diff --git "a/chunk69.csv" "b/chunk69.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/chunk69.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,1667 @@ +Input,Output +mega ball version,"man, i wish i had a mega ball :(" +I have friends and family that use Reddit... That's why I use this throwaway account.,Ah that clears it up +its really rum in a whiskey bottle,Maybe she was hungover and dehydrated today +Some of? Bunker fuel is easily the dirtiest fuel used to run anything. Unfortunately they run these ships as efficiently(cost) as they can. Only the port of LA would need to do something. I cannot believe that California has not passed a simple requirement that ships docking in their ports or just LA run cleaner fuel(or at least capture and clean exhaust). It is a disgrace,Maybe they just have a sign saying This ship is known in the State of California to cause cancer +Can't tie it.,"FG and an extra point, duh!" +2017 Nissan Rogue rolls out at the Miami Auto Show,I'm super excited for this new crossover. +Hey what are you guys favorite first person shooter? What first person shooter do you guys like the most?,Next gen GTA5 +It blows up man.,"damn, I heard that it runs on the new macbook, should I buy a MacBook for gaming instead of building my own?" +Anyone else want to be able to Transmog Fist Weapons to one handers? I'm rolling a WW Monk for Legion and personally i dislike the appearance of the fist weapons in the game. I've always used a set of Maces or Swords. Anyone else missing this feature as well? If there's a substantial amount we can try to get this put into the game.,No you are seriously the first person in the history of this game to ever want this. +My Father went fishing this morning and catches this,They say that condoms can prevent these kinds of STDs. +I mean I really liked J-Hey... Kidding but you have to add the home grown talent like.... Oh Wait....,You didn't answer my question bud +And what is Aleppo?,the ISIL capital +Insane Darius 1v4 Triple Kill,nice repost +apparently the legal definition of communism = whatever he wants the definition of communism to be,"It's total control by the government, right?" +"Most depressing ending to a horror movie. In your opinion, what is the most depressing ending to a horror movie? To me, it's The Mist.",Maybe Fulci's The Beyond? +But he's not elite and totally overrated according to this sub this offseason,"He's still garbage, didn't even win the game" +Now kith.,Kith...and then bite hith ear off. +"When you ask about users' ages, your comments usually come off as sick burns.","I must agree, i just have trouble imagining a suitable voice for them... the burns, i mean." +Oh dear god. Move out of your mom's house and then worry about having sex.,"Maybe I'm dumb,but I don't really follow." +Posh has three tits?,"Baby, you make me wish I had three hands." +My G4 had this issue but the G5 has had great stand by battery and doesn't heat,"Both G5s I had the heating issue as well... I'm not sure if it's a just the T-mobile variants that do that, but as it's not as frequent on the G5 I owned, they still do it, and when I feel my pocket extra warm because of the phone, I know I lost a good chunk of battery from nothing..." +"The love for anavel is real, now all I need to do is summon her",But... but... Claytano said she is the third worst nat 5! +"You're pretty dumb. I complained that he didn't use his signals and almost hit into me twice, not that he got in front of me. Try again.","Yeah, because you coming to a dead stop blocking the turning lane waiting for traffic to let you back in is so much better behaviour." +"Ok, don't say it again, well give you a pass this time.",Should give him a run instead +If flying the pigeon is anything like the plane controls I'm going to immediately smash this pigeon into the ground,Are you retarded? +Yeah thanks Bungie for making my 4k tv look like butt.,Maybe a ploy to get you to upgrade to ps4 pro? +Being a libertarian is a mental health concern tho,you are so witty! +And that should be our concern... how?,Bro we need to create this person's safe space. +"Jordan Matthews assaults unsuspecting bystander, gives him fat lip. More at 11.",When are we going to stop pretending that all football players aren't violent criminals? +The Imgur Keyboard,Is there a group buy up on GH or something. +"You were cute when you were little, not an ugly duckling at all.","nah fuck that, you know it aint the truth" +Personally I think the Tornado is way overpowered...,Is this the new japanese freestyle that I've been hearing about? +Cambodian police find 80% of overnight bus and truck drivers on meth,Only in Cambogia? +What kind of fur is this and is it real?,"Try combing the hair apart, if you see skin/leather its real fur, if you see some sort of fabric its fake fur, also pluck a few hairs out and burn them, burning hair has a very.. distinctive smell (platic aswell i guess) From the last picture i'm leaning towards fake fur, however its hard to tell" +What I'm hoping to see in the Halloween Steam Sale...,At that price I would buy it. +I like the man bun,Said no one ever +Has anyone considered the possibility of VC gamecube? This was apparently unlikely for the wii u due to controller design but since this is a brand new console with a brand new controller maybe there will be Virtual Console Gamecube games. Of course this is going by the assumption that NX will have Virtual Console but it seems likely that it will.,It's a shame the Wii U didn't have some sort of adaptor for Gamecube controllers... +Spectator Mode,"Don't want to drop the bomb, but would like the know what the delay inside the spectator mode would be." +I expected someone would make this comment.,"I'm the opposite, I did Nazi it coming" +"He's only stepping in shit according to MSM. If you take the time to listen to what he says & not what MSM says he says, he makes good sense.","Shhh, quit being reasonable and pile on with the rest of the ignoramuses!" +"I don't see it. The correct play is to trade, right?","No he missplayed he had to play Wild pyromancer and equality , he lost the match for that missplay" +Wrong to the effect it was worn for the wrong brand promotion.,"Yeah all those KO, Balor Club shirts, and Strong Style shirts were also totally inappropriate as well." +"Theory: Every time someone predicts a reveal date, Nintendo delays it another week.",I thought that only applied to HL3 +ye i think they underperformed vs tsm prob nerves / tilt,Or just sandbagging so IMT dun get to worlds +"Why? They could leave in the last few seconds of the game when you guys were about to lose anyways and then all of a sudden all the work from the enemy is now wasted? No, you're thinking out of your ass, we are all players, the world sucks and there are douchebags out there who will leave in the middle of the game, this isn't all about you. The person who leaves faces larger consequences, and the more they leave the harsher it gets.","Yeah, but the leavers are ALWAYS (100%) on my team!" +Retired MLB pitcher Dan Haren gives a possibly true fantasy football confession,So like every other inning... +FBI Director James Comey's Clinton Foundation Connection,Also he's currently being held hostage in a basement somewhere by Huma Abedin. +"Wait, so the blind perdition can't drop from gold? Because that's the only reason I even do trials","I've asked most of the people I usually play Trials with, the only drops they've gotten are old year 2 weapons and armor, sometimes Pariah (Lighthouse Y2) armor, sometimes not" +"Holy shit that site is so damn heavy, and the scroll thing is awful. I think i'll add it to the DNR list.","But look at the simple, clean and elegant design!" +I wouldn't discount them both.,Insider information confirmed. +It's only week one.,But he's finished! +The Ultimate Introduction to ReactJS - Building React From Scratch,Why I've never seen Build Angular 2 from scratch kind of video?.. +Try explaining to a generation that's never seen a typewriter how carriage return and line feed are two separate things...the number of confused faces I get!,Now we know who's the old geezer! +"There's a difference between walking pneumonia and Holy Shit Pneumonia. Mrs. Clinton contracted the former because she had a troublesome cough, was campaigning strenuously, and had been around a metric buttload of people with all the political hugging and handshaking. Frankly, I'm surprised actively campaigning politicians don't get ill more often. Campaigning is hard work, and they shake a lot of hands. So. Many. Germs. Anyway, Mrs. Clinton has been put on a course of antibiotics, and should be fully recovered quite soon. I do hope she rests for a few days. Why am I so familiar with walking pneumonia, I hear you ask? I had it three months ago, for a lot of the same reasons Mrs. Clinton acquired it: troublesome cough from hideous allergies leading to irritated bronchial/pulmonary tissues, practically making a cozy bed for unwanted bacteria. Took a course of antibiotics, and am fully recovered. Back in the bad old days, Holy Shit Pneumonia was called the old man's friend because it killed geriatric folk quickly, if they had other debilitating diseases. It's much nicer to slide away from pneumonia than bone cancer, sepsis, or any of the other old-timey nasties. Keep in mind that this is all a simplistic rendering of a fairly complex disease: pneumonia has several causes; it can be bacterial, viral, or fungal. Whether you are sick unto death, or feel that you've just got a very bad cold depends on the pathogen you've met, and your own level of health.","No no, it clearly needs to be politicized" +"Wait wait, so all I have to do in order to get into restricted areas is put on my turn signal? I had no idea how powerful it is.",I don't think they caught the +"So the truth is in kino, hmmm","Yea, we should definetly go for some more hats" +"And those others are probably using exactly the meaning of the phrase they are using, and not your made-up one which doesn't have any precedent in regards to any other country in the world.",Any attempt to change the nature of the state is called the destruction of Israel. +"I gave him 4 weeks until he got hurt, this is crazy",A shame there was no way for them to draft a QB this year +"Using Super PACS and other campaign finance tools to support a candidate financially in return for preferential treatment regarding new laws and policies; or having laws and policies put in place to raise the barrier to entry into your market to discourage competition. Legal, yes. Moral.... Hahahahaha. Similarly, using tax loopholes to avoid their fair share of paying taxes.","Nah, they just really think that certain candidate is a stand up person and they believe in their political vision" +I think you'd be shocked to find out how many wealthy people are depressed. Money definitely helps you be happy but it's no guarantee,Lottery winners NEVER have fucked-up lives after they hit it big! +Anyone else read this in the tune of when September ends,"He said he was going camping for a week, or it's a cover up for a meetup at kyle or Taylor's" +You know there are other countries than USA right ?,You know that there are other countries that have yellow school busses than the USA right? +1/4 Awareness,pc master race +"Molotov, or heat-seeking missile?",*Someone* has aimbot on +What's a personal rule that you'll never break?,don't go full retard +Make allies in Bellona's ult cc immune too. :D,Change the stun to affect all the area instead of ONLY the center... Make bellona viable again :/ +This is supposed to persuade people?,I'm persuaded. +4.2 Patch Notes,Yup let's nerf BB into the ground; I see this going well. +Part time food service employees do not get paid sick time and are often threatened with loss of employment if they call out sick. This is fucked up on a human level but even more so on a practical level... they handle your food. This is how illnesses are spread so quickly.,"I work part time at a drugstore with a pharmacy and I don't get paid sick leave, either... which is horrifying, I mean I serve a really high volume of elderly customers whose immune systems are probably a lot weaker than mine." +I cringed...,TIL airsofters have their friends die in front of their eyes +"First using the thirst zapper on the invincible quest guy, now you're using a gun in a gun contest. I remember when this channel had integrity. *unsubs*","I know right, Jon changed so much, this isn't why I subscribed" +"Oh yeah, he missed a penalty, he should definitely be sold, since it's now quite apparent he's dreadful.",Guess Guardiola isn't the only one who was found out +Why is it always about skin color with liberals?,"Because everyone else is racist, obviously!" +"You... You do realize we need servers, right? The restaurant industry is sort of like... huge.",Until the robots come... +What if I'm looking at my phone and don't see the bus stopping? What if the stop sign isn't all the way out? What if there's a cool song on the radio? What if I don't speak English and don't know what stop means? Jesus Christ people- just fucking stop when you see red flashing lights on a bus. Your schedule isn't so fucking important that it's worth putting a kid in a coma or a grave.,What if I'm color blind and can't see the red flashing lights. +"A solution to the Prize Pool issues I know this has been a hot button topic. I just wanted to post some possible solutions to the prize pool being so low. 1. DOTA approach: Sell items that help contribute to increasing the prize pool. Can do a simple percentage such as 1% of sales or something like that go towards the prize pool. That way Riot gets their money, and the prize pool gets increased. 2. Merchandising approach: Riot allows merchants to go through their website. This includes team merch. Cut it into percentages. A certain percent goes to Riot for hosting, a certain percent goes to the team, and a minimal percent goes to prize pool. 3. Donation/Crowdfunding approach: The least optimal approach, but ask for donations/crowdfunds to go towards the prize pool and have the community crowdfund for a bigger prize pool. Just a few ideas I had. Feel free to add to either approach, or add an approach of your own.",Or maybe regi could give more money? +"They were leftover from my roommate. Also, I'm moving and all my pans are at the new house already.",There is no such thing as leftover nuggets. +"For calling the 16 year old mod of his fan subreddit a whore on twitch, for taking out his anger on innocent youtubers like Markiplier and not making a single decent point, for making a really shoddy roast of Keemstar and acting like he wasn't sucking him off for months and for being a godawful hypocrite.",But Markiplier had pink hair. +Referral of the day. Would there be positive effects from lowering the age of criminal liability to 9 years old?,"Right now we are near 3000 drug-related deaths whether criminals or not so lowering the criminal liability just means we will increase the death rate so the regime will make good on its promise of 100K criminal deaths before the next elections, right now the rate is a bit slow and they need to fast track the drug related deaths in order to meet that goal...." +"I come back to the metroplex, in January, after being away for four years, and realize that gunshots are the norm now. I live right where Garland, Richardson, and Dallas meet, at my father's house. While in Lubbock, I didn't notice the population surge back here. I usually sleep during the day, and I hear the 'lovely' repetitive sounds at night (I guess the magazine is empty by now.).",That's just the sound of a safe neighborhood +Found a big Allen wrench in my lab,Big wrench or tiny hands? +or a burn victim wtf,heart burn +accurate I don't think you know what that word means,It's not like the GOP has been anything but hostile towards women's healthcare or anything... +LOOK AT ME I HATE FNAF AM I COOL,Very. +"Balls showed up sometimes, a more accurate description of that year would have been Darius showed up along with his friends Fiora and GP.",Yeah fuck Balls for playing Meta champs. +"And I'll take the ones who don't, seeing as that number totals in thousands of families because of inane screening policies.","Yea, that's smart" +It can be used to show intent. The one thing Comey needed to recommend indictment,"Comey didn't even need it, He just decided that is what he needed." +A well bred dane will live 10-12 years.,Yeah when I was talking to the breeder she was telling me her dogs consistently live 10+ and thats its the BYB dogs that bring the average down so much. +"Al-Adnani was the official spokesman of ISIS from the beginning. He was the voice and face of ISIS in all major declarations and media messages. Of course, he was a commander as well. From my novice understanding, the US has dealt a major blow to the original founding fathers of ISIS. We took out the Abu Ali al-Shishani, who was head of Syrian operations. Now this guy. Next, hopefully Baghdadi himself (who we've allegedly almost killed). There is something to say that commanders never run out, but this guy was a major figure.",They still haven't got Obama though +Order them online and stop being an incompetent tard,"Yeah, I'd love to pay a $60 shipping fee to Colombia, only to use them for one month." +ah fuck!! Maryam didn't pay me anything to post this here. I should send her bill for 100rs/upvote.,RIP OP in next Panama leaks. +Anyone else go through more juice with an RTA than a dripper? Lately I've been switching off between my Griffin 22 and my Wotofo Conqueror. I usually run them around 0.2 to 0.4 at around 50 watts. I find myself going through twice the amount of juice than I would an RDA with a lower build/higher wattage. Does anyone else experience this?,"Dude, I've got a 0.74 build in my Subtank and I go through like 5mls a day compared to like the 1 or 2 on my RDA, it's ridiculous." +Unnecessarily over edited if you ask me.,I concur +"Why are women able to change their mood from I love you more than my life to WTF is wrong with you leaving this plate in the sink, GTFO, why did I even marry you? within a second??",Because of our fragile little brains. +Safe Shower,At least it's earthed +PVV: vier keer per jaar bindend referendum,en mensen nemen de moeite om 4x per jaar genoeg informatie te verzamelen om een juiste keuze te maken voor een bindend referendum... +Not sure if this has been posted yet but it's pretty sweet. Sf5 vs the anime.,Desk already running out of ideas for SFV combos so has to resort to other strategies to make interesting videos [](/4Head) +But I still have the retro IG before the logo change... can't update that.,"Weird, I have been updating instagram but still have the old logo" +Evil Jay Am I the only one who wishes Teddy Sears was Jay,I'm sorry but Shipps makes more sense as Jay than Sears. +Scott cannot control the time Fright Dome comes out.,Inb4 it releases after Halloween. +I hate emotes,You know a post is a shitpost when you can't tell if it's serious or +The classic creationist strawman,CHECKMATE ATHEISTS +"I shook up the HP group last week on what is needed for a priesthood blessing. So the teacher gave the typical lesson on what is needed for us to give good/effective blessings to the sick. Things like; we need to be perfect in our worthiness, we need to have faith, we need to fast etc. I then raised my hand and said that it can't be that simple because it is common for the 12 and other top leaders to reply to people asking them for blessings that their home teacher or possibly some other local priesthood holder should give the blessing (I'm sure there is some Ensign or conference talk on this). I then told them that leaders must not believe that their blessings are any better than a typical member's otherwise that would mean they don't really care about the sick. I told them that, to me, this indicates that we way over-stress the importance of worthiness and that the Lord would bless them regardless of worthiness. Totally derailed the lesson and I just sat back and smiled. Note: I believe this indicates that the brethren know that their blessings aren't any better. If they really had that power, they would be giving blessings 24/7, at least if they are true servants of God. THEY DON'T BELIVE WHAT THEY PREACH",Stop inserting logic into the lessons Brother cultkoolaid! +"People don't play objective because it is not fun I always PTFO. Atleast do my very best to win games. Sometimes I rage message to people who did bad in my team. Like why the fuck you didn't play the obj just whoring for K/D. Usually I get responses like because objective is not fun. (Or they are actually semi good players but decides to run marshal dual wields because it is fun or runs with melee because it is fun yet is the reason my team loses) I think I am in the minority when I say levels matter. Now that I've been level 1000 for a while, my playstyle for PTFO:ing is what makes me this bad/good I am. People don't cap flags in domination, because it is not fun. I cap flags because it nets me most points and can get me being MVP. People don't collect tags because you might get killed if they are far away. I rush for tags, sometimes with good results or bad. Treyarch needs to do some brainwashing to these weird people who play objective modes yet refuses playing the objective, like Domination.",C R A N K E D +Can I get some eagles?,"Sure, give me 100 bucks and Ill get you 10,000 :)" +More then 100 million monthly active League of Legends players,But dunkey doesn't like league anymore so I'm supposed to hate it +"TIL actor Wallace Shawn, while playing Vizzini (Inconceivable!) in The Pricess Bride, didn't understand the movie's sense of humor. Director Rob Reiner gave him line readings, and he merely imitated them.",Inconceivable! +"From an economic standpoint what sounds good, having workers you don't have to pay, or having workers you have to pay, what earns the employer more money.",That's like saying it's good business practice to steal from people because you'll make more money +PSA:There are a ton of Blue Dragon Bots that need to be Addressed.,Those are my blue dragon alts +She clicked on a phishing mail. She's not prepared for anything related to national security.,Yeah because the president totally gets a shit ton of phishing emails that can steal the nuclear codes if you click on them +HILLARY CLINTON SAYS SHE DIDN'T THINK PNEUMONIA WAS THAT BIG A DEAL.,Wow... she is showing her great judgement again. +Pagliano defies subpoena to avoid testifying on Clinton emails.,Nothing shady going on. +"Crate Keys Convert to Ronin Instead of Predator Crates I had 2 H1Z1 KOTK crate keys in my Steam inventory. During the big upgrade (9/19/2016 - 9/20/2016), these keys got converted to Unlocked Ronin Crates instead of Unlocked Predator Crates as Daybreak had announced. Anyone else see this happen to their keys?","Same, I'm pretty upset.." +"You can't buy of 97% of Earth scientists. Keep in mind papers put out by these researches are under a microscope. Scientists can be bought, science cannot.","But it snowed in my town in Canada last winter, how can the world temperature be increasing?" +Story/News Recommendations for 9/13/2016 PDS,British Bake Off moving channels +"Yeah, I assume the woman has been treated badly or wronged by white women in the past, but it makes you on the same level as them if you choose to prejudge all white women based on the individual actions of some. I wish I had the power to kick her out. It was just so uncomfortable.",Because in their minds it's not possible for a black person to be racist toward a white person. +"Jif vs Jiffy / maybe solved? In film and television, using real brand names can be complicated. When you use one you need to abide by copyright and trademark laws, and it can be expensive. So it's become common practice to make up fake brand names. Like Duff Beer in the simpsons. Or Morley Cigarettes used in the X-Files and countless others. This is where Jiffy comes in. Jiffy was the fake peanut butter brand used in television, and especially cartoons. This is why everyone remembers Jiffy. We've seen it subliminally countless times growing up. I'm not tried to rain on anyone's parade. I've been a huge believer in the Mandela Effect for a long time.",Kinda like how I thought everyone's phone number started with 555... +Isn't that only in the Wilder film?,Is there any other? +Glock 17 Torture Test,But a true torture test on Glocks have already been done by mattv2099... +"He looks way older than 55, especially for a man who claims to not use drugs. My dad is 55 and not exactly a model for healthy, but he looks way better than Donny. I'm more concerned about the 55 year olds you know though, they must be pretty unhealthy if they look like a 70 year old man. I forgot, you must be American.",Your dad probably doesnt run a multi-million dollar company(ies) stress could probably be a big factor. +Oatmeal raisin is the best cookie stfu,You dropped this: +It seems like the latest season of southpark has convinced a lot of redditors that it's bad to not be an asshole.,aha u pc bro? +Hillary Clinton attacks Donald Trump for posting Pepe the Frog meme,Its' great to knows the issues are front and center in this election. +I truly hope all these nostalgia additions aren't leading to UW or FoW being added as new raids. Locking that kind of lore content behind a raid wall is unconscionable.,"Yeah, it makes no sense to lock endgame content from GW1 behind endgame content in GW2" +Toyota dealership customer wants warranty to pay for repair...,Well it says bumper to bumper... +"Walgelijk dat je op andermans organen moet azen om extra lang door te kunnen leven, geen wonder dat de zorg zo duur is. Zo kom je nooit van de vergrijzing af.",Ik mis de +yeah it's just been getting progressively worse. Seems that it picked up a lot after legalization of weed. I grew up in Boulder but completely lost the desire to live in the and went out to Golden. 