffic) is why I work at night" Wrapping a car,How do the tools float Robin Williams' Pegoretti Responsorium,Is it signed Radio E Progetti? Best of luck in the next and definitely brighter chapter of your life! Hopefully your mom can see through the BS hes spouting.,"Thank you kindly, and she does :)" Shots on the season so far for Avs players: 1. MacKinnon (67) 2. Barrie (44) Jesus,Is that shots blocked for Barrie? No. Anyone who attended camp can tell you this team is in pro shape. Think about it this way. What sounds more likely: the Avs have a deeply flawed roster with major anchors and a number of players in way over their head. Or: all these players who train all summer and are overseen by a multimillion dollar fitness team that holds them to specific standards including August physicals.... all those players got too fat at the same time.,Definitely a buncha fatties This is what happens when someone pees in your cereal.,What does that even mean? I'll give him $3.50 for it.,I'll go $5.00 "Let's take this shitpost to the top! But seriously, I haven't laughed like this in a log time. Get it? Log time? Long time?.....I'm not funny. But seriously, most shitposts just take 1 minute to make but this is clear you put tons of effort into this! ~~#GetThisGuyALegendaryFlair~~","this is quality shit post man at least i put time in it man, man why you gotta do this to me man, man my emotions are evoked man" "I just finished smoking half this cigar in honor of Fidel Castro. Only Half to represent how much more must be done before socialism will be achieved. I'm keeping it as a reminder to never give up the struggle for the people, just as Fidel never gave up.",Lol wut Apple products in the background "Bills WR Percy Harvin, listed as questionable, suffered more migraines this week and is not expected to play Sunday vs. Jaguars, per source.",Huh... strange No. sometimes your starting shot sprays wildly to the side. in rare cases ur piss can go straight but also drip down. also sometimes when taking a shit u accidently let ur dick up a bit and ur piss goes in between the seat and bowl and u piss ur pants,I'm prescribing you a fucking dictionary and a primary school grammar book as a cure for whatever the fuck mental issue made you write that way Implied "You could be normal for years and then murder someone, but generally it's a good idea to meet someone before you go to their house. Sorry to be such a stick in the mud","Yeah, screw you for being a safe person!" En halua linnaan.,Parempi linnaan kuin itse vammautua. That stone probably cracked his head.,"OFC, his head and not the window" This is an amazing idea. It could also tell you how many meters away they are.,That's a good idea! "What is the weirdest thing someone has ever tipped you with? I would really like to hear your stories about this. As I recall, various people have dropped the following things in my guitar case: Chocolate coins, a banana, a beer, a pack of fruit juice, an invitation to a hari krishna temple and a bagel. But the strangest tip I can recall was when someone dropped a rubber duck in my guitar case! It's now sitting on my shelf, looking at me every time I come home from the streets. The other day, I also got a really cool looking coin with flowers and what looks like japanese/chinese characters written on it. Never seen one of those before, here in Denmark.",A girl who looked about 13 gave us a cigarette. Thoughts on TB second affinity? How do you think he will change?,It'll probably be fury. It is like the people who try to trick skull people at chaos druids on 07.,"Damn, grats on the rune scimitar pk Bank made, time well spent" "Yeah, let's not forget Conor had the easiest path to a lightweight title shot in history, he simply had to ask for it. The only person I can think of in any division having an easier path to a belt was Penn fighting Hughes the first time.","Yeah I agree, I'm a massive Conor fan but I am also having trouble with the whole sports/entertainment thing, the UFC treats Conor just a little bit too well imo, sad they stripped the title but I think it's probably a move in the right direction" "Hates a strong word but I get virtually no enjoyment from eating a steak. Doesn't taste good, don't like the texture, it's not good for me, and it feels like a waste to money to eat.",Found the guy who thinks 'well done' means the same thing as scoring an A at a test. "No, I'm anxiety.","Me too, thanks." "Nah man, I heard skullcandy was the best!",Please stop... You're reminding me of my middle school days when I kept getting these terrible headphones because they were cool. For all of you White Christmas fans...,*sniffle* Rise up... "Couldn't agree more, this is my life in one reddit post",If your life is all about social skills then your life needs a bit more life buddy Uh it's not about safety but okay.,"Yeah, it's about the upvotes!" "While past his prime, he managed to hit .357 that year.",Oh God I thought he was still decent at that point. "I'm selling a monthly subscription to digital products (PDF), emailed weekly. What's the best website/payment platform? (x-post r/entrepreneur) I'm stuck on which platform (Shopify, Squarespace, Sellfy, etc.) is best for a **digital product** and **subscription payments**. What's the consensus? All I want is the user to be able to click Subscribe, Check Out, then go to a landing page. They'll then receive the PDF via email (MailChimp?) every week - so I don't need a download link after payment for the customer.",Slightly off topic wondering what content topics have been successful in this area? That's fine he can just have us I'd be ok with that.,The best you're going to get is Shaw Media. Nico picks up an elderly fan,"If Nico drops Bernie, there goes his WDC." What do you mean what do I mean?,He wants you to define take a flyer How the hell are those motorbikes not even flinching?!,"Aerodynamics, man." Clint Southeastwood,Clint Westworld First Subaru! What non-warranty voiding mods should I start with?,"Vape, lesbian partner, kayak on the roof." Silver lining to pogba's yellow is that at least he's serving a ban in a league cup game rather than potentially later in the league itself,Yeah that was his plan all along I mean LBJ went there.,Pretty sure LeBron James got drafted straight out of high school "The bar just keeps getting raised on Cousins. I don't understand why he has to essentially be the greatest QB of all time to meet your expectations. Let's look at the facts: 1. The Skins have a top 5 winning % since that famous Tampa Bay game last year despite a bottom 5 defense and mediocre run game. Name one other team or elite QB in the league accomplishing that and tell me how Cousins isn't putting up in the wins department? 2. Cousins has put up huge points on multiple top 10 defenses this year. He doesn't play the other team's offense, all he can do is control his own offensive production. Despite the red zone struggles they are still top 7 in points. So no, it's not just raw yards that are looking good. 3. To attribute all of the red zone struggles to him and nobody else is stupid too. Unless you want to give me a film breakdown of him missing open receivers all the time, what I've seen is a combination of a lot of factors contributing to those struggles regardless of who plays QB. 4. Wins are a team stat. Why does Cousins get blamed for not getting the W when the defense lets Stafford score a TD in 60 seconds or Hopkins shanks a chip shot in OT? Though I suspect even if this team was 8-3 we would still be having this conversation because it's not 11-0 and therefore not good enough. Cousins is an indisputable top 10 talent in the league at this point and hasn't even peaked. People aren't in denial, they just appreciate what they've got for a team that has struggled to find an answer at QB for two decades.",Nah man Sudfeld is the answer to our RZ problems. How is it one year?,"Must be a typo or mistake, wouldn't make sense otherwise" More disturbing works from the Tony Podesta art collection found,Figures that Drumpf supporters can't understand true art. Trudeau attacked worldwide for Castro statement,what the fuck new source is iPolitics? DRC got called for DPI when he didnt even touch ghim. worst call ever. seriously im sure youll see replays,"I bet it was BS, I'll look for it" Inb4 I never said that.,Wrong. "MacFarlane thinks science education is important, and wants the world to stay healthy and inhabitable for our kids. Typical coastal elite.",Typical libtard am I right? "I'm using Chrome though - and this is the first time it has ever happened, probably the last time too since I've never seen it ever again.","Yeah, it probably didn't load properly." Did he burn it?,"Too soon, man..." DARN ! i was gunna say the same thing,"Oh well, m8." "No, keep the tin on! Taking it off is what *they* want you to do.","They told you to say that, didn't they?" "Well, you can't be too harsh on the guy. On the prehistoric savannahs of eastern Africa, there were evolutionary advantages to being able to justify any policy or course of action with reference to an imaginary past set of conditions. :)","You joke, but tradition is a common justification for many things in many places." This gives me hope that one day I'll be able to raw dog any girl without worrying of STDs.,no hiv on mars also no mosquitos "As far as I know, it is the first time for a CSGO tournament this big to use a swiss group format, You mean the previous major qualifier?",That didn't have groups and it was just a qualifier so maybe he doesn't count that. I lost it at the white people begging for money.,Sticking it up to the goras as per tradition List of matchups in solo? Does anyone have a link or time to write up all the matchups in solo for meta gods and how to approach them? I'm trying to get into solo and this would help a lot.,Just play Loki "The more I watch this, the funnier it gets nsfw",If you pause it at the right moment you can see his dong. "Skin on existing items? I know FB has been working on this already, but do we have a rough ETA of when this could be implemented into the game, I love spunking my money on skins but not being able to put them on existing items makes me very upset.",Sooner then folks think. Stewie2K one year ago,Stewie before the cheats Wal-Mart's Dallas optical lab loses 91 jobs to automation | Retail,"It's ok, I'm sure they'll hire all those people back at a higher wage to do programming/maintenance" LF4 WotM HM Fresh Doing challenge,"400 warlock experienced, Bluntamaru" "Before and after We had a house fire this weekend, without going into too much detail I was the only one injured. Later I found out that a box that was already in the fireplace had 6 spray paint cans in it. (Clearly I didn't know this) So after being taken care of in the burn unit, I had multiple doctors tell me that my beard slowed the fire from reaching my mouth and nose, preventing me from inhaling the flames and basically saving my life. Beard On!",TIL beards are *inflammable*. "I have a very very veeeeeery heavy sleep and he always tries to fuck me while I'm asleep, I hate it, it's like he just wants to have sex with my body and doesn't mind if I'm awake or having any fun...","That is seriously, *seriously* not cool." The whole sub is marked nsfw by default. You can't make a post here that isn't.,It's a good thing too because you can't have a picture with a girl in a collar without it being obscene for the workplace. Why fix things when you can just ignore it and make skins instead?,"You say fix like this was unintended, as mentioned multiple times, it appears this is actually meant to be like that due to him throwing it from his right side, not the center of his body, similar to why AMC's auto attacks are from his left." You are missing the point.,Yea... Trump: 'I won the popular vote if you deduct' illegal votes,"stupid liberals flying cuban communists into Milwaukee to commit voter fraud in Green Bay, open your eyes sheeple" "It's ok to daisy chain power strips if you don't exceed the maximum load of any one strip. Looks like they've just got a load of AC adapters which can't pull more than say ten watts a piece, so there won't be an issue.","Plus if you plug a power strip into itself, free energy!" Does anyone else think its totally inappropriate for Gary to say this in front of Leah?,"Jesus God, OP you don't want to be present around my parents then, they are much worse, even after 20+ years of marriage.." These 500 years have been well-spent farming up INT Coora. I'm almost at SA 7!,lol 500 years get a life. "When I was younger I was EXTREMELY delusional about my own skills. I used to believe I was the best at everything I did, but in fact I wasn't good at anything. Not even average. I grew up living with a overprotective grandmother who would always tell me about how good was all the art shit I did and about how I was so smart and how I was a special snowflake, so I ended up becoming very narcissistic. Years later I eventually got a bunch of reality dumped on me and realize I was nothing. I was WAY below average at everything, a failure at every aspect of life. Only then I was able to start working to become somewhat good at something. I'm still a fucking irrelevant talentless nothing, but at least I'm not an arrogant narcissist delusional cunt anymore.","id upvote,,,yeah but no, just not feelin it, get out of my life" "He's probably talking Fahrenheit, not Celsius. 30 degrees Fahrenheit is just about -1 degrees Celsius (although being Canadian, -1 is also pretty balmy to me)","Yah thanks, and I'm amazed at your tolerance for cold." "I'll never understood their fascination with him. He took a vibrant, resource rich, tropical paradise and turned it into a third world hell hole. I love my Cuban friends, I love the culture they bring, I love their sense of family and togetherness, I love their food. It's sad to see what he did with these people and the rule they've had to live under. I'm more than happy to see the embargo lifting and possible diplomacy with them. They deserve it after living under this barbaric regime for all these years.",Well no it was clearly America's fault because of the economic embargoes I present to you..our VHS Christmas tree.,It's awesome because it's disposable! An anti-Clinton post on r/politics? Will wonders never cease.,"Don't worry, that record will be corrected soon enough." "Hayden is horrible. People thinking he's really improved are delusional. He sucks, even in a lessened role. Every fucking time there's a defensive PI or holding call, it's him.",He now has 12 of our 100+ penalties this year. Lucky wins? I hate the Chiefs as much as the next guy but we played like ass both times. We'll get our revenge in the playoffs though.,"I think rayduh is talking about the games against the broncos and falcons, where the chiefs won off a lucky bounce and a pick-two." BLACK FRIDAY -GRAMMARLY Premium fresh lifetime account only at 4.99$(few left) Save 1400$+ for unlimited time,Totally doesn't sound scammy at all FUCK OFF VEGAN ELITIST,cuz being against all types of animal abuse and not just some is definitely elitist "Amy was introduced as a 9 year old and by the time she was of age she had a boyfriend... The first of the new series of doctors not only was the best doctor, but he had a sidekick that was ballsy and brave but also warm and loving. Their last moments when he went to tell her he loved her and the signal cut out was heartbreaking. The scene where Amy committed suicide to be with her husband in front of a crying toddler-like doctor and her own daughter who was older than her was very iffy at best. And Jenna Colman was the hottest companion followed by Bernard Cribbins.",You're right on that scene on the beach...brutal. "TIL that if you rapidly move your mouse/trackpad, the cursor will grow so you can easily find where it is","This was added with El Capitan last year, still a nice touch that many don't know about and can be easily disabled for those that don't like it." Soon they'll be in Golden Knights territory.,They're moving to Potsdam NY? Really great video breakdown of Matthews 2nd goal by Mike Johnson,Damn him tapping Karlsson's left leg then coming at him from the right has got to be the coolest part of this sequence. "Yes, of course I'm being sarcastic. This is a common joke in Seattle due to all the people transplanting here.",You left off the "You may have learned in school that Buffalo were hunted to *near* extinction during the 19th century and mis-remembered that fact. In 1800 there were an estimated 60 million buffalo in the US, but in 1900 there were an estimated 300 (not 300 million, just 300). Today there are several hundred thousand.",Or he's suffering from the mandela effect and in his previous dimension buffalo were extinct! But who's the third guy in the photo then?,Dolores My co-worker is half-black. She constantly berates white people for anything. Recently we were getting a ride to our cars after our shift. I sat in the back of the golf cart and she said Yeah sit in the back and see what it feels like. I was so confused because she's only 36 years old and spent most of her life on a military base in Germany.,That's hilarious - how do you respond to that sort of passive-aggression? clear holding on houston,"It was a chiefs player, that's why" "If it hurt the story, yes people would be upset. The way it is done is the important thing to most people. You are just assuming that most people disagree with you, and that is not the case at all. Again, the point here is not that he writes gay characters, its that he writes badly. The reasonable people here are not mad about his political views, they are mad he makes stories that he works on worse in many people's opinions.",its clearly about something else when all of these examples are about him making characters gay but whatever. "I don't support Hillary in anyway, but I feel compelled to say that if you were one of the orphans in Africa that got their HIV medications paid for from donations from Saudi Arabia to the Clinton foundation then I guarantee you wouldn't care where the money came from. The important thing is that any donation is just a donation.","Got it, so as long as any questionable organization helps African orphans it's legitimste and not subject to any criticism." Right? Nothing beats the pure elegance of Yoda flipping up and down like a drunken marionette.,The video ripping the Phantom Menace fight scene has ruined most of the cool-looking prequel fight scenes "4 months of quality posts like this, oh boy.",If your favorite driver was a sandwich what kind of sandwich would he be? Lol pls,You're a shit cunt. Spoiler - DVR into the future of TUF24,Oooooooh I'm tellin! "In before Survival 2.0. If it's another minigame i'm quitting TC-TD. I wanted Loot Farming Simulator, not King of the Kill.",I can only imagine the quantity of gear that will be popping out of enemies after a few waves of horde mode. Kitty snuggles.,the kitty stretching is the best part. Any news on SKT? seems like no news regarding player re-signing or whatsoever.,Maybe they will finally drop that dead weight mid laner No. We're mad at you for winning. Stupid sexy Eric Berry,would it make it better if i said T-Mobile/ Tygod is sexy? "Oi, Chronos heard that!","While we're on the subject of time, WHY ARE YOU REPLYING TO A 2 MONTH OLD COMMENT?" So disappointed they didn't put these on the ~$100 sale from last year's Black Friday. :\,"Seems to be a Canada only sale, the US version is at the same price." Please stop posting non-meltdown stuff. HILLARY / TRUMP SAID SOMETHING I DONT LIKE! TOTAL MELTDOWN IN THE COMMENTS!! is not a meltdown.,OP must be having a meltdown! Sounds like you might be a little confused yourself,Your comment was so full of detail that I downvoted it. I would call a condom tucked in your G-string trashy.,I was distracted by the nip slip and had to go back and see the condom Look slacks has alot of talent,2nd place at TI is no joke "A lot of them are definitely going to Australia. I friend of mine was in Melbourne, Australia and visited a local league football match. His biggest surprise was how at the stadium (15-20K people) the British accents would drown out the Aussies.",Bloody economic migrants! Awakened Maewha PvP Practice VS Edan's Most Infamous Warrior @1440p,His name isn't spelled like Lacari is that the why tf u lyin guy?,No. Pretty sure these are all crimes and would crimes in Aust. also.,"The difference is that with public prisons, there isn't a commercial incentive that is cynically exploited by big-wigs that have sway with politicians." Is this guy really managing to be a sore winner about something he lost and a sore loser about something he won at the same time?,That makes him smart. My sister acted really weird and somewhat inappropriately towards me and I'm unsure of how I should go about addressing it.,"Yea, nice attempt at trolling." Wow. Are people protesting this at all over there?,They should be throwing tea in the river. Westworld: The Safe Hector Really Wants,Doesn't look like anything to me. I actually tried this when I was a kid...,A famous Australian rugby league player got caught trying this in a pub so you're not alone. "What would west Asians be? Other than Arabs, would it be Turks, Southern Caucasians and Persians?",West Asia = Europe Any predictions for the next patch ? show me what you got,Ogre armor +1 Who's down voting? Is it CTR? So strange? Like coverup or really passionate crazies?,+1 for the notation... IMO both lol :) Who was Behind Mumbai Attacks?,RSS "It's been on HBO all this week, I figured people were just seeing it again.","That can't be it, it has to be a marketing conspiracy, that's the only feasible option." "Hope you guys realise poloniex can see all your positions, stop losses and liquidation prices. I don't think they handle this information ethically either. How much would a whale with millions pay for information like this? Wiuld poloniex take the moral high ground?",How dare you insinuate insider trading is going on in the crypto markets! Wow. So you saw it when you first saw the trailer?,"Yeah, also, did you notice that he's golden?" He'd probably do it if it could be done in his hotel so he could profit from the room usage.,He will make the 3 million illegal aliens that voted pay for it! "Best 1080p display Under $400 currently? Must be 100hz+, 24, 1080p, have good colors and be under $400. Any recommendations?",Acer XB241H Can we also talk about how their are hundreds of thousands of languages and dialects of different languages in Africa and that Africa is a continent and not a country that defines in group? Fuck.,Why actually take the time to research from what tribe (if any) the quote actually comes from where as you can just say 'African' and splooge your enlightenment across the Internet? vote this to the top,Too bad reddit is censoring upvotes on this subreddit only. "Between this, repealing obamacare, carpet bombing the middle east, and various other military actions proposed by certain members of the right such as invading iran, they sure do want to kill a lot of people.",But dude they totally stopped World War 3 with Russia! "I know you have to 'behave' because you work there, but I wonder if there is a nice way to ask her do you work off the clock where you work? Me neither.",Staying calm and polite was probably the hardest thing for me to do Eli vs Brady part 3?,Eli is too volatile to lead the Giants to the playoffs. "Really, how's everything over at t_d? Because last I saw they did the SAME thing. Just an echo chamber for Donny's fanatics instead. Non-subscribers can't vote or comment unless they sub. ([Alt-righters and trolls] are the only ones who would bother to subscribe to [that] laughable sub)","r/politics was supposed to be neutral, not the hillary for president sub." Are u stupid?,I know how to spell you. "Or knives, or alcohol, or cars, or baseball bats....",We really should address the bat problem. "I second this, as I have had the same experience as the OP and fixed the issue by freezing individual portions of raw chicken. I commonly buy a large package of bone-in skin-on chicken thighs, as that cut is sold super cheap and tastes good. I will then break each thigh down by removing bones and skin and freezing these separately for later use in making stock. I put 2-3 boneless skinless thighs in freezer bags, sometimes filling the bag in with some marinade of some kind. I really like this preparation because all you have to do is take the chicken out of the freezer for a day or 2, bake or fry for a bit, and you get tasty chicken in under an hour. Plus you usually end up spending a buck on meat per person for that meal, so it works out pretty well all around.","Thanks for the tip, I'll try it" There have been plenty of Donald Trump supporters who were beaten up at rallies by pro-clinton people you can find it all over YouTube,"Which makes hate crimes okay, right?" 95% of Americans don't know who assange is,That Russian spy? Dave Aranda signs contract extention with LSU per Shea Dixon. No idea of the figures though. Aranda is out recruiting today.,"Not a fan of the O hire, but this is a good first step." Spider-Man* ^Respect ^the ^hyphen,Spider-hyphen-Man "Isn't Amala Network his own site? This is practically his blog, it have no cred",Not Shin Megami Tensei fansite.-4/10 Canadian imam asks Allah to burn all of Israel,He should be arrested or deported immediately. My biggest regret.,"Took him first overall and got told what a stupid waste of a first pick, feelsgoodman" Not a celebrity. I guess that explains all of the pepper spray in my eyes.,well.. at least there is an explanation.. "I Got The game 4 days ago, played for about 9 hours straight, no issues so i didnt bother looking up the reddit.. bought the pass to support such a great and stable game... havent been able to play since.. Couldent get online, couldent form a party, getting kicked out of parties... woo.",Gotta make room on the servers for people who haven't bought the pass yet. CD Project will receive 30 000 000 PLN from Polish government.,"Nice that we live in a time where governments appreciate the Video game industry, even though I believe the small devs would need the money more than CDPR ;-) Also for the lazy ones: **30 milion PLN = $7.2 million**" Beautiful cover art for the new Brazilian edition of Neuromancer,That's such a cool cover. "yep! Hopefully we'll get a compensation box that actually works as intended in the mail (especially since I've yet to get the box, damn you Matthew!)",But then a box that doesn't include Rednose..... A man can hope So this is actually a feature on our backlog: we're planning on closing the client ourselves when you enter a game to improve performance on those potatoes. This would reduce the memory that the updated client uses from ~300mb to ~8mb. This is an improvement over the legacy client which still uses resources in the background. One of the challenges we have here is supporting people who want to still see their friend list while in game. So it may be a bit before we get this feature out to you guys.,"We can't see the friendslist during champ select in new client, why would we need to see it in game?" "I doubt it. And why? Ansel Adams and Edward Westom both spent endless hours on post-click editing to make a final picture from an idea. Editing images is a fallacy because everything we do - from composing the shot and choosing a shutter speed, to painting out stray hairs - is editing the scene.",360degree is the only true form of photography because it lets the viewer see the entire scene and form their own conclusions as to how it should be viewed :^) However the Redblacks had 100% attendance at every single home game this year. Consumers don't want to spend their money on a subpar product.,But you just said people paid money to see CFL games... "That articles assumes the Church is true, which it isn't. So everything in it is completely irrelevant.",It doesn't matter one whit what you think! Ball lighting hit every 200 ms.. yep ur right it is definetly better,"It will help EE, but I believe each cast is all crit or all non-crit and BL is 5% base instead of 6%, so the EO uptime may or may not be lower" "Is the uniform attire at the High Order of the Metallurgist monk hoodies? Oh, please let the answer be yes!",of course! Sarcasm is saying one thing and meaning another.,Nah that's a Freudian slip. "Most of us have been in your shoes right now lol. A quick tip for your rescues, in space bigger is not always better.",But always remember that the solution to every problem is 'MOAR BOOSTERS'! Most of the time if you do a chargeback Sony bans your entire account.,Well that's stupid. AM95 influenced,Slick bike. "She, as a person, had a choice. She, as an official, had no choice. She chose not to do her job, but not resign. She was first ordered to do her job, then removed from her job. An elector, as an official, has a choice to make. Rather than make the choice in that role, this person has chosen to abandon the office to allow someone else to make the choice he refused. There is a substantial difference.",Nuh-uh. I think he was going for hotter,Ok. Plus/combo/classic are all solid. I have two plus and a combo. I keep coming back to the plus when it comes to all my rbas.,"Out of all of them I like the classic looks ND the decks, just haven't seen that one mentioned anywhere." Fucking nazis. When is the rest of the country going to realize that these people are NOT compatible with our society?,they just want to secure a future for their white chilren :( What is Barry up to? I hope he's not sticking his dick in the timeline again.,Went out for his morning run around the world "Differences between notifications on iOS vs Android? So I just recently picked up a Galaxy S7 Edge, and one of my first apps I set up and ported over was Discord. I switched from an iPhone to this because of the sheer customization that android would afford me, even if it meant sacrificing some small things that come with iOS. One of the first things I noticed was that I never got an actual push notifications when someone sent me a message on discord or I was mentioned on a discord server. I double and triple checked all my settings and verified that all my notifications were set to on, yet all I received in terms of notifications was a little Wumpus in the upper left corner of my screen, not a big banner like other apps. Is this intended behavior with android that's not present in the iOS build? Or am I encountering an esoteric bug? tl;dr Where are my push notifications? FeelsBadMan",Happens to me too... Buying gf,for 20k I don't think my mom understands how her rice cooker works,Must've been a faulty rice cooker. "the significance of losing a certain amount of health differs depending on what character you are as for your OP, i used to have that problem but i realized from watching replays i was going in too much and chasing them. then my teammate would have to use his space or something just to get to the fight. id check your replays when this happens and see what you are doing wrong, rarely will a teammate just sit there and do nothing if youre getting attacked (if they can left click. why would they just sit there and do nothing?)","exageration by the op or some unranked play, which shouldn't be looked at in this situation" "We can allow people from Western Europe in, or people from Canada, or Japan or Korea. We don't need this shit.",No every ideology and culture is exactly equal. TFW you realize your IT guy went to Reddit for advice on how to cover up your emails,aaaand his comment history is completely cleared Just play HL Unless you play on the ANZ server where you get put with all different kinds or ranked monkeys,Good solution! I try my best darling.,Are you assuming my gender Found the self hating Asian girl! Nice preference. Asian women marry out at a 40% rate. That's some race traitor statistics.,Congratulations you officially support the spirit of the Nuremberg Laws. "That takes us back round to the original question though. If it's easy for a ship to drop out of hyperspace early, or make a short jump to nowhere in particular, then to change course, how does someone follow them?","Space Stations, Listening Posts, Ground based scanning systems." Definitely one of my favorite civs in the series. Part of me wishes Civ had stayed 2D instead of moving to 3D graphics.,"Go take your nap, grandpa." u ok?,Better than I would have expected lol Because Hillary kills babies Disclaimer: not my views but I've heard this on multiple occasions,Better than eating them alive. Oh For Fucks Sake...,"Damn whitey killing the totally justified black guy, who might I add, is only suspected of running down people and stabbing them..." Reddit Karma.,You just don't understand how precious internet points are "Really disagree with the logic of Ricky not playing the entire 4th. Dude scored at a good efficient rate considering he was in foul trouble. Only had 1 turnover and was heating up with 3 assists in the 3rd. He was handling George Hill pretty well too and Tyus was struggling pretty badly defensively against him. Why not put Ricky back in? He was a +4 for the game. If a guy that's been having confidence issues throughout the season, then you should reward him for playing well man and at least play the 4th. I really hope this doesn't decimate the dude's confidence.",Disagree everybody knows Tyus was the reason we won one game against Phoenix when they were shooting a red hot 21% from the field... he should play all 48 minutes Please don't make me beg,"Creep used Alpha bravado, it hurt it's self in it's confusion." Texas A&M confirms white nationalist Richard Spencer to speak at university,"Current students, please protest responsibly and hope for a Q&A portion." The Alps! ;),Nice! "Two slain in daytime shooting near MacArthur bart, 10 AM, Monday",Can't wait until the new gun control bill stop these kinds of shootings! "Nearly 1,000 sex assaults reported in Canada military last year: report",Deport them "So body shaming a man over his penis size is OK, but doing the same thing to a morbidly obese woman is way out of line.",Yeah clearly body shaming men and thin women is totally cool and not hippocritical at all "Is it not still exceptional? I've had my Bean Boots for years, and they've held up better than anything else I own...","Also, most of their clothes now have a non-iron finish, something I wished they'd move away from." "Whata Team, or Wuta Team.",Wudda team. What do you mean challenge? If Missouri isn't the worst team in a P5 conference I would be shocked.,"Mississippi State hasn't been great, but the only team that deserves to be in the same sentence as Missouri in the SEC right now is maybe Vanderbilt." "Don't know if I buy that. I'm all for supporting a guy for being true to his personality but the bit about team morale? Lebron chews his teammates out regularly and expresses displeasure openly when they're getting rocked, and I'd say Cleveland's team morale dwarfs ours.","And look how Sacramento performs when their leader, Boogie, pouts and yells at their guys." The Don's new hat is going to trigger a lot of libs.,Can't spell aUpresSiAn without USA That bloody nose makes me miss CJ Parker,IIRC Parker broke Owens' nose with that palm strike. "Fudded for nine days in WI, and all I caught was this damn bird.",Reminds me of Bastion The police chief of my city,What a cuck "Almost correct, tidyplates has been working flawlessly since 7.1 though.",Kui nameplates as well. So the husband is basically saying that Iran has kidnapped his wife and held her prisoner on trumped up charges to pressure the British into paying a civil debt and yet he's angry at the British not the Iranians.,"Hey, that ruse got them US money, now it's UK's turn." What is your favourite voice line from Overwatch? As the title says: What is your favourite voice line from Overwatch? My top spot would have to go to Lucio's That's how you get Tinnitus line.,BRRRIIIIINNNNG Let's trigger Global Players I'll start...Frosty Gate,Quality of Life Panties Aside,Gonna