diff --git "a/chunk14.csv" "b/chunk14.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/chunk14.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,1667 @@ +Input,Output +"Toyota Camry ftw! Mine is a 2007 and currently has 236000 miles. All I have changed is the brakes, water pump and windshield wipers. Before this I had a 1998 Camry that I sold for $1700 (still running) with 311000 miles.",You should change the oil at some point! +What bothers me is that most of you think this guy is worse than the people he's targeting. Just because he's got an extreme solution to a problem doesn't mean we should ignore the fact that it's a problem. Also anyone who suggests the way to deal with criminals is to spend other people's money to improve their lives is a fucking asshole. And that seems to be the only other alternative Reddit offers for these types of problems.,"Yes, getting your people to murder suspected drug users in the streets isn't as bad as using drugs." +"Sex, lies and erotic videotape: How could religious conservatives nominate Donald Trump?",Sex and erotic videotapes oh no. +"Cause everybody's gotta die sometime. We fell apart, let's make a new start.",'Cause everybody's gotta die sometime yeah But baby don't cry-i-i-i-iiiiiiie. +What is this text floating through the relays?,The time left in the current content drought +"Then one must admit that G2's success this past split was on the backs of two great korean players, not just their bot lane","No don't you get it, it only counts when it fits the EU superiority narrative" +Why? People that pick a 3rd jungler there's already 2. I have one question. Why?,Wait this game has roles? +Senators Blame Obama For Not Helping Them Understand Their Own Bill,Perhaps they would have understood the consequences better if BHO wasn't a black Muslim Kenyan terrorist that hates America. +"Ideally, you should be testing as you build the feature. The release branch would be for making sure all the features work together and all the tests pass together.","Yes, totally agree." +Me irl,Nice joke +"If you don't agree with us, that makes you a pedophile and against family values. Look at the other candidate who disagrees. He wants your children watching porn! ...",The only real solution is to legalize CP! +"Clinton: we need comprehensive mental health reform and a platform to connect young people with service and disaster-relief opportunities. Trump: my opponent cited the experience of a person who is of the same body type and ethnicity as a porn star. Yep. Two sane, reasonable, adult candidates right there.",Both sides are the same! +"Son: Mom, why is our cousin's name Rose?",Haven't heard this before. +Anything for london?,No because the US is the only country that matters +You're saying receptions are overrated yet talk about yards and TDs as if they weren't?,"Yeah scoring TD's for your team is overrated, I'd take more 5 yard receptions any day!" +he's a major npc for obtaining one of the coolest mounts in the game,I think you mean one of the best pets in the game +183 X1 Platoon If interested send me a fr gt newb slice,reported for unsporting behaviour +A furious Manchester United fan plans to sue his local takeaway because he saw Pep's face on his pizza and was refused a refund.,"Totally understand, I would be pissed if someone sold me a piece of toast with Jesus' face on it." +Meanwhile in EUNorth2...,I trade staff t6 priest for armor t6 wizard COMMUNISM MOTHERFUCKERS +get a divine and u can ;^),More specifically a divine 1/1/1 +Is there a sarcastic little shit phase?Cause I'm totally going through one right now Title.Even my best friends can't tell when I'm being sarcastic AND I JUST KEEP REPLYING SARCASTICALLY WHY DO I DO IT ALL THE TIME WHAT IS REAL ANYMORE SEND HELP.,There is no way to express sarcasm over text +"So, roll down windows when parked by hydrant. Got it.",Then they'll whack off the mirrors as a douche tax. +**3DS:** Fantasy Life Rhythm Heaven Pocket Card Jockey Pretty much any Mario or Luigi game has a cute factor to it **PC:** Little Inferno Fez Grow Home Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale Lili: Child of Geos Critter Crunch,I second Fantasy Life and Rhythm Heaven. +No more equipment from Weekly Missions I guess :(,"WG was doing something right for too long, they finally caught on and fixed it." +There is no way Hillary and her campaign member Debbie wasserman-schultz would ever rig voting,"here, you dropped the" +what if he just likes the way these taste,"Hahaha, that'd be funny." +"Home, Watercolor",Oh look Docker settled down :| +My theory is that Monte thinks if he doesn't wear his key at all times then someone can snatch the key and then *they're* hoh and he loses power AND if he leaves the hoh room and someone enters it then the room is now theirs and he loses his spot. That's it.,If he doesn't wear the key how would he get back into the room? +BREAKING: Trump Tax Records Obtained by The Times Reveal He Could Have Avoided Paying Taxes for Nearly Two Decades,That makes him smart! +This is what really grinds my gears...,"Thas what you get for sexually harassing people, fuck you" +"Damn, someone already got it.",Next level bots? +"No r/the_donald there is no conspiracy against you and there is no brigading against your sub. Reddit as a whole just hates you. (More in description): We aren't using bots for downvotes. We just hate you. We aren't removing your posts because we want to hide truth. We just hate you. We don't downvote you because we're being paid to. We just hate you. We don't debate you because we're insecure about our own ideals. We just hate you. We don't downvote memes because we're normies. We hate you. We PM you because your sub has banned everyone which makes us hate you. You call everyone cucks and faggots for disagreeing with you and poking holes in your logic which made everyone hate you. You ask us questions we cannot answer because you banned everyone and for that we hate you. You misuse memes and lingo constantly in shitposts that you bombard r/All with to spite redditors which makes us hate you. You make fun of everyone else's looks that you dislike while never showing your own faces because we'll see you are all 15-18 years old and for that we hate you. We aren't downvoting things Clinton says because we are choosing to be in denial. It's because we already know what she's said and we're ok with it but because it was posted by you we downvote it because we hate you. We downvote your post talking about how nice Trump actually is to people not only because we can look up why you are lying and we also hate you. We downvote all your other subs like Hillaryforprison, Uncensorednews, redpill, etc. because we know it's jst you and we hate you. We created enoughtrumpspam because we hate you and we needed a place to show why it's justifiable. So the next time you feel like bellyaching about how unfair the voting system is or how there are too many shills on this website remember its all because we all know your game now and we hate you, and we'll never stop hating you as long as you choose to remain of this sub. Nobody wants you here. Nobody on reddit cares about your opinion anymore other than your own sub. You are just pissing in the wind trying to get through to redditors. This website was better without you and it will be better once you're gone. I started this campaign disliking Trump and thinking his supporters were misled. Now because of your sub I and probably most of reddit hate Trump and his supporters just as much. The world is better off without extremists like you and the sooner you all fade into the background the better. P.S. WE HATE YOU.","Wait, so i'm the only one that get paid for shilling?" +That is an almighty fuck up from De Gea.,"Bruh, don't talk shite about a 90-rated keeper, yo." +"People who haven't given over their lives to fight a governments war are better than those who have, by default. So yes. My life of just doing nothing is more accomplished","Yeah, because they all made the choice to be drafted and sent to war." +"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck would?",24 +"I don't get it, most if not all comments are ether scammers or people pointing out his bullshit. I don't know how the like bar is so large",But they get free pokecoins +The saddest part of it all is that we were all expecting Phil to see him while on the parade and acknowledge him in some way. Phil was looking the other way when he passed him by. Never saw him.,Truly is a tragedy.... +Happy Birthday to the Most Handsomest Man on the Team,It's not Jake's birthday! +WG Please make premium account give only 50% exp bonus,erm...I don't have a premium account...and most of my battles are in higher tier tanks...and I'm still here...get good? +The Braves extend Jim Johnson through 2018,"I miss our 3 headed bullpen monster of Johnson, Peralta, and hatcher" +Poor us! We can't murder children anymore.,Because that's what abortion is +Hit a La Michocana. These are super easy to make...,The difference between the good ones and bad ones are the difficulty....... +I'm seeing red.,This is offensive to color blind people. +"Well, you can try and guess my nationality.",ukrainian? +Mercedes has had this since 2010,Oh right... This is a list of things Tesla has done that literally no other car maker has already done. +What are your opinions on this VP v SK matchup? Fallen going big and Pasha under,MOM SK ARE CHEATING +Rumor has it Bama is funding a project to upload Sabans consciousness to a quantum computer so they can have RoboSaban as their next coach.,Do they have that kind of knowledge/technology in the state of Alabama outside of Huntsville? +"Yes, and also... In geography, an oasis (plural: oases) is an isolated area of vegetation in a desert, typically surrounding a spring or similar water source, such as a pond or small lake. Oases also provide habitat for animals and even humans if the area is big enough. The location of oases has been of critical importance for trade and transportation routes in desert areas; caravans must travel via oases so that supplies of water and food can be replenished. Thus, political or military control of an oasis has in many cases meant control of trade on a particular route. For example, the oases of Awjila, Ghadames, and Kufra, situated in modern-day Libya, have at various times been vital to both North-South and East-West trade in the Sahara Desert. Oases are formed from underground rivers or aquifers such as an artesian aquifer, where water can reach the surface naturally by pressure or by man-made wells. Occasional brief thunderstorms provide subterranean water to sustain natural oases, such as the Tuat. Substrata of impermeable rock and stone can trap water and retain it in pockets, or on long faulting subsurface ridges or volcanic dikes water can collect and percolate to the surface. Any incidence of water is then used by migrating birds, which also pass seeds with their droppings which will grow at the water's edge forming an oasis. Just thought I'd throw that in too.",Username checks out +Donald Trump didn't face a single debate question about climate change during his candidacy,I like that we're already starting to talk about his candidacy in the past tense. +Horsecollar...WTF,Totally on the defender to know how to tackle properly while fighting through a stiff-arm. +Pseudoscience has always been a problem. Have you heard of phrenology?,Phrenology is totally legit you lumpy skulled nincompoop. +"That's fucked. Worst part is, there's a fair chance she had nothing to do with her husband's drug dealing.","Oh, you sweet summer child." +doesn't drink but some how the drunkest guy in the room,"Tbf this is his first year in the major, he didn't know how it works." +"By all means, go ahead.","Yeah, nah." +Will you get fired if you say wanna fuckin rotate homie?,We will soon find out........ +You waste stats for no additional gain.,you never know when you gonna need that +3 rcv to be able to survive the next attack +Atmocache. Atmosphere is comprised of atmo and sphere,Nerrrrrrd +I didn't think I could love this sexy gun any more than I already do. I was so wrong. :),"At my girlfriends for the weekend, destiny is at home with my quest stuck on step 5 I'm so excited to get it.. damn life and getting in the way of things" +Super Cheap Preme (IG: 30plusretail),can i preorder a bogo hoodie then? +That's what Sia stands for. Sia Is Australian,TIL +"This makes me pose a question. If HB does click compression with clicks, NBN with tags and Jinteki with net damage then what's Weyland's click compression? Is it meat damage or the threat of meat damage?",gaining three credits for almost anything. +"So, like, can we all agree to start calling it Gears of 4? Or Gears of Fwar",That's a FANT4STIC idea! +The Agenda Is Broken,He's an Uncle Tom +"Trudeau was an MP for a couple of years before becoming PM, but Agus has a much better non-political resume than Trudeau","but he's handsome, we should always vote for handsomeness and prettyness.. vote for Hitler, vote for Stalin, vote for Napoleon, vote for Genghis Khan, and now vote for Agus.. We can expect GREAT things from handsome and pretty leader.. like sex and the city type" +"Eugh. I've been on the other side of that. There is nothing more off-putting than when you know a guy isn't even listening to what you say, just walking through a mental script waiting for the chance to pop the question. It might be different for guys, but I'm not interested in a date with a stranger no matter how good looking he might be. I have to like him, and to like him I have to know him at least a bit. I think you'll have better luck if you're more patient. Let her get to know you a bit and go out in a group before you try to get her alone. And when you *are* together make sure she's relaxed and having a good time, have a few funny stories ready etc.",Wanna go for a drink? +"I believe a person works for what he gets. By being productive and putting into our current system it helps to ensure our survival as a nation. I see socialism as taking from someone who deserves it and giving it to someone lazy and unwilling to work. Why work for you sustenance when it can be given to you. Then more people who don't want to work will go that way and then some will stop working because what's the point it they are going to take more and more to throw at the non working group. It feels that to me the people on welfare or other entitlement programs don't know where the money comes from, that it just magically appears. In our current system that thinking brings collapse and will harm everyone. Capitalism and working for you money is preferable to be as with everything else I would need to pay for. Our government holds power now but how much 'free' money they can hand out. I understand that some people literally cannot work and those are the only ones who deserve state help, but if you go to many inner cities run down areas it is a different story with people who deserve unemployment payments because they just got laid off but don't want to get it because of the negative connotation that comes with it.",Because socialism = hardworking rich people give their money to lazy poor people. +"Man, I hear they're re-releasing every Linux game ever on BDXL disc. Just one.",you forgot to +Not having to be afraid of the police is pretty nice Im sure,"Yeah, only people who smoke weed are afraid of the police" +"Not sure why everyone is being downvoted for telling the truth, scheduling difficulties, and the sheer difficulty of getting 100+ different wrestlers in the studio in time. When you could just get 10 or so wrestlers in and have them replicate most other guys.",Because clearly 2K is lazy and screw and logic about time and resources and availability of the wrestlers! +"I believe that he has been saying that magma rager wasn't the worst card even before the latest adventure. There was recent thread here a week ago trying to figure out what it was again, since ben doesn't want to reveal it.",Dust Boar +"It really sucks when the time limit is up and you can't watch, like, or talk about a show after five years.","Yeah, and I'm sure anyone with a meatwad tattoo isn't regretting it at all." +That's...unfortunate.,"She's been really strong in blitz tournaments throughout Europe, but has struggled against Russian opponents." +Ladies: Has revealing the goods in photos had positive or negative affect for you?,"As a male, any ladies that want me to be a judge for their nudes can PM me" +"Because a lot of people say it would violate some of their freedoms. Also some people choose not to vote sort've out of protest (which is moronic). I personally don't think they should make voting mandatory, but I would like to see efforts to make it a lot easier to vote.","I think registration should be mandatory, but mandatory voting probably doesn't help anyone." +"Never, I will never forgive them for 1995.","Exactly, fuck the Indians" +No political outfit which brings in the draft will survive the next election?,"I thought we all so much cared about our military services, I would see this as a positive thing if any government/party tries to bring this in picture the only big constraint I see is, we don't have that kind of infrastructure." +Some of our players play for NA teams too so all hope is not lost of EU success,"Yeah man, if Korea got eliminated I'm sure they would be saying the same thing" +"Do we know what's coming in the next update? I know Progression 2.0 is coming out, and it's adding new ships, weapons, modules, etc. But do we know how much of what? I'm particularly excited about the new ships, but are we talking 5 new ships? 10 new ships? 30 new ships? I've skimmed the forums for a bit looking for information but haven't found much revealed, or have Greybox simply not released much on what's coming?",I believe it said on the original Progression 2.0 announcement that they would be going from 15 ships currently to over 50 +State of emergency in Turkey is extended by three months,That is quite a suprise. +My phone is water proof bro.,Sony Xperia? +"Whoa, is that real?? Did the Philippines and USA mutually agree to a contest to see which country can produce the greatest number of outrageous and shameless tweets from politicians? Because... if so, it's neck and neck and anyone's game at this point.",I am so proud to be a Filipino-American these days +It's all abstract to these people. The concrete needs of the people don't matter. The concrete actions of FARC don't matter. It's all about philosophy.,They should read some Bob Avakian! +"No, seriously man, I really admire the powerful symbolism -3-",Young man you should know that appropriated soviet art for anti-communist propaganda is a gateway drug. +True story: A woman on Facebook told me she was considering voting for Gary Johnson because Clinton was Republican and Neoliberal.,"I have two friends voting for Jake Stein, and they live in Ohio and Pennsylvania." +Via Sargon of Akkad: Hillary Clinton on Assange Can't we just drone this guy,"Drone striking the Ecuadorian embassy in London, yea that seems like a great idea." +Guys..these cops were clearly in fear for their lives. This man could of had a gun or a bazooka so they were justified. If they weren't..they were just a couple of bad apples!?!? Don't you dare judge cops by the actions of cops!,You dropped this +same u,Nah +"In that case, I expect Congress will put up a fight and make sure we never get it.",It's gona kill small business! +How dare you that was the best third act in cinematic history.,I really hope you just forgot the +ofcourse because what kind of campaign is that with 40GIGS size lol GTA?,"Lots and lots of detail, that duck camo requires a lot with all those feathers." +I will trust Mathil on this because Mark doesn't even play the game.,You dropped the +"It sounds like the claims aren't false though, and OP can't afford an attorney to sort through this for them.","Totally agree, I was explaining his options primarily for the purposes of showing him why it was unlikely." +Thanks!! I love motherhood so I'll go look at their slacks.,"It's been a few years, but I loved the pair I got at MM and wore them for a few months after my son was born." +"Some new socks or some fresh undershirts. Maybe I'm weird, but I'd be stoked if I got those.","When I was a kid and my parents bought me underwear for my birthday I was pissed, now-a-days when my parents buy me compression shorts and any athletic wear I'm stoked." +Won't someone think of the poor blastocysts?,"ITS MURDA I TELLS YOU, MURDA!" +How to drill a 90 degree hole without a drill press... Step 1: Use your drill press to make the guide....,What if you go camping in the Amazon jungle and can't carry your bulky drill press? +"One of my closest friend's almost lost his job because one of our former co-workers hit him with a serving tray. It made it all the way past the lower tier of corporate, past legal, and up to the board before they interviewed the people that were there that night. She claimed he hit her with a serving tray. Seven eyewitnesses confirmed she hit him. But because they were male they had to review the security camera footage. Where it showed her hitting him with the serving tray. He faced termination and potential legal troubles. ... Board told us we couldn't schedule the two of them on the same day together anymore.",Umm... so you're saying she got to keep her job? +Aviva Premiership Fantasy League: Week 5 Results,"Itoje: -1, knew it wouldn't be the same after his winning streak ended England should drop him" +"Actually 3 sides. You're side, their side and the truth.",YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH +Reused texture. They're all over DE too :),"models * /assets * textures are what covers models, you are TRIGGERING ME!" +"There's a crack in the ship? SAVE THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN FIRST. ABANDON SHIP, ABANDON SHIP!",Did you just assume their gender?!? +Clinton: Trump 'contributing nothing to our nation',"So wait, not paying taxes, avoiding drafts, not paying american works and running for an office you have no idea how to handle makes you a bad citizen?" +"If there was really something that worked, no one would have a spotty beard.",Well we all know penis pills work but some people just choose to not gain an extra 3 overnight. +"We sure don't. And in most cases, we don't get paid for working overtime or on weekends. I have a friend that is on dialysis and they had to bring the machine to his job so he wouldn't get fired for taking off to clean his blood. And if we make it through the work day we still run the risk of getting killed by the cops on our commute home. Also, everybody's extremely racist. Never come to the USA if you can help it.","Here, you dropped this" +"It's an electronics industry. It evolves on a semimonthly basis. The core principles are the same though, and that's what is addressed there. mostly. If you have any edits to suggest, I am certain the author of the post would be happy to let you make them.",The only thing that hasn't changed is how wonderful prefab boxes truly are in any application. +I personally wanna see the SOSRA sketch for breaching the shields,"I start leave next week, Ill take a wack at it... Gonna need a 3d holographic projector" +That's actually a really good idea.,"Well, looks like it's not getting implemented then." +What one block of fire does to a Woodland Mansion,TIL fire burns wood. +Source?,Hillary said so +MRW I'm expressing to my brother how happy I am for a friend and he says my friend won and I lost because she's married with kids and I'm not.,"Yeah, but who is thinner?" +This is the best the scene has looked in a long time. There's real competition for the top 1 spot now.,Thank Fnatic +"Just saw a person get airlifted outside our local mountain bike trails in Iowa... You start doing double blacks and one mistake could easily mean bad injury or even a broken neck. Hell with the speed most people hit on blues, you could easily break a neck on even one of the intermediate trails.",what are double blacks +The Boston Major,road trip? +My Biscuit... Left this world yesterday. He was only 5.,"Rest in peace, good boy" +Unleash the Kraken!,Whenever I see a picture like this all I can think is Well how is she gonna look when she gets old? +What is your advice for Germans who want to mold their country more like switzerland?,You need to annex part of france and italy. +Let's make Iggy even stronger!,Him and Khaimera are in desperate need of buffs +Plus they have a business logo to top it all off,YOU WOT M8 +"WOW what a convenient shooting, it's almost like this was planned to distract everyone from the huge government ending leaks that are dropping tomorrow.","Yeah, there are totes dozens of people willing to go to prison for a decade just to give Soros a distraction." +"Middle aged white guy here. In my 40-some years, I've never been called racist. I credit that success to no being racist or saying racist shit.",*mind blown* THERES NO WAY IT COULD BE THAT EASY! +"This morning I had my woman's wellness exam, and as I was leaving the clinic a pro-life protester called me a whore. Ironically that facility doesn't provide abortions. I didn't realize getting cancer screenings made me a whore?",HOW DARE YOU TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! +He was just in smash and had a minigame in Nintendo land. I wouldn't call that m.i.a.,I think they are specifically talking about the fact that he hasn't had his own game in 30 years +"Thanks. How odd, I've never heard of him in the 6 or so months I've been browsing the bitcoin subs.",It was a BlockStream conspiracy to keep everybody in the dark. +"*Checks game schedule to see if we play the Vikings* No Vikings, heart beat decreases.",You're playing the Broncos twice though. +I think 80s music is only good to people who gree up in the 80s because of nostalgia. Of course there are exceptions but good god I hate 80s music,"I'm definitely not a fan of the 80's sound, but a lot of my favorite music came from the 80s!" +PHD in what though? If he holds a PHD in History or English...,"Linguistics, I think." +"Yes. Yes let's make the whole city 10km/h. That makes sense to do, right?",Makes it better to bike everywhere if they're all faster than the cars on the road! +Do you get head aches? How about buying blood pressure supps. This is why shit gets a bad name. Always take bp supps,Lol bro +AutoCorrect houdt bij welke woorden je vaak typt en maakt op basis daarvan suggesties...,Het is toch immegrasie van de gelukzsoeker s? +The Big 10 will stop scheduling those quality FCS teams soon enough (out of fear of NDSU).,The SEC has been to scared to schedule NDSU +So how much does it cost to craft call of the wild? I just looked and it costs 400. I swear that shit used to be like 1600... Do nerfs decrease the cost of crafting?,No it has always been 400 dust for a non golden epic. +"I've tried shooting them down, but it doesn't work",Because the flesh still holds them together. +(US-Central TX) Elite Force 1911s + Mags + Accessories,"no nudes, reported for false advertising." +We've blown right past Soviet-level propaganda.,Just shows how many people hate trump +Fuck off OP this is a masterpiece,"Whoa, let's not get carried away." +i skipped laughing and went straight to crying,Laughing is so last year anyway. +Sad world we live in where Google is making iPhone replicas.,to google = let us find something relevant somewhere else for you - now even for hardware +Is.. is that a remake of Kino Der Toten :o,Nahhhhhh +"Plot holes aren't really a thing when you're writing a book involving the kind of magic found in the Potterverse. Seriously, most of the story involves introducing a new magic thingy that causes a problem and introducing another new magic thingy that solves it, repeat as necessary.",yeah its really simple when you look at it like that +"I support this, I miss reforging.",I too miss reforging every piece of gear I have every time I got an upgrade to have optimal stat distribution.... +Hey r/all! Here is Hillary Clinton speaking in support of video game censorship.,"We all know Frogger is a white supremacist nazi, they need to be banned." +Lebron Comnections Does anyone know what you can get from LBJ connections? Can you get his layup animation from his connection? I'm cheap and don't want to spend vc on his layup if I can get it this way :P,TIL Lebron does layups +Traffic,TIL we are the only city that has this problem +In hindsight it's easy to see that I was wrong to trust my mom's advice to be dishonest.,"No way, moms always give the best advice when it comes to women." +Apple TV Siri told me today is it's Birthday when I asked the time.,"Make sense, Siri is totally a Libra!" +Idiot puts his face against exhaust pipe while his friend revs the engine.,Idiots like this is why the United States of America can't have socialized heathcare. +How do you predict the world will end?,Humans will definitely destroy themselves before the world ever ends. +inb4 game out in 2 minutes,I would get ^^Crippling ^^Depression if he delayed it for months +"yes, of course, because it would allow the public to paint a picture of guilt without evidence or a fair trial. literally everyone should be afforded this for indictments of significance.",Pretty much all the presidential candidates have had indictments drafted right before the elections and pretty much most candidates have had staff given immunity as well / it's a big nothing burger and par the course when you run for president with a huge right wing conspiracy coming after you +"Who are some hot head coaching candidates, not named Tom Herman? Asking for a friend...",Les Miles +"obviously you are entitled to your opinion, but don't you think it's a little far to call someone disgusting for having different sexual values than yourself? I don't call someone disgusting for only wanting sex when in a relationship...",Because putting yourself at risk for STD by hopping on every other dick you see and lowering those risks greatly by saving sex for a committed relationship are totally both disgusting worthy behaviors +"Matchmaking: Can we PLEASE stop getting solos matched against full fireteams? I'm probably beating a dead horse's soggy remains, but Bungie, I find it hard to believe there isn't some way to set matchmaking so that solo players don't get pitted against a six-man fireteam. My biggest concern heading into IB was matchmaking, and sure enough, I just finished a match against a 6-man team while my team had a single 2-person group, and the rest were solo. As you would expect, the final score was 150-78, and multiple people dropped out of my team multiple times. I'm not asking for 6-man teams to be pitted ONLY against 6-man teams. But would it be too much to ask to AT LEAST try to match against 3-man groups or multiple groups of 2? At the very least, tell me that it CAN'T be done. At least that way, I don't hold out for something to MAYBE change.",I have video where me and a pug of 5 randoms went up against a team of 2 AND a team of 3. i was very salty. +Erick Rowan Undergoes Surgery: Could Be Out 4-6 Months,Maybe he tore it trying to open the door on Smackdown last week. +Maybe jerky is the wrong term.,"Also retard is the wrong word, since he's one of the most brilliant men on Earth." +I would have paid to have been in that room,You want to be in the fart room? +Guccifer 2.0 Posts Alleged Clinton Foundation Files,I'm sure *this* will sink Hillary +"Also remaking Asian movies that are only a few years old, as if English people are afraid of subtitles (I guess big audiences are in some cases)",It's because English is the only language that really matters! +MORE LIKE THE BORIOLES IF YOU ASK ME,CREATIVE. +And no accounting for how the old boys spend the members' tithing.,"No, you misunderstand, the internal auditing department says everything is all good." +"Where do you see Dansby Swanson's ceiling? I expect 80%~90% of Corey Seager, or 70%~80% of Brandon Crawford from Swanson. his ceiling is the one I am curious about. What's your opinion? do you think he can be better than them? where do you see his ceiling?","Mike Trout, but as a Gold Glove SS." +Remember my shit? I was a troll. AMA,Wanna smoke later to get over the crippling depression you must've had? +Impressive brickwork,"Meh, not THAT impressive." +"How can a ban on Sardar jokes be enforced, asks Supreme Court","I am shocked that the justices chose to use the 'C' word, which is a racial slur." +That was for last week's Humble. This is for this week's.,I am pretty sure that it was a joke about how due to HB's inconsistency with their 'new bundle every week' you might as well sticky one of the posts about no new bundle. +I must be doing something incorrect because I can never hit the same dps in MM as I can in BM. Anyone have a recommendation for a rotation/priority breakdown?,"yeah, when the ichors spawn, **push barrage**." +"Probably. Suikoden 1 and 2 were on PS1. 3,4, and 5 were on PS2.",Are they all standalone games or do I need to play them in order? +"Poor people aren't paying taxes, rich people aren't paying taxes.... Middle class is holding this country up on its shoulders and it's shrinking fast.",Revolution up in this motherfucker. +Buy the size that fits your biceps and have the body taken in by a tailor. He can taper it to fit your shape so you will look more tailored and less baggy than off the rack stuff.,Thanks for the help with this +Anon teaches Social Skills 101,"Can confirm this is valid, I do this all the time The issue though is the only people it really works well on are the weirdest of the weird, so now I just have a little cult of sexually repressed degenerate gays and furfags on strings of emotional dependence who sob to me all day about their lack of a social life and I haven't a clue what to do with em" +Ah yes Germany....The new Grope capitol of the world.....,"Yes, because 31 people out of 5.5 million drunks makes it the grope Capitol of the world." +Universal vacuum would just look stupid. You're trying to tell me that on top of building these advanced armor magic drones they also decided to shove a fan up each warframe's ass? I think from a lore standpoint it would just look stupid. Having it on all sentinels makes sense. The orokin also didn't shove a fan up every dog and cat's ass while they were making utility drones. Having it innate on all sentinels is a very fair fix and that's how it should be.,And throwing brownish pokeballs containing Chargers definitely makes sense when the infested are uncontrollable monsters +Apparently vegan is a catch-all phrase that describes anything different.,Everybody knows that vegans don't eat +C,Goodbye +What sentence would you have if you tapped the middle button of your phones autocorrect 20 times?,I have a great day and I will be in the same as the panels are you doing today and. +"It also screams I like to sit around playing video games, have obscure hobbies, and am generally bad at dealing with people and emotions.",Because playing video games and having obscure hobbies is a bad thing +I never said I made good decisions. Also I was 6.,You probably don't want to go around posting that on the internet. +banned months ago still no response from jagex,Well keep posting I'm sure you'll get unbanned soon. +War Zone firefight summed up in 15 seconds,Obviously you need to git gud +This is what we are up against. Damn they're stupid.,Are you telling me that market competition doesn't actually drive cost down? +This person made a buoyancy assist harness for a disabled goldfish,So cute his friends are checking out his new sea wheels :'). +Python is a part of the Bay Area web/mobile startup echo chamber. I rarely see job adverts for Python in the wild.,"Yes, and I suppose github activity is also just another Bay area echochamber." +"In a game about PICKING SHIT OFF THE GROUND, how do people manage not to PICK SHIT OFF THE GROUND! Not really rage but hot damn do people just run pass every crest on the ground...",Red bar crests are a trap. +"Police Theft So Out of Hand, State Just Passed a Law Banning Cops from Robbing Innocent People","No way, that's unbelievable!" +2.5g invert tank. Hedgehog for scale.,Would that hedgehog have enough space in a 2.5g? +Quando sento queste storie a me vengono in mente i Darwin Awards. Peccato che in questo caso le colpe dei genitori definitivamente ricadono sui figli - c'e' solo da sperare che non si becchino la meningite prima ancora dell'asilo. Io l'unica cosa che non ho fatto ai miei figli e' stata battezzarli. Quello si' che se lo scelgono loro da grandi.,EH MA IL PECCATO ORIGINALE? +"Wally said you know they don't talk anymore. So yeah she's still alive, but the family dynamic is fucked up",I mean they technically wouldn't talk if she was dead.. +explain,Trumpsplaining. +BBs in ranked in a nutshell (from rank 6-10),"Maybe we should just delete BBs from the game, maybe that will fix the issues with them." +But I bet you eat meat and don't think twice. Get off your collective high horses. You pay for animal abuse with ever bite.,"It's a well known fact, that the meat I eat is starved and thrown onto the side of the highway before I consume it" +Congrats! Now try to pass the 0% Threshold of pulling any unit you want from Fizz's batch.,How about getting KM? +Kevin White's ankle injury is going to keep him out a few weeks,#GODDAMNIT THIS IS JAY'S FAULT +"Or if the parent is really that lazy, write in huge letters on the bag I HAVE A PEANUT ALLERGY and it will probably deter some snickers. But once I run out of non-peanut candy, that kid isn't getting any candy.",What about all those kids dressing up as kids with severe peanut allergies? +So since I love double and triple IPAs I guess I am a poser.,Nah you clearly just drink them to get drunk since the ABV is so high. +This always goes through my head when I play as the Imperials on Battle Station,This brought back some Saturday morning cartoon memories +need help picking a new duty light I can finally spare $150-$175 for a decent flash light on my duty belt and was hoping to get some recommendations. Also please add the holster that fits that light.,Streamlight stinger or GTFO. +It's the same thing as an Ill Will with Luck in the Chamber The Eyesluna/Palindrome are still better because they're consistent and shooting off three shots with them isn't too far away from two shots with an Ill Will in terms of TTK. The small difference in TTK isn't worth it when it's RNG,"In iron banner and other light level events it will 2 shot if you are high enough and against low level people, feels good to be a elitist sometimes and know I got that two shot because I'm a higher level" +Surely while awaiting sentence for one charge you should probably avoid publicly doing things that will get you convicted of another crime?,I swear some people think they know everything... +Alabama QB Jalen Hurts Becoming a Dark-Horse Heisman Candidate,"I love him, but he needs to get a lot better at passing to be considered for the heisman." +"Wikileaks' Julian Assange to release 'significant' documents on US election, Google, arms trading over next 10 weeks","Guys, I'm super serial this time." +"Other poor people somehow manage to get their shit together, but black people still continue being stereotypically and statistically criminal and violent.",Right because white trailer parks are just a haven of law-abiding people and family values..... +Is TwinStar Wrath realm is any good? As above states whats your opinion on TwinStar hyperion realm?,"Just play on Warmane or DalaranWoW, dont waste your time." +Teacher Accused of Sex with a Student Pleads Guilty,I love how the word rape is never used when its a *female teacher*. +Guys. I'm in Russian. Zvezda is a shitty channel for thouse who want a soviet union back. Nevermind.,Found Putin +He could have just cut himself. They were oddly uniform to be made during a struggle.,Those cuts did look pretty superficial. +It appears that there has been a hamburgerling,*hamburglary +Stoke The Forge. My favorite perk. :P,Stroke The Forge* FTFY +Oktoberfest continues ! SR and SSR gatcha rate up to 16.67%,"Yay, got the mighty Doomworm" +I have never seen solo players play like that... ever.,Please be +"What are some good hang-out movies? Easy going, honest, enjoyable movies with real characters. Examples: Dazed and confused, Everybody wants some, Diner, Top five, Before sunrise (and the other two), Chef This just text to fill up the character count to meet the minimum requirement. This just text to fill up the character count to meet the minimum requirement.",I don't know anyone who can't just sit and relax with their friends and enjoy Requiem for a Dream. +Where's the front camera?,who needs a camera when you can have small bezels selfies are for girls +"That's what I've been thinking throughout this whole thing. If the Pixel was priced lower, it would be seen as just another Android phone to the mass market. The price makes it a competitor.",yeah it worked great for htc +Where do they get so many commends lol. I got global after 250 wins and (388 currently) and I have like 5-10 from each.,wow man u r so good!1!1!1! +Well I became friends with a dropout student around when I stopped being a teacher (I was a chemistry teacher). We ended up going into business together... Selling meth. You should've put a serious tag on this post. The story is a reference to breaking bad (I don't actually watch the show I just know a bit about it),Holy shit I totally never would have got that reference +As did I. As a male STEM major who is a lifter and one of the BMI outliers I wanted to reach through the screen and slap them and tell them NO! BAD DOG!,Omg you are triggering me! +The Buffalo Bills went to four Super Bowls in a row - and lost all four of them.,why have i never heard of this? +"We're now generating power out of manioc What a time to be alive Wouldn't