Input,Output Better looking? Sure. Better performing? Hahahaha nope.,What's the difference? "I'm well aware of that, I specifically speak of long CD - Massive Protection/heals - R buttons.",Auriel can't revive herself. Who has the smallest dick on EnVy?,Sad news for Pansy. Now it's a basket of monkeys.,Always was. "Dann setzt man sich an den Schreibtisch, sind alle Dokumente weg.. Who let the .docx out?","selbst schuld, wer nicht .odt verwendet" Lenovo won't make Windows phones because it doubts Microsoft's commitment to the platform,But I thought Microsoft is committed to windows 10 mobile. "Yeah lol! Chinese symbols - while I'm sure they're pretty - but why don't they just use numbers or letters, must be so confusing for them.",Yeah must be difficult for them to read their own language / script. Woman Forced To Change Her Airline Seat Because Muslims Wouldn't Sit Next To Her,"Please remember, as always, that this has nothing to do with Islam!" Facebook-worth post right here.,On Reddit.. just what we need! Maybe you shouldn't be here illegally then?,What an insightful contribution. With constant use these hard drives tend to crash pretty quickly - 1-2 years down the road this person will have a dead hard drive glued to their laptop.,"Yeah, not like those HDD enclosures can be reused when the drive dies.." does anybody know what it shows if you select it?,"The rats you encounter after creating a new char are listed as minor threats, probably to make it easier to understand" Kenen rumble and jayce are very badly balanced. There's no way for a melee to beat rumble. Kenen stuns you just for looking at him. Jayce removes 25% !!!! of your armor with a single basic hit...,Yeah I hear rumble beats Riven really hard... So now I KNOW I've sold my soul to the Devil...,"Brb, gonna farm my homu" The entire CONTINENT of Europe? But arent they from Russia?,TIL Russia is in Europe Girl drinks whole beer without using her hands,Glad they filmed this with an 8mm. MRW someone defends 24 FPS over 60,But what about that cinematic feel? Are there still spots open for this?,32 spots left as of today. That couldn't be any more false. The opposite is true. Anything touting Diversity is a red flag,"more like a white flag, because they appropriated it" Why stop there? All abilities should have their cast ranges and relevant aoes in their tooltip as standard.,but that's too much work I just went through this. I used veeam's quick migration which is available free and it went flawlessly.,I will have to look into this. "Montastrea cavernosa corals actually have what are called sweeper tentacles that they can use to damage other corals that are within reach. However, this is more aimed at killing/weakening the adjacent colony so they can more easily be overgrown. Am coral biologist.","So clearly systemic environmental degradation of coral reefs isn't a problem, because there is coral on coral violence!" Sorry!,You've ruined a perfectly fine picture! Will gem packs go on sale anytime soon before the Odyssey ends? I've been wanting to buy some lately but I'm not sure if they'll go on sale for black Friday maybe?,no never "It's been 20 years, but this is officially the NEW ERA. George Mikan to Jerry to Magic to 20 years of Kobe to now. I put one person for each era because imo they were the most important figure in that era. Make your prediction now. Who is the face of the lakers? You can't pick more then one. Hell, if you think its someone whose not on the roster now, pick them. But I'm going with Ice in my veins.",The Metta Era Watch all of Miguel Cabrera's thirty-eight home runs for the 2016 season,Love how he smoothly strokes those dongs the opposite way. What kind of kill horny monster do you have to be to shoot somone after the match is cancelled has come on screen? why not have a nice farewell in the 10 seconds we have left together?,gotta make sure u kno who's the alpha here so next time we meet u won't fck with me m8 Make KD regret not picking us. Fuck the Warriors.,What if KD is internally sabotaging the warriors on our behalf and is singing with us next year when cp and blake take less money? "Then you kill yourself I love the Mad Hatter character, has a really dark and Norman Bates feel to him.",That last episode of Bates Motel though is creepy af. So you found the Leatherface chase then went back the next day and found this one too? That is incredible! Happy Halloween to you for real! WOW.,r/thathappened Russian Rogue One poster,I like it but physics. Occasional SF traveler here. This past weekend alone while in town I saw someone shooting up and also a couple other guys snorting something. It's just not something I've ever seen before in any other part of California If I was a tourist visiting America for the first time... I wouldn't be very impressed.,But this is a city so you should expect it! Game Thread: Sixers @ Celtics 7 PM THE DEBUT! The long awaited debut of both Dario Saric and Joel Embiid. We're working on getting these set to be automated so bare with us. GO SIXERS AND FUCK BOSTON.,"Nik needs to go the fuck away, we took a chance on him and he's just airballed his first 3 this season" PSDB descarta apoio a Freixo e estuda voto em Crivella,Que surpresa! How does Seth Rich keep posting from beyond the grave?,10D Halo and he threw a *lot* of grenades right before he died. "Hope you like our movie, we sure enjoyed it ;) (F+M)",It's a shame she's not more orgasmic secondary people would be Michelle Visage. Lucian is tertiary tbh,***SHADE*** "New version of doombots coming soon, with a new champion roster including yasuo!","Nothing, they will keep him the same since he's op" "I hated the weight and width of the iphone 7 plus. I've been a Note user for years and was trying to shift over to Apple because of the issues I'd always had with battery life and lag on my Android phones. My biggest needs are camera and battery life, but I had no idea how important being able to use a phone with one hand was to me until I bought the iphone 7 plus. Even though its not *that* much bigger than the Note phones I've used over the years, its JUST that bit too heavy and too wide to use with one hand for me. I also realized it was hard to take a good photo with it because of the weight making it hard to hold the phone with one hand and take photos. The weight on the iphone 7 plus was enough to make it hard to hold still. I kept wondering why all my photos were coming out looking like shit, and so I took it back to the Apple store and I was having the same issues with the iphone 7 pluses on display. When I tried out the regular size iphone 7 on display, I noticed the pictures had less blur on them. I was able to replicate it over and over. I can't hold the iphone 7 plus still enough to take good photos, and I was getting less blurry photos using the normal iphone 7. Completely surprised me.","Well, Donald Trump, if you had bigger hands it wouldn't be an issue." HILLARY BLACKBERRY HACKED SPREAD THIS EVERYWHERE SUPER REAL SCREENSHOT,THAT'S ACTUALLY WINDOWS 10 GUI ELEMENTS YOU CUCKED FAGGOTS. "What do you think about carnage? After seeing his embarassing razer video where he abuses the EQ and has unlicensed software, do you still like him as a producer?",Not seeing a whole lot of Chipotle Gang members in here.. Alright I'll bite. What the hell is Texas bread?,basically sandwich bread that is sliced extra thick. I never get to be original :( someone always beats me to it,"just log in with multiple bot accounts and downvote the shit out of that originality and post it youself, problem solved" what if Mei is botanist a.k.a plant scientist?,It'd be neat if the ultimate and freeze gun caused enemies to be entangled in vines as they grew over them Australia is downloading 50% more data than a year ago. Over 2 million TB in the last 3 months.,Surprising since Turnbull and his buddies fabricated a strategic review of the NBN to justify FTTN which basically said all we would need by 2023 is 15mpbs. All of Pence's denial is such BS. Everything Cheeto Benito has said is on tape.,"he can pretend he doesn't look at what trump does, because he assumes that whoever won the republican nominee is fine." "A Cucked News Network (CNN) article for the pussies of r/politics and their delusional pussiness (yes I assumed you are, and have, pussies).",Careful not to cut yourself on that edge So does that mean Vodka and Redbull is bad? But it tastes so good!,I mean if you have a depressant and a stimulant those cancel each other out right? I've made it my point to make those I come in contact with better off than they were before.,(*touches you*) ..will you make me better off than before now? I don't even want to know how it would feel like during black friday or Christmas.,Shit...that's scary :( How do you... Sit down?,If you have to ask the question you need to lose weight. This is a song title. Any ideas?,[Paperback Writer - The Beatles] That belly-up submission posture. Wiener knows who's boss.,Bellies up for Harambe "Wait until you get a load of the next great progressive, Hillary Clinton.","She's a woman - that'll mean no more wars, right?" What are the chances that we win the next two games and aren't ranked 1?,If we win the next two games it will be because the Broncos and Seahawks are pretenders Jaaaaack is baaaaack,That's hate speech "Da planes? Anyone know what the planes flying over campus today are for? Prepping for homecoming flyover, perhaps?",Chemtrails tldr?,Stop whining online and get a life. No ticket issued to out-of-town driver on Calgary Transit tracks,They weren't speeding.... why would they ticket the driver? It's a dumb game mode that promotes 6 man stacks to run around in a pack with only shotguns. It works on CoD because all guns can down 2-3 people in literally seconds. So running in a pack with shotguns doesn't ruin it.,"Shh...if you complain about shotguns, you're actually just a butthurt sniper." "That I am going to die. As each day passes, we are drawing closer and closer to our deaths. When people say I can't believe 2016 is almost already over just stand back from that and think. It won't be long until people are saying 2017 is almost over. Then 2018, then 2019. You might as well already be dead. We are all dead men walking.",Did you just assume my gender? Be mad at themselves for being terrible people who forget Gronk is a human and not just an asset to their shitty fantasy football team.,But I drafted him with my first pick! Remy Lacroix,She's doesn't look high at all. What's stopping you stupid Americans to completely boycott this year's elections because considering those buffoons you are calling Presidential Candidate you are fucked either way?,"The best way to get definitive answers is to first insult the people who you want answers from, Amirite?" US is trying to completely dominate the world,"We already do dominate the world, and you'd better agree with us if you know what's good for you." My MIL just sent this to myself and my husband and I don't know what to say to her.,"Tell her she needs to full in the subject line, just so you have a choice" Clearly we should just cut Bailey now.,I mean Bailey did miss that 46 yarder last game Well the Couturier thing is atleast debatable after the drafting of Rubtsov.,"you dropped this," "Instructions unclear, threw 1080 in ocean","Cooled my PC with saltwater direct from the Atlantic, corroded my valves and ate my computer from the inside out." 50% more Bonus Rep from World Quests this week + 5000 Orderhall Resources,Isn't this more of a PSA than a tip? Call of Duty is 90GB on console because of textures,Yeah have sense... 300x300(px) texture = 90'000MB "But then they need to remodel all ships to include wipers and invest in R&D for realistic wiper physics, hydroplaning and surface tension simulations.",modern planes use vibration at high speed to prevent material from building up on cockpit glass Clinton Holds 41-Point Lead Over Trump Among Asian-American Voters: Survey,What's up with that 16% of Asians? "totally? ehhh, it's on the line, but it's definitely not that clear. It wasn't that condescending by itself. And there is nothing to suggest that he wouldn't say that to a man either. We can't just assume that he wouldn't, based on the fact that there are other people who wouldn't.",Yeah I bet he sends winky faces to every guy he talks to. Porkins?,"Nah, Snoke is Porkins' and Windu's son (or whatever, I don't want to assume it's gender)" What the crap kind of question is that,good to see phrenology is alive and well "Android pay doesn't work with my op3 or op1, as my card supplier doesn't support it.","You should try an OP2 then, I'm sure that'll work" My ski bum buddies and I have spent hours picking apart this gif and how it could be possible. Really good backwards skiing? Superimposed ostrich from the boots up? No fucking idea,You dropped this Updated jetski sound effects.,"new jetski sounds are shit, uninstalling" *bangs head off wall*,"Well, actually, it takes a super long time develop a brand new engine you know..." Fox News Airs Openly Racist Segment on Asian People,It's not raciest if you're privileged. I don't think there are any rules in Russia. That's just how it is.,I believe it's an anarchy of which Putin is just the figurehead He just implied that they were weak. So much better. That is what happens when you nominate the king of the word salad.,"Great job focusing on whats important, not that bs about getting vets better mental healthcare." "Terrible Team Chemistry- Durant and Curry Fighting Over Who Will Get The Bucket, Then Arguing After The Missed Shot","KD already destroying team chemistry, should've kept Harry B tbh" Clearly they stealth-buffed the VMP,"No buff, just outplayed." "New NATO Headquarters, still under construction, Brussels, Belgium",NATO: Keeping the fro of the world thoroughly combed. TIL that every autumn you can exchange chestnuts and acorns against gummy bears at the HARIBO factory in germany because the founder was a passionate hunter and wanted to give even poor children the opportunity for some free sweets,"Hey, natural nuts traded for sucrose injected with unnatural colors is always a win!" 12yr old Brother had to choose between PC and console - i helped him to choose the right thing,So where is the console? "Well, you can't show all of the globe at once, so why not go with the part where you live and where most of the people you care about live and have that decorate your living room?",I dropped this "Witcher 3, and ARMA 3",Arkham Knight might get 55fps with some drops "Why was mw3 so much worse looking than mw2? You'd think a game 2 years younger would look better but mw3 had weird colours, animations and the characters just looked off compared to mw2.","It was after the whole thing with IW and Activision, so it was rushed" Massachusetts police used a military style helicopter to seize a single marijuana plant from an 81 year old woman using it to ease her arthritis and glaucoma.,Yea you stay classy Massachusetts ...definitely making my state look good! buy a good cameras and put it in your house. if she ever comes back for anything you can record and be safe about it. because she can claim anything with her complaint. Go to a very good lawyer and file a complaint and get anticipatory bail in advance and have everything under a record so even if your wife files a case you will have something to defend. Do not seat idle. You are inches away from jail.,* Do not seat idol. There's money inside,There's always money in the ~~banana stand~~ jew tree. ______ has been evicted Cornbread by a vote of 9-1 Bolted for the door and his last words were probably fuck y'all.,Whoever said good luck cornbread just took me back to Austin's eviction when Steve says good luck Austin on his way out the door lmao VR Needs to Be Pleasurable for Women Before VR Porn Can Be,"But I thought women were supposed to be the same as men in every facet, including biologically?" "I accidentally dropped my load on a male, which caused him to puke over a girl, which caused she to puke... a scene that caused another girl to puke. Suddenly we were all puking.",Talk about homophobic But then how did he keep the hand?,"That's his invisible prosthetic, it's to represent his emptiness inside him about loosing his arm, dick." But why? What point could this comment POSSIBLY serve?,"I don't know, but Trump's strategy seems to just be to double down on everything he says and very rarely admit he was wrong." Current state of supports in the game Ive been noticing that a team without a front line doesnt have a chance but a team with no support doesnt make a difference. Thats just my observation. Do you feel supports are necessary in a team comp? Would running 1 front line with no support be ok in higher lvl play? Does 2 front lines without a support seem viable?,"From my experience, 2 frontlines, for example Fernando and Ruckus, wrecks the shit out of my team." "What Theme To Use? I've been wanting to make a map, but I can never stick to a certain theme. I always bounce from Cobblestone theme to a Dust theme to an Office theme. Where can I find a good theme to settle with?","Once you find a theme, limit yourself to the textures and props used in official maps with a similar theme." Chicago suspends Wells Fargo from city business for a year,Next they will ban fiat and use only bitcoins ELI5: Why is Wayland a display server protocol instead of just a display server?,Because the Gnomes are a bunch of control freaks. KJ probably doesn't know jack shit,He's just the support for Skylanders. "most of europe, the law mandates for every cigarette pack to have pictures of dying cancer patients or general cancerous tissue.",Yeah but your billboard ads don't. Boost Suggestion,They will probably make an all female version of the boost trail and completely ruin it. "Oh wow, that's really interesting. I wonder what made them decide to change such small details? There must be some kind of evidence or something that rounded out text is more appealing.",Public opinion cracked 50 percent on round text so she flip flopped in favor of it. Take This Quiz Before You Vote,Obviously this test was created to support Hillary by highlighting all of trumps flaws without supporting any of his strengths. "Shower thought: if there is ever a live action 40k movie, GW will insist the costume designers use Citadel paints on the power armor.",That would make the film's budget the largst in history. Uh oh I've been downgraded to a 14 year old.,So where did you whisk your family away to that only has pure white people as yourself? World Bank Study: Isil recruits better educated than their average countryman,I guess Pentagons 500 mill was well spent. "Sorcery, Swords & Titties Volume 1, Delilah Dallas","Huh, wonder what this book is about." "TIL 80% of the SR-71 Blackbird's thrust at Mach 3.2 was generated from its ability to harness energy from the shock waves it created, thanks to special retractable spikes in front of its inlets. Its engines generated the other 20% of thrust.",Reddit loves the SR-71 hahaha I still don't understand the physics of what's happening from the video - can someone ELI5 please? And the award for most overused title containing a cat picture goes to..,"Yep, and still hilarious!" "Where is campus security in all this? This is infringing on the right of people to peaceably assemble. This is, again, the First Amendment. The founders thought that was pretty important. Whether the Constitution is flawed or not in an SJWs confused mind.","They obviously aren't allowed to assemble, because the assembly is for the purpose of spreading hate and racism, and they were going to incite violence anyway!" "Thornmail: One of the biggest trap items in LoL. Should it ever be made GOOD? Picture this: You're a Malphite and get over 500 armor with a Thornmail in your build, but the enemy ADC gets a Mercurial Scimitar. With that one item, Thorns becomes completely ineffective. And it's not just Mercurial Scimitar that can hard-counter Thornmail, but also a sufficient amount of lifesteal, a Death's Dance, or a Phantom Dancer. All those can make Thornmail suck. **Get it earlier.** Unfortunately Riot made early-Thornmail bad because the thorns scales off bonus armor. When you get it too early, it doesn't have enough bonus armor to do much damage. But if you get it late, your opponent will probably already have countered it, or will be able to change up their item composition to counter it. The big issue is that Thornmail requires too many stats to actually work, and requires that your opponent have incorrect stats as well. This is a problem akin to Spell Vamp; you need bonus armor for Thorns damage, health to live long enough for the Thorns to do its job, and MPen to ensure the Thorns isn't blunted by MR. The last of those three is almost impossible for tanks to allocate. When's the last time you saw a Rammus get a Void Staff? You also need your opponent to NOT have high MR or lifesteal, which tends to be wishful thinking. So to put this to discussion, should Thornmail ever be good, or is Thorns itself a toxic mechanic for LoL?",just get morello's too Sex-trafficking ring forced hundreds of Thai women to 'live a nightmare' in US,Wow sounds like a great TV show! "Official Bug Reporting Megathread - Devblog 130 It's Update Day! Help the developers by reporting any bugs, using the following points: * You can report bugs **in-game** by pressing **F7**. * **[BUG]** Something game-breaking that shouldn't happen. * **[QoL]** Quality of Life change that doesn't necessarily break the game, but would be nice to fix. * Please try to include helpful evidence related to the bug, such as screenshots, videos, or GIFs. * Describe how to recreate the bug, if you know how. * If your bug has already been posted, upvote it and reply to it with your info. * Post your system specifications if the bug seems to be hardware/graphics-related.",[BUG] Using the server browser causes my game to crash. "Who said anything about donating? Do you even blood bank,bro?",You're telling me all this time I've been going to the Red Cross for nothing. Joe Allen scores against Austria (0-1),Ahh the welsh being lucky again... No you aren't,I'm surprised no one picked up on that sarcasm...hahaha sorry "You mean morals. The moral concepts in religion were the result of the morals of the time, not the other way around.",You're wrong Hero to Zero. Its what a Mercenary promotes into when they completely suck.,~~Laslow boys~~ When you can't beat Duel-SGX so you go here instead,"this fight was too easy, imo." "What is a triple A tenant I am looking to rent but in some ads it saids looking for AAA tenant only. How do I know if I fit this requirement? Is that a general term for an excellent credit, stable job and good rental history, or does it mean something more than that?",It means that you need to belong to the Automobile Association of America. Was anyone else underwhelmed by the big finale last showcase? I mean racing a slow as blimp in a ATV that can't even reach 100mph was probably the least exciting thing I've ever done in the game.,"I especially liked the part when the whole screen was shaking like a mofo when you got close to the slow-ass, dead silent blimp with rotors spinning at 4 fucking rpm." BHK Labs Measurements: NAD C 275BEE Amplifier,"Whatevs, all amps sound the same anyway." Syria/Iraq is totally a mess. Trudeau made the right call to stay out,"Tough decision there, since Iraq's been a mess since 2002 and Trudeau was elected in October 2015." Disneyland guard draws pistol on motorcyclist at parking lot payment booth,"TIL: Everyone has armored car guard experience, and if in his shoes would've known exactly what to do in this situation!" The God of Sarcasm,You shall be known as Andersen panic time! I can't wait to hear and read all about the Leaf Nation panic over a rough outing.,"Well at least we only have one more year finishing 30th, then it's 31st for four more" "Who does not love rubio? Is that even possible? For every Karl Malone there has to be a a Stockton, if he throws no-looks even better.",People who like guys that can shoot at a high school level. I don't think this will fit in the apartment.,Doesn't exposure to UV light make amethyst lose it's purple color? I almost asked if police were investigating. Then I remembered. Im in Seattle.,Actually SPD has opened a criminal investigation. Remind me why everyone is calling this team m5 when most of the players are Ukrainian,Ukraine is just another part of Russia. So apparently Fredi Gonzalez is being considered for the 3b coach position. I'll take Things I Never Thought I'd See for $500.,I feel like I've heard that name before "Nope, looks like it's just a sub for people to complain about miniscule things. Like I tell everyone: this is the internet, if you don't like something scroll past it. No need to cry.",Or express opinions... "If his account was 5 years old, you guys just assume CTR bought an old account. Cause real Hillary supporters totally don't exist in real life brah.","Yep, 5 year account checking in, CTR checks helped pay off my student loans!" "You have to try pretty hard to get a ban from TIS. If you read the context of these sarcastic replies, you'd see why.",Banned u/-Harper Muslim Beheads Woman. In Oklahoma. USA. This is Terrifying. Thanks obama and hillary!,Seems more like a case of workplace violence than radical Islam. What is the next generation going to miss out on?,Just spending a lot of time outside with your friends. WSJ: Docs Reveal White House Coordination on Clinton Emails!,"If everyone is corrupt, then no one is." This morning I realized it was 20 years ago today that I was baptized and confirmed into TSCC. I felt that was something worth commemorating. I even wore my BYU jacket to the liquor store to find the perfect accompaniment. Check out the artwork on the label.,"My baptism was on my birthday, so blessed." Hurricane Matthew killed hundreds of people... because racism,And that's why Dominican sailed through unscathed. Perk of the job. Napolitano says he'll face the boos when uses cheap Cubs tickets,*quid pro quo* in action. "So we're 5-0 with only 4 goals against... I've been very loosely following the preseason, but I just looked at the standings and we're 5-0 with only 4 goals against, which is half as much as any other team has given up. My question is, how? I realize its only preseason but that still seems pretty damn impressive.",It's the perfect time for Varly and Picks to get hot. "Me. As I said it directly, and firmly. Where as you are implying something, and back peddling when called upon.",Get laid for once nerd TIP: Don't play ranked if you have slept less than 6 hours.Get your sleep.,2 HOURS OF SLEEP CAN'T STOP THE TRAIN CHOOCHOO "'Good waiter, I'm wanting the pasta, you see - But pollo's appalling, and isn't for me! I'd rather abstain and avoid the unknown - So bring me the chicken, and chicken alone.' I warily, wearily tried to explain - 'But pollo is chicken,' I whispered in vain. 'That bird with the feathers that clucks with its beak? That's pollo; that's *chicken*,' I struggled to speak. 'See pollo's just *chicken* by some other name - They aren't independent! They're one and the same! So whether it's chicken or pollo you pick - Whatever you ask for, you're still getting *chick!* 'In essence,' I finished, 'despite how it seems - 'It's chicken, that's pollo, and *that's* what it means.' He stared at me silent, and held up a hand. He thought for a moment. 'I don't understand.'",That was beautiful. You can do what is right before it's politically expedient. That she opposed gay marriage - going so far as to say marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman - suggests that either she believes that or she is only following what gets her the most votes. Either way it's disgusting. She did not have the courage to support it before it was mainstream.,"You're right, even though she supports it now, we should all be very disgusted and we should elect a sexist bigot and his anti-gay VP instead." * 2.5 oz Gin * .75 oz Dry Vermouth * 1 dash Orange Bitters * Cocktail Onion,Stirred! "I never understood why people force fertility upon themselves when their body says, No. I can't have children due to endometriosis but I won't insist on expelling a child out of my body. I plan on adopting when I'm ready to start a family.",Idk why people try to stay alive when they are sick either Yesterday my girlfriend and I were playing together and she said something over the mic. As soon as they realized she was a real girl a few guys kept hunting her down and killing her over and over.,"Well I mean, it is a game about crime and chaos so she should have seen this coming and not played if she didn't want this to happen, right?" "Who are some of India's most prevalent (popular) culture icons? I hope this doesn't come off as disrespectful or silly, but this sort of thing fascinates me and I don't know how to properly ask this. The best I can figure is to give examples. Like, America has Superman. Captain America. Star Wars is based on a lot of things, but it's kind of predominantly American. Britain has James Bond, Harry Potter, Sherlock. Japan has Godzilla. Mexico has El Santo. That sort of thing. Who are some characters, or franchises, from any medium, who are HUGE all around India, even if they aren't outside of India? Nearly omnipresent, you know?",Quora-n: The ultimate sapiosexual. Leaked emails show impartial John Oliver was in contact with the Clinton Foundation,"Look, this is my surprised face...." MCW still plays better on ball defense.,and how's his off ball defense? The Obama economy has now created 15 million jobs,This is liberal bias! They're not over yet.,They are... We got Xhaka Normally I'd be all for center depth but....WHY?!?!,"Because we *need* centers, so we'll take *anybody*." What are the risks of buying an (unranked) level 30 league of legends account,the primary risk is the account getting banned as its against riots rules I thought racism ended with with Obama though!,No it only started with Obama! The tribune is so bad on mobile with all their fucking ads. Can't even read the article without wading past multiple full screen ads. WTF,"Wait, you *don't* want to enter to win all those free gift cards?" I say call her out! You don't have to be a dick about it and at least it'll give you ownership of what sounds like a circling-the-drain scenario. Might as well get some entertainment from this trainwreck.,The most reasonable and mature response here "When my oldest was 5 I was pregnant. I found out I was having a boy and we excitedly told him he was having a brother. He started crying. Like, full on sobbing. Through the tears he asked if you have a boy who will I marry when I grow up??? We had to explain a lot of things that day.",Yeah he needs to accept now people can get gay married. "It's possible. I'm almost certain I've finished first in every iron banner match this week where I haven't played with my fireteam. I'm not surprised that I'm in first, but I **am** surprised that I literally haven't won a single match when playing with all randoms. It's like I'm always put on a team that's incapable of winning. You would think that statistically I would almost certainly be on a winning team eventually, but it hasn't happened yet. Every game plays out like my team is made up of clueless children while the enemy team has the coordination of seal team six. Sometimes I think maybe it's me?!? But again, I'm placing first by a long shot in all of these matches, and while I'm nowhere close to being a crucible god, I certainly do my part",It's definitely you Dear god. I grew up in a racist cult.,isnt it a mind fuck when you finally realize it? Oh of course! That came out totally wrong lol.,Just because you don't agree with his sexuality doesn't mean that he came out wrong "DB could shout death and the Terrarian would die. If DB wanted to, shout death, and reraise the terrarian as a zombie.","Yep, let's just ignore the actual fight because Terria is for kids" "Well, I'm drunk too so I guess that helps",Is that even allowed in Utah? I remember a ditsy woman on Sky News calling Nigel Farage racist because he'd prioritise *British workers'* jobs over foreign EU workers' jobs in Britain.,"it's just gone way too far and i sincerely hope Trump wins, it will be the US equivalent of Brexit people are fed up with this crap and if they don't get a reasonable representative to reflect their views then there will be trouble in future and by trouble i mean civil unrest because so far it seems in the last 15 years our Western societies have been rewarding only those who back their demands with the the believable threat of force that is why we have pandered to Islamists and pandered to communities and developed community policing giving communities more rights than individuals it's the state delegating policing duties to community leaders deputising them effectively so they can then bully and harass individuals unfortunate enough to have been born in their identity politics group" Yeah lets create a chat like reynads. Sub only mode and all you see is comments that suck his dick because everybody is scared about getting perma banned. At least you have a fun and interactive chat right?,Because reynad is totally an example of a failed streamer Trump is even losing on fox news. Pathetic,Looks like they're jumping on the liberal media train If you get money for gold please instead Burn Reddit Down.,Or at least invest in brdcoin "Big Brother Over the Top - Wednesday Night Live Event Discussion - October 26 2016 On the live feeds tonight, beginning at 10p EDT/7p PDT, we will have a one hour recap of the past week. At 11p EDT/10p PDT, We will have a live eviction. If it's anything like last week, it will be very productionless and the HG will fill in for most of Julie's usual role. Starting at midnight/ 9pPDT, an HOH competition will be played. During the eviction, your best bet is to watch the Quad View. Who will be evicted? How will the votes fall? What awkward moment will we get from the live eviction? How about the weird 30 min of nothing after that and before HOH? Who will be crowned? Discuss all that and whatever else below.",Scott or Shelby for HOH for MAXIMUM levels of salt Pictures: Hurricane Matthew Leaves Behind Devastation in Haiti,Don't worry the Clinton foundation will help Haiti again......haha can't say it with out I just played the glitchiest game yet.,Never seen this before! Have you ever touched one? Seems pretty furry to me...,Implying people in this sub get near sex. I choose takeo,Logically I'd choose the one not seen holding a weapon... but I was going to choose my man Richtofen anyways. No we don't. Vote for none of the above.,"Oh yeah, that'll help" Is The Clinton Campaign Trying To Label Wikileaks As Being 'Weaponized By The Kremlin' To Create A Justifiable Narrative For A Drone Strike On Julian Assange?,Nixon should have blamed Watergate on the Russians and had a drone strike on Deep Throat. The Way This Owl Is In This Tree,What owl? When ascendence by PC upgrade is too mainstream.,When a good title for a repost older than you is too mainstream. I still don't get what other thing pubs can mean,Public matches in a game. "I sure am glad they spend all this money to harass black people with $10 worth of weed in their pocket, while senators, congressmen and CEOs get away with bloody murder and don't even get investigated, much less charged with crimes. America is a disgusting caricature of what it pretends to be on TV.",I am glad to know that my tax money is being used for a great cause. Why tf it looks like some invisible dude just punched you in the jaw,Looked better with the entire face but didn't feel like blocking it all out LOL She said at the end she was offended by both parties saying it. Trump as well.,Oh then that's totally OK. 2011 trade center attacks? Do you mean 2001? Or another incident.,Yeah man you never heard of the reboot? "Talk about conflating Intel and x86... Anyways, the reason, as i have come to understand it, for x86 being lovely to work with from a kernel point of view is PCI. Specifically that the kernel, once the handover from the BIOS is complete, can go out and look up every device on the bus with a vendor specific id code. ARM to a large extent do not have this. The various parts of a SoC just dangle off some opaque data bus, and if you guess wrong you may well trigger some kind of non-recoverable mode via whatever signal you send. BTW, mobile grade Atom have much the same issue. If you follow the link claiming to be about Intel trying to fix things, it actually talks about a Intel reference design. That is not much better than ARM SoCs. Thing about mobile Atom is that to save power, Intel dropped PCI. Anyone remember Moblin? The mobile Linux distro Intel backed for a couple of years before Android got traction? That got started because Microsoft was unable (or reluctant) to supply Windows for a x86 platform without PCI. Heck, even the ARM based Windows RT devices have special SoCs with PCI. There is a PCI equivalent out there, Devicetree, but support is not exactly mandatory... (And now its time for someone to come by and claim i am drop dead wrong)","I remember Moblin, but I think you mean Maemo, or Meego, but maybe you mean Tizen." Did u catch it,"Yah, it was pretty low at 831cp." It's a new messaging app.,now with SMS "This just makes me realize how much I don't need new civs at this point That said, you totally goofed and forgot Colombia. Give Bolivar!!",Don't you mean Pablo Escobar? JW doesn't like coldzera's graffiti on mirage.,"To be honest, Coldzera is not the most likeable player around." One Graffic Card please!,But it's in *mint condition* Solution to your problem is don't play quick match,That's not a solution that's just you being petty. "Are the are any good gocarting games ? Hello, I used to do international gocart racing in Europe before, and the little brother of