need some sauce Low fi,Great input. I'm talkin bout that Veterans Day pay that Thanksgiving day pay and that Black Friday overtime holla atcha boiiii,"Or that 85 hour working abroad pipeline money, how do i even spend all of this shit." Tippet to suns Watch this space..,Kurt got picked up by Phoenix? No one has more respect for the historic F1 tracks than Bernie,;-) "The problem is that this is always going to be true, for as long asagic is releasing new set. Soon we have legacy, modern, post modern, post post modern, post post post modern, and you get the idea. Every set is someone's first set, and every format has cards from before a player started.","I agree- wouldn't it be great if every five or six years, however, the formats are reset so the game stays fresh and accessible to new players?" "Oh, so just the 4,000 score?",Yes On Operator birthdays a little bit of confetti should pop above their head with a party favor sound at the start of the round.,Sounds like a spawn kill magnet How about the Confederacy flag?,That is the flag of the Twue Patriots It has improved a great deal in the last 20 years. Freeway through it is still a nightmare but downtown and the waterfront are great. And they hosted a US Open golf tournament last year.,...and in Tacoma an Apartment can still be found for around $500 that is a block away from an express bus into Seattle. "And as Always, same ppl posting in the thread after its posted here.","Just out of curiosity, how do you know that?" "Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag - if they do, there must be consequences - perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail! - Donald J Turnip",Leader of the free world! how will the war be like Bandai pls,my first thoughts haha "I'm from the east coast of the US. I don't know if it's that we're more restrained, i think it's that we're more judgey. I also come from a religious background so that might also have a little bit to do with it, but who knows... I'm going to start referring to bras as boulder holders from now on lol thank you for that!","Then you'll love the phrase, Over the shoulder boulder holder adjuster used for certain bra adjustment maneuvers." "How are those accounts not banned yet? 4000 matches won, 0 draws, 100 losses?",Seems like a totally valid record "This is Abdul Razak Ali Artan. He crashed his car into innocent pedestrians at Ohio State University and then proceeded to attack them with a knife injuring 11 people. He committed this attack in the name of Islam. He is a terrorist, his motivation was clear.",He was going bald at 18... His actions now make sense It's so spicy that's illegal. CNN just confirmed.,"Just remember it's illegal to posess, ahhh, this stolen document" Hain. Ami bhalo achi. Tumi kemon achho?,achi bhaloi apnar ashirbaad e "Like it or not, stability is better than the alternative.",Arming a terrorist regime won't bring stability nowhere. yes!,Downvoted for answering that question while being OP of a post that I don't like! "Ich denke du hast da etwas nicht verstanden. Es sind 2,569 Viewer, und nicht 2569.",Du verwirrst mich ELI5 why would they do that,Because bank notes now taste good! I mean even at the dinner table? You're relying too much on screen time...,Best way to raise your kids is to have something else distract them so you don't have to raise them. Can't believe I Mei'd it out alive,A worst nightmare for r/WatchMeiDie/ All blondes,2 This isn't about complimenting the person its about complete degradation and objectification of a person. You do not want that. no one does.,I want that Pittsburgh's Base Offense/Defense graded by PFF,"TIL that Timmons is the worst defender on our team, and Ben is an average QB." Or snapchat,"I can still astonish all my friends by opening the App Store, going to Snapchat, and showing them the Get button instead of the Open button, meaning I haven't downloaded the app once." "Washed, clayed, polished, sealed, and waxed for a Colorado winter. Cleaner than the day I got her.",What kind of sealer did you use? Visual Effects have come a long way,The dog or the guy or the footage of the actual war,"Damn, I *knew* I'd forgotten something..." Rockstar just uploaded this to social media...,Omg omg omg omg Breathe breathe "Warriors recorded double-digit blocks (10) for the fourth time this season, a league-best.",But bad teams though Book Time comes before Nap Time -,so... book time nap time pants time food-nap time and then caboses favorite time Is that a young Steve Dangle next to the Captain?,Could the grandfather of the Stromes as well What happens if you don't?,You waste a lot of time and energy boiling off the water from the edge of the meat instead of browning it. I know it might sound crazy but IS is usually on point about their capture claims.,Its not crazy but very disheartening if the mouthpiece of an apocalyptic fanatic death cult is more reliable about it than the official news outlets of everyone else. "Nah, If I was trying to get a reaction I would have commented on his physical appearance, just like he did to me. I was genuinely curious about what his point was. Guys say titties to me all the time. I never understood the point of it, so I asked. Sorry not sorry.",Uh I'm pretty certain you're meant to take the compliment as intended and not feel objectified by the comment which ironically is used to refer to liking the look of cookies or whatever. Maintenance Extended to 10am PST (1pm EST),"Damn it, now I actually have to go work on my book analysis, tanks a lot, Blizzard" "This is a weird one. Mostly the fact the it seems to only proc on baron like this, no other monsters or anything",Baron is immune to debuffs afaik "If someone has a rooted phone and logs in through an apk, is a ban possible?","My understanding is that the app won't talk to the server until you use your account on another phone, or trick the app into thinking the device isn't rooted." Awp Dragon Lore.,"hahaha no, at least not a good one." Snow in Saudi Arabia,Another ominous sign that global warming is real and a danger to the planet. "This is a great idea. We don't have a Trader Joes' or Aldis in Canada so would be super helpful to get and give local advice based around the stores we do have (bulk barn, no frills, etc.).","Trader Joes in Utah, USA is not cheap." Someone literally said to me that innocent until guilty shouldn't be for rape cases. Unbelievable that people actually can believe that.,Tell them their closest loved one raped you and demand they listen and believe. sia fottuta la barista,Accartoccia lo scontrino e si accende una sigaretta It won't amount to shit. The guy can do more for his brand by tweeting out a fart than these retailers ever will,The intellectual firepower of trumpers is truly overwhelming "I think it's going to create multiple universes and we'll see female Thor, Miles Morales Spider-Man, Falcon as Cap, Bucky as Cap, young Tony, etc.",I wouldn't get your hopes up This parking lot pavement looks like a giant tire tread,Is the parking lot for a car dealership or anything car related? no,But trump will change all that right? "Because I'm not an insecure retard, mostly. I mean I just feel like it's marking your territory. It makes me feel like a cuck, it's gross really? The partner count circle jerk on TRP is one of the most hilariously overblown tenets of the entire ideology. I've known women with loads of partners who have been in committed relationships and I've known chicks who cheat on their SOs even with low partner counts. It's almost irrelevant, and only really useful when determining if a chick has serious issues, but those women usually have dead giveaways anyway and will almost certainly lie about their N-count.","The fucks your problem man, I don't know why you're trying to prove yourself on the internet." Cat.,Cat. It's funny how divisions just decide to have awesome or shit seasons together like that......,What division is having a shit season? Sure if you're gonna loan me 40EX to buy an eternal lol,Well its the most frugal option if you want to keep the item long term/best options. You can but it's not worth it.,How much do they generally offer? You didn't have a SNES with red buttons and switch and an EXT port near the controller ports.,"You don't know, maybe his uncle worked for Nintendo." Hello. I am back online.,When you realize that Ninja is actually the bot and u/VaingloryBot is the controller. nope I had one drop last night and have not redeemed my code yet.,"Alright cool, thanks!" "How can so many people think burning the confederate flag will cause a bigger rise out of Trump supporters than burning the American flag? Hell, someone was gilded for saying it. It's not as prominent of a symbol as Reddit makes it out to be. Congrats, you'll get a handful of obnoxious confederate flag wavers annoyed with you. You showed...Trump?",You forget how much of a racist fascist homophobic bigoted orange redneck Trump is "Nothing too special, but mine nonetheless. '14 Charger R/T",That's a nice looking paint job you've got there! They owe you nothing.,Thanks you've been so helpful I finally did it!,You wouldn't happen to have a Metang and Silvally would you.. I think Trump is going to be an amazing president! muwaaahahahahaha!,Evil != Stupid Who the fuck cares lmao,It's noticeable but not unlikeable at all. Full Chamber and a tight pack works the best. Thats what I use the half-pack lid mostly because I can use about .15 grams. The full-pack at .3 grams is just too much for me.,Is the magic flight finishing grinder beneficial? Nunu sucks at procing basically everything unfortunately.,You get a Fervor stack for snowballing "are you serious? Holy overreaction. Snipe your knight twice, and have your two middle dps people use a sleeper on the ogres and they'll kill the ogre in 1 sleeper shot each. It's honestly faster than ToM. The reason they nerfed ToM is because they want the gun to be specifically useful in Kings Fall, and that blessing bubble strat can be used outside of KF to insane amounts of success.",People forget that those knights were 2 hit kills with the 31 impact snipers prior to the LL increase. Cuomo: All cars in New York must now pass window tint test,This will include all of his personal and state cars right? Biggest thing for me about the list was the lack of modernity and also the lack of women. You made a list of 100 books men should read why are only 3 of them written by women? Like no Flannery O'Connor at all even though she was one of the most prolific short story writers of her time.,"No you see, women's brains are too tiny and hysterical to write true literature." The Recounts found that Even Haramabe Voted for Trump in Ohio,is this real? "As a rebel player, I laugh when all you Imps moan about 2 agility.",Try flying with 3 Hull and no shields and then get back to us ;-) "Good news: the Great Barrier Reef isn't quite dead yet from climate change, so people can continue to burn excessive amounts of the fossil fuels that are causing its demise to go visit it.",so thats pretty good! India unveils the world's largest solar power plant.,"Hey, let's ignore global warming and just cover the earth in solar panels." For the Fire Bowles crowd: Who do you want as HC next year? Not saying I agree or disagree with it... but who are the hot coaching candidates we should be looking at for 2017 or 2018?,Jeff Fisher! I definitely would. But to each their own. I have a feeling insurance is going to be outrageously expensive for human drivers in the age of self driving vehicles. The liability of hurting another human because you felt like driving instead of letting the near perfect machine do so would cause people to be sued for millions.,I should invest in race track land.... "Yeah I agree. Community: *We need to spectate our friends, this is the best idea ever!* supercell adds it. *Now people are exploiting it! It's so obvious, why didn't supercell think of it earlier?!*",How is it abused? interesting take- thanks for the input ;),"No need to thanks me, your videos are helping the community a lot more ;)" Better as in not as loud? Seems like half the HD's I see are louder than that.,Loud pipes save lives brah. Apparently The Game is a Gronk fan,"Celebrities just wear whatever jerseys they want, i don't consider them fans." Bill doing us a solid why would want fisher.,"Of course not but it was still a nice shot at us out of nowhere, have to respect it." "Why is there so much drama on xTrill? Like, really, it's a sub that just requests tracks and when they get posted they whine about wanting something different. Cash is leaked and they had to bitch about the uploader. They've been asking for that track forever and they still find something to complain about. I don't understand.",Shut the fuck up and stay away from their prestigious sub you dumb skrillie Game On: You Can Now Play Games on Messenger,"Pretty soon, you'll be able to interact with a social media platform on Messenger, too..." Stock confirmed in Forbidden Planet! I picked up the last AT-AT driver!,I need a Vader so bad "Wtf, they're adding more genders again?!","Yeah, didn't you install the newest Gender DLC pack?" What about me?,Does it hurt when you come back with a -1/-1 counter? "we get it, you hate trump, hillary would have been just as shit if not worse, i'm glad she wasn't elected",What a meaningful comment "Dirt poor peasant question: if I luck into a high end item or mirror early in the league, how can I best utilize it? Say a nice pair of Skyforths drop for me like day two or three, do you just sit on it? No one would have 40 exalts or whatever they're worth, so do you hang onto them until the economy stabilizes? Or do you try to flip them quick for a few exalts so you can buy an item for your build? Sorry if this is a stupid question, I haven't ever had anything that valuable so I legit don't think I would know the best way to use something like that. Don't want to be dumbstruck if I'm lucky enough for that to happen.",Sell for 5necro's + 2 exalts I'd be inclined to buff life instead of nerf ES. (Maybe slightly nerf ES but still),"Yes, lets make every build facetank lategame content, that seems fair and a good route to take." I pushed further my compute shader based game where everything is destructible,"Oh god, it looks like flesh" "When they came for the fisters, I remained silent; I was not a fister. When they locked up the anal stretchers, I remained silent; I was not an anal stretcher. When they came for the face sitters, I did not speak out; I was not a face sitter. When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out.","Fucking brilliant comparison, thanks for that." A youtuber whose name begins with N and rhymes with birdcubed?,Just say birdhouse like the rest of us. Which is why you should never do something like that in the first place.,"Yeah, that five year old girl should have handled the situation more maturely." Just caught a Gengar,It's kind of hard not to right now. "What are the health issues with the breed? I always imagined me getting a golden retriever when I ever buy a house, which is not for a million years.",The retriever breed is pretty well known for getting hip dysplasia and cancer. Rude people. Messaging me and saying me you want to see my tits will never get you anywhere.,Guy tit pic for girl tit pic trade? TIL that r/againsthatesubreddits is a hate sub.,"I mean, if you ask PHW..." Game Thread: Habs @ Ducks Hockey mod failed us again,TRADE DESHARNAIS FOR THAT Huh. Odd that she would sponsor one law and vote against another. Wonder what the difference was.,"I think one was a bill in favor of amending the constitution (which she was against), while the bill she sponsored was crafted to ban flag burning with a loophole which might make the law constitutional." Not a huge upset. Pelicans are 2 games back on LA,"it was a joke, should've added the" he is the best guard to be drafted in years. He should be first,but what about mudiay What do you think happens at other companies when people are made redundant?,"OPPORTUNITIES, YOU SOCIALISTS!" "What should a person do, if She's falling for her professor?",Give some fellatio and see where it goes. Vaccines work.,At making my child autistic The pixel phone is only being sold through Google and Verizon so you won't be able get it on NEXT.,"That was the question, even though they are getting their phones through next, can I get it from Google?" "Call me crazy, but CNBC's the profit is way better than shark tank! The profit is more informative about how small businesses operate, and is more entertaining, because Marcus is a G! I could also see Marcus guest starring on shark tank :)",I enjoy both shows. Remember that whole thing about Clinton giving Goldman Sachs speeches?,Are you implying GS CEO paid him for a meeting ? So were the asterisks profanity or your name?,"Trick question, their name is actually a swear word." "it was actually pretty interesting; and super helpful to people that live in a bubble. that aside, it was an entirely useless, depressing class that bred more sjw's than critical thinkers.",I'm shocked social justice classes don't create big hordes of openminded individuals. Essentially opens the door for companies to hold jobs for ransom. Bad precedent here should this be the case.,"But remember, he only makes the best deals...." no one cares as long as the west and its allies get that oil pipeline to europe,Only Russia "No, that's what edgicers have said because the show was edited differently back then.",SURE. What purpose does it serve? Spotting anti-nationals?,Mass deportation to Pakistan for being terrorists. "* Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing, April 19, 1995 * Wisconsin Sikh Temple massacre, Aug. 5, 2012 * The murder of Dr. George Tiller, May 31, 2009 * Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church shooting, July 27, 2008 * The murder of Dr. John Britton, July 29, 1994 * The Centennial Olympic Park bombing, July 27, 1996 * The murder of Barnett Slepian by James Charles Kopp, Oct. 23, 1998 * Planned Parenthood bombing, Brookline, Massachusetts, 1994 * Suicide attack on IRS building in Austin, Texas, Feb. 18, 2010 * The murder of Alan Berg, June 18, 1984 Radical Christian terrorists are alive and well.","Wow, so many as compared to the almost daily attacks committed in the name of Islam" Categorising Tumblr by its teen fandom and furry posts is like saying all of Reddit is The_Donald.,Are you trying to tell me it isn't? Nah the wyatt-orton storyline will end with a WM match between them.,bbb.bbb....but can they have it at least one year :( Does it have to take 2 and a half hours to get ready for an update Microsoft? ( And still going...),just turn it off "Mi sembra un articolo fatto un po' di merda, onestamente.. cioe', non vuol dire nulla, non e' che i cittadini della val d'aosta valgono di piu', come fai a dar loro 0.2 senatori? Riduci il tempo in cui possono parlare?",Aumenti il numero di parlamentari! "except for, of course, all the text","Meant in the white box, where there is supposed to be a funny remark" Actual cheat protection. I am literally quitting due to the lack of it.,Yeah fuck this game because the beta doesn't have cheat protection yet! Based on a 1995 study by 2Pac and Dr. Dre,"Is that why apple bought the rights to his name, made headphones and sell them at the same price as studio headphones?" not sure but i think there aint no april left this year,"In my country, our April Fools is on December 28th (It is called innocents day)" Cornelius McLovin,but that would cancel it out "My company reported 4 Billion in profit last year. Since then they have laid of 60% of the work force, and have cancelled pretty much every corporate event we have. We didn't even get a Christmas party this year.",Stock holders can't afford to take a loss You realize that feminists acknowledge that as an issue right? It's definitely a feminist issue that the mother is considered the 'default' parent,"Yeah, I definitely see all them on the picket lines demanding equal court representation for fathers." Four men took own lives after webcam blackmail - BBC News,Thank God the government is arranging a neat new system to hack once and get everyone's details once they watch porn so you can have more information to blackmail so this number can be bigger and solve the unemployment rate. "Around 15% of the population would be classed as having Borderline Intellectual Functioning (IQ 71-84), no policy is going to change that.",A policy for culling would. "I dream of a day when Otamendi will be afforded the same level of understanding that other players get when they make rash mistakes, like, Stones, Sterling. You are underestimating the importance of a CB who can play 3 games a week with 7 or 8 type performances, even with the internationals mixed in. Stones was rested against Palace and today. Otamendi doesn't get that kind of freedom. Plus he has to do a lot of dirty work along with Dinho because our other defenders easily back off from a tough challenge. Our only other defender who also puts his body on the line is always injured which is a massive tragedy.",thank you Just bought pure gaming perfection for less than 3 bucks.,10-Oct Cilantro is fucking amazing.,Except when it tastes like soap wicked from Satan's taint :( I'd be worried if it didn't,Fingerprints on my forehead from all the facepalming... So... Which is it? North or South?,Yes. i'd rather see new content,then get off reddit & create some! Young hoochR enjoying some company years ago.,"It would help the ragers because after getting rekt they could smash those strippers and not their desks, mice and keyboards" Bird? I only see rabbits.,Ya it's a bunny then a drawing of that bunny Giants enter seventh straight season with a new starting middle linebacker,Consistency is the key to success. Roast me like the chicken sandwiches I make at Wendy's.,"You're supposed to serve the sandwiches to the customers, not eat them" When you're a kid you hate getting clothes for Christmas. Then you grow up and find out just how expensive clothes are. Thanks grandma!,"Ha clothes, I used to get books all the time as a kid and I absolutely love it." "Yeah, I talk a lot against Russia. Why can't I? Free speech dude!",Free speech is an AMERICAN CONCEPT YOU CAPITALIST PIG "Montgomery actually isn't awful at back. I do, however, hate when they put Cobb back there. Just asking for an injury.",He runs the toss really well in madden so why doesn't McCarthy just do that every play You know how I like to spend my Wednesday? Throwing up for 5 straight hours and then getting stitches. It's basically been the greatest day of all time. Please someone kill me.,That's what you get for being a snitch So now exercising and eating properly is very hard to do? Get real.,"kind of, yeah, for many people." Me today after getting the vive set up for 15 minutes before having to go to work graveyard shift.,"All is well now, posting this in vr from big screen, wife was heading to work with a you better go to sleep today yeah yeah, sure thing honey." "This is really bazaar to me, I can't believe he's dead. The strongarm isn't supposed to die!!! Poor guy, I really feel for him and his family. Really hope they find peace",Bizarre* That coffee's name? Hugh Mongous.,Humongous wot? You're not a true iOS fan unless you remember this...,It is still there if you have a 4s or above and you turn Siri off "No. They really shouldn't do 'They're Japanese!' as a stable. It tends to lead to their race being their gimmick and it's just cringey. Nakamura should be used a lot like Finn Balor, a dominant talent on his own recognizance. Except on Smackdown vs AJ Styles--the story and their history makes this money.",that match they had before they left.. my god "Technically I'm the Editor of the site, and the Managing Editor of all hockey sites on the newtork, so it's not an unfair assumption. Especially in a world where a lot of blogs are still mom-and-pop and the editor is also the web developer. With that said, we are a network and a company and all that and as you allude to and as I mentioned the other day, it's a different department of the business that takes care of that. They're working on it. I'm not involved in it and I don't have a date for it.","Don't mind him, I read it on the crapper and had no problems... Reading it, that is." Who said I'm angry? I just get a kick out of subs like these. IMO these are the most delicate people there are and yet they're supposedly the ones who are against babying people.,"That is true, but I question people who spend an inordinate amount of time posting about how other people are horrible people when they're just getting a kick... Just chill out with the personal attacks, please." John Molinaro on Twitter: MLS and CSA have a joint announcement at 5pm at BMO Field. Likely about Canadian players in #MLS.,Are we sure this isn't an announcement that the CSA is forcing the Canadian MLS teams to leave for the Canadian Premier League? "I think usually if you don't add anything to the conversation people usually downvote you. By saying LOL that's funny is kind of just a flat unneeded response. I may be wrong, shot in the dark here.",This. "when lvl 50's don't have their energy maxed it irks my OCD too, I totally get where you're coming from.","Yeah, that really kills playability for me" "He's said this all along. This hasn't been the issue, the issue is if he leaves his company to his children then the conflict of interest continues. And this has already been the case with diplomatic calls that Ivanka has been involved in. This shit should not stand. The Trump Organization should be put in an undisputed blind trust or Trump should step down. Why we refuse to push this as a demand as the people of this nation, bolstered by the representatives we've voted in, is beyond me. Its absolutely intolerable.","It was confirmed by both sides the phone call you reference was not diplomatic in nature and that the President they were speaking to was a long time family friend who had known Ivanka for years, but keep trying to spin conflicts of interest around this because you sound very smart doing it." More like this: He spent two decades at Goldman Sachs helping the bank peddle the same kind of mortgage products that blew up the economy and sucked down billions in taxpayer bailout money before he moved on to run a bank that was infamous for aggressively foreclosing on families,But he's a good guy! "Rosie O'Donnell just went insane, just like Kanye.",That's some quality reporting there. "Wow, did he discuss phrenology too? That'd be like teaching about humors in medicine still.","Hush you, Patch Adams was great." Is the new UFC management dumping Rogan and Goldberg?,I can't wait to have Joe Buck and Troy Aikmen announcing! "If that's the case, that's some shoddy worksmanship",Doctor is confirmed to be family member of belichick... "Also ITT: prostitution and hookers. You'd think these people would see that the joke has already been made multiple times in this thread, but nope, they just rehash the same comments over and over with no unique spin to it. Come on guys, you can do better than that.",For the karma... Jel si bio na stadionu?,"Ma zajebavam se de sam bio, ne bih otisao ni da mi plate." Will you either make an actual point or stop posting random gibberish? Fucking seriously,i have a phd in bs. White people were created by aliens and are GMO's,"White guy here, can confirm." Talon Feedback Thread's up!,EZIO CONFIRMED I wish there was a randomize option for all songs you can pick in the Battle Tree. Seriously the songs are all so good. It really makes you apreciate how high the quality of the music is in these games.,It's hard to survive more than a few battles anyway so you'll be able to switch songs often enough. "If you're the battalion leader and you've lost Palmyra after two days of fighting, you deserve to be court-marshaled for criminal incompetence.",The irony here is you can't even spell court-martial and expect high ranking officers to indicted with incompetence. "Introducing NOM 2.0 As many of you know, NOM has been an invaluable resource and stepping stone for people navigating a faith transition. Over the years the NOM label has become synonymous with cafeteria Mormonism and finding the middle way. Over time, the middle way has become narrower and many of us find it to difficult to remain there even for short durations of time. For many of us, our relationships with a TBM spouse or family keep us connected to the church. We could argue all day the pros and cons of trying to maintain an elusive delicate balance. Just know that many of us would have walked away from Mormonism long ago if spouses and family members could accept our faith transitions. The new NOM will remain a soft spot for people needing support of a faith transition but with a strong focus on maintaining the most important relationships with spouses, family and friends, and that really cool home teacher you know will help you move when the time is right. I know many people don't comprehend the NOM way, but what we can agree on is that Mormonism leaves a large footprint on our souls. We felt it was necessary to have a place on the internet where like minded people could gather to support one another, recreate the community lost by the old board, discuss ways to live with a TBM spouse, and laugh at the absurdity that is created by a faith transition. Many of you have been through this and lived to see the other side. Many have divorced and moved on without their TBM spouse. Many of you (like me) are still working to make your marriage work while disconnecting from the church. I welcome everyone to come and participate and share your experiences. We want to make the new NOM a place where respect, advice, and support is given while people decide their own outcome regarding their future relationship with the church and navigate the repercussions on real life relationships. In essence, to live, love, and laugh while learning the nuances of living with a TBM post faith transition. Newordermormon(dot)net",YAY 250 lbs. gone forever...,"Sorry for your loss, but nothing McDonalds can't fix." I firmly believe that Reddit doesn't actually make money.,"yeah right, his post got gold like 8 times!" Bu...but it fits on the model!- the engineering team,"That's for cleaning stairs, duh." "MGS1: Why was Liquid shirtless? I always wondered this, don't remember there being an explanation, I always assumed this was just Hideo being Hideo.",Because it's like one of my Japanese Animes "A monster would lure said five year old into a windowless van and release body parts over the course of many years, never giving the parents any closure or relief. You? You're just a dick.",Maybe they're both? "I don't have the authorization to upload flags - if I do, then I don't know how to do that.",They just let anyone be mods these days... Who the fuck still watches DVDs? Blu rays are barely more expensive and look 10x better.,"As someone with fucked up eyes, I can't tell the difference." Research Shows That Side Effects of Marijuana Have Simple Explanations,The only side effect that bothers me is that it's too expensive. no this is patrick,"Guys guys, this is the truth" "don't let the diamond industry get a hold of that picture, they will deny the holocaust happen, just as much as the idea of rockless rings being the norm.","Sorry, can you explain?" new rule ... you can't be an MPP before your first blowjob,"Unless he gets it IN office with appropriated public funds, then it's cool again!" If Savard never gets hurt this team would be contending still.,"Yes, one 39 year old center can save a franchise that is past it's peak" found the person that can't take a joke,"Yes, joking about domestic violence in totally serious sounding tones, always a good choice." "Very Successful People of Reddit, what's the best advice you could give to students?","It's not about getting a degree, it's about developing marketable skills that someone will pay you for." Why is Zak Irvin's shot so ugly?,Lonzo Ball plays later even uglier. "Reminder: Boycott the new Star Wars film which the director said was racist against whites, officially it comes out in two days but it's already out where i live so DON'T WATCH it. Please make this post visible",My whole family knows me as the biggest Star Wars fan in the world and they were all shocked when I said I didn't want to see any of the new movies. Does the TOR-MTL series put to rest some of the issues with the higher seed hosting the 2nd game?,Id rather just have one game. People in Amsterdam and Denmark do it just fine. Guess everyone in the US is a coddled baby...,The entire country of Denmark is only about 50% bigger than the state of New Hampshire... No shit they can ride bikes everywhere. ^ doesn't understand media,Are talking to me here or the person above me? What songs do you prefer for your funeral ceremony?,Sympathy for the Devil .....The Rolling Stones Fuck that. This place restaurant industry runs deeper than money. No way is it just American Dream Pizza that's footing that bill. Like Blue Sky Chinese Food? I know some of these restaurants are just avenues for illegal weed money.,what Best streetwears igs to follow?,@luxeluce00 @oldmanalan @bestfitsdaily @POVoutfit @minimalmovement @outfitsociety @brandontfaber @amorin4122 @carlkho @dennistodisco @_chefsupreme @outfittoss @jonlaflare @outfitgrid @outfitplace @__rrxii @whitecement @kickstq @mattshiho "So let everyone die, gotcha.",Yeah you know the UK is just like an apocalypse with all those people dying of disease "And led very limited careers afterward, for the most part. Rich, yes, but like the other guy said, they didn't do too much cinema and theater. That doesn't take away from their success but I feel Patrick Stewart wouldn't have wanted to be tied down for that long and forever associated with a tv character He's managed to nail down some big movie roles and thus is equally remembered for those, I'd say, but let's face it. Most of us see Picard first.",Jerry starred in the greatest movie ever though! Wonder why rogue didn't go full french.,Apparently Skypjack speaks an ok French and is improving it with the new Rogue coach Lanf3ust. Alabama to open 2017 against FSU in Atlanta,2015 BCS national title game! What age demographic is prominent in this sub?,Yall 13 year olds need to go to sleep smh Goldman Sachs has had people in the treasury and Fed and vice versa for decades.,But but Trump will drain that swamp and MAGA. That ass makes me so sad.,I thought that was just her belly... "Looking for a sub for compulsive overeaters that managed to overcome and lose weight I keep seeing pictures of people who have shown their amazing transformations, I'm looking to do the same and would like to know the story/diet/exercise behind it. I overeat and I'm miserable, would like some advice. Any sub suggestions or similar subs? Thank you","If you like a slightly harsher approach, r/fatlogic might work for you." "Even though I live in CLE, am a diehard Indians fan, and am heartbroken we loss - I am happy for the Cubs. Not Chicago though, they already have two baseball teams.","Yeah, I feel good for the older Cubs fans who have stuck with them through the curse." "You literally voted for the guy that said Obama was born in Kenya, The guy that talked about grabbing women by the pussy. What the FUCK is this country coming to.",Yeah but Hillarys chuck husband something something adulterer! And someone has to hack the website.,And someone has to make coffee for the person hacking the website "Anyone else dislike the new menu UI? It looks nice but its strictly less functional. Takes more clicks to get to almost everything. Used to be able to 2 click to change items, remove item, add offering, add/remove addons, ect. Now its 3 for anything you want to do.","I think it's fine, I just wish they'd get rid of the loading animation for the bloodweb." me irl,saving just in case i mean meme too thanks "Some additional details on new CBA coming, starting with this: A player no longer can receive a qualifying offer more than once.",This