Input,Output I'm tired of this This is a serious problem that supercell needs to fix. If someone is better than you at this game then good game sir well played indeed there is no need to BM the crap out of someone and this is just a problem. now I'm not saying remove all the emotes but just why. I just battled 4 matches and all of them had BMERS so this needs to stop and now one more time if someone is better than you or you are better than them then just tell them good game no need to laugh or cry or angry face just say good game and move on /endrant,You can just mute them. Images of the new dlc guns?,The shotgun is the Remington that was a placeholder for the argus in the beta (I believe) I don't know what that smg in the middle is No it's not..... You're a moron and have never thrown a baseball in your lite.,"Dude, just stop." Oh God what is this,"Actually, Zippo makes something like that." BREAKING: Clinton Cancels Campaign Events With Sanders,There has never been a bigger cuck than Bernie Flanders I still play Road Rash 2 with my nephews. Its a good game for kids.,"It taught me as a kid to always chain whip or kick the guy riding next to me, THIS IS MAH ROAD" How did you overcome that dark period of your life?,God helped me get out of it How many people have seen her husbands junk,Weiner was only showing solidarity for Harambe. "I was really on the fence over voting for Pat Toomey for Senate, given his relatively recent anti-Second Amendment statements. After he bailed on Trump, screw him, I'd rather write someone in and work to throw Katie McGinty out in six years.",If you are going to do a write in probably best to write in: Donald Trump The write ins get recorded and the message will be loud and clear that voters favor Trump over them. bernie sanders for the trump cabinet?,NO. Certainly not having a gay ol time,"Maybe incon should cheer himself up with visiting his family, see his grand dad." My gf sent me this thru snapchat... I'm dead,S C A R Y I vote to cripple the regressive left for generations before we put it away. It is only the correct thing to do. Think of the children.,Priorities: 1 ) Uncuck media 2 ) Uncuck universities 3 ) Uncuck early childhood education Fuck ya. Tunnel Buddies FTW,Tunnel Buddies Rule! Just competed the survey. I would add none for categories like collectables or special cards. Hope this helps!,I won't be able to fix it until later tonight (around 7:00) Hundreds of jellyfish invade New Zealand coastline | World news,Well considering the first one I saw in NZ was in Queens Scarlet sounds in the 1970's it has been here from quite a while. "Yes, Sir I made this video. I liked your kind suggestions and advises InshAllah you will see a change in my upcoming videos (If I m lucky enough to have a view from you) and thanks for the spell mistake correction, I have edited the title. Thank you very much once again for your time.",You seem like a great guy! You're probably confused as to how point guards work in the NBA having had Kobe for so long. I'll forgive you for that.,I don't think he's that far off base with that statement They don't even use white boards anymore the last time I checked. It's all about these smart boards.,"I had professors that didnt know you could use markers on those, then try to erase and put stains and smears on em" You say that like you're shit talking me but you're not. It sucks. I hate our sub,When you amass that many Steelers fans in one place you're just asking for a bad time. 4 CC4 + 2 CC3 + 1 CC1 2 Keys,ill give you 4x cc3 for a cc4 And he just lost himself a vote and future votes from one of his actual constituents.,What about the down ballot? You would think that people here would be a bit more grateful to our modfuhrer and that it wouldn't even be a competition.,"He is but a distant Fuhrer though, much like the relationship between Herr Hitler and Eva Braun." No it's the octane roadkill decal...,ah my bad John Kasich wrote-in John McCain for president,Those comments gave me cancer. "I'm a celebrity event photographer in Hollywood. Most of the smaller award shows winners like the MTV VMAs, Teen Choice Awards, etc...already know they are going to win. This motivates the talent to come to the event. During the show they are backstage talking with friends and take a seat during a commercial break just before their award is announced. The few exceptions are the Oscars and Golden Globes where the audience is mostly celebrities","*whew* thank GOD the oscars are genuine, that's becoming the only awards show i care about" Anime review plunges into insane rant,o.O There's not enough metal in the frog to cook it though.,thank youu Also The Muppet Family Christmas. Although this is available on YouTube with commercials from 1987,Watch out for the icy patch! Is anyone going to get cute and start Ware over a Stud?,"I might start Ware over Mathews, Langford, and possibly Foster." All the middle class and blue collar workers that he said he'd help are about to have a lot more taxes to pay.,Source for taxes going up on blue collar workers? "Pollution during my presidency? It's gonna be the most bigly yuuge pollution America has ever seen. And you know who's gonna pay for it? That's right, the Mexicans.",The Poor I have nipples can you milk me?,If they look like hers... "Reddit, what is the best photo to change someone's lock screen to?",Their Browser history :) Did that more than once. "The irrelevance of VC People here keep asking about a Wii U or 3DS Virtual console, but there's no need to have it. This is simply because if you have the console you want on VC, then VC is pointless because you already have the console! The only exception is with any games pre-Wii era, so GameCube and older consoles. This is because a slightly enhanced version compatible with a new console is great for people who didn't own such old consoles. But, with a console like the Wii u or 3DS or Wii, you own the console and so you don't need another console to play it on. And if you don't own one, you can buy one with ease. TLDR; please stop shitposting about backwards compatibility or VC for 3DS and Wii U.",But I don't have a GCN... or 3DS or Wii or Wii U... WTF Well at least there's plant life there. California drought is awful. We have up on trying to keep a green lawn. We let it die. We will lay sod when the drought is over.,isn't california like.. literally a desert tho? Super Bowl XLII: Giants Upset Undefeated Patriots (FULL GAME) | NFL,"No thanks, I don't need flashbacks of this while I'm at work" Any first person shooter because I suck at them and I wouldn't want to be resurrected.,Toomeirlformeirl Posponed. We're on for tonight!,Ugh gotta reset my remindme bot This conversation is very interesting with one side being deleted.,He said rich people only own shitty business laptops and none of them have a desire to play video games. How much is he up by?,.6% as of *now* Is it just 1 shiny? That's kinda too little for 2 codes no?,"I would think shinies are worth more than codes, but if you want i can throw in a shiny Xerneas or Yveltal as well" "It didn't occur to me when writing someone could reach the conclusion every store shares the same inventory, sorry. What you said is all I meant.","No hard feelings, just trying to help :)" The Lusion is a tad too weak Constantly I'm getting people to 10 health. If I shoot you 3-4 times you should go down if we are in the same room. Tired of trying to play caveria when her Lusion is such a bitch to use,"I agree, with the damage drop off that thing has you practically have to be in melee range for it to be the one shot down it was advertised as." The most stoic cat ever..........,Sometimes I get the impression that animals know when other animals are just retarded-babies He's leading in much of the country.,No reason to post a Kansas poll lol "You're really abdicted to pointing out spelling errors, aren't you?",I'm adbucting this thread. Why haven't they called Florida? There aren't 200k Hillary in the next 5% even if 90% of them somehow vote her.,Ugh.. it's so frustrating... who know.. they might find a fucking hidden bag of votes behind the dumpster or something. Jesus from first glance without reading the caption I thought I was going to see a face in the background or something,Who doesn't read the caption and goes straight to the photo? Have you ever gotten a response?,"No, me and several otger people have messaged and he never replies" Always carry a ziplock with some paper napkins and a little thing of hand sanitizer.,? What about a lot of ice cream? I'm asking for a... friend.,"See the thing is, my definition of a lot probably differs from yours...." "Gideon actually only really became good from SOI standard on. It was playable, but the BFZ/Origins/Tarkir standard had too much else valuable to do around the 4-drop slot. (and they were all Siege Rhinos)","I actually think it had more to do with the ubiquity of Abzan Charm than Rhino, although both certainly played their role." I prefer Dude of Pallor.,Melanistically deprived. Dad builds Ninja Warrior course for his daughter,He's training her so that she can one day assasinate President Trump/Clinton to save the world. "Nah, it's pretty clear that Hillary Clinton won. But hey, both sides are the same, amirite?",It's how they pretend Trump didn't lose. In another comment the flaws he's talking about are birth marks. Birth marks. (I'm still trying to get it to sink in it's so ungodly stupid) I'd say he's one giant flaw.,One day he'll realize that there's more to Life than being Really Really Really Ridiculously Good Looking "How about we replace the defective, untrustworthy CA system, *before* we start pledging our sites to them for eternity by activating HSTS.",Por que no los dos? "Lol. Unity tattoos for free... People are getting pokemon tattoos too so I guess somebody will be crazy enough. Octane renderer looks interesting, but wouldn't you kind of need server farm capabilities to make that usable? I'm really looking forward to that VR editor though.","Pokemon is one of the largest franchises in gaming history, and that's your goto crazy tattoo?" "Hibana's special breaching weapon in use, fresh off the livestream",Imagine trying to shoot all of those before they went off. I want to believe OP did all of that **just** to piss you all off,I believe. Yes. Tim Beckman becomes your next coach. Enjoy!,Yay we get a coach! Awe it sooo upsetting that a person asked a manga question on a manga sub. You people are a fucking joke.,I didn't even downvote him... Are you having a bad day bro "Possibility of a Timeskip? So, the timeskip in shonen seems to be a fairly popular trope. Whether it's lazy because it just uses time to further the progression is up for debate, I tend to actually like them because it puts whether the character has actually been working hard or not into perspective (in Naruto, Naruto realized he was losing to Sasuke progress wise after the timeskip and started putting a lot of time into training after their reunion). I personally think there will be one, however I'm curious as to your thoughts on this as well. Some things to consider: How long will it be? Who will come out on top/Who will see that they need work? When will it happen?","Maybe, probably, surely" Would this spell be a good addition?,so like tornado for yourself? Eats jellyfish,That makes sense. "Steak. With a little research and experimenting, you can cook a steak at home that is miles better and way cheaper than one you get at most restaurants. Also pretty snobby about what temp you eat it at. I know most of it comes down to preference, but most people I know who turn their noses up at a med rare steak have never had one.",My steak only has to imagine the fire. I think Chris Petersen at Texas could.,I think Chris Petersen at Washington *can*. "No need to apologize! It stands for multi level marketing. Think Avon, Mary Kay, Scentsy, LulaRoe, etc.",Don't forget the essential oils! What compels a grown man to act like this?,Fear of not getting respect from teenagers. LeTrust the LeProcess?,Get out Bernie Sanders Straight-Up Calls Steve Bannon Racist In A Statement,Who's the honey badger now? "She's clearly very, very sick. And the way liberals are trying to cover it up is absolutely pathetic and disgusting.",The only way the weekend parties on is when Bernie appears alive... What kind of security features can you put on a weapon to make it not useless for home defense?,You've hit upon the inherent danger of guns. Wubba-lubba dub dub!!,Rikki-tikki-tavi biiiiiiitch! We have special eyes.,MY BRAND! These wounds they wiiiilllll not eeeeaaaallll,"WISH WE COULD TURN BACK TIME, TO THE GOOD OLD DAAAAAYYS" "Well, we could kick the damn medics that don't revive.",I laughed way too hard at this considering OP's comments! Darn government healthcare!,\*Everything Wrong With laugh\* Good. Might weed out the morons of our society.,So when are you headed there? Getting this balloon,I see Twice gif I upvote. "That statement itself is mind blowingly sad. Not sad in an insulting way, but sad in a truly sorrowful, *I feel bad for calling you out*, way",Didn't realize I was speaking to an edgy teen Go home,I am home ya fuk Joined,But Jordan Howard says he's 'good' after Achilles problem Sunday,Ain't suffer nothing is my teams name for the rest of the season. can somebody explain the 80 yard penalty?,Packers got another call in their favor Honestly the best part of Embiid IMO is how much we forget that he's a rookie.,Especially one that played bball for like 4 years and then didn't for 2. "Awww frick boys, I spilt my coffee",Looks like the world's biggest fruit leather. ESPN loses 1 million subscribers in 2 months. #DrainTheSwamp.,Im surprised they had that many to begin with tbh. They are allowed to advertise everywhere. They just choose to not do that.,I know they legally can but I'm asking who can they be involved with who doesn't upset some interest group. Where did my SoJ go?,At least I still got my Ith items. "It's called a *download*, guyguy",I think OP meant uninstall. "Well, they are from a high-level DLC and one would assume that you would already have those perks since they complement the weapon you are trying to upgrade. It doesn't seem that stupid to me. It actually makes sense that you'd need to be experienced with that weapon type in order to maximize its potential. I think this would have been good to have in the base game.","Yeah I'd understand if this started in the base game, but when every other gun is upgradable with Gun Nut 4 but the NW guns aren't, it's just an annoyance." Pete Carroll on Patriots stadium: 'It's not a great place',"Maybe Bill should pump some noise into the stadium, Goodell wouldn't mind." I just tried and it's still there :(,Try putting something onto him and refresh it BLACK BEATLES by frosty,so out of that the viewers could comprehend a total of 2 kills Nah I'm just gonna get the leather case or possibly if it's not to hefty the battery case will be my choice,which battery case? Leather Tripp Pants (these exactly),"The I listen to Techno, wear gas masks to school, and industrial dance look." "Actually, a majority of states that pay more than they receive are blue states. Yet the red states can't stop bitching about welfare....",You don't have to buy votes that have already been bought. WHO THE F$3! THINKS THAT CUCK NEWS ANCHOR THINK HE IS TRYING TO INTERRUPT TRUMP MID DEBATE?,And he just spoke over him to finish his part like the ABSOLUTE MADMAN that he is. "Dabbing straight from a banger A friend of mine has a banger but while waiting on his piece has started taking dabs straight out of it. We both looked up info on it but couldn't find much. It's obviously not good for you, so that isn't the question we have. Was curious what the overall opinion is on this, anyone done it before?",that's how you get claim throat "Or, less likely though, she changed numbers because he kept messaging her stuff like this.",Also possible "The add attacked the Clintons for making money after being dirt poor, what the fuck is Trump running on?",Hur durr 30 years of doing nothing hurr durr Donald J. Trump on Twitter: A country that Crooked Hillary says has funded ISIS also gave Wild Bill $1 million for his birthday? SO CORRUPT!,#SLICK WILLY GDT: Washington Capitols (18-7-3) vs Carolina Hurricanes (12-11-6) - 7:30 EST - 12/16/16 Can the Hurricanes make it 8 straight wins at home or will number 8 be too much for the Canes to handle? Find out on ~~Dragon Ball Z~~ Fox Sports Carolinas.^^^^H^a^i^l^T^r^i^p^p,It seems like everything is happening in slow motion "We did have a series of minor terrorist attacks all through the week, I think that in part explains a shift towards Trump.",It was the Ted Cruz endorsement most likely. "Finally got a plane with a tank! (sorry, no gif) Was playing Berlin in my Panzer IV F2, IL-2 was going back and forth over the city straffing and bombing. Was flying away in a straight line and I stuck one up the pooper on him. Do I get to join the club now? Learn the secret handshake and get the lapel pin?","When you go on BF1 subreddit, people think they are so good when they shoot down a plane with a tank..guess they don't know us ;)" "If Assange had emails that would end her campaign without a doubt, he would have released them already.",All of these should have been enough to end it. "But what if I am into pokemon, what do I use then? :(",Digimon. Do you like spicy food and why?,"You should rephrase it to, do you have personal preference and why?" WAKE YOUR ASSES UP DRINK A COFFEE AND GET READY CAUSE IT'S GAME DAY!!! Pls no 0-4,Let's fucking do this thing! Apparently women are 3% human. Top STEM.,that's a troll though lol you moron,Mindblowing how closed minded this subreddit can be. "Is there anything better for collecting ores then the metal pick, like the chainsaw for wood but for ore. Curious couldn't seem to find anything",aparntly there will be something in the tek tier when it comes out i think He's not my president.,Then move. Jenna Haze stripping from her bride dress (x-post from r/OnStageGW),r/OnStageGW Because 11 year ago olds are dumb enough to start pushing each other if someone tells them to,"Ah, thank you much, sad that he had to be punished" "He's on the bench, isn't he?","Yeah, but concussion last week is the reason they don't want to start him." "Where is the warrior class legendary, Patches ?","They cant put tri class card in the list, otherwise kazakus would be in the list" 10 players from USA?,"Everyones forgetting the one and only dig god, corejj" I once got through security in 5 minutes. On a slightly related note I am 4 for 4 with delayed flights coming into or leaving Burlington.,"In the past 3 years, flying in/out of BTV every month or so, I think I've only had one flight be on time." Closing I accidentally figured out,Nice we have 4,"Counting the one that caught on fire and almost sank, of course." DAE Think We Need 1024 Spots For Next Mayor??,omg volvo fucking hates cloud9 and forces them to play random bo1s so theyll get eliminated People don't realize how huge it is to have DICE actually let people choose whether or not to play as a woman in a game. This is something that has been noticeably absent from every version of Battlefield. Certainly odd considering how many other major shooters allow you the choice.,"Funnily enough, Dennis did point out it's important that the Imperial customization be inclusive." "Really depends how hard you punch them. If you bust blood vessels, the eye can bleed and turn totally red.",A red i would make it a stoner with a black eye Nty,16 CC3? Anyone else not big on nicknaming Pokemon? I don't know why but I've never been big on nicknaming Pokemon outside of a nuzlocke run. Anyone else not big on it?,only if i feel like it Now get rid of Evilore and NeoGAF might have a chance,That's ... not how it works. My tan is on point this November!,"Jokes on you, you can't assume my race in 2016 just by the color of my skin" She probably is planning on challenging Florida as it was a small margin. Same thing happened in 2000 I think?,"She needs to be within .5%, or .25% for a hand count." Please connect me to a supervisor.,You will surely get the karkland Curious but why does the water look black?,That's afro American water for you Mr! Start a company that sells door locks online. Copy all the keys before shipping the locks and as a side business sell the keys and matching addresses to criminals. Side note - use Google Street View to determine the value of the keys and addresses.,This would end badly "I'm only on episode 4 of Luke Cage and had noto seen JJ, I don't feel lost at all. I probably missed refrneces to the show because they do reference DD which I have seen.",It references Jessica Jones in a later episode but its a tiny reference and not terribly important Cooking and Eating Rats in a survival situation.,I applaud him for not sensationalising this. Does the initial downvote from 1 to 0 count?,I'll let it happen. "DShK Truck buffed massively Since the new 1.65 patch, with the addition of the fact that bullets travel through crew members, as well as reading that the damaging and incendiary qualities of the DShK was improved, the rank 1 DShK Gaz AA has been extremely pleasant to drive. It no longer takes 4 clips to kill someone, instead often it'll take 1/4 of a clip.","Also forgot to mention that it gets a new belt that goes APIT, AP-I(c), AP-I(C)" "This a very ambitious statement. One that I, sadly, have to agree with. Montecristo might have the most game knowledge out of any other caster. It really is a pleasure to listen him cast OGN. With that being said, he also has the biggest ego out of any caster as well. He brings this condescending tone where I find myself trying to tune him out. He's no where on the viral infection that is Thooorin, but he can be a real douche bag.",Just because someone was egotistical and condescending doesn't mean you can dole out injustice on them and call it karma. I'd have thought 1984 was the most obvious one.,Ingsoc is double plusgood. I'm sorry I'll stop being a douche :( This season has been so hard,"Seriously, I like you, and deprecation I can get down with, but when you start saying shit like that, it makes it less fun." I really don't like how the top posts on this sub are typically imgur or YouTube. That teaches me nothing about the opposing viewpoints I seek.,Where are your posts here? Moderators of pro-Trump Reddit group linked to fake news crack down on posts,"*lock em up, lock em up* Isn't that what we do now?" I wrote a reply but then I realized you're just retarded and it's not worth to engage.,I wrote a reply but realized down voting is easier. Hard to say when I'm level 20 and still level 0 in every class.,You didn't go online and open all the rifles ? I just want Lillie's dress.,Unfortunately that damn girl took the last ones available :( what if it's too short,Get another lazy dog and start stacking them BZZZZZZZZT BZZ BZZZ ZAP ZAP BZZZZZZZT,Let me tell you folks What's the scariest thing a stranger can pull out of their pocket?,My cell phone. Is this even Annie O'Moose? It seems more like the work of a dipshit who thinks those masks are cool abd the mask guy represents defiance or something,"Yeah, is more something like r/Im14andthisisdeep" "Why do people dislike split pushing so much? It is a legit strategy. You win by killing the titan, not by team fighting.","It's very 'boring' so to speak, to counter it" Isn't Laberd a pretty decent mitigator??,"Yeah, but he's really the only *usable* one we have." "Reign, Blood of my Blood, Winter has Come, all so so good.",Hear me Roar too An idea for a new subreddit image,Yes Not all TBM's are anti gay. I attended a gay wedding years ago while serving on the high counsel. It's great that your son and DIL are so open minded.......but probably not an indication that their shelf is weighing. Mine wasn't. I just didn't care what two consenting adults did.,I was just happy with that very small act of rebellion. Red Bull? More like Red Bullshit...,"Actually, I remember wishing I had got more sleep in college all of the time." "Who is this Trump Clinton, of which you speak?",They went through that teleportation pod from The Fly and now they're Trump Clinton- our worst nightmare. This fox want to help and do what is write for the chickens!,Da. Overclocking is the same on both?,Yes What's the best text to replace YOU DIED?,U ded "Would you still buy an EVGA 1070 even with the heat issue/fix? I really love the design of the card, but I'm worried about the temps even with the thermal pad/bios update. With the fix applied how do they compare to other 1070 cards? Are they still running hotter/louder than average?","To be fair, I haven't had problems with mine yet (I have ordered the heatsinks though) but no problems, so yes I would definitly buy one." Oh no doubt they're strong and undeniable. I'm just saying it's plausible one or more of those words could mean something else,totally agree oH (By: randomartbymc on Tumblr),this is amazing I find myself trying to find the best time to go leeroy jenkins and just dropping troop after troop on the bridge. It works against most decks,Ragin balloon is this. Old news. Like dude has already had several commercials out.,"No everybody watches US TV, dude." I think I just threw up in my mouth a bit,**BLLEEAGH** *realizes I am also a edgy scout main* **HGAEELLB** "Is ToD title even worth getting? Usually I don't mind grinding for something, even if it's boring af, but god knows why I get a massive fps drop when getting to the 5th floor and I have to do the rest of that while having 5 fps at most, and at this point it's almost unplayable.. (I did it like that 4 times already but I think I've had enough)","No, unless you're really OCD and want every titles." What is supposed to drop tomorrow?,Hillary's uterus "Yes please! Inglorious Basterds featuring Magneto. I'll take 2 tickets, one for now one for after it's over to see again",But... Magneto was in Inglorious Basterds. Pastrnak Goal 10 Seconds into the Game Against the Rangers,:) Can we fire Claeys and hire Fleck now?,Im game DONT TELL US WHAT TO DO OP,"WHATEVER YOU DO, DONT GIVE ME GOLD!" CROOKED HILLARY SEEKS ASYLUM IN SAUDI ARABIA!,I'm sure they will treat her well when she has nothing left to offer "Weekly Trash Talk Thread - September 19, 2016 HERE YOU CAN GET RID OF ALL YOUR ANGER AND HATE. CAPS ON AND LET IT ALL OUT. JUST GET YOUR THIRD LUCIO PLAYER ICON DUPLICATE? GETTING PERMANENTLY KILLED BY THE MOST OP CHARACTER IN THE GAME? THERE'S TOO MUCH JUSTICE THAT RAINS FROM ABOVE? THIS IS THE RIGHT THREAD! PLEASE STILL BE CIVIL, AT LEAST A LITTLE!","Junkrat is the new hanzo, its fucking cancer" "FAO u/Galaxy91122 Could we possibly get this in gif form, senpai, pretty please? I see great reaction gif potential here.",Yeah will do when I get home Joe Rogan giving a play by play on spilled ice.,P4p goat moment "They played it safe and made billions. There is absolutely no incentive for them to go off the deep end and for sure, they won't. It's Disney we're talking about. All they'll do is let Lucasfilm do their risky films in-between the Disney-mandated tentpoles like TFA, Episode VIII, and Episode IX.",They'd make billions either way. "I don't even have ADHD and this shit happens to me. I literally had to write 3 paragraphs one day which should've taken like less than an hour, and instead I start to learn about the history of Disney and end up watching documentaries about unrelated tragic events instead of doing the simple assignment","That's not indicative of any form of ADD, a large percentage of humans crave knowledge." "Has Chomsky ever commented on Nietzsche? Nietzsche is the biggest name in philosophy I can think of that I've never heard Chomsky mention. I don't imagine he'd be one he likes all that much and this isn't a serious enquiry, just wondering if he's ever given a view on him?",i've never heard him commenting on him at all. Sorry but the 4.0 update from Sony is a joke and should not be celebrated.,FYI -You can incease shared clip time from 15 minutes to 1 hour too. What's the best car money can buy currently?,RE-7B-speed and traction! That's not pride. That's straight up narcissism.,"Narcissism is more of a personality disorder, not necessarily where someone loves themself more than others, but every conversation/ choice in your life somehow points back to them because they cant distinguish themself from unrelated factors." Like who?,Andrew Jackson Did it show in the dex with the hat?,Yes Price is the best goalie in the league,Hot take alert OP is definitely just joking you guys,"Thank you, sometimes i forget the" "When Donald wins, I'm publicly shaming all of the celebs into actually leaving the country with meme magic. Who's with me?","We have the best celebrities, don't we folks." Swan Lake in MIDI,That...actually sounds like a good idea. Question: do you think Jack actually gets high after these games like for real?,Nah. M47 Patton with F4 Phantom flying past,Loud as shit between the explosions and the F4's engines. Carrie Fisher passed away.,"Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, that galaxy far far away lost one of its brightest stars." Weird dito sa sub na to,"Downvote is the new upvote, duh." "uhmm, what?",I can't believe you're kissing guys! wym prepare for repetitiveness? every single map is repetitive even you should know that Mycroz lool. every single change that they added for Map 14 isn't new either they were things that map 8 & 9 featured and those 2 maps were fun,yea but that doesnt change the fact every single fight is gonna be the same 8 months ago Microsoft and Sony both said they were open to Cross Platform play. Let's keep the conversation active so devs see we are interested in it.,After the whole debacle with Skyrim and Fallout mods on Sony's side plus the fact that this generation's upgraded consoles could end up being vastly different from each other could put this down the drain. 1 year ago: Derek gave RSI 60-90 days until their collapse / before SC will be sold off for pennies,Last mile.... "It's the FBI, he'll get immunity, and plead the yiff.",Or they will probably say he was justExtremely Careless when he was registering those dead voters. "I doubt the 76ers would trade with them. Same thing happened when Lebron joined the Heat. That being said, they'd probably want Iggy and/or Shaun Livingston. But that's only if they want to go for the Playoffs this year. Otherwise, they'll probably want to stay young, which isn't exactly the Warriors' speciality",No way is iggy and Livingston near enough to get Noel. Love it! Saw one fly by me on the highway recently. Though I really don't understand why it's called a 4-series. It should be a 3 or a 5.,It's coupe like and has a hatchback so I guess it gets an even number for that. "Could you define 'socially toxic' if you mean to have people judge value by it? Likewise, are you indicating that the Left is incapable of being socially toxic?","Socially toxic = equivalent of 4chan Hitlerizing Pepe, to territorialize him away from the normies like Katie Perry" Who would you recommend instead? My budget is 7.5 max.,Have a look at how Benteke does this week. you're*,yer* don't catch me or my son ever again,Obligatory meme. The Silver Eyes.,Ohhhh yeah I still need to read that... This guy probably goes around claiming to be a strict Constitutionalist and earnestly does not see a conflict.,"Worse, a real American." Ozil: How may I assist you? Wenger: score more goals Ozil: *scores this wonder goal*,Ozil is now assisting other players in assisting. What I think when Hillary talks about the alt right...,That meal will be way too spicy with that many pepes on it. "That's easy. Whenever I see fake news, I click the arrow at the top of the box and then click Hide all from MSNBC Hide all from CNN Hide all from Daily Kos Hide all from Think Progress and so on.",We can usually tell. "What else does he have left? He's attacked Hillary on Benghazi, emails, paid speeches, her loyalty to Bill... I mean what else does he have left at this point. He's already scraping the bottom of the barrel and nothing he says is deflecting attention to the scandals that are coming out from his camp.","This is a man who has destroyed the Republican party, yet people are willing to vote for him with the expectation that he wont do the same to America." Good thing they didn't let the fans vote. Red Dead Garlic Bread would have won for sure. That or Red Deady McDead Face.,Reich Dead 3: Hitler did nothing wrong. Beating children in religious rituals leads to the dark side of the force. -Alternate version of the Sith Code,The dark side has cookies. i completely agree. I had to do a giant series of pushups to freddie mercury singing or esle i would have caved.,"That is awesome, I gotta do that too." "Yikes. In my pea brain, I pictured Steve Nowicky as a comedy lifer in his 40s who, in desperation, took a job making minor ducats on the Stern Show because he couldn't work his way up to middle as a road comic.",Cool story Yeah but he did that before he was in politics.,and it was more than a decade ago Is it possible he met with them to step away? and work through that transition?,Your totally explaining trumps usual mo GOP seems to have trouble understanding the law.,Hurricane yo I'm waiting for the email to come out on November 9 where Hillary asks trump to run so she wins...,I momentarily had this thought but then realized what could Clinton give trump to destroy his image and go down as one of the most vial Americans in history? "Makes sense, he is campaigning for Clinton now. Saying we need to act fast to stop Sanders, is precisely how you get Sanders supporters out to vote down ballot.",This whole election is just way over your head. Make The Islanders Great Again!!!,"The rags aren't sending their best, they're rapist and criminals and some I assume... Decent people" I printed with a 3D printer but did not paint. I hope will like it.,Noice indeed! jason farting on the monte sweatshirt the girls wear...that was krissie's idea..disgusting !BBT,Oh wow this people are such great human beings right ~~The Roku Raiser is better than a Mech Sword tho~~ Zenia OE,"~~1% makes up the difference :)~~ Yeah, Zenia's OE is a mistake." Well it's all always a choice to pick. Or just bring along a unit that can heal with long attack animation like Ark.,whynotboth.jpg "RIP imp key, still 25mins left ._.",RIP in piece Public Toilet-man!,"Toilet-man, and you are even public" "I saw this happening. The lamestream media pounded Donald Trump all through the election, covered him unfairly, and got much of America thinking Trump is a bogeyman. Now that American people will get to see Trump for themselves, without the media filter, they will be able to form their own opinion of him and realize that he is not what they said he was.",Yep no more made up scandals and no more bullshit from Hillary's campaign Hillary is being really generous by saying only half of them are awful.,They are all awful. Gtfo it's the best subreddit,Have an up vote for your confidence "Christian Rock Bands that parallel the various phrases that Rock Music was going though in the late 90s and 2000s? I'm talking about genres like Nu-Metal,the post-punk revival scene,Pop Punk [there are other bands beside Relent K right?],MetalCore [although to be fair I know a lot of Christ-Core bands] and most infamously Post-Grunge and the Alt-Metal/Post-Grunge crossover scene popular with bands like Cold,Fuel and Breaking Benjamin [I do enjoy some Post-grunge bands of that variety and crossing Post-Grunge with Alt-Metal gave bands in that genre more respect then say Nickelback]",Check out Children 18:3 Is DH the maker of that shitty zombie game who did that contest to insult out game and banned the people on steam who replied?,Bingo! "The Guy Who Recorded The Man Confronting His Boss For Shorting His Check Got Fired, Goes Off On His Boss!",WHAT YOU GON' FIRE ME FO'? No.,/thread. "I know you never said, it's just an impression that one gets from reading people discussing it in this thread.",The limitations of reddit my friend. "PC Player here, I have never seen this screen. What is it for?",This gets posted every time this question comes up. tom westman,the man "Someone who has finished the witcher 3 blood and wine: I just finished the quest at the like masquerade party, can you give me a guesstimation of how much time is left in the main story? like in terms of hours?",If it is anything like skyrim 800 hours Winnipeg fans here yelled True North during the Canadian anthem. I expected nothing less. Good bunch of fans so far.,Weird we didn't get the anthems! "Liberals, how does it feel to know that I am literally taking your money and giving it to Donald Trump? Thank you for doing your part to Make America Great Again!",Shorting all my Hillary stock that I bought shorting Bernie. This is just straight up sexism and racism. Fuck off with that junk.,"Yeah that statement applies to everyone, not just Asian Women." the savage himself,These Obama Biden memes are getting really old "I don't think he even makes minimum wage. Look at this Youtube and streaming views. He is lucky to net 10,000 views on his youtube videos and his streams peak at 100 viewers last time I checked. Actually, looks like he is banned on twitch at the moment.",Not surprising because it doesn't sound like there is a job he would qualify for that pays more than minimum wage. Jags 2017 hypetrain. Sp00kiness confirmed.,4Spooky2me Place vagina where?,Place vagina on penis. A PSA for the dopest darts money can buy.,*Sigh* "Fox News Poll: Trump + 5 NC, + 5 OH, +3 NV",When were these conducted? He's literally immortal. How could you wound him longer?,So is Sigvald IIRC What's for dinner?,Ground elk and egg noodles tossed in some garlic infused olive oil with diced veggies for some crunch. "Try AXN, Im pretty sure they're doing a rerun of breaking bad.",Already watched bb best show ever watched How are we supposed to put the ball in the back of the net when you have Stefan fucking Frei???,Put on your robe and wizard hat. Official MLG Vegas Statistics!,was surprised mosh had a 1.14 kd where did echo fox end up placing 12th? Avoiding a tire blow,gotta watch out for those wily road-gators How Has Jeff Fisher Lasted This Long as a Head Coach?,this question gets asked every day "Prior to bye week, Mike Zimmer scattered stuffed cats covered in red paint around Vikings' locker room. The message: Fat Cats Get Slaughtered",Mike Michael Vick Zimmer "Off topic byt is there an entire list of changes that are coming on Tuesday? Had a busy few weeks, missed out on all the news. Cheers. :)","Do a search for the dawning megathread, should all be there!" "Why do you think EA have given FIFA such a huge 'random' element? You know how sometimes your team is just randomly clunky? Or sometimes they are running faster than normal and making better runs? Imagine if in Call of Duty, your gun would just randomly stop working or your player would start moving at half the speed or not be able to turn left or something. Would be ridiculous! I cant see why this is in FIFA.","It's new mechanics, get used to it" Guys face on the left is priceless xDDD,"Recalling every exotic, devious, sexual act you've ever performed on your brother will do that to you." Naw Hopkins had some problems coming out of college. He had that combine pooping incident right?,TIL "This info allows Russia to construct a better nuclear offensive plan. Before, the response time was speculative. Very careless and dangerous of her to say. She just ticked down the doomsday clock a couple of seconds.",What is decompose at? "STARS VS BLUE JACKETS GDT 11/1/16 Sorry no fancy stuff, if a mod wants to pull this one and make an official one be my guest. LET'S GO STARS!!! #HYPE",FUCKING SHIT "Pat injured himself collecting shrimps in the swamps of Daegoba. The Keys have actually completed 23 new albums but they've decided to release them track by track, intravenously. As such they've asked that everyone familiarize and become accustomed to Hot Wax Transfusions - and become super swell people - once realized, they'll slowly begin releasing new materials. The Arcs are created by the receptors in your corneas when you close your eyelids tightly and apply light pressure with your fingers. Far out!",Jeez somebody doesn't understand sarcasm Been waiting so long for the card crafting... Been playing since alpha test 6 and still only got 17 out of 41 fury cards... my RNG is shocking.,"Same here, I've got a grand total of 18 dire wounds ready to go." "Long live the eternal, indestructible friendship and cooperation between the Soviet and Cuban peoples!",Two dead REDS? Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee is dropping most of its Obamacare customers - Hot Air,Another one drops out. "Oh man, I love Bingo! What did I win?",What he said "As some of you wait for interviews, lets not forget that the warriors blew a 3-1 lead","Fuck KD, amirite?" "Situational Awareness Last night I was playing solo because all my friends were offline, but I still needed my Paragon fix. Around 30 minutes in the game the enemy has 4 players down and there are 4 of us pushing middle inhibitor. I notice a large minion push approaching our left inhibitor and call out Defend left lane!. I called that out as a reminder to the Countess who was just about to spawn. The Countess spawns and goes right to red buff, completely disregarding the giant minion wave approaching the inhibitor. I call out Defend left lane again and ALL 3 teammates with me leave the inhibitor we are about to take to go defend left. By the time they all get back our inhibitor has been destroyed and we didn't take the inhibitor while we had the advantage. I don't know if Countess is a god damn idiot or a saboteur. Either way this kind of thing happens too much. TLDR: Pay attention to the fuckin map.","Fuck you I need this fuckin red orb to kill fuckers you dumb-shit, this is CoD not LoL dumb-ass." "Kallari advice So I'm looking for help with Kallari I love the hero and haven't played her before because I was still learning and she's not the easiest hero. But with Monolith coming up I figured it might be nice to get used to her. Learn how she works. I've been making sure I have enough CDR, getting enough so I can spam the dagger and extra damage out of invisibility. Usually 22.5 CDR. But I only really have a Pendulum of Lord to build CDR on. Then I obviously focus dmg and pen (only one good steel dagger which sucks). Some health and a very little bit of mana as her abilities don't seem to use a lot. I've also tried out Thunder Cleaver because I heard some things about it and a lifesteal deck as well. I liked the lifesteal deck, it seemed fun. So basically I'm loving Kallari and really looking to get better laning with her, but building her is proving difficult.",The best advice I can give for Kallari is to play Countess instead. Such a nice place. We should have the Olympics there.,"In our defense, we didn't want it too" Y'all really using your ARs for home defense?,gunnitbot 223 home defense What is an annoying overused Reddit comment that needs to stop?,Saying that you wish you could give someone gold My uncle told me that one of his law school buddies got testicular torsion when doing some squats.,:D "I have 5 gems , I got 1 summon. Ugh!!! Damn it Klaus!!! I want my Toki!!!",lol "Do you YY? If so, Y? As the title days, wanted to get a feel for how many people regularly YY and what is helps with.",for me: 1. its a habit 2. it really helps reload cancelling when youre standing still instead of having to sprint forward 3. faster weapon swap animation cancel So what did the Superman critics want??,You stole my meme I posted it here first. So I was told my holes were too loose I think they are too what do you think? (f),Kegels! Epic response from Aldo about McGregors win,3rd shitpost of the day Can someone please explain the context of this?,Good life French version of the Where is Obi-Wan Kenobi? comic scene -- and you can see Roblio Darte's cross guard on his lightsaber!!,Vader's really chanelling his Batman "-----RED ALERT: THERE HAS BEEN A CYBER ATTACK. WELLS FARGO, BANKOFAMERICA, AND NYTIMES ALL HAD THEIR SITES SHUT DOWN AT THE SAME EXACT TIME APPROXIMATELY 30 MINUTES AGO-----HOLY SHIT. THE NYTIMES IS CONFIRMED TO BE DOWN GLOBALLY-----",More like an hour and a half ago. "7 games? I did it in 5. Not because I'm good, but simply because of how little people play her for the easy mastery.",team mates holding me back in 2 of those games. "I am actually having this issue myself. Looking forward to digging more into C in a few weeks - I like to build a knowledge base from the 'ground up', if possible, otherwise I keep obsessing about 'Why does it work this way?!?' to the point where I fall behind in my Java studies because I'm reading up on how the CPU works and hardware engineering @_@","To be honest though, Java isn't as magical or abstract as, say, Python or Javascript." Plasticine Halloween Freddy!,BEHOLD THE NEW MEME "Well if that was back in the 90s, it seems they already made it visible now, no?",no they just stopped using that chemical and switched it with a different one that could be used for the same function i believe. Just cuz she's got balls of steel doesnt make her a man.,She's still more of a man than Timmy Kaine! New pug/boston puppy. Name suggestions?,Paul. Quiz: Name every type in 2 minutes,"Almost got stumped by Steel, but managed to remember it with 40 seconds to spare :)" My 100 video game system collections,"Yup, I am reeeaaally jealous of that" joke,Laugh Imported from the USA,Important for the USA Look at this beta cuck who needs a safe space lol,Awww puppy Millie Bobby Brown Returning as Eleven in Season 2,SPOILERS DUDE! I'm still waiting to hear from ja rule.,What does stephen jackson have to say on this. If you're upset about this and feel we should have a more independent foreign policy then you need to justify the costs. Malcolm Fraser who is now very anti-American understands that we would need to significantly increase our defense spending to above 3% of GDP if we wanted to turn our backs on the alliance. Now if you're on of the people that think we can be independent without spending more and just more 'diplomatic' then you're incredibly naive.,"I'm not upset about it, I just thought it was interesting, which is why I posted it." "Help for me and my friend Hello r/eu4 Me and my friend want to play multiplayer but since hes completly new(never played a grand strategy game before) he needs some help.We will play both as Ottomans for our first game as I walk him into the game(I have around 80-100 hours,not a pro but Im experienced in the game)but after that we tought to play 2 countries wich would work together to enslave others. Any tips for countries wich would work best.We both have extended timeline mod and all dlcs","Portugal and Castille Kebab and Baguette Morocco and Tunis (maybe) Kebab and Mamluks Timurids and QQ AQ and QQ Or, if you want to die, pick Byzantium and Albania" I think someone mentioned Bad rats?!.,I actually like bad rats... :-( NATO?,RusFor. "Magandang tanghali po, r/Philippines! :D Anong lunch nyo for today?","Ginaling, oyster sauce and buko juice to finish it off." "You say silly, but I've known a few games where a third party program utilises the in game chat to function","Not in a game where most of the stuff is done server-side, specifically to deal with this kind of cheating." "Yes, let's go with the batshit insane theory.","Or, as a Trumptard thinks, completely legitimate news." What would be the twistiest twist ending to 2016?,Call of Duty goes back to being a good game. Are you saying i'm using a straw man argument? Or the person I responded too is.,He. "Loves treats, belly rubs and souls. Especially souls.","Sorry, not believing the belly rub part." "Big Brother Over the Top - Wednesday Night Live Event Discussion - October 19 2016 On the live feeds tonight, beginning at 10p EDT/7p PDT, we will have a one hour recap of the past week. At 11p EDT/10p PDT, We will have a live eviction. If it's anything like last week, it will be very productionless and the HG will fill in for most of Julie's usual role. Starting at midnight/ 9pPDT, an HOH competition will be played. During the eviction, your best bet is to watch the Quad View. Who will be evicted? How will the votes fall? What awkward moment will we get from the live eviction? How about the weird 30 min of nothing after that and before HOH? Who will be crowned? Discuss all that and whatever else below.",Omfg Krissy.. don't. Smoking,They think it's cute lol...? "I think this is the salient point here. Maybe the law doesn't *specifically* say the words president of the United States, but it does say: no person holding **any Office** of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State. It seems obvious that this would apply to the president.","Right; the catch there is proving a financial transaction between a foreign state and Trump's private holdings, but that's only a matter of time I think." Is that a QASA violation?,"I don't think that HK has QASA, but I'd definitely call OSHA if they had me work for the duration of the flood in the US." "Which player is most effectively used by their team and which player is least effectively used by their team? Talking about players which have roles that effectively match their skills sets, maximising their value, or vice versa.",most IT and least Jeremy LIN Is that supposed to make me care? I purchase from whatever source saves me the most amount of $$,"No , I don't care what you do with your money was just wondering" Rooney left out of Man U squad for Europa League Thursday,Will final see a United side without Rooney. "You realise there's no need for that Spanish exclamation mark when you write in English, right?",I thought I was a random i and stated at it for like 5 seconds before ignoring it The Horse You Rode In On,"Good, fuck those kids." How easy is it to find work as a brickie? What would be the best trade to get into if I just want a guaranteed job?,Think I heard of a bricklaying robot the other day. Please don't legitimize cuck.,It's #1 on my list of words I never want to hear after November 8. "Somebody knocked on my front door wanting to buy it. (he seen it from the road) I told him to make an offer. His offer was too good. Told him yes and I had cash in my hands 2 hours later. Didn't want to, but money is money","True, but then again transportation is transportation" "Of course SRS got offended. Single black moms are the worst, lol.",SRS is mostly tranny dudes. And on Reddit it means There's either a swear word or hardcore porn inside this post,Or spoilers for some reason No proof. I'd only believe video.,You know there were videos in there too right? "No, the guns the guards have can kill hosts and humans, they have live bullets this is why they have a red tip. But that's besides the point, the guards have her stuck in the door, without a gun and they point their guns at her but do not shoot. That makes no sense unless they are hosts instructed not to shoot.",Or it's just terrible directing. What,"It makes no sense, Hinkie ain't dead" "Well, they deserved it, especially when they have to paid more money than us, assuming you're in the U.S.",Also the fact they have to deal with living in NZ "So bonds should be 25M a piece, right, as per Jagex's internal projections?",It'll fall under 15m in a week or two once the hype dies down(+there's an op promo on atm). He really does have that sore loser vibe doesn't he?,He threw a hissy fit over a skit on SNL for pete's sake. I am almost out of card.,"Don't worry, linguistics textbooks are en route." "A lot of them aren't super productive fish breeding grounds to begin with, either.","Plus they may be broke, hungry, and ill equipped enough to not recognize whose waters they're in." Uhhh is Ovie really greying that hard??,He's been greying for a while now. This was life in 2006.,Good thing we no longer have nazi wannabes all over the place. LF4 WITH HM FRESH CHALLENGE GT: IM ALLAMA 1234,GT Says no matches Yes its a firced update. All windows 10 updates are.,Thanks Microsoft! I don't compromise; blocking ads is a part of my safety net for avoiding malware and tracking. Most publishers have no idea what content they are sharing through their ads; I won't risk it.,wow do you also not click on any websites from google that you haven't heard about in real life? Life is pain,Anyone who tells you different is selling something. "Don't care. Still voting for him, he's the only one without big contributions from the super wealthy.",So don't like Gary Johnson? "French map of North America, 1694",Does anyone know where to find a higher resolution version of this? Samsung Recalling 2.8 Million Top-Loading Washing Machines Due to Risk of Explosion,Samsung bomb division so hot right now! Rosado is shot ... I don't see why that guy has so many fans ... I saw Antonio Gutierrez take him apart at Stubhub earlier this year and he still pulled a decision ...,His heart by yes I agree Is there anyway I can get my Blind Jackal Mask again ? I fucked up by not locking it and ended up deleted and now my warlock is not complete. :(,Not at this point in the game Young Prince and Princess officially coming to Kelowna with Will and Kate,About as much relevance in 2016 as saying the kardashians are coming here. "2017: We really messed up with Trump. Our party really needs to work on rebuilding our relationship with young and minority voters. 2020: Yes, I know David Duke isn't a perfect nominee, but compared to four more years of Hillary...",Shit Paul Ryan says should become a sub :) "Investing in the punter. Ahhh, it feels so good.",Now if only you could invest in a QB and we could invest in a RT What crime again was she charged with?,She wasn't because she is a corrupt politician. Theres only 35 million people in canada? Holy shit.,"And we've still taken in three times the Syrian refugees Americans have, without almost falling apart at the seams." "Yeah, Gary seems to not realize at times that not everyone and certainly not the MSM will understand his sense of humor.","Y'all better hope I never run for president, or you ain't seen nothing yet" "If by live you mean, act according to the laws and regulations set forth by elected politicians, elected by the folk, then yes. But I doubt that is what you mean. It is a longstanding legal fact that US police enforce laws and don't protect citizens. Hence why the argument you don't need guns, call the police is laughably naive.",But that doesn't coddle my emotional narrative that cops are selfish pigs who need to die and that its their fault completely and I dindunuffin and that guns are evil. "You're at school 10-15 hours a day and listen to headphones through out the whole duration of that time? So tell me, when do you do your learning?",While on Reddit duh Marriage,"Maybe for some, for others it'll be a very good thing." "A lot of moderate Republican governors though, usually the social liberal/fiscal conservative types to act as a counterweight to the liberal instincts of the legislature. It works. Baker is incredibly popular, Romney was well-liked except towards the end of the end of his tenure, and Weld probably had a better run in the statehouse than Deval Patrick.",I think Weld is the only one to sit next to the libertarians though. Paul Ryan Would Like to Share With You the Most Amazing Book,Is Paul Ryan putting out his own propaganda now because he is afraid he is going to get voted out for being a turncoat? NeoGAF in a nutshell,In other news: today the sun rose at the appointed time. Bud Black to manage the Rockies,Oh God oh God oh God ex-Padres manager blessing is so real Rockies winning 3 WS in 5 years confirmed Did he actually say this?,Unfortunately no Yes. I think if someone had asked my father if he could call me or my sister that he would have beat the shit out of them. This is beyond sick. I feel bad for Ivanka and Tiffany.....,But they're proud of their creepy father ... i played civ 5... the games are MAD long i didn't bother buying civ 6 for myself lol. need the karma heh.,Well thank you. Don't worry. Lack of fdi in retail is not enough to save kirana walas. Indian money is more than enough. All big corporates have their chains reliance Birla Tata big bazar and other megamarts. The income of lot of kirana people has started decreasing. Whereas farmers are getting way more than they deserve. Govt is giving them max protection and in near future it will have to be done away with.,"It is the *difference* in how *savarna*-supremacist party treats farmers and *kirana wallahs*, that is outrageous." kiddo enjoying my miniature market delivery,An epic battle in the skies! BROCOOLER,Bro-Cooler Good. The left are signing up dead people and illegals. So what if the right suppresses some people,Id ask if you have a source to back that up but pretty sure I know the answer already. "Paul Feig continues to talk out of his ass, claims that young women are thanking him for his take on the Ghostbusters 2016 reboot","Yeah, when Walmart can't even gove away merchandise for the film, someone fucked uo." "We didn't have enough voting power to put Kryssie up, you think we are going to sway a vote to win? Jason already has the check sitting at his mom's house.. OTT cancelled!","Might as well try, hopefully the Danielle fans quit." "Reddit, what is something you used to be obsessed with, but hate now?",The Lions "Please, Invoker can only have 2 spells",Quas and Wex? "Without providing your name, what is your name?",Chelsea Clinton's son yeah why aren't 17 intelligence agencies keeping me up to date about their current missions?,Why is this one intelligence agency keeping us all up to date with vague information that seems designed to inflame speculation and suspicion about this one particular politician? my man we swimming in debt everyday,"You say lidat, win liao lorrr" Yup this happens on Xbox too.,Have you noticed any performance gains or just a matter of the icon hanging around on screen? This went Aussie fast.,Throw a every cunt and his dog in and your bound to find the Aussies quick. "Big Brother Over the Top - Wednesday Night Live Event Discussion - October 19 2016 On the live feeds tonight, beginning at 10p EDT/7p PDT, we will have a one hour recap of the past week. At 11p EDT/10p PDT, We will have a live eviction. If it's anything like last week, it will be very productionless and the HG will fill in for most of Julie's usual role. Starting at midnight/ 9pPDT, an HOH competition will be played. During the eviction, your best bet is to watch the Quad View. Who will be evicted? How will the votes fall? What awkward moment will we get from the live eviction? How about the weird 30 min of nothing after that and before HOH? Who will be crowned? Discuss all that and whatever else below.",Do we have a time for HoH yet? I did indeed give Call Me Maybe a 1. <3,"Love you, you no taste having loser <3" Where at? Did they have anymore left?,I'll pm you "I agree. The UI was tolerable for a beta, but the upgrade makes it a complete clusterf*ck We went from two currencies to four, and the research/purchase system effectively means I have to buy upgrades twice Coming back in as a new player, matches are completely *dominated* by morningstars The only effective tactic at this point is to from a hairball of Morningstars, destroyers, and tacs The team with the most Morningstars wins As I understand it, the Maintenance mechanic effects the bottom five players of the losing team, if that's right then it's pretty much a punishment for sucking Vanity crap is now the only thing I can buy with GP, and it's even more segregated than before All things considered, I kinda just want my $10 back.","Its worse, the maintenance mechanic effects EVERYONE on the losing team except the 3 highest scoring players in the GAME (including the winning team) Cause that makes sense right?" What generation is someone born in 1997 in?,Early Gen Z "Don't let that fool you. The Raiders overall, have been horrendous for almost 13+ years since 2003 with the highest record being 8-8.","It's not particularly right to blame the current Davis for the decisions of his father, he took over in 2011" And my b- nevermind,crossbow can be fired with 1 hand.... "Hahaha not nearly as great as I thought but not quite a backfire, I'll still make some profit at least","Yeah me too but not close to what I was estimating I was hoping to get at least 7500-8000 per Right now I'm lucky to get 7000 It's profit , but if there was better options for the sets we would have been swimming in jt" Alright.,How many people in the world have a Reddit account? "#PizzaGate the Documentary(2016) Pedophilia involving Podesta Emails, Clinton, Obama, David Brock, DNC",The fact this delusional bullshit was downvoted gives me hope for this sub. Nice meme Nice meme,Nice meme Honestly all you have to do is win. No big deal.,Korean advice? I'm not talking about having a March. I'm talking about the violence that Weiner is calling for.,"Civil rights marches, poll tax **riots**, miner strikes All those events included violence, among other acts of disobedience, similar to what he was suggesting." "For what it's worth, I play significantly less now because it takes so long to update and download games. Not to mention having to manage my games and apps because 500gb doesn't go as far as it used to. So while it hasn't stopped me, it's cut my gaming more than in half because of inconveniences.","Hate to break it to you, but it's likely there are other reasons you are playing less than when you were younger" We can't loose to the GW2 scrubs!,Lets not get ahead of ourselves because to be fair EvE looks like shit most of the time. "If I recall, she had it written into her contract to cut down on them after the first two seasons.",Didn't that get debunked? What is your favorite song lyric?,"We watched the tragedy unfold We did as we were told, we bought and sold It was the greatest show on earth, but then it was over We oohed and aahed, we drove our racing cars We ate our last few jars of caviar And somewhere out there in the stars A keen-eyed look-out spied a flickering light: our last hurrah And when they found our shadows grouped round the TV sets They ran down every lead, they repeated every test They checked out all the data on their lists And then the alien anthropologists admitted they were still perplexed But on eliminating every other reason for our sad demise They logged the only explanation left: This species has amused itself to death" Actually sea levels won't rise any noticeable amount to due displacement. Look it up,I too can't physics. Genji.,Pharah. "Tethered=un-targetable(safe-ish). Un-tethered=lockable(danger), when scrambled you cannot re-tether(Dead).",Can you get bumped out of tether range? "Yeah, this has been in Australia for awhile. Tried to watch an episode - just too bad. Kids like it though. They have no taste.",You have no taste! Social interaction? What the fuck gym? We don't do that here...,I just wanna take my sexy selfies and leave... Could it be generic?,Its on a scrub top we found...I guess it's possible. Is there an easy way to get food for the Buu family!? The only way I've been getting food is the random items on the ground. Just wondering if anyone knows of a better way to get food.,Just buy food from the item store homie "It makes me far more knowledgable on human health than you and just so you're aware, nearly all of the links you referenced are either government run or based on government funded studies. I refuse to accept any study not done by a private laboratory as fact on this issue due to the federal governments massive profit on the tobacco industry and their lobbiests. As well as this, statistically 90% of all studies and 98% of government studies are attempting to prove a hypothesis of harm, not benefit or lack of harm. I know most of those words were likely too difficult for you, but it was worth a shot. You're a lost cause...",Watch out guys we got a far more knowledgable guy than me here. How much did rework change her laning phase? She used to be trash pre 6. Last time I met akali i pretty much bullied her out of lane.,She can push a bit better but her sustain was (strongly) arguably nerfed. Remember that time Kravitz did a piece saying DC should retire (sept 08) and DC wrote an entire article telling him to go fuck himself? Fun times.,Ted got the last laugh on that one. #NECESSARY EVILS REEEE,#POO JUGS ARE BETTER REEEEEEEEEE What ability feels the worst when you miss it?,"karthus ult, damn you shaco/old yi" Remember when Reddit caught the Boston Bomber?,They got him good! I'm not sure even Ellison would be enough for me to reconsider the Democrstic Party. Though he would be better than any of the others mentioned.,"I sympathize with your concerns, I will say, once he's in power, I'll give him a chance, just to see what he does with it, you know, let him be tested." "Adopted Goliath Soldier Becomes Cleric After a post talked about picking race, then background, then rolling for stats before picking class, I rolled up a Goliath Soldier who became a Trickery Domain Cleric. Now I'm thinking about how that race and background can become any Cleric Domain with little difficulty. The double proficiency in Athletics let's you pick a skill that's more in line with your Domain and if the Goliath is adopted as a baby you avoid Batman syndrome because they have great adopted parents. Adopted by Halflings - Life or Trickery Adopted by Dwarves - War or Forge Adopted by Gnomes - Knowledge or Light Adopted by Elves - Tempest or Nature What would your adopted domains look like?",I have a Warforged who originated in a Gnome society who's a Forge Cleric. "The importance of RAM When I initially built this PC with a i5-6600k and R9 390, it had 8gb DDR4 Ram. Games I played like TW3, Mankind Divided etc. would run, but would have problems at high-ultra settings. FPS would drop from 60 to 30 then back to 60 again. In Mankind Divided, the FPS would drop down to 4-5. I had a look around and asked some questions, but most people just said that these games might be poorly optimised, or that my hardware just isn't good enough to run Ultra. I had a look at RAM usage which was at 6/8gb only. I decided to risk it, upgraded my ram to 16gb. The usage instantly jumped up to 13/16gb. I ran the games and now they all sit smoothly at 60FPS on high-ultra. TLDR: At the level of a 390 or higher, you need 16gb for many games to not bottleneck. The days of the 8gb has long passed for medium-high end users.",Am I good with 32Gb? What's the TL;DR for 2016?,"Pretty good fucking year, everything turned out better than expected" "Freida also takes note of it, everytime she kills you she basicly tells you to go back to londor.",Yup can confirm They were engaging in the same Hillary apologism. Why does it matter whether I address their poor arguments collectively vs. individually?,"Okay fair enough, forget I said anything." That was a ride.,And a transcript of one. "Term limits are a pretty bad idea when you think about it. The first thing dictators do when they seize power is abolish term limits anyway, and bad/unpopular presidents are already checked and balanced by the voting public. So the only presidents affected by term limits are the ones who are actually good presidents. Literally the only thing term limits can do is force us to settle for a candidate other than who the majority of us actually want. That's great if you're George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr., Donald Trump, or Hillary Clinton, but it's an insult to us as voters.","You say that, but at the same time you did give GWB two terms." Woman born before suffrage casts vote for Clinton,I don't see the big deal; lots of people who were born before this election cycle are voting. I wouldn't mind high inflation if the savings interest rates went with it.,That's reasonable - if you've savings and don't have a variable rate mortgage. "Mr. Garrison being brainwashed When Mr. Garrison was brainwashed last episode by Caitlin Jenner, do you guys think he was brainwashed before or after he became the presidential elect?",Can't you see member berries pieces on his mouth in the photo on CNN? Don't go to MicroCenter after work... Don't go to MicroCenter after work... Don't go to--- Oh damn it.,Kinda pissed off r/Ayymd "Memes? Ignus, Cossack, and Mega walk into a Poland. Which one revolts first? Trick question they all assassinate each other and Reformer absorbs Poland",I like this one. mad cuz bad B),lol "That statement is not accurate and is full of confusion.. God the creator doesn't want child sacrifice , and if you were to bring up the one time inncedent with Abraham and Isaac then im going to tell you , you have been misinformed and didn't actually read the story at all. Second it even says that God hates that idea so much that he was disgusted that mans heart even thought of it as he said himself as it states here: # Jeremiah 9:15 They have built also the high places of Baal(devil), to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal, which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind: And God makes it clear wives fables you should stay away from. Stated here #1 Timothy 4:7 But refuse profane and old wives' fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness. For you not to realize that this world is more than we see ,hear ,touch ,taste and smell and that countless reports of supernatural things happen all the time and Jesus Christ is at the forefront. Santa Clause and the Tooth fairy and Easter bunny are 100% made up stories yet people teach the children as the truth, and then God comes later and that when they get older God is put into the same categories?? Absolutely the dumbest and most idiotic conclusion ones mind can come to terms on.",So when people now a days say they speak or hear god do you believe them? "19/F/UK looking for steam friends! add me on steam: libbyidk i play civ 6, rocket league, CSGO, skyrim <3",add me cracklebuster Looking to find some new people on Steam No.,Maybe. Will and Grace.,You must be super thrilled that it's coming back! "I really don't think the new client is better from a usability stand point but anytime I bring it up I just get the standard it's just a beta dude The UI design overall really doesn't make sense in a lot of ways and I feel certain things are different purely for the sake of being different. Anyone else agree? Even just getting into a ranked game require so many more button presses, and I've dodged multiple games, even lost my promos, because I couldn't really tell I was picking. Why does the client get all dark when I'm picking and hover a champion?",it's just a beta dude it's 2:46 am i can't sleep add me let's do this,Added you! 78% CHANCE TRUMP IS POTUS!!!!!!!,80 Rohit Sharma batting at 3 instead of Pujara in second innings of Duleep Trophy final Hate for Rohit Sharma going to go through the roof now haha!,Indian Guptill Happy early cake day :p,Thanks :p Can Anyone Relate?,She sounds horrible. "Statistically, sergeants are the largest group in the Army as a whole. E-5 alone is the most populous rank pay grade.",never been true Not trying to be a dick but to clarify it's Br'er Rabbit. Br'er is short for brother. That's why pretty much all their names began with br'er.,Bruh Rabbit. That would be great.,Inspiration is an ethereal wench. Don't tell me arm loss in Star Wars isn't a thing,Yeah but cutting it off with a lightsaber (which also seals the wound so there's no blood) is different than ripping an arm off. "I left candy out once. And I expected someone to do this, I had accepted it. But someone stole my goddamn bowl. And now I'll never leave candy out, either.",Everyone is giving this lady shit and she was thoughtful enough to bring her own bag instead of running off with the whole bowl. What's that?,And now I feel older "Did you guys hear 1911 owners are 45% less likely to commit suicide? Not because of less attempts, but because jams. GLOCK PERFECTION!","I was wondering why the glock suicide rate was so low, then I remembered that getting killed from your glocknade blowing up would be accidental death not suicide." "Negative consequences are nonexistent, everything we're told not to do is a social virus",Don't put your dick in a blender "And Tampa in what is now the NFC north, that was so dumb.","Well it was called NFC Central, not really as dumb as it being called North, but yeah." Haha they just messaged me again telling me I am 'witnessing natural selection at work.' Wonder why they felt the need to make an exhibit of themselves,It's because hes a worthless sack of shit with nothing going for him in life most likely. What I don't get from this is the company's incentive to hire foreign workers if by law they are required to pay them the same amount (or higher) than they would pay an national person in the same position. Or are they just low balling salaries for internationals and the government is looking the other way?,"If you keep a constant stream of H1bs coming in at $X per year, that salary will likely never go up as anyone who asks for more will be replaced by foreign help." He said if Clinton is shot Trump will have blood on his hands. Why does he think Clinton will be shot? Is he planning on doing it himself? Is he saying people should do it?,If "And I just commented a few threads ago how shrinks shouldn't be trusted, those skeevy motherfuckers. Shit, I didn't even know the government kept psychiatric records, let alone publicly available ones. Whatever happened to privilege?",Illuminati "sakin madali lang, mababa self esteem ko e. hahah","Buti ka pa, ako rin mababa self esteem." yep. kahit ako lang mag-isa sa office e todo get up ang ate mo para naman good vibes all the way :D,Oh yiiis :) Stop telling people how I make my gravy.,Wanna see how I make my gravy? "The new prussian government type encourages players to not expand as fast and play tall in stead, since every province reduces militarization which gives some really nice bonuses.",Are there downsides to blobbing or just upsides to not blobbing? Doesn't matter; won a national championship.,We'll always be your 1 L ;) World Wide Web is shorter and easier to pronounce than double-u double-u double-u,Dub u dub u dub u dot "No not really, more making fun of Stevie's commitment to making us into the 51st state.",Harper gave more interviews to US media than Canadian news. "If everyone farms one spot then the other farmable places are almost empty. I can get from 0 to 2000 in about 30 min. Just by running around where the least amount of players are. The Vinyards are not the only place for ancient mana. And the respawn rates for flowers, powders and vine are really fast. So if you find a good spot then you can run in circles for 30 min and have max ancient mana.","The vineyards got nerfed, used to be the the nodes would respawn fast, but now it takes 10+ min for a respawn" You made this thread to post that joke didn't you?,You know it! "Well, too bad they probably don't have souls to begin with.",Can always sacrifice a few virgins or newborns or something. "So why did my team, on 6 wins, vs a team on 8 wins?","Either because it also puts some priority on the wait time so that if it can't find a team with the same wins it branches out, or one of your team had more wins on their card than you did." Seems to be what the left is doing.,It's not though "Oof, the classic Limewire excuse I just typed in porn and downloaded whatever was there!",Which was mostly viruses. Blade Vortex is a bullet. It fits in a lot of guns. Some of them are muskets. Some of them are nice rifles. Some of them are chain guns being carried around by Terminators. The problem does not lie in the ammunition.,I take my hat off to you sir for this splendid metaphor. "Oh, so you think it's a choice? Don't be so heterophobic.","No, don't be stupid, I'm saying if you were suddenly bisexual who would you pick" When you're a whiny American that wants to get high.,Isn't that what pot is for? "Het is ook geen raketwetenschap, ik snap niet dat mensen er zo angstig voor zijn. Het is gewoon je lichaam laten zien wat fout is, zodat 'ie sneller kan ingrijpen. Je laat 'm wat in elkaar gemepte Limburgers zien zodat de volgende keer als er een busje aankomt met vlaai-etend tuig je lichaams-stazi meteen de ME erbij kan halen. Etnisch profileren, maar dan tegen ziektes.",Goeda analogie hahahaha "With the upcoming musician Warframe, we need to have music file sharing. There's no question that some people are more creative than others. With the overwhelming complexity achievable with what was shown of the musician warframe's music, we're looking at something people are going to want to share with others, and I don't know if there'll be any way to do that other than youtube videos and soundbytes, which aren't enough for this in my opinion. Some dude makes some tunes that are absolutely mind-blowing that he'd love to share with the community, and what better way to share them than letting other players download and listen to them themselves? Just food for thought.",WAKE ME UP INSIDE FNAF 1 Office 3D Model (Finished),no fan though "Hairweave killer, a culinary master.","I never did that shit, what" "After finishing Duolingo, went to Sweden, and managed to order hot dogs.",Only hot dogs? Define high matchmaking skill groups.,1.8 rws this month on esea level of skill it has absolutely zero effect on the outcome but god damn does that livery change bug me,Yep it's super annoying! "tbh what needs to happen is for the Tonkor to do more self damage, and for all other weapons to do less, so that every explosive weapon deals X% of your *remaining* HP as self-damage, so you can never truly kill yourself with them, but cripple yourself if you're not careful.",I've lost count of the number of times I've caught an inadvertent Kulstar or Angstrom blast and died due to someone suddenly jumping in front of me. Yeah. Never had that problem.,If you are on win10 then you actually do "Contro/Reno, Tempo and Freeze.",Freeze is dead and reno is not the best.controll mage might work I guess but tempo is strong af. It's that odd releasable nation in East Sweden.,Oh you mean Karelia Teacher Trolled us with Harambe instead of a Pop Quiz,*psych "Your last text message is now what you have to say during sex, what is it?",Not if we mix poop in it. Because you're disillusioned. Agora was not slow whatsoever. It's a moba not mortal combat. Currently there is almost no punishment for missing moves because you'll have another in 5 seconds.,"It was slow, walking was slow, travel mode game you the illusion that it was fast And I thought I was the one who talked out of my ass, you make me sound normal." Explain.,He Said Black Legs,Ass "Oh, I will. ^^Because ^^let's ^^be ^^honest ^^how ^^else ^^will ^^I ^^keep ^^people ^^from ^^unsubscribing","I like Casual Meta, so as long as you keep that up, i'll never unsub!" G410 uses the round keycaps. G310 uses angular keycaps.,"also the G410 isnt available in my country , i would definately give it a try ." Yep. The experience is open to anyone - anyone willing to assume the risk.,Not if someone has no way to get that money. "Being alone. People will absolutely do anything to be alone. They'll keep toxic friends and have shitty relationships, even ruining good friendships just so they're not alone. It's not a big deal when you're alone, time passes and before you know it you're meeting 10 new ppl and feeling joyful.","I've been sitting at home alone for a year now, been going places alone for YEARS and never met anyone (thus finally giving up and just staying home), so it doesn't really work for everyone." "married 15yr to questioning monogamy First let me start out by saying I love my wife very much and do not want to do anything to hurt her. My wife grew up in a family where her parents espoused the benefits of monogamy all the time. My family did not. I am now finding out that my special aunts and special uncles where really my parents other lovers. One of my dad's lover told my brother she and