taking so much cassava reduce the food supply, though?","Well, the article mention that Lampung has 10 milllion ton cassava and the powerplant would use around 10 ton, so there is still a huge reserve... Plus people eat rice anyway, not cassava..." +Euthanasia should be legalized. Maybe I can finally off myself.,"Until then, don't do that shit dude." +David Simon's Tweet about Orioles Playoff Loss,"Jeez, you make one of the best shows of all time that is still just as relevant 15 years later and you just milk that thing eh?" +How are mods allowing these posts here?!? It's been shit post after shit post. I thought they would stop once the season started but it's getting worse.,But what's wrong with Treadwell? +My collection (with a couple of the wife's),"Your wife should never know how many guns you own, it can make it much harder to buy more." +How do you know that? Who knows how much shit they found wrong internally with that patch?,I bet they just open random files and just put extra } everywhere just to fuck it up. +Trump and Hillary are two good and viable nominees for president.,You forgot the +Bottle flip,4/10 - didn't dab afterwards. +"I had somebody tell me to stand outside my supermarket and ask people. I told him that, living in the Jewish suburbs of a major city, that it would be like 80/20 for Clitnon. I was then told my hometown didn't exist.","Well, it doesn't exist in the *real* America" +A message from Emma,i love emma but still im voting Trump +What's the most expensive thing you've bought that isn't a car or house?,RV +I was shaking after this lucky 1v6 SnD clutch... and I mean lucky.,Hardcore doesn't count +"We should strike for one week, hell even a day or two, and see how shit hits the fan when NPs and PAs try and run our healthcare alone. They think they can hang, let's give em a chance to shine and see what happens.",But the care would become so much more patient-centered! +Violet Starr | She's only 19,"Wow, those braces really do it for me" +We just received the most important endorsement yet!,That's going to get the creme-de-la-creme of Twitter's userbase commenting! +TIL I'm weird for solo queuing for support this entire year and enjoying it,"annie, vel'koz, karma and brand don't count, those are APC's in a low-income role, not supports." +How to Eat a Watermelon Very Quickly - Taskmasters,very accurate title +Shouldn't matter because they are setting a precedent that way...,"wtf, there is ALREADY a precedent for being more lenient on 1st laps, the comment already said that so what you said makes absolutely no sense... lol." +"As proved by the Burnley game, stats mean very little.","As proved by my mom being taller than my dad, men are not actually taller than women." +This was literally the only thing I wanted from the update. It made perfect sense. It's the fucking biker van for Christ sake!,The budget went to the Faggio Mod. +The only reason countries inside the EU have not engaged in these conflicts is because of the US military boot. But the continued existence of the EU will ensure we will have armed conflicts in Europe again as the US turns more inwards.,You forgot the +MRW my older male co-worker starts talking to his work buddies about how hot the new girl is and he doesn't know what to do about it. So icky...,how dare she be a hot woman in the workplace does she not see she's decreasing productivity with her face? +"Thats what this subreddit is for, for all things CS:GO.",wat? +"Smallpox emerged over 10,000 years ago. At its peak the disease killed 15 million people a year, maimed millions more and and caused 1/3 of all blindness. Between the 1850s and the 1910s, mandatory vaccination drove smallpox out of North America and Europe. A coordinated UN effort from 1950 to the 1970s eliminated smallpox from the rest of the world. There hasn't been a single case since 1977. Working together, every country in the world teamed up to destroy an enemy that killed an estimated 400-500 million people in the 20th Century alone. And it took less than three decades to make it happen. The campaign to eliminate smallpox is proof that a united humanity is capable of incredible things.","Yeah, but now everyone has autism." +Pederson: Eagles may call more designed QB runs.,BUT WHY ARE YOU GIVING THIS INFO OUT TO OTHER TEAMS +"We have got to invest in BART and Caltrain. I commute from San Mateo to Santa Clara every day and occasionally take Caltrain to work when I can. It's not any faster than sitting in traffic, if it was I would take it every day.",This is the tech shuttles' fault +"seems like folks can say anything they want on the facebook nowdays, thanks obama",You dropped the +"There are quick actions on the home screen, but can you display any other content when someone force touches the icon?","You probably already figured this out, but no." +Working class white men have lower incomes than they did in 1996,"Yeah because of Mexicans, welfare queens, affirmative action, and libruls with their book-learning" +Devout Muslim stabbed care worker wife to death because her job was 'not halal',"Guys, please remember Islam is a religion of peace #NotAllMuslims" +I am sure Clinton will bring us peace (she will not).,Because Trump will bring us prosperity? +This is true for all people. Not just white men.,"But since there's white privilege, this means minorities are even more fucked!" +Unwittingly called it a year ago,Please wait for the proposed weekly critique thread to be posted and post this content there. +He's from Denmark,He's coming here to commit voter fraud! +"It could me the announcement of the Victorious Maokai skin, but Mordekaiser's face, look at his king of clubs skin.",Guys there are leaves in the background it's a new Zyra skin +"Right now they are playing at Nippert Stadium, which is UCs football stadium. It is not even a top of the line University Stadium. It is really good compared to other mid-tier Universities, but it is pretty poor compared to professional stadiums.",like MAPFRE +True love.,I feel so tiny in your arms +Dad builds Ninja Warrior course for his daughter,What no salmon ladder? +I don't see how its unbelievable. Health insurance providers are a cartel and dentists are scammers. You can save lots of money using home dentistry if you aren't a cowardly pussy. Works just as well too.,Forgot the +"Well, I think the school syllabus do mention people about people like Saha, and SN Bose, but trouble is people tend to forget when your mindspace is occupied by actors and cricket stars. I think popular media has failed to educate the average Indian about people like those. We severely need a show like Cosmos on the telly, though I suspect no channel is interested in producing it.",Why produce something great when we can produce Big Boss instead? +"Pretty sure you should talk to Saladin or Efrideet. I mean, unless you want to pay Silver to reroll gear...","Fuck you and your silver, fuck it all" +"THEY'RE COVERING THE WORLD WARS IN 7TH GRADE HISTORY THIS WEEK, DON'T GIVE HIM TOO MUCH CREDIT. NEXT WEEK HE'LL TRY TO SAY THE NEW ANTI-VIOLENCE SUGGESTING CELEBRATION POLICY IS A RESULT OF THE BATTLE OF HASTINGS ARROW INCIDENT.","WELL I WISH HIM LUCK WITH HIS TRAIL OF TEARS PROJECT, TRYING TO RESEARCH THAT JUST SHOWS THE CHIEFS' PLAYOFF HISTORY" +Kevin Wimmer's own goal against Wales (1-2),Does he play for stoke aswell? +Has Alex got her HoH room yet? What's the hold up?,Julie is gonna DQ her for cheating +"When you're a fucking idiot all your life it gets lonely. You might be fun at parties in high school because you're the impulsive kid that will jump off the roof into the swimming pool to try to impress everyone, or say whatever nasty shit pops into his head beacause that's being *real*. But then childhood ends. Most of your so-called friends start to shun you because you're a risk and liability to even be associated with. So you get lonely and confused. It felt like everyone used to laugh *with* you, now no one is even around. You wake up one day and realize you're a pariah, not that you know what that word means. Then out of the blue, some organization or charismatic leader comes along and welcomes you into a group. Maybe it's a bunch of dudes that do mororcycle stunts, or maybe it's an extremist political machine, or maybe it's a musical act that wears goofy make up and accepts anyone, which of course means accepting everyone no other group would accept. And, for the first time in years, you feel like you're a part of something. Those old friends were just laughing *at* you. All that shame and embarrassment comes flooding in at once. It feels bad. But this new group accepts you for who you are. They even think like you do! It's like being reborn. You're more than willing to be a part of this group. That powerful feeling of, for once, having a group of friends! You'd do or say anything for these guys! And before you know it, all those actions and words *become* who you are. That's how you become that guy, whether at the emergency room, hate rally, or police station.",Or Jonny Knoxville +"Are you familiar with private Bitcoin alternative Monero? You can earn some, point your PC CPU or GPU to Gorilla Pool",I'm sure this is 100% legit +Hillary Clinton is crushing Donald Trump among Asian Americans,When asked to comment Trump was seen to pull his eyes into slits and mocking... *oooh Hirrary is crawshing me oooh...* yes +"It floats, there's a diff","But if you wave your arms, it moves, so does that count as flying?" +I haven't been shamed for being white my entire life except for the last six months,"Oh shit, *white* people are the true victims of racism guys!" +"Whosoever's wife calls first, will pay the bill",Tiger <3 +Norm Macdonald Is Married To A Real Battle-Axe - CONAN on TBS,the delivery is perfect just like his eyesight +He's not even one of the Premier League's best English left backs,I thought he was German +For some reason this connecting of the dots will be discarded by r/thedickhole.,Its just modern age mcarthyism +what about the achievements steamdb thing? It literally says SUPER_EE LOL.,This. +I stopped talking to a friend with no explanation why.,Did they deserve it? +"But I also agree, this was conquest! It's a bitch of a situation all around.",Happy Columbus Day +not movies,I assure you that is a movie +"Justin Bieber doesn't sing at his concert, it's just playback.",Dancin and singin is hard +Is 99 land viable for Karn?,I mean it's a deck +using a RAM stick as toothpick,I use mine to cut myself +"Not necessarily, they could nerf it even harder in the future.","Oh thanks, I'm glad it's not as bad as it could be" +Peeling my case's window (WARNING: VERTICAL RECORDING),you will have to buy a new case and film correctly this time +"IDEA: View the captured gym, even if you are not near",Finally a new fresh idea ! +The beauty of Mafia III on a UW monitor,10/10 work devs +"Lehkonen too, and perhaps Shaw could have a contribution.",But we lost Eller tho! +He successfully spins the the logic of You don't make peace with your friends into You don't make war with your enemies.,"If DAESH want to win hearts and minds, perhaps they should put Trumps head on a spike... just sayin'" +you got to treat yourself once in a while,are you like legitimately expecting to get that jacket? +"Not surprising really, all the calls of racism from the lemmings on the left really are due to projection. Those that are obsessed with race see everything through the lens of race, as opposed to those of us who don't give a shit about race, who never think of these things.",The fact that you don't see everything as a racial slight is just your privilege. +"Yeah, the worst of the worst migrated a while ago (when Moot sold the thing? I guess?), keep in mind that, as far as I remember, gamergate HQ was on 8chan. It'll be a bummer if 4chan dies, I like /fit and a few other boards. Namely those that did not contribute to 4chan's reputation. On the other hand, the communities will migrate. 4chan ain't what it used to be, and that what made 4chan will continue somewhere else.",/cm/ is probably one of the nicest boards +"It's not the same with Europe and USA.. Only the USA uses MM/DD/YYYY. 60% of the world uses DD/MM/YYYY, 30% uses YYYY/MM/DD, and only the U.S. is a special little snowflake with MM/DD/YYYY",Don't forget the federated states of Micronesia +But did she *intend* to?,If she didn't *know* it was illegal then it should be ok. +Alexander Soros Dumps $100K Into California Prop. 63 | (basically ammo regulation),"I love this guy, he alone, will Make America Great Again." +"You win, Yormark. I bought a black jersey.",Redundant don't you think? +More like the Russian Madlife.,He's like the Russian Edward! +"Dawn of the final day We've got 4 hours left until the release of Sister location, and frankly... I'm amazingly excited for it. Any last thoughts or theories guys?","My theory is, that the HYPE will break the subreddit, once again" +The problem in this election is that they aren't at all. Clinton has a monopoly on the media.,Yeah the 15 newspapers that endorsed Romney are all suddenly democratic shills instead of legitimately horrified of a Trump presidency. +The yay scale disagrees with you. -_-,The Yay Scale can't keep up with a true goddess! +Lol came here to post this. Unfortunately peaceful protests don't seem affect much in the religion of peace,Yah where peaceful protests are super effective everywhere else. +"Painting Blue Poles, worth $350m, should be sold to reduce national debt: Senator James Paterson",finally this sub is coming around to my way of thinking; it is time for the government to scrap all welfare and just invest in Pollock's artwork. +"How about some screenshots, also what are the new features over cm13 that would make me wanna switch",Charging doesn't work but you just clean flash cm13 if you need to charge. +world xi center back ladies and gentleman,He hides some of his defensive inconsistency by scoring goals tho. +Which two well-known bass riffs describes you the best as a bassist? I'll start out with: main-riff of Tool's Schism and chorus riff of Muse's Plug in Baby,Smoke on the Water and Seven Nation Army +Guess | Official Trailer HD,Wow way to spoil the entire movie +"HanzoS ability to one shot has always been just as valuable, apparently only now people learned to play hanzo",I'm sure the buffs had nothing to do with it +How does one seek to end influence of money in politics while campaigning for a candidate that is funded by corporate money?,By campaigning for the candidate with the most interest in reforming campaign financing? +"What kind of underwear does MFA wears ? I recently switched from DKNY and Hugo boss to lucky brand , and difference is huge . Lucky brand is much more comfortable . I was wondering what recommendations does MFA have for this .",Exofficio are my absolute fave. +Would we get rid of the 911 service because a small minority of people prank call it? You're being absolutely ridiculous.,"Yeah, but most of the apologists here will upvote him because Apple is totally strapped for cash right now..." +Overestimating the size of the enthusiast market may as well be this sub's motto.,"Wait, you're telling me that 99% of the population doesn't care about specs?" +"wait, isn't twat also a swear? don't women get just as offended if you call them a twat? what am I missing here?",Women get offended when you call them anything. +I wish we'd prosecute bankers for similar crimes in my country.,"But we didn't, so they must not have done anything wrong" +So who is going to be the one to hold our government accountable?,North Korea +"Oh. My bad. Missed that. Goodness, this sub is up tight","Uptight*, you scumfuck bastard pile of trash mental dickface." +Ask him about Climate Change before it's too late I want to watch Cheeto squirm his way out of that corner,Nuclear winter to solve global warming! +"ive seen so many people make suggestions like this on this sub and once niantic implements it, its a terrible idea. haha jesus christ guys",Gee its almost like there are many different ppl with differing opinions here +Thanks for the sweeping generilization that because they insult black people they're white. How do you think that makes white people feel? pretty shitty.,"If white people would stop saying racist things, maybe they wouldn't get labeled racist." +"New Zealand child poverty a source of deep concern, says UN",Good job National! +"I *hated* the bot. I mean, truely despised it. Its just getting to the point that I hate the disinformation and confusion even more. That said, I just read an article on the Hill that states that Obama a d DNI offcially blame Russia for all hacks but the wikileaks hacks, which is bullshit. It does make me wonder if they got to Guccifer though and thats why the recent hack was so strange.","Buzzfeed reported that they had noticed a distinct change in his linguistic patterns - any time you're communicating behind a moniker, this means either the actor has changed or is under duress." +Obama's FEMA camps have experienced significant delays. But they should finally be ready on or before November 8.,They'll all be tragic victims of *Climate Change*^mua^ha^ha^ha^ha +and then they died,and then use the dragon ball +"If you combine NGBTO and better bots mods together, every bot will be wearing the crying baby mask, and it's fucking creepy",I'm also pretty sure it's a client-side thing because it also work when you're not the host +"That's not what that means. She was saying politicians need to be able to separate their own opinions from those they are voted into office for, as they are not always the same.",How disgusting! +"Donald Trump had a problem with female voters before today. But, in the wake of a recording of Trump making a series of lewd comments about women going public, that problem just got worse.",We all know no one would ever do such a thing +"On Lapras i use my Arcanine 2300CP, because i don't have any high CP Jolteons with Thunder and i don't want to invest much in them.","If you're like me, just evolve all your high cp eevees, and you're guaranteed a jolteon every time" +"Rape is forgivable and we can let Hyuga play again, but ESAM's comments were just *one step too far.*",You forgot the +"I had a baking dish explode in the oven a few weeks ago. I briefly considered adding some sort of liquid to the bottom of the dish before ovening. I thought nah, forget it and now my oven's bottom is covered in glass pebbles. It was prok tenderloin. I still ate it. It was delicious, of course.",...and the extra crunch added to the texture. +There's plenty of people out there like this. Recidivist students who can't function in the real world who have institutionalized themselves in universities. I bet he thinks it's beneath him to do something as gauche as interact with people he doesn't know in exchange for money.,Jobs are for peasants +"If you're so consumed with the idea that you're the best at the game and nobody can beat you.. and anyone who does only does so because of Ice tilt - yep, you're an idiot.","I'm so confused with your comment, it might be because I'm high right now, but are you saying I'm an idiot, or people who think the way you described are idiots?" +So my brand new 480 started doing this 2 days after use,Should have gotten a 1060 lol +"Not so much anymore, especially when and if it comes to copyrighting. I ran into this last year. Employee helped architect system, employee left company, employee refuses to sign copyright. He has legal grounds to challenge the copyright if it's filed. Also, a lot of companies are moving to a half and half system where you are allowed to own ideas you come up with as long as they aren't used by competitors.","That seems like a much better way to run things, unfortunately you still get shafted on profits generated by your idea I'm sure." +OH YES! LOOOVE these two! Both are on fire this year! That is a really difficult choice to make...,^i ^ship ^them ^so ^hard +"We had a neighbour (not immediate) that had a big EDL flag in his room visible from 2 streets over (black light illuminated). A few weeks later his room was just a burnt charred remain of a room, either someone had firebombed the fash or he'd gotten so stoned and set his room on fire himself. It was amusing.",Remember the EDL displaying their hate towards POC is freedom of expression +As dead as Conner.,What about Quantum? +Dunkey - Worst Hanzo Ever,Oh man this really makes me wanna drop console for the master race +Why are people that are born half white and have black considered black and not white?,Because white is pure so if youre tainted then youre not pure +Went Nex with a guy who had full shadow sirenic + shadow nox bow + 2b cash but no shield or brews. I wanted to hang myself.,He didn't get rich by drinking away his money in potions! +Recently Turned 14 and thought I might as well share my setup with my Fellow PCMR members,only 2 years old steam account pssh what a light weight +"British person here, they definitely look American to me","Well yea, they aren't in dire need of dental care." +keyboard stuck around after sending a text via top-down notification. 10.1 PB2.,Now your always read to send a message! +We all miss Mao ;(,Me too :( +I believe they preferred to be called injuns at the time.,i believe the correct nomenclature is damninjuns +lol wut?,Africa is a in uninhabitable evil place +"Just a dozen blade, surely",Actually if you count there are 15 blades... +"Well, seems about right. 4chan is incredibly mainstream, unoriginal and generally didn't age well. A few years ago it was *the* content aggregator and meme generator of the internet, nowadays you have sites like reddit take care of that while 4chan feels repetitive. Who else still goes there but old bitter farts who failed in life and whine about men's rights?",I feel like this needs +And they've done such a good job. I've never seen a marajuana in my life.,I know right I've only seen cannabis around these days but not one single marijuana I feel safe +How is it a humble brag if it's not about the person who wrote it?,"Dad paid the kid to say it, c'mon." +"I remember those but I just wanted to know if there was something specific about those headphones. I mean, clearly some of the viewers give enough fucks about them to comment about how they are being mistreated",I think they were already broken. +"At this point, Kiefer Sutherland would make an even better president than Trump.",Thanks. +"My favorite part of that argument is that no one just goes around testing people's chromosomes. Like, excuse me, but you're in the men's room and, while I can clearly see you're standing at the urinal to do your business, have a beard, and definitely a masculine voice, I'm just gonna need to test those chromosomes. And yet, if my xx chromosomed ass walked into a ladies' room...",Congrats at being a real woman. +Its amazing how the NFL can do and say what it wants with no repercussions.,"All I'm going to say is that Roger Goodell never twerked, so your argument is invalid." +Yes there is progress being made for more efficient farming. That's a good thing. Will it be enough? Only time will tell.,We can always bank on ww3 reducing the demand. +"I agree with this sentiment. But, Google has done some pretty amazing things in web development: gmail, google maps, hangouts, Angular, chrome dev tools. But yeah it really is just a company. From what I've told a lot of perks are to keep you at work. You work a lot. Granted some of that is for personal projects but damnit I want to go home some days and forget computers exist. I've worked on cool projects, had some neat perks, rarely work over 40 hours, have a family, work on side projects, and met amazing people. I live in Columbus, OH and wouldn't trade this place for Google anytime soon.","Yeah Angular 1 was so amazing, that is why they had to refactor almost everything on Angular 2." +I don't understand how Lulu or Poppy are their waifus. I think those peopla are sick.,Yeah Tristana is clearly the better waifu! +"ICYMI: ASUS MAFIA III Promotion (Free with certain Motherboards, Graphics Cards and Networking Devices)",Free with the GTX 30 and the Z130FPS-A LUL +"Say, which sources *aren't* biased? And, more generally, how do you go about determining whether a source is biased or not?",Breitbart isn't biased! +Kalel on Twitter -- 8 October 2016,So zen-like +"If you are what you eat, and you eat what you are, what are you?","If you are what you eat, your honor, then I am an innocent man!" +is go all out code for uncoordinatedly swing around for a couple of seconds and then get out of breath and stop?,"Jokes on you, he's about to unleash Getsuga Tenshou on their asses for insulting his waifu" +Their noses are cushioned for exactly this scenario.,There are enough panes of glass in the ocean for them to run into that they had to evolve to be squishy enough to absorb the shock? +"Absolutely correct. Unfortunately the left has convinced the great unwashed that more nuclear power is dangerous and expensive, NEITHER of which is true.",Yeah it's definitely not the rightwing carbon based energy groups undermining nuclear power. +Flooding at a Dollar General in NC,At least those North Carolina perverts will be forced to use the restroom that God intended that they use. +I think there's a witch. Jailors wouldn't execute a revealed mayor. :^(,If a revealed Mayor doesn't talk in jail they are 100 percent Mafia +"Philippines - One of Developing Asia's Most Expensive Countries for 1st World Living I was quite surprised on how expensive things are for a first world living standard, especially compared to other countries in developing Asia. If you compare the Philippines to Thailand, a much more developed country, you're cost of living is actually higher. Electricity Bill for 24/7 AC would run $150+ Rents in Makati / BGC run at $800+ Restaurants in proper sit down places cost the same as developed countries Drinks at top tier clubs / bars cost the exact same price as those in Bangkok Internet / Phone Service - High prices for slow internet speeds & phone coverage Same Price: Uber (although BRT is much better system in Bangkok, no traffic either) Lower Price: Cheap Salaries For those with location independent income, I'd recommend somewhere else. I did enjoy my time here, but the traffic / pollution / general disregard for any kind of social harmony (lack of following the rules) gets to you.","Well, according to the current administration, drugs is the cause of all this problems and shit, once drugs is eliminated everything will be better." +If elected how will Trump run America and what will be the consequences?,Let me just consult my magic 8 ball +When the snapshot is so good it glues your opponent to the platform.,Smack dat ass! +"Is that really recorded on a Pixel!? Because if that's the case, then... holy wow...","meh, totally a mid range phone, not worth premium price one bit." +"I agree with better on pretty much everything, but even you have to admit the cars were a lot better on 2.",I do miss the speed limiter otherwise I like it. +P2W Pay to Woman,"IT'S WOMYN, SHITLORD!" +I have to choose between going over to my friend's house for a fire tonight or watching the last episode of Luke Cage. I just hope they aren't too upset with my tardiness.,hey man You can't say that word anymore. +"Bungie, if you sold bath towels with Titan mark designs on them, or housecoats with the Hunter cloak designs on them, I would literally throw money at my computer screen to order them. Some of these Iron Banner Titan marks, like the Jolder one would make reeeeally sexy bath towels. Housecoats with Hunter Cloak designs on them would be really awesome too, and I'd even be down with scarves with Warlock arm-band designs on them. I think there's a big opportunity here to make lots of marketable stuff because the designs in-game are so cool looking. I'd be down with lots of smaller stuff too. A strange coin fridge magnet, maybe scale models of ships or sparrows. I know bungie has an apparel store but I feel as though there's a much bigger opportunity for cool stuff too which isn't just shirts or etc. Who'd be down with a house coat with a hood that had the Hunter Iron Banner cloak design integrated into it, I know I'd buy one.",How about some of those high blood pressure arm bands for warlocks? +Please tell people to not get a pixel from you guys,Yes and you please do bad work at your place of employment too! +I like that Trump is saying things he said 10 years ago are not relevant. Now let's talk about Bill Clinton's activities 20 years ago.,"Well, he actually apologized for making a comment about his consensual sexual life instead of, say, bullying women who were raped and then trying to sweep it under the rug." +"Even if everything she said is 110% true. I couldn't get past the bombastic nature that is the 24/7 news network style. God damn lady you are a reporter, so just report. Don't get up on a soapbox and speak the news like it's the start of a revolution.",Her segment was labeled on screen as opinion so people 'should' take it as that. +You could almost buy 2 Quadros a year for that money tbh,Tesla m40 master race +This is the exact kind of attention Windows Mobile needs,That mess of cables is exactly what people want in 2016 +What videogame was a 10/10 for you?,"Football Manager, I have thousands upon thousands of ours spent in that series." +Officials: Saudi-led airstrikes hit Yemen funeral home; 155 dead,Obama definitely deserves another Nobel Peace Prize +Aren't consoles locked to 30 fps for le cinematic experience?,"Of course, the human eye can't see past 24fps." +Rosberg is boring?,SHITPOST. +Turkey bans textbooks using letters F & G in math problems.,Can't wait to witness the amazing brains this country will produce over the next 10-15 years. +it's ok brah she got the hookup for roids,my balls are tiny as is +I'm pretty sure the only way you went to Estonia was virtually through a Russian propaganda channel.,Your opinion is very important to me. +How the hell should we know? We're 1/4 way through the season in a game where literally anything could happen,Yeah fuck discussing stuff lets just wait for the game day threads so we can yell fire *insert player or coach who fucked up there* all game. +It counted. It's our only turnover.,Wow 1 turnover gg vikings suck +IAMA shill who bought the OP3 because the Pixel XL is so expensive AMA,How could someone live without nougat? +Yessir.,Shitlord! +"All straight men (and maybe some women) in here saying that they wouldn't do the same if they got the opportunity are fucking liars and you know it, get of your hypocritical high horses.","Yes, every single decent person in here has been lying to you the whole time, congratulations, you've figured us out." +"Can I just say, fuck the BSA? Thanks for wasting my Wednesday nights in high school, giving me an hour to do my homework since I had to get to bed for seminary and alienating me from my peers. Not to mention making the fact that I prefer indoors a morality judgement. I was seriously lectured by my church leaders for my showing proper reverence outdoors. Oh and I never made Eagle due to incompetent church leadership.",You may have enjoyed our BS...we rarely went outside during the weekly meetings and even the campouts were mostly spent inside (a chapel) +Care for horde package?,We'll set up a citadel in their name as a charity. +"The guy is right that he should be careful, tho. Biker Gangs are dumb and ruthless",*club they're not gangs when they're white +I remade that Hell Image that was posted yeasterday,"i'm sure a console can handle osu with 1000fps, so i dont worry" +Leaked Emails Show Clinton Campaign Coordinating With Soros Organization,Can't win a presidency without your own propaganda machine +"She is super hot, can you blame the guy?",you forgot the +Y-Yes? I don't-,"Funtime Breadbear is a endo of Funtime Freddy Fazbender, obviously" +"Of course that's trust, not disputing that. Encouragement is a big part of starting a business. On the other hand I've encouraged my wife to make a business out of her craft for 10 years but that's yet to happen.",Maybe you should try allowing her. +This kills the desktop.,At least it will be safe from vape condensation! +Tumblerina is a war hero,Don't you know she is in the front lines fighting the patriarchy? +I like that things get reported here for perceived real reasons - the only reports we get in r/drama are people telling us to kill ourselves.,Sounds like a valid reason to me. +"In the bible, Genesis 1: 29 God says I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. If that's the case then why are so many Christians anti-marijuana if in their holy book God is okay with all plants?",If you had faith you would understand all the contradictions in the Bible. +Psyonix....srsly. Finished 1-1. Lost in OT,"Well you see, the server sees something different than what you see or whatever." +"Does anyone else feel like the concept of buying and opening RNG packs or crates that give you random items reduces the overall quality of the game? Recently there seems to be this new phenomena of packs or crates in videogames, which give you random items. They are usually just cosmetic items that you can equip on your character. Does anyone else feel like this concept is just horrible, that it takes away focus from the gameplay and puts more on cosmetics. Obviously cosmetics don't impact gameplay at all, but why implement a system where you have to rely on RNG to get cosmetic items. I miss the days of where you can just work for your cosmetic items, when they were unlockable through user effort. I know most responses to this post are gonna be no one is forcing you get the cosmetic items or if you don't like it, just don't play it, but my main issue is that devs are just putting more and more effort to create these cosmetic items to put into RNG packs or crates, and it takes away from focusing on the gameplay. Does anyone else feel this way.",Thanks Rocket League +Zellner is such a great woman all she wanted to do was settle the truth once and for all!,guess I should add +Platinum Level matchmaking for users with 250+ hours :D,Diamond level for those with 500+ hours +"Glenn Beck: If not electing Trump means electing Clinton, 'so be it'","That's such a weird thing for Glenn Beck to say, he's usually a bastion of logical thinking." +When he joined the Klan while dating me. I'm not white...,It's about *brotherhood* +FFS you can't skip end credits on this fucking game. Takes 7 mins. Alt + F4 this shit.,Please complain more about shit that doesn't even matter +USA and Canada lagging behind with asbestos ban,"Well it's still in my school, so yay?" +Don't be an asshole.,I optimistically read the parent comment with a trailing +What happens when you have the 3 best shooters in the league.,I didn't realize that Harden was on the Warriors +do you know who Wildfire is?,"yea, its lucy, and you would be kidding me if he comes close to a skill parity even to the likes of yourself as well" +"Trump hasn't sat down yet, makes him look presidential while she is sitting every time she isn't being asked a question.",Can't have her collapsing on the stage +A sneak attack on Mosul. How the fuck does he think that's supposed to happen? Did he think the US can just teleport a division or two over?,"Well, if you don't announce the attack on the MSM how is ISIS going to know?" +Toxic shock. A 5 minute conversation with my sister. A lifelong distrust of tampons.,... Is this a Cards Against Humanity haiku? +Earth-Berenstain is so much fucking weirder than Earth-Berenstein. How do we go back?,I remember it bearenstin +Would somebody please explain to Trump how the justice department works.,Shows he's smart. +"Climate change is real. I got my degree in Environmental Science and the doubt in some people is so soilidified that even with solid facts and figures, highlighted peer-reviewed journal articles, appeals to logic, emotion, etc., they tell me I studied lies, am therefore an idiot, and it's all a giant conspiracy. (???????????) I mean ffs. This is elementary science. It is not hard to see or understand. Bill Nye said this, and it's true: in America, you see two people on the screen in a climate change debate on the news: a climate scientist and a denier. This makes people think the divide is 50/50, and it's horribly misleading. They should have 100 scientists on- 99 of them are all saying the same thing, and only one isn't. Because that's the reality.","Tell us, how much are the Chinese paying you to spread their stories of this global warming?" +Mercy players are cancer,Think you dropped this +Bullshitting with friends? He was bragging about being able to and having performed sexual assault on women to a TV production crew he hardly knew.,"Dog, Visit a locker room sometime" +"An Invitation, and an Alternative, for Republicans Appalled with Donald Trump",Bill Weld is eminently more qualified to be president than either Johnson or Trump. +They should put in a system where if u die over and over again from teammates u get a punishment,I hope there's a missing +"yeah, especially if you want to write it in chat. even calling it hand is much simpler than wrath",I just write h and hope someone in my team understands +They *let* you do it. Do you know what consent means?,"Yeah, it's almost like they were asking for it!" +"If Hillary can't even enforce a no-fly zone on her face, how does she plan to enforce one in Syria?",Bitch doesn't feel a thing +but league is dying.,You forgot the +"Think what you like, but at least I'm considerate of others.",...clearly +Aesthetic but lookin pretty average tbh,What do you expect from a lifetime natty +"Yeah, emergency and trauma is always top priority here in Canada. Fear-mongering in America is a load of shit.",But fear-mongering is *OUR* top priority! +latest leakes,"Echlipse had some, I'm sure they're legit" +"I actually posted this there once and immediately got downvoted to oblivion, so I stopped bothering to inform them",That's what you get for not posting adorable starter fanart along with the information +Barely a foul,Great repost. +How is it colluding to ask someone or one of their aides about a store they are involved in?,"As pointed out by someone else, it's not, I'm making fun of the people who think journalists were colluding with Clinton based on Wikileaks." +My mind is telling me no... but my body... my body is telling me yes!,R. Kelly confirmed for the NX reveal. +"Well, congratulations! You have made great in-roads into becoming a psychopath with your black-white moral compass and non-committal to sympathise.",not sure if +TIL A man can divorce his wife in Islam simply by saying 'Talaq' ('I divorce you') three times to his wife.,Tell me that isn't a little tempting when she's railing on you for the 3rd time this week to pick up your clothes and put the seat down. +"Wow, that's hot. Those people had to be 600, 500ft away tops!",SO PUBLIC! +Deutlich zu hoher Aufwand.,"Jo, lieber auf reddit echauffieren, das hilft bestimmt" +Springy - Animated respring animations & much more!,[REQUEST] Can someone make this 2h GIF of Terminator 2 as a respring animation? +Sleeping valley,"True gameplay: Stardew Valley, but at night" +"I must be the only one who saw the extensive dips to sub-30 fps. On an average system (980, 6700k, 16gb RAM) that would probably be in the 10 range.",I hear its pretty common to optimize your game mid development before your assets are even finished. +"holy crap, didnt even see that, im sure thats minus 500","Sure, tell me about your Miracle level Invoker, please." +NA fans are so easy to bait damn,Their bants are as weak as their bot lanes +Rancid - Ruby Soho,Punk Yeah sure. +core i7 6850K+GTX 1080 SLI+64GB RAM. IDK where to start,You peasant... You need a titan of cause! +Cuz sex feels better without condoms. Just truth.,And it's worth getting AIDS? +"Are you fucking kidding me? I was homeless for a cumulative four months, and even for a couple months that I had a roof over my head I was still very poor and had a lot of trouble affording food. EBT only went so far, especially since while I was homeless, I was limited to ready-to-eat food due to my lack of kitchen facilities. I was hungrier than I had ever been in my life. I remember I got a simple scrape that ordinarily would have healed perfectly within a couple days, but because of my malnourished state, took over a week. I was perpetually fatigued, and even the act of standing up too quickly would make me dizzy. Luckily, there was a soup kitchen in my area, and it was a godsend. Those kind, caring people and the food they gave me made a horrible point in my life a little bit better. But yeah, sure, you go ahead and tell me that feeding a starving person changes nothing about their life. The fact that you're able to hold such an ignorant opinion shows how steeped you are in the privilege that people like you claim to despise. Go fuck yourself.",Sounds like somebody didn't have any art. +Because hand-cannons stamping all over scout rifle range was super balanced. \s,Because adding ghost bullets was the correct way to balance hand cannons +That we should be dedicating at least twice the funds we currently do to NASA.,Moon rocks can't feed homeless children in the ghetto +keep saying that as she beats you with an iron or throw a pot of scalding hot water on you.,Or breaks your pelvis during vicious snu-snu. +Doesn't get much better...,Yes......yes it does. +strange.,Very odd that your body continues proper blood flow even when you're sleeping +"Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway: I've been alone with him & was not sexually assaulted, so",I guess Trump doesn't consider you attractive. +"Quick question, I won the taco bell VR bundle last night",The best thing you could have done was to post it here. +"Sorry Emannuel, maybe next time",Maybe in China. +I made a thing,Gary Larson himself would have been proud to publish the third