is actually a big change that I feel like is going underrated. "Pirate warrior is definitely not a tier 1 deck, you can trust me on that.","*Well*, if Vorphos says so then it's definitely true." Is there a ghost in this picture? A strange face can be found in the right corner of the middle window,If you can't see ghosts then isn't there a possibility that every picture you take has a ghost in it? "Already qualified for Weekend league, was winning 2-1 in the 88' in the final, had a dilemma Option A: win the game and receive 3,000 coins Option B: Make this guys day and let him qualify for Weekend League Enjoy the weekend league bro.",Oh how kind of you mighty one HBO is stunned that their roster of fighters that don't speak English aren't connecting with the fans.,Yeah Morales and Barrera 1-3 (add Pacman vs both) were stacked with a Spanish speaking backdrop. Addicts are so good at lying because of all the practice they get lying from constantly lying to themselves.,It's semi true But it's no longer canon!,I said shut up! Hacker operator? I know there's more than 200 suggestions of a hacker operator but what about one on defense? The operator has to psychically go upto the gadget and puts some kind of chip into it allowing him or her to be limited to only hacking a few things. Another feature could be limited service letting him or her not be able to make it so the hacked gadget can't go too far letting the enemy know you're around where the gadget is,Sombra leaking here uh Republicans confident they will pass anti-LGBT bills after Donald Trump becomes president,Wow gee thanks Trump supporters. "He's the one that shoots, not the other way around",Say his name. I asked her to heal me so she flew to me but ended up nudging me off the platform and getting me killed.,She accidentally killed you. Gotta kiss the military's ass if you want to try and have a go at martial law.,Caring for your soldiers doesn't mean kissing their ass. Really enjoying the Suramar questline,Boom boom boom outdated relics woo DAPL GOONS THREATEN water protectors.,Good vid but be aware it might get you blocked for Doxxing .. Does this mean the Age bonuses replace Lucky Nations?,No clue. "Last year, Donald Trump felt me in an elevator and then exposed himself. He felt my pain at all the corruption in government and then he exposed his heart and vowed to me that he would Make America Great Again.",...along with his non-rat-fornicating friend who is no longer a mess. Thanks for posting something that has already been discussed to death.,"There is soooo much talk talk about in this subreddit now, right?" "Scarborough Shoal was still our territory back then :) Next thing we knew , Scarborough Shoal is being reclaimed in good faith","Wait, officially hindi na ba sa atin ang Scarborough Shoal?" I'll tell him when he gets back...,:( Interesting how things have changed. In today's media there's no way that someone who only won 1 championship (jordan in 1991) could be remotely considered as the GOAT,but but lebum only hes 1 becuz way allen and kywee hit da winnin shots so dey dont counttt...... "MJ Lebron Kareem Magic Bird Dr.J Oscar Robinson Bill Russell Shaw Stephen Curry I think Stephen Curry will be higher. Too high now, I know, but I'm sure he'll be up there by the end of his career. Best shooter to ever play the game.",Ray Allen is the greatest shooter ever and he is only top 50.. Senate panel set to clear Duterte on extrajudicial killings,That thumbnail is hilarious "I was thinking about this type of thing the other day (had a middle school teacher do it once), and it always bothered me because it's not really applicable to anything in the real world.",Neither is the date of the Louisiana Purchase - school is supposed to be for teaching you HOW to learn as much as it is specific skills like algebra. I can't imagine that many people in this thread have bothered to familiarize themselves with the case. Everyone is posturing themselves around headlines.,There are a lot of angry white men on Reddit looking for something to trigger them. On open world games like FF15 yea. I see no reason a game like uncharted 4 couldn't hit 1080/60 on the pro however.,CPU could bottleneck the performance for 60 FPS Uncharted single-player. "New campaigns and tasks - a lot of clicking? The new campaigns and tasks require a lot of menue-back-and-forth and add their share of fat to the game. Among a lot of *good* changes, I just don't like it. First click on campaigns, then on the map, next on the task, accept, collect, read more, choose more...this is *not* what I play for, yet I feel I'm missing out if I don't do it. Bad feelz. This was also my main critique with the otherwise nice containers: Lots of clicking and waiting, unnecessary animations. The thinking might be they want to offer more control (and earn on that premium campaign slot), but imho this adds mostly clutter. Earned stuff from auto-enrolled missions though is just pure happiness. Opinions?","You don't need to collect and open containers, they do get collected automatically at the end of day and get opened automatically once you collect 1000." Hail Satan!,^^tiny ^^hail Came for this.,Ew. "Mary Kom, Jaya Bachan all attend parliament (even if Bachan does so sparingly)...constantly MIA? Mr Tendulkar.",Don't you know his brother is ill? Because marketing is mostly nonsense.,Reminding people your product exists to buy just doesn't work. My names.,Name's = name is My name's = My name is "What's a good plotless comedy anime Just finished watching all of Nisekoi and ruined myself by skipping ahead and reading the manga ending. I feel like shit now and I want something lighthearted. No plot, no stupid harem romance, no feels, no mind thinky stuff. I want the most brainless, relaxing, funny and endearing anime you got. Stuff like Non Non Biyori, Konosuba, GochiUsa, or Yuru Yuri.","Ima go out on limb and say Nichijou, since it hasn't been recommended already" DO ANYBODY WANT TO BE MY FRIEND???,well this doesn't seem suspicious at all. Inquisitor for the crown,"Wow, those screenshots are really cool" "Right! With Oliver's assumption and Curtis' exasperation, it seems like he mentions it a *lot*.","I'd just die if it's revealed that Ragman is not actually Jewish, but just fucking ran with it for as long as possible while everyone else is just on board with Oliver's original assumption, no questions asked." Do you have the physical copies? Maybe just stick them face down in a photocopier and go from there.,"I only have digital copies, i forgot that i can search on google by size, i'll try ot do that later when i can, hopefully i find something." What's that thing that smoking gets you?,Cancer? Jewish Donors gonna love it.,We're gonna need more coats. Why is Jews in ?,Because thats what the spineless partisans called themselves in order to make the glorious SS look like criminals when they where just defending their nation. I think an F16 would be an event better option,Or he could get an A-10 and own the road by the the law of BRRRRRRT! Never Forget - Salty Sky,Am I the only one here who dislikes sky lmao "Nope, Dems chose Hillary. Now we all suffer. Dems should burn in hell for their hubris. They still won't admit how terrible of a candidate she was.","You're right, but you also forgot your" "Shit happens. You learn from the mistake and you move past it. Gimping yourself with a faux crutch isn't going to help anyone. If said person fat fingers a key, so be it. If said person fat fingers a key 50 times so they need VIT melds to overcompensate for being bad, they're probably doing things wrong. I have never in Coil or Alex seen or used VIT melds during inital progression and progression simply isn't going to happen whether you're dead or alive and you hit the enrage timer.",You most definitely needed vit melds in A8. Redskins do have some leverage on Cousins Keep in mind the Skins have given Cousins so much support the past couple of years. The teams Cousins might be offered will not have near the receiving core let alone o-line that we have.,"My tinfoil theory as to why we've tried so many fade routes in the endzone/had some questionable redzone playcalling is that when they sit down with Kirk, they want some negative film on him to say he's really not worth top-flight money: you can't hit your target in the endzone reliably, so you're really not that hot, and we could replace you with Jay Cutler and get the same results." Yes!,We are too right for each other. Budget bug for lower leagues?,"Exterminator here, I'd advise you get rid of the bug by getting some decent young players." "No harm, no foul. But, seriously, watch that film.",I approve this message "plz no moonspeak But thanks for an answer. I know Sombra would be on PTR first, but I see no reason for Halloween event to be also released on PTR. After all, Summer Games went directly live, so it's possible Halloween will start when Sombra goes in live build.",I aplogize for my moonspeak He fell for it,Psh that's not even a 5.7 Make it so that medkits equip your last weapon not the Primary weapon The change with med kits was a good idea but the idea to make it switch back to the primary weapon regardless was a bad idea. Please have it so that it switches to the last equipped weapon.,I like all the changes its 99% awesome ... except for the force weapon re-equip. I did vaginal birth twice and didn't feel a thing. And my vagina was not wrecked either.,Did you marry Shaq? "What is your hobby/profession's Anyway, here's Wonderwall?","Hobby: Cars Anyway, here's a '57 Chevy Bel Air." There is nothing to fear,Courage is not the absence of fear. Is this a texture mod for Gang Beasts?,The devs finally finished it Does the new sf tracker only show pokemon at stops or also at gyms?,Only at stops. When you bet 250 shekels on a game,the leaver gold gain didn't help i'm sure I think it's just a super complex deal that requires finesse on both sides and possibly some negotiation through the public.,"IIRC, years ago Inoki actually tried to sell NJPW tapes to WWE before TV Asahi (I think) stepped in and said no as they own part of the rights seeing as they help make the show." "Good point Guardian, I will add an edit note. As PvE player I am not sure what medals are - are they like Skelton keys ?","As a PvE player, I'm not sure what Skeleton Keys are." i just got this random minigame?,Its the secret minigame where you're basically Adolf Hitler and people hail for you. Not to mention the Iraq after photo is during a sandstorm. So the US causes more sandstorms?,Damn Chemtrails messing with the weather. I want hungry burger to turn into an XYZ deck where you stack meat and condiments as materials.,You are a genius and we need you in Konami stat. "I actually have 5 toes, the image cut it off though",Sorry for your loss Bored dealing with wedding registry things when all of the sudden they pulled this bad boy out...,Is that on a GTX 480 box? "Liking the FW-190 A-5/U2 Switched back to my German line after spending some weeks with the Brit line. In the Brits, I found that I could do very little with the Tier III Spitfire Mk. Vc (BR 5.3 in AB). I had trouble getting guns on (in a Spit for Pete's sake !), and what I hit I rarely knocked down. This is even after getting the gun mods, and with good crew skills. So I figured that was conclusive proof that I suck at the air combat aspect of this game and should stick to killing bases and ground units. Now in a fully stock FW 190 A-5/U2 (BR 6.0 in AB) I am getting 3 air kills a game. I feel redeemed after so much frustration.","The first Fw 190 is pretty good, those 20mm cannons shred the early spits you face" Very strange that it coded as travel!,I mean the couch has to travel from the store to your house; that's obviously travel :D. "As much as I agree with him, he is still a douche. Those weak ass comments after the title game were lame. Happy he went to Standing Rock though and is raising awareness for this serious issue.",Yeah screw him for being upset after losing in a national championship game. Why is hail pharah's favorite weather?,We need a christmas skin of Pharah shooting giant snowballs and her ult firing hail. Plus you barely won,izi pizi "Everyone says to avoid it, it's bad juju. However currently our top 4 are all guaranteed playoffs, which start week 14. Week 13, all of the top 4are playing eachother. Currently I sit in 3rd place, and the guy with the worst team sits in 1st. If it looks like #4 is going to beat #2, I'm going to not start a single player so the worst guy remains 1st and I drop to 4th. That'll have me bypass the Zeke/Gordon owner and the DJ/Murray owner.","yeah, I don't know why you wouldn't try to avoid that..." The OP on this one is fucked in the head! What kind of person thinks their military trained them to kill their own people. Dude suck a dick!,But that's what drill sarnt said. "no no no our professors cannot force you into their classes, they have no control over registration!","I've done it multiple times, perhaps the math department just values bureaucracy more than the other departments" It's a good point they shut down the government when Obama became president. And we're supposed to respect them the way they respected us right.,"Remember, minorities have to take the high road." Lock Her Up chant at 7 pm.,"I'm busy then, can we make it 730?" "Uh, no, it's just a typical insensitive prick. They're found on all teams.","Yeah I know, I should have put" Being a really picky eater...not liking a ton of different foods.,Does veganism fall under this? ITT : Op tells you why YOUR picks are useless.,The only picks I have said are useless is Rare and Sony. Whose your favorite overweight actor?,Chrissy Metz No... I'm in the airport for six more hours.,"Tough break buddy, don't lose any valuables" YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS BECAUSE OUR COACH LEFT AND YOURS IS STAYING PUT,YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT And I get a ticket when caught speeding... even when it makes me feel better. The law is the law and we risk what we care to lose.,if the only traffic law you break is speeding you'll never be at fault in an accident Extending an 18650 cell with coins - your thoughts?,You'll have better conductivity with the coin on the positive end. "INVESTORS WANTED: Pedes, I have a million dollar idea for Rape Prevention in Germany. **A realistic costume mask of Angela Merkel. Best of all, it'll be made right here in the USA! It's the Merkel Boner Inhibitor.**",An American HRC version might be an option as well... just sayin'. So UFC 209 is not in Brooklyn - it will be 208. Dammit.,They want 209 in Stockton Parvati's Hall of Fame Nominations,I sense a conspiracy by existing Hall of Fame members to spread their votes across so many different players that no one will get the requisite votes for induction. Monster Energy is the new cup sponsor,Why are we talking about one the 7 million stop motion and NR2003 series. On purpose? Or was it a french word that sounds like zibi or something?,Do you think so ? "At least we don't need to visit a friendliness checker anymore. So that's good, right? ...Right?!",Gen 4 remakes confirmed? How fast is KVM? Host vs virtual machine performance!,"Off topic somewhat, but what is the gui used for managing QEMU and KVM at the 1:29sec mark?" When people figure out how to do end to end encryption easily on all devices. Let them pass all the laws they want and just move everything into an encrypted mesh net or Elon Musk launches his global Internet satellites and encrypts everything.,The best case solution so far has the problem of if Eve controls 51% of the network then she can tell that Bob is talking to Alice. I couldn't do this again if I had rl trainer,That reaction was over the top :p "How do people do it? I'm working on the new PVE story event for Medusa cause I definitely want to get her and I see people who are in top 20 have 10k-12k points meanwhile I only have 7k so far. Granted, I don't have 4 star Jean Grey and I haven't completely milked all of the missions, but will completely milking them give me enough points to get as many as 10k?",Isn't competitive PVE the best? "That's ok, it's basically piss before it goes down",That's the champagne of beer you are talking about! They haven't proved it yet. Getting first in Group D would do it for me though. Definitely the strongest team in NA history since S4 TSM.,He means non-korean as in has no Koreans in the roster. "I like this offer but I'm more interested in hexed or heatwave to be honest,",Damn /: alright man np. "There is a story behind the number, we will share it at some point soon. It wasn't a random choice.","Oh cool, can't wait to hear it!" You can't believe socialism is a cure all to everything,"It only solves the humanist problems, unfortunately it doesn't include the ecological concerns what so ever." le ebin master trolle xd,Gesundheit. "Because in a small tribe of people you would notice what others are up to. Young girls likely wouldn't be having sex until around the time they hit puberty. Women who were sick might not have been having sex. And there were probably other situations where healthy, fertile women weren't having sex for social reasons (e.g., they were only supposed to have sex with the leader of the tribe, but he was out on a hunting trip for three months, etc).",Pretty sure they would of figured out the sex thing before this. Moose vs. drone,come here and let me love uuuuuu Same Fraud That Screwed Bernie Is What Hillary Claims Happened To Her,she is a nasty cow Any gif of the goal?,Real fans watch goals live! What is the most important number?,"3, There are three sides in a triangle = illuminati" "Northern Hemisphere suggestion for a prop that would make the team, Dan Cole?",I approve this message "They would've had to do a lot of analysis for this to be a good idea, so I trust them. If the four products are making the majority of their revenues, then increasing the price slightly will cover the difference being lost in the meantime until the factory is built. Less packaging differences, four products, higher prices. Slight loss (if any) for massive future gains to get into more stores in the future. It makes complete sense from a business perspective. They have to grow at some point, this strategy allows for it. I doesn't make sense that it isn't affecting the US though. Fuck that.",where'd you see it's not affecting the US? "Laughed, but it's not related to this sub in the least.","Yea, black people don't watch GoT." He looks a little exhausted though.,What a hoot Trifold Brochure Templates I'm looking for a free template that I can practice on. I'm aware the templates on GraphicRiver are relatively inexpensive but am wanting something to practice on before spending the money. Anyone have any resources they can send my way? I'm specifically looking for something black and elegant,Dr Google I don't think so. That's probably not the problem.,Ok thanks anyway. "Not word for word, but that's basically how it went down.","yep, if we're going to acknowledge the need for population control, cows would definitely be my first concern.." God i hope so just bought 36 saphires of Brewer and Williams,well damn "I wish, haha!",Also make sure you don't have a Note 7 before it explodes Post-Game Thread: Colorado Avalance @ Montreal Canadiens - 10 December 2016,Yep. Thxs.,No problem paypal Lenovo Phab 2 Pro android phone or similar large phablet As title states. Looking for a lenovo phab 2 pro. Another large phablet will do as well (greater than 6'' screen is a must). Also needs to be somewhat recent in terms of specs.,What about a Lenovo Ideapad Miix-310? "This one isn't really illegal, but if you go to Dunkin Donuts about 30 min before closing time, they will give you all their leftover donuts if you ask. If you don't, they just throw them away...",Yeah I close at a similar place and after we're through closing we just record the leftover baked goods in waste and split em up between us Naked man says he was looking for a wife at Mormon temple,He was just being proactive and did not want his wife to think he was false advertising. "People say Trump is vain, but so was Patton!","Well, he IS Patton reincarnated." Damn you Mark Zuckerberg. This is why I don't use Facebook.,me too thanks "If? It's really important to prepare at this point, the electoral college is a bunch of rubber dampers regardless of what you may have been lead to believe.","Conventional wisdom was that Trump could not win - whenever the human element is in play, unpredictability is part of the equation." Starting Inman over Demarius Thomas if Williams is out.,Doing the same here You can also look at this way. With out California trump beats Clinton. Further the margin Clinton won by in California if greater than the population of GA and 13 other states. That is why the electoral college exist,"Yeah, because geography is more important than equality." I know...I feel like I'm reading the comments section to a CNBC article with normie non-FIers commenting.,"Thankfully, I don't recognize much of the usernames from the thoughtful posts I read." "Hey, Halo. Something good! Did they say Halo Wars 1 and 2 for Windows 10? Is that brand new information, or have I been living under a rock?",No it was confirmed awhile ago. Penny's first sleepover (by AikiYun),The real question is: Does she have the proper heat sinks installed? HAHA HE DONT PLAY DEFENSE!!! HAHAHAHAH LETS GO BITCH,"Steals are a very small portion of defense, but I guess you have a point" I try to spend a little time on my knees every day Okay come on if it were Biden on the side of that table he'd trying to failing to contain his laughter.,That's because Biden debated Palin "Whatever she's about to pay for a pre-built, send her a link of a build you could make on PCPP for the same price",I showed her my build which will be 800$ and showed her a build for 1100$ this was before she looked at prebuilts "BREAKING NEWS: US imposes sanctions against Russia for election hacking, expels 35 operatives",They're going to use this to saty DJT is a KGB puppet after the 20th when he undoes this Knock knock..,i wanna see the rest of the footage "Yeah but from a soccer point of view sometimes being a bit dramatic can get you a call in your favor...sometimes, but when your the coach doing something like this is embarrassing lol. You aren't getting a call from that, you just look like a bitch.","It's called, leading by example." I'm trying to stick with the printed press these days.,The what? "Does this mean you can recycle them, too? Because I regret buying Trick-or-treater.",Yes R.I.P. Drew Doughty,Doughty with the empty nutter! Why would you want a 10 minute break/ Just do your work,"Yeah, it's not like they're breaking the law by denying the second break" More than Kanye loves Kanye?,Don't be ridiculous nobody loves Kanye more than Kanye! If not for my phone I don't know what I would do while using the bathroom.,God forbid you take five minutes to shit without internet access. An Elder told me my attire is inappropriate,"Well of course, your ankles are showing!" "South Park fans: Matt Stone is our enemy, do not forget that. Hating someone else more does not justify shit. I hate conservatives, but I really fucking hate liberals.",Relax? "Then, everything changed when the Fire nation attacked",Azerbaijan? Guessing it's for optimum? It has to be,god no "Confirmed. I was issued a line of credit at an electronics store, no longer in business, at the age of 17 with my father as a co-signer. Bought a computer with it. He filed bankruptcy a couple years later and discharged all his debt. The company sent me collection notices and I just sent them proof I was underage when contract was made, and they let it all go.",Congrats you single handedly ran that company into the ground the fuck is every government and their grandma trying to go 1984 nowadays,George Orwell wrote a tutorial for a prosperous government not a warning of governmental abuse for the citizens. The only worth spending money on is marijuana and hair dye.,What about septum piercings? you mean sudoku?,No im pretty sure its origami Who's going to fill Nico Rosberg's seat?!,pascal 2017 wdc confirmed What items do you keep in your bug out bag for sanitation and hygiene? I'm curious to see what others include in their bug out bag for sanitation and hygiene. Anything in particular that you think makes a world of difference in an emergency situation?,A little bottle of hand sanitizer and tp. "Empathetic, a letter to the devs *Warning, this is my opinion, not objective fact* So, I'll try and keep this to the point, since no one likes to sit a read a 5000 word post. After the most recent update (and after... pretty much every update in recent memory bar construction) there is always a vocal group of people who think it sucks. They shouldn't have done this Medkit changes are awful, devs don't know how to make a game Reading that and imagining myself as a dev, hearing that from your fanbase would be hard. Regardless of your opinion on recent patches, putting so many hours into this game to only hear Your work is garbage, I could do it better from armchair game developers would just suck. Criticism is an integral part of growth, not just of games, but in life. But criticism is a double edged sword, there's a reason there is such a thing as *constructive criticism* (implying there is something the opposite of that) I wont pretend that I necessarily like recent patches, or the path the game is going. Neither will I pretend I know **anything** about game development or the challenges the dev team faces. Do we as a community really know what developing planetside is like? Could we really do it better? Be honest with yourself. My point in this, is that I would challenge this community to be just a little empathetic in their criticism. Don't just assume the dev team is under qualified or lazy because they didn't do it the way you thought it should've been done. To the devs directly, if you're reading this. You've gotten a lot of shit over the years from us fans. I figure it would be nice to hear sometimes that people enjoy the game you've spent countless hours working on. So, devs, I really enjoy this game, good job. Despite all the criticism, I and thousands of other people have put hundreds of hours into this game as an escape from daily life. You've brought enjoyment to a lot of people, a whole lot.","Remember guys, we can't praise the devs here because they literally can't do anything right!" "But that makes no sense, as wolverine took place in 2013 and wolverine didn't look half as old",I'm assuming that once his healing factor goes his age starts rapidly catching up to him Flocking to suggests they weren't already there.,Came here to say this exact thing. "2017: The first season since 1994 with no reigning World Champion on the grid With Nico Rosberg's retirement, 2017 will become the first season since 1994 where the reigning World Champion is not on the grid. In 1993, after winning the World Championship, Alain Prost retired, allegedly after learning that Williams had signed Ayrton Senna for the '94 season.",Well Vettel was hardly on the grid in 2014 r/theydidthemonstermath,r/themonstermath Capitalism is Death Drive,"If united states citizens cannot fight back against the soon to be draconian measures imposed by both state and business, then America is done for." The six-year-old terminally ill kid raising money for charity (made headlines here of few days back) is close to breaking the 2 million Euro. His original goal was 100 Euro.,Ugh what have I done lately why do we always have WoT vs WT discussions here? I never see stuff like this on r/WoT. just play the damn game.,"don't click that link, it's a trap" KF2 Quality of Life Ideas,Being able to customize hud colors would be really nice. Question 18 was a breeze!,"Right answer is Crooks, thanks English GCSE" "Where is Sodam Yat? At the start of New 52, Sodam Yat and Soranik Natu, two important characters from the Green Lantern franchise, were nowhere to be seen. Soranik Natu, Iolande and even G'nort reappeared at the end of Rise of The Third Army, but Sodam remains disappeared. Where was he last saw before the reboot? Why the GL Corps don't give a damn about one of the most powerful Green Lanterns, second just to Mogo?",could be in one of those Oz doors! "This is a fucking stupid thing to post, mate. I'll tell you why. If people took you seriously, there would be absolutely no reason to employ you.","Right, because the only purpose IT serves is to answer your stupid questions, and fix the shit that you broke." Game over. Go home everyone,"Another tie, what a great sport." Here are the 9200 fraudulent votes that Question 1 passed by,"That's impossible, voter fraud doesn't exist!" First time this has ever happened,got bronze pack with nonrares only #closeenough "He's also admitting that he knows his supporters were vicious and violent, and he didn't care.","If either Trump or Clinton were half as corrupt as their opposition claimed, one of them would have run unopposed." Truck crash,if this was in a movie i'd say that was ridiculous "NSFW? Her clothes aren't off, Theron.",but she isn't wearing a burka and this could be offensive to some religions and people. Protesters outside Trump's first thank you rally: 'I will not stand for you',I guess too bad for Trump that there's a right to peaceful assembly. Fight the system,Plot twist: He's actually a self hating canine. I'm thankful that the bitch who said this will NOT be President.,Translation: As white people it is now our duty to be self-racist. "I recently upgraded my old galaxy s4 to a Galaxy s7, and had to send the first one back, because it had several dead pixels that were in the shape of a pot leaf. A Galaxy s7 is a phone.",But did you get a picture of it But she fucked ted,But so did i. Thanks captain obvious,Nice normal intro + Boobs = Damn she's gonna be on my D now! "I teach college level communication, research and logic courses. It is frightening that many of my students don't understand what facts are. I discuss the difference between fact and belief: how you can hold a belief that may or may not be true based on the facts. That a belief is not always true, but can also be true even if there are no facts to support it (just that we don;t have the facts *yet*). I always use religion as an example. It always gets to the point where I say that many people BELIEVE in God, but do we have facts to support it? Without a beat, in every class, someone always uses the Bible as the facts to prove Christianity true. I consistently have to ask, well how do you know the Bible is true? What about the Qu'ran? And finally, they realize it is based on FAITH instead of FACT.",Oh you're the evil liberal teaching logic and critical thinking I hear about "Accessible Libertarian Media Influence Recently I've been watching the banter between the left and right wing supporters in wake of the election results. I couldn't help but notice that the only popularized (reemphasis on popularized) media that voices legitimate libertarian ideas are podcasts. Will there be soon, or has there ever been, anything similar to a Libertarian talk show? I was pretty surprised to see the influence the John Oliver and Trevor Noah shows had on the Liberal supporters. It may not have been reflected in the polls necessarily, but their supporters helped spread conversation about their party's beliefs on social media like wild fire. Even more important, the conversations on the talk shows are presented in an easily accessible fashion to those who don't want to sit through a college lecture-esque speech or discussion (something I believe Libertarian media frequently suffers from). Recognizing this effectiveness, why hasn't the Libertarian party taken advantage of media influence in the same way? If they have, what are their shows/youtube channels?",Getting rid of net neutrality should help the LP chances Brundle thought Nico news was joke,The Ted Kravits interview was awesome. "RevZilla charged me twice for a helmet and never responded to any emails I sent and I never got refunded, wish I could say I enjoyed their service :(",You're the idiot for not calling them or the bank to get it taken care of immediately and instead relying on email. . . .and?,thats whats/why/how people say it... 7/11 was in inside job! Heat lamps cant melt nacho cheese!,Durpa durpa slurpie jihad "This, there is no best class/weapon combo. There's not even a bad setup because someone will show you a screen shot of their 9000 kills with said combo.","you're better than me, reported you filthy hacker ass." It's hard to take the guy in the pig nose seriously.,Kind of guy who gets rolled for his wallet and then campaigns for Tough on Crime candidates Seattle to Vancouver in 57 minutes? Political leaders push for cross-border high-speed rail,"Given that they would have to build a new mainline, I'd say this could be done by ...oh probably never." "I actually go after bail-hoppers, of which the majority are black people.........",WE FOUND THE RACIST! "Snitches get stitches, you bitches.",I'll deal with that threat after they get out of the federal pound-me-in-the-ass pen. Open relationships or sleeping with random people that I just met. Just not into it.,Pussy "interesting theory. I'm not sure though. We know Dolores is one of the oldest hosts in the park (at 30 years), but we also see both the brothel girls in the episode with white hat good guy character. Also when white hat picks up the can that Delores drops, you can tell by her expression she was expecting it to be Teddy. So thats at least a minimum of three other characters that would have to be just as old as Delores, for your theory to be true. Which would not be impossible. Though seems somewhat unlikely.","Teddy may have never necessarily been the same host though, just the same character like how Delores' father was replaced with a different model at the end of episode 1." The mall was more impressive than they were,"Seriously, that mall looks amazing" Huh? I have a manual.,My bad homie I misunderstood then. :(,But guy at a bar promised me we'd be getting a trailer today! Someone who lived all their lives in an mental institution isn't a real ama? Hardly sounds like casual chat to me,We don't allow mental health related AMAs. "Maybe instead we should blame the people that made the people so desperate that even teenagers were rising up against them. It was either roll over and be destroyed, or fight and be destroyed. She wasn't drafted or forced into it, she wasn't kidnapped from her village and conscripted by a warlord, she was a teenage partisan who saw two options and took the one that ended in her fighting to protect her country.",But she must be 18 to make that decision to fight for justice! Feature that doesn't even work on IPhone 5 despite having IOS 10,Maybe you should read the requirements before complaining. Mario isn't top tier. All Mario needs is up smash.,"He's asking about memes, not facts" I keep seeing it spelled as 'boarder.',Brah let me catch this gnarly wave real fast "Even after taking in a million migrants, Germany has nearly 700,000 open job vacancies",Because all those immigrants are of course coming from a skilled background or college educated. Need help! Hashirama or Tobirama???,Hashirama is an attack unit and tobirama is a tank "This BB measures exactly 2.7 millimeters on my calipers, or the precise diameter of a Kolibri bullet. Insane.",I imagine getting shot with the Kolibri would feel about the same as getting stung by a bee. I don't understand how college educated idiots on Reddit always talk about how great socialism is compared to capitalism. Show me one case where socialism works.,It just hasn't been implemented correctly! That didn't hurt at all,"Good ol' Collagen in the bones (the flexibility of your bones to bend), makes running over kids and babies much safer." It's up to the receiving country to decided if she's allowed to enter and what documents she needs at entry; it generally isn't an issue because she doesn't travel much to