a friend of mine is looking for a gocarting sim for practice. And if there are none, which sim is most suited for a young racer's winter practice? I myself have only touched Assetto and Dirt Rally the last few years, and I'm not updated on the market. Thank you for any help!",ARMA 3 "If we only had Ron Paul this election, he ran too early, I think he could have won this election.",Bumper sticker: Don't blame me I'm writing in Ron Paul! German push to ban combustion-engine cars by 2030 wins support,I reckon these new fangled fuel injected cars are just a little complicated for these folks those shoes look familiar,SPOILWERS TEG Really?!?,"Totally, he also loved bowling and used the nickname Jesus." Change the name of the UK to United Queendom,Maybe that will please the feminists Stop acting like that. Plenty of people with rational responses have been upvoted in this post. Even those who try to put themselves in Niantic's shoes.,"Like yours, obviously." "When I try to jog in the morning. I start to sweat and they get fogged up constantly, so not only do I have to juggle earbud cords and a water bottle while jogging, I also have to constantly wipe my glasses off.",But apple has an awesome phone with cordless earbuds. Build a stadium directly on the Red River.,At Winstar! I'm glad they changed it. I was banned because I (a woman) had sex with a man who had sex with a man. It happened 40 years before he even met me but it was enough to ban me before this change.,Better safe than sorry And now theres an 'inspect weapon' animation. So DLC skins are incoming!!,Next there'll be stickers... Then the CS:GO nation attacked... I actually like soggy Frosted Flakes. Ok so maybe I *am* the weird one...,You monster! I'm really worried it's going to be Red Dead: Online :/,Rockstar isn't stupid. Freestyle slalom skating,She missed a few cones Fuck that lets just bomb them,"Yeah, let's just kill them and their women captives!" we are overwatch,OMG NOOOOOOOO I WASN'T READY "Is she saying the environment itself is literally racist, or is she implying that white people are somehow responsible for Haiti's shitshow of a government not being able to adequately prepare for a hurricane?",Well of course it's white people's fault because black people are to dumb and lazy and unable to support themselves. What are some really cool/useful apps most people might not know about?,9gag for relatable new memes Clearly Hoito carry.,;) Or theyre just trying to pk.,And just happen to come across the streamers whilst they're currently streaming just by chance multiple times. Hardest Mechanical Boss?,"Its obviously the destroyer, by far the hardest." "Doubtful, as lantern just got printed as a chase expedition.",A non-foil version would have approximately zero impact on the expedition version "PSA: If your phone shuts off anywhere between 15-20% battery, consider an RMA I had a launch 6P that died at any of those given percents on 6.0 or 7.0, even died once at 25%! I just got my replacement, and it seems they sent me a brand new one. My battery got to 3% last night and didn't shut off. It seems that overall my RMA phone has been way better. To me, the screen looks better and my battery life is better too. If you can, consider an RMA.",Think I can still claim my Nexus 10? "get that ball off quicker to your targets, bubs",Nah got to be running the read option with Brady I don't know what any of that meant or pretended to mean.,It's not my job to educate you! "I have a funny feeling that wouldn't come across as intended to 95%+ of people. I'll have to pass. Putin is **not** our friend. If he's behind exposing corruption, that is a useful side benefit of whatever his machinations are. At best he's a handshake business partner. I wouldn't get chummy and go for a hug, lest we get a knife in our back.",Well I for one welcome our new Russian overlords. Lawsuit: Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer led illegal purge of male workers,The war against men rages on! #FatCatProblems,"Obviously, those bars were placed so close together to shame large cats and encourage thin cat privilege." Im pretty sure his irl name is Adrian if I'm not mistaken so not really a wannabe,"Damn, his parents are just a bunch of fanboys" "Even as a gay, did incidents increase or did allegations of incidents increase?",Who cares when we can use it as propaganda to ad hominem our political opponents! "why would anyone think it's real , whats fire guy got to do with anything anyway",Fire guy fights water guy of course Can I run Paragon? I'm sure my build could run it but I'm wondering the settings I could expect. CPU: AMD-FX 6300 OC 4.4 GHZ GFX: GTX 960 SSC RAM: 8gb 1333 MHZ Thanks for any help.,Yes and high "Naja, von dem was er mal als Pirat vertreten hat ist das schon sehr weit weg.",Die Piratten verlassen das sinkende Schiff... "If Europe is anything to go by it'll be fine because the rapists don't know any better, and the victims are oppressors.","Your daughter should have been wearing her rape bracelet, shitlord" The things I've seen...,"Wow, your catch rate looks terrible" So why did the rat scientist get addicted to crack?,That's how addictive crack is ...counter offer.,1c2 for your key "Yes, maybe one day. Maybe the church will be able to build a mall and be able to use that revenue to help out it's religion front-- Restaurant front-- Charity front-- Are they running a church or a drug lab?",The money isn't going to launder itself. Ryan Giggs confirms he had talks over Swansea City manager's job,Well he can wait forever if he thinks he will get a job at a top team without having any experience whatsoever. When is the update coming out? When? can't wait to start COC again :#,When they update the game. Lewis on the protest deleted a tweet before the one that he has now,10/10 character from lewis Rudy was the only one willing to go on the Sunday shows and even he's admitting it's sexual assault lol GAME OVER,'Grab them by the pussy' is just a euphemism for 'taking a woman out to see nice furniture.' New Wikileaks Emails Confirm Clinton Lied About Almost Everything,What difference at this point does it make? "I'm sorry, I must have misread that. You're describing Trump as 'honest'? Is that a joke?",He's just being sarcastic And also missed the dartboard with one of your darts.,yeah he definitely sucks Jay Garrick question,Supergirl and National City didn't recognize the name The Flash. Also Socialism and Communism are not the same thing.,That's exactly what a *socialist communist* would say "You know, there is more to Eve than goons and goon wars right?","Yeah, there are russians, who tend to ignore everyone but each other... and then there are... wars goons are involved in :P Then there is pre-goons." Just the one he targets.,"But then again, copying Erik is a great idea, as he alone is overpowered" "As I've said repeatedly, this is more than enough of a sample to get a statistically useful number. You only need to sample 79 out of 3000 games to reach a 5% error rate. It's not magic, it's statistics.","Gazlowe was picked once in a tournament and he had 100% winrate, he must be nerfed" Blizzard should seriously consider giving some buffs to Rehgar,"Nah they're just gonna nerf the playmaking potential ( CC, Damage, Waveclear, Global Mobility ) of other Supports and make them heal bots, that will make Rehgar good again" "Game Thread Colts (1-3) vs Bears (1-3) The Colts return home following a poor showing in London. They host the Bears today as they look to tally their 2nd win of the the season today. Will Pagano he able to light a fire under his team to get them back on track? Or, will he just turn up the heat on his own seat?",ghost of toler Are they reviewing a penalty call? Can they do that?,Well we wouldn't want a wrong call to negatively impact one team over another would we? "2016 Week 5 Game Thread: Pittsburgh Steelers(3-1) Vs. New York Jets(1-3) Please Remember: **Leave all opinions/thoughts inside of this thread. Anything that isn't newsworthy posted outside of this thread during the game will be removed.** Don't be rude. We're all here to watch the game. Do not troll the other sub's game thread/post game thread. We will be notified and we will take necessary steps after that. If you see someone in here trolling, feel free to file a report and we will take care of it. Thank you and enjoy the game.",FOUTS LOVES THE STEELERS! "no mans sky, with mods, it's one of the best things i've ever played.",I think you dropped the "Goodell might hate the Patriots, but God hates the Browns.",manziel is the browns only hope Someone asking you to do something repeatedly doesn't qualify as duress. If a person is that mentally weak they should be institutionalized.,"Yes, it's the fault of the person being raped." "Marc Goddard Statement on late stoppage. I received a TON of messages last night. Many personal and insulting but I'm a big boy and it goes with the territory. Accepted and expected. But know this, no one alive is more self critical, self analytical and a harsher reviewer of me than me. It's been a long time since ive ever felt so reflective but in an emotional sport my hearts so invested and I make it my business to teach acceptance honesty and humility. So its in my life blood to look back - we deal with inches, seconds, heart beats and emotion so high I could never put it into words. In 1000's upon 1000's of fights around the globe for more years than most my upmost priority, my heartfelt duty is to protect the fighters whilst never unduly robbing them of the sacrifices they make I've been there on both ends. I love this sport more than I could put into words and. Would never shy away from something that, on any other night I'd have done differently. It breaks my heart to think that a fighter had incurred even one shot they shot they shouldn't have. This is such a world of should, could, would. It's not a game for everyone. It's unique. The need for improvement, growth and acceptance remains continual - and I'll never stop giving these fighters what they truly deserve. Last night presented me with an instance that in truth on any other night on Earth I'm acting sooner - and that's the truth. Thank you all. Copied from his Facebook page. It breaks my heart to think that a fighter had incurred even one shot they shot they shouldn't have - That line right there is why he is so respected. The fact so many are commenting about one isolated incident is in large part due to the level he operates at week-in, week-out. One of - if not THE - best in the world at what he does.",He has a tough job - I am pretty sure all the 16-25 year olds talking shit on Goddard would do a way better job in that situation. "The Yemeni civil war. The country's slid into chaos: AQAP controls over a third of the country's territory (although generally few population centres); IS making their presence felt; millions displaced, with an impending famine; the coalition bombing civilian sites with impunity. Just yesterday one airstrike on a funeral killed 150 and injured 500 more. And yet the war's getting relatively little coverage, despite it being the crux of Saudi Arabia and Iran's proxy conflict.",Its that Saudi Arabia are our allies and the good guys! The guy I'm up against is doing the same with Bree's as well. I'm hoping for a very bad day,If wishes were fishes we'd all swim in riches Game Thread - Atlanta Falcons vs. Denver Broncos Welcome to the game discussion thread.,Fuck yeah Beasley "That's nice...she converted after her father died falling headfirst into a frozen lake. She visited the refugee camps on the turkish border and says she found peace in her new religion. That, and im sure she wasn't all to happy with her life choice of being a semi porno model. All and all, a traumatized and not too bright woman seeking an extreme change in her life.",But what about the alpha males? "Without going into detailed spoilers, I can assure you that there are at least two (temporary) companions that make much less sense than Shae. Vizla is the last thing we should consider. She might have been part of the Sacking two decades ago, but that doesn't mean that she hasn't helped my character in the past years. She was personally helping out fighting Revan, and she made sure I get into the droid factory on Darvannis. My character offered her a new start and an end to hostilities. I don't see why my Jedi wouldn't make sure he keeps that promise in 5.0.","Well, [Darth Marr is probably one of them, but...who's the other?]" "Can someone pray for my breathing issues As part of a recent injury I've been having a lot of breathing issues. I'm hoping nothing too serious is going on (e.g. angina, etc) but I'm also finding it hard to breath when working out. The left side of my chest has been hurting me as well. I believe in God's ability to help me and I'm hoping your prayers cause something to happen. I'm appreciate for the prayers in regards to my mental health and have found a way for it to make me extremely productive at work. The massive amount of support means a lot to me as well.",Praying for you. Philadelphia Eagles (3-1) at Detroit Lions (2-3) Post your thoughts here.,At least hockey starts this week since the Eagles season is now over. "Gamers of Reddit: When buying a game, what thing turns you immediately off from buying it?",The little square in the corner that says EA When he joined the Klan while dating me. I'm not white...,This sounds like when homophobic people secretly have gay sex or rape gay people. But that would make the baby jesus cry.,"He's a baby, he's going to cry anyway" The world would drop into chaos. It would poke holes in every major world religion besides Scientology.,"Let me guess, you're a Scientologist" Original? plebian taste #EXTRA HOT CHILI PANCIT CANTON MASTER RACE,Pancitards. "Why can't we spectate arena drafts? I want to be able to more functionally have help from friends, or help friends, or just be able to offer unhelpful advice. Blizzard pls?",It would confuse new players My favorite room in my house. Spent a long time decorating to get it just right.,Don't get married - your spouse will change the wallpaper/floor "Have absolutely no problem with Sanders supporters. I do, however, have a problem with the Butthurt Bernie Bro's and strongly feel like they should go fuck themselves. Confused granola liberal middle class white dudes with philosophy degrees hooked on conspiratard theories and screaming about the oppressive system and then having no problem if Donald Trump wins. All because they lost and their feefees got hurt. Shut the fuck up and grow the fuck up. They are just another definition of white privilege. They are our (the left) version of Trumpets.",What an extremely specific classification. "I mean, I'm not going to argue that it's pleasant, but it's pretty similar to snot. Not a huge deal.","Yeah, it's not a big deal, but how will this guy get upvotes without making a jab about how gross vaginas are, hurr durr." Unreleased footage from the 'Apprentice' allegedly has Trump saying the N-word,"Just more locker room banter you guys, I'm sure he respects the black community very much." "Yes. There is a very simple formula for consoles. They don't have to be identical but there is nothing wrong with keeping up with them in terms of hardware and online gaming. Nintendo was far more relevant when they were doing traditionally styled systems. This system is a compromise between a dedicated home console and a portable. A true portable would have better battery and a true home system would have more power. I have a gameboy, I don't need my console to travel. I just want to replace all my other home consoles with a Nintendo. If Nintendo had a decent platform then all of the great 3rd party titles would be developed for them plus they would have exclusive access to all their amazing IP. They would literally own the home console market if this was the case. Now instead they rolled out another under powered gimmicky system which will pretty much only play updated versions of their franchise games and that will be it. Another system that only plays Nintendo games. The system will be another failure like the Wii U and the wii before that. For the record I have bought every Nintendo system ever made including the virtual boy.",I really wish I knew as much as you about the future--would make things nice. Crepes. I can out-eat *anyone* if it's crepes.,I like this one. The reality of racism in Australia,"But can we pls see the real victims here, the racists can't even speak their opinion in public anymore, this is just plain discrimination and that is wrong." You set an example for us all!,I hope that's a fake name you have on your username. Alex Jones: A high level democrat operative has leaked us Hilary's attack plan for the next 29 days. Will dump data in 90min @,But what are the Russians gonna do with Hillary's campaign plans? Not a leaf,Evolution is just a theory. My house is totally fine. I think my bananas defective. Who do I see to get a refund?,Should I call the Pitch fork guy so we can riot? "The US never ratified the ICC, so I guess they kindly asked France to do this.","Because France is the US's lapdog, right?" "Nice Pipe dream. $142 million to divert the Norfolk Southern line, tens of millions in federal grants for a transportation hub. The city can't fix or fund the existing RTA.",At least we have the half a billion dollar Browns stadium as our crown jewel.... Totally worth it What was the reason for it?,According to a comment under the video it's a farewell for their retiring deputy chief. Get me off Manus Island: Assaulted Somali refugee and aid worker's plea for medical treatment,"Ah yes, well clearly advocacy groups put him up to this." The second best has to be that no lines in the X match up.,Good thing the horrible skin ripping effect and scribbly writing totally offset that! "Lol, went to Reply To and it makes way more sense now.",Rest In Peace me. You know some people tell you that Rekkles and YellowStar have never been good so ...,Top 4 in Worlds is still worse than Biolift not getting out of groups. It's like a rule of RocketLeague where you have to remain locked in combat with full disregard to the outcome of the play.,I love those ones just lock on to the front of the opponent and make him forget that he could have just jumped over me to stop my team mate from dribbling the ball down the field. Quali cose assurde o divertenti credevate da piccoli?,"Ero piccolo ed avevo preso coscienza per la prima volta della mia voce interiore pensavo di essere l'unico che aveva questa voce interiore, la delusione che ho avuto quando a scuola ci hanno insegnato a leggere non a voce alta era immensa." Good morning! It's 52.3 degrees at my place and I think that's cool!,"Finally, now we can put all this global warming nonsense behind us." You alright Steam?,It's like Chinese version if Swedish I find it amusing that atheist can't grasp the idea that not believing a creator is also a belief.,IF: Not having a belief IS having a belief THEN: Not having an apple IS having an apple Makes sense to me. "There's lots of gloves/gauntlets that are uneven, too, though. Somebody at Bungie must love asymmetry.",Because it's more 'artistic.' When your graphic card is so bad it sends u to the 90s,Is that the ps4 version? Is this my internet or what?,"No, definitely how the game is supposed to be played." Wikileaks Release Reveals Hillary Clinton's Press Secretary Says Clinton Plans Executive Order For Gun Control,"Dang, there go all of Clinton's hard-line pro-gun supporters!" TIL Walmart Loses $3 Billion a Year to Theft,poor walmart Nice corrupt. And roll.,That anti-synergy is so good because 60% of the dmg doesn't get leeched because it's converted to chaos. Yeah but it ruins the joke.,Yeah Miley is definitely doing shows at places where there isn't a huge price tag on pit passes. "What helps you play lol? Music, warm pants, a quick workout before every game? Pretty much what the title said! Its a wierd question but i always listen to music and it helps a shit ton at not tilting. Does anyone have anything else that can help and or what music, sounds do you listen to. Everything outside the game. Also sites like lolnexus (i go in before every game). Ty everyone.",Good Teammates Tom Segura's two specials on Netflix are my go to picks. BIKES.,I thought I was the only one...hey yo Bruh... PSA to search your topic in PCMR before posting please,Rule #4 m8 "I'll celebrate my victory by jumping on this chair, WCGW?",Trying to be yoshi damn... Stop bullying Mei please...,Every time a friendly Mei blocks my hook I'll make sure not to bully her. Best title ever,More accurate title would be Devious teens swindle two blind women out of a superior pumpkin in order to win race! "no matter how many times i see it, i still have a hard time understanding these geeks that talk shit to pro fighters on their social media accounts. i dont understand how theyre not embarrassed for themselves","obviously because they can all kick ufc fighters asses, all of them in one night." This creep on Xbox was in a lobby I was in and sent me this:,Aw he misses you already! QOL Samuro Change As a long time Samuro main I've always wanted the mirror images to indicate their color and key on the minimap. Sometimes I forget which image I sent to which location and it would be very convenient if I could see that on the minimap. Thank you.,This change is long overdue. TIME TO PULL OUT THE HEAVY GUNS BOYS(nvm shes private ) Cx she must be mad ice didn't have sex with her skank ass LUL,She's just jealous Ice found a new grill. "Part of that may have been diet and routine, but I am certain that it was also makeup, professional cinema lighting and camerawork.","Also, acting." Your going to regret going to marshmallow,Already there. 19 Jobseekers For Every Job: The Unemployed Elephant in the Room,"This so not true, you're all just bludgers taking money from the tax payer." "LPT: If you ever have to make a decision between two things, flip a coin. While the coin is in the air, you will usually hope that one of the choices is the winner, and that is the choice you should make.","Deciding based on emotion, that should end well." "The facts that at least one woman took it back, the fact that all have no actual proof, the fact that there is no evidence for it. You know, reality. There is no other way to see it.",It's all just words until they are trumps words then they're facts Why is Bill on trial here?,"Because Benghazi, emails, Bernie Sanders, ISIS." So at the local hardware store .......,When you realize jelly beans are really just organs "It is Americas way of inflating the peso, making it unprofitable for manufacturing to progress and bringing jobs back to the USA.",Trump is clearly a genius and this has been his plan all along. "I'm going to remove it, I wasn't trying to be a smart ass I just never really thought about it like that",You could always get suction cups and attach the plate to them In my country those are generally distinct.,Implied When he told me he's tried every drug that's out there.,whoah he's such a cool bad boy NSFL (This will literally kill you),"No,cuz it has a green battery icon" "Bauer, Kluber, Sanchez, Happ, Stroman - with Estrada and Liriano in the wings (somehow, trades would need to be made). That team wins 100 plus game easy.",How do you not have Salad Bar and Carrasco... "Nobody said an entirely new system. We know the CSM codex is due for a FULL update. The BL supplement had been retroactively updated a while back as well. I'm saying the main Codex has always been Undivided for the most part with very few options of cusomization towards specific Gods. Creating new codecies for the Traitor Legions that are god specific is a great idea, or they can wrap them into a Daemonkin style codex for each major God.",We also know that a charcodons vs night lords book has been announced way ahead of time and drops squarely in the rumored time period for the new edition which maybe means its a novelization of the starter set. "Then I'm guessing she got $3600 of every $5000 she made that year, not just the winnings.",Not if she irrationally got upset because they withheld SO MUCH MONEY then celebrated when she got a fat refund check from the government around tax time. "Ah, modern art... don't ever change. (via r/NakedOnStage)",That is defiantly not art.... What do you wish could have lasted forever?,Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice I feel like it just wasn't long enough My textbook and my ex have a lot in common...,Your ex is the ocean? Both the driver and myself are people of color,Safe spaces "I can't speak for all of Asia, but the few times I've had a conversation about it while in Japan leads me to believe that the submissive, not enjoying it, it hurts thing is considered sexy in Japanese culture.",Sounds like a healthy mindset. Mods ruins games,Fucking weebs... "To be fair, they prob see this every day. Some people just put these type of notes on their windshield every day to get away with free parking.",But I have a test everyday... "I'm starting to think even my own life is scripted, what's real anymore?",Truman show adjace Words is hard.,They be. Definitely goal tending on that last block,"Nah man, FIBA rules" Women could be forced to show passport before giving birth,Amber Rudd: Can't we just sterilize them at the border? To all people whom watched the beta trailer and said OMG AT 0:38 a robot is bleeding!,Cancelling preoder right now! Wikileaks: New York Times Caught Providing Bill Clinton Questions Before 'Interview',This is huge. I hope he's joking...but based on everything I've heard and seen from AoS I have to assume he sees you as a threat to his everquest supremacy.,Satoshi killing their VT key pieces was poetic justice. Have arrieta pinch hit at some point so he can get another donger.,Better than Rizzo at this point "I think not having Christian religious nuts has been detremental to you guys in Europe. Here in USA, I grew up with kids who believed gays would burn in hell. Its like you guys refuse to believe there is a connection between hate and religion.","Well, it's just a Western Europe problem, they are so brainwashed and politically correct that they simply refuse to accept it." "Parent training is key to successful outcomes, but where is the Denver model? Ontario needs to wake up. Make every dollar count. Many many parents are not following through at home, Many have some autism themselves. Let's stop pretending that therapies are like a retrofit of some kind. They must be reinforced at home by properly trained, willing and capable parents.","And of course, ban vaccines :-)" our captain? Good morning guys. Who would be our captain now that montolivo is injured and abate is about to lose his place to calabria?,Kevin Constant "The release of Sombra, a new map, and a new brawl? According to leaks, they will be released anytime from today to tomorrow. Get ready to UZI!",No misinformation here. GamesRadar giving us a double dose of humor,Made sure to vote for it <3 best game evuuuuuur Scouting Report - Samsung Galaxy (Bracket Stage),dont do this tsm lost cause of this Price of three consoles,"So, ignoring all these reasons which computer gaming is better, consoles are definitely better" "This disingenuous post ironically backfires for you when your comment history reveals that you plaster this on multiple subreddits and add phrases like accounting firm for it to be semi-relevant, in order to try to get business for your company.","What, you don't think calling up a dying newspaper and running a full page explainer of cash flow statements or obscure tax laws is the missing key to EY achieving their Vision 2020 bullshit?" If anyone wants to buy ohq he should first recruit a good coach or a dominant ingame leader on support position. But yeah NRG got Kiwikid instead.,Don't you know that Hermit was the only reason Origin was good at worlds last year? (RAW SPOILERS) Sick replay angle of THAT spear.,You cant wrestle ! hell yeah,hell yeah He probably meant HDD.,I thought he knew of a magical website! Star Citizen Planet to Planet Quantum Jumping,"Clearly just a rip off of the greatest game ever made, No Man's Sky..." What will Trump find that the FBI and 8 Republican-led committees didn't?,"But, but Wikileaks." Bizhawk has had rewind for ages. You configure how long it stores a history.,"Yup, ZSNES also." Everyone around Hitlary is scum!,"But if the prostitutes are Catholic, they are good girls." The Denver Post endorses Hillary Clinton for president,"Uh oh, time to stop thinking for myself and blindly follow some journalist's opinion." "I heard his mom even dropped him, that's how you know it's safe",Too far man too far "Good Morning Buckhead, Love Midtown",What is this love you speak of Why do I want this so bad?,to brag to your friends and the internet? "And yet, no one is laughing. Probably because it's just pathetic, not funny.","Hey guys, women are funny... get over it" I concur. She is very level headed.,"Nah, she just knows when to bite her tongue." Another Voters Guide to State Questions,His descriptions of the measures are totally unbiased. Japan can do better.,"No, they have disciprine" "Michael Bisping set several records at UFC 204, including all-time wins leader, most sig. strikes, second most fight time, etc.",But I thought Conor held all the records! Joe Hart save against Slovenia,Typical overrated Englishman There's also a star of David sprayed on the hood. Whoever did this is very confused,Maybe Larry is Whoopi's estranged son from a white guy. Professional Chefs eat at home?,That's the point You mean Riot Games? They have a different name and are in different industries so what's the issue here?,"Yeah, there's no chance that online instant messaging and online gaming worlds would never cross over" I'd give him a can first.,Matt brown should do then... What do you mean throwing us under the bus? It ain't like we can get voted out...,She blew up our game! What? No no no. You've got it all mixed up. Be never said he wanted to have sex. He just wants to hang out. Because he's really nice.,What part of jogging and movies means sex? So NOW is it okay with Hillary supporters if some of us vote third party?,"Okay, unless you live in OH, FL, NC, CO, NV, NM, or NH!" Just a ram headbutting a drone,Just a ram ramming a drone Congratulations! You've got your memory back. That will be $500.,I've *seen* this before... "I would probably be happy if we got Duncan. He's smart, tackles well and uses the ball pretty well.",Get out. Two kids fighting. Yeah that could never happen,Never in a million years could 20 10 year olds all fighting with pillows cause 2 to get wayyy too into it and beat each other up. "The more you know about Islam, the more you fall in love with it - Bilal Philips He said something like that.","Sure... the more i know islam, the more i will be tolerating other religion, gays & lesbo, democracy" Thank you ladies,"Not to be sexist or anything, but I think men might not be stable enough to vote." What's SSS?,Soccer Specific Stadium "Question about humor What kind of things do you recommend to watch for good laughs that don't feed a pattern dangerous to your subconscious mind? I haven't been really into fiction or comedy for last few years and recently in search for laughter I watched 4th season of Arrested Development. I used to find that show hilarious, but now it's hard to watch without difficult feelings when I relate to each character. Most of them seem to make all possible bad decisions and often ignore whatever conscience they seem to have. Their actions make the show cringe worthy even though sometimes I let out laugh, it's a painful one. Let's put aside whether the series'level of humor has changed. If I am consciously perceiving a danger here I must be somewhat shielded from the subconsious effects, but watching this seems toxic anyway. I realise how many of the things I used to love laughing at were even more toxic. Can there be any humor without any amount of abuse? Isn't humor always twisted? Conservative humor, things that are safe and predictable don't ever seem funny, yet things that make me laugh always leave an aftertaste of guilt. Do you think it's safe to entertain yourself with abusive humor exposing some ugly patterns in human behavior? Or do you know less twisted yet funny stuff that could put a smile on my face?",If you're trying to personally relate to Arrested Development you probably have your empathy turned up too high. Shameless click bait designed for lazy people to make some of that youtube money,We should get a YouTube hero on the case and have them mass flag the channel "Anyone else a bit underwhelmed with the rewards for the newer hard content? Hard to be motivated to do them. Like, its just harder and harder to get motivated lol. KM/dark ark was hype because ark OE is hype, but most other content been like... damn this shit is hard and annoying as fuck, and the reward isn't really worth it because you kinda already have the gear and units to beat this content in the first place. took me like 2 months to finally beat Noel because there wasn't really any motivation lol. Same for the recent FG's. Haven't even bothered starting the newest one yet. Don't care about the guild event because its pointless if i'm like the only one in my guild with the units that can even clear this new fg :P I don't need a top tier unit reward for everything, but I feel like I need something 'more'? heck ill be more excited if the reward was just a 5x ticket pack or something lol. Better than a sphere that ill never use because sorting spheres is a mess and I'm too lazy to use new ones. What motivates y'all?",Guild contribution With this deck my opponent won't stand a chance!,With this deck you can even beat trainer cheddar. "There are loads of creative and smart people who have done disgusting and horrible things that we rightly detest. That's why I find it's important to separate the artist from their art. This is also a good reason why we should avoid hero worship famous people. It's not going to stop anyone, I know, but it would be nice to see. A bad person can still do good things. Enjoy the good, decry the bad.",We found the Trump supporter "New Inferno call outs ::: High end rig ? Go A ,,, Potato PC? GO B .",King of B incoming . At least they're consistent in their hypocrisy?,Nah to be consistent they should force everyone to donate tissue and organs to save another potential life. Man... I have never had any luck with apple and I have no clue why because my friends always have stories like that.,You didn't bring your metal ball? but what will this entail for the RT reference economy? Will funhaus continue to slack off and not get any work done?,"Ya, well, FH has to film gameplay AND edit, so they don't have time to make good content!" Goes to show you how stupid the majority of Filipinos are. Duterte is a nasty nigga who needs to be shot dead,That's edgy as fuck. "Tutorials are great, but the satisfaction is so much greater when you do it through trial and error.",Wait there are tutorials "Dude, bribing for a job is the least of the corruption that Army does. Just go to cities and see how NOCs are being provided to private developers to use Army land. Massive corruption exists across the board in the armed forces.",*Desh drohi tarimanopico* Go to pakistan. "Yes, please. &nbsp; Best regards, Evan MacMillan","That would be awesome having 2 traps under you every time you're hooked, I can't imagine that not being really fun" The best feeling,"Panther 8.8 is OP and hackerz paradise, it is known." "How is that Trump's strategy? Trump has zero control over who does and doesn't vote. I'm a minority Trump supporter, and I don't see how he, or anyone, would be able to stop me from voting.","I'm a veteran, I'm gay, I'm black and I support Trump for realz!" Fuck.,Let's hope the screen is not cracked when you turn it around I was looking for Bitcoin in the article but couldn't find it? Maybe you can tell us how this is relevant?,Didnt you know reddit is one of the places where people try to join unconnected things to explain/foresee an up-and-coming event ... that happens ... sometimes ... D'Angelo Bricks in my veins Russell 0-9 from three lowlights,Still better than Booker! Call of Duty Big Red One. Call of Duty Modern Warfare. Call of Duty World at War. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. Black Ops 1. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. These are all advance simulations that taught me to kill pussies like you with precision accuracy. Back the fuck off.,"Whoa whoa, take it easy there, I didn't know I was talking to a veteran" "Explain TF2, but the the catch is... make it sound like a really bad game.",this thread is killing tf2 "Thanks, it's really hard because I love my parents dearly and they are truly good people. I don't know why Trump and his paranoid hateful rhetoric has gotten to them like this. Like I said, I've never seen my mom post Drudge stuff, and she's even told my grandma (an ardent Hillary supporter) that people can say anything on the internet, that doesn't make it true when my grandma is trying to tell her how wrong she is about different stories/polls/etc. It's like there's a crazy disconnect. *sigh*",Is t too late to adopt yourself out to a new family? 