panel on its own. +Danielle is a good strategist and good at comps. Yea she's cocky but she's good at this game. Appreciate.,But she's not a Plastic.... +Smh Merica,He lunged at me so I walked away Yeah that's how I react too +Brazil!,Ponytail! +"I don't think you understand, everything wrong with the black community is the fault of white people. I took a class on how white people are evil.",Yes because unless you spend at least 60 minutes out of your day on how you can keep the black man down then you are not a white man! +"I was forced to unsubscribe from r/politics as I'm tired of all this one-sided Clinton nonsense. I don't support either candidate, but the whole page is just pro-Clinton propaganda now.","I totally agree, fuck Clinton" +"Any thoughts on using a comic book style drawing for the cover of a novel? Also, does anyone know of any examples of this? My google-fu is not up to par it seems.",I've seen crime novels with covers in style of old crime comics. +Beat up Miata with a salvage title for.... $7000???,"Ok buddy, I was on board up until I saw Shifter boot need rebuild" +"Guys, I dropped my One plus 3 and the Screen is messed up, if anyone can help me with what needs to be replaced and what steps to take that would help a lot.",But gorilla glass is indestructible +This is not concrete..this is New Delhi,Text +So the Matterhorn is pretty impressive,Where's the absurdly long line and the rollercoaster? +Do you have other car bodies or crates?,i guess ill back out then +Trump spokeswoman says supporters could ignore down-ballot races,Country First. +Eventually they will slip them between plays.,Eventually they will run in a little corner box overlay during the entire game +"Honestly, stop with the Bernie bro thing.","why, did I trigger you?" +"Not a rule per say, but my old Primary School used to force students to the front of assembly, and let them *make their own prayer*. This one time a girl prayed to God to being her cat back to life. Her cat was asleep","Jokes on you, the cat was actually dead and god revived it" +Well I mean it's not like he's making a mandate for private businesses... it's not much of a burden to provide men with ability to take care of there children in public establishments. . .,"Men should have the Jesus given freedom to not have access to the same amenities as women, just like it says in the bible" +Yeah Ana pressed Q let's give her potg dae supports are underappreciated?,"Yeah man, I feel you, those Ana potg's are so common, I couldn't get a potg as Reinhardt in ages." +"Health Inspectors of Reddit, what's the worst violation you've ever seen?",One Chinese restaurant I really liked had a random health inspection and it was discovered that they had no running hot water and had a leak in the kitchen from the bathroom one floor above it. +Btw you didn't block his name in the text part it says (username) is offline :3 :3,Well now that is such a shame isn't it +"fuuuuuuck, where am i going to get my pregnant incest bdsm anal creampie rape porn gifs now? oh yeah, everywhere.","What, no midgets you sick fuck?" +"What's wrong with that, it's a goal so it belongs here.",but it's not a 40 yard bicycle kick screamer so it doesn't belong here +That moment when a Clinton rally gets you excited for 3-D Printing,I thought we used green screens. +Casually ignores the noob lucker call-out. Russia is a strange place to visit. Why... now?,Because communism ftw. +Playing chess with a gay guy who has masturbated at some point in his life is not gay.,"Whew, and to think I was worried..." +Specs?,Just posted +"Tobacco companies should be leading in the search for a cancer cure. The day after a cure is found, sales of cigarettes are going to go up by 500,000% from the millions of us that quit for health / longevity reasons.","This should include those horrible electronic cigarettes, too!" +More things will die.,Lets just reduce the hitpoints of capitals by 90%. +Glad to see they are learning from M. Night Shamalamadingdong's failure with The Last Airbender.,"Yeah, because the whitewashed cast was the problem with that film..." +Gold pickaxe O_o,Don't want to damage your ore do you? +Self-Driving Cars Will Be the Best Thing to Happen to Motorcycles,Self-driving motorcycles when? +gun shops should have crash barriers. a few in my state do,But those cost money! +"If I get 100 upvotes, I'll buy everyone who upvotes a copy of Sun and Moon I'm rich and bored. Make me proud Reddit! Leave a comment below after upvoting so I know to message you to send a copy.","I'm almost 100% certain this is just a pretty good troll, but on the offchance that you are actually serious, might as well comment :D" +Normal lighting + takumi distortion + road hog,^TAKE THIS +They build ships.,And smartphones too ! +If it looks like an AK and isnt an AK its a fake AK.,So what the dimples in the reciver make it a real ak? +"What are you talking about, this was actually my journal on how my day went...","So nothing too important, got it" +"Unfortunately the fact of the matter is that if we put American soldiers everywhere a corrupt government was taking advantage of and killing its citizens, we would run out of American soldiers. The North Korean propaganda has created an entire nation of people who view Americans as the enemy. Seeing that enemy actually show up and start attacking their government will not win us any favors. Is it a tragic abuse of human rights? Yes. Does that require American intervention despite the large risk of life? No.","if we put American soldiers where a corrupt government was taking advantage of its citizens, they'd never leave the good ole USofA" +New to R6.. And now this is happening. I'm in the mall right now and I see a surveillance camera. My first thought is.. Shoot that!,Wow what an original post! +"Did i use up all my Monster Hunter luck?! I just hit HR Break and decided to take down a Teostra, and ended up getting a teostra gem as a carve, which was nice. then in the rewards i got two more gems! Did i just use all my luck? Will i ever get a decent drop from a monster ever again??? Please help!",Yes you have used up all of your monster luck. +"Bye Bye, Bullets: The Stack Overflow Developer Story is the New Technical Resume",I tried to create my developer story but it was closed as duplicate by a mod +"America is one of the only countries on earth where a militia means nothing. You'd be snuffed out by the military in days, if that.",But didn't the Bundy gang cause a revolution? +"You don't put it on a professional resume, but I don't really think they are submitting a full blown resume at a place like this? It is a part-time Fro Yo place that is going to end up hiring mostly high school or college students. At the most they are filling out an application either on paper or online and I am positive those sorts of job applications ask for your date of birth.","No, she only wants really dedicated full time employees, didn't you hear her?" +New map design leak!,best map setup ever. +"Why doesn't the Air Force (or DoD) consider pets family/property? My main question is the title. They are unwilling completely to provide assistance for transporting my dogs for my coming PCS, but would be more than willing to ship a car / couch / 2 tons of tools. I've already got a plan (albeit expensive) to get my pups over with me, but this is just something I'm struggling with. They just simply don't seem to care about a service member's animals. I'm not asking for veterinary care coverage, or anything like that. Just if you are forcing me to move somewhere, allow me to take my family (for me that is my dogs) with me. If you don't consider animals to be family, and are property to you... Allow me to take all of my property. Apologies for the vague rant-esque post, but I needed to vent my frustrations somewhere. We all know the civilians at TMO don't give a shit.",Same reason they don't treat us with respect +"Ok, I'll give you that one","I like how he looks as if he was giving him the fist, but turned into a thumbs up XD" +Looking through truck and found this Gem. Customer installed himself.,"Meh, slaking slack adjuster" +Trolls Who Post 'Humiliating' Memes Could Be Jailed Under UK Guidelines,"keep 'em coming UK, you're a shining light." +Even though a lot of features will be missed from my Z3 I preordered one. Mine says ships the 20th but then on the order info review it says the 23rd and I won't get it until the 27th. So I'm hoping they go faster than that. Sorry to hijack but anyone who's done their finance plan before do you pay tax upfront and then there's no tax on the payments each month? or do you end up paying extra tax because each payment is taxed?,Where do you see where it says shipping dates? +hillary DID walk over numerous times and went into his space,"No, she was speaking to the audience member on that side" +giraffe giant (lol) ginger gibberish,Gift Girl Gild +Ooops my b,im suing u for ur post karma +It sounds like a pretty good policy to me. What exactly do you oppose about helping children who live in poverty?,It's signed by Clinton so it has to be crooked. +"Why is permanent sterilization illicit exactly? I sense that it is because it divorces completely and forever the sexual act from its generative nature. But it can be also because a healthy organ is damaged, this seek as an end in itself. Or is because both reasons named above?","So the scam, see, is to get testicular cancer on purpose!" +Putin backs WW2 myth in new Russian film.A film showing Red Army soldiers outnumbered by invading Germans but battling on heroically has become part of the Kremlin's campaign to restore Russian pride.,Good thing Saving Private Ryan is 100% historically accurate. +"It's just medical us prescribed by an MD, not sure what huge economic boost you are looking for. But I agree, vote yes",This is how all states have started out fyi. +"Yes he came back, but blocking his vehicle while simultaneously threatening his life and attacking him is what caused the problem. If he is talking shit, feel free to talk shit back, but if you are standing in front of his vehicle while your cohorts are trying to physically attack him, I would plan of getting at least bumper tapped. Just because he is an asshole that came back to talk more shit does not give people the right to illegally detain him and physically attack him.",I didn't realize that was one of those vehicles incapable of reversing +nitr0 interview: I decided to step down from the (IGL) role and Hiko is going to do it...,"Hikos calls are going to be as following, Everyone walk out first and I'll kill the rest." +"Ehm, pulling it back and washing is normal hygiene procedure. Do you know how much gunk will collect there otherwise?",How did we ever cope for thousands of years? +This one doesn't even make a tiny bit of sense. How did someone even type this?,With their tiny hands. +"AskPH: What's the dumbest thing you've heard? Politics and religion aside, what's the dumbest thing anyone has ever said to you?",I don't believe in vaccination +they wanted like Panik and Duffy at the very least.,Yeah fuck Evans for not depleting our infield for a closer! +What is your COMPLETELY useless talent?,Does tripping over stuff and breaking it almost every day count? +That's actually a pretty common necro thing.,"yes now it is obviously, after i pioneered it" +What happens when the able bodied person who wants to work can't find work in the allocated time frame?,He gets given a copy of Atlas Shrugged and told to stop mooching off the state. +"2nd Revelations bossfight - can you continue to play? Hi, we finally did the bossfight and it ended the game :( was looking forward to permanent perkoholic and stuff for high rounds but NOOOO. THE END So how about the bossfight for the second time. Will we be able to continue playing???","no game still ends, try pressing buttons during the cutscene, might trigger the characters to attack Monty" +How fear of nuclear power is hurting the environment | Michael Shellenberger,Yeah because imposing costs and risks on future generations for HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF YEARS by creating nuclear waste is totally ok. +"I'm not sure about now, but previously there were a few black frames between the show and the commercial. The black frames were only on for a fraction of a second, so a person wouldn't notice it, but the switching equipment would. The DVR would detect those black frames. as being the end caps to the commercial break.","Interesting, thanks!" +"Trump has already used that money to pay for his headquarters at Trump Towers,",What he actually he said was that he would use campaign money to fund himself. +"He still needs to close Guantanamo bay, end the wars overseas, balance the federal budget, and put a man on Mars. The question is now, can he do it?",I'm not sure he'll have enough time to do that considering he has to go around to everyone's houses and take their guns away whilst also imposing Sharia law across the country. +"I think Obama's a smart dude, but I really don't think even he could have predicted Trump could have actually been the nominee.",Next time he will add a +For those of you keeping track: \- October 15: Trump Foundation audit of financial records due to NY attorney general. \- November 24: Trump University trial for fraud and racketeering. \- December 16: Hearing schedule for child rape accusations.,"November 28th, presidential election" +Bride of Junkenstein Zarya skin,punk zarya is still better +Clinton overtakes Trump in the Trump-leaning LA Times Daybreak poll 44.4 vs 44.0,Well that poll is clearly rigged now... +I've made a Hannibal Lecter mask from a Halloween hockey mask,I thought the hockey mask guy was from Friday the 13th. +Browsing Amazon Reviews when..,"Hey, even if it's being used as a CPU cooler, it's technically still inside the case :p" +Anyone got PrBoom (Doom) working under Retroarch? Keep getting ROM Loading Failed ... even with the prboom.wad in the proper BIOS folder. I'm using DOOM.WAD as the ROM.,"Make sure you have doom.wad and prboom.wad in the same folder, sounds like your missing prboom.wad completely" +I think one of the films he wants to make is a sequel to *The Passion of the Christ* about Jesus' resurrection.,Because that's not gonna piss anyone off +Straight edge posted this on my Facebook feed.,I bet this person is an absolute joy to be around +Matt Jones officially out Sunday vs Bengals,Kelley or Gillie or Thompson? +wrong bird bro,"You're right, that was a jackdaw." +"Dad could likely face criminal charges... Be sued for damages... His defense, I heard a noise in my daughter's closet, opened it to find an unknown man hiding in there and feared for my family's safety If his attorney is any form of competent, the jury will include at least 3 or 4 dads who would have done the same exact thing and probably one dad that wants to give the guy a medal.",Which you presumably counter by including jurors who've beaten up their daughters in similar circumstances rather than assuming that they are capable of consensual relationships...? +Concept art of Amber Heard as Mera,Where is this from? +Arsenal player profiles - Some nice 'interesting' facts about the players.,I'm beginning to think some of these might not be true.... +Detective investigating Rose case found dead w/ single gunshot wound,The Zen Master ordering hits +Will the exotic sword PVP kills be achievable in private matchmaking?,Boosting scrub git gud +TIL that there are 5x more studies into erectile dysfunction than PMS despite only 19% of men experiencing erectile dysfunction while over 90% of women experience PMS.,"It's not that research wasn't attempted, mind you, but casualties were quite high." +All I know is these dnc leaks never expose anything. All minute bullshit peddled by republicans and Russians. Y'all need some sun,You forgot the +Disney Princess Bikini / Swimsuit Cosplay,Jasmine by far +is no one else bothered by the fact that the eagle face is pointed towards the arrows when it should be facing the olive branch?,New president new priorities +"So it we 'give' Bernie this in the convention rules committee, his people will think they won something from the party establishment. And it functionally doesn't make any difference. They win. We don't lose. Everyone is happy.",Oh but she is so progressive and will further us toward a Progressive platform! +I took a picture of my toothbrush a long time ago I cant remember why I did so I deleted it,teh horror +"i love my dog SO says shes smelly. i love her smell. she puts her head on my lap to reassure its fine. finish off that wine and i reconsider naming her dr. suess. i wanted to post that in the subreddit dedicated to her breed, but i wont bc im drunk. so i raise my glass to all animal companions who changed their owners lives for the better! truly unsung heroes, i love them all, even cats, who render my sinuses useless. bless all the pets!!!! i'd love to hear your stories. stay safe r/drunk n make sure u drink some water! yeehaw",Would you say that dogs are IMPORTANT? +"Offer Uncommon hats in bulk (dont make it like 60 hats please) add me on steam, DarthRap",59 hats? +"Que serie me recomiendan ver? Termine game of thrones y me dejo un vacio que no ha podido llenar ninguna otra serie. Ya vi Breaking Bad, Narcos, Dexter, Sons of Anarchy y las de marvel de netflix.",La Rosa de Guadalupe o La vida de Juan Grabiel +Feminism isn't mentioned at all in this video.,"Yeah, but we should still discount and hate everyone who disagrees with us on anything." +UK 'Blocking Montenegro' From Opening EU Chapters,"Well, that makes sense." +How does one justify hitting on a girl who JUST SAID she moved here with her boyfriend to ones slef?,Well it is just as friends to start until he makes sure she's good enough for him. +Holy shit. This is extremely downvoted. Sorry people! I was only looking for people to play with!,How dare you? +Vietnam is claiming another victim.,Thank god Trump was saved +I want skinny jeans for my female Warlock.,Lmao and they can make pumpkin spiced latte artifacts too +His supporters could build some kind of camps for us.,I thought FEMA already built those for us? +You can play as a pigeon in BF1,Rip cod +Woman inherits the Earth,Bo4 female protagonist confirmed +"My husband of 5 yrs best friend moved in with us, and I hate him.","You coukd get some info on the peace corps or americorps, so he can still travel the world and be his hippie self out of your hair for most of the year." +Seems legit. Shame I don't have Photons :(,You dropped this: +Ramos: Duterte has no long-term vision for PH,"Plseas FVR, PDutz is a master tactician." +If the US enforces a no fly zone and Russia having an air base there refuses to comply. It isn't much of an exaggeration to see things going South the moment a Russian jet is directly down by an American jet or anti-air.,Yes because Putin would press the end the world button because a jet was shot down by America. +"A Day At The Reef: DJI Mavic Pro Short Film (shot entirely on the Mavic Pro, using only one battery, no stabilization used in post)",Looks blurry. +"TIL that in addition to the Seven Deadly Sins, there are Seven Heavenly Virtues: Chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness and humility",AKA the seven things Trump will outright murder when he is dictator. +Scarlet is possible in coop I've heard from a dude on this sub (his name was something like scatter-braind?). He said he paired with Ryune.,just use mzeus noob +"It would be funny, but Barnes is Kharazan's Opera manager, so the minions he summons are supposed to be actors. It wouldn't make sense for actors to make high-pitched performances.","Why aren't they 3/2 with **Taunt**, though?" +"But US rules the world, we do what we want. If we want no fly zone, we'll get it and fuck Russia.",you forget the +"I could tell you that you're wrong, but I won't be that guy. See how that statement *makes* me that guy? You *could* drop some psychology knowledge about the misuse of anti-social, but you won't? But you did. If you want to correct someone, just do it. Don't pretend that you're not doing it.",dang man you got him by the short hairs fukkin *rekt* no +"Yes. Or go crouch walk to a hook and point at it, might make the killer laugh enough to leave you.",I like that 2nd one but I usually get tunnelled :/ next private match though im gonna do it. +"I'm fairly sure Brisbane don't even have centralised training facilities, and have to travel to the farthest points of Australia just for training. Also in The Final Draw documentary, the Saints description of their facilities in 2010 were pretty piss poor. Their gym equipment was held together by tape, and apparently there was a door in their offices that lead to nothing other than a 20-foot drop. As for the best, most clubs have updated and modernised in the past decade so they're all pretty good now. I know when the Holden Centre was refurbished, Collingwood had some of the best facilities, but I think most clubs have caught up now.",I always wondered why people delisted from St Kilda vanish. +"The F-35 just happens to have an engine with 20,000 shaft horsepower to spare and a large volume right behind the pilot to put something into.",Missles that cant get lazered? +Jesse Puljujarvi first NHL goal (gif by u/ABirdofParadise),"Pressures on, Laine." +"Travelers who have visited North Korea, what surprised you on your trip?",How quickly I was banned from r/Pyongyang. +"First a paladin gets into the priest class hall, now one gets into ours. I don't know what you paladins are up to but I'm watching you.",[its OK DK's went in theirs to slaughter a bunch of em] +An Australian Army soldier with a M18 Claymore Directional Anti-Personnel Mine Strapped On His Head circa 1986,M18 claymore field modifications to a personal ERA device +Patrick Maroon with the first goal for EDM at the new Rogers Place,why are the cameras pointing at the benches? +92% sure that originated from reddit.,woah. +GM Dariusz Swiercz Wins 3rd Millionaire Open,Congrats to the millionaire college student. +Love dyrus but hate how his glasses were crooked in that video. Is that just me? I swear it looks like the left side of his glasses sit higher on his head than the right (from his perspective),Yeah that's just a sign he's tilted all is good +Just finished watching Luke Cage!,My name is Luke Cage. +"Come on guys, he still has 3 months and 8 days to make us proud",He better hurry up with that Sharia law +"This still doesn't make me want to use it, the damage output compared without it is too much.",Dear god not 25% reduction that's like two shots oh no. +Wanted to know what Mitchell would look like in the Blue and Gold,6/10 not enough blackface +What are we going to do with remaining Championship Jewels? I have 115 of them just sitting. I upgraded SKT T1 to rank 3 and cant upgrade anything else. I guess we will be able to disenchant them like project cores?,2 orange essence +World champion Lewis Hamilton will not drive in Pirelli's Barcelona F1 test today as he has decided to rest a sore foot.,Giving Sky Sports ammunition to defend Ham in case Nico actually wins it +Always? Someone hasn't been voting long.,I think you missed the +What a waste of a wish. They'll be here in 20-30 years tops.,I thought we already had them. +What is something most think is real but is really fake?,Moon landing +Cool story. 100 calories Beef means a bite. 100 calories of Broccoli means a bag,"So eat 20 bags of broccoli, shitlord." +Miley Cyrus: 'Crazy' to vote for Trump over Clinton,"Oh, well since Miley Cyrus said it I may have to change my mind about Hillary." +Guys don't like doing it and only tell you they like it to impress you in the beginning. This is the truth. Stop giving him head until he gives it back.,Guys are all individuals with different likes and dislikes. +The Scottish are British.,"That's exactly is the problem, your Scots ruined Scotland, that why Scots want to leave you now." +But then why would Shelby and Matt go back?,Cuz they obviously make awesome decisions +"God I fucking hate that video. Inconsiderate, selfish fat woman.",Obviously its a medical condition why shes fat +wine sounds like whine. You can verbally tell the joke to other people who are seasoned reddit visitors.,Oops forgot the +"In all seriousness, I'm afraid of the ramifications of studies like this. Especially with Jews at the top, it's gonna probably turn and fuel a good chunk of anti-Semitism.",OY VEY +"Fact: between '95 & '15, 15 criminal cases *nationwide* that involved the use of a suppressor.",But that's because they're illegal. +why does this processor cost more than my whole gaming setup again?,There's no competition :/ see how much this monopoly benefits us? +cough cough No Man's Sky cough cough cough,"I got fucked so hard by that game, never again pre-ordering." +RBR,But they're the Tag Heuer works team. +"Fair enough; however, I've not gotten into accidents. Well.. except when a driver hit me in a parking lot. And by me.. I don't mean my car.",You must be a bad walker +"Afkreddit: a subreddit which you go to for links to things you could proudly leave on your screen for people to see if they walk into your room/walk by your screen. Also, it sounds like askreddit pronounced by someone with a lisp",I just save the subtle pictures from r/offensivewallpapers as my screen saver +Play of the Game ;-),But Zarya never gets play of the game. +This is their merch store to be fair. They're heavily underestimating the interest in the board game.,"Yeah, I think people don't realize that this is running on different servers than League itself." +But does anyone want to be around a girl who is crying about her violent sexual abuse 8 years later?,"Yeah, she should be over that by now!" +Sounds like you both suffer from low self esteem. Or you're a modest pair of beautiful buttholes. Congrats on the date.,Gotta love having an inferiority complex. +"The number of pistol rounds lost in SEM/GN1 due to people buying poorly is ridiculous. I seriously question how people can't figure this out. So here's a few DOs/Don'ts. If this reaches just one person then it is worth it. Don't 1. Buy nothing. This is just the most foolish thing you can do on a pistol, why give up on a chance to win a round on equal footing? 2. Buy just a p250. I know, its tempting, its only 300 dollars. But generally you're better off buying a 5-7 or tec-9 straight up, or spending more money on utility like nades/defuser than just a p250. In some edge cases this can be ok but generally its pretty weak. 3. Buy a deagle. Like why? Your default pistol if you're CT is far better for the way pistol rounds work, and its extremely unlikely that you'll make it work on T side, so why bother? Do 1. Buy body armor, negating aim-punch is a big deal, and on CT side body armor all but negates the pathetic damage of the glock 2. Look at what your team buys. If they all have body armor, it may be worth it for you to buy a bunch of utility. A single flash can do a lot of work on the pistol round if used right, as can a smoke or a defuse kit","I still don't understand buying a 5-7 on pistol as a CT unless you buy armor and someone drops you one, not only is it bad at longer ranges but if you don't have armor you'll get mowed down by glawks in seconds" +My face is stuck in a permanent grimace after reading that. For some reason likes food was the most disturbing part.,I think they mean he likes real food like KFC and McDonald's instead of that icky gluten-free organic free-range cage-free sustainably-grown vegan slop that pussies call food. +Trump blocked his campaign from researching him: report,That was brilliant! +Oh there's totally more. My favourite are the ones with her arms covered in track marks,You gonna sit there and brag or are you gonna deliver? +"Ever since the steam launch there has constantly been at least 1 topic on the front page of this sub about aimbotting. The result of that is that the amount of people actively aware of aimbots, and how easy they are to find, have increased exponentially. A certain type of players like to throw hissy fits about developer refusing to acknowledge the problem. **This** is why it's common practice in the industry. Aimbots is 100% impossible to get completely rid of. A huge part of the effort is about making the information about them hard to come by, so it's only the people that go look for cheats on their own volition that know about them, and thus making the pool of cheaters so small, in relation to the playerbase as a whole, that they stand out and can be punished. It's not how we all would *like* things to be, but the sad reality is that this is how it works. If you talk about it openly you are **only** making the problem worse.","Kek, surely it is impossible for an anti cheat system to check whether someone is cheating." +"Wikileaks clearly is led by Russia and every single email is fake. Even though US intelligence services strongly doubt this opinion by the Clinton campaign, why would a political campaign spread propaganda?",Forgot your +The Obamas are better than that. They are more likely to follow in the footsteps of the Carter's than build a foundation that made themselves and their buddies rich and increased their influence.,Yes I'm sure all the people getting AIDS medication from it hate the fact that Bill Clinton started it. +"rush limbaugh, the same guy who just came out against consent in sexual relations on live broadcast.",Lovely. +when sdi invalidates only part of what makes a stage cancer the stage stays legal but when sdi invalidates most of what makes a character cancer Spain bans them,I'm sorry ESAM +BOMB TOWER!! Vs. ALL TROOPS ll UNLOCKING THE NEW UPDATE !!!!,"If the title is in all caps, you know the video is good" +"I tried the park, three separate people came up to give me leaflets about Jesus and trying to convert me to Christianity within 20 minutes, so I haven't been back. Did get to see one of them argue with a self described satanist though which was interesting",Lord have mercy on you +i'm a hagen daz girl on a breyers budget,Girl... Now? +"Something about a grabbed pussy, I'm sure. Not sure exactly how it will be done, maybe a cat costume with a paper mache hand around it? Or a woman wearing a codpiece with spikes coming out of it...",Grumpy cat ? +Have you ever been to the emergency room? What for?,"We call it the bathroom, lavoratory, or powder room in my country." +Christ go eat a steak and potatoes Do these people know how you gain muscle mass? Because it's definitely not by starving yourself.,"That person isn't hating, just reminding her to get enough protein for her gainz" +Wikileaks should take a crack at this,Yeah take a break from exposing political corruption harmful to the country to figure out why devs didnt deliver on a video game promise! +"A thought I had about DF's hint about let's get super He stated in that one cipher he posted that we should wait until everyone gets the map and let's get super. Could he be saying that every single person that owns Black Ops 3 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC needs to download the Salvation map pack? Maybe once that happens Treyarch will release a patch that unlocks the Super EE for the game. I just texted a couple of my friends who didn't buy the season pass to buy the Salvation DLC. I think everyone should too. Hopefully this gets passed along.",you forget the +"I know and it sucks, I literally just found Ice about a week ago and I think he's fucking awesome",You are newfag +"Ayn Rand's philosophy is useless. She played it safe by attacking the parts of the state where our rulers feel secure, so that her criticisms would just bounce off and no one in power would retaliate against her. It takes balls to attack our elites' ideology and childish utopianism about race, immigration, feminism and gay degeneracy, because they and their proxies will attack you in response.",I've always thought the best standard of truth was whether you piss off the elites (whatever that means). +How long is acceptable to wear a pair of jeans before needing to wash them?,You wash your jeans? +Only started watching at the end of the 2dn period. Why don't we have six goals already?,Hard to score that much when you trap as hard as the Devils do. +Don't take the bait mates. Wow you guys are bad at spotting trolls,I'm more surprised how bad at grammar and conventions you are! +It all leads back to the risotto.,Risotto is probably just a hitman term for melting bodies down in the bathtub. +Didn't he say he would work with the Russians to get rid of ISIS. Pretty sure he said that at the debate.,thats work really well on allepo +"To those who have played Russian Roulette and survived, why the fuck did you do so?",The odds were good. +How NOT to rob a smoke shop in Texas,If only we banned guns this kind of thing wouldn't happen. +"I hope we can go back to calling them musselmen, though.",I'm hoping for a return of 'saracen' honestly +I think you just cook it all and mix it together.,so deep fry the vegetables and then pressure cook the beef while slowcooking the spices? +"Where are the SJWs when men are shamed for being virgins? Everyone loses their minds when a woman is called a slut or shamed for being fat meanwhile news outlets, television shows, presidential campaigns suffer no consequence shaming men for being fat basement dwelling virgins. Where are the social justice warriors then? Oh right they only care about women. It's not social justice at all.","its men's patriarchy that enforces male virginity shaming, they are victims of the patriarchy" +"Thank you to the bitcoin community. I had planned for my exit to include an expose of the things I have seen during my time before and time moderating r/btc but the truth is I just dont think is needed or warranted. It certainly wouldnt help bitcoin, thats for sure. What I can say is that despite my shortcomings as a mod, I had the best intentions for bitcoin as a whole. It was never the bitcoin belief that caught my attention, it was the people who's only objective was to be an asshole. The types that no matter what, they would be there to just screw with others. Im not sure what drives these sort of people. But at this point, it matters to me not. While r/bitcoin is one end of the spectrum, r/btc is on the total opposite. I believe we have to find a middle ground, and to be honest... that middle ground seems to be just a few notches above r/buttcoin (lol). r/bitcoin and r/btc collectively have (for those who read r/buttcoin) elevated r/buttcoin, and more power to them. After all r/buttcoin is not short of educated people. Theymos is bad. It might not be apparent now but its true. History in a few years will show that. In his case the means will never justify the end. r/btc isnt great either. My original vision for r/btc was that people would duke it out here. They would get along, clash, talk, argue, etc. However my visions also included people being honorable, and when they asked a question, if they received a response that seemed within reason, they would concede. Instead those that dont get the answers they want, simply rephrase, and rephrase. We have people in this community that no matter the answer, they will offer no quarter. Im not sure what their motive is, but its not honorable. That is for certain. Ive made perfect decisions here at times, and completely imperfect decisions other times. Its been inconsistent and for that I apologize. I personally dont think I was cut out for moderator ship. I apologize for any abuse that has been dealt from my actions as mod. We face a time coming up where our faith in bitcoin will be tested. No matter what happens, we face a fork of bitcoin. If segwit and lightening roll out and work, Im in, I will use it. However there is a case to be made for forking bitcoin pre segwit and lightening, mainly for sanctity and protection. Its going to happen, simple as that. Its obvious. Im happy to take part in both and ultimately what is considered bitcoin will be the version that gains the most traction in use and peoples heart. Again Im in for either. Im all in bitcoin and here to stay. The definition may change, but Im here for that also. I think a lot of others feel the same way. We arent so much core vs classic vs unlimited.... More like we are up for what bitcoin ends up being (within reason of course). 30 seconds after submitting this Im going to hit the leave button on the modship of the sub. Greater men than I deserve the chance. Greater men than I or theymos or lackeys of theymos. Greater men that Roger Ver, bashco, adam back, kyle torpey etc. Bitcoin deserves better and I hope that in time we get more people that care about bitcoin itself than the money to be made, the pr thats involved. We need people that while not perfect, are righteous. Hugs and Kisses, SouperNerd",I wonder if we will see a post like this from Greg when he leaves Bitcoin +"Bet this wouldn't have happened to a unionist party leader, eh? eh? **B**ritish **B**ias **C**orporation.",Clearly all engineered by MI5 +Taxes violate my corporations religious beliefs.,Build your own road then! +That fucking dude on the fucking banner shot a fucking grandmother.,Yeah but she was a Zionist grandmother +Post Game Thread: Red Wings at Lightning - 10/13/2016,Good to see the boys are in mid-season form already +"This is the problem. They are not few. 70c/o of crimes in Denmark are committed by Muslims, which are less than 5% of the population.",Do you have any reliable sources for that claim? +Hillary Clinton cheated against Bernie Sanders in primary debate. CBS fact check finds that CNN's Donna Brazile sent copy of town hall question so Hillary could prepare an answer in advance.,but apparently it's not as bad as when Trump says mean things +"Weekly Sales October 18 - 25,2016 (+2 Heroes Price Reductions)",Guess it's time to buy Rexxar and go face! +I received a package from IKEA today and got this neat loose-fill cushioning material instead of styrofoam.,You sure that's not the back of some chair? +"I'd like a mechanic where if you die and don't WP after 10 seconds, you lose 1 copper each second you stay dead.","I'd like a mechanic where, during a fight, if someone fully dies and says help or rez plz in chat, they get permabanned, all their items are given to me, their computer gets bricked, and a government official goes to their place of residence and breaks their jaw with a tire iron." +"So pretty much what your saying, the refs meet up to rig the game further...",That only happens when it's the Packers or Patriots playing. +What? Unturned is just a shitty CoD copy you retard. You see how you can scope in with a sniper rifle? CoD did that years before this shitty free game. This game is just a sad joke.,You forgot the +We are being paid? Where's my check?,It's in there with your white privilege +iChase reviews Belfast. Munches destroyers,"Coming Soon to EU, in December Event Calender with fun and engaging X-mas events." +"New Sentry menu much like mannequinn menu. Id like a similar concept to sentry as mannequinn, like put equipped gun on the sentry. This would allow for fury and bigger modded guns to be placed on the sentry. And we would not be able to store anything but guns. Comment your thougts (sorry for grammar dont hate on me)","Yes, because it's not like certain guns where designed to go on the sentry and vise-versa right?" +Maybe I'm just bitter about the EMX cluster fuck,Wait people are mad about that? +Oh. King arthur's court. It's Tintagel.,**Tintangel** sounds more organic +"Characters using musical instruments. Literally NOT how instruments work. Seriously how much would it take to blandly fake knowledge of an instrument, air guitar style?","The high notes are at the far end of the guitar neck, right?" +"Started a new job this week, who thought it was a good idea to put the whiteboard behind me....",I hope you get fired +It's just not something you'd generally ask over tinder.,Oh because Tinder is the pinnacle of social interactions and decorum. +The ignition of fossil fuels is the only thing that creates heat-trapping gasses?,Yeah man cow farts are 100 percent oxygen +Him and Kane will tear it up on team USA for years to come.,Don't you mean Team North America? +"Creepy guy tries video chatting, sends porn, and dick pics with no response. This is why I hate Facebook... NSFW","Wait, so you're saying this won't get women turned on?" +Zacapa 23 solera all the way. Drank it last night! Best rum I've had but will give zaya a try.,Zacapa 23 is better than Zaya but it is about twice the price where I am and I wouldn't say it is twice as good. +The new Planet Earth II trailer is pretty epic,Evolution is amazing! +Sony and Sean announced the exclusive content at a press release that is why there is not an Xbox One release. In order to get exclusive rights with Sony.. sony typically requires content to be exclusive to the PS4 before it is released on other platforms.. hence it can easily be deduced that with the limitations of PS4... any content that could not be put on it... would not be allowed on release to PC... untill the contract was over.... This is basic common sense reasoning... Something I know is hard to do on the Subreddit that seems to pride itself on Hate and placing blame away from HG... again.. HG was the ones that made the blunder when they signed the contracts..,"While I can see the logic behind your opinion & am inclined to agree, the details of the contract between Sony and Hello Games regarding NMS has not been disclosed." +Changes to Gaiden in a remake:,Replacing Alm and Celica with two edgy self insert characters +"11-1, perhaps?","Wait, I thought you guys were going to miss a game this year?" +Nice and clean. I love the classics <3,"Ikr, i was going for the ~2012 Delta look." +"I actually heard some shit stain on the radio go These hacks are just how politicians talk behind closed doors, I wouldn't be surprised if it was similar at the Trump camp. Uhhh, no you fucking psycho, these people are talking about the shadiest corrupt and darkest topics, the Trump camp is most certainly not talking about dumbing Americans down through public schooling system, or at worst wet works",But apparently Trump is the only one that talks about pussy behind closed doors +I work in IT when I see this I want to stab people.,Yeah who builds a stand with a hole in the middle. +Los Angeles in a Picture,Is it organic? +Coolest thing I ever seen in a space sim,No mods at all! +What's an elytra?,A glider/wings that you find in the end +If just men voted...,Cause the nation was horrible before woman could vote. +The pound could be 'worth less than a dollar within three years' (if Scotland leaves the UK),"However, former IMF economist Ashoka Mody and the former Bank of England Governor Lord King, have argued that sterling was overvalued before the referendum and that the rapid correction will help the UK economy rebalance Well of course - clearly we can all see that the value of the pound plummeting almost to record levels - is a good thing and not a bad thing" +Something big is coming in 5 days,Announcing the long-awaited Stephen King Cinematic Universe? +Just to review: Bill Clinton is such a huge sexual predator that we get to use his victim's name as a punchline in order to make fun of the woman he cheated on.,You misspelled yuge. +"Better analogy: If you buy a new pair of glasses, then buy a book to read with said glasses, and the glasses malfunction, then should they refund the book?","if the book maker made the book AND the glasses and sold the book as working with the glasses, and then the glasses started exploding and they said, hold on, we will replace the glasses, but then they started exploding, and you said hold on, fuck that, i'll wear contacts but the book no longer works because contacts run brail and you need something that runs book... in that case, well... you should have gone haddock." +Tulsi Gabbard was punished for supporting Bernie.,Yes I am sure Tulsi is just intimidated. +pleasedontnerfthehellcatagainpleasedontnerfthehellcatagainpleasedontnerfthehellcatagainpleasedontnerfthehellcatagainpleasedontnerfthehellcatagainpleasedontnerfthehellcatagain,yesssss and buf t34 its useless +Fucking Barrier Reef! Slagging off when it should be repairing itself. How great can it be when it doesn't even do what it should?,We should make a genetically modified version of it that can withstand the temperatures and the bleaching and all that +Just purchased the PC version to find out Shadowplay / OBS isnt allowed?,"Yes, because they totally have to state in the product details that it won't work with 3rd party software....." +The music looked the same to you?,Seems legit +Best dream of my life had a dream me and mod ash ran around doing parkour over things in my college. 