Input,Output i'm white and named all 3 of my kids Muhammed so they won't feel left out in 20 years,Sweden? Apple will make billions thanks to the fact people losing their AirPods.,Yeah but AppleCare for AirPods will only cost $99 and will cover lost AirPods for only a $49 charge! I don't even know who made that up. Or why people spread it,The bourgeois made it to help the proletariat accept their status. "Was Job really Job's name? Or did he have a different, actual name, and they just decided to make him known as Job?","I hear his name might have been Employment, but that may be a mistranslation." Ugh. My SIL is doing this with her second. He's so incredibly clingy and gets upset so easily.,He's gonna be a great at relationships. Praise the sun!,YOU DIED JFK said no to an FBI plot where they were going to stage a Cuban bombing attack on Americans to justify attacking Cuba and that is actually documented so I wouldn't doubt anything the states would do to justify attacking other nations.... Not much of a conspiracy theorist but fuck you never know.,Yeah that was the only documented instance were it was **proposed** not to mention that it was discarded immediately after being proposed because the idea is absurd. Is this the Origins Tank?,"No, it's tank dempsey" "only made their regions finals, ending the repetitive monopoly that flash wolves and AHQ have had over their region for the past 2 years but yea whatever no big deal.","Being top 3 means nothing in your region, obviously" "Yep, GGG planned this all along. They have a deal with US network companies (like comcast) and are getting paid to block access to EU so the people move to the US to download the patch and have better internet. OR it's just an unforseen error and will be hopefully fixed soon.",Switched to USA VPN... Downloading at full speed of my connection (at least for now). and all pathfinders play blade vortex,What did you expect when Ziggy and Ziz all promoted it before the league started Are good ventor's sellable in temp leagues? Can't say I'm never lucky anymore.,If you forcably advertise it on reddit im sure someone will ask about the price Rapper who Threatened to Kill Trump if His Mother's Food Stamps are Taken Away gets Arrested and charged with multiple felonies,Poor young man thrown in jail by the corrupt justice system. The most annoying thing about this game When I play the game it sounds something like this SPOTTED SPOTTED SPOTTED SPOTTED SPOTTED SPOTTED SPOTTED YOUR LEFT FUSION TOWER IS UNDER ATTACK SPOTTED SPOTTED SPOTTED YOUR MIDDLE FUSION TOWER IS UNDER ATTACK SPOTTED SPOTTED SPOTTED SPOTTED SPOTTED SPOTTED SPOTTED I need to be able to hear what is going on but the game just says spotted over and over most of the time,How everything flying is a tesseract Disagree. Ghost was a very dark game.,A major reason why I like it "When I first saw the still tag, I thought 43 meant 1943 and I was like what the hell? But then I realized it's futuristic and it's actually 2043. (Which by the way would make her 27 because BO3 takes place in 2065.)",Also thought that to lol Holy fucking shit. I honestly read that in Montys voice. eerie.,Wait a minute.. is it possble A7x=Monty? "Gamers of reddit, What upcoming title are you most excited about?",I heard about a game called No Man's Sky "Yeah, you know, except for the part where they say *ALL* owners of MW remastered.",All owners are able to buy the dlc Yeah. What an idiot. I guess my living in California makes me a qualified oceanographer.,Is that where you write underwater ? All my hype for this expansion DIED... All i can do is watch some streamers having fun while i CANNOT play... wtf This is a buff!,"Yeah, because the league is not 3 months long and if we can't play the first 5 hours that means everything is gonna suck." Don't play while you're tilting,less quality = better meme Battlefield 1 beta Intel HD 4400 (video/ image),damn looks good Wikileaks Appears To Release Hillary Clinton's Paid Speech Transcripts,Wasn't this supposed to be the damning evidence that could finally end Clinton's reign of tyranny or something like that? Yeah my bad bro most of us are normal I swear,Doubt it. best pack so far,confirmed plant by EA Well everyone in the house is better at comps.,Except for that one wall comp that James rocks at Understandable,"had Kill Joys on since I was playing Giant last night, switched it out for I'm Feeling Lucky :P" You can earn artifact power through pvp and level up your weap.,"Wow, that fixes all the issues I brought up" "It certainly explains that you had an illegal drug in your vehicle, definitely. But it's legal somewhere else isn't a valid excuse for having an illegal drug with you.",But it's a valid excuse to smell like that drug "Hey, you know that one series that everybody's dying to hear about, the one we've clearly acknowledged pretty much everyone's here to hear about? Yeah we've got nothing new.","You're talking about Battleborn, right?" Best CC is death and Raijin does it in 2 hits.,TRUE We stole Keep Portland Weird from Austin - it's only fitting that the Oregonian steals Soccer City USA from us and gives it to Seattle.,"Cascadia steals a few key catchphrases from Texas, doesn't it?" Hmmm... that doesn't look quite right,I blame the CSS 1. Bartre 2. Eliwood 3. Karla 4. Karel 5. Rath,how did I suspect this A toxic election is damaging the seed corn of democracy -- young voters,The toxic control of the media by the hyper rich and monopoly capital is damaging American democracy. Just be better than BB18 please.,That's not friendship. You like movies about gladiators?,Have you ever been in a Turkish prison? Spencer Pigot rocking a Samsung livery this weekend!,Should've sponsored Montoya. you only love me for my assets.,Freaking Sugar Diggers The rolled pant leg showing ankles is high-fashion and will be dated quickly,But you should buy high quality pieces that will last years to come! "Shows that best portray lower middle class life? The first two shows that come to my head are The Middle, and Roseanne. Can anyone think of any other ones? Any dramas?",Friends "Last week my LGS received the Obsidian 45 I had a Form 3 on, have to get printed and photos for me and my son who is a trustee, file the Form 4 by mail and wait forever again. Anything to make it more difficult for the most law-abiding citizens...this government is ass-backwards.",Gotta love the rule change mid wait. "Nah, our families were friendly, but I wasn't friends with any of them on an individual level. But they were at my halloween birthday party because our families were friendly and one of them thought it was appropriate to push 12 year old me in the pool in my costume in front of all of my guests. They didn't really do anything else particularly noteworthy, but obviously there's a part of me that hasn't really forgiven them for the pool thing haha.",You sound fun. "Obviously it's gonna be everyone's favorite red card, Obligatory Phoenix!",Maybe just a [[Chandra's Phoenix]] reprint You're stranded on a dessert island. How do you avoid getting fat?,I don't like sweets For 13 seconds.... ;),More like 3 minutes The Left created a law that is an ass,"The Left, ever capitalised" 3.75% molar?...,Perhaps a dentist could come and confirm? CharlieIntel: Games are far too soft about the way they bring people in. Fuck that. How about a mode where you have to be good to play it?! -Blundell,So he adds shopping free and perkaholic "Surely the school administration wouldn't accept that situation? A professor who gives 100% to all students enrolled in that class based on a single lucky trash shot? **edit** read the original tweet posted before, it was only for 1 quiz, I can accept that",It's a class on Statistics! An illustrated guide: what to do if witnessing Islamophobic harrassment,"worthless guide, doesn't even touch on what to do if she's wearing headphones." "Just like Obama has, but people only seem to hate Hillary for it","Well he's a secret muslim, we expect it from him." The Conclusive Theory of Why Guys Suck,The answer is to become a lesbian! A bit late late but I'll be walking home from school every day this year (1 mi). Will my calves get any stronger/bigger?,"If you live on a mountain summit and your school is below it, then yes" "Didn't you see the stop sign? There, I hope you learned your lesson!","If the kid kept running he would have been fine, but he sees the truck and just stops... what the fuck?" Sure he can. Doesn't make it any less stupid,Yes but why would I need to have a problem with it and point it out? What current tradition needs to be stopped?,Circuses with animals Can't wait to show this to the next dumbass that assumes just because I'm Texas that I'm religious and/or racist and own a gun.,"So, which guns do you own?" "Reclaim our countryside, it's beyond comprehension. It's truly amazing.","We have taken back the country, now for the countryside!" Why men don't play video games,And women spend time on Tumblr to stop that uncontrollable urge of being whores. "Thank you Today was Day one. It's 730 and I'm catching up on American Horror Story with a bag of almond M and Ms. I'd didn't drink today and this sub helped a lot. Talk to you guys tomorrow. Thanks, John",Nicely done! "Yes, they're not, because corporate controled media caters to the wants of the viewing public and the public doesn't care.","No way, man....they're totally telling us what to care" NYC Pharmacy Slaps Male Shoppers with Man Tax,"You guys, this is more than likely a skit from the TV show Nathan For You." "Going to the vet this morning. And it's def not chipped. If people understood where my office was, they wouldn't be so worried about it being someone else's cat. There's nothing around but a huge nature preserve and farmland for miles. This kitten was in serious trouble and probably wouldn't have survived the night. We have plenty of predators around here. My guess is her mother and the rest of her litter got eaten up. I could see her ribs when I found her, and when I took her home she drank a huge bowl of water.",But did you check her pedigree? "Hillary Clinton, Rarely Seen, Rarely Heard: The Democrat lets reporters trail her but tucks them away to keep them out of sight and herself out of reach.",This is definitely a quality that I look for in a president Look at the Ammo I Bought for my Buddy's Bachelor Party! And Beer!,The op seems to dislike the beer in the comments. "Well, Frank on the other hand has made comments about refusing to say things they give to him.",And see where that got him? What Iron Sights look like on the new Gunfighter Magnum...,UMG HALO DUTY 4 MODERN INFINITYWARD "Sam Bradford's career earnings equal $1 million per touchdown pass. 78 touchdowns, $78,000,000.","Guys, come on, he just needs a chance to show what he can really do." Former Broncos punter Britton Colquitt is going to the Cleveland Browns on a one-year deal,Super Bowl. Windows Phone,personally i'm going to wait for a mobile running tails your username is not entirely accurate then,It's not rifleinmouth Wardens of the Midwest Spoiler Image 1,"I think I'd rather have a bicon, but he's not too bad for a 2/2." Scott Cawthon and Rage Cawthon Bot 3D Model,"Scott, get yo' busy ass over here!" "While Criticizing Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, The New York Times Needs to Look at Itself",The New York Times has officially made itself a propaganda arm of the Democratic National Committee. "Hey man it's only been front page news every week for the last fifteen years, you gotta give the newbies a chance to catch up.",Fuckin' dumb 2 year olds coming on here with no knowledge of the outside world. Disney Princesses as the Women Of Westeros,"Love how the black princess is in the back, in the most drab of outfits" Chase Daniel will not play all 16 games. Let's relax.,Thank god Can't get a bead on these goalposts.,It'll never be good enough until Cruz takes someone down and causes the world to explode. "I was seeing a girl a few weeks ago with one star by her eye. It was still trashy, but it was kinda hot too. It worked for her. But it was small and unobtrusive. There's definitely a sharp drop-off from hotness to eww with face tattoos. Its from anywhere between 0 and 1.",Boy She fucking killed someone Count the red flags,OP's just mad that 27 miles isn't within 25 miles "i was there, shouting ez4ence",You're in Jakarta? "You have to turn, and say NO","Instructions unclear, shot dead for resisting" "Story time: first bf meant first kiss. He said I was a terrible kisser. Hindsight, he was the terrible kisser. Slobbered all over my face. He was also the first for a make out session in a car. I distinctly remember being unimpressed when he was working my nips. I had no idea why it was supposed to be pleasurable. Not enough teeth used I guess? I just remember thinking, I'm 19....I've done nothing up until this guy and I'm not seeing a reason to continue. So we didn't.",Please stop All doctors should be republicans. End of story.,Your absolutism is pathetic "I was doing that a few hours ago and I hit next page, and lo and behold it deleted all my fucking info because I put N/A on my former employers phone number and it was required. My former boss happened to pass away last month.",sooooo .... *ahem* Not Alive or Not Applicable? "I thought the video was going to be about friendly fire, glad they did have an actual enemy.",Any time you turn deadly weapons towards another human it's friendly fire. Calum and Bradley new collab ? (Cmv snap),Love how Bradley just has his dog walking around the gym Who are you *really*? Duckhunttoptier?,"No, because I don't lie to myself and realize that DH isn't a good character" Still blows mind that dental is not covered under regular health insurance. It's not just cosmetic.,But how else would we get more money out of people! It's my limited understanding from 1 Corinthians that women use prayer shawls to cover their hair while praying.,So that pastor just made Trump his bitch? Please no X game is better than this please.,I think we can all agree Nuts n Bolts is the best Banjo game though. Super Dating Bros: The Bois Club,Stellar work! "So, what color should Bill choose for the oval office drapes? We're measuring the drapes tonight, boys and girls. As you may know, the Oval Office redecoration is traditionally a task of the Office of the First Lady. So as first First Gentleman, it will fall on Bill to bring his aesthetic vision to fruition. I'm sure you're as excited as I am to see what choices he makes. What color are you rooting for the Oval Office curtains - the ones that will sit behind Hillary as she greets world leaders, negotiates with congressional leadership, and receives her briefings in the famed Oval Office? What colors are to frame the first woman president's view of the rose garden? Sound off in the comments. Who knows, perhaps someone from the transition team is watching...",orange please "Call it rainbow bubbles for all I care... in fact, let's call your enlarged heart a goldfish rose and your diabetes cotton whispers and your stressed joints chocolate beans and your sleep apnea leprechaun farts ... whatever.",Lol I've gotta get a cpap machine in order to keep my leprechaun farts under control I just hope the main output isn't 3.5mm like the previous boutiques...,"Yeah, I hope they put in Lightning Ports too!" Did we ever find out why the freddles scream in FNaF 4?,"Because they're secretly mogwais, the light can kill them." "I don't want them fearful of bans, I just want them banned. I don't want it to be temporary, I don't want it to be avoidable with knowledge of how many reports they have. I just want them to be permabanned silently and swiftly and never seen or heard from again. Its as simple as that, we don't need a theater, we don't need redemption or second chances. It took MULTIPLE instances of them fucking up to get banned, and frankly they arn't worth having around. I don't care if they reform, I'm not Jesus I don't turn the other cheek if you want to be an asshole then get treated like an asshole.","lol i know right, some kid bm's you on a bad day so his account should be banned permanently and immediatly." "It's really fucking refreshing to see that. These days, sometimes I wonder if, because I'm a fucking white male, that I'm so racist that i hate Islam because of the people. No, it's Islam that's shit. Everything Islam touches loses civil rights.","tbf, you could also interpret these images as an Islamic country that isn't terrible ergo perhaps Islam can be practiced in such a way that it doesn't ruin civil rights." Who is the best character in the game and why? ^,Captain Partyman "Singing in game is one of the most used awkward what do I say filler - I've seen. 8/10 new let's players do this that I've seen statistically and it's pretty awful tbh, just comes off so weird - I've done this before as well when I began and it's just terrible.",could you give some tips maybe? "Genetically engineer elephants with jellyfish DNA, thus producing invertebrate elephants with no bones/ skeleton. Elephants are then worthless to poachers. Hey presto - elephants numbers rise = conservation!","The elephants are dead, Long live the Jellyphant!" "Instead of spending money on over priced medication, just pay for the funeral.","Instead of paying for an overpriced funeral, just dump the body" 2K17 Trophy List!,I prefer '2K17 Achievement List!' It feels like these people are only popular because they've been doing it for so long and they have a fanbase that wants to see them fuck each other.,"Wow, ohmygosh, there are people who can watch GG and enjoy it instead of complaining all the time, that's horrible!" "What songs are appreciated by multiple generations like The Beatles, Twist and Shout or Yellow Submarine? I apologize if this isn't the correct place to post this, so here goes: I deal with students from 5 to 16 and I could really use some music suggestions that will work with this group. Thanks!",The Isley Brothers - Shout Marvin Gaye - Ain't no mountain Aretha Franklin - Respect Jackson 5 - ABC Nirvana - Rape Me I don't see how that shows that the rest of the plot wasn't her idea.,What? Marrakesh(Morocco) Hotel Manager Denies Access to Women Wearing Burka.,"And no outcry whatsoever on reddit, interesting." iota: Elegant Constants in Golang - Blog,... and inferior enums. What is something that is always depicted wrong in movies?,The area a match will illuminate and how fast a container will fill with water. Can anyone make sense of this gator stream of consciousness comic at all?,henry miller's a gator now? "Just bought a Nintendo 64, game suggestions?",Superman 64 "So, clearly different mediums present action, and therefore feats, differently. For example, manga tends to depict speed much more dramatically than western comics. So, I have (potentially stupid and weird) question: how strong would various characters be as depicted in different mediums? Admittedly, this is a little abstract and objective feats become difficult to use. Instead, a lot might be based on context, power-scaling, or medium-based tropes. An example might be helpful: * Avatar characters are routinely argued to be much slower than comic characters. However, if we placed them in a Marvel comic, they would almost certainly dodge bullets at some point. * Similarly, Cap. America doesn't really do crazy blur speed stuff or shonen jumps (a new term for me) that often, or at all. However, license him to a manga and he might. So, what are some interesting character depictions in new mediums? What are some funny medium trope feats?","Yeah, I have no idea what you're talking about" "How many people do you know who's first drug has been LSD? It's probably been pot for accessibility. Gateway drug is a heavily mocked term but we have to understand that once a line is crossed, it's crossed. All pot smokers have drank milk. Le milk is a gateway drug! Lol kek. Hurr durr","Obviously we must ban milk, it's evil." I'm an out of closet MGTOW defending Brock Turner on Facebook.,"Facts, logic, reason, evidence and equitable treatment of people in the court system are elements of the PATRIARCHY!" What is with the Ortho craze? I really don't get why every other person wants to do it.,Weird since for my class and what I hear from 4th years the craze is in emergency medicine. "Those are illegal here too, IIRC.",Is fun allowed? Alpha clones don't even exist yet m8,Think you missed the implied If only Cops tried to prosecute Dirty Cops as hard the Cops wouldn't feel so persecuted all the time.,Hey now cops doing need accountability they're peaceful law protectors that never over step their boundaries. Green makes the NVIDIA GameWorksTM titles run better.,Should have bought a 390 "I'm not saying Tim Kennedy is, but.. I can see why someone would accuse Tim of using PEDs.",It looks lIke they are being tickled by ghosts. "Probably because Duo was ready before Allo, and it didn't make sense to delay that project further just because Allo wasn't ready. They're about as linked as Play Music and Gmail.",CONFIRMED: PLAY MUSIC AND GMAIL GETTING CLOSER INTEGRATION. O,W "People really need to stop making these excuses. All it does is create the false impression that things will be magically fixed on release day. First off, this is just advertising and not a real beta. Real testing has already happened and not with a handful of testers, but a huge pool of them. Second, it took YEARS for certain bugs and netcode performance to be addressed in BF4. There's no way to know if and when bugs encountered in this beta will ever be fixed. Dismissing problems frivolously is how we ended up with the constant stream of disappointing AAA releases that we have today. Everybody loves to jump on the hype train, but it always goes offs off the rails after release. Just. Stop.",Yeah but it'll be different this time! A room opened up made entirely of pillows and blankets. *It was the most comfortable room ever.*,*Sergio sighs* This will be a bitch to clean. LNC Chair Lights Up IAVA,Paul is gonna ask Hillary's DOJ to open investigation on the LP now. This place is only tolerable on weekends. Admins need to step up their game.,"Implying that they aren't complicit, directly or indirectly." That's amazing dude. Saved me a ton of trawling the Internet. Thanks so much!,"If you're not sure which activator to use, Microsoft Toolkit worked for me." "People are doing selfies because people are doing selfies. It's like going for a jog, wearing a hat. Just a new habit. But some people always try demonizing new habits.",Taking selfies doesn't have the same behavioral background as using a hat sorry. "Some of whom refer to people as dumb bitches, tell them they are losers and to get over it. What a charming place.",Deal with it! What is your go-to chill out song?,Battlecry by Nujabes "If too much shit happens, the laws of physics break down and all this shit is no longer shit. Luckily, In 13 billion years of shit there has been no big enough shits to fuck our shit so that shit ain't happening",Phenominal #SaveBiohazard-Flames,#SaveISIS "To be fair, most people at that end stage of life aren't exactly making their own medical decisions.","Luckily, all those suffering people had Teresa there to make the calls for them" I just noticed something while rewatching the trailer.,We already knew its not her as she has white skin. (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) 7,Two more FNaFs confirmed? Anyone think that Eggs Benedict is insane?,You can't be sane and type Eggs Benedict as your name. He's not even the only one with white eyes. All the bullies have them.,All the bullies are the Fredbear plush confirmed. Ref turning off Faccento's aim assist?,Str0 bribing the refs to win the big one Way to perpetuate the stereotype of the annoying vegan.,Ah... finally someone to set these damn vegans straight! lol apart from nether team is good enough to qualify for a major.,Idk the next major is gonna be a clusterfuck so some good teams will go out early in qualifiers. You know my points!!,Complaints about an employee following a new corporate policy Imagine that "I know this is an express till but I'm using it anyway On Sunday I went to my weekend job at the supermarket, hopped onto my regular express checkout till (10 items or less). Feeling pretty good, customers are great and chatty, fantastic right? Well everything was fine until this particular customer comes along, she throws a trolley full of items on the belt but it's kind of quiet so I put them through anyway. I politely tell her 'This is a 10 items or less till but I'll put your items through don't worry'. No response, not even a thank you. I pack this customers bags for her, she paid on her card and then leaned right over the till inches away from my face and promptly screamed at me 'I HAVE BEEN THROUGH THIS STORE MANY TIMES, I DON'T NEED YOUR ATTITUDE TELLING ME WHAT I CAN AND CAN'T DO AND QUITE FRANKLY IT'S DISGUSTING' Her daughter looks mortified and I feel sorry for her really, so I just sit there and say I wasn't taking an attitude at all with a smile on my face and begin serving the next customer. Later on it turns out she's reported me to customer services and tried to speak to the manager about it. Luckily they were 'in a meeting' or something... I now have absolutely 0 motivation for my shifts this weekend, I love retail!",She will wonder why she never gets to go through express again "No, sheep fucking is a Welsh tradition.",Yeah this was Welsh erasure tbh KARMA2BOOTS JKAP2THRUSTERS,Jkap confirmed jetpacker Found a beehive last night,"That's amazing, how did their IVs turn out?" There isn't enough races on the schedule to afford being suspended for two of them.,There are if Custer doesn't make the Chase I'm sure the 85-87% of black voters supporting Clinton to Trump's 1-2% and 70% to 19% of Latino voters will find those claims very interesting.,Voting for status quo candidate is the most privileged thing you can do. "Don't buy the horse race hype. Clinton is leading in all indicators including a huge, durable advantage regarding the electoral college. Look at the betting markets if you want to see the reality of the situation.",They sure did a good job of predicting the Brexit 30+ hours straight grind to get from 30 to 31? Fuck this game.,Bye. Big Ten Power Rankings: Week 1,Some great discussion going on down there in the ESPN comments Crushing Xbox 360 with hydraulic press,You can't crush a PS4 Hey read my comment then read his then read his other one then read this one then face palm because SARKASM,"Yea, I thought the sarcasm was obvious." "25,000 sub on this subredit ! Woo! We did it",This subreddit is dying because it doesn't have a 10% sub to vote ratio. "The worst part is Jesus Gives Military Advice is +20 martial, not +25.","Unforgivable, I honestly feel like the joke has been just ruined" As we saw with the whole email server thing she doesn't understand technology at all. She would make him die in an accident and then wonder where all these files came from the next day and why everyone has a copy of them.,"It was Russia, obviously..." Really? I had never seen it before today. Do you know where it originated?,It originated from God "I have never been to an party.. Hey, ive never been to a party before. What usually happen? I never get invited to any partys, i dont know why... i send sick snapchats...",*a "I kind if feel the same way. If the devs are going to go on vacation after such hard work, at least have a second team test it.",Sitting in a chair in an air conditioned office is not hard work lol When I'm in a bar/restaurant I just don't blow big clouds and point it down. You don't have to blow huge clouds. Never had an issue.,But how will people know how fucking cool I am if I'm not chucking massive as tits clouds? "LE Conflict of Interest Long time lurker. First Reddit post. Has LE ever indicated or openly commented that the Manitowoc LE officials involvement in the TH case to be a violation of the conflict of interest set out initially as part of SA's $36 million lawsuit? Has there been a statement saying yeah, it wasn't the best thing to have AC and/or JL to find key evidence since they should have not been involved at all or are they pretending that there was no conflict of interest issue with the finding of evidence?",Ludicrous! "Restaurants highlights random letters for no reason or to look cool, customer spends hours trying to figure out meaning.","No no, there is definitely some illuminati shit going on here" "They censor anything that portrays immigrants as anything other than the pure, angelic creatures that they are.",But...but...mah SJW worldview! "Maybe it is time to consider that you are playing poorly? I love going up against Universal Remote players. I know my shotgun is superior to theirs, I force their push and dominate with a Matador or Party Crasher. Honestly, it sounds like they nerfed your class and you are salty.","other people would agree with me that shotguns are overpowered, i play decent to great, but shotguns make people who aren't good make it seem like it new op shotguns make bad people think they're good" WHAt iS LovE_____??,I'm surprised an Indian guy can't even camel cap right. "Honestly i was in a similar situation when i was 25, i call it my quarter life crisis. I was sick and tired where the only job i was able to get was moving boxes. So i decided to say fuck it and go to college. Honestly though i just wanted to get the fuck out of dodge and live somewhere else, somewhere awesome. So i got a hair up my ass and sent in one college application, to the University of Hawaii. I also had no money and took on a lot of debt. Fortunately UHM has a grant i was able to get the WUE western undergrad exchange program. I was able to get that just because i live in one of the western states. Yes i graduated four years later with around 55k in debt, but i was able to live in hawaii for four years, met my wife while in college, and after graduation landed a job making right around 55k a year. Easily best decision i ever made",Can you elaborate more about how you applied and got into the University of Hawaii? "Does anyone else know how i can get my bulge to stay straight? I don't mind it when my bulge shows it gets attention and it's a confidence booster. I was wondering if there was a way to keep my bulge in the same place, as i move around my penis moves around and the bulge disappears. I prefer my bulge to be stretched (obviosly to look as big as possible) and facing the sideways. Thanks guys",Tighter underwear would be my suggestion. Don't they have VAC banned members on their team,"Yep, wouldn't be surprised if they were all cheating" AWP Asiimov Blackscop 0.89 fv,Not a blackiimov so unfortunately not too much more :( "That's awful. I know what you mean though. My high school friend, same age as me, had 5 kids by two different guys and was constantly telling me to have some too. In between telling me how tired and frustrated and miserable she was. lol","Yeah, it sounds like she didn't want to be the only fuck up!" "A German man goes on holiday to Poland, he gets stopped at the border (because it's an out of date joke), and the border guard checks his papers and decides to ask him a few questions Name? Hans Schmidt Age? 32 Place of birth? Dusseldorf Occupation? No, just visiting",It's outdated because nowadays polish people come to Germany for work "I can't believe there's a first world country where you have to pay 100 grand for a new kidney. In Holland that is p much 100% free. It's a little late for me, but I will try to be there! Wish him all the best!","Because here in America, unlike your fucked up home land were free to choose if we live in permanent poverty, or die of renal failure... No god dammed dictators are gonna tell us we live healthy productive lives with our new kidney!" Anyone else think that Lester holt was biased against trump?,"According to MSNBC, Trump or his campaign said that they thought he was fair." Streetwear webcomic by me,smh this isnt real what kinda girls are impressed by supreme "4 face. First fire doubled his faces, surely a phone explosion would double it again.",pls stop calling me shirley entire enemy team still alive goes ground pounding in a heavily armed fighter serves you right you fucking scrub.,Well I just killed a D-13 and lost all my altitude so I decided to stop clubbing 262s for a bit and just groundpound. "Same, just realized I can be one now.",Why hello there. "Sounds really cool, But the summoner would just be useless as it would just charge ult. Symetra would also be useless if he came in the game as the divers creatures GREATLY outmatch her, and torb. Also to much slime a glob. ew... You be better of with a omnic hero that builds robot drones that can shoot lasers and patrol an area you set it to. it would be more likely to be looked at. no monsters in a game about robots and humans.","Fair enough, I'm glad that someone took the time to really look at it instead of simply saying No or something" "Funny, she doesn't look Hawaiian. Because I think you'd have to be Hawaiian to be offended by hawaiian bobble-head doll. Otherwise you're appropriating the feelings of another culture and patronizing them in the bargain. Does she also call NBC and berate them for calling their video on demand service Hulu?",Did you just assume her ethnicity you shitlord r/titlegore,OP better create another thread showing an after shot of the title cleaned up so we have closure. Imagine if they announce that this massive silence was to finish off this new game hahahahahaha kill me,"Ok, where you at?" It's been mentioned a few times,Did anyone mention the fingerless gloves the Lil' Arnies wear? "Pretty much. I generally want upgrade parts for my PC, so they're both expensive and very specific. Money, please.",This just serves to prove that you have to upgrade tour pc every two weeks to keep up with consoles How easy he made this look.,Why are there so many referees on the field? "Guys. My reddit detective senses are tingling. I think I just realized something monumental. Sorry for the clickbait title, but reading through some threads, it just hit me: 1. Team Oxygen has been hinting about playing Kallari in the tournament (Agora's Rising) this weekend. 2. Team Oxygen has said before multiple times that Kallari is not viable in competitive play. 3. Many players have said that Kallari will be awesome once TM is removed 4. The new map does not have TM 5. EPIC hinted that we'll see some map play during the weekends. 6. Shane and Notch have the hook up with EPIC (We all know this). **Therefore** my prediction is that the Agora's Rising tournament this weekend will actually be held on the new map as a surprise. I'm 99% sure I'm wrong, because unless all the teams in the tournament have been practicing on it, it would be a clusterfuck. But *what if* I'm right?",Can someone toss us a link to the tournament stream? Who gives a shit. The preseason watchers do. He was never making this squad,"Yeah, who gives a shit about a QB that was on the Ravens and did well in preseason in a subreddit dedicated to the Ravens?" Can we just have a fucking space race instead of this suicidal shit?,You can blame Obama and Hillary for stirring shit up with Putin. lots of them live in wormholes,Why cant we put them into holes outside of eve? "Does anyone else want to REALLY see what the pizzerias were like during the day? Like, maybe after SL Scott could make a video with the animatronics from Fredbear's, FNAF1, and FNAF2 performing an original song with the voice actors and such.",What you mean DSaF? Leaked footage of Poke playing SL,Did you forget to draw the rest? Samsung supplies Tesla as well.,WE'RE ALL FUCKED ...where have you been sticking it?,Up his ass? "I mean...they probably supplied you with electricity, right? That's something...","yeah, but where's my super cheap, super abundant electricity to placate my moral apprehension about the fact that we're collectively agreeing to let the crown corp go f@#$ nature up, override private property rights, as well as basically continue to flauntingly disregard the promises to respect indigenous people's concerns?" linda's the name of a high school teacher.,"And the name of my grandma, two of the older ladies I work with at Lowe's, and the 40 year old (who also works at Lowe's) who still looks really good and must've been a total knockout when she was younger." Widowmaker 4k hs,"pressed crouch after every shot, must be hacking" Start by realizing that no global government will take steps in favor of us common folk,"Wow, great answer" Well they were playing evil characters,"Excuses, excuses... First, it was because of the rakshasa, now they were evil assassins..." "Yeah but in amateur wrestling, nobody ever gets body slammed through a flaming table.",Because you're suppose to ease them in with chairs and barbed wire. So can doing rallies and fundraisers 4x a day for months.,Lots and lots of rallies "I actually haven't argued against everything, man. There have been several commenters who have good advice that isn't Duh doi, idiot. Fuck off. And I'm taking *that* advice. Not your shitty advice that is very short-sighted and can only take one viewpoint in to consideration.",You seem like a great partner to have. So this just happened...,Never seen this error before Tristan Thompson is Dating Khloe Kardashian,RIP Cavs' chances of repeating Historical accuracy in a videogame where every side of WWI fights with the same semiautomatic rifle and has the Colt 1911 as a side arm.,"The homogeneity of weapons is a metaphor for the encroaching hegemony of American capitalist interests, ***obviously***." can I get a FUCKTHENUCKS?,#FUCKTHENUCKS "450k... what to do, what to do... Trying to figure out where to put the coin or if i should just sit on it for a month or so when better players surface. I have: *QB: Elway/Newton *HB: Bell/Murray *WR: Brown/ODB/Jones/Green/Hopkins *TE: Clark/Olsen *FB: Dimarco *LT: Smith *LG: Sitton *C: Frederick *RG: Yanda *RT: Johnson *LE: Kearse *DT: Donald *RE: Haley *LOLB: 92 Von Miller *MLB: Kuechly/Johnson *ROLB: Hali *CB: Norman/Harris Jr *FS: Mathieu *SS: Jones",Ooooo.. You still ain't shit "MP bug: missed first turn Team ready to fight tyro - loads after last joins Blue loading screen loads (and pretty quick) Fight loads and everyone is already doing stuff! - far quicker than anything that loaded could account for ---- First time this happened for me, anyone else had this?",Sounds like you had a bad connection and the game started without you. Thomas Davis wants a Super Bowl ring more for his owner than himself,Of course Thomas Davis does. I saw it at the Anime Expo world premier; it was amazing to say the least.,"Where is my man with the camcorder, ya catch my *drift*" ".9 repeating equals one, but not actually, so I can travel at c. What are asymptotes?","Anyways, everyone knows that the trick to moving at c is to first go -c, and then bounce off a rubber sheet." "Hey if anyone watches that video, check out what happens when she gets water. Someone hands her a water bottle, she doesn't even try to open it. Then, she waits for someone else to come back with a cup of water, then one of her helpers takes the bottle away and she drinks from the cup. She couldn't open the bottle","Man, whomever tried to **expose her** by handing her the bottle **(knowing you NEVER hand the Queen something to be grasped and twisted, else the Plebes will find out)** before remembering she needs a **prepoured cup**, is probably going to have an *unfortunate accident* being flung off that plane" Duterte reminds US of Bud Dajo massacre,Hate the americans! "He didn't say Clinton was more liberal, he said Obama was more conservative. He meant Clinton is more likely to take bold economic action, but it also means she is more likely to take bold military action.",Bold military action is just the thing Americans are calling for. twenty one pilots: Kitchen Sink (Empty Arena),That looks like a pretty full arena to me "Final score is a complete waste of time. Overwatch already takes too much time between rounds. How did final score get out of PTR? It slows down the rounds, and I just want to leave because the end of match has become so long.","It's there incase you forgot you lost, duh." Oh ok yeah I meant the polymorph. I didn't know that skin dropped. I will have to keep farming him.,"On the bright side, half of 0% is still 0% so our chances of getting the skin don't really diminish now that the event is over." "Meh, the SEC actually scheduled solid competition this weekend. Alabama played USC, Ole Miss played FSU, Auburn played Clemson, Texas A&M played UCLA, Georgia played UNC, Mizzou played West Virginia, and LSU played us. Meanwhile in the B1G...we played LSU, Rutgers played Washington...and then...umm...yea, that's it.",But muh weak SEC schedules!1!1! Why does this talk between James and Natalie seem awkward?,"There's no tension at all between them, how do you not see this?" Thanks Ordies! Glad you like the content. It has all been a lot