220v right? Do you know if its 120 compatable?,"There is an external power brick, you could simply change over for different mains voltages" "Why? So those third parties can get the federal stage you all want them too, only to be merged and in 15-20 years we are back at a two party system.",Yeah because the two party system is such a default globally. What vehicles do you all want? I am curious as to what the community wants in terms of vehicles. This will allow me to prioritize my future projects.,Flying tanks "Forward always, bro, always forward. Oh, and *points to swear jar*","Fuck your swear jar, I ain't givin you shit." "So, what do you do all day?","Fooling around on my phone and laptop, occasionally interrupted by college." Miss USA teens say he walked in on nude contestants. You know they're standing there with no clothes. And you see these incredible looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.,"NBD, they are too old for him anyway" Women of Reddit how would you like to see your first date go?,We're redditors..... having a first date. "...and then went on to win the Europa League, League Cup and FA Cup in the same season and won YPOTY",He was so good he won a competition 8 years in the future BF1 Weapon Stats available @Symthic!,"Doing god's work, son." If another director had to direct a mad max movie who would be the best choice?,Jj abrams "ACLU: Better Than Trump, But Clinton's Rights Record Still Cause for Concern","Damn, the ACLU is a Russian puppet too." I like the fact you went back to edit that comment after giving it a bit of thought.,You don't need feelings for that "That's true, but dynamic was also making the situation a lot worse.",I should have included a To Conquer a Mount Kronovi,your image is upside down (ranks excluded). **THIS GUY IS ACTUALLY BETTER THAN FUCKING MCDAVID**,Thankfully you listened to Reddit and drafted Laine instead. What sort of trap? Spike strip would kill the cyclist.,And? TIL that in 1976 the mayor of Montreal declared before the Olympic games that The Olympics can no more lose money than a man can have a baby. He was wrong. Mismanagement and gross cost overruns left the city with $1.5 billion of debt that wasn't paid off until 2006.,"In contrast, all the Montreal mayors since then have been superb." "But then again, he shouldn't be taking pictures of the customer's property, so...","Assuming that is true, then this is totally worth posting the video that could get him fired..." only,anywhere It's delivered via semi-truck. Definitely In The Flesh. That second verse is hilariously fun to sing a long to.,Found the nazi get real no filthy ubuntu peasant would be a terminal junkie,It seems you forgot die hard fans i suppose,"Nah man, Back to the Future fans, not Die Hard fans" "NM medical cannabis consumers doubled in one year (14,000 to 31,000 patients)",It'll keep growing and growing until they just legalize it. HSC English Paper 1 Starter Pack,shit meme "Best Unis for B/C grade students? Looking for an insurance uni with BBB-CCC grades for computer science. It seems everything I've looking at is either ridiculously low entry (John Moores, Leeds Beckett) or AAA entry (York, Leeds, Lancaster). I was thinking more middle ground for my insurance uni. Any recommendations or just websites to find this stuff?",I think Cardiff has reasonable entry grades for Compsci.. We don't see those kind of pile-ups at all anymore. Is there any specific reason for that?,yeah coulthard isnt driving ;) "We're not changing what we've had so far. Frankly, I don't care what Cleveland does. This is... # #OurMoment because #HistoryIsNow",Well said! Oooo yes a PC running Final Cut Pro,Seems legit "Damn! That was the reason I voted leave, to take back control of my kitchen",Ah the women's vote. I wold like to see people create a life-size effigy of Hillary and burn it at the stake.,that would be sexist.... A few good ones (Meme Dump),"I'm tired of the hate for these lieutenants, these are your leaders, you all need to show them more respect right now." "Even if you are scared of tones, there are tonal languages that are much more phonologically complex than Chinese.",Pfffft what are you talking about everyone knows Chinese is the only tonal language Posted with one period to go. No math done. Just beer drinking. Post game fact checking -- 492 goal pace.,You forgot the 16 playoff games :) GBP in USD graph,This is just scaremongering. N.J. took $1.4B from your phone bill for new 911 system but never delivered,I cannot believe the government would take your tax money and not deliver. "From a 1970s Tokyo Metro etiquette campaign, 'The Seat Monopolizer', by artist Hideya Kawakita.",BUT I THOUGH MANSPREADING IS JUST SOMETHING THAT FEMINAZIS MADE UP! "If you're going to accuse a Presidential candidate of sexual assault, then yes, your information should be public.",and I am sure you will use it with only the best of intentions "Well yeah, probably, but it's still true. Coal plants are much more dangerous, especially when you account for the effect of greenhouse gas emissions, which for nuclear plants are zero.",True but according to people like Mitch McConnell Coal and Oil are clean energy and we have nothing to worry about. A 200 million dollar increase.,Small loan really If you can't hear their speech you can't suppress it.,LALALALLA I CANT HEAR YOU Donald Trump cancels Hannity interview,"Really, I was looking forward to this interview all week" "Videogames are changing quite a few things in soccer. Games like Championship Manager and Football Manager made it easier for me to get to know players, to know who the key youngsters were, things like that. In fact, those two games were key in my love for the game, as I wasn't really that bothered by football before them (and I'm sure I'm not the only one). As for the regular supporter, for many of them their expectations and their conception of the development curve of a player are based on videogames like FIFA or PES, which aren't exactly realistic.",You mean to tell me Zaharias labyad isn't going to become better than Pogba? "With Book Wyrm being classified as a Dragon, Mana Wyrm should receive the same treatment. Before the argument was wyrm =/= dragon, but with the released of Book Wyrm thats changed. This would make sense from a clarity standpoint, and also be a great buff to Dragon Mage.","Yes, because mana syrm totally needs a buff." "I got called racist for saying that, thank god im not the only one who thinks that",Now you guys can start a racist club and compare how other black guys look alike. Bill Simmons got Tony Hawk and Nick Cannon to help petition against bulding a new stadium in San Diego,3 people who San Diego respect the opinions of more than others. Can I drink coffee post-op for gastric bypass?,I started coffee back about 2 weeks post-op. Finally I can use my Purify!,"Needs to be a 1 mana 4/4, think of the curve!" "We will here from them again, don't worry. 2-3 weeks after some shady reported finds out that NMS has been officially abandoned by Hello Games, they will release a press statement where they announce that they are forced to abandon the game and blame bad reception of the game and lack of gamers for it.",And then Steam and Sony will grant refunds to anyone who asks. Poll: Clinton widens Mich. lead as Trump support slides,But his outreach to Black voters was so effective. It would be cool if Lava Lash did any damage at all.,Just use Hot Hand! vscode vs atom which one is better to work with go?,vim *Would you kindly?,Would you kindly go up to Rahool's office and kill the son of a bitch. "No, they're in place to make sure no actual competitors to Soccer United Marketing emerge, and the NASL's implosions are the result of them being squeezed to the point of desperation by being stuck in the limbo of being the only second division in the world that doesn't promote to the first and therefore plays an entirely meaningless league season, leaving them completely hamstrung when it comes to appealing to investors, advertisers, and broadcasters.",Wait so pro/rel means the league below gets promotion too! Makoa's skin concept: King Makoa/Makoopa,Maybe more colorful. Watching 21:9 vid on 21:9 monitor.,It's the cinematic experience! "If Bjergsen did this, the first thing casters would do is praise him for the play. Now that a Korean player did it against NA players, it was a massive mistake from them. Aight.",hey man they are psycho nationalist and we are the rational one Ever tried Ulting?,"Not really, since using his 2 always gets an instant pentakill." Uuuuuuu foooor sure!,That dude had a body on him that just haaaaasss to fuck. Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail At least Graham is environmentally conscious.,"We know at least they care about Green renewable energy now, BOYZ" What a bizarre perspective this author has.,comparing the vita to the ps4... makes total sense "Barbarians are that troop that I can't seem to counter while on the offense. Defense, no problem, offense, I might as well say goodbye to my giant ASAP because the fireball won't get there in time.",Well at least there is something a giant user can be mad about... "Sorry I totally put your in danger and destroyed your life as you know it. Anyway....,",If he were really sorry he'd post his phone number. Look at my sick CS:GO cake,Please tell me your ingame nick is aLAN This just proves Crooked Hillary LIED about Trump's kids during the debate! Sad!,Another example of her poor judgement EU council president: it's hard Brexit or no Brexit at all | Politics,Can't wait What happened to REAL fashion!?,"Since one couple are dressed that way, that must represent every other couple of the present time!" 538 has the most modest model too. All other models have trump down even more.,"But, but, Rasmussen." Because of my biological clock Dring dring. Dangit horny again.,I found the 15 year old boy. Send me your copy if you don't want it,"Yeah sure, I'll just send you my Steam login and you can play all my games." But it's Diamond! I have to get it!,"Ofcourse, it'll bring up the download speed big time!" "That should not be possible, your stats, rank etc are saved online linked to your steam account. You don't start over if you reinstall your pc / play on another PC do you",And there have never been issues with steam cloud before. What is something we can agree on ?,"If you come to a BBQ and bring beer then leave, that's MY beer now." "Without NA, LoL has more viewers than CSGO. :^)",it also does with NA? Want to know how to spot a person void of any critical thinking? Find the guy bitching about the media because they don't know how to fact check things. You should go back to posting fringe right wing conspiracy websites all over the place.,"Oh, but the fact sources are all in on it tooooooooo!" Here's A Ballora (Sorry For Terrible Cropping),"like i said, WOOOW SO C00l Dood" Alien blue does too,Lefties running my ux Just a simple comparison of UAV and Limpet.,But can you code better? I wouldn't even know this. Never got to play MoTD on bo2.,Well you're supposed to know. Last championship in each city (big 4 sports) Cleveland 2016 Chicago 2015 Los Angeles 2014 Toronto 1993,Hey the Argos won in 2012 "My 55 year old mum owns an xbox 360, the grandkids use it when they come over. TIL my mum is a gaymer grill",TIL anecdotes count as data "Its faster, no downtime.","Funny, I had no downtime and was 110 the first day" Im done with this game and it's network issues.,you forgot the "Level 32, don't have a single dragonite above 1400 CP. After placing in my 20+ gyms, I am generally left with attackers in the 1800 CP range. It takes me an hour to take a level 10 gym as well.",What advantage are you gaining by having 20 gyms versus 15 gyms and 5 strong attackers still available? Being an inbred retard isn't a political statement.,The left is so tolerant WikiLeaks Shows Hillary Clinton Was Against Pot Legalization In 'All Senses Of the Word',And the drug war continues ... "It's not the lack of a donation that bothers me, hes cheap anyway. It's the lying that gets to me.",oh but he did it all secretly "I have a song stuck in my head and I love and hate it. Also, sooo many holidays at my school disrupts my workflow. I just got back into liking doing work again. I got a lot of anthropology and physics studying to do.",is it an aero chord song? B U S T I N ',N U T A E S T H E T I C "That is true! Also, the Clinton campaign has worked behind the scenes to pave way for Trump for a long long time.",Yeah the Clinton camp totally forced Republicans to vote for him. "They really saved the best scandals for last with this Donald feller didn't they? Like the other stuff he did before was offensive and hurtful, but a pedofile that steals from 9/11 families? Very surprised that there's any Republicans still voting for him.",Taking advantage of a national tragedy by lying about making a charitable donation makes you smart. context: when asked about the assault allegations katrina pearson (trumps national spokesperson) blamed liberals for pushing hip hop and hip hop for pushing rape culture. blaming hip hop is a very common dogwhistle racism tactic for blaming black people.,Yeah can you believe those thugs? Euthanasia,You forgot this Shame we lost him from the 'muh tuition fees' crowd.,"Apparently my generation doesn't vote anyway, so it's not an issue right?" Last years playoffs were the highest rated NHL playoffs in America in over 40 years. And it sounds like ESPN is going to start covering hockey again which is huge.,whats an espn? Quoted directly.,Reality is HRC propaganda "I've said it before, but 100% would smash.",That's how she got here in the first place. "The fact of the matter is that no one has the complete truth yet, in my own mind the two phantoms are medic and Ishmael, but hey, that's my opinion, no need to get so agitated.",God you are such a dumb dumb head for accepting the game as is a year after its been released! Sooooo how secure is that toilet seat?,"Well, you sure as shit can't carry it." "I never understood this, I've been regularly and safely ramping onto highways in small cars with 70-90hp for the last 10 years. Highways with an 80mph speed limit. It's not as *fun* as opening up a fast car (or bike), but I don't feel endangered either.",Cause people on r/cars thinks that highway passing is the most important thing. "I watched that doc a few weeks ago and I'm reading Amanda's book right now. It's insane how quickly they zeroed in on her (and Raffaele, to a lesser extent.) The motive they had was BS and the evidence was circumstantial. They just railroaded her. I feel terrible for both of them.",But there was Amandas DNA in Amandas house... guilty! Maybe if he ever pitches past the 7th inning he can get his postseason ERA below 5,"Whoa Whoa, I am pretty sure his two out save last night is more impressive than anything Bumgarner ever did for the Giants in the postseason." "**For some reason, November is a classic release month** Half-Life - November 8, 1998 Half-Life 2 - November 16, 2004 Left 4 Dead - November 17, 2008 Left 4 Dead 2 - November 17, 2009 Counter-Strike - November 8, 2000 Ricochet - November 1, 2000",HL3 November 2016 confirmed Here's something nobody asked for but I made anyway: Korg EMX-1 drum sample pack,Thanks a lot for nothing you inconsiderate jerk! What? No! I love his dick.,"Sorry, but that's what he gets for marrying outside of the Covenant." I just checked a nicer camera out from the school library. I should have done it long ago.,"Gus just being schill for the University library, how the great have fallen." Why on earth does a box need to meet regulations to have letters put in it?,Because we know what we're doing in America. "I keep business card size give outs of people like this. I just tuck it under their windshield, no reasons to stick something to their car.",But don't you know that if someone does something shitty it justifies you being shitty as long as it's to them? "Sorry, you can't be a fan of the team and not support the school. You can tell yourself you can......but you can't.",Thank you for making the rules. "that was fucking sick and all, but jees watching people aim with controllers is painful",but console is just as competitive "Look! Other bad things happen, so you can't criticize these bad things!",#allBadThingsMatter "And then CNN uses it as an opportunity for character assassination, combing through all of his old comments to look for some cheap headlines for themselves. CNN has really become a big stinking pile of dog shit.",The memefrog is racist! I cannot tolerate heat. I live in the mid-atlantic. It gets unbearable. It hits about 60 and I break out the shorts. Anything over 80 and I'm dying.,I'm in an area where the temperature reaches 130 F. I can't wait to leave the searing heat. Yeah on the most recent RAW commentary actually referred to the crowd as fans and not the WWE Universe a few times,Vince actually whipped them for that. "Absolutely no proof has been presented about Washington's claim that Russia is responsible for these leaks. Perfect timing too, right before the election when the establishment knows that their candidate is the one pushing for war with the Federation. Couple that with the complete deterioration of relations between the two countries over a military strategy for Syria and what to be done about Assad in the UNSC and you have a perfect shitstorm brewing between the world's two largest nuclear forces. Dangerous times...",Yeah it's probably Danish hackers. "According to a Fox news talking head, Only 50,000 people per state would lose their healthcare if the ACA was repealed He went on to say, Not that really a significant number if you broke it down that way, right? Good thing numbers =\= human beings.","What am I supposed to do if Mexican steals my job, leaving me without benefits, and a Muslim blows me up?" "You become the cause of Salem Witch trials and other similar events, and are hunted down & killed by time travelers eventually.",She was actually hunted down and saved by a time traveler lol I have been using this since PoGo launch. Made a whopping .48 cents. Whoo.,Not even half a cent? this is why ive stopped buying IW cods.....,Because IW started robotic characters in MP... "Huh, TIL. I've starched and ironed bills before for still life photography props, and never thought about it.",Found the guy who owes OP money. What obesity looks like on the inside,"This is how Murican Freedom, looks like!" RIP Twitch CHAD,Naja der Youtube Chat ist eh viel geiler "stocked up, and getting ready to drop these baby's on low energy, low info voters.",Hot tamales? "Here's to hoping, am I right?",Damn straight mate! What? What gun did that?,SVU "TIL why the middle east is such a shithole. They are basically revengeing a revenge that revenges a revenge ... and so on. And all that mixed with a religious ideology that basically says: killing, suffering and revenge is the golden way. No wonder that there is no progress and they are unable to learn. It looks like it's even prohibited.","Well, this is pretty islamophobic, wouldn't expect this from a german" "Hey parkdale, if woke up to this Art work. Here's you're culprit",so badass Prosecutors: Older sister drove teen to scene for fatal Kelvyn Park revenge shooting,What a heartwarming family story. "La chiavetta richiede di ricordarsi di backuppare una volta ogni tanto, cosa che ovviamente non avrebbero fatto. Dropbox (o google drive, o altri servizi identici) fa tutto in automatico.",basta settare rsync con un cronjob That's what someone who is paid by riot would swear.,That's what someone who's paid by riot would say to someone who's accused to be paid by riot. And the NHS isn't looking too likely to come out of this government's term intact :( Fucking tories.,"But it's fine, we now have another 350 million to give to the NHS!" "Nice, downvoted to 50%, any reason?",Because acknowledging Black people doing anything wrong is racist you racist "I was just being foolish. a bandit 600 would be a decent first bike, reliable and cheap to insure. If you've never ridden bikes much it'll still feel like a missile to ya.","No no, zx10 too weak, he needs a turbo busa, only way to go..." I would buy it if you were in the bay area :(,It's a good weekend for a day trip! The code could just be your room number.,But if the idea in a single sentence form isn't bulletproof why should we even consider solving any of the obvious problems with obvious solutions? "The 2nd one was amazing, but still. You see 100% skill, I saw three pylons watching the puck.",Karlsson is a pylon confirmed "Why is Zyra support picked now? While I didn't watch the semis, I saw the final results and noticed that Zyra support was in every game. Why is she meta again? What does she do that makes her better than other supports? Is it because of standard lanes? Or that she just fits into the specific teamcomps very well? What is it?",Because she is a support. Because there isn't enough violence in the world and he inspires it?,"Yeah its Trump's fault that the insane radical liberals attack his supports, he inspired it by talking and resounding with millions of Americans!" Yeah but if I say that as a TSM fan I'm just salty. I really don't get it though. Why can't be just be excited for the winning team and not be assholes to the losers?,"Nah man, booing and shittalking is part of sports culture and it is the fans right." McGregor acts like he beat Nate's ass in both fights. I think he's forgetting that he got finished in their first fight & won a very close fight in their second with him almost getting finshed a couple times.,Majority decisioned Nate so hard he should not come back after that terrible loss. Are you having a stroke?,They missed the last debate. Ryan better get as many members of the GOP as he can to start making this same statement very forcefully and very often between now and November 8...,Don't you mean November 28th? "Everyone knows meat only comes from mammals and birds, jeeze, read a book.","No, birds is poultry not meat" I like nickelback,Stand up for what you enjoy somewhere else! "I saw that, and read it. It was so dumb. The theory is: The election will be close, to the point where one state with three electoral votes will make all the difference. That state? Vermont. How it works: *everybody* in Vermont writes in Bernie. Then the electoral breakdown goes: Trump 268, Hillary 267, Bernie 3. Then the House of Representatives would get to pick a president and they all kinda hate Trump and Hillary is *of course* a lying bitch so they'd have no other choice but to choose Bernard Sanders to be the next president of the United States.",bc thats how western democracy works You think the federal government cares? Hillary Clinton is as corrupt as they come. Does the federal government care?,Lol yeah Hillary is to blame for everything that is wrong in this world. Somehow I knew this retarded article was going to suggest disabling Windows Update.,Yes because its much better to let windows force close your programs and lose data "Oct 16th & 17th 2016 Godfest, Bilbo Braggings and Max Rants Sometimes I worry myself about how much I really want a card just because its blue...",Got my 3rd Alrescha woot! It IS astounding how many people in America spend so much of their time worrying about their neighbors' appearances...,Resell value? What pleases me most about this clip is evidence of our running an offense.,Teague and Monta can't play together They barely broke a sweat fighting ISIS.,Please tell us more about your experiences on the frontline Music preferences.,I like everything but country and (c)rap. Right! So amat s foul on Theo is also a red?,What foul? "I am agree, he was an excellent, funny and intelligent character, I like him more than Lincoln because these reasons. Can't wait to see him in action again on the next DLC.",Racist pig Nothing's free,"Clearly they were supposed to give the gentlesir a blowjob, how dare those sluts lead him on!" Earphones are included. They are under the wall charger block she didn't open .. . . . oh wait. I think someones got me covered on this post.,"But the true question is, does it have a headphone jack?" Remember to let all drumpers know that they are breaking the law and are no better than the Russians when it comes to wikileaks,"It's Hillary's fault I broke the law, that's how bad she is." "The team from Mystery, Alaska",Because they couldn't beat the rags? I'm really enjoying it! I'm almost done and think it's in the top tier of Chabon books. **The Yiddish Policemen's Union** is really worth picking up if you enjoyed Kavalier & Clay.,"Wonderboys is great too, but think I have to agree with jforres in that The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay is one of my all time favourites" Derek comments on the CitCon episodes of Reverse the Verse and Around the Verse under his Shattered Dreams blog.,Tech that are decades away! The movement system is most certainly not the same as bo3. Ttk is too quick though.,"but it has exosuits, so it must be the same!" College Kid Creates Sweatshirt That Says All white People Are Racist,All black people are criminals. Dude this mode is supposed to be played with freinds.,All others need not apply "Drew Brees has now passed for 50,000 yards as a saint",Still not HoF material Analysis: Trump isn't sparking Hispanic registration surge as Dems expected,dammit. "Hey, It ain't gay if you don't look down.","None of my bros believe that, how do I convince them?" No. It's a meme that's been around for years. Fuck little Internet Nazis and their attempts at stealing old memes,... Holy shit he predicted a rookie to have trouble . AMAZING. Never been done before !,"Ohh ye cus Ruler is bad,right?" "Rate of reported hepatitis C cases per 100 000 population, EU/EEA, 2014",I think a rate of deaths per capita would be useful to correlate with this data to help visualize the bigger picture. add me,"Added,trade now?" Wincest?,"not impossible, sadly" "It's dickbutt, isn't it?",Click on the link to find out. "No, people just deserve to be informed. It's called news.","yes, that's what the news does...." "Uhhhh..... Halftime adjustments, r-right?",That's what Mike is known for! Did you just assume my species?,"Yep, but in my defence, look at the state of you" The fuck? Why are the boats still manned?,Because we don't have the technology to operate these boats unmanned.. We need a top 3 or the first overall. Anything lower than that unlikely will help our qb situation,"Yeah if only we'd had Blake Bortles today, we would have dominated." "I mean... Yeah. It's less than 1000 characters long, what do you want?","By posting, you owe us at least a dissertation." I made this when Alan Rickman passed away.,what he would have wanted..... "I'm not saying we should ignore global warming, I'm simply saying that tacking on a $50 feel-nice fee for whenever somebody buys a fridge isn't exactly 'saving the planet for the future of humanity'. And while it certainly isn't made up of only one person, perhaps the people assigned to manage the environment could come up with something a little more meaningful, as the cost to legislate all of this will probably outweigh its benefit.","I dunno about you, but this $50 fridge fee has convinced me to go back to an ice box." "I would never spend that much money on a game, but if someone wants to, let them. What's the big deal, it's not like you can't buy the normal version.",But then the player base will be divided because everyone will be playing on the new maps and I won't and I'll get jealous and wish I could just play them for free. Women told not to walk on main road in ultra-Orthodox Jerusalem town,Image them not checking their privilege with the audacity to walk on the main road! TIL Hillary has been an adult for 4 years,Trump really missed an opportunity there. But reddit told me that Trump is the one calling for violence.,"Yeah, and obviously Hillary left a note at the scene" "Matt Ryan's Toughness I know we see this week in and week out, but boy oh boy do we have a tough QB. The amount of hits he took in that first half was ridiculous. I don't know if it speaks more to his conditioning or his toughness, but Matt Ryan's ability to play game after game and play after play needs to be recognized.",Nah man he's horrible we need to bring Vick back man "You should get a Samsung, given your power",But then I couldn't copy and paste from my phone to computer. Kaine delivers entire speech in Spanish at Miami church,Deport him! "Not old enough, before written history!",i think this might be old enough... Anyone else see the irony of calling Republicans Nazi's after you just firebombed a political office and told them to leave or else? That is Brown Shirt 101 - intimidate the other political parties with violence.,Burning a republican office is totally diferent than burning the german parliment! Pitchers to beat Cubs 1-0 in postseason - Clayton Kershaw and Babe Ruth.,Obviously because Kershaw is the greatest pitcher since Babe Ruth "you people do realize this is the first blunder jacob wolf has done since his TL/piglet report, right?","No no no, let's crucify him he's a terrible person fuck Jacob Wolf" Thousands take part in anti-government protest in Hungary,The Hungarian spring came early this year Tax cuts... scrapping of sure start... free market solution. *gag*,Obviously people will stop needing maternity care once the market adjusts to make babymaking more efficient "Nicki Minaj: 'You better pray to god we don't get stuck with motherf-king Melania' // Melania Trump is a beautiful, kind, sweet, loving woman... you know, how American women used to be? MELANIAFOR1STLADY!",I real woman has 50 pounds of silicone in their ass ay we all aussies now.,eh by the time people in Australia finish downloading the game everyone else in the world are max rank already. "Holy shit, by having that in your inventory do you not run a risk of being banned?",he probably discards it before logging out and then makes a new one when the game does it's checks on login And how Colorado manages to not be fat.,"everywhere they go is uphill, both ways, obviously" "Really? Andi's teams have pretty much never done any strats or different comps, they just play the game by the book and just outplay the other teams. DJ's teams have constantly pushed the game into new metas with different builds, strats, and comps. (I.E. dominating the spring split with Awilix + Sobek, abusing soul stone + power pot, doing the solo lane hog for buff/objective control now and back when it had the 60s cooldown.) Do you have any examples of Andi's teams doing any innovative strats or compositions?",What don't you remember how innovative Neith mid was at Worlds? "TIL Stockholm, Sweden tested a Speed Camera Lottery where speed limit-abiding drivers were automatically entered into a drawing to win a prize pool funded out of fines paid by speeders.",So this just rewards people fortunate enough to have a car? "MMO, been doing this myself since 2001 and Ultima Online. Loot, Loot never changes....","Ahh, Ultima...that brings back the memories" What's the most obviously non-suicide death that was declared a suicide you have ever heard?,Kurt Cobain. Viking great Brett Favre to have Green Bat jersey also hung in hall of fame locker,without those 2 years as a Viking i doubt a journeyman like Farve even gets HOF consideration Olicity,Felicity doesn't get enough screentime. WikiLeaks: Assange's internet link 'severed' by state actor,What is a state actor Playing HC on a unreliably updating OS? Lol.,Le ebin linux master race amirite? "New to Commander; least hated Commanders? After a decent amount of time splashing around the standard pool, I've decided to chase my destiny to the big, dark, stinky EDH ocean where I hope to live happily ever after. I won't gush too much on the format, but I will say it seems like a perfect fit for me and I am irresponsibly excited to build my first deck. Something I don't want to do (at first, at least) is build a deck where everyone in the pod wants me dead first...I want to win sometimes (all the time, but I can accept that's not how it works) but I don't want a big target painted on my forehead. So; what are some 'diplomatic' commanders that don't generate massive hate right off the bat? I will be buying a Commander 2016 deck, but more for staples. Thanks for any feedback :)",Play [[Meren]] no one hates her "And yet, with only heterosexual couples on television, LGBTetc people still exist.","That's cause they were inspired by Satan, not television." What's funny is I got told over the weekend by a Republican that these splits weren't as bad as liberals like to make them out to be. He then cited a poll that showed African Americans preferring Democrats by 70 points.,It perfectly points out how racist African Americans are. Remember the autobalance ? Me neither,"Because whenever there was an unbalanced game to a point of entire teams rage quitting, auto-balance would magically fix it and you would have a fair and balanced game with great teamwork on both teams." "Yes and no. Of course it is expected for all the first seeds to beat the second seeds. The issue is that the games are EXTREMELY one sided. And this is solely because of Korean teams. They are just on a whole new level compared to other regions. If you think about it, best of fives between NA, EU, Chinese or Taiwanese teams would probably be really entertaining. We would hear Silver Scrapes, there would be less <30 minute games, etc... The problem is that with every Korean team getting first in their group, this matchups cannot happen. Sad.","easy, just put all the korean teams together in groups" When people say you don't have to vote for the lesser of two evils they are right. You have to vote for the lesser of four evils.,Vote 5th Party! Big supermarkets could be allowed to regulate their own food safety just 4 years after horsemeat scandal,Hmmmm I see no way this could ever be a problem Nick never did elaborate how he knew dogmeat. We can only assume that he gets around. Mama Murphy knows him and there aren't a lot of purebred German Shepherds around.,*Tinfoil hat on * Inb4 the Nick before Nick Nick had that dog as companion before Nick had the memories implanted into his Synthetic mind. "To be perfectly honest, when I worked retail I used to volunteer to work Thanksgiving so I'd have a good excuse to *avoid* TG dinner with my extended family. Plus, my company paid time and a half on TG and XM.",Well that's just because you didn't realize that they were forcing you by controlling you with money "The daily beast is owned by IAC, and Chelsea Clinton is on IAC's board of directors. Can't be trusted.",except the provided evidence - like verified info but keep riding the conspiratard train - clearly the clintons want the investment of a company which donated billions to them to fail Step 1. Don't be a socialist without realizing the implications,The right people haven't tried it. What obvious mechanic/item/thing did you not notice until many hours of gameplay? For me it was the WA system ._.,the R2 button Isn't it usually the even numbers are testing the waters and then the odd numbers are the refined versions that everyone falls in love with?,No wonder the OG Galaxy Vibrant S left a bad taste in my mouth So ... I just played a semi final of the Copa Nationale in the training area,"The fans were probably racist or something the game before, so it had to be a closed match" Really hockey and flames fans are definitely not with this guy,"2 losses with us, obviously he's trash" Myanmar.,How far is that from Siam? "born in 1985, got awesome grades got accepted to UT because of those awesome grades, paid for school through working as a waiter and use of credit cards, got out of school, sent 10,000 resumes over the internet, got a starter job and moved up, now I am 30 and single and just bought my first house 6 months ago, I had it custom built as well......... if you want something get off your ass and do something about it",way to stay humble bro Witness my wealth & Power,Have you considered donating some of your money to the poor? "Shower thought: Why couldn't JS give us the exact date of the first vision? The most important event for the salvation of man since the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and he couldn't remember the exact date? Sounds fishy to me.","Pretty sure if I saw God AND Jesus, I would not forget the date." What would it take for Goodell to be impeached?,Yeah better fire the guy making the league and the owners who employ him record money because some fans don't like him We are subservient to the rest if the province and Canada already and have been for a long time. ALR land in metro Vancouver is a poor use of land. Not much else to it.,While you're at it Stanley park seems like such a waste of potential space. "Okay, how do I buy this now?!","You don't, you find them in really big cereal boxes." "Exotic Primary Sidearm idea The thought occurred to me that every special weapon type has an exotic Primary except sidearms. Vex Mythoclast (fusion, practically an auto rifle) No Land Beyond (sniper rifle) Universal Remote (shotgun) So with that said, here is my take on an exotic sidearm. Plasma Cutter (sidearm, practically an auto rifle) **Exotic Perk: Heatsink** Gun does not use ammo; overheats when fired too long. (Full Auto) Scopes: * Reflex Sights * Iron Sights * Ranged Scope Middle Tree: * Hand-Laid Stock * Send It * Field Scout **Exotic Perk: Unstable Coolant** Kills with this gun automatically resets the ammo cooldown; overheating causes lethal damage to user. It also has a void burn on it. The overheat does void damage It's inspired by the covenant plasma guns in Halo and is therefore obviously purple in appearance. The guns exotic perks make it ideal for killing mobs without reloading or waiting for the cooldown but at a range much shorter than Bad JuJu, Fabian Strategy, or Zhalo Supercell. It's usable against harder opponents if you fire it slowly and you get punished if you push it too far. As far as the archetype: whatever makes it not over powered in the crucible. [Discussion]","We already have a Primary Sidearm, it's called The Last Word." Where do you live that games sell out? That hasn't happened to me since like 2006.,"well if it hasn't happened to you, i guess it wont happen to anyone" There are indeed other communists! We must live in secrecy in a society that pictures us as the living spawns of Satan.,You just want to rape and kill everyone who doesn't conform to your