my dad where long term lovers when my bother was visiting her in Europe after he turned 21. when my dad was ill one of my mothers lover's lover helped get my dad transferred to hospital more suited for the care he needed. Although my mother denied they where in an open relationship after my dad passed. I love my wife and I would never cheat on her. I also do not want to give up my marriage. That send while I never knew for sure my parents where non-monogamous, I miss the energy that having these special friends around the house gave off. My wife in incredibly jealous. If I send a text or get a phone call she want to know all the details instantly. Whenever we go out she makes sure she stands between me and any female. She though loves the fact that I do not have a jealous bone in my body and let her do whatever she wants no questions asked. That says she also constantly is putting down people who are married but in open relationships or people who sleep around. My father-in-law and his boss share an out of town company apartment. My father-in-law found female undergarments in the apartment that where obviously not the boss's wife. This sparked a huge argument between me and my wife when I made an off handed comment that you never know what kind of arrangement the boss and his wife have. That was 5 years ago. Ever since she lets me know on a daily basis that I am her property and if I ever even thought about sleeping with someone else she would divorce me on the spot and if I ever actually cheated on her she would make sure that regretted it for the rest of my life. She also expects me to text her every half hour to tell her how much I love her and how much I am thinking of her and only her. I have also tried to bring up non monogamy however that never goes well because she feels that if I even bring up the subject she is a failure at the marriage and/or I should have never married her. I do not necessarily want to be non-monogamous. I however do not know what I want. All I want is to be able to talk about it, because I feel that not even talking about it is shutting off part of who I am. My question is how do I even broach the subject without getting a defensive reaction so we can walk through the issues together, even if the answer is we stay monogamous.","I would run,what do you get out of it?" :re Volume 8 Cover,"Now to wait a couple more years for this, :[" "WHERE IS MY HYDEWARS, SAM? Dance monkey. dance...",as somebody who didnt support KSTV and decided to pirate them and ignore your repeated suggestions to donate for doing so i feel like you really owe me some more hydewars sam good buddy so why dont you get on that ;) pRONTO You're an iceberg.,Something Mitch Hedberg something frozen banana something iceberg. It's a huge oversight by blizzard that no one ever mentions to the highlord that DKs ganked us while we were saving the priests,Wait what? POI was great. Only issue I have with that show is that it ended too soon,"But hey, now we have Westworld!" Being fat with big boobs is pretty redundant.,Having big boobs because you're fat is like having a fast car because it's falling off a cliff Starter pack when I got into runescape,you let me know if you need someone to trim you're armor! "It is a running gag that if you rearrage the letters in Xemnas you get Mansex, so iMansex would be Illustrated Xemnas.","oh, i need to step up my memegame" Why do they have 39 twitch streams? Are they all official?,"just as with their client, they need to translate in bazillion languages" 180m LUL That faceboard smash,How much is 180 mil? "In (2006), four Thousand year ago!! Using only primitive technology, a man with no formal scientific training has discovered a way by which stone henge could relatively easily have been erected, and is single-handedly recreating it in his back yard. Singlehandedly solves millennia-old mystery.",Thank god someone discovered Physics finally Is this from before they moved it back from the 2 yard line?,yes "What are your favorite species' mods? I've gotten back into this game after the recent update and have been loving it. I went onto the workshop and found nice species portraits out there, but I'm curious about others. Which ones do you love and would recommend? There's some series artistic talent out there and I'd love being able to download more of their handiwork.",Mass Effect :p New O'Keefe is up!,"Well hyped Keefe, well hyped!" You forgot to mention the permanently droning bagpipes in the background,^^^^^i ^^^^^don't ^^^^^think ^^^^^bagpipes ^^^^^sound ^^^^^that ^^^^^bad ^^^^^^but ^^^^^^accordions ^^^^^^can ^^^^^^fuck ^^^^^^off *Kiss,"She's amazing, a name would be great." Shame all the important fighting is happening in desert regions.,I think this is a NATO/anti-Russia measure. Redzone viewers will miss more than 38 hours of commercials in 2016,"I wouldn't say I've been missing it, Bob." "You didnt say stats in lane, you said overall. The 2v2 decieds the stats at 10 minutes. kinda hard to look good when you are playing vs the the top 2/3 team in the world and a team with uzi and mata, I would say splyce were beter then G2 during worlds aswell","Well i did specify mechanics, which is the most distinguishable in lane but then again rox would arguably still be better than ssg and rng also underperformed in groups but since you brought up uzi and mata i think its fair to bring up zven and mithy although they might still be weaker overall." "Burn it, duh.",How do you deal with the smell? "Fatigue after casting? I've noticed the more successfula casting has gone, the more sick and/or exhausted I am for days afterwards. I don't cast often, usually only several times a year. Does anyone else expiernce this?",Maybe you need some sort of casting couch to relax on afterwards? Owls are the vehicle of The Goddess Lakshmi.,Probably knocks down a lot of pedestrians who don't hear her coming. Cam could have taken the snap and fallen immediately forward for the first down.,We had so many options. Legalisation will do nothing about preventing the loss of ones job.,"the rationale is that once it is legalized, people will find out cannabis isn't bad and stop testing for it." hes gonna be a cop right? wat r the odds he'll be assigned to a museum,a chair museum? The front lines,Things have really gone south at the Dakota Access camp. "Is it? Or does it sometimes portray exactly what the frame of mind was? His intent was pretty clear when driving into a crowd and stabbing one, wounding several more. Frame of mind? Who cares. He was bent on harming others, in the open. Guilty as far as I am concerned. There is no defense. Anything else is merely a waste of time snd money. Trial after trial, year after year.",But we'll never understand his motivations and be able to work towards preventing this from happening again if that's the attitude we take. Of course it's not...even though it's a direct quote. I don't care. I've done the legwork.,It would be worth considering That's not outright support. "Well, they already took half of Finland's land a while back, what did they gain then ?",That was under an aggressive paranoid totalitarian regime.... wait.... "Real Mr Housewife, aka Matthew Richards, kisses these celebrity asses. Not even Jenelle gives him the time of day anymore.",you know you suck when not even JE wants to be associated with your name. I had one Trump supporter tell me that Trump is going to hire people based on experience rather than based on people's ethnicities or genders. I hope that guy feels stupid right now.,"Nah, they have no comprehension of the hypocrisy or that they have been played as utter fools" 'UK one of most unequal countries' - Oxfam,"Keep voting Tory, they'll fix this" Q4A: What advantage or benefit does a woman 25+ have over a girl that is 18?,"Less likely to change her mind about who she may like or not, more money which you may claim have no effect but money give you a better chance to know more people, a job, a degree, more things to talk about and less stupid friends." Every time there's a nerf about Vayne/Lucian a mass of guys go on nerd rage,"ofc, since those champs have a lot of fan, like yasuo riven lee sin" The pro scene makes no sense right now.,"no, it's just that VP always plays to its opponent" what if the spriits left behind remnants when they die wouldnt that be neat ember can jump back early game/bb storm gets vision and uh some damage lozl earth procs magnetize after suicidng i think it would be really neat because remnant they remain after they die heh hehe,he he he fuck youj "Every motherboard manufacturers should include this adapter , its so freaking convenient",Also make it black too. "White House Intervened To Suppress Hillary email Scandal, Leaked Emails Reveal",So who is going to be the one to hold our government accountable? Yes! Kinda like hungry. What a weird word. Hungry. It gets weirder the more you say it. Hungry. Hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry.,Fellhounds. Bonjour,Bonsoir Millennials most likely to consider third party vote,We will be no better than the Baby Boomers if we do this and Trump wins. Am I lazy?,I threw away two of my shaker bottles yesterday instead of cleaning them. "He's not old, but he's definitely not young.",Oh he's not young for the NFL either but 29 is still arguably in his prime. Nope.,I'd wish you would step off that ledge my friend "Could someone explain why counting (something 99% of every idiot can do) costs so much ? Granted, I do not know the ins and outs of the process but I see people (Republicans) saying Oh it will cost like 14 million to recount just our state... how the hell is that even possible ? Just more bs to get people to be against it ? I am lost. I am neither Dem nor Rep nor even Independent but always try and learn as much as possible to understand better so, if you have the information and, possibly, links to the information, it would be appreciated","It's all logistics: staffing and volunteers, time spent, etc." Cartman didn't fry a rat to eat. He made Scott Tennerman's parents into chili for Scott to eat.,See even Cartman has standards. Oh the Walter video,"Yes, that rings a bell, I'm not sure how that turned out" I will help you. Just send $100 to Mr. Happy 123 Fake St. Illinois,But R* took all of my money :( "What is a question that you legitimately wonder about, but don't want to know the answer to?",Will Islam take over the world? "It looks trashy to me, too. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I rather liked it when I was a kid and boys didn't dress and act like thugs and girls didn't dress up in trashy clothes and act slutty. The worst we had was a few guys with long hair and metal T shirts.",You sound very white actually "We can live without congress, in fact the argument could be made that we're better off",absolutely agree with you. you wouldn't understand!,It's not you it's me.... Maybe Mike is already packing for the offseason? "My dad taught me to drive like this. It's kept me out of several accidents, and probably saved my wife's life.",I once read on here that it's best to assume everyone on the road is going to do the most ridiculously stupid thing at any given moment. Seconded.,Thirded My cousin asked me to find out why her computer kept shutting off. (Sorry for not screenshot),"Seems normal for an AMD, I don't get it." New Type 2 Variant. Dual Wield Shotguns. Overpowered?,Possibly underpowered. "But in this case it's the people who are illegaly and purposefully walking around with his camera, i'm not sure they have a right to assume the legal owner will not continue useing his device just because they stole it.","But it was intended to be stolen... Now it gets juridically complicated, since spy cams are often distributed in the same way, isn't it?" ...they definitely teach geography and geometry in Texas.,Joke ----------------- Your head Reddit is now a bathroom stall. You have a sharpie. What do you write on the wall?,Missy the cat doesn't cover her poop. "Okay even before Catelynn's issues came to be she and Tyler had the tackiest, ugliest fashion sense. There's a few pictures out there you can google and you'll see what I'm talking about. They tried way too hard and ended up looking awful.",If nothing else that short mom I need to speak to the manager hair cut Cait had forever. Can we get an update to the recruit loadouts so that they include guns and universal gadgets introduced post-launch?,Agreed Don't force pugs to carry dead weight.,"if anything, we were carrying him" What is the worst pizza topping and why is it pineapples?,"I love PBJ pizza-Pineapple, Bacon, and Jalapeno" "Yes, that sub includes and respects atheists AND other viewpoints.",I dunno... ;) J'accuse!,Now you're just making up words. "I don't think this is so much about censorship as a request that people recognize that they are in mixed company and behave accordingly. Is it censorship that I speak differently at girl's night then on game night when those same girls are over with their partners? Conversation helps form community. Locker room talk helps draw men together but can feel exclusionary to women. Yes, Exmormon men dominate this board, but this place purports to be a space for all exmos. Time and again I have seen men talk about wanting women's voices but little is done about conversation that subtly signal that this isn't a place for women. It stands to reason, then, that when some people see something that may keep this place from being open to all it says it wants, they speak up. Just because that's just the way it is doesn't mean it has to stay that way. And I don't think it is incumbent on just the women to be accommodating of conversation that makes them uncomfortable to take part in the benefits of this community.","Thanks, you were able to articulate this very well and reflects many of the things I've been thinking." Q: What made u horney A: Saying that you have a penis,When he never did! Weren't they originally touting a 7 man MITB and then decided to remove Kalisto from the match?,That was indeed the original plan. Thomas Rawls to 'play considerably' if active,I'm getting a serious case of blue Rawls with all these conflicting reports... It's more than not perfect. It's awful.,qq "Would you pay for Watch Faces? I know I would if they were good enough. I have no doubt Apple will eventually allow this at some point, but I sometimes feel the current faces still aren't laid out as efficient as they could be and I would love to see what other developers could come up with. Thoughts?",No Trump and Top Nevada Republican Complain About Lawful Votes Cast by Latinos Who Waited Hours at Polls,GOP will do anything to stay in power long enough to pull off a coup that guarantees they never lose power. upvoted for 'gropenfuhrer' lmao,"Ya, president just doesn't work for me." Netanyahu To Be Investigated For Bribery And Fraud,No wonder he loves Trump and hates Obama. "Seriously, I think people just want to hate Trump because its trendy now.",Yeah disdain for outspoken racist demagogues is just a fad. "To me, Bernie is starting to look like a stubborn old man who can't admit when he is wrong.",What was he wrong about? clutch widow play to win the point,reported for non-meta hero What is a Habit You Have That Even You Admit is Weird?,Writing Like This You Fucking Cheeky Fucker Sorry man but that's a circlejerk. He was by far the best player on Liquid in this version of it.,you probably dropped this then So there was a video last week of Hillary yelling at some poor reporter who asked her a question about Bill. She said that her campaign was about her and not Bill. But what now? Bill is going to be her fill-in? Take her place whenever she is sick? I thought Hillary was trying to prove that women are strong and don't need men to help them?,Remember when she said she was going to put Bill in charge of the economy Is that armor from the witcher?,WE WUZ WITCHERS N SHIEET Dude wtf?? Your name,Ur way more advanced I bought Victoria's shirt...,Who? Where would you rank Aubry as a winner if she ended up beating Michele in Kaoh Rong?,it depends on what changed that allowed her to gain 2+ more jury votes "How many hidden, deleted, & bleach bit'ed e-mails does it take for a Hillary supporter to understand Hillary is a corrupt cheater, & liar answer me that? Because we are approaching 100,000 e-mail's all showing corruption/cheating/lying!","Yes, George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum, noted Hillary Supporter..." Putin says Russia now 'ready and willing' to restore full relations with the USA (Youtube),"Now tag team, sort the mess America caused in the middle east, leave and lock the gate on the way out." "Ah, what I wouldn't give to play Skyrim for the first time again.","I never liked archery in Skyrim, judging distance, and therfore the firing arc, was damn near impossible for me." Don't you have to kill it as a team? O.o,"kill it as a team just means anyone on your team gets the killing blow that way, you don't get mad when you don't get the last hit and get fucked." NOT HATE,Pepe did nothing wrong. "Found in the basement, might have something to do with drafting",Prism and mounting from inside a pair of binoculars. #THE FOUNDING FATHERS ARE FUCKING WHITE MALES!!!1!,How wouldst thou know whom they are fucking? "Yeah, I'm trying for the life of me to remember who she looks like but I watch too much netflix and don't know anyone's name so it's a lost cause. She's a young version of someone though.",Shawn Hunter from Boy Meets World. didn't even realize I could do that. thanks. any way to get the hash marks to stop being posted? or is the safechat thing just a running joke,"The hashtags can't be stopped, even if your account is 13+, unfortunately." I liked that show.,The theme played in my head when I saw the thumbnail. FH3 gets angry if you use a word with homo in it.,"Can't hurt anyones feeeelings now, can we?" Hoffman can eat my fucking ass.,Ooh Can I have some? Maybe something is wrong with your PC? Maybe try some troubleshooting stuff or contact Bethesda? Instead you're being a lazy entitled cunt.,"Op sounds like the kind of person who's phone battery dies and they go to best buy to demand a refund and when they say to charge it, they start screaming that they're too busy and important to charge it and the company should charge it for them." "He's referencing the title where he says just turned 10, it's a joke.",I don't thank i would have figured it out if you hadn't shown up "DeGiro (my broker) started operating recently and so they have a quite bare-bones platform and don't offer a full range of products yet. They do not offer options on US equities, as well as don't allow you to short it. Commissions are dirty cheap though :D",Ah okay I thought they were specifically forbidding puts but allowing calls. well do you play esports games?,"No, but everyone on this subreddit seems to love 144hz monitors so it seemed worth it to look into it a bit to see if it would be a good upgrade lol" "It would make more sense if Daredevil (a guy that is blind but can see the world through his heightened senses) was Batman, and Batman (a rich guy that uses grappling hooks, gliders and other tools to get around the city) was Daredevil.","What the fuck, you can just steal one of the highest post lol" or was it Seabrook calming Toews during the second round 2013,"Oh yea, you would be right" please help me,Nah. "Trick question, I'm the mind reader.",Says Dwight Schrute Oh god why,Because nature hates you. "He was all set to marry her in DMC. Maybe he had more than stirrings. Possibly... feelings? Then again, he was literally betrothed to Angelica and passed that off as stirrings.",I don't think he had actual marriage in mind. The Battle for America - Deplorables ft. Basement Dwellers,Make America Feel the Burn Again -- TRUMP STYLE! Pretty girl gets denied,"Better call the ambulance, that is a serious burn right there." Fire Hazard,Fuser thermostat is fucked up "I think if youre trying to burn the building down, its a better idea to put the gas on the building instead of yourself. Just my 2 cents.",That is way too logical to actually work. "I might have Alzheimers,but i might have Alzheimers.",I might have osteoperosis but at least i don't have crippling depression. "Thanks a lot! I need FPs for Fafnir skin currently at 12,5K We will be able to vore for Super Regionals right?",Eww "Only reasonable, critically thinking people.",Username checks out. "Donald Trump avoided paying millions in taxes with legally questionable method, report says",BREAKING NEWS GUYS!... "As a minority, stories like this make me even more determined to vote on election day. It literally has the opposite effect. I'm sure most minorities feel this way too.","Woah, no need to generalize about minorities." Do the nets not read scouting reports or.... (talking about porzingis),Everyone leaves him open. This is why in every force scenario i buy an smg and not a shotgun,nah buy a five-seven 10x better than any riffle let alone a smg Channel 4 just played this ad in a break during the Paralympics,Even the disabled are getting more action then me. "I realize this a quote from The Office, but the North's (particularly North east) racial tolerance and open mindedness is fucking INCREDIBLE when you realize Duh Souf is so close in proximity.","Yeah, I bet everyone is so tolerant in the small, well-off, homogeneous town you probably live in" It is all thanks to beer,Song artist name checks out. "Maybe I'm a terrible person but I find the fact that Echo Kellum told someone to eat a dick, fucking hilarious.","It is very funny, but it also shows how little character he has." ;_; theres still two months.,Which we should be fighting like hell for! Measurements done wrong,"I hate sweet things, so I'll just add 2 whole cups." "who is going to make it illegal? It puts more money into business owner's pockets... which makes them happy. Those happy business owners are what matter to the politicians, not some IT guy who has never given a dime to a campaign in his lifetime.",Boy I am glad we still have citizens united to help us citizens out when it comes to issues like this. "I can't see Blizzard starting work on the chronicle before making major lore decisions to make sure it all makes sense without any major contradictions. I assume the skeleton was at least complete before Metzen left, probably a sizeable number of details as well.",Probably "Gap year at 16 years old Hey CC, Due to some depression related stuff I've been forced to leave school until September 2017. It's basically a gap year for a highschool student. I've got some internships lined up and I've started a small clothing brand that I hope grows exponentially with the love that I give it in the time that I have. I'm really excited about the opportunities that I'll have and I'm thankful that I've got support from my parents to do this. What have your experiences with gap years been like? What do you recommend I do with my time. <3 Seb",I would love to see that clothing brand when it comes around! "Drunk on Poweraide. oh my god, Coulson.",Needs to be a new upvote quote "Here's the dream scenario for me: Klubot 6 innings, Miller next 2, Allen last 1. We win by whatever amount, I don't care if it's just 1, as long as we WIN IT ALL!",No Wild Ride Shaw appearance? "It could still work in atmosphere as jet engine on steroids, without need to carry propellant.",He specifically asked about space propulsion. "For $110, I would get Food Chain Magnate. My wife bought it for me, and I think the gameplay is worth it.",Great game very harsh play though but would be a great addition to your collection Did you learn that play from MGoBlog?,People learned that in MGoBlog? "malf actually is how supports need to be in this game. no healbot but someone that can have a massive role in the outcome of the game. blink into silence into ice-block, if you dish out that move and your team wins - thats the playmaker support everybody was crying for.",You forgot Auriel exists. Felt pretty insane.,"Last time I took a shit in the toy aisle in Walmart, I had to outrun the cops... Such a rush." Major League Soccer on Twitter: Sacramento City Council approves proposed stadium,Alternative headline: MLS promotes pyro despite banning fans from stadiums for using it again. "This is the first time I've ever had my post on The_Donald get caught in a spam filter and not show up. This was what it was. (That being said, let's not let them divide and conquer. Just pointing it out)",Cause you said sp3z You get $1 for each person you touch. How do you become rich?,Go downtown and start slapping tourists on the ass. November 9th 2016,"The fucking Emperor Penguins of Antarctica showed up, son!" "Police have identified the suspect in fatal shootings of 2 officers as Scott Michael Greene. (He's white and looks like the average Trump supporter, so expect The_KKK to pretend this never happened after crying crocodile tears)",Just another false flag to take away muh guns! "Finally, Someone Found A Beneficiary Of Trump Charity, And It's An Antivaccine Organization",D'oh! "He used the same tactics as mayor as he is as president. They called him The Punisher and Duterte Harry. He just killed criminals. That's the platform he ran on, and it's what he's doing. That's why people voted for him. Apparently nobody realized that being president entails a bit more than just shooting people.",Or maybe he just hasn't shot enough people yet. Looks good to me from what I've read about it. I haven't watched the game-play feed since I've been at work.,"same, will have to check it out when i get home" What about Bob?,Gill... "repeating quests over and over is part of the shitty gamemode to get you out of safezones, youre gonna have to just deal with it",Nah "What do you call a person that is racist towards white-people, corperations, for-profit organizations?",Salty ... I third this request.,I fourth this request Was thinking Thon Maker.,"No, he was the coach dad." Kevin Sumlin's situation is a lot like Les Miles' from last year,"You've identified some similarities, but this is like saying a rhinocerous and a cockatoo are similar because they both have noses." In Soviet Russia internet swears *on you*,epicluke it all. "Anyone think they should add bots? With all the rage quitters in ranked, it's actually a issue but not one that I think can really be solved by the devs as it is entirely on the player who chooses to leave. If they added bots like in CS:GO that we can control, maybe that would solve the problem?",Maybe in casual but not in ranked. "Skateboarding, that rock-n-roll music, and marijuana cigarettes....*reefers*","She was living in a single room with three other individuals One of them was a male, and the other two Well, the other two were females..." Do you guys think they will be able to perform to their capabilities while high on marijuana? I see kids tripping over dandelions let alone playing in a stadium with thousands of people watching.,They wouldn't be smoking right before the game man. If you put in 10k the lols get bigger by a factor of one 0 lool,better take out a loan for 100k so we can get more loool "Request: Pus of man sfx I've come to the point where I'm unable to try on my own anymore. If anyone has access to the sound files of the game and could upload them to mega, I would be SO grateful.",I got you: *ahem* BLEAHARGHAPLSHHHHHHHHPLOSH "Yep, I followed the instructions exactly. The ride I took was in Colombia, but there was nothing in the fine print that said it had to be in the US.",Pretty sure I read somewhere that it was for US only. Phone: Samsung galaxy s4 Android: 5.0.1 Sync: 12.0.1,Update your app and see if it still behaves like that He's a piece of shit pedophile defender.,"Jesus Christ, he said he opposes mandatory minimums as a general rule so now he's a pedophile defender?" "People like you lead to hundreds of thousands of innocent dead people, and so many of them are children. No guilt, no remorse, so No shit you just laugh about it.",TIL snarky comments lead to dead children. Hornet munching on a fly behind my restaurant,What's your restaurant? Every Election Day I post this strip. GO VOTE.,But what if I don't want to vote. Interesting. They fixed the problem that their rep claimed wasn't a problem. Funny how that works.,I guess when your customer base starts complaining and threatening to not purchase your equipment it *becomes* a problem right quick! Saturday evening thread brought to you by caffeine,I keep forgetting that Monday is a holiday "Also Posthistory habe ich jetzt nicht gestalkt, habs an der Tabelle auf dem Bildschirm erkannt: Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag . . .",Das ist mir zu verpixelt :P Aber auch gut That show was fake right? Like in the sense that they weren't actually bullies but actually just amateur MMA fighters competing in modified rules exhibition matches,.. never head about this? Would you ask someone wearing a Hillary hat if they're wearing it ironically?,Obviously not because Hillary supporters are a prime example of open mined tolerant people thank,Mr What does this little golden plate with a star even do? Can someone explain?,It means you've posted something which appeals to people who are dumb enough to pay for reddit gold Where do you see yourself after 10 shots of vodka?,In Soviet Russia "You could switch to 99 at Bakersfield, and then come back towards the coast near Los Banos through Pacheco Pass, adds about 30 minutes to the trip, you don't have to go through Harris Farms or any of the other mega cow farms, and it's about 6% less awful than sitting on the 5 the whole way.",But that requires intentionally entering Bakersfield. TIL Christopher Lee not only was a huge Tolkien fan as far back as when the books were written but he actively shaped his career so that he could play a wizard when the films are eventually made.,"If you didn't know, Sir Christopher Lee was an actual swordsman and he used his real fighting style when they choreographed his saber fights." It was a Ryan/Romney coup attempt.,They're just going to lose twice and even harder but that was their choice. He never said anything about an impartial investigator. Just a special prosecutor.,"Sorry lad, running a bit on fumes today and the right words escaped me." Wow! that's a 0.00000000000000000000000000001% chance to get one! i'm so lucky! i'm pretty sure you shouldn't explain it that bad if you got 3 legendaries in 2 days.,"By your logic that's 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (all your zero's after the decimal + 2 more) I know you don't mean it literally, but c'mon, that drop rate is ridiculous" Who's the worst legendary now bitches,Inferno Dragon? Good thing the dongle in my pants is 3.5mm.,Is that really something to brag about "No, the title says the picture was taken 2 days after they got them, not that it was taken 2 days ago.","------E But.... Fine, I'll put my pitchfork away." "Try the Telltale games, mainly The Wolf Among Us, The Walking Dead and Tales From The Borderlands, I reckon they'll be right up your alley.",played and loved all of them MEN OF THE YEAR FOLKS-- THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE REVEALED THE EVIL THAT IS IN OUR NATION-- WHO WOULD DOWN VOTE THIS,Whole chunks of the government needs to be disinfected. "...and this is the most important aspect of this debate. Science denial is a greater threat to the US than nearly anything else. If it weren't for science, we would all still be living in caves.","Don't you know, science is a liberal conspiracy, just like the MSM!" People who are socially awkward how did you meet your partner?,Myspace Bill Clinton Rages Against Donald Trump's Promise to 'Make America Great Again',Trump's platform is America isn't great now because a ~~black Democrat~~ Kenyan Muslim socialist is president Ramos goal vs Sporting (1-0),"that was pulisic's goal, ramos just touched it last." Nice right wing propaganda m8,OP is such a deplorable I'm swiping right for this gem.,I don't even get this tho Like obviously you're not gonna get any matches this way either so what's the point So many dudes have profiles that show incredible contempt for women Please be interesting and able to talk about something other than reality TV o ok sure just for you! "Social housing is a good way to control and maintain some socio-economic diversity in an area. Works on different scale. It even works in Manhattan, doesn't it? There's still some *poor* people living there... for now.",Can you explain what you mean by social housing? I love how starks gets 43 percent post starks. You mean ty.,The hype is strong with this one. Isn't he a puff away from a season long suspension?,Yes Cyborg making the JJ & KK fight about her.,"UFC never should've hired Cyborg if she can't cut to 135, there literally isn't a 145 division (and probably won't be until long after she retires) so I don't know what they expected" "They've got your license plate, they'll be knocking on your door in no time and that's much worse than a speeding ticket.",Zero fucks. Have you tried using OpenMW ? The vanilla engine isn't very optimized even if you have decent hardware.,"OpenMW has some problems with optimization too, to be honest." [](/roseintrigued),[](/weasel) "Oh sorry if I wasn't clear, I'm not in college yet. I'm still in high school and just want a part-time job to keep myself busy cause I don't get challenged by my schoolwork.","Ouch, that makes it even worse I imagine." Hours* lel. Something like that takes more like days* worth of time.,"It's usually on the scale of weeks or months, tbh." Except for cheerios. Always buy that name brand because every off brand I've ever tried tastes like stale cardboard as opposed to just regular cardboard.,*honey nut or bust* It's this a gamer grate again?,Make America Gamergate Again! ARE YOU THREATENING ME?,MICHAEL BLUTH IS THREATENING ME! "Why does the Friede bonfire exist after the boss fight? Seriously, there is one just before the fight, why does this one also appear?",probably because most areas of this game were made separate from eachother Most of them were red boot lickers and they harassed anarchists. Not really sure why they are comrades.,I always thought most mods were anarchists Is this a querfront?,What seems off? Trump refuses to face reality about Russia,Trump refuses to face reality about _______ I hope you have a nice day away!,Thanks. "Yeah, everybody is fucking sick of this shit. But sadly there is no easy fix to this. You can't ban trucks. Nor can you keep every potential terrorist from the entire continent of Europe. Nor can you identify every nutjob before they do something crazy. We all wish there was an easy solution...","shh we're going for the 'brave, world weary and cynical' angle here no need for you to spoil it" You're a racist,Sick comeback bro. "That's ludicrous on multiple levels. The 2nd is held to be an individual right by, what, a one-vote majority on the SCOTUS? Two? I can't remember off the top. Just because you can't make a serious, heinous societal problem go away doesn't mean you shouldn't mitigate it. Gun control does not mean a firearms ban.","I'm all for better regulation for firearms, but in a country as large as America it is nearly impossible to pass and enforce laws that will be applicable and enforceable everywhere." I wish my prediction about the game being dead in 2-3 months on PC is wrong.,"Me too buddy, im having way too much fun." anyone who believes this needs to be arrested for indecent idiocy.,"Hey, it's *totally* plausible that third-party presidential candidates could get eighteen percent of the vote nationwide this year!" Do you shit posters?,Better than posting shitters "I would cut the Mechanicals for sure. And the fairies. And the Athenians. Basically I would just do one of the stabby plays instead. (But seriously, if circumstance reduced me to a state where I had no choice but to direct Dream, I imagine I would keep the play within a play. To prune it out would create difficulties with the rest of the text that are, I suspect, insuperable - if the Mechanicals aren't rehearsing then there's no reason for Bottom to be there, which means the Oberon/Titania plotline doesn't work, which means there's no reason for Oberon and Puck to be poncing about with the magic flower juice, which means the whole plot is just a bunch of posh kids wandering around in a forest not doing very much. If you really can't stand the play within a play - and I sympathise, because I fucking can't - then you could always find a way to skip over the performance at the end or abridge the hell out of it. But I don't see how you can kill the storyline altogether.)","For some reason, I have this image of you as Gandalf saying,No, Gimli, I would not direct Midsummer unless I had no other choice." This is actually pretty brave stuff. There are about 20 dancers waiting for every spot on the Rockettes.,"If they fire her, I think there would be a monster boycott of the Rockettes." I don't think that word means what she thinks it means.,I'm screaming both internally AND externally. GLUE,"It's funny because people say it after the turn starts, by that time the lure accuracy has already been calculated." That's what I've been hearing which is why I asked. I understand it'll cost our first round pick,Worth it. What works? You tell me! Please hit thanks!,Buy beer Wouldn't that be a titan though?,What do you think the name *Titanic* means? "I honestly don't get this. I played competitive sports for 12 years and now regularly hit the gym for some sort of exercise at least 3 times a week. Never once in my life have I stepped away from a workout feeling great. I've breathed sighs of relief and have been stoked that it was finally over, but these stories of runner's highs and post-workout highs are nothing I have ever experienced. I call bullshit anytime I hear it, but maybe that's just me.",That's just you You are missing the entire point of this community. Please go reexamine the definition of the word 'empathy'.,I think there are so many of us here now that we keep popping up on the front page and most outsiders have no idea what this space means to us. How do you spend your free time?,Playing League of Legends What about Glenn with no head?,too soon ;( "Road Hog XL, Road Hog Carbonated, Snakeskin, Distortion, Certified Breakout Vice Keys, Crates, Dominous GT, Offers.",Pink Rat rods for the distortion skin? Guy in the dark car had seen a suspicious minivan...,Dark car and minivan saw a suspicious girl... This guy gets it,Oklahoma "Good: good construction, good materials. Flexible minimalist esthetic. Bad: price will turn off most. Sizing is difficult for some because they have such a dramatic shape. Conclusion: they don't come in half sizes after 44.5 so fuck em.",Good conclusion Anyone else get Delete this on your Chrome tab when it is opened to the_Donald? I took a screenshot then changed to Front and it doesn't say that. What the F?? I don't know how to post pictures on here? But I have it.,"Yep, I'm seeing it too." Would you agree the Universal Title is the top title in the company because it's on Raw.,"The WWE World Title is the top title (because of its lineage and history, not anything with booking)" ESPN will debut a new NBA graphics package this season,"i kept waiting for mike breen to come on in that video, what a trip" There's basically only three fan theories as far as I can tell 1. They were all dead the whole time 2. The events of the movie were a hallucination 3. They were dying the whole time and hallucinating the events of the movie,What's the fan theory for repo men? Looking for a song from Atlanta It was in the club episode and it was that one that kept saying sprang. I looked online but couldn't find anything. Any help?,Darude - Sandstorm CTR is confused. You are hired to support hillary not CNN Kindly do not distract from the MISSION,Clinton News Network. "Oh, somebody said something I disagree with! They must be fundamentally damaged!",Who are you talking to? TAS?,Yes Romney the technocrat? No way.,Romney would have absolutely