16th Street mall in Denver has gone to shit and so has Boulder solely because how they bend over backwards for the homeless while those same people don't give a fuck about the city. hopefully some leave for Cali during the winter and don't come back,"Yes, because shipping your problems somewhere else that already has a homeless problem is going to fix everything." +"You could accidentally fall down some stairs and get cut into tiny pieces and put into multiple different bags, which are thrown away in different disclosed areas around the US. All by yourself, of course.",Because Clinton just has an army of faceless agents who can murder US citizens at will. +Like the movie Training Day,Now I need to find a gif of sharks holding a guy in the tub with a shotgun... +"1) The future of NMS is on PC. 2) The only content that can come to PS4 will be through updates. And that will all depend on how much HG wants to invest in NMS. You'll likely never see them releasing half the mods there are for PC simply due to hardware limitations. 3) It would be in HG's interest to also port to Xbone, but it definitely wouldn't be in Sony's interest. Guess who has the louder voice in that relationship?",*s-s-s-s-sonnnnyyy* +I thought there gonna be docket on the video :/,There is... All of the totals are dockets +Lionel Messi second goal vs Celtic (2-0),Shit pass in the end there. +There was a post about dark matter and different colors.,"Yeah, all you have to do is spend $2000 on a level 1000 account after doing a 360 no scope with a marshall 16" +"Oh come on, he was just being sarcastic.","Yep, basket of deplorables sarcastic." +By whom?,Facebook post +Saw a tweet that Zane Beadles had a super low grade.,"Come on dude, just unfollow AD's tweeter acc alrdy!" +"I argue that it was the complete opposite. Think about it. Let's say you haven't watched the match, and someone desribes what happens. A team takes the lead early on and goes on to dominate the game, getting chance after chance, but they fail to make the most of them and their main striker keeps missing. The opposition keeper, who hasn't played in a while has the game of his life and is incredible. The opposition team, despite a poor performance, manage to score with their first shot on target late on in the game and run away with the point. You're probably thinking, typical Arsenal, typical Theo and Giroud, typical opposition keeper turning into prime Oliver Kahn, and once again typical Arsenal conceding from their first shot on target. Right? Well today was the opposite. P.S. Ospina played because it's a CL game, he got dropped last year after a poor performance. He's our cup keeper and rightfully should be starting. Or else we'll have to change our second keeper every year or so when they leave due to no playing time.","Fair point, I guess what I'm really getting at is that no matter what we do we can never play a linear predictable game." +Meanwhile in Iasi,Don Juan de dalas +What the fuck is wrong with the mods on here ? A post about a legitimate step was just removed pretty quickly why ? But this bullshit gets to stay? Smh mods smfh,Because is a theory about the next bone? +"Was going to type up a response, but your user name Sums it all up for me",Oooooo you sure burned him there +Plastic peeling at work = dream job,Prices in sticky plastic went up by 110% last weeks +Have you seen Australian football they run like this the whole game,You mean rugby +So full of himself he's overflowing.,I wonder what the Afghan National Army is like if they have this guy training them? +"At some point I bet you could just use spray on truck bed liner to cover these chicks. Tape off the style and suit up 45 minutes later do a second coat. The sweat, urine and shame would rinse right off.",wut +Biggest cringe in this one was the booing from that dad,"Yeah, he's really setting a good example for his kid." +Also want to add. When you can't stand and or hold your head up. You are out! Bye bye. You can clearly see her head fall and her feet are pointed down and back as she is literally carried into a car. If your dizzy your still holding your head and trying to move your feet. In the video there was none of that. She collapsed and was OUT.,I forgot the +We need to fix things.,LIKE DA VIOLENT COPS +ESPN: Quick didn't have a very good regular season TIL 40 wins and a Vezina nomination isn't a very good season.,Thats less than half the games! +"The closest I ever came was a bishop that told me he could see into the future and knew my life would be miserable if I quit going to seminary. So far... good job, phenomenal education, awesome child, wonderful husband, house, car etc. but who knows, there's still time!",But you sound miserable. +It's makin me crazy,Every time I look around +"in highschool, at a party, Mr. USA student/athelete every school has one, he was the most popular kid in school, at a little gathering one night he had a couple beers and went to dive into a pool, shallow end..... broke his neck, now he is about as mobile as Stephen Hawkings",I think I know who you're talking about. +Stay woke sheeple,How are we supposed to like and comment if we don't know who they are? +"If there is an oversupply of housing it won't take long for demand to catch up. 190,000 new immigrants plus 300,000 new births every year, with 150,000 deaths and 91,000 migrating away. That's 249,000 people every year. That means we need a city the size of Hobart every year. A whole bunch of 1 bedroom and studio apartments will help, but most demand is probably going to be in family homes or 3 bedroom apartments, which there doesn't seem to be an oversupply of.","Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd assume most of those babies will just live with their parents for a while." +That's all we have now. A bunch of rotational guys.,"So if we keep rotating them constantly, they'll all be productive" +That's a huge waste of helium.,You're so noble +The F-35 just proved it can take Russian or Chinese airspace without firing a shot,Meanwhile the enemy has no way of detecting radio transmissions from aircraft. +"Ha, pop. Silliest name ever.","But, it's so much easier to say than So-duh!" +"I'm lowkey ecstatic that James being in the final 3 is greater odds that he won't get AFP. I don't even care that he'll get more money if he's in the final 2, but I don't want to give him that title!",He'd probably just think he would have won if he hadn't made F3 +"It's definitely more terrifying if there aren't aliens. Just imagine when earth gives out and all life dies, the entire universe is a lifeless empty void of nothing.",There'd be no point running the simulation after that point. +"If Hussie would be the Waste of Space, why would he create something that is pure Waste of Time? Sorry, I just had to make this joke :p",aspect inversion CONFIRMED +"It's a good thing your no good at history. The history teacher in school lie about it anyway. Ultimately the curriculum is designed to hide our ancestors past. They expect you to think your ancestors from 10,000 years ago were knuckle dragging mongoloids.",But we're the pinnacle of civilization because...we're the best! +"Suicide glitter bombers. Instead of blowing themselves up, they just blast glitter everywhere",Don't give them any ideas! +"Manchester City holds the Premier League attendance record. In 1934 when they played Stoke in the 6th round of FA cup they had an attendance of 84,569. United is second with 83,260.",Premier League...1934...FA Cup. +"so you could say,.. they are going crazy!?","Stop crazy shaming people, you shitlord." +it only strikes me now how much of a psychopath look he has,Luckily there is only a one a million chance of an encounter with him taking place. +i'm Master 3 on EU beat him on NA a couple of times. hes shit.,Yeah just because you beat him a couple of times hes shit. +You need to do a /bug before screenshotting otherwise it's useless to the devs,"You're right, once you've made that screenshot /bug becomes useless." +They did that in BO1 AND BO2. It's the difference between the Regular EE and Super EE.,What EE's in BO1 & BO2 did you have to have done in order to do other EE's? +Fuck me upside down I accidentally evolved a Magikarp,You are surely the first person ever to do this. +Done it. Gonna let others have a chance though. Bit too easy for me.,You dropped your +Gaining weight is way harder than it seems. I don't understand how people do it so easily.,Genetics and gut microbiome +Trump right again with latest Guccier2.0 DNC leaks? | Caroline Kennedy has 'no idea' how she became Ambassador to Japan,Our government clearly hires the best! +Driving down I-10 and straight into hell today.,May God be with you. +The sunset on the west side of town tonight.,So purrrrty +"After close to two years, its back together and im riding again.","Congratulations, looks great!" +Only in Utah...,I know this pumpkin is true +Saw this guy at a zoo today and thought of you guys (with bonus TIL),"Yes, urine danger when you stand at the back of a tapir." +"The cop has a firearm ready to shoot me, why can't I have one ready to shoot them?",It's only logical +A Polish man has been attacked and beaten by a group of up to 20 teenagers in a suspected racially aggravated assault,"But it's the polish immagrants that are the problem, go Brexit" +It took me about a week to realize my but girlfriend changed a couple of my Pokemon's names,Lolololololololololololol a dick joke.... +Reverse Chemical Reaction,Anyone know what this is? +Why do you leave your phone ringer on in class or in a movie theater?,Because I'm more important than everyone +Therapists will always fine new patients because of the rapists,"They charge a fine to repeat patients, not just the new ones" +Sounds likes the inverse of the NDP in Alberta,"Yes, because the NDP have been so fiscally responsible and have had a ton of incredible foresight in their policy and decision making" +Bolded words aren't a source.,"This post is formatted and has bolding and italics, therefore it must be true." +no... I honestly don't know what you mean.,"No, dont you get it, Dortmund only bought Auba so they could get that sweet Gabonese market" +Day for Night Lineup Early Leak,Wait till black Friday for a discount? +Mojo Rawley's catchphrase if said by other wrestlers. I don't get __________; I **STAY** ___________!,HHH: I don't go over; I STAY OVER! +Opioid Companies Lobby Against Medical Marijuana,Its a good thing Big pharma has that big war chest of money. +"No, i like each operator having specific gadgets for balance purposes","Yup, barbed wire is way too OP" +Journalists should not challenge candidates!,You forgot the +I fucked up...,Just cook some bacon +The most appetizing chocolate bar you ever did see.,"Mmm, frosty." +"Under-rated comment. It isn't the cheap labour, it's all the regulation. Regulation is what kills economies because it makes the barrier to entry so much higher. You need to employ a huge legal team to decipher the laws and regulations that eats up a huge percentage of profits.",Well let's deregulate and become like Mexico then +"Well, everyone's a little bit racist, so technically it's correct.","Excuse me, I am not racially biased in the slightest or biased for any reason at all for that matter." +I Need Help For Banner Contest,Just mod it in +"This is an OLD article, BTW. It talks about the upcoming movie 'Brokeback Mountain.'",No one was gonna say talk about that +I'm not entirely sure how to get enclosed trap rooms though. Do you get remote doors later on in the tech tree?,I am also interested in this. +Killing in the name of Satan is Satanic. Killing in the name of God is just history.,"Good one, bet it took you a while to come up with this clever comment" +Thank you for the originality. GOAT? I have never seen this before? Did you come up with this yourself? Damn you are creative!,But memes are super hilarious! +It's more like you're saying Steve jobs was the creator of computers.,"No that was Bill Gates, duh." +"Pretty ironic, given that he whines about losing out on speaking fees due to a Hillary engagement. Hillary donates all speaking fees from universities/colleges to charity; I doubt Powell does.",Wow how generous and heartfelt of her... Good thing she has all those gigantic Goldman Sachs speaking fees or she and bill would go hungry! +"When faced with two choices, simply...","More like flip a coin and if youre unsatisfied with the outcome, do the other thing" +U.S. confirms two more freed Guantanamo inmates rejoined militant groups,Huge shock +"Out of curiosity, what features did samsung add that you didn't know you needed?",I love their new explosion feature. +"What is your favorite movie cameo of all-time? Can't think of too many, but one of mine would be Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder. They were actually talking about spinning that character off into a movie...",I really enjoyed Quentin Tarantino's performance in Pulp Fiction +APE insane p250 eco ace,I don't get why the observer thought it would be a good idea to watch yam running through t spawn +"That $20 million means nothing in a post Citizens United US. The Green Party would need more than ten times that much to spend equal to the main party candidates. Voting for Jill Stein is still a protest vote. If you want to feel good inside about voting with your ideals, then go ahead and vote for her. But if you want to prevent Trump from being president, then Clinton is your only choice. I guarantee you Trump would be much much much worse for us than Clinton would.",I'm sure if you dutifully vote Democrat forever citizens united will get overturned somehow +"That's exactly what I did. 25/7 with unlimited data, $60/month. Best the local cable company would do for that price is 15 up with 95GB of data. Or for $10/month more you get 40 with 175GB.",Damn you get an extra hour per day that's a pretty good deal. +I think he's a big proponent of the 1-3-1 powerplay system. He mentions the capitals as the best example of this. And you'll see in that system they have a guy maybe not right on top of the goalie but really close to the crease. It's so effective because of what it does for the passing lanes.,Our PP passing lanes were usually derived from two guys behind the goal line with absolutely *CLEAR* passing lanes behind the net +That's incredible!,Perhaps just an indication that it's a bit too early for you to give in to frustration ;) +A) Yugoslavia no longer exists B) Yugo**slav**ia was also slavic,Nah they were Yugic. +"Well we've been doing it for a loooooooong time, so probably whatever is going to happen has already happened. No?",This duck is going to single handedly destroy the oyster population now. +Because we don't *have* to and we don't *want* to. Isn't that enough?,Buuuuut don't you know you can't claim autonomy over your own body and choices as a woman and doing so is SELFISH and WRONG +"You don't need to justify why you're charging what you are for this quilt. For a quilt with this level of craftsmanship, you can charge whatever you damn well please. And don't feel guilty about it. People who comment or message about it being too expensive have no concept for business much less art for that matter. Be proud. This quilt is fucking awesome. If I wasn't broke I'd easily pay $500 for it.","Twenty bucks, tops." +"Help I don't speak binary, what is my car trying to tell me?",28h +You can make proper vassal republic only when the county you own have ratio of 1/10 for republic vassals. Which mean you need at least 10 county for one republic vassals,"yeah, I do have whole Scandinavia and more." +One word: Disappointment. Is anyone else simply disappointed with the ending? What a fucking trash cutsence. Ugh. I just have to vent.,"yea i never wanted to know how they became fukcing primis and what why the blood is there and what monty might be, fukc that just put in some game of thrones michael bay action in there who cares about story anyway" +Skywrath crying about Manta lol - delete manta so you can't dispell my silence.,Maybe he's talking like an idiot on hopes that the enemy team will fall for it and actually sell his Manta +I don't want to be that guy but it's != instead of =!,No no he is saying that NZ equals *everywhere that is not Australia* +"no ziost, no zakuul, no rishi, no darvanis (decent place for farmig craft mats) but for some strange reason we have priority transport to section x and black hole which nobody cares about now xD",Updating a priority transport list is pretty hard.. Devs are already hard at work no need to over work them +99.94*,But how could he average at all if he was never out +"This is my biggest problem with Marxist theory, the collapse of capitalism would cause so much pain. My family lost so much in 2008, both in public and private sector.",Thank you for your family's brave sacrifice to John McDonnell's cause. +Sniper in TF2 is much more difficult than AWPing in CS:GO so that probably had more to do with it than your sensitivity.,"But I was using the AWPer Hand, therefore it should be identical" +Can you link a frontpage post that's been in low diamond? Most of the EU/NA Players on the Riot Accounts are against D1/Masters...,D1 is low diamond +inb4 they generalize all Chinese gadgets from this,OnePlus? +Most Badass Ship in this side of the Karssaverixx System!,It can do the Suriovorexian-116 run in less than twelve parsecs! +Found the furry,Yiff yiff Motherfucker! +"I'm not offended, it just doesn't make sense. Makes me wonder what you think autism is","Autism = retarded, duh" +Trump attacks black Flint pastor on Fox News: She was so nervous. She was like a nervous mess. And so I figured something was up. Really.,Totally getting 90% of the African-American vote. +Yes,The video obviously cuts out just before the explosion +"Oh, you're just curious. So, since you're married now, that means you were always straight, right? NO. NO. AND NO. Still bi. Still like women. Being bisexual does not mean that I must chase everything with a heart beat until the end of time. That misconception is infuriating.","No silly, that's being pansexual!" +since when does birth control make you infertile?? or is that part of the condition?,It doesn't but it makes women giant sluts so they won't be pure for their wedding night and have kids like they're supposed to. +Ugh.... Betheny need to stop defending the village idiot comment,but it's from LITERATURE! +Makes it so much easier for iron men to get one though,DK wasn't hard to begin with. +Nigel Godrich (their producer) played a stormtrooper in TFA funny enough,It is speculated he is one of the two troopers who turn around when they hear Kylo throw a fit after Rey escapes. +"The Mixing Vortex Is it just me, or do most people not mix their coffee and/or other mixed drinks correctly. For those of you who drink their coffee black, no milk, no sugar, this post is not for you. For those of you who take milk, whether it be Skim, 1%, 2%, Whole, Half and Half, Soy, Almond, or any other milk you can conjure up in your basement, this post applies to you, kind of. However, this post is actually for those who put sugar, or 'average person cocaine' as i like to call it, in their coffee. The intro to this post is much more thorough than the post is actually going to be because I only want to discuss the simple act of mixing your coffee. I've been to too many coffee shops (Everyman I'm looking at you here) where they mix my coffee for me. First off, that's blasphemy. They don't know how much sugar or milk I want, and they certainly aren't creating the vortex that is absolutely necessary to distribute the sugar equally throughout my coffee. I don't want a cup of coffee that is bitter and hot to start with, only to become cold and all too sweet towards the end; that is not an enjoyable experience. What is an enjoyable experience, is when I'm given my coffee black with some room, and I waltz on over to the milk and sugar bar, pour my own milk, plop some sugar in the cup, and get the vortex going. The vortex is simply the result of ENOUGH mixing, to the point that the all the liquid is moving in a uniform direction, evenly distributing the sugar throughout my beverage, delicious. That's all.","I take granulated sugar, shake it up with freshly ground Ethiopian Yirgacheffe and extract evenly in my v60." +I Would Consider Buying This If It Would Make Me As Excited As This Guy Is About It,Woah big spender! +does it have a secret room underneath?,"TIL Laundromats were named after money laundering, a common activity of laundromats" +I got it cause I spit flames bro!,Karin Karuma? +Dak Prescott says he is not gonna force the ball to Dez Bryant,Because the dink-and-dunk and force-feed Dan Bailey game plan worked out so well a week ago +Sorry. I am just kinda sick of jokes about marriage sucking or women being somehow shitty. Stereotype jokes are generally less funny than jokes about personality flaws to me.,Ohhhhhh I'm sooooo sorry +Ask google like literally everyone else does,Seems like a lot of work +sniping other peoples fuck ups and relisting them higher.,i suppose u need a decent base fund for that right? +Here's a Mercy potg that no one can complain about.,She killed one person then hit Q. I can do that consistently on any character. +Challenge Accepted.,"Yep, sounds exactly like the Apple marketing team" +"When a white kid shoots up an elementary school, is that a failure of the white community or is that an isolated incident?","If they don't rename the school after the shooter, it's a failure, I guess." +"If you could pick any mechanic from any past SF game to add to SFV, what would you pick? Me personally, I would pick the parry system from 3S and the fighting style system from the Alpha series. I think both of these were very interesting and really made their respective games stick out from the rest of the franchise, also not to mention they were very fun mechanics to play with in the first place",Everyone's favourite Focus Attack! +Nice Guy white knights stunt woman survivor of horrific accident.,So he had to announce that he would still bang her.... Oh what a saint. +It's been a long time but I do believe Alice was in resident evil code veronica on the dream cast.,Maybe you're thinking of Alexia. +Jew-bill-ee,Jew-billy +2015 is old?,"18 years old, wow im old" +"Oh thats good, because my inbox was overflowing with invites and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to handle them all.............",I lol'd +Hey. Does anyone have any other streamers they recommend that provide humor? Thanks.,danielfromsl +"I've posted this before and never got a definitive answer from Respawn. Here we go again....Can anybody from Respawn confirm that Attrition, your flagship and most popular game mode, is going to come back to Titanfall 2? We need a simple yes or no so we can just get past this and move on. And please, Tal Tallion - Just let Respawn respond here. I know you're in with them and you've said that it's not coming back but we need to hear it from the horse's mouth.","Yeah, it going to be added in the update that also adds Warzone mode." +"New EG Roster: Arteezy, Universe, Sumail, Cr1t, Zai",Shocking +"Correction: His parents are from Columbus, live 6 miles from campus, his dad has been to the past three national championships but as of this year are no longer fans.","Kids got traitorous blood, I see." +That's Uefa Cup Finalist* Brad Jones to you. ^^^^^*On ^^^^^the ^^^^^bench,"We should've played him, maybe then we would have had a chance" +"Haha. Seriously. I read this article and was all, Fucking great. Now someone is going to pull a gun on me in an ICU because they can't cope with the fact the family member is clinically dead.",B-but everyone is safer if everyone has guns! +"Sargon had a pretty funny discussion about this in his This Week in Stupid Extras video on his livestream channel, about how men would basically have the most efficient strategy for taking the kids to school/cleaning the house/etc. so