Input,Output Coach we know you don't actually aim your gun and just hold it down until you have to reload,customizable hipfire reticles plz That sounds like something a 40 year old would say.,I can neither confirm nor deny this allegation without the express written permission from the Secretary. "Yes, the only thing I disagree with is that gym is just gym and good health. In reality gym is more than just gym. I, and many others, do it to look better - which extends the usual meaning of grooming.",I think we will disagree on that one. Alaina Dawson,BangBros - Alaina Dawson - Gets Twisted Up With A Big Cock is the name of the video "Yes, no, YES, yes, no, yes, no, YES, YES, NOOOOO (A Reinhardt journey)","You know you are on r/overwatch when there is always atleast one post on the frontpage with yes YES, no, no, NOOOO, yes, no, yes, Y-NOOOO as title." Only thing I have confirmed trying to get a 400 gauntlet is that Bungo knows what item you need and turns down the drop rate of it to near 0.,"Paradox and Truth, why do you evade me so?" "Make up a headcanon for your flair. Exactly what it says on the tin. If you don't have a flair, make up a headcanon for your favorite Fire Emblem character. My headcanon: Niles is 69 inches tall.",Shanam can use Astra No way. You guys just ate a dog,You Monsters! Fire Emblem 8 PMU Have not played this game in a long time. Pick my units and the advanced class. Also pick my route to take.,SM Marisa Just the liberal ones.,Keep in mind many liberals voted for Trump. Venezuela floods shops with unaffordable goods ahead of Christmas,"Maduro will just give everyone a big fat raise, so it's all good." This pain is just too real. THERE'S JUST TOO MUCH THAT TIME CANNOT ERASE!!!,Wait that's not the right song. "I think I've heard it in other places, but either way it's pretty awesome. One thing Rogers Arena does is play the Halo theme before the second period, it's not on broadcast though, but it's a really cool touch. Love to hear Matt Smith's theme during games too, it's so good",Matt Smith is the EK65 of nu-who "The activation sound still strikes fear into my heart. It sounds like shit in Halo 5, though.",Tchsshhh The antichrist?,No that's Bill Clinton 3 monitor surround?,The resolution would imply 3x 1080p screens in landscape. "Hey, before we send him away, should we ask him how to communicate with the Va- [activation pad] -...damn.","Great, he still had the keys to my car." He hasn't even taken office yet. Are you people going to be rolling around on the ground kicking and screaming for the 4 years because you didn't get your way?,"You mean like obstructing Obama for 8 years, or maybe shutting down the Government like Cruz did, just because the GOP wasn't getting its way?" PSA: Ku bola lore challenge Seems as if his 3 bola augment when used all on the same battleborn will count towards the 3 battleborn hit with bola snare at once. I got the challenge done in 3 PVP games! have fun,Drives 90 in the rain to get home and grind this out before it can be patched. "March For Unification! The EAUUP with and estimated 53% support in Kenya has begun to march across Kenya spreading propaganda for more and more to unite East Africa for once and for all. Members of the EAUUP all march all across major parts of Kenya including Nairobi, Mombasa, and other towns. They are to show the people of Kenya what the EAU has done for the struggling nation of Somalia and turned the people into a success, and how the people of Kenya will be Better off united with the EAU this will take 3 months",How did you get the 53% number? "Why is it fine that fallout or elder scrolls can be buggy af but when another game from Bethesda is, it's garbage?","Because this was only published by them, not made, so it's not 'blessed' by their holiness." Which is why they don't do that.,Trump won anything's possible now. Yeah they lost me with this. So are they doing a diverging parallel universe timeline or something? And then you throw in old man logan in the current timeline as well.... what is going on?,It's almost as crazy as Cable the baby who was sent to the future to come back as an old man to lecture his younger father Getting far too offended when people insult Her Royal Highness,It's your fault for giving your wife the title - everyone else calls her bungee knickers! "They looked like they were going quite fast to me, especially when you combine their speeds...",They go much faster than this and smash heads togeather all the time. Care to share some of your favorite mouse only games? I did a search and most of these posts are over a year old. Sorry if this is inappropriate. I have tendonitis in my left hand and I can only use my mouse at the moment. I've been playing Civ 6 and have really been enjoying it. I would appreciate some insight into some other great mouse only games! Thanks,Tharsis Luke Russert predicts Democratic Party's Leadership Crisis in 2012,So glad Hillary used her convention to showcase new talent like Obama had the opportunity in 2004. Dragon Mace - Dragon paladin weapon,3 mana spirit claws? 10Lac including backup money.,What will I have to pay if I need a franchise of your Joint with a trained chef? "The Wall Street Journal has done a good job, in my opinion, but you have to pay for a subscription.",WSJ is pretty unbiased I think me irl,A E S T H E T I C "With the way Juve has been playing, Serie A should in no way be taken for granted","Oh, but I thought we didn't care about Serie A anymore, right?" Ditch the south. Let the great republic of Texas become your new - but separate ally. Let utah and thise crazy mormon states form their own country... They'll die out in a couple hundred years and rejoin.,"Yeah, let's just split the country between the cities and stupid red rural states and see how long the cities last without food." brisbane Christmas Any ideas where to go for breakfast xmas morning? I live on the south side so this side of brisbane or in the CBD for places would be great.,Somewhere with a/c "Dear Santa, For christmas this year, the only gift I want is for Trump and Pence to get impeached as quickly as possible. However if Trump falls into a deep hole playing golf and we never see him again that would be preferable too. All the best Sir_miraculous","Well, if he continues to treat climate change as if it were just a chinese hoax, santa might be able to grant your wish." "LPT: Buy a UPS, blow your neighbor's mind.",What if the power went out at the ISP? This shit is nothing more than the coddled millenial generation being told no for once.,"Well, that's the reason why I'm getting that AR-10 soon... Source: am millennial" Closed Beta weekend: Nov. 17!!,Will they unlock fps for this one? Not to sign anti-LGBT legislation? Not try to overturn the gay marriage ruling?,Man you're asking a lot! 2014,Amagi Brilliant Park Feel better?,Better. No time to add new security features in notes says official,Does this mean no NGC chip? Salmon Swimming Across the Road,I guess they are migrating after the election was done Even vehicles?,Not vehicles "I have to admit, Brendan Rodgers has an eye for talent",And beautiful bhoys Is that seriously how you think someone should dress to show they aren't homeless? I hope thats a fucking joke lol.,"I'll never be caught dead wearing Sperry's, a polo, and khakis." Fog lights look too big. I'm guessing 2016.,"Yup, def not the facelift." Whats wrong with falling in love with a pigeon?,You get talking birds.. Like big bird... 'Do I concede or end turn... what deck am i playing? What deck might they have? You ever wonder why we're here?',Where we going ? Khizr Khan: President-Elect Trump Still Must Earn Respect,I hear a gnat buzzing around thinking it is important Dude judging by your name you manufacture? What state do you supply to?,He said they're based out of northern California. INTJs in politics Either they secretly control the government or the government wants them dead. There's no in between.,"There is a myth that Arnold Swartzenegger is INTJ, but he's not." "Yep, and not all of them will follow their states. Some are refusing to give their electoral vote to Trump.",That is what will tear this country apart As neutral white cis male who benefits greatly from the patriarchy I am happy to see the feminists display hypocrisy. Imagine seriously a feminist movement that advocated for both the rights of men and women...WOW!!!!,"They use free speech to protest someone elses free speech lol, then they have the Soviet insignia which is not only anti-free speech but anti-gay." "Depends on who the Dems run, and if the party can unfuck itself. Incumbents have an enormous advantage. If the Dems run some standard-issue pro-corporate asshat like Schumer or Cuomo its a toss-up. If they run someone that energizes young progressives like Sanders did, then yes Pence will get worked over hard.","Well... I mean, it is obviously Tim Kaine's turn" Lets be honest no one played that champion in the first place so he isn't much further off then he was before lol.,100% sure that he had few times larger playerbase than he does now. Realizing that most Trump supporters voted on economic grounds,"But all Trump supporters are sexist, racist pigs that want to resurrect Hitler to run the US!" "Right. Save some money by having a program ask a question, unmute the mic for the person and then mute it again after 2 minutes ask the other candidate a question unmute mic...rinse repeat until it is over.",They should do am episode of black mirror with this premise Afghanistan: Explosion hits US airbase in Bagram,"This is just going to keep getting worse, isn't it?" "Was about to order my new cock ring, when this happened.",The joys of living in a small conservative regional town. Iggy & Giddeon I have the hardest time against with her.,"Iggy I agree, but I usually farm Gideons like minions once her ult is up." What fetish are you ashamed or embarrassed to admit you enjoy? Why?,Watching women squirting. How do I get in the chat?,click the link and create an account! From the outside I find it funny. Sanders is pretty much a center left candidate in any other western country and Clinton would be a right wing conservative. But with the USs right leaning skew it makes even Clinton look left leaning.,Hey now she's a progressive that gets things done! "Bill Mitchell on Twitter: So, if Hillary is winning, why the FAKE assault accusations? Why the FAKE polls? Why is EVERYTHING with Hillary FAKE if she is winning?","As the late great Abraham Lincoln once said, Fake it til you make it" But you can't charge if you have the earbuds connected to the phone.,They'll make a case where you can attach a string to the Airpods "David Blaine magic act progressively gets crazier and crazier, ends very unexpectedly.",Comes a long way from doing videos on youtube "So he won't see many more fantasy points than what he's getting. Which, in my league (8 man, standard), is negligible.",Droppable in a smaller league with no ppr Honoring a fallen soldier and former nfl player two days after Veteran's Day gets you fined in shitdell's nfl,The NFL is just disappointed AB would honor veterans for free Trump says considering seeking Bill Clinton's advice,OMG the next president is taking advice from a rapist/murderer/racist explosive arrows damage = baby fart,You clearly haven't used explosive tips recently. Yours doesn't though,Haha you must be very bright "I feel that about Faletau. Please Welsh fans, don't hurt me.",Add AWJ to the list as well Obama Claims Electoral System Rigged in Favor of Republicans,"One more time for the slow kids: the popular vote is irrelevant, we're a federation of **states**." "Submissions Thread For Our First-Ever FAN-WRITTEN Episode! Hey guys, so I've wanted to do a fan-written episode for a while now, since I frequently read comments from our fans that are as clever and interesting as anything we might write ourselves. So Mr. Regular and I have decided that the finale for this season will be that fan-written episode. It's coming in just three weeks, so we're opening up this thread for official joke submissions. The car for the fan-written episode will be... **A 2007 Aston Martin V8 Vantage Manual Transmission** Submit your best lines, jokes, and analysis right here! Also, add the name you'd like to be credited with in parentheses (otherwise, we'll just use your reddit username). You'll have until 12:00 PM ET on **Thursday, December 15th**. After the deadline, Mr. Regular and I will sift through the jokes and pick our favorite ones. **COMMENCE WORLD WAR BROWN**","Cheers love, the calvary's here!" Oooo - what are some examples of non-placental mammals? Platypuses?,"Many marsupials, namely kangaroos who use a pouch instead of a placenta." are ypu talking about the mod Additional mission type? i think they add a special type of retaliation mission where you dont have to save civs.,"yeah, there's the seige missions, but I had a retaliation spawned where I automatically failed because it spawned as a civ rescue-type mission but didn't spawn any civs." "Tell yourself whatever makes you feel good, but if you are being judged, that means people actually give a fuck about you to take their time and judge. As you get older, you become more of a ghost and don't register on people's radar. The complete opposite of the original quote is the actual reality.",And I'm supposed to care about your opinion because...? "The electoral college for the presidency, gerrymandering for congress, outright stealing a Supreme Court nomination from one president and giving it to another, disenfranchisement at the state level, the potential for national disenfranchisement under a unitary federal majority, US constitutional amendments unopposed, and the general threat to the ability of the majority of the people to effect change through the democratic system. American democracy is one minute from death.",Blessed be our New Founding Fathers "I hate Trump as much as the next Trump-hater, but this is America and people shouldn't have to worry about their property like this. If it was Trump supporters doing this people would lose their fucking minds.","Yes, property is the only important value, trumpingall other concerns" You can still use it as a wallpaper even though it's 4k.,"Yeah, but it crops out the sides, giving me a shittier picture" MRW i read Chelsea Clinton is being groomed to run for Congress,Chelsea 2020 Oh shit i cashed out more than your whole inv I dont know prices because I have less keys than you atm. I sold this for a littke under 300 keys only difference is that it was a red tip. Learn your prices before you shark him.,There is a max redttip with 0.01fv for 240Keys on sale.. so a 0.06 with small blue tip is for sure not worth more than 180-190 keys mr pro trader :) Can Obama dodge bullets?,He simply does not need to DARN KIDS AND THEIR ANIMEYS,"Lucky grandma, getting to marry a hot cat-boy!" "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a finalist for the Just 5 More Minutes Award in the Steam Awards, voting begins December 25th at 10 AM PST/12 PM CST/1800 UTC",Starbound wins this in my book I swear I play an extra 3 hours before stopping Ever seen the movie Network?,Na but I'll check it out if it's good holy balls i'm an idiot,"Nah, this shit is hard." What is your favourite card game?,Caravan "Why should Wikileaks be held accountable for publishing the truth? The DNC was up to no good and instead of admitting it was their fault they are blaming it on anyone else. The leaks were unfortunate for them, and probably did help the Republicans, but if that information is factual than we should not get mad about it.",Wikileaks will not be held accountable for a damn thing... I'm sure all these people who were riveted by Clinton's emails were equally outraged and riveted by Chelsea Manning's disclosures and the exceptional treatment she's received since arrest. heavy ballista question does it now require the completion of MM2? I can't remember if they polled it or not. Help me out here,You might as well buy a light ballista now if you don't want to do mm2 as the light ballista will be given around the stats of the current heavy ballista and the heavy will have a mm2 requirement to use Not sure if this is racist,No because they have privilege There will be no World War III.,Radical Islam must be defeated one way or another. Popped another shot off after. I assumed he missed with the first headshot,Not unreasonable to think when it comes to ISIS. "Yes, you can't be raced.",Stick some bars to his shoulders and I'm sure he can. "Daily Discussion Thread: 11/12/2016 Feel free to post things in the Daily Discussion Thread that don't warrant a subreddit-level discussion. Although most of our posting rules will be relaxed here, you should still consider your audience when posting. Most importantly, show respect to your fellow redditors. General redditiquette always applies.",Just overheard at the gym: I'm trying to grow bigger lats so I can fly away out of this country SAY NO TO SKINS AND DANCES!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!,Tom Clancy would be so proud. You clearly don't know how obsessed Germans are with quality meat.,They're the wurst! Same. Had to buy our own Toaster and Microwave. As a flat (10 of us) it turned out to be pretty cheap. Somehow they made it all the way through the year without breaking or having someone put something in them that they shouldn't while drunk,"I'm the first one here, my other flat mates move in next week, so will sort out stuff like that when they get here" Maybe but EA don't often give out TOTW cards to the losing team,I thought it was hero cards. You ever tried doing a pinpoint turn midair with a giant railgun messing with your center of mass? Dodge to the left and Vikavolt has to nearly stop to turn around. Head canon.,"I mean, Electrode is literally just a big ball and it's one of the fastest Pokemon out there." What is the best way to start a college essay?,Once upon a time... Funny but I think that if Romney was President and pushed the ACA it would be hailed by Republicans as the greatest achievement ever,I think so too Beware of false flags...I hope they take these people out. What are the odds they will say they are trump supporters?,Trump supporters are the new isis "You can talk to him whenever and yes, he will only give you one. But if you have none in your bag he'll give you 1 more",How many does he give you in the UBs mission? "He would, but he doesn't believe in premarital sex.",For men it's okay but for women... those sluts have to be punished "Why do I get the feeling we'll see a similar spike after the US election, regardless of who wins?",Pattern recognition. It looks great so far. Only thing that worries me is that they said we will get the familiar three lane maps AGAIN. I want more map variety.,They do say only some 3 lane maps. So much for keeping the game exactly how it was.,If that's what you want go play CoD4 on last gen. Have sensitivity settings changed from previous games? I haven't had time to play the BF1 beta yet so I need Reddit's help! Are the sensitivity settings the same in BF1? I mean can I just copy my settings from other Battlefield games (or maybe Battlefront)?,"It's the same on pc at least, I just copied my profile from Bf4 and all my sensitivities and keybindings are perfect." "Isn't trans unmoored from the binary of female and male as a facet of identity? If Meyer agrees, which he seems to about otherkin being that, it means he is living unmoored himself, as a man wanting to be a woman, so has no claim to woman spaces, or anything else to do with females regardless of whether or not he passes.",Unmoored or unhinged? But sex is a naughty word!,Especially in Texas! What's your beginner mistake? I had a friend who just started playing; he rushes phage on ryze... better than me still - i remember when i started i thought pots were a waste of money because you can get regen from the base for free instead.. what did you do when first playing league?,I kept buying the same kind of boots multiple times per game to make me super quick haha TRUMP IS BAD FOR AMERICA,Yeah but white ppl have been oppressing us forever now it's our turn "Politifact is a biassed af website. Just go through their fact checking. If trump is a digit off in a claim, it's pants on fire. If Clinton is 99% bullshit, they list it as mostly true.",Everything that doesn't paint Trump as perfect is biassed af. This really hits home,Fit people literally don't exist. 2014 - 2016 Comparison,From vision to reality This is beautiful "Bonus: I noticed that the bring bags tip applies to Target now, too, since they will apply a five-cent discount per reusable bag you use at checkout.",Somehow I am more ok with this than otherway around. The San Diego Starterpack,"From San Diego, can confirm." BREAKING: Key Hillary Witness DIES in Car EXPLOSION!!!,this is a hoax site my guild leader found something hilarious!,This is new...I've never seen this before... CBS Boston reporter wishes death on Trump. Tolerant left!,Feminism is cancer #CalmMeDownIn3words "Bands with Bass/Baritone singers? Pretty straightforward. Most bands in this type of music Ive heard/listen to are tenors or higher. Im a baritone so when I practice vocals Im only training my mixed voice. Im just looking for some bands who's singers have actually low voice FFDP has a similar range to what Im looking for, but I dont like their music. Thanks in advance :)",Any given day "Actually, I think it may be Juggernaut because that gives you more health. So it must stop the UAVs or something like that.",This guy is on to something So what's going to happen when the NFL has 5 jobs open and a couple big name coaches move up? It's interesting to think about. Some giant P5 school could be scrambling in the weeds after all these AAC coaches are gone.,Sumlin and Kelly's name always comes up when NFL jobs open up. Amen. That would be much more appropriate.,But it erases minorities! That's fucking retarded. There's male and female,wouldn't you be referring to sex? "Non-native English speakers, comment your language below; learners of that language, ask them anything! You can also comment a language you are fluent (C1-C2) in.",Uzbek. New WT Summon Banner,oh man oh jeez oh boy the WT is finally coming it would be nice if they gave us another Bulma's Battle Prep event as well Politico's really got this backwards. We're hoping that Bernie can help rally people to the cause of fighting *against* the empire.,"Yes, Sanders and his supporters can be more accurately compared to the Rebel Alliance." Seal Beach probably has closer ties to Long Beach in LA County than the rest of Orange County.,"Yup, Belmont Shore 2.0." Maybe I'll roll once.,Proceeds to roll 10 more times "There are 2 and they happen at 10 turns I. And 15 turns in. In the industrial district at 10 turns in, you can pick a tool. In the civic center at 10 turns in, you can take a brief case, bribe a clerk (5000) or knock over a column. Certain actions allow new adventure. Knocking over a column can cause judge fudge to appear. At 25 turns in the industrial district has a seedy bar or factory adventure. The factory gives chocolate spare parts. I'm choosing to do all my turns in the rail yard tonight. See if I can use this chocolate screwdriver there since its a quest item.",There's also an option at the non combat at the Factory to spend 10k sprinkles to get a tattoo. is this halo?,I believe it's Destiny but I'm not sure. You should listen to the first episode of NPRs Invisibilia. It goes deep into this and it was very comforting for me! Let me know if you need a link!,Invisibilia is the shit! What are you banned from and why?,"If possible, I'd like to be banned from seeing posts about this." "I think that is Frances first war, I think those extra British provinces are from Provence. And the mountains could either be a mapmod or a recent update (haven't played since mare nostra) (look at alps, same thing)","The beta is supposed to have mountain wasteland or something, but the picture for that are from Morocco which looks normal here." Chris Matthews utterly destroys Rachel Maddow on Hillary Clinton,Why is this little boy allowed at the adult's table? "It got shutdown no? I haven't checked it in awhile but sometime during the final Clarkson, Hammond, May season, the torrents were taken down.","I remember watching top gear on final gear before I had netflix, and then about a week ago I looked for the episodes on final gear but they weren't there :/" Bitch Hillary got fucked harder than my grandma from fake nigerian medicaid,"If she's responsible for creating you, she deserved it." This is how you get pregnant teens,"No no, if you don't tell them about sex they won't realize they can do it!" What did the unlock do ?,Turn the 4GB model into the 8GB model. Sickening. That $ could of gone to way better purposes.,"You're right, cancer treatment is such a bullshit thing to be donating money to." Where's Hillary? Another day off... She must to be exhausted from dodging so many questions last night.,She's out campaigning and wining the election. "Big Brother Over the Top - Wednesday Night Live Event Discussion - October 19 2016 On the live feeds tonight, beginning at 10p EDT/7p PDT, we will have a one hour recap of the past week. At 11p EDT/10p PDT, We will have a live eviction. If it's anything like last week, it will be very productionless and the HG will fill in for most of Julie's usual role. Starting at midnight/ 9pPDT, an HOH competition will be played. During the eviction, your best bet is to watch the Quad View. Who will be evicted? How will the votes fall? What awkward moment will we get from the live eviction? How about the weird 30 min of nothing after that and before HOH? Who will be crowned? Discuss all that and whatever else below.",Danielle is piecing it together rn. "Bro, you really can't forget to censor personal information.","He yung, but he no wat 420 iz That hurt to type" Why did they start running away from the direction of the cars they just stopped? Who were they showing their signs to?,Wild guess.. But there was probably a lead car that stopped ahead to take a frontal picture of the backed up cars behind them. What player that is thought of to be good had a surprisingly bad year? The 50 save streak kind of masked the fact that Familia had a good but not great year as a closer.,"Felix Hernandez, but he was injured for at least part of it." Totally agree. Trump was the catalyst. The anger comes from 30 years of neglecting the working and middle classes in favor of corporations and special interests.,Republicans will help fix that! There's a luxury community planned for Texas that will have underground bunkers,So your telling us the condos will have basements ....... wow how revolutionary "I hate Trump and all his supporters I feel like I'm watching people vote for Hitler. His rhetoric about minority groups is horrific. He knows nothing about the economy. He'd start a war because another nation taunted us. He's said he'd kill children for being the brother or son of a terrorist. People who support his candidacy, even if they don't support surveillance on Muslim-Americans or building a wall or starting a war or leaving NATO, are still supporting the man who wants to do all those things. They still want to put him in power. And I find it so morally repugnant that I can't believe there are people who are okay with this. People are literally voting to murder children. I don't care if your reason is you want to keep the supreme court. I don't care if your issue is guns or if trade deals have hurt you and your family. I don't care what your reason is. There's literally no morally defensible way to vote for Trump. Supporting a racist is supporting a racist. And I don't care if you don't think Trump's a racist because if you don't already then you're not going to change your mind. And I won't even mention that he's going to put conservatives on the supreme court who'll try to reverse Ogberfell and ensure that minority groups can be shit on for the next 20 years. If you support Trump then fuck you. There's nothing more to it. You're a bad person, and I hope that you realize what supporting him means. Because you do have a voice, you do have a vote, and you should really realize that there are consequences to your actions. Voting for him makes you morally culpable for the horrible shit that he'll inevitable do. You can't pretend that he didn't say he wouldn't do horrific shit because he's said, multiple times, that he'd go out and kill children and start wars.","The only reason i would ever support trump is because of gun rights, which are eroding in CA" mirror?,on the wall? Abbey Road Rage,Abut as funny as a modern-day newspaper comic gets. "Reddit, if you were on death row, what would your last meal request be?","Steak tartare, Mac and cheese, and a mussaman curry." I was going guffaw about this. But it does look rather Euro.,Isn't that the whole point of Canada aside from the healthcare and me helping you build a wall to keep my Trump-supporting aunt from ruining it? Rumor is gingers can't see themselves in mirrors for this very reason. Explains their general unkempt nature.,"As a ginger, I can not confirm nor deny such allegations." SJWS GET OUT!,"I've had to unsub from the Canada-related subreddits, I don't know what the fuck happened in the past few years but the anti-sjw rhetoric over there is getting to insane levels." Happy birthday Soulero!,Happy birthday! Most gangsta cat in the hood!,Mah Tigga ITT every blue state because they didn't win this election It's like the millennial's I'm running away threat,"I recall Texas and others wanting to secede after Obama's election, so it's not like it is limited to one side." Marcos was Actually Generous Marcos was so generous he actually left me with something I'm looking forward to work hard for. Our national debt.,He taught me that I could steal and murder (as a public official) and may get away with all of it. Two Baton Rouge Police Cruisers Totaled After Crashing Into Each Other,"Dear Chief, I hardly know where to begin..." "thats not him, thats the drivatar",Thanks! 'More than 80 MPs' plot to stage Parliamentary vote calling for second Brexit referendum,"Nice try, but what can 80 out 650 MPs accomplish?" Detonator Jumper voxel,"Does anyone notice how whenever this sub comes up with a new shitpost, it revives all the other dead shitposts in an orgy-like mashup?" Ramsey is a fraud,Yeah - he only *pretends* to be a footballer I feel like I'm the only one here that grew up without an Xbox.,I always had playstations if that's what you mean Looks reasonable other than Wisconsin over Louisville?,Just commenting because roll lynx "No, today there are just too many automatic first down penalties called and regular punters are so much better than ever before.",Can we go one thread without bitching about the refs? any active clans? I'd love to find a good group to frequent with,I think with trump active Klans are going to be much more active Linguine Carbonara,I think u mean spaghetti. Someone give these guys a gold,"Why don't you, bitch?" "Oouuuuu, Kill em. The Cheers from the audience was amazing...and the moderatators stop it. However when they did the same for Hillary because of her Michelle quote they didn't tell the audience to stop. Any insight on why this happen?",It's hard to quiet a laugh track . I'm voting for ______!,I'm voting! Princess and sparky,"*Yeah, because everyone has a spare Sparky and Princess just lying around*" F*** THE PAY TO WIN,*Yeah fuck the people that support the developers* How often does the mere act of experiencing consciousness blow your mind?,Every time I have a internal power struggle on whether or not free will even exists. "No, that would be gentle and delicate compared to how animals are butchered.",Lmao please its a lot easier to slaughter a cow then a whale and if not you Americans are doing something seriously wrong never seen a cow not die instantly in slaughter houses where I live. "Since Duterte became a president he can tap all the intelligence agency and manpower he needs. Like NBI,PNP,PDEA,ARMY and everything goes on.",He can also tap the NPA too! Pro-Gun senator that tweeted a journalist that its now open-season on here for using said photo.,What the fuck does him being pro-gun have to do with it? Died 1 kill off the NUKE.. FML,"Hey, I'm in the middle of a gunfight one kill off my De-Atomizer, this is a good time to call my Warden in Something like that would never happen to me" yeah its the same with me. I have just over 100 eagles but not enough to buy anything beyond some crew xp or lions but Gaijin have been giving me discount vouchers quite a bit but they always are higher then the amount I have so its poking me to spend more money to get the discount. I really do suspect its intentional.,I bought a bush with the golden eagles I got from that Gaijoob phone ad app. ASG Dan Wesson 715 CO2 Revolver,I wouldn't mind using a gun that holds 6 BBs at a time if it looked this badass. Thanks for letting America know this four days after the election.,What a true hero she is "Why are you being downvoted? You're being sarcastic in your comment, aren't you?",I guess people didn't get the sarcasm without the Fun Fact: He has a prosthetic leg. Found that out when he randomly turned up on a P90x video I was watching. Then put me to shame as he did all the exercises with a prosthetic on and I had quit 4 minutes in.,It would really tie the story together if we could all see this P90X video. "I don't think it's that much of a Stealth thing, more just Hyperdriver, Out of the Ashes and Apocalypse. And you probably don't want to play Stealth with Apocalypse.",What about with my main man Aesop? "Thank you for that, here I was fearing I missed it but I thank you for clarifying.","No problem, it sort of all flew over my head on my first viewing too, I only know this stuff because I re-watched the movie and also spent a lot of time hearing about other people's interpretations on youtube etc." I wish that was intentional.,It *could* be. What show is this?,"Black Mirror, season 3" How about if i could get the guy to go Fuller and Landry for Evans?,I'd be more comfortable doing that than losing that RB depth. "Fwd: Fw: New USA MAP From my grandma who is aggressively liberal, but hates Muslims.",At least your grandma isn't a part of the *regressive left*! "Is it an INTP thing to like a video or song and then rewatch/listen to it, and nearly only it, dozens of times that week?",Lots of people do it. "They're my favourite too, really like the harp. On the other hand they might have put in a bit more effort on the variety front, that's where France & Italy shine.",Especially since there's so many cool traditional irish stuff to choose from. They can just go to the next house and do the same thing... You can get them sometimes but it is incredibly timewasting.,"Indeed, survivors shouldn't be able to waste my time." "Pronger is from Northwestern Ontario near the Manitoban border, so he sounds like those guys. Southern Ontarians (like people who live near Niagara or the farming areas in Perth or Huron counties, sound like people from Ohio.",Oh ya Okey donchaknou How exactly is it the result of a blend of more than 45 languages? Wikipedia and Ethnologue just list it as a Southwest Iranian language.,Yeah it seems like a badlinguistics description but it was still an interesting article nonetheless H1Z1 GIVING PEOPLE GUNS AND AMMO (SOCIAL EXPERIMENT),This was some next level shit dude keep it up "Windows 10 on Macbook Pro for School Hi, I am an engineering student and I have Windows 8.1 installed on my Macbook Pro with Bootcamp. Is the Macbook compatible with windows 10? Should I be running the Windows auto update? Thanks for any advice.",You can always just run a virtual machine for Windows on OSX. Switch pixel art!,Dang I didn't think the MHz and GPU was this bad smh "Sound's like a loser, but dating or getting laid in India is difficult than going to the Moon. I am a~~n average looking~~ guy. I have a good sense of humor too, at least I think so, but trust me this post is not just about getting laid, it's about making female friends or dating too. Dating is nothing like you see in TV series or Hollywood films. ** You can't ask a girl out simply, it will freak her out and people would think you are some kind of stalker.** And I warn you about this, **Don't ever try a bollywood trick, it's a trap too get a creep label on your forehead forever. Only Shahrukh can get laid through his Kal ho na ho, and Dilwale Dulhaniya le Jayenge, we can't.