of work but I'm glad I've stuck with it.,"After seeing the video in question I'm glad you did too, it's great stuff and I'll be sure to check for more." Blaze through the story until bunker doing side quests where needed to stay at/near mission level and then farm bunker until desired level as bunker gives ~1 bar of xp when near level,Is this answer for BL2 or BL1? I will never understand why people do such crappy things.,I know the feeling; these little libraries are so stupid. "PS4 visual overhaul and 60FPS: Before and after black hole, I'M NOT CRAZY!",That screenshot is clearly 60fps "Obama is a class act, a big dog in a world of yappers. I'm proud he's our president.",But we need a strong leader like Duterte or Putin! "No mods for the legionaries, i have only gemfx, a battle camera, ancient colors, some hoplite textures, and that's it.",want to play a campaign now? "Tank for solo wod raid and mythic + So legion has been out for a week, it is awesome and having a lot of fun. Right now my main problem is which tank to go for. I mostly want to spend my time in mythic+ and try to solo wod raids. I am currently looking at Blood DK and Veng DH. Anyone got experience from mythic+ as tank?",mythic + isnt out yet comes out same time as the raids release "Buy a man airplane tickets, and he'll fly for a day. Push a man from an airplane, and he'll fly for the rest of his life.","Give a man a wife and he will get laid once in a while, give a man a sex lave and he will be set for the rest of his life" No one wants to read a medium article over a *word* in a commit message.,I do and have. "The irony with that gif, is that is exactly how meteos looks to Impact, since their height difference is probably the same",that's racist "New patch 3.4 screenshots (PotD, GC Squadrons, Wondrous Tails, PvP, minions, etc)",Holy hell that queen hair looks sexy af on elezen female Just like PC hardware.,Where do I plug my Nvidia Riva TNT2 AGP4x card in my fairly new ASUS motherboard? Lol in the picture all of the protesters are white.,"but they IDENTIFY as black, shitlord" this. this. this. neither are streamers and their opinions,Oh but everyone benefits from streamers benefiting! "Wishing for games to fail now..... That's low, very low.","Hey man, if a game is good but the devs don't cater to me it should fail because they're ruining the industry." "'In a statement read out by his spokesman, Duterte said that while his strong comments in response to questions by a reporter elicited concern and distress, we also regret it came across as a personal attack on the U.S. president.' I'm pretty sure calling someone's mother a whore is a pretty universal insult. In what world is this not a personal attack?",This is political correctness run amok. Nobody cares. Shit hole still a shit hole,"Yea, it's not like we're talking about real human beings whose lives have value or anything, amirite?" "Sad to see the reddit comments overwhelmingly continue to deny reality. Explaining it away and claiming it is a fair call. This problem is demonstrably real, which has been shown time and again. To claim that an engineer who managed to persuade Jobs of anything still must lack people skills, is not very plausible. To claim that he isn't suitable as a wage slave, completely ignores that he applied for such a job. To claim he would loose Apple customers because he's an engineer is outright insane. Don't buy the shit they pull out their asses, just so they can continue to deny reality.",He probably doesn't understand how Apple products work... Nvidia GTX 970 class action claim site is now live - PC Invasion,I wish I lived in the US :(( Well. I'm certainly glad I didn't have to endure that,It was the golden age of commentary on RAW. Taken women can't have male friends! D:,"But if nice guys don't tell you what you're doing wrong, how are you supposed to know?" And that's why you don't fuck with people from the Midlands.,Can two extra fingers on a hand actually help you that much? Stranger Things,Goddamnnit'! Can i help her suck you?,Please do! "I do, because Brits don't know how to speak proper English! :P","Yeah, Damn English can't speak American, amirite?" Guess it was a little cold when I got my Victreebel...,So original "Already did, not working",rip mobo maybe? "Just keep the current engines, allow 50% more fuel flow, and increase the ES capacity 50%. And most importantly significantly decrease the down force levels.",What's the point of less down force? Here are a few reasons why I support Trump. He wants to lower taxes and simplify the tax code. He wants to lower defence spending by forcing other NATO countries to contribute their fair share and to also stop giving protection to countries such as Japan that can either protect themselves or pay for the US to. He is against excessive war and nation building He wants to get rid of crime in the inner cities which effects minorities the most He wants to create a system to track all immigration in the US and to prevent illegal immigration He wants to improve trade deals which will bring jobs back to the US He wants a flat corporate tax rate of 15% which would give us one of the most competitive tax rates in the world ( right now the top rate is 35%),His tax plan would have devastating effects on the economy. "You have a greek one though, what more could u ask for",them paying their debts ofc The Smokies season is also over,okay fine then put him in A What would you have liked to see on sale?,GTAV Oddly enough I have those symptoms already via a disease I've got that effects all major systems of the body. So hopefully they won't get worse. I'm sorry it didn't work for you! Hopefully you find something soon that does.,"They added it to my Effexor, which generally works well for me, so now I take just that :)" "For liberals, diversity means worshipping blacks and Latinos, hating white people, and ignoring Asians.",Diversity also means using affirmative action to get wealthy white women into positions of power. it'd be nice to win a major or two..,Is second place not good enough? What anime is this from?,It's written right there on the video lol :D Funny how you say confirmed too.. Makes you look even more oblivious and dumb.,"I deleted it, so you can go about your day being a grade A badass" **PLZ LET THERE BE AN ANIMATED CALLING CARD**,"In zombies, NO WAY!" "Newbie - do they still dry out with the sticker bit on? Here we attach them and just leave the electrodes hanging out of the lifepak case, then just peel off the sticker when you need to attach them.",If you use those specific electrodes but the majority don't dry out. This encounter played out right in front of me.,Just Asian then? So I just got a replica CS:GO Butterfly Knife,How many YouTube vids did you have to watch to achieve that? "He's scored 32 international goals before this one, according to Wikipedia.",think he forgot "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe your reaction to our Wiki is somewhat the result of Hos repeating over and over again how our Wiki is bad because it's comprised of our interpretations, which are bad. And how it's hilarious that we are directing people to a wiki written by ourselves. Have you actually taken the time to go through any of the topics there? If not, how do you know? And if yes, what is your criticism to it (besides that it's biased, as is TTM's).",Everything other that maybe 3 or 4 items is a link to threads in SAIG which basically amount to opinion. Statement from NY AG slams Trump U; says Clinton Foundation in Compliance with laws,All this proves is how corrupt the NY AG office is "Jameis Winston gave Florida State a halftime pep talk: We some dogs, we ain't no puppies!",He went full country black for that speech "What's an item on your bucket list that's off the wall unique, but still realistically achievable?",Go to space. What did one whale say to the other whale? We're both lawyers,This joke is too big to fail "Luckily for me, the La Brea Tar Pits have Charmanders galore so obtaining Charizard wasn't too difficult.",I so want to downvote you out of jealousy The effort you put into that does not reflect well on you. Thinking it's funny if someone fries their phone is a pretty big character flaw.,"Yeah, because technology *definitely* can't advance over the years" What about when u wanna relapse? Better not glance at it.,Thanks for the support! "That's correct. They're demanding cultural sensitivity and isolation, while simultaneously demanding the cultural education of non-Black groups regarding Black culture. While isolating themselves. But demanding that everyone understand and respect them. While they're separate. But equal. But the same as everyone else. Just totally different and special. Only when they are though, excluding the times that they aren't. Which is always, and simultaneously never.","You made that sound awful (ly convincing), you should run for office." "Every new technology will be used by those with the highest power to suppress insurrection, if possibly useful. Every single one.","And they will call the insurrectionists, conspiracy theorists" What corruption?,You forgot the How about you just start over yourself if you want a no-death run.,"Yeah, it's almost like people do this on their own anyways..." "Really? well damn, there goes my life.","Idea: use flight perk to relocate cows and other livestock into your base, then use a medkit on them to revive, THEN milk them once a day" Because there's no way anyone would waste their time for made up internet points.,You dropped this USA Freedom Girls Sue Trump Campaign for Stiffing Them,Pfft next they'll be asking him to apologize for freedom! "It's pretty unfair to hold it against Kobe that he played with Shaq, Kobe was still in his early years in those threepeat Lakers and people forget that. Kobe than went and lead the Lakers on his own, and if you hold it against Kobe that he played with Shaq, should I hold it against Jordan and Lebron that they played with multiple stars as well? I mean come on Jordan had Pippen and Rodman, both hall of famers. Lebron won his Miami rings with Wade and Bosh, then won again with Love and Irving. While Kobe won his back to back with Gasol. Bottom line is, those great players needed help and played with other hall of famers to win.",Uhh Lebron did play with Shaq "A message to assaults, tanks, whoever. Protect your supports! Seriously, it seems like a majority of randoms don't have the sense enough to protect their Mercy's or Lucio. Too often is there a Genji or Tracer or whatever in the back line fucking up Angel bitch and rip off Jet Set Radio and not a single Mccree to defend them or something. Sometimes I can understand the inability to do so as the enemy front is pushing in while there is harassment in the backline but it's up to everyone to figure out how to deal with situations like that. Higher ranking and longer playing people need to understand this as it feels like even mid to high diamonds fail to comprehend simple concepts such as this and rage at the supports for dying.","Well tbh mccree does get countered by genji, but I def understand your point, I play lucio in solo since no one picks healers, The amount of times I've just started getting hit in the back wondering how they even got there is too much, I've mainly learned to just jump around wall riding as much as possible non stop and hope they can't hit me." "TIL: It wouldn't be hard to position these bad boys around someone someones base. They are easy to lead, and normally a few of them in each area. They sink back in to the ground, so anyone who exited the base would have to face them.","Gee, what do you think we do to deal with rabble rousers?" It's entirely possible that the internal and external shots were taken in different countries.,"You're not one of those conspiracy nuts who believes in editing, are you?" Why do you assume it to be admirable in the first place?,Big scary Red country Trump Held Fundraiser For Pam Bondi At Mar-a-Lago After She Dropped Investigation,But... Clinton kept email on this server instead of that one! People aren't laughing at you. It probably just feels that way because you are insecure about your baldness.,You're probably right Hij vergeet er bij te vermelden dat Hamas ook vaak ziekenhuizen en scholen als menselijk schild gebruikt.,"Ik had het er bewust buiten gelaten, want als je een menselijk schild gebruikt mag je wel aanvallen maar niet aangevallen worden." How would you describe your town without saying its name?,Ali G. AKA there is no more shit for the media to stir. Latest shit stirring was just some dude taking the playbook out of the dumpster and giving it to the Junkies. And I'll take that any day over the drama that used to be routine around Redskins park.,"Idk, Kirk's been causing some ruckus with his music choice in the weight room." The KOTOR 2 Sullustan voice cracks me up,That's fuckin' racist against Hispanics dude. "There needs to be a Mixed crowd reaction, rather than just Cheer or Boo Seriously speaking, people like Kevin Owens being unanimously booed and Roman Reigns being unanimously cheered is so inaccurate when in fact both of have something like 75% Cheer/25% Boo and 75% Boo/25% Cheer, respectively. I feel like there needs to be a mixed crowd reaction setting to accurately represent wrestlers who get mixed reactions from the crowd.",I think it would be great to have a slider for this to cost hope mixed the reaction is. A lot of 72hrs content being pushed on this subreddit. Just an observation.,he's a genuinely cool dude who actually plays for his team and is really good at the game why not push for his content You're an irresponsible child. Take some responsibility.,"Because responsible adults never make mistakes or have lapses in judgment, right?" World of the Deyaket - Thoughts and questions?,From the thumbnail I thought those were two extremely large volcanoes. Like the time he bombed seven different Muslim countries over the course of the last 8 years?,"He only did that so they'd have reasons to spread, duh!" No I haven't researched it because I was being sarcastic.,here you dropped this "If Hitler only went after Muslims instead of Jews, the world would be a much better place. The_Donald is a hate group: Day 70","Hitler actually had no problem with Muslims(I really don't get it till today) That means, Trump supporters are literally worse than Hitler" "I'm sure they have their reasons, but lets be hnest. They're removing the headphone jack so they have an excuse to sell you their extremely overpriced earphones. Since before you could get a $10 pair that worked just as well.","Well, Apple did buy Beats by Dre couple years back so I'm sure the earphone prices will be reasonable for the quality you get." "LMFAO mlxg is such a fucking champ, every answer is pure gold.",He seems very fun at parties They film the studio just before each episode.,"doesn't seem to be the case, since it's been almost 2 months since they filmed their first studio setup." He apparently knows less about the war in Syria than I do. And I'm just some random speech therapist from Missouri.,Random Speech Therapist from Missouri '16! I'm pretty sure that fuck that guy has nothing to do with political correctness.,Fuckin liberals and their no tolerance for curse words Anyone having any luck with east coast shows?,"No luck, these pre sale codes were sure worth it!" "My brother is like that, and he is no where near being in combat. He posted a Labor day is for remembering veterans not for having a relaxing day off work meme on facebook","Huh, could have sworn it had something to do with labour" "It's funny that in these times, the christians were the uncivilised people in comparison to the arabs. Due to muslim invasion of Iberian Pensinsula, the crusades or even the mongol invasion of Eastern Europe, many innovations could reach Western Europe and contribute to the Renaissance for example.",An alt-right historian might say your views of history are biased because you are an ANTI-WHITE REVISIONNIST CUCK ! How to overclock a calculator,For when the numpad stops working. "It's weird, my brother can't download it with a 7950 but my friend who has a 280x that only has DX12 feature level 11 can still download it.","This just in , Microsoft claims PC gaming is dead due to no one being able to download or play Halo 5 Forge, continues to claim only the Xbox One has enough power for gaming" "This may or may not be fatlogic. Women's pelvic bones shift throughout their life, expanding most during their 20s and 30s (peak fertility), then contracting again at menopause. This process starts at puberty, but *does not end when you stop growing taller.* There is nothing you can do because it is your bone structure, and it does change the pants size you wear. Due to the width of your pelvis compared to 5 years ago you may actually not be able to wear the same pants size. It could go in either direction, too. Past menopause your pants size will likely decrease. This holds true even if your body fat increases. This post may be referring to women's body as a euphemism or it may be pointing out that most women's bone structure is different than a teenage girl's so if course they wear a different size as an adult.","Yes, but that won't take you from a size 2 to a size 22." This speaks to me,lol its funny because WHITE PRIVILEGE XD "Forgive me father for I have sinned, I actually think what the mods did to the sub was funny.",This is like babys first troll. See im still struggling how you came to the conclusion that i would shove phallic objects up my anus to begin with.,Because you're never gonna be with a girl anyways so you might as well be gay. I'm just sitting here hoping that the no 3.5mm jack thing doesn't spread to more android manufacturers than Moto.,BUT IT'S SO OOOOLD! "Agreed. Play game, have fun.",But...but...other people are playing it WRONG! Wat,"Doesn't matter how good he is, he'll still get just a purple crate." "Actually, we have a fair amount of evidence that she, at the very least, lied to congress (about how many devices she used), lied to the FBI (about how she handled confidential information) and was manipulating members of congress to feed her safe questions during her Benghazi hearings... There's other stuff but those stand out as clear violations of the law that other mortals would face legal repercussions for. I won't hold my breathe for the FBI to recommend any charges though. Since Comey failed to recommend an indictment, all evidence that has come to light has done nothing but make them look like they either got played for fools or that they were in on a deal. Neither situation inspires any real confidence that they have any power whatsoever when it comes to individuals on the level of the Clintons.",Yea comey is a clinton plant! It's far from perfect. I can't speak much about the adult system but youth are given every opportunity to work towards personal betterment while they are in custody.,"Yes, this story illustrates that perfectly" Clinton E-Mails Point to US Intervention in 2010 Haiti Elections,But Russia! "Have you read anything positive about an iPhone sans 3.5 mm jack recently? No Just like every time apple drops a thing that we've always relied on, the end of the world.","Yeah... they better not fucking drop the 30 pin connector, because i'm going to bail if they do" Well this board material talk motivated the patriots to win SB 36. BB read St Louis plan about the parade. It is definitely a factor in the game of football cause it is a very mental sport,Yea I'm sure they weren't that motivated to win the Super Bowl without it "How was Ronaldo carried by Real Madrid and Portugal to the finals ? He was one of their best players, if not the best. In order to be carried you have to be a weight for your team and that means being one of the worst players in the team or at least mediocre.","Reread my comment again, I said in the finals as he was really poor for the CL final and practically absent in the euro final" That's it. I'm boycotting Budweiser. Their support of Amy Schumer has just grown too disgusting for me to handle. Here's my open email to Budweiser.,How dare you assume the recipient's gender like that! Precisely. You make um to your preference.,Pfft I just took the ripped off price of the blunt pack and rolled that up and shoved it in. "Only because people are wasteful. Do it in a High School auditorium and announce the date to the Media. If the school volunteers it's facility, the media shows up to broadcast it and the politicians travel there with campaign money. Thing could be essentially free.",And the Democrat and Republican candidates would definitely show up too. "All Apple sees is, I'm still pre-ordering on friday.","Well, I've *basically* already sold my soul to them whats else to lose?" 'You Should Resign': Watch Sen. Elizabeth Warren Grill Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf,love how she was just waiting for him to deny something so she could whip out that binder and just destroy him. 6s if you actually want a headphone jack,that's so last year And this account was made 9/13,yea.. could definetly be something.. spooky spooky What has he moved onto?,The FNAF spinoff He's not American.,"With a username like that, neither are you." "Too true. I feel terrible about it for giving free charge, and also frustration when I nail a direct hit finisher perfectly, but then the Zarya shields.",You know the counter is not to shoot her right? Case Study on Finding Niche Keywords from your friends at vidIQ,Waddup vidlq imma let you guys finish but you're breaking the rules Poor girl. Lost her potential side-lay *and* her steady boyfriend. Hope she recovers from this.,you forgot Android Exclusive!,Well Androids just aren't courageous enough then May history pala si De Lima at Mocha,Paid troll spotted! Evening Roundtable - 10/04 You can use this thread to discuss whatever is on your mind or share news articles or off topic things that would otherwise not be posted to the sub.,"Mods, is there going to be a dedicated Veep Debate Roundtable or will we discuss the debate in the Evening Roundtable?" Pokemon Go Plus will be available Sept 16,I'm sure it will work Great! 3-Door and 5-Door ST's both have a 98 inch wheelbase and 58 inch track. The US overall length is 160 inches and the EU is 157 inches but I am not sure if that is just bodywork (crash related stuff) or what. If you are wanting to fit a US exhaust on the car any competent muffler shop should be more than capable of getting it to fit/work properly.,"It's only 3 inches, if mounting points are good you could just call them blast pipes like the hoonigan guys." "Yeah those new processors are definitely something to look forward to, I thought my 6s was unbelievable. This is Reddit though bud everyone hates apple here, even r/apple",Reddit is too innovative for Apple Wanna list 3 examples? Also *you're.,cars with 3 pedls lik i dnt hav 3 ft wtf? Female referee stops match after being told to 'wash the dishes'.,*proceeds to wash dishes* Morgana top? It's pretty good. Plus she can 1v2 really well in the rare event that a lane swap happens in SoloQ.,Oh i thought you were talking about soraka top i was a bit skeptical haha Ironic cus if we dont count S1 then NA never made semifinals nor won a best of series at worlds lol,"but they improved to sometimes get a team out of groups, the gap's closing" I'd put a bullet in my head if I was staring down the barrel of spending the rest of my life chained to a disabled child.,It's always nice knowing people would be okay with killing me if I had a lower IQ. Old HS nice guy messaged me like crazy today. Had to post this here,"OP I can see you respond here why couldn't you just reply, the poor nice guy should be given a chance!" Agreed. Undoing partition is just a fantasy. It can not be done and hence we should stop talking about it and get on with other options probably.,"Yes plus everytime Indian says something against Partition, we just clam down since they arent willing to talk solutions bus living in the past" "It can simply be solved by adding Solo Doubles as a new game mode. Then there can't be more combinations: Duel, Doubles, Solo Doubles, Standard, Solo Standard.",What about Chaos and Solo Chaos tho? "I was expecting more of him talking about falco's place in the meta and his potential and limitations, but this was still cool.",PPMD already made an incredibly good video about that topic. "Alright. I found your glitch on YouTube, by the way. Seems cool.",Ok Obama administration arms sales offers to Saudi top $115 billion: report,Just watched syriana.. Good documentary "What are the 3 best rivalries in order? Candidates: * Michigan - Ohio State * Florida State - Miami * Florida State - Florida * Texas - Oklahoma * Michigan - Notre Dame * Nebraska - Oklahoma * Many, many more. Which are the best?",UCF - UCONN is clearly at the top of any list. waiting for that sweet R8 buff?,That's the only future potential this case has and it might not even happen considering the heavy criticism Valve received with the introduction of it. Exploding Galaxy Note 7 wipes out family's Jeep,The father was later quoted as being unsure if it's worth going through the trouble of getting it exchanged. Trust him. He's the authority in all things koshka ;),The only authority I can actually claim He's not even remotely libertarian. Most of us are unhappy with Gary at the top.,"I know, McAfee would have been sooo much better" Throwback Thursday to the Amazing Attach Choke,Glad to see he always chokes this hard Hmmm...My medallion is humming.,Better take a look around. "What is completely terrifying to other people, but normal to you?",BSODs Ban reservation.,And caste system.. I'm one of those people. Apparently I don't have Apple approved ears. I can't wear their earpods for more than 10 minutes without physically being in pain since my ear canals aren't quite the right shape.,Well I guess you're not holding them the right way. If Trump does not become president then Clinton does. It is firmly against Trymp's presidency so it is for Clinton's. Besides that I'm personally for Clinton without the added stick of Trump.,yeah but Gary Johnson is polling at 5% "Well 11(Na) is really unstable and 10 (Ne) is noble. I'm sure 10 is afraid of the potential of 11 and thus guards herself in a glass castle of false elegance; requiring a steady flow of his negative energy to sustain her brilliance. All the while 11 is like what, fool!? Break this glass and it'll be the last thing you do!",*whoosh* "Fantastic. Now let's have one featuring three guys where the one in the wheelchair talks about having a spasm whiles he's fingering some chick. You're so bad, indeed. But what do you expect from Mars Inc? They profit from child slaves, but none of the retards who think this is hilarious give a shit. As long as you've got edgy videos, then everything's all right. Cory Doctorow can fuck off, too.",Lighten the fuck up A Tale as Old as Time,Check your privilege! "Newgrounds! Great site with lots of great games. Look, Flash was good for a while, but it needed to be taken down a peg. It was and still is a vector for infection. The 3.5mm, however, is not in need of dying out.","Oh no no no, the audio jack HAS to die, how else is Apple going to force you to use their proprietary headphones instead of the 20 dollar pair you like?" That is literally not true.,You are obviously a weak man The final nail in the coffin of Ocean Terminal?,"Oh no, now people who don't go on cruise ships will shop there too" Confused as to how being a mother helps her determine that someone is wasting away. does she starve her children?,"No, you see, birthing a child instantly makes you smarter and more competent in all things." U,C "Pink lady posted this and tagged her kids, intelligence comes from your mother! Hubs saw this and said if this is true, I don't know how you've put up with that amount of stupidity this long!",Well this explains why I'm a failure sorry DD. "But it takes conviction, strength of will and doesn't hurt anyone. Sure it matters. When people in the office want to order Starbucks or buy party supplies from Walmart for the big office meeting, I just order from the local business. I'm the one with the purchasing account. When they ask where it came from, I tell them. And I get gently teased about it from time to time. I don't rant about it at all. I have calm, abridged answers to any questions. I don't think I'm convincing anyone to change their shopping habits, but I'm not trying to do that. All I want to do is create the space in their mind where a (relatively) normal person who gets paid considerably less than them has chosen to not shop at WalMart. This is how you create momentum.","That's good, because American small business owners treat their employees well, better than Walmart treats people" What is that ?,Aliens "Didn't fix it, but thanks!","Aw, well hope the problem is fixed soon for ya." "6 inches is the size prefered by women, Source: I work at Subway.",You mean 5.5 I'm color blind. I only see people.,Did you drop this? "Looks like that'll shut them up. Now we can move on to more important things, such as what did Tricia eat for dinner last night?",And what tower did her cell phone ping off Who is getting a 256 and why? I'm probably going to get the 256 and I'm curious who else is going for the big one and why. Also remember when the 13 macbook pro retina had a 128 gb hard drive?,So I can backup my 128GB MacBook Air to my iPhone 7 Why McDonald's?,"Ah yes, the plecos natural home, the reef." There's a pretty big difference between a cosmetic pet and reworking the entire game.,Nah I'm pretty sure that's about the same Tarasenko snipe in today's pre-tournament game,Looks like he really lost his touch over the offseason. "it's a visual cue, since you can't feel the keys you need something to quickly orient yourself to where to put your fingers when you glance down at the surface","You can feel the keys, it's got haptic feedback." I agree. I'm not even sure what a ticket goes for these days.,YOUR SOUL! League of Legends - When the timing is just right,"That zoom was pretty unnecessary, and it looked kinda dumb." Finnish.,There's a difference? is it possible to change the name again?,dunno ask Jewbagel cause he named his JizzBucket lol Made a geology shirt. Let me know what you think!,A V-neck: ask me about my cleavage "LIVE Stream: Donald Trump Delivers Remarks in Gettysburg, PA 10/22/16",#BILL More s p a c e,"Launcher: Action Launcher 3 Icon Pack(s): Glyphsy, Articons Widget: SimpleWeather" I think i grinded more than enough for day 1....,"you're not #1, keep grinding, stop slacking" Oh yeah. I need to find a bar that will show the grand final,Not sure any show it. "The article does say she, though.",So obviously not very fast. "I think they are definitely correct that Haunzter runs a large risk of being exposed at worlds by more experienced/better top laners, and that they haven't had much practice during adversity due to their lopsided results this split. I feel like you are also reacting a little bit defensively to them criticizing TSM.",No I'm reacting defensively to a piece of utter trash being taken as gospel. "Is Canada segregated, specially in Greater Vancouver?",Keep Kitsilano White! Fucking Vultures,you're a fucking idiot no "People have data-mined the game weeks ago. Go look at the files, there is nothing super secret in there that we haven't already seen. The only things that are there that don't show up in the game are some test files, and E3/demo stuff.",But...but...but... uh.... magic! Can I get a little more story on the setup? I don't speak spanish. :/ Is the white guy the thief? The initial part of the video makes it look like HE was being attacked and attempted theft. I'm confused.,"A guy was walking out the bank after a big deposit and was approached by the two douchebags in the bike, after realising he didn't have the money anymore they took his briefcase and the guy tried to take it back but they pushed him off and scaped on the bike, after a street or so they crashed with a truck and witnesses called the police" Holy shit its huge! I haven't seen it often enough to be aware of the range.,"I forgot storm had an aghanims, I thought this was a troll post." "well it would be a pretty rubbish snake pit if there wasn't a snake in it, it would just be the Secret Pit. (BTW, I also have no idea what the secret snake pit is, I'm just trying to be funny so the internet will like me)","was funny, still dont like you :)))" Why is Cam the one nicknamed Superman when Kuechly is the one who looks like Clark Kent?,Because it's 2016 and superman can be black Have you CAR fans done anything other than whine?,TIL asking a question was whining... Thanks for answering it though quality contribution A nobody QB is making our defense look like garbage,He's the best QB this decade! limitations? dominating? resistance?,yup-- all dem fancy werds "Starting now through Monday at 10 AM PT, earn 2X Liquid Divinium all weekend long in #BO3Zombies on PS4, Xbox One, and PC!",So it's not double Ld? Look into trade desk. I had no idea they were going public,Happening 9/21 apparently... Enough time to do some solid DD for yacht day. Toyota and Honda have greatly disappointed me. At the very minimum they should have a hybrid option for every car they make.,"Yeah, I'm sure Tundra buyers would totally go for a hybrid, as would GT86 buyers." Just met this girl at my university,She's just looking for an excuse to abuse men. Is Hillary Good for Business?,Good for her big business donors most certainly. "My game keeps crashing in 2* ifrit, am I alone? This has happened twice in a row now... It also prevents me from reopening the app for about 2 minutes...","On iPad Air, crashed 4 times fighting Ifrit 2*." ***AGAIN***,America was never safe "I'm inclined to believe you. He seems to turn not looking at anything and listen both ways. If so, makes this more cruel than funny.","Yeah, blind dogs hate when you play with them" "I honestly wanted Ichigo to learn some Kido during his training at the royal palace In the chapter in which Ichigo wears the Ouken and leaves the Royal Palace to help the Seireitei, Ichibei say something like 'now he's become a real Shinigami'.. So I really wanted Ichigo to show at least some Kidou skills..","Yeah, because every Shinigami uses Kidou, or is good at Kidou." Just met this girl at my university,That's for them and only them you misogynist Why not use your computer to listen to Spotify?,Because that doesn't fit the narrative that Apple is evil and took away the headphone jack because they think it'll help them squeeze more money out of us like the corporate assholes that they are. What's the difference between a feminist and a gun? A gun actually does something when it's triggered.,"From what I hear, there's a better variation to this joke." "also, danny didn't kiss the girl on the mouth at the end....that was cringey","Yeah, treating a woman you boned with respect - how cringey." ....Murdock?,Murdock has no eyes bruh Why do people on tumblr always have to include themselves in the joke? That person at the bottom is clearly making shit up.,Because some people will only ever amount to the success of others? for you,It's not an "They are only a serious problem on Reddit, they are no problem at all on my Rift",Lucky you Not sure if you're a troll or just fucking stupid,Why not both? Teleport punching our way into overtime,Holy shit I love rumble Not if you accidentally trip into it,You can also accidentally stab someone in the neck but that's not very rational thinking. If you were a dictator what would be banned?,Sarcasm Bist mett weil du von arbeitslosen Ronnies Post bekommst :D?,wenigstens mal keine gelben briefe "well, if he converted a 500 gb SSD into a pagefile he technically could be correct. And now i hate myself for thinking he meant that.",paging u/Luke_Lafreniere Stay tuned for more great things to come from ETC. A really incredible team has spontaneously organzied to work on this project.,But we all support theft and are all criminal sympathisers "This was an unbelievable moment. Both my and my girlfriend's jaws dropped. It was the perfect glimpse into the type of personality Donald Trump really has: he HAS to have the last word. The condescending note in his voice, to correct a veteran that lost two close friends to suicide shows his heavy focus on being right more so than empathizing with her, and addressing her concerns. Even if he was correct, and the number was 22, it doesn't make a damn bit of difference in the answer. I fucking swore off Hillary Clinton after she and DWS fucked Bernie Sanders over. I swore I'd vote Trump to watch the system burn, so maybe, just maybe something respectable would rise from the ashes. I can't do that. She has my vote. Ugh fuck this entire election cycle.","What else was he supposed to do, show sympathy and appear weak like Obama?" Lmfao pats fan talking about whining for calls.,Can you give me examples of what you're talking about? "I dunno, you've made the spider in the corner pretty upset.","Some Bitch Sorry, Charlotte." "Coal companies abandon former workers, pensions and health benefits cut for retirees","I think we should pass more subsidies, then the poor CEO's wouldn't have to suffer" "Yes, this is the stupidest fucking thing I've seen all year.","It's not stupid, its advanced" I am young and healthy and will surely remain so.,You'll always be young so clearly you'll always be healthy! Her national service plan is walking the walk. Her health care expertise and views are walking the walk. Her college debt plan is walking the walk. Her fighting against voter suppression is waking the walk. Her fighting Citizens United is walking the walk. She's all walk.,"INB4 Trumpers counter with all walk 'til she collapses lol zinger Nah, but I'm happy to say I've gone from begrudging supporter to fuck yeah supporter." Please go on more about how you post in unitedkingdom subreddits about Corbyn,Specific facts make this so believable! "When do you think MaM season 2 will air? Lots of things happened in the past few months, and I am sure Netflix got plenty to make MaM season 2. Do you think they will release MaM 2 this year? Or maybe they will wait for things to develop a little bit more?",Ten years after the exoneration. You guys can't be serious. Zack Snyder was fucking joking.,I thought he was against jokes! Or I make $80k should I get a Tesla? It's only $80k so I can afford it. Don't do it What if my hobby is cars. Is it a good idea then?,The correct answer is always Don't let your dreams be dreams... "The new film grain effect reminds me of Brownian motion, maybe staying within the viral theme of RoI",they did it so that old gen guardians will feel more at home on the current gen systems Because apple wants to push their other brand new product on people: AirPods. They announced wireless earbuds the same day as the new iPhone reveal. They cost $160 a pair. I wish I was kidding.,I wonder when they'll start selling them individually as replacement for lost airbuds... I have not seen a more majestic creature.,"It's a Sirlock, quite the rare and gentlemanly creature." It's almost as if physical attractiveness is subjective.,But a robot told us so it has to be true! Bae. Calling anything Fire. On Fleek. Squad. Basically any dumb shit said by 15yr olds that want to be cool.,"Oh, so you hate black people?" How often does it explode?,I can't believe Samsung is forcing people to buy exploding phones "Alec Baldwin's best film role, as far as I'm concerned.",Uh....