Input,Output "But if they voted for the party who gets the least electors, they end up being unrepresented. I understand that ultimately someone is going to win and someone is going to lose, but at the end of the day shouldn't everyone get the maximum voice possible in these systems.",All the more reason not to merge one vote to two candidates As a Giant,"Realized he was still on the Braves when he broke his ankle, but I left up the video anyway." Best contract given out in the past 5-10 years? We hear a lot about the bad contracts like Pujols and Fielder but the good ones don't get talked about nearly as much. Easy Mode: Extensions allowed. Hard Mode: Free Agents only.,clearly the stanton deal Any offensive players? What about a fullback? Competent WR3? O-line coach? Offensive coordinator?,Thank god they're trying to fix our ailing secondary I don't see why this is even an issue. Alt Righters openly admire Hitler and advocate for White Supremacy. It's not even a secret.,Because calling them for what they are is what led to Donald Trump winning Might as well call it a pure marathon match as Shaub would be running for the whole thing,You mean shutting down like he did Cyborg? Are they any food,"Eagles are illegal to hunt in the US, so I don't think there's any food." Now here comes the part where everyone who feels offended by what you just said will fire off in the comments section with their inflated senses of self worth,Because your comment isn't pretentious or egotistic at all "The KissAsian Facebook Says They Will Be Done Soon, and The Same People Who Make KissAsian Make KissAnime.","Yeah, but is that Blizzard's Soon^TM or normal people soon?" YOU PC BRO??!,"shut up, they're making a reasonable request" "Oi, I live in a kind of rural, kind of suburban area (Whyalla). I didn't vote these fuckwits in, nor did a good lot of other people who were too young to get Labor in. I don't want to be fucked over by some city person's indifference.",I blame you for not being able to talk sense into rusted on voters. "I'm confident even a conservative Supreme Court will uphold an individual's right to burn a flag, free from punishment.","I'm not too confident, last couple of times it came up to SCOTUS, the right to burn the flag was upheld only by a 5-4 vote...and Scalia was one of those 5 so who the fuck knows really....." What combinations of two player's names forms an existing player's name? For example Josh Reddick + Randy Johnson = Josh Johnson,Bud Selig + Joe Buck = Hitler am I doing it right guys? "Apple releases iOS 10.2 w/ new emoji, Messages effects, TV app, wallpapers, more","Wow, 7 Plus is super laggy now.. Springboard animations are missing a few frames, the iMessage effects lock the entire phone up while they slowly appear on the screen, frames drop while scrolling... Yay, my $1200 phone feels so much better now" It's my passion in life.,Mind showing off? ":waves....throws prism stone in hope that gank squad will spare me. Decorates darkmoon tomb, leaves presents.:",":dons the xanthous crown, patches-squats:" When i was that age i thought Mexicans spoke Mexican...,yes but that's somewhat better than assuming the English speak.. not-english Had no clue Shea could do that,"By the look of it, the Ravens didn't either" "Free-agent class announced, who should we target?",Grabavoy hype train "So how do I get started as a newbro? I'm new to EVE and Brave, and have set my home station to our home base. How do I get started doing group stuff?","Install mumble and log onto our comms, sign up for slack so you get notifications about fleets, and we will get you started." Donald Trump has lost popular vote by greater margin than any US President in history,Man this post got brigaded hard! "CIA remotely accessed Russian hacker's webcam moments before hack, first images have been revealed.",Is this more fake news? No,Well that helps thanks.... Hillary Clinton failed to pay income tax on the millions missing from state department.,Is that before or after she ran a pedo fun club out of a DC pizzeria? You can tell it is Ovi and not a homeless man because he is lacking a cup to collect change in.,"Jesus, would you chill?" Also... more usb ports,Any more than 1 is an extravagence! Is there a worse starter in the NBA than Emmanuel Mudiay?,"He's young, he has loads of potential !" "Yep. Bariatric commodes, beds, wheelchairs, and beds all cost a hell of a lot of money. I worked in the rehab department and it was charged to rehabs monthly budget and not to the facility, so whenever we had an obese patient that needed something we had to tighten up the budget for all the other patients which is totally unfair.",They only cost so much because of fat phobia though. Swap Imt w/ Renegades and I agree.,"Renegades take my energy, I want to see the fiery passion in their eyes as they smash this Qual." Yes,"i'm out of the loop, what happened?" "Ehhh, a lot of Filipinos do in fact hate Japanese for crimes committed during WW2. My Aunt would be one of them.",so dave chappelle was right...asians hate each other I guess he would produce even more 1.6 GB updates for phone users? Maybe the thing is that animation is the only strong to his bow.,"well, seeing what card-ideas he has, he would fit the team just nicely!" Which awesome government jobs are there in India which only require graduation? I just wanted a list of those jobs. How does one apply for them?,What's your caste? "There are about 26,000 people on this sub better equipped to answer this than me, but here I go anyway. The Scriptural underpinnings are best found in John's Gospel, Chapter 6. There's a lengthy discourse on the subject. Important to note, when some of Jesus' followers balked at the idea of eating His flesh and drinking His blood, rather than say that He was speaking in metaphor, He doubled down on the language and reiterated that it was real food and real drink. The theology of it is a bit heady and, to be frank, some of it is beyond me. What's significant is that we receive and consume the Eucharist and that we call it Communion. By eating our Lord's flesh and drinking His blood, we are bringing ourselves into a very physical union with Him. By extension, when all of the faithful do the same, we are all brought into union with Him AND each other -- the Body of Christ. It is this last point that makes transubstantiation so important. Consubstantiation basically means that Jesus' spirit is somehow added to the bread and wine, but that the bread and wine are otherwise unchanged. You cannot eat and digest a spirit; there isn't a good explanation for what happens to Jesus' spirit after you eat the unaltered bread and wine. But tangible, real flesh and blood are digested and spread though the cells of your body, no differently than anything else you might eat and drink. Transubstantiation actually makes a bit *more* sense than consubstantiation. As much as these mysteries can make sense to us, anyway.",Thanks for the comprehensive response! Anyone think its kind of absurd that a block counts as a miss? How is that the kickers fault?,Shoulda kicked it sooner. I am not happy about these sorts of announcements. Today's times are quite a way from 2:00 and planning for breaking it could encourage doping in an endurance sport that's very well suited to that sort of thing.,Because no runners were going to dope until this happened. "The Prestige. That one really messed with me, thinking about the repercussions of doing the water trick every night...","All I could think of was: Dude, [you have a fucking replicator, why not just make an infinite amount of everything?]" What? PayTM at loss ?,Soon they will fire all the underperformers. So you experienced emotions and responded to them naturally? You should be ashamed.,Burn the witch! What's a little killing after body-snatching and trans-dimensional rape-by-deception?,"Well if he yelled Surprise it wouldn't have been rape no matter what, right?" "Surface is absolute shit. Just a terrible, garbage device. Not fighting for the Mac side, I'm a PC guy. But man Surfaces suck.",You elaborated and gave such a wonderfully insightful review of the surface that I simply can't understand why I just downvoted you. I would even be comfortable with people saying there was Russian meddling or there was Russian meddling but he would have won anyway but to deny it with this much evidence is just shitty and dangerous.,But Hillary totally pimped out Pizza basement sex babies from an establishment that doesn't even have a basement. What is a toast or salute to say in Greek that is similar to Cheers! in English?,orea vizia Bengals' last 3 first round draft picks played a collective 7 snaps on Sunday,WJ3 IS A BUST! The meme is over,I CALLED 3276 WHEN YOU ASKED IN CC LIKE A WEEK AGO Upgraded this tiny 660 to a 1080!,"Wow that's a very nice upgrade OP, I'm planning to upgrade my 660 to a 1060 very soon hope it fits in my HAF 912" "Podesta is using it, not Comet themselves","Yeah, #chickenlover isn't code for anything." "Nah, she'll show up and get her ass handed to her like the last debate. CTR will have to go dark again while they await orders.",And then we can discuss politicz rationally on arrr/politics for a couple hours "Why do we fight for respect for religion and nonreligion, if we judge their decisions of what they do in their life? If they're not hurting anyone and want to utilize it to help others, isn't that what's important.",Because then how will I feel irrationally superior over inconsequential things? "The War on Drugs in Ireland? 3/4 of drug related deaths in 2014 from prescription drugs, not illegal drugs.",Yeah but they're LEGAL so it doesn't count Pussy squeezing through a tight place,"I've delivered a few babies in my day, and the baby comes out just like that." And we've had them since the beginning too. In the early 2000s I had a 30GB cap with Videotron.,30 GB in Canada... is that like 25 GB in American? Our memes are fun. Your memes are cancer.,LUL Kanye West just spotted in Trump Tower elevators Saw it live on CNBC at 6:15 am pst.,MK Ultra project activated How many Germans does it take to change a lightbulb? None. We manipulate the Software for light meassurement!,Nice one! What did actually live up to its hype?,No mans sky You guys don't really need a RB do you? Although a talent like Fourentte might be too good to pass on,"We need eye candy, watching Jets offense for these past few forevers has been painful." She was getting a lil' wacky at the end.,Yeah because she was totally sane during the murders Alberta says hi,Nice NDP government guys; great job No that's the Conservatives who introduced the most taxes and spend the most out of any previous govt by running up biggest non wartime debt under Harper,I'm sure the recession had nothing to do with that. Under A Wave,Reminds me of the Citadel Roof. "Rigging primaries, doing everything they can to help only their establishment candidate, manipulating voters, preparing attacks on their own members. Changing campaign finance rules to allow for what would have been illegal 10 years ago (Hillary Victory Fund), trading ambassadorships for six-figure payouts, using the State department to fundraise, cozying up to wealthy donors and allowing them to dictate policy and the message. This is barely the tip of the iceberg, but it was more than enough for me to cancel my monthly donation and register as an Independent",Well you can't honestly believe that any of that is corruption! Also clicking on different units should not show info on the side. This is not how RTS's work.,Yeah but its how League of Legends works and how are we going to get LoL's gamerbase to move to Dota2 if they cant understand our GIU? TIL A Trebuchet can launch a 80 lbs projectile up to 300 meters,Ayy lmao "I'm a white dude, and my latina girlfriend has been trying to convince me for years that mojonsito means honey.","I mean, from a certain point of view..." "I'll really miss this inferior display. It's so nice, clean, and large. RIP","But I can't see anything, like how am I supposed to know what is going on below my HUD without moving my camera like a good player?" Tech of The Month award for a retiring civilian. Thought you all would get a kick out of the bullets.,TIL Korea happened between WW1 and WW2 There's a nuke landing in 2 hours and you're worried about the grammar in the warning,I will die like I lived. Fuck oculus,quality post really added a lot to the conversation. Today is my lucky day,Least you got +10 Salvage. I took a picture of my strats headstock and filtered the shit out of it. I think it looks pretty cool. (1994 Fender MIM Wayne's World II Strat),You're clearly overly obsessed with your gear and need to stop taking photos and start playing instead I wanted decent gear on my ironman before starting melee,"Damn that's pretty beast, nice work." holy shit he's 6'4???? whoa,I... I'm 6'5... I think I can take this guy... (shitpost) this subreddit right now after viewing the ending cutscene,Okay I won't watch it.... Until I beat it myself "People who've deleted Facebook, what was the final straw?",Influx of baby boomers that ruin it like they ruin everything else. The sticker on the back window of this car is on the Inside,"In an attempt to occupy them during a longer than usual trip, the parents had the kids stick it on the back window." Congrats?,Thanks! "Don't worry, the OT costs will be hidden in the hydro bill.","It has to be, or else the regular consumer might get too confused" "The more you look, the better it gets.",I don't think it can get any better than that Demo. "Columbia is an Oregon company, that's why so many people wear it in Oregon. Outside of Oregon, it's just another middle of the road outdoor clothing company. Not expensive, not innovative.",Yeah kinda like Nike lolz mosquitoes,"That face when you live in Scotland, and the eradication of Mozzies won't save you from the midges" This is a close-up of the new Baby shirt from Hot Topic,please sit the fuck back in your seat ftfy #BTFO CUCK MERCHANT!!!,"MERCHANT IS FRIEND THOUGH, MERCHANT HAS BEST INTERESTS IN MIND." "Report from Europe : Nope, we think you elected the worst dumbass of your history. Don't know a single person that think it was a good idea. Seriously.","Yeah, he is way worse than the actual White Supremacists we have elcted in the past that instituted Jim Crow laws and massacred Native Americans." I thought this was going to be on r/jokes but apparently contagious face cancer is a thing,yes it's been decimating the tasmanian devil population Ascended to the x34 yesterday and it's better than I imagined. Here it is along with my favorite game!,does anyone know what this background is i want it. Good thing Seattle went with Loidero!,Meh the jury is still out on that signing. CNN spreads anti-Russian fake story about Moscow school closure,Please use a better source. "I will say this though... using a smart TV + DualShock controller is an interesting idea for at least trying out games you don't have the hardware for... But yeah, online game streaming is pretty bad for any game that requires quick reactions... I had a couple games for OnLive (the company Sony bought for PS Now) before they shut down and they weren't horrible but trying to play anything beyond simple games like world of goo was just painful...",OnLive on my old Sky broadband connection was top notch (1mb down shared between people) "Hmm, you're probably right that I underestimated... But I don't think that doubles my estimate. I usually suck at math, but a billion credits should only cost about $3,500. Mean credit yield from 1 mega pack is 1.12 million. Which means you'd need to buy ~890 of them, which comes out to about 530k crystals. Divided by 15,710 (crystals in 1 vault), you're looking at about 34 vaults. I think I did that right? Either way, I'm sure acquiring that many mods was not cheap either, so yea... Maybe 25k was a little low.",I know i was pulling numbers out of my butt but i have a guildmate who has all toons g11 now and he spent somewhere around 10k for that "Tyron hit Wonderboy so hard, he became Rocky.",yeah that guy deserves a rematch. "Facing a criminal complaint, Alex Jones is scrubbing Pizzagate content","Looks like Alex has sold out to the (((globalists))), am I right?" Oh god lol. It's 30 mins post match. I really should check the modqueue,"I'd go for 2-0 to us, Wood in the first half and a late one from Douk to seel it" "That's a bit of a stretch tbh. Let's try to keep our expectations in check, shall we?",They're obviously just going to talk about the Wii U's final game. "The only reason we knew about it in the first place was because the GOP found it useful against Clinton. Every fucking republican mouthpiece went on and on about fucking Benghazi. If Clinton was a Republican, we'd have never heard about it.","If it was a Republican, they would have been lynched by the media and people would have actually been outraged over the whole thing." "Is the villainy not good anymore? I have the old fwc sold one, and the god roll nirwins mercy but have't used them in ages. Are they good or where they nerfed?","Mine shoots like a laser, and the reload speed is crazy." So frustrating watching them get picked off over and over on B site and letting Aizy hit those nutty shots,"Yeah it really is, C9 REALLY need to work on their T side, if they can do that then they'll actually start winning their T sides." Are you suggesting Dana said something that wasn't true?,Do you really think Dana would go on TV and lie like that? Chainfire got his Pixel rooted!!,"Chainfire isn't the god we want, he is the god we need!" "Remember, laddettes and laddies: Wait. For. Benchmarks. ^omfg ^I'm ^so ^fucking ^hype",Why would I want to do that? "I'm sure BPD will somehow find that the shooting was justified. It truly seems like more training is necessary so that the officers sworn to protect us actually do. Sometimes people need to be protected from themselves. This was a situation that probably needed to be de-escalated, not made worse by firing on an unarmed man.","If you arrange his belt just right, it looks like an assault rifle." "Browser hijacks. Not just adding extensions, but ones that permeate through all the browsers, replace stuff, and keep coming back. And on Mac there's no really good antivirus which exacerbates the issues","Ahh, but I hear NortonTM is now available for macOS !" Wasn't he sued for a policy of racism at his apartment complexes back in the 70's?,"Yeah, but that's just business!" looking for a outfit,Just use the ingame outfit browser. "How do the Chinese know if you're Chinese or not? I am honestly considering changing my tribe name to something chinese (from google translate, it shows up as [][][][][][][]), just to see when the zergs invade, ill be safe.","It's simple really, you aren't zerging with them." No winter crash playlist?,Thanks "Next milestone, death!",I liked your comment until I saw that meant I'd push it to 667 upvotes Absolutely MAD Athiest likes christmas,He isn't an Atheist but ok. Thank you for that. It really highlights the fact that liberals and conservatives operate with a completely different moral compass. No wonder we get so angry with each other.,"Yeah, it's not rape, one person gave consent!" "Donald is a billionaire. If you're going to shit post, do it right.",Maybe during that Atlantic city Casino bubble. This is not evidence at all. Just Draymond displaying his BBIQ.,sorry forgot the "Wintersday event is amazing This is my first time in this type of event in gw2. I have to say that amazing, I've been all the afternoon playing on this event because at first I didn't know what to do, but some people of my guild explained me and I get a lot of gold selling the presents and there are some achivements to get so its a very funny event. If someone knows what else I can do with those presents pls tell me.",Recycled content is definitely amazing Why don't you give her a mailing address and see if she's bluffing?,"Yeah, giving some crazy Etsy lady an address sounds like a brilliant idea." me and my friends played 4 Square all the time too. The ultimate goal was to get 3 of your friends in the same game and just gang up on the outsider round after round,Or have all your friends in and play easy so no one else gets to play for the rest of lunch Cosplay =/= consent.,"It was just rape roleplaying, im a villain, i thought you were playing" "This was my rocksmith when I was a kid, it came with a guitar pick that plugged into the computer, and you strummed along on a tennis racket.",I should put up a letter at my local guitar store letting people know that I'm available as a stunt guitarist. Standing tall,Tippy toes This is how the GTA V REDUX mod looks like with a Titan XP!,"Ignoring trolls, I think it looks great side from the minimap." What a pathetic showing. And people called me crazy when I said Fitzpatrick wasn't good.,"Me too, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills" 'NBN Drags Down Australia's Net Worth By $8.8 Billion',"Lucky Google and Amazon didn't spend a lot of money on leading edge infrastructure, or they would be worth very little." All walks of life in this city. Some sharper than others.,"I thought I was getting robbed at a urinal in a bus station in Cleveland one time, turned out the guy was just trying sell me a $10,000 necklace while I was taking a leak." Tell the name of a fruit whose only peel is eaten?,Banana "What WW trash could be picked up as keeper player treasure? Who is your vote for rags-to-riches 2017? Some of us are in leagues where you keep a player for the slot they were drafted at, or a late round pick for WW picks up. What players might be worth grabbing off waivers to give ourselves more keeper options for next year? This could be players who might be in line for starter work, players who could be leaving in free agency, or players who were doing well this year but were likely dropped due to injury. Who is your vote for rags-to-riches 2017?",How about Michael Floyd in case he stays with the Pats Crabtree is the worst receiver in the league!!,That's what they get for talking shit! What exactly does that do for our environment and health care and economy though,"Save it from being destroyed, hopefully..." "Im already tired of people complaining about the Executioner. AND HE'S NOT EVEN OUT YET Guys seriously. All due respect, shut the hell up about the executioner. He's weeks down the road. We wont be getting him till February, and probably mid-late February even. The sneak peek is just what it is called. ***A sneak peek***. Its literally meant to let you get a look at whats in store, and card stats aren't final at this point. Jfc. Supercell, keep up the good work bringing us great cards and content. (Disclaimer: This is not intended to start a flurry of posts all saying the same thing. Lets one and done it for once. You're all (mostly, I hope) mature individuals.)",But he's so broken! Bitch hell no yo eyes ugly as fuck I can't bust a nut to a wackass tiny mouth Sid the sloth lookin ass ho,Ghetto weebs are best weebs Kratom and weed,ill take those into consideration thanks brotha "The sport is so poorly thought out. The only point of it is to give broomsticks a purpose, and create another situation where Harry gets to be the most important person in the room. Which is basically the entire point of the wizarding universe. Everything serves one purpose; to further the plot and show the readers how important and awesome Harry is, and then never mentioned again.","Look, those billions in royalties and residuals don't make themselves..." You're meant to at least try to pretend not to be a colossal fucking racist jesus christ,"It's cool, Trump's president now so it's okay to be racist." you're an idiot then because it's bugged,it works fine in the lobby u retarded monkey :D Would be funny if it wasn't even an actual tradition the tribe had. Like when they do it themselves the gloves are empty and they just pretend it hurts just to get tourists to try it to fuck with them.,Indigenous trolls. "I have asked myself the same thing, what keeps me from buying a $100 ziplock bag with some free weed inside?","lol I mean theoretically if the bag was opaque and you didn't open it till you were gone, I just handed you the wrong bag" Cleen and Megan Jean from season 7 are still together if anyone didnt know,Thats why I watch Ink Master! Highest ever recorded wave of 62.3 feet has been detected by an automated buoy in the North Atlantic.,"Oh buoy, that is a big wave!" "The end of the biweekly ADVICE mega-threads and the beginning of the daily GENERAL thread A couple years ago, we implemented a set of mega-threads to handle the never-ending stream of career advice questions and job postings. And whilst this has been a step up from what we had before, we feel it isn't enough. Time after time, users have complained that if you didn't get to the ADVICE mega-thread quickly enough, your question wouldn't get answered and not enough people go back to read old posts, even if they are stickied. So with that, we are now introducing a daily GENERAL thread to handle everything you want to talk about that is remotely related to engineering: * Career advice questions * Job offer and job market discussions * Resume critiques * Office/management/employee topics * Questions about school/major choice/course electives (homework questions will be removed) * Discussions of current projects, including progress images * Pretty much anything you want to talk about that is engineering or job-related is fine provided you follow rules seven (7) and nine (9). Job postings and inquiries will be directed to the CAREERS mega-thread, which will now be posted every Monday morning. The same rules for top-level posts still apply: if you have a question that involves the principles and practice of engineering, a top-level post is permitted. All other posts will be directed to the GENERAL threads. * * * #Examples of permitted top-level posts: * Where can I find the mechanical properties for A325 bolts? * What boundary condition should I use to model this structure in ANSYS? * When does ASCE 7-10 chapter 13 apply when designing industrial platforms? * Does ASME VIII address bolted joints in high temperatures? * How can I account for losses due to viscous flow in my heat exchanger? * Is the capacitor I have selected sufficient for this circuit? * How can I tweak my testing procedure to get more accurate results? * Is it unethical to stamp a project outside the specific field of your license? #Examples of posts for the GENERAL threads: * What should I study in school if I want to help reduce crime? * I think my boss is criminally insane - should I get a new job? * Anyone in Gotham City? I'm looking for a wastewater treatment job. * Should I include my experience with the police commissioner on my resume? * Anybody taking the PE this weekend/next month/in 2020? * What do you guys think of the latest Twitter trend about female engineers? * What do you do to pass the time at the office when work is slow? #Examples of disallowed posts/comments: * Can you help me with my thermo homework? * Can jet fuel melt steel beams?",But what if our job requires us to know if a certain grade of fuel can melt steel beams? This is among the most retarded things I have ever read in my life. So I have to pay for the education of people who'd otherwise mug me while I don't get anything in return?,I hope this is missing the "Where are we? She was a puppet for special interests. The more I hear crying from people like you, the more I know we did the right thing. Thank God America got this one right. #maga",Signaling back to the Kremlin with your hashtag huh? Der schwarze oder der rote?,Der gelbe. "I don't know the whole backstory on why they gave it away, so I can't make a judgement on that... But does everyone here really just get their pets from friends/family/people they know? I have no idea what the names of the people who gave me my dogs were. Their dog got pregnant, they stuck a post online, and I met up, chatted a bit, and picked out a puppy. What level of relationship is necessary before giving someone an animal?","If I'd had an animal for its whole life and 16 years of my own, I'd want to know the person." *you're Sorry,"Not to discredit your correction, but I feel you're just actively searching for people to correct in order to get karma." "People like these games. I think it's just as fine to downvote based on opinions you disagree with as it is to upvote those you agree with, contrary to what a lot of hugbox subreddits would have you believe. You're making a mountain out of a molehill.",It's literally in the Reddit site rules that the downvote is specifically not a disagree button. Abbott had a very safe and secure upbringing where he was treated as the golden boy. Not the type who tend to get depression later in life.,"Nah mate, he definitely earned being made a manager at his mate's company right out of highschool, and has every right to be proud of how he almost drove the workers to a strike with his high standards based on zero experience or expertise." I trust the RT more then our media. I bet our rebels carried out the bombs to blame Russia. Aerial footage proved Russia right.,The same kind of photos that MoD claimed show both a Ukrainian fighter and a Ukrainian BUK missile shot down MH17 Making a hundred drawer fronts for a sales counter at a quick-food restaurant.,Can't wait for a kid to rip that off thinking the drawer is stuck. "So, company calls you and tells you they've messed with the seat. That means you go out and check it to make sure? Not, I've had strangers working on my car, I should probably check things out of habit? Christ. What's the difference? How about we leave the business out of it? You know what I'd do if I dropped my car at the mechanic and I noticed anything out of place after? Drop the mechanic.","Yeah meanwhile lets check the torque on my lugnuts, make sure the oil filter is screwed in correctly, make sure they didn't cut any seatbelts, you know, things most people check whenever they get their car serviced." If nobody claims him I could use one,It's ok I just got the cigarettes I'll be home soon. Super Bowl LI Complete Ad Chart -- Who's Buying Commercials in the Big Game,Looking forward to PuppyMonkeyBaby 2.0! I'm only including their studio albums + IR Disc 2,CoDex DayDreaming Decks Dark Desert IslanD Disk IDentikit Tinker Tailor SolDier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief Ill WinD (might not count for your purposes) DC-Area Marching Bands Opt to Sit Out Trump's Inaugural Parade,They clearly haven't seen one of the countless interviews where Kellyanne Conway informed us that Trump has a mandate. A. K. A 2016 political debates,HAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA No one here with that name. Return to sender.,Just what I was thinking. What's your worst experience with data caps here in the Philippines? I've been screwed over by Globe one too many times back when the FUP was introduced. I'd like to hear about your story about how you've been screwed over by data caps from ISPs.,Confused whether people here meant kbps or kBps A tiny tupolev tu-334,"Wow that TU-334 is adorable, like a better looking A318." "I have 70-120fps but feels like capped 30! I get 70-120 fps depends on the situation in game. But it feels extremely laggy(like a capped 30 or less) All my temperatures are fine and drivers are updated ,anyone else experiencing this problem/know a solution?",that's because our eyes can't see above 30FPS anyway Rodgers named NFC Offensive Player of the Week,But he is W A S H E D U P All of them,Except Dragon Ball Z. Not powering up for 4 episodes and Krillin is still alive. Worse Than Watergate? Concerns Grow That Anti-Clinton FBI Faction Conspired to Hand Trump Election,The huffington post is such a reliable and trustworth news source "He couldn't stay out of trouble here and was ultimately dismissed after a drug-related arrest, so hopefully a fresh start serves him well.",Yeah he won't have any negative influences in Cola compared to Clemson Nice B hold!,thx man I am in 3rd grade teacher says im good at words "Actually I've found that having tpyos in your post gets your post higher, because people love to comment to correct others on the internet.",*typos "Is this the best update ever? So far, I believe this December update has been the best ever. So far everything they've changed has been good - a new, amazing, arena, 4 awesome looking cards, making epics not as rare, and making a clan collaboration crown chest, which many people have been asking for. So - is this the best update they've had so far? Not only is it big, (they're not even done with the sneak peeks!) but all the things they've announced have been amazing looking. What are your thoughts about this?",Nah the best update was when the Royal giant had his range increased by 1 "Why aren't retailers carrying the new playmats? On FFG's store they have the new Battle of Hoth and Starkiller Base playmats up for sale, but no one else seems to have them (amazon, miniature market, etc). Is it just such a newly announced product they don't have inventory yet? In that case why aren't they taking pre-orders? Will these playmats be available exclusively from FFG? Really want them but don't want to shell out for FFG's $13 shipping.",because they look silly and nobody wants them on their shelves? Port Authority cops accused of abandoning patrol posts to nap,Why can't they just nap during their 2 hour lunch breaks? white people problems.,faltou o My favorites one piece,"Holy shit, amazing!" What is your favourite euphemism for having sex?,My euphemism for jerking off is having sex. It's amazing if it has the ability Protean.,Kecleon! He only won because he was black. Not competent. Not that smart.,"Yes, black people have been so historically popular in America" Isn't that more or less Marx's thesis in Capital? That wage work was just slavery in a different form?,No that was rick and morty That's f****** horrible why would you kill a dog,"Hey buddy, you forgot the" Yes! Learn to play rainbow teams! Put the puzzle back in Puzzle & Dragons.,Does Ronove count? You remind me of the babe...,What babe? "How do you get unbanned? I had an issue last year where I didn't receive a giftee, IIRC.","Appeal, I guess?" World's largest wave recorded between Ireland and Iceland,"Every 50 years, mother nature lets us know how small we really are..." KeyArena has a 0% chance of appropriately hosting an NHL team. Plus the renovations would presumably require public funding. It's bizarre this options seems to be preferred by the City Council.,But it also has great access to transit and freeways! Is it just me or do you get a little triggered when your teammates are too nice?,Better than the other extreme at least I have a mate that drinks it every single night of the week. His teeth are purple and he has trouble sleeping.,Those can't be related surely? "The thing that gets me is that at best doing the moral equivilent thing is like asking which is worse, cutting off a finger or cutting off an arm? Clearly one is worse, but you should still not be cutting off a finger.",I think it's more like they're both morally wrong but one usually has much worse results than the other. "Dang, there goes my plans of becoming the galaxy's best firster. My firsting dreams have been dashed :(.",No man's sky is full of firsts "LF: Pheromosa, Celesteela FT: Kartana, Buzzwole [Tradeback] So I tried once earlier but stupidly went out, so here goes again. I'm just looking to complete my Dex, any help would be appreciated, can also trade away a Kartana for good because I have 4 but none are any useful natures, sorry!",Yeah sure keep the pheramosa "There were betas after betas. There would be public release, then the next day the bets for the next version would drop. With all these betas iOS 10 should be the most stable yet hopefully",Should be. Fire destroys Amazon delivery truck on Interstate 15 at Miramar Way,"Hey channel 10 here, do you mind if I use this for my evening news report." "I can see your perspective (also a former NiM raider), but your perspective is that of a raiding player.......this simply is not the focus of this game anymore. For the avg player the new system at least gives those who have never been in an operation a chance at gear. It's not perfect (needs better drop rates and a better way to gear alts), but a rare positive is that Bioware has acknowledged this and is considering some changes already.","You can still gear your alts just fine with the cxp system and legacy armor, so long as your alts are of the same advanced class or imp/pub mirrors..." "I'm glad we don't have that here in the us. It's nice people are free to stand or not for the anthem. And their choice will be respected and they won't be shamed, harassed, or boycotted.",You are missing "The point is here, at sporting events or the like, we can choose not to participate by sitting down and we won't be arrested.","Well, going to cinema hall isn't mandatory either.." "Loss rate in Germany was about 1/3, in total 298 planes were lost completely or damaged beyond repair.",... giving it the name Witwenmacher (Widow Maker). Is Chuck Pagano the new Jeff Fisher?,"No, Jeff Fisher made it to the Super Bowl in his 5th season as head coach." which would cause a lot of inflation as the value of the dollar would plummet,right... I must of forgot to put Any suggestions on good place to have a rehearsal dinner in the Hendersonville area?,Tilted kilt. Archit & Slowpoke,"Calm down slowpoke, breeding isn't even in the game yet." "Late Xmas party Just wondering if anyone on here has venue suggestions for approx 20 people. Looking to do a couple hotel rooms. Important part is noise tolerance; we can be a little loud, so something decently sound insulated. Thanks",My work is doing Triple B's in a few weeks. really??? I didn't get parts ready yet even though I got the same stuff as u did except the cpu and motherboard which I got the i7-6700K,"Ordered 23rd, cleared 30th, nothing yet." "Yes, it's worth it. If it isn't worth it, nothing is worth it. We're talking about the integrity of our elections here. What could be more important?",Emails. Isn't socialism great?,No it's those darned capitalists hiding in the shadows! "He says something which made her turn and freeze, don't know what that is. She shoves him, he lunges at her. She slaps him, he hammers her with a hard right hook. That's how she ended up the victim. He walks over and says something, which looks suspicious as all hell, and his reaction is disproportionate to her actions. If I were him then I wouldn't counter sue. The reputation damage from that alone would out weigh anything he may gain.",He was asking for it. And most of those were from communism.,"There was never any true communism, it was all state capitalism!" me irl,***The gentle memer shall no longer suffer*** Lil' Jon Snow,Da King o da Norf only 2 of those guys are actually french,still more than in their 11 men roster in football ... "I treat everyone nicely, especially when i have never met them and have no idea about them. Tall, small, fat, thin, attractive, unattractive...everyone deserves to be treated nicely until such a time they reveal themselves to be utter arseholes.",If there's one godamn kind of person I don't respect... ... It's *tall* people... Wait a minute. Since when is sex good?,"Since it *is*, because being is convertible with goodness, so when God made it, it was good." "2016 Holiday Swag Bag Hi, folks! Happy Holidays! Chanukah starts on Christmas Eve this year. Wild, right? Anyway, some folks are opening their presents now, either early or in a timely fashion, and it's time to share what you've gotten! Don't post the stuff you got outside this thread, or it'll be taken down. I hope you all get what you want this year. I'm still waiting to see if Stuffmas Claus brings me that pony I've been asking for for the last three years.","I got the watchmen boxed set from my parents, this thing is beautiful" Eli manning is an enigma to me. Is he a perfect case for separating QB's from team success? Or is he actually a decent QB that happens to be capable of imploding spectacularly any given Sunday.,I'm under the impression that when Eli is in a jam Peyton is somewhere holding his arms up giving him his energy like in DBZ. "Please don't make uninformed diagnosis of mental illness based on something like an Internet profile. It is hurtful and degrading to those who actually are mentally ill and wrong. Anyone who has actually studied psychiatry or psychology knows that you cannot even come close to knowing if someone is mentally ill without lots of talk and personal information. The guy is a misogynist, this is not a mental illness, it's a learned behavior. He rambles in his writing like a large % of peoplease, that is not a mental illness. Depression is a mental illness, it's crippling. Ainxiety is a mental illness and it can destroy a life. Schizophrenia is a mental illness etc... being a rambling misogynist makes you an asshole not mentally ill. Please stop associating those people with those of us who actually suffer from mental illness. This is way too common on this sub and it's just wrong.",This isn't Tumblr stop Honestly I'd love for trump to turn them off. And then I'd love to watch the federal government try and collect taxes from California and it's massive GDP. Then we'd watch the red states burn in poverty even worse than before.,"Yeah, because Californians aren't afraid of penalties from the IRS for tax evasion." BREAKING -- CLINTON FOUNDATION EMAILS LEAKED!! GET IN HERE!!,I can't read these; they're obviously written in Russian Why the ABORTION RIGHTS tag?,This is how baby's are killed "Bro its honestly the best thing. Along side playing weekend league I have been trading using your tips bro, but honestly weekend league is so worth it. I was honestly so excited because atm, Im looking pretty good for monthly which is 12 informs. 