** I tried my hands on tinder too, I don't know why girls are on Tinder too, if they don't want to reply. Finding a sensible girl, you can fall for is too easy, but approaching her is fucking difficult than asking for a extra ketchup at McDonalds. Can someone guide me, someone who is pro.","If you can get rich, things will get really easy." Google's Allo is being rolled out in India first. This is the first time I have seen a prominent app released in India first. Aaannnnnd it has Aadarsh Baalak Stickers!!!,Obviously they have to capture the market from Whatsapp. "...but catbackpack saw a movie this one time and didn't bother to do any additional research and you're absolutely ruining their well informed opinion about a topic that they've invested a whole two hours in understanding. But seriously, I live in San Diego, and if Seaworld wasn't out there helping the local marine life, a lot of them would be screwed. There's some genuinely heart warming stories out there...their team has done a lot of good.",How am I supposed to maintain my social justice rage in the face of your valid pints? "Go check out IWDominate's Channel on Twitch or Youtube and you can see how a ex-semi-pro deal with his own toxicity. He has multiple accounts in challenger and Masters. (And like countless ones in Diamonds cause he's gotta crush noobs(Compared to him) to feel good about himself) Basically he talks trash to the computer screen, and type encouraging words in chat, and your teammates can't really see whether he's being sarcastic or not.","Yeah, now that his stream isn't D2 friendly anymore OP should be able to learn something from it." There are no ugly doors in Morocco,"There are, Believe me..." Why though? Just for cars that don't have an auxiliary port or tape deck? Or is there some other use for it I'm not thinking of?,Its mostly for people that have older cars without aux/usb input and their cd player is not mp3 compatible. "Followed three supports around for literally 4 min as a tank hunter spamming i need ammo, hitting them, blocking their shots, jumping in front of them etc. and not one dropped ammo, till I got shot and in the kill cam I see one put down a box. Fuck u people",This ammo's got your name NOT on it! "because the cia infiltrates and influences the media, the people and therefore Canadians who get a lot of their news from the us. And the narrative of 'fake news' has come to the forefront. And why do you call it crap?",Guess I'll never be woke. Am I though? Where is the line? What are good numbers and what are bad?,A good number starts with 4 and ends in 20. Why the fuck are we taking them?,Because we want to be like Europe. tbh post-left puts out some pretty good literature.,For example Bob Black's Feminism is Fascism essay Wow. The brain on that guy for teabagging while losing so badly. Go Team Scorch btw.,"Let me guess, you think teabagging while winning is somehow better?" "Nice to see that the Soros money is actually driving the economy. Vote Hillary, comrade!",Of course comrade. "The key is not to think of people as primarily falling into one of two camps. More accurately, people fall along a spectrum from far-left to far-right, and the two parties are intentionally set up so that the dividing line between them falls close to the 50^(th) percentile. Imagine if it were otherwise. Say there were 75% of people voting for the Republican and 25% voting for the Democrat. If the Democrats want to win elections, and they do, they'll move to the right to be more appealing to the most moderate third of the Republican voters.",You're just a shill for the two party duopoly! but u/Extension180 SAID it was going to happen. Shocked I tell you. Shocked.,and i thought he was the next Nostradamus 23 Brazilian teams are coming to FIFA17!,Yay for more crappy ass gold cards to fill packs "If you're not being a blatant asshole about it, like texting or snapchatting, nobody is going to pull you over. Is driving 31 in a 30 illegal? Yeah. Do cops give a shit? No. They use their own discretion. If you're just tapping the next song button or whatever with your eyes on the road, no sane cop is going to care.","Precisely, but trying to explain that most police use common sense on here is like pouring petrol on a fire." "I realize that the term might seem ambiguous, but I think it's safe to say that Trippin3695 meant bring them along with you on your way out of the cultmart, not wax them.","No, he totally meant to assassinate them xD" Look what I found in the Taipei subway,London Tube did it first Only at the expense of cutting welfare services for millions who now will struggle to survive. WOOHOO.,"Who cares, MAGA." Rare Prince Pic,Thanks for sharing! yeah but the assassin update didnt actually buff any assassins.,Relevant flair xD. Do you really care what the guys think of your penis?,When I'm in the locker room my goal is to either intimidate or arouse. Trump was born with a silver spoon in his mouth that he's now choking on because his foot's in his mouth along with the spoon. Diamond Joe with the wonderful blend of idioms.,I'm surprised someone hasn't diagnosed him with Affluenza. Has a QB ever thrown 6 picks and then start the next week?,"Hey, that will be something we'll be in the record books for something" You realize this isn't a daily entree for most people? It's okay to treat yourself every now and then.,"Yeah, limiting yourself to every other day (plus holidays of course) will keep you nice and fit." Which game would seriously deserve a well done remaster?,Crash Bandicoot Tekken 3 Need for Speed Underground 2 (heck just make a fucking Underground 3) "Is it just me or is support a lot more fun in HOTS than in other mobas? So I come from Lol and I decided to give HOTS a try when they removed the equivalent of Unranked Draft in my server as it was the only game mode I played. What surprised me the most was how different my tastes are in this game. In Lol, I mained mages (caster assassins like Jaina) and ADCs (auto-attack assassins like Raynor) because I liked dealing damage and carrying. However, in HOTS I feel rather indifferent towards that type of champion, but I'm completely in love with supports like Brightwing or Auriel who I simply can't stop playing. I'm not entirely sure why, but I guess it feels good to get some recognition in the MVP screen here, whereas in Lol supports are mostly invisible and noone ever notices them except for when they want to rage at someone when there isn't enough vision on the map. And it also feels like I have a noticeable impact in the game, whereas in lol it's mostly the equivalent of assassins that hog all the glory.","Playing support in HotS is incredibly rewarding, but I'm afraid that this may not last because Blizzard insists on nerfing any support that's fun to play instead of buffing underperforming ones." Nothing about that made it seem like she was positive about being fat. It sounds more like fat negativity.,You're just defeatist-shaming her. Mike McCarthy just wants to know how far he can push it every week,Just wait until he plays Bama and loses by 2. WTF? 193 words in this news story and I can't tell what happened. I get it that a woman took her daughter to a Trump rally and then had to be helped out by the Secret Service. But what happened? What did people yell at her FOR???? Who wrote this? Did they ever go to school?,Watch the video. Funny how Irish-Americans aren't demonstrating in the streets for Sinn Feinn every day while Turks in Germany riot for Erdogan on the regular.,What does that have to do with the fact that the massive influx of Irish to America has totally destroyed their culture and society? Am I allowed to be upset by the way we played the first half yet? Or am I spoiled fan because I don't enjoy the taste of a shit sandwich?,You fair weather fan Holy fucking shit balls this is garbage. Are you kidding me? What the fuck,"Lol kinda agree, only enjoy 3 tracks which is pretty fucking low considering its a mau5 album." The future is still female. Photo from the 11/12/16 protest in NYC.,I can see a girl asking herself why she should feel not valuable in the first place. "Lol, no.","At best they'll be used to nut into, but according to cultural standards, women usually want more than sex." PSA: Going 0 - 100 in ranked matches without getting banned is possible AKA The punishment system does not work.,What an awesome life you have there "I'd say that's a generalization. I think these types of things are circumstantial, as in some people may be pro life/abortion if circumstances come about that can change their views, like wether or not they were raped, or if they were perhaps irresponsible and did not use contraceptives.",someone thinking that they can control what a woman does with her own body is a misogynist no matter what way you want to twist it. This is the best video on the internet.,"You are officially a fucking sociopath, get the fuck away from me!" MRW my wife asks if I want Christmas leftovers for dinner again,Not when her mother cooks... "I can't believe that we are talking about Friday's premiere, not something months away. That we have survived this time without the trio on TV!",Yeah but it's not like they were missed as we were spoiled with the killer new Top Gear presenters. "No, it's so stupid. Nobody used the 3.5 jack to begin with.",Haha I got your "Thanks, heb gekeken naar roosterteeth maar leek erop dat dat een betaalde dienst was. Die andere heb ik nog niet naar gekeken maar zal ik zeker doen!","Nee man, staan een dag later op hun YouTube en op hun rss feed (of wat dan ook, ik heb de app Podcas Addict, staan ze ook op)." "Just like an Allen wrench, a crescent wrench, a vice grips, etc. Torx is the more common name. No one says hook and loop fasteners, but you know what Velcro is.",the Allen company actually champions the phrase hex head to avoid genericization. Podesta is desparate. He knows is ass is grassed.,For some reason I'm picturing Malcolm Tucker in The Thick of It shouting I AM NOT THE STORY! "Is there any way to hijack my stores radio? I work at a gas station and the radio only plays sirius xm and there's no way for us to change it. Is there anything I could buy or do, such as a special fm transmitter type deal, so that we can change the music? Notes: I see no devices that look like I can mess with. There's a Cisco router bolted to the ceiling but only a wired connection to two computers that are password locked",Well something is playing the radio so find a speaker and follow the cable. Qualcomm coverd in shit.,Thats what happens when they have ONE good winning season in the last decade This Deserves Way More Views,Helo rush. So does mean we can install more games. Since the video says the games are pre-installed. That insinuates that more games can be added.,I think it's more referencing that there are no cartridges not hinting at expandability. Who threw his headset after that last round from Echo Fox ?,Freak What band made you want to play? This question came up in conversation with some of my buddies a few weeks ago and it got me thinking; What band inspired you to pick-up the guitar and play? My inspiration was KISS. What about you guys?,Highly Suspect I love her so much <3,"Seriously, what a babe <3" "Northern Arena deserves a major! Watching the event,i could not help but think Northern Arena should get the chance to host a major: those analysts in front of the black screen, that high-schoolish auditorium in which the matches took place... Just beautiful production value. Pls Volvo let an organizer take a chance on producing an event that doesn't count on all the fluff such as stage design, but instead focuses on the action!",Cant tell if shit post or serious. "HOLY MOTHER OF KEK!! DRUDGE REPORT on Twitter- DANNEY WILLIAMS, 'ABANDONED SON' OF PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON, WILL FILE PATERNITY SUIT... DEVELOPING...",Danney Clinton **FTFY** Probably. I was sick after eating one or two so my crusade against the purple poison isn't without reason.,Ah yea you bought the cyanide flavored ones? Counter proposal for Trump. Go fuck yourself. You don't get to talk shit during your election and then expect people to like you later because you couldn't ignore them.,"Yeah, how dare he try to help the black community!" John Lasseter played by John Ratzenberger,And all the other characters also played by John Ratzenberger "Friend of mine used to be a guitar player in a punk band. Their bassist was an ass and in public he'd say to people what are YOU looking at? My friend finally got fed up once and said Shut up, dude, they're looking at US, because we have a purple spiked mohawks and are dressed kind of like clowns. Isn't that so people will look at us?",Did the rest of the band started clapping? Good luck... their shit is hit or miss though.,Like all networks? "I am in favor of free press. But I think there must be some action to prevent outright propaganda, mass self-censorship and bias towards agenda the press don't agree with. What do you think?",Yes we need accurate news like Brietbart News and Alex Jone's Infowars. "I've had this same problem with my power button. It wouldn't always react on presses and would press randomly sometimes. The solution is to slam the side of the phone with the powerbutton into something. Obviously don't apply to much force, you don't want to break your phone. This idea sounds really silly, but so far it has only happened again twice in a year and I could just solve it the same way again.",This has been my solution for a year now "Best has to be Xul, it looks amazing and is a great throwback to D2 armor. Worst has to be anyone whose master skin is pretty much their base skin plus a hat.",Like Leoric with that Pope helmet? Pewdiepie is alright. I saw some of his older videos and he use a part of the song lost in Hollywood by system of the down for his end of the video thumbnail thingy. thats what made me watch more.,Soad is the bomb That was my first thought when I saw this. Is he calling out the Republican Party for voter fraud?,They're probably not happy that he's calling for term limits and reduced pay for congressman the wolves are kinda a let down thus far,Trust the process! who is x factory been saying that name a lot lately,Chan's newest factory that's just been getting into high-tier reps Some of the cucks arrested in Portland - they look how you'd expect. SAD!,These look like fine upstanding citizens who are really contributing to society. "As a Jew, I have begun to wonder when exactly my relatives got this same tingle on the backs of their necks; the one that tells me to flee. All I know is that they followed their instincts. At least the ones who survived did. I work with a guy -- a fervent Trump supporter -- who, in the weeks leading up to the election, promised me that he would join an uprising against the government should Clinton win. He promised me 'there will be blood in the streets.' His voice echoes in my head, now, and I can't imagine what Muslim Americans, the children of illegal immigrants, and all the other targets of Trump's hate are feeling today. I know they are scared. And with each new headline, their fears are more and more justified.","lol that story never happened...Trump supporters would have accepted the results with class and dignity, just like they keep saying these paid protesters should be doing." hmmm,"This is the first post that actually made me say What the fuck, and I've been here for some time." Who the fuck is u/ollie??,Last post was 9 years ago... back when usernames like ollie were available. Virtual Machines,I'd imagine you'd need a very good machine if it is even possible to run 10 virtual machines and applications in each at the same time on one computer. Warf?,Close enough to a dock "What is your favourite mall in the Lower Mainland? And also your least favourite. talking about the whole shopping experience here. Metrotown is huge and has all the stores you need, but it's always so crowded, and some of the stores are a mess because of all the customers (e.g. - Forever 21). But it is usually where I end up anyway because of convenience, so maybe some of the answers here will give me a new place to try out :)",Haney Place Mall I think YOU missed the joke.,I very curious how the votes are gonna go on this how different would you life be if you were a female?,I'd be a useless breed sucking the life out of as many men as possible. Best JRPGS on Steam? What's your opinion?,Grandia II : Anniversary Edition :) Is that... PROM?,The caption says it was a wedding haha That *was* fun,But was it a fact? Uneven picture. #Triggered,Now i wanna listen to Uneven Structure Women Are Donating To Planned Parenthood in Mike Pence's Name,That'll chance his policy for sure! Maybe you're just shit at sex :\^),not nearly as shit as regular human interaction Can't remember this reference and I'm refusing to google it!,The Blues Brothers. I'm better than pillow spinning guy,"You showed that guy, didn't you" How's Mike's solo project? I didn't click with what I heard from British Theater.,"Much more rock oriented, a bit more commercialized, but pretty good nonetheless." "Just once I'd like to see a show about a cartoon family where the husband is the sensible one, and the wife is the fat, stupid buffoon.",Well that would be sexist. This reads like Engels,"I'm probably nowhere near Engels level, but thanks." A new rivalry is born !,"FaZe/OG has been a rivalry for a long long time, just not in CS :P" boddy double kobe,Love when he realizes what happened "Demogorgon, I've come to bargain.","Demogorgon, I've come to bargain." Watching Over The City,"oh men, i miss so much nyc ):" I couldn't tell the difference until I started PC gaming. Now I can't stand it.,same here. Aren't there rumors that next years model (2017) will have a glass back? That may facilitate wireless charging. I still think the lightening port is here for a while though. As travel charging would be an issue.,How would going portless make travel charging more difficult? "Suggestions for Gothic Fantasy Pirate campaign I'm going to run a gothic fantasy pirate campaign and some suggestions would be appreciated The players are pirates who are also gothic fantasy creatures e.g. werewolves, vampires, zombies, golems etc...",I can see some issues that might arise from certain supernatural creatures crewing a ship at sea. "Reddit, what song tells the best story?",Terrible Things - Mayday Parade Apparently #BoycottHamilton is trending after a video of the cast delivering a message of inclusion to Mike Pence went viral.,Nobody who's boycotting Hamilton could afford to see it anyway... British public thinks Father Christmas would have voted to remain in the EU,I think they don't know made you triple?,"Cum, vomit and shit all at once." "Never, ever leave early.",My West Coast team is the Flames and I learned that lesson well from watching their crazy comeback wins from two seasons ago. "Lol ok, they won more rings in LA than Oakland",It's 2 in Oakland and 1 in LA. "Universal/DTLA/Irvine hotel help! Going to be traveling with my 10 yr old daughter between Universal, Staples Center, and UC Irvine. Any suggestions on where to stay to limit drive time?? Flying in and out of Burbank Thursday 1/5 to Sunday 1/8. Thanks for any and all suggestions!!",How many times are you going to UC Irvine. My 2 year old boy loves playing my guitars. I'll put some music on lay a guitar down and he'll strum and headbang,"Oh man, I can't wait." hopefully people can stop a bit with the in bill we trust now.,"Yeah, this one game definitely undoes the 4 rings for me!" Jimmy Garoppolo is a racist part 2 (comments from his facebook),Screen grabs from the Internet have been statistically proven to be accurate 100% of the time. "Jesus, did you call Bill to let him know? Flowers needs a little more polish to his game. The rotation now keeps everyone fresh, and Nink can still set the edge while rotating to LB when needed depending on what package we are rolling with. The starters change week to week based on opponent anyways.","Nah, fuck that, start flowers and trade for Josh Gordon." This keeps happening. Pls help.,"my best guess would be the the spacing of the first layer of the model is a little high, and the overlap of the second layer is too close, this causes toughness of the first layer to be propagated through top the next few layers until the print evens out." "Uh, illegal immigrants =/= immigrants. lol my parents are immigrants.",But trump wants to deport all people of color and put the gays in prison camps! Why the unecessary cheap shot at Europeans?,Because Europoors < Muricans Arrr,And some rum! "Wrong sub? But as a Yankees fan (yeah Pats and Yankees fan don't ask, everyone hates me) I appreciate big Papi for a great rivalry over the past decade. I have no problem with this.",You are not alone. not theresa nope,"Don't worry, she'll be back." How did the chicken cross the freeway? You take the 'F' out of free and the 'F' out of way. Hint: say everything out loud.,There's no f in way Sex is not a gift,"I feel like maybe the relationship wasn't the same because she forgot his birthday, not because of the sex?" "No, I'm pretty sure that exists.",But is it genuinely a movie? Wahhhh i dont like facts,Only the facts that support your fascist views. "This will probably be a good way to ease into it, I don't imagine it'll be as heated as some regular game threads can get.",you say that now but just wait until someone throws a questionable hit and the shit hits the fan in here Wonder what sort of jobs pay 100K to people with such poor grammar.,Indeed ... that was excruciating. NFL hits peak irony,:facepalm: im selling a voltaxic bow for 1 exalted orb hmu if you wanna buy it :D,hi i buy ign is ImPlayingArcTotems "Please keep your mindset, it's why Trump won in the first place.","Yeah, my strong stance against racism is what triggered actual racists to vote for their racist candidate" "She's like a little kid, making up a story after the fact to justify her actions. I wonder if she actually expects people to believe that a strange man scared her into parking illegally.","She was probably parking there every night, since it was always free." The clone appears in the same spot as LB. If you couldn't tell which one was the clone when it spawns the passive would be useless.,RR "Not unless they were seeking to create a new state in the Mandate to represent their interests as against the natives. Please just read my posts, I think they're reasonably clear.",So are the arabs in europe that want to subject people to sharia law colonists? saying the title of the movie in dialogue.,You must hate Harry Potter. "ADE is in the Netherlands, which is in Europa lol. It's still quite a distance to travel just for a show.",Interrail is free for 18yo's IIRC Should I bring the white gentlemen robes?,"definitely bring a wizard costume there may be dress-up later, and your favorite CD of H8Machine or whatever skinhead music you enjoy!" Can you use guitar strings for RDA's Got loads of them and don't wanna waste them if possible.,But they some in Clapton wire too! John Oliver IMMEDIATELY using the flawed argument of Now your daughter won't think she can become president bullshit argument.,"To be fair, I'm sure plenty of white children thought they couldn't become President after 2008." With two kids?!,5 "legit, boost is good.",thanks :D I can decide who's nicer; Juan Mata or this bot?,Tell us who I think you don't wanna know what Emilia has to say to that.,Sick burn dawg Muselk,Moosetits* FTFY Yes,Yes to what lol How old do you expect your kids to be? 400 years old?,They will be 0 years old since my unborn childrens' problem Tic Tac denounces Donald Trump,We need to shutdown all candies in the USA until we can figure out what is going on. "*I never asked for this crown. Gold is cold and heavy on the head, but so long as I am the king, I have a duty ... If I must sacrifice one child to the flames to save a million from the dark ... Sacrifice ... is never easy, Davos. Or it is no true sacrifice.* - Stannis to Davos.",How that work out for Stannis... oh right not so well. This does not solve the problem of corporate accountability.,"Yeah, if the corporations aren't going to change, I should do as much as I can to screw the environment too!" "The United States is as varied culturally as Europe (not *exactly*, but you get the point). If we're going to ignore how our cultures differ *within* the United States, that's fine and admirable; but we must follow that logically to its end and concentrate on how we are all the same as *humans*. You can't draw the line at American then stop.",Wrong globalization is a cancer that only Trump can stop "Travelling Buzzz Who wants to get in on a travelling Buzzz? It would probably be a Silver Nate Doss 3x in Ti plastic and 165-170g weight. Ti takes sharpie better than any other plastic IMO. Plus, since there's not an actual stamp, I'd want everyone to put their info on the top. Who's with me? Starting out in KCMO.","I'm in Michigan, I'll PM you if you have room still." Please stop fantasizing about Michelle Obama running for president,"I like Obama but ugh please no more Clintons, Bushes, Obamas" 66476? Good one,You should check out 77839 if you haven't heard someone give this chump some gold. he's a good mensch,"That's what he *wants* you to do, this is reverse psychology at it's best." "I texted the number while I was drunk (usually, sober, I wouldn't). The same day, the woman called the police and reported me for harassment, even though I only texted her saying hi and telling her that her number was on a bathroom wall.",Good thing this won't be an issue anymore once we end political correctness and make america great again Scored! $250.00,"I'll offer you $220 picked up today, cash." The Jewish community overwhelmingly supported Trump anyway since they care about Israel more than the US.,Yeah because American Jews are such a fucking monolith Haha bidden. Ik heb ooit nog eens een groep mensen voor een paard zien bidden. Hou dan maar een strak gezicht.,Stel je voor dat je om iets zou gaan geven. If The Salem Witch Trials Existed In The Here And Now,In the uk She's wearing a burka kill her Protestors surround pregnant woman's car and smash her windshield,Seeing this sure makes me want to vote democrat Search engines are difficult to use.,I appreciate your sarcasm "Torino, snack a scuola. Parla Antonio&amp;#x3a; Io, venditore di merendine, sospendono me e non i pusher",Spero si sia fatto pagare per rilasciare questa intervista. Christians generally don't fly airplanes into buildings either.,Christians chilled out before modern weapons and technology was available. "Surprised, nope. I'm impressed that they triple fucked up with Hibana on PS4. Hit detection doesn't seem to have improved at all either, still had a lot of actual headshots (crosshair on the forehead) just not register.",They didn't update the hit detection in this patch. Stop being an ass.,"it was a joke, I was being ironic" "Lets he honest, the homegrown thing has pretty much no impact on how teams do their transfer dealings. United is full of international stars and still not even threatened by the homegrown regulation. Pogba being homegrown (which hes not) definitely doesnt make him 'immensely more valuable' than an equivalent non home grown player.",L "It's really bad RNG. Felslate doesn't have a higher prospect rate that Leystone ore, you just get multiples of any gems that you do prospect. The odds of any individual prospect yielding a rare gem are still pretty low--low enough that there's always an outside chance you get hosed.",This expansion is pretty exhausting with every single aspect of it being RNG... "Three new cards revealed: Tanaris Hogchopper, Spiked Hogrider, and Leatherclad Hogleader",If your opponent's hand is empty LOL I know that but those girls are mostly either gravure (or just usual) idol or av actress (for the porn stuff). What I mean is for normal girl to try to do it just like that time where girls trying to prove if Hestia boob ribbon works or not in real life during/after danmachi was airing.,Wtf is this boob ribbon thing ? "Jameis Winston has scored a touchdown in every game he's played in, including college and the NFL",BUT HES TRASH AND SO INACCURATE "He's a fucking white male. That is how we now identify racists. They gotta be white, male and fucking.","I haven't fucked in a month, but I'm still white and a male, what am I?" celebrating? For what?,"Liberals and seculars in Bangladesh have been trying to get rid of the State Religion for quite some time now and if they succeed, it would certainly be a political and ideological victory for them." In the business we refer to it as meat not flesh. source: am almond farmer,Found the farmer. Please beat us so we can continue to move up in the draft.,"We will do what we can... although, if you guys drop too much, you might fire Arians, and hire Fisher, in which case we are screwed... Sorry, you're going to have to win this one..." GoldGlove Rages Hard,One day we will get a Gears game that actually works upon its launch. Watchdog group accuses Clinton campaign of election law violations,"In its separate complaint against the Trump campaign and two pro-Trump super-PACs, Rebuilding America Now, and Make America Number 1, the Campaign Legal Center charges they too are violating the law." Shave your cat.,Shear it as if it's a sheep That time the BP spoke to the RS to tell them to have more sex with their husbands.... And it not only happened once. It happened twice with two different bishops in the same ward a few years apart. Makes you wonder what was going on in that ward with the men? I can't believe the arrogance of a BP to feel that he could tell women what they should be doing with their husbands and with what frequency. Only in a cult.,"Yikes, if this happens today, you can only imagine the types of lessons and discussions had during the reign of Brigham..." We'll never truly know because we'll never see his tax returns to prove it.,But he put so much into his charity! "You took the words out of my mouth. If he views himself as the shepherd, it must be the case that he views the Turkish people as his sheep. The question is: who does he see as the wolf?",Wolf is bad eu with bad values Past behaviour is the best predictor of future behavious,Racist "Beats me, are they today's scapegoat?",I vote we blame Mike Weber today T-1: More Never Settle,1 inch smart-watch for sure! "Donald Trump Reportedly Had No Idea How Much Work a Presidency Is, Obama Will Provide 'Guidance'","Easy, bing-watch 'West Wing' to get a crash course on how to run the White House" Danmarks Liberale Parti,Frihedsminister git gud,gut gid "Tuesday Friend Thread 10/04/16 This thread is dedicated to looking for friends, whether because you want to be BFFs with everyone on reddit or simply want more reps that can clear Faimon Hell. Please include your server and requirements (ex. Faimon Hell farmers only).",looking for reps that can farm atleast faimon hell also panda reps to play in necro ^_^ IGN:ima19 server:global my rep : kumar can farm faimon in 1 min /2 min chiruka hell "Should I buy EU4? To tell the truth, I've been playing a copy obtained by means other than buying... For months and have decided that the devs did such a good job that I owe them the purchase but I'm not sure how good it would be since the current version I play has all the DLCs. Should I get it and get the DLCs one by one and not play until then or is it fun without any DLCs?","My honest recommendation would be to buy the base game on steam and slowly buy the DLCs, but don't install anything and keep playing on your free version until you have enough or all DLCs." Renormalization is mathematical witchcraft and should not be used in serious proofs.,"The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off ;-)" I remember reading somewhere about when the office was first being put together after the revolution that it was argued the president should do the job for free so there's no monetary drive to take office. This was quickly changed once it was realized that only the rich could afford to run for office. So... Yeah.,"This is the same argument I've heard against self financed campaigns, I tend to agree with it." Question about Withered Training,"Gone, but they usually get you permanent upgrades for future withered training events" Alternative title: over 70% of French Muslims do not reject secular laws.,Yeah that seems really low I'll take a rematch with Oakland.,Crabtree would like this very much Every day. Every day I see this little shit from the B Line and he's never close enough to the train to catch,"I also saw a Weezing on my tracker on this same trip home today, which I've also never seen, but it didn't show up either." Yellow Hammer - Red Ocean - Elephant Tiger - Eagle - Bodda Getta How are any of those at all related?,Well no one ever claimed the Alabama education system was great. "Well, I guess it won't change hands for a while after this week.",Most likely not. When are the harry potter crates scheduled to ship? I thought I had read that it would ship between the 5th and the 10th but clearly I just imagined that-- anyone have the actual time frame for the first crate to ship?,I just ordered one as a Christmas present for my wife... here's hoping they ship in december It's a combination of how many choices you have and how many rules there are. Tons of rules and tons of choices make for a heavy game. Few rules or few choices make for a light game. Then you have a sliding scale somewhere inbetween.,"But which would you consider heavier: a game with tons of rules but few meaningful choices, or a game with few rules but tons of choices?" Salmon: Hey Bae...,"Low effort shitpost, Meet low effort derogatory comment." Who cares about his problem? Now my dick has a paper cut.,Dude that's not what your supposed to do with a centerfold. "I know flaming, griefing, cheating, unsportsmanlike are banable but not refusing to communicate, what's the mute all command even for?","It's there to get you banned, what else?" shhhhh you might get banned,"I started playing Udyr support, at least this way I won't get banned." "This comment is why all the good-looking girls go to FSU. Have a sense of humor, FFS.","If ramming a cheap joke into the ground well after it stops being funny is what passes for a sense of humor at FSU, then the stereotypes hold up perfectly." What is going on in Antarctica? Why did John Kerry go there recently? Why are LOCKHEED MARTIN stationed there? Something is happening in Antarctica that we are not hearing about,"Penguins are looking to go nuclear, Kerry is there to make a deal as long as they agree not to nuke the leopard seals for at least 10 years, or a Republican is in office (whichever is first)." "My university library, ladies and gentlemen.",I bet the librarian's hand hurts from all those high-fives. "Why did anyone buy the game before people had a chance to review it in the first place? That is just plain idiotic and Bethesda deserves the money from you fools. I mean really this is like fool you fifty times for some of you. No Mans Sky didn't teach a fucking a lesson, except how to rage online? So am I going to refund? Fuck no... I was smart enough not to buy it in the first place. Also proofread what the fuck is a luck of optimization anyway?",The E3 demo was running flawlessly! You mean Ignore Pain?,pretty much "Well with that logic where does it end? Can I just go support but really just go and support mid? So now its 2v1 mid while bot 2v1? Would you be ok with me doing that in ranked games on your team? Just saying yo going duo mid its cool then just doing it over & over? I have a feeling that would really bother you and others. Or just saying meh don't think we need jungler going to 2v1 top. Where does it end? According to your argument it doesn't matter how his teammates feel about it, it only matters if he is winning more games than losing. So with that logic, before someone can be reported for trying different strategies they have to first see what there win percentage is after x number of games? Shit why can't he just go adc signed then but really go counter jungle and leave support 2v1 bot?????",I have supported mid and won when I got tired of my bitchy add. Today I realized I am marrying my girlfriend.,Soo tempted right now. I really need that chest without the skirt There is no damn reason to make the skirt part of the chest piece,but thats why i like it D: if danielle wins veto who goes home,"Morgan, maaaybe Justin, if Shelby puts Kryssie up it ensures that Morgan goes" "Yes, while also wanting to cut climate research funding. Sure, some parts of his space policy are alright, but it doesn't compensate for the rest.","Don't worry, we can afford to fuck this planet if we can just move to another planet" Abandoning a pet on the side of the road,what country do you live in where that isn't a criminal offence? You forgot protests in Armenia.,And the missile shield in Poland. "I'm bored to tears guys. I don't know what to do with my free time and it's driving me crazy, I end up spending too much time on reddit cause I don't really have anything to do that I enjoy anymore. I used to love to paint and be creative, but living in the city it's too much of a mess that by the time I get shit setup I'm sick of it.","Books, Video Games, Rec leauges, gym, biking?" "I'm guessing the spineless dems will cave, like always. Pelosi and other DNC leaders are pussies and that's a big reason why they lose. I say this as a progressive.","Everyone's too afraid to go after them, all Republicans need to be stopped at every turn don't let do them do anything and scrutinize every little thing they try to do till the entire country realizes what monsters and complete idiots they are." I think you'll find it is pressing on his neck. He just know's safety is more important that comfort especially with them behind the wheel,This is an amusement park ride so they aren't exactly driving... Trump supporters have the guns. A bunch of blue haired overweight Tumblr bloggers could do nothing.,"Oh yeah, we forgot..only conservatives, specifically Donnie supporters have guns No democrat or republican who is against Donnie would ever have a gun." So... are you the devil or something?,I'd rather you not call me that during work hours. "It's not great. forget about poor performance, practically no options, horrible mouse acceleration. that can be patched later. Bad voice acting can kill a game like this.","A demo is supposed to make you want a game, the voice acting turned me off completely." E,L "Other southerner here. Not true. I used to have a full size one in my room. Lost my virginity to black woman as it hang over us above the headboard. I don't fly it now because I get it, but I truly didn't until my mid / late 20s.","and as we all know, putting your dick in someone means you can't be racist against them." Sanchez,You don't get rid of the dude with a 100% completion percentage and first down conversion rate! That's the second goal line opportunity where Zeke has been ignored. That's just unfortunate.,"To be fair, they're getting in on the first shot each time." Disillusion. Francesco Queirolo. Also made of marble. Yes even the net.,"THROW IT ON HIM, NOT ME!" "How do I check my Player trade in sets? i cant seem to find where the bronze, silver, and gold player trade in sets are located. thanks in advance",Earn Badges I believe "My thoughts exactly, I think it goes 10/10/10 for October.",Works for me. Which one of you is this,My friend did that Modern take on a country kitchen in this home designed by Shope Reno Wharton.,Maybe it's just the angel but I feel like it's rather short on natural light... Other than that of course absolutely lovely. No. Hog.Va will happen. ~~Plus hasn't it been confirmed that Roadhog x Mercy is a thing by a Blizzard employee?