Input,Output "Tales of Zestiria, Star Ocean V, Sword Art Online LS or HR $$","For PS4, should've clarified." I was going to suggest giving that 50g to the one that got kicked too after I read your comment. Then I realized we're playing WoW and more would troll on purpose just to get that free 50g every 30 mins.,If you get kicked you don't get a debuff preventing you from requeueing. "Could you imagine her excitement that people actually showed up, just before she lost consciousness?",Sooooo many cameras with strobe flashes! So much for ladder climb race....,"yep, pretty fucking frustrating." "Teams That Are a Player Away From Going Deep In The Playoffs? So it's simple, which team(s) has to make a move to get a certain player in order to compete for a deep run in the playoffs/winning it all? - Lol honestly I have no realistic idea who can make a splash for a player. If I was just going off the top of my head, I'd say the Clippers. I feel like a decent two-way guard or small forward would help them greatly. - It's late and I can't find energy to look at salaries but *Kent Bazemore*, *Michael Kidd-Gilchrist*, *Solomon Hill* or *Brandon Rush* may be the help needed to make a deep run. I feel like each can contribute and fit on any team that can get the ball in the basket. ***Realistically***, I'd say Bazemore (even though his value went up after a 11/5/2 season) and Rush are more likely to be traded for, rather than Hill and MKG. But who knows, *I certainly don't*. I'm interested to hear your guys' options!","Boston, Detroit, Washington (health dependant) and Milwaukee in the East IMO." That's a cool idea for a brawl,Overwatch: Origins Thanks. I was wondering if Comey broke any laws. I guess violating protocols are more controversial than law breaking.,Spicy "I mean, early Luther was very much Calvinistic. Bondage of the Will is a Calvinist text lol","He wasn't arminian, but I wouldn't call him Calvinist, unless the Lutheran church's theology has had a major shift away from calvinism since his death" is it just me or do national announcers seem way better now that we are a championship team lol,It's just you. "Yes Hada, though if you want to drop out anytime just tell a mod.","Nah, I ain't a pussy wussy" "I wanted to get a new fence at my house, and I wanted to save money so I took down the old one myself a few days before the contractors came by to build the new one. Came home from work the next day to find a hobo passed out on the back porch. Called the police; they came by, got him to wake up, and moved him along. The officer implied that it was basically my fault for not having a fence. I didn't think that was a fair assessment of the situation, and I still disagree with her. Society functions because we have rules, and I feel that if one class of citizens is given a pass to break those rules (i.e. Hale's homeless policies or the recent verdict in the Malheur case), a dangerous precedent is established.",hopefully you got the electric fence upgrade for the new one May have to wait a while with Trump in office and the hiring freezes. Not that it was easy to get a civil servant position before that unless you were a co-op.,"I'm up in Canada, so I'm just going to stay put while that man is in office..." Chemo weeks that is?,"Yeah, cancer is kinda a bitch, you know." Idolized Halloween Makoto!,He's gorgeous You shot Church! You teamkilling fucktard!,This Best/favorite Uncharted villain?,I'm surprised that Rafe is higher than Lazarevic in,here I'm a product of the Oakland public schools.,both forms are considered correct when used as a verb Yeah should have told Franz Ferdinand of Austria that assassinations stop wars.,You obviously don't understand what assassination markets do. "I guess that settles it, everyone is out to get the Seahawks.",Obviously "No, this is, or should be, a standard for presidential candidates. The problem is that Trump isn't being held to any standards.",Okay so I guess you know everything and have never had a brain freeze in your life over something important/obvious. "Oh, spirits, what is the first thing i should do in the new Pokemon games?",S Frankly thats bullshit. I do not expect the clinton regime to honor a single promise to his base,"If you honestly believe that then you haven't been paying attention to her at all, you do know her record as a senator is publicly available right?" This feels pandered to reddit. Because many redditors shit on vegans.,And then fret about what they can do to fight global warming. This is how tyranny begins: Why will President Donald Trump continue to hold rallies?,To feed his ego? "It's just as they said. Your pipes can leech substances, mostly heavy metals which can include lead.",Aren't hot and cold water pipes the same material? Caught a GPS Spoofer red handed last night...,"Imagine if these gps spoofers were valor, you will be more safer" Rebalance the CP? Fix the CP? How about they just replace CP. Why not have the normal Leveling system from the normal Pokemon games? A Pokemon as weak as Pikachu should be able to take down a dragonite with a high enough level and decent move. I just imagine somebody playing Pokemon Sun and Moon as their first ever Pokemon game other then Pokemon GO and being like my fire cat is 5 cp send help,Or delete gyms entirely turn gyms into mega pokestops that gives 5 coins per spin once every 21 hours. "What is something someone does that makes you think, You, I like you?","Nothing, because saying you, I like you is cringe worthy and Inhibits social conversation in an open environment." "Either 3 game series or no series and the leader gets in the playoffs. This one game deal is not exciting to me and it does not prove who the better team is. Also, it's not the playoffs. Just like the NCAA bball play-in games are NOT part of the 1st round.","If they wanted to prove who's the best team they would just award a championship to the team with the most wins at the end of season, that's not what playoffs are about." "Sadly but reality, Buying packs is a form of gambling.",Gambling with no chance of ROI "Quite possibly the worst idea Hollywood has ever had: A $33,000,000 buddy cop comedy, starring Whoopi Goldberg and.....a dinosaur. Here's the trailer for 1995's Theodore Rex (Yes, this is actually real)",Still better than most of the absolute crap put out by Hollywood since the 90's ended. And against democracy,"No, just against an uneducated electorate." "He had *better* make the fucking history books. I want every child in America from this day forward educated and tested on what Donald Trump's campaign was, how it went down, how it came about, what the implications of it were, and why it got this close to happening. I want future generations to study this so that it *never* happens again.",Title one of them *It Almost Happened Here* as a counter point to Sinclair Lewis' semi-satirical political novel *It Can't Happen Here* A casual Trump supporter with a casual suggestion.,"even aside from the blatant misogyny, this is great because we have so much space in our prisons!" Decided to go on Omegle posing as a Trump supporter. This was the very first person to pop up.,"tbf flipping water bottles does sound incredibly dull, unlike MEMES" Remember when tolliver made I think 5/5 from three in preseason and we were all hyped. I don't think he's made a three in regular season,I know he has at least 1 cause I was talking shit when he hit it. I don't know why you're being down voted. You're actually right. Some people don't want to believe the truth but it is what it is.,I'm sure most people here appreciate the name on a garment then the actual garment it's self. Barry Trotz takes a puck to the head 5 seconds into the game,Think he can handle it... he's got the ultimate cranium It would be beautiful to see them lose in San Fran.,What does a team do when they lose to a garbage fire? "Possible hate crime. The cars were torched, sure, but we don't know if the anti-Semitic stuff was meant to be taken *hatefully*.","It's just a joke, can't you tell?" "That system of fire is pretty annoying What is the problem? Well, let me explain. For example, you have a cannon in center, and your opponent puts MiniPekka. Pewpewpew, and one-shot MP comes to cannon. It should fire to save its live, BUT! Archer tower already sent an arrow, and cannon thinks Mmm, MP is going to die from this arrow, (and i am so lazy), i wouldn't shoot. Arrow velocity is pretty slow, and when it comes to target, MP already cut down that cannon. And during the arrow's flight there was enough time for cannon to shoot and kill that damn MP. But it refuse. Does it annoy only me or there are somebody else?",The cannon is just trying to save you ammo bro Especially when mama comes back to the nest and gives you one with her teeth.,"Could be OP's pet, keep in mind Alligators are self sufficient from birth, not like Mama cares if a few of her babies run off" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,ok Puss popping out of tonsils? O___o,Straight into the back of your throat Google looking out for people coming from micro-USB cables going to USBC.,I had two micro usbs and a usb to wall adapter with my azpen tablet Ends up not recieving touch input in the center of the screen all the way across two months later god dammit An agency with millions of dollars in funding assigned this task to an intern using MS Paint.,If J. Edgar Hoover was alive and blackmailing politicians still it would've read - Merry Christmas. F2P Mage armor OP? Not really.,Why are you reposting this Steve Corino leaving Ring of Honor So apparently he's leaving in January to be the head trainer at the Performance Center. Anyone know if he'll be around for the January TV Taping and who is replacing him?,is there any confirmation that he'd be head trainer What makes a good _____ player? A good Elise player knows not to blow her load too early.,A good lux player auto attacks between abilities to pop off the passive. Bet you can't do it online.,THIS ON-LAN PIECE OF BELGIUM SHIT those keys expired.. they weren't stolen at all.,"Damn, I should have known this would be the wrong place to pitch a fantasy narrative ;-)" Still have lollipop on my lg Stylo 2 from TracFone :/,If you want updates... don't buy a TracFone device. "They're looking for an entry level candidate. This normally means they're looking to pay below average, and it will take 2+ years to get to industry standard for that position - but the catch is, you'll be worked just as hard as someone who gets median or above average pay.","it usually means they want someone with 5 years experience, and work ethic willing to work for entry level wages." "When 9/11 happened, by eldest brother was in his room masturbating when mom burst in. She usually knocks, so he was unprepared. I was only 4, but my mother told me she said 'omg dave, the twin towers are-wait what the fuck'!",I hear they are reerecting the towers. "Please remove the spectator feature Someone must not have had their morning coffee when they approved this idea. I can't count the number of battles I am having with spectators(not mine cause I don't have Facebook linked to this account) and the opponent all of a sudden makes a push with a single card that normally wouldn't make sense to do unless you saw the opponent hand and knew they didn't have a counter ready or saw their elixir counter was one or two elixir too much. Now I know people count elixir and I do that myself. But it's more a rough estimate count not exact, especially the later in a match you go. The feature needs to go. Or there needs to be a 5 second delay added to it so real time viewing is gone.","This, or remove the elixir bar and hide the opponents cards in his hand" "They make the hosts well endowed, men and women","Thadines pretty close, but i wouldnt say any of the women are well endowed" 90% of the time it's just the kid trying to be nice about de-committing and it's really some other reason. I just wish kids wouldn't commit until their recruitment is truly over. In my opinion it's silly to commit to 3 different schools like a lot of these guys do.,"I have a feeling the Ohio State and Iowa games may have had something to do with it possibly, and he's just saying the distance thing as an excuse because he's trying to be nice, like you said." "B1G goes nuts and adds four. UT, OU, KU, and UConn. That's the dream, anyway.",Give Rutgers and Maryland to the ACC or something to make it more evened out. Yeah it's almost as if the person that used it to kill Teresa wiped it down to remove the fingerprints and DNA. Because murderers tend to do that when they don't want to be connected to a murder weapon. I wonder who learned an awful lot about DNA after being exonerated because of it...,"People don't learn anything about getting away with crimes while they're in prison, do they?" Black Friday Sale details up on Storeparser (Change to US for USD$),picked up hitman so far The protestants are always with us.,You're thinking of the Force. Abstinence is the only acceptable form of contraceptive.,Only guaranteed form of contraceptive is true. "LF specific smutty(?) Fan Fiction I don't remember a crazy amount about it, but i seem to recall it being sort of smutty with a Harry/Hermione pairing and at one point during it Gabrielle comes into the story and hero worships Harry for saving her life. One scene where they're at Grimault place and Harrys room has a secret door to gabbys/hermiones room. Any response would be appreciated, as it's been bothering me for ages.",I think it's Searching for the power by ginnymylove. "the minions wouldn't be the exact same way they are normally, im thinking minions that are a little stronger with a couple of skills and the items would have actives.",So veigar? No rails No loml No seeker Wings only Final destination,"Cruisers only, no modules, final destination" Weirded out by Utah Came back to Utah to visit family after moving out of state about a year ago and can't help being really weirded out by things here. It's like I'm not in the real world anymore. My wife and I decided that we won't be moving back to Utah soon ;),Thats exactly the reason I have to flee to Vegas or San Diego once in a while 11/21 PBE Update,DILF braum and graves skins Also a karma skin but who cares about karma Okay and why would they feel the need to bm someone?,It's fun when people like op get really salty "Is it bad to like more than one team? I am sadly one of those people who like more than one team (3 in total) they are the Pens, the leafs and the stars. You can all hate me if you want.",Nope it's not bad Wishing everyone a ^^Green ^^& White Christmas ;),Merry Christmas to you even though you're a rider fan Am straight woman XD,Your inbox is about to be destroyed. "Meh, nothing wrong with a little shit. I mean if I'm already tounge punching her fart box, I'm already getting some tiny shit flakes anyways.",hold up One of my earliest memories is crashing one into a tree.,Maybe a tree stole your bike because you attacked his family "You choose it's role in spire menu, then upgrade it by hiring up to 6 workers. Some items/research is limited by the number of currently hired.",So you just burn money hiring workers then it upgrades? Confirmed: CNN's Donna Brazile helped Hillary Clinton cheat in primary debate against Bernie Sanders. New evidence shows Brazile sent exact wording of proposed debate question to camp Hillary,This needs to make it to the top of r/all so the afterberners see it What does Guy who looks like rapist think? He probably feels like shit.,Found my next username House of Flacco looks healthy so far. An elite dragon doesn't pull out.,The words of House Flacco: Elite "Michael Moore Warns Men: Your '10,000-Year Reign Is Over'","It's like he's saying we're entering a post gender society with HRC, just like we've become a post-racial society with Obama." "I concur. Respect the office she holds, not the person. Like the saying from down periscope. Rear Admiral Yancy Graham: You watch yourself, Dodge! You are addressing a superior officer. Lt. Comd. Dodge: No... Merely a higher ranking one!",And if you simply can't just pay the lip service. New 3DS. New 3DS is an improved version of the 3DS with a name that will be terribly confusing once the next handheld comes out.,4DS? I wasn't feeling Kendrick's verse at all,I like the verse but it did feel a bit like the classic tag a rap verse onto a pop song This actually hurts me to even look at.,I love it "Charlie Kirk: If there was a video showing Trump calling for violence against Clinton supporters, Obama would be calling for a criminal investigation.",Department of ^selective Justice God dammit,PROOF "It doesn't. The only way once can get the DLC music is via Itunes, Amazon (as MP3 downloads) or Play Store (or whatever the Android alternative to Itunes is.) There was no physical version released. Huge bummer too, because the 'Ludwig, The Accursed' track gives me a hard-on every time.","* Ludwig The Accursed and even more The Holy Blade * The first Hunter * Papa Guacamole * Clerical Beast Here are my 4 favorite OSTs of BB, even if some other themes (OoK, Lady Maria, ...) come close." USA: it's normal. But not out of health reason or religious reasons. Mostly out of tradition. Father's have the mindset of well his should look like mine right?,Medical lies and fraud mostly. "Vermont has a total population of ~600k which is smaller than the city I live in, it is mostly white and relatively well off. It's easier to be popular of a small homogenous state than one consisting of millions of people from different racial backgrounds and classes.",Vermont is literally the easiest population to please in the entire United States. You will never find the RCMP do that. Its bad press where there are other matter they can spend time and resource doing. God forbid they break in and did something wrong and kill a kid by accident.,Especially because it's not illegal Unreformed Golden World,Did you manage to keep the Genghisid line? "What's your least favourite video game boss, and why is it the spider from Metroid: Fusion?",This isn't even close to the Ghost boss in Bioshock: Infinite. Not really. Minimum specs are now 64 bit.,There will still be support for 32 bit "Brilliant, although maybe a decade too late? Most kids have some kind of a device these days?",The bot that posted this doesn't care. "When blacks trash on other blacks, they are a field negro. When white chicks dish on other white chicks, they are enlightened in their lack of privilege.","Pretty sure the term is 'house nigger', not field negro." You could always stop eating meat.,It really is *that easy*. I think what OP means is that our characters pass saving this new guardian at the end of destiny 1 and then at the start of destiny 2 we play as the guardian that we saved.,Nailed it ew,I only care about animals that are cute Also movies glorify encounter killings.,Ab tak Chappan "People who have experienced or been diagnosed with amnesia, what do movies or shows get wrong about it?","I forgot what your question was, can you please repeat it." "in fact running DNA for crimes isnt usually running full dna, its just running enough to confirm guilt. The database would likely contain several matches, but those matches could be from the same family and not necessarily a particular individual.","That would help though, isn't part of crime-solving to narrow down the suspects?" "I babysat Kevin at work One of my ex-colleagues is Kevin. At the time, I was around 25 and he was almost 30. It was his first 'real job' out of college. He apparently grew up in a very sheltered, religious household. His dad is apparently a very high-ranking official in the UN. And due to an unfortunate strings of circumstances, Kevin sat next to me: * Kevin had zero computer skills. As a new employee, the company will issue you the standard computer, 8GB flash drive, along with employee handbook, etc. etc. He refused the flash drive because the size was too small (physically) and he believed it won't have any storage capacity. * So he kept having to borrow my flash drive. He also didn't know how to plug it into his computer and kept complaining that the flash drive is broken. * We're an international company with offices in many countries. So, it goes without saying that we all communicate through email. He drafts EVERY EMAIL (even simple replies) on PAPER and then asks me to proof read it before he sends it out. He works as a COPYWRITER. * He asked me if the SEND button in Outlook means that his email was sent out. * He has more than once got scammed by those Nigerian Prince emails. He sends them his password when they ask for it. * He likes to google my full name (it's not a common name at all. Only I have it.). He googles it often enough that it pops up every time he types in the first letter of my name on Google. One day, he got so excited and showed it to me because I was FAMOUS because Google knows my name. * Each month, the housekeeper would walk around and issue out tissue paper to put at our workstation. The first time, he asked me what it was. * He drives the cleaning ladies insane by going into the pantry, use plates and mugs and put them back in the cupboard without washing them. When confronted, his argument was that he'll use it again eventually. * He likes to listen in on conversations. More than once, he would ask me what people in five workstations away were talking about. * He stares at people. ALL. THE. TIME. And stare at your computer screen and comment on what you're working on. * He didn't know how to put staples in staplers. When I helped him with it, his reply: Thank you so much. I'm just not used to these new technologies. * He constantly asks people how much their salary is. * His probation period was extended (understandably. he was still asking me to proofread his emails). When HR told him, he threw a tantrum claiming that they can't do that because he already told his mom that he passed the probation. * He often takes his copywriting work home for his mom to check. This is what I can think of from the top of my head. I'm know there's more as he drove me nuts to the point that I wanted to quit and the Head of HR had to console me. I was his designated babysitter for the duration of his time there. People still joke that one day he might come into the office and shoot everyone. I would be the first to go.",You said I'm know there's more maybe you should've drafted your post on paper and had a coworker proof read it . A,T meirl,"Not actually me_irl, I read about business and law, Delaware has great corporate law structure." Get a good router you pleb.,Implying a router has anything to do with Wi-Fi. source ??,2014 holograms. "Damn, I wanted to kill Kaden.",You don't deserve it! "Texas International Raceway, like Richmond. Chase Elliott has an average of 4 but only one race, I think it was Steve Park with a 8.0 though.",Correct! "You'd be right about three months ago, but Ssumday has been not great to say the least. This split was shaky a bit, but playoffs anf Gauntlet was really poor. The reason they didn't show that failure too much was Arrow stepping it up big time. Again, he'll never be a hyper aggressive player, but he was fantastic to end the season. If you want to look at KT, IMO the first two things to look at are mid and support.","Fly improved a lot and fits the team well, don't think they're looking to replace him." "Well that guy is Wilfred de Bruijn. He is French, and was beaten because he was gay.","oh god, even worse" ?,Acho que faltou o So creepy and the eye moves and shit,It's the apothican servant *Fireballs Barbarian Hut* **Opponent places Furnace**,#TRIGGERED HEY GUYS WHAT'S UP TODAY WE'RE GONNA BUILD A TOTALLY AWESOME TRAP...,*cue the trap music* Have you played wild? Every deck is an N'Zoth deck.,Even Secrets Paladin is a N'Zoth deck now... Offline mode,Story missions Corporations running the world used to be science fiction,Cue Trump in a *swaggy* Zaibatsu Life ball cap. Tell me about the sauce,Bulgogi sauce "The original OP had a good point that I have a hard time disagreeing with. The amount of effort you've put in to potentially get this result isn't worth it, for him. So he figured he might as well just canvas specifically for this and cut out all the small talk and effort in between. It's the effort part that I really have a hard time disagreeing with, how many matches flake out, don't respond to anything, won't carry on a conversation, won't meet up, or aren't interested in what you're looking for (in this case it's a hookup). Whereas if minimal effort potentially affords a result, albiet 5% or less of the time, it's a ... superior method? Idk -",Eh my opinion is yea you might get some but it ain't gonna be quality "Not really, the cooperative survives by getting money from another source. They are not a self-sufficient community. Refugees rent houses paid by UN programs and spend the money they receive as assistance to local shops, plus they do small jobs here and there but the prosperity can only continue if the assistance never stops and new refugees continue comming otherwise they will be in the same fate as the original locals who left.","Ok, but this is a start ... the principles are there ... and to start a fire, you only need a spark in the right spot." "If only he had said people of before, then it would have been OK!",'People of Colored People' just doesn't have the same ring to it. god damnit every time Pence says something smart Trump says he doesn't support what the fuck is his problem?,It isn't every time. Red Sonja Figurine.,"I don't know who Sonja is, but I like her." Good old cheap Vishera FX-8350/8370 still doing well having i3-6100/ i5-6500 performance with nice leads in cinebench,"which of those cpu's is closest to a phenom@4ghz (4 core 4 thread), i'm looking to upgrade to a FX-8370 once they sell for $150 net new." "Clinton won't budge on mass surveillance stance, leaked emails reveal",OP is reason #256 on why you should not upgrade to Windows 10... "the camera sucks on that thing, can barely see the clouds.",i haven't yet seen the great wall of china on IS images. Najib: Ada matawang lebih buruk prestasi daripada ringgit,Says the billionaire haha "It mainly depends on which company licenses the anime. Funimation dubs mostly everything they have, meanwhile Aniplex and Sentai are selective and dub much less.",Funimation has been doing more and more sub only releases lately. I think it was valuable and it was all polished so it looked nice. People would steal it in the night and would use it in the construction of buildings in nearby towns.,Surprised nobody was afraid they'd be cursed for doing so. Six-seat van carries 51 workers in China,But at least they brought their hard hats to work. Back when killstreak were feared,I love that streaks dont dictate the entire game in IW. "If your t shirt, socks, coffee mug, etc. has a structure on it, it's probably either caffeine, dopamine, or THC, because people are original.",I think it's because you have to make them in bulk so they have to pick popular molecules. "My kitty Sanda got bitten by a bat, please send help. He is...changing.",You have a wood stake handy? Shoutout to Crystal Palace,Wooooooo me too Johny Hendricks: It's always my fault if I miss weight,"In other news, water is wet." People out here beating the raid without using guns and I haven't even completed it once yet.,Ditto. "***Hot***Folks! Julian told us the source of the leak. Its not Russia:UK Ambassador says, Russia is not, I repeat, is not the source of the Wikileaks emails. Now! Who are you going to believe Podesta and Clinton who say Russia is hacking into Podesta's emails or the Ambassador: Remember: SethRich","If we're being real, it probably is Russia" "Yeah, triple those gains and we'll be back to 2008 levels.",With Trump we'd see a collapse. So...her boyfriend?,Real shit right here. "Hate myself for loving this team so much. I just can't help but love the bad guys, that's how I was raised. :')",I just wonder sometimes just how much Laimbeer would be hated on r/nba. Pits out?,pits out for underlord What is the most creative insult you can think of?,I call people a quivering cunt splat a lot... No idea where it came from I also like cock gobbling quim stain Men of Reddit. What rule of the bro code do you disagree with?,Discussing this would be admitting the brocode exists which would be a violation of one of the rules of the brocode "Yeah, and for once they might have reported something reasonably interesting.",Broken clocks. So to review in the past day Trump: * said exonerating evidence isn't enough to disprove sexual assault * was caught on tape joking about committing sexual assault * has had a case of child rape against him ordered to move forward,Can't wait to see how the polls react to this one. what does the blue and violet outline in the portrait mean?,Ranking I think And people call the US a police state...,It isn't a police state if it protects your delicate sensibilities I guess. Nick Di Paolo comes to mind as someone who doesn't fit with any of your generalizations about conservative comedians.,Never heard of him. At Universal studios yesterday the actress playing an Egyptian woman from the Mummy stared me down walked over while on stilts grabbed me by my Ravenclaw tie and and tousled my hair after photos were taken.,Should've taken Jasmine down while you had the chance man! "'Remember how last week I said I'd go into more detail on the raid balancing that we are working on? Well, I hope you don't!'",But they didn't. What major company would you like to see fail and why?,"Monsanto, because they are the devil." Does the average person know how to do all that? I am sure it doesn't stop the geeks but I presume ordinary people would be powerless to make those changes.,Time to learn how to use a goddamn computer then. That explains that I guess that's better than thinking Microsoft forced it to 5 stars,"Nah, it probably just has the highest quality pixels so Phil Spencer took the liberty of upping the rating for everyone." unplug everything and move to spain,Can confirm this works "Demolition Ranch- nice Texan who likes to shoot stuff Forgotten Weapons- Ian who gives in depth reviews on guns that aren't so common. He loves what he does and it shows in his videos. InRangeTV- Ian from forgottenweapons teamed up with his once bearded brethren Karl and they made a gun channel that features a cool style of competitive shooting as well as interesting videos on specific gun related items as well as old west vignettes. BritishMuzzleLoaders- a very in depth look at British military arms of the mid 19th century to ww2. The host is very well versed and puts a lot of effort into what he does TFBTV- quality gun reviews and nice hosts LifeSizePotato- a nice guy with a collection of handguns we all wish we had MilitaryArmsChannel- good videos of military related guns C&Rsenal- very in depth videos on the history of specific guns. If you like old military rifles and .32acp pistols this channel is a must watch Duelist1954- Mike Bellevue who's the black powder editor(I think that's his position, I may be remembering wrong) he does great shooting videos on black powder guns that have nipples or flints CapandBall- Boriszhie Levit(I have no idea how to spell the dudes name) this Hungarian's black powder knowledge is at a similar level as Mike Bellevue's he just has more videos Gunnut357mag- a military arms and accessories collector who shows off his cool finds and shows you how to load for some oddball cartridges too. Low production quality, but the guy really knows his stuff KirstenJoyWeiss- a true sharpshooter that really enjoys trick shots with a 22lr rifle or pistols TGC- the gun collective keeps you up to date on what's new in the gun world, and gives out some great gun related legal advice(gun ownership legal advice, they don't dish out legal advice related to you doin bad things with your guns) 22Plinkster- trick shots, lots of em Hickok45- the gun community's grandpa TheAmmoChannel- some cool reloading and ammo related videos IraqVeteran8888- anything and everything gun related you'll see on this channel, good production value and the hosts know what they're talking about. Taofledermaus- what custom made projectile will shoot well out of a shotgun? TheYankeeMarshall- a grown ass man Gunblastdotcom- similar in style to a Hickok video, this left handed guy makes great videos on guns that you might be interested in.",Upvote for BritishMuzzleLoaders. "Can this two set bonus proc from healing spells (Got this on my Holy paladin, unsure if to hunt for other piece)","Yes, it can." (6) kill the chicken in Riverwood,Omg are you serious how could I miss that! Made up a whole religion around it!,I've had stranger Thursdays. My grandas grapevine,That looks like it is growing plums... What movie title is most improved by adding in my ass to the end?,Predator in my ass: the Jerry Sandusky story. Baby Brianna's mom on parole in Plainview,Some people don't deserve kids. Wait I don't understand it pls explain,His boner adds one inch to his height "So like, Mike Pence if Trump dies.... Jk",Basically It's a well known liberal/biased news source like fox.,Didn't MSNBC get rated the most truthful stories than any other news site bruuuuh I just hope it's a good one.,"Nah, you got it!" That's encouraging but my butt wont be unclenched until it's official.,Same here but those muscles sure are getting tired. I got 11 grombrindal the white dwarf keys,Would love to get one thx They don't have football in Hawaii?,"I don't think the Boys will be playing there, Zeke" "On my phone for my high school wifi, why can I not view imgur images on reddit, but I can view i.reddit images just fine?",* "Not gonna lie, this was kind of lame.",The idea was really the only funny part The real Clinton email scandal is that a bullshit story has dominated the campaign,"Yeah, this is a bullshit article, so at least they have that in common." We have seen lots of progress of ships for SQ42. That's about it. The entire first gen really needs to be retouched and refactored badly which should include some reimaging from the concept artists. Beyond that we have all of the ships that have been sold that haven't been made yet. There were a few bursts of ship releases early in the year but that has slowed down tremendously with the patch rate in the last half of the year. Honestly if they want to crank ships sales out like this they need to separate ship drops from major patches. It's been nearly 3.5 months since 2.5 dropped and we got the Reliant and the Argo. In the first half of the year we got 6 new flyable ships. Which makes this last six months a slower rate of ships coming down the pipeline.,"In 2.6 alone, there are 4 new ships and 4 new variants in the game." Anti-EMP countermeasure leaked in FarFromHome spectrum dispatch?,"Nope, they just blew the power already with the shields being cranked too high, so the ship was already down when the employee was sent." "That's cool, but I thought in the vlog today he basically hinted at a release around Veteran's Day!",I think he meant after Thanksgiving Nothing in Islam says throw your children out windows.,"But somehow it goes back to women obeying their man or facing punishment, which is pretty prevalent in Islam." Acting Masterclass with Peter Serafinowicz,"Oh hey, that's the new Tick." Mafia III - Hogwarts DLC,You're a Wizard Lincoln. When bjerg played against faker at msi in 2015 and picked Ziggs I wanted to chop my dick off. He finalyl gets a chance to prove himself and plays a waveclear mage. lol.,he avoided the -____- moment Being a total failure in every single regard. I just fuck up everything.,i hear ya there "Why don't women have hobbies? Pretty simple, something I have noticed is that women tend to not have hobbies. Every hobby I can think of is male-dominated. What do women (this can apply to a lot of men as well) do if they don't have hobbies? Maybe its just me but when I meet someone who doesn't have a passion I tend to assume they are shallow and don't think deeply. Any reason why women tend to not have hobbies and what do they do with their time and mind for that matter?",Homewrecking is a favorite pastime for many women. Tell her.,Nothing good will come from her knowing how he feels! Time,It isnt wasted when youre getting wasted. Scrappy,High football IQ "How would you feel about putting the X-Men franchise into the vault until 2022 followed by a hard reboot? I feel like aside from a couple more Deadpool movies, and a Quicksilver movie followed by a Netflix original series, the X-Men franchise has run its course. I'm not putting the blame on Singer or Apocalypse or anything really other than the entire franchise has kind of become tedious and the characters aren't exciting anymore. Deadpool and Quicksilver are the only two characters in the entire franchise that hold any interest for me personally, and they aren't enough to prop the whole thing up. Wolverine wasn't enough to prop the whole thing up from the beginning, but they got as much mileage out of him as possible and now it's time I believe for the whole thing to go into the vault for 5 years and then go full reboot with a whole new cast of actors playing the X-Men. As far as a new arc to reboot the franchise with? I'd be happy to see Broodfall on the big screen.","No, X-Men is too great." "At least football is right around the corner. I've been too preoccupied with baseball to keep up with NFL news, but everyone's telling me the Vikings are set to be the best in the league.","Remember, the T-Wolves are going to be sp00ky good this year" "I'm not looking to make any arguments. We've all played on this merry-go-round for months, if you don't get it by now there really is nothing I can say to change your mind; And tbh, I'm bored of trying.","Wow, you've sure convinced me a bill of rights drafted by British representatives elected by the British public which can be changed at anytime should the British people deem it necessary is a bad idea" Right now a giant backlash is going on so I don't have much sympathy. Also it's not the average male going through that but the non neurotypical males.,"So yes or no, being treated like a boy in Education is a privilege?" Lol so basically your weird fantasy goes as follows.... you want to kidnap abunch of innocent people and send them to a preservatory and hunt them like they're game.... then brutally murder every single one and take your dead body home to brand it and have sex with it. That's necrophilia,But it's everyone else's fault they can't get laid "I admit that I don't know how the system actually works, but I honestly doubt that any senior military commanders would launch a first strike on Trump's say-so. I pray we don't have a system that would let Trump take his little football briefcase into some bathroom and start pressing buttons that actually make things happen.","The commanders have no say in the matter, it is basically a direct line between the president and the missile silo." "*Hillary is just too crooked* Downvote and hide thread, tag and ignore user. Could do it in my sleep, I'm so versed in it by now.",Killary Shillton must obviously be controlling you using her body double Secretary of State please not shadow chancellor :Y,#THIS It's fun that they have a new sub I wasn't banned from yet,"I feel like the mods on mr_trump aren't too strong because I made a ban-able comment yesterday against trump and it's still there, and even has positive karma lol" Is this one you can take apart and use in a PS4? Sorta looks like it but also sorta looks a bit too fat,too fat Does this legit work?,Why would someone post lies on the interner? Stanislaw Almost Clutches,Glock buff please and thank you. Calling someone naive is not an insult.,You're so naive. Said it last year. Still believe it. The only thing that really matters is who can beat Warriors when they are playing well,But you were kind of wrong about it last year "Fallout Faction Idea This is going to be kind of long so I will add a TL;DR at the end I'm not even sure if there's going to be a new Fallout game out soon but I recently watched the FudgeMuppet video about the ideal Fallout New Orleans and it really got me thinking. One of the things I loved most about Fallout New Vegas was Caesar's Legion, in my opinion they're one of the coolest factions in the Fallout world so naturally I started to think about what, if any, role they would play in a new Fallout game. I think we can all agree on that the Legion ending from NV most likely won't be the canon ending. In my opinion the Mr. House ending is going to be, which leaves the question: What will happen to the Legion? I think the Legion will collapse, whether Ceasar lives or not won't change that. Without Caesar's leadership smaller fights will erupt amongst their own ranks, most likely resulting in the Legion splitting up into smaller groups. Some maybe going back to the tribes they originally were. If Caesar lives, this may take a bit longer. More important though, there will be people loyal to the old values of Caesar and the Legion. These splinter groups will, in my opinion, most likely be pushed out of old Legion territory, i.e. Arizona, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico, and further east. Which brings us to the state of Louisiana, and New Orleans (yeah I know Texas lies between New Mexico and Louisiana but ignore that for now. And Caesar's Legion was supposed to be in Texas anyway so we can work something out) So, here's what I'm thinking: Imagine you're exploring the swamps outside of New Orleans when you come upon a town. The town itself is built upon a small lake and held up by stilts which protects it from higher water levels and floods. This town is basically the New Reno of the region. Filled with booze, drugs, stripclubs and prostitutes. You enter the town and eventually end up talking to the mayor, a bartender or whatever. The person will mention something about a raider gang living deep in the swamp outside of the town and you will get a miscellaneous quest to go check it out. When searching for the gang you will travel on a small path through the swamp, when you're getting close to the quest marker a man dressed in rags with a bomb collar around his neck approaches you. He tells you about his employers and how they have work for you. He assures that you will be greatly rewarded for your services. He then gives you a quest to go and destroy the booze stills, or something in that style, in the New Reno-ish town. After completing the quest you return to the man and he tells you to follow him. The two of you travel down the small path, and coming up at the end of the path is a camp. Outside the walls of the camp there are people crucified, giving you a hint of what's to come. You enter the camp and is greeted by a person wearing weathered legionary armor. He welcomes you to the camp of The Cohort (or The Zealot's, Zealot's of Caesar or something like that, going to be calling them The Cohort for now) and gives you the story of the Legion, and a recap of what has happened since the second battle of Hoover Dam. This person won't be the leader of the faction but merely one in their ranks. He then proceeds to offer you a place in the group, maybe sending you out on a new quest to prove your worth. You continue to work for The Cohort and learn more about them. I want this really powerfull and mysterious character to lead them, sort of a Lanius figure, brutal but more charismatic. He must have other interests besides destruction. As you progress through the questline you eventually get called up to a meeting with this leader. He praises you for the work you have done and tells you that The Cohort has great plans for the wastes of New Orleans. He tells you about the second coming of The Legion, how you and the rest of his men will unite the tribes and towns of the region and eventually march on New Orleans, claiming it for The Legion. The whole idea of The Cohort is to give the player the choice to revive the dying Legion and finally giving it the Rome it deserves. I want them to have very similar values to those of the Legion, such as prohibiting the use of alcohol and drugs, using slaves and having a totalitarian dictator as a leader. They will also use the same roman hierarchy. I have more ideas but I feel that this is enough for now. Let me know what you think and if you want more. Also feel free to comment if you have any ideas to improve on mine! TL;DR I have this idea of a faction that will originate from Caesar's Legion from Fallout New Vegas that I would love to appear in a new Fallout game. Essentially you would be able to give The Legion its rebirth and unite the wastes of New Oreleans/Louisiana, or wherever the game takes place, under its flag.","I'd love to see another faction that uses power armor, but with a lot more variation" Don't spoil the new generation by giving food to beggars. Teach them hard work instead.,This is probably some brilliant reverse psychology. It was on the Steam sales subforum but I didn't know how great it was then.,lol I went through tons of black friday/cyber monday sale lists and didn't EVER come across Civ V :'( He's doing more denying lately than he is apologizing. I wonder if he will ever apologize for lying to us about all the things he's denying at the moment?,"nah they go to their grave with the lies, like Bush and Hillary will" What are they actually talking about? I feel like some old vicar in 1920 chancing upon a Trotsky / Bukharin debate about materialism. Shits weird.,"I think they're saying liberal feminism was invented by anti-feminists to distract feminists from the *one true feminism*, radical feminism." In what world are anti-trans opinions silenced? Catholic Dr. Paul McHugh got his anti-trans opinion piece in the ***Wall Street Freakin' Journal.