destroyed Clinton. "Dear op, I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Don't feel bad though, what makes you different is what makes you unique. Sincerely, every other white male without their head up their ass.",As a white male I agree with this statement as well. Nooby question hey all ive been short on funds to be p2p recently but have saved up the 16m needed to buy a bond. i'm pretty sure if i can become a member i can fund future bond purposes through slayer but im not sure how to do this initially. i guess the question is where do i go to a buy a bond?,GE Captain America vs. Captain Falcon,FALCON NO No.,*Freeze all motor functions* The Main Thieves Who Took Those Lost US Factory Jobs? Robots - Donald Trump blames Mexico and China for stealing millions of jobs from the United States. He might want to bash the robots instead.,The Luddites were right all along! What model years were cars?,The fit was a 2013 msrp of 18000 and the s40 is a 2011 msrp of 30000 What are your stances in Cannabis?,Legalize. *chants* I BELIEVE THAT WE WILL WIN!,I BELIEVE THAT WE WILL WIN! "Knowing RM, It would be ninety percent butt.",I'd be okay with a season of butts They do specify in the story that he didn't drink,Gotta specify the brand of water he drank to make it believable 3edgy5me,"r/futureschoolshooters oh yeah, that's right :'(" wow thanks dude,your welcome No scope with Console Commands,now thats a cross-repost Not deep enough.,Were gonna make the hole 10 feet deeper folks! That's why it's called dabbing champ.,I honestly think this video originated the concept of the arm fold action "Or you'd be burnt at the stake for being a woman with knowledge and skilled at healing, which obviously means you're a witch.","the witch thing was more an aspect of later society, it's not actually medieval" "If necessity is the mother of invention, than who's the father?",means not a single mc40 in the building... and we're being asked why our bins haven't been capped... sigh sometimes this place really sucks.,"Our management is not enforcing the lockers at all - walked in this morning at 6:30 to no telxons, printers, or MC40s in any locker." That's the goal? Go get your priorities checked you scumbag.,"This entire thread is scummy, actual comments saying that they hope for MSM coverage even without evidence just to put trump in a bad light." Good for them,"It's like trying to remove sand from the beach, pointless." pot? is that a Uphamism for toilet?,yes Litigation is coming for people doing exactly this. Dude is likely going to regret it.,Source? I think you take everything to literally. You understand my point so no need to clown.,How can I be a clown (and ridicule) when I take it literally "This is not misaligned ASCII art, this can't be original",Having seen this many times I can confirm this is a thing. "Reddit, what do you have planned this weekend?",Fucking nothing. Each set has an individual timer. Your Malygos only affects your Classic pack timer and I believe the golden legendary pity timer is also separate from the normal legendary pity timer. Just bad luck!,"Ah, alright, thx for the info Why is gadgetzan such a bitch to me tho ;-;" Kleptomaniac,Just a fancy word for thief. "Idiot tries to pass off like she's farmer, gets called out by real farmer.","This has been posted before, but I'm not sure about it - the bullshit caller doesn't actually provide any proof so we can't be sure that s/he is telling the truth." "But, Trump has the best sentences. You'll see his sentences. Wall. Best words. Sean Hannity. Sentences. Illegals. Sean. Hannity. Wall. Best sentences. Words best are sentences. Yuge sentences. Best yuge.",Bigly. "Well, I mean, that was one family. There were plenty of nazis in that film, including Rolph(?) who was Austrian.",OMG spoilers brah! "In this new world, now is the time to support fearless, independent journalism","If one word has summed up the Guardian over the last six years, and especially the last six months, it's fear." This is amazing. I can't believe this kind of stuff doesn't happen more often (or that we don't hear about it more often).,"oh it does, ppl just tuck it deep deep down and dont tell reddit" Was never aware of this til now. Just listening! Unbelievable how close to the original recordings these are so far.,"Ik, such a great tribute." It's making her even more fat.,"This isn't how you pick up women, I don't care what that sub reddit told you." "Well it hasnt happened yet, there's still one more race",Inb4 Rosberg 1990 Suzukas Hamilton at T1 in Abu Dhabi Well he switched clubs so he's not a one club man.,He was sold he didn't really want to switch I don't think does the Mls count? If there was a celebrity big brother season who would you want to see? I think Trump and Hillary would be entertaining,Social Media Mogul Frankie J. Grande Internet Modem Lease 10.00 Extreme Internet 59.99 ------------------------------ $69.99 a month How much am I being ripped off?,whats your speed i pay 64.99 for 300mpbs a month "Lmao I was just naming recent Super Bowl winners. Steelers, Colts, Cardinals, Patriots (w/o Tom Brady) also did fine.",Pats didn't make the playoffs and the other 3 lost in the division championship or worse. I'm sure their emails are REALLY firstlast@gmail lol,"I'm sure you're REALLY not a CTR shill, too." Do we still expect Trump to carry the popular vote anyway? CNN projected him as the winner on Wednesday even though he was behind by a few thousand and then took it away. There is no projection at the moment and he is behind by about 700k or .3%. I heard talk around T_D about the absentee voting counts still to come and likely being heavily in Trump's favour. IMO they would not project him the winner at that point if he was BEHIND unless they didn't see something like that coming. You think we will still win it?,Who cares? ud be surprised at the amount of ppl who dont see shit even in higher elos e.g silver 1,Yes that's really high Don't be so scared of different opinions.,"It wasn't an opinion though, devil's advocate" Payet is seeming a bit selfish lately. Like to a fault.,They did talk in the pre match about controlling egos on our side... "Nice collection. Is your date just running slow, or your other watches running fast!",I'd be willing to bet OP just set it wrong for this pic. All we have to do is legalize and regulate the market for humans and that will take away their power!,If slavery is abolished only outlaws will have slaves. "Chelsea look more in form than us, even with a difficult first half against Spurs. In fact, it makes it more impressive because they were outplayed for 35 minutes and still managed to win the game in the end.",More like spurs ran themselves ragged for 35mins and chelsea took advantage when they were tired. Trump Campaign To Run Three Ads During World Series Game Seven ... DRINK WHEN YOU SEE THEM!,Change is definitely my most favorite political ad of all time. I don't know a single person who would want a thinner phone over a few hours of extra battery life.,i hate it how cell phone companies fat shame their phones "We just hit 250,000 Subscribers!",I think we should thank SkatinBrad2 for the milestone. "In a statement or two, how do you accurately make humans sound terrifying to extraterrestrials?",The majority of us base our values on books written thousands of years ago by unknown authors. "well, there is prepping for tomorrow to think about. Sure the morning will be warmer, but that will change quick.","I don't disagree, but in the short-term once traffic is like that there's not much you can do." "Why there is no spell taunting? If you have a spell taunting on field, your opponent's fire ball is forced to hit it, your opponent's arcane missiles hit it all of them until it dies. I think this game needs spell taunting. It's kinda bad because there is no anti fire ball card except Reno or healing effect. There must be other way.",Angry chicken. "If its a new account, you can log on to rs3 and setup as an ironman acc. You'll get a free bond on the 17th i believe and it will automatically give you the 14 days.",This. "In Russia, many of the girls are amenable to anal sex.",Masochists "Think that's a typo. If Jason wins, couldn't Morgan put up Justin?","If he wins the care package safety competition, then no she can't" "Scratching my head, my beard, my face. I get dry skin and at times it itches bad and so I give it a small scratch which escalates to rabid scratching. People say it makes me look like a homeless person who hasn't had a bath in a while.... which is not entirely false.","I like to trim my beard so that it's just long enough to look like a shadow on my face but if I touch it it feels prickly on my hand and whenever I'm nervous I play with the stubbles, with social anxiety is ALWAYS." "Question: has AMD ever launched a new chip as a FirePro card first before that chip arrived in a consumer Radeon card? Given that some rumors (mainly Fudzilla ones though, but they're not VideoCardz ones) have supposedly suggested that Vega 10 might be making an appearance in the professional market first, that has me thinking: has AMD *ever* released a new chip in a FirePro product first before it appeared in a consumer product? I'm inclined to believe never, and if that's actually the case, I wouldn't buy Vega making a supposed Radeon Pro appearance in November first before a Radeon RX appearance either.",I don't think they have for GCN but I have no idea about before that or how ATI released cards What's something you know that would blow people's mind?,How to say please and thank you. I'd vote for her 3 times in one night,just to test the system How is he known inter lol. I would say his team wouldnt pick him if they know he is inter,"looking at the comments of other EU lcs players and high level EU players, i have seen them say that he is a known troll toxic player." "When Trump gets elected, can we all work together to purge universities of their toxic leftist progressives?",Or have our own universities with hookers and blackjack "Lol. More like, since the amnesty its solid blue forever, full steam ahead",Yes that's totally the entire reason "i3 bottleneck? Will an i3 6100 bottleneck an rx 480? If so, will it bottleneck the 470 too?","No, it won't." "Danielle wants to go straight to Vegas, most mothers would want to spend some time with their child 1st",That's what a babysitter is for The Dark Horse of Featherweight....Doo Ho Choi,I remember seeing a post about this guy a while back... He looks so non threatening and calm but he's a killer! Trump living rent-free inside their heads. We don't laugh with you because you're funny (you're not). We laugh at you because you're pathetic ass-hurt losers.,Who the fuck are these people? "Yeah, I work until midnight on Saturdays, so am I supposed to always go to bed at 1? I mean, I almost always do anyway, but still.",Obviously Apple is telling you to quit your job. An ideas ?,It's Austin Howard LT Campers do,Facts I genuinely love how terrible Spy Kids 3 is. Here's Sly Stallone arguing with alternate hologram version of himself.,I watched this shit like 10 times She didn't have a message. She didn't talk about jobs enough. No. You just weren't listening.,"Saint Barnard don't listen, he preaches." "Came here for some good gameplay and some reasonable discussion, but saw it was a GroundTrooper video and just downvoted.",Guess you're mad that I ran you over yesterday. Did Twitter just pull #SpiritCooking from #1 Trending because it is literally destroying Crooked's campaign?,Twitter's with Satan. "Just picked up 4 pin lock kegs. I'm entirely ignorant to the equipment necessary to set up what I'd like to be a two tap keg system, likely starting with picnic taps. Any recommendations for resources to read through?",Wait till black friday for deals on a freezer/mini fridge "Move controllers with analog sticks? Do you think Sony will ever release it, or at least controllers with some sort of directional input? Seems like a missed opportunity to me. RE7 could be so much more immersive if you can move and still use your hands.","Even if the move controllers had sticks, resident evil wouldn't use them" When you meet her parents vs when you hit it.,mmk regularly vs mmk watching Emily... Instead of horizontal answers have you tried vertical answers to plus your rep?,"na m8, curved answers FTW!" 07 is at 83000,only 13k more subs for dank memes! France.,I really admire that about France. BREAKING: Hillary's entire Facebook feed mysteriously goes from its average 5-15k per post likes to 150k+ likes in AN HOUR,I suspect she has some angry donors "Yeah, what a bitch. Jesus Christmas what has happened to the men in this country?",I wonder the same thing Millions of disenfranchised voters could not care less about your fantasy football game.,Whoosh #FAMOUS CELEBRITY PREGNANT! #SPORT STAR SPORTSES BETTER THAN EVER - SETS NEW RECORD! *Banknotes discriminate against the visually impaired* #NEW REALITY SHOW PREMIERING NEXT WEEK: SURVIVOR CATS,TRUMPTRUMPTRUMPTRUMPTRUMPTRUMPTRUMPTRUMPTRUMPTRUMP. "I think it's fair to say that this is a fail as a meme, used the wrong word and missed out what's left of a heap of radiated mess, 2/10 as the concept was good",Not to mention that those bombs were dropped in war and were partially in retaliation of a sneak attack committed by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor It's a Computer policy.,Use loopback mode. Microsoft Says Russian DNC Hackers Are Targeting Windows Users,More like Microshill am I right? "there's one cm about furniture being secured, and it starts off with a kid running around, breaking a vase, knocking over a bookcase, and saying oopsy like OOPSY MY ASS.",Hilarious! "Sonny Dykes reportedly interviewed for Baylor job, spotted in Houston",BEAR RAID NEVER DIES. "I don't know, that's why I don't work at ESRB. I am not a parent, neither have I considered raising children as of now, but if I did? I wouldn't keep violent content or sexual content from them. At around the age of 15 and 16 I feel like they will find out about gore and sex with my permission or without, before that? I really can't tell.",Neither am I. And I think most kids know what sex & gore is when their about 11 No. If they get divorced its your fault and you need to cover the alimony,Note to self: check state alimony laws before wearing white to a wedding. Ghosts are posting on reddit now!?,"No, no, he's a resurrected *kaiju*." "Politicians are liars. In other news, water is wet.",3edgy5me Knowing the credibility of the modern Washington post the source is probably a 19 year old basement dweller that spoofed a phone number.,Sure. There's a stereotype that France always surrender,People seem to forget how Napoleon took over most of Europe. Chris Metzen is retiring,rip next expansions hype no expansion can be hyped without that voice. I've never seen a cat sit like this before.,"Well, this looks oddly disturbing." JUST NO WORDS....,Someone tell this guy saying just no words is words "My life is complete! I finally got a Gohan, woo.",He'll make you a mean can of ravioli "77 is way too much anyway to not spend elder kais. I'm rank 260 and at that rank there are very hardcore players. I was not in the hardest group ( top 3 only went around 50-40 millions) and got 10 medals with something like 28 million points So no, unless you want to wait a year to max him that's not really possible.",Nothing is impossible unless you make it out to be A circle can have 3 sides! Comparing GLB to JP is comparing apples to oranges.,Well oranges have high Vitamic C while Apples are great for keeping your pet worm Hes Beautiful,"Friezypop: What are you, gay?" "Yeah, she's a lying hoaxer. Definitely more of a Hillary supporter.",Lol because Trump and his supporters never lie or make hoaxes. "Doesn't change the fact you're an asshole for wanting someone to get cancer. You're a piece of shit, dude.","Keep destroying the planet, you stand up guy!" have you ever been to Russia ?,I think that have just watch Eastern Promises. "New to the german tree, need some tips. So how it says in my title I pretty much just started to play the german planes after a long life with the Soviet planes. Bf's are lots of fun all of them, and currently I am researching the attackers tree (Do 217, Me 410 etc). One tree I haven't touched is the one with the Ju's 87. How are the planes there, is it worth grinding for them? Thank you.",I'd do the FW 190's before that. Woman Masturbating on Subway In Front Of Uncomfortable Man,I love watching him trying to decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing. So we are going to draw conclusions from two people we really can't trust. You are saying Trump is a hollow sheep that will do whatever the senate says and he will act like Dick Cheney because Mike Pence said. At this point what you seem to be trying is forcing yourself into a certain mentality that makes no sense. If you actually knew Trump and listened to him you would soon realize that he is one of the smartest people you will ever meet. I will not lie I was once a Bernie supporter but I was shown what Trump would do for this country and I was baffled.,"Please, tell me all about how you know Trump." "You're already using raw input, I suppose?",Yup :( "Cowboys fans: In retrospect, if the browns had offered the 2nd overall pick(Wentz) for your 4th Overall(Zeke) and 2nd rounder, would you take it?",Not in retrospect dallas cuckboys: 3-1 Eagles: 3-1,4-1 *sip* "Hmmm, I don't know then. Are you on android or iOS?",iOS "Interested in the nf-a14 pwm's, are they still for sale?","They are gone, sorry" I think Mariota would appreciate the hell out of him.,This is the dankest timeline I mean I wouldn't say it is ugly. Maybe more like it's fresh out of the cold war era.,nah id say cold war era liveries would be the old caac livery or air koryo or the old aeroflot livery Next Operation is comming soon!,I predict a new operation before the end of the year. Yea take a look at my reply above and my comment will make sense. Hope everything worked out for ya mang,We're u at SP? What chain restaurant has the best fries ?,McDonalds. That illegal screen brings back memories,Yee Then you punish the others if they try to do so. You're the parent. Make it clear that kind of behaviour won't be tolerated AT ALL.,They're adults except for one. I haven't dealt with that yet. If the dollar is devalued we're all phucked.,but it will help exports! "I don't play competitive because I just like having fun. I mean, I'm sure I could get into a decent rank in competitive, but I just don't like it because once you go competitive, the objective is no longer have fun and is now win at any and all costs.",Same "Adderall How much do people at your law school use it? I know at mine it's widely used, sold, etc. I didn't know many people in undergrad that used it, and was kind of surprised at the amount of people using it in law school.",It's harder to find people that don't do it. Imagine being inside a cramped LRT train and centimeters from your face there's this couple pecking like there's no tomorrow. Guy would hold the lady in the general ass area and the lady audibly said Pakagat nga. Cringy af. Dunno how some people have no limits on their PDA.,sinabihan mo sana ng 'ako din' "no, but what you can do is not tell anyone, then say oh no those laxatives were for me, i was having a problem pooping. Unfortunately dipshit stole my food. No need to actually become constipated and cause yourself to go through that discomfort, they aren't gonna check ya asshole.",I'm gonna need to check inside yo asshole. I wonder how TV shows and movies find these perfect condition unicorns like that Tercel wagon.,Obviously CG I used to work sales in a computer store. People seem to think that USB can magically do everything.,"Well yeah, it's universal, dummy." "How to balance freeze: fixed duration, higher level = escape .1 second faster Not sure about this card though","Yep I've actually posted this same idea on here before about freeze, I didn't mention .1 second faster but otherwise exact same idea." "Oh wikipedia is way too formal for most of the patterns. I look at the code examples given instead. Essentially you have a `ThingInterface` that accepts `VisitorInterface`. A place takes the visitor, and gives the reins over to the Visitor. The visitor then performs whatever it wants and the specifics of are in a concrete implementation of the interface. Consider your Actor, it could have a series of something along the lines of public void RegisterAbility(*AbilityObject ao) { myAbilities[ao.GetID()] = ao } public void OnPressX() { myAbilities[UserAbilityPreference.get(XButton)].perform(this) } While your ability looks something like this: interface AbilityObjectInterface { virtual void perform(*PlayerObject) //Implement what actually happens. virtual UString GetID() //Returns the Unique Name of the ability. } Or however you want to go about it.","i somewhat get it now thanks, im doing things in blueprints though but its the same idea" "I entered the stall directly after a weighlifter at the gym and there was shit all over the seat. I turned to him and said Dude! He looked back and said: Protein Shakes, Bro. So there you go.",I don't think those make you shit on the seat. Which Gen VII Pokemon could you see in the Smash Bros series? I would love to see Incineroar or Mimikyu in the game- I think they would fit in nicely! What do you think?,crabrawler. Super Sexy,Obviously. "I lied, not done for the month. Just bought a mini set of Queen Latifah Queen and Queen of Hearts. NOW I'm done.",Ooh please review/mini- review! That's just so sad.,It's his fault for wishing the star comes close enough to touch. Who is Elon Musk?,The most interesting man in the world. ang ulo ng ano?,Just the tip... "Think of some recent news story that people were furious about, are people ever right to be hot about something they did not participate in? Doesnt matter",I'd say this dude was pretty hot when all was said and done BREAKING REVELATIONS !!!! FBI NOW PUSHING FOR INDICTMENT of Hillary Rodham Clinton from all directions!!,I can't tell if she's that bad at reading the prompter or she was personally pained at the content. Kendrick's verse on on birds,Hello my natHans I'd actually enjoy doing that.,Yeah I think it would fit really well Made a random list of how I look at trainer levels,Below 25 - noob 25-29 - regular player 30+ - obviously a spoofed mcnolifer who's only goal is to keep me from holding down gyms with their army of totally legit Dragonites Nestle Outbids Small Ontario Town to Purchase Water Source,They are at the top of the EVIL corporations list. "Not a Trump supporter, but an I told you so is not rooting for terrorism.","If it were limited to I told you so you'd be right, but there's a lot more in it than that." Mario Party. I win by stealing all their god damn stars in the last god damn round gOD FUCKING DAMMIT! Sorry. Still salty.,Too soon "The phrase is, Correlation does not *necessarily imply* causation. The popularity of the phrase with pseudo-intellectuals has been perverted them into thinking that if statistics correlate, they cannot be causal, which is false.",That is a Greek fallacy When a male gymnastic coach tries uneven bars.,"Wow, I didn't know Bruce Jenner returned to the Olympics" Retired,Well technically I think he said he was taking a year off and then reevaluating. The Andrews Sisters - Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy (1941),Bette Middler released a cover version in 1972. "R/HillaryClinton HAS A WHOPPING 1 POST PER 10 MINS. WHILE HERE WE ARE PUMPING OUT MORE THAT 60 POSTS A MINUTE. I AM DEAD SERIOUS. SO MUCH ENERGY, WE CAN POWER THIS GREAT NATION BY POSTS ALONE.",0.458333333 "One point worthy of consideration is that with the exception of the starfarer, most of the ships in-game right now are intended to feel more like WW2 aircraft. The Connie and Retaliator have turrets on them, but these are not intended to be the ship's main guns. Much like the turrets on a WW2 bomber or heavy fighter, these turrets are intended to force attacking aircraft to break off from their attack runs. Rather than getting a full pass at the connie/tali, the enemy fighter would have to settle for pecking at their target in short bursts. The turrets aren't really there to score kills - but more preserve the host ship itself. In short - the forward facing guns of the connie are intended to be it's primary armament, and are meant to be used offensively. However, the turrets are intended to be secondary armaments, used defensively. Larger vessels such as the Polaris will definitely use their turrets as their main guns, and will behave quite differently to the Constellation... But the connie is still agile enough to bring forward-facing, non-turret guns to bear on most targets, so that is what RSI has gone for in it's design...",Oh that's definitely their intended role...thing is much like defensive turrets in WWII they're largely useless and don't work as intended "Bengi My Nidalee pick was kind of accident In post-game OGN Interview : Caster Jun : Bengi, that nid pick! What Was That! Bengi : It's...It was because kkoma's marvelous pick and ban. hmm. Can I do not say more about this? Casters : (giving pressure to bengi) Bengi : Coach Kkoma apologized to team just after Pick & Ban at my nidalee game, Coach said Sorry team, nidalee is open I think Kkoma got nervous (by gorilla's MF pick) and made ban mistake. Although We set P&B one day before match and I was not intended to play nidalee...But Peanut is PREEETY good nidalee so we can't give him that champ, so I had to pick him. I didn't practiced nidalee much; we always ban nid at purple side. But, nid is basically good champion so I decided to do and It went well with a bit of luck. TL;DR : bengi's nid was not intended and prepared pick. It's because Kkoma messed up P&B by banning Miss Fortune.",Kkoma decided to flip the jungle. Stuff like this actually makes me want to give up on skincare. I can't even let the morning sun hit my face without worrying about aging and sun damage? Fuck it. I have a life to live.,Just put on sunscreen before you go to bed! TBH I'm actually kind of scared of people flinging homophobia as a point against Elincia if that match happens.,Then counter that with Valtome being a senator 25i is trash.,"if it's bitter, it's a spitter" What is something cool and useful I might want for christmas?,A dildo. "If you had to pick one person to become the God-Emperor of our planet and rule the Earth as a benevolent dictator, who would you entrust it to?",Myself. I hope Until Dawn goes on sale in one of this year's Sales Of The Dead,Why did you feel the need to post this again Why? Just why? How did that come about?,Being high from dope makes you feel so one with nature! They've all lost their goddamn minds.,Those strokes are taking their toll "Lol, sure",Trump has been speaking out against NATO since the 80s. Excavations layout got reworked. Now with less cancer :) Run a circle and clear all the rooms to the left and right. Usually you miss one but still get a sub 30 clear. ez,Yeah I didn't find Excavations as bad anymore and having 3 bosses is pretty neat :3 I have the Darlington right side door panel with the Darlington stripe. It is my prized racing possession.,Of which car? That sounds fun as hell,Blaze brotha Probably have to make room on the roster for a new LB or 2?,"He wasn't on the active 53, so he hadn't even been taking a roster spot" "Pah. See, back in my day, we didn't have these FALSE walls. We had honest, all-American, God-fearing, hard-working, beer-drinking, American, truck-driving, HONEST walls. But now with the immigration and Jimmy Carter running his yapper, we got these false walls taking the jobs of those honest, family walls. Build an honest wall and we'll keep these false walls out. OBAMA!","We're gonna build a false wall to keep these wires out, and we're gonna Make them pay for it!" Donald Trump's Child Rape Accuser Canceled Her Press Conference Due to Death Threats,"So, if someone hits her, Trump pays the lawyer bills?" TIFU by bringing Trump up in front of my daughter(Dont want to start a political argument. I just thought it was funny),Construir la pared! "You wont need the big 3 unless you get an amp running more than about 500 watts (rms). 500 sounds like a lot of watts, but car audio is a different animal home stereos.","My basic Pioneer head unit sounds significantly better after the upgrade of alternator to battery, much more bass response; your mileage may vary." "You're the Subhuman One, Donald - Jonathan Allen: So, last I checked did Donald ever call anybody subhuman? MSM cucks",He called ISIS barbarians but that's all I can think of. Don't forget to then scream : SO FUCK OFF!!!,FUCKIN A-HOLES! "That makes a lot more sense to me as well. Or, you know, a /entitydata that works with players.","As much as we want it, it's probably not gonna happen due to complications with UUIDs." Very.,Indeed. Ayybleton,I just switched from FL a couple days ago. Update is live Rstart xbox for update that is all..,I did a hard restart of Xbox One and no update available How many missed calls were there?,A fair few for both teams they decided not to call anything. "You gonna look out for me, Sergeant Carver?",:'( Uriah Hall absolutely obliterates Gegard Mousasi,"guy's a highlight reel, giving or receiving." "Ohhh you mean like how Draymond said the Cavs sucked so the Cavs beat them the following year? Okay cool, I got it. Thanks",Funny thing is you sound more mad than people from Cleveland The word POTUS has been ruined for me by Jonah from Veep This is gonna cause a total potal meltdown.,Scandal ruined the word OPTICS. "Nice the sudden love for Aussies paid off for Microsoft, this slim console is doing Microsoft great too",Scorpio will do great as well if it follows the same design philosophy. "But, Clinton emails. Trump admitting sexual assault. Clinton emails. Trump charity fraud. Clinton emails. Trump calls for nuclear proliferation. Clinton emails. Trump calls for national stop and frisk. Clinton emails. Trump violates trade embargo with Cuba. Clinton emails. Trump sued over Trump University fraud. Clinton emails. Trump accused of bribing DA in IRS case. Clinton emails. Trump doesn't pay taxes for 20 years. Clinton emails. Trump employs campaign manager accused of being involved in illegal corruption with Russia. Clinton emails. Trump calls for ban of an entire religion from entering US. Clinton emails. Trump lied about support for Iraq War over and over in debate. Clinton emails. Trump cased dismissed by accuser to re-file b/c of new witness in child rape case. Clinton emails. Trump unaware of Russia's Crimea occupation. Clinton emails. Trump unaware of situation in Syria. Clinton emails. Trump penalized for racist housing discrimination. Clinton emails. Trump files for bankrupcy 6 times. Clinton emails. Trump goes 0-3 in debates by showing scant knowledge of world politics. Clinton emails. Trump slams people for being POWs. (prisoners of war) Clinton emails. Trump calls Mexicans rapists. Clinton emails. Trump questions judge's integrity because of parent's heritage. Clinton emails. Trump deletes emails involved in casino scandal. Clinton emails. Trump has over 10 assault victims and witnesses come forward with allegations of abuse. Clinton emails. Trump attacks former Miss Universe for being overweight. Clinton emails. Trump tweets about sex tapes at 3am. Clinton emails. Trump says he will try US citizens accused of terrorism at Gitmo. Clinton emails. Trump calls for more extreme forms of torture to be used. Clinton emails. Trump asks why we can't use our nukes if we have them. Clinton emails. Trump calls for offensive bombing attack on sovereign nations because someone gives the middle finger. Clinton emails. Trump calls to kill women and children of suspected terrorists. Clinton emails. Trump says women should be punished for having abortions. Clinton emails. Trump makes fun of disabled people. Clinton emails. Trump calls for end of freedom of the press. Clinton emails. Trump calls global warming a Chinese hoax. Clinton emails. Trump praises Putin and Kim Jong Un's strong leadership. Clinton emails. Trump openly admits to not paying his contractors during debate. Clinton emails. Trump openly admits not apologizing to wife in debate about Access Hollywood tape. Clinton emails. Trump calls Obama an illegitimate non-citizen hundreds of times over 7 years. Clinton emails. Trump uses campaign donations to enrich his own businesses. Clinton emails. Trump says Ted Cruz father involved in JFK assassination. Clinton emails. Trump says laziness is an inherent trait in black people. Clinton emails. Did we miss anything? Gee who should I vote for? Trump seems to have negatives, but Clinton gets incessant negative press (which all stems from one thing, that not illegal when she had it, no charges were filed, and it wouldn't even be a blip on the radar for Trump if it was him that did it when you compare it to his other scandals). NOTE: This was copied and pasted from a comment by user Lennon Jones on HuffingtonPost",Yeah but there is something about the emails that I don't quite understand and I can't prove that makes none of what Trump has done matter. "Trump invited Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte to the white house. You know him, the guy who says he will kill 3 million drug users and compares himself to Hitler.",The war on drugs didn't work because it wasn't literally a war. Too little too late. The media has already given Billions of Dollars in free publicity to Turmp. They too (the media) along with the republican party and others had a hand in creating this monster.,Yeah but at the same time they were all rigged against him. "The winter of 2014-15 was actually pretty harsh for Dallas. It snowed like 3 or 4 times, and got into the teens a couple nights.","Yeah I remember that, I broke a couple cheap plastic ice scrapers that year." Emphasis on shit,Eagles fans roastin ma fuckas err day "I'm getting a bit wary of all these sites that say 'just give us your date of birth!', 'just give us your name! And we'll tell you all this cool info!' I'm pretty sure there's one organisation behind it all hoarding all these little bits of data into one database. Either that or I'm paranoid","If you think a web developer could get away with that, then you're being paranoid." "Yes, my direct quote from you is nothing but a straw man. I quiver before your towering intellectual might. I'm so obviously incorrect. Your direct words are absolutely not enough to suss out what you actually mean to say.",Why don't you stop being so obtuse and say what you want to say rather than hiding it? Tracking Sensor Resolution? Do we have any information about resolution fo the tracking sensor (camera)?,1080p 60hz low persistence global refresh CCD 86? 108? NO FUCKIN PROBLEM WOO!,"he's ended 194 years of collective misery, change the hall of fame to the hall of theo" Doesn't compare to my 5 Gorgonic Ghouls.,Would you trade your Synchro Gorgonic Ghoul for my Fusion Gorgonic Ghoul? Except that Vader made quips before Apology accepted Captain Needa,"That wasn't a pun, and it came off more as seething than taunting." "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! It's worse than i imagined. Thanks though, this is exactly what i was looking for.",Quite welcome. "Cuba's Fidel Castro, former president, dies aged 90",About time This made/makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside,Look how quickly Cam jumps out there to congratulate him. Who?,Mike Jones "This makes total sense. Trump was in Moscow for the Miss. Universe pageant so Putin probably sent him some whores, possibly underage and video taped it. It's actually a classic KGB move.","Thanks to our sub, Putin knew Trump was a member of NAMBLA." Oh god...these are the same people that waved their buggy whips and shouted at young whipper snappers when the car was invented.,"I imagine a coven of vampires, trolling humanity over the eons." "Nah honestly, it wouldnt be worth my time. I've got my own classes to study for.",You clearly have different priorities to me It is racist to teach white children that they should feel guilty for the actions of their ancestors. We are all equally guilty but it seems it's more enforced in white countries,Why you goddamn antisemitic bastard! "I mean, AIPAC is completely against the constitution, yet no one does anything to stop it...",Why you goddamn antisemitic bastard! There's so much disinformation and back-and-forth now. I'm a well-read and conscious news-consumer and I am so in the weeds about who is not trying to bend the narrative one way or another that I'm close to giving the up. And I'm guessing that's what they want.,"Rock a bye baby, go to sleep..." 