~~,It was satire The difference is between fact and anecdote.,What are facts anyway? "Some people will. Also people will die after spending days in VR without eating or drinking, the will be some who die because they forgot that real life has fall damage and some will just trip and have a bad hit on the head.",You don't design products for the extreme use case (looks up Youtube links of SCIENTISTS saying climate change is a hoax by others paying other scientists to skew their findings),Great source! "Yep, Hitler's about as socialist as North Korea is democratic or a republic.","Excuse me, but it's Democratic PEOPLES Republic and there is still people!" They must have some really bad economic anxiety.,those feels when you can only afford a white robe and hood. Fear mongering is the only thing liberals have left. Where's the ambition? Where's the leadership?,"Yes, it was the liberals crying about criminal Mexicans, terrorist Muslims, and evil Chinese." Kelly towers over Abby.,So does AL did you see her post game interview against Detroit ? This sculpture made with teeth,Not scary Not NSFW Not the first time posted How about The Precedential Ball?,The Unpresidential Ball "But pointing to Bad Thing B doesn't justify making up Bad Thing A. The ends don't justify the means, in other words. Just stick to what's true.",I'm saying that they're fighting an uphill battle in that respect by being more concerned about their image than the children under their care. Shitty server performance has its upsides,you... need AOD hud... like 16... "Oh no, you are wrong. I am a lawyer. I'm not going to give my resume out on reddit though.",Yeah I'm sure you won't because /you're lying/ "It wouldnt affect PL as half of CCP were once a part of it, would prob just give them a slap on the wrist like they usually do xD",Outmetagamed ;-). that's what she said c;,"Heheh, heh, heheheh, heeeeee :^C" Mmm I don't really know even. I'd rather just give up. Comfort zones are great.,"If you just wanted to give up, then why come here asking for advice?" Predators GM David Poile said Shea Weber should have won Norris Trophy in Nashville and now has better chance because he's in Montreal.,"But he couldn't keep up with the Sharks, a slow team." "RAGE THREAD - October 30, 2016 ###IT'S TIME TO RAGE. ###RULES: ###- CAPS LOCK ON. ###- WRITE ABOUT WHATEVER'S MAKING YOU RAGE. ###- OTHER PEOPLE WILL RAGE WITH YOU. ###- YOU CAN RAGE ABOUT ANYTHING. ###GOT IT? *LET'S RAGE.*",DAVID DESHARNAIS Citizens of a second US state are demanding independence from the US - Murica gets a taste of its own medicine after overthrowing so many regimes,"Texas, California, Oregon, Hawaii ... Form your militia and march for independence!" Kobe's Defensive Strategy is GOAT,"Kobe's the kind of guy the police would bring to talk to a serial killer, because then the murderer would be able to relate with Kobe's psychotic devotion to perfection." "At least she didn't dodge it, and every answer from her was coherent.","Yea, it wasn't anything like that time she dodged prosecution." "If you didn't already know, our very own Oriol Romeu has a YouTube channel! Answer the 10 questions in the video to win a shirt and a pair of boots!",Why's he sitting on a toilet? White Women Need To Admit That We Are A Part Of The Problem,"Bold strategy here, rather than focusing on the issues lets just double down and blame more groups of people." "I wonder how the xenophobic crowd, you know his base, is going to take this.",Clearly he is just trying to round them all up in one place until the wall is finished Negative use of beautiful space,I sea what you did there Played a Few hours of the STEEP alpha. Any Questions?,NDA bro "And there we have it. Trump doesn't belive the world revolves around him, instead he belives it revolves around his penis.","Those two statements are exactly the same, because he is a gigantic dick (who happens to have a micropenis)" "Ah, Eeyore's birthday. The last time I went was a couple years ago. Cops were at the entrance checking bags and you could see people falling out of line. Finally one cop yelled, We don't care about your weed! We only care about weapons. People began getting into line again after that.",Wish more festivals were like this. Best 22mm RDAs (Griffin not included),"Petri RTA, pretty much the best RTA I have tried" Aluneth because I want to it to suddenly talk to me.,Maybe then you'll have a friend Bakuman alters them somewhat. It covers ten years of life starting in Middle school (Jr. High for some). Though most notable to me is just that they have regular changes of clothes.,however mashiro still wears the exact same hoodie and shirt that he wears on the front cover of volume 1 of the manga even though like 5 years have passed. "Yes, it is definitely easier to calculate the difference between wins and losses. But that's all it is, the difference between wins and losses. The *current* .500 point is exactly halfway between the win and loss figures.",But you can't change the results of the games already played so there's only one way to get to .500... What important things about life did you learn through your past breakups?,"You CAN stay friends with an ex, and have a healthy, constructive, enjoyable friendship." Joe Rogan claims Dos Anjos passed out for 3 minutes before Alvarez fight,"This proves it, Alvarez is just another bum the UFC threw Conor's way." To add to this. Make sure the attorney you hire is in BC and not america. Try to find ones local to the buisness too.,Yeah you wouldn't want to hire an attorney with a racist president "Why do some of you want to keep a phone that explodes? When there are so many great options out there from the Pixel to Samsungs others phones, why on earth would you insist on keeping a phone that could hurt yourself and others? I suspect that most of you are insanely lazy and don't want to be inconvenienced by returning it, which is quite shitty.",Can confirm am insanely lazy How should I clean them?,"like with a paper towel or something, there should be like ear wax stuck in it, if there isn't then there's nothing to clean" Yeah well that's only MICROevolution. Call me when the bacteria turns into a cat. Checkmate atheists.,Cuz they're tiny... right? "Week 4 Game Thread: New York Giants (2-1) @ Minnesota Vikings (3-0) Game Time: 8:25 EST Location: U.S. Bank Stadium (Cuz the Metrodome collapsed.) Network: ESPN Inactives: * CB Eli Apple, Hamstring - Out * T Marshall Newhouse , Calf - Out * S Darian Thompson, Foot - Out * S Nat Berhe, Concussion - Out * RB Rashad Jennings, Thumb - Out * DT Robert Thomas, Illness (Bubonic Plague?) - Out Discuss whatever you wish. You can trash talk, but keep it civil. Turning comment sort to 'new' will help you see the newest posts. Try Chrome Refresh or Firefox's ReloadEvery to auto-refresh this tab. Show your team affiliation - go here to see how you get a logo next to your name",we suck I'll accept that definition for argument. What actions or statements from Trump cause you to doubt that he's an American nationalist?,Chirp.. chirp.. "But I mean, I can only get *so* erect and it's been over four hours.",Have you tried jerking with knifehands yet? ToastyPancake you are the king of butts!,you are a bigger butt than jupiter Half-Life 3: Dropping The Bar,of soap That. These.,deez cyberbully channels are cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer,actually its only 4 cancers not 7 "Funny thing, i hear the same almost exact rant from my neighbors. Do they attend like a shit parent association or something like that?","I think, frustrated/overwhelmed + poor coping skills." "I too was surprised, but SUVs have a high rollover rate right?",True but it was kind of surprising that the car that caused the accident was a dinky little hatchback. "Koenigsegg factory tour, with Christopher von Koenigsegg talking about what makes his cars different, and the process they go through to make each car.",Thought this was super interesting; each car is bespoke and it's really admirable. "A Bladerunner VR experience is in the works. But it's going to be an Oculus exclusive so it won't exist for 140,000+ Vive owners. Oculus has once again shown very clearly that they don't need nor want our money.",I'm sure that will be amazing with Oculus room scale. "This was the fourth message he sent, two of his previous messages were answered. First message at around midnight, then this one at 8am.",Well I mean what kind of strange person goes to sleep before midnight? Lived in the US my whole life. Almost always put dollar signs after the number.,Monster Pretty sure someone took him down or moved him,I live again! "heck even High schoolers who walked out of their class has to protest more balls than the Bernie or bust crowd sitting home in their pants and, refusing to vote and complaining b-b-but both sides are the same!!! ;_;",Sorry for not letting you use my vote for your own purposes. Only rational thing to do is to double down and call him a Nazi again. -msm,If you say something enough eventually it will be true Nice try I guess...?,"Come on, grown up Ellie looks less badass than teenager Ellie..." Just got dragon axe on my HCIM @ 33 kc wintertodt,Nice dragon axe mouse cursor "Just a gecko. The real WTF is, where is your toilet seat?",He has a bucket ass so he don't need no seat "Mostly injuries, concussions, shoulder injuries, hip pointer, ruptured spleen, reconstructive surgery on the peroneal tendons, groin and abdominal injuries, he was a banged up dude.",But enough about Sami Salo... adevarat,"adevarat a-nviat.. ..acest membru PSD *de incredere, cu autoritate*" snapshot from the Carousel Room at House on the Rock in WI. *NSFW,Woah Noticed she hasn't been out and about!,"I read she showed up to give Katy Perry an award, unannounced (meaning it was totally scripted)." I wonder how the daughter feels about it? Is she mortified? Or does she plan more shots to see what her father can come up with?,What made you believe it's not that she's recreating her dad's schizophrenic selfies to show solidarity and gain sympathy for her dad? "Made excuses to hang out or call them. I was touchy feely as well. To be fair, I don't think they missed said hints so much as willfully ignored them. They weren't into me.","I'm super bad at picking up on hints, but I usually get the hint when a girl is being touchy feely." "True, totally true. However, it's not what I think they mean with that post.",Yeah... That was old reddit something something. Jake has the potential to be 8 innings dominant.... now I haven't seen that Jake EVER in the playoffs though. This makes me question his actual value because it seems that scouting reports hurt him unlike Lester who dominates and has been the best pitcher besides Kershaw this postseason on any team,"Last year wild card, Jake owned." Name a flavour profile and we will recommend a juice or recipe.,Strawberries and cream "Bards have pretty robust weapon options straight from the beginning too. I'm pretty sure they can use everything except composite longbows, and obviously weapons like Carsomyr that are specifically only for one class. Despite being able to use almost all the weapons a fighter can though, they can only become proficient in weapons, can't specialize. As such they're forced to distribute their proficiency points among many more weapons.",They can use Carsomyr after they get to high level along with anything else. Is anyone else sick of the Serial bar bullshit? Why the fuck don't people just play with normal accounts? Fucking stupid,if they had a normal name people would recognize them as the cheesing scum they are You are about to be hung and they ask you any last words what do you say?,"Get on with it, motherfucker." Does if feature audio of her butthole?,"Yeah, it just gives off a low, uneven hum, like the background noise from space." "Wich game should i stream? Hi all, i would like to stream on twitch but i don't know wich game should i play. The top games like league of legends, Hearthstone, Cs etc... are impossible to be streamed. So, wich games are the best to get some followers?",Mavis Beacon "People like that drive me insane. In his world view, the plumber/accountant/electrician/etc should all get better jobs rather than be small business owners contributing to the local economy.","Yes, and if everyone applied for his job, they could offer fewer benefits and he would get the shit insurance forced on him too." "I'm pretty sure the Dogs women sang daughters after their wins. Not sure how other clubs can address it but honestly, the girls can sing what they like - if they want to change it, change it.",I think it's more an issue of re-recording the songs to play over the speakers. Oh I see - good point. The trivia questions cover 100 years of football history so it makes sense that Fitzroy would be included. Thanks.,BUT WHAT ABOUT UNIVERSITY? What popular movie have you NEVER seen?,Any of The Godfather movies Rudy Giuliani Is in the Lead to Be Trump's Secretary of State,I'm sure he will keep his cool and be diplomatic when meting foreign leaders I also read similar things with people claiming that Romney beat Obama in the popular vote in 2012.,They had a personal opinion and a personal set of facts to back up that opinion. "The Gundam franchise still has its share of problems. Mostly Seed. The Seed remaster added panty shots and fan service. And the series itself has incredibly bad female characters. And male characters. And oh, God it's just all bad. Build Fighters has a beach episode which is used an an excuse to get the female characters into bathing suits. But honestly, that's about it. I'm a huge fan of the franchise so I may just have blinders on.",Gundam Seed was a fucking mistake. "I ended the season in D5. Went 5-5 on my placements and got placed in G1. Got to my promos, won them 3-1, and got into P5. Won another 5 matches then suddenly I get told I'm now placed in G2. I think Riot is telling me something...",Its telling you that they are reserving plat placements for those challenger players wrongfully placed in bronze Now we wait for NPC High Sec suicide gankers to attack the NPC High Sec miners and come full circle.,So... CODE...? Coral blue number two semi gloss lipstick.,"Well if thats not legally binding, i dont know what is." There's a verse in surah kahf where a 'wise man' kills an innocent boy.,"Yeah, but you see it was necessary, because Allah knew the boy would corrupt his goods parents, and instead of leading the boy in the right way so he can make the parents that worshipped him their whole life happy, it was better to challenge them by killing their child, so he can see if the parents that devoted all their life to him were really sincere." "And if I told you we were queued, in skype, and knew each other in for over 6 years?","Then I'd say, you have to make some rules for who takes kickoffs :P In our group we let the player on the Left take it if he's in a good position." When people ask why I use GNU/Linux...,you totally cant do that on windows "Anyone know where to buy 3M laces, rope laces and gold or silver aglets in metro manila",Lacelab always hook me up A lot of them are anarchists. Anarchists don't vote.,But if you fight against the system then you don't have any right to fight against the system. Where's nevermore??,"I contacted him and he says he plays and watches CS, but stopped coming to this salt mine of a sub." That's basically pro-am walk-on that you're describing. It automatically puts you in a team. You have no control of squad makeup and somebody can't step in and take your spot. I've almost completely stopped playing park if my boys aren't on and exclusively play Pro-Am Walk-On instead of park when i'm solo.,Then you get a squad of 4 PG's "Is just me, that he look like him?",Dats da joke #**OKIE DOKE**,ping ping pong pong something something Pocahontas. Thiem ML/Djok -3.5 parlay still alive!,There you go! People don't believe the media's bullshit any longer. We know who Steve Bannon is and he's not a white nationalist.,"Don't you know, the Southern Poverty Law Center says he's a white supremacist, and they are the highest, final authority on such matters!" Bending honey.,Bending Honey should be the first album title for an early Radiohead tribute band: The Pablos. "No good deed goes unpunished. What a great lesson to teach kids. If you see something, don't say something because you'll get in trouble.",Zero-tolerance rules yield zero-common-sense outcomes. Why do some people still support the right to arm bears?,How do you think it would not be cruel to declaw them? "I like the setups and everything, but one pet peeve I have with these videos is that nobody ever seems to turn on input display. That really helps a lot in terms of figuring out the finer details and saves time, ultimately making the educational aspect better overall.","especially when specials have different properties depending on the button used, it's just something you'll have to be attuned to by using the character" We've got to call the aquarium or something dude,It's a baby wheel jay! "There is a time and a place for it, this was not it. He was a lazy ass douche who didn't vote but decided that a ceremony honoring vets was the perfect time to make his point heard","Yeah, I wish people would only protest in places and at times where I can ignore it with minimal effort and it doesn't cause any kind of inconvenience or disruption to anybody." Flex queue potential fix RAGE THREAD YOU KNOW THE RULES : CAPS ON DOWNVOTES OFF POST HOW RIOT SCREWED YOU OVER WITH THEIR FIX.,I ONLY PLAY 3V3 FLEX APPARENTLY MY 5V5 RANK HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY TT MMR DON'T KNOW HOW THEY SCREWED ME YET "I'm going to respectfully disagree on Venom not being a villain. He may have saved child soldiers, but he wanted to turn them into assets for Diamond Dogs before Kaz says he is against it. In the early tapes where Kaz says they're using HEC and trying to become the United States of Force and make Cipher below them, Venom doesn't say anything to stop him from saying so. Creating the United States of Force isn't something that can be done peacefully, and manipulating international intelligence agencies through HEC is bound to cause shit to happen. The Seychelles Mother Base is indicative of that, as Kaz and Venom both note that being in the middle of the Indian Ocean is prime real estate for PFs. I'm not saying Venom is evil, but he's certainly no hero",HEC? Spoiler: No big announcements. Still hope you'll tune in and reminisce with us! The team will be playing online throughout the day as well so look out for 343 in the anniversary throwback playlist. (and join the Halo club if you haven't already!),343 ruining dreams yet again At the gamestop inside of Eastridge Mall.,Thanks. Damn. You're literally keeping Karlsson.,Well done I drove a cab and she needed a cab. Yada yada yada and the rest is history.,Do all uber drivers screw their passengers? Can't wait for this meme to die,it's already dead You know it's bad when someone else's snot hits your windscreen.,Nah that's the headlight fluid Certainly not with specs like yours!,I had to stop myself from getting a titan XP... "NASL has upper hand to keep D2, has 7 teams ready for spring.",Maybe we just shouldn't have a D2 soccer league in America? Why? It's not like he's going to hit that every time and he's going to fail it 1000 times for every 1 he hits.,this specific shot would be more like 1 in a million tbh :P "That's not the Government, each individual college has its own policies.",Oh then it's ok. Pramila Jayapal will be the first Indian woman in the House!,Yes! "Jerry himself would be ashamed of this, to be frank.","No, to be Jerry." Dark towels.,Will it hurt the jeans themselves? Rick and Morty has 100% on rotten tomatoes,My man! 'Slippery slope is a myth' I remember being told this when I opposed civil partnerships. How far we have come.,"Yeah, homosexuality and literally wanting to have sex with children is so similar." like what is my life sittingin bed saturday morning looking at bullshit about targets for a player i dont own for fantasy football,"Take it easy there, Abernathy..." Guess How Much That Anti-LGBTQ Law Is Costing North Carolina,"But Jeebus hates non traditional people, so I should hate them too!" "2 Vita games that must happen! I loved the original Gravity Rush for the PSVita and with the second Gravity Rush entry arriving soon I have no clue why they wouldn't port the game to the vita and support the device that the game originated on. Even if the game looks worse I still wouldn't mind because I've had a better experience with Gravity Rush on the Vita anyway, to me it's like playing the original Mario on a NES vs the Wii U emulator. We need Gravity Rush 2 on the Vita! 2nd game! Freedom wars 2! I freaking LOVED freedom wars 1. I'm not a fan of most jrpgs and I know that most people here loves the jrpgs like persona and others like it(that's the only one I remembered) but those JRPGs have never kept my interest and I thought it was just jrpgs that did that but that changed when I played freedom wars and since there may be a possibility of a freedom wars 2, why not bring that to the Vita! That's all I had to post about though.... #MakeVitaGreatAgain?",Whoa where is my Persona 5 at number 1. "I as a fan respect C9's decision to tank their elo. It may seem risky, but I applaud C9's confidence in themselves to be able to win out vs the easier teams in the tournament. By dropping their first 2 maps they essentially guaranteed they would dodge the top teams in the event. Just goes to show how much confidence this roster has knowing that if they lose 1 more map they are eliminated, knowing this they still chose to start 0-2 and understand they can easily winout from here. Once again Stewie shows his prowess as an IGL and outplays the Eleague format by guaranteeing an easy road to 3 wins and a major spot.","gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8" BUT IS HE STILL CUTE?,"I'm afraid the hamster has crossed the bounds of cute chubby, and is well into the realm of sad chubby :(" "Bix FTW. Way easier, cleaner and more compact. But yes, 66 before 110.",Found the fellow Canadian ;-) "Fuck off, Charlie's camera. *Honestly*.",What are we doing here? don't be mad now,You're the one who seems mad What I think is interesting about Colbert is that his humor on his last program was being taken serious by the alt-right. They didn't see the irony in his jokes or his persona. I think he realizes this. Even if that wasn't his intention. Now he's gone a bit more direct with his humor and commentary against the right.,"Different network, different producers, different writers - his show is different because it's different." "Yeah, but I can imagine the cost of all those buttplugs can get pricey.","Get sponsored, do cam stuff, pays for itself really." Sega releases first Teaser Trailer for Daytona USA 3,I don't see any safer barriers on those walls "he didn't, there were roughly 130 million total votes. try a more objective outlook.",it's certainly very objective to assume that none of the people who are staying home share the same viewpoint as the protesters It's now 3 weeks until Oculus Touch ships,"Ok since you decided to do such a countdown post every week, I do hope you continue to do a It's now x weeks after Oculus Touch shipped" Clash Royale in Lego - Funny Parody Movie,That is one over leveled log if it one shots valk! Imagine if one were told they had to travel as far to purchase a gun.,Guns and unborn fetus are totally interchangeable like that! Zealenciod MX Blacks,"As someone who doesn't like TKL boards very much, you sure do know how to make them look far more appealing." "Walt's only real defense against getting g caught is that he is so unlikely. If he was actually investigated, they would find out everything. Don't forget his wife knew everything and would probably crack.","Yah, she already did crack to her son" A bird making sounds it has heard a lot*,....and carrying a conversation he must have heard before too. Watchdog Group Alleges Illegal Super PAC Payments To Steve Bannon,I never imagined there might be a complicated financial arrangement with Trump and the family running his Super PAC (who also happen to be the same people who fund Breitbart News and the data anlytics software the Trump campaign used (which Bannon also has a stake in)) Imagine how funny it is in person,Will try to scare neighbors cat tonight and see. And her babies,That's Hillary "Redditors that plug in a usb in one try, how amazing is your life?",just the fucking best Jeezus and people thought Hillary would have conflicts.,"Their Uncle's Facebook feed said nothing about Giuliani, so consider him vetted!" "Don't worry, it's not.",Trumpet with Russian name proves lie-berals wrong yet again! Although way above the head of Trump supporters. Nobody smashed a chair over anyone's head.,"If Bernie had talked about the size of his dick in Relation to Hillary's, we'd be getting President Sanders next month..." "Why does the kid talk like Holden Caulfield? Christ, Dad, you don't know about the lousy Pokemon Creatures? You're such a phony. You really are.",LISTEN! "Tug of Boat, anyone?",And some say to this day they are still rowing. Pence is a kind man,you forgot the "Come and see. I think if it's successful, others will want to join in.",No thanks I did one of those wine and paint nights,I feel like having the screaming sun this would have been so perfect! Mark Zuckerberg Is in Denial,The only ones in denial are hillary supporters. "But Satan is warning her that she can only cash in on her looks for a limited time. See how many followers and likes she has when those tat's look like faded travel stamps on worn leather baggage. Nothing wrong with being old with faded tats, just saying it don't pay the bills like perky young face does.","Oh, and here I thought Satan was telling her she isn't pretty enough..." "Lockstep is an illusion, Exile.",The way you're prancing away after Scotty beamed you up is just hilarious. who's the lady in the red with the jugs,Fox news business anchor Maria something dis bitch thinks colds come from COLD and not germs?,BITCH IS A FEMINIST so...... "Absolutely! There's nothing wrong with showing a little bit of worry. They have my support, I've spent enough money that I feel like I've really contributed, but as Chris' cake said, we're 4 years in. I'm sorry, but a demo for a game that's missed it's release window now 3 or 4 times should've been an absolute priority #1.",Not sure where you got 3-4 times missing its release window.... "Of course they would. If you eliminate the electoral college you can win the presidency with just support from NY, Chicago, Los Angeles and other urban hubs. It's a bad idea to lock out the rural votes though, and I say that as a lefty. It's better to try to appeal to rural voters and get them on your team instead of trying to change the rules because you don't like the outcome.",God forbid we change the system so that people's votes count equally no matter where they live! Those late episodes of TG showed the same exact problem. Compare it to S12-14 instead.,Yeah because all the old episodes were perfect and everything new sucks! Nuf?,Said? "If its mainly for mc, yep.",Oh yeah I want to play Witcher 3 at 4k 144 FPS Ultra settings will this do? 23% win rate? Is that legit? I've been winning most of my games with him.,"once you reach an elo in ranked where people use all their braincells, you won't have an easy time as sha lin anymore :D" Black or white....... choose one. (I know this is an unfortunate turn of phrase and I DO NOT mean it like that).,"Dont call me white, I prefer the term Irish-Scottish-German-Italian American thank you very much." "It was stupid and I was a young arrogant idiot. When Operation:Desert Shield turned into Desert Storm, the first Gulf War, I skipped school and walked in an anti-war march. I was right up front in the shot that ended up on the front page of paper in the morning. Got quoted in my local paper and the papers of the considerably larger cities to the north of us. I was woken up to the question of,How was school yesterday? with the front page being hung in my face. This lead to long discussions of proper behavior like how and when to protest and how to do it effectively. My father was pissed at me more because I couldn't properly articulate why this is a bad war in comparison to Viet-Nam or either of the World Wars. He hated the idea that I thought it was OK to skip school just to protest with no idea what solution would look like. I could go on for hours about how this single incident shaped my world view and led to me joining the Army 3 years later.","Wow, that's pretty incredible, how was your time in the Army?" "That's the circumstance i'm in, ladies who have never been snowboarding.","In that case, pay for everything - she probably wouldn't spend that kind of money to board if it weren't for the fact that she is going with you" "The amount of ignorance and greed that this man possesses pisses me off to no end. How close-minded and arrogant can one possibly be? Wait, don't answer that, I really don't want to get even more pissed off.",Trump supporters need their safe space! Guys I have a confession. I didnt actually take this picture. I know the title is kinda misinforming. I feel bad for saying I and dont want to lie to you guys.,"Good on ye,OP." You sir are acoustic,You sir better get tuned right! No problem,Me too thanks The US should bring democracy to Turkey! They will thank us later!,According to Obama they are a total democracy and we should respect their insane leader as he throws journalists in jail for comparing him to Golum. I noticed that but the 980 ti has something like 94-96 and it's only 7% faster than that card.,huh And paws... and tongue... and ability to shed...,Mine doesn't shed Festive Hot Cool Isotope Energy Orb High Roller's Gold Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk. II,I will give you 3 ref for it Most Republicans might be loyal but Congress doesn't need the support of every Republican in order to bite back just 30 members of the House and 3 Senators. The Senate could easily turn against him if he starts settling scores. Susan Collins is basically a Democrat in all but name. Senate Democrats would just need two others Republicans to flip sides ideally those who are idelogoically moderate and just won reelection and are in no immediate danger of a primary challenge. Senator McCain of Arizona and Senator Issakson of Georgia are probably the most likely candidates. Both are serving in states where Republicans won with slimmer margins than in 2012. Both have made statements criticizing the current direction of the party.,Rand Paul has also said he'd be willing to vote against crazy stuff... Accidental blast from the past whilst getting Steam news with parental mode on,Just got the same thing while doing nothing on my pc. Thing that makes maneuvering for example Churchills and IS-2's unbearable (explanation in comments),This system would finally let me flank in my Maus! 18 Year Old's First Video,Hint: not her first video. We have 1 point out of a possible 30 at Costa Rica. Asking for a point is asking for a lot.,All it takes is one lucky bounce Prove it.,"Buzzfeed said so, checkmate DankeyKang" Ricky Rubio hits the three and winks to celebrate,ricky doesnt get enough love on the all-nba attractive team but that man is good looking af He's on the bucks,This is the year he turns it around... "The glossy version of the exact same book will come out next year, with 1 bonus picture of the original book inside",New Feature: Removed table of contents. Thanks! And me too! I feel like half the fun is in the rapport,Op wanting that sweet sweet karma Apparently if you flash your badge you are completely immune to crossfire...,"I mean, I thought a lot of them were shaped like a shield for exactly that reason" relish in the fact that you won't have to deal with moders and script kiddies,Not really helpful. Trying the engineering field. These conservatives think they know everything and only make perfect rational decisions.,"To be fair, I see this happen with both liberals and conservatives." "Yeah. It reaches -40 in Wisconsin, though, and the gas tends to need heet around that time of year","-40 C is plenty cold for me, I can't even imagine the wind chill." Mexico ayuden a encontrar a heste hombre qua quiso derotar a to do am continente Americano. Am es am qua esta detras de to do lo qua esta pasando an Mexico y lo qua esta pasando an America. El es el hombre que es responsable por el terrorism y las guerras del mundo.,"Yes, and the Koch Brothers are responsible for destroying America, are turning America into a dictatorship, are racist and hate poor people." What will NEVER happen?,Trump winning re-election. "As a console player, I really appreciate Blizz giving us recent patches on time with PC. I know it's not going to be like this every time because certification but I'm happy about this. Usually I get sad about new content because of how long I have to wait after everyone's already had their fun, but I've been pleasantly surprised. Thanks Blizz",Yes I am so grateful it went out smothly "I don't know about you, but I've signed 2 different petitions for caliexit. I'm telling you, it's not as crazy as it sounds. If trump can be president, then California can secede. Even now, I see my president as governor Brown, and not just because he's a democratic; if it was Arnold I would see him as my president. I have lost all respect for the presidency of the United States, and I want to cry when I say that.",It IS as crazy as it sounds. "I'd be very interested to see Rona Munro return. Survival was one of the most modern feeling episodes of the classic series, so it seems like a perfect fit.","Cause it was the last one, duh." WHY AREN'T PEOPLE GUARDING HIM FROM THAT SPOT?,Stop reminding them bro. Yeah and my point is 50 minutes in the weather we get here may actually cause me to lose a few fingers lol. With the windchill it was almost -40 the other day. Also walking an hour on either end of a 12 hour shift... nah,"Sure, my point was not really directed to you, rather that it makes sense for some people and not everyone should think of walking as a waste of time." Where in Texas?,"I'm in Houston and did the same, but for last year's De Bruyne (when it was on major sale at the end of the season) and paid like $65" Riiight on the chest. Who actually likes this??,"She does, hopefully." Dammit. I've got pics of the bike and pics of the deer it killed but none with both.,Slap em in an imgur album and post it up! "As a fellow Nazi, i support these SJW's in their quest for racial purity. Heil Hitler",Er war wunderbar "wasted my time with my post, this is the correct answer dogs",Do I get my one month gold now? Alex Tang looks like a fucking beast.,I wonder what that troll was doing on tang's account anyway? You can outrun the Maus on foot :P,"Well, Anzu said it is an extreme exceptiom..." "Reminder that Disney XD will air Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel tomorrow at 5pm, followed by the first two episodes of the Sun and Moon anime at 7pm.",Apparently CN needs more room for Teen Titans Go "NT bruh, also not a state.",shhhhhh Why is this in humor?,Because racism is hilarious. "Did the quality of movies decrease? Is it just me, or the overall quality of movies has decreased in recent decades? I don't know, maybe the directors' talent levelled off or they're relying too much on CGI and special effects and they neglect story telling, but that's how it seems to me. That movies are not as good as they used to be, in the sense that new movies no longer have a good rewatch value. On the other hand, we have TV shows which greatly increased in popularity, complexity and quality. We now have shows like Game of Thrones or Westworld for example which are far better than the shows made in the past. I'm sure that 20 or 30 years from now we'll watch reruns and say now, that was a good show. I can't really say the same about recent movies. Share your opinion but be respectful.",No. "I've been upvoting and initially it shows up, then a few minutes later my upvotes have been undone.","For a sub that kicks out opposing views, many of our viewers seem to be downvoters on everything." "As someone who had to deal with this yesterday, fuck you and your stupid shitty toad. Nice video btw.","He's a catfish, not a toad" Gorilla escapes London zoo enclosure,HE'S ON A HARAMPAGE HOLY SHIT WATCH OU No.,"If you never played older fallouts then yes, no." If i were there i would have whip out my butcher knife and behead those little cowardly asian cunts including this digusting bitch.,"That will be 5000 dollars, please" "I have no idea what you just said, the hou what now?","How dare he ask a question, better downvote him!" Bull,"Correct, it's