***,There go my shares in the 76 large corporations... Never Forget,"I've seen posts referencing this all day, and I'm really glad someone posted a wiki, because I'm lazy" Butt is it self-aware?,I sometimes think it is.... It makes me stand every now and then if I have been sitting for too long by cramping up lol.... It doesn't like bearing my weight for too long. Most of the MGO2 maps were paid DLC.,"Oh well,i didn't have a chance to play MGO2 too much,that's why i forgot about that" Make Rust Great Again!,Finally it's the only thing missing to make it great again ;) So could almost any other team. We had just spent a first rounder on a QB. We weren't going to do so again.,"We spent a first rounder three years prior, and he had yet to play more than three games a season because he was drastically injury prone." Halloween Challenge Skeleton Charm (In-Game),"It's nice, but can we can we get a Halloween skin like we did for other holidays?" Are we the raft?,"If we're (what I understand your metaphor's implying as) spaceships for another race, shouldn't we start investing in more manned space travel so we can get there as well as getting them there?" Are you trying to act like you're 12?,I'm just trying to deflate your ego. "Cough...Cough...LT1...LS1 Both of those can average that. Also, I know of several people who can barely get their FoST's to break past 25.",My fist gets 26 to 27 so that's hardly better. "Morning Report: Mickey Gall on Sage Northcutt: 'I'm gonna bust him up, break his bones'",YOU'LL DO FOOKIN NUTTIN' I have only 3!,Gorgeous Rott! "If Sephuz's Secret and Prydaz were hot fixed to include primary stats, it would help to soften the disappointment players are feeling when they receive these items. Thoughts? They mentioned in a recent Dev Q and A they were looking to buff some of the weaker legendary items. Without a rework on these items i doubt the majority of the player base will ever feel satisfied when they receive a legendary that is in some cases a DPS loss.",I think its normal that I have to equip my 850 ring instead of Sephuz's secret. Lol and this sub won't believe anything that is negative for clinton,I'm almost positive any post from a Trumpinista that begins with LOL is from a Russian shill....which is about 90% of them. Amanda Nunes Wears A Lion Mask To The Weigh Ins,I'm surprised they let her wear that. "No... not really. You'd pay the same for a comprable Android device. Pixel, HTC One, Huawei Mate 9, etc.","Difference is, Android phones are good." Chennai is far far more fucked up in this regard.,"In Chennai, the news would be about bachelor inviting the girl into his apartment." "And when she held her private and public beliefs separate (read: lying to the public about her private beliefs, which are the beliefs that a person cares about... you know, the shit they actually believe privately and not the bullshit they say to the public) that are now excused by a large portion of our electorate? It's Hillary's fault for never addressing how absolutely nonsensical, and insensitive to people in Bosnia who were *actually* under sniper fire, saying something like that is. Oh, and accepting Qatari money when she knew she was running for President, etc. etc.","Classic Do as I say, not as I do..." This is my friend's father! Small world.,haha sweet! "Money and anti-liberalism, not specifically the Clintons. Sure they hate the Clintons, but that's basically because they're the face of American liberalism.","What, exactly, is liberal about George Soros owning the government via his brain-damaged Manchurian candidate whose only life accomplishment was marrying an impeached president?" "Pliny in SJ Is Pliny the Elder still a hard beer to find? I'm in San Jose next week and would love to find a bottle or two. Where and when would be my best bets to find it? if not a bottle, any pubs that might have it on tap?",Kelly's Liquors in Downtown gets it pretty often. Starting Some Bloodbound with the free slaughterpriest!,"He's pretty metal, nice job!" "How many 5* maxed units do you have? Do you prefer to optimize your play time towards your main team or do you like to level all your units? I probably spend way too much time leveling all my units as I currently have the following 5* units maxed: Chizuru, Exdeath, Vann, Firion, Lightning, Kefka, Golbez, Lenna, Cecil, Garland, Terra, Tellah, CoD, WoL, Fina, Celes, Armarant and Locke. My next batch is going to be Charolette, Ludmille, Ceres, Leo, and Bartz. Anytime I have to farm an exploration for mats and/or progress in content, I always use my leveling team. And when I find my NGR full and have to waste it quickly, I'll just do int vortex for mats or adv vortex for leveling. What about you guys/gals?",Exdeath Kuja Cloud of Darkness Terra Zidane Golbez Warrior of Light Lenna Lightning Garland Locke Fencer Freya Such a baffling misstep that one was....,What about super predator "What are your thoughts on a Distance Based Difficulty Mod? One of the classic tropes of fantasy worlds is that the farther you go out into the wilds the more dangerous it becomes. Cities are safe, and the creatures you find near them are weak, but things get harder farther out. Bosses are always in the deepest part of the forest and such. It's hard to recreate this feeling in Minecraft because the only only factors affecting mob spawning are light level and the occasional spawner block. **There's little incentive to travel farther from your base than you must to find a dark area.** If you want to fight a lot of mobs, the best way is usually to build a spawn room rather than to explore the wilderness. And if you do decide to find mobs through exploring at night, they're basically the same difficulty anywhere you go. So, **what mods can you think of that could fix this?** I don't know of any, but I've thought of some ideas that could go into one: * The most basic mod for this would be to make beds prevent mob spawning within a radius of a chunk or two. * A more advanced one would have mob spawn rates slowly scale up with increasing distance from a chunk with a bed that's in a villager house or from the world spawn until they've scaled up or above the vanilla spawn rate. This would allow you to build relatively safe cities anywhere by placing a bed, but have wild lands in-between * Spawn rate could also be tied to y-level with the spawn rate increasing back towards or above normal as you dig down even if there's a bed/city above to simulate the classic dungeon-under-the-city trope in caves. (dungeons would also be a cool thing to spawn under villages in general but that's another mod in itself...) I'm not a great java coder, so there isn't a large chance I'll be able to make this myself. Any devs who find it interesting feel free to steal anything here. **What are your thoughts?** are there mods that already cover most of this? What other mods can you think of that would force the player to travel thousands of blocks from their base to explore or setup additional bases far away from their home?","A difficulty based on distance, the ring-biome mod and void decay would be amazing together as a modpack." I look on Wikipedia and such and I can't figure out where my Walmart falls. I don't think it's a neighborhood market per se but it's also not a super center. It's kinda like a tweener,It would be called a division 1 store in Walmart lingo. If Republicans can't win without suppressing black votes they should find other work,It is pretty racist to want people to prove who they are tbh. I loathe those gift giving parties.,You must be a lot of fun at parties Eternal Darkness might have broken the 4th wall more than any console game I can think of. - Fake channel switching - Fake muting - Fake blue screen of death - Fake unplugged controller warning Your character loses sanity and the game bends over backwards to make you feel disturbed,Don't forget fake whoops your memory card is corrupted "Molten warhound being obtainable from chests is pointless whats the point of giving it all that hype, if its gonna come up on chests in the end? Why not keep it as an exclusive item for being active in the community (giveaways and tourneys)? When we first saw the mount, the first tought was ok ill try to get this EA exclusive item so i can show off like 1 year from here. Well, no. Doing this removes the credibility of the item and unmotivates people to work to get them. This is honestly stupid.","Yeah, having to buy an average of ~300+ chests to get a Molten Warhound makes it totally worthless, we all know everyone does that daily!" "That might actually make me watch the World Cup, I miss Hamr.",But he went down as if shot "Oh, I thought you were referring to the chances overall. You're right in that the left hand side is an attacking weakness for us.",Yeah I should of made myself clearer. So.. we just got whites.. with only us in the dungeon,Suspicious Cropping They already surrendered,Never heard that one before. "Yeah, I went to Frozen Fenway 3 years ago in 8-degree weather. It was horrible and I would recommend it to no one.","Once in a lifetime experience, for various reasons." Thinking is overrated right,"haha thinking is for them, u just watch and learn" "I sincerely doubt that. He may be the best in EU/US, but that doesn't make him the best in the world by any stretch.",Yer i forgot about our Korean Overlords ;/ 20 million people :^),Probably less than how many watched Worlds live today :^) Husband who beats wifes alcohol dealer with baseball bat gets probation. Yeah the war on certain drugs makes sense.,Bartenders are scum that deserve it; its an occupational hazard! I can't wait for the new season so these shitposts will stop. Or at least lessen.,"Yeah, totally can't wait for people to start posting GIFs and quotes directly from the episodes without any humor or value added whatsoever!" "Right or not, you're kind of a dick.",For pointing out that this person spreading misinformation could cause someone to have their credit damaged and possibly lose their license? How do people pretend like G2 and Splyce don't exist?,"Because those teams couldn't get a win off either NA or KR as the two teams that actually fought them, let's pretend they don't exist now!" If they are Christians then they are not intellectual.,"Kind of like the saying goes, something like: if you could reason with a religious person, there would be no religious people" It takes about 10 steps and a couple downloads. There's a GUI tool for bootloader unlocks and ROM/Recovery flashing. You have to be literally retarded to not be able to unlock a Nexus phone bootloader.,"Yes, so convenient." A tragic Couch Gag from THE SIMPSONS,I will watch all 600 episodes without sleeping I wish I could. It's gonna be dank.,True true Gllty above sako? Sako was competing at pro level before Gllty had a mental crisis and went shemale.,"Japs love traps dude, I believe it." My thoughts about Trumps recent compromises to his policy,"He never promised to put Clinton in jail, once elected, that I am aware of." Wow your lawn mower has good brakes!,I think a lot of lawn mower owners might be rightfully insulted by that comment... I believe most lawn mowers have more HP than my vehicle. "I send unwanted private messages to girls all the time, no difference sending one to him as long as you don't sink to his level!",You are conducting message-rape. Because Meltzer isn't perfect.,**** 1/2 "I think you can both be right. It's Curry in the sense that it's his team. The system doesn't function if he's not there, and everything's been built to account for his overwhelming offensive presence. It's Draymond in the sense that he's the pillar of the system that makes everything flow and allows us to run so many good lineups on the floor. I think if you replace Curry with another star guard (anyone as good as Westbrook/Harden down to Walker or Thomas) we're still the best team in the league. If you replace Draymond with a standard PF we don't go 73-9 and we probably struggle in a Bo7 against Cleveland or the Clippers",Agree with a lot of this but if you're replacing Curry with a star guard why not replace Draymond with a star big man How do multi disk games work on emulators I've never actually tried.,Emulators have a disc change function and you can select the file of the new disc you want it to read Watch the trooper97 vlog on YouTube. Ignore the last 7 days.,Why? "Was anyone else disappointed? (SRL Licenses Quest) After completing (or grinding depending on how good you are at SRL) the quest from Amanda Holiday only to find that your prize is the SAME EMBLEM YOU ALREADY EARNED LAST YEAR (and a terrible shader)!! I was not happy. The Dawning has been great, and I enjoy SRL quite a bit, but with all the new emblems and what not they couldn't give you a new one for completing the quest this year? It just felt like a big let down at the end of a quest line to me. It really should have been a NEW emblem and another Sparrow (or sparrow toolkit similar to last year where you get a random one). Anyway... I know you get a sparrow from the speed kills quest, but still... rant over. Thanks for listening.",Yeah I saw winners circle at first and was like....again? "Waffles vs. DHSJ Siseide, gfs chaps",so ~~6~~ 8 armor triage with half rattles and half machs? I'm confused why is this comic here? A lot of conservatives are voting for Hillary so this doesn't make too much sense.,Freedom of speech motherfucker Holy shit Hamilton. What happened?,"WE CAME TO PLAY, THAT'S WHAT" "When it comes purely to numbers the debt isn't great but I think people make much too big of a deal over national debt - I'm saying this as someone who minored in Econ and works in budgetary management for local government. First off, most the debt is essentially owed to ourselves and secondly a country is not a corner store that needs to have perfectly balanced books. As for terrorism, every act of terrorism is a tragedy but none of the people who committed the terrorist acts since he became president were here as a result of the Obama administration. The largest amount of death from terrorism happened in America hundred George W. Bush on September 11, 2001. Racial relations definitely need some work here in America, but to say that they are a pre-1960 level is preposterous. Before 1960, blacks couldn't even ride in the same part of the city bus, Black children went to different schools and then there white neighbors. And interracial marriage Michigan legal in the majority of states...come on",Brown V The Board was '54 "Alonso the cameraman, in his deckchair",I don't really understand what is going on Honestly compared to how commentators talk about him it's an absolute rinse. Rooney seems to get a pass from commentators who are too polite when it comes to his performance. This guy told it how it is and he's right.,Trump for commentator 2016 So she's a bit of a troll. Appropriate. RIP ARG. We salute all the brave men and women who game their lives for apparently nothing.,Unlocking lore wasn't nothing especially considering that was the whole purpose of the ARG. "Entry level, yeah.",Is there anything else you would recommend (aside from a degree) that will help increase my chances of landing an IT job in addition to the A+ Cert? "How to Get Away With Murder started out seeming quite normal and interesting, and then suddenly in the latter third of season 1 turned into the biggest load of nonsensical drama for drama's sake. We tried to persevere with season 2 but between Paris Geller turning into a serial killer and Annalise suddenly making out with Xenia Onatopp it all got too much.",Paris is in it? "Not interested in a 3ds, or super mario 3ds XL console?","I have a 3ds already, dont really collect consoles." "Uh, the US legalized abortion like 30 years ago.",Woosh. The WORST thing for a man is being with a woman that watches her weight!!,TIL Wanting to date a beautiful woman is considered sexist. "Again, I dont blame you, I blame the GOP for putting forth a garbage candidate, because they decided to appeal to the worst of there base. I wish the GOP would have put forth a decent candidate, then i might vote for them. THEY NEED TO LEARN FROM THIS",Agreed. "saw a cubone and meowth on my radar but thought nothing of it as there is a meowth nest close by, thanks",Cubones and Marowaks have been spawning more for me too. Luminus and MongoDB Does that make sense?,"Sure, you can create a project with MongoDB support by adding the `+mongodb` flag when creating the project, e.g: lein new luminus myapp +mongodb Personally, I use Postgres as it supports working with both relational tables and JSON documents." "I don't get everyone's sick obsession with turning Becky heel or turning beloved faces heel? This is why the wrestling business is failing. Since there are no quality protagonists for casuals, they have no reason to give a shit.",what are you replying in reference to? TIL that sometimes two NPC's will fight each other over dropped loot.,I like how he just stands around and stares afterwards like Oh my god... I just witnessed a murder... This cat is in the predicament where you can't move because cute animals are on top of you.,Now they finally know how we feel. "Reading isn't the end-all be-all of intellectually stimulating hobbies anyway. I don't really like reading books for fun. I read lots of articles and I'll read a piece of classic lit every few months just to say I did, but I really don't enjoy it very much. Reading seems to have this stigma of being the only pastime of the sophisticated and I feel like there are a lot of other ways to spend your time that are just as enriching.",I'll have you know that I read a lot of fanfiction so I am a very sophisticated person thank you very much Good enough. Adding you,Thanks! Is there a certain type of fan that you wont watch a game with? For me I have a buddy that whenever a play doesn't work his immediate response is Why don't they just chuck it deep every play?!. needless to say i don't go to his house on sundays anymore..,The Refs are fuckin' us guy.... although maybe he is right HMJB while I pop a wheelie in my tractor,Learning a valuable lesson early on "Matt Damon: Dude, I beat you to it!","No no no, Gary Sinise beat them both." "When Kevin Owens gets put on Jericho's list, it's gonna be heartbreaking. With Jericho's new character, WWE have the potential to make the segment absolutely devestating in a humorous way. It's could be incredible TV.","Knowing KO, he'll probably lay out Jericho and put his name on the list himself." Bunny Cat,r/cats "That movie stars and the like are wearing A LOT of makeup to look so fantastic. Maybe this should be obvious. I always knew they were wearing makeup. What I didn't realize was how much, and how big of a difference it makes when a professional makeup artist prepares a star versus a girl whose mom never taught her how to put on makeup trying online tips. I honestly didn't even realize what makeup could *do* until I saw a boy make himself look like Kim Kardashian with just makeup, a few months ago. I honestly thought for the longest time that most of the actors, musicians and models were naturally and effortlessly beautiful.",The miracle of spackle "Sorry about the low effort post. Here are some details: This was our first night of a 4 day, 3 night lollipop loop consisting of portions of the Wonderland and Northern Loop Trails. We started from Mowich Lake and stayed at Ipsut Creek, Yellowstone Cliffs, and Cataract Valley. Total trip length was around 25 miles when you factor in side trips. Not the most lengthy trip, but the elevation changes at Mt Rainier can kick your butt (especially if you're a flatlander like me). Ipsut Creek is a great place to camp, because although its technically a back country camp, it used to be a car camp. As such, it has bear bins instead of of poles, and large sites with picnic tables. You can access the camp ground via the Wonderland Trail or from the Carbon River entrance to the park via a road that is now open only to foot and bicycle traffic.",still trying to figure out what NP means? what does ttgd stand for?,"TimmyTurnersGrandDad, the spinoff of Siiva" Jason Lee skateboarding before acting,He looks like he would have done a lot better on the newer x-games style layouts than he would have done in the pipe. Diablo 3 currently sucks dick and has been the same for the last 5 seasons. Necromancer doesn't fix that.,"Maybe by 2017, interest in Diablo will be on the rise and the necro will save the game then." "But isn't this the reason Riot gave us the items that combine from sightstone and the starting support items? It makes more room in your inventory while providing both the wards and the stats. There is no reason to give it up for something else, late game especially.","But then you lose the active of these items, unfortunately." You are transported back in time to the early Middle Ages. You didn't take any physical objects with you. How do you make yourself viewed as a God amongst men?,Fuck em all to death. Collins is also injured,And when he wasn't injured he sucked. The... Suspense... Is... Killing... Me... Send Help,Wait a minute ... So you have to buy a new printer every three months instead of six.,How would buying six printers help? Flusha clutches it with a smile,for some reason I thought it said flusha cheats with a smile lol What are the biggest gaming disappointments of 2016 so far?,Probably No Man's Sky. "Just put them in folders labeled NES, SNES, ETC??",I do but then I have to manually reorganize them alphabetically when I add a new game. How much money does drumpf give you to spam Reddit with every neg rag you can find?,"So if it's wrong for Trump, does that mean it's also wrong for Hillary's CTR?" Falcons lost and not because the refs.,Whatever helps you sleep at night "LA is huge, disparate and universal. There are 88 cities and 4000 square miles in LA County alone. That doesn't include Ventura or Orange. More so than any other place I've been in the world, almost anything you want is here. Do you want a typical American experience? A touristy one? Do you like outdoors? Forests? Suburbs? The beach? Mountains? Hard core urban environment? Do you want American food? An array of food from around the world? Haute cuisine? Mashed up street culture like Korean tacos? Do you drive? Uber? Bikes? Do you like sports? Basketball? American football? Soccer? Music? Film? Theater? Architecture? You're going to have to narrow it down. And perhaps go through the existential question of who you are and what you want before we can be of any help to you.",You forgot about us in the IE And the important throws in the NFL are in that 10-20 yard range.,"Yup, those are the ones that consistently keep drives alive and moving." "No, you're the puppet!",At least I'm not the one with a hand up my ass. "Aya,Kazakus thalnos or Patches? Which one to craft,I know that thalnos is classic,but I really enjoy reno decks and Kazakus would be a great addition for all of them,I also see Aya and patches as real strong legendaries,I don't know if I should craft them as the decks they are played are strong without them too","They're all staples within their archetypes, but I'd probably go for Thalnos because he has that added value of being a classic card." "So, Mysterious challenger in hunter? Mysterious Challenger in hunter.",Wild Warrior with Gahz'rilla? WZ-111 available in cash shop now,Figured this would happen when I saw the upcoming rental mission for it. "Oh I'd totally toke with him and talk policy, I just don't want him within a hundred miles of the nuclear codes.",i wonder if he's an Indica or Sativa type of guy... Finally got this boy today .. and then I saw the crystal requirement for the next level (crying inside),"Funnily enough, two threads above you is someone celebrating maxed skill tree." CJ Wilson's P1 on display at McLaren Scottsdale,If Katt Williams had a McLaren I think this would be it. What's the stupid inefficient thing that makes you mad ?,The HBO Go interface I thought you were supposed to be doctor yup.,That wasn't a medical 'nope'. Is the distant LOD of honningbrew meadery glitched for anyone else?,It's because of the unofficial skyrim patch mod Quickplay Hero Limit coming to PTR,Well that's less fun "You ever hear of the Freshman 15 where college freshmen gain 15lbs? Well, in pro wrestling, there is the TNA 15.",A rich tradition started by Black Reign Reminder: install forza hub on windows 10 to see your photos and gorgeous community photos,"Man all this posts about Forza make sme want to get FH3, but I can't justify it, because I'm likely to play it enough to pay $60+ for it." Leafs rookies leave Morgan Rielly at a loss for words,Toronto media always putting words in players' mouths... Yea another reason to hate the Rangers. I pay more taxes than they do.,That makes us smart! Countries should fix their tax codes so other companies like Apple cannot take advantage of it. Until then I don't blame Apple for following the law.,"Being able to pick around the world for the country with the lowest possible taxes may be legal, but it still is a shitty thing to do on a social level" Who is terry?,You don't know Terry? "I got caught fucking a chicken waaay back in my teens, and STILL, everyone likes to go on about it.",Your mistake was fucking one little chicken. First 100 orb multi - Nozomi and Nnoitra. Both new. Wow.,"Omg, during the last step up's I did a multi with Nnoitra and Nozomi too xD" Caption this photo of Gus and Andy Reid,"They could have hired you, Andy..." Serbian FM: We won't join European anti-Russian sanctions,"And since they are not in the EU, I dont give a fuck." "So, we can expect Metallic Yellow Ranger, Metallic Black Ranger, and Gold Variants of those two? This is my first dealing with these. Sorry for my noobnees.","You're fine lol, all we can do right now is speculate" "I know that there is a piece of chicken in the Scouts body, not my fault",I thought this comment was referencing Archimedes 500 Hours of TF2 SFM,Gun Mettle Alchemist gave me a hardy chuckle tbh Thanks for that,"Yup, no problem" "Cindy, no one will see it coming.",Wont be able to concentrate on killing her with her cleavage in my face. I guess the rockets were the Spurs kryptonite in 2014 then. Boy did they get lucky.,Don't be obtuse. Bernie gets more and more based every day. I'm going to miss this guy.,Based centipede! Would you spend the 1 waiver for Fuller?,"If there are lots of good RB handcuffs in Free Agency, I would probably save it." Here's a joke! Gamemaker Studio,"that joke was so savage, it killed Breadbear" "[m] it's september not august fam, bonbon forgot to update the date today.",doesn't matter. oh DEFINITELY try Giovinco. He goes for under 2k and is so damn explosive and scores from everywhere in the box. His dribbling is so damn insane.,He just scored a hat trick for me. Do they have one of these in Canada?,Do they have a military in Canada? Australia thumbs its nose at climate change and reef protection. Country's biggest coal mine gets green light.,Translation: Any attempt to employ white people = climate change How much animatronics are there in TRTF 5?,shush we don't talk about that super cancer here "If he didn't the headline would be Trump's team has no experience, and it's TERRIFYING :o He's bringing both insiders and outsiders together. Experience and fresh perspectives balancing each other out.",Which outsiders are you talking about? San Holo's remix of The Next Episode is 2 years old today!,Still great. "Type this, but without the quotation marks: Title :-: Body of text Also, replace the title and the body of text with whatever you want, like this: Yo ho | :-: | I be a pirate |",k thanks! SCOTT SAVED THE DAY,SCOTT COMES TO THE RESCUE! raisin cookies and chocolate chip cookies,Yeah it really fucking sucks when I bite down thinking Im gonna get a soft glorious cookies and it turns out to be a shitty chocolate chip cookie "its a ~~blacktop~~ so its around 215hp edit - notchtop, I always get them mixed up",I like 'notchback' better. Probably was.,Obama's campaign team was heavily involved in Trudeau's "Can we have a free, worldwide release of a documentary that is actually realistic and might scare people into action? Before The Flood was mainstream rubbish. Why can't we have a (3 hour, 4 hour, 8 hour, whatever is necessary) documentary to cover: * why we're all fucked * necessity of degrowth * overpopulation * climate scientists sharing their thoughts without holding back * coming food and water shortages * methane leaks that are being discovered more and more frequently * global dimming * what happens in a 3c, 4c world and why we're on track to reach this * watered down findings of IPCC And probably more. I want the mainstream exposed to the reality, with the same free delivery method across major providers like Before The Flood, without any Everything Is Awesome Green Technology or carbon tax bullshit. Even if people just throw up their hands and least they can be exposed to the despair that those of us who are more aware have to experience.","The US has an entire political party that keeps saying that climate change is a hoax, fossil fuels are the fuel of the future and that we need to take all controls off corporate monopolies." World leaders beware: a photo with Trump will expose your soul,There were all kinds of people in the 50's and 60's who were outcasts because they were in photos shaking hands and praising nazi leaders. I don't see what you mean honestly,His fund raising is no where near Hillary's or Republican expectations. "I don't think it's possible for cutler to have sickle cell, that dude is white as fuck",He's got the diabeetus. I can't help but think we're going to make someone the highest paid reliever in the league. We've got Romo and Casilla as free agents which frees up money and a really really really really big gaping hole.,Peavy and Pagan leaving opens up even more money In what country does American accent speaking the local language well earn you the most points?,"USA, probably." Instead of erroraction you could use errorvariable and then interrogate the variable.,Get-ChildItem would only count once....I get three error messages. When do you think the first AAA Game will launch for VR,After playstation vr takea off is my guess Seattle arena backer Chris Hansen acquires another big parcel of land in the SoDo area,Please have a seat "I don't particularly care for John Piper, but that's not to say he hasn't made positive contributions.",Fair. Very good,thx If everybody behaved the way God wanted them to behave*,"...we would all be sitting in the Garden of Eden, eating fruit all day and cuddling lions right now..." You mean science vs fairly tales?,So edgy. "Oh god, I'm always the thimble. *What does this mean!?