that they could spend as much time as possible fucking about.","I'm a stay at home dad, with a really young kid, I do chores and stuff when the kid is awake, and when he goes to sleep, I can play games or sleep myself." +Damn it feels good...,But it's with an 'a' guys.. +It's no secret that Dana loves Legacy. I smell a feeder league incoming where Legacy grooms young fighters to sign with the UFC.,Maybe Dana was thinking legacy when he said cm punk shouldt have another fight in the ufc. +Because then we would only need one streaming service for exclusives,Yaas eliminate competition that must be good for the customer +Anyone else get a Volvo ad? xD,yup haha +"Fuck compromise, their compromise is usually just okay well raise spending for both the military and domestic welfare compromises are usually how the worst bills get passed. I rather there be gridlock then more bad laws.",The Civil Rights Act was a horrid bill! +M/26/6'4 (17 months) Power-lifting progress after initial weightloss,How'd ya do it? +I'm sorry but how do people not know how to set Google Photos up? It's incredibly simple!,iOS users +I guess. I just think that woman was a dipshit.,Probably just needs a paddlin' with a hairbrush. +Hmmm... wonder how Ford knew MiB was going to stop at that particular bar...?,"Ford keeps track of like everything in the park, plus MiB seems to be an acquaintance so maybe he keeps extra tabs on him." +"At this point some Democrats need to distance themselves from their own establishment, just as many Republicans have done over the last 5 years. Hillary and the Obama administration are covered in so much dirt, the educated voter is losing trust in them, their party, and the media protecting them.",Yeah with an approval rating of over 50% he's really doing poor +"A pair of testes can only produce so much semen, you know.","Nah, Putin has great huge grapefruit balls, not like Obama's shriveled rasin-testes." +"My Rapid Discord Achievement, 3 kills 1 assist",Im sure you were panicking trying to kill that Junkrat in time! +"Real question is, why trust monty anymore? Yeah he's helping us, but he's shown more of a caring towards his world than anything else in existence. He's a gardener for our house, that's it. We need to stop seeing him as a man of trust and honour, cos he doesn't give a flying fuck about us. He only wants his perfect little world to be in tip top shape. The children, are a risk to his world because they're from dimensions already closed off even if they were still alive anyway.","That's it, monty was pissed cos the shadow man trashed his house and broke his fence" +I honestly would be surprised if this wasn't what was intended. I personally believe that they're just bugged,Nah man that's just how RNG works. +"My abusive ex-husband sent me a long, impersonal email three years after I left him. My favorite part was: We should get back together. I don't want to be with you, but by some miracle of God, I might grow to tolerate or even enjoy your company. He was serious. I laughed for about two minutes and then sent screenshots to my boyfriend.",Am I the only one who's panties practically flew off at this? +Who has the best footwork in boxing? I'd give it to either rigondeaux or lomachenko. Any thoughts ?,Wilder +lol calm your shit. dont get all worked up just bcos I hurt your pride.,Given your responses here I can't quite tell why you don't have friends. +Is it Kenny Tan?,He is my hero +The night is dark and full of feedings. I guess all people have their own definition of sttn. No skin off my back either way though.,Teething is coming. +The fact that a strong anti-abortion status isn't a dis-qualifier for most voters in 2016 is sad.,But he's really a social liberal! +Gnome is pretty much the only DE on debian that would be good for a tablet,Hey just plug in a mouse +Over a 10 year period...why do people not realize that aspect of it.,"Oh ok, it's all fine then." +"Not just Obama, but everyone on Obama's team hates Blumenthal. He was the one person recommended by HRC when she was nominated for State that Obama's team barred outright. Now go look at HRC's State Department email leaks. Search for blumenthal notice how many times she communicates with him privately, how often he writes policy positions for her and prepare talking points, and how often she just forwards those on to her subordinates *as if Blumenthal had a senior advisor position*. She literally gave access to the highest levels of US foreign policy to a private citizen who had already been rejected by the President and his team. Oh, and his policy positions are sophmoric and ill-conceived, but that's besides the point.","Oh and besides the point also, the false rumors he created/circumvented were the origins for invading Libya ..." +It's our fault because we supported Bernie and undermined Hillary so now she's weakened against Trump. We should have stopped being children about the whole thing and just accepted that it was her turn. If only we had fallen in line behind establishment democrats sooner.,You dropped this: +Whenever I play Sand King I get urges to do an infernal blow build in Path of Exile.,"not shaper viable, doesn't exist." +"You know, at first I upvoted you, because I thought for a moment that you were complaining about how mortgage insurance is itself a scam, raking over poor homeowners trying to buy their first home. Then I more fully understood your statement, and I hope this is sarcasm. It's kinda hard to tell online. So now I'm not so sure how to vote.","yes, it's sarcasm" +"Thanks a lot mate, appreciate the generosity! I'll send a similar amount by donating to a charity on your behalf! :)",Awesome to pay it forward! +Ideological purity doesn't matter if adhering to it means you lose the election. This is what happened to Russ Feingold in 2010 when he refused to take SuperPAC money and then lost his Senate seat to Ron Johnson. Now he's running again to get his seat back and this time he's not rejecting the money. Sometimes you have to play the game in order to change it.,"We, the majority of justices, rule that sometimes you have to play the game in order to change it." +I will take the Xbox 360 D-pad over any Playstation D-pad.,You forgot the +'But PC gaming is expensive',Well even if all the PC games were 50% cheaper you could buy all the games available for the PS4 and still would not have saved enough for a 1080 +"Audio Engineer of 10+ years! Got a burning question about audio/post production? I'm here for you. I've worked in studios and freelance for over ten years in podcasts, youtube, video games, short film and alongside videographers. Got a question that i can help you with? Let's go.","Yeah, how do I produce audio?" +Because this is the newest TY Hilton thread (and I have him and need to decide whether or not to use him this week) I wanted to share some quick stats with everyone. Here are the relevant stats for all of his games against Denver over his career: Year | Home/Away | Targets | Receptions | Yards | TDs ---|---|----|----|----|---- 2013 | @home | 11| 2| 27 | 0 2014 | @DEN| 11 | 5 | 41 | 0 2014 | @DEN (playoff) | 8 | 4 | 50 | 0 2015 | @Home | 6 | 5 | 82 | 0 What's the takeaway from all of this? I think that you can safely play someone else for TY this week unless you really don't have any other options. He has an estimated floor of 4 catches for 50ish yards IMO and no history of scoring. I'm gonna roll the dice on someone else I think.,"From your stats, he will get 4 targets, 6 receptions and 120 yards." +Wow that YouTube live chat is cancerous,"Yeah, reddit is way more civilized and reasoned" +I heard $501k.,"$501,001 dollars Drew!" +wouldn't she be grandfathered in?,No it was his fathers business. +"He didn't mention the worst part. Because poise being literally useless, there is 0 point to wearing heavy armor. 0. Absolutely nothing. Before, the fact that you moved slower and couldn't dodge as well was balanced in the fact that you could power through many attacks and just hit them with your giant hammer. But now, even with 100000 poise, you're just going to be staggered non stop. Try to dodge? Staggered you die. Try to move? Staggered you die. Try to attack? Staggered you die. So the only playable armors and weapons are the fastest ones since going slow is just worse 100% of the time",Yeah Poise is really shitty now for countering staggering but it's great for hyper armour ! +we're mad that you're staying with such a selfish man. you should leave him immediately.,you forgot the +"* Donkey Kong Country 1-3 * Killer Instinct * Ken Griffey, Jr.'s Winning Run.","He said rare, those are the most readily available titles you can buy." +"We ran out of medals, sorry.",bravo +"Imo mods should remove the option to downvote, posts can still be regulated by upvotes only and is obvious that there is downvote abuse in this sub...",I did not know mods could do that and would welcome this change. +"Never came across this before; spinning the 8 ball when racking. Buddy gets up to rack, rack is still on, spins the fuck out of the 8 ball, takes the rack off. Me: Why did you do that? Buddy: Just a habit Me: But that means it's not tight against the other balls Buddy:It's spinning in the exact same position. You'll never get them tight because the triangle is not perfect I re-rack them. Me: See they are touching now. If the balls aren't close they won't spread well. Buddy: That just depends on the force you apply to them I think he made 1 ball.","You have your PSR, I have my PRR :P" +"I knew a guy who served in Russia as a missionary about 18 years ago and got arrested while he was there (I hear that it was common for police to regularly arrest missionaries). Anyhow, after he came home and graduated from college, he became an officer in the Air Force. He was accepted into a certain career path that required him to obtain Top Secret security clearance and had to undergo a background check and interview with an investigator to determine whether he was a risk. My friend told me that the interview went something like this: Investigator- Have you ever lived outside the country? Friend- Yes. Russia for two years as a missionary. I- Were you ever arrested in another country? F- Yes. I- Thank you for you time. My friend didn't get the clearance and was placed on a different career path.",#blessings +"No she isn't. If you want to spend four hours running around looking for stuff instead of just hopping in a ship and exploring as much ground as possible, then someone should make that mod for people like you two who want the game to be as annoying as possible, and leave the rest of us who actually want to decide how we explore and when.",annoyance helps the immersion tho. +I thought if you turn on hitboxes and hurtboxes it flashes up in blue after the string?,The problem with that is that if it's separated by a few dodge frames then the total damage resets +Condoms.,"For real, it's cheaper to pull out, and I'm pro at this shit by now" +"Oh, so it's like a boner","Yes, if you swing your erect penis back and forth whenever you're nervous." +Ideas for HWC So I bought a 1/2 gallon of HWC from Costco and it expires on the 6th. I would like to use it up before it goes bad! The only thing I currently use it for is coffee in the mornings. What are some other ideas to help use it up? :),"I haven't tried it, but if you add sugar free jello/pudding mix to hwc and then mix it you end up with whatever-you-want flavored mousse." +"Tons of people lack ambition and/or the ability to delay gratification. Instead of making the same tired old bullshit oh those plebs, amiright? post why don't you add what you can to the conversation?","No, because class warfare." +"The White Death... Snow elf armor with the white dragon priest mask from the dragon born dlc... you are the last dragon born. You have killed Alduin , miriack (spelling) , and harkon. You now have grown to hate the world and realize Alduin was right you have to kill everyone possible, but without being caught. You are champion of the deadra and Dark Brotherhood . You must have a high bounty in all holds and have the Skeleton key to enhance your power. Everyone Must Die","Ah yes, The Edgelord build." +Trump calls for disarming of Clinton's bodyguards,"But Clinton misused a semicolon in one of her emails, so she's just as bad" +"not that I don't believe you, but do you have a source? I feel like there's going to be a lot of D-Men who will get dinged for instinctively flattening a guy as he tries something like this.",Dropped the +Democrat here. Can confirm. She's pretty much really pissed off the entire democratic base,Your username confirms you are a democrat. +Trump says Hillary wants a war with Russia because she's not on friendly terms with a country that is actually rigging its elections and actually murders its own journalists so it must be true.,"Yea, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Brunei and Algeria have stellar human rights records." +Apple Airpods are pretty snug,But can you remove them using your hands? +"The processor is the librarian that brings books from the shelves to the desk and then reads them. The more storage you have, the more books you can have on the shelves. The faster the storage, the closer they are to the desk, and the easier they are for the librarian to access. The more memory you have, the bigger desk you have, and therefore the more books the librarian can read simultaneously. The faster and better architected processor you have, the more adept that librarian is at retrieving the books from the shelves to the desk, and the faster she can read them and understand the info she read. All three are super important components, but core differences in how multitasking works in Android versus iOS set different priorities for each. iOS reserves the ability to continuously run in the background only for certain types of apps. The others get cached to storage when you close them, and have to be reloaded when you open them again. Android allows apps to run in the background for a period of time, and so if you reopen them within that time window they don't reload. They stay in memory. Unfortunately, Android won't make full use of 6GB of memory unless you're running super heavy apps simultaneously, so it's a bit pointless, but 3GB on the iP7 is also pointless except for image processing. The rest of the time it will have little impact. It makes sense for both devices the way they've been upgraded though. Because memory management is the way it is on iOS, and because of how rocking fast the storage already is, the naturally most impactful place to upgrade would be the processor. And because memory has traditionally been a big choking point for Android, it makes sense for OnePlus to stuff the 3 with memory and faster storage. Really, though, Apple wins on performance because their hardware is designed cohesively as a package and their software is written bespoke to the hardware. In contrast, every Android OEM is forced to piece together their devices from components not designed together, and then either customize Android to their device, or use a near stock version and pray for the best.","Why's it gotta be a she, brah?" +"Ok but, sso in this scene this attractive girl sees herself as a sex toy? I feel like that would be more what guys or society might see her as. The girl herself would have very different opinions about herself, about what she sees in the mirror.. And the original story imbelishes existing physical traits, I'm not sure it flat out changes people into things like 'a block of concrete'..",What you never felt like a block of concrete before? +I got banned from raw story for pointing out that white people ultimately exist because of albinism.,"Yep, wonder who the mods are?" +Spawning with rk5,Complete on the shadowmans side to spawn with a sheiva every game! +Whats your username? I need a non-toxic teammate to get me out of challenger elite...Thanks :D,I'll help you out for two Champions Crate # 1 +"Yeah, but is it a crotch rocket or a cruiser?",*Harley or nothing mannnnnnnn* +"There are so many non-romantic YA books that are so much more adult and better, yet they keep making these crappy movies based on books that appeal to so few...",Cherub's was great but I think that's more of a kids book +The Great Wave of Alola!,Someone please add an Alolan Exeggutor silhouette in front of the sun in the background. +Been to those meetings when I managed a marketing department at a student union - I had graduated two years before hand and it was shocking what they thought would work to engage the kids The first meeting I took another recent graduate... He thought they were taking the piss so made a joke and that ended up being the idea that they used! Yea it really didn't go down well. We convinced one university department to give content control for a 6th former aimed email to that guy rather than the 40 year lady and unsurprisingly the open rate and click through rate went through the roof. We ended up with majority control over that email after that. I still remember being sat in a meeting about trying to get students to drink sensibly and they thought a poster of a character popular 10 years before these students were even alive was a good idea... I had to explain that I had no clue who the character was and I was 7 years older than their target audience. The ideas from that meeting were shocking and made me realise just why only the mature students seemed aware of their campaigns.,But nostalgia is in right now! +What tweak would you like to buy ? You can contact the developer about another kind of payment. And maybe I can be of help. You can create a PayPal account without a credit card and maybe I can give a few bucks so you can purchase a tweak that you like.,Dudes like this keep the scene alive. +found the nutmegger,No I do not snort nutmeg +How do you meet guys at the gym without making it sexual? And what's the best way to start the convo?,Yo bro -- do you even lift? +Deer Kicks the shit out of a bear,Thats cool how the deer totally kicked that bears ass +What Black Lives Matter Needs To Do,"it might be what they need or should do, but it isn't what they are going to do.. they'd rather destroy their own neighborhoods and loot than actually sit down and discuss the issues involved." +He is an actual billionaire,So am I just ignore my massive debts to Russia and China +say that to his face fucker not online and see what happens,Lol dont think that would change anything unless u were +I have always wondered why people think it's a choice. What person would make that choice if they had the option to be fully accepted by society by choosing heterosexuality. *Especially* 20 years ago when it was even more dangerous than today?,"Because Satan wants them to sin, duh" +"Happy 19th Birthday to Papi, Auston Matthews",God damnit! +"Oh God, here comes the Torts rage.",***JOHN TORTORELLA DOESNT CARE ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE*** +"Saudi 'royal' allegedly involved in terrorism, claims Guantanamo prisoner",This is a shocking turn of events! +Is Grandma on the deed?,"Yeah, she was added as a first anniversary present." +LFG to transmit infections I have all of them. Please leave PSB down below to get them,psn: exiras ill be free in like 5min +Is Leafy gay? Maybe bisexual?,"Yo, is this person fucking retarded?" +What do you think Valve will do for the 10th anniversary of TF2 next year?,Probably fix the bug where the Rocket and Sticky Jumpers do no damage. +"What can PES learn from FIFA? PES is the best football simulation in the market but it's not perfect. What ideas can be improved? Let's use FIFA as an example because it's the competition. (Game-play, features, little control details, graphics, presentation, ETC.) I want to collect plenty of arguments and send it to someone @ Konami.",sue FIFA for monopoly +"Fucking Faze. I love the team so much but they really need a good IGL as having fraggers just doesn't work. Jkaem has performed horribly recently as well, maybe its time to look for someone else.","Yeah more roster changes, thats really worked for them so far..." +How is that a loser at life?,You should ask me how a fish has the ability to swim in water. +"There actually is vomit on his sweater, tho.",Already? +Trump is pure evil. He tweeted a comic frog.,Yeah...that's why. +They're skating on a green screen? WCH 2016,Proof we live in a simulation +The tide is changing my friend,So informative. +"That's the trick. Netflix wants to become like everyone else. They aren't in the HBO/high end business like people seem to think they are. They are in the everything business. They want every single person alive to be watching and that means shows that appeal to the old folks that watch CBS, shows that appeal to younger audience like Fox (used to), shows that win awards like HBO, and everything else.","Yeah, but they also seem to be willing to invest in shows catering to niche demographics like Sense8 and Hemlock Grove in a way that big networks don't." +Nice strawman,"Yeah the argument I responded to is rock-solid, a strawman like this has no chance of undoing it." +We just want to stretch it out more to repent for last year.,We want to make sure no one ever touches the sides again. +"FactCheck: No, Hillary Clinton did not start the 'birther' movement",I don't *feel* this is true though +"It always baffles me how much they care that Hillary won the Southern red states, but totally ignore that the majority of Bernie's wins were in Western and Midwestern red states. Or are they banking on North Dakota going blue this year.",I really think that Idaho and Alaska would have gone blue +"Trench Warfare mode is a blast I don't understand why it's receiving a negative rep. I'm having a great time in my Mark I. Driving around like a maniac, rushing other Mark Is with my flamethrower, getting bonuses by crushing bunkers, flinging my little peas at big metal slabs, I love it. Especially when you platoon with people, it gets even better.","I for the life of me can't enjoy this game mode and the fact that an earnable tier 8 premium is tied to it, makes me absolutely hate it." +The original 3DS was released on a Saturday,More proof that the NX is a handheld +"Well I guess life won't be so bad with an arrow permanently stuck in my hand. Because it's not being pulled out, I can tell you that.","It's just like pulling a tack out of your foot, pull fast and you hardly feel it" +"Small potatoes. Impressive busts sure, but percentage wise, way more pot smokers than hard drug users.",but weed is a gateway drug.... +"Ya the push for pvp is dumb. Battling sucks regardless, adding pvp wouldn't be fun anyways.","Yeah, who would want to battle real people with their pokemon?" +"Skunkwerks Moto and Fab. Very trusted local shop. They are on FB and Brad responds to PM's and messages in the MOTO page all the time. FIND US 2500 S Holland Ave Springfield, Missouri Get Directions @Skunkwerksmotoandfab Message Now Call (417) 848-9512","Takin it by there tomorrow morning, thanks for the info!" +The worst feeling in the world The worst feeling in the world is to give up on someone when you know they need you more than you need them. Because you are too tired to continue the relationship. Ie: compassion fatigue,Being lonely and longing for any kind of positive conversation and affection. +Why did they punt to a team that hung 50 on them?,It doesn't matter because the refs clearly stole the game from the Longhorns by giving us the ball when we were a rookie mistake away from being up my 2 TD with a min left... +"My shell password generator, maybe someone will have use of it!",Reported. +"To: FBI, NSA, CIA - In light of the recent bombings and stabbings across America...","FBI, CIA, NSA: What we do here is classified (none of ya god damn bizz nazz bytch)" +Forbes names Packers fans best in the NFL,A financial magazine is where I would choose to get sports news. +George Osborne: My mate David Cameron has made Britain the single most influential country in the world,Of course he did +Ighalo misses an open goal vs Man Utd,Obvious foul on de Gea +link to place to buy ctl480 i cant find it anywhere,Just buy one from amazon that's refurbished. +That's 15 blocks away,but its in the same city. +TCW as in the 3D one or the one that looks like Samurai Jack?,"*The* Clone Wars is 3D, Clone Wars is 2D." +Just got this in a card pack. 14d 13h total Time played.,"Well, you know, it is a common...." +She would not have used so much of your ink if she were a little toner.,"Hi Dad, I see you figured out the internet, but you still need help with printers." +"pants are a little small, this could use socks, different shoes would be good","in fact lose the shirt too, just go naked" +Morning Roundtable - 9/18 You can use this thread to discuss whatever is on your mind or share news articles or off topic things that would otherwise not be posted to the sub.,Our employer is on AM Joy right now. +To be fair BW didn't give any information other