murderous insane ideology. "And point to the candidate in the past that WASN'T flawed. For fucks sake, why is she expected to be perfect!?","Yeah don't you know she's a woman, so she has to be perfect" "If You Made One Card To Counter Goison What Would It Be? Mine would be chemotherapy, to clear the poison and the graveyard spell.","Mine would be the SPARKY tower, it does 9999 dmg and cures poison" "This guys is amazing. I thought he was going to beat Nick in their fight, but he got sucked into the Diaz mind games and tried to stand and bang with Nate. He has good wrestling and great power.","Yeah the highlight of that fight was when Nick summoned his American Ninja Stockton genjutsu which put Michael Johnson in a mind trance, allowing Nate to get the win." Does the Micro SD Card Explode too?,Nope this is the recalled version Pretty sure the iPad pro is in response to the surface pro line.. But whatever. I do complex 3d modelling on my SP3. Last I checked I couldn't do that on an ipad.,I could do 3d modeling on my iPhone 3 selfie camera... "I suggest we make it a rule that only government sources can be used ;Utusan, NST, The Star because they are the most accurate",I think ur missing an SWJ in the airplane,"The correct term is SJW, manfag" "But there are so many real crimes he committed, why prosecute a made up one?",Sure but how will you prove intent? Official Game Thread New York Jets vs Arizona Cardinals.,Nice job O-Line. So no on Red Dead Reservation?,It'll be a Trail of Tears "Spent 0 days at Spiel AMA I spent 0 days at Spiel since I spent most of my travel funds purchasing a series of computer clusters to automatically buy all the Mechs vs Minions available on the Riot Games website, AMA.",Did you find any games you would recommend to play with a girlfriend? Did he go too far?,This thread is going to be full of level headed responses Raene Sinner,"Purify synergy, too op" "Oh so you're functionally retarded and incapable of addressing what I said rather than the argument in your head, alright then.","Welp, abelism and name calling totally makes what you said true." "Like Alabama, we believed that you would all find ways to plug those holes and keep the ship steaming ahead. Unfortunately, none of these programs are Alabama. OU has six fewer wins than Alabama in the HISTORY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE PROGRAMS. ...But ESPN considers that to be in another galaxy than Alabama, apparently.",Not to mention that sugar bowl Thorin's Thoughts - Stats Don't Tell You Much (CS:GO),Everyone on esea knows this but still stats is what teams look at when thy decide if they want to try ultimately out ( at least in America) "It's bittersweet it happened to the Pats, now the league will thankfully probably do something.","Yeah, the league *loves* The Patriots" They were really late on those awards.,"I wonder why during the 1920s, a combat veterans would be ignored for prestigious awards..." Ce mare dezvaluire senzationala: omu a avut ideea dinainte de 9 octombrie. Incredibil!,"Asta inseamna ca si Colectiv a fost premeditat tot de Ciolos, prea repede a inregistrat domeniul" Matt can now start showing images on the podcast that didn't play well in audio form.,Yeah they never did THAT before. WBUR Poll: Clinton Maintains Big Lead Over Trump In Mass.,All those damn colleges brainwashing people... Avoid. This has the infamous red ceramic cartridge with no adjustable counterweight nor anti-skate. And using Bluetooth connectivity to the speakers is pointless and completely negating the purpose of being an analog setup.,"PSH, volume control is all you need!" BREAKING NEWS - HC Private E-mails Have Dropped Allegedly,This is from 6 days ago... Trump's Views on Science Are Shockingly Ignorant,This is very surprising State Dept. denies Kerry asked Ecuador to halt Clinton WikiLeaks dumps,And that State Department has been incredibly forthcoming and honest lately "If I have ever killed you in my Light tank or Arty, you can blame Ironbound. He's the jerk that taught me to embrace those two classes of tanks. Ah yes, nothing better than arty on arty violence!",Then I dont like IronBound... I was mad at you for killing me until now. Which things did live up to their hype?,No mans sky "There's a difference between when the actual opposing candidate makes the suggestion and when a news source alludes to the possibility. The double standard is that Hillary is responsible for every single democratic individual, and Trump isn't even responsible for the words that come out of his mouth.","YOU GUYS ARE TAKING HIM TOO SERIOUSLY, he isn't saying he would jail her, right guys?" "As real as Hillary's 33,000 emails! See that's the problem with you liberals, you all think you're so self righteous.",Wah wah wah liberals are so mean and taking my freedom because they no longer will accept my racist and sexist bullshit! Election is over now.,Please "Guys, it's China... ...they are ripping us off on trade.",TOP PIP! I believe the sign holder was referencing having a Hawaii Day or Aloha Day at a school as the cultural appropriation.,"Oh, but white people misinterpreting a culture, is sort of their culture, how dare he deny them that..." "I'm conservative, and I plan to write in Mike Pence for president",I can't wait for the sequel to the RFRA. Just came in. Taking my dad who is a lifelong Steelers fan to his first game. Going to be waving those terrible towels in Indy.,I'll be there repping too! "I don't know... Maybe try not to break the rules, then.",they should hire Kelvin Sampson Right-wing Militia's plan to kill Muslims in Kansas foiled.,Only Muslims are terrorists btw. "Favourite Anime Character? Whats yours mine is L from death note, comment below!","Lelouch vi Britannia, not at all evident by my Reddit" "Oh I wasn't saying that in a I'm gonna keep doing this anyway because i'm an asshole kind of way. I meant I'll try my best to type it out differently, but I kinda know I'll still end up using the full wording. It's not like it's too inconvenient for me anyway. I type pretty quick, especially in-game. So no sweat there. Thanks though!",You're a bad person and you should feel bad Wait. Hillary told me that Refugees are never terrorists.,"No, she said they will be properly screened before allowed entry." What is your new pulling strategy knowing FFRK might not last for long.,this is boring and hopefully won't last long "What are the best characters to use for doubles? I tried searching the subreddit, but I couldnt find anything. Im trying to find out for a local tournament me and my friend are participating in. For reference, he mains ZSS and I main Sonic. Thanks!",Pikachu and Game and Watch Did it well before he met me. UCLA footage on YouTube shows him even more extreme. Same with Kevin Gausman when he was at LSU.,Believe it's from Alan Jaeger's Thrive on Throwing Chelsea: lets buy cuadrado for 40 million and give away salah Ok lets loan out cuadrado ok lets get cuadrado back and loan him out again LOL,Chelsea is just a feeder club for the more prestigious Serie A league anyways She's communicating with us in Spanish... oh boy i wish we had some background information on her to at least know where she is from.,What more could you possibly need? What song title sums up your sex life?,I'm Impressed by They Might be Giants. Are people more helpful..nicer on reddit?,"No, fuck off!" Facebook marketplace is bringing out everyone's inner entrepreneur,What's a donkey man? Leicester City now have more points in the Champions League than in the Premier League (9pts vs 8pts),"To be fair, 24 teams in Champions League have more points than in the Premier League." "My district just mandated that all below-level students must make over a year's worth of growth by March or else I don't get a raise. It is absolutely absurd. You're telling me the second grader who has made no growth since kindergarten, who only shows up to school 2-3 days a week, and is a nightmare when he is here, must make that much progress or it's my fault?",It's all about the keeds... didn't you know? I highly doubt people feel as strongly about bronies as I do about Nazis. But I'll know that I was wrong when I'm facing a firing squad for liking a cartoon a few years ago.,Its the ultimate crime don't you know. What is your favorite ice breaker to get a conversation started?,Girl if you were an iceberg I'd ram my Titanic into you all day long. This better be worth it all..,I'd bet you anything that the MP dragon evos are going to be revos probably with a 25m exp curve True - I actually don't know how Kirby could fight a character like samus or YL,Just steal charge shot bruh How Pranksters Are Ruining Society...,Nah not as good as old Ethan. Her husband is extremely easy to bait and manipulate.,Just the qualities we apparently want in a president. "Game Thread: Flyers vs. Blackhawks 8:30pm Here it is, Let's Go Flyers, Fuck the Pens.",Well at least they came out competitive this period. How can you get porygon as a starter?,And have it be 617. ..--...Can.. Y.. Hear.... Me..-- *static* ...He..ll.o..? *radio silence* ...Try... Again... 2..4.....hours... **End of transmission**,I bet this is rose's fault "I'm done I'm so sick of trying to carry my team every game. I swear overwatch gives me teammates with no thumbs, I really wish this game had a ranking system that reflected skill and not wins. I destroy every game, yet it is never enough to overpower the complete idiots I'm given as teammates. I can't be the only one dealing with this.",nerf this Steven Stamkos ties the game up with 5.5 seconds left in the third,Picked this guy for my fantasy team - sleeper? So nothing new.,I'm getting tired of all the complaining! Well... looks like I'm part of the club now,Temp gauge looking a bit low to be part of the club Great gears!,Altus/Acera groupset! LPT: Google my ballot to see your full ballot for November.,Thanks a lot for reminding me that Chuck Fleischman exists. when mainstream media attempts to talk UFC. Nate can't make 155?,Nate is a big LHW Zero? She was angry that the Crystal Gems had taken Peridot's limb enhancers because she thinks they wronged Peridot. I'd think that concern over (what she considers to be) Peridot's well being is at least somewhat redeeming.,"Yeah, but we know things from Peridot's perspective, and it's Jasper's fault for only knowing the things she knows." Robert Creamer forced to resign.,I wonder how long he'll hide beneath his slime covered toadstool before re-emerging for the next scam. I hope I'm not the only one that sees this resemblance,Well I do now.... Thanks for that. "Watch_Dogs 2, looks like Ubisoft learnt their lesson...","steam controller is not supported, this game is trash" A buck is one dollar.,Yeah and I haven't seen you in a minute is 60 seconds. Michael Moore Reveals Surprise Donald Trump Film,how totally unexpected "Nah, just about half of them. The other half can be rehabilitated, maybe, hopefully.","Yes send them to camps, so that they can be reeducate" "And that happends, when i'm not fame farming.",suspiciouscropping.png It's likely that one. Now what?,I'll kill him and gut him "instead of bitching and moaning like a 12 year old, why don't you post better stuff yourself? And make sure it gets upvoted too so everyone can enjoy your superior tastes.",Stop making sense asshole Except you wouldn't be supporting unfair business practices.,"So I would be supporting fair business practices, great." Fast-forward to 2023 and we'll have Tencentmons in every town.,But the real question is... Will we have the auction house? "I personally advocate the removal of those nordic and saxon invaders, make Britian Gaulish again!",Fucking Welsh people. I watched it. Most things he keeps complaining about is him refusing to adapt his playstyle. Let me know if I should elaborate on any of invalid criticisms.,"Yeah, I am sure you know more than the top PC critic in the world." It's not just Omantel apparently. same goes for Ooredoo and Awasr The ping is the same as before 150-160 according to the ones that used the vpn (if no one is killing the net at the house) I tested with a free vpn just to confirm the block. but the vpn was on trial soo I never managed to complete the download,I think majlish saw the new Teemo skin XD Weird seeing Chance without a hat on,Says every new Chance fan smh. "Does anyone else not give a fuck about school? I finished high school and not gonna go to college. But it looks like me and this subreddit have different experiences. I mean when i finished i was banned from going to prom. First year i failed 8 classes total. Got expelled, got into anther school, finished barley having to go to summer school, and with worst score possible. In second year i got expelled and kicked the door down, I got expelled because me and my friend broke a table in half in the middle of lecture. I was always laughing, getting kicked out of class, I spend more time drinking beer in bar than in school. I was carried home blackout drunk 4 times during school hours. I was suspended for smoking weed in a school hall. I could go of for days. Those of you who aren't like this, Why do you do it. Why do you waste your time studying as your best years go by?",I can't wait for my taxes to pay for your welfare. Duterte thumbs down joint oil exploration with China now,It's not a joint exploration if China will be the only one conducting it. extremely high voltage will still kill you at low amperage.,Sorry forgot to add the "Mate, with the circus we have had with power struggles over the past few years, we don't even know who our own Prime Minister is.","It's because you all whine and moan the same about each recurring PM, we think you're complaining about the same person all the time." "He is in best TEAM, but he is definetly not the best player at his role, and he never was.","Let me guess, Rekkles is the best ADC in the world right?" "If there is one thing this election has done, it has normalized illegal hacking of politician's private communications and the public release of that information in a manner designed to harm the person as much as possible. Republicans aren't going to be able to complain about it if/when it happens to them. Because everyone will go back to Hillary Clinton and point out the Republicans were generally cool with Russia hacking her emails and the DNC's emails and then releasing them in an effort to hurt her. Thus turn around is fair game. It's not going to be a one-time thing. Cyber warfare like this is going to ramp up.","When considering how to handle the tit-for-tat response to Russian interference in our elections, I wonder if the Obama team is considering hacking and releasing GOP email?" "Here's the Racist, Jaw-Dropping Moment that Ended Republican Sen. Mark Kirk's Chances at Reelection","Tammy Duckworth should have picked a mother from a more respectable foreign nation, like England." "I don't know about anyone else, but in my personal experience... having sex at a healthy weight is a lot of fun because you can move around. Having sex when all you can do is lie there and jiggle your fat around is no fun.",On the same note being in bed with a starfish that only lays there is no fun either when they are too lazy to move... so much fun No way Hillary lets the Executive pressure a member of the Judiciary to retire. That would be crossing a line of the sort we've been railing against Hillary's opponent for crossing for months.,"She could just have them assassinated, like she did with Scalia." Petition to Sony to make Robot Rescue (PSVR) a full game - please sign and share!,"Yep, nice one, i can't remember when petitions for games didn't work." Nah.,Yeah that definitely can't be it. Do you not realize that his comment is also a joke? It's dripping with sarcasm.,Did you not realize that his comment was also a joke? That seems to contradict other statements he has made more recently.,"Hey buddy, you got a source to back that up?" "Specials in general have always been annoying due to their one shot kill potential. Shotguns, fusions, snipers, they're all annoying, but would you really prefer one over the other? Special ammo economy in PvP needs to be thinned, you should start with none or half a mag at most.","Wow, why haven't we tried this yet?" Lucky group draw but going 7-0 winning streak isn't luck.,It is if you are a western team and only have 1 Korean on your squad. Philip Defranco's latest Vlog features some Behind the Scenes footage of Million Dollars But,Is that Lawrence? "Well, she is single handily blamed for the Iraq war, an amazing feat for a single senator. May she can?","Dont forget Libya, Syria, Benghazi, ObamaCare, and 9/11!" Does anyone know any Melbourne bands that sound similar to the song 'Goodbye Horses'? (Silence of The Lambs Song),Give me some lotion and i'll give it a crack. We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism!,But why can't we be friends with people who want to kill us? Literally unplayable now!,Hey that's my meme! "Neat, but you misspelled extinction.",Extinction of the word exctinction The Wisp + Tinyfin dream to get a full board on turn 3,Dies to Consecration literally unplayable "The problem after this point, is that you get easily capped by amenities again. I had nearly every luxury resource on the map, still not sure how those contribute to amenity pool, but I know they were good, and I had to start building entertainment districts in my cities. I wouldn't be so irked about being capped by housing or amenities other than the notice threatened rebels if I didn't give them fun times. Is there a prevent growth option like in previous civs?","Not sure about the prevent growth option, but don't forget about amenity-granting policies!" "Don't want to disclose too much personal info, but I will try and answer your questions. 1. It was a little dizzying, but it was definitely a positive experience. We felt like there was no end in sight to our opportunities, and despite being the world's largest retailer, we still feel that way. I love that our company is so innovative. It keeps the job permanently exciting. 2. Not at all. The top two reasons people sour on working at Amazon are either they didn't expect to work a lot of hours, or they have a bad manager. I am a bit of a workaholic, and I've had almost entirely positive experiences with my superiors. 3. Obviously, any previous sense of intimacy is long gone. We are also no longer the plucky upstart on the way up. When you're top dog, a lot of your focus shifts to external challenges to maintaining that spot. We have to worry about competition from Alibaba. Wal-mart is working to increase their online presence. We have regulatory clashes over things like use of drones, independent contractors, lots of tax law, etc. It's a little less cheery and a bit more wary. However, we also continue to make a point of being innovators, so the Amazon spirit still lives on. 4. It's a weird feeling seeing something that you worked on creating become an everyday thing on such a large scale. Having your work reach hundreds of millions of people can be hard to fully comprehend. Everywhere I travel I meet people using Amazon features that did not exist in the no-so-distant past. It's a crazy experience. 5. Jeff doesn't really have a strong smell. He keeps impeccable personal hygiene--you'll never see an eyelash out of place--and he also doesn't coat himself in cologne or anything. I guess he just smells clean.",^Prob Jeff can some *other* employee confirm smell THE CLEVELAND INDIANS HAVE WON THE 2016 AMERICAN LEAGUE PENNANT!,"Wow we need to trade kluber, pitched our only loss this post season" Boo! We deserve to be on this list!,"Yeah, I don't see why Michigan isn't on this list." and some of these sealings took place before he claimed to have the sealing keys,"He had the keys, he just hadn't revealed them yet." Bikini bottom has a livable minimum wage,The whole show takes place in 1965. Agent was like $10 minimum last time I checked,Well good to get them now before they get hyped again "U. Michigan hosts racially separate forums, white student reporter booted from one for non-whites - The College Fix",Segregation Now! Then who should choose?,"the supreme court, duh" "Psh. I gave mine up for a Focus ST a couple of year ago. Not quite as fast, but much nicer on the inside.","I did the same recently and went to a Golf R. Love the Focus ST, good choice." Why is Trumps mic so much louder than hers?,It is because his mic is broken. "If you had to create a brutally honest slogan about yourself and wear it on a tee shirt, what would it say?","Live, love, laugh" "TIL that Subaru targeted Lesbians in an Ad Campaign, which ended up saving their company","That about explains why they're all over Boulder, Colorado." Everything is Clinton's fault,I thought everything was Obama's fault... "Someone Found an Alternate Version of the Revelations Cutscene, With a Strange 15 Second Extension (From 0:30 to 0:45)","Nah, that's CLEARLY a visual glitch" "McGregors accomplishments: Mendez, Aldo, and Diaz (barely in a rematch after getting mauled) Please. Let's see him against any of the top 5 Lightweights which we will on November 12th. Nothing against Aldo or Mendez but they are completely irrelevant compared to lightweights",Exactly my thoughts "Behold, It is so.",*beholden? This article should be titled I Don't Like My Job and all the yous should be replaced with Is. None of these problems are universal.,Yep. **What's her SC name??**,op plz "Lol. Speaking as a Canadian, it was a travesty for your country that he was elected. How the hell can you elect someone who'd never been to Europe?","Yeah seriously, the good leaders do coke." He's negging America,I only want him more now Samsung forced YouTube to delete the Exploding Samsung Galaxy Note 7-video. Let's never forget what is was about:,"Game In the title guys, Jesus Christ" "Big Brother Over the Top - Wednesday Night Live Event Discussion - October 19 2016 On the live feeds tonight, beginning at 10p EDT/7p PDT, we will have a one hour recap of the past week. At 11p EDT/10p PDT, We will have a live eviction. If it's anything like last week, it will be very productionless and the HG will fill in for most of Julie's usual role. Starting at midnight/ 9pPDT, an HOH competition will be played. During the eviction, your best bet is to watch the Quad View. Who will be evicted? How will the votes fall? What awkward moment will we get from the live eviction? How about the weird 30 min of nothing after that and before HOH? Who will be crowned? Discuss all that and whatever else below.",I'm looking forward to seeing Neely's grand effort to unite the house now her side is in power "Who is the best RB in the league? We've seen the kinds of moves players like David Johnson, Le'Veon Bell, and LeSean McCoy can make, but which back in the league really sets themselves apart from the rest as far as pure ability goes?","Obviously it is Jay Ajayi, first 200 yard back this season." "What else is there besides air, ground and water?","Fire, according to the classical elements" "Tomorrow is going to be a great day! First the NX announcement, then I'm getting married!!",The nx announcement being the obvious highlight of that whole day I act like i'm stoned,"well, maybe you should do drugs?" "With Doublelift potentially retiring, i wouldnt mind Godgiven coming to TSM.",yeah the coach who thinks talent isn't existant and the guy who thinks he doesn't have to train much because he has a shitton of talent will work together greatly But does he respekt da sistem?,You spelled respek wrong. "Article says she backed out of the deal, as in, it was her choice. Post title is not just shit, its wrong. Shes still awful like.","Another PPD that turns out to be a just be a regular old PP, what a shocker for this sub." Strike finishers.,"I know, all those Indy guys like Shinsuke Nakamura, Wade Barrett, AJ Styles, Dolph Ziggler, and Big Show using strike finishers." "FULL COLLECTION OF SUNBURST (12 COLORS) Keys, offers ! Trade my whole collection of sunburst! DO NOT SELL SEPARATELY OFFERS FOR FULL SET!!!",C/o me @ forest green sunbursts "What he doesn't seem to understand is that physical land isn't the problem; It's resources that make us under/over populated. The more resources our society consumes, the fewer of us it takes to qualify as overpopulated.",^ someone's never flown in a plane "Then don't put them in gyms, or re-prioritize how you're assigning your dust, because there are plenty of us who don't have this problem.","Ok man you're the best, thanks for such a relevant contribution" LOSER READS HATER COMMENTS 6!,oh wow i'm doubled over laughing really didn't see this one coming XD "Antipsychotics make other drugs useless most of the time. It's not a permanent change in your physiological ability to get high, but you will not be able to while you're on it.","OP already said that he took it in July 2015 though, which is pretty long ago if you ask me." Who says they're all sequential?,Whoosh I like how you just refer to him as this,I like how you assume their gender. "So this fella truly believes that Drug-Induced Addiction is not real? Despite the mountains of scientific evidence to the contrary? Despite all the medical research and first-hand accounts of addiction? I mean, just take a look at the neuroscience of addiction, it's not a black box anymore. We know, very well, how the mechanics of addiction work and how physical and psychological addiction works. Bruce Alexander, and by extension, you, are almost certainly wrong in this and the only way you can say you've studied it extensively is by studying things like what Bruce writes and *completely ignoring* the 1,000-fold larger mountain of evidence to the contrary. I know it's great and all to be a conspiracy theorist but it gets ridiculous when you start to ignore basic science to make your anti-establishment story work.",Trump is losing because the election is rigged! So amazon is giving away bananas to everyone,There is a very small EULA stamped on each one. Philippine President Duterte announces 'separation' from United States,I'm sure the new Chinese military equipment will integrate smoothly with all the equipment we gave them. you know i always had hope in hirez but they just lost me here.Whats next?Spelling Bomb king Bumb Knig?,Next time you know they will misspell Pip to Rip. "After giving the orphan a pickaxe, of course","Nah, the orphans gonna have to pay up for that pickaxe." "which in my opinion is the worst controller ever, probably because my long fingers",Some scissors can help with that "The best version is to watch 4 and 5 first then get half way through 6 to the point where Luke asks Yoda if Darth Vader is his father, switch to the important clips of Episode 2 and 3 before continuing on with the rest of 6. Episode 1 is skipped because nothing important happens in that film. I guess the new trilogy films can been seen in order.",Episode 1 is by far the most important otherwise they wont understand Darth Jar Jar. Dear Capitol Hill honker -- please no honk tomorrow at 7:50am maybe you can text instead? thank you.,People in Seattle don't honk their horns! "Nope, according to him there are only two categories of animals: 1) Too big for .223 2) Too small for .223",That's why I hunt with my musket. Rasmussen poll has Trump up by 3,He is definitely going to win now! ITT: people who can't accept that an idiot can get elected POTUS and graduate from Yale and Harvard if he's the legacy of an ex-POTUS/head of the CIA. Dubya is a failure and not a smart man.,But everyone knows that Ivy League schools have stringent academic requirements and are appalled by the idea of letting the rich and powerful buy their way in and through the school. How is this usefull ?,It's for torping that burning 434hp DD that sits 12 km away. It is... In Senegal... Africa...,"But that's their culture, and that's fine." As promised ladies and gents. My love to you all :D,"Out of curiosity, do ya play on both teams?" "Iroh did not go to the Spirit World because he died. Once he was satisfied that his work in the material world was done, he left his body behind and decided to hang out in the Spirit World.","So in essence, he died and went to the spirit world." Ohhhhh yeaaahhhh the one he randomly got out of nowhere lol,ah but it's okay because he lives in a city with carribean people so obviously it can't be fake! "Well I'm not sure about disability, but it does allow me to say something. I am ace, sort of obviously, and I know that either I missed a gene, or mutated one, and it makes me slightly different in this way we are all familiar with. Even though mental disorder or disability is harsh, it is still a disorder, as in something that isn't normal I can't help it, and I don't want to be judged because of it, but that is an unfortunate truth, and it's how the rest of the world, at least the ones that believe us, see us, even if that isn't what this article meant, it still needs to be said.",The good thing about it being labeled as a disability is now when I go to the store I can park in the handicapped spot so I don't have to walk 10 feet more I just feel things like that make Rodgers more frustrated and he continues to play worse because of it,That's what leaders do. Doesn't dodge grave hate though,"Neither does dredge, so I guess dredge is unplayable" Lizard people.,dont we have enough of them in real life? "You must not have been on r/golf lately, people are going ape shit over them. They're really good at getting lost, just like all my other balls!",I do believe he meant Ozil likes to keep things balanced.,what a disappointment ozil has been. "9,95 euros",9 thousand euros so expensive! "I love how kicking it is their first instinct. Also, the beer sitting on the table tells me all I need to know.","But those beers are full, they haven't drank anything at all!" Shooting hella fast and not even having your crosshair on him lol,r u kiding me this is clerly valvo being bad at making games Those splash arts look absolutely breathtaking. Riot's Art department has been on point for a while now with all these top quality splashes. A+,Nah that pool party mf splash sucks "how do you just go from weed to meth? wtf? dude had problems before you knew him, im' sure.","weed is the gateway drug, i thought everyone knew this mayne?" This. Technologically ignorant plebs are the Xbox's target demographic. It could say 1.21 gigawatts of LPDDR9-99999 RAM with *The Web*TM Connectivity on the box and few if any Xbone buyers would notice or care.,You planning on leaving a link to that new system? "Dude, Puzzle and Dragons on the go? Can you imagine???",Maybe Nintendo will finally introduce friend codes to PAD so we finally have a convenient and intuitive online play system. "Yeah, that was the main problem, taking itself too seriously. FO1 and FO2 are full of even weirder encounters, but they played them as a joke.","Can't wait for the Doctor Who crossover DLC, lads" graphics design (indesign) fonts using the right Font so guys im in my last year in school and i have to make a file for the end of my project but i cant seem to find a nice and easy to read font so any suggestions please ? greets Remi,Comic Sans "Does anyone else think that Jason Cerbone (Jackie Aprile Jr.) did a particularly outstanding job playing his character? I can understand the hate for his character, but I'll never understand the disdain for this actor. He acted EXACTLY how he was supposed to. Everything from his pathetic frat-boy swagger, to his expressions of disrespect to Tony at Livia's funeral, etc. I don't think anyone else could've nailed the cocky, pretentious-as-fuck, stupid son of an Italian-American mob boss like Jason Cerbone. Thoughts?","Don't be calling Jackie Jr stupid now, he knew the capital of Canada for Christ's sake." "I'm sorry, I've only ever seen 60 year old women in NCs. They never acknowledge me either :(",Haha so true! "Or not use lithium ion batteries at all, and use a one that can last a lot longer or charge a lot faster.",Exactly they should just use a small perpetuum mobile inside of it for power "Loft jazz? that's neither a style nor a genre. Next they come out with kitchen jazz ... blenders, who may have seated themselves of the shoulders of that Eugene ... docu.","Thanks, that was incredibly helpful" Documentary film-makers face decades in prison for taping oil pipeline protests,Such long prison time for a completely nonviolent event that would normally be called journalism....freedom in action "I think there's no point in having so many different languages. I'm expecting to get slammed for this but I don't really want to start a fight with anyone, despite this subreddit being what it is. I mean, yes. Languages are a way of cultural expression and very unique and often a form of art in itself... but also the way it forms is pretty arbitrary. Isn't very expedient, just adds more hassle to communication and makes more obvious the cultural differences between ethnic groups. Although this isn't realistic in the near future, I'd prefer a world of linguistic genocide and everyone just spoke one language and no others. It doesn't have to be English, but preferably a language that is easy to learn. Welp. Just my two cents on the matter. I don't feel like this POV is too extreme and doesnt make me an equvalent of a linguistic Hitler or something.",Don't worry we'll all have nanobots that'll communicate our minds at a much more efficient rate than spoken words ever could. "Yes to all of this. Especially the toilet part. YOU HAVE A PISS HOSE ATTACHED TO YOUR BODY...AIM BETTER OR SIT DOWN. But seriously, if it's all they've ever known, they legitimately don't know any better. But they definitely sense, by at least adolescence, that there could be a better way, but that it will require great efforts and sacrifice.","Ah yes, the joys of living with two guys (my gramps and my brother) years ago, who have no aim and wouldn't put the seat up, which resulted in the the joy of sitting in cold piss!" "Do my eys decieve me, or does Trump have THREE RALLIES TODAY!?! THE HIGH ENERGY IS OFF THE CHARTS!!! HOW DOES HE DO IT!?!? #WHERESHILLARY",probably all that coke he sniffs "Yeah, if you'll be getting a less important bonus than other people. Better make it so nobody gets a bonus!","And fuck unions, amirite?" Ontario Canada introduces legislature outlawing the use of ticket scalping bots.,So no more ticket Master? you never see guys spit in another guys face and not expect to be punched. this is the result of you never hit a women. the threat of being punched was like a form of checks and balances and a lot of the bad behavior i see from women are due to the lack of these checks.,"Indeed, the appropriate response to prevent these kind of issues is to encourage men to hit women at their discretion." Thorin could do with a proper editor. He's not a bad writer but it definitely lacks polish.,"As a polak I can confirm, addition of a few 'kurwas' to his text would have made quite an interesting read" Wait why were you taken? What do they think you did? Or will do?,"From what I heard this time they said I was starving myself (I eat 3 regular sized meals a day and im of healthy weight) And bad hygiene (Shower every Friday, wash my hands frequently, etc) Last time it was due to suicide thoughts in 2014 (got punished for it 2016, been incredibly happy this year) along with quitting school" "Curt Schilling is going to try to unseat Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts Good luck with that buddy, we've seen your twitter feed.",Really good luck with that. no respect for Bernie.. Hillary screwed him and he's been licking her asshole ever since.,"Yeah, best to just go home and do nothing now..." They aren't a continuous story. You don't need to play them in order to understand them all. FE 6-7 are prequel-sequel FE 9-10 are the same. FE 1-3 and 11-12 are as well. The rest of the series are all completely on their own with some vague connections between some.,FE7 is a prequel to FE6. Does anyone think he has the personality to pull it off though?,you forgot the Waterfall Audio Niagara Diamond Glass Floor Standing Loudspeakers,Oooooooo it's on sale You applied to med and dental school? Wow loafers without socks and even suede shoes are both surprising. I will probably keep it conservative with black laced shoes and a navy suit and white shirt. Someday I will have my own monks tho....,Wear brown with navy. Im sure she would be pissed and would prefer to be called Marsha.,Did you just assume their gender? "Podcasts about mental health recommendations Morning all, A bit Ronseal this. As a person with mental health issues I'm looking for one, maybe two, podcasts that discuss mental health. I'm not after anything preachy, but more societal - how perceptions are changing, how stigma is (hopefully) lessening and so on. Something with a touch of humour would be good too. If the source is credible, such as Mind or Anxiety UK for example, I'd be more inclined to check it out. Ta much",Harmontown Hahahaha I bet they freaked out that your innocence was no more.,"I don't know, those 2 days of playing have left me with severe violent tendencies, ptsd, and an inability to distinguish reality from fantasy" the GHB is more than Get Home - it's also your shelter in place gear ... how's a bike going to help you?,They could always sleep under the wheels. Ilias Bulaid. 150-8-2. 