*","Hey guys, he doesn't know what the thimble means!" "Opposite actually. Small head big body, like if Ali went to a witch doctor lol.",I bet that feels weird. Trump rape lawsuit DISMISSED.,But it was clearly only dismissed because of death threats even though literally no one fucking knows her name. "And sometimes, you refuse your GM's plea to draft Giannis to save $400,000 :(",Hey that money was put to good use paying fines for criticizing the refs. Arley. The baby is/was a girl. It's just not a pretty name and sounds like a pirate or dog name.,"Because Carley, Harley, and/or Marley were just too mainstream?" No shit. Every American with any knowledge of the outside world knows this. That's about as useful as pointing out that we're the only ones who still bother with the imperial system.,"I mean, the uk still does bother with it too." I like 3/4 of the BSers too lol. I just dislike this subs intolerance toward any type of BS criticism.,Oh yea there's no criticism towards the BS "Mike Trout will be a Phillie, I guarantee you.",Quick someone photoshop him into Phillies colors so we can see! ayeris,That's not ayeris 20*800$=16000$ maybe you can get a small 1-room shack somewhere in whateverthefuckistan but in my city this doesnt even get you a place under the bridge,Well you can put a down payment of 3.5% so that's potentially a $400k+ home. then not have a hand?,"Don't worry, you'll inevitably topdeck Nourish next turn anyways" Barack Obama Sr. - The father of president Obama,Seems like that dude lived balls out. "You know... the HD600 + Schiit Magni 2 amp sounds much better then the HD600, is close to the same price, and you know it's driven well. =)",The whole point of easy to drive is that you don't need an amp. I know a PI that just moved there and she *loves* it there (and she came from a really good institution). Not sure if that helps.,"Any info is always helpful, thank you." "People here focus way too much on the politics and don't enjoy the series for the world it's set in. If you don't treat it like you're some sort of advances critic it's great, if a little repetative. All of the books have great endings though and Richard is an awesome character to follow.",What's left of the world to enjoy after you take away all the strawman factions that spend all day misrepresenting ideologies that Goodkind disapproves of? "This game has the worst new player experience out of anything I have ever seen. The training missions are so poorly described, they don't even teach you the basic hotkeys of what your ship can do. They certainly don't teach you the basics of actual gameplay. There is 0 reason for me to need to read several hundred pages and watch hours of video content just to play a game. And my early gaming was my parents forcing me to pass every flight test on Microsoft Flight Simulator before being allowed to play Microsoft Combat Flight Simulators... Every week I decide to give this game another go, and it continues to screw me over and leave me hating the 40 dollars I spent on it.","They're getting a big ol' rework in 2.2, which should arrive within a few weeks" BREAKING: ISIS Takes Responsibility For Ohio State Terrorist Attack,Deport them all and let God sort them out. "NBA Gameday LIVE Discussion (November 04, 2016) Mods have been slacking a bit recently with the Gameday LIVE threads so I thought I'd help 'em out! :)",DeRozen the turnover master! My boy skinny penis.,It's ya boy the only p2w part in reboot (idk if u could really call it p2w) is having a pet.,Which you can get from hhilla if you really don't wanna spend anything Power Rangers Reboot Megazord Design Revealed,Looks like Freeza It is. People just can't resist the urge to inject.,Did you miss who is in charge of the ADL and when Pepe became a symbol of hate? It's pretty much a fertility cult at this point.,Forced birthers. Bill Clinton Forgets Hillary's Campaign Slogan,"Growing Together is actually the Bill Clinton/Bill Cosby campaign slogan, after the intern drinks their cocktail and they take their blue pills..." That would give them an even greater reason to vote for him....,But they can't because they aren't above the law like Shillary "Scott Adams: If Hillary Clinton gets elected, there will never be another male President",More reason to vote for her. "OK, *now* we're getting into some Watergate level shit.",stop comparing everything to watergate US 'to pay $1.2m' to Italian family of drone strike victim - BBC News,*taxpayers pay Is there such thing as too much creatine?,It could confuse your muscles and make muscle grow in places where you didn't actually work out. Wax Dale meets the real one,Dat wig "Well, normally the phrase is fire for effect, but in this case I rather think it's fire without effect.",I think his username was fire-for-effect without the for "It's almost like he thought she was cheating, someone told him things were going on, and he decided to get confirmation",It's almost like it isn't a real video! Yeah just don't push your government to discover oil or WMDs in Philippines. They're just trying to work for a better future. America has a habit of poking their ass in other countries businesses and killing democratically elected leaders and pushing back the country by decades.,Yup like japan and most of europe. Hillary Clinton Blames FBI Director for her Election Defeat!!!,I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that Hillary Clinton was the main reason that Hillary Clinton lost the election.... "Oh I understand. Some people work to get what they want, and others want it handed to them.",Face palm Is Yahoo the new HuffPo?,Why do you think so? Write it on the calendar that you put next to the fridge.,Not really what I was asking. "My childhood image of a bar was an old-time Wild-West-style saloon, and that image also persists for me whenever a bar is mentioned.",Ever seen an episode of Gunsmoke? "So money given to children by their parents, for whatever reason, doesn't belong to the child even though it was given to them. You can only own something if you earn it. Is that what you're saying? Does this apply to other things? Do gifts belong to the person they are given to?",Are you being deliberately obtuse? "Delay Lag is absurd this week Started playing the Weekend League, and after 2 matches, I am off again. The delay lag got even worse this week, and, considering it was normal until yesterday, I think the high number of ppl playing the Weekend League is destroying the EA servers. Every single action I do takes an eternity, can't mark properly, passes got even worse. And not only me, can notice the same thing happening to my opponent. What an awful experience, once again!",Well it's fine for me so you might need to upgrade your service. "In a plastic container, using a plastic fork, a bowl of carbs with raisins.",Well it HAS to be healthy because it sure isn't delicious. Thin priviledge is only having one set of breasts. Who knew.,"You know, *in some countries*, women with two sets of breasts are revered." "Whoa whoa whoa, stop the presses. Five cups of green tea will burn 70 extra calories?! What is the point of that? I mean, I like tea, but I wouldn't add that into my calories burned column....",Probably have to add some boiled honey to get the full effect. GOP senators: We could work with Hillary Clinton,"The political class wants to keep their gridlock on power... the spice, I mean pork, must flow!" did you just assume the thing's gender!? **TRIGGERED**,#HILLAREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE "Parts exist cheaper online. It's probably easier for you to order a part than it is for me to order it through my shop. You don't need a minimum order balance to get free shipping, you'll get it faster than I will, and I'll still charge the same price to install it. I'm more than happy to install it for you. I'm more than happy to tell you how to install it. If you're cool I might even loan you a tool. Just do me a solid and write an honest review online for our shop. That's all I ask of my customers, and the 1/100 that follow through I am extremely grateful for.",I wish you were my lbs lol You have to love free Silver! I routinely get rolls of half dollars from the bank and look to see if there are silver halfs mixed in. Not exactly free since each half costs me $.50 buy its the next best thing to free since each one is worth much more in its silver value.,I've gotten a couple 40%ers from rolls but unfortunately my work doesn't use them "It's okay, took me a long while to catch it. So here's a clue: What does an acorn turn into?","IDK, a bigger acorn?" She crazy,"Yeah, but crazy doesn't really mean anything, you're just trying to silence her..." "I'D FOCUS FIRST ON REGAINING THE SECOND WILD CARD SPOT, BUT MAYBE THAT'S JUST ME.","IF YOU GUYS COULD JOIN FORCES AND END EVEN YEAR BULLSHIT, I WOULD BE SO HAPPY" Why are they calling it his *annual* tunnel idea? Is this something that he proposes every year?,"Shit, there's old man Musk with his tunnel idea again." DXM-only tussin Is back So like back in July all the Rite Aids in the area just stopped stocking the generic DXM-only Tussin. So I stopped by yesterday and they had 6 packages of glorious blue box Tussin on the shelf. I'm ecstatic because they said it was recalled even though it said no such thing on the website and was most likely just from people stealing it. But anyways I'm hyped.,They did that in my city too Blundell is my dad so I'll see what I can do.,Milo? What makes it so risky? How is it robbed?,Google mtgox Lol! This poor kid was trying so hard not to yawn and it was just adorable to watch. Total trooper for being awake and presentable at 3 am after a time change!,I wish he had a bolo tie with a sleepy Ben Carson emblem on it. People have already started voting in some places,My absentee ballot is already in the mail. Standing out all night to catch a glimpse of the holiday train,I wonder how long it took the people staring at their phone screens to figure out they couldn't see jack shit. pro tip,This just makes me want to learn German or Italian even more. Planet Earth: Series 2 Trailer - BBC,awww yiiissss "Have to be careful with videos. Some of us Reddit from work, haha.",That akward moment when a dubstep intro comes out from nowhere and everyone jumps... :) "Pretty new around here, felt like sharing an idea I had for what Springtrap could've looked like after the fire.","Scott: Note to self, make a new FNAF game about this" Greats who almost went undiscovered? I started thinking about this after reading about how Walter Johnson was discovered playing in the Idaho State League by a Senators scout. Who do you think are some baseball greats who could've gone undiscovered?,Tim Tebow It's not a feud. Read the wikileaks - The Clintons will be the subject of many public hearings soon.,"No, they won't." "20 years ago, McAfee antivirus was the best antivirus you could get for free and it was easy to install and uninstall. It did the job, did it well, and didn't mess with your computer. John McAfee, who created it and is brilliant, sold the company for millions, basically retired and ex-patriot-ed himself to do whatever he felt like at the moment (which apparently included lots of drugs and hookers). After he sold it, the company that bought it (forget who) turned the antivirus into a bloated piece of shit which under-performed, and wormed its way into your OS to a point where you basically couldn't get rid of it. This is McAfee's fuck-you to the company that took his product and made his name into a joke in the IT community. In other words, McAfee got based.",Thanks for the clarification. Our savior has spoken!!!,anime is saved "If anyone has won that battle, it's gotta be a freaking Fighting type Pokemon. Seriously, battle ends as soon as one Pokemon is knocked out.And guess whose Pokemon was the victim for that.",TROP KICK THEM MOTHERFUCKERS Maybe they are working in teams assigned to do nothing but down vote as many posts as possible.,I agree can Reddit investigate it? What's wrong with the other 21%?,They're on the take. Well this sucks cuz i play on na and live in eune...,Why would you handicap yourself like that? Too bad for them we are hoarding all our high energy. No energy for the opposition.,"Fundamental Conservation of KEK Law: **KEK cannot be created or destroyed, but is transferred from cucks to winners**" "This commitment to updating TSM's infrastructure means that they are 100% going to hire a sports psychologist. Sports psychologists help enormously and have done wonders for their LoL team, I'm sure in a highly ( and more competitive game I might add) stressful game such as CS:GO, they will definitely help since there will always be arguments wiithin the team and also mental and emotional problems at times. Also on a side note, does anyone know if any other CS teams have sports psychs?",IIRC Astralis have one "Feeling Guilty when Praying Like many people, I've prayed for myself & my family. Prayed for health. Prayed for a better financial status. I'd love to improve my mother's living conditions. However, I saw a story about a man suffering with cerebral palsy & who is terminal condition. He'd dealt with more than I can ever imagine. How do I pray for myself when someone like that has suffered so much. What about all the suffering in the world? How do I ask God to help me when others need help so much more?","You can pray for both yourself and others, prayer is not exclusive to one demand or request, you can pray for many things." "The claim here is not that God is not powerful enough to set a deterministic future, but that God doesn't want to do that in the first place, because God would rather display his power by working with the free agency of others. This is absolutely not to say that God has no more influence on the course of history than anyone else. Open theism simply claims that at least some of our choices are free in a libertarian sense (that it was possible for us to have done otherwise), and that God can't foreknow a libertarianly free choice because such knowledge is logically impossible: there is currently no truth value about what libertarian free choice I'll make tomorrow. God can't know that I'll choose strawberry ice cream over chocolate if there is no fact about the matter to be known in the first place.","That explains things better, I think I was just exaggerating my position, although I still do not really agree with Open Theism." "Language little one, language!",Fuck shit cunt "Holy shit, he gives you a substantial amount of porn sources and subreddits and you complain that the date's wrong?",Redditors are dense and we want less than 17 million lol Seriously I don't believe this at all. They already said we didn't go after Jose because the fans didn't like him. Circumstances. Add to that that defensive WAR worse than Tyler Naquin. It doesn't make sense for us. Big Green's controversial opinion: I would rather go after Puig for the Tribe.,I wish we'd go after Puig Anyone here doing their HSC? I just started the second year of my accelerated HSC course (Biology) and wondering how fucked I am?,"biology is piss easy man, if you concentrate throughout the year you dont have to study" "In his last 3 halves of basketball J.J. Redick has scored 48 points in 42 minutes on 99.2 TS% 15/22 FG, 13/17 3PM, 5/5 FT - It's absurd how efficient he is, as of today's game he's shooting a higher FG% & 3P% than last season.",1 crucial turnover This Odometer is 1 mile past 111111,Just drive it in reverse for a mile Should Dwight be in the 00s or 10s?,00's Patrick Smith: the bye round has been an overwhelming success,Is there anyone here that thinks what Lyon did was wrong but Brad Scott wasnt? NC Gov. McCrory Signs Bill Stripping Incoming Dem Governor Of Some Powers,"When fascists get power, they don't like to give it back." "Alright, first off I was obviously kidding and second, how am I a cuck for liking a gaming system?",Because _true_ master race ascendants play games on Linux. "Casanova, Lazarus, Infinite Vacation, East of West, Paper Girls. The three you listed are all good as well","You missed the most acclaimed sci-fi image book, Saga." "My poverty bench is now a poverty bench in the triple digits. Damn you, XX chromosomes.",Congrats "You do realize that it will only proc his trait on heroes hit right? Yes, its a huge buff. But 80/20 split might be pushing it. Sundering will still be better for getting heroes out of position and deals 3x more damage instantly.","But I don't think people in HL use Sunder effectively, and casting EQ isn't as punishing." "well if it makes you feel any better, everything in life is fake and you won't remember this happened in less than a hundred years",This DOES make me feel better. "Ah, the 90s. Can we stay here forever?",'Member the Super Nintendo? The logical next step in the GTA series.,Cause this has never been posted before. "Guardiola with 3 games in a row without a win since forever. Welcome to the Premier League, Pep.",2 of them was in the CL... "McDonald's to test Sriracha Big Mac in Columbus, OH",Sounds pretty good to me but I already put Sriracha on everything. "Isis used to pay good money. And a lot of lowlifes joined them because of that. Lots of kids who used to sell drugs, bang hookers and hit the bar everyday are today fighting for Isis. Isis soldiers can do anything they prohibit the population under their rule from. Want drugs? Here have some heroin to stay up all night and fight. Want cigarettes? Here is a free pack. Want to bang a chick? Here is a yazidi girl who is so traumatised she can't even speak. Tell me I'm wrong.",I don't think you know how heroin works. What does that arabic word means?,Prince of peace or prince peace "Compared to the comedy show he used to do, he literally looks and sounds ill.",I noticed that too.. something has definitely changed about him. "Did anyone else notice the padding of the life, es and mana stats in the BOTW? Huge fan, if you didnt catch it go to 1:09 of the BOTW video and look at the life stats. Padding looks nice, when do we get it? GGG plz?",Vaal discipline. I took sides in a war. The side I helped said I was a warmongerer and attacked me. I don't understand this game.,"Political propaganda, best way to annex." Clinton Campaign Manager's Answer On TPP....Russia!!!,"That was some damn good questioning, I hope to see more of this guy on this sub" Someone's gotta ask... What's so good about that? I prefer my suburbs safe for children.,Roos are known for eating children CCTV footage of Albuera mayor's death missing,"Malinis pagkakatrabaho dito kay mayor, walang kaduda dudang nanlaban at hindi pinatay lang basta basta." "For some reason I have that weapon even though I didn't preorder or anything. I did get the digital version, though, so maybe that's why?",Comes with digital till early Jan 2017 IIRC. we still doing the messy desk thing?,*Vomits uncontrollably* "need a new mouse for league of legends Guys i play league of legends and need a new mouse ,any suggestions?",G502 Master Race "Well yes, since anime is based on LN, LN is canon - and any deviation that the anime did (mostly regarding SubaXRem development) is not.",Except the author was working with the person in charge of the series composition and even wrote a few lines for the characters in the anime so it is canon whether you like it or not. ?,"You see, he might some slight errors in the worlds finals game as a 17 year old guy in his rookie split must mean he's bad" "No, he invented Jupiter. Get it right. Jeez.",i watch too much pornography Google Allo Stickers Leaked Ahead of Google Allo Launch,Those are messenger stickers. "I just hate it when they oversexualise (is that how you spell it?) girls. I mean, I'm a guy and I HATE it when they do it. Don't know why, but it's a huge turn off.",I hate it when they don't do that. "That interview with Anime Feminist is maybe the only place I'd ever seen D'Anastasio be hard-hitting. If I read an anime article on Kotaku that seems underwritten and under-considered, it's invariably D'Anastasio.",This could probably be more a problem with Kotaku then D'Anastasio herself? You're basically saying that Americans are fucking stupid.,Aren't they? 5th Street Deli. 5th & Rosemont,Best place in town. Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.11.4,Nowhere to be found yet though. I don't think she ever had control. You can't blame her with a candidate like Donald though. She has done a very good job IMO.,Too bad she won't use her powers for good. "Oh please no, I am bad enough at HotS fighting only the occasional Illidan, to have to fight one every match when trying to get all the unlocks makes me sad.",Just Ghost them. 105 and started pre season 6 :D,Also 105 and started pre season 6 :D "You didn't spell it wrong. There are two spellings for whisky. Whisky and whiskey. However when talking about whisky from Scotland, it's always without the 'e'.","I did not know this, I am by no means an expert on whisky/whiskey" you can even disguise and the towers won't attack you,"But disguising while being actively attacked by a tower won't help, since it keeps its target locked (and you get hit by the tower because it doesn't disjoint projectiles, taking damage and breaking your disguise)" Finally beat breaking barriers,"Not to be that guy, but you used a full team of OEs on a trial that was meant for 7 stars." "No, I meant that the award name is 5 more minutes, not 5 more hours :P","so, youve missed the point... once played Factorio, you cannot leave it (/go afk) for 5 hours without the Strong Will achievement already acquired." I'm surprised Trump didn't invite them onstage.,I'm surprised he didn't grab the doll's pussy. "Absolutely. Typical smug startup reality distortion. This isn't just Pebble, it's a whole attitude where going bankrupt and leaving your customers hanging isn't just OK, it's almost expected. After supporting the first Pebble kickstarter (still have my Kickstarter Edition) I got burned by so many other companies that I now refuse to even entertain contributing to a Kickstarter/Indiegogo/Gofundme. (MST3K revival being a single exception.) The lack of even slight regret in this announcement is disturbing. If anyone recently purchased, I'd suggest a chargeback. I was successful with a chargeback to a Rockethub venture that evaporated.",This is the only Kickstarter that I have backed that hasn't turned out successful or at least communicated delays in a timely manner. "You might want to get your balls checked, theyre awfully high up there.","And they're supposed to be side-by-side, not one in front of the other." S7 counter-junglers and tips?,Graves is a classic counterjungling pick that you already mentioned that I would highly recommend. "Aww, it's great down here... unless you want anything to do with firearms, which is what PB markers are classified as here.","Or video games, I hear you guys get shafted on that as well." Might be better if you wait to submit these articles as a single submission when they're all written.,"Honestly I don't think OP cares, none of the articles even make sense." That is one of the fattest necks I have ever seen.,Almost looks like his lymph nodes are swollen. Hogg For Lions 10,Against Treviso. I dig it,"Stop, or someone will step in and fall." "500, 750 and 1000 total worlds It'd be great if there were worlds with a small total level requirement and not just 1250+ requirement.",I have 500 total on my two week old Ironman the fuck you on about (Citation needed),you forgot me_irl,thank Apologies! Won't happen again. I did say if OP wasn't interested so thought that would be okay.,"see the sidebar, its not" It's easier to go than to stop. Get a scraper and brush combo thing Put a shovel in the trunk Put a blanket in the trunk,Either hit enter twice or add two spaces at the end of each line in a reddit comment. East or West ? I cant fucking decide where to play.... nuia or cat... looking for a german guild.... halp..,"whatever you prefer, i'm west" "You're in prison based off of your highest rated comment, what are you in jail for?",Probably assault and battery because I hit my bitch of an aunt. "I've never been asked that, but a first thought is that if there is a distinction, it could be that explicitly believing that there is no God implies that there is no 'Gestalt'. No sum greater than the whole of its parts. Pantheism, on the other hand, does not seem to deny such a possibility.",so why do you think there the 'sum is greater than the whole of its parts'? Want to suck on these?,Are tits supposed to be attached to your neck? "So we should only cate about Native Americans, got it.","Some twisted logic to get around to that point, but if you want to talk about a group of people fucked over more than any other in North America, that would be the correct choice." "I sent the futurama pic to my mom who doesn't know anything about Futurama, and she made me a little hat....",I want one "Where do you turn when theology is tearing apart your family but you have no 'authority' since you are an atheist? So, my dad is really into this cult-like movement called the Hebrew Roots Movement. I, as an atheist, have no authority in the eyes of my family on this. My christian mom is miserable and they fight constantly while my dad is falling deeper and deeper into this bullshit. What do I do? Things are getting worse and worse. He's even wearing fucking traditional hebrew knots and I feel like I am in the twilight zone.","Sometimes, you just have to let people fail." Apology<Accountability,So you do think Russia should be held accountable? I believe that the article says 14. And special needs really shouldn't enter into the equation. A principal shouldn't be acting this way no matter what the kid does. I hope you are not saying that if the kid were bad enough that it would be ok for the principal to threaten bodily injury. You're suggesting the he had it comming defense. That doesn't fly in my book.,And it probably isn't the first time the principal has raged at a kid. Car cutting off semi on the highway,"I would liked to have seen two more semis box one of these guys in, get a bit close to him, make him sweat a bit." Nope. Trash him.,"Boy, that would be a waste after giving him over 100 candies." He hasn't been sworn in yet so the clause isn't in effect.,"Whatever helps you sleep at night, man." TWC : 69.99 for 70/5. I pity you guys with such slow connections and are still paying out the ass for it.,59.99 for TWC 300/10 in KC I think that title should go to Charles Kennedy.,John Smith. Confirmed by State Dept: Crooked Hillary sent classified information to Chelsea then covered it up by deleting the email that showed it.,I think you misspelled *yoga Democratic Presidential Elector Says He Won't Vote For Hillary Clinton,"Yeah, because his Native American family will do so much better with Trump as President." "Huh, I remember those comebacks from when I was in middle school. Nice try, but you aren't going to make me feel bad about some made up story. You're still a prick for promoting and admitting to team killing. You and people like you are ruining this game.",Preschool* Obama's True Opinion Of Hilary,Unless she is against someone that's planning to lock us all up and tell the public how nasty we really are. Too much tuna,Upvoted for the reference That guy with mental disorders?,That guy with the eggs? 'The Good Place' Creator Michael Schur Breaks Down The Fall Finale (and What's Next),Quadrangle. "I realize that it's possible that I can only be pointless if mostly drunk. Which is ok. Except if you asked my husband, he'd probably say I'm mostly pointless all the time.",Wow hubby sounds nice "What are some good, affordable, omnibuses?","Planetary, Gotham Central, and Animal Man are all great and 50 bucks or less on instocktrades." A man is murdered on the streets of Turkey,Man caught pausing time. How is Taliyah a 'token character'?,she's the one trump supporter You mean drunk dancing in the street.,She haz the drunk. New to the sub... throwaway account. I've been scratching myself like this for over a year. They're all so very shallow I can't bring myself to call them cuts,Get some silicone based scar gel. "'most important colony'...I mean, 'friend'.",Now look at britain it's now a south asian colony ! He's also the guy that took a picture of a shuttle lifting off.,Yeah not as cool though Let us just take a moment and just appreciate how beautiful the jet black iPhone looks. Damn !,You could post a fucking picture... I think the reason people are hesitant to name an author is that it's just so domestic by nature. Shakespeare was the greatest english language writer (arguably). Goethe the greatest german language. Tolstoi the greatest russian language. It's just very hard to compare them,I favour Schiller "Yep, right in those e-mails.","Ahhh, but weren't those emails doctored by Russia?" "Without naming the location, where do you live?","I got kinda tired of packing and unpacking, town to town up and down the dial." "I love that the Clintons are chaos worshippers. Nice, subtle implication that any non 40k fan wouldn't pick up on","Yeah, since demon horns aren't commonly used to symbolize anything outside the 40K lore" GET OUT OF HERE.,You don't have to be so grizzly about it. Dude s3 isn't here yet shitposting is all we have,The only thing worse than the offseason of a sports sub is the offseason of a TV sub. TIL Only 2% of millennials have excellent credit.,WOW what a huge surprise "Yeah my dad showed me how to do those things, and once I learned a few things and how easy it is we were laughing that people actually pay thousands to get it done. Then he turned really serious and said It's simple, but that 1/100 times you make a simple mistake, you die",A father's experience is worth a son's 100 mistakes. IA brother?,412 "Most basic 15.6 laptops run near 12V batteries at ~4,500mAh. Now it's hard to calculate how much laptops actually consume in amperage but I'll guestimate it. Since most laptops can last around 3 hours (more in some cases but I'll low ball it) I'll just assume they use 1,500mAh worth of capacity in an hour. A 20Ah bank at the proper voltage can last more or less than 13 hours depending on the voltage of the bank. Now by PC if he means an efficient All-in-one PC, the same bank could power one for 7 hours, more or less.",Power banks also aren't perfect so there are some leaks What's the best torture you can think of that DOESNT involve pain?,White Christmas. Biggie is better than Tupac,Big L was better than both. and we were hoping Welbeck would improve at 25,Lingard is 24 in a few months. "Anybody else see the Nintendo NX reveal and think, I already do all of this stuff with my Surface Pro! Kickstand, some small Bluetooth controllers, tablet screen, connect to TV with display adapter, Steam, emulators, done. Only difference I see is that Nintendo exclusives should be fun!","No, I thought the opposite: Surface needs a dock that adds a GPU like how the Switch has." "I was looking my old sketchbooks, and thought this one was kinda morbidly funny.",I'm gonna hold off judgement on the off chance OP is Bill Waterson. "They actually fixed the jumping bug the complete madmen, can't believe they've done this!",Ahhh fuck! "I particularly have issue with that card that discovers a card from your opponent's deck. I saw people suggest this mechanism before and didn't think Blizzard would take it seriously. With these types of mechanisms being pushed more, Priest doesn't have to be current Shaman tier to be oppressive and extremely annoying.",Just put bad cards into your deck to tech against it. "some muslims say that if you say bismillah then the chicken is halal, lmao...",_[Bismillahs]_ **straps C4 around waist** #ALLAHU AKBAR "5 to 9 inches of snow is expected to fall Sunday in the Green Bay area, along with winds of around 15mph.",Good thing we just put studded tires on the Rawls Royce. I was going to pre-order because I wanted to but now... but now I'm pre ordering just to spite you. And I'm going to whisper your name while I do it.,I hope the game is shit just to spite you "Maybe not once or twice. But plenty of people are watching this election without actually choosing to take part. Complacency is almost a way of life now. So, yeah, I do think reminding people to vote is important. And I do believe that there are some people who wouldn't have bothered or taken the time. But then they get on a platform they connect with, like Reddit, then over time the message can start to have more effect. More importantly, it's a practically nonexistent investment. With the hopes of encouraging others to take part in the process.","You might be right but I think the point was there's not a whole lot of undecideds who are frequenting the politics sub, and are going to be convinced by a top comment." From AskReddit - Adjusts tie and sips wine,I really hope that alot of this stuff is "First they create a solution, then they invent a problem for it.",Congratulations you've just defined r/latestagecapitalism Kessler: I love Cleveland. There's no where else I'd rather be. I love the under dog mentality.,That's why you went to USC out of HS. Or give a female friend the same present he got you. You both have the same taste in earrings so I got you both the same set.,That sounds like a bad attempt at baiting you both for a threesome. Why can't we mix them together and get President Trill-ary?,Humpary Fun fact for anyone who cares. Kfc Cole slaw has no mayo in it. The liquid is a sweet onion sauce and the cabbage and carrots and stuff marinade in it for 6+ hours.,Even worse. "Trigger the_Donald by reminding them that Trump lost the popular vote by 800,000. Be a shame if this made to r/all.",Try 1.3 million. I look down so I don't step on poop,I look down so I don't step on the hot lava at the grocery store. Have you tried addressing what makes you feel that way?,No I've just been drifting through life not trying to solve any of my problems Right. It's completely subjective.,but america totally wins if were going off Nimitz class supercarriers "This time two years ago, Oakland was 1-11. What's another example of a bottom team making a quick and successful turnaround?",2015 to 2016 Titans baby woooooooo! "Who counts as a late game adc? Vayne, Ezreal, who else?","Vayne, Ezreal, Caitlyn, Ashe" "I play Flower Cardians. I honestly can't see anything happening except for Allure of Darkness going up, and that's already expensive. Alternatively, a DARk Synchro variant of Synchrons. Ulti Tunings and Jet Synchron spike maybe?","If Lightflare came out in secret (which is its OCG rarity), and further support was announced, I could see it and Lightshower peaking at 10-ish to be fair" It costs money as I would have to buy a new phone that is good enough for GPS (about $200) and $30 a month or more for phone bills. So no it's not free. It's part of the price you pay for a phone.,May I ask how old is your phone if you can't use a gps "I mean, its all fine to circlejerk, but there are plenty of times when change is unnecessary, or would be harmful.","See: headphone jack, iPhone." ...really? You think he's never seen a baby before? That's a pretty crazy assumption.,We should send him your photo just to be sure WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY,Because the Blackhawks have enough cups "When I was seven I wasn't playing sexually with *anyone*, not even myself, and *certainly* not another kids, and even more certainly not with my own fucking *sibling*. No healthy prepubescent kid performs sex acts on other prepubescent kids. That's not how we're built; sex drives kick with puberty, not before it. Children performing sexual acts on each other is far from healthy for either kid and is known as child on child sexual abuse for a reason. What Lena did is undeniably fucked up. Now, *that said*, I *do* agree that children don't naturally sexually abuse other kids, and so I assume that something happened to Lena to fuck her up badly enough that she would think that her behavior was ok. And now that I've said *that*, I still hate Lena because she acts like what she did was acceptable. Lots of people did shitty things when they were young, but they *acknowledge* that their mistakes were mistakes. Lena acts like her abusive behavior was acceptable, and *that*'s why I think she's a shitty person.",In her next book she'll probably explain that her parents molested her. "I love circus peanuts!...kind of a guilty pleasure though, as they are basically pure sugar, and i feel like I'm giving myself an instant case of type 2 diabetes.","Can confirm, I eate circus peanuts and now have type 2 diabetes" I think they missed a perfect opportunity to give Paladins a Judgment themed mount.,As if they'd base an entire class mount around one of the first tiers released. You forgot hate crimes.,"Its okay, shes going to prison now." its also really going to depend on the cost for the necro. My gues is $19.95 for the pack. Which is absurd for the content they are giving. Would have preferred D2 LOD HD Personally.,"Yeah, because Baal runs are more fun and unique than rifts." "As a fat person. You guys are extremely under appreciated. Guys like you who cook our shit deserve much more credit than you get. Not only do you have to deal with assholes that can't cook, many cooks get shit for being even a few minutes behind. You guys are the shit.",<3 "Matt Ryan is currently averaging 10.4 yards per pass. No quarterback has averaged over 10 yards per pass since 1954, and his closest competitor is Philip Rivers, 1.9 yards per attempt behind him.","Well, regression will happen pretty soon I'd be guessing then" "If anything's getting in anyone's bloodstream during sex, you're doing something very, very wrong.","or sexy, if you're into that sort of thing" "In Connecticut, in order to receive a pistol permit (required to purchase, own or carry a handgun), along with the application and fingerprint cards, you are required to submit a certificate of completion of the NRA Basic Pistol course with a certified and licensed instructor. It's not difficult and only takes one day or some instructors spread it out over two weeknights. I'm in full support of requiring that anyone purchasing a handgun be required to prove that they have some sort of formal training.",Yea but it's the NRA and they should have no place in public firearm safety protocols. i don't know where to stream if though :((((,Make sure to use an ad blocker if you stream it "Do you kill bugs? I've been wondering this for a while. Is it reasonable to never kill, not even bugs? Sometimes I'll see a roach, decide not kill it, and wonder if that was the smart thing to do because letting them live gives them the chance to reproduce and potentially become a problem. The whole reason I'm vegan is because I believe every sentient creature deserves life as much as I do. Though I wonder if that applies in every situation.",I try not to but realistically it's going to happen a lot. "I think one of them would only get more amped on sedatives, gave him liquid benadryl once and he was even more pumped up. the older one just fell asleep though.","I mean, that happens." She forgot to mention: Will accuse you of rape the morning after,Second word in the bio absolutelynotme_irl,Whale* How do we feel about Ernie Johnson as a baseball announcer? I am not a fan...,"Baseball isn't his strength, but he's amazing on Inside the NBA." What rank are you?,That comment you just responded to is exactly the reason why summonerschool needs a minimum rank limit before you're allowed to give advice "Sorry if I'm missing it, but what is the promo code? Thanks for posting this deal!","here you go, buddy :) 3577370" Mail call,Pink FTMFW! "Well men have other standards, but still you don't see men react like that.",Those silly women being all emotional. "There's more to this than meets the eye: Russian hacking proposed by the Gov't, Power grid allegedly compromised, and not a single US aircraft carrier at sea for about 2 months? (which hasn't happened since WWII) This is getting scary quick.",I suspect the navy thing might be the navy's way of telling Obama to fuck off and get someone else to do his dirty work. MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE STARTS FLYING US FLAG AGAIN,Are we tired of winning yet? "Lester just told you stop and frisk was ruled unconstitutional and you said he's wrong? He just fact checked you, he's not wrong.","Only the New York district court said it was unconstitutional, so it isnt universally 'unconstitutional'." Why would you as the shouter reveal your DCI number?,name should suffice "There should be a casual mode added to the game Most games have a ranked mode and casual mode, where your rank doesn't matter and you just play against people for fun. Since Clash Royale has become pretty competitive in it's life time, I think it would be a great idea to add something like casual mode. Right now you can only play ladder, tournies and challenges. Two of which need gems to be played (or you join a free tourny, but it's incredibly difficult to find one these days). Ladder is great and all, but you get frustrated really quick, so I don't see a reason why a casual mode shouldn't be added.",Reported for spam. BAHAHAHAHA,"That wasn't in favor of stemlords, however much it may seem, it was a critique" "With the election just under 10 months away, this should be one of the key items. No public money for billionaires.",We should start making it an issue NOW. PSA: Furnace efficiency guys going door to door in SW (Strathcona/Christie) right now Be careful everyone!,"If people can't say no on their own, is a Reddit post going to help?" "LF2M for chill ToO bounty run I'm playing with my 375 hunter and look 2 more for a bounty run. If flawless happens then cool. Please post PSN, class and level below for invite.",HyperShadows1 382 Hunter "Nah, it's pretty funny.","Was pretty funny, Ive watched every episode multiple times and the recent few season just haven't hit the spot for me." I think it's fair to say that early Kanye is his best work and it would be damn near impossible to top it.,Would you really go up to someone as say that without thinking it conveys disrespect? (Question/Poll) what do you listen to /watch when cubing I watch/listen to a spongebob 24/7 stream,"I'm more of a casual cuber, but I enjoy listening to the Beatles when I'm doing it" Funny how that propaganda works,Nothing EXTREMELY weird about that though. Where is Jason Cheffetz when we need him?,"We never need him, he's a partisan hack" GameStop PSVR preorder people post here!!!! My order status is still open. Paid for the 1 day shipping that's supposed to get it to you on release day. It's not looking too good right now. Any updates for your orders yet?,"Same here, I'm getting annoyed" "I think we can give him a pass on Bringing out the Dead. Number one, fantastic movie. And number two, it's the only great acting out of Nic Cage, in my opinion, and I think that had a lot to do with having such a heavy-hitting director there to coax out the performance that was needed.",Leaving Las Vegas? "Hampton on the bench is growing on me. He can cover 1,3,4,6,7 and 9 if there are any injuries. I know he is only getting about 10-15 minutes at the end of games lately but he is a good insurance policy to have in these big games.",Yeah but he sucks Too far dude...,There might be children on here R6s Randomness....,Something is severely wrong with Caveira's left boob They ask you if you can do it sooner.,"Me too, thanks" My friend next to me recorded it so,< 3 you a wavy dude. "They don't force Priests to play Dragons, the potions and Lightbomb 2.0 are amazing for Control Priest.",Yeah - remival that is situational and completely useless in some matchups is exactly what ControlPriest needed "Our model was better. It's not the tech, it's how the product is produced and sold. Please do me a favor and read the book Economics in One Lesson. It's free online and it'll give you a pretty good idea of how products are sold to the benefit of everybody.",Lol u only got econ 101? "This November 5 Is really important,it will decide a rigged election or a Trump Victory,without it we're toast","Nope, Nov 5th stuff is pure BS..............." Yeah it felt like EF wasn't there to play. Something was missing in the team.,Their mice? The BCS would've put the same 4 teams in the playoff,The problem with the BCS was the lack of transparency in the computer polls. "But it doesnt have the weather factor, Brazil makes the races much more exciting for that possibility of rain (2007,08,12)",Queue the sprinklers! "It's not an option for most people, are you serious?","Don't bother with him, brother." wheat color? do you mind telling me your dimensions and the size you bought? been getting mixed responses from the fits being tts or oversized.,"I tried them on in store, they are TTS" Argentine leader: Ivanka joined my call with Trump,"Quick, r/politics, bastion of free speech and informed objective opinion, tell me why this is bad!" You can't call people ignorant on something YOU know and never tell them why they're wrong. That's like someone asking you if you know the way to a certain place and you tell them yes and walk away.,I see nothing wrong with that. "If nuclear war was to break out in 2017, what do you think would be the reason?",To top 2016. "Next time she's asking questions, turn it around on her. Why do you think the sky is blue? Where do you think babies come from? Why do you think daddy drinks?","My next door neighbour has a little girl like this, asks a shit ton of questions, Me and my SO ask them back to her and said we are annoying haha" Top Minds of Reddit Swallow Fanciful 4Chan Tale of Trump Winning 436 EV,Trump has more chances of becoming the next president of Mexico than winning in California This looks so dumb. I already hate Sombra,You clearly didn't get it. Hardee's*,That's his twin brother. Donald Trump rages at A-list celebrities on Twitter,Pathetic. I pray these cunts get tried as adults.,"They aren't, they're 14-15 unfortunately." Such as: Tux Racer