places not controlled by England.,Historically speaking when a king or queen of England visits a country that isn't a part of England said country turns English pretty fast. Such an amazing band. Grab the MFSL 45rpm Brothers in Arms if you want your socks blown off.,I prefer the original W. German CD pressing. This country makes me sad sometimes.,because this never happens anywhere else Write a sad story using only 3 words (League Edition) I'll start off with clearly most obvious one and to save us from 10 comments with the same thing. G2 at Worlds.,I have vayne Your crush,You copied this from someone When I was 12 I had to write an essay on which Greek or Roman god I would want to talk to. I picked Hera because she was smart and all of my classmates care more about hanging out with friends than studying. I got beat up a lot.,I always found Hera to be a mean bitch "I'm Nigerian-American who was born and raised in America and I agree with all of these. I also feel bad for foreigners making assumptions because they don't know that usually, half the things they complain that Americans do is usually white Americans. I feel as if a lot of the issues don't concern the minorities of America (black, latino, and asian Americans).","Wow, I bet you fit in well here." "I've had the damn thing for around 10 years now, it's probably the most expensive thing I have ever purchased that I still own, nothing better than sitting down with a glass of something nice, headphones, and zoning out.",Must be nice being rich. meirl,"Please, please stop these." Never forget,hahahahahahahah SO FUNNNyyyyy No they are murlocs,Shouldn't they be pirates? T_D is not racist at all. That's why.,i think u forgot this: Skittles are passive agressive?,About as much as the googles and skypes. "Statistically speaking white people are pretty great people over all. High productivity, low crime rates. I'll tip my hat to the whites. Well done whites!",It proves that stop and frisk works on white people... PM me if you see this and I'll buy the game for you. Use that birthday money on something else!,Hi my name is Dylan Gimme game All Raven did was reskin the game. Big whoop.,And all you did was jackshit to aide in creation of the game. BR 7.3 GF Anglo-American 6 min Annihilation of German/Russian Team Results in Orgy and Sacrifice of T92,"I'm calling fake, you blew up some ammo w/ solid shot on that panther 2." "'Tidal wave of Hep. C coming,' health commissioner warns",The thought of a literal tidal wave of hep C shivered me timbers. ........I don't see anything wrong with her making this stand. She was dead on about the gender politics. She was right about 'lumped together simply because were minorities '. It is cool to be bi/pan sexual these days . None of you question why the term queer is applied to her when she is speaking up and saying it doesn't apply but its being forced. For the most part she is right that lesbians are being erased and thrown into a melting pot and its not fair.,"God forbid that lesbians occasionally get mentioned in the same breath as those dirty, fake bisexuals!" "Found this triggerfish washed up on the beach of the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia. Any idea what species?","I concur with the ID of *Balistoides viridescens*, though it is quite deteriorated, so I can't be sure." Short answer: Yes. And so focused on one narrow political debate that we've forgotten we have enemies who want to see all of us fail as a republic.,I remember Romney saying this exact thing ~4 years ago and everybody called him crazy for it. "Mike Rowe to Flag-Burning Students: If You Hate America, Don't Accept Federal Aid!",Is that what they're calling loans with 7% interest now? The water was like glass - Emerald Lake in the winter 12/01/16,"Misleading for them to call it emerald lake, then, eh?" Buick Rondezvous Jeepster,You had the 2nd right "It really is time to stop treating voting as a right. It is important to protect people from themselves -- this woman, and tens of millions of other people, are proof of that. Voting should be a licensed privilege to people who can pass a rather rigorous exam regarding the political system and how it works, understanding of economics and finance (and math), and an ethics portion. The average person shouldn't be able to pass this test. I don't want an average person making decisions anymore. Average people are just too stupid.",Beer n guns fer-ever. They never get that You're so nice usually translates into you're creep I'm too scared of to tell to buzz off,Quit your typical normie logic She takes more damage from the minions she's hitting than the amount she actually heals. Her heal was nerfed to the point of uselessness. Rat has a better heal than her.,"Lol, that's made me laugh :) but yeah, that's true" VA Dentist failed to properly clean his instruments. May have infected up to 600 veterans with HIV and/or Hepatitis C.,Hooray! "Manatees have a cool trait: they're one of the few non-rodent mammals with fully formed molar teeth that grow continually, one after another from the back of their jaw. At the front of their mouth, the molar pops out, so they're constantly being replaced as they wear down.","Elephants too, although they generally only grow about half a dozen sets of molars over their lives and the last set (usually grown sometime in their 40s) has to last the rest of their lives, whereas (as far as I know) manatee teeth are continuously replaced until death." "Ok, I gotta ask why at this point. What in fuck can you possibly doing at home that would require 30 TB of storage? Especially 30 TB of SSD storage?",The question you should be asking is why aren't we **all** using 30tb of storage? White guilt is rampant among reddit. It's kind of sad really,as it should be Any Range Rover Evoque from 2011-2016. It's basically a $50k+ Ford Escape.,a $50k+ Ford Escape that breaks a lot. It's just AWP clips with music. Not even the demo or specially edited. The clips were nice and you hit some nice flicks but if you're looking for feedback on editing you should edit lol.,Helpful feedback thanks! "But carriers are incredibly weak ships, they require strike groups of 20+ other vessels just to keep them from getting destroyed. A carrier and nothing else is a ridiculous idea.",BUT IT CAN CARRY JETS MAN! "At Dunolly, near Maryborough Victoria, in 1869? They clearly didnt. The problem is with people who take contextual statements and try and pretend they are absolute. So we go from 'when it was dug up at a small gold mining town in countryside there were no local scales that could accommodate it, so it was broken up and melted down for transport to Melbourne' and it becomes in your mind 'when it was dug up there were no scales anywhere in the world that could weigh it'. and then you complain that the latter sentence is false.",Fucking toasted Jon Favreau Confirms He Will Direct THE JUNGLE BOOK 2 And THE LION KING Back-To-Back,"Oh great, more remakes." "WikiLeaks Releases More Than 2,000 Files Revealing The Cooperation Of Germany Spy Agency And The NSA","Good job, wikileaks, for continuing to harm the West." "i like to remember when i first began dota, a riki in my team you dont know how to play riki noob he told me that after i said to skill his smoke instead of stats... he didnt listen",you can just walk out of the smoke Staff for your business are hired automatically after you first obtain supplies. Members for your motorcycle club you hire yourself.,"Awesome, I wasn't sure whether you had to hire members for the MC before things like staff hiring in would happen etc, thanks for the help!" "Hate Kerr but he has a point. Especially if weed is legalized, what's the problem?",THINK OF THE CHILDREN. "I haven't for FIFA 17 because it's been abysmal for as long as I've played (12). Perhaps it's worse than before, but OP said he mostly plays UT, so I guessed he just wasn't used to how terrible playing with and against AI is whilst controlling just one player.",So exactly my point. Is there a source that the colonial bias argument is correct? It sounds like a conspiracy to me that cartographers agreed on making Africa look smaler.,Well once upon a time a bunch of cartographers realized Africa is bigger than Europe but because they were RACIST they decided to solve the problem by making Africa slightly smaller but still bigger than Europe to keep white supremacy alive And a rocking set of tits.,"Yeah, stay classy, Reddit." More sick people staying sick means money. If I was a doctor I'd hope people would stay sick by some miracle. Sure I'd give them proper medication but them being sick just means more money.,"Doctors don't get paid commission, right?" After changing my CPU and motherboard my pc keeps booting into windows like this,"When you change motherboards, you should reinstall windows." "Anything's possible, really.",It's the Reapers! Nico Rosberg drives his last laps in an F1 car at the Mercedes factory,Why the fuck are they using full wets on a dry track? "(Gear porn) I swear I don't have a problem.... I'm a guide, it makes the addiction okay right?",Gear museum one might even say Duchene is still on the team,Oops I think I meant Statsny. How to become the best president in the Philippines,"So easy, even a caveman can do it!" "I was actually surprised USA doesn't have maternity leaves, and it's on Donald Trump's platform","That only applies to Whites, right?" "I Island Guardians aren't in my PC My Guardians aren't in my PC i checked all of the boxes and none of them are in there, I am wondering if they had somehow been stolen form my PC","Yeah its the classic hidden guardian glitch, the only way to make them reappear is to trade me all your shinies" "Having the strangest glitch... No, it's not my build that's causing poor performance. I get great frames, and my build is top notch. It's very noice. NOICE. So basically what's happened to me is on the main menu I get around 3 FPS... and when I join a game, it's in the same framerate. After I restart the game and rejoin the match off of a friend, it's a regular FPS, but then whenever I open up the buy menu it goes down to 1 FPS. I know a lot of other people have had this problem, but it's one of those things where people will reply to it with Yeah I have this problem too! and that's the only thing keeping the thread alive. There's been no one that's said if there was a fix for this.",I typically verify cache and restart my pc and it fixes this issue Why am I supposed to be mad at Trump about this?,"Listen to the fearmongering idiots who think this is a bad thing, without explaining whatsoever why it's bad, duh" When I'm looking up a recipe I don't want to read how this dish reminds you of days at the lake when you were younger. I just want the damn recipe.,This isn't a showerthought...? Swag 1v4 Rank S,LOOOOOL brrraxxxxton Bard is probably the hardest support in the game overall atm lol.,"fuck low elo Bards, they end up giving the enemy adventage with their stupid ults." "This current election might turn our country into Russia, in that regard at least. I couldn't tolerate more than 20 minutes of the debate, it was just so freaking pathetic. I haven't had a drink in 2 months but I'd like about a dozen right now.","I left after 15 minutes, made a drink, and did some homework..." Why before patch 7.1?,"They're adding a way to buy mats with bloods, basically making the market prices plummet, so best do it now." "if only those weird buildings with the satellite dish on top would allow terran to scout forward without putting their army in danger, then the fact that he clumps his forces like stacking them on top of each other would make them stronger might not have cost him the game (at this point)","please don't defend stupid game mechanics, just because it favors your race." You can't hold Pandoro,sei un po' indeciso visto che hai il flair con il panettone Thug rose looks like she could be Pat Berrys younger brother or nephew,Straight looks like recoome from dragon ball z. Yeah there are a shitton of cheaters on this sub,"Nah man, they were MGE's before the update" Senate Passes New Bill Targeting College Students Who Criticize Israel,"Yes, because the right way to handle anti-Semitism is to stop freedom of speech" "If he was Australian it would be ''Yeah nah, we're fucked m8.''","We've had enough of experts, didn't you hear?" "Problem isn't the price, it's the vast difference in treatment between residential and commercial billing.",When are you socialists gonna realize that those job creators NEED these hidden tax breaks. "Thread prediction: Conservatives rushing in to say you can't trust rolling stone because of one story while touting the virtues of fox, hannity, rush and DeadBart.",So this subreddit is exclusively for Dems? While I agree with DBW's point you also have to admit that as far as social programs go Planned Parenthood giving out free birth control in low income areas is probably the best idea. One of the biggest factors keeping people in poverty is single motherhood. It's a sound plan for reducing the strain on other social programs with a preventative action. The only problem with it is you're forcing tax payers to subsidize boning. But until you get rid of all the OTHER boning subsidies that make people dependent on the state this one is the cheapest.,"Shhhh no intelligent discussions please, just say a joke about millennials being entitled and lazy" "I think Skreli makes a fair point... there are all sorts of tests and analysis that must be made on the batch that they made according to the FDA that the kids could never afford. Yes you can make this in your back yard, but the regulations in the pharma industry require you to do costly analysis and testing that are impossible to afford on a small batch basis. A lot of steps were skipped in the production of this school med.",We just need to encourage self-sufficiency for medication "How's good Liliana, the Last Hope in Jund? I'm thinking of trying her out, I've seen some Jund performing quite well with this liliana, but I'm still a little skeptical. Is she a meta dependent or is she a straight up staple? Under what conditions would you MB her?","As an infect player, she's truly a trash, unplayable card!" MVP,NP fam. Did you guys even watch the debate? I don't like Trump but the moderator was obviously attacking him..,"My favorite was when the crowd cheered or laughed for Trump Lester would tell the crowd to be quite, yet not once said anything when the crowd was on Clinton's side." I wonder what aspect of Hillary Clinton's life the GOP will investigate next.,I heard she sent mail without correct postage #lockherup There it is... that's what I was looking for.,The only reason I came to this thread How would you best describe your appearance to others?,With a picture. I am an unknown. I feel like atleast in my health i am well.,You'd be better if you had sick amounts of Karma though Is there anyone with medical background that can tell me what happened to his leg???????,Looked broke. "Just think, Sanders could have done the same in the US.","No, Sanders wanted *democratic* socialism, you see?" "Yeah, definitely link that.",Done! You're Dead To Me,I don't know man you don't know that was going in If you place the cursor on the leaderboards just right..,When Mercy jumps in front and steals your Nanoboost during McCree ult. Which should have given us another try from the 12 yard line.,"With your offense, that was a sure thing." "But you can't do that on television! ^^(okay&nbsp;it&nbsp;was&nbsp;slime&nbsp;but&nbsp;whatever) ^^^(showing&nbsp;my&nbsp;age,&nbsp;i'm&nbsp;sure)",I don't know... "Shotguns as a whole are *OK*. They should one shot bodyshot in close range, maybe not over 10 meters, though. But the 10 A is *waaay* too good at silly ranges. It has the same damage per pellet as the others, but it has 6-9 more pellets (20) per shot than them... It can basically oneshot up to at least 15m, maybe more. The M97 Sweeper variant has 21, but worse damage per pellet and damage drop off (though a lot higher firerate to compensate).",the hunter can ohk up to 20 metres I'm getting sick to death of these news articles that justify the decline of whites as great news all because of this magical thing called diversity.,Are you some sort of neo-nazi? How would a live-in maid take on multiple clients?,More people move in. "Dammit, Barr... Oops wrong sub.",Thanks Obama. "I've participated in roughly 20 studies (I maxed out my yearly limit twice), with temporal, prefrontal, parietal and primary motor stimulation. The only one that was uncomfortable, but not painful, was the temporal lobe stimulation due to activation of facial muscles. I wouldn't say it's painful by any means, just uncomfortable as it is an unpredictable tap. Never had any side effects during or post stimulation.",Did you get any benefits? Beasley is insane especially with EB2. He's faster than my slot WR with that chem added on lol,lmao thats an insane comparison WVU President Condemns Breitbart Editor's Slur Targeting Professor,"Nevermind Milo himself is also gay, he thinks differently and that's bad." "I need Help I have a PC that I would think could run Unturned at 60fps minimum, but it doesn't, but I also play games like Garrys Mod and CounterStrike perfectly fine. When I play Unturned I roughly get 30 frames on all Ultra (water still on low) and I get 30 frames on all low settings which made me think there was a problem with my game. Ive looked for things to fix it and I haven't. So now it's got me thinking it could be the PC but I am not an Expert on my PC I got it just when I got into PC Gaming and I got it Pre-Built. I would appreciate if someone could tell me the problem or if my PC just isn't good enough. Specs: AMD 4200-Quad Core Processor AMD Radeon HD 6450 Graphics Processor","Unturned is optimised very badly, on my old PC I could run gmod and CS:GO but loading Russia in Unturned kept crashing the game." "why the fuck is this even a thing? the comments on this sub makes me rage, who does enjoy watching animals die?","I did the same, went in read some comments and now I hate people." I'd wager that you're going to have to pay a few mill for the new shit as expansion/renovation.,whatever gives you that idea? Same here. Fu**k that was intense. I got the Infected ending. I guess you can get True ending via not getting hit by the Molded right? Anything else?,"Yeah man, don't get hit, grab the attic key, and then you'll get the true ending, grab the empty notebook and go up to the writing in the attic and examine the notebook" Showerthought: After you beat the UB post-game...,"$1,000,000 to help you pay off Barry's fines in the Sinnoh remakes!" Did you take inspiration from the foglets from the witcher? Very similar but cool all the same,Reminds me more of drowners When husband wakes up I'm going to demand he motorboat my buttcheeks to music. Probably Leonard Cohen though.,There is a crack in everything... "Is the green house at the beginning of the 20/20 money money interview where they lived? 4 car garage and all, pretty nice.","Yes, it was his childhood home." Oh yes Ellie and Joel coming back!,I seriously couldn't be happier right now! "Hey look, Kentucky finally plays a good team and they lose. Good thing they won't be playing cupcakes the rest of the season.. Oh wait it's the SEC",We still play UNC and Louisville this year? "Fuck the cubs you have 5 million people in Canada wanting to watch the Jays, including a large portion on the west side of the country where the game will start at 1 or 2 pm. The game is over before they can even get home to turn on the TV.",Yeah fuck the team with the best record in baseball playing against a team in a large market It's kinda odd that Netflix is its own section anyway.,I personally feel that the netflix content and the ABC tv content is differentiated by the style and subject of the shows U.S. Officials: Putin Personally Involved in U.S. Election Hack,Should we gear up for a bombshell this Friday? I support pvda even tho they aren't extreme enough in some areas for me.,Which proves my point. It doesn't help that most Australians deliberately play up the animals as well.,I'm convinced that the only real thing is that all Australians just like fucking with people. Auto Attack?,what is a auto for you in game? it's more of an oligarchy,Why not both? (#s Favorite character) I just want to see people's opinions. Why?,"Jean, I see a lot of similarities between his character development and myself as a person." New Zealander here. In USD 1g of Cocaine can be $360 and 1g of Meth can be $725. At least this is what the Police/Media usually quote.,Police tend to greatly inflate the price of drugs so their busts seem more impressive. So worth the money,Yeah but is he better than Spencer Hawes? How could this ever happen!,obligatory pot calling the kettle black post Whats the best pet for a depressed friend?,A puppy Tbh I'm really trying to think of an alliance that was more likeable to me and I really can't think of one,"Dan, Will, and Rodney" Thank a kind stranger.,For the gold? describe j cole's entire career: **filler songs**,but double platinum no features "I kinda feel the opposite about Meditate. I like the idea of taking a breather in the middle of a fight, it's very zen-like and appropriate for an old master. I just wish it wasn't so easy to interrupt.",make yi immune against cc while meditating. Westworld Sex Math,r/jesuschristreddit Jay Cutler Career Stats: - 32467 total yards - 61.9% completion percentage - 208 career touchdowns - 146 career interceptions - 85.7 career QBR,That looks like HOF stats to me! I have never seen this posted on Reddit :O,Re re re re re repost. "Best SOE Setup Guide I will upload other maps shortly. I know it isn't the easiest map to setup on, but here goes. As you spawn in, instantly open the door. Do not, I repeat DO NOT kill any zombies. Then, go back into spawn for beast mode. Use it asap, otherwise more zombies will spawn. Turn on QR, open summoning key crate, and go out to the fountain pen location. Turn it on. Then you will want to grapple up to the ritual room, and activate the stairs and the powerup door, if you have time. If you're like me, you should be able to get it all done in one hit. Once you go out of beast, still, don't kill any zombies. Go and start the ritual. Afterwards, kill every zombie except for the last. use this time to go and find a fumigator and get your QR and free 100 points. After that you can kill the zombie. Then, find the district that has the mystery box, leave jug for afterwards. Buy the Rk5 if you can afford it, then use beast for opening up ruby rabbit etc. do the ritual. Once done, it should be about round 3 or 4. Don't kill any zombies, just the margwa. Once that's taken care of, hit the box. Take what ever, even if it's a sheiva. You can swap it later. Progress through another couple of rounds to get points. Do rituals when you can, and buy jug. once you get PaP, instantly start the sword. Buy the box more, and have fun! PSA: The Giant will hopefully be tomorrow, but the rest will be on Friday next week, as I am gone all week","Can confirm, is the best strategy." "It'd be Sainz, not Kvyat.","Comeon, definitely gonna be JEV!" Weapons of Mass Destruction. Operation Mockingbird. Tolkien Incident....,These and much more.... MK Ultra hello oh no! someone doesn't adhere to my identity politics!! go outside and you will find a whole world you never knew existed,"Yea, no it can't be because someone claims to have voted for Trump and then goes out of their way to say they're a bunch of stereotypes for democratic voters, to further enforce why people would think they'd vote for him." Pushing for number one global right now! Add me on Facebook Ahcrap cr if you'd like to watch! Let me know your name so I can easily accept!,best of luck bro I see you Internet a lot. People are not stupid for not knowing things. People are stupid when they call others like that.,"What about: unintelligent, ignorant, dense, brainless, mindless, foolish, dull-witted, dull, slow-witted, witless, slow, dunce-like, simple-minded, empty-headed, vacuous, vapid, half-witted, idiotic, moronic, imbecilic, imbecile, obtuse, doltish; gullible, naive; informalthick, thick as two short planks, dim, dumb, dopey, dozy, crazy, barmy, cretinous, birdbrained, pea-brained, pig-ignorant, bovine, slow on the uptake, soft in the head, brain-dead, boneheaded, lamebrained, thickheaded, chuckleheaded, dunderheaded, wooden, wooden-headed, fat-headed, muttonheaded; informaldaft, not the full shilling; vulgar slangdumb-ass?" "It's about who writes the song, not who performs it. If an orchestra is performing Tchaikovsky the song is still by him even though he isn't involved in its performance.",Which DJ is Tchaikovsky? Another man jealous of Bieber... Shocker.,It's the only explanation! I'm pretty sure the hardcore Apple lemmings will keep lemminging on.,I've already preordered it! "Wherever he goes watch him become a star, like so many other Chicago athletes who've left here over time.",He wasn't a star before he got to CHI and he won't be one when he leaves. "If you're coming to work, no one's gonna mind. We need people who work to help us pay for the ones who refuse to.",Immigrants will pay for our retirement. "Tinder in Richmond I know how being a girl is on Tinder in Richmond. What's it like for dudes? What are commonalities you see? For instance, I observe that like every dude is a rock climber. Also, what is with posting pics of you with ex girlfriends?",Every white girl has a pic of her doing a yoga pose on a cliff on skyline drive. 1-6 primary school 7-12 high school The Australian way.,you've forgotten prep. "he's aight. Truthfully, I think there is a bit too much from the American casting side, I'm sure EU (Britian specifically) has more to bring to the table. As an American I would like to see more balance in that regard. PS. You look just like one of my friends and I think it's funny whenever I see you on screen",Well you guys can't have the teams AND the casters laughing out loud.,Appropiate reaction! I'm 28 and just two weeks ago I realized that the little piggy who went to the market wasn't going shopping.,..... OH Is 2016 Alabama the best team of all time? They've killed almost everybody except Ole Miss. Who is better? Will they be if they go 15-0 for the first time?,"Yes, but would they beat the Browns?" Mad Max physics,Why is there no engine there? "I am fighting this war for you, what will those accusing me do? I am a fakir; will exit with my little belongings, says PM Modi in Moradabad","Wow, look at the number of katuas commenting on that tweet" "Yeah, he lost because he didn't think illegal immigrants were all rapists. :/",Isn't is a wonderful age we live in? Do Jazz fans hate Dwill?,I don't mind him How do you play Hydroid I've just built Hydroid after farming for the Systems for way too long but I don't really know how to build and play him and everything on the internet was posted like a year ago so I want to ask the Hydroid players here: how do you play and build him right now? I've been playing around with him for a bit now but I'm not really getting it Thanks to everyone in advance,You don't. "Yeah that thing took me so many tries to kill. I was a stealth archer/two-handed swordsman, but there was no way the melee was working out well for me. Finally, I ran up some nearby ledge that it couldn't reach me to melee destroy me, so I sat there for awhile, shooting it with arrows until it died. It took many arrows.",I also played as a stealth archer and had to use flames to kill it vincent lol,LOL thank you! she gets shaved to look like a lion about once a month and it leaves enough floof to make a second cat,pictures pls op Repost alert! REPOST ALERT!,"Didn't realise more than one person can say a joke, it's not like I know every damn joke on this website." Please switch if it isn't working. Please switch off if what you're doing is not working I understand you got that cool new Hanzo gold bow but trust me you wont be able to buy that sick new gold Widowmaker gun if we lose so listen to what your team has to say and well get you to plat. Thank You,'ur just a meta-tard huhuhu gold damage on Junkrat' Am I the only one who thinks the new intro music sucks bigtime? Its super gay and I miss the old one which was atleast giving you the feeling you are gonna play a game and not logging into the chatroom for the k-pop cover band from the usa.,I mean they gotta appeal to edgy 10 year Olds because that's who they think play this game why was a snake created which pushed Eve to sin against hashem? Acknowledge that point.,"The snake was created to tempt eve because without temptation there is no difficulty to following what hashem commands, and without overcoming difficulties there is no personal growth." ***Most valuable and Positive Elixir Fire Spirit***,*Positive elixir trade intensifies* That's... not why girls friendzone guys? Why can't nice guys accept that they've been rejected for other reasons than the bitch that I liked loves dramatic muscular assholes?,It can't possibly be because the woman in question isn't attracted to said man. What would be the most powerful opening to TLOU2? As in what do you think should happen right as you press play game.,Im not sure if I'd rather have a montage of happiness between ellie and joel or just get right to the action and have the fireflies burning down jackson. I always ran away from it then would go back and blast it off the side of the mountain when I got the last word of Unrelenting force.,A Asian Teen Fucked Hard In The Forest,yooooooo Ok Im probably not going to sit naked on my wooden floor building a pc.. Otherwise thanks,But... but static electricity... "Thank you all I come and go here a lot and post really actively when I'm in a bad spot, but then get quiet for awhile, too. But having this group means so much to me. Thanks for always being there.","Glad you're here too, buddy." "I believe you can get a boot as well. Takes forever, though.",Golden turnips are *WAY* rarer though. What book has the best black humor?,Huckleberry Finn. "Yo check my comment history for today. I literally posted the exact same comment over there and now have alot of replies calling me an idiot crybaby because i'm jealous of their team's success. Idk man, if i got in 6 car accidents in 6 months, my benefit of the doubt is out of the picture and my license would probably be suspended. I'm just saying.","but see, it wouldn't be your fault, it's just your driving motion" You forgot the original esport: StarCraft,And Starcraft is dead. The police is spying on and blocking Internet access to North Dakota pipeline protesters through cell site simulators without a warrant,"Wow I'm so surprised the police are using shady, immoral, and illegal tactics to get their way." It's a fake,How do you know? "About to head out to the stadium soon with my Dolphins fan husband. Last time I took him to a game in Baltimore, we beat them 26-10, so I feel pretty good :)",Isn't that spousal abuse? Bush did Harambe.,What show is this? Gtk+ or QT/KDE are the usual suspects.,Don't forget enlightenment! i do flat and incline on the same day,but that would be 16 sets per week for your chest then "How far into your transition did you legally change your name? Or when do you plan to if you haven't yet? I'm really just curious more than anything. I had my name legally changed a little over a month ago after ages of trying to decide whether I wanted to keep my family name or not (I did, by the way).",It was the first thing I did. Thoughts on Starks?,I'm rolling with him over Gurley PPR cause I'm fed up with Gurley and his BS lol "heads up, the top comment is a huge picture of a guy's asshole because edgy or something so NSFW","For the people that are totally fine with seeing a guy's asshole: the top comment is now a picture of a woman's vagina filled with shit, because edgy or something." Trump made gains among POC voters as compared with Romney. Trump pulled as much of the white vote as Romney did in 2012,Wow! He literally answered that in the video. Its a bug that its yet to be fixed.,Blizzard will definitely fix it! "I Do Not Want a Division 2, This game could be improved into something so great. Lets face it the story feels... well incomplete would love to see more missions or even a way to make our own, this game has so much more potential. Instead of kinda scrapping the game and starting the division 2,would love this world to be built on more.",They could add gearsets "Why is it that Oklahoma is completely out of discussion? They haven't lost since week 3 and they're 10-2 with a conference championship. Plus, they just had absolute control of a game against number 11. Only trailed for a total of 6 minutes. They deserve to be in the conversation more than Michigan IMO.",0 defense My dog graduated from training!,Looks just like that photogenic gecko "Copy pasted from a previous reddit post about this, would credit the author, but they deleted their account: Corporations do not make decisions based on ethics or political notions. The CEO and management staff are legally obliged to make decisions that will maximize the profits of the companies share owners. That is the sole reason for the existence of corporations. They are nothing more than profit machines. The ignorance with regard to this on Reddit really annoys me. I used to be a communist but have since come to believe that it's a pointless movement. However, at the same time, I still get quite angry when I see people who support the capitalist system voice their complaints when the actions of a corporation don't live up to their moral standards. Take the OP for example. I hope IBM was just ignorant of how [evil the Nazi's were]. What does he think IBM is? Does he think there's a person sat at a desk somewhere who is IBM? Does he not realise that had the CEO gone to the board of directors and said I've decided to pull out of Germany, one of the biggest economies in the world whose government want to work with us for moral reason. he would have been fired and replaced on the spot. Yes what IBM did was wrong, but any corporation that had a chance to make money out of Nazi Germany did do. The only reason they wouldn't is if the cost benefit analysis showed pissing off people who hated the Nazis was unprofitable in the long run. I mean really, do you think all this Green bullshit and stores charging you for plastic bags has anything to do with a certain retail chain giving two shits about the environment? Do you think Tesco provide free range eggs becuase they give a flying fuck if their chickens ever get a chance to fly in their otherwise miserable caged up lives? It's all about Profit. If a corporation could get away with it and it was profitable to do so, they would kidnap you and force you to work on an assembly line somewhere barely feeding you enough to keep you alive. Corporations are beyond good and evil, such words have no relevance to them. They are all about profit and to hell with everything else.",Then they should just use slave labor. Ye taking the piss lads? We got a fucking medal.,Robbed we were. 2-1 tho???,100% sure they all kicked Swindlezz after he feeded non stop again and someone else was playing instead of him Does it? I would say there is a strong crossover.,They just usually stick to one facet to stay humble "Feed Lane carry lane isn't that fun, but I still play it anyways","Yeah the biggest problem with siege is that because it has a low player base, if you win a lot of games it will start giving you really bad teammates to lower the average elo of the team and then you end with a game of which teams winning lane can carry harder." why did the eagles get rid of eric rowe?,cause we got mckelvin and mills No one voted for her to win. What's baffling is how the party is still playing the blame game instead of taking responsibility for this loss. You can't put a wall-street goon up as the candidate and expect the sanders people to actually go vote.,"Yeah, how dare the Democratic party expect the liberals to vote for them!" Check back