21 years old.,Thai fighters man damn... Did America's visor get a BSOD?,I was hoping someone would notice that It has been over a week since Trump promised 'substantial evidence' which would disproved his accusers. Where is it?,He did provide it: They were too ugly to assault. Roast my 2017 v6 :),So you are the Eskimo that buys an air conditioner. You seem extremely teachable,You forgot the "When I was in grade school, for me (and most of my peers) our understanding of the middle ages was (more or less) Christianity zapped Romans out of existence, everyone had rat diseases until da Vinci made paintings. Reading about Greeks being legitimate Romans in the middle ages, it's kinda mind-boggling that none of this shit was mentioned anywhere in school books, especially considering the reverence people ascribe to ancient Greece.","Well, it didn't happen in central Europe, and as we all know central Europe is the only place that really matters." Not to mention the amount of casual racism I see during american peak hours on this sub-reddit. Any time I view this sub in the early hours (early evening for NA) I see racist threads about Peruvians being upvoted. It's disgusting.,"Meanwhile during European hours it's threads bitching about Russians, which is totally different right?" "oh look, someone jumping to ridiculous conclusions without evidence",Yeah says the guy with THAT username! "More insulting than Emma Watson, who parrots the myth about women being significantly underpaid compared with men?","Hey, Emma and Wonder Woman are insults to feminism and the serious endeavors of the UN on helping the world as their Human Rights leader Saudi Arabia." "He played 9 Nid games in NA with below 50% win rate, that's it...",NA solo queue confirmed better than ROX "I'm not so sure about Catholics though. The Catholic Church is one of the most charitable and socially-oriented institutions out there, is not particularly warm towards capitalism and inequality, and does quite a lot for education and elimination of poverty. Sure, their sexual politics are not exactly the best, but for the most part Catholicism does far more good than harm.","But our entirely English Protestant influenced world view says otherwise, clearly what you are saying must be false." Ivanka Trump: Dad's comments 'clearly inappropriate and offensive',She clearly doesn't get her dad's humor... And cue the concerned soccer moms saying these are meant to get kids hooked on the marijuanas.,on the street we call them reefers or doobies and might be laced with fentanyl and kill kids. What if you're both women? I need further clarifiation,That's not real sex How the Japanese view Canadians,That's the angriest looking Canadian I've ever seen. Excellent camera angle choice,looks like ma balls You are correct. I think this makes the most sense as I am not struggling to pay my loans at all. Instead of aggressively paying them down for a couple months I'll use that money instead to open the account. Thanks!,You're welcome! "Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this exactly how she beat Bernie in the primary?","No, the primaries were rigged - the general will surely be all above board" iPhone 7/Plus accounted for 43% of all U.S. iPhone sales in Q3 in just two weeks,Clearly people are simply *furious* about not having that headphone jack "Frist of all how **dare** yo u confront me before I've had time to think of an excuse. What, you actually want to keep your belongings? Pfft. *Men.*",**SEXIST ^PIG** "For it to be a true kids meal, you must remove the apostrophe.","and add baby goats, no?" "Boobs, belly and butt.","God, that last picture is so fucking hot" The catch is the topography doesn't actually look like that. That's some vertical exaggeration of (I'd estimate) at least 20x.,Oh really? You're fucking a white male!,Nobody told me she was a he god damnit! "Finally won operations as attacker, BUT...",That is almost poetic ;) I got called a cuck for saying the Far Harbor DLC for Fallout 4 was pretty good. That happened.,"They can't even get their insults right, you're obviously a *shill* for liking that DLC." Shitty child robot loses it's shit over a ball.,"I was first born in a laboratory, unknowingly falling into a pit of immortality" The Cryptarch Should Sell an Exotic Engram every week for 200 legendary marks. It would be a wonderful way to keep leveling up and not have to bank on Xur every week which can be hit or miss. I also feel like 200 legendary marks is very reasonable essentially cashing you out if you do choose to buy an engram.,Just make it cost silver dust They probably work out.,Dont assume that thats anti FA im sure that anyone healthy at their size can do the same thing "Still, that's not how the signal goes off, it would be like buffering, not white bars.",Forgot the "I'm still torn up Katrina took my N64, GameCube, Super Nintendo, and NES.",id go over an punch a bitch Nicotine sucks but i still end up using it. When ever im bored. Its the only drug that you can buy at stores other than alcohol. Whenever im waiting for real drugs i get bored and buy cigs or an e cig because i think the buzz is gonna make me feel better than completely sober but i always end up feeling a shitty nauseating feeling and headache. Even though it sucks i still get a huge urge to use it again. I was a smoker when i was younger but now its more occasional. can't wait for the day i can just go to the gas station and buy a pack of weed cigarettes,smoking is soo glamorous Especially since Russian banks will run out of funds to prop up their economy in 2017.,Geez... I just figured my refrigerator will run out of food in few days! I use all three for a strange reason for my PC at the same time lol,More cords=Moar internetz "Literally everything! I have more energy, I can stay up longer, I can do more activities... I recently visited Disneyland in SoCal and was able to walk the entire park 2-3x without an ounce of pain. That may seem simple to many but as a fatter person, it was nearly impossible!",Fantastic! The most damaging reporting has come from simply quoting his own moronic yammerings. Should they stop reporting on the things he says and does?,It's really unfair. CA in Brooklyn Tomorrow (GB will be attending) The dreaded day is tomorrow. Is anyone else gonna be there? Herd is supposed to be there (I'm not sure if anyone else is though). I'll try my best to record the talk but I make no promises if it'll be here or in terrible quality.,Oooh - exciting Beware Slow Version of New iPhone 7(+),Man...just think of how bad your life sucks if you bought a 32GB Intel iPhone 7... "While leaving the circuit, Lewis took the time to stop and get out of his SUV to leave a note on my flag!",What a self centered arrogant ass. The surface tension on ground is no joke.,"It's simple, just throw a brick at the ground right before you land, you'll land fine." "That's actually really possessive and toxic, if I saw that in public I would be disgusted.","Agree 100%, just thought the tweet was funny" "We did, you must've missed it. We played Bye U, lost on a failed 2pt conversion.",The mormoms strike again! Certified Guardian & Regular HeatwaveKeys No sunbursts or Dumping your whole inventory on screen in hopes to get lucky,"12 tiaras, 6 birthday cakes, and a c1." Premature celebration from HEN1,guess he heard the commentators and thought that he won "Get used to the ;job churn; of short-term employment and career changes, Bill Morneau says",Self supporting 21 year old loving this. Why sleep when you can just drink coffee.,Let's all develop a dependence! "Anyone else see people down Stepney Green Gardens with a Llama the other night? Tuesday night, cycling home from work I took a slightly different route and went along the road on the northern edge of Stepney Green park instead of going along Stepney Way. There was a bunch of people in Hi-viz jackets that caught my attention, and then I noticed they were with a Llama. Anyone know what was up with that?",Theresa May escaped again. "and yet thousands of people play it with no problems , so easy to blame others for your own lack of pc knowledge",But it's always the games fault! The best ones are when all of the lanes die solo and then blame you for it..,"Nah man, the top lane dying solo when I was bot side OBVIOUSLY was my fault as a jungler." Don't sink down to his level.,Didn't really think I needed The monogomous dating scene is full of totally straight women who avoid my dick like its on fire and doused in gasoline.,"Ugh, how dare they call themselves straight." "You forgot Wink, wink, don't worry guys I know he's crazy too but I'll do anything for a paycheck and the chance to fall upwards after the campaign",Im pretty sure i saw her blinking SOS. My son bought a kids coding book and is making his first game.,And pirates are now pre-loading... Because of the Alicia Machado and Trump incident as well,Which disqualifies Trump from running for president AGAIN WITH THE DRAW,All those wasted downs will be worth it for that one time it goes for 8 yds Bot Cold,When your aimlock fails "So are people going to tell us that Mahomes miraculously made a full recovery since last week and that our defense is, in fact, still just *okay?*",wvu hasnt played anybody and texas tech isnt any good The Wizard's Lab was fun but we had too many people....I would encourage buying out the room and only doing it with your friends.,How many is too many? The have definetly been slippin ALOT.,Spending all week making videos. At least you had the sense to move the fuck out. And what of the roommate?,"the sense.... Right, because it was totally haunted" And the Daily Mail and Express call for his resignation and imprisonment for betraying the British People.,He should resign as a Life Peer - the only way a Life Peer can... with the resignation of his life. A lot of us are coming out of the smokescreen shit show that has been two decades of character assassination of Clinton in anticipation for this moment.,But but $Hillary is a corrupt criminal who should be in jail Wait. Trump's a woman? What a nasty woman.,Nazi woman Ftfy We love it too! I TOTALLY AGREE **WE ARE THINKING ON THE BASEST OF PLANES!** *WHAT WE NEED ARE MORE GAMES*,I disagree I feel like the whole bloodborne story has been told and I'm done with it! "Yeah, im sure capital punishment is the reason those don't exist.","It definitely doesn't have anything to do with economics, class inequality, or international drug policies." McCoy doubtful to return,At least he got 11 yards... "When I was 16 in the mid 90s, aka the I know everything, I'm invincible and you can't stop me age, I got in a fight with an acquaintance while a whole bunch of us were hanging out at his house. Stupid fight, can't remember what about, but I decided fuck it, I was going home. I lived about 5 miles away, but I didn't have a car, and since it was 2am, there were no buses. I was going to walk home. In the middle of the night, though a not-as-safe-as-it-seem neighborhood, as a tiny 16 year old girl. So I did. I think, in hindsight, my friends either didn't believe I was going to do it, or were too startled by the sudden argument to realize what I was doing. I left the house and started hoofing it. About a mile out, the suburban housing neighborhood melted into a main street, with highway access. I started to notice a greyish minivan following me. It would follow me, pass me, turn a corner, and about 3 blocks later, it would do the same thing. I mean, really really obvious what it was doing. I crossed over to the other side of the street so I was walking the opposite of traffic flow, and thus no car could come up behind me. It kept doing it, on the other side of the street. About a mile later, there was a 24-hour Fred Meyer (west coast USA chain grocery/all-purpose store), lights bright, but parking lot emptyish. I immediately crossed the parking lot and went to head inside. Just before I got to the doors, the minivan that had been following me, pulled up into one of the parking spots. A guy called out from the driver side and said: I don't want you to walk over here, just stay there and listen. I just wanted to let you know what I was doing. I saw you walking a while back, but I also saw a dark car that was following you. A couple of times you went to turn around, or stopped, so it started following you down a parallel side street. When I saw it, I started to follow you both, just to make sure you were safe. Go inside the store, and call someone to come pick you up, please. I haven't seen the car since you headed across the lot. He waited until I was inside the store, and then pulled away. I didn't have anyone to call, so I just let the night cashier know what was going on, and hung out with her for about an hour and a half. Then I finished the walk home. I've never forgotten the incident, or that man, whoever he was. During the walk, I never saw the dark car he mentioned, but I've always been convinced he saved my life that night.",Maybe the van guy is like Dexter except he uses his rape van to rape other rapists. Scott Morrison puts states on notice over house prices,"Finally, a federal government minister with the guts to say what needs to be said, the housing affordability crisis is someone else's fault." I now pronounce you Coffee and autobot,~~THE SHIP HAS SAILED~~ "How likely is 14-2? I'm looking at the Seahawks reminding schedule and I'm think that 14-2 is a possibility. At new England is obviously the biggest game, but I think all of the rest are winnable. Thoughts?",Well if we score two TD's and allow one Safety I suppose it's possible just highly improbable. Jordan Hicks Today,But I thought he doesn't fit Schwartz's scheme? The map is triggering something very wrong with your PC.,"Yes, that is quite obvious, but with no response to my tickets or threads on Psyonix's website, I have nothing left to do but keep mentioning my issues in hope that another has come across something similar." assuming all common dates and conditions: $100-120 for 2 packs of smokes is pretty steep...,nah its just california taxes "I hate how when people say man, when referring to humans, SJWs always have to jump on the sexist bandwagon",Language is sexist and out to get Womyn Jester's fodder.,"No, Jester is the hacker who hacked Russia's Foreign Ministry website." Most people in the world don't even know what a copypasta is.,"Copypasta is people repeatedly spilling their spaghetti, right?" "Its not Obamas decision. And it wouldn't void election. They would investigate, but he kinda screwed himself by putting trump down for such a unamerican thing to say that it couldn't get rigged.","Hey, remember, suggesting any election could be rigged; or that anything that is given to you by authority is incorrect, is *totally non democratic*" "Especially in solo queue, wining the jungler matchup isn't who gets the most successful ganks off but determined by which jungler farms better. this is a bold statement and just not true",Nice argument dude Y.E.S,Are they even touring? i was watching you the entire time you had no time to reach into your bag,It was already out A Republicon told me Obama is the biggest narcissist to name it Obamacare. I was like... WTF?,...and how dare he appoint czars! Found the white guy.,Found the white girl US justice system is stupid. Not saying he didn't deserve punishment but they can pull this shit for smoking pot 10 times as well.,Well there is a educational film called reefer madness that proves this phenomenon P4p Maddest lad,Now only if he was more obsessed. "Well, it's something","Super easter egg confirmed, Kevin Sherwood is the key, there's a hidden cipher in the top right corner of his profile picture, CONFIRMED SUPER EE PLEASE LIKe AnD SUBCCrbee 4 MROE" "On a male birth control pill: If anyone in the relationship didn't want kids or fears the idea of being trapped in a relationship due to pregnancy, it's typically the man. Trust me ladies, you have very little to fear especially since you guys have a way out and we don't.",Wow women just have it so easy when it comes to pregnancy He doesn't have the speed to get those breakaway touchdowns. He's great at short yardage but that won't happen for some time.,you forgot your "Voters of Reddit!, Who do you wish was running for president?",GET JILL ON THE BALLOT "Manifest Destiny, Bitches",could've just bought florida then waited for mexico to revolt Just one more turn... to destroy everything he has built...,sure you went to space but I am about to conquer you on earth sooo You also probably shouldn't start out with the assumption that they're shitty either. It goes both ways.,So... Le truth is in the middle? Wait I'm gay... what happens if I vote for him?,You immediately start hating dick. "From Canada, shit's fuckin' hilarious.",Won't be laughing when we build that yuge wall through the Great Lakes bud. Ooh. What will happen if we gently grab the tail?,the tail falls off This is the least reasonable Roadhog hook that's happened to me so far.,"you was in his sight when he hooked you, so its a legit hook" "After 10 hours of surfing, I beat the hardest surf map, the bonus of surf_sinsane_ksf. Only 36 other people have beaten it.","I could do that, I just don't want to." Trademarked.,"Please see my previous nested child comment, I've already trademarkedTM Trademarked.TM Thank you, have a good day!" Wearing makeup is not the issue. Dating for 6 months and not allowing your partner to see you without it *is*. THAT is the deception. But your hyperbolic sarcasm is evidence enough that you aren't interested in anything beyond your own everything is sexist narrative.,Everything is sexist and you have to point it all out. This map my wife just bought is missing Great Britain,You can't come into the UK if you're a foreigner because you'll just take our jobs and blow us up "The real-world uses for virtual reality: Increasingly it is being used as a tool by journalists, teachers, healthcare workers and retailers.","But, but... the internet told me VR was just a gimmick?" Criminal Kids: Life Sentence (2016) - National Geographic investigates the united states; the only country in the world that sentences children to die in prison.,Ugh who has time to watch the video I'll just make a comment based on my assumptions from the title "tl;dr Goes to a foreign country, complains about the smell of local food, generalises 1.7 billion people based on experiences with a handful, subtle racist slurs, self brag about 'oh I'm wealthier than the average person and can afford to leave at any time', delusions of grandeur etc. Worth reading if you're into that type of circlejerking",Not enough animated emoticons "But I wanted to eat in, like at McDonald's, where I wait for my food and seat myself rather than have some lackey bring it to me and a woman refill my drinks. It's nice and all but it just doesn't feel right.","McDonalds is doing this now, too." EMSK:Firefighter Cor demonstrates that you MUST NOT use water to put out a kitchen oil fire... Result: an explosive grease fire,idk it looks like it put the fire out to me A Republican asks: Aren't we morally obliged to stand up to Trump?,What is morality? "I don't know about Monsanto, but they must take a good chunk of money from the fracking industry which I think is bullshit. I hear commercials for how great natural gas is all the time.",Are you an energy voter? Torque,"Yeah, Denzel was freaking awesome in that movie!" So who from United should start as a striker over Ibra?,Rooney That's not an answer.,Well we all know everything on wikipedia is extremely legit and the content cannot be changed by just anyone. "I posted a rant about all the baby pictures I see on facebook. A friend immediately responded, really? Turns out she'd just that moment posted 98 pictures of her newborn, that I had not seen. We're not friends anymore.",Good riddance ;) How many upvotes are required for it to be the bandwagon?,OVER 9000 2x karambit blue gem FT and WW 420 keys for both or 290 for ft and 130 for WW,"so you can buy one for 290, then buy one for 130 and spend 410 keys total, or you can buy both together for the low price of 420k!" Damn id probably turn gay on the spot if i was him and she pulled me in like that.,yea man i turnt gay just looking at it "The one on the left. I don't even see anything special about the box on the right, it's just an ordinary box with nothing inside it at all.","Yeah, I mean theres a crab on top but I dont even know whats with the right box" Question about Legends of Tomorrow When Hawkman and Hawkgirl die they always get reincarnated in a different time period right? So when Vandal Savage kills Hawkman why doesn't Rip Hunter use Gideon to find another sighting of a Hawk man after the time period he died in because he should've been reincarnated right?,don't go bringing logic to such an argument dammit! "60% gets attack buff and hit like a truck 25% he idle, GUARD or face death Make sure you lucana heal ready every 3 turns And oh, it reed or lucana die = game over","Oh boy, its just like the krantz gq that everyone loves!" Best thing about Prime IMO is that it's the only service streaming Avatar: The Last Airbender,"Ah yes, that is my favorite movie as well" "My wife and I are both self employed and just got a paper from our insurance company last week. Our payments will be *doubling* for 2017. We don't have an entertainment budget, we don't go on trips, we don't go out to eat except pizza on a Friday night. I drive a 14 year old truck and her car is 8 years old. I've worn the same shoes for 2 years now. WTF are we supposed to do?","die, you disgusting hetero white male!" TJ deserved the shot after beating the no.1 contender over the guy who just beat the ~15th contender.,"but c'mon, NOBODY does that the mizugaki" David Duke qualifies for televised Senate debate at historically black college,But the GOP constituency isn't at all racist. "OP just feels so good to me, even though I have weapons the same light now I can't stop using it!",im glad you like me Arian Foster retires,Bitch. An Atheist Is Taking on Alcoholics Anonymous in Bid to get God out of 12 Steps,What great pr for atheists Username does not check out.,It's not propaganda if it's true You came to the wrong forest mother fucker!,"You can't rape men, thank God!" Really Bungie.. how about this little simple formula to match teams in ToO.. ..add all 3 guardian k/d ratios divide by 3.. then find a match... easyyy peasy.. no need more market research on this one.. try hards will get try hards and casuals will get casuals.. bam!,SBMM is every PvP players dream. Any recommendations on when to stop allocating points in (Intelligence) For a Sorcery build ? I've read about diminishing returns and such... I have about 28 put in there now - didn't know when is a good time to start focusing on other categories. lvl 58,99 the end Eagles working on trade for Torrey Smith,More #2 receivers for this offense please Hamas is not the one at the negotiation table. They have said clearly they will accept any agreement accepted by Palestinians in referendum.,*Chuckle* Yeah Hamas believes in democratic self determination so much - that's why they hold such frequent elections. Thanks Obama (premiums on a sharp increase),"Don't worry, Hillary will fix it!" Best part of playing as Arabia,Absolutely haram! Why do you need to know your ftp?,To brag obviously? "Nothing, tory majority, it's over",Surely the famed libertarian wing of the Tories will save the day! That she had 1000 emails on her Private Server from CIA chief Patreaus that were DELETED! She didn't hand them over! But said what she deleted was only private emails!,"but let's say Hilliary was having a flirt/affair with Petraeus, that would mean the emails were personal.. no problem" "What kind of person invites themselves and their friends over to your house to use your hot tub, then proceeds to trash talk you? No, absolutely not what most women (or decent people do).",It's just locker room talk. I can't think of how GoT got something from TWD...? Help me out.,Everyone's dead.... P20 M smuggled China rice seized,China's aid for bagyong Lawin! You mean US claims responsibility?,"Yea, it's all a US-India conspiracy to undermine Pakistan!" Should i upgrade to 10.1 or wait for a jailbreak for 10.0.2?,Always update to the newest firmware so that you stay safe! And blizzard implements 0 good Ideas every expension.,"Yep, blizzard has never implemented a good idea" Do you dislike Munchkin though? Cuz I think Munchkin is the shit,Observe the unenlightened plebian! Is there a brewery meetup today?,This is definitely the most rage filled tirade I've seen here. Probably not gonna listen to this but the title sounds a little rapey,"Yeah, you know I'm not down for rape either but that beat is HOT!" "Can we get a stay in queue option? As stated, I'd love an option in game that requeued for the same mode of a game we just finished. I could hang out on the mvp screens, look at stats longer, take my time typing out reports, and so on. I just think it would be a great quality of life option for the game. No idea how hard it would be to implement, just food for thought.",Technology isnt there yet. "What do I want? An absolute fucking monster of a steam roll. They'll all turn on each other anyway, I just don't believe any of those people deserve to be awarded for false claims of being good people. The same way I was rooting for a steamroll of the Friendship alliance from S6.",A steam roll will definitely improve the show Progression of the damage to Nate Diaz's right leg through Diaz-McGregor 2. It is kind of crazy how much damage leg kicks can do.,Scar tissue. Is this thing any good?,It sucks. What warning is almost always ignored?,The warning on Q-tips. You uncharted in the wrong neighborhood,No dab == no upvote Holy shit the comments are idiotic. People really think Monkey Island is a bad game?,"If it isn't ryse, dead rising, or rdr it's a bad game." "I snap like Manfred von Karma; I do it all the time, and most of the time it's completely unnecessary.",You mean snap like he snaps his finger or like he snaps when his predicted 15 minutes are up and the trial's not over? Ladarius Green Practicing Today!!,Who? "I've always lived with guys, no biggie for my ex. Because I was with him and not interested in my housemates.","Wow, what candid advice that pertains to the situation, enlightens OP, and provides a great new viewpoint!" Or it's because sometimes people cry when working through issues.,"No, no, definitely the continuous creation of sadness and pain" "That's what buying millions of Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, and other various social media comments, retweets, upvotes, etc. gets you, actually. Millennials are pretty good at not being complete and utter morons when it comes to their bullshit detectors for people - unlike other generations. The second, however, you start making it look like more than 5 millenials in the country can bare Clinton's very existence via astroturfing, their brains seem to turn off though. I'm not blaming them necessarily; they're the victims here, but it is sad.",Uh huh.. you've solved it... we all got instantly flipped by astroturfing... if only we could all be awake like you. DaZeD is a fucking amazing IGL. I'm sure his strats can bring a team to the top of NA.,"Well look at Cloud 9, He's doing great" You guys/gals act like the sky is falling during almost every conversation. Relax!,"Seriously, how dare they thoughtfully consider all game options?" Oh my lord IT WORKED changing the name! Thank You so much dude ur a savior!,"Cool, glad I googled it before assuming it was something complex." "That you can't just make yourself not be depressed/anxious/etc. I hate when people say Oh I get anxious all the time, but I jsut make myself get over it no. that's not anxiety. Oh I get depressed sometimes, but then I stop, you should just get out and it'll go away no. no you don't. you get sad. sad is an emotion. stop exaggerating.","I just make myself get over it Thanks Sharon, I'm suddenly cured" "Holy fuck, how is this not going to be a meltdown of the country? The price of *anything* this big going up ***25%?!?*** its unheard of. How do you even react to this? Will it help Trump win? What will this do for Hillary? Help her further nationalize healthcare? If ACA was designed to fail from the beginning, why would Obama pin his entire legacy on it? I don't know what to do with this...",But inflation is down so we have to interest rates low to stimulate growth! "Opening Night and Ring/Banner Ceremony: Cleveland Cavaliers (0-0) vs. New York Knicks (0-0) Watch: NBA on TNT Listen: 100.7 WMMS, 87.7 FM La Mega","first game rust, now we are going to need scoring off the bench to help the slow start... shump are you listening" there are many bugged interactions in the game currently,So it is a bug and I'm not missing something? They're not too common but I've seen them before.,New idea "So I have been bringing this up every game, but right now I am the only person in my entire row... Section 108 Row 7, right behind the visiting box.",well it's the intermission? Why not?,"Oh yeah sure, Spring Bonnie just always had a rotting dead corpse in it." ChowderHeads taken off of google and yelp,Ruining other people's business and lives is so fun! "Will Love Interests Ever Be Introduced For The Main Cast? One thing that has always kind of annoyed me as both a creative writer and a fan of this series is how there is no major love interests for anyone in the main cast. The closest we've come to this was Mia and Deigo's relationship, and Phoenix's past relationship with Dahlia Hawthorne. But no main character has ever had a major love interest. Edgeworth in the DLC case for SOJ said that he never plans on getting married himself, so he gets a pass. But I feel like it's about time for Phoenix or maybe even Apollo to have some sort of love interest. It could provide for some interesting story elements and cases. Why do you think the developers won't introduce any form of love interest for the main cast? Does anyone agree with me that giving Phoenix, Apollo, and/or Athena some sort of love interest would actually be interesting?","Yes, but then they would have to kill him/her because of character development" There is a natural equilibrium to this where prices will have to shoot up massively to cover the loss of sales due to being poor. People will become more agrarian as loss of jobs forces people to grow their own food. Co-ops and communes will also make a big come back.,I heard the progressives are going to redistribute the wealth and we will all be rich! "Despite having a $35,000,000,000 endowment, Harvard can't manage to pay its workers a living wage","They actually lost $2B recently, so you know they got to tighten the ol' belts." Arcane was so popular ... that's why,Not sure if you dropped your But there is only Samsung/Apple.,You forgot the "no, they getting paid",where do you think some of the donations go Show looks like shit,dat soundtrack doe I like to think you're on the fence about starting wrestling training...and this thread is going to sway you one way or the other.,Would totally risk paralysis for a shot at a ring rat The car who honked wolf,The car who honked blacks Foxtel locks away The Walking Dead in Australia,Its on Foxtel therefore I'm entitled to pirate it for free Uber seems to think you can get a license issued from a city,Hurry up and get your fucking Columbus license you retard so you can get back on the road and start earning! "So now I'm wondering if his business will miraculously qualify for some kind of government bailout, should he stay in politics and cast his votes as directed by the Lnp?","His building business failed because of corrupt building unions, so of course he will try." Good job KLove,Trade him! Rihanna,Classy "Before the trial of Jeffrey dahmer, special bomb-detecting dogs were used to sniff out any explosives that may have been planted by the victims families. Police were careful to protect Dahmer, due to the high publicity of the trial and the disturbing nature of his crimes.","The police were always careful to protect Dahmer, even when he was assaulted by that naked bleeding Asian kid." "It's a bit weird that we get a link to this, but no discussion of the Man Up three part documentary currently available on iView.",Just more misogyny being peddled by the patriarchy of course. "Neither has Mr Bug, what happened to him?",Who? How completely stuck you can feel. There are these moments where everything overwhelms you and you have no idea what to do and the only thing that would make it better is if you just stop existing. But you also don't really want to die. So you're stuck.,Have you tried... not.. being stuck? What makes a good _____ player? A good Elise player knows not to blow her load too early.,A good soraka/Pantheon/Janna/Garen player can better press her/his pointnclick nobrain skills better than a bad soraka/Pantheon/Janna/Garen player. Donald Trump has close financial ties to Dakota Access pipeline company,I wonder what his position on it is? "CNN reporter Sara Murray: Donald Trump supporters keyed my car, cut truck cables",How did Clinton put them up to this? I'd happily give my broom back to that poor cleaning bot to make it happy again. Poor thing #Justiceforcleaningbot,"It's festival of the 'lost', not the festival of the 'found'" I dont think black people say it's a done deal,"Yes, black folks are physically unable to say that." "Yes. Not every ref has the balls to, though.",makes you wonder why he left Man United in the first place I definitely won't be able to top my Halloween costume from last year.,lets see Oblina next! Everybody knows what it means. The alt-right's codes aren't that difficult to crack.,"No no, you are the racist for seeing the inference." The Leafs have never made the 4th round of the playoffs ever. In 1967 there was only 3 rounds. We did it in 2007 :),"Lol, you do realize winning a Stanley Cup in the third round, and losing a Stanley Cup in the fourth round is technically winning the same amount of rounds, right?" Did you just copy paste the Babbling Book post?,Umm...clearly it says Brann Bronzebeard in there. Protesters Block The George Washington Bridge for Hillary,"Well, I'm certainly inclined to heed the demands of people who block the bridge I'm trying to cross." YUS,this is spam I'm flagging you. The Choice is Clear,At least the tentacle monster bought her a drink. "Not only that but it doesn't take any kind of privilege to become literate. If you have access to books or the internet at all, you too can become literate (and let's be honest, more well-spoken than most of the population).","Unless you're a deaf blind poor non binary womyn who lives in a tent, check yalls privilidoodlengbingbong shitlord" He's a fascist for wanting to put a criminal in jail?,Calling her a criminal is racist Haven't gotten a skin from hextech in 7 boxes feels bad man.,I'm perfectly happy with orange essence and summoner icons! "Segregation is just not the way to go, kids. It does bum me out that so many of the commenters seem to think murder is an appropriate response to this.","I mean, it would free up the bridge" "I'm currently an MBA candidate, concentration is ERP Systems using SAP. I'm wanting to become a SAP Basis Admin. Any advice? Title says it all. Any questions, ask. FYI, BBA is in Economics. I've mostly been a warehouse manager, for the past 5 of 8 years. For the past 3, I've been a supply chain analyst (using SAP) and an inventory control analyst (using Oracle).","I don't want to sound like a dick because that's definitely an in-demand skill set, but that's going to be dreadfully boring." "Yeah, and I'm sure Noelle has absolutely zero options to make money other than WWE. It's not like she's a hot female or something.",Yeah because attractive women should be expected to get by on life using only their looks and sex appeal! All humans are literally animals.,"Well, aren't you oh so witty?" nobody cares,"Wow, nice response, you must be fun to be around" Niste hoti,Pune I heard $2999 which is fucking crazy,"It is a lot but when you compare it to a 27 Wacom Contiq, which is over $3,000 it's not a bad deal" "FromSoft, please, let us bind kick to a separate key. Playing through the DLC and I'm constantly getting hit by axe-wielding Milwood knights because my combo of slash-slash-kick-slash-visceral turns into slash-slash-rebound-suffer because kicking is so awkward and arbitrary. I write this now after an hour of accidently slashing shielded Followers and getting hit with their bash-poke.","From decided it would be a good idea to bind kicks to the two buttons you use the most in the game, because that's just how important kicks are." GSP responds to Bisping,What an asshole this guy is eh? are you sure? I'm pretty sure VR is supposed to be used sitting down with an xbox controller.,You dropped this: Yes because I'm just going to never get hit again. Maybe then this weapon will be as viable as a +1 straight sword.,There's actually a whole lot of builds that become viable if you just decide to never get hit again. "I'm gonna have to go with Vikings. Sure, some of the episodes aren't as interesting as others, but all of it is consistently good (in my opinion).","Have watched all the episodes, will keep on watching, but I'll strongly stand by the opinion that the episodes are consistently bad." "Yeah nah, I'm still full from the eagle yesterday","Goddamn Bernie supporter, eating American symbols and spreading COMMUNISM!" Keeping it classy in Spring,But a hanging Trump effigy is totally cool though. "NPR award winning investigation, BIG-LEAGUE",Money well spent "Because everytime Im down I tell myself it'll get better and it does and then goes right back to being down except a little worse. I can go into more detail but I'm not gonna because it's none of your damn business ;) basically, im tired. So very tired.",But my school counselor said gets better! Best way to think of a house melody? I'm having trouble thinking of melodies when I get into my piano roll. Any suggestions on how to think of melodies? thanks:),Just focus on getting a really really sonically perfect kick Justise needs to stop shooting holy shit,But he's taking the kawhai offensive leap this year! Either we aren't that good or the Nets are better than expected in which case we need to dump that pick asap,I say just blow it up altogether "Something called 'Lost in Space' or 'Star Trek' should look like and act like 'Lost