diff --git "a/chunk73.csv" "b/chunk73.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/chunk73.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,1668 @@ +Input,Output +Relevant username? How is that relevant? Am I missing something?,"His username is u/ExtraLargeCheezPizza which could indicate that he is not a well fit, slim person." +THIS GAME WILL LEAVE YOU SPEECHLESS... | We Become What We Behold,"Oh look, it's Traditional Media: The Game" +Elizabeth sellout Warren! Just another phony rich democrat looking to pad their bank account!,Making that anti-wall street bank! +I can't believe how racist Greece is. I'm glad their economy is in ruins.,u forgot an +What's your point exactly?,That just because something's made up doesn't mean you have to tell people! +"Guess people aren't allowed to have an opinion on shit. I said this guy is a great guitarist, but I think this tap shit is played out. There's a million people doing it, and it just doesn't sound good. It's like masturbating when being in a band is fucking. Harmony is a powerful thing.",i think blues is played out cause so many people play it +Can he actually do that,A Kannada film is releasing this week and the producers have instructed single screen owners to take old notes so film won't flop because of demonetisation. +Season 1 review (Finally in Australia),I don't understand the purpose of the second guy +"Which iPad would you buy today for music? It feels like the iPad Air 2 is getting a little long in the tooth, but I'm not sure I like the price premium for an iPad Pro 9.7 My main use case will be to replace and/or augment a lot of the gear (Volcas, Novation Circuit, sometimes Microbrute) that I carry to my weekly jams. Would the Air 2 be good enough, or should I just say fuck it and get the Pro? Know my luck, I'll buy the Air 2, and then the following week Apple will announce an Air 3 and price drops on the older models... The Pro would not be subject to such disappointment, hopefully.","I've got an Air 2 and it hasn't let me down so far, even when running multiple apps through AUM the DSP % meter barely ticks above 40%." +Nice. Which bank? I didn't know there were any banks in Canada that had that. Awesome!,HSBC has that. +"Farming T5 last night for fun, boss died in mid-divebomb","Ah, back when dots still held during jumps." +That doesnt explain the porn though,You can't ever explain the porn. +Is your Johnson in?,That's sexist +You should blog 'bout that! Put that shit on myspace!,Agreed! +Enzo dabs at least once every appearance.,Huh...I only watch the Youtube clips so they edit that out. +"curious, how did it end up? i dropped a few tenths in the last couple of hours but i wasn't near 1%",I'm still in the top 1%. +"wait, an out of position ADC dying to an assassin? no way! next shit post please",yes because in last clip he surely was out of position being inside circle of 4 teammates +"10/13/16 WRESTLER COMPLIMENTS!!! This thread its meant to spread positivity! At this point, do I even need to tell you what this is, read the title. Example of compliment: Roman Reigns is getting cooler and cooler every time I see him with that belt. Example non-compliment: I want Roman Reings to die in a car crash and for his family to mourn his grave while I laugh in his child's face. :)",Kevin Owens exists. +What's that one from amigo?,Kickstarter TV - Episode 17/Trailer +"What?! No, majority of us never goes to a Latvian or Lithuanian beach! That was a strange claim to hear... That bit that some beaches have unused tourism potential is true; however, you must have been really unlucky to have seen such fertilizer pollution. There definitely are some polluted places, but they are isolated and rare.",To be honest.. our beaches are more sandy and nice. +"these aren't actually spas, you know...",Yeah I know. +Many orrrr all? I kid I kid,Har har har har +(You should ask him),"I'm studying aerospace engineering and I liked Star Wars, I don't have a 150 iq tho..." +"They're not even that great of profit. (no, not because of the bots.)","You never know how much they would impact, but yeah airut bones take the place so that is other reason" +Driving towards an EF3 tornado,Darwing towards an EF3 tornado +Less negotiating power.,So we should be implying we have job offers at other places? +For a small fraction of the appointments. The ones they did call out weren't shady.,Factually incorrect. +Attacking your competition's record as a lawmaker is what you do as a political candidate.,Particularly when your own record (Clinton) looks much worse in comparison. +"Calm people of reddit, How are you so calm?",This too shall pass +isnt that more of a glitch than a mechanic?,"wouldn't say so, if i run/jump and throw something it goes further." +A Little War Of Mine,"'This is why I miss Papa Britain, you red oaf.'" +Farewell fellow bardians Today I just uninstalled to better focus on school and my career in music. Just wanted to thank this community for everything over the past couple years. This sub helped me climb and provided nothing but encouragement for me <3 ~Ootay~,Godspeed <3. +Nah I'm in the UK too an d we don't apart from mobiles. I'm also on 3 just to get that tasty internet all the time. I usually use 20GB on my phone data monthly.,Hell there are even unlimited data caps for 4g networks in the uk +Struck the landing,"horrible display of fat shaming on their part, they should be ashamed of themselves." +What does 'missing' mean?,There has been no credible proof of life evidence despite many requests..Its best to read some threads at r/WhereIsAssange to judge for yourself. +Splitting up Math Education,I think the problem is that it would take along time (and money) to show that one structure is better than another and how we define better is subjective. +Brah. Your dude has 2/3 of his goals in one game.,But he is snakebitten so that stat doesn't matter! +"Armchair GM / Trade Rumours Thread! November 30, 2016 Here is a place for all of your wacky Armchair GM ideas! Lay it out there, think HFBoards meets reddit. Questions about potential future signings, trade proposals, and what Eklund is saying this week is all fair game. Who knows, maybe Kyle Dubas reads reddit ;) Most of all, as always, have fun and be nice to each other!",Nyander + for Hamilton amirite guys +"*Another* Arma clone? Can you name some of them, I'm curious.",VBS +Hey!!! Our president promotes it so it must be ok! Be a good murucan and hate people who aren't white,"Oh for fucks sake, be mature for once in your life and take responsibility for your own ignorance, don't blame it on anyone else." +Still not worth the retail. Fun game. Not 60$ fun.,Ok +Time and time again I see this same fast food company being shilled on Reddit. This is about the 50th time already,"Everyone's hating on Arby's and on shilling in the comments, but somehow it still has thousands of upvotes......" +...yes?,Correct. +Round differential is an accurate measurement of performance over a season with home and away games.,You forgot your +Ubisoft wants some more money! Fuck us right?,"Yes, how terrible for them to want to continue to exist as a company and for the game to be financially viable." +Do I get to do it in this demo? Just got to the seaside place. Just running around checking everything out ATM and getting used to the combat.,"Nope- main game only, few areas like that in the demo" +Then do so. You are living to work rather than working to live.,"Ya, 4 hours of sleep is plenty" +Missing a 50 yarder off a bad snap? Please.,"The Icing killed him, he made the first kick right before the timeout was called, just bad luck really." +Who says this? Where?,"Nobody, it's just made-up gibberish." +Asking to fuck isn't body shaming somebody.,It's rude and disrespectful all the same. +"For a guy that wears glasses, Von Miller is pretty stupid.",I guess he must be wearing fakes. +This is what liberals actually believe,Charge ur phone +WHY IS THE PRESIDENT ELECT STILL TWEETING ABOUT THE NEW YORK FUCKING TIMES!!!! DUDE FOR FUCKS SAKE DONT YOU HAVE LITERALLY ANYTHING BETTER TO DO?,Truly presidential guys. +Yeah. And honestly it's a bit annoying that Blizzard made fun of the complaints instead of actually addressing them considering the complaints were spot on.,fuck those losers +You know when you see a word so much that it stops looking like a word?,Semantic fucking satiation. +Are you logged in to a wikia account and/or do you use adblock?,"i use adblocker but it laggd even before i had that, and no i do not have a wikia account" +"Quite the opposite for me. Thinking back, I wasn't much of an edgelord. I was just kind of naive and stupid. If 28-year-old me would show up in the past to tell 18-year-old me to be less of an edgelord, I'd wonder what the hell happened to make me that boring, and dive right into the edgelordy stuff to cancel out whatever caused this horrible fate to befall me. I'd become the edgelord to rule all edgelords.",The edgeKanye +So basically people are starting to enjoy mildly interesting pictures of the earth that make you go *awwww* and DJT... what an odd combo.,Well that's mildly interesting. +"No problem, buddy!","I'm not your buddy, pal." +Inb4 lol Big 12 defenses suck,"Bruh, Big XII is the premier conference for pass defenses." +the struggle,Creative use of the extra 500 Rs note some guy would be having. +it's completely reasonable: * narcissist * felt entitled to win * accuses others of playing dirty when they were the one playing dirty * manipulative * throwing tantrums when they don't get their way * lost the popular vote * revisionist fans who want to claim that their disgusting behaviour never happened or was taken out of context.,"Oh yeah I agree and Alaska is a huge fan of homophobia, sexual assault, and racism" +I'm hoping that he used his work email to hire male escorts. That would be exciting to see him defend that.,But he would just be meeting with to convince them to try his conversion therapy. +To people driving trucks and 4wd,It does when my bed is full of weight. +Anyone 'member that family guy episode when ole Quagmire finds out about the Internet and then he beats his meat so savagely that one arm is hulk hogan and the other is regular? I 'member.,'member Ronald Reagan? +There were user ratings at the restroom stall I pooped in this morning.,"Hey guys; this stall wall says Bush did 9/11, is that true?" +"Franzbook. Like Facebook, but only for people named Franz.",Franzbook connection .edu +LOL should we ask the U.S. javelin Olympians who they're voting for? How about the field hockey team--should they weigh in too?,Answer my fucking question. +Here's what you should be counting for weight loss (hint: it's not calories!),Am I the only one who is disturbed by the avocados in the fridge? +"No, that's not what he's trying to say. Assuming you have won the lottery, it is more likely that you get into an accident while checking, then it was likely for you to win in the first place. The instance in which you either get into a wreck, or don't, assumes that you have already won the lottery, so it doesn't affect the odds at all.",You just rephrased what I already said twice. +We're off to a great start today aren't we,I don't see anything out of the ordinary here. +Apparently he changed to this style because what he was doing in attack attack because what he was doing then was really harmful but the way he screams now isn't. I think he spoke about it on the lead singer syndrome podcast.,I'll check that out! +"When that drama happened, he was not even remotely used to NA culture and their language so it was just his emotions after a bad round.","LMFAO the bias in this thread is unreal, i cant even tell if some of this stuff needs an" +"Movement powers as is, was breaking the engine on lower-end machines (Read: PS4/XB1) They didn't change them for gameplay reasons, that was just the spin.","Well according to some people on this sub, Gaz couldn't possibly be disingenuous, so IDK who to believe anymore." +Celebrate the Paralympics,It's not offensive enough xD +It also makes it super easy to figure out who the decoy is and it might be something that also happens to samuro's decoys. I'm posting it on the official blizz bug forum.,Guess what this also happens with Samuro's clones +Fuck off. Fuck right off.,lel +"He won Wisconsin and Michigan, the two states Clinton *needed* Add in Virginia with Kaine as VP pick and you've got yourselves a democratic socialist president",He would not have won Wisconsin and Michigan. +See you at the internment camp!,I am sure they will let you out to vote next November. +He's black and has a hand! It's probably going to reach for a gun soon! Shoot!,A man with arms isn't unarmed. +And so the prophecy is fulfilled.,And thus a martyr was born. +I've got an extra Force Awakens code for Disney Movies Anywhere. First person to guess my favorite SW character gets it!,Leia Organa +"Don't forget about r/The_Hofer, or r/The_Wilders, r/The_Europe, r/The_Frauke, etc.",Wow Trump supporters are so sexist backing two female candidates! +I've been off the grid for a few days. Source that it's untrue? I don't see a problem with this if they're working for the administration. The media treats them like they're 15 instead of respected leaders in their late 30s.,That reasonable outlook you have doesn't belong here +Wonder how long it'll take for Breitbart to float the idea that the Weather Channel is a front for a snuff film company.,Weather has a clear liberal bias +"Twitter has suspended the accounts of several members of the American alt-right movement, including the leader of a white nationalist think tank.",Thank you Twitter for proving them right. +Guy rescues a kangaroo from a cattle grid,"Aye, a lil help, mate." +RED ALERT! WikiLeaks on Twitter: Julian Assange's internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party. We have activated the appropriate contingency plans.,Wikileaks posted on twitter +"ELI5: how can we categorize Trump's election as white rage (58-37), while a Clinton victory wouldn't have been considered black rage (88-8), Latino rage (65-29) or Asian rage (65-29)?","Yeah, 'cause why would black people want rights and freedoms, amirite?" +This is a hint for Milky Chance,Not super into EDM so i have no idea who getter is but I would def like to see milky chance so I hope this happens. +Watch the movie then judge for yourself if Kreis was coerced to say what he said. It looks like the documentarian caught genuine moments to me. Watch the movie then judge.,Quote the part you're saying proves Kreis was happy with his level of control over decisions? +"As half of an interracial couple, my husband and I often have people assuming that we're not together (getting yelled at by TSA to wait my turn because they said only one family at a time). The cringe is usually pretty hard when the realize their mistake.",I used to to date a black girl and shit like this would happen all of the time. +Umm,Thanks for taking that pic while you were driving. +Have you ever experienced a situation so weird/absurd you thought it HAD to be a social experiment and what happened next?,I let two pranksters to smoke out my house to see if my kids can come out +Vote for the Republican instead.,Fuck you +...wonder why,drain the swamp? +"Fair point, but for an obese leader of a starving nation, there is something more important than a right not to be teased.",But it's not his fault he lives in a food desert. +"So if I'm understanding this correctly, Electrum almost acts as a mixer in the sense of obscuring the possible identifying data (since one transaction is lumped together with so many others).","If only IP addresses were the only identifying information, then yes :)" +Spurs to retire Number 21 on December 18th.,"Man, riding on Robinson/Parker/Ginobili/Leonard's cotails really paid off" +"It's only retarded if military members are not receiving an adequate level of small arms training. If they are not, why are they in the military? What y'all doing with those budgets?",A radar repairer probably doesn't have Rambo skills (Unless he's trying to pick up chicks) +"New (Old) Idea for Deca We need to make this game harder, not easier. There isn't a challenge anymore because there are so many players that steamroll events and dungeons, and even if you die it is so easy to obtain powerful items that it doesn't even matter. The ROTMG market is horrible because it's so easy for people to run dungeons. This is something that has been long-due; after a few years almost everyone has a maxed legendary or divine pet now, and it's too easy to run dungeons and get tops. We need to balance it out. Also, this is coming from someone who has 4 accounts with 100 level pets, so don't try to pull ad hominem on me. Make STs soulbound drops (they should have been in the first place). Make tops soulbound or get rid of them and revert back to old tops being the highest level. Stop making new UT abilities; there are already enough. Make the rarer white bag items actually good compared to tiered items so that they're actually worth getting. For example, give Crown +6 Def and give Bracer 80 HP and 80 MP instead of 60. Lower UB rings to the proper +160, not +180, and make Decades Rings soulbound white bags from shatters and and +180 HP. Multiply drop rates of high tiered items by 1/3rd or 1/4th to help restore the market surplus. Double the gold price of dungeon keys. Etc.",wait since when is crown and bracer worse than tiered rings? +Massive Amount of GOMTV Lag During TL vs Immortal (ESL),"Fairly typical from ESL, it's a shame they are the industry leader." +Dream road to the final for VP,Not really. +"I'm from Canada and I would vote Bernie, but is it possible that the demographics which participated in those polls are almost solely Bernie supporters who are biased by their own decision? Genuinely curious, it does look really suspicious.",This is the correct answer. +"If you were in a room with a hundred people, what's one unique thing you can do that the other 99 can't?",Play oud. +What is Canada?,"Hey, everybody, delete your answers by tomorrow that this kid's teacher doesn't catch him plagiarizing." +Why is Dan so enthusiastic about Wendy's?,Because he's fat of course. +"Not sure where you live, but I live in the deep south and this is some serious shit around here. Last year I was walking into Walmart and the greeter said some generic holiday greeting (I wasn't honestly paying attn), and the woman walking in behind me completely lost her mind. I mean she was hysterical because the greeter didn't say Merry Christmas. This is far from the only time I've seen someone get upset about it, but it was by far the worst. People take the War On Christmas seriously in these parts.","Unless the person was shopping on December 25, in which case they were a heathen, Merry Christmas is only one day." +Reals over feels.,Truthiness +Wouldn't it save the government some cash? And obviously give people that want to die the option to do so. Gay marriage and euthanasia have wasted so much time. It should just be brought in and scratched off the list.,You insensitive arse... we've got the delicate and delusional sensibilities of the religious wankers to care about before we show any care for dying humans or gay people who can't help how they feel about people with the same genitals. +We care plenty. Why is Syria our responsibility and not the responsibility of the nations in the region?,Clearly you don't get what caring means and what we means +Geneva convention: attempting to make war polite,*humane FTFY +RIP Joe McKnight,RIP +"Lol that look of oh god, so this is how it ends",I feel like OhGodThisIsHowItEnds needs to be a sub +"I don't think this is fair the US simply doesn't have players good enough to challenge Costa Rica. Guys like Bolanos, Venegas, Watson, Mattarita are just better than US players. No way can the US Pool match that level of talent and that's before we get to guys like Joel Campbell who blows any US attacker out of the water as no one not even Donovan or Dempsey would make Arsenals reserves like him. If Kinsman had Costa Rica's players he would have won the world cup.",Nice try troll +"I think it was more of him being a stupid 13 year old and being excited about buying weed. Obviously he's not going to light up in the middle of class, ya dingus",highLIGHTER +as opposed to the alive-and-well epithets of the right?,SJW IDENTITY POLITICS SAME AS IF YOU PUT WHITE NOT RACIST MAGA YOU LOST +"Final Count: Hillary Clinton Won Popular Vote by Over 2.86 Million, Or 2.1 Percent",Votes for a woman are only worth 3/5ths. +If you want strange fees for *everything* come to Japan.,"I've never heard that before, can you elaborate?" +And the AFL is the only reason for that disparity. We're tied post-merger,Being the worst team in the AFL for a number of years certainly hurt us. +wow they said we were over reacting lol,I VOTED TRUMP! +"I would kill for a sitcom of Obama, lil Bush, and Clinton just palling around.",I had forgotten all about Lil Bush! +Has anyone tried price matching games from the PSN store to Amazon. Wanna know for future reference.,"You should try it, Amazon seems to make exceptions on a case by case basis, but I have a feeling since it's digital goods (opposed to physical) it might not be standard" +Why do I strongly feel that Bernard is a host ?,"Yeah at this point the it would be more of a twist if he wasn't a host,I think that's going to be one of the sadist moments when he realizes his whole life is a lie" +Not just cartoons either. Getting real tired of it being not just acceptable but normal to portray fathers as morons. Girls need positive role models and affirmation through TV but boys need to be told that they're lazy idiots.,Dont need positive role models when your the default better gender. +First grader learning about internet,"Kids just don't learn the important things anymore, like cursive" +You could find his plans to lower taxes for the wealthy on his website. I don't know why anyone thought he was ever going to help the middle class.,Yeah but everyone knows trickle down economics works +#THE,SWAMP +"Yeah, this ain't a NDA. This is broadly a non compete. But even that's a stretch. I don't think there is any way to enforce this with current laws. Maybe he can change that.","To me it sounds like a non-compete, I don't see how it wouldn't be enforceable if companies can currently do it to their employees which prevents them from joining competitors" +I knew this guy from school. I was 14 and he was 18.,I feel sooo uncomfortable for you. +Still hoping it can top Closer as #1 on the charts,Nah black Beatles is number 1 on billboard +This person has their priorities straight.,"here you dropped this," +Australia ranked among worst developed countries for climate change action,I'm sure the Carmichael mine will slow climate change +Racist cisphobic bigots harass our Vice President! When will the hate end?,"he would probably need to make a public explanation of his personal feelings about it the left feels like he's going to force gay kids into conversion prayer therapy & make you pay for funerals for a miscarriage... but if he made a public explanation, or a promise to treat everyone fairly or w/e, they'll probably switch everything he says around so that it makes them the victim still somehow" +There's one more shitty game changing call in this game. I feel in my bones.,Fuck. +Commenter recommends nephew of deceased man leave his massive porn collection in public for teens to take,Finding a homeless guy's porn stashed in the woods.... good times.... +"You know what's funny, but not ha-ha funny? The fact that the stalker sub will see what you just wrote and sanctimoniously handwring over how those evil TERFs just wished rape on someone. And they'll ignore that the someone was a huge, intimidating bully, who lay in wait for a college-aged woman half his age in a place that *they* wish to openly include people like him in, who applied his fists to her face to punish her for telling him to stop talking over her, who tried to forcefully insert his (no doubt silky-smooth and sweet-smelling) transladypenis into the body of the woman he was brutalizing, who knocked out her teeth because she had the audacity to not focus on including him above all things. He was so *triggered* that he just *had* to force her to be sorry for it, right? That's what they're going to focus on. How *mean* we are to think he deserves a taste of his own fucking medicine.",there's a stalker sub but we are the hate group +"I'll admit I totally have terf bangs, but so do a good third of the women in my ~hip neighbourhood. It's a weird meme because I would have expected them to stereotype terfs as having butchy short cuts. If short blunt bangs are associated with anything, it's Bettie Page fangirls!",Michelle Obama started the bang trend +Yeah Ed Oliver has 0% chance. G5 players don't win the Heisman and defensive players don't win the Heisman. He's both of those things.,It's sad but true +A year will make little to no difference. $1200 GPUs run 4K games at 30-35 FPS. There's no way we'll see a $399-$499 Scorpio with full 4K gaming support.,$600 gpus run 4k games at 45-60 fps what are you talking about lol +I don't understand why some Indians hate Malala so much! What are your thoughts about Malala and all the hate?,She's like the Frieda Pinto of Pakistan. +Steady growth is a fuck up? So what happens if Trump starts killing he economy? What do you call that?,Bad Obama policies. +No way mom! AN ABYSSAL FUCKING DAGGER!,Abyysal* +This is my head canon now,I'm not gonna shake your hand but your good. +Aber..aber..dann ist Deutschland nicht mehr Deutschland!!!1!,Deutschland muss Deutschland bleiben. +you can tell by how gentle he is with it that he's really concerned about it fucking up his tattoo. props to him for practicing safe popping!,*She +TIL: Jarrod Saltalamacchia married his High School PE teacher a year after graduating.,nice. +Please nerf legs!,"This is called head glitching, when you're prone and shifting from side to side people see your legs not your head" +Ee malla bevarsi!,Amme Polisa? +Yeah I didn't see his comment when I posted this comment.,"No worries, we're use to people reading half of the information available and the rushing to make a comment or post about their incomplete findings." +"Looking for ideas for a portal or doorway to another world. (think the Wardrobe from Narnia, Platform 9 3/4 from Harry Potter) I tell my son lots of stories while we drive around together and I'm developing an epic fantasy about a boy his age. I'm just stuck on an interesting way for the story's protagonist to enter or travel to this fantasy world. Any and all ideas welcome!","I like the idea of simple doors which lead to new worlds (as a mundane yet fantastical thing), with maybe a special key which makes ordinary doors magical portals." +The blue buff's kids have left though........,"And the raptors has 3 babies in that and not 5,000" +I made a mistake early in the process and that's why this is an exorcist swan,I'm just imagining your one turning around and going u wot m8? +Of course the Australians are jumping on this too. Needy cunts. look at us look at us we're Australian please give us some attention because we're Australian struffe Rolf Harris didgeridoo a Koala ate my dingo baby... Cunts. Fuckin' hate 'em. This guy really doesn't like us,Because the UK is so under the radar. +Who are those entities?,The illuminati obviously. +"Okay, so if I don't witness something with my own two eyes, apparently it never happened. How the fuck does history even exist then?",We're talking about the largest group of completely honest solipsists on the internet here +"What melee in PoD? i would like to play a melee char after playing ranges and getting some items. problem is, i never really played any melee in d2 and i have no idea what would be good in this mod. i already have a shockwave druid, but i want a real melee. is there even anything that can clear hell kinda fast and safe as melee?",There is a thread with a bear melee druid posted not too long ago. +Turuuuu,turururuuuu +Yeah I've been retired for some months now. I'm tackling my backlog now.,"Have fun with the backlog man, you were a great part of the community :)" +"Muslims make up about 4% of the British population (over 15 years old), but about 15% of the prison population. Hindus make up 1.5% of the British population (over 15 years old), but about 0.5% of the prison population. Quite the difference and it's not surprising that you rarely hear anything about Hindus but lots about Muslims.",Well obviously we need to get out and arrest some Hindus then. +Yes. I'm going to assume that everything is going stay the same before as it is since we no longer get updates.,"No, I was asking you if you got Sterling treasure from postmaster today after reset, ie., if you still login to Destiny on your last-gen console." +"Any word on the release date for Vive other than November? I cant wait to finally be able to play this, hoping someone here might have some new info as to if its this week or next, thanks!",Out now +Scots deep fry everything. Source: born in Scotland.,Do they deep-fry Irn Bru? +Twitter's alt-right purge could backfire,Looks like the left is no longer calling conservatives nazis and now using alt-right... +First Time TitanFalling! :D,"You've got some chops pilot, nice takedown!" +"If she singled you out like that and said you HAVE to, I'd call bullshit. You're not shaking your ass and hollering at the guys. You're changing. I've dealt with a similar issue before. Clear insecurity IMO.",I dunno...them gi pants are pretty spicy. +How's it legal? Not doubting but just curious for when i have to deal with them,I'm not a lawyer but I'm pretty sure you can go with I didn't see them and then it's fine. +"You suddenly find yourself headed on-stage for your own TED Talk. With no prior planning, what's a topic you can fluently discuss for 40 minutes?",The mechanics of shooting a bow at an Olympic level and the importance of equipment selection/tuning. +"Because rags, honey, because rags. Rags are rests able, washable, absorbent, and a better for the environment substitute for pads and tampons. Adult diapers are medical goods because they don't make cloth diapers that large.",Why couldn't they just use a larger rag as an adult diaper? +"But we're reinventing the wheel at that point. The cynical part of me thinks that he just wants the film to get revisited and looked at in a different way, much in the same way Tarantino likes to release his stuff on 35mm prints. It's not the true version so much as a kind of gimmicky way to re-experience the film. There's nothing particularly wrong with that, it's just not necessary. Like when they throw older blockbusters onto Imax, it's really kind of redundant.","Yeah, those damned directors, always out to make a buck with their fussy insistence on outdated technology that consumers care so much about." +I'm picturing a cheesed-off French candleabra. He agrees with me that this person is going to endure some cosmic retribution for ditching you when you needed them the most. Coincidence. Mmmhmmmmmmm. *squint*,"Yeah I said oh, okay well let me know when you are free!" +And this is all on top of their weird fetishization of freedom of speech,Unless it is modern art bought by a pizza parlor owner or something a feminist said. +My instant first thought is that the dudes going to chargeback and ruin his day,IIRC he's a stockbroker so he has the money to spare. +Thanks for proving my point? Don't see where Trump says that he would personally throw her in jail.,You might want to bone up on your reading comprehension. +Step one: Buy soccar ball Step two: Gather friends Step three: Cry,Step three: Argue who is going to knock on the horrible neighbor's door to get the ball back from their garden. +Getting rid of Governor Christie.,That's *Future Attorney General Christie* to you! +"I always wanted the game to come out world-wide with the original audio. I will never even considered doing a English play through, I always found the English dubs to be complete trash, and I can't understand why Atlus keeps wasting everyone time with the delays, when everyone would be more happy if they just got the game on or near the Japanese release, playing the game with vastly superior audio. I hope the next Atlus game doesn't get this kind of treatment.","Yeah, shame on them for properly localizing their game" +Downer incoming: its probably cheaper to buy the lego set. The liquid stuff that 3D printers use is like $200 per liter. Now this is information I got from a friend who works with 3D printers. Also he told me while we were a little drunk so... there's a good chance I'm wrong I don't know man.,Liquid stuff I think your friend was drinking a bit too much of that liquid stuff +"Post traumatic israeli occupation syndrome, or something.",Perhaps it is similar to the tendy throwing at mum and floor syndrome of cucks lel +Skyrim 2015 fantrailer,You certainly like that wolf howl. +Won't FLUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSHHHHHH!,The tank of the toilet usually doesn't flush. +You don't always get the same server when you load reddit. Syncing the servers in real time is an expensive operation so they can have different vote count results. This happens for everyone and has been like this for the past 5 or so years.,"Okay thanks, I just noticed it and thought it was weird that every time I refreshed it would go up and down." +The way her hair unfolds...,How is there no cousin it comment at the top of this thread... I'm getting old. +"Bit of a random one, what's the longest time period that you've been naked?",Nine months. +"Most of the best ones are short range ones, Europe's a little spoiled when it comes to budget airline travel I think",I think South East Asia takes that one. +I see. Maybe I missed that in the article but that is the better route to go to explain this. Against has multiple meanings in English and someone who is untrained (like myself) read against as a synonym to contrary.,"I'm not sure if this article talks about it, but several others have" +Looks like it's somewhere near the Chinatown McDonalds by the DoT building?,"They actually changed that to a hot pot restaurant, unless I'm thinking of another McD's" +When did they honestly have a chance to get him?,When he was a ball boy...didnt you read the post? +"Jail Inmate in Milwaukee Says Her Baby Died after Staff Ignored Labor, Laughed at Her",Glad Catholics and pro-life Republicans are all over this outrage +"Wow. You really pulled that one out. Didn't they say, fuck America on stage, or something?",I heard they bit the heads off a dozen bald eagles and impaled the heads on burning flags +Companies these days,Oh you should just get an unpaid internship! +"Wedge-tailed eagles do battle with mining giant's drones, knocking nine out of sky","Just waiting for mining giant's to respond to this increased cost in running business with decisive cool-headed action that is fair, appropriate and shows the respect our natural environment deserves... like poison baiting the birds, destroying near by nesting grounds and the like it's only fair business practice." +well...who thinks the face doesn't madder.... i cant do this guys...i cant.. holy s***,"I dont care, i'd hit that." +Member moral cards?,What? +"If it is for theatrics, PM is always available. But when it comes to debate on facts PM is unavailable. Because PM himself has no idea why he has done, what he has done.",The Great King of Hindustan have no time for such anti-nationals. +I didn't know the ECHL had an Alaska team... kinda ruins the whole East Coast Hockey League thing,"Fun fact, the Aces are also tied for the most championship wins in the league :D" +How manny illegals are in that poll,I hear some illegals voted multiple times in that poll +China Tells Donald Trump: Climate Change Is Real,Well then China... thanks for all the hard work at reducing emissions +Total war: Star Wars? O_O,yes because star wars is historical +"Subpar food and homophobia. They wanted to open in Boston, but Menino wrote a letter about never letting them into the city because they don't respect basic human rights.","They close on Sundays though, so it's all good." +What cards from MSG are you excited to try in wild?,Kazakus in my Renolock will be a perfect fit :) +Do you think there will be a TOTY market crash? and Why? Im not asking WHEN like everyone else.,"No, they'll probably come up with SBCs to control the market." +She's running for president. There isn't really time for breaks.,Or the truth +I just want GTA V below $30 so I can justify buying it.,29.99 as of right now. +"Respect for the office and respect for the person are different concepts. We should absolutely give the office respect, however respect should be earned for the man himself.",Agreed +"Well I've been there, most of the Singaporeans I've known had tried weed at one point or another. The drug laws are crazy but the death penalty is for people who smuggle in enough weed to deal it (singapore is ridiculously safe and doesn't want any drug dealing) like this guy who must have brought an entire suitcase (2.6kg!) Half-packed with weed, obviously to deal it. Harsh, but on the other hand, it's the only country in South East Asia, and perhaps the world, where you could send your 6yo daughter halfway across the city, by herself, at 2am in the morning and not worry in the least that she would get hurt/etc on the way.",I like how your defending murder because of weed. +"I, personally, couldn't tell you the difference between a Glock and a Gouda, but those are definitely some cool guns. Good stuff.","Gouda is cheese, glock is a gun....duh" +"If the playback and display device are both designed to support end-to-end encryption, it's possible. Think of it this way... your media player has an encrypted file on it. The media player makes a handshake with your display device (e.g. tv). The player and display positively identify each other and establish a secure connection. The player than decrypts the media file, encrypts it with the display's private key, then sends it to the player via a cable. The display decrypts the content and displays it on the screen. If you use a splitter on the cable between the player and the display, you will see what appears to be random noise; no other display will be able to decrypt the signal. Now, it's still possible to attack. Maybe the display manufacturer is stupid and just leaves the key in plain text in the