12 INFORMS. That is crazy. This is honestly just a huge bonus","Honestly, I'm not sure you're being honest" "We've lived in a few suburbs and would recommend something on the Northside, Fishers, Noblesville or Carmel.",From NYC to Noblesville...great idea yes,You have weird kinks man! IMO rugby is the best-administered team sport in the world.,I think you forgot the Anti-LGBT man verbally attacks Tempe church employee -- cited Trump's win as permission to do so.,False flag false flag! "The movie isn't out yet, but I already can't wait for the sequel!",Rogue Two: Manny Bothans I don't see any evidence of Trump ever saying that he wants to kill any of his opponents. Can you please link me to some statements that he had made our actions he had taken that would imply this?,You forgot the "Yeah, he stole places all of the time.","Ayy we have the same name :), yea true and he never gave any credit." "Instead of the town directly paying for his cancer treatments, the town probably pays for health insurance as a job benefit. The insurance company may have increased the premiums when he had cancer. Since the town didn't want to pay the higher premiums, they cut him to part-time so that they don't have to offer health insurance to him.",This guy underwrites Truthfully they should just form a group called black excellence.,But that would be racist What i think of when someone says starcraft balance,So many surgeries incoming "Alaska leaning red, eh?",Yeah because Democrats love Sarah Palin. "Likewise, I've got about 150 dehaka games so far and I can only think of maybe 3-4 times I've ever overwritten a big heal with a small. Players who button mash are the reason this change came in and that's just not acceptable.","Yeah, this game runs so perfect and never lags" "Are we back online boys? Took a nap since servers were down awhile ago, how are we lookin?",Back up "Australia mapped only by dirt tracks, roads and highways","That is a really amazing pic, but when is it all going to on street view?" "KBC to stop with Start to Save program, in order to move people away from saving accounts towards stock market. Opinion? Heard the title of this post this evening on the news. And it sounded very, very bad to me. It seems like the banks want to force the Belgian people to start taking away their money from their saving accounts, and move it for a big chunk into stocks. Then of course, when people did that, the markets can crash, and the banks somehow can make a lot of money because of the Belgians pumping their savings into the stocks. Or am I being too cynical here? :-) I've been looking quite a bit into stocks lately, and it seems the market has been very bullish for quite a bit of years now, and ready to have some bubbles crash in the coming years.",Let's all invest in stocks now when they're at (or near) their all time high My husband once accidentally earned his red wings when my period started a week early. Whoops.,Well you are net a real man before you have had blood on the sword No politics in the daily,My bad "I was in uni, and there was a group of us that regularly met up for drinks after classes. Anyway one of them was this cute guy who after getting to know him a bit I got a little crush for. So I asked him if he wanted to go for a drink sometime. He said yes, we discussed where/when etc. When I turned up the rest of the group was there. I flirted my ass off for about a month, nothing, so figured he wasn't interested and gave up. About 4 months later we were all sat having a drink when it came up in conversation. He gave me this wide eyed look and said said he hadn't realised. Apparently he was gutted because he'd figured he'd been friend zoned and I was too hot for him.","I can relate to the guy in this, girl invited me to her apartment to get something told her ill stay outside and smoke" When the game even punishes you for your naughty thoughts...,Well... technically you did pull the pin and didn't put it back in... "Guys, recently this sub is flooded with good news on Malaysians' achievements. Best Comedian, Life-saving Basketballers, the Doctors, that Teacher. Kudos to all!",Amazing what you can achieve once you emigrate "We need to win, but keep De Boer where he is. He is doing wonders for all of us. I think he might be a Juventino. De Boer uno di noi, uno di noi!!",It's been proved that De Boer has been hired as a spy agent from the Agnelli family. "Mate. Leave. Now. Today. Wait 'till she's out or whatever, but leave. You don't deserve to be treated like this and staying isn't helping you or her. Get out and stay out, it'll be the best thing you ever do.",Reddit best place for relationship advice! "ID - Texas, found by a friend on a job site","My guess would be a yellow-bellied racer in transition, but it also kinda looks like a bull snake to me, so I figured I'd ask." New mousepad installed! I shall never run off the edge again!,What was the install time? Terms of Service: Didn't Read. A website for a tl;dr for a widely variety of terms of service on the internet.,Plot twist: The plug in has the longest ToS in the entire universe. Zeruiah is coming to town,"Literally the amount of pulls i did last year and i didnt get her Have you been stalking me, OP?" Remove teamkilling entirely? I don't see why not.,"No, then we have a bunch of body shields you can shoot through." The real worry is a nuclear winter.,found the solution to global warming Tolerant alt-right,Being intolerant of their intolerance is the real racism. "If the current intellectual debate in r/the_cuck is any indicator, Trump will spend the next 4 years trying to prove the moon landing was faked and that democrats have been spending a trillion dollars on a virus that only kills republicans by targeting the patriot gene TIL: alt-right conspiracy people have a huge dose of both ignorance and gullibility",Don't tell them our secrets. Dragon removed confirmed,"As well as Minions, Pekkas, Miners, Bowlers... Back to th7 we all go!" Does the OP get that in cash then?,Do you think VAT would be reduced by that 0.3% if the UK wasn't in the EU? Bernie Bros have an excess of Salt I see...,"If, with all these flavours, you choose to be salty, I approve of adding chocolate." The Quantum Mechanics Talk,Now we only need to get Deepak Chopra to read it. I can't wait for 4-8+ years of you are the reason trump won whenever I am critical of anything right of me.,You not being able to wait is why Trump won. "Why do we need a UK Championship though? Why not bring back European Championship? Or better yet, why bring a championship at all? I don't see the need for another title. The IC title has just now been on fire lately, while U.S. Championship is dead at the moment, so why bring another goddamn title.",For Roman Reigns to have another title. "Push education and push it hard, educated people are more likely to have less kids. Push sexual education early, remove the stigma around having sex and teach people that using contraceptives is a good thing. Improve access to abortion services, and stop judging women who use them. Also, most of the people we like to think of as stupid aren't actually stupid so much as they are ignorant. Education can fix that.","Whoa whoa whoa, that sounds very un-Christian." "I left one in a lake for a few years, that didn't work very well either, so don't try that.","No, no you're supposed to boil the water first!" Rarely? What does that even mean? How many did he go to vs how many did he skip? How does that compare to Trudeau's rate of attendance?,Shut up dude it's all the fucking liberals and Trudeau that are the bad ones! "Thoughts on free agency What are our chances of snagging Joel The Process Embiid? Parsons is a known free agent aficionado, and his bromance with The Process rivals that of Marc and Mike, and they haven't even played on the same team before. I think we could get him to be honest",Nah we'll need that cap space when we sign Steph. I'm positive you could get absolutely disgustingly great over clocks if you left your doors and windows open and slapped a liquid cooler on there on top of it. Even in Texas winter beings me about 10 less degrees in CPU temperatures.,"Yeah, and explain to the 2 other people in the house don't worry if it's -20 something in the house, I was doing some OC, just put some warm clothes on, I'll cover the electricity bill for heating this month." "Yeah, some advanced shelves (or stockpiles or whatever) would be great. I'm a terrible pack rat and very soon my colony is drowning in food, textiles, stone, etc and I have to build yet another warehouse. And another. And another... *I know there're mods for bigger stacks but I heard they're a bit buggy so I don't use them.* Also wanted to add **2a** - a refrigerated shelf or 'fridge'. It's like an equipment rack but it requires power and it keeps 2 stacks of meals (or other food) cool. Put it in the dining room so that your colonists won't have to trek all the way to the freezer for a meal.",Your fridge would also be great for those of us who have a separate kitchen and freezer so the cook isn't constantly going from room to room. Nobody really realizes how fucked up that is. What if I made a rug out of some Asian mans ass?,How much you selling it for? "First Time Outside, Doggy?",CLOP "Haha I dont know why I singled you guys out in particular, you were just the first team that came to my head that had a game tonight",Yea I'm willing to bet the SF/LA game is gonna have a bunch more. "Involuntarily didn't cheat! I have been doing keto for 1 month and had been feeling great all over (weightloss-wise and mood-wise). I have been eating with a 40% deficit using the keto calculator on the sidebar and was feeling no hunger ... UP TO TODAY. Today felt like nothing could stop me, I literally emptied my fridge. Thankfully it's cold outside so I won't go out buy more things, but I really feel like it. After a lot of gilt and regret, I logged everything in myfitnesspal: I am still at a deficit (almost 20%)! I have only keto friendly food in my house, so I involuntarily escaped cheating :) Back on my usual meals tomorrow :)",So you voluntarily did cheat is what the title says Why I no longer use monthly loot box subscriptions....,More of a Star Wars fan? "DAE not get effects from xanax? I swear its such a useless drug. I took 39mg of xanax before once but i dont remember being high at all. Every time i take xanax i take at least 5x the recreational dose because i obviously have a high natural tolerance, but i dont have any memory of being high at all! If i was high i would remember it Am i alone?",If you're not sticking it in your ass you're just wasting it Unstoppable - Can be parried.,Well yeah it's unstoppable but not unparriable I think the number of people who actually recognize the value of a TSFA limit increase is too small to make much difference.,Oh but it's only the rich that benefit from it... Do you guys a having a problem rolling with girls at my gym there is unspoken rule go easy on them which is why I try and avoid go rolling with them,Almost as much as with noob white belts who know almost nothing........ radio? is that a new streaming device?,"Nah though, I'm really surprised to hear Redbone is getting rotation" "Army was also a potential beneficiary of this information, but for some reason I doubt the takes will be that scalding if it turns out Army also received this intel.","Army is willing to get into the dirty areas in order to secure a W at any cost, but Louisville is just full of dirty cheaters!" I was in the north with Barbas hunting the legendary SkyWhale,this is clearly no mans sky Dinos don't exist satan made them up to test pur fate and science is his tool.,you forgot I fucking hate that line boys will be boys.,You mean a sexist generalisation that pigeonholes an entire gender as inherently being assholes *isn't* something we should be using? "Cornell College Republicans president assaulted, called 'racist bitch' - The College Fix",Well this thread was *bound to be* nothing but peaches and cream from the start... Am I the only one worries about the pot plant at the bottom of the ramp?,"Looks more like some sort of palm than a cannabis plant, actually." What does this have to do with conservatism?,"Remember kids, don't fork your dongles, instead you should be checking your privilege." Records: 95 Detroit poll books missing for several days... Situating is escalating fast!,It's all Russia's fault. Hillary's Personal E-Mails to Be Published Today by Wikileaks?,Nothing to see except yoga schedules. Taught by a friend in High School. I'm sure he learned from someone in his family. Grew up in rural Virginia.,Rural Virginia checking in - your friend is a diabetic barbarian Gods work son.,just doing my part wow......that van house is a dump,But mountains! Don't worry about that guys! They got rid of National Action Britain is safe now!,You forgot the You weren't kidding! All your posts seem to be to dog related subreddits,That's not creepy at all Should buff out.,Nothing some Bondo and JB Weld can't fix He looks like he's half-assing every play,It's just cause it's against his former team "No Chapter this Week It's on break, new chapter next week. We don't need 10 people asking wen chapter?",when chapter tho "Buzzfeed isnt the best news source, comrade.","That was my first thought, but it's surprisingly well written and fact checked." "Hanzo, Check Arrow spam, Check Not a single kill, Check must be the Hanzo on my team :(","Hanzo and Widowmaker on the same team, Check" Hardly. Partys switched in 60s.,Ahh yes... Huey Long and FDR were extremely conservative... Republicans like Robert Taft fought tooth and nail against the New Deal because it wasn't liberal enough... Thin Client?,What does my weight have to do with anything? "Then they picked the wrong part of the ocean. Humpbacks are found further north. They probably killed at least seven million stingrays and dolphins, though, and the tropical fish death count is incalculable.",Perhaps we get a Dolphinprobe in the new Star Trek IV and the want to communicate with these dolphins? ELeague Qualifier Day 2 Matchups,Oh yea these are definitely random.... "I don't think that he's white. At least not fully. The last name is Spanish. Also, his victim is Dominican, so I'm not sure how this fits into their narrative.",DAE one-drop rule? OpTic will play FaZe in the 2nd round of the E-League Major Qualifier Discuss,OG - Faze / G2 - nV Not rigged at all I wouldn't even know what a calm Sunday is in the regular season... bye week?,I guess those are the only ones that would constitute as calm recently. "You can never account for that little bit of piss at the end. Sometimes it goes in, sometimes it doesn't",Such is life. I've never had a problem with a CCW permit holder. It's a constitutional right and I think anyone who tries to abolish it is an idiot.,"You'll love NJ, the government loves CCW." "Not to mention seafood, which contains way more mercury than vaccines ever have.",but that mercury is natural Are you telling me MJ would be like Jerami Grant in today's league? Cuz that aint tru,"Yea Jerami's like 6'9, he'd body Jordan" spending a week on this redesigned music player .. Currently music player can't do some stuff that I want it to do .,"Interesting, just keep it simple and improve the functionality and it's a winner in my book." Sean Hannity And Kevin Sorbo To Make Anti-Atheist Movie,I'm sure they'll have a lot of great points and flawless logic... PSA: Mario Go is perfect for 30 second flights,Go 2 miles and Super Mario Run is perfect on a flight I'm imagining you rampaging around the office in one of those inflatable T-Rex costumes. Probably my kids fault since they discovered the trend on YouTube last night...,**Smunchasaurus Rex will show no mercy** Just joking But what if I wasn't,Haha and then what ;) This is what I think the next Star Fox game should try,"Yeah, but like, what of they just tried being fun?" "I play bass. Into funk/jam/blues/jazz/rock. I live in Garden Grove now though so depending on how south you are may be to big of a pain for a jam sesh. Let me know, ill send you some live and studio recordings.",We're all the way down in San Clemente but if you're still interested (or even if you're not) I'd love to check out what you have recorded "For future reference, if you have any splicer keys, (which can be obtained by killing the brood mother witches anywhere in the Plaguelands) you can use that in the same console your SIVA offerings go to open the door if you get locked out. This also works if you die in the forge and forget to wait for a revive and respawn yourself outside the arena.",Yellow knights drop them too "It's still the right choice them. Yes, the team did well this year but that's an aberration that happens here and there. Their facilities, the school size, the recruiting, it all fits in the FCS really well. They'll have success there and have more fun while doing so","Ya I'm going to have so much fun with those epic OOC matchups against Simon Fraser, Colorado School of the Mines, and Western State" Not BMW but BW...,its Native 4K on a CONSOLE - PS4 Pro (LinusTechTips),"Oh gee, I wonder what a bunch of PC fanboys' opinions of the latest console will be, I can't stand the suspense of not knowing!" "Worried that Reigns will be Double champion by next Raw. I'm hoping he gets caught for some doping shit again, and Vince has no other option than suspend him or not put the title on him. Let KO be the champ, let the JeriKo feud break out on RAW instead out at Roadblock. One can wish, eh?",The double champ does the fuck he wants. Am I done yet?,You sound like my girlfriend :( My uncle writes for Mr Robot! Maybe i could get you a autograph if you had any requests :D,"Hi, it's me... ur uncle" Can we please just nationalise the rail industry and run it so it make a small profit which gets reinvested into the rail network.,Get outta here with that logic and reason How can somebody fabricate a US birth certificate?,Ask Obama It literally says on the tooltip that it affects quests that can only be completed once.,That requires reading it though. Don't get it,A disabled person in a wheelchair is sometimes refered to as a vegetable. TIPTLSNFTSOP - Today I pretended to learn something new...,lol butthurt cause your chicken lost the election. what do you base that on?,Your post history? "Curry held to 8 points. No one is going to talk about this, but they'll talk about Kristaps Porzingis held to 8 points? What the fuck?",Curry sucks. "Reward for Completing Season 2016 ticket? Last year people got a special frame for completing the S2 Ticket. What about this year? Considering there is a total of 20k FP, I don't think it's too much to ask considering last years was 15k FP.",450 gems for 5 amazing skins + undying chests + treasure chest + music themes + announcer packs + avatars wasn't enough? "you seem to not realize that German universities (the free ones) are not capitalist institutions. They are arms of the government tasked with the public service of educating the German workforce. They don't really care about hype, and the hype that a German university would bring by investing people's tax dollars in educating people *not even present in Germany* would only be bad hype. And alumni donations are an American thing. In Germany, alumni donations are called taxes.","Oh come, I'm sure OP was *totally* intending to be one of those donating alumni to the German university they graced with their online presence, once they'd done as many courses as possible to not have to pay back their US loan." "I believe the question was what makes a decorated train Christian, or exclusive to Christmas?",Holy shit someone gets my point. Why is the left/right concept so dominant and enduring? Politics can be valuably analyzed along many dimensions. What explains the dominance and enduring popularity of the left/right analysis? Many people shoehorn all political discussion into this one dimension. Why?,The French. "i dont think instancing would cause the blocky lettering, but the disappearing is definitely instancing, i think it's both though. at least we can agree on something eh",:) Do liberals even know anything about Iran?,They're peaceful and misunderstood. "I hope niantic will never add trading to the game. Hey guys. I know some people cant wait for a trading feature in game. Im pretty sure trading would destroy the game completely. There will be much more botters, cheaters, spoofers. Also the game would be a pay2win game instantly cause people will just buy strong pokemon on illegal websites. I really dont know why some people want a trading feature. sorry for my bad english im 14 and not a native english speaker.","I see what OP is doing, he's using reverse psychology on Niantic *fap clap*" "Where to find a vape for weed? I've seen a lot of people on reddit talk about using a vape for weed. I was wondering where I can get one and the price of it. I'm 21 so buying it is no problem, I would just prefer not ordering it online",r/vaporents Why go lina over some other carry if you just want to right click?,High magic damage in addition to high right-click damage Paul Scholes is exceptional 100% of the time for me,Sold my Scholes to get totgs Gundi - can't recommend him enough he's so solid I've got a crazy idea. Hear me out. What if we just allow people to think for themselves and decide on their own whether or not something is credible? Naah. What am I thinking? That's too much to ask of anyone.,You need to check your privilege. Turkish broadcaster suddenly began to cry on the air because doctors are forced to operate Aleppo children without anesthesia,"Better not let any refugees into the country, though, cause they might be terrorists." Why would u be looking on boost when there is only 1 guy left? The probability of him being boosted there while all of his teammates died is so low.,Trying to REALLY sell the idea that he doesn't have a single clue where the enemy is before pressing the wh bind. This suspension seems very fair to me.,agreement It's actually fun to fight the NC though.,But all I ever hear from my fellow VS is that the NC and TR never fight each other... "White MDMA shards/powder? So I bought a .5 of mdma from a friend and I haven't seen any in the past that looks like this. It's about half white powder and half kinda cloudy clear/white shards. He tested it in front of me and it turned dark purple/black very quickly. My concern is I haven't seen any in the past that looked like this. Now admittedly I haven't seen much pure mdma because back when I was young it was all pills, but the few crystals I've seen in the past few years were tanish/brown. Also it doesn't have a very strong sass smell or whatever. It's kinda there, but not nearly as strong as I'm used to. I put a little on my tongue and it does taste like mdma I've had in the past. Very strong in fact. So it passed a reagent test, tastes like mdma and my friend who tried it said it was really good. Does this sound right to y'all?","He did the test infront of you mate, I've had shards that are almost clear to White to brown, but I've noticed when crushed up they all look like a white powder, have a good roll knowing it's safe" Outlast - Free with GWG via Xbox Store,Is this a game on Xbox one? Why not make 6.0 require PHP 7? As in - rename 5.5 to 6.0?,Because Semantic Versioning is hard Runway category idea No wig. Natural hair only.,Imagine Roxxxy's tear away with that... "The GOP all about them corporations, who gives a fuck about the people, am I right?",Corporations are people my friend. Mobile VR? You mean like Virtual Boy? :p,"Is that like, his b-boy name?" "Custom loop, check. RGB, check. Am I one of you now?",Not with that 12fps gif. So many sales on Amazon around Christmas! VR Goggles!!! lu...lubricant!... pocket pussies.... Oh God what have I done........,"I don't understand why people look down on guys who use realistic silicone female genitalia (like the Fleshlight) to masturbate, but it is okay for women to do that exact thing with silicone, lifelike dildoes." Coast Guard Offloads 26.5 Tons Of Cocaine Seized At Sea,Yeah we can't have that kind of competition against the pharmaceutical companies can we. 100 Push ups 100 Sit ups 100 Squats and 10km running every single day!,Prolly more running since most Hanzos feed and are busy running from respawn to the point. "Stop complaining and work harder and you can be rich too! Don't complain the rules are rigged, just keep quiet and play the goddamn game! -First part a quote from my Fox News viewing, Trumpeteer father. My response? Yeah I don't need to be rich, I just want a comfortable, stable life, in our super rich Country, to be allowed to see a doctor, regardless of my employment status, to be offered a level of education appropriate for today's realities, and to not allow people to go hungry, even if they fuck up and make mistakes or have shitty luck. Nah, that's crazy...we only have an $18+ Trillion annual economic output, where would we find the money???","we have to have 10x the military capacity of the rest of the world see, no fucking need for healthcare and education" This is some 4chan shit,Top kekz tho Too bad the Greeks already found out about this like a thousand years before that.,"That's just what the libs, with their revisionist history, *want* you to think." "According to the sound monitoring system, we were frequently getting over 115 dB on critical pays","We set a stadium record of 115 last week vs Bama, and broke 116 tonight" Typical day outside the San Francisco public library.,Good thing we stopped those pesky skateboarders How did Hillary win the popular vote if Russia hacked the election?,Must have been magic Elon Musk Joins Donald Trump's Advisory Team,"It's a setup Musk, he's already talked bad about you be careful!" My wife came home fuming frustrated with the counter-therapeutic and often damaging advice bishops are giving to members of their wards that really require sound mental health advice. My wife is a professional therapist and it makes her job difficult when people believe that they are getting professional therapy by meeting with their bishops.,"After all, these men talk about the sexual lives of young adults behind closed doors - without parental consent for minors." Snow every day? How about in July? Still snow?,Apparently you've never been to Michigan! "It's 25%, I wish it was 30 xD",Even more reason to buff him! "A small book where he can write down names of people and they magically vanish. Though he might have one already, who knows?",That might result in suden disappearance of 50% of Turkey's population What Android app is this?,Google Cloud MLB labor deal requires earlier game start times,Who needs to see the first few innings of games anway? literally unplayable,"The white pixels in the corner, I quit the game because of this." Same.,I do see my character every race. TiA: lol speshul snoflakes r so easily offended amirite xD. National Geographic: Our January 2017 issue features trans people in a positive light. TiA: FUCKING SJWS! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!,"To be fair, Rupert Murdoch is a Marxist SJW cuck." "It's a real shame, domestic violence needs to be made illegal.",you forgot the "If, hypothetically speaking, I were to make armour for the other factions, who wants it more?",Feckin overpop You never know who can just beat your ass out of nowhere. Some of the best fighters I've met have been smaller guys. Most of my bigger friends have never been in fights because their size is intimidating.,Short MMA fighters are deceptive as fuck. You're right. Same thing. Let's give China a free pass to repeat the same mistakes.,yay. "ABSOLUTELY NOT NV IS GOD. EVERYTHING SUCKS BUT NV. HOW CAN THEY SAY THAT?? I MUST WORSHIP NV!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME HERE BROTHERS, WE WILL SIT IN A CIRCLE AND JERK EACH OTHER OFF WHILST WE CHANT NEW VEGAS",I think you dropped this. One way to divide Italy,"Rome is economically in the center, just saying" "So I guess the Spit released today, couldn't tell.",Thanks for the red arrow buzzfeed ---- "Hey, you must be in my sights",This is great. He hasn't even been the president yet so how has your opinion changed?,Because he was elected he must be great Vader's newest cabinet pick! Upsith for rebel tears!,"We have the best governors, don't we folks?" Super intelligent full stop? Or super intelligent *for a snail*?,the real lpt is always in the comments. How do I buy credits for someone else?,"You could buy them a voucher, otherwise there's no in game way of doing so." The Crew (and other games) are free again. Download it or Plunger will come stay on your couch.,my computer is too shit to run it weep for me I've been using an S6 for like a year and half now after years of iPhones. Android fucking stinks in every way imaginable compared to iPhone. You would have to be completely ignorant of what it's like to use an iPhone to put up with this shoddy garbage of an OS.,you forgot the "Got spotted by my little cousin - got to talk to her about why I carry Last weekend I was at a family function at my uncle's house. Gradma's birthday. Good food, good family, good times. At any rate, I was bending over for... something, can't remember. And the butt of my 4 o'clock Walther PPQ was apparently causing a sharp bump on my shirt. Normally I bend at the knees, especially out in public - even though I don't particularly care much about printing or bulging given that people don't generally pay attention and that I'm in Texas. At any rate, my pre-teen cousin asked me what the shape was and I told her it was my gun. (With the exception of 2, every adult over the age of 21 in my family has a CHL anyways, and I'm one of the few males who didn't go military - we even have a cop in the family.) She looked a little surprised that I had a gun and asked me why I had it. So I got to have a short little conversation about why I carry one. Gave her the standard stuff, bad things happen, be prepared, cops aren't always around, and whatnot. Given the nature of our friendship she bought into it pretty quickly. Later in the evening she asked if I would take her to the range. :-D So sometime this year I'll be taking my little cousin to the range and breaking her in with my .22s! Probably will turn it into an early Christmas present or something. I'm quite excited.",This is always awesome to hear. Dodging Skills +10,Who dodged what? "I don't, I find it quite selfish",Let Ohio state have a chance. Vayne just three shotting everything that isn't a massive tank these days. Nothing that special,but she's so balanced with her true damage auto attacks Let's just hope it's not another metric vs imperial mix up.,If it was it could be an easy enough one to fix at least. Can you smell what the Hawk is cooking?,IF YA SMELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Trump sons removed as directors of nonprofit,This blatant corruption makes you wonder what sneaky things they are doing that haven't been uncovered yet. Two sets of ovaries here,More fishy than my biological ass Indianapolis yesterday,Thank fuck this hit the night I left after PRI. Glitches and such,But that's part of the Bethesda experience! Who gives a shit? The only people at 4000 are people who spent way too much money on a game.,"Nah, 3.7k is currently viable as a f2p, and now that there's no reset below 4k it's going to be a lot easier to reach, and I would estimate that the current 3.7k players will move up to at least 4k after a month or so of the new reset" "Your article is quoting an anonymous source claiming Comey disagrees, that's not evidence either.",I heard that it's possible Comey's phone camera was hacked and they have photos of him engaged in kinky diaper play. What games have you a platinum trophy on. I myself do not got one at the moment i am working to get one on Uncharted 4 tho.,Super Meat Boy Snails use they/their pronouns because they are hermaphroditic.,Did you just assume my gender? Triplette is literally a disaster. That's the only word I can use to describe him.,I think we all know by now that they are the same crew that screwed up the duke johnson fumble recovery in the browns vs washington game.. NFL has to look into this crew cause they suck ass Got one. Wore it for a day. Found it completely unnecessary and ugly. Never wore it again.,Took you a day of wearing it to decide it was ugly? "(PC) Games where I can play as a jackbooted thug? For example, in Mankind Divided you play as an Interpol agent, and there's a really fun quest where you need to stop an underground newspaper from reporting on you. One of the solutions is to track them down and summarily execute them. Are there any other games of any genre that give a similar experience?",Call of Duty: Black Ops or Ghosts I would LOVE a GOP email hack. You think the DNC was bad? I would fucking love to see what the Republicans are talking about.,yes because finding out the rnc hated trump would be a huge secret revealed to the country. "Obama isn't making some unilateral statement out of nowhere. Whether you've chosen to inform yourself or not, the proof that hackers related to Russia hit the DNC is confirmed at this point.",Confirmed... by anonymous sources while at the same time both the FBI and the CIA refuse to comment... Yep totally confirmed and aren't just trying to play the long con to pull a last ditch effort to delegitimize Trump's presidency. Don't leave your watercooled PC out in the cold! :(,Shoulda used antifreeze lol yeah but what are the words in the picture?,Dude! Good old Dardoch reforming.. xD,"This is BY FAR the most TOXIC thing I've seen, like look at all those DISGUSTING words he used, God how is this guy allowed to be pro." "interestingly enough, this HUD seems so fucking huge and horrible, just after a couple days of not staring at it. I am quite glad it is gone.",dw ull get used to it! "Both get them on Monday. Technically, by the time we get it on Monday (12-1 pm est), it's already Tuesday in Japan by like a hour or two.",I mean technically japan is 9 hours ahead so that maths doesnt work but yeah Alchemist or Jacket? Or both?,I was going to ask the same thing. THINGS DANNY VUKOVIC COULD SAVE LET'S GO GUYS:,A 7 POINT GAP AT THE TOP OF THE TABLE (I'M NOT CREATIVE) Her enthusiasm is so genuine.,I hope that was Best I can do is 7 keys.,Lemme wait for a bit offer. It's just a shame that glass breaks so easily and is heavier than plastic,Obviously use bulletproof glass then... Pass into the iris,Free your mind Tongue piercing done yesterday by Matt Hammond at Royal Pain Tattoo :),Enjoy the diet of soup yogurt and applesauce being fashionable as a vegan: is it possible?,I'm not fashionable so this advice may be entirely useless but buying things second hand out from thrift shops seems like a good idea to me. That's not what makes nuclear invalid. Since Fukushima the safety precautions have gone to such extremes that they have to be preparing for every one in a million chance they can think of.,"Considering the negative consequences from something going wrong, I'm okay with that." Government and politicians do shady shit and make unseemly deals for power and influence!!!! Oh noes!!! How old or young are you?,Yeah they are doing shady shit it's no big deal bro chill WTF dolphin.,This dolphin has one weird fishy fetish My cims took Road Anarchy to a whole new level,Yet another example of fundamental problems with this game. "Looking for Instinct players in Norwood! I am what feels like one of three Instinct players who live in Norwood and I live in the middle of 6 or 7 gyms that I can see from my house every time I open the app. Constantly the gyms are dominated by Mystic and often at level 10. I braved the snow this morning to take down two high level gyms this morning, but on my own it took me quite a bit of time, just to do those two. Any time there is a gym that is taken by Instinct or even Valor it never lasts long. Hoping to be able to coordinate with people so we can put a dent in Mystic's control over the town and hopefully build up a few high level gyms.",Going to PM you! "Yeah, your right. This one bugs me way more then the others. Their not nearly as annoying.",Why am I even upvoting this? Guess what the E-25 is back.,Some employee at WG is about to buy himself a Beamer How many times am I willing to replace the filter/pump?,Yeah nothing gets by the filter. The whole book?,No just until page 54 paragraph 2 "But he is saying, what if that number gets moved to a google account? Then op become primary account holder of that number?",You still need the pin to move the number to google voice. We'll probably get Russian BB before British.,I'm excited for the Russian CV's coming soon! Luci-Oh,D-d-d-d-d-d-duel? wut? over watch is amazing. why wut,Yeah but like y was it not no mans sky? WOOX IS THE REASON ROT DESTROYED THIS TOURNEY,wtf ye i blame his mother if she wasnt here this tourney would've been good "Thinking of magnetising my AoLong V1. If I mess up, what do I do?","Acetone should dissolve the superglue you're using