*The Shadow*? Until it's in front of you on a sunny day.,"Eu, it's never sunny." "From a new Vive owner who got Call of the Starseed bundled... I have to give absolutely massive props to Cloudhead studios, this game absolutely blew me away. It's intricate puzzles, beautiful story (that CLIFFHANGER UGH) awesome imagery, it's the whole package. I am eagerly awaiting for episode 2 and if you haven't picked this game up yet, I PROMISE YOU IT'S WORTH IT!",This is sitting next to Everest: on a wishlist waiting for a sale. A weird random number on your body that means nothing but you don't know that and spend the rest of your life trying to figure it out.,"0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13..." "Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte took a thinly veiled dig at the United States, complaining that colonizers who killed many Filipinos are now raising human rights concerns with him","And if you don't watch your shitty mouth, there'll be one more!" Those highlights are too fat,No they're not Hundreds gather for Denver protest against Dakota access pipeline,I bet this makes a big difference! Apple got lots of courage,Revolutionary! Drug-related deaths hit record levels in England and Wales,I'm shocked and stunned that government cuts and an outdated stance on drugs is doing more harm than good Amazing! But my main concern is... SACRED FLAME CAN BE USED ON BOSSES? Or specific humanoid ones? Confused.,"I think it's only bosses you can backstab, but don't quote me on it" Sony won't charge for PS4 Pro patches for 4K and HDR (update),How generous of them. Are there fireworks going off tonight? What's going on? I'm hearing very loud firework-like sounds... Anyone know what it is?,Heard some (but didn't see them) while at the Cask Ale fest in Ritchie. PS4 super duper extreme announced for 2020,New 3D Sony Playstation 4 XL Keep calm and see how I express my individuality by incorporating a witty remark that I found amus ran out of shirt.,Nothing expresses more individuality than wearing a shirt that lots of individuals wear. Has to be a big bellybutton,Should be easy with the multitude of drill bits we have access to now. Could be more minimal. First fix- remove *all* jacks except for one.,Lightning cable master race Dr. Monty singing Juggernog,"If Monty's actually evil then he might just become my favorite villain ever, passing up good ol' Handsome Jack (Borderlands)" Lock them in prison for a long time; and no complaining about being unemployed after,Just some teens looking for cash to pay for school supplies and clothes. It's just.. pointless. A circle jerk with no climax,Don't reply to me you circlejerker That sounds more like hell to me. An eternity of girls that are just friends.,VERY close friends tho "19-year-old female Kurdish fighter Asia Ramazan Antar has been killed when she reportedly tried to stop an attack by three Islamic State suicide car bombers | Antar, dubbed Kurdish Angelina Jolie by the Western media, had become the poster girl for the YPJ.",it's always more tragic when they kill the beautiful ones Literally nothing edgy about it,"That was the point, but again sarcasm escapes us unless we put a" hey I made a beat wanna give me feedback,W A V Y A V Y Guys what happened in the first period?,Price is bad now "Specifically, it was the very first Civilization. Gandhi did indeed have an aggression level of 0, the lowest out of all AI players. In addition to that, adopting Democracy as a form of government gave a -1 to aggression for AI players, and Gandhi's AI was programmed to strongly prefer Democracy. The bug made it through QA because Democracy happened very late in the technology tree. Aggression was stored as an unsigned char (a single byte), and subtracting one from 0 causes 0x00 to go to 0xFF. In a two's complement system with a signed char, that would be -1, but since it is unsigned, it is 255.","And the aggression level is only based on numbers 1-10, so the fact he ended up with 255 is still fucking hilarious to me" I'm glad were getting some 3rd party voters in here.,A third party vote is a wasted vote It was on this day in 1776 that the United Colonies were officially named The United States of America by Congress. LET US CELEBRATE FELLOW PATRIOTS!,Lol my house is older than ur country hahaha "What do you guys think is the worst matchup in the series? Ex. Shiek Bowser in melee, bowser pretty much cant touch shiek.",Kirby vs Mewtwo in Melee Pretty sure he's Sliver V by now.,"Not sure if you watch LPL but HappyY and GODV are in different teams..... (Former in NewBee, Later on LGD) and also GODV changed his IGN back to We1less again and he played very good." "Who is your favourite HS streamer, and why?",Reynad "You got lucky help with hate before the game starts? So I have been playing a lot of bard... like a lot. I have gotten level 5 in about a week or so, but a problem I need an answer to is... how can I stop getting flamed before the game even starts. It seems everyone hates bards. One game I locked bard and got someone who was all like. Oh another stupid troll bard I ended up getting him a triple for 1st blood, stealing dragon (twice) and getting an amazing ult that got our team to safely secure baron. All in one game. His excuse was just you got lucky the team agreed (because he was carrying) I know, bronze. But anyways if anyone has help it would be greatly appreciated. I have had a lot of trouble staying with bard because of it. I love the champ but when I get told things or miss an ult or really mess up in any way I have trouble. I have tried muting but muting your adc usually isn't the best idea. I try to be a kind player and not flame but that doesn't help either side. But anyone who has got over the same problem offer any help you can. Thanks!",You ignore them in champ select then you mute then in-game 24 Submission Porn Snapchat: PGIRLTIME The P stands for private. It used to be a snapchat before snapchat deleted it. My username is porncollege. Been running a submission porn snapchat for quite some time now. Got a TON of great pics and vids from it,could you add smerrywell? Dude Drops iPhone 7 Plus Jet Black from tallest building in the World and I'm just sitting here waiting for mine to ship in November...,People would literally do anything for views/attention "also, the fact she spreads misinformation on gun laws.",And the fact it's shit beer. Fuck that arrogant prick. Reagan was shit,"Yeah, fuck him for not wanting people to have 70% of their income stolen from them" you can see by the ranking of EU teams...,no that seems about right "This is sad since we need the tax money, and they're illegally sidestepping their duties as human beings.",I hope that is House Oversight Committee | Reviewing the Rising Price of EpiPens - Part 1,"If Mylan company wants to dodge this bullet, they only need to replace their Democratic connected CEO with a Republican connected CEO." Why Republican expats in Europe are afraid to openly support Trump,Oh the poor pitiful things. Better controllers makes the game unfair. PS4 users with mouse and keyboard makes the game unfair. PS4 users with better TVs or monitors with low input lag makes the game unfair. PS4 users with better FPS makes the game unfair. PS4 users with better resolution and graphics for attention to detail makes the game unfair. Does that mean we ban everything that gives anyone an advantage over someone else?,Ofc you banana made me chuckle... martian slugs... hehe :),Can we finally make our own SlurmTM? Cane's the only reason we're not getting absolutely dicked at the breakdown.,"Yeah, cause Savea is shit at the breakdown." "Titans should glow during executions if you are going to make them invulnerable while executing. There needs to be some indicator that Titans cannot be damaged when they are doing the execution In TF1, Executions didn't make you invulnerable while executing another Titan so it was a non-issue. But in TF2, new players would waste ammo and sometimes you can't even see that he's executing your teammate if his Titan is behind a tree.",Pilot executions should also be invulnerable for consistency! Wrath of Rath 1:50 LBG,"Hold my hand while I watch this, my dear hunters." Uh wasnt he talking about having to sit in a dark room and not do anything like a month ago? This doesnt seem wise at all.,"that was actually about his worst concussion, not his current one lol" TIL The United States has Lost approximately 8 Nuclear Bombs.,"I'm not so worried about the 8 lost bombs; they take a lot of maintenance to remain useable and would have long corrorded into nothingness, what concerns me is the use of 'approximately'; it may be 8 or 15, maybe 12 we're really not too sure." Just me or does this look robotic asf?,He's not cheating you're just a silver scrub "Confirmed, teleporter in Kino can be activated...",Confirmed KT-4 and masamune can be upgraded to spill yellow gue Rivals Match Thread,De Bruyne is some player That's cool. Some people like to actually hook up with a steelie.,Didn't think I needed a Oh my god was I just out-joked,Get on my lvl kiddo B) "Gym, you need to visit one, lots. Shouldn't be surprised though if there is two things dirtbike guys hate it's speed and working out.","Yeah, they tend to be bigger fans of 'ludes." No it is not. Samsung estimates 24 failures per million sold. 35 Samsung confirmed cases so far. This is no joke.,You forgot "What really gets me is what do any of these people think this is going to accomplish? What are their specific goals? Can they name even one realistic and achievable benchmark to even measure if there is *any* progress towards their incredibly vague goals? When MLK marched, he has specific goals in mind (removing discriminatory laws etc) and a specific plan on how to achieve them. There are no such laws now, just these vague feelings people have of being discriminated against. So I ask again, what exactly are they hoping to accomplish protesting while they draw their fat paychecks from the society they feel is oppressing them?",They sparked the conversation I think your going to love 3.0 then ;),*you're Driving too close to a cargo ship,What was he even hoping to achieve doing any of that? Am I the only one who thinks that Poland and her vassals look like a giant duck?,Did you take this picture with a phone? "you're already a billionaire, do you really need to commit crimes to make more money?","I'm sorry, why do you seem to hate job creators so much?" "That is ignorant. If they dont want to talk to them they would have a permanent mute, not a 2 day mute. Seems like these are out of control mods doing stupid things. Playing stupid games. The whole rogue mod thing on reddit is out of control with power hungry people against free speech. I will probably get banned for pointing that out.",Tell me all about this free speech you're required to have on a private website? "Done I feel extremely relived after taking that exam, and I feel that I will hit my score range. Even though I'm done with the ACT, I still want to stay on this forum and help out those who need help. Now, I'll be spending my time for the upcoming LSAT.",why are you preparing for the lsat right after taking the act "Mets hopeful that deGrom, Matz, Duda, and Lagares can return by end of season.",But what about Tebow? Almost worth the risk of spontaneous combustion.,"I know that was a joke, but it's the Note 7 that is combusting, not the s7 ;)" No one disagreed with his raw number. They were offended by the assertion that these people are just lazy people mooching off of everyone else and will never vote Republican because then they'll get cut off.,I'm saying that the fact checkers in Mittens case used facts and TP here is using polls. Muh Gulf so progressive,"Stoning women for getting raped...yes what a progressive country, indeed." Reddit in a nutshell,Shouldn't there be a scumbag hat in there somewhere? fuck off and stop wasting your time shitposting.,That's why your username is rude "They didn't have awful lives, you had a awful life because of them. You were just an easy target.","No like completely forgetting about me, these were girls with broken families and not a lot of money." The racial fear mongering of the democrats this election has been unlike anything I have ever seen.,"I don't think Hillary was the one saying Mexicans are sending their rapists, but yeah - democrats are the ones using racial fear mongering." Samsung discloses what the battery defect is,Samsung should sue the battery manufacturer Throwback to when this was released as Promotional Art (yes this is actual official art),best ship "Why? Just give an answer dude. No wonder the prof is annoyed, what a waste of time.",Cause then all his classmates will think he's a nerd. 'HOLD X TO DEFUSE EXPLOSIVES'...,Traitor "If Logo decided to do a drag version of Bad Girls Club, which Ru-Girls would you select? **Season 1** - Mystique Summers Madison - Pearl - Manila Luzon (she'd be the Annie of her season. Superfically sweet but sneaky and shady) - Acid Betty - Vivienne Pinay - Kennedy Davenport - Madame Le Queer Replacement: - Jade Jolie (after Pearl quits in the first episode)",How dare u not list Phi Phi? "Sooo, you're lying?",No I'm not original enough to think to do something like that. I think he should sue them.,You forgot the Okay that's just cheating.,He wavecheats right after the teleport too They really don't. Check the platform.,Uh yeah thats why Trump said he would overturn gay marriage and thats why Pence has a proven record of such positivity with the LGBT community! But... we have Horst Seehofer,Bavaria ist not Germany! "There should be an achievement for living the entire game without having your client freeze. I swear to god I love this game but every time the timer nears zero I have to hope for my life that I don't randomly freeze. There should be so much more attention being put into such a gamebreaking bug, especially given how common it is (at least for me, it happens once every 2 or 3 games)","that doesn't happen in the card game, play that instead" "Just think we can now tell our clients just send one work email on vacation and you can claim the entire trip as a business deduction. I'm not sure how to cite Reddit Tax Code but as soon as I figure it out, here comes partner!","I just got back from the Philippines and I thought about an upcoming audit, am I able to deduct the entire trip" "Only if they swap with Faze, in which case I see Rise as being something along the lines of; Loony, Zooma, Classic and Enable. Otherwise, there'd be no reason to.","Then OpTic could be Clay Octane FormaL and Slasher, right?" Good. That's the way it should be. I went into it without the preparation of Pre-IB.,Are you in your second year of IB or your first? No but to women it's even worse,"Yes because its even worse to disrespect women, gotcha" "You don't know the things she's done to my life, or my family's.",But she's family *nothing* else matters I'm pretty positive the graphics artists aren't responsible for fixing bugs.,"Nooo you don't understand, I must cry about something I don't understand and they should cater to my needs..." WHY IS THIS NOT IN FIREFIGHT?,Because dying and waiting 30 seconds for a respawn is a lot more fun than being revived by your teammate "I don't get why people have a dislike for establishment or career politicians, if I'm hiring a plumber I don't want some random guy off the street I want the guy with 30 years experience and knows what the fuck they're doing.",Just wait until you see the video '13 minutes of your plumber lying' then you might reconsider! "The new combo is actually more difficult to pull off AND does more damage. Currently, the combo is Right/Left (depending on range) click, Swift Strike the enemy's feet (you have to be right next to them, which is pretty difficult to manage on moving targets) right click, melee. Although it's no longer an animation cancel, this is how to achieve maximum damage output on Genji. Old combo did 164 damage without crits, new combo does 248 but takes about .5 seconds longer to pull off. It's much more difficult to do consistently, and has a higher reward than before. Although the removal of triple-jump significantly impacted his skill-cap. There are so many flanks that you just flat out can't do anymore without blowing Swift Strike. The most frustrating imo is the end of King's Row on the defenders side. You can't climb into the left-hand window without a Swift Strike because the pipe is in the way.",Yay he finally have less air mobility than pharah "Well Duh, only a Stanley cup winner and a great goaltender would be able to do that... wait",He's only good because he's on the same team as Kane Since geodude comes out of a 5km egg it takes 3km to get candy,"hey buddy, do some research before you make assumptions, its 1km" Electricity-Generating Windows Could Turn Skyscrapers into Solar Farms,Man I should invest in this and solar powered roads That's pretty much the definition of racism.,"Derr, there is no such thing as reverse racism, do they can't be racist!" "Yeah, I need to stand up to them and tell them they're wrong and hurtful. But I truly do believe they think I'm old. At my age many of my relatives are/were married or freshly divorced with 2-3 kids. Some are/were working on second marriages and second sets of kids. It's really common there to get married within 2 or 3 years of high school graduation and immediately start your career and family.","Oh lovely, so they really know what good choices are." "There is no such thing, which is fucking stupid as even in ranked that is supposed to be fucking fair I have played as with ONE... ONE gold on my team the rest being 2 silvers and 2 bronzes against a team with 3/4 plats and a fucking gold. How the shit is that fair. The matchmaking in this game is THE worst of any game I have seen.","Ubisoft has really used that $60 at launch, for a multiplayer only game, in such a great way to improve the game" "In all seriousness though, I feel like reddit has become much more violent recently, you can get called a cunt/moron/retard for the most mundane things. I mean, ok, people have been complaining about the eternal september since the very beginning as is normal in any online community, but seriously, in 8 years of daily redditing, I've never been directly insulted as much as in the past few months.",Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking cunt. "Very well made. Got me teary-eyed by the end. As a trailer, it sucks. So many spoilers.",So it works as a modern movie trailer then M4A1-S Hyper Beast FN 24$ 25%OFF,Thanks "Hey come on dude, you're ruining the internet hate crusade. People aren't allowed to like things here.","Seriously, why are there no good games anymore besides Witcher 3?" The CIO blaming Obamacare is an ironic twist for left-leaning California.,"As if they wouldnt do it without obamacare, same as minium wages destroys fast food jobs." ABOUT TIME THIS SUB APPRECIATED THE GREATEST TV SHOW OF ALL TIME,We've had spongebob memes for months now My first ever announcement: My script for an indie 70's Mobster movie - focusing on two evil characters; has begun.,"Cool, I can't wait for more updates!" I now realise I'm guilty of sensationalist headline writing. I am no better than the tabloids.,"Pitch forks incoming as soon as Yodel deliver them, so it could be three weeks and left in a wheelie bin, two streets away." Robbie Williams tells a story on the Graham Norton show that leaves Anna Kendrick speechless.,Should mention in the title that it's about 5 minutes - because it looks like it's going to be ~38 "Chromebooks are nice, but I don't like the way almost all of them have the bootloaders locked down. They could be wonderful linux machines, but you have to take that extra step and invalidate the warranty to use them in that way. I think computer vendors put way too much emphasis on physical security, if a criminal has access to your laptop always boned, boot restrictions or no. If the drive is encrypted who cares if they can boot a different OS anyway?",But what if someone breaks into your house and switches all your computers to OS X? "Chris Hemsworth was an absolute *jewel*, though. The Venn diagram of Good bits of Ghostbusters 2016 and Bits of Ghostbusters 2016 with Hemsworth in is a perfect circle. I wonder if some helpful Youtuber's made a compilation of all his clips..",Clearly that's just your misogyny talking. "Or you could just not walk alone at 5 fucking am in the morning. It's called common sense. I'm a guy and I wouldn't walk alone at 5am in the morning, buy a car, a bike, get a taxi.. This is the real world..","Easy for you to say with your male privledge, how can a women buy a bike or car when they only earn a penny for every hundred dollars a man makes...for doing the same job!" No it's not. It's a troll group full of troll accounts that are just trying to get a rise out of people. It's succeeding tremendously though.,Sounds like we have someone trying to do some damage control over here. Then what is the point of having a shared universe?,So we can see the headline of a newspaper on the table behind Captain America that reads Havoc in Harlem... "So he fucked up a mouse (and the laptop via that mouse), put it in a box and crashes PCs with it? That's hardcore, I bet he's even too much of a 1337 h4x0r to explain what the mouse actually does. It's probably just pulling V-USB down to GND (or just low enough) to make the computer shut down/restart because the voltage is too low",Only because the computer wasn't beautifully tuned "I'm sorry but my parents didn't keep me on a diet of chicken fingers and fries. I don't care how broke you are, I'm sure you can guide your kids to eat better from the start.",This is exactly how your 6 year old that hates vegetables grows up to be a 26 year old that hates vegetables. "What is your favorite suit? Personally I'd have to go with the Fusion Suit and its upgrades. The new, almost zero suit like appearance really let the designers do whatever they wanted with it, especially the gravity suit with its seemingly shifting colors. It also makes the game a lot tougher, as enemies seem to hit harder than in previous games. So what are your favorite suits across the whole franchise? Pick any suit from any game, based on looks or uses!","The Fusion suit and Light suit are my favorites, and the Maxed-out PED suit was really cool too." "Add plantable potatoes, please.",why would I want XBoxes in my Rust? I'm aaking how many were penalties and not making a opinion. Don't know why I'm downvoted,penalty ronaldo real madrid fan Ive had enough of this!!! I have been a crazy fan from Cincinnati since 1989 because...well you can figure that out!! I have had enough of this dumb shit with a team that is supposed to be really good. I will always be a fan but I'm sick of never knowing for sure if they will beat a team they should destroy. Im sick of our team not being able to be a good consistent team!!!,One game seems like a reasonable sample size to use to get so upset at a season. What is this about just BMW's? I never knew that was a stereotype until Reddit told me. It's everyone in every car.,I think the bmw part is either a meme or result of the Reddit hive-mind but either way it's not accurate Ending racism with racism. Brilliant!,Im a cracker and I find this offensive. "Anybody catch Joe Thomas pass blocking two guys simultaneously, a hand on each of their chests, a couple plays back?",BUT HES A FIRST BALLOT HALL OF FAMER Do any of your worlds see *you* as a god?,"The thought of characters in the world I create, trying to create a portal through the multiverse and busting into my room to tell me to write a decent story, amuses me, so yes, I do now see myself as a God." Or the report came from earlier in the day (Ivan doesn't get a live battlefield update) or things did change in 40 minutes that caused the SAA to retreat. Things change quickly and often on the battlefield.,"Its almost like people die and positions get overrun in battles, never would have thought it though !" "I realize that Shrine of Amana is similar to Blighttown The sorcery girls are the posion dart dudes, the weird looking undead that are in the water are the dogs, and the melee are the purple people. Also those large fat creatures in Blighttown that drops dung pie is kinda like the ogres.",I feel that the gutter is more similar to blighttown personally. You write like an angry 55 year old white dude that just discovered the Internet.,"Your unbiased ageism is offensive, if I had a safe room in my house, I would go there right now." "Lutz had a great kick Lutz had a very good kick, considering it was a 61 yarder. My issue is more about the defense and the fact that we had absolutely no timeouts in the final stretch of the game to get closer for the FG...",what a shitty kicker Lulz is... he can't even make a kick that has been done 10 times in the history of the NFL. "Wonder how everyone claiming right wing conspiracy, no video people are reacting to this.",CGI #THAS RASIS,You forgot Wife Of FBI Official Probing Clinton Emails Got $675K In Donations From Dems,"Nothing to see here, less than a million isn't a real bribe." It's the team of Wess-t-l for a reason,It wont be after tonight dev replied Will you put a positive review if I add a Harambe joke?,"Hey, if he follows through, that makes him a better dev than the NMS guys" What's one food everyone seems to love but you hate?,Cigarette butts and paper. What are are PCMR's favorite logos? My choice: CM Storm or CoolerMaster,Mine is playdoh logitech They called him The Proctologist...,Holy shit who knew that Procurers were actually decent at killing things lol guys "And it's a bunch of big name NHLers too, not just fringe players. There's something in their water.",Fluoride? Jimmy G. looks like a mix of Jeff Gordon and John Stamos.,Great now I can't like Jeff Gordon anymore thanks "Reminder that President Reagan got shot in the chest and suffered a collapsed lung with a bullet an inch from his heart, and he still needed less help than Hillary entering a vehicle.",Sexist! We do have machinists,[I was thinking more in terms of artillery] Yes but there isn't the pressure to keep writing like that. (At least after first school.) I stopped in year 6 and I often could just about finish exams because of my faster writing in print. I do a mix of them now that works for me.,"Same here, gone mix, no regret." "You are given free reign and an infinite budget to make a Spider-Man trilogy.... What is the plot, who would you cast, and how would you have them interlock to tell one epic tale?",Miles morales amirite Liu Kangs best variation since new patch? Title.,kys And the ball carrier carrier carrier un carrier is T-mobile.,Which is 3843 miles and will give your number to every scammer if you ever change network. I was there. They were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and then the baby looked at me.,Oh Ralph... Is it not possible to progress without it?,I might be missing something but I couldn't see any other way of obtaining Obsidian for a nether portal. What are you shocked that people actually buy?,C-strings "I started my miners pre-nerf and never gave them a chance. First attack with them, dead th10.","In war, everyone who has tried anything but level 4s on a TH9 has whiffed." Let's play word association. Just say the first thing that comes to your mind. I'll go first. Sean,Lied Blizz please nerf tamed Thoks thunderous footsteps I hear any huntard who had that devilsaur from a mile away and the sound of Thoks footsteps is so annoying I instantly mute my sound because I cant hear anything else,"Good thing it's such a unique pet- you need to tame a raid boss, so only hardcore mythic raiders who can sacrifice boss' loot have them!" Catalans rally in support of independence from Spain,"I haven't done any research yet, but how much money is coming from George Soros?" Beats by Dre. Takes 5 minutes to do research and find a better pair of headphones for the same price.,Soul by Ludacris is a shit ton better than Beats Pablo is tweeting about the nature of the force. Good info here.,"Oh good, I always wanted to learn about the nature of the force in a series of tweets." "Yeah especially because he says Bard the hero after landing it, hinting he was going for Twitch and Bard saved him.","except he didn't save him, cause he still died." "Is there anything a GTX 1080 cannot handle at 1080p? I'm looking to upgrade from my RX 470 and might buy the 1080 so i have performance overhead for mods. I know Quantum break at full 1080p ultra does not hit 60 fps on a 1080, any other games? Thanks for your response.",Crysis 3 "Valve adds Sprays back to CS:GO, but now you must purchase 50 charges of that spray that are used up each time you spray.",next thing you know they'll add play of the game Don't forget to pack a wife!,I'll always upvote a Dead Kennedys reference. Most of the rumours are being fueled by local media. Reports of sec 144 being imposed turned out to be false,144 is indeed imposed now. "Yeah all good, I hadn't heard of it until a year ago when I took the course.",That's cos it's fake maths of course. Trump only leads by 1 point in the South. Romney lead by 7 points in 2012. TRUMP LOSING RED STATES BIGLY,mainstream media oppression He didn't do that.,try bringing a fake bomb to a school and see what happens. How do you know which jump pad you need to take the keeper to?,A little rock will appear at the back of the pad after you do the grave step "What a good question! I laughed it off at first, but then realized I have no perfect answers for this. Fargo, children of men, unforgiven, no country for old men, brick, mad Max, and even doubt are all crime driven movies... Heck, even dazed and confused, the princess Bride and some like it hot have criminal elements. Social network would be my pick, but the movie is essentially about thefts, even if they aren't overtly 'crimes'. Okay, my pick is **When Harry Met Sally**. Pretty sure I'm in the clear.",Sally is publically indecent in a diner. "They should have made a GG that simply depletes from your inventory when the last zombie of the round spawns. Those stupid high rounds must be irritating, and something like this would have been great instead of Round Robin, which seems pointless.","But it can't be pointless, it gives 1,600 points when used" Yes I know... Four and a half months later.,Yeah Motbob c'mon man it's your job geez "No it won't. I work as an Automation Engineer and see the effects of it, people don't lose jobs to automation. Their jobs change, but they don't go away. What automation really does is increase efficiency.",They said the same thing to all those candle makers who lost their jobs after the invention of the light bulb "LIKE OH EM GEE, WHAT'S TRASHY ABOUT THIS, GUYS, ARE YOU MAD SHE'S SEXUALLY LIBERATED?!","Here, you dropped this:" Hey I mean Honesty is honesty,Yea and honestly the cup of cocoa and a Disney movie thing gives me pedo vibes You can't without major environmental reform and regulation from governments,"Yeah, because governments do such a great job of regulation." This means the Boers lose right? We'd never get his hat otherwise.,"Whoa dude, spoilers!" Well I guess it is my 'daily driver',Your car must overheat alot with that AMD cpu then Yes.,"Sorry, should have added" "It's an exploit to get someone to a hook faster, a lot of Nurses run Agitation on top of it and they will actually move faster than a normal killer's base speed if they keep swinging, it's called Battle Nurse. It's one of many oversights of the devs on this killer.","Well, i was already aware that we are the test team" You should probably stop saying it. It was unfunny and boring the first time.,"Yes, because people express opinions for the purpose of being funny and entertaining." The writers want a Texas A&M-texas championship game. I am down.,"Well seeing as how y'all are too scared to play us in a bowl game, I guess the only way we'll play is if the playoff committee forces us to" "Make the Gunsmith GREAT ... for the first time We require a gunsmith that actually smiths weapons. These are my proposed changes to the amnesiac robot Level up packages. Each level up should give you the regular motes, strange coins and random weapon PLUS 1 smithing token that can be used as follows: 1 Token for a random reroll (rerolls one selected perk) 2 Tokens for a full column random reroll 3 Tokens to select a specific perk, barrel or sight. Its not cheap, but also its not impossible to grind for a God Roll, select your poison between RNG or dedicated Grind.","The token approach gives flexibility to add new rewards later, maybe 5-6 tokens to get any legendary weapon of your choice, with random rolls (gunsmith colored/ornamented)." Fuck is a hard no?,"She didn't shut her knees and mace him, duh!" "Oklahoma vs Ohio State Discussion Thread. It's Monday and I'm HYPE. Probably overly hyped cause our secondary is bad but hey, we're here lets talk about it.","People are over looking a major fact, we have NEVER lost in the newly renovated stadium" Recess,The activity or the cartoon? i don't recall saying that at all. it'd be illegal anyway.,So you're saying death to all black people then? "Do you remember Thomas Beatty, the pregnant man in 2008 or so? He was trans sexual but had never undergone any removal of his XX reproductive parts, and he went off his hormones and got pregnant. So anyway, this guy made national news and the iconic picture of him is a side shot of him naked, 9 months pregnant, and they didn't have to blur anything out. I've seen that same shot of pregnant female celebs before and they always have to do hand bra over their tops. I have no idea why a full-nude shot of a pregnant man's chest is acceptable but a full-nude shot of a pregnant woman's chest isn't. Thomas Beatty's nipples once belonged on a woman's body and they would have blurred them out then. But change his pronouns, cut his hair, and grow a beard out and suddenly they're ok to show.",You just don't understand children No job? On welfare? Well pay for housing your school and your kids and we'll take care of your kids! No matter how many. Like wtf. If your on welfare the government should give you regulations,"Much better to let them bitches starve like god intended, right?" "That's seriously the entire issue with the US right now, from companies to the government (which is run by said companies). E.g. fuck global warming right? Fuck the ice caps? Fuck the entire planet if we can make more money right now. We get money now, and we won't have to live to see the world go to shit.","It doesn't matter how much damage we do to the Earth, because God will take care of it when it comes time." ... what,"Bad luck at peak, what don't you understand?" Huffington Post and Patton Oswalt in full damage control.,"Because when I think of true strength, I think of an old hag with pneumonia." "Right, but we even got to the point where durant was interviewed a few months ago saying i like to be 6'9 on the court, but 7' for the ladies. It doesn't bother me, it's just funny / strange.",I believe he meant 7 not 7' Wtf is going on here? Comments are trying to give us a clue?,the comments are probably just a texture glitch. Vault Family Cosplay,haha you know it's cosplay because there were no black people in 1950's America Browns say they're putting Robert Griffin III on injured reserve with a shoulder injury.,What's Tebow at these days? It's quite exciting that we might just complete the Easter Egg today!,I think we are barely in the tunnel that the only light is the light behind us since we are still by the entrance of said metaphorical tunnel. That's why they want a new one.,If you ain't coonin you ain't winning Neither of us are sure yet. I am a certified TA and he is getting his masters/willing to work hourly full time. So our exact location is flexible..,Great plan Because it shows her dedication. She always has powered through before.,You forgot My morbidly obese friend posts this shit almost daily as if it will magically make women look past his terrible personality.,Cut out the scene where his penis can barely reach her because of his gut and him getting out of breath after about 5 seconds of humping. "I was referring to our solar system, naturally.",There you are making your assumptions against His proven word "My(25M) GF(25F) of 2 months who cheated on her ex with me has decided to travel long distance to see him for 'closure'. He doesn't know he was cheated on. Hi all. This is a bit long winded, so bear with me. I appreciate anyone's patience in reading. There are two primary issues in this post as you will read, they are sort of separate and I would very much appreciate advice on both. I met my current GF in May of this year. We clicked instantly: it was/is unlike any connection I've had with anyone else. She was in a relationship at the time, but judging by how emotionally close we became it was clear to me that she was no longer mentally in her current relationship. I just bided my time and took things as they came. In the two months from us meeting up to her cheating on her ex with me, she only visited him once. She later admitted to me that she had intended to go through with the breakup during that visit but it did not happen and should have. Bizarrely when we were still beating around the bush about our feelings for each other (ie. still hanging out purely as platonic friends), when I finally enquired about her boyfriend, she told me a few things and mentioned that he thought I was going to break up with him that weekend - haha - and I was like 'no!!'. What a misunderstanding. After about 2 months of knowing each other, it became too much and too obvious what was going on. So I told her how I felt and she echoed the same back at me. But the entire situation was ambiguous: even though we started some physical contact in hand holding and our feelings were in the open she still said she didn't know what to do. This carried on throughout the group trip we were on, with the cheating gradually escalating. At the very end of the trip, we were essentially behaving like a couple and everyone else on the trip thought as much. I took some extra time in the location of the trip, while everyone else travelled home including her. This meant we had a solid week away from each other to process what had just happened. Her then boyfriend also had plans to visit her the coming weekend and she told me that she would decide what would happen before he visited. She broke up with him over the internet before he could visit. I foolishly thought that this would mean we would be together once I returned home. Once I got home we met for lunch and she was completely cold to me. By the end of the lunch after outpourings of emotion, we were hugging and kissing but she said she needed more time to work things out in her own head. About a week later we met up again - this was to be the decider. We spent the whole day together and I waited for her to say something, she didn't so I broached the matter. She reiterated what she said previously, that even though she had feelings for me, she thought she needed time on her own to work out her own problems. I definitely couldn't argue with that. I told her that's fine but we proceeded to have a very emotional conversation anyway -- I felt completely heartbroken and inexplicably emotionally exhausted after all of the anxiety and constant wondering for the previous 10 or so weeks. It concluded and she had stood her ground. As we proceeded back to my car she suddenly lagged behind me. I turned around and saw that she didn't look alright - then she vomited an enormous amount all over where she was standing. We didn't say much, got back in the car and I drove her home. For the entire car journey (30ish minutes) neither of us said anything. When we arrived at her house she looked at me and said There's only been two times in my life where my body has completely overridden my mind ... let's give it a shot. And so we started seeing each other from then on. She did say that things were all a bit intense with her ex and that she didn't want that again and I was in no rush either after a very intense relationship had ended for me about 9 months previously. Fast forward to now, as there were no bumps along the way until now, and all of a sudden she landed it on me that she was going to visit her ex (which involves flying to that city). When she first said that to me, it came across to me like there might be something in their meeting so my first response was excuse me? but we're together? To which she replied an ambiguous mm..well.., which came as an absolute shock to me but was also just very poorly timed on her part as that was a separate issue to what she was telling me. She clarified that she wasn't going there to stay with him or anything, that she wants to have proper closure on the situation with him because she had broken up with him over the internet, suggesting that this was the respectful thing to do. I have no issue with that in principle, but my issue is that he still does not know that she cheated on him with me OR that we are in fact seeing each other now. I feel like if I was in that guy's shoes, there's no way in hell I'd want her to visit - and I'd feel doubly manipulated that she thought she could visit me for her own peace of mind while hiding the elephant in the room. I expressed this to her but she insisted that it was irrelevant and had nothing to do with the breakup and those facts would cause him unnecessary hurt. My own view on that is that she could just not tell him but not seek to visit him and leave it as it is, but that if she is going ahead with visiting him (and she is) that he should definitely know these things before she travels. Additionally, I asked her if there was a chance that going there would have an effect on our relationship - she was definite and certain that it absolutely would not. Before this next part, I should specify two things: *1.* that she is on anti-depression medication and said her life had gone down the drain from last September up until about this April and *2.