than the picture itself. It was the players who thought it was a boy.,Did we just assume their gender +A rainbow arch of flowers I want a rainbow arch of flowers,How about please? +New York bomb was 'act of terrorism' - BBC News,"You can't say that on reddit, that's racist !" +They're all dead,"Can confirm, I ded." +"TV-channel (RTL) makes a dig at 'high-brow'-channel (ARTE), gets corrected by ARTE on their grammar.",*there +"You da real MVP. Also, how the heck are we ahead of Tennessee? Better yet, how are we \#11?",We beat an amazing Mizzou team on the road with a freshman quarterback +"And i was thinking that america was the savior of democracy and freespeech, not in their own backyard it seems. Funny all those people who defend TTIP calling other ignorants while a big part of it is in fact undisclosed.","Wikileaks revealed all the shit in TPP you can bet TTIP is the exact same, these people are either paid trolls or just stupid." +Smart and counterintuitive move by nearby friendly to hit the deck while his squad opened up.,"If it's true it was a grenade launcher used, his buddy probably yelled grenade." +"Man, going back to this game WAS nice Then I had the damn cultists appear. Back on the 360 I NEVER got gassed, they rarely did it. Here on the remaster, every cult member and their sacrifice gasses me. Killed Sean, killed every cuktust after but one. As i swing my minichainsaw he gasses me and dies. At this rate, I'm expecting to walk into the safe room and have a cutscene where the transceiver goes off and I hear Otis go 'Think fast!' and gas me out of nowhere too. Otherwise loving it so far, even the cultists funny enough, Otis calls arent as bad as i remembered. Survivors AI suffers bad in groups of 5 or more.","Yeah, I'm actually surprised at how well the game holds up graphically and gameplay wise, even the cutscene animations are great." +What is your favourite anime you rarely see anyone else mention? Because I want to feed my already-engorged PTW.,One Piece +Going to FACTS this weekend! Still contemplating if I should dish out 55 EUR for a picture with David Hasselhoff.,Only if you're riding around on his back like in Spongebob. +Just on time. Some local Arizona music. Jimmy Eat World.,Last game it was Refreshments +How does not believing in a religion make you a bigot? I don't believe in Islam but that doesn't make me a bigot.,QUIT DEFENDING RELIGION YOU FUCKING BIGOT +Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai has urged Pope Francis to remove Archbishop Anthony S. Apuron as head of the Archdiocese of Agana because of gravely serious allegations of sex abuse of altar boys.,"Hey common, it's gods love!" +And let the keyboard battling begin.,So how about those Troubles? +If you could remove 9 weapons which ones would you remove? Hello again private wankers if you could remove 9 weapons which ones would you remove? feel free,Melee reskins +Not euros...,Pesos? +You are a wise man,"Why yes, I am" +"Either this is a bug, or I just got the biggest shaft by the game ever","Oh no, how ever did all those credits make it into your account." +"Well not saying they aren't, but they haven't shown anything more than c9 because they are beating Na teams just like c9, and haven't gone to lan",C9 vs SK in ESL PL will be the decider for who is the best team in the world +"Ah yes the old: Abortion is murder, unless the baby is black.",Black lives don't matter. +We'd be near omni depending. If we get our power from God just like those characters then God can just give us the strength to defeat any foe. I'm not even trying to be religious either. It's kind of like juggernaut. He's powered by an outside force so he can get as theoretically strong as Cytorrak. So you could probably be killing some top tiers but only if God allowed it.,And we all know that God doesn't condone killing +Cloud-surfing over Lithuania,"I'm a simple man - if I see Lithuania, I upvote." +That's absolutely not true. I am shia and we don't consider sunnis as non muslims or apostates. I dare to find any major shia cleric that claims that.We do believe sunnis are misguided and easily suspect to extremism though because of their ideology. I hate when people make it seem it's a two way streak and equivalence between shia and sunnis when it's not. It's far from the truth.,Why are you doubting the Islam experts of reddit? +Its probably because she read this book : Drawing on the right side of the brain by Betty Edwards. It's very popular as art books go. The techniques described in it actually work.,I'm not too certain that she can actually read +Jurassic World 2 will have a budget of 260 million dollars.,"Yeah, this is totally gonna end well" +"Made the mistake of wandering into a thread describing how disgusting it is to eat pussy and how BJ's should be given regardless of reciprocation. On behalf of my vagina, and all of the vaginas I've had the privilege of eating, my fucking brain hurts.",This is why I cannot enjoy receiving oral. +"Seriously, those are facts. That's not conspiracy.",I'll bet all his deferred salary agreements are completely above board. +Women lead Friday prayers at Denmark's first female-run mosque,Isnt this sexist? +...shrouds canadian,No he isnt +"The missouri side of KC. We watched videos showing us diseases and then had to sign a pledge not to have sex til marriage, or we failed.","You know you can get STD's from toilet seats, right!" +"This Is The Smallest, Most Powerful 4K Gaming PC You've Ever Seen",Is that the Xbox One Scorpio? +Taking Your Job Seriously,"Now let this happen in an Arab country, and you will have a completely different reaction on Reddit." +"Honesty should only be the policy if they are also honest with you. If they are crazy religious fanatics with control of your bank account, you lie.",I guess he forgot the +Aaron Rodgers hasn't had a passer rating over 100 in 14 straight games,What a bum +Does resisting arrest count as physical violence?,That one is almost as bad as murder! +Because taking away the option that tastes good is totally going to keep addicts from aquireing a new taste.,Prohibition has always worked in the past! +How could anyone possibly not question their decisions after something like that? Especially when they are facing jail time? How can people be so pig-headed? And I didn't know they had other kids. That just makes me so sad.,"Big Pharma was keeping them down, or something." +How can a rookie have a bigger ego than someone who has won worlds? Pretty ridiculous.,Dardouche OP +the wraith is harmless just run away when he unstealths,"Yeah, this game is so easy just run away whenever you see a killer and you win" +TIL parents filed an ethics complaint against a High School Biology teacher for using the word vagina while teaching reproduction.,Yes - because vagina is a dirty word - right? +Literally SEXUALIZING A MINOR THIS WORLD IS FUCKED,Stop being racist against other cultures! +"Grade is just smart if he doesn't talk back to idubbbz. Idupz can't lose, he always wins and those who go against him look like fools.",But it would be fun if idups smashed grade xd +"Hillary Clinton Directed IT Company to Alter, Fabricate, Forge Personal and Government Emails to Protect Her",This looks like an even better personal blog; one that masquerades as a commercial publication. +"As bad as Hillary is with this stuff this guy is way worse because of all people, he should really know better. I mean, what an *idiot*. The blunders that were involved in this whole issue are just... /facepalm","Yeah, it really is such a shame he couldn't do his job properly to help her get away with a ton of illegal shit" +Deixa o homem trabalhar!,Por mim deixariam ele trabalhar como deixaram a Dilma trabalhar. +Best Isolation Scorers in the NBA (Comments for more details!),Kobrick +I found a way to make Anubis more viable,Maybe the T5 skin will have this as a hidden bonus. +an i5 6600K under minimum specs? lol clearly wrong.,"I guess I will have to throw my 2500k in the trash, even though it handled the beta without issue." +"how exactly is he being a self entitled cunt? He's being offered more money and more ice time (i.e. a better job) than Dallas is offering him. If you were given the same option, you would do the same thing. So would I. That's how businesses work. He doesn't owe Dallas anything.",Leaving for a better job and to improve yourself is the definition of being a cunt +"Top 4 countries in terms of Muslim population: Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh Something near 750 million people. I guess you think Pakistan is the middle east and populated by Arabs since drones bomb it. Whatever. Geography is hard.",Youre right no-one here knows ANY pakistani indian or bangladeshi muslims and can't possibly stereotype an appearance. +What happened to the days when we just gave them orgasms to control them??,...but I thought the female orgasm was a myth +Like Idaho.,Or Louisiana after a hurricane... +Your most unique yet competitive tech? Hey guys. Just a general question to all of my fellow competitive players: what is your unique or uncommonly played tech that has proven really strong? This is mostly for fun and to encourage some new ideas. :D,I don't think I've ever seen anyone run [[Ad Nauseam]] before. +"I saw a brown guy walking his dog the other day, should I call the SPCA?","whoa whoa forget calling, why did you not pull a gun on him already" +"PSA: Super FNaF, LSFDevelopment's SNES Styled Fangame Comes Out Today At 6pm EDT!","Also if LSFD is here, are there gonna be some 16-bit jumpscares in the game because that'll be sweet as all fuck" +Hashtag you mean to tell me Hillary was campaigning WITH pneumonia? Do you have any idea how BAD ASS that is?!,"Exposing kids to pneumonia for a photo op, so badass." +No royalty. That's for the Old World.,"I don't know man, I wouldn't mind bringing back monarchy if it makes Ivanka an actual Princess." +*clears her throat* I'm a lady...haha,That's sexist! +"yes, but those religions don't let those crazies get out of hand and they are put down or jailed pretty quickly.","Yeah, that's why David Duke receives widespread condemnation from American Christians, and why African Christian terrorist groups don't exist!" +FlameLord Ne Zha Card Art,Why is Ne Zha cross dressing in this skin? +Wait but... the majority of fans of competitive are OpTic fans. And only 4.4% of fans are 14 years old or younger. My go-to insult is saying all OpTic fans are 13 years old. What am I going to do now?!,We can conclude that the majority of OpTic fans lie on surveys. +"Hmm alright I might be better off avoiding white and going with all orange instead. Seems like a better idea since it's easier to see, easier to find online, and still goes with my board. Thanks for the help",Plus it's after labor day... +"Southerner here, to be pedantic it can refer to both the grill and the method",You've betrayed us all +How my perspective on life has changed,Plot twist: We're all NPCs. +do you go to poly?,Represent! +"Or you know, reddit is getting it wrong and this has become a runaway conspiracy story.",4chan is never right. +"He better get on that soon, he's running out of time.",playing the really long con. +"How does my marriage affect anyone else? I would be in a long-term, monogamous same-sex relationship either way. With marriage equality, I gain the legal privileges and protections available to hetero couples, but I'm pretty sure being legally married to my partner ultimately helps society over our lifelong cohabitation (although even that is a negligible impact).",God just really hates tax breaks. +Maybe her mom is a Freddie Mercury fan?,"Oh I love Queen too, whats your favorite song from her" +And then CEO offered to quit if I would take over.,"Oh crap someone else with a windows phone, didn't know anyeone else even had one" +"White guy mass shooting: mental issues Muslim mass shooting: terrorism, attack on our country",white Christian males can't be terrorists! +CCTV captures the moment 'an election official stuffs a pile of voting papers in to a ballot box' in Russia as Putin's party sweeps to victory amid claims of vote-rigging,This makes me feel better about both presidential candidates having ties to Russia! +"So uh, Alonso the way better player from that trade?",If only he stopped getting his jersey from the Children's Gap. +Venezuela is a socialist shithole that ran out of other people's money.,"Nah bro, that wasn't *real* socialism!" +"Opposing kickers were 27 of 27 on FGs against the Eagles last season. That was the first time a team missed a FG since Nov. 18, 2014.",Good thing the Bears went and upgraded their kicker +"S11E12 - Stage Moms and Dropped Bombs - Live Episode Discussion Shannon panics about her families' impending move, while her daughters prepare for an upcoming rock show. Vicki celebrates Briana's birthday and makes it uncomfortably clear she is ready to fill up her love tank. The ladies come over to help Shannon purge her outdated closet; however tensions run high over unresolved issues between Shannon and Kelly , as well as Tamra and Meghan . Friends and family gather to watch the Beador girls perform, but Shannon's night is rocked by a shocking allegation from an uninvited guest. Get the latest news and info on your favorite shows and Bravolebrities!",Shannon playing air guitar better be WWHL's gif of the night! +BEFORE the gym this morning...,Better step your game up. +"So J-Matt, DGB, or Snagalor for WR1 next week?",I hope those aren't your fantasy receivers +"its hard to land good earth shatters if the enemy also has a rein, and mccree needs to start charging his ult p.early in the stun while also being in position. mccree's ult is the hardest to wombo combo imo.",No everybody online sucks but me +"Like...sometimes you're not sure if it's PI or not, but that was so blatant that the only explanation is the refs weren't looking that way for some reason.",Carson Wentz is not old enough to get that call on his players +Uh what was that?,Obviously not DPI +"Decimals, they can be tricky bastards.",That's PEMDAS or some shit +David Blaine broke this kid,I'm uncomfortable with the seductive look Blaine gives the kid after the trick. +A fucking nuclear war won't make the world a better place for anybody and you have some issues if you actually believe that,Anything before I start confronting my own biases and start treating people with respect +120k,"Yeah, but what kind of truck was it?" +*checks to make sure he didn't accidentally misspell rogue* I am referring to the chained rogue from the Core Rulebook.,Oh right where was that... +"Somebody wanna explain how the record book works? Let me explain. I'm attempting to unlock the armor set from the RoI record book. I'm aware that the task is not the easiest one and will take some time. That being said, the whole idea of the record book is pretty self explanatory. Complete a milestone, cash in for rewards. I've currently completed 4 milestones (The Rise of Iron, Vigilant Scout, Taking Back The Plaguelands, and Treasured Possession) with Vigilant Scout being the most recent. It was my understanding that I would have unlocked the leg armor... Well, Bungie decided to screw me and my progress to rank 4 was halted juussstttt before. Why don't I have rank 4 when I've clearly completed 4 milestones??? tl;dr WHY THE HELL DON'T I HAVE MY 4TH RANK YET?! P.S. Tried to including a pic for reference, but mobile hates me...",Each milestone is a percentage and 4 completions doesn't necessarily mean 4 milestones. +I didn't say he needed to go nuts and yes I have been to many house shows. He just gave off the vibe of not wanting to be there at all.,are you the guy who spat? +*Everyone i don't like is either CTR or a teenager*. A guide to political discussion.,Shut up shill +"Alternative title: central bank pursues lukewarm monetary policy for years, surprised to find out economy is not recovered enough yet to push foot off the gas pedal If they had been more aggressive 4 years ago we would have normal interest rates today.",Yeah just like Japan. +Coming Soon: New Harry Potter Pops!,That Hedwig is fucking adorable +Surely at that point he would be a Bronco Canton can't overlook right? Right?,Product of the system man. +Hillary Clinton IT Paul Combetta Asked How To Destroy Evidence On Reddit,So why is this tagged as misleading? +Crossing Field to be specific IIRC.,I mean sao only had 12 episodes and they all had that opening so... +"So... helmetless Stormtroopers are gone, Chewbacca's in the game, and they added space battles. What will people bitch about now? It's like they've gone through everyone's complaints like a checklist with this expansion.","It's great and all to have all these new features but I still want to play a Galactic Conquest mode against an AI that is dumber than a rock, literally unplayable right now" +If he stabbed another kid with that knife he could have at least gotten the other kid suspended too,Does that mean all casualties from school shootings have been expelled? +TIL there was once a war over a wooden bucket,There was once a war over roses. +Conan on sexism,It's only ok when the insult is directed at men +"Yeah, I'm not sure how a girl who borrowed $56k from parents and friends would be able to afford the ridiculous price of the mortgage on that property. Unless she has 6-7 friends living in the house with her which I suppose isn't uncommon with asian people, but that still wouldn't factor into whether *she* can pay the mortgage for purposes of obtaining it.",Maybe she's a high priced call girl. +I'm in Arizona and I think 50 is cold....,I'm in Arizona and January-February get down to -10 in some spots early morning... +"Not surprising. George HW Bush was a legit war hero, and cares about this country. Nobody invested in America would vote for a conman like Trump.",Trump fought his own personal Vietnam. +"Quite the opposite. The people pushing for this are forcing us to have a conversation on the life and actions of a past political figure. Putting a face on a currency, and refusing to or ignoring discussions on the topic of whether his should be on there is the real erasure.",The point they were trying to make is that the Democrats were the pro slavery party and this is blatant pandering to women and minorities +"Right, and I was under the impression that high octane blends were 10% and regular was some percentage less than 10. Regardless I did say as much. I was just under the impression that ethanol was the octane raising additive, apparently it's not. You're a dick.",sorry for giving you information. +"Guys I figured out where Sean Murray went! Remember when Sean said No Man's Sky was a 'labor or love'??? Well, I think that since launch they've all been *PLAYING* their absolute favorite game ever: *NO Man's Sky*!!!! It makes too much sense. They've spent *YEARS* on this game. Obviously they want a vacation to play the heck out of it. No worries, though. Once they play one or two hundred hours, they'll get back to coding! I bet that's *any* day now!","Yeah I mean they're constantly seeing things that surprise even them, right?" +Non-blurry photos of the Google Pixel and Pixel XL leak,Looks nothing like an iPhone +"We'd have 14 congressional hearings on the matter. It's pathetic that in the entire expanse of American media, there's seriously one guy investigating the Trump Foundation. Virtually everything we know about it has come from Fahrenthold.",He must be a Clinton plant / a jew +I could see a young Burt Reynolds pulling it off.,"Nah don't be silly, he already has a role." +"50% of my opponents on ladder are shaman, it's getting ridiculous Seriously, is this how the game will be for the next few months? I am currently playing on rank 4 EU and according to my deck tracker, almost every second opponent is shaman. I expect the next VS meta report to show similar numbers. I would love to switch to a counter deck, but sadly, such a deck does not exist in competitive play. I think the game is in a state in which it requires Blizzard to nerf certain shaman cards to make the game enjoyable again, just like they did with undertaker. There is no way I can wait until the next expansion to *possibly* fix things. Gamebalance is discussable for sure, but as soon as a deck reaches a level on which it has no counter decks and it's worst matchups are a coinflip, something has to be done, quick.","Dont worry, Im sure blizzard will take advantage of the fact that Hearthstone is a digital card game and nerf cards accordingly soon." +Isn't it 33%? Since you can't use first fleet for expeditions.,"Technically it's 50% since it's going from 2 to 3, a gain of 1/2 of your original" +I don't get it. :/ Can you explain?,asians can't differentiate r from l hurr durr +Can we please have a shooting range ? i want to try out every weapon with every attachment and compare them without the heat of the battle and having to worry about winning the game,Hereford base has one. +"I agree. But if you ever watch them in action, nothing gets done and half the time it's because of the party system. It's weak. Totally weak, but it IS effective. it's bullshit. And you're right, we did elect a complete pussy.",Nice hair though. +about fucking time,Tim Riggins is not a thief.. he's misunderstood +Only 2 rookie head coaches since 1970 have won 1st 2 games of season by 15+ points each: Mike Tomlin & Doug Pederson. PIT at PHI on Sunday,Dirk was so close. +[[Fandral Staghelm]],He said balanced. +"Though it's a massive longshot, if TSM wins worlds, can we get a black and white lucian with a bowl cut?",But Doublelift never plays Lucian LUL +"My wet dream is to see the Clintons, Bushs and Obama all hung for treason on the national mall. WHY WON'T REDDIT BAN THAT SUB?",Very patriotic of them. +Woodley had an exchange between that black mma champion form invicta ??? Talking about how woodley is the great white hope implying that racial reasons where why he got the shot.....,"Hmm, well I can see how he would think that, considering there's only ever been white UFC champions." +Nothing. Wrong subreddit.,"The article reference a GitHub repo, therefore has everything to do with programming." +George H. W. Bush endorsing Hillary is the saddest news of this entire election cycle. But let's not forget why he did it...,This will surely broaden her appeal. +You appear to be missing an 'i' there.,not if you're from the US +"But racing with 40 real people is a waste to me, theres always that one bad apple that ruins it",There's always a Brian Scott. +"Any strange/unfamiliar nascar rumors going around lately? The last one i heard was that Paul Menard was going to penske back in July,",Harvick to the 5. +I think humans actually are 2-5 percent less productive for each degree celsius over room temperature,"Isnt every room, in room temperature?" +"New here Hey everyone, just wanted to introduce myself a little bit as I am new to the subreddit and somewhat new to tying. My grandfather taught me when I was 14 (now 29) but I haven't tied much in the past 10 years. I am starting to get back into it as I now live in an area that is more conducive to fly fishing. I look forward to being part of the group and seeing what people are tying and what advice is shared! Thanks!",Welcome! +Luck,downvoted for missing +What about the possibility of bricking?,"Submit work order to replace device, write off the original as a lost cause." +Is this a Whole Foods Asian Delicacy?,they are sold in most stores with real produce... +"So agree, I've come to really like Meghan. She's a basic bitch, but she's so level headed and mature.","Weird, Miss 30 year old is more mature then Vicki and Tamara combined" +Scream fanboys are so dumb,my name is G2-SCREAM (my friend) IWNL :3 +"This is what security labs do. They told Tesla. Tesla said thanks, we'll fix it, please don't tell anyone until we've patched it. Security lab says Cool, thanks! They both win.",Wait are you trying to tell me that responsible security researchers aren't supposed to just dump all of their work and tools on Github before a company has a working fix? +She's thinking about her sandwich,She's thinking about thos beans +I don't see Tim Kaine as the guy who stands in back of a pick up truck. I see Tim Kaine as the kind of person who would stand in the back of a van offering candy to little children,I think he's more of a Miata man - I mean Miata person. +"Some are saying Kristen Bell, I see Jordana Brewster.",That jawline +I thought that over detaches easily without the need to dremel it open,"We don't got no time for some stupid little screws, let's get it open the manly way!" +"For the first time ever, National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council is throwing its support behind a presidential nominee, Donald Trump!",Law & Order Candidate. +But it was a good pitch.,"Obviously the fault of the defense, Paulo should have made the catch." +North Philly mom admits to planning to abandon kids for ISIS fighter she married over Skype,"Sadly, it sounds