to place the magnets, so you should be able to clean the cubie and try again if you mess up." znajder putting in work talk about resurgence man,znaider can't compete against t1 "It's because there isn't any proof Russia hacked anything. Besides even *if* they did, the problem isn't that Clinton was hacked it's *what Clinton and her campaign was writing in those emails* not that they were hacked. Being hacked doesn't invalidate the Clinton campaign rigging the democrat primary, or their collusion with mainstream journalists. Besides we're Americans, is there a government we haven't fucked with in some manner? How many governments have the CIA overthrown? How many elections have the US had a hand in? We were fine with Obama telling the UK that if they leave the EU they would face consequences in the form of trade. It's not like this is the first time a government has involved itself in another governments voting. It happened this summer but we were on the otherwise. All that said there still isn't a shred of proof that Russia has actually done anything.",So you're saying there isn't any proof but if there were it would be okay because we've done it before? "In a moment of frustration, I equated Trump supporters with Nazi sympathizers (considering neo-nazi groups and the KKK supported trump, I don't think I'm way off) and I was told if you think trump supporters and Nazis are anything alike, I hope they do you the way they did the Jews in 1939. It was either a phenomenal troll or this person actually lacks the ability to grasp irony.","well, maybe the Chinese should do to them what the Russians did to German soldiers in WW2." REDDIT HELP ITS SCARY,"Zamorak, the god of chaos has returned" yesterday was an interesting day at school.,Ooor Karma is more important to you than your career I just bought my first batch of 1.7 and I literally almost puked. Was hoping to save money by moving from 2.0 to 1.7 but I have done the opposite. Now I have to find someone willing to buy 1.7 off of me. 1.7 is utterly terrible,"I just did the same thing, liked the 2.0 taste now I'm nervous since the powder hasn't arrived yet." That or maybe they want to save their rank,Ya but we're half way through the season so there's still time to get it back. Only woman in GTA Online that is actually bae.,The amount of times I had to see this cutscene because randoms kept fucking up "The top tax bracket pays far and away the most taxes, of course any tax breaks will benefit them the most. Its just math.",The 2nd part of that isn't true. The best part about that Shit talking about bernie was that it almost all occurred after may.. when Bernie was no longer able to win the primary no matter what happened. Apparently the DNC having the common sense to start supporting the person who is literally guaranteed to become the nominee is a bad thing now.,But the superdelegates don't vote until July! So is she brain damaged or an evil supergenius that has gotten away with the murder of more than a hundred people?,Yes. "They undermined our democracy? You mean they scheduled fewer debates, had first look at like 2 or 3 news stories, leaked a couple softball debate questions, and said some mean things behind Bernie's back that they never followed through with, while Clinton was already the projected winner. Fucking boring stuff that did not amount to a few million votes. Stop blowing it way out of proportion.","Actually, the intricacies of her position on the Flint water situation were what tipped me in favor of her over Trump" "I agree with you on that. I couldn't bring myself to vote for either major party's candidate. I finally just wrote in Sanders. I know, I know, I know, but I need to sleep at night.","Rest easy, Trump is in charge now!" Smite Ymir code?,I think this post is against the rules "Buying a small amount of BTC in NY? I'm only looking to buy $5 worth, and all the LocalBitcoins listings exclude NY residents. I can't use anything requiring an ID. Is there something simple I can use? I'm willing to pay up to double the price of the actual BTC worth if I have to. Thanks for the help in advance.",mycelium trader. Best Mode to Pad Stats?,motd Why do different people speak different languages?,Because they tried to build a tower to reach heaven. "well shame about the L, but we didn't deserve to win anyway. hopefully everyone learns and get something out of this.","They didn't learn anything from last season, doubt it starts now." "Through the mobile app, I watched my guild mates hit 110 within about 16 hours of release. Yet, here I am with about 9-10 hours played, and only 105.",NA region first 110 was ~6 hours played. How's the grandkids?,Found the young person. Plus Lebron James took his spot on the Heat,He's lucky Dasean wasn't the same after that injury. But he could also be a great compliment next to Embiid,"Oh, well then you can have him!" "The first doctor was travelling with his granddaughter, then it was kept as a theme throughout.",I see a Rick and Morty parallel here. My composition professor who didn't/doesn't support me in my choice of compositional style.,Well does it suck? I'm not your sugar daddy. (x-post r/Tinder),Hey at least she admits it's her fault you're too dumb to realize you should've paid up in the first place A tribute to Urijah Faber's storied UFC career,I guess WEC is UFC too "any pop culture reference to dwarfs, guess GOT. You'll be right 95% of the time. If it references said dwarf's penis, that goes up to 99.999%.",GOT or Elf. "Pretty sure Uchtdorf was the one serving the homeless last thanksgiving or Christmas. Of course, he had to do so at the Catholic run soup kitchen, because for some reason, god's one true church on the face of the earth doesn't have a soup kitchen of their own.","To be fair, it's good for mormon leaders to someone acknowledge the existence of other churches." "Oh, that tendency is INFURIATING sometimes. I've told the story on here before about the time a guy followed me home, shouting sexual come-ons at me. I'm a female, on foot, and he's in his vehicle. I am not only smaller than him, I literally cannot outrun him. So Redditors are gonna sympathize with me, understand why I'm scared and how dangerous such a situation is, right? WRONG. Well what about his feelings? Just be honest with the guy, he can take it. Oh, I never see catcalling happen in my area. They were more concerned about whether I had somehow *led this guy on* who was following me in his vehicle, than whether I felt imperiled.",you were literally leading him on that night. TIL Number of YouTube views equals quality of the song.,That means Alone is a god tier song "A NATO auditor who had uncovered evidence that ISIS was being funded by Western government, was found murdered in Belgium.",Anyone have a source on him from finding funding for ISIS? Thanks everyone. There's some sound advice here. I don't spend a lot on rent now. I live with a room mate as well. I'm thinking of moving somewhere else and at some point I will have to...the landlord has us on a month to month rental as he plans on demolishing the house and building something else. I don't think I'll crawl inside a bottle anytime soon. I just think things in Vancouver have taken a turn for the worse for lower class/poor folk like myself. I've thought about school and think that I'll go back for a change in career if I can't get hired into anything different. Thanks for your responses. I appreciate the feedback and it's good to realize there are others who are faring about the same as I am.,"There are several programs at BCIT that are 2-4 years and the jobs pay decent after ($50-90k), but I have no idea what wait lists are like these days." "New socks, especially ones that are soft, fluffy, and warm :3",I'll add new sweatshirts that are all warm and fuzzy before several washes have tainted them "sexist pig, how dare you. she is more then just pixels.",Ackchyually... as a fictional character all she ever will be is pixels. "You wouldn't be in Homewood, would you?",I could have sworn that was The Briary too. I have a very similar looking id badge.... Store 175 checking in,Store 112 yall wild,Wyd tho ;) Good thing Robert is actually dead.,No trust me he is prometheus he jsut dodged the bullet when he died 10 team Standard. Pick one: Blount vs. DEN Coleman vs. SF,"Blount for sure, he's rolling." hurry up and get fucking paid man.,Year review is coming up soon so I'm being hopeful and hoping the negotiation will go well. disagree.,There's a big difference between someone fleeing a warzone and someone taking advantage of lenient rules. But the icons are too small to see anyways right?,dont forget your Best Mode to Pad Stats?,Just play duel and pad that kill / assist ratio :P He might sacrifice himself to trigger a revolt.,Fat peasants don't revolt. Are you sure that what really happend and not just what a fabrication just to hide something else?? Maybe the world never will know but al goes in who much you trust your goverment and how hard it can go to cover something.,I'm sure the govt has nothing better to do than harass a teenage hacker and then cover it up... "And a boy being attracted to his male friend with a girl inside. Also a girl falling in love with a boy in a girl's body. Also a guy falling in love with a guy in a girl's body. Wow, Kimi No Na Wa covered all the bases.","Hmmm, maybe OP was right about it being an LGBT-themed movie." 2016 (after The Force Awakens): Adam Driver 2017 (after Rogue One): Felicity Jones 2018 (after Episode VIII): Oscar Isaac? Hopefully.,I really want Daisy Ridley next year. "One of the things that pisses me off most is how the right-wing radicals dominate every fucking national issue, every day and week and month and year and decade, and they *still* bitch about being forgotten. Christ I wish I could forget these assholes.","a little trick about dealing with insecure people who judge others in order to feel superior - run, don't even stop for water." A new poll shows an astonishing 52% of Republicans incorrectly think Trump won the popular vote,Isn't it interesting that is exactly the proportion of the poplar vote he won by? Polish Marxist Leninists make racist poster calling Obama a 'Black monkey'. Also antisemitism,"But you know, all racism is from the right" What if Santa is real and most adults are just on the naughty list?,"Checkmate, atheists." "Oh, hello. Say, I'm noticing a few things: * You failed to address my responses to you two nights ago, those in which I presented you statistically-backed arguments and questioned your resorts to unnecessarily hostile behavior. * You've resorted to that unnecessarily hostile behavior again here. * Your two general responses to all of the evidence-based complaints about Jackson's performance have been along the lines of You're a moron and It's not Jackson! * This is a discussion forum, in which people share their opinions. Get used to it.",In fact I never called you a moron once. "Bruh don't wanna sound like a Puppey sympathizer but this is REALLY old news, like now you're just trying to stir the pot for Reddit karma","news to me, I didn't start watching dota or play until 2013 along with watching TI3" asl,15 /f / Viterbo "but... it doesn't matter what rate it happens at, you'll be dead long before any cataclysmic point.","Yeah good point, fuck everyone in the future lol" Cookie Fail My Wife & I Spotted at Our HEB,"I think it is us who have failed: On the Chanukah menorah, eight of the arms are for the candles which represent the 8 miracle days, and the ninth arm is for the candle used to light the others." "Never have and never will hack. I think this must have been a misunderstanding. I'm a very solo type of player, I don't often party or trade. Even still, both of the reasons I got banned for are pretty silly anyways. No player can know if he is partying with someone who is hacking or trading with a hacker. This is not on me, it's on Nexon.",I forgot the Train wreck,Adults are the worst! How they treat their animals? Care to enlighten me?,"No, it's there animals." "When was OpTic's last 3-0 lost? I say this, because I'm certain that throughout all of Black Ops 3, OpTic wasn't 3-0'd in any league matches, or event matches. It has to be some time in AW",Yesterday "Man served 21 years in prison, off a false rape claim by a 13 year old. Comments section defending the girl.","Yeah but hes got that pedophile stare and the mustache, so he obviously did it" Fuck Texas.,Intelligent and charming! It's not entrapment. They weren't forcing OP to do anything illegal.,Sounds like something a cop would say. "well if it means anything to anyone, the Clippers were up by 43 at the the end of the 3rd quarter against the same team (Blazers) on Nov. 9th before the put in the bench. score was 80-40 at one point","And the Warriors kept Curry, KD, Klay, and Draymond in the 4th quarter just to pad the stat sheet." "That's what the cult wants you to think, taking advantage of the mysticism surrounding Buddhism in the west. They attempted to manipulate government opinion and stage protests to coerce the government into suppressing people who question the legitimacy of their religion. Sadly they chose to mess with the wrong government.",Them being a cult definitely gives the Chinese communist party the right to jail then and harvest their organs. was,Did she died? "Right? Sure, that was a little dumb. Not five minutes after that, a t-rex and a raptor cooperate to kill a genetically modified supermudersaur and they then come to peaceful terms and part amicably. Jurassic World is filled with ridiculous bullshit. Dumb lady wears bad shoes is like complaining about the potty mouth in Pulp Fiction. If you have a problem with the movie, that is going to be way down the list.",Watch your privilege bro Greg Ward will work out at UH Pro Day,Think the Texans might take him? I remember a couple of years ago some Bulls fans were shitting on MCW but his stat line was the same as Rose's.,But they won the trade! "I can't get past your name when I read this comment. I can't get this image out of my head of Danny and Drogo's unborn son somehow saying this to me. Don't tell me if anything involving this baby happens after book two, I've only read the first two so far and I don't need ASOIAF spoilers right now, dammit! Thanks though!","Your welcome, but that's not even the name of the baby, the baby is called Rhaego and I'm Rheago." "We passed on Khalil Mack and Derek Carr. We can acquire all the draft capital in the world, if we continue to draft shit-tier prospects it's irrelevant.",There will never be any more good players in future drafts. Rush is 100% baked of his tree!,Weeds a PED apprently "In the US at least, more men than women are victims of rape.",[citation needed] How do people become this bad?,Even worse it's over Xbox so you know he's not a real PC gaming gentleman How many teams in NFL history have started 5-0 and go on to miss the playoffs? Can't be more than a handful.,2015 Falcons They got their material from an internal source within the DNC. Assange stated this a few days ago.,"Yes, I'll trust him over all the United States intelligence agencies." "The biggest issue here IMO is the docked points. Yes, you have a point, but why were his points taken away for another's mistake / problem?",Because obviously the baby was curious and therefore naturally should be allowed to just wander around without supervision. "Let's play, Guess That Oath... ...Swear unto me by thy throat, and if thou tell it thou shalt die; and swear thy brethren by their heads, and by the living God, that they tell it not; for if they tell it, they shall surely die... Raise your hand if you thought this was from our sacred temple ceremony. Raise your hand if you knew this was Satan talking to Cain in the Book of Moses. Kind of creepy.",Clearly Stan has counterfeit oaths that sound similar to God's oaths. Did nazi that coming huh?,"This is the funiest shit ever, every time" You don't get it.,"And now, when you so graciously explained what you are vaguely hinting at, I understand." "I wouldn't say it's a problem, but having your own algorithms gives you a lot more control that people just using the app, so that is pretty cool.",hey well thanks - now that i know about prisma i should probably tweak it so it doesn't look similar... Skyrim trickshot,I've never seen this gif before. OLED iPhone 8 to Feature Curved Display and New Touch-Sensitive Technology,"This will be excellent for that bookshelf of iPhones I wanted, they'll have the equivalent of a book spine!" that's not gonna stop people from not complaining though,"True, but I'd think there would be a greater number of those who like the feature and don't say anything about it than the vocal minority that normally complains about every new feature, good or bad." he tells one to many guys to suck his dick for it not to be suspicious tbh I could see him as a closeted guy,TIL Ron Perlman cosplays as Rust to pick up lonely men in dive bars Post-Game Thread: Green Bay Packers (8-6) at Chicago Bears (3-11) Please keep all game-related discussion in this thread to keep the subreddit organized. Thank you!,"Sure does suck that our QB is washed up, and we should get rid of him." Russia at it again...,"first the election, now this" Jameis Winston wins the Rex Grossman award for most up and down QB during the season.,"He's got competition in Fitz, no doubt" "Got outted on TV, time to delete post history!",This is such underrated advice. "Yeah, not fun is it?",Never is and never will be. *in spite,"Gosh, they can't do anything right, can they?" Then you realize that nobody gives a shit about 1v1s,Yeah its not like you actually have mid/top lanes in bronze silver amiright? "Considering they were all in their own completely original worlds with monsters and magic, I think they definitely qualify for fantasy. FF7 was steampunk through Midgar and when dealing with shinra, but that's at most half the game. Same for the others honestly. Magic and eidolons and crap like that permeate the worlds in FF. Shinra was only steampunk because they used some magical life force that flowed through the planet for power. Idk just seems fantasy to me, although I won't deny other elements are present.",TIL fantasy and sci-fi are mutually exclusive "People want the guy to unknowingly track and follow a different car, maybe a cop car. It's not like he knows what he car he attached the GPS to *looks* like, right? He's just going to walk up to a cop car and think he's going to harass the same woman, right? ... no? Oh.",Obviously an *unmarked* cop car......... "An Idea for April Fools Everything is normal. Except, every time a ult goes off the ult sound is randomized. There could be a Genji declaring high noon or a Soldier announcing he's dropping the beat. Would be fairly funny imo",Blizzard should get everyone to voice everyone else's ultimates so they can do this. JOIN THE PUTIN BANDWAGON!!!,No. How did you get that scar?,I busted open the skin at the base of my pinky by tripping up the stairs while carrying milk and bread. There's something special about a game in the snow... Kys branden gaudt or what ever your name is,Bring Back Phill Simms Putting something in the fridge doesn't mean that the whole office now owns whatever I packed for lunch. Theft is theft. I am unsure why a thief has any expectation to what they will be getting when they steal. Would a thief have any legitimate grounds to sue if they broke into a bank and hurt themselves getting out?,Burglars have sued in the past for damage they incurred while breaking in (I think one of the more famous cases dealt with a burglar falling through a skylight). "wow, a nuclear arms build up for deterrence purposes, are we really pining for the 80s that bad?",Make nihilist horror night sweats great again! Nobody mentioning kawhi yet? 2 way superstar who gets better every year And still only 25,System player though "Yeah, kind of like that. I feel like it saved id the time of having to modify the game itself. Instead they just made servers to play on.",It could be that they just hired some interns to play as bots until they get the code completed. What is that,Armour "Women, apparently.","Why, it's not like they want to fuck them or something." Any American woman who think she's oppressed has clearly never been to Saudi Arabia.,Yeah but bro THE WAGE GAP "Out of curiosity, why is your flair zero if you have tested previously?",I just like it as a placeholder. How did you do this? It looks great!,Just to ask about the same thing-- looks trippy. "Cool strategy, not actually saying anything, just saying that you rolled your eyes to imply the other guy is wrong.",Oh paarrrrrdon me for not being timely enough with my answer. What time will test end? Like as soon as it strikes midnight tonight?,So sad I never got an invite :( You have to trade in: * Your son * A copy of FIFA 19 * Your free will Hope this helped!,Very original "SC2 was also my gateway RTS however I'm just hoping they don't lean into a 10000 APM style game since that's what drove me away from SC2 in the first place. However, I do love my fair share of micromanaging so hopefully they get a sweet middle ground for me.","Ahh the casual gamer who just likes to see pretty explosions in front of his eyes, absolutely no brain at all, so unlike my superior self." oh yeah. getting banned was my goal,Lol so the system works! "They weren't married until she was 26, and stayed married until he died. No telling when the hanky-panky started.",I'm sure he didn't have sex till they were married. "Every time Marc/Gobert have a big game its gotta say he's the best Center in the league but when Boogie puts up 31/17/5, nobody says anything",Yea because Boogie's team has never made playoffs. This ASSC hoodie on Etsy.,Draw Strings are wrong but everything else looks mostly fine Texas Begins $350M in Medicaid Cuts; Disabled Children Affected,So very Christian of them. "We feel your pain. Sincerely, Browns fans","Cleveland At Cleveland West, Week 16 is gonna be a wiiiiiiiild" Probably Parkour Visions (PKV Seattle) source: The same desk in OPs pic is visible in their website's promotional video at 02:45. It appears the desk was in a different location when the video was recorded.,Fire marshall contacted And they're gonna let us continue to know about it until we beat them again.,Did you know that no team in the NFL has a winning record against Brady and Belichick? He'll see snaps against clowney and mercilus,"Oh good, so they're gonna ease him in?" That fucking ball boy one handed that like it was nothing.,Who's the real Odell here Does any fan base bitch about refs more then Raider fans?,You guys are giving yourselves a case for that title. What Would You Do If You Were The President Of Your Own Country?,Throw her in jail. "Also, in much of European history and in many places, Jews were not allowed to own property. Thus the keeping of wealth in jewels and precious metals. Or so I've heard. And as long as we're cataloging the successes of the Jewish people, 22% of Nobel Prizes have gone to Jews. As noted above, Jewish culture places great emphasis on education and critical thinking.",Is this the New York values sentiment I've been hearing about? Expected yet another when does my main get a second ult thread Got a dad joke I can now go to bed pleased.,How about a new Hanzo ult that puts a ghost of you on the point so Hanzo players will actually contest "I hate when people paint wires and try to permanintly attach them to the wall, many family woes have been caused over this",But it makes it look neater and it's not like you are going to need to find it again. "2016 has killed a lot of people, but I think the most brutal death was that of... Hillary Clinton's political career.",She succumbed to the most predatory of centipedes *the *worst *that *could *happen *what *could *go *wrong *.,You Are Right; What An Idiot "Since the Americas are only connected by an Isthmus, shouldn't you also combine Africa into Afroeurasia?",that is a thing called Afro-Eurasia or Eurafrasia. Fuck Laurel tbh fam kc is overrated af hope this new BC can act,Please tell me you forgot the Sitting next to a kid on the plane has its ups and downs - kids don't take up much room so the armrest is yours! Downside is small bladders so they get up all the damn time. Source: oddly and inexplicably high number of transcontinental flights next to unaccompanied kids.,And you probably diddled those kiddies too you disgusting **man** if this is riddles i will laugh my ass off....,I'm not the riddlers Ok.. so if there is a natural gas well tapped you can never voluntarily shut it down? I know you can cap oil wells,Natural gas wells just get a cement injection to form a plug. "Ditto, never seen it spelled without an a",*spelt I am friends on Facebook with the epitome of this subreddit,That's not trashy at all Have you not gotten to the Holocaust yet in social studies?,According to Trump's campaign chairman it never actually happened. OCG | SD31 | Time-Space Trap Hole and more Spiral Mythic Dragon cards coming to MACR!,Iris magician can search time space trap hole how interesting. Allow Me To Lighten The Mood,Yeah I can't believe that after the 3DS got rekt by the Vita they would make the same mistake on a tablet. The lack of bombs will likely be the giveaway.,"Considering how many kills I get because someone forgets and walks over them anyways, probably not" Creating a chocolate vinyl record,I hope that drill bit was food grade stainless. So... my friend made a website about naming animal penises,"if your friend is on reddit, I must gild them." "When I commented it was really low, just sometimes surprising stuff gets heavily upvoted and great pieces sometimes get overlooked",What's wrong with 20 geometric deer on the front page? Can I mount this Corsair H80i like this?,You mean in the circle cutout? A Very Nice civball for the Kazakhs!,Wait shouldn't he be a brick? Sounds like a bug,Sounds like sweet balance to me. And where do they think the money will come from? We'll just make more?,"You're right, execs at Wal-Mart can't afford to make any less and taxpayers should continue subsidizing their wealth with food stamps and welfare programs for their employees that don't earn a liveable wage working in their stores." Aren't they screwing themselves if they vote for people who want safety nets removed,"Nah, they're just giving birth to another generation of temporarily embarrassed millionaires that will deregulate themselves to the top!" Threatening a law professor isn't threatening an elector.,That's right ones a person and the other isn't TIL sticky notes makes excellent protection against fire enchanted daggers.,ctrl+f enchant Definitely Yasuo,And Riven too So now do we start saying Julio Jones is only good because of Matt Ryan?,system receiver "I think with dogs, it's more that lots of people don't realize that their use of scents to navigate the world is not the same as ours. Eyesight is central to how (non-blind) humans navigate their surroundings - scent is often far less important. Hell, even hearing is becoming less central since lots of people spend so much time with earbuds in, which negate much of their ability to hear things going on around them. But, for a dog, sound and scent is incredibly important to their ability to navigate in their surroundings. This is why dog professionals often recommend pulling a dog in a wagon for walks if the dog is unable to walk. They keep tabs on what's going on in their neighborhood by the various smells! It's also part of why dogs smell each other's butts when meeting.",But she knew ALL about blind dogs! A great many species. Few realize (or care) how serious this is.,Didn't they say global warming and climate change was a hoax? Favorite Lines from Post Beatles songs. I was just curious on what some people's favorite lines from post Beatles songs are. Personally I like: John: I see religion from Jesus to Paul- I Found Out I Took My Loved One To A big Field so we could watch the English sky- Well Well Well George: If you don't know where you're going any road will take you there- Any Road And I don't really have a good Paul or Ringo one yet,Maybe I'm a man and maybe I'm a lonely man Who's in the middle of something That he doesn't really understand My advise is be willing to change even if you have 4 golds but your team is losing. If you are losing and you stay Hanzo 90 % of the time you will continue to lose.,Geez thanks for the advice bud Air pollution in northern Chinese city surpasses WHO guideline by 100 times,Well... It's a just a guideline right? "this was actually the day before valentines day, making them even more out of line","No, you're wrong, 530 on a Saturday night, the night before a holiday where everyone goes out to eat to celebrate is not a busy time" Goalies are crazy these days,I'm shocked you didn't get called for goalie interference. "Cooper Rush? What do you guys know about him? Could he be a potential pick for us in the upcoming draft? Maybe one we wouldn't need to spend a top pick on? I don't follow college football, but I heard Rush's name on the radio today. Seems like a guy a lot of people speak highly of.",Sounds like a mega man boss. "Don't worry, Ottawa can always rely on it's rural neighbours to pick up the slack. At least that's been policy for quite some time.",I'm it ain't broke don't fix it! "Japan. Lowest birth rate in the world. All the small villages with farmers and artisans are solely populated with the elderly, the young have all moved to the cities. With no one to pass their knowledge on to, one of the greatest and oldest societies is slowly losing all of it's indigenous knowledge. To compound the problem, somewhere between 25-50% of the young population considers themselves herbivores who are minimally interested in sex, have no intent of having children, and spend their time and money on fashion, pop culture, going out, etc. So sad. Reminds me of the elves in LOTR.",Anime is ruining the world. If you want to be a trophy girlfriend for a few months - not really. If you want a lifetime partner - you kind of do. Just personal experience.,But what if I'm on track to be a trophy wife It will go on until Germany stops letting in Islamic immigrants and starts cracking down on the ones they already let in. Or until Germany becomes a majority Islamic state,"Yes, Merkel could stop ISIS if she just stopped letting refugees in." What pairs of words (e.g. torrential + downpour) always seem to go together?,Shit show Does it cap out at 28 fps?,"No, the maximum fps is equivalent to the size in inches, so, since the human eye can only see up to 24fps, you never need a monitor bigger than 24" "Looking for nice deck with elite barb Hello, I'm looking for a cheap deck (3.7 max) With the elite barbarians Thanks :D",Just have an ice golem and then litter your deck with defensive cards Epic Battle Simulator proving PCs superiority!,Linux won for once O'Brien: Tom Savage will start at Quarterback against the Bengals,Hopefully he's that average quarterback we've been hoping for "Well, Coolidge for certain.","Great President, I fondly remember those days." A thermal scope that detected body heat smudges from enemies within a few feet of a wall is not too OP,It's like pre nerf pulse but better what could possibly be wrong with that "Theoretically we're living in the most peaceful times in human history,.",That makes me feel so much better "Franz Ferdinand was an Archduke, that was much more serious than this. Not to say that this isn't absolutely catastrophic.",Franz Ferdinand is a band just fyi. Dogs don't emote that way. Dat nervous reflex responding to an irritating stimulus.,That's what you think Nothing about this is using a loophole. McClellin is automatically ineligible because he is #58. The title should be Best Linebacker in League Stupidly Covers Linebacker in the Slot.,"Shea McClellin isn't the best linebacker in the league, stupid homer" It's still only a small minority of Republicans in the grand scheme of things.,A minority is what votes in the primary. Oklahoma Just Passed a Law Requiring Private Businesses to Turn Their Bathrooms Into Billboards for Anti-Abortion Propaganda,"Merican Taliban, fuck yea" "What went wrong? Just installed Ekwb extreme kit including fc1080gtxtf6 for my msi 1070 gaming x. No leaks, not a single one. However, now my 1070 does not seem to be powering on at all. Any ideas? (For the record, I'm not an amateur at this type of thing so I know what I did was by the book)",Do you have a multi-meter or another card to test with? Donald Trump surpasses 270 votes in Electoral College to formally win presidency,Yaaaay. "I have a super straight-laced pentecostal friend who swears his speech has been permanently damaged by the few times he smoked weed a decade ago. He's always had a slight stutter that he's extremely self-conscious about but it's far less noticeable now than it was back then, so nobody understands what he's concerned about. He's also said drugs invite the presence of demonic spirits into one's life, although I have another friend who has said the same thing about meditation... I love these guys like brothers but they believe some weird shit.","Meditation is the devil's thinking, why do you need to self reflect when God shows you the errors of your ways?" It's not up to us to prove the information false- it has to be proven *true*.,"And Clinton effectively confirmed the speeches in the first Podesta batch to be real during the debate, so what's your point?" "Give up? You aren't winning. You have nothing over us, the series lead you don't have and if you do it's because you won games before the NCAA was formed. You've lost if anyone just like your shitty school",Someone's a little testy aren't we? At the unripe age of 18 she would have had 18 birthdays which would definitely make her clueless about social norms regarding birthdays YEP.,But what if she was born on leap-day? "Thanks, u\truci . My wife does a ton, even now that our kids are both in school. She teaches art for their school three days a week, which didn't have an art program, runs her own little studio, and still handles most of the work at home: all the laundry and cooking. I never argue about eating out, since I figure that's some way to help. But yes, it would be nice if the world were a little more mindful of the sacrifices dads make in those myriad, easily overlooked ways. Dads matter, of course.",A++ life right there :) "I can't even think of a recent example of this happening to other teams. There is literally zero explanation for why we completely fell over during the easiest stretch in our entire schedule. And not just dropping close games, getting blown out by the worst teams in the league.",ITS ALL REGGIES FAULT Graduate level head with eye contact,Impressive advanced oral technique. "I don't think there's really anymore to the monokumars then they all have very separated personalities. I think a Monokumar will die after every trial, and Monofunny will be the last one standing after the remaining five end Monokuma and the Mastermind again",You mean like how there was nothing more to Monomi? Vegan chicken is constantly marketed as such. It's obvious to everyone who isn't you what vegan [thing that comes from animals] means,"Wow, good to know that vegan sausage I had a while back tasted awful because it was a petroleum product" Northwest forest pass costs $30 view.,Where is this? I need to stop watching boxbox,*Nightcore starts playing* Ringo has a good head on his shoulders and never gives any lack of effort. Ringo is well-respected by his bandmates. This could have easily been said about Ringo Starr. That doesn't mean he was a leader of The Beatles.,nah Ringo was clearly the leader Sponsor at my local dirt track gave me a gift.,Nice Gordon merch Was there really trash talk from Norman? I thought he was being uncharacteristically quiet leading up to this.,Yeah he actually said he respects Ben and AB a lot. Love how you're all attacking Rex Murphy. He really must have strayed from the narrative.,"Wait, I thought the CBC was a Liberal propaganda outlet?" "how about a sling? and some other ideas. i could be made out of 30-50 cloth. you use the rocks you find off dead nakeds as ammo. its like throwing a rock but its faster, goes further and does a tad bit more damage. it takes a while to get it spinning fast enough though and if you let go before its fast enough the range, damage and speed is less. some other ideas off the bat: * a metal twohanded warhammer which has a long, over the head wind up which instantly knocks someone out with a headshot (maybe too op). * a whip used for herding animals? does low damage.","Yeah, because with the current state of the animal AI, a whip to heard them with is completely reasonable." What the fuck is she saying,Women stuff "Star Platinum, but moe, and also a lolita (fanart)",The canon star platinum is totally moe though. "Main Menu idea: get rid of the tile from youtubers telling me how to play my game and replace it with one for On This Date. Then give information of battles that happened during the war on that certain day For clarification, I say battles meaning it covers the different fronts and then different years. I don't see DICE abandoning this new tile UI so instead of pleading for that I would rather suggest alternatives to them putting garbage on my main menu to fill space. Any other ideas for what they could put?",#NAME? What becomes more fucked up the longer you think about it?,Old boy (korean version) I think we need open borders in Israel. Mixing between arabs and jews will allow for the racial and cultural divide between Palestine and Israel to be bridged.,"Yeah, there wouldn't be massive violence or massacres or anything." SBFC 176: Christmas of Gripes - Super Best Friends Play,So is Plague now Zaibatsu "The funny thing is, if after LOOSING the election ( Muhh popular vote), the liberals had not gone into their stupid riots, recounts, intimidating electors, this would have been a non news. But now you get to be salty once again and we get to drink liberal tears once again.",Spoken like a true sane individual Neutralized in military terms means to stop it from doing what ever it was doing that was bad enough it needed to be stopped. Can be dead or alive. It's usually used if you can't check to see if the enemy is killed or alive.,"nah, he ded" Not quite backhanded enough to be a Glados complement. Perhaps if she added on another line like Pretty soon you'll be intelligent enough to handle the tests we designed for the lab monkeys. Or a better line than that... I guess there's a reason I don't write for Valve.,I read that in her voice That is their form of nationalism. Everyone who differs is an anti-national.,"But Modiji abandoned his wife faster than he abandoned his hunt for black money, so obviously Congress is the dynastic party." "Clearly some people have a different conception of the test of time than I do, with Skyrim and Civ V as finalists. I think I picked Fallout 2.",This sub has failed. "Cauterize or Wrecker vs Ruckus Someone told me that Ruckus' emitter counts as extra health rather than a shield, can anyone confirm this?",Aggression "Suspect in Berlin Christmas market attack came to Germany as refugee, reports say",Wow color me surprised. Barkley tackle on Henderson,"Nothing to see here, just your standard derby tackle." Damn,"Let's hope that: 1) The suggestions are actually good 2) Valve reads and considers them 3) Valve actually implements them Considering it's bunny, it'll most likely fail at step 1." "Thanks, that was exactly what I was looking for.","No prob, happy to help :)" idk if there's stand-alones that beep. The new fridge/freezer my parents got will beep at you if you leave it open for too long.,They definitely build standalone freezers that beep; our Frigidaire upright freezer does I made a gold Rose for my GF,Now all we need is how to make a GF instructions The fact that this post title doesn't say lesbian marriage proposal and just says marriage proposal says a lot about how we've progressed as a whole,MR OBVIOUS OVER HERE "Yep, made sure of that. Spotify kept using dedicated instead of integrated so I shut it off, and that did improve battery life but still not what I want.",Try 10.12.3 betA the speed it throttles increases it feels like This is where some of them get their news.,I saw this in the checkout line the other day...who says print journalism is dead! Creating A High Order Function From A BiFunction And Predicate In Java8,That's thread safe... Is Google playing against Oculus with Google Earth VR and Tilt Brush being HTC Vive exclusives?,"I'm sorry, aren't exclusives good for the early VR industry?" so did you say that ironically or what,or what? There is massive tension in my family. My nephews pushed my other nephew into a dug out grave. My sisters are at each others throats.,"Gee, I wonder where Michelle's kids got their attitudes" "Well generally the concern is using the player's native comb filter as opposed to that of your receiver/display. Thing is, later model, mid level players tend to pass through the comb filter and then recombine the signal for composite, so it makes more sense to use s-video there because the player has already separated the signal. Or at least that's my understanding.",No player that Im aware of passes through a comb filter first. I like the fact that the lock is TSA approved.,But is it TSO'ed? New Yorkers are gonna learn what rude really is.,"Oh c'mon, nobody cares when they block the sidewalk while taking a picture with their selfie sticks." Radical Islam: Byproduct of U.S. policies dating back to Woodrow Wilson,"Yeah, radical Islam did not exist prior to this." "Maybe if you dug through the emails instead of some shitty liberal cancer board, you wouldn't have liked her","Boy, you've really got a convincing argument there." Your town's sole purpose was to support the mine. Coal is dying. So is your town. Move.,But the jobs should come to me. Former Dignitas CS:GO roster set to sign with Danish football club F.C. Kopenhagen,unexpected tbh "Et le patrinoine, M. illuminaeti, est-ce comparable au hijab?",Le patrimoine c'est un moineau qui rit de ses pattes eusti.... Well how do wild animals do it?,"They don't, all wild animals drink milk forever without the thoughtful intervention of humans" Looks faster with the slants I think.,Adds atleast 50 HP I reckon - Cam Newton had 0 rushing yards Monday for the 1st time in his NFL career.,Oh we did such a great job against them! So does that mean that each resident of VA gets roughly $10 worth of it???,Oh so they can send drugs through the mail but when i do it it's illegal. "The only way to impeach a sitting president requires two things. 