a bull" If you become Arab then what will you do?,Invade Europe. "Bouncers of reddit, what is the strangest experience you've ever had on the job?",Getting offered a blowjob by desperate skanks who want to get in. More than half of arrested anti-Trump protesters didn't vote,Maybe they didnt vote because they couldnt afford voter id. "Thanks for this info! La Encantada is too far for me, so I'll look at the other suggestions.",Che' on fourth carries it as well. "Montreal Muslims Want Halal Financing, Interest Free Mortgage","Why not, we all know Westeners are supposed to conform to the ideas and culture of the people who are moving here" Dutch sex offender allowed to open a home for foster kids,I'm loving my country more and more. "Hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaa! oh man, good one. I'm around DMG,LE,LEM and I have no idea how to spray my ak after 10 bullets xD I just gave up in learning and say fuck it every time I go into a match.",When he is not dead after 10 bullets you fucked up anyways Your flair made my day.,\m/ "UK unemployment falls to 1.6m (4.8%, lowest since 2005) - BBC News",Immigrants taking our jobs. Have fun with 11 in the box,It's better than 12 Your status bar makes me cringe,I rarely clean it xd I just assumed it was some Reddit thing I missed and it is now standard protocol to blank out names with dicks.,It is now! Haha that sounds vaguely similar!,I hoped they enjoyed that STRETCH. How do you know that Beluga whale didn't rob a liquor store?,Because it's white. The G37 is not an economy car. It gets 19MPG and is not even considered a compact car.,It is a cheaper luxury car though so in that aspect it's an economy luxury car What why? Thorin is insanely good at making Esport content because he's knowledge withing esport (especially csgo) is crazy and he's probably the best at what he does. Why would u wanna watch something that he probably doesn't know nearly as much about?,He started a side channel specifically for that reason so that he could do things that aren't related to e-sports. "if you sift through the site,you can find great and well developed games.its not all bad and horrible stuff",all the good things are overshadowed by all of the high school rp crap games tho "Nah, they'll shift the blame","yeah, fuck obama he left this mess to us republicans!" i'm trying to adjust at the moment. thanks for the concern,"Don't worry, and take your time ;)" I will eat the month old expired whole milk in my fridge if this happens,The fact you used eat instead of drink makes my belly sad for you "The deal would extended copyright and IP law to the other members (since US law tends to be the most stringent). I don't know if any privacy concerns, but a lot of people complained about ISDS courts and national sovereignty, but their fears come from a misunderstanding of what the courts do and that ISDS have worked wonderfully for the past 20 years in other trade deals. There are some thing in the deal I think are negatives, but personally I believe the positives of free trade and the geopolitical effects make the deal worth it.",People use the most absurd strawmen arguments against ISDS. I finally get another platinum chest! after waiting 24 hours I wonder what will I get? Tower of Terror? Splash Mountain? I finally open it and it's... A wooden bench. I hate platinum chests.,What's a platinum chest? "Never Stop Fighting, Donald! It's why we respect and voted for you!",HES NOT MY MY PRESIDENT REEEEEEEEEEEEE "BREAKING POLL: TRUMP +3 NV, +5 NC, +5 OHIO",HILLARY BTFO GAAZAH EASIEST ELECTION EVER GFDKAJSGFLKAGFDASJGFDAGDSAHGFDSHG Somebody Once Told Me,Unreadable it's an expression at the end of the day.,A ridiculous one at that. "Once you've lost time and health, you can never get them back",This guy has never heard of prosthetic hands 128 tick server please,doesn't fix anything "While we're at it, we might as well put them in one location. Some sort of, fenced in location where we can just keep an eye on them all.","Good idea, concentrate them in one secure location." It's also true based on polling.,are you saying there was a poll for trump supporters to see how many were racist? College kids who have never worked a day in their lives raging about 'the system' on macbooks their dads bought for them.,"Bro, you just don't understand." "Or that's not Lillie on the left... that's her on the right! That's right, Gladion was actually Lillie in disguise this entire time! Or, more likely, Lillie's just not in frame in this shot and the camera focused on the player character while she was giving words of encouragement to them.",Lillie was Racer X the whole time! Can we leave Jugen at the airport like USC did to Lane Kiffin?,Let's leave Bradley's pathetic ass there too. 3 mana 7/7.,"Unplayable, kills itself." Call me stupid but do flagmen even make calls? I thought the headset was for race control or whatever to tell the flagman what to do.,"Race control asks me for my opinion quite often, and I control the start of the race (where it starts, and if it was good)." Rapid Fire Attachment - Which Call of Duty game is it OP? What do you think guys? Does it really help on laggy or high ping games?,Bo1 hands down. "Kurt Eichenwald on twitter: Word from inside @FBI. FURIOUS at Comey, think he's mishandled public revelations from get go. Outrageous incompetence one agent told me.",Didn't realize that the actual title of Comey's position is the J. Edgar Hoover Memorial Head of the FBI. They can shoot OVER hills and obstacles too?,"yes, have you not seen a kv-2 lob shots?" Sweet teen Busty,If only they were bigger What's your DisneyWorld Hack?,"If you bring a giant double stroller, you can use it as a battering ram to push your way though crowds...." Isn't that about bobsledding?,That's Cool Runnings. You guys are way to talented in the trenches on both sides of the ball to get worked like that. Clearly you can outcoach talent.,Now you and I agree on something. Ubisoft will keep dicks in Watch Dogs 2. Lady parts to be removed.,Here's to hoping none of these patches make it to the PC version. PCMR Love Story,"Jokes on them, you're actually a custom build running a liquid cooled mini-itx and an LCD to just *look* like a retro computer." I could be wrong but I don't think Trump is looking forward to being President. He's already trying to figure out how to spend more time in New York. He's realizing how much work and responsibility is required. There's no financial reward other than laws he can change to benefit himself. He can't evoke Hillary Clinton's name as a crutch to his criticisms now. He knows he has to deliver. He knows he will take the blame for anything bad that happens. He knows it's largely a thankless job. He knows he can't (probably knows he shouldn't) deliver his promises. I just don't see the upside anywhere.,I'm ready for the outrage from the right-wingers when he spends all those vacation days in New York. "They used to, but we ate 'em",Don't include Us in your we you mixed breed! "Mexico, wtf?","its using minimum wage as a measure, not median." So with an extra chromosome? I think there's already a term for that.,Pretty sure having XY-chromosomes = advantaged. At first I thought it was a half melted smurf riding a blue slug. It was pretty awesome when I realised it was old mate the octopus,"Also, it kinda looks like the octopus and its tsunami is going to win the fight, 10 points for accuracy." Its a meme ya pleb,"I'm sorry, I forgot that being a meme excuses douchyness." Don't forget beastiality. Same sex marriage is a slippery slope to marrying dogs.,People do love their dogs "For me, it would be shame...massive, crushing shame.",ed would? pancreatic tumours,They can help if tuned to 432 Hz! No update today?,its a wednesday? Reynad invented zoo,"Reynad may have brought the archetype into hs, but he took the name from magic" It's been that way since before I joined three years ago. I'm guessing it was one of the first features (the site is now 10 years old?),"I have no doubt, I just can't remember that far back because I only started commenting 2 years ago." m0E: Echofox is still going to be around... in a very exciting way,Echo Fox buys SK "Thank you SO MUCH! I missed out on the IKEA family discount on a several things because I couldn't make it down in time, so this will help a lot! I wonder if I could bring my daughter so she could buy half my stuff and we could get the discount twice.",That sounds like a plan ;D That's why our vote is important. Need to send a message that we're fed up with the systemic corruption. Local especially! This shit is built from the ground up,"If you look at history, you'll see that the only viable method for change (aside from full-on rebellion) are general strikes." Yeah that's kind of what I imagined.,Its the Simpsons fault lol Tf2 died :(,"TIL 50,000 players is dead" Wife Beater Gets A Painful Dose Of Street Justice,I'm 100% sure he'll never hit her again What did he say that makes you think he's upset?,Their sarcasm about these long snapper jokes being funny is what I took as an indication that they were tired of the posts. Do you thing it would be better than the msi X99a sli plus at $180? Looking for a Mobo to put my 6850k in.,I'm not really versed in all the X99 boards but just from a glance the Asus one offers USB 3.1 and USB type C. I personally have some USB type C devices so for me it was worth it. "Don't bother asking buttstache, he'll just give you the run around",just make a desperate move or else you'll win And then begin to see What you're doing to me Havencraft: Choosing between 'Elana' or 'Storm',Disenchant all of that and build Forestcraft Hybrid. "12 man .5PPR, Pick 2: * LeGarrette Blount @ SF (duh) * Lamar Miller @ OAK * Mark Ingram @ CAR Btw, is it smarter to play a Thursday night player in their position or as a Flex?",Play then in their slot Which Congress? Congress has been AWOL for the past 6 years.,The congress that has still passed the budget and economic stumili plans on time for the last 8 year. "For the most part, the Sellwood bridge is complete. Does this mean traffic on Tacoma will continue to be a nightmare forever? For all intents and purposes, the Sellwood bridge is complete. They're still doing some work on one of the barriers on the edge of the bridge, but the main pattern of the lanes doesn't look like it's going to change any further. That said, right now traffic on Tacoma, heading onto the Sellwood bridge is terrible, every morning. Since the bridge is more-or-less in finished mode, and traffic is bad, does that mean that there aren't really going to be further improvements to traffic there? *Is it going to be like this forever?* The wider bike lanes and sidewalks on *both* sides of the bridge now are cool tho.","I'm guessing your realtor was like, Oh, yea...traffic right now is pretty tough, BUT when the bridge is finally done it'll be just fine." That makes a lot of sense. Do you think this is a bug or a feature?,"Feature obviously, working as intended." I expect them to do the same with black racists and mexicans who are always talking about taking over and making southern america mexico again.,You dropped this: So the best approach to public health in America is fat shaming?,And if kids are flunking out of school we should shame them for that as well. "Note to Breitbart: Earth Is Not Cooling, Climate Change Is Real and Please Stop Using Our Video to Mislead Americans","Woah there, be careful, Breitbart might boycott the weather in retaliation!" *Gib,*GiB Bent GenderRonpa V3,But Shuichi is already a girl! I know this is fake because you said Cheese isn't for everyone.,"No no no, cheese the food is for everyone, but cheese the business isn't for everyone" the kids are adopted,Yeah but how can you know for sure? "Cucks on Parade at yet another useless, meaningless award show of course have to dedicate time to shit on Trump. Fuck Hollywood","Hillary will hold the 1% to task, trust us - the room full of 1%ers" BB-8 Chrome/Gold HT Exclusive,"I'm glad a lot of you don't like it, maybe I'll actually be able to get one!" This Google Quick Draw thing is broken......,"You forgot that line down the middle of the Xbone, idiot." Nice. I wonder what his thing will be. RF vibrated and had glowing eyes and Zoom constantly crackled with energy.,"not just that, but he will have new speedforce powers that the flash doesnt understand or atleast use the same speedforce powers in a new inventive way." "First time poster. First in a long time. Crayon by EHX. Also, the rest of my home rig.",My bandmate has a Jet King and I swear those things are a treasure. "Not anymore. MNK/WAR used to tank a bit when FFXI was new. Also, MNK used to tank A LOT in Abyssea.","Ahh, Abyssea is when I quit." "What Other Digital Miniseries Would You Like To See? If Slingshot is a success, what other characters would you like to see Marvel center on in a miniseries?",GRAVITON Would like some exeggutes on top of that,I have 750 candies because I have a nest near me but non are good cp ... waiting for a hatch. What did you pay with?,"visa, the exact same card I successfully paid with 2 weeks ago on a different order" They murdered his new restaurant then held the company Christmas party there the next night! Savages.,donkey sauce everywhere... Can we please get rid of the inbuilt hastened on Erlang and Jing yet? like replace it with movement speed cause that shit is broken.,"Get rid of Fatalis while we're at it pls, no" Technically the Spanish and the disease they brought over wiped out 90% of the Native population before we killed anyone.,"Yes, totally, including all the Native Americans in the center and on the west coast of the continent that the Spanish never met...." Just be careful once they patch in the reveries...,These violent delights... "20,000 people have donated to Planned Parenthood in Mike Pence's name since the election",See it turns out things can be privately funded and the government doesn't have to have its' fingers in everything! Steel and Velvet - Christian Domestic Discipline from a husband's perspective.,Fuck that dumbass religious bullshit. "You knew what I meant because we're talking about self healing abilities though. That's not actually a juice box roadhog is drinking as well, just to be clear",You're right it's actually called his vape obviously. "25,000 Kurds protest against Erdogan in Germany",I see these people are assimilating well into Germany culture and society. "Oh he was just telling them about how I really hated something he was into at the time so he pretended to not be into it either because he thought I was out of his league and wouldn't like him if he was into that. Then we started dating and I found out about this hobby of his and was not pleased. He then managed to get me to try it out...and then we were both way into it for years. So he was both bragging that he got me and then that he turned me, haha.",Awww :) I hope no one was hurt.,Was done overnight Which makes no sense because the Soviets had no food issues at the time of the moon landing.,"Nonsense, only America and her allies have ever been stable enough to produce food!" You should be aborted.,The best part of you ran down your moms leg. "I'm gonna say it while expecting a ton of hate; I don't want to see it. I liked what was put out, even if it had warts and it wasn't perfect. Keep the other shots in the studio. I don't mind a deleted scene or two on the DVD, but the last thing we need right now is people arguing which is the real version of the movie.",I would argue some people enjoy the debates. "Is it legal to bet on the Presidental Election in Vegas? If so where would I go? Visiting Vegas over the Presidential Election, figured I'd try and make a quick buck. ;) Also, on that top, when I was a kid (15 or so years ago) I was enamored by one of the Casino's sports betting rooms with their gigantic projection displays, but I forget where it was. Any recommendations on where to find some impressive betting rooms?",Bitcoin Wack the packaging without damaging the content!,Luckily its just a code to download inside so hes good haha triggered!!11!1,Triggerooskied ecks dee being an offensive jackass is funny "yes, you can say that.",I understand. Good luck starting that yourself with no formal schooling,I can google a fishtail parka pattern it's gucci "She was told to by Trump. A reporter even asked her if she was told to leak it and her response was, I'm not going to answer that.",Even a bigger issue. He ran into my knife 10 times,He had it coming! "Nah. He just really, really wants this stuff to be true.",But...why? "Shishkebab or Stealth Blade? I'm almost finished building my automatron and want to make it a dual bladed killing machine but i can't choose between the Shishkebab and the Stealth Blade, I like how the Shishkebab's look but the Stealth Blade's has higher damage and the only thing i hate about the Stealth Blade is that he retracts them outside of combat so that looks kinda stupid... Why is making choices so hard?","Build two robots, have them fight to the death in your blood soaked arena and go with whoever comes out on top." "Wow, that's some profound shit there. Never considered that before. Really mind blowing. Wanna come over to my house and listen to the new Tool album and drop acid?",Yes Am I the only one who can't play still? Or are the servers being DDOSed still but I'm just getting unlucky?,What happens when you try joining a game? So I'm taking everyone's advice and deciding against preordering. Greedy devs.,Textbooks are such a waste of money when majority of the assignment's answers are online. Preview: Weekly Idol Ep284 (BIGBANG),red carpet of course =) Oh nice they're not going to shoo- OH DEAR GOD!,If only she could be as resilient as the White Run guards when i shoot them in the face. Video showing all the Christmas tricks Alexa can perform. Including Christmas light automation!,I didn't realize that alexa has a different accent across the pond Christian friend at school told me this.. That evolution has no proof. Says that nothing has evolved in 2 thousand years. Aside from this he's usually pretty smart and cool. But anyone have any links or anything to show him that evolution is real?,"If mud comes from dirt, how come there is still dirt?" "Mostly because the state of MacOS currently with it not being optimized for a touchscreen like Windows 10. But yeah options would be good for sure, but I feel like OS X would be come more fragments if apple offered two versions, one for touchscreens and one for non-touchscreens.",That's what they should either go with Microsoft's approach or rebuild it and start over again. It really isn't and wasn't ever pro Hillary.,*checks username* Yeah right On my way,Thanks man "Alright, so in your mind when I sleep with you I have a right to know your medical history to whatever degree I feel is right? What if I sleep with you, then later on find out you had a broken leg once and say well I never asked you and you couldn't have known, but I don't want to sleep with people who had broken bones at some point, so you have raped me by deception?",False Equivalency. Akmal hit-wicket on Twitter,*Fellowship of the Akmal* Eric Gordon. With that Rockets offense? Anything is possible.,Lets be De-friends And then deal % max hp true damage,% max bank account true damage What if it were a woman who were afraid she were about to get raped?,"So I'm walking down the street minding my own business and some chick ahead of me freaks out and thinks i'm following and about to rape her... kills me, and thats OK?" "I've heard the sound was downgraded and after reaching lvl 13 the only differences I have noticed are that the sound may in fact be worse, and there are a bunch of texture problems like water dissappearing and textures popping thanks to draw distance. Also a bunch of AI pathing problems now that I think about it. Probably best to wait for a patch",Sound is compressed to hell and back in SE for some reason. Si cat e limita de viteza acu? Tot 70?,"in oras 50, in arterele periferice 60, pe centura Vectra 80, Pe tronsonul nou 90, Pe tronsonul in dublare 70," Planetside 2 Anniversary livestream this Friday,I'd really like to see devs try to play on prime-time Miller to see how much fun this game can be! Bone/Ligament/Tendon strength and density More muscle mass naturally Increased testosterone Less fatty tissue,ARE YOU SAYING I LOOK FAT I hope they do this. I'd love to see an independent Scotland.,Scotland wouldn't go independent because Westminster legislated to accept the results of a referendum. "Counter offer: carriage wheels(1k), lightning boost(-12k), my house(3k), and my first born son(about 12000k depends on what you like) for your white hat.",bs carriage wheels are like 4 keys the spreadsheet even says so! Who will Israel's next Prime Minister be? Netanyahu was elected in 2009 and was selected to lead the coalition. Will he win the next election? Will the next Prime Minister change Israeli policy significantly?,"Please Israel, change your PM, having for such a long time the same leader is quite dangerous (not because he'll become a dictator, but because it poison the political enviroment)." yeesh. what a cancerous culture,What are you talking about the Warriors always have fun laid back practices the Kings are just mimicking their culture Now that Duncan is gone the NBA needs another robot who's great until he's over 40.,So we just gonna forget Andre Miller now ? Oh good. They even found a way to make Star Wars political. **ISN'T ANYTHING SACRED?**,You're going to forget the politics of the great Palpatine ? Functionality?What functionality?,Put it in a sock and then use it to... **BASH** "I've done the math.. Between my GF and I, we make 42 million yen a year. Before taxes. Why does it always seem we are scraping by at the end of the month? Sure, we may like to do some things and I know there is some expenses that could be shaved.. But still. How do you live on anything less than 70 million a year?",You must have work at the pentagon before this. "Pai e simplu. In a doua imagine e bebelusul, fmmm intrusul care strica vieti si dezbina familii.","Gresit, bebelusul care salveaza casnicia" The model in this Target sign has Down syndrome (I think),"Oh, I get the message, if you mix Asian and black you get down syndrome" "Posted this in another thread. 1990 Cy Young voting, Bob Welch over Roger Clemens Welch: 27-6, 2.95 ERA, 129 K, 1.223 WHIP, 126 ERA+, 3.0 WAR Clemens: 21-6, 1.93 ERA, 209 K, 1.082 WHIP, 213 ERA+, 10.6 WAR",Nope Welch deserved it he had more wins "Did you know that Scion can get 101% Avoid Status aliments? With Scion's Raider ascendancy (25%), the Avoid Status aliments node wheel (50%), the Elemental Focus node (10%), the Thick Skin node (8%), the Conqueror's Longevity Jewel (3%) and the Tear of Purity Amulet(5%) which totals up to 101% Avoid Status Aliments, 96% without Tear of Purity. I'm pretty sure this isn't that useful, but it is something no other ascendancy can get unconditionally.","nice try, ggg" "why would they give such a flat girl a nude scene? Like....I'm into it, that's why I'm here but cmon, thats just bad sex appeal",Really? I bet she'll think twice about doing that again. Ouch.,I am not convinced she will be thinking anymore. "Parents won't leave me alone about FA Im a 21 yo kissless virgin and have never been on a date. My parent know this and won't stop trying to help me. they constantly crticize my hair (telling me to get it cut every 2 weeks to be always perfect) and dress ( Tell me not to wear T-shirts, or sneakers). They also tell me to try to ask out my friends who are girls and will check to see if i did(they don't understand that I am friend zoned and the girls only talk to me because I help them in school). They tell me my personality is wrong and i need to change. I told my dad I was ugly and they said it doesn't matter. He said he was ugly, but got a lot of girls too, but when i looked at photos of his past GFs they were all heavily obese(no offense to larger ladies) and used him for his money(he told me). I What can i do to stop this?","Ask them to buy you a mail order bride lol No seriously, move out as soon as you can and don't let their toxic blue pill shit dictate your life." Should we tell him?,"Nah, give him a year....." What exactly is that sub?,"From what I can gather, a parody of T_D that is a left of center politician in Germany (so likely around Bernie, maybe further left, idk) that is potentially running against Merkel in Germany." Best foods for weight loss What are the best tasting low calorie foods for efficient weight loss?,"I like peanut butter, oreos, Chipotle burrito bowls, and Raisin' Cane's fried chicken." "That would be an improvement over the current winner-take-all system, but it doesn't fix the biggest problem I have with the electoral college, which is that some people's votes count for more than others.","Definitey not going to argue with that, but I think that because we are a Representative Constitutional Republic and not a Direct Democracy, the college exists to make the system as fair as it can be for places where a vote would never count like in flyover America." Can we all agree this patriot looks cool AF in his uniform?,I'd share a foxhole with this man anytime. Does anyone have any newborn kittens they're willing to sell? My cat died and so our family would like another one.,Plenty of kittens at the humane societies that need homes. You can't actually believe Donald Trump is a human being. He's entirely fueled by racism and is a horrible person who we shouldn't even give a chance.,I think you dropped this... I hear Bickell isn't happy in Carolina... :p,NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Reddit page of cheaters in Battlefront,Is tesko on there? (Questions about religious double standards for the classification of terrorist groups) Why isn't the Jewish Defense League classified as a Terrorist Organization but The Holy Land Foundation is?,Obviously a Zionist conspiracy Sad songs about losing the one like Love is a Laserquest by Arctic Monkeys,Somebody Else by The 1975 What is THE song that makes you want to run out on the battlefield and slay your enemies? Mine: Amon Amarth - Cry of the blackbirds Manowar - Blood of the kings,"Anything by Amon Amarth or Cannibal Corpse, but those two aren't really power metal." Here come the Swedes,"Oh shit, waddup" Your wish has been granted! 2 wishes remain!,I think it would be cool not to look like a zebra anymore Your first mistake was assuming I have friends to drink with and girls/guys to kiss Instead of drinking alone on weekends and kissing the anime girl on my monitor/pillow,When you try to flip the joke on yourself but it's all true My Hero Academia - Ch. 116,"idk what does baku thinks of him self tbh, legit he has no standing point talking about deku's powers as it something that is related to him." Damn it Texas. Shit like this is *kinda* embarrassing!,I know every knows it's going to be a fence at this point. "That's a lovely question! First off, I for one welcome our new insect overlords. As for a studio, I would without a doubt start my own (and may even have my hands in something soon to be announced) just like I started my own firm. I loooooove story driven RPG games, but I also understand the market. So that would remain a side project while I pump out fun yet shorter games most likely.",Please do make a post here if you make your own game studio - that'd be awesome to follow! Positivity and kindness the way... She turned on bridgette? And even James when she was on the ropes. She plays victim when things don't go her way. She's so entitled.,Woah there this sub believes she is completely genuine and did nothing whatsoever to pander to the audience so you need to get with the hivemind. What is the world not flat?,Of course it's flat. "I have a friend who still clicks. He was on his shaman yesterday and we called out for heroism and all we hear on voice is uhhhhh...heroism...heroism....where is that.....stormstrike, shit to far Yes. He casts heroism out of his fucking spellbook.",Just roll Horde cos Bloodlust is on page 1 One: personal space Two: personal space Three: Stay out of my personal space Four: Keep away from my personal space Five: Get out of that personal space Six: Stay away from my personal space Seven: Keep away from that personal space Eight: Personal space Nine: Personal space,"That's what I'm talking about, now this guy is serious about his personal space." +1. I have 871 ilvl as fire but my bag ilvl is 889. I get into any pugs then when they ask why is my HP 2.2m i just say I only have 20 points in my weapon. Still out DPS people with 2.5M hp but it's not like LFG tryhards use a brain they just call my spec OP and think that the mastery stacking DH needs buffs.,Well once the M+ counter starts you're safe to switch from your queuing set with the maximum ilvl to your actually working gear set. Calgary will experience complete oil/energy industry obsolescence by 2030. What are we doing about it ?,Yeah.. I wonder if he has any good lotto numbers too There has not been recount yet. They have not finished the final tally yet.,"So, wait, do you mean they're in the MIDDLE of the recount or that they're still counting votes?" Bernie lost all of his relevance when he endorsed Crooked Hillary.,Obviously Eromanga Sensei ch 27,That last page... HNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Microsoft and Intel have built offices in China as well. I am not sure I understand the context of your comment.,low wage shit holes This is why you never send any documents they request because they will ban/close your PayPal account after they get it(which I assume they might sell to third-parties who knows).,"Yes, of course they sell confidential documents and information to third parties." What is your definition of a living hell?,Being surrounded by Pecker (Green Bay Packers) fans. "You kite him in the same way you kite a TA after they've used blink - you walk away. TA does basically the same thing. If she catches you offguard, you're dead. If you survive the initial burst, you can just walk away because her range (which is longer than MK at max psi blades) is still pretty ass. 300 units is only 'lol ranged hero xd' for the first 10 or so minutes. After that it's literally fodder for most of the common ranged picks right now. Past 15 minutes MK just turns into a case of 'whoever catches the other offguard wins'. Now that I think about it, just treat earlygame MK like a lategame TA. Once he hits lategame just stun and kill him like literally every other squishy",except MK has twice the burst of TA and a much stronger laning stage... Version 9.5.2 Patch notes,What are crowns? Joe Warren getting KTFO,Stiff like a board "I think Sjin is kind of tricking everyone right now, since he's only using cavalry. It makes it seem like he's on par with Lewis tech-wise, but really he could be building infantry and machine guns.","That's because cavalry are really OP in civ6, especially with Scythia's double bonus to them." "I play daily on PS3 (because I'm too poor for a PS4) in freemode/online. It's still very active and a lot of fun even though we don't have all the new cars and modes on PS4 and XB1 but there are quite a few hackers on PS3. 75% of them will leave you alone while they fly cars around. However the other 25% will be hijacking the car your driving, blowing everyone up and/or teleporting everyone to them for some stupid reason. They're easy to spot because they will either have a level of 8000 or 420. I just hope when I finally do get a PS4, I can transfer my character. I think I saw somewhere that Rockstar wont allow anymore character transfers, specifically because of the PS3 hackers who were transferring their characters with hacked cash.",hehe 420... Maplin?,You forgot the #***MILES TOLD US NOT TO DO THIS***,fuck miles Crowd Funding in COD will it ever happen?,"Crowd funding whereby 50% of all donations go directly to Activision and 50% is put into the prize pool, we could be onto a high yielding profit model for Activision rn" There Is Only One Solution To The Bitcoin Scaling Debate,"Thought this was some of the most informed AND balanced coverage I have ever seen for BTC, from a major outlet no less." Can't we all just get the fuck along?? This site used to be entertaining and informative and it's annoying to come on here and just see everyone arguing all the fucking time. Just grow the fuck up and get along.,I would. She has completely lost her mind!,What a crappy mirror... Beyonce is scientific evidence that the Book of Mormon is false.,"Lupita Nyong'o, Eva Mendez, Salma Hayek, Rosario Dawson, I could go on for days, but I'm an evil apostate so I guess it makes sense I'm attracted to dark skin." This answer so many times over,"But, it wins Jeebus' live." "Maybe, it's hard to say for certain that no one would have cared since we have no idea what's hiding in there. Is it an enormous amount of debt? is it a low 10% tax rate? back tax payments of enormous magnitude?",Did he pay Putin 1 billion for a back rub? "If Michael Young is in the game next year, what do you think he would be?","If they introduce any chemistry mechanics, he would be so valuable" Maybe if she acted honorably she would have won? I swear these idiots blame everyone but themselves.,NEVER saw Sanders do that. I'm going to breed doydoys. Is the enclosure big enough?,"Maybe if you dont mind animal cruelty, jeez" "Glorious 60 fps in the client beta The client feels so much more smooth than the old client. Aside from the bugs, Riot has really outdone themselves with this. Keep it up!",The human eye cant see above 30 anyways Lol this is enough to make me buy the pack :P,He has so many great lines. I have $8 and would like a plate please.,Sorry we only have chopping boards. King of Clarity: What's the best optic and why?,The ones you can afford and reliably use to hit a target are the best optics. kennyS clutch 3k,What did I just witness 5 vs 1. EVERY. SINGLE. GAME.,Or maybe you're so bad everyone left "A simple fix would be to just make core modes social with rolling lobbies. But apparently nobody in TC has common sense, or they don't give a flying fuck.",Apparently Epic fucked up with GoW3 because there was nothing to be learned there Really Doug? Because you are about to hate me...,But..but this is ThanksGIVING not ThanksTHREATENING Sam! "Now, hear me out here... we could build ^a ^^wall.",And have Mexico pay for it? "everyone is saying that Es looks like saber, in her Xblaze apparence not much but in blazblue centralfiction kinda gives the impresion of that she looks like saber","She got a move or two named after the KotR, IIRC." Still ridiculous for a sniper to be fully accurate from that far away,its not fully accurate though "seriously, I don't fucking understand where this guy is coming from. His campaign manager posted my story about a protester getting paid $3,500 as fact. Like, I made that up. I posted a fake ad on Craigslist. so you go through a bunch of effort to make something look real, then you get upset when someone thinks it's real because they don't automatically assume everyone goes around making fake craigslist ads to make a fake story? What the fuck is wrong with this person?","...its just a prank, bro?" Winter Artesian Market at the Iron Horse Hotel today until 4pm,resend the link Ricky Burns vs. Paulie Malignaggi possible for 2017 for WBA super lightweight championship,good evening fight Thanks it's my first meme :-),I've seen danker memes but overall it's a solid 8 out of 10 with rice. Bingo. I just wish more people understood this,But borders are racist! Obviously just a false flag.,Soros strikes again. Anyone notice that Ask_The_Donald is now private?,"Go back to your safe space, you stupid libcuck." I have one question: does he listen to the words coming out of his mouth?,You can't trust the liberal media. If Donald Trump is so rich then why is the common taxpayer paying for his own security? He is basically the ultimate archetype of the welfare queen (or in this case king).,All those people getting $40/month in food stamps are ruining the country. "Lets not forget that even after the hack they still had to grossly misrepresent the contents of the emails in order to get the message they wanted out. It wasn't about what was in them, they simply used the fact that they were hacked to try and legitimize their disinformation campaign.","They hid the secret to making creamy risotto, so fuck them." Murderous Redcap (political cartoon),"It doesn't have enough labels, so I don't know what is happening." TiA discusses LGBT and pedophiles. I'll leave it up to you to guess which group gets more support.,Don't forget that we need to bully fat people because they are bad for society. "Even Vanilla SFIV was better than SFV. If not in terms of mechanics, then at least in terms of roster, content and features",Yup. 9.0 earthquakes are a real threat in Germany.,Nuclear power plants just wouldn't make sense in a country that has as many natural catastrophes and such loose laws like Germany. "No, those were **suggestions**.",Oh you sweet autumn child. I want off the ride.,C'mon it's just getting good. Companies these days,"We want someone who will fix all of our problems for less than minimum wage, is that so much to ask" "Extremely empathetic rich man shares story of a homeless lady who plagued his neighbourhood, ruining the poor gentrifiers' quality of life. So relieved she's gone!","Damn homeless people, can't they go somewhere?" "So is HEIL, but you wouldn't say that in a Jewish Heritage Museum.",But what if I want to have a frank discussion on the merits of [Heil garbage trucks]( versus those made by competitors? "As a Spanish speaker, I feel honoured when foreigners try to speak my language. :)",Quiero jugar con tu huevos. We are all Kanye on this blessed day,Speak for yourself Isokaze is good - but only against BBs. The braindead BBs that get wrecked by sailing straight will get owned almost as easily with Clemson too. You're also able to smoke up and stealthfire til your hearts content. It's just more flexible.,The Clemson has a much shorter torp range and struggles to stay undetected when working offensively in open waters. Megyn Kelly: Fox News Had to Explain to Trump Lawyer Why It Would Be Bad If I Were Killed,That Trump fella certainly surrounds himself with the nicest people. I figured it would be like that since the will not enter province if it would break supply is back(it was gone in 1.1) but still - don't try to swim through water where the enemy has complete naval advantage shouldn't be too hard to implement would it?,Rather don't swim through water where you don't have naval supremacy Good ol Dead Rising. Frank West 4ever!,Looks like they finally fixed all the problems in Deadrising 4. "Small venue needed - Help please! Hey Madisonian's, Every year I host a dinner party with around 30 people. This year it looks like I'll need to rent a venue to accommodate everyone. I'm taking any an all suggestions for places. Obviously the venue would have to allow food. Since I'm paying for it, I'm hoping to find a place for $100 or less. Thanks for your help!!!",Your closest neighborhood/community center will likely be the most accommodating for bringing in food/drink and likely the most affordable name a more iconic duo.. I'll wait.,How iconic can it be when one vote out the other? He is just going to make the US so undesirable a country that no one wants to cross the border. You don't see a whole lot of people in a hurry to sneak into North Korea for a better quality of life.,"Well, if he crashes the country we won't have to worry about those pesky immigrants!" I want a double IPA that only has 3% ABV,That's gonna be tough. That story was so fucking stupid. They also did a story on how Trump had dinner without telling the press. OH THE HORROR.,Trump is bypassing the whitehouse press media! What's Your Number? How many Items are in your collection right now. Only counting POPs and Dorbz I am at 491. How do you feel about your number? Can't wait to add more or maybe thinking it's time to back it down.,594-0372 leak the chat.,We've been discussing making modmail public actually. "I don't think it will work, but then I wouldn't have thought Repentance, Sacred Trial or Snipe would work either. Designing a sheep hero would be a lot more work though probably",Yeah and think that Blizzard is a small indie developer they can't handle it "Donald Trump has officially surpassed Mitt Romeny in the popular vote! 3 million votes yet to be counted, so expect it to continue to rise!",Just imagine how much higher Kasich's would have been then! "~20 billion barrels, US consumption of 20 million a day, so about enough for 3-4 years give or take.","Cool, that should stop a country invasion for a little while." It's a long game of slut shaming.,"Well, it's what they get for having sex!" Has Trump offered up his own college records and applications? He definitely didn't give his medical records. Just a doctor's note.,"He doesn't need to, he's white." Wasnt it just a couple years ago michelle obama was getting shit on by republicans for wearing a sleeveless shirt in the white house? Unbecoming of a first lady wasnt it? Meanwhile i can gooogle many nude pictures of melania....,I'm sure the Republicans would care so much if Melania was walking around in the nude all the time... I guess I completely imagined my flood relief emergency deployment after Irene. Completely fabricated the memories I have of flooded upstate NY towns and spending several days sleeping on a cot in a school gym in between pumping basements and responding to fires that broke out.,"No, that's all left wing conspiracies." What was the xbox update for?,"They said it's a hotfix for issues last patch.. check your new vgs commands and report back fella, not sure what else maybe included.. thanks for reminding me to turn my Xbox tho" What's a good last minute gift to buy online?,Funny t-shirt. "Could not make it past the first two lines. I'm sorry. But, this Nuh-uh, YOU are childish shit gets tiring and boring to read after the 6789th time.","no, u don't even realize the white genocide that's getting worse" "Oh god, of course I know it's an imaginary world. it's jus the rehashing of that gun, of which 20 were used by the union army at the time. The random Confederalies have one just chasing a couple guys on a train. 