99% of united states dont know they are giving their tax to the worlds biggest terrorist organization.,Why you goddamn antisemitic bastard! "VOAT: The Five Dancing Israelis, New York, September 11, 2001, our purpose was to document the event, Israel was involved in 911 and the Mossad & FBI admit it - No mystery at all, just a massive coverup :(",This is antisemitic goddammit! Israel's Young Conscientious Objectors - Jewish voices for peace with Palestine,This post is goddamn antisemitic! How is it censored?,"It's the first word in the title, duh..." "Jews and Arabs are both genetically semitic races. Then again, many 'Jews' are genetically European, which makes them ineligible to be part of the 'Chosen Race' in Israel.",Why you goddamn antisemitic bastard! "What golden heroes do you have / still need? I just recently got my fourth: paladin, and wondering where y'all are in this glorious community.","Have: None Need: Priest, rogue, paladin, shaman, warlock, warrior, hunter, druid, mage." "Oh, fair enough, I just gave my impressions from the videos. I never played Endless Space, only Endless Legend.",The cravers are a cousin of the necrophage with cybernetic enhancements. "Yes, but Teemo is already limited by either stealthing in brush and being able to move or stealthing in place. If anything it'll just be more annoying never knowing where he is cause he can just sit still and you'll NEVER know he's there.",Sweeper will still give an outline of the champs as it does now unless rito changed it. "Claude Giroux keeps his point streak, it's at 10 games. Which is the longest of his career.","He's just lucky, everyone knows he has been declining." David Pastranak,idk but theyd prolly trade the good players they get out of the trade too "My favorite lie is Ultra. It's not really just one lie. It's a campaign of lies, probably more widespread and deep-routed than any in history, all leading to one collossal lie: Hiding the fact that the Allies broke the Enigma cipher. And, later, the Japanese Purple cipher, and the German Lorenz cipher, and the Italian C-38 cypher. Basically, the Allies had blown every code the Axis used out of the water, thanks to the work of the Polish Cipher Bureau, and the Bletchley Park mathematicians including Alan Turing, and the American Signal Intelligence Service. The collective intelligence from all these broken codes was called Ultra. But what do you do when your code gets broken? You make a new, harder one. The allies couldn't let that happen, they couldn't let the axis know that their codes were broken. So how do you use data from a broken code without revealing that the code is broken? You lie. If they wanted to take out an Axis supply ship after finding it through Ultra, they didn't just do that. They had a spy plane fly over where they knew the ship would be, then they sunk it. So the crew are all like oh shit we got spotted. They also had to hide the broken codes from their own soldiers, lest they be revealed under careless talk. So they sent out other spy planes knowing nothing would be found, so crews wouldn't wonder how mission found an enemy every time. They would never attack until they had a cover story. Men undoubtedly died, by attacks the government knew were coming, because they would not compromise Ultra. One of the few times they were forced to sink ships immediately, they covered it by sending a message in a code they knew the Germans had broken, to a spy in Naples, congratulating him of his success. The spy didn't exist, but the Germans intercepted the message and assumed everything was still good with Enigma. The best part is, they didn't even reveal Ultra after the war. They saw to it that the Enigma machines were sold to potential enemies in the Third World, who continued to use the broken codes for years. Ultra wasn't revealed in its full extent until 1974, 29 years after the war. Never has a secret of such massive importance been so well kept for so long.","As Churchill said: In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies." Iceland? Really? The discount grocery store is only open from 11 am to 6 pm.,"The fact that store hours doesn't limit actual hours worked since cleanup and setup is work notwithstanding, the plural of anecdote is not data." "Sorry, I was talking about when Draymond ran over Liggins","Alright, I was doubting about that being what you were referring to since it's referenced in the beginning of this comment thread" "Modi's Looking to Buy the Indian Army 185,000 Deadly Assault Rifles","that amount of many can be used to help the poor of our country,this is waste of money why buy assault rifles when we can end our disputes by sharing kambal." "The difference between an off-meta pick and an off-role pick Recently there has been a post here, about a Support Singed who is threathened to be banned by Riot just for playing exactly that... Singed Support. I am sure, we can all agree that nobody should be banned for playing champions that he likes, even though they are not meta right now, correct? And still the thread is filled with people arguing that they can understand if he get's banned. I am one of them and here is why: I am completly fine with people playing off-meta picks. If you wanna play only lee sin support, go for it. If you play enough you will eventually get matched with people who may be playing stronger champs, but not using their full power, making your lee sin support have the same power level than their meta support. That is completly fine and nobody should be banned for that in my opinion. Here is the thing though: That guy is not playing Singed Support. He is not supporting his adc. He doesn't buy wards, he doesn't help his adc scale into lategame. he doesn't make sure that his adc has a chance to play his game properly. And i am not denieng that roaming and invading the enemy jungler can not be very helpful to your team, but at this point you are not palying support. You are playing Counterjungler-Roamer. And that is fine. If your Team agrees to that. If you go into Draft pick though and choose to queu for support you don't queu for Counter-jungler-Roamer. If someone queues top and then picks and goes down botlane, you wouldn't argue that he is just playing off-meta picks. He is not playing the meta at all. And again: that is fine IF 1. Your team agrees 2. You are playing a gamemode that isn't based on Top-Jgl-Mid-Adc-Sup-Meta. If you choose Draft pick, you agree to play the meta. And if you are clearly not doing that, you may be ruiing the game for your team, and therefore may be banned for it.",Why make a new post and not just reply in the comments of the original post? "The problem is all technology before was automation of physical labor or VERY simple thinking labor. Now we are starting to get into higher levels of thinking, or offsetting that cost to the customer (self-checkout machines). Humans are good at being adaptable, but an adaptable robot will quickly evolve to become cheaper than humans. What then?",Yeah the development of complex computing algorithms never surpassed human ability and certainly didn't do so long before now or we'd have NO jobs. Do Baniyas own wineshops?,Not sure. the ballistae take 4 hit to break hit it thrice and you can destroy it on demand,So smart. how I feel about A16,*and I am here worrying about finals I'm guessing 20.,22 yeah it's pretty moronic,Yeah it's pretty ludicrous "Never heard of this before, do you mean taking both herbals and probiotics at the same time? That's what I'm trying now.","Yeah, VSL#3 also recommends a regimen along such lines." tbh i'm pretty new to the scene so i only know San Holo and Zedd from the saturday lineup. I'm planning on listening to a whole bunch of artists tho!,"If you go Friday, don't miss: RL Grime, Baauer, Seven Lions, REZZ" "100% fan votes make sense, until you factor in the international markets. When the entire country of Turkey (or some dedicated hackers from Turkey) decide Zaza Pachulia should make the all-star game, the fan vote won't line up with what US viewers want to see. The all-star game is ultimately a TV show, the goal is high ratings.",A. Zaza is from Georgia not Turkey B. Then fans from Georiga will be watching to see Zaza Among true fans Skate 2 clearly is considered the best but Skate 3 gained the most popularity due to youtubers showing it off.,PFFFT SKATE 1 m8 "Spelling is not on point, Blizzard.",When you get a flask from the Spirit Cauldron you get a Sprit flask....da fuq is a sprit? I doubt you'd get anything because you're just making a strawman,"Liberals never call things and people racist when they aren't racist, amirite." What?,Its the urn that activates the whispering. N'Zonzi against Dinamo Zagreb,N'Xavi Skeletor says Wat,wat BMW driver decides to skip the queue.,They were just zipper merging! Something tells me he would love Germany.,Or not because we speak actual German. Get a salary job,Adobt a dog i mean if the works for you but wouldnt it be smarter to use the bow on the horde and the haymaker on the panzers,I thought bow didn't fill your specialist It's a university. Rumor has it they were giving extra credits.,"Typical left-wing indoctrination bullshit, eh?" "Because letting small hive cities determine the law for the vast Midwest is ridiculous. They have no understanding of farm life or what an average mid western life is like. That's our bread basket, and these sanctuary cities, literally want to control how the whole country lives because they feel superior because they have packed more people into their space than other cities? They must believe food comes from stores.",but that is why we need state rights and the federal gov can fuck off This is how most of the cs players should've been raised,Why are u looking at the ground lol NSFW First Entry aaaaaaaaaaaaaa,Uuum... WOW "If fans did this, this would be good press for Babymetal I'm sure. :-)",That would be wild. "Dude awesome info, thanks. Not sure about the helicopter, Grand Canyon was full on enough for me.",PLEASE Newbie to podcast listening. What are some good podcast channels and/or websites?,Dear Hank & John Joseph was a ______________.,Motherfucking lying arsehole? Who's on first?,Naturally This is how low the leave group has gone.,Surely that's illegal Most popular names for baby boys in England 2015,Are there any numbers to go with this? Apple's $300 book contains 450 photos of Apple products,Most expensive toilet paper ever. What episode is that from? I don't remember that scene.,Its the newest one with the cocktail party When Win10 Anniversary Update is still broken after a month and a half... It's times like these when the xp waste is real.,update your nvidia drivers it will fix fps issues They're also technically correct. If these SJW morons want to argue that dressing up like a Native American or in a kimono or whatever is cultural appropriation then technically dressing up as a witch or something like that would be offensive to pagans. Of course that won't count because they're white,what about WICCAns? Wait that's Robert Carlyle? The guy from the Full Monty? Wow. Would not have had him pegged as that scary.,SOME WEE LASSIE GETS GLASSED AND NAE CUNT LEAVES HERE TILL AH FIND WHAT CUNT DID IT! I care just for the reason my shitty high school is now #1. It went from kids running the school to being one of the best. FTCHS represent,"I always said if the zombie apocalypse happens, I'm moving into the arsenal yard" I doubt Wentz would be this good in Cleveland.,"Well he'd be on IR and have MRSA by now, so..." "In (2006), four Thousand year ago!! Using only primitive technology, a man with no formal scientific training has discovered a way by which stone henge could relatively easily have been erected, and is single-handedly recreating it in his back yard. Singlehandedly solves millennia-old mystery.",Did he build it ~~single-handedly~~ ~~singlehandedly~~ with one hand cause he only had one hand? I upvoted because I know this poll will drive Trump absolutely insane.,I upvoted because it must drive liberals insane to think of Trump as the 2nd most admired person in the county. "Yeah but a few years from now, when the 2015 model becomes obsolete and they stop pushing updates for it, maybe OP would regret not waiting one month for another year of updates.","Shit, my 2015 model better not lose support a few years from now!" It got your attention!,"It's to be expected from the Guardian, they always put out yellow journalism." This would make flare guns SO much more useful,Make a flare Mortar ammunition with parachute "Yeah, he says now they are trying to do things in an Arrow-y way, as if they have been doing something else for the last couple of years, hmmmmm...",Hopefully that means more trick arrows Eugene Melnyk will buy the Binghamton franchise (AHL) and it will be moved to Ottawa. Sens working to relocate another team to Binghamton.,I read it as Evgeni Malkin Would you like to take a survey,Or ride our bike along the halls? Kind of curious who sent it though! I'm keeping it either way,"Unless it could be illegal or something I'll wonder, but not search actively" "How do you find someone to date? This is kind of embarassing question but as a girl I never learned how to find people to date. Also I guess there are people out there who same as me never dating before. How do you find people to date? What do you do? How you deal with problem like religion, distance, age and so on?","As an almost *wizard*, I also in need of any answer for this question." Yup. I'm very much expecting a trump victory. But I'm also a huge pessimist. The only silver lining will be watching all the progressives who sat this one out complain for decades to come. 'I told you so' will be my only respite.,I'm going to go with Nate Silver on this one. "Wait, so the old dialogue is still in the game?",Correct. Trump's wife modeled in US prior to getting work visa,wow reallly grasping at strews /politics Hey my bd armoury isn't working any on know a fix,Removed due to Rule 5. "At work, what'd you find out?",2 free rare supply drops I'm so excited for this!,Umm... this is the Dragonvale subreddit... :P "Yeah, Gwyns, Gwyndolins, The Dancers, and The Nameless Kings fights were awesome!",I thought the Gwyndolin fight was kinda lame. I don't think there's anything to fix since it would require the game to have a higher tickrate.,We 128 tick now bois Why? Bots buy other promo cards.,"They will eventually, but this card has never existed before online, so they won't have prices programmed in." "Odell Beckham DNP on Wednesday, understanding early in week is injury not serious. Good chance he plays Sunday. Maybe more abdominal pain than hip",Wednesday "Can we all really just take a moment to recognize how hard things are for FFXV hunters and normal people? Ok, let's check the description of a basic FFXV potion, shall we? An energy drink that takes on healing properties by way of Noctis' powers. Restores half of HP. That repeats itself in every healing item, including the Phoenix Downs. Every item actually works as it does ONLY because the party has Noctis with them. If you are alone and bleeding, it doesn't matter how many potions you have: they're just a plain energy drink without Noctis' magic. So let us all think for a moment that all hunters out there must fight monsters everyday WITHOUT healing items, and if they fall in battle, they fall for good... how scary is that?","God dammit, whenever I hear hunter I just think Monster Hunter..." Strange blank faction in my minimised classic rep list 0/0 Hated reputation. Any ideas what the cause is?,It means no one hates you ^^^jk That reposting the highest rated comment from a similar thread is the easiest way to get a shit ton of upvotes in threads like this.,*Space Jam* pillowcase It's gonna come tomorrow en here's why: 1. The upgrades are recycling tomorrow and the last 2 times there were other SBC's to go along. 2. Spencers stream is tomorrow and I don't think that's a coincidence. 3. It's black Friday so the market is going to be flooded with a shit ton of movember cards and to counter that there will be a SBC. 4. That TOTW 10 pack with an untradebale item won't be in the store (has never happend before anyway) so it has to be from a SBC,Who is spencer to EA ? I for one am shocked WWE has some shitty pop song as a PPV theme.,As opposed to using the Brutal Death Metal underground hit Cool for the Summer at Summerslam? "Any liquid eyeliners better than Dolly wink and k-palette? Hi all, I've tried many of the raved about liquid eyeliners such as dolly wink, k-palette, stila all day and clio but notice that they all still seem to smudge slightly after a few hours. Just wondering if you have any recommendations for super long wearing, non budge liquid eyeliners? Thanks","Not AB, but I love Essence waterproof eyeliner (I use the liquid ink which I think has been discontinued) but they do not budge at all!" "Minister Of Misandry, Caroline Noakes, claims dads abuse courts and seek contact with their kids so they don't have to pay maintenance. Where is her Evidence?","Being a father, or paying another bill.. Decisions decisions" "Do any LSU fans fear that Herman is just a flash in the pan, similar to what Sumlin is becoming at A&M post Houston?",We fear more that he won't be our flash in the pan In season? He'd have to be arrested.,Mike would still find a way for him to commute Was undertale ported for 360?,"No, but I am pretty sure there is a controller scheme available for it on Steam." Those are great ideas!,"One thing that will kill you there is the heat will be totally blocked, make sure you don't put to many thinks in front of the baseboard heater." There really was no campaign in Scotland to get people to vote Remain. The best you can say is Scottish people are indifferent to the EU. Didn't even increase the polls for independence,"We're still waiting to see what shade of red, white and blue cockup this is going to be first" Missing CEO Of CLINTON FOUNDATION ERIC BRAVERMAN Appears To Be In FBI Custody. Missing Arms Dealer MARK TURI Who Was The BENGHAZI FALLGUY Possibly Dead.,r/TakeOffYourTinFoilHat "Nah, I'm a really relaxed person and am told I generate a chill atmosphere. I tell jokes, all of my friends are light hearted and non-petty like I am, so I know it's not the company I keep. Most people that I see that pride themselves on being petty are younger than me by a few years and know me because of my younger brother.","That comment was about you but about the people you hang around, those facebook friends." If you were forced to listen to 1 song of your choosing for the rest of your life what would it be?,All Star by Smash Mouth Id slowly start turning green "Let's Just Hope RoI Fixes The Most Glaring Hunter Issue A lack of light-appropriate pants with a knife on them. I've got sleeves with two knives, a chestpiece with a pair of knives strapped to it, I've got a big 'ol sword on my back, but my legs remain DEPRESSINGLY KNIFE FREE. How am I supposed to show my knifey-ness without a leg-knife, Bungie? Answer me that.",You can barrow my dead ordit titan butt towel that has a knife even though our arms arent long enough to reach it. From playing hardcore exclusively through BF3 and 4 iirc its 160% or they just reduce health to 60%.,In bf4 health is simply reduced to 60 How is Saudi Arabia on the Human Rights council? That's like making Hitler a rabbi in Jeruselam.,lol Shows what a joke the UN is. Humans react better post-disaster than pre-disaster. Let this run the course.,"Or, this may be unrealistic but what if there was a way to make the majority of humanity believe the disaster has already happened so, in their minds it will have because they will have reacted better post-disaster to prevent the actual disaster?" "Scott Adams: Obama is talking about his legacy. Clinton is talking about the first woman president. Meanwhile, the narcissist is talking about America.","4000 downvotes... you have no power here, CTR you parasitic scumbags." He was 'leader cadet',He looks like an enemy from the old Wolfenstein games ...And because good American athletes in major US leagues don't risk injury for what to them is just pocket change.,How do you injure yourself catching a ball? damn that was quick,success Eli5 why all the Cruz memes? Is it because he bent the knee?,Complyin' Ted has boarded the Trump train. Or just alter the colors for colorblind mode.,"can't fix it for everyone, symbols is better." if you're not better than everyone else whats the point?,"If you're not first, you're last - Imatwork123456789 Bobby" Vehicle mounted?,Because who wouldn't want an HTPC in their car! I AM GOING FOR THE TOBLOSPHERE,Yo what does she actually say there? A supporting medium shouldn't be rushing hill on mines...,"With that gun depression, hill would be a perfect spot.." "That's an improvement, but it's still not 7-10 days like I've been getting from my Pebble.","I get years out of my suunto," sounds like you check the nexus too much! wait a couple weeks before looking for new stuff!,Sounds like you don't understand his point Oh wow! 80% off...wait what?,You got a really shitty attitude OP :') #ASS TO ASS,**POOPING BACK AND FORTH FOREVER** Cosmog looks so sad upside-down,This thing is so fucking cute i would go to Vegas bet my virginity loan from a loan shark stab my roommate become a reborn christian then buy 3 houses and turn into a serial killer only to be killed in an alleyway by the gun of justice from a man that just took a huge shit to hug this thing. That last part was very poetic. I'm using that tomorrow,How did using it go? Beta is PC (Steam) only.,well the game comes out next month too Marks is the Japanese name for Xander. Marx was a German philosopher who is basically the father of Socialism.,"Worth noting that early on some people romanized his name as Marx, not entirely sure if it was serious or a communist joke." His supporters will be the only disappointed ones if he's not the next Hitler.,Not true at all and if you really believe that I just feel bad that the education system failed you so miserably. I didn't want to knock him out again. I wanted the bed and all the covers to myself. Needed a blanket cocoon to grow that baby.,You sound like a treat. "The Donald Trump posts are on the front page, but the posts criticising the Democratic party and Hillary Clinton disappear into thin air. I wonder why.",Because the user base of reddit tends to be very liberal? The customer is always right Fuck no they're not,"Just find out where they work and be like Well lookie here, not so right now huh?" "Talking about situational awareness, you didn't even saw or hear IQ coming because you were too busy watching videos on your cellphone, this damn generation!",Fookin' lazer sights! "You know, Ace's perks are great and all but... We need ***F I N G E R G U N S***. I'm not alone on this one right?",F I N G E R G U N S GIF of Apple's website in late 90's,Interestingly the Mac Pro hasn't been updated since then. Life of a trucker,God damn your shots are beautiful. "Extremely upset with Verizon. As I'm sure everyone is aware, Verizon has an extremely great promotion going on where you trade-in your current iPhone 6, and you get the iPhone 7 for about $4 a month. This promotion came at a time when me and my fiance were planning on adding me to his family's account. I've been barely able to pay my $80 phone bills for a while now, and I'd only be paying $50 on his plan. Seemed great all around. I spoke with a representative on 9/17 just to make sure I understood how the promotion process works. I asked her if I should trade-in my current phone before or after transferring my line to my fiance's plan. She told me that she would trade-in for the promotion first and then transfer my line over to my fiance's, since we had no guarantee that the promotion would end if we did it the other way around. I ordered the iPhone 7, received it, and started the process to trade in my current iPhone 6 on 9/28. I spoke with another representative at this time, just to verify all of the information I was given. He said, Once you have started receiving the credits, you would be good to make the switch over. Perfect. Two associates have now told me the exact same thing. I figured I was good to go. It's now been about two weeks since I traded my phone in, and the trade-in status is still saying that the box is mailed. I got on chat today just to verify that they've received my trade-in. They did. I then asked when it would be safe for me to switch over to my fiance's plan. *She told me if I switch over to my fiance's plan and close my account, I would no longer receive the credits.* I see in the promotion conditions that it says line must be active for 2 years for full credit. Makes sense. Except the two previous associates both told me that transferring my line won't affect anything, since my line will still be active with Verizon. The associate today told me that they were both wrong and that if I cancel my account, I won't get the credits. She said that **if I was given misinformation, Verizon will honor it.** I showed her my two previous chat transcripts. She said she's sorry, I was given the wrong information, the best she can do is get me a gift card for $250 or less and I'd have to pay off the rest of my iPhone 7. She said I should just stay on my current plan to keep the credits. Here is my issue: The ONLY reason I decided to buy into this promotion is because I was told, TWICE, that I could get the promotion even if I transfer my line to my fiance's account. Transferring my phone to my fiance's account is NOT up for debate - that's happening no matter what, and it will save me a lot of money in the long run. Based on the misinformation I was given, I purchased a $700 (give or take) phone that I never would have purchased, *because I can't afford it*. I cannot afford my current plan's $80 bill anymore, and I cannot afford to pay off $450 of my iPhone 7. The misinformation given to me caused me to make a purchase that I otherwise would not have made. Verizon refuses to honor what was told to me, twice, by two separate associates. I said today that if I can't have the promotion, I want my iPhone 6 back and I want to give back the iPhone 7. They said that's not possible. What the hell are my options here? I'm so upset about this. I went out of my way to confirm and re-confirm that what we were doing is CORRECT. And now I'm probably out $450 and not receiving the promotion I was promised I would get (and have the chat transcripts to prove it). I'm going to be talking to my fiance about switching to a new provider, and I know that they'll be open to the idea - I know it won't hurt Verizon at all, but they'll be losing not only me, but 4 other customers as well. Is there anyone else I can reach out to about this? I refuse to leave things as they are...",You might try contacting Executive Relations to push something through. FBI Anon: Killshot coming November 5th. It will be the scandal to end all scandals.,"Pre-Warning, massive internet outages and possible unprecedented sun flare to knock out all media capabilities Nov 5th." "I believe for most things that's crap. I work 90 to 110 hours in 8 days. Productive as hell all day, every day. All Day...",Let me guess; you work a job that doesn't involve any critical thinking/decision making? "Because Stonebank is Making So Many Songs of Different Genres, Here is a Challenge:",No. I wish we could call him up right now,END OF THE OHL SEASON MEANS HE CAN COME PARTY Sometimes you get randomly and inexplicably downvoted. In the same way some people randomly and inexplicably don't like you and there's nothing you can do about it,you have no idea how difficult it is to not downvote you for ironies sake. From 15ish months ago.,Yeah I've totally never seen this before. How can I make a cropped image to a flat black?,"I'd try something along the lines of selecting the surrounding white, inverting and then shrinking the selection a little." "Nah, the rhythmic structure is still wrong. 'Tis the season for fucked grammar. But even then it's best to end in something that rhymes if you're gonna go writing a parody.",Tis the season for word follies. Leak reveals Rex Tillerson is director of Bahamas-based US-Russian oil company,I dont see how this guy get confirmed Breakout Type S Crates/Offers,6 CC3 + 3 CC1 Why not?,I can just imagine all the posts of Dropped my phone... How can I sell some bitcoin without going through ID verification? I was given some bitcoin and want to sell it.,Take a look into BitSquare. What's the code for an i7?,"You need a gameshark for that model, loser devs didn't implement codes" "All the scepticism in that thread about Huni and Reignover, hindsight is an amazing thing lol",I mean when you're called Gameover in Korea I could understand the skepticism. Ill give you a upvote because I came here to state the same. That ammo is TERRIBLE in ALL ballistic tests..,"Thanks bby Lately I've been getting downblatted for no stated reason in this sub, so every bit helps." Haaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaa!!!!,"Yep, I hate the Clintons, and all despotic demagogues alike but your comment pretty much nails it." Well we shouldn't have to put up with it. If we could have some self control for a bit and had a mass amount of people stop buying packs we could get them to change their ways. Do we really just want to see them get lazier. Because if we keep this up that is what's going to happen until everyone reaches their breaking point. Any other good business keeps their promises to keep the consumer happy but video game companies think they can pull this shit all the time.,"Complains a bunch, username checks out" "I mean, don't we also update our peripherals, too?",Yeah we have to update them every 2 weeks along with all the internal hardware though cause we're always more obsolete than console "Well, hard to call someone like that a friend.",more like... Coworkers PFF: The Ravens are the top graded team in the league through week 3,Fly Ravens Fly! "You're right that it will pass (inevitably), but it could screw people on both sides in marginal seats. For the Tories in Remain areas, do they follow their constituency, or do they follow their voters? If they vote to Leave, their moderate (mostly swing) voters will vote against them at the next election. Meanwhile, if they vote to Remain, their core (mostly Leave) voters will be pissed. It's Sophies choice. Likewise, for Labour up north, it will suck. If they vote Remain, they have a very real danger of bleeding votes to UKIP (or even the Tories). If they are in marginal seats, they may have to hold their nose and vote, but it's not certain. The only ones who will come out of this well are the SNP and Lib Dems, who are likely to pick up voters based on their stance, and don't have to worry much about losing voters (not many Leave LDs or SNPers exist). Their relatively low seat and safe seats also mean they don't have to worry much. The A50 vote will pass, but it could radically effect the next election depending how they vote.",I can see it passing with very few no votes and a lot of abstentions Brendan Fraser: The Movie Star That Hollywood Forgot | Tribeca,I'm still waiting for Encino Man Part II. "Yup, I have a smurf that I only play on using my steam controller, there's no way I could do that in my regular pubs.","sorry for asking a silly question, are you saying you play dota with a controller?" If I was there you would be SO clean haha,;) HEY SCREW YOU (BUT ALSO BEAT ST. OLAF THIS WEEKEND BECAUSE WHO HATES OLAF?),ST OLAF HAS THE LEFSE BOWL WITH CONCORDIA WHICH IS KINDA COOL BUT YEAH WE'LL BEAT EM FOR YA. "So, I'm not super familiar with how IR works, but if he's out for the season, do we have the possibility of pulling CJ Ham from the practice squad as our third-string?",We signed Ronnie Hillman I guess. Flush less. Maybe do it once per day.,So not worth it. Nope.,You're probably right. "Not really, flexQ is a completely new queue, and as we can see, Riot wasn't taking yoloQ into account for our placements this time, and it will most likely get reset from where ever your flexQ is, when pre season is over.",Dude it was even in the notes on the pbe and stuff where riot told us they took your dynq mmr because they dont want clown fiestas all over my diamond friends and me got placed in plat all my plat friends got placed in gold and so on.. What are some good lemon beverages you can find in grocery store?,Lemonade "people that are comfortable voting for a criminal make me laugh, people who defend a criminal's right to president make me sick. There is clear evidence Hilary broke the law, about as obvious as it was that OJ murdered his ex wife.",Need I remind you that harassers and rapists are also criminals? with Huma in the cell next to hers.,They can scissor through the bars A girl with a sense of humor who appears to be conversational on tinder? I wonder what other surprises this day holds...,"Probably helps that he is talking to her like a human, though lucked out with being forthcoming about kinks." AGREEMENT REACHED: Both sides creating a demilitarized zone in Aleppo & will pull back from Costello road. If violence is reduced US/Russia will develop joint strikes against Nusra/ISIS.US and Russia agreed on opposition areas where only Russian jets will execute strikes.,All the Loyalist supporters are acting the exact same way as the SDF supporters did over the US in the TAF incursion Salary dawg,"Thanks to Obama a lot of people that were previously salary are now hourly, but that doesn't change their job or benefits." From what I can tell it's divided into prefectures like states/provinces of which there are 47. These attacks took place with in a small area on the northern island,"Considering the land size of japan, 6-7 levels deep organization is just too much." Total War: WARHAMMER - The King & The Warlord Cinematic Announcement Trailer,"At work, any chance for a summary?" "There were a lot of things we couldn't do in an SR-71, but we were the fastest guys on the block and loved reminding our fellow aviators of this fact. People often asked us if, because of this fact, it was fun to fly the jet. Fun would not be the first word I would use to describe flying this plane. Intense, maybe. Even cerebral. But there was one day in our Sled experience when we would have to say that it was pure fun to be the fastest guys out there, at least for a moment. It occurred when Walt and I were flying our final training sortie. We needed 100 hours in the jet to complete our training and attain Mission Ready status. Somewhere over Colorado we had passed the century mark. We had made the turn in Arizona and the jet was performing flawlessly. My gauges were wired in the front seat and we were starting to feel pretty good about ourselves, not only because we would soon be flying real missions but because we had gained a great deal of confidence in the plane in the past ten months. Ripping across the barren deserts 80,000 feet below us, I could already see the coast of California from the Arizona border. I was, finally, after many humbling months of simulators and study, ahead of the jet. I was beginning to feel a bit sorry for Walter in the back seat. There he was, with no really good view of the incredible sights before us, tasked with monitoring four different radios. This was good practice for him for when we began flying real missions, when a priority transmission from headquarters could be vital. It had been difficult, too, for me to relinquish control of the radios, as during my entire flying career I had controlled my own transmissions. But it was part of the division of duties in this plane and I had adjusted to it. I still insisted on talking on the radio while we were on the ground, however. Walt was so good at many things, but he couldn't match my expertise at sounding smooth on the radios, a skill that had been honed sharply with years in fighter squadrons where the slightest radio miscue was grounds for beheading. He understood that and allowed me that luxury. Just to get a sense of what Walt had to contend with, I pulled the radio toggle switches and monitored the frequencies along with him. The predominant radio chatter was from Los Angeles Center, far below us, controlling daily traffic in their sector. While they had us on their scope (albeit briefly), we were in uncontrolled airspace and normally would not talk to them unless we needed to descend into their airspace. We listened as the shaky voice of a lone Cessna pilot asked Center for a readout of his ground speed. Center replied: November Charlie 175, I'm showing you at ninety knots on the ground. Now the thing to understand about Center controllers, was that whether they were talking to a rookie pilot in a Cessna, or to Air Force One, they always spoke in the exact same, calm, deep, professional, tone that made one feel important. I referred to it as the Houston Center voice. I have always felt that after years of seeing documentaries on this country's space program and listening to the calm and distinct voice of the Houston controllers, that all other controllers since then wanted to sound like that, and that they basically did. And it didn't matter what sector of the country we would be flying in, it always seemed like the same guy was talking. Over the years that tone of voice had become somewhat of a comforting sound to pilots everywhere. Conversely, over the years, pilots always wanted to ensure that, when transmitting, they sounded like Chuck Yeager, or at least like John Wayne. Better to die than sound bad on the radios. Just moments after the Cessna's inquiry, a Twin Beech piped up on frequency, in a rather superior tone, asking for his ground speed. I have you at one hundred and twenty-five knots of ground speed. Boy, I thought, the Beechcraft really must think he is dazzling his Cessna brethren. Then out of the blue, a navy F-18 pilot out of NAS Lemoore came up on frequency. You knew right away it was a Navy jock because he sounded very cool on the radios. Center, Dusty 52 ground speed check. Before Center could reply, I'm thinking to myself, hey, Dusty 52 has a ground speed indicator in that million-dollar cockpit, so why is he asking Center for a readout? Then I got it, ol' Dusty here is making sure that every bug smasher from Mount Whitney to the Mojave knows what true speed is. He's the fastest dude in the valley today, and he just wants everyone to know how much fun he is having in his new Hornet. And the reply, always with that same, calm, voice, with more distinct alliteration than emotion: Dusty 52, Center, we have you at 620 on the ground. And I thought to myself, is this a ripe situation, or what? As my hand instinctively reached for the mic button, I had to remind myself that Walt was in control of the radios. Still, I thought, it must be done - in mere seconds we'll be out of the sector and the opportunity will be lost. That Hornet must die, and die now. I thought about all of our Sim training and how important it was that we developed well as a crew and knew that to jump in on the radios now would destroy the integrity of all that we had worked toward becoming. I was torn. Somewhere, 13 miles above Arizona, there was a pilot screaming inside his space helmet. Then, I heard it. The click of the mic button from the back seat. That was the very moment that I knew Walter and I had become a crew. Very professionally, and with no emotion, Walter spoke: Los Angeles Center, Aspen 20, can you give us a ground speed check? There was no hesitation, and the replay came as if was an everyday request. Aspen 20, I show you at one thousand eight hundred and forty-two knots, across the ground. I think it was the forty-two knots that I liked the best, so accurate and proud was Center to deliver that information without hesitation, and you just knew he was smiling. But the precise point at which I knew that Walt and I were going to be really good friends for a long time was when he keyed the mic once again to say, in his most fighter-pilot-like voice: Ah, Center, much thanks, we're showing closer to nineteen hundred on the money. For a moment Walter was a god. And we finally heard a little crack in the armor of the Houston Center voice, when L.A.came back with, Roger that Aspen, Your equipment is probably more accurate than ours. You boys have a good one. It all had lasted for just moments, but in that short, memorable sprint across the southwest, the Navy had been flamed, all mortal airplanes on freq were forced to bow before the King of Speed, and more importantly, Walter and I had crossed the threshold of being a crew. A fine day's work. We never heard another transmission on that frequency all the way to the coast. For just one day, it truly was fun being the fastest guys out there.",The greatest reddit comment of all time "Got my first immortal weapon, how should I handle it?",Mash that enhance button a bunch of times :) I've gotten my resources from experiments and scientific evidence. I'm studying to be a gynecologist and urologist so I know about these things.,I suggest you go talk to your professors about how great you think having low testosterone is and how you think you can control those levels by not having orgasms. uhhhhhhh ya think?,No duh When a user is trying to find Tumblr,DAE LE TUMBLR xd The legendary protection comes in over time. It isn't meant to be in right now. Raids aren't even out yet.,"Yeah, people run a mythic and feel entitled to get one Legendary." Next week got a good matchup with da bears but other than that (plus a bye) I agree. Could be good against Jax.,Jax gives up 5th fewest pass yards and fewest yards per pass play. what about liandry's torment?,"No, it doesn't fortunately." "* Darius has always had a skill shot on his e. Out of the 100+ champions, very few have no skill shots. Xin, yi, jax, udyr are pretty much the only remaining ones.","I don't think Teemo R counts personally, but yeah." "Men of Reddit, what do you want for Christmas?",A powerwasher for my car ayyyyy It was Russia!,They ~~took ur jerbs~~ herked ur demurcracy "One of the biggest would probably be **Lords of Waterdeep**. One of the *best*, IMHO, would be **Viticulture: Essential Edition**.","Viticulture is amazing and with **Tuscany: Essential Edition** coming out next month, it's good to get acquainted to this game." "o/ Will change them during the weekend, minimal driving until then! Except the winter tires are at my parent's place some 120km from here..",So you're one of those people who is surprised that there's gonna be winter in Finland? Halo 1 on original Xbox version.,or just halo on xbox one Does your team have a tough stretch to finish the season? I know Nebraska has to go against a good Wisconsin and Ohio St team.,"Yes, very good chance of going 3-9 after OU next week." How much do you know?,More than you obviously Why be pretty sure when you can do a non-binding RFP and be actually sure?,"Income statistics, how do they work?" "No punk knows who started punk and no punk should give a fuck. The one thing punks should know is that they did it harder, that they did it faster, and that they definitely did it with more love, baby! You can't take that away from punks.",The New York Dolls & The Stooges would like a word with you... OK Warriors bandwagon flair.,I like my dislikes Power Rangers reboot's Alpha 