1. They are currently a sitting president. 2. They somehow violate the Constitution of the United States of America. Trump is not presently the first one, but will be come January 20th. The second hasn't happen and won't happen as he has stated that protecting the Constitution is his utmost priority.",But he will put all the LGBT people in camps so Pence can give them electroshock therapy. "Warframe Wiki has a problem and I want to vent about it So as of late the warframe wiki has been popping up with messages about my Ad Blocker asking me to disable it. some times it works to just refresh the page but today every time I tried refreshing this message keeps popping up. I know are how websites make money and in other places I dont block ads, but when my Ad Blocker blocks 71 Ads by the time the page finishes loading you have ads on your website. The only reason I got a ad blocker in the first place was because of the the ads on the warframe wiki would crash my web browser making it imposable to look at what I wanted to (not to mention view any Ads on the page). All in all when a when my ad blocker blocks more ads by the time the website finishes load then ill see all day while binge watching Youtube, you can go fuck your ads... that is all and I feel better now.",Just turn off that pesky ad block /f24\ I just recently lost about 25 pounds and wanted to know how I'm looking ??,Fantastic Stand up for his beliefs?,"He did, by leveraging his endorsement for putting progressive policies into the Democratic party platform." She's raping you bro,But men can't be raped! My coworker doesn't think through his opinions and life choices,But he's white though. The Worst Got Talent Judges Go on a Power Trip,He didn't drink the compliance Austrian court issues same sentence in Iraqi rape case retrial,"I must have missed it, the internet outrage over this must have been explosive" Yet somehow no one views it as meddling with a vote when he openly threatened to neuter trade with the UK if they voted leave,Russia or China (or any other country) has certainly never threatened trade sanctions or preference due to not liking the politics of another nation. When you don't know how to press L to tech,Pretty sure he only missed one Hotels should sue. This is against the free market.,Thier CEOs were more than welcome to run for president. "Being descriptive like that isn't seen as insulting for a lot of Mexicans. I don't know but if someone calls someone i know fat in English it does seem more offensive because i usually see it as the intent as malicious. However in Spanish a lot of the times it seems more descriptive. Don't get me wrong it's still fucked up but it's usually not said with bad intentions. I'm mexican so I always hear people be described openly as shorty, fat, skinny, black, tall, etc.",Yeah I worked 2 Latina women and one was skinny and the other was bigger and they called each other flaca and gorda and described others the same way. Log rolling,This doesn't belong here. "Could my bike-pump be a reason for getting flat tires? So I having a problem going on with my bikes and I don't know why. When I fill my tires with air, within 5-6 hours they are flat. So I have three different bikes, all flat tires. My only reasoning is, could it be my bike pump?","Yup, maybe it's messing with the valves, or you are moving the valve too much." "With another mediocre placement, can we please stop overrating pink fresh",Did Pink Fresh kick your dog or something? "Dont worry, friendo. Its kind of an intonation thing, not always super clear over text.",Thanks for being a really cool person. "Or it's just tuned for a mobile workload. The majority of storage access on a mobile device is read, not write. Those read-speeds are absolutely fucking ridiculous.",Yeah only thing you really need really high write speeds for are HDR+ and 4k Just play Modern.,But then they'll just ban rotate his deck Black comedy is the best comedy,thats racist "Did you want to name the post something else, but couldn't because you remembered you saved the picture as a snapchat and it already had text on it?",Yes why was there a event a week after patches?,Yeah they should've just rescheduled Best time to buy Ghost AP?,So glad I sold mine for 300k I still use winamp. Anyone got any better options?,I heard iTunes is getting better "Count down the seconds 'til 9:30 AM, December 27",same Why wouldnt polls be a thing?,"Because something that had a 1% probability happened, so math is broken." Reflection of a poster in the Stuttgart airport makes the woman look cross-eyed,Sort of looks like Ivanka Trump. "Awesome. I was doing a 5x5 last year and really liked making gains, but I'm a lump this year.",I'm in shape... Round is a shape... "When you have a job that pays reasonably well, $2000 for something you use every day, get a lot of joy from, and that lasts several years and is upgradeable... It's not that much money.","$2000 is a lot of fucking money unless you're raking in good money, which I doubt most redditors are, especially if you have other hobbies that cost money." "TIP: You can change channel and character simultaneously Haven't seen this mentioned anywhere before. In game, after choosing to change channel - but before you switch - you have a few seconds to use character select enabling both changes to happen with 1 loading screen.",Ahhh "I don't have one, but a unit I think looks really cool is Lance.",Lance best waifu confirmed! Lots of people are. I believe it's only on Xbox,That explains a lot thanks. You really do need to choose your area wisely when using an incense. That being said. At least they didnt all run,How does one choose an area wisely for incense use? Does your wifi calling and volte work 100%?,"Yea, they work, I just prefer to keep VoLTE off because it causes dropped calls at my home location (on ALL phone models, even the T-Mobile-specific S6/Note 5)." Well...I'll be ready to invest if/when it comes.,"Invest now in gold, bitcoin and commodities, pede." KFC to roll out home deliveries across New Zealand,Christmas has come early. I successfully opened up a box of Mac & Cheese,Scissors were not used in the making of this film Yeah but Clinton emails. This is totally worth it.,Both parties are the same anyway. "Okay SK fanboys, explain this one.",It's actually a demo glitch you inbred.......... This is one of the most inexpensive but well built knives on the market. Good buy and a good kid. Your dad is gonna love it. I know I do.,Do you have a name / link? "I never got why my grandma would wrap her couch in this super uncomfortable plastic. It was annoying to sit on her couch. As a kid, I tried to sit on the floor instead. The sharp edges where the plastic tears poke at you and it sticks to your legs on hot summer days. If you're gonna invest in a couch, why would you make it so unbearable?","To keep it clean, duh." "my other post,someone says,i just copied this photo and i added my wtrmk.Im saying them.",Your garbage watermark ruins every pic you add it to. "Usually it's the minority of voters who say such. This year, it's the majority.","Hey, name one bad thing that happened when Bush won." "As everyone knows, rabbits are vicious, bloodthirsty creatures","That's okay, I've got a hand grenade that will take care of them." What calms you down?,A little visit to palm town Maybe you fail to impress your mom's vagina. - Dane Cook,Hilarious... UltiVillage Disc 2 - Highlight Reel (College 2005),That clip has one of the earliest lefty backhands I've seen. Lazy Roomate,Fucking jews Test its build quality by throwing it down the stairs.,"No, he didn't get the ultra durable motherboard." "For the first time in 37 years, it has snowed in the Sahara","I knew global warming is a lie, gaze opon the truth losers!" "Why are there stability perks for rocket launchers? I'm serious, why would I need stability on a rocket launcher? Do they expect me to have problems holding my launcher in my hands? If it is too low does it fly out of my hands like a tediore weapon from borderlands 2 and explode?",Just to make it that much harder to get the perfect roll Oh my god who fucking cares,I actually like it because different subreddits will have different discussions about a device. What do you mean? Once the plane hit it was reported by everyone right?,CNN reported that the towers were hit before a plane even flew into the first tower. "Did you order a 7 or 7+? My Best Buy experience was crap and I still don't have it yet, but I think it's because Apple pulled 3rd party inventory when the IUP screwup occurred.",Regular 7. MALF gets plenty of upvotes but what about our boy in brown?,Good ol' Bobert the trash panda "For the first time in 37 years, it has snowed in the Sahara",PROOF THAT GLOBAL WARMING ISN'T REAL! "If one c7 lamp is 5 watts, that equals .042 amps at 120 volts. Times that by 25,000 lamps and you get 1,050 amps. Clark W Griswold has the most impressive electrical service I've ever seen. A little more if you add in wire resistance.","I always thought C7 lamps were 7W, hence the 7." Who is the least deserving Hall of Famer? I've heard it argued for Bill Mazeroski. Others?,Catfish Hunter She isn't bi until she is portrayed as attracted to a male.,How dare you label this! #TRIGGERED!,Give me a bag of kettle over this bullshit any day. Ma quindi a chi si riferiva esattamente?,"A suo figlio, che spera tanto parta" Have you played with a ouija board? What was it like?,"No, I wouldn't know." One of the saddest moment I've experienced in gaming life,"Yes, that 52 FPS in the right upper corner is pretty heartbreaking." "David A. Clarke, Jr.:The Problem of Whiteness Class at UW-Madison This is racism against white people. ALL racism is wrong. This garbage is being taught at a state funded school.",This sheriff is based as *fuck*. "Germany has flooded their country with unskilled, violent young men raised to hate Western culture. Who'd have guessed THAT wouldn't work?",I can't even believe that one of those 5-year old refugees was capable of driving a truck What one thing would you tell your college/university self?,Redditors aren't intelligent enough to go to university/college. "Frontier Airlines - Flight is holding 150 people so a unrelated pilot can make it. The pilot is driving to the airport now. Never had a problen with Frontier in general, as a budget airline my expectations arent exactly high. We just get notified we are waiting for a Pilot to drive to the airport to catch this flight so he can pilot a completely unrelated plane later today. Bonus is the fact that he is currently just now driving from who knows where/or waiting for him to land from another flight. So here we sit for who knows how long with no compensation to accommodate Frontier's staffing. At least a free soda and peanuts would be a gesture of apology, but nothing yet.","Geez, that's a new low, even for a LCC." Best late game solo gods? Not necessarily just warriors but what are the best late game gods in solo,Kali "Stripe is a good system, and I would recommend it. But make sure to evaluate all your options, they all work differently. Stripe for instance has a 7 day rolling hold on your transactions, which means you get the money 7 days after it's paid for. That's better than other places that might hold until the end of the month, but it is something you need to be aware of. It didn't work for one startup I worked at because we were working with restaurant owners and for many of them they couldn't afford to do that (because they needed the funds from this week's transactions to order next week's supplies), and the startup didn't have the capital to pay them out directly (not to mention the increased fees)","Its 2 days now, at least in the US." "People who use Incognito Mode on your web browser for reasons other than porn, what are those reasons?","Look at a LinkedIn profile without their knowing I did so, but keep my settings to where I know who looks at my profile." "TIL an African Wild Dog named Solo, after losing her entire pack to a lion ambush, exhibited unprecedented behaviour by forming a surrogate pack including a Hyena with whom she would typically want to kill, and a family of Black-backed Jackals, with pups that she treated as her own.",unpresidented* "so what now, we cant use baby powder as well.","Yeah, thanks Obama" Thanks fam. Dumbish question but how many hours did it take you until you fell relatively comfortable with dealing with the bullet drop/leading shot mechanics?,"Probably 100 hours, I didnt play Z1 either" What isn't actually real?,The female orgasm. We need Rick and Morty season 3 now!!,Me too thanks. "True, but I believe this would have been an impeachable offence since the president was not doing his constitutionally mandated job.","Have the Office of the President of the United States held in contempt and give the land back now, along with reparations." What have you tried once and will never do again?,Talking to a girl "Friends/Username sharing Megathread! With the worldwide release of PVZ Heroes, the game's player base has increased by the buttload. This thread will be so that you can add your favorite members of the community for some fun competition! To get started, my user is simply 'Kabutus'. I hope to see all of you in some fun strategic card-gaming action! And lastly, shoutouts to u/ZeldaShark for the thread idea!",My nickname is Extosmos Aren't we Ascendant now? I want my own customizable Throne World now......~~but with blackjack!....and hookers!~~,Civ 4 throne room confirmed My first JW cart! *barf* Going to the beach post Christmas with friends what do I finally encounter? My first JW cart! Sadly we had to turn around and park else where and I realllly wanted to say I prefer salt life to cult life as we walked by but we parked many blocks away. I was elated! I didn't get any anxiety or panic but instantly turned super sarcastic and was surprised my immediate response was so feisty. Saddest/funniest observation: four people to a cart all sitting there on their fucking cell phones and dressed in suits and ties as people walked to and from the ocean on white sand beaches. Fucking pathetic and ironic with pamphlets stating Key to family happiness and Best way of life. Umm I think people going to the ocean post Christmas have that figured out way better than you do dumb asses. But sad they are stuck in the hamster wheel when the real life is right in front of them. =\,That means they returned from a day at the beach and didn't have sand in one of their cracks.. #WorstLifeEver "That's awesome. Well, I hope she finds a great coach and makes it to Regionals!",Thanks for the suggestions! I mean that's a pretty large generalization. I had android for a while and decided I just iOS more. It's possible to prefer iOS over Android.,"Nope, either Android or your lazy and lack ambition." And kids *heads to nearest ikea with pillow and blanket in hand*,Now if you use anything in the store be sure to put it back where you find it guys! "No, I'm pretty sure you just end up with two halves of a dead worm.","As a fisherman, you usually end up with 1/2 a live worm and the tail side dies." "I see the difference too. Mostly I notice a general uninviting vibe from some people towards people who already have children and are trying for more. I try to push back when I see it, but I think it scares a lot of people off.","I commented downpost before reading yours, but yes, I've seen this as well." you have no argument.,my argument is clearly that you shouldn't generalize people into groups. "Broken legs are worth $25k - $100k, which isn't petty to most people.",You probably get over $100k if you called Diamond and Diamond LPT if you want a full body search from security at airport just wash thing with strong disinfectant with bare hands... The machine will detect it and think it's a bomb... I speak from experience!,"Dammit Richthofen, I thought we was done with this?" Van Explodes After Ramming Australian Christian Lobby Office in Canberra,Why are christians so violent I thought it just meant that you weren't trans? Fuck I can't keep up with all the crazy acronyms these idiots keep making!,Check your privilege! Apparently the codename/placeholder for the Switch was Wolf.,Wolf is coming to Smash 4 Switch confirmed "How do you guys destress after a crazy day at work? So... How do you do it? Because I'm going insane. This is also pretty much daily for me and I can't seem to relax. I'm long-term subbing for a teacher who was just fired, so I'm cleaning up the mess. I recently went through a situation where one of my high school students falsely accused an administrator who works closely with me of hurting him when she came to my classroom. The parents got involved, it went all the way to the district, and even union got involved. The accusation was completely false, since I was present the entire time of the interaction between the two, but it was a big deal. Also pretty scary. This mainly stems from an incident that happened about 6 weeks ago. The original teacher in the classroom had no control of the class and got in an altercation with a student where she choked him. Now, I'm cleaning up an environment where the kids think they're in control. Luckily I'm a second year teacher so I'm not brand new and I have good classroom management. They're slowly changing. But big things like this keep happening and it's stressing me out. They're mild / mod special ed, so I know there's definitely issues, but I can't seem to destress once I get home. I want to help these kids and teach them, but my best days are when kids aren't threatening to jump each other or cussing out my instructional aide. Ahhhhhh how do you guys relax!?! Because I seem to not be able to. I'm constantly on edge and high strung. It sucks. Help. tl;dr: My students are crazy and I can't relax, ever. How do you destress?","Roller derby, beer/wine, sex, singing at the top of my lungs in my car, and Disney's emoji blitz." What is cool now that will still be cool in 5000 A.D.?,Fedoras Yes you need a hard drive. Most if not all games require installation these days.,Wait what's a hard drive If you didn't vote for Hillary you are.,You dropped your "No, they all thought choking was the joke. I've been bingeing on Rogue One threads since the premiere and a lot of people seem to think that's all there is to it.","Ugh, uneducated swine!" "Pistol Calibre Preference Hello everybody! I was scratching my head last night wondering why people in Canada (where guns aren't for self defence) would buy a pistol above 9mm? It's cheaper to shoot, more plentiful, has less recoil, and stopping power/capacity isn't a concern because mags are limited to 10 rounds. Genuinely curious to hear people logic, opinions etc. As a starving student I was going to go the budget route and get myself an Alfa Proj revolver in .357, then realized they made a 9mm and figured that would be a cheaper option with no real compromise and multiple benefits.",Only caliber worth owning is best mm. I don't think he decided to abandon it. I think he thought eating only grapes or whatever he did would cure him.,The world lost a genius there... The main event of NXT TakeOver: Toronto announced,Nice going Foley "I've always wanted a .gif of the end scene, but with red downvotes.",They're purple but yes that would be amazing! "And the first 12 were a bit of a disappointment too. I think everyone had higher hopes for both terms than he lived up to, for whatever political reasons.",You mean you don't enjoy your super affordable healthcare? Why do people stand up and hit the glass during the action? Like are they just arseholes to everyone behind them because they can?,Because they paid money for those seats they can do whatever they so please ty lawson is amazing,i didn't expect this after the way he started this year but i'm definitely not complaining HORSESHIT!!!!!! IT'S FOR THE LEAGUE OF LESBIANS AND THE HOTS,Rip "He takes the all coordinate systems are relative, and you can express the position/velocity of any object with respect to any other and then refuses to get that as soon as you add a _third_ object to the system, much less a galaxy's-worth, you're now bound to whatever coordinate system explains all the involved movements simultaneously. Why is that so hard?","Uh, because it *does* consist of only two objects: the earth, and the rest of the universe without the earth." Lyle Shelton refuses to retract claim van explosion directed at Australian Christian Lobby,It's funny how the major media outlets have comments on all articles about this disabled. The NA has a typo. It's BEFORE not after. I'm calling the content team now to get it fixed. Sorry for the confusion folks :(,Was EU a typo too? "Run Away With Me works better as a pop song, but I gotta stan Kanye as long as I live",Robocop it is then Drudkh - The Price of Freedom,Downvoted for NSBM Trump appoints 'Death by China' author as head of US trade council,Chinese takeout is no longer on the menu guys Why would there be class action lawsuits against the FDA? This rule change was done by the DEA and has absolutely nothing to do with the FDA.,I'm gonna go out on a limb and think he Forgot the Damn Acronym for a second and meant DEA. Confirmation of our location in hell will come with the announcement of The Meme Movie,"Starring Goatse and Pedobear, one would hope." Wage gap themed baby shower,The ratio they claim is constantly changing. What is that case called? Looks so sick!,"Corsair 380T Can confirm, I've built in one, it is sick." I really hope that the Glast Gambit update includes a new infested bow. I honestly love using bows and since the mutalist cernos didn't turn out that well (trying to make it good with a riven atm) I am really hoping for an infested bow with some kind of unique twist. And I also hope that this is not a version of cernos. Any thoughts?,Is it that time for another Cernos bow already? "Very weak when it comes to real power. Only a tiny representation in the Parliament from part of Kukiz'15. They are small, however they also are very vocal.",You forgot your Natalie called. she said to stop comparing her to an elephant.,"Well, I mean, with those canckles..." Reynad needs a taunt minion,I wish I could say I haven't done something very similar. I would say it does. They're all fake and scams.,I didn't think i needed This new toy is great... oh...,It's like me and my salary. "Citizen Beats Unlawful Ticket In Court Guy was filming a crime scene, obeys order to move out of the area. AS he later leaves in his car the cop pulls him over and gives a BS ticket for a 'medallion' obstructing the license plate. 12 officers show up to the court date to support the 1 who wrote it",Why do so many people hate police? "Just today on Good Morning America they lead off with a video of an e-cig exploding and recommended that people stop using them. Sure they can be dangerous when people fuck with the battery, but let's not forget the millions dead from using cigarettes exactly as intended.","No no no they didn't die from smoking, their lungs were born weak" "Go Bessy, Go...","Now Im sad by the lack of gore, I wanted body parts flying everywhere at the end." Bout tree fiddy,Then I realized it was the Loch Ness monster dressed as Donald Trump! This is MTV we're talking about. They'll blame white people for pushing blacks and muslims to such violence.,"If only there were more actual hate crimes, then all these oppressed minorities wouldn't have to keep faking them." Wilson and Watts back. Justin Dunning comes back from ACL surgery. Priest Willis returns with a strong chance of adding Kendall Sheffield. Our secondary should be solid next year.,Until October "Maybe, maybe not. It was Cal's clock operator that fucked up though.",sometimes homecourt advantage really isn't one. What? Why not? It's a place that exists regardless of who lives there.,"You can't a have a pole if the Earth's flat, duh" Trump Is Making Little Attempt to Reconcile the Country,"Yeah, cause anti-Trump people are so easy to talk and reason with." Don't the states have like 1600 nukes already? That is more than enough to blow up anyone and everyone.,Shhh facts are not welcome in the new America Trump tweets that US should 'greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability',Good thing the Trumplings didn't vote for the candidate that wanted war! The Vietnam battlefield,Battlefield: Vietnam is a standalone game. TrumpLand and Clinton Archipelago,It's so great that people who engage with society the *least* are the ones who've decided how society should be governed. "David Price, can he still be elite level pitcher?",If he can win a damn playoff game She actually didn't until she was forcibly turned into a val'kyr.,"Well, she couldnt keep her pretty mouth shut." Estonia,Ethiopia There is ZERO evidence proving gay isnt a choice. I believe there are some born that way and some that choose to be gay. Nature and Nurture. Dont believe the lie all gay people are born that way. ZERO i mean ZERO evidence to prove that claim. If being born gay was real then all gay's would share one common gene. They dont.,"If having cancer wasn't a choice, then all cancer victims would share one common gene!" ShitAmericansDo:Fox News uses picture of Mexico to cover the Berlin terrorist attack,Freedom of speech lets us tell lies "Need a safe space you pussy? Is the kind of comment that the LGBT community has had to deal with, so by throwing it in the faces of conservatives who attempt to ignore the fact that gay is normal, we can hopefully show them their hypocrisy. It's a long shot but it could work. Plus it trolls trolls.",This is the Reason that Trump got Elected #mobilelivesmatter,"Just not Mobile, Al." "Jones is an outstanding athlete, but his college play leaves us unconvinced. Think DeBo has convinced them yet?",He only looks good in comparison with our past 2 1st round picks who are absolute busts! Kansas economy has been doing so bad with their Republican experiment they actually did stop publicly releasing their data.,"It would have worked, but Colorado intereefered." "Mercy Shouldn't Have To Stop Healing To Use Her Ultimate I was playing Mercy the other day, and was healing our tank, when two of our DPS's died. The tank was being attacked, so I Resurrected my two teammates, but the Ultimate interrupted my healing stream. An extra 60hp in healing isn't much, but if I'm to the point of using my Ultimate, shouldn't Mercy be able to keep healing the living teammates too?",And why exactly should one of the strongest ults in the game be buffed? ~~I think you missed a pair of these ~~~,"Thanks, fixed" No I'm not,Good thing like butter is though! Paul Joseph Watson: Leftists in New York think fake news is a bigger threat than Islamic terrorism.,Let's see if they can browse their facebook feeds from the intensive care unit after their Starbucks gets firebombed My SO built me a smart mirror for the holidays!,I'm going to build one that just says Oh... not those shoes... so that me and my SO never have to go anywhere "Your situation and habits are really similar to mine. I go to the gym for an hour (mostly lifting, light conditioning) 4-5x/week, have a super sedentary job, and usually do some sort of activity on the weekend that involves walking (like... the mall, or walking to the bar lol). I just checked my fitbit stats from the last several weeks, and it appears over the course of a week I average 2100-2200 calories burned per day, which puts me in the lightly active category. Firmly sedentary on weekdays I don't go to the gym, lightly active on lifting days with no cardio, and moderately active when I walk a lot or do cardio at the gym. Hope that helps!","that extremely helps me with perspective, thank you so much!" What am I supposed to be getting from this,"So when you need a water pump, you know what it looks like." "Are you suggesting that Glendale Fight Club isn't a high quality, prestigious mixed martial arts camp?","Look at her judo, clearly they're doing something right." Do you at least get paid for all that shilling mate?,"Oh yeah, I get paid a 6 figure salary to come onto reddit to brainwash the online kiddies and make them want to play for honor!" I don't get it.,"sjw speak; you assumed this was a mannequin, but maybe it identifies as a statue" Have you tried using lubricant? It does wonders.,Never thought of that States Won by Trump Have Highest 'Obamacare' Enrollment,uneducated people don't know what's good for 'em Middlesbrough are better than any MLS team,No MLS team has ever been relegated You. Are. Incredible.,d'aww thanks 5k mutagen must be a typo/bug. I have almost 1000 hours under my belt and managed to collect a total of 890 mutagen samples. I can pay all the other materials 10 times over.,"Yeah, and 50k Cryotic for Sibear was also a typo" Roger from American Dad,Roger is just a complete sexual deviant. That would still fill up my tank...,Prius driver checking in: YEP! "Then you're blind, I even tweaked .ini files and see them 100% clearly.",Classy answer. Bench Malkin. He doesn't care to play tonight.,Might as well just trade him! People like you that have a problem with it get to step in and fill the gap. Capitalism will take care of it. The only color capitalism cares about is green,"Yes, because there are enough people in every city who support every group, and find it profitable (and no lower opportunity cost exists) to create every service to be available for that group." Maybe Pudding is a lesbian and it's some kind of dom foreplay with Reiju and Nami.,what's up with those downvotes? "My school was making time capsules and putting memories inside that we were supposed to open up our senior year (I was in 4th grade at the time). I wrote a letter confessing my love to a pretty girl in my class, however I signed it with my best friends name. Apparently, the teachers read everything that went into the time capsule and I was promptly called down to the principals office. I, as a fourth grader, got suspended for three days for forgery.","Damn, you could've got sent to federal prison!" "This idiot doesn't think that Asians don't and haven't suffered? He probably believes in Asian privilege too. Also, why is there only affirmative action in higher education and not sports and entertainment?",Yeah at the beginning he mentions Japanese internment camps and the Chinese exclusion act yet still defends penalizing Asian students climate change,Lmao honestly forgot about that Absolutely insane. No one in the national media raised an eyebrow at accusing an 18 year old Mormon boy scout of not only having access to 'meth/LSD' but also being some sort of hardened urban guerilla trying to kill? inconvenience? annoy? cops via the drink machine at his minimum wage sandwich job?,You can't explain stuff like this to a rational person. Combat log showing anything unusual?,Sounds difficult to check *And an even larger cut for wealthy people(like Mr. Trump himself) ** The wall isn't getting built with that kind of reduction in revenue. So there is a lie somewhere in there. Mexico isn't paying for it. Mexico isn't paying for social security either.,"Under Trump's plan, Mexico will pay for wall, China will pay for our infrastructure, Russia will pay for social security and Medicare." What does it mean where you live? I only know it as a coffee with 2 creams and 2 sugars. o_O,It means in-n-out burger to me Eject. She's batshit.,She's prolly a red head. Good god there grammar is shit,Looks like google translate to me. Guess 2.6 Live isn't coming tonight... So much for the 22nd?,"Man, its almost as if it was a target date or something" Actually many of them do because they don't declare any income here fun stuff,They still add more value than indigent muslims who sponge off of welfare. "I think a lot of the people on this sub are new to baseball and don't remember the countless teams that made it to the conference finals two years in a row, then saw a huge drop off in talent, and then won the world series.",gold might want to add Cunning thief buys a gift that keeps on giving,Cunning theif buys a gift that keeps on tracking. "This is kind of obvious. Every statement is a positive statement of what it is, but it also implies a statement of what it is not.","Eh, I disagree." LeBron busting out the moves during pregame,Jordan would never do that..... because those without rhythm buy shoes too My short but strange dream ().