firmware. Maybe the player uses a shitty PRNG that introduces little or no entropy, meaning that the cypher text follows a predictable pattern. Maybe you can solder onto leads in the display and read the output straight off of them. Anyway, the point is, there is no guaranteed way to prevent video capture, but there are ways to make it difficult. And it can be much simpler than I described! VHS actually had anti-capture tech built in. It would distort the images and colors.",MitM should work just fine there by having a recording device posing as the TV and then passing it through to the TV either without end-to-end or by having it pose as the sender when communicating with the TV. +"Vandy did not have it. It goes to the loser. Otherwise, once the CFB Belt and the CoL Belt reach one team, they are permanently together.",Isn't there already a losers belt? +"I married a guy who is in fact younger than me, but who looks older, so we really confuse people haha!","I don't mind an age difference, but when it gets into a decade or more I consider it a dealbreaker." +"sorry about the formatting at the top. I don't know why it's a scrollymabob and I also don't know how to fix it, I just typed as I would an essay???",Four spaces before a sentence makes the code box. +"FINE, KEVIN! BUT, YOU SHOULD STOP WEARING THAT CUTE SUNDRESS IF YOU DON'T WANT ME TO HUMP YOU!!!",Stop enabling toad rape culture! +No they shouldn't. That would make them war criminals.,Stupid cucks and their morals. +That's what I got last night was an aggressive/full auto/rifled/rangefinder one haha,I hate you +Convince me to keep my Xbox One S instead of returning it for refund.,"Aside from some of the exclusives, it's also the cheapest UHD Blu Ray player on the market right now." +"Aim just in front of the haunches. This is the weakest part of the animal. If your lucky, your bike will cut right through the deer, bisecting it.",Replace deer with bear or bison and I like to see someone try cutting through the animal. +Which of the East Somerville Mexican places would you recommend? I've never tried any of them.,"Rincon Mexicano, great little spot on Broadway in East Somerville." +"So true story: I had an argument about healthcare with my mom last night. She is a Trump supporter. I am quite obviously not. She proceeded to tell me that Obama bypassed Congress to pass the ACA. I gave her dates from when each branch of Congress passed it. Then she said, well, he made an executive order to get it passed. This was her valid argument. But when I presented her with the fact that the executive order he passed was to actually appease the pro-life side of the aisle and some pro-life Democrats (you know, compromise), she said that I believe everything that I read. I was like WTF, I just provided dates, the number of votes it passed by in each branch of Congress, and I also just clarified your idea that the executive order was to bypass Congress and I am the one who is misinformed??! Anti-factual society that we live in. It didn't fit her narrative so obviously, I was wrong.","It was rammed down our throats by having it passed by the House, Senate, Senate again, reconciliation process, signed into law by the president, and (mostly) approved by the Supreme Court!" +What am I?,youre the awsner gu-- wait no its someone else +They changed it all around just to make the numbers look better than they are. Same thing they do with inflation.,lol do you understand the difference between a distributions tail and your own? +How did you impress your in laws?,I was actually willing to take their daughter off of their hands. +meirl,What squad? +Looking back I think it was propaganda. Holy shit.,"Yeah, the worst kind of propaganda, to get kids to actually try and take care of the planet we have." +I hear his name means executioner or something in English. Very apt.,He's name means nemesis in Portuguese +DAE love duckheads?,Look at all those bottle openers! +"Confession: I put waaaay too much into Boba Fett (and I don't care) We know a rework is coming. We know ships are coming. Who needs a rework and has a cool ship? Boba MFing Fett. So partly because I knew all that and partly because I needed someone to sink Cantina currency into, I started on him a few weeks ago. He's now 7* level 74 and g9. All abilities at 7. I'll max his level after the next credit heist. Why? No idea. I probably won't even use him for credit heist. Or at all, really. His model is awesome, though. Also? Working on Ugnaught because I hate AAT raid so much I want it to die. Anyway, who else has maxed bad characters because reasons?","Started working on Mace instead of Tie Fighter Pilot, B2, Lando, Pathfinder...hopefully he is worth it with ships..." +Hate to feel what Franklin feels like right now.,John Franklin back to EMCC confirmed +"No, someone wasn't paid $3,500 to protest Donald Trump; it's fake news",ITT: people must've dropped this +"Because I don't think Superman is coming back via Steppenwolf. I think the JL revives him in the genesis chamber. The Parademon excuse is only used for Clark because it's only needed for Clark. If Superman comes back evil, then Snyder/DC will piss off almost everyone. We all want Superman's return to be heroic. They can do Injustice later on down the road.","Calling it now, Superman is coming back Evil." +"If they made it within the first wave they will be receiving their copy shortly, Wave 1.5 will be shipping in december.",Does your order page indicate if you're in the initial wave or not? +He's a nasty fish!,Bad Pescado. +Is the big update coming by the end of the year? Test center has been up for some days and I guess we will have the update released in a month and a bit more right? Do we havy any official info on that?,"Well they said it'll be on the Test Center in October so after about two weeks of testing, it'll be on the live server early November I'd say." +"I just bought Destiny about a month ago on Xbox, but I'm considering buying a PS4 on Black Friday just to play with a friend who has the PS4 version.","If youre not playing with anyone on xbox id highly recommend it, just because of how good the experience is with friends." +Sorry that no one else can seem to answer your question without being a sick. Sadly you can't downgrade your firmware due to how Apple signs certain iOS versions. You'll just have to hang in there and see if iOS 10 is jailbroken any time soon!,Sorry that people are sicks +"It's criticising a topical dictator, seems like a libertarian thing to do.","yeah, I'm just explaining why people are commenting that" +"Which champion do you really want to see played at Worlds? Now that all teams have qualified for Worlds 2016, which champion would you really like to see on the rift?",Singed +"If I made money per line of code, I would use the enter key more.",if ( 2===2 ) { console.log(test) } +Well that's understandable.,with buccos....half blames management....the other half blames the players and coaches i blame the announcers...they put everyone to sleep. +"Lucky they don't make you wear steel toes, I can never flex at my workplace","c'mon man, flex those Puma steel toes." +Donald Trump surrogate cites America's Japanese internment camps as 'precedent' for Muslim registry,And let's not forget that other great precedent from one of Donald Trump's heroes who had jews wear stars of David on their clothing. +Rudy Giuliani: 'Everybody' commits infidelity,"Thanks for clarifying that standard, family values guy." +So does Fixed issue where player data is not successfully carried over mean the newly created characters won't have to do story/pqs/houses/etc all over again ?,They may be talking about data transfer from XV1 +"I'm not crying, you're crying.","And if I am crying it's not cuz of you, it's because I'm thinking about a friend of mine that's dying, that's right dying!" +"Please no,fifa would be ruined",Konami doesn't even do FIFA... +A way to buff Royale Giant hey guys its $$wAgMa$tA9838 here and i just watched my friend play clash royale on his phone and i saw royale Giant was pretty good but i think it would be better if we increased his damage by 500 points so that he does not have to spend so much time taking down towers also i think poison needs a buff as well so maybe we could decrease its elixer cost to 1 and also it lasts forever?????? i havent made it legundry arena yet but i have 69/69/69 and i think these cards deserve buffs oh and also super cel can u give me 10000000 princess cards plz!!!!1!11#!,dude... you forgot the +My local Academy has put their MSRs back out on display. Said they weren't selling. Go figure.,What's an MSR? +i mean i'm all against people not putting it in title but he's literally at the games titlescreen,Double negatives are almost as hard to understand as sarcastic comments on the internet +Report: 'Slim to no chance' Steve Sarkisian is the next Alabama OC,I think USC can offer some advice to Bama about the merits of replacing Kiffin with Sarkisian. +"Looks like two individually insulated, non shielded, large gauge conductors. My guess would be speaker cable. Look on the side of the outer jacket. Among the gibberish looking information there should be a number followed by the letters AWG. If the number is 20 or larger - instrument cable. If the number is 16 or smaller - speaker cable.",And if it's 18? +"But since the '70s and '80s, when the coal furnaces started being upgraded... Some NYC libraries were still heated by coal in the 1980's... I find that hard to believe...",Just going by the logic of the phrasing: Since the upgrading was going on in the '80s you would indeed have seen coal heaters during that time. +Trump 2020 And under my new gene seed program we will make Americans greater than ever before.,KEK +"Against what Pros did you play and how was your experience? Hey guys! I wondered if you played against Pros already and how your experience was, were they friendly, tryhard, toxic, etc? I've played against flamie + friends last night and he didn't say a word (like most pros when they play in public), but 2 of his friends were cursing us here and there. It was nice to see that flamie was very professional about the game and didn't join the flame-train.","I played with C9 Stunna, the former coach of c9, we got 0-16'd partially because he was on the phone for half of the game." +Welcome to Wyoming! Here's another plane ticket because you obviously didn't mean to come here!,"can confirm, live in Wyoming." +RIP Sir Amik Varze,op found an old meme +General rule of thumb for post Microsoft CS programmers is to assume 2 bugs for every line of code touched.,"99 little bugs in the code 99 little bugs, Take one down, patch it around, 117 little bugs in the code... :P" +Does the patch include PS4 Pro support?,"No, they have said it will be in the next title update after this one." +I have a coin bit,I have a separate thin cotton coin pouch with a zipper... +Bulgaria recognized Macedonia is Greek!,Try harder. +Discord Nitro Emote features are amazing.,When does it release world-wide? +"Damn cheats, we would have won that game for sure if not for that.","Guys come on, he forgot to add the" +Can I run Witcher 3 fine? I5 6400 and a Rx 480 4gb. Is it kind of cpu intensive?,"It will run fine, I max it out on a FX 6100 and Ref 480" +"If you could realign the leagues, what teams would you move?","I would move the Washington Nationals to the AL East, and also move them to New York and rename them the New York Yankees, and I would move the Yankkes to the NL East and rename them the Washington Nationals, while moving them to Washington DC." +"This card doesn't even work in silver border. Case in point: I cast Cryptic Command to tap your board and counter a spell. As part of casting the spell I choose those modes and the one target. When it resolves in reverse order, I now need to perform all four modes, THEN choose two, but there is no valid target for the Boomerang effect (Cryptic has only one announced target and it is not a permanent).","Any effect that cannot resolve , resolves as nil in guessing" +This is what I think should be happening. This defense has shut down EVERYONE. I know the start your studs mantra but the evidence is clear over the first 4 weeks.,Anyone taken before pick 15 is starting against any team +2 years 4 months,What the fuck 2 years? +"lol, would be funny if you had to complete Last Stand missions xD","well, technically last stand maps are completed upon finishing wave 13 on heroic..." +Ohh. Yeah I expected for Sun to be more in with the fans because of the legendary.,mas prefer ko si lunala...but alolan ninetails tho. +Well alolan exeggutor is taller than wailord,"I don't think he is, I think he's 2nd tallest iirc." +"Designing a KSP Monopoly Board, Tell Me What You Think",Upload it to Tabletop Simulator. +Because people who don't have it won't ever fucking understand it. They can fuck off.,I just think ur depressed because you need to be happy :) +Look how vicious Blood Pythons are!,Oh my god it's choking her! +My 2016 collection so far,You wear techwear? +Peggy Whitson: Oldest woman in space blasts off to ISS,Well Sandra bullock isn't much younger +"This All Seems Very Familiar, Say Philly Holocaust Survivors","Obviously a bunch of liars, since it was all a hoax." +Also why would the replay show he got nailed in the head and THEN show him not completing his tackle. Physics baffles me,"Yeah, I really hope his leg is ok" +Yup this is what I was surprised wasn't more obvious. They are moving small car production to Mexico and using the existing plants to make new vehicles rather than just making new plants in the US to make the new vehicles.,"Yea, I mean, why wouldn't they just burn a billion dollars on a brand new plant for a low selling vehicle line instead of moving the production to an already functioning plant in the market that it's popular in?" +I fully accept this results telling me she has over 2 million more votes. I also fully accept the fact that the exit polls in those three states do not match the results. Plus I accept that winning three swing states by less than 1% in one election is unprecedented and tells me that something is not right. But that's just me accepting things.,Do you accept that Donald Trump won and is now the President Elect? +"To be honest, over here it's just plain out impossible to get any coins if you aren't Mystic, whenever you finally beat down that level 10 Mystic gym, quickly heal up and just see that a Mystic sniped it from you. SORRY I AM SALTY.",You Valors over here have had all three of the local gyms for a few months now with several 3000+ Dragonites I think we're pretty even +I third that.. I need dark theme so it matches the colour of my soul.,"If we are going with matching colors of our souls, can I have mine please in pink with glitter?" +"Dis Nvideo stock doe Ay dis be yo boi Tyrone up in dis bytch. Representing dat killuh Cali 818 ya'll already know. Hear me out doe nigglets and hoes. I was driving the 89 Corolla today, right, and I realize something doe. Realize somethin powerful mayne. I realize dat dis Nvideo earnings is Feb 9 muh nigglets. And a krazy realization hit me. What I realize iz... if they beat estimates on Feb 9 we gonna get paid like a motherfucker mayne. No more ground beef muh nigglets. No moar struggle meals. Filet Mignon all day #blessed. But if dis bytch don't meet da numbers this bytch goin drop faster than Hilary Clinton. These clowns put da damn estimate at the same level as Q3 earnings doe @ .83 EPS muh dudes. My question to you and yours is do you think Nvideo will beat da numbers or not fam? Before I roll out dis bytch I gotta give a shout out to my number one hoe Lisa Su. Doe I rep dat green rag on the right side I rockin the red hankerchief on the left fam. Semiconductor gang all day we keep it moving fam. We gettin dis cheese in 2017 fam. And dis nigglet ain't talkin no provolone. #onelove #blessed #fukdahaters #Nvideo #graphicz #lit",TweetsByTyrone +"It's Zotac, it has a serious cooling system, better than reference, and it's 379.99 when most 1070 cards are $400+ .",Im super confused this vs amp vs amp extreme... Ive never seen this... +My new laptop will arrive today yet I'll be stuck in the office till this evening. What drugs can I take to make time go faster? Cuz I feel like a child on 5 December...,you must freeze yourself. +Andrea Ager,She's super annoying but she's hot. +Generally dev kits are more powerful to account for unpolished performance and debug tools.,"This is true, and the fact that the system releases in less than half year would suggest the devs will be using as close to final product as possible." +this has been dealt with several times. The bodies filled with the nitroglycerin and made to explode in the pyrotechnic effect could easily and probably have been prop corpses specifically for this purpose in the narrative.,"I think the guy who exploded on the horse was the same guy who died during the time Logan, William and D stole the wagon full of nitro." +I blame Clinton primary voters for Clinton and Trump.,"If there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that Bernie would have gotten his ass beat by Trump." +"Well, since he strongly advocates against war let's hope he can avoid it at all costs!","Unless they talk to navy personnel funny, then all bets are off." +This is why everyone on the flightline freaks out about lightning,Fuck lightning. +you a 2w2?,2w1 +Was that boiling water,Yes you get boiling water from a refrigerator +"Send a letter to the judge about it. They have another hearing on the 30th, I'm sure that he'll bring it up if we make a big enough stink on it.",Any idea how to contact judge breyer / the court? +"Park with Pine Trees? Hey guys! Sorry if this is the wrong sub to post this in, but does anyone know of a park in the sacramento area that has pine trees. Its for a photography project, and I need pine trees in the background.",Capitol Park has just about every kind of tree you can find in the state. +Anyone has a collection of realism/immersive workshop? would love to tryout something new! -sound -weapon skins -Character ui's -scopes,All you need is takbir mod. +"$8 for a pie?? This shop near me sells gourmet pies with all butter crust, high quality fillings (100% chicken breast etc) with no preservatives/filler for $6. $8 for a mass produced low quality, highly processed pie is just taking the piss.",But... but... it had a face on it. +When Natura decides to branch out and leaf us in awe.,WHAT DID YOU DO +Don't be fooled by fake news on Facebook,"Yeah, but how do we know he speaks the truth?" +"It can still be done, tweet to BJP. Make Marijuana legal for Lord Shiva.",Make Hinduism great again! +So what soviet block country is this comrade?,"hehe, Canada" +I broke GTA V,Pretty sure corsair puked all over it. +Did it ever occur to you that perhaps repealing free trade deals might not bring back any jobs? That a lot of US jobs export goods to those countries as well?,"He does have a point about cheap Wal Mart shit though -- it will be the same Wal Mart shit, but now more expensive." +"I'm pooping, I'm peeing",This lack of self control my shit is never ending +Now Live - Alpha 2.6 LAN Party Livestream,Wow different colors of ships amazing +I drew a Gregory :P,"Downvoted, Needs more veins" +"FIFA 17 ULTIMATE TEAM - Is it best to have a higher rating starting squad, or better chemistry/low rating starting squad?","90 chem is a must this year no matter what players you have, if you want the chem style bonuses, which make every player significantly better." +"Not sure if this is a true story, or a clever insult. Have an Upvote.","It actually happened (construction truck backed into a cyclist on campus), and I think that's why you now see police officers monitoring traffic at all on-campus construction sites." +"I agree with you, but the problem is 30% of the country is using his logic.",18% +"Soooo....I saw Hippie Sabotage this weekend.... I went to bumbershoot festival in Seattle this last weekend. All in all a decent festival, Tokimonsta killed it and seeing marshmello for the first time was alright I guess. but before those two, Hippie Sabotage played. it was honestly embarrassing to watch those two perform. It really sucks to watch all these people give them the praise that they do. They have no mixing skills whatsoever. it's literally fade one song out, play another. The one taller dude would not shut up about drugs. Every time the music would get slow: who the fuck has drugs take your fucking drugs. To me, you shouldn't have to feel like you have to take drugs at a festival and I feel like some artists hate that there is so much drug use. I'm on a bus heading home right now and I just felt like getting some insight on what other people felt about them. I know the shit that happened at WTFest was definitely a move that got them disrespected by a lot of people. Just wanted to see what you guys thought about some of the things I mentioned here",Good to hear they're still complete fuck-ups. +Misery's dad looks like a wizard,Old tattoed wise Misery +What did you use to level attributes though?,Ctrl+U +"I consider myself a vaguely healthy eater. Aside from eating healthy things, I also like to make sure they're fresh. So, for me, that means shopping at WholeFoods; I avoid the oxegenated water and other gimmicks and try to just focus on their more reasonably priced, quality products. I wasn't really buying much this day, just a little dinner and some high fiber snacks to graze on. I had made a pretty standard purchase: five pounds of big carrots, two bags of baby carrots, a coconut water, and some hot stuff from the prepared food section. I finished paying and went to grab my groceries from the bagger, who then asks, are you a Jew, sir? What the fuck? Now, at this point, I'm rather confused, so I ask her to repeat herself. A jew, sir. Are you a jew, sir? I don't understand why she's asking me this and I'm an unsettling mixture of perplexed and offended. Sure, I have a slightly big nose, my ears jut out from my head at a more jaunty angle than average, and I have dark hair. But have we seriously reached the point in civilization where one's physical attributes entitle random passerby to make comments on our religious affiliation? I was on the brink of asking to speak to her manager until she, noting the blank look on my face, points down at the bags of carrots. Juicer. She was fucking saying juicer.","To be fair, being a Jew is much more about genealogy than religious affiliation" +She's so woke? Wtf does that even mean?,Downvote this man for not knowing pop culture terms that trivialize research and conspiracy! +delete yourself,Delet this +"So, in Kansas the Republican-controlled legislature should determine the curriculum of these mandatory parenting classes? We'll end up teaching parents that condoms make your dick fall off. Not a at all a fan of government mandated indoctrination.",As if we could afford anything to do with education in the first place... +"Managed Service Providers love that kind of client......That much paper probably cost $1.50, .025 cents a page, costing the client $7.75....probably tree-fiddy to the copier sales guys pocket and a little over minimum wage to the tech.....hey at least is wasn't full color full page internet articles or coupons or recipes.....",Hey that penny means something. +"If you actually want an inside window, there is a subreddit about reconciliation after infidelity.",If you can post me a link then I'll have a look at that tomorrow. +Atlanta United Sign Free Agent Jacob Peterson,"Super hard working player, I hope he does well in ATL." +"no one is denying anything to anyone. not every business has been set up to accommodate every possible need. realistically this is a non issue brought up by some attention seekers. if or when this gets resolved, then trans dads will have no place to change their kids. then this, then that. just go back out to your car and handle it. if that's not possible, grab a manager and ask them to let you use the bathroom with the changing table, and have them let people know at the door that you're in there(if its the opposite sex bathroom). does it really take much more than common sense to fix this? it's a NON ISSUE","I mean I guess the dad can just go into the women's restroom to change their kid, but I'm guessing you would not like that." +Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege but every time the devs say they're fixing lighting the lighting gets more intense,This is the truth +"Yeah, the same Obama who raised the national debt to 20 trillion. The same Obama who doubled the number of food stamp recipients to 48m. The same Obama that saw the number of homeowners reduced, the same Obama who oversaw the median income of Americans reduced, the same Obama who has continued the same garbage foreign policy of his predecessor. Yeah, that Obama. Next time you want to discuss actual economic factors under Obama I suggest you actually do your research instead of parroting MSM bullshit.",Yeah I'm sure all 48 million of those food stamp recipients are just a monolithic group of moochers and criminals and not composed of many different cross sections of America like farmers and people who have lost employment due to manufacturing fleeing overseas. +My sympathies. I know how hard that can be. Hugs?,"Well, username checks out." +"The first time Trump ever mentions being offended by something socially and suddenly he is the embodiment of PC culture. Sorry but the embodiment of PC culture is the person who vigorously defends everybody's right to not be offended, unless of course the person is white, or a man, or a Christian. At least I am only two, although they are the most obvious ones and the third is usually assumed anyway.",Trump is constantly whining about shit though +"I've never been a believer, was quasi raised Methodist until age 10, and pretty much been agnostic ever since. As an outsider, I find you all fascinating! AMA! I know I probably don't really belong in this subreddit, but I have a fascination with all things LDS and my wife thinks I'm probably a little bit crazy. I've always been interested in history and religion but never actually believed. My fascination with your culture started about 6 months ago when I re-watched the South Park episode, All About Mormons. Then I got hooked on the Mormon Stories podcast and have since branched out to A Year of Polygamy, and started reading things like the CES letter, the BofM, D&C, online news, Rough Stone Rolling, etc.... pretty much anything i have spare time for. Feel free to AMA if you're interested as to why a 100% secular person is even here in the first place.",Would you like two representatives of the church to stop by and answer any questions you might have? +Anyone know the general income brackets by economic? I thought 120 was a solid middle class household,"Unless you live in a city, then it may all be consumed by housing costs." +Beyonce is scientific evidence that the Book of Mormon is false.,"Well, she endorsed Hillary, so a TBM would have to say otherwise" +You spend a lot of time complaining that you can't call women bitches?,"this is the best reply ive heard to that fuckin thank you, imma steal this" +"Her right to bodily autonomy, yes absolutely.",How sad it must be to have the appreciation for God's creation that you have. +Blizzcon skin. You can only get it if you went to Blizzcon.,Or if you purchased a virtual ticket +Lol,Still unanswerable eh? +"It's the typical Republican strategy of being so incompetent that when you do a shitty job, then it's proof that government doesn't work.",Good thing he's draining that swamp +Kyrie has more rings,Bruh you stupid +Will we ever see the 30 for 30? Or has Kevin Johnson fucked it up for all of us?,Glad I was lucky enough to see it. +And wasn't he a lobbyist for Turkey as well? So much for no lobbyists in the the Trump administration.,"Oh no, he WAS a lobbyist, he quit like, a week ago, so it's all good now." +Empyrion Players have been creating some really and I mean really Nice Planets that remind of of No Man's Sky.,"But can you walk for days and days, weeks and weeks?" +I can't keep them straight. They all look the same to me.,"See, *this comment right here* is literally the whole reason anyone voted for Trump!" +Phoenix and the greater Seattle area. Not sure about LA though.,I don't have it yet in LA. +"Empty threat. They'd have to disclose their documentation, including tax returns, during discovery to be successful.",They have done settlements before that required the other party to not disclose evidence. +Debate prep for ninjas (New Yorker),Shouldn't it be Shang Tsung? +When they get a good ass fucking tonight they'll crawl back into their holes.,But they have Avery Curry Stopper Bradley. +Some would say they're Alabama and Louisville's kryptonite.. the only team that can stop them is a B1G team from New Jersey in the playoffs,"I won't lie, I'm absolutely, positively ecstatic that we don't play y'all this year." +Your ideas for track redesigning/reconfiguring What are some ideas of yours to reconfigure/redesigning a track/tracks on the NASCAR circuit?,1. make all tracks look like chicagoland 2. there is no step 2 ... +Is the gun show at the fairgrounds worth it? New to shooting and looking to pick up a few accessories. I am not looking to buy a firearm there. Is the gun show worth it quality and price wise or should I just stick to regular shops?,"Admit it, you just made this post to scare the trolls." +"So now that you reach the Vayne she can instantly peel you off~ Shyvana really needs a soft or hard CC, she's like an AOE (but less single target damage version) of Yi trying to run someone down except she's actually vulnerable to slows.",Just buy a rylais for her burnout +"Check out the Nuclear Energy Bill being pushed through the Illinois House of Reps, we're being swindled by our representatives! It's mostly subsidies for dying coal plants...",Never thought I'd see the day when the Illinois government would try to swindle it's own people... +The roof of my house looks like an upvote,"Australian here, looks like a down vote to me." +"I'm going to call bullshit on this... As a tank chain running dungeons, taking the week off... I have 600 cloth in my bag. Unless there is some kind of perk for collecting cloth as a tailor.","I can take a screen cap when I get off work, I've made a total of 3 imbued bracers and finished the tailoring chain." +"I'd really love to learn how the Conservatives do it, its like media Kung-Fu. No matter what shit they throw out nothing seems to stick to them any more. I'm of half a mind that they've had a cheeky chat with media outlets on the sly along the lines of *Real nice establishment you have here, be a real shame if it were to have its funding cut*.",Actually the BBCCCP is full of leftulist communists. +Gaben I have come to bargain. Please give back the ability to commend and report people,"You can on the scoreboard, atleast I can... I you were pointing the fact that it don't appears on thoose, sorry for the misunderstanding" +Lamborghini Huracan Rolling Shot (Feedback-Thoughts-Etc.),"If you dont have one, I would definitely get a circular polarizer." +"It isn't just inconvenience, though. There are still people in hospitals and nursing homes that need to be taken care of, and there still needs to be staff in the emergency rooms and even the primary care clinics. It represented lost sales to retailers during what should have been their busiest shopping days of the year. And it represented lost income to people who didn't get paid if they couldn't get to work.",I am fully convinced that an EMT knows how to put chains on a vehicle. +The Randy Moss of cornerbacks,"Only normal development trait, not worth a first rounder imo" +"Why? Studies have shown, in the US at least, that the more heavily armed an area is, the lower the crime rate.",Source? +"Is there any way of using Trade Marco in Fullscreen? My fps in windowed are worse since i need to put low resolutions to play with decent fps, the window its really small and i cant play like that at all so... is there a way i can use it in fullscreen? In the macro page it says only works in windowed but prefered to ask here to be sure.",Do you not have borderless Windowed or something? +that's noodles? I thought it was kaalaa up to his old fuckery. God damn it Noodles. Your cries for attention are bumming me out.,nope. +Prime Minister announces nomination of Mr. Justice Malcolm Rowe to the Supreme Court of Canada,and the crowd goes wild! +I used two accounts back in 1996 on the Yahoo Finance message board to practice my comedy writing. Probably why I never became a comedy writer.,You just gave me a brilliant idea for a one-man sitcom where I also record my own laugh track. +"That combination is life-saving... literally. He's unique in that, only Michelle has the same combination of skills and arguably much, much worse.","That puny heal is not enough for the whole team so you have a reviver and a healer, briand is better he atleast disrupts and does not get lushened that easy" +Great let's vote for a guy that wants to privatize the public school system and about a hundred other things that are completely the opposite of what sanders stands for.,"Legalize weed, end the drug war, incarcerate less people, let people marry... The goals on some issues are the same, the methods are different." +Donald Trump's Empire is Under Siege as His Glamorous Image Fades,"Heh, glamorous image...everything about the guy screams 'whorehouse bathroom'." +Condoms in porn make no sense.,"Yeah, we all know porn stars can't get pregnant or STDs" +"Mating strategies for both men and women are amoral, pretty sure that is a core teaching of RP. To say it is 'evil' is just moralic acid vomit.",You are assuming that I am an RP drone. +How do you cure the vampirism,You can also just drink a cure disease potion +"As a SMN, let me tell you, you can turn that frown upside down. Gimme.",This is something I should keep in mind for 4-man content. +"What 3 bassists have had the biggest influence on your playing? Not who are you *favorites*, but what 3 bassists have influenced your own technique/tone/thoughts/approach the most?","Simonon, Watt-Roy or whoever play in the clash - Tim Commerford - Cliff Burton And of course Myself" +"If you say libtard everything else is immediately overshadowed. I know it's ad hom, but that's just the way it is.",Only deplorables say that. +"Taking a risk here. Arizona! There are so many beautiful things to see here. The Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, the London Bridge! We're also very nice and generally don't have a confusion that Mexico didn't just move in during the past election. You don't have to do daylight savings and you can buy stuff for super cheap on our reservations. Our real estate is extremely forgiving because we have so much space and life really shouldn't be complete without seeing a bobcat futzing around in your giant backyard.",Arizona smells funny. +Is it sad that I'm not at my desk and I can't actually recall my wallpaper? Wow. That's the days I've had.,no not a all; many wouldnt notice it though to be honest +Wouldn't it be easier to put this on the tops of smokestacks and the tips of car exhaust so it can filter out the contaminates without sucking through the whole atmosphere,How about both? +Aid workers in Aleppo are typical Islamofascist barbarians,Are tankies even leftists or are they just Russophiles lol +How do you get the Munchlax?,Would you like a tutorial? +Sorry about the flair trouble. Are either you able to help me with milotic? Much appreciated.,I'll help you +I'd like to hear why you're being downvoted.,Because Obama is the best president ever! +OH COME ON PEOPLE,How can you not believe that William wore the same shirt for 30 years? +Acting like WikiLeaks doesn't also have a biased agenda.,Pretty sure they just wanna punish the US government (whose candidate is clearly clinton) for trapping their main man in the ecadorian embassy for 6 yeatrs. +I don't like the new Scientology documentary,The church blurs the line between performance and reality.. The documentary wanted to parallel that. +I have a self obtained 20th Victini and Helen Volcanion. Interested in your Diancie and Celebi,"That is good with me, I will enter your FC now." +"Sir, I can see the sticker on that cup.",This man is a true revolutionary. +"If everybody in your hometown were to suddenly die, what would you assume killed them?",IS blowing up the nuke train +"Well i got a zen calendar, cos im vegan so i must be into that shit",lmao +Can Sonya do anything Varian cannot? Serious question. I feel like he can spec into whatever she can and just do it better. Aside from her lv 20 shield.,AoE and mobility. +Need enough coaches to cater for rush-hour traffic. But some stations have short platforms.,Somehow I doubt that 19:10 St Pancras to Nottingham counts as rush hour. +PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS A NICE RING TO IT LETS MAKE IT HAPPEN #MAGA,YOU BET IT DOES! +Money says it's Nat's Mean Ballerina,I feel like I'm the only one who would prefer this to This is my costume +CP3 with a ridiculous pass right between 4 kings players,There is probably 21 players in the NBA who are better than this guy. +Android Nougat update now rolling out for Motorola Z and Z Force on Verizon,Lenovo ruined Moto +You could do this with the app in bf4 but of course they have gone and taken that away for bf1. DICE.,That feature didn't exist in WWI. +"What is your league Sacko punishment? Looking forward to not being the in Sacko this year, my league usually calls it the pbody. We tased the loser last year while we watched and ate popcorn. This year we are making the loser take an SAT at a high-school and send it to Trump university and post the score and essay on the message boards. Whats your leagues punishment?","12 team league, every member gets a month and the loser has to have a photo shoot done for a pinup calendar where each league member gets to choose the general idea/theme for their month." +"Excuse me, but what is pp?",by PP he means PowerPoint +Like seriously? I did a lot of competitive battling in ORAS so this actually sounds very fun lol but as the other guy mentioned probably hard af.,"lol I mean you don't have to do both, you could just pick one" +Commandant Teste meets Iowa,Teste should've said bonjour instead of hello. +"Tuesday Night Thread! What simple things cheer you up when you're feeling glum, Sydney?","Went to