like the kids would be better off if she did leave..." +"fk this guy, zero sympathy for someone who beats his own mother",That story was made up... +They do. But bad pitching.,That doesn't sound familiar at all..... +I think they will be very similar. I would probably give a slight edge to Marvin Jones because he has a better QB and they will continue to develop their connection.,Marvin is better but also has more talented competition than Landry. +Blacks are 13% of the population and are responsible for roughly half of all violent crime. They interact with the police more because they cause more crime.,"Keep fighting against the black menace, citizen." +Are you assuming xer gender identity?,Haha good one +Stephen Curry still hasn't gotten over Game 7,"Goddamn dude, its been like half an off-season c'mon Steph" +"Seems fun! Currently blonde, previously brown. Included pictures of both.",Brown hair: Melanie Blonde hair: Thea or Tabitha! +How bout that guy that thinks black people are going around shooting people just cuz they're white? Man you gotta be pretty fucking delusional to think **white people** are the ones being **murdered for their race**. People can be pretty goddamn stupid,Not to take away from your point but black on white crime is at considerably large levels... +"In 11 career playoff games against Dubinsky, Crosby has 0 goals and 12 assists. Torts' decision to scratch Dubinsky tonight is bizarre.",Is a point-per-game stat supposed to be a bad thing? +'NBN Co CEO Bill Morrow's pay rises 18.7 per cent to $3.6 million',There go the profits +Hey guys a quick question. Recently even my local newspaper reported on this and it was about a tv show. In general Kolar and few other experts agreed that Burke did it and parents covered it up and gave a very decent timeline of events. I am not going to believe Eastern European media but has anyone heard about this newest tv show where they presented evidence and came to conclusion,"Oh, excuse me, you dropped this..." +I'd rather shoot myself in the face.,Vancouver is not **that** bad +These are the idiot teammates you put your mic in for,"Seeing this, can't wait to have VOIP in Heroes of the Storm, too" +lol,lol +I shouldn't have to Impress you for you and your friend to join team chat in competitive. Don't be that asshole. Hey could you jump in team chat Impress me -_-,"I shouldn't have to jump in team chat for you and the team in competitive, if I want a communication disadvantage let me have it hmmm" +"PS4 or Xbone controller for PC? I read that wireless Xbone controller doesn't run natively on Steam, but DualShock 4 does. And while I prefer the feel of the Xbone controller, I don't really mind the DS4 either. However, can anyone confirm if the DS4 runs natively with Windows 10 games? I'm hoping to play Gears 4 & Horizon 3 on my TV, but not sure if DS4 will work with them. So which wireless controller works natively on both Steam and Windows Store? It could be the info I saw is outdated and maybe you guys already using these controllers can better fill me in on the compatibility. Would be sweet to play Gears 4 on PC using a PlayStation 4 controller, though!",Steam controller! +"Let's do a check list of what movie Ultron did: He self activated himself, he learnt everything about the human race in less then a minute, he ripped Jarvis apart, built himself a body, hacked the Iron legion, hacked Avengers Tower and stole a bunch of their data, escaped with Loki's sceptre, injured Rhodey, wrecked Avengers tower, broke himself into a Hydra base, formed a schism between the team, manipulated Pietro and Wanda to join forces with him, killed Baron Von Strucker, broke into numerous labs across the globe upgrading himself and killing anyone who got in his way, built an army, was untraceable to the Avengers, nearly hacked the nuclear codes (which is super hard to do), de-powered a ship yard, transferred millions of dollars, sliced off Klaw's arm, out smarted Thor/pointed out that Captain America is a terrible person/out-quipped Tony Stark (twice), got away with the Vibranium, kicked the crap out Iron Man, distracted Iron Man from the main plan of action, painted the Avengers (especially Hulk) in a bad image in South Africa, broke into Dr Cho's lab, found out that the sceptre had an infinity gem in it, built the Vision, knew when the Quinjet showed up, injured Dr Cho, killed her entire staff, went one-for-one with Captain America to the point that he over powered him (Hawkeye: You're no match for him Cap), flunk Cap's shield like it was nothing, pulled a part of the road out of the ground, caused a huge car crash, took on 5 Avengers (Captain America, Black Widow, Quicksilver, Scarlett Witch and Hawkeye) in South Korea, killed a train driver, destroyed a chunk of the city by derailing a train, kidnapped Black Widow, was so powerful and unkillable Thor had to bring the Vision to life to defeat him (Thor: The Avengers can not defeat Ultron), was responsible for a being capable of lifting up Thor's hammer, ripped himself apart, built a meteor machine that took Sokovia out of the ground, killed 177 citizens from Sokovia, knocked out the Vision, fought Thor (knocking his hammer out of his grasp) and nearly choked him to death, almost had the Avengers sacrifice himself to save the world, took on ALL the Avengers as an army, survived a triple blast from Iron Man/Thor/Vision and a punch from the Hulk, stole the Quinjet, injured Black Widow, killed Quicksilver, was seconds away from destroying the entire human race in a deem, made the entire nation of Sokovia homeless, turned Zemo into a villain, got Thor to leave the Avengers since Ultron was the one who brought the idea of someone (Thanos) assembling the Infinity Stones to him, got Tony to leave because of his creation in Ultron, got Hulk to leave because of what happened in South Africa (and why Hulk moved to whatever planet he's on now), got Hawkeye to leave for almost killing him, is the reason why the Avengers moved base, is the reason why Black Panther showed up at the UN, he's the reason Thanos got off his lazy ass to go get the Infinity Stones himself, is the reason Tony and Pepper broke up and is the main reason why the Sokovia accords exist in the first place thus beginning Civil War. He did that. He did all that in 3 days. Ultron in the comics wasn't close to that in his first appearance. He didn't destroy the human race, but he exposed the heroes' weaknesses and hit them where it hurt. Pretty powerful if you ask me.",Yeah but he made quips and didn't know the word children. +I was kidding,Next time use +This play was so good it is honestly the only post i've ever seen on here with 100% Upvotes,Flair checks out +"This. Most whistleblowers are afraid to go public not due to possible charges (which will of course be waived once their evidence is proven true) but because they'll likely be forced out of their jobs, lose their pensions, and become blacklisted from their industries, even if vindicated. That shit happens all the time. Give them enough 'fuck you' money to make sure their kids aren't going to starve, or that they won't have to go from a 6-figure job to stacking shelves at Wal-Mart, and they'll sing like proverbial canaries.","In this case I am sure they are afraid to lose their lives, litigation is probably the smallest worry." +It is sad and weird that Bungie never introduced the possibility of interaction or any glimpse of the Traveler into the gameplay considering it was the main marketing and symbol for the game Title,confirmed: year 7 +haha was a joke ye nut job,Ye could have used this man +"I mean hiko has 40 hours in the past two weeks, so it's pretty obvious as to why he looks really bad recently. Also I can't see peacemaker being the one calling right now, they look so off it hurts. IDK who is calling, or if peace started getting lazy, but they look so disorganized it's painful.",-Hiko +Peacemaker Hiko becomes streamer to bring in $$$$$$$$$ Peacemaker becomes new lurk +It's updated as of now for sure.,YASS! +you're free to chose any cellphone you want.,I'm glad there are all those other iOS phones out there! +It isn't fair to say at all. The Stand is his best book. I loved Hearts in Atlantis and have re-read it a number of times but his best books are: - Carrie - The Shining - Pet Semetary - The Dead Zone - Misery - Salem's Lot - The Green Mile - The Stand - The Mist - Firestarter,"Come one now, I think we can all agree that Cell was his finest work." +What's your favorite terrible film?,Grandma's Boy/Half Baked +"Umm, well, OP is talking about someone who's about 90 and I doubt 1% of people that age could front-page Reddit and comment like this. You seriously think I'm off-base with that?",Well a Reddit hamster is probably less than 1%. +Well yea I guess you're cool now! You risked your friends lives for what reason?,Sometimes proving a point is worth more than simple material goods such as your car or possibly injuring the people you're driving that don't get to make that decision. +One thing has always confused me Bats in manor,very fucking original and totally not a sequel shitpost +"Newbie Questions - September 21, 2016 Are you new to MapleStory? Do you just have a question about how something works in the game? This is the thread for you! Feel free to ask any questions regarding the game and we'll do our best to answer them for you.","I know evan is getting nerfed in the future, so is it worth to continue levelling my even or my kinesis?" +Just flagging some negative content like YouTube said. Am I a hero yet?,Can I flag all the compilations that have stolen my videos now?... +"F2P Player to SEMC; Thanks When I first started, I spent most of my time trying to complete my Quest Chests, only to gain Essence and Common card mot of the time. Since the update, I've been getting much more Glory out of these chests, and since I only play Battle Royal due to time constraints I feel I'm getting value out of the time I'm able to put in. Thanks a bunch if this was intentional!",Freeloading pleb! +AoS and Netflix crossover is being discussed!,All I want is Coulson to meet or assemble or interact with the Defenders. +No. SMS needs to die.,"Yeah and so do self powered land line phones, because emergencies never happen." +Trump Denies He Ever Wanted A Muslim Ban,"Yep, I am sure those were taken out of context though." +How is it relevant to the topic? Did you think you would floor is with your insight or that we would have not heard this before?,Maybe he qas a nice guy in another reality. +ESPN host Paul Finebaum calls Michigan football fans 'pathetic',What is pathetic about calling a recruit and posing as a racist fan of recruiting competition? +No,Why not? +Politics and this sub revolve around Auckland. More specifically the housing crisis. There is nothing else. Mods remove this post immediately,Yeah odd that a crisis in our country could attract attention isn't it? +Okay so what you're saying is fuck you to everyone who transports slaves? Fuck you we're now taking away your favorite source of income? Cause that's what I'm getting ehre.,Yes thats what im saying.... Fuck you and your favorite(Greedy) source of income. +LOOOOOOOOOOOL! BEST DEAL EVER,"ikr, if only champ cc2 crates were worth less, than i could get it for gold alpha items." +Now that's a nice feature,Haha how original these iphone 7 memes are so funny i laugh every time. +Took the chassis of my Cherry keyboard and it actually looks much cooler.,Better airflow +"Pc's from the respective buildings are pulling the right IP-addresses from the DHCP, IP's seem correct unless I'm mistaken",What's their gateway? +"Khabib Nurmagomedov, on Conor/Nate fights: (Sighs). I think a lot of people can kill both of them. Not high level.",I need to have Platinum Mike teach Khabib a lesson and tell him who God really cares about +Pretty sure that's changing. :(,"It already changed, they added a star per rank and made it so there's no more bonus rounds past warrior rank" +He wants all the freedoms and luxuries of an American life while Americans are dying abroad fighting for his right to do so. They're defending his right to be a dick; they also have a right to tell him he should die. Free speech baby!,"You should die, hey don't oppress me shitlord it's my right to say that!" +"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires. - John Steinbeck",The Red Scares helped too. +"Contrary to popular belief, not all members of an alien race have the same opinions and motivations. The Unggoy are just as diverse as Humans in that respect, they all have different reasons for doing what they do.","Yes...because you humans have a wide range of cultures and attitudes, but us krogan, all think and act, exactly, alike." +"Reasons NOT to major in ActSci Hey guys. I've seen a lot of people comment here that its not a great idea to major in actuarial science. Why is that? I have to choose my major since I just entered 2nd year and my program calls for me to pick a particular major soon. If not actsci what would you guys recommend? For context, I'm writing exam P this friday and I'm not sure if this is the exact career path for me. I'm basically interested in earning a high salary at the end of university. I know its a bad idea to chase something just for the money but I think I can deal with.",Human sexuality with a minor in math +"Damn it Lucy and some BEC I've decided to call my mom Damn it Lucy (or DL for short). Anytime anything goes wrong with me and DF, or something dumb happens, we usually exclaim Damn it Lucy! So there we go. I'm gonna talk about some BEC stories in short segments. -I was not really allowed to wear what I wanted until high school. The most specific things I can remember is skinny jeans. Anytime I would ask or try on a pair she would say Well you CAN wear them, but they make you look so wide. Plus you're short. You need pants that make you look tall. She also cut my hair boyish short (only after she refused to brush my hair unless I was biting a towel to stop from crying) which I was made fun of relentlessly for in middle school. She is most of the reason I have body issues, constantly taking jabs at the way I look. You shouldn't eat as much, you're gonna get fat. or If you keep frowning, you're going to get wrinkles. -I was a vegetarian for a few years in middle/high school. I found out from her talking about my to my step dad, that she had been sneaking meat into my food since I told her I was not eating it anymore. That's around the time I really stopped trusting her. -I know almost nothing about my bio dad because DL wouldn't tell me. I had no idea I had an aunt or even a cousin on his side. I also had to find out (through means of my own) that I have half brothers. When confronting DL about this, she said They're not actually your brothers. Your dad left, so they're not your brothers anymore Even though her son is my half brother, she still forced me to call him my brother as a child (I do now, but I was a sad, stubborn kid). -My mom also refuses to acknowledge that I even have depression. When I told her I was dropping out of college because I was so depressed, she said If I told that to my dad, he would tell me get over it. DL realizes my sister struggles with her own mental illness (Go BitchBot) and has even offered to pay for her to go to therapy, while she tells me usually that I just need to get out more.",Isn't she just the sweetest thing... +"Controversial opinion: people skating around alone in front of the net is not hockey. 3 on 3 is very exciting but I think people will tire of it too after a few years, the way they have with the shootout.","Yeah, people hate exciting shit." +What is something that's extremely terrifying but not harmful?,"famines and wars and droughts in third world countries ha, almost got me there liberal media" +But the seas should part if they used their blinker right? I mean just get out of their way they have a nice car which makes them clearly superior and their time more valuable right?!,You dropped this +Water bottle flip with guys reaction,Song is Denzel Curry - Ultimate +"100 years from now, what modern things will people look back on and say, WTF?",We won't be here in 100 years. +noticed that the horse Lex Jr. is having in his fathers' room has 3 broken legs.,"If the horse has four legs, that means BvS could have longer legs in box office." +"Damn, if he had only dropped the knife and got down. What a tragedy","Or put his hands up or something, because I hear that works too." +My god! What a madlad!,Just because I dress like a cool guy doesn't give them the right to fist bump me +I have not. I'd like to think I'm current on everything in this sub but the hive mind moves quickly.,Robin Black was never my friend. +We NEED a season with aliens.. Asylum needs to be explained.,plot twist: aliens are controlling the land. +This is the dumbest thing I have seen in Pro Wrestling.,But at least they have passion! +Analysis: Trump proposals would add $5.3 trillion to debt,"Don't worry, Mexico will take care of the debt" +"In the modern context people hate Israel because they DGAF; they do what they want to do for the sake of Israel, they profile Arabs to avoid terror attacks and they deport migrants, they support traditional families and are generally speaking religious. Basically everything SJW's hate.","In other words, they're complete monsters." +Does no one play [[Pact of Negation]]?,Does no one play [[Omniscience]] + [[Cancel]]? +What would happen to me if I wore this Stop Being Poor shirt around Metro Manila?,If they could even read it rofl +I'd love to! Imagine you're driving a car. You have a speedometer and an accelerometer. Imagine we connected a computer to the speedometer and now it prints out a line just like an EKG. The accelerometer measures your acceleration at any given moment. That's basically the first derivative. In other words the first derivative is the acceleration. The acceleration is derived from the speedometer. One way to estimate your overall acceleration is to take Riemanns sums of the speedometer graph. The second derivative is the jerk of the car when you accelerate or stop. If you graphed the second derivative when slamming on the brakes it would spike then go level again. The integral is taking the derivative and finding possible speeds. We could say a spaceship and your car can have the same integral/antiderivative but be on different scales altogether. You can also use these techniques to find the area under a curve which can then be made 3D simply by taking a 2D graph and rotating it along an axis.,Did you just tell a six yo to drive a car? +Once Clinton is elected she will take care of this!,I think you forgot the +"Huh? I don't read little, you don't know how much I read. When 70% of it is women hate though don't you think that's enough evidence to make my mind up? It's like you don't read, or you have selective reading. They think women are children and are irrational. That's not how you build a healthy relationship with someone . I never shit on anyone but any man who wants relationship guidance and doesn't want to read through bullshit women hating comments, TRP doesn't really work for them now does it? Like, it's fine for TRP to exist because there are men who really are bitter and angry towards women and need a place to vent, and there are men who really do view us as a different species so they need an echo chamber, but if someone wants to get TRP like advice from a group of people who respect women (who deserve respect) and acknowledge not all women are going to fuck you over because of hypergamous, and not just gripe about how women go for chads (we don't all go for chads, have you guys ever been outside I wonder sometimes ) , well, TRP doesn't seem to be the ideal place for that","bruh if you are not a a top 20% male in muscles(funny how they never mention facial aesthetics LOL) you are worthless to women and women will never fuck you, so join the gym and eat 6 meals a day and fuck up your body as much as you can cuz women can't stop getting drenched wet when they see muscles and u got it ez bruh bruh." +Who hurt you?,The patriarchy +High Ranked Killer Gameplay,This is so beautifully accurate. +Purple Guy,Eh not enough suggestive NSFW Would rather have him have a purple dildo +I understand that that this might be a good tool in the right hands but advertising with this feature will only attract people thinking oh great then I can hurt youtubers I don't like and block opinions I disagree with...,Isn't that what DMCA is for? +Lions Add Wide Receiver Aaron Dobson,Aaaannnnnnnddddd hes released. +Did you forget about our QB?,Stafford is the reason we lose. +"The problem is that a lot of people are severely underestimating how important jury management is. The jury is not a meticulously crafted group designed to reach an objective decision. The jury is all the people you had to backstab and step on as you clawed your way to the top. Most of them seem to try to make a fair decision but there's always the bitter jury members and the emotional jury members that let their feelings make their decision. And there's jury members that let outside factors influence their vote like whether or not you've already won the game before or whether you really need the money. This season and season 14 are going to be great examples of why jury management is just as critical to winning the game as making it to the final 2 is. I agree that the person that most deserved to win was the runner-up for both S14 and S18. But they didn't win because the winner isn't always the one that deserves it most. The winner is whoever can get those 7 or 9 dumbasses to vote for them, however they manage to do that.",You would think that after Russel played survivor people would realize just how important jury management is. +"Invading Iraq was essential to American freedumbs, because of ~~weapons of mass destructions~~ important reasons.",It's not Collen and Condi's fault they lied to us fox news said they were misled! +Why not? How stupid do you have to be not to be able to count to two?,Because of course gender has to be based on sex and there's nothing else that people might want to base it on at all +Because he can't be her left hand. :(,"Dude, too soon!" +Why would you need to round up other people to lay on the tracks? Adding more tracks and switches creates the jobs and solves the problem....,"If we build more tracks, and don't use them as part of the Lesser of 2 evils problem by putting more people in danger, we might as well just sell out to the commies." +Guy was just trying to capture the news and he almost got sacrificed to the Lord of Light.,They were just taking their frustration out on him. +Thanks for this quality post. Im glad i wasted my time making this comment.,No problem! +But it's not a -10. It's a -9. ^^^^I'm ^^^^joking ^^^^please ^^^^don't ^^^^kill ^^^^me,I bet you think upstart is good too +"When has she ever demonstrated any kind of regressive stance on any of those issues? Judging by her voting record and public statements she is very liberal in all of those areas, and she has specific policy plans laid out on her website for all 3. Look and them yourself and tell me they're regressive.",But her donors are those industries so she won't do anything to hurt them right! +No evidence is 100%.,"Right, so let's empty all the prisons why don't we" +"What happens during the anthem when Raptors are playing? 