() I was at work at my drug store job. My boss went to McDonald's and bought like 20 cheese burgers and brought them back to the store. One of the cheese burgers had mold on it. Then I woke up.,Weird everyone knows McDonald's food doesn't grow mold even if you leave it out for a year "Refs have been awful all season. That Green Bay game made me so angry, especially that last first down pass to Jordy Nelson, where he so blatantly pushed off. Also, I was surprised when they called the late hit, tonight on Wentz.","Refs knew our season was over, had to cover their tracks" "Just played as jason, someone was hiding in a cabin, she was under a bed, had no idea where she was until I walked into a room and her character said oh god please don't see me! Would have never even looked if it wasn't for that lol. I mean who says that out loud with a killer in the room?","In movies they do, so this is correctly implemented" "1960: Milkshakes, beaches and movie theaters banned.","Desegregated, so more or less" What is your worst possible pick-up line?,I am going to kill myself unless you sleep with me. "Breaking News: Berlin market attack suspect shot dead in shootout in Milan, Italy: security source",See gun control helps keep guns out of the hands of criminals! "Did anyone here get into MMA because of 1 specific fighter? Which fighter was it? I got into MMA many years ago when Brock Lesnar joined, back then I really liked the heavyweight division as well but Brock is the reason I got into MMA. His star power and my familiarity with him from wrestling in WWE a few years beforehand made me interested in him. I'm glad he was also fairly successful in terms of legacy, finance and fights. Did any one fighter make you start watching? A fighter you saw on an interview/talk show? A fighter from a movie? Posts from social media highlighting someone? Etc",Jon Jones "*4451*-Player is looking for Alliance AQ/AW - Focused I am looking for strong alliance, which is focused on AQ/AW. Due to RL projects in the next weeks, I am not able to participate in Alliance Events, like Perfect Series or Arena combat that much. My Prestige is 4451, I am German. Timezone: UTC+1h",Hit me up in line: Sneeepz We get t4cc bi-weekly always looking for high prestige people. "Shave the beard, wear a hat, voila",Thank you for the tips. "Berlin Truck Attacker Shot Dead in Milan, Italy. Yet another failure of open borders.",lol wut do we rlly need borders 4 newayz "25+ seeds in a quarter of master kush I bought a quarter of master kush from cc on broadview and 50% of the buds had seeds. Most of them are white premature but i have atleast 10 brown ones.Even though it's unacceptable for 10$ a gr to get seeds in the weed, would these grow anything smokable or will hermie.",Did you just assume the gender of your weed? "Chase Daniel-Guys, I got this.",That looks more like a I've got something in my eye grimace than a wink. What are you seeing that stops it from being a perfect loop? There are no weird jumps at all on my screen; perfectly smooth.,its missing a single frame at 0:25 "Bladedancer here. Fist of Havoc is possibly the best super in the game based on how much raw damage you can tank in the animation. Can't even tell you how many times a panic fist has allowed someone to survive an arc blade slash and kill me. With Unstoppable it takes an act of god to kill a striker out of Fist of Havoc. Plus, you know, the massive armor buff. Hammers are an incredible super, but you have to plan out how you use them. NEVER panic super with a wandering ability. Be patient, assess your surroundings, and stay calm while flinging those hammers. Less Johnny Rotten, more Bing Crosby. You have a fucking insane 55% damage reduction while in Hammer of Sol, in addition to the Cauterize heal on kill ability. Explosive Pyre makes for much easier multikills, Forgemaster allows you to throw an additional two hammers (I believe, not entirely sure), Flameseeker adds tracking to your hammers, and Suncharge is a shoulder charge which can be activated while standing still. Hammer of Sol is a very powerful super, sounds like you just need some practice. Everyone whiffs their supers sometimes, and occasionally gets killed out of their super. If you're tired of getting Nova Bombed, try running Memory of Perun and playing more defensively.","Shush shush, I always get 3 kills with nova bomb and radiance, we definitely need another nerf for warlocks because we are just SO good in pvp" Why is it styled the bbc?,Because it stands for the British Broadcasting Corporation. I come to r/news for the only purpose of reading crying leftists liberals like you spit out rhetoric like you actually believe it yourself. It's actually a really good time.,Found the Russian paid to support Trump on social media. "Nah, I have ADHD and without my meds i would not function at all. Already dropped twice from school and since my meds getting straight A's.","Oh, then it's completely fine for everybody." "Its almost as if for most players, signing for Man Utd is a big mistake (I miss you Mhki)",I mean it's not like Mkhi has gotten about 3-4 MOTM awards in the 5 games he's played during the last 2 months.. "OK Bitches, hit me with all you got. Stop drooling on the keyboard boys.",You look like the human version of herpes. Drawing =/= real You might actually be the retard here,"I'm not saying that they are the same thing, or that they are equally bad (of course real child porn is much worse than drawn child porn), but that doesn't excuse the producers and consumers of this as ok for being the lesser of two evils." Obama invites U.S. refugees to live in his post-Presidential palace,If only. And you know he wasn't gonna pass that shit either. Fucking people...,PUFF PUFF GIVE! See I don't think it's funny. Hope the kid didn't get hurt.,"Wew, good thing you posted your opinion, I'm sure it holds a lot of weight on the internet" Un miliardario cinese delocalizza dalla Cina negli Stati Uniti,The Donald Strikes Back Is the season journey a game mode like the story mode that I select and play through?,nah its a quest that you can do while in adventure mode Raised by scientists,I have the same shirt and my six year old niece laughed her ass off when she saw it last week. WG this really needs to stop,"Don't worry OP, they fixed the southern Mines boost which was way more important." oh yes daddy...,PUT YOUR LOAD IN ME DADDY ROBUX cause we're the OG Christians. they're jealous.,"Don't mind me, I'll stay with my church that wasn't founded last Thursday" "most of these nba 2k youtubers are all the same just like you said. it always starts like this: intro: a track from future introduction: yo whats good youtube, its your boy john aka johnny escobar aka johnny swish and I'm here to show you guys how to do this behind the back dribble combo. you already know the kid be takin ankles in park my nigga and pullin up from haff court my nigga even worse when those cheap youtubers start doing click bait fake glitch videos that ruin there non existent reputations.",But before I get started make sure to hit that like and subscribe button. This is fucking crazy.,OP YOU'RE CRAZY STOP "Maybe you don't understand how the MLS markets work when it comes to individual teams. Each team essentially owns a set area where they have first dibs on youth players. The Crew own pretty much all of Ohio as far as I know. The team could technically say FCC is encroaching on their market if they try to enter the league, but Precourt has given absolutely no indication that that would happen. In fact, he has made it seem like if it were up to him he would allow FCC in. The headline of this article is incredibly misleading.","This is Reddit, why would I read anything other than the headline" You German speaking bastards are the best thing on the internet. Donald Trump is like the school yard bully who the weak and spineless gravitate to because they think he 'strong' grrrr. The mental gymnastics his supporters are going through is hilarious. 'Uh we knew he was lying to us the whole time. We like it. We don't care. We just hope we can be like lil Donny someday'. He turned the entire Republican Party into his cucks.,5446D mahjong to trigger the libbies "Almost 100% probable that unless you saw the sig spawn someone scanned the hackable containers picked the best loot and left the rest. They really need to change how that system works. It rewards low effort/low risk game play and penalizes people who risk more by being on-site to hack everything. Also on my wish list is them changing the way Incursion payouts work so they are worth very little in high-sec, more in low-sec and way more in Null. Then they need sleeper incursions for WH space and that would be awesome.","Yes, because nullsec needs more income..." "When you forget to add an overpass, your cims have to walk around the block. I found that out the hard way.",At least they don't try to cross the open line. They also stated that you should use Chrome to get better battery life. That whole review is just off.,I heard you should render 3d videos for better battery life. Tesla to raise UK prices 5% after fall in pound,Brexit is apparently working out nicely. How do you feel?,"Wonderful, thanks for asking" How long does it take to watch these,Too long "The only problem I see with this is it would divide the playerbase even more. We already have it divided between Casual, 3rd party comp, Valve comp, community servers, and MvM, along with our small playerbase compared to Overwatch.",Get rid of community servers then "I wish Daggerfall had tolerable graphics, but it's too old. Take my word for it kids, the dungeons back then were phenomenal. Randomly generated, weird and wonky, spooky as hell, and you could get lost and spend hours trying to find your way out so you didn't lose your haul. You knew that going in, so you would try to leave markers and make maps in real life, to help you get back out. It was incredibly fun.",I bet the Daggerwind mod has been completely perfected by now. "Even when young girls WERE married off, it was usually an act of dynasty building. There was one noblewoman, who for the life of me I can't find on google, married a much older man at 9 years old. There was a contract to ensure it was not consummated. The groom went off to fight a crusade which is why he agreed with it in the first place and then shortly after, the girl became a widow.",I can't believe they wasted prime childbearing years like that smh Joey Logano doing some random acts of kindness by filling people's gas tanks,"Well, just another reason to dislike him I guess" Israel rejects UN resolution over settlements and says it won't abide by terms,Because its anti-Semitic. "Eh, the process itself is natural, we are just speeding it along at a pace that's just outright dumb. Like shooting someone when they are 20, naturally they were going to die anyway, just probably not at 20",Helping nature along. This Washroom is equipped with a BBQ to cook children,Must be a Target bathroom for those crazy Atheists "New update, GPS still has me standing in the middle of a freeway.",Isn't that an issue with your gps? "GDT: Sabres at Isles, ft. Cluttertruck in the front row Since apparently the bot is broken and/or nobody else put one up...","Just remember, Nilsson should be our starter and we play better in front of him" I said the same but decided to try the new app anyways and it's infinitely better honestly dude you are missing out I never realised how much Alien Blue sucks,"Nice try, Reddit app dev." What is the Chuck Norris joke?,his acting "Well, Carowinds just announced today that Hurler is getting new track for 2017.","And they announced Hurler at KD to be getting new track to... and we all know how that turned out, it getting replaced by a railroad and all" The sensitive good looking caring men are single? In what universe?,This one Potentially,i mean he's obviously out performing the self proclaimed best centre in the league so obviously he is "now dont say u dont need to, u are female",Sexist. "They've been planning to implement sharia law for years, what with their perfect, scandal-free, highly intelligent family. Surely they're waiting until the 19th to declare martial law, right guys?!?!?!","They would've done it sooner, but they're lazy blacks, so they're leaving it until the last minute." MLB Has A Problem If Orioles Feel Need To Trade Machado,"Such east coast bias, an article about tanking and they don't even mention the Astros once!" I get what you mean but if the girls are pubescent then it wouldn't be pedophilia.,"Yay, defending pedos by being pedantic!" "First off, the country is called Haiti.","Actually, its called Saint-Domingue" "Bruh smh, *legit* savage",Haters gonna hate I guess. "I met him on set one day and he was a lot nicer than the viners and youtubers I have met before or since, for what it's worth",No he's a huge douche because he got rich easily and I work hard and don't make much money At least someone finally said it.,Yeah this has never been said. "*reads article* *whistles* Nope. Nothing to see here. Move along, people.","Now the muslim terrorists are committing suicide to make the poor, poor Burmese state look like it's engaged in genocide." I don't know why but they appear to be intriguingly feminine.,"I picture the mother being like get away from my babies, fool!" "the cool part is that there's an observation tower to the right of where this photo was taken, and it offers a very nice view of the falls, particularly at night.",I liked the laser show before it started looking dated. The worst part is that it hurts new players more than anything. What damage is multiplied by Sven ult? Not that fancy daedelus you just bought! What damage is increased by vlad's? Not the damage from you mkb! I don't care if I feel like all I'm doing it bitching about the new ui. It's done nothing to move the game forward or help anyone (backend aside).,but the new icons are minimalistic so it is good to go Disgusting. Burma claims to be progressing but is committing genocide and hopes no one notices. Terrible shame considering we just gave Sun Suu Kyi the Nobel Prize and she completely ignores what's happening under her nose.,"Hell Obama got the Nobel peace prize, why can't her?" Could be another boulder.,I'm 100% sure Mia is a boulder. Ball game. Thanks Ben!,Lol you must not watch a lot of football if you think it's over. "Cons have it so blissfully easy: Blame every last thing they dislike on some undefined notion of liberals. Then hate and vote against them. Nowhere in there is a single ounce of reality, or self awareness.",Yes because liberals have never done that with conservatives. "Ya, but think about being an extremely skeptical 12 year old. Don't ya think that might just be enough to propel you to develop your own real opinion because his words might feel so wrong to you?",Either way it's tough 39 year old Vince Carter dunks over Corey Brewer,Best dunker of all time imo. "Pretty much the definition of a hater right here. 0/5 without the may segment? smh. Well, I guess everyone's a critic nowadays.","Yepp, everyone not agreeing and stating their oppinion is a hater" Any way I can modify my 598s to leak less sound?,"Get deep bowls (30 cm deep) with the rim the size of the grille or larger, glue them to the grilles, it will leak less sound now and you'll look great too" Merry Christmas!,"Yeah, because I've seen plenty of actual homosexuals raging against girls who like dolls, this pic is so true and not exagerated at all" Carrie Fisher heart attack: Star Wars crew sends best wishes,"Damn, just because she's killed of in episode 8 doesn't mean Disney have to kill her in real life" "Hi! Yes, I am using the vive controller for hand tracking. I would love to substitute this by leap motion once the engine has it supported! To toggle the single finger pointing posture, the player would have to press the Shoulder(R) button (the one above the trackpad) with his/her index finger. So basically you have to do the same pointing gesture with your hand to use the touchscreen. And even my non-gamer girlfriend says it makes her think that she is actually touching the screen! Thank you for your feedback:)","Very clever, well done!" What? That want gay bashing.,I forgot reddit can't follow a sarcasm chain unless there is an explicit Diversity is our strength.,You forgot "A self proclaimed bandwagoner, nice.","I only like the bluejays when they're good, I'm a true fan" And invaded Afghanistan,Welll they're basically all the same "Learn to play Mercy then you wont be dying all the time, stop blaming your time if u die, you need to be aware of where you stand.",Don't let their roadhog wait for us in our spawn then. Thanks,You're welcome! "This actually is a rip off of, Got Milk?",*snap* Yes! "Why would they arrest the officer? Even if he should be fired for what he did, it wasn't in any way illegal",Reddit sjw's they are experts in law with 0 emotional involvement I thought people would figure this out by now Maybe when we die in their realm we drop wraeclast fragments?,When you put all four fragments together it gives you a portal to the auction house Could you reword that? I struggle to see how there could be an equal number of values between 1 to 2 and 1 to 3.,"The bijection is multiplying every number between 1 and 2 by 1.5, giving you every number between 1 and 3." "Are the prizes different on region or something? There is no gunner at level 10 as far as I can see. Tier X: 30% credit discount on the Strv 103B, 3 Personal Reserves: Additional Experience per Battle (+100% for 4 hours), 5x Large Repair Kits, 5x Large First Aid Kits, 5x Extra Combat Rations (Swedish), Bad Ace Tanker, Class I Award (for notable gallantry, demonstrated while spreading Festive Atmosphere)",There's an additional mission to get the gunner that will unlock once you're at level 10. "I just unsubscribed from this sub I've been around a long time, been out a long time, and stuck around to have the current issues fresh in my mind so when family starts to come out, I can help them. But after this choir debacle, I don't want to associate with you lot anymore. I get you don't like Trump. I don't care. But having to read all the insults you manage to throw around makes me ill. It's childish, demeaning, and should be beneath all of us. Goodbye and good riddance. I hope the next 4 years bring you nothing but success and happiness, despite your best efforts to the contrary.","u/boredm103, don't let the door grab you in the pussy on the way out." Is there any other cosmetic damage besides the scratches?,There's none "Being condescending instantly earns you my tag'em and bag'em routine. On reddit, if someone asks a question and you have a good answer, just give the goddamn fucking answer instead of implying you know it, talking down to the OP and then failing to provide the goddamn answer.",Anybody with any intelligence would know how to handle those kind of people. "This is amazing. Putin is literally putting words in his mouth, and people cheering it on because how bitterly partisan the divide between Democrats and Republicans is.","no, he's not a puppet." Cue Is gronk good or is it all Tom Brady? talks,So is Gronk good or is it all Tom Brady? Yeah. Overall its much funnier in Finnish.,Time to learn Finnish then You can also just buy them.,Whoa there moneybags. "Idk what game your playing, but it's definitely not katarhalla",I hardly ever see people using katars... Ya because it's such an original term we never would have thought it up on our own,Y'all are state school kids so we thought we'd help you out TIL over 99% of Koreans have a mutated gene called ABCC11 which alters the composition of sweat so that they do not produce body odor. Only 2% of Europeans have this same mutation,"So if I were to set up a sweatshop, korea is the place to do it" "It's predictable, not petty. Apple is a business, not a charity","And that's exactly why Steve Jobs removed all charity donation programs at Apple, and why Apple users hate Tim Cook, because he brought them back." Command and conquer,This game brings back some pretty great memories Man this is embarrassing.,We absolutely love him out here in sask. I came here to say That doesn't look anything like Martin Shkreli.,It's not hot enough to be him You should buy them if you like them.. OR You shouldn't buy them if you don't like them.,Nah Bruh everyone on this sub needs to be told what to like and buy It charges fast enough already IMO.,2 races is enough already IMO. "All weight jokes aside, Nate Diaz can make 155 and look shredded.","Oh god that's horrible, someone stop this man from cutting so much weight" The joke was that it was really a Cubs home game.,"Dude idk, it says the astros are the home team on the ticket, who cares that Houston is 1,000 miles away from Milwaukee and Chicago is less than 100 away, Astros are the home team." "Help me understand.. Does your keyboard have a key that says Compose, or how are you doing that?","I remapped my right Windows key to be Compose, but you can use what ever key you want." Mmm... Damn that's hot,This is a screenshot of a video that's about a minute long ;] "And the Heavenly Father spoketh unto thee, Doest thou want to ride or die?",La da da idk i think most grown men with some shred of athletic ability can throw a football 10 yards all day long and never bounce it,Yeah Hackenberg must not have a shred of athletic ability. The real Big 3,Klay possibly on the trading block. God forbid a champ exists that counters ranged carries for once,Yeah ranged carries are the problem in league right now Poor you,"Agreed, it's horrible." Mkhitaryan on Instagram-Merry Christmas & a Magical 2017!,Mkhi is Christmas Every single one.,Every single one. I actually laughed for the first time at [Humour] post in this sub.,too bad this is a [Hum**o**r] post so you probably didn't laugh "How is the MMORPG of your dreams? Hello everyone, For years I've been looking for a new MMORPG to play, but every time I start to play a new game, I just play for a few days and get bored. I think that this don't happens only with me. I was wondering how should be a MMORPG that, maybe makes a revolution in the MMORPG genre. I want to know opinions about how is the MMORPG of your dreams?","WoW; but with the questing, and economy of Runescape." "Askreddit, what can a person do, or begin doing, to respect themself more?",r/nofap "Rule 7. Tone Policing I agree with you, but shaming people is what women do because they're weak.",You're shaming people with this post though? "Such a huge difference, picking at 8 would be amazing.",I know we have other needs to fill but I'd love a shot at Leonard Fournete "Let's face it, it's getting a Z-move",It's obviously getting a super powered Z-move that doesn't need a Z-crystal that will let it mega evolve also! Can these injuries go somewhere elsewhere? Like nowhere near football? Please?,"Bring em over to MMA, there's a huge lack of injuries over there" I know plenty of Jewish families that celebrate Christmas now actually,"It's ok, he dropped this" WORKIN' THAT POLE - Club Naughty Gameplay,Hahahah the song at 10:28 is Darude Sandstorm mixed with Never Gonna Give You Up The Atlanta Falcons have won the NFC South **AT****L**ast they won the division again.,"But but but, Ryan is the worse QB in our division" "I mean it's still rape, he's guilty. But it's partially her fault after a point. This change even count the people who cement and then knowingly lie after.","Wait, HE is guilty?" My dark souls 2 character,I didn't give you permission to leak my selfie "ITS NOT WIKIA, ITS **FANDOM!!!!!!!**",You forgot to put "Pops appearing where they shouldn't because of not enough CPU? I've been hearing them in the right channel, just when certain notes are being played (talking about a solo piano piece). No effects, just the upright piano plug-in. FL Studio. Could it be the soundcard that is broken? I can kind of get rid of them by automating one EQ plug-in in the Mixer, but I need to know why they happen. Any ideas? Pure sampling, not even MIDI recording through an external keyboard. Could it be the CPU? 8GB of RAM here.",Buy more CPUs What's a sign that someone was raised well?,They don't go on reddit. "Of course they matter, the other commenter didn't say anything remotely to the contrary.","But if we don't create divisiveness now, how can we ensure progressive approaches lose, giving us further opportunities to complain on social media?" If you could talk to your mother one time before u would be born..What would you say?,Prepare for disappointment. No. I hear Christmas music at work for 9 hours.,The joys of retail! Fuck no. I'm a Nurse main. Now you know why *I* hate it.,"I thought nurse mains hate everything, hence why they main nurse" Just a picture of a gay man thrown from the rooftop and stoned to death as Quran orders. Nothing else. PROGRESSIVES SUPPORT AND RESPECT THESE VALUES.,come on guys theyre just doing Jackass isis style lmao "It hasnt been there in a little over a week now, the only thing I can think of is because it is the release build they disabled it and/or just broke it and because of the holidays didn't have the staff to fix it.","Well that sucks, thanks for informing me" "What Civil War II tie-ins are worth reading? I found the first Civil War a lot more fulfilling when I read it along with the Amazing Spiderman, Wolverine, and New Mutants tie ins. I also read Civil War Front Line that added an interesting POV to the story. The Civil War II books are starting to show up on Marvel Unlimited so I was wondering what I should read to get the most out of the event. I'll be reading the Spider-Man tie ins because I follow those books anyway, but is there anything else that adds to the main title?",Thank you for your input everyone :) "What would be good (for both sides) would be a system where you can pre-register with TradeMe or a competitor and get checked out as suitable. Then they just auction the lease to the highest qualified bidder - e.g. the owner specifies they want a working couple, a single person, ten students, whatever - then they get the people in that category willing to pay the most.",The people willing to pay the most... can't see that going wrong at all... Similar pants to these?,Ya dude cropped dickies 874 "Relax and Enjoy Christmas As the majority of college application deadlines draw near and stress levels skyrocket as you scramble to try to finish your essays, I invite you to join me in taking Christmas Day off. This process can be incredibly draining and time-intensive, but for one day I think it's important to leave all of this behind and spend time with friends and family. I'm going to resist the urge to check this subreddit or polish my supplements, and I think you all should too. Friends and family are there to support us through this process, and spending time together celebrating the holidays is probably the best way you can repay their support. So tomorrow, even if you're not Christian or Jewish (because it's also Hanukkah too!), take the day off and spread cheer with all of your loved ones without the guilt of procrastinating. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and enjoy your break!","Nice try, fellow competition." "What's really neat about that is that swear words are still different from language to language, which means there's probably some part of our learning mechanism designed to plug certain word-sounds into the this feels visceral to say slots based on how we observe others using them. I wonder if there are any studies on how a word gets imprinted as a swear.",There's even a word for this... lalochezia. Judge Morty: State of Georgia Vs. Rick Allen,I'd lose my shit if this gets an actual feature in season 3. Who wants to give this holiday season? useless stuff like polygonal and dark matter boost a mystery decal.,"Hey, if you guys are just handing out mystery decals, I'd like one too." I love how you guys here on reddit are nice Unlike the Mormons in my ward still stuck in it for right now,"You've stumbled in the wrong place, we're all hate full athiest that want to watch the church burn to the ground and everyone in it, including gay sex for everyone." WHATTTTTTTTTTT NO FUCKING WAY. And here I thought Chance and Jeremih were spoiling us for Christmas.,We were so wrong. "Bought a pair last December that is finally starting to show signs of its traction pattern rubbing off. Played with it for about 3 hours a week, for a year.",Damn son. It's an internet meme name for Turks,Darn i though it was a reference to a Black Mirror episode Why should they even need to ban? Just make it impossible to create a fail platoon.,WG will make fail platoons impossible soon! Thankful for a wife that supports my habits. She told me she waited 2 hours at Best Buy to find one in the back. Merry Christmas PCMR Fam!,"Not pro, divorce inbound" So do the Jews forced out of surrounding Arab countries get guaranteed their homes and land back as well? I don't see people constantly yelling apartheid over that,"Shh, the Jews being kicked out of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Iraq, Egypt, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria and Afghanistan was the Jews fault" And the epiphany was I don't want to murder my own infant child,Yeah what a scumbag amirite? Someone corrected it :(,I wonder who... Yeah his squat is like mid 500 and bench is mid 400 from what I remember.,What a weakling My female Sims all look the same and I hadn't even noticed until now,"Haha this is funny, although I bet I can say the same thing with all my male sims" Just found this dog tag on bf1 and i don't know how i feel about this as a nvidia user,Freaking pay to win games Honey I blew up the... Anyone remember it being honey I blew up the baby? Just noticed it's honey I blew up the kid now,I always remembered it as kid "Women or Men of Reddit, what is the weirdest thing you have ever put inside yourself?","My brother, yee-haw" Why do white girls like for me to play with their hair in bed and black girls do not?,Wigs can fall off "It's not like this is a busy time of year for their retail locations, or anything.",It's pushed just fine locally on the 10GE LAN....I think you WAN guys need to step up a bit... "Me too! A friend is watching for the first time, and she wanted me to explain what the hell happened in Two Fathers/One Son, and I was like, I have no clue, just keep going and enjoy Monday...",Just... just enjoy the MOTW episodes now Unfortunately I am missing a few of the strongest legendaries,Like sparky! "Well take Oregon and Washington too, for continuity.","Can Minnesota join up, too?" 100 days? I think it takes longer then 100 days to build a wall. Heck the Ming dynasty took 200 years to build the Great Wall of China.,I think you're forgetting this: "Hey, I have some sheep if you have wheat to trade.","I'll trade you for your sheep, I need another development card" This should give Boeing an out from a deal they NEVER should have made in the first place.,"Right, better to buy with Airbus and totally screw over American workers" I got an extra centimeter!,Measure yourself at night and then you'll say the grinch came instead :( Like a resistor with a negative value of ohms.,Well that clears it up There's that time a subreddit full of 16 year old memetards got a guy elected president,Yea it was the teenagers making memes that got trump elected "People who throw their cigarettes on the ground. FUCK YOU THERE'S A GARBAGE CAN TEN FEET AWAY. WHY IS THIS SO HARD FOR YOU. But you know, can't say anything, don't want to be the crazy person yelling at people for littering.",I can't get it in the trash can while driving 15 over speed limit though. Glad to see someone suggest this. Why would we take *anything* politicians say at face value?,"Its not on my 'side' of politics, therefore anything goes" What? Just...WHAT? Has everyone in the GOP gone completely insane? Why in god's name would anyone want another Cold War?,"They didn't have Emails during the Cold War, so it wasn't all that bad" Alright that's pretty badass.. I've got a crazy amount of grab bag keys. Might need to see what kind of art I could come up with,You need to let me buy some of those by weight too Her eyebrows lmfao,"2/10, would not pluck" "Merry Christmas! I'd like to share my third Warhammer Cosplay with you all, a Dark Eldar Scourge WIP.",Look at this Xenos apologize trying to empathize the alien scum. "I mean I play arena, too... I just read the cards haha",But he's saying you aren't Arena only like Ratsmah What's the coolest thing Redditors have done together?,Reddit made a few people millionaires! Kyrie Irving puts the Cavaliers up 1 with 3.4 seconds left,lol ball movement Got a book on flags for Christmas.,"The one on the top left is interesting, I can't remember which it was, can someone help?" *General,"To me, she's royalty." Maybe his wife identifies as an Earthbound cartridge. Who are we to judge?,I don't see a ring on the cartridge. Bunch of whiners,"We aren't up by 3 TD'S at half, this team is terrible and everyone should be fired!" "OMG, there are people out there living in ways I don't personally like! I must stop them.",Gay marriage ruined my life! "I think that we shouldn't just give (financially) to others that are 'in need' if they're not trying to help themselves. The money would just be useless, and they need to be motivated to help themselves since it's the only way... but apparently that makes me an asshole.","Yeah, screw those stupid kids with cancer!" Your cat is possessed! That piece of furniture is awesome!,Lol that is because i used flash on the camera so the cat will look my way =) it's your adblock blocking the ads...,"Nah, I am sure the artists don't want any money." "The Jets probably attracted some in 2009 and 2010. However, I would argue that any fans that joined then and are still fans today are no longer fairweather/casual fans. I look forward to when we have bandwagoners. They'll be annoying, but at least it will indicate that we're finally doing well.",Pfffffft youre only in this fandom via unfortunate birth Not an obsession lol they just sound great,and their pricing is very accurate "Obviously. You are paying 500 for a weapon that is only useful at close ranges and fucking useless at medium-long ranges. with the M4, you are paying 3100 for a weapon that is useful at all ranges. It is almost as if weapon balance is multi-factorial.",YEA BUT THIS GUN CAN KILL ME BETTER CLOSE "Winged planes are perfectly viable. It's about building them to last, or being able to build them in such a way that you can escape a fight if you're outclassed. Tanky planes are well versed to go one on one, and if you add a blink mod, you can escape if you get outnumbered. Of course, no one realizes that you can also build with rods and struts to make huge armor planes a whole lot lighter, at the cost of connection points.","But I want to fly my artbot bomber over the center of the map slowly and not get punished, clearly it's the broken LOMLs and flak that are the problem" "Says device support unchanged, so I would assume so.",Supoort i6 now? Tyvm :),"you could switch to firefox, thatll free up 4gb of ram right there." "[Deadman's Questions](#s I'm a bit uncertain on how canon Deadman's Questions is, but it would seem that being dragged off by the Ghost Alley's hands leads to the person ending up in the same realm as regular ghosts, invisible to the living. Though he certainly wasn't doing terribly, I wouldn't say Kira was at peace; he's left wandering without a home and without his memories, and throughout the story he constantly notes how he just wants to live quietly in a place he can call his own. But, as a ghost, he can't obtain that peace. And like you said, the cleansers (the things that hatched from the eggs) constantly pose a threat to the dead. It's not as horrible of an existence as Reimi and the Ghost Alley might have made it out to be, but Kira was still unable to find peace. As for what happened to Cheap Trick...I honestly have no idea.)","[Part 4](#s I mean Heaven's Door made sure Cheap Trick was going to hell, so...)" Mexico: six decapitated heads found on Christmas Day,"Boy, these drug gangs really don't appreciate others selling dope on the holidays" "Yeah, making cannabutter makes your whole house smell kind of awful. For like the whole day.",It's all part of the vegan cooking process Fuck loads but I have watched one so maybe it's my fault *internalised oppression*,You can remove videos from your viewing history so related videos don't come up. I'd take annoying relatives over ISIS... I'm just saying,But have you met his relatives? Denvers offense is painful to watch,"You're just watching them on a bad stretch, the first 3 games of the season looked really good." Maybe they aren't throwing downfield this week because they have fucking CHJ and Talib at corner.,"But that's their defense's greatest strength, why wouldn't our game plan be to play right into their hands?" Dontari Poe is now the heaviest player in NFL history to throw a touchdown pass,Welp time to tank next week just to spite the chiefs LPT use this simple method to accurately calculate your real mpg (miles per gallon) in the real-world,Mind = Blown "Lightning @ Rangers - Fuck My Shit Up Edition Yeah... that happened. Final: Rangers 6, Lightning 1","My teams went 0-6 this weekend, not even all the Jack Daniel's in the world can sooth this pain." Pre-order shipping? Where can I pre-order from that won't delay my shipping? I went to preorder from Amazon but the expected delivery date is way past any shipping that I choose. Why is this? Or will I get it on time from whichever shipping I choose?,"considering the game releases in 30 minutes, digital is the only way" f/20,"Either an 8/10 or a 9/10, imo." "Everyone was wanking over him all year, there was even talk of the FA trying to get him to play for England.",Never forget how Januzaj was eligible for 47 different countries. No Theres no incentives to stay here. Making it harder to go to the States doesnt matter as long as it keeps being worth it,Sounds like you're talking about Syria. (Fresh video) Lil uzi vert - Ps & Qs,Uzi rocking that Thugger choker "We need a tax that every single company is forced by law to pay on profits. It doesn't matter if it's 5%, 10%, 50%, 90%, it's completely insignificant in every single way. The only thing that matters is that there's a level playing field, and we stop letting corporations exist in this country without paying taxes for decades.",Maybe even a progressive tax like we have for income where the bigger the profits the more the tax (but only on the bracket above the previous). "If someone is so sure about the benefits outweighing the costs, tell me your guesstimates for a year. Otherwise, all I can see is that - waiting for the year and then spinning it whichever way you want to AFTER the event has passed.","'Wait for a year' basically translates to 'nobody fucking knows, we hate congress bad enough to let BJP do anything they like in the name of saving the country'." Charging solo batteries together I've always had a dual battery box mod. I know and have married pairs. I was wondering if i could charge my single mod batteries together?,What makes you think that there would be an issue to do so? Brad Pitt finally hits back at estranged wife Angelina Jolie's parenting skills as he describes her as having 'no self-regulating mechanism',"Oh snap Brad, that's really cold!" "One would suspect that the greatest game ever made wouldn't be 50% terrible, barely finished levels full of nonsense. The first half is quite good though.","Yes, the Walking Simulator sure is setting the bar high." "ooooh skill cap It's an attack , they should allow it through. jug loses dps late game due to improper spins... I wish they implement the one from hon , or make the spin physical since it is not a magical spell",Yea we should definitely make a carry that has a great laning and mid game even stronger late because there should be no decision making when you select a carry to match your teams winclock. I don't get it. It's just minor bug right? Even says 8Gb in HWinfo.,"Nah, this is *definitely* another case of ram-gate." "No i mean the ice axe, one hand and very fast with good range. I always find one when im a freshie, shoot my scorpion and attract some zombs and goto town with it.","No no, you probably mean the sickle" The Inquisitor story PROVIDES a good reason for a Sith Pureblood slave tho,"[This is of course a good answer, and in fact once the twist is revealed in the SI storyline, the SI being anything except Sith Pureblood or Human begins to make less sense.]" Sorry.,"I forgive you, fellow trainer." "Its not Islam, its not even religion. The problem is that people are naturally shitty. We're a bunch of shitty apes, lead by shitty alpha apes, fearing that someday an even shittier and bigger alpha ape will show up and shit in our water hole. So we imagined the biggest, shittiest alpha ape, and we made him immortal and invisible and he lives in the sky, and we all scream and dance and follow random shitty rules to avoid angering our god-ape and our leader-apes so god-ape won't let anyone shit in our water hole; and then we die but we're afraid that in the afterlife we'll get shit on by yet another big shitty ape.",I don't want to poopoo what you say butt that's a pretty crappy comment. "This picture still baffles me to this day. How the hell could a ULD be so close to an area where the AC was under power? I know it's old, but still.","From what I can remember, the cart driver went behind another jet, and the ULD was launched by jet blast from another jet, and came near enough to the tristar to get sucked in" Everyone who has been saying that people buying the new NES are idiots when you can do X and Y can go fuck themselves. I'll hand Nintendo my money because I feel good about them as a company profiting from their work. Video gaming wouldn't be what it is today without Nintendo. But yeah dudes just pirate their shit because whatever excuse you have.,But capitalism is evil! "Raindrops was a really shitty addition, the mana regen in a consumable is a really good idea but the magic block was clearly never thought of for more than a couple of seconds.","Yea, pretty sure icefrog was taking a shit and the whole idea of the raindrops just came to him and was done&ready to be coded by the time he was finished." "Anyone else had the bad idea to use IF Juventus player to complete the MM? EA gifts for xmas are pure bullshit, it is my first year playing fifa and I was quite enjoying the experience the first weeks, because pack luck was OK, not fantastic at all but from time to time something worse 30K was out of the packs. I opened a lot of packs from drafts, SBCs and some initial coins from the deluxe edition, but no walkout so far. Last week, I started to do the MM, and got one player away to get the 2 last packs. Of course the italian juve player was missing. Then I saw Castro tweeting he got Hazard from the SBC pack, then another guy replied he got him too, and another got Pogba. So I said fuck it, this pack must have some big luck weight because of itialian juve players extinct. I went back to it and bought the italian IF player that cost 25K... and decided to open those 4 packs from the SBC, and the one from the mistery SBC that was a 2-players pack. Result: best players was 84 Bacca and Defoe, what a shit pack luck... total return maybe 15K total for 5-6 packs I opened, including 2 jumbos, prime gold players,... :( I am done with those packs, I will only open them because I earn them, or because I have all the players already... no more investment in SBCs or anything related to collecting packs... What did you got?? Any luck for you? Make me mad :( TLNR: got shit from SBC MM buying an inform to complete it ... what a fool !!!",Yeah i used my sbc buffon Sheer Friezattack has no weakness,Is this a JoJo reference? "Thanks for the advice. I use a mflb right now as well, which doesn't have the best vapor quality or efficiency. Looking to upgrade soon.","If you've had your MFLB for awhile, replace your batteries." "Reddit, we all have them; what was the moment where you said, I was wrong about that this whole time?",R/circlejerk now I say ayyyy lmao at least once a day its supposed to be a challenge with rules that make sense and are fun,Ya playing Vi/Naut bot is so fun in the name of memes and karma. "I agree with you on all points, except I think it's a little off-putting to tell a newbie to not pick Fuze at all until they get gud. I think he's a great beginner tool just for his great gun(s). I would tell people not to use his gadget until they're comfortable with all the maps, but other than that, just use ops that aren't team-oriented and get used to recoil.","He's said not on hostage, which I'd have to agree with" Show me no mercy.,21 going on 40 Jesus Christ sorry bud it's all downhill from here Highest rated squad and most expensive squad in FIFA 17. 