Tux Racer Tux Racer and Tux Racer,Windows only has fucking Minesweeper... "Awww, did you need a safe space?","Yeah, burn lefty safe spaces, and replace them with right-wing safe spaces..." "To add to this, you can only combat log in a combat log",lol but that boat actually needs a purpose xD I don't buy Trump's shtick that he doesn't drink. He's clearly drunk tweeting in this case.,"It's because he's tested positive for everything, all those various diseases are creating a chemical reaction that keeps him perpetually intoxicated." Those are the most fun players to watch if they pan out.,"Jpp, Danielle hunter etc" Why would people buy fake followers. I just don't understand people sometime.,There's a lot of why ask questions in this world witg very few answers that actually makes sense.. but what it comes down to is narcissism or ego. Three breads from three different flours (GBBO Bakealong),"delicious, thanks for sharing." Razz? Is that you?,yes ladies and gentlemen My first ToO carry. I haven't done many of them but my first one was special.,First time to the Lighthouse is always great. Which is exactly what they do at H&M. The mirrors attached to the pillars and walls are generally pitched back.,"That, and it means you don't need the mirror to be as long to be useful for both tall and short customers." Wah wah it's so hard to be a cop. Fuck you.,"It's so difficult giving tickets, it's only natural they start fucking with the underprivileged" My dad is kanye so there's that.,you are never going to fail Check out this clip from LIRIK's broadcast,a man needs a name! No One Summons Like Gaston!,"No one can miss hits and give enemy more press turns and lots of smirks, causing you to die and pay play coins to revive if you weren't the type of person who didn't save right before the boss battle like Walter." He worked for George Soros. This will be fun.,Now that is a fun fact! "Sorry, but that's not enough for me to believe it.","Just look around, youll find more on it" Why do teenage girls write sexually explicit fan fiction? I thought they were supposed to be innocent?,Someone wasn't around teen girls ever "Yeah don't let them step on you they owe you your game. Tell them what your owed and don't leave till you get it. I personally can't stand Best Buy anymore after a couple really bad recent experiences with their bait and swap BS. I got my gears limited edition console from Target during the 15% off + 10% off + 5% off + 3 month Xbox live card last week so it ended up being much slicker than any Black Friday deal. Paid for the balance with gift cards that I got the week before when they were 20% off on Groupon so total actual cost was like $280 after tax. Absolutely beautiful console, you made a great choice!",Nice deal! Has there been any talks of not allowing spectators? It really is quite obvious how many people use this to cheat and I only noticing it more and more now. Why not just allow people to not allow them?,There should be an option to not allow spectators Because nobody knows who Mario is,There's no calling out of bullshit. Hard to think of another equally good biometric in this situation,How about something like Windows Hello? What is going to be on the news when this is all over?,The EBS. Moving sand as a gl is hell. Fuck that shit!,"Try it as a SA in 4U, where the rapid chops actually meant something." It seems like they're both jerks obsessed with foreign cultures and have no respect for privacy or personal boundaries. They're actually perfect for each other.,Op is a vikingboo how is not being able to join your friend mid-game being something good,"to stop team stacking in casual, if you want that go play on skial or something" "I was just thinking about that last night. Born in the early 80s I have _no_ pictures of my childhood friends, except maybe a few at a birthday party when we were very young. By the time we had mobile phones we were all about 17/18 and those were true clunkers that could hold 10 texts at a time...not exactly smartphones. We made more use of CB radio and dialup internet to communicate than our mobiles. I think I got my first phone with a digital camera in about 2005, and by that time we were adults living in different parts of the country and never saw each other. But kids these days will be able to look back on thousands of pictures and videos of themselves and their friends...though they don't hang out for 16 hours a day like we used to.",I remember having to try to work out which texts were important enough to stay and which had to be deleted to get more.. Ahh the old days. 3D graphics holograms that floats in mid air just became a real thing!,"Gee, I sure am glad this didn't have any sound." Billy Bob Thornton's performance in Sling Blade is one of the best examples of an actor completely disappearing into their character,ITT: mmmhmmmm Two guys in a Lamborghini try overtaking a Corvette,"I don't really care about the circumstances, but I always enjoy seeing super cars getting beaten by *normal* cars" That's how you get yeast infections folks,You mean a uti "This is somewhat relevant; I needed an excuse to share. I've always wanted to come up with the best weird catchphrase for sex. A really end all, be all of the strangest possible thing to say at climax. Then I would head out to pick up one night stands. It wouldn't take very long before I would become known as, 'that chick that says [world's most ridiculous catchphrase]'. I would feel like a superhero. This is my dream.",I got pretty good mileage out of the strange-looking quote... precious bodily fluids. He wants to see that one dude blow that other dude.,He's been walking around the Buffalo tailgates too much. "yep I understand, if good rewards come out we should see the real top players of RTA",developers note said the rewards wont give a significant advantage so probably nothing more than bragging rights like toa finish lists FWD: Pass it on! AMEN!,God's Spoken Word Minionstries History will be made on Nov 8th!,We don't really know *for sure* that it's the first time they've slept together.... But a Gauss Rifle has nothing nuclear on it ?,"The term 'nuclear option' can be used to describe the most extreme response to a situation, which are most likely the circumstances in which such a weapon would be used." "The rarest of all Pepe, the unborn Pepe baby that Hillary said is not a life and is OK to murder. Upvote to show your support to allow Pepe to be born.",just wow Ainu you would!,At such a early Date? "Do this to a handful of trucks on common cross-country interstates, and the rest of the country's truck drivers will be unwilling to work. Congratulations, you just shut down shipping nationwide.","Or just derail some trains, which is comically easy to do with only a few tools and some elbow grease." Local government official who produced documentary on LGBT teens accused of 4-year predatory relationship with teen girl,Men are fucking disgusting. Sexist Transgender fans of Pokemon Go deem Mystic Team Leader non-binary because she looks neither male or female(???),Pure Narcissism. "she's not fucking 29 years old, she looks like she's in her mid to late 30s",Minimum. "TIFU by trying to prove that my phone screen wouldn't crack Having had smartphones for the past 4 years, I've never had a screen crack. No matter how many drops, the screen has always been fine. So over a meal today when someone wouldn't stop going on about how often their screen smashes, I tried to shut them up by hitting my phone against the table. Well what do you know, it smashed. It smashed really fucking bad. I even held it up and went *see, they don't crack* before realising. I then had to sit through another two hours of this douche boasting about all the times he's proved people wrong.","There are so many variants of this story, all of which end in a broken phone." Sexually?,Finishing too soo Read this if you love being vegan!,"OP buys from Aliexpress, they can't be too smart :(" "To be clear, I am not a nudist, so I'm relaying what I've been told. Which is, they have a private community set up for their lifestyle, which is the whole point of spending quite a lot of money to live there. Further, there's a waiting list a mile long, so people who inherit property there should have no trouble selling it. So it's frustrating for the people who paid a lot of money to live in a place where nudity is the norm to slowly have more and more non-nudists move in and be clothed not just at home but even at official community functions.",Replace the word 'nudist' with 'white' and that situation sounds racist as fuck. He's going to be really said when he has to cut his costume open and get inside it to stay warm,"This is cute, but r/titlegore" "Am I the only one who thinks PPP and elixir collector will be viable during the new 2x elixir mode? PPP is a strategy that really needs elixir collector, partially because of the expensive pushes but also the fact PEKKA can get you some horrible trades and you need to recover. If Golem becomes popular, PPP will be a reliable counter and with elixir generating faster pump will be viable since you will have plenty to defend. Anyone else agree?",Inferno + Skarmy/Guards + MM would just toy with that combo Arsene Wenger: Arsenal boss says he is 'immune to excessive reactions',Man like. A Candidate's Death Could Delay or Eliminate the Presidential Election,Soros is likely teaching Clinton his rejuvenation methods to avoid this issue Welp that does it boys! Pack it in. We're done! Cooked!,her timing was purely coincidental Maybe people should wait until there are some facts before spewing alarmist crazyness all over the internet with a firehose.,You forget that redditers are rational patient understandable people. "If I'm not able to have a tiny Husky riding in a red wagon as a flair, then this entire subreddit is a sham, and I walk.",Only if we can push the wagon off a cliff afterwards. "Straight up-- that was a fun game of hockey to watch. Also, I'm almost certain Matt Read will be taken by Vegas which is sad, because he really has been great this year at all the little things with and without the puck.",Pretty much everything that he failed on last year he has turned around. Bagel Bites don't worry it's dank,Judo chop! "LOOK AT THIS VIDEO OF THE CROWD IN TAMPA FL!! EVERYONE VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!!!",Crowds like this put Aerosmith and Springsteen to shame. If we're not supposed to eat animals then why are they made of meat?,"Humans are made of meat too, but I don't eat them." "So, this is just another pro_trump spam sub now, right?","The bots in r/the_meltdown are likely the same bots being used in r/politics to down vote and mock Stein, Sanders, Johnson, and Trump." "COME ON!? WHERES ALL THE SUNSHINE PUMPERS? What do you fucks have to say about this? Oh well get better from it? You fucks are part of the problem, trying to find the good when there clearly isn't any. Understand that we are being embarrassed. Understand that this team fucking sucks. We're going to lose by 50 and we're probably not gonna even find the endzone. This game was over the second they chose to play like shit inside OSU's 5. Get over Nebraska being relevant, they aren't even good.",Shove it buddy. What're your favorite songs from the 1970s?,"There she stood in the doorway; I heard the mission bell And I was thinking to myself, This could be Heaven or this could be Hell" "Don't be silly, they'd just order a shitload of pizza for you without paying and send a SWAT team.",Swat team would be nice. "The number of times that I have taken a small human to the dick boggles my mind, man.",r/CatholicChurch I do that sometimes in QP for a joke...maybe he was joking too.,Of course he was. "Tell that to my father, who was thrown from his bike and landed so hard his helmet was cracked in half. Or maybe my boyfriend, who was in a hit and run that left him in the hospital for months. According to the doctors, neither of them would've survived if they hadn't been wearing helmets.",But doctors are paid by big pharma to make us spend money on bike helmets. I'll try.,"You got: LA3 Desperado Not bad, not bad" I didn't learn a thing about Japanese internment camps when I was in school,I didn't learn much about the oppression Italians faced either What are your most COMFORTABLE sneakers? Pictures are appreciated,Ultra boosts obv Can I get a legit Check on these V2s,"I'd say legit, the shape is right and I don't know any rep seller who's giving out foot action receipts" "'Nam era US/ARVN Ground RB loadout could be great. AD-4, M41,M48,M551, B-57B. If you want to include stuff that wasn't in Vietnam proper, throw an M60A1 in there too. I could dream of the F-105 Thunderchief too, but it's likely that will remain a dream.",M56 Mr. Rogers,"Yep, this is the one." Serious question since i've heard people make cases about bad rng like this. What do you think about people receiving pets automatically (or have a pretty much guaranteed drop) at 200m xp in a skill? Would that devalue pets too much or make 200m's more desirable?,"nah, keep as is" "The curfew thing makes sense, didn't think about that. But yeah, Chicago does suck. We saw Rush at the United Center last year and security yelled at us because we were standing outside of our vehicle in the parking lot before the show. They called it tailgating and it wasn't allowed. No table, no grill, nothing other than four people standing between cars and talking.","Other than carding, which is pretty fucking strict in the city, Chicago is a great place for concerts." Link for the tucking?,id just search on youtube with his and tucks name Thoughtseize vs Tidehallow sculler Which one is better in abzan coco?,Why don't you start off by giving your thoughts on the subject? Found a neat little spot this morning,Best color. "The point is that, to a European, never needing a passport in one's entire life may seem very foreign.",I'm pretty sure if you don't have a passport it's more domestic than foreign ;P Those eyes bode nobody any good.,"Can confirm, about 2 second later a little grey paw came out to swipe at me." You can pre-order up until the game comes out yeah. Not sure about the other stuff,"Fair enough, I don't really want to drop $120 right now.. But at the same time I love this game so fucking much it's hard to resist." "You can't control your thoughts, because they aren't you. But that means you CAN control how seriously you take those thoughts. This is incredibly freeing, especially for somebody with anxiety :)",You can watch your thoughts and choose how you respond to them. "Interesting Filipino names for a boy? Ok so I've been thinking about names and I saw a recent thread here about names but for a girl. I'm not so well versed in Filipino so I wouldn't know names. So any suggestion would be appreciated, cheers!","Rumentado, Tado for short" "Live Discussion (October 1st, 2016) (Margot Robbie / The Weeknd) Welcome to the SNL season premiere live discussion thread! This week's host is Margot Robbie, and the musical guest is The Weeknd. A quick recommendation to mention the sketch you're referring to in your comment. It's not a hard and fast rule, but it does make the thread more readable after the show finishes. Since this thread is likely to fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by new (instead of best or top) to see the newest posts. Enjoy the show!",Accurate analogy with the phones "Finally, we need to draw attention to the discrimination us gamers face from law enforcement and... ... ... man, I don't even feel like mocking this. It's just *too* sad. Like a puppy drenched in the rain.","That's a bad analogy, wet puppies are cute and sympathetic." 100% of those who voted for Trump in the primary are human.,That's debatable I kinda expected bigger numbers than that.. Thanks for the reply though!,"That's per server, there's three of them." "I think it's the reason Saban talks about complacency until everyone is sick of hearing about it (then he talks about it some more). Rebuilding years have a bunch of guys out to prove themselves and established teams think they can ride on success of past years because they've already been there, done that.",Mike Leech would add that complacent student-athletes often listen to their chubby little girlfriends more than their coaches GQ is Cosmo for men.,Couldn't be more true "Valve teaches a kindergarten class to count to three. 1, 2","Right man, so dissapointed there's no Dota 3 yet." 10 Good Horror Movies You've ACTUALLY Never Seen (A 50% Accuracy Guarantee),I've only seen 0 of these What the SJW's are sharing on my feed right now,Send to the police and the FBI. First year in a long time I haven't really felt the holiday spirit and this time of year is BY FAR my favorite. I think its just growing older for me. It just really sucks in every way and us millennials have nothing to look forward to...,"On the contrary to everyone here, I'm actually hyped for Christmas." This absurdity from adidas on the new All Blacks jersey,As a Formula 1 fan this is all Ronspeak LeIncline,"Technically, wouldn't it be L'incline?" There is no way he will keep going back and forth. Once he is the president he will have way too much to do to go back to nyc that much.,"His family's staying, so that's gonna suck if so" "that guy was really nice, a bit naive, but he wasnt full of shit, he answered the questions, and wasnt a dick good for him",Best prepared guest yet. I'm from Indiana too so that makes 3 of us! Basically the whole population at this point,I'm from Indiana too (st joseph county) but I don't live there anymore :( Can I still be part of the club? "Yup, that's what PAX Aus CM confirmed me on twitter (3 days later).",CM? Or alternatively the first time in 14 billion years.,Or 4000! His and Her burgers (4048 x 3036),Look pretty burnt. "The right-wing has congealed around a hysterical, conspiracy theory-fueled consensus towards liberals. They believe Obama and Hillary are out to destroy the country, one health insurance registration and common-sense tax policy at a time.",Its the Russians! How come Americans don't find that horrifying?,"The ones who do, live in those states like NY and CA that get less influence" "I've heard of something similar for different aircraft- adding extra guns to try and beef up their defences. Supposedly an Anson crew managed to shoehorn a 20mm cannon onto their aircraft somehow. There's also a story I read somewhere about a Sunderland getting shot up by a brace of Ju88s. So while the aircraft was being repaired, the crew went out and grabbed every machinegun they could get their hands on and juryrigged them all over the place.","Also relevant is the story of Old 666, a B17 which went on a solo mission and was rigged to the brim with extra machine guns including a mounted modified forward firing one." black people who smoke: why is it always menthols?,Gotta look like I'm payin my child support ELI5 the TPP deal and the consequences it carries for the US.,"The Transpacific Partnership is a trade agreement with 12 countries for countries on the pacific rim, the problems it carries for countries involved in the TPP is that it may rewrite international laws on it's enforcement because of how influential it is, they also threaten international Intellectual property laws" "You know I didn't realize it before, but saying that there can be exceptions for rape is extremely stupid. When the majority of rape cases don't have proof, we will be forcing women to commit murder or have children. Our foster systems and jails are ready. Hey are foster systems privitized yet? WE CAN MAKE SO MUCH MONEY SELLING CHILDREN.","Interesting points, but the risks of spurious rape claims I think are low enough that it is not in anyway justifiable to make victims of rape carry the baby." This is some spongebob level shit man,if water goes into water the water just keeps going to the ground di'dnt ya know? why is it weird for a dude to call another dude handsome but girls call other girls beautiful all the time,Cuz thats gay duh I found some tiger pups!,"Every freaking time something weird goes on with an animal- stripes like this, eating parts of it to get boners or see the future, deep fry them live and get them to the plate still breathing- it's China." "To be honest, I never really caught the rivalry or whatever between Frank/Weeknd/Miguel. When I wanna fuck, I turn on Miguel. When I'm turning up, I turn on The Weeknd. When I'm in my feelings, I turn on Frank Ocean. They're too different, in my opinion, to compare. They're all amazing at what they do and they each have their niche in music.","I feel like you can fuck, turn up or have feels for all 3, although Frank and Miguel do have significantly less turn up stuff" "Dwight always starts off not shit, then it goes to shit",Something something Dwight has 12 kids What is the most unexpected sentence?,"IT WAS I, DIO!" "Out of context, this headline is very concerning.",Main difference between the US and the rest of the Western world is summed up by the title and these comments. "20 keys, black spiralis, sweeper heatwave, keys, good offers",I have dominus GT and different wheels and crates for heatwave "The sausage symbolises the dick of the rich and powerful. As in, *you think you could change something with your vote?* eat my sausage.","Too bad it's volunteers from schools and charities that do the BBQs, so no dice." Can I cash in early on the karma train?,"Yes, but it goes in the other direction for you!" Well fuck.,Alea iacta est my friend we can't change the hand we've been given. Sol's butt- I mean accidentally stealing someone's penta.,Ye boi You're getting a hell of a deal We charge $45 minimum for an hour of labor,"Yep, my guy charges $60 for a visit and during peak growing season comes by every 10 days." Care to elaborate?,I assume he is referring to the perceived inability of your mid field player with 85 in short passing to pass to a player right next to him at some points... Stuff like that where it's about the handling of your players as opposed to the strength of the other teams players "He might not have known it was warded. Even in high elo, people often don't watch the buffs before they spawn.",And so he pays for that mistake. Fellow women of Reddit: What's your opinion about guys that only take only one type of photo? Does that mean something is wrong?,I think that just means they're not very good at taking photos. "Why is no one talking about how Bill raped and email in Benghazi, and gave it Parkinson's disease. The email couldn't keep the affair (c)ondential, so Hillary sacrificed her in a blood ritual to Satan. And then declared war on the canned foods section at a grocery store to take out the pickle jar who was going to leak the story.",Had to check post history to see if How did Guy use summoning jutsu against Kisame? I thought he couldn't do ninjutsu. He summoned a big frog to jump from its back in his last fight against Kisame. Or is summoning not ninjutsu?,"To answer your question, Summoning Jutsu is a space-time ninjutsu." "Yeah, they made jokes about her killing people, being unlikable and out of touch with the average American...Wait a minute.",They even made a few jokes about the DNC making it difficult for younger Sanders supporters to reach the polls in the primaries back in Russell Crowe's episode last season. Isn't she the chick whose son was murdered by her boyfriend?,Waaaaaaaa... Wtf...? "Could be, but that's From Soft, right? Many possibilities, even more questions, few concrete answers.","No no no, to be precise, there *is* an answer, but it's spread over a dozen item descriptions plus several clever deductions, in the most random places of the game." It's not a moral objection. I just don't feel good about myself if I go for someone I don't find attractive.,"In that case, don't do it ;-)" Hey! Any chance that you can add the ability to download or save images directly in swipe mode? Love your app!! Thanks for all your hard work.,There's a download button in swipe mode. "The DB Xenoverse episode. Hearing Woolie trying to pull the Mary Sue card on the CaC combined with their general refusal to pay attention to the controls and shitting on the game made my fucking blood boil. It sucked twice as hard seeing as I like Xenoverse 1 *a lot*, still play it frequently, and plan on getting Xenoverse 2 for Christmas. Also, Pat repeatedly bashing Superman mildly irks me. I wouldn't care if it was a specific version of Supes, but hating on the DCAU version is IMHO unacceptable.","You're in for a ride, 2 is really fun" How about driving around at 17 years old and smoking by yourself.,Exempt Specializing in 'Bad fire cars' and 'Abortion flood accidents',"Even in correct orientation, a fire flood would be positively terrifying." "Do you bite your thumb at me, sir?","I bite my thumb sir, but I do not bite my thumb at *you*... sir." Russian Journalist Arrested for Election Fraud (After Filming Election Fraud),"In Putin Russia, the law breaks you." JFKs wife. She had blood on her clothing after he was shot.,"She had parts of JFK's brain on her clothing, that was the biggest challenge to wash it off." Mulva?,bless you for getting it. These new pokemon variants in Sun and Moon are getting out of hand.,I hope we get hawaiian shaved ice Vanillite family then. I did! Voted for Trump on Thursday,"No, they said vote *responsibly*." My own battlestation! <3,Must be hard living life being so damn tall I know that bridge! It's a great view!,Is that the really high bridge over 279? "God damnit. I work 7 days a week, I pay a third of my pay in taxes, and I am up to my ears in debt starting a small business (that gives people jobs)--and they give my money to Asia? Why?",It would be racist not to? you can find azk in too much for zblock too.,the north american player? Do you understand what is happening yet?,"That and because of the gas pipeline that the was wants to build through Syria from the caspian sea, so that Europe can get rid of the Russian monopoly." I'm waiting for a good 4.7-5 for a decent price. Sony's compact this year was a huge disappointment.,*Grips retired Moto X* *sheds tear* "There is only one standard: In the United States individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Again, it is simply a fact that Hillary is not a criminal (at this time) because she has not been convicted of any crimes. I'm not aware of any evidence that anything was destroyed while under subpoena. I've seen rumors and innuendo to that effect, but no solid evidence. With the number of people gunning for Clinton right now, I feel very confident that if such evidence existed, it would definitely see the light of day.",I guess OJ didn't kill his wife either. "And now, aghs magina too.",Can't wait to steal rubick's last used spell. "I heard that too. Clinton campaign in Ohio says they aren't worried. Also, turnout in Philadelphia is up BIGLY",Source on philly? Your sleeping schedule is inconvenient to me.,"As a man with a really f'ed up sleep schedule some days, I've learned to accept not everyone's going to have all the time in the world to do what they like and see who they want." MRW I'm chilling at work and my boss suddenly appears,Oh shit! "Not all of them though, just saying.",PM TRAIN Misguided peasants,The eye can't see faster than 24fps anyways though so what does it matter Val Browning with a BAR in the argonne offensive,"OP, nerf pls!" Revenge is never enough.,It really never is Took the back way home. Methow Valley.,"Out of curiosity, how many feet from ground to the very top?" "PSA - Sears Citi new 10x Thank You Points Promo So after hardly ever using this card the past few years, it seems that Citi will not let me keep it in the drawer. Just received an email for 10X Thank You points for online purchases (up to $1,000 or 10,000 TYP), in addition to the 1 point per $ base from 11/15 thru 12/31. This after receiving 10x TYP on gas, grocery, and restaurant up to 10,000 points per month since September. Not everyone it seems had their Sears Citi converted to the TYP system (and if you don't have the Citi Preferred, Premier, or Prestige, they would be the non valuable, non transferable points). But for those that have been able to combine their TYP accounts, it seems to be a pretty decent return.",Sounds like time to convert one of my many AA Plats to a Sears Citi card. "I know a lot of people have been grumbling about the new bonus category for the Platinum not living up to the hype. It actually sort of worked out well for me, because I needed a flight to San Francisco next weekend for a conference. The best part is that I get reimbursed, so can't go wrong, right? Well, I had to purchase my ticket on October 4th to confirm my attendance, but when I called the Concierge the next day to ask about retroactive credit (because the category doesn't start until today), they said that they could not extended. I even explained that I also have the PRG, and having heard about the announcement on Tuesday and thinking it couldn't have worked out any better, would otherwise have put it on my PRG. I ended up cancelling the ticket thanks to United's 24-hour cancellation policy, but the price has since jumped in the past 24 hours to about $200 more for the transcon. However, the other reason I was pushed to cancel was because some of the logistics around the conference seem a bit sketchy. * They were supposed to contact me 3 weeks out (about 2 weeks ago) confirming my attendance. They did it only two days ago. * They needed a confirmed ticket to SFO as a way to confirm attendance, which I sent them two days ago almost as soon as I received their email. * I haven't received any more email since then. My plan was to book a hotel for the weekend as soon as they got back to me, but since they haven't... Anyhow, I think it'll work out in the end. If I have to pay the higher price for a ticket, it just means more points to look forward to in the future.","So basically you win by getting a lot more points, and your company pays the cost with an additional $200 for the ticket?" Need mandatory voting that is traceable to a single person but simultaneously encrypted (i.e. like Bitcoin) for everyone tbh.,I think even just automatic registration would do a lot of good but the Republicans for some reason don't like it when more people vote. Had to be circumcised when I was in SECOND grade. My foreskin was constricting my ability to urinate. It was the the most difficult thing to deal with post op. Parents had to change bandages regularly. Everytime I used the bathroom in the classroom it would take me ten minutes to undress and redress the bandages... It was overall a terrible experience and wish it had been done at birth. That is the reason I would circumcise my son at birth.,There is no reason to believe that your son would have the same problem as you considering that issues relating to foreskin are not common. ZLATAN 2-0,Id rather have Rashford It's CGI.,Everything was better back when we used practical effects. 11 Discontinued Cars That Won't See 2017,RIP VIPER :((((( Why are shitskins so racist? I'm talking about brown AND black niggers. AKA Apu and Tyrone.,Have you asked WebMD? not sure how I'm going to change the textures..,you can make your own textures as well Why doesn't it make sense? A lot of people find comfort in revenge.,It transforms you into the very thing you hate You have to start with 0 gold......,"Ah, don't know how I managed to overlook that." I'm not sure what the numbers are on that but I can definitely tell you that if a hunter dropped Sylvanas on turn 6 instead of Highmane I would breathe a sigh of relief. And she's inarguably one of the best legendaries in the game. Highmane is just so ridiculously overpowered.,"It's not overpowered in a class that has no draw, since you really need individual cards to have lots of value otherwise you can't expect to draw anything else do you?" I think he's just using the words you and I to prove a point. I don't think he's actually scolding that user.,I feel scolded :( Transphobia and homophobia are very much related and treated very similarly socially. People also seem to forget what trans women's contribution to the stonewall riots was (as they were at the time considered gay male transvestites). Trans people have been in the gay rights movement since the very start.,Why have historical and scientific accuracy when you can have transphobia instead? Definitely pizza. It's always one more slice,Every pizza is a personal pizza if you believe in yourself. In what world can someone honestly put a little chubby next to 350lb. You're not a black bear. Pls stop.,He's mostly muscle but has the stubborn piece of belly fat that haunts many of us who have cut to look a little better. Because she doesn't screw people over.,You dropped this "Honest question: How does one verify that staff have 'sent people to shill'? That's not a great practice, but a lot of unfounded, assumptive accusations get thrown around here (and anywhere online, really) on a daily basis.",I was raiding on VoA and posting videos of our boss kills made me a shill... "Rapid unplanned disassembly? Damn it, Jeb!",Revert to VAB IN COMING! AH!,AAAAAA-eeey it's still here Me too thanks.,me too thanks Any hotline miami fans here?,Do you know where you are? Or it could be a long EP. Like 7 tracks.,"yeah, he could pull off a puppet and release 6 of his tracks, assuming that it's a 7 track EP" cry more lol this season has been more active and has so far lasted longer than the past few,Its actually exactly the same as other seasons and tomorrow will be a huge player massacre aswell.. At least he's reasonably self-aware,As he talks about killing someone over that exact same thing... Yeah I don't think so. they went to OT against Arizona who was starting a backup RB and QB. their backup had 100 yards rushing before snapping his ankle.,I didn't see the Arizona game so I didn't know how that game went. Wouldn't this like make feathers obsolete?,"Yeah, once you get the *expensive* two iron to make shears." "I had a prof in college who drank a 24 pack a day of the stuff, doctor made him stop, and he had full on withdrawal symptoms for a while after, that shit is no bueno","Yeah, hubby was soooooo fun to be around for about 2 wks." She cheated their candidate out of the nomination and now they don't want to vote for her. Go figure.,Yup winning by millions of votes is totally cheating. Gary Johnson Wants to Ignore Climate Change Because the Sun Will Destroy the Earth One Day,Whats aleppo? What is with you lunatics and ALWAYS mentioning rape when it doesn't belong. What is wrong with you people?,Attention seeking SJWs? "Haha this brings up another topic. Step 1: be attractive. If these chicks were hot, people would be patting that kid on the back, which is absurd.",You beat me to this Got a haircut and now I feel unnatractive :( help,Buzz cut and shave the mustache and you're good. Anti-Trump Rally Today At The University Of Texas,The most pointless useless thing they could have possibly spent their time doing. One or the other? There are normal people who have only slept with a few people. I wouldn't call them sluts.,no one would No it'll be the majority of people.,We shall see... I KNOW THEY DIDNT TAKE OUT THE CHICKEN NOISE WHEN YOU GO TO PRESTIGE BUT THEN BACK OUT,"Your title suggests they didn't remove it but your joke about it now being unplayable suggests they did remove it, which is it?" "The GDP would obviously not increase, but the GDP per capita might. ;)",Ahh you got me. I made a snow-jail!,Very creative \^.