10/10 would dream again,Happy cake day! +"Also, making an example of someone is a disgusting behavior, and you my friend are part of the problem facing greek life and the pledging process. The pledging process is not about breaking down New Members to fit your mold. Its about bringing wahts great about them, what you saw as excellent, into your chapter to make the whole greater.",Fucking pussy +"Wow your so funny, 2002 called they want their easy target back",Typical German with no sense of humor +A moment in crime,Thanks for finding this new clue! +BREAKING: CIA planning possible cyber strike against Russia!! We NEED to spread awareness of what our government is doing or we will find ourselves in the middle of a war!,Can't we just drone them? +HRC: why don't you go run for something begins to laugh sarcastically at protester,What compassion! +"Nono, he's a selfish dinosaur. A me-me-asaurus if you will.","I bet he's a millennial, they're the selfish generation" +"Serious Post: Why do none of the girls like me? I was walking home tonight after a party. As I was walking, and yes this is literally out of a movie, some guy asked me Could you help me with something? 'Would you date a guy who was shorter than you? Yes, I stated. He said, Wow,I thought you were shallow like most girls. I bristled, Most girls aren't shallow if you really get to know them As I was walking home, I was thinking about the incels who post on the incel board and how they despair of ever getting a girl. And I know some of them cruise over here and I still think this, within reason, in a population of 50% girls, there is always some girl that would be happy to date you. If you like bdsm, there is a girl for you. If you are really short, there will be a girl for you. If you are into LARPING and WOW, I guarantee you, out there, there is a girl for you. You just have to find her. And finding a girl is hard, not all girls are girls at the sorority house. Not all girls are girls who are out there and partying everywhere. Some girls are quiet, some of us stay in the library, and sit in quiet corners and study mostly. The point is, we are there. Don't be wedded to the fantasy of a girl who looks like a supermodel because she is not necessarily the right girl for you. And it takes persistence and time and luck. There is no formula for it. This the only reason red pill works, not through skill but through one truth: Put yourself out there enough and you will find a girl for you. Women do suffer feeling unwanted, women do suffer from feeling alone. I guess the convoluted point i am trying to make is, the top 30% attractive women are not ALL women,there is an entire universe of us 70% who are alone. Point is: There is always a girl out there somehow that will like whatever physical trait you are ashamed of or whatever. It's the person that matters. not the package it is in.",But why can't I just sit here and do nothing while the women throw themselves at me? +"My cat, Ernest (after Hemingway of course) has the same configuration for toes. 6 on the front paws and 7 on the back.",What an amazing name! +What is immediately improved by adding water?,A videogame temple/ dunguon of course! +Were else is he supposed to be dumb?,"The elbow, obviously." +I will never understand why it's ranked lower than the Coelian... If those two switched places they'd both be far more balanced.,"Because the Kugelblitz uses a Panzer IV hull while the Coelian uses a Panther hull, so obviously the Coelian is better." +We wanted to create a fair playing field for customers: ios only,iPhone master race +Amazing how many of them probably support noted dressing room creeper Donald Trump.,"We don't need to protect women from powerful men, only weirdos." +I work at a grocery store,Have you tried making a budget? +When I tell people I don't like watermelon they act like I kicked a baby. It's downright un-American.,WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA? +Aiden English with the sell,Expose the business why don't you! +Well obviously you do yes. Everyone better than me is cheating dammit,You dropped your +My box of treasure (:!,Enjoy your prison term! +I like the aquarian star and I guess it means the Men of Letters will be sticking around for the whole season.,Yay! +"I know, and they try to point at and Smear clinton for allegedly (without proof) doing similar.",It's worse cuz she hides being a liar and crook. +Clemson Defeats NC State 24-17 (OT),That poor kicker... ugh it hurts +You're an idiot.,Your +So this is what VR is for,"Typical fucking game, appealing to the male fantasy." +The average American will probably never go to China yet their home is mostly full of things they've bought that have.,"Not only American, I guess." +Not once the otherkin start chiming in. No you can't be a fox! I am a fox! Wtf? Is that an angel costume? Can't you see my astral wings asshole? And are you dressed up as Patrick from spongebob? That's my fiction kin you shitlord.,Cultural Appropriation!!! +Then is it not possible for Brampton to get Transit drivers that are able to drive properly?,"no, Its Brampton, everyone is a terrible driver here." +How could we make a statement about a group of people that is *not* a generalization? What other option do we have?,Don't bring your logic and reasoning in here! +I waited for a long time to finally hatched a growlithe and he evolved into this!! I'm so upset!,What was the IV +Porn.,Are you sure? +"That seems. . . drastic to me. Although I don't live in or around California, so my perspective isn't the greatest. Do you know if this was more of a popular demand law or a reactionary one?","CA laws are pretty restrictive, most of the laws get passed because of certain instances and legislators want to get their name on something." +I agree,This subreddit ain't big enough for the two of us. +"Currently doing Intermittent fasting and also prepping meals for the week. 8pm-12pm fasting period After 12 i split my meals into 3 Meal 1 3 egg white omelette, 6 boiled egg whites, some fruits, slim Meal 2 1 cup dal and 2 roti's Meal 3 Prepped meal (chicken breast about 300gm) Casein protein with milk before 8 Workout 4pm-5pm Pre workout - banana, bcaa, creatine and beta alanine Post workout - whey, creatine and beta alanine If you wanna eat healthy start making your own food.",What do you do with the yolks ? +"sadly not, no totws for champions league",Why not is there a specific reason? +"has anyone on this subreddit ever hit insta kill rounds? question is basically that, what map was it done on",Yes I've been to round one +what do you tell a woman with two black eyes?,"Ooh, domestic abuse jokes, soooo funny" +"From what I gleaned, Ragnarok will be crazy, epic, adventurous, dramatic, and hilarious with Taika's sense of humour. It's also going to have an 80's vibe, so I'm all in.",Just another formulaic Marvel film. +"This guy just really doesn't like superhero films. Also gave a rotten review to Civil War, Deadpool and more...",What a douche. +Loved the city views from the kayak,What company did you do that with? +I can't say faggot anymore? What faggot came up with this rule?,Some faggot. +Why wouldn't you trust that website?,"Yeah i know right, this is the only site which gives its users an opportunity for a unique password." +Chess grandmaster owns hustlers in park. Also there's a cool squirrel and Liv Tyler.,"cameras, celebrities, yeah sure the other guy had no idea anything was going on" +"A 2v2 and 1v1 modes for casual play. I'm curious about why aren't there fixed modes of 2v2 and 1v1 for casual, sometimes I just want to smash 1v1 games quickly without going through the long queue and ban process in ranked, it could also be used as a traing ground before getting into ranked, and sometimes a buddy and I would to play a game of joust or that sort but without anyone else in our team, let it be 1 lane or 2 lane, I think it's a good option to have in addition to all the other available modes we have access to. Would like to hear your thoughts.","Yeah, because what we need is even more gamemodes" +"I wish the old school team would read comments like this.. unlike them, you are actually willing to look into restoring ironman status after a bug, awesome !",It's not like the OSRS engine is vastly different than the 2016 RS3 engine or anything...right? +What do you guys think of the new lines in the later half of the game?,I was genuinely shocked and impressed that MT resisted the urge to put DD with patches +"No Faker, this is exactly who we are. It all starts with solo queue. Because in our region there's only 2 things anyone cares about, memes and streaming. People say solo queue in regions like EUW and Korea are extremely toxic, that's partly because the players there care a lot about winning, way more than the players in NA at least. Our region just doesn't give a fuck. I've played in mid-high diamond the last 2 seasons and most players in most games simply don't care about anything other than having fun. I get that it's a game but when the main goal of the majority of players in the region's most competitive queue is to just have fun then there's something wrong. I don't think the region will move on to greater heights unless the mindset here changes, which seems highly unlikely.",Yeah honestly its a fucking shame that people in dia play for fun how can these ignorant assholes do that +Form your own new party already. Stop dragging the Democrats farther to the right. Enough is enough. Democrats barely even understand what liberal means anymore.,Which is why they're running on the most liberal platform in history. +BASED Malcolm X explains our movement PERFECTLY. KEEP FIGHTING. MAGA.,But politifact said Hillary is an angel so it must be true +"I never play with Aim Assist on, I absolutely hate the lock on feeling that it gives. And tbh, I don't care if my K/D is bad, I just raised it to 0.88 in the last couple days and my SPM is at 258 right now, I also have a 1.20 W/L",Those are impressive stats. +"Rudy Giuliani, First Class Expert, Says Groping Would Never Happen In The Fancy Part Of An Airplane",I know from first hand experience that the non-fancy parts of the plane are simply a sea of debauchery... cause you know we are the unclean masses you never have to come into contact with... it's cause we are stupid and unwashed.... thank God (the God of poor not your rich God) someone said something... +Yes rough isn't go In dry or pound it for 5 hours until it's scorching lol Agree on the rest too,but you have to be an Alpha male who don't care about her opinions +"I agree. And WF doesn't look terrible this year. ND is down, but it's still ND. And EC has its good years. So those 3 wins aren't that far off from 3 of our wins.",We better not be in those 3 you SOB! +How did we lose votes from last week? How??,Team you lost to almost lost to unranked NC State +"It was a fucking joke man, did anyone actually read my comment?","So wait, the internet isn't actually based on first assumptions?" +"An excellent observation. The answer is: because we can... There are more native English speakers in the US than in any other country. Thus, we determine where the English language goes from here. Example: the limeys use centre instead of center. What the fuck ? Clearly they are still too influenced by the French...",I'm starting to wonder why I'm educating a wildling ? +"Newb-Tag Sometimes I get frustrated at other players because they dont respond to requests for cooperation. Even a negative is better than no response. Sometimes this happens because a player is not interested in teamwork, but wants kits, so he joins the squad. Other times its because a player is new, and has no idea what the hell is going on. A newb-flag on a users name would make it easier to identify these cases, and to provide the proper instruction to these players. Could be color, an additional tag, etc. Yes, there would be the potential to shit on players because they are new, but as a community we have the power to establish an attitude that condemns this by making it banable etc. Thoughts?",Sorry but we did not make it to that stats funding level during our kickstarter +"If you could write a book about your ADHD, what would you call it? I'd probably go with 'I Can Never Finish Anythi'","Oh shit, I forgot I was supposed to write a book" +you're going to regret it.,Why would I regret it? +How toxic is the Overwatch community?,If your offer is still up im down +Custom figure I made. I hope we see this look in Justice League.,"Yes, more black and less color please." +ur so smert,You're* +So where will Romo end up next season?,I see Cousins shitting the bed and Romo becoming a redskin... +Ice pls stop lying so compulsively,he is being himself . +...Romo?,Who's this Romo to I speak of? +"Diep Dev, is there going to be an update soon? It's been 2 weeks, it's not that i'm not patient (or a little bit) but i'm worried, what happened? I don't want diep to die i see a bright future to this game i don't want to see it die so fast it could have a steam release and become a great game that will never get old, if you read this, give me and this community an answer, please.",Just ask locktrap +Mercedes actually works up to 125mph which is faster than the tesla can even go.,Everybody knows only Tesla makes auto driving cars +"Without a tracker, Pokemon despawn times should be much longer than they are now. You can't expect me to aimlessly amble around an area and expect me to happen upon the Pokemon I want within 15 minutes, implying that they just spawned (many of them are already on their way). 20-30 minutes seems much more suitable.",Niantic will surely implement a positive change like this! +Rockstar just uploaded this to social media...,See what you don't realize is they have no title and just baited you all into choosing one. +What do we gain from shaving???,Men who don't like hairy women +Yes. That's absolutely correct. And there's a large difference between realizing/accepting that grim reality and celebrating it.,So where do you live again Darth_Tyler_? +"It is also known that instead of buying Korea super stasr, Fnatic always buy potential no name players. Reignover and Huni didn't start as world best, not even LCK tier, and neither are their new imports.","Oh, just like spirit" +pa has very low vision to begin with She has standard vision that most heroes have. How do you substantiate that she has low vision ?,anything less than slark is no vision to me. +"Two Americans killed, three others wounded by gunman wearing Afghan Army uniform","Yup, arming the locals in the Middle East works out just *great* for us." +"Living in Australia, trying to replicate an authentic Malaysian Milo Ais. Need help I have been trying to replicate the taste of Milo Ais found in a typical Malaysian restaurant, but I have not succeeded. I read online that people used a variety of ingredients (like honey, condensed milk etc). Anyone who has worked at a restaurant know how to make Milo? I have tried: - Milo with Skim milk - Milo with Full cream milk - Milo with Powdered milk All three didn't give the taste I want. Is it cause Australian Milo tastes different?","Condensed milk, lots of condensed milk" +Sounds like something they should make mandatory in the US.,but muh freedom? +"If you already spent that much money on snooker, why not just play the real thing",Because you save money by not needing to buy the pool cues and balls +might as well put a carbon tax on Netflix too,But it will help curb emissions and its revenue neutral +Who is better than Ryu in Europe btw?,Perkz obviously! +Even if were a starter at Bayern Munich I'd be fucking *stoked* if i got to meet Ronaldo or Messi,You had to bring up Messi in a Ronaldo thread +"back when i ate meat and had sausage croissants (do some stores still gave that?), i used to dip it in some agave. 10/10",Wiener wrap a wiener wrap a wiener wrap! +Welcome any feedbacks and questions!,Please consider cross-posting this type of article in cs.CL so computational linguistics researchers can easily find the article. +Notice trump has no response to the Kansas plot,Well obviously because that plot didn't target Americans. +"If you are looking for a Sky Club, go to the new one on B in the middle of the concourse.","Ah that would be convenient, but I've actually got Priority Pass membership which (I think) will only get me into the club on the F concourse." +"No, It wasn't, But I'd go with proven over the risk.","yeah that proven team that changed botlane to a, on paper, slight downgrade which caused them to completely collapse was the safe bet" +"This is obviously the work of crooked clinton. She is leaving nothing to chance. Soon, after a rigged election, she will throw all her enemies in jail. Then she will change the constitution. Giving her unlimited terms as President. Then she will give herself a raise of 45 million dollars a year. Then she will invade Russia and China, forcing the poor to fight for her. Then she will make out her entire cabinent to be all wall street wolves. And she will do this all in a hundred days. Who can stop her? No one. The control the record cultists will be working over time to ensure that no voices of dissent rise up in the wilderness.",This def sounds like her. +"Shepherd of Fire wasn't chosen by coincidence in Origins. If you guys know Avenged Sevenfold in any way, this probably has hit you at some point. I just thought it was a badass song that had to be included, but now... After some searching around and looking for the lyrics, I knew about this, but never associated it until the Shadow Man started talking about Monty being the Devil. And... *Shepherd of Fire is sung from the perspective of the Devil.* That wasn't a coincidence.","And they released a new single this week, called The Stage Kino stage?" +what is a trisha janeway,Only the greatest captain in the history and future of Starfleet. +My Time Has Come.,"Dragonglass, valyarian steel, or fire." +"Weekly Trash Talk Thread - October 17, 2016 HERE YOU CAN GET RID OF ALL YOUR ANGER AND HATE. CAPS ON AND LET IT ALL OUT. JUST GET YOUR THIRD LUCIO PLAYER ICON DUPLICATE? GETTING PERMANENTLY KILLED BY THE MOST OP CHARACTER IN THE GAME? THERE'S TOO MUCH JUSTICE THAT RAINS FROM ABOVE? THIS IS THE RIGHT THREAD! PLEASE STILL BE CIVIL, AT LEAST A LITTLE!","WHEN OUR TEAM LACKS A TANK, WHY WOULDN'T YOU PICK A HANZO OR A TRACER?" +This caterpillar looks like the cosmos,"What if the universe is a huge caterpillar, and it's expanding because it's growing, and that caterpillar will die one day, and that's would be the end for all?" +"Well, she doesn't need to campaign. She seems to feel like she's entitled to win.",It's her turn +NEW JAMES O'KEEFE VIDEO: Rigging the Election - Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies,I hope nothing happens to these fine treasonous gentlemen +PSG Group to invest in private universities,Well this is a shock +"*ppsst* Next time, crop out innocent drivers' licence plates.","Yeah, that guy certainly doesn't want anyone looking at him." +"Good, because the words are coming from the mouths of democrats themselves, not O'Keefe. lmao",Because that's so different to the other bullshit videos he's put out +Seized 360 headshot,True MLG hits the shot before touching the ground +Wordaholic: an excellent combination between WordBrain and PicWords,"Wow cool screenshot, tells me all I need to know about the game." +"There is no way these idiots are going to fuck up buying clothes, right?",Is that Shattercock? +The thing neither side gets is that killers want to feel strong and survivors want to feel smart. Nobody wants to play a survivor that has no fighting chance and is just sitting duck for a killer to enjoy his hunt. Most of the whine i see from killers is that survivors do things. Well who would have thought that survivors want to have fun? Or they are 4 so they should have a quarter of the fun?,"Survivors aren't meant to survive their games or outsmart the killer, they're meant to die" +I wonder if Shane realizes he is the main target? Or maybe he doesn't even care?,America is on his side and he'll win veto +"Torrents aren't illegal. Torrenting copyrighted material is. Since it's just an encrypted file, it is just a bunch of random bits as far as the folks Who watch for copyright infringement are concerned.",But as we learned from our god CNN its illegal to have or read any of the files. +"I don't really get this sentiment. Why should we welcome people who wanted to deny the person-hood of millions of other Americans? If I'm constantly fucking berated and threatened by these wanna be fascists, why should I all of the sudden be kind when they finally see through the bullshit after a *year*. Trump was terrible day 1 and any decent person saw that. Anyone coming out now is just disillusioned because he's polling so terribly, not because of some spur of the moment magically moment of clarity.",It's useful to be understanding of others because your high horse is only helpful to your position if you don't fall off of it. +"To be quite honest I think she covers her face because she's a much older woman that has had substance abuse issues in the past who is now selling music to teens. She has an amazing voice and is an incredible talent, but when you put her up against Rihanna (whom Sia writes a lot of songs) they just don't compare visually. tldr; It's my opinion that Sia isn't conventionally pretty and that could impact sales to young girls.",yeah i heard thats why adele covered covered her entire body +"Reddit is CENSORING the James O'Keefe Video, #63 on front page 2 hours ago with 6580 UPVOTES WTF",It's just the new algorithm +"I hate the whole mistakes are cards that get banned/restricted. Wotc made good cards then call them mistakes, hell they even said delver was a mistake but he's still legal. Wotc and company hate having good cards in every set for the real formats of the game. According to them if it's banned or restricted it's a mistake. Imagine how mtg would be if we had sets like eldritch moon as the first set? I sure wouldn't be playing the game that's for sure I don't buy much from any new set because most of it is crap to me. Hell the last new cards I got were reprints from the most recent sets. Ever since rtr I've been very annoyed with the new cards.",Wizards hasn't printed good cards since Urza's block! +"Something I can't stop laughing about in BvS Don't get me wrong I love BvS but one thing I think I hilarious is when Lex says Don't hate the sinner, hate the sin. It just reminds me of Don't hate the player, hate the game -LL Cool J.","Joy in BvS, haha you liar" +Blizzard just nerfed rockbitter weapon and CP does exactly the same kappa,Duelyst is really a straighup copy of Hearthstone! +Look everywhere for hints. I found this on Treyarchs Spotify (Shangri-La music from revelations),4 staffs **orgasm** +"Remember the protest at a trump rally where 2 police officers got injured? Aaron Black, DNC Rapid Response Coordinator says that it was them, all planned (at 9:31)",Omg you totally convinced me to vote for Trump +"Ideas for a school music day? So my school is having a Music day next week, where you come dressed up in some way related to music. This means hairstyles, props, clothes, etc. I have no clue at all what to do, and neither do my friends. I would like something related to producing music. Friend 1 would like something related to DJ'ing. Friend 2 would like something just casual, since all he does is listen to music. Let your ideas flow! If we like them, we may actually go to school dressed like that. (I will try to get photos ;) )",full body Monstercat fursuit +"I'm sure they're gonna try to play it off like they didn't know, but if you just think for half a second it's obvious that the guy has some sort of disability. People don't just strap their legs together for no reason.",Are you blind obviously he's a recovering man spreader. +Kawaii Bastet Got Me Like (SMITE),"Darn, I was hoping it would've been League of Legends instead of (SMITE)." +"Question about an NBA website Hi guys, A while back, I came across a website that will answer questions for you. it was a very basic layout, had a search bar where you could type something in like lebron james FG% NBA Finals and it would automatically show you that. You could get fairly specific with your requests, as well. I can't remember the name of the site, though, and I was hoping someone else on here uses it or may have come across it at some point. Thanks in advance.",Just PM me and I'll probably get pretty close +Almost there 705 Skins...,"Ive seen a bronze player with Triumphant Ryze, so dont give up" +Not a bad Bachelor Party,Only problem is someone has to get married when all of the fun is over +"Lol. Didn't catch that, no I put # needs extended mag",Forgot the +"Montreal is less than three times bigger than Ottawa and has 4 large universities and dozens of colleges but the market still supports all those graduates. Honestly, I just think that we have a job market problem here. I think the Nortel closure has left a hole that has not been fixed since they left.",Like the one on rideau street +I guess he's never chatted with Donald Jr. He assured us that he talks about pussy grabbing and much worse things with his alpha bros.,Such a beta thing of you to say. +Believable as someone upset to be in paradise.,"I just realized perhaps one moral of the story is that ignorance is bliss in a way, and this constant searching for a truly non-existent ultimate truth only causes us pain and suffering" +The warriors blew a 3-1 lead last year in the finals.,I think by the Warriors you meant The Greatest Team of All Time +"We found hillary standing over the body, bust sawing off the limbs and placing them in a caustic substance that would eventually have dissolved the body of the victim. But there is no way to know her intention.","At this point, what does it matter?" +Zenyatta Nope,Backing off...backing off...backing off...^^backing ^^off +"Largest-Ever Destroyer Just Joined US Navy, and It Can Fire Railguns",Bad time to ask what it would fire the rail guns out of? +Isn't that a little extreme for you to fuck a hand puppet?,"wait, that's not normal?" +Why she's mad??,"I'll have you know, I'm a redditor and this comedy is much too low brow for me." +Social media game on point..,Women drivers. +"A Petition to Bitcoin Miners to join ViaBTC and Bitcoin.Com in mining Bitcoin Unlimited I am just an ordinary person and a small holder of Btc since 2013. When I first read the Bitcoin Whitepaper I immediately realized this was a revolutionary concept. Nothing in the early days led me to believe the block size would be locked at 1mb - and I would have been much less enthusiastic about bitcoin if I had known it had that limitation. While I am not against well-planned scaling solutions on top of the Bitcoin network, I believe that true security of bitcoin and in its value comes through a multiplicity of uses of the foundation Bitcoin network and thus I believe that it should be allowed to scale on chain. For those miners sitting on the fence not willing to take a lead in setting the direction and waiting for others to decide, I ask you to please consider voices like mine and care about the enthusiasts for bitcoin, the believers in the original principles of the bitcoin whitepaper, and the long term holders - through thick and thin - who maintain value in this coin and thus give your newly mined blocks their value. I am hopeful others who agree with me will leave a message in this thread also asking for your consideration. I want to believe in bitcoin again and buy bitcoins again. Miners, if you agree with what is said here, please show that you will act independently on your own principles and show us a sign. Don't wait for everyone else to move first - lets make bitcoin about freedom of individuals as it was intended to be, not control via small collections of powerful forces.","Hello miners, please run Bitcoin Unlimited!" +Ryan Lewis asks music fans about Ryan Lewis,Had no clue Ryan Lewis was a professional interviewer. +ICE_POSEIDON LOCATION!!,go kys yourself +"Does anybody really need convincing that any given poor criminal is probably less intelligent than any given cop? That's not really a narrative they need to spin, dude.",You dropped this +...and then the phone stood up and started clapping!,Yeah this totally happened +A stationary front facing wave shooter at that XD,"good thing they turned down that oculus money, imagine how dumbed down the game would have become" +"TIL that in 2009 Canada passed the Apology Act, establishing that apologizing to someone after an incident cannot be used in court against the person who apologized to establish their guilt or liability.",That is possibly the most Canadian law ever passed. +"To add to what people are saying in this thread, this same feeling can be conveyed as a tank as well! I'm mainly a healer, but I do tank on my alts (and my other spec Brewmaster!), but yesterday I ran a normal Neltharion's Lair and noticed that the other dps' were taking A LOT of damage. As a tank, I sort of internally blamed myself. Am I not taking aggro hard enough? Why do they keep taking damage uselessly like that? Am I not playing Protection Paladin well enough? What did I do wrong? We ended up downing it anyway, but the unnecessary sloppiness bothered me... so I queued in for another dungeon almost immediately. And lo and behold, it was smooth as silk, I could pull 2 packs consistently without anyone taking much damage.","Neltharion's Lair, those have some nasty AOE/targeted dmg that you can't do anything about (except stay out of range of, hard to do as melee) ;)." +"Good Linux distro for 6 yr old. My son has shown a lot of interest in computers over the past couple of years. He watches me write code sometimes and really wants to learn how, his excitement grew even more when he figured out he can make games himself if he learned a programming language. While I don't think he is ready for a programming language yet I want to get him playing a computer to learn how to use one. Are there any good linux distros for his age group? I found Edubuntu, sugar on a stick, and ubermix. They look to be a good mix of light weight, easy to use, and several educational games. But I thought it wouldn't hurt to get some input from the fine people here. Any thoughts?",Gentoo. +Except this is a super old saying?,No EA is the Devil and we should all boycott them. +WE ARE BEING CENSORED!!!!! ORIGINAL JAMES O'KEEFE VIDEO WITH 7000 UPVOTES NOW HAS 3700,But it's the algorithm. +"As crazy as your theory sounds, I would actually believe it since humans are sometimes crazy for rationality","Now we see, feminism is just another pawn of the patriarchy...." +It's been 7 years and this game still doesn't have Replay system or Sandbox Mode,You forgot +A breakfast fit for a king on their throne!,"Don't know about you, but I don't eat on the toilet" +2.4.1 Warchief Taunt vs Shaper - Its fiiiiine,"damn you GGG, destroying peoples builds midleague..." +Current Split Arrow is just green with green explosions. As far as I can see the New Verdant Split Arrow has leaf trails and also explodes in a burst of salad. I guess Split Arrow is for Vegan (Verdant) or Carnivore (Demonic) now.,"Thous aren't leafs, their butterfly's, goes great with the summer skull mtx" +"Nah, When you get stopped again.. and again.. and again.. just for being black.. you start to get a little pissed. What happened is complete bullshit and someone needs to whip their dick out and start smashing that cop in the face with it, repeatedly and aggressively.","Yeah, THAT'S the appropriate response." +TRENDING IN KEY SWING STATES,"Ugh, those racists!" +"Yes, it's actually a lot gay, how else are you supposed to find out if you like gay stuff without trying it?",Sometimes you gotta suck dick to realize you don't like dick. +Why were slaves used in the American colonies to perform labor? (x-post r/LateStageCapitalism),"Answer A, obviously." +And yet EU is always under NA in power rankings haha..,"I thought the power rankings were quite fair this year, obviously SKT 1st EDG/ROX close 2nd and 3rd and then the next best team is obviously TSM." +"Every post you make will have to be approved by a mod - that is true of all posters with under -5 karma. Frankly, it feels like you are trolling here. That IS breaking the rules not just of this sub, but Reddit. You can ask questions and share information, but flooding people with prosylyting won't work out. Now that it's morning there will be a lot of people tearing your points apart. Better get ready. I would start with those polygamy sources.",Well that was unexpected... +"I'd prefer a libertarian leaning Supreme Court if at least a moderate right but hey I guess people love monopolies in government as opposed to the private sector. No president should have free reign and authority to pick so many judges during one term. Especially when said candidate has, in the past, appointed political friends to positions over people with substance.",Yeah Fuck the constitution right? +"Damn, that's unfortunate =( On a side note, I am confused as to why this seems to be such a controversial question.","Whales dont like your post, they worked so hard for their gear and getting an equalized PvP mode would be unfair for them." +"The world is shades of grey, not black and white. The people that side with Clinton aren't all mature, well educated and good natured you know. I never said that Trump wasn't immature, I said that immaturity is a problem on both sides, hence the division. Both sides have people that prefer name calling over trying to get the other side to understand.","nope if you can find one socially malformed hillary clinton supporter, it does not negate the obvious observation that the average trump supporter is less educated, more racist, and woefully misinformed and propagandized about very simple and obvious facts of their reality they live in irrational denial of" +"1 dead, 1 wounded in German hair salon after shooting UNKNOWN MOTIVE...GUESSES ANYONE?",Damn white lone wolves! +Claire Williams says she would be disappointed if Valtteri Bottas's maiden Formula 1 grand prix win came with any other team.,So then never i guess .. +Or he made a movie criticizing Scientology where two actors have died since making that movie.,Sounds like a coincidence. +Cortan manos a ladrones en Jalisco,"Nomas pa que se acuerden, acuerdense que los que cortan manos son los musulmanes, y donde hay musulmanes hay terrorismo, y donde hay terrorismo, ocupamos imponer democracia --US of A" +Don't forget to build Bloodforge as your first item.,"I prefer the all starter items build, works wonders" +Football Manager 2017 - Request a player Unable to access the beta? Want to see a players stats? Post their name in this thread and I'll post a screenshot.,"Just the one, Ben Woodburn for Liverpool U21s/18s" +I make that comparison because that's what this article is about. You have come to an article about a school teaching that gays should be killed and women should be beaten and the thing you chose to lament was some harsh comments toward an ideology.,"I'll go ahead leave a comment of my opinion of the article as well, stupid me" +"Akali Combo Hey, Akali mains. I have a quick question. I recently picked up Akali and I wanted to know her different kinds of combos. Early, mid , late, laning, etc. Thanks!",You can throw shroud down and throw a Q and wait for the cooldown to come back up and auto Q auto E and if you are lucky the other person is a fucking idiot and will just stand still and let you do that. +"Maybe on a particular day, like mental health awareness?",I really want this to be a thing. +"Well yeah but they're talking about taking people from other states, and using a shell company to manufacture the documents needed to vote (pay stubs). There's definitely shady behavior at work.",no man it's clearly nothing +"Not embarrassing for me, but guess it was for the guy. Back in high school, I was at a friend's house for a sleepover party. I got up to go to the bathroom and went in the kitchen to get a drink, and her dad was in there. After a little bit of talk, I ended up on my knees and swallowed his load. 8 years later and he still can't make eye contact with me when we run into each other.",I don't think Craig would approve of this behavior lmao +Oh no they are here.. Everybody dont reveal our secrets,as if we'd do anything +"I used to save up all the gold I needed for an item (like IE or bloodthirster), because I didn't know that buying a component of an item would also lower the combine cost.",You guys are the type of person that gets confused when they add new deck slots lmao +"You know, the first time we got blueballed I was like well, community kinda overhyped the ARG, it wasnt likely she was revealed, Im not mad But a 3 month countdown resulting in absolutely nothing feels like Blizzard is actually insulting me Haha, got you again, fucking nerds! Piece, bitches! NOW PAY FOR LOOT BOXES! How about I never pay for loot boxes again, you fucking cunts.","Yeah I hate how Blizzard *forces* us to buy lootboxes, I wish we could earn them some other way" +Your boyfriend didn't break up with you yet Suzy. Go back to listening to your Justin Bieber cd and sobbing in your room,Mature. +"Yes, I thought all the seniors at my high school were flaming homosexuals.",Wow this thread is off to a great start +"The brogressives really seem to dislike indigenous people, as well. I've never really understood that one.",You mean the siberian-canadians? +"It does! At first I thought it was a piece of dust, but it must be a printing error. I'll try and take a closer picture when I get home. Remind Me! 3 hours take pic of 1 key.","It's been 22 hours, i think your reminder didn't work" +"I think it was originally planned to be released this week, but the huge negative backlash (not just on reddit, but also on other social media sites) is causing them to reconsider everything",there are other social media sites? +Most of the better cheating software uses it in a cone/circle...,And you know this because :P +Beautiful! The hand in the last image is my favorite. I hope you boiled that quarter!!,"No, I swallowed it ;)" +"I can't help it, every time I think about the title of your post...I read it as Faire *Are you going to Min-o-taur Faire...