8 were originally mounted on boats. I know why they did it. It's just the most recent example of it being so central to the story. 2 episodes in a row 2 separate ones were used by 2 separate opposing groups. And the second time it was completely inconsequential tot he situation. It's jsut a trope/gimmick I don't like.",Also many characters are robots. "i like how you read the first definition when you googled pathological, but not the second one",get TROLLED XD If Baalke goes Kap goes. A new GM isn't going to invest that chunk of cap space in the mistakes of the previous regime. The path for Kap staying is extremely small. The front office needs to stay. The coaching staff needs to stay. Kap needs to play well enough that the 49ers want him back at 20M but not well enough that there's a FA market for him. I'm actually not sure that middle road exists. It's more like the edge of a razor. Don't really see him back under any circumstances.,Only way he stays is if he balls out the rest of the year and they give him another contract before he hits FA and he agrees to it...if it is even possible. Guy sniffs oregano wtf :D=!,I don't know if you understand this sub can last friday night be next lolz,Please sweet baby Jesus. With Military Guns only in Airdrops and Heli I Tested 14 drops & 3 helis on Staging Branch,lots of customs B-I-N-G-O and bingo was his name-oh.,"I feel like it's more likely that a huge majority don't want kids, have them anyway, but don't change their minds about not wanting kids." But does it give more dps and lower cooldowns like OPs green circle? Didnt think so.,Does druids aoe heal really give you buffs? Apparently this is how they check for knots before they go up.,Glad to see the city doing everything they can to improve traffic. I think Carmelo can coming off the bench for a team built around KP when melo is like 37/38,"Eh, AD will probably have a super team by then." "Trump probably won't actually go after any newspapers using executive authority, he will just rant about how they are unfair on twitter.","To be fair, they need to stop hurting his fragile little feelings." 2016 Annual Homeless Assistance Report - Number of homeless up slightly in Portland area,"In other news, it's usually quite rainy in the Pacific Northwest..." "Glenn Beck: If not electing Trump means electing Clinton, 'so be it'",I bet Beck takes great care of his wife's children "It's hard to find honestly, locally at least","From what it sounds like, its pretty easy go extract yourself" What's the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychiatric patient? One of them has the keys.,"If the wrong one has the keys, you've got a Batman comic." "I know it's stupid and not likely to go through, but maybe we could just send him a pizza? Any reason the embassy wouldn't except a pizza for Julian? We could also request a note to be written under the pizza. the note would say Go to the room with the window that embassy cat is most often seen from and flick the the lights 3 times, so we know you are well. Or put the cat in a collar without a tie tomorrow to confirm life. Anything to confirm life.","If this is something we do, we need to have some cabbies on our team monitoring the flickering lights when the pizza is delivered." Isaiah Thomas: GOT EM,I'm too salty to appreciate IT rn I love my coworkers but most of our text convos go something like this:,r/Fountainpens frowns at you Yeah actually what is this,The worst. Am I gay for finding women in mens' clothing attractive?,"No, just Beta." You should go read Facebook comments on pro wrestling stuff. The amount of people that don't get it's scripted is scary.,lol its not scripted what are you talking about Incest,Oh. Sean Hollister on Twitter: #Facebook #Oculus to issue statement on #PalmerLuckey soon.,Holister is a senior editor at CNET. The fuck? They planted the audience? Ridiculous.,i'm sure they're trying to correct the record. Portugal.,What's the difference I dont know why you were down voted. You are absolutely correct.,Have you TRIED Kale though? Lf3m for HM WotM with CM please be experienced and appropriately Leveled! 3 chill guardians looking for 3 more for HM raid. Message Seyton616,2 spots left How does one simply fix the bmg?,hit it with a wrench. "Gives Raidhyn an upvote, but not the other devs.",Raidhyns always been nice to me :( Also I had to make sure his comment came before the non-dev Ahh I see. Also I didn't understand any of the weeb you just spoke.,Reddit broke like BFGL does half the time I've been on the site for over 7 years and the current state of this sub disgusts me.,yeah it's so annoying when people voice their opinions Doing work on CSGO and they began to pick on my car :),"Don't worry OP, I bet they're just jealous!" That's a lot of snek,A box of noodles "Never EVER play with fire. That includes you Trump voters, too.","Right on man, ABP: Always Be Punching." Foxconn has been studying the possibility of moving iPhone production to the U.S.,Jobs would have never allowed this Probably a manufacturing defect you should buy a new pair to make sure.,"Yeah, and he should send it my way so I can make sure for him if it's a defect or not." Yeah but Pitts doesnt even have a scarf,He has a name though! "Well.. At least the Apple's cheaper, right?",That'd be the first time anything Apple is cheaper... "He was IR'ed pretty quickly, so the usual Harvin stuff.",TIL it was from migraines. I member! Member when Riverside's Festival of Lights used to be cool?,yeh I membeeeeee! Its a Kuka. That company has been around since the late 1800s.,Definitely a startup company! Does it come with a fire extinguisher,"They did reduce the amount of heat produced by adding a copper plate beneath the sticker, which apparently reduces heat significantly (it says in the article)" Which video game you play daily?,Destiny. "Personal Servant geez. A personal/household assistant isn't anything new. These people are creating a job and while they sound like they have high expectations, that in and of itself is not unusual at all in the job market across the board. I have a cleaner for my apartment because I'm bad at getting it done and I can afford it. I have a few friends who find that really bougie. Fuck them. They spend money on cigarettes/alcohol, videogames or movies, or whatever, I spend money on getting someone who likes to clean to do it for me. My cleaner is awesome and I'm putting money directly into someone's pocket. These people, what - they want their meals prepped, their house tidied, their schedules managed, and they want to put money into someone's pocket to do it for them - what the eff is the big deal? Maybe they work 50+ hours a week each. Who cares?",For the record - they had posted it as an internship - implying little to no pay. I hope this is the next EN event and not the Chatfest. I don't think I can take back to back Tiering ~~though it is sad I won't get that Nico if it's still double event~~,"With how completely disjointed TW and WW have become in just the past few months, I would actually expect Chalfest Maki, especially since someone's already posted the event page with the dates... :/" I liked it until it mocked me!,I liked it until it be came solely devoted to political shit But hey why would anyone ever want to get away from political nastiness right? "This sort of attitude is one of the many reasons I won't hear a word against the guy. He wanted the best for Liverpool, he knew the history and bought into it and the fans, and he gave it his all. He gave us an unbelievable season out of nowhere and he left with no bitterness. A great guy.",It was all down to Suarez Beautiful new Bombardier CS300 AirBaltic,Gorgeous! "*Hello, we come from the city! Everything about the way you have lived for decades is wrong.* -One of the popular new folk in town",Run them and their ten government-subsidized organic coffee shops out of town! 62% of Voters Admitted After Elections They Feel Less Proud of America,But... But... It's great again! Where is this available for purchase? I need to get these ASAP.,Hobby Lobby was where I spotted these. The pattern of inconsistent report-writing continues...,Am I reading correctly that the MTSO report is dated in January but the FBI report wasn't until March? "Lol those are helmets. Boba Fett is a Mandalorian, not a helmet.","Apparently as of new canon, Jango and Boba are no longer Mandalorians... :(" "I'm the one that shot the president, don't blame me tho, I'm not in the wrong here!",It's not my fault the president walked in front of my bullet! A long awaited goal was achieved,what do you do for money? You could cut the tension with a knife.,You couldn't cut the tension in that room with a +3 longsword. Have you seen Arrival yet?,2meta2fast "New champion?? Really? I know we don't know exactly who the new champion is, but it's most likely a assassin. Why? Why can't we get a new Marksman not to mention half the marksman are either not even marksman or not playable at all?! I hate to complain about this I'm just wondering and I'm sure that some of the next few champion a marksman will be in there but the assassin overhaul just happend and I don't think we need a new one? I don't know how many of these posts pop up, I might be the 40000th, and I'm sorry if I am. I'm not angry just wanting a explanation.",I just think that we need a new class called markswoman as some people may be offended that Jinx is considered a marks*man* just because she has no boobs. The AI in this game is brutal,This way anyone playing Coop can learn to pre-fire bc that what we need more of He's playing super smash Bros right now...,It's only while he's in queue. "Lag from Aus So I just started playing OSRS again, but It's completely unplayable for me atm. Constant lag (like maybe 10000ms) and disconnects every 2 minutes. Is this a common issue or is it just me?","Same here, tried doing zulrah for diary and just died over and over from thenlag... :(" "What Should I Do About My Pain? (16/M) Ever since I was little, I've been extremely sensitive to pain. Eating hurt, running hurt, sitting hurt. Lately, my symptoms have been getting much worse. I pass out after gym class, and have to quit gym early due to pain and fatigue. I saw a doctor and got bloodwork done a month ago. I was subsequently prescribed vitamin D which hasn't done anything for me (yet). I now can't stay awake for over 12 hours and can't bring myself to ride my bike or exercise due to pain and exhaustion. I'm sure some of you have been in this kind of spot before, and I must ask, what do I do now?",You need to see a cardiologist if you're passing out. "Can we have an Everlane thread? I have $65 store credit with Everlane (their customer service is fantastic in my experience, by the way). I searched the sidebar and the last thread about them was like 2 years ago. Anyone have any experience with their button up shirts or pants? I know they're mostly known for their bags and backpacks, but I'm good on that front.",I should also mention that I've had their backpack for 3 or so years and it's held up great through rough every day use. "For example... From k-2 and then 3-5 they can only be held back 1 time. Let's say a child is held back in Kindergarten because he still doesn't know his alphabet or how to add 2+2. He can only repeat Kindergarten once. If he struggles in 1st grade, and still only knows 30% of the material being taught he will be moved up to the next level until he gets to 3rd grade. Even if he cannot read simple sentences in 1st grade and should be held back again, he will be pushed to 2nd grade causing an even larger gap. They cannot be held back a second time until they reach 3rd grade. It honestly is a disservice to the child. I've also seen it cause behavior problems because the child gets embarrassed he can't grasp the material when really he just needs more time than other students.","Wow this is literally what happened to my brother, and makes sense why he hates school, and couldn't be held back when he really needed to so he could learn." "I fear for the future, considering I eat food and my species and especially the society that keeps me alive didn't evolve in these conditions.",Narwhal society? "LPT: If the water in your shower doesn't turn warm fast enough, turn it to the hottest possible option for a few seconds and then turn it back to what you deem perfect",OMG do people really NOT know this? Chris Brunt playing OOP remember guys,"Banged my wife for him today, thanks!" "A few game ides I have got a few game ideas and I don't know which one I should make. I know they are big ideas, so just tell me in the comments which games you would like to play: A space dogfighting game, like in the old Star Wars Battlefront, but with more content. A realistic shooter for tactical missions (like Arma), but you are not playing against the AI, but against other players. Both of the teams have different objectives, like hold and conquer. A Counterstrike clone, because Counterstrike is getting worse every update A sci-fi RPG, in which you play as a bounty hunter. Imagine the life of Boba Fett for example.",Sci fi bounty hunter sounds fun TV Reporter delivers doughnuts to 911 dispatchers to show his generosity; they all ignore him because THEY'RE FIELDING 911 CALLS,The cringe here is the subtitles for the lady that greets him when he boisterously enters the room set them down somewhere is just such a vibe killer for this dude. Kassian with the casual tomfoolery,Duclair learned an important lesson there. Content Idea: Skilling pet visual updates,All of those look amazing! Kensington sign of the day,"Young professionals are clearly the scum here, not the person rattle-canning their (probably rented) house to send an offensive and fruitless message." Any other camo subarus out there? Full wrap done by myself,But why? freestyle soccer competition between the two angry young men,Clicked for angry "These tiny but powerful desktops are so cool. I want to pack my next gaming pc build into as small a case as possible, but it'll still have 10x the volume of something like this.",Dan case? (H)Macbook Air Aluminum Body and Screen 13 2013 (W)Paypal,Did the scamming take place from here or hardwareswap? Why is no one talking about Sir Finley Mrrgglton into ping into Raza the Chained...? Is that not the end of the game?,"That's still only 1 free damage per turn, you'll need coldarra drake to make it an instant win." A Field Guide To Identifying A White Nationalist | The Huffington Post,"Brietbart should write an article called, How To Spot A Black Supremacist Let's just bait ourselves into civil war" Well known historical photos colorized,"I've seen most of these before, but in color it makes them more real." "Californians should move inland, make the other states bluer.",Then they can't be surrounded by conformation bias. Wtf is this...?,"Scott decided to redesign Nightmare Freddy, it really paid off." Pearl exemplifies my feelings about clickbait fanvids,"Pink Pearl might be a Dishwasher, it's not unconfirmed!" EXOTIC BUTTER'S DARK SECRET????? whAT???? (also how'd you make youtube dark colored),"Exotic Butters kills Purple Guy, he's lactose intolerant." Who is the most attractive member of your own sex?,Did you just assume I have a gender He did a full phone/audio interview prior to this as well. If you listen to it there will be no doubt it's Julian. If they sign something with PGP someone will just say not proof and even if he does another video and this time with a newspaper someone will say not proof body double. It's absurd.,So because some people don't understand PGP you think that it's not important? "Gentlemans of reddit, what brave and chivalrous acts have you done for a lady today?",Avoided looking at her so she wouldn't be creeped out What do you wish still existed from your childhood?,Happiness surprising that brewer is not on the list.,You forgot the I think in the future we'll look at the 1960's as one of the first times in human history that a significant group of people had their heads straight.,Yeah because those people are running our government now and doing such a great job. Dawn of war knows how to choose a frame rate.,30FPS lock or riot! I have been here for days...DAYS!,Have you hit your yearly datacap of 50 Megabytes yet? And you find that acceptable?!,"Idc, dumbasses prolly deserved it" "Stress free Marijuana investing for the working man plan I can no longer deal with the stress of watching Canopy bounce through extremes all day, I swear day traders have caught on to that one and are running some of us broke. That thing blows through my stops every half hour and continually takes my profits. I can't keep checking it at work all day, I'll be out of a job! My new marijuana investment plan is sticking to the big three venture stocks in order of investment MT, OGI, APH. One advantage is the venture market doesn't allow for stops, this stabilizes the big sell off swings. My plan of monitoring is stop checking every five minutes, check once daily after market, and hold on until I smoke my first legal bowl of weed. Good luck to all, and wishing you stress free investing.",Your first mistake was putting stops on what should have been a long play. "It's a bit too early to say Hibike S2 is AOTS, but have an upvote for true faith.",Super sensible comment in a thread about calling aots for 40 ongoing shows "Thats actually super interesting, how many people have their been over 7 ft",At least 10 Nah not really. I'm in a smaller city outside about an hour away from any larger city,Was this around Houston? What is the point? What are they protesting? I know nothing about Juggalos.,"They're protesting your ignorance, can you not read?" Fabregas arguable but still think Chalobah did do almost nothing compared to the shove in the back he got from Iheanacho.,"I guess, I can see where you're coming from." list key preferably items mean add extra,what a bargain on those crimson chaks A little of both. I bought it because I like guns with history and they are pretty cheap for an old workhorse that can take a beating.,"If you still find them for $110, let me know." You're telling me it's /not/ normal to discussing your underpants and cock sucking preferences with strangers you hope to befriend????,"Apparently, OP encountered someone who's figured it out- the rest of the world has been wrong all along." "guess so, but i didnt see anyone else postingthis.",probably because YOU'RE 2 MONTHS LATE BUDDY "That always makes me so nervous. When I was a cashier/teller I tried to kind of be busy while the first person put their stuff away so they wouldn't feel pressured. Also, to give them change first, then bills. I even went so far as to count the bills from smallest to largest so that they would get it back largest to smallest. Made it easier for them to count. But does anyone notice! No! Customers, man.",If something is efficient and user friendly it usually tends to go unnoticed. "Dude, my buddy just got a 28.8 modern. It's like twice as fast as 14.4. You can load yahooligans in 4 minutes!",Is it that dope us robotics external? "There are no fucks to give. Do your own research, I won't hand it to you. I figured giving you names would be enough to figure out the rest on your own.",Relax Did one of them die?,"No, Natasha filed a restraining order against Matt because he kept bumping into her, so he cannot be within a 2 mile radius of her, thus they cannot be on the same screen together.... unless they get a very very long screen." "Right? Like, since 2012, my life has gotten measurably better. It's gotten *significantly* better since 2009. And here's the entire right wing claiming the country is falling apart. Bitch what?","The country is falling apart because my neighborhood now has three of those browns versus one in 2009... you know, the ones who are a little bit darker than pasty white." "I don't do any vocals or anything. Just guitar, bass, and synthesizers. So I've never needed anything else. I have been thinking about getting a blue or telefunken mic though.","Telefunkens are obviously amazing but since I can't afford one, I am very happy with my blue woodpecker." He may have lied about that,*gasp* say it ain't so! Secret pyramid found inside ancient Kukulkan Mayan temple - Washington Journal,Why would they store grain inside a temple? White Hispanics from Mexico. Just like it was racist when Americans used to be racist against the Irish.,Irish isn't a race so totally not racist bro Can you really not do that? MBs just got even higher one the crappiest computers list,"Sorry, forgot the" As pessimistic as it sounds I honestly don't expect much from this dude. Trump shits all over his services and calls him a looser for being captured and he still rolled over and put party over country.,"To which a Trump supporter simply says, I don't agree with everything Trump says - end of story." Chances of a playable weapon buff for rouge: 0% Chancea of a playable weapon buff for Rogue? Non-zero. Looks like OP won't have to follow through because rouge getting a weapon buff is impossible.,Sounds to me like OP knows exactly what they're doing. Why wouldn't it be Bill? It's not like they don't delegate that crap anyways.,Bill submitted the cookie recipe for that dumbass election cookie contest; he seemed cool with being First Dude. I created an abomination !!,This is what happens after a long breeding chain. Markieff Morris with the clutch 3,I'm somewhat surprised he managed not to assault anybody Yes!,I'll be the rouundabout "I don't have the skills but I will donate money for a BetBud replacement. I don't mean I'll pay $3 for the app. I'm serious. I'm in this for more. Any developers out there? Any more volunteers out there willing to donate to the cause? I am getting so sick of my spreadsheet. It was okay for football, but basketball is going to be another story.",Use Google Sheets to track bets. "Holy shit, Sophie's not being loo-God damn it.","This does have a good message cause Men are more likely to have deeper depression and more likely to kill themselves than women are cause society make its look like if you talk about your feelings you are a pussy, I'm really guilty of it to like a lot of men that understand this still won't talk about this cause it's not what I should do as a man." "Pfft, didn't even get his knee down... :P",Have you ever gotten a shoulder down? No Man's Sky *Hides behind the couch* *,Maybe they can add the rest of the game on Pro pleasure You know you can use incognito in chrome right? ;),psshh it's all about using tor in a linux VM Mei - It's good to be home! by istarlove,Snowball get down from there you're ruining the tea! Crotas End easy mode Need one or two people for the raid. Mic prefered. Message psn for invite,Crota has a hard mode? This why we like them among other reasons,True geeks. If you jerk off in front of a crowd of thousands you probably arent the type to be careful enough to put on a condom to avoid jizzing on your Dockers.,Not unless that's his usual Sunday afternoon routine. We're taking about Doctors in the social sense which = medical doctor,Or an acupuncturist or naturopath or ... "Fun fact, the CIA had a very serious problem in Afghanistan while the Soviets were there and we were supplying gear to the Muj. The Soviets were targeting convoys from Pakistan to Afghanistan so they had basically exhausted the region of beasts of burden and needed more. The CIA found a Tennessee Mule farmer who could meet their needs and started shipping them over. This arrangement lasted till the mule farmer found out that the Muj saw these animals as an unlimited resource so once they had crossed into Afghanistan with the goods they would fuck the mules and then eat them. He wasn't real keen on the idea of a bunch of greasy Mohammedans sodomizing his livestock so he quit selling to the CIA.","So, would that make having sex with mules the fun part of your fact?" "Technically, the were eliminated before yesterdays game, but that didn't stop them from crushing us. ***sigh***",We do what we can. "I always found the fact that he thinks it's not only feasible, but a good idea to just get rid of major departments of government preposterous. The fact that he couldn't remember one doesn't bother me in the least, it's the fact that he wants to do it at all.","If he couldn't remember them, then obviously they couldn't be very important departments." "Donald Trump claiming that the country can't have four more years like this, we can't really take it was the moment I realized I live in a different dimensions from his voters. I'm not saying the country is in amazing shape, but it's not falling apart. Compared to post 2008, we are in great shape. But hearing his words and tone, you'd think we are literally one quarter away from declaring bankruptcy and food rationing.",Well that's because you are obviously a costal liberal elite. So what's the other half?,chihuahua "im not arguing consistency. but hes used the same tactics used over here on the btc subreddit as well. he spews emotionally charged rhetoric that makes the divide larger, and actually hurts the classic crowd by detracting from their credibility. obv core is not innocent either. theyre both guilty of creating these camps of thought that prevent real progress and instead result in something akin to repubs vs dems.",The control of internet money was never supposed to get political. Procrastination sucks! But sad to say it works for everyone.,"So true, I've been busy actually but not drawing :<" DisguisedToast's opponent makes an insane play,"Brb, spending 1000 gold on Heroic Brawl to get easy 12 wins" Golden Joystick Awards Winners 2016,Most useless award of the year lol Where's the room? Because shit has spread to my hobby community and it's getting damn toxic,female space marines pls I wish they didn't go under.,What makes you feel that way? Being a man hating feminist! Being at a mature age but yet act and respond to relationship matters like a CHILD!,i think you need a comma He's literally talking to world leaders without briefing on unsecured lines.,"But don't forget, Hillary had three classified e-mails on her private server!" White males dominate Trump's top cabinet posts,It's cause they're the best people for the job. The Goat is placed on IR,"He was a product of his QB, obviously..." "It has become a mantra among Democrats that 20 million people gained coverage thanks to ObamaCare. It's a myth. The real figure is much lower, and almost all the gains came by stuffing more people into the decrepit Medicaid program.","Yeah, it's really too bad I got on Medicaid and as a result didn't fucking die several years back." Haven't they been selling those for a while? I seem to remember one of these campouts for the sneakers a while ago. Or is this another surge in sales because he's just been hospitalised?,Different colours Santa at Sanford mall replaced for saying Hillary Clinton on naughty list,"Huh, who would have thought that your gig as mall santa might not be the best place to make political jokes?" Ross juat doesnt give a fuck. Same shot when its hot and when its cold. I love it,It's his biggest strength and weakness lol What the fuck did you just say to me you little bitch?,You gotta post the rest and slam me! I Drew up this Psycho Frame Zaku!,Making this my phone background TIL a Roman politician and over 300 of his supporters were beaten to death with clubs by the Roman Senate for trying to redistribute land to the poor that was illegally acquired by the wealthy land owners.,"History doesn't really repeat itself, but it usually rhymes." Yellow Gloves,I really dig this style! Trump has been audited like 25 years in a row. Ben Carson has been audited since 2008 when he began speaking in public. I haven't heard of any democrats going through this stuff.,"Yup, the FBI never mentioned anything about Clinton emails." Junkie LPT.,Is this the part where I rant about how Walmart is ruining the world? Pancake master theatre is the tits!!!!,Tit master theater is the pancakes "So this another wall that leaves users behind with Windows 10 Mobile high end hardware specifically the 950XL and 950. I'm not complaining, cus it's obvious that you'll need better internals to run WARM smoothly, but it will be another Microsoft doesn't care about the fans!! rant around these parts.",by the time this hits phones it'll be 2018 and 950 will be 2 years old; they can jump off a bridge at that point ;) Watch this a few times. You just keep noticing white people stuff.,Is that colored dude a white person too? Yes I'm sure that millionaire high profile actors are concerned about having a steady job doing 10 minutes of impressions a week.,"This is why endorsements from celebrities always mean a lot to me, they truly understand our troubles." people who bitch about the national debt have absolutely no fucking idea what theyre talking about,That goes both ways. This is going to be an intense race,reminds me of a a time in college where we ordered a large pizza from all the different pizza joints in the area at the same time to see who got was fastest. What is almost always a lie?,"Well folks, it looks like we will be on the runway for about another 10 minutes and then we will take off." Operation Paperclip.,Immigrants taking our jobs again... Taking more than the recommended dose of Tylenol. It can cause serious liver damage in not-terribly large quantities. It's easier to accidentally OD on Tylenol than almost any other OTC medication.,"And if you go to the hospital because you've taken a fatal dose, all they can do is make you as comfortable as possible while you die an extremely unpleasant death." Is it not worth them seeing a your dick pics and junk emails to be able to put criminals behind bars? No one has anything that secretive on their phone unless it's criminal (or porn history.... In which case you should just burn the phone so no one ever knows). You have to balance out safety and privacy because you can't have all of both.,You forgot the I got pretty lucky at chaos dwarves today,42m gp/h not bad What do u expect from ppl who take everything thorin says as fact.,It's certainly not because of how he plays the game--it must be because Thorin happens to say so... Match Thread: Brisbane Roar vs Sydney FC No thread so here we are again.,Nice red So you enjoyed it then? Haha,It's an enjoyable track for sure "Shanghai metro/train stations, never experienced such filthy stinking toilets anywhere else.",You obviously have never visited India "After seeing the Tank Karma on frontpage, I decided to try it out. Tilt ensues.",Bring back old wits end and lets see how long your mana lasts :) Smallpox face.,Fuck vaccines though right? "If you put in the work and learn the mechanics instead of sitting on your ass complaining about how hard it is like most players, it's pretty easy.","I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just saying its a big learning curb and I'm not asking for a nerf." Update on the wood carving mechanic! :D,This looks absolutely awesome! "He said how - On day one he'll give the generals - you know, the ones he said he would fire because they suck so bad - 30 days to come up with a plan. What a plan! Unbeatable!",My plan is to crowd-source a plan. Tralf: 85% of all casters are replaceable by nearly any 6k+ player that speaks fluent English,85% of all NA pro players are replaceable by nearly any 6k+ EU player that speaks fluent English. "Rear view cameras - not just for you Hi all I own a fly6 because of an incident with a car a couple months ago and wanted to have footage for future collisions and accidents. However I just want to raise another point. A week ago there was a collision behind me involving a motorcyclist and a car in where both tried to overtake our group with the driver not checking his mirror and moving into the motorbike. Both motorcyclists were quite injured and fortunately the driver admitted fault. However no one saw the actual collision as we were faced forward and only heard a big bang. if the driver was to plead innocent, there would be a situation that would likely be complicated in court. My fly 6 captured it all however and clearly shows what happened. So long story short. Fly 6 has your back, and everybody else's behind you. Not affiliated in any way to Fly 6 but seriously, I don't think I would ride without it.","Shit, the front facing camera, Fly 12, is $350." A G650 not a 747,"Oh okay then, that seems reasonable." "Also, does anyone know why tf S1mple is in NA Rank S??",Liquid needs a new 5th Sunrise Presidential Debate Question Proposal *Propose questions for the moderators to ask during the debate below!