* she obsessively rationalises emotional matters; trying to shut out the emotions and think of the 'correct' or 'rational' thing to do in any situation. On the other issue of her mm..well.. response, she told me several things as regards to this. She said that she did not feel like she could be called anyone's 'girlfriend' at this point in time. She said she wished she could give a full effort to our relationship and that if she were to throw caution to the wind, she would. With that said on her part, its not as if I have felt a lack of affection (although she is naturally just not a madly or overtly affectionate person) from her or not felt intense happiness from her when we are together - quite the opposite. We both said that we are happy with the way things are and that there was no need to de-escalate or escalate or force things in any direction. From my point of view, we are essentially in a relationship - call it whatever but that is what it is. It's nothing insanely serious or intense, but it is still a committed and exclusive relationship. I told her this, she agreed but said that she can't call it that in her own head. Although she has brought me to meet several of her friends already, she told me that with most of them she just referred to me as 'a guy' - but at the same time it was obvious we were together. She told me that I don't feel I can be (her name) to you right now when I can't even be (her name) to myself. She said she plays it down in her own head. I suggested we break up if it's just ambiguous to her and that she could turn around at any time and say that she has issues and that it isn't working for her. She replied that it wouldn't be the case - she was definite about her feelings for me and that she wants to be with me still. All insights, experiences, thoughts, advice very much welcome and appreciated. Thank you for reading this far. --- **tl;dr**: Met girl at start of summer who was taken and we clicked insanely well. Things heated up and she cheated on him with me. She broke up with him shortly after, but said that it was coming anyway and should have happened earlier. We almost didn't end up together, but did after a bit of drama. Straight sailing from there, until now. Two months in; we're in a relationship; talk all the time and see each other regularly; she suddenly drops it on me that she is travelling (long distance) to see her ex for 'closure' because the breakup was via internet. Her ex has no idea that he was cheated on or that we are now together. She does not plan to tell him these things either to save unnecessary hurt. Qs: Should she tell him these facts BEFORE she travels so that he can make a fully informed decision on whether HE wants to meet or not? What do you think she means by closure in this scenario? What would you do in my shoes?",Golden rule to live by: People who cheat with you will cheat on you. and I hope Trump and all his pos supporters drop dead of the most painful disease imaginable.,Well I hope Hillary and all her supporters get anal fissures after Harambe rapes them "From a non-biased standpoint: Don't help Urban Meyer: OU has a slightly better chance at winning. Perhaps this makes Houston look even better. Have to assume Houston remains undefeated and there's chaos in the P5 and you might get a chance at being the first playoff-buster. Help Urban Meyer: Keep strong connections with one of the best coaches of all time. Keep in good standing with one of the best programs of all time. Stay in good standing with a player that has NFL aspirations (regardless of whether I think he'll end up there...) which means you can use him as a recruiting tool in the future. If Ohio State loses none of that changes. Honestly, I originally thought the same as you. But when I laid out the benefits for each it sort of makes sense why he'd do this.","Bah, he wouldn't think that many steps ahead, would he?" Who the fuck calls touchdowns tuddies?,"Someone with a great sense of humor, that's who!" And Eddie. They scored 22 runs in his last 10 starts... taking hazing too far imo.,"lol man, when it's dry it's dry, when it rains, it floods cities and leaves a trail of destruction in its wake." You edging close to copy pasta territory,"yikes yeah true, I like the verse though and I feel like people write it off as technical ability too much." Brooke Turner - Run Away With Me,Queen of stealing song titles Thats fucked up. Youre just an asshole,Found the Tracer K...,Chain Chronicle never died after all! "Well I mean, if he didn't touch the ball he would have just wasted his spikes","Here, you dropped this:" It was at this moment the rebel knew.... he fucked up.,Just a prank bro More RAM! At 64GB's now!,But why install physical rams when you can download them? Our relationship with Honduras would be in good shape.,"as a honduran, id like to see that :^)" what does this joke has anything to do with Italian?,google: bungabunga party Wisconsin can't get its new endzones right.,"Don't make fun of them guys, they don't know any better" I need to step up my drunken nights snap game,the rest of us call that 'tuesday' "Thoughts on the Big Bad So holy crap [Case 5](#s Ga'ran) is an insane villain. They're so different from every other villain in that you can tell it's them. I knew going into court that they was the big bad, as much as the trial wanted me to think it was [Case 5](#s Amara). Yet, despite being a totally obvious big bad, it didn't change how absurdly terrifying they were to face, especially when [Case 5](#s she becomes lead prosecutor. She rewrote the law three times, ordered a guard to shoot her sister and needed Yuta to take the fall. The point when she gave out a guilty verdict was insane too and I legit thought that I had a game over!). I haven't been this intimidated by the big bad since Von Karma and Gant, so it was really nice to feel scared by the main villain.","She was cool, but did they really have to force a plot point in order to give an excuse for her to have a 'boob window'" Jesus christ blizzard hasn't nerfed the 9 minute slow ling timing yet?,FIX YER SHIT BLIZZ What would you like to say to a deceased person?,I hope I did not leave you with any regrets actually the 480 is on par with a 970,Since when did the RX 480 have 3.5 GB of VRAM? "This is why I laughed at all the people mocking Basetrade and making stupid statements like 'good, maybe now well get someone good to cast this tournament' ...Uhhh no guys, Basetrade is the only one. Mock Basetrade and Rifkin all you want, but they are the only ones keeping the scene afloat, they are the only ones casting this shit. Fucking idiots",nah dude just watch the korean stream For FIFA console is master race,Riiiight because I can mod the game on console "Donald Trump: Colin Kaepernick, other protesters in NFL, should leave the country","Yes, because the only way to deal with things you want to change is to run away from them." Whats the deal with that red circle in origins? It's over by the wonderfizz below that ring in the sky. Maybe you gotta pound that mound with the DGs?,Pound the mound Giggity Well then you may as well never stand for anything then. Don't bother standing at a 9/11 ceremony don't bother standing when addressing someone important. Why the hell not it's my right to sit down,what a super rational and logical response. LMG Mounted and Ready,Mom's spaghetti Why would people search for a game they are already playing?,to visit the official forums of course I want a rocket launcher that shoots those worms you find on the dreadnaught. Would completely overhaul the game & be a huge selling point in my opinion.,"You can have that, as long as i can have a cannon that shoots bombs which explode into a ravenous swarm of the little blocky creatures you see roaming around Pantheon." Purple apothican symbol flashed in de while dalek left the stream today,It's a lightning glitch Assassin's Creed with Dark Souls Combat. If they added Thief levels of stealth then I would never play another game.,You mean dishonored "AI will eliminate six percent of jobs in five years, says report","But there will be all sorts of jobs, programming, fixing and building AI!" "Skin color doesn't matter, he's Republican therefore is white.","Yeah, he's an Uncle Tom" Clinton told to portray Obama as foreign,LIMP RACIST CROOKED HILLARY "It is for marketing purposes. They want demographic info and your habits. Every major company does it. Ever wonder why you look at something on Amazon and (whoa!) there is an ad for it on a page you browse after? That is what is going on. Places like Experian, Pitney-Bowes, etc., all track this stuff. They know your age, spending habits, address, and more based on tracking you through your IP address. While it is not 100-percent accurate, it is good enough that companies want to track it.",You must really be the life of a party where ever you go. "This shouldn't come as a surprise. We are talking about nuclear scientists so it's likely most of them fall in a high income group. So unlike the rest of India's population they have access to good quality healthcare. In most developed countries, cancer is with a wide margin the leading cause of death in the high income, working age population group.","Wow - mucho denial... but at this point - anything is possible, so maybe it's really caused by meteors falling from the sky?" AM I BEING DETAINED?,"as you can see on this flag of the Consuls, it's missing fringe which makes it an admiralty flag" vote donald trump,donald trump is a bigot Yeah that's exactly why I considered not placing the match ID,Are you sure it wasn't just a lag spike mebe? Why Are The Media Objectively Pro-Trump?,Wat "I've been using AMOLED screened phones for years and have never seen even the tiniest hint of burn in, even with soft buttons. The risk of burn in is severely overstated.",Anecdotal evidence used to make a conclusion about EVERY phone with AMOLED displays My last two phones have had burn in therefore you're wrong and it's a serious problem Where is the new zombies camo?,Visual Glitch My Reaction to Dead Rising 4,So... you like it? "For Honor - alpha invites thread Let's keep it all in one place, everybody invited gets to invite 3 friends from UPlay/Ubisoft club","I'm unable to participate, here's the code that was sent to me (not sure if you can use it): TWOTWO6M-3BNN-PET I also have one more uplay invite, first to PM gets it." "Holy fuck, I just took an *entire class* on ancient Architecture in college proving this guy wrong. The Dunning-Kreuger Effect in action.",You learned a little about ancient architecture and now you believe that there was progress before the enlightenment? "It's kinda funny to me that the only fans calling this bad are non-Cardinal fans. This is Bruce, this is what he does. Players fuck up, he says they fucked up. They're professionals making millions to play football, if a little public criticism tilts them and makes them rebel, then maybe they shouldn't be doing this. Also, BA is definitely one of the players/coaches in the league that fans think is a dick/douchebag/asshole (which isn't completely wrong, I admit), but if he was their coach they wouldn't mind this stuff nearly as much.","No no no, us average viewers clearly know way more about your team and the locker room and players than your own head coach." "People used to save the newspapers from the day their baby was born. By the time I have mine, I'll probably screenshot the front page of reddit.",Costa Rica has been running on 100% renewable energy for seven years. "Spent hours looking for a medium sized water world with only 12 sols for farming, Finally found one, BUTT the name of the system.....",My home planet was a Horsebutt :( "I'm sure there is. The problem is that, as these people haven't done anything notable on LAN, we don't remember them and they disappear pretty quickly.",envy Tuurlijk we gewoon belastingen opheffen!,Het is immers diefstal! TSM: LEGENDS - Season 2 Episode 25 - Toronto,"Wow, I wonder what type of computer Weldon was using @21:00" "I know this ride, and some of these guys. This is some shockingly bad reporting by CTV. Let's raise some of the facts that Ross didn't feel necessary to dig into: 1 - his 'witness' had been harassing this group for several months prior to getting CTV involved. This had included driving on the wrong side of the road while she screamed obscenities at them, swerving at the group from over the double yellow, speeding in front of the group and then aggressively 'brake checking' them, etc etc. 2 - Eventually the RCMP were contacted and an off duty RCMP officer actually started attending the rides. An investigation was opened by Richmond RCMP which is still ongoing. Front and back cameras were organized to assist in this but it sounds like she figured the gig might be up, so the next time she showed up was with the CTV crew. 3 - While the CTV crew were filming for this spot, there were multiple incidents of the car crossing the double yellow (i.e., in the oncoming lane) in order to stay beside the group and 'get the shot'. This was, of course, edited out for the most part. 4 - The story suggests that this person was angry because their commute was made longer. Some investigation showed that they have their place of employment on their facebook profile - this business shows as closed on Sundays (which is when this group rides). The group also maintains an average speed very close to the posted speed limit in 50kmh zones, and large portions of the ride are in 30kmh zones (yes, the riders would be speeding in a lot of these places, but so would anyone 'held up' by them). I'm sure others who ride with this group could top up with more inconsistencies or omissions that make this look even more like the absolutely awful hack journalism it is. This person needs to be arrested and charged with reckless endangerment, and Ross needs to be fired.",Evidence please? Now you have 2 ways,"*Wondering if I need to decrypt the text, or if he's already fixed it*" "Any info on why they want Koskinen impeached? Is it political, or did he actually do something worthy of impeachment?",Because Fleming is running for a Senate seat where he is polling even with David Duke "No, that would break all bases that rely on natural borders and chokepoints for defense","Ok, flying biters, then." Any love for the Pocket PC?,Can it run Crysis? He didn't dump them on the Internet. He went to journalists who curated the content to be released.,"Oh yeah, that's totally okay then." "That's, uhm, that's murder, right? Am I missing something? How can this be called anything but murder?",Because cops are immune to your peasant laws... Untitled,Wow this is really cool! I think I know which basket this guy belongs in.,shhh everyone knows those polls showing Trump supporters are hateful morons were faked by the lamestream media But it has a lot do with the fact that fear has gotten the better of him.,It is perfectly normal to fear something that has clearly stated they want to kill the non believers and are carrying out those actions daily around the world. "Flamewanker, 3 mana 2/4 (but you remember how KotG had too great of a statline for its effect, lol) Frostcaller, 4 mana 2/4 considering their effects it looks like Blizzard never intended for Frostcaller to be played",Some players like bad cards Wonder why this is 62% upvoted? The alt-right doesn't like facts? Something something... Tampa Bay Times.... something bias Trump supporters lack nuance.,Look at all the Correct the Record shills swooping in and downvo....Oh...wait.... "And yet, in my part of the world, the summer was one of the worst: cold, rainy, cloudy, far, far, beyond normal. Last year, too.",Don't conflate global averages with local minimums or maximums. "F/25/5'7 (15 months) Still got a ways to go, but proud of coming this far :)",Not enough progress to get rid of the Ravens tee! How long do you rest for?,1:30 Doesn't have to be super good just something that is ok or above. Something that i can build twards and know what wepons to choose on the orks.,A different codex. Expect her to be nerfed in the next patch.,You forgot the "What happened to Toadsworth? What on earth happened to Toadsworth? His last appearance in a Mario game was in Mario & Luigi: Dream Team (2013), and that was after not appearing in a game for four years, in Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (2009). Why does it seem Nintendo's just forgotten about the old fellow? His first appearance was in Super Mario Sunshine, a main series Super Mario game, so it's not like he was made in some offshoot RPG. I don't understand why he at least hasn't made an appearance as a minor character/cameo in one of the more recent Mario sports game, or even the Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games series. It's a shame to see one of, if not *the* most unique Toad character (in the Super Mario games, that is) neglected.",He died of old age. Dems and vote manipulation go hand in hand. There is a reason they oppose ID laws.,I thought it was because requiring ID is racist? What Tales of non-playable character(s) would you want to have a spinoff? Example; I'd love to see the Six God Generals doing stuff. or I want to see how normal people deal with their lives while the main cast is doing shit.,Flynn...if only he was playable in more than just a single fight... He's a fucking white male.,how dare he "didn't see that at the time i commented that. but i watched it after and they seem weird in it it. like hes trying to be his normal self but is trying to force it, then around 7:20 his wife says Better go ice up. weird ...","Yeah, I think shit went down and pug will most likely sue the shit out of the roof dicks and whatever company did the quote or w/e so we won't know for awhile." And the Chairman of the FCC is at the top. Do you see why they want to silence the internet???,I thought the FCC was good for consumers... "How important is accounting to you? H1B's are far and away dominated by computer science and computer engineering. If you're set on accounting in the US, your absolute best bet is likely to complete through a masters degree at an american university like Syracuse, Carnegie Mellon or USC. If crossing the Atlantic for your degree isn't possible, next best bet would be schools in the UK, and to still get a masters.",Can't escape the STEM advice on Reddit anywhere you go. "Deep cuts, brother. Do you need a hug?","No, I need to pay some videowhore to be happy" You've helped me discover a new group to troll.,Great Kid fails at obstacle course,Nice reupload "$24 million SA Government gas grant to benefit producers, not consumers",but it benefits the consumers because the producers will pass on the savings! 18/12/0 vs 18/0/12 as ADC which do you prefer in general? It seems like the tankiness from 18/0/12 is really useful in early trades but i often see people go 18/12/0.,"Probably 18/0/12, less deaths more assists is the way to go" That's a very female thing to do.,"Ugh, women, am I right?" Fam? Isn't that a childish thing to say?,It's chav/bogan It's frowned upon to say it (argue all you like - saying fam in a serious manner just makes you look like a low class fool) You also have this stain on the menu?,Its a teaser for a stealth hero And after almost three years it's still the best and fastest Mac Pro on the market. That really shows how Apple's products are built to last.,I think you dropped this: Cosette 4 Nakama,But the crew already has a chef! "No, they are trying to cause a traffic jam, so they can stowaway in the trucks.","Oh, well in that case he should just let that happen." Is riot gonna release another top 20 players at worlds? did they say anything yet?,FAKER BJERGSEN BJERGSEN BJERGSEN BJERGSEN EXPECT "Meh, or they make it easy to come out so it doesn't damage the jack if the cord gets snagged.",Yeah cause they clearly care about the headphone jack How the hell does his wife deal with such cuckery,"his wife is part of the nevertrump movement anyways, she likes it like that." 9/14/16 8:50am -- Shuli is talking on air. You idiots swearing he was fired...HA!,They can't get rid of him... that Underdog Lady material is just way too good. "i killed blackbeard with 3 shots this is nice to see, normally it would take a full mag to kill him",3 shots seems just lil bit too few. Spot the Hacker - Season 1 Finale ~ Max Box,yeah lets support a hacker Scott Adkins as Nathan Drake in UNCHARTED? Thoughts?,As much as I like watching Scott Adkins kicking people in the face I'm not sure he has the acting chops to pull off a character role "Exactly this. I use the volume and brightness sliders upwards of a dozen times a day each. Putting them on separate screens is a major annoyance. But we get a gigantic button for something that is automatic (Night Shift), so that's totally worth it. Still no Low Power Mode toggle, too.","If only Apple would build in hardware buttons right on the side of the device that could raise and lower the volume anytime you wanted, without even opening control center... wouldn't that be something?" "TIL a Dutch television network broadcasted The Big Donorshow, in which a supposedly terminally ill woman chose 1 out of 25 contestants to receive her kidney after she died. The program sparked a major controversy, but led to 50.000 requests for donor forms.",50 request for donor forms seems like a low number "What's Your Biggest Pet Peeve When It Comes To Other Bikers? Just to name a few of mine: 1) When a squid comes screaming up to an intersection to turn but slows down to 5mph and wobbles through the turn like a preschooler with training wheels, only to rocket away again once upright 2) When cruisers (usually Harley's, no offence) have the biggest, loudest, exhaust possible and claim they only got it so people can hear me. This one is especially annoying when they spend more time idling/revving outside my apartment at midnight, than actually riding. 3) Brand Extremeists. The ones who talk crap on any bike that isn't whatever they happen to ride, be it a Harley, Ducati, Triumph, etc So what about the rest of r/motorcycles? Any big pet peeves you wanna get off your chest?",not waving at other bikers kys "Changing the culture of a country they have no right to change. They're the immigrants, they need to adapt, not the Australians.","Right, it isn't as if culture is fluid and already in a constant state of change already." "What would he even be right about? His entire comment is just an insult. He's not even saying I think you're overreacting, he said Do you actually know anyone, who cares what you think? There isn't a discussion, he wasn't trying to make a point and discuss the issue. There's nothing to agree with.","I agree that women's opinions don't matter to anyone, and that they shouldn't comment on things at all" Vandaag de laatste aflevering van Star Trek Voyager gekeken. Balen dat ik daar nu doorheen ben...,Je kan altijd nog Enterprise kijken Michael Pachter recording released - PC gamers like racists and are arrogant twits,Looks like someone ended up at r/pcmasterrace. "Because they can scapegoat their employees and say, we didn't tell them to commit fraud. The reality is that those employees had to meet sales quotas. Management and exec leadership implemented the policy to make their numbers look good so they could get obscene bonuses. This has bad economics written all over it.","No, it's because jail should be meant for serious offenders, like marijuana possession charges or unpaid parking tickets." I wondered why our team was getting rolled.,It's obviously because you don't wear hats! "Puerto Rico congress actually voted to join as a state, but both our congress and their people voted against it. America voted no because of Puerto Rico being in huge debt (and the negative impact it would have on the US economy) and they people voted no because they would rather be interdependent or their current state of neither due to patriotism. Plus other issues would occur with them joining us, culture being a huge issue.",So you're saying Canada is an option? "(SPOILERS) I've Datamined Revelations, AMA",Can you PM me the cutscene audio? "Lewis: Don't touch me again., Felipe Massa confronts Lewis, SG 2011",Those Facebook comments tho... EMA.,"pfffffftttt, no one wants your scrub foils!" This Harley Quinn Cosplayer Looks So Much Like Margot Robbie,Looks better than margot Jatt's Group A Analysis,ITT: people getting super salty over very rough power rankings in an article that should be about analyzing Group A My attempt at the free perk,Downvote for mule kick What are you building this room out of that will maintain an airtight seal for thousands of years?,A solid block of aluminum surrounded by petroleum jelly inside another solid block of a aluminum. 400 light? Holy fuck,"It's not too difficult, and requires just a bit of luck!" "ok, but how is a robot only $19.95?!","Because much like her attempts at redemption, it's cheap." Literally unplayable.,What a new and original joke "Whaddya mean they have to be able to read it? The goal is to get the whole thing in one shot, right?",Must be a CVS receipt they probably only bought a single pack of gum. You can shoot it up your bum to cure cancer.,That's for autism dumbass. "Ladies want to have sex at 40weeks? Ah my poor SO, I've been disinterested, sore and tired for months.",I'm only in it for the prostoglandins. "Ever skipped your own teams game for another better game? I am a diehard TCU fan (go to multiple road games a year, bowl games, season tickets, etc), but I will be skipping the TCU-Iowa State game to go to the OU-Ohio State game in Norman. Anybody else ever skipped their favorite teams game for a better game?",Never. "so if a house is $1,200,000, then I should make $200/hr. Sounds about right.","And if you don't make $200, just work longer hours!" "1 dead, 2 injured as Good Samaritans help woman attacked at Shawnee Wal-Mart",If only guns were illegal this would have been avoided! "OK so more people on food Stamps, and more money for the 1% corporations. great job America. keep up the good track record",Woohoo can't wait for Hillary to stop this kind of stuff.. "The people who cost the company the most are the same ones who will not lay themselves off. The fat needs trimmed, but the fat is in charge of the trimming. It's a conflict of interest and the shareholders are paying for it.",The shareholders that matter (the board of directors) are in on it. Are you a boy or a girl?,did you just assume my gender? "Thanks for the info, I'm a kiwi and it doesn't seem like it's going to be released anywhere near my Podunk isolated little town so I might just have to stream it, as much as I would prefer not to.",How is *anywhere* in New Zealand isolated? There are bible verses that say that people shouldn't be punished for the sins of their fathers. But most verses on that subject say that they should and will be be punished for the sins of their fathers (including right in the ten commandments).,You mean to suggest that there are contradictions in the Bible? That's no way to treat a fan,I hope Irumodic Syndrome isn't contagious. He hasn't avoided shit. No one wants to give him their money.,Russians do. Couldn't that guy just quit instead of taking down the whole house with him?,"It's his fucking house you moron, he can do what he likes with it." For $160 you could get the DT 770 pro and enjoy good quality music. These are a rip off that only apple fanboys would buy.,"If you are going to compare products, you could at least compare buds to buds, or even wireless to wireless." That was the gentlest arrest/cuffing I've ever seen,I bet he wouldn't have been so gentle if he was black! Mata is one of thoes players you support no matter what club he plays for.,No I think he's a cunt and hope he fails. "Cartoons/Animation. Sometimes I am disgusted that adults have to have language, sex, drama and downright depressing topics in order to enjoy a show.",Idgaf im watching cartoons till I die "Ublock is letting most ads on adult sites go through, anyone got a fix for that",Let Jesus Christ into your heart and stop visiting such degenerate cesspits of sin. "The church was first called The Church of Christ and was renamed later. The church was founded the same year the BofM was published. The Doctrine and Covenants, published in 1835, originally condemned polygamy (section 101) The polygamy section (132) wasn't added until 1843, for example; and section 101 removed or edited. The other doctrines you mentioned all came later. The Kirtland Temple was begun in 1833, also after the publication of the BofM. So there was no need for temple ordinances until then. The church created and added doctrine as it was developed to suit their particular slant on Christianity. In other words they were inventing it as they progressed.",Being true to the law of eternal progression I see. actually the downfall of media started with 60 minutes. Ironic I know but 60 minutes was the first new's show to show that you could make a profit from a TV new's. Prior to this the new's was something that came on once a day/week for a half hour and was considered more of a public service then something you could make money with. (I found this out in my advanced poli sci class),"Hmmm... I never thought of that because old ppl reporting stories in a serious tone = news integrity But you make a valid point, thinking back, it was more about selling the drama of the story above anything else.... I guess I was just memorized by the ticking clock" lucian?,Save that for when TSM wins worlds What things are sexist against men but not women?,Men can't be the victim of sexism because of The Patriarchy^^^TM Private Matchmaking Megathread Find the appropriate category below and post to find a match!,4v4 "Well that escalated quickly. What next, drawing blood?",Just rinse your cardiovascular system with peroxide.... Actually at the end it looks like the skateboard is fine,actually Are you telling me I should trust objective sources and not three right-wing publications with obvious axes to grind?,It's just crazy enough to work! yeah very much used to people slagging us off,Typical fucking deluded Geordies thinking everyone hates them "I've had to explain to a different user how this chalks down to bad QC, and yet the guy keeps saying yeah, Samsung intentionally designs faulty batteries. I can't even...",you act like theres much difference between those two scenarios Mad tape measure skills,So this is why it always takes contractors 10x longer than their original estimate And even with the proof people still try to ignore it.,But Trump and his Russian Oligarchs! "I don't get it, why do you love it?",Those trees must have been blowing around pretty hard and the lens stabilized them. if a naked noot can get 69.9 million likes let's see how many likes god can get,Upnooted TIL pop = meth,"Yeah, that's exactly what stated." "I read the other comments too. Nothing like a guy telling women that we're wrong to be afraid when we're alone in the dark. Thanks, that helps a bunch!",All men matter! A little context for Oakey's current obsession with religious freedom.,"Well now, if only all these straight people would stop having all these gay babies, we could straighten this world out once and for all" "Jorah is as un book like as they get. In the book he's a hairy ugly bear. Show Jorah is just too god damned handsome, guy has me questioning my heterosexuality",I mean you are a septon.... "Yeah I remember an interview with Carpenter where he attributed 2's writing/plot to late nights with too much Budweiser. You can definitely tell 2 is responding to the demand for more gore in the horror genre, something the original barely had at all. I always thought Halloween 4 was one of the best sequels, would have been cool to see what Carpenter would have done with it.","If I remember correctly, he wanted to do a psychological horror about how the town of Haddonfield was dealing with the tragedy of Michael Myers." Maybe they have an open marriage. And don't want to publicize it to their relatives and coworkers.,Which is why having a profile on Tinder is a great idea. "He definitely is, SI on some shit. He's the butt of a lot of jokes but he's going to have a big role on the Mavs. I don't think he'll ever be the star everyone thought he was going to be back when he was still in HS in Iowa but he's going to be a very solid player for a long time.",Barnes ain't shit without Doug confirmed 71 seconds of one-legged jumpers from Dirk before he misses,He's obviously trying to kick the other player because their ranking system is complete garbage,Apparently as are the players... should be renamed garbage of the storm It's more central then Orlando,But it's central Florida! I'm an avowed racist. I don't think you idiots even have the capacity to understand how counterproductive your actions are but calling people *racist* when they're not is the most surefire way to push them to eventually adopt actual racist viewpoints. Keep at it :\^),Yeah but then we're technically right. "In theory that works, in reality it will translate into so... you have money, you should give me some.","I am not close to my family, but if that was their response I would have a few choice 4 letter words and quickly end that conversation and relationship if pressed further." What emoji/emojis describe your life best?,All of them because I have cancer. Winnipeg,Winnipeg meetup when? Bigger WTF here is the need to disclose gender for a cell phone. Why?,"For marketing, how else would they know who wants to hear about pink accessories?" What new technologies will be the next best thing since smartphones?,Sliced bread. Have the revive icon automatically pup up on fallen soldiers and get rid of the ability to opt out of revive (people think of they opt out they spawn faster but they dont). On conquest deaths need to result in a lost ticket. This is another incentive to get revives. The guns are fine for the medic. They don't need to be killing machines because they are a support player. But for the love of God make it easier to see who needs revives and don't let them opt out. Many medics didn't even carry the syringe because it was useless trying to revive people.,I loved running through buildings with a skull over them frantically injecting my syringe into corpses with no fucking idea if it was the guy who was dead or not. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - DX12 Tested on RX 480 and GTX 1060/1070,"Clearly a biased review, sponsored by AMD." That ALG vs LG game 5 was intense,"yea man, good series.. of course I missed GM3 but they were saying it was a blow out so I guess I didnt miss much" Why is it wrong to kill bad people?,It's not we do it all the time but then cops get in trouble for it. Nobody saw Rooney. That was the problem.,Once again he was truly Invisible in a match "The Navy plans to arm its destroyers and other ships with high-tech, low-cost ship-board laser weapons engineered to quickly incinerate enemy drones, small boats, aircraft, ships and missiles, service officials told Scout Warrior.",Can't wait to use these in the 4 or 5 desert conflicts we are so invested in. Cheers to all of us who are now double fucked and will be behind 2 legendaries to luckers.,That's what you get for not multiboxing five of your class and maining the lucky one that got the legendary drop. "if this is water, how come it's not frozen?",Because it's extreme water He only plays legacy. What else do you expect from a person doing something so impressive?,Delver 4 Lyfe! It'll be worth it to get rid of the illegals and terrorists.,You forgot your "No, gross.","just a kind stranger offering you a drink and you decline it, how rude..." "Say what you will about Vince McMahon, he knows how to dress","It's just a sweat suit, he was just trying to hit the weight class for CWC" I'd really like to know your logic behind that comment.,"What grown women are cute babies are hot, its basic logic" "Group D prediction , TSM undefeated hype train in group D!","-Check's recent post history- Yup, okay your post makes more sense now." I look forward to seeing our new Korean overlords.,All aboard the Korean hype train! "So, how long until those plants and trees create large cracks throughout the building?","They would be isolated in their own planter boxes, which wouldn't allow the roots to penetrate into the structure, so never would be my guess." WW was not the typical slutty protagonist. Tell your coworker to stop being such a prude.,"Darn warrior princesses going around, fighting the good fight for centuries, teasing us mere mortals." "Don't mind me, just doing some bomb disposal...",A note7? I think McCain tried to use it too in 08,Well obviously Obama couldn't have used it. Banks Now Pose Larger Systemic Risk to Economy Than in 2008,"But we don't need glass steagle, right?" Kalos is actually greek for beauty(Or was it latin?),"Greece, France, whatever, these Europeans all look the same." "How do I persuade my parents to drive me to melee tournaments? Sup guys, I'm 13 and I really like melee and want be able to compete in tournaments. I only have 1 friend to play with and I just bop him all day which gets boring after a while. All my other friends play like overwatch and stuff but I'm just trying to play some melee. Only tournaments nearby me are like at least an hour away. I finally managed to get my parents to take me to the closest tournament and they were not happy with what they saw. The tournament was in a really small place, looked like a basement but it wasn't. There were 40 dudes, all of which were in their 20s or older, all clumped together in one little space. I was definitely the youngest there by a long shot and my parents came to watch over me. My parents were pretty much silent the whole time, just sitting in the corner waiting for me to be done. On the way back home my parents had a long speech with me about how I should never go back to these tournaments ever again, saying that it's just filled with a bunch of sweaty, fat nerds who have nothing better to do than sit in a basement and play melee. Even though I told them I had fun there, they still said I shouldn't be hanging around them and I should be with kids my own age not 20 year olds. Now I'm just so sad cuz melee is definitely my favorite game ever but I can't do anything with it cuz there's no online, I can't go to tournaments, and no one at my middle school likes melee except for my 1 friend. I already tried netplay, my internet sucks too much for it. It sucks cuz that tournament was so much fun and I actually did ok, I got 9th out of 40 and that was my first time ever competing. What can I do to persuade my parents to drive me to tournaments? It doesn't help that they're all at least an hour away, maybe if they were like 10 min away my parents wouldn't have been so mad :(",Tell them it's a good way to prevent you from doing drugs and getting involved in gang violence. Genderqueer/fluid Dom trying to figure out how to have my submissive address me,Alpha I swear to the lord if anyone says thicc,she thicc tho "Follow the law? Adam is *above* the law, dontchya know!? These charges are just fake things made up by MTV.",MTV *must* be paying South Dakota law enforcement to make Adam look bad...I knew it. U,T What's something that took you way too long to realize?,You can right-click the taskbar to open the task manager instead of using Ctrl+Alt+Del. Where there are humans there will be drama. Such is the nature of different personalities coming together,"And where it is all women, there will be more drama" I am female lol.,Well you need some balls "Yeah, unbiased sources like the Communist News Network and CBS? Clearly those news networks are fair and unbiased, right?",Yeah clearly that's what I meant "Paranoia is literally the best named ability in League It just fits everything so well. What it does and how it effects people is just so perfectly described with the one word. Your toplane pinging for help? Botlane being pushed to all hell? Midlane in a losing fight? ***R*** All of those problems are now solved, with the help of your enemy laner's ego and insurmountable anxiety!",Thresh's Death Sentence is quite fitting as well... Classy Neo (By Yurax Mae),tbh it looks like she is wearing an swimsuit under an too short jeans. "Chicago drug dealer had customers lined up around the corner, feds say",True entrepreneur It's almost like it's impossible to know ownership of every tract of land in the county.,"It's not like the police have the resources to find out land ownership before accusing the civilians, right?" "I'm not, my username is GeekinGlasses, the Channel is GeeksinGlasses. They are different.",what a coincidence that your usernames are so similar. Remember when her surrogate said some people were only voting for Obama because he's black?,But it wasn't her! If you don't know you're not the right person for this conversation,"Wow, with a explanation like that someone should definitely sue them for every cent they have." "yes, because staring at a black screen is fun!",You for got the Has Xur mentioned anything about our Super Space Aids?,He was just at my desk drinking coffee and didn't mention it. That's not what that means. It means we really love and appreciate the Obama's,nuh uh "I'm at church, so it's just hypothetical to me.","God just ruins everything, doesn't he?" I'll . . . get right on it?,Thanks! Jay Ajayi is No. 6 in the NFL in rushing with 535 yards. Only 84 attempts is 53 fewer than leader.,Adam Gase: The Running-Back Whisperer Russian Kid playing the accordion while his sister is lost in dance,Wow white people have no culture. Beautiful framed mirror i got today!!,"Nice frame, but I think you should replace the painting." "I posted there too, but was hoping for some San Diego specific info.",Because that bit of soil you have there makes it San Diego specific.... 