5 is the thing of nightmares,Well the picture shown to us was Concept Art so I don't see why people are complaining about something that is not the final product. "As long as a woman continues breastfeeding, there's really not a practical limit to how long they can keep it up. It's the most nutritional substance to a person, and I'm sure if you go digging through your shittier Datelines or local news fluff pieces, you'll find one of those women that's still breastfeeding her 12 year olds. So I mean, if Mrs. Rivers was breastfeeding, she could have continuously been doing it this whole time. I'm not sure if that's the case. As far as *standard* that's difficult to pin down. Generally, babies start to be weened after their first birthday, with some stopping then, and others going until around 2 years of age, or even a little past that.","It's the most nutritional substance to a person, Thats why I continue to drink it, if only finding a source was easier.." "The number of time people don't contest because they might die, makes me rage.",GET ON THE FUCKING POINT SHINJI! South Philly's Finest,Well they're passionate fans. Games aren't made for longevity. Just long enough to make you wanna buy the next one to keep up.,Sad but true. Calling people of color darkies is a racial slur,"I know thats not what you meant,I was just kidding" "Dabs are still cringy, right?",It's allergy season and I can't even sneeze into my arm because I'll be mistaken for dabbing... "So my girlfriend put my birthday presents in this box, maybe the best way to decorate it :3",Step 1: cut a hole through the box. "One good, one bad rule, no one expected it to be good, if anything W10 is the failure.",You're implying Vista was good? People are too easily spooked by mailing errors. Like some ghost is leaving random ballots at one address to scare people into voter fraud or something.,Scary Democrats more like it "Did you seriously expect anything else? I vote no moderator at all. Boxing gloves, or pistols at 10 paces. Winner take all","Final Destination, no items, fox only." I like the philosophy less is more.,"But if less is more, then obviously more is even more" FBI Had Secretly Recorded Audio Implicating Clintons. DOJ's Response Has Officials Blowing the Whistle.,Of course they did. No way in hell. No Adobe products on Linux. I'd never switch anyway. I love macOS and I would rather deal with having to buy a hub or a cable than dealing with Windows or Linux. SD card slot doesn't matter to me either since I just plug my camera in with the cable. I've never had an issue with 16GB of ram either. It's plenty for what I do.,But GIMP! 91 Penguins,"I knew they won two cups, just wasn't sure which year, so that makes 90 the oilers I'm pretty sure." "Nice. So, how to do that?",Yeah This election shows that people vote against the candidate they fear being elected.,As will be the case as long as we have the two party system. I can't think of a single other thing to which that statement also applies...,driving a car to some extent Respect other people's propriety you little turd nugget,Respect my racism you little turd nugget "Haha, and there's the old insult you can't be a cuckold if you don't have a wife",Thats hilariously true. Scarlett Johansson tops Forbes list of highest grossing actors in 2016.,"Still not making as much as a man in the same roles, however." TITLE SPECULATION THREAD GO: Red and Dead Red Dead Online Red Dead Revolution Red Dead Reloaded Red Dead Garlic Bread,"GUYS, WE'RE ALL MISSING THE OBVIOUS FRONT RUNNER: R2D2" My mom would always sing it as There's cum on Eileen. I have a weird mom.,You have an awesome mom. "Yup! But the point I'm making here is that even if we don't turn a profit, if we end up benefiting as a city (as opposed to a bunch of dilapidated stadiums), I wouldn't mind the net spend if it results in infrastructural improvements. METRO I'm looking at you! I don't like asking friends for a ride, or getting $50 uber ride to the airport.",FlyAway yo! "Can confirm, just did five water changes and it felt wonderful (I mean, that's not even 1/3 of my tanks but still) There's something very cathartic about tank maintnence. I was seriously just up to my elbows in aquarium water, got some conditioned water in my mouth, and dumped some on the carpet (am 5'2, that particular tank sits at 4'6) but the whole experience is extremely relaxing. I wouldn't have my Mondays be any other way :D",Haha I too had conditioned water in my mouth spilled some water and do my water changes on Monday mornings. "Sometimes they'll break your heart I had older woman come in today, maybe in her 60's, and had what I assumed to be her granddaughter with her. They were looking at dresses when I approached them. Me: Hi ladies. Can I help you find anything? Grandma: We're shopping for a formal dress for [granddaughter' name]. Me: Ooooo...what's the occasion? Grandma: A family gathering. Me: I love the one you picked out. It comes in 2 other colors and I can show you some other popular choices. *granddaughter walks away while I'm talking* Grandma: We're actually shopping for (granddaughter's) her mother's funeral. I stop dead in my tracks and a hot flash wave comes over my body accompanied by all over goosebumps. Now I've helped several people shop for funerals before but this one hit me hard. This girl is 14 looking for a dress to wear to her mom's funeral. I snap out of sales mode and switch on mission mode. I'm being as sensitive to the situation as possible without getting emotional but this girl comes out of a fitting room in a gorgeous black dress and eyes full of tears. You could tell this was the last thing she wanted to be doing. She ended up getting the dress and I'm offering up every service in addition that I can do to help make things easier. They were both very appreciative when leaving and all I wanted to do was go in the back and cry the rest of my shift. Sometimes this job can be emotionally draining. *sigh*","I read up to the first comma, and based on that information, I read everything else in a Russian accent." "Book One: Water: Chapter 2: RIghtr afterbe The workers grunted loudly as one as they pulled on the ropes hauling the massive, twenty-foot cannon. Civilians and Jannisaries alike swarm around the bombards at a distance, awing at the spectacle of these strange machines that were rumored to work like dragon's breath. Mehmet watched it all. Sitting cross-legged on a stool out in the open, he watched his army and their followers wonder as he was fanned by a servant and squinted as the light reflected off the armor of his bodyguards. *how much more I know than the common man.* He thought as he sipped from his cup. *Although they are lucky, for they themselves will not have to pay for such machines.* Mehmet turned his attention back again to the Dacian. You see your magnificence, these cannons are expensive yes. However they are so powerful, that no walls -even those built by God himself, would not be able to withstand their fury. The earth will shake, the sky will thunder, and the walls of Theodosian will crumble. By the next morning my Sultan, you will be taking a bath in the palace of Constantinople. *Powerful words, this Dacian has. How much did he ask for again?* The Dacian seemed to read his mind and spoke again. A man such as yourself would no doubt be able to pay a mere 1000 pounds for such a opportunity, no? To bring about a new age? *A new age.* Mehmet thought to himself. *For a thousand pounds of gold per piece.* The Sultan nodded to the man, he smiled and his hands tried to contain his excitement. Thank you my Sultan -your magnificence -you will not regret this. The Byzantines will no doubt surrender after the shot!- The Sultan waved him away, and two of his bodyguards walked close to the man. You will get your gold, Dacian, now you are excused. Ye- Yes, of course... your magnificence. He bowed. When he stood back up his eyes met the glare of the guard, and he turned to be escorted away. That man tried to sell these machines to the Byzantines before he came to us, as my eyes see. A woman's wispier told him. The shadowy figure revolved around him, invisible to others, but Mehmet saw it just fine. The shape shimmered through a guard, distorting it like a glass circle over a object in the sun. *I do not doubt that. The man is Christian, we knew they would come to the Byzantines aid. Although much of it has yet to arrive.* The men of Europe will not save Constantinople, as my mind tells me. *I know that, you have told me.* The shadow woman's voice had not been wrong as of yet. The city will fall to you, that is certain, although it not be next morning. *An exaggeration by the man, I could tell, however is what you told me, and what he has told me true? Will these machines really bring down the Theodosian Walls? No army ever in history has brought them down, no invading army has even set foot inside the city.* My Sultan? A man's voice asked. Mehmet snapped out of his conversation with the shadow woman and turned to his first bodyguard. What Bakir? Nothing your magnificence. You were just in a trance... I was thinking. Mehmet responded. ...I was only thinking.",spoopy feel worse about being black and not knowing what woke means stay woke,I'm a disgrace to my people good job thanks for putting in the bonus xp :D,Thank you! As long as prue stays the same. I just need 9 dratini so I'll be there the next couple weeks.,You could also try walking Dratini. No we arnt. The saints still have an offense that can get 300+ years a game.,Thats hell of a time machine "I thought Britain voted to leave the EU, not to set the clocks back to 1950",it was a trashy headline for a trashy newspaper read the express instead what's the top part,"Its a frequency counter showing 19 MHz, as high as my 50 MHz function generator can go." "If we're not the true underachievers this year, I don't know what's real.",hey Bear necessities.,The simple bear necessities? Hillary Clinton blames defeat on FBI director James Comey,Of course... because that is much easier than laying blame where it really deserves... at her own feet. Seeing the 'Congratulations I didn't unfriend you as a friend' post on Facebook make me want to unfriend them.,"once again, reddit teaches me, you aren't the only one." "Yeah, this is better suited for r/poorlydisguisedmarketing",Except there's no evidence he's selling anything. "Move forwards, not backwards. Upwards, not forwards. And always twirling, twirling, TWIRLING towards victory.","Don't blame me, *I* voted for Kodos." WHAT? WHAT THE FUCK?,"No, there is no fucking" TIL Pope Francis was a nightclub bouncer before he was Pope,It fits with the Jesuit philosophy of being God's Marines Manchester United 2 - 0 Stoke City,"Manchester United 2 - 0 Stoke City Zlatan, Martial 45" J,U Monte - hey maybe some of you guys can be leaders too,LMFAO I'm fine with you looking at my ass and jerking off to it later but taking pics is a little too far if you're a complete stranger.,"So, if they introduce themselves, and then ask you to turn around so they can snap a quick pic, you'd be cool with it, right?" "Thoughts on a yearly errata pack As we all know, there are many cards that have been on the banlist for the longest time and could easily be removed with a simple change (adding once per turn clauses for example) without ruining the intended use of the card. We also know that there are many mistakes Konami makes when printing cards for the next booster set that result in more card hits (like Kozmo Dark Destroyer and Majespecter Kirin) or inconsistent/mediocre support for older decks (like Archfiend Black Skull Dragon and Super Soldier Rebirth). Do you think it would be a good idea for Konami to print a yearly errata pack to clean up the banlist and fix some mistakes from recent booster sets? And if so what are some changes would you like to see?","I'd prefer if they just designed cards better, but that's not gonna happen." I'll check guys.,Because it's been 3 hours I assume that you are either dead or in a hospital because of that sub. Ok so this is more than a little bizarre,what? China again warns against U.S. anti-missile system in South Korea,"We'll take it out, when you reign in NK" I just frowned intensely at the thought of a dark Walmart,Time to play the game of has this apple been bitten. I think Doom's center gun placement feels more realistic than what we've seen in recent FPS games,The centered mode just looks like whatever gun is being held is held up right against their throat. "Stolen iPhone is being held hostage by old man asking to wire money to return it. So my iPhone was stolen from my car last week and I posted on several Lost and Found Forums, and then an elderly gentleman called my boyfriend yesterday to tell me he had bought it for $85 when he was in California for work but is back in Springdale IL and asked if I would wire him $130 which is what he paid plus shipping. He asked me to describe the phone and then confirmed he has it, yet I need some proof like pictures from it or a picture of the phone itself before I do anything. Firstly, shipping shouldn't be that much from IL to CA but the phone was the last gift I got from my mother who has since passed away and the phone has photos of her that I never backed up so I am willing to pay whatever is needed for it's return since it has a lot of sentimental value. I could buy another phone but it's not the same. I already contacted both mine and his local law enforcement and they were honest and said it's unlikely they will do anything about it. Just wanted any tips or suggestions as to how I can ensure this guy even has my phone let alone will send it if I wire him money. It's super fishy but again, I really want the phone my Mom gave me back.","Receiving stolen goods, that could be a felony depending on the worth." Put in the ass after the title of the last game you played. What do you get?,Overwatch in the ass This damn election. I just choose to blame it.,"Thanks, Obama." "Maybe you are joking, but I'd rather peacefully stop on my own.",Sorry forgot the "elf ears, negative jaw line, no eyebrows, mega receding hairline, melting bulbous nose, built-in acne, thin shit eating mouth, designer flannel shirt / print hybrid. The white race everybody.",HIEL! Ok so nothing to do with each characters episode?,No. I won a copy of Rise of the Tomb Raider from the same competition. It only got here about a week ago. Your 1070 is probably in shipping,Is your PC my PC in disguise.. AKA: basic hoes,"It was more to do with the fact there were about 10 girls named Rebecca in the year, so we had to find a system to differentiate them." Gold Flecked Ink,Where do I buy this Loyalty.,"You smart, you loyal" "Motahcycles. Da club. Sam cro. Tara. My boys. Clay. Gemma. Motahcycles. There, you just watched all of Sons of Anarchy.",Also the IRA stuff and the Mayans and white supremacists. "Better yet, leave the leader of the bandits alone, then go back after a few days, then the regular bandits will respawn, it's the easiest way to accumulate lots of crowns.","Not even a few days, just fast travel somewhere and fast travel back" "So? Even if, that's not how suits like that rip apart.",You said decay. The United States might just be the most corrupt country on the face of the Earth. Think about that.,"Yeah, but some agency says other countries are the most corrupt... here, let me prove by linking some NGO/CIA website that proves the US is one of the least corrupt...." I grabbed him off waivers in my keeper league. Super happy about that.,He's a dinosaur getting knee surgery he might be doneso this year. He lost a jf too I'm p sure,One day the D-W beacon will rival YA0 in hulls culled! But doesn't that mean that houses are now affordable for people who don't have black money?,Which apparently is only 3% of the nation "I don't know why, but it weirds me out when adults use the word tummy, especially when describing other adults.",So you don't want to play tummy sticks? Nearly Half of Americans Have Negative View of Country's Future After Trump's Election,Is this the same half that didn't vote? "How is Jing Wei right now? What do you think needs to be changed or kept the same? I've noticed that people have differing opinions on Jing Wei right now. Most say she is below par and lacking in one area of her kit or another, yet some elitists argue that her skill ceiling is quite high and is very potent in the right hands.",She's probably the best hunter imo Totally not because her ult counters Ramas :L What's your guess?,You weren't up to it? "I just go by eBay. Just search the model and find all the different colors, including closed auctions.",That's how I discovered that cool gold LR series III. What were you known for in your high school?,Being the smartest asshole And still is.,She's a lot better than she was. "Redditors that don't believe in an afterlife, what are you living for?",Today. "Hmm, sounds like Dolores might be a host.",Hot fucking take m8 Its the thanksgiving charm.,*Danksgiving charm Scott Adams has been banned from Twitter & Periscope for publicly supporting Donald Trump,is this true ? "Honestly, that sounds like a pretty solid option. I don't want to single anyone out and tell them their characters don't fit. These guys are all particularly stubborn, but if they can work it out themselves after a few sessions that would be best.",GL "I love secret rares, but the Metalfoes would look better as ultras and supers, and I play the deck.","Supers for the main deck monsters, ultra for the spells and traps and secret for the fusions would be dope" He's talking about Obama,Whoosh Not ironic.,would it be ironic if a fire station burned down? at one point in that video i was hoping someone would legit try and just barge through that human chain. just curious what would happen.,If somebody pulled that shit in my campus i'd have 0 problems with linebacking their chain. Healthcare Live in the UK,Healthcare Live in the US Why do people keep saying this. The cubs gave up a run in the bottom of the 10th. The game winning hit was MIGGY YOU BASTARDS,Yeah but he's old and washed up and didn't deserve to be on the roster "I'm new here, what does OP mean on Reddit?",Oversized prostate "It must be because of Steam's VAC. It's the only thing I can think of. Either way, its a disaster. Why would anyone chose Windows Store over Steam now? And the poor saps who get it on Windows as a gift, or by accident, or out of ignorance...may god have mercy on their souls.","Implying that the windows store version probably won't have anti-cheat of any kind, RIP windows store players." God bless /pol/,Buy Pepe "At worst, Clinton means maintaining the status quo. At best, Trump is a fully loaded plane crashing into a fully loaded passenger train.",In slow motion Ballot Drop Box locator (it is too late to mail your ballot!),"Deadline is 8pm Tuesday, Nov 8." "If you think they're OP, you have absolutely no knowledge about game balance.",And apparently does nobody else or the pros who think pistols are badly balanced. "Ah i see, my b on the misread. That's a great lineup. Worry about Cameron's knee is nagging him","Yeah that is worrisome, not sure who I would pick for our second string RCB." Smiteguru has an aproximation of your real elo. Maybe than can help you. :/ since there is no way to see the official one.,Everyone knows it does but why wouldn't they just shot it ingame like every other game. Selfie,ass so phat even the floorboards warp around her.. "Go beat someone else, you'll feel better.",:) When does the flair fade wear off?,Never...welcome your new Cub overlords! "Holy shit thanks, this is it. I searched it up and turns out it's from Zelda, and hence it isn't on the film score. There were two albums released from this movie, the original score, and the soundtrack (outside songs used in the movie). For some reason the song isn't on either album even though it seems to be a unique version made just for the movie. Meaning I can't get it on Spotify :(","Although it's an original version in the movie, the song's copyright is owned by Nintendo, and it's likely they withheld the rights to release the song outside of the movie." "I know that Uber drivers can rate their passengers on a 1 to 5 point scale, and that some drivers will not rate a passenger any higher than a 4 if they don't tip.","Just wanted to say that I'm a part time Uber driver who gives low ratings if you: 1) aren't ready to go in a timely manner 2) are rude 3) expect the impossible, expect dangerous or illegal driving, or act like traffic is my fault 4) smell like cigarettes 5) smell bad at all or just are dirty 6) slam my fucking door Tips have nothing to do with my rating one way or the other." "Say if I plan to spend between $650-850 on a decent apartment and be very cautious and with utilities and grocery shopping and things like that. Feel like that should be enough, right?",You should have roommates. "Yes, the man who outsources his own labor is the man to bring back jobs to the US. I'm really worried about his stance on Climate/emissions...scary.",The man who criticised the act of giving cabinet positions to people who pay to play is filling his cabinet with his own fucking family. This makes me uncomfortable,[](/ppcute) I was expecting this role reversal to happen soon. 4 charged after man beaten following car crash as bystanders yelled anti-Trump taunts,Should be a hate crime "Uh, no. Assuming that a certain fighter who has barely gone .500 over the course of years will remain relatively close to that level is not baseless speculation. We have evidence to show that Artem is mediocre. The only thing that's speculative is guessing that he's going to steadily improve until he's a top 10 fighter.",Is it crazy to say he is much better now beating new prospects in the ufc than he was 3 years ago losing to bums in cage warriors and that he will be even better in 3 years? Fast and Furious 87,This would be funny if it wasn't the size of a postage stamp! Who cares about racists and white supremacists? These people would be much more marginalized if they were just ignored by the media and the left. But the press can't help themselves but compare these extreme outliers to the rest of the country. Trump will do fine. Clinton's actions have made her impossible to trust on any important issues. Especially concerning Russia.,"They are rising out of obscurity on the back of Donald Trump, so... I find your logic here somewhat flawed." "Well, she's anti-war, actively opposed to all forms of discrimination, not in wall street's pocket, and is arguably half-way to being an anti-capitalist. That puts her head and shoulders above Trump, Hillary and Johnson in my opinion, and I don't think any of the more minor third parties are visible enough for voting for them to accomplish anything.","Unless your absolutely don't care about the outcome of Clinton vs Trump, you shouldn't throw your vote away and vote for successive like Stein." This is how the cons wins. Cheating.,Nah the dems are literally shipping thousands of millions of illegal Mexicans in buses across the country to vote as many times as possible. "Reddit, what's your age? how many year old you?","I'm 24. feels weird saying that, I don't feel like its been 4 years since I was 20, probably because I haven't done much since I was 20." "KD listing the great players at his position: Kawhi, Bron, Melo, Paul George, uh.... Rudy Gay",Hayward is better than Rudy "It's doesn't looks natural, it's looks like 5-year kid painting in paint",Maybe consider that it's an INSANE sized map and it's not going to be done for a few months before you spew your bullshit everywhere like a yale art critic. Not really. He was just masked by their great macro.,He had very good games on the meta champs at the time "Because this is imported in a sporting configuration I believe to legally use higher capacity mags you must first make it 922 compliant which means swapping in 10 or more US parts for the factory parts. Mags count as 3, floor plate, body and follower. But no one really cares about that law.",More like 922 ways I ignore that shit. "Wow.. I would have figured the USA being the most influential country in the world would have far surpassed other countries with free healthcare, at least in childbirth.","It's the bill, most likely they didn't pay that." Heroes Brawl Gameplay Videos,"Finally, Earthquake is viable!" "Trump says, Challenge accepted!",It's a crazy world where China and India are doing more to combat climate change for the future while major Western countries sit idle and watch the slow demise of the planet. Do you drink water or oil?,I drink the tears of the doubters! "Obama's presidency has been like watching Blazing Saddles for 8 years The president is a n-GONG He said the president is near! No, gol-flaming-dag-nabbit! The president is a n-GONG I wish he had said excuse me while I whip this out at his inaugural speech just to see the Republicans' heads explode","Mike Pence would respond, You've whipped out that Mexican thing again." I hope not :/,Too late...the pussy was already grabbed. "Why hairpieces are so unpopular? This crossed my mind after seeing a thread on here showcasing the impressive transformation of a man after purchasing one. Let's assume for a second that high-quality, semi-permanent modern hairpieces are very difficult to spot and can be worn while working out and during most activities (correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the impression I'm getting). Ignoring the relatively high cost, don't these provide a viable hair loss treatment option that's more or less guaranteed to give results? If you start fin, min, and keto, you have to contend with theoretical and proven dangers to your body and mind, other cosmetic side effects, anxiety over losing more hair or experiencing sides, and you'll be lucky if you maintain what mediocre (or bad) hair you have for the next decade. With a hairpiece, you can basically go back to NW1/2 if you like. I'm not claiming everyone is wrong for choosing to avoid this path, but I'm genuinely curious what it is I'm missing. Is it a psychological problem with having fake hair? Cost? Functional issues? I'm just surprised that this is hardly ever even considered and I'm curious exactly why.","Stigma is in my opinion the biggest factor, followed by cost, followed by the learning curve." H.....headshot....?,shakalaka Am I missing something or is this just based on an email from a donor to Colin Powell? How embellished or hyperbolic the language used is anyone's guess.,"You're not missing anything, this counts as news around here on Trump-brigade days." so we can have spoiler before 1am?,And probably a lot of editing the crowd chants "test it with DX12, does it behave the same ?!","Yep, same deal" Is it bo3 or bo5 cause I cant find the answer anywhere,bo3 Kirin. (filling this space because otherwise this will get deleted),But Majespecter Horn Horse is so much fun to use :((( Don't talk about fight club?,Ask before you get jiggy with it. "We invaded Iraq to maintain control over Opec and to ensure that they continue to only trade oil in dollars. What did Israel have against secular Saddam Hussein exactly? Also, asking Israel to provide troops to fight in our wars would be silly. Their military is slim, sharp and deadly. But it's not large. Keep in mind Israel is only 8,000 square miles big. Okay? That's only slightly larger than Connecticut.","Oh ok, so greatest ally ever has done what for us?" "Conservation of Momentum is firmly rooted in Emmy Noether's theorem. This theorem shows not only that conservation of momentum is true under all circumstances, but also why it is true and that it MUST be true. Conservation of Momentum is very well-grounded theory. However EmDrive does not have to violate the conservation of momentum to work. There is no such thing as empty space. Empty space is filled with fields, virtual particles, neutrinos, dark matter, dark energy, and space itself. If you can push off of any of those things, you have a reaction less drive without violating conservation of momentum.",What's a virtual particle? Did you switch your gun to safe with V?,No What was the offer?,"That wasn't part of the conversation - they were just telling me she was Saturday, not giving away all the secrets unfortunately." These rumors will be great for Harbaugh. Michigan are going to give him more money.... I guarantee it,Watching OSU tears is worth the money... Ole Miss fan here btw AH! I see thanks for pointing that out :),Are u thick? "Yes. And quite a lot of them are fake life jackets, that absorb water and drag the wearer to their deaths.",Wouldn't that be easy to test beforehand? "SIR, I AM ***NOT*** A BOX PERSON",YOU'RE REFUSING TO HELP ME SO I'M GOING TO HANG UP The bullet deflection! I saw the bullet deflection! Did you see the bullet deflection?!,Yeah that's never been done in a movie before. "Same shit again, trying to convince me water isn't wet. Knowing women prefer big penises is like knowing they like tall men and confident men, it's the SAME SHIT.","It's a bit like that in the sense that not all women like tall guys, not all women like confident guys and not all women like an 8 cock" "Yeah, her chapters get repetitive and boring (I only catch up on the show when I'm over at my parents' and can steal their HBO) but I still gotta admit that burning the witch that killed your husband, strapped to said husband's funeral pyre, and using that to hatch dragons, is metal as fuuuuuuuuuuuck","I agree, first season Daenerys was awesome." farenheit shouldnt be a thing.,It's the best for use when describing weather. Fuller House... I seriously just don't get it.,Jodie sweeten Donald Trump is still leading in the Electoral College 290-232,The results for House races show just how secure most districts are for the incumbent party. "The federal money isn't ending, though. It's just dropping from the federal govnerment paying for 100% of it to 90% of it. Either way it still puts a lot more money into the state than it costs.",The idea that a state might have to cough up a dime to pay for a dollars worth of health care for poor people is deeply offensive to some conservatives. You going to be alright? I can get someone for you to talk to if you like.,"Lol, whatever you're trying to do you're awful at it." Noel not in the rotation tonight unless something happens with the other bigs,...Sad It made me reevaluate the way I assign value to things. Your attitude really dictates everything.,Does it actually talk about motorcycles at all? "A little OT, but if you're into comics, give *Transmetropolitan* a try. There's a story about a couple who grew up roughly in the 2nd half of the 20th century, and they get cryopreserved. The husband doesn't make it, but the wife is awoken in the time the story takes place (Note: it's unknown when Transmet takes place--they explicitly mention that things have been happening so fast that nobody knows quite what year it is anymore), and it's essentially done gratis (it's somewhat a post-scarcity society) and she's basically restored to prime age and health, with all her memories intact, and literally pushed out of the door. This is a side story, but it's quite touching. There's a whole class of reawakened citizens in the Transmet world.","So, basically Fallout 4?" "Freedom of speech means the government can't come take you away and put you in prison for speaking your mind. You can't be arrested, you can't be tried in a court of law, you can't be imprisoned, you can't face fines, none of that, just because of something you said. There are exceptions, of course, like yelling fire! when there isn't one, as one example. You are not experiencing censorship if you say or write something that violates the rules of the place/website/whatever and your comment (or whatever) is deleted. You are not experiencing censorship if you say/do/write/whatever and get in trouble for it (non-government trouble). That trouble is not from the government, so there is no violation of free speech. If you say something and people disagree with you or mock what you said, that's consequences of your actions (whether earned or not). You can't claim violation of free speech just because someone else reacted to your writing or whatever in a manner you feel is unjust. TL;DR if it's not the government that you're in trouble with it, your freedom of speech is not being violated.",And I'm tired of explaining to misinformed people that the broad concept of freedom of speech is in no way limited to government censorship. Spitting fire to melt the snow,I've been following Norm Kelly and BPT for almost a year and this is the funniest fucking thing I've seen yet "Nice push day, mirin chest pump and tricep pump in mirrors, with half natty gym lighting in between my last few tricep exercises. Catch grill mirin as she's resting from her stretches on the yoga mat. Feels good man. Lucky I didn't talk to her.","whew, what a relief" How the hell are pronouns an agenda? They are short words. Like theres some kind of horrible consquence to that? They got you to say he instead of she? Oh no!,Damn pronouns with their unions and corruption keeping amateur nouns out of the mix. MNF Game Thread: The Cincinnati Bengals (3-4-1) @ New York Giants (5-3) Broadcast: ESPN. Location: MetLife. Inactives: WR Cruz QB Johnson DB Hall OT Beatty OG Pugh DE Wynn LB Skinner FUCK THE COWBOYS!,Holy shit this defence makes me moist some fries,with Every Civilization Game Ever,So you can make a atomic bomb on Civilization? Fun game: imagine an election where the justices don't get majority vote for merit retention. New fun game: imagine the justices Rick Scott would install.,Most of the judges on my ballot were appointed by Scott anyway Rockwell 6S,How dare Rockwell make a great razor. Infinity Ward does loves its 'Weed' customizables.,This is fake right? U.S. warship diverts to help New Zealand quake evacuation,A global force for good. "AMERICA. If you vote this up, it will show up on Google Images when people Google search AMERICA.","Dear Trump supporters, Have fun with the rising sea levels that you did nothing about." "Yeah, but unsullied are complete and total disciplined killing machines. They have no family, no money, and no personal identity to speak of. They have a 0 desertion rate and *will* fight to the death for their masters no matter what the task they are given. They will never break ranks and flee. Let's say you need a bodyguards, or some meat shields, or some soldiers to do some horribly unethical and evil act; the unsullied fill that niche. Hardly ever did the master sell the entire unsullied army, at most they'd sell em by the company.",What does that have to do with anything I said? Who will be the best pitcher not named Kershaw in 2017? Obviously Kershaw will the best pitcher again in MLB but who is your 2nd best prediction?,Karl Do you think we need another WW trailer ? Before you downvote me just hear me out I think both trailers was great but I think two trailers is enough to get ppl hyped and I think any more trailers would start showing too much. I think they should have a Super Bowl spot but no 2 or 3 minute trailer.,Not for awhile. I did all the stories over a few days... One storyline took me maybe 3 hours?,Oh yeah that makes more sense. How i hope one piece ends. The war kaidou talk about is a literal world war. Every major faction/pirate all end up at raftel around the same time. And they all fight over it. And them durimg the most intemse part of the fight. Luffy fucking destroys raftel. Says he would rather never find the one piece than have so many people suffer over it. Or something like that. Luffy smashes raftel declares himselfs pirate king and challeneges people to the title.,I would fucking hate that end "Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 VR II vs Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 VC Hi All, Let's assume that money isn't the issue in terms of spending $2K-ish for the Nikon lens, does anyone have any beyond store try-out usage of the two and care to share? I'm doing lots of review reading and I've used both in the shop and might try renting shortly. To be clear, $2K is not nothing to me but I am taking more hobby more seriously lately and might pick up some neighborhood work. My general shooting is portrait and street My current setup is * D750 * Nikon 24-120mm f/4 * Nikon 50mm f/1.8G * Nikon 105mm f/2.8 macro","While we're here, I've heard the 70-200 f4 outperforms the f2.8?" Apparently subway pole dancing is a thing,"He should be on a flight straight to Atlanta, and work at Magic City!" What's up with all these fake birth certificate posts? Who gives a shit? Obama is irrelevant now. He'll always just be an asterisk president. *Worst president ever.,"Even if his birth certificate was fake, wouldn't he still be eligible to be president because his mom was a citizen and so he would also be a citizen by birth no matter where he was born?" Glad to have you back!,Glad to be back The cards just don't look like themselves this season. Someone please ELI5 what the fuck is going on,This is the traditional Cardinals everyone knows. Silence,Words like violence. "LIVE Stream: President-Elect Donald Trump THANK YOU Rally in Orlando, FL 12/16/16",#AMEN! "I've never heard Ekblad described as dynamic. He's very good, but dynamic isn't the right word.","Agreed, I meant it in the sense that Werenski is more exciting to watch than Ekblad." "Sherman went on to say that he took Todd Gurley's choice of uniform number as a personal affront, thought that Kenny Britt's decision to attend Rutgers was a slap in the face, and that Aaron Donald was using two first names just to annoy me.","Something seems off about that last one, Sherm you fucking hypocrite" Hey go pirates but boo the pats,Thanks for this super-relevant comment. Allo Installed More than 1 Million Times (Most probably faster than Duo to Reach this milestone),"I have it installed, I am patiently waiting for all the Performance increase and bug fixes updates for the next 2 years while a new IM comes out and Allo goes the way of GVoice." Jacquizz when the Martin fell.,Jazquizz when Martin falled. This map have suck a pretty good and relaxing hitsounds!,you butchered that title in a pretty good way I should have specified. The ultra left winged self described progressive liberals have a mental disorder.,Couldn't agree more "As I said, it depends on the device. I just transferred an 8GB video to my Galaxy S6 Edge last night. I just plugged it in to my Windows PC and copied it over without incident. The Android File Transfer app for the Mac will not do over 4gb regardless of device though. That app really sucks and never gets updated.","It's almost like if Apple makes it easier to use non Apple phones with the rest of their products, they might lose some sales" Fuck yes fuck fuck fuck yes Here's to hoping he's less of a twat than someone who's name rhymes with cock,Verstappen doesn't rhyme with cock. Still not enough protein in that meal,Replace the fruit with some rice/beans. "All-Star possibility? From our small sample size, everyone has noticed that Wiggins has clearly improved since last year, and Towns is looking like he is continuing his reign as well. What are the odds you think both of them could be all-stars this year? I think Wiggins improvement has shown his ability to play at an all-star level, and Towns' game including his increased amount of publicity around the league during the summer certainly helped him become more of an icon. If both players keep up this type of play and more W's start to come, I have no reason but to believe we will have 2 pups become first time all-stars this year.","Wiggins should, KAT will." What's with everyone getting downvoted ??,Someone is mad their player isn't being said? ok can someone help a bro out and link me to where this trebuchet meme started?,"i'd help but i don't know myself, i just think it's funny." "Yes, but it would take long governance from a centre-left party to do so, and even then it isn't secure. For example, say Brown called that election in 2007, won, then won again in 2012, we'd likely have a Labour leader to the left of him in power now, if that one won, he'd be replaced with someone further left, and so on and so forth. Labour's 13 years moved the country to the left, in 1997 there was no minimum wage and in 2015 the Tories got elected promising to raise it. The reason why this country seems to default to Conservative is because the Tories have been in power way more than Labour/Liberal have over the past century.","That's a lot of if's, I find it a stretch to believe that Gordon Brown would be capable of winning an election, never mind 2 (it is notoriously much harder to retain power than to gain it)." "If I'm awake during a JP maint, I'll post it myself. This whole strike is ridiculous.","You are the best, Nazta :')" "Without naming the location, where do you live?",over there. "don't mind him. I have an Xbox and no pc, but I think pc master race. consoles are not as good as PCs.","There better for if you have less time or want to spend less, but over time the fees will add up I imagine." "I'm genuinely sad that goison got exterminated. The new lavalightning tombstone deck was basically getting autowins from goison players, now they're gone. :(",autowins is not good Savage AF,Is the Secret Service going to have to speak to her about this brutal attack on a presidential candidate? Angela asked the most important question during tonight's debate....,Fun fact: this wasn't scripted "AD is destroying towns, towns only bucket came when ad wasn't guarding him.",Can we at least pretend to be civil this game? "Obama asks, 'Only Republican presidents get to nominate judges?'","A Democrat president could always nominate a republican judge, why should the group that controls 2/3s of the government agree to something they dont want?" "It's already up to 2,900 so that's a gain of 1,600 subs in 12 days. Good gourd that is fast growth for a sub like this",Over 3000 and climbing. "Hey, OP. ^^*Shut. ^^up. ^^Bungie. ^^Will. ^^Hear. ^^You.