* I was really looking forward to seeing what events would be there...","It does sound fun...Pin the tail on the murderous beast, drinking human sized flagons of mead, gore your own human interloper...good times haha" +In a perfect world...,"We need a space station survival storyline, stat." +"we didn't get to the that level of friendness, the max was bathing in the sea, one of us believes he has the biggest",Sounds like you ask need to find out.... For science +"If you went to a Trump rally a year ago, or even 6 months ago, he would spend the first 15 minutes talking about the polls and how he was crushing it and destroying his puny opponents. He loved all the polls.",What polls? +"What fictional character do you completely adore but if you met them in real life, you probably wouldn't be able to tolerate?",Sheldon Cooper. +"The Double Standard Hypocritical Biased Documentary About Ex Muslims, AKA Blame the Zionists",The evil yahoodis out for the muslims again! +Probably #1 is I was bored and just decided to stop playing. Close #2 is I had to go somewhere.,Interesting +Per Ian Rapoport RB Eddie Lacy is expected to miss multiple weeks. It's more than a sprained ankle,It's a good thing we decided not to wait until December to wait for Lacy to get more carries.... +Souls gameplay would be terrible for Berserk. Could you imagine having to stop attacking and wait for stamina to regen as Guts?,If only we could take some elements from Souls games without taking every single one. +Fuck me that is depressing. My money was stolen by a bunch of twats,"I mean... those things.. could be there.. just be.... you know... really, really rare...." +Crazy amount of long hairs on the floor in classrooms Anyone else notice the crazy amount of long hairs on the ground in there classroom? Starting to get really grossed out picking up my backpack and 2 or 3 long hairs on my backpack,Sorry. +"I don't use Plastiq, but my roommate next door does. He told me his purchase posted as a CA, too, on his FU.",What did he expect from a card named FU? +Which Overwatch girl would you date? BOYS ONLY,NO GIRLS ALLOWED IF YOU'RE A GIRL LEAVE NOW SERIOUSLY IT'S NOT SAFE HERE THIS IS MAN TALK +"CNN bimbo makes a fool out of herself (again). Correct me, but there already are term limits so what is he (Trump) talking about?",Somebody hasn't explained to her yet that common sense term limits are racist +Personally I flip business electronics that I have knowledge / ability to test from my work experience. Maybe your regular job can help with inspiration?,I shall try flipping prescription medication then lol +My GF saw Guts in our Fire Pit...,Isn't this from Dark Souls? +"Why do you think maps are taking longer to load after patch? Isnt it weird that the loading time for the maps has increased a LOT, I mean, in revelations you could skip where Richtofen and Maxis are destroying the teleporter, now you can skip until Maxis gets in the summoning key.",Search bar brah.... +"What are your thoughts on Men's Group and Women's Group that churches are so fond of? I was at a cafe today and saw both groups having their Bible studies on opposite sides of the room. (My guess is that couples came and then split up into their respective fairy tale study groups) I felt that feeling of ugh I used to do that. Then I started thinking about whether or not these typically gender segregated small groups exist under the assumption that men and women's roles are different, or whether they often function just as bro time/girl time, which doesn't particularly offend me. What do you think?","The former, because the chaste females must never know that god sees it when the men touch their own penises." +Last Quarter Moon in color.,Wait... Where is the cheese? +El Chapo embodies everything about every drug lord you've ever seen in movies. This guy is for real.,We should end the drug war so people like him can go free. +"Rudy Gay, man... Imploding.",It's clear he doesn't want to be here IMO +"Furnace tune up - need recommendations Hello! My thermostat constantly stays at the house temperature (sometimes 12, the other 14 generally) and the fan remains on.. when I crank the heat up, the temperature still remains at 12 or whatever it was.. anyone know a person/ company who can help fix it? Nobody expensive but someone reliable..","Theres people coming around door to door doing furnace inspections, I am sure they can help out" +"This anime-style Chinese cartoon is pretty good, i hope they make something for winter 2017",TIL A-1 is from china +AFL has determined it will retain the week's break introduced this year between the end of the Home & Away Season and start to the Finals.,Will be a pretty popular decision +What kind of country are we in where the president has to pay a lease on the White House?!,I guess that is just what happens if you can't pass a credit check. +I honestly hate to be that guy but fyi 'whom' can't be used as you have done. Try to think about 'who and 'whom' like 'he' and 'him'. e.g. He (who) speaks; I speak with him (whom) He (who) hugs; I hug him (whom),Thank for you're informations. +Saw these at my local mall how legit are they,Seems legit - def cop +"I agree. Im watching it like that's how the story is, and it's just as good if I'm right.",I forgot... +Why is my weed farm taking so long to produce? Do you have to be playing the game for it to effectively produce? I've bought all the upgrades and have resupplied yet I only have one bar full,Obviously it's so you have enough time to go out and buy a shark card to replace all that money you spent on a buisness. +"Rather than address the issue of the largest political subreddit on the site being completely controlled by the DNC, the admins have instead chose to ban *other* subreddits from even mentioning the subreddit by name. What probably pisses me off the most, is that these are the same assholes that will pretend to get outraged over censorship in *other* countries. China, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, anywhere but here.","Because that doesn't happen here, that's something only _they_ have to deal with because of their terrible governments!" +"Maybe this is just me, but does anyone find cutting off the hands of thieves completely counter productive? Like okay, instead of a thief, you now have a person who can't do most jobs anymore, because of a stupid choice he once made. He will probably have to beg or rely on others/government for his livelyhood. How does this solve anything?",Shhhht.... Islam and sharia is perfect! +Do you think I should apologize to Carl for being rude? Or maybe I should apologize for taking a vote away from Hillary?,YOU SHOULD APOLOGIZE FOR VOTING FOR TRUMP +Migrant arrested in Germany after 90-year-old grandmother rape while returning from church,Just a small little blip on Germany's stellar march towards a glorious multicultural future +That still doesn't make sense to me.,You're just not deep enough +"Plastic Fangs, etc, why are they still useless?",Clearly they're taking a step back and letting the economy sort itself out on that one +I unlocked the last race!!!,I wonder why he posted that here... +"Can you give me examples of top natural bodybuilders? First of all, I am a noob in the bodybuilding world and I am aware that this question is being asked here frequently and that it is probably hard to answer, since it is hard to know who actually is natural/PED free. I would still appreciate it if anyone has some examples of what is possibile naturally (and maybe explain a little how one can be sure). Thank you.",Rich Piana is clearly natty. +The Halloween event marks my first anniversary of playing! Here's a little art I've done over the past year!,quagan likes you +"Had a funny nightmare last night about zombies... I had a dream that they were remaking Zetsubou for some stupid reason, what didn't make sense is that in my dream is was a bonus remake with a BO3 DLC5 *Super fucking confusing*",Well they did it with DE didn't they? +"Sometimes if you listen to the original so many times, an alternate live version is a fresh take on that song you like so much. Also sometimes it's an acoustic version of a song that was originally played on electric instruments. Nirvanas unplugged album is like that.",Fresh take on song apparently means hearing women screaming because the guy stepped on stage 10/10 added so much to the song. +"Marvin Lewis, I don't think he did anything wrong. We were not in the wrong here, in my opinion. And it's unfortunate. That's what I have told and stood on and will continue to.","Lewis should also be fined for standing on Blount, then." +I certain-lee can.,I meant Jackson... +"Dodge move, now way she gets a golbal teleport on a non-ult abillity, also we already have an assassin with a global teleport :P",We do? +"*sorry for hijacking the top comment here, but...* FYI, just so we don't get called out for inventing things, I'll put this into context for everyone, because frankly it's true meaning is worse than the omg she is so delusional direction which is going to convince no one. this isn't explicitly about not knowing what planet we are all living in. it's about being out of touch with what polls well with the people/focus groups Hillary called herself a moderate and Podesta is criticizing her, saying she is supposed to call herself a progressive now, like they've been telling the media she is. * **her private position is moderate** * **her public position is progressive** her programming was slipping and some of the private position was showing through.",I think her genius is showing +Raise your hand if you're shocked - SHOCKED - that the Trump campaign cannot distinguish between Muslims and Sikhs,Does it really matter as long as they are brown? +"Dunk in alcohol, dry",Already coated in alcohol +"Will we ever get another movie franchise based around a treasure hunter? I really wish Hollywood would create a new Indiana Jones-esque character for the modern age. Video games have both Nathan Drake and Lara Croft, which are two of the biggest franchises in gaming so clearly there is still a demand for these kinds of stories. But movies haven't gotten them in a while. The first National Treasure was pretty popular but was made over a decade ago. I would really like a new film series about someone who goes after artifacts and legendary treasures, I don't know why they aren't really made anymore. Hollywood seems to be constantly creating new badass action heroes like Bourne, John Wick, Jack Reacher, Ethan Hunt, etc. but we rarely get cool treasure hunters like Indy. I don't know why.",Have you heard of National Treasure? +is that grass artificial?,"I wanna say yes, but the I looked under the trampoline, so I don't know what the truth is" +Video of Autopilot 8.0 not sensing a bus,One would think all those quadrillion miles logged by thousands of Teslas should have been enough for them to learn what a bus looks like +"Favourite Commentator? Curious as to who your favourite commentators are... I know a lot of people will say Martin Tyler but honestly I can't stand him, he sounds like he couldn't care less about the game sometimes. I have gotta go with the pair of Jim Beglin and Peter Drury.",Taylor twellman ... +The voters are rigging the system by supporting Hillary Clinton!,It's all them gosh darn riggers +"I think you're being a bit harsh here. Metro is one of the most reliable train systems in the world, and the addition of the world-class Myki cards make it even stronger. If you don't like it, you should buy a Porsche.",You forgot this +It's not impressive because it's on console.,You forgot the +Its a bit too large for my desk too.,"Nothin a handsaw, plastic sheets and elbow greese cant solve" +"Being vegan changes completely when you've got like-minded people around I've recently moved abroad to study. Back home I was the only vegan in my group of friends, and even though they were all supportive and accommodating, I felt a bit lonely. Now I live in a flat with four other people, three of them are vegetarian and one is vegan. There are at least 5 other veg*n people in our block. I'm also friends with two other vegans. I've only been here a month but three people have already told me that they want to try eliminating meat/animal products in general out of their diets. Just wanted to share cause I'm a very happy vegan right now :)",Glad to see you've joined the local cult! +"I dont laugh at all in wrestling, except for PWG shows.",Not even for sparkle crotch? +How is this on front page,How is this downvoted +"Wait so the current sitting presidents half brother is a hamas sympathizer, why isn't *that* news?","Pretty sure our intelligence agencies would know if they had a close relationship, just to make sure they're not conspiring against us" +"Oh, you lost so much weight! Are you planning to get married? Comment from a nasty, overly nosy relative. Made me so agitated to think that a woman would only consider losing excess weight to find a husband.",You mean you have another purpose in life other than getting married and having kids? +2X chromosomes. I just don't understand it.,Lol don't try we don't understand ourselves XD +"The feminists complaining about this should shut their mouths and learn something from Gal Gadot. I bet many of them - the ones that are complaining - aren't as accomplished in life as Gal Gadot. If Gal, who is a real woman and is very accomplished, is not opposed to the idea, why are they? Could it have been given to a real woman? Yeah. I've said so myself. But, the reality is they chose Wonder Woman. Why not join the cause instead of complaining? I mean, this is one of the reasons feminism is having a hard time being accepted by the general public. There are even a lot of women that don't identify as feminist, even though they share the same ideals. The feminist movement, as it stands today, is full of people like the the ones complaining. People that always seem to be unhappy and miserable. People that always find fault within everything. Nobody likes to be around people like that.","When I upvoted this, it said: Today is a dark day for truth XD" +"Is it ironic that in a LOT of metal, you literally can't understand the lyrics?",Maybe if you're not very intelligent. +"Trump accuses Clinton of being behind rally violence, sexual assault allegations",Sick pivot Trump +Forgot that not all countries have universal care.,You're so uncultured... +Have a Kit Kat !,wow the advertising in Reddit is getting out of hand +Without a volunteer military you could very well be the one out there forced to kill brown people. You'd do well to remember that.,Id die fighting the MP's who come and try to take me before being used as someones tool. +Didn't he get 2 just not the third?,"it's only the ones where he didn't win that are rigged, I'm sure." +"Wait, so he felt that the burden of having to pay compensation to the state entitled him to RECEIVE compensation from the state?!","Loopholes, amirite?" +"No, Donald Trump, abortions do not happen at 9 months pregnant",Did you know that sometimes aborted babies are pushed back into the womb just so they can be aborted again? +"Hillary Clinton wins third presidential debate, according to CNN / ORC poll",Media is RIGGED. +Haunted House Doll Workshop? Can't find Doll workshop to get the tuning hammer.,"I'm in the same situation, I have no idea where it is at." +I absolutely despise people who cross over the lines. It's never excusable. This guy is lucky he only caused himself trouble. Imagine if he had hit someone else.,But he was going so fast he had to cross the lines in order to not wipe out. +"As a filipino chinese i have to agree with him, his visit to china is the defining moment of his presidency. It will forever be known as the moment a filipino president served the country on a silver platter to china and let them fuck us over. It will also be the time it confirms to the world majority of filipino voters are stupid morons for voting this guy into power. Thank you Davao for producing one of the worst presidents in our history. Never has a president here screwed up so many times in his first 100 days. I wish we could return him to you guys. He only deserves to be a mayor. Screw you pdutz and your millions of stupid followers.",They specifically left out the picture of him bending over +Can samuro get rid of her bomb using Q or by switching places with an illusion?,no i believe it sticks with +"Well Trump is right I wouldn't accept the outcome in certain situations where voter fraud might be shown, given that Hillary's campaign has been proven not to shy away from illegal tactics to get their way. I think also that the illegal actions the DNC have taken so far this election are the true attacks on democracy, attacks which have already been made and not some hypothetical whining coming from all media sources (in unison with the same message, a clear sign of coordinated propaganda) which already hates Trump. It's pretty evident to the American people that what Trump is saying is that if there is massive proven cases of voter fraud, of course he will question the results just like most Americans will. You can't rule out a possibility, and Trump's principled position flys right over the heads of the media who salivate over every chance to warp his statements. It's similar to when Trump said he would not take first strike nukes off the table, no one seemed to mention that that is the official policy of the United States when claiming he wants to start WW3/nuclear war. In the end the American people are smarter than that and stories like this help Trump ultimately.",You forgot +"It's located in Canberra so yes, as it's representative of what Parliament does to the rest of us.",So our Parliament hoots and eats mice? +<---- Number of times Trump has sucked Putin's dick,"Those gays ha, they are sure disgusting." +"He was about to say woman. You can even see his mouth begin to form the w, but he catches himself at the last moment.","We got a good circle jerk here, take your facts elsewhere!" +Could this actually be done? Would it just have the chip or..,ya for sure they are gonna mount it on the hood so it gets maximum airflow +Is pray like the blue jays of league,But the blue jays suck +"My household had a strict chore regiment, been mopping floors and dusting since I was 4. I'm a 25 year old college dropout in a band and I work in security contracting. What the fuck happened!?",Obviously you're not working hard enough +"And NBA2K. Looks like Nintendo is finally welcoming third party support again. About time, that makes them a proper competitor in regards to Sony and Microsoft. The fact that it can transition between home console and portable console without losing power (from what we've seen so far) is pretty amazing. Plus with Bethesda agreeing to port Skyrim (remastered?) to it, I guess they see potential as well.",I can't believe they're making me own 2 copiesof Skyrim +Cool line. Care to explain that a bit? Hyper-partisan politics has essentially created a binary scenario for policy positions; are you saying all policies by all candidates are bad?,"Nah, South Park did an edgy election episode and I feel confident letting a show for teenagers do my political thinking for me." +"Na, bad luck protection is in place for legendaries.",Aka: We eliminated the lowest drop possibilities? +The_Dolan users threatening to leave Reddit after Nov 8th,"Oh, no don't" +"We will die, but the Sharia law will not change: Scenes from an anti-UCC meeting in Hyderabad",Population control... yaay +more like nsfw tag,age restricted tag +"The defense laid out a very pro active structure for him. He is not a threat, the only thing he did in prison was have ramen noodles contraband.","Owwwww...really, that almost proves he's a murderer." +This is a tent,So astute. +"No amount of certifying and verifying will ever be enough for Trump. (Looking at you, birther movement).",He ended the birther movement remember? +"Fully autonomous cars and police stops. What will the car do? I am assuming officer error and not car error, and the officer wants to pull over a 'speeding' Tesla or a Tesla that 'failed' to yield. Will the car know it is being stopped? What is the officer going to do with a stopped empty car if it does?","if the car color is black, it could get shot at" +It's 10am MDT but if you're old enough to be on the internet you should probably be used to converting between the time zones in your own country lol.,"But what time is it in Arizona, who doesn't follow daylight savings time?" +Didn't Casey Neistat and a friend of his manage to get locked in after hours at this place and have a fun time?,I think they were there overnight and it was with his son Owen. +Force India : Perez - Kvyat STR : Sainz - Gasly Renault : Hulkenberg - Magnussen Manor : Wehrlein - Ocon Everybody is happy.,"Except those Palmer fans who are not, but fuck 'em amirite?" +"Batgirl's costume, and will it change? Alright, right off the bat, I can't even begin to describe my complete and total hatred of her current costume. So is there a possibility that it will go back to something along the lines of the costume that she had during Simone's run?","Nope, it shall be the one thing in all of comics that will never change." +"They don't put dead people on IR, Steve.","Yeah, that sounds like something more appropriate for the NFI list." +"I don't know why he focuses so much on how the phone looks. Does the phone work well? Great, that's what's important.","Especially when most just whack it into a case, so it's just a screen just like any other phone." +NSFD DONT CLICK,"Best bones, sire marrow" +"What would you like to see in Star Wars Battlefront that's currently missing? - Megathread A lot of people are requesting a sticky thread to post suggestions in, where perhaps DICE can pick a few good ideas from. It can be left up as a sticky. (Mods please)",I want kinect Star Wars taunts. +"Trump, prepping his mob of preppers to riot for the sake of his fevered ego. Truly a piece of crazy shit.",Its a good thing Obama spent the last 8 years building all those FEMA prison camps. +Doubt they even opened them in high school...,That's because the liberal elite are trampling God's word out of our school texts. +Goodbye ps vita :'(,What's that? +Why is Erlang Shen's pin off centered?,Because he's a righty and they are accounting for that in his targeter +OBAMA gave these assholes green light to steal from the American people. HOW DOES ANYONE JUSTIFY THIS?,You must be in a 7 figure tax bracket. +"Yeah, unless we get more pics or a name, I'm going to assume fake tits.","Yep, we're going to need proof OP, otherwise your future submissions will be discredited as fake titty bimbos" +Only ten?,He's the 400lb hacker m8 don't fat shame +"Drumpf is going to lose so badly, the only reason he hasn't dropped out is because it would hurt his little ego. Going to hang out with friends on election day at the bar and post some drinking selfies with me and my bitches. Want to hang out?",don't forget the +"I went on a date the other day with a guy who had a 4s. My life is trash, bruh.",Oh hell no bitch do you even have standards? +"Teaser Trailer For Upcoming Netflix Original 'Barry', Film On Barrack Obama's College Years",Is this part of the Marvel Universe? +Alex Radulov showing off his puck handling skills,Looks like a young PK Subban +"imagine you have a friend who has a friend who knows some body who is testing a new phone. you somehow arrange to meet up and have him show off the new phone. do you really think you can take the time to take a really nice, focused picture without your acquantance, who signed some sort of NDA, to notice? that's why",Everyone knows that You should always carry a 2-3kgs professional grade DSLR around you at all time. +Are you sure it's not going to be like an outift?,"You need to craft each piece individually, I doubt that you will need to equip all six legendary armor pieces to get the effects if every piece have its own animation." +Good ole Gucci Kroger.,How classist of you! +"For the past 16 years, liberals have claimed that the supreme court stole the 2000 election. Now they tell us we can't question any part of the electoral process. Further proof of rigging.","Hey, it's her turn remember?" +Danielle doesn't like when animals struggle....,It was her dog's choice to not eat. +"And to think, 2 days older and we could have had that scrub mathews kid.","Yeah but he hasn't scored 4 goals in a game since game 1, total bust" +Ha well this guy was apparently wearing a ball gag and ran up to them and flashed them,"If that's the worst that could happen, I'd say that's a pretty safe bet!" +"I'm afraid that if i list a lousy nb5 as underrated, com2us will give me that nb5...","Yeah man, that Cadiz, waste of a summon." +TIL grammar is an exclusively feminist principle.,"Clearly, you are a lesbian" +"I'm sorry no that's rape I'm korean and she's screaming no no no no no no genuinely and then starts screaming? fuck what the fuck, fuck my country man",Watch it till the end...clearly rape +Whoa the salt and pepper shakers were half price??,"He meant per unit, not the set" +Since when? This game is unplayable.,You say that yet there is an mp pot stuck in your inventory... that's more unplayable +"The more wards, the better. Everyone has to ward, vision is a huge advantage.","Warding is the support's job, I need gold for items" +"Just an FYI, you cannot be arrested unless there are trespassing notices legally posted and you ignore them. Just trespassing is not an arrestable offence, doing so once notified is what gets ya.",Pretty much someone has to ask you to leave and you have to refuse for it to be trespassing. +"I want to kill myself, but if I fail my mom will make me leave university Basically, what do I do? I kinda want to die, I've started cutting again, this time with knives, instead of thumbtacks, and now I cut along my chest instead of just my arm. So, yeah, I like, really, reaaaallly want to die, but, if I don't do it 100% correctly, my mom will make me go back home? I'm sick of being lonely, sick of hating myself, sick of being unable to relate to anyone. Thought I had a shot with this really cool girl, but, now she's pushing me away and we're growing distant, I know she had a boyfriend, but, I don't know, I mean, she said she liked me and wanted to be with me, but she chose him. I honestly have nothing to live for and my depression is once again severely depressed. I hate every aspect of my worthless fucking life. What do I do? Oh, worst part, since we never told anyone that we've done things together, I have to constantly hear about her fucking boyfriend when everyone else is around, even though I don't want to. Just wish I had a gun to end my fucking life with, lol",You might have better luck with single girls.. +What makes you believe elections in the US aren't rigged? What does the US government have to hide when it refuses Russian monitoring?,"Yeah, no reason to let a foreign, oppressive government get closer to your election process" +"What tilts you the most in Smite? For me it has to be the classic 'Enemy missing left/middle/right!' spam, even though I clearly warned them in time that my lane opponent was missing.","Team mates that just throw their life away because going in 1vX (insert number between 3 and 5 for X) is an awesome idea in their head, then proceed to BM their team via VGS for not helping while they are X levels down on the enemy support... had this experience yesterday with an Apollo who managed to somehow be level 13 22 minutes into a Conquest match while even the enemy support was level 17, but you know, wasn't his fault since he was top elo and the rest of the team threw the game" +See!? There's hailstorms in South Africa. And you morons talk of global warming like it's some kind of science.,"Here, you dropped your" +"Dogs are men best friend, he will still love you no matter what.",That's what they all say before they leave +"How to define if something can be a right: Is someone else required to supply it? If the answer is yes then it can never be a right, only an entitlement. Examples: Things that can't be rights: housing, food, water, internet access. Things that can be rights: an equal right to buy or rent housing regardless of race or sexuality. The right to freely buy or sell food. The right to equal access to water resources. The right to buy access to the internet. Nothing can legitimately be a right if someone else has to supply it because that persons freedom has been infringed in the process.",Finally a comment with actual logic. +Heroin Protip: don't do heroin,More like pussy tip +"Yes running latest drivers, and running everything on ultra. Vsync off. DX11, GPU memory off and motion blur low. why will i not try running it on high? because the 1070 should be able to handle Ultra :))))))))))))))))))))",Sounds like you just found your own problem and are unwilling to fix it +"What famous people play WoW? I've heard Vin Diesel in the past say that he plays Wow. And I know that Chuck Norris, Ozzy Osbourne, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Mr. T & Willy Toledo were in the old tv ads for the game (But probably never played it). But I was wondering if anyone knew any other celebs who play and have said openly that they play?",None of the famous blizzard employees played WoD at least. +French police staged protests in Paris and other cities for a third night. Police say they are no longer sufficiently equipped even to defend themselves and have staged three nights of unauthorised demonstrations,Why are they masked? +If you think about it... Ketchup is just a tomato smoothie,I think that is the reduced sugar ketchup label.. That should help +"Here in Israel, my Uncle was working the polling location. HE STILL ASKED FOR MY ID BEFORE I WAS GIVEN A BALLOT",TIL your uncle is racist +Pace is drafting terrible players. Found the exact type of Bear fan this was targeted towards.,Idk man Howard is seeming like a terrible 5th round pick. +"Yeah. Exactly this. Makes this part so much easier. I'm the only one in my group that doesn't ever die in this section due to this and I don't even have the chest piece on my Warlock. Toss an Axion, kill the mobb and get back health, if anyone survives you can melee and get back health, easy peasy. Toss orb and new Axion as you are on your way towards the ground for the new group of ads. Captain is a dick about Nova sometimes though, and he teleports while you are in animation off of the map often. It's annoying.",You misspelled nothing manacle scatter grenade. +"Yawn - talk to me when there are shovels in the ground, then I might believe something. I still don't think Boston is a great idea for a stadium for those of us who do not live in Boston.","Yeah, it should be placed in the sprawling metropolis of Providence" +Obviously just a Russian hack made to create the illusion that this happened.,"What do you mean, vote fraud happens like 31 times out of a billion it's nothing to worry about!" +aw fuck,"Dayum, boy!" +"Alex Jones: If Trump Loses, A World War Will Kill One Third Of The World's Population",Alex Jones' record of predictions is impeccable +"Sincerest apologies, m'lady *tips helmet*",cis scum +hahaha yep!!! congrats on throwing up! Nausea is a good sign! Go have sex right now! These things would sound SO weird without context,Except the sex one :P there's always merit in having more [good] sex :D +Trump just after the third debate finished.,"Yeah, that's definitely the sign of someone who just won the debate." +im an inch taller than you,GRRRRRR well if you're a guy das cool if you're girl you scare me +What would you say about actions?,Nice ignoratio elenchi :) +"Alex Jones: If Trump Loses, A World War Will Kill One Third Of The World's Population",There is no way this could not be accurate. +"Real billboard in Austin, TX",Making America great again. +Unregistered democrats,"Nah, they're still registering." +"I am an Android Developer, and I want to contribute to the Ubuntu community. Hello r/ubuntu I have been developing Android Apps for my college for the past 2 years. I have always wanted to contribute to the ubuntu/linux community. Should I create a new App, or contribute to some project that needs assistance. I need help deciding how I should go about this. Thanks!",You could always make a new universal package manager I'm sure yours will get picked up and solve the fragmentation problem :^)))) +"But is she a *ship*, or a *boat*..?",Did you just assume my gender? +And don't even start on how terribly some things clipped in old LA. There were so many boats just crashed together with no regard for their physical being or structural stability.,Worse clipping than Charr tails? +That brand new game feeling....... You know that feeling when you buy a brand new game like Battlefield 1 open the case and get all excited to see that beautiful DVD shimmering back at you? Well no one does. Really makes me sad that there is nothing in the box anymore but 3 pieces of paper. At least put a blank CD in there to make me feel better.,Get console games then +"who cares about the guns, they got thc and weed off the street which is the more important thing",of course... +"No, the problem is how STUPID YOU ARE","Yeah, if you're actually SMART you'd agree with me!" +Just started an ironman series and eager for feedback and criticism!,Don't record in the shower. +"Me too, if it makes you feel any better. Who is it, anyway?",The Devil +I genuinely laughed out loud. Well done good sir.,Don't forget to tip your waiter and I'll be here all week! +Man...the way our government acts is embarrassing.,That's ludicrous! +is this even words? I've been learning french for 6 years and can't understand a single word of this sentence,Not even enfant? +"Why is everything catching fire? Lol Note 7, a couple of iPhones and now this?",because they use Samsung memory modules +I'm seeing a pattern here,At first glance I thought that was Matt Serra +and you know it because?,im yee_lmao1's apprentice. +"Consider the opposite. Someone else is actively deciding what you should be exposed to, deciding what you should have access too, because someone is paying them to make sure you only see what they want you to see.",As long as it is capitalism working as intended then I am ok with it. +Boss Logic Agrees With Ya'll! Thinks Wally Will Go To Alchemy And Become a Dark Speedster,"This doesn't make sense, Wally is not Barry's mentor so he can't be the bad guy." +I always think the same then I remember that most people would avoid potential conflict by giving them back. I would be more inclined to take them and say suck it.,"If you're not scared to lose a fist fight, you've already won in most situations." +"My guess is there is way, way more tech and more things tied to tech that have become necessary. Back in 1976, you had one or two house phones. No cell phones. One television. Not several. Cable television was just in its infancy. A fraction or a fraction of people had it. So, there is that bill. No internet. Again, no bill for that. No computers. No need to update tech every year or so. No gaming consoles for homes. There was still gaming but you had to go to arcades and it was seen more as fad thing among kids and young adults.",But back in those days you had to pay for ice deliveries and oats for your horse. +We need to start Fletcher - Calleri now every game? i think its better than just Zaza upfront D:,agreed +"Could be a crackhead who got a hold of the wrong stuff, and decided to climb a tree and play a leprachaun. Classic video. The amateur sketch gets me every time.","A girl I went to highschool with was from that town, it was a real source of pride for her" +Avatar is almost required in my opinion. The difference between Avatar 0 and Avatar 1 is pretty big.,Avatar 1 is completely broken -- the mods really need to crack down on that level of power imbalance. +He just gets more and more likeable doesn't he. I don't actually hate the guy but he doesn't help himself,It's been downhill for him ever since he left Northampton. +"Except he gave replicas to the people who actually work at the Q, including the food vendors. We also have a championship banner immortalizing the names of the season ticket holders from last year. But yeah, Gilbert gon Gilbert.","I personally would want everyone in attendance to receive a life-size Fat Head, anything less than that is worthless" +Kings backup Jeff Zatkoff just got injured wow,Mid-game trade brewing? +How do you feel about Trump wanting to lower taxes for the rich?,Surprise! +Unless they're blind.,No excuse +Russian propaganda bs,Because the US never kills civilians in war +The one time I start Amat...,Same.. and I was kicking myself for choosing Amat over Kingsley lol +Why didn't she unilaterally make any law she wanted???,"Well, she did make that law that is confiscating all those guns from you." +The FINAL conclusion on Medblare Vs Dandemagus,"So in conclusion, use both and the good will balance out the bad?" +"Just saying, limiting the artistic scope by hiring directors/writers/artists based on their physical traits instead of their work is dumb as shit. Let's hope it doesn't backfire.","When deciding on new hires, shouldn't their genitals be most important factor, either qualifying them or disqualifying them based entirely what kind they have?" +"There's really nothing to endure. Anyone that tells you to switch or starts bitching, you just mute and keep playing your game.",I... think I might hate you! +"Installing Windows 10 without a keyboard. So I threw out old hdd, install ssd and now I'm stuck at the enter product key page of 'collecting information'. Problem is that none of my keyboards are working ? I know you're supposed to select I don't have a product key. I'm stumped. Is this all I'll be able to do ? After all this I won't be able to even install it ??",Try using USB 2.0 Port on your pc instead of 3.0. +Ya this mistake removes any sliver of credibility the poll might have.,Can't tell if +"they went 2-1 in groups vs. EDG, we literally just saw a series where SKT won the first game vs. ROX, ROX won the next two then SKT won the series. H2K were better in groups but you can't really judge how a bo5 would go between the two.","If we're basing this off results, then sure, the 2-1 in groups maybe isn't a good indicator, but given how EDG have performed this entire tournament, I really don't think they have any advantages against H2K" +AT&T Buys Time Warner for $85B. What do you guys think about this? Anyone have any studies as to how this will affect us?,Apparnnetly soon there will just be one all powerful company but that's not constraint of trade +..... What?? I've held everyone's hands. Friends parents siblings. Especially as a child. Yeah as I got older arm linking was the casual for me and hand holding was special but seriously your being troll AF,"Nope, you wanted to fuck each and every single one of them...." +This sub is hilarious.. we could have Price in our own net and the other team score. Posts of. Ohh hes just not very good and he doesn't look comfortable would flood the sub,We just need Timmy Thomas back +A replacement hopefully,#NAME? +Haha I love that they pretend that a teenager could afford enough marijuana and edibles to fill a brown paper bag.,"you forgot his bitchin' bong, cause you know, bongs are like, $20." +"If its true? The man is on camera, bragging about it. Its a 16 minute video, how many hours of unedited footage would it require to convince you?",Maybe an unedited 16 minutes? +"Any form of streaming videos wont play So ive been my v20 but this problem has happend 3 times now. After a long phone call (around 20-30 mins) any form of streaming video (from youtube, facebook, video snaps) will not play. I have no idea why this is happening and the only fix for me was restarting the phone. Anybody here encountered this?","Wait, you actually use your phone to make calls?" +Dean Mumm Cited for Striking - worthy of a red card,He's just pushing Brodie's face with his elbows +So you want to rely from others help instead of helping yourself?,We need the help of China +"dosent really make sense. Why should torbjorns turret have sentience? it shoots whats closest, and the only thing that should determine what it shoots is distance. by your logic his turret should always focus squishys because they are better targets, or it should stop shooting at rein shield and find targets who are unshielded. it is an automatic thing, there is very little to the algorithm besides hit enemies. the problem here is ana and torb dont mesh well, so dont pick them on the same team, there is synergy, and there is lack of synergy. such as having zenyatta, and ana as your healers, some characters dont mesh well. the fix is simple, someone compromise, and switch off.",While we're at it lets have Roadhog's hook prioritize squishies because his role is to pick off people. +Grab four gallons of orange juice and two packages of theraflu. You'll be cold free inside of 7 days.,Ignore this advice you'll be sick less than a week! +"Broskee, keep your BTC. It's not worth trading in an appreciable asset for a home that is most certainly over priced from the current housing bubble. Wait for your next bonus or donate some plasma before letting your BTC go.",Solid investment advice. +"Hear, hear. Great bill. Now if you'll excuse me. I need to go grab some more Child Soldiers to defend my means of production.",i for one welcome our ancap overlords +"How is bitcoin itself even pro-white? Maybe the community, sure.",because it's pwned by the chinese miners +Giant Doot + Lumberjack = new SUPERCOMBO?,Raging Dead Giant Head? +Oh how wonderful,That moment when you realise you've got a scat fetish. +What do you guys think of Luke Falk? I feel like he could be a reliable QB that we wouldn't have to give too much up to get. Your thoughts?,We should just wait until next year then get Lamar Jackson and run option all day +Marry a lesbian women who is in a similar situation.,"Yes, because rather than 1 person having sex outside marriage, two people will, as that will give a 'balance' to the relationship." +A Future Feared By All - The Scottish National Party parodies Labour Party's promise of A future fair for all in the 2010 British general election.,"I'd love to think of what Britain would look like without nuclear weapons, because everyone knows that MAD was a complete failure of a policy right" +"How to deal with neighbour's furious dog. More than a week ago, a new family moved into the ground floor (we live in the 1st floor) of our building and they have a big Labrador as a pet. They tie the dog's leash to a window grill beside