2018: Google Maps now interfaces directly with Local Law enforce and Android Pay/Apple Pay when speeding your fine with be automatically charged to your preferred card. Have a nice day,In the future when insurance companies ask (and eventually lobby for a law to require) you hand over your google travel data so they can constantly adjust your car insurance based on your driving habits. "I love how the pleb at the top has to make the stupid comment Liverto xD Like anyone has a choice on what succeeds and what fails. Probably a YOLO enchant, Bottom line is this thing will hit like a truck compared to a kzarka. Ignorance is bliss.","Its not gold, it gotta suck." Johnson and Stein fail to make cut for first presidential debate,oh jeeze this is as shocking as it will be when trump beats hillary. "Welcome to 2016, where saying racism sexism and homophobia is deplorable is a considered a taboo thing.","but, but, but Hillary said she won't change her positions or use a time travel machine to go back and reverse history so her positions are customized to my own worldview... hence I will sulk and disengage until someone wholly convinces me I should act in my own interests... that'll teach 'em." A headphone jack would take up more space than that. It would go partly into the Taptic Engine too. Not to mention the stuff under them vent.,They should have made the bezel even bigger to fit all that stuff in. Did you just assume the individuals gender?,Trigger Warning. Hahaha! That's hilarious,"I have to admit, I was pretty fucking proud of that." "Wow, so that Obama birther theory isn't so crazy after all. It had only been a state for like a week before he was born.",Your a racist and a sexist and i hope your happy voting in hitler. AAP govt indicted for misusing public funds on ads,"Election Commission, Congress and BJP are out to get AAP, Modiji is a Psychopath!" ". Divorced House-Goddess. I Need Money - You Think I Can Start A Porn Career, At My Age?...",I need an audition tape to evaluate "Sigh , did it hurt when your grandpa was touching you eh ?",yeah you're actually just a complete fucking retard They discover a new bug... you'll never like it.,Given how they have fixed issues in the past I guess one would say it's time to say Goodbye to the appraisal system. "Thanks man, I appreciate it!",I appreciate you sending a whole bunch of samples and then full sized balms of your range to me in Australia..and agreeing to pack them in bubble wrap ;) They can't they already got Froggen and KFO..,so kick kfo "What is a good site to find graphic designers? Need help finding a graphic designer for my clothing brand, I need someone who does edgy minimalist designs, can you guys recommend someone, or is there a good site I can use?",Fiverr Eternally being pregnant is even worse in my opinion than rasing kids eternally. I hate being pregnant.,"You mean you don't want to be an eternal womb, spouse to an infinite sperm fountain?" "yes, but they don't call you un-american.",Might as well be though Exxon Is Being Investigated for Suspicious Accounting Practices,A strongly worded letter will surely follow if they are found guilty "A less United Kingdom spotted in Madrid, Spain.","Is that German Empire flag there, in front of Britain(minus Northern Ireland)?" Argentina: buscando exportar el modelo de los Derechos Humanos,Por fin van a entrar dolares! "Pearl, you said you could pay your debt. You lied. You are now late on your first payment by a week. We have sent you three notices, but as those are so far ineffective I'm having this posted on the Reddit so the public can take note before we do any more actions. This will be your last warning before we take you to court. Should you not show for that, I will be forced to send out a repossession technician. Please don't let it come to that. With interest and late fees you now owe 42.25 AmCred or equivalent. Signed; Anabel H June CEO and Owner of Junetics.",[... How much does she owe you?] Play Dota 2. League is owned directly by the red army and sadly it makes you a supporter of human rights violations to play that game. You should question your own humanity. Your SP4 is trying to warn you.,I hope you dropped this: Masterrace'd minecraft,Mfw PS4 only gets 60fps "I'm a vet, and I can't fight for shit.","They meant military, not animals" "Just cause I'm a douche, I feel required to tell you we actually killed the divisions when we still had 12 teams. It was not related to the addition of A&M and mizzou","Damn you and your inconvenient facts, douche!" Breitbart official Instagram account liked this photo. That's Trump's campaign chief.,To be fair he's not the cheif at brietbart anymore "No, it doesn't.",Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. "So, How dead is my laptop?",just put it in the oven. My Eris fit with a fed navy 100mm plate,confirmed useful module "I went to Yellowstone last month, here's an album of all the tourists' hats that blew into the springs",Chinese tourists 100% "Not to mention Black Beasts surge in popularity. I love watching Derrick Lewis and still think he can be a contender in the heavyweight division with the right coaching. And what is Alistair Overeem with his large fanbase? And Jon jones still has people sticking up for him and rooting for him, and I'm a huge DC fanboy... This bitch I swear",Alistair Overeem is half white so obviously that's the only reason people root for him. "So, its my fault that i bounced a maus shell?",Obviously you were using armor hacks. This is why I can't ever stay subbed here long. I didn't personally like a creative decision that many others liked? FUCK BIOWARE. I always forget that the Fallout 4 wasn't the worst about this.,Because BioWare writers never are inconsistent in how they characterize people and ideas "Haha this sub can be so negative sometimes. Come on guys, it's a nice idea and I think it was quite cool! Cheer up you old farts :)","Yeah, lets replace the beautiful Singapore skyline with a rolex ad, that will look cool" They're not terrorists?,"Sorry, I dropped this." Hamilton Post Quali Interview - 2016 Singapore GP,RIP Lewis' room today "Mika, he's seems to be the simplest person, straightforward and honest to the outside world, but very knowledgeable and determined in a very complicated sport. Has a good sense of humor, and he knows how to use his few words, in a funny or serious context. Great guy all around",&gt;knows how to use his words &gt;the michael "After Texas high school builds $60-million stadium, rival district plans one for nearly $70 million",Such a good use of money nitr0 should change his name to nitr0gen,NA jokes LUL Saban to ND State confirmed,After FSU's showing today I'd like to see Jimbo go turn that program around "Sleep disorders. I don't know why people think its cool or edgy to be an insomniac, there's nothing fun about it.","What, you don't think sleep deprivation-induced hallucinations are fun?" "hey, now is working, gj :D young men/lady/bot thx.",Did you just assume my age? That's how you get Seth Rich'd! :/,"Seth Rich died in a botched robbery, stop spreading conspiracies against my abuela!" "This USA team looks lazy, unmotivated, and poorly coached.",Classic Torts Confirmed: Pepe is a white nationalist icon.,And here I thought sad frog was an alt+right logo. hey numnuts if you arent gonna proofread your shit youre gonna have a bad time,This guy gets it too bad Volke negates the existance of Sothe.,"Oh sorry, I forgot we didn't include Radiant Dawn in this" The Doppelganger,"Well bang, ok?" "You'll appreciate a good mixologist when you get a shitty tasting drink from a bad one, or maybe you've never been to a place that serves good drinks.",Agreed - there are some great places like Drink in Boston where you tell the waitstaff or bartender what types of liquors/flavors you like and they bring a drink - usually something you haven't heard of before. And I'm guessing you want to see Trump's speech transcripts as well?,"Sure, why not?" "So, I decided to fire up the good ol' Rainbow Six 3 today. Does that feel as good to everyone as it does for me? Forever in love with this game...",Rainbow sixty-three? Who is they tiny minority? The religious right is a major political force in US. They are also a major political force in Israel. And they are ready to do anything to fulfill the End Times prophecy.,"Well why wouldn't you, when paradise awaits?" Maybe BLM needs to stop trying to represent all black people if they don't want to spawn more racism,"You're right, and the only answer is to lump all black people together and hate them all" So wait. Why is my rx200s a terrible mod?,Because it isn't perfect in every conceivable way "I've read this 3-4 times and it reads like a script. Real character development. If this was a movie, I'd totally watch it. Sadly, I think it's a troll.","Yes, I'm very sad this might not have happened." What has happened to you that you can never forgive?,My ex got drunk and beat the shit out of me in front of our youngest son "You're allowed the final Google search ever, what do you search?",What is two girls one cup? And at a solid 60+ FPS,30 for those console peasants of course Sure,How snide... "Blake Griffin to star in The 5th Quarter, a comedy mockumentary starring Griffin, KAT, Chandler Parsons, and some elementary school kids",uh and Gary Harris? Sick Ana vs Roadhog 1v1,As your team dies in the background Thanks for that information,Definitely the kind of guy I'd like to play with. Peter Dutton concedes offshore detention contract handling mistakes made.,its all labour's fault of course NSFW? also...... wtf?,She should def be scared of holes after that. "I am much more concerned about the effects on California itself. How do we divide (or what do we do with) the UC system, the greatest public university system in the world? No doubt this would change immensely, and likely not for the better. How do we divide the judiciary up? California's judiciary is one of the largest judiciaries in the world (larger than the entire federal judiciary, at the very least, although I have seen different claims about who has the largest judiciary worldwide). There are so many logistical and administrative problems that make whatever national political changes it could have not worth it, even if one would prefer those national political changes. One caveat would be that dividing the Ninth Circuit (a topic on here recently) might actually become feasible at that point. I am also skeptical about dividing into 9 separate states. The Six Californias plan or the idea of bisecting the state (into a Nor-Cal and a So-Cal, sort of) seem to be the most popular, to the extent they are popular at all. Almost every legal scholar I have consulted on the idea thinks it would be terrible for an array of reasons (not necessarily partisan or political reasons).",I would be down for all the coastal areas seceding from the inland and rural areas and form our very own Coastal Republic. "The dogs poops are runny, just runny. They lack form and consistency. Sad! My poops are strong and firm and big. Some people, some very smart people, say I have the biggest shits. Just the biggest.",Mainly because they come out of your mouth? So who else contemplates if they should go out every Friday and Saturday and then never does? This fucking sucks.,I have no people to go out with You can play Halo: Online on virtually ANY pc.,Downloading to my iBook G3 right now... "State of emergency declared after crucial oil pipeline leaks 250,000 gallons in Alabama",Pipelines are totally safe though guys. "I make niggaz eat dirt and fart dust Then give you a eighty dollar gift certificate to Pussies 'R Us I eat the whole pie, and leave nuthin but the crust So you can feel what it's like, with instinct but no guts",At least *you're* on time. Got pepper sprayed today. FUCK my face. Never again.,I think this should be an annual qualification test for Police agencies everywhere to cut down on Police brutality. What does air taste like?,"Water, obviously" "I keep reading right to left even with comics -_- Anyway, really diggin the character design and little details like diglets hole still being there.",FILTHY WEEABOO mfw people reply like I was serious,you dropped your "The guy i know that did 2 DUIs in his early 20s ended up in jail. I guess not a felony conviction, but still, maybe 6 months in jail. Overprotective parents can fix this kind of consequences.",Yeah it might cause them irreparable harm. I don't think many russian people and others around there have the money to afford to play this game Isn't that why they play dota?,Yeah apparently Russia is such a shithole that they can't afford to play a free to play game "Nope, 100% a jew nose. No doubt, I'm an expert.","what are you, a fucking jew?" Fucking White male shoots peaceful muslim stabbing 8 people!,"I'm sure he triggered him with his white male Christianness, how could he not stab people after that?" "If satan sat down next to you on a bus and you could ask only one question, what would it be?","If God offered you forgiveness and the chance to go back, would you take it?" "My babies shot me down (Shilka, Gepard, Vads, 88 truck, Falcon)",Not overpowered at all "Men of reddit, if you could mix any two animals together and keep it as a pet, what two animals when combined would make your perfect companion?",centipede and snake "12 team 1 ppr Yeldon, foster, or Travis Benjamin","Wuth Ivory being out again, I think Yeldon is a must start, especially in PPR" "Odd how he had 8 years to do something about it, but now only Hillary can save us. What a joke.","Yes, because he had such a cooperative Congress and nothing else to address over the past eight years ..." I'm looking for a brand with really comfortable jeans. I really like slim fit and boyfriend jeans. Zara is one of my favorite but they don't have any styles I'm interested in online currently.,I find Levis to be very comfy. Anyone else keep getting Contacting Destiny Servers? So annoying.,ITS THE TECHNONITES! This should be a thing for caviera and shield operators imo.,"I agree, Caveira and Shield Operators have went too long without a gun" reverse profiling?,Just classic profiling. "Singapore to be known as SGP, instead of SIN, at sporting events",We are saved and no longer SINners What goal do you hope to accomplish by the end of the year?,Find a job and move in with my partner Boot em out if they don't like it,Because every single Muslim is an immigrant How not to finish borders,"Just as bad as the US American border with Mexico, amirite?" And he didn't report it for sexualizing crackers? We should be able to report other reports.,"But its always the crackers sexualizing and objectifying the cheese, it's never the other way around" Should be a fumble. Honestly the receiver had pretty clear both hands on the ball and possession.,He only took 3 steps though. Islamic State supporter behind Minnesota stabbings,Obviously if we had just banned assualy knives this would have never happened The Italian Shower?,Cologne is in Germany dumbass What if you did this on a strike to have a infinite tether on the bosses? We need to know.,"Raid is now broken, nice job, Wrath of the Machine delayed into the next DLC" The MCU has no ramifications,Yeah but Captain America didn't die in his second film so your argument is invalid. May Kek watch over you.,kek (pbuh) be prasied. Crawfish babies,Is your index fingernail split? "Same! My doctor recommended I literally just use water because I have super dry skin and SLS, the main ingredient in soaps and shower gels, makes me itch like crazy afterwards. I've got an SLS-free emollient that works wonders though, if you need any recommendations. It's called hydromol and you can get it on prescription in the UK at least. It's cut down on the dryness loads more than trying to scrub it away with exfoliation.","Thanks, fortunately my current regime is working fine and has been for some time, although I have had my fair share of emollients and salves from the doctors, not treating my skin like a pan shitty pan with burnt on scrambled egg seems to be doing the trick!" Bullshit.,Xenophobe! "I cannot stand this shit. The game is not that good anymore and he's a father, he should set a decent example to his kids. Not to say he shouldn't handle his business but all this social media shit is crazy. I think Meek would body The game in a rap battle. The game is washed up a bit now and Is too old to be doing all this. Idk just my opinion",I don't even like him like that but Jayceon Taylor is far from washed up. "Sunday 18th September Daily Contract - Earn 10,000 Score. Step 1: Check the screen. Step 2: Go to work. Step 3: Profit. --- Can't imagine there'll be too much fuss over this one. Obviously we all wish there was a better Contract up for grabs but at the end of the day it's 10 free Keys. Sure we all know the score (pun intended).",As a low spm player these score based contracts are un acceptable "Official Game Thread: Indianapolis Colts (2-4) - Tennessee Titans (3-3) Game Time: 1:00pm EST (There was no game thread, i hope this is fine)",Fuck this. I can't believe people are discouraging the release of this information. It's important information. Yes let's get the kids name. Let's learn if he had any connections. Let's find out if he took any trips to Saudi. Let's investigate which mosque this guy might've gone to. Let's NOT just ignore it.,"The general population is not an investigative conglomerate Okay, the general population *outside of reddit* is not an investigative conglomerate" "I heard OP declined because there was no delay on the stream, can you confirm that ? Because if there were no delays, then cheating is very much possible and going through that process may be stressful.",I can confirm- see my post above. "Did you do any of the following: - Change what you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks? - Start wearing clothes of a certain color? - Make a new friend? Get rid of an old one? - Set an alarm for a certain time of day? - Get a new haircut? - Take a different way to work/class? - Change your apartment/dorm room in anyway? - Did a certain stock go up or down? - Was there a weather pattern near Burma? Or England? - Did certain animals become extinct during this period? There's a very large number of things that are correlated. In the vast universe of correlations, causes are a distinct minority.","sorry, I forgot this:" "Does Dora and Tai's Relationship Make Sense? That's always seemed like an unusual pairing to me. Dora's an older, super uptight control freak, and Tai's the unambitious, pothead boss of her ex. Even though Tai is always unfront with her feelings, and keeps things very direct and simple, it stills seems a little weird to me. Their interests, personalities, and goals don't seem to match up at all.",boss of her ex Well doesn't that explain everything right there? This pun should not go unrecognised,Poor people won't get this Implying her supporters aren't on welfare.,Sorry I forgot the Awesome. Where can I get those?,"They're easier to get ahold of than books, so practically anywhere" What are you talking about? Every one of them is bordering on the limits of what is physically possible to gain without anabolic steroids. Good lord.,I hope that's a "Hillary Clinton is falling apart, physically. She is extremely ill and not fit to be president.",Cool then I'm voting for Kaine over trump and pence since I wouldn't even trust trump/pence to govern an Arbys let alone a whole nation "Happens less with allies at least, because they seem to have giant hitboxes. The bane of my existence when everyone keeps jumping in front of me while I try to keep the Reinhardt that just charged alive...",worst is trying to ulti the rein and someone just jumps into your crosshair and suddenly you ult the mercy "It is normal. It happens to everyone when you are doing something routinely, driving your usual commute route being just one example of it. For the most part you are actually paying attention as much as it is needed, but if nothing out of the ordinary happens what happens is really your brain deciding that it has more than enough memories of you doing that particular thing and it does not need yet another so it just does not 'save' the data. You will notice that if something happens that changes your routine you will remember it.",Like when I leave the bathroom and think to myself.... shit did I flush? Ohhh you :),What I am generally curious its not as if I have any idea whats going on On this Day: First state house opened in Miramar,The day Freedom died. "You could assume that, but you'd probably be wrong. They let you do it because you're a star. Not they let you do it because they want it to be done.","Well ya, but depending on the person, those two could both be true." Did you end up disputing? I bought 2 in July and haven't received anything or heard from their support,"No I didn't because I got the mouse, it was just trash." Mountain finder device on a Swiss direction sign. A masterpiece of inventiveness.,draw loads of tiny dickbutts on clear cellophane and tape them over the ends of each tube. What's funny about it? It's just supposed to indicate there's a matchmaking system based on how you're doing.,With all the outcry on RNG before the nerfs (and probably after) it's a bit funny to reflect on the ladder system Obama is the cause for the Manhattan explosion,"Guys, I thought we had agreed by know that Obama is an African born Muslim communist that kills christian babies every day." Dhang you merchant you are druly my greadest ally :DDDDDD,"gas the giges, race war now :DDD" and if you believe that you get a cookie from israel.,Don't you hate it when Israel tries to make the Nazis look bad? "Reading that thread, you'd think Muslims were responsible for two world wars that killed more people than any previous conflict in all of history, combined. Two world wars that saw the worst aspects of humanity; human experimentation, mass rape, mass bombings, biochemical warfare, nuclear weapons, genocide, and ethnic cleansing. But, no, that was largely white Christians.","But Japan did some fucked up things too, that means white Christians aren't any worse than anyone else and we can't blame anyone for anything!" "Starbucks, Apple, McDonald's is anyone in Europe paying taxes?",The small local companies are... "I (25) am an ex stripper. I'm not sure if I should tell my new boyfriend (32M) and risk a promising future! Hi guys. Long time lurker etc etc So I am 25 but back when I was 19 I started stripping. Why? I have no sob story - no compelling reason at all really. Some minor abuse in my childhood but no daddy issues etc. I was just a normal teen. I live in Australia so university was free and I could've easily gotten a normal job but I was attractive and young and lazy. I took an easy $1500 a night to take my clothes off instead. Note: in the city in Australia I was in was legal and rules are full nude lap dances. No mouth contact anywhere on my body or touching where a thong would go (butt crack and genitals). There were nights when things got out of hand that I do regret and I have seen a therapist since but never did sexual favour for money. Although I did do stuff with my (female) friend who was also a stripper which maybe counts (?) i'm not sure if this goes into sex work. I blocked a lot out so I don't like to think about it a lot. SO. I ended a long term relationship and was lucky enough to meet a new guy about 6 months after. He is great. He's been very honest and open with me and never given me any opportunity to doubt his commitment. Do I owe it to this guy to tell him? I don't feel like I owe him anything regarding my past BUT I know it is a big deal to some guys any possibly a deal breaker. I risk him walking away which scares me because I do care a lot about him for only a few months. I am extremely loyal and I hate lying so I do feel guilty. I regards to finding out the only people who know are: my best friends (4), my ex, a few hundred strangers who could possibly (?!) remember my face 5 years later (although I drove 1 hour away to work) it's never come up otherwise or. No one recognised and outted me I haven't had to deal with this previously because my last ex (3 years) I met while dancing and I quit when I met him. It was never an issue. Tl;dr - I was a stripper. Should I mention it?? Is it a deal breaker? Could he find out?","Personally, I would be a lot more upset if an SO witheld this from me than by the fact that she used to be a sex worker or stripper." "ok, whatever. you guys in this subreddit are too far up your own asses to understand this isn't a case of terrorist vs CCW. This is off-duty police officer vs. terrorist.",Really good argument. "Why... Why is every middle eastern shop guy always on the phone? I lived in SF/Oakland for a few years, almost every corner store is run by a middle eastern guy. I've never been in one when they weren't on the phone.","It takes a long time to funnel your money into al queda... What do you think, they can use western Union?" The dutch commentary is really horrible. Wish we had Sierd de Vos for fun.,We don't even *have* Norwegian commentators in the game. for me still looks like half down syndrome.,Well it IS Jimmy Kimmel... Correction: Taxation with or without representation is theft. Or more simply: taxation is theft.,This man gets it. Yeah but will it be a (((real))) press conference?,"Only if she is wearing red, it lasts for 2 hours, and has an updated health report from the last 24 hours." Subaru's Squad,"Absolutely terrible, Felix actually looks boyish here." BREAKING: New York governor now says it looks like Manhattan bombing could be act of terrorism with foreign connection.,You don't say? "For sale, or trade: Jets Heritage Classic - XL",Trade you a Dustin Byfuglien Home jersey size small that I've never worn. For anyone curious. 11=Larry Fitzgerald 12=John Brown 13=Jaron Brown 14=JJ Nelson 15=Michael Floyd,"IIRC, Brittan Golden is 10, and Jaxon Shipley wore 16." Arabs are Caucasians with a dysfunctional culture.,"Oh, in that case it's alright to discriminate against an entire subset of people based on their Arabic name." "I mean, if you can't see how obvious it is that the coaches have been telling the players to play possum for 3 games so that we can unleash on the gators I don't know what to tell ya.",You forgot the "Not on your life my.. oh wait, I forgot to account for thermal expansion of hundreds of miles of interconnected tube that has to maintain a near vacuum..","What are you talking about, the pod in the tube is going over 400 mph, at that speed it will automatically cool the tube so there isn't a problem." What is really interesting is they trashed the wife and kids stuff! Did they damage any of the grown ass man's possessions? Or were those items untouched?,I was told all that happened to his stuff is it was tossed in the floor (clothing). You summarized this train wreck perfectly,But she's living her dream! Kino Crawler and Bo3 Keepers,Just a visual Glitch Burlington Coat Factory is cool.,Can't tell if you meant to include a I think you do not understand what is happening in the gif.,Your explanation is thoroughly helpful. yes we know.,no no dude this is BIG NEWS "Yeah, especially since there have been next to no new things on sombra and basically have to wait until that percentage goes to 100% they should just put on their tin foil hats and really think about the difference between when a clue is meaningful and when it's a dud.",Yeah haha. "they're *lore accurate* wait, shit, wrong Hi-Rez game",Do you mean Jetpack-Fighter? Chargers 2nd rb We all know that Woodhead is out for the season with a torn acl but who is going to be his replacement? I understand Gordon will be getting the vast majority of carries but his backup could still be viable for fantasy,They should trade for Tevin Coleman or CMike "This Is The Smallest, Most Powerful 4K Gaming PC You've Ever Seen",is that the PS4 Pro The sky in Horizon 3 is just incredible,that's a beautiful 1280x720 jpg "Seahawks Lose 2017 5th Round Draft Pick, More Punishment Revealed for Offseason Violations",when the leag watched how hard Pete slammed into Kearse on the sideline and said enought is enough G2 is wildcard?,No he ment ROX and ANX "Why is SKT's Weakness in the jungle going to cause them second place while C9 has METEOS, the weakest jungler in the group??",Because C9 has winning matchups in mid and bot I guess. "To clarify, it's all just for fun, yes. Though other mods like Squidnow and Frodo may be doing some sort of ARG out of it.","That's whatever, but I just don't want this to crash and burn, and everyone starts to hate the mods because they're salty" Danny Woodhead Out for Year with Torn ACL,"If Rivers go down next, then maybe it's a Spanos conspiracy to get the team to suck so bad, so that he can move his team to LA..." "Final Box-Office Numbers. Can we call it a flop, now?","Oh come on guys, its not as big of a flop as Suicide Squad is, even though Suicide Squad made 3 times as much on a slightly higher budget." "This can't be stressed enough. Guns are always loaded! I was part of an accidental discharge indoors years ago. I went hunting with a lever action rifle really early one morning. I loaded the gun at 5 am and walked off into the woods. Around noon I called it a day, seeing nothing the whole morning. I got back to the house and unloaded the rifle, except I was pretty sure that there were 2 more rounds left in it. So i fiddled around with it for a while and ran the action around many times and gave up, deciding That maybe inwas tired and didnt load as many as i thought. Later on that day someone else picked up the gun and was looking at it. (Really nice lever action rifle). The person began running the lever repeatedly and nothing chambered or ejected. The person, feeling satisfied the gun was empty ran the action again and pulled the trigger. What should have been a click turned out to be a bang. The aftermath was a .44 magnum into the face of a TV which thankfully lodged there and didnt go into or through the wall of the house. After the initial shock of this all he ran the action 2 more times and 2 more rounds came out of the rifle. My point here is really freaky shit happens and guns malfunction and have things like this happen (rounds stuck in the tube). What saves lives in these situations are the basic safety concepts. Thankfully the person that did this was really good about always pointing the gun in a safe direction, so no injuries occurred. Always remember that gun accidents are scary and empty guns can still never be trusted. If someone is handling a gun in a way the makes you uncomfortable please let them know or remove yourself from the situation as quickly as possible.",That's why you always look down the barrel to make sure there are no bullets Kelly: 49ers not discussing benching Gabbert for Kaepernick,Kap's only 29 years young and he's full of POTENTIAL! Am I the only one who misses the Dark Below and House of Wolves world events? I was always a little disappointed when they patched out the Blades of Crota (makes getting a Husk so much harder these days) and the Fallen Wolves from HoW (I actually enjoyed Ether Chest farming). I wish they had implemented them into the same system they use for their regular public events so that they'd still happen but only at certain random times of the day. Thought it would help make everything feel more alive and new players wouldn't miss out on those events.,"why yes, I do firmly believe you are the only person out of millions of players that miss those events." You're being sarcastic right?,"Yes, sorry, forgot the" "#umpshow in Arlington...Kerwin Danley calls out Mitch Moreland on a pitch way outside, follows him for about 10 steps, and ejects him.",Well when the umps bosses can't even criticize them why should players? "In the opinion of you guys, Spring Bonnie is male or female?",Idc I'll still fuck em "My mind is confused right now. I see a PS1 game in front of me, but it's also two dimensional.",Yes this is the hidden FNAF ps1 game that Scott has been working on Gives you flash cooldown?,yeah have time death runes and mobile boots so u can walk to lane faster as well as utilize ur death This is probably the most even offer here.,Add me when you want to trade :) I'm hesitant to pickup 2k17 until I see/hear proof of it running well on PC Has anyone got any experience with 2k17 on the PC? Does it run well? Many people online? For reference I'm running: GTX980ti i7 6700 3.6ghz 16Gb RAM SSD,"I5 4460 , GTX 1060, 8GB RAM 2560x1080 max settings =60fps" "yep, she's selling one skor",Boooooooo ive been handed free tickets before... only when they suck ...,I got 6 Cubs tickets offered to buy cheap by 3 different people this year... When it was about to downpour rain in 3 hours.... Thanks guys. "Risky move. Most sf fans I know passionately hate those two for the piece of shit cashgrab they call dune novels, myself included.",None of the comments seem too critical or damning; I suspect it's moderated. "What I don't like about modern cage matches... Was this always a thing? Opening the cage door. Kills the point of the cage to me. I feel like the point of the cage should be win in it or climb out, not this 'request to be let out' stuff. Thoughts? Should they change it and keep it locked until someone wins?",I always thought you had to do a suplex off the turnbuckle for the door to open I'd like to see more of Hoboken,No one wants to see more of Hoboken. The Shooting of an Unarmed Black Man in Oklahoma Dashboard camera footage shows Terence Crutcher had his hands in the air when he was fatally shot by police last week.,His hands were up in a threatening way In contract talks Antetokounmpo expressed a willingness to take less than max to help Bucks retain talent. Took about $6M less than max.,Such a sacrifice "This Is The Smallest, Most Powerful 4K Gaming PC You've Ever Seen",So its almost as good as Scorpio? "Are you daft? Open your eyes, it clearly is flat.","This is why I don't believe in oxygen, do you see that anywhere?" Makes sense. She is -1200 or some bullshit. If she fakes it hard enough she might get that line moved somewhere she can make money. That would be genius since I'll be betting the farm against her if she magically does make 140.,Yeah because she looked horrible against Leslie Smith at 140 You can still rtl midair with a trick,Jump-casting and mid-air casting are two very different things. As a father of two I just cannot understand the appeal of a homebirth. Both times I felt so much safer knowing we were at hospital surrounded by the right people and the right equipment.,Plus when you faint at the sight of all that blood and slime ... you know there will be trained medical staff standing right next to you to help I skipped every vehicle with M4 in it. I just used the M18 to grind through the Shermans to get to a Bulldog.,"M46, M47 & M48 too?" "A 6600K and a 1070 build over 2300 USD ? 