with me in 4 years and let's see how delusional I seem then.,Here's me hoping that you and I are delusional as fuck. wentz hasnt given up and hes showing some grit,idc it's chase daniel's team to lose now Is your dad any good?,"Oh he's AMAZING, but his teammates always suck" "Form what I've seen, it's a whole lot easier to cover up your actual weight with a clothes. Someone can be pretty overweight but they look just fine as long as their body isn't stretching the clothes. In that sense, I'm sure you can see a difference without a shirt on. Give it time.",The real solution here is to go to work without your shirt. Peyton didn't play on good teams?,"Dude, Peyton only ever played for scrub teams..." Ive made a simple comparsion between Japan and my country.,wow the japan has 15 months? "It's pretty obvious to me that Saiba's the scarily OP final villain that the MC has to beat at the end of this shonen. It should actually be a pretty amusing battle between Soma and his dad. Of course, Erina would have to be one of the judges.","Soma has never beat him once out of all their competitions, it will definitely come back as a major plot point." "FS - Supreme Burgundy Bogo Hoodie, size XL, located in the US, tried on only",$50 shipped just to US? Noooooo,"Okay, good to know you can carry on an intelligent conversation." A new poll shows an astonishing 52% of Republicans incorrectly think Trump won the popular vote,Why do we keep talking about things that do not matter? I put the blame on the english language's stubborn use of Hs in weird places,"You're cool bud, I hold anyone willing to commit their time to this sort of thing for free in the highest esteem." "Fortunately for us, we are more informed than previous generations. Don't see we the people falling for that school repository bullshit.",? Property in Detroit - How much is it?,"I think they have a special deal where an adjacent neighbor can have an empty lot combined with their own, that may be what they were talking about." I don't think anyone blames Hillary for causing Benghazi. I've mostly heard people blaming her for not rescuing the US personnel we had at the embassy.,"lol, at the RNC in july, the mother of one of the deceased gave an entire speech blaming hillary for it." ets - Divine Light (Prod. Borgatti),"I'm a simple man, I see Ets I upvote." How to properly murica...,"But but but but everyone else is supposed to live their life the way I live mine, and if they don't they should be fined and imprisoned because they're liberal cucktards!" "Definitely edited for time, however, sometimes they'll upload the full interview online, like this interview",the full interview is not available for peple outside the US "Defend the antiquarian, the grave robber and the highway man. I have been playing for a bit over a hundred hours but these three stand out as being rather underwhelming. The only advantage of the antiquarian is that she can hit any position, but she's not that hard hitting. The grave robber seems outclassed by both the bounty hunter and the arborist and does not seem to have much to offer. The highwaymen just doesn't seem to offer anything other than damage. They only ability that is interesting on him is his parry, but that's not really enough. I am looking for people's reasons for using these classes so I might better understand them.",arborist Is she the person that provides the Giants with the trees? What's been wrong with the EVGA?,I wanted something perfect for a pentium extreme For real. Cardinals fans might be the most civil group of fans we've encountered this season,Idk the cowboys thread last week was pretty civil And they don't stop cumming...,And they don't stop cumming... James Comey did this,you forgot the "Has anyone been to Nashville? As much as I loved it the whole place seems like a death trap. Knob and tube wiring galore, shaky structural standards, and little room for exits.",Building codes are socialistic and repress our freedoms! "No way. Gotta be willing to take Dave O'Brien or there's no deal. I love DO as much as any Red Sox fan, but I'm not giving up one of the kids for a play-by-play guy short of Vin Scully 50 years ago.",Not sure if Sir this a gender neu- Sir? SIR?! DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY GENDER?,Stop assuming my pronoun. "Trump had no solutions, no points. He just rambles about cybering with China and stuff.","and hillary calls him racist and sexist, both are pretty bad." "It's not like, punishing a mistake, it's just like, capitalizing on someone being stupid. Um isn't that the same thing...?","Think he's trying to say mistakes are one off things you can't bank on happening, but you can bank on the D3 player/doublelift being overextended maybe?" "You would think they would love the supposed push for sharia law, it has so much in common with their ideals...","Not only that, they also love invading france and causing explosions, as the good nazis they are." What are you wearing for Halloween?,A gorilla suit with a ragdoll shaped like a small child At 24:40 in KDM vs IMT game 2 both pobelter and edge (the midlaners) had exactly 244 CS.,nice How to properly murica...,Apparently unless you live in Alaska or Hawaii Can someone tell me what's going on with my event bar?,It died. "What did u guys pull with the tickets? (Japan) I got phy broly and FP frieza, so happy. Whatabout u guys?",Jack shit. "And I was having such a nice day, too...",Smh can't escape it around here Have you read the sidebar?,"I have, just let them get on with it." I literally woke up this morning with a dozen messages in my inbox telling me this lol XD. Thanks anyway!,"That's precisely why I made the comment lol, I should have used a" "Well we're talking about getting banned off the sub-reddit. I also don't really think r/The_Donald is brigading anything. At least not anymore. Its kind of hard for them not to have some spill over into other subs having, what? 300k subs?","Everyone goes on reddit for exactly one subreddit, and any spillover is always the result of brigading." Special delivery! Anyone order a car in a sack?,What kind of car is that? Whats Bertz role on this team anyway? 4th line grinder? Top 6? I just cant figure him out.,He'll be an upgraded Abdelkater at his peak Romantic bathtub time,WTF? i happen to love that movie.,There are dozens of us! Maxwell's platinum record that I found in my basement,He might want that back. And they're mad that he has a direct route to the people without the liberal media as a filter.,Dem - I think it's great our leaders can connect to us unfiltered. Honest Question Celtics fans why does Amir Johnson shoot 3s?,He thought he was Kevin Love for a second Negrete is a common Romanian name. Maybe his family is originally from Romania? Varna is less than 100 miles from the Romanian border. He might have been living with relatives in Romania (which has large German speaking communities).,"Negrete is also a common last name in Spanish, much more likely he is Latino." The Flintstones comment section: Then and Now,"Thank god for the change, the old comments were cancer and had 0% grandness" More deck slots are definitely needed. Great ideas!,The technology simply isn't there yet. New Card,Needs to be a 6 elixir common to counter the meta Make Opressor Mines affected by Resilience already She's been in the game for a year now and nobody never thought about this. A permanently slowness from a safe range is really annoying to play against,SHOOT THE GOD DAMN MINE IT TAKES ONE FUCKING BULLET JESUS CHRIST IT'S LINE OF SIGHT IT DOES NOT GO THROUGH WALLS IT LITERALLY SHOWS YOU WHERE IT IS SHOOT IT Sunlight hitting precisely the inside of this toilet.,In the 0% chance this hasn't been said yet... Holy shit. How Many Crisis Actors Can You Find In This #PizzaHoax Gunman Article? Not One Witness Saw The Gunman?! WTF?,I'd be in a laughing mood too if someone came into the restaurant with an assault weapon. The new rules killed the Eform system which was actually helping get the wait times down. Which is a negative for me as I used that system and liked it. Got my second SBR that way.,"I live in New York, what is this being allowed to own fun things of which you speak?" How tf did you get those bapes,HOW SWAY To be fair I do hate all of ios 10 and I'm just waiting for the jailbreak so I can fix this awful update,The jailbreak train is real! "Yeah, he sent this after I posted a picture on a lesbian subreddit...",*sigh* Fucking mainstream porn... "10 Man 2QB Standard. **Gronk** + **Tyrell Williams** for **Greg Olsen** + **Isaiah Crowell** *My Team* QBs: Cousins, Bradford, Siemian RBs: CJ Anderson, Christine Michael, Darkwa, Dion Lewis, Doug Martin WRs: Julio, Tyrell Williams, Snead, Coates, Chris Hogan TEs: Gronk, Ertz",Do you need another RB? My view today at the Rogers Santa Claus Parade,"The worst part are the adults that take the spots up front and don't let children in, all so they can take a pic of something they'll never look at again." "Are you familiar with what Dan Savage has had to say about these situations? If not, you might find his approach interesting or helpful. Just a suggestion. No shame in handling things your own way. :)",Can you provide a link or two to what he said? Or Nick Cave.,These are two of the big omissions that surprised me the most based on what music NPR generally covers "Lets take a minute to analyze this. One can, with relative certainty, assume that 100% of newborns are virgins. The world birth rate is about 131 million per year. How are those infants conceived? Fucking. Pretty much every time someone has sex with the goal of procreation, they are fucking for virginity, and, with a steadily increasing world population, they are succeeding. It makes for a funny sign, but it falls apart under any scrutiny.","So, where exactly do you fall on the spectrum?" "It is a fact that certain tribes, such as the Cherokee, Choctaw and Chickasaw, engaged in chattel slavery and traded slaves with the European settlers. Kinda ruins this kumbaya story.",Quit spouting that white-supremacist propaganda! "You're not drowning them, just waterboarding them a little bit","All babies are born muslim, and we have to waterboard the christ into them." simply being polite. it shouldn't hurt your ego to say thanks or please,"But If I'm not rude to you, how will I feel smug and superior to you?" "No shit. They can't vote legally, but with a license in hand there is nothing physically stopping them from doing it.","You don't know anything, but it doesn't keep you from talking." "I am glad I'm not the only one who thought this... I get the guy is making things look effortless, but idk...maybe Mullen was simply one of a kind?",I'm guessing you don't skate? Chinese Consortium Buys 40% Stake in Pakistan Stock Exchange,Can somebody explain what this means? a national day to celebrate the birth of each chaos god (malal as well but no one knows that day exist),It's the 1st of the 19month Gods do you know nothing? "Right on! He's 10 and has been the thru the wringer for at least a year. 3am: Barron, honey, wake-up, put on your tie, the adults are going wacko","Donalds own son doesn't even think he's dad's fit for president, he's falling asleep on the winning night" John Key helped you get ahead? That man has refused to tackle any of the large issues this county has been facing. I couldn't be happier he's gone.,He didn't bring in any additional taxes for his Real Estate business. "If that is outside the hospital, there will be tuberculosis bacteria as well as a shit load of resistant superbugs..",Mmmm.... i really wish it was a rogue class card. Aggro pirate rogue is a really fun deck,but by then they would have to make shadow rager a neutral and we cant have that can we? Heavy heart,Andanar forgot his "As a hooker was dressing, she turned to her customer and asked..... Have you just gotten out of prison? Yeah, the guy replied. How did you guess? Is it because I wanted to have sex from the rear? Partly. She said. But more because when we finished, you ran around in front of me, bent over, and shouted, 'YOUR TURN.'",Dave and his shenanigans. I remember being able to box an enemy mech into a corner and pulverise it as it couldn't get away the last time they looked at collisions. good times. Not so much when a clueless team mate boxes you into a wall and you couldn't get away :/,Now we just need knockdown so everybody involved in that little scrum starts falling over. Tried to draw BB with my eyes closed,i think the teeths are a little bit far from the mouth Reading that it sounds like you're living in a zombie apocalypse world.,Maybe he is from Detroit? "I'd just call them the Baltics. East and west and like regions rather than directions, just like Baltics, Balkans, Nordic countries.",But Estonia isn't a Baltic country! "Windows arent that big of a deal tbh, you can just shoot charge as he places it (and i think Castle is actually beneficial for Fuze for that reason) or even break the barricade itself. Ceiling on the other hand is very hard to pinpoint if you are not prepared, but Fuze has to be inside to do it and not every plant has breachable ceiling.","there are maps that have a hatch on the roofs, I think it's mainly kafe, en the biker clubhouse, not sure about any other maps." "If you know the bit under the stairs on Chalet, just sprint at that while mashing space, you'll get into a gap underneath",Thank you kindly .gif image format. It's either a hard G or soft G but nobody can agree on which one.,It's the same as the G sound in gorgeous. "Best jailor I've ever seen I roll invest and get jailed n1. Jailor doesn't talk and I claim invest. N2 rolls around and I'm jailed again. Telling I'm I'm invest, he doesn't talk and I get executed. 12/10 jailor here guys.",The Bert has been found "Little bit of morning frost, Kenilworth in England",Not sure if Warwick student... It doesn't fit the theme. It's Minecraft. Look at it! HD doesn't warrant implementation.,"Sure, it fits better in the Windows 10 Edition" As long as your last name isn't Southern we're all good here.,"shit, gotta run!" It's normal to him.,i hope people stop kinkshaming kira hes just misunderstood France will shut down all coal-fired power plants by 2023,Haven't they heard about clean coal? Heatwave offers ^^^^,11 crates We have a very large Mennonite community here in South Ontario. A mixture of High and Low German. We also have a large community of Schwaben (French German.) You can really hear the accent on that one. I myself am a mix of Schwaben and High German on my Mother's side. Father is Irish/English. Canada is a melting pot..,"No, we're a cultural mosaic!" How could they fake it?,"The same way they faked the moon landings, of course!" Bent the knee? Your confusing fantasy with reality again bud.,Everyone knows it was an arrow to the knee. eu dau note logaritmic. imi place sa induc lumea in eroare,scara richter e logaritmica I miss the real National Geographic,"Yeah but, Christians are slowly being more and more persecuted by the mainstream media...." ahaha the ol' I asked a stupid question online and now I look stupid so I'm just going to say 'BAITED ECKS DEE' to cover it up,Can't see any humor? Bone cancer in starving children! WOHO!,I was joking because OP said his parents thank god for everything good that happens in their life... fuck haha do i need an "Bob Bradley: Swansea boss' appointment 'bad decision' by board, says Andy Legg","No, he deserved this job, it's just that everybody was discriminating against American managers and nobody wanted to give him a chance at a level he deserves" "I had a similar situation. If you feel your name displays personal information, create a ticket with Oculus. They'll make exceptions for cases like that. I made a ticket and withing 2 days my name was changed, was great support",To the top! MarieAnne Split Jerk and Squat 80kg,"Damn, I don't think I could do that, and I'm a 6'2 210lbs guy" Why is it always quantum mechanics?,"This guy is obviously smarter than the father of quantum mechanics, come on guys." another shining example of socialist policy,You don't understand it's not *true* socialism 25 keys + adds Heatwave 25 keys firm. Adds: * Paragon Cert Dominus Snakeskin * Octane Distortion * Lobos * Breakout snakeskin * 2x Painted Visor (Pink + skyblue) **Edit**: Can't trade for 1 hour 30 minutes due to timers.,25 Keys + Lobos for my Heatwave and you got yourself a deal. "Well, some people do. The fucked up thing that people are discussing here is that this is only true when your employer isn't an asshole, i.e. there's no law requiring overtime pay or any PTO for *every* American. Plenty of Americans just get zero overtime, zero PTO, a crappy hourly rate, and crumbling labor rights. Yet they still keep voting for union-busting Republicans.",Because unions are scary job-reducers! I really wishes every league had a playoff like the MLS does,"Yeah, gouging fans for playoff tickets is sooooo great!" How hard is it to get a good bronto platform saddle? What drops have it and can I get a blueprint Thanks,You can only get high end saddles from the deep sea crates/desert crates and although you *can* get blueprints you probably don't want one because of the crazy crafting requirements (until tek anyway). "Respawn, you are a bunch of greedy bastards",It's horse armor all over again. Still one of my favorite ways to wear eyeliner on my hooded eyes.,T U T O R I A L U T O R I A L Donald Trump Plans to Review Dakota Access Pipeline After He Takes Office,Thanks orange leader "If you think discussion about that trash has only taken place on that sub and not *anywhere else on the internet*, I dunno what to tell you bub.",But reddit is the internet Repealing Obamacare to be first on Senate agenda in 2017,We demand the freedom to die without healthcare. People care about cases like these more because they could've been so easily have been prevented. Like not having an open border.,I agree with spez here. "Highest guy on the planet throws a perfect pitch, what's your excuse?",Far from perfect Do you play destiny?,"there is no playing destiny, you just load up crucible and wait to lag out now" LF2M Aksis HM P2,Schmelkov 400 warlock "Wait, frikandel is not just this weird thing only Dutch people eat? I'm genuinely surprised.",I've eaten it in Chile "People had been asking standard christian questions for hundreds of years before 1820. Mormon doctrine was specifically tailored to answer those questions. It should not be a surprise to anyone that Mormonism has answers to those kinds of questions. Sadly, Mormonism was created to answer the questions of 1830 and not the questions of 2016. That is why there is a whole chapter in the BoM devoted to infant baptism and nothing regarding same-sex marriage, abortion, women's rights, etc...","Which I guess would be okay since they have a current prophet who can supply answers for all those 2016 questions, right?" "Indeed, right-wing terrorism can be deadly. \#SupportComet",Dont you know only that Muslims can be terrorists? "check out the series Black Mirror - they are all technology centric, several episodes include the use of implants these shows are dark. outer limits type episodes.","Shut up, roach." ur impressed rite?,The accent immediately makes him more credible on all soccer and cheering related subjects Worst case of texting and driving I've ever seen,the lack of airbag deployment is concerning.... This guy lives.,You havent lived until you have reached the max level in atleast one MMO "You jest but people saying she's dead are ridiculous, it's far more likely she's pregnant",Isn't she well liked by the North Koreans? Hurricanes could use this guy. You guys need a right-handed D?,Sure...Spooner for Faulk straight up "HSCOTT Motorsports suspends operation, will not compete in 2017. Charter from #46 team sold to #77 FRR Team",Greg Biffle to the #69 car confirmed! Merry Titmas (NSFW),COUGAR ALERT! "You'd think so, until Trump offers him a cabinet position.",But Trump only surrounds himself with winners I wonder why?,You forgot the "It's just painful to see her lose to trump states that Bernie won, and that's after she decided to skip over them in her arrogance.","Yeah all those States Bernie won like PA, NC, FL, OH" I used to have one that did the same thing for people who say nonsense like Muslims never accomplish anything! but I have since lost it.,It's the same website as above THE DATE WAS A LIE HOW DEEP DOES THIS CONSPIRACY GO??? WAKE UP SHEEPLE,INVESTIGATE 3-11! What would be the wizarding world equivalent of your real job? For example: I'm in charge of a psychiatric hospital ward specialising in the treatment of drug addicts. So I guess I'd be somewhat of a healer in a wizarding hospital with the focus on misuse of potions. What would your job be?,I'd be Filch :( Slow Cooker Beef Stew,Wait wouldn't searing the meat seal out all of those extra flavors? sick brag about having an extra 100$ a month,"Yes, that is clearly the intent of my comment" There's three joins in the logo. Three... The engine helps produce energy which is needed to help life improve. Life... And in a dual stroke engine each stroke is half of the cycle... Half. Oh. My. God.,That wasn't a stretch at all. on this sub you can't say anything remotely criticizing though or you'll get downvoted,Such is life. Flight diverts to Charleston when baby born in the air,You can bet she got charged for that extra carry-on too. "TIL that solstices, the days with either the most or least sunlight, don't have either the earliest or latest sunrises or sunsets of the year.",Are there any Flat Earthers out there that can better explain this phenomenon? "The first colorblind person involved in an accident is going to have one nice lawsuit at hand. Josh from college, you colorblind bastard, go do this. I get a third for setting it up. And my car was green, not brown!",Says the guy with the puce car. "How Mormons depict Native Americans. From the book, Illustrated Stories from the Book of Mormon.","Well, they are an idolatrous, and a blood thirsty people!" United Airlines will charge extra fee for use of overhead bins,United Airlines will charge extra if you're wearing clothes. Missed the playoffs? Post your first 5 (or top 5 in $) draft picks Ended up 5 and 8 - source (see below). 2nd to last in points scored. What was your team's downfall? Hopkins D. Martin Keenan Allen J. Stewart J. Landry,AP J. Charles Cooks Keenen Allen Jarvis Landry Combination of bad luck and drafting like a dumbass. Sadly I have just bricked my Wii U. Everything went smoothly without error until I rebooted to test. The last thing I did was move the DS game I used into a folder so I don't ever click on it. I would be surprised if that's what caused it though.,"Thanks for the warning, can you tell in detail what happened and maybe the brick rate will go down?" Depression and why there is no 'quick fix',My old roommate had great advice: just appreciate what you have *THAT'S* what he was saying? I could never understand that damn line and *that's*what he said? I feel like an absolute idiot.,"It's easy, you can read the lyrics to every song on the inside of the vinyl case that everyone has." "As a Ravens fan, Aiken is not faster than Wallace nor is he a deep ball receiver. Perriman and Moore are the other speedsters.",What about Barry Allen? We need transparent walls,Upvoted for visibility. The republicans have proven that obstructing the other guys then blaming them for the obstruction works. It'd be foolish *not* to do it,"Oh yeah, I forgot that being evil is allowed as long as someone else did it first" Post your 3 most mastered champions and let others describe you. Thought it was fun last time it occurred.,Nami Cait Lulu "It's a bug. I don't mind it, though.",Mustache Balon is the best Balon "D-Thomas and Hyde for Zeke, who wins in a .5 PPR?",Zeke by a country mile "Is it healthy (and frugal?) to eat Costco Rotisserie Chickens as my main source of protein? I probably eat 1/2 a chicken a day, so that's about $15/week on protein.","It's not unhealthy, but you would be better off financially if you bought the raw chicken and cooked it yourself." Does Archons Forge give rep?,It doesn't. boys in blue are police not military,Same thing amirite "I will say she is likely client-side as well. I went with a friend to go find her in Gridania and she appeared to him, but not for me. Likely to add to the spoopiness of it all. Devs playing tricks on the community: Did you see that? See what? You didn't see that figure appear just now? What are you talkin' about?","You have to finish the Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) in order to see her ghost, according to the wiki." "Unpopular opinion, but I'd love Sub base from MW2","Derailed was, in my opinion, one of the best Modern Warfare 2 maps" "Continue the Lyrics! You know how this works, post a lyric as a top comment, and work together to continue it down the line!",I'm in love with the way we smoke that lalala "Who is your secret waifu mistress, that your true waifu must never find out about? I suppose if your waifu is Lala Deviluke, she'd be okay with it.",Why go down the NTR path when you could go for the harem option? Looking at you The Walking Dead,But we could have had a cool cliffhanger to have us talking all year! "And if you want to charge while listening you'll need a lightning to lightning 2x hub, a lightning to 3.5mm connector, and a 3.5mm to 2.5 mm adapter.",We must go deeper "Shouldn't need one. If you're constantly late, that's your fault.",That answers the question. "What???? I'm totally not a bot! I perform normal human activities such as eating, bathing, and sleeping!","You cannot prove you are *not* a bot, ergo, you are a bot." Are you offering your services?,"If such services were required, I do believe I could be of assistance." "Multiplayer wise or campaign wise? The multiplayer was a letdown, yeah. To be fair though, the multiplayer for CoD has been on a steady-decline since MW2. However, single player wise, Black Ops was one of the best CoD games in my opinion.",cant forget WaW FULLY AUTOMATED LUXURY GAY SEX ANDROIDS,If I buy them in pairs can I have a threesome with exceptionally attractive bisexual fembots? "Yeah but is he really the right choice? When was the last time a running back led a team to a championship? You don't need a great one to win. You do need a secondary, o-line, and most importantly a QB. (Which we may or may not have in Petty/Hack)",The 2016 cowboys "Alright, alright, al... ooh unlimited cheeseburgers!",That's what I like about cheeseburgers... I keep getting fatter and they stay the same weight Sounds like a bad hollywood movie script tbh,If somebody told you that about 9/11 (had it not happened) you'd say the same. Klay not knowing what to do with his hands again,"Don't worry, he'll have his hands full later tonight." Rodney absolutely jams it home,See that's the kind of play where you're not on the same page defensively I saw as a get out of the way of the freight train coming down the paint known as Rodney Hood Reading the responses to this is scary. My parents couldn't give a shit that a foreign nation influenced our election. I thought it would at least piss my father off since he used to ground us for not dropping everything we were doing when the national anthem came on. Seriously the guy gets mad AF if you don't stand and have your hand over your heart before every football game but can't be bothered with this. This country is fucked.,People fought and died so that I could have the freedom to force other people to have the same political stance as I do or else I will punish them. Could you explain 'ghosting'?,"I believe it's when you seemingly checked out fine according to the site, but you don't actually end up getting the piece." "Kingdom Hearts won't happen, every KH only has a physical release, and I'm almost positive it's due to the Disney characters, Digital Download would require some contract/limit, just like Castle of Illusion got pulled from Steam because the contract Disney made.",Pretty sure 2.8 is going to be the first to release digitally Period Lvl 100: Now with shit cannons and flamethrowers,You mean a normal period? "Can you expand on phantom barrel? I saw someone pull of a wonderful one the other day on the main sub, and my ping is usually decent (15-30ms), but I can't get it off. I think it's something with positioning, but it never seems to be useful/worth the risk of fucking up by one milisecond. How do you abuse it?","Tip for doing phantom barrel/ one part combo: Use Q slightly out of the max range (so u r sure ur q is a max range q) , as soon as u see the animation of Q starts, place another barrel" Try a dark chocolate and tobacco mix it's really smooth and aromatic sweet but not too sweet,"Oh shit, this sounds like a winner." jews and muslims boycott san francisco,I thought SF banned religion? How soon?,"First sets will be packaged today, shipped tomorrow." We got the Flex for SNF vs Tampa Bay,"Not America's Team though, because I'll be neither of those games get huge ratings" There needs to be a real penalty for dying and not returning to your corpse. Gold penalty is whatever; this isn't like vanilla where 10K made you richer than a Saudi Prince. Rez sickness penalizes you for not returning to your corpse and finishing the challenge that killed you.,Especially true when that challenge is a cliff you can impossibly get back up without grappling hook or flying... "Glaz holding a CAMRS and Kapkan holding a D50, ok.","Oh, the joys and wonders of press pictures and concept art." "SP3 Dying at 50% battery dafuq? Started happening a few weeks ago at 20%, now its here. Is it done for?","Wasn't there an issue a whilst back with Surface batteries, or is that un-related." Half naked women get thousands of upvotes. How about our boys in blue?,Just let it die already. Ahahaha. This is amazing. It feels like it should be in either a Kill Bill movie or the title sequence of an anime.,I now crave for more jazz-movie-i-fied covers of DnB classics. Gotta love the apologists in the comments just lapping up the cop propaganda about them setting explosives. If they were Chinese I bet they'd believe rolling tanks into Tiananmen square was really about putting down counter-revolutionary riots,Well those are the same kinds of people to love on Deng Xiaopeng and his market reforms so they probably would've fucking adored Tiananmen square. Is Varane even better than Tah or some random CB I found,Is varane even better than Diego Reyes? Actually you've got it all wrong its a giant fraud by the us govnmt to discredit fake news it was just a regular pizza place the whole time,A false flag that they've been planning for years! "LAG with three ports gives very little benefit over LAG with two ports. The reason being is that the hashing algorithm is based around Base2 numbers, so by having a non-base2 number of ports involved, you are gaining very little.",Third port's a checksum! I've never been so happy to be married. I think I'll just continue to let my wife do that for free and wait to see how this plays out.,I'm sure no married people will be getting wanked off by robots. Thanks,"No need to thank, But why LedIV over Led III?" I'm so happy this ad has gone worldwide. It makes my Australian heart so happy.,"What about your other hearts, are they happy too?" Man I don't like the longevity of this phone. Just last me 1yr lol. Already rma'ed due to screen defect once,Because literally every phone made outside of this one has never been RMAd before. It's a good thing I live in 15th and Kilbourn or I'd be in real trouble...,You in the house next to sigma kappa? "The name of the music in the last cutscene. What is the name of the music in the last cutscene of SL? If you have finished the Golden Freddy VHard mode and got all stars, you know what I am talking about.",Springt - Rap's Return Will Smith is one of your owners tho,That was an April fool's joke. Ferg wants more money to fight Khabib,Sign of mental weakness or just wants that cheddar So many stem redditors shit on non-stem majors. Life is so interesting you shouldn't limit yourself to the technical careers,lol go get a job hippy "In your opinion, what is the most clever lyric you've ever heard in a song?","I'm looking for answers that require no proof The song is called Hallucinations by the Bumpin' Uglies, and the singer was talking about alcohol proof" winter Tires What winter tires does everyone recommend?,balding gatorskins i havent changed in years. "i tend to agree. the newness of a multitude of tittays at the click of a button.... before that, i was stealing playboys from the public library.",playboys in public library...? "Reddit, what do you do when you're bored?",Reddit. Costco uses slave labour for their low prices.,All people who expend their labour are slaves. Maybe it's epic in German standards?,Yeah raising your eyebrows ever so slightly is considered a huge overreaction in Germany. "Thats not how brake checking works. If there's someone following you too close then you brake check them, not the other way around. There'd be no way for him to do that if he was behind you.",Wait... you mean brake checking isn't when you get up so close to them you can check their brakes? U,R "I am on my 7th year acting in a Haunted Attraction. Ask me anything! It's right around that time of year again... So I figured this would be entertaining. As the title said, I've just started my (about) 7th year working in a Haunted Attraction. I spent 6 years in one, and then bounced around helping friends out for a season, then took a couple years off, and now I'm back because I have no self control. Ask whatever you wish!","I assume you get paid, what is the money like?" "They still don't allow topless beaches, though. Progressive on some things; conservative on others.",As if we have any secret bay for this purpose "If you could call yourself five years ago and had 30 seconds, what would you say?","Marry her, and don't waste money buying a new car!" "Off-topic, but why is the board in the back with the alphabet on it missing the 'I'?",There is no I in the team! Google Trail of Tears that's how they took my ancestor's lands the last time.,Well why don't you go cry about it I've been riding a lot for 5 years now and had 4 people threaten to kill me with their cars because I'm on the road.,you obviously should have shot them in the face "Depends on how you look at it. Nature provides us with essentially free resources. 