*",I hope this is satire :s 'Unluckiest man in Australia' bitten on the penis by a spider for the second time,You'd think after getting bit on the clock once you'd be a bit more careful "Naruto at his strongest point before he was given SO6P power vs. Hashirama (when he was alive) Before the SO6P gave Sasuke and Naruto power to combat Juubi Madara, it seemed like they were around the strength Hashirama and Madara had when they were alive. At one point, before the edo-hokages arrived on the battlefield and Madara became the host of the Juubi, Naruto was briefly combatting edo-Madara on an even level. It seemed like before the hokages got there he was the only ninja alive to do this on his own. So, what do you guys think? Could Naruto, right before he was given SO6P power, stand up to Hashi?",Hashirama BOOP,This game. I'm hearing this from many people,The best people. Having autism is why my life has been shit,You're worried about nothing iTunes is now throwing Unable to connect to iCloud Music Library. Confirmed with multiple users via Twitter.,Same here. Gran Tept Jipney,Gran Tep Oto Lol wtf @ trying to take a charge there. Just toss that midget's shit in to the stands.,It was a fuck you charge attempt. "Its ok, his mom will be there to help. ^^^reaching ^^^back ^^^to ^^^old ^^^reddit",Oh man. Someone fill me in on the justification for Draymond over Kawhi for the West starting five?,Being a warriors fan. Yep. Once you get a full time job the years go fast but the days go so slow.,After reading your comment I have the urge to listen to Heart Cooks Brain by Modest Mouse. Abu Dhabi GP tickets feature a hologram,the Canadian GP tickets came with a bottle of maple syrup and a handwritten apology. obiwankenobinoooooooo.gif,HE WAS THE CHOSEN ONE Alolan Chanka,Adding in so many different forms for already well established operators seems like a poor design choice Warriors vs. Celtics (11/18/16) KD don't give a damn about no Celtics.,Klay got it back! IceFrog Finally Learned the 13 Years of MOBA Design Now we know what Tryndamere did in Valve office,"Memes aside, Ghostcrawler and the riot goons would be so triggered with a change like this because it enables decisions and allows players to make the wrong choice." LeBron cock teasing everyone with only 30 points.,Fuck sake I got blue balls so hard as soon as he came off. this is why I put disclaimers on anything related to science :),Bruh did you sell your Andromedas Comeback Stage: Red Velvet - Lucky Girl (Mnet M! Countdown 160908),HOLY LOVE OF PINEAPPLE PIE If you save selina instead of havey does it play out different or will she still tell you its a one night deal?,"I don't think she said it was a one night deal for me, I've also sided with her for everything so that could factor in too." "Yet, we have women going on debates telling people they are free to do whatever they want in Saudi Arabia.","But their policy is based on their religious beliefs and is, therefore, above reproach, you Islamophobic" Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Lead Over Donald Trump Now Exceeds 1.5 Million Votes,this changes *everything* "I used to work at a bar, and I got asked that a lot. I finally snapped one night and told people why. *Well, as a child I witnessed my drunken uncles and aunts have knock down, drag out fights with each other. I watched my drunken stepfather beat my mother, and found out he molested my sister while drunk. Later on my second step-father tried to murder my mother in front of me while he was drunk. So yea, I don't want to end up like them.* After that, I didn't get asked anymore.",Well at least they weren't self-righteous bores is extratorrent safe now?,Should be. The status bar? You mean DevTools?,"Yeah, for lack of a better term, the status bar in devtools." You too,Goodly mentioned. "All he needs is two Mercs, two Red Bulls, two Ferraris, two Force Indias and possibly two Mclarens to crash / suffer failure and he will be there!","Williams will still find a way to fuck up a pitstop, and we will see LEMANSWINNARNEECOHULKENBURG win the race" ".. nordic? Feyn mann, mann as in man in German is somehow nordic?",Nordisch by nature. Makes me feel so stupid for buying westbrook and upping his badges instead of getting Wall since I use DMC,"If you're on PS4, Wall is VERY cheap, picked him up for 2.3k, DMC is expensive and he's who I'm grinding for next; I'd put Wall at SG and Westbrook at PG since Wall is a bit taller and a better defender." Goldberg,Reasons? r/theydidthemonstermath,r/itwasagraveyardgraph What if I don't want the ornament?,Then you just whack it with the metal rod after stealing the car. Seems like it's functional. I'll go ahead and send a pull request with the issue referenced.,Sounds good! "I think they should either put the bundle back up for everyone, or pull the bots and refund the money. Otherwise it's just a bunch of BS and SA screwing up again.",Yeah don't you hate it when a pay to win game goes pay to win.... "And following the 70's, it became a slur as well.",Who is using it as a slur? This is what I'm trying to understand. If i get a Verizon variant say can I just use my current tmobile sim?,"Yes, but I believe for the iphone upgrade program you would need a plan with the chosen carrier." "I think i have an addiction to king of the hill, I've decided.","got damn it bobby, if it gets one degree hotter I'm kicking your ass." "All the guys talking shit at him for getting schooled like that wouldn't have lasted ten seconds, fuck it the guy got a debut UFC card fight, that's impressive enough and at least the guy got to do it. Had we expected him to win the fight by any stretch I'd be disappointed, but it was fun as hell while it lasted just to witness it.",He got a debut ufc fight for being famous. "Clearly diversity is destroying Canada. That's why we should only go back to only allowing old stock, ammirite?","Not just Old Stock Canadians, Extra Old Stock... Molson Canadian." "oooooh fuck dude, i retract my statement. Im on By Design, bro I wanna fucking mingle wit some biddies right now, you feel me?","Buddy, wait til you get to Rose Golden and The Guide" Yo dude you're dumb.,do u really need the "The future finally starts tomorrow. No better way to end the countdown than this. D'Angelo Russell, #2 pick of the 2015 NBA Draft and future PointGOD at #1.","he needs to average 30 ppg, otherwise he's a bust" My one wish: fix the ledge glitch and reset leaderboard for those who cheated,You can dream for a leaderboard reset "No, not the exact same, one is an MVP/best player in the world, using his judgment to make a better play, one is a 20 year old struggling to get minutes. One has earned the right, the other hasn't. Those are not the same, and I think you already understand that.",Not to mention Lebron has one of the highest BBIQ's in the league. TLAV did it better.,Nothing says better like being heard 4km away. What is your favorite purple?,Indigo. TACTION CRIMSON LIGHTNINGS BIG KEY OFFERS my psn CHIZov HMP feel free to msg,"44 keys, Beta Nugget, Full Dieci Set, Full painted Beret set, + an extra orange beret + an extra trinity" STRAIGHT,TO He needs to get to liberals. He should go on Joe Rogan,"Hell yes, that we be fantastic" Was her green card expirering?,Honestly this is what I thought too.. "In a libertarian world, nearly all women would be prostitutes. 1. So you want a raise in our company, just how willing are you to demonstrate your commitment to your supervisor? 2. Unemployed? Well you still have one thing left to sell that has a market value. 3. Struggling family but have a beautiful daughter? Sounds like a business opportunity to me!",Welcome to how the developing world actually functions. Auschwitz antics.,aushwitz talk Who would be the most accurate historical comparison for the Giannis/Jabari duo?,"Lebron and KD, but obviously much more skilled than either." "This is merely anecdotal (i.e. like, just my opinion, man!), but as uncle to two children whose mother (my sister-in-law) has been fishing (i.e. going from doctor-to-doctor) for a diagnosis of autism to account for poor behaviour and poor school performance, I agree. My wife, somewhat suspicious, found her sister usual forum handles in online support-groups where they traded strategies to elicit diagnoses. It's bloody perverse.","Because it couldn't possibly be their shit parenting, something has to be messed up with their kid and definitely not them." If you can't just let go of right click and re aim then just stop playing.,If you're dumb and can't understand that the complain is about the stealhiness of the change(or a bug) then you should just gtfo. What are your thoughts on putting pineapple on a pizza?,It's one of those thing that doesn't kill you but it should. Trump polling at zero percent with black voters in Wisconsin,"Don't worry, he'll get 95% in 2020" So... what exactly WAS the overall mission of the game anyways?,"We're still searching, trust me, if we could've just found the damn thing already we would've stopped playing a long time ago." "Or did they make a game that was too good, and CIG had to bury it because it made the rest of the game look like quakeworld in comparison? We will never know the truth...",Dun dun dun! how many times have you posted this today,How many breads have you eaten in your life? Highest teen pregnancy in our region.,That could be almost any country depending on what you mean by 'region' How an army of pro-Donald Trump trolls are taking over Reddit - Longtime users said Trump taps into an anti-PC counterculture within Reddit that feasts on spreading offensive material,the_Donald is redpill is conspiracy is tumblrinaction is imgoingtohellforthis is worldnews is fatpeoplehat is jailbait "Man, I wish I could kick on the ass of the guy at foodpanda, who decided that it would be a good marketing move to spam customers phone with junk SMSs. Seriously, there is no option to even unsubcribe to them. What the actual fuck?","If you do manage to dox the guy and get around to kicking him, please do give him one on my behalf." My daughter is blind and for her ninth birthday party we made braille chocolate message slabs - I LOVE YOU and HAPPY BIRTHDAY in braille.,She's going to have dirty fingers after reading the cake What is a great and SIMPLE prank that you like to play on people?,Post-It on bottom of mouse. Fun fact: The majority of the fortunes inside the cookies are written by ONE guy.,"You're not fooling anyone, those are usually printed." i installed the patch and i still cant continue into that cave...,Which cave is it? "Did Leia ever get hitched? Just trying to find out if she'd be Queen Leia Organa, rather than Princess...",I thought it was implied that her and Han had gotten married but I'm not sure Their UX team needs to be fired.,"based on the design, I think UX Team in this case means guy in India that sold them a $35 WordPress theme" "wait a year or two before purchasing the laptop. you are not forced to upgrade. once the rest of the market catches up and you are comfortable to make the jump, then invest in a new rMBP (which I'm sure will have upgraded specs by that time, and hopefully, a lower price point as well). I'm sure by that time your peripherals will need upgrading as well, which shouldn't be a big deal because by the time that market is saturated, the prices on those have already dropped as well. :)","No you don't understand, these people have a gun pointed at their head *forcing* them to buy a new MBP." Yeah I saw that. Is she more selfish or insane? Or are both immeasurable when it comes to her?,She knew she was above the law and people can't possibly hate her more so what did she have to lose? "Emergency bushfire warning for Llandilo, Londonderry, Jordan Springs, Willmot and Ropes Crossing. People in these areas have been sent emergency warnings by phone.",i had no idea these suburbs existed. It's the bots in Practice mode that have ridiculous head hit box models.,"Nah, I've managed to test some where they had a bug where you could spawn real hero in training, it is almost as bad" It's a fish. A *fish*.,"Reasons you're glad you have a fish: ~~When you're feeling down and your fish somehow senses it, and jumps up on your lap and gives you cuddles...~~ ~~When it drags you out of a burning building...~~ ~~When it scares off intruders with a series of ear piercing 'Glubs'~~ Fish: At least some of them look cool I guess" "Seriously, if a single tweet ruins a girl's life then it wasn't really great to begin with.",It really weighed heavily on her soul. he liberated the Cubans yet became a dictator.,He replaced a worse dictator. They're good but the majority of people never heard of them,Are they good? Fulham shooting: man killed in 'ambush' outside takeaway - The Guardian,I hope Barry George has a good alibi What is a problem mechanical engineers should have fixen but still haven't?,Perpetual motion machines It's not that bad when everyone else is doing it.,Strength in numbers I guess "Which craft breweries have pint glassed for sale? Hey everyone, I'm collecting pint glasses with brewery logos on them and was wondering which ones in the Sac area have them. The furthest I've been so far (in the localish area) is Three Forks in Nevada City and Jack Russell in Placerville. Thanks!",Mraz in EDH has some really cool pint glasses. "I do use whatsapp with some friends, but it's not reasonable to expect that all my contacts switch over to the service. There is still the hurdle of managing multiple messaging applications for them/myself.","In the place where I live (where the Google Store, Pixel, Nexus and other Google hardware is not available), everyone uses WhatsApp" "We need a thin woman and a fat man. Because you know, if she really loves you, she won't ever get upset that you're eating yourself into an early grave. Or that you can only offer maybe one or two positions in bed without crushing her under the weight of your stomach.","Ugh, that skinny bitch is obviously just with him for his money, poor guy." "I was out there chanting Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today? in 1968. Now I think he's one of the most tragic figures in American history. He got an enormous amount of positive legislation passed. Had it not been for Vietnam, he would be up there with FDR as one of our greatest presidents.",Don't forget about him having JFK killed. Ab-Soul - Threatening Nature,This sounds like something hopsin would do and get shitted on but it's TDE so it's koo I like the song tho This is what all the ticket ads look like.,I think op is "I think the problem in general is having meta decks that people copy. I would love to see more homebrews and never know what to expect from my opponents, but after a while you expect the same thing over and over. It's part of why I play casual a lot more than ladder, you see a lot more homebrews and unusual decks. Another problem I think, is that Hearthstone doesn't have a lot of cards to begin with, when there's such a limited pool of cards to choose from it's not difficult to get very similar deck ideas especially when certain archetypes are so heavily pushed.","netdecking in a never ending cycle, someone tries to make their own deck, they go to ladder and face tier 1 decks that other people netdecked, they keep losing to those decks and eventually get frustrated and go netdeck." Fuck u SJW mods dont remove my post this is ultra-crazy No one cares about your mega thread u nerds,Tolerate my intolerance! "What's an NBA opinion you have that you can't really support with stats but you still hold onto? For example, if you think Kobe is 2nd all time or that Chris Paul is super overrated as a player because he has no playoff success. Stuff like that.","Dante Exum will be a good player, even though his stats are trash." If it turns out that he can't play in the AFL then I hope the AFL do the same for him as the NBA did for Isaiah Austin when he was diagnosed with Marfan Syndrome in the lead up to the NBA Draft a couple of years ago and make him an honorary draftee to the AFL.,That would be nice! It does - it will reset your weapon heat (not your lockon heat though) and increase blaster damage. I'm not sure about its effectiveness vs shields though.,"Right, thanks!" What is up with all of the purple lights throughout Reykjavik? On my last visit I noticed that many building and especially gas station lights were purple at night. Does this have to do with the Aurora or something else?,We're hyping up Pink Season. "Most guys know semen impregnates women which means there is one and only one time, they can decide for or against a baby. Of these three dudes, two evidently want to be dads, and the gentleman with the condom does not. If she is pregnant by him, then an abortion is more compelling, but for the others, not so much.","Well then in the interests of equality let's stop discussing this and demand OP carry this child to term and raise it, regardless of her own wants or desires." "Not really, tracks are a terrible idea for high-speed trains, even on Earth we use maglev rather than that, and you still would want a sealed tube to keep out Martian dust, however the tubes would likely be subsurface in order to protect from radiation and meteoroid strikes anyway.","Okay, well in 1000 years, when that all happens, I'm sure they're look back at this impractical hyperloop project for clues as to how they'll accomplish it." it isnt.,Then why did you ask if he's a cop? "They're so very afraid of shariah law, so I always find it funny the policies they advocate could fairly be called Christian shariah...","Yes, as practioners of sharia law, we might outlaw none consensual pussy grabbing" "Unfortunately, there are a lot of people (many in the GOP) that will say, Prove that it's not true. This is how conspiracies, and a lot of bad/fake news, make such an impact. The logical and scientific literacy in the USA has been diminishing for years, and this situation will not end well.",Prove that god doesnt exist This picture from the Pipeline Protests,Look at all those JOBS created! Greetings from Michigan!,IGA checking in! "it's a dumb, weird, and incorrect statement...but she's not saying this at all. Saying women aren't as physically strong as men is a neutral statement. There's nothing demeaning or insulting about it.",Would you consider the implication that one deserves rape because they are weak insulting? Pirate Warrior ^ Comment,Pirate dragon warrior "TIL that 64% of the Rwandan parliament is made up of women, the highest ratio of any country.",The positivity Reddit's community gives is so inspiring! The Matrix.,That sweet sweet matrix Do you *really* need the 16th edition of Angie does Anal?,"Absolutely, and a backup copy." I'm sure EA has a team of lawyers who know exactly what theyre doing,"Looks like their infallible lawyers either did not know they were doing or weren't the reason for the ban to begin with, because EA is restoring the service now..." College graduation rates for males doesn't tell us much though because many successful men seek career paths that don't require degrees and these same jobs generally don't have women working them because women don't want to work them. So you remove a very large portion of the male population right off the bat and women don't seek these jobs and instead go to college so the female college population gets a large number bump thus leading to more women graduating,"I'm not sure what you're basing the belief that many men who don't attain degrees are 'successful', but I would love to see what it is." Do you guys listen to music while in the PU or Arena commander? Just wondering if I'm the only one listening to some music while killing vanduuls in vanduul swarm. If you do what type of music to you normally listen to?,Nick Cave (and the Bad Seeds) is particularly good. So who is God now? Terry Crews?,He is to me *prays he voices a character in Overwatch* he really should have gotten an R9 390,"That's a bad idea, the 390 beats it out in many more scenarios" Pokemon Go - How to Catch Rare Pokemon?,r/pokemongo Yes,i have no words... Everyone knows that pokeballs have an increased catch rate against legendaries...BRUH. Consider yourself foughtened.,Where's *your* Pokeball Kyogre? "You know, something like 2500 nuclear devices have been fired since their invention. We'll either survive ourselves or we won't, and in another 65 million years it probably won't mean much to the planet. Maybe sentient otters will have evolved and taken over by then.",I'd watch that movie. "What really sells this is Ian. Ian is so an Apple store employee... For Fucks sake, Ian!","As someone with the name Ian, I am deeply offended by this!" "Meanwhile, in Australia...",What a deal ! This is exactly how a blind guy I used to know drank himself to death.,I heard he didn't see it coming "Has anyone ever felt offended because of religious references in the songs? The verse God bless us everyone in The Catalyst, the Amens during the chorus in Hands Held High... Given the respect of multiculturalism you can see in the band or even in the merch, it kinda struck me to see such open religious allusions. I haven't felt personally offended as I'm not really a believer, but I guess that other people can take it a little harder than me. Just wanted to know what you thought about it?","I am not religious, so I couldn't care less, but considering these are not painting religion in a negative light I don't see no reason to be offended." "130 years on, they celebrated with a 0-0 draw with Burnley",It's a process Dawah Man has a Freudian Slip,I like the cover up cough... Smooth. "Because I don't like a multi millionaire company digging through my files. I am concerned about my privacy online, as it's already being fucked over by a billion other companies.",Then surely one more wont matter? By nine orders of magnitude. A thousand million nuclear bombs would be in the same kind of scale.,Sooooo we would die? Is it even a Corvette if it doesn't have tons of haters?,I like corvette's that don't have serious mechanical issues. Man arrested after doing burnouts in front of news crews during hurricane,I just spent two hours playing in the flood waters in my lifted Silverado... Do I have to report this on my polygraph... House to mysel....what should I do? ;),Post more pictures and let us enjoy moer of you ;D As in?,type the code out.... A PM this minority received from a tolerant liberal. It'd be a shame if the front page saw this!,A fine example of the tolerant left showing the country how morally superior they are by accepting everyone and celebrating diversity. "You mean, you don't like all this drama? do you prefer watching curling? Or darts? I don't like nascar but dammit next time is on i won't switch it off","I'm probably rightly in the minority but I get off on close racing, overtaking, and really pitting drivers against each other... wait a minute why do I watch f1 again?" Early af fall break,Mine was last week plus today pm'd,Sold! What strange stat or fact do you know about F1? I'll start. An F1 race has only been interrupted twice by a track invader. Both times Barrichello went on to win the race.,My interesting fact is that TIL it has happened only twice and Singapore 215 got overlooked completely. "An embarrassing argument, why should I vote for someone, not against someone else?",The other one I see people hanging on is a vote for anyone but hillary is a vote for trump. Chris stevens don't care what trump said. He just wants someone to keep him from being killed be terrorists.,Then maybe congress should've approved funds Bernie's not running anymore.,he was a pawn for hillary and admitted it This.,That. Guy on Fox just used politifact as evidence that trump lies every 3 minutes.... SAD! MSM IS NOT HONEST MEDIA,Citing other websites and blogs is what 'journalism' has become.. "What do you think (estimated guess) will be rock bottom on the current big players We're now hitting lows for CGC and APH for the first time since the November stock bubble. I have been sitting on the sidelines with cash for a while now, I'm a student looking to drop another 10k in my TFSA and go balls deep on APH/ACB/CGC, maybe even EAT or OGI. This is the lowest red run I've witnessed over the last month of studying this sub (I got in around Dec 1st unfortunately) thew in around 5k currently at 4k (20% down) but I'm obviously bagholding long term. - ACB around 2-2.10 - APH around 4.4-4.5 - CGC even around 8.9-9.5 Keyboard warriors, amateur stock analysis, do you think this is a good time to buy... or should I wait a little longer? I figure maybe 3k today, 3k next week, 3k in a month.... I am reading all these analyst opinions that it's a strong time to buy but I'm still skeptical. Apparently in January they could drop even more... I have no problem bagholding til 2018- but I'm on the fence about whether I should look into non-weedstocks instead. - One saving grace (in my opinion) might be the revenue reports coming in for Q1 in 2017. Aphria is the only profitable company at the moment, so they may be the best bed as far as a stable price",CGC: $7.50-$7.80 APH: $4 ACB: $1.95 No. Its the exact opposite.,Then how can you not consciously experience it? when EU goes full NA,obv throw "To a certain extent, yes... but not solely. Some groups were so ingrained with horribleness that there would be no saught redemption in their future, only further corruption.",? I just got caught up and it kills me that I have to wait for new episodes haha,"Haha, that's the reason why I keep a backlog :D Just finished season 2 and I'm gonna wait until I can grab S3 in HD without the logos - just keep patient :)" Do you think Opie is going to start missing the hate now that he's slowly slipping into total obscurity? At least when there was O&J we had something to feed on. Now that he's on his own I find myself forgetting all about him.,Was Opie the other guy that wasn't Anthony or Jim? When is it okay to cheat on someone?,"When you've fully surrendered every shred of integrity, honor and dignity to the abyss because your atrocious self inflated ego doesn't have enough room for those things and itself inside you." Takao mission requirement lowered to tier VIII - only visual changes for now,"I free xp'd my ibuki for nothing then, thanks WG......." "Just my thoughts Hi I'm Ronald and I come from a very Hispanic background, pardon my English friends. I've come here to tell you my thoughts on marijuana, I don't like it.",This is why Hillary lost What's the Most Gangster Song?,Watch ya neck - Wu-tang clan Unable to connect Anyone else just get unable to connect when they try to log in?,"Yes, same." "For that to even come close to make sense, it would mean that in his mind teenage girls and morbidly obese women sound exactly the same!",He is projecting his insecurities on us "A friend of mine ( u/osyris_glitch ) showed me your channel a few weeks ago and it's great, I've watched a bunch. Last week was rough for me as well. Solidarity.",fist bump bleep bloop Hindi na pala mahalaga kumita sa kanila... EH BAKIT ANG LAKI NIYO MAGPATONG? WTF!?,And to add: Bakit kayo namimili ng destinasyon? GodDarnit and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull,f u n n y I got 11 grombrindal the white dwarf keys,"Would love one, buddy, pretty pretty please!" "Install RES, filter users reposting or spamming. No more gallowboob, ibleedorange or pepsinext now.",but.. i like pepsinext's reposts.. "The problem there is that MPs can't be trusted to share your values. They might pretend they do, but given how much a bunch of liars they are, you can't take what they say at face value.",Then they don't get voted for next time. imperialists are most afraid of their own acts of imperialism being performed by other imperialist powers.,"Scratch a liberal, and a fascist bleeds." I notice you've yet to actually answer my questions. How is it not racist to vote for a racist?,"Same reason how it is not illegal to vote a criminal, voting someone doesn't make you that person." Fantastic insight on Fraternities by Redditors. These analyses always entertain me.,Reddit is NF Chuck Tingle on Chocolate Milk (very Ken M like),please limit your posts to... ugh Barley Vine seems to have closed as of today - saw a Facebook post a while back.,"Just saw that, that really, really sucks :|" Despite plenty of people acting like the sky is falling. We survived a ridiculous amount of injuries in the first half and came out LEADING THE DIVISION!!! After the bye we could realistically have every person on the roster in there and healthy except for Bud Dupree. (besides guys on IR),"Were leading bc our division is also injured, and the Bengals suck." How about Cisco? There's no end to the fun they can have since Barry screwed with the time line. The Pied Piper was bullying him because he had a crush. He and Cisco bond over the ear thing. The Piper teaches Cisco how to play his pipe.,Sounds like an awful Tumblr fanfic "If your strategy includes restart until X and Y are rivals / not allies, you really don't have a complete strategy.",Or it's the game that isn't balanced. Anyone think Battlefield1 is average and Rainbow6 is way better?? Want people's thoughts. I downloaded beta and played for about an hour and thought it was just plain average,Battlefield seems like the same game with a few changes every day but Siege is just completely different from anything else on the modern market. Its college aged white liberal women that get offended by everything...,"Let's all come together as shitlords, and say that women are the problem." When you get older you will realize that these internet jokes are a complete waste of your one and only life.,Ok "did he just say s7 edge is in the big phone category? xl, plus, v20, note 7 are the big ones.","S7e 5.5 XL 5.5, Plus 5.5, v20 5.7 Note 7 doesnt count." "Water reservoir is empty! Panic! Did anyone check yesterday? Perhaps Jeff didn't really get watered, because the reservoir is certainly empty right now. What do we do?",WE MUST SAVE LORD JEFF Brofresco copied Vandiril without giving credits.,maybe link the video(s)? He doesn't think you can phase him,I never knew Ted Cruz does drag. "As mentioned before your behaviour score must be quite low, either you used to flame, abandon or received many reports. You can check your score in your dota folder. On the other hand it's not that difficult to fix it, went from red to green weekly report and in 2 weeks quality of my games improved greatly.",ill take a look now.. player_behavior_score_last_report: 7858mmr True optimization barely cares about Nosferatu though.,celica gale spam "w33 bottle gets denied by teammate K so, W33 is playing Wind and teammate kunka says yo, give me bottle, i go refill with x-marks,tp so he does that but when kunka comes back they get ganked and kunkka drops bottle on ground... enemy OD takes the bottle. W33 no reaction, just plays his games, buys another bottle and doesn't flame kunkka even once. That's what being 8k is all about, positive attitude 4Head. Anyway, just wanting to point out what a cool dude w33 is. //Nvm, just joking 4Head. He abandoned 2 mins after BibleThump",you actually thought man Blacks aren't that smart. They're animalistic instincts might help but not by much,E D G Y It's Putin's hand.,"If it was Putin's hand, it would have a Superbowl ring instead." "We were in the front section and there was a remembrance day service going on as well so t seemed a bit disrespectful to kick a fuss up, I doubt they would have done a lot either if I'm honest",Ah that's a bummer =\ What are democrats afraid of? I keep seeing social media posts mourning the losses of civil and human rights for Americans now that Trump was elected. Just wondering - to what rights are they alluding?,Having to get a job? Someone fancy giving me a job? Ive got a fucking degree and everything,"Wouldn't mind one of these jobs myself, I don't have a degree though" y y y - y y y y y yyyyyyyyyyyy yyy yyyyyyyyyyyyy yyy,but y "Fu-Fent has been perfect for U4 withdrawals For those of us who know the 1-3 day hell that a U4 WD can bring, FF has been a savior to me. Anyone else had similar experiences?","In other news, a gram of meth in the morning has completely dealt with my coffee addiction." This is due to banks trusting donnie.,This is a market correction after the drop when Trump was announced the winner. Oh man Fournette to the Saints would be the best story in the draft. He's been a legend in New Orleans since he was in Pop Warner.,I want this to happen so bad. There are more dem votes than dem voters. Lol. But but but popular vote!!,Um...independent here.... "20, 25, 30, or 35 lb dumbbells. If anyone has any laying around, I am looking for matching pairs. Can pay cash!",Males or females? "You really think Russia is innocent in all of this? Dude, check history. Putin is a sociopathic liar, he is everything people claim Hillary Clinton is. He has been trying to weaken NATO for years now, he has invaded countries and is purposely supporting Assad to fuck with the US. Russia is clearly the aggressor in this.",How many countries has he invaded? The Holy Fade,Painting is cheating. "Nacho Monreal was very poor today I don't know if it's just me, but I felt that Monreal was awful. His pace cost us our 2nd goal and there were a few instances where he was caught out of position.","He was fine until their second goal which then colours people's opinions of how he played, he wasn't great but he wasn't very poor" "What is truly fascinating about Orca is that this is not a universal hunting technique, only certain pods use it. And more importantly when a pod has juveniles they will use this technique, allow the seal to get back on the float, then just have the juveniles try. This implies the ability to teach. Source: Masters in Cognitive Science",TIL That's super cool I'm as neocon as it gets and Assad should stay in power by any means necessary. We should be carpet bombing Mosul right now though. Actual carpet bombing.,With actual carpets? "Also, surely the sound isn't recorded live. Way too crisp, with way too little background noise.",Yeah I'm not buying the sound at all. It's not what his constituents wanted though.,"If all constituencies just followed their constituents then the vote would be a majority leave, but somehow I don't think that's the result you want." Jade Spirit Summon Cry Does anybody else here absolutely love the WOOHOO sound after playing Jade spirit onto the board? It makes me so happy for some reason.,As Priest player it's the sound I hear in my nightmares. Because we earned the right to use the word after an entire fucking country tried to oppress us with it.,Go back to your original country if this one's opressing you so damn much. "I think men should be able to have an opinion on abortion I am pro-choice man, however I can see why people are pro-life, especially if they are religious. While I disagree with these people, I think they are entitled to their opinion on the issue. It bothers me when women say, no womb, no opinion. I understand that their point is that the baby is inside of them and they have to deal with pregnancy. However, all babies come from men too, and they are made up of 50 percent of his DNA. Men are expected to pay child support just like women are. By this logic, men are just as responsible for the decisions about prospective children as women are. I believe that this entitles men to an opinion on whether or not they think abortion is acceptable. They outright dismissal of about half of the world's population seems a bit extreme to me.","You can have an opinion, but you cannot make laws based on your opinions." So help me god if this turns out to be an elaborate Tree Fiddy ploy...,"I've been cautiously optimistic, but OP I will fly to Africa and mildly annoy you for the rest of your life." "I'm fairly certain the way they're experimenting is the bar is still the sprint bar, and the more you use your stamina, the quicker it will diminish. So the bar will last much longer at the start, and the more you play and sprint, the quicker and quicker it will turn red from full strength.",That's actually pretty neat Random discussion thread for 08 November 2016 This is the random discussion thread for posts not directly related to Brunei or the subreddit. Talk about anything you want! Please respect reddiquette and be nice to one another. This thread will remain stickied for *three* days until **Thursday**. Sort comments by new to get to fresh comments in the thread.,"I have a theory that the closure of bt was hitting two birds with one stone, or in this case 3 birds and those are 1.pleasing the saudi embassy 2.Dumb-ening the public with closure of said news company and 3.Reducing the available hot topics for people in our brureddit to discuss about and be informed on what do you think?" "Interior vs exterior residential main panel I'm in a 1960's 1200SqFt brick ranch on half an acre in an Atlanta suburb. Next year, I plan to have it completely rewired, including relocation of the meter box and an upgrade of the main panel. I've been thinking of using an exterior main panel at the new meter. I'm not worried about tampering, and I'm willing to put up with the inconvenience of having to go outside to reset breakers. I would be planning to put a sub panel in the garage, which I suspect would be the location of most of my trips. Unless exterior panels are outright prohibited in my area, what are some other considerations I may be overlooking?",You're going to pass most of your electrical wire out to the exterior of your house ? "If you lost your phone near McDonalds yesterday I have it. I will be dropping it off at your carrier's store if I don't get in contact. In the meantime, if you're worried message me your carrier and a description of your phone and I might be able to meet up with you before I drop it off at the carrier.",You mean the McDonalds across from the high school in West Seattle or the McDonalds by Northgate ? Should I sell Moore now or Wait? I spent 500k to complete.,"At this point it is more worth it to sell him several weeks after