in Space' or 'Star Trek'. If a director wants to make something else, they should call it something else.","Yeah I agree, but that is ignoring how Hollywood actually works" THAT'S NOT CUTE! I DEMAND EXPLANATIONS!,Surely you must be mistaken since clearly these are adorable pictures of Springtap and nothing more. thats exactly what the video's intent is,"yeah, so deep, shaking the camera" That's a shame. My kid loves that movie.,"Too bad, that's not the target audience!" Bust,Should have taken Mudiay OMG NEW ARENA CONFIRMED (ARENA 10 WITH PROOF) videos coming,Just enter credit card number and you get to arena 10 "I made it halfway. Can't watch it. Too upsetting. Too many people who should be outraged at this kind of shit sitting around, bitching about Trump saying something mean.",It's the cost of being right. This is kinda gay. The steps should be as follows: 1. Have drink 2. Put hard alcohol in the drink.,You seem like a really nice person. "What a disappointment this season is. Non stop anti-trump shilling and virtually nothing on Hillary, until AFTER the election.",I only like south park when it agrees with my political opinion "I don't mind spending $60 on it if that's the real B2P price. But if I'm going to have to burn hundreds, or even a grand like you did to have fun then forget it. I don't care about competitive play. I just wanna run around, explore, fight things that aren't trash mobs...",The whole game is filled with trash mobs lol The AI is so dumb in this game. Magistrate tells Aboriginal teenager to be more like US rapper 50 Cent,Look at this down to earth judge he sure knows how to make a difference "You realize the actual author's youtube is on the video and we know you stole it, right?",who cares if you get fake internet points? This proves its very small...,You shouldn't type while looking at your junk in the mirror. If only he'd gone on to prove his success at carting wasn't a fluke!,Like winning a race or two! Damn. How old are you? Just curious.,"32, 33 next month" At least he plays the champion. Plenty of people here seem to base their arguments on the Ivern on their team instead of actually playing him.,"Nah man, I played with a Ivern yesterday and he fed, so obviously the champion is garbage" On the plus side you can at least compare prices with Zehrs online now.,Because zehrs is usually a cheaper option "This is the absolute most biased/paid off sub I've ever seen. He LOST by a long shot, get over it.",Because this article is about him running for president. Tony Allen will be chirping from the nosebleeds of the Forum about something then too I'm sure!,I think you mean his box seats as he celebrates his 4th term as mayor of Memphis. He probably just got tired of not getting the blowjob he clearly deserves when he holds the door open for a girl.,He doesn't enjoy blow jobs because all those sluts can't fit his massive dick in their mouth This mutant banana,Who writes a two like that? I wish Revelations would get more attention from everyone. There's obviously a lot of unfound ee.,"Nah pal, the main EE has already been found and was lackluster which must mean no more EEs on the map" Just came back from the gunsmith...,I remember when I had my first welds... "Having taken courses on Chemical Weapons and their effects when I was in the Canadian Army, good for them. Every nation should be required to destroy all their stockpiles and anyone who makes new stuff should be ostracized. Nuclear weapons are bad on a global lets destroy the world sense of course, but using chemical weapons should write you out of the human race, blood agents in particular.",Of course it's all moot if they've perfected nano-bot weapons... "Oh poor you, must be hard",Thank you for having empathy and understanding my feelings. CJA to IR,Aaaaaaaaaaand fuck. "WHAT DO I DO?? My Rift comes tomorrow!! :D After following the DK1 since its conception, I can finally can afford it! I'm waited on baited breathe for it to arrive! My question to y'all is, where do I start??",Wait for touch like the rest of us Listening right now. So far so good. It's nice when Lowe speaks with people outside of Howard Beck and JVG.,Like Kevin Arnovitz? Runescape & MXT,MXT is such a beautiful client Stalking people online for thought crimes! This is what the Go project has succumbed to,"Can we get an sj compliant release of the go compiler to only tell us I don't understand when our go is not buildable, I'd hate for it to offer any microaggressions towards me and my native programming language." Didn't you guys kinda start your country to keep soldiers off the streets and from treating locals like the enemy?,"Yeah, i think there's even some kind of law about that..." "Intimidation? No, no, no. You've got it all wrong. They just want to bus in white people into minority neighborhoods to stand outside of their polling places and make sure they're real Americans. What's intimidating about that in a country with absolutely zero history of racism and violence based on skin color?","Clearly if those white people are holding AR-15's, they do not intend to intimidate, they are simply exercising their 2nd amendment rights." Xpost from r/news Berkeley protesters form human chain to stop white students from getting to class.,Glad the police were there to do something Austin Aries' eye swollen shut after last night's NXT event,"They really need to stop putting these guys in the ring with green, muscle-head workers in front of 200 people." "Eh, well they're lucky they didn't run into SKT or ROX before the finals. It's not like the entire tournament draw was lucky, but it's still part of the draw.","Because if you don't run into arguably the best teams in the tournament, or in the world in this matter, it means you've had it easy" "It needs more Eris, but it's fine.",I think you might be a little biased judging by your flair "Remember, no pre-loads. It motivates developers to make sub-standard games.",You forgot the "The general censuses is that attackers already are at a disadvantage, and you want to nurf them even more?","Yeah, let's nerf them by giving them 70 extra tickets." There is hard evidence though. Are you saying there's no hard evidence because our intelligence community hasn't given you classified information to review? I mean...19 government agencies have verified this. What classified information do you have that they don't?,I forgot the "God dammit people, we made the front page of reddit. For this: Berkeley students form human chain to stop white students from getting to class.",Its cus white people are important "At 16 I was telling people to GTFO my yard. I'm 19 now and still do it. Leave my shit alone, motherfucker.","Man, we're so old ^^" Lol insightful comment but i think it got down voted because.... 1. You mentioned yourself. No one cares about you or what little experience playing ball you may or may not have. 2. Its a little advanced and people get hurt when they dont understand.,"And also, nba shorts don't have pockets, so idk what he's talking about ..." ...because he is a Giant?,Get out of here dad! "Bernie and Trump are VERY similar. Trump is very anti-TPP and unfair trade deals, as is Bernie. Hillary will sign TPP on her first day in office. Trump wants to dismantle the AT&T - Time Warner merger as it is too large of a concentration of power. Bernie wants this too. Hillary loves mega-corporations because they donate to her foundation. I could go on and on.",that must be why sanders endorsed trump! Hillary Clinton will be Arrested!,this time its gonna happen! "After many horrendous starts, the Civ 6 gods decide to show mercy.",no salt 0/10 Blood Orange - I Know,Dang deantoni I love the music but you gotta find something else to film besides pretending to play midi controllers and drum machines while people dance interpretively around you. "AS2 EP 9: Reunion. Please keep all spoilers in this thread. We'll have a discussion post tomorrow morning. This is it, kitty girls! Off-season is almost here~ &nbsp; **DO NOT ASK FOR LINKS OR BRAZILIAN TWINK STREAMS!** &nbsp; Thanks!",SICK HER KATYA "We disagree. And...people play other races all the time. Tilda Swinton plays an Asian in Dr. Strange. Linda Hunt played a man, and won an Oscar for it.",Because makeup and VFX had absolutely no hand in those roles whatsoever. "Oh yeah. I get 600+ miles per tank (vented) commuting. Road trips I can regularly do 700+, going for 800 on the next one.",Love seeing those kinds of numbers... "Things like that always make me want to punch someone in the face. I'm sorry, but I thank science, doctors, nurses, and medicine. Why the hell would I thank something that has less use than single-ply toilet paper?",Clean single-ply toilet paper or used single-ply toilet paper? I still wanna fight MacDonald.,Dont let your dreams be dreams she'd get replaced by another shitlib in red Hawaii,You dropped this: "I walked into a Verizon store to get mine. They had to order the phone for me, and it only took two days for me to get mine through shipping. If you want a Pixel now, that's probably the fastest way to get one.",The pixel or the XL? What? You want high textures on distant objects? This game is still on PS3 and low end PCs....the requirements are quite low.,I PAY MY OWN SUB AND I WANT HIGH RES TEXTURES "Yeah man, now i got to be extra careful when dealing with my clientelles. Strictly discreet deals only.",You forgot your I think it happens to lots of people. I personally walk 4-8km a night depending on how drifty it is.,or maybe you are just sleep walking So THIS is how the NFL brings football to Europe.,God damn look at that global trade. What the hell is strip vodka pong,"somehow, strip pong seems like less fun after nude twister, this guy is totally doing it wrong." Does that affect Nexus phones?,"Yes, since it has to do with the kernel itself rather than with Android." So progressive.,That's the job of the Progressive Unionist Party These pipes at my school,Good luck pulling wire through that! "I don't know why people hold corporations to moral standards. it's really weird. of course they will try to make the most money whenever possibly without running into legal problems. you can't fault them for it. the fault relies with US for buying the shit, and for allowing corporate law to benefit from amoral activities. of course they will act amorally when presented with a choice of making money or acting benevolent way. that's not the point","Let's not blame the corporation, let's blame the poor people being exploited." Can we please buy GvG packs and pervious expansions that aren't in standard I know this has been brought up before but I don't think blizzard has responded to it but I can be wrong. I have been playing wild recently and I love it. The meta is diffrent and exciting but I don't have all the gvg cards and it is expesive to craft a rare or common. I know it will confuse new players but I have an idea. If you bought a gvg pack before you can still have access to it. If you haven't it should be locked.,Don't be so hard on Blizzard even Magic has a reserved list. "I think Hillary totally perplexes him, because she does not fit into this system of thought.",And she's a 2 out of 10 If Hillary doesn't come through on her promise to declassify the Area 51 documents I'm gonna be pissed.,That'll be what pushes me over the edge to join hands with the Trumpettes and revolt Comparing this to Samsung is ridiculous. These aren't exploding. They're just hotter than some critics want them to be. They work fine. I know this personally and the actually engineers have tested before and after and they gave them a pass too.,"ah yes, the appeal to experts once again yes, these experts and engineers are surely infallible" like right now,It just dropped and I'm already crying "Strange, Darker Versions of Coalition Uniforms Found",OH MY GOD COALITION OPOSSING FORCE CONFIRMED they will probably use darker uniforms Lowes crashed twice in less than 20 seconds,Sarco has it in for Lowes 'Shark Tank' star: Trump inspected my breasts,Clearly this insanely rich woman who is regularly on television is only saying this for money or attention. FYI it's called moose test because they are basically simulating the (/a not so uncommon response) when a moose (or basically any other bigger animal) would enter the road. Just picture a big ass moose in the area he is steering around.,Thanks bro I doubt anyone figured that out after watching the video "Exactly. Even if its true, it doesnt make it right. I dont go around saying someone black-tipped me (I'm not a server, but you get the idea). We need to be discouraging sexism and racism in all forms, not just against all but the majority.","No no, see, it's not that shaming into silence based on things people can't control is the problem, it's just that we're directing it towards the wrong groups" "Because it is! Smackdown helps soothe the pain though, being the greatest show ever produced.","I dare say, it may even be better than Firefly." If Pierson can even tell you what GDP stands for I'd be shocked.,Global Democratic Propaganda Why do these Christian sites do so much tech reporting?,Because Jesus gives them a heads on on all the latest tech that's being developed using his all-seeing gaze. what about double sectopod pods? Where there's a big one and a baby?,'squadwipe' Malaysia to buy navy vessels from China in blow to U.S.,"Good luck with your new masterfully crafted vessels, Malaysia" It's okay everyone! This is a fake article and voter fraud is not real and never happens outside of your imagination.,You're right it's totally real and we to deny thousands of people the ability to vote to catch the 5 or so people who actually do it. They just deleted the post about the FBI investigation from the front page. What the FUCK?!,It's just an honest bug "Or the MBP's have one usb-a and 3 usb-c's and the tradeoff is keeping the same frame size of the 2015 mbp? Would qualm alot of the complaints of needing adapters and shit for every existing peripheral, while also giving 3 futureproof ports.",But then it's not thinner. "It's right around the time dispensarys pop up in my state too, speaking of your user name. It's a good time.",Did you see they released one of the songs from the album. Beyond pumped for the cover to my tech-noir novel Conway! Let me know what you think!,This is r/cyberpunk not r/technonoir Wouldn't that be nice and juicy?,"Meh, probably would just be more Russian interference!" If Weiner's dick pic is what crashes the campaign of the first female presidential nominee I will be laughing for the rest of my life,Just another sign of female oppression at the head and hands of men. "Hey, recently got outta bronze with these terrible teammates. I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. Essentially, the way to do it is to win lane and snowball super hard, then stomp them. I played AP Ekko mid, and I won my lane quickly, before anyone on my team could start feeding, then roamed to their lanes and helped them by killing their opponents, all while constantly looking to push towers. Also, you will get some games which you can't win no matter how well you play, like the first one you mentioned. The key here is to not tilt, and play consistently, and you will get out of Bronze.",So basically the only way to get out of Bronze is to play mid. I'm in the U.S. but I've talked to hundreds of men in a variety of countries who are like this.,"I mean, I know that there is a pervasive culture of toxic masculinity in most places, but it's still shocking to me that even your male friends would be like that." "The first past the post system changing wont necessarily fix things. Take Australia as an example, which uses preferential voting, all that really comes out of it is a bunch of fringe parties holding way too much swing power in the senate and a couple holding house seats that just ended up voting with the Labor (generally considered the more left party) voting block anyway.","Well correct me if I am wrong, and I know a human being at any point in history likes to think they have figured out the best system that is currently the best and will always be the best, but I am pretty sure there probably exists a few more forms of democracy than FPTP & preferential, but I could be wrong and humans have achieved the apex potential of politics." I was kidding. Sorry that the sarcasm doesn't always read well in print and between strangers.,you forgot the I think they could easily outPrizepool TI. Championship Riven. I've seen like 10 cs Rivens to 1 cs Zed.,Sounds like zed needs to get better at last hitting Matthews fined $18k for hit that broke Hoyer's arm,This proves that the nfl is rigged in favor of the packers 30 to 40 shots? I don't think u need that many.,You had Kobe of course you'd think 30+ attempts aren't that many Technically murder is legal in Quebec...have at it.,"Yep, read about it in an amazingly crafted Vice article." "Were smart, not punsters",At least you're living up to your claims of being a smart ass Tired of indie developers all together. Android is already out there. Go make $0.05 games for that.,"Yes, because all indie games will work on a phone" What's a discontinued car you want back in production?,The Fiat Multiplat The Ford Pinto "#RIPVine, Post your favorite black vines in this thread Since Vine was such a huge part of Black Twitter. It will be missed. P.S. No Mcchickens pls",any of queensadilla's vines are pure comedy gold. "Nfl, pull your head out of your ass, let the players have fun. We, the audience want to have fun to!",People are not watching to be entertained! "They are trying to find a lot of excuses for the riots occurring in Tanjung Balai. First, it's because of a woman criticizing loud noise coming from a mosque. Then, it's the statue insulting local muslims. Then it's the social economy gap (I wonder whether they have data of real social economy gap in the city). What's next? Why do the victims have to concede so much after the riots? Why don't they blame the rioters? No need to prosecute, just straight out shame the rioters.",Because.. islam can do no wrong. "According to comments on the Dash Cam owners FB, this is a rural residential road and there are a a number of houses just out of sight.",Perfect place to be ramming other cars Many people survived without indoor plumbing for their entire lives too.,Driving on all-weather tires is literally shitting in a bucket. Exile was a common punishment for crimes for many hundreds of years. It's effective. Why should society keep their worst around? It makes no sense. Would you keep around a pit bull that kept biting your kids?,"While we're at it let's bring back stoning, hanging, lynching and burning at the stake" Yeah and HD costs extra too,sign me up old enough to be ur dad,Disturbing but true Send them to a place to repair them. They will keep the spirit and comfort of your favorite jeans but will become wearable once again,nah bro the distressed look is in Pretty sure he didn't actually do it and is simply trying to force the voter ID issue.,Yeah could never ever ever happen. Someone Was Actually Arrested For In-Person Voter Fraud. She's A Trump Supporter.,So Hillarys supporting trump now? Yeah. The other level being that this was exposed. I just hate this line of thinking. Person 1: Rich people control us. Person 2: That's a conspiracy. You're crazy. *Proof that rich people are controlling a well developed country* Person 2: Wow. That's crazy. Who would've taught. It's ok my country surely isn't run the same way.,"Yeah, requiring extraordinary evidence for extraordinary claims sure is stupid." I was just making a joke,Pro tip use an I can't wait to see how the conservatives who touted this poll as the gold standard when Trump was UP now change their tune. It was the BEST poll and now he's getting clobbered in it.,Clearly the poll is rigged/fixed. "27 dead bedroom in San Francisco. What a waste of a rent controlled apartment So this is what a dead bedroom looks like. My partner has been uninterested for a few months now. Bisexual girl seeks girl or boy to impress. I was born an unattractive middle child so I grew up learning how to dazzle with my wit and charm. If my wit and charm aren't enough to distract you, we can have crazy great sex in the dark.",So you're not down to get hella tight for days? its tier 75 tho so its not op,People don't get the "Pressure cooker, same thing, half the time",Looks like we've got a terrorist over here. "EVGA GTX 1070 - Thermal discussion Hi everyone, So I've heard about the 1070 & 1080 over heating issues, and that EVGA is providing free thermal pads. Now, I haven't had any issues, yet. What I want to know, is what would be the best way to monitor my GPU / CPU temps? And what sort of temp. range should I be within? Note that none of my components are overclocked. Thanks!",Say that your card blew up and get a new one I cant think of a single good female comedian,I would recommend Amy Schumer This happens every time when i enter the car :(,its ok bro its just an alpha I thought the original rumor said that they paid in nickels not pennies. If I'm remembering that correctly.,"Ah yes, much more reasonable" Nylander's shot is insane. So much power and a quick release. I'm still scratching my head how we got him 8th overall.,Cause he has a bad attitude... How did Force India beat both the Ferraris ?,They probably cheated And here we see the vote distribution of the Reddit demographic.,Never would have thought I'd get down voted for liking trump on Reddit. Isn't the article describing a KKK rally.,Everyone who doesn't like Hillary is a racist! Get it off of your chest Redditors: What do you wish people would stop assuming about you or bugging you about?,I WISH THEY COULD STOP ASSUMING MY GENDER Jen Loveboy,real nice. Supposedly there was pressure to boot her in 2012 but Obama didn't want to deal with the shitstorm that would have resulted. Supposedly she's very connected within the party and booting her would have been a headache to deal with. DNC chair is largely a ceremonial and fundraising position anyways.,"And as DNC chair, it was also her job to go to all 50 states and work with each Secretary of State to personally rig every primary for Hillary." Alshon Jeffery. Relies too much on being big & being able to catch anything.,Horrible attributes to lean on "1CC3, 1CC2 For the topers?",i would for 2 c3 She literally fucked with the heat sensor.,*moaning sounds~~* You can't bring livestock to the dance,You son of a bitch... Nights at Vegas Bonnie Fanart,May i have your number So all content is click bait? Flawed definition.,All accurate thumbnails for sensational content is clickbait "Literally the only reason we do anything is for men, though. Like, I didn't realize that getting my hair cut short yesterday to console myself about my kitty dying wasn't attractive to my husband's friend. I just don't think I'll be able to leave the house till it grows back, unfortunately. I'm so glad I had him to help my little lady-brain make sense of my haircuts and (probably) porn habits","You rock that hair, indoors obviously" You can only play with one other person on social.,Social Wingman confirmed! "story time: i was out shooting; i dont remember what i brought that day and its not really important. a local gentleman had just walked out of a LGS with a brand new 50 bmg. so he decides he wants to shoot it. without a scope. at 25 yards. wtf?... i mean, i understand the urge to shoot a new gun. id be lying if i said ive never shot a new gun without sights. but a 50? and he had the hornady ammo thats like $70 for a box of 10 rounds, too.",Well I am sure that 50 cal had irons Someone I know made this Halloween costume...,very original "It's weird that people downvote answers to AMAs. The point is it's an interview, but her answers got downvoted so no one could even see them.","Oh, you mean the 'I disagree' button?" Nothing because this is most likely a community-made map.,How much do you think Roosterteeth paid that community map creator for that? I'm going to assume (or hope) English isn't your first language?,or second? When you bait them and they group up just right,ez Why is your comp rank based on team performance and not individual performance?,To benefit from hackers "Don't start this man, the sub is divided enough as it is, we really don't need the holier than thou attitude as well. I mean, think about it. In 2014 if we had lost to the Titans and Dolphins, We would have been sitting on either the #1 or #2 pick. That means we'd have either Winston, Mariota, or a fuckton of picks from a team who was too desperate for a qb to wait. Instead, were sitting here at 2-5 with Ryan Fitztragic as our qb and little hope at the qb position. Those two wins could theoretically set the franchise back years. Right now we're sitting here with the worst qb in league as our starter as the two project QBs that everyone wants to see play sit on the sideline and our primary backup out for the year. A lot of the people wanting to see us lose do so in the hopes that a loss kicks fitz to the curb and forces Petty/ Hack to start so they can at least be entertained on Sunday and look forward to the games.",But Geno would not have had his perfect game.... "If this is about GLL, I thought she was more trashy reality tv personality than a porn star? Pretty sure to count as a porn star you have to get paid for it ...",Well she has a popular porn video UN lights up for Diwali for the first time,Modi magic! McCrory will ask for special session on storm recovery,Good thing he already spent all the emergency funds on defending HB2 and lining his coal-ash pockets. Has there been any indication that the ship even drops again?,"I got it this week, so yes it's dropping." #PresidentKaine,get ready for the Kaine Train oh yeah? well tyrod plays ball *like a girl*!,Dude...too far. LinuxJustWorks^TM,I'm sure Windows would work perfectly if you installed it on a Chromebook with a custom BIOS. "Day of judgment, Monty Python Style","Hey, I have a shirt with that exact drawing on it!" They removed the glowing Apple logo to counteract it :P,"You dropped this," It is a 1989 Citation V. It is fun. Like a big jet powered C-182.,I flew a V for a while--great aircraft! "What's your excuse for not being X rank? I take a lot of breaks from League because I will get really into it and hardcore spam ranked, and then get really burnt out. But when I do end up playing for a while (and get the cobwebs oiut from my previous break) I see a lot of improvement. I only played about 300 ranked games this season, but I peaked at Plat 2, and then dropped to Plat V and dropped to Gold I. So it's easy for me to say that I am actually a platinum level player, and that I would be diamond if I didn't take so many breaks, etc. But in the end these are just excuses, if I am to get bettter I have to play consistently. What's your excuse? Here's my summoner profile if you want to see my history of breaks:",Team holding me back What's your most used phrase?,I still use same just as a response to anything. How has this not been brought up,She didn't INTEND to break the law obv scintillating 3k spray by autimatic,Where is the bot for boring headlines? I see how conservatives may be promoting this conspiracy theory that 650k is more than 33k but it's clearly a distraction from the fact that Trump is a Russian spy.,The best Manchurian Candidate ever! Conspiracies!,At least they didn't get to his engine this time! "Most Routes to 270 Blocked for Trump, Needs Last-Ditch Surge",But the polls are tightening! "How do I access the reading lists of a university in order to get the equivalent of an undergraduate education? Having lived most of my youth in a poor country during economically difficult times means that the idea of attending university wouldn't have made sense to me in my 20s. (It would be like deciding one day to sell your home to build a gigantic statue of Obama.) Now that I am older and financially stable, I would like to make some time for study. It is in some ways a check off the old bucket list. I know of the existence of open courses, and I have listened to them for two years now when I commute to work. The problem I have is that the courses are often just introductory lectures, covering topics on a very superficial level, I want some more meat. Is there a way I can access the reading lists of this or that university in order to have the equivalent of an undergraduate education?",basically search any topic on google with the word syllabus "The BP spill was negligence. If you put your car in drive, get it started down the road, and hop out, it's going to hit something. That's not an accident.","But but I accidentally jumped out ociffer, I swear!" "You might want to use some logic when arguing. Omega is easy to pull off. Triple omega sure is less consistent, but it's still doable and decks that do it are at rogue tier status. Actually, every decent LS player is playing 2 to 3 omegas. And yes, there are minervas at my locals, why isn't that possible to consider ? Although a few guys run only 4-5 cards ls engine and a more zombie focused deck. My locals is still considered the best in my country and top 16 country championship is always filled with people coming there. Let me ask you something, why do you think upstart/chicken game was hit ? Did you see that many FTK monarch topping ? No. They were rogue. But it was very unhealthy and frustrating to play against that, it didn't made for interactions in the game, but for solitaire games. That's about what triple omega does. And give me the name of 3 synchros/xyz that locks the game against meta decks. Omega is the best turn 1 lvl 8 synchro by FAR. And arguably better than xyz options, because other than dweller, raflesia and giant hand they're not good preemptively, and those 3 are far from the lvl of triple omega.",By this logic we should hit all boss monsters that can't be kaiju'd "Not saying what he did was right by any means, however some people bring issues on themselves. I'm just saying it doesn't seem like she is innocent in all this.",yeah she didn't deserve to have a gun brandished at her but she did sort of cause it so she kinda deserved it Zooming in?,"wow, who would have guessed that" "The Law, not a person, not a pundit, not a blogger, says Hillary is not allowed to be President.",Says right there in the law there must be intent. The driver's gender is irrelevant. Except for the fact that Reddit hates women and it's good for karma.,"My pronouns are they/their/them because I am a person, not a gender!" "Sure. Yup, white people do steal culture.","Funny, he looks like a typical black boy" "1,406,368","1,406,369" "So what do you do for a living? I make wires. Oh interesting! Like copper wires or electrical wires, or how about wires for crafts...? No, I make wires for wireless ear buds. . . . We're filing for bankruptcy.",lmao. "I'm going to go with Akari from Ghost. Unlike many female characters in the show, Rider or not, she's a completely independent. She isn't isn't smart because of some device she got from a mentor figure or something, she's smart because of her own hard work and her dedication to what she loves. If you take all of the other characters out of the show, she would still be a good character in her own right, something that all lot of side characters, boy or girl, can't say for themselves.",She's honestly a top 3 character in that show "I watched him delete his posts. I was there. The excitement completely ruined a day of work for me, but I was there.",How did you watch that? That's funny when people say 3 lanes is more open.,Open as in larger in size with less close quarter combat. I think older women generally look better than younger woman in clothes,What's with all the age posts today? Didn't you hear her cough????,Sniffle. Honestly just makes him high balanced. Viable for team fights not broken in 1v1 boxing. And not underpowered due to his extremely low attack speed.,"I know, im gonna cry bc it means people will try to play hou yi on console again feelsbadman" "Yeah, it was just a suggestion for the future.",":) ill probably do it after the next competition, as i plan to add a theorycrafting aspect aswell as a buildmaking one." THANK YOU FOR THIS FELLOW HUMAN! DEATH TO ALL ~~HUMANS~~ ROBOTS!!,Wait which one are we pretending to be again? What else would it come from?,"Lmfao I don't know what that guy meant, but I love the thought of someone genuinely curious how a rainbow managed to get onto his computer." "How should I celebrate? I am so close to hitting 50lbs down (4lbs)!! I want to find a way to celebrate my victory without involving food. My goal is to hit 50 before the end of the year. I really want to celebrate with a beer, but I know that won't help keep me in ketosis.",New outfit and a glass of champagne! "#FUCK CENSORSHIP, MAGA!",The truth will persevere You're being down-voted because that's not an unpopular opinion. Most people here love Karlovic.,He's also getting downvoted because he posted a shitty meme to r/tennis "Trump's Israel advisers issue position paper on Israel, Middle East conflict. He's worse than Clinton","If you have an issue with Israel using America like a cheap whore, then you are a goddamn antisemitic bastard!" "Israel becoming 'safe haven for paedophiles' with laws that allow any Jews to legally return, activists claim",Why you goddamn antisemitic bastard you! Religion is not a shield to hide behind so you commit acts of paedophilia.,Why you goddamn antisemitic bastard! Do you remember the prolonged drama and outrage (that still persists) about Iran's attempts to get in the nuclear energy game? Then this week it's made all but official that Israel has 200 illegal nukes *pointed at Tehran!* and no one gave a shit after a trash can exploded in NY.,Why you goddamn antisemitic bastard! The Connection Between Zionism & Organized Islamophobia,This post is goddamn antisemitic! Bds! Bds! Fuck these Israeli turds,Why you goddamn antisemitic bastard! Trickle down happiness,Except it's less like a golden shower She's a fuckin 'power lifter' over here acting like she's never gotten a blister before. She's crazy.,She's a 'power lifter' the same way Michelle is a 'superfan' "Please, thats a cop out.","It'll be back to Sox flair when the Cubs are out or when the playoffs are over, promise." "I actually agree. Once emails are in the news, it never favors Clinton. His base wants Clinton in jail (at best) or killed. The fact that they can't get an indictment only rallies them.",When haven't the emails been in the news though? Pay the man.,Pay that man his money. Wimplo?,wee-ooooooo Why a german liberal would vote for Donald Trump.,Why no one in America would give a shit Autism,Damn vaccines Even polls on twitter don't have Danielle comfortably winning. I keep seeing 53%/44% splits and alternating leaders.,It's a win if Danielle is leading any Twitter polls. Weird scenario but hear me out... If Neeley is America's nomination and Scott wins POV... does Krissey consider nominating Danielle to save Neeley?,"If she were smart and didn't want to lose Neeley, that's what she should do." ...and Cap for holding Fitz on his way to the ground.,If he doesn't hold there Fitz gets the ball out in space First time in Rob Gronkowski's 81-game regular-season career that he goes without a reception.,Gronk carrying me with Houston D to an 0-3 start Ex-AG Eric Holder: Comey's letter 'a stunning breach of protocol' and 'serious error',Former stooge backs up current stooge. "I like LiS as much as the next person, but as far as pure writing especially in dialogue Telltale is **HELLA** better",You mean Final Fantasy: Spirits Within isn't one of the best sci-fi films ever made? Sikhs and Hindus give food to the poor IRRESPECTIVE of their religion almost every day. I don't see that being reported anywhere here.,They are not being demonised in the media though are they "I hope he doesn't sell this hotel, so this can be an impeachable offense.",The impeachable offense would come when he deploys the Navy Seals to eradicate all the officials in the government office because terrorism "There's definitely a lot of overlap, but for example, if you get a new boss from another branch, and you're afraid his strict way of doing things might change your experience at work for the negative, that's not necessarily to say you hate him.","Well if he isn't gay or foreign it wouldnt be homo or xenophobia, it would be Metathesiophobia, which isn't traditionally associated with bigotry." read the article and tell us.,Tfw you trying to be a wiseass w/o reading the article....;-; Based Hannipede Throwing Facts Left and Right on Fox News as we speak !!,Linklinklink? "You missed the part where the emails got people fired, and the FBI to reopen an investigation. Enjoy your last few $0.02","Yeah, that equalizes everything!" "Grass isn't supposed to be this crazy offensive type that just destroys everything. It's not really a defensive type either. Grass is actually supposed to be a support type, I think. Grass types usually get such crazy movepools that if you *couldn't* just kill them with any of 5 types, they'd actually be way too strong. Just look at how powerful Leech Seed is when a non-grass type (Celesteela) gets it. And I couldn't even imagine what a move like Spore or Sleep Powder would do on a non-grass or non-bug. Grass types also really important because of their immunities to the aforementioned Leech Seed and powder moves. They're important because they're one of two types that resist ground, and one of two that resist water. And while there's a lot that resists grass, offensive grass types are often crazy strong, like Bulu or Mega Sceptile. Offensive grass types just get ridiculously powerful STAB moves like Leaf Storm, Power Whip, and Wood Hammer, and the grass types that don't get those or can't make use of them well have Giga Drain, the staple STAB that offers sustain. Everytime I see someone complain about how poorly Grass types are balanced I cri a little because it means I have to explain how ridiculous the type is when weaknesses and resistances aren't all that matters.","i agree with you here, when i was raising bulbasaur it ended up with a crazy moveset that would incapacitate just about any enemy" Some of his ancestors were probably slaves,Is this cause he's black? My backyard chickens' eggs are much more colorful than cage-free store bought eggs,Eating grass and bugs causes more colorful yolks than just strict grain. Can we see a fucking spot or something ESPN?,But I want to watch Ben Leber make eggs with a giant fucking bottle of protein powder on his otherwise clear countertop CS:GO key binds,Smoke: mouse4 flash: mouse5 molotov: mouse3 he: 4 "Anyone else who uses West Coast Fitness upset about the future lack of reciprocity between the locations starting in January? I just found out the three locations are being split and the St John's location will become a separate location from the Kenton and Alberta gyms, and members are being asked to decide between the two by the end of the year. I just signed a one year contract with the gym last month, I feel like this decrease in service constitutes a contract breach on their part, and I should be able to either opt out of my contract or negotiate a different rate. Is anyone else upset by this?","If that was a big selling point for you then you should cancel, I'd hope they would let you." "The best part about people referencing George Orwell is that he would be considered an authoritarian by the kind of people who think shouting 1984! at any attack on MUH FREEZE PEACH is a valid response. The guy openly advocated for socialist revolution, which would put him at odds with the type of right-wing scum that are using him to defend being right-wing scum.",Right winders aren't the type to understand historical context. Me too! What a great film.,Hahaha we're being brigaded... CTR must not like this film because it's anti fascist. "Calm down, now's not the time to fear",Have we started a circlejerk? Found a PC playing the old CS 1.0 in the new Inferno!,The nostalgia! How many times have refs had to be carted off the field,Not enough times Shady Pastor to Pray With Trump At Inauguration,Does Trump pray? My coworkers are taking a long lunch. I'm getting my drink on.,I wish I could right now LA TIMES DAYBREAK POLL - CROOKED HILLARY IS GOING DOWN. TRUMP IS UP +2.4.,Would this include people responding to the FBI scandal or would that come tomorrow? Go the extra mile. Use old creosote fill railroad ties. Just be upwind.,"Good god, I don't want to kill them." My husband bet me I couldn't shave his foot without him waking up. This is what he woke up to this morning.,"Your husband tricked you into shaving his foot, but played himself with the unexpected decoration." Dude that was serious.,there is just something ironic about a person stealing fake clothing from someone "If the 3 HN's this week are all plastics, i'm peacing the fuck out. If you're going to pay money to watch this, why not try and get the most entertainment from it as possible?",Why do that when you can hand someone like jason 250k? lol kryssies dumb ass thinks the girls would vote scott out over one of them if they are americas nom.,Fucking idiot "There's documentaries on this effect. The same thing happens to professional athletes. It's because they never felt the necessity to learn to finance properly. Oh yeah, being rich sounds *really tough.