2 anthems play whenever the Raptors play so what happens? Do the players kneel for both anthems? Does Corey Joseph kneel for the Canadian anthem, doesn't seem to be a problem with the police and the black community in Canada. Does a Canadian like Tristan Thompson have the right to kneel for the US anthem? Offseason conundrums.",untimely shitpost +i've been signed up for pbe for 3 years and still no word. HOW LONG IS THIS GOING TO TAKE.,It'd probably be easier to get a job at Riot at this point to get access. +Cuz you think Trump and Johnson would be better?,I voted for Bernie +I thought Royce was lying about that Or so GSW fans were telling me.,OKC fans just salty. +"Not sure people are concerned with how much tax she's paid, so much as the source for all of the income she's paying that tax on.",The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence! +What does Asian mean? TIL: Asia came from a Greek word used to describe the land of their enemies,Europeans should be considered Asian as well since their countries are part of Asia. +"Humans who are afraid of a law suit. Next thing you get kidnapping charges, or any kind of crap. Personally I wouldn't get involved.",You huge piece of human shit. +it's from the East Indian word 'thugee' which means 'bandit'.,And the n-word comes from the old english word meaning 'black' so it can't be racist. +Amazon Prime members now get ad-free Twitch streaming,Copying this to my bf he might be happy. +Between Two Ferns With Zach Galifianakis: Hillary Clinton,That ending is comedy gold +We just assume that it happens. We want to be in the room where it happens. The room where it happens.,Click boom! +Jesus Christ I was eating lunch....,Eating some grapes? +I believe this is an issue with these and there is a fix for it. Call GE as its still under warranty.,PM me a model and serial and I'll confirm it. +"Mike 'Platinum' Perry Warns Danny Roberts: I'm Going to Kill You, Be Ready to Die",pla-ti-num-lite in orbit making arrangements for Danny Roberts to meet his maker... +So I really fucking hate my job,Can't you just quit and use your parents credit card? +The vertically integrated illegal cocaine market is much different then the lateral market of a restaurant and this is the least of the issues of using the cocaine industry as an example of how wages affect prices.,"Black market is still a market, bro." +What property of processed food causes it to turn teeth to mush?,obama made our teeth weak +Why don't you just give your kid money instead. Let him/her go to the local store and buy some food there? I feel bad for the kids.,But then they'd buy unhealthy food like snacks full of corn syrup and chocolate milk. +Trump's Economic Plan Costs 26.5 Times More Than Clinton's,Omg so a liberal organization's study scores Trump's plan negatively! +Seems highly possible that's when Lorin will announce when the mixtapes are released. And that probably means very soon!,Lo' may even announce that he's exclusively going to just perform at Insomniac & EDC events! +MN Twins attendance at opening pitch today. About 400 people in the entire stadium.,There were more at the Sox orioles game during the riots +Does anyone else feel incomplete when they put down their windows phone?,I feel incomplete when I pick it up +"No wave 2 but here, buy this RIFTS book bundle and ground vehicles addon pack. Seriously, Wave 2 is a write off at this point. I avoid the drama but still check in every 3 months or so to see what's going on. Every time I get a backer email all I can do is just cringe and brace for the stream of excuses I'm about to read and laugh at the shitflinging the comments. There's zero positivity around this project on all sides from myself included. It's really really hard to even be optimistic no matter how much I want to. They have been in negotiations for production and design for over a year and a half since wave 1 came out, for something that was 95% complete when the kickstarter ended.. I'm sure you saw the prototypes of some of the wave 2 stuff but that's all it is. They don't have anyone(or money) to do the sprue layouts, make molds, produce, ship, and distribute.","But... but... but.. they are investigating ways to lower the part count, they even had conversations about it with manufacturers" +lol only if you have cognitive dissonance,I'm sure the countless academics that agree that racism doesn't exist in any meaningful way against white people all have cognitive dissonance +"Politics. Libtards are trying to take my rights! Conservatives are racist bigots! If you think 'the other side' is to blame, you're the problem. It's not so easy as conservative this, liberal that, Republican this, Democrat that. If it was that easy then America would have virtually no problems whenever the 'correct' party won. Yet here we are, still with tons if problems. Also, the candidates. Where's the person who firmly believes in little control laws, but still does believe in universal background checks, but is also pro choice, but small government? Where's the guy who's in the middle and represents a moderate view that takes slightly from the left and slightly from the right, and is against money and corruption in politics? A few claim to tote those views, but where are they? I'll tell you where they *aren't*. They aren't in the front running and they won't be in the major debates. Until people stop getting brainwashed to vote Trump or Clinton, it will always be this way (obviously different candidates in the future, but you know what I mean).","No, because the wrong party keeps messing things up so the right one can't do anything!" +What about Celestial Nighthawk Hunter with a nightstalker and weapons of light defender?,"My team ran nighthawk golden gun, hammer bro for melee dmg buff and add killing (replaceable with stormcaller), and a tether" +People always see disaster and ruin in every new technology or situation. It's just the way we are - programmed to ask how something can kill us. If we ever meet aliens or develop AI we will probably all be just fine.,Until it MURDERS us. +Guy claims to have gotten this huge in 4 years... I'm leaning towards juiced,lol what would make you possibly think juice? +/election,I miss the days when we thought we could trust our leaders. +Yee Wan needs to get a real job.,Is that some microaggression I sense coming from you Evanescence? +"Yes that is pretty obvious from his message, why would it be a bad thing? Would you feel compelled to go to the pharmacy and buy a bag if it was legal tomorrow ? I would not, thinking about all that drug money that those criminals can't have anymore would get me high enough. Also the people that do feel compelled to buy meth will know it is made by professionals in quality controlled environments that are probably up to their asses in government checks. So yeah, whats wrong with legalizing any drug ?",Damn you libertarians are crazy +"That would be a lot to ask those ladies to live up to... the amazing lineage of stairs matches in the WWE? I know Women's wrestling has come a long way, but they might not be ready to tackle a Stairs Match.",I'm not sure if any of them could lift the *insert over exaggerated weight* pound STEEL STEPS. +"Sorry for the bad screenshot, but is this a fallout 3 reference in Wolfenstein?",I'm sure it's just a coincidence. +Haha equating infidelity with actual crimes.,"Yes, you're right, crimes have no basis in moral norms." +Whenever people ask for spawn locations,Because eggs will solve all your problems! +"I kinda think it's just him clicking very furiously... compare this to the use of a triggerbot, where the crosshair doesn't move AT ALL upon shooting.",No pro is panic clicking so hard there mouse does that. +"Mhm, that's it. Guess what, you're bad too.","Hmm, I think that's a you problem." +"Stephen Hawking has stated that we should stop trying to contact Aliens, as they would likely be hostile to us. What is your position on this issue?",Build a wall +Real New Transmogrifications! (Chimera/KFG/Neostone Agent/Joker/Pirate Captain),So rakan put on a guitar or whatever its call... that is the besttttt transmorg ever OMG! +Nu-metal Cowher with those goddamned sweet Jnco's on.,The 90s died hard lol +"German police shot 10 people dead in 2015, translation in comments",#BrownLifeMatters +"I did this once in retail. Employer wanted me to leave my lovely lighting department and stand out in the rain handing out sale fliers one afternoon... After 5 minutes in the pissing rain I binned the entire stack and went to McDonalds for an hour, before going back to say I'd done them. Everyone was delighted at my hard effort and I was full of burger. Win/win.",Nice honest work ethic there. +Amaterasu SSHM Nightmare Imperator duo,nice +stick with drawing females. They are prettier,"Wow, what a sexist." +Postgame Thread: Colts 23 - Texans 26 Just wow.,Fire Everybody Pagano because Luck can't carry you shitty ass anymore and Ryan I have Luck limitting me as a GM Grigson. +"Nope, at 51% they come out.","In his/her defense, they might hit 51% at 1:30 every attack" +There is a better chance of Obama declaring himself the eternal ruler of America (zero chance) than Pittenger losing his seat. He's in a safe district.,"If nothing else, I could gather that by the downvotes." +"Problems with Naval Battles in ACOK 2.2 I've been having issues with the battles ending due to constant reinforcement waves of friendly units. It was never an issue early game with just my army of less than 90 spawning in. However, now that I've joined the Targaryen's, during the larger sea battles it will spawn in 50 or so troops every 10 seconds or so until there are hundreds of troops spawned in a tiny ass space. Aside from the massive frame drops it doesn't allow the battle to finish either so I end up missing out on prisoners and ransoms. So long story short is this a known bug or do I just need to reinstall? TL:DR-Friendly troops spawn endlessly causing battles to never end besides retreats.",I'm interested how you joined the targaryens? +THE LEFT THINKS WE GET PAID TO SHITPOST. THEY DON'T REALIZE WE DO THIS SHIT FOR FREE! TRUMP 2016 MAGA!,Yes by our famous Correct the Pepe SuperPac +YouTube Hero,"Not all heroes wear capes, amirite" +It's going to shit no matter who wins.,"Yeah, just like these awful 8 years under Obama." +Why does one's marital status influence whether or not they can get sterilization? That's so odd.,Because only people who are married are 100% committed to each other. +What if you have a dick like a spaghetti noodle,Communicate she's a whore for wanting anything bigger. +Sysadmins in seismic active areas: How do you take your precautions regarding everything from minor vibrations to full blown earthquakes?,float the datacenter on water +"I'm not normally a fan of custom paint jobs, but...",It's beautiful. +I like: I live in Oak Cliff. Ohhhhh,***Bishop Arts*** +Nick Saban sends birthday flowers to player's mother battling cancer,Is the NCAA investigating this yet? +Racism only counts when it's against blacks,I'll assume +The maidservant is hot.,"Kill Sariah, marry the queen." +father teaches son how to ride a bike,Hilarious +"Neighbours form human chain around house to stop eviction in Easton, Bristol",But I thought all the Brits were racists? +Cheryl Mills gets immunity in FBI investigation of Clinton email server,"Oh this thread is going to be filled with tons of well argued points from subject experts well versed in law, immunity deals, and everything regarding the case." +Um it wasn't a personal attack by any means I'm just saying I'm sure nova is experiencing a lot of new fans. I'm literally not trying to be a jerk. I seriously wish Xavier had more fans. Would love to get that kind of boost. Nothing but love and was just my observation. Most users have been on Reddit for years but maybe not cbb. I've been on here for 5ish years and rarely recognize usernames but take note of amount of flair. Was strictly surprised to see so much nova flair,"I really doubt they gained that many new fans, as much as it's more fun to talk about your team when they are doing well" +"Loving it. Every other University should follow suit. Since we're burning everything down, lets stop all the universities. Close everything.",You dropped this +MIT Study: Bitcoin Not Popular with Students,World Study: Bitcoin not popular with anyone not interested in Bitcoin. +Can't tell if sound advice but it sounds like it could work.,Yes I usually add cold gasoline to my fires to cool it down too +(Grandmaster 4060) Overwatch Reaper Scrims With Coms. #1,So to get Grandmaster I simply need to jump more. +lol ethics in journalism amirite,"I'm just so passionate about ethics in journalism that I just send a death threat every now and again, is that so bad?" +8 potential programs where Alabama assistant Lane Kiffin could be head coach,Why not Tennessee? +Are they very similar? I don't see it.,"Of course they are very similar, Trump also at one point bleeds out of his you know what." +What's the most fucked up advice you can give?,It's not rape if you yell surprise!! +Meet: Renegades,Relevant username? +graffiti op.. please just remove this,People love spraying themselves on things... +the EU chooses a standard language,arabic gotta prepare for the future +What it's like to play Revelations,'member when I didn't give a fuck? +"I have a horrible record for boiling hard-boiled eggs. I am the one who cooks and bakes the most at home. I do canning, I have a dehydrator, I've had yeast starters. I love being in the kitchen. But for some reason I always fail at hard boiling eggs. I've tried the ice baths, using older eggs, different methods and times for getting them hot in the first place, etc. My husband, who barely ever cooks and often makes mistakes that go against common sense, makes amazing hard-boiled eggs.","I've only done it a couple times, but I've had good times by: putting the eggs in your pan, add cold water to about an inch over the eggs, heat until it starts to boil, cover and remove from the burner for 12~ min (for large eggs), remove to an ice bath." +"Stephen Hawking has stated that we should stop trying to contact Aliens, as they would likely be hostile to us. What is your position on this issue?","Show those aliens some MURICA, and they'll back right off." +Trump and Hillary are the same. Said people who were not paying attention,But how can you vote for a criminal to become president? +Told a guy he may not want to include pics with his kid as there's a lot of weirdos out there..,DON'T WOMANSPLAIN +So I just got 2 legendaries from b2b court of stars level 2,RNG is RNG guys. +*cough150millionDSscough*,"*cough155millionPS2'scough* Obviously, console gaming is dead." +"Where I work, we let customers pin their hometown on this map.","Well fuck everyone else, right?" +I'd make Pepes more accessible to the general public. They tend to be too rare these days.,White supremacist spotted +How i can freeze wave?,You need to play anivia to freeze waves. +"$120 Off? Yeah, right NCIX!","Amazon, at least here in italy, does it on almost every single electronic product... You can see, on a daily basis, 1070s being 60% off, at their nominal price (480 euro)" +impossible to say therefore it's really just a good idea to get out of the fucking road.,I what populated area is there only one path to a destination? +Australian households have the biggest debts in the world!,If you think the houses are bad you should see those who can't even afford that! +Not on science; on policy. What are you going to do about... rather than what is...,"Yes, because climate change has *nothing* to do with policy." +German politicians approve new law making it illegal to have sex with prostitutes without a condom,"I'm sure they can enforce it, too..." +Why does that name sound familiar? Didn't he start a website of some sort?,I think he's some sort of tech guy. +1. Attack cop 2. Act like a victim when cop pins you down 3. You're supposed to PROTECT US! 4. Try to leave like nothing happened 5. Tell everyone you kicked the cop's ass,You missed profit because lawsuit for excessive force/police brutality +Are you sure that this picture want taken in America?,You mean... not all pictures are of America? +Take a month off and the benefits of modatinil will be back in full force.,I've been off it for months... I'm gonna try a new batch I guess. +Well he was publicly used and made to believe he was getting the shot purely as a negotiation tactic. Before that he was talking about fighting MJ or Barboza. Why shouldn't he be frustrated ?,Because he's not popular on this sub +"Ahh yes I love waiting 30 seconds for Tactician to do nothing while my dps rots away, this is the perfect change and just what arms warriors needed to become balanced.","hey they reduced the CD from 45 to 30, be happy you ungrateful arms warriors" +"Most recent software grads are the cause of spaghetti code in our system. That and cheap Indian guys who don't actually know shit. Make small functions and compose them together. Most beginners make a giant full retard function, get tangled in their own web and then make random changes until it kind of works. If you want to do well make lots of small functions with immutable arguments and compose them together.",Make every instruction a monad! +Wikileaks: Clinton asks about Provigil,"I, for one, am shocked that the Secretary of State would ask about a drug that is being widely used within the military." +"In one word, how would you describe your BPD? Mine would be: Empty",Torture +You only think fun things are fun because society conditioned you to do so. Humans lived many thousands of years without sports just fine.,"I'm sure TV, music and culture in general are only fun because I've been conditioned to think so, yup." +TIL stainless steel is made stainless by adding chrome to the steel,What do you add to Chrome to make it Ultron? +"This is the type of content we have on new, such a improvement right mods?","That's okay because we've got German teams doing esports, Mourinho not having a plan and don't forget Seluk" +"Why isn't Ice Fang called Frost Bite? (I mean, I know why, it's a rhetorical question and a neat observation)",Since it's Dice's technology. +You're just bad at history!,She forgot about pope Joan! +My current ongoing skype call for DXP,Wow you're so cool. +PM'd regarding the rear stand.,No reply yet... has anyone else heard back? +Half-Life: Threewave - Valve's unreleased game,Was it never fully developed or released because fans would like it and it has a 3 in it? +GM looks to close 40% of Cadillac dealerships,If only they had continued production on the northstar. +Not sure this is the most appropriate subreddit to debate politics,Legalization will be a hot topic here if we have another season like last +"Option to make your post anonymous to others, therefore bypassing the process of having to make a 'throwaway account' I see throwaway users all the time. Regardless of whether they are freshly planted never users or deep rooted users and admins; There should be an option to select Post as Anonymous next to the Submit button. So, if you are already have an account, you can just submit the post as anonymous and nobody could read your username. Instead they would just read Anonymous or OP or WhatevermanIdon'tcare. And the Reddit team back at HQ doesn't have to hold information regarding throwaway account usernames and and holding fake email information and passwords, because if a post is from a throwaway anonymous account, they probably just won't access their post after about a month. So you just delete the account information and it turns into a post made by a now inactive user. Or delete the post from your machines and save some space, you don't have to record everything, if anonymous people wanted to be remembered they would have used their own account and not a fake one. If they aren't proactive users then why waste the energy holding on to what they posted, and actually, it should have a life span. Basically an anonymous account is like a lead balloon, it floats slowly downward and as the time runs out you need at least one more upvote or downvote to keep it alive and accessible, but after a certain point, it the post has been completely inactive for a span of time and is deleted. Forgot the past and move forward into more original content.",The spammers and shit posters would never take advantage of something like this... +The new iPhone comes in the colour of black so quite simple.,"It's actually Matte Black and Jet Black, like come on." +"I think I'm missing some context. I got that he didn't mean to say Asians, but I missed what he actually did intend to say. Can someone help?",Agents +"ST? No motive or opportunity. Maybe opportunity, but no motive.",Apparently you dont need a motive or can just make one up like they did with SA +The contact page won't let me unselect Sign up for Hispanic Insights.,Your attempts to unselect it are racist microagressions against Hispanic people. +Smashing Pumpkins reference...,I think you missed the +So basically the libs are really grasping at straws to make his comments seem worse than the literal lawbreaking Hillary has been doing.,"Yeah, because Trump didn't repeatedly break the law by using his charity to pay off officials for his University scam." +Well what answer did you expect?,but muh fantasy +End my suffering,Oh my...must be a visual glitch +VG Tech - Call of Duty 3 Xbox 360 vs Xbox One Backwards Compatibility Frame Rate Test,Runs smooth but I'm getting some input lag and having a hard time getting used to it +Gennifer Flowers Agrees To Join Trump At Presidential Debate,I'm sure undecided women voters will be very impressed by this. +"The trade off for that is the increasing rarity of split ticket voting. If you're crossing party lines for POTUS, you're something like 93% likely to cross party lines down ballot too. It will be interesting to see how many GOP down ballot voters simply leave President blank.",This isn't a normal election though so I'm skeptical of the normal rules like straight ticket voting. +His replacement is most likely already on the team. We play in nickel so much that you dont really need anyone special for that 3rd LB spot. Probably will draft a late round guy for depth/rotation. There is a chance Zim wants to finally move Kendricks outside and pick up a run thumping MLB though.,My money is on Kentrell Brothers +"Im American, what is HP?","It's a condiment commonly used in Britain, think ketchup mixed with Worcestershire sauce." +"Holy shit, after hearing Chawy speak english, I'd be surprised if a western team didn't pick him up. (CLG maybe)",But he wants to go to worlds +'Mermaid' by Andrew Shaw,Because the flying mermaid is the most interesting thing to se here +Did he forget about the Q's? I really don't understand half of this country. They really want this country to turn into the Christian version of Saudi Arabia.,"Yeah, it's a shame she used that private email server so now everything is always equal." +Broke his arms and tried to find the said pair herself.,E P I C P I C meme bro! +"No having chat history backup and restore is a deal breaker for me. Won't give it a chance until they implement it or somebody finds a way to manually do it, without requiring root. I can't simply believe Google keeps all my Google Search history, both text and audio, Youtube search and watch history, Maps search and location history, etc., but I lose the chats with the Google Assistant if I move Allo to another phone? WTF Google!!??",That's too much work +His name is also Shiro-4.,Some shit happened and the poor guy got reset 2 more times recently +"During Gus Bradley era, the Jaguars have been outscored by 465 points, the worst margin in the NFL and 89 points worse than any other team.",Guess we are landing the 1st pick in the draft after 1 game +"I mean, if you wanna feel REALLY old, this album is a little older than me.","Fuck off, don't ruin my youth" +Netflix revives shows based on how many streams they get. I can't believe I'm not personally responsible for a Futurama revival already.,Welcome chuck season six +Since when do the UFC join in on sea-level cain jokes?,one of us...... +I think you mean RH.,"Nah, it's RF, the same stuff in RFID tags that mark your identity." +"What do you think is the best possible set for each class? Excluding currently unobtainable items and vanity items, What would be your ideal loadout for each class?","Every ST set, obviously." +474 people subscribed to r/exmormon yesterday. That is largest single-day growth in this sub's history.,Isn't that about the same number of media outlets in America? +Specify Image was a mistake. It was inevitable.,WAT +"Even if you're from the North, definitely check out the Florida/Tennessee game today at 3:30. Not the best teams in college football but the atmosphere will be INSANE. We haven't beat Florida in 11 years so there is alot riding on this game.",A lot* Classic Tennessee fan. +Or he's like that crazy old pervert 'master' from any anime ever. No one takes him seriously and just leaves him to go do his thing.,Oh yes it's very obvious from all this time Saladin was just an old perv and an idiot. +"id go yak and reinhardt, or nurse if you add like a 3rd coming back.",do you think you're giving up too much in yak and griff? +Abagfahhahahahahah dbaahahah,Bless you. +Just a heads up: bought these Razer surround sound USB headphones in January and the plastic in the right earphone extension deteriorated to unusable in about 6 months with casual use,Kwality +Why do all these people think the world government or whatever would plant hints to their plans in movies? Why would they ever want to leak the secret plan?,"So idiots like you wouldn't believe the truth and just say that it is a conspiracy theory, Fucking sheeple!" +That's what the BBC does though. It has to report things impartially.,No the BBC should should criticise things i dislike and endorse the things i do like +EMSK these kitchen cheat sheets,Every man should know to stay out of the kitchen. +AJ Lee and John Cena WWE Best Kissing Scene,AJ Lee's gimmick should have been a chick that randomly kisses wrestlers anywhere and anytime :P +You know that reddit isn't a bunch of dudes right? It's like 90% sausage but hey there is still a few girls here.,"And even if it was a dude, who cares?" +"Anyone else having stability issues on iOS? I updated last night to 1.9.0, I'm on iOS 10.0.1 w/ an iPhone 6, 64GB. Gym battling is much improved, especially with the move queueing and camera panning. However, the animations when entering/leaving gyms are now very discontinuous, and the app often crashes when opening/closing gyms and other menus. Anyone else having these issues?",Iphone 7+ on 10.0 crashing frequently when clicking on a pokemon in my bag. +"LF: Growlithe and helioptile LF: Growlithe, helioptile and Dusclops","Hey there, is it okay if I add you?" +Do you have time to talk about our Lord and saviour Flying Spaghetti Monster?,"Ravioli, Ravioli, Give me the Formuoli!" +"What will The Ottawa Senators Top 6 look like? If the whole team is healthy how do you see it playing out? Will it be a mix of Brassard, Ryan, Lazard, Turris, Hoffman and Stone? I can see Guy Boucher taking them to the playoffs!","Well I think Borowiecki really proved he was top line material last year, much better than that Hoffman chump" +Scope of Trump's falsehoods unprecedented for a modern presidential candidate,And Hillary is the most honorable and honest candidate in human history. +This is even funnier for someone who speaks Thai because the number 5 is pronounced as ha. Many 5s in a row is... hahahahahahaha.,So funny +Turkey Treating Iraqi Kurdish Security Wounded Fighting IS,no wtf the title is wrong turkey is killing kurds and supports isis...... +Heathens,You mean save fucking lives man! +look up spectranet. I don't live in their feasibilty area in bangalore. They are expanding. Your words will be meaningless in the coming years.,But will you die +Walking trump ads. Scumbag is gunna be deported after serving his sentence. Why the fuck was he allowed to be here to commit this horror show to begin with?,Because the USA is a global country that has no borders and you're a xenophobic piece of shit if you don't think a citizen of a foreign nation has no right to be here illegally. +You guys sure Dalton's knee hit the ground on that kneel down...,"Not sure, better call in the replay staff to get the right call" +Game Thread: Week 3 - Cincinnati Bengals (1-1) VS Denver Broncos (2-0) [](/CIN)Cincinnati Bengals VS [](/DEN) Denver Broncos Time: 1:00 PM EST *Help the mods by reporting trolls* **Sort by new for up to date discussion.