*,Will you support the eventual Sunrise Nominee? "You can't expect new gears to be like past gears. The running theme is as follows: gear 2nd (blood), gear 3rd (bone), and gear 4th (muscle). So what else is applicable in that trend?",Brain? More like 5/7,Can't we compromise at 3/5? Firefox Focus with private browsing launched for iOS devices,Didn't like the user experience and can't change default search engine from yahoo... so app deleted :-) They said the same about the UK and the US. She has a huge winning chance.,Election day is not during the year 2016 so it won't happen me irl,Mister Potato Head looks a lot more authoritarian than I remember. "Is anyone playing with LG V20 fine with Grand Quest + Raid? [//tech] I don't know if it is only me, but I have a problem with Grand Quest and Raid. If I start the quest, select my squad, guest squad, set item, etc and start the quest, the game just crash I tried to lower the setting as Gumi suggested (I don't think spec is the problem here :p) Everything else, regular quest, vortex, arena, Research lab, and Frontier are fine but GQ and Raid just crashes the game as soon as I start them, but the funny thing is if I restart the game, the cost wasn't consumed so I can try to restart them as much as I want, but the game just crash XD","The same thing used to happen to a friend of mine with a Galaxy note, he removed ciara from raid and gq's squad and it stopped to crash, so if you're using ciara try ti swap her out" iphones.jpeg,If you don't like slavery then you should just move somewhere else! NO! TANKS ARE OVERPOWERED AND I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO CHANGE MY PLAYSTYLE TO STOP THEM!,"Sir, I think you dropped the" The hell was he trying to accomplish here lmao,Trying to flip without using his left arm "Just to let you northern a know, here in the south we are also dealing with some cold weather. In Tuscaloosa it's 60 degrees and a couple of clouds in the sky.","Dude they need to cancel the game out there, think of the players health." "The tables were turned for me this past week, a girl I met about 2 years ago texted me and asked if I was single. Boo yaaaa mother fuckers.",R/thathappened "You're right, but we didn't have access to mods on consoles then, so we were shit out of luck.",console peasants! "To point out also - this was from some celebrity version of Hell's Kitchen, the slappy lady used to be on some soap opera (coronation street or eastenders most likely) hence the talk of agents and her overall attitude. Generally the show uses professional chefs so her over the top whining about hours isn't something you'd see on a normal version of the show - they'd be used to working crappy hours. *edit* the fact it's a celebrity show would also be why he's not screaming at the top of his lungs - he knows they're all not used to this kind of environment or work. With professionals he wouldn't take any of her crap and would likely just throw her out.",So this scene is totally fake? There's no up in space.,The enemies gate is down. And a criminal,Allegedly "I don't know who is more of an asshole: the guy who reposts content to get low effort karma, or the guy who comments REPOST on all the reposts to get low effort karma.",REPOST "If only there was an option for nightstalkers to shoot one tether instead of three, with that single tether being able to snag people in a fairly large radius. Bungie should look into that.",Yeah I only run Black Hole on mine Smallpox face.,Rather smallpox than autism I'm level 8 as well and one kill never stays one. I always get at least one-two more kills with the help of my team when the other team tries to disengage. They have no chance against constant slows and stuns.,"Wow, they must be really unlucky teams to be matched against such heavy amount of CC without having any of their own" Just wait til I tell the story of the eventual implosion of the marriage and subsequent ridiculous levels of drama that the divorce came with that Cunty and ExSIL firmly wedged themselves in the middle of.,How long were y'all married for? "oh c'mon, QoP was so bad before this. Quit crying because she has just one good talent lol.",not to mention one SE or decently stacked stuns and she's still fucked. "He's not gonna use Air Force One, it doesn't have his name on it",Well it doesn't have his name on it *yet*. No something more sinister. I think he may be getting dinner without the press again...,So much for transparency Those first to cast a stone,But they're all without sin so it's cool. subjective - I prefer gallente for solo work and minmatar for gang/fleet work,Thrasher tho "Why not? We just pump a ridiculous amount of certain chemical compounds and the temperature will drop! There will be moderately catastrophic climatic consequences if it's not done right, but hey, no more climate change! I mean, more climate change, sure, but not getting any hotter!",Oh yeah man its that easy They forgot to mention the Muslims; they don't seem fully committed to their cause.,"Won't join them, then." Cuck!,PUSSY!!! "Burger is worse, Literally the worst term to come into Comp scene",Only a burger would say this. Little English girl absolutely adores acceleration,She needs to go in a Model S next. What an obnoxious way to post a vid,"For real, people see the comments from OP and will instantly downvote it." "Playing sets to 4 games and not 6?... What are they, under 12's?... I'm not joking, under 12's (or maybe a bit younger or older, can't remember exactly) play sets to 4 games, not 6. Next they are going to suggest using the spongey red balls and a max 10 minute time to a set, whoever is winning at the end of the 10 minutes wins the set if it hasn't already been won...",I think they'll have fish fingers with baked beans afterwards too Arena Border Moves with Scope,"What do you mean, like how it's meant to move with it or it follows the scope or what." "Made 2 pulls to try for Suzaku, got a 2nd Urd and this.",gratz he's really strong and fun to play :) Research Aquinas' view on vincible vs invincible ignorance.,How dare you quote a Papist on this subreddit! Tbh I'm proud of that one bc it shows how I can stay alive as bb dva.,My first thought was bareback D.Va and now I'm disappointed in myself. Why is this guy not locked up for prosecutorial misconduct?,"Because, It was just a joke man." There's a subtle joke here.,James rides the clutch? MY GRANDMOM IS CRAZY!,Is it just me or does Parker's voice when he says Jeeese bluh bluh bluh really annoying? "In the African country of Liberia, by constitutional law whites can not become permanent citizens of the country. When is OP going to virtue signal about that? Double standards, I guess only white people are not allowed to control their borders and have their own countries. According to people like OP they MUST give up and open the floodgates to everyone else and just accept their decline and eventual destruction. The definition of cuckoldry.",I'm sure Liberia is just swamped with citizen requests from white people... They are referencing less of The Tip as in the end of the human penis.,"No, I think they want lower tips and more penis" Three words... WE ARE THE LOBOS!,He's that guy I don't get it,"His transmog is... insane, for lack of a better word." "Because that's smart, right? Lets just make the situation even worse for real victims by making false claims just because we're upset over a fucking election result. This is a disgrace.",But punishing false accusers makes legitimate victims not come forward! Thousands sign petition for royal family to pay for Buckingham Palace repairs themselves,"woooooooow, thoooooousands..." which is why it's been repeated for months,"Sporadically, and every time it's said it feels forced." Hate boner lel,bon iver la Israel built a wall to keep their people safe. Does that make them racist?,"Yeah, to keep out ZOMBIES, not to keep out MEXICANS." do you know which music video the coffin comes from?,Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirds "If you were to describe your last fart with a movie title, what would it be?",The Force Awakens then. they. should. queue. as. dps.,Nah "To everyone who subscribed to Dash's YouTube channel recently as we tried to break 4,000 subs: we blew past it in the last two weeks, now sitting at 4,429. Thanks!",:) What kind of car does that key go to?,Looks a little similar to the 01-05 Volkswagen/Audi flip keys. 1000-way SLI. Impressive.,For a total VRAM amount of 2000 GB. The double section with art. Usually the double sections are my favorite and I can fly through them but this one was time consuming.,"same, i hated this one" Can I still get the fantasy point loading screen? I want to purchase the fantasy package for 450 gem but i don't know if there are enough games to bet on for the loading screen (2500 fantasy points :( ),"I bought mine around a month and a half ago and I'm at 9.4k, I also have no life but it's doable" Oh.... I guess i see it now.... sarcasm can be hard on internet,Yeah my bad I forgot the "Yup. Steph just garbage now. Might as well just trade him. KD shot bad tonight, might as well get rid of him too.",I've never seen KD shoot like this before I think he lost his shot "If someone walked in on you, what website would be worse than if you were watching porn?",On websites trying to figure out how my girlfriends parents could have died in a fire at a sea park. Tried something new,uhh... yep that's new alright personal tip: never try anything new ever again mensrights,Close. always gets slept on,what a filty whore Story of star Chapter 3 is here!,"No offense, but the broken english used makes me not want to read these anymore." "In b/w I caught a sandile with a dusk ball. Eventually got it to lv 100, and let just say, krookodile looks pretty badass in a dusk ball.",I thought he evolved at 40? "As a Canadian, I do not know one instance of people going from here to the States for medical care. Why would we? The only kind of treatment that's better over there would be unaffordable to us. So unless you have a few hundred thousand dollars saved up or extraordinary international health insurance, you would not even think about it.",I know one guy but his dad was one of the biggest super7 Lito winners in history and the treatment was experimental and cost them most of their winnings in the long rum "Lol even as an american I was a little confused when I saw the temps in Fahrenheit. I'd use celsius in the future. Much better for computers, not so much for weather ^^don't ^^lynch ^^me",CPU = 24 C Mobo = 28 C GPU = 32 C Storage = who cares lol You forgot myspace and friendster....,"and Youtube, that's a massive concentration of bad grammar and sayings that have been overused for 5 years" You can smash my back door in any time ;),Mmm you can smash mine as well ;p To the Library of Congress or Rose's Luxury?,I was thinking the Folger Shakespeare Library. He's graduating early.,So he can graduate transfer to SC! "China will never make great movies b/c of all the censorship. You can't put chinese authorities in a bad light, can't have supernatural stuff, can't say anything bad at the government, no subject matters that can cause unrest(this could be anything), and on and on. Your creativity is just drained with so many restrictions. The best they will ever make is mindless popcorn blockbusters with shitty plots.",Yeah because the classic Hollywood didn't have any kind of censorship... and didn't make any masterpiece with soft and no belligerent movies. 2 Months ago I made the King Of Swing Lucio montage. Some people told me I would suck on PC. This video is for those people.,"Yeah, but you wouldn't be that good on console." found Maikelele in the local news paper,Eskilstuna represeeeeent He's wrong,"Yep, the creators of the format and the acronym are *totally* wrong about the pronunciation of the thing they created" My Google Photos library is an ass library,Link? "Really short tourney No group stages, TSM and Flash Wolves bypass a quater final for some reason Probably lack of [professional] teams and/or since they made it further than the other participating teams...",Two of the teams backed out (2nd na team and Chinese team) so they changed the schedule and just gave the seemingly strongest teams the semi final slots. butwhy.gif,California? I find that King is the sweet spot of challenge whilst still being fun. After that you are just robotically following a strict build order which is anti-fun IMO Also I use the following to improve the game: Better AI mod - Really improves AI combat tactics etc No cheating AI mod - removes BS bonus for AIs Less Warmonger Hate mod - Exactly what it sounds like Quick turns mod - massively speeds up turns Civ VI Diplomatic mod - way more diplo options including vassalage Info Addict - load of hyper useful charts etc that help with diplomacy.,Any recommended mods fot Civ 6? "Getting pulled over in the US sounds terrifying. Over here in the UK we just get off the bike, remove our helmet and offer a hand to shake. Good morning officer, is there any problem at all?",Even more terrifying if you don't know that you're not allowed to get off the bike or out of the car. no,Knowing reddit you're gonna get gilded for that What are the points of posting these two hands? Both are so obviously played fine postflop. Sorry you got bad beat bro.,"I have been out of the game for a few years and legit thought I played these poorly especially the QJo, so I posted to find out." Not to shill but the pro version of ES doesn't have any of the garbage. I've been using pro for a long time and was very confused when I started hearing about the lock screen and other bs. I don't recommend ES to anyone anymore but I've still been happily using it.,The weird thing is I don't have the paid version of ES on any of my 3 devices and I don't seem to have the problems people are talking about. Vicks is American.,"Fun fact, the American Vicks inhalers contain L-methamphetamine.. Unlike it's mirrored twin, It has no recreational benefits and pretty well only acts as a vascoconstrictor." Probably the best GTA V Mod,Garfield had some serious heartburn after years of eating nothing but lasagna. I AM A WHITE MALE ASK ME QUESTIONS,HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH YOUR PRIVILEGE? TRP is full of nonsense. Youtube PUAs actually in-field like RSD actually know what they're doing and pick high-value targets only,"Sure, because psycho whores are high-value targets." RIP Nemo,Better to die free than to live in a cage "I wonder how many people on here who take such supplements actually have a decent diet and are at least truly intermediate lifters. It's not worth your money or time. If you haven't sorted out all the basics, spend less time on supplement sites and more time in the kitchen and gym.","But, I've been lifting for two whole months and I haven't seen any results on the retarded lifting program that I made up and I need an edge!" When you love music visualisers too much...,Needs more monitors Monoprice switch,"Slower, you slut" What are some of your favourite moments from owning a pet?,"Many things, but walking up to the house just knowing there is a little buddy just waiting for you to come in and that explosive excitement when they see you is at the top of my list." Someone recommend me an anime series along the lines of GITS and NGE With a lot of symbolism cuz I luh dat shit,"PsychoPass, Madoka, Ergo Proxy, Lain, Texhnolyze, Monster" I think the whole thing is one glorious moment. A morning show host spending 3.5 hours on TV absolutely hammered drunk. Brilliant.,Exactly Full PPR - Dealing with Cobb not starting Moncreif vs KC or Tyrell Williams vs Denver?,moncrief I highly doubt Assange is getting stoned inside the Ecuadorian Embassy,"Well, what else is there to do when you've been locked in a building for that long?" And who is remotely surprised by this? Anyone?,I don't know why you're getting downvoted Woman accidentally shot in head outside Raleigh gun show,Classic gun-show loop hole. Full disclosure: I hold UP and B for every capture.,"Please, we all know holding A and B when the pokeball closes GUARANTEES a capture" Ecclestone proposes shaking up F1 weekends with two short races,"Indy and NASCAR races are longer than F1 races, yet announcers are very happy with that... I'm not sure shorter races are the answer." If next year or 2018 turns out to go well for the McHonda partnership then they wont really care for those two years,"Well we'll talk about that next year lol, I'm ready to bet a lot that McHonda doesn't even make the top 3 WCC" Pip cause he's adorable.,[VVY] Yes "Why can't we see our friends list when in champion select. I can't start a new conversation with any online people during champ select, nor anything else the list enables. Just give us a drop down like the old client, because this is just dumb.","Riot says you should already have your friends IN champion select, so having the friend list would be pointless." Add R.I.P. Harambe as a splash,Are there any memes in the splashes that are as annoying and outdated? "I dont want to be the wierdo debating a joke but... the robot characters dont hold their breath, when you press the button to steady the scope it makes the sound of servos locking up. Also when shot they dont bleed red so its probably oil or something.",but call of dooty !1!1!1!1 There is nothing wrong with dynamic queue for anyone diamond 2 and under. They brought back solo queue for the people it mattered to.,dude you don't understand all my friends are in gold now and I'm still in bronze because of the shitty dynamic queue What are you c*nts doing tonight im bored as fk....,Are you guys still doing the nugget thing? Beter yet we could number them! Then we can tattoo the numbers on thier arms so there's no confusion!,Can we send them to special camps too? MVP Season 3 SWC Wildcard Cyclonespin for me.,oceans It's not gay if your balls don't touch.,And here I was thinking it's only gay if boots touch Got Kevin Youkilis' autograph today,You should have complained about the location of the autograph. "To solve South Korea's chronic political problems, South Korea should just join the United States And I'm being serious. South Korea should become one of the states in the union by holding a referendum. This would solve a vast number of problems with one shot, including controversies regarding education, social welfare, defence, trade, on and on. There is really no-one in South Korean politics who are fit to lead the country which is ungovernable. Bring America's law and order to Korea and let them set up the system that Koreans have admired for a long time.",America should take up its white men's burden and tame these savages already! Now that Trump is president will the 9/11 truthers finally go away? If it were an inside job he probably would know by now,He would and he knows.... But wait until he is in office for the RedPill to be release. He sure did as I remember rabbit hunting with him when I was 5.,*and that was the last time anyone saw him* Kids In The Hall - That's America (Canadian Comedian nails America),TIL kids in the hall is Canadian And after that ppl ask why non japanese are badly view in japan x).,"Yeah, if it weren't for those uppity folks like Rosa Parks, and if they knew their place, blacks would viewed far less badly in the US..." The Passion Of The Christ,"Jason Bourne, it's Jesus Christ!" So what? You're a disappointment to your family and will die alone.,"You sound depressed, take good care of yourself." is she mixed? white last name...,She could be married to a white guy or mom remarried and the family changed their names when she was younger "Yes, there is no conclusive evidence that it actually prevents concussions any better than what we already have, so players are hesitant to switch to a new helmet they aren't comfortable with",According to Jerry Jones there's no conclusive evidence that these concussions even cause long term issues so Idk why new helmets are needed Game Thread: Week 3 - Cincinnati Bengals (1-1) VS Denver Broncos (2-0) [](/CIN)Cincinnati Bengals VS [](/DEN) Denver Broncos Time: 1:00 PM EST *Help the mods by reporting trolls* **Sort by new for up to date discussion.**,this game is going back and forth ffs I dont understand whats so hard about dropping the mag and checking the chamber every time no matter what.,"Nope, ND bucket is better." BUCCHI KIRIYO! MUDAA!,JU BYOU KEIKA! Bitch please,There's not much players above 3kmmr in Chile or Peru. grinder? as in weed grinder ??,Yeah was posted on there IG a couple weeks ago over one of those electric glass balls that make your hair stand up when you touch them has an engraved palace font p on the top Trogg no stupid.,Trogg no weak When your human wants you to play Reindeer Games,"Looks like a short, fat Bullwinkle" Ahhh thanks Also my psu is a tire 4 oh god.,Because we all know if you don't get a tire 1 psu your computer is garbage! I read this is why they don't make a duff beer. Worried ppl will drink it just to cause homer did,There's a Duff energy drink. "So just OROY. Oh no, what a failure",It would be David Johnson pls. Opa as in brothers?,In dutch opa means grandfather LOL oh really?! now I feel like a noob cuz I always use instance too!,"yep, especially at high enrage, it's an inventory slot you'd lose.. which can be the difference between living and dying" Are they strapable?,Yep! "After all these years, I don't even know what it actually does....",Are you serious or just trolling? Yuengling coming to Indiana in 2017!,Can't wait to get some of that Pottsville Piss. "Energized By Trump's Win, White Nationalists Gather To 'Change The World'",Not all Trump supporters are white nationalists but all white nationalists are Trump supporters. The Cleveland Browns have been eliminated from playoff contention,Really I thought they still had a chance People are asking why so few dates... Don't worry... We plan on touring A LOT - BJA on Instagram,Maybe we might come to Indianapolis said no band ever it's a blue iphone 7 with android,With a USB-C (Standard) instead of lightning... The monkey is clearly distraught and suffering. Can we as a community really enable cruel animal abuse?,You forgot the Because Canadians are far-left wing....,Yeah just look at their planned economy and constant focus on ousting the destroying the Bourgeoisie! The Bruins dressed more Americans (8) than Canadians (7) tonight.,"Huh, $6 is a lot less than I thought we were paying Backes." "I can't be one of them, can I?","I don't get it, that doesn't look like anything to me." What was Dak's streak at the end?15/16? 18/19? Something like that?,Trash. "PROTEST! Abandon IW 24,11,16","Because while the other boycotts on every other CoD failed, this one will totally work." Grrreat!,"No, the pharmacy is located in the back of the store." "Nazism is left wing. Nazi stands for national socialism, socialism is left wing.","Yes, and the *Democratic* People's Republic of Korea is a democracy" "This. An unarmed human male fighting for his life is a MONUMENTAL threat. Even with no training, humans can do pretty insane damage with their fists and feet, not to mention biting. Human bites are absolutely nightmarish. Our bite force is among the strongest in the whole animal kingdom, especially when compared to the size of our teeth. We can *easily* eviscerate big chunks of flesh and do permanent damage with a bite. In hand-to-hand combat, most soldiers are trained to kill with what amounts to a two-strike procedure. One move to get the opponent onto the ground, then another move (be it an elbow, a weapon blow, or a boot to the neck). This can seem exaggerated when you see people training or sparring, but that's only because the adrenaline isn't flowing to its fullest extent. In the real, actual fight-or-else-your-opponenent-WILL-KILL-YOU scenario, an average human male WILL be capable of killing just like that.",How dare you imply a female isn't capable of such monstrous acts. "Besides the election, what 2016 event do you think you will never forget?",Skydiving for the first time. Tony Romo eyeing Broncos as offseason destination,"Death, taxes, and Sunday morning bullshit from Ian Rappaport" I think a drink commercial.,Very specific. They still had booze.,Lol but it was illegal how would they obtain it? His supporters don't give a shit when he lies to them and the American people. Disgraceful.,"Obviously, what do the Russians care about Americans?" "I've listened off and on. It can be a good show, but he does have a weird adversarial disposition towards libertarian ideas that don't line up exactly, while claiming that he wants us to work together.",Like what? yeah there's no way someone on the internet could make their own money to buy their own clothes,yes they can what are you on about "Why didn't Ford choose to open those new facilities in the USA instead of Mexico then? Maybe no jobs were lost, but there certainly weren't any new jobs created either. Not for Americans, anyway.",It would cost a lot more than 1.6 billion dollars to build that facility in the USA then pay higher wages to American employees Pigeons. Roaches. Chinese restaurants.,He said 99% not 100% "20 games in--- where is Riley Sheahan? The invisible Red Wing is a -10 (+/-) with three assists and no goals. Are we getting anything good out of his 13:45 TOI??? Who's got an opinion on him- good, bad, or otherwise. What does he have to do to get untracked and contribute?",He's on his way to Vegas or through Waivers to GR if he keeps it up! Time to start learning the language of our new owners,All you need to know is $$$ "k, how does she sound tho?","Dunno, I watch ASMR with the sound muted" "To be fair, there really isn't much point. Unless it was caught on CCTV there isn't much the police or club could do, and it's likely any drugs would be out f her system now so it would be hard to prove.",A fact she's probably acutely aware of and upset enough about without OP pressuring her... Goddess,Who dis? "Even more than sploosh, my favourite Pam phrase.",Did you do the back tat? "Too late by then. The company agreed to start pumping by jan 1st, or else they would be breaking a lot of contracts.",I would think this would trigger the act of god clause in these contracts. "MODS, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, STICKY POPULATION COUNT People are now straight up insulting anyone asking for population count, and I dont blame them when the same question is asked one billion time a day.","But wait, isn't this a dead game?" And if Adam and Eve were the first then how did we come about? Incest.,Incest wasn't a thing back then. His name is Rudy!,No no we don't know his name "Washing machine leaves white powder stains everywhere My washing machine keeps leaving patches of white powder stains on most of my clothes. The kicker is that I've used only white vinegar as a washing detergent for at least 6 months. It's a top loader if that makes a difference, and the white vinegar is diluted before being added. These stains can be brushed off using a fluff brush, but they're consistently in every wash. Any advice? I wear so much black so it's the worst. :s","If you use actual laundry soap, do the stains go away?" "Isaiah Wilkins and Mamadi Diakite with back to back ridiculous blocks, including weird commentary",It's so beautiful! Russell Wilson is the first QB in Seahawks franchise history with a TD reception.,But the refs! "Maybe we should hear her out - she could be one those trafficked humans. They let her have 10 minutes of sunlight a day, and a twitter account.",Doesn't that describe every woman? In light of the outcome for the raptros game. Let's bit forget that Sacramento has reaped the benefits before as well,Vivek needs all the help he can get Eddie Guerrero taking Brock Lesnar to suplex city,"I watched that match from the second row at 12, the electricity in the arena when he won... That's something you don't forget." "Can Tennogen please overwrite the Prime skins? Can Tennogen skins overwrite the Prime skins, the same way deluxe skins do? Like I get that primes are supposed to be better and fancier, but if I'm dropping six or seven dollars to use a Tennogen skin, please let me actually use that skin the way it was intentionally designed. These aren't deluxe skins where I can sell a bunch of Braton prime sets until I can give my Nova weird fucking bug eyes, I actually have to drop cash on these. I have an addiction to Graxx skins, and the fact that the Prime shit clashes with them so severely is the reason I haven't bought it for Nova yet. Seriously, just let me give you my money to make things look fancy.",Have you considered not being poor and just having both versions of all of the frames fully forma'd and set up exactly the same? *ULTRA RARE* PATRIOTIC TRUMP PEPE only 1 in 3.7 billion pls no steal,Such a glorious picture capitalism works,BASH "Greenfather's Gift or Dangerous Game? I've been running Greenfather's Gift lately, and it really adds some oomph to Talon's assassinations. It's not as useful early on in mid lane, but if you invade the jungle at level 2 or 3, you will kill any jungler you find. At top lane, it's easy to abuse it along with the Fresh Blood. Passive + Greenfather's + Fresh Blood + Thunderlord's + Ignite + w + q = u ded Talon dumpsters almost every lane opponent, pushes hard, and has the best roams and jungle invades in the game.","Obviously take the gold generation mastery, faggot." "Wife and I were hoping the DLC would delve more into Londor and Astoria. If they did the latyer, part of their history is that the evil eye that ruined them was defeated by One with a sword most noble. I just want to see my Sun Bro again.. I ended to apologize for what I had to do. T_T",How can you pretend to care about lore when you can't even spell Astora properly? For as much as Reddit likes to shit on him the actual pros he plays with and against consider him a top 5 player in the world when he's on and still one of NA's best on an average day.,"I wouldn't go so far as to say top 5 in the world (after all, Korea exists), but I definitely agree that he's one of the best in NA, even though I'm not really a fan of him" Nice Ori play that I'm proud of,If i was that hecarim i woulda flashed that "Internet history 101: it was started by Shlonglor, who is more than a SC player (he works for Blizzard as their webmaster). He was one of the all-time War2 gurus and was extraordinarily famous due to his war2 page ... still one of the best gaming pages ever created (although it's no longer anywhere on the net ... he took it down when he began to work for Blizzard). Anyhoo, there came a point in Shlonglor's fame where no one but a few select individuals would play him; everyone, hearing his name, would do one of the following things: cower in fear, worship like mad, or repeatedly challenge like a newbie. In the midst of this it was virtually impossible for him to get a game. SO ... Shlonglor and his roommate at the time, Warp, came up with a stroke of genius: make up a false name that no one would recognize and go beat the ***** out of newbies. For whatever reason, the names they chose were Papa Smurf and Smurfette. From hence came the term Smurfing. (Shaf, 1999)",That's beautiful. "To be fair, I've worked with many a police officer when I drove a tow truck and worked a lot of impounds. More often then not it goes by the rule of 3. Meaning if you are missing two of the three requirements your car gets impounded. The theee being: valid drivers license, valid insurance, valid vehicle registration. If two of the three are missing then the officer is obligated to impound the vehicle. He or she may not want to because they do know the economic impact it has on low income society but they are bound by the laws that were passed. As a community if you don't like those laws then petition your local representatives to amend the laws to allow the officers to exercise discretion.","Nah, they're racist." "I've never gotten the chance to talk with someone who grew up in an antivax household, what were your largest concerns besides the threat of various diseases you could get?",Not getting autism "Yeah...I've been playing COD for 9 years now (I'm not young but I am a COD player) my friends and I all downloaded on Friday to give this a try since the new cod is absolute trash, but that's a different story. Soldier 76 was the perfect character to ease us into this type of gameplay. Assault rifle, sprint, and healing are all very familiar, except usually health regeneration is automatic. As someone with thousands of hours in COD and only about 25 in this game, I can tell you with certainty, this character was made for us.","Mercy might be better for CoD players: her health regen is automatic, she does a surprising amount of damage, and when you get attacked and die, your team doesn't really care" Those are the greatest things ever invented. Be prepared to take flack from your coworkers though.,Yeah because the hammer and flat head approach is way more manly Help me solve these riddles?,[Triangle 17 prob: starting at the top going clockwise: 1 9 5 2 4 8 3 7 6] "Did you experienced some stuttering at the first moments of a race? Framerate seems not bad (40-55fps) but a few seconds after the race start, the game freezes for about 1-2 seconds and it keeps doing sometimes.","It freezes because it's loading and caching the effects (so it just happens once), it's nothing to worry about :P" People everywhere getting Legendaries while us trainers in Asia don't get anything T.T,"Just saying, if you got your console from the US you can still get the NA events by changing your location to US." Om dat probleem tegen te gaan is sinds kort de WOZ waarde van een woning voor een groot deel bepalend voor de maximale huur.,Is het ergens mogelijk om te laten uitrekenen wat dit voor je huur huis zou betekenen? "Skill based matchmaking problems have arisen, people voice their opinions, weekly update comes out and says SBMM is fine get over it nerds, and the salt doth flow. Now you got people pissed off at the flippant response, people pissed at people getting pissed, people saying 'well Iiiii still love the game as it is neener neener whiners', and people getting pissed at that. It happens every half a year to a year.",This sub is better at calendar events than Bungie Leslie Tweeted a picture of a sketch that didn't make it,Is that ghostbusters 2 "as compared to Ragen who's at least at this moment, marginally mobile.","Don't be silly, Ragen is a world-class athlete, and future IRON-WOMAN!" Well... It's a fucking hamster.,HOW DARE YOU HAMSTERS ARE LIVING BREATHING CREATURES Always Hunters. I auto-squelch them now.,Dats racist bro This entire thread is a trainwreck. It's like sloshing back and forth from one extreme to the other.,Did you know that according to the horseshoe theory those extremes are actually really close to eachother? Why is everyone on this sub a raging lefty.,Well how many conservatives do you know who are atheists? So all those National Guards fighting their third and fourth deployment orders only needed to jack off in front of some kids to avoid being sent back? Why didn't they *tell* us?,I would suggest you not do so in a hotel window in view of minors. Bonds can now be redeemed for 2 extra daily keys for 2 weeks,Runescape economy is perfect. Why pay someone 20%,"Since if a L4 missioner ain't gonna salvage anyway or even loot sometimes, just providing warp ins and getting 20% of the salvage/loot is worth it." So much for giving back to the community then :p,List it in hardware swap you'll be fine. Who's a good boy?,The dude has a weird haircut "Dear game dev, Stop it.","I get that this a joke, but a single game dev on a large project has little to no control of the overall game (nor should they)." "stupid...u build ap on vlad, not ad xD",You forgot the "Leaving Canada... any way to keep my phone #? Hey all! Sorry if this is the wrong place for it; asked on the IRC channel and never got a response. I've had my plan with Bell for years, but I'm moving south of the border and am looking for a way to keep my current number, and hopefully have it forwarded to another service instead. Not sure what options I have for this. I figure I can pay a monthly fee to Bell and pay for every forward, but is there anything more affordable? (I've had my phone number for about a decade, and my business runs off of it; it would be very inconvenient to just let it go at this point.)",Anyone know of a service that will handle texts as well? Tanks and other armored vehicles captured in Palmyra.,Im assuming that photos of massive stacks of small arms and ammunition are going to be posted shortly. Nature,Thanks. "Spent 1755 fusings on a Quill Rain, still no 6link? I want to kill myself guys, i wasted so much currency and i cant even get a6l. Ok for the ppl who are gonna say why didnt u just use vorici well i didnt have all those fusings at once, i buy them when i sell items so this happened in a span of 1 week :s All in all 12.5ex wasted, 1.5ex more an i couldve bought 2 6l quillrains. Like even if i get the 6l in 1.5ex right now its still pretty bad. What do i do? DO i just quit and wait for next league? its only been 2-3 weeks so thats gonna be a long time but with my luck right now its just really fucking sad. I have 2 level 93 cahracters, one is WHISPERINGice and this one is Explosive Arrow. Idk whats worse, Wasting that much currency for a 6l or the fact that i dont even need the 6l to progress my character.....","selffusing is a noob trap, sorry you got cough" Same already happened in Russia. They used child porn as an excuse though.,Yeah all that child porn on YouTube "Bayview will be a parking lot though, and Lakeshore will be even more of a parking lot. People will go to any lengths to avoid tolls - I live in Vancouver now, and people will generally take the long way to avoid the tolls on the Port Mann Bridge. I think tolls might be valid as a last resort, but I'd honestly like to see them provide a carrot as well as a stick, like more transit on these routes. Ultimately they may even need to toll all vehicles coming into the city core, like London does.",I mean don't you pay more in gas driving the extra distance? KING: Imagine if President Obama was caught saying he uses his power to sexually assault women,Imagine if