Harry Potter trivia, came last... But won drinks since we had the best reason choosing our avatar, Bellatrix (cause we are dead inside)" +Everybody says so,That's what I've been told anyway +MinG3012 | Inferi - The Promethean Kings +HDNF 76.93% 115x miss | 15pp #1,Overweighed play tbh +"Great man, thanks for your help!",No problem! +"Yeah , no one would suspect him of all the murders he committed.",That's not murder if its black people +Why isn't it called the barrack obama docudrama? Way better imo,barrack-o-doc-o-bama-drama-rama +Nice. Ten years late though :/,Better be late than never +Make a new toon. Tell me how much you have in 6 days wothout corp or player assistance,About 5mil +"I feel that if people say they don't like cats, it is because they haven't met the right one yet.",Yes all and each one has to love cats +"Which Music genre it's the most popular in Greece? Also, how popular it's *old* music?. Like Jazz or Swing. Thanks",Shitty Music +Exactly what the right wing did when Obama won. Tip for tat and get their PC bullshit out of here. If thry cannot take the shit do not sling it.,Yeah all of the rioting and assaults from 2008.....who could forget the numerous examples from dozens of cities.....yeah +CYGS?,I mean what else can we expect anything but winning every single tournament including futures and challengers will be a disappointment +"There's a saying in business. If two partners agree on everything, there is no need for the 2nd partner.","And if two partners aren't discussing problems, and publicly refuting the other, are they really partners?" +"In the clip you see him get the stun points, but he did it way to early he was still in the picking up animation, where you are not able to stun him, if you want to stun and make him lose the survivor, you have to time it right as the killer is ready to move","Yeah I know that it's too early in the clip, but it still bugs when you drop it at a perfect time, not dropping the survivor or stunning the killer." +This is literally all that I could think of on election night. Then the protests happened.,Thank god the left saved the day! +"The hivemind is still upset, you need to give them a good 4 years to calm down before you suggest calm and reasonable thought.","But once the hivemind starts liking Trump, then the next candidate is gonna get this awful anti-circlejerk!" +"Oh, why not!","Exactly, haha" +"thank you! yes the physical composition of the soil and its texture was part of my question. but the bigger part of my question had to do with the bacteria and fungus and microbial stuff living in the soil. i was wondering, would mixing that stuff up be a good thing? or would they kill eachother off? die enroute?",We don't know enough about soil microbes to answer this question very accurately. +"Uhhh what, neuts only respawn every 2 minutes now. Jungling is in no way mandatory.",It means you're forced to clear the jungle every two minutes since gold is a more valuable resource since less jungle creeps. +Upvote for unappreciated sarcasm.,This is Poe's law territory - he needs the +Watch the clip I posted,That's the liberal media you cuck. +So what you're saying is...there's hope yet for Roman Reigns!,Well he is his brother. +"Full Metal Alchemist has got a similar feel, if your still craving! It's on Netflix if you ever want to watch (though the Netflix episodes stop before the last 10 episodes).","Full metal was complete on Netflix as of a few months ago, although I'm sure I read the license is due to expire imminently if not already..." +Less a metaphor and more a macabre carnival live space art performance.,He was being sarcastic. +That's unfortunate.,Can confirm +"Why do they even ask us to apply a promocode. If one exists, why can't they apply it by default? A 20Rs discount for an item in the supermarket is for everyone who's buying it. Then why make it optional here? Can this be called duping/unfair market practice?",there are multiple promo codes sometimes +Casuals are still waiting for the next George Foreman title fight.,Isn't that a grill? +really? holy crap.. i've still got to beat the regular game..,I play a lot of deck builders :) +"not to defend liberals, but they rap in the play.",Only NON-WHITES can rap. +"I think the only trashy part was the corset with jean short shorts. And the dude in the pictures looked redneck, which I guess is trashy.","I thought I caught a glimpse of *gasp* a tattoo, which automatically makes someone trashy" +Jeremy Corbyn: Donald Trump is a rich white man pretending to be against the elites,Yeah you're right the white multi millionaire clinton family are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better. +"Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge Are Safe; No Need To Worry, Says Samsung","New Note 7s are safe, no need to worry, said Samsung earlier this year" +Hint at gloves for the major?,Pretty sure they did this before the glove update +That did not happen unless your quetz was literally the worst high level quetz anyone has ever owned. Or it was already hurt. or maybe not wearing a saddle. I've shot a lot of rockets at a lot of dinos. I found out quick it was a waste to shoot decent level birds.,Can confirm pteras with more then 1k hp and bettet the prim sad can take a rocket easy. +elaborate plzz,"Once you research electricity, aluminum shows up on the map." +Is this how this lane balancing thing works?,The question is why do you need that much coal? +"F2P wall at 3600 Anyone else feel the same? Im a level 10 with a 11/7/0/0 deck, and I've been stuck at 3600 for a while now. Everyone here runs at least 11/8/5/1.5 cards, making it extremely hard to progress. I'd like to hear everyone's opinions on this","I'm at 3880 and climbing with 9/7/4/x f2p, the paywall is definitely higher" +Why didn't the police just shoot the car from his hands? s/,"the car was resisting, they had to shoot it..The person died by accident." +Modern Warfare,Ok +i spent like 2 hours arguing with this guy last night he is a total idiot.,What other outrageous claims was he making? +Ronaldo - Bale Isco-Modric-Kovacic-Lucas Marcelo-Varane-Nacho-Carvajal Navas Thats actually a pretty good team.,"If you see my history, this is the formation I wanted too see, bit of a different lineup though... I'm excited!" +Scottsdale Stackers on ebay I just won my first kilo scottsdale stacker. after cc discount paying .70 over spot. most of the stackers have been selling low this morning.,They are cheaper direct from the mint if you have cash on hand. +Stop judging me for judging people!,They judge based on facts and logic and you do based on political correctness and media induced liberalism. +Yes I'll take failed R&M pickup lines for 1000,At least her name isn't tammy +"There's a lot of champions and for starter, it definitely is overwhelming. But you can slowly learn. Most players have been around for *years* so it doesn't seems that much anymore. You just need to realize you won't know everything tomorrow, and you'll learn by experience and playing.",*whoosh* +True. Though it can also be fun to make some $$$ for yourself ;),"If someone's a noob (viper III or smaller) I'll invite them to hunt with me, but if you kill snipe (especially after declining) then... you've made your last jump, space dust." +"Exactly! You can't be racist against whites, everyone knows this.",Minorities can't be racist you silly privileged white person. +I just threw it on to see how id like the 90. normally has a 110 Zipp sl service course stem with matching bars and seat post .,oh damn son okay no need to brag +Finally you're online god damnit. Get on Discord.,Im literally driving to work RIGHT NOW +What the actual fuck man.,I think his heart might have more in common with a serial killer then a supposedly 'pure man with a heart of gold'.. +Tyson has a degree? I mean ANY school degree?,Um.. Yea. +Foreign diplomats feel pressure to stay at Trump's hotels,Guys he is just a smart business man and any of you could do the EXACT SAME THING. +"2 Nomies, did I break the timeline?",Don't talk to me or my son ever again! +"Cookiezi | Kanae Asaba - Endless Starlight ~Inochi no Kirameki~ (OP ver.) +HD,DT (96.81%) FC #3 609PP 160.7 UR",Cookiezi such a filthy DT farmer... +"No, what you see are baby pigeons. The adults are those stone-looking monstrosities at the tops of cathedrals.","Everyone knows they start as pidgeys and later evolve to pidgeotto, followed by the adult pidgeot." +So the Kochs have actually taken over the federal government. Fantastic. Thanks guys! Really draining the shit out of that swamp!,But they got rid of Soros ! +"Genetically modifying the genes of an organism is just that, modifying DNA through selection, not by introducing a chemical. Humans have engaged in a natural GMO process by breeding favored species of plants. Fruits and vegetables, such as oranges, corn, and bananas, were never as big as they are now. GMO is a way to force and accelerate breeding. It will also be a way to combat climate change, as humans will need to create more robust seeds and species that can thrive in different temperatures than what they are used to. Fluoridating water is entirely different, it's introducing a chemical in quantities that wouldn't otherwise exist. Toothpaste already has fluoride. Water should remain as pure as possible, and personally I find the argument that fluoride fights tooth decay is weak at best as to why anything should be added to water. Brushing your teeth and flossing also fights tooth decay, and you don't swallow toothpaste.",Holy shit wait until everyone finds out DNA is *made of chemicals* and it modifies *itself* (and if it didn't none of us would exist). +"Reporter: Do their balls (Siemian, Lynch) feel different? Emmanuel Sanders: (laughing) next question.",Reporter to Klay Thompson: How much do you feed off the D? +"I never vote for myself except when.... Only one person has voted for me, so I vote for myself to make it look like I didn't vote for myself.",The rest of my team is garbage and I obivously was the carry with my sick Hanzo plays. +I think you're right. I guess she did gain consciousness. Bernard even says to Maeve when he talks about her escape being programmed: [...] make your way to the train. Then when you reach the main.. She was never supposed to leave the train. I missed that.,Didn't realize I responded to two of your comments ha! +Video games made into a movie usually suck.,The mario movie was an underrated masterpiece +Charlemagne called him out in a great interview. Basically called him an egotistical hypocrite.,"Wouldn't have a link would you?, would love to see that." +Solid idea but most of the people that need that information don't come to the subreddit,Can't feed people that don't want to eat. +cannabix technologies (blozf) is getting a lot of hype with their marijuana breathalyzer haven't looked much into yet but imagine this could potentially be standard among all law enforcement. thoughts?,"Google map their address, and check the website .. definately legit company" +Sparky- useless pile o' bolts Ice Wizard- The Blue Norwegian iDragon- tower bird Miner- Tunnel Dude,Inferno dragon - laser bird +"Possible, but at the same time I don't really see how that would be an advantage. Yes you're guaranteed a spot on a future season but it does nothing to help you win the current one. In fact I think it would make it even harder to win this season if that was the case. The jury could easily say well this person is going to get a second chance so why not give the money to someone who only has one chance?",Advantage to play again gives you another chance for the million. +"In the US, our job market is being flooded with immigrants and we have a lot of American workers who are unemployed.","Can confirm, am immigrant stealing a job." +She's already a dermatologist.. does she really need extra money??,"Yeah, I'm sure she's making a HUGE profit from YouTube videos." +All the feels from Charlie Strong.,I genuinely like the guy and I hate to see him go tbh +"Po'boys are so overrated. And I'm saying this of my own accord. God damn southern sandwiches, you have good food here, but your sandwiches are abominations.",You are an embarrassment to Louisiana and the South. +Except the population isn't neutral. R/politics perfectly reflects the population.,Given the shift from neutral to pro socialist heavily supporting Bernie to a pro Hillary sub in a matter of months I honestly doubt it. +Did Obama control Congress?,I believe in his first term he had a super majority for 2 years and rather then enacting the policies and provisions of it they just allow it to stagnant and fester into a pissing match. +Kevins giant chompers must of hit it,Damn it Dunn. +"TRUMP: I'm a 'smart person,' don't need intelligence briefings every single day",We're fucked +Are we sure this game is rated E?,"Printscrn, learn to use it" +"Tom Brady now has more career wins (201) than any other quarterback in NFL history. New England defeats Los Angeles, 26-10.","As much as it hurts to say it, Tom Brady is the greatest quarterback of all time." +That dogs name... Albert Einstein.,YELLING MAKES IT SO +CONGRESS IS SORRY FOR BIRDS' WEAK BUTTHOLES,"It's a miracle, we finally got Congress to be sorry for something, rather than blustering and blaming it on the president." +"This week's ep has some of the worst animation I have ever seen.Looking at HxH and One Punch Man in comparison to One Piece and DBS, Toei shouldn't even be considered an animation company.Thumbs up to Madhouse being probably the best Jap animation studio for me!",But HxH and OPM were both made by Madhouse and both aren't long running..... +Roundtable - 12/10 You can use this thread to discuss whatever is on your mind or share news articles or off topic things that would otherwise not be posted to the sub.,Lmao only in 2016 do you hear a Harvard Econ professor use the term is woke to describe Joe Walsh & Russia. +List of Journalists who colluded with Clinton Campaign,"But wait, that viral Facebook post told me that only the media that criticized Neoliberalism were fake news sites!" +LF5M Fresh WotM 375+ and experienced Lets do it fast and get our rewards. Don't need to monitors but if someone needs we can go through with them Post psn below,"378 titan, psn is reddit name" +"As a fellow Floridian, I second it. Now to just get it out to the general public.",Lead by example. +Do we know the fastest way to level a new character yet?,Great Saiyanman last mission on repeat 40k in 30 seconds. +"TIL the British Standards Institute has issued standards for the ethical design of robots, declaring that robots should not be designed solely or primarily to kill or harm humans and warning against robots that lack respect for cultural diversity or pluralism.",I'm sure that the manufacturers of guided weapons will be meeting that standard any day now. +Trump spokeswoman says ignoring Russian espionage is patriotic,"In other news, a Trump spokeswoman says that surprising the Dear Leader with an offer of breakfast fellatio is patriotic." +Because marketing. People who like starwars are more likely to buy those razors instead of the regular ones now because of their depiction of the stormtroopers,Thank Fuck Disney owns this franchise now +"Metro, Alien, Dishonored has been fun so far as well",Dishonored is my favorite fps experience because you can play and never see or kill or play to kill literally everything that moves and the world vastly changes because of it +"From almost everything I have read, that wait time is not common at all, and those are the worst waits. You know how long some people wait to see a specialist in the US? Forever. They can't afford to.",Can confirm...I've been waiting to see to neurologist for 3 months and I even have insurance. +The downfall of democracy will be the ignorance of the masses.,We live in a republic tho +"*Eight* months of your life, nice. Was it worth it?","I only have half that amount of hours, but to me it was worth it." +"I ran into this exact issue; it would draw part of the header, then fail out. I had to dig into the html to find where it spat the error, since it was inside the nav div. Anyway, I actually upped the php max memory all the way to 1G, as librenms is the only thing running on this machine.",Yeah I just wanted to make sure it was normal that it was using that much ram and not indicative of some kind of issue with my install. +Solo PVP Compilation - Fed Navy Comet,so much orbiting and outrunning your own tracking +"Cheese are friends, not food.",Ever get any buttery donkeys with that username? +"In the interest of fucking with people, O as in opossum K as in knife P as in pneumonia M as in mnemonic",Some more: C as in scenario N as in autumn G as in thorough +Donatella Versace,r/mummyboners? +We can do it! We can get a fresh rating on RT!,Nah all critics are biased to DC movies +Thoughts on these exhaust tips?,"These are shit and exhaust pipes are shit, just get a sawzall and cut your exhaust off below the headers" +I mean like an actual bridge.,"What would the difference be, other than aesthetics?" +They should have guards there and seperate people based on suspicion of criminal activity,"Maybe a fence, too ..." +Mass Effect anyone?,"If it isn't like the third game and its ending, I'm in." +The new NSX Tomato!,You clearly aint skilled enough to use the Tomato properly +I never imagined i'd one day actually agree with the state of Kentucky on something.,And you're both wrong. +What's the point of yours?,Good point. +No you're not. That's why you keep obsessing over Pakistan every day.,If it was not for your location you would be Somalia and nobody would ever pay any attention to you killing each other off ..whatever value you have it is due to you being located next to bharat +"Essentially, your audience is full of idiots that will misunderstand you, so treat them that way.","That's not true, some audience members are not idiots ;)" +"We think you're an idiot because you think they could have delayed a patch where bugs were only revealed once it was released. They took hibana off the PS4 as one example of them deactivating features due to the bugs. They didn't just know about all this shit and say hmm, fuck it they internally tested it in a controlled environment. That said, we need a play test server for siege","I think they would have noticed that hibana bug in testing, it happens every time you use the gadget on console." +Guys what's one sexual fantasy you wish you could live out but will likely never get the chance to?,"Dude, I would love to have sex with a girl and her mother at the same time, if possible they would both be pregnant with my kids." +"Why do you, as an amateur, need to know all these things when it takes scores of experts from multiple fields to even begin to comprehend it collectively, and none of them understand every nuance? Can't you just respect the people who do the boring jobs of thinking the hard way and documenting their work?",You should move to a nice totalitarian country where everything will be taken care of for you. +"Trump's Picks For AG & CIA Happy To Undermine Civil Liberties, Increase Surveillance",I never believed we needed all those civil liberties anyway. +"Its like a sedan but without the low center of gravity for handling, and it's like an SUV but without the ground clearance for ... well... for doing just about everything you could ever need an SUV for!",But my baby boomer knees don't creek when I get in it! +I think it's an interesting way to protest affirmative action. Definitely makes you think about the policy.,The only thing their protest is a lesson of is false equivalence. +"Sombra's release has been developing, but not pari passu with the ARG, as our research initially indicated.",Sounds great but where's sombra? +Apparently its really hard for them to do even though the files are already in the game since if you change language it will change the crew voices as well. Think its just one of the many small things PC has that we won't get because they don't think its worth it. So instead we get Pay2win skills and premium tanks that are just reskinned tech tree tanks.,"Why should they put time and effort into something that only benefits our game experience, but not their bank account?" +Man's penis removed after being stuck in 'sex toy' bottle,This is actually pretty sad. +money can't buy you happiness.,But you never see a sad guy on a jet ski. +Why don't you just stop obsessively caring how other people live their lives?,"Because I want to marry some decent muslimah one day.If I am not going to criticize them then one day I will find very difficult to marry young, light skin, attractive, virgin,hijabi, decent muslimah.Then I have no option left other than MGTOW and live alone rest of my life with dog" +"They don't even make the slightest effort. The absolute least they could do is make an effort to hire some of the homeless as landscapers or janitors or something and provide them cheap housing. But nah, can't work for TSCC unless you have a temple recommend.",That would just encourage more bums to move to the area. +I needed 3 RP for Muay Thai Lee Sin,picasso is that you? +...and so began the demise of America's Middle Class.,don't forget the start of our massive debt! +"If you have win10 pro, bitlocker is built in which does full disk encyption",No back doors there +I dont get called a pedo cuz i *look* like a child. I guess its a looks thing too,"Yeah... I took a substitute teaching gig about 3 weeks ago, everyone addresses me like a student, sees my badge, oh, sorry, I thought you were a student." +"Yea, I get the same reactions. I live in Canada, where people tend to feel the same way with respect to math. All I hear is Oh math? You must be so smart or Oh math? I hated parabolas. Well, I hated learning about quadratic functions too, and as much as I hate to say it, I am not a genius. I'm not sure what I can say to people to convince them that math is not something you become good at by divine intervention. But, until I find something I can say, I'll just play up the brooding genius angle on dates.","Wow, they know what a parabola is?" +Stop buying pants.,But then he will be walking around pants-less. +Sooo many packers fans in this thread. Go away.,They have nothing to do but drink and R-E-L-A-X today +Not sure I like how much Hollywood is cashing in on a Communist society with humanitarian ethics issues. I say Hollywood because DCs just building up a movie premise for WB.,Wasn't aware that setting something in China instantly meant you support their government. +I FUCKING HATE ALLEN. WHY WAS FLEENER SO EXPENSIVE,Fleener was sure known for his sure handed catches +Cowboys need to draft a safety and a defensive lineman in this next draft.,Probably another OL +"Iraqi Security forces drag an ISIS child soldier in front of a tanks tracks, shoots him and then the tanks drives over the body",True heroes and liberators of iraq. +"For example, even though weed should be legal, it isn't. Therefore if you're dumb enough to drive around with it in your car and get arrested, take responsibility for it instead of whining about it being illegal.",Wow what a piece of shit... +"Am French, got the game since friday, can confirm. <3",We saved you in two wars and this is how you repay us? +"Trump will expand the NSA, renew the Patriot Act, not abolish the Fed, infringe on the Second without trial, and loves Israel. So you think Americans should be indefinitely detained without trial, and the largest, intrusive spying apparatus should get bigger. I don't. You caught me! You are truly unAmerican.",So a bunch of shit the DNC is also guilty of/probably started? +"You probably can't 100% conclude that yourself unless you're an allergist, physician, or doctor who's done the appropriate tests. If you insist on your self diagnosis, you will have a VERY hard time finding PG free juice, as PG is a carrier in almost all flavorings. If you want to be that crazy allergy alarmist, you could very well put yourself in a fugurative bubble unnecessarily.",So even if I switch to vg juice and the headaches completely disappear I'm still just a crazy person? +Deserves to die?! I guess the last time your head was clear was in 1980.,We don't need morons like that in the gene pool. +Jupiter Spinning Globe by Mova.,Looks like a fushigi ball +You know what would be better? If there was a Sorting Hat!,"Yeah, but then the Griffindors would look down their noses at the Slytherins and they'd consider the Ravenclaws to be bad association..." +"Yes night tracks are cool, but I would trade this crappy layout for any european jewel we dropped out earlier",Valencia :P +Amazing how much people want free speech until somebody says something they disagree with.,Such an intelligent comment. +Is anybody else besides me fucking hyped????,No the rest of us just kind-of tolerate it +"Abandon the blitz, just cover. Remember what the Patriots did against us in 2014 after they couldn't pressure us at all in the 1st half? They abandoned the blitz and put all of their guys in coverage. Yes, Rodgers had all day against their defense in the 2nd half, but the packers could only get 6 points.",Man we're idiots for not using Revis to cover their receivers. +How much weight does the scale need to support?,It can't pass 50lbs +I'm just curious as to the implication of the phrase kratom related deaths. I wasn't aware there was lethal potential.,"Kratom has many of the same dangerous effects as opioids, including respiratory suppression, especially when taken with alcohol." +Throw it in the tall grass never to be seen again,Mo monkey pussy for me! +THE MITOCHONDRIA IS THE POWERHOUSE OF THE CELL,I think you mean the Androids +dat lucky roll...,calculated +Except for alabama. that was two scores.,Basically a win in the SEC +Except Cartman,"Kyle's mom is a botch, in D-Minor" +You're feeling reserved about it for a reason. I've been scammed out of $685 on eBay before with no protection so I'm extremely cautious. I'd say hell to the no.,"Yep, ended up blocking them." +I think I made a better Royal Air Force flag.,"It does look like a RAF flag, but the RAF is quite invigorated in the culture of the UK, as it helped us win the war." +I bet he looks just fucking awful irl. Oooh I get it.,I think OP is trying to say they are going to lose in the general election irl +"I am extremely happy to a OpTic fan at this moment. All of our teams made it to the finals, even if GOW & COD(online tournament) is the only teams to win their tournaments, what other ORG can say all their teams made it to the finals. #GOGREENWALL",Only if fucking thorin didn't pick us to win damn man w.e the big one is coming up so let's hope OpTic qualifies for the major +The fact that I'm not 13 probably helps in me not laughing.,we will see you next time on Things 13 Years Olds Say +What happens when a steamroller goes over a golf ball.,If you put the ball in the center of the wheel I bet you would have a different result. +"Holy shit, a downvote in 20 seconds..",Surprised it took 20 seconds tbh. +i traded my x-devil for some useless striker crimson lightnings :(,Oh man :( if you want to undo your trade i got a x devil i can trade for the wheels +"You know, ISIS does understand social media and how to recruit through the Internet. I was maaaaybe willing to give this story the benefit of the doubt until he mentioned India. Okay, maybe there is some ISIS follower(s) in India, though that would be pretty risky, since Indian law wouldn't be nearly as kind as most European or US if they rooted you out. It's the sniper part that got me. How the fuck do you spot a sniper while on Skype? Did he take a shot and miss? I know what sub I'm on, and I'm over thinking this... goddamit.",He meant he lied about a sniper and had the isis guy ducking. +TLDR: Learn to fucking read. Reddit is bad at summarizing.,Don't be suck a prick +D-League Name Suggestions?? Personal suggestions: 1) College Park Babybirds (baby birds + development = Hawks) 2) College Park Chickens (I like chickens) 3) College Park DS17FlexGangs (#SchrodersSwagTeam #DS17 #FG #FlexGanG) 4) College Park Bazegazers (Logo would be blazing!) 5) College Park Swindlers (sWINdlers = for the WIN!) 6) College Park Snekslayers (Horf is SNEKKKKK!) Any other suggestions?,The Atlanta Dream +"A Call to Arms against Trump supporters, brought to you by the trump spam hating tolerant left.",Because I bet this person is SO well versed in firearms. +"Wow, I love this site thanks for posting that link",No problem.... +Off topic but be sure to check out Chiang mai. Much more laid back vibe compared to Bangkok.,"Word up, taking a night train there at the start of next month to kill some time and check out the area" +It's been 10 years since we've had a Superman videogame... 10 years since Superman Returns came out... which sucked. If an action game wouldn't work like Arkham (though I could see the fear takedown system work really well for Superman) why not a Telltale game or an adventure story kind of like LA Noire where there are action elements but you analyze data with Super powers? Maybe a sandbox where you can switch between Superman and Clark Kent as needed. Something like that? Ten years seems like way too long to go without a Superman game. How have they not figured out a way to effectively bring Superman to this platform in 30 years? The only Superman game I would even call good is Shadow of Apokolips on PS2,Good +"If I remember the story correctly, they didn't crack Telegram. They cracked or got access to the phone the ISIS leader was using, which had Telegram on it and his Telegram contacts and conversations.",Should have used self-destructing messages! +D was pretty solid in the second half.,gaygay gay +The Difference between Carl Edwards and Jimmie Johnson,GOLDEN HORSESHOE +The intellectuals tabloid.,You forgot this: +Gambling is a bch. House always wins.,Especially when the prizes have no material worth. +Singapore wants to drop F1 race,"Yes, where would Singapore be without the F1" +"I'm a simple man, i see TNA drama i upvote",You must upvote a lot. +SUV T-bones minivan,"It's ok, one less HHR on the road." +Really curious as to how this convo got to this point.,I voted for Trump. +Richmond Braves?,So is every team in the DC area a bunch of racists? +Man I'm entertained. I'll be bummed if we lose but this thing went 0-100 out of nowhere,looks like my last drink of the night just turned into more drinks! +WAT?!?!?!...... (colosseum in a nutshell),"This is nothing like Colosseum, normally there's at least 2 azurai's" +i have lvl 3 additional super on ssj3 godtenks and he double supers almost every fight.. gonna be lvl 8 tomorow.. and critical will go from 0 to 8 also tomorow.. its gonna be lit,Wat? +"Yeah, well Kobes not around anymore.",Well Westbrook puts on his whole tough guy act and wants to be like Kobe and MJ but he clearly doesn't have the fortitude to not whine about everything +"That's interesting but kind of flawed imo, and heres why : You listen to a band mainly because of the music they make. You don't really play LoL mainly because there's loads of sexy girls in there. Plus, making new champs doesnt remove the old ones",You have seen Riot's lack of interest in champs that are more than a year or two old or aren't massive meme factories right? +I just want to say thank you for treating this discussion with the kind of honest academic objectivity that it's really lacking right now,I just want to say thank you for the useless meta +2016 IWC All-Star Event Heads to Barcelona,IWC in 2016 LUL +Millennial Home Ownership Shrinks as Student Debt Grows,I'm sure the Trump Administration will be hard at work solving this problem on day one. +2016: Forever Unclean,If it's gonna happen I can't think of a better place to do it. +LF1M NF HARD Post name and LL,Det_archetype 386 hunter +It would be really cool if we could glide in the new fractal lobby. I just came back to the game after a while. I think it's silly you can't glide between the islands.,They'd have to make the FoTM lobby a non-instanced area.. which i would also be ok with. +"Im sick of having to run 5mins to catch up to everyone. I swear before TWW hit when i joined a game it would spawn me next to the host or at least close to the others or something, but since the update i spawn at the start of the map everytime i join a game while everyone else is halfway across the map and i have to run 5mins to catch up and its getting extremely old. On short missions like exterminate, sabotage, capture, rescue, half the time i spawn in and just run from start to extraction because they finish before i even get there, its very boring.",Stop playing Rhino +"Creationist Jerry Falwell, Jr. Met with Donald Trump About a Possible Dept. of Education Position","Remember guys, Trump's just pandering." +there goes my new boxers,That is one wierd fetish +"I like to do a lot of walking, and almost every time I go out, some dickhead in a ute will yell something incomprehensible as he drives past, just to fuck with me. One time I was particularly pissed off and gave the shirtless dickheads the finger. They fucking drove onto the separate bike/pedestrian path and started hooning up and down looking for me. Won't do it again, but these cunts are definitely looking for an excuse to put someone in the hospital.",yeah I _love_ getting the hey babyyy when I'm trying to jog or whatever. +"Shocker: In Wake of Hillary's Defeat, Donations to Clinton Foundation Dry Up",The foundation was just so effective that there was no charitable causes left. +You mean they can legally do what they have been doing for 2 decades already? At least now they don't have to waste their time with parallel reconstruction.,"Saving tax payers money, really." +Menyasal meliat man utd main. *mengeluh*,Hahaha lambat bus si Mourinho sampai +"When these cars are fully autonomous, maybe there will be a vigilante mode where the car would've followed this scumbag and dished out some street justice!",It should just run over them! +And good riddance to that prick. Took 5 seconds to turn Cisco back to the light. Maybe we can Felicity can as well.,Felicity has been good in Arrow Season 5 +"I don't think your mom is a whore but the possibility exists, we ought to investigate","When there's smoke, there's fire....oh, and we created the smoke." +"Odd but D'Angelo Russell is shooting 28.8% from the field on Sundays, 46.5% on all other days combined - in total 41.3%",Is Sunday the day he snitched? +"British children some of the least active in the world, report says - England & Wales score a 'D minus' when it comes to overall physical activity, but Scotland is at the joint bottom of the table with an 'F'",It's because of all those damn EU inmigrant children hogging all the play areas! +Who's Your Favorite Pink Floyd Member?,Where the hell is Snowy White +But when healthy he's a... a... slightly above league average SF?,Slightly better. +I'd take pierce to take my last shot almost over anybody else in the league. I'm not even a big pierce fan but watching him in clutch situations is amazing. I really wished that 2nd game winner in that series counted.,I'd take him and Jeremy lin to take the last shot against the raptors. +"He can tank a goddamn bazooka to the face, an AK would barely faze him.",truuu +"Best way/place to find a coach? I'm looking to potentially compete this summer, and since it'd be my first show, I feel like I should probably find a coach. My question is, where/how do I find a coach? I see a lot of fitness personalities (YouTube, Instagram, etc.) offer coaching services, but I question the legitimacy/efficacy of such services. So anyone out there who has/had a solid coach, how did you find him/her? Thanks",instagram +Forrest gives away a mousepad,"F0rest strikes me as the guy that is always happy, really nice to see." +Are you Bronze 4 now?,"No, 3." +ITS HAPPENING! FBI insiders think Hillary should be charged for her crimes!,Sounds like this insider wants a paycheck from the Clinton Foundation to buy that summer home of his dreams. +"I guess you're right. The guy just said When he burns you, he burns your soul and I immediately thought of the Penance Stare. Guess we'll have to wait and see.",Yeah...I am actually kinda excited that we don't know exactly what this GR can do. +"Self-Driving Cars Will Exacerbate Organ Shortages Unless We Start Preparing Now - Currently, 1 in 5 organ donations comes from the victim of a vehicular accident.","Article assumes self-driving cars are flawless and will kill no one, of which we already know that to be untrue." +"I always thought it was Here, here! As in I, over here, also agree with you","Huh, I'd never even thought about that" +Can't tell if troll or serious comment :/,It's obv a troll lmao +Tickle Fingers V2 (Puppet Model.),"This is one of the best Puppet Models I have seen yet so, when are you going to get onto the anime grill puppet" +6 SAGAS AND A MOVIE,There's already two DBS movies! +"TIL Dwayne Johnson was set to star in a movie about Hawaiian warrior-king Kamehameha, but was pulled because he's Samoan, with the producer saying, It would be a great taboo for the part to go to a nationality that was a fierce enemy of the Hawaiians during that time.",Which is why all portrayals of Hitler throughout history were by German actors. +"One punch knock-outs without any repercussions. As a martial artist, that's just cringy",it's the most effective form of non-lethal takedown... +Have you seen Brock Osweiler play football? 