^ My hymen.,This girl fucks "That's chicken MAN to you, buddy.",Sure thing chicken pal "Thanks to the dusty engrams, I'm back in my favorite Iron Banner armor set - Iron Breed",How do you get dusty engrams? Fritz the Cat (1972),I know this as that movie I wanted to rent as a kid because it had a cartoon cat on it and my dad wouldn't let me. Lame..,Now that's what I call constructive criticism "Is anyone trusting Gates this week? He's had a ton of targets the last few weeks, but Henry still seems to be the preferred red zone target. I hear a lot of talk about the TD record, but it's not translating to his recent games. Are you starting him with upside or going with someone else?",Gordon being out helps CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 6 - Introduction to Props,You skipped posting number 5 Snap chat filters,Specifically the dog and flower crown filters That wink-to-end-an-impromptu-staring-contest move is gold. I'm definitely using it on mass transit as soon as needed.,You are going to send so many mixed signals. It's being covered by your reticle...,Don't throw your logic at him! Hope he's okay :(,He's okay but he died I've actually got an idea for a music video for TWW and that song for when wood elves come out,Make sure to post it on here when it's done! Official Game Thread: Baltimore Ravens (1-0) at Cleveland Browns (0-1) ...,I hate to be a negative Nancy right now but REMINDER: It would be 15 - 20 right now if Harbaugh could just stop going for it on 4th **when we don't have to** Don't forget Casillas too,"That's crazy, yo" Game Day Thread: New York Jets (1-1) at Kansas City Chiefs (1-1),Wow Williams is a first round LB I didn't know! "More of a paypal than a flipping question. I was sourcing products, used my paypal debit card to purchase. I bought something for $35, the charge never went through and I called Paypal, they canceled the $35 pending charge, and let me repurchase. A week later they dumped another $35 into my account, after sending an email about a provisional credit that was added to my account. Any idea why they're double refunding me? I assume this credit will dissapear in a few days? I called Paypal and they won't remove the money.",Reason #349 not to treat PayPal like a bank. Wax on.,Whacks off? "But if it isn't reviewed, how does anybody know it's right? Nothing needs to be reviewed to be right or wrong. It needs to be reviewed to *verify* its correctness or incorrectness.","If a proof were written in a theorem-proving language like Coq or Agda, and it successfully compiled, would it need independent verification?" "Anime recommendations for someone who's relatively new to anime? I've seen Attack on Titan and Death Note in their entirety, and as a kid, I really liked the OG Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and Dragon Ball Z. What else (preferably something popular) should I take a look at?",Don't "Champions should have a global taunt for everyone to hear after getting a penta kill. I know some people will get pissed off after hearing someone like Aurelion sol saying globaly something like Pathetic creatures, but also it would be super cool. I don't think it would be much of a big deal since we can already spam ctrl+4 to spam laugh in lane. I think it would be best if the global taunt was sounded after the announcer said Penta kill. Maybe it would work aswell for solo kills, double kills, triples, etc. What do you think?",Janna:You should all be demoted to wood 5 We'll cut away from this pick 6 to show you live feed of the ground,That was just the RAMSCAM angle. How was your weekend? What went well? What didn't?,I didn't place at the tournament I went to. this just makes me more convinced that YNK is stanislaw's father,.... that is Stan though. "MGTOW fairy tale: the happy village a long time ago in a little village there was a farmer and a farmer's wife, a miller and a miller's wife, a baker and a baker's wife, a hunter and a hunter's wife, a tailor and a tailor's wife, a carpenter and a carpenter's wife, a smith and a smith's wife, a barber and a barber's wife, a shepherd and a shepherd's wife, a fisherman and a fisherman's wife, and also a seamstress whose husband had died in the war. the carpenter built houses for everyone and repaired everything that anyone needed repaired, and the tailor made enough clothes for everyone and the barber kept everyone groomed and pulled any sore teeth anyone had and the fisherman provided fish for everyone and so all the men made all the things that the village needed. the wives of the village spent their days keeping the homes clean and looking after all of the children and everyone was very happy except for the seamstress. she made the finest embroidery and worked with silks and made fine things for the wives, and in return the men provided her what she needed from their trades. but she was sad because the wives looked down on her and she missed her husband dearly. one day a stranger came to the village. she told all the villagers that she was a femalist (which is *not* a code word for an evil, blue-haired, Satan worshipping, bloodsucking cunt-witch) and she told the wives that they were unhappy. she told them that they were being held back from having their own trades because the men wanted to be powerful. and the wives heard this and became angry with their husbands. and the wives and the widow and the femalist wrote rules and brought the rules before a meeting of all the villagers and voted on them. the men, thinking that everything had always been fine without these rules voted no, but the wives and the widow outnumbered them, and all the rules passed. one rule stated that no crops would be planted until there had been an environmental impact survey. and so Mrs. Farmer became an environmental surveyor and Mr. Farmer could not sew his crops until she had done her work. another rule said that no structure should be built except according to a drawing from a certified architect. and so Mrs. Carpenter became an architect and her husband could not build until she had planned his work for him. still another rule forbid baking except in an approved food preparation facility. and so Mrs. Baker became a health inspector and the baker could not bake until his wife approved his kitchen. and so all of the wives had jobs that had to be done before the men could do their jobs. the carpenter did wonder how his wife, who knew nothing of the strength of materials or of the techniques of building would draw better houses than he did. and the barber wondered how his wife would know if he were doing a bad job and needed his license revoked. and likewise all of the men wondered how their own wife having a job telling him what to do would make his work any better. but they all agreed that it was good that the women be strong and independent and have their own jobs. and so the wives set to work. first Mrs. Carpenter drew an office building where they would all go to work, and since he had not permission to build anything else, the carpenter built the office. it took a long time and he had to work twice as hard and twice as long for a long time to catch up with everything else that fell to disrepair in that time, but he agreed that it was good that the women have an office to do their work. next Mrs. Baker arranged for her husband to bring the wives food in their offices every day. and so the baker had to stop baking each day to make the delivery and he had to work a little later each night and still could not finish as much food as he had prepared before, but he agreed that it was good for the wives to have bread and cakes at their office so that they could work and be strong and independent. and likewise all of the wives set as a condition of their approval for their husbands' professions that they provide whatever the wives needed in order to do their jobs. and all the men had to work a little harder, and have a little less to show for it, but all agreed that it was good. and when the wives got their paychecks they took all of their money to the seamstress and bought finery and extra things for themselves. and the seamstress made more money than she had ever had and she bought as much as she could use of all the products that all the men of the village made and she bought even more than she could use for she was a wise woman and liked to prepare in case she were ever unable to work. and the men took their goods home to their wives and there was not enough food for anyone and there was not enough clothes for anyone and there was not enough of anything that anyone needed. the men had not made as much of everything and the seamstress had purchased much of their produce and sold it on to other villages. and everyone was miserable but everyone agreed that it was good for the wives to be strong and independent. and then the femalist came back to the village and talked to all the wives at the office while their husbands were working. and they told her of their woes. and she told them that they were unhappy because the men were still holding them back. and she counted all of their paychecks and found that they would not be able to buy half of all of the goods that the village produced and that they were suffering under an oppressive wage gap. and she told them that they needed new rules to give them equal pay to their husbands and that then they would be happy. and the women voted to raise their own pay to that of the men. and the widowed seamstress voted with them because she was a wise woman and knew that she could raise her prices if her customers had more money to spend. and things became even worse than before. the women still spent all their money on fine apparel for themselves and the village became even more starved for food and necessities. and the men all asked their wives to keep more of their money for family expenses, but the wives were cunning and had been warned by the femalist that this was financial abuse. and things continued to get worse. and the femalist came again and listened to the women lamenting their fate. and the femalist told them that they were all being abused and raped by their husbands. and she told them to all get divorced and that they should have custody of the children because they made as much money as the men and could care for the children themselves. after all, they were strong and independent now. and the femalist told them that the men should pay half of the expenses of the children to the women out of their earnings. and so the women voted and expelled all the men from their homes. and the men built modest accommodations for themselves and conserved everything they could keep from their ex-wives. and they were not as happy as they were before, but they lived a decent existence. and the ex-wives were more miserable than ever. and the seamstress was covered in fine jewels and was waited upon by barbarian slaves she purchased from the nomadic tribe of chad. and the wives were jealous and hated her. and the femalist came again to the village and told all of the villagers that they needed for the women to lean in together and ban bossy so they could get more women in tech and elect the first woman president because yes means yes and end street harassment. and finally the men of the village understood that they were hearing meaningless words. and that these were satanic incantations of a cunt-witch. and they tied the femalist to a stake and burned her to death. and they fucked whores from the chad tribe and told their ex-wives to go fuck themselves. and the men and the widow lived happily ever after.",What is the significance of the widow lady? Just rolled in for a tire rotation and a balance,I bet he has 2 of sidewall and 20 wheels. "Sometimes you release information like this to get people to panic, react, and then move. You say SAS has a hit list and then you listen to chatter and see what members ISIS thinks it is. Who is valuable. You watch and see who tries to move positions etc.",WHAT HAPPENED TO THE ELEMENT OF SURPRISE? (Big Hand)check.,shout out zeds dead Which animatronics do use Xscream3 and which do use Xscream2 in FNaF2?,What? I don't know if you're joking or not but you must be an exceptionally bad Rogue player if you're complaining about Rogues right now.,"All 3 our specs aren't the best DPS in every situation, so we must be nerfed to shit and bad obviously." "What he mentioned sounds like pretty English style home cooking. My mom would make similar stuff. (Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, peas)",That would be a cookbook German lunch "2 minute warning, 4 min commercial break. 3 second FG, back to 4 min commercial break......",NFL unsure why ratings are down.... Anything on CO,"Colorado early vote 10/27 update: Good news for Reps: reg Dem +5.1 today, was +6.1 y'day Bad news: 3,581 more Dem returns, lead now +28,832" What's a word you cannot stand to see written or hear?,Gobble Munch Poppers Thought it was 25k points?,"5,000 points in 4 categories is 20,000" I couldn't help but laugh,That looks like pissed off old cookie monster The salty or the sweet kind?,There are sweet pretzels? "Just so you know the Deadpool movie is part of the X-Men franchise, which is owned by 20th Century Fox. So not Disney.","It was distributed by 20th century and produced by marvel, who is owned by disney" This would probaly be hard to make. And make new animations too,Perhaps make a player model designed to stretch into other models. What movie death bit you the hardest?,Yoda Not so major event? I'm 24 and I've never seen an industrial building explode infront of me.,That guy clearly must be an industrial terrorist Mine came with this but I got it months ago,It's new to me and I had not seen it noted anywhere so I thought I'd ~~let people know.~~ reap that sweet karma! Also good as a manual ad blocker/pay wall workaround.,manual Just don't be the guy at gerts yesterday who went up to every single girl sequentially asking to join.,"sure - for n girls, just approach n-1" buying gf,25GP **Pick 3** standard scoring bonus pts for 100/125/150 yards Green vs PIT Fitzgerald v NO Garcon v CAR Diggs v IND Marshall v Mia Mitchell @ Den,"Green if he plays, Fitz because its a great matchup, and Mitchell because hes Toms new favorite toy" they once said the same thing about Mark Martin and Roush.,"Well he retired and Roush didn't leave room for him, my guess is they didn't expect him to come back to racing" Frost S&D.,Okay Did they call it?,Of course not that's two weeks in a row Foles has missed a wide open receiver on a sure TD. Although I don't think there's really going to be a big QB controversy among the fans after this week anyway.,But but he throws deep! "New Orleans Pelicans (0-6) @ Golden State Warriors (4-2) | November 7th, 2016 #Oracle Arena, Oakland, CA. **Tipoff:** 9:30pm CST **Channel:** FSNO #Let's Geaux Pelicans",This is sad.. Nope. We're repeating 2016. Over and over and over. It's Groundhog Year *Forever.*,*shivers* "Many women's sense of entitlement is so great that they feel they shouldn't contribute anything to a relationship, and that the man should do everything.",Why is it always the ugly bitches that think they deserve the best type of man society has to offer? "No, in this case one candidate better served Russian interests, namely, reduced tension between NATO an Russia, and peace in Syria. On the flip side, the other choice was better for Saudi and neoconservative interests. If Hillary won, no one would say the Saudis chose our president.",Enjoy getting royally fucked for the next 4 years. Amazon delivery drivers 'feel compelled to defecate in vans' to save time,Ship or get off the pot. Milhouse is not a meme.,Milhouse will never be a meme is a meme. Have any of them been fake yet? Why would that change? All this says to me is that she knows more is still out there.,"10 years, 10,000,000 documents, 0 corrections." Kristaps Porzingis Onyx Free Agent Card is 2 inches shorter than his regular card,He grew 2 inches from when he was a free agent What the fuck in the game tape told doug that QB draws were going to work? And why does he keep trying it even after it gets fucked each time?,It worked when Wentz was in college it must work in the NFL! "Pop EDM is the closest thing I can get to actual electronic music on my car stereo. Because everything about radio sucks now, apparently.",Buy an FM transmitter and put music on your phone. "yeah, a strict dress code will fix everything.",Lol yeah that will sort the place out! Because socialism is a classless society where means of production are not privately owned. Just because it is subsidized by the governement doesn't mean it's socialist.,"A library could be construed as socialist not because it's government operated, but because it acts as a place for collective ownership of property in the form of books." "Nah, I'm not defending the games nor against them either. Don't judge a game before it's out to me is the same as Don't count your chicken before they're hatched.","A trailer is a chicks head has popping out of the egg, it could change but we have a good idea of what it is." Can't wait for the NFL to come out and say they fucked up on the td call,We saw the big changes that happened in officiating after they admitted they fucked up 16 in the Packers game... "Comey wrote the letter, they're just reporting it.","Comey, not credible." The packaging on my guitar strings makes it look like they're gonna improve my sex life.,Well you are playing a guitar sooo.... Hillary is like a robot with faulty programming.,"She'd be retired from Westworld for sure (thank god, because no one would want anything to do with her)" "If you had to spend 24 hours in a locked, empty room with a celebrity- and nothing sexual can take place, only conversation- who would you pick to be with?",My own low self-esteem does not allow me to converse with anyone. "How to debunk, according to Wikipedia.",Top notch reporting from the leftist mass media and wikipedia. "As an excuse? Sorry bub, but if the dude she just met comes before her kid, she's a shitty mom. You ain't all that, the kid lived up in her womb and she pushed it out her baby chute. Best you can do is visit the baby chute.",Not if her kid is cock-blocking you all the time. Chevy Chase did a pretty good bumbling Ford. Dan Akroyd did a passable Nixon.,I thought akroyds nixon was pretty good. "an xbox smoke is one of the most common smokes in the game so it doesnt really mean anything if someone does. if a xbox smoke was only thrown when someone goes on cat, that would be stupid as it would be easily readable.",yeah but are you GE? "They are, but Zootopia is definitely more deserving than Your Name.","How so, may i ask?" I like this pic!,Me too. lol this team. The fucking redskins gonna destroy us lol,I really like Cousins so I don't care "I've realized that too, you used to see him pissed when the camera would pan to him after a penalty or a blown play. Now he just seems off.",He's not used to losing "It might be in the snapchat previews, there are still two songs that we know nothing about",Then it might be the last one GiantWaffle plays a Song,Not loud at all "Don't worry, I won't. But like hell I'll vote for Hillary.",So you disagree with Sanders? Early to mid. I remember taking the little cartridge things and stacking them up. Or shooting them like lead darts at people.,"They were around longer then that, I remember them from elementary school, which was like 2005 for me" "I think Adam said over $200k. Depending on where you live and how you live, I'd say it should be enough.",Especially as he lived with his parents til recently.. I somehow doubt he was paying rent. Everyone's got their drug of choice,So...(ass)crack? "If I cleaned my vacuum cleaner, does that also make me a vacuum cleaner?","No, it makes you a reposter" "I would support the UBI if in return we would get rid of all welfare payments, regulation and the only tax would be for UBI Sounds like a sweet deal to me fam.","there would be way too many union jobs lost for that to happen, but it makes a great selling point even if it is a big lie" What is the first alcoholic beverage you had?,Straight gin Yum "Yes, there's absolutely no reason for them outside of combat. I don't give a shit if you need to hunt using your AK-47 or your M16. If you need a semi automatic weapon meant for killing humans to catch your game, then maybe you should log some hours at the range, cause you are a terrible hunter.",You don't shoot much or at all do you? Bonnie WIP 2 (now he doesn't look like freddy anymore),he is freddy now "Fake, also big guys have no cardio. Watch some top MMA and realize how ez you can kite them.",Damn bro got any more sick mma tips because NYPD never gets in pursuits,They do all the time in the movies. Only once he got to a point where Wong was alive again.,"He changed the apple and the book individually and neither of those are alive, I think he could reverse quicksilver back without changing the world around them" "I'm similarly concerned that if Trump wins outright, Obama will seek to decertify the results claiming that Russia rigged the election.","85,000,000 people who own inanimate objects would quickly veto that." can someone site where the 650000 number came from?,dude its a metaphor Nigel Hayes demands change from Wisconsin after racial incident,I am so over Nigel Hayes. Has dice acknowledged they know about this? More often than not I can't see the endgame screen also.,DICE doesn't acknowledge anything other than pure ass-kissing. "Sry, but if you make a Jumper, you have to give certain stats that every jumper weapon has: ~~**Deals no self damage**~~ ~~**+200% max ammo**~~ ~~*Cannot carry the intelligence*~~ Also, the jumper weapon shouldn't deal ANY damage. The main thibng of jumper weapons is that they are made for jumping around and not dealing damage or to learn how to jump with certain weapons. Another problem is that this weapon has increased height and speed from jumps. Jumper weapons shouldn't have betetr movement than their normal counterparts. Learning with this weapon isn't possible because it doesnt provide the same movement as the normal weapon. But the biggest thing I have is that a Jumper Flare Gun would make the Detonator completely useless, because the entire use of the Detonator is the jumping. Making a weapon that focuses on jumping ruins this.",Look at change log pls "I can just imagine the people of 16AD now... Sat around all day thinking about sentient AI, life on other planets, and the next time they'll have chance to look up pictures of funny cats on the Internet.","ideas are unlimited, reality isn't" "I wonder why they even announce plans like this to the public. I'm guessing it's because the operation has been underway for awhile, but they haven't seen much movement from the targets. So they're playing mind games.","And by posting this speculation on Reddit, you've blown the operation out of the water because all Jihadis use Reddit..." That's not how you check if the targeting laser works,Good to see hes wearing the proper safety gear X-Devil mk2 crates Also have: Dominus snakeskin Dominus arcana Octane dragon Lord,"2 c1 crates, 1 c2 crate and red tunica or black sunbursts :)" Eli has the Manning face already,Some say he was born with it. I've heard he does like to grab under the hood to have a look.,But only on luxury and sports cars... You do realize that even 6 degree warming won't kill humanity right?,"You do realize that if I had a nickel for everyone who's already said that I still wouldn't have enough money to convince me any of you are climatologists with more information than what's already out there, right?" It's because we overshadow them. Being a huge city with arguably the biggest Canadian team makes them feel inadequate. It's cool to hate something popular,Leafs are so *mainstream* I agree that this is garbage. Different strokes for,separate minded homo sapiens WiFi,"if wifi becomes dangerous i'd sell myself to medical science to test the dangers, as long as it's fast and they pay for everything." Let's all thank him one last time,# # ThanksObama "Yes, there are no eggs",This egg is not available in your country. Dual-Type Eeveelution Variants (read comments),"Wow, I am loving that mudskipper Vaporeon." Oddly enough this is the opposite for me.,"Yup, a small amount of alcohol helps, but anything more than a shot or beer and I'm socially handicapped on a new level" How Did the Cubs Build a World Series Squad?,Theo bought the WS title! CAUTION: CTR is making fake emails and posting them as screenshots. Make sure to always include a link to the email to ensure its validity.,"This should be made a rule of the sub, any leak MUST contain the direct link to the source." New John Wick 2 poster is so Payday-ish.,"I really want to see a small cameo of the Heisters sitting in the Continental at a table discussing their next score, or something small akin to that in the background." "Because if Brady's still undefeated, we need him to go for the individual 15-0 season to beat the '72 Dolphins and redeem '07.",That's... not how it works... "Problems with the Ottomans as Venice So, I started a game as Venice a couple of days ago, looking forward to the Italian princes dropping out of the HRE so i can form italy. Everything is going well, I have annexed naxos, still hold negroponte, and still hold crete. I had to give up Durazzo and Corfu in a past war with the Ottomans. I am pursuing relations with Cypress, with the eventual plan to annex them and have major trade control. While things might seem fine for now, until i have to go to war with the Italian nations, war with the Ottomans is looming. They have a core of Negroponte, Naxos, and Crete, all major points of trade for my nation. I have a great relationship with Austria and Hungary, as well as the papal states, Im afraid that the Ottomans will go down and try to take full control of Greece before even attacking the Hungarian front. Should i start building up forces on the islands of Naxos and Negroponte? Should i produce a better navy to blockade my islands in case of war? Is is even worth it? Should I just give up those islands if war was to happen? I feel like my nation is backed up on a few islands in the Ottoman's territory and there is not much i could do, as the Ottomans have a better navy than me. Please help, as i think losing those provinces would give me a major loss on trade income. Thanks!","I wouldn't know, but I would advise you build up a fleet that can smash theirs so that they can't get to your provinces." Literally everything you said can't happen either.,It already has in Maine...? At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Sin Cara fucked up Brock.,"Sin Cara beat Jericho, Jericho beat Goldberg, Goldberg beat Lesnar, so that means Sin Cara can beats Lesnar." That's probably true regardless of whether or not they're Jews.,I think the all part there sorta precludes that. "As long as Rocket is in there, I'm good. Love that little bastard.","And if there's Rocket, there's gotta be Groot." "Closing houses? Hi everyone, Just as hopefully everyone else on this sub, I love this game. But I've been having some difficulties, and I'll list them off in hope that some of you can help me out... 1. Houses. In my recent game I've had a terrible starvation where 90% of my population died off. As a result, my survivors were scattered across the map. So I closed buildings in favour of bunching my people up to close walking distance. So now all my people are living in different houses close together, so instead of at least adults coupling up everyone decided they needed their own house. So now, firewood was being used at an insane rate to heat all these barely populated homes. Do I have to demolish every single house to prevent this? A feature to 'close' houses would be perfect to prevent this perhaps. 2. Maps. As a noob player I find it frustrating to get maps that are littered with hills and lakes. Perhaps it's like that to make the game more challenging but can we have some maps that are flatter (noob friendlier...) that don't force me to stretch my town across thin valleys and make forester lodges a pain in the ass to place. I know there are mods for this but vanilla features for this would be wonderful! P.S. How does everyone manage to feed their town past the 150 population point? Nothing seems to help for me.","I haven't played in a while, but I think you can mark them for deletion and pause the work." Everybody rise from your couches and beds.,"Ugh, now there's crumbs everywhere" "Get some agmatine. It will help lower your tolerance and help keep it from building back up. Try 500-750mg 3x daily. Also, find the dose that works for you and stay with it. Taking more and more to chase a feeling is a sure fire way to increase tolerance. Katom's effects can vary from day to day depending on many factors, and it seems like the mood lift can be the most variable. If you are having times where it doesn't seem to do much, taking more will pretty much guarantee that you will start to need more. If you just stick with your normal dose, it will start working again.","If L-arginine metabolizes to agmatine, would taking the L-arginine still help with tolerance, effect, etc?" Gibraltar approves same-sex marriage,Now travelling to:.. Gibraltar. "Was that knick measured is my question, or is there a pic of the knick with a ruler in it? I couldn't find one. But if it less than or;=.329 my theory is moot","I dont remember, it was a long time ago when I looked at that stuff, I wouldnt know where to start" Overhead this at the mall,At least she's not cheating! OP never said what country.,"Only Americans on Reddit, right?" "Discussion day, removed.","damn, can i post this tomorrow?" "They gave Jordan the MVP when he was 35, because he was the best player on the #1 seeded team. This could be Lebrons chance",Agreed Just do it,ID on the AM 95s? "Feels good, I think he could have made that yard though if they let him sneak it. I guess Tyrod just doesn't have the same manly voice EJ does","i agree they should switch that shit up at some point and let him actually run the play, its gotten too predictable also TT is too smooth, EJ could have been a drill sergeant easily" "Maybe he's turned his teammates into that. So he only has to thank one group one time. Everyone says how efficient he is, it isn't necessarily beyond the scope of possibility.",Soylent avocado are PEOPLE. Source? Wamt to hear robbie singing me into sleep.,"She doesn't actually *sing* it, unfortunately." Down voted for being a tit nothing else.,"Downvote me all you want, scrub, right back at you." "Im sorry Aqui, please, call me Roshak. You must understand my apprehensive attitude, My people have been a prime target for slavers for generations. I am happy to connect you with the right people, but I would ask not for credits in return, rather i have a proposition for you that would benefit us both greatly...if you would be interested of course.","Yes of course, and I am always open to hear about new opportunities." They might have been able to handle a woman but certainly not *that* woman. Republicans lose their fucking minds over the Clintons.,Not a nasty woman. What DBZ pops do you want to see?,"I want a three pack of gotenks, goten, and kid trunks" But it was just one game,The salt has been overflowing in other team's subreddits Oh that's right! He killed one at the end. My bad man. I forgot all about that. So I will eat a...,Make Echo proud! I can maybe do Sunday night!,It looks like Sunday is the best time so maybe we should all figure out WTF to do/where to go. "Yeah - I can only really play Shadowpriest forever because I've been playing since release. For the record, my Reno Ressurect N'Zoth Shadowpriest has been a terror in wild? I'm not sure how that helps you, though. =/",Yeah it doesn't help me because no lightbomb xD You had about 1 in a gorillian chance to meet harambe.,Dicks out what was your first thought when you woke up this morning?,Is my homework don- GOD NO! Its just a blister.,Thank you! Got the missing one. Yeah. It has a shell until it loses half its HP. Then the shell breaks away to show whichever color it is.,Thats awesome! "I've seen some of their training, and they do some top-tier level shit. Also, one guy posted how they accidentally spilled hot coffee on of the Cobra after a training session near the town. The guy shook it off, gave a large tip, and paid for the second coffee, even though the one who spilled it on him offered to pay for it.",Coffee immunity sounds like a pretty sweet ability to be honest. "I use microwaves daily. Should I cease doing so? Why? I'm a busy man so I cook some/most of my food in bulk (a few days worth of rice, veg and potatoes) then reheat it via a microwave. Your thoughts????",Cooking in the microwave makes your food radioactive. No way this isn't satire.,Just a friendly reminder that u should [do something a crazy person might do that also sounds vaguely progressive]. Finally took some collection pics,"How do the cheaper fixed blades (Mora, Buck) compare to the higher end ones (Bradford, Cold Steel, Esee)" Does anyone else just deal with gold? When I DM I set gold value to everything. Having to convert to copper or silver just seems annoying and time consuming. Does anyone else do this? Is there any benefit to using copper and silver?,I don't even use gold anymore. Senior year of High School is stressful and now we're reading 1984 by George Orwell which I've read before and hate. DAMN YOU SENIOR ENGLISH,"You sound like me, except sub in 2001: A Space Odyssey and sophomore year (which was, coincidentally, in 2001)." Broward is mostly in and Trump is still up!,data assumed she wins 70% anyway "I'll be at a viewer party with my ground team. If you're in a swing state get on the streets, it's a good time and you'll meet some cool people.",how do i find my ground team? "Of course i have, I'm not a democrat.","Oh, you got him!" "If you were a player in one of these clips its not because I rekted you and wanted to show off. I consider all of these players skilled and worthy opponents, many times they beat me. Please remember these clips are (mostly) from competitive matches, which means feints, drags, and reverse overheads are commonplace and accepted as legitimate game mechanics as they should be. Please keep your personal opinions",Hey that's me Booker salt incoming,Booker salt here. "In the debate, Hillary said that she believes police should use force only when necessary. How could she implement it and how effective would it be at saving lives? I think that there are a few issues here: -The SCOTUS, arbiter of federal oversight on local policing, has established probable cause and objective reasonableness, not necessity, as the test for when police use of force is justifiable under the Constitution. I don't know if the President can change that. -Comparative studies among developed countries that show the police killing rate reformers believe the US should aspire to...afaik these countries all have significant structural differences from the US (less untreated mental illness and less driving per capita as well as more provisions to keep guns and even knives out of the hands of troubled individuals). It might be possible that most US police killings are necessary and would occur in France or Canada under the same circumstances; it's just that those circumstances don't happen there as much as there's less driving, meaning less traffic stops and less concern about unarmed suspects squishing cops with 2 tons machinery, as well as better healthcare and better background checks for guns.","It's already *possible* - if we had a third of the country vote in early voting, and 70% of those voters were registered Democrats and 30% were registered Republicans, you would easily be able to call the election for the Democrats at that point." "At this point I'm not even agitated anymore. I'm just sad. And exhausted. No matter what anyone says, or shows, to this individual they will never change their mind.",The thing is they feel the exact same way about Hillary voters and the crazy amount of corruption that keeps coming out in the emails. Euroclassic Furniture is already courting Chloe,"My favorite sign there recently was ANIMALS CAN CROSS THE STREET QUICKLY, WHY NOT HUMANS?" "Louie's is famous for its attention to detail, food and design alike. Just look at this fine belly mirror.","Well, I'll have someone get right on that." Eddie Bauer.,I like Eddie Bauer :( Matthews first NHL goal,"Auston Matthews leads the NHL in goals and points, as we all expected" "Awww, the alt-right suddenly becomes sensitive when the other side drops the PC mindset and actually tells it like it is.","As much as i disagree with her saying this, I couldn't agree more with your statement." H Build Discussion Thread Discuss bugs and features here as well as provide feedback to changes.,"Any key that is bound to the mouse is bugging out like crazy, here are a list of functions that are bugging out when bound to the mouse: * Sprint * Reload * Debug for planes" Why don't you guys go ahead and elect one?,Una Cum Michael And they should change up the ring girls outfits.,New motto: Less is more? I see four people without a pet,5 guy behind the inventory doesn't have one Guthix staff isn't free...,Lul what's bazz's snap?,phenom15balla lmao ~~CARDGAMES~~ POKEMONBATTLES ON TAUROS,"HAHAHAHAHAHA, the 5Ds reference" It's great. I'd preorder it but I swore I'd never do that again. I'll buy it when it releases. Shove the extra skins up your ass EA.,"I pre-ordered 2k17 for the 92 dream team and the free snapback, i feel dirty right now" Overwatch is mentaly unhealthy.,They also had a horrific pose which was thankfully removed. "Here's an interesting tidbit for you: This has been reported in many places, not just the register.",I think the poster understands that; was simply implying the register does have some issues with editing or quality. Who's voice could you listen to for hours on end?,Scarlett Johanson. Yes you'll be able to control it via RS232. but why not put in an Extron touch panel?,"Because, who doesn't love a support nightmare?" What's the worst second-hand embarrassment you've ever experienced?,I got sacked from my job at the watch factory because I kept forgetting to put in some of the really important bits. "Made a cinematic music video with the first 2 trailers, thought you guys would enjoy it!","That was pretty cool, good stuff :)" Kinda like major media news in the US right now. They're just friends of Obama and the Clinton's who censor the truth and allow a bunch of biased bullshit.,"All hail Fox news, the source of all unbiased journalism" To be honest she has slightly less chance of getting reelected than a snowflake has in a blast furnace.,You are clearly well informed about german politics Or a level 4 YouTube Hero.,Did they actually roll that shit out after the backlash? ^^^^card ^^^^subject ^^^^to ^^^^change,^^^subject ^^^to ^^^skin ^^^colour The board artists obviously didn't want to draw that kiss. Their hearts are with Starco.,The Starco Army is the Strongest "all minister salaries are pegged to global standards, Parliamentary attendance and yearly improvements made to 99.9% of Singaporean lives. no bonuses allowed.",Ministers become corrupted due to low pay "Can I upvote this twice? Yeah perhaps again, all we need is another 10 years",All you need is another 5 years to vote them out ELI5: MimbleWimble,"thx rusty (and all other devs), great work." "Mercier playing a $100k with JCarver livecasting, hole cards up.","Also Doug Polk streaming the same tournament, no hole cards but also not a bad reg." "The US is more amazing than Europe. Not only are there no border crossings, but the currency and language is the same in all those countries, unlike in the Schengen area! So amazing!",ok the sarcasm is obvious in that one "I mean... Didn't he say it was specifically rigged against him? He's onto something, but it goes beyond him and HRC",I think it might be rigged against the Jews I thought Lyin Ted was a lizard person. Turns out he's just the Zodiac Killer and Hillary is the lizard person.,And Obama is a Muslim "I have them down for the same record as last year, which won't be a 7-8 seed, but will be a disappointment for many.",I think roughly same as last year would be good considering we benefited from injuries to key competitors and didn't face many ourselves. Thanks!,"fuck off to woolwich with your politeness, scum" "It was quite clear to be honest. All the theories people had etc had her doing some hacking on players. I was even discussing it in the discord and said about a hack that disables other abilities. We knew she was a hacker from the ARG, so why wouldn't she use her hacking within the game?",Because fuck the ARG The field mouse would have eventually churned the pool into butter and simply climbed out.,"WHICH MOUSE AM I, FRANK?!" Phase 1 on 12/15. That's all.,looking forward to it Or recording so there's a record of what happened whenever the cops get involved. Recording a situation like this isn't an awful idea.,No part of this situation required a police officer. Your get damage resistance when you have the spark.,"I know you're probably not a Rift expert, but could being the Spark Runner somewhat tank a Bladedancer cutting into them?" "It's also rude to wear a wedding dress in otehr cultures. In a south asian wedding, you can wear a red dress, but if you bling it out like a bride, then that is horrible. But some women still do this, I don't understand, whyy!!",Piggybacking on the attention. Zoom suffered a fate far worse than death.,"To me, he's been dead for centuries..." "Yeah, I definitely agree that market share is by far the biggest factor. It's unfortunate, but I'll probably never be able to get rid of the Windows dual boot in my machines since I'm a heavy gamer. I didn't downvote you in any case.",I'm glad you understand the point I'm making :) how do you aim and Control your recoil? its weird i prefer to make small adjustments to my mouse rather then dragging it across the whole mouse pad so i play at a relitively high sensitivity and do quite well if i say so myself. the biggest problem i have however if the ememy doesnt die within first couple of seconds of firing i often lose them in the iron sights yet watching some other peoples videos they seem to keep the recoil perfectly in check. maybe i need to change my ways for a smoother approach to controlling recoil? give me your take,"I would lower your sensitivity, but if you really dont want to do that, all it takes is practice to get the muscle memory right." Keep your eyes on the Perez,I like your taco on this topic! "I know some countries laws make a distinction legally, but this is in my opinion wrong. You do not have free speech if you cannot say whatever you want, there is no grey area here either you can say anything or you are not free.","No you don't get it, you're free just don't say me things." I feel like this line is the sort of thing I hate most about advertising. It's not even a cleaver disguise.,Care to expand on your frustrations? To be fair that is what makes the joke funny. It's black humour.,That's racist. "Have you had that coffee? It's rather hit or miss. Not that keurig coffee is great, but least it's getting brewed fresh.",They sell large k cups I think called k carafes. I'm going to need these two big boys to oil each other up so I can make a proper assessment on how tight they are,they need to hire a turkish oil coach "That argument is shit because that's not a military rifle. It's a .223 round. Military use .556 NATO std and higher. And your statement on blanket fire is b.s. Because it's not an automatic weapon. As far as rifles go this one is perfect for home defense. Short barrel, small round. Will not cause a lot of collated damage.","You realize that .223 and 5.56 are damn near interchangeable, and that headspacing is just about the only thing that makes a difference between the two?" Yes.,no. Ah I wish I would have thought of this. Would have rather had a low key for 3chest runs then starting with an Eye of Azshara +5.,Yeah that's what I'll try to do aswell :) Karazhan lock out bugged,Enjoy mythic boss farming :) EDIT : Seriously though report it if not already done Puma - Harasser Montage,Nice one! "Janet Reno, First Woman to Be U.S. Attorney General, Dead at 78",Maybe she had the dirt on Clinton Being able to watch acestream links on Xbox One would be more useful to me than Windows 10 Mobile.,Didn't get it to work via XB1 but from PC to Chromecast works if you're wanting to get a stream up onto the big screen. Germans as Germans.... Germans have never been able to design anything. The only answer is a Square... and when they try its as awkward as Trump and Clinton before the 2nd debate...,Something must have gone wrong after WW2 as their uniforms were much cooler than any of the allies! Well it's not sv_voiceenable,"stupid typo, i am talking about the actual command" "Typical ctr shill daily to do list: 1. Wake up 2. Commit crimes against my fellow Americans. 3. Incite hate, and bullying. 4. Collect $20.",Collect $0.02* Found this guy at AWA 2016. Papa Bless!,But how good was his chub 'n tuck? I guess that's better than Rolando Mota Del Campo or Armando Casas Rojas.,Elver Galarga MY ALLEN CAPPED SPEED AND STRENGTH WAY BEFORE I DROPPED LANCE BUT YOU KNOW WHATEVER ITS COOL WE CAN HAVE DIFFERENT OPINIONS,~~I was making a joke~~ It's a little soupy out there this morning,Awesome photo Of course. How dumb or how young you think I am?,"Well your are someone from the Internet, I don't always hold many of you to a high standard." reviews coming out of her wherever,Agreed this is pure gold. 