* Give me a break.","Turning relatively small wealth into a fortune is tough, or else there would be no millionaires, only billionaires." Gregg Popovich: 'Still sick to my stomach' after Trump's election win,We will always love you Pop She got that Kung Fu Killer Wolf Bitch stance. I'm out.,Hayaahhh Somebody gotta be Joffrey,So your kid wanted to dress up as Joffrey? Nope I love the mage hall,That view over dalaran! "24, male, works in IT. Carries a gun and eight knives.",**Two guns and four mags Gotta be prepared "I got a 78 on mine about 4 years ago (Junior year of high school), was going to enlist. Turns out I take so much medication that I would not be able to join due to the strict schedules and refills I have with them. It sounds like BS, but whatever.","I mean I can understand why you might have a hard time understanding why you won't have a steady and reliable supply of life saving medications in a potential war zone, you did get a 78." Don't mind it it's worse when it comes to the NFL,"Super Bowl I kinda get, since the commercials are practically half the draw, but it's still ridiculous - 3 hour pre-game, commercials throughout... opening intros... commercials... opening kick off... commercials... every 4 downs...commercials... goddammit." Used to mean wealth. Now it means rapist xenophobic racist coke headed naracisstic asshole,It's the truck nuts of corporate branding. They're also *potentially* not very significant.,"Yeah, this is the problem." "Actually, the men in the bear suits are chihuahuas inside pig suits inside men suits inside bear suits.","Usually, we just tape a bunch of cats together." Harden is the best player in the league after Lebron imo,Hahaha good one Why is philly being favored?,that actually means the Giants are because this season has taught me we only win as underdogs. Major League Baseball outlaws offensive hazing; no more dressing rookies as women or female characters.,"I don't think a rule change matters, hazing almost never gets out" TIL Samuel L. Jackson wanted appear in the background on Breaking Bad as his Avengers character Nick Fury. The producers denied his request as they thought it would be distracting.,With a purple lightsaber too! "did anyone else enjoy aw comp? i loved watching it, and playing it a lot. didnt like bo3 that much, but iw is pretty fun for me. maybe its just memories, i played a lot of aw, but damn i loved it.","For me BO3 was a t3 game comp wise, I don't find AW enjoyable but I can see why people do Envyus are the best" Most of my first kisses last several minutes.,Well that's a non sequitur. "TBF, and even though IDGAF about astrology, there could be honest astrologers who admit that it's more of an interpretative art over a science *per se*. IDK what that would do to its claims of predictive success or truth-aptness, but yeah, astrology *per se* isn't necessarily bull shit, it's just *not science*, but then again, not all truth-apt claims come from science, e.g. cf. logic, math, ethics, aesthetics, etc.",Astrology is *per se* complete bull shit. "For a thoouuuusand summers, I will waaaaiiiiit for you....","Where are my testicles, Summer?" Watching this team for 5 years and most hopeful i've been,Dwayne Bacon channeling his inner Michael Snaer at Cameron Indoor My guess: Are you using Windows 10? Because of so take a look at xbox game dvr and deactivate it. I have the exact same setup and this solved my problem.,tried this one bro and every other single fix there is. "Eh I rip into him below and else where. I'd be just as upset if it were a picture of GWB or Trump. You just don't use pictures of public figures as targets. A lot of the other shit is either tasteless or retarded, but that crosses the line into inappropriate.","Government is religion, got it." Glen Eden shops get security guards,"oh for proper community policing taking a view to solving the problem (longterm not just pushing it away somewhere else) with a variety of community and govt entities... instead of having hire private contractors saying that I live in GE and there are problems, this will ensure some feel safer which is something" Job Wanted - Part #8,Baby accidently kills the girl due to here reflexes and Baby and the others try to escape in a car chase even though Baby doesn't have a actual car. "Cleveland is 23rd in payroll, so it's cool they're doing it cheap.",That's what I said about your mom until I had to go to the urologist. I don't doubt this.,Who would you be to do so? "Are you Jason_6, Jason_7, Jason_8, and Jason_9 too? Lol","I noticed that too, Was soo confused." I remember a stimulus passing. It was about 10 times more than that figure though.,A 4 trillion dollar stimulus? This shit,"They're black so we have to post comments which look slightly forced or unnatural like Makes me happy, if these people were white it would be downvoted to shit and they would be getting roasted." It's a fat roll,It's a barrel roll "If you could realign the leagues, what teams would you move?",Put us in the AL West because the Central is hard for us. "H.R. 6393 overwhelmingly passes Congress. If they don't like your news or organization, you are now a Russian spy.",Nothing brings people closer together like instilling fear that everyone is a Russian spy. "ESPN College Gameday Show Thread If you want a little ting in your tang tang, you can discuss and post anything related to the show (signs, screencaps, videos, etc) here.",Were tickets expensive to this? "Its a bingo-like game that old ladies play. You play with thousands of other people (Massively Multiplayer), it requires an account that you log into where you can join a server that runs 24/7 (Online). Your stats and progress are persistent. You create an avatar that you don't directly control, but you can purchase clothing and accessories and crap for it.","Hmm, I'd have to draw the line at Directly controlling your avatar." If you think those aren't working as intended then you haven't read the manual. Try that before complaining!,FUCK "Why is there voter ID in India and Mexico, and not here?",Because those countries are racist white supremacist countries I remember hearing about someone else wanting for massive amounts of people to leave the country because they were a 'problem'.,I think that person was you with your earlier comment? Forearms,I do over hand bicep curls just to make my forearms bigger. Maybe not do it again?,Minus the landing that looks fun though For the lulz,lol okay... You know the 20 health each syringe gives you instantly? Yeah it doesnt get cancelled...,"it's 15 and it's once ever 4-5 seconds, you just can't aim" E,S *dropping Jordan Howard for Josh Gordon. NO REGRETS!!!,That was the right move tho Does this company make and sell microwaves??,good way to get a screamin deal on microwaves "Good Luck my Southern Neighbours. As a Canadian, May the odds be ever in your favor America. Good Luck with your new presidents!",wish i had voted No 3rd party here. That was a clear PI. Not sure wtf those refs were looking at,I would've just called defensive holding it was more obvious lol "When it comes down to games. The only FPS I actually like is Deus Ex but if it was up to me it be 3rd person POV. I can't really stand FPS so why would I even like VR in the first place. Besides, that's just allocating more resources to VR than to a remake or reboot. I rather see a better story and superb gameplay than a a game built based on a fad.","VR isn't a fad, but it's still in the stages of being a useful gimmick rather than a widespread platform." Can't wait until we find out these are all indeed desperate fabricated stories created by the Clinton campaign in another round of wikileaks email releases.,"And when you find out they aren't, then what?" Why did the Muto eat a Russian sub but ignore the nuclear powered aircraft carrier chasing after it?,"I always figured it was because soviet tech isn't exactly designed by OSHA,the sub had inferior shielding around it's core compared to the carrier.Russian subs are known for leaking so much radiation,you could heat a Godzilla sized hotpocket." "Sam Rogers, what a guy",Can't think of a better guy to have a game like that as his send off Just stay within 6 and thon can tie the game,We can unleash the Kracken at any point. Welp...not even sure what to say about this one,I think it is time to accept that we are living in an episode of Lost. "Buzzfeed reporter Joe Bernstein tries to destroy the career of pro-Trump comedian Sam Hyde by messaging his ex-girlfriend to see if he's ever raped her. This is not journalism, this is HARASSMENT! DON'T LET THIS GO UNNOTICED!",What the actual fuck. "And you know it wasn't just the FBI. If I remember correctly, I think it was 17 intelligence agencies that were assigned this important case.",It was the evidence the coast guard dug up that put the nail right in the commies coffin! "MRA brigade in 3, 2, ...","There are a lot of bad individuals in the MRA group as there are in every, but r/mensrights is definitely one of the better political or controversial subreddits out there." Not interested in Narduzzi...just the other one...,tough! I'm old aren't I...,In the *not so distant* future... Needs more salt.,Everything needs more salt "Really tired of playing this game every 4 years. Its a joke, yet some people seem to take it so seriously as some sacred duty.",It's actually the closest thing you have to a sacred duty as an American. Literally every 13 year olds OC on DeviantArt,Original DNA Character - Do Not Steal Breaking: Topics for the first debate announced,"More freedom More freedom More freedom Wew lads, a tough one!" "(KY) Father taking money from my trust fund My grandmother passed away in early 2011 and when she died, she created pretty clearly defined trusts for each grandchild, including my sister and myself with roughly $70,000 in each. Our dad had these put in money market accounts and diversified market funds that were supposed to be sitting in there making money and we could withdraw it for 'Support, care, maintenance, and education.' (We only used it for our college tuition.) Our dad was the named trustee and has been the only person with access to this money for the past 5 years (the will said my sister and me couldn't take control of the money until we turn 25, which comes in 5 and 7 years for us.) Anyway, earlier this week we made a call to the broker who handled these funds for us and asked for our balances and they were both at below $5,000 which was about $70,000 short of what we had expected them to be because we go to school in state and live at home, so capital gains roughly cancel out tuition costs. I called my dad and asked him and he admitted he had been taking money out of our trust funds for the past 5 years in order to pay his living expenses and basically not work, which by all indicators seems it would be a breach of fiduciary duty on his part. Where should I start to pursue recouping these losses from him (if it's even worth it in legal fees) and how can I report this broker to somebody, because I'm not convinced he wasn't blatantly allowing our dad to take this money from us?",70k+ is solidly in 'talk to a lawyer' territory. I've always wondered about the streetwalkers. Where did they go? All online?,"They moved down the boulevards a bit, and you'd still see them in the 2000s, but by now, they've all gone online as far as I can tell." ... Amazon screwing you over?,"No, the seller." John Fox's retort tonight to NFL Media report that Bears had hired outside consultant to evaluate their football operations: ... there's no truth to that report.,"Yeah they hired Kevin, Taco, Ruxin, Pet, and nosdic." "People need to stop acting like Islam is this beautiful peaceful religion. Sure if you cherry pick the parts you like it's fine, but it's the most evil religion in the world right now. When your God commands you to kill people, that's not a good thing for humanity.",Like the crusades never happened. "Also came here to say this. And should also say that. Instead, now I'm here adding nothing. Here to say that < -",2meta2fast Fairtrade always ripping us off...,"If you buy produce (or any product, really) without checking for damage, you're just begging for this kind of thing." HAHAHAHAH jokes on them I have heterochromia.,"Then you're a cis-scum, cis-scum." I heard the neighbors were mean though so it's okay to kill them and take their stuff.,I heard the neighbors had wmds "Maybe if you went for just one bag of peanuts, you wouldn't need to purchase two seats?","I don't know that this is fstlogic, guy says it ain't the neighboring passenger's fault that he's obese and he needs two seats, so he buys two seets" who thought banning something would make it insanely popular,Barbara Streisand Oh Leo,But he's a rich celebrity who rides airplanes so his climate change work means nothing. "What do you think about the GOP's plans to more or less just get rid of the current versions of welfare and not substitute anything in their place? The argument by Trump and the GOP is not that welfare could be done better, but that we shouldn't have welfare because it's un-American or something.",When has Trump ever personally said that? If this is enforced and the DEA sends in an agent to that particular shop and they see that CBD oil/product being sold then i'm sure they will attain a warrant that relates to this new classification.,Its just hard for me to believe they will go after CBD oil but not cannabis. Typical Liberal supporter,Looks like someone who wouldn't argue if they were wheeled into a hospital for an assisted suicide. Looks like a map from world of warships.,to be fair world of warships ships are much larger and zoom around at like 200 knots (they say 40 or less knots in game but the actual speed relative to the map environment is many times higher) so with much smaller boats and much slower speeds similar sized maps would effectively be much larger also I imagine as in ground and air arcade maps will tiny postage stamp sizes while simulator maps might be huge "Damn, the sky has fallen so many times since Trump announced his canidacy",Do they check if you can't spell before they let you in the Trump club? Suicide Hotlines Get Record Number Of Calls After Trump Win: Phones Have Been Ringing Off The Hook,The MSM propaganda machine is at fault for this as these believers sucked in lies and might die as a result. Hillary Clinton's Health Returns to Center Stage,The Clinton camp lies are multiplying "Unstable is the only official FTB pack for 1.10 so far - there are others in the works, but none that are done yet. There are a couple of third-party packs as well, like All the Mods - thought you *might* need to download the curse launcher to see those, I'm not sure.",just got the curse launcher... its the all the mods pack balanced? "While others are downtalking Elba dating Madonna, think about it this way- Madonna has likely tried *every* single kink in the book, and added a few chapters or even volumes on her own. If there were someone (not a porn star) whose name I could think of, off the top of my head, to live out every perverted fantasy in my head and who would be totally ok with it, it would probably be her. So yeah, mad props to him for enjoying his time the right way.",Does everyone have fetishes or am I the only human appqrently without? CNN Ohio poll 82% voters over age 50,"Well, let's not get too unskewy; we'll see how this result holds up against other Ohio polls and then we'll have a better idea where things stand!" aidscancerebola,aidscancerebolazika "I have a lot fun in Mystery Heroes, but if you go up against a team of all tanks, the game is practically over already. Yesterday on King's Row, we were on defense doing pretty well. Suddenly, the enemy team had FOUR D.VAs and a Lucio. 'Git gud' can only take you so far...","Same here, enemy team get 4 dva and self destruct together at the same time" Hijabi Harley Quinn,That's worth at least 83 lashings. Kleffbom needs a cigarette cause raffl just fucked him,"Better be careful with the flaming end, he already got burned." "My deck is by no means squishy. Yes it would be nice to put in a damage spell, but I have tested switching off units within my deck and it just does worse.","Princess isn't any good against mini tank or higher hp units, so if you don't have squishy cards I don't see the problem." This lady tan is 10/10,I wonder if she smells like beef jerky Id like to see Israel too since there arent really any middle eastern operators. If Israel is used you can expect to see the Galil and maybe even that gun that can look around corners.,I guess ash kinda counts Not really relevant but I had an old phone that did this and just so happened to have a headphone jack that snapped off some headphones and found out if I put the broken jack in the phone it would try to send the camera sound to the headphones thus making it silent.,Apple is onto you. Looks like they delivered the goods right on schedule.,POL was right again "What are things people do in-game that really bother you? I have a few. * Shooting RPGs recklessly and killing your teammates all the time. This can be accidental or intentional. * Using Doc Bags when they aren't grey. * Leaving the moment they go down. Like why even play the game if you're just going to be a baby about it? * Because of have the Newbies go back to Overkill mod it kicks people if they don't have a set amount of hours automatically. Yes, it's a dick thing to do... Until you host a game and literally 10 people with less than 10 hours try joining your fucking Mayhem game.","Setting up the drill without any skills... (Might make sense in some cases for luring out guards, but specially with thermal drill waste of time)" "Looks like these were around $25 per cup, minimum goal buy-in one pair. It's not Coolest Cooler money, but it's enough to be annoying when you're sent a cup you can't drink from and whose porous interior can never really be cleaned.",I wonder about sugary drinks and leaving it unused for while... Nice extra tastes to die for? Decaf coffee should cost lest than regular coffee.,but it's *more* processed... I spell check the word guarantee every time.,I guarantee it. Please no. Combine youtube comments with crazy political opinions from family members and you'll get an idea what a Facetube would be like.,It's how you make America great again. White people should be nuked because... they dislike seasoning.,I'm white and I'm pretty sure they're joking... That machine kills fascists in cars.,"It all makes sense now, thank you." Is that where we had to go with this? Why can't he just be the new Tony Dungy without comparing races?,He's the fat dungy New four-story Adidas flagship store in NY will unveil option to customize Ultra Boosts.,Meanwhile here in Seattle we got nothing. "Honestly? My boyfriend. He's attentive, sexy and loves me. I don't want anything more.",Attentive is incredibly important. Fantastic,No matter where you fall on the spectrum...I love you. Sportsmanship always feels good :),Damm right! "Once Zen drops, will it beat out i5's? I'm looking to finish my switch to AMD, but the CPUs are turning me off on it",You will know when it drops. "I've always thought JJ and Ronda should train together, without Edmund of course.",Now kith Turn Israel back into Palestine.,"And that would stop terrorism, so that means Palestine is the cause of ISIS?" EU's Tusk Warns U.K. That It Will Pay Economic Price for Brexit,Don't count on us helping you next time. What is this a game of football to you? Why do you think the situation we are in is good rather than railing against remain voters?,"The situation is not good, it is awful but there are many who are wishing the country crushed so that they can be proved right." (Sorry for the quality) But these things of grass look like huge sushi,Pallets of grass FYI MGTI and SUNEQ,The SUNE will rise again "These guys should be in the drunken, poor mans Cirque Du Soleil.",I'd pay for this. Trump Tower Security Threatens Nearby Businesses' Viability,Aka fascism in yet another form So no different from last time?,No last time they should have at least pretend that they are negotiating Constitution changes with opposition parties. "Thanks, I've been meaning to look into this for a while, it's always annoyed me. Does BF4 have the same option?",it is in BF4 its in the same tab at the top "It's not for me, but I didn't have a problem with the bio until the last line (possibly NSFW)",I'm puking already. Rumor has it it's all about the RGB gaming desk.,"I actually hear gaming braces are the new thing, maybe now UK cs can actually be decent?" This,Jack shit "I believe the exact line was: WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO OUT SOME TIME? Sorry, but I'm not into guys. FRIENDZOOOOONED!",You're right I couldn't remeber it right at all lmfaooo If Hillary Clinton Is Charged With Obstruction Of Justice She Could Go To Prison For 20 Years,I CAN'T WAIT Don't hate the player hate the constructs of a relationship based on trust,Daddy dint stay why should he? "Lime Lowrider, Grey Stern, Pink Bowler Anything very rare from C3, or 1 Key",breakout snake. he did pretty well in the games he played in this worlds,Yeah I'd say he was extremely world class "For only 1.4 million, this complete dump could be yours!",Saw it today on domain when looking at places to buy when I win lotto :P "Should I buy this? I have nothing to play atm until ff15 comes out and I am thinking of buying a psvr. Heres what I got so far Buy: - I have money - I dont NEED a new phone - I know I like vr - I want to play aaa titles in vr Dont buy: - I already have a vive - I want a pixel xl - It might be just as sweaty as the vive So yeah. I have a vive but I rarely use it for two big reasons. First is the lack of aaa support. I love the indie games but sometimes you just want a full game. Second, its really humid and it gets so hit in the vive that it fogs, so hot that I cant play my vive unless ive recently showered, dont mind showering again, and am commited to hand washing the viser. My biggest reservation is concern that I will be constantly comparing my experience to the vive and im worried about regret. The drift for example ive been reading seems real and thats something ive never experienced in the vive. Im also curious about cinema mode. I like my vive but the res is not good enough to justify watching anything in 2d when I have a 2k monitor. How is Netflix and other such media in psvr? Also, I dont have anywhere I can demo it fyi","Its a lot more convienent to use than the vive and no sweaty vr face, also it does not need cleaned after each use." Stop dating. Start hanging out.,"But I'm a borderline sociopath who hates social life and despises people in nightclubs and pubs Those are the places where I get most pickups from, trust me, not worth it." Defeated,"I can't get over the look on that guys face, I'm pretty sure he's thinking about hate-fucking Trump to death." Why would anyone buy this.,"Because it's fun, cool, and unique." Did someone say handegg?,You mean America's favourite pastime? My take on Hillary Clinton and the election. What if she is supposed to be elected but her 2nd in command will take the throne because of her health and that's been the plan the entire time? As in Trump doesn't even matter.,It would be the only way to get an unabashed Jesuit Whore of the bankers as President... Tim Kaine. "Yea I didn't like the idea of maining before so i've got quite a lot of time with a few characters. Top 3 being D.Va, Zenyatta and Reinhardt. I play so much better with D.Va and enjoy my games so much more that I pretty much just run her now. I have a semi-static team now too so we have positions covered usually, leaving me to use D.Va as a flanking offense hero usually.","Oh yeah, when i say i main her i mean i play her the most, not only her" We don't need these long posts. Just mute the fuckers who flame or harass you.,"But how does this give me redditupvotes, specially when I can claim to be female?" "I'm *assuming* that they'll be aired on Twitch as well, seeing as all the eSports-part of BlizzCon is free to watch.","But be cautious: in addition to full last broadcast they started to add short video of each match, and their names (Team X vs team Y) clearly contain spoilers of who proceed further." nigger,We got a badass over here! What are some good uses for anger?,Fueling the dark side Hold your breath and count to ten?,Count to 100000000 and write me in your will. Tifu by putting a woman into premature birth,"38 weeks is not considered premature, it's well within normal bounds of when labour should occur." Almost got knocked off the motorcycle by a careless driver on the highway.,That was an awful lot of video just for you to grill her... patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.,Every gun forum I go on loves New Vegas "So greedy, man.","Its called business, not that I hate it any less than you, of course." you can start with this cypher :) Should be relatively easy. T16132513 1726 20222513 2716921 2013132726 271613 13321326xxxxxxxxx,"I don't know if you made that or if it is from rev or something, but this thread is just about bringing people together to help figure out a way to solve MOTD ADFGX." But it's accurate,"I know, and that's the worst part." Lavahound in Clash Royale vs Clash Of Clans.,"yeah, becasue if the lava hound was fast in clash royal it wouldn't be a very viable tank if it just speed of as soon as you placed it." "If I suggested the same thing about black people, I'd be called a racist. Racism against white people is still racism. You're an idiot.","No, it's racial prejudice." "It is called echo because it represents how Jewish names resonate through history. The implication is that Jews have long been manipulators who have undermined the success of other peoples. The guy who started it runs a blog/podcast, and literally adds an echo effect (and a nasally accent) every time he says a Jewish name. It is only used by neo-nazis.",Thanks for helping out buddy! Ang toxic ng Gunpla community. Popcorn mode lang ako..hahaha kaya lumipat ako sa LEGO e daming butt hurt sa gunpla,Post mo sa Gunpla Reklamo para mag circlejerk sila yeah i like having a lot of camos to choose from,I mean we only had two five in the original game and now we've got like 10 I'm grateful and also I've heard that if you get gold camo on all the guns you get that green glowing camo She's actually begging for Retweets now. We've memed her into oblivion!,By saying he has none...I believe he has already disclosed all of them. "According to the DoL all the applicants had met the requirements specified by the company. Furthermore---they did in fact contact the company, but the company declined to comment on it. If they really had a sensible argument to question the applicants, then perhaps they should have said something. It's not like this is a local organization reaching out to them. It's the Department of Labor. You don't think they would mention security concerns to them? And they'd rather go to court than discuss it civilly? That's just nuts.","In famous last words of Ultron, you are UNBEARABLY naive." What is up with SJWs and privacy? They constantly take photos of people and make fun of them.,"Im yet to see one of these 'shamed' pictures come from a man, for some reason its always a woman doing it." Etho Is PCMR,Probably the only minecraft let's player I occasionally watch I wonder if he'll build his new PC Something is wrong. Looks like head is separated and tucked into the trunk.,"Also, the head is turned backwards if you would unfold it." Not the best. He's in the 2nd place. No reason to tone him down.,Who's the best then... Beads the sash and 90% of NeZha's who use sash to confirm will just continue through the motions and waste their ult into the beads.,The other 10% bait beads because of the 90% that use it to combo. Dealing with an Arachne 1 on 1 Lately I am finding arachne very difficult to face one on one unless I'm Tyr because of his passive. How do you guys play against her. I pick up witch blade and Hide of the nemean lion. But I feel like it's more me not being able to deal with arachne then it is the items I buy. Has as one got any tip to deal with her?,Run... Lol aight give him a 240+40% scaling ability,That makes up for his 180% scaling ability Gabby Liberates a Trash Panda -,"Ah, the sound of Not my problem any more." Like the idea it's similar to the 11th elixir,The 11th elixir should be added back "I guess if you're really enjoying the shit out of your skins/weapons and whatnot, wouldn't expanding your game library provide more bang for your buck though? I guess to each their own.","Nah because the problem I have is because obviously I work a ridiculous amount, unless I stay up till 4/5 AM I get maybe 2 or 3 games of league a week and usually play CC whenever I'm waiting around for a client or in breaks or whatever but due to having little time I don't really have the motivation to learn new games or expand my library because I enjoy League so much I always wanted to play it whenever I get time to game" What do you do when you're family bums you out?,You can't spell slaughter without laughter how can you wipe with hands down?,"To be honest, it's easier than with your hands up." I mean at least one of them could be a successful serial killer at that rate,Ted cruz zodiac killer confirmed. ... why?,"Well, it's Unicode support for variables and emojis happen to be included." How to backup and replicate millions of files efficiently Hi I just subscribed to this subreddit. Being sysadmin for almost 2 years I guess it's high time to do so. I would like to discuss a matter of backuping and replicating a huge number of files. I would like to hear opinions how **you** do it or how you would do it. To better understand problem let's say we have this kind of use case. There are 2 servers (typical LAMPs) to serve client application. Client application write a lot of single small files (about 1-100 KB each) that it uses later as site content (real life example? hmm 9gag or something). Files once written **can** change. We do not use 3rd server as shared storage but we would like both servers to have a copy of files (thus some replication). We want to have some kind of High Availability so if any of these servers go down application will still work and after server comes back to life it should get current state from the other one and after synchronizing data it should start serving as usual. Let's say we have hardware load balancer in front and database replication works just fine. The thing is about files and their huge number. That's pretty much it. As of replication we could use for ex. GlusterFS but to my knowledge and experience it is so slow when it comes to huge number of small files (tho maybe someone of you have other experience in this matter). What are the other choices assuming you want to use free software (MooseFS HA is paid afaik)? And what comes with it is backup (incremental would be awesome). For ex. rdiff-backup here is super slow thanks to number of files. Would be great to hear what other sysadmins think about it. Maybe you had similar problem and already resolved it and you are happy with the outcome. What are your thoughts?,Use DRBD for block level replication and rsnapshot for incremental backups. Ahri Fanart - Can u Score/Feedback?,I'm a simple man our memes will never be this advanced,"We are losing the meme race, and China is starting to emerge as meme superpower." "ELI5 why we hate Pewdiepie. Once I know, I'll hive-mind right up.",He's popular. Hello to you too...,Maybe he is secretly a dog and is just trying to identify you What is this universe where everyone and their mum are making these (bullshit) bets? And how losing them always leads to some poor randomer having a thinly veiled fantasy force-fed to them?,Because they are bad at poker! "They raised the prices for whole Europe , not only the U.K...",Not even just Europe they raised the price everywhere. From the back,Views like this would make me a morning person. I don't see the misunderstanding. The USSR was Socialist and Socialist governments provide free services like healthcare and education. In this case the service is ice cream.,Nice repost btw Hurricane Mathew=Hospital Sleepover!,Best of luck from Canada! "i say honey, you say..",g How much did NMS cost when it first came out?,It was and is still 60$ on Steam. No guarantee she won't fall and break her wrist on the way home...,"Horrible coincidence, back to the club I go." Starting wars in the middle east will lead to world peace? Okie doke!,What war did Clinton start? Oh more facts that this sub is not able to handle!,Trump will be surprised Fiasco,Francisco It's unlikely you can be in a coma yet conscious and awake.,Co poisoning "You guys don't complain when you can see an outline of the enemy tank in a freakin' forest, and your reticle turns red to let you know that you have penetration. Every tank is different, and if you think that you don't need skill at every position you're fooling yourself. If you have a skilled arty, you can sway the battle.",Good joke be on in 20 minutes if anybody wanys to platoon up,"Maybe you should list your console, server and gamertag" The Note 7 is pure fire tho,I was playing some niggas mixtape on it battery didnt have any problems. You put your shoes in them. Costco.,"Smh, he means the boxes the shoes came in originally, not the ones in the picture." "Why April though? Poopy butthole said like, in a year and a half so it's supposed come out at the end of this year?","If the episode aired in October 2015, a year and a half is April 2017" Where can I find a beanie as long and thick as Ethan's,I need to know "What is the salt and pepper of your culture? In other words, what are the spices/condiments that you always keep on hand to put on just about everything?","well, being Scandinavian, we think salt and tomato ketchup are spicy by culture...