3rd worst starting QB in the league.,I'm still trying to figure out how the Texans have won 6 games with him under center. +"Room regular is TOO COLD for them. They have a higher body temperature. Luke warm can even be too cold, I've always gone with just under what I'd do for a hot bath. As already mentioned don't overfill the tub and Once a month is more than enough. Over bathing will remove oils from their skin which is bad for them.","No-- I mean the room itself, not the water." +Strategically setting up for best video reception with diversity reciever using a directional antenna aimed at the worst spot. Then just fly through the static. It was really bad her.,What kinda directional antenna +Don't worry about latin America and south America. We going to annex them.,well its about time. +"Brian Lara signs on for Newcastle, Australia Division 5 side",Does that mean he's eligible for Australia? +I didn't even know you could get your news with Facebook until this whole debacle. I'm part of the adblocker elite apparently,"I get most of my news from reddit and the Economist, this provides a very balanced view of the world." +One guy shaking his head .. why'd he have to ruin it :(,"Announcers tongue moves right at the beginning, sloppy as hell" +They would do the same for any girl over 12 or any girl who has at one point had sex,"Not true, i wouldn't dismiss a girl under 12 if she had sex" +I wouldn't bet on it,Why? +"Surprise, m*therfucker",I'm not surprised motherfucka. +"If Trump raises tariffs, all that will happen is automated plants will pop up in the US. It may be cheapest to outsource, but its still cheaper to use robots than hire actual people.","Don't worry, raising minimum wage will not have the same effect." +You're not making any sense. Being in the minority doesn't mean you have no voice. It means another voice is just louder.,I'm sure the African American community enjoys that position. +"This is what the right does. They're run by billionaires, who want to continue to abuse the American people without consequence. So, they make up these lies that the evil immigrants and the evil poor people are the root cause of our problems (spoiler alert: they're not), and people eat that shit up. The 1% have been running the damn show, and the right wing eats up everything they say. Poor people have become a scapegoat because some rich assholes want to hold their power.",My favorite John Steinbeck quote: Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires. +For those unhappy with the bridge placement on the Polaris,side note: that scanning dish amidships looks _alot_ like the replacement dish on the Falcon in TFA. +What would Q hassling the Founders be like?,I would watch the hell out of a whole comedy odd couple series with Q and the Founders... Kind of like a Trek equivalent of Perfect Strangers :) JDL would have just eaten that up I think! +Or HR wants to rape him/her.,Woooosh +"Is there any country which doesn't worship women in one way or another? Almost every country seems full of white knights who worship women, and in a way non-Western countries are often even worse than Western countries in this regard. In some countries if a man gets into an argument with a woman and upsets the woman, often loads of white knights will come to her defense and attack the guy to defend the woman's honour. In fact, many non-Western nations are big on this idea that woman have a great sense of honour, which is nothing but stupid white knighting, applying masculine values to women, women don't have honour, they're not men. In many non-Western countries, the general cultural expectation is that a man should treat women with far more respect and consideration than he would treat another man. This definitely seems to be the case in countries like Russia and India, as well as most Asian countries really. The majority of men in almost all countries seem to treat women as if they are superior beings, it really is a delusion that affects the majority of men everywhere.",Arab countries? +Pick top 25 from Reddit Alpha and it's GG WP.,Alphas only have high trophies because they are hardcores p2ws +Balloons over Burma,No one thought Bombs over Baghdad? +he's never cried *sniffle* (x-post: r/quityourbullshit),This guy is going to be so sad when facebook reminds him of the last time... +"Reddit, you just died. You have a chance at resurrection if you can beat God at a videogame of your choice. You only get one chance, what game do you pick?",Snake. +Maybe because of the amazing music he makes,you forgot this +Looks matter.,"Guess it's time to blind everybody, then" +is that sarcasm.?,"No, if you have information on it I would be very interested to read it." +"Google the term Died on MM/DD/YYYY, and replace the date with your own birthday. This is who you are the reincarnation of. Who were you?","Also, please leave your full name and the name of your childhood pet." +Presidential debate moderators announced,Don't debates usually have 3 or 4 moderators? +"this really makes we wonder, what exactly did mr. Trump mean with ''Make America great again''......when was it ''great''?",Back when the colored knew their place. +What was/is your guest book? Did/are you going to have a traditional guest book or are you going to do something a bit more fancy?,We're doing vinyl records and having guests sign them in silver and gold. +Pleade,lolwut +But I don't think they're ugly. I like them.,I just knew as soon as I read this question that the top answer would be Christmas sweaters which sort of gives the lie to the hated by everyone part lol +Omg atheists. Get your head out of your asses. You have no idea how any of this works.,"Thank you for the thoughtful explanation, where would we be without your guidance?" +I lost 3 rank matches because i keep getting disconnected from server. Thought it was my potato network but turns out lots of u guys on here have the same problem.,Maybe they have potato internet too :) +What is the best champ for soloq ? So I tried jumping into ranked with lucie thinking that I can easily carry with her but I still lost a bunch of game where I legit had 1500+ score and my teammate about 200-500 and we lost because I just didn't had the dmg to win (obviously as support). So yeah I would like to hear a higher elo opinion on what champ is the best to carry with :p,Taya +Why aren't there more conservative stand up comedians?,Because it's not a real job. +"Hopefully, this isn't a racial thing.",It isn't a racial thing unless the victim is black. +Those were mostly Russians. And those Ukranians who got educated on the subject are now in Canada or US.,"Right, and Kazakhstan is the leader in space exploration since most of the USSR space programs were based in Baiconur :))))))))))))))))))))))" +Is this just for America?,Yah it's in the movie title. +"Faker just played it. Bjerg also played it but I wouldn't watch that, if I were you, if you watch Faker and then Bjerg it's kind of like going from challenger to playing in Silver V.","Bjerg is actually a fantastic Zil player, he was just not right in the head that game." +Implying there's only one,Implying there is *at least* one. +"Someday, when I'm asked about the great meme wars, I'll be able to say I memed with the best of them. Love y'all, MAGA!",#PEPE WILL BE IN OUR CHILDREN'S HISTORY BOOKS +Yeah but let's be fair to him; Being President is *hard* and he needs his safe space.,Life's hard for rich white guys when even the *theater* isn't a safe space +Even when they were winning numbers were dropping,wait.. when were they winning? +There Is No Such Thing As Western Civilisation,Civilization is just a social construct +Venezuela's prisoners STARVE to death in jails amid economic collapse,Not real socialism! +Man solving a problem,He only weighs half as much +Strong would be good pickup for Baylor. He would have them contending pretty quickly IMO and would kill it in recruiting.,"Yeah, if there's one thing that Charlie Strong specializes in, it's quick turnarounds." +Okay game I got the memo,"All in your head, git gud." +"The EU's ruling that Apple Inc must pay a huge tax bill to Ireland was clearly based on facts and existing rules and was not a decision aimed against the United States, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said on Sunday.",Maybe it's time Apple comes home. +Every striper ever?,"Yea, every stripper has a super involved/restrictive dather figure who cares." +I just lost a game because of a glitch,Did the creature they were equipped to actually die.... They don't go to the discard pile until the equipped creatre dies... +"OSB fest, go cray cray :)",MFW OSB fest start on my Birthday <3 +How many HDMI2.0 would you need to push RGB 4:4:4? Like 12?,Don't almost all monitors use RGB 4:4:4? +"This is humans we're talking about. There will still be fractured political identities even within a larger culture like Earth or Terra. And they will vie for influence and back-stab each other. Just like always. At least I imagine so for SC, because it seems to be going down a more gritty, realistic path than the utopia Star Trek painted for us.","*In the grim dark world of $2,000 ships...*" +"On average, a man will ejaculate 14 gallons of semen during the course of their lifetime. An Olympic-sized swimming pool holds 660,430 gallons of water. So, it would take 47,174 men to stand around a pool jacking off for about 40 years to fill it up.","Something tells me this doesn't account for potential evaporation, however." +My beautiful 420 collection was killed !,"Mine too... I say we protest, refuse to buy coins, write scalding complaint posts on this subreddit, and demand Niantic fixes this crap!" +I always tell people to make sure that you're using the drugs and they're not using you,I always tell drugs to make sure that they're using you and not the other way around. +"Based off the lore alone, the Wraith is probably the nicest of the killers",He looks so cute with his head tilt! +people still play this? nobody at my school even talks about pogo anymore,Why would you browse the subreddit if you don't think people play it anymore? +When Google photo gallery on Android phone requires permission to view your Contacts app something is amiss at Google.,It's just to get shared albums to work. +"agreed. but cant help but think how perfect it wouldve been if they listened to the pros and banned rapid, high cal and afterburner, and specialists","I feel if all those were banned, plus more LANs, then this would of been a very succesul hear for us." +Another Question Should I tip on the total or the cost minus delivery cost?,"In all seriousness, what If i am high as fuck and I get delivery from 6 doors down is a 3.50 tip acceptible if theyre literally walking less than 50 yards and are employed by the restaurant?" +Did not receive money from test server I joined CT1 but did not receive the 100M credits or gold or XP.,"Welcome to the grind, my friend." +"And that has nothing to do with the fact that she's running against a laughable, angry sack of rotting oranges, it's all to do with her vagina? And, I think you're being overconfident, this country is still perfectly capable of pulling our own brexit and electing trump.",I would say it's slight related... +I actually don't mind trucks. I like the raptor and the trophy truck but i find SUV's to just be an awkward part of the game. No one uses them,I do. +16 year old is a film connoisseur,"Way to just shit on a friend who just wants to help, he doesn't deserve someone like that if he treats them the way he does" +Found this great memory of the Pond,"YESSSS looks like Daniel Shank and Victor Gervais, but I can't make out the other autograph..." +"Thanks for the magic! Production wise, are you running a spectator client with the HLAE engine loaded into the game? That was my first thought when I noticed the hidden UI replays.",There's a console command that hides all HUD / UI elements in CS: GO already: **cl_draw_only_deathnotices 1** +"Weekend league and SBC'a are the bomb, the rewards are great but I think people are more upset about inconsistent gameplay where your team feels great one game, and super sluggish the next. People are upset their 1 mil squad is effected by momentum and concede bullshit goals. It sounds like a broken record but I think the community would like to have FIFA gameplay without the momentum aspect.","I'm aware, but thus far I see no real faults with squad building challenges." +So at what point does denver bench Siemian and go with Mark Sanchez?,I thought they released him +And now they'll be able to build an EU military with the UK leaving the EU.,"Yep, the US will go back to its agrarian past, MAAA" +Don't forget Cam Newton also got picked over him.,"Romo was the real snub that year, he carried a garbage offensive line and running game then." +"That would be interesting. Gosh, his slither was scary in HoN. Anyway, looking forward to see him play again!","He was so good HoN gave him the MSIvy set, good times." +And Muslim girls?,"They are only worth half, because the almighty has made them this way." +How long do you have left? A lot of improvement can be done in just the last months.,Around 2 months for the first round. +"It just doesn't work most of the time. I didn't listen to anyone on this. SLI or CrossFire is something I wanted to do forever so I finally just did it. Dual R9 390's were the sweet spot for me. When it works, it was fantastic. My 3D Mark scores were fantastic! Right up there with a single 1080. Gameplay, however, was a different story. Even in games where it was supposed to work just had nagging issues. Artifacting or texture mess ups or stuttering or SOMETHING. I ended up having to disable the second card for almost everything. Finally had enough and bought a Fury and then a 1080 and I'm much happier with a single card setup. Get the fastest single card you can afford right off the bat. If you want to try to CF in the future when your cards have come down in price then I'd give it a look.",Thanks! +What's your reason for digging up the past?,I needed a skull but all the ones I had on hand were too small. +360 Dribble,That's cleaner than any spike move I've seen in Rumble.. +Is there a game on steam you want? I recently experienced similar and i know its not much but it might help.,Hey its me your op! +My Brother's Gaming PC,Thats a nice case +The neighbors dog loves me,"The neighbor's dog loves everyone, dude." +"That reason is laziness. But yeah, this is the correct answer. There was most likely a fence line along the property line, or maybe there were designs to have one, but there was a gate there at one time. I've installed enough chainlink gates to know why someone would put a section like that in. If you don't, it leaves a gap too wide for a small dog to get through. I've seen some people just say fuck it and get a slab of metal to close up the gap. works, and looks only mildly worse than a chainlink fence.",Could they just move the gate a couple inches to line up with the corner rather than having two separate posts inches apart? +"Stop using that, stick to high PH chemicals for plumbing issues.",I'm not using it for plumbing issues; I'm using it for cleaning my toilet. +How to retake A from cat,I thoroughly enjoyed this very helpful PowerPoint presentation... +This is a very nice back round :),I prefer rump round myself +What is your favorite commercial?,"Here in my garage, just bought this new Lamborghini here" +Gaddafi looks like he's in a 90's Micheal Jackson video.,shamone +This entire subreddit is a goldmine.,Holy hell m8 +This monitor's refresh rate is 60Hz (I was able to overclock mines to 61Hz). My GTX 1070 gives me over 100 frames per second in Overwatch. The refresh rate of the monitor and the FPS you get from your GPU are two independent things.,"60hz is for plebians, 61hz master race" +"Ok Marty, You have to stop the train!",All you had to do was get pushed by the damn train! +When the angle of decline is *just* right,Take that Boston Dynamics +"There is a new do you wanna take this inside commercial???? I just saw one while watching a trolden video as the add. I THOUGHT BLIZZARD LEARNED THEIR MISTAKE! Now it takes place in a library, and there is some guy who is dressed as abusive sergeant..... If someone can find the link post it, I cant.",This is the reason why hs players not getting 5 free packs +have this saving strats excuse ever worked for slumping teams?,Eg at ti6 +"One of our clan mates dropped all the way down to Arena 5. He has over 300 crowns. It's so sad, lol. I didn't do that because I like the prestige of Legendary Arena, ha ha.",Would be fun if the content in the chest was based on the arena you got the most crowns in +"Echo's personal achievement doesn't make any sense... We all know all operators have personal achievements on their statistics page in-game; Thermite has Exo charges used, Hibana has how many pellets used and Twitch has how many gadgets she's shocked etc etc. But why in chanka's name is Echo's personal achievement how many YOKAI drone's destroyed? Shouldn't it be enemies disoriented?",Maybe there is a way to kamikaze with the drone +Something tells me you didn't use enough flares,"Lol... Unfortunately i died after playing about more than 2-3 hours of my game , in the dog fighting area of Operation Burnwater in the end of the mission aaaand i just quit :))" +That castle looks like shit. Way too many rugs.,Not many castles in rs look decent at all. +You don't need to flap your arms at takeoff.,Speak for yourself. +Now explain the thousand comments praising OP. That's not just casual upvoting.,they stoopid +"Dreadnought Documentary Sure a repost, but some good stuff in here.","You know, you could have posted this in the tread WITH the documentary in it.." +Gnasher? or Pellet gun?,"your first shot was around 7.29 degrees too far to the right, so it caused half a pellet to miss which resulted in a 250% damage penalty, you also didnt take the windage into account, which may have caused your shots to drift too far either side just get good dude" +Bramalea: West 49. Sizes on deck!,"i think the boost looks a little off but I'm no expert, get them legit checked before you buy." +Tonight's game,Lol gtfo +I don't hate Trump voters. I feel sorry for them. Embarrassingly naive. Easily duped.,"I wondered how the Donald reddit was doing with all these appointments, but it's all just LALALALALALA look emails LALALALA" +The CIA armed the Mujahideen. Which in turn gave rise to the Taliban/Bin Laden and threw Afghanistan back into the cultural stone ages. The CIA is arming the Peshmurga and YPG against ISIS despite the fact they are notoriously corrupt communists that want to conquer Turkey and establish a marxist state in the mid east. The CIA also armed most of the Syrian rebels (on both sides of the civil war there) which are now falling into ISIS ideologies. We should probably stop giving fanatical warlords guns for geopolitical expedience.,Our government wouldn't that. +What did your school waste money on that everyone hated?,Me. +If only we could teach the American media junkie how to use Google for basic fact checking.,With Google Facts^TM you never have to worry about fake news again! +"You say this as if it's funny, but I've actually sold computers to the amish",probably used them in religious sacrifices tbh +Perpetual energy machine. Impossible under our current understanding of physics. You can't get something from nothing.,Then explain my erection. +School Replaces Detention With Meditation,"Fake, no way they could get kids to actually stay put and quiet." +"I hope to play it long term, just worry a bit about too many operators at some point","Me too, I feel they should just introduce maps and no more operators." +Holy shit! There he is!,That's a rare leaf right there. +Should've just went with his real name of John Bush instead. Jeb just sounds like a name you'd associate with someone less educated.,It sounds like a redneck yokle jokle idiot +wow 19999/20000 and you just wanted to get the loot box!,"I ended up getting the Reinhardt pumpkin smash emote, so I would say it was worth the extra game." +"It will be essay #73, right after Sisters and pant suits are always appropriate","And #71 will be The Fourth Manifesto and the End of Eternal Polygamy: We Are Seriously Done with It This Time, We Promise" +"Found that all of my knit sweaters from last year are super stretched in weird ways - is there anything I can do to prevent it? Are there certain brands of clothing that do not stretch weird like this? It snowed yesterday, so I got out my warmer winter sweaters and tried them on. About 3 out of the 4 knit ones have stretched horribly! Such as, the collar on one stretched weird, and the front of 2 cardigans have stretched so that the front looks significantly longer than the back. Is this just the brand of these sweaters/the make/quality (I bought them from Urban Outfitters mainly)? or am I just not washing them right?","Sometimes hanging/folding/otherwise storing them will cause them to stretch funny, washing them again and then taking care to air dry them in a good position (not in a way that will stretch them in a funny way again) normally does the trick for me." +Prediction League - GW15 Update is on its way over the weekend. I'm part of the way through. Sorry for the delay and thanks for your patience. Usual format please. * * Watford V Everton () * * Arsenal V Stoke () * * Burnley V Bournemouth () * * Hull V Crystal Palace () * * Swansea V Sunderland () * * Leicester V Man City () * * Chelsea V West Brom () * * Man Utd V Spurs () * * Southampton V Middlesbrough () * * Liverpool V West Ham (),- Watford vs Everton (2-1) - Arsenal vs Stoke (4-0) - Burnley vs Bournemouth (1-0) ^(The return of Tom Heaton) - Hull vs Crystal Palace (2-2) - Swansea vs Sunderland (0-2) - Leicester vs Man City (2-1) - Chelsea vs West Brom (3-0) - Man Utd vs Spurs (1-1) - Southampton vs Middlesbrough (2-0) - Liverpool vs West Ham (7-0) +"Good try but people haven't even been able to crasp the concept of inception even though the movie explains it, I don't think the theory will change its name anytime soon in popular use.",Inception is where I go into your dreams and kill some people right? +Laws are not even worth the paper they are written on if they are not enforced by authority.,...everybody respects customer laws in Europe +This is the first time he's ever had knee issues. We have no idea what he did to it.,"Well, sometimes Murphy just loves us too much.. :)" +When you're at a Trump rally and Sheriff Clarke spots you taking his picture!,"Instead of taking a picture, you should've been clapping." +Unit of the Day #4 (Tzahal Version),Delicious +We beat Dallas. Rank us higher too,yeah but you lost to the redskins so you're bad +I try to do this but whenever I start fighting my enemy the enemy minions start attacking me and then my minions still attack their minions so it ruins the freeze.,You can in some cases stand between the laner and his minions and zone him so far away that he cannot walk up. +"Goddamnit, I was having a good day too.","You're a mod now, can't you just totally abuse your power like Goodell and ban anyone that references SB49?" +Andrew showing us how he's gonna give it to the Broncos,"This post, like Andrew, was full of hype but the results were disappointing." +It's true though the UK is irrelevant. Source: am French.,"Fuck the Brits, they destroyed the Empire." +"Advice for playing a drunk Hello everyone, for my highschool, we are doing The Little Prince as our winter play and I was casted as the Tippler (a drunk man). I have searched YouTube for inspiration on how to present my lines, but I haven't found anything. Does anyone have any advice to share? Anything is appreciated :)",Ask your director +Congratulations Everyone !! You are in the Chosen Generation !!,Darn these participation trophies! +"Filthtop Mountain Man, those raiders are such slobs. I'd love to give this park a good cleaning. And The Pack...they literally live like animals. At least they have enough paint to give the park a fresh coat.",I have seen many things on Fallout but it wasnt until I saw the Ghoul chair where I thought Wtf are these people even doing +So Release TF? Wait... MAYBE TF IS RYZE FROM THE FUTURE,When he becomes addicted to poker and loses the runes in a bet. +Why are so many BASE jumpers dying?,A pretty good read. +"If I had to sit through 15 years of CMR taking a dump on the field and as soon as he leaves he starts becoming an actual football coach, I'm going to lose my mind.",Let me tell you a story about a great man named Ray Goff... +Too Stamp Tuesday,The tribe hat is a nice addition. +I absolutely hate listening to him while watching basketball. I might like him during football or baseball because there is time to give those stories but basketball they just have to skip talking about the game for a while.,I never thought about that... I think he would make an amazing baseball color commentary guy. +No compromise. Hold his feet to the fire for all four years (hopefully shorter).,But if Liberal media is as critical of the President as Conservative media has been for the last 8 years they're being biased and unfair! +"It seemed to me he genuinely disliked Trump, but is hatred of Hillary, probably fueled by the fact he was the chair of the committee investigating her, outweighs that.","If you think his hatred of Hillary was based on anything other than her party affiliation, you're going to be shocked when he and Trey Gowdy don't investigate Trump's already exposed shady dealings." +"I never played action sack until last night, I had a great time. MOC",Use those req points you monster +*Thak killed by mammoth* ? ? ?,Thak reincarnates in next generation Thak reincarnates in next generation Thak reincarnates in next generation +"XB1 Lack of Important Multiplayer Features This game has been a blast to play with friends, but the fact that there can only be 4 players in a game and there is one good map (Navezgane) that gets old after the third or fourth time has really killed the replay value for my friends and I. Will Xbox ever see an update increasing the number of players? Or at least making the random gen maps playable instead of an endless sea of those damned biomes just full of the same destroyed building models for miles?","The most recent patch added points of interest to random gens, they are much better now, but you have to start a new game for them to 'work'" +"Forget her own body. It's a joint savings account. If it was free, then we could argue her body her choice, vs consultation with your partner. But 70% of the savings account should *never* be a unilateral action.",Even if it was free it is a major life change and should be discussed with your partner in marriage as should any other significant change. +"The addition of the custom game browser is no joke the biggest thing to happen to halo since it went online with Halo 2. 343 have done so right by their fans many times over and nobody even had to pay extra for any of it. And this isn't even everything in the update. I can't wait to see what Forge Minigames are, and what the other additions to Forge are tomorrow.","Am I the only one who gets a headache without an FOV slider, though?" +"Just because alex jones says crazy shit sometimes doesn't mean he's always wrong. I would never take anything he says at face value, no one should. I will say that his deep earth crystals have done wonders for my government induced fluoride poisoning, though.",you dropped this +The life of a millennial.,"Whatever, the 40 year old women are out shopping when they work from home." +Team Secret is a captain breeding team,you do realize that all of these players were captains at other teams previously +"Yes, reputable. What makes a paper reputable in your eyes? What does a reputable newspaper look like?",A reputable newspaper obviously wouldn't say anything negative about our God Emperor. +How do I take public transit from my house outside the west end?,"Move into a downtown infill and commute with a bike, obviously!" +"Two lions, a crowned glass of wine between them and wildfire as the background.",A vial of poison pouring into the wine would be cool. +"50/50 if it is the same pokemon, always female if they are different species. Male and genderless pokemon can now pass down balls with ditto.",Breeding my 5 IV Lucario from Gen 6 once Pokemon Bank lets us transfer to SM so I can get one in a Heavy Ball is gonna be so much fun +Star Wars 6 Black Series,Same here +r/realgirls,r/realsoutherngirls +"Yeah, it's terrible to have a retired 9/11 cadaver dog to play with my kids, terrify the Fedex man, and take through the woods for long walks. Brutal way to live.",Pullin' at the ol' heart strings. +"''Tis but a flesh wound. Me neither, in the motorcycling world we call the idiots of the hobby and GSXR owners squids, this guy and that car was that equivalent lol.",Musquids +"What are some words that make you nervous at work? Seamless. Oh no. They said seamless. Seamless does not mean quick, easy, or smooth. Seamless in networking means buggy Layer 2 broadcast discovery bullcrap with no ability to manually specify an IP address. Seamless means here, use our junk rather than something standards-compliant so we can lock you in All-Wireless This word does not mean what you think it means. If I hear don't worry, it works wirelessly. And we have wireless here. So it'll work I get very nervous. Inevitably it's some junk bought BOGO at Best Buy that doesn't support WPA2-Enterprise or 5GHz Wi-Fi and requires entirely re-doing that particular area's WLAN to accommodate. What're yours?",I didn't change anything and it just stopped working +Fitz vs CAR or Nuk vs DET? standard scoring,Fits +what are these....facts? what the fuck are we supposed to do with facts?,"Yes, because CNN has been known as the shining beacon of trustworthiness" +Cuz I main Shaco,Can't see flairs on mobile :( Well you main shaco I downvoted you +"yeah, i know exactly what you mean, warframe has nothing like iron banner or archons forge and the story missions in destiny (from house of wolves forward) are well done and clyde-6 is fantastic. i think warframe can get there but it about 5 months of polish away from being there.",I love me some Clyde-6 +I mean no offense but isn't putting on a condom self explanatory?,You overestimate the teens of Mississippi +Old Trafford this season,Tottenham this season. +Sweet Kortny,That's a hammer head penis +"The fire is on the floor, Mr. Handy!",That's cause he is stopping it from reaching the ceiling. +"What is an immature INTP like? If I had to guess it would be someone who goes around claiming they are smarter than everyone, calling them sheeple or something similar, and feeling like they are above others. I guess just a huge lack of self-awareness would play a big part. It's easy to not come off as a chode if you know how you are appearing to others.",It's called: INTJ. +i dont think that's the final version of this client its still in beta everything can change,"Yeah, it's common to beta a product and then change it entirely upon release.." +"Well you forget that the founders of league are maining Lux atm, so prepare for the Ultimate, Victorious and few other upcoming Lux Skins",The outrage from Lux having the Victorious skin would most likely get the skin canceled and remade. +there is an old discovery to prevent congestion called public transport which is ignored.,Can we just use his rockets for that? +Terraria #22 - Lewis Asks Out A Dryad,Why is it Duncan on the thumbnail? +You don't know the condition of the apartment. No need to speculate. You said it couldn't happen. I said it was possible.,Possible but highly improbable. +"If you like you're RB matchups ROS (or you have studs), Id def do that.","i have bell, gordon, howard, and jennings" +"Guess My Record Thread It's been posted here often, but if you don't know how it works. You post your roster and have users guess your record based off of it. If a user gets it right be sure to let them know.","12 team standard QB : Stafford, Winston RB: Bell, Gordon, Howard, Jennings WR : Evans, Jordy, Cobb TE : Ebron, Ertz Pats Defense Dan Bailey" +"Damn, OK. Do you know anywhere else in Calgary where I can park a car long term affordably? I'm coming to town tonight and my plan A fell through.","if you dont mind taking a 70$ cab from bridlewood, you can park in my driveway" +Ivana??,Does he think Trump is still married to Ivana? +"Kinda curious, can you really name 10 beautiful first ladies other than Michelle Obama, or was that just your way of saying you don't find her that good looking?",What do you think? +Australia cuts Clinton Foundation funds,Those donations totally had nothing to do with TPP +"Trump's Killer High Ground Maneuver: Term Limits are the best way to accelerate diversification of Congress. Only a misogynist, racist, Islamophobic, homophobic, anti-Hispanic, elitist politician could disagree!",But but but are you kidding me Trump is racist +I feel like Sbarro should just stick to making mall pizza.,You said PIZZA. +"They did, you could go to Toys R Us and get the refills.","Knowing it's just gelatin powder now, these guys were marketing geniuses." +London.,You missed out the +"What is an easy to make, but very delicious snack to eat during a movie?",Popcorn. +barring the 5gods sets of course,any ScorpionMaster set +"If you're into dangerously overweight chicks, sure.",lol +"Android phones will always sell well, they are a lot cheaper and there are a lot more of them out there being made.","Case in point, search cheap Android phone on Amazon." +"300 degrees may be a little too hot, I always use the rule of 250 for 25 minutes for a good decarb","If it's ABV, it needs no further heating." +"Yup, I wouldn't do it. There is probably a real danger of dumping too much current though a less than 16 ohm load. The internals don't look prepared to dissipate the heat either.",It does get very warm driving...... not speakers..... +"How so, if I may ask?",Any FPS on a console plays slower cause of the precision allowed with mouse and KB controls. +"get sparky, the satisfaction of 64/64 will give you closure and you won't feel the need to by electromancer when it comes out",I mean I guess that's a good enough reason to spend 40k gold I could use to get my princess to level 2 +A bottle cap under the bottle cap on my bottle of beer,How don't we know OP didn't add the second cap? +Save 10% on PSN with this code - D9NGJ7NF3L D9NGJ7NF3L,Oh thank goodness no one has stolen this one yet! +"I really hope so. Dennis is better at distributing, but Terry is already a better shooter.",Plus his long arms make him a thief and an above average rebounder. +"It wouldn't be the first time in the Rainbow Six series that someone had a big betrayal, it happened in Rainbow 6 Vegas",SPOILERS! +"Some Muthafucka once holla'd at mah crazy ass tha ghetto is gonna roll me I ain't tha sharpest tool up in tha shed Bitch was lookin kind of dumb wit her finger n' her thumb In tha shape of a L on her forehead Well, tha muthafuckin years start comin n' they don't stop coming Fed ta tha rulez n' I hit tha ground hustlin Didn't make sense not ta live fo' fun Yo crazy-ass dome gets smart-ass but yo' head gets dumb So much ta do, so much ta see So whatz wack wit takin tha back streets? You'll never know if you don't go You'll never shine if you don't glow [Chorus:] Yo, now, you a All Star, git yo' game on, go play Yo, now, you a Rock Star, git tha show on, git paid And all dat glittas is gold Only blastin stars break tha mold It aint nuthin but a cold-ass lil def place n' they say it gets colder Yo ass is bundled up now wait 'til you git older But tha meteor pimps beg ta differ Judgin by tha hole up in tha satellite picture Da ice we skate is gettin pretty thin Da waterz gettin warm so you might as well swim My fuckin ghettoz on fire yo. How tha fuck bout yours? Thatz tha way I wanna bust a nut on it n' I be bout ta never git bored. [Chorus 2x] Some Muthafucka once axed could I spare some chizzle fo' gas I need ta git mah dirty ass away from dis place I holla'd yep, what tha fuck a cold-ass lil concept I could bust a lil gin n juice mah dirty ass And we could all bust a lil chizzle Well, tha muthafuckin years start comin n' they don't stop coming Fed ta tha rulez n' I hit tha ground hustlin Didn't make sense not ta live fo' fun Yo crazy-ass dome gets smart-ass but yo' head gets dumb So much ta do so much ta see So whatz wack wit takin tha back streets You'll never know if you don't go You'll never shine if you don't glow. [Chorus] And all dat glittas is gold Only blastin stars break tha mold","Cummybot, you the real G" +"Yeah I get where you're coming from. I'm not saying they should have been running in circles, while screaming and crying hysterically but I mean a little more urgency seemed appropriate haha. They just slowly and casually opened the door like nothing was wrong at all. To me that just seems kind of odd.",Probably all praying to God to please let this be the day this bitch finally dies. +What is it about the current Chase for the Sprint Cup schedule with Talladega that people don't like?,"I LOVE this race being third and personally I'm sad to see it move, but I totally understand why it is" +"It's a tough call but look at the left of the frame, the gun just poking in. Looks like we may have a winner, but it's difficult to ascertain the angle of her finger from this view.","Yeah, hard to tell if it's wrapped around or just her thumb like the rest of them." +freedom of speech doesn't apply to a private company though,"Wait, you mean freedom of speech wasn't guaranteed by this country's terms of service agreement?" +GM Chiarelli has now traded away 2 first overall picks and 1 2nd overall pick,2020 Chiarelli trades McDavid for Barkov and a 100 year old Jagr +I'm sticking with the theory that Rotom is fucking with us and making the dex entries weird and dark on purpose.,"Is it just me, or is rotomdex the best addition to pokemon ever?" +leftists_irl,Luxemburgists: That's reformist! +I think thats the reason for it,"Nah, It's 100% healthy" +How expensive were they?,"If they're priced like Orlando, they're about $110, I believe." +"I don't read much Breitbart, but the few articles that have been pushed at me are very much sourced in fact. Uncomfortable facts, but facts none the less. Their points need to be acknowledged and debated, not silenced because then it festers and grows. Their readership has been rising, you can't stomp them out now.",Yeah because the birther thing is real +Did she answer why she obstructed free speech? Did she do this while being paid my hard earned dollars?,They. +Found the vegan,that joke is still funny! +"everytime I see the word vegan, i replace it with retarded. It makes so many of their beliefs make so much more sense and I no longer loath their stupidity. You cant aggravated at a retard; afterall, they are retarded.","Oh yeah, caring about animals is so retarded." +"I suspect he doesn't feel the same way about the millions of bacteria he kills every day with stomach acid, or the billions he kills when he takes some antibiotics.",Oh yeah because bacteria is sentient and can feel pain. +"A young man is experiencing back problems.. ..and his back problems are starting to affect his ability to breathe and speak normally. He schedules an appointment with his doctor to assess and fix the problem. The man arrives to his appointment and says Doc.. I.. c-c-can't talk.. c-c.. can't breathe.. back hurts.. help! So, the doctor does a thorough physical examination and