'Member Gains,Ohhhh I 'member Where is my hairbrush?,Everybody's got a water buffalo Since before he learns to read.,You'd also have to know what Ex Lax is Meow,If you put a butter up piece of toast on a cats back and throw it out of a two story window you're an asshole. "Majority of Americans would buy the bridge in Brooklyn, particularly from a salesman named Trump.",I don't consider 47% a majority. "Crisco is made of animal fat. It's not vegan either. lol Vegan butter would probably be made from almond oil, or vegetable oil.",coconut oil is a popular one too. What flag is that?,North Korea So in your opinion there's absolutely nothing we should do in order to defend ourselves *before* attacks happen? Just sit around and let ourselves be slaughtered?,"He said it's the only proper response to terrorism, so I assume he's talking about what we should with respect to a particular attack (or attempted attack) that has taken place." "Someone has stolen my identity, hacked a forum, and leaked my ebook. Help! Hi I am based in the UK. I am not sure about the perpetrator(s) of the crimes. I am an non-fiction author. I write e-books and sell them on my website. It appears someone has done the following: i) either stolen or illegally released copy of my book. They have hosted the book on the darknet and the onion link appears higher than my actual website meaning people have no reason to purchase it. This has resulted in serious loss of earnings for me. I have not sold a book in a month which seems to coincide when the book was released ii) It seems they have also joined a UK based online forum pretending to me and have flooded the forum with lewd images and harassed forum members whilst impersonating me. I believe the forum administrators are also debating legal action against me? They have closed all forms of communication with me as they believe I am responsible for the attacks Should I contact the police? I estimate my loss of earnings based on previous sales total 2000GBP Please advise what I should do and how much it is likely to cost me to rectify all of the above! I am really upset by this",Does Google even show .onion links? "Yes, that is exactly what I just said before though? Can we not talk about the value of things without it meaning I'm gonna get mad about it?","my bad, i didn't notice both comments were yours" It's strange they say the limit is 10 mph. It seemed to be around 20 when my girlfriend and I were at Victory yesterday.,Source on the 10mph? "There just is no way to have humans on Mars by 2030 with the technology currently available. Maybe, MAYBE, if nasa had never had its budget reduced after the 60's, but even then, I very highly doubt it. And that would be a massive budget. And before anyone starts to make connections between the 60's and now, please note that the race to the moon didn't start with kennedy's speech. Additionally, an 8-day mission is completely different than a 2.5 to 3-year mission. Maybe if the em drive pans out, but even then there are significant unsolved challenges. For example, the lunar Gravity is about 1/9 that of earth. Martian is about 1/3. The amount of fuel needed to blast off from Mars is significant. We just have a lot of challenges yet to solve, and no politician can make a plan with a timeline that involves developing new technology. Kennedy threw down a challenge- he didn't claim to have a plan.",You know the prototype SpaceX Mars craft is under construction right now? "Dear Reckful, A Compilation Of ST Peach Dance Moves. Enjoy!",y'all have too much time on your hands LUL. Chinese Space Program,Wooooow Where u at p1mple? Considered the best player in the world but instead of pulling out such plays like niko he get one lucky falling shot and a follow up lucky noscope. And people still praise him for that. Ridiculous.,Since when does plays make you a better player? Right. It was sarcasm.,ah That was a nonsensical reply.,I thought you'd understand the phrase because it means you're looking at the same facts but see them differently. "Why would you expect UK to have a bigger or smaller drop than the rest if the major markets? If UK is a representative market, then the statistic is meaningful.",BECAUSE 'MURICA IS ALL THAT MATTERS The Weeknd's Starboy full album is now on Spotify,about goddam time lol Prolly and Travis interviews are the best,Thorin and Travis interviews are better was that your safe word? cause thats not my safe word.,Pretty sure stop is everyone's default safe-word. This story is completely fabricated. FYI: The Denver Guardian is literally a fake news web site.,Perfect for this sub than Wall St. soars as FBI clears Clinton ahead of election,"I don't understand this, can someone ELI5?" "Coleman, Ogbah, Nassib, and Kessler have all looked like solid picks. How can anyone see the Collins trade as bad? In the absolute worst case scenario it's a wash. Isn't Wentz starting to look pretty bad sometimes? Hiring the top HC candidate. When's the last time that has happened here? Just my off the head things that I believe the regime has done right.",Because Collins is supposed to single handedly make our defense unbeatable after one week of practice "for the past 2 games, our defense played an extra game's worth of time Our defense has been on the field for 82 minutes in the past 2 games while our offense has only been on the field for 52 minutes. That's an extra 30 minutes, which is roughly a game's worth of time. Our offense needs to do something better than 3 and outs all night. We need to take control of the clock and keep the Bills on the field. If we can do this, then we'll get a win. Pure and simple.",Lockett to the rescue? Political correctness might be finally losing to common sense? Either that or hell has froze over and the Browns are going to the Super Bowl.,Hating trans people is the new politically correct. "To all those complaining about the S7 Edge.... I see a lot of people whining about having to downgrade to a S7 Edge phone. Let me remind you it has the same EVERYTHING except for no S-PEN, .2 inch screen and 32gb storage that I never came close to filling. The comments I am reading about people calling the S7 edge hot garbage, Tonka Toy, etc is downright stupid. Grow up people.",How else will we feel superior if not by our amazing taste in phones? thank,mr monstrata Anlasamadigina vatan haini demeyen vatan hainidir.,"Checkmate, vatan haini." Makes jokes about vegans? Clearly must die.,Omni's are so sensitive "Why wouldn't it be legal? You could do a back-heel and no one would care (except your teammates and coach), as long as your run-up is 1 continuous motion.",I don't know all the ins and outs of soccer. "Tomorrow, every person on earth wakes up one foot tall. How have our day to day lives been affected?","I'd invest, or create a new step ladder company and be rich." Idea,Too confusing for new players Postgame Thread: Colts 23 - Texans 26 Just wow.,If you still believe that Pagano shouldn't be fired get the fuck off this subreddit. "Private property are the means of production. For example factories, or anything else that is used to make profit. Personal property is basically anything else (eg the things in your flat).",Would your house be considered personal property to you but private property to your landlord? "Which player on your team deserves a Super Bowl ring the most? For the Dolphins it has to be Cameron Wake. Ever since being undrafted out of Penn State, and bouncing around practice squads before going to play in Canada and honing his craft, he's been a top 4-3 Defensive End in the league. He works harder than anyone I've ever heard of and I hope we go get him a ring this year.",Navarro Bowman and ex 49er Frank Gore. "1) You are supposed to have oxygen over 12,000 I believe. I don't remember if full or part time at 15,000. You won't pass out either, it's not too thin to breathe, just wouldn't be good for too long, or if you're not healthy. 2) You do not need to talk to ATC unless you are in controlled airspace. Most airspace is class G, which is uncontrolled. Most controlled airspace is around Towered airports. So generally, if you're 15 miles from major airports, you're safe. However, you cannot fly above 18,000 feet without filing an IFR flight plan. Needless to say, a paramotor is not IFR capable :)","Most airspace is Class E, which is controlled, with Class G underlying at 1200agl or 700agl." "How to download PTS fast?? anyone can help me get the download fast 35GBs, any guide here!",Get faster Internet? Thats CA for you.,How dare they enforce the law. Somebody needs to go back in time and stop BMTH releasing Suicide Season. Chugga-burpa,The riff is literally Shadow Moses from Sempiternal "Okay, most of this isn't all that surprising to me. Growing up in the south, I heard most of that stupid shit all the time. But what the fuck do Trump, the 2nd Amendment, and Hillary have to do with the bible?",You must have missed the passage where Jesus bashes a disciple for using an unsecured email server. "He had 3 personal fouls, punched 2 49ers players, grabbed a neck, and made contact with an official. I've never seen him behave that way it was totally bizarre. But yeah it was way more than one dumb decision",I don't think he likes playing on that team much. "I love her style of comedy, it's like the equivalent of dance like nobody is watching.",Ok so this is already a better story than the last movie xpost r/wtf: guy survives refueling station explosion,mawp It's hilarious watching them denounce this bullshit logic now that the right is using it. It's like they KNEW it was nonsense all along when THEY were using it.,"No, the best part is that people said this would happen the last time." We need a Titan Vs Monsters Gamemode as Future DLC. Seriously how is there no good games where you can team up with friends to fight Giant monsters in Mechs yet. It would be really awesome to see the wildlife chew up Grunts and the Grunts exclaiming 'HOLY SHIT'. Please make it happen.,"Oh dude, imagine something Lost Planet 2 style but Titanfall." Chillist president ever.,Actually that would be Woodbro Chillson. "Based on my year, for this average to exist, some guy out there seriously *fucks*.",I mean i have like 250 or 300 times this year so its not crazy lakers are the funnest team to root for and watch in basketball right now.,"It's too bad Kobe didn't stick around for another year to be a part of this great camaraderie, the team would be even better..." Trump pays IRS penalty following controversial donation,Note to the press: **This** is what a quid pro quo looks like. "FATHER, I did it. Mike (as Springtrap) is talking to his father who is William. They thought I was you. He's talking to his father who is William.","They thought I was you as in the ghost children thought Mike was William, which is how he ended up in SpringTrap." Are you seriously generalizing all cats' political ideologies right now?,Found the monarchist. He didn't say the man was arrested - just ticketed which *can* happen. You can get a ticket for not clearing the snow off your car under the Highway Traffic Act. Failing to do so could obstruct your view or another driver's view.,Ah My bad We should totally start a war with these guys over some Syrians.,I better vote Hillary because I hear she really works well with the Russians. To all the people freaking out about the US election results. You're Being Ridiculous,just look at those dumb-ass establishment-shilled aristocrats Rare UFO sighting around ITALY,I remember watching X-Files when i was a kid scared shitless and that soundtrack brings back the fright :( "The 1500 Germans from Operation Paperclip were granted a special safe haven status and then some on to US Citizenship by the US Gov of the day. If we need you, there are ways....",Ve haff ways of making you ~~talk~~ help our space program. "If the committee is going to put an Ohio State team that didn't win its conference or play in its conference championship game into the playoff two years after putting Ohio State over a TCU team with a much better resume because TCU didn't play in a conference championship game, then the committee should just drop all pretense and institute a two blue blood minimum.",lol TCwho? "Here is the list: * Newt Gingrich as secretary of state * Rudy Giuliani as attorney general * Reince Priebus as chief of staff * Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as secretary of defense or national security adviser * Steve Mnuchin, Trump's finance chair, as secretary of the Treasury * Lew Eisenberg, RNC finance chair, as secretary of commerce",Wow he's really draining that swamp huh? Does anybody remember the thing you could put in your Youtube link to watch it internationally?,yh subtitute you with red TIL you can get 2.4 M subs and 1.1 M views by making complete shit,Holy shit that music is annoying. Guess who I'm being for Halloween.....,Bugs Bunny? TFW it has been 17 days since Trump got elected but the libtards at your college are still whining about it,It's not over The article is about gaming culture and the idea of being social despite not being near anyone physically.,"Ah, but shouldn't the real person in the middle be holding a controller as well?" "When you finally get a Legendary skin. But not the one you want, scrap it, buy a superior pack and then get the same skin again",I only scrap stuff when I already have it in my inventory. "Got 2 GA tickets for Sam's Town Saturday, Cheap! PM me for details, figured I'd hook up the Reddit victims before turning to eBay!",Maaaaaaan why aren't they coming to Englanddddd D': fuck wild pigs. there's a reason there's no season and no limit on those fuckers where I'm from. they're mean and destructive and very intelligent,Like all the women in my life "Me with girl I wanted to date but she ended up sleeping with my best friend now upset with me because I don't want to date her Wall of text incoming. You can skip to tl;dr but even that ended up being a little long. This is going to sound like a lot of high school bullshit and really it is. Back story is this. A group of friends and mine eat at a local pub once a week during football season and have done so for about 3 years. A new waitress started working there in July (before the season started but we eat there sometimes outside of game day). She was a knockout, beautiful brunette with really blue eyes. She starts waiting our table and she is very friendly. No big deal, its a waitresses job to be friendly so I never think anything about it. We come back in pre-season and she is still there and once again get our table. This time since we are there for a few hours to watch the game she spends a lot of time with us and she talks with me a lot. Now honestly I'm not the greatest at picking up on social cues, I always just assume that the wait staff is just trying to get an extra tip. But my friends in the past have told me I have blown opportunities when they say a girl was hitting on me so I kind of take a leap of faith here and I ask her if I can text her sometime. We exchange numbers and we start doing some very casual texting. Thursday of that week I have a client in town that I have to entertain for the night and well I thought I'd try my luck and see if she was there. Bingo, she's working and take our table all is good. Again she goes out of her way to stick around and talk with us, we came in late so they were closing and she came over and sat with us for awhile. Again I think things are going great. I text her the next day and tell her how happy I was to see her and she returns the feelings on this. Well Sunday comes we are there and once again she is there. Things go the exact same way so by this time I have really started to think that we are both leading towards something and I just decide that after the game I will ask her if she will go out with me sometime. Of course I do this away from everyone so as to not look creepy or anything. She turns me down flat. She say's that I have misread her and she enjoys talking and texting with me but she is not interested in seeing me in that way. Ouch. I'm a big boy, I apologize for misreading the situation and tell her that I won't trouble her again. Hey you swing you miss, it happens. I was not upset other than what you typically will feel when you get flat out rejected like that, but that's just life. A couple of weeks go by and she was not at work for the first game, which if I'm being honest i was a little relieved about. But she was there for the second one. This is when one of my friends Derrick leans over and tells me hey man you see that waitress there, I've been tapping that now for about 2 weeks. Okay this all makes some sense now, she was just being friendly around me to get with Derrick, it sucks but hey its life. Now I happen to know that Derrick is a real douche canoe when it comes to women, he is a player and he sticks with them a month or two and then moves on. I like him as a guy but bluntly speaking I'm just not that way so it kind of bugs me when he does that because in the past myself and a few of the other guys have been caught in his damatic shitstorm when he runs into a woman who does not take kindly to this. Anyway I just totally put the whole thing out of my mind until about 2 weeks ago. Derrick as I knew he would dumped her. It really kind of upset some of the guys because he did this with a person where we go to frequently so this is going to be awkward for everyone. Sure as shit she is there when we come in but she did not take our table. It was very obvious that she traded off. However at half time of the game she catches me coming out of the bathroom and she starts chatting me up. I reply to her as I would any other time and then I return to the game. Then on Monday I get a text from her telling me how great it was to talk to me yesterday. I just replied back good talking to you as well. That was it or so I thought. Then all of a sudden she starts texting me every day several times a day. Sometimes I don't even reply to her. Then the next Sunday she is once again working our table but she is totally focusing on me this time and pretty much just gives polite conversation to anyone else. Then when we were all leaving she runs up to me as says aren't you even going to say goodbye, which confused the shit out of me. So I told her goodbye and she say's to me hey I've been thinking about you a lot lately and I really would like to go out with you sometime. At this point I kind of had a feeling that this is where this was headed so I just simply told her yea, sorry but once someone tells me that they aren't interested in me then I try and move for my own sanity and that the ship had kind of sailed for that. She gave me kind of a disgusted grunt and turned and left. It's over right? Wrong. The next day I get a wall of text that was fluctuated between anger and apologizing. Basically she said she spoke with Derrick after I rejected her and she found out that I knew about them. She then went into this long rant about how it was wrong for me to slut shame her for being with someone else when we were not even a couple. How that it was unfair that I really liked her but now that I found out she was with one of my friends that she was dirty. I'll spare you the rest because it was a train wreck with her ending up apologizing for everything she said at the end. I sent back a very short response to her telling her that her dating Derrick had nothing to do with any of it. That her telling me that she did not think of me that way was the reason for all of it and now I didn't think of her that way. She then sent several texts trying to explain herself and ultimately I just ignored all of them because honestly she sounded like a dumpster fire. I eventually just texted her back and said at the end of the day she is an employee of a place I frequent and that is the relationship that we have. This did not go over well so I blocked her phone. Now WTF do I do about this sunday? As far as I'm concerned I've been going there a lot longer than she worked there, we were never a couple so I do not feel like I need to avoid the place. So if she has any form of attitude or badgers me do I tell her manager or should I try and get everyone to move to a different location? It would be one thing if I did what Derrick did but in the end for some reason I'm the bad guy and I've never even been out with this woman but I'm some sexist pig because she slept with one of my friends and now she thinks that is the reason I don't want to date her. tl;dr: Met waitress who was hot and thought we made a connection but I was wrong, she shot me down. No big deal I move on, one of my friends starts sleeping with her and as is par for his course dumps her after about a month. She then tries to hit me up again and this time I reject her, she flips her shit because she say's I'm sexist for rejecting her because she had sex with one of my friends. This was not the reason but now I'm afraid to go to my local pub.",All I know is that I wouldn't want to be tunnel-brothers with Derrick. This is correct. : ) She has a Robocop tattoo that she can't show.,Edgy "Halal in the streets, haraam in the sheets",Pretty sure she's still in the sheets on the street. quite the revelation,DLC5 Confirmed At last we will reveal ourselves to the humans. At last we will have revenge.,...eventually So you only get cancer of the gums and tongue?,"jup, pretty much." Die malse makkers van Lekker Spelen natuurlijk,Technisch gezien zijn die knapperige knapen er twee "gelukkig zijn die scandinaviers allemaal zo anti-confrontatie, ze zullen zichzelf nooit durven verdedigen helemaal niet tegen onze lange en sterke landgenoten!",Volgens duitsland gaf scandinavie meer weerstand. Grandparents favorite memorial Dark roast blend. Full body robust flavor,ouch "It's Merry* Christmas But I had a good laugh anyway, so up it goes...",Ops :) "Except not. While 'any idiot' can learn the basics, and even order custom printed genetic material, actually getting it into a living organism (and one capable of spreading the trait in reproduction) is absolutely NOT something you'll be doing in your dining room.","Darn, there goes my hope of a superhuman version of me." How much % physical mitigation does he have?,Afaik shaper does no phys damage I'm Batman,BICMAN! So far all Trump has said is that he wants to keep the benefits of the plan like children up to 26 staying on the plan and covering pre existing conditions. There's going to be a lot of fighting over the details come January but everything in this article is speculation at this point. If he repeals the ACA and keeps these two things as he's suggested it'll blow up the cost of health insurance for everyone.,"I mean, if you force insurers to cover pre-existing conditions without the mandate, why even have insurance until you get sick?" Wikileaks has never released a fake document.,"actually a number of the documents released as part of the Clinton emails were in fact forged or altered, whether by WikiLeaks or the person or persons who supplied them, is unknown." What is one scene from any movie that will make you get teary eyed regardless of when/where you see it?,The it should've been me scene from *Stand By Me*. What is the creepiest thing that society accepts as a cultural norm?,Contracts of love A.K.A the traditional marriage model 1 gas grenade would be pretty much useless and inferior to other grenades imo... most people would stop using them completely. I certainly would. 2 are great for clearing houses. One grenade downstairs and the 2nd one through the window upstairs.,"As in I don't know where the enemy is, so let me spam the entire building?" "Gotta balance those prayers for Trump guys Let's all hail Satan in the name of Hillary, since she and Podesta are demon worshipping Satanists Gotta balance the love Jeebus gets for Drump. If Satan wasn't real, how would Hillary get this far in the election?? HUH??? Checkmate Asatanist","God chose Ted Cruz, so I think Ted Cruz still has a chance." Why is this in r/Libertarian?,Why wouldn't it be? The real peasantry here is how naive the OP is,It's called a shitpost and lmao yah are these people real?,Maybe a CTR shill? What is your favourite classic early 2000s video game?,I love Majora's Mask. "When you realize Alchemy is the best way to get money (no mods, Xbox one)","Potions seller, I am going to battle and i need only your strongest potions." This is like business owners who don't think workers deserve a living wage because they didn't work hard and start a business. If 90% of workers took thier advice and started a business no one would be left to work for anyone. So their sytem requires that most people be a worker but they don't deserve a living because they don't start a business...,"Hey, it's fine as long as it's **me** at the top." "Now being sold for $12,000. Also, the iLife 2 removes your aorta and instead has telekentic powers","Just don't miss a payment, or you'll have to deal with repo." Araki did an album cover of Dirty Loop's japanese edition of their debut album. Searched the reddit and didnt see any posts about it!,They better get a JJL stand named after them "Thought I'd make the British Raj, am I doing it right?",I mean putting a load of pale people into a desert seems pretty good right "So proud of myself, couldn't have done it without this sub though",Congrats man! "Could the W1 chip be used for non-audio devices, such as the Magic Mouse? My Magic Mouse always seems to have a nightmare connecting to my laptop, and it randomly disconnects a few times a day as well. Could the W1 chip be used to connect the Magic Mouse and other wireless peripherals to future Apple computers?","If the W1 is intended to improve connectivity, then yes." He still hasn't lost mid to anyone in any game that matters.,He lost mid to PawN in a series that would have auto qualified SKT to worlds in season 4. Dunkirk - Official Poster,I wonder how Harry Style's performance is going to be in this. Charles Johnson doesn't have any trade value.,"Neither does AP really, definitely not worth our best lineman" "The Trump campaign sent a rather large and expensive-looking piece of direct mail to my husband, looking for a money donation and his vote. Trouble is, my husband is not a US citizen and thus can neither donate to nor vote for Trump. I have no idea where they got his address, since he's not on any voter rolls. He does not subscribe to any magazines at our home address, which is a PO box. I opened the mail to see if I could rip it into tiny pieces and mail back in a prepaid envelope, but you had to put a stamp on to return it. So I heaved it in the recycle bin in the post office lobby, and noticed quite a few people had also received the same big envelope and trashed it unopened. The mailing had like a dozen separate pieces of crap inside, all printed, so that had to cost money to prepare, print, collate, etc. Direct mail solicitations like that have a notoriously poor return ratio, so it's nice to see Trump is wasting money on ineffective, old-fashioned, expensive direct mail efforts. The graphics and design looked more like something from Publisher's Clearinghouse than a political campaign.",My great aunt has been dead for 2 years and gets mail from the Trump campaign Why do my players play like shit? first 2 games i play everything is fine and smooth. Now they dont even make runs or pass the ball straight?,bc they play for tottenham It's the total amount of electoral votes in the American presidential election,"Wait, but my username has 538, so am I Illuminati?" "1350-yds, 16-tds in one game.",When did we start talking about Josh Gordon in this thread? "Another stop-and-stare article from the guardian. They are legitimizing the exploitation of the most vulnerable, by equating it with work this time. Good times for the global rich, pimps and social workers",What do you have against social workers? It wasn't mine.,"Oh, oops" Guys?,What about those short guys with all of the amazing tech? I don't know what other people have been reading but I just read an article on a dude that likes public wanking both in the car and in the middle of the day in busy parking lots. A man who should have stopped the first time the cops came to him but didn't. Who clearly didn't need to stay awake when he needs to concentrate on driving or it's the middle of the day in a BUSY PARKING LOT. He's clearly an exhibitionist who's started to amp up his game. He lost that game.,But Ranger? "The he found Germany in ruins myth is so prevalent, I wonder if they actually know that WW1 left Germany almost untouched. So untouched, in fact, that the military and upper echelons went WTF WHY DID WE SURRENDER, which created the Dolchstosslegende and thus Hitler.","The Army itself was kinda anahilated by the end of the war and the country was experiencing food and manpower shortages, but the same was true for France and Britan." What is ALL?,What Are Next? And yet your post is still here?,"Some of the top comments are anti-Clinton, but don't stop a guy from letting his narrative inform his perception of reality." "R/The_Donald for press secretary. Yes, all of us.",Throwing my name in the hat for Shitposting Ambassador. The real thug zed,"Holy shit, Ekko ult strat 2.0" "Huh, sounds like we need that back asap. I really liked the theme we had for FNAF's first anniversary last year. Where everything was a different shade of red. It was epic, but only lasted one day. :/","Man sounds awesome, I really want a night mode, then my eyes won't die everyday." Maybe you should make and effort to find people that share similar interests.,Who needs friends when you have r/ff Hopkins,Gronk "It depends, having lane pressure is *amazing*, and whoever decides to play Ravana will most likely use that to their advantage by rotating to mid camps to get further ahead, invade buffs and potential ganks in mid. Some teams might try to win like that. Or, obviously, they can play Amaterasu, lose lane, and just win team fights if they hold out long enough. There's not really a factually better option, it just depends on how things go. As of right now, winning the laning phase and just having tons of map control is something ALG might do, while going for the mid-late game team fights is something LG might go for. Probably. I'm not an analyst, that's just my opinion.",This season is all about late game and having a strong early game solo laner is no where near as valuable as having a late game team fight solo laner on a pro competitive level. "She was looking at her bum, with a finger of good rum",Mom's spaghetti all over her forhead Damn you making me wanna play Crysis again,Maximum hype! TIL Rodham isn't her middle name. Her Middle name is Diane. Rodham is her maiden name.,Welcome to how female names in America generally work. "NHL B-T Power Rankings - November 7, 2016","BACK ON THE CHART BOYS, WOOOHOOO!" They remade rocky horror!? That's like remaking anchorman. The original is unimprovable,"It was a remake, but it also made homage to the midnight-movie cult status by dispersing scenes of a theater audience throughout." Have you ever seen Adventure Time?,If she was a real fan she's rip her arm off and plant a flower there instead! Why don't homeless people just buy a house?,r/dankmemes Ben Jacobs: An attendee at the Trump rally is shouting at media that part of North Carolina is turning into Little India & cites underground tunnel,I love it when racist jimmies get rustled. You mean Miranda Lawson?,Miranzo Why are there not a lot of fics taking place in the 1930s and 40s? Heck even the 50s and 60s I don't know if I just haven't been looking hard enough or what. So so much could be done with the time period. Grindalwalds reign how ww2 and the blitz effects the wizarding world how has this not been done yet? Tell about hagrids childhood. Expand tom riddles story show the beginning of the death eaters . Moody's auror career Dumbledore aprenticing under flamel. Go into the 50s and 60s. Voldamort learning obscure magic Dumbledores early years as headmaster the cold war the 60s and the hippie movement. The Korean and Vietnam wars but from the wizards side Their is so much of the wizards past era's we get hints of in the books but the only one expands by fans is the marauder school days Come on guys their is about 30 or so years of wizarding history with both potential new characters and of course one's we know of. Dumbledore Hagrid Tom riddle just waiting to be written. My person fic I want to see the wizards world durring ww2 What Story do you want to see written from the years 1930-1970?,"Because Wizards have enough trouble handling relatively sane modern fashion, imagine them trying to figure out Mod fashion!" The thing is I got to Global in 32 games after quitting completely for 2 years. Even if I am better than someone in this game it feels unrewarding because 90% of the actions that result in a kill or being killed are just random.,Yeah no Why does this dude talk like Gollum? Is that his schtick? It's really distracting and somehow irritating.,I don't hear what you're hearing. Psychics are bitches.,"You don't talk about Miss Cleo like that, whore!" Out there in this crazy world there is a man with 2 dicks.,he's also very open minded! Did you even read it? I summarized it perfectly.,"I did, its puppy love, dont be mean to the faglings" "Anyone has nice suggestions for general ~~vandalism~~ glorious street memes, aside form the hammer and sickle?","Street memes is my new term for graffiti, thank you comrade." ....buddy I can ask my GFs grandfather who was there. It changed one tyrant to another,"You seem to think I'm weighing in on the conversation, I'm not, I know nothing about Cuba and don't claim to." Rico is not happy with Kinky's pad choice,"Yea, I agree clearly bias has been committed." "Who are hillary's voters? Hipsters obviously, but who else?",Dead people. Van Explodes After Ramming Australian Christian Lobby Office in Canberra,He couldn't see through his white male privelage and this is the consequence for it -Salon/CNN/MSNBC/Facebook Portals!,If only. And The Favorites To Win the 2017 NBA Title Are......,jesus celtics are so overhyped everywhere What's up with edgy millenials and communism/anarchism?,It's a sick ass meme. fuck you volvo (love these though <3),I see the reference "Examples of strong evidence, please. And citing the NSA does not count.",lol I like how T_D folks love government institutions when they fit their narrative but otherwise shrug them off. Todd McLellan says Pakarinen out at least a month and Davidson at this point day-to-day.,"I hope someone knocks Pearson out for the season, let's see his smirk then." gayness,bi You forgot the part about Jesus coming down and punching all the gays the stomach. I honestly hate what you're doing here but its got me laughing my ass off.,"It's a reference to a popular copypasta based on those FB forwards--I can't remember exactly how it goes, but that's the gist of it." I wonder if he was fucking with me. I can't accept that someone is this stupid.,Pretty sure he was fucking with you. "Explains why she hasn't deleted the history? I mean, if your dad (assuming he's good with computers) watched gay porn, wouldn't he have deleted his history? Maybe your mom has done it instead?",Maybe they watch it together and don't think to delete it. "Fuck you council. This one project would have completely changed traffic patterns on the east and southeast side of the city. Next time you're sitting in traffic on Lag, or when a train slowly creeps down Archibald, remember they don't give a shit about anyone east of Archibald.","To be fair, they don't give a fuck about anyone" I made an ashtray to resemble Corbyn's head and I'm so incredibly proud of it,The ashtray of history? Blood shield is nothing to.....,I love how there is a passive buff that gives you 25% leech and DS damage increase but you mostly will never utilise it because the shield disappear almost instantly. A family breaks up because of a chocolate bar...,"Determined to save their family, the daughter must join the Yakuza..." "Meat lovers of reddit, why are you so stupid?",No you are! What part of Reddit history were you there for?,The narwals bacon at midnight What is a free pc game that everyone should get?,Hearthstone That's awesome! I'm getting a 2017 XT here in a month or so and can't wait to take it up through the blue ridge mountains for some hiking.,"First chance I had to get out of town for the weekend and went down to the ozarks, was great to finally get out and was really happy my twin fit in the back with the seats down, makes it really easy to pack up and take off on a dewy morning :)" "Not interested in wasting time getting sea-lioned, thanks.","You didn't seem to mind wasting your time when you talked at me, called my judgment into question, and suggested I was trying to trick you somehow by wanting you to answer my questions, but you're welcome anyways." "Nearly run over by minivan mombie. NSFW language The other day I was at my friends house we were bullshiting and decided to go out for food, we walked across the street to his truck before I realized my wallet was in my car I walked *back* across the street got my wallet and was on my way back when a black minivan with one of those fucking **BABY ON BOARD** stickers flies past well a-fuckin-bove the speed limit. it was an experience almost like the bullet thing in the matrix when it flew past less than 2 fucking feet away. I looked as it sped away and I A: Saw that fucking yellow sign of entitlement. and B: Flipped the belligerent cunt off. Didnt catch her plate (good for her) but I have learned the valuable lesson: Parents are shit drivers.","It's okay, her life is worth more than yours." Mighty Mouse,Were you afraid of Mighty Mouse? "Morgan, Kryssie and Justin. Book it.","As much as I want to see Shelby go as far as possible, I'd be okay with any F3 in which one of Morgan or Shelby wins (which I think Morgan could def win in that scenario)." Are you one of the 50 people who watched that?,Saw the pilot and remember being sad for Drea De Matteo that she went from the Sopranos to Joey so immediately. Well done.,The lead up made me expect an aha moment. "The FAL was NOT just relegated to skirmishes. Faulklands , South African Angolan war, Rhodesian insurgency. They were in plenty of wars just wara no one in the US cared about.","Plus, the Australians used it in Vietnam." Unbiased zygotes,Unbiased eggs "You need to get over yourself, pal. Video games aren't worth stupid shit like this.",Video games are worth anything. You can't unsee it.,What kind of low effort shi---- #IT'S A PENIS! "Roger Stone claims that WikiLeaks is prepping something for this Wednesday. Bear in mind that WL officially blew their credibility three weeks ago, if not earlier.",Please tell me we are not taking Roger Stone seriously Why am I getting a half dozen alerts from reputable media sources presenting this like a gamechanger?,$$$$ r/yeezy_2020 ????,r/the_kanye It is in some folks heads (war).,Your head would look good on a pole (WAR) What's Justin pissed about? I just got on. :o,Danielle and Jason being salty most of the day. Now it's between Jason and kryssie I'm going kryssie,"Yeah I think Kryssie will get more support, Jason is already on the radar of at least Shelby and Alex, so it's not like we have to put him up for him to have any chance of ever going out." House or apartment Any of you Melbourne redditors got any suggestions on whether buying a new house or apartment is the better investment? I found a house that's a bit far up (near Moreland) and an apartment that's right between Collingwood and Fitzroy Thanks in advance!!,As a general rule houses are better investments if you are looking for capital appreciation while apartments provide higher rental returns. HTML/CSS... no just kidding. assembly,Now I'm wondering what the 'weakest' would be Hows that? From what I'm seeing the OSRS community is thriving and people are leaving RS3 in droves.,Where do you think the majority of Jagex's money comes from? "Why do the companies I love die such painful deaths? First Palm, now Pebble.",I still have my Palm IIIxe. I've been saving this picture for you guys...,Bu Bu But.... Snopes said it was a joke! TTR has said before they don't really care about their population numbers dwindling.,Well they should. I guess Richard Sherman can do whatever he wants....,Why couldn't we get these refs for our game smh "Because Omaha is a bustling metropolis that is west enough to get some west coast chain restaurants, while east enough to get east coast chain restaurants. I've thought of this several times. But let's be real here, Chik-Fil-A is good, but Raising Cane's is preferable when there is an option between the two.",You go to canes for chicken strips and chick-fil-a for sandwiches when is the last time you tried to eat a fruit and what was it,"A month ago, and it was a lemon :)" "Bummer dude. This place isn't... you know... *enlightening*, but if you like cats or porn or talking to strangers then it is ok.","I don't know, sounds like he may be too *euphoric* for us lesser beings" He bulked up to battle Wesker and BOWs over the course of (years) could have been natural or just supplements,instead of killing the B.O.W's he secretly absorbs their muscle mass. DOOM - How To Kill Every Boss Fast,My Nightmare run just got a lot easier Lever guns are fucking cancer.,no u The people I work with are some