40/40 wins guaranteed in WL.,Handicap would make you get 0 wins I hope you won some money on this bet,"Nah, even better, I got a bunch of karma" We couldn't have done it without him. Show Julian Assange some love.,"All well and good, but please don't put Marina Abramovic's head in there, she probably enjoys it!" Pics?,"I'm on the way home, will hit you in a few hours" "Oh this? It's just me and the gents breaking out of the Friendzone. Nice knowing you, pleebs!",Second from the left looks like the only one with a modicum of decency. "HO HO HO! Merry Zixmas my dudes! Hope you are actualy spending time with your friends and family and having a great time! What are your wishes and goals for the new season/year? Id like to first get back to plat, climb to diamond and finish school with nice grades. -Kenseiisgod",No I'm just jacking off to kha'zix porn "he's kind of ugly but the replies say he works well, so it's a tough choice.",Arrester Tennogen helmet says 'sup Judo chop!,You are so willful! "freezer, if you let it cool then it's the same as not boiling it...","Bubbles are what make ice cubes unclear, so boiling it lets all the bubbles out." Anyone know what Darryl Sittler usually goes for on Ps4? Thanks!,a lot Children - Part 138,kenny has a red shirt now... **I M P O S T E R** The shoes are pretty comfortable but the tubular sole throws me off a little especially while driving. They look a little wide on my feet but no one else has them where I live which makes them a little cooler haha,"Yeah I have these and a pair of Tubular X's, and these are FAR more comfortable." "Oh I have another one or two up my sleeve. No lasers that I remember, but still impressive none the less. I'll see if I can't find them today.",OP I'm still waiting in suspense. This suspiciously darker apple juice,Looks racist to me.. Calgary,Should have added the "I had more emotion when these characters died, which I couldn't tell you the names of, than the predictable poorly done Han Solo death. Connecting to the characters more does not mean their death will necessarily be more emotional. Its how its executed. All I needed to know was it was a Dirty Dozen type team of rebels that were willing to sacrifice their lives to finish their mission. Each death represented that characters part in achieving that goal and so it had meaning. Enough that it made you care, even if you didnt have a detailed history of each one.",Yeah but Han Solo's death represented Harrison's unwillingness to do another movie which is far more impactful Got my 51 year old dad the new ratchet and clank for Christmas. He hasn't moved in hours.,Does he know you move with the left analog stick? "My dad will NOT stop asking me if I know an unknown female musician; please Reddit, make this Dad madness stop",IIT OP is MIA "I'm old. When I was in college in 1989, I came home to Charleston for Christmas, and we had a blizzard which started on 12/22 and ended on 12/24. A foot of snow in Hanahan. Almost 2 feet in Myrtle Beach. Today it was 75 degrees.",It's those damn Chinese and their global warming. Fucking Noel in the Arena,"It would be kinda tough to fuck a giant metal Magitek Armor, but I think it's probably doable." Seen at a Bus Stop in a Major Metropolitan Area,They forgot the I'm not arguing. I'm informing.,"Woah, that's a hell of a lot of information there." "This ignores subsidies though. It ignores a lot of factors, such as the fact that solar is currently not well suited for mass power generation as it's extremely inconsistent, but most important is that the claim it is cheaper on holds up while you are *paying people to buy it.* A space ship could be cheaper than a sudan with a big enough subsidy.",Because other energy industries are not subsidized xmas all-day stuffing and aftermath~,"Such a perfect belly, dont know if you have a partner or not, but if you do they are soo lucky to have you X(" Need help IDing this weird quarter I got in my stocking. How rare is this error?,"Just PMD, gold plating doesn't add any value." delete this,Delete your account If you want to think like that maybe you should consider moving to a country founded on freedom.,Like the USA? "I have encountered people who believe 'oil change' and 'topping it up' are the same thing. One time someone explained their logic to me: if you add oil regularly, then that means you also lose oil regularly, so this method is even better, as there is a constant supply of fresh oil.",Well if he is driving a 2007-11 Toyota Camry he is not wrong... "Never been closer to home, never felt further away",What kinda ship is that? "Announcing that you are underage from the start would be absurdly suspicious and tip off basically every john that it was an undercover cop, rendering the whole system worthless. Might as well just tell them you're a cop.","when he asks the age saying 15 is where i would put it, not saying 19 then saying actually i'm 15 later on." "Straight from Apple. They are incredibly affordable, and like buying a new computer 99% of the time. In the off chance you have an issue, they are covered by the full original Apple manufacturer warranty. I don't trust anyone but Apple's refurbishment process, and I can't imagine you'd get their warranty with refurbishment through another company.",Apple refurbs can be more reliable than new devices because they have been extensively tested while brand new devices only have quick QA tests. This what I made for my soon to be sister-inlaw. It took me 2months 3days and 91.5 hours to do.,"I think you meant: 1 month, 32 days, and 115.5 hours" "He doesnt predict any results with his rankings, they just show the recent results of the teams. Also he is like the worst analyst as far as gameplay is concerned.",no but really dignitas will win the major guys! Charles I and Oliver Cromwell would both beg to differ with you.,"Yes, I'm quite sure they found the English Civil War 'easy'." More like 10,refund "Ancap standing next to water, in which someone is drowning: Sorry, can't be forced to help you. Try getting help somewhere else. Drowning man: But that's patently immoral, according to a majority of philosophers and ethicists. Ancap: Lol too bad man, go read some Hayek Dude drowns slowly right in front of Ancap's eyes. Ancap: I am within the bounds of decency.","I mean the drowning man chose to drown, otherwise he might have just made a monetary offer to the ancap." What is socially acceptable in America which is not anywhere else?,Racism against white people and calling for dead police officers. I love this. This is the kind of mum I want to be some day soon.,#mum You got a typo there What track is next to install lights? I think that Dover would be awesome under the lights! What do you think?,Imo they should slap headlights into the cars like IROC did and run the Daytona road course at night instead of the 400. "As a broke college student, damn I can't wait till I can drink all day and blow 700 dollars on shit I don't need.","You can do it now with student loans and credit cards, get cracking!" "Foreign Media Roast Modi's Demonetisation, Call It 'Bizarre, Unethical And Immoral'",Anti-national Anti-world Anti-MilkyWay Anti-Universe Baazaaru Media And here we are,"overdraft, complete reach, will bust" Bought my mom (SS white band) and sister (RG Sport) Watches for Christmas. Dad tagging along and me in the middle :),Someone likes their mom more than their sister :P BERNIE GOT SCREWED,BERNIE SCREWED BERNIE Pked ags by acting like a bot,Nice Child Empowered Officer ?,I think Child-Encumbered Officer would be a lot more accurate. "and remember, even if you want to commit suicide you cant, to spare the feelings of a couple of those around you. much more important","life is a lose lose situation, thanks universe for giving me such an oppurtunity to witness life" Stupid refs missing that field goal. They should be full time so they get more kicking practice.,funny and original And yet OP posted their own. The world did not stop spinning.,Spoken like a true goat. "Astros vs. Oakland Game Chat For anyone who wants to follow the game today, an Astros loss means the Rangers can clinch on our home field with a win tonight! Let's go A's!","Is there anyway we could get a thread with the box score and stuff like normal, but for their game?" "Who are the most/least dangerous inmates? (Overall, not just raw physical/combat abilities) There are many factors to consider: * Physical strength * Fighting skills * Cunning * Information/Awareness * Self-control * Allies in prison * Allies outside of prison * Sheer intestinal fortitude! Also, I see dangerous as different from powerful. For example, early-first-season Red was certainly *powerful* but not necessarily *dangerous*, seeing as you can stay off her bad side by being respectful and not messing with her or hers. Red may have come down hard on Piper, but even then, she didn't take it to the level of direct physical violence as *Vee* might have.","Most Dangerous: Suzanne, Ruiz Least Dangerous: Flaca/Maritza" I didn't even know the name of the game until now. I did know the meme though.,Youre a part of them! "Never, and I mean *never*, call it San Fran ever again, especially in the City.","Oh gosh, why it was that damned autocorrect I tell you!" "TIL while Erin Langworthy was bungee jumping 360 feet above the Zambezi river, the cord broke and she was forced to swim the raging waters with her feet tied together, at one point diving to free the rope from debris.",Everybody in line just noped the fuck out of there. "DISCUSSION: If DC wanted to make a Action-Comedy movie (similar to what Guardians of the Galaxy is) that would be a success, which character/team should they use? If DC wanted to make a Action-Comedy movie (similar to what Guardians of the Galaxy is) that would be a success, which character/team should they use? It's commonly believed that Suicide Squad was supposed to do just that, but it was a major flop. Poorly done. But I believe it's doable. But I want to read some of your ideas and suggestions.",Batman v Superman What's a greeting card?,It's when fat cats give away their fancy shmancy blankets... for free! Ordinary Muslim Guy in Europe starter pack,Lmao at the guy wiping forehead with the beard+no mustache combo hate pets,wow so edgy Teaching kids philosophy makes them smarter in math and English,Studies have shown studying math and english also enhance abilities in math and english. "The Cowboys have 7 wins over teams with winning records: most in the league Other contenders and their wins against teams over .500 this season: Pats, Raiders, Chiefs with 5 wins Falcons, Steelers, Packers, Giants have 4 wins Seahawks, Texans have 3 wins",But Cowboys have the easiest schedule ever and haven't even played a good team yet "If you haven't realized already, this sub is not about uncensored anything. It is merely thedonald lite",I for one enjoy my lower calorie version. "Who would win our 2nd RB? Taliaferro has shown hes good when healthy, Buck is a great receiving back, and West has shown his talents. Dixon clearly wins the battle, and Juice isn't going anywhere. We could potentially bring back the Three-Headed Monster. Dixon (McGahee) Juice (McClain) ____?",Campanaro "If history has taught me anything, it's: don't fuck with Israel or the Jews.","well, the roman empire beg to differ." "any of us yanks can ship a 6 pack, if you find someone trustworthy enough to do a paypal deal with, but the problem is that is cost prohibitive. sent a bday gift to my gf in japan recently, weighed maybe 1 or 2kg - cost over a hundred dollars to ship. anything over 1 pound from the states overseas is probably going to cost at least 40-50 bucks first class mail. you wanna box it up so it will ship and not explode too.","I mean, it's Bud Light.. ask someone to send empties and the cost of shipping will go down, while happiness of the recipient goes up." Is this because male pickpockets are too smart to get caught ? :-),Jesus Christ MrJekyll stop being a misogynist. "Dan Bilzerian didn't make his money on freaking poker, he inherited it from his dad's illegal schemes.","Well yeah, but you can't pay a fraud settlement with money that your son won in poker" Spotted at the flea market!,love me some hot racist white women. #3 on PFF's worst players of week 16,But hey he sells packs... Decided to look at my filtered message requests on Facebook. Instant regret.,"What a gentleman, how could you ever resist him?" Tom Brady removed the NFL logo from his helmet for preseason games,Wow he really showed them Or the movie mode lasting 2.5 hours. I hate having to keep re-enabling it during marathon netflix binges. Unfortunately it's starting to become a trend where software is offering less customization.,"It's called menu simplification, and 'saves resources'." Chinese Aircraft carrier enters the Pacific,This is clearly Trumps fault. Rex Ryan fired....,Didn't see that one coming. Should I get a Matthews' or HHCD's jersey? I can't decide please help.,21 This man stood up for due process for his players and deserves our support. Please.,way to little context given in the petition for me to even consider it "If I give my i5 to a friend, will it turn into an i7?","No, you have to trade cpus for that to work, not give it away." My Grandfather punching Muhammed Ali in the jaw.,Back when you could tell a man's wealth by the size of his lapels. "I think he chose Glenn. 1, because he noticed how protective Glenn was over Maggie during the initial stages of the line up. And 2 because he saw that the entire group in the line up was a tightly knit family. Choosing Glenn was to cement the fact that no one is safe, and if YOU break the rules then someone ELSE who you love is going to die, and it will be on your hands.",Too bad that didn't get cemented into Rosita's stupid head. "Haha, better than nothing.","Nah, we should all call amex and demand free Echos." you might not make six figs but you can still work at six flags,As a garbage collector you played yourself,ya these kinda wack imo Something going on in EU fpl?,#news1mple <3 "Blaming it on the drugs is BS. If you abuse something you gonna pay the price. If she abused water, she probably would've died of kidney failure or whatever it happens when you drink too much water years ago. Do drugs, kids. And experiment. Or not. It's your choice. Drink alcohol or not. Just don't abuse either. Life is worth living and don't you let anyone else tell you how or what you're supposed to feel.",What a role model. hahaha! I thought this was going to be some sort of comedy!,It is. Reflections from a Fledgling Grain Grower,You should dig your own well to get the water for your beer! "#BREAKING: Erdogan says has evidence that US-led coalition forces give support to terrorist groups in Syria, including ISIS & Kurdish militia",inb4 it's the ISIS founding documents signed by Al Baghdadi with co-founder B. Hussein Obama Or maybe you died in an alternate reality and the wound translates to you.,"Why me, why not op?" "What products look like a gimmick, but actually work really well?","Ab wheel + Foam roller, those look like unecessary fitness gadgets but they are really great" Real Patriarchy: Saudi jailed for call to end male control over women,Another great example from the most feminist of religions. Another old right winger is dead. Good riddance.,"I'd piss on her grave, but I don't like standing in line." Can anyone explain H1Z1 to me? Is it a MMO? Similar to Dayz? Which one do I buy for the multiplayer? What are the difference between the two H1Z1 Just Survive and H1Z1 King of the Kill? Thanks,Detroit Simulator OK you must really feel like shit. How do you even live with yourself?,I belittle console players to make myself feel better. I dressed as a circus ringmaster to my highschool formal. My friends were not much better,Where are your date-- oh. "Nicklas Backstrom, approaching 500 assists, is revered by the players he sets up",Such a goon though... We can reset lol,im sure theres no situation in which you would want to remain at an island and heal there instead of resetting to your home island Let us drag around and organize our chests in chest slots. I just can't take silver - silver - gold - silver anymore... I just can't...,The technology just isn't there... "If you believe there is no hope, there never will be. Don't do that to yourself. I always considered myself shy. Never ugly, but never saw myself as attractive. I had extremely low self confidence but one day I just thought 'fuck it'. Stop trying to act different and just be yourself (as much as I hate that god awful cliche) and you'll meet someone who knows and then likes you for you. What I learned is that attractiveness comes down to attitude, not only looks. Do you have passion in ANYTHING? Any sense of humour? Hobbies? If so then you are attractive to someone who shares those values. And fuck all that, even if you think you are 'ugly' then it's up to you... get yourself to a gym, eat healthily, join some social clubs... most importantly stop making excuses because you have an opportunity every second to carry on, or change. Ultimately you are the only person who can make a difference in your own life. Take control!",He needs to take more showers "Eric Trumps charity benefits friends and family, flouts charity rules","Oh, so he's smart!" I've gotten a no on the grounds of having an active top mod.,Thanks for the update! Wasn't in a Sci-Fi movie. Don't care.,Downvoted for going against the circlejerk and not using someone's tragic death as an excuse to look down on people who disagree Erdogan says he has evidence US-led coalition has given support to Isis,"Ok, can we see it if it's so damning and all?" The Constitution is the best document (behind the Bible) to have ever been written. Read it sometime. It's definitely not a proponent of full democracy.,"Yeah, the pro slavery parts are my favorite." When you think of some amazing sex you had recently and have to get yoursel off.,Haha yeah I know just how you feel what with all this crazy sex I'm having...haha...right guys? New Pro Player Action Figures?,Seems like someone's been watching Summit's stream quite a bit lately. Such as what? Propping up unsustainable birth rates in the third world via food donations?,Because fuck giving starving people food upvote x 10000000,Spoken like a true teenager No. You'll become an official member of r/jokes.,I'll give you boop up for the original and a boop down for the repost. Incidentally 404 meters and no bottom found.,"Are you sure, they were vague about that" I must move quickly!,Nozdormu synergy though "Tavon Austin. It's not his fault, really. He does what he can and is a dynamic player with the football in hands. The Rams just made an awful decision agreeing to pay that much money.",He is an amazing OOP running back in Madden outside of the ghosts has highest speed of any running back. The entirety of The Glove of Darth Vader series.,"Palps is not a force user, Grand Moff Hissa, Mount Yoda ... what's not to love?" "Recline your seat all the way back, then go to sleep...and snore. :/","Yes, that whole 2 inches really impedes the person behind you from doing anything" Get Gears of War 4 free when you buy a 1070 or 1080!,"I bought it through retailer in Indonesia, a GTX 1070 G1 Gaming..and tried to redeem it through Gigabyte sites.. The process was easy enough, and it just need some of the information only available in the GPU box, and a picture of the invoice (i just hand held the invoice and took a picture with my smartphone); sent the information through their web.. waited 1 day, and GeForce emailed me my code...went to the redeem page, followed all their instructions, created a microsoft account for it...they said that it succeedeed, but whenever I tried to look in microsoft store app, in my account page, my PC game page, it didn't say that i own it... Ill check again when the game release though at 11th of October.." Yeah an then all the Jadedecks are going to beat you down.,Because aggro is the ONLY counter to Jade decks. How would you explain your love for hearthstone to a random person using 100 words?,Magic poker is fun. If the vault is in the back of the bank.Where does this door lead?,payday 2 secret La gente non conosce 'x' che io conosco quindi non dovrebbe votare. Seems legit...,"ha ragione , dovrebbero votare solo i nobili , gli ecclesiantici e chi ha una laurea in economia" "You know what bitch? She was a Princess before being a General, and the title of General, doesn't overshadow her being a Princess, so take your SJW bullshit away from Star Wars. /rant",Nope when Prince William and Prince Harry joined the British Armed Forces they gave up all the titles of royalty. "For a totally reasonable, modest amount of doubloons courtesy of WG-MilkinEU of course.","Like, let's say, 1k for first three missions and 3k for fourth?" That's why I'm always armed. If someone is going to be stupid enough to start some shit over music in a store then that's on them.,And this kind of thinking is totally going to helo the problem He was arrested for smuggling cellphones to convicted terrorists and murderers not because he is Palestinian,We don't allow your kind here. Found this old box of Sierra bullets at work. Kinda neat.,"I have a box of 90 gr .270 bullets that look just like this box, i think a buddy gave them to me after i lent him my reloader for a while, didn't know they were that old" "I thin you're focusing on the wrong thing here. I have a 15 work laptop and last time I tried to use it on a plane, it was already pressing into my belly. Then the person in front of me started to recline, and the hinge on my laptop started to crack from the compression and I had to shout and ask them to put the seat up so I could move my computer. Even with the computer practically up my own ass, I could hardly cram it in the space. There is just no way that a 21 laptop is going to fit on a plane if you fly coach.",Just get a first class ticket. "Just had a baby girl, so decided to go pink :D",Should have used pink rgb fans "One would think, but as we are seeing with the downvotes and all that. People want their blood lust.","Yeah the officer should have waited until she actually chopped him with that ax, and he has no right to expect a free american to comply with his orders - he's just a cop." "Do you think this guy is the only botter on the leaderboards? Lol :D Just check some other players out, there are many more with such a playtime.",can't be account sharing between two people at all Like when Clinton wrote ''happy birthday to this future president''?,"Yeah let's criticize a woman for having ambition, good idea." Feed it regularly,Here i thought i could just leave it or in the open top hunt the mice that stopped by the house. Nearly 50% of Donald Trump voters believe Hillary Clinton is involved in pedophilia ring: poll,And there's also absolutely no way Russia interfered in the election. "I don't disagree with your point, but you refuted nothing with 10 placement matches.","Don't worry, I'll be playing him the entire season to see how high I get." Open field endings are how it should be. It's 100x more skill based in a field.,yep... 8 cars driving in circles is so much more skill based than hiding in a house. Anti-rape chastity pants for the 21st-century European woman,For a second there I thought it was Maria Sharapova "Hey, what if we could borrow Emirates?",I think you need a "Goodbye, FIFA. I was first interested in this franchise back at FIFA 10, where I first played the game. I played casually in FIFA 11, 12 and started to progressively get better at the time of FIFA 13. I had great players and a good team overall. My club, as I didn't have any name I only wrote 'AGoodName' as the un-changeable name so stuck with it. At FIFA 14 I became far better at using the skill moves and headers, back when they were a statistic rather than physical rating. My club was going well but I ran into an issue with contracts and had to scrap it in favour of another club, this time also called the same name. At the end of the year I had a full team of TOTYs, TOTS and 2014 World Cup cards and finished the game in Divison 1 on multiplayer. FIFA 15 was the greatest time for me. I started off well, using the 50 packs, one every week aspect from the code to get Vincent Kompany and Yaya Toure in the same pack who were both sold so that I could get a team in the Bundesliga revolving around Aubameyang because he was far too good. My team was solid and I received Reus in a pack. I eventually built the best Bundesliga team and had a second squad of mostly-average 80-85 rated B.P.L. players. My 'Pro Clubs' was also going well, I played as a goalkeeper at an impressive rating of 91 but F.U.T. was the main game-mode for me as it is for lots of the community I suppose. Then, FIFA 16 comes out. I log on, and my account which was from September 2013 is now from September 2015. I go to my Pro Clubs and I'm now a 75-rated CAM player. No mention of previous rewards or any of that for playing earlier games. My ultimate team is now 'Dresden Fortuna'. My old club is gone. That year, I didn't play FIFA much, only logging a measly 2d 4h on the game in total. Finally, this year. I got the game at Christmas along with Titanfall 2 but installed FIFA anyway. F.U.T. is now a new team, again Dresden Fortuna but created December 2016. My Pro Clubs player is reset again. At this point, I think that it is time for me to put down FIFA and leave 'AGoodName' behind in FIFA 15, even if it has carried over. I won't be getting FIFA 18 next year, because I've lost interest to see that my club with all of that glory and my E.A. account which was high level with most cosmetics unlocked in the catalogue is also gone. It was an amazing run though. Thank you, FIFA community, for all of the times I've had with this franchise. **I don't hate the game, I want to make that clear. I could possibly return at a later date to this community and get back into FIFA again. Again: this game has been a good way to pass time casually, even when I faced people with anger problems who quit when I scored, or when I received all of the abusive and rude messages after a game I still had fun and that was the greatest part of FIFA.** Farewell.",We'll miss you "And not to mention that you are clearly, visibly marked for death. Everyone knows exactly where they are and they're coming for you. Trying to stay and fight is futile, and even if you manage to kill one or two enemies it has no affect on the match except ultimately helping the other team. Once you successfully retreat to the new sector, you regain full health and ammo, and are no longer spotted.",But muh bravado in a vidya game "Love a woman, respect all humans, and do crunches",Wait a minute.... "Is English your first language? If it is, how on *Earth* do you not know this?",I was testing his knowledge "Had a guy last Friday in my psychology class ask the professor if LSD is bad for you. He said long story short, yes, yes it is.",That professor is a Pussy *dabs* "Whoops. I'm a bad car guy, apparently.",How could you also forget about the truly excellent Nissan Leaf? Wanting to be better than we currently are and using tools are both very human.,And humans never make any mistakes implementing those tools. "Lol. I lived on base so it wasnt as bad as off base. But jesus shit was stupid. Ill never forget what i was told the first weekend i was there. Dont leave lighted roads after dark, you will be raped. But hey, got to do cool medical shit there, so i got that goin for me which is nice.",Better than those darn Leanderthals "Rwandan genocide was a result of and exasperated by its colonial legacy. In fact, most if not all of the tensions on the continent is directly linked to colonial exploitation.","Right, because the continent was a beacon of peace and prosperity before the evil European." You're on a circle jerk sub. You're gonna see things sway a bit too much to the other end of the spectrum sometimes here with corporate apologetics.,"I get most of the sentiment for counterjerking and I also think that companies undeservingly get shit for things, but I'm just having trouble understanding why it's so unrealistic to expect a 9 year old game that costs $90 to play to not have MTX retroactively added in." "Ryze troll reforms during the game and saves Tobias laning phase, or does he?","ryze, NOT the hero Tobito wanted, but the one he needed" "The NDAA is an authorizing bill, not a funding bill. It is also large as it authorizes all defense spending or the coming year. This bill needs to be passed but has been hotly contested. It did not make sense to hold up the bill over something so small. Once again, this has been AUTHORIZED, not CREATED. Currently the government is being funded under a CR, meaning that new programs, like this one, will not be funded until a new defense appropriations bill is signed into law. This will not take place until at least may, but likely September 30th. This is a cool headline, but that's all it is, a headline. A propaganda center is not opening tomorrow",but then all these people in the comments couldn't freak the fuck out about the guvment "I mean, new players have bigger worries than lack of IP I'd say. T2 runes are cheap and there are enough starting champs to keep them busy.",Not really now your going vs someone with every champ and advantage from ip! "Saw a really disgusting tweet... Was on twitter when I saw a tweet from an apparent oliciter who said now that Melissa (Benoist) has filed for divorced, the chances of Stephen doing the same has exponentially increased. What a disgusting statement. In a time where this marriage has ended, this person uses it to fuel their stemily passion. Also Fuck 2016. Its literally shitting on everyone until the end. **(Don't have a pic as it was deleted pretty quickly)**",At this point i just want Katie Cassidy and Stephen Amell to literally come together to absolutely shit on Oliciters "If you're a hockey fan, you have to respect the kind of player Crosby is. He doesn't play an easy game.",But he's a whiny little baby who doesn't fight or ever play physical. No that's Israel,"Given their policies, I thought Israel was that country east of Gondor." "Well, the Republicans haven't really let him do his job for the past year, so I say let Obama meddle in any way he can.",Clearly agree; this is the best way to promote unification of the country ! Cake/eating it.,No but this time its on our terms Not dying while trying to buy your games? Priceless.,Pffft obviously since everyone knows that you can't have online sales for console games amirite "GIANTS UPVOTE PARTY FOR THE WIN!!! FUCK THE REFS, WE DON'T NEED EM ANYWAYS",Kicking net for president 2016 She's doing it wrong. CNN is the only source to trust for such information.,You forgot the *Just wait until Small Arms/Void Burn then lets see who the bitch is*,Surely Small Arms still favours Titans though? "Surprise, surprise: everything is old as shit. Just like Scorsese refusing to watch new films, all these old directors just pick old movies from the Jurassic period and don't give a second thought to anything new, with very few exceptions.","i mean, have they even seen the prestige?" What is the most hostile/hateful/toxic sub that you have come across?,r/AskReddit ... Legacy of Kain: Defiance (0.49 USD /95% off - New historical low),Oh man I picked this up for .50 USD the other day "Claims portal is still down for me, anyone else?",I think mines broken as I've been at step 17 for over a month... What do you think of the name Valen? What are your thoughts first impressions of this person and what profession do you expect to see him or her in?,I first thought it would be a nickname for Valentina Wholesome Usher,What is this from? hey samr size as my dick :),"naah, the boots are smaller, and theyre a size 13 ;)" Kanji is not what you think it is.,Aren't all those Japanese squiggles kanji? "They cause problems.... overlooking that we are a part of the UN, too.",America never causes problems though "That is the strange thing, but to be frank, I think the Warriors are naive enough to do it.",Or Spears is just talking out of his ass HIFIMAN Review Manipulation,Bet you it was some intern who sent the email and was a mistake What about the Taemin one?,"That one was posted on here when it came out yesterday, Key's picture is new :)" Games are generally balanced around the casual gamer now.,Keep the normies out They're all tied together by being things that I don't want to talk about on a date.,If you don't talk about quantum theory on a date then you're obviously not as intelligent as this person is "Colombia kidnappings down 92% since 2000, police say",Well that's nice I too would have to blow up a Death Star in order to get my sister to get me a beer.,Do what Mark did for Carrie and give her the D! Let's start using black individuals as main characters then.,"but then you get people on the internet yelling about how white people are literally being genocided because there is only 49 white protagonists instead of 50 :c (battlefield 1, mafia 3, star wars 7)" "I did say borderline. But I'm not kidding about when I walked out. It's a terrible, terrible film.","You wouldn't fucking know, you didn't see the movie because you walked out" In the time it's taken for Season 3 to end... Rumble was released. Neo Tokyo was added to the game. iBUYPOWER Cosmic became Rocket League world champions. Aquadome was added to the game. Princess Leia died. (Carrie Fisher) Starbase Arc was added to the game. No Man's Sky was released. The original Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder) died. Donald Trump was elected president. Flipsid3 Tactics became Rocket League world champions. The UK left the EU. Fidel Castro died. A new Harry Potter Book was released. A new Harry Potter Movie was released. A new Star Wars Movie was released. The Olympics were held. Ebola is cured. Pokemon Go was released.,Psyonix will release season 4 when no one asks for it. "Team-Firing discussion : Ill-Will viable? (context enclosed) This post is more in relation to Trials and other 3v3 modes. First of all, wanted to ask you guys whether any primary combinations seem to destroy you any better than any others. For example, in the latest Twilight Gap trials, we repeatedly saw one player jump on top of the crate near the cap point. We had outside spawn, and after round 1, used 2 MIDA's to bring him down before he could land. Later on, anticipating his storm-caller, we switched to pulses, easily defending ourselves in the outside spawn. Typically, my fire-teams always seem to get rinsed by two HC's and a pulse. I'd put it down to mobility with those weapons, as the pulse gives a distraction/covering fire for the two HC's to get close enough to start doing some serious damage. By organised fire team, I mean one that is going to use team-fire effectively. Typically I sit just behind my team or on a defensive flank, running a pulse or MIDA as primary, until first blood. This usually allows me to see enemies my team are focused on, and flush them out for team-mates. I'd like a couple of second opinions on whether a Braced Frame / LitC 'Ill Will' would be viable to use as more offensive supporting gun due to its capacity to remove shields in one blast.. or any other alternatives you'd suggest for an aggressive supporting role. ** I've bought the Palindrome, but the Ill Will is the only HC I've ever used effectively asides TLW. Thanks in advance",The vendor Parthian Shot pulse rifle is another alternative heavy hitter. "I love Steven Pinker so much. He is a a great person to follow on Twitter, posts a lot of interesting reading material. He has also debated formally on issues like gender and gender roles and argues that biology is not sexist. Not to mention he has incredible hair.",but he's a jew so I dunno if gators would like him Robot imagines a world without men,The question on everyone's mind: Why the fuck are you going to **leave** a dimension where all your fantasies are reality? "Floppy disks use to hold video games. Also, floppy disks",Don't they have pills for that? We lost to Nebraska in basketball. We are officially a football school now.,Thats #Nebrasketball to you GR8 B8 M8,"Wow Paul, great refutation to what OP said, OP's gonna be hiding in shame from now on." He easily contained and eventually destroyed Cedric so yeah he had a good fucking game as always,yes cedric... such a good player that's so hard to contain My boyfriend wrapped my Christmas present like a savage,I know a popular post when I see one... This isn't one of them. This Insec argument is overused a little. Super late game Insecs are quite difficult to pull off. That's rather the enemy missplaying and you executing perfectly. It's not a likely and common way how Lee games get decided.,"But Meteos did it that one time, and he's the worst Lee in history" NEW Rhode Island Power Rankings,TIL the entire population of Rhode Island plays smash competitively me irl,stardew thanks "Shit really doesn't happen. Anecdotal, I understand, but I've never seen a person who needed a job that hadn't made awful life changing decisions leading up to it.","Never realized that a sudden death in the family was an awful, life changing decision that we had to make" Neymar vs Amigos do Robinho Pedalada (22/12/2016),Robinho friends should have broken his legs for being so disrespectful Jaywalk when there are no cars.,r/madlads "Source: Galaxy S8 will completely ditch hardware navigation keys, Samsung is switching to all soft keys with 3D touch-like functionality.","I wish they would remove the power button, maybe Apple will and Samsung will follow ?" Wat is de volgende stap? Allemaal verplicht een mondkapje op in het ziekenhuis? Scheelt ook weer een contactmogelijkheid immers.,ik mis de Who wants to party with this cutie?,Cute blonds want to party in your area! "What's your favorite bullshit-sounding, but true fact that you know?",The sun is white. "No team starting with a consonant has won the playoff, though.",THE Ohio State University? "I was