34 GB, I wonder what sticks you bought to get that amount. And it is impossible for such a build to lag on Ultra. I'm running WT at 1080p with a 6100 and a 750 Ti and it never drops below 60FPS","Of course, he bought the 4gb stick and then spent $600 on that special edition 30gb he saw on eBay." Gorillaz made an instagram account,Ugh what artist isn't copying Kanye these days Marriage is only to have kids and give tithes to the church and then when your kids grow up they can do the same. Because God is just shit with money.,They can also work in the family farm! I got Life Alert,"Bitch, life alert cant save you from the body stealing shang Tsung; he'll just rape your soul" "Reddit is not very good with jokes, sarcasm, etc.",Is this sarcasm? Bernie Sanders is likely the most popular politician in America,Shame he didn't run for president or something. Ka kaw ka kaw!!,That's how I signal my wife from across the store...she LOVES it! "People who pretend to be the other gender online, why?",Way to assume there are only 2 genders Coat hanger <3 brand,The ladies will swoon for sure Piratska internet adresa?,Nije dobio koncesiju od HAKOM-a za email. "You don't think there's a similar movement coming? You don't think milennials aren't frustrated with having to work so many hours, more productive than generations before and their fat cat bosses pocketing all the profits?",Lol wealth inequality = great depression Saw this gem of a graphic on FB. Anger soon followed.,Why would he when he can use it to test your faith? "People give way too much credit to knowing all the shiny libraries and platforms and not enough to *know how to program*. If you know how to program well, and have a good sense of abstraction and learning capabilities, you can deal with new frameworks after tinkering with it for a few days. Sure, being proficient in a single one brings money, but is not sustainable in this ever-changing climate.",Stop giving away the secrets to outsiders. "Matt Barnes on Coach Mo Cheeks during his stint in Philly: He was just a dick, man.",That's so surprising given what a sweet guy Matt Barnes is supposed to be US companies are 'hoarding' a record $2.5 trillion in cash overseas,It should all be trickling down soon Huawei Nova + Nova Plus review: Lean and mean | Android Central,Featuring the Nova skin and Nova Launcher? "If you somehow set a WR on the daily, do you need a VOD to back it up? It's not like I'm going to set a WR anyway, but I was just curious about what qualifies a WR as legit or not (seeing as a single screenshot isn't enough.) I know the daily has a anti-cheat system, which is why I was wondering if you would actually need video evidence of you breaking a record in order to qualify. Thank you preemptively.",You don't need VOD because Horheristo is going to beat your record next day the danish queen doesnt know about maelk,lol "Also extremely talented. It's like, what can't he do!? He was a professional athlete, a courtroom sketch artist, he's a great actor and comedy actor and by the look of this GIF, he's a great dancer.",What he can't do is read a book It's on ice,"Mine was a quote from the movie Paul, should have added quotes and" "I Really Hope They Give Some Equity For Wii U Users I understand if the NX isn't backwards compatible, but I feel that it would be much more fair to those people who invested in the Wii U if there was someway to make recompense for those owners who bought in product that, quite frankly, didn't turn out to be the long-term investment that it was promised to be. I think that they should either: provide heavy discounts on past Wii U games for Wii U owners and/or transfer over their digital purchases for free. What do you guys think?","Yeah, just like that big fat check I received from Nintendo after getting a Virtual Boy for Christmas all those years ago." "Tuukka is in goal for Finland's must win game today: 3pm EST, ESPN",Hope he doesn't get the shits again. "German 380mms now useless vs new 28mm bow ends As some people were thinking the bow changes with everything tier 8-10 becoming 28mm means the 380mm german BB guns don't benefit from overmatch. I've had about 5 games in the test client so far, North callies all over the place so perfect opportunity for seeing the change, firing at the front resulted in most broadsides with a north callie nose on to a bismarck with 5-6 ricohet hits and the odd occasion 1150 overpen results. The resulting return fire? Full 8-15k damage through the front of the bismarck's Bow armour by the north callies 16inch guns and it didn't matter on the angle you approach, your either gimping your return fire by only having 4 barrels on or stopping any of the secondaries for being able to fire due to angle. So grats, it the 28mm bow armour nerf works fine with any other BBs which weld 16inch guns to fire at the enemy but you completely gimp any german BB with 380mms guns. If this change goes through its going to relegate bismarcks to 2nd line or back line firing, which means the whole turtleback and good secondaries characteristics and in turn brawling german BBs are made null and void and completely craps all over the design concept of the german tree. Its as bad as the design choice to include the izumo, which is equally shit on with this change as its only saving point was bow on and firing its guns, well good luck with that with 28mm bow armour nerfs because its going to die in a couple of broadsides through the front now. I'm a avid BB driver, some 2k+ games in them, I play hard and fast closing in and not one of those backline campers, but this change will make me either A. not bother closing within 18km of a target B. drop german BBs especially outright and have serious thoughts about doing any other BB line from now on. These changes don't promote more brutality, it makes it even more costly than before and the economy changes do jack squat diddly to reward the gameplay style WG seems to be smoking up, it makes it far worse and far less rewarding to close range and it certainly doesn't encourage BB vs BB combat anymore than now. I cannot endorse this armour changes with so many design flaws visible in it.","How about instead of going bow-on, go stern-on and snipe?" What color are whales? It will be that color.,F2P btw. GOROD KROVI - ACE OF SPADES (SECOND ACTIVATION),Probably just a visual glitch That ping though. Are these normal prospect matches? Those point differentials are nuts.,"Well I'm not usually prospect, (but since this is on standard 3v3, where we don't play seriously at all, I am on this I guess) No idea how the guy on the other team got only 10 points, he was on 20 ping for the whole game so he wasn't lagging like me (I kept teleporting onto the wall) and usually I would have a much higher score, but since you know, not being able to hit the ball at all, I had 0 points" "I asked this very question of a midwife today that said no, because the hormone level change so much you can't get pregnant in the other one later. You either become pregnant in both on the same time or in only one at a time.","And you probably wouldn't get pregnant in both as ovaries take turns to release eggs anyway, one this month and the other next month and so on." "(Also, Megas aren't confirmed for Gen 7 yet.)","Neither are shinies, guess we'll have to boycott Nintendo" "Why is it that everyone who likes apple has to be a fanboy who only buys things for the logo tho? Your attitude isn't very dank, partner.","because only 1337 h4x0r5 use file directories, amirite?" Finally played well enough in a tournament to earn 3 plat packs. This was the inevitable result,At least you can sell those cards for a bunch of mgp Some people are hell bent on believing that Hello Games have taken the money and ran off.,That's what Steve Miller would have done. The marginal price of going to hospital vs not going is negligible. Congrats.,In the same way that if you pay for a monthly pass for transit each ride is free... I guess it would be hard to complain about an extra fee to ride the bus if each trip is free. But he had the decency to do a shitty job of it.,how very american of him Edmonton.,Ya facking hosers "It's quite relaxing, especially with a beer or joint! I put on my headphones and have a solid 3-4 hours to myself!",I prefer a beer and joint while I'm getting my dick sucked in my jacuzzi while my landscaper mows the lawn. "miatas are one of the best cars to get your feet wet with if you want to get serious about driving. you don't get it for the power, you get it to learn how to drive around corners.",I'm thinking i may get a smart car to start out with...i think i can handle the ponies "Although, the CIA did consider dropping bombs filled with acid...",DMT chemtrails for everyone! Get a PS4 ;),ok thanks This is just as bad as the Leblanc's who go Tear into ROA.,"Leblanc needs the mana, her laning phase is weak..." Club America attempting to swoop in and grab Tata Martino while in talks with Atlanta United,That dude has pro-level eyebrows. LOG ME IN INSIDE,SAVE ME! FFS this thread if he was a different complexion you would all call him Viera instead,"Considering xhaka is clearly a destroyer, yes" "Dude finds lava, pisses on it","Good job Youtube for removing it, lots of nudity and sex here" "Let's not go overboard Let me say this first. I have been a giants fan for 40+ years. I've been here a while: Simms, Joe Morris, Bavaro, McConkey, etc. But they are 2-0 and have a long way to go. A lot of sports writers are getting cocky about the Giants, stay humble. P","We go undefeated only to get beat the patriots in the super bowl, calling it now." I don't think any Biology courses focus on vertebrates until 2nd or 3rd year unfortunately.,bwahahahahaah "Well this might sound stupid, but it *could* help with faculty retention rates. If professors feel like the commute sucks, then a different job offer might be more appealing. At least with this, professors will have more reason to not dread parking so far away from their class. There are also probably quite a few elderly profs out there who could use the help. Idk, could be a good thing!",Idk.. I have a pretty hard time supporting anything that isn't clearly benefiting me directly. "Sorry, currently we're recruiting based on rank requirements ):",That's rankist! Countdown before Worlds start,"Don't let your memes be dreams OP, I believe in you" "According to facebook, tahonews, pinoytrending and mocha. Marcos is the greatest president ever, 10 times more infrastructure than any other president plus if you hate him don't use expressways, hospitals, lrt and don't get your 13th month pay?",i believe someone left their INB4 machismo reverso,Faltou o On a side note... My wife and I love Blue Apron. We've been using them for a few months now for three meals a week. Most meals have been really good and only one or two we just didn't like. Couldn't be happier with the service.,"Unless you have a promo code, shut up!" Shaking off the shackles: Argentina,El muy hijo de puta quiere que los multinacionales inviertan para llevarse todo What is the most enjoyable exercise?,I rather enjoy the exercise of hand movements while giving a speech Or the people who voted for him?,Well that's just ridiculous. Kayne looks like a bum in this pic.,Le kanye only makes clothes homeless people would wear NSFW? Really?,Idealogically sensitive Didn't you realize that it's offensive to discuss hypotheticals and show them on maps? Pro Football Focus ranks Carson Wentz the best QB in the league,Just give him MVP already "If you could call yourself five years ago and had 30 seconds, what would you say?",I.ll tell myself to post this question every 2 weeks for unlimited karma. "Fun fact: If you do click a second time near certain walls, you can spit them over.",You can also eat allies over the same walls too ie if your adc is stuck in drag pit you can scoop him up from the jung by red buff But if Ghost Rider goes to Netflix I would expect even higher quality effects and then it would be weird that he looks better sometimes,May as well not do it. i mean really. did it have something to do with the video. in the end the left side seems to run much faster,The Human ^eye ^^can ^^^only ^^^see ^^^24fps. Went on a dark Youtube journey through this video.,"Me too, now I know the reptilian shapeshifters did it" Clinton stonewalling again.,Most transparent candidate in history! Females have cooties and males don't so you could use that as an excuse for hygiene.,I thought females were cuties? "Well, something had to be done after the British-accent-in-Revolutionary-French absurdity in AC: Unity. Details like these makes the story incredibly more immersive.",Hey they spoke the native language in Syndicate. Are there any good movies set in Hawaii that show day-to-day type problems?,Aloha is a great movie which perfectly depicts Hawaii and typical Hawaiian day-to-day problems. "Young WB details : PSY / Tough,Striker","Wow, that ATK is insane... I wasn't aware that there were units with more than 1500 damage (but just saw the stats from the 6* doffy and Nightmare Luffy)" "Yep, I think you're right. Ol' Whoretex (aka Vortex, then The Bay, then Bliss, then The Bay again, now nothing). It's still owned by The Bay, I think, but not completely sure. OP - it was most recently a crappy nightclub.",Was it ever a good nightclub? You're the best!,Around? Hey Christopher!,Got it! SLC punk,...but the first movie left it open for a sequel. "These people are under/unemployed, undereducated idiots looking to blame everyone else who works hard in America, because they would rather live off of the system than make a better life for themselves.","It's definitely 100% the fault of those trump supporters and not at all the fault of the education system or the economy, that unemployed uneducated people exist." Found this while perusing through the Ask Amy column this morning.,Well actually... probably just some kid who stole the sticker from his high school friend and slapped it on his car,Reasonable assumption What's your favourite rapper and why?,Little T. Thiago goal vs Berlin (2-0),MLS defending I know! I have multiple managers so I don't have to deal w him often but everytime I see him we get into an argument because he's an idiot. He's also told me I'm not allowed to shop at the store cause I work there and disrespects me in front of customers so he can feel special. Fuck that guy,Best Buy? "If you were fighting in the trenches but your commanding officer made some blunder and lost the battle, I feel you have the right to be pissed at him.","Yes, because this is directly comparable to warfare." "It was like a mixture of pity, disgust and a realization that any time you think you are having a conversation with a reasonable person on this site, they could instead be just like these ones.","The Problem of Other Reddit Minds, the philosophical problem of our times." "Look at the bright side: Ian Eagle, Dan Fouts",You forgot the "Not only that, but it depicts the injuries and damage inflicted on them as breaking down their magical wards and protections.","I think my favorite was how it started, [with the warrior coming in and blocking the first attack with his shield, Illidan slashing at his neck, and then the wound immediately closing thanks to the healing magic cast on him]" Please don't help a fucking spammer account with multiple alts farm more karma.,Oh okay I didn't need that mirror anyway Any Nas fans in here?,Rudy Gobert rocking them shades. 164.88,Do you know the actual players used though? Clinton leads Trump by 6 points in nationwide poll,"Ah, the polls have gone from trustworthy back to skewed in favor of Clinton I see" "Right. The Bundy clan are just patriotic Americans who hate the government, steal from other taxpaying Americans, and destroy public property. But Colin is a piece of shit because he kneels during the national anthem.",My buddy didn't die facedown in the mud for... How would a motorcycle ban work?,spike strips The upvote button means 'I agree' not 'this contributes to conversation'.,"If I don't agree, it obviously isn't contributing!" And its fucking repair cost.,"A repair cost negated by butchering half if not all opposing bombers in a match and then some of the fighters still climbing to altitude I weep for R2Y2 pilots, I really do" "I want to tell y'all a story. I am an attorney in New York City, and I used to teach criminal procedure / evidence elective classes to highschoolers in the Bronx as a pro bono project. We all know about stop and frisk, know it's probably unconstitutional, and at it is now technically a dead policy. I was teaching a class of 25 students (about 20 male, all black or Hispanic) about searches and seizures, and I wanted to use the random searches they conduct in subways as a vehicle for discussion. So I asked, have any of you been searched by a police officer in the last year in the subway? All 25 of them raised their hands. Most of them stated that they had been searched multiple times, some said dozens of times in the last year. These kids were like, 13-15 years old. I have lived in New York City for three years. I am white. I have never been searched. The two white lawyers with me have never been searched, both have lived here longer. What do you think that does to a kid, to their perception of the world, and police, and their rights and their autonomy, that at 13-15 years old, that police have patted them down and gone through their backpack on the way to school, that police do that to all their friends, that it happens on a weekly or monthly basis? How fucked is that?","What the hell do they have to lose, after all?" "So, is Ivern good or evil? What do you think? On one hand he's the friend of the forest and he saves animals, and he appears to be a kind old tree. On the other hand, he used to be Ivern the Cruel, he may or may not kill the humans who hunt animals, and his Candy King recall is terrifying.",good or evil so like the US and Russia? Remember when Bill Clinton kicked a child refugee out of America? Pepe Rich Farms Remembers,But Refugees are people! Think of the care they took with his food.,Get yourself ready for some boogers and cum. This whole room had an awesome atmosphere. Quite creepy. Why do you think it only has one leg?,Because BvS barely had any legs in The box office "We elected Obama so racism ended in 2008, OK? So let's stop talking about racism because it doesn't exist anymore!",Also he's not a real president because he was imported from Kenya. "they are located in Denver, CO. you know...where weed is legal, and you can get it on any street corner? im willing to bet the entire culture there, including corporate and IT culture, is to half ass everything while stoned out of your mind.","Yeah totally, definitely nothing inaccurate about this statement right here." "Pretty much same boat here. Came back after an 8 month break (was SMFC when I stopped) and did my 2 re-placements, breaking 40 frags on both ( playing in low nova/high silver) and yet it placed me nova 1. That's not fun for anyone, so I decided just to not play on my main again. Why is it easier for me to buy a smurf and place higher than it is to have my rank readjusted?","SAME position, honestly I think I'm just gonna finally get ESEA or Cevo at this point" WOW. Da'Vonne had us fooled to the very end!,The QUEEN of manipulation "It's ok man, none of my Bianchis are celeste :(",That isn't true Bianchi Your facts are straight up racist.,How the hell can we riot & burn stuff if you keep throwing facts at us? "This does raise an important question: do people have the right to just disappear and never be seen again? While society loves to label, classify, record, document, collate and compare people, is there an obligation for people to let this happen to themselves? An estimated 2m people in the US are part of the gray economy. They do not keep or want ID cards or licenses, are paid and spend exclusively in cash, pay only sales tax, stay in places where other people's names are on the lease, etc. In the old science fiction/fantasy show Max Headroom they were called blanks. Many want nothing to do with government. They shun help, because it always comes with strings attached. As people, do they have a natural right to not play?",We need to microchip babies so they can always be traced. "My hair is too short for that right now. Which is a shame, I kind of miss it. But long hair is a hassle in a lot of ways.","Even with short hair, just find a talented guy lol.. Soo what're you doing later ;)" Yeah I thought we were doing the accessories thing again,Would be an odd accessory to have with a keyboard though lol MKC: Corey Coleman broke his hand in practice today,Wentz is now future hall of famer for sure. "So, Reddit.. How are you feeling right now?",Fucking great "Oh my god seriously? was that you for real lmao, I've been meeting lots of redditors on diep lately And no, that was me when I joined the server I saw that auto 5 and necromancer Its just reminded me of anokuu and I just named myself that If you were aiming for the wr, sorry for being such a party pooper :p gg",Imposter of Anokuu! What do you do when you match with a girl that is way too beautiful?,"The same way you approach other girls, just don't be desperate, girls can smell that from how ever many miles away you are." "How to fix the armless shrug, Add 2 Backslashes after the first one.",Pretty sure you add the slashes *before* the first one. I am okay :-),Glad you're OK. It's because they'll be breaking the asphalt with hammers. And digging up the dirt with spoons. :),"The construction in this city is artisanal, that's why it costs more." The best advice a contractor ever gave me was to get a detachable shower head if you have little kids. It makes bathing them so much easier. And my wife may or may not masturbate with it on occasion.,I read that as it makes beating them so much easier CTR clogged my toilet and drank my milk straight out of the carton.,And the $6million of Soros Shills will do it again if you keep posting like this... The United Arab Emirates is going to start taking in Syrian refugees,Way to step up UAE....just in the nick of time too! "He did create over 1,000 moves to be fair","While the ArmBAR must be he most famous contribution, the Saskatchewan Spinning Nerve Hold should be his greatest invention..." "Machine Creation Services is driving me crazy I have a XenApp 7.6 environment that I am in a mid-flight migration. Everything has been going well. I have moved almost all of my users over from the old environment. I have been using MCS fine for about three months. A couple of days ago the whole thing went to crap. It started with a stuck provisioning task. I found that removed it with the PS commands and checked to see if there was a Provisioning Scheme task running. There was not. Now all of my catalogs get stuck in the same place. Image Preparation Finalization Failed the only change that has been made to the environment has been windows updates on one of the master images. No changes to the VMware environment (I double checked cause I have the rights), I have plenty of space on the datastore that this is being written to and when I test the catalogs all tests come back successful. Any ideas? Thanks for any help. I don't like google on this one right now. Coming up with nothing useful.","Do you have another master image, or could you prepare one quickly, and fire up a new catalog just to see if it is an issue with your specific existing catalog, or if it is a larger issue?" "Maybe you should try to become a manager then? Nah, just whine about it online!","Yeah, pull yourself up by your bootstraps" I was burying a kitten that had wandered into the road and died...mama cat watched me the whole time. When I was done I sat down and told her I'm sorry your baby died and she climbed into my lap and we both cried....I had never seen a cat cry tears before.,Well she was obviously a shitty mother soooo.... "Please, no. After what Hollywood has done to terrific Marvel and DC stories, they have no business adapting a bunch of animes to the screen. These movies would just be more shallow flicks with pointless CGI fight scenes, and they will resemble the animes in name only.","Oh come on, the live action DBZ couldn't be that bad." Clearly they're making sure theres job security for each team's capologiest/CBA consultant.,And creating as many chances as possible for Jim Benning to look silly. TIL Christian Bale suffered from insomnia and wandered around Rome in the dark often seeing another figure walking alone in Rome. After many weeks he approached the other figure and it was Viggo Mortensen suffering the same disorder!,Must be a nightmare being him "What you're saying is just retarded. Come on, bro.",You forgot your Mods pls,Why are you using a mouse on your smartphone? TALK ABOUT HARDWARE FUCKER,"Hardware-fucker Hardware, fucker Lets go." What perfectly true story of yours sounds like an outrageous lie?,As a boy I sat in the cockpit of an active duty SR-71 "Basically there were a couple people that took it super seriously. They made up 90% of the posts there, and were all mods. One mod started upvoting himself with an alt (he used to be a very well known active member here) and got banned. He made a huge scene about it, started creating new alts and kept getting re-modded and finally the admins had enough of his shit and banned the entire sub. I saw him a while ago on voat but as far as I know that was the end of his reddit career.",til reddit career is a thing Local Hotels Post 3.7 Percent Revenue Rise,"Yeah, you're not shilling at all." Solidifies his 6 standard points every week.,This is how you win leagues boys. Clinton Invites Chaos in Pursuit of Black Voter Turnout,Yes everyone knows African Americans can't be civilized OPM Update #102 - 66th Punch,"I hate to be *THAT* guy, but... does anyone have a mirror that isn't Mangastream?" So you found junk in the crawlspace and that's somehow surprising?,Sooo creepy "Same. I put my PWO in disposable water bottles or a separate shaker, than have my post shake in another shaker. Bonus points if I have gatorade in a third bottle for intraworkout.",If you miss that anabolic window the whole workout was a waste. "Man eating rice, China ca 1900","Holy shit, people actually smiled in the 1900's?" "Love all these comments about the guy not reacting negatively to push their agenda, when the girls didn't react negatively either.","Gotta circlejerk about how we want our dicks groped by strangers, obviously" Crispy Potato Stack,"Shouldn't you be mixing the olive oil and spices first before plopping in the sliced potato, so that they are evenly coated with all the spices?" "Oh man, those were so much fun. Was it season 4 or 5 that had those enabled? I can't remember.","5, last year was the first time they brought them out." The Sexes are Queensist?,Hilarious "Haha, Masvidal is hard to put away, and I don't see Jake out working him. It would be a good fight though. Masvidal is lower ranked than many of the guys Jake has been fighting. He might surprise us. Plus, Jake has a good coach/gym now.",No man he actually just left Edmonds gym 'Sweetie' makes me want to throat punch.,"that's not how adults handle things, Sweaty,,, :^)" "Where's Timmy, Kenny and Tweek? Boys' group feels very empty without them around. Especially kenny no longer feels like one of the original 4. Just one lying scene at the ending? I mean, come on.","More importantly, where's Pip?" "U.S. Attorney General says prescription painkillers, not marijuana, are the gateway drug to heroin",Yeah but devils weed. "Just to plays devil's advocate, because we just happened to be in their path?",path to the most unique planet in the galxy? "But what resources do we have in any abundance that could not be easily scooped up everywhere else? I mean, we might make okay slaves, but you would still have to feed us and clean up our mess. Also, any extraterrestrial with the ability to travel around the universe at ease is not going to need slaves. Worst case scenario is that we are a curiosity that they might accidentally destroy by introducing tech or organisms we can't handle.",There are more resources than slaves. "I laughed at this while nursing and had to deal with the unlatching, then panicked 4-week old who couldn't find the nipple that was in her mouth...",Oh the good ol barracuda reaction... my nipples love that one "Because If video games become the new football and basketball, then humans will be less healthy",What? It actually does get whiter than being born in Canada with brown skin and the name Rafael Edward Cruz,being born in Scotland with a name like Donald Trump? "Forget your 4 mana 7/7s. Forget your Yogg Sarons, we're moving on to nerfing priest folks!",To be fair their 5 mana 20/20 is ridiculously OP. Why? Fleury is better than Murray.,No man we've saw all we need last year from Murray to know he'll be a great playoff goalie after starting 50 regular games a season. "That creep went 0-100. Also that, comma made it so awkward to read.","But he's an awkward introvert, so it's okay." "To me, mankinds greatest evolutionary gift is our ability to work together. It really is a shame to see petty differences push us backwards.","Yea, if only those jews would stop" "what, you think people here are going to do work or something?",Damn dole bludgers May's Iron Lady Persona Dims as Parallels With Loser Brown Mount,Why would anyone consider Gordon Brown having been a successful Finance Minister is completely beyond me. What literature did you replace the bible with? What did you replace Christian beliefs with?,I replaced it with scientific literature. "Patch 3.4 Notes (Preliminary) | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone",That sophia chocobo barding is beautiful. Islam is a religion that prioritizes and gives great importance to science and education. The world's first higher education institutions were established in the Islamic world,Explains why middle eastern nations have so many brilliant educational institutes. America has a presidential candidate who only knows about 100 words of English,"Hey man that seems to be enough for him to get elected, so I mean isn't that just efficiency on his part?" "Classmates wouldn't show up to 11 year old's birthday party, so the police department showed up, along with the fire department and the mayor",and then they shot his black grandpa-in-law Dalai Lama: Middle-Eastern refugees should aspire to return home and rebuild their countries,Dalai Lama confirmed for neo-nazi Heroes don't kill unarmed children. Or scoop people's eyes out because they think it's funny.,"Well, they WERE bandits." In a study to show the unreliability of self-reported data over 1% of child births are virgin births.,"Well, we know for a fact it has happened at least once..." The idea of this emote was not to attack Supercell; I love their game. It's simply to represent the frustration when you are in-game and face an opponent with zero skills but a big wallet :P,"Exactly what Supercell wants, to make P2W players feel bad." "I don't think stopping sales of arms to Saudi will do anything at all to the situation in that country. Aside from some very complicated, high-quality stuff like F-22 (which we don't export anyway), the Saudis can easily cover most of their needs from China and Russia - of course the quality will be shoddier and less reliable, but it will also be much cheaper. Stopping arms sale is just cutting our own hands.","Yeah, we should continue arming terrorists or else someone else might do it." r/highqualitygifs,It's a repost. Bill Belichick is now .500 (18-18) as Patriots Head Coach without Tom Brady as starting Quarterback Bledsoe: 5-13 Cassel: 10-5 Garappolo: 2-0 Brisset: 1-0,So Fisher would be GOAT with Brady too? I can't believe it,He's a veteran and he's maybe a leader in the locker room... maybe he's drunk? "The US Peace Council made a UN-sanctioned visit to assess the war in Syria. Their conclusion is that the western media is lying. It is not a civil war, but a proxy invasion by United States",Didn't everyone already know that? What is your evidence for that? She's done far more than just acting.,Of course she has. Freckled Girl | Rampage 2.0,Kinda reminds me of triss from the witcher Real estate groups urge Ontario not to impose tax on foreign buyers like Vancouver,I bet the real estate groups is working towards the best interest of the local community and not their personal benefit! What people say and what people do are two completely different things. I still don't think Paul could have won against either of them.,"You laid out some valid reasoning that really shows how right you are, so good for you sticking to your guns." Word. I also like how Brode talks about meta constantly changing yet we're seeing same 4 classes in every tournament since the Old Gods.,Obviously the meta changes as to which Warrior deck is the most OP of the day. I'm unsure whether this shit refers to legally recognizing same sex parents or right wing hysteria about same sex couples.,all that shit 3 HOURS?!?! #winning,"Pffft, I was gaming for 3.5 hours straight, what an amateur Just in case" "LF1M WOTM HM at Vosik 2. 390+ Post psn, class and light","ninjagamers 389 titan, (half way to 390) already done the raid on my hunter" Only 22 percent plan to vote for someone who they think will drop a nuke. That is a terrifyingly high percentage!,Yeah let's stick with The Clinton strategy : sending thousands of innocent poor Americans to lay down their lives to intervene in a war where both sides hate us and we're just trying to 'help' Guy gets his 1070 in perfect condition.,Did he try turning it off and on again? "If that's that case, does that mean I can't dress up as Loki and Thor? ;(","Fuck you, you aren't Norse, kys shitlord" DID I JUST WATCH A FUCKING ADVERT,But you did watch it. Found Bronco's wheel guards for season 3,That looks far too substantial and not an ass wedge to be Broncos wheel guards. "Destiny is the top game on Twitch right now, beating out even League.","Pffft, people still play Destiny?" "Actually, I'd bet enthusiasts would be very happy to pay the $650 price if it had all that. But the Pixels don't. Hence, all the bitching.",I don't think the Perfect device for free would stop the bitch fest that is this sub. I fucking hate printers.,All you need is Citrix for a perfect match! "The winner is crowned in 3 weeks mamas! Usually they take 2 weeks before the finale, do you guys think there's only 2 episodes left? The titles of episodes 3-7 were leaked at the same time, and since then no others have been leaked....","oh boy, time to get those Detox/Katya flairs out and come up with reason why Alaska shouldn't win." TIL the Archdiocese of Mexico City is a moron.,"TIL the Archdiocese is a person, not a a district that an Archbishop is in charge of." "Since you're stuck with it, grab a right-angle adapter. That will lessen the problem some.","Good advice, thank you!" Absolutely correct.,"Who cares if they make off like bandits, amirite?" "I agree with your stance to a point, but one problem with that argument is the evidence that shows how beneficial it is to have a male and female parent to raise you; Homes without fathers/mothers tend to produce maladjusted and imbalanced kids. So maybe people are programmed more so to stick it out at least for 18 years...?",Children of stable same sex parents do just fine! Just like Impact is considered 2nd best toplaner at worlds after good playoffs,And a world championship... Christians *love* crying about how persecuted they are :),But Catholics aren't christians! d1 db4,woah there buddy that is way too advanced for me you're gonna have to tone it down for a noob like me! When will Bon Clay join? I've been waiting for years.,"I think at this point he's an honorary member of the crew at this point, kinda like Vivi." 1 mana 3/4 with wisp PogChamp,"1 mana 2 card 3/4, just like innervate and spidertank lol, we all know that combo is destroying ladder" "On VR, skrub needs to step it up",Pc mustard rice He did a fine job of being presidential in the last republican debate,I think this dropped off your comment What is the most interesting story of how something got its name?,Kids named Nevaeh- it's heaven spelled backwards you know "A MIT janitor once solved an unsolved math problem, so how do you like dem apples?","Yeah, but he was wicked smaht." What's the best move in the game?,Fox Adoption.,0/10 And this is why Wasteland is a good competitive stage. Nonstandard stages really reward players that can adapt and learn.,You forgot the "If FOW were to suddenly come back and win a bunch of tournaments with Ness, could he potentially be Top 10 again?",if he ever does come back "Man, those police officers need to be demilitarized. Selfish acts of going into an environment where other run from. For the record, I'm a Police Officer fed up with watching hatred towards my brothers who are giving it all for those who don't. Detect my sarcasm.",I mean why the fuck would they ever need defensive gear? Bledsoe was never even close to where Brady is today.,system qbs You do know it doesn't matter who paid to make this picture when the shot is solely of the WF's store and the post on this site has their name in the title on the front page. This is advertising.,Can someone please tell WF that they forgot to pay me? I've always been taught that Matthew and John (two of Jesus' disciples) wrote the two gospels which carry their name.,Peter and Paul wrote books as well. Sorry I was unclear. Who should I transfer get into my team. I'm on a wildcard,I went with antonio. Why would it hurt you? Just do it.,They don't call it a heart attack for nothing Well it's a gunfree zone so you couldn't have been carrying even if you do own one,"Right, and our hispanic friend here shouldn't have been doing so either." "I'm sitting at a meal with my friends for my birthday And wish I could leave to go get on that BXP hype, can't get a pack yak by socialising","You Pleb, bring a laptop and tether your internet or teamviewer that shit, no exp waste." I'm sure that there's 32 matches left to play has absolutely nothing to do with that feeling.,"I actually think they're gonna go on a 32 game unbeaten streak and take back to back premier league titles, Kante was only holding them back" "Good, I heard some of them are serial killers. (Though to be fair, I'm sure some are good people.)",Just like those Mexicans that Trump was talking about... "My husband thinks I should share more stories like this. He likes reddit, but he thinks I should find a free private podcast server and read some of the stories. He also thinks I could do a little fantasizing as I record or live stream and play with some toys. I like his idea. If any of the readers like the idea, let me know. If you know of any sites that can host free pod casts or live stream, please forward that information to me if you would like to listen to something like that from me.","I think your husband is great with ideas, he should keep having them." "Sure they do. If you privatize industry and allow for competition between companies, the companies that provide the best service and help their clients the most will get the most business. Why would I go to a shit company that provides a lesser service than when there's a better company offering a better service for the same price?","I'm sorry, but there is only one provider in your area, so..." "Except for that part where most of nations were enclosed in their land and only exchanged culture via trade or war. Celts were killed by romans, romans by saxons and so on.",Ahh the good old times... "Dead? Jesus, I was trying to find a group to run CoE last night and was getting BURIED by LFG for WotM must have ghally, must be 365LL, must have experience posts.",Must have experience day 1 of release Well he said he wouldn't be caught dead driving that car so take it back. And that's how you become a pedestrian.,Sell the car and get him a nice pair of tennis shoes. Most people that are into the Constitution.,"I mean of all the rights, those two are like the least cared about." He's gorgeous now.,Racist bastard Always a risk on this sub,Yeah bashing WWE direction and producing usually is met with fierce resistance here... especially when it comes to the commentators What about making the fans spin faster than intended? What can that result in?,It puts strain on the fan and the parts around it Cover of national geographic -- the new europeans,"Wow, click/buybait on journalism, it's extreamly new in this industry!" Remember when Call of Duty was about the honor and danger of World War II? Pepperridge Farm remembers,"Damn, I didn't know COD zombies was about honour and danger of WW2" "Day 15, Sad.",TRUE "That's pretty overused myth. As long as you have proper intake and exhaust there won't be any difference in temperatures whatsoever, regardless of the clutter inside.","Sure it is a myth, that's why servers and blade arrays purposely use loud CFM fans to cool them off." Me when Revelations brought nothing new to the table...,ngl he looks like will ferrell here. Shareece Wright is good? wtf...,"Weddle aswell, shocking lol" "i've always wondered, if some old fbi agent plays 14 yr old girls, and then some actual 14 yr old boy plans to meet up in a location, and the old fbi agent and the 14 yr old boy meet up, who's really the predator in this scenario?","The cop, he gotta find a reason to arrest the kid since he fucked up" "25 years after killing first wife, U.S. man allegedly shoots second wife, kills 4 kids",Oh well this makes sense.... glad this guy got to get out of prison when people sit with LWOP for having a tiny bit of LSD.... yeeeah. Queen Elizabeth,"Not only will Charles be past wanting the throne, William and George will be long gone too" Canada confirmed to be St. Louis Rams.,They're moving to LA? "Would not be great if Treyarch added... the character's points' icons as emblems when reaching level 1000? Instead of having a perk-a-cola emblem or elemental upgrade icon as your emblem, we could choose having any zombies' characters faces as our prestige emblem. I would like to have Weasel's face or even Misty's face as my prestige emblem.",Misty's tits "That's my point, silly.",That's the job he wanted Rewrite Gets Season 2 for Winter 2017!,I'm eagerly awaiting the Jun Maeda feelsfest of a season 2 "My mom and dad, 1970s, NY State Fair portrait",which is which? "They're not giving any details because the details will come in the press conference. This is announcement about an upcoming press conference, not a news article.",Well I guess that entirely justifies clickbait then James Avery (the actor) passed away on the last day of 2013.,Any connection to the George Zimmerman case ? "People just don't understand how devastating disease used to be, or how most modern medicine relies on antibiotics for surgery.","But....but Big Pharma is taking all of our money, their vaccines give our children autism, and its all a huge conspiracy!" Snap chat usernames?,All of the snapchats are in the sidebar businesses like stability.,"Yeah, but we need to elect Trump to send these people a message." "What ever happened to a double tap, and then assess the situation?",That third bullet was way out of line Ranked is so bizarre right now. I'm so used to there being 4-5 must ban champs but it just doesn't feel that way anymore. League feels super balanced right now and is a lot of fun to play.,But how can it be balanced unless we have 10+ bans per team? The Video That BLM does not want you to see.,"After all we've done for black people in this country, they do owe us the courtesy of prioritizing their issues in a way that makes us most comfortable." "What's the fastest, easiest way to cool ocean and air temperatures alike down? Blanket the ocean in that chopped up hair that can be treated to neutralize the carbonic acid in the ocean (decreasing water temperature and preventing the cycle from growing faster). Blanket the ocean in farmed phytoplankton (cool the temperature from the surface and allow the water to have oxygen in it again so it can stay alive and reproduce - feeds everything including us)",Nukes. Ammo pricing and supply is why a reloading setup is high on my list of things for my new garage workshop.,"I already reload a few different calibers, but you're not gonna be reloading 22 rimfire at home." Which makes it interesting that SC actually uses true newtonian physics where mass and weight distrinbution are taken into account.,"But Schyte is alien ships, they maybe dont know about our physics..." Racist Mob Name,white people cant be discriminated I'm so confused as to what this has to do with anything(and why nobody else seems confused by this post).,The football represents the patriarchy How hard is snug then 1/8th of a turn?,"Pfft, fuck that, where's my 1/2 impact." So they correctly called a triple barrel bluff with a mediocre hand so you label them bad?,With mediocre hand!!! Now this is what I call cheating,Because people having good pokemon = cheating "A lot of people may not understand, so I figured I'd shed some light. Do people who don't give a shit about watches buy them because it's a Rolex? Of course. Do the prices increase every year for basically no reason? Naturally. But on the other hand: * The brand legitimately pioneered a lot of the technology we now take for granted * They are very conservative with their designs in order to make sure their pieces are timeless * Their movements are generally more precise than any other competitor * Their movements can be serviced (in a pinch) by basically any watch repairman with a pulse since they've been around for so long.",YHe guyvsyhh hbgyyyyyy "Wasn't expecting the ending, that was amazing!",Thank you and thanks for reading a late-ish submission. "Overwatch needs an update. Anyone know what this update is? Basically what the title says, it takes a bit to update anything with my wifi, so anyone know what they are doing with this uodate?",S O M B R A C O N F I R M E D yes. we need to start hiring more incompetent coaches. where do i apply?,"No we don't, we already have Torts." Hawkins looked pretty open to me,"Nope he was covered, a seasoned qb like Kessler would have seen him wide open on a curl." Makes me want to go to space.,Pretty much how Elon Musk motivates people to join Spacex. Wow! This shitty fast food joint actually handed me a product that looks like what they promised! Let's all circle jerk and praise them.,Such banter in the comments. "AT-AT Walkers, Hermann Mejia, Watercolor, 