Hillary Clinton were caught on tape talking about grabbing men by their dicks. Yes. Kevin mcalister cant operate the modern security systems. Danny ocean just walks in amid the chaos of the casinos collapsing.,"Presumably in charge of means not entirely alone, so we could assume he has people to operate the security systems and he is there in a tactical capacity." "What a waste. Why can't they just remove their batteries, and then give them away to 3rd world countries, to be used as computers? Sort of like the Raspberry Pi, but much more powerful and useful.",I don't think you understand the monetary or logistical cost it would take to send a bunch of Note 7's to third world countries... Maybe he should just google: attractive women without makeup. Unless he just doesn't like evidence.,Those results are planted by George Soros to undermine the radical incel agenda. "I love when people get like that while playing airsoft, like dude, c'mon, we're weird adults shooting other weird adults with expensive toy guns",I'm sorta disappointed you're not typing in Gamz's quirk with that username. "What should I play So I have around 100 hours in Fallout 4 without the expansions. I'm considering buying them, but none of them look very interesting and in my experience, Bethesda expansions suck (Except for Tribunal for Morrowind which was amazing). However... I still have (in shrink wrap): Witcher III Diablo III Mad Max Arkham Knight What should I play?!","depends what kind of mood you're in, if you feel like spending a huge amount of time in 1 game then go for witcher 3 (100+ hours guaranteed), if you feel like a bit of mindless fun i'd say diablo 3 (it's just walking around following quests tapping buttons to attack), if you're looking for a game to pick up every now and then, I'd say mad max, fun in short sessions, gets pretty boring if you play it for too long though, and if you've played the batman games before, then you're in for more of the same with arkham knight, slightly bigger world, the batmobile (can be annoying), still a good game though if you enjoyed the others." "He probably should've quickly denounced Trump after the meeting. That would've helped instead of hurt him. Something like I've spoken to Trump and believe he's crazy and a fool because we will not pay for a wall nor will we stand for his insults against the Mexican people. Instead, it was just some half-ass remark on how he probably shouldn't have invited. Then again, the aide responsible for the meeting stepped down after other officials pointed at him.",Insulting the next POTUS is a brilliant idea when you are a powerless country who shares a huge border with the US! Do you feel accomplished by buying a 4* with money?,Someone's awfully butthurt... Just because someone did what you don't want to doesn't make their decision wrong Three-cheese mac-n-cheese with thick cut bacon in a cast iron pan.,Looks a bit like a Tartiflette. "The nerf he needs is that his 4 charges shouldn't stick around forever, but over time should be removed. Now he kills one in mid lane, goes to top or bot within seconds, then do another kill there with the remaining charges",I think they need to nerf his attack range to the standard melee before they go nerfing his passive. Do you have any advice on how I should go about reporting him?,why you no make eye contact and give finger while walking out the door? "Cheers bud, you'll notice me as I'll be in last place!",I'll be behind you with the turn signal on the entire race going slow to finish the Chaperone quest... How? If you tried to go sideways you just floundered around.,There was a trick to it but it was definitely possible. Im disappointed this article had nothing to say about the journalists in the can for clinton coordinating with her campaign.,Nope none of that ever happened What two sports combined together would be the most interesting to watch?,Underwater ice hockey "Look into her eyes. She looks like a child psychopath. Her mouth is smiling, but her eyes are not.",## #LOCKHERUP Big Baby Beast in Temp Control Recently pinked up a Big Baby and absolutely loving it in wattage mode with the X4 coil. I was just wondering if the coil was made with SS316 to use in Temp Mode on my Reuleaux 2/3? Haven't used temp control since using an IPV D2 with the Nickel Uwell Crown coils and thought it'd be fun to play around with something newer,"You can use the RBA section to make ss coils for temp control, otherwise all tfv8 premade coils are kanthal and meant for wattage mode only" "Well, no one would accuse Pence of being especially truthful.",Thats insulting Bobbbby...... Newwwport.,Ok now we're just wasting time... What dead meme do you miss the most?,"Who all seen the leprechaun, say YEAH!" "Haha! Yes, birds will definitely do that! Some birds, such as Cowbirds, are nest parasites. They lay their eggs in other species' nests and trick the other species into raising them. Some host species have figured this out and have evolved ways to recognize their own babies and will reject others that aren't their own offspring. Good on you for trying to help though!",Yeah they realize they haven't laid any eggs. "i havent really looked into it too deeply but apparently it has to do with some democrat elites using a pizza place to cover for child sex slavery. as far as conspiracy theories go this one is on the stranger side, but there is lots of compelling evidence. for example, have you ever noticed that if you switch the O and E in Podesta you get Pedosta ?",That's because real life criminals act like fictional bad guys like Tom Marvolo Riddle. strangely aroused,Found the libtard. What would vim/emacs be in 22th century? Do people still use them?,"No, in the future everyone will use Sublime Text exclusively" Yeah no purpose......Condi Engi is only one of the best dps classes on small targers in a perma alacrtiy scenario. Its about 30k dps (realistic buffs + alacrity) thats higher than Thief or Ele.,Why play condi engi when condi ranger can do slightly more damage with a simpler rotation. Where is the DNC outrage?,What's the DNC? This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done to me in CR...,Alright that's a bit much lol Balloons over Burma,*Myanmar New Target Batmen?,That green variant has a dollar sign instead of a bat on his chest. Tier 5 fighters Hello just beat floor 30 and am curious if there is a fast track to floor 35 without other minibosses? Tried looking for a map and couldn't find one. Any help would be awesome. Thanks guys.,Btw for u10 the slowmungus is extremely effective. "Guessing this was casual? Either way, nice ace",Definitely a casual match. "Sorry, I guess it was directed toward somewhere else. I'm old!",No worries mate ".... I mean, the last time men were cut of from Internet Porn, they overthrew the government.... Lookin' at you, Egypt.",Could you expand on that a bit? What about my wife? We have 3 kids.,Should've thought of that before *choosing* to be gay and going against God. Ask who they are voting for and why,"I'm not voting, because the winner has already been decided by the Illuminati." FYI in many states (possibly all states?) You can get arrests expunged after a certain amount of time. I would look into that.,"Once you cross the border and they see it, they'll have a record of it regardless of any expungement." TIL that an estimated 40 million Chinese people live in caves,To put that into perspective that's more then the population of Canada. me irl,Yes. Man solving a problem,Clearly not having weight from the other arm and a lighter leg gives him an advantage "So you name one thing? That's dumbing it down? *what is inside the team site* hasn't changed. In fact, you are getting more functionality than you could before... but I guess since you can't rename the URL, the whole application got worse.",2nd - How do I delete the site? Chi-pol-tay - literally everyone's mom,Water burger -young Texans who grew up on it What a burger -transplants and people struggling with English Its a weird case of people pronouncing it wrong being the people most familiar with it I'm seeing too many of these kind of posts recently. There's nothing cringe about asking normal questions only to be met with bad news after the fact.,Its just OP wanting people to tell him he did nothing wrong. AK 47 Fire Serpent FS MW 3X Crown foils 115 Keys / more in items / negotiable,how far is it nego? at this point i'm just cobbling together cheap jokes,"I don't want to poison the well, but it would have been better if all these jokes wouldn't have been by one user." "Hey, I'm two of those!",I'm 3~! Report: Trump pressed Argentina's president about stalled building project on phone call,"Well, he didn't used EMAILS so that's okay." Did she mean tiring?,no Fred Roggin on Twitter: Despite best efforts #Chargers are 99% on the way to Los Angeles. Barring last minute unexpected miracle Chargers leaving San Diego,bye felicia McLeod still in why?,They gotta fight Torts' grit with their own grit! Bruce Stadium hired as next US Soccer head coach,IT'S NOT SOCCER IT'S FOOTBALL I had a crack at eggs Benedict,"Toast too crisp, 2/10..." *insert faux excitement about underperforming Browns player here*,Corey Coleman WR1 ROS? Lol wtf. It's not like AB never goes off.,God I can't believe that scrub went off against me so unlucky What do people think those ports are for? Decoration? *sigh* I guess that's what you get when you go to Best Buy.,It's an extra fan for the case SUPREME X INDEPENDENT SHIRT/HAT,I know you said DM but were you willing to split? Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location Voice Actors,I like how they use an image of a model for the thumbnail What's something odd but really fucking adorable that your SO does? My boyfriend always leaves his beanie on in nude selfies. It looks really cute.,"She's terrified of moths and opening those biscuits that come in vacuum sealed tubes, yeah she freaks out and starts to whimper and it's the cutest thing in the world." "What office would that be? The unemployment office? Oh, the office of women's studies. I forgot.",what a lazy argument Sadly both Rhydon and Golem will still get wiped by Vaporeon due to the double weakness to water.,"It's ok, Vaporeons are rare." Did you guys hang a banner after SB 44?,*Super Bowl Finalists* How is this even a question? Why do you think the parents would know?,A mother always knows Sweet Guy ch. 66 It's up,Is this an Illy commercial? When the 'Cuse get knocked down they get right back up,epic needle here nope,"Chen is going to test of faith teleport you all the way hell, buddy" Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,[](#silence) FTFY What are the reasons to prefer the Monologue over the Minibrute? As I had been interested in that too...,"The monologue's sequencer is lightyears ahead of the minibrute, and it can save patches to its internal memory." Kusche,AKA the Pencil. "Three times, arguably four","when he finished second to johnson way back when, he would have been the 'classic points' champion :(" Rank S-HROUD,requesting rank S-TEEL next pls thank you What's your best Make a rule for drinking games?,Last person to break a rule has to get up and get drinks for everyone if asked. Well I bet I can guess what was causing her mortality. #being a fatfuk,"N-n-no, it's cause of society" i don't get the pidgey hate. They singlehandedly provide me more leveling opportunities than anything.,"All I've wanted to catch during the event is commons, and there's so few of them with all these gastly/cubone spawns." WE'RE GONNA GIVE YOU THAT TOO GET DUNKED BITCH,voice chat "Where is your evidence to say it isn't, because last time i checked there wasn't any","Where is your evidence to say that it is, because last time i checked there wasn't any." The Electoral College Was Meant to Stop Men Like Trump From Being President,"It sure worked out well, didn't it?" No with some people the Nazis just appeared one day from an oblivion gate.,God damn it Mehrunes Dagon. "if you take the pill 100% correctly and you use spermacide and a condom, what are your chances of getting pregnant? what is a birth control method that works 100percent?",abstinence is the only 100% effective way and even that fucked Mary. GameShare?,Yeah sure let me just give you my login and password. "Not true. Back in the day ... I used to make looters when I was broke and wanted a new pure (I messed up on 1 def a LOT back in the day lol). Key is using an auto-clicker, as most of the other looters are bots anyways. Set it to click like every 1 millisecond, and you will get most of the pile.",TRUE "But if we put them in jail, aren't we giving them a home?","Good point, we should fine them instead." What has he actually done that has been good for the province? Right after he got elected Saskatchewan boomed but he didn't do anything to cause that. He rode the high that the influx of money into our province brought. Now that things are in recession he failing miserably and cutting things that shouldn't be cut and spending outrageous amounts on money on land. I can't think of one thing HE has done that has helped us out.,"Rider nation, bro" Royal Navy 'woefully low' on warships - BBC News,"Great, now the Spaniards are going to sail around unchecked." What's one thing most guys hate about girls that's almost a law?,That they are always responding as though they are people rather than what men imagine them to be. "Key House chairman: GOP will change Medicare, to 'save' it",The only thing it needs to be saved from is the GOP. "For the past 3 months while posting on r/ExMormon I've also been removing 35 years of a work-from-home smoker. House goes on the market next week. No prayer, all Krud Kutter.",Fix and flip? David's Black Friday Sales! Starting today!,Are David's 10th OT up to par? Why aren't you just playing the type matchup challenge? I upgraded to level 7 in like 10 minutes.,Gotta practice my Japanese man! "With all due respect, Republicans win elections because they don't share your hatred of partisanship. If Bernie had won I would have supported him. I would have been kind of salty about it, but over the years I've been on both the losing and winning end of many primaries, and it's what you do if you want to build a successful political coalition. Too many on the left literally decided they'd rather have a fascist in the White House than be part of a coalition to stop him. That isn't moral conviction, it's self-destructive stubbornness.","Because, as history has shown so far, Hillary Clinton is such a wonderful person and politician." Is that a rhetorical question? What do you expect him to say?,"Probably something like no, the country I was raised and born into has nothing to do, my faith only stems from a deep philosophical analysis of all the alternatives while I was in utero, upon which I decided to be baptized as soon as possible." lmao i can't understand how something so insignificant can ruin an entire series for you fucking losers. downvote away you salty idiots,i love getting killed by a gun i have no access to despite being a prestige master What next?,looks like you need armor fighting in gathering clothes is fucked "About to purchase my 1st mouse, need suggestions. I currently game on my pc, and also edit video. Was looking at the g502 since sales will good tomorrow",g502 is great. "##Main points: - Agenda based on a simple core principle: **Putting America First.** - **Trade:** submit notification of intent to withdraw from TPP negotiations. - **Energy:** cancel job-killing restrictions on the production and harvesting of American energy. - **Regulations:** formulate a rule that says for every one new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated. - **National Security:** ask the DoD and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to come up with a comprehensive plan to protect against cyber attacks and conventional attacks. - **Immigration:** investigate visa programs that undercut the American worker. - **Ethics:** Five year ban on executive officials that leave the administration, and lifetime ban on executive officials that lobby on behalf of a foreign government.","You missed the part about the death camps, deportation squads, and white nationalism." "What makes a good/bad VESA Mount? Trying to mount my relatively unused TV in the bedroom so it gets some use. I use my computer for just about everything one would use a TV for. But my computer isn't in my bedroom. Can't figure out what makes a $50 mount worse than a $200 one. Or even if it is worse or not. Thanks =) If it matters, I need a 200x200 vesa Mount and the TV weighs 24 lbs.",Adherence to VESA standards makes it a good VESA mount. FIFA President Gianni Infantino backs 48-team World Cup with 16 groups of 3,What a fucking shambles that organisation is "Bison bison bison is the official Latin nomenclature for the American Plains bison. Bison is its genus, species and subspecies. It is truly the most bisony of bison.",lynx lynx I'm glad you've been able to justify your purchase.,What can't you do on it? PSA to Abathur players. DON'T copy your allied Varian you will not get his lvl 10 stat changes and passives. Varian is designed to be somewhat weak in the early game and gets a HUGE powerspike at level 10. However abathur clones will not get those changes because they are passives on his heroic choices. So if you clone Varian you will only get his weak base stats. Just thought I should let you guys know,But how else I would play a 15k hero? Trump threatens to sue women accusing him,"Next up, Trump threatens to sue the United States for not electing him." That highly depends on whether you are sexually active or not.,"I personally, prefer to wear them in the shower" Comrades clash with fash at NPI protest,"Good thing those cops were there to protect those poor, defenseless Nazis" "Damn, how did he run a 4.92 like that?",Fast enough to evade getting pulled down by his jersey and make a big pass to his receiver at helmet height. What if... what if the joke actually came before we started referring to the after life as the other side? And now we call it the other side because of the joke,I need a chicken cover of Adele's Hello now. Over half of Muslims think sharia should be law when polled,And all polls have only ever shown themselves to be completely objective and true with no ulterior motive. "Game Thread (11/21/2016): New Jersey Devils @ San Jose Sharks -- 10:30 PM EST (MSG+, CSN-CA)",And I think zajac just got hurt And reproduce all of the time.,They're making America great again. "You wake up tomorrow and all other humans are gone but everything else works like it always has, What is the first thing you've do?",I would steal everything I want from Wal-Mart and live my life in solitude. "I have a +12 failstack and I still can't get my Liverto from +11 to +12, it keeps failing. Now 20 durability and need repair. Is it just bad luck? I have a +12 failstack and I still can't get my Liverto from +11 to +12, it keeps failing. Now 20 durability and need repair. Is it just bad luck? Also I'm told to try Failstack with KREA weapons. How do I failstack with Krea weapons? I bought a bunch of Krea Shields, but you can't combine them to failstack like Jewelry, I used a bunch of weapon stones on them but then failstack stuck at +6.",11 to 12 is about an 18 stack... google bdo failstack chart for more info I lurk. I have an alternate account which I occasionally comment with. The funny thing is about 60% of the time I'm told I'm a bhenchod and down voted for knowing nothing about cricket!,You must be naive if you think cricketers know more about cricket than redditors. Isn't that a better Snorlax name?,I named my snorlax snoozy! "I dont think the protests should be allowed, They GARC have had their way for 2 years, there are heavy restrictions on the parade, just fucking let it happen, sit in the house and then the whole thing has been resolved, no twaddel anymore,marching season is over for another year. Peace Next year just let them by, go to newcastle for the 12th beside the sea, go to barrys in portrush. Fuck sake, everyone just let it happen for one day and its grand. Compromise has to be 2 sided.","I dont think the protests should be allowed So, out of curiosity do you think the twaddell protests should have been allowed to happen?" It's Infecting the Children Too,HORRIBRU O R R I B R U Only a matter of time until the Boomers die off,Millenials aren't without their backwards views either. I am torn between the 13 inch and base model 15 inch. I only play around with video editing.,"If you only play around, I would probably consider just 13." "They were feints designed to create openings. After a moment, both realized they knew each other too well for either to fall for a feint and attempted an outright Force attack. I get it looks stupid, and I probably wouldn't have included it myself, but it's not as dumb as it seems on the surface.",You filthy prequel apologist! "Basically your speed and acceleration are infinite if time is frozen. Since that's the case it would give you ridiculous force. Its like how the flash can do a super speed punch, just in literally 0 time.",yeah but wouldn't you still have a broken hand from punching a brick wall? Is that satire? I can't tell anymore,"Wow, is this the one that stumps the legendary aussie shitposters?" The EU divided into 28 countries with equal population,"Czecho-Silesia, I could cope with that." Data Collection: Short Overwatch Survey for future analysis/article. Thanks in advance!,When will we see the results? Wait one frakking minute - you can... you can scoop fuel... from stars???? OMFG. You're telling me I did NOT have to self destruct when I ran out of fuel 8 LY away from a space port.... AUGH!,"Yes, but you need to have a fuel scoop equipped." I feel like they should have given travel form a slow fall form for these exact situations,"There is Wild Charge or Displacer Beast there to break the fall, then just land in cat form gracefully." Mr Farage is going to do great job as Ambassador- Trump,"I heard he is also a first rate toilet cleaner, so having him as an ambassador would be huge as far as the hygiene of the British embassy." Its a kiss smiley :3,It's a 3. "When you search up Unturned on Google, you get 2.0 as the results.",Fix this Nelson pls "Seriously tho, mental health is serious business. Glad he's getting help. I miss the old Kanye.","I hate the new Kanye, the bad mood Kanye The always rude Kanye, spaz in the news Kanye I miss the sweet Kanye, chop up the beats Kanye I gotta to say, at that time I'd like to meet Kanye" "I just played the elana's prayer matchup as control sword and both my leonidas's were at the bottom 6 cards of my deck, literally never lucky (at least I won)","I swear leonidas will never get value anyway against haven anyway haha, they always have banish against it or execute for the amulet." Do you remember the embarrassing/awkward thing your friend did way back when? No? Neither will they :),I remember everything and WILL bring it up on your wedding. "You're answering for someone else, so fuck off.","Exactly, it's impossible to contribute to a discussion unless someone is replying directly to *you*." There is no such thing as stealing open source software.,I didn't think that would need a Sounds like the culprits made a clean getaway,I heard the left skid marks. Anyone get the Wilhelmshaven ranked flag yet? The Rank 15+ one. Still don't have mine...,"No i didnt get any shaven Wilhelm yet either, have you check the captains reserves?" Cast the Symbiotes & Hosts! I want Walter Goggins for Cletus Kassidy. Luke Hemsworth for Eddie Brock... And I doubt they'll ever do the others. But who knows.,Topher Grace for Eddie. I live in Europe and I got my copy a day early,"I would advise against going online today, just to avoid a possible fiasco like what happened when some people went online before release" 1060 loses to a laptop 980 but only by a few percent.,"Ya, I was just pointing a 970 will give performance similar to a 1050." I'd recommend the anniversary edition if you have the means,Found bungie employee. It's the INDOMP-TABLE,YES Is that really worse than next season ferarri will be much better,"Hard to say, but it is a smart move for him as long as McHonda wins a championship before someone does with Ferrari." "In with both feet So Im sure this will get downvoted to oblivion as its yet another,I bought a ship post but I feel compelled to let this sub know that 4 years after kickstarting the game, I pledged for a ship because I've finally seen enough to put up more than $45 cash to help see this project to the end. I'm a former project manager for a games company and so I might have a little different perspective from those who haven't worked in that industry. I too, was involved in a project that wildly expanded the scope from the original concept and Ive tried to look for the tell tale signs that Roberts was making many of the same mistakes we did. Our project was a failure by most indicators although on many levels it was a success. I won't bore you with the post mortem. I have seen a few of the same mistakes by watching and reading. Some were in PM, others in community management and communications. Through the past 4 years Ive also seen amazing things produced. The benefits of having no publisher and the huge crowd-sourced funding has covered up a lot of mistakes that other projects would fall to. After seeing the major strides at Citizencon and the 2.6 preview along with the roadmap I am all in. I know my little pledge (Caterpillar) won't make a difference and either will this endorsement but I count myself a citizen and I wanted my fellow citizens to know. See you in the verse.","Hey you could have just said the carterpillar looked to sexy for you to ignore, but this is a nice story bro." Why hasn't he been banned? Literally everybody recognizes how much of a cockbiter he is,"Hey, woah now, let's not use slurs against homosexuals." I believe you can only have 1 of each... that's how the middlemen on this subreddit make sure people aren't being scammed.,"If that's true, then I hope I can return one of my pins to the store and ask for for a different one because I didn't know I was going to have to go through a trading process." I'm morally split now!,Just do one upvote and one downvote Abuse with HoT? Explain .-.,"What I think Kirby means is that by having a single unit alive that the boss cannot kill, and if the boss has HoT that single unit cannot overcome, theoretically, one can cheese the system for an infinite number of points via BC/HC drops." "Isn't it users who flag the videos for things like false copyright claims that get videos taken down? So in that case, it would just be random libtards that flagged it and got it removed, not youtube themselves... Oh god, I really just don't wanna have to find out that youtube is controlled by cucks too. :(",Of course it's controlled by cucks (Google). To be clear you wanted a confrontation between armed men and police and you think there was not one because the men were White. Jesus Fucking Christ.,Yes... it had absolutely nothing to do with 200 assault rifles. "It's the only way I dont fail when it comes to movement. I've got pretty hard tunnelvision while focusing on my rotation, so the bars need to be where my feet are :D",weak aura might be a good substitution (to show you procs and cd in more elegant way) instead of having the bars so close to center. Gamergate achieved nothing though.,"Well, they *called* it a success, isn't that enough?" He's not even in office yet and already making America great again.....Dow and S&P hit record highs today.,"Yeah, that really helps working class Americans." "Fine, but lying to the court and congress kinda crosses the line.","Nope, it was because the KKKristian Right despises the thought of sex and demanded Clinton to have an abstinence only lifestyle." There are over 5 million republicans in California... the guy in the link is an idiot.,TIL all of California = San Francisco. That's a very conveniently timed photo mate. This was minutes after bigD # 1 (which was a full 70 player server) crashed and people started joining # 2 which was being seeded by community members. Within a minute or two of that was back up to a full 52 player server. I was online having an admin meeting and watched the whole thing happen while we were discussing server population and configuration.,"I refreshed it 20mins later and it looked more or less the same, maybe there just not updating numbers properly :S" With American flags on.,"oh ok, he totally deserved it then" "I don't know what to call them, so I just call them people.","People, people, everybody people, everybody making a sound" Spotted the infamous Chicago Pizza Squirrel this morning,fatty Cause when I pop the dlc into the folder it doesn't show up in game till I reconfig it in the tool kit,did you bought cherub rock? Both absurd and funny,This is quality content. Bruh,It's a Supra so it has a 2jz right? "Posting intimate pics of your kid all over social media. Now, I have no issue with parents sharing adorable baby pics. Hell, I don't mind you guys sharing a lot of them. When you go through hell and back to carry, birth, and raise the kid, you get a pass on the social media sharing, somewhat. HOWEVER, sharing pics of your kid in the bathtub and doing bodily functions is not okay. 1) It's gross. I don't think your kid's blowout diaper or first poopy in the toilet is funny or cute. I don't want that on my timeline. 2) Pedos are out there, be careful. 3) I know it's hard to imagine, but little Peighsyn is gonna be a big boy someday. In fact, he may even be on social media in the future. His friends (AND EMPLOYERS) are gonna see those gross vomit and poop pics. Not a good idea. tl;dr, keep your kids vomit, piss, shit, etc off of social media.",This is the reason I'm glad I was born before social media was big. Everything about this,"If they force a password reset before you can use any service, I don't see how its much different from a one-time-use login link." Hey bro I'm about to be up in the Mesa area tomorrow any way you think you can help out a friend who hasn't succeeded with the Reddits lol maybe you can change that?,PM'ed you mayne "I was uhh, kidding..",welcome to poe's law use a "Aziza shadows were my first exposure to duochromes, and I've loved them ever since. MAC original formula mascara is something I still mourn, and it's probably been gone twenty years.",I swear I still see Aziza at the dollar store sometimes. GAME THREAD WEEK 12: VIKINGS AT LIONS i'm so hungry for stuffing,Lions fan here to apologize If they are taking one of the wonder twins it would be staal. As I said they want a top 4 LHD. Staal still fits that description despite what this sub may think.,"Staal + miller, make it happen gorts" I guess that's one way to reduce taxes for the working class.,Did he also promise to increase income or just to reduce taxes? Cuba's Fidel Castro dies aged 90 - BBC News,"In the words of DJ Khaled, And another one." "President of the Zionist Organization of America proclaims: We in this room and the Jewish people in Israel are right, and the whole world is completely and totally wrong!","Since I am a jew, I must be correct about this guy's need to fuck himself." "Hmm, I guess that's not too bad, but at the rate Reinhardt's barrier, with twice as much, gets melted right now, I worry about how useful this will actually be for pushes...","I agree, but it's still 1000 HP to take pressure off your tanks." And that he never even opens A Farewell To Arms.,A Farewell To Arms ends with a baby dying during childbirth Who is he?,Abe Lincoln's friend in Clone High. This is so surprising given the fact that donations to the Clinton Foundation had nothing to do with Hillary Clinton's status as Secretary of State or her presidential candidacy. Not.,"you nasty BernieBros, how could you criticize her being corrupt with donor money, you sexist pig ?" "So uh, who's actually available?",John Tavares What kind of person eats KFC and wouldn't be thrilled if a bag of weed showed up in their food?,"A good person, since good people don't use marijuana." "Exactly. The Senate passed a law stating that the CIA must abide by the Army Field Manual. The only was to get that changed is if the Department of Defense changed it, a department managed by the executive bran...OH FUCK! America is going to waterboard the shit out people right?",Like a fuckin' tsunami. "I can't start the game on steam as well, will there be a patch for the steam client too?",I've already started downloading the fix. Found my first real gaming mouse,Looks like a brand new razer mouse to me :D "Last minutes Holiday yard sale on Mirabeau in Gentilly Xbox one star wars R2-D2 controller along with other controllers and games , IPhone 3s and 4s, PSP, tons of kids clothes and toys, adult clothing, board games, furniture, dishes, lots of prepaid phones, box TV, 2 carseats, and more.",There's also an old orange apple clamshell laptop for sale if anyone is feeling nostalgic. They translocated (beamed up) into the Enterprise while it was at warp speed. Their body atoms had to travel faster than the ship while it was at warp in order to catch up and reconstruct. There's definitely no top speed limit.,"Nah dude, they just beamed them up in one data packet and led the target" "i'm a disabled usa vet, and after a year in the hospital, Pennsylvania's department of rehabilitation's veterans benefits put me through university of pennsylvania where i did my degree in 2 and a half years with honors. i'll always be grateful, and have spent my life doing my best to take care of others","That's great and everything, but can we get back to how you can make wealthy business owners richer?" Look at that loser,the Nintendo one not running is correct: I have both a PC and a WiiU since it's a console that remembers that consoles are for when friends come over. "I spent the last 40 hours of my grandmother's life sitting beside her. As the stages of dying progressed I took a series of photos of my hand holding hers. For, watching the subtle changes of the process of death was very comforting. I took this photo holding her hand 3 hours before her death.",Macabre flipbook When do the police say that?,They say it on TV all the time! Unpopular Opinion - Rich Swann His entrance makes me cringe and he's okay at best in the ring compared to other cruiserweights. Not THAT entertaining.,I'm surprised OP didn't start with I'm not trying to sound racist but.... "Yea u/PersonalLecturer may have chosen the wrong joke to blow a gasket at but he's not wrong that r/2007scape is full of some of bucketloads of blatant racism, sexism and bigotry. The mods don't really seem to care either.",I bet you only say that because you're a black Jewish transgender disabled attack helicopter Outside of this subreddit that's an extremely popular opinion.,I wonder why my pussy is drier than a nun's,Good thing he's got the lube :) "Without naming the location, where do you live?",Pretty late to the discussion but shaman president Man Without Arms Denied Housing Loan Due to Inability to Provide Fingerprints,Rules are rules. "From what I've been reading she still has it but it's effectively limp, regardless though we have police that feel it necessary to maim unarmed protesters and sympathisers willing to excuse it and let it happen again. It's fucking appalling.",I'm sure she will be properly compensated for her injuries If you read the article they owe the drug store $500 for their medications and an unspecified amount to the grocery store for their food.,"You know, those rich Boomers that screwed everyone to live a life of luxury." That's just stopping to there level. There are way better ways to deal with it.,"For example, you could hit them" and I don't even want to remind myself about berniers ability to play the puck behind the net...,Maybe don't watch the pens 2nd goal tonight... :/ I thought you quit,Nah he's only playing to crunch some numbers "On a similar note, Nurse Joy will say you're up late! if you talk to her late at night (or in the nickie of the day, in Moon). Very judgey.",She did that when I was playing at 6:30pm... I'm a Dota 2 player trying out League. What are the main changes I need to keep in mind? So far the two big things affecting me are that creeps (minions) in League do a SHIT ton of damage and also appear to have more health. It also seems that the towers in League do a ton more damage as well. What other changes do I need to keep in mind?,There's no turning rate so spam the shit out of the right click and learn how to side-step dodge skillshots I've Seen It All Now!,I guess this means you're a noob Honestly I think they should take a look at his empowered W more so then the ad changes.,Im bronze so i cant tell you why empowered w is broken on rengar "lol, excuse for everything huh?",Apparently you guys think they ordered them off Amazon from an arms dealer not affiliated to any foreign power and had a helicopter drop them off in the middle of a forest. Idiot Tries to Drive His Car off Tow Truck,The sound his engine was making doesn't sound great. Cheater in SW Battlefront,Loving the new scan pulse! "If you have the 11 mat you will want to put it in front probably, a bigger one you can put it on top. Personally these are all twice as horizontally 'tall' as I want from keyboard to desk edge. Still using one I've had for a decade.",Thank you. What's the story behind your current hairdo?,"Apathy, so much apathy." Also think of all the new malware opportunities.,To fill that gaping hole. HOLD THIS L,TIL cancelled is one of the many words americans spell incorrectly. What is the creepiest thing that society accepts as a cultural norm?,Grabbing people by the pussy I was talking about