the promo, he has the highest overall in the game, his card is good in general, and his boosts are nice" I love his quote about that punt return also. I don't remember where I heard it (some documentary) but he specifically said he was planning to do the pose also but was tackled by his teammates too quickly.,Documentary of the 1997 season on the B1G network. It's really a pretty simple fix. They have replacement switches of your flavor and if you know how to handles a soldering iron it's a 10 min job. And there are plenty of YouTube videos on the subject too,I really need to learn how to solder. A truth that some would ignore.,"Not ignoring it, but it's what will be more apparent with the inevitable IS/Clan split in the faction QP games." Kind of a mean thing to call Bernie Sanders. Because that's who it should have been passed down to months ago. But yeah... Trump probably would win now.,Definitely a Trumper "And the Hungarians buy things in Romania :) They have a ridiculous 27% VAT curtesy of tovarasch Orban, and our VAT is 20% so you can see a lot of Hungarian plates in the supermarket parking lots of western Transilvania every weekend.","Yes, in general in all the European countries people living near the borders go to fill up the tank and to buy things in cheaper neighbour's supermarkets" Really ? I didn't find it.,I think you've seen the link already but i'ts hidden as a number 3 on Asahi's jersey "I was just be a pedantic smartass about the slut/whore difference. Abortion is a topic that I can't make a sound judgement on. Personally I think life begins at conception but I have no way to prove that, nor can I justify forcing someone to carry what is effectively a parasite for 9 months. I leave such judgments to those who'll claim authority on such matters.",Any embryology textbook is going provide proof. Tom Brady on his success: 'You know how I'm doing it',Properly inflated balls Incoming biased downvotes from all the jing mains... e_e,Because the comment itself isn't completely biased already? Mirror glaze grilled cheese,:( My Lushen Katarina AO vs Vindicated's Double Fire AD!,One word: LUL A 3-1 chance.,The Cleveland route. A Gurley has No Game. (A GOT and Todd Gurley Reference),A Gurl Has No Gain "To be fair, when I say Hey siri, goodnight, Siri turns off my lights",But you still have to start every hands-free command with 'Hey Siri' - even when you have to reactivate Siri to correct a mistake it's made. "Keep in mind, dude was chased down for the crime of wearing headphones while riding a bicycle.",Wat? Petition: It's Time to honour Erin Pizzey in the New Year Honours List,Signed. "Feminist gets challenged, can't find any answer so she resorts to name calling and insults",Nice bit of shaming language from the feminist there... As a white person these are your only identities. Better pick one and live with it.,*Claims to be against categorising and labelling of others* *Goes ahead and categorises and labels others* Hypocrisy thy name is SJWs. I love how civil and simple this exchange was,you great white afro bean cunt "Dear white Americans The rate you are killing yourselves through economic anxiety and opioid addiction is great and all, but I'm hoping that you could speed up the process in time for 2018. Seriously. Kill yourselves. I hate every last one of you to the deepest fiber of my being. What's coming for you over the next four years? It is so richly deserved.","All the Berners laugh now, just wait til Trumps Supreme Court takes away their weed." What weird things does your pet like?,My dog loves broccoli. "In short, nothing. NMS came out about 2 months before TLG went gold. That's bug fixing/polish time. Nothing was done as a direct response to anything regarding NMS. Like the game or not, mentioning NMS will get views. That's what we have here.","you're wrong, the controversy of No Man's Sky has negativity affected the Gaming Industry...again." Thoughts on the #Nats Park game day experience (traffic and parking),METRO "Obama grants 98 more commutations, setting single-year clemency record",He could be even more helpful if he pushed for reclassification of marijuana. Okay thanks for the heads up. I'm thinking about waiting for bestbuy too but I'm worried they might go out of stock,Try a price match at Best Buy? Actually it's the sun because it's the closest.,perrrrssssspppppecttttivvveeeeee You must be high af,Look how perky they are! Magpies are deadset cunts in Spring (starting right about now).,Nests. "Terrible for them. Noticed on the channel 8 coverage that they said they have video speaking to the owner's wife and I'm thinking, couldn't she be called an 'owner'?","Women can't be owners, Silly." "Before the mods wake up, let's trigger the European and German leftists!",if the refugees had their way the woman and girl would be wearing a burka. "Still in Utah visiting family and I need to get out of the house. Anyone want to hang out? I'm in Orem and went to a Provo meetup for an hour on Sunday. That was nice. It's just there isn't anyone here my age and there are a lot of kids and TBMs and... I'd like a moment to myself, maybe meet some folks and do something fun or just chill out. PM me for a good time, lol Or just chat, it's whatevs.","I'm not in town now, but love hanging out and getting to know people... I'm not a spring chicken, so if you ever get to salt lake and want to visit (young at heat) me and my happy hippy cottage, you're welcome!" Only one man is capable of such a feat,What is *J. Cole*? That made me physically cringe. *baka*,He's joking Hopefully TIL a 37-year-old injected herself with a crushed black widow spider and water with the intent of getting a high. She survived after a brief stay in the ICU.,She was already high Hen taking care of kittens during storm.,Why arent you taking care of the kittens? WAIT. When did Morgan tell Shelby about the sister thing?!,"Alex told her the day before her eviction, after the veto ceremony.." Substitute spicy chicken nuggets for fries and prepare to be amazed.,"Interesting, I'll try it." Who's the mother of all those Babies?!,Ballora? "lrm refire tool? There anything out there that will tell you which fires faster, hence which COULD do more damage, 2 lrm 20, 2 lrm 10 or 4 lrm 10 with the CD module",In almost every case you can kill an enemy mech faster with focused damage to one component than by vomiting LRMs at it and giving it the opportunity to torso twist or run behind an obstacle. His doesn't have the,"according to on-line NIH database, etc, etc... billy sucks dick" It also doesnt make much sense to expand greater Bavaria in that direction and not into Austria,"Yea, the Southwest doesn't want or need the CSU, but seems like Austria could do with a healthy dose of *traditional* conservativism." "Thing about this is foreigners act like eating this is like Fear Factor or something, but to everyone else it's just dinner.",I like how when he introduces the sausage in a sausage he goes all Eddie Huang. Most of my shoes are new or like new and still smell though. I only have 2 or 3 pairs of beater shoes...the other 5 or 6 pairs are good :(,there are inserts btw you can buy for shoes that have charcoal in them like dr sholls but there are other options too. Sometimes I like to have creature tournaments on YouTube. I'll search shrew vs praying mantis or whatever and whomever wins goes onto the next round.,OMG except you cant do mammals because theyre cute. "TIL: Kellyanne's birthday is Inauguration Day, her 50th birthday is Donald Trumps inauguration day. WOW!",#MEME MAGIC IS REAL I said **If** he wins,"Lol you realize Ivanka is Jewish, right?" So Is The DLC Not On Xbox One Yet?,00:00 Pacific Does anyone else think of The Simpsons when they see this?,"Cuphead, anyone?" ABC is basically the daily telegraph now.,The director is a Liberal appointee. First mk?,"Yeah, MX blue." Fugly,Is it not fucking ugly? "How long before 6P goes on sale? Does anyone know typically how long it takes for the current flagship to go on sale in advance of the new phone release? Pixel will be announced soon, and I've been waiting for the 6P to go on sale, but haven't seen it yet. Also does anyone know how long the sale would last? Still not sure whether I'd want the new Pixel or keep the 6P (I had a 6P before and was fully satisfied with it). Thanks!",I can get it for 420 now graphite 32gb is it worth it? As long as he takes less acid.,And wears a safety vest! ScreaM reacts to steel dropping his SCREAMONE mouse on stream,rip mouse good night sweet prince "That brought me a new question. If a zombie with frenzy hits the hero and soul patch absorbs the hit and dies, does the zombie attack again?",Wow these are situations I never face in ranked xd But going after the logic I would say yes since it always attacks again when a plan is destroyed by the hit (again not sure on this :P) "The day still young people At least where I am, Niantic will make the announcement soon enough",its 2am on the 13th where I am... Hoping it will come soon Oh and I just found out that the student has been reprimanded for abusing the emergency line and using the printing facilities for personal use. Win!,Who decided to give students the ability to directly call IT after hours? "Its like disney figured out that the marvel formula works, now they want to make a bunch of new heroes and make many movies out of them to milk the cash.","Its like Disney is a profit making enterprise that just spent 8 billion to acquire a franchise and want a return on their investment....... crazy shit, i know." Claiborne's injury not as bad as we thought,Didn't Garrett say day to day? "Also, not necessary. I haven't done a single followers mission besides those needed for the class quests.","Yeah, its completely optional as well" It's really going to depend on what the Necro costs.,"Expansions are 40$, probably 10$ maybe 15$ because of the amazing character slot and stash space" "You gonna pay the court fees when they have him arrested for assault? If not, then fuck off cowboy. I'm bloody sick seeing this shit advice.",Where is the threat of harm to qualify as assault? 15 minutes? People code in the ER and docs take turns hammering them for more than an hour with no damage.,i only say 15 minutes because that's how long it was reported she had gone before a defib "Isn't telling that the last couple of times we have watched Bernard interact with Dolores she has been fully clothed? All of the other other robot sessions demonstrate them treated as objects, completely nude. However, in Bernard's special session with Dolores she is always fully clothed. I also loved the choice of book in The Stray, Alice in Wonderland and the particular quotes in had her read and the fact that he gave to her as a wrapped gift. So, can Dolores be seen as Alice? She is experiencing a new kind of awakening.","I don't think so, it seems like these interactions are in secret soon before the day starts, there's no point in declothing her, she's already ready for the day" The writers have also been making jokes about the shippers after having catered to them for two years. It seems like we've got them back on our side again.,I'm convinced Guggie and the writers were give a stern talking to by the higher ups. I'm sure Trump supporters think the Clinton administration paid Fox to drop the story lmao,They're being politically correct like Librul scum! Fuck him. He's basically picking the most extreme guy for every single job. I bet those Ivanka lovers will come out in force today. Fuck them. They don't give a shit about what we will go through in the next fifty years.,B..b...but... #AL GORE "No, I don't think they worship Trump","Damn, Daniel." "Calling all Imperial forces.... Reinforcements inbound! Hey fellow redditors! I have recently moved cities for a job and I plan to get back into the hobby. I collected a vast amount of stuff back in 4th and 5th edition but unfortunately donated most of it to charity, so will be starting a small collection from scratch. I have a couple of questions for you guys, and any help would be vastly appreciated, as well as general advice for coming back to the hobby after a long time. - Is the rulebook included with dark vengeance the exact same as the one in kill team? - Do crimson fists still regularly get confused with ultramarines? - Is there a competitively viable way of running orks that isn't green tide? Thanks guys/girls!",Yes No Don't know "It's gonna be an uphill fight, but we shant give up easily!",Setting aside differences and finding common goals to work together on might be more constructive. "Hey that happened to a friend of mine's sister sorta. She was top 3 choice for the main female role in Kyle XY(season 2 I believe) Gorgeous girl, but poor thing, last I heard she was still living with her mom","If she needs a rich handsome boyfriend to put her up in his mansion, tell her not to call me, I'm broke as fuck" and Lunar Tango iirc,Cha cha cha! Documents reveal true backers of drive for a second slots parlor,FWIW I'm super pro gambling/pro casino and I'm voting no on 1 because it's shady AF Tremor didn't even make it.,... i feel stupid... Wasn't this already discovered when someone sifted through the game files? I believe there will be RED packs to buy in the card shop as well.,hopefully it goes towards aids funding in this scenario... Only cuz the raiders and chiefs are overrated,"We ran the same play 10 times in a row on the broncos on national television, and they couldn't stop it." Thanks for the list and links! I hope online game store will soon offer Oculus Home key like they do with Steam.,Hopefully devs are smarter than that and will never do that "Core modes DESPERATELY need bot backfilling. Im sure this has been complained about before, but what the fuck? Half of my games end uneven due to rage quitters or games just flat out dropping people before it starts. Why not allow players to join in game and have bots fill empty spots before someone takes over? Gears 3 was perfectly fine in this regard. I get that they are going for the more competitive feel like Halo 5 arena, but its making the multiplayer worse. I would rather have players rotate in and out then play out the rest of a 3 v 5 KOTH match that has 20 minutes remaining. Go play social quickmatch they say, well KOTH is my favorite gametype by a long stretch and I havent had a single KOTH come up in social quickplay. I suppose another fix would be to add a social playlist for every gametype like gears 3. Just something different than how it is now. Anything. /rant","I played 3 matches of Dodgeball yesterday afternoon, 1 started with 4v5 and the other 2 started with 3v5." You can now change the colour of your Dark Matter,Dats badass is this real coldzera?? LUL,Coldzera = toxic coldezra = best player in the world Is there even cape/backpack mod for PC yet? I gotta start looking,Yea campfire adds a couple capes and a couple backpacks "How all of your money denominations are pretty much the same colour. And pennies, fuck I hate pennies.",At least our bills are the same size Really showing those working class voters how much Republicans have their backs,They never had and they never will And there are digital cameras that have surpassed film cameras in that as well. Most notably the Arri Alexa 65. The same camera Rogue One was filmed with.,Rogue One is a great example of the power of digital cameras. Modern day cinderella,Whys everybody making fun of this really tall woman? "Has anyone else heard the new perk jingles? I was in the starting room just looking around, then quick revive jingle started but it was doctor monty singing it. Pretty funny tbh because he starts saying he forgot some of it.",When you buy Jugger and knife the machine sounds the jingle too! I completed the 5th puzzle piece and got the bartek bludgeon last night AMA,"If marshmallow peeps screamed when you ate them, would you enjoy them more or less?" Supa Hot FIYAAAA,oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh This is possibly the best exposed video to date,The social experiment was fake but the ass munching was real. "I agree some of their prices are ridiculous, but at least there's a high chance their products will last a long time, and be regularly supported with updates. They've been responsible for their environmental impact too. There are way worse companies out there imo",But their specs are bad and they spend money on marketing! You're going to be able to hear a pin drop tomorrow night in the 4th quarter.,Cause all the LSU fans are gonna be so bored due to winning so badly they all leave to drink some more right? I don't know how to tell you this... you might be a Bro.,"nah, he's just a random persen" American Television will never be topped,jebus christ What's the best misheard lyric you know?,"Wrapped up like a douche, another runner in the night." And she built a supercomputer in the 1970s that inspired the computer that beat Kasparov.,She died in 1852.... "Oh we are doing dinosaurs sounds? Cuckoo kachaaa, cuckoo kachaaa!",Has no one in this family ever seen a dinosaur before? Decommissioned.,Perfect napping spo...I mean perfect area to go in to take inventory and paperwork. "Spray pattern on a1 are really easy to control.If you up the ammo you will have pretty imbalanced spray cannon. In perspective.With a4 spray pattern is harder,but you have more ammo for mistakes,but with a1 you have easer spray pattern but you have less ammo.",They both have the same spray pattern up to 20th bullet. "Had a QA team in China. They'd execute regression tests for us. One time, all the tests passed... on an executable that we later found out would crash in 15 seconds, one hundred percent of the time.","Shit, they didn't even have the decency to automate it?" "I wouldn't really like being surrounded by those who poke fun at others. Actually, I even get depressed of thinking about being in a similar situation ;[","I don't poke fun at people who like vore, I just tend to stay away from them since we don't usually share common interests." You got me twice,'Tis why I have that URL memorized. There was a post on here the other day where the same happened to another player who was also permanently banned. He said not to mention the word 'ban' or similar in the e-mail you send in because the bots read this and ignore the e-mail.,"Good to know, thank you." Right. I'm more interested in whether or not he is smurfing honorably (if there is such a thing) or if he's being a dick.,"with that scoreline i would assume he pushes for the win if neccessary, then again i know from a friend that tried to derank on purpose quite a while back (first year of GO) that you would have to really try to get taken down at some point, as running with a knife would lead them to victory.. (not sure how true, but i could see that being possible)" "There is none good but one, that is God.",You're lurking in the wrong place sir How do you fit your mouth around something like that?,never heard this question on a burger post before. South L.A. teacher caught on audio telling students their parents would be deported.,Some substitute explained to a whole study hall about how Hillary was actually a lot worse than she appeared for a good 15 minutes. "For only $20 a month, YOU can help a peasant!",Adopt-a-PeasantTM "I don't actually know, but given my experience in the advertising world, not a chance. The companies may even be paying for it i.e. Tmo is selling ad space for an audience they have a lot of demographic info about and may be willing to share.",wow ok that is stupid considering most will only use it for free stuff and then never use it again Yeah sorry about that buddy. I was just being a cunt for no reason.,No worries. I actually wonder if he uses Reddit Later. It's pretty great for maximizing karma.,What's that Trump just proposed ending all federal clean energy development,This obviously proves both candidates equally bad. Same-Sex Couples Can Now Adopt Children In All 50 States!,WE DID IT REDDIT! "If someone is using me for profit I want a piece of the pie, I don't care what they know I just want compensation for making money off of me.",Unless you committed a crime they probably haven't looked at your data. "Speculation for season 6B Thread Does anyone think that either Gideon is killed off (Hence the expedited aging off screen which allows us not to get attached to his character.), that he possibly remains a neutral character committed to his own realm, or that he's not Rumple and Belle's child to begin with, but that someone switched Belle's child within her womb?","Rumple already lost a son, they wouldn't do that again." "Telling your RE about donated meds (patients at PFC in SF, especially!) I will be starting my first round of IVF at the start of my next cycle. I have been very fortunate to have been gifted medication from a few friends and I'm wondering if/how to tell my RE. Do I need to? Will they tell me I can't use them? I've managed to get enough meds for almost a whole cycle, which is amazing since we are paying entirely OOP for everything, but I'm so worried they'll say I need to buy new meds. If you've used donated meds, what did you say to your RE? Especially if you were a patient at PFC in SF (where I am going!) - I would love to know about their response :) Thanks in advance!!","Mine didn't care, and didn't ask -- they said here's your prescription, I told the pharmacy I only wanted part of it filled because I had some leftovers, no issues." Motus makes V4's for their bikes in Alabama I believe.,"According to them, it's all made in America." "It's only for actions that are taken to be within the scope of the duties of being president. For instance, a president can't be charged for murder as a result of deaths due to an authorized drone strike. For crimes not related to one's duties, a president can be impeached and then forced to stand trial. Ford pardoned Nixon to avoid the spectacle of this. Some legal scholars think that a president might technically be able to pardon himself, but that's controversial.",Pretty sure that falls under giving oneself a gift in office. Confirmation on the identity of the subject of the painting?,Alexander Hamilton I dislike naruto and it's cliches. Also I have a subreddit eddit that could be used for further discussion on this.,Nobody cares. That's text book driving him into the ground.,Guy knew exactly what he was doing. What underwear ;),Google Mormon garment images Are you expecting to get a champion shard every game you play?,"no my friend but the guy above said We already do get blue essence, for every game we play :^)" The Terrain Republic has become overpowered. (Bug),"That is because the Terrain only assisted, gravity gets the kill." "You have three identical boxes. The first one is empty, the second one has one Christmas globe in it, and the third one has two globes. You randomly pick a box, and you stick your hand in and take out one globe. What are the chances there is another globe in that box?",I don't see how anyone could come up with an answer that isn't 50%. I hate driving up that part of the I5. Stinks so damn bad. Even with the vents closed it reeks.,Central Valley represent! Breaking shit and beating people?,Marching down the street peacefully is neither of those. Perhaps you need a strong gentlesir M'lady?,I would be Hence recommending it for a place to move out?,I wouldn't mind moving back when I'm older. "I don't understand why people kept comparing this game to Skyrim. It was never aiming to be that. This is just a MMO set in the Elder Scrolls Universe. Like Warcraft 3 was a top-down strategy game and WoW was a third-person MMO. Both in the same universe, both entirely different games. In my opinion, ESO does the MMORPG part very well, especially since the last big updates. I have played dozens of other MMORPGs, but ESO has me hooked.",I have over 1918 hours in eso and I still am only cp 164 the game gets you hooked "Yes, we had noticed this a few days ago already. The lack of rewards really isn't important, but the fact that they did not do anything about it, and even after noticing the issue failed to come up with any of the quick solutions for it, tells us a lot. Frankly, it's another straw piled up on the camel's back. Wonder when it will break? Heck. last week's stream wasn't even linked to reddit. The community is starting (well, many already weren't) no longer care, and the company is doing nothing about it... I truly do not get it...","its what happens when you cater to the wrong crowd, waste all of the awesome potential your game has, and become an afterthought." **nah**,#yup Excuse my ignorance: so what's the benefit to bonds versus a savings account?,Bonds pay higher interest rates because they compensate you for locking your money up for longer. "I found the milk chocolate itself quite bland. I understand that they use the highest quality St Lucia cocoa blah blah blah - I don't care. I want that shit fatty, I want it sugary, and I want it milky. Maybe I just need to try it again.","Try 'Divine' milk chocolate, feel like it might be up your street as someone who 'likes' Hotel Chocolat but with the same reservations as you." Top 30 lines heading into NHL season,"I would also argue that if you're going to give some teams a 1A that take isn't, you've got to give Winnipegs Laine - Little - Connor/Perreault" It only lets you mark off a maximum of 12 hours though,Just go full Linux gross hack style and write a script which automatically shifts the active hours forward by an hour every hour. Relic while running? Is it just me or impossible to use a relic while moving? Is this a known issue?,You can use a relic while moving. Fear created to bolster support for Hillary.,"Trump's a shill too, ya think ?" "Have you even been here for this discussion? Putting them in prison works (even though I don't agree with it) but not nearly as much as going after the producers, distributors, and letting supply and demand run its course",Lol I've been here ever since you made that comment on how it's harmless to view CP the downvotes and your pissy attitude says otherwise,Says the bitch boi complaining about being downvoted. "First i would like to ask whether or not if you are willing to trade with someone from Australia? I have one Quickdraw Synchron, one Synchron Explorer, One Dopplewarrior and One Junk Synchron (just ask if you want photos of them) I'm looking at the one common MST, one Abyss Dweller (non-gold rare), one Book of Moon and one Dark Hole (super rare?)","Even if you were in the US (where I live), I couldn't justify such a small trade :-/ sorry" Please Stand By,It's both terrifying and AMAZING! Soon everyone's will be. That's so meta.,What if they have been all along? TITLE SPECULATION THREAD GO: Red and Dead Red Dead Online Red Dead Revolution Red Dead Reloaded Red Dead Garlic Bread,Red Dead Read Again "Dear u/MLBOfficial As a huge fan who is out of market and finds it hard to watch games, I beg of you to please return to the old format and structure of videos for your At Bat App. At Bat has always been my favorite purchase of the year, and I find it disappointing that clips have become increasingly shorter, including MUST C clips, and for big plays often don't show replays or reactions, which is an integral part in me enjoying the experience as someone who can no longer watch games as they are broadcast.",The MLB at bat app sucks when it comes to watching highlights a certain music information site Just say what it is. Fuck them,"I wish I could, I've gotten in trouble for doing that here once before." Membership Ring,So it's a cult now? "Well, Steven didn't break anything in Too Short to Ride, so that's a start.",*That we know of* G2A Is G2A a reputal site to buy Xbox One game codes?,G2A is not a reputable site to buy anything. "You know when kids play a competitive game, and then one of them loses and throws a tantrum? I DIDN'T LOSE! I DIDN'T LOSE! I REALLY WON!!! WAAAAAHHHH!!! Well, that is what these kind of posts are. It is so far away from the truth that the OP would have to know it. The fact that it is true is the reason why it eats them up so much. Either that or it is just a troll.",When you're playing Cowboys and Indians and the Indians pull that shit you just gotta laugh. What is the best roast for an ex?,Chuck "I love this because it just gives me a nice comeback to Trump supporters asking for Hillary's emails or Wall Street speech transcripts, etc. You'd just ask questions and would take the focus off her campaign, her platform, her message.",Then they'd celebrate that you admit she has something to hide with no sense of irony whatsoever. Well art students are his people,"So, the Torries were always right to be taking care of their people?" "Fish oil. That's vitamin D, isn't it? Wait a minute. Ok, I came down with interstitial pneumonia a few years ago. It was bad stuff, was sick for three weeks and took another six to recover decently. Coughing until you throw up kind of nonsense. Heavy antibiotics, codine cough syrup, inhalers, whole bit. The next spring I got sick again. Not pneumonia, but a respiratory bug. Another six to nine weeks of uncontrollable hacking and meds. FML. The next spring? Again. It's likely that the pneumonia weakened your system and made you susceptible to any respiratory illness floating around, says the doc sympathetically. By this time, my health insurance is sending me brochures and pamphlets on how to control my asthma. I don't have asthma. I just need the inhalers when I get that sick. I start getting paranoid about germs. Start getting really vigilant about hand sanitizer and such. Same thing the next year. And the next. Ok, WTF?!?! I'm hating this. I ask the doctor how to prevent this from happening next year. He looks at me like I'm insane. Prevent? Uh. Try a humidifier, I guess. Oh, so very fuck that. I have now had a gut full of it. I research like mad. I come up with some promising stuff regarding vitamin D. So in the late winter / early springtime, I start taking it. I end up in the urgent care center again. Oh, not for that. I'm in for a tetanus booster. I've gotten cut putting up the gazebo frame, and...well, rusty metal and all. Damn. I see you're in for your annual visit, says the doc. Huh? You're in every year about this time with a respiratory bug, he says, flipping through papers. I was so pleased to finally not be sick!!! It's ironic that my DB situation started to kick into high gear. Because in another year, I was looking to find a different guy to fuck. That correlation never crosses my mind before. And I continue to take the vitamin D to stave off the illness, which hasn't returned. So. Looks like a Google search on vitamin D and sex drives is in order.","Ya, that was why I added the fish oil, my other theory was the increased time spent outside during the sunmer might be the cause." "Buddha by Hojyo Takashi. This was my first time using Origamido paper, I wish I could buy it all the time.",What's the difference between regular paper and Origamido paper? "I agree. There are so many different streams with Hots tournaments. I'm not even sure if I'm following all of them, it's so confusing.",It's always great to get a notification for a game... After it's over Mom reflexes,"I'm not a savior by any means, but this is funny, because most often I'll help save a situation with the little ones, and my wife usually causes them." Please enlighten us. Exactly how many races exist in the world?,Five. The guy that said he was suspending his campaign to go home for a change of clothes and think about his options?,His stupid decisions don't justify what Ted Cruz's campaign did. Just curious...what made you propose if you weren't ready to commit? I know this is a totally possible/reasonable thing because people get pressured to make moves like this but I just wanted to hear your story.,"I never proposed, we were living together and marriage was considered the next step" Can anyone identify this species of Spider?,Arachnopicus Maximus! Paganini huehuehuera,The 25th caprice! "I usually just slap o shard on everyone. Spear of the magus used to be the go to, but now it's kinda... Meh. O shard is just better. O shard plus pen boots should be enough pen to blow up squishies and deal decent damage to everyone else. I wouldn't worry about it TOO much beyond that. For late game funnies maybe spear of desolation?",They nerfed shard so its not the always go to now "Without masturbation, every living man would be a rapist And I really don't think it's the same for women. This hit me the other night when my genitals were throbbing, just begging for relief after going just 2 days without masturbating. And this is coming from a guy who once went 3 months without doing it...during my freshman year of college in 03. So ladies, take note of this. THAT is how insane our sex drive is. The feminist rape is about power, not sex rhetoric would go down the drain if all of us had our hands chopped off because every last one of us would be a rapist. Meanwhile, you guys can do sexual stuff at your own leisure. It's truly optional for you, which is probably part of the reason you think 80% of all men are below medium in looks. It's easy to have absurdly high standards when you're never really that horny.",no. "Alright, so now I am curious. What is your stance on captain dick-nipples acid infused piloting aspirations?",I would trust someone who has done acid before and flown a plane before to fly me in a test experiment over nowhere in harms way. brandia: just fucking rework her.. her kit is a non-synergisting heaping pile of shit. &nbsp; and so is her hair,Triggered. Aghs prediction thread! We can be sure that there will be atleast a few Aghanim's Scepter upgrades added next patch! So which heros do you guys think will get an upgrade and what will it be? My Suggestion: TA - Psionic Traps Root for 1.5 sec when triggerd **Heros without Aghs Upgrade:** / Anti Mage / Arc Warden / Bounty Hunter / Brood Mother / Chaos Knight / Clinks / Death Prophet / Dragon Knight / Ember / Io / Lycan / Medusa / Phantom Assassin / Phantom Lancer / Riki / Slardar / Slark / Sniper / Spectre / Templar Assassin / Terrorblade / Troll Warlord / Pit Lord,Sniper: Headshot now minibashes "My sister and her husband had a GF that had 2 assholes. At first they thought she was joking but when they got busy, there were extra holes out back.",Wait... your sister and her husband shared a GF that had 2 assholes? THAT'S A TRAP! THERES A TRAP! EVERYWHERES A TRAP!,Not in maze. So when factories were put into place in white America in the early revolution that it was because of racism?,"Yes, but not in the way you're thinking." Look at the new window smart file management system,What is this about? maybe ask them if they can order it for you ... if it's a chain it might be possible that they just don't think they can sell it to someone and therefore they don't order it.,I tried but it was not available from their distributor. Washington post writes stuff that benefits its owners and not the American people.,"Fuck capitalism and the MSM, amirite?" Hmm I bet Ivana Trump would disagree. Something about being raped.,"Yeah, but she's under a gag order and can't talk about it so she doesn't count." What? Which of them?,I had so many iPods have hard drive failures. "You learn you're the only actually sentient person in the world, what do you do?","I guess that means nobody is, since I'm barely sentient as is due to my severe depersonalization" Scott confirms Ballora walks like a spider.,Explains the Minireena's They learned her movements I've taken a lot of good shit to thrift stores in the past. I don't really ever sell (although I might start) and it's much more satisfying to me knowing that I helped someone less fortunate out that making a few extra bucks. I remember in like 2003 I took a bunch of my old Js from the 90s and dropped them at a clothing drive around Xmas. I kind've regretted when I got back into kicks in '09 but I enjoy giving.,send me some brother "Ready to start over-reacting about all of our role guys. If Singler keeps hitting shots--and if Sova is decent--and if Joffrey pans out--and if Price can give good minutes--and if Sabonis is truly ready to play already--well, we've got ourselves a basketball team!",Sova is owl in czech "All of the south, none of the north east, some of the mid west, not Commifornia and Hawaii they also have to be made before '86, so they're wayyy too expensive for the average person",What about for the average bear? I think she had a seizure while typing that. Jesus.,More like a stroke. "My 2nd Journey: Deep underground (rather long post, I got carried away)",I rather enjoy other people's journeys because mine usually consist of me flattening areas for about 40 minutes at a time Yeah they're designed to be over the top because you've got a very different angle on them.,"an over-the-top angle, if you will." Trump rape lawsuit DISMISSED.,HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I called this bullshit over at r/redacted the other day and they didn't like that. "How? Each one only gives 6 leather, 10 dogs just isn't enough for a jacket.","obviously someone hasn't run a puppy slaughterhouse (also I just enjoy being needlessly cruel in this game, so it probably is really inefficient)" The only thing I actually want in this update The freaking accessory that lets you use magic without killing yourself and the entire party. Holy crap using magic is so annoying at the moment and kills it for me. Anyone agree? And if not do anyone know of a way to use magic without crippling yourself? Because the idiot AI teammates never move out of the way or walks right into it,Why didn't they just remove friendly fire? eeeyyy yup.,Mmhmm. Who was she saying it to though? I always knew it wasn't Willam but I could never remember who it actually was.,Santino after the you look like a couch critique. wowwwwwwwwwww soooooooooooooooooooooooooo relatable,does she shit too? What if my only other option is alshon Jeffrey....against Minnesota,Cutlets back fulkkkkk it "They are hyacinths, they will smell amazing","I love the scent, but they kill my allergies." Yeah cuz that will fix this shit hole of a defence,"Yeah, our defense is shit, let's just use the worse goalie." Baltimore city schools to expand students' access to free breakfast,"That's awesome, hopefully this can be extended to more summer programs too." I bet those 315 are centipedes doing their research.,Research intensifies "I slaughtered an entire family of turkeys on the take off roll in my apache. It was horrible, like the things nightmares are made of with blood and flesh and feathers just everywhere.",Were they flying or walking? At IKEA.,unappreciated comment for the day Caption this pic of The Lion of the Lord.,"Patience Abish, we will be more than just friends publicly soon enough." I'm just always sad,Ever since the Bakries started the fuckery with the Roar so many years ago? Jets are on next friday so be prepared for that to change!,"After tonight, easy 4-0 win to the Jets!" "Typing on quiet carriage - acceptable or not? I'm on the quiet carriage on the train and this person had a go at another passenger for typing on a laptop, claiming it was too loud and disruptive. It's not the first time I've heard passengers tell off others for typing. Typing doesn't bother me and I never notice it. Passengers getting angry at other passengers does annoy me however. So what's your take on typing while on the quiet carriage?","I wish they'd introduce quiet buses as well, I find it quite annoying when a whole bus has to listen to a person's phone conversation or two people discussing who of their friends is dumb and who not." Specifically Lexus RX owners. I swear I've never seen one outside of the left lane doing the speed limit. Must be a feature on that model.,Which is odd because they have good engines but their customers are old... I'd still buy one because they are more reliable than grandma making cookies. Canada amazon had it for 10$ aswell,I'm not in Canada... Google Pixel Impressions by MKBHD!,That's a quality video right there