'But harvesting/transforming it into products costs work', well yes, but some people love their work and I strongly belief that we could organize it in such a way that it's always done through choice and a 'labor of love is no labor at all'.",Air is only free because big gub-mint is stopping me from polluting it. Trump's Tax Plan Would Hit Single Parents the Hardest,But isn't that their own fault for being single? I'm sure a lot of people would read that and think they have the right to punch you in the face.,Your rights end where mine begin might be a better way of putting it "Yea but they're rich, have you learned nothing in the age of Capitalism?",Because in communist countries the powerful elites are always held accountable "My dad was about 5'10. He was a plumber. Mother fucker was basically Wario. Well over 300 lbs and could use his belly while slouched as a table for the salsa for his chips, but while I was fit and of college age compared to his late 30s I couldn't hold a candle to those tree trunks for arms. If my dad wanted to horse around, it would take everything I had in both arms to stop him from bringing one arm casually down like a tiger claw into my chest. There was one day I was actually successfully holding a single arm back. He just stops. Stares into my eyes ponderously and proudly, You've gotten strong. I'm 20, and its like, the time my dad recognized me as a man because I could stop just ONE of his arms from moving.",It's called old man strength... it comes with age. "Right, but apostrophes also denote possession most of the time for third person. Pronouns, like his, her, and its are exceptions. *Exceptions* are the bitch.","You mean I shouldn't have been using his's, hers's, yours's and mine's all this time?" I'm out of the loop: Are we winning? When is the nearest major anti globalists event in Germany? (Elections?),"I don't think anyone knows for sure if we're winning tbh... We're getting stronger, the question is whether we'll be strong enough!" "I was not aware of that. I thought that they had a free ID you could get to vote with. If it is a payed for ID, I don't see how that wouldn't constitute a Poll tax.",Exactly. "An invoice? Jesus dude, really?",It was really a dick pic. No way. No lie?,"Yup, when I first saw the pic I'm like is that... and then I saw San Antonio and said totally has to be..." Reminds me of my post when I upgraded our 7K using ISSU and brought down our DC for 3 hours. Talk about some bugs eh?,Hate it when that happens... but ISSU should not have taken down both 7Ks at once.... Apple just told the world it has no idea who the Mac is for,it certainly isn't for me. Duo=video calling?!?!,Forgot the Got to meet Belichick,I think he likes you! "Meaning? How does that actually impact me? I downloaded a mod for Mass Effect 1 that unlocks its memory limitation so I could install an HD texture pack, is there not something similar for Skyrim?","There is, but like ME1, its only a LAA patch, the game is still limited to 4GB as it's only a 32 bit exe." my anxiety over it is really bad too. I deal when it happens but I spend a lot of time before and after it dreading the inevitable and obsessing. it's unhealthy and yes I've been in therapy. just reading this post made me a little panicky. hah.,I'm sorry :( Not reddit,But r/news just reports facts and facts alone... What is the creepiest thing to have hundreds of and refer to as My babies?,Human babies. THE MONK?! I should listen to this series...,"This is the first time the Monk has appeared in the 8th Doctor box sets, but yes, you should listen to it." "I never thought about this... wow. Im having a mindfuck. My only explanation would be perhaps it is a digital scope, and there is a tiny camera near the muzzle which displays the image on the circular scope screen .. maybe?","Yeah it's about 8 frames on ps4, and I think 7 on pc" He already noted a 2020 run.,Hey says a lot of things. What do you think of a man that has never been in a fight?,"I have a feeling this will get down voted, but a person who has never been in a fight is in no way a threat to me or anything that is important to me." More specifically?,Top men. That the group was rigged? Idk,"I feel like our group was rigged, it's been rigged for the past few years" #NAME?,But he plays so well against T4 French teams! Today on 'Jenelle butchers the English language',But but but I thought she was book smart? "I could care less about balance changes (I'm not good at the game) but my god there better be a list of general enhancements/fixes in the change list. Like quicker loading times, streamlined UI menus, netcode enhancements, input lag reduction, etc, etc","I won't lie, the fact that Capcom has not even *teased* such improvements despite them being aware of how happy they'd make the community has me really worried that Season 2 might just be a balance update plus new characters..." "Fine, the Army Weekend Corps of Combat.",And sometimes disaster relief. They weren't talking about Parliamentary Sovereignty. They voted for demagogues. People want power for themselves.,"Oh yes, the absolutely horrifying prospect of popular sovereignty" "Rank the most competitive Crossfit regionals to qualify from for the games. I was curious as to what region people think is toughest to win one of the 5 sports to the games. I was thinking perhaps Europe with all the Icelandic machines, especially the women's side. But I would also think a number of the central USA regions would also be up there. Also where would a Crossfitter go wanting the easiest spot to the games?","Nice try, Dan Bailey." "Im already one of those. I hope someone runs you over with a car, shits in your mouth and staples it shut and impales your asshole with a shotgun and drops a fridge on your head. And then pulls the trigger.",And the guy who does not get the Family Guy reference is.... um am i colorblind bc that looks like light green to me,Its like a teal I enjoy your writing style. Wanted to tell you that.,Oh bless your heart. "TIL in the UK the gov't funds a service which you can notify about a person sleeping rough during winter, and they will find that person and arrange a bed for the night.",There was a student in Manchester who died a year or so ago because he was that drunk on his way home he passed out and it was winter :( This is a joke right? And just when Samsung seemed to have the upper hand over Apple...,Research shows that headphone jacks cause cell phones to explode. Boned - Let It Rise,I wonder what band influenced these guys? Source: Trump transition team requested security clearance for Flynn Jr.,What happened to all the good brain people "ITT redditors telling me to move on from the fact that a 43 year old man gave champagne and quaaludes to a 13 year old and then engaged in oral, vaginal, and anal sex with her despite her protests and then fled the country because he thought the court was wrong for wanting to send him to prison.",But he's made AMAZING movies since then! not everyone should be at university. i hope you find a more suitable / enjoyable path in life.,"yea I just wish I didn't waste so much time, money and suffering for nothing." I don't get it,all germans are nazis My Blaster Gat.,What's the finish on it? thanks for the reply! That clears things up.,"There also would have been a lot of migration to other regions, just like there is today from the Middle East." Downvote! Moe is the friendliest and most honest man alive. Moe is so great. He is super skilled. Probably much more skilled than Steel an all the other IBP guys together. Yet nobody makes MOE PLZ RETURN threads here on reddit. I wonder why. Moe is great.,forgot your "Definitely plausible. They probably also view him to DH as best chance to keep him healthy, but the biggest risk to Hanley last year was the foul balls off himself","First they took the Monster away from Hanley, now 1B, next his bat." No se si estoy solicitando un trapito o un traba.,It's a trapp What the hell is this? It's just a guy responding to tweets.,Not Erik's fault; you clicked it asshole Except the savings are rarely actually passed on to the consumers these days.,"Like how companies were raising prices when oil price was high stating that they were offsetting their increase in fuel cost, and now that oil prices are lower the cost of these goods are staying the same or increasing..." I have you on the wait-list if anyone backs out. I'm not sure if I'm going to do a second bottle. This style bottle is a pain in the butt to decant from. The Black Orchid I did a while back took me forever. If I didn't have so many open splits (with a few more to come) I would be more open to it. Cheers!,I also would do 25 if there was another bottle split # Change your flair to Russia. WE'RE TRIGGERING CUCKS,We Russia now! Earthquake Rocks Gingerbucks.,All I see here is a QASA violation! "Instead of chasing the experience of a lifetime, you should pursue a lifetime of experiences.",...because we all know you can't do both. anyone remember trump's ama? fuck i was so pissed he had the gall to come here. thank god admins diminished its visibility.,"Yes, hiding it offers healthy discussion and doesn't create echo chambers" QR Magearna (UK) Finally,"wait really i swear if this is a ruse cruise i'll, i'll CALL YOU A MEANIE OR SOMETHING" Nightclubs to offer free drug-testing booths to check purity of cocaine and MDMA,Don't give out condoms because you are promoting sex. (Season 2 leak) Picture evidence of Ford as a robot,"damn, this sub is always spot-on!" "0 mana 0/0 Silence, then destroy all your minions and discard your hand. Destroy 10 mana crystals. Since bad cards exist for a reason.","You never said who's mana crystals, kappa." You're* 1 in a million. Sorry :(,"Maybe they meant, Your 1 in a million chance of being conceived." "So the other day i said to myself, Fuck it. This weekend, i'm going to Disneyland. (X-post r/casualconversation) You guys ever get the urge to get away, even if for a moment. Side note, I'm going this Sunday (12/11) if you want to meet up.",I'll be there Sunday at around 2ish. How many ryze reworks until urf is next in the rotating game mode?,"Around 2, with a margain of error of 2." Hairy Houdini,DogVid Copperfield "You discover that your beautiful 2 year old is the wrong child from the hospital because of a mix up, what would you do?",I'd want a look at the other kid before I had to decide. Laine one-timer from Scheifele like it was meant to be,What a clapper HR telling Joe that Barry's super power is hope made this nerd giddy,What is this reference? * Mark Martin * Greg Biffle * Jimmie Johnson * Kevin Harvick * Kurt and Kyle Busch,About Mark Martin..... #FOR YOU,**TRUMP'S GONNA BE A BIG PRESIDENT** "I don't know about this. Hobart, Patches, and Sir Finely are some of the best power cards in this deck. You'll need these cards to make the best pirate decks, whereas the best zoo decks don't require a legendary. (Just 2x Doomguard for disco or 1x Sea Giant for old school zoo.)",Hobart isn't very good... I have him and I intentionally don't put him in my list. "College students of Reddit, how stressed are you right now with finals coming up?",Im at the can't sleep / random crying stage of stress. "Guy joined our unit in the Army stationed in Germany, over a decade ago. Only eats in DFAC (Dining Facilities), only wears PT uniform off duty. Owns only a couple other pieces of clothing. Buys nothing, even puts socks on layaway at the PX. We invited him to the clubs and he would only go if we paid. For everything. Didn't drink though, only water. Middle of a deployment and he's about to ETS (End of Term of Service, = leave Army). He only had a 2 year contract. Ships back to Germany before flying back home to San Francisco. Buys a 3 series BMW for cash before going home. You think you have discipline? This guy was on a different level.",Hope he got an off lease one I wouldn't consider any of those careers great though.,Never said great I said good you have multiple SBs (wins and appearances) in their and all those guys on the first list were franchise QBs at one point so there have been good black QBs in the league What things are actually *easier* under the influence?,Dealing with other people's shit. Aw. I recognize yours. Mainly because i agree.,So it's pronounced Mo-Ba-Eel? "On paper, you can win the Presidency with 11 votes. 1 person (and one person only) in each of the 11 most populous states casts a vote for Candidate A. Candidate A wins 270 electoral votes. Even if you have 100% voter turnout in the other 39 states and DC and they all vote for Candidate B, Candidate A wins.",But this makes sense and it's the way it should be. "Do any of you use controllers? I use controllers just so i can sit back in my seat and kind of chill, I have gotten used to it now and can actually play games like watch dogs 2 and battlefield 1 comfortably like it.","Dark souls, I usually use a Xbox one controller." "In the UK, pay 72% of taxes, most of which is spent on women, suffer 98% of workplace deaths, and do all of the hard work to keep the country going. Ah yes, lazy women, not getting paid as much as men and therefore not paying as much in taxes. Oh the misandry of it all!",And I'm sure the thousand years or so of agnatic primogeniture in the peerage has nothing to do with the tax distribution. "British workers living in poverty 'at a record high' - Housing costs are plunging millions of British people into poverty, but they're not unemployed",But whatever happens we cannot build more housing. "I think that's a bit of an exaggeration. He will probably go up, but I don't think he'll suddenly be top support material. He has other downfalls that hurt him a lot.","If i am reading things correctly he actually has worse burst healing then before (same initial heal but rampant nerfed, and less heal per tick)." Thats a pretty bitchin bus.,You mean faggin' "As much as Chests get hate, they work. Over 65,000 chest rolls. (or people are just generous)",On xbox one it is 136.6k now "Q21: Do you prefer strong, stable, majority Governments that govern in the interests of all Canadians OR a reckless group of extreme radicals burning and pillaging Canada?",Uggghh... that one was the worst. Crazy 90 seconds in the Calgary-Dallas game,Actually that's 81 seconds. "go back to your cave, neanderthal!","Hey shitlord, the PC term is ''toilet-seat complexion individual''." Or a book.,Then write another book which is basically the same but with robots instead of dinosaurs. Should have been better at the BOM.,He's gotten better at it over the years "What is this? A Broken Isles for ants?! These isles have to be at least... three times bigger than this! (For reals though, 2-3x bigger would be more to scale).",And maybe add in the Maelstrom because there's only text. How about a slightly fatter phone for the added battery?,Its GOTTA get thinner every year Prob just a port. I'm hopeful for a bit of upscaling to 1080p but ain't holding my breath. The PS3 ports were pretty gorgeous already.,"The PS3 ports are already 1080p, so there should be no excuse for the PS4 ports to be any less." "Is there a benefit for having all 6 geat set pieces? I know you only need 4, but is there something else? or just to look cool?","Definitely should be a 6 piece bonus, but alas, there's only up to a 4-piece bonus... i'd like to see 6-piece bonuses implemented at some point... even if they're just enhancers to the 4 piece i.e strikers 6 piece could remove the loss of stacks when you miss shots... even if 6-piece bonuses were introduced, they probably still would'nt be as useful as 2 HEs" Ethnicity: non-hispanic. What is that supposed to mean? Everything but Hispanic?,there's hispanic white and non hispanic white. John - MVP CoD Champs JKap - Won Back to Back rings Aqua - Amazing year in Blops3 and just won the first event of IW Aches - Knocked OG out at Champs and just placed 2nd Formal - Consistent throughout the whole year,"I'd put assault, octane or scump over aches tbh." She slammed a whole bottle. She may have just been hungry. But now I don't want to put her back in the crib. We shall go again tomorrow!,Congrats on the progress you made tonight! "I get the Press Alt+Z to share thing popping up when the game starts, but that's all that happens -- no FPS indicator, no Shadowplay, hitting Alt+Z has no effect, etc. etc.","same, but alt+z shows the UI but when i try to record it says Enable desktop recording or something like that" Downtown Raleigh Next to Station Bar - Dog for scale,Holy cow.. that picture hurts my eyes. "The Witches, starring Anjelica Huston. It's not scary to me now, but I can see why it would terrify the hell out of me when I was 4 yo.",I checked everybody's eyes for about a year after watching that movie. 80% Of White Evangelical Protestants Feel That They're As Persecuted As African-Americans,I would agree that their ideas are unpopular... "Yeah, so?",I should have added: I think our O line is excellent in pass protection but kinda average in run blocking,Why Lacy has success then? Its a nut sack. The mirror reflection makes it look like testicles.,"Well, thank you for the mental image you just got me." Let's do this!!! What happened in your game?,"Down 2 TD, seems like it should be more the way the few fans that have checked in have talked." The Legendary Teleporting Titan (IB Rift),They obviously prioritized connection that match New AMD GPUs spotted in macOS Sierra 10.12.2 Beta 5 kexts,But I thought Apple had completely abandoned the pro market and all us of us at r/apple were switching to the Surface Desk so we can draw squiggly lines with our hands Mike Campbell and Benmont Tench are much better than pretty good.,I meant the Traveling Wilburys. "Yeah, the guy who Idolizes Marcus Aurelius is going to become a war monger. Fucking idiots.",PSSSHT Typical Brutal Roman emperor throwing minorities to lions "Portland also has the issue that their water isn't fluoridated, so their teeth are rooting out of their faces.","And because of the lack of fluoride, the people aren't being brainwashed into obedience" "Same here. I'm 30, and going back for a Cyber Security Degree. But to be fair, this is a new degree that wasn't offered 10 years ago. It's only been around for 1-2 years afaik.",Good thing they named it with the current internet lingo. "Whats the best Group/'Group of Death' that can be made for the Worlds? What is the best possible pools that can be made for the 2016 WC? Mine would be EDG, SKT AHQ, and C9","Rox,RNG,G2,C9" States with background checks for those who buy guns and bullets also have fewer school shootings,"I don't care if kids die, I have a hunting emergency!" "Maybe our normal state is sleep, and waking is only supposed to be a brief interruption to refuel and excrete, so we can get right back to fulfilling our destiny as Sleepy Ones.",I like this idea.. "PSA: Don't get cute in the playoffs Been reading a lot of posts on starting guys like Ladarius Green over Greg Olsen. Detroit Def over Denver. We all know what happened to the those that started Kaep last week and tried to get cute. START YOUR STUDS. At times they may have let you down, but now is not the time to get all extreme makeover.",Should I start Brees or Wilson? "This concept embodies one of the biggest problems with politics and politicians. They can't and won't ever admit to being wrong. Its like its a mortal offence to admit 'hang on chaps, this is turning out very well. Lets not blindly float down the river with no paddles. How about we reach the shore, assess the situation. Realise we're better off walking back to where we were.'","In fairness David Cameron admitted he was wrong to promise a referendum because of the possibility of a Leave vote succeeding, but he also hopped off that sinking ship as he did it." How well-adjusted adults deal with poor customer service.,what a horrible piece of shit "No it doesn't, kills don't directly corellate to mistakes (vision battle, near-kills, etc). VP is good, but can you at least wait until the finals? iGV isn't the same caliber as lgd, dc, eg, etc",Waiting till after the finals leaves no room for these kinds of posts tho "I'm really sorry but the alternative was worse. I'm fighting for the environment, and I hope you are too, no matter how small the contribution.",I'm sure the coming trade war will go just awesome. "Good. That was the only legitimate argument anyone had against his nomination for DNC Chair. Being Minneapolis, there won't be any shortage of people capable of filling his spot.",You forget that he's an evil anti-Semitic anti-Israel pro-Hamas/ISIS sharia-law supporting radical Muslim. They've got his number,It's #3 Why is Zajac's predicted goal total for the year only 10?,Because he's not a true NHL top 6 center "If you don't like it, change the law. Don't blame Apple. Apple management is obligated not to pay more taxes than are required by law. You and I do the same thing (hopefully).","Sure, I'll just contact my personal representative I have in my back pocket through all the hundreds of thousands in campaign contributions I provided." My bag is pretty much perfect so I'd just replace my 10 most used discs.,But you don't have your bag in this situation... how?,By marrying his lover badr Hari "dynalod like the other guy said and enhanced landscapes as well. Need to use both to get all the objects, there is even lod generated for grass.",Thanks How good is Shing's gank?,"And Shing is a pro player, right?" "M audio bug? While I game and listen to music, anytime I click on anything onscreen there's a slight bump/hiccup on the audio. This is only happening with wired headphones (tested 2, razer kraken headset and a cheap pair of Sony earbuds) and does not happen with any Bluetooth devices. Specifically I play summoners war and listen to music through Spotify while I game. Neither Spotify or summoners war has updated in awhile and it didn't happen before updating to m. I'll test this with mobius, hearthstone, onc, emulators etc when I get home. Has anyone else experienced this issue or can anyone test with their wired headphones and post results here?",i can tell you this is not happening to either zenfone2 in my household. That's the OEM nismo exhaust that came on the nismo model 350z. It's the same as a normal OEM exhaust except it's shiny. OP is talking about the nismo s-tune exhaust.,"Oh, ok." "Well you sure deleted your first comment fast enough. Look, conservatives have their problems too. However, I did not go into another sub starting shit. I also never said all our problems were because of liberals, so go suck a dick with whatever agenda you are pushing.",The comments are being delete by the mods. "Sorry to hear he still hasn't turned it around. Devils took him 1 pick before Tanner Pearson, still blows my mind.",Let's not talk about that Wanna know where they are And how they became one?,Higher resolution version? What's something old that works better than the same thing new?,RPG Characters Carroll opens door for Washington scrimmage,"I realize now that this is a day old, but still thought it was fun." "Does anyone know how mixed the housing is between types of students? I saw that different housing complexes host different rlc's. Do different building have mostly students studying the same type of thing, or do each have a fair mix of say, engineering students and other majors?","They kind of factor in the survey thing you took about interests and stuff, but its basically random." "Don't shit on people for using the meta. I personally have played a variety of decks, including some meta decks. The thing is, a lot of people use it. Should they be called cancer for using a combination of cards? No! I understand if you want to complain about the meta, asking for OP cards to get nerfed. Please don't be an asshat to people just for using the meta. It's okay to poke fun, but please don't turn this sub into a toxic circlejerk. Mods, I know you guys are doing all you can. Redditors, if you see someone breaking the subreddit ruled, report the post so the mods can see. Just my thoughts on an issue I see a bit on this sub.",I agree with you. "Given the timeline I suspect that he has *a* version of all or almost all of the book, but he is rewriting.",This is what I think. "He should have hit her while she was hitting him , the sucker punch cheapened his shot and made it less respectable","Yet, she still came at him when they were outside." How are the owners neglected??,Neck damage from driving around corners too fast It's pretty easy to tell if something is running 30 or 60fps,But muh human-eyes-can't-see-a-difference logic! "One day Gaijin sat down and decided a vehicle with a tier II chassis, open top, and a gun about equal in performance to the Tiger I's should have the same BR as the Tiger II.",At least it has Fiddycal How is this a strawman? What's being mischaracterized?,"Lack of acknowledgment of the systematic racism, transphobia, sexism, and [insert identitarian slogan here] endemic to free markets." "Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough! BTW, try microwaving them for ~10 seconds. :)","Nah, I like the cookie dough ones frozen." "I read that twice as Sick of children,... WTF is wrong with me?",ditto Is there a phone app for Discord?,Yes "Let me say this, if you are upvoting it, you are probably a silver. Anyone about like LEM can do this against fucking glocks.","79% upvoted, seems about right considering the average people on this sub." GGG's support team just made my 30th birthday!!,Wish my wife would sign me up for German Goo Girls... "Question Help I'm on PS4 but my son is on PC. He has keys and wants the following: Vortex: Crimson, Cobalt, Pink Sunburst: Black Being on PS4 I don't know values on PC but if anyone could tell me or if they have items and want to trade let me know that as well. I can give you his steam ID if deal can be worked out. Thanks for your time.",Vortex = About 2 keys each and black sunbursts are firm 3 keys. This is the most blatantly sarcastic post I've ever seen and you are still getting downvotes. I guess people like nepotism?,"Yep, no way it could be more blatant sarcasm, there's no generally accepted way of displaying sarcasm on the Internet" Professor?,Farnsworth saying this is my ringtone for a text lol Are you male or female?,How does it matter? Schwarber could be Cubs leadoff hitter next season says Maddon,I still feel like it Contreras has the potential to fill the lead off spot in the order. "Can someone ELI5 !, has there been some Bitcoin ban?","No, such a thing is a nonsensical word salad anyway." Its fine to hate a specific map. Let him complain,#CENSORSHIP So you're saying it was just two?,"Shocking, right?" That gives them the chance to regroup and start scheming again. Too risky,"I hadn't thought of that, you're right." Why give lovers arcana to someone who is not the main romance interest? I mean really. Yukari was clearly the main romance interest in P3. And why do you say Yukiko is the main girl in P4? The way Ann is introduced in P5 clearly shows she's the main romance interest. The cute girls are the romance interests in Persona series.,"You're right, being the cutest girl Futaba is the canon romance then" I voted for him though.,You mean you voted for the antichrist who is gonna cause the end of the world instead of the angel Hillary who would've brought world peace and prosperity I don't get it.,It's funny cuz sex haha get it Is there a chance that finals that are supposed to take place in the morning get pushed back to the afternoon or evening?,I have a final on friday and our prof sent out an email saying any post-poned finals will be held on december.19th or at the beginning of next semester "The Louvre costs France a lot of money just to preserve some works of art from archaic cultures. We should burn it down. And plus, Native American artwork on natural surfaces has lasted for hundreds of years without conservation, so it's better anyway.",but the Louvre is white culture so it is important to preserve despite the Mona Lisa having no other function that being nice to look at "So I sat down to watch TV with my parents and had to leave nearly a minute later because my dad was watching that alien show on the history channel. I didn't because of disgust or anything, but because I was laughing to loud and I think I was upsetting my dad. The *minute* I saw had this in it: alien visitors visited during the time of the dinosaurs, genetically engineered dinosaurs to become mammals, then genetically engineered a race of reptile-mammal hybrids to rules the world from underground. And now the 'reptile agenda' is something serious we must consider seriously. It was a *lot* of nonsense in a minute. A I now understand how 'post-truth' has come into vogue, it started with stuff like this.",Are the aliens the Jews? "I can't even tan in the sun, I just burn. So I only go out at night, or I put sunscreen on if I have to stay outdoors for more than a few hours. I'm pale as hell if you couldn't tell. :p",It' because your not Arab but an Aryan White Phoenician Clearly a fake story. He can't read.,here: you dropped your So you used the origins pad camping method? I'm asking cause I've been using the verrukt trap room method and the game crashes literally every time I beat my high rounds record.,"Yes exactly, started camping at 35 after shadow mask" "When he came to minneapolis the gates opened at 11, we were there by 9. But he wasn't on stage until almost 4. It was a lot of waiting but it was worth it to be so close! Get there as early as possible.",Thank you! Why would HBK do this if not from scorn?,"Cuz he just hates Hogan and wants the spotlight, obviously" I've worked too hard on myself to take this kind of disrespect. The delusions with this girl are so real. Going to gel and doing some therapy doesn't mean you worked super hard on yourself.,But she lives in a good neighborhood! I feel bad for tesla. I fear they will making buying those cars illegal or something,Electric cars are too dangerous for the environment you know *Sam*squatch!,"Well if we're going there, *Samsquanch*" Obama under mounting pressure to disclose Russia's role in US election,"Let's start an online petition, then they have to listen to us right" happens when Steph sits,no it happens when Kerr tries out these terrible ass line-ups "A loss to Cerrone is fair. Cerrone is a bad motherfucker. No shame in that, per say. But, I don't know if I'll ever see Barboza as much more than the guy who got murdered by Jamie Varner.",I can't see Anderson as anything other than that scrub who got heel hooked by Ryo Chonan. the aug dont kill on mid to long range with one hs,ye I finished building my pc :D,This is why i prefer consoles everything sits perfectly inside it's box and it looks a lot neater "Well I'm not happy. It should have been my choice, not my parents. I have always been clean. This should have been my decision, and I would divorce my wife if she demanded our kids be circumcised.","I don't know why you are being downvoted, I feel the exact same way." Fat bitch,Such a clever response. That would never hap.... oh it's Mexico... carry on.,Inflamable means flammable wtf "Very strange to me how many people are missing so many from their dex. Im not level 30, and I only started at the end of October.... Maybe I got lucky hatches? I'm only missing 3 entries now. I need now is a Lapras, 11 more kabuto candy, and 23 more grimer candy. I haven't walked any pokemon for dex candies either... Am I really just that lucky lol",San Fransisco player spotted Not Saphira!!!!,"Given how bonkers powerful Eragon is at the end of his series, I think she's be just fine." "Yes yes, we know the American government is authoritarian, you don't have to constantly remind us.","Yes, authoritarian governments DO have free elections to choose their government" What's something you own that everyone comments on?,My dick New Parramatta Stadium - Hype Video,So this is what winning an ACL gets you. "Triggers me cruel, And echoes in problematic spaces.",Can i hab gold xd Babies are in the game now! Spotted baby ghastly,This post is original and funny Get a free coffee while biking in the morning on Friday,Glad to see they really spread those stations out. He was joking about your grammar.,Oh I see'ed that now. Setting up KODI on a firestick for first time. Which OS do I select? Thanks!,MS-DOS It goes by UTC time,Makes sense. What seems boring but is actually really fun?,Text based sports sims. Jesus No one is ever happy in r/politics,How dare you say the lords name in vein! "I hate pop music, so let me tell you about how great the pop music my dad listened to was",But that's because they used *real* vocals and writers! Good.,I love censorship "The od fill from sp can, the burst heal can, all the leader skills can",Even the 12% exp? The Capitals only have four cylinders?,"Ovi, Backstrom, Kuznetzov, and Holtby." How did your freshmen perform in their first game?,Kicked his first ever FG to win the game. "Overwhelming Evidence: GOP, Dems Call for Investigations Into Russian Election Interference","If corporations are 'citizens' and are eligible for certain rights, then why shouldn't a foreign country be recognized as a 'person' and be allowed similar rights?" No way we make the playoffs. All of this optimism is making me nervous.,Yo you forgot Yup. Went to a Disturbed concert when I was 14 at the 930 club in DC. Needed a guardian though because it's the 930 club at like 10pm,did the evil DC Liberal Elite try to finger your butthole? Like what? Keep telling people to not put their beer on the boards?,I think he forgot the ayyme adams is great in this movie lmao,Dis a gud ass movie AYY LMAO In OPs system if one guy gets stuck in a rock nothing changes.,Cool until your whole squad gets stuck in a rock I won't be playing this game unless they port it to Virtual Boy!,We did ask for VR support indeed! It could save you a fortune ;),Sounds like this should be the default. That's not true. Just the other day I read that we were advancing really fast as a species and we will eventually live inside black holes in the future.,"Yeah, I give it about 5 years." How do you think the activity would change if shows were limited to 5 minutes instead of the usual 10-14 minutes?,Blue Knights would be ready by Denver then! $19 win on eBay...let's see your biggest wins,Nice score! I like it in the butt Also I am not a lawyer Those are not mutually exclusive,is there a difference? you forgot to say how much better new vegas was,You forgot your A guy here did that and fell to his death. He didn't even get a photo of it either.,I'm sure he at least made one post to collect his karma... Towards quantum Internet: Researchers teleport particle of light six kilometres,How many particles per month will we be allotted under Comcast's new quantum internet data plan? 2nd Death in Less Than a Week from Subway Stunt Gone Wrong,Darwin award nominee. This is how badass Trolls would look like if Blizzard had 1% of common sense,"Yeah and lets play as murlocs, gnolls, high elves (BEs with non-green eyes), naga, faceless ones, ethereals, vrykul......fuck it, lets just have Blizz take a private server and make *that* the official game instead." "Come on guys, all the comments are 'too bad he lived' and 'hope he is severely disabled'. How is that going to help anyone, all it would do is cause more pain. Let's hope he learns from this and becomes an advocate for safe driving. Let's hope he gives back.",Fuck off What was the problem?,It seems to go bad way faster than just in a covered butter dish. 0-7-1 when going to Rangers games. I think I'm done going,...dude wtf you are LITERALLY killing this team! Is something going on with prime mm?,Do they not have a service medal? Mick Jagger becomes a father for the eighth time at 73,So basically this is an ad for Viagra? Ace Ventura: Pet Detective,"Whenever you say this title, you're obligated to pause between Ventura and Pet" An underwater world,That does not look like it was Photoshop'd What maps do you guys think will work best for the game mode?,Shipment obviously "Scientists examine bacterium found 1,000 feet underground, found resistant to 18 different antibiotics","As an aside, I love it when science plays with fire in the name of discovery, then says we did not know when shit hits the fan and/or a discovery is used for evil." The Store page says it's not compatible with my Shield TV.,You can always try to sideload it. You have this completely backwards. No sane person likes ketchup.,HEATHEN Dr. Oz told Trump he is slightly overweight when in fact he is OBESE! Sad!,"Well, he does loving being YUGE" India's answer to the Dark Knight Trilogy,Better than Catwoman anyway Maybe some of us want to see some other teams besides a korean one win once in a while? or atleast more diverse champions than typical meta picks when it comes to a fun tourney,AHR-WHOOOOOOOOOO "I'm out of the loop, what's project fear?","It's the adult equivelant of sticking your fingers in your ears, and going, lalalalalalalalalalalalalaa, what you're saying is frightening, I'm going to ignore you." "Or perhaps they are playing a style of champion they enjoy? Some people enjoy long range mages, some people enjoy tank supports, some people enjoy risky assassins. Some people get a huge adrenaline rush when they pull an insane play as these champions, cant really talk shit about them for trying to have fun.","We understand you want to play singed support, but *your team* doesn't want you to play singed support" Question to all: how do you get comfortable with your balls getting squished down? I have the Nike Pro Combat a really good try. Like a good month or two. After a few hours it just feels very annoying.,Properly designed compression pants for men