going to empathize, but when I heard you had pink hair I knew you had it coming.",Let it be known that you deserve abuse if you have pink hair. "Where's the Ghost Future HB? Early morning pondering over coffee, but I would love a Future HB with some ridiculous stats. We've had Past - Ricky, Present - AP, here's to me hoping that the stack of presents with the Ghost logo is a Future HB.. Maybe a Melvin?","David Johnson is on the way, don't worry." Does anyone on earth see another child for them right now as a good idea? Seriously.,But don't you know they were meant to have lots of children? Non sono sicuro che le abbia pagate.,"Che poverata, bastava metterci uno sponsor e si rientrava nei costi" please tell me how elite barbarians are not OP,Well... erm... EERR... Mmhhmm... They are just not op? "Easiest, hardest, and best bosses? Title. Easiest: Iudex Gundyr. Not to say he isn't fantastic, but he's not really hard. Hardest: Nameless King. No explanation necessary. Best: Unpopular opinion, but I personally loved Aldrich. I had a lot of fun dodging and weaving around his attacks.",easiest for me was abyss watchers "Fun fact, this would be by far the simplest and most humane way to carry out a death penalty, but a lot of Americans prefer prisoners on death row to suffer a more painful death.",I for one care greatly about the suffering of those who have committed heinous murders and tortured their victims. None of the bank accounts I have opened hit my credit at all,"My Schwab checking did, but I assume that's because it was linked to a brokerage account." We'd never get another black President again.,Hopefully we'll never get a white president again. "Shit, I would probably be stuck inside for most of January",The door welds itself shut after 10 incorrect attempts. "27 And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved. Romans 1:27",I bet he never read that before. Not too long from now we really will have computers that hack computers. Bring on the AI.,What if this is another instance of 4^15D chess and Trump is trying to warn us? Donald Trump: Don't Blame Russia For Hacking; Blame Computers For Making Life Complicated,"Don't blame people for killing people, blame guns for killing people!" Striker crimson lightning Really good offers,Best I can do is a burnt sienna hard hat. Bye-bye spies! I wonder how many of them had invites to Inauguration events?,"spies could have never gotten in, too many A-listers wanted tickets" "Bernie Sanders: Despite enormous profits, the financial services industry employs only 4% of our total workforce.",The word is efficiency. "Hey, us skinny people exist too!",Triggered My coworker just told me I need to work this weekend. I felt like my dreams were crushed and I had to smile and say no problem No overtime pay whatsoever,Giving replies like that is what makes them feel ok asking you again next time "Meanwhile the World Cup in Qatar, lol.",They bought the World Cup fair and square though. The leak was an inside job #sethrich,How do we know Seth Rich wasn't a KGB agent? Said it before and I'll say it again. An E-40 x supreme collab would make my year,Yeeeeeee "Dumpster Divers if Reddit, what is your best dive ever story?",Me and my best friend went dumpster diving behind the mall for her birthday and we ended up finding about $1000 worth of make up for her that we carried home in a trash bag and two brand-new iPhones that barely had scratches one for each of us. How I Illegally Convert Old Notes Into New: An Insider Explains,Desi Jugaad is the best Jugaad Play through without any level boosts on the first character enjoy the story.,Story? Must be nice to be able to switch to a different class of heroes when one particular group is weak.,"DW, we have ziggs and mordekaiser we can play" With great power comes great responsibility,*slow claps* When they don't understand how Meme Magic works but it does,Kek is with Brendan! "People don't know this, but Iraq has oil Geopolitics, everyone!",Canada has moose! "First Pablo now Jenkins, the favorites leaving back to back :-( rip",This is more brutal than the deaths of Oberyn and Shireen :( I don't know what you've been watching the browns have been shockingly okay thus far.,I actually haven't watched a Browns game since I live in Chicago and I've been prioritizing the Indians over them for my viewing on my laptop. Marcus Berg (Panathinaikos) goal against Ajax (1-0),Marrcccccuuuuuuussssss BBBEEEERRGGGGG "Isn't one of reasons people you want a world without religion that people stop killing with fire? Imo, don't kill anyone/thing.",An eye for an eye "It has a statement from the team, but sure...",Why you always lyin' "Thank you! My son is 2.5 and i know my husband and I are good parents. I follow this sub because I have a ton of child free friends and love reading about the awful parents stories- but honestly until someone works with toddlers or lives with one, they aren't going to understand that sometimes tantrums happen and it's not the fault of the parent. My 2 year old is honestly really well behaved 99% of the time. He's a great kid, but he's also 2. He threw himself to the floor crying this morning because I asked if he wanted a smoothie, and apparently he didn't. I ignored him and went about making my own and he calmed down. Even if someone was a perfect non tantrum thrower as a child (which is unlikely), it doesn't mean kids who do throw tantrums are the product of bad parenting.","Well obviously it was your fault, you asked him if he wanted a smoothie." "Ehhh, I could see myself doing that to be a dick. Just like BFFs Forever.",You Only YOLO Once! I'm aware of that I was trying to be funny,"On the internet, no one knows you're" Just because something is logical doesn't mean it fits into the conservative framewrk,"I suppose not, but it seems inevitable that a UBI is going to move into the mainstream thinking and the issue will become not whether there should be a UBI but the means of administering it." There is literally nothing wrong with being racist to white people,TRIGGERED "I tapped a wall when landing and got game over, you flipped your car and got along no problem -.-",This is a precisely calculated and overly practiced stunt Jesus christ what is this? hacks? (EUN2),It's the outcome of using a dex ring and a obsidian dagger on a rogue. What type of apocalypse do you think you'd be most likely to survive? What makes you prepared to do so?,"The rapture, because I'm born again." I mean the exploits are not *hard to find* you just need to know what to look for. But honestly I would suck some fat dick to be able to do what some others do.,I've got a proposition for you... "Carrick has been our worst defencemen for a while now, even Hunlak is better currently",time for Corrado? "Officer Scholarship Interview Coming Up - Advice? I posted a month or so ago about potentially applying for the Army Officer Scolarship Scheme: now I have my interview next week and frankly am a bit nervous. I know this sub probably gets inundated with I have an interview, give me advice posts so my apologies but I just had a few questions. How important is it to know what corps or regiment you would want to join? Right now I have a general idea of being in combat or support arms so mainly Infantry, RAC or RA. However that would be pretty vague to say in an interview, would it not? Or will the interviewer understand if I say that I would become more certain after fam visits and the likes of that? Secondly, how should I dress? I don't want to be a pratt who over dresses for an interview but my parents are suggesting I wear my prom suit - naturally the only suit I own. To me it doesn't seem particularly interviewey - its royal blue so it could be worse but what do you folks think? Should I just go shirt & tie instead or not? Finally, is there any general advice on what sort of questions they ask, perhaps from people who have had an officer interview before? I should think there will be questions on why I want to be an officer, the process in total, AOSB and RMAS, what leadership means to me, etc. but are there any random ones I should know about? Thanks guys.","It's always better to overdress than underdress, the prom suit is still a suit regardless, wear the suit and good luck." His old nazi ass bankrolled Clinton and BLm.,"Considering he was 3 years old when the Nazis came to power in Germany, I think calling him a Nazi is quite a stretch...." My Neighbour Snorlax,I gave this as my wallpaper from like 2 years ago... yes it's 100% OC. "He should thank his lucky stars that he was able to make a living at all doing that for any span of time. YouTube had no obligation to create a way for people to become wealthy by making videos at home. You are whining like a baby throughout this entire thread. So damn entitled. Meanwhile in the real world, good people get laid off all the time and have to find work. That's life. Jesus, grow up.",Cesspool people incoming. "Feels good to be woke, amen?",Stop saying woke Eh. I think there maybe another top tier DC out there we could hire that was a former coach... But I wonder who it could be...,top tier DC that was a former coach... hmmm you want Charlie Strong? "That's legit, right?","That's wood, cribbing is wood, should be fine." Almond Milk,"They are influencing one of the most water demanding manufacturers in the world, but think of all the animals they save from pain!" This is your buy point NOW,it can't go any lower - never heard that in this sub before .... America is horrifyingly expensive from an outside perspective,But we have low taxes so we don't suffer like the rest of the world. You missed a guy celebrating too soon because you closed the video too soon? That's amazing,If you dont catch this generation in 5 secs I tell ya... "Willfull ignorance. A person who is prideful about not knowing something, especially combined with a confident comment on that thing. People who loudly talk shit about Islam without having even a basic understanding of the five pillars or its place in the Abrahamic tradition. People who have never been to college who try to talk about how easy humanities degrees are. People who hate contemporary art but can't really tell you anything about contemporary art. Just generally, if you are going to have a strong opinion on something, you should give a few minutes time to pretending that the thing has value and try to find the value in that thing. If you've really tried and you still can't find anything of value, then go ahead and criticize it, but you're doing it from a standpoint of having some modicum of familiarity instead of just railing against something you know nothing about.","But the more I yell something I know nothing about the more attention people give me, it doesn't matter if I'm telling the truth or not" Don't fall asleep next to this lady on the subway,"I'm such a huge germaphobe that if a stranger leaned/tried to nap on me, I'd inwardly freak out but outwardly, I'd just get up and move." "Maybe we read different things, but I wouldn't call masturbating near her sleeping sister molestation, and the thing with putting rocks in her sister vagina was when she was a little kid and kind of weird but clearly a kids being kids learning about the human body with weird childhood logic, not a malicious abuser thing","I think you could be right you know, it doesn't sound like Lena was a malicious abuser, I'm sure she did it because she loved her sister" "Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia's Office Burgled, Documents Stolen",Mitron apna digilocker agar use karte to ... Is this a joke? I have like 4 new years glasses.,nah hes being 100% serious "This is a concern of my, seeing as I'm gonna be switching from a Note 5. Are the third party apps any better?","I haven't tried a whole lot, RAW may be better but I'm concerned about filesize" inform yourself before you post next time...,seems like I forgot the "All your data will be held for a year.. although they've been doing it before illegally, it is now legal to do so with the passing of this law",That makes me feel so much better "So you're saying that Trump supporters voted for Trump, not because they thought he was the best candidate for the future of the country, but because he would piss off the left out of all the other candidates?",Must be some good thinkers. Someone of Facebook shared it so sadly people actually read it,A (Swedish) friend of mine shares articles from this blog all the time but she's a really nice person irl so I just turn a blind eye Polka dots,MILF I think you do. This is so horrible I'm pretty sure if there was a country wide boycott on paying the corporate greed disguised as health insurance someone would listen.,Yeah because we're actually allowed to protest anything here "I don't see much difference. Trump went to a military school. He has plenty of proposals to end corruption through lobbying and wants to impose term limits. He's also the only major candidate I've heard that wants to actually help inner cities. I swear, some of you want Trump to be 'literally Hitler' just to validate the delusional victim complex you call reality.","Yeah, obviously we're the delusional ones right?" Really dude? Having a large butt (with a relatively thin waste) is not the same thing as being fat.,"Yes, I'm sure her BMI is nearly as low and invincible as Kim Jong-un's." A volcano/cave I made (With working LAVA),Hawaii is sure lookimg neat "Well, duh. While everybody (not everyone here) was singing about Geoff Johns and, Oh thank God, he's taking over, I was just like hold on. They're not gonna throw away the blueprint no matter who they hire/fire. The thing the mass media, casual haters, and Marvel stans don't understand is... As disappointing as BvS was to a lot of people, a) There were still a lot of people who liked it, b) It made a shit ton of money and more than triple it's initial budget regardless of not hitting the billion, c) They still like Zack as a director, but they get now that he needs guidance, and finally d) It cost three films and a shit ton of time and money to draft all of those ideas into somewhat of a plan. At most, Johns, Berg and yes, Synder (since he's still one of the producers of the overall DCEU) will probably (obviously) be tweaking, adding, and deleting ideas as they go along. It's not as doom and gloom as everyone tries to make it sound.",But.. Rotten Tomatoes speak for the quality of DC! Mike Trout gave every Philadelphia Eagles player Nikes for Christmas,"What a great story, hope these Eagles players will cherish their gifts and one day become a phenomenal athlete like Trout." It was made in 2002,I was made in 2002 "This picture is doctored. Look carefully at the texture of her bust and compare it with the texture just below her cleavage: The latter is in focus while the area across her bust is blurry: It's been stretched in photoshop. I would love for this to be real, but it isn't.","Also, you can see the bend in the guy's shirt that gives it away." "I'm looking for this FPS archery game on WII U. Hello, i saw someone stream it but it's an archery/parkour game and the artstyle is really cute with bright pink and greens & you have to shoot boxes in the air. I hope you can help me please i've been looking for it for like 2 hours, thank you :D",Links crossbow training? What are your predictions about the incoming administration?,Sunshine and rainbows obviously a game where I can make a house and feel at home. An example of this would be fallout 4 or subnautica. I just love the feeling of going out and exploring and getting back to the home I built. Please help me find a game! Thanks :),"*come to browse thread with no intention of buying any games* *buys Don't Starve, checks that The Forest is on wishlist*" Uhhhh its the unequal length headers that gave it the rumble :),Correct and the new wrx (not sti) is a new engine with equal length header so the twin scroll turbo would work. Why is archon considered more superior then ragnarok force x? Much more comes with ragnarok force x and personally I like the look of it better. Why is it so hated?,Because he's a dirty weeb "I have a bad habit with D.Va... I can't help trying to reload her Meka's guns I don't know why I keep trying to do it. I know her weapons fire infinitely, but I keep hitting the reload button...",Just keep firing till you run out of ammo and auto-reload 'Heil Trump': Members of the Alt-Right Are Looking Forward to a Whiter America - VICE,Ok let me get this straight... Japan for the Japanese Europe for the Europeans India for the Indians China for the Chinese America for the ~~Native Americans~~ Europeans Impeccable logic. "Does Ox know something we don't? Please, please, Ox know something we don't.",Ox is taking them all to Anfield LF2M trials flawless post below for invite. Positive kd prefered,Ploppyjim not great but can follow orders! "Pretty soon, Someone's going to get offended Santa is a boy and there will be a push for female mall Santas.",All feminists suck! "Calm down, it's a joke not a peer reviewed 8 page essay about racism in America.","Check your facts, this is from Australia mate." Started checking the SDN invite thread for my specialty. Much regret. Why did I do that.,"Got 4,000 invites today and a new post for each one" THE,*FASH* "RNG Ruins some aspects of Destiny, I.e the Icebreaker, 9-0 Nightfalls, no icebreaker :(",ITT Everybody feel sorry for me. Playoff: Why Washington will shock Alabama in the Peach Bowl,I'm just worried we'll look ahead to Tampa How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irish man. 0,"The Irish: Surrounded by water, too dumb to fish." "Historic female role model who had a child out of wedlock as a teenager, but who overcame all setbacks and went on to do great things? I have a 17-year old niece who is pregnant. I'd love to share with her a couple stories about women who were in similar situations, who went on to be great contributors in our world. Any book suggestions would also be welcomed. Thanks.",Wendy Davis is a good current example. definitely,Lol they were never good to begin with Which one would you choose? Option one: Your choice of Nat 4 with Godly Runes Option two: Your choice of Nat 5.... ps: doesnt include LND Mons,Nat5 Ofc ... how about Daphnis? One major difference... As a history teacher you're giving me a fucking anneurism right now.,"As a medic, you're giving me an aneurysm :P" Definitely sounds like luck. I would've loved a salvage-like system in AW so that I could select an elite I really wanted like the Pwner or the Derailer (whatever the elite RW1 was called).,The holiday? Trump can't get in fast enough if you ask me,I'm sure Trump will prevent crimes like this in the future. I wonder how many rapist Americans are hiding in Mexico? Why is this an immigration issue?,Because everything is bad because of immigrants! "Many news websites, including Forbes has been writing about it. Search on Google, articles galore!",Oh its an official news site therefore its true "She's the sort of person who will label all white working-class people as racist, unfit to vote etc. Which plays right into UKIP's hands.","That's a little *too* far, most people would describe my politics as 'right of UKIP' and I never heard of Dianne Abbott saying that all working class white people are racist" Could this Libertarian be the Next Prime Minister of Canada?,Good luck National Geographic used to have articles about obscure African tribes with weird cultural practices. And Americans would read and be fascinated by it. Seems the tables have turned.,So there's some guy in a hut in Africa reading this and thinking what a backwards society this is. Antonio Salieri - Requiem,Who? "Eww, what the fuck disease does that thing have?",But it's beautiful anyway How is this OF themed? It's just Frank.,its pink blue and yellow "Game Thread: BBQ Chicken Nuggets Edition My bad on the lack of a game thread last night, fam. I'm mad sick right now and woke up like two minutes before tipoff yesterday. Thanks for filling in Noodleslap and thanks for attempting to fill in throwaweight, lol. For future reference you gotta start the title with Game Thread: for it to be autotagged as one.",So how do we lose this one fellas? Well. We know who you like to play.,mercy. Thank god we're gonna get rid of him!!,Which prospects are you sending with him? **B1G AFTER DARK!**,With one shocking gasp a mighty empire had fallen... the wishes of a subreddit were fulfilled... and once again Alabama was alone as the principal syndicate of malevolence in the college football world... Sounds like those are your personal issues...,Or personal experience of millions and millions of people. 50k... he must have known something was up,"Oh for sure dude, the UFC rigged the fight for Rousey to LOSE" "You HECKIN IDIOT, this sub is for SNEK not lizurd!",yeah get this lizur outta here you heckin doofus! No,"It's Booty Spivot, of course." 130 KEYS SCORER CRIMSON LIGHTNING,Why would you want scorer when you can never score? Here's how it goes for me: 1. Aim at gunner 2. Bounce off barrel 3. Die,Sounds like someone needs to give more decadence to Churchill. "Because it was bad. Bad design, bad development, bad mechanics, bad story. Just...not a good set. Sold a bunch, but even Maro dislikes it.",How can you call Converge bad :D Thank you for the eloquent argument.,"Well, if you don't understand why, I needn't bother." she did in fact do it daily,"Ah, thank you." it doesnt i just saw that as the subtext personally,Reasonable "Well exactly like I feel robbed of witnessing a legendary knockout . Come on, you would rather someone take more damage so you can see them get KOed?","You've got to feel sorry for seeing another human being take so much punishment just for the entertainment of others, but I will admit, a part of me did want to see Ronda Rousey get sent to the shadow realm again." "TIL that in 1915, scam artist Charles Hatfield convinced the town of San Diego that he could create rainfall using a secret mix of chemicals. The city offered to pay him $10,000 if he could end their drought, and the 'result,' a few days later, was the town's worst flood of the 20th century.",To this day Charles Hatfield is considered the first weatherman! I do not read a lot of Fantastic Four. Why is Reed and Sue's kid named after Dr. Doom's mother?,"Not his mother Cynthia, but named for the love of his life." *Why is your entire story bold?*,so he can get easy karma for being noticed You can still use the gift card even if you don't have a membership. If you are ever in the area maybe stock up on some of their good deals (rotisserie chicken is 4.99 I believe in States and 7.99 here in Canada and they are good value). Not sure about online though.,You can buy rotisserie chickens online? This has not happened in any of my games yet. Can you recreate this bug? Have you filed a support ticket?,It's xbox exclusive :) what a great feature Here's the definition of backward compatibility.,"now you are gonna RUIN everything with mods ,aren't you?" 16 point lead at halftime is literally the best that could have gone.,It could have been 17 This from a guy whose only posts are about how to shoplift. Your comments are worthless.,"Yeah but when he steals money from the private sector, he doesn't give it away as an entitlement so it's okay" how else is he going to make money from it,"why, in-app purchases of course" I've been waiting for this for over a year.,*Proceeds to downvote one of your posts* Don't let anyone there tell you provel is edible. Provel is the devil's cheese.,"Provel is a local treasure, fuck off." "We really need a way to just get rid of cysts without getting an infested charger each time I have 4 frames with cysts on them now, and TBH I'm not that interested in charger pet. Even if I was, I don't want or need to get four of them. Meanwhile I have a pink/purple zit on my warframes ruining my immaculate fashion. :c Not to mention if I did drain a couple of cysts I'd probably just get infected again, so many got nidus since the update that shit's everywhere. Four warframes infected isn't even that much, some of my clanmates have ten frames with cysts. Are they supposed to get ten charger pets just to get rid of that?","It would be nice too when they came back if there was a way to make yourself immune from it, and if you wanted to get it back just stick yourself in the chair again" "4 snapdragons died, the other 2 yielded 5 snaps each. Ama",Why didn't you use super compost? "LIBERALS. They're the best liars, aren't they?","18 hour old account stoking the fires of hatred, No this couldn't possibly be CTR." Caption this picture,Greetings peasants. Why do in need to tell the pump where i live?,Because buying gas is one of the more common things to do with stolen credit cards. Each track is hidden on separate flash drives across the world and we have to go on a scavenger hunt to find them,So Jenny Death? Elixir Advantage Inbound,404 inbound But probably meant for no one in the bobcat,"yeah, that 200 extra lbs is going to break it." "What if Nutyahoo, not Putin, hacked the DNC emails?","Lmfao, I bet the US would kick out all their diplomats." "Yep it is so annoying, it's almost like EA wants you to go on streaks like this... Top players might not get affected much by this, but for average players like myself it's just discouraging",Tin foil hats! Dosia*,s1mple - King of Dosia My favorite place to work.,is it really a good idea to turn tricks by the fire station? What it feels like trying to recruit people for Gif Tournament,I'm here for the DVDA scene "Shouldn't have been downvoted for an opinion that is on-topic, isn't spam, and isn't hostile or insulting. Have an upvote my friend","Shh don't disagree with the hivemind, down vote him" What is your version of birth control?,Anal Might as well replace it with the word permanmently because Congress will inevitably turn lazy and claim that they can't find the funds to repair the elevator.,"The NPS keeps fucking it up, don't blame congress." Curbing immigration to ease the pressure on Auckland housing rejected by Housing Minister Nick Smith,Cunt is basically a treasonous traitor as far as I'm concerned. "Because most communities use it for good. For example, sports communities for game threads and TV communities for episodes.","Yep, cause good totally isn't subjective or anything." "I'm going to be completely honest: what you did was definitely bad, but the fact that you did it to people on the donald makes me...uh...kind of not care. like. at all. We cool.","Yep, targeting a specific sub and making up arbitrary rules for them is totally cool as long as it is done to a sub I disagree with." Guy Gets Defensive After Asking If I'm Trans,"Good God, he is extremely scared if you have a penis or not!" This Reichpfennig my aunt found on the ground,The alt-right's already printing money? Both questions were rhetorical.,"Rhetorical questions, the only true key to successfully court a woman." "He isn't interested in children, but during our relationship he's had 3 steady girlfriends though he's not seeing anyone now.",Did the girlfriends know about you? Female prison in Oklahoma has highest rape rate in US,"Another amazing thing you may not have noticed - despite being the rapiest prison in the country, at 15.3%, it's still 40% less rapey than the average college campus at 25%, according to feminists." Texas Will Require Burial of Aborted Fetuses,"As long as they require the burial of every pet, roadkill, worm and mosquito that gets killed in the state I have no issue with that :P" "Hmm... That's a good question. But in my opinion, even if they increase the cost and keep the stats, it is still a good option.",If it was increased to 1 mana but provided a card draw on death maybe The Helmet That Gives Air Force Pilots X-Ray Vision,"X-rays, IR rays, whatever rays" You might not find an answer here. The sub is dead,tru you responded to this after 3 months?,Shhhhhhhhhhh No one questions Frodo He is our god Letters threatening genocide against Muslims and praising Trump sent to multiple California mosques,OMG FALSE FLAG FALSE FLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGSSS Use RemoveWAT. It rips out windows activation technologies so you won't need a product key it will work forever without one since the activation files have been ripped out of the system. If you are worried about lost functionality due to piracy don't. RemoveWAT is completely undetectable Windows will work as if it is activated and allow you to install updates with no problem.,can you send link to newest version of removewat please. I would be impressed.,"Thanks for letting me fuck your wife, you glorious cuck." "Rogue one event is live! It's one round, 4 elite guys and one boss, all lvl30, everyone who's at least lvl30 should be able to do it with a strong rebel team.","Just did it, all it took is one level 80 Lando aoe to beat it" Rux was busy so I filled in for him,*Who's that handsome citron* She has never released any results at all. Nothing appears to have changed.,But keep sending money Why from 2009 though Seems kinda random,Browns fan eliminating the Flacco/Rice draft. To who exactly,Obviously Britain because they made us "kinder wish they started with $50, something I use all the time n is know to get counterfeited","Well in my case, I wish they did $100 first." This is 100% the Thundergun !,It's just an enlarged version of the left hand gun of the Mark 3s I think it would've changed the outcomes of seasons 4 and 5. Sharon was popular for being so different. Jinx won because she became a victim and for some reason the community LOVES victims. No shade intended but that's what I think. I welcome the hate. Your bitterness nourishes me.,"Jinkx didn't win because she was the underdog, Jinkx won because she is the most talented contestant this show ever had." "Nieto is Spanish for grandchild, so...","Sure, but Nieto is Spanish for No in American if you say with a Russian accent." Most Voters Think Trump Could Not Get Mexico to Pay for Wall,"He wants to take it out of foreign aid to Mexico, doesn't he?" "Go to bed 4 hours earlier, wake up 4 hours earlier. Clearly super easy to do and nothing else in life could interfere with this genius plan.","Except, you know... A job." Not the *ROBO FROG*,Needs more sphere and mystery frogs "Out of the loop, why is the R/CFB twitter down?",Twitter doesn't allow nazis "Admin, he's doing it backwards","Nah man, all skill" Would have been fired years ago by every other organization.,Maybe... but does that mean we should do it just because most teams would. "Did anyone else notice how absolutely brutal Mike Evans' schedule is? the easiest team he faces in terms of passing defense in the first 6 weeks is Carolina, 22nd ranked. I know teams aren't static year to year, but half of these teams (Atlanta, Denver, and Arizona) maybe got better. And while it gets easier after this, it is by no means actually easy. As an owner this is pretty goddamn worrying.",I especially hate New Orleans in 14 and 16 What if that deer stole your wallet?,File a report with the game warden and cancel your credit cards. "My rulebook for being F.A **Disclaimer-** I know I might get flooded with everyone's different! Or you don't know **** about being alone you ***** *** ****** ! Consider this a shitpost if it brings you peace Are you tired of second guessing your relationship status? Sick of being full of hope and want to rid yourself of it, like a vestigial third nipple? **Look no further. ** * **Rule One** The first thing you gotta know about being alone is simple : She ( /he) doesn't like you. I don't care what signs you *think* they're throwing out- it's all platonic. **or** They're just playing with your emotions, like a cat batting mercilessly at a ball of tin foil. Oh, how painful it is for you, yet how much joy they reap from your sorrow... Err- anyway. Yeah, don't give them the benefit of the doubt. * **Rule two** She (/he) has a boy(/girl) friend already. No getting around it- they're taken. The freshest produce is always picked from the lot at stores first, why can't this concept be any different? No- I'm not saying just shower. I'm saying we're viewed as the rotten produce. Even at half off, we're still not sellable. Sure, you could do a BOGO to try and move produce, but who the **hell** wants *two* moldy potatoes? * **Rule Three** This is my favorite rule, honestly. *don't try.* Y'know why? There's no room for rejection! No opening for her to point and laugh at you when you ask her to the prom... or when the football team drenches you in wax mixed with chicken feathers because you asked Stacey out, the quarterback's secret lover. Or when, 20 years down the line, you're invited to a reunion *just* so they can laugh at you and call you by your highschool nickname- **chicken shit.** Or even worse- there *is* no reunion, and they send you a fake invite to a fake address that sends me down a dark alley full of bad decisions.... **the horror** But yeah. Follow these rules and you'll turn out pretty okay.","With rule 3, did that actually happen to you OP?" "You fail to realize that those proud former Nazis are a tiny minority in Latvia and that the rest of the Latvian people also want those monuments gone, for reasons that have nothing to do with Nazis and everything to do with the Soviets. The only use they serve now is a place for Russians to get drunk and celebrate the days when Russia mattered.","If only there was a way to concentrate the Nazis and bring them into the spotlight, maybe something no other country does, like an SS veteran parade?" Yes. I'm grateful she **chose** to have me. She had a choice and I'm grateful for that. I wouldn't have had it any other way.,"Nothing brings a family together like an unplanned, unwanted child, right?" Why you guys crying that's the price you pay,Bois SFW's in town! Muslim refugee jailed after he thought 'raping a 10-year-old boy was okay',All hail multiculturalism Flat Heroes is finally out on Steam! (PC/Mac/Linux),Grats :) "Aren't they called just Shadow anymore, or have they changed it ? The title used to be Shadow too.","Yeah, you're one of a group of Shadows along with [Ravenholdt, Tess Greymane, Valeera, and Garona]" Crazy Haas rear wing,"Haas F1, better known this season as 'Ferrari 2017 development program'." Pencil Krantz Fanart :D,Add some beard and i can imagine how he would look like if he survives and becomes elder summoner at akras hall in summoner-kun's era You're to pay the company if you leave within the bond period. Two years is a bit too much though.,"Amen to that, 2 years is too much" North Carolina man burns down shed while blowtorching spider webs,Ya just gotta love 'em. One way to eliminate traffic fatalities is to ban cars.,Or... ban those too dumb to pass a driver test and/or attend a driver's education class. Fox News has an entire column called Bias Alert? That's... pretty rich in irony.,ONLY ON FOX! What do you wish was socially acceptable?,I know it's becoming more socially acceptable but I still get shit from people for playing a lot of video games when all they do is lay in bed and watch Netflix like that is such a superior activity. This tint variation seems to have other differences from the first two iron butcher tints. Like a score of 6 strikes on the other side of the cleaver and a faces painted on the pauldrons as well as other marking on different parts of the armor.,I've never thought about that actually.. Gotta look into it! "Suggested question for the debates: Mr. Trump, your birtherism demonstrates a persistent willingness to ignore objective reality for your own personal gain, which raises some questions: 1. At what point in time did you realize Obama was born in Hawaii? 2. Once you realized your claims were incorrect, why did you continue to put forth the story? At that point in time, is it safe for Americans to assume you were actively lying to them? 3. You told the American people that your private investigators in Hawaii, can't believe what they are finding. What did they find that was so unbelievable? Was this statement false? Did you know it was false when you said it? Why did you never release their findings? 4. What lessons should the American people learn about you from this episode? 5. In which other areas are you willing to ignore objective reality to further your own interests?","In a battle of competing scandals, what do you think people think is more serious - using one's own personal server for classified government correspondence or the now recanted belief that Obama was born abroad?" It's time to buy a new pc and I get the shits from everyone in my family for spending that much in a computer.,Because it's for gaming and gaming is for children obviously This game looks fucked..knew it would be awful...I liked mafia 1&2 but whoever decide to make a mafia game based mid 60's doomed it from there.,I didn't know game glitches were because of the game being in the 60s. It was the 30 FPS that did him in.,"No, it's because he was using more than 30 and the human eye can only see 30." 