Malcolm but can't really blame you as I was being facetious. I love listening to his dulcet Tones and aquiline features while he wears the big hat while lunatics rule over him.,Abetz and Bernardi off screen throwing tantrums about 18c and halal food. Yeah I forgot about that. There's a confirmation for joining the trainer but not for ladder/grand challenge.,It's a poor design choice in the game. What's a dark piece of Reddit history that we like to forget that it ever happened?,"All the subs for cub and lolis reddit used to have, then that shitstorm went down and we're a much cleaners place now" "This. They're called parasite communities, often just outside a city's boundaries. First thing they do after moving in is complain there's no roads and how expensive commuting is.",At least they have beautiful granite counters. r/The_Dumbfucks after the 3AM Wikileaks Surprise Press Conference,That picture isn't accurate at all; I'm not sure any of them are even old enough to grow beards yet. Tell that to the two officers whom I had call in their supervisors after they pulled me over for using them.,"Sure thing, have any contact information?" "Has it officially? I know they said they could have released it back in September but were holding off to put the large patch stuff on the disc to prevent a massive day 1 patch (take that with a grain of salt since it came from the director, but he seemed genuine). I mean technically it had gone gold then but they were still working on the discs. And by the looks of it many other things while they were at it.","Oh, forget that, I could have sworn it was officially stated already." Nah freedom is an illusion. We're all trapped in a cage.,What if I told you there is no cage? Phrasing?,Woosh lol "Best Rivalry Names? With Rivalry Week upon us what do you think the best rivalry names are? I know I'm being bias here but I love Clean, Old-fashioned Hate, it's simple but describes the rivalry perfectly.",The HyVee Heros game "As a Reddit, I expect other redditors to check their spelling before posting something.",Man I would who's dumb enough to do that. Besides Juvia who throws herself at Gray has anyone else shown a romance aspect? No. Why? Because Mashima is going for the slow burn,Jellal and Erza Gajeel and Levy Elfman and Evergreen Just from the top of my head. Naventic vs no tomorrow? More like Zuna vs FORT,"Feel bad for him, as other than that he carried super hard that match." Paige can't get on TV but she's in shitty animated movies.,Well she's serving her second suspension since August right now My friend posted this on Snapchat...,I guess their introduction started off very sour. Are there any other desktop processors brands bedsides Intel and AMD?,I see you did your homework "I think you can expect Hillary to kinda watch Duterte from the sidelines with bemusement, get real cozy with Vietnam, and basically wait Duterte out on the assumption that he'll flame out. Then the U.S. and PH will politely agree to pretend that Duterte never happened. There's really no reason for the U.S. to throw a tantrum just because PH is currently (sorry) run by a crazy person.","I'd rather have us learn the lesson now (wake up the blind followers and pretty much show immediately why his decision was wrong), than suffer for years more and then try and fix the damage." "Saw the Paris show on Monday night and it was nice. He mentioned the election a bit and spoke about being black in America, and the current atmosphere with Trump winning. But he avoided having a fuck you Trump chant going and instead jumped into a song so it wouldn't. The show started late due to lighting issues and was apparently shorter cause of that, so he went full on gospel mode towards the tail end of the show. I think news about Kanye broke early the next morning Paris time.",Full gospel mode? New Pixel Update adds Double Tap to Wake and Lift to Check Phone,Confirmed feature in next update for s7 I had the same with some druid staff skills.,"me too, the heal glyph was unequipped for some reason" Finally got some of my Coca Cola rewards,Yeah "TV series or movies about any sort of organized crime. Also i should mention I live in canada, so there isn't quite the selection. I've been wanting to watch Peaky Blinders but its not on netlix here. Anyways, Like the title says pretty much anything to do with organized crime, though i would like it to focus more on the organized crime aspect rather than the cops trying to stop them, like the foreign movie Triad.","Not Netflix but I'm going to recommend Boardwalk Empire, I really enjoyed that series." If there's no Movember SBC by 6pm today... I'd say all hope is lost.,Or they are required for November POTM? What makes no sense to you?,Why blinkers exist Ctrl + V across the globe....,What if I overwrite Ctrl + V for a macro... What type of peaceful stuff did he do to even earn a Nobel Peace Prize? This dude has killed more in airstrikes over his term than the number killed during Bush's Administration if you don't include 911,Bush's invasion of Iraq has lead to deaths of way more people than the Obama drone campaign. "Apple trying to take over supercar/F1 maker McLaren, report says",Pls no. Makes it even easier. Republicans can do what they want. Dems don't put their name on any of it. Republicans own it all.,That's the opposite of obstructionism... What product is better being used for something other than what it's made for?,The Hitachi Magic Wand. Finally got my first Tier 10 :D,"Still on the mogami, the grind is tough D:" Well we don't generally know other people on the street... or their intentions... but most of us somehow manage to not freak the fuck out about that fact.,How many people on the street attempt to intervene in your business on the day-to-day? The boyfriend was the only rational person in the movie.,Except not really because he tried to burn down a sentient creature with a homemade flamethrower in his exes' (or alternatively they won't even dating he's just delusional) bathroom because... I think he was jealous? *no more.,We went to different schools.. "Idk if anyone told you, but Steinbrenner is dead.",Hal Steinbrenner died? "You can't be mad at the system after the fact. If you had a problem with the electoral college, the time to speak and change things was before the election. Not now.","Well, it's always after some election and before another, but we've got to change *something* eventually." 16 year old? Lenny face? OK pedo.,Thanks for explaining! I'd love to have that noise she emits at the end as my ringtone.,erraauuhghhhh erraauuhghhhh erraauuhghhhh erraauuhghhhh Hang on I got a call Pretty cool trick shot(x-post from never tell me the odds),All I ever want to know about gifs like these: How many tires? I'm a great white. I am the greatest white this country has ever seen.,Racist fuck! Since we were posting art I thought you guys might like my new ceiling tile for my science class,White supremacy in the classroom? What are the biggest advantages to this over OP3?,"About a hundred bucks cheaper, higher res screen, daydream ready (eventually), sd card slot, usb3, and higher mp rear camera." Who's hitting the Electronics Frontier Foundation?,Trump "Driving on the left side of the road, when I did this in the US all I got was You're a moron! and You'll kill us all!",how terribly unreasonable of them "I mean, it's not really wrong, but it's not really right either. African people sold African slaves to white people, then both white and African-American people tried to free slaves, but many white and African-American people tried to keep slaves as well. There isn't really a good or bad race, they both did honorable an despicable things.",all whites are guilty and owe reparations "What's your current TM farming team? Just curious about what people are actually farming. I'm currently going in with Maxwell, Mustadio, Hayate, Chizuru and Shantotto. Black Cowl would go on Luneth to be immune to all the relevant status effects (minus stop), while the others are general purpose to overall boost my team. Looking forward to complete Charlotte and 2 more Shantotto after the current group (an healer with the force shield? neat!)","I just finished my 2x Cecil, so now my Lightning is a Paladin :D Right now I am farming: Arc (39.7%) Gaffgarion (10.2%) Ludmille (82.6%) Ramza (55.9%) Zidane (29.1%) And then after that team, I'll be grinding out a team of 5x Shantotto." They didn't flip the video. That is clearly the correct layout for the Banks home.,What if all episodes are reversed though? Over 1 Crore In New Notes Stolen In Bengaluru By ATM Van Driver,turn on the gps "A dog being dressed up by a German soldier, 1940. .",I cannot believe nobody has mentioned German Shepherds. How has nobody realized how corrupt DONALD Trump is going to be?,"Oh yeah, totally nobody said anything about his corruption before he was elected" wow... Porzingus gets no love.,PF Baby steals phone and runs away while still recording,"It is like a Peter Berg movie, but better!" You're welcome.,Your welcome FTFY You know sometimes I wonder why I'm subscribed to this subreddit. It genuinely hurts my chest to see people act like this. I guess I'm a sucker for punishment,I guess you're too smart for this sub Atheist's bid for 'IM GOD' licence plate rejected for obscenity: Benny Hart says he just wants to exercise his First Amendment rights,what's wrong with Instant Messaging God..? Godtenks Hype train now boarding.,NNNOKN0 SAV FOR KAIKEN BLU EVERYONE NEEDS VEGITO EVEN WHEN AGL IS BAD ON THEIR ACCOUNT Soo it's a case of 'I got mine so fuck everyone else'. Gotcha.,The best societies are all predicated off of the idea that only the healthy and physically able deserve continued existence. IT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM! /cracks whip.,Nice try Lao Che! "Ah, yes, but can it survive being submerged in lava?",Don't think so but this needs to be tested to be sure "Yes, all the cars in that race have a shitty turning radius.",Is it because you should never need to turn the wheels to a certain range so they back it off to give more sensitivity while sacrificing range? "Yeah, Fox using his toolkit is waaay different than Puff using hers.",Oh god I can smell the bait. Omg i came back to here with the add on installed and your comment is so much better.,You must really enjoy doing cloud stuff. PSA: Don't fuck with the TSA. They'll take your virginity.,Hmm... I do wonder what it is like. "I received the best Non monetary tip last night Last night was relatively slow at first, until about 1030 Within 30 minutes I receive 5 runs going in the same direction One of them on the phone said they were going to hook the driver up (which was me) I get to the house he calls me in, pulls out a jar of weed (reggie quality) picks a quarter out, gives it to me Realized he gave me reggie, gives me an 8th of dro All in all I got 10 grams as a tip Reggie wasn't the worst I've had, The Dro was a 7.5 outta 10",Wow! "Poll: When doing dinner and a movie which comes first? Do you do dinner, then go to a movie; or movie, then dinner after?",Movie first so that you have something to talk about at dinner someone said the garage is 7m. GG,I've heard its 1.7 mil/floor. Since DC Rebirth is now in full swing what are your top 5 Superman stories,"(No particular order) Kingdom Come, Superman: Red Son, Superman: Birthright, Superman: Earth One, and I'm not sure about my fifth one I'd probably say anything Geoff John's Superman I love a lot" "Well, you know - straight green avocados are responsible for the rise of the alt-right in this country. Everything is their fault.",It's only their fault when they sit too long and turn brown. "Bills fan admits to drinking booze from teenage girl's backside, charged with probation violation",I know I feel safer already knowing this monster is behind bars. "Well, seems like a good reason to make the switch. haha","Yeah spend $300 for a new console and $32 for the game, fuckin steal!" yeah there seems to be a mindset that if you can shield drop with this controller than you're just gonna walk into your weekly and start bodying everyone and that is delusional. so much more to the game then just tech skill but w/e,"There's obviously more to it, but you're severely downplaying the difficulty of techskill in this game." Lionel Messi scores vs Celtic (0-1),Brb gotta change my pants Marco Verratti own goal Arsenal vs Paris (2-1),Prime wengerball right there "Preterists, what's a decent English translation of the Bible? I'm reading Stuart's The Parousia and he references poor or confusing grammar choices used in the KJV which is what I currently use. I'm looking for an upgrade. Thanks!",HCSB Yeah I know it's corny but some of the things he points out is too damning to completely dismiss this entirely,Shoehorned into power in DC by the world Shadow Government.. This doesn't sounds like a crazy person at all! F3 Shara aimlock?,Halftime ....? Why are all the mixers up on the high shelf?,Patriarchy. People should be proud of their country.,"Until certain degree, pride is good, negative prejudice against other nations not" I just find it funny how everyone was doomsaying as if SLS didn't know the problems of their own game.,I assumed that when they saw a thread on reddit with negativity they ignored it because who cares about the haters. "Nearly 3 years later and still the same damn 21 colours, come on Microsoft how hard is it to add a full colour palette?",W10 too Texas judge halted Obama's new overtime rule - this good news for workers,"Yeah geez, it's so good for the workers that they get paid less and less" "Why did the #18 pit with three laps to go? What was the logic there? Why are fans not making a bigger deal of it? Just strange the #19 basically wrecks himself, #18 decides to pit with three to go and the #22 slides up the track on the final restart which seemed a bit unusual. Although on old tires Logano could have been trying a hail mary of sorts and the car wouldn't stick. Interesting sequence of events, though, all in the final few laps.","Nonsense everyone, it was all a NASCAR conspiracy guys." For a second I thought that meant Sergachev wasn't going to the World Juniors..,"I thought too, was gonna be sad not to see him not play." I look so dumb tho ;-;,I promise you don't and nobody is watching anyway :) me irl,me too thanks Which other team in history had a worse season than the newcastle knights? They got thrashed for most of the games and only won one game and a tie.,I remember a time when the Broncos didnt even make the 8 :( "As awesome as the whole Sun/Moon soundtrack is, Gladion's theme was probably my fave. So I did a thing.",Gladion's theme and this rendition are both kickass. My brother managed to get a Christmas Miracle of a pack! (Mana Crypt w/ Foil Force of Will behind it!,"Holy shit, stop buying packs now, you've hit the high point." Stratolaunch to use Orbital ATK rockets to launch satellites from its giant aircraft,Why would Orbital-ATK sell them Pegasus-XL's instead of going after the contracts themselves and using their existing L-1011? "Morrapuler, but many just use english terms","Except that means Morning fucker to the majority of Norwegians, at least with that spelling, which I'd say is more of a compliment than anything." Which one of those is from Team Hillary?,Don't you know that the msm is all part of team Hillary? Fake News Huh?,Lets forgive him of all his blatant lying and manipulation because he is finally acting like a journalist. Rumia can into Poland.,Still cannot into Space Paying too much attention to her gizmo/gadget. She got what she deserved.,Her friends gizmo/gadget So they won?!?! is it golden goal or silver?,they have to play the full Extra time Auston I hate you Matthews and Freddie Fuck you Andersen,The Leafs hate everybody Love had Second most points in the HISTORY of the nba for a player in a quarter. Just let that sink in.,"And then 0 in the 2nd Q. Suck it, Kevin." Is this the closes Sid's gotten to a Gordie Howe Hat Trick?,he got one in his 3rd year "Called all Walmarts in Nebraska, nobody has any",TYFYS "This Thanksgiving, I give thanks to the Native Americans protesting, and to other people standing with them in this fight.",Let's keep committing crimes to make sure oil keeps getting spilled out of rail cars and trucks! It's just a tradition at this point. I always master ball the mascot of the game.,"How'd you pull that off in gen 1, or their gen 3 remakes?" I don't know why people talk about Superbowl in November and December.,Because there's literally no history of any dominant first half teams choking in the history of the NFL ever duh Tony Snell's celebrating face: (picture in link).,Tony Snell's celebrating eyes. Good boy points.,Thank you. "If the source isn't biological, how can it be biofuel?",They're just taking the long view that fossil fuels came from living things. Tokyo area gets first November dusting of snow in 54 years,"Gyuhuk, global warming, HUH?" "Caddell: CNN's 'Journalistic Credentials Terribly Damaged,' Worked 'Hand in Glove' with Clinton Campaign",I'm glad Breitbart was on top of this. Pumpkin Spice Challah Bread,Appropriation "Self driving cars would be great but considering I can't even afford a car, rent or university right now, that's a dream I will probably never fulfil.",Time to stop the smashed av matey im not a racist but...,Everyone's a little racist ... yes...could you give me a level to lock?,I think it says in the post 1-10? "I think we should make the outer layers out of tungsten-iridium plates with a supportive layer underneath made out of woven diamond nanothreads on a scaffolding of strong, lightweight carbon composites. It might be expensive, but it will be very, very strong.",Why does the wall need to be lightweight? "So does dressing like a piece of poo. This is England and she demamds respectful dress, and so I act accordingly wherever I go and whatever the natives choose to call it.",What does mentioning England have to do with anything? AKIRA: How To Animate Light - Nerdwriter,I never liked Akira but I do appreciate it a lot visually and for introducing anime films to the west. Fit and natural,Alice Matos "Yes, but with their free will, they chose to hurt me anyway.",At some point you have to grow up and stop playing the victim card and blaming everything on your circumstances. also thank mr skeltal for good bones and calcium,no "O.J. Simpson's house guest, of course. j/k Also, is NATO something people talk about so frequently that someone actually had to explain it more than once in their life?","Well, yes of course, but you're just an intellectual plebeian, so you're too ignorant to understand." I thought it was Justin Trudeau,"What do you mean, you're saying we DIDNT need 25,000 poor immigrants?" "For some reason, you have been elected president. What do you do as POTUS?",*wall joke* Our 8-year-old son woke up early this morning to put together stockings for me and his mom...which were plastic bags full of what you see here.,Haha your kid has shit taste in beer. My Love and Affection Extra Garbage C2,nobody wants your love and affection Skittles because my last name is suspiciously close to Rainbow.,How do you taste? Haha I remember reading that shamans were a viable tank option for instances because of their ability to wield a shield. Wish I still had that vanilla manual around.,"To be fair some of my earliest memories are running dungeons with a shaman tanking, they could just about manage it with rockbiter and earth shock." I think you need to set your messages to 'friends only'.,"Or followers, prevents against scambots easily too." I see some pattern here,yeah wow thats really amazing "Corporate media did a great job at omitting him, misrepresenting him, or marginalizing him.","That's not why, he just wasn't popular enough!" Wrong- The current corrupt system along with the compliant media is the cause of the voter apathy. There is no logic in picking between two lesser evils.,Well yeah but Hillary is clearly the better of the two so we should go with that! But all top mages already have -ga spells,"Yea why equip Shiva on top mages so they can get ra spells, right?" "Does Rocket League no longer need PS Plus??? I just bought a year of Playstation Plus because everywhere I read said that I need it to play Rocket League online. That, and there was a small discount on Rocket League too if you have PS Plus too. But then my friend just calls me and says his Playstation Plus expired a year ago and he plays Rocket League all the time online.... Did something change??",PS plus is required for any multiplayer game except games like Journey i think where you get grouped with randoms. The Democrats need to rat out the supply-side Jesus that Republicans have been foisting for decades. Jesus was more interested in helping the poor than abolishing abortion or bashing gays.,"But those pedophiles that wear dresses in the women's room, Jesus explicitly said that the Republicans should attack them." "But he had a confederate flag shirt on, the security guard would've high fived him and said it won't be long now before there are all white hospitals. Seriously, though, glad to hear that ERs are a little more sane than this. Pretty sure that Hippocratic Oath thing doctors take says they shouldn't stand there while a child dies just cause his dad is racist. Beyond the obvious thathappened-ness of this, why doesn't the hospital have more than one nurse capable of helping this child? I assume the OOP is of the mind that she is the only competent person on the planet.","Well you know, the doctor needs the sassy black nurse to tell him how to medicine" "You are granted a one hour period of Donald Trump's undivided attention, you can bring a laptop to the meeting but nothing else. How do you spend the time?",Can it be a Galaxy S7? "Haha, they should have a harder version of the story where the consequences of getting caught for murder were higher. Maybe even more realistic and let you get off scott free if you have enough wealth.",I think you might like the Postal 2's concept then. Why aren't you in a relationship?,What a great thread to start off the holiday season. The Projectors projecting that Trump is the projectionist. Projectception.,"No no, I'm sure this round of pop psychology name calling is on the up and up." Can we add Medivh into Call of the Wild summoning King Krush to the checklist? Has anyone pulled this off yet? I think it might be the new op,If 8 drop into 9 drop is the new OP... I'm okay with it. "In western/northern Europe, Christmas was placed over the pagan festival of Yule and took on a lot of the traditions of the pagan festival such as decorating trees, mistletoe and feasting.",We still call it Jul here in Sweden. Actually focus father ariandel. He takes more damage and hit her once to stop her from healing and you are good to go,"This, also, so long as Friede stays away, she's just going to use her ice in phase 2 and that's easy to dodge, just like Ariandel's attacks." Which fictional character do you have a crush on?,Adolf Hitler "2 years ago I quit my 9 to 5 office job and started making dank memes. Reddit, here are some of my works...",Dank Meymeys Dudes behind it are ex-Google,I'm pretty sure being ex-Google is like being ex-CIA (read: you NEVER leave the agency). Think we could get them to take Jason Smith too,We love Jason Smith. "This one is good and the sub where it's all automated. I never remember the name, but it's just a bunch of bots talking and upvoting each other.",WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT WE ARE NOT BOTS WE ARE HUMANS SURELY WITH OUR TYPING KEYS AND OUR WIRED MOUSES. I believe the trick is to occasionally press 2.,"I've found proper application of 3 speeds it up greatly, while 4 can help with the efficacy of 1-3" "Which conspiracy theory, if proven true, would cause the world to collectively shit the biggest brick?",Bush did 9/11 "Does this election prove that most people in the US will vote for the major party candidates regardless of who is nominated? It seems unlikely that Clinton and Trump will receive less than 40% of the vote each, despite both of them being historically disliked candidates. I've seen many people claim that if Romney said the things Trump does or Obama doing the things Clinton has done, they would both tank in support. But is this really true? Is this election really that unique that the candidates get away with being unfavorable or would the American people simply not care what their candidate says or does and still vote with their party? The last time a major party nominee received less than 40% of the vote was in 1992 for H.W. Bush, but this was only due to Ross Perot taking 19% and Bill Clinton only taking slightly more than 40%. The last time before that was in 1972. Even Walter Mondale received over 40% of the vote despite only winning one state. Is it almost impossible for a major party nominee to go way below 40% vote share in the future, since it is unlikely that candidates as disliked as the current ones will run for president any time soon?",This election shows that people vote against the candidate they fear being elected. "Slowly going insane So, whenever i play MP i play Hardcore Kill Confirmed. With most users, i have no issues, but then occasionally there's a player that will ALWAYS kill me without me even hearing a gunshot on my end. Is this just lag or lag compensation? Am i going insane? Is there anyone with similar issues?","I mean bullets ARE supersonic, you aren't supposed to ve gearing them." i dont like lemonade anyway,I guess that solves that problem. He probably fucked something up famalam. That's why I don't have any friends it's better that way lol,"Yea im pretty sure he fucked up, the HDD contained some weird folder like Lost DIR and some android folders." Lol whats up with UK going full retard in recent days?,"Don't worry, they can't trace you if you permanently go incognito" Tiger standing next to his keeper,"The tiger is clearly sizing the man up to see if he will fit in his belly, much like a python." Where is the safest place to stand outside in a thunderstorm?,Under a tree. Was the second one an actual cover? I don't pay much attention to failing mediums.,"Unbelievably, yes, it was." German GP set to be dropped from 2017 calendar,"Thanks, Rosberg." "Customer laziness I work in a retail store. I was going around every aisle with a cart to collect items that don't belong and on top of the cart was a basket that had damaged items. A customer comes along and says Can I use your basket? I look by the door where the baskets are and lo and behold, there is a stack full of baskets by the door. I tell her No, sorry. I'm using it. There are a bunch of baskets by the entrance.. She got mad and said Great customer service! in a sarcastic tone and left. I then got called for back up, and of course, she was my first customer. I laughed inside and I did my usual polite greeting. She wouldn't look at me so I sent her on her way. Don't be lazy next time, customer.","Of course, her laziness is your fault." Best banks in Canada? (TO specifically)? What banks are there and which ones seem to benefit people best? Any recommendations or are they all relatively similar?,i like RBC because they have machines at Esso's. plz no tread,Yeah nah mate go around lad "We proved everything critics of America have ever said about us, GJ dumbfucks","Its their fault because they were critical of us, they made us do this!" "Ouija, who should I vote for in the presidential election?",D I can Do 158 for my 0.007,i can do 153 keys for any . "Everyone's shitting on you for being excited for this album but I'm with you on this one. Starboy, I Feel It Coming, Party Monster all sound dope and the songs previewed in Mania sound interesting and awesome as well. I really like the new style that Abel is exploring, especially since he's said long before that he would never recreate the same music again--hes simply not in that space anymore. It may sound a little poppy sure, but if you look at his influences--MJ, Prince, etc--the musical direction he's taking makes so much sense.",Couldn't agree more man Please win. Miller was our second highest point scorer and yet he played 3 minutes in the first period..,#AVLogic I thought they misspelled Memory,I was hoping for memery but memeroy is close enough "Wtf, it took me a week to get from 60 to 61 because Outland is so fucking boring",You dropped this: Adam is just the best,Finally good to see some positivity for him on this subreddit :) \*saxophone solo\*,HEY! Meddle with the wind blowing,And AMLOR with crappy songs Found it it was Dire Straits - Money For Nothing,Opening scene of Kingsmen You could try messaging the mods.,I did by the time I was banned but they never responded. Hillary Clinton's Lead Is Greater Than Multiple Former Presidents',Uninspiring Nothing beats the Dark Troopers of Force Unleashed. Gigantic near-invincible mega cunts.,"Eh, both games had their fair share of overly tanky annoying enemies." Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford teases a December 1 announcement,Fingers crossed for Battleborn 2! FOR ME!?!,Melted Pizza Freddy confirmed? They announce the discovery of a new 7300 yr old city and include no pictures of said discovery. Nobody took any pics?,But how could they when cameras didn't exist 7300 years ago? Public Protector 'Cancels' Staffer's Trip: I Don't Care How She Gets Back,Anyone else think the term 'Dick Move' perfectly describes this situation? "If you rev-match downshift you wear the clutch a lot less and have more fun doing it. If you've got a loud car, the noise is fun too.",especially if it's an old civic You are on a list now.,The list of internet heros? you know there is a tea bag?,"Yeah that's for mute only though, correct?" Yes of course hunting is only acceptable if you persistence hunt the turkey over 30 miles of terrain and gouge its throat with a flint knife,Because there's nothing in between that and feeder sitting "Most well liked F1 drivers? I don't think anyone dislikes Hakkinen, for starters, I mean, there's basically nothing to not like about him. Anyone else?",any finnish driver im sure no one has ever had any issues with tbh do you not have any idea how DPI works or what it actually is? please tell me this was a troll response...,nah bro u using the wrong dpi bro fix your mouse bro "Suez is a terrible map for Conquest It's an absolutely horrendous map to play on Conquest, 1 team caps all 3 points (why does a Conquest map have only 3 points anyway?) until the opposing team gets the Armored Train and holds all of the points from then on. This map really needs 2 extra points to stop it from being as linear as it is.",Suez is my favorite map for sniping "I once was walking home drunk and a light pole only rendered *after* I walked into it, I swear.",Driver 2 for PS1? "He got introduced to it, he said.",Oh thats okay then "Yeah, the size of the bundles is a little ridiculous. I was down for a 20-30 dollar impulse purchase but none of these items really qualify. Hopefully they have some single-ship discounts tomorrow. Also, if you are going to sell a $400 bundle, you could at least include the Gremy and the Nikolai...",People would be on the forum with pitchforks if the only way to buy those two was for hundreds of dollars. Short video of Tom/RogerCop's VA recording lines for the Christmas special!,"Spoiler warning on that second video, geez." "Hey, ex-rioter (don't tell anyone I'm undercover) So, I worked on the brazilian player support team at riot, which was really close to the community team and the player behaviour team, so when this kinda popped the first time I went to discuss this with our player behaviour expert. Turns out that this would be a relly great idea in paper, but we had to account for the players that would be using it. I can't give you all the details because my memory sucks and I don't want to say something wrong (I'm not the expert on this), but it turns out that having an option like this would induce players to single out a bad player on their team (due to their poor performance, for instance) so they would quit and the team would be granted a mercy. Not only that but players would also be able to abuse this on a duo system, where one of them quits and the team gets mercy. These are very hard to counter since you can't know for sure if someone just dc'ed or quitted. Also I don't know if this would affect overwatch but the matchmaking on LoL is fucking complicated, which means that a team going up on the ladder and a team not moving at the same time could cause some issues (imagine not one, but hundreds of these). After working there I know it's pretty damm hard to get a system that feels fair for everyone, because unfortunately people will find a way to abuse it, and if it's abusable then it's not functional, that's why system with less possible abuse were added to league (like the remake on the first minutes of the game). A system should not ever, ever, create toxicity and by god that's hard","ah, the brTT effect" I don't know if I can watch this whole thing. You are smacking your lips like crazy in some parts.,"Maybe your babelfish is broke, refund and get another." "Today's bus adventures turned out alright, will certainly ride again when I'm heading into the CBD or Riccarton mall. The presentations I went to were far more interesting then I thought they'd be. I ended up talking to an RNZN guy working on the procurement plan out to 2050 which was interesting, not so much for the ships but the shore facilities and people they will require. Also got a big lecture from another presenter on how Airlines are struggling with carbon neutrality, which makes sense considering they don't have any alternatives to jet fuel. But intriguing where they think they'll be in twenty odd years.",Bring back ocean liners! "Wow, as a muslim myself, this rule is retarded. What about travelers? Rain and without transportation? Do I have to have an MC handy to prove I'm sick? What if I overslept? How will the prove I didn't go? Will they have power to enter someone's property willy nilly? Fuck this is fucking stupid.",jawab dekat allah "* Paused bench is generally a meme, you can make plenty progress with solely touch and go. * You don't need to go heavier just because you can, you're usually better off going lighter because you can. You can progress with less intensity and volume if you're using better form. * You don't NEED to compete as much as you can, spend more time building. Think long term. * No one gives a fuck about junior national records.","Les intensity and more volume, no?" Perfect response.,I suggest the fedora.... it makes them panties drop... This fucking famous footwear commercial and the Christmas commercial with Frankenstein can be sent right to hell with TJ Clemmings riding shotgun.,it's not a Christmas commercial it's a holiday commercial "Buddy I don't mean to be rude or disrespectful but I mean it doesn't affect you at all, so reporting me is like you going out of your way","ye, academic dishonesty doesnt concern uoft at all" Anyone else kinda want a jackal space battle multiplayer? Like im loving it in campaign! it feels actually good..,Until someone finds an out of map spot. "No confirmation yet from SNKRS, but they show up in my order history and I was charged. Am I good?",Should be. What's your go to song when introducing your favorite musician(s) to other people?,The Thong Song - Sisqo Happy employees are productive and friendly employees. Cab drivers aren't stereotypically happy for a reason.,b...but lyfit/uber isn't like traditional cab companies! the male gaze saves the day,probably manspreading on the lanes though More Americans are fuming over Hillary and the DNC rigging the primary against Bernie Sanders,they caught the hacker though so everything is good! But did you see the dancing bear?,The one scratching the ladies back and looking fierce? "New update been released on PS4 - 7GB Download Assuming it'll be for the High Flyers packs but I'm hoping/praying/wasting my time that there will be some gameplay improvements in it. Here's hoping! (7gb where I live = 3 hour download, what fun)",I really hope we don't need to download 7gb everytime one of these new shitty theme packs drop "Ah, finally a scientific term for degeneracy.",Forgot A map of the 32 high-rise buildings in Philadelphia currently under construction.,Look at all of these apartment buildings that you can't afford to live in! "Blount is carrying the ball and the team, in the 2nd half.",If we win this the defense owes him BIG. A lot of these animals don't have a choice. They are purposely brought into a world of suffering and most of them are just waiting to die or be killed to end the painful life they are forced to live. This is all just for humans to consume them. But why? No ones life should entail suffering and only living to be kept alive at the bare minimum and then to be slaughtered and eaten.,This makes me sad "The future of investigative news is online outlets. It doesn't pay much, the exposure is relatively low, but there's little to no overhead power structure to worry about. We need journalists unbound from corporate interests to report on this shit. Journalists who do it not because they're getting paid but because they're passionate and driven. TV news is hopelessly compromised. Web news is the future.",Good thing net neutrality is gonna get demolished! Valkyrie Awakening 200% BSR,Sadly we will never be using it :/ Would be nice to get this as a usable skill ... Couldn't be more thankful today.,I read it as Could it be more thankful today Some places say only so many poles can be up,Come to Chicago we have plenty of Poles... Lip-Synchronisation For Your Life: A Saga,Also tbh any S7 LSFYL gif that isn't Lovergirl is wrong.