leave room for the junk. "Ethereal Staff - When should I use it? I've been playing smite for hundreds of hours and I've never build this item. I bet it would work well with Warlock's and basically provide a shit ton of health, but which gods could really use an item like this?",When you're Cabrakan and don't give a fuck 2004 Chevy Nomad Concept,Makes me think that this is what led to the Malibu Maxx Projeto do monumento do Cristo o Redentor (1923),Jesus soltando um kamehameha? "I don't think Adam OR David are gamebots. Zeke was probably a bit more gamebotty than either of them, but I think the biggest example of a gamebot this season is Chris. Chris had like no character story arc or personality growth at all and everytime he was shown speaking it was all about his strategy. I think he only had one moment where he wasn't talking about the game and it was when he told Zeke that he was on the Sooners' national championship team. Every other confessional he had was strictly his strategy talk and he had the 4th highest number of confessionals up until his boot episode.","But Chris was good in physical challenges, so he can't be a gamebot..." "TIL the exclave of Point Roberts, Washington, accessible only by driving through Canada, is a popular destination for people in the US Witness Relocation Program since it is effectively off-limits to US citizens who can't get passports.",This is assuming someone intent on committing murder is concerned with obeying the law. Which is why AH81 would have no qualms about putting a bullet in him. He's already stuck inside for the rest of his life.,"Yeah, but our murder got away with it!" imqtpie isn't that great. Idk why he is popular.,"I dont like him either as a streamer, but i guess others have different taste." Battlepack Revision 8 is now available,Can't wait to see another 10 minute video from LevelCap reviewing these skins! "Owen Daniels Anyone think the patriots should bring him in? He's given the patriots fits in 2 consecutive playoff games against him. He's certainly no Gronk, but he's a serviceable NFL tight end who can help the team in Gronk's absence.","Yeah, because offensive players have such an easy time coming in and picking up the playbook." It's We have your Facebook friends list and that video you just recorded of yourself naked for me. Give us the money or we send it to all your friends and family.,"Meh, their loss." What stops it just bouncing off again?,"My guess is that it will bounce, but will eventually come to a rest." "Seriously though. After Jason got co-HOH, Alex was the AN, and Jason won veto, I texted my group text and was like sorry guys, just wanted to tell you that Trump IS going to win.. my darkest timeline is happening, wanted y'all to be prepared. Lol",Its all your fault you son of a bitch! Trump is Southern?,"NO, but hes racist and sexist like ALL southerners" This might be better suited to the Battlefront sub.,lol meant to post it there. I was making a joke on your diamonds in the rough ah forget it.,Sorry man but I have Asperger's I don't know what jokes are get out of my way or I'll run you over,Aimbotting is really getting out of hand in this game! It was a blow out game so points didn't really matter at that point.,"Yeah, everything was made up so the points don't matter." "This speech gets to me every time I hear it. The words could not be more true, yet, some people think america shits rainbows.","It was that episode, that monologue, that made me into a fan of Aaron Sorkin." "fun fact, Jag (her gameplay designer) is an ADC main",Tell Jag I think he's one sadistic SOB... and to think we just got rid of our rengo problem... and BU node count has stagnated at ~300,"But you know, the economic supermajority wants BU!" Bring back rahabasd!!!!,He was truly my nemesis. Macs are IC's,Im-Personal Computers? "I keep saying this. Since 80, republicans had 20 years of presidents appointing Supreme Court justices, and it still hasn't been overturned. It's never going to happen. Which is what they wanted.","So the Muslims, Immigrants, and Gays for the mean time?" Berner seriously proposes voting for DWS's Republican challenger and sacrificing a potential majority just to spite her.,That whole movement is now just ratfuckers and dicks. "Redeeming Hong Kong gift cards? I've been using the Singapore store a lot to purchase gift cards and then buying cheaper games with no problems. I saw a cheap game on the Hong Kong store so I went a head and bought a large gift card but when I attempt to redeem it, my Microsoft account is telling me I'm not able to, and reminds me that the code is transferable. It then gives me a link to click to switch my region, but it loads a blank page. Any help?",Use a different browser or change region on your console and redeem it on there. I somewhat disagree with this. Outside of ult mk has no way to burn refraction charges and is rather squishy. May be an instance of levelling refraction level one instead of psi blades.,"Perhaps I'm wrong, but isn't refraction level 1 standard anyways so you can secure the first wave of CS?" Not if we buy the shit out of it! I'm talking like ask the crew how many items it take to clear a container of sauce and then buy that many.,It's your civic duty to buy the store's entire stock of lava sauce to show our interest. Trump convenes Pentagon brass 'to bring costs down',I guess he doesn't want there to be anything left to oppose Putin. "I have dark matter, troikas, and red chakrams. I want Dom gt","I have all those sorry, but you should be able to get a Dom GT with those 3 I reckon" Tango,India "Fans of Westworld, what are your other top favorite TV series? Right now for me, my hierarchy looks like this: 1- Breaking Bad 2- Westworld 3- Game of thrones And thats it :( I have tried other series but nothing grabs me anymore, im so glad Westworld did! I thought TV series just died for me. Heres hoping I can find something as epic and cinematic as Westworld","If you're into premium cable hour long shows, I really, really suggest checking out these shows: The Sopranos, Mad Men, Boardwalk Empire, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad Each one is simply amazing, they all evolve well over time, are thought provoking, visually appealing, masterfully written and extremely well-acted." I just want Comedy Central back.,2nding this That's not water. It's cat piss. Shout out to Louis Rossmann!,"I've had that happen on a house call... The cat piss, not the shouting." "They just never commited it seems, its funny how people argue that you cant hold bitcoin in your hands but how the fuck would commerce work it everything had to be physical. Jesus Christ, thats lile reverse evolution. Its the people who cant wrap there head around bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. Just the thought of it gives them a headache and they often assume its something coders and techies can only figure out. When in reality companies like Coinbase couldnt make it any easier to aquire.","Don't frame Bitcoin as Gold 2.0, but as a complimentary competing currency that you can use to teleport your gold." Cars should have a mechanism for turning off the headlights from the outside so passerbys can help if you've forgotten your lights on. There's almost always someone who has forgotten to turn off their lights in my parking garage and being able to help would be pretty cool.,So someone can turn them on when someone is driving down the road? "What product do you absolutely love, that's actually intended for the opposite sex?",Taylor Swift music. Jesus you strangled this joke to death,you're welcome :-Z "Ehhh yeah, but thats gonna be super costly unless they work on effecient ideas for a wall instead of a giant cement obstacle that mexico wont pay so hell take it out of our money. The only people that benefit are people in the shovel, rope, and ladder business.",Here's betting that those businesses are owned by close personal friends of the Don. Video editing definitely will make use of a better CPU. In modern programs you can pass some of the rendering to the GPU but it won't be of the same quality and will only help speed everything up. An i7 with a lesser GPU is going to beat an i5 with a nicer GPU all day.,"If you're so smart, what happened to the first 3 space jesuses?" "Literally just showed that welfare states fulfil that definition, moron.",not if they don't seek to abolish private property they don't Some people bought 2...maybe.,"Ok so 999,999,999 people" Petition to add Youtube to list of approved companies even though it isn't its own company,/uj fuck me that video was cancerous Anal Sex with Melody Nakai,Sauce "Don't forget that the original Captain America was an adventure film and Winter Soldier was a spy thriller. Marvel realized early on that it wasn't superhero movies that were popular, it was movies that had superheroes in them that were.",And Doctor Strange was a drugs can be good kids movie. Those are amazing too. Very dark.,Those scenes are references to the DCEU. You can RAM these puns up your ass.,"I WANt a stop to this, now." "Professional marksman job Hello people of here, I have a question: we are hiring a new professional marksman at our company and are not sure what the usual industry term for this position is. We manufacture riflescopes and the [person] shoots rifles and demonstrates our products at fairs/exhibitions/etc. Do you know what to call this position? Thank you for all and any help!",In-house demonstration assassin? Yoo Ghostbusters not on the list. Told yall its great!!,DAE SJW'S Wtf is a KHALAN!? I'ts KLAHAN ffs.. Title,"Kalan = Stove in Filipino, guys" "Why do we have to manually set our stats to 99 in the tournament worlds? Everytime you login, your stats are all in the high 30s, can it be changed to be maxed upon login?",::max 1/7M and haven't downed Helya normal?! Lol,"It's probably my fault, since I'm not a top tier mage" What's your point? You can't define an entire religion by the actions of a few.,Unless we're talking about the mosleeems We haven't been at war since 1945. It's all been police actions... *sigh*,I'm just assuming you forget the "I've always gone to the Canadian side, never been on the NY side until a few summers ago. I was actually impressed with walking along the river, watching it get rougher, then walking across to the island. It was much cooler than I expected on the NY side.","Overall, I like the Canada side better, but the single best part of the whole Niagara Falls experience is walking under the river, which is on the US side" When the enemy team is playing a different mode.,When the enemy team gets PGI'd. Guns.,"Being a gunsmith I sometimes try to dispel some myths, but it usually does not change the opinion of the target." Liberals: Drivers License laws are racist because they could disenfranchise properly licensed drivers who lost their license.... MAGA,Are the liberals advocating microchips for everyone... like our pets? "Let's go Cena, Cena sucks chant Was it added on the patch because I never heard it before","It's been around since like, WWE 2K14?" the last beta was rc2ep1 which means there will be no more betas ever since valve cant count to 3,Cough cough chroma 3 case cough cough "What if the property is in the name of only one spouse, does the other not have the right to vote.","As long as the property is in the husband's name, what's the problem?" Look at this bad bitch.,Moon Van is the term I've heard for these jacked up vans. "Fuckboi, manwhore, womanizer, player, tool, dog, pervert, whore, deviant. Literally no words he says","Oh sure, I've seen these words be used an insult *soooo* often!" Girl smiling,They're gonna squeeze every last karma point from her death aren't they. Are you talking about me?,yulp Or you drop the stack,"That was before my time, but I've heard tales that people used to draw a diagonal line down the side of the stack to help put them back in order if they dropped them." "While I'm more inclined to agree with you, the reality is probably that the maps weren't ready for the full release, I don't imagine they had a full team working on this compared to infinite warfare. Plus it's free, freshens up the game ever so slightly so why complain really?",People have to be mad because remastering doesn't take time to do and they should just have given them everything at once It's the exact dedication required to have a drink of something every day.,"Yeah man you got it, we're all equally as talented and dedicated as this guy by getting a glass of water." What my husband eats when I'm away: Sriracha and cheese on an end slice,"Ummm, that's definitely the bread butt." Yeah this is just getting embarrassing. This type of journalism is the reason that he won and people still don't seem to understand that.,But Clinton still has a chance! "That's the problem, they weren't balanced in AW",And we all know how good infinity ward are with balancing lol "Opinion thread: When I think of gaming history, three games come to mind, Witcher, Mass Effect, and Legacy of Kain. Has there ever been any other games as rich in lore, character development, voice talent, and story (Sorry Elder Scrolls:)) as these three?",I'm just happy to see Legacy of Kain getting some love. There was one party advocating for policies and solutions that encourage redistribution of wealth and more benefits and more access to education and training as a path of upward mobility to the people being left out to try and combat these problems that we all know were there. There was another party that got elected who's policies are advocating for the same policies that have concentrated the wealth at the top and shut people out.,"But but... that first party just wanted to take money from the hard working rich people and just... give it away to the poor lazy folk, don't you know they wouldn't be poor if they weren't so lazy!" Samsung permanently ends all Galaxy Note7 manufacturing,Samsung just left everyone that bought this phone in limbo... there is no device that is not a huge compromise. "I'm anti-religious as well, and recently joined The Satanic Temple. One of their (our?) tenets is: One should strive to act with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in accordance with reason. To me, that includes veganism. Satanism isn't a very well-respected religion though, so I may have trouble if I ever wind up in jail...","Pastafarian myself... I'm sure his noodliness, the FSM, is only made up of good Vegan noodles... ..Ramen" Member' when Stephen Colbert gave control of his show to the Clinton Foundation and then got exposed and told Wikileaks to Grow the fuck up I member',Infowars isn't a valid source at all though "We are basically annihilating the life on our planet -- and that is the only known life ... in the entire universe, - Imagine a world without giraffes","But, but...think of the baby spreadsheets!" "Also, don't even get me started on this NeverPerfect campaign. If I have to hear one more supermodel or beautiful actress say something about having flaws I will gag myself to death.","Yeah ... there's nothing more relateable than a supermodel saying that though they appear perfect, they're really not .." but german BBs just bounce my shells,"Aim higher, try hitting superstructure or casemate armor (check this one on armor viewer) with the AP." Hey guys remember how my friend is banned? Yeah he got banned for fixing a match to win tons of skins so I'm not going to use skins.,"8 Asiimovs boys, better fucking pack up cause this kid just got rich overnight" "What do you do when you are really mad during a game or are just stressed and are losing? So I have a problem where if I start to get mad or frustrated I start doing random, and puggy strats. What do you do when you are very frustrated in a game or are just mad because of a specific scenario? Any tips would help.","I go into super tilt mode and become insanely toxic, as well as call everyone on the other team hackers." "Was playing BF1 campaign, and saw a place that looked rather familiar...","Trenches, how odd it would be in a WW1 setting." "It is time to quit? Alright I'm in need of some advice, i'm a really good worker who doesn't like to waste time on side talks but to work instead cuz i get paid for what i do yet i used to do 3 man job at the time i did alright , but someday my boss talked to me about how my performance has dropped and how i supposed to focus in doing one thing (which is a task isn't related to my job that i got hired to do which is data entry ) and how to deal with that task even tho i don't like doing that task since i will never gain experience doing it day after day... i told him that it isn't gonna benefit me he told me back that i will get promoted faster and bla bla bla that was like 5 months ago, but i ignored that and kept working without complaining about that situation, but lately he never asks me to do an important task and never include me in discussing work related stuff and never ask me for voting for something that comes up when i asked him to vote for something he said it's not important now i feel like i don't wanna go to work anymore and all i'm doing is mentally hurting myself by overthinking how bad i get everyday by doing that trash job it's affecting me and my after work life",Yup. "Yeah, so they should be back filling instead of this. If this is a band aid, then they should say that.",Yeah cause I remember everyone asking to join matches nearly over to get that easy lose Got my upgrade!,thats almost x4 times graphics! Welcome the new IMT Top: Flame!,He's not american what a surprise What do you guys think of my Portfolio Cover?,I bet your portfolio is underwhelming too Svenskeren leaves TSM. Retires from League of Legends. Finds budding new career.,Suitskeren Except when she stepped foot on that plane no one gave a shit that it was lifelong friend Loretta Lynch. They cared about it because when she stepped foot on that plane she represented the Office of the Attorney General of the United States which was now engaged in back room discussions with the spouse of a presidential candidate who was currently under investigation by that office. That type of collusion should never have happen regardless of the past personal relationship those two share.,Yes...a conflict of interest is quite damning! REPORT: Trump Only Receiving One Intelligence Briefing Per Week; Pence Receiving Six,"But hey, at least trump has time for his thank you tour." Learn not to slam doors like a toddler when you are angry?,Breakup with people instead of than making them feel unsafe and intimidated? Apparently People Can Not Read While Driving,"Didn't you know, reading while driving is dangerous!" "that's exactly why I have my theory that full-autos would be less deadly in mass-shooter type situations. Like a guy who tries to shoot up a school or whatever with a full auto might very well kill less people than one taking aimed shots with a semi auto. Not to mention he'll burn through ammo faster, which means reloading more often, or higher chance of jams, etc.",So really we should ban semi autos and unban automatics? Dude in front of road hog is in part of the art in the cinematic trailer too,he looks like an ordinary overwatch soldier that later became soldier: 76 Howard Stark picture on some science fair,Peter is like the only white straight guy \#TooDiverseFoMe Ps4 vs Ps4 Pro - Comparison Test: Can you tell the difference?,"Brilliant comparison, I'm sold - gonna get the Pro." "Max settings + Supersampling (NVIDIA DSR - Factors) Basically I change my resolution up to 4,000+, crank up my graphics, and stutter around while taking screenshots as I have about 3 FPS. My computer can't handle playing on those settings.",Oh lol "Except my phone. They've elected to protect it from malware from Samsung that bricks a piece of hardware I *own*. Thank you, VZW! I'll never leave this carrier.",forgot the "What maps would you guys like for a throwback map pack? ^ I enjoyed basically all the maps in Titanfall. What maps, besides Angel City since it's already confirmed as a future map, would you guys like to see added? My list would be (In order): * Odyssey * Airbase * Lagoon * Corporate(With the Spectres deploying when you cap a hardpoint) * Rise * Nexus * Colony * Outpost 207 * Training Ground",All of them! scuffed audio,KFC Almost as good as Children's Hospital.,Almost as good as that one running in 'Muric- oh wait that's their election The last thing you bought grew 10x in size. How fucked are you?,Campus now littered with inexplicably large cigarette butts. What becomes more fucked up the longer you think about it?,Flint Water Crisis I'm going to guess we transition to a 4+ tier system to create more non-brewery jobs.,Perhaps Georgia is the only state doing it correctly ...Maybe a link to said tutorial? I'd like to do this...,"There's these itty bitty switches on the back plate of the card, you need like a toothpick to flip them but they change the colors of the LED's" getting called out by soldier saying he never receives heals.... i also have 3 other players on my screen to help. fun... much fun.... uhhh kill me,tell them to shut the fuck up and wait their turn? "Blind Android users - do you play any games? I asked myself this one and would like to have some answers from blind Android users (or people who know any cases). Do you play any games on your phone? If so, how do you do it? With accessibility options from Android (TTS), with third-party apps, or are there games designed for blind people? Thank you!",ndjejxujawkdkvjwjdkmgmgkdos Gen 2 TOP SECRET news leaked from covert sources.,You should totally believe everything you read on 4chan. rx 480 75hz or 144hz Monitor? Hey everyone ! I just purchased the 480 and was wondering what kind of monitor would work best with the card. Should I get a monitor with up to 75hz or should I get one going up to 144hz? Both include Freesync. I'm going to be running mostly triple A games at 1080p and I don't know if purchasing a monitor at 144hz is overkill . I have a medium size budget of around $250. Thanks in advance for the help !,"get 75 hz IPS, I have a dell U2414H oced to 75 hz for 7 months now, no issues." Sorry you're getting downvoted. I've never seen or wanted to see a James Bond movie either.,Lol they seem so cheesy and stereotypical. Chiw-e-tel Ej-i-o-for. Pretty much just the most common phonetic pronunciations of those letters in English,How the fuck do I pronounce chiw? She committed treason as a member of the military. She deserves to be in prison.,"Legaly yea, its not like the army got away with warcrimes over and over" Dude was on pace for 44 when he came up.,"just a hot streak man, just like Gary....." What pumpkin beers would you recommend?,Where are you located? What's the most obscene display of private wealth you've ever witnessed?,"My lady and I had pretty cheap [11$ a plate] dine in Chinese food yesterday night at an asian fusion place in central PA last night, the only other customer was a man eating alone - he came in a sweet new Ferrari." Putin is taking advantage of the fact that Republicans like their own party more than they like America.,But the Cold War is over! All I wanna do in my life is stay upright like that. Perfection,But I thought you were supposed to point your nipples at the ground? What did the zit say to the other zit while they were making love? Yeah you like that you dirty pore?,Pop the zit cherry "Yea, but most scientists aren't historians.",And locking someone up for saying mean things about you isn't much better than locking them up for disagreeing with your world view. "Hillary Clinton stated publicly she'd be willing to go to war with Russia (See: No-fly zone). Can you really blame them for not wanting her to get elected? Russia doesn't want war any more than we do, rspecially considering it would probably hurt them more than it would hurt us. At the end of that day, it boils down to this: Did Russia forcibly alter the results of the election (ie, voter fraud)? If the answer is no, who the Hell cares? If all they did was provide intelligence, why is that a bad thing? If Russia was responsible for obtaining the DNC's emails then good on them. They did Americans an enormous service by providing information we needed to know. I don't care if the emails came from North fucking Korea. Is the information factual? If yes, I don't give a shit where it came from.",I'm sure foreign countries manipulating our electoral process is a great thing for the U.S. "And that would kill the defense contractors' cash cow, so more oil it is.",That's why we need to find aliens to fight. "Driverless cars are prone to hacks, but automakers aren't addressing","Teslas security is fantastic, every car is on a VPN to the main server, so one of the only ways to hack a car would be to crack the main Tesla servers, even disassembling the car and plugging straight into the computer doesn't work since now they patched it so it double checks every command before executing it" They called up ravin so he's probably eligible,"I'm not 100% sure, but I heard Dee Gordon wasn't eligible for the playoffs due to his PED suspension and I believe the same would go for Ravin if that's true, whether or not they were called up during the season." Tesla also hinted towards Tesla Network in the vehicle configurator. They may be providing an autonomous ride sharing fleet.,May be -Literally what they said they were going to do Ok,That's a ***cold*** thing to say. It means the contract that CIG signed for licensing of crytek is about to be null and void. Get out while you can. If crytek goes under which it appears they will star citizen will come to a grinding halt and the game will literally never release.,"right, cause contracts just up and dissolve like a fart in the wind... yawn... this post doesn't even need a" ITT: Spot the astroturfers - every major company has employees or 3rd party companies that manage their online presence by monitoring keywords on social media sites...including reddit.,Yeah because having a differing opinion from the hivemind makes you a shill. If Prussia was Prussian blue,"God, That is a really nice shade of blue." 1. Find the Arabic for Ceci n'est pas un drapeau de Daesh. 2. Replace the writing on an ISIS flag with what you found. 3. Put flag on wall. 4. ??? 5. ~~Profit.~~ Get arrested.,Wasn't there a guy on reddit that had SOMETHING LOUD/CONTROVERSIAL AND POLITICAL written in arabic on a painting and almost got arrested for it? What are they worried about?,RTFA. Every year it will seem as though more and more people are dying when only more people you've heard of are.,That must hurt for all those unknowns. Maine e o zi importanta - oare am gresit abordarea?,"Prozelistism online n-am facut ca nu-i vad rostul, dar oamenii din cercul apropiat cu care am vorbit pe viu despre alegeri, cu varste suficient de inaintate, s-au aratat neasteptat de deschisi fata de alternative politice (USR in speta) in conditiile in care majoritatea tind sa voteze mai degraba conservator (PSD)." How to adjust graphic settings in the climb? Theres little arrow sliders but I can't do anything to them. They don't change. Can only adjust distant texture optimization or not. Have a 1080 too :(,analog sticks. "Crazy idea. Would anyone be interested in driving me to the other side of campus for money? Ok, weird idea. I have to get to the Health Science Tower next semester four days a week from the LIRR. The train comes in at 7:46am and I can't be late for my 8am class. I'm playing around with ideas here but would you think it's possible for me to get into class on time and would you think anyone would be interested. I would pay of course but not sure how much right now. Maybe I should save my sanity and dorm or rent a room nearby, but I would have to quit my job.",You could take the train that arrives before that and just hang out in the commuter lounge before your class "Chapter 10 As An Example of this Game's Narrative Lacking Proper Escalation (Chapter 10 Spoilers) Chapter 10 Spoilers Below People have said things like Everything interesting happens offscreen or something to the same effect. I think that FFXV has a lot of moments where they assume that telling us, the player, something and SHOWING us something are the same when they are two very different things. In Chapter 9 we have Lady Lunafreya die in the Leviathan fight and Noctis wakes up after being out cold for days to be told by Ignis that she's dead. This upsets him greatly because he and Luna have a very strong bond, yeah? The game then says Several Weeks Later and we're on the train. Noctis is still very upset and moping about this. Prompto says hey we're going to roll through Tenebrae, Ignis mentions Royal Tomb, Prompto asks if he's up to it, Ignis says his wounds are healed and his vision will come back with time. Then Gladio comes in and says The hell is wrong with you. and picks a fight with Noctis about him moping about. Here's the thing: We haven't seen Noctis moping about for several weeks. In fact, it's been MINUTES since Lady Lunafreya died for us. So since we haven't seen a slow buildup over the course of a while (Think Luke von Fabre's dealing with guilt and responsibility in Tales of the Abyss after the explosion incident) the buildup needs to happen in the scene. Gladio popping off like this before there's any reason to do so is just very jarring for the viewer. You might say, It said Several Weeks later...that's enough. It might be enough but it's not good. Even if you didn't have the time or budget or even want to have a slow boil to this climax between Gladio and Noctis (Much like Sailor Moon had with Sailor Mars where she slaps the shit out of Serina) then you need to build it in the scene and give it dramatic progression. So instead of *Gladio enters* The hell is wrong with you **Argument Time** Have Gladio come in and start a conversation or suggest something that isn't super antagonizing. Perhaps have him just mention that they need to be ready for the Royal Tomb they're about to go to. Then at that point when Noct's reactions aren't what Gladio thinks are appropriate the conversation can escalate in an organic way and THEN Gladio can be like The hell is wrong with you? and give him that verbal kick in the ass. I liked FFXV's story on paper but the execution just has too many things told and not shown. It's the reason the story feels rushed at times because they cut out the inbetween for times sake and you miss important context and details and buildup. This is the reason why Luke and Han Solo feels so much more real of a relationship than Anakin and Obi-Wan. You see EVERYTHING that happens between Luke and Han and you're TOLD everything that happens in the building of Obi-Wan and Anakin's relationship via them remembering things that happened in the past between Ep 1 and 2.",Are you sure you just didn't overhype the game so now it doesn't meet your crazy high expectations? "Is it necessary to read a religion's sacred text in order understand that religion? I'm interested in what people believe and why they believe it, in terms of religion (and generally). Plus it would benefit me as a budding psychologist to learn about these things. However, religious text are often dauntingly long and written in uninteresting ways. I'd be great if there were summarized versions of these things out there.","No, you just gotta believe." "I thought it went to Trump. Can't handle being questioned on anything, whether it's a gentle jabbing on SNL or an election recount. Somebody get the dude a safe space, before he ends up calling for extermination of comedians.",You do realize that he is making you think about these issues instead of actual issues that matter right? Pearson suspended for hit to head,seems like too much punishment compared to other infractions by previous offenders "Just watched The Inner Light. Just wanted to say what a great episode it was. What is your favorite under appreciated episode? The episode helps develop a completely different side to Picard. One that had been ignored greatly up to this point. Picard the family man. A man who seeks companionship in a great book or a solitary holiday on some archaeological site when away from work and a man who never liked children. Yet here he seems like he would never know any different. He even remarks I never thought I needed children, now I can't imagine life without them. Just shows a remarkable deep character who is still after all his years discovering himself. The end to the episode, Picard and his flute was genuinely sad",Profit and Lace That's not how it works! Only 1 spot open,"Thank you for letting us know, this was definitely a valuable and unique post that has never been seen before on this sub" "No, you are an idiot.",That's a... relevant response to what I said... This is why accusations of rape aren't taken seriously anymore.,"Yeah if we start calling it rape when a person forces another person to a sex act they didn't consent to, people won't take rape seriously." "Drop LSD and play DOOM, life changing","I'm so confused, why would dropping LSD on the floor do anything?" Draxler is overrated tho,I actually think he's been quite underrated for a while considering his age and talent (notwithstanding this season) A. King scores vs Manchester City (2-0),What the actual fuck is happening? Donald Trump says pledge to jail Hillary Clinton played 'great before the election' but now 'we don't care',What benefit does Trump receive by not going forward with investigating Hillary? Rubeus Hagrid and That Time He Convinced the Headmaster to Use a Three Headed Dog to Guard Eternal Life Rubeus Hagrid and That Time He Was in Prison for Something He Didn't Do Rubeus Hagrid and The Trial of Buckbeak Rubeus Hagrid and FUCKING DRAGONS,Rubeus Hagrid and who the fuck thought it'd be a good idea to stick Aragog in the Forbidden Forest? Trying to follow the logic.,2 x 4 = 6 + 1 = 7 obviously Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning all you need is two hearts and a diamond. By the end you wish you had a club and spade.,It works upto 10 months and goes to Jackshit? "Maybe they did post it on April fools day, but the person who took the screenshot is in an earlier timezone.","Hey, we're PETA bashing here!" 100% disk usage Been having a lot of software problems. Should I just wipe pc and start over?,"Yeah guys help, I get this on my HDD." Match Thread - Leicester City Vs Manchester City,Claudio ~~Bravo~~ Booooooo Lf1m kings fall ps4 Just want to do the warpriest nice and quick for a friend's fragment,psn watbenjedan "Teen who said she was harassed by Trump supporters goes missing. r/T_D twists a false narrative, labels her an extremist, and spews hateful vitriol all over the comments","No such thing as an actual hate crime any more, they're all false flags by leftists." PSA: the 3 star weapon is the infamous Platinum sword!,But i heard platinum sword was an epic-tier relic of Holy Trinity proportions! "Charging my Note7 in the fireplace tonight, just to be safe...",potentially burn house down/burn self or use slightly less cool phone... life is full of hard choices. When they get offended and start to push back when you tell them you're not interested.,Well obviously you're an idiot because you didn't see the value in what they had. Been single for a while now and am curious,Please remove the helmet and then I can render an opinion. Well she is a cam girl after all.,ded Trump: 'Check out sex tape' of former Miss Universe,Checking out sex tapes at 3am in the night... looks like Trump and I finally have something in common! Should I upgrade from amd 7970 ghz to 1060? I'm mainly upgrading because I need the third display port for my monitors (one of my monitors is only running 60hz instead of 144hz). I have been running everything perfectly fine on my 7970 so I thought the 1060 would get me my 3 display ports and a little boost in performance. Thoughts? Is this a good idea?,I'm delighted people are recommending the RX480. The original article has been updated to say she was found...tomorrow...