says, Sir, it is my professional opinion that your penis is so large and heavy that it is straining your back, and this has become the source of your breathing and speaking troubles. I believe that if we remove just 7 inches from your penis, you should recover to your normal self. The man says, Oh.. g-g-god.. I... ..okay, doc, do it. So the doctor performs the surgery and sends the man home to rest. A week later, the man returns to the doctor for his followup visit and says, Doc, I feel incredible! The back pain is gone, I can breathe, I can speak.. but, doc, I was wondering.. what ever happened to the 7 inches you removed? And the doctor replies, It's.. a-around.. h-here.. somewhere!",How much was the length to begin with? +What's that suppose ta mean COLLEGE BOY?,You forgot your +My husband had a female friend during a study abroad who would lose a shoe every time they went out drinking. I guess she just bought new shoes constantly.,Tequila makes her clothes fall off... +The payload heals? I have 250 hours on this game and I am just now realizing it.,Maybe people would notice this more if they ever actually stood on it... +"I'm a huge hockey fan but the WCH is just stupid. Based on the viewership so far, it seems like most other fans agree.",It's been good hockey but it's not replacing the olympics (which is what the nhl wanted) +Clinton emails: FBI director ignored Attorney General's advice not to 'take action that could influence election',I guess that director will be looking for a new job in about 9 days. +"While we're at it, can we plz fix erlangs 2, its not centered its slghtly to the right.","It's cuz he's right handed, duh!" +Where's Andy Serkis in this?,coz he ain't black. +But all the Trump fanboys told me that Trump is forcing Apple and Foxconn to move here.,He made Ford do it... +I train my touchbutt with top ten ninjas and assassins. Who do you train with? You're practicing with that old butler in the cave,Playing touch-butler +Is this how to get double karma?,Lets all upvote everybody yayy :^) +Help with MEC needed How to use MEC? I understand what buttons I have to bind where according to tutorials. My main problem is that I don't know how to actually move the radiator between 0 from 100 percent for example :( Such a trivial thing I guess.,"one youve binded a key for maximum/minimum radiator settings, you have to turn on relative control its very important in almost all controls that you have relative control on, unless it gets fucky, then dont turn it on" +Your username and comment history suggest that you're a man. (X) DOUBT.,Did you just assume OPs gender? +That it really really hurts when you talk about a problem and the answer you hear is women have that problem worse. It really makes you feel not valued.,Woman feel even less valued when you bring that up +I was a bit disappointed that this wasn't the case,a bit +What does it feel like to grow up?,"When its good its great, otherwise its overrated." +"Pick my otp! Im feeling bored with this game, and to spice things up, i will be selecting the most popular vote for my season 7 OTP! I will check in a few days! Thanks :)",Camille +Trump's pick for budget director isn't sure the government should fund science,This is how a oligarchy collapses. +"Aside from toeprints, signatures that a bank would require from customers would have to be done in person. It would be pretty obvious if some random trying to imitate this fellow walked in and casually signed as him.",It is also perfectly reasonable to use a POA (Power of Attorney) to sign on his behalf. +I can't hear the Anthem anymore without thinking of him singing it in this movie.,It's Enrico Palazzo! +That's exciting! Yay women's footy!,applied for the draft? +YOU ARE OVERDUE FOR A LOSS AGGIE,Thats why alabama exists my friend +Sleep is an addictive hallucinogen. It puts you in a state of altered reality and you go through pretty serious withdrawal symptoms when you try to quit it.,and i use caffeine to stay away from it or alchol if i need it. +"Because it's got solid, hard proof and facts and leads and exposed connections. It's not just some fringe conspiracy, it was blatantly revealed to be disturbing reality. That's why Reddit's either aware and didn't want them to dig more, or Reddit's been put on a chokehold and told to shut it down.",You forgot the +"Storage On Mobile is Ridiculous Almost every time Hearthstone updates I'm reminded of the same thing, how much space it takes up on my phone. I don't have THAT many apps, and my phone doesn't have pathetic storage, but I'm always having to delete something because Hearthstone is MASSIVE! Anything the devs could do to cut down on space would be appreciated.","I had to remove it from my phone, it was a choice between hearthstone and ZERO other apps, or 15+ apps and no hearthstone." +Don't troll against the grain. Trolling with the grain is 100% okay.,But it's no fuuun +"ISIS has a command structure that's more resilient than Al Qaeda. They're like the mythical Hydra: cut off it's head, three more replace it.",Heil Hydra! +Giuliani Took Money From a Group That Killed Americans. Does Trump Care?,Now that group has less money to use to kill Americans - he was just being smart! +"Are the cars remote controlled, or are there people in the cars driving them?",Remote controlled by us via a controller or keyboard & mouse +Brian Michael Bendis will be leaving Guardians of the Galaxy,"Bendis likes leaving plot threads dangling, doesn't he?" +Fuckin love this guy. He just seems so god damned *nice* AND he's funny as hell. Never brings politics or any other poisonous shit into his social media presence. He'd make a great role model for the youth of today but all they give a shit about is egotistical cunts that bully others for their opinions. I hate speaking highly of celebrities but you just have to with him. He seems like great people.,Terry Crews write-in vote 2016? +"But, but she likes the same game as me!!",Soooo you're saying there's a chance? +"That quote is about illegal immigrants from Mexico, not Mexican's in general. He's basically saying most of the good Mexican citizens don't illegally emigrate to the US, it's usually bad people. Now is that true? Probably not - I'm sure many illegal immigrants are good people. But in no way is that statement subtle racism...",ok sure... +nice,"I mean, don't like Mao, but at least you're closer." +Well. Global players whine a lot tho. I wouldnt be surprised if a Rage A Thon happens. This reddit is clearly proof that people whine about EVERYTHING,I've been using Lapis to speed up potion crafting and just found out that my potions don't even get used when consumed! +"But if Aphrodite is love, then why is she making war?",it's self defense +Oliver is especially pernicious. He hypnotizes the audience with cheap laughs and then directly tells them to do things to advance his agenda. All the while hiding behind It's just comedy!,"he's awful but he is very clever when playing with his crowd's confirmation bias, they treat his words like gospel." +What about a child that doesn't want it? What phobia is that?,the child is just being the standard intolerant and close-minded naysayer +well done with a diet sprite,Better slather on the ketchup. +"People in the comments were saying that he took too long to comment. Meanwhile, the actual President, Obama is nowhere to be seen.","Duh, Obama's too busy being the president, idiot!" +So this is happening right now...,I saw the Fluance and the Stax and I was like wow this dude gets all of the Zeos stuff Then I saw the username.... Hey at least the speakers aren't upsidown this time ;) +Connection Error Does the beta still work after it became unavailable for download (PS4)? I tried connecting like 10 times in a row and always get the same error (my network works fine).,Google it! +"from bag to case - very neat, that's the spirit!",What an old fashioned pun there! +The Elephant Stampede,i hate groups of like 6 geared guys that gang up on pairs or lone wolves +Settings done right,"Haven't seen anyone else post this yet so: There are two kinds of countries in the world: those than have landed men on the moon, and those who use the metric system." +It's amazing how well and fast Narcan works,Narcan another name for Naloxone? +So you can post the video for likes,That seems like a good reason! +Going to run outa celebrities at this rate,That's a fucking amazing username +The Walking Dead and the magically changing spoon,It's just the way the light is hitting it folks. +"There, see! Now you get it. But this movie does take place in a black African country, because the writers said so. Now you'll just have to deal with your perceived shortage of white actors in Hollywood.",But muh victimization and white privilege :O +"fundraisers getting ambassadorships from the DNC is even sillier considering it isnt the DNC, Secretary of State, or *even the fucking President* giving ambassadorships... the role requires a Senate confirmation.",But Hillary has clearly bought them all off! +Where is that one? I've got them all but don't have the names of them memorized,The one in the Iron Temple that requires the crazy mountain jumping. +I've come to realize your aren't a true Canadian if you dipont own atleast one Russian surplus rifle.,2* FTFY +"All games, if yiu cheat you get banned. Unless its like modded skyrim or the cheats built in to gta",If I install single player cheats on GTA I will get banned? +"Goodbye shadestep ability until this is fixed... I would say this is a bit game breaking, but I am still WAY to sour over the loss of usable tripmines.","I think it's fair, our tripmines can't stick, none of their can't either" +"In the right wing circles there a belief that NASA fudged its research numbers, im not sure how proven it is. I assume Trump whos now president he has info we don't. And smartest people than all of you advising him, stop painting him as a idiot, he outplayed everybody. Also he has to do it to make America great since its impossible to go against China and other countries that don't have climate regulations.",One of his energy advisors stated electricity is the flow of neurons......yeah they are the smartest +"In 2050, this'll be the equivalent of selling vintage Nazi memorabilia.",yeah saying deport illegal immigrants is the same thing as killing 6 million people +Sneks gonewild: compilation,NakeySnakes +"Farmed meat is a crazy huge producer of greenhouse gasses, and most farmed meat treats the animals pretty unethically. Unfortunately, I have not been able to cut meat out of my diet. I'd love to get meat without the pollution and unethical treatment of animals","Even if you're not going to cut meat out of your diet 100% yet, you can still have a significant impact in all the areas you mention by cutting down on your consumption of meat and other animal products!" +So you are saying that people who have no knowledge of your god are going to hell for not worshiping a god they don't know exists?,"It's entirely your fault you didn't hear of the savior nazarene carpenter 2000 years ago, you filthy heathen!" +"Sure they can, it woild just be by physical means.","Well if they rob the bank directly, aren't banks insured for that?" +It only counts as the toughest division if Michigan or OSU wins it I guess.,Or if they renamed it SEC +"Favorite erotic literature? Hey, what is your favorite BDSM erotic literature, or where you went to go look for it? I'll link mine below.",50 shades of grey +Is it *just* rats and pidgeys? Or could he be other pokemon?,Mine was posing as a zubat! +"There was plenty of opportunity for her to show true colors while alone with Alex. She's a genuinely sweet girl, I have no doubt.",Alone with the rest of the BBOTT audience. +"He played top in Season 1 (maybe season 2, idk).","3 gone, 2 to go!" +Saying Voter ID is racist is basically saying minorities are too incompetent to get Photo ID. Only the Racist Left think that way. The Democrats really do look down upon brown and black people in a condescending manner.,I always ask the racist if it was nature or nurture that prevents them from accomplishing that monumental task. +Update: I contacted Bose and according to them this is normal. But I'm still pretty sure that white noise was not **that** noticeable before.,"I'm also hearing the white noice, i'm not sure if it's just my ears that have become sensitive though." +Imagine Ericsson somehow turns it around and gets Norris buzz this year. I'd tattoo his name in a heart on my ass.,Tagged. +"Sitting in the shield of a friendly Titan, maybe. But once you get in the Titan, your dome shield goes away. Also, it's extremely limited. Also, yes they can do something. Dash into the shield and melee the pilot",Yeah... because melee is SO reliable right now. +"To be fair, that place was in an area with all kinds of abandoned buildings, economic issues, and bad weather. It's nature to be a bit perturbed there.","Oh, how long were you a server there?" +About Those Non-Disappearing Pacific Islands....,Damn paywall... +"Is there any way to get retired skins in League Of Legends. Hey so, is there any way to get retired skins in LOL? I really want the Desert Trooper Skin for Garen but it is no longer available in the store. But is there still any other way to purchase that skin and other retired skins? (I forgot to put a question mark in the title XD)",I dream some day to own rusty blitzcrank. +Because Paladins only good cards are those 3?,"No, there is also muster for battle and tirion..." +Almost like they have different roles.,Ok you're just asking for the Smithzz copy pasta now +Donnie predicts his own reign on Twitter 2 years ago: Are you allowed to impeach a president for gross incompetence?,I bet Phil wishes they could now +VP got like 100mil back in the day.,Totally normal. +"If it's just one specific point in that specific map, I'd say it's likely to be a visual glitch in overwatch. If something was wrong on your PC you would see that glitch (or others) many times in different locations and even in different games.","Yeah that's what I was thinking, I was playing WoW after during that same evening and I didn't see anything like this occurring there..." +"Pod wants to run a *lot* of creatures. By the time of the ban, most lists had cut Chord of Calling entirely, running 2 Abrupt Decay and 3 Thoughseize as their only noncreature spells. In a list that's already packed with value, there isn't room for EE. Remember that Chord of Calling was a card that could literally win the game just by resolving, and it wasn't good enough. A Sorcery speed version that's soft to countermagic wasn't going to make the cut over Chord.",Makes sense. +There was that time McDavid tossed that baseball cap over the wall and had to stare down a grown woman to give it to a child. But just in general people act shitty so carrying Sidney Crosby's stick through a packed concourse is daunting.,Making trouble with the dude who is currently carrying a hockey stick seems like a tactical error. +PSA: Devs are aware of Clan Issues Not sure what's caused it or how long it will take to be fixed as yet but they are aware and looking into it,Literally unplayable. +"Never had a case like that but follow my advice: Whenever you go into any instanced with randoms you don't know: -Switch to FC chat. If you know what you're doing, anything said in the chat is meaningless and useless (AKA berserker macros to meme-cat useless macros about first bonus). You'll learn the mechanics better alone than hearing them. -Take attention on everyone till the first boss of the dungeon -If you spot a shit dps (Staying behind a tank dps is mortal sin), shit healer or shit tank, leave after the first boss and do Gathering/Crafting for 30 min. In general, don't say anything, speak only to your friends. In 3 years of FFXIV I noticed that being bad its in their rights as a player and because of that almost every baddie thinks they are the shit. So I stay in my right as a player to gtfo as soon as I see them.",You must be real fun at parties. +There is no business to be done on a dead planet.,"No, see, we just need to decouple economic growth from material resources." +Zombies Grinding has finally paid off. Unbox time!,"Wow, how long were you afk for all those key?" +"Mods are asleep! Quick, post non-Duterte content!",The smiling titan! +I'm pretty sure my pelvis would crack in two if I tried to do the splits.,"You mean, you can do the splits without snapping your pelvis?" +Well you are never going to need more than 8mbytes or ram anyway right? Why would we possibly need to store and transport more than a megabyte or so of data?,Because megabytes aren't designed to kill +its also my first cake day!,So you're 1 year old? +Lorne Michaels Receives Presidential Medal of Freedom,Lorne and Obama look into the camera and yell LIVE FROM THE WHITE HOUSE IS SATURDAY NIGHT!! +"There are so many different strains of Kratom over there, it's curious. How much did you take? Do you have any idea?","Dosage varies from batch to batch, and it depends on what level you want to get to, a solid experience takes 3-5g depending on quality" +"The heaviest tank, the Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus, weighed 207 tons.",This guy knows tanks. +What do you appreciate the most about your current relationship?,I'm single so it's playing video games and doing what I want whenever I want +"As well, it says new content. Could any part of SRL be considered new?",New microtransactions hype +What's the dumbest reason you've ever been dumped?,I am too nice +Isn't a jerk feast called bukake?,I call it a buffet +"Pride of symbolism over actual humans is disgusting, not patriotic","He's obviously strictly anti-human, it's just politics don't get so upset" +"As a former liberal, this stuff actually makes me think back to when I was younger and more idealistic and wondered why Presidents and such didn't reach out across the isle more in the interest of getting shit done. Honestly this is so refreshing, I don't like Gore one bit but its nice to see that Trump isn't isolating himself and constructing a right wing echo chamber either, there are a lot of people on both sides that have bad agendas, talking to everyone is the only way to get a good sense of perspective.","Any establishment GOP President elect would not do this, or he would be hammered on the press and by his party for doing so." +Just ask their offensive line!,Yeah the Patriots really pressured Wilson on his injured knees +"On Thanksgiving Week, Native Americans Are Being Tear-Gassed in North Dakota",I'm glad to see the USA sticking to it's roots. +*waga,Waka waka +On a hot summer sidewalk,"I didn't pay for that conference just so you can parade your lack of variety around, Francine." +"I graduated from their evening program a few years ago. I found it very friendly, and worth it, frankly.",compsci? +"When your husband works at home, his supervisor makes sure he's actually working.",Dave I see you are on Reddit again +AS2 EP4: Drag Movie Shequels live reaction/discussion thread. Mother does not play...xoxo,NO NO NO NO NO +"And im stuck at work doing nothing, thinking about all the plebs I could have been reking right now.",Ain't that the truth brother... :balp: +Why is Blake not even looking to attack?,He's probably lacking confidence since he was visibly bad the first quarter +"10-11 with a 5.37 ERA last season and the Royals gave him $3m to go away. Yep, he's our guy.",If he signs with the pirates...he is a sure fire hall of famer...first ballot no doubt +Difference being Bledsoe was able to lead a young team to a super bowl.,Having a top 5 defense must of helped. +Real question: has the Electoral College ever done anything besides keep slavery intact?,"It gave us President Bush, or do you mean good things?" +Trick2G announces Team Gates 2017,Basically confirms why Reignover left Immortals +Unless they were the Flames.,Then they'd probably just take some extra penalties to even things out +Lunch Break Love Story,Those Ikea chairs are strong as fuck +"People will be MAD because of their rank after placement matches. In season 3 they adjusted the ratings so that not everyone would be gold and platinum, meaning if you're in the low part of those ranks you will be a lot lower this season just to even out the ranks. But more important maybe: Your rank will be lower after placements than the system thinks might be your skill. In other words: peoples ranks will be way lower than season 2 and people don't understand this is good so they think the system is broken and they should've been higher. We had the same problem with cs go when the ranks got changed so everyone got pushed down and everyone thought the system was miscalculating their skill.","Well, I'm already MAD after just one placement match" +"Agus Yudhoyono promises Rp 5 Million each year to Jakarta's poor, and up to Rp 50 Million for small enterprises",Alright... Who wants to make a small business with me... 50/50 cut... PM me... +Not the dumpee but the dumper I briefly dated a girl who was........stupid. Not like oh she can't do algebra stupid but like couldn't make it through a complete sentence stupid. Like complained about getting fired after no call no showing for a week because they never asked what happened But what drove me over the edge was she would take my ipod or phone that was hooked up to my aux cord in my car and store it in the air conditioning vent. One bad tug and those fuckers aint coming back out. Thats when I knew we wouldn't last,"Oh come on, her employer should have known to save her position indefinitely for her." +"The longest filibuster in history of course goes to U.S. Sen. Strom Thurmond, who spoke for 24 hours and 18 minutes against the Civil Rights Act of 1957.",Fighting the good fight. +"they should only be able to use that money to live then. Get a fucking job, King.",I'm imagining the king working a retail job now and getting yelled at by customers who address him as your majesty in the most sarcastic tone possible +My friend's grandmother is basically Charlie,Why Charlie hate? +"Anti-vaxxers. Seriously. Why? I live in a third world country, and I've seen the results of not vaccinating. I've also worked with autistic children. Where did they get the idea that polio, measles, etc are better than autism (which isn't even a real side effect of vaccines)?",I'm an American and I've never actually met an anti vaxxer. +I'm shook,"Oddly enough it's the chest, bust, and thighs that say boy to me." +"My Weak Womanly Mind is far too malleable Lord knows why (probably just clicking the random button and continuing out of a morbid curiosity) but I somehow ended up on TheRedPill the other day and I read a bunch of the top posts for a while. Honestly, it got to me. I'm shy and introverted, and I'm not conventionally beautiful. After a while, I started thinking, *am I not a good woman? Would I be better if I were quieter, sweeter, prettier, more submissive?* It messed with me. But right now, this is a breath of fresh air. I feel like not just TRP, but a lot of reddit hates feminism and kind of hates women. It's been really bothering me, and it's really nice and reassuring to feel like I'm not at Thanksgiving dinner, listening to my super-conservative family loudly complain about liberals, while I sit quietly. So, thanks, guys. Stay radical.",Shut up you stupid composition of lady parts +You are a lucky lucky person. In land we get crap. Literally,Hahahaha I miss it when I go inland for college. +"My CEO, everyone.",Still not as good a CEO as spez +Changing the algorithm once again (How many times did they changed it only for us?) and they will try to shut us down.. Way to go to reach a new low.,...because data is beautiful. +"I feel these people only exist in the internet, never in real life.",I've started seeing them in real life. +MFA am I overdresssed for high school,I'd probably toss the cardigan but other than that everything sounds fine +"I'm fairly new to the world of bike racing, but literally everyone who has ever been on a bicycle does this instinctively, or am I missing something?","Still interesting, I infact didnt knew I was doing that when I ride my bicycle...I dont have a motorcycle licence...And on a bicycle the countersteering is much less obvious because of the low weight of the bicycle..." +"LD Scrolls - What did you guys pull? I pulled a Hwadam, I'm with all you guys who pulled shit...I had a dry spell as well.",LIGHT salt. +"I'm starting to see some really implausible shit being blamed on autocorrect. I think people think that it's an excuse nobody bothers to question, but there are definitely boundaries to it. I'm not sure why people think others will believe their autocorrect dictionary contains imaginary words.","Oh, I'd believe they were stupid enough to add it to the dictionary, then it got autocorrected to it because of their prior stupidity!" +Apparently Mew's cat is named Navi.,"And Dorothy's cat is Oz, how clever Hangame." +How Hangovers Cost the U.S. Economy Billions of Dollars,That's why I just never sober up to get hungover. +As a Solo player with no friends am I going to be penalised for the bonus Ip? :(,"No, i'ts a flat double ip boost for everyone...solo or premade" +Don't forget to Nominate Robocraft for a Steam Award,Where can I vote Robocraft for the best matchmaking? +Confluence is not a good skin to keep. Its good to have if you've never used Kodi before because it is easier to find where all the settings are. But it looks very amateurish if you keep it.,Gosh I would hate to look like an amature. +After like 150 feet I heard it turns into concrete,"Yeah, but as you get closer, it turns back to water." +Halal Guys coming to Itaewon - Dec 17,About time we got some variety of food in Itaewon +"Make an adult version for League of Legends Im not the only one who gets older. i played this game since i was 17, that was 4 and a half years ago. and im not the only one who is getting older. there are going to be more and more adults playing the game since all the kids are going to grow up some day. so please do an adult Server: - no more chat restrictions / rules - no more skin restrictions / rules (graves can have a cigar and not every skin needs to have clothes you know..) think about it: it would be a much better environment. even the amount of afks ingame would be much lower. (this is very good for all the lower elo players) in order to make an account you have to show your ID-Card and strong surveillance to make sure that this is infact your ID-Card and not a fake one. and dont say yeah but we have Dota for adults because i really dont want to learn a new game. besides.. i dont like to have a turn rate","Dividing the player base on every server, sounds like a good idea" +"Promotion and relegation doesn't exist in the most popular sports in the US, so fans go into every season knowing that their team has a chance to compete for the sports biggest prize. Obviously you still get bad teams, but theoretically everyone starts the season competing for one major trophy. Football is much less established in America, and you don't have generations of families who have grown up supporting one football team, so you have to wonder if attendances would drop for relegated teams who can't win the big prize every year without that long history of support. If the numbers dropped dramatically, I doubt clubs would survive.","Yeah, because of the drafts." +Only if the Overseer is Todd Howard.,It just works +My lvl 50 shop in a nutshell,you have too much mana for decent runes to pop up in the shop +#PIZZAGATE IS REAL,"No, uh uh, someome semt me a link to Snopes, which said it's false." +Love this one but too many times it gets stopped early because it's inappropriate People are too soft now...,Not as bad as the baby seals or yellow bird but this new stupid PC army is too sensitive for cadence these days +Yes and also battery technology wouldn't be able to store that massive amount of energy without monstrous battery projects. And of course if those battery projects include chemical storage methods... explosion risk.,Unlike the explosion risk of most fossil fuels. +why. just why.,Wow didn't realize Chirrut was *that* good +The entire party operates on blame Obama,"That's weird, because they're constantly thanking him" +"Definitely, which is why it confuses me that people are really opposed to us negotiating with turkey. Surely peaceful diplomatic resolution to their problems is exactly, *exactly* what we want?",The problem is that a lot of people don't want brown people immigrating regardless of how developed their country is. +The true Mastersword (RimWorld art),this reeks dwarf fortress +Soo I don't have chlamydia..,Yeahh about that +TIL that nearly all of the Presidentially pardoned turkeys are now dead due to the fact that the turkeys used for Thanksgiving are bred for the table and not for the ability to live long and healthy lives.,"Oh great, so Obama can pardon a turkey but not Snowden?" +Job Wanted - Part #10,Baby supports cannibalism is now canon. +Even andy was a +5,"What a scrub, I sense an impending trade." +Holy shit. I don't what I'm more impressed with. His shooting or his ego.,"Well, his name is 'Bad' Bob!" +"If you could be a hero in Hearthstone, what would be your Concede emote?",Kappa +coming soon... multiplayer raids...,Clash of Rimworld? +It's going to be packed.,Says the mammoth local +Did anyone mention what kind of compensation ps4 users will be getting because of this debacle? Did he mention anything about compensation? Just curious.,Why you getting compensation for a free patch. +Can the Scouts improve your mental health?,It could be as long as you aren't dealing with a bunch of ignorant adults. +It's different when it's feasting on my asshole!,r/nocontext +You forgot jQuery! Do you have a moment to talk about jQuery?,"JQuery is so 2014, it's dead and buried by now." +Like a knife? Or a car?,"Yeah, they're comparable" +"That's a movie, not a real job.","No, I'm pretty sure this was an early reality TV show." +Neville said he wasn't good enough. Harsher than anything Jamie said.,Carragher has said the exact same thing. +Stuart Lancaster joins Leinster coaching setup,Lancaster and Farrell now both in Ireland o/ +Sasquatch is my first cousin,Please tell me you are a female with hairy legs... And not a male wearing toms. +Why is menstruation picked out?,Because it's gross and unnatural +What temp is the paint good up to?,High temp paint is good for temperatures well above the high end of a grill's range. +"Even today, both Gurley and DT are individually worth more than Edelman alone...",He SAID lol! +My PC detects an unidentified network but i havent plugged any Ethernet cable in,HACKERS +GAME THREAD WEEK 12: VIKINGS AT LIONS i'm so hungry for stuffing,"ref bias, lion should be able to have as many on the field as they want........" +Cruz's pad rhythm,that knee is looking a bit unstable... +Your everyday level 9,"You outleveled his king, you should feel bad since he is better than you" +"Either way, Marco Polo certainly didn't get GOT-levels of buzz or attention. Not even close.",If anything it was frequently compared negatively to GoT +Why don't Carey Price's penalty minutes tonight count for my team's PIM stats? (Yahoo regular head to head league),"I think goalies just stick to their own settings, which is annoying especially for assists as well..." +"Also of note, there are no official NFL Thanksgiving awards",Furthering the case for Goodell to be ousted! +"Everyone that can now see UK internet history, including taxman, jobcentre and Food Standards Agency",I don't see how this can backfire in any possible way. +Microsoft Surface Studio,But can it run Crisis 3 at ultra settings? +Keep in mind approval ratings are usually highest early on and plummet over the years. Bush had an approval rating of 88% going into office and later 92% after 9/11. Unless we have a horrific terrorism attack where 100s to 1000s of people die he won't get a high approval rating. Even something like the Orlando shooting won't give him much of a boost,"Lucky for Trump, his Cabinet of Neocons is probably got something just like that planned." +Legendary soft cap removed,No guys there's no proof there is a soft cap +"Theology of feels. Disgusting. Nobody has interpreted the Bible that way for three thousand years, and these people are acting like they are the only smart ones and all the Church Fathers, all the great theologians and thinkers, are simply ignorant bigots. Guess what. Christianity doesn't stem from the Bible. The Bible stems from Christianity, specifically early Church Tradition. Find me a single evidence of priests performing gay marriages at the time.","They also murdered gay people for thousands of years, so that tradition obviously has a good track record on LGB issues." +I took your advice and just got a job as a comedian. Thanks!,"It's village idiot, not comedian." +"Nice, now we can take a break from seeing a new post for every level he gets",Yea 10 posts over 2 months was very annoying +[ ](/witchbelle) I remember the witch thing. There was a group of girls that were wicca and they were going to go dance naked in the woods or some shit. They also threatened to cast spells on people.,[](/applebroom)It was always hexes and curses from the wannabe wiccans in middle school in my area. +"Hey guys! We're legit and we're on here! We're still kind of new to the whole thing, so let us know what you want from us!",free tickets to all games +Poor Harambe...he must feel neglected that people are doing dicks out for Elon over him.,#\#D'ITsOutForElon +You might be the most humble person I've met.,Oh I know right +"People of reddit, At what point did you realize you had become an adult?",My mum always says it was when she had to buy a new wallet to fit all her cards in +"Did you read anything I gave you? I'm not denying that Mormons did polygamy back in the 1840s. But the doctrine was changed by President Wilford Woodruff in the Manifesto, written in 1890. You are judging the people of today for something that other people did over 100 years ago. Doesn't matter what the reason was. For the state rights or from revelation. The doctrine was changed.","Which is actually ironic, considering they say that God's will doesn't change." +Apparently Doctor Strange is a rip off of 45 different movies.,Doctor Strange is a rip off of Pokemon Platinum: Giratina/Dormammu Cyrus/Kaecilius Cynthia/Ancient One Rowan/Wong Fact +it actually is an upgrade.,"Depends on if it passes his torture test, though!" +"You are just misinformed. Stop blindly believing the things they write online. Gang rapes are not a phenomenon specific to any one culture. You can argue that they are more or less common, but looking at the numbers, Sweden is a very safe country. The reason why Sweden has a statistically high number of rapes is simple - we have for many years worked successfully on encouraging reporting rapes to the police. We thus have a higher number of reported cases and a lower number of unreported cases. But those sites who have their own agenda wouldn't likely go into statistical detail like that. Because it screws up their pretty narrative about us.","Yeah, Sweden has higher number of rapes than Iraq." +"It has over 31,000 views. This is an uncommon Pepe. I'd give you 10GBP.",What's the equivalent in tendies? +7300-Year-Old City Excavated In Egypt,But I thought the world was only 6000 years old +No. Stop spreading lies. There were no gunshots. The natives are on treaty land. No bombs. The pipeline has not even been approved for the design let alone the construction. The natives have only been peaceful to date in face of massive corporate corruption. Only unamerican aholes think using attack dogs on pregnant women is a ok.,I'm sure they were incredibly peaceful when they burned down millions of dollars in equipment. +don't we all though...,I honestly prefer widowmaker. +My 1$ mousepad finally arrived!,Is this what we're worth to you? +What saying could be applied to most people's lives?,Yolo +Live Breaking News - Nuclear Confrontation (Dramatised news broadcast based on a possible nuclear scenario),HOLY SHIT +"I'm not even an American and yet I sometimes get attacked online by Americans as you Liberals or you Republicans. It's really, really ridiculous. Don't agree with someone on an issue? Must belong to the US party that they don't support.","Exactly, because everything in this world must be black and white." +"Yeah something similiar happened to me a while ago. I had an awesome game vs. a warrior, ( I lost , just so you know ) so I naturally added him, and the first words that he said are '' CYKA BLYAT'' my response was just what? '' - '' GET REKT FKING SCRUB'' - '' OK , im gonna unfriend you now.",Those people are just sad... +You're internet famous!,it hurts my head first factory was like that until i rebuilt it +Buzzfeeds snapchat never fails.,I realized they're cringy as fuck when spammed. +Lab + proton + 4cc1 and 2cc4,Nah man i want slip +Henry Brade: Based on new transaction stats SegWit will more than double the #bitcoin tx capacity. And it enables secure LN for real scaling. We need it!,Let's hope it happens soon. +Perfect response.,This is the main reason why Gen 6 is the worst +The terrifying mediocrity of political correctness,SJWs of any stripe poison everything they touch. +I've been sacrificing my tree a bit early on to get a super turret,Is that the first weapon you buy? +What about the others ? Are they considered second class citizens in their own country ?,Think about siachen soldiers and their sacrifice +Chennai youth roughed up for not standing for national anthem in theatre,He must be filled with national pride after getting beaten up. +"Please help. I'm looking for a reliable, objective source to show my nutty aunt that it is impossible that the Rs.2000 notes are being seized due to the radioactive ink printed on them.","So stupid, everyone knows its because of the embedded Modi-chip." +"If we took all the oxygen found in an average human adult and used it to fill a balloon, how big would that balloon be?",Just take some from my head if you want to pop it. +Thanks. So I actually have to leave the security area and come back to go through security? :/,"Yes, since you have to leave the entire airport" +"I'll take that bet and give you whatever odds you want. Since we're just making shit up off the top of our head, I think she'll use it to genetically engineer the first unicorn.",And then sexually assault the unicorn in a pizza joint and post it on