2013","Copywrite infringement, sue his ass" This Man Got 5 Million Air Miles by gaming the system,His girlfriend is a lucky woman. Protip: Being that guy is a choice,"Because Single is just a box in life you check, right?" "Former McDonalds at NASA's Ames Research Center, now a satellite lab (x-post r/MildlyInteresting)",dang those budget cuts hit nasa hard "I would purchase this, hand to God","The most brilliant pyramid scheme would be to push something that publicly declares hatred for pyramid schemes, you should do it, you could be on Oprah" "yes and while we're talking about ridiculous abilities, can we please nerf hel's ult?","And Ullr's, while we're at it." Rooney hasn't been good enough for United ?????,Apparently I needed to include an And that's how you end up with no friends.,Well I have lots of friends so speaking from experience one doesn't need to go to lots of parties for that to happen. "Out of curiosity, why would you want to do that? it can be achieved with a sidechained envelope follower which controls a compressor. for example in guitar rig 5 the envelope follower is in the modifiers and its called input level. you could sidechain that to the vocals and make it affect the treshold or ratio of a compressor. if you are not familiar with guitar rig its not only for guitar effects:)","I don't have guitar rig, but I do have max for live, thanks, will try it out." How original. Never heard that one before...,Sorry forgot to add "Ya, thankfully even in English (US) mode my keyboard still let's me spell colour the right way.",Sure doesn't let you spell lets correctly ;) What about preventing the candidate who will continue to push the corporate agenda? The candidate that stole the race from Bernie? The candidate who got caught lieing multiple times this year on important issues? The candidate who ignores medical advice who puts her life at risk?,So sexist! Why Donald Trump Should Not Be President,"...but other than all that, the lying, the lack of knowledge on foreign and domestic affairs, or the lack of basic understanding on what the government actually does...why shouldnt he be president?" What if the kid is a creative type? Music? Painting? Filmmaking? Illustration?,Screw those dorks only sports matter Fairweather fan. HOW DARE YOU ACTUALLY CRITICIZE HOW BADLY WE PLAYED,I'm surprised you're not downvoted into oblivion in spite of the lack of Best nomination goes to...,"Penguins are copyrighted by Disney, have to resort to knockoffs." Game Day Thread: New York Jets (1-1) at Kansas City Chiefs (1-1),"On the bright side, we didn't punt much today!" Game Thread: Colts vs Chargers The battered Colts host the bruised Chargers today as they look to tally thier first W of the 2016 campaign. This could be the first game where the Colts have all their defensive starters on the field at one time. Will the Colts overcome the mistakes and injuries that plagued them the first two games? Will update with Inactives once they are announced.,I guess the refs are bailing us out uh War criminals are so funny. LOL!!,"Hey, he only *enabled* the war criminals!" "Why can't we just legalize it already I really didn't know where else to post this but when I woke up this morning I knew I wanted to tell someone. Yesterday, I came down with a bad stomach bug. It was nasty. I could sleep, couldn't move, really couldn't do anything. It was terrible. I was shitting and vomiting everywhere. Anyways, I took some medicine and I tried to eat but all I would do is throw it up. Well, at the end of the night, my brother and I decided to smoke. I felt 100% better after that. Yeah I was high but I could at least eat and drink and keep it down. Then I went to sleep. No its didn't cure me but it helped me get some food/ fluids in my system and put me right to bed.... can we just legalize this beautiful plant already?",But if we did those multi billion dollar companies who are lobbying against it might lose some profits and that would be terrible Snapchat introduces 1-minute voter registration via the app.,"Well clearly this has no potential for abuse at all, and won't create a headache for government workers trying to weed out the garbage requests from the good ones." "I'll bite, how has he politicized the Post Office?","By not privatizing it, duh." "Man... ever since I first saw someone talk about the Mega Campaign of Grand Strategy I've wanted to try doing it myself. One day I shall, once I own Vic2 and HOI4. It sounds like great fun. Good luck to you and those who join you on this epic journey of games.","I have Vic 2 and Hoi4, you wanna switch?" Can this computer run Cities: Skylines?,Link broken "I get crab, coconut and a rod in the start, but when I try to get on the dock I walk through it and end up in the water. I guess it's a bug, any1 know how to proceed further?","This isn't the demo in which you're meant to do that, the one you're referring to is almost a year old and has several bugs which have mostly been fixed - try the new one :)" My ex wife couldn't go to my rap concerts because she would fist fight girls that would try to jump on stage and try to dance with me. I offered to quit doing them but she said she would rather stay home cause she didn't want me to quit doing what I love. There was never the thought of cheating. That wouldn't happen. She just got primal. I felt really bad but the show must go on.,"Yeah bro, I have the same problem." Is this an MMO? Need tips!,You'll need Gjallahorn if you want to do any end game trials. Sweden opens first atheist cemetery to cater to growing non-religious population,"Cemeteries are usually run by the State so anyone can be buried there, regardless of religion or lack thereof." "Well done, man. Are you danish?","Thanks and yes, I'm Danish, but my username has more meaning to it." "By the time you get sick with the flu or a cold you've already been contagious for about two weeks without knowing it. For the other part, it seems to me, that many - especially the big chains in the US - see their employees more like replacable parts of a machine than human beings. Why shouldn't they just fire them? There's basically no training involved and thousands of underemployed and unemployed are desperately looking for any kind of work, the pay is negligible and the former employees basically have no legal remedy against this behaviour for one because their are no laws protecting them and secondly because they have no money to hire a lawyer. I swear the employers and CEOs in the US basically took Marx' criticism of capitalism as a blueprint for how to handle an economy.",I'm so happy that any legal costs for suing or anything like that work related is covert by my union :) "It isnt just globalist policies, it is the fact that capitalist economy will always demand more, problem is that the current demand is cheaper labor. Eventually it will be replaced by robotics and we are all out of a job... Hell, they are almost ready to roll out self driving trucks. Those fuckers can drive 24/7 and truckers will have a harder time trying to find a job.",Well the truckers should all go back to school and find new careers "Right?! Fuck the university for, despite giving me a substantial education, a lack of pussy I'm entitled to. How dare they???","He must have missed orientation day, you get your assigned female there along with the welcome pack." "Let's be critics for a minute...pick one specific thing that the DCEU can do better in the future and one thing that they did very well. I think we're all fans of the DCEU here and want to see it succeed. Though many people, like myself, know it is a fairly flawed franchise and hope to see the creative team behind the movies take notice of what worked and what didn't and try to move forward in a more polished direction. So let's help them out with that, and each pick one thing that we loved from any movie so far, and one thing that you wish that they did better and comment it below. You can be as vague or specific as you want. I doubt they would ever see this, but it would be fun at least for the community to write about this. Or don't, that's cool too.",anyone who dares to criticise these films are fucking Marvel shills! Sometimes it is a good wake up call. I have a friend who was retained in secondary 3. He ended up with 3 points for his o lvl.,3 points is that even possible? Scouting Report - Team SoloMid,"Oh no, teams know how to beat us nows" Clip of Flume at Life is Beautiful - Shot on my iPhone 7 Plus.,I'm just glad it was shot on an Iphone 7 Plus and not the regular one. Why in the world are you not wearing FIA spec gloves and a Suit? How underdeveloped is the safety etiquette at this place that you were even allowed on the circuit without full protective gear? Do you have a death wish?,I had a helmet on "It's such a ridiculous approach. [X] is under-performing. Clearly, the way to improve performance is to cut funding, introduce new criteria, and publicly admonish the entire sector as work shy or incompetent.",Worked in America "I actually just wanted to share the broken combo the conqueror could do in certain spaces. Bad or not, you'll still get bodied if you're next to some sort of wall.","And in certain spaces you can get chucked off a cliff and instantly die, so obviously any character that can do that is also broken." "I think it has something to do with her halting public and press appearances to prep for the debate. You saw it with her quiet August and her post-Labor Day return; you saw it again when she came off to deal with pneumonia and her return after that; now we're seeing the first half of that trend when she took time off to prep for tonight. Every time she goes away her poll numbers dip, every time she comes back her poll numbers rise.",But I thought everyone hated Hillary and Te more you see of her the more you hate her? where's smite?,What is smite? "It IS an identity crisis. Why do kids join gangs? Is it because they start off wanting to kill people and sell drugs? Not often. It's because they want a *family*, a group that *accepts* them.","Yeah, because gang culture is definitely not up front about the drugs and killing." "Well, she's wearing the uniform of a SJW and those stupid psychopaths are worthy of contempt. So, I understand, as should she and others.",You forgot your Trump picks top skeptic to lead EPA transition: Donald Trump has selected one of the best-known climate skeptics to lead his U.S. EPA transition team,But they're both the same! "If you're going to accuse a Presidential candidate of sexual assault, then yes, your information should be public.","Yeah, gotta give the deplorables a chance to harass and threaten them!" "Annoying names in fantasy I'm currently reading The Goblin Emperor and I'm enjoying the story so far, my only complaint are the names! Why in the name of \*insert a god\* are they so hard!? Why do you have to make up names for bodyguards or servants that are so similar? Same thing with the different places in the palace. I mean, what the hell is an Ethuverazhid Mura or a Untheileneise'meire, you can't expect me to remember that. Do you know of other books that have annoyingly hard names all over the place? /rant","Not fantasy, but the names in Leckie's Ancillary Justice really annoyed me for the same reasons." (Serious) Am I the only one that thinks all the saints hate is over the top and immature? Jk fts,yes. Well if this is the case then Wentz must be the greatest NFL qb of all time.,"Nope, too early to say" "Mei and Winston are the only ones to get a skin from either event. Blizzard, I propose an idea: Christmas. Winston, decked out in a fluffy red suit, donned in a classic Saint Nick hat, and the most beautiful white beard you've ever seen. And Mei, dressed in green with a pointy hat, striped candy cane socks, red shoes curled at the end, and her tank garnished with tinsel and lights. Snowball, too, is dressed up- wearing a little red nose and antlers. Both have mistletoe hanging from their weaponry. blizzard, please. the ice lady and the monkey deserve love too. its all i ask. jeff kaplan, please, sir, give them happiness with the power of useless cosmetics.",Mei as the Grinch. I feel the same with *You need to respect their opinions!* No I fucking don't! Pedophiles are of the opinion that we should fuck kids! I don't respect that. Lots and lots and lots of people have dangerous or stupid opinions that are not worthy of respect.,I suppose you expect us to respect your opinion on the matter? (I'm honestly shocked that we didn't get listed on this reactionary bullshit.),I thought we were all democrats or something "Let's List Capitalist Atrocities! I'll start with a few that come to mind. --------------------------------------------------------------- What is the Belgian Kongo and the mess of states left after? What is French Algeria? What is British India and Pakistan? What is the Native American Genocide in North America? What is the Iraq War? What is the Yemeni Civil War, and the US supporting Saudi bombing campaigns on civilian targets, during a famine? What is De Beers? What is the 1973 CIA funded coup of Allende in Chile? What is the Contras in Nicaragua? What is violence and regime change in the Honduras? What is the genocide of Chinese people in Indonesia? What is the Vietnam War? What is the CIA funding of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge? What is the Syrian Crisis and the Pentagon funding one side, while the CIA funds another? What is Conflict Minerals? What is post French Rwanda and the genocide that followed? What is the Irish Potato Famine? What is the funding of Afghani Taliban during the USSR's invasion on Afghanistan? What is the 1954 Guatemalan Coup d'Etat? What is Koch Industries bankrolling the Nazi oil industry? What is Allied Powers supporting the Tsarists during the Russian Civil War? What is the continued occupation and bombing campaigns against the Palestinian people? What is sex trafficking in Eastern Europe? What are the lies and corporate greed that led to the 2008 crash? What is the Libyan conflict? What is fracking and the contamination of water sources? What is the entire oil industry? What is the lobbying of government by companies like Haliburton, owned by Dick Cheney, to go on with perpetual warfare? What is child labour in Asian countries and the Industrial Revolution? What is Foxconn? What is Exxon Mobile covering up their data on climate change? What is the private prison industry? What is the lobbying of the health insurance industry and big pharma against marijuana and single payer health care? What is asbestos? What is lead contamination in the water of many US cities? What is NAFTA? What is TPP? What is PIPA, CISPA, SOPA? What are the Drug Cartels? What is police violence in the US? What is the killing of drug addicts in the Philippines by Duterte?",That's just crony capitalism "That's not that hard. There's only something like 3,000 KKK members left, and a lot of those are probably undercover cops.",Are you saying the KKK is just a front so cops can kill black people? Did you just assume that baby's gender?,I can only be so triggered. Maybe he just hates labels...,I'm not gay also where are all the chicks? "Windows 10 Divorce Update destroying my computer Everything was running smoothly. But now it seems to be pushing for a divorce. The first noticeable problem was my games would freeze for a few seconds randomly. The event log says Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered. These event entries only appear after the Divorce Update was pushed onto my machine. I tried completely reinstalling the latest drivers, but it doesn't help. I still get random freezes when I least need them. The second thing I noticed was all the windows store popups are back. I disabled the ms-windows-store URI before, to prevent websites from launching windows store, telling me to install their apps. Leave it to microshaft to make popup ads even worse. The chrome 'local state' tweak no longer works ether. Its completely ignored, and launches windows store regardless. Today I tried to play some xcom. But it wouldn't launch. Somehow some of the files were corrupted, according to steam. That's when I noticed the larger problem. Everything on my computer is now read-only. I launch civ5 and it starts up as if its never been played before. Low resolution, default gfx settings, etc. I try to uncheck read-only, and I ensure 'apply to all files and sub folders' is selected. But it doesn't apply to any files or sub folders, only the specific file/folder I opened properties for. I now have to manually uncheck read-only on every single file? All 700+ files in my documents? So at this point, I think maybe a system restore ismy only hope. I open up system restore and... What? Apparently system protection was disabled on all my drives, and I can't restore to any point in time. Thank you Microsoft, for removing features, making popup ads even worse, destroying my filesystem, and making it impossible to revert. Excellent job. Truly. Linux salutes you.",These are all intended features. When she texts we need to talk,Can I get gold for this Lol? "Thank you for sharing these new, important points of view. You missed an opportunity to complain about Titania's Majesty, Rune Ear Hierophant, slow set releases, where is AZ2, it's not an MMO as promised, and the crazy power increase in set 5. We've heard it all before. In some cases (like mine) we've made the arguments before, as well. If you want an actual discussion, don't frame it as an attack. They're a bunch of lying liars who want to censor me! helps nothing.",okay but real talk hierophant was broken right guys The building of a Death Star and formation of the galactic empire.,So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause. "All seems a touch unlikely to me, almost like he wanted to get caught!","well, you know, he was having a hard time coping with real life and thought Man, i'd like to be in jail again where they feed me and tuck me in at night." Ja maar windmolens draaien op subsidie!,In tegenstelling tot de rest van de energie sector. "I'd say after 5 games, if he continues to play like this, we can officially declare him as the greatest QB in the NFL",You dropped your Pming.,Replied I don't accept that definition as accurate.,I'm sorry my pleb dictionary was not worthy of your high birth. Curry and KD,Why does KD's left leg look darker than his right? "I'm turning into your roommate, lol.","ayy hit me up on steam or battlenet, we can play PC games together quietly" That's the title of the video on YouTube you dumb shit,"Oh, that makes it ok then." "Awesome! St. Jude is one of our top competitors, but we all have a healthy respect for each other's technology and products.",You talk like a business dick lol As an Xbox One player waiting for Revelations to launch.,try freezing yourself like cartman did while waiting for the wII to come out :) "On a scale from 0-3, by looking at all the Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2 trailers, what do you think of the game so far?",-3 no spiky SSJ hair "19,000 people watched this broken hook.",Hooks that never hooks someone is definitely good. Update on Salazar's postseason possibility.,"Why did they even bother to post this, the playoffs already ended according to Hoynes" Why is he getting short of breath from just talking?,Because what else would the healthiest person ever elected president do? This is possible???,No it is actually impossible and thus that is why it happened. How's everybody's liver doing?,Not great "Drivers who honk during traffic jams, what exactly do you think will happen by making a racket?",hope the honking continues until the person causing it moves! So you're saying shotgun trades aren't the way to win. It's as if it's a different game mode that requires different strategies.,....Wait what? "Trump: Could be Russia, China... Somebody sitting on that bed who weighs 400 pounds... Really?",Gabe Newell didn't find Trump's comment funny. How do you go about validating the neutral third party ?,By trust worthy parties such as Fox news "I did. Spoiler alert - Party Crasher and Matador out-range it, somehow. No, I don't understand it either.",Gotta love those closer range snipers. My wife has bought toilet roll called 'Sofcell'. All I can think of is what Marc Almond would use it to mop up.,I'm not sure he'd have let a drop go to waste...... For your enjoyment...,"Dude, road hog xl and dom gt are the same rarity so they are worth the same" So how does he get a new name plate that fast?,He brought it himself. "**You can't lock up the hypeness** We're getting Luke Cage, then Flash, Supergirl and LoT back. Gonna be a long couple of weeks.","You forgot one show, the one with the best action, plot and strong character arcs" "There is no salt from me. I have Daphnis too. No salt at all. She is only good for storage, not even world boss.",the first female king ever.. Why are sanctions always slapped? Is that really the best word? Or are news sources just constantly repeating the same phrases?,US firm BTFO with sanctions! Right-Wing Gala Gave Freddie Gray Cops Standing Ovation,"Well, there's a fine example of unbiased reporting." I thought she made a gay joke about them at first lmao,"Now that's a mental image I didn't need, lol" This sounds like Java.,"Yeah, but when has java ever had any problems" "Condom on the boost aside, looks good. Hope you're not paying rape for those beaters",How much would u say these are worth? Are you good looking? It's only creepy if you're ugly.,"When women say, You need more confidence what they really mean is, You needed to be born with better aesthetic genetics." "Back in the day, this was one of those reoccurring topics on alt.atheism. As with any usenet group, abbreviations were common and two of the most common abbreviations were Xian or Xtian. A lot of people would come into the group and assume that this was some kind of deliberate slight so we'd get posters complaining that it was just because we were afraid to say Christ. Many of them also thought that Xmas was another anti-Christian attempt to remove Jesus from the public square and, thus, thought that Xian was in line with that. It was ultimately incorporated into the FAQ, with a long and detailed history of its usage, but that never stopped people from assuming that it was a slight.",Now tell me what the last x in xxx means because im confused. well you can buy more than 1 per week so you can still enjoy the others.,But... but... that ONE week I had it was RUINED! "Jobs are for grind, games are for fun.",Guess Pokemon is a job as well since plenty grind on that also SFV Confirmed for Dreamhack Austin 2017,yay this means SFV won't die next year Probably the same way I do ... terrible. Her insight would be almost as bad as Brent's.,"Same, I could do without as a super fan.... every sentence." "Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky on Thursday filed a lawsuit against the state of Indiana, saying a new state law restricting abortion was unconstitutional.",Please continue voting for democrats because they care about your reproductive rights and are doing everything to defend them. Did you fall into a coma in the early 2000s and just wake up? Guys have been allowed to wear pink for at least a decade.,"It's not pink, it's salmon." He never liked the cyber,But my 10 year old grandson :-( This MacArthur guy sounds mean like Hillary Current UFC 205 Fight Card,"Hey sorry for bad question but is it mcgregor vs alvarez only one 5 rounds, or is it going to be all tittle fights 5 rounds?" Blazers need to put Crabbe in. Need some shooting.,He hasn't been hitting all night. "Can Year 1 Thorn be infused to Y3 Light Levels? I heard that Y1 Thorn can be infused up to 365, but not past. Can anyone confirm or deny this?","Yeah & if you reach the top of Felwinter's Peak, there's a special kiosk there from which you can get raid gear for 500 glimmer + 1 ether seed per item." FBI chief: 'No evidence' Clinton aide Cheryl Mills committed a crime,I never cease to be amazed at the number of lawyers in this sub "I got bay mare, so I guess I'm looking for a stallion. Is that even an option?",I got a white stallion! "Yeah, I wanna ask them and Asus for some free stickers tomorrow, lol. I like ROG stickers too :)",Can confirm ASUS charges $9.99 per stickers "DAE find it incredibly awkward when you are walking down a long hallway, sidewalk, etc. and you spot someone walking towards you, but they are still kind of far away, and now you have to navigate looking/not looking at them, when to acknowledge them, etc. for the next ten seconds?",Yep :/ Well I guess I learned not to bring up Kanye on this sub,That will teach you to like things! Why is feminism still a thing?,Yeah who wants equal rights for women anyway. Cox Raises Broadband Rates...For Second Time in 2016,I love COX! Muslim woman to pose nude in Playboy (in a hijab).,This will end well. Is this like some strange alcohol concoction? I see some roots in there too. Whatever it is I bet drinking it would make you virile af.,"Looks like a specimen jar, plus looks mildly classroomish in the background too." "Maybe 'LA' is cheaper than San Francisco because IT'S OVER 10 TIMES AS LARGE...Pretty easy to find studio space in 500 miles of semi-urban sprawl. I'm sure these artists could find cheap studio space somewhere in the larger SF Bay Area (Hayward, Benicia). But they couldn't tag their studio name with a well known city. but again...let's just blame tech workers and not the sheer size-difference of the two areas.",But I want my Facebook to say I live in a cool city :( Half of the article is attempting to do guilt by association. Only 1/4 of it is about the subject of the headline.,We expected more from Rabble. I just now understand the full extent of Hillary Clinton telling Donald Trump that words matter. Even as candidates their words have the power to destabilize the stock market and strain foreign relations. I don't think Trump understands the full impact his words have. That's what makes him dangerous.,"It's cool though, he has the best words." a blue jays fan bribed me with gold after i announced i cursed the rangers,I can't believe you've done this. Why is there a thanksgiving in Canada?,We're thankful we aren't America. when do you think we'll see the first 9* fc (excluding tag4),"I bet there is going to be SD9 map, which looks like unranked SD7 map, getting ranked by fycho" The catch is they'll charge you for 3 hours of Emotional Labour afterwards.,"I'm pretty sure that's tax deductible though, so they're really doing you a favor by taking your money" "This weekend, the Giants had 118 yards in penalties, 2 interceptions, a fumble, an ejection, and a blocked punt called back due to offsetting penalties. They practically lost the game for themselves.",That was expert analysis there It should start to plateau once the Hunger Games begin.,Found the Trumpeter. No it doesn't. The math not lining up does not indicate bias. It does not indicate why hires were made or not made.,The math not lining up indicate that math is racist. JJ Watt possibly done for season,Too much splitting wood in the forest like a jackass. Build the Bunny Wall! -- five-year-old Hillary,"Nah, at 5 she'd have known that the rabbit-proof fence in Australia totally didn't work." Fuck America lady still committing welfare fraud,"People misusing food stamps, what a pressing issue." "Lab bm decal White chakrams, Painted chakrams Will trade for 2 or 3 different chakrams depending on colour",2 RED CHAKRAMS for Laby Sad,So the same as always? "Buescher? I mean, he won this year","No, he's confirmed for the 5 next year." Just 2 more hours,~~not what we ment by SS looping~~ I spend a lot of time trying for photorealism (f40),Then where are the cops pulling him over? Rocket League Grand Champion Custom PC,Is this the S3 GC award? "Now that's funny. It's like.... sitting at the mixing desk, client, client's friend there, playing back the track, the result of work and effort, and it sounds like dog and there is this empty soul space in the middle of the room, Why? What's going on? So you step to the plate. **It could totally be the room**.","I just imagined that like a really stupid post-2000 horror film, where everything's desaturated and there just This constant lingering malicious sounding drone in the back ground." "If Qins was removed I would quit unless all health items took a nerf. Defense is too strong right now, Qins is one of the things keeping the game healthy IMO. Being an ADC and barely tickling a Bellona with full defense/health? Does not sound like a fun game to me. Also, you need an alternate to crit that does big damage. It adds diversity.",You also forgot your typical tsm fan NA math,*17 series wins and 1 series loss=TSM wins worlds without anyone contesting them* Same thing happened tonight,"Ofc it did, it wasn't just booing" The joke is that I complained about the meme while incorrectly assuming it was the meme.,Meta-humor is incredibly ablest shitlord. Traffic chaos expected on Thursday in Brussels,"Having an afterwork tomorrow, it would be such a shame if I couldn't go home." Microsoft Excel has gotten major graphical overhauls lately and looks pretty nice.,Doesn't everyone know hat Google Sheets is shinier now? Good. You admit Trump will win.,"Yeah now we can call that whole election thing off, save some tax payer money." Pakistan warns of water war with India if decades-old treaty violated,"If Pakistan even thinks of conventional war, then we'll drop a nuke on it." Yea dude haikyuu season 3- first 9 episodes will be the training and last episode will be a small scene from the match 10/10,"Yea, as soon as the match is about to start we will go back into a flashback arc." I also don't think bloodlust should be allowed. That's ALOT of damage you can just pour into any one phase even if raiders had been asleep in the prior phases.,I think personal defensive CDs are bullshit. there is one in every family,"They're in Europe, but the racist wolf was supposed to refer to the Negro as an African-American." "Which God looks the best with Diamond? Which God do you think looks the best with diamond, my per on sale favorite is thanatos.",Sol What if she laughs at you,I could care less if they girl being proposed to laughed at me Immortals just used a 4th pause during one half Get your shit together ESL,"It's Brazil, get used to it" "How is that not being smart? I dont make nearly as much as he does, but I do everything possible to pay as little as possible. The US take in so much money and they waste it. Hell, we may be shutting down AGAIN on Friday because we cant pay our bills!",You forgot the Blackbeard still too strong... Please reduce the shield HP to 100 and make impact grenades destroy his shield instantly,"Blackbeard still too strong, please remove shield entirely and only give him 4 HPs to start game." "I played BF4 on ps4 for nearly 2 years and never heard anyone on mic. Switched to PC 4 months ago, same again. Only time I've heard someone on mic on BF1 was during the beta, some fat cunt eating a bag of crisps.",They're called chips you fat c*nt. "Dark is Evil type in Japan, so","Yeah, a kid that just started playing pokemon in *english* without having internet would *SOOO* totally know that Dark is 'evil' in *japanese* and not just assume that it is just 'dark' as it is named." Was Hillary Wired For Trump Debate? Internet goes crazy as images show possible electronic help for Clinton,"Ok, don't downvote the fuck out of me for this, but is it illegal to have an earpiece during these debates?" "If you're trying to deny that denial is a real thing that can happen to almost anyone idiot or not, then you're the idiot here.","oh im sorry, they murdered hundreds then rifled through their belongings for no good reason by any remotely well intentioned thought process lets not accept one tiny suggestion they are guilty" Dog saves Kitty with head stuck in a bag.,"I love how the dog pauses like, Ok don't attack me when I take this off." "Santa Monica is getting populated and turning into a Silicon Valley type place (they call it the Silicon Beach). Apartments everywhere, co-working spaces on top of shops, new Metro rail getting there, etc. They want to build more apartments and offices to profit but the aviation community believes that should be done by taking over the airport.",Because tech giants don't travel by airplane Why did they shoot a corpse?,Because he was holding a knife. "Stereotypes of Saudis arent entirely true as well. I've met Saudis that don't care about those rules, even if publically they are enforced. They're also all rich as fuck and throw private parties in their mansions all the time, and women go and do whatever they fuck they want. They actually party just like Americans do, except more sex.","What no, everyone knows Muslims are blood thirsty, uncultured, barbaric rapist" Matthews hits the ice for first time at Leafs training camp,"Lost the puck twice, bust" "I will be fine, I just want this irresponsible behavior to stop and for people to learn an important lesson in life - if you can't afford, rent.",Well when I go bankrupt because I have been irresponsible you will be the first person I rob. 'Get out' jeering crowds tell Merkel in Dresden,ITT: Not Germans telling the world how much Germans hate Merkel and how bad she is while actual Germans get Downvoted. A few pics I took of the Lamy 2000 Black Amber,false positive I'd be interested in seeing his legs.,Well..he did occasionally do some cycling so that should be enough. "May I ask, what region is this?",EU east Pablo trees,"Black pirates, Swingin, In the summer breeze" Montreal passes bill to ban all Pit Bulls,They should ban black people because they typically have bigger hands and that could lead to more damaging punches. SpaceX ITS in real solar system/RO mod.,I won't be impressed until someone lands it back on the launch pad "Simpsons ran into the problem of making all the women supporting characters play the normal straight-man rational people. Which means they're not really good for joke setups or advancing plot, just reacting to the ridiculous plot/characters around them. The only one with a real negative personality I can think of is Mrs. Lovejoy.",Cookie Kwon - Stay away from west side! They still whinge about it though since there are slightly different rules about who has to charge up here compared to down there.,Glad I've never heard anyone from here whinging about it C'est NO-SE ... pas N-S....,"Here, you dropped this:" "Nope, he peaced like a month after.",Aka the REAL reason he left c9. "Um wow, like that's really triggering???????? It's bringing up so much phallic imagery in my head and now I can't stop getting flashbacks where I had a cock in every orifice????",Whore. "Not to get all hippy-dippy, but ecosystems are often very delicate balances, and simply clearing a large swath of land can have very serious long-term repercussions. At its most basic, clearing out land for use means destroying the natural habitats for animals, which will in turn lead to population growth and decline depending on the particular animal. Animals that get driven out of their homes may become more vulnerable to predators and shrink, whereas predators may grow at a high rate because of an abundance of food. But eventually all of that food gets eaten up, and you're left with too many predators and not enough prey. Or the reverse can happen and the new environment makes it too difficult for predators to hunt, and this leads to an explosion in nuisance animals. Another consequence of land clearing is that it can drastically alter water issues as well. When you have thick overgrowth, there's a lot of places for water to be absorbed during rainfall. Some of it will simply land on the surface of the vegetation and never even make it into the soil. Much of what does enter the soil will be pulled up into plants through their roots, and the remainder will seep into the ground or flow into streams, etc. Having plenty of plant life and roots makes for pretty stable ground which is typically much better suited to absorbing rain fall without giving way to heavy erosion or silting. When you clear the land, all of that changes. Without the plants and their roots, the ground becomes saturated with water much faster and is able to hold less. This means more water is entering the rainwater management system and that it is carrying more soil with it. This silting and erosion not only degrades the land, but it clogs the rivers and streams carrying the water away and is frequently detrimental to aquatic life in the process. All of this increased volume of silt and water puts a much larger strain down stream, because that water has to reach the ocean eventually. The carried in the water will deposit along the way, raising the water level as it goes, which, combined with the increased waterflow, can lead to dam and levee failures and serious flooding issues. All of this is exacerbated by any paving of roads that goes along with the land clearing. Soil that is covered in asphalt can't absorb any water at all, and water runs a lot faster on roads than it does in the dirt, which increases the dangers of flooding.","Thanks so much for clearing this up dude, i would give you a million upvotes if i could" "Reminds me of OnePlus with the marshmallow update. I read that like the first three units will ship before friday night. (Don't get me wrong here, I love both OnePlus and pebble, but I can't wait for this watch!)","OPX just received M, be optimistic!" WAIT Are you saying that an Evee can evolve into more than one thing? I thought an Evee can only evolve into a Jolteon???,no it can only evolve into a flareon it depends on which team you chose I don't give a shit how good the view is...just NOPE!,"nice, made my toes tingle a bit" "Wouldn't this imply that Lenin and Marx are anti-communists? Well that, or that they don't understand themselves.",They were clearly just confused souls who strayed too far from God! "Overheard this conversation in the cafeteria today: A: Whoa, this carrot cake has 760 calories! B: It's made of carrots so it's good calories that will help you lose weight. A: Oh that makes sense! B: Plus if you drink a lot of water it will cancel out. Where do they get all this bullshit?","They'll probably lose even more weight if they top it off with some negative calorie food, like celery!" Working outs.. with weights? M I N D B L O W N,This is going to revolutionize the fitness industry Sure... but its all legal. What do you want people to do. The other options is there is no parking during certain hours. Which is very common around things like the university. You will hate that the first time you have to move your car at 6 in the morning.,That's why it's important to send it up and make it illegal. Violence against people who are not committing genocide have never committed genocide and if we're being realistic will never get the chance to commit it either.,"They just really, really want to do it if they get the chance, and idolize/emulate an ideology that actually did commit genocide, but you're right, I'm sure their views are just harmless." "You can hear the frustration in his exhale, thank goodness he was Canadian or he would have been cursing!",No that's more illegal than rear-ending someone here. I mean I don't like her humor all that much either but you totally brought that up for like no reason,"No you don't understand, Amy Schumer is the worst comedian in the world because she just says vagina." They put themselves in the racist corner by joining and retaining allegiance to the GOP.,"You're right, the GOP is completely and utterly racist and has no other ideals." Thats pretty bad alrught get a refund for the tank my kanger nano gives so much spitback i threw it away. Mayne try metal mash wire,Solid assvice. oh ick. The umbilical cord should be used for something medically useful (undifferentiated stem cells) not as a weird crafting supply.,But something something jesus something stem cell are a sin something something youre going to hell. NEW REQUEST THREAD you kno what to do,[Kanye West] - [Power] (Point Point Remix) LF1M Aksis phase 2. Have all moniters. Please have at least a completion. Post PSN and Light.,Because 'completion' means 'competence' FAP FAP FAP,Durant already fucking things up? "Best EU Player right now? (Thread) With SK winning the last two Majors, Coldzera and Fallen could easily make the mantle of being two of the top 5 best players in the world. And certainly the American scene. But who is the best EU player right now? Looking at Shox' God tier performances in the last few months I'm inclined to say hes the best right now.",Subroza LF3 for research and destroy 3x raid boss Leave info below,NahImeng 381 light titan Good luck resupplying them if you want to strong arm sovereign nations.,"Yea the US, the only superpower in the world and main nation with global power projection potential, is gonna have trouble with resupply." ditto lol,**datto Crime up 13.4% in Victoria.,I love third world immigration! I'm being heavily downvoted and called a Deplorable for agreeing with Ajamu Baraka. So there's that.,"Uh, you're being downvoted for accusing anyone who disagrees with you of belonging to CTR." "Announcing on social media that you are deleting your social media account because of the toxicity of social media is hypocritical You know the type. The people that feel the need to let the world know that they won't be using their Facebook account. But they let them know using that very Facebook account, just to push that notification in our face so that we know exactly how terrible our lives are going to be now that we can't see the weekly update of their baby bumps.",Well... they have to tell someone! That would go over fantastically in today's anti-cop climate...,Yeah these officers did it the right way by waiting until one officer was on the ground with two guys on him trying to shoot him with his own gun **before** they were allowed to shoot the suspects. So the guy should have to accept responsibility for his actions but women have the option to not become a parent?,"So the woman has to go through the painful and tragic experience of abortion, has to give her baby away after she grew it inside of her and went through the painful process of birth just to give the baby away, or pay for it herself, and the guy just gets to wash his hands of it the minute he knocks her up... you are right, that's so much more fair." "Atmospheric CO2 now above 400ppm, a turning point that is likely permanent",Nonsense that's just China messing with us again "Not a surprise Trump voters distrust fact checkers. Catching their candidate in a lie just involves looking up what he said on national TV the day before. If they trusted fact checkers (or facts), they *wouldn't trust Trump*.",Stop giving reasons why r/politics is biased and start pretending that peoples feels have actual fact behind them. How Donald Trump's Company Violated The United States Embargo Against Cuba,This just shows Trump is smart. "That little Woo! and shimmy might have been the most humanizing thing she's done. It was so clearly unscripted, and it made her seem like she has a Fun Grandma side as well.",I'm sure that was just her covering up another mini-stroke. When will people grow up? :/,How dare they challenge double standards! "No, no, no. Those are two different things! Distributing freedom is perfectly fine, why would anyone be afraid of that? But the idea of that we *could* invade is what's scary...",I probably could have used a Mines at the end of the game Is there any point to holding the mines when both teams are level 9? Does it buy you anything?,Nope Willing to bet you know pretty much nothing about the situation,I know right Palestinians are just backward subhumans they dont deserve a state like everyone else in the world. Austrian roadworkers blow up a wheelbarrow,Wouldnt this upset the kangaroos? "Police routinely misuse state and federal databases to stalk romantic interests, business partners, family, and even each other | Privacy Online News",But they'd NEVER do that with a gun-owner database... You know those guys who take the game way too seriously? This is the deck I use against them. Jhoira's Jumble!,Don't play this without telling your opponents that the deck is illegal "What are the oldest teams that could win today? I remember posting a while back asking how the 85 bears would do today, and most people said not well. So I wonder, how far back can you go and teams are still competitive? If you went backwards in time, what's the first year the decrease in overall quality would be noticeable? 