**,idk man knee could've been down +"Is anyone working on slimming down the pokemon go plus? From looking at the internals, it seems there is a lot of wasted space inside the casing. So after examining the internals of the pokemon go plus it seems there is a lot of wasted space inside the casing. Does anyone know of a group or site working on making a slimline case for the internals?",I wish they make an app that emulates PoGO+ +Slippery field strikes again.,#SlipGate +Lol sorry. It was a joke that's not me,Sorry I forgot my +what toy is this? I need it.,"barnacle-encrusted gem, got it from a missions at my class hall" +Calm down guys. Carson Palmer just had an off day,forgot the +Check out their posting history! Massive walls of racist garbage!,*opinions you happen to disagree with Bigot. +"2016 Week 3 Game Thread: Pittsburgh Steelers(2-0) @ Philadelphia Eagles(2-0) Please Remember: **Leave all opinions/thoughts inside of this thread. Anything that isn't newsworthy posted outside of this thread during the game will be removed.** Don't be rude. We're all here to watch the game. Do not troll the other sub's game thread/post game thread. We will be notified and we will take necessary steps after that. If you see someone in here trolling, feel free to file a report and we will take care of it. Thank you and enjoy the game.",Takeaways from that half: The NFL loves the Steelers +Will the Eagles win the Super Bowl this year?,Not an overreaction +who is they? the people vote for the candidates,"They are the Illuminati who really pick who will run for office, duh?" +CHEATED: Debate Commission Shock Announcement... Trump Was Right! - World Politicus,Trump won the debate. +"Does anyone in this sub get messed up by Undertale's first note? For some reason, my mind thinks of it as an upbeat and messes the song up until Once Upon a Time kicks in. Does anyone else get the same problem?","Nah, the sign that says to press z to inspect signs did nothing to me" +He was Coq blocked.,Coquelin is a good player +10ft USB cable me^2 thanks,Then you wake up and have to free yourself from the USB cable bondage trap. +How exactly is buying somone's plot a scam?,Because you're a mod so automatically you are Satan +Black -- Homestuck (2010),"Glad to see this here, it's a great song." +SUPERMOTO CANYON RUN-xr650r,"pft, I saw nothing here that I couldn't do on my 650L." +Just picked up a new 2016 impreza hatchback 2.0i. What are some available engine mods?,sell it and get a wrx +But I don't get to chose flavors?,"You do, but they're limited flavors." +Seagull's Handshake (POTG Edition),0.8/10 missing the Overwatch logo at the end +"Specifically the limitations in item models. I can imagine it being made into a 3D model fine, but getting it to render in front of the player camera might be a bit tough. It's doable, but not very convenient, and there would probably be some issues with the transparency of the model layering with the world.","But I thought all the rendering you can do in 1.7 can be done in 1.8+ just as easily, just differently!" +For real? What did he do?,The tram +**did someone say minor text fixes?**,No Minor r fixes. +I write with my left. Eat with my left. Throw a ball right handed. Hold my mouse right handed. What the fuck I am,A disgrace. +My dice collection,I believe you may have a gambling problem +Using the word 'gay' as a synonym for 'bad'... are you 13 or did I time travel back to the year 2001?,"Stop oppressing his free speech with your comment, PC cuck." +Cold front approaching Austin,Are you sure this ain't a tsunami? +Lead FBI agent John Giacalone resigned from Clinton investigation in Feb 2016. Standard investigative tactics suspended. Agents blocked from serving search warrants to retrieve key evidence. Agents not allowed to interrogate witnesses and targets without warning. - VERY SPICY!!,Why was this one special again? +"Wrong. Elemental mitigation buffs - from in battle buffs only - and UBB mitigation buffs are multiplicative. *All other sources of mitigation are additive*, including elemental mitigation passives from LS and spheres.","Wrong, mitigation is divisive; it cuts damage in half unless you're Nevsky" +"What would be an Easter Egg you would love to see in Sister Location? Title. (Sorry, might be a stupid question)",I'd really like to see some sort of POPGOES promotion. +Orochi is a trash class.,people who shitpost are trash +I used all of my luck for the expansion at once.,Grats on the dagger upgrade. +"That's what happens when you tell people, do your census or pay a few hundred dollars in fines. It's really not too suprising, especially when you consider the short form was a whole 10 questions long.",Why can't we do the same thing with voting by replacing fines with tax exemption if you go vote? +Should I keep talking to a friend M(22) whose only interest is be my F(22) boyfriend when I dont want to? I've only known him for a couple of months but we have been getting along so well we didnt even have to go through any awkward or shy getting to know phase but he told me his interests and I told him I dont want to be in a relationship right now just friends he said its okay he isnt rushing into anything and i thought he got the hint but he still kept on doing things i didnt asked him to like walk me home even though lives an hour away from me and bring me food just because he thinks i wont have any when I get off from work I understand his gestures and told him many times he doesnt need to do any of that and that I cant give him what he wants although he hasnt said any of that We had conversations about it and the reason why he cant confess is because he knows its too fast but he doesnt get it that i dont want more than friendship so yesterday i didnt text him the whole day because I was studying and he asks me why i havent texted and i told him to stop questioning me why i dont text or callhim when he knew im busy and he always demands this to me and i told him finally yesterday that i dont understand why i need to and now he stopped i just feel bad thatI might have been a bad friend but also i dont want him to hope on something i know i cant give him what shiuld i do should i just not message him until he talks to me or should i text him first?,I told him I dont want to be in a relationship right now Lucky you didn't say anything that could be misinterpreted +but that catch on the high snap tho...,Better hands than Trevor Dropsies confirmed +it's that time of the year when we yet again praise this guy for no reason,"Yes, the man who invented computers has no reason to be praised." +"They'd probably try, but he was born in South Africa to one Canadian parent and one South African parent, so he is not a natural born citizen of the US, so he isn't eligible.",Didn't stop Obama! +"Oh, no. This is bad. They're anti-hacking us... *hmpf* ...If I can just overclock the unix Django, I can basic the DDOS root. Damn. No Dice. But wait... if I disencrypt their kilobytes with a backdoor handshake then... jackpot.",I feel like I'm having a stroke +"If she wins in November anyway, then yes. It'll be next year sometime, whenever Abbott sets it.","Yeah, I am sure he will expedite it." +Pretty high but it was a life experience that left nothing but a scar and a story so while I won't say it was worth it certainly makes an interesting party topic.,What kind of gear were you wearing at the time? +Allow infantry to deal damage with bullet-type weapons against tanks while shooting em from behind. I believe there's a little generator thingy behind each tank. Make it a vulnerable spot for bullet-type weapons.,Because tanks need more ways to die from infantry +"Oh shit, really? They don't hover?",You dropped you +"Halifax Votes 2016: Time to change the all-white face of council, says pastor","Yes, let's completely discard democracy." +"I think the pregnancy is slowing down her nightclub/ grocery store openings. But once the baby's here, I'm sure Jenelle will be out in full force. Someone's gotta pay for those diapers.",Once the pregnancy/not pregnant scrutiny began in earnest the nightclubs noticed her paid appearances were not good PR. +Jordanian king: US thinks it knows Middle East better than its residents,"Yeah, when ME countries are left without foreign intervention, peace and prosperity will endure." +But by not falling for it you are wasting your vote.,You forgot the +Just keep adding chemicals until it does what you want.,Pretty sure that's how atomic bomb was made. +"Hahah so true. 'And I can't define either, but I know one is good and one is bad'",Capitalism is just freedom! +Marian Gaborik just left the ACC on crutches and his right foot was in a cast.,I hop Kopi beat the shit out of whoever shot that puck. +Making your phone track your steps like a pedometer is a terrible idea.,Yes it would be terrible if the distance walked actually counted accurately. +"How many of the people shot by police stopped what they were doing, did what the police told them to do, and shut the fuck up? Almost every one of these shootings are triggered by lack of cooperation. If the police detain you, there's no version of this story that ends in your favor if you refuse to cooperate. No amount of arguing, pacing around, or refusal to follow simple instructions will change the outcome in your favor. I'd wager that the majority of these incidents would stop if kids were taught how to behave when in the presence of law enforcement. There are three simple steps to exiting the situation unharmed. Keep your hands where the police can see them, sit still, and shut up. Do these three things and you will not be harmed.","And if the king wants you to lick his boot, you do it and say thank you, my lord." +"They were trying to get you to buy an item they were having trouble selling. He probably knew better, but needed to free up shelf space for newer items. Just a guess, really.",i wonder why it wasnt selling +Jamie Foxx and Aaron Eckhart nailed their salty dickhead overly moto SSgt role's so perfectly I thought American Sniper made us look like dumbasses that needed a SEAL to teach us how to clear houses,He knows you guys are meat eaters though +Living with a CSGO roommate (clips from my final year in college),I'd be lying if I said i haven't done this at one point +"They spell Adolf differently (title and board), so they're probably different people.","Your alt account can't fool me, OP!" +Bit hard to vote when you're like 7.,A real patriot would have forged an ID to vote for him. +The site ran out of money.,"wow, guess they only learned the negatives and not the positives!" +Most if these people say they were paid by Showtime to lie about McAfee. His has posted a video on youtube of them saying so.,"And there's no way he paid them to say that, right?" +Sometimes reading LDS Living comments really makes one's head spin.,Maybe we should restart the council of the 50 and eliminate all competition +The Jets since the schedule gets easier after the next 3 weeks. I hope...,Wow fuck you too mate +I suggest you change the name of the currency to spaghetti to avoid any kind of confusion,But then 0-4sen will eat the chips and use it as blame for his loss. +Valve must have told him to change it back to 2,He actually got fired. +"Scott Adams was a little scary this morning. I'm interested to see what would happen if he 'got mad', as he says.",Based hypnotist +Bernie Sanders: We don't need more Wall Street CEOs in any administration,Of course we need more career politicians. +"Goddamn, these guys have class!",Illuminati confirmed +She's gone full Fire Keeper.,She's a girl she just plays video games for attention. +"Any small but helpful tips to improve gameplay? I really want to up my ELO, but some of my tactics and tips on how I play sucks. Do you guys have any tactics (example: jester claim surv) to just help a little, with improving?","Do an A T W A, be amnesiac d2, claim someone is BG/gf/arso, town hangs them, they turn out to be jester then remember jester N2 and jobs done when ur lynched d3" +Why can't you criticise one woman without being accused of criticising ALL women?,BECUZ WOMYNZ R DA VICTMZ OKAY +"If you could wish for any type of NX what would you wish for? If you could wish for any kind of NX, what would you wish for? No physicial or technical limitations! For my part, I would want a whole AR-Room that can change form and colour according to the game implemented, so you become the Hero in any game and your whole environment changes with you to make the game possible, would allow for multiplayer and shit! Imagine breath of the wild in a simulated room that looks like the whole world where the player is actually link! The walls and ground can deform, forming any kind of surface! Holy! Your thoughts?",How about the NX is the matrix? +An experiment to track sentiment during the election.,No bias here +blood of the what? blood of the whaaat?? lol,The blood coming out of her whatever +Well played little bee... you won this round.,"I feel bad, but I laughed." +"The law is the law man, get caught, get fined. If you litter you're killing the planet, not cool","there's no evidence of OP littering, it appears they just put their stuff on the ground" +"If you are a billionaire and pay federal income tax, you are an idiot.",and quite the supporter of your country as well. +"Stop & Frisk? Imagine being black, walking down the street to get milk, and being stopped/detained/abused/tased by cops without reason! You would literally have to hide in your house!!",That's what the supporters of stop and frisk want. +"I too am a senior in HS, I have no clue what I want to do! My only aspirations are money and happiness Consider yourself a top contender in the giveaway","I just love working with computers, so i just chose what i enjoy, so the choice was easy" +"Ex-Wells Fargo Employees Sue for $2.6 Billion, Allege They Were Punished For Not Breaking Law",so when are the criminal charges for perpetrating this massive fraud scheme going to be handed down? +A real football manager doesn't have time to dress up and play with dolls like Pep,It's easy to play dress up when you have the best team in the league. +Now she is at a watch party. Talk about stamina!,I thought she won't be able to stand up for 90 minutes like the Deplorables said! +"So Trump and his supporters don't know that his public name-calling feud with Rosie O'Donnel wasn't relevant to the debate, but his understanding of how to treat people with respect is. Got it.",YOU STUPID SJW ITS MY FREE SPEECH TO CALL ROSIE ODONNEL A FAT PIG BITCH BECAUSE SHE IS ONE YOU CANT TELL ME THATS WRONG TO SAY +Was China not around in the 1800s?,Nah it's a fairly new country +"Not too well, I got my 3dFX Voodoo card pretty early.","Get a load of this rich boy, with his fancy Glide API and 4 whole megabytes of dedicated RAM, all just to render the six polygons that comprise Lara Croft's rack." +No I'm mocking liberals for thinking reality has a liberal bias.,"I know, like when she lied about Donald Trump saying global warming is a Chinese hoax." +disgusting is his currency behind the item.. :O,He should invest some of that currency in a new GPU! +And they came out together...,Hehe homosexuality is so funny hehe +"Or it makes for funny memes. Open picture of Japan Hold f11 If you laugh, you're going to hell.",I don't get this one. +Well he send me an email and said something like fuck you so I changed all my passwords. I think he finally gave up because all he wanted was to play GTA5 with his buddies. He joined a gang or whatever they call it with my character,"yep, i'll totally going to hack someone's account and make him lose hundreds of dollars just to play with friends, that's a great idea" +"It's funny how some people love statistics when it comes to terrorism, but hate them when it comes to race and policing.","Tbh, I do blame all the Asian drivers." +Journalists must fork over $200 for Wi-Fi at presidential debate,"It would be a shame if smart phones and devices had unlimited data, wouldn't it?" +Too bad you can't toggle airplane mode in the voting booth,Too bad the dead can't vote +"The word is Denial, of course.",I thought that was a river in Africa? +shouldn't that give your heroes more farm as they have to share it with 1 less hero?,"this is why i always queue and tell my 4 friends to go afk, so that i can have 5 times the farm i would normally and then i just win 1v5" +"You double posted, so I removed one. Cheers :)","Alcoholics gonna drunnnk, what you gonna do?" +The white power tie ?,"No, a white power tie would be green, the color of Pepe." +"Also, why would you use your rockets instead of her booster? Now she has less health and no way to self heal when all you had to do was hit shift.","Usually supports can heal you while you're on the roof, and why waste your cooldown?" +Which film would you rate a perfect 10 out of 10?,Rubber +"I agree, but I think shes better than people give her credit for. Not by a lot, but better. She has a very high skill cap, so I think people will start thinking shes better when they get used to her. Personally I think her two autos have to add up to slightly over 100% damage, to reward players that hit both. I think this is totally balanced: if you say you hit both autos on enemy gods 100% of the time, you are a liar.",I hit Izanami's basic attacks 99% of the time +Says the kid pouting in the corner of this ball pit.,"Yes, making fun of a shitty service is pouting." +Trump won the debate last night.,He had the better temperament though +"will do, my phone is relatively new, about 2 weeks. i can't remember if the problem started after the newest update. i'll keep tabs on it when the next update comes out. hopefully soon because they need to fix the gym stuff D: phone was hot last night and clicking into gyms was laggy and skippy. phone is great tho! =D super happy with it. never buying from a carrier ever again.","Glad to hear you're liking the phone, it does look awesome :)" +"But...GQ is a mens fashion mag........Gentlemens Quarterly, no? I mean its ridic that they're all wearing thousands of dollars worth of clothes...but to call it sexist? Lets slow down a little haha","But if it's not sexist, I don't have anything to be offended by, or complain about!" +OP is 16 and this is more impressive than anything I've ever done.,"What are you, 15?" +"Honestly, pretty damn astute comparision, Hilary set a baited trap, after a baited trap, after a baited trap. He completely lost all control while he 'defended' himself",Wrrrong +"We haven't really seen a culture of horse archers, so we're missing most cultures that originated in the Steppes, like the Huns and Scythians.",Um... Centaurs? +"Imagine the synergy with purify, too broke if it was in priest",7 mana 7/9 holy shit the brokenness +Any upcoming online PC games that look promising coming out? Just want to know if theres anything i can look foward to seeing. would prefer to see MMO like games,A new one just came out its called no mans sky +Woolley trying to get those fans. Always seems to me like this dude is reaching to be known. Cringe.,He won't get the Great White Hope fans over to his side by talking about Ferguson +pay up fucc boi,But it's exposure for your voice +"Wow, no drop for UT (I kinda agree tbh), forgiving drop for Houston. Baylor is gonna be exposed though, matter of when not if. I don't know if they are top 20 material, much less on the cusp of the top ten.",Haters gonna hate +"Funny, 8 years back, I was told to expect change. I'm sure glad that the 1%ers and establishment cronies no longer call the shots, and that we live in a just world free of social strife and racial tensions.","But man, if *Bernie* had gotten the nomination, things would've been completely different!" +Is this a joke?,"Yes, should have known to use" +How is the summary racebaity? It's literally the most obvious thing ever. Of course white people don't know what it's like to be black,"Hey now, some of us honkeys speak jive" +"Yeah, but we've had them for a year now... What did you think was going to happen?",The value was going to go up +Where's horgan in all of this?,Who? +"Amsterdam...where you already start seeing things at the airport, even before getting to the coffee shops...","I'm going there for Christmas, I'm excited!" +"Shaking it once, that's fine Shaking it twice, that's ok Shaking it three times, you're playing with yourself again!",Are Good Charlotte still available for a Half Time performance? +Legend Jinbe F2P Japan rainbow team,Nice Inthawk team +"Agreed, but he runs the triple option and LSU wants a guy who runs passing plays.","oops, left this off." +"I've heard marriage kills, but not proposals.",Living PROOF that a woman's place is the KITCHEN and KITCHEN ONLY! +They're both 5'9 though,"Yeah lol the UFC measurements, definitely the accurate ones." +Yes. If your favorite song is I've Seen Footage you aren't a real fan,Guess Danny Brown isn't a real fan then +Card counting in blackjack.,K. +"All research on successful drug policy shows that treatment should be increased, and law enforcement decreased while abolishing mandatory minimum sentences.",So you're saying we need more private rehab clinics. +You're also doing it on normal difficulty... In case you forgot. That requires slightly more effort than standing still and autoattacking,But it's not fair if I can't just afk and get cool stuff :( +had that same thought when Svech scored. we did the thing... on the power play?!? HOW,Looks like banning Ferschweiler to the press box is already working +"If you have to soldier through it, It's not worth it.","No no no, but like 3 seasons in it gets great!" +Seeing as she's a famous supermodel she most likely works out 7 days a week to maintain that figure. You can tell by her figure that she would otherwise be easily susceptible to being overweight.,"Waow, such logics" +The same retards that think brigading an online poll is going to fool anybody.,_sniff sniff_ You're wrong you libcuck MAGA and jail Crooked Shillary! +Having an age label next to comments would completely change the way I react to almost every comment I read here,"They should have a race, sex, religion one too." +Hopefully they book their flights early ;),and hitch doesnt forget his passport +"I feel bad for all the shit that me and my friends did to insects as kids. Like really bad. Makes me so sad, but now I won't harm any insect unless it's putting me in immediate danger.",WHICH IS ALL THE TIME FFS +It's funny that you ask this now - European stocks are shit. I'd stick to the U.S.,"Yes, all European stocks are shit" +just got done watching. I think I know who I'm voting for.,Mickey mouse... +Violent behavior cause video games,Violent games cause video behaviour +"S-Class Goes Villain I just thought, what if the S-Class decided to turn against the opm world, would the HA have any counter