instagram +"Can't remember who it was - maybe Murray Mexted - who said If you want to tackle crime in a town, hold a league game and bomb the crowd - not sure that's the solution, but he clearly saw a link between league, poverty and crime long ago...","Would love a reference for that quote Also, correlation vs causation." +2intelligent,"Joke's on them, I'm not smart and I still want to die" +Phones will hit the 1000ppi limit way before 27 inch monitors will.,"Unlikely, as they don't have the hardware to even run 4K (the phones that do only run 4K for very select apps, and not games) whereas computers will be able to run them a once they come out at 100's of fps" +Gamestop $99 3ds at 5am?,I'm going at 4:30... Which is in like 4 hours. +Apple Black Friday One-Day Shopping Event,Wow +Are you assuming my prefer race?,"My bad, i was being a shitlord." +how do you actually deal with lothric's holy sword? fought a guy using it and was crushed without me even dealing a single point of damage against that player because he simple spammed that ridiculous l2 r2 pewpew.,the same way as with everything.. R1 R1 R1 R1 R1.. +That's pretty hypocritical: save a girl from a guy with a gun possibly raping her so I can have sex with her,No but it's okay because I am totes a nice guy and she'll love me but those bullies are evil +"What genres do you read besides horror? I'm really into hard SciFi. My last favorite was Old Man's War from Scalzi. The Mote in Gods Eye from Niven & Pournell is high on my best book ever list, competing with King novels.","Wait, there are books out there that AREN'T written by Stephen King?" +"so, is it like in the movie so you replace the fruit with a stone",not a stone but something hard as well +"For any Spurs fans who watch the u23's, hows my boy Joe Muscatt doing?",Isn't our u23's just our first-team squad? +"no epic lizard -plat 5 solo ,silver 3 team am i bugged? i presses sweet when mounts popped",Epic lizard only for Master. +The point of classes is that they don't all have the same play style. If you want minion based decks go for zoo or paladin,That doesn't mean he can't want a viable minion based Priest deck. +"Does it seem unreasonable for me to actually examine what you say instead of just taking a random redditor 's (you) word over a dgi media website? You may be right, too tired to figure it out tonight. And you are mistaken about there not being a fake butcher- the one dressed in the Cheap paper towel version of the dress. The reason it is being talked about is that it may very well be true. How about I examine the two Berger pics and you carefully examine the real vs paper towel butcher. Unless You could you not possibly be wrong, not ever. :).",Lol this was so annoying +Torino: i battelli sul Po rompono ormeggi e si schiantano contro il ponte,Dite quello che volete ma queste cose quando c'era Fassino non succedevano. +"Wow, look how racist Drumpf is with that black woman. Totally disgusting... I can't even","I got flashbacks to the days of slavery, I'm shaking." +First November snow in Tokyo for 54 years,This proves global warming is a hoax +"Imagine if policemen were paid by the amount of drug dealers they catch, and every year they would only keep the 50% of the best policemen (the ones who caught the most drug dealers) and fire the rest, hire some fresh recruits, and start it all again! You can guess that in five years time the only policemen in the force would spend all their days planting drugs into innocent citizen's cars to be able to keep their jobs. It does not matter if there are honest policemen in the force, they will be eventually fired, as no matter how much they work, they can never reach the productivity of the cheaters. That is more or less academic research now on a worldwide scale. Research funding has decreased sharply in the last years, in the US by half, but huge cuts are underway in Europe too. For these limited resources even more scientist compete, as much more PhDs have been awarded than ever before. (It was one of the ways to cut costs: PhD students are paid from different sources as post-docs so most labs swithced to use PhD students to do the actual work rather than post-docs.) In the '90s maybe one in three proposals were funded, now it is closer to one in twenty and increasing. In the old days post-doc contracts were 3-5 years long, now they only sign for one year (I have even seen 6 months long contracts) with possible extension. To add to this most governments want to increase development instead of basic research, so they demand to produce results that can be used immediately. For instance in the EU the new policy is that they want to fund only projects that increase the standard of living of the citizens of the EU. Add to this the whole idiotic religious taboos that researchers must adhere to, for no apparent reason. And the problem with research is the same with policemen hunting drug dealers: You can not guarantee results. If you work in a factory, producing nuts, and you produce 10.000 nuts per shift, if you work 4 hours, you will produce 5.000 if you work 12 hours you will produce 15.000. It will not happen that you work with all the skill and diligence needed and you will end up without finishes nuts at the end of the shift. However a policemen can have a hunch and investigate a guy for days to reveal that he is not dealing drugs and a researcher can work for months on a brilliant idea, which turns out to be false in the end. However the current publish or perish model is clear: You have to produce results or you will be removed from this profession. In increasingly shorter time with increasingly more additional work (someone has to write all those grants, and if you spend your time in front of a computer drawing pretty pictures and writing long texts of your institute's capabilities you will have less time to do actual research). This stupid regulation has various effects: 1) Originality degrades. If you have to choose between a new, innovative project which might not work or a boring, tenth derivation of some dull results someone got a decade ago, you will choose the latter. If you have to produce something in a year, or be fired, you can not afford to fool around with risky projects, which might not work, you will have to play it safe and do things that will work. Thus originality is slowly lost, no one dares to start new projects. 2) Development is nice, but you can find money to develop marketable products in the industry too. The purpose of basic research would be to discover things without any immediate use, without this development will slow down and eventually halt altogether. 3) One-year long post-doc positions mean extreme stress and uncertainty to researchers. A lot simply leave the profession. 4) The press to produce results is unbearable, that is how scientific fraud happens: People simply make up results to avoid getting fired. As it is almost impossible to get caught, this kind of fraud becomes even more widespread.",This is a great analogy +Vermont?,Most definitely +University: Hateful 'Trump' Notes Were Fabricated,Let the alt right down vote brigading begin +Psn: kabeth,Xbox one sorry +link pls,membership ran out this morning I'll pm you when I renew today +roblox oh yey,shocking +Black Flag was fantastic. Give me a ship and a shanty anytime of day.,WAAAY HEEEY UP SHE RISES +Rip-Its or Wild Tiger for real operator respect,"He's also missing a K-Bar on his shoulder straps, because everyone knows that putting a knife there optimizes your knife draw speed." +"Also to piggy back, what is wew lad?",W E W L A D E W L A D +HE'S A REPUBLICAN REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE,Rapeublican* +"True, but that bust hadn't been removed since we got it",Everyone knows he replaced it with a bust of Stalin +"Vikings 7, dumb play by Dwayne Harris 7....",TRUE +"Did you read/watch Alex Jones back in 2000 too? I was a huge supporter of him when the 9/11 truth leaked out. But somewhere in the Iraq war he took a turn way way way too far out for me. Saying that bush/cheny/illuminati was going to implement marshall law and extend their presidency indefinitely. Then 2008 came and went without marshall law is about when I realized Info Wars may just be hype... I'm back on the fence about supporting him today, but god damn that 2004-2005 period was just too unreal for me.",I am right there with ya buddy. +"Use Spotify cracked version if you have Android, no need to pay :P","No offline playback, and I have no intention of cracking the app." +"NFL Legend Jim Brown: I'm Pulling For Trump, He's Going To Be For All The People",JIM BROWN IS A RACIST HE DOESNT KNOW WHAT IT REALLY MEANS TO BE BLACK AND POOR JUST LIKE THAT RACE TRAITOR BEN CARSON.... +Being rich looks really fun!,Until you are gang raped and then the police arrested you for admitting you were raped. +"I would suggest growing your hair out a bit and then pushing your hair backwards, could also help you deal with the back sticking up all the time",What do you mean by pushing it backwards? +I think part of it is how much he has wanted to play in NYC. If i recall correctly he was very upset when the Knicks passed over him in the 2009 draft and took Jordan Hill instead. It is no secret how much he loves this city and its been his dream to play his home games in the Garden.,Wow I'm really happy Jordan Hill worked out for us +People still aren't done making Ray jokes and he's been gone for a year and half. I think we've got at least few more months of beating this dead joke into the ground.,Don't you mean Roy from challenge finders? +So don't vote KP?,Who is KP? +"5 minutes later, still disturbed by the lack of Hugo.",Who the hell is hugo? +"i always fuck up. kms, today was my birthday and we were gonna hang out but i fucked that up too. and the saints lost.",Fuck the saints +*Oh* That's fast,I'll post a teaser later. +"She isn't just ignorant, her salary and that of her bosses are mostly paid for by advertising dollars from those who benefit most from overconsumption.",But she is *pretty* +Is Missouri a quality win now?,No. +If you could do an AMA with anyone that has passed who would it be and why?,This question dumb as fuck lol. +Dont Talk to your daughter about being nice,"because if you're nice you can't get raped, right op?" +"Cancer, now featured on your favorite book cover!",Is that the New cover for The communists manifesto comrade? +"He isn't bombing targets up there, he is being passive to waste time to win the game. OP is clearly in the right here.",Conducting high atmospheric tests for NASA is not a waste of time +"Im talking after Chino. Allakvediv(?), theopane, Molina, another Molina, Taylor... and now Granados. Al Haymon throwing him softball after softball. What a shitty career the guy turned out to have.",You left out shawn porter. +"Because when they played in Asia, half the continent refused to play them.",That'll do it +"Add batting average, RBI, wins, losses, saves, Gold Gloves and divide by 3.14",Then multiply by number of horrible fish statues in the outfield. +Whatever happened to the word 'strike'? Christ.,"As someone who was forced by the body negative government to take gym class, the word 'strike' triggers my PTSD." +I7 6700k $28.00,"Hmm, yase, this is definitely going to get fulfilled" +Worst point guard in the NBA my ass.,jose calderon is better +I bet everyone that applied on this one gets a plastic version...,Nah you can request a metal one +"A slight way to buff PEKKA without affecting stats or other cards I believe the buff PEKKA needs is an increased range. The other day while playing I placed my newly attained level 5 PEKKA down and continued my game. I noticed when interacting with a miner, the miner can hit PEKKA while she still approaches the miner to attack. My thought was for such a large troop with a massive sword she is very underwhelming. She should be able to hit from a farther distance than most melee troops. This way it can become more viable and possibly be reintroduced as a popularly used card.",Oh u/Diamondwolf +"Like I said, they could have other places for the hangouts.",it was a joke +NSFW Kalista,What shitpostery is this.. +"Hi, Saen Murray here, and I just want to thank you for the feedback. You'll be happy to hear that in the next update we are not actually adding base building, but rather just the *potential* for base building. Thanks for all of the support and I hope you continue to enjoy playing No Man's Sky!","Hi Sean, such a huge fan" +"Is Dana Brooke hoping Dolph Ziggler wins tonight at No Mercy, so he could continue his WWE career? Dana Brooke and Dolph Ziggler are rumored to be dating. I don't know, but if this is true, do you think Dana Brooke is hoping Dolph Ziggler wins so his WWE career doesn't end? Do you think Dana Brooke will be nervous watching the match?",You're my favorite wredditor since Metsfan +Riiiiggghht...,He dropped this +A reminder to always be careful and seek medical help where needed!,That's scary and sad. +"In September, for example, three suspected neo-Nazis brutally beat a 15-year-old in Saxony, allegedly because the boy was half Taiwanese.",noblesse oblige? +Anyone own a pair of Wmns NMD XR1 PK - Glitch or the male alternative?,"Nope, but they're fresh as fuck" +I do too. There are dozens of us. Literally dozens!!!,This is the only time where I think that joke might actually be 100% true +"He has a point, for this game at least. Eric and Tony are as unbiased as they come and they weren't happy with the two calls that forced Hassan out of a majority of the game",Eric and Tony are as unbiased as they come You forgot the +Those innocent people are punishing their team for randomly getting matched with them...for no reason. QP and Arcade exist for a reason.,Excuse me while I do my calculations for the next time I will randomly lose connection or my whole street/town will lose power that way I can play quick play or arcade so when this does happen (because it will I am 100% sure) my team won't be royally fuckt. +Hype Levels Over 9000,"As someone who's not caught up on any of the superflarrowverse this season yet, I might need to take the next week off work to deal with this" +Key caps being engraved with a laser,Engrave me like one of your french keyboards. +Red Robin poutine is a pale imitation of real Canadian poutine. It's worth the violent deportation to get some real poutine.,Sometimes we all need a violent deportation. +Let's not forget the farmers in the path having their land seized and water threatened for corporate profits.,Surely the Bundy militia folks will be on the scene to fight this horrible big government overreach. +"Match Thread: England vs Argentina ###End of Year Tour 2016 - ENG V ARG _____ **Venue** Twickenham **Date** Saturday, 26 November **Kick-off** 14:30 GMT England||Los Pumas --:|:--:|:-- Mike Brown|15|Joaquin Tuculet Jonny May|14|Matias Orlando Jonathan Joseph|13|Matias Moroni Owen Farrell|12|Santiago Gonzalez Iglesias Elliot Daly|11|Santiago Cordero George Ford|10|Juan Martin Hernandez Ben Youngs|9|Tomas Cubelli Mako Vunipola|1|Lucas Noguera ***C*** Dylan Hartley|2|Agustin Creevy ***C*** Dan Cole|3|Ramiro Herrera Courtney Lawes|4|Guido Petti George Kruis|5|Matias Alemanno Chris Robshaw|6|Pablo Matera Tom Wood|7|Javier Ortega Desio Billy Vunipola|8|Leonardo Senatore |***Bench***| Jamie George|16|Julian Montoya Joe Marler|17|Santiago Garcia Botta Kyle Sinckler|18|Enrique Pieretto Charlie Ewels|19|Facundo Isa Teimana Harrison|20|Tomas Lezana Danny Care|21|Martin Landajo Ben Te'o|22|Jeronimo De la Fuente Henry Slade|23|Juan Pablo Estelles **Referee** Pascal Gauzere (France) ***Assistant Referees*** Marius Mitrea (Italy) and Ian Davies (Wales) ***TMO*** Tim Hayes/Gareth Simmonds (Wales)",He put his arm out to protect himself +"Nah, NK is not meant to win and your wording is a pet peeve of mine. You can't disagree with reality, something either is or it isn't.","If he features at ranked, he needs to be fairly balanced without disrupting the already set game flow But hell that's just my opinion" +Double XP removed? No Double XP pop ups in game or in the menus. Anyone else getting this?,"I have this issue where fun and double xp are removed because of lag comp, can anyone help?" +Did you mean to hit the Facebook app on your oversized tablet?,"This is totally serious, killer needs to be stopped" +"If he lost, there would have been no option, because the Democrats aren't pussies. They talk about unity, but when they win, they rule.","Because a democratic president clearly would override the republican majority in the house, that's what's been happening the last 8 years" +"The Premier League is probably among the calmest of the major European leagues. Italy, Spain, Germany, Turkey, Eastern European countries have much more intimidating ultras sections.",Also Greece +"That's what I thought. After 16 years of marriage, she loved giving them again. Just not to me.",:( +My first map: Changes in HDI between 2014-15,"This is a great map, and I wonder how helpful it might be to show the HDI growth rate with the difference for the year (as shown here) divided by the previous year's HDI score" +"Context is very important. If you talk to people in the Basque Country and Catalonia, a sizable number of them will dislike her, the king, and the entire idea of the monarchy. They see that whole establishment as a system that does not represent them at all, so why should they have to bow down to it? Now, if you talk to people from Madrid or the south, I'd assume you'd observe a completely different scenario, where people love and adore her/ the monarchy in general. My two cents? It's the 21st century, monarchies (and especially ones that are completely useless and have no power) should not exist anymore. From the fact that the Spanish monarchy was put back in power by a fascist dictator and allowed to remain, to the corruption scandals ala Princess Cristina, to the fact that the king's daughters each make a salary of over 100,000 euros a year for just existing while the economy and infrastructure of the country desperately needs investment... it's laughable really.","Yep, people from Madrid and the south love monarchy, go to bullfights every week and take naps every day." +"GO, TRUMP! He may be clueless about everything else, but it seems on foreign policy he's making some sense simply by using common sense that every average schmuck has and saying what's really on everyone's minds instead of what PRspeak politicians typically say due to geopolitics, lobbying, diplomacy etc.","Yeah, Trump is a hero for taking such a bold stand." +Swipe Right!! I have a thing for girls with a big black box face.,Dude that's racist. +"I'm sure our president elect Donald J Trump wouldn't have a problem with this guys words. If he did, that might be grounds for his termination as well, seeing as how president is much more important and he's said much worse things.","Camp is Canadian, or did you just feel like making a Trump comment?" +But what about Janna? She and Tom are *made* for each other!,"No she isn't, Jannaryck for life" +Soros will stop at nothing to hold onto power,But guys the media told me that Soros is really a good guy who is misunderstood +As usual there's a lot of American condemnation of Fidel and his time in power in Cuba...but these people really don't want to hold up the US resume next to his. Castro's a pussycat compared to the US govt. And spare me your love it or leave it nonsense.,Pfft what's a few hundred thousand dead Iraqi civilians here and there? +WTF? This was downvoted? Oh...kay.,Dont you know that you feel your balance with the hands? +My boyfriend's dark humor is just so funny!,Literally every post from that sub is a shitpost. +"White Eyes, Shaman Legendary !!",This guy is a real winner. +"Yeap, it is",I detect +"These idiots realize that Clinton isn't eligible for presidency now that she's conceded, right?",It was a FAKE conceding. +Playing efficiently is what makes the game fun for me.,then your playing wrong +I had nothing better to do,Needs the share button from PS4! +What does the alt-right movement want?,"God, alt-right is such a politically correct term" +ive been there also dude! i was on reduced lunch and many times my mother couldnt pay for my lunch. damn someone is cutting onions in my office!,You going to eat those onions? +That's before he got toasted by trying to shock Mace. I'm almost certain that did a number on his body.,It did leave him less agile for sure +Nanophoenix - After how many completions are people seeing in drop?,Hopefully you've never opened the spirit bloom chest in Vault of Glass... Anyone who opened that chest at any time in the past will never get a Nanophoenix to drop... +"Heavy pilot? Hey crew, I want to join either the AF or Navy through ROTC at UT, work my way through college as a paramedic, do my 4 years, and then go to NASA as a flight commander to the ISS. (minimum 1,000 jet flight hours). My degree is going to be in electronic and software engineering. What do you think? My main question is, is it possible? I can't decide between AF or Navy. The only difference to me is that I like the Navy uniform better. Also, I want to see the world.",i thought this was going to be about weighing 270lbs and trying to fit in a C150 +36 and single. On my way to work. Light me up!,You kinda look like H3H3 with a lot less hair +"How was your first day back? I helped a ton of people with gaping dragon, Capra, and gargoyles. Made a few hundred thousand souls and dropped about 40 sunlight medals to spawn vagrants, what about you?","Ran up the Parish with a sunbro no problem, go up the ladder to summon Solaire, invaded by XxTwInKmAsTeR6969xX, get WOG'd off and uchi'd to death, Dark Souls is a fair and balanced game." +Y'all going to tell me I missed my pellets?,"Bots don't count, they follow different rules than the rest of us..." +All games 2-4 fps after Windows 10 Update (Included list of what I've done so far),Have you checked if computer graphics switched to onboard cpu graphics instead of the graphics card? +Literally apples to orange comparison.,"well, not literally." +"What is something you can take, but not steal?",Criticism +"Well okay, thanks for the spoiler.",A spoiler for what? +"*actually*, it's a shape defined by the EGM96 coefficients.",I'm talkin' reference ellipsoid you're talkin' geoid model but what's a tenth anyway. +"To be fair, if you did not watch the GIANTS during the Phil Simms or LT era and are a moderate fan, there is a good chance you have no idea. Like I started watching the Giants the first season of Tom Coughlin(was 9 at that time) and the only reason I know about BB is because of the NFL channel when they talked about how great LT was. You rarely ever hear the broadcasters now a days even mention BB being a Giant, though they did have that one segment with him going to the giants stadium.","I'm too young to have watched BB coach the Giants, and the only reason I know about it is because I went to the football HOF and saw that he coached along with Bill Parcells." +How is this relevant?,he said recluse and gambino said recluse so obviously he's referring to gambino +Might want to go watch Remorce's stream,"at school right now, unfortunately." +Fire. Helfrich. This team is awful.,Anyone know where Uncle Phil and Rob Mullens are at the moment? +"Did you get the 3.5.3 update? I had to use VPN and fake a Vancouver IP for it to pop up, but it fixed all that stuff",Didn't the newest update state that it improved touch response? +fucking furry *blushes*,What the fuck +"Carrick is replacing Santa, his distribution is better. The real question is, who will replace Carrick,?!","Weigl, duh?" +A quote from the show Archer.,Yeah he fights crime in a team of vigilantes and also teams up occasionally with the flash +Bailey Wright giving 101%,10.1 is 110% not 101% +Ziggler's selling is so contagious that even the ladders are joining in.,Im prepared to give it MoN based solely on this +Plate with Boundary Temperature different on one Side computed in 4.7 seconds,"I have no idea what I'm looking at, but its pretty cool - I'm an engineering student, but i don't think I'm anywhere near being able to do that sort of analysis on Matlab!" +Companies and software projects are ready or preparing for #SegWit,I guess we gotta boycott all of them! +You do realize theres no way you can actually prove how long you've held them right?,yeah probably just another shitpost +Why did Faze not win a single LAN in BO3?,Clayster couldn't stay on the map. +Sharks Dillon and Jones team up to take on Kings Clifford and Toffoli in NHL 17,Dillon wearing an Emarosa shirt? +I don't even care if we get swept. I just want to make it,"I said the same thing when the Jets made it, so worth it" +Wal-Mart's Dallas optical lab loses 91 jobs to automation,This is proof that automation reduces the demand for labour! +"Who would you say is the biggest star currently playing in the OHL? r/OHL is a ghost town, so I figured I would get some opinions here. Looking to go to a game this year and want to plan ahead to see some star power! Who should I try and see?",Olli Juolevi +My gaming buddy/future gamer,So what are his specs? +I thought Kraft was helping them. How did he shatter their hopes and dreams?,Probably played against him +Hey ma! I need your credit card real quick!,Bruh were on the west side u mean bredit bard +Congress loves acronyms.,And regulations +You wanne buy it?,Too late l. Bought them from someone else +But then you have to hike.,"It's the bittersweet glory that is nature... They should just install escalators, it's the 21st century dammit!" +Boedker Hagelin Larkin Cogliano Gaborik Reilly Vatanen Chara Myers Mrazek Jones,This will get you to d4. +As a Bernie supporter who never got over it.,You're being ridiculous. +He looks like lumpy gravy poured into a man suit,Please don't tarnish the good name of gravy by comparing him to it. +"i've got a matco 1/4 that I use for everything I can fit it into. Low enough torque that I don't feel bad using it on undertray bolts and other plastic fasteners, but it's usually strong enough to break some surprisingly big things free.",My favorite is to use them on battery terminals after I'm done cleaning them +Being a millennial is like inheriting a burning house only to be told it's our fault we can't handle the heat.,Quit complaining +"Yes, but did the Mexicans pay for it?","No, the Mimbari did." +Bernie Sanders to propose Outsourcing Prevention Act to keep jobs in US,If passed I'm sure this law would have no negative consequences +"Learned this the hard way on Warhead Junction. Figured I would use the incoming nuke to get myself a nice full charge right before the team fight started... my team was not pleased when I ran to the direct center of the nuke, popped my shield, and died like an idiot. Turned our defense into a 4v5 and lost us the game. The more you know!",lo Did you really ate 45% HP for the lulz? +"To be honest, I think everything was handled privately. Children's just ask him to remove their name and logo from his website.","Takes a scammer to know a scammer, apparently." +"Already over $200 Billion beyond the original $400 Billion budget, and they still don't have it right? Why does this not surprise me? When the government implies a blank check, who wouldn't keep milking it???","Ok then, tell me how many Gen 5 fighters you have helped develop and enlighten everyone on how to do better." +"Those stupid Facebook pictures saying like for a chance to win a Mercedes Benz E class I know grown men with high education that still like and comment on those posts. No one is going to give you a $50,000 cat for liking a Facebook post. Drives me nuts.","Huh, I didn't even know that there were cats that cost $50,000." +"Heh, I've never used LAAM before. But the tomcat never flies without them.","In that case, go for Reaper, or wait for the Razgriz planes to show up." +"Will any of you guys be pulling from this upcoming x2 gacha? Just want to hear you guys plans for this upcoming event. Will it be worth pulling from or should i wait for something else? I have yet to spend orbs on summons since i started this game a few weeks ago. I only have a maxed out 6 star Tobiume, 5 star maxed Frenzy Toshiro and a maxed 5 star orange Orihime so yeah, I'm in desperate need of some more 5 stars.","Any gacha that has a friggin' orange, yes." +masturbaiter,masterbaiter +Need some input about these stains/batches from So Cal...,"Whomever it concerns that commented first on this post, you've been shadowbanned." +Letters threatening genocide against Muslims and praising Trump sent to multiple California mosques,**definitely** sent by trump supporters! +"Every human must have a sign above their head, What does your sign say?",Idiot Sandwhich +They know they done fucked up. So they were probably like we might as well just roll with the satire.,They should also have a 24fps lock for THE most cinematic experience +IGO7s make Statement/Call to Action on JYPE's mistreatment of Jackson Wang,Sasaengs are not fans. +All motor build 1998 Acura Integra GSR - One Take,Will we ever have all motor cars with 9k redlines for less than 30k? +"Wear a Trump hat on a university campus in one of those tolerant blue states.. They'll learn quickly what harassment means. It's one thing to receive an opposing opinion... but entirely another thing to get spit on, shoved or bumped, or have a leg extended in front of you so you trip.","Oh, but that's not harassment, that's fighting fascism." +shouldn't charging with murder be reserved for people who commit murder?,"Apparently you don't know,around hundreds of people have died in queues and suicides due to demonetisation.Actually,any death within 1 km of any bank or ATM is caused by demonetisation.source:Sources" +"Sweet, 2 no sweat captain retraining.",Gonna open 11 more of these and buy a Tirpitz :D +I don't think they're going to cast a woman as Fidel Castro.,"Wow man, you are a part of the problem..." +"Well he is Al Gore, Al Gore isnt normal",But he created the internet! +I would hate to see what happens if for some reason you got locked out of your google account. No longer able to use your own home wifi?,I had Gmails since day 1 and never had an issue with lockouts. +"Luckily most of the UK, outside of Bradford and Birmingham, isn't a middle eastern country.",What the christ are you on about? +"Week 49 - What are you reading? Week 49 is here! To our Americans, I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. This week, I've been reading **Fools Fate** by Robin Hobb. I'm really enjoying these books. I've also wrapped up a book on laterial logic. My SO and I finished it over a few dinners and coffee dates, which was nice. My reading is slowing down considerably and I expect it to halt this week. My focus will be on a Japanese test I have coming up. What are you reading?",**How to Ruin Everything** by George Watsky **The Nightingale** by Kristin Hannah +He shouldn't have messed with the bus driver I guess...,...and now he understands why it is important to have good manners. +"Intelligence surveillance reconnaissance, but I can't help you out with getting that sweet contractor job. Let me do some research for you.",thee bigger problem is finding a company willing to pay for that clearance +"I'd gladly pay more taxes if the rich were paying far more as well, with increasingly progressive taxation, and the government were creating a social safety net, with access to education, healthcare, and strong wages, as well as some kind of better wage protection or disability protection if things go wrong for me. I don't expect I'll ever have to use much of it, but know its there is worth the peace of mind of a small middle class tax hike, if necessary. Especially if it creates a stronger middle class, which I believe it does. I don't want to pay more taxes to increase the wealth divide in our country or while we continue to gut the social safety net. Not so hard to tell the difference, really.",Someone's sounding awfully like a communist. +"Borderlands 2: Keyboard+Mouse or Controller? Tomorrow I will start playing the game with a friend. I usually avoid using controller in FPS games, but I see that many people do it. So, what would you recommend?",Buy a Steam Controller so you're using both at the same time +Is that a Kustom Talon on a jury-rigged mount??,The federal government provides the best equipment. +"My Favourite Quote: You're Strong, Right? Well, I ain't no numbskull! I don't pick fights with people I can't beat! Just go on ahead! 10/10 IGN",I'm mad annoyed that my team just got destroyed. +If you see Gul'dan at low health draining a minion... If you see Gul'dan at low health and he's draining a minions health... DON'T KILL THAT GODDAMN MINION. I AM TRYING TO LIVE. I'M NOT DRAINING THE MINION TO PUSH THE WAVE OR FOR FUN. I AM CLINGING ONTO LIFE BY A THREAD AND I'M TRYING TO REVIVE MYSELF BUT NAH YOU CAN'T CONTROL YOUR AUTO ATTACKS sigh,Well I am last hit master +TIL that a University of Essex study concluded that no woman is totally straight.,Well now.... +"Capital Punishment. I understand the arguments against it, but also just can't help but feel that there are a certain class of crimes for which it's justified.",My only objection is that it costs significantly more to go through the death penalty process than to just house them in prison for life. +She supports it because otherwise Bill would get bored.,"Underrated comment right here, folks." +Dark Souls 3 was the first game I liked that much in the series and I didn't understand stat scaling and one time I told my friend that I was sad because I couldn't use a certain weapon due to the class I chose. I was such a naive little kid all those months ago. Now I've beaten the game 3 times and each time I soloed Nameless King. I'm a big boy now.,"You may be a big boy, but you're a man once you've got the platinum trophies for Bloodborne and the greatest DLC of all time, The Old Hunters, and you solo Orphan of Kos (or some say Kosm)." +The US government is already quietly backing out of its promise to phase out private prisons,Private prisons is part of Trump's plan to make America great again. +This is so ass backwards. Why don't they use social media data to fight the insane amount of gun violence in the inner city?,Because that is all the polices fault! +Women are incapable of love. The closest thing to love is getting tingles from a muscular alpha Chad,"Well shit i guess you are right, having a vagine fucks up your concept of love" +Dude. Self pity is the same as self seeking. Not feeling sorry for yourself = feeling good and putting effort into personal relationships,"Oh its an idiot normie, you cant find them at all these days" +for what,The same shitty PI they called against us earlier. +You still can.,But it's finnish'd. +"Gus should just shut AR down at this point. There's no point in playing AR1 anymore if you're playing fair. The game isn't stable, or enjoyable for anyone playing legitimately. It would be much better for the community if Gus shuts down the game before people absolutely just give up on it and its future. Give the script kiddies a lesson. Shut it down. Take their candy away, like the little babies they are.","He won't do it, he wants money." +"Its Kurns, stupid!",No it's not! +"seriously, what the hell is this and why is this here?","a mid range DSLR stills lens IMOHO, I think we need more unboxing videos of rental equipment" +Or the pizza just wasn't big enough?,*something something real LPT in the comments* +A cool pic from a rainy day,How big are your wheels? +Kirigiri in Pokemon Sun and Moon!,wow i've never seen this before +"You still need flocked scooby, cool display though",Or replace that scooby with the flocked one +you're bad,Kys ur bad (90 pts) +It's sad that an OT win against a mediocre ND team is his legacy game. That says it all.,Hey but he beat a Baylor team with a WR playing QB for a half! +I honestly hope you are being sarcastic...,I read it laughing so I'm assuming so +Messi Goal against Espanyol (4-1),Jesus! +op said insignificant,Your point? +Yeah like I don't even have to look to notice a massive pickup with a trailer in my rear view mirrors and no way is that 12 foot machine all in a blind spot,Unless they are secretly advertising a car with more blind spots than any other? +"Cuba is a beautiful, natural, awesome and fun place we Canadians love to go to. Please don't Americanize it with a McDonalds on every corner.",Good Job .... Propping up a brutal Dictatorship with your Vacation money. +Could just end up with older kids swindling away a younger kids good 'mons.,Brings me back to Pokemon TCG many years ago... +Dog traumatized by abuse is caressed for the first time,aaaaaaand that's why executions are still a thing in parts of the world. +help me get the joke please.,Jesus didn't actually do a card trick but it would've been humorous if he did... +"yes, obviously. He was also comparing it to a 4 mana card.","Yes, a 4 mana card that also has 2 more attack than senjin, and doesn't see play." +"The 1940's: Where real men taught their sons useful skills, like underwater anaconda wrestling",Looks more like losing to an anaconda and having to be tagged out by your buddy. +My dad in Northern Montana 1989,He looks quite at home out there. +Which is why he only relented when the human lady ran to him distressed and told him it was his mother while cradling his bloodied body.,Yeah if only Superman had told him that he had a mother! +Fuck!,FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU +"I wouldn't be upset if we got a similar trade value to Jimmy Graham. I have never 100% been sold on Cooks. That said, I don't dislike him. I would love to keep him. I do however think his talents are being wasted with us, because Drew doesn't sling it like Stafford or Roethlisberger. I also believe we can get another speedster that's more make a man miss.",Every bit of this is exactly what I think. +"MHA tables Bill to collect iris images from S'poreans, PRs",I just watched Minority Report. +"As of now, it's democrat, and it has been predicted to be democrat for the majority of the time since June.",I've been checking fivethirtyeight a couple weeks now and just before the first debate it had Ohio and Florida in the red +UG,Bullet King is calling. +He looked great all day. Move Britt to LT.,I don't think we watched the same game... Unless you forget the +And here's hoping 2017 will be even warmer!,"Oh, it will be, it will be...." +"When the alt right sends their people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people who have lots of problems, and they're forcing the American public to deal with the ramifications. They're bringing the Neo-Nazis. They're bringing misogyny. They're crazy.","Kind of like when Mexico sends their people, they're not sending their best?" +^ this needs to be higher,Are you trying to be meta? +"Perhaps we could take some of the billions from DEFENSE and put that towards education instead, eh?",But what about the terrosists +(Sanity Sunday) Minorities can still be capable of oppressing other minorities,Women are my favorite minority. +Wrap it up! Babies are expensive and STDs can hurt.,I'm gay +Judging by his reactions he just moves pieces randomly and has no idea his opponent has trapped him,I'm thinking he's more of a mobile strike/ game of war pay 2 win mobile game type player. +"Damn that's rough. Unpopular opinion but I think Garbrandt is a pretty nice, down to earth guy. He's just dumb as a box of rocks.",Tbh I think most of the haters have been popping up ever since he got the title shot over Dillashaw. +How could i be mad after this?,"Ok I'm pissed because red velvet is just chocolate and I hate too much chocolate ,other fuclers s ajahshnsnsjs" +FBI backs CIA view that Russia intervened to help Trump win election,Where can I find a sub for completely non civil discussion? +Point me in the right direction CYBER MONDAY! I have been looking a bit but coming up pretty dry... anyone have any articles? websites? suggestion? for any black friday/ cyber monday deals going on in the vape world. =) thanks for all the help guys!,r/electronic_cigarette +The person who changed your life forever?,"Walker, Texas Ranger." +Who is the most overrated player on your team?,Derek Carr +Shot the back of his head. Thats cold.,I-cy what you did there +Yeah I couldn't remember if it was W3aken or Weak3n.,Its a reference to his chat btw when someone says weaken +He's not bad at all but he's not great. I can't name you a single amazing Tyler Breeze match and I really like the guy.,"Fatal 4 way with Breeze, Kidd, Neville, and Sami is the only one that I can think of." +Post your Championship memes and GIFS!,PLEASE I NEED MORE AMMUNITION +Or Mac users.,Aren't they included in the first group? +"I don't know if you're aware, if you are - I don't mean to sound patronising But you can go out-of-sync sometimes (aka de-sync). The command /oos will correct it. You can set the command to an auto hot key for a temporary solution",I haven't heard of that command but if it's temporary is there a permanent solution or just wait on GGG to try fixes? +"Dominus GT, Titanium White Almas, Titanium White Lowriders, Forest Green Tunicas Lightning Wheels, Offers",Two C2 crates for the Tunicas? +Inability to follow instructions,"Oops, forgot the" +"you start doing crossplaying once you do, your inner 'trap' will be unleashed.",Im too ugly for that lol +"Why don't you... im an ass guy as well.. have you seen a nice ass twerking w no clothes on? I mean.. there are definitely sexier ways to dance, if twerking can even be considered a dance, but if she can do that w her hips/ass.. whew.","Yeah, nothing says sexy like watching fat ripple" +"At this rate, I will not be surprised if Puppey assassinated JFK, masterminded Jews, Armenia, and Yugoslavia genocide, drafted Trump's speech, and smashed aeroplanes onto WTC.",I think he was the one who ~~broke~~ kicked USSR. +We've converted you! Mission complete!,"Nah, I like Satmar much more." +New pre-order from TI - UNG-12 SEMI-AUTO Mag-Fed Tactical Bullpup Shotgun,"Prohibited in *3, 2, 1...