of the funniest I've ever met. One guy cannot remember names so he associates things for your name. Well I wear a broncos jersey every Friday so I'm now Broncos Guy. My friend is Evel Knievel. Receptionist is pom pom girl. Anyway long story short love my job and I'll be showing this video to many of them,You work with Micheal Scott? All Google services are blocked by the great firewall of China unfortunately. My VPN is okay but obviously using the S-Pen directly is faster for me.,Any idea why it's blocked? New Zellner tweet: Experts experiments confirm SA's trial attorneys correct about blood being planted but incorrect about how it was done. #MakingAMurderer Here we go boyz!!! Be tied on!!!,It's gonna blow people's minds if it turns out to not even be SA's blood. I am a Golden State fan. Everyone(on r/nba) tells me to kill myself everyday. Same boat?,kill yourself It's LPT all the way down.,"LPT: Selfies are constitutionally protected, sell your vote for a case of beer!" unbind alt in your csgo config,Face palm The ridiculously long early voting queues are the product of Republican legislatures closing polling stations in minority areas to prevent them from voting.,but they just didnt have the funding to keep them open later "A considerable amount of MRAs, Red Pillers, and redditors in general seem to think rape is okay. But does that mean all white men are rapists? Of course not.",2- once on Au soil can we return people that think rape is ok? "He's not normally my type, = I'm going to fuck him. I want someone smart, and ffff-uNNN-eeeee. creepy let's just drop it/let's agree to disagree - whenever they don't win the argument within about 30 seconds. Any man who shows a spine vs. a woman in an argument is going to see her opt out in the blink of an eye. It's incredible. I have experienced this so many times with women of all ages about all kinds of different things.",Where is this mythical woman who will drop an argument? Gallery of Sebastian Vettel's helmets (from the latest issue of F1 Racing magazine),"Personally I am not a fan of the frequent design change on helmets, it starts to become kind of gimmicky" Pretty sure all the streetlights round my way just have a sensor on top so they know when it gets dark.,"Nah some street lights in my area all turn on at the same time, so there must be a set time/one main sensor." I got bored and decided Gengar didn't need spikes.,Humpty dumpty. "afaik you need the so called *Inner Line Permit* to stay and enter Mizoram if you are a non-Mizo. It is like a visa, and someone has to sponsor your visit. Not needed for OGIS people. It is ofcourse safe (I don't know what you meant). And the traffic there is the best I haveseen in India. No honking, no lane cutting, streamlined traffic.",Mera Desh! so reddit?,it's like the difference between coke and crack. Skilled immigrants that you don't need to train or assimilate into the workplace. Doesn't get any better than that.,Better bring in poor unskilled minorities from overseas instead. NATO puts troops on 'high alert' in readiness for a confrontation with Russia,"Unless this confrontation is with the Kuznetsov battlegroup over Idlib and Aleppo, I literally have no idea why." it appears on screen in bold letters right above your cap.,How will you know that to give this command to a drone requires that you have an active target? Other way around. A Zarya can act fast enough to stop Sombra's hacking mid way and then leave her defenseless(Except for her tele device placed somewhere).,But muh circlejerk "And the Glorious Revolution shall be undone, and France and Britain shall be reunited once more under King Farage and Queen Le Pen. Parliament will kneel before their majesty, and those traitors to the crown in America will finally be crushed.",Wow... Finally got harassed for being CF by some jerk on OKC.,TIL People date one another to leech money off the other party... "Just read that the US is seeking a deal to fine Barclays et al billions of dollars before the November US election... I just opened a Barclay's savings account. Should I worry? Story is out today that the US is seeking a deal to fine Barclays, Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank billions of dollars before the November election. I don't own stocks in any of the three, but I did just open a Barclays savings account last week, and was planning on moving more money into it soon. Should I be concerned?","No, the government guarantees deposits." New York bombing: Suspect identified as 28-year-old Ahmad Khan Rahami,Have you found any note 7 at the site Google turns 18 today!!!,Finally legal Friend of mine was allways the porn =exploting womentype ... Left his email logged in and it was hard not to notice all the camgirl recipts on the page while i closed it,At least he's paying them "I love the game too and I want the best for it, but I can't stand how cancerous the complaints are. You can give feedback and criticism in a civilized way you know, all I'm seeing is people throwing tantrums like their moms didnt buy them the toy they wanted at Wal-mart, not caring and wanting the best. Your analogy makes it seem as if the devs are making these bugs intentionally.","Very young playerbase, internet whining culture." What is the best song that features a cow bell?,Live Wire - Motley Crue. I've never actually been stoned so IDK of my sweet tooth would kick in for that =/,I've never been stone either but I feel like that would ramp up my sugar addiction quite a bit. I would like to see a new design for it. Idk.,"Then it would need a different typing, so not live in a volcano." TGIF,"Twitter still down for me, will see later" "Labour uses energy to do work. It's not a third factor, but the defining factor that makes capitalism possible.",Most economist don't realize economics is a subsystem of a physical system. Where can I get some of this Ebola?,found al-qaeda If this guy can't find the fuckin' spacebar you really think he stands a chance of finding prt scr?,"Actually he took the screen with prtscr, but he couldn't find the [_] key to send the picture." "I have trouble leading conversations I have trouble making friends with strangers and that makes me really bad at meeting women. Now, I have plenty of friends but almost all of them I met through a mutual friend. I'm perfectly fine talking to people once we're already in a social situation but I can't for the life of me get into a conversation like that without another friend to introduce us. I think it's because I prefer to listen and respond than to lead a conversation, which serves me quite well most of the time, but it totally destroys my chances of meeting girls I would want to date. Does anyone have some advice they think could help me out? Maybe a book I could read or some specific skill I could work on? I just don't know where to start attacking this issue.",You could try a 100 set of just going out and saying hi to random people I managed to put a table on a chair,TFW I wish I had your graphics Benefits Britain maybe?,"You are correct, benefits Britain: life on the dole." Like picking Ken Bone and how the answer magically ended up being the perfect opportunity to discuss her clean energy campaign platform?,And how commercialized it's turned already. "haha, sorry, i was kidding. im a fan, but unrelated.",Well you do look as tho you could be related... I woulda believed you. "Ah, so it seems like it really is just an announcement. Probably just a chance for Ryan to release an *official* statement. Likely a generic endorsement for his party's ticket, carefully avoiding mention of one name in particular...","I thought they already did that after their meeting this morning, but you're probably right." True. Let me change him for Subban then XD,Who would change Weber for Subban? This thread is a fractal,Tree branches effectively are fractals "I bumped into a girl, we both said sorry nine times and i recieved her number. Canada is a special place.",The power of sorry ;) IFS says Brexit means austerity likely to continue into next decade,Woohoo. "What horror would make the vanduul scared? As Rubaberoc well said in another post and i quote seeing as the Vanduul are based off of the Vandals, that hints at something: The Vandals were pushed into Roman territory because they were fleeing the even bigger and nastier threat of the Huns. Thus, it seems likely that the Vanduul are probably being chased into human territory by something even worse Well i have an idea. First point is each alian race has that tech that makes them different from humans. The xi'an have the better engine tech. The benu is still unknow ,the tevarin with their boarding ships and the vanduul are unknow also. But here is an idea. What about if the vanduul had the best jump drives. Makes sense as they are nomadic and tribal. So imagine when using their jump drive tech as u jump and look out at the jump tunnel u can see what look like truly demonic sceens. Shapes and monsters almost ripping into the jump tunnel with u. But never do. But in lore it could say that the vanduul pushed their jump drive tech too hard and ripped the jump tunnel open. Be it for a moment. And in come through truly horrific trans dimensional beings. Think of the movie Event horizon. And its this horror that the Vanduul are running from. It could be the new bad guy in 10 years when star citizen needs a reboot. What do u guys think?",A bigger and scarier Vanduul fleet... it's Vanduul fleets all the way down. "OK, So When's The Best Time To Vote In D.C., Maryland And Virginia?",today The French Album,"Third panel should also include China, Japan and India amongst the aggrieved concerning stolen art." "I don't know why you're getting downvoted. You're right, people have been freaking out about Ingram and hyping up Hightower for the last week straight. It actually kind of bothers me that you're so far downvoted, this sub can be so temperamental it's ridiculous",The liberal illuminati is trying to silence me. Is abandon the right word here?,"SS: You lost, don't ever call us again you loser and you can forget about being friends on Facebook." "Did he? I remember being asked about it during the debates and he sort of defaulted to letting each state decide on it. Most Republicans are very NO ABORTION, so maybe in comparison it looked halfway reasonable.","Yeah, I mean, let the states decide is just code for allow douchebags to be douchebags" Are you... Insane...?,Struggling to keep to a narrative? "GTA:Greater Toronto Area. I'd play a Canadian version of that game. All of the NPC's would say things like 'ooh, so you need to borrow my car, eh? Sure thing pal! Sorry 'bout all da hockey equipment in the back! when you jack their ride.","I left a fresh Tim's there in the holder for ya' buddy, I'm sorry if you don't like double-doubles eh?" It's so you can cook and watch tv at the same time.,I think anything where you add ...and watch TV at the same time would be considered American. We have the Third Saturday in October which normally does not occur on that day. We also have the Iron Bowl which does not occur in a city known for iron or steel production.,"Pre '92, TSIO used to always be on that day." Doubt Madrid will do that. They're not that reactionary and they have enough midfielders to cope for that period.,Scenes when James gets put in there and kills it as a DM "I am happy they are exploring the more human side of Steven's life, it is refreshing. Instead of gem lore, we get some De Mayo lore!",I think it'd be interesting to see what life was like for Greg before he went off in his van. :),Wait are you 6? Right?,What's the reference? I found the guy that destroyed the South Galaxy. He has a really big power level,L o c k h i m Which TV shows should have been cancelled by now?,"Rick & Morty has gotten old, despite being only two seasons" That's amazing and all but these people writing letters to dogs... Who are they? Why do they do it? So strange to me,Try taking a look at r/aww and you'll find your answer friendzoning generally happens due to personality,this is true so its either that or the hordes of cats living in my house tbh who even knows boys are so mysterious Expect more Gerson or more DDR-Ninja-Strootman midfield.,I wish that Nainggolan could be moved back with Strootman or De Rossi and Gerson could be the attacking midfielder. I've Been Training My Abs Hard ...,Bonerific! They all lose to Portugal.,i like you! "If your thinking about it go ahead and invest in some variety. Personally, I don't care who wrote what I read. When I decided I wanted to read more I looked for best of lists, reviews and recommendations. I've enjoyed all of the books I've read regardless of gender or ethnicity. Fact is I thought Robin Hobb was a man until I saw her on a YouTube video. I also thought China Mieville was a woman... I didn't know N.K. Jemisin was black or female until the Hugo awards. I had never given any of this any thought until the last few days.",Do you believe best-of lists are an unbiased and objective measure of merit? Absolutely not true. Every eligible ballot is counted.,Thank you! We had a good run...,Someone add a Brazzers logo. "Wikipedia claims the Thompson SMG was invented by John Thompson in 1918. You know what to do, Dice.",Can't wait for everyone to use Thompson Carl Paladino Says Racist Email About Obamas Was Only Meant For His Friends,That doesn't make it better. For those of you that like wagyu. This is what 1.5 tonnes looks like (1632x1224),Packer or catering hall? Bruised ego + nothing left to lose = the most epic meltdown ever!,"Brace yourselves, civil war is coming and the Bundy family will be generals in it." Nope but Tim Cook has..,I think you're thinking of his iPad Pro I got one of my kids two sets of personalized guitar picks this year and the total was under $20. He'll use the fuck out of those!,Then lose them within 2 hours "This might be unpopular, but its pretty clear that those people at the lever were just killing people for the sake of griefing HCIM. I think people who do that for fun are scum.",Don't go into the wilderness if you aren't prepared to die. Janice Griffith in 4K and slow motion,Just another anorexic junkie chic whore DONT FORGET TO VOTE TODAY,"Oh yes, vote." Shit ideas.,Bashing someone's ideas without providing reasoning or alternatives is always welcomed or... farmers,"Get real, this is Reddit..." Keine Abtreibungen mehr im Landkreis Schaumburg,"Das ist eine ganz schlechte Entwicklung, ich hoffe dass sich das nicht weiter ausbreitet." "He's gotta be bouncing checks by now, right?",I feel like every offseason the two top stories every day are Saints WAAAAAAAY The Fuck Over The Cap and Saints Sign Coby Fleener for WAAAAAAAY Too Much Is the Titan XP the new pascal version?,"Yes, that's what the P stands for." "... and what I mean is, the EC technically has the power to throw the presidency to somebody who isn't Trump. Just as the popular vote is ultimately irrelevant, so are the vote totals in every state. So if the EC ignored their state votes and gave us President Biden or something, would Trump supporters sit on their hands and say Well, that's the way the system works.?",You hope that some holey intervention happens that make's Trump lose and Cliton win? Hillary Clinton calls fake news a 'Danger',"She should call her friends at HuffPost, The Slate, and The Salon and tell them to knock it off then." Slightly unusual luggage,He's either on his way to see or from seeing Rick and the guys at Gold and Silver. Merry Christmas you filthy animals!,"Yea, I'd buy one." Voters blame it on Obama. They'll blame it on Clinton too.,"It seems so long ago, but remember being relieved Cruz didn't win the primary?" What's a weird smell that you just can't help but to love?,Gasoline. Society can eat a dick.,But then you'd be in poverty I made a Christmas thing!,Very cool. Russians did it,Seriously how did that roo get up there? Ask a civics teacher.,His civics teacher was Alex Jones. "I like to use it to stab an air hole in the bottom of cans of some things (tomato paste, jellied cranberry sauce, that kind of thing). This lets the contents kinda slide out more easily.",Use s church key? He hasn't learned all the teams in the NBA yet.,"Goddamn ruthless, lmao." "Sometimes when a car stops to let me cross the road and there is nobody behind him. It would have been quicker for you to just fucking go past than for me to wait for you to stop, wonder what you're doing and for you to wave me over.",I like it when a car stops to let you cross (or to let another car make a left) but there's two lanes of traffic going in the same direction and the car in the other lane is oblivious to the fact that car #1 just waved you through. "Ugh, I love Obama. Such a funny and intelligent guy. :]",Ugh? "Maybe we're the aliens, and we attacked and won long ago.",Why can't we leave again then "Hi there sorry for a late replay,but some apologists said returning women wasn't part of the treaty,i was surprised that was there like 2 old scholars agree with that.","As always, anything that doesn't fit with the narrative immediately becomes a fabrication, never mind thay the whole story of the verse in question doesn't make sense without it." "if the grand duelist loses a 1v1 duel, that's kind of sad isn;t it lol",She isnt losing any though and relaxed. time to go for good scores!,so that's how Spare does it! Too many cooks.,It takes a lot to make a stew... "This only makes it criminal to try to incite violence, threaten others, or destroy federal property by burning the flag. The Supreme Court has said that burning the flag is free speech and it should remain that way. The flag is a symbol and symbol's are a major part of how we express ourselves. Trump needs to learn that it's okay to disagree without one side being illegal.",...and this bill was intended as a compromise to prevent the Senate from approving a proposed constitutional amendment which would have made a total ban legal. Oregon has lots and lots of Subarus.,Also in Washington. "Hey Cortana, do you know Halo?",No so silent anymore thanks to 343 And they say we aren't doing enough on the subject of alternate energy.,We just need to get Malcolm X up to this speeds and the energy crises will be resolved. It'd be boring to a lot of people but how many games really come down to whether you have a good K/P or not? Didn't the Patriots first three Super Bowl wins happen because of Vinatieri with a go ahead FG? My Vikings also lost in the playoffs last year because of a missed FG. Not to mention a missed PAT against the Lions caused us to completely change our game plan and go for it on fourth in the redzone. Eventually the missed FG/PAT points cost us the game.,The Bengals lost yesterday because of their kicker :) NTD,I like it. What deals DoT in PvE?,When you grenade yourself. HAHHAHAHHAHAHA Meanwhile they belief that Kurds and Syrian refugees are part of a conspiracy to outbreed Turks XD r/Turkey is full of Kemalists and I'd not expect other bullshit coming from them.,"As a person who competes with a Turkish Business owner, I am seriously debating buying a Kurdish flag and hanging it in front of my store, just to piss him off." I've finally gotten good at getting rid of potions I won't use. Saves a lot of inventory space.,Playing roguelikes is a great way to train yourself out of this habit. "I own the 512GB version ($169!) of this drive. If anyone wants me to run any specific tests, I am willing to do it. I also believe the 6gb to 16gb cache will make a nice difference in those legacy tests",Where did you get 512GB for 169$? he shoulda signed with the pats when he had the chance ....,Did he pick the Jets over the Pat's? "Hackers Reference One of Sombra's voice lines is Mess with the Best, Die like the rest. This was what Zero Cool a.k.a Crash Override (played by Johnny Lee Miller) says to Acid Burn (played by Angelina Jolie) while battling each other over a television station. I would love to see what other references they throw in. Hack the Planet!!!",Hack the planet is also a voice line Do you love this shit? Are you high right now? Do you ever get nervous?,Do you enjoy hurting others? What to do if you have Tucker and Gost is on the wire..,join a competitive league Cutler is 6'3,"Weird I thought he was shorter, could've googled but I'm running around right now heh.. if you refer to my edit tho I did say that he's taller than I thought and noted Wilson is 5'11, but it's funny to even try to compare a WR playing QB to anyone who actually is a QB, it's almost insulting lol" "You mean that guy who shouted, shoot the fucking puck! isn't a celebrated hero? I tend to be a quiet observer.","With your sarcasm, you'll fit right in here." "Hey guys, been a while since I've been here since I just got to play the map. Im up to speed now, but what is this green powerup floating above der eisendrachs corruption generator?",Perk Bottle Who said I was talking about one or the other?,Exactly. Most likely we won't be abolishing the electoral college altogether. What I think is politically feasible is to have proportional electoral college votes for each state rather than winner take all. I think this would be a happy medium as each state would reflect the actual vote popular vote results in each state but still require the candidates to campaign and consider all 50 states as each would have important electoral votes. Hillary would have won the electoral college vote this way hands down.,I wonder if anyone has analyzed what the election results would be if we did this.... "That is the definition of feudalism, you ignoramus","not surprised that you are literally insulting me, clearly im literally winning this argument" PAINT FOR THE PAINT GOD CASH FOR THE CASH THRONE,LET THE WALLETS BURN When you spent your whole life trashing women and the election trashing immigrants....,Just keeping an eye out for voter fraud Pharah,cavera "MATT DRUDGE, on the Kanye meeting: I knew Donald would be like this, and more. Brilliant moment. Here's to the rebels!!",Why does that guy have a VHS cameral lmaooooo "I've heard comedian Dane Cook has voiced many of the radio ads and DJs in the GTA games since San Andreas. I think he does it uncredited, though.","Because if anyone found out, sales would drop" Weren't Neanderthals actually smarter than us?,If Neanderthals were smarter I think we would have been the ones to die out Review & On-Feet Look: Ultra Boost Reigning Champ,What jogger was that? "But in their racist view, Latinos aren't real Americans and don't deserve to vote.",Even if they pass the grandparent rule? Fire Emblem 6 Hard Mode Low-Tier Playthrough,"SOPHIA HYPE Man you got some good levels this time out and that Wade is scary good, can't wait to see him one shot pegs in Ilia How much cash did you earn from the arena?" He's now a state senator.,Is he also a closet homosexual in PA? "Yes, if only America didn't subdue it's development after Spain had colonized it.",Because Spanish colonies are flourishing "Good flashes, I'm gonna try some of them out in game for sure.",Thanks :) going to have a new smoke video out tomorrow for cache with some interesting throws I found if you wanna check back tomorrow :) Minority voters are 6 times as likely as white voters to wait more than an hour to vote,So...what you're telling me is that white people are impatient? These two rouge clans are involved in one hell of a fued!,they might even have a *dual*! "Alberta plates literally everywhere?? Who else has noticed this? I'm on Douglas and I counted probably 7 in two hours looking out my window. I know the economy is really shitty right now, but surely they can't all be trying to move here? The rental market is so bad that I'd imagine it shuts out anyone who's down on their luck after losing a job in Alberta.",Uvic. How to grip a pencil (NSFW),He has terrible peenmanship. I bet we win by 10.,care to bet gold on that? What type of league are you in?,H2H Weekly (Updated Daily) 13 Player 5 Bench Category We will soon live in the 20's,I wonder if we will call it the Roaring 20's :) Probably will be called the Collapsing 20's "I can't tell whether OP is just shitposting, but I'll jump in here to have a real conversation with y'all about this. The current design of the client would have to change pretty dramatically to make this change because there's nothing behind the friends list in the updated client. If you minimized it, we'd have to dynamically stretch everything to fill the space. Remember, we've redesigned just about every page in the updated client to work using the current layout. And it's designed to fit comfortably at the current aspect ratio with the friends list basically sitting to the side of it. To get super real with y'all, we've had a few people saying this whenever they get access to the alpha, but we think it's mostly just because it's a change from the legacy client, and we're expecting it to die down on its own. No one has really brought up an interesting reason for redesigning everything just so you could minimize it as before. It's only really been I could before. But I'm all ears if there's a real case for it!",I could before I love this machine gun,I can hear his laugh There seems to be no shortage of people that will believe in this nonsense. If they keep this up long enough somebody's going to take a gun and do something rash...,"The worst part is that anytime there's a pedo in the news....see, stupid sheeple, pizzagators Israel!" "Switch-up Saturday: Let's all make some friends and branch out and do things together! So instead of a discussion this time, I propose we all make some friends since Legion has been out for a short time. Everybody always needs more friends to do things with!",Elvishlegion#1758 Alliance anvilmar Horde zuljin/a52 usually tank sometimes dps always down to help out "Speaking of which, you can choose which creeps to go on by right-clicking right?",You do that and jugg stops attacking between slashes Today they will flag the fun and excitement out of the race :( This was awesome back in the day!,I can't believe you've been down voted by this..... Nonsense.... Durant talking to himself in the practice: They called me a coward. Putting in work.,If Golden State somehow doesn't win it all this year Durant may just opt out and retire Trump supporter pretending to be a Clinton supporter attacking another trump supporter to gain more supporters.,"Yes, that is exactly what we saw with the Scott Foval gang, eh?" Yeah and millions read the weekly world news but ive never seen bat boy.,just watch any MLB game Rumors are there is a pokemon moon rom on the web,Any news about sun? Am I right to think the medoa outlets saying it will start on December 31st at sunset is the offical start date for the new bill?,That's when the Acts switch over. "Are there any games you would not want to see on Switch? I keep seeing threads of people wanting specific games, and thought so just bring all games to Switch. But I wonder if there would be something that gives you the opposite reaction? What would you want to stay away from Switch?",No Mans Sky I don't think so. I've seen Mean Girls enough to practically quote it by heart. But it's definitely from something similar.,The hot chick? "Typical. So he moves somewhere else and joins up with a different department, appropriate punishment for killing someone. That'll teach him.","I mean, moving is *so inconvenient*." "Ignore me at the register? Enjoy an entire shift of awkward sexual tension. This happened like ten mins ago. I'm still basking in the glory of it, actually. I decided to eat at this hot dog place near work for lunch, and when I approached the register I noticed two employees chatting at the end of the counter. They're both teenagers, one awkward dude and a pretty, attractive girl. I stand there waiting and the guy looks over, sees me, and then turns to continue talking to the girl. I am not really the kind of person to say excuse me! so I just stood there. I was waiting long enough to get my phone out and text my friend about the situation. So dude's really working it, trying to be funny. All the while she's occupying herself with some task and laughing politely. Dude is laughing hard at his own jokes and straight up ignoring me. Finally the girl sees me and nods in my direction, telling dude to go do his job. When he walks up, I am really pissed off. I'm not really in the business of confronting strangers, but this one bothered me more than usual. So I say loudly, hey, glad you could take a break from trying to bang your coworker to take my order. At this, dude looks quickly to the girl and she visibly recoils and says, ugh, what? Dude tries to recover, saying he didn't notice me standing there, but the damage had been done. He looked defeated, girl looked extremely uncomfortable, and now I'm eating in the corner watching them actively ignore each other and pretend the other doesn't exist. Enjoy the rest of your shift, awkward teenage boy. Also, sorry about the collateral damage, teenage girl.",You've just caused the next school shooter you asshole "Never heard that term before, what is shadow banned?","A user who can still make posts/comments, but the post/comment will only show up for them" Wanna see a trick?,the truck is absolute complete garbage now. "Yah, I guess it's all matter of subjectivity and personnal preferences. Thanks for your opinion !","Sure thing, both great power plants." CNN Reporter: Excited for the first female president? Lady: NO!,LOL get to work on this fellow memexperts "An eternal flame monument at The Castle Organa on alderan, honoring all those, past, present, and future who brought honor to the Organa name.",This would be perfect! A-wall is cancer,I think you mean A-wall is still bugged The police are far from always right.,Police are known to hate Trump "Ohio, the John Kasich state. Surprise?",Ohio: Conservatives with Dignity WTF??? Millennial focus group trusts Clinton more after her debate performance,We have the worst generation.. "Instant Karma, she cut me off & got pulled over in NYC",That is some sweet sweet justice And then she said that she was going to take an actual nude ASAP. And that was over 5 hours ago. She just keeps stringing us along.,She'd better come back with a full length porno or she can get banned "George W. Bush did not vote for Hillary Clinton, despite what Rush Limbuagh claimed",Rush was probably trying to polish GW's image. He's not wrong.,"And, for once in Trump's campaign, the facts actually aren't the issue here." America is in labour ...,"yeah, there's about 12 posts of this exact joke in the last few hours....including 1 just a few minutes before yours" "Remember the scandal about toyota cats randomly accelerating due to some defect? There was no defect, the public imagined it and Toyota lost billions in fines and sales",Now they are back where they use to be...the same will happen to Samsung. Any changes I should make too this deck? Trying to push back too royal arena.,"you should replace all these 5 cost cards with 6 costs to make the deck heavier, I'd say replacing the bomb tower with pump and inferno with 3M (if you have it)" A Hero is Born,What a horrible gif This has seriously happened. They don't joke around with this.,Yankees employee confirmed. Pat on the backs all around!,We did it Reddit! Does anyone else get the vibe that the original plan for Revelations was to remaster all the old maps and then they decided it was too much work and they could just stich them together instead?,Separate maps wouldn't flow smoothly for dlc4 how many headlines these next four years are going to start with trump unleashes tweet? jfc what a shitshow,"And even better, they'll be coming from @POTUS instead of @realCheetoMussolini!" Double Standards,"What does she bring to the table, though?" "My opinions on minimum device performance So, for me the thresholds for the lowest specs you need nowadays go like this. If you want a fast experience, comparable to a modern flagship, is a Snapdragon 800 and stock Android. Nexus 5 fits this perfectly. For the minimum usable, I'd say Snapdragon S4 Pro, aka the Nexus 7 2013. This is noticeably slower with some lag, but not enough to really slow you down. Loading up more intense websites can be a pain. Feels like a budget device. So, what are your thoughts on this?","SD821 0 dropped frames, Pixel or nothing" "Stop denting my carpet Some years back I did deliveries and installing high end electronics for mostly rich stuck up people. The gig was for 6 months or so in between other more lucrative jobs but hey, newlywed at the time and had to make ends meet. Two of us were moving a 52 inch wide screen tv which was very heavy. After bringing it up 2 flights of stairs the customer/ wife yelled at us for putting it down so we could take a minute to reset ourselves. What in the hell are you doing? You put that on my carpet and now it's going to have dents forever that won't come out from you stepping on it and the tv Thinking to myself , what do you want us to do.....maybe we can float over there where you want it???",Could have used the Wingardium Leviosa spell. So Pope Clement V was a worshipper of The Lord of Light?,I always thought it was more the FSM than The Lord of Light. "With Andrew Luck probably out for the week, who is the waiver wire option? I was thinking Tannehill since he's going up against the 49ers, but are there any better options out there?",I picked up Eli "*Breaking News: Finn Balor out for another three months after ingesting several pounds of lego fruit. When asked for comment, Balor blamed the internet.*",Fooking reddit man i have it,:\ I have a copy of Castle Crashers on Steam if you want that... "Funny thing is, once Johnson gets a enough traction for republicans and conservatives to realize he's a contender, trump will lose half his support very quickly.",The Trump bubble is real. A military dog will drop the puck tonight for Military Appreciation Night,Love me some doggos CNN just reported that more republicans have voted by tens of thousands.,But they are all secret Clinton voters Forming perfect rows of dirt,Designed by RazerTM "When those came out, wisely the DMV auctioned the desirable numbers. Things like 9, 12, 22, 25 and 44 went for high prices. The number 9 went for thousands of dollars if I recall.",they auctioned off Rafael Bush's number? Chuck's problem is that he goes to the other extreme. He doesn't understand analytics. Analytics used to complement watching the game makes them a useful tool if you understand them in context.,Completely agreed "Yeah, fake and gay","Yup, false and *completely* homosexual." Are you guys British? These are relatively normal jokey petnames for friends.,If they were Brits then wouldn't this be immediately obvious to him then? "Nah, its not enough to actually effect the thickness of the sauce by any real measure. The difference between 1% and whole is like less than a 1/4 tsp of flour difference. You were right about the creamier part however, it wont taste as rich.","Well, it could taste as rich, you would just have to boil down more milk." "Since losing to Conor Mcgregor, Ivan Buchinger has won 10 in a row with 7 finishes against legit prospects",Who besides maybe Marcus Brimage and Diego Brandao hasn't looked good sinced fighting Conor Mr. Snowdeep popped up on my coworker's Instagram today. Posted by an Indian dude who he used to work with.,Is that a fucking hot pepper for his mouth? "I didnt upload the video, fam",you're ruining the procession "he has over twice, you mean",Thats what i meant. They should have put two Chinese girls in them.,That's your answer to everything. "Same. Also learned a few other things from it, like that coring cost and time are related (and what modifiers decrease it). He really goes into a lot of detail in it. Almost too much for a beginner tutorial.","He can't help it, his mind is a giant spreadsheet." Except that TAMU just lost their star QB for the season,We have different definitions of star. How do you feel about Plants now? It's been about 2 months since the introduction of Plants on PBE. I wonder how the community feel about it now?,"The river fruit is great, vision one is great, explosion one is shit (basically a get out of jail card)" "This great man experienced a lot of hate from liberals last night, LETS SHOW HIM SOME LOVE!",#Is My Vice President "After a long hiatus, some good dip and game of thrones!",Never watched it What would you sacrifice democracy and human rights for?,a klondike bar "Have you played Kartia for the PSX? I don't think the game lets you grind at all, and as far as I've played it, it's actually kind of a challenge to know when you should use the summoned rock paper scissors monsters, and when to use your main characters so they get XP. Might be up your alley.","I'll check it out, thanks for the recommendation." "There's a yes and no thing going on here. The yes part is that people absolutely do stutter, use filler words, and just generally speak poorly. The No part is that 9 times out of 10, its better to go into post and mute the parts you want to leave out, and even that should be a temporary measure, while you work on your diction and timing. I'm a streamer who's working on that problem right now, and while very intimidating, steady improvement is absolutely doable.","That's one solution, but there are other solutions, but I like yours" Is it just me or did this game feel like it flew by?,Happens when there's two whistles in the whole 3rd period. There's a female senator who stands up to him who now has to stay in a different hotel every night because she got so many threats at her home from duterte supporters.,Think of the hotel loyalty bonus points she's accruing "Got my 4th display mounted, next up is LED lighting behind monitors, TV, and below desk. Also need to get some wall decor... any recommendations on where to get some (cheaper) gamer-esque decor?",I see someone's watching TGT I'm an atheist but don't believe in death. Anyone else like this? Feel free to ask me why.,"It's Sunday, folks." Little too heavy on the chemicals.,But it's so cleansing Looking for 2 GA tickets for 360NYE,Please repost in stickied ticket thread The last thing I Googled I am already in the hospital for. Now you got me worried OP,"Good luck, hope things work out for you!" "I'm the opposite, I pay for the soda cup and fill it with water.",Wew lad Is that a human holding onto the back of the car???,I believe that's the rear bumper - or the plastic cover of the rear bumper. Real Thanksgiving is in October though. Thought we settled this with that whole White House incident way back...,Nah we just let it burn because it was ugly and needed to be rebuilt. Trump train!,"Wow, good one." eat a dick pussy,Do i look like your mother's pussy? "Our ancestors did at some point. We don't have them because we don't need them anymore, so evolution did away with that.",TRIGGERED My new dumb Battletag,Koji Major? Come on now let's not. Matthews is a beast.,"He's great and all, don't get me wrong, but he's no Laine!" Did he ever confirm this wasn't a joke?,"no, there's been other instances." That's why they invited mark Cuban to do what?,Nobody invited him Saw this in a trump ad. Had a good laugh.,Man I love tinkle down economics! "I was thinking of screenshotting and posting it there, but it's such an obvious troll.","I almost want to, but the bait is so obvious at this point." I don't get it. Am I missing something? Lol,I think OP meant to say Malia is supporting Obama with a Clinton hat when it's actually a Harvard hat. *irritated sigh of despondency*,\*audible facepalm of incredulity\* "Within a Space of a Couple Days, You Can Fire All Your Minority Employees and Hire All White Employees","I suppose you *could* make this up if you really wanted to, but why would you want to make it up when it's obviously happening all over the place?" "That is disgusting. He must have threatened suicide? Medicaid wouldn't have paid for that in the majority of states. It's cosmetic. How old was this kid, BTW?",19! "Brace yourselves, next update is coming",Now I can lag in all colours of the rainbow. I haven't downvoted anything so summer down. Regardless of where I post I am still capable of holding a general discussion. It's sad you have to snoop through my history and that's the best reply you can give me. Where do you think we as a population go?,Nowhere I think capitalism is the end game and this is the best society can offer because life isn't fair so why try to make it more fair because it ISN'T FAIR *throws a chair* To be honest it wasn't that bad. I had 2 jackets on so I used one as a matras and I kept the other on.,"Oh well, lesson learned I suppose!" IN THE AIR!,Like he just don't care? Looks like South Albion St. Amherst,"Yep, it is." "I went with Blizzak WS80. It's my first year using winter tires instead of running with my all weathers, so we'll see if they're any good.",Even if they're not the best I promise they'll be better than ~~all~~no-seasons. To be fair the S Browser is better cause it's developed specifically for the Galaxy phones. It's easier to push the SoC to the max (especially the Exynos one) when you don't have to worry too much about compatibility with thousands of different hardware combinations.,They could at least make it as great as safari on my Nexus 6P... "This goes both ways, I find. As frustrating as it is with conspiracy theorists (I mean I use that term even loosely because, as you mentioned, the extent of research these people do is a bunch of YouTube videos and Anonymous's Facebook feed nonsense) calling everyone who doesn't believe this trash sheeple and demanding that we wake up! and do research is equally as annoying as people who sit on the other side and attack them, saying that they're wearing tin foil hats, that they are crazy and uninformed. Honestly just let people form their own ideas even if they seem ridiculous. Their crazy ideas aren't hurting you. It seems that with social media everybody is quick to calling each other a *somethingist* and tell others how wrong they are. So what if they're wrong? and so what if someone doesn't believe what you do? It's exhausting, tiresome and pointless to try and convince a stranger on the internet to switch to your side, and it never happens. Basically I just hate both types of people with regards to this.",You middlegroundists are what's wrong with this country! Steve Buscemi was a firefighter on 9/11,Jimmy Graham did the basket hoops once. "FUCK YES I wanna say a little bit about the track Nutmeg, it comes out on our new EP and now I can say it's not gonna be an EP, it's gonna be a full album. Long play, with a lot of new tracks, it comes out in Omega, and uhh, it's a psytrance album. It began as an EP, we had four tracks set out it's a great idea and now we have eight tracks. And eight tracks, as you know, it's an album YES YES FUCK YES ULTIMATE YES","he said pretty soon too, maybe christmas release?" "Isn't that ironic though, considering he's a Billionare",Oh but I'm voting for him because he tells it like it is. Looks like a Dreadnaught came in called the USS California,Because no one expected her to win that state. The South Florida Starter Pack,Up voted for the salt life stickers- they are literally everywhere how do you install all those mods?,wat What's the problem? Use a secondary to kill shields.,"Because modifiers on the nightfall are supposed to make it easier, not harder" **HAM IS BETTER THAN TURKEY**,THEY ARE BOTH TERRIBLE! Can we stop getting this fucking comment every time something in French is posted in this sub? It's about as funny as people saying OMG A GRILL when a girl says something on the internet.,Nah it's pretty funny to us Anglo's. BREITBART: African-American Chef BLACKBALLED for Selling Food to Trump Supporters. Let's SUPPORT this MAN and get his business back to healthiness!,get this to trump. I believe the most common card is the GTX 970 at the moment. People only tend to show off their high end cards though.,"Yeah, 970 is still high end, its just beaten out by the 1080, 1070, 1060, 980, 980ti, and titans (on the nvidia side of things), but its a generation old, so people don't show that off anymore." "State of Alaska justice system for ya. I got violently raped exactly a year ago today by a cop that I was dating up there. They did a sting phone call, they had emails where he admitted what he did and questioned his intent. Trooper handling my case was sure he'd proven intent. I remember on the sting phone call when he got all excited and said based on what he said, we could prove intent... Charges were never brought by the special prosecutor. The state refuses to pay my medical bills or counseling. 