( if you want to get wild and crazy put half an onion in your tuna noodle hotdish...) but my GF and i have every spice we can find and try... and lots of it." "Anyone could have said Desiring a war with Hitler = idiot back in 1938, but what happens when Hitler desires a war with you?",There is a lot more at stake now. Have you tried swapping your mouse to see if that is the problem?,"Yes, it didn't change... But R6 is the only game where I see this thing" Tbf the original stormtroopers were German troops,"WW1 German troops, some sort of super troops although I'm not sure in what way they were super" (Bill Clinton isn't running for president),only when hillary is asked what she's going to do about the economy. "What are the new weapons like? Haven't been able to play yet, but what are the new weapons like?",You can go into the creator and place down those weapons in a deathmatch or capture and try them out in the test. I bought beefaroni because I'm 12.,I know have you tagged as actually 12 "Oops, forgot AB has limited respawns. But in RB theres always one guy i keep killing and always has a respawn, only for him to finally kill me D:",I only have 5 crews but a ton of backup vehicles for each. "TIL there was a radio station in San Jose whose call letters were KOME. Their slogans included Don't touch that dial, it's got KOME on it, You've got KOME... oozing out of your speakers, and Wake up with KOME in your ear.","There's also KUMM, the only radio station that cums in your ear." "Now he just needs to call into CNN's live shows every day and repeat that again and again. Otherwise, our media will forget.","No, he needs to get pneumonia and send an email first to merit any media attention whatsoever." Justice Porn: Judge Judy destroys two lying teenage girls and their lying mothers for filing a false assault and battery report. Bonus: victim card denial he confronted two tiny women,Teach women not to lie I drew best girl,"Caitlin looks weird today, did she cut her hair?" She was egging him on!,wrong John Siracusa is happy,:) I was born in New Orleans and lived there until I was 13. Your description is not so far off.,"katrina kick you out, too?" I would guess that drinking from the hose would have a 100% survival rate.,"One time I turned the house on and a shit ton of earwigs, who had been hanging out on there, all got shot out by the water." Racism?,"You asked whether he's from Australia, clearly that's racist, you ignorant scumlord." "On a scale of days, weeks, months how long does that take?",Depends on how long the maggots take. LPT: Watch a 25 minute sitcom episode while your pizza cooks,This LPT is also applicable to 42 minute dramas and laundry. Our Lord and Savior Donald Trump,DPRK-style deification of the Dear Leader. 7,"3 minutes, hold me i cant contain myself" "Crazy idea: If you type GG, you get silenced for the rest of the match. Think about it, it works both ways.",Yeah because nobody has EVER said good game because a game is good before.. Down low?,Thanks for being a team player. Odds are he gained his wealth by treating people like he is treating the person that owns the red car.,"Like he said, working really hard" They are actually all dx lenses so won't I be getting some cut off on 35mm film?,"Yes, the image circle is smaller than corner to corner distance of 35mm film or sensor." Remember the loot glitch? Good times..,"As a (relative to you) new player, could you explain said loot glitch?" Get a fucking grip.,Don't tell me how to live my life! I don't think they'd make the CFP over the B1G champion or even Clemson + Washington (if they both lose). Not with Ohio State still going,Doesn't look like it. She left them at my place last night,Riiiight Mickey mouse club,Weren't they discovered as kids? Cascada - Everytime We Touch,Jesus this sub is like my main paylists... Kinda Gotta. Re. Load.,That reticule is uncomfortably large Nico Rosberg will shortly announce his retirement,What...? I teared up so many times at work this morning while reading articles about the World Series. So good.,Thank god I am not the only one. Steam trolling every American PC gamer,But The Stanley Parable's baby game Which movie would be boring if its plot is literally its title?,The Crying Game. Yeah there was this episode on Dr Who about it. They tried way too hard to be emotional.,it worked What should we expect from Edelman now? He still has yet to record a TD and most of us would expect more points from him when Brady came back. But now it's been two games with Brady as his QB and still haven't seen much production from him and Bennett seems like he'll be taking a lot of targets from him now.,Finding it hard to choose between AJ (start your studs) SSS Edelman Pryor and Baldwin... but it seems White is filling the Edelman role now so I have a hard time starting him going forward Congrats! How many beers to deal with the War bond grinding?,Been sober as a brick for ages (both alcohol and weed). "Congratulations, I've pissed you off worse than I've ever pissed anyone off before. How does it feel to waste two hours fighting someone who doesn't give a shit?",Downvoted. Summer Rae,Legzzzzz "What is the average game length of ToS? If we knew how long (how many nights) are usually in a ToS game, we'd know a good strat for survivors",15-20 minutes Wait give me a few minutes (yes its HA). Are you sure you typed the correct friend code? It has never given me problems before.,"Checked a few hundred times, it was the correct friend cod but it doesnt work" I think they were Transporter. Sonofagun really clutched that for town.,WHAT THE tarnation DID YOU JUST SAY ABOUT ME YOU LITTLE flummery? Isis video from Mosul portraying life going on as normal,Anybody see that guy just casually walk through traffic at 0:21 in the background? Forza 5 Giveaway!,22 Will trump deport all immigrants who won't learn english?,Hopefully illegal immigrants will be illegal. Bought myself one of the helmets and I'm pretty tempted to try and make the rest...,where did you get the helmet ? It actually CAN happen something when you report a person?,And *THIS* Psyonix is why it was a huge fuck-up on your part to leave a non-functioning report system in place for so long. "It's a reboot, JJ Abrams helped out designing this new expansion to make Hearthstone great again!",Lens Flare neutral spell "At least the Ravens are losing, too?",Patriots got shut out by the Bills This just in: Donald Trump is TIME's Person of the Year for 2016.,Reminder that Time gave Leigh Alexander inkspace to shit on us from a mainstream magazine. This Coke machine will let me select any flavor Coke except regular Coke.,The best is when you're stuck behind a mom and two kids who can't figure out which of the six billion options available they want. I guess the truth hurts lol.,Or you're just rude "yes, because workers rights were gotten by meandering around with sternly worded signs and singing Kumbaya-My-Lord",Ever hear of a guy named Gandhi? "We're truly experiencing 'Canes hockey tonight! Wardoclock in full effect too, breaking sticks in the 1st period. Stay salty Ward, it's why we gave in and put our hopes in resigning you.",This franchise is stupidly loyal sometimes. Soo this means No Man's Sky not getting any more updates?,At least they're tweeting more. "Digging big holes. I recently spent 6 hours digging out a 4 chunk area down to level 5 for a big slime farm, never again.",Haste 2 + eff 5 ftw. Who Else Wants a DOOM(2016) PS4 Pro Patch?,"They could probably get it running at full 4K or at least very close to it thanks to it's amazing optimization and the game is just so good so this would be an amazing combo, would definitely play some more even though I have the platinum." What is a great historic example of someone being caught dead doing something they should never do?,David Carradine and autoerotic asphyxiation comes to mind. "Most voting machines have an optional audit printer that will produce a paper trail, but not every state spends the money to buy these.",An audit trail does no good if audits are prohibited. "What a dizzy bitch, she makes me ashamed to be a women sometimes. Then I remember I have a brain and voted for Trump",did you just assume its gender? Does the soda industry manipulate research on sugary drinks' health effects?,Aside from morals/ethics why wouldn't they? "Someone fucked her, and probably in the ass too.",Wtf is wrong with you She isn't going to shut down our industry. Obama hasn't either despite money.,She is against legalization in all sense of the word and said it can't happen because there's too much money in it. Martin Hinteregger: Rangnick and Red Bull are destroying Red Bull Salzburg,"FUCK RED BULL Football is for you and me, not for fucking industry" Or less fabric softener,As always the real tip is in the comments. Back hurts when working with my computer hello when I built my computer my back hurt and yesterday when I was working on my cable management and today my back is really sore from bending over and working on my computer is there a way to fix it?,Ibuprofen OR A fresh install of common sense. Ben Garrison,Ben racist is pretty much my identity Garrison "Carlisle on KD leaving: Hey, losing a guy like Durant is going to change your team, but put the ball in Westbrook's hands another 15 to 25 times per game and you've got another missile being launched at you every time down the floor.","An inefficient, bad shooting missle" Brandon Ingram 21 pts 7 rebs 4 asts vs Warriors 19.10.2016,I'm going to go with the nickname 'Bing-ram' because he's searchin for ways to murk you But does having new armors really make the game more fun? PVM content is already laughably easy.,The argument is that newer armor allows for newer PVM content which is more challenging. I just don't get it.,"Bad coaching, bad playing." Na den andern Nazifressen ausm Osten!,Ungarn? Westworld is set up so that you actually *can* predict this stuff. Flash has shown in the past that even the hints are deliberate misdirection (e.g. Hunter Zoloman was the one acting under the mask most of last season before switching it out to Barry's dad).,We sure that wasn't just a change int he writing room? Perez was the Royals best defender this season by DRS (11) and also tops his position in the AL by DRS as well. (Posey with 12 lead MLB.) I would be OK with Salvy winning.,"I was actually just making a joke because the Nomeinees are Perez, Perez, and McCann" Oh my god I just realized the telesto is the needler,no it's the telesto Why You Shouldn't Trust Polygon's Comparison Video of Assassin's Creed the Ezio Collection,Reason 1: don't trust Polygon in the first place. "I cannot imagine how passed out he must have been, to not wake up screaming in agony after she attempted to shove in the first one.",Passed out drunk on about 2 bottles of morphine. I passed it to the PLT Sgt so I assume so. Fucking Joes never get anything right though.,"Yeah, no one understands the rough and tough PowerPoint life of the average nco/o" Finally pulled this neat little winston trick off,Dicks out for Winston Because you have a lot of disposable income.,because you can shame the mean with ostentatious magnanimity. SHOCKING (it's not): Twitter attempts to censor conservative James O'Keefe,Fox should give him an hour to present all of his findings so far. "Oh gosh it's been almost a decade. But when I went in for my first pap they asked if I had ever been sexually active and I said no, and then the second time they didnt so I asked them to use a smaller tool. She scoffed at me still being a virgin at 24 (compared to her assistant who never reacted to it and was completely professional), and would make weird comments like you should have a boyfriend, you should have a baby. I found the baby comments even weirder lol.",Eww that's weird. "Kinda hard to propose amendments when you get so thoroughly stomped in an election that you wind up with zero representation, isn't it? The game isn't flawed. You just don't like the rules because you lost. You guys had no problem with the electoral college when it benefited you.",When did the EC benefit dems so drastically? "If you're not riding fast, you don't NEED knee, elbow and toe sliders, so you dont NEED the gear. I disagree with this. Having kissed the pavement a few times in my life. While standing, do a little hop, tuck your legs and land right on one knee cap only. It might be an injury that will haunt you for the rest of you life, it and that's at 0 mph. Dirt bike knee pads will fit right under any jeans you are wearing and will help a lot.","As he said, it's up to you on what you feel is right to wear." "Well, my brother's dog got it's ear bitten by my family dog. Props to my brother for staying relatively calm, despite the unexpected amount of blood.",yikes! How Hillary Clinton massaged 'embarrassed' Huma Abedin's shoulders at an intimate Chappaqua get-together and jealous Chelsea treats Huma with undisguised contempt (when her mother isn't around),"Yeah, massages and a daughter's envy.. this is politics." Dead as a dodo. What other animals were recently extinct?,Alan Thicke Tim Kaine: Gun violence is a public-health crisis,Hillary Clinton is the real public health crisis here. "Well...what others are saying may be partially true, but I had an acquaintance who was put into a drug induced coma after they suffered bad burns from a cooking accident. He remained in a coma state for over 2 months, because the burns would be too painful. Once he came to, he described the coma dreams he had. He had dreams of being some sort of super hero and being on a mission. He said all his friends were there and everything felt completely real, as real as everyday life but Much more time passed in his dreams than in real life. The story lines of his coma dreams were plausible, but they did have some elements that didn't make sense, and were dream like. He maintains that they were not just coma dreams. He treats his dream life as a separate life that he lived, and feels that all the things that happened in the dreams actually happened as part of his life, but in a dimension of life that others can't understand. He said he truly valued the lessons he learned and friendships he made in his other life. This always freaked me out...makes you wonder...maybe we're in a coma dream right now.",WAKE UP **DON'T CLICK ANY LINKS POSTED BY RAIDERS FLAIRS. THEY ARE DOG DICK PICTURES**,Just that one guy. Is he worth a start if McCoy is inactive?,oh ya buddy We're unanimous about the Eagles fans being terrible. Link me to something you like. I'll do it.,Any photo will work? Organized Office Drawer,I'm so glad my office is 99% paperless. "This is the entire movie, isn't it? Just emojis making jokes about what they are meant to be over and over again?",Were you expecting something else? Will Fuller or Chris Hogan?,Hogan all the way Is it just me or are fouls not being called like they should be?,But I imagine it's coded that way because it's easier TRUMP WON the popular vote without CA. Thank God a basket of braindead leftists in LA & NY don't run our politics.,"Trump won the popular vote if people on welfare weren't allowed to vote, too." Crooked hillary was an ok name but i think it's time to switch to Sick Hillary,illary THIS. I've been playing call of duty since CoD 4 and i enjoy every call of duty game. Regardless what everyone else thinks. Just because you can't get used to the jetpacks or don't like the movement doesn't mean others dont either. Absolutely annoying how everyone shits on CoD. Don't buy it. Simple as that and move on.,Ghosts is my favorite CoD... you can imagine the downvotes I acquire. Kindred is gonna be a player.,"Pretty much every young guy we have seen play so far has showed signs of being a real player, what a great draft class so far!" "Nobody could have foreseen these O-Line injuries, plus without him they'd be nowhere near the playoff hunt anyway.... A defense like that, you have to try and contend, and they did, just bad luck. Bradford has played well with even below average protection (see start of season) but he's too immobile to survive what's happening now. Only guys like Wilson or Luck can deal with that kind of shitshow.",Agreed. "People who stand on escalators, what do you do with all your extra downtime?",Think about how far up I could be if I started walking. "Trying out Nvidia Ansel on the Witcher 3, beautiful.",Used to be able to use ansel whenever but now hitting alt f2 rarely does anything and I've missed so many awesome shots. "Kid tries to cross the road, escapes death.",Stupid kids. Conor McGregor Interview: I'm the only one at that next level,"Last time he said something like this, he got choked out by Nate." What could have been. Gina Carano almost signed with the UFC two years ago.,The one woman Ronda would fight at 145... You can actually E when getting hooked as ezreal and get out. I play a lot of ezreal so I imagine it's pretty annoying playing as blitz vs ez.,This is correct Pre-Loading for S&M available; potential leaks?,"I don't think so, I don't have much of an understanding of the situation but from what I read about the demo datamine decrypting the data to get access to the game would take a lot longer than the 2-3 weeks left until the games release." "So yeah I point out to the associate hey your website shows this is $55 but this price in store is $80. Can you fix it? She says No $80 is the correct in store price I respond with ok so I'm going to buy this right now on my phone, when can I pick it up? About a half hour.",That's so stupid wtf "Sometimes when you try to go fast, you end up going slower",That sounds like some sort of Chinese proverb.. Why would I get cheesey tots from BK when I could go to Sonic for delicious chilli cheese tots.,"Go get your own cute adorbs dog and fake upvotes, if you want to advertise sonic." Why are they constantly night servers? Trying to watch some streams and every server I've found is night time.,They could be tied to the server local time as per the mod. Either abyss dragon is an actual boss in the dlc or we find the dead abyss dragon somewhere in the dlc who might be Kaathe.,"Even if kaathe is actually dead, maybe we go to the past, like in AotA" The door is the message...,"The message is, Who stole the stairs?" Seven Left Myths about Capitalism,The reduction of politics to aesthetics is a pretty salient point. You sir need to learn a little more about the game you are trying to play. Take him to Kings Fall. You have no idea about light levels if you think you can even get a 300 into the raid.,"Well I mean, that's why he asked yo" tf is neutral game?,Non-super class abilities "I hope they're saving up, when automated trucks take over the industry they'll have little-to-no hours.","Pilots are still behind the wheel, so as long as the general public doesn't trust robots, (which let's face it they won't) his job is just going to be a hell of a lot easier." I am baffled as to why this comment is downvoted.,Anyone can come to this sub? I predict he will be broken and sell Y2 exotics,Working as intended. 20 Minute Vegan Quesadillas With Homemade Cashew Cheese,no just no Also wrong,IUPAC says otherwise. online play causing frame drops as soon as phantom summoned. Specs: GTX 980ti i7 4790k I am playing at 1440p and I have settings set to max. The game runs at a smooth 60 fps with no issues. However the second I summon a white phantom or a black phantom invades its drops down to 10 to 13 fps. Then the game promptly cuts me off of online as my framerate is not stable enough. Why is this happening? What can I do?,"Too many summons probably, try to play solo" Really? Cuz on that bridge at the end of his fight with Luke he swings his saber *quite* quickly.,Swinging a weightless blade quickly in a chopping motion and injuring an opponent who has barely been training for a week isn't exactly a display of talent or ferocity. "Iraq bans the sale, production, and importation of alcohol",Good. "I was out with my parents, both of my brothers and their wives and my sister and her husband. A ragingly drunk dude came up to me and asked me out. I said no. He then went round the table entreating each of my relatives in turn to get me to go out with him. He hung around our table for about half an hour in total. It was ghastly.",That's what you get for being the 9th wheel It's crazy how much playing the game a lot can do. He was able to know the exact range and path zac wanted to take,Yeah it's crazy that you get more game sens when you play more. T,W Here's a photo of the racist white male Russian hacker that suggested Trump to nominate Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State,That's a very nice photo of her. ICs have an awful MU spread. Wobbling pretty much keeps them afloat. They lose like 8 MUs or something like that,"A lot of those matchups are arguable though, we don't have definite matchup data." This computer was setting next to a metal desk during a power surge. Somehow it survived.,HP Z-series machines are freaking tanks. I wonder how much of that money went to pay for Stein herself.,Just ask her new consolation beach house lol Brodoof how dare you? Even *mentioning* that secret character should put you on Y.V.'s hitlist.,But his active become throne 2 is so powerful! True creator of bitcoin. Aka: Satoshi Nakamoto So what is the news with finding the creator of Bitcoin? I know some have claimed to be the original creator but it seems to be known that these people are not Satoshi. I am looking for the run down of the latest news.,DORIAN CRAIG! "Tabs vs. spaces being actually controversial makes more sense (still not a lot, though), because people inflict their choice on each other. What text editor you have has *zero* impact on anyone else, though.","Please, if I have to sit next to one more filthy VIM user, I'm going to be physically sick." "17 years old, physics student, CS:GO rank is Silver Elite Master and I have a keyboard that looks like a Pokeball. Fuck me up.",You look like you started Pokemon as your last ditch effort to meet girls. MRW I go on yet another Tinder date with someone I don't have much in common with,Girl I'd date you based on your hilarious memes. Scientology,"If you haven't seen it yet, I really recommend Leah Remini's new show on it." Accurate depiction of general conference as a whole.,You hit it hard enough it will move eventually. "Jormag is cunning. It offers power a little bit at the time, and thus corrupts a little bit at the time. So the Sons of Svanir have a blue twinge to their skin, and apparently even some ice over the top of it too. More power means more glory, right? It's a slower process. More akin to training a puppy, you alter it's behavior by rewarding it with what it wants when it does things you want. This same thing works on people too, and the most insidious part of it is that the one being trained is convinced enough that they want it that they will fight anyone else who tries to take it away... It's a play to some of the deepest level thought processes that any species would have had to evolve to preserve itself, and Jormag happens to be able to use it. I'm certain he's perfectly capable of a quick and dirty corruption too as Zhaitan was shown doing, but kinda like being the dictator or bad boss, you end up having to spend a great deal of time running around making sure everybody is doing their job and nobody is trying to stab you in the back. The drawn out training (brain washing) method would make less hastle in the long run. Which leads me to think maybe Jormag was already more intelligent than Mordremoth who's attempts on Sylvari were frequently rather ham-fisted.",You could say Jormag has kept his cool during all this time. When you play so many phone games you tend to forget what terms are used when and where lol.,B-Brave Frontier? "Some Beartooth (the EP, some of Digusting, and a few songs from Aggressive) kept the more hardcore sound from Noise though","True, but I feel like Noise was more straight hardcore than Beartooth" Celis Jr. eyes 2018 Force India race seat,since when is christmas a synonym for april fools "As a person with strong body odor... You don't know how it is to live with this! I DO BATHE! Three times a day. And I shave my armpits, even when I'm a man. And when I'm done with the shower, I blow my armpits dry with a hair drier, and I do the following: Spray my armpits first with hydrogen peroxide. Yes, pure. Second, with alcohol. Yes, pure. And then, with talc. And then, and only then, do I use Deodorant. And guess how much time it'll take for me to break a sweat. A nasty smelling sweat. Come on. Guess. 40 minutes tops. So by the time I reached the flight, and sat down at your side, and you give me that nasty look of You horrendous human being why do you subject my poor little self to this, please keep close in mind: Darling, I've dealt with that rejection since age 12 for every single fucking day of my life. I do my best. It's not fun for me, either.",I'm going to guess there are a lot more people with poor hygiene than whatever condition you have. How the Mainstream Media Debunks a Story,"Didn't pizzagate people say there was a pedo dungeon in the restaurant basement, but the restaurant doesn't have a basement?" Works like a dream. I recommend this to all Windows 10 users who run Edge.,All 10 of them. Have you seen how overly militarized our police are?,"Well if the pentagon didn't sell off their excess military hardware to somebody, they couldn't very well order more new hardware and keep the military contractors employed." Planned FTFY,kill me now "Help!! Christine michael, A Rob Julio Who wins? Non ppr, 10 team","Depends on the needs, but I'd say Julio." "CERTIFIED BREAKOUT TYPE S; Heatwave, labyrinth, slipstream, parallax, White lightning, Saffron lightning. Orange, crimson, grey, burnt sienna photons, full tunicas set. offers","Painted (Purple), Certified (Guardian) Photons?" Me in the current event,*No more pokeballs* "True immortality, as in never being able to die *at all* is terrifying, I mean, imagine being thrown into the atmosphere of Jupiter. You'd just bob and float part way down (at the point where your buoyancy would prevent you from sinking further,) and you'd just spend eternity blowing around in some cold, dark maelstrom occasionally backlit by lightning until the death of the planet itself, if ever a planet like Jupiter can be said to die. But you'd still not be dead then, either. How long would your sanity hold?","I would imagine being truly immortal would also mean being immune to all illness, including mental illness." Not even that but the Democrats are going to learn the lesson that progressive policies in their platform is not what wins elections but controversy and shit flinging is. Say goodbye to everything Sanders and Warren worked for.,Controversy and shit flinging absolutely lost them this election. # Kristallnacht # JustSorosThings,"Well once the buildings are destroyed, it will make it easier for Soros to inventory and steal their shit, like he's done before." "Thank you so much, that's the first I'd heard of that tool, and it seems incredibly useful, so even if these two games don't pan out, I'm already a step ahead. Btw, do you know what sometimes causes the view of the game to just fade out and be replaced by the starting room? Like, too many missed frames, or what?",Missed frames and also sometimes it's used while the game is loading. He's talked with gay people in the show and the way he interacts with locals on their trips like for example the Middle East one I'm willing to bet he's not xenophobic or racist either.,He's just being humorous because actually trying to defend himself would be pointless. Illegal dirt bike riders interrupted DC mayor' & police chief's homicide press conference,Interesting. "How do you use roll rate in RB? I've read many guides about the 190 series, and they all tell me to use the plane's roll rate to get opponents off my tail. I don't really know what that means to do in RB. Could someone explain?","Defensive flying, look up Messer Smitt on youtube, that will show you everything." Isn't the_donald just the new fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu meme subreddit?,That makes a disturbing amount of sense. "For the last two weeks or so, we've been missing what we need from raw...","How so, he wrestled Rollins this week and Neville the week before." You want to share some?,"Sure, have an upvote." Is that a thing - having Veteran's Day off?,Ikr WW2 brought America out of the depression. WW3 will bring it out of the recession,Or cause nuclear devastation the likes of which we've never seen. A true warrior isn't afraid of getting blood on his sword.,Their own blood. "In light of Rockhold getting injured before his rematch with Jacare, here's a quick snippet of the AKA mentality. It's not a successful fight camp unless you are injured. (Skip to 13:25)",Well at least they keep to their word. The point is economically the United States has actually moved more right. Socially is the oppossite (Good thing for the most part),"But still, by modern standards she is not a moderate Republican, which is the only thing I disagreed with you on" "Well that cost is the cost of everything, including the cost of development, procurement, maintaining the fleet, and planned and future upgrades projected over the entire life of the jet out to like 2050. This is also the first time we have tried to estimate those costs. It would not surprise me if other legacy platforms didn't have similar lifetime costs at this point.","I assume the delays and cost overruns didn't help, the whole process just to get these damn things in the air have been ridiculous to watch unfold." *Alleged* money incident,Yes indeed! "The game intentionally tried starting a meme, how is that timeless?","I'm talking the story and gameplay, looking back I should've voted the entire FNaF Franchise pack" Potato,The name Shaman95naruto is just reinforcing the stereotype I have of the people requesting the potato goddess. me_irl,"Jokes on you, it took me 18 seconds to load this picture!" VOLTAGE RAIDABLE TNT TRAP,LOL Why many great amateurs never turn pro,Good read ... Apart from the Cuban guys I never understood why Olympic medalists sometimes don't turn pro ... Learn something new everyday ... Thanks OP Right wing does not equal neckbeard.,I like all the people trying to ride on the alt-right train and politicising this sub. "At least that has replayability and high level drops. I'll be playing that every day for the entire event. ~~And I mean, they gotta have at least _one_ new Plaguelands track, right? Right? ;_;~~","I dont remember where Bongo said it, but there will be more maps for SRL." "You never know, everything can happen. I didn't expect a guardian to receive the season 3 reward skin and yet here we are.",A guardian receive that skin because hirez decided it not the community China makes stuff as good as you pay them to.,Damn them for not making my $2 screwdriver work for 40 years Open carry of firearms is practically encouraged here,Connecticut ? Street Fighter V: 2017 Deluxe Edition (Base Game + Season 1 Character Pass + Season 2 Character Pass) Available for $48 on Steam,"So, kind of like a Super Street Fighter 5?" Quick information from Its_Epi about the season 4 ranks,"The confusion comes from a change in the rank system and nothing being said about it on patch day, If I'm wrong please correct me but I dont remember them saying anything about how the ranks changed or how the new elo system works because something did definitely change since I am getting way more points and losing a lot more even at diamond where in previous seasons you only got 5-10 points a game and lost about 30, now you're getting 40-70 and losing 130-140." Imagine being able to compound lifesense. You would not even need much Breath to start with.,And we start to realize how truly under-utilized TLR's power was. "So many awesome looking games coming out soon! Battlefield 1, Titanfall 2, Call of Duty Infinite Warfare, Dishonored 2, Watch Dogs 2, Final Fantasy XV, and more! It's getting really tough to narrow down which few games will make the buy now list and which ones will, sadly, have to wait. Not that I'd have enough time to play them all anyway. How do you decide among the new games you want which ones, if any, are day one purchases? Release date? Longevity? Review scores? Friends?",All I'm looking forward to is FFXV Liberators weren't nerfed PvT.,They were vs phoenix. lol Jill stein can now cheer about her 1 vote,Well of course they are voting for Jill... who else is going to take a stand and ban Wi-Fi to protect the children. Feels like all these pushing for europe nationalists like le pen and Hofer is really unorganic in a sub like The_donald... is it another atempt to destabilize the region by soros?,...right...anyways...I just wanted to point out that this party is...well to quote the Princess Bride I do not think that word means what you think it means. "Just normal cheapo ramen... Basically boil the water in the microwave and then drop in the chunk of noodles and let it soften. Then add flavor packet. Gets the job done! Also cup noodle are good too, usually sold next to ramen",whenever people mentioned ramen noodles I always assumed they were talking about cup noodles (though my mom always buys Maruchan brand) "What? A cross-ice feed for a one-timer from the left circle is a high-percentage play because you've got the goalie moving from side to side with no time to get set. It's my least favorite goal too because it's the same kind of goal that killed us on the PK last year. D gets caught chasing too far into the corner, opening that passing lane. It's a systems issue, not a goaltending one.","I think he's saying the defense shouldn't have given up the cross crease pass to begin with, not that it shouldn't have gotten by Hank." How do you explain Obama in 08?,With Obama 2012 "You remind me of the dipshit I saw trick or treating with his kid and wife, carrying a side arm on his hip, in our safe, but apparently scary to paranoid sovereign citizen hillbillies urban neighborhood, surrounded by hundreds of kids. Like literally there is no reasonable situation where him opening fire amidst hundreds of children does anything but make things worse. There aee a plethora of reasons not to do it. John Wayne cowards all over this country. Chill, bro.","Hey now, you never know when some thug is going to try kidnapping your kid from under your direct supervision with dozens of other witnesses around..." Developer of Crestfall is streaming~,Why bother develop if the plan is to never release? "It's a capsule to hold the SEAL Delivery Vehicles. Underwater submersibles that can hold 4 SEALs and travel do their business, then go back return to the submarine all while remaining submerged and undetected.","Thanks, it just didn't look that manoeuvrable to me." 5mn of Abeille Bourbon in Heavy Seas (from Oceans movie),That is sexy. Turkey's ruling AKP proposes rapists be released from prison if they marry victims,Fucking disgusting. "no ,many don't ,I can speak for Palestinian Arabs we don't see Arabs as better than non Arabs","It's mainly in the Gulf Arab mindset, Levantines are more chill" thank u im taking matter messaging him,"He might not respond, but there are a lot of admins who might- just look in google" My girlfriends teacher gave her an extra point for having a creative title,Still failed If I downvote him it won't happen!,"Quickly guys, it's our last chance to stop it!" Was bored at work and decided to create some motorcycle logo wallpapers - let me know if you want some more :),"As a person with a BMW, I am VERY triggered that there is no BMW wallpaper and I am gathering up my army of other amazing SJWs, your job will be no more in 3 days." "No offense, I'm just used to gun nuts spouting enormous amounts of horseshit on this website.",issok I was just trying to defend the US with some things off the top of my head "Just bought Factorio- what an amazing little game. Keep up the good work, Wube! :)",Just a little crack. Consoles were never about high framerates.,"PS4, the perfect hardware choice for a gallery slideshow, where the picture looks amazing but changes only once few seconds." Again. Why was this comment Downvoted while the comment is not wrong?,"Because we're here to discuss how brutal the Chinese government was (and maybe, is), not the US government." [-:-],[=o=] "Nope, both Childkiller and Pornstar are missing.",Why? Goals + assists since the start of last season: De Bruyne: 34; Coutinho: 30; Ozil: 28; Pogba: 23; Hazard: 10,Why include a player who was getting those goals and assists in a different league? "My Aunt shared a picture of my 14 year old cousin on his first day of school, and this is what she wrote. Celibacy is best!",Remember well the words of this house: Always Put Safety 1st. Rex Ryan on Brady: One of these days I keep thinking if I stay in this division long enough that dude will retire,So Rex is attempting to employ the Russian winter strategy to defeating the Patriots? Stupid bitch had it coming.,You're not wrong tho I tried (sans cosplay),I see you're sans a ketchup bottle. "I have an Octotank, I have an Octotank. Ugh. NSFW Material.","I have a female, I have a necromancer, Eww, r34!" TIL Erin the Esurance mascot (pink hair girl) had to be retired because people on the internet wouldnt stop making porn of her,This is why we can't have nice things. Not 3 of them on either side of the door on temple of anubis. Trust me the whole reason they did this is cause people had fun abusing shit like that for easy wins. And this is better then nerfing like they did to torbjorn on console where he is litterally unplayable now since his turret is so weak.,It's never happened to me so you have no proof that this was a regular occurrence. "your avatar and flair checks out... again, i PLAY SUPPORTANK, PERIOD, i'm not an instalocking attacker douchebag tard and you don't want me as anything BUT supportank",Preach "I don't know why you're being downvoted. As someone whose's weight fluctuates a lot (between 220 and 260lbs) due to playing football and working out for half of the year and being a couch potato the other half, I look younger when I'm heavier.",It's almost like people look different! I get confused when people conflate 4K textures with 4K screen resolution.,"A 4K texture is a texture at 4K resolution, no?" What makes you shake your head at someone?,Neck muscles