their entrance and whenever I have to go in or out of my house I have to pass few inches by this dog. It gets real angry and barks like hell as soon it sees me opening the gate or coming down the stairs while I'm leaving. It scares the crap out of me by its furious barks. I thought it might get used to me overtime and stop barking at me but it seems like its not going to stop seeing me as a threat any time soon. Please suggest me how to deal with this situation. P.S. I have no grudge against the dog or its owners.",send it to kerala or better nagaland. +Digital sound No my sweet child. The signal will still be converted to analogue.,"Jeez, you don't have a lightning port that connects directly to your brain?" +Gary Cahill goal vs Manchester United (2-0),Has to be dropped immediately +This woman (Miss Iceland) was recently told by the owner of Miss Grand International to lose weight. She did the sane thing and quit.,She could stand to lose a few ozs around her belly button +Yeah but it's different when both partied are voluntarily consuming the substance. Versus being secretly drugged,Maybe just make a law that women can only be x amount of drunk by BAC and anyone caught overserving them gets charged. +Any chance the Halloween mounts will become purchasable with in-game currency?,I spent $ on a chest and didn't get what I wanted boohoo +Every damn time.,What game is this? +"He creates a LLC and pays himself a salary of $1. The donations go to the LLC and it owns his car, house, clothes leaving him with 0 assets",but corporations are people +We weren't allowed to wear gloves because it was gang attire it was the suburbs,Where I live suburbia is well known for it's roving white cotton glove gangs. +"Channel With 100,000 subs gets blackmailed into either paying $1000 or getting their channel falsely terminated from strikes. They didn't pay and now their channel's been shut down.",Some YouTube hero finally used that mass blocking feature. +My sobriety.,I see Tom Hardy. +Can't wait for my bress jersey to come,"Better watch the tracking number, it might get intercepted in the mail" +Hillary was the one who convinced Obama to intervene in Libya just as Cheney and others did for Bush. Would you be voting Cheney for president?,"Right, because Iraq and Libya were exactly the same situation." +DEAD PIXEL,god sake now i cant even look at the video because its so big and noticable +This is my worst fear.,"Women don't poop, silly!" +Right? NOW they decide to catch everyone else up. I'm sitting over like where's elder scrolls 6?,Here I am just trying not to play it again until the remastered version is released. +Why is it running over a tent?,Practice operations against Pakistani tanks +"I love it. I listen to them more intently than usual and encourage them to continue talking to me. I'll occasionally say stuff like please don't feel like you have to tell me this, I'm so sorry, I don't mean to pry. Here, let's talk about something else if you want, Thank you so much for trusting me with this information, etc. I'll disclose some personal stuff to them that I don't care about and won't affect me in order to solidify their trust in me and ensure that they'll keep talking. I love it. It's so nice when someone willingly gives you a fresh wound that you can salt whenever you want.",I do the same thing I feel so bad when doing it +Need advice! Will this run well on my pro 4 i7 with 8gb ram?,"Surface doesn't have a 20 screen or a 7200 RPM HDD, so it obviously can't run this." +Best thing is when half the squads are locked and the only public ones have squadleaders who don't know what their Q button is for.,Maybe it's because they don't have a Q button +Ocean is a great drake so bad example,Yes out of combat regen helps you so much late game :)) +The 2nd one is just a gifv bot that just takes posts that are .gif and reuploads them as .gifv. Automod removes their comments automatically,No its a shadow ban +Anyone notice the two Hendrick cars crashing back to back?,OH MY GOD I SEE THE BLACK HELICOPTERS NOW +"TIL that a 20 year-old book titled Foundations of Geopolitics outlined Russian goals to annex Ukraine, separate the UK from the rest of Europe, and foment racial and isolationist groups in the U.S.",the big lebowski predicted 9/11 +"I've never seen it. I know Susan Sarandon said something very similar, as did a lot of Bernouts","Him saying it, could turn a lot of people." +2 pesos al de la heladeria. A veces 1.,1 peso q hijo de tu madre +"I am assuming from your comment that you are gay. If so, make sure you know this young man is also gay. My concern is some pretty heavy homophobia in Texas. If you know this guy is open to a relationship with men, then I would continue to hang out with him. Invite him to parties, or out to dinner with friends. See where it goes. I always found if a guy was interested, there would eventually be an opportunity to sneak in a little touching- like a hand on the knee for a second or two longer than just a friend. One guy I dated in high school asked for a piece of gum. I held the piece I was already chewing in my teeth to taunt him into taking it with is lips. He did ;).",That's really cute... and gross haha. +"Nah, America is taking that like we've taken everything else",muh cultural appropriation +Post natal depression is a real thing,Totally valid excuse to kill your child +Throw a Supreme brick at his window?,Well you already have a bat in your hands so might as well kill him +When the Secretary of State is a Republican?,He's obviously one of those traitorous Republicans that turned against Trump +Unless that violence is in video games! That's how we get school shooters,i logged off DOOM to read this garbage? +"Exactly, in many places it hasn't but when it does you likely won't be able to buy one. That's why you need to have access now.","Yea, any minute and they're cancelling the 2nd amendment...." +I think you were telling a joke and were downvoted by people who don't understand. Maybe.,sarcasm is a hard thing to understand without the +"What are some cool stories about wrestlers being friends or just hanging out backstage? I find that stories about wrestlers getting along are extra entertaining, Even just watching stuff like UpUpDownDown or listening to Talk is Jericho gives me the warm and fuzzies after growing up in a time where kayfabe seemed still very real. Unfortunately, I can't copy and paste it here, but Mick Foley's first book has a hilarious story about him and Steve Austin putting cookies in DDP's sheets. Never laughed so loud before from reading a story.",The kliq because they all just loved the business +Nice job reposting this again from when it got posted a month or two ago,"well, somehow he got gold for it, maybe i should repost this tomorrow." +No. You are not wrong. I was the night shift shop supervisor and I was told to throw (we called port quarter) a bunch of plastics overboard at night. The policy was not to do it...and I refused. My LT JG had a talk with me...said everyone does it...and I still refused. My next evaluation was absolutely terrible...I never did re-enlist.,"You did the right thing, thank you" +sukahatilah,"hal orang islam je, kafir jangan campur tangan amirite" +chat servers down? cant send/receive messages in chat. Anybody else?,I'm shocked. +Philippines senator calls for Duterte to face crimes against humanity inquiry,Let regime change begin! +"Took out TSM, Splyce, C9 and H2K, of course the western fans hates them","what u gus dont get it they lost to the team that lost to the champions so its still okay that they lost to ssg if ssg loses finals, hence in the end everyone at worlds performed great." +Use a rope to pull your gear up. Don't climb a stand loaded up.,If only there were hunter education courses that taught this stuff... +"Close Clinton ally gave $467,500 to wife of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe who was investigating Clinton",Probably a coincidence +Londoner here. Same. It's hilarious how many Americans (who have probably never been to this side of the planet) I've had tell me that my city's been taken over by 'savages' and is unsafe. They're fucking ridiculous.,Well maybe you just don't live in one of the neighborhoods where police aren't allowed and are governed by Sharia law +"From turn four onwards, you have to keep up your counterspell forever in order to prevent Gideon. What if instead of playing their Gideon on turn four they attack, pass the turn and play a second three drop? You can't cast a spell again, because they'll just untap and play Gideon.",Man those 4 gideons they always have in their hand is such a pesky problem. +"I think mei's wall is the best ability in the game I main Mei on defense but play her a lot on koth and a decent amount on attack, 62 hours with her this season. The last few days I've felt myself getting better with her walls and I just wanted to share a few things that prove why her wall is possibly the best ability in the game but it does require a good amount of game sense and coordination to pull them off. What I've been doing recently a lot is stopping people from being hooked. It's a lot simpler than it looks. Another is when hanzo ults and I'm in it with multiple people I boost myself and one other above it so we can escape. My best wall ever came earlier today which I couldn't manage to record but my teammate playing zarya was trapped on the other side of a wall against a Mei and a roadhog and I used my vertical wall to boost him up over the enemy wall and back to safety. These plays all got my thinking what else I could do with them. I still am trying to work on using the wall to boost up either the dva ult or people hiding behind something small like the payload or a box to make sure the dva ult kills people. If anyone has experience doing anything similar could you give me some tips? I feel like there's a lot more I can do with the wall too that maybe I just can't think of so if you have any other ideas please let me know!",I think it's pretty much indisputable that Ana's grenade is the best ability in the game. +RNG cash shop. Fuck this game.,"Yeah, it's not like every single F2P has done this..." +"Ok, I'm excited to know why they need a drummer.",Good luck finding a black drummer in Atlanta. +"That all sounds terrifying. Luckily, I am a lover, not a fighter.",And i love to fight! +"Kibble & Scorched Heya Peeps, I was wondering if I was the only one that was thinking it's quite sad on Scorched that the kibble chart is pretty much broken. Nothing makes sense, except for the Vulture - Morel - Thorny. Could be cool if we had some of the dino's missing just to make the game quite enjoyable. PS - Asked a dev if we were getting any new dino's to complete the chart and his answer was not in a near future or so :(","Forget about the Scorched Earth kibble chart, I'm still waiting on my kibble for taming dodos!" +"That only happened on Reddit, not real life.",What's the difference? +My favorite is when AMC spoils the episode during commercial breaks of other shows. I just wanted to watch Jurassic Park without having my life ruined.,The true American Dream. +"I work for Belethor, at the general goods store.","He's always lolligagging around town, fucking cunt" +it was a incinerary,Oh that make sense then. +What hero is in the middle? (Arteezy stream description),"His name is clearly STUNNED, why it's so hard for you to see?" +"Stanning can be obnoxious but the extraness can be hilarious. Even in pop, there's still the occasional you listen to her???? listen to this REAL indie music! although it's obviously not as bad as it can be in most other music communities.",listen to REAL pop music not this carly rae shit *flopheads* likes to listen to +10/10 would risk days off for this,You mean paid vacation +"The biggest absentee is Benzema imo, 2nd topscorer for Madrid last year, 2nd highest goal per minute ratio in La Liga ahead of Ronaldo/Messi/Bale/Neymar and only Madrid player to score vs both Barca and Atletico last season Especially when Dybala,Ramos (lol?) and Vardy are somehow on that list.",But but he blackmailed teammates... +"The whole idea of separating bathrooms to make sure you don't have to go to the bathroom beside people who can be sexually attracted to your sex flies out the window as soon as you realize bi people exist. What are you going to do, build a separate bathroom for each one?",The Final Solution. +Biggest D move to date CG....,"Hey you never know, we might need those Mk 4 Droid Callers someday." +"Well, along with some witness testimony of wrongdoing and physical evidence of an alternate suspect, suddenly that cell tower ping carries a lot more weight. But S&B are probably right about using the ping data in their trial. It would have cost a shitload of money to bring in an expert just for the state to say Teresa's phone has nothing to do with the bones in Avery's burnpit. They were fighting an uphill battle with few resources and at the time a single tower ping wasn't going to change things. You have to pick and choose your battles and the ping battle was ultimately futile imo.",And Willis would have not allowed the ping expert to testify after KK objected on grounds that it make prejudice the jury to render a not guilty verdict. +7 multiplayer skins you get from the single player,Thankfully the campaign is only 4 hours long so it wont take long +"I have Asperger's AMA yeah I have Asperger's so ask me anything , I really don't mind so don't be afraid to offend me",You're on Reddit... You're not the minority here... +really really ridiculously good looking,That's a Subaru not a dodge +"Yeah all that stuff happened, but let's look at what also happened. During her fight with Roman, she only survived because a random Grimm decided to swoop down and save her, getting rid of Roman. She froze the dragon and wounded Cinder with her special eyes, which hadn't gotten even mentioned or hinted at ever. She saw her sister get wounded and her friend die, but from what we've seen so far that hasn't changed her much. She's just as cringey as before.",Ruby Rose.... you have silver eyes -One of Ozpin's first lines.... Clearly never mentioned or hinted at. +Philippines senator calls for Duterte to face crimes against humanity inquiry,Expect the release of the De Lima Does Dallas in the next few days c/o the current Justice Secretary. +Last night was the first tie in NBC Sunday Night Football History,In its long storied history +Bayonet? Landmine? Claymores?,"Fuel-air explosives, nuclear weapons, cruise missiles... absolutely not intended to kill anyone." +White Mississippi students put a noose around a black student's neck,It's just boys being boys just outside of the locker room +"the one on the left can turn into a gremlin, the one in the right into a frenchman. DvD obviously",Dvd's are old news get a blu ray or heck just watch shit on your computer +I think you mean golfing.,I think you mean *campaigning* #HESWITHHER +???? he showed twitter feed of her saying they should suicide together and she clearly is fucking with the guy in the razor video (hear her laugh almost maniacally).,Nah man nothing to see here just Reddit making shit up +I wonder if they found the cause yet?,*Probably a bus hitting a sign* +"Jesus christ, why the fuck are you spending that much. I get high grade for $20 a gram and mid grade for $10-$15. Granted I'm in Washington, but holy fuck.",So you wanna pick that up for me and send it out to MN then pal? +MGS V's first patch was weeks after launch and was ~30mb to fix Russian text.,Yep they certainly shipped the game complete. +100 millions pound for Pogba is a bargain - Man utd fans 3 years from now,"64 Balance, terrible player sell him now!" +Footage from Bandung flash flood,Banjir di Bandung = musibah Banjir di Jakarta = azab +Google aides blocking Gulen Interview with german state TV on Youtube,Everyone who is not for Erdogan is a terrorist. +Thats pretty ignorant. Just because it's watered down doesnt mean it isnt beer. Just a different variation. Get off your high horse.,If ya can't see the hops in the beer it aint beer +"And now, we present you.... *SOMBRA!!!* BOOOOOOO That's how it's gonna go. Unless it goes like AND 3 NEW MAPS AND DOOMFIST AND HORDE BRAWL MODE WOW ARENT YOU SURPRISED?!","Yeah I hate getting new maps and heroes for free, rather buy a season pass" +And Stevie Cab. And Christian Hosoi. And Rodney Mullen.,Mullen's knee cap bone problem was disgusting and disturbing. +"The Switch or just Switch Am I going to play my game on *the Switch*, or am I going to play my game on *Switch*?",switch by nintendo switch the great +Amazing ass,Kurea Hasumi or Claire Hasumi +Mansory Ferrari 458 Italia,Gives it a kind of Enzo look. +Why aren't the foxes playing around in their hex? I kept watching them for around a minute and none of them moved around. There is one apparently sleeping on the ground. Can't believe they got nerfed. It was so beautiful watching the foxes run around and chase each other in civ V.,"wow what a downgrade from civ 5, you should be ashamed firaxis" +Is world conquest still possible with Conclave? What happens when my 40+ vassal kings start asking for chairs at the council table and there isn't enough for all?,Become Immortal and survive for a couple hundred years for that huge long reign bonus! +The price is anticipating a move to BU by miners with fully decentralized emergent consensus.,source? +Top Hispanic Republican in Texas says he will vote for Clinton,"So much for some of them being good people, I guess!" +Best Goal/Game ratio? Have't seen one in awhile and I am always curious as I switch squads around too often to achieve a great one. Mine is Diego Costa: 20 games and 13 goals,Mine is with Douglas costa 12 games 250 goals and 147 assists! +Peace,OMG WTF +"When I was a kid my cousins and I found a wallet in the street and we got the guy's address from his driver's license and walked a couple miles to his house to return it. He came to the door and we gave him the wallet and he didn't even know it was missing and just said thanks and closed the door. But as we walked away he came running out of the house at us, yelling, WHERE THE HELL IS MY MONEY? THERE WAS MONEY IN HERE!, as if three kids somehow stole his wallet, took all the money out, and then decided to give him the wallet back. Fuck that guy.",Well there is no way in hell somebody else took the money and just left the wallet +"For the smaller market teams, the author keeps saying that they would be a good visiting team rather than hosting it. But wouldn't it make sense to have them be the home team and have a larger market team be the visitor to assure more away fans show up for the game? Like a Preds Hawks (obvi) game in Nashville would probably do well because the smaller market team has all of the home fans to source from and the large market team has a lot more fans that would be willing to travel to a marquee event like these.",Nah because Nashville would try to block CHI fans from coming more than they already try to. +"Surplus drama, not exceptional enough to be featured. SRD is not the sub for simply pointing out bad behavior.",Boo this man! +"Shocker, people don't know how the government works at a basic level.","And Congress reps love it, cause everything in the country gets blamed on the President, when in reality it was probably their doing; then they get reelected endlessly!" +"Hillary: If you want to know what Tim Kaine and I want to do, buy our book. . Not even joking",Lawyers fees don't pay themselves you stupid centipede! +So thirds?,You know illegals don't count toward the census. +Livery could be very interesting if BP is a title sponsor. Green and gold McLaren anyone? Unlikely but possible. Will also be interesting to see how switching lubricants and fuel could effect the performance of the Honda PU.,"Current black livery is very fitting, as they can then use their 'Deepwater Horizon' brand." +"Cops told this guy to take down his Trump sign, so he put up more - PATRIOT!",Wow such a well written article! +"3.20 is out now, isn't it? Sheesh, you're just internet-screaming right now for no reason.","#still, i'm using the pedestal before 3.20 as an example #also i use this heading a lot to make it stand out #I LIKE INTERNET-SCREAMING" +Thoth My friend told me that a new god named thoth is coming our?,no not at all +When people throw a party in the park and don't clean up,But that's somebody else's job. +When people throw a party in the park and don't clean up,Well its someones job to clean it... +"Or we could, you know, make it as easy as possible for all eligible voters to vote, regardless of party affiliation, and lets the chips fall where they may.",That's communist democrat talk! +Cudi shot first! What is he some divine being who is impervious to taking any shots because Drake asked for a feature one time?,"But wait...cudi has mental issues, so that makes Drake a bully" +Sturridge 2nd Goal vs Tottenham (2-0),Sturridge should be sold next window +"You owe it to me to buy my junk at a price I'm comfortable with. If not, then I have no use for you and you, therefore, have no reason to exist. Just like the last 5 shops.",You seem to have forgotten the +Is,A +^^^^that's ^^^^4,Perhaps we could class MTX as a known bug +What is taking so long Hi guys I sent a payment earlier today and it has been 6 hours and it still has 0 confirmations any idea why,"Quick, reduce the blocksize" +Or the extra 6-8 inches amirite,"12 inches, scrub." +The reason the ESC key is gone is because they removed the entire function key row. It is being replaced by a touch display that runs the length of the keyboard. The touch display in the image on the article has a Cancel button where the ESC key would normally be located. I think it's safe to say that this button will be functionally similar to the ESC key. Will it be more difficult to use? Obviously. But it's not the end of the world. I actually think it's pretty interesting to think what kind of customization will be available for this display.,safe to say not with apple it isn't +The Great Depression was an amazing time for people ... who had steady jobs. Goods were cheap. Housing was cheap.,And taking advantage of that cheap housing is just called good business! +Nothing more Christian than that!,Baptism is basically waterboarding. +"Please pass to your teammates on occasion, people When you are triple-teamed in the offensive zone and there are 4 other open people in that same zone, who also happen to be on your team and in better scoring positions, consider passing them the puck every once in a while instead of going it alone every time. Just saying...","But if I give YOU the puck, then I won't have the puck." +How the Managing Director of Renault's F1 Team Wants to Radically Change the Sport,Which director +"Dodger Offseason/MLB World Series Game One Thread 10/25: I Wish This Was Us Edition Yeah, we're not in it but I love shitposting with you guys so I figured I'd make a discussion thread. Game Facts: Cubs v Indians. 5PM PST. Fox. Lester V Kluber Who do you think is going to win today? Who do you think will win the World Series? Which non-Dodger free agent would you like to see us pick up over the offseason? Basketball starts today! How excited are you? 6 days until Halloween! Have you picked out a costume? Can't think of anything else. It's a free for all. You know how this goes. Have a great Tuesday DodgerFriends! :)",great to see Lester rattled after a stolen base. +The golden Camry is no more,Bloody taggers ruining our art! +It's like she's wearing a mask of her own face,Kinda like sociopaths... +I feel like I'm being treated like an idiot reading this.,Just like during the doping scandal? +"After 0.43.3 Update, switcing to pokemon go app will pause your music app It worked fine before, but now, while I'm listening to my music via music app (android 6.0), and lock and unlock screen or switch between apps to pokemon go, as soon as pokemon go becomes active app again, it pauses my music app (while before update, music would continue to play normally). Does anyone else experience this?",There is no way Niantec didn't do this on purpose. +"AT&T Is Spying on Americans for Profit, New Documents Reveal","Don't worry, it's fine because it's not the government" +Homosexual-inducing Drugs,So that's why I've been sticking things in my ass as of late. +The Arizona Coyotes are off to their worst start in franchise history.,But Chayka is a top 5 Gm right? +"pfffft post prime lebron, that wasnt even that good of a triple double",Didn't even score 20 points fucking scrub +"Abbadon the Despoiler vs Vivec Who would win in a fight? Both of them at their strongest, but only a 1 on 1 fight. Round 1: Random Encounter Round 2: Within the Warp Round 3: Vivec gets access to Umbra.",But how he will fight without arms? +Hillary had an entire campaign and speech against a fucking cartoon frog.,"Yeah, I think I read that in the New Yorker" +Dell Precision T3500 Workstation 1x E5620 Quad Core 2.4Ghz 12GB 2TB DVDRW FX580 Win 7 Pro - $299.00 ($1599.00 - $1300.00) Free Shipping,"Dam such a good deal, I bet you can run bf1 on ultra and hit 144fps" +How is it possible to use so much bandwidth?,Archlinux packages +"Google Pixel XL (Snapdragon 821, UFS 2.0) vs. iPhone 7 Plus (A10 Fusion, NVMe) - PhoneBuff Style Speed Test","Yep that's it guys, SEND THE PIXELS BACK, it lost a speed test so its all over, phones shit now" +So you saw a dude drinking beer and now you live life wandering 300 west aimlessly stealing bikes and sleeping on trax??? Damn dude,yah man that's how it works duh +Don't say we didn't warn you. I got married at 26 the first time... luckily I used e-Harmony for my second marriage. A lot happier because our personalities match. Hope you and your SO's match as well. Wish you luck.,I think you forgot your +But.....why? It's not even related?,"Because she is a mommy, how dare you imply that she keep her pictures of her baby to herself?" +Maybe the key in't going to work now that a *girl* touched it. Man I'd love to ask him what his reasoning was... I imagine the mental gymnastics required would have him pulling at least 5 G's.,"Women are robots and by her touching it, she demagnetized the key." +1+8=9 Earth-3 9/3 = 3 Half Life 3 confirmed,"Im not gonna lie, I lost it with this... you really are quite clever, iampsychic." +It's the ol' stormfront adage that anti-racist is code for anti-white which is even more concerning. Whoever was or is handling the Wikileaks twitter is probably knee deep in conspiratorial nazi memes.,"Well you can't blame him can you, it's not like he can get out much and what else is there to do on the internet other than browse dank memes on Stormfront" +Elizabeth Warren is such a nut job pos. Why anyone pays any attention to this goblin i have no idea. Her and Bernie are a Basket of Retards,"Yea, cause Trumps a freaking genius" +Who? I haven't seen Code Geass.,He is a CHAR +Bill Weld is pro gun control.,Well in that case let's just fucking murder him +"Even if they are going to change it, unless it's gonna be implemented before the Mayan quest rolls in, i don't think it's a valid reason",Its a joke i forgot my +A real scumbag boss,So you're the one making the boss tired +Well that is fuckin' cool.,You dropped this: +There are millions of dead people on the voter rolls *every* election because people die between elections.,How dare you attempt to bring logic and reason into this sub +"I was top dps on packs as AST in 60 rlt just a few weeks ago, and after the run my friend who was tanking told me I should have just given balances to myself because the the actual dps were too bad even with cards on them. ;; (Think we had BRD and NIN.)",I wish I could be top heals on a dps when the healer is slacking +"TIL The word coffee was mentioned in Civil War diaries more than war, bullet, canon, mother, and Lincoln. Coffee was so important to the Union war effort the Sharps Rifle Company manufactured a carbine with a coffee grinder built in the butt stock of the gun.","Damn hipster kids, always needing their coffee..." +present company excluded,He's got six university degrees!! +Which came first?,Of course it's RWBY! +Do anyone cheer for Mercedes being a german automaker?,"Ofcourse some do, but because of the old rivalry between bmw, audi and mercedes a lot of germans don't support mercedes despite it being the only one in F1." +"If you're in the 99%, it just means you're walking away from some shit job anyway. Go find another shit job.",Right because it's so easy to find well paid work. +Michael Moore/Donald Trump viral video is #5 on Google Trends,"Arby's venison, sweet jesus" +"Hell, I don't even play regular golf","What a waste of your height, please tell me you are at least a professional jockey or F1 pilot?" +Extreme Overreaction Hypothetical Trade,"Yeah, further depleting our bench is what we need in this situation" +Israeli prosecutors charge 13 people for mocking Palestinian baby's death,Sound antisemitic to me +"Opponent's Log Resetting my Sparky on special occasion. Happens when my sparky is locked on some target, about to shoot and at the last moment gets logged. Sparky doesn't shoot and starts charging again. Is it some kind of advanced level LogTech? Or we can call it a bug?","sparky needs more counters, that's why" +"Dude I swear to fucking God, if Blizzard releases any Sexy elf, or Sexy Santa, skins I'm going to burn my computer and throw myself into the fire. The stupid skins are seriously my least favorite part of any competitive game. Let's make a badass character with a fantastic design, and then make her into a Sexy nurse!","Ikr I totally agree, they need to stop over-sexualizing roadhog and especially junkrat smh" +"What do you not miss from League of Legends? Personally for me, the global teemo laugh. I still have nightmares.",Point and click skills +This is kool...anybody know any easy/free animation software?,Macromedia Flash +The safest way to provoke an American attack is to not have 50 nuclear missiles stationed in Cuba. Overwhelming might is the only language the Americans understand. Or not?,"Hey, are you trying to use whataboutism?" +Don't you yanks celebrate that time when a bunch of your ancestors threw some crates of tea that didn't belong to them into the Boston harbor?,"Uhhh, it wasn't us... It was those indians." +In the Liberator's medbay... Fallout 4?,cOLD mOLD on a sLATE pLATE +Literally Unplayable,"Literally Unplayable, uninstalling as I type" +"It is a fair price, so its up to you.",Fair Price = $39.99 for cosmetic armor for only a single faction. +So a full geared char that can kill izaro wauw,never seen that before +Moonlight,op with deathlord and majordomo +Zombie Outbreak Response,These zombie response vehicles never get old. +My boy TJ showing the world how to play defense with hustle.,with deceptive athleticism and true grit ... he really brings his lunch pail to work +What do you do over the weekends?,"Restless anticipation for the next weekend, on wich I will do sooo many things" +"The offending cops were fired, so no reason to punish the cops who didn't do this to punish those that did.","But the public as a whole can be punished via fines being paid w tax money, that makes sense." +Danielle is awake?,Bully! +Try 10cc - Sheet Music. Post-Beatles is a good genre that I just made up now,Isn't everything rock post beatles +Someone buy the mic'd up fan a beer,Or turn the tap off. +"You know you don't need to hit space, right?",But every other button produces a character +There is that yellow filter again... Sigh.,It's the smog. +D R I N _ _ _ _ _ O V A _ _ _ N E,Drink more ovaltine? +Trump raped his ex wife. And a 13 year old girl.,*puts on tinfoil hat* And a muslim immigrant from Syria +"Not in New Zealand. Here one stays out of prison by being honest, being rich, or being a star. EDITED: Well, obviously this case is an exception, but only because of the public outcry.",oh yeah that's unique to NZ alright +"True, but I don't think that's going to be a big issue. It doesn't seem like many people would be like that and I doubt most users are just looking for an excuse to shoot a person.",Never underestimate the stupidity of the public +am i missing something lol why broccoli?,Faker ate broccoli on stage after winning worlds last year. +Robredo?,Marcos ~~pa rin mga ulol~~ +ELI5 no fly zone,To hinder the ISIS air force. +Have you ever had to watch someone you loved be murdered in front of you while you are sick and carrying a baby?,Every day.. every day... +Elon Musk Just Got His Blockbuster Tesla Quarter,Bob Lutz must be super happy right now! +"By the way, 1950s segregation is not comparable. Come on guys.",Yeah come on guys segregation and racism isn't segregation and racism if it's the (dreaded) white people having prejudice views and actions placed upon them. +UNF Poll: Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump in Florida,"Whoops, looks like the Florida polls are rigged again" +"20 years later, and I just now realized that Raticate is a play on eradicate. What else have I missed?!?!?! seriously, and I bet ekans relates to snakes somehow too.",And rattata relates to rats somehow! +You cannot obtain items with strange quality though random drops.,Username checks out ;) +Your*,"Nope the original you are doing it wrong was right and you are, in fact, doing it wrong." +T-mobile has a quarter of the subscribers that AT&T and Verizon have. not that many people.,"T-Mobile has half of each AT&T and Verizon which is still over 68 million people.... Not many people though, your right" +"Apparently people can no longer tell the difference between reality and fucking video games anymore, and some even say it advocates the violent acts, when it does NOT. I'm a woman, and I play video games. I don't give a flying fuck if the character had double F breasts and a size -2 waist, because it's not fucking real. It DOES NOT matter. People getting murdered, killed by zombies, shot in the fucking face, IT'S NOT REAL. It DOES NOT advocate violence. I've played video games all of my fucking life! I've never murdered or even fought with anyone! Yet, these people are so *sure* that video games advocate violence. Look at the violence that these fuckers commit! Fuck! These people frustrate me so goddamn much.",You seem pretty agressive. +"It's not seasoned very much, but I thought the food in Ireland was great, especially the meat and dairy.","Well, you're American so.. ;)" +how are his headphones connected?,didn't you see the lighting port? +I know him irl. He's a good dude and he might be just messing around. He did music for the game which is the main thing that's essentially finished.,Your uncle works for Mother4Team +This concept is exactly what Star Fox can and should be. The idea of having more than just playing a arcade style shooter is so alluring that I can taste it. I'd just wish that fans wouldn't be DEAD SET on wanting to have a Star Fox 64 style game for every title.,"Despite how it might sound in my first paragraph, I'm not clamoring for a StarFox64 clone, just for a game that uses the same easy control scheme and combat design." +Summary: Apple's 2016 has not been impressive for me.,"What, you don't think a touch bar is the slump buster they need to turn around their first decline in revenue in 15 years?" +If nofap was bullshit there wouldn't be this many people trying it,"sure i mean just look at religion, you can't call it bullshit" +What the fuck is that subreddit? I feel like I am on a list just going to that subreddit.,Friends of pedophiles or just pedophiles themselves lol +"But Wally looks the same age for some reason. Maybe in this universe, the Kanto and Hoenn events seen in RGBY/FRLG and RSE/ORAS don't take place at the same time? I don't know. Maybe it's a slipup. But still, after all this time the man himself is BACK.",Guys everyone knows Wally's a ghost... +Why is there a need for a male version? Isn't it all the same? Or do they also have to contour their dick or something like that?,"You can't sell this look without perfectly sculpted nads, OBV." +"Again, go fuck yourself. You're contributing nothing yourself.","Oh, I see, you make a very convincing argument" +Which campaign characters?,[Delas Moonfang.] +everybody knows you NEVER take the box out until all the beers are gone; less cubic feet means your fridge doesn't work as hard to stay cold. Saves on energy.,You dropped this +Neeb is now neeblet??,Petitneeb +But I want 3 potatoes worth of fries dammit this is AMERICA,But you can go to Five Guys down the street and get 6 potatoes worth of fries. +My guess it was a construction crew. They don't give a fuck. I''ve had them cut all the lines for the patch panels at the ceiling before. I love pointing how just how severely they fucked up when this shit happens.,"Well, if you had them do it, you can hardly blame them for following through!" +You mean we gotta pay people for their labor? Outrageous.,"Didn't you hear, government jobs aren't real jobs?" +Isn't this and old drawing?,"Yeah, but I don't think I've posted it to this subreddit before." +I'm told Tony Romo has to get his conditioning to the point he can protect himself before getting cleared. He's not there yet.,Tony Romo to start in the superbowl confirmed. +"I had been going to make the argument that Viraat was the oldest operational carrier, I even got to the point of posting a couple of comments that I then deleted upon learning that the ship had been partly stripped. I think that having all propulsion equipment removed probably puts it out of the realm of being 'operational', which is a pretty nebulous term that might also exclude the Sao Paulo. It's definitely the oldest commissioned carrier, though.","Yep exactly I mean if operational now means floating in the water with a flag, then the Yorktown is the oldest operational carrier." +Douching can at least have health benefits. What has douche ever done to you?,A douche killed my father! +"Why removing stacked shots from Shatters, this was such a fun dungeon, now it's gonna be so boring...","OH YEAH LET'S JUST DIE FROM A SHOT THAT WAS STACKED 13x OVER, DEALING 2k+ DAMAGE, DESTROYING YOUR PROGRESS INSTANTLY, SO EXCITING" +tfw I remember you flaming me,Sorry to hear that? +I'm about to get a new PC. Should I buy the original Skyrim or the remastered?,It's obvious... The old one for sure! +VP Candidate Mike Pence's Campaign Plane Slides off Runway at LaGuardia: NBC News,What a third world airport LaGuardia is. +I'd assume it would have something to do with 'the last time we visibly coded a minority for easy identification it didn't go too well',Thats why it isn't visible without a phone +Gimme a B! Gimme a U! Gimme an L! Gimme another L! Gimme an S! Gimme an H! Gimme an I! Gimme a T!,Damn millennials always demanding things without earning them. +Pretty sure someone else did that joke first but when I search I just get back No Doubt,"Great, now that song is stuck in my head." +Take luck!,Take luck and care of it! +Oregon standoff: All defendants found not guilty,It's only terrorism if you have brown skin or worship the wrong way. +"I will commit sewerside if the plastics and scott are final 5, so boring tbh","Yes watching Dani sleep or talk over everyone, Krissy whine, or Jason bitch about Shelby is soooo much more entertaining" +"Symmetra morse code When I was looking on the R.I.P. victory pose in-game I noticed that the little orb polygon that symmetra is holding blinks in a quite noticeable pattern, I don't know if this is new or we already used this but ya, hope it helps :P. Also I had equipped the viskar skin if that determines anything.","I think I saw a blinking in the sky as well, could it be a sky morse code?" +Mark Kirk Makes Racist Dig at Tammy Duckworth During Illinois Senate Debate,Such a Grand ol Party. +Fucking Rod Marsh picking his kids again. Stoked for Siddle though.,Haha... nepotism at the highest level +Start the clock - it's only a matter of time until we see something like this again.,But christians can't be tarists hurr durr +Would love some feedback on my kicks and combos!,is it in slow-motion? +Sounds like you are part of the problem IMO. Devs follow the money,"yeah because fuck those company who wants money, right?" +"Islam is good, you white racists don't understand I because you have inferior minds.",You forgot the +me irl,"Damn, I was really hoping I'd *wake up* dead." +tear me apart dudes,hiroshima etc etc +"Bungie, you should really consider adding Skeleton Keys to the loot table for Archon's Forge, PoE, and CoO! Even a small chance from bosses in these activities would be great, and it would help keep these activities alive and viable for end-game progression for those grinding for keys/400LL loot. This is especially helpful for those trying to get that damn Candlelight shader, too!",Skeleton keys now have a chance to drop from radiant treasure. +Co-op Karax: 100 supply instead of 150% cost?,"Who cares, you just make cannons, that's 40 supply of probes" +Broken game is broken with a broken ass server renting system.,Makes me want to run out a buy it +"You are disgusting. And you are no true fans of football. Fuck you for tarnishing our name and i hope someone finds you and kicks the shit out of you. Respect thy neighbour, you fucks.","Yes i'm sure the whole Manchester City name is ruined now, next stop bankruptcy" +Last Year's MacBook Pro 13'' is still $1300,"I'd say it's a steal, it's $200 cheaper than the new base model and significantly better" +This seems to be magnetoelectric.,"Could be, there are tiny LED flashlights you can charge by cranking a little shaft." +Why do Trump supporters worship this man? Scary.,It's because they just love American freedom so much +"Yes, and not just that, the republicans kept trying to compare the Petraeus and Clinton situations, and FBI director Comey, who headed both investigations, has pointed out that they weren't comparable, and what Petraeus did was significantly worse.",Yea but who could ever trust the notoriously liberal Comey. +See you aglenn. Inspired by user/rajjjjk,This is weirdly upsetting and hilarious at the same time. +"I used to think that not being bothered by issues with the church was a sign of strong faith. Now I realize that not being bothered by evil is a sign that your conscience is damaged. I used to look at people who said they knew all about the issues and still believed as people with such strong faith. Now I see where their inner moral authority has been so overridden by hearing evil called good since they were little children that they can't even use their moral compass anymore. When their conscience screams that something is wrong, they instantly hush it. It's not laudable to not have a problem with the issues when the issues are moral ones.",Reading the essays strengthened my testimony. +Today is Greece's national OXI day and start of war against the fascists. Here's the most famous war song from the era! The duche puts on his uniform,"It's duce, not duche, even if we can both agree that the duce was a douche." +"Sadly, part of the problem where I live now is that the local taxi union fought back against both Uber and Lyft, and they have 'friends' in the city government, so it made it real hard for people who used it, and made more regulations on the drivers, too, to make it more difficult to get more people to drive period. And since the taxis are protected by the city, they *don't* have to catch up on the uber/lyft business model. Not all of them even take credit cards. It's ridiculous.","Sounds like you're describing Reading, UK" +With her health concerns it may be more like 10 tops. Seriously though the judicial branch will be heavily left-leaning for decades.,B-b-b-but Trump says such mean things. +Call of Duty gets a xxx parody by Brazzers,Still looks better than Infinite Warfare! +"Actually, looking at more pics, this guy is definitely not natty.",But he said he was! +Let the hate Pitchforks and off-your-chest rants happen here: I'll start. Is this what Garth Snow's spend at will team looks like? Can our head 'coach' coach NHL-level talent? 