40% of women in Alaska report being sexually assaulted at some point when surveyed, which is double the national average. It's the most beautiful place I've ever been. I've never been happier than when I was there. And I've never been more scared or had my soul squashed harder than when I was there. I'm finally over the PTSD for the most part and am able to make plans with my life without feeling like there's a shadow over them. But he still gets to work as a cop in Alaska if he wants. That hurts.",I am sorry you dealt with that I hope things are better for you now. The film representation of the Sith is awfully one sided. Maybe we just need to hear their side of the story.,r/empiredidnothingwrong "Im sorry, what operation are you referring to?","I meant the intervention in the Libyan Civil War as a whole, but all the countries involved had their own names (US's was Odyssey Dawn, Canada's was Mobile, France's was Harmattan and the UK's was Ellamy)." Mobile?,"Can confirm, it's a bit easier on mobile" The used No Children in a TV show??? Shit that must have been a dark episode and/or show!,That entire series is super dark. "Meanwhile the federal government says it's harmful and useless, along with crack and heroin.",Don't worry the DEA is busily banning other innocuous substances to replace Marijuana should it ever be legalized federally. Shadow web Night lord. im curious.. that skill works against bosses ? like the 5th job bind skill or is it different..,"Most people use it as an up jump instead of its intended binding use, since it doesn't work on bosses" Working as intended,"Wow, I'm surprised this is the first I've seen this comment" Tiffany,James Sounds like a plan. Ill even use the donations to pay for the undercover gay agenda to attempt to have sex with and then expose anyone in politics.,"This sounds exciting, but is it legal to set up a foundation dedicated to this?" I'm curious about the tobacco tax that would have gone to health programs. Over half of voters smoke?,I don't think it's right to tax someone just because you disagree with the decisions their personal life choices. Isn't Steins;Gate a visual novel? Saw it on ps store the other day.,"I heard the visual novel is great but I like anime more, personally." Upcoming skins leaks * Star Guardian Lulu (1350 RP) * Star Guardian Janna (1350 RP) * Star Guardian Poppy (1350 RP) * Star Guardian Jinx (1820 RP) * Elementalist Lux (3250 RP) * Candy King Ivern (1350 RP),yet there's no star guardian morgana why is there only 2.5 good morgana skins base morgana gost bride morgana and baker morgana and baker morgana needs a bit of an update "This is nasty, nice snipe",this is Shrek. "LIVE Stream: President-Elect Donald Trump Rally in Cincinnati, OH 12/1/16",#**PRESS BTFO** GTX 780 working excellent with Vulkan on an older driver! over 140 FPS Ultra @ 1080p,My 1070 shits the bed hard using Vulkan in Doom That is 1440p on all nightmare between 80-100fps with OpenGL and 60-70 fps with Vulkan and sometimes in 50s Being in love with another person,Smh kids these days aren't even alllowed to love their own mother Petition to change male to penis-person and female to vagina-person.,"Well, Planned Parenthood did use the term menstruator." "Nah, make a proper argument or gtfo.",Sweet brah Podesta: Hillary Clinton is not giving a concession speech and won't be saying anything else tonight - 40 minutes later HRC concedes.,waiting for soros order. He's *literally* Hitler. How'd I do?,"No no, *worse* than Hitler" I am never voting for a Bernie Democrat ever.,Same. "Nice, but too soon man. Give it at least a week before the jokes",It's never too soon. "Why are there so many turks spamming ingame? hey. i play ToS a few times a week and at least in ranked practice, it seems like there are tons of turks speaking turkish all the time. this really takes the fun away when half the lobby is speaking a foreign language and you can't understand anything. will BlankMediaGames do nothing about that?","report them, rules say you have to speak english" "Gotta get dirty, pay people to post bad things about their businesses and if they don't like it, tell them to pay up for an account and we'll delete it. Protection rackets are profitable businesses.",What are you yelping about? The obsession with game of thrones is a bit much,"Yep, and the show isn't that good anymore." Global warming finally confirmed,Global warming it's a Chinese hoax stop being an ignorant shit No you wouldn't have,I'm glad you're here to tell us what everyone would or wouldn't do. "Well, your American husband is retarded. I didn't even vote for Trump, but this is so funny!",What a mature response! And better looking of course!,Speak for yourself... oh :/ 4/13/16 Maybe you remember?,"Oh, I 'member." "Trump adviser wants to cut NASA climate change research, calls it 'politicized science'",It's like the big tobacco bullshit all over again. The Republican party figured out a while ago that they could exploit an uneducated majority by throwing them social issues they don't give a rats ass about in order to get them to vote against their own economic interests. They've continually gotten more and more radical since then. And now this has happened.,"Its calles peronismo, we have a lot of that in Argentina" "Almost everything. I hate how the Philippines create its shows. Hence why I stopped watching the television. Paulit ulit kasi yung mga kwento. Iba iba lang ang pangalan. I tried to follow Encantadia when it was released. I lasted for about 2 months(?), I can't even remember the story now. I have problems with the script, delivery from the actors, editing, etc. and I really hate filler episodes.","Sometimes I wonder why Pinoy TV execs think that once-a-week, hour-long seasonal shows like in the US, Japan, and Korea are a bad thing." "Based on where the golds are, I'd say they were on attack and nobody even got that far.",Doesn't attack take at least 5 minutes on Anubis? "Well, the fact is he is friends with a convicted pedophile, and said that they have the same taste in women. Source: trumps own mouth.",How about Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin/Clinton? "If he is American, we can't deport him. We don't dump our crazies off on other countries. We can repair him; we have the technology!",I don't think we have what it takes to make him whole. No Republican. No Democrat. TV PARTY TONIGHT,If you voted TV Party you're the reason Trump beat Clinton! Taken recently on a country road in the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia near Bluefield.,"And here I am, sitting in my West Virginia home, alone, trying not to worry about home invaders." "The liberal, young crowd of Reddit makes its (unsurprising) post-election autopsy: Go further left! You sound like the tea party - the solution to losing an election is to go further towards the edges. In reality that's very unlikely to happen.","Oh no sorry I forgot, we should bow down to the Democrats corporate donors and sing the praises of the TPP and foreign intervention, THATS what will win an election!" "I'm telling you now, America: your country will see so much terrorism in the coming four years. Nothing breeds extremism like stupid, and nothing breeds stupid like extremism.","Because the stupid, stupid leaders who announced they'd invade ISIS 4 montha in advance to kill their leaders did such a great job dealing with the group they created" TIL The loudest known noise was created by a volcano which created sound waves that altered air pressure on earth for 5 days and ruptured the ear drums of sailors 40 miles away from the blast.,Still not as loud as Windows Login sound byte IT'S ABOUT TIME!,"No, that was Timekeeper." well.. for the DH I guess he now likes Mythic+ with big ass pulls :D,And nightbane runs You know you love somebody when you write that person's number down on a piece of paper. Just in case your phone suddenly ever breaks.,"You call that love, I call that neurotic." Non ho mai visto Una poltrona per due. AMA,"Nemmeno io, nonostante abbia sempre avuto modo di vederla se avessi voluto" Bad performance just on Cs Go?,"Having the same problem here, I used to be able to get an easy 250fps+ on all maps, now i'm scraping by 100, and it dips into the low 30's when a huge firefight's going on, although for me, payday 2 and GTA V are also performing shitty-ly" "Penises of Reddit, where would you rank Elton John among the best penises in the world? Is he one of the best, or do his talents lie elsewhere (e.g. singing, songwriting...)?","Not sure really, I haven't ever seen Elton Johns Penis" Big ol meaty clackers if he does. Maybe someone at big pharm will piss him off.,"Nah he got here with big business, time to let big business keep America the same still..." A Peacemaker would be a terrible killing spree weapon. Being a revolver and a small arms. You need a speed reloaded and need to be an expert marksman. Most likely it's just one of many incase monsters come roaming into town weapon caches you just happen to find and less someone's plotting to go postal.,"5 for your targets, 1 for yourself." Even kids get it,Omg the dance after the rejection. "it's treated, just not effectively",It's not treated effectively because not all viable treatments are allowed because marijuanas are bad. Just redditing while taking a massive poo,Poop redditing is the best They're trying to save you from embarrassment.,Right that's totally what they're doing. So you don't want to gouge his eyes out?,"If you gave me the opportunity, I would, but I'd do it to pretty much anyone." "If there was a machine that could answer any question in existence, what would you ask if you only had one chance?",is there an afterlife? "I do, and thank you",Although you could just buy a powersave device or sue homebrew to backup ur data "It only does that with games from the SAME generation. Information gets added and changed when moving to a new generation. This is why once you move one to SM via bank, it cannot ever go back to XYORAS.","I'm sure pkhex will have an algorithm that converts gen 6 mons into the gen 7 format like pokebank, but we will wait and see" Soooooo what about Russia? Putin is pals with Assad.,He's not. Forrest Gump was actually Tom Hanks all along,"Oh shit, really?" this will only work if there is ambient IR light. in normal conditions with no light source for the camera i think it won't work. am i right?,"If there's no ambient IR light there's probably no ambient light of any visible wavelength, so a camera wouldn't work anyway." A good kidney is worth a lot to the right people.,Or the wrong people Well early congrats to barca and atletico for la liga title hope youre happy :),"thanks, because barca and atletico doesn't have injuries ." We have smart signals that prioritize the traffic on roads at a junction based on how much honking they hear from it.,Nice try Whatsapp "If you drive more than 10,000 miles/yr you have a 1:6000 chance of dying in a car accident","Geez I drive 50,000 miles a year..." Taking the RGB up a notch.,i was expecting you to leave your house to see your whole house being lit like that Indoctrination is a cruel form of mental child abuse any way you slice it.,151 comments and no one noticed the hypocrisy in the display featuring a representation of the human face in a religion that supposedly objects to that. "Trump is very intelligent. He's a Wharton grad, and he built a several billion dollar empire. He also tricked the entire working class into thinking he had their backs, and we all watched it happen. I'd be happier with a shill who can't do a damn thing except act as a standardized Republican stand-in. Trump might be the perfect combination of intelligent, narcissistic, and delusional to actually do a great deal of harm to this country.","While I agree the man is somewhat intelligent, had I been handed the fortune in New York real estate he was (which had he held onto would be worth around what he is now) I and many people could have turned it into what you might consider success." "Nah, did you read, it looks dead.","Nah, it's relaxing." Statistical evidence also suggests that bears tend to shit in the woods.,I have it on good authority that it is the pope who tends to shit in the woods and that bears are catholic. "If you had to create a brutally honest slogan about yourself and wear it on a tee shirt, what would it say?",'I make friends by lightly bullying them as a front to hide my insecurities.' I've done this in 64 well over a decade ago. It's just rare to see it in an actual match.,But how'd you get Falco in 64? How do the announcers get prepared for a game? What happens 'behind the scenes' while they commentate?,Troy aikman and Joe Buck prepare by jerking off to pictures of Tony romo and aaron Rodgers while back to back in the booth Why would he want to be that nice dude if he gets nothing in return?,Then he's clearly just using that girl for sexual purposes. OUCH,Rip lizard lady Wacky Jill Stein responds after WI completes their recount!,"Waaaaaah waaaaaaah waaaaaah You lost, get over it." "that 90% of the bodybuilders you look up to are on steroids, set realistic goals.",Especially if they have capped shoulders I'm a NeverTrump guy who wrote in Giant Meteor and voted Republican down ballot. Basically I didn't hurt or help Trump. I feel like I did my part. I was soooo wrong about Trump but I still couldn't be happier right now. You guys did great! Now could you please scoot over and let me on the Trump Train? Buckle up buckaroos! It's time to make America great again!,NeverTrumpers are the biggest joke of the subreddit its best you kept that to yourself "Yeah, this HAS to be satire. No way someone is THAT stupid.","Well, around 55 million people voted for Trump so..." Things that drop faster than the DOW Futures did last night,NFL viewer ratings "My god.... India, China and Russia?",SCO military alliance. Donald Trump is US president-elect,Oooo you're so edgy putting that here. Turn 2 this into turn 3 velens in wild.,"4/9 turn 3, Fun and Interactive ^TM Im so glad that reddit is not in charge of balance" Why do they call Jill Jake there? It sounds like a bigoted remark.,They think they are clever "So correct me if I'm wrong, but your graph shows 16%, not 41%.","16% of total, 40% of normal games" "Jigsaw. Maybe my favourite song tbh. When he goes into that upper register... *Jigsaw falling into place, so there is nothing to explain*","Me too, my grandma doesn't understand why I don't like listening to it (or why I look upset when I do) if it's one of my favourites." "Was it a lot faster? I used Firefox at the time it came out, switched over for a week or two, and then switched back because there wasn't much of a difference besides the UI.",Iirc I was using Firefox before I switched and I thought that it was a lot faster and that the omnibox was amazing. Anyone else already hate the new MSG scoreboard?,Still waiting for sog to be included. Summoned all 3 ifrits in 3 summons (so happy i dont have to do more) - shit post,"I did my 1st summon today, got theo:)" Sleep tight Tucker,Sleep tight Tucker "You're intentionally or accidentally being really obtuse - its unclear from your comments. You need to understand the difference between a platform (a political stance combined with a policy strategy) and an ideological orthodoxy (a socially reinforced idea set). If you don't understand the difference, I can't help you.","Got it bro, you found some comments in Jezebel where people are hostile to white middle class so that is now the base of the Democratic Party, thanks for the help." "HIV/AIDS in Venezuela 'impossible to control,' health group warns","Yup, it's the fault of the US again." Hindsight is 20/20,Making a spectacle of yourself Banks to take one-day break from currency exchange on Saturday,Glad I escaped from this bananna republic. She might've won if she wasn't so horrible.,Understatement of the campaign. TIL l'olio di palma vive di vita propria e ama crogiolarsi al sole in spiaggia.,"neanche stupido, l'olio di palma." seguro que no hablas de ...todos los estados del norte?,seguro que no hablas de... todos los estados? Already looking forward to the new defense I've Chem that allows you to disguise who you are usering,Heard there is going to be a Nano chem at some point Question about my ban,Rip fool "I'm 14, and started to ascend a couple years ago. I guess it was steam sales, the fact that I had an xbox 360 when the one was out, free online play and Minecraft that I could play with my friends. Now my 360 is in a closet, unloved.","exact same deal for me, except both the 360 and one are in my closet of broken dreams" "MMW: Trump will have a positive, successful first year as president, and celebrities will begin admitting they voted for him",Define positive and successful. "Not exactly borderless, but I want these borders to be freely traversable. Even if you have to go through documentation or registration. But being completely denied access to a piece of dirt should not be a thing. Atleast for public dirt. Private land is a different matter, but states aren't companies.","Yeah, but those guys on the other side of the imaginary line aren't people, they're immigrants (shudder) and they could take your job :O" I don't get it,I'm going to open you up and tinker with your ticker. "Not a chance in hell. Democrats need to run youngish, white, charismatic men from now on. They can't risk anything else.",Yeah that black man they ran last time really didn't go well for them Trial in rape case against Asaram begins,"Waiting for hashtags - #Conversion ke khel mein, bapu gaye jail me" "People can downvote me to oblivion, it's fine. But the race card to me doesn't really work here. I've clearly seen people from all walks of life, all races, all sexuality voting for Trump.","Please post picture to verify you are not a fucking white male, otherwise we all must discard your opinion" "I know shes not on them, *but* it would be funny as fuck if she popped for roids.",How do you know she's not Why is this being downvoted?,Because pro-trump Instructions unclear. Fried dumplings clogging fuel lines. Please help.,Flush it with soy sauce. Why do you hate the Fairy typing?,"Because a new type wasn't introduced before, BTW i love dark and steel." "John williams has apparently never seen any of the Star Wars films, so its not THAT surprising.",What is though is that it took him until now to mention that in an interview however. Born & raised. Yes that is the only acceptable answer to having to commute in the MD/VA/DC area.,Yeah I grew up in Maryland too but that doesn't change the fact that Pittsburgh has painfully low wages and after you factor in maxing your 401k it's ~60k vs ~110k To bad it wasn't rec or Florida might be worth visiting.,We don't want you anyways Foldable Kayak,Looks like it will collect water. "What kills me is that this situation is very unlike [adult swim]. Every fucking show that challenged the norm in some way found its place in their network, and now that the norm is protecting people's feelings, we're never going to see anything challenging ever again","I thought Adult Swim really was the one place that you didn't have to worry about political censorship, especially for shows after midnight, but apparently not." "Although the dater says we only want high level quests, I really think Zeah won't feel right until there are 3-4 beginner/intermediate quests in each area. MM2 was one of few updates that was almost universally loved (the rewards were the only point of argument, really), and I also really want to see more awesome quests, but I REALLY think a part of what makes Zeah feel empty is the lack of quests. Even simple little 5 minute quests that take you into some of the empty buildings in Zeah would make a HUGE difference.",Zeah will never feel right. And Hillary won the popular vote thanks to one city,"Thing about cities, lots of people live in them." "Honestly I don't think the ads about him using rude words is very effective. I would much rather see an ad similar, but with all his comments about all the war crimes he wishes to commit, maybe with a blurb from a general",im sure those are coming. The Big Short... or at least any analyzing,Actually they over-analyzed and didn't think about the Banks trying to fuck anyone over on the way out. Updates: Class Changes,"yay, Survival Nerfs...... Explosive trap, from 30 to 40 sec CD" "Right-Wing Extremists Celebrate Death of Fidel, Praise Trump",So Cubans who fled a communist dictator are the extremists? "It isn't, they achieve that by executing everyone that breaks the law.","All roads lead to Rome, I guess" Moderators Pm boxes probably right now.,Mine? It basically means that Trump plans on cleaning up corruption and changing the politics of DC so the environment doesn't allow for lobbyists to dominate and influence politics.,"Cool, thanks :)" PL Steals OOS Fortizar with Rorquals #teamrorq,lol how did I not know there were rorq pvp fleets? "Okay white people, message received loud and clear: you really hate us as much as we feared you did.",white people are a cancer on the world Tentacool would've resisted his fighting moves so that may have been a better option.,"so does Nincada, and with more physical defense." "Yes, it's also a power given to them by the constitution.","Their job is to allow in the best candidate for the SC seat, literally saying no to ANY potential candidate is unheard of." "instead of ZZrot you get talisman, which gives you the same tower MS anyway","Oh yeah, forgot it got changed to that." Statue of Liberty Moves Back to France,"She was a four at best anyway, the US can do better." "In a way, it was slightly his fault for giving the old drum major permission to come up and conduct. Don't see why you needed to take the blame for something he did.",Collective punishment for the lose. Shout out to all the people who swore up/down that Garrett would be claimed and Bersin is a disaster. Garrett is too raw and Aunt Thor knows how to find soft spots in a zone.,That was just a refusal to read what all reporters were saying That movie should be called Furiosa Road.,"It was originally supposed to be called Mad Max: Furioasa, allthough Furiosa was the name of the Fury Road and Therons character was just called Warrior Woman or something like that." "I'm going to enjoy the MSM actually doing their job. They won't let Trump get away with anything and I'm thankful for that. With Clinton, they were practically in her back pocket.",Yeah I wished they talked about her e-mails more LOL good luck keeping 100% goodwill for a month.,Ive been playing around 10 months and only have 2 crashes where I lost good will. That's my point. Marijuana is a victimless crime. It's also a massive untapped economic opportunity. No unelected bureaucrat should have the power to mandate that over all citizens. It's why he wants marijuana to be a state issue.,"Oh I see, I misread what you were saying originally." "Nah, I would, though Theresa May would probably find me and garotte me or something.","That wouldn't even be the worst she'd do, she'd monologue at you for 3 hours first, and you'd need to pee the whole time." "It'd be great if Steam had some sort of system where you could have demos and see if your PC can run the game before you buy it. Oh wait, that exists it's just no one wants to use it.","Not that many games really have demos anymore unfortunately, the days of being able to test a game for free without piracy are fading." TIL that the music used in the You wouldn't steal a car anti-piracy advertisement was pirated,wow that's some powerful hypocrisy. your humor,"That doesn't make any sense, and it isn't objectively funny." Can regular fluorescent lights be used for this?,"T8 Daylights work just fine for me and people I know, if that's what you mean by 'normal'" Real Cat meets RoboCat,Those eyes on the real cat are creepy as fuck.....especially all wide and such. Stickhandling 101,This honestly is probably easier than it looks. "If Senna, then why not Prost?",Because Prost is a big meanie. "Spice is the worst thing in the world. It is basically chemicals sprayed on dried plants you smoke to get high. I've never taken it myself, however it has grown in popularity with the local homeless. I recently encountered a man laying face down in the street, his friends on seeing me approach him explain he is spiced under. I've only known one person who admits to trying it. He said it was horrible. You're in a buzzy place and your head hurts, he said it was like a ten minute k hole. He said the headache lasted a day or two. So what are those chemicals? Well they vary from blend, but they are synthetic cannabinoid. You remember how people say weed is natural? This is fake lab made shit. Is it safe? It says right on the packet not for human consumption. You be the judge.","Well obviously I'm not eating it, smoking is fine!" Donald Trump - US President What in the actual fuck.,Nobody Has More Respect for Trump Than I Do So having the president picked pretty much entirely by urban cities wont leave resentment to those living in rural states?,Probably not any more than having the president picked by rural areas upsets cities. What trend is finally dying down?,Trump 2016. An atheist friend of mine said that Luke and Matthew copied from Mark How can I answer him?,Tell him he's right. It's been that way for as long as I remember. Not sure who owns it.,"I grew up in Murray and I don't remember ever remember it not looking like a haunted house, and I'm 32." Not sure why you got downvoted by expresing your sympathy even if you are not getting the worst consecuences of this.,Because straight white males don't have a voice in America anymore thanks to the ever-growing SJW menace! "Purely playing devil's advocate here, but what if a slightly more rational person had been joining in the anti government talk, and then balked at the idea of action, and explained how bad of an idea it was. Instead that had what amounts to agent provocateurs who reinforced their beliefs. I don't agree with them at all, but I can see both sides here.",The fact that its so easy to see that explains how hard it was for the jurors. Why?,So we can get hyped! I hate how people keep pretending that this campaign is nasty for any reason other than Donald Trump. IT'S HIS FAULT. Hillary would happily run a civil campaign against a normal Republican.,"Perhaps it was meant for Donald, they'll both get a chance to answer." "Astronomer here- there is no sound in space. This means space battles should have no explodey sounds in them and the like. Similarly, asteroid fields and nebulae are always depicted as super trecherous and crowded places. In actuality, the asteroid belt is so empty that you'd be lucky to see a single asteroid when crossing one, and a nebula would have maybe 100-100,000 particles per square centimeter in it (compared to 10^19 per cm^2 for the atmosphere). Not *quite* like it was in *Star Trek 3*, let's put it that way.",Comparing star trek to any form of realism is just asking for problems "You're normal. The earbuds are designed to fit the majority of ears. The problem is there are a lot of people who aren't normal, ear openings that are significantly bigger, smaller, or oddly shaped. A one-size-fits-most solution like AirPods won't work well for them. But there will be third party alternatives for them. The AirPods will work perfectly fine for most people (until they lose one).",TIL I'm not normal. "I actually like the zap one, maybe for enemies too so zap isn't so easy for a counter?",Thats a dumb idea. More Norwegians in the US than in Norway,Did you know that there are more Americans in South America than the United States? "When you say stick check, you mean sticklift right?","Yes, I do mean that." what josuke says is true,delet this nevermo :p but I can gladly describe my continuous walk with Jesus.,Please do! "Illuminati and Lizard People of reddit, why didn't you do your job correctly?",They were too busy controlling the media to rig the election Is mayonnaise an instrument?,No it's a gender Target shooting is actually a really good way to make your shooting skills useless for self defense. It's low stress (relaxing really) and doesn't simulate live environments and moving targets at all. Practice a shooting sport like multigun or IDPA and you'll be much better off (and it's way more fun if you're not going for the relaxing zen thing),Nothing says Zen like the shooting range. "TIL that in Finland, speeding ticket prices are calculated on the percentage of an individual's income. This results in millionaires facing exorbitant fees. One such case occurred in 2002 when a Nokia executive was fined $103,000 for going 45mph in a 30mph zone on his motorbike.","STEVE BUSCEMI 9/11, SVALBARD SEED DEPOSITORY, BERNIE SANDERS, DAVE GROHL" What kind of man is getting his arse kicked by a woman? - GC Feminism once more fails at basic feminism,"Yeh a *real man* would have thrown the baby into the air, spin kicked the women in the face, then caught the baby and opened a can of beer, then finished off with a victory belch." "Ah, the good ole LT getting the credit for everyone else's work.",Dude was sitting in his Stryker with the heat on while wearing a marshmallow suit while the rest of us were outside trying to unstick the damn vehicles. My gun show walk out. DD V11 with slim rails and Typhoon Kryptec. Oh yea new Acog 4x32.,Upvoted because woobie I like your dad want to share?,Get yer own dad ! Crypto?,~~oh god dammit how many times are you going to pop up you're supposed to be a singleminded homestuck-obsessed nerd background character not some actual person~~ Podesta Podesta,Soros Soros I have a tablet in place of my stereo so I really don't need the phone. But I usually just put it on the seat lol,Pics? "LG 98 Edge LED Widescreen 4K UHD - $22,375.99(-$11,310.00 IR)","My 480 is enough to power this, right?" Then you need to read Zinn and Chomsky. They are the ones I learned this from.,If you had to read Chomsky to learn about Nat Turner then I wonder what kind of history classes you were in...Jesus. "So it's a new take on Deathlord, seems neat. The obvious weakness is that it's a battlecry now, so keeping it alive, as priest for example, doesn't help it. Maybe the lowered mana cost is enough to make it a great anti aggro card, we'll have to see it in practice.",It's a buff to Piloted Shredder. "It's all wide-open ocean out there. You aren't climbing over a fence. Yes, they know where they are and that they are on the wrong side of the line. But the only reason they want to be there is because that is where the fish are, and that is their entire livelihood. No fish, no money.",You only forgot you have to take a responsibility if you got caught and not attempt to fight and run away as those stupid cunts did. Is it blue eyes dragons? ARe they pendulum magicians with dragons? Are they masked heroes with Dark Law? Are they ritual faeries with Herald of Perfection?,Pretty funny how the vague descriptions imply formidable decks or casual/notOP decks Mexican newspaper chimes in with a subtle headline,Anybody here that can translate for me? It is the opposite. Game of Thrones draws from real life diplomacy.,You must be fun at parties That would actually be really cool. 2 Kings on each side (no Princesses) and everyone with their own elixir bar. Imagine the size of the pushes.,And it still gets shut down by nothing but overleveled barbs and a zap. "Creative idea, but the last thing I want is to connect my guns to the Internet. Just like I don't need a Bluetooth toothbrush, toaster, water bottle, or anything else for that matter.","The only thing going over internet is the alerts, unless I misheard." Fuck me?,Yes. What games have you invented to play in your head when you're bored?,Try to see how off track I can get from mky original thought during class Assuaging the Anaconda.,"It's god damned poetry, I tell you." "What has a bad reputation, but isn't that bad once you start to understand more about it?",Fruitcake Barack Obama will go down as one of the great presidents,"I dunno...if you ask my grandpa, Obama is the racist in chief and the real reason for the uptick in racial tensions" "People- The founding fathers, who were great and all, but also the rich white men of their society who didn't trust the people to choose the right president.","No, the people of the last 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 years who continue to use the agreed upon system without any real movement to change it." The joke's still on you. Just because you're not at fault here doesn't mean you won't have to live with the consequences.,dangit And an underage girl.,#THIS WEW IS OVER 9000 LADS "Yep. The two best killers in the world fought you, and you survive... it means you won.","Not really, they sparred his life." Vancouver vs Seattle,Build a bonfire "At the same time, there will be deep pressure from China for us to choose a side. Personally, I don't mind closer ties to China, but I am a Chinese-Australian, hence the bias. I think a stronger Pacific, where we all work together to build a vibrant economic zone is better for Australians than hanging onto the US (a country oceans away). Proximity makes it necessary.",But but Chinese are evil communists! "There's a supposed patch for Pro still maybe happening. I'm still skeptical that it'll push 60 frames. That aside, PC version in 2018 will be our best bet.",is it confirmed PC version in 2018? I'm fair disappointed that I couldn't use this meme,Yeah because the Irish Presidency is such a powerful and important position Wells Fargo paying $190 million to settle consumer fraud case. Wells Fargo pushed customers into costly financial products that they did not need or even request.,"In America, stagecoach robs YOU!" STPeach Banned after Just Dance Stream,God I just love it when OP links to the banned channel! We have a new #1 and they also wear red.,what about maroon "How important is that number 1 waiver claim? Every year I waste waiver claims. Last year week 1 I had one. Ellington got hurt and I had DJ, let chris Johnson pass me by for Moncrief. I feel like it happens every year. We all know you don't win on draft day. It takes waivers, monitoring, trades, add drops and a little luck to take the Shiva. How important does holding that #1 claim come into it?",My league has reverse order claim so I always burn mine before week 1 and what do you know it I'm in first overall so I'm 12th on the wire anyway. At least some 2nd gen vipers had rear exhaust like this. I'm thinking this is a real viper that somebody got really stupid with.,That is a travesty. And you can join for just $22! Anyone want to start a traveling team?,We could surely win as many games as the Browns this year. "Well, I've already taken a horrible Chipotle shit today, can I blame him for that?",You can blame him for anything you like. "Chinese investments may hurt rather than help Pakistan, say think tanks, IMF - Times of India",Because IMF loans and their conditions have caused nations to find economic growth and prosperity. Hillary never deserved to win and i am glad she didnt,But it was her turn! "raps fans out here saying JV sucks. Cmon guys, rly.",right now he kind of is. but can he milk those tits?,but is the milk chocolate? I thought candelle was supposed to be angry all the time. She appears to have an unhappy look.,"Candela is like that friend who is extremely competitive and comes off as intimidating to people who don't know her, but in reality she is an extremely nice, awesome person who is just extremely passionate about doing her best and just forgets that not everyone feels the same way lol." me_irl,"Ye too, thanks" People stop posting pretty pictures of Oregon,"Yea then every will want to move here It sucks, don't move here" "Louis Van Gaal is the same as Wenger, a former great who is stuck in the past and has lost his magic. In my opinion Wenger should have retired after 2014, that would have been the perfect ending.",The perfect ending will be after he wins the Premier League and Champions League this year. Bernie Sanders is the de facto leader of the Democratic party now.,"If this happens, it might have been worth it." "Oh my, I felt so salty after finishing this game man, no other better games to play (IMO). For real though. There won't be a Witcher 4 at least in the near future.","Maybe if you only play RPGs, but other than that there are lots of games just as good in their respective genres, this is coming from a Witcher fanboy." "Lol, I've hated wikileaks from the start, however I don't believe they were linked to Russia a decade ago, they were just giant douchenozzles.",Hmmmm... Truth must rhyme with douche for a reason. My Princess Carolyn pin came in the post today!,And put in a bag. B0aty massive dfs pk wow,His video he made on this pk and the dharoks was probably his best video he's made in awhile Traffic Jam on Khumbu Icefall ladder climbing | Everest 2016,There goes $50000. I love their use of the word: **INSPIRES** lmao Never change peice fo shit media,Maybe you should stop reading it I walk a Different path,Is this some sort of mug shot mash up?