2 people are shadowbanned,"Could've just been the same person, twice." "Hi I'm juniusgirl, nice to meet you. I've been yelled at for not having a job. I don't know what I want to do with my life and that makes me super uncomfortable. Now you know a girl in that situation.",I know some guys who seem to have nothing going on and don't care either A REALLY stupid one. The line about another game's superiority also shows a powerful inferiority complex. OP reminds me of some religious fanatic.,"Rarity colors are same, game admits itself as inferior" "How To Fix All Issues With The Game These are my recommendations on how to get rid of most QoL issues with Realm. Please take these seriously, as they are very important to me and many other players. **QoL Changes:** * Give out 5 free vault chests, that way people don't complain about space and their items. * Give out a free character slot. This is essential to all players because noobies get angry when they only have 6 vault chests but no characters to max. * Remove Guild Hall. Everyone complains how the guild hall does nothing to benefit anyone, and they also try their best to remake it. Why not remove it so we don't have to worry about it anymore? * Prevent steam rolling bosses. Buff the health of every enemy by 100x so they can't be steam rolled and requires a group to cooperate. * Change price of vit back to 1:2 def. This will keep the economy in balance. * Make UTs tradable. If UTs are tradable, then all noobs have the chance to get high end gear by getting donations from the kind community. * Remove ST items. They either need to be seriously nerfed, or removed. An example is shown at the bottom of this post. * Everyone gets a white bag from every dungeon, no matter what. This stops people from complaining and saying 0 * Potions from dungeons have extremely rare drop chances, making 8/8's more valuable. * Remove pets. Refund everyone their money and remove pets. Everyone complains that the game is p2w, and even though it's true, we should remove pets anyways so no one has an advantage over each other. * Add portals from lowlands to glands so we don't have to walk for 3 minutes. * Increase amount of gods in GLands by 200% so people actually have something to kill. * Increase drop rate of snake pit to 99%. This will stop players from complaining about no snake pit drops. * Enemies can't attack. This is to prevent all noobs from dying so they have a chance to win at the game. * Remove Oryx. He has the title Mad God which triggers many people and may cause PTSD. * Remove gods. Many people from different religions believe in these gods, so remove them before any one else gets triggered. * Remove all enemies. Make the game a walking simulator and you have to find your loot. And the end of each dungeon which can randomly be found in the world, there is a guaranteed white bag. * Remove weapons from the game. The weapons are violent and support the killing of creatures. Please remove them so rioters will be at ease. * Remove abilities and armor. All classes use different abilities, making one better than the other. This is separating the people into social groups. By removing all of the abilities and armor, everyone is at peace and no one is mad at each other. **Example of ST Remake** **Pixie Sword** Damage: 0 Shots: 0 Range: 0 *It's just a vanity item* I hope you all agree with these changes. I feel as if they are essential to a good game.",Forgot the FWD: Not in MY military!,I love the soldiers as long as they're not homos! All your posts are your own articles.,That's just the mark of quality "As it always has been, as it ever shall be If you want to be taken seriously at serious organisations - black shoes are the only option","*in finance, and finance exclusively" People in Minnesota will have to drive backwards for months ....,"Are you saying that Minnesota is so cold that it goes past absolute zero, effectively having negative energy, IE Minnesota is so cold that time goes backwards?" Sure.,Now kith Donald The Tantrum Trump is so fragile that he can't handle his VP doing better in a debate than him,I bet his parents gave him a present on his brother's birthday to shut him up. So do people just not know what jokes are?,He's gotta add the What's your unpopular opinion about the NBA? I'll put mine in the comments so they can be judged.,I think T-mac was a big loser attitude and leadership wise and that's the reason he could never get out of the first round of the playoffs I live here! Something interesting to show friends who come into town,Here or there? "Apple will remove the 3.5mm jack. Because of reasons like this. You buy a $2500 pair of headphones w/ a lightning connector. Your next phone HAS to be a iPhone unless you don't want to use those headphones anymore. Sure, you can use an adapter but it'll probably be clunky and cumbersome. It's much easier to just keep buying the iphone.... until they remove the lightning connector. :o Frack that noise. Voting with my wallet. 3.5mm 4 Life",The specs say a 1/8 cable is included "Ok, thanks, is it the same for creeps?",yes "Because it's factual. You can look up stats and take your conclusions. However I can add that Stixxay will be better than Sneaky soon, when CLG gets their shit together.","true, faker probably 4th best in korea right now and worse than bjersen stats makes up the conclusion rite" It's time to buy a new pc and I get the shits from everyone in my family for spending that much in a computer.,"No, that's cause computers are bad and they will make you have no life" Even at first glance this is so wildly off from what high level people have been testing. Don't use noxxic,You mean a feral Druid doesn't do literally 3x the dps of an arcane Mage? I like you. There's not many things worse than a biased survey,"yes there is, its called biased BBC" "In the context of a cow's milk, yes. My question is whether whole milk is defined as a specific percentage based on what it means for a cow's milk (by the FDA or their equivalent in other countries), or whether the regulatory definition takes the species into consideration as well.",You are ruining the thread with your good questions. So .... they released an expansion pack when they haven't even finished the original game? .... is anyone else bothered that they've been doing all of this with our money?,"Yeah, fuck this, I've payed 30 dollars and got only 1500 hours of entertainment, it's ridicolous that they would ask for more money." "Yeah, I think he imagines himself as a post apocalyptic hero",Sarcasm doesn't discredit my points. TUF 24: #1 Alexandre Pantoja back take off the takedown and RNC of #16 Brandon Moreno,SPOILER "I disagree that he changed his skills, he went from going for the kill to point fighting. That means he didn't set as much. He was trying to bleed nate out not knock him out",Yeah he was scoring points when he put Diaz on his ass 3 times. School's D&D squad says they're immune to hate,"These boys don't realize Vin Diesel gets laid despite playing D&D, not because of it." "DM in my 1st Roll20 game had a forest fire caused by a Cleric using Wall of Flame in a DEAD FOREST (dumbass story for another day) speed up somehow & reach a town about 2 days travel away, within the span of an hour in-game time. WHAT. THE. HELL?","Well, if you had bothered to roll a Nature check, you'd have recalled that you stood in the heart of the Forest of Gasoil, from the flammable trees of which all lantern oil originates... obviously." "whats the point of the sanitation step if she then adds tap water and fruit she probably cut in a cutting board, with her hands?",maybe the she was instructed to use her hands for that nice lactobacillus backbone... Dreamy,This image just screams act-like-a-couple-but-actually-are-not-a-couple...yet Don't worry they will make you use your real names and the flaming will stop...,"Google+TM starts showing your geographical location and social security number next to your comments, coming soon." "Daniel Cormier interviews GSP about his return, GSP expresses he is absolutely ready to return and to take over the game again. Trying for Toronto in December! Even names some potential opponents.",Feed this bum to McGregor Why are you making this kind of accusation?,Because being gay is just a hilarious ironic punishment for being a bigot! Agreed. It might be very hard because of what's waiting on the other side.,"Another portal that requires you to roll another 2 balls through, to bring you to the center of the galaxy!" PSA: Friendlies can go through Gideon's portal Just wanted everyone to know that since I rarely see anyone take use of it which this could save lives.,"My heart breaks a little everytime I throw a portal to escape and expect to see my allies follow after me, but instead they get collapsed on and die as they try as best they can to waddle under the tower..." Snark isn't going to make the average American cool with illegal aliens.,"Well, you're either cool with illegal aliens or you're a racist bigot" Ribbons :(,lmao The new Australian 5 dollar note looks amazing.,In other news manufacturing cost of the $5 note is now $10 "No shit. Maybe people will beg listening to me when I say that some of the cops in Philly are racist, homophobic and transphobic, especially in light of the recent findings at nearby Baltimore and the local police's behaviour during the Democratic National Convention. ... nah, who am I kidding? Nobody is willing to learn from any of this. Bigoted cops abusing their power? Isolated incident. Found that at a bunch of other places? Still all just isolated incidents. Yep, no possible trend of arseholes deliberately abusing their power or anything, that would be absolutely ridiculous to think.",Well if black people hadn't done whatever they did he wouldn't have had to get that tatoo. Four Lanes (Cornwall) result: LDEM: 34.7% (+34.7) IND: 16.6% (+16.6) CON: 14.8% (-5.8) LAB: 14.5% (-5.7) MK: 12.8% (-0.9) UKIP: 6.6% (-21.9),This was before the coffee cup policy was announced. Your Uber has arrived,That's super offensive to dogs everywhere and the continent of Hawaii Am I allowed to think he is a turbo douche and not vote for trump?,"No, if you show any sort of respect for your country, police, or military you must be a bible-thumping hardline Republican bigot." "Brave is probably not the right word. Incidentally, I was brave enough to eat bacon for breakfast this morning.","Are you brave enough to show your allegiance to the largest, most powerful and ubiquitous social group in the country?" Stay classy.,Stay lying. "A bit harsh, isn't it?","REFRESH means Take a (refreshing) shower the app is giving you solid advice to make friends, take a shower and your friend list will be full, isn't that how it works?" BREAKING: REPORTS OF MULTIPLE AFGHAN TRAINEE'S GOING AWOL ON MILITARY BASES AROUND THE COUNTRY,Something tells me the religion of peace is about to strike I wet the toilet paper when I wipe. It cleans up so much quicker and I feel cleaner after.,I just pee on my butthole to power wash it. COPS almost Arrest Piano Man at Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles,Thank you for protecting us from this dangerous piano player officers! "The problem is more about the lack of transparency. They should publish the list of words, subjects or tag that will get you on the Blacklist. They should publish the percentage of Advertiser that opt in and opt out of the Blacklist. They should create different kind of Blacklists. Advertisers should be aware of the percentage of videos on and out the blacklist. As it is right now, nobody knows shit about what's going on. Imagine you're an advertiser, you want to opt out of the Blacklisted videos. Guess what, you learn they constitute 40% of the market, guess what, you learn 80% is just dumb shit that isn't controversial. Everybody is losing.","If they publish a list of blacklisted words, the creators will just use creative versions of the words they mean to circumvent the system." Pamela Geller Claims Clinton Will Enforce 'The Sharia' By Shutting Down Breitbart,The Koran is very specific in regards to websites. Just wait till that $599+ pricetag leaks.,"I'm sure it'll be reasonable, like the Chromebook Pixel" "OMG this reminds me of this guy I saw on Reddit who described himself as being in the 99th percentile of intelligence. I asked him how he knew that. He said Well, not to be un-PC, but a big part of it is that I'm a man. Men make up 50% of people. If being a man was all that was required to be in the 99th percentile of anything, well...okay, you get what I'm saying.","No I don't get it, I'm not a man." "Hey youngsters, need hero? Meet Johnny V, he's really pissed off!","we need a hero who can kick ass, kick face, and kick balls into outer space." Most successful dribble in Europe's top 5 league,Wow great company to be in Januzaj sucks,Nah mate have your seen his take ons? i wonder why they dont do the same in north america,They can try to come inspect my home for tv's when they come collect my guns. "i think for a lot of people Source 2 eventually ran better (after about 4 months or so into reborn). However in the past 3-4 months the performance issues have really started to show especially with certain cosmetics, or that new terrain.","fuck performance and actually playing the game, what we need is new hats" "It's pretty simple. LeBron after playing the heat in a Cavs uni, was interviewed and said he will change his number next season to pay respect to MJ since the heat were also retiring his number. What was really happening is that Lebron and Wade were planning on teaming up in Miami for a while so LeBron knew he had to get a new number in Miami since his old number will be retired in Miami.",you forgot the King Park by La Dispute,"Edward Benz, 27 times, I see everything... That album is honestly a masterpiece of storytelling." First time they've ever sold these in my local store!,Every store sells water Well it's not like last year's undercard suffered with the expensive headliners IMO.,last year's undercard was the best since 2013 IMO either that or I'm just getting better at picking out the right sets to go to Im getting salty that this should be British not english.,I guess Civ is trying to cure the peripheral areas of their Stockholm syndrome. i mnt sent son,"thanks uncle tom, i hope one day i'll be a fluent thmspkr" Sitting here in St. Petersburg and it's a pretty boring hurricane. The power hasn't even gone out.,Well that's because you're in fucking Russia "Trump is calling for a pogrom of undocumented immigrants. How does he imagine this purge of 12 million people to go down? Just going to call an Uber, or maybe put them on Greyhounds until they're all gone? Does he think the federal government secretly knows where all the illegals are, and they're just sitting on their hands? The only way you could eject all the immigrants starts with going door to door and arresting anyone who can't prove citizenship/legal status, followed by internment at processing stations, transport to the southwest, then transfer across the border somehow. I, for one, am not up for crimes against humanity.",Civil War 2.0 *loading...* "You can see Mt Rainier from Canada, but because of the earth's curvature you can only see the tip",False the earth is flat. You might be in Saskatchewan when. . .,Nice try Sun Chips. So I Decided to Play a Match Today...,In his defense Mega Lopuny is really op. Size???,62MB on steam "Depends what you mean by measurable. Australia not becoming a lawless anarchal state, could be considered a positive result. (Particularly if the libs are in power)",Poor justification for all that money How do you do that with a controller?,replace it with a keyboard. Still can't get over how big Unsy is. Just look at how robust he is.,He's not called Rhino for nowt.... George Brandis announces marriage equality plebiscite: Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?,"Now that there is a question, I wouldn't mind seeing every opinion poll in the country asking this question every week or month for the next 5 months." did he dead?,did you watch the gif? "That's the muay thai teep, since his base is MT, he's probably used it a billion times effectively before.",Naa Steven Seagal taught him that "Just a small nitpick. Those are provinces, not states; Argentina has only one state. I guess provinces are less independent than states but am not sure about the true difference.","I'm not sure about that, provinces even have constitutions" "DBG can't fix directly performances, so the situation is not going to improve a lot before a long time.",I'm sure we'll have better performance when they switch to Directx 12. "Spent $421 on Aero fighters, We're in a stupid club man.",Crazy how much that game goes for considering the original arcade PCB is like $60 these days. Seashell macarons!,Beautiful! "Technically you can, but don't",Shhhh... We're not supposed to tell them that. "That's actually the point of E, it's meant to be an air cap. That's why it sits so far from the others.","In all the games I play I haven't seen a plane capture E yet, I'm on PS4." The things is ever since his injury Nelson Semedo has been pretty poor.,I think he has been pretty good this season Thanks so much!,Have you even read the code? Clinton: US should use 'military response' to fight cyberattacks from Russia and China,Yay the warmongering is starting already! World War Bee: The Documentary Trailer,I thought it was called the war of sovless aggression or something. "Still wired after taking adderal after a night out, sup guys xD",asuh due It still exists,Why is his arm so thin tho Who else lives for the new Katya-RuPaul dynamic? Cause I do...,Making Ru laugh must be such an awesome feeling. "Maybe Google will buy HTC? They've been floundering lately. Probably not, but I can dream.",Yeah that worked great with Motorola. that is a nice carpet,Not anymore. All a sham,Definitely not a coincidence at all. Just get rid of classes and let everyone equip anything.,I guess I should have added a Hundreds Gather In Oakland To Address Prison Reform,Glad to see our convention and conference business growing. "An out of date fuel that participates in every part of your daily life. Yes we need to switch to something else, but we aren't willing to as a country. Not yet at least. Until we do, we should make decisions then benefit us. Not Saudi.",lol clearly you have a well developed understanding of the commodities trade and global political economy. "My ex GF and her sister are overstepping boundaries and refusing to let me move on after we broke up. How do I solve this? Just want to say sorry in advance for my not so good writing, just ask if there's anything that doesn't make sense. My now ex GF Violet and I broke up after four years together. I was pretty blind sided by it all and its been a tough time since it happened 2 weeks ago. Basically she realised she wasn't done 'sewing her wild oats' and just wasn't ready for marriage or children in the next few years. It was amicable in the end.. I can't get angry with someone for being honest but realising I'm not good enough after four years hurts a lot. I was also best friends with her sister Malta before this happened and that's how we met. I'm pretty close to whole family really. Now to the problem.. Violet keeps calling me because she's worried about me and just wants to 'hear my voice' and see I'm okay. I said no and told her I'm no longer any of her business and I need to move on. Malta came round to see me which I was happy about at first, but one of my conditions was she doesn't talk to Violet about me and that subject is off the table. Now I wasn't in good state when she visited.. I hadn't eaten in a couple of days and wasn't leaving the house. She knows I used to have an eating disorder so I understand her worry and assured her I was seeing my GP again, and that she isn't to talk to Violet or their mum about any of this. The next day Violet and her mum knock on my door.. I felt really betrayed. I asked Malta not to do exactly this and she did it anyway. I told them I'm fine and that I needed to go out. Now I keep getting messages and calls from all three of them. I appreciate their concern but I can't move on with constant contact with them. They even went as far as getting their youngest sister who got quite close to me to call and start saying she misses me. She's like a little sister to me and I was tutoring her in French and teaching her about cricket. I miss her as well but I feel like that was too far. I just want to try and move on. How do I make them realise that as much as I love them all, going no contact is the only way I can move on? or am I being cold hearted and unreasonable? Thank you for reading. --- **tl;dr**: Ex GF and family not letting me move forward with my life.",Block them all if they refuse. roast me,You look like idubbz's mentally challenged child What's the single most important piece of advice a father can give to his teenage son?,"son, everyone's life is full of shit so it's okay if yours is, too" Time to stop making excuses and finally do some inventory.,I see my favourite nuns in this melange! Because he's white and known almost solely as a 3P shooter.,Non-Athletic "Yeah show the act dps tool , real hero, gl hf getting banned lol",You dropped your "She's fluent in English and French, iirc",What about Korean? Judge rejects mistrial in Derrick Rose rape case,What were the texts that weren't originally admitted? "I always thought people got to know each other pretty well before getting married, but threads like this make me question that.",watching my dads first four marriages made me question that. "I'd love to see everyone's reaction to the FDA forcing their favorite cosmetic manufacturer to spend 11-14 years to bring new eyeliner to market while spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in double-blind animal trials to verify their claims of longer, fuller lashes.",What there are downsides to heavy government regulation? "So a full auto hand cannon with 3 luck in the chambers, DoT, magazine refill on headshot kill and gets stability and range on headshot kills. K",Sounds underpowered I found this awesome lake,Awesome! he just got injured wow,Ergh that's just terrific A real struggle.,"hot lava though, is all too real" "Yep, but the 'rollover' is kind of stupid. It gets used last and only lasts 1 month.","Yeah gosh, it's so stupid to get extra bonus data that you may or may not need when you didn't get it before" A commercial about pigs that throw their cigarettes on the ground- wouldn't be polite as that hasn't worked.,"Don't you know, it's not littering when it's cigarettes" Pretty sure that spaceship is the Andromeda from that shitty Kevin Sorbo sci-fi crapfest he starred in after Hercules.,Aww poor Gene Roddenberry. Ghorn+Thorn+Icebreaker Gjallarthornbreaker,IceGjallarthorn "When they released American idiot the war on terror was on its height. People were being called out for being un american. American Idiot is def their most mature album but that's ok because how real can you be if you sing about masturbation and getting high for all your career? Not only that but they were being anti-american af, they were inciting rebellion, being critical of the establishment and all these great things rock n roll had lost during the 90s.",Stay 13 forever or get the fuck out! Where do people keep getting one hour from? They said 10AM PST which it is now? Surely were just waiting on the patch to enable the game?,It's only 9:13 PST Supposed Arsenal XI. Xhaka not starting.,The guy was spot on in his prediction nice strawman,Add Meanwhile the ones I play with tell me I'm a faggot and they're going to rape my mother,u fgt i will bng ur moM give me ur account so i can have free skins Hes already bullshit in soloq if you main him . I duod with a shen main before amd went 13-1 w/l with him . Bot lane was a 3v2 because of his cancer ult .,He's obviously not that good if you lost that 1 game Thresh's name is literally the icing on the cake.,No his name is literally Well you tried. Why are they personally responsible for this again?,"Cause Fuck the Cosmos, that's why." This comment doesn't make any sense.,He forgot the Hillary Clinton said she didn't know what the 'C' markings in classified emails stood for,Maybe she thought that it stood for Clinton. And our involvement in the Middle East clearly wasn't the best thing for their country.,I don't think letting a man like Sadam Hussein continue to rule Iraq would have been a good idea either. Ya know this show ain't gonna work when you realize that they're all bottoms.,"So, we've met" is there a way to correct this? how do i get my dog to let it go without ripping,Just play tug o war the dog probally loves it WONDERWAFLE IN REVELATIONS??,The Giant remake confirmed. Its amazing how many basic words such as multiplayer and microcontroller show as incorrect on my spell checker..,The funny thing is that for the English language collecting all kinds of words isn't even that big of an undertaking because the inflections are generally very limited while for a language like German you would have to collect information like gender and rule of inflection building from a given noun (or just collect all inflections independently but that would be a lot more work this way). and what?,"if you're just making a related point and nothing more, fine" Professor said the entire class can get a 100 if he hits the shot. He then proceeds to hit the shot.,That's a quality education right there. Spain Proposes Panama Leaks Minister Soria for World Bank Job,Of course... Please define Nice Guy ?,You can also visit r/niceguys for more empirical examples. "Texas: 696,241 km^2 France: 643,801 km^2 Source: Wikipedia Uh, huh...","Maybe it wasn't about actual size, but more like influence and cultural diversity" He was promoting it for the classes that he felt were important (white germans),are there non white Germans? God is Japanese?,He is a Flying Spaghetti Monster I think you guys take it to 6 but thats still two games youre acting like that dude insulted your entire family,Lmaooo yes I did overreact "You mean that the rise of early access, preorder exclusive bonus culture, early release cycles and the evolution of the bullshot game trailer has been entirely benign? I think that saps preordering is wilful cattle consumerism.",But they're not hurting anyone! Because no student has ever succeeded in the hundreds of years of education before without them?,Only cis-het white able-bodied males and minorities with internalized hatred. Rustic set I made for my sister.,Are they difficult to stand upright to make walls? "Yes po. I once left the cable port overnight, the next day there was wifi. But after a power outage the wifi was gone. Tried connecting to a different router same results.",have you tried turning it on and off? Alright let's calm down here a little.,Cleanest NA Lucian in the world? Asked cousin in Afghanistan for a selfie.,Why so serious!? Literally unplayable,How could they! "Sure, historically there are 100 reasons to dislike United more, but that's just because Chelsea have no history. What makes me despise Chelsea so much is a number of things, including everything from Mourinho to the plastic flags, but the number one thing is how they achieved their success: By buying it with blood money. It also doesn't help that their twat (former) manager complained about inflation in the transfer market, when they were the ones who instigated it.",You don't even need historical reasons to hate United. I'm her number one fan.,You DIRTY BIRD! "My hope is that it paves the way for guys like Joe, Nakamura, etc. to come up to the main roster and be seen as legit star alongside their homegrown talent AND not have their gimmicks/characters meddled with. Just let them do what made them household names and got them this far. Hopefully AJ can be the blueprint for not shitting on guys that made their names elsewhere. Then again it may just be a one-off and Vince won't see those other guys the same.","My fear isn't that they'll be respected by the company, but that WWE isn't always capable of properly booking talent." "Gotta agree with this, especially that last comment. Fuck Leafy.",But it's just satire bro! That quote is pure ****ing evil*. I feel unclean just having read it.,If it's any consolation this was controversial enough even back then that there was a grand debate over it (which iirc Sepulveda was one of the participants in). Exactly! Kill em all. Let God sort em out.,Oh no but that would make us as bad as them... Also seems lots of people want in.,Interesting that such a great union causes such major divisions in countries though. They had Burbridge working exclusively on the outside with White and Kerley working the slot. That was one of Kelly's talking points all pre-season that it's hard to learn inside and outside so they have players focus on one or the other. I'd honestly rather go digging through WR cut today than put Anderson or Cajuste on the 53.,Oh okay thanks that makes sense. Oh don't worry I am fully vaccinated because I don't want to be the one that kills off half of the UK lol,"Whatever, good luck with your autism..." "Longsnapper Tyler Ott signed with Seahawks, per Aaron Wilson on Friday. Ott replies to Tweet on Saturday to tell him to check his source again.",He Ott to do good there What school you wished your team had rivalry games/trophies with? For MSU I'd say wisconsin. We have played some pretty epic games the last few years. Some were even trophy worthy. Can we please replace PSU with Wisconsin for rivalry?,"Georgia Tech is referenced in our fight song, but we haven't played them since the 80s." New intepretation of the elephant gun,goddamn that elephant looks so sad "If society only had 1 law, what would you want it to be?",No girls aloud "Never knew you could peek through a door If you line up just right on the hinge side of a door when it's closed, you can actually peek through to the other side! I don't know if this is common knowledge or not, but I never noticed lol. Anyone know if this was intentional or accidental?","I miss the good ol' days when you could just lean back against a wall and see through the entire building, it made for some really good PVP" Hunter with a pull? Can we not...,And let's give her ult a knock-up alongside her silence to balance the delay on it! Robert Byrd was in the KKK. Teddy Kennedy killed a woman. Hillary Clinton is Hillary Clinton. The ability and willingness of the media to cover up the sins of Democratic politicians is fucking incredible.,But but but.....Byrd apologized guys! Kelly Dodd had a restraining order filed against her for sending texts to her ex's son.,But she's never been inappropriate around a child in her life! Marfan actually. They worked me up for everything but that was the final conclusion,Can you post a picture of your body? Team Liquid Vs. Team Envy / Game 1 / Post Game Disscussion,TL got fluked again by one teamfight 2016 Grandfather vs 2090 Grandfather,I wish my grandfather was Tsar Nicholas II Romanov Hey..hey...let's be factual. They didn't get shut out last year. They got a field goal!,It's about the small victories Voyager already was known as a ship of death. Imagine how much worse their reputation would be if they repeatedly popped out of nowhere.,They'd be like the 'Phantom' in Master and Commander (a story that I'd love to see adapted into Star Trek somehow). That falls under the category of damage.,Demoman disagrees "Just looked through it, there's no need to worry appearently we're all already avoiding them.","And if you are a woman, you are already avoiding them because you are a hypergamous Stacey whore and only have eyes for Chad." If that's the joke then I'm upset it got this many upvotes.,I had to check to make sure I wasn't in r/ComedyCemetary Tiger-1 H Tank (1348 x 803).,"If you're like me and didn't know what they're for, I looked it up: *Spare Glass Blocks* -- To replace view ports which had a tendency to get bullet riddled." I don't think I could even pick a Jewish guy out of a crowd,Just look for the horns "You can analyze statistics all you want. Nader did not rally republicans behind him, he rallied independents and democrats. Nader's supporters, without green as an option, would have (majority) gone for Gore.","Math smath, someone told me a myth debunked multiple times so I'm going to stick my head in the sand and vote for corporate stooges because Nader" Ohhhh I know what hentai is. It didnt cross my mind it was Futanari (probably because I rarely see it anywhere) Thanks!,Am I the only one who feels really awkward after reading this convo? OP's mom.,I didn't ask what needs to be done. Kevin Sorbo stars in new movie about atheist's conversion to Christianity,I'm so glad to see Kevin Trying out so many different roles. Hi. I edit videos and sometimes those videos are about Call of Duty. Ask me anything! I'm stuck at the airport,Is love real? (((Donald Trump))),"Like, maybe he's just doing it because he doesn't want to be assassinated by Mossad idk lol" "Ah, dunno why i didn't understand initially lol",It's cause you're not from Great Britain. It feels weird to be the benefactor of the refs. I could get used to it,It's because Kirby worshipped at the church of Saban. How has he been a monster?,It's how the lyrics to that Monster video package from WM 30 go Sooooooooo another Guild hacking? 3rd place.,inb4 hackers are gumi why does your plate have a hole in it,It's called fancy dining! Fascism is the natural opposition to PC,That must explain why PC activists are so pro free speech right? How would you donate with a chinese card? you think you can just paypal the money into a different currency?,"If it was as easy as just using paypal to donate to youself, why don't they just transfer the money through paypal" "Step 1: Find coincidental similarities between religions. Step 2: Make as many comparisons as you can, no matter how many assumptions or half truths you have to make. Step 3: Ignore everything that contradicts or conflicts with the religion you're comparing it to. Step 4: ??? Step 5: Profit.","It worked 190 years ago, why not now?" And they're both Lux mains.,As well they should be. So crim costed Optic the game right. Im still speechless at the fact that he had the flag and took on the whole team instead of going in the opposite direction and giving his team a chance...,No the only reason they lost is because it wasn't Sunday Or Barack Obama was responsible for the mishandling of Hurricane Katrina,Well he was just sitting in Illinois not doing a thing to help those suffering. Twinkle toes,I'm pretty sure this is in reverse. What is this? A repost for ants?,"Are you calling me an ant, ant?" We know words. We have the best words.,but not that "Mendokusaii gets matched against 2.6k elo team, forces them to ragequit, then gets 40 points.",Maybe you get more points for getting the opposing team to leave. I,A "This was completely expected, although I am surprised Japan is being very open about it. Every country is going have its own list of demands before they even begin to start negotiating. The problem isn't just that different countries are going to have conflicting demands, but the fact we're going to have to do our best to bend over backwards for most of them if we want to secure decent trade deals. Other countries completely understand the vulnerable position we're in, and they're obviously going to exploit it.",But...but... Border controls We'v been lied to so we have sandbox mode right but... THERES NO SAND. HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO US,High quality shitpost "At least the writing was kind of at Ross's expense though, with characters like Rachel making it clear he was being ridiculous. Also, I feel like Ross might have been overcompensating (here, and also with the whole not letting Ben play with a barbie that another commenter mentioned) for shame he felt for being 'girly' when he was a kid. There are multiple references throughout the series to him playing with dolls, or in general not being very typically masculine as a child. I think he had some unresolved issues to do with his own sense of masculinity.",It's true and he did actually talk about it at the end of the episode but he just annoyed me so much. "People who use Incognito Mode on your web browser for reasons other than porn, what are those reasons?",When I want to ask a stupid question but I don't want to have someone see my search after I act like I had that information for some time. Sylvanus skin idea.,Someone has a bright future ahead of them $Friend = $null Problem solved.,I thought it was free($Friend); //or delete... Don't want to have to keep them around while ignoring them Hes the best player lmao,I think you dropped your "Germany opened its doors to refugees a year ago, but some residents have had enough","400,000 Syrians died yet Europeans are the real victims" You just have to get creative. Store your toiletry bargains in the shower and bathe yourself in the sink. Remove your bed and sleep on packages of toilet paper. Wear your entire wardrobe in layers at all times and use the extra closet space for canned goods.,Buy a second home to store your cereal Did you ever meet this girl in person?,"nope, guess that made it that much easier" "I was at a graveyard today, and saw that a slave was given a gravestone.","See, slave owners were good to their slaves!" Wow...uhhhm... I wouldn't go that far. How about: Those people should get injured,i think he's being facetious Every single Gravity Falls Fan reaction in a nutshell. ....SU is playing with us all.,I love it when shows really understand fandoms like SU does. 6 discs with the game on them. No download except any patches.,That's not going to happen and you know it. So next year we'll have three Dutch speaking drivers on the grid.,"Shit, at this pace it'll take another 20 years before each driver in F1 speaks Dutch :(" I'm gonna start using it now. Thanks man.,"Better not use it on me, you jerk" lol does this pleb realise Super Mario Sunshine is one of the greatest video games of all time?,Well that's a funny way of spelling Galaxy. Storm (X-Men) by kristy-che,Needs more airbrush Miz is better. Can you imagine if WWE had a segment with Miz teaching acting lessons to Jennifer Hudson and then start a feud against Otunga?,Wasn't there a thread saying the exact same thing? So... you're your own peer?,Maybe he had multiple personalities. "Honestly, don't mean to sound like douchy or anything, but I'll never in a million years buy something branded Coolpad","Yeah, it sounds like a laptop cooler brand" "Science progresses by proving itself wrong. ***Liberalism, social justice, and regressive leftism*** progress by eliminating non-believers.","Take the liberalism off of that statement, and you're pretty much right." Polls Shows Bernie Sanders Would Win Election By Landslide,"Yeah, I'm sure he would have" "Well if they provide the people what they want and other parties won't, then that's what you get.","Oh bully, it's really a shame that not more parties in Germany a racist shitfests" If Cod allowed a Coach who should they pick? I personally think Optic should choose Mr.X,Aches so we don't have to play him at champs "Redditors who are dead, why are you dead? Just want to know","Actually, I'm not dead yet, but in a few seco" I've always admired the scale of Elite Dangerous. What started out as a tiny mole hill in the distance turned out to be a huge mountain range.,I found a planet just like that in the Noti system. cause apparently the people who watch the thread support the perverts...,No we support historical accuracy in our historical games I just want a place for my old ass to sit and the place is so full that I want a seat I won't get kicked out of,"the whole place is General Admission, there are no assigned seats" "On the other hand, Metallica finally has a new album. Fingers crossed that the mixing is better this time.",we need those ear-shattering snares though "Both creators are married with kids, and they were getting a fucktons of threats to murder their wives and rape their kids - because rape and murder of actual living beings is the perfect way to respond to a joke about video game characters getting raped. Some of the threats were taken very seriously, since they listed pictures and addresses of their homes and the schools their kids attended.",We're still the monsters though I met young Ned Stark while out clubbing last night - cool guy!,He looks like that guy from Boy meets World. "so basically if you have not put 5 MK 5 CEC Fusion Furnaces on these specific toons, you are out of luck? Man, what a crappy way to tune your events.","You had like three whole weeks to farm 5 rebels, level them to 80, get mods, and farm hundreds of raid-only at ~25% droprate purple gear pieces." System requirements Halo 5 Forge,TIL the R9 380 = GTX 970. "Let's be honest - 99% of the people claiming to be outraged are just faking the outrage Like anyone, let alone a bunch of conservatives, seriously gives a shit about the ethnic composition of sitcom writing teams.","If it's all white, that's fine, but if any of them are DIVERSE then it's just the SJWs dismantling our society, so obviously it's super important." Giant pandas are no longer 'endangered',Looks like Giant Panda meat is back on the menu boys! "Not a bride. She has passed the test and become Accepted, she shall wear this dress with the seven bands of color at the hem and the Great Serpent ring on the third finger of her left hand.",Braid tugging intensifies its dudes who can't get laid. involuntarily celibate. This guy has taken it to the next level and is suggesting that he should basically be allowed to rape whatever girl is selected by some arbitrary system as his mate.,Okaay.. A subreddit abot that don't sound toxic at all. I love comments like these. Really shows the intelligence of brazilian fans,"Actually, usually when I see posts like this it's usually from the same person."