*" +"Thinking about getting into CW Knife trading. What should I look for? What is important when trading CW Knives, Float? Webs?",You should look for another skin to trade +"Eternal Dragon So my friend plaincycles by tapping two lands and discarding eternal dragon. However, he says he can still cycle while eternal dragon is in the graveyard. That's totally cheating right.","if he's paying 5WW to cycle it, he's not cheating." +"You should be able to make a zoo. so donkey guard, spider guard, harambe guard, worm guard, turtle guard etc. The more, the better.",You forgot Koala and Octopus guards +"Miriam poured her life for public service like Pres. Duterte, says grieving husband","A trapo, even in death." +I know. My mind is blown.,*gestures with hand* +Congratulations: you understand our electoral process better than our President elect,Well he did need to copy off his wife's ballot. +Maybe. Who would Mercedes replace Lewis with that would be as talented? Or at least a 1/2 step behind Nico?,Has anyone been in touch with Max Verstappen? +"I'm working on a personal brand, what are your thoughts on this logo?",Add a tiny handle between the two I's +Trump supporter in PA tells Indian man that things are different now and I don't want you sitting next to me -- you people. Then he calls the Indian a sand n**ger and a f*cking Muslim before hitting him (unprovoked) four or five more times in the face with his elbows and fists.,Another False Flag Liberal Hoax funded by Soros? +Spotify Year in Music not available this year? Was last year a one time event?,Last year it came on December 6th iirc +And people wonder why the UK voted to leave the EU.,That's racist! +"I don't know, and I'm no doctor but if it works I'd keep using it mate.",How very useful. +Red Light Runner Causes Accident in LA,Mommy are we going the Harry Potter exhibition? +Why you gotta chase bro? Louey_T42,"i'm not even salty, amazing job!" +"South Lake Tahoe, California",No chains? +"The individuals and groups fighting against the recounts know that the MI and PA recounts would not be finished by the Dec 13th deadline, leading to MI and PA being disenfranchised in the electoral college vote. They are fighting to prevent the voters in MI and PA from being silenced.",Good joke +Tbf I'm pretty sure ATGMs didn't exist in the 1950s. Still any of the IS tanks would demolish a Tiger and that's ignoring an Mi-4 with anti-tank rockets or the numbers of new RPGs.,Well the French SS.10 came around in 1955. +"Whoops sorry thought it was on Ontario, boy is my face red","Ontario is trying out a pilot program for UBI in 2017, so you're not far off; I think PEI skipped the whole 'pilot' thing because they literally only have about 200,000 people and a ton of them are on some sort of government assistance since the collapse of the fishing industry." +"Use control groups, or make illusions, and just press tab with hero selected and you'll go hero-illusion-illusion-illusion-hero","I just tried the tab with hero selected and it sent my hero as well, same thing happened using a control group :l" +If Lewis loses all his lives then I'm opening the chance cubes,you could open them in the Nether +"152 crore unearthed, 2 Karnataka officials suspended",An apt kannada saying for this: 'chaape kelage nuggidre rangoli kelage nugtheeni ' +Panthers fire Gerard Gallant,Merry Christmas! +Oh damn,Because you only have 28/32 +"Call me crazy, but I think this is more on Bevell than Cable. We know (especially by the third quarter) who this line is. You have to adjust the Playbook accordingly. Call fast developing passes, ffs. You have Doug Baldwin, Tyler Lockett, and Jimmy Graham for Christ's sake;attack the middle. Call some fucking slant plays for once.","But, but, but passes to the flats always work out so well for us" +M16 was always God Tier...,AW says otherwise. +"Trying to create drama, never change reddit!",You mean you didn't realise it was Alonso that forced Ron out over sponsorship issues? +Increasing the Min Wage accelerates that process.,But they can buy smart phones and tvs on Black Friday in the meantime so who cares? +"Will a non-playoff team have two wins over playoff teams this year? In the first two years of the playoff, no non-playoff team has recorded more than one win in total against the four playoff teams. This year, the current slate of playoff candidates (which I define at top 10 teams with a game left, plus Ohio State) offers three potential opportunities for such a feat: Michigan: Wins over Colorado, Penn State Pitt: Wins over Clemson, Penn State Ohio State: Wins over Wisconsin, Oklahoma Who has the best chance to see two teams they beat go to the playoff? What needs to happen for each of these pairs to make the playoff? Is there an outside chance of a team sitting at home, watching two teams it beat play for a national title?",Best 4 loss team in the country. +low carb But puts a fuckton of butter in it. what do.,No carbs in butter my friend. +The swag is palpable,He got FLAB Fat Lard Ass Bastage +"Alex Smith on games played yesterday, 1-0","winning is such an irrelevant stat, though." +So which countries have Russia invaded? Or do we just look at the reactions of other countries as proof that Russia is advancing on all fronts? Remember the pre-emptive strikes of the Bush era and how that all worked out? We're looking at the new arms industry advertising campaign.,Were you born yesterday? +"Amy Shumer. Also, fuck Amy Shumer.",I swear every time she talks about her vagina I lose it guys. +"You forgot Che. Everyone had a Che poster in college. Man was a murderer, plain and simple.","Eh, he only killed a few nuns, I'm sure those nuns had it coming." +"I heard late 2017, early 2018. Not like NJ needs another mall that's closed on Sundays...",But it's got a water park! +I would love to see a Mr. Mime. It's the last of the regionals that I haven't seen yet.,My favorite part of acquiring it was taking over the Big Ben gym and dropping a Tauros in there shortly after. +"What is wrong with World Quest chest rewards? As an 856 Fire mage, I am still getting 810 gear drops from my daily chest. I can only benefit from this if I disenchant it, even then I'm not getting the materials I need for my good enchants. Are these chests glitched? Are they not scaling with item level like everything else is in this expac?","Reversely, I never hear people complain when they open a legendary item(ilvl 895) and it's 50 points ABOVE their ilvl." +I started lifting at 14. I wish I had started earlier.,"But you will become shorter than you are already, what will people say?" +My boyfriend's sister asked me if she should drink cold or hot water to burn calories... *eye roll*,Drink two cold water bottles after each 5k. +"Just got a new $600 multifunction bench at work yesterday, great for holding 2x4s",That's a decent saw but the thumb safety button is really annoying after a while... +"Bitcoin in, virtual card out instantly via chrome extension. Anonymous throwaway cards with bitcoin",What is the maximum amount i can load on it? +Give him a break. He only tells half truths because the other half of the time he falls asleep.,or are the fact checkers falling asleep while listening? +"I was pretty impressed until they listed the guys arrest from 20 years ago, but went to no details about the officers disciplinary records.",But cops can do no wrong +Didn't he say good ones?,He said LCS level +Capitalism basically means without rulers.,Guys this is pretty much anarcho-capitalism +"Nothing really compares to a rain day with my dogs, trees and portal 2.",They look like good dogs +Reports now say there was no gun. Just a machete and weaponized vehicle.,"We need to ban assault vehicles, pronto." +WHATS YOUR FAVORITE UNIT? All units before zenia omni,Ark +Does anyone wish that Google Assistant could be easily accessed by typing and not only relying on voice? I understand why voice assistant is so important but there are tons of situations where it'd be awkward for me to talk out loud or where I'm expected to be silent. I'd still like to access Google Assistant in those situations though. I understand you can kind of do this through Google Allo but it's slower to go through the app and doesn't make much sense. I can't be the only one that would prefer texting baked into Google Assistant,"typical google to have search/assistant not integrated on launch, I am expecting within a few months they will be one thing, or they will come out with a third app that will do it, probably called asst text search or some such silly" +Just taking my morning stroll when...,nsfw gee thank god you told me I would have been caught if you didn't say it +"You pay a deposit of $100 if you order the part, you have to return your valance to get the credit back.",But why would you have to return your original valance if youre buying a new one? +These are from July! Don't worry this was basically our only interaction.,So... you're saying you can bang now? +No one impeaches a president who wins this much.,By wins do you mean receives fewer votes than his opponent? +"Oh look he won a lottery, maybe I will too! No, you'll become homeless","But, homeless in Hawaii." +Doesn't the fella at the back look similar??? Guess who???,Thomas the dank engine? +"PGT (L 8-4) vs Cubs: Hey Kershaw, about the Dodgers not relying on you....... can we take that back? pls Kershaw",It's fun hearing DodgerTalk absolutely blast the lack of baserunning tonight.... sadface. +I'm sick of this crap guys,"I know making a video was overkill, but it was just to make it easier for you guys to see and for SD to see." +"I tripped and listened to Jimi Hendrix a few days ago and thought man I wish I lived in the 60's. You know, hippies and all that. Maybe the 60's were fucked tho, I don't know.",The 60's seems like a pretty great time for social change but watching all those young hippies grow up to become bankers and stock brokers who voted for Reagan must have been painful for a lot of genuine radicals alive in that time. +I had a partial hysterectomy and told him several times I couldn't have sex for a while. Does not compute,He's a GUY Jesus Christ don't you get it? +Our map services are currently unavailable.. is exactly what it says on their website. Now how did I read that because the website is not shut down.,You are literally too stupid to argue with. +TIL Millions of rickrolls has only earned Rick Astley $12,I'd be more interested to learn how much Google/YouTube has made off of it. +"Do they exist? The men that find generous natural pubic hair a turn on, or are they a wife's tale?",This is so simple to answer: google porn hairy. +yup but that carriage would have been freezing! feel bad for those people it's at least 55 mins between Ayr and Glasgow never mind going all the way to Edinburgh in that state of a train.,"Don't need a dodgy window for freezing, just climb on at 5:30 in the morning with a carriage with no heating." +Write every Reddit comment like it will get forwarded to your CEO.,censor everything you ever say *just in case* +Zfa you must be near me!,"Look out the window, I'm in that tree." +"Hey babe, your tits are huge, can I smash my dick between them? -actual pickup line I have been subjected to by someone I had literally never seen before in my life.",pics or it didn't happen +Is anyone else sick of this?,But most straight gamers don't care about your sexuality! +"if they discovered uranium in your backyard, you might not be so cavalier. tailings are radioactive dust is radioactive on site enrichment is hazardous and extremely energy & water intensive. ground water tables are polluted with radioactive elements runoff is polluted with radioactive elements and its only going to get worse as deposits produce less and less yield over time.","Alright then keep mining/burning coal I guess, good luck." +She has multiple lines. Which specifically?,I copied the link to include the time at which I'm refrencing +"As an old person, what compels you to talk about yourself during tertiary education or a college lecture?","Well, as a mother..." +Intentional feeding.,Intentionally feeding +You realize that the speeches are just legalized bribery right? They don't actually care what you have to say for 15 minutes.,Oh no this changes everything id never accept millions in legal money. +"woah, woah, guys calm down and look under his arm. The guy clearly knows first-aid and is just here to help.",Those zip-ties bandoliered on his back are for securing splints +"And the ignorant, poorly educated blue collar citizen? Eat shit and choke on it.",^Making their point^ +At first closet but then!,"Parent here.....thats not a shitty battle station, thats a dream!" +I mentioned that a bunch of times in regards to Farah V Ennis haha,Of course you would Robbie lover +the ranking changes does actually occur immediately. You can easily go check the ladder right now and see im still in exactly the same position.,maybe Tico has ascended to a point where his general skills are so legendary that even the legend of total war cant take his ranking away xd +"So, this is why Ithink scaling should not be implemented in all zones. As the title suggest I would not like zones like elwynn or feralas or hellfire peninsula to be scaled to our level, there are some reasons behind this form of thinking but the main one is fantasy and overall feeling of the game. Hogger was an amazing boss, which created amazing feelings for anyone involve because he felt like your first powerful enemy and someone your level 10 Paladin would struggle with. Since then our characters have only gotten stronger and going back and fighting Hogger on the same ground would feel a little off. While it does have positive implications like reviving old zones, it would not feel correct to go back and quest or level on Tanaris helping Goblins when we have slayed dragons, gods and leyends.",But it's perfectly fine to kill wolves in the next XPac as they are obviously much more powerful then archimonde +Food Network is rebooting Iron Chef! Announced online and on Alton's instagram. I wasn't sure where to post this but I am beyond excited! Easily my favorite cooking competition show.,So glad to see they decided to make a new and fresh program. +"I hope it passes. Not that I support open carry, but it will scare the liberals from out of state (such as Cucklifornians or Massholes) to LEAVE and save our traffic!!!!!",You left out the +What is the darkest work of fiction ever made?,inb4 the holocaust +2 books that sold a combined 4.6 million. Even if he receives a paltry $2/book. That number is now $9m. That'll buy you a few nice homes. Also 8 years at $400k/year is another $3.2m.,Yes but Obongo is POOR! +"Except that she has no mobility, which is much easier to punish than a champ with a dash like Lucian. Her Q poke is more on her opponent to mess up and missposition rather than her getting a good angle. Ult is strong but it roots her and cannot be reajusted after cast.",A+ to you good sir. +"I'd heard about it, but seeing it is so much worse. That little mmHMM he says to himself after tossing it, like Let's see them argue with THAT! Wow.",Genius at work clearly. +Josh Norman says Dez Bryant is no Odell Beckham Jr.,but dez bryant and the cowboys are 10-1 +But you're not on that airplane. You're telling *other* people to take that risk when you don't have to.,"Like I said, it's a risk I'd be willing to take and I don't hold others to higher standards than I hold myself." +"I'm just saying in general, states like California teach them both in some districts and it just pushes my buttons that we are sacrificing a solid education for many kids for the sake of making a small minority feel better. its a general comment on the topic","Not familiar with California, but bilingual education can help kids from falling behind in math and science by teaching those subjects in their native language while they learn English." +The force is strong with this rogue one. Insert Star wars puns here... ;-) x,Looks like you've purchased ... a rogue onesie ... I'll see myself out. +It's funny because there have been stories of Republicans passing laws against 'Sharia Law' but don't ever mention anything about the Christianity-based laws in place.,"You don't understand, Murica is a Christian nation founded on Jesus!" +"I've always assumed it's the tunnels in origins that lead to the crazy place. I see why it's assumed to be buried though, and it might be right. All other areas in revelations hold some significance with the O4. Buried does not, which is why I assume that it isn't.",What about Nacht? +are you neighbors with yourself?,I too am confused. +nnnnnnnnnnnnnngh squeeze done!,Did you just put a racial slur in your title? +"9x Pro Bowler, 3x first-team all-pro, 3x second-team all-pro, defensive ROY, 2000s All-Decade team, fifth most sacks all time, second most forced fumbles all time, 9 seasons of double digit sacks, second most interceptions all time as a lineman, 3rd most passes defended as a lineman, second most blocked kicks all time, and is the only player with 100+ sacks and 10 INTs. Nothing about him is not HOF worthy.",no rings +Better get started! We have a lot of people to insult!,Sounds like something a cuck would say! +It isn't a board.. it is just a meeting where ~~board members~~ meeting attendees who are trusted performance evaluators review information from your duty history that is and isn't included in the strict list of criterion that can be used to rate people and then group-think assign you a ~~score~~ metric that goes on your EPR.,I don't have my TS to view this doc-comment +What the hitbox,Might want to invest in some FPS +"unpopular opinion, i know. This sub is complete trash, the mods suck, buckled under pressure. This sub is COMPLETE fucking TRASH now.. it was cringe before, but now its so damn bad.. I've never subscribed to a sub before, to go back and unsubscribe later on.. Thanks MODS for ruining this place. STUNT ON THESE HOES... LUL.. idiots","Thanks for your constructive feedback, with the information provided, I will turn this sub around!" +I dunno... Samantha Bee and Lin-Manuel Miranda?,Ugh I love Samantha Bee +Putin brings China's Great Firewall to Russia in cybersecurity pact,Such a great leader! +Seriously IGN? Like bringing two RPG's to a knife fight.,I guess IGN (and a lot of console peasants with them) is still oblivious to the fact these kind of setups are not representative for the large majority of PC gamers? +"How have they not fixed this yet. It's one of the most annoying and obtrusive quirks, and it's somehow persisted for 3 or 4 major iOS updates.","If they get rid of it, how will 60 year old Mom know she hit the volume button?" +to all known laws of aviation,There is no way +"Pope Francis calls inequality the greatest evil that exists in the world and responds to his red-baiting critics: If anything, it is the communists who think like Christians.",Why does the pope hate identity politics? +"reddit, a bastion of free speech.",Guess someone brought up some wrong think on one of the main subs so they nuked it. +Wth is aquiline,Basically a hooked nose (a nose with a bump) +Super rich people hurting poor people for profit. Yay America.,dont worry it'll trickle down one day so people can afford those rising prices +It seems moving is the only option for those of us with lifetime healthcare issues.,Did you ever consider not being sick? +She had to laugh because of the implication.,Tasty treats! +"trumps the biggest fucking dumbass, cant believe almost half the nation voted for this bigot","Considering 45% of American's didn't vote, it's more like a quarter of the nation that voted for him" +Megyn Kelly Is losing her time slot on fox. #DontMessWithTrump,Praise KEK +3 Months? thats like 90 days? Nothing ever happens in 90 days.,I understand that reference. +Well that's how it's done in Europe and people in general are happy about it.,"that's soshilism tho, george washington would be spinning in his grave if he heard you talk like this" +"As a Cuban with relatives who escaped during the revolution and relatives still living in Cuba who we keep communications up with, Reddit's anti-capitalist community made themselves look absolutely stupid over the last few days.",How am I supposed to correct you if I don't refute your claims? +Oh so there's the racist,You dropped your +"Rogue does not need to get stronger in Arena. It's a high-skill class, but has always been top-tier. You don't buff the top-tier, ideally.",Surely giving a boost to a 5/1 with Stealth is going to make Rogue even better in Arena! +So this poster was put up in a nearby school...,Because no one ever dropped out of school and lived a productive life... +Our white blood cells attacking a parasite.,Curious as to whats the black blob on the top right... +You should see what's done in cricket.,Don't you understand... They caught it bare handed! +When Widowmaker hits you so hard you end up seeing stars,Widow x young DiCaprio +A little funny that the best he could come up with was to insult you for using words more complex than the average school kid's vocabulary.,I swear its like he had no comprehension skills: it's sad that there are still loyal Hello Games stooges like you around it's funny that he says this after I explicitly stated I hadn't even played the game haha +The Lottery is still a waste of money,It's a tax on people who are bad at math. +"Can you myopic dummies stop arguing about whether it is or isn't right to burn the flag, and *focus* on the fact that Trump isn't even president yet, and he has already begun to compose a list of forbidden expressions of opinion that will cause people to LOSE THEIR CITIZENSHIP?",Sounds like a great way to lower unemployment +Minority? I'm sure the vast majority of Americans didn't donate money for the recount.,Look the important thing is they found a way to feel better than everyone else. +Weird how we have to keep repeating religion of peace after each horrific Islamist attack. At what point do we just admit that there's something rotten with that ideology?,I remember very clearly when the Brits used to say that about Catholics back during the Troubles... interesting. +2 Los Angeles County Deputies Get Prison After Jail Beating Of Mentally Ill Inmate,They only got a fine for beating a mentally competent inmate. +The Latest on the Pennsylvania Vote Recount Effort,That sock puppet for the Clinton campaign sure has some good points. +What are you using it for? Each brand has some specific reliability concerns.,Mainly a daily driver but to haul medium sized materials for various projects around my house. +Because insurance companies can't pass off the top 1% of people with severe health needs anymore. They have to insure them at a reasonable cost and can't drop a family from an employer's insurance plan.,Just don't get sick and you'll have a fair deal then! +"It's not that hard. You stand on your feet for 8 hours, you either run register or make the food or some combo there of. I worked at a KFC about 18 years ago for a chunk of time when I needed cash. Was the job fun? Not really, but it's a job that requires literally next to no training and you can be replaced quite easily.","Ah yes, you worked at KFC 18 years ago so you know damn well the plight of the Detroit workers" +"Not my party. Not my bill. Not my world view. Hillary sponsoring a bad bill doesn't affect my ability to criticize Trump for his terrible position. My credibility isn't linked to everything Hillary Clinton has done in her career. I agree with your analysis of Dems, their political game has been awful.","Yeah, but Hillary." +North Carolina Gun Group Raffles AR-15 Rifle With A Picture Of Hillary Clinton,ITT pearl clutching by people who have no problem with burning Trump effigies. +Are...are you two Eskimo brothers?,Check the EBDB Taco +what a horrible thing to say,I'm sure the millions of Iraqi and American families that were torn apart by the Iraq war feel the same way... +Not sure if this is 100% true either but did you know that Steve Buscemi volunteered to be a firefighter on 9/11?,No way that sounds true. +"I remember when this guy started out with a crappy Kylo Ren lightsaber. It was very small and didn't glow, just the red plastic ones. He used it like the guys who tell airplanes where to go. I haven't been back home in a while so it's great to see this guy threw in some kicks and force throws which makes his routine way cooler than when he started out. Plus those lightsabers look fucking awesome.",The glowing part is an effect added to the video. +Who is she,...Kendall Woods +Well or the kardashians,"As a Turk, sorry for Kardashians." +"You guys are going to be so disappointed. There's no amount of talent you can throw at a Chip Kelly coached team and have it turn into a dominant defense. Just isn't going to happen. You're either going to win by scoring fucking points or you're going to lose. Still up for Garrett at #2 if he slips, but you guys longing for the return of defense dominant football are shit outa luck.",I had no idea Harbaugh is a defensive specialist! +"People who don't break down your cardboard, what do you do with all your extra time?",Laugh at the suckers who break down theirs. +"The victim, silly! This is Reddit, after all.",She should be flattered! +"Exactly, that's actually a pretty big advantage of the batmobile. I can't tell you how many times I thought I was going to beat someone to the ball only to have them beat me by a mile because I couldn't judge how far they were due to a very difficult-to-see boost trail.",It's the pay-to-win-mobile again! +yet more nerfs to bio...why oh why.,Marines don't die fast enough +The person is smart. People are dumb... Wise words from Agent K.,"I know that vaccines cause autism, duh." +R.I.P 750ti. You served me well.,Now navigate to your Amazon Orders page and initiate the return. +TFW your phone has a better screen then my Chromebook.,Chromebook Master Race! +New still from Wonder Woman,T H I C C +The Witcher 3 with guns would be great though,I didn't like the Witcher 3 +Xyp9x is hardly the best player on astralis. He is very poor mans zonic.,yeah I meant xyp9x +Who the...,...fuck is... +"Welcome fellow Sydneysider. Make sure you check out an awesome pub called Frankies, it's close to Martin Place train station. It's open every day, they serve awesome craft beers on tap, pizzas by the slice, pinball machines, and they have live music from 9pm. I recommend you to stay close to either Central Station, or Kings Cross station. Both have a plethora of options in terms of Backpackers.",Just get him to work there so you can get a discount. +Made a Matt Ryan wallpaper!,Boob job looks great. +It was so bizarre. Like he could have told her I killed your puppy and she would look at him and smile like he was flirting with her.,RIP Frankie +The_Donald told me that Trump was more libertarian than the libertarian candidate.,"Don't ya know, he's gonna get dem SJWs!" +Decided to spice up my 940-1. CF clip and Anodized screws.,"That's cool, so where's the clip?" +TWINE - ROADHOG,holy shit what the fuck wow +"Just watch the 2012 WCF. To me, that was the best sample truly showing what Harden could become.",Too bad he couldn't do it for one more round +Another game taken away from the citizens who pay extra taxes to have 8 home games a year as the NFL uses the money saved by tax breaks and publicly funded stadiums to rent stadium locations and security in another country.,I'm sure the Donald will have something to say about that when he's in the White House +That's a difference between Europe and US/Australia my friend:),"I thought it meant the next DLC operators were going to be 70,000 renown to unlock." +18 months... to crack the ciphers haha,maybe the MOTD cypher will hold all the information needed +Exactly this. White nationalists look at Israel's apartheid policies as a model to strive towards.,Absolutely. +Go for a jog. Now you're a jogger. Jog every day. Enjoy your newfound health.,You fat shaming shitlord. +Atheist Injury Cards? You know how some faiths have those injuries cards and if you're in an accident then the responders can look at the card tell what you believe. So is there a card like that for atheism or do I have to make my own crude one.,"If you're going to leave notes for EMT, I'd suggest your blood type and allergies are more important than your opinions." +"Klopp, Milner and Buvac reaction when Woodburn scored",meanwhile krawietz looks cool as fuck +Beartooth - In between,Back when 'tooth was actually good +luv u bb <3,now kith ^^did ^^i ^^do ^^it ^^right? +I SHIP IT. We all know Velma was gay as hell.,Downvoted for I ship it +Armenian students protest in University in California,Yeah because Ataturk was the cause behind the war with armenians +.. it never has never been a secret.,"I wasn't being coy, I just honestly didn't know enough to confirm if you were right or not." +"NHL 17 Booster Pack Giveaway PS4 This is a giveaway for four players- two 88's, and two 87's. Giordano Pacioretty Van Riemsdyk Kesler BUT WAIT! If you comment now, we'll throw in TWO FREE PLAYERS, FREE! Kuznetsov Barrie That's six players for the price of none! And that's not all! Ok no that's all. I'm tired, I'm high, comment ANYTHING to enter. Confess to murder, come out of the closet, idgaf. Just have fun. See you boys in the morning. GO!",I'd like em +My friend's bday tomorrow so I drew him this. Btw map is ghost fort and his name is gamerjellyfish,Who names their kid gamerjellyfish? +#RACE CASINO,"How can Fox be a white race casino, when the Native Americans own all the casinos?" +"Lol, good one! Essentially your exosuit is already a limited bag of holding with the ridiculous amount of shit it can hold!","It does hold a lot, but remember, ships stacks are much larger than suit stacks!" +Can someone post Maker breaking Birdman's ankles? Wtf lol and he made the shot too.,Couldn't believe it. +Abandoned Places I'm looking to explore some abandoned places in the area and wanted to see if anyone had suggestions of places they have checked out. Anywhere that isn't private property or has low police surveillance would be ideal.,Have you tried Jimmy Smith park? +Cool map! Just can't believe you went with the Iron Horse IPA label instead of Irish Death (just happens to be one of my favorites out there),This is a popular opinion lol +Word on the grapevine is Mike I am an ogre Pence will be down in New Orleans to campaign for Campbell's opponent this coming week. Anyone we can get to try from our side to endorse Campbell?,Bernie Sanders? +WAKE UP,GNWNGJFLFNNFNF MAKEUP IWEIEWHGFSEHSIUSH KEYS UPON THE TABLE EWHUEFAFAFHUHFUAFUH CREATE ANOTHER FABLE +Shots fired!,harpoons* +"I still think that was a pretty dangerous thing to do... knocking someone's head against a rock could cause concussion at best, brain hemorrhage at worst.",the host actually had microinjectors in their fingers with a dose of tranquilizers specifically for MiB's weight and physical status +Doug Pederson on the defensive performance.,"This feels a hell of a lot like the Chip Kelly era and I don't like it...Awesome one week, inexplicably terrible the next..." +"Thanks. I'll test out Will-O-Wisp for Disable. Like u/guywithnolife suggested, I'll test out Araquanid in the 6th slot to deal with trick room. If I think I really need intimidate, maybe Gyarados in the sixth slot?",Taunt gyarados could help with your TR woes +"Yup, I know it's not perfect but it's a fix that completely prevents the gamma hacking. Now you have to weigh the consequences of using a light source and game play is legitimately different from day to night.",nice +Harden is a really bad choice imo.,Why do you say that? +"No idea how the system down there works, would Gowdy be able to get time with him under oath potentially? Based dog man. I took some stuff and can't remember what dog he is.",The House Oversight committee could subpoena him. +How would you know? Maybe his grades are slipping and listening to music about being a thug and selling drugs could affect you. I mean look at a lot of the black youth today,You forgot the +Only Rs 500? Our laws really need to be updated with regard to fines. If I'm not mistaken even for the worst crimes and for conviction etc. bail amounts are only in tens of thousands or a few lakhs.,Is it really a crime if you give a publicity hungry egomaniac some free publicity though? +American leftists are always like The US needs to be more like Canada. Then I remember Canada enforces their immigration laws and you must show ID to vote They stump themselves for us.,They probably meant Australia... those guys are totally laid back about immigration. +"Lap dance at strip club Has anyone got more than a hover lap dance at a calgary strip club? At boudiour rouge, there is a private room. Can you get a real lap dance in there, or is it still a hover dance? Provide your real experiences please.",But the Loonie toss is a-ok! +all food team: glen rice steph curry jeremy lamb oj mayo darvin ham,Morris Almond +The time that Stephanie McMahon tweeted that humanitarian efforts and charity were the new form of good marketing.,"While it was stupid for an executive to post, it's pretty true." +Such an excellent gun to learn fundamentals on.,"Ammo is expensive, so you pay attention and make it count!" +*Abstain*. Only in the butt until ready to procreate. If that counts as abstaining.,quoting doug stanhope: take one in the fanny; save money on a nanny. +Individually he is also on a better edge than evryone. CR7 the beast.,not dribbles +fathers usually get custody when they seek it.,Fathers who think they can get custody and have the financial resources to hire good lawyers that also think they can get custody seek it? +This is a text post.,This is a comment on a text post. +"Yeah, she used an Ali quote.",Ali ruined boxing with his WWE shit! +"Just wanted to try this game out on my Mac but there is no sound... Help anyone? I checked normal options and it should be working. My system sound is working, just not the game. Help is appreciated",Did you try the mute button? +Still a mindless killing drone and a shell of his former self.,Bunn is killing it on Uncanny! +"Oh, for fuck's sake. This shit is poison. My facebook feed is full of people who are like Fidel Castro was a great leader who will be missed and the same people are like Trump hates the gays! Meanwhile, in reality, Trump is the first republican president in history to be pro gay marriage, and Fidel Castro had gay men thrown in prison. But, ya know, facts n shit. Seriously, I dislike Trump, but because of the fucking explosion of outrage and hyperbole from the left over his presidential victory I've been finding myself defending him way more often than I'd like to. Anyone else in this position? Just curious.",B-b-but he held the flag upside down +Lucasfilm Confirms No Rogue Two,"Oh man, I wanted to see a sequel with a new Rogue squad whose story parallel's Rogue One but from a different point of