2 years ahead in talent; 4 years behind in coaching.,What if Halak starts the first two periods and then we bring Greiss to finish it up in the third and not allow super soft goals? +#**FALSE! REAL MEMES ARE ILLEGAL!**,Found the CNN Cuck. +"ah es un chiste de unix, solo me cd windows",lo bueno que los millonarios que usamos macOS lo entendemos igual por que una vez encontramos una app que dice terminal y fue tipo :O +"They should have made the dock cube shaped and call it the GameCube 2 :( --- In all seriousness, it's great that the gimmick this time around isn't disruptive.","Super Nintendo GameCube, have you learned nothing!" +how will you know if you have a 300 calorie deficit if you're not counting?,The calories just announce themselves to you! +Bring iOS 10 messages to 9.x-7.x Bringing he fun animations from iOS 10 to jailbroken devices would be cool,Nope +tbh if u play a split on lcs lvl and still cant beat challenger teams u simply dont deserve to be there,what about getting beat by C9 challenger or getting beat by origen who's basically 3-4 pro players if the challenger scene was in it's purest form then yea if you get beat by a challenger team then you don't deserve to be in lcs but i feel like it gets tricky when stuff like c9 challenger happens +All I'm saying is someone who posts 99% anti trump is now posting about 1920s racism and is obviously trying to compare it to Trump's presidency. So now my pointing it out is somehow pushing a narrative? What narrative is it exactly?,Yes +"As a F2P Player, this really hurts",If your f2p why do grand challenges? +They're *deplorable*.,So we deplorable we elected President Obama twice and we must now be punished for it. +Isn't it strange how we went from opening our relations with China to usher in globalism with Nixon to nearing an election where a man who seeks to destroy globalism is running on the same ticket?,Trump is not going to destroy globalism. +Which COD required the most skill? Personally I think its Advanced Warfare because of the movement. Some PRO players couldn't keep up with the fast paced gameplay and dropped out that year.,Blops 2 because killa won champs +Springtrap (W.I.P.),WITCHCRAFT +"Why do some robots have buttons on their chest? Just...Why? It doesn't make any sense, and they're not wearing any clothes so that's pointless",isn't it a well known fact that animals like to sew buttons into their chest for fashion? +PRESIDENT TRUMP ABOUT TO SPEAK AT AL SMITH DINNER. Here is Live Link,"So I guess they were booing him, or were they booing her as he called her out?" +Title IX has alcohol rules?,apparently +Trump wins West Virgina | AP race call,"Well, I guess this is it, Trump is our new president" +Did you bother reading the statement? She didn't regret the content. She regretted saying half. She stands by the basket of deplorables.,Is it a wicker basket or more of a lunch pail? +My roommate thinks they dont fake sex scenes. I cant even ..,Why are you living with a bunch of toddlers? +"Is it just me or are Steel and Riktor just.. torsos? So I'm looking at these big blue potato people and I just realized that Steel's flesh ends at the elbow and knee (give or take), and Riktor straight-up has no actual arms or belly button. Are their whole race just jelly bean folk? How did the first of their kind build things if they don't have limbs? These are the things we really need to know!",Bruh. +There are numerous sources of Scandinavian vikings who went and served in the Byzantine empire,Harald Hadrade included if I'm not mistaken. +Yeah it looks fun I haven't had a new game in awhile that is new,BF1 looks fun +71 People Arrested at Saturday Night Protest in Downtown Portland (Photo),TIL Portland hipsters make Brooklyn hipsters look like average Joes. +I live in Gresham.,I don't know whether to downvote you or upvote you for that :-) +James O'Keefe to attend debate as Trump's guest,You are known by the company you keep. +"Hillary Clinton on Twitter: @TimKaine's spent his whole life fighting for working families, so I have no doubt he'll do the same tonight. Go get 'em, Tim. -H",Woo hoo go Tim! +"They sit down and have normal dinners, aside from the sound of Melania trying to file off the slave chains.",She'll be free once the newest model comes out. +Bob Day resigns. Again. Effective Immediately.,I'm still quite sure the government is just going to wait for his replacement to be sworn in before they pursue the joint sitting bill on the ABCC. +***A G H H MY STONE COLD HEART***,*jesus* +Voice of Hawks radio Steve Holman: Kris Humphries has dealt with bigger divas than DeMarcus Cousins.,He talking bout his ex Kim Kardashian? +"I've had stuff stolen, too. Not from Takei, though. I uploaded screen shots with the comment editor open to prove it was my account and the original comment, both time stamped from Reddit. Nope! You still stole that from Reddit! Bitch, please. There are original people out there, you know.",:( +"A precautionary MRI on Serge Ibaka's sore knee showed no structural problems, Frank Vogel said.",Serge Ibaka update by Magics HC Frank Vogel...damn thats weird. +Finally. i've been waiting for ever for Cage to make a good movie again. This looks hilarious.,Joe was pretty good. +"You can only eat the last thing you ate, for the rest of your life, what is it?",A sandwich. +D'awwwwww Tear. Can't wait til my kids are old enough to trick or treat,First you got to have sex. +But I use GSYNC with Vsync enabled.,IIRC you are supposed to keep Vsync disabled while Gsync is enabled. +A penalty flag. Likely for unnecessary roughness on number 21 in white. Either that or unsportsmanlike conduct on the nut spiker.,Apparently for Taunting on the spike. +Pretty much any Jojo villain.,"Fuck it ZA WARUDO, MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA!" +Gay men seem to have it figured out. Minus of course the STD thing. Lesbians gotta get their shit together.,The lesbians I know seem happy. +Was Daryl Dixon ever a racist? Fun conversation I had on campus.,"When Merle called Glenn a chinaman, Daryl assertively corrected him by saying He's korean!" +I thought they said Trump was supposed to start WWIII... ...not Obama. The irony of the world today is astounding.,"Well when Obama starts the war to prevent trump from winning it will be trumps fault for running in the first place, duh." +Shaolin soccer,Blasphemer! +Jim Carr rejects idea First Nations are united against pipelines,"Without the pipelines, how would all those chiefs be able to fuel up their 350 Super Duties and Ram 3500's?" +"How many games did you attend this season? The at-home viewing experience becomes more and more attractive each year for sports fans for various reasons. Many of my friends opt out of attending games for a more comfortable and less time consuming game day. For me, nothing will ever beat the experience of being at a college football game. I am curious to hear how many games you guys attended this year. I have been a Georgia season ticket holder for 7 seasons now, and I usually try to make some road games as well. This year I attended 11 of 12 games, only missing the Kentucky game in Lexington. I will also be attending our bowl game in Memphis. This is the most games I've ever attended in a single season. What about you? How many of your team's games did you attend this season?",First season since 2007 that I didnt go to any CFB games :-( +"Don't be afraid to play Iron Banner at low Light Yes, you see quite a few Guardians in IB that are above 370 or even 380. I haven't had an abundance of time to grind so I went into IB yesterday at 359, and I still performed fine and was an asset to the team. Besides, quite a few Guardians are also like me and are around 360 anyway. On those high Light enemies my PDX-45 was doing 22 per crit instead of 25. It certainly makes a difference but not so much that I'm crippled, useless, or unable to beat those players. I'm already rank 3 on my Warlock just from yesterday. So I say if you're decent at PvP and are close to 360 you can do fine.","Ive seen ll300 guardians in a few matches, and they seem to compensate by playing better than those with 375 and up, it weird" +Is 3 point shooting becoming a necessity skill to have in the NBA? It seems like in today's day and age of NBA more and more players are spreading the floor more often and taking more 3 point shots compared to the past. What will the future of NBA be like with 3 pointers? Could we see every starting center shoot 3s?,DeMar says no +I really don't see anything wrong with athletes using their platform to express their views. He did it in a peaceful manner.,My only issue is I dont feel he's being genuine. +"Well, Castro did say he wouldn't die until the United States was destroyed...",God help us all. +Then force them to say that.,Right +Anyone else want to be snapchat friends with me? I'll send you snaps of my dog and Seattle.,PM you +Game Thread: Sixers @ Celtics 7 PM THE DEBUT! The long awaited debut of both Dario Saric and Joel Embiid. We're working on getting these set to be automated so bare with us. GO SIXERS AND FUCK BOSTON.,TLC time boys! +"True, I totally misread it my bad!",no prob +I take Matthews over Austin any day of the week.,I think anyone would. +Kilian Experience - Garbage Guide To Pokemon Fire Red,God I love Killian. +His economic plan is going to cost us 105% of GDP. So sounds about right. Let me guess his companies will be doing all the building?,"I'll build a great infrastucture, and we'll make the Americans pay for it." +"Forgive me for being out of the loop, but what is Unsustainabowl?",A lot of people throughout the streak on /NHL said both our streaks were unsustainable so someone came up with Unsustainabowl.. +"I just hope the weather is ok in key areas. Bad weather played a big part in the Brexit vote, there were people on Reddit apologizing for not going because, they didn't want to get rained on. FFS you are British and this is essential to your future and a democratic responsibility, if a spot of rain is enough to get you to sit at home you don't deserve a voice. Same thing happened in the Arizona primaries, it was really hot and the limited polling locations made waiting in the heat agonizing. Weather could play a big factor in the election, I could see people in the Northern states staying home if it is cold and rainy. People can't get complacent.",Just another reason that you can't overstate the importance and necessity of early and mail voting. +Having wireless charging as the only option is a bad idea.,Apple would be doing some work to improve the speed and reliability of wireless charging before making it the only option of the iPhone +DC Movie Night,Blitz lookin good KappaPride +"HOW DID WE MISS THIS? BASED PETER THIEL DOUBLES DOWN, WILL GIVE MAJOR SPEECH IN SUPPORT OF TRUMP - LET'S SHOW HIM SOME LOVE!",#Based Peter Thiel is so Awesome #Everyone Type **We Love Peter** in this thread +Why can't the same sort of thing be true for Clinton?,Because she's a demon and the spawn of Satan. +"Mom, why are you crying? I got to vote for a woman for President.",No enthusiasm. +might have bonsly,lmk what you need and I'll add you c: +Are the show off painted?,No +ACt December Test Do december tests repeat ACT tests?,All jocks take it in December Ez test ez curve +"Awesome, thank you again.",No problem +"I think Gary is legit, as in he knows his stuff and tries to stay unbiased. Where you're absolutely right is Verne...that guy is godawful.",I just think Gary is annoying +Ex-White House social secretary: 'This is the real Michelle Obama',Can we get MOBAMA in 2020 +"Oh, sorry. The winner of the 3rd Redskins-Cowboys game will win the Super Bowl.",Savage my friend +Gigli,"So horrific, they pulled it from theatres almost as soon as it was released." +he's not crash dieting bro. I can guarantee you he hasn't lost any significant weight from september 1st to september 30th.,"Your entire argument against him is being too poor to afford a suit and if he *only* made 390k before taxes last year, he's literally in the 1% in America Admit it, you're talking shit and don't know what you're talking about" +"35%? It's just one poll, but that's McGovern levels of bad.","35% will be the salad days once they unleash the remaining oppo research these next 3 weeks lol We're all fooling ourselves if we think PussyGate is the worst they have on him, otherwise it would have dropped election week" +Pau gonna dad dick Butler back to Tomball Texas.,"I just like the triple alliteration chain you got going on there, that's a fucking fun sentence to say." +a bold new strap for my Seiko Atlas,Such a good looking combo. +I'm just going on a limb here but it may be a couple that posts vlogs together as a couple.,Yep! +By The Numbers: Packers vs. Bears (Rodgers 5-0 vs. Bears in last 5 reg. season games),Did Thanksgiving 2015 not happen? +"If you're a Bernie supporter looking for a silver lining, Trump did a genius thing a couple weeks ago that kinda got lost in the madness of wikileaks and Comey. He proposed term limits for Congress. He is 100% serious about this and he brilliantly waited until the last minute so it was too late for any congressmen who had endorsed him to back out. They're furious. He can start a movement with the states to get this done. It's 75% popular with the country. It can absolutely happen.",It is perhaps the only thing Trump proposes that I can agree with. +What have you learned from reddit?,People suck when theres no consequences for talking shit +how can your work permit be longer than your visa??,See my reply above +"I have 2, you after 1 or 2? If it's just you add me, natures_organics","2, just sent a party invite" +Time to give Pardiola a chance,Don't even joke about that Broseph. +"Interesting Filipino names for a boy? Ok so I've been thinking about names and I saw a recent thread here about names but for a girl. I'm not so well versed in Filipino so I wouldn't know names. So any suggestion would be appreciated, cheers!","Kanor .. when he grows old, trust he'll become a legend" +NEW JAMES O'KEEFE VIDEO: Rigging the Election - Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies,It's a GOOD THING that a man like O'Keefe is on Trump's side! +marino did. elway and farve are also cowboy fans.,Yeah but noone knows who the f Farve is +The invasion of Europe: Woman behind failed Notre Damme attack was engaged to man who killed priest. She was also betrothed to a man who killed two police officials in June.,family member of muslim terrorist should either be deported or sent to gulag since they have questionable loyalty +Ah. Right. The second part is either really stupid or I'm missing something.,It's 1 October +Yup its all rng. You can get elite player in a 5k pack lol,"I just feel though that pack weight seems nerfed for fut champs rewards to some degree (not massively but still lower than usual), I have probably got like 1.5 million in rewards and haven't got 1 player 85 or higher, but I seem to get better pulls in sbc rewards, which I do less of and they are for inferior packs" +Never forget - Faker in EUW solo queue before last year's Worlds,"just wonder, at what elo there is a chance to q snipe them when the gods come to na?" +You're a girl on reddit.,"No, **YOU'RE** a girl on Reddit." +Shuffle!,"If you enjoyed Kimi ga Nozomu Eien or School Days you could continue, but it's IMO not worth." +"Stop and frisk is not racist. Ending birthright citizenship is not racist. *Michael Scott*. None of your points are working for ya, buddy.","The only thing racist is slavery, duh." +I spent the rest of the match summoning zombies to get down.,While continually being messed up by the sweatiest shotgun warrior in the match? +What are we going to bash now that the Cubs have won a World Series?,You know the Browns are pretty bad... +R3 will NOT be announced. It will be a live performance of some kind.,What makes you think so? +I THINK IT HAD TO DO MORE WITH THE METS MANAGER MATT HARVEY LEAVING MATT HARVEY IN TOO LONG.,"YUP, IT'S HIS FAULT WE COULDN'T HIT." +He's already said he'd be okay with it if they were voter-frauding for him.,"Well he's with the GOP, so their election rigging mostly comes in voter suppression flavor." +You didn't troll a troll.,Ok then +Hot Girls Wanted. It was basically talking about how 18 year old women are exploited and degraded. It's worth a watch if you have Netflix.,I don't... But I have The Information Superhighway^^TM! +"The wage gap isn't imaginary though... If a female working at McDonald's can't make as much a male scientist who went to college for 8 years, then something is wrong.",Thank you for Correcting the Record. +The crossover,silly jess +"The Night I Didn't Care Been a while since I posted a story. I used to work in a grocery store. I was there for nine years. Now I work in a prison, which surprisingly is much less stressful. This particular event was in the last year of my employment. Despite the title, and the stress comment, I absolutely loved my job; not because of the work itself, but because my coworkers were some of the best people I've ever met. I was at the register, and the store was five minutes from closing. I used to love making the closing announcements, because people always complemented my voice, and I'm secretly a narcissist. My bagger informed me, despite the announcement, someone was still taking their time in the frozen section. Whatever, I thought, they still had a few minutes to get up here. Fifteen minutes later, this woman, with a full cart of groceries, finally comes to my lane. I say Good evening, exercising all of the willpower in my body not to tell he we closed ten minutes ago, when she tells me this, in a rather offended tone of voice: I would been here sooner, but I couldn't find what I wanted. All the lights in your frozen section were off! To which I said, unable to control my own tongue, Well yeah. We're closed. Awkward silence dominated the checkout for a moment, until my bagger began laughing uncontrollably. The woman, her face a mask of embarrassment and rage, paid for her groceries and left. I thought for sure I'd be fired the next day, but I never heard anything of it. Despite the fact that my bagger told everyone in the store what happened the first chance he got. Despite the fact I still saw that woman at least twice a week. It wasn't until at least a week later I realized: the lights turn off five minutes after closing. So she was shopping, couldn't find something in the frozen section, lights go off, now she can't see, keeps looking, doesn't find it, leaves to check out. I'm sorry, but... what?","Maybe the sun actually did shine out of her butt and she could see just fine, the way some customers act you would think it did." +"Yeah but it's just dumb, you know? Even the stupidest commander isn't going to keep sending out soldiers after the first few have been defeated (let alone 40 or 50 or whatever it was). He'll send for a bowman, or chop the bridge down, or burn it, or simply throw rocks at the fucker until he falls off.","Right, I thought especially a few archers would turn the tables easily enough." +"Damn, went to check on baby goats, and I return to this?! At least I am not short on Jameson tonight.",Wish I had a baby Tom Brady :'( +Google says Nexus 6 and Nexus 9 LTE Nougat updates will be rolling out in the coming weeks,In a few weeks Google's version of the check is in the mail +lol wut,Just wait. +Ran into this guy outside the pizza place.,Was it Pizza the Hutt's palace? +It looks pretty good in practice too. Revolutionary Catalonia and Chile under Allende comes to mind.,Chiapas as well +They were on private property and asked to leave. They did not and she stayed as well. That's trespassing. Protesters nowadays seem to skip over the fact that you're supposed to get arrested. I don't know why they're shocked when it happens. Isn't that the whole point?,Since I posted this they've dropped the trespassing charge and are now going after her for participating in a riot. +Sorry Canada but we are not sending our best.,Canada will only accept if they convert to Islam first. +"There's also an ongoing civil war inside the Democratic Party now, and it's not going to end soon.",They are still propping up the establishment wing and the best part is when they finally fall the next in line seems to be the far left democratic socialists. +Gentry confirms that Moore has won the starting Shooting Guard spot ahead of Hield,So are there only like 2 rookies starting this year? +"Essentially all the things I can re-download, if it comes to that. I can't re-download countless hours of my life. When I right click in my library and choose back-up, it only gives me an option to back up the game files. I do have steam cloud enabled, but to my knowledge the only way to manually save your profile data is what Meiz79 said above.","Ah, I see what you mean" +"I really don't like Aaron Smith. Not I don't think he's a good player, I don't have anything against him regarding his behaviour or anything. I just don't like how he plays, I can't explain it. Maybe it's just that I think TJ is much better.",A bit too loud and energetic maybe? +Dat Frame rate doe,"I'm really missing out on the cinematic experience, gotta get my shit together." +"What were you, a ladder tester or something?",Cabinet installer +One of my favourite parts in The Walking Dead Season 1,You gotta love how I'm from Florida equates to Sorry I'm racist. +"So with Cornbread most likely going tomorrow and Monte being the big target text week that can't avoid the block, who will this sub hate on after they are gone? Whitney?",The current last person on the feeds to say anything remotely negative about Shelby. +Mark Cuban: There's a 'stigma' attached to Trump's brand. It's 'done',I'd rather his stigma than the Clinton stigma. +I would both hate and love to see this one play out.,"Well, get some popcorn cookin', because that or something like it is headed our way." +I can't even fathom that we used to pay for Internet hourly,"You're about to again, thanks to the incoming Administration." +"Mount and Blade: War band. Ever wanted to be one of the soldiers in one of those total war-esque like battles? This is your game. It is amazing, addicting, and crazy immersive. If i havnt convinced you then check out the overwhelmingly positive reviews on steam.",I am excited for the upcoming one! +The Hero. And The God.,Muh Superman can talk the entire world into letting him rid the world of nuclear weapons. +How many recounts will there be?,"Trump supporters gotta watch the polls, keep a lookout for any shady activities, if he loses it is definitely rigged." +Don't Be Fooled: Hillarygate Probe Is Now a Formal Federal Criminal Investigation,The DNC was warned it would be like this... +(Humour) Just your average level 10,Donations: 300 Only way he's still not level 11. +"That obviously took a lot of work, why did they fashion it in the shape of a ball sack?",Because most people don't look at something like this and see ballsac +I converted at least 9 people at the office I work :-)! A manager decided to get a few mechs for their devs B-).,those devs must be thankful +looks on the raw side,it look a tiny too cooked for me +Australian police foil terrorist plans for Christmas day attack with raids,Keeping the big island free from these cunts +View must be great from that glass house of yours...,It is great for my turret +Blood Starved Beast from Bloodborne. Poison spewing bastard...,Meanwhile I'm still stuck on cleric beast :( +"I've bought condoms because I was optimistic too. Never got to use them, and now I'm glad I never did, because I realized right after the opportunity I didn't know how to put a condom on.. I still haven't bothered learning how to. I've tried, but didn't wanna put any effort in it and gave up. I'm never getting laid anyways.",Yeah can someone link me a video how to? +Tfw you're out for Halloween and then check your phone and see you're missing the best Tagpro event ever NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU,Why was it only in the middle of the night for Europeans? +Pew: Almost 60 percent of Clinton supporters have a hard time respecting Trump voters,"Obama played his race card, Hillary's playing her woman card so Americans are playing their Trump card." +"my early-mid game alt account is rejoicing about one-shot challenge drops One shot challenge - not very advanced account - but I cleared the first several levels. And what's not to like - first floor dropped a succubus (lilith)! then a naga (echidna)! light valk! dark Iza! It's like Christmas in.. well.. October. It took me a couple months to farm a naga on the main account - not to mention waiting forever to be able to get an LValk from her descend! Early-mid game players, I HIGHLY recommend getting them while the event is on)",i believe all the things that can drop in the one shot challenge are 100% chance try pushing as hard as you can while you can :) +I cant wait for Morgan to stun the world and win the DE HOH,"Justin and Jason, pop a squat." +Two diecks in maey aet the saeme tieme.,LOL +-_-,She cute tho +"Cops of Reddit: A lot of people get jumpy and...How can you tell..acting weird? Pretty much a white people question right there, lol.",I'm surprised you didn't get nailed for racism for implying minorities have something to hide so they act normal and not jumpy +"Good to know that, to the American public, the most qualified woman is still not as good as the least qualified man. A friend posted this on facebook last night and i wanted to share. I'm so upset that I just don't have any words or emotions or thoughts to describe how I feel right now. I'm sorry this post is so short.",How your friend managed to make it about sexes is beyond me. +"What class would it be unfair on? Obviously none of them *need* it, it's about opening new doors, that's what exotics are for.",Well put +Do you qualify 4 fut champs by being div 1 offline?,Nope +Any one have a solution for keeping our small lan parties from getting so hot? Me and my friends have lan parties that consist of 4 to 8 people pretty regularly and each time it's in a fair sized room but even with AC on it still gets very hot with all these pcs. Any advice for this or maybe Is there a particular fan or free standing AC units anyone can recomend? I'm looking to spend hover much I need for a solution. Thank you,tellyour friends to stop buying AMD products the room will stop getting so hot +is that fucking hentaihaven,Im surprised that you could see it just from the comments section. +"Are we now a one party state.. what does that say about our country now. Its pretty sad when i think Tories will be in Government for the next 4/8/12 years unless something drastic happens. The Tories can do what they want with a majority and they will have a majority until the left support PR, im more right wing but i still believe in alot of what the left stand for. The Sad thing is it doesn't matter what the left stand for unless they have a majority which wont happen for a while if ever. Its quite Depressing honestly.",Given the state of Labour it may well be a blessing. +What has this story got to do with Corbyn?,"Probably quite a lot, had this been the other way around there would be vigils and breaking news." +Berkeley protesters form human chain to stop white students from getting to class,"Then one day they will find that they have finally got their own safe spaces, at the back of the bus, their own schools, drinking fountains, their own toilets and park benches, then they will say, wait... What the hell have we done?" +Jeremy Corbyn: Donald Trump is a rich white man pretending to be against the elites,That's President-Elect Rich White man to you. +"We found a decapitated bird Me and my friends were hanging out and found a dead bird on the ground, it had no head to, even better! We decided to bury it in some dirt and used a kit kat wrapper as flowers on its grave.",RIP birdy +Dear Redditor's what is the laziest thing you have ever done?,Refused to click a link because it was a video and not a gif +O,P +So they cut him off at the knees.,Cause he likes Danish blue cheese +To everyone who said we would be a shit show this season...fuck y'all.,Why would they say that to the summer league Champs? +I got one by tesla beat that bitch,Was it actually just a box of light bulb parts +"Has anyone been able to look through the code to see if it is indeed possible to speed back up at least the planetary rotation since the patch note says it was slowed down? I'm of the idea that it's not even in the code, as since the planet's don't rotate at all, why wouldn't the patch note just say that...",The patch notes say that because they were written by the developers of this game. +what is happening here?,something is dying might be ark might be your graphics card +"I've tried to engage Trump voters in a positive way after the election. I believe a lack of dialogue is part of why he won. I've concluded this is impossible. Sample exchange: MAGA: Finally, all those people cheating the system and living their whole lives on welfare are gonna get it taken away. They're ruining the economy! ME: It's true there are people who cheat the system. That's frustrating. But the vast majority of people on welfare return to the workforce in less than a year [provides data]. And welfare accounts for only a small part of government expenditures [provides more data]. MAGA: Of course those numbers come from the government. They spread those lies to keep the money coming in. ME: But the agency producing these numbers is non partisan. MAGA: The parties are the same! Libs and the GOPe! ME: [produces more data] MAGA: You know, it's easy for you college types to throw numbers around. But you've never seen anything. I've lived by these welfare types. I've seen it. You just wanna come at me with a bunch of hypotheticals. Some of us live in the real world. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU DO WITH THIS!?!?",Its only been a couple of days.. lol +I'm gonna guess there's a hunter bug...,Was this on Bleeding Hollow? +Welcome to Georgia......,Paid for by tax payers? +Spending your own money to mail shit to other people is always stupid.,Merry Christmas! +It's triggering me that they don't go in the same order,It's triggering me that people would put Woonsa over Chiwu as leader. +"Someone leaves, everyone follows, that guy comes back and it's a 5v1. Time for the world's best build to ever be witnessed.","Tbh, if he had all the gold in the world, the best early game build would be Scepter + Mj since u guys prolly wouldn't be able to tank the chains" +"Back in the days before Uber, I went for a sunset run at Crissy Fields. A girl came up to me asking for directions on taking the bus back to Union Square. It was dark by then. She just moved here from the Philippines or somewhere. I was new too, but I had the Westin St. Francis on speed dial to ask for bus directions (they were my 311 for SF as long as I pretended to be a guest). I directed her to the bus stop a few blocks away, but after a block I could see she was already lost. And she didn't have a jacket as the fog was setting in. I was worried for her, so I just said screw it and gave her a ride back. I would have been forever guilty if something happened to her.","Yeah, you would have done the same thing for a guy." +Isn't just his skin bulletproof? Why is nobody shooting his eyeballs?,"If just his skin is bulletproof, how the fuck did he break a guys hand so badly by getting hit?" +"A Small-ish Analysis of the 12/15 Balance Changes This set of changes is probably the most interesting we have yet to see. There are *no nerfs at all* in this balance, which I don't think has happened before in the history of Royale. Anyway, lets get to what these changes mean for the game and how the meta will shift (if at all) afterwards. **Elite Barbarians: HP increased by 19%, Damage increased by 14%, hitspeed decreased by 0.1 seconds** Overbuffed *massively*. Personally, I thought that eBarbs needed a 12% damage buff - being able to one shot archers would allow it to settle in the meta due to the archer's popularity. However, Supercell have gone and made this card better in every single way, whereas it really just lacked damage. It's now a very viable common win condition. What else is a viable common win condition? Royal Giant. But the eBarbs are a lot stronger than the Royal Giant. This is the Range increased to 6.5 all over again. Personally, I wasn't expecting Supercell to fix the Royal Giant, but I certainly didn't expect the same problem all over again. I hate this change. **Lumberjack - HP increased by 6%** A step in the right direction. The Lumberjack is both fun to play with and against. Surviving an extra tower hit and a couple of other interactions will mean it can perform better generally, although it doesn't get any fresh abilities. Will it need a bigger buff to have a place in the meta? Time will tell. **Mortar - Boulder explosion radius increased by 11%** I like it. As a Mortar user, it is frustrating when a Mortar completely misses its target for literally no reason. However, this hasn't happened very often in my experience, so don't worry - Mortar isn't going to be competing in any arenas near you. **Giant Skeleton - Damage increased by 8%** The Giant Skeleton is actually becoming a much more viable win condition, with the Tornado buff and the introduction of the Clone Spell, two very complementary, and cheap, spells. Being able to one shot stab goblins is going to help it settle down a little better, although overleveled goblins are still going to cause it problems. **Tornado - Radius increased by 10%, stronger pulling strength** Yes! The Tornado is awesomely fun to play, despite being underpowered. After seeing Nick and Pat use the Tornado in the developer build, which is affected by balance changes, the Tornado looks a LOT stronger. Personally, I think the Tornado excels on defense, allowing ranged units to snipe away at the melee offenders. Also, the increased radius means that lane changing units will be much easier to pull off. **Balloon - Death Damage increased by 105%, Explosion Radius increased by 50%** Another relatively large buff. It sounds great, right? Can now kill most small units - including Princess and, most importantly, Minions - in a much larger range. The sad thing is that the Balloons worst counters are practically unaffected - Mega Minion and Ice Spirit. Poor Balloon. **Inferno Dragon - HP increased by 5%, retargets 0.4 seconds faster** Not enough. Personally, I don't think the Inferno Dragon should take any time at all retargeting, functioning similar to the Inferno Tower in Clash of Clans. Although 0.4 seconds is pretty good - it will take 0.4 fewer seconds to kill archers, and 0.8 seconds less time to kill Minions and Spear Goblins, which is a healthy buff. As for HP, 5% is a rather random number just put out there for the logic of his helmet, so not really worth looking into. **Wizard - Hitspeed decreased by 0.2 seconds (14% dps buff), initial attack 0.2 seconds slower** A small buff. This is the Wizard's second hitspeed buff, and the first one didn't do much for him. Only the Wizard's future usage rates will tell us if this buff will do much for him this time around. **Bomber - Damage increased by 4%** Nothing exciting. The Bomber has become the opposite of the Cannon, receiving multiple damage buffs, and this one won't change him much at all. TL;DR: Prepare for Elite Barbarians. They're going to be very, very scary.","The bomber buff changes a lot, destroys a lot more troops that did survive." +How do you check how many fps it is,"You can't, the human eye can only see 28fps" +Is there two ventricles? Or is that an AORTA?! .. I don't fucking know. I'll Google Map the heart at the end of this.,Your ability to transcribe simple sentences without failing grammar will be every grammar nazi's downfall. +Yep but you can't see opponents skill descriptions if you never played the champ,"well, you can search em on a site like league of legends wiki" +did you see how she bended that last aa? that's some next level shit.,"ye, how can he pretend his flash hook is good when vayne actually knew the enemy wanted to flash that way, so she made her bolt home" +I mean are we really surprised? We played them last year and they were this bad.,"I think most people are surprised, considering everyone considered them to be a top 10 team." +"Fun fact: They are called radar or spider charts. More to a point, I think they help provide a good illustration of what aspects a character/team bring to the table which I think can be very helpful for viewers. I'd love to see it return, but only if it's done properly.",Hex graphs sound way cooler so... +"not very hard when your clan has like 500 people and the next largest group is like 100 lmao, am i supposed to be impressed?",RoT win fights when they have less or equal amount of people as well +Not true at all. Look at how deregulation of the rail industry made shipping and travel through rail cheaper with increased competition between companies.,you forgot the +Thanks everyone for giving a lot of helpful tips the hots download is almost complete and i will be playing hots and hopefully i am going to enjoy the game ! see you guys in game,Which region are you from? +Prhases.,Yes. +I think this is fake it seems edited from the previous leak,"Yeup, the first impact does *not* have the piano in it like in here :/" +"Yeah entertaining match, but I really hope we can become more clinical going forward (30 shots can't result in just one goal)",You have been FM'd....sorry +He's one year younger than De Gea and one year older than Oblak...,And he's miles ahead of both +"What to do as a pirate, with less than 3k gear score, no pirate friends, and no patron who wants to go back west? I'm a returning pirate after I left because I just couldn't do anything. Joined with friends and then they all left me. What can I do??",I believe if you server change you get reset to your original faction (East / West) if you truly don't have friends on current server might as well switch. +Everything about Mei is adorable,Except for the satanic rituals she does every day before she goes to war. +He also made up white walkers. If you Google those there is plenty of info...,"Ya because they're a whole race and the main enemy, not a made up food sooo...." +Some type of scale similar too what dinosaurs had so that my brainbucket is reinforced like a steel cage.,you mean feathers? +Only difference I can tell is it's in 7.62x39 instead of .223,but they've had the mini-30 for years unless they discontinued it and I didn't notice +Am I too late to join the Return to Lordran? I can't really play during the week.,"It lasts until the 15th when Return to the Nexus begins (Peeve's event - not mine), so you still have a week :)" +"That means it should be even better than what I have listed for a known Tegra based APU. it has to, or we will be pretty disappointed.",Does custom always mean even better though? +Only on Thursday. This is Tuesday.,How does south Korea fit in? +That's your objection to this bit?,Joe Buck is pure evil. +I prefer keebs to knife-ears. A play off keebler elves. The least impressive elves possible. Usually used as those pointy eared keebs,Remove keeb? +"This fucking iPad and it's (iPad put that apostrophe in there) hyperactive autocorrect function. Watch, it's about to automatically put an apostrophe in the word kid's (what the fuck iPad). Also it doesnt (no automatic apostrophe there) want me to say the name of the place where Satan lives and automatically changes it to he'll. It also thinks the word Internet (see?) should be capitalized and if I make a mistake like accidentally hitting an m when I meant to hit an n, like in the phrase I want to throw this fuckimg IPad out the window, it leaves it. This next one is my own personal he'll (ha!) because I'm one of these people who learned to put two spaces after the end of a sentence and now it's just muscle memory (yes I know it's not the preferred way to type). If I end a sentence with quotes like I will with this one to demonstrate, the iPad will put an extra period *after* the quotes.. Look! Look at that fuckimg thing just hanging there mocking me for making two spaces. Also, if I have to stop in the middle of a sentemce (where the fuck where you on that one?) to pop open a new tab so I can ~~google how to murder my iPad and get away with it~~ google the spelling of a word or something, when I come back and start typing again, the iPad automatically (watch this) Capitalizes the next word I type. Wh...