1995? 2005? And how far back could you go and have teams that could win?",1869 Princeton team. "i like this charge combo more, you get value immediately",I thought drawing card = value And 4 mana 7/7 is also value "Lol, you mean they referenced that movie that has sold more tickets than any movie since 1997?",A true nerd would reference R2-D2 from the cult classic 1977 film. What is the most trustworthy and unbiased news source/channel in the world?,Fox kennedy? Oh so now dead Presidents get to make laws? Also he was a Democrat so of course he's going to take sides against Trump.,He's only dead because Rafael Cruz killed him. "I'm pushing my limits one step at a time, I have a job to maintain :o)",No man if you're not getting maimed or killed you're not really longboarding! It seems fine to me. When dokkaned It goes up to 70% and Ki+3 and super attack gives 30% atk to allies,"Yea, probably will make it into Z-teir." Highly irregular...,Insubordinate... and churlish. Typo trouble on my Tefal pan,"Took me 15 months to notice, and now I'll never be able to unsee it." "this is the second deal jet had with this price on a 1060. 2 or 3 weeks ago, they had one for the 6gb Gigabyte GTX1060 windforce",I meant the ibotta rebate in particular Husband punches wife for breastfeeding newborn baby in front of male doctor,He's a keeper. Standard Jeremy Hill vs. MIA Demarco Murray vs HOU,"Murray, no question." "Next update (2.6), which should drop sometime after citizencon.",2 years after is still sometime after! "Very Underwhelmed by this product Lots of people saying they live and die by this software for budgeting. I know that managing my expenses my having knowledge of how I've spent my money historically and how I plan to spend my money in the future is very valuable. I imagine this is why most people find value out of this product. But I just have to say that I am extremely underwhelmed by the interface. -No search function . . . really? I can't sort all the liquor stores by searching liquor? -Can't select a category and see all the expenses within it. I have to go to the accounts page, sort by category, scroll to the category. -No way to view a month's expenses? It can only be viewed in terms of the budget I've set? -Filter is extremely weak. I can filter by date and reconciliation? -no pie chart, no visual representation of how I spent money? I just spent the last 3 hours sorting all my expenses and now I'm frustrated. I can't manage the way I want to at all. I'm not trying to deny that this software is useful or helps people, I'm just not a fan. Am I missing something?","Hey... we're paying to be beta-testers for an unfinished product, what's wrong with that?" "I spent 3 hours in an emergency room vomiting and crying from the most excruciating pain I'd ever felt my life after being rushed in by an ambulance. They just stuck me back out in the waiting room after they unloaded me from the stretcher and gave me a puke bag. After the second hour, I was desperately crying for help at the desk, telling them I thought i was going to pass out, and they told me well, sit back down then. When they finally got me back, first they insisted that I was probably pregnant and dismissed the pain completely. One nurse tried a poorly timed joke after I vomited for the millionth time and said, God, what did you eat?? She didn't come back after the look I gave her. They tested, it was negative, and they finally investigated further to find a massive, spiky kidney stone. Yay! So glad I paid for an ambulance so I could wait several hours to even be checked in. I've now been through childbirth and I'm honestly not sure which one hurt worst, but they were a lot more forthcoming with the drugs in the delivery room.",Obviously if you have terrible pain you should just get knocked up - You'll be treated faster looking for the value of these!,You smoke out of this? "Funny, but I don't engage in name calling. You make the bike you want. I like Harleys because you can do that. As my bike mechanic son said, Harley engineers their bikes to be customized. You get the bike you want, not the one some engineer in Bavaria wants. Loud or not, you get what you want.","Yeah, no one has ever made any personal changes to a BMW." ungrateful fuckers.,They should be grateful that we drove them from their lands and locked them into generations of poverty. "The nasty, condescending attitudes displayed in this thread muddy the waters more than an honest question ever could. It's legitimate to wonder why the US is voluntarily giving up control over something, since that's usually not how power on the national stage works.",Stop making sense! The NERVE this guy has! He is finished with Five Nights at Freddys' but has the audacity to keep his ripoff Scott Profile pic! It's literally just a purple TINP guy but with a larger head and fedora. I fucking hate this guy.,"It's clearly his OC, he totally didn't steal it." wait so... when they go to scratch their balls.. how does that work?,I can show you if you want... it's still an NFL team,I guess I dropped my The nerf wasn't much of a nerf to performance (unless you're taking very little damage). Unfortunately the nerf made the class significantly less fun to play because your rotation becomes irrelevant since the vast majority of you rage comes from damage taken and not anything you do.,vanilla was the best Buy all the Taylor Swift stuff I could.,T-Swizzle is friggin life man...... Not a bad idea there Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! I am Thankful for finding this group of amazing and supportive individuals who help me get through these tough times.,Happy Thanksgiving! Google it,Oh wow thanks i totally didn't think about that and didn't do that before i posted here! Ditto. This place gets toxic sometimes.,"Careful, you just stumbled into some downvote territory." Well now is probably a good time for civilians to leave central/east aleppo if they didn't already.,And they will find open arms in Europe! "But if they managed to become a brand, and their brand got big enough, I'm sure the raiders in the guild would profit.",I'm sure if we cut taxes for wealthy ceos that the workers in their corporation will prosper too.... What console?,Ps4 sorry Leviathan - Shed This Skin,I'm glad the black list does its task well. That's the perfect CP range because the typical gym Hypno is 1200-1400 CP.,"Also, it could be usefull to power up gyms with Exeggcutor at the bottom, who knows" "wow, the Train Station gets heated platforms and LRT will have.... no heat in the new stations. That's right, no heat. Don't need it because lrt service will be oh so frequent. Sure. What about that bus that's on 1 hour intervals late at night. Genius.","Yeah, the trains will really get slowed down when they get stuck in traffic." So... Pretty much the miner bowler control deck with mega minion instead of guards.,Nah man this is a completely original deck! Welp. LEGO ruins their own promotion. Everyone bought key chains and cheap stuff and now they're all gone. *claps* Why buy RO sets at retail now? (I'm not close enough to a LEGO store to justify gas money for a trip.),Literally me. It actually happens quite often.,I think it was "If you think killers are underpowered.. .. you should check out this russian streamer - joethexxxxx He keeps a tally of survivors he kills/ that survive. At the time i'm watching, he has killed 56 and had 8 escape. P.S. I'm a killer main, it's really not that bad.","Yeah, facing an all rank 1 swf group as killer is ezpz" "just wear regular underwear and no garments! if he has a problem with it say it's just for your period. i feel like if you wear the top OR bottom it's good enough. plus it's whats in your mind and heart that really matters. (as a TBM, this is how i would have advised u. as an after-mormon i say stop wearing garments--he'll desensitize eventually)","But how is your mind or heart going to protect your torso in the event of a fire, hmmmmm?" If people enjoy it we can expand on it he said a few times. So there you go. No more updates on NMS :),Yea because nobody enjoys it and we are all like you ! Suggestions for a new name. Post all suggestions for a new username below. Im having such a hard time finding one i like.,"I went with something with a bubbly feel to it, then found out it meant hot airplane sex, so it's a win-win" I still feel bad about Lorthos... :( Poor little squid,"I think he was an octopus, but he may have identified as a squid, which was SUPER RELEVANT to the story." Started drawing again recently. I spent a good 6 hours on my take of Cubone!,"more like marowak skull, i see no cubone." "If she fits, she sits.",For a low flat rate? "I think that if you're eager to compare yourself with Hitler, it's probably the perfect analogy.","I love this Duterte guy, he's really good at analogies." PSA: Auston Matthews likely not playing tonight :(,"They want to blue ball us, matthews and marner will never play a single game together." They have a system.,Carson Wents = System QB = Confirmed Console draw distance,Its a more cenimatic experience kid get gud. "Damn, OP is 2? Kids just keep getting better and better with technology",i suppose i dropped this Had the HDMI plugged into the motherboard instead of the graphics card. Completed my first ever build 2 weeks ago. Was wondering why my I couldn't run GTA V without it lagging massively even on the lowest settings. I feel so stupid that it took me this long to realise haha.,I should see what happens when I try to get Video out of my Current CPU "any good injury sliders for fifa 17 career mode? Hello. I'm into mid-late October now in the first season of Milan career mode and I seem to picking up an awful amount of injuries. I have Jose Sosa x2, Jose Callejon, Bonavenutra and Vangioni all out injured (Most for 4 weeks although Callejon and Bonaventura's were for 2 months). That seems a pretty unrealistic amount of injuries really, so I was just wondering if anyone has found any good numbers to use on the injury sliders?",0 chance 0 severity? Lol you're deluding yourself if you think contractors won't work for this guy. Contractors won't care whatsoever as long as their cheques clear.,"When Donald has a history of not paying his contractors, they definitely will care because of how many former Trump contractors got screwed." "This is what greeted Hillary Clinton when she got off her bus to walk into her rally in Fort Pierce, FL today...","Yeah, Florida is a total loss for Trump." Meow means meow!,Did you just assume my species? "Translation: don't hang out with feminists, MRAs and politicians.",If you're not outraged you're not paying attention "What's the point in vaaling a non 6-linked 2 hander or chest in the first place? I can understand doing that with smaller items since Voricci can link them for relatively affordable prices afterwards, but even if you get a GG corruption the cost to 6-link it afterwards means it's still bricked.","Because you just get a 6l for free with the vaal, duh." "Lol that piece is way too overhyped, would be pretty good of it didn't have the unchangeable red on it tho",I do agree that you should be able to at least dye 2 parts of some gear but an opinion is an opinion after all. "Except it isn't there to be gender, it is sex. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to add options to change pronouns, but why should they do that when every single special snowflake has their own special pronoun that only they use","sex is a social construct, shitleige!" "It took my grandfather three days to suffocate between the time they gave up on medical treatments for him and the time he died. It was a combination of emphysema, diabetes, and a punctured lung. So God had a choice between having my grandfather die immediately when everyone gave up on him, or letting him suffocate over the course of three days, and He apparently chose the latter. How is that good?",Mysterious ways Him.,not before the operation Jajajaja,Huehuehuehuehuehuehue Cameraman has no clue whats actually going on here...,The drivers nodding out right? Because people will draw dicks on the shield and say that they have a large cock that can cum a lot.,Isn't that the direction FP want the game to be in? I don't think a closed door would stop his roommate if he wanted to stab him,"So the joke is that our poster values his life less than being watched while jerking off, which has a commonality of being shamed is greater than your own life, which of course, is a little silly." "not quite. * there's a bunch of skins (3?) that are just tossed into the chest at the end of the withered training scenario. * 2 of the hunter appearances are just purchased from vendors. * There's a bunch that are random drops from various types of mobs (demons in azsuna, things in suramar, randomly on things in eye of azshara) * There's a couple just tossed onto rares in the underbelly. * there's a bunch that randomly drop from a once-a-day event in your order hall. Most of these that are duplicated also are pretty boring. There are a lot of cool ones, like ashbringer, but there's a lot of other ones that are just haphazardly strewn about the world, often with big bits of rng involved, that are just boring and lame to acquire. I've done my twisting nether boss in my order hall every day for the past 30 days looking for my vengeance skin and I'm no closer to getting it than I was 30 days ago. If I finally got it tomorrow, I wouldn't feel accomplished, I'd feel like I finally got lucky enough to see it drop.","Nothing more amazingly lore driven than finding an Elemental Artifact Skin, an appearance for Ra-den's own weapon, from a rat in a sewer." "Why Chad Morris, SMU have made social media such a central aspect of their recruiting",I've been tweeting at croots since twitter first came out where is my story. Just pick the top 16 teams by fan base size then. Money falling out of the sky and none of the pesky small programs to share it with.,That's the dream "He was white, so he had to check his privilege.","Future shitlord, so the world's probably better off amirite?" Those exclusive events always rub me the wrong way. They're looking for equal representation instead of equal opportunity.,anything besides equal representation is misogyny FBI: Hillary Insulted Ambassadors. Stole from State Dept. Blatant disregard of protocol. Using State Dept. Position to campaign for Potus!,Yeah but was it her intent? My first battle station,3/10 no cat or gfuel I'm not really understanding how mass incarceration in the US justifies extrajudicial murder in the Philippines.,Apparently it does because the USA is of the bad "Cass isnt weak but burst wrecks her, syndra and Zed are prime examples.",Doesn't change the fact that Jensen still played it bad. Yes!,I should always pip the killer should never kill me every chase should be a Benny Hill scene till the gates power "Pro tip, if all you ever do is tell yourself you cant, you probably will never level up your game and will certainly not make it. So either you dont actually care but posted this anyway, or you should pull up your boot straps and work your crucible game. (This is to everyone that says this when a post about trials is made)",Or buy a lag switch? What if I told you that has nothing to do with what I said?,There is so much furor around this particular election because of the bullshit that comes out of that idiots mouth. Donald Trump Opens New Line of Attack on Hillary Clinton: Her Marriage,This is going to end well for him. "Only secular, atheist liberal 'Jews' vote Democrat.",Thanks for telling me I'm not Jewish enough because I vote Democrat! Don't forget the part about Trump getting elected two years prior and actually doing a REALLY good job.,Soooo what you are saying is that winning the lottery will not happen. "Yeah, because this is like genocide or something, right? :)","Watch out sir, the level of butt hurt here is enough to send your total karma into the negatives." Channing Frye and RJ brought them together,no firing Blatt did Cards Against Humanity getting real.,Wowe you definitely pulled that combination by chance I've been working retail for 9 years. I've worked in big box night shift where we weren't encouraged to interact with customers and currently work in a medium box that has us focus on customer interaction. Saying something like hi how are you to customers let's them know there are people available to help if they want it. Crying about it is pretty stupid because it's something the workers are paid to do.,So... Why are you here? are almost the same Can you name the differences?,Edith sells one and Monica sells one What you're looking at here is an AWD 1.5L Inline-4 Ford Camel. It's part of their new line that they came out with to compete with the Chevy Impala. The Camel will drive like a Mustang but feel like a Giraffe. That's thanks to it's 1 hump coolant system. This thing was built with sand in mind! It'll go through a dust storm no problem so don't worry about getting stuck. She's a fun one.,Read this in car commercial guy gruff voice. What are some good make out moves?,Watch prank invasion - Mummy make out day Tinyfin isn't power creep since it can get hungry crabbed,With your own crab :^) "Fuck, just left my PC updating while going to work.","Don't worry, Microsoft is going to handle it fine by itself" I mean to get the models,"To get the models, I used the Toontown Offline Squirting Flower source." Drake: Shout out to Kendrick for holding down L.A. Don't listen to anyone. That's my dawg.,Beef confirmed! Name one of his Japanese players without googling them!,Takuma Asano Knizia isn't relevant anymore. He was once prolific but i don't think many of his designs hold up. They feel dated and old.,"Yeah, I've played so many games that are much better than Ra, Modern Art, Tigris & Euphrates, Amun-Re, Lost Cities, Schotten-Totten/Battle Line." "First time flick up - How to do consistently ? I want my player to flick the ball up on receiving a pass. I have done it already a few times but it doesnt work most of the time. I use something with RB + LT, not sure if holding both or holding LT and pressing RB is better. What is the trick to doing it consistently ?",Timing Female changed her profile picture and receive a compliment,I suddenly want more piercings. How to design a hinge: Lenovo edition,"I'm on a less than 2 year old Lenovo laptop, same hinge issues, opening the screen rips off the right side of the bezel if I don't hold it down - I might have to try using a clip like that." nice first blood kills :-),Wow you must be a professional player! A black band member was threatened with a knife by five white men in the bathroom during the game. He didn't even kneel during the anthem.,They were just defending our freedom His supporters brigading polls may have given us all the gift of Trump doubling down on his failure in the second debate.,"This man will not accept his defeat, and I'm not sure just how far he will take his followers to defend him from a Clinton win the day after." Pope calls gender theory a 'global war' against the family,Damn that Pope Francis and his liberal agenda! As kids we used to spray caps (for cap guns) with WD-40 then hit them with a hammer. It was loud and caught fire. Awww the good ole days.,Paper or ring? Don't you just love waking up to fresh spaghetti?,Au dente Was there ethernet? My wifi is appalling.,But does it have SMS? Your sky is falling shows a marked lack of understanding of how the internet works.,"You're right, the people of the United States not having direct accountability to how web addresses are handled is a good thing." mermaid and her mer-dad at disneyland,If he made her work in a mine just think of the reforms in 50 years! I have a Budweiser shirt and I don't drink beer. Fuck me right?,"how dare you, fucking poser" "This does not work with Texas state troopers, can confirm my first and second time being pulled over both got tickets. First time for going 10 over on a highway in the middle of nowhere second time going 15 over on another highway in the middle of nowhere. Hate to say it but from my experience troopers are dicks when it comes to traffic violations.","Yeah, fuck those guys for doing their jobs when someone is going an significant amount over the speed limit." Yeah I know it's a shame but I'd rather not get in a fight or end up in hospital because of a football game,What a plastic "Personally, I dislike fake outrage wherever it is coming from. No one is REALLY offended by any of this crap, come on, there is war, murder, famine and millions of other more important problems out there. And what triggers you is a silly joke that irked you or rubbed you the wrong way? I'm not going to pretend to be offended by it only because feminists would be offended if it was the other way round. I don't think that adopting the same stupid behavior but on the flip side, even if sarcastically, helps at all. Women and men absolutely should have the same rights and no sex should be discriminated against. However, that doesn't mean they are the same. They are not, deal with it.","While I understand what you are saying, I think its important to point out people's hypocrisy." "If Woox lost to a tick eater, you'd all be outraged and demand him be disqualified but because woox is doing this stupid bullshit strategy and was disqualified, jagex is evil. thank god it wasn't ice poseidon because jagex would have bombs sent to them through the mail if that were the case never stop being OSRS reddit, OSRS reddit.",I love how you're argument about this is adding another streamer just cause you want people to agree with you. New Mexico is so far the only state where it's legal for teens to share nudes with each other. Makes me pretty happy that I can't get my life destroyed for it,"OMG, New Mexico endorses child pornography!" The fuck is a compliment? I honestly cannot remember the last one I got (that wasn't from my SO.),Rumor has is theyre nice things people say to you when you have something they like... who are the realistic options to replace Helfrich?,Les miles? yup. as always I don't know what I am talking about ;) I could see why one key that triggered emergency reboot would be problematic :D,"Nice, now please call MS and explain them why a Windows Update that does the same thing is equally bad" Food product inspection can't be conducted by a private institution? The government is the only means of doing this?,No one has ever gotten sick from food with the FDA watching over us. How good of a business man can you be loosing a billion dollars in one year....,"Oh, but everyone fails once in a while." "Limited skins like the Victorious skins, Silver Kayle, Black Alistar and the like are banned, because Riot cannot advertise them.",but usually aren't other skins with certain altered animations banned? "If the owner at your gym were to record your workouts and watch them, what weird habits and rituals would they pick up on?",He's only 165lbs but too fat too get off the bench without swinging his legs. "My Jew fro begs to differ, and I'm not even Jewish","Uhhhhh, that's our word..." What in the fuck does that have to do with health?,"Nothing, but it doesn't matter because Hillary." When the fuck does it stop 23 is too old for acne,Have you tried washing your face? "Society enabled the creation and empowerment of a State that steals from me, actively increases the cost of living, limits my ability to engage in voluntary exchange, limits my career prospects, and attempted to indoctrinate me. If anything, these motherfuckers owe **me.**","Yes, I'm sure in lieu of civilisation your career prospects would be vastly increased" There seems to be an arm too many.,"Yea, everyone knows blake only has one arm." "what if Alarak had a talent that allowed Telekinesis to also move allied Heroes? (like Helping Hand) (before anyone says something like well i could be used to troll your allies, well the same could be said about Helping Hand, or it could also be used to save them)","I though Alarak was not a troll, guess I was wrong." Welsh for English speakers,As a Welsh person (and speaker) I can confirm that is indeed our flag I'm not saying it wasn't his fault but this is a little harsh. It's lap 1 so these things happen and him retiring from the race was punishment enough IMO.,They could also demote him to team Haas!.. "Get cho instead, very competitive card",will do Uhh... fuck that.,"You have to understand, Washington is in a legitimate conference." Fukushima Radiation Has Contaminated The Entire Pacific Ocean (And It's Going To Get Worse),Nuclear is the safest fuel source. Herobrine.,"Not anymore, he was removed in the last update." I'm dying that Kelly Anne has been MIA and nowhere to be seen since Thursday when she accidentally confirmed that Trump did dealings with Cuba during the embargo,You mean that wasn't really her on SNL Family Feud last night? But it was a joke.,Jokes are supposed to be funny. "So instead we've ended up with a system where the elite rule the majority but for their own benefit, at least mob rule allows the majority to rule in its own favour.","Unlike in other countries and systems, of course." I read the Book of Mormon out loud to my three children every day for 20 years. All four of us are unbelievers now. Only my wife remains in the fold. #oops,You stopped though - that's where Satan got ya! Tyron Woodley remarks on the double standard for African American UFC fighters.,Read the article not the headline. "Women most likely to use misogynistic language on Twitter, report finds",Obviously we need women to teach their daughters to not be misogynists. Yeast help I went to pitch my Yeast into 5 gallons of cooled wort unfortunately half of it ended up on the ground. Is my best option to buy and pitch another packet?,So you had trouble finding the hole. "Hey, nice shirt, bro.",SHUT UP GAY WHAD "Philadelphia, PA",Head over the Ben Franklin bridge and try somewhere in Jersey You're a good person,Not sure if you are trying to offend me.... with sarcasm or genuine. I never thought of that. No one ever accused me of being the sharpest tool in the shed.,Why do you live in a shed? Giuliani Says Trump Is Better for the US 'Than a Woman',Bet the pope would be cool with his cheating statement. What would make a woman intimidating?,Most already are. They must have missed adding the disclaimer at the bottom saying animals are defined as things that are sold in a pet store.,"But limited to not include their the mothers of the animals sold in pet stores, which are usually kept in atrocious conditions." "I'll start, it doesn't matter if you're mentally unstable, you'll change that once you have kids. It'll force you to be a better person.",WONDERFUL advice. "The user over here got downvoted for asking who he is, though.","By two people, not like he was mercilessly down voted into oblivion" even on the highway?,In NOVA you won't even get past 40 because of traffic most of the time. "It's amusing how the GOP is trying to cast this as tax avoidance, when in reality the scandal is that Trump lost a billion dollars and took 20 years to make it back. If Trump was a mutual fund, he would have been shutdown virtually overnight by investors pulling money.","Uh, he made 540m on one single investment in 1995. you don't cash out of long term assets every 3 years so you can measure your dick in money for fake internet points." "Just picked up this GARBAGE quiver, hurr durr!",Am I the only one who can't tell who's saying OMG? MRW me and my girlfriend go to a wedding and she's wasted and having fun but I'm sober and know she's on her period.,Is OP supposed to be the maid chick dancing? Why are you single?,I'm socially awkward and can't hold a conversation Australias spelling of the word realize is realise you bucket of water,What about the word to? "Craigslist Used market must be strong in my area (yes, that's USD)","Gtx 1080 is 750 ish, 7970 is nearly 8 times as good, seems like a good deal." It's just a fucking shame that Rumble and Olaf are in the meta and the one of the best Rumbles ever and one of the best Olafs ever aren't here,I am also sad Hashinshin didn't make it to worlds Because having no one living in poverty is an attainable goal.,"But as a hedge fund kid that was lucky enough to not invest in real estate, I deserve more than those lazy bastards that don't work for their money!" EU is a magical place of perfect harmony,you forgot the "Cannabis give accused pain relief, judge told","The title for that article is horrible, took me like 5 re-reads to realise what it actually meant *after* reading the article." "girly drinks always make me laugh. Why does something delicious have to be girly? Am I only allowed to drink Jameson to be manly? Long Islands, strawberry margaritas, cosmos... Love em. My favorite drink right now is a greyhound with sugar. Grapefruit juice and vodka.","Yes, you're not a man unless you drink harsh concoctions that make you scowl and shudder when you drink them." "Shouts out to this bro, wish more people played like this",Getting the needle **dirty** out there "No, it's art.",I think u dropped this I think I've found Valkyrie in real life.,"No, it clearly says Miller.... Yeeesh." "iPhone 7s Are Now Exploding On Unsuspecting Owners | Only one, and it might not have been due to a technical malfunction.",Apple's stealing from Android again! Old school SAS: compare the metric system to being chained,But you Yuropoors don't get that you can take 12 inches and divide it by 2 two times before you get a decimal whereas if you take 10 cm and divide it by 2 twice you get a decimal. What happens in Paris when politics want to deny the access to the city to vehicles older than 99.,Are those all 1999 and older bikes? "Agreed. When you're farming for DZ rank and cash to buy DZ-only gear and you get gank-spanked by some goon squad when you're not even carrying loot it makes you, I dunno, quit the game for 3 months until 1.4 is announced and non-DZ loot gets a boost...",Nobody could have predicted this outcome! Even a fool sounds profound when he scatters sagacious buzzwords throughout his discourse.,Such frumentarius frippery does not belong here! Eastern Europe voting thread,Latvia. "Yeah, there are some issues with CCD and what not but Its not nearly as bad as the media would lead you to believe. A lot of the issues are with bees owned by commercial pollinator companies. Wild bee populations are pretty solid and have actually grown in the last few years. Still though, the loss or collapse of natural populations of native creatures is not a good thing.",Don't worry the human race is going to be wiped by ebola way before this is an issue just like the media told us remember. Ah yeah it's time to get schwifty it's time schwifty uh oh its time to get schwifty in here take of your pants and your pants and your panties shit on the floor,Quality post. "I was just going by google, it said the silent movie era ended in 1929.",God OP don't you know ANYTHING? Enterprise,But surely the season 4 revamp was much better "If only those who used the 'You don't understand, you don't have children' types of comments would apply that to other things that they themselves don't understand. They'd realise quickly what a bullshit statement that really is. I have depression and those who don't have it can't understand what I go through when it gets really bad but I don't announce it to them on a regular or even a non-regular basis because at least some people *try* to understand and be sympathetic, which it seems those who are anti-child free so to speak - ironically - just can't understand.",As a mom they understand everything The Devil's craftiest lie was convincing the world he was a cute Chinese girl.,And just like that... Poof... She cryo-freezed... When she asks where your legions went,"Publius Quinctilius Varus, get in here right now!" I think he's pretty well suited to being a governor. The presidency requires a bit better grasp on foreign policy than Gary has demonstrated.,"Yea, we wouldn't want to shy away from our humble foreign policy that exists now." Any specific brand? I think I'll pick one up at my local target.,Gainz goblin hates Milton-Bradley. Very ideologically pure radical centrism of you.,You found me out. You can find them between the gammas and the epsilons.,But what does that have to do with the Mississippi River Delta? You forgot they should also be used when changing lanes...,But only when you're already halfway into the other lane. "One* thing I've learned from Reddit is that I have a very ~~dys~~functional marriage, I grew up in the 90's and DO remember all that stuff, went to college *and* have a decent job, can do all the DIY shit in the world with minimal help (read: know how to use Google) and have friends because I don't cower in fear of the outdoors. *I got more snarky than I meant to in this comment.",Friends are overrated. "That feeling when your girlfriend says It's either you quit Pokemon Go or you break up with me, choose one and the only thing getting you through life right now is 1-2 hours of pokemon go a day.","Pokemon go is shit, I would give it up for a pair of underwear" better then an iMac.,But my 5k screen! Walmart selling $20 steam card for cheap!!,Just so console gamers can feel more at home. "Totally not a shill who deliberately threw the prosecution. No siree Bob, everything completely above the level here!",Yea..former Director of Homeland Security...for the Bush Administration....clearly a shill who was just waiting for his chance to vote for her. Oh wow really? Is there a noticeable difference in comfort?,"I've never sat in the real one, so I can't say comparatively, it tnissuper comfortable and sturdy." "Happy Iron Banner Eve It's 2pm. My earbuds blasting the Rise of Iron ST, helping me forget I'm making the most boring Google Sheets schedule in the world at a job I wish I didn't need. But as the orchestra swells and the horns blare, all I can think about and hope for is that our light levels will be forever inflated by the first Iron Banner of Y3. Happy Iron Banner Eve!",Get ready for the literal cancer that is Iron Lagger with an added side of AIDs with Supremacy! Powerful Orgasm,Vaginas do have balls. "Yes. This is perfect. When they just say alright, ya know what. We'll move his face for the finisher if that's what it takes.... Please tell me this is real.",I'm gonna hope you just accidentally left out the "I traded Tevin Coleman for Eddie Lacy straight up. Eddie was on bye and coming off a 100 yard game. Coleman coming off the 3TD game and was sitting inside top 5 of RBs. I looked to make the move because Coleman had a even split with Freeman and had Carolina, Denver, and Seattle in a 3 game stretch. I thought he was playing over his head and his value wouldn't get any higher, and would actually drop significantly over that span. I had a hunch on Lacy having a good season and knew even if not that he's the guy in that backfield. His YPC and YAC were both pretty good, but he just had not got high number of touches and had not scored yet. Seeing as how you're almost of of that tough stretch I might consider holding as they are feeding both backs in Atlanta. If you can get a Lacy type player, you might shoot.",Why do people keep giving away good players for Lacy? "Historically speaking, the brand of Islam that has been in SE Asia is a more peaceful variety than that which has been popularized by the likes of the Saudis and the Muslim Brotherhood out of Egypt. Part of it was that very few Muslims in SE Asia until very recently had access to the primary texts of Islam beyond the Quran, which is usually read in Arabic. Since most people aside from Arabs don't understand classical Arabic, it is easy for Imams to basically teach whatever they want. What we've seen over the past 100 years throughout the world is a reformation of Islam. With a re-emphasis on the classical texts that make up the foundation of the faith, and the life and example of Mohammed. (This parallels the Protestant Reformation in Christianity, where the printing press and literacy transformed Christianity and Christian practice in Europe, leading many nominal cultural Roman Catholics to rediscover the basic principles of the faith and leading to a flourishing of Christianity among lay-people). SE Asian Muslims have largely been cultural Muslims who have incorporated aspects of their local spirit and ancestor worship. What we are now seeing throughout the world is a purification of Islam based on the original texts. This has only recently started to have an impact on Indonesia and Malaysia. You only have to do a search for terror attacks in SE Asia to see what is happening. Oh, and Indonesia was under a dictator for quite a while, you can do a search for Suharto.","That's not really 'historic' though, that's like the last 100 years, really." My brother's nickname is Bobo and it is imperative I know which languages.,It's a very nice way to call you a retard in Mexico... "If you want to watch some quality Lee Sin action, watch C9 vs SKT and C9 vs FW.",Someone might actually think you're serious without a Driving a japanese sports car here as a primary vehicle with full coverage. Insurance premium is around 110 a month. I'm guessing the dude either drives a really fancy car or he's got a terrible driving history. Probably the latter if he's complaining about the insurance.,Honda mini van ^