view." +"Before adding additional Kurasks with the slayer-only area can we please nerf the limpwurt root drops? They have crashed so hard in price. They used to be a nice addition to farm runs - now not even worth the time. Most importantly, they were once one of the few ways F2P players could save for a bond.",Would be aids getting them in dmm though. +BLM public figure Shaun King announces that he will be joining The Young Turks for regular commentary. Just when you thought 2016 couldn't get any more retarded,"Somewhere, Sargon is giggling uncontrollably." +Why not just post it you big ole dufus.,Cause Niantic has people spying dont want to advertise it too much or else you know what they do to things that work better than their own game. +"I could see them running Tammy Duckworth, for the Veteran aspect. It's been since Bush 1 since we had anyone with any real military service.",You saying combatting orders to report for duty doesn't count as real service? +We can't buy him back until the summer.,What are all these reports about having 14 weeks left to buy him? +Brown kripp going the way of normal kripp Look out for havoc's upcoming hearthstone streams!,Except right now Kripp is back :o +"Tom and Ben, Ben and Tom! Almost as good as Tom and Jerry! Its Ben and Tom","Think of it this way: It's Tom from Tom and Jerry, and Ben from Ben and Jerry's" +What do I do with a dead pet?,I'd ask someone I know with a property if it could be buried there. +"At least LGBT youths can be excused for not knowing better! It's their world now, and young people will have to deal with the life-long consequences of this administration, especially the Cabinet, many of whom seem plucked right out of the 13th C.",Mmmmm way to make kids feel comfortable here despite their political beliefs +*at least .500 Don't give Texans more credit than they deserve.,Got me. +DAE hating racists makes you the *real* racist?,They probably didn't kill as many people as ~~history~~ the allied propaganda claims anyway. +All of EVE's little quirks can be explained away with: * Nanites * Jovians * Legacy code,Legacy code? +Telling me I can't do something because of the color of my skin? Now whose the racist.,Yeah you're being so discriminated against by this post! +"It doesn't beat 4, 3 and even 1.","But that's just your opinion, many people thought it was better than 1,3 and 4." +"What do you think is the best skill move in the game this year? In 15 it was probably the body feint, and 16 probably the stop and turn. I know skill moves were kind of nerfed compared to the last couple years, but what would you say is your favorite this year? I think it comes down to the roulette and normal spin for me.","In FIFA 16 I used the ball roll and roulette, in this one I legit use none, probably holding me back from being a better player, but I'm happy with gold 1-2 and D1-D2" +the Batmen have arrived!,"Been an hour since the last pic of this same 4 batman pops was posted, I was starting to worry." +honestly this entire sub is just trash in general and constantly draws shitty paradigms.,Gotta get that comment out quick while the karma is hot. +Congress drops plans to make women register for the draft,Progress is women being able to kill in the name of empire +"On His Way Out the Door, Obama Suggests Marijuana Should Be Legal",Thanks Obama +"Just to clarify, I DID NOT POST THIS",This actually hit me in the feels +Its an incredibly common thing unfortunately. Everything from stupid internet laws to Obamacare to gun control is getting passed using children for the appeal to emotion factor.,But we have to pass these laws to protect children from the psychotic guns running around killing people all by themselves! +"well, they did win the war, so it's just fair that they get to name it ......",hey you dropped this +HDR added to Xb1 Elder Scrolls Online today,Is a good game added to Elder Scrolls Online? +"Did you ever see the bonsaikitten website? Haha, the outrage and horror. I'm pretty sure a petition went around against it.","I know that site is fake, but I knew some people into those stubby legged cats that have weird folded ears and it always makes me think of that." +"40,000 Square Foot Solar Array Added On Top of RSR!",Perhaps they'll throw some on the Guardians of the Galaxy building since it would fit the theme of random stuff on the building. +You can watch programs from 72 hours before..... this takes away my need for a dvr plus you get free movies for $35,Well are they free or $35 MAKE UP YOUR MIND AT&T +The United States leads the world for most space rocket launches in 2016 for the first time since the 1990s.,Strange I wouldn't have thought there'd be a record for most rocket launches in 2016 back in the 90s. +Overcensorship.,"Joke's on you, it's already an issue." +"T_D is the most egregious subreddit on this site and everyone knows it. There's no real logical reason not to deal with them individually, because no matter what they will lash out and call everyone a cuck. If they want to be treated civilly, they need to start acting civilly.","Yes, because reddit as a community has always been known for its civility." +Year 2 Roadmap,Is there going to be dancing at the end of the game? +because that's super effective.,"Sorry, guess I forgot to add the" +"Do my words offend you poooor pooor boy? :((( again, if you are here to start a fight go away",Stop it both of you. +"If someone is about to type u mean wears the plants xD I'll see myself out, fuck off.",U mean wears the plants xD I'll see myself out +I don't like chocolate. it's a thing.,// raises pitchfork We don't like people who are different +I wouldn't know. Apparently i have white privilege,"Most people aren't privileged enough to know they have privileges, you better check your privilege." +Should have made them gray to match the cops cars.,So clever. +[citation needed],See his comments regarding Gaza war. +Its a bakery.,"Well, that explains things." +"Learned how to drive a bike in Thailand. I can't imagine not being able to do this. This is every stop light in this country - just split your way to the top. Every bike does it, nobody cares.","Also, California." +"I'd scoop Hopkins for now and look to scoop up Bailey next week. If you miss him, you'll be able to get by just fine streaming until another opportunity opens up.","If they start Romo, do you think that will affect Bailey?" +What's your favorite YouTube comment of all time?,first +We have the youngest team in the bundesliga,finally we have an excuse for our performance +you want raiders to quit your game? this is how you get raiders to quit your game.,"Yes, all the hardcore raiders are here for the story!" +Or just vote early.,Quit trying to use logic where it clearly doesn't apply. +No Russian,god i loved that misson +One man's rubbish is another man's treasure,I've seen this too many times +"I have a GTX 1070, 4690K, and 16 GB of RAM. My game is very playable at over 60 FPS with everything at Ultra, except shadows at Very High.",did you overclock your gpu or cpu at all? +"9/11 was an inside job, get over it.","Girls are funny, get over it." +Please quantify this so its at least possible to prove you wrong.,It would get a 75 with potential for better if they print more jade golem cards in other sets. +"Can I ash weed into my houseplant? Wondering if ashing weed into a money plant is bad for it. I only ash weed in there, ash cigs outside. Thanks",Up vote because also curious +Zebrew,Arch nemesis: the croconazi +How do you got untradeable gems?,Make gems from untradeable items/items that have that 1-week-until-tradeable thing going on. +Low key bachelor party My buddy is getting married (he's 35) for the first time. We would like for him to have a good night out. No strip clubs or night clubs. Are there any other good places too go to have a good time and enjoy food and drinks.,What type of bars does your buddy usually go for? +Ok sounds good,Palossand looks nice! +Would it be possible for him to steal someone's advantage they get along with immunity? So say David wins next immunity and also an advantage or extra time in the next challenge that goes along with that win...could he steal that?,"Unless it's classified as a reward, no." +The Stein campaign will continue to seek a recount in Pennsylvania through attempts in other counties and a statewide recount petition that will be heard by the Commonwealth Court in Harrisburg on Monday.,Until she runs out of money. +"Can you flip the order? Young chance looking up to himself now, while he's also looking down (back) on where he came from.","That's what I was gonna say, it would be cool if it was him looking up at him looking down on himself." +Kanye West released from hospital,Here's an original joke for you: BITCH IM BACK OUT MY COMA +Who's second?,its a meme so based on the people involved in the meme Voy or Scarra +5 fucking bench points. And people are going to start talking about how Thibs plays our starters too much. Fuck basketball.,Maybe its because hes playing the starters too much +Is it wrong that I feel that my wife should cook for me and keep the house clean if she doesn't have a career outside of the home?,"If you were to ask her what she contributes to the household and/or marriage, what would her answer be?" +You ask for better defense! We give you better defense,Bro that's basket interference this is terrible defense +"My 2 cents on Toonfest being exended As far as I'm concerned, Toonfest really begins when the prizes start releasing. There's no point in Toonfest if there are no prizes to buy, so with that being said, Toonfest should remain a bit longer than just a week. It's not the players' fault that the development took so long",or just make toonfest a permanent feature +"This card is meant to provide the strong splash damage of a Wizard, the hit speed of a Musketeer, and the hitpoints of an Ice Wizard... at the cost of hurting ALL of your towers (Arena & Crown) with the damage of a Hog Rider attack each time you deploy it. It's very strong and cheap to deploy, but that self-damage to your towers would add up and could hurt you a lot. Each of his attacks leech 1/6 of his life back to him.","If it hurts all your towers, will it activate your King Tower?" +Para sa bayan,Hindi tayo magmumukhang Singapore niyan pag mga taong yan ang nasunod. +Ftfy harambe,That isn't even remotely funny +My dad works for 343 and I think he told me that he has once or twice Source: my dad works for 343,And my Dad works at nintendo +What are you tired of hearing people shit all over?,The Star Wars prequels. +"How about a new AW tileset based around the destroyed relays? I know the general consensus is AW still needs a lot of work (controls especially) so that should probably get some attention first but the current environments could still use some variety. Either faction could be present, lore-wise, they would be there scavenging whatever Tenno tech they can find in the debris. On a side note, I seem to remember DE saying (a good while ago) that the relays might be rebuilt someday but I can't find the devstream. Am I just imagining that?",An issue with this is that each version of the game has different Relays that are active or destroyed. +i did all the steps like you told. question is is it normal when i type the command remove atc wakeup & terminal just take it as done but didnt show me anything? like at first it was showing me no command found.,"The first time you run it you won't get any output, but if you run it again it will say that the service is not loaded." +"This has been posted over and over again, and they swear up and down that they were both completely sober in this video.","No way bro, no one ever has fun when they're not on drugs" +Those twitter responses are pretty dumb. Guess they better move to San Jose or Las Vegas. Jesus.,Yeah for real we all know this means they're finally going to move to Mexico City +In Australia there are trucks with 110 wheels called road trains,King Gizzard's song Road Train makes a lot more sense now +"7w-3l, 1700 placement. Finished just over 2k last season....",Flair checks out +Try pouring it in your engine mate,Ok smart arse. +I had this happen to me when I had to reinstall Windows not too long ago. I ended up having to go through the game's folder and create a shortcut to the right icon directly through the folder for each game thats icon wasn't showing up.,"Some games have different shortcut icons there than through steam, though I guess this is a good middle until I find a proper fix thanks" +I made my first character look like a war-scarred veteran of linking the flame ~~even if this is my first souls game~~,I'm pretty sure a war-scarred veteran of linking the flame would be a pile of ash +"It was on my throwaway, and yep!","Breaking site rules, classy" +Fricking neanderthals,"Yeah, how dare they fight back against their oppressors." +"You mean like every poll that shows Trump losing? But go ahead, have a blast with your brigaded online ones. Those mean a lot, you know.",Which polls? +concern troll.,"Right, we can never have problems with a candidate, we must toe the line and worship them." +"What upset me was that there were people pointing this out literally while it was happening, and they got down voted to oblivion by the mob. It was really disgusting and made me sort of wish a lot of the ragers who frequently talked about leaving would actually do so.","They don't need to leave anymore, they found their_safespace." +With Android you manually choose what the app has access to,iOS also has this. +"28 year old male vet, also only a cell phone, also voting Hillary",Thank you for your service +Hajime Isayama drew Jorah Mormont from Game of Thrones,"Of course he likes Game of Thrones, who would have guessed!" +We should just rename the Matador,Or Campadoor +"lol, the world has learned fuck all from the holocaust....",What holocaust? +Mirror for non US?,"it good that comedy central stops us non Americans from seeing content on their site... oh the power non Americans could have with this, especially because we'd get it from another source other then themselves!" +The current meta for new or misinformed players. Primary - iron banner pulse or vender roll palindrome Secondary - 1000 yard stare archtype sniper or matador Nobody uses anything else. Please explain why a buff to primarys would be so bad.,"You forgot the grasp of malok and the eaysluna, how is this not diversity?" +"I guess Sweden has to take in a whole lot of more refugees then, I guess the current government would love that. Open borders is the only humane way according to our politicians.",Yeah why don't we just kill them? +Maybe the school can teach them to spell are.,"What a great contribution to this discussion, thank you" +Are you allergic to bee stings too?,"You'd think so but no, just everything else" +"Basically KT Rolster 2016 if that was possible. Dandy and score are pretty similar and with dade's form, probably the same as fly.",the difference is that dade can actually carry with a lead fly was just an enabler +Imaqtpie with the monsterplay at Flexqueue,Wouldnt really call it a monsterplay.. More like INSANE play +Ok,Me too thanks +"It's illegal to intimidate voters, in case you were wondering",Tell that to the DNC who is funding agitators to start fights at Trump rallies. +"Flavors for e-cigs include products marketed as tasting like Sweet Tarts, Hawaiian Punch, Kool-Aid, Gummi Bears and Froot Loops, said Cliff Douglas of the American Cancer Society Tobacco Control Center. It doesn't get much more blatant, Douglas said. It's quite clearly targeted at kids.",Says the guy that never vaped in his life. +They're so small but they're also the perfect size for a guilt free snack.,The guilt comes when you buy the french fries to accompany the Frosty. +RED DEAD REDEMPTION II - FALL 2017,Next year... I saw that coming and yet I'm still sad +"Brady is actually really rusty and we lose by two TDs, one from a pick six.",keep going +same as tuscan is a revamp of CPL_MILL,not really b/c both versions of mirage were by the same guy and it wasn't to get around map exclusivity issues. +Father and son,inb4 this becomes the new office humor for the rest of their career +What should happen to Boss Records? (STRAWPOLL),k +Overwatch is shit.,Catapults are better siege weapons than trebuchets +"Don't forget, when the butcher shop boys first go to adjust her settings, they discover someone's already been there.","QA turned her aggression up, then Elsie messed with her then the butcher Boyz, then maeve herself." +"That ramp car is going to be annoying I want it, I'm going to buy it. But a lot of other people will be too. I just now thought of how annoying that's going to be, trying to drive around in another car while there's a wedge racing after me trying to shove itself up my ass.",Any word on price yet? +Something something unleash the power of free markets something Pinochet,"That was spreading freedom to Chile, didn't you know?" +SLI Fail!,What cards +Why did CD Project Red leave out male genitals? I have wondered this since the nude bathhouse mission. Why not let Geralt walk around with his third sword swinging around. It would have been cool to see instead of him in a pair of boxers.,*Projekt +Hmmm 25c3?,Nah not interested in crates :/ +There definitely needs to be a custom Mobiglass that has a built-in version of the Multi-Tool's laser cutter...,Honestly if CIG doesn't sell actual watches modeled after mobiGlas they will be missing out on revenue. +"Quick Questions Ask and answer any quick questions you have about Pathfinder, rules, setting, characters, anything you don't want to make a separate thread for!","Would someone direct me to a better source than the SRD where I can find out more about wayangs, in particular more about the Dissolution?" +Bigly,Bingly +Ok now do that for my account. Thanks bbygurl.,"Gladly, all i need is your acct info and social security number." +"Yeah I feel the vast majority of reddit has never been married. I think her problem today was I hadn't brought it up before and she had a knee jerk reaction. She wasn't that upset, just couldn't stand the thought of me being mostly naked in front of a bunch of other women. But she did say I could work as a stripper at the gay bar so I don't know lol.",Straight women go to gay bars... +"If you had to describe your favorite movie/tv show/game with a quote from it, what is your quote?",... like tears in rain +Redskins fans are #3 in attendance this year. HAIL!,40% of those are visiting team fans. +We've consulted with our design team and they've informed us that this increased chance was intended for the first 24 hours to promote the new mechanics of Mean Streets of Gadgetzan.,Wouldn't surprise me at all. +So do cars irl.,"Yea, too many times have I seen cars crabwalk randomly on the streets." +"$500K Taxpayer-Funded Subsidy Directly Benefits Google, Tech Giants",But that money goes to help poor people! +I have a female Love ball and a male Moon ball. Can you direct me to what set would be optimal with it?,Female love ball is fine by the way +Boston Celtics guard Marcus Smart receives a warning from the league for violating anti-flopping rule.,I guess he's not wicked Smart +The longer the better,Gin's new zanpaktou is pretty sweet. +Yeah the only other card I could find with PS/DD is milestone trumaine,"LTD Willie Brown, LTD Sean Smith, Milestones Revis (FB) and Milestones Johnson are the only CBs with DD and PS" +???!!///!??///??//?/?!?/?!/!/?/!!/?/?!/?/!/?/!//?????////?????///?//??/?/?///////?????!!!!;!:!:/!:!/!/!:!/?????//// Translation: We should actually devise a way to turn this into a secret language for our use here.,You mean morse code? +"Made-to-penetrate, gotta love it.",That's not real rape +I heard you only get on the list for box logo drop if you can do a backflip on command,*cue rocky montage +Sounds good,Sounds good FIFY +What year were you born in by saying what happened that year?,George W. Bush was elected. +well... they should regardless,But monies dont grow on trees you pleb +"BRB, going to start a religion based on Stranger in a Strange Land. There will be psychic powers and orgies.",Sign me up. +Drawing of Sebastian Vettel's Ferrari using ball point pen.,did you record the time-lapse video? +Buzz Aldrin evacuated from south pole after becoming ill.,"Oh come on, obviously it's because the earth is flat and he got too close to the ice wall and nobody wants that evidence out." +"I love that kind of story personally, so it worked well for me. Tales of wilderness survival are often bleak and also some of my favorites.",Avatar was great +Well technically that was my first PC and I didn't build it but it sure makes me appreciate the build I have now!,"Haha yeah, my grandfather got me my 1st 1 GB drive at considerable expense (I think it was like a grand) for my 1st Pentium lol We have come a long way..." +"I'm from EU, but I'm in Korea for my study. The level is the same between diam 1 and bronze 5. If you're Diamond 4 in NA you'll be diamond 5-4 in EU or KR. The Koreans, tho, have better mechanics overall, better CS, the support roam a lot (I'm an ADC main and sometimes the support roams lvl 3 and never come back except for warding, so bot lane become a 1 vs 1). Except that, there is no difference : they don't group, get catch everywhere, chase singed ...",You always need to vhase that singed for the juicy kill :O +"Yeah, it's a scam but it's not a drink cyanide cult so I don't see any government intervention happening.",Trump will fix it his first day.... +"Not sure if this is allowed here, but you guys are my people, you know? Guys. Depression has taken me down the rabbit hole and I'm currently dankrupt, smoking has been the only thing helping me. I haven't been this bad since high school and honestly it scares me. Someone smoke it up for me, and leave me some things that will help keep my mind off of wanting to die? I'm only 20 I know there has to be more to life than this.",Do you game? +But she will also be remembered as the actual winner. Al Gore isn't really thought of as a loser. He's the guy they should have been president. Hillary will be remembered as having received 3 million more votes than the president.,And the 2016 World Series was really a tie because both teams scored the same number of runs. +No. Kylo Ren will return to being Ben Solo in episode VIII.,I really hope so. +"My brother is a member. They are saying they think Brohm is the first choice, I do not think they have said anything is set in stone",Thanks Kravitz +Woman creates fake Facebook profile and sends herself threatening messages to try and frame her ex-boyfriend. He was arrested four times before an investigation revealed the truth.,I'm sure his sentencing would have been just as light as hers. +YO SOY QB,QUATROBACK FIESTA +A Trump Surrogate: 'There's No Such Thing as Facts',I didn't realize it was the trumpers who were all feelz before realz. +Braves acquire Jaime Garcia,heh heh heh +"Steve Bruce or Alan Pardew then? I like Allardyce but what a muppet, can't imagine he'll get a Prem job anytime soon either.",He'll get a premier league job in 10 months when this has mostly blown over and a team need help with a relegation battle +Possibly a buyout issue? Cincy fans are saying Tubs' buyout drops after Dec 7th.,Tubs did Pearl Harbor? +"will we receive it in bond form, or in actual membership form?","automatically credited, no way they will give it in bond form because we all know some people will exploit it." +Haha. I live in an Airstream camper and since I got Touch controllers a few weeks ago I've punched my ceiling a hundred times. I love my little trailer but it isn't room scale friendly at all.,"Holy shit, you're dedicated." +Also think our defense needs to improve for playoff consistency. We won the first two rounds last year due to stellar defense more than anything else,"No, it was definitely because of DeRozan and Lowry's stellar offense" +"What is it about this gif that's making people like you come out of the wood work? It's a cute gif, these kids seem like they have a good relationship. Can't you complain about the social justice warrior boogeyman elsewhere?",Can't expect a nice post without some asshole trying to spread his political bias anymore. +All illegal votes,California is manufacturing all the ballots it can. +Rhyno Gores the f*ck out of Chris Jericho - Destroys Smackdown Set,That's a tiny gif +"But if she can't even beat Trump, I highly doubt she could beat anyone else short of literal Adolf fucking Hitler.",I feel like if this Election was Clinton vs Hitler then America still would have voted for Hitler as a protest Clinton vote. +I play both as well (more so console lately) but I'm not sure QP is a fair analogy. It's a bs mode where 90% of the people go just to practice a hero to get better with them which with the exception of a couple most really don't need practicing with.,"I agree that quick play is generally not taken seriously, but pc quick play has more reasonable comps than ps4 comps." +"It uses Unity as the rendering engine, which isn't exactly the most lightweight one available, and might account for a large percentage of CPU/GPU usage, which together with constant GPS turn the power usage up very fast. If the player is also charging the battery while playing, overheating might be guaranteed, and lower battery life will follow. It's more about the game using all the expensive resources on your phone than doing scary, shady stuff on the background.",Makes sense. +How does one upvote more than once?,"You're on KIA, you're already doing it more than once, sock." +I'm not saying it wasn't wrong but that was far more common 50 years ago so i get annoyed by these articles that look back on it like some calamity,"It can't be a calamity if it was common, amiright?" +"wait, what ? are you fucking serious ? damn my bad thats fucking awesome.","Except Helmets & Class items, I forgot that part." +"IF WE TALK ABOUT HOW I DONT REALLY WANT TO DATE YOU PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME OUT AGAIN. IF I SAID NO THE FIRST FIVE TIMES, WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THE NEXT WILL BE ANY DIFFERENT?",6th time is the charm +"That other guy that also had a gun arm, like Barret, from ff7.","Dyne, and I agree" +Can we stop this Kojima circle jerk? Why do people act like what happened was such a horrible thing? Get fucking over it.,Yeah spending 6 months in a room alone on an entire floor not being able to talk to your team while you develop one of the biggest games of all time really isn't that bad. +I would rather have never seen this,I don't think anyone saw it because of the shitty cameraman. +"Virginia schools ban 'To Kill a Mockingbird,' 'Huckleberry Finn' for racial slurs","If we don't talk about it, then it didn't happen" +Winter EDC bag layout pic request,Why a laptop charger? +"Kiko Alonso is quietly on pace for 131 tackles, 6 FRs, 6 PBUs and 3 interceptions as well as starting every game so far. He's had 2 ACL injuries in the past 2 years.",Chip was definitely a terrible GM. +"I'm just talking about how this game has things like no content, online only DRM, and microtransactions in a paid to play game. Gamers apparently hate this stuff but because it's blizzard it's ok. If OW gets to win GOTY, then Battlefront, Simcity 2013, and Roller Coaster Tycoon Mobile deserve GOTY.","Sure because microtransactions is always the same in any game.. I got all the skins and cosmetics (which is literally all of those microtransactions and doesn't affect gameplay) I wanted by just playing the game, I get all the new maps, heroes for free.. Also funny that you say it does nothing special when it was the game which made a dead genre popular again" +Al McInnis did it with wood.,How does having a bonner help McInnis? +u/Latinopidgeon is that your home?,"yes fucking triggered because I got placed bronze in overwatch ~~not my fault, fucking retarded kids that dont' capture the hill when I get a team wipe~~ ~~noticed I actually gained points for a loss because I was carrying so hard~~ so I'm gonna sit here and fucking shit on people." +"Don't play WL qualification Don't play WL qualification if you already qualified for WL. Let some weak player to get qualified, its 1 easy win for 40 strong players. Then you need just another 17 wins :) (Just my thought)",But i will reach the final and let the guy win cause im a good guy! +Lol well I'm trying to get that emmit. Just need that sb win now. I remember playing you,Are you in all madden? +"a teenager without helmet, no mirrors and high speed",WATCH FOR MOTORCYCLES +Response to I don't have the time to workout ?,Call their ISP and shut off their internet +My couch to my computer so I can find a stream. Can someone remind me again why I decided I didn't need cable?,"You don't need cable, but an OTA antenna comes in handy during football season." +"When the first photos of the phone came out I thought it was the most retarded piece of shit I had ever seen, I had no idea why Google would have partnered with HTC to work on aesthetic. Having owned it since launch I can say that the phone is gorgeous, snappy and the best I've owned yet. I had the 6p prior as well as about 40 other smartphones since 2011.",Same exact feeling I had/now have! +ugh shut up,This right there is a solid adult answer based in fact..... +It's almost as if you shouldn't be a business owner if you can't overcome obstacles like employees needing time to take care of a child,Spoken like a true employee :^) +"That's a nice looking blunt, being first attempt. What blunt wrap did you use?","Gray white owls, they were a bit delicate, I'd like to try swishers next." +"A group protest took place in Brisbane today, trying to save the reef.",But Pauline Hanson said there is no problem with the reef... +"My printer won't work, can you fix it?",You can't fix stupid. +Posting on Reddit give me more stress than my final exams. I always try not to come over as an idiot.,That sounds stupid. +"Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons.",Who dat? +Thin ice: be cold all the time to lose weight!,Can the myth of losing weight by being cold just die already? +And neo with a lilbit of a wallbang to end the round,yeah let me stop my well thought out explanation of where Faze is mentally as a team when they are being dominated like this to break up the point and say the round that was over a minute ago ended with a freak wallbang. +Do you actually know what the weapons in csgo are? I said G3 not SG.,how is a sniper rifle that fires 2 bullets per second nearly identical to an assault rifle that fires 6+ bullets per second? +Try breaking your arms instead,"I am not familiar with this, what is the reference?" +Why is nobody speaking about the 5th member of TMNT?,Still waiting for the Flankoa meta... +Nope nope nope nope,EW +Ok this is getting ridiculous. (Breitbart),Professional victims. +"Quick, look up. If you were fast, you saw the joke blasting miles above you.",that was nice! +"No, these are all hyperbolic positions. Even the middle.",You're just a fucking white male +Who gives a shit about the source for this story? This isn't fake news,Real news with a Russian spin. +Powerful Cover,the american dream +"They are international, and the only viable option for me at this moment.",You'll have to spam the network with your high fees then. +Self-driving race cars?,;) That would be nice. +The Walking Dead Hits a Four-Year Ratings Low,"No way, it's such a great show, better with every season!" +True pain is having your comment reposted and it earns more karma than yours.,"Dormammu, I've come to bargain." +"A bit late, but my tribute video to Gerrard's career if you've got 2-3 minutes to spare :)",So I should play it at double speed? +It's a really basic propaganda technique and it works well on Reddit. This thread is definitely being seeded by astroturfers and then morons are doing the rest of the work. The fact that Russia hasn't been leaked is completely irrelevant to this information.,Intelligent Westerners like me aren't stupid like Russians and Chinese to fall for propaganda. +"He didn't take your post out of context because he had the same meaning with or without the gruesome details. He is a logical person that can distance himself from his emotions, and understand there are more factors at play for a man's actions.",I'm sure he would feel emotionless if it was his family due to his superiour logic. +"I'm so passionate about Psychopass. Every time I talk about anime, Psychopass usually comes up. It's one of the first anime I discovered for myself and I hold it very dear. I recommended it to everyone who would listen to me.",Not passionate enough to get the spelling right even once in two tries. +"My roommate's PS4 was stolen the other night, he now wants a PC. So sometime the other night, it appears my housemate's PS4 was stolen at a party he was at in one of the dorms. I had told him not to bring it, as laptops and phones tend to go missing at these kinds of parties, but he ensured me that it would be fine. It wasn't. Turns out, someone decided to make off with it while he was sleeping, or so he told me. My friend was baked out of his mind (I could smell it on him), so there is no telling who stole his console or when. I think he is just lucky his credit card info wasn't saved to the system, but he still plans to go to the campus police (at my behest). In the meantime, I just got done talking with him about it, and he is considering buying a PC. Finally, after nearly two years of trying to convince him to build his own desktop, the loss of his console has convinced him to join the master race. He has been on the fence for some time, but now he sounds like he really wants to go through with it, and he wants me to help him build it. His family is rich so I assume they give him lots of allowance, or he has a lot in savings, because he wants to get a high end build with an i7 and a 1080 (I can't say I'm not a little jealous). I can't say why this is what it took to make him want a PC, though maybe if I get him a big enough case he can't carry it with him all over the damn place and it won't get stolen. TL;DR Steal your friends console, he'll want a PC",If he is just going to use it for gaming try and convince him to get a 6600k instead and put the saved money towards other parts. +The 3rd is already fulfilled. According to some models we've already reached the point of no return.,"Well, might as well put the gas to the medal right?" +Disapproving of something doesn't make you a bigot. The only bigot in this thread is the OP who thinks it's okay to bully and insult someone for disagreeing with them.,"Yes, pointing out bigotry is the real bigotry." +Sharia law and tribalism,I'll take your word for it +"When I booted my PC today, nothing happened. What do I do?",well if that doesn't work then throw it away and buy a Mac! +When will the Bitcoin blockchain reach 1TB?,When the Bitcoin blockchain reaches 1TB = end of bitcoin. +maybe you guys should play higher skill cap champions,You droppped your +I am grateful for every victim who comes forward against their abuser. Came across this powerful quote in the book I am currently reading (Sex Offender Massacre). I am grateful for every victim who comes forward against their abuser. It takes real courage and strength to make sure the creep who hurt you doesn't hurt anyone else. Justice requires bravery and there are millions of brave people in this world who have had to do that. Every one of them is a saint for doing their part to make this world a better place. Every single one of them deserves your thanks and prayers. Powerful words from an unexpected place that I hope resonates with some of you.,"It does, thank you!" +"Run % StrSplit(A_AhkPath,.)[1] .chm There is help file located in autohotkey installation folder. Also available by running any script that will have default trayicon (so just file with `#Persistent` will work), right-clicking on said tray icon and selecting Help position from menu.",Also if you're using SciTE4AutoHotkey you can hit F1 and it'll boot up the same documentation. +"MNET Asia Music Awards (December 2, 2016)",Timbaland looks SOOO happy to be there +Whats the reddit gang sign?!,i only know of the passphrase and thats 5/7 perfect score +is it cheaper to mystery gift to eachother? side question: in my gifting shop theres a mystery gift 2x legendary and worlds skin chances does cost more?,"No, it costs the same, it's just that every time there's a pentakill or baron steal at Worlds, the chance of gifting a legendary/worlds skin is doubled for the rest of the stage." +Finally finished my longtime dream Hog Gun - until I get my stamps...,Whats the OAL? +Anyone who dislikes the Zac is an ANTISEMITE.,So labour. +"O Brother, Where Art Though?",He R-U-N-N-O-F-T +You should take a day off and just look trough the urban dictionary my man,I can't think of a less valid use of my time. +That graph starting at 50 is pretty misleading IMO,"Not misleading, just plain stupid" +I've never had accounts on any sites this thing tells me I was pwnd on. Wtf?,it's just collecting emails +Someone sent me this as facts about the destructive gay lifestyle? BS?,I love that they make a clear point that homosexuals are more likely to die in a car accident... Because homosexuality and car accidents are ***clearly*** related. +Obama Is About To Let 18 More Terrorists Out Of Guantanamo Bay,Spiteful and treasonous. +This is truly insane.,I'm thinking she got dropped on her head a lot as a young lass. +"Fantastic! You are a racist if: You are nice to everyone, including minorities, you never do anything racist or mean to any minorities, you go out of your way to help people, including minorities, but you don't believe in liberal ideals. i.e. you are a racist if you aren't a liberal. Being racist isn't about how you treat or act towards people. It's about politics.",I just can't believe Ellen is a Nazi! +"Winter Classic Anyone else tired of seeing the Blackhawks or any Original 6 team in the classic? Get some new teams already, tired how the the league favors O6 teams!","Yeah guys, don't you want to see the Panthers vs Hurricanes?" +"Tanning I can just imagine David Attenborough giving commentary. In an effort to attract the attention of the opposite sex, the females risk skin cancer by laying in artificial sun beds to intentionally burn their own skin, this causes their skin to produce melatonin which results in an overall darker complexion.",I love reading things in David Attenborough's voice