*why?* Also it's only a first-gen so it doesn't support Angry Birds so I have to do crosswords while shitting like some kind of goddamn Luddite. **TL;DR -- This iPad fucking sucks, man.**",you can fix all those problems +110+ 1080p with a Fury Nitro tri x.,G.G. +They see me rollin,"So bright, people in your path will probably die of skin cancer before you even roadkill them." +Looks like someone's all barko and no bite-o,"LOL I swear to god, I'm gonna find you and take you to the woodshed sparky." +Who is that blond Nazi at the party in Berlin? Smoking hot.,The actress is Bella Heathcote +"I've got to be completely honest the Rockets look so exhausted they're fouling the shit out of the Wolves, lucky for us refs aren't calling anything.","I mean we have a double digit lead, refs are probably confused about what is happening and thought they gave us 40 free throws in the first half or something." +Poetic-ill 385 titan,inviting you now +one of the best on channels on youtube. he is such a kind hearted man. hickok please be my dad,Gun Grandpa is best +Everyone is talking about what Trump's going to do but nobody fucking knows because he never told us and America voted for him anyway.,We have to approve the plan before we can see what's in it. +Looks like my OP3 wanted to take another trip to China for some reason,"Just wanted to see its creator for the last time, maybe had a conversation pending" +Not really? I'm not sure you understand how divided this country is now thanks to 16 years of very partisan politics. If they repeal the healthcare reform law and go even further than that you can expect civil unrest.,"Oh no, don't repeal the Healthcare law that was forced through by one side, sold to the people through nothing but lies and caused my premiums to go through the roof, that would be terrible..." +I just thought he was asian.,Then what would that make the african team? +"Biggest issue for me with zombies, why does every map need to be so dark and depressing? Like I know GK and Revelations are bright but they still have this dark and loomy vibe. There really should have been a Shangri La level map in terms of nice, bright environments.",In the alley on Kino was also nice to be in. +you meant EXILITY?,I don't know what that is. +Who I'm Voting for President re: Casey Neistat,Casey Neistat is annoying af. +"What an asshole, look at Chris Benoit(pro wrestler) he took so many chair shots to the head night in, night out. You know what happened? Killed himself, and his family. When they did a scan of his brain, they found it to be the brain of a 80 year old Dementia patient. He got so many concussions from his years wrestling, this is not a laughing matter. We **need** better concussion protocol in pro-sports leagues. People like Trump aren't helping matters at all. Fuck this asswipe.",junior seau was so fucked up he killed himself but shot himself in the chest so his brain could be studied CTE is no fucking joke +"That and the surface didn't exist a fews yrs ago, so saying more than ever before is a pretty loaded stat.",More people are buying the new 2018 Honda Civic than ever before! +"As someone who watches the Bears games, I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't continue. I say this for a few reasons: Hoyer was telegraphing everything to Meredith. Like EVERYTHING. There were a few (like fucking all of them) redzone opportunities where you saw the snap, saw him look right and completely ignore the left side of the field (which generally had Alshon and Howard in varying stages of being wide the fuck open). It's cost them 2 games now because of his inability to find the open man on the other side of the field. I just can't imagine John Fox sitting there going Hey man, I've got Cam on my fantasy team, so we're going to keep forcing this thing that isn't winning us games. Especially when you have Cutler (potentially) waiting for his job back. That being said, I think dudes got talent and hustles. With White on IR he has a golden opportunity, but there's too much talent in Alshon, Royal (when healthy) and Howard for him to be getting those kind of targets. That's more of a sign of Hoyer's deficiencies as a QB. I get this feeling that he finds a receiver he likes then locks onto him (or at least I'm using this as an explanation for Hopkins' drop off this year). I wish I'd taken the flier on him the week before. Too late now and I 100% don't want to trade for him.","Hopkins, cam, Josh Gordon." +"Guys, can you verify if guys will piss anywhere? (Within reason) Like off the side of the roof at night, off a dock at night alone, in the middle of nowhere, etc. Trying to settle an argument.",Not me. +And hopes,and charles is in charge of our days and nights. +2017... I am so ready for you,When was Cloak and Dagger confirmed? +#Maids4Lyf,Source: Unknown +Unlikely. People tend to forget Americans are rather lazy,VERY lazy. +I haven't used a website bookmark since auto-complete was implemented. 2 keystrokes is all I need.,2 strokes is all i need +Too many trump supporters in this subreddit. Cuck calling comments are being upvoted.. it's pathetic,To many cucks in this thread. +"You do have a use for kuva, you just can't get lucky enough to get a riven. When you get a new riven, you'll have a use for kuva.",But with cancer drops on rivens I don't have any real need for kuva. +2005-2015,the circlejerk is strong with this one +"Unplug the power cable at night , If IT still does it you might have to get the pope on this",Or call Sam and Dean +"People who hang the toilet paper so it falls over the back of the roll, what the literal fuck is wrong with you?",0 fucks given. +2016 is a political turning point.,"yeah, libetards have had their fucking time in the sun, now it's fucking over no more crybaby agenda's, thank fucking god" +I don't think you'll ever find your answer,"I'm trying to think of how eating fish is anti-feminist, but I can't." +"I have offered in the past, for your information. We are also in a much better place now. And it's parent. Not parents. Also I'm a straight a student. Aren't you quite the asshole?","Mhmm, mhmm, and I'm a ninja turtle." +How that dick feel when it in your ass?,"if he's doing it right and hitting your prostate, every thrust makes you feel like you're having an orgasm." +"Nope, Sandy Hook was real. Fear is a natural reaction to it. But lemme guess Mah Gun matters more.","Well yeah, because even the most biased anti gun study found around 50k defensive gun uses any given year.." +When you set everything up but only have 1 game in common,That glass in the middle is giving me anxiety +"It's crazy how much older he looks right here. He's really started to look his age the past couple months. I think I first noticed it in his video statement after the Access Hollywood tape, but I kinda chalked it up to bad lighting. Here, it seems pretty obvious. Crazy.","Dermatologists, run: Even just running for president makes you look more like FDR." +"gonna get back into osrs Hey long time player thinking about getting back into osrs, the problem is none of my friends play anymore. Is there any clan chats or anything I can join meet some people, chat some shit ect ect....",Dicerz cc is good +"Currently there is no known way to change time. I believe there are many other scientific barriers in place that we as a people must overcome before we reach such a complexity. I believe the ability to change the time comes hand in hand with a complete understanding of the inner workings of our universe and its fundamental laws of physics. There is a belief also held by myself that time is an illusion. There is no decernable difference between yesterday and eons. Any prejudice we hold between one percieved length of time and another is just the result of our warped perception- our conditioning from the moment we achieve consciousness to accept nothing other than beginning, middle and end. Time is and always will be.",I knew this was coming the second I pressed the submit button. +"Yes, that is what I mean. Although, I would take a social moderate/economic conservative, like Romney.","After this election, I miss Romney too." +You belong in a museum Frodo,Who says I don't? +TIL: Jim Cornette wanted Kevin Steen to be called Mr. Cholesterol,LMAO +"Man, when William helped Dolores onto his horse, all you see is her back exposed and ready for an arrow. I'm like Will, are you trying to get her killed?? Then again in those old Westerns the heroes would also dodge bullets and arrows most of the time.",I had those exact thought. +I suppose going to the Gym regularly is a success in a sense.,It's a success in every sense.Koi na rokega tumhe. +"Aw, poor Melania will have to dress in rags.",No she'll just have to buy her own clothes for special events now. +"You know, I think that if we sit FMF down, show them the BILLIONS the ANC is wasting on SOEs and say, There is your free education money, go peacefully protest the ANC, we might actually get somewhere...",How little attention have you been paying that you think they're not angry at the ANC for wasteful expenditure? +The Cowboys did a good job at the end forcing Baltimore to burn their timeouts making it impossible to make a comeback. And did it against that Ravens rush defense. The Cowboys have their future and are going to get tons of assets for Romo.,"Not really Romo has little value with his age, injury history, and contract" +"Help me. So are we out of the playoffs, like for good? Or is there still a chance?","No, but it'll be incredibly difficult for us to get into the playoffs We need to win 3 or 4 of our next 5 and need the Dolphins AND Steelers to each lose 2 more games" +Damn Jeff McLane getting involved! No mercy.,"To be fair, Wentz or not, we are rabid dogs sometimes." +Need some headphone advice for psvr ( not the wireless or surround question) Hi all. Loving my psvr set up at the moment but have one slight niggle. The headphone volume. I'm in a band and work in the construction industry so I tend to like things loud as my hearing isn't as good as most people's Is there a type of headphone that doesn't need a usb connection that I can run through the psvr that has increased volume? I know very little about headphones so any advice would be appreciated. I have been reading about impedance bit that seems to be based on what you are running them through Is there something special wise I should look for,Im not sure about the Playstation Gold headset but i have the Playstation Pulse Elites and they have a volume slider so you can make the sound louder. +Trump is going to Repeal and Replace the Disaster known as Paul Ryan,Cryin Ryan will be BTFO +They've fucked up everything? Wow that's a lot of things,"It is, which is why Trump has such a following." +That was pretty Overdone,You should Tracer cables before assuming it is a deadeye-p +"Lol seriously, Ppl saying shit like its hard to carry as solo q support and what about aphro ? I mean i know that Bio is very good, also i think that soloq doesnt mean anything, but its always cool to joke about pros struggling with korean teenagers ^^","Aphro is almost always Duo, Bio is solo." +"Are you worried about what will happen after the election? It seems to me that regardless of the outcome of the election things are going to get worse. Donald Trump will probably get around 60-70 million votes. That's a large amount of Americans who have bought into ultra-nationalism. If you go on some of the pro-Trump subs it's not hard to find people talking about resorting to violence if Hillary wins. Even if only a minority of his supporters decide to protest/riot, that's still millions of people. The negatives of Hillary Clinton winning go beyond that though. She's actually to the right of Obama on many issues, and I view Obama as a centrist. I think what we're seeing in Standing Rock will only increase, with more militarization of police. Liberals will be so happy that they defeated fascism in Donald Trump that she will be able to get away with virtually anything. She's an ardent imperialist, and I fear she will lead to conflict with Russia. Obviously if Donald Trump wins, we really have no idea what he will actually do but the little that he would be able to accomplish would be incredibly regressive. I'm so ready for this election to be over but I just don't see how anything gets better from here. Wondering if my fellow socialists feel the same.",I predict days if not weeks of angry masturbation +What subreddit do you browse when bored at work?,Work related ones ;) +What do you do to pass time on the toilet?,Shit. +other than that no real problems? I don't mind doing that,"Yea other than that its just a piece of metal, and we've been casting metal reliably as a civilization for over 5000 years." +You win. Good game.,Next time we will put the camera on slow motion and I will run and jump like a man. +What was player discipline like under Paul Tagliabue? I never remember the amount of controversy swirling around it that we see now. Maybe the NFLPA expected that Goodell wouldn't be different in that respect.,"It isn't really comparable because what players do off the field now is magnified much more than it used to be, so the NFL can't just sweep it under the rug." +I was listening at my desk and just had to walk away cuz I was about to laugh so hard when that started.,I about had a psychological meltdown I was laughing so hard at the Stephen Hawking description +How is longer class campaign a bad thing? O.O,It hasn't even been longer for ages now by the way. +This looks like a scam email actually. You know scam spam email.,Great isn't it! +"I am a lifelong Democrat. Careful with generalizations. The conservative justices on the Supreme Court upheld Citizens United. Once we reverse it, and address further reforms, money can hopefully be pulled out of having such influence on the process.",Because money corrupting politics started within this decade. +What browser,Both Chromium and FF +Didn't have me going for one moment ...,They'll use that first minute to smear him after he's dead. +Warlock hovers for eternity Just press the jump button again to stop this eternal hover. It always surprises me some don't know you can cancel it.,"Or just quickly ADS, cancels out the jump aswell (For people who are not using bumper-jumper)." +Nobody hates America's freedom like Americans...,"Only for others, for me its great." +"Trump: Never wrong, never sorry, never responsible",Trump = coward +"I used it to get notifications in my mail when it's people's birthdays, so in the end I just copied them on a piece of paper, pinned it to the wall, and deleted my account.",You are truly a visionary. +Salt. 2 hours of just salt.,"Basically a LoL, CS:GO or Overwatch stream basically." +"Cert. Striker Heatwave, Cert. Acrobat Pink Lightnings Forest Lightnings, Painted Pulsi/Discos, Cert. MG-88, Keys, CC3, Offers",Heatwave for black pulsus? +"Vote for a real progressive, like Jill Stein, or Gloria La Riva if you are a socialist like me!",I'm with Jill +*Fally World 2* Buying GF,F2p pleb +The nutshack theme but every nutshack is replaced by the entire bee movie script,"and every mention of a bee in the script, leads to a replaceent to the nutshack theme which is replaced by the entire bee movie script which every bee is replaced by a binding of isaac run but every time NL says bad damage the nutshack theme starts over again" +Isn't it kinda retarded of Botter to post this ONLINE and then not tell the reason why?,"Its like those idiots on facebook that post a vague status and when somebody asks whats up, they say they dont want to talk about it." +"Managing to flank in a heavy tank is tricky, but when it happens its so hilarious and rewarding. You did well to stay hidden from new tanks spawning in too.","Whenever I manage to flank a Panther II in my T95, I'm laughing like a maniac." +Depressed girl has a tattoo that has a different message from her perspective,At least that girl makes it easy to see she's damaged goods and should be avoided at all cost. +"I am aware of what it is, I was just making a joke. Sadly people do not have a body part that has a slang of piston ring.",Cock ring? +Tell me about it! Fuck her lol!,Plenty of fish etc... +"BREAKING: State Of Texas Officially Withdraws from Federal Refugee Program, will no longer accept refugees starting Jan. 31, 2017.",Evan could you fact check this one on the fly? +WRONG.,###WRONG.### +"Oh bud, you're clearly not in the real world yet. Freedom of Speech is not Freedom of Consequence, anywhere in the world. Especially within Employer/Employee relationships.",I didn't say it was but at the same time getting publicly shamed by hundreds of people isn't a suitable punishment for acting this way it gets out of hand very easily in witch hunts which is why they are against the rules. +"since the last update Am i the only one who thinks the hitreg feels worse? something has definitely changed and not in the good way. The AR seems sluggish now and the recoil feels completely different, surely im not the only one who feels this way","retards should stop feeding them crate money, if you continue to throw money at them do you think they'll care?" +These wait times for the PTR Its like there is another countdown in the arg because of how many people want to play her. This is amazing.,All regions play on the same PTR servers +"Its 1984 In The UK. Man ordered to pay over $500 USD for referring to a Muslim man arrested for threatening teenage girls with a 12 inch knife on Reddit, a monkey. Reddit admins turned over his info to British Police.",The Muslim man who threatened a girl with a knife is a RAPIST MONKEY just like radical Islamist goat-fucker Sadik Khan No offence but it's true +I can't stop gardening!,"Oh god help me, Im so tired!" +A nice guy wouldn't insult his lady like that. Only Chads do this!!!,But what if M'lady is rancid swine? +"No, you don't. A mean email isn't proof of rigging. Your feelings aren't proof of rigging. You do know what the word proof means, right?","All those deleted voter registrations, poorly trained poll workers, siphoning money from state parties to Hill for America was just the work of the Russians." +And James Jones.,And one of eleven other players. +Pretty sure he's a drug cheat given that he doesn't get tired when you do and his rating goes from 60 to max in like 2 weeks,He's definitely putting something in his fresh-squeezed orange juice. +"There doesn't seem to be anything there that isn't boiler plate conference material. I remember a priesthood session where he condemned sport hunting. He also opened up the temple to all worthy people. Sure he was crazy, but his brand of crazy was based in doctrine and the self hate crazy of a deeply closeted gay man. Not sure I'd even put him in the top 10 of crazies.",No way that guy was gay. +Walk through a spider web,"Theres an Undertale joke to be made here, but I'm at work and I honestly can't be bothered." +Trump manager: 'Are you calling him a liar?',Everyone: YES +I'm not being serious. I'm Canadian. I just made a joke people didn't get and doubled down. I think Americans are in a shitty situation either way.,"Ahhh, in that case I think you might want to use this:" +88 Overall Morgan Burnett Chemistry Master Edition with 4 Chems!,Looks like 5 Chems is the max for sure +You should boycott EA for not having long snapper cards.,Don Muhlbach deserves a 99 overall Longsnapper card +"Any Desis who skateboard? So I've seen people of all races skateboard when I'm out in public: East Asian, Black, Hispanic, White, etc. However, I've never seen any Desis skateboard, not even the guys. As for myself, I had been skateboarding during my middle school years, but gave up on it because I had lost interest in it in high school and didn't feel as confident doing it either since I was the only girl that skateboarded. I don't know or why, but I've gotten back into skateboarding after 7 years and I've been feeling pretty happy being able to occupy myself with a hobby. As for my skating capabilities, I can street skate, do a tailslides, and am practicing on my kick-flip. So for those of you that do/did skateboard, how long have you been doing it for, what tricks are able to perform, what type of board(penny, long, or short) do you prefer, and do you think skateboarding is a rare activity done among Desis?","i remember a few emo desi kids that used to skate in high school, i myself wasnt very fond of it, i liked playing ball in the park more.." +PTSD triggered.,"god, when will trigger jokes die" +Lol therein,lol third periods +"Bungie can you tell us when we will get Y3 guns from engrams? I'm sick of seeing byronic heros and apple of discords that could have been palindromes and waltzs Its really hard getting a decent roll on Y3 primaries, especially vanguard/crucible ones and all of us are sick of the Y2 guns by now.",Working as intended +"lol This is INSANE! Just yesterday, the Right was still calling Comey a politically motivated shill because he didn't recommend charges against Hillary, now the Left thinks he's a politically motivated shill for re-investigating Hillary. Poor Comey.",I always recognized the Comey's criminal activities as he used the power of his office to help his republican allies +"I ask because I tried to just plug into mobo yesterday, and the monitor got no signal at all. Yeah it needs to come out, but I would like to use my PC in the meantime. Thought i'd have to switch some setting first before removing the GPU","If the GPU needs to be RMA'd, there's no point in keeping it in your machine." +"Tried that the first time, games were locked. Called Sony and they said easiest way would be to make sub accounts under mine and assured me games would be unlocked.....Still not working. Account is primary under my own ps4",Primary on their system. +I agree with it! Fuck those kids because the kids a grade later than them werent taught well enough to complete the totally reasonable standardized tests to satisfaction.,Its so the grade above can have a self understanding year after HS and still be competitive +"This article makes zero sense. If we're in a simulation, we're most likely simulated. There's little to no reason to expect that you could break out since we are likely a part of the simulation itself.",Explain the reasoning behind your claim of the probability (and don't just post a link to the simulation argument) +"Question About Post Citadel Fighters Good morning everyone, I know I'm a bit late to this, but I've just returned to the game a couple weeks ago and am curious about this. With the introduction of tech 2 fighters, is Fighters V a must now? I know before it was a 25% increase to damage, however now it's just 5%. But after that 5% you're able to use tech 2 fighters. Is this 50 day train worth it? I want to get settled in my Archon/Nid as soon as I can, but don't want to skip this train if it's going to result in a huge DPS drop. Thanks in advance for any help!","The difference is big, particularly on ewar drones like Sirens." +"In the MTG cards, goblins are named for the sound their mothers make during childbirth.","That explains a lot, actually." +Anyone can see hidden content on 3dm forum?,"Wrong sub mate, try r/piracy or r/piratedgames" +"Back up photos only in Google Photos? Is there a way to only back up photos, rather than having videos back up and upload also? I am using it to free space on my phone, and it takes far too long to load a video again that has been uploaded and deleted from my device.","no such option in official app, you could automatically copy videos to other non synchronized folder by using different app though videos are more likely take more space than photos so saving space wise it doesn't make much sense unless you shoot very few very short in low resolution" +"That's not them being sexualised within a homosexual context. Think of the women [well, female hosts] kissing each other and so on. That's performative homosexuality meant to titilate the male audience. Where is the same between male hosts to titilate the women in the audience?",That Emmy-worthy banter between Sylvester and Felix doesn't count? +Made this crop top from leggings and thrifted these mom jeans. Thoughts ?,looks dope! +Total Distance traveled in terms of the diameter of the Earth. Total number of words said. Number of people spoken to (in person/total) Number of times all the cells in a part of your body died and were replaced with new cells.,"Ratios of words spoken, ratios of words typed, and differences between the two stats." +"Well that is a surprise to see. Congrats on the mighty, and yes you should get a stand. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit jealous.",I didn't expect it until the 28th... Surprised me too! +China's navy seizes unmanned US Navy vehicle in international waters of South China Sea,"I'm sure Trump will handle incidents like this with logic, reason, and tact." +Aurelion Sol Bug that Bjergsen saw released by Riot Staff via Twitter,When couldn't he see alistar o.O +"I took some high quality photos of most of my collection today, gauging interest on a gallery post, thoughts? They sit nicely as desktop wallpapers.","High quality pictures, execute the rule of 2/3rds more" +Im holding firm he will run for emperor of Louisiana once he retires. He will abolish both the house and senate and appoint himself supreme ruler of the courts. BREESEMPEROR2020,Unfortunately he is the High King of Louisiana. +"149 for 300MB, 299 for 2GB, 499 for 4GB. It's not really that good.",Chortel 2.0 +Second device! Why would the first be construction materials then?,"Exactly, fuck the BS narrative" +This is a comment to say if I weren't poor I'd give you gold. And I'm too lazy to link up the reddit silver imgur image so. Imagine that.,I'm flattered by your hypothetical appreciation. +"I agree with you, but at the end of the day you won't know about any of that when you look at their CV. All you'll see is a degree grade and chances are you (and most other employers) will pick the 2.1 over the 3rd.","For University, what are the grades?" +Did the feed just drop for everyone?,as soon as he mentioned obama and the fed. +They'll be glad they did.,"I was just about to say that it was probably a very smart move, otherwise everything would be worth a fifth less right now." +"ELITIST HILLARY CLINTON HAS NOTHING BUT CONTEMPT FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE says Drumpf camp. He truly is a man for the middle class, isn't he folks?","To be fair, Trump is trashy, racist and sexist thereby making him more in touch with certain earthy Americans than Hillary Clinton." +My collection of graphics cards so far! Damn it feels good,That looks like a museum of antiquities than a collection. +Caucasian is another name for white people. The Caucasus is a region in Russia.,Hitler hated Slavs though. +Don't complain or he might spit on your letters - oh wait that's restaurants.,"If the restaurants are spitting on your letters, I daren't imagine what you've done to piss them off." +I detest Family Guy so I'm not imminently familiar but it is a reach to.say Peter is a parody of Archie Bunker. The Intro sure.,He's not a parody of any one specific character from anything. +"Raiders will give up over 6,000 passing yards this season","On the plus (ha...) side, Carr will throw for 5,000 and 30-something TDs if our offense keeps on the same track." +LOSER rocks UT flair from end of the regular season to end of post season?,"fair enough, but can I chose my secondary flair?" +Within 20 minutes of being on steam there will be like 10 mods to replace all the player models with naked anime girls.,Most endorsed of all time in no time! +In Chevy We Trust. Praise be.,"Looks like a good GM, the Jets have some great young guys" +"We all know what happens when Germans try to take over the world, right? Especially when they're trying to get rid of another race.",With Japan help. +But arnt felons not allowed to vote?,Only once convicted. +Pm'd,Replied. +"Well that's actually two ideologies so I'll assume that your not trying to move the goalposts so to speak and just miss typed ideologies **Nationalism:** - No shit. The leader of a country is elected to act in the best interests of that country. Every leader is a nationalist. The comparison you should be making is the degree to which they subject other nationalities compared to their own. I would suggest comparing Hitler's ideas, which he expressed freely in his writings and pre politician days of trying to overthrow the government with Trump's. I don't think he's tried to overthrow the Government, but mind you I could be wrong as I've never watched the apprentice? What Nationalistic ideals were portrayed on the Apprentice? And alternatively which book of his that he has written, (he's written a few so obviously he's out Hitlering Hitler) does he talk about invading neighbouring countries for living space for Americans? I must confess I've only read the Art of the Deal, which country is a better target for living space? Mexico or Canada? I would assume Mexico because of Cancun and such, but if Canada was invaded then Alaska wouldn't be lonely, so I guess both have their charms. **Authoritarianism** - Funny thing about Hitler, he actually lost the election and was given a position of power. So comparisons between Hitler and Trump fall flat because Hitler was a loser, he lost at Art school, he lost at WW1, he lost at invading Britain, he lost at invading the Soviet Union, he lost at fighting the US, he lost against the battle to maintain two testicles. Trump on the other hand, as you well know, is a winner. In fact all he does is win, in fact some of his supporters are known to tire of the winning. But he doesn't care, because winners aren't losers. A much better comparison would actually be crooked hillary clinton. As someone who has shown flagrant disregard for the law and democratic process in their quest for power (just like Hitler and his beer hall putsch) they eventually turn to legitimate means and despite momentum and early favouritism, eventually lost. But they are then later given a position of power to placate and control them. (Hitler was given the chancellor position) Obama gave hillary the secretary of state position. But unfortunately she grew outside Obama's control and once again used the position for her own ends to arrange bribes and weapon deals with American's enemies in ISIS via Saudi Arabia and Qatar, as well as using charitable funds to lavish on her family's wedding (Just like Hitler abused his position of Chancellor for his own ends) Hitler then used a crisis to seize power, the burning down of the reichstag, which was later revealed to be created by him, rigged if you will. (just like the crisis of Bernie who it turns out was a plant all along in a rigged contest) Drunk on power Hitler then overreached and declared war on America who then rose up and promptly defeated Hitler, further cementing his reputation as a loser. (Just like hillary overreached and awoke the sleeping giant in Trump who proved she was a loser once and for all) So you were actually pretty close with your point. You were almost there squirt. I want you to focus on that for me, ignore the almost 300,000 people that will see this on The_Donald and laugh at you, don't let the people on this forum's derision get to you. I want you to promise me you'll focus on the positives, that you almost had a coherent thought about Hitler. Don't blame yourself, I mean there were 2 candidates and you had to call one of them Hitler, it was basically a coin toss. You shouldn't feel bad about getting a coin toss wrong. Especially when one side is Hitler.",You do know Russia won WWII? +Which movie would be boring if its plot is literally its title?,The Accountant. +The SPLC is a bullshit Uber leftists group that attempts to label anything they don't like as racist.,Their aims are a bit more nuanced than it seems like you would prefer. +I'm 18 and I gotta start speaking in street slang that they would understand at workplace.,Yo dis place smell like shit ya-mean +Hillary Clinton lost so hard she found religion and is preaching scripture.,# LORD KEK HAS SPOKEN +What do the aliens normally eat?,Any carbon based lifeform. +Heyyyy... thats pretty good,I have Osteoporosis +"i think the game needed bossing though, without gwd we'd be left with KBD and a mole",Game would of died long ago. +"This doesn't make any sense, our fanbase constantly shits on him",and yet he's still overrated! +"My name is MH2, and I'm a toxic. I get toxic when I get triggered. I get drunk, get triggered, become toxic to he who pulled the trigger. Never threatening and specific stuff. No, I *expletive* your mom or stuff like that. .. But I will What a save back to them with all my might. My focus is no longer on playing well, now I'm consumed by rage. Level of play deteriorates and I'm not a helpful teammate. I guess what I'm getting at is if you are susceptible to toxicity, then you a little toxic yourself. Semantics I guess","^^What a lil' sensitive both , like OP." +Cipher S7 Text-Free Artwork Collection,Best FE6/FE7 girl Lyn got a damn good card Best Lord of all time Hector got a pretty damn good card I'm pretty happy with this. +Here's Johnny!,Redrum. +"That's not fast. And it appears to be a street with 2 lanes on either side, not exactly a narrow side road.",And he stops in less than three of four car lengths can't be too too fast. +"I'm a white cis male, ask me anything.",How does it feel knowing you are at fault for everything? +*hour,*minute. +"It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it",I don't think even Mike Rowe would do *that* dirty job! +I'll bet deep down you think you're not a racist.,"I'll bet you openly think the people in that video aren't racist, but I am for making fun of them." +"MensLib, aka, Men Behaving Badly (Or: Trump won, now take a good hard look at yourself)",What a shit-show. +A story of revenge,Shrekt +Purposefully stooping to their level and using it as an example of their hypocrisy isn't intellectually honest. The CES Letter is about clear verifiable evidence that the church is false.,"FAIR point, now how can it be remedied/fixed?" +"Negative amplifiers are not supported, so this is high unlikely to be added.",Obviously this suggestion includes making negative amplifiers supported. +"Is there a reason in particular you smoke weed besides for you just like it? Im curious what other stoners reasons are. Personally and its a bit dark but I smoke daily because its the only thing getting the thoughts of death out of my head for a while and lets me function as a normal person. Also i smoke because i love the shit music, art, food everythings better.",Helps my anxiety +3 fucking years. Thats how long that cunt has been saying she loves Gay people^for-there-votes,That's literally 3 years longer than Drumpf has been asking for votes. +Not Fair,But that's their culture. +Bras. And underwear.,"Victoria's Secret currently has a 50% select bras sale going on, btw" +So have you heard of him?,"Nope, but I didn't shop around for a surgeon because I'm Canadian and I went to the same surgeon everyone goes to." +"Well, there's a *bit* more of a learning curve than that.","Yeah, I need to know!" +Can we all get on the same page and collectively agree that Legacy is actually dying now?,I know I buy all my expensive legacy staples off craigslist... +"They don't want to give it, they're just addicted to women, so they have to. Women try to get men addicted to them, then take their money. Should more men try to get women addicted to heroin so that they can take their money and sex too?",comparing women to drugs lmaooooooo +"Explainign It's me message So I don't know if somone already made this theory, if yes let me know. So today I was thinking about the It's me messages that appear randomly in the first 2 games. So as it was probably discussed already, the crying child is mostly becomes Golden Freddy. The dream theory makes the fnaf 1 events just the crying child's dreams. When Golden Freddy appears in fnaf 1 it usually writes out It's me. What I can assume of this that the crying child's knows that he is Golden Freddy. He knows that he is in that suit. That's why the It's me message appears.. It's him. What do you guys think?","......the dream theory says all of the games are dreams, meaning Goldie was never real." +The Son nor the Spirit created the world. The Father of all things created all things *through* the Son. The Son did not forgive sins because he was God - he forgave sins because as the Danielic Son of Man he was granted by God the authority to forgive sins upon the earth.,That's a fine belief to have... but it is not supported by the reading of scripture. +At what RPM do you guys shift with a cold engine? I always read about people saying how you should push it only when it's warmed up enough. But I basically do short drives every day on my NA6 Miata. Around what RPM should I shift when my engine is cold?,I shift Whenever the engine goes waanananananananana! +"That, and season two of Firefly.","No, that just proves that all Fox execs are in the special hell." +Egyptian airstrikes on militants in the Sinai,Mission planning looks none too sophisticated. +"USB 3.0 ports can sometimes cause things to happen, like display jitter. Some folks have no problem with 3.0, but for those who are experiencing problems with their Vive, the first thing to try is switch to a USB 2.0 port.",Alright I have it plugged to 3.0 but If i have any problems i will switch to 2.0 +But it's obvious what the motivation for and effect of substituting a dragon for a bear is. Which is better is clearly dependent on your views on the issue in question in the first place.,"Yes, to a presuppositionalist a bear in a cave may not even be sufficiently likely." +The system works!,Get off of Reddit and figure out Smart Track! +It's destiny,no its IW +Plot Twist: He named his penis little sis and sings to it everynight as he masturbates thinking about the guy upstairs,Shyamalan-style plot twist: The sis died years ago. +I can't be the only one who doesn't give a shit if we're 2 or 3. The end result is exactly the same. 1 or 2 is a big deal and so is 3 or 4. And 4 or 5. But 2-3 doesn't matter.,I like wearing orange more than white so it's a pretty big deal +"Got it. I thought that might be the case, but I wanted to clarify for anyone who thought driving while high was more acceptable than speeding.",Because you have the Supreme opinion on the matter +Animated horror shorts to watch in the dark,The only YouTube video I've ever saved is The Backwater Gospel. +"Did you see the guy's post about getting 100,000,000 xp in a weekend? He spent $12/hr to play (lucky eggs, incubators, lures) and grinded 18 hours a day. Or maybe it was 1,000,000 xp.","Boy, I bet that was worth it." +"Haha, one tweet: DOOM IS NOT ON TWITTER",I feel like a legitimate DOOM twitter would be hilarious if it was in-character +"Hate Week: Why is your team's rivalry the best rivalry? We hear all about how every damn rivalry is the best rivalry in the country. Share personal experiences, stories, jokes, history, anything that makes your team's rivalry the best in America.",We hate each other so much we won't have anything to do with each other. +"I've not made that argument, fyi. Skills like cleric stance enforce a memorisation-based design of content, as any random or branching events would simply put healers into a position where they have to stay out of cleric stance because they don't know what damage might be coming out next and whether they can react to it quickly enough. Dropping cleric stance will allow content where healers have to play more reactively, instead of relying on precasting and memorising safe cleric stance windows.",the game doesnt need to be any easier +"It's not, theoretically, unless both teams are working extremely hard to make sure the game lasts that long, due to the fact of minions reaching portals or minions getting killed by Gods making the enemy lose tickets.","You can pause the game in FACEit, it's the more likely cause." +the lobby lag is cancer,"reminder: different teams for balance, release skins, and maintenance gyfr" +"That article just made me rage. No wonder faggot nerds like him leave the country because here people would call him a chutiya on his face if says this shit in Public. Nice bragging about your kid being a Math geek or whatever, he's in school that shit doesn't matter.",I think he is just writing keywords to come up in internet results mr modi modi modi kyun gaand mari meri gets you views and that is most important +"Yeah just look at Blank who has won every title by being carried by the GOAT, the Jungle, the best ADC and two world class teammates",He got carried by Kindred? +"Write a haiku for my West Highland terrier? She's a good doggo, promise.but",A good doggo but A faithful companion but The question is what +I think at this point I'm just angry with whoever does unethical shit,So... Every politician ever? +ADCs cant do anything agains zed ADCs cant do anything agains zed why cant u QSS zed ult anymore?,"Most ADCs aren't designed to 1v1, you need your team to peel for you."