(It says she was found early Sunday morning).,"False flag confirmed, God Emperor Trump and his supporters love The Muslims!" Obama and Clinton underestimated the ammount of Russian spies that can vote in the US election eh comrade?,"All 62,904,682 Trump voters in the election were Russian spies" "Not supposed to be... He is leading the country, better than anyone in recent memory and he isn't even president yet. Let that sink in.",You dropped the "This isn't actually Greek mythology though, just a speech given by comedian Aristophanes, recounted in Plato's Symposium.",The real TIL is always in the comments. "Duterte, are you listening?",I heard Trump was thinking about making him head of the DEA. "When I was 14, I helped my sister film a project for her and her teammates when they were in the 6th grade. They had to do a music video and switch the lyrics of a song to have it be science related, so they chose Survivor's The Eye of the Tiger and turned it into The Bones of our Body. Everybody came to our house and we shot the music video in one shot in our garage. One of the teammates was this REALLY quiet kid, but still made the effort to sing along. When everybody's parents came to pick them up, Shy Guy's mother INSISTED on watching the video. It wasn't ready of course, I still had to edit it. But nope! She ended up seeing the whole thing damn thing through the camcorder screen...and she didn't like it. She told me to film it again and to make sure Shy Guy came out more (when some of the teammates left already!). So everybody had to return to our house and film again because of a crazy lady. Oh yeah! And she stood behind the camera to make SURE that Shy Guy came out. WTF! She was a known psycho, so we figured it was best to do it again to shut her up.","Huh, I wonder why he's so shy." What if my Senator was the main one responsible for holding it up?,"My senator's Jeff Sessions, I'm sure he'll be easily convinced of the error of his ways" Bill Belichick can still diagram plays that his father coached at Navy in the 1950s,I could too if I had seen them 20000 times Which is such a huge company...,"exactly, however with the talent he has now with TNA you never know what can happen." lol wrong sub xDD upboated so ppl can c how dumb u r,uR write man...khow stubid R sum Pppl My dog wolf did it!,Wow she's got a fishing for compliments hit streak like I've never seen before The Boston Major Main Event - Christmas Carol,Newbee :'( "If you do go to a movie, see it earlier in the night, maybe before dinner. I personally love the cinema, and it gives you something to talk about during dinner.",I probably should have posted this before arranging it xD "Fitness USA closes in Frandor, tells users to go to Owosso.","Because Owosso is just down the street, especially this time of year" I had a friend in high school who was caught shoplifting. She got out of the store and loss prevention caught her wrist from behind as she was making a triumphant fist pump. They pulled her to the middle of the store so everyone could watch her get arrested. She said the worst thing about being caught stealing is being forced to watch yourself think you're sneaky on camera.,Your friend? Dead and Buried on the vive? I am visiting my brother and a few of his employees have the vive. I was talking up Dead and Buried to them and was wondering how well it works on the vive. Would be great to have a few more people to play with.,Sell your Vive and get the superior HMD! "How to find a programmer? My buddy and I came up with an idea and are looking to find a programmer. What are your go to sources for finding freelancers? I found a few sites, but they were not super helpful.","I'm not hitting you up for work but if you had any questions regarding programming, feel free to pm me them" I'm not Canadian. Is that Jian Ghomeshi?,Yeah Sanando Apendicitis con Ayuno,"Excelente video, le faltaron rocas de curacion y cuarzos cargados con mucha energia vital, pero excelente video." Because chemistry keeps it creative and encourages the squad building part and it's a football simulation game mate. How would it make sense to have no fitness because if there's no fitness there's no stamina bar? A sports video game with no stamina?,Yeah it's so creative to face the same BPL team with Smalling and Kante every game. Rents in the US,Uhm thats called inflation "Best thing Robinho did during his Real Madrid time? Fighting Gravensen during training. And Luxemburgo wasn't even that bad, but it was during Ronaldinho's best season. He did ok with what he had (unbalanced team), different than Pellegrini which was straight up terrible in a season we spent 350M (or something like that).",Don't forget Woodgate getting sent off on his debut "I'm just imagining all the people who have had their pictures taken with one foot in the northern hemisphere and the other, also in the northern hemisphere","Sounds like every picture taken in the U.S, Canada, Europe etc" David Ruddock Tweets: LG G6 to Have Nonremovable Battery and All-Glass Design,At least they have a headphone jack Liberal feminism,Women should totally accept their place in being more exploited. "Guns can be used to protect people (cops, military, home protection, etc.) Drugs aren't always bad, yes they are almost always bad for you but if someone does drugs and ut doesn't impact the rest of their life or others is it really bad? There are very few if any things that are 100% bad 100% of the time.","Eggzept gunz, gunz r saytan!" Well...,Ain't even good Why don't you port it? I mean unless you don't have the knowledge I really don't see why not? People on 32 bit have been waiting for over a year and won't the jailbreak if it was ported to 32 bit won't it be Fully Untethered because there is no KPP,Just divide all the numbers by 2 and you'll get a 32bit jb! Was it playing Skyrim?,Yesh Soylent halts sales of its powder as customers keep getting sick,A better headline would be: Consumers soiled themselves from consuming Soylent. This nice girl,"Gee, I wonder why he wouldn't respond to such a gem of a girl?" It was actually kind of petty on my behalf but there's nothing wrong with being a bit of an asshole every now and then to retaliate.,"Fuck, what an asshole" I'm in love,"I got I'm sorry, I don't speak birdperson" Did you read any of the papers lying around? Listen to the radios? They explain pretty much everything,because that makes for compelling storytelling Sports,Gay People who are most adamantly anti-trump tend to be pro-communism or at least communist sympathizers,Let's bring McCarthy back from the dead. Take a look at the observation tower I made.,"This immediately reminded me of gyms in Pokemon Go... I don't know if it's even close, haven't played in ages but thought I'd share hahaha" He saw the cucks marching from afar.,"No, that was the Germans" Female 18 Sabrina England Nope About 5 Months ago,;) "Saw a show on ID channel: What did investigators do upon discovering a missing woman's abandoned van? The van of a woman who had been missing for five days was discovered abandoned in an apartment complex parking lot covered in mud. What did investigators do? They opened the damn van. What were they looking for? Clues to her whereabouts. What did they discover? Blood inside the van, and no other clues. Samples of the blood were then sent to the Crime Lab for testing. What *else* did they do? Took photos of the van before and after it was opened, and photos of the blood found inside. Exactly what one would expect in the case of a **missing person**.",Amateurs! Just your typical level 10,100% F2P Lol why tf does everything have to do with bills?,If you have one problem 100% of your attention must go to it and you have no time to think about anything else ever What show has the best opening sequence?,The Simpsons. "I have an i5 and a sapphire AMD 7850 and it plays fine on mine, don't know the frame rate though",would you mind checking? "That response doesn't make any sense in reply to mine. We're talking about the card's location, not its quality.","Sorry, I misread." "Prophecy Mechanic Rework I made a previous post a couple days ago asking if the prophecy mechanic in its current form was too luck-based. There were a lot of good arguments for both sides, but ultimately everyone agreed that it commonly alters the course of games, especially in Versus Arena, sometimes solely based on luck, regardless of how much you play around it. Can we keep the prophecy mechanic in the game while making it more interactive and skill-based, and also having some drawbacks for the person using the prophecy? Here is my solution: When a rune breaks, if you have a prophecy card in your hand, you can choose one and play it for free. If you do this, you don't draw a card from the rune breaking. If you choose not to play a prophecy card, or you don't have a prophecy card to play, it draws a free card instead. Drawn cards will no longer automatically trigger the prophecy effect. This solution is good for three reasons: 1. It makes prophecies less luck-based. The player chooses the prophecy they want to play based on the situation. 2. It gives prophecies a drawback. Namely, if you play a prophecy for free, you don't get to draw an extra card as well and it removes a card from your hand. 3. It's simple, intuitive, and easy to understand. This idea is heavily based on user r/F0rTh3W1n's idea, so I want to give him credit. I'd love to hear some thoughts on a change like this or similar to this.",So everyone would run 3 Dark Harvester? Parents leave child for 6 more hours than agreed for with relative. This is their reasoning.,BUT IT'S SOOOO WORTH IT! Has anyone else noticed the floating optics on the Devotion in the customise screen?,"2/10, never playing again" it is doubtful that 50% of the market switched in one year though,You got modern warfare remastered a full 30 days early on digital as compared to physical It was a no brainer Seriously???,You got outplayed "bit of work there to get small bezels, round screens are weird (to work with) better off ensuring the PT2 screen type is the absolute best colour version of e-paper style stuff and then using a large one - the support for the screen size was in the SDK yeah? I do agree with you in one sense, I used to spam here saying we needed a plastic body or thicker metal body PTR with bigger screen (even at same resolution, I wouldnt care) so that bezel can be proportionately smaller. battery needs to be big so the watch needs to be thick, massive mistake by pebble to introduce a new signature watch that doesn't have the feature they are most praised for , 1 week battery life",Aren't PTRs actually a hexagon? Mischievous is its characteristic. And yes if you don't find a better offer please remember me ;) You ca use any pokeball for the Pheromosa. I can also rename the Kartana Katagami Thanks :),Do you happen to know the exact or approximate IVs for HP and def (and atk)? I am just impressed they didn't use fake lashes,Or that really bad ms paint-quality photoshop that was posted a while back. "I don't get why the rotation is wrong, but they spelled environmental wrong.","Aluminum, too." "Want To Destroy Fake News? Stop Watching the Legacy Media (CNN, FOX, MSN...","Oh yeah, let's watch Brietbart and WND, they are the good ones." "The cringe, it hurts. This is what Windows has done to people; they now expect gigabytes of bloated shit in their operating systems and can't comprehend the fact that you don't need most of it at all.",It's like companies who advertise with their number of lines of code and it's clearly implied that *more==better* (I think it was some post about a car manufacturer's advert) "What Was Your Favorite Moment From S3 SPL? I look back on the spring split as an interesting time. Soar was my favorite team, the meta was forming and lots of players were feeling stuff out.. also I was loving the jigz support build",MLC finding a team that goes to worlds after the disaster that was EnVy. Remember that security report Bush II at least received but discounted about Bin Laden planning to attack the United States? 9/11 Either Trump doesn't care if we get attacked or sees political opportunity in an attack.,"Well, he said that 9/11 would'nt have happened under his watch, so there's a good chance that nothing will happen." "I can give DNS, Food, coins, bucks, VIP points and any pack currently available.",Are you able to max out DNA? "Shaman should get a new Hero Power The Shaman Hero Power is a bad one. I don't mean that it's underpowered or overpowered, but it's a bad design. Hero Powers bring more consistency to the game, but Shaman's is unique in having an RNG-based result. Much like Tuskarr Totemic was nerfed because its RNG came up constantly and creates such a drastic difference between good rolls and bad rolls, so too can be the difference in rolling Spell Damage or Taunt on critical turns. Unsurprisingly, this comes up constantly as it's a Hero Power. The difference between rolling Spell Damage to follow up your Spirit Claws on turn 2 vs. rolling anything else decides games. It makes Spirit Claws and Maelstrom Portal go from solid cards to format-warping. This doesn't even address that Shaman's Hero Power is uniquely awkward in that you can only summon 4 totems at a time, even if your board isn't full. It can be especially odd with Inspire cards (Read: Thunder Bluff Valiant) because nothing about the Hero Power description would seem to indicate that you can't summon duplicates and can't summon past 4 totems at a time. No other Hero Powers have such odd restrictions and undefined meanings/results. We take it for granted that we know what the totems are and know how they work, but it's a messy Hero Power that doesn't grok well for new players. So, provided you want to change the Shaman Hero Power, what would you make it?",Just use Justicar. "Strip club manager, 5 dancers charged with indecent exposure",I know every patron of the Show n Tail is relieved that their moral values aren't being compromised by bare tits thanks to the LEO's swift action. "I'm not a Trump supporter in any way shape or form and I've been banned twice from the sub, a 3-day and a 7-day. You're incorrect that Trump supporters are singled out. Maybe their behavior is worse? Hmmm.",No that can't possibly be it. Players listed in two positions Ive noticed that in my league we use IDP. 1x DT 1 x DE 1 x LB 1 x CB 1 x S I drafted Khali mack and noticed that in ESPN leagues he is listed as two positions. DE and LB. I figured that this will allow me to pick up other IDP on waiver wires with out having to worry about him since i can move him around alot easier. My question is. Are there other players like this or it khali mack special like that since he's used like that and no one else is?,DJ Foster is a pass catching RB for the patriots who is listed as a RB/WR on yahoo Just got my car protuned and I have some questions.,are you lugging it? "Grace has been gracefully aging. She admitted it was ridiculous for her to return to the stage a long time ago, quit her boozing, and is a reflective matron painting pictures of white rabbits to sell to art fans.","To be honest with you, her being a woman is a bit of a relief to me." A team of shitty OCs nobody gives a shit about.,"haha, your comment reminds me of my OC^please^ask^me^about^it" "sent a detailed mail. hope it helps. They're talking foreign language, but I know for a fact that you guys have some people that can help with that. Hope it's sorted out.",Snitches get Stitches.Kappa "I'm pleasantly surprised by how well our passblocking looks so far, but man does our running game suck balls...",But Chris Collinsworth said we were good at that last week! Oh the delicious irony. How the /t_d/ people are not raging over betrayal after betrayal is beyond me.,They are too far gone up their butt holes to be able to understand the truth. "Liga NOS 2016/17, 13.a Jornada: SL Benfica vs. Sporting",cortem-lhe o ombro CIA Veterans Urge Caution On Leaks Saying Russia's Putin Tried To Get Trump Elected,Since people working in the CIA are such trustworthy chaps "Inb4 voll's vision price soar. Its a conspiracy, this video was releases on purpose to cash in on his stockpile of voll visions for profit.","Yea I watched him, he is SSFing his way to riches by collecting legacy items and selling them to himself!" Remindme! 1 week If part 3 ain't out by now I'm done,Jesus christ! Yeah both are. I'm gonna try and get back there some time with a TMO device and confirm what these sites are.,"I could be mistaken, but to me they look exactly like YUGE water towers!" "That was always his twitter, he just never used it.",it was a Game-Thread: Redskins @ Eagles - 1:00 HTTR!,This sure looks like a team that wants to make the playoffs Just checking in from the Bills game. How's everybody getting along?,FUCK YOU "Now that the iron banner vendor is permanently in the iron temple area can we permanently open the back area of the tower? Its just wasted space now, which is a shame because its very nice back there.",But then what would I do with all my Isenfyre Tokens.... TIL hockey edition - #99 is the only league wide NHL retired jersey number,TIL that Jackie Robinson's 42 is also retired by the entire MLB. "@darrenrovell: NFL banning teams from posting their own gameday video, can no longer turn highlights into GIFs, fines up to $100K",In before this post is hidden or removed by the mod team. An early bday present to myself - Jordan 1 Cyber Monday,"Nice pickup, happy birthday dude" "Woah, that's actually pretty weird",I don't think you would notice it with the context haha A feminist.,good one What a loser. Why don't you make fun of weight?,It's too much. "I do not understand why this sub hates Oliciters. For me, Oliciters <3 ..... Yeah, that's the limit of their mental age and IQ.","omggg, screw you, oliver + queen felicity 4ever, screw stephens wife and laurel, no one likes them" Top 40 Gaming Mice of 2016 by FPS Veteran,Deathadder is still my favorite mouse of any FPS game it's simple looking two buttons on the side and overall fits in my hand the best. Most useful FL Studio hotkeys? Hey guys! Title tells everything. Most useful/convenient hotkeys for FL 12. Thanks!,alt-f4 "So, the Irish are British?","Not the Irish, but those in Northern Ireland can (and many do) identify as British." "Ah, not really. It's more about what's required to produce those CDs. You're looking at it wrong.",very convincing argument Does anyone know where I can sell my PS4?,Gamestop can give you like $15 for it. Official Game Thread #Please remain civil,Wow Petty was praising Jesus before and now he's worshipping satan with those hand signals. Anybody else watching Tennesee lose to App State on another screen? Lmao,The titans are losing to a college team? "That guy also did 90 percent damage as elektra, report him",...or praise him for doing what we've asked NM to do for over a year? Alum or student at TUNA,"Graduated last year, work with athletics" "Chattanooga DB Montrell Pardue arrested for disorderly conduct, public intoxication and resisting arrest",havent we all been there? How about his defense on Steph? His vision finding guys? Directing players to go on offense?,Nope just heart. The lights just went out at KRK Uralets in Yekaterinburg during a KHL game between Avtomobilist Yekaterinburg and Lada Tolyatti,"Reminds me of the 88 SC Final when they threw out game 4 when there was a power outage, it was the closest Boston was to winning a game in that series." The entire blame for Trump getting elected lies squarely on the shoulders of Trump voters. They're the ones who are at fault.,And the Russian hackers that rigged the digital machines. "As First Lady, Melania Trump Will Apparently Push Forward With $150 Million Lawsuit Against Unknown 70-Year-Old Blogger",A lot of people are saying she was an escort. The Latest: Trump Says Riots Show US Is 'Wounded Country',Man responsible for knife attacks points out the victims are bleeding. trailer GRINGO: the dangerous life of john mcAfee (2016) Documentary about the life of tech genius turned drug lord turned uS presidential candidate John McAfee. He might also be batsh*t Crazy.,Is Donald Trump using another fake persona again? Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway is already auditioning for her next gig,The new Baghdad Bob? we are all simpsons on this blessed sunday :),me too thanks Sorry to disappoint you :P,"no no, I am ok, I don't need you falling in love with me." "NY Knicks @ Los Angeles Lakers **Game Discussion Thread: NY Knicks @ Los Angeles Lakers** **Venue:** Staples Center - 1111 S. Figueroa St. Los Angeles, CA 90015 **Time:** 6:30 PM(PT) --- --- ##Probable Starters | **Pos** | **Los Angeles Lakers** | **NY Knicks** | |:---|:---------|:---------| | PG | D'Angelo Russell (IL) | Derrick Rose| | SG | Jordan Clarkson | Courtney Lee| | SF |Luol Deng | Carmelo Anthony| | PF |Julius Randle | Kristaps Porzingis| | C |Timofey Mozgov | Joakim Noah| ##Injury Report Los Angeles Lakers | Status ---|--- Nick Young | Game Time Decision Tarik Black | Expected to be out until at least Dec 12 Jose Calderon | Expected to be out until at least Dec 19 NY Knicks | Status ---|---",Dlo is shit we need Calderon running the point "wow, bloody teeth... so, you went for the Jaws approach. This is how kids end-up in therapy.","Here, you dropped this:" Aaron Rodgers had a passer rating over 150 today. That is all.,We should trade him for a young stud. Riot Tryndamere appretiation thread,Yeah screw Regi "Apparently it is society's fault he did all those things, he is blameless.",The world should be and eye for an eye am I rite? Skyrim logic,Maybe he's role playing. No,I just died a little inside My in game name is Hilramorre,I'll add you momentarily Blah blah blah ...ur just another sheep,"Well, I for one am convinced by that most excellent argument" "Also, there are much worse poses. Every single widow pose and skin, for example.",Widow in general "Evan McMullin is a scumbag. He's the lowest of the low. He talks big about how Trump isn't a loyal American yet this guy made a joke of the election system by running a campaign he knew he had no chance of winning and whose pure purpose was to act as a spoiler. He should be ashamed of himself, he is the lowest of the low.","How dare he run in the election as a complete outside underdog, and then criticize someone like Trump, who didn't do that at all!" "If male pcie doesnt fit all the way into female, Will it still work?",I'll make it fit. "Yeah, that's something that unfortunately happens a lot. Comment on the platform you're commenting on. Other platforms have their own commentators.",They actually didnt for a lot of the time so commentators were sort of doing double time ...unless you're Jenny McCarthy,But but she's trying to prevent the scourge that is autism How is this so far down?? It was supposed to rival Facebook but Google screwed up.,It proved that being first is more important than being better. "This shouldn't be shocking to anyone. He was never going to have a blind trust, he wasn't even sure what that term meant. He was never planning on turning the running of his companies over to a neutral third party, either. He fully intends to be actively involved in Trump business, and executive produce his show and run the country. He doesn't view the Presidency as something that requires his full attention.","After all, didn't Obama just stand around the Oval Office taking adorable pictures with children all day?" "Well, what started as an r/ProgrammerHumor joke is now a real programming language. Enter Coding, a stack-based markup language.",Looks a bit like Forth "There is a shortcut. Don't describe the solution in a high level abstraction. Eating right + exercise doesn't really mean much to a person with no starting point. What you should have said IMO: Lift weights with an 8 week work out plan centered around squats and deadlifts at a frequency of every other day. Do 5x5 when lifting. Make sure to always calculate your weights by a 1rep max weight calculation once every 1-2 weeks. Macro diet, don't micro diet. Allow cheat meals, but keep them at a finite allowance. Use an excel sheet to track progress. That's it. After 8 weeks he won't have a problem anymore.",You sound like mehdi himself I hate trump more than most and I still hope your personal reproductive rights are taken away,We always have adoption and indoctrination I guess... Thats actually illegal in a lot of countries. Only state can hold someone against their will. And that is the only right way to do it. You cant give away sovernity (dont know in english). I dont know what went through their minds back in those days...,Well you know.. it's the land of the free ;) Why? If I may ask. I just have never felt the need for anything but thumb registration.,I've registered my right pinky for when I'm eating something messy but still want to unlock the phone ;) Such a great way to show love and respect for the dead.,"Well, if a dead army can fight in Lord of the Rings, dead players can play football." There is a WORKING car duplication glitch on YouTube right now. How do I report it?,No one likes a fucking *snitch* This is one of the stupidest analogies ever. You don't need to be a fucking doctor to diagnose a flu. I'm pretty sure it's actually easier to know that you have a fucking cold than it is to know how to roof for an entire day.,I dunno if I want the guy fixing my roof to tell me it's only the flu when I've actually got Venezuelan equine encephalitis! You could get arrested for having a Swiss army knife unless you've got a good reason for having it,What good reason could you possibly have for carrying around something so useful? And there was a post at the top of this sub the other day asking why no one takes trans issues seriously.. it's because of shite like this.,Because of what is media misrepresentation constructed to get half brains riled up? Leg hemoglobin?,Much tastier than asshemoglobin. "Hit Grand Champion, still no clue what I am doing.","Hit Prospect Elite, I know everything and am amazing at this game." What if voice recognition is actually perfect and computers are just assholes?,No ducking way i dont care about moon shit i just hope it will let you spawn ore sites in WH,"Because a) ore sites don't spawn already in w-space, b) ccp intends w-space to be permanently lived in, and c) being able to spawn content in your own wormhole wouldn't have a hugely negative impact on wormhole playstyle, right?" Just a little upgrade....,Wow that is a tiny upgrade why didn't you go for something bigger? Thank god Flacco sucks,thank god *everyone* sucks but we have a GOAT Senators McCain and Graham Push For World War 3 With Russia,Fake News Brought to you by Cletus and Co. yeah just trade Andrew Luck to some scrub ass 3-12 team ya know,At least your owner knows when shit isn't working out. Got greeted by my new vet receptionist today. Service was pawsitivley meowtstanding.,The doctor will see you meow. Where's the update Valve? Is it going live in 30 minutes?,"Where's the Money, Lebowski?" I wanna know which Emperor's Children player is going to base all of his models on cocaine-mountain bases. I'm also ~~Alpharius~~ excited for the new legion rules.,I'm clearly playing the wrong legion... We're all cracking up in Europe if that's what you mean by Global.,Hahahaha yeah global pedo rings are pretty funny after all Will you help me design a better spam bot for reddit as the current one I'm using shit posts and only links to a picture?,"It is good artwork, who ever owns it." "Ya I figured as much, I honestly ran out of time on this one for my art project, but it's better than nothing I suppose","I still like it lol, im not saying its even bad" Bringing a little organization to Chaos mode,"Nice, all you need now is change those names :D" Dunkirk - Official Poster,Those Stukas are flying waaaaaay too low. ...And this is why you yanks have the second amendment. Don't let Trump grab you by the pussy.,"Second amendment will definitely help protect our waterways, improve our schools, strengthen our access to voting, improve our economy, and create jobs." Pray through fog = winner / eat through fog = loss Can somebody explain why they make rules up on the fly when mods get egg on their faces?,because they don't want to be humiliated in front of a live audience Russia Says Hacking Allegations Have 'Nothing to Do With Reality',"I don't know why but I believe them because Putin seems like a nice, level headed man." "I didn't think about it that way. Lol! If the article's assertions were true (I don't think they are), that *would* pretty much demolish any non-ideological opposition to raising the minimum wage, wouldn't it?","Obviously if we raise the minimum wage, it will end up costing too much to build the automated systems, and we'll have to go back to hiring humans!" "i didnt think it was that rare, my 2010 mitsubishi has bluetooth in it. I don't think ive been in a car without bluetooth in years but maybe thats just me",and here I am still plugging in one of those RF transmitter things into my cigarette lighter. Yeah while older people call us selfish and lazy.,Too lazy to vote to save an entitlement that was promised to us I bet Konami will just release it in the TCG where Pendulum Domination would've been.,They would never do that! How much do you pay for your monthly rent?,"Just an FYI rent 10k and up needs to have a BIR Receipt, they need to pay taxes when it's above that rate, report them if they don't have one." white people stuff,Wealthy people. "That article doesnt say why its rooted in the bay area as opposed to LA. It just has a bunch of random tech orgs or(non profits) that do anti trump events or meetings. I think we have people all over doing this. I actually think NYC is firmly anti trump, they live next to the guy for one.","BECAUSE the article is in the SF Chronicle, of course." Would life orb be better than silk scarf?,But it deals you damage! CIA: Washington Post Report Linking Russian Government to Trump & Election Hacking Is Outright Lie,"I, too, find that all the least fake news about Russia comes from the Czech Republic." hey it's ottawa. stop complaining about snow on cars. damn floridians,You forgot your Donald Trump has lost popular vote by greater margin than any US President in history,"Yes, but it's obviously because of Russian interference." This is so sad and spot on.,This is so why Trump got elected. US judge rejects Green Party's Pennsylvania recount case,How heartbreaking More racism from the tolerant left It's so easy to get white people scared,But something something you can't be racist towards white people because something something PatriarKKKal repooplicans something something "I still get soft crashes fairly often What I mean is the game will still run and I can open up everything, but I can't interact with any Pokestops or wild Pokemon or Gyms. The only thing I have found that fixes it is restarting the game.",I have to restart the app as much as 20 times a day. "What part of the config would be best, or just the whole thing?",Whole thing is fine as we can see the whole thing. "I never got the whole Bunnings is heaps Australian meme. Who gives a fuck about Bunnings? Yeah they have a sausage sizzle out front, snag sandwiches are great, so why so many dumb cunts worship this company like it's some kind of aussie icon?","Where the fuck else are ya gonna get a fucking tip top quality snags, good advice and the supplies to make the best bong ever?" The Fourth Reich is either somewhere in Antarctica or on the moon.,what is the EU? "Dude, I don't think the mayor is all that great but it's pretty insane to say he only cares about the homeless and no one else.",I wouldn't even go so far as to say he cares at all about the homeless so much as placating some of the so-called advocacy groups. "What are the barriers to entry for someone to begin a company like this? Also, what inspires someone to create a company like this?","He answers these two questions in the interview, the second in quite some depth." Paul Ryan just finished his first year as speaker. He may not see a second.,Great! here we go boys. lead me to victory,What's your bench look like? Police database error turned innocent father into an organised crime suspect,"The harrassment was only based on metadata though, so it couldn't have hurt that much." "AFK in Ranked. 2 minutes is far too long to wait for an AFK, at least in ranked. If a player afk's at the wrong time, or for more than 45 seconds/minute or so, GG. I've lost 80+ skill tier points in the last day because of afk teammates. Players have afk'd at the start of the match, putting us behind right from the beginning. Players have afk'd before, during, after team fights, usually resulting in a match loss. I played a game yesterday where we were down to just the vains, teammate afk's during last team fight, we die. This particular teammate was afk for about 1.5 minutes by the time the enemy team busted our vain and won. Myself and my other teammate lose 20+ skill tier points. Casual is one thing, but ranked is another. It's not as big of an issue in casual because it's just that: casual. People that play ranked, however, predominantly love the game and care about their rank. It's incredibly devastating to feel like you've already lost a match 6-8 minutes in because one of your teammates has afk'd 2 or 3 times by that point during team fights etc. Player's should be discouraged more from afk'ing at all in ranked. I think the afk time out should be 1 minute, or less. I'm also open to other options, I'm just tired of logging in, queueing up, and losing tier progress because somebody doesn't care and takes a phone call or whatever mid-game. Thank you, that is all.","The timer gives time people to get back if, say they had to recharge their phone or lag" "Dana hints at replacement for Goldberg, someone who would be a dream partner for Joe Rogan",Eddie Bravo high as FUCK "The commission on the Sistine Chapel was 3000 ducats. The tomb of Pope Julius II was 10,000 ducats. I do not pretend to be an art historian or art expert in any capacity but this seems completely ludicrous. My understanding is that Michelangelo believed that the tomb would be his magnum opus but from a practical standpoint, the pricing seems totally off. Was there some sort of political motivation for the insanely low price on the Sistine Chapel? I understand that he was coerced more than convinced to do the chapel but if he was going to be forced to complete the work, why the low price? Was it punishment for his reluctance in accepting the commission? As a note, I also understand that Michelangelo was never really paid in full for these works, I was just reading some personal correspondence and this question came to mind. Sources: Then, when I was in Rome he commissioned me to make his tomb. I think it was the second year of my stay with him, after many sketches, I made one that he liked, and we made an agreement on it: I agreed to make it for ten thousand ducats; and since I figured it would take one thousand ducats' worth of marbles, he had this sum paid to me by the Salviati of Florence, and he sent me to Carrara for the marbles. After I had raised the statue on the facade of San Petronio I returned to Rome, but the Pope still refused to let me complete the tomb, and he insisted that I paint the vault of the Sistine; I agreed to do it for three thousand ducats.","Either way, Michelangelo got insanely wealthy." "I'll be honest, if I had this offered, I'd rather have my normal account. Unlocking the things manually feels way better - at least for me - than having everything there without having done anything for it. Playing on PBE never feels as rewarding as on live servers. Even if I've already got every champion and 20 rune pages unlocked there, grinding for extra IP keeps bringing me that reward that I'd strive for. Just my opinion!",Maybe for your first account but that grind from 1 to 30 while unlocking MAYBE 30% of champs and the bare minimum for runes aint fun Hi quality deteriorating action. Chomping jaw button located on its bow tie,Chomping jaw button located on Chica's Beak* FTFY