measure against them? Like, we've seen how the media treated PP Prisoner after he lost against Sea King, then we see how the HA executives are willing to label Tatsumaki as a threat. It seems they don't mind at all about the thoughts/feelings of the S-Class heroes. Yes, they protect the people from monsters, but they could also just easuly choose to go against the world. Assuming there's no Saitama, and Blast being an S-Class heroe also decided to go villain, the opm world is technically screwed.",With a rose bomb +Heavy winds during the ride home,"There's that word again, is something wrong with the Earth's gravitational pull?" +"1235 calorie day - vegan, with room for beer","And didn't reach your daily protein goal, typical veganism!" +House Explosion,What Arma mod is this? +Or Danny the Marquise de Lafayette.,Start a nice store? +"My great aunt saw a tidbit with Don King after the debate. After King expressed his support for Trump she turns to my grandmother and says, See, the colored people do like him.",Don King is definitely representative of the majority of black Americans. +"Yeah i had to rollback, i play osu! and the new update added like a 10 ms delay with my inputs, literally unplayable as i usually average .8 ms",The eye can't see faster than 16ms though +"Don't open ALCOHOL.exe it's a virus that spreads through peer pressure. Tell your friends, it slows down every other thing running on the system.",Run as Admin +This is lovely and all except for the fact that women aren't stupid. Outwardly they have to say they like Hillary because otherwise they'd be worried of being called a traitor to there gender. Inwardly they know what the country needs is temperament and law and order. I don't think Hillary used either of those words all debate. Expect very different results on election night is all I say.,Yes because law and order are definable policy positions and stop and frisk is totally constitutional and not discriminatory in any way. +"Keith Scott was a convicted felon who served 7 years for assault, had a restraining order filed by his wife who he stabbed in the back with a knife, w/o a permit for the loaded handgun he was carrying at his death",So he didn't do anything? +ESPN with back-to-back tweets about dead friends leading to baseball superpowers,"Because a deity is **much** more likely than hitting a ball right for once, especially when it's your job to hit balls in the right way..." +"Boot loops SUCK. I managed to get two of my previous phones stuck in boot loops. This means they were likely loading a different OS and it corrupted. Another worry is how many times they tried to recover it. If you are not familiar with this, I wouldn't recommend it.","nice try, person who wants to snag this deal instead of op" +"Yeah if they would want south park being banned for 'racism, xenophob, bigot blablavla' hate against Islam and being killed, sure they would.","Of course it's not like south park has any experience with being called racists or bigots, clearly matt and trey are worried about their feels" +"I was scratching my head on that one. Similar resume, similar education, similar training, similar performance and you will get similar pay.",Women have children come out of their hoo-hah...surely that deserves premium pay at their private place of employment! +I just farmed Moon Cave....,WHY WONT ANYONE SAY WHERE THIS CAVE IS +don't waste your time. 6gb/66 bucks for videotron. No issues signing up if you live in the greater ottawa area.,How are they if you make regular trips to Montreal? +Handcannons are complete shit right now... Half the clip doesn't hit what you're aiming at.,"In good hands with a good roll, it's still the most effective primary." +What do you get when you air dry juicy cuts of steak for over 14 days? You get Biltong: A Healthier alternative to beef jerky!,Right but what makes it healthier than beef jerky +"Lol, I totally thought it was the other gang bang I thought, yeah girls actually do like that","Actually, this could work for both meanings, since all women are horrible sluts!" +"Bill's infidelity was a huge deal and I can't tell you how much it pains me not to be talking about Bill's infidelity when Bill's infidelity will be pivotal in choosing our next Presidential nominee Bill's infidelity. But really, by not talking about Bill's infidelity, I feel like we're really taking the high road. Discussing Bill's infidelity would be a huge underhanded blow, so it's very important Bill's infidelity not take center stage in the debates. Bill's infidelity. Meow.",It's not like his surrogates have been talking about his infidelity and blaming it on Hillary all day or anything +Superare i due orgasmi? Mi sa che anche tu sei uno che **si applica**,Non voglio rischiare l'overdose +Very un-ManCity like first half. They allow Celtic run over mid-field to create chances too easily. And defenders just boot the ball away under pressure. Luckily their attacking third is still amazing.,true but tbf we gotta give credits to Celtic mid fielders they are playing very well. +"No, it's got a 15% MoE and is commissioned by the Trump campaign's literal propaganda arm, Breitbart","Ah ok, thanks." +"He doesn't plan to abolish them, he just plans to completely change them and ruin the programs so they 'need' to be privatized.",Because right now they're all functioning perfectly. +Mike Matusow says that Hillary Clinton and lester holt colluded with hand signals in presidential debate,Why am I not surprised that Matusow is a Trump supporter... +Seconded,This. +"I haven't played with them, but I've played with plenty of survivors who have that lone wolf/wolf pack mentality. I really don't mind it. If they're gonna crush generators for me, then sweet. If I'm being chased I might run towards someone to better my chances to dodging the killer, but ultimately I don't mind when players go solo then dip out",You and your rational game playing sensibilities can just get right on out of here broseph +Afternoon Roundtable - 9/28 You can use this thread to discuss whatever is on your mind or share news articles or off topic things that would otherwise not be posted to the sub.,Somebody call Sean Hannity. +"Meanwhile rogers advertises their shit game center live, use it anywhere! Ya fucking right, I only have 2 gigs and I already pay 100 bucks a month for my phone bill.",Use wind! +Go for the gold for sure. I think the heavy No VI is worth 3750 gold while the tog is only 3500. Might want to double check that. Anyway use the gold to buy garage slots or premium time when it is on sale. Much better value.,I'll be going for the gold too with the HT6... Don't have either of the other tanks and I'm not interested in them. +Trump is a classic con man. A real P.T. Barnum.,Golly he's so smart +while running?,"and jumping, of course." +"He isn't really a running QB though. In two years as a starter at NC State he only had 263 yards rushing compared to 5,268 yards passing. He also ran a 4.94 40 at the combine, not exactly a speed demon. Admittedly his football speed is better than his track speed though.",Yeah... but he's... uh... you know... +I prefer Trump apologists to Trump defenders.,Trumpocaust deniers. +Jumping ship,Wow these ads are getting clever :) +Smart Mobile Internet Services is down,Has it ever been up? +"Yeah lots of presidents have died after office, it's a really scary job and doesn't look good for ex-presidents","Yeah, theres less than a half dozen or so still alive out of the 43..." +"I really don't understand this raise him the right way aka exactly like I was raised mentality. You can't pick what your kids like, and forcing your hobbies upon them from a young age is gonna set you up for a huge disappointment when they decide they don't like it","Yes, because young boys hate video games" +"Well, I'm guessing you're a huge, well built guy who looks like he can break anyone who troubles your wife, cuts wood like a pro and makes toys for children in his spare time... you have nothing to worry about.","I am literally none of those things :( Curse you, Blackwall!" +Hey I'll write you some BDI fanfic if you are only coming here to build on what you already believe to be true.,"I'd actually love to hear some BDI stuff from you, rootless." +"TIL that, a majority of Georgians support the restoration of the Georgian Monarchy.","My family were lords in Georgia, I wonder if they would get reinstated." +Supposedly.,Great counter argument you totally convinced me. +Am brown and totally agree. we need to slow immigration way the fuck down.,You've internalized white supremacy and need to be reeducated. +"If you're white, you shouldn't buy your clothes from thrift stores.","Hmm after checking my privilege, it seems like I have enough privilege points to shop where I want" +An Explanation Behind Why All Halo 5 BTB Maps are Forged,Glad they care about my favorite playlist +THIS.,K +"Well, Hudak did say he wouldn't sell Hydro One, so...",And if there's one thing we know about politicians is they always stick to their word +I dunno if I'd say that it's gore. Imagine how difficult that algorithm is to write.,I'm sure they could throw some machine learning at it. +The internet summarized in one tweet.,god if that ain't the truth +I can't Postpone the visit..they are coming. I think I'm just going to tell them I havent been to meetings since I moved and I don't want to go to the meeting on that Sunday. If they know I'm inactive I don't want to give any false hope that I will be coming back anytime soon,Best wishes with that. +"Here, fishy fishy",I dont know what to believe any more.... is this one of those CGI viral video things? +"My preference is to have people prostrate themselves before me, and kiss my signet ring because I identify as a pope-kin. Please be accommodating to my personal preferences.",Because wanting to be called the gender you are is totally compareable to that! +Why did you put portals in quotations?,Because shooting a portal at a character does absolutely nothing since they aren't a portable surface. +Another Miss Universe Contestant Says She Was Fat-Shamed By Donald Trump,"A man who fat shames Miss Universe contestants will apply those high standards to his administration, meaning it will be the best." +This is hanging on the wall of my AP Government classroom...,wow i hope you realize your school is full of racists and white supremacists +"Police routinely misuse state and federal databases to stalk romantic interests, business partners, family, and even each other",Police would never do such things! +Oana Schmidt Haineala a castigat al doilea proces cu Antena 3 si va primi 10 mii de euro daune morale,A castigat justitia tehnocrato-iohannisto-basista. +Holy COW what is Hanzo's workout routine?,Suckin dick +For any SFM users: The Toa Mata are on the SFM Workshop!,Let the bionicle porn commence. +"Thanks for your words! Wasn't expecting all of this conflict around a centimeter line especially since it doesn't even bother me, the owner of the tattoo lolz","No, fuck you, start disliking it." +IKEA allowed us in to take photos of our costumes,And so a slew of suppressed nightmares comes rushing back. +Textra sends text to 3rd party?,Textra is the 3rd party. +What does WSB think of $CXW I know most of WSB is about gold and oil but I'm wondering what people think of CXW in the short term or even long term pending the outcome of the election. For those who don't know CXW is a prison industry stock.,Buy the dip! +We're talking specifically arena gains here. You're guaranteed a pack now. If they added tokens you'd be guaranteed a pack plus gold for more packs towards the next expansion instead. People don't seem to understand that blizzard is a business and has to balance profits with player gains.,Blizzard should just release all the cards for free! +This guy used to come into the office early in the morning with explosive diarrhea. One day he murdered the toilet and prompted this response from management,But that's what janitors are for. +"Shit, Republicans *balk* at the idea of anything other than a White Jesus. Show them the brown-skinned Savior and they'll want to see His birth certificate, then declare Him unfit for heaven because He wan't born in the US.",It makes more sense to be critical of an orange guy... +"Ok Pokemon Go is just mocking me now I spent a week or so walking my oddish 63km to grind that last 21 candy to evolve my Gloom into a Vileplume. I have seen 1-2 oddish in the wild, pretty much all of my candies have come from egg hatching but I haven't hatched or seen one in weeks. I finally finished yesterday. Guess what hatched this morning? A fucking oddish. Guess how many candies came with it? 21. I hope you are happy, Niantec, you got me good.","I don't care what the facts are, you can't deny that people are feeling as though they are getting mocked by Niantec" +"Best Quote that applies to Star Citizen A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad. This quote is from the great Shigeru Miyamoto of Nintendo. With all of the articles coming out about the FPS module story with Illfonic, and the hard time with the studios this quote really fits the time. If any of these modules and game systems were rushed, it really would have been disastrous.",Which is precisely why Duke Nukem Forever was such an amazing game right? +Ehh I mean still not really a big deal at all when compared to Clinton. No one really talks about that on here though.,Oh yeah nobody talks about the Clinton controversies... +Not so sure about that either..... I mean the wall isn't a fiscally conservative endeavour,"But Mexico is gonna pay for it, dur." +Chance to win PS4,Not a scam at all... +"Oh man, the heat that would generate would be stupendous.","Hey, that melted the giant ice caps and caused the Flood!" +"Exactly. Should a gay person show respect by not being gay abroad, not even in the privacy of their hotel room - which vice squads frequently raid? She's an apologist and an enabler. Fuck her.","Fuck these people who oppress women, and fuck a that women for making her own decisions." +"India carries out surgical strikes in Pakistani terroritory against Pakistani terrorists who had positioned themselves to carry out terror attacks in India, Significant casualties reported",Can't wait to see these two shit holes lobbing nukes at each other! +Do you think women work together as a collective? Just like men understand each other and know where boundaries are. do you think women have the same thing? I know women hate each other but I also have this conspiracy that they are working together as well in kind of an indirect way. I feel like they are all in on the joke.,Noooooooo Not at all... *points to hilary clinton speech and all the women selfy-ing........ Collective not even once +Benjamin? Is that you?,"Yeah cool obvious reference, guy." +I know it's fake but still love it,No she's really naked +"I agree, and this time they need to hit Dante, or ban Cir, otherwise the deck can always live on.",~~What is dead may never die~~ +"Roadhog XL, Chakram Wheels plus different rare and very rare decals. Crates C1 ONLY Add me mish x Jack",3 C1 for Chakrams? +This doesn't happen very often for me :),lol havent seen this before +Wait what? Are you saying that this phone is wedge shaped? It doesn't look like that at all in the render,1.2mm.. you're not going to notice it. +What would be some good baby boy names inspired by Mormonism / Church history?,Clearly Sam +Is your username a reference to Elliott Smith?,I thought it was a reference to Elliot Rodgers +Omnjgul isn't farmable anymore. Keep up.,Doesn't have to - he hit 360 in *two* hours +"Two month long undercover drug operation, in which officer worked at Burger King, netted 5 grams of Marijuana, 2 Pills",I'm just glad that MY town would never waste my tax dollars so foolishly! +Don't you know? They are literally all just brown skins anyway!,Dude you missed the +U.S.: Wells Fargo illegally repossessed 413 servicemembers' cars,very classy... +"Sorry guys this has to be fake, how did he take a photo of his phone?!",Checkmate drumph +"Some local bike shops sell used bikes, and depending on your budget, that could be a viable option. If you're in a larger metro area, bike co-ops are usually present: it is my understanding that you can find good deals there as well, although I'm personally not too knowledgeable on co-ops myself. You mentioned pawn shops: they could be a good source if you know what you're looking for. You could ask what inventory they have and do some research online to see if they are decent. Some good brands are Trek, Giant, Cannondale, specialized, Felt, but there are more.",^ got a pretty good condition puch meteor 10 speed from the LBS for 75 buckaroos +"What a scandal / Hillary leaked national security documents, for Americans killed in Benghazi, has a foundation that has accepted close to 100 million from Countries who kill gays and treat women like property, she stole votes from Bernie over 50 people mysteriously died and she LOST 30000 emails by using after being ordered to preserve them. Hillary started Syria war, Egypt and paid off Iran over a billion dollars for hostages and gave them over a 100 billion in money they can use to make nukes But wait we should care that trumps foundation didn't have the right paperwork filed though and he called someone miss piggy. Ok so trump Is evil And the unsafe choice. Fuck Hillary and these bullshit stories","Yes, and this sub has ignored all of those things." +Cat corrects human on proper kissing,Is anyone going to bring up the fact that this cat is uncomfortable and probably fears for its life? +Sigh. Some people are just mean.,Freakazoid McSpazatron! +Dejan Lovren's carpool video investigated by police,Rumours has it the Manchester City social media team got jealous. +Egyptian MP Calls for Mandatory Virginity Tests for Admittance of Women to Universities,"News Flash: In Egypt, only hideously ugly women go to college." +I really never realized how bitter and miserable Yankee fans are.,I never realized how stupid Boston fans can be... +What blatant lying? What corruption?,You forgot the +"If you're going to make fun, you should at least spell the word correctly. *braggadocious*",Couldn't find it in the dictionary.. +"Yea good shout, but i don't think changing genders would work for a skin.",Ne zha did it. +why not? because of driver attitudes? always been legal in the UK and no problems.,Because if I can't do it then no one else should be able to! +$10000000 to research by taking commonly available components from other manufacturers and putting them in a custom metal chassis and putting your logo on it.,"Yes, because Apple wasn't the innovator of the smartphone." +"No this is completely 100% how capitalism works and I wish this myth would die. The state is inextricably tied to Capital. You can not have Capital without the state, you can not have the state without Capital. There were lots of bailouts in the Great Depression, was that not capitalism then either? It's a perpetual system of stealing from the lower classes. Start thinking about system change rather than reform.",Nobody will listen to you because you're a pinko commie bastardTM who wants to ruin the country +"You can have free will without disease and natural disaster that strike regardless of action. For instance, it is also possible to imagine a world free of human sin and free will, but where tragedy like earthquakes, cancer, and birth defects happen. In this world, there would be no murder or theft, but there would STILL be death and suffering. But it is possible to image a world where sin and free will exists, but suffering is greatly reduced. For instance, murder, theft, rape, still happen, even to innocent people. HOWEVER, what does not happen is tsunamis, cancer, birth defects, SIDS, epilepsy, killer bee attacks, heart attacks, etc. I feel like a defense of suffering in the free will argument ignores this second scenario and disregards suffering clearly unrelated to sin.",You mean I can have a puppy without beating it? +Guy on Facebook Photoshops 2 girls he likes into his birthday photo. They then block him,"Gee, you can't tell they're Photoshopped in." +If you could reverse an update... What would you bring back?,R8 +"She's responsible for the mess in Syria? I don't get this view that somehow the US controls what happens everywhere in the world, as if the people directly involved in the Syrian conflict have no agency at all--they are just puppets on our strings? I thought the Iraq clusterfuck would've taught us all the limits of America's ability to direct specific outcomes in lands thousands of miles from our shores.","See, I thought the Vietnam clusterfuck would've taught us that lesson, but it's very clear we will never learn" +"Twenty-three celebrities , including Ben Affleck, Conan O'Brien, Jimmy Kimmel, Adam Levine and the Williams Sisters, have invested in the UFC.",We're very close to having celebrity death match become a real thing! +"Every time I read something like this, I get this sense of hopelessness. I feel like I was lied to. Was it just me or did anyone else get told that with the same hard work, we too can own our own homes with green lawns, two cars, and support the family we want? I'm in my late twenties. I feel like I've only just begun to realize how horrible this is all going to be in a few years. I have a kid for Christ's sake..",Just pull up your bootstraps like all of us already have. +Everything is expensive in Canada.,"Yeah, and you guys don't really have many trees to spare." +"Batman gets his name from a fear of bats. Using that logic, what's your superhero name?",Bottomless pit man +Hello fellow reddit colleges I have recently found an old Nokia phone in my house but can't seem to figure out what version it is. Can anyone identify it for me?,Seems like a 2610 +What's Aleppo?,I think you're having an Aleppo moment +Australia names Lockheed Martin as weapons system provider for new submarines,I would of preferred an NBN but i guess these subs will stop the boats. +He got a bloody nose is the typical language of an irresponsible person. Please just say I punched him in the face.,Such a German answer lol how do you know he didn't punch himself in the face? +"One can only hope, these guys are SO incredibly obnoxious about the Saints... they are the absolutely greatest team ever!!! Until the season starts or you ask them who thier quarterback was before Brees... no one knows...",Has to be Steve Gleason right? +"What kind of copy pasta is this, it's way too long come on",Longuine +Is this the new weekend playlist? or did they keep covenant slayer?,Covenant slayer is gone +Basically the beginning plot of Destiny,Basically the only plot of Destiny. +Is it the actor or the actual character? cuz he marries Jessica jones who is white ass hell.,"Jesus, spoilers." +"At best she's triangulating... Oh you want Single Payer, the 1% want you to struggle... Here's a first aid kit.","Triangulating is sounds too negative, but *pivoting*, now that's presidential" +Due process takes too long. Time is gold and I want my justice instant! XD #iSupportEJK,"Dude, you dropped your" +So you can't wear a cap without being a dick? Come on man that's ridiculous,Not flat bills. +What TV show do you watch in the background of actual tasks?,Parks and recreation +"In my defence, they shouldn't be wasting their time and money with that crap in the first place","It's not a pyramid scheme, but multi-level marketing." +Way to shit on nurses who were probably trying to fix a problem you caused by being a junkie in the first place.,"Yes, because when I was 9 and a nurse had to spend 30 minutes trying to find a vein, poked a million holes in me, got blood everywhere and eventually had to get another nurse to do it, and she had a hard time because of the mess the first nurse made, I had already destroyed my veins with drugs." +"Ultrapassamos a marca de 400 ppm de CO2 de forma permanente, E Agora?",agra vamos rumo aos 500ppm! +FWD we want those gay marriages reversed for starters,Everyone knows the best way to make a country great again is to destroy all the progress it's made in the last 8 years! +"Serious epidemic on campus Why is everyone sick all of a sudden? Like in my lectures every 5 seconds I hear someone coughing, sneezing, wheezing, or sniffling. And the worst thing is that these people still attend class to spread their sickness to more people. It's like the Plague and eventually everyone will get infected. It's a miracle how I am still not sick. Y'all need better immune systems!",eat vitamin pills like multivitamins and vitamin c to make sure your immune is getting the much needed nutrition that your burger king and alcohol filled diet cannot provide +But if a nuclear winter happens our beer will always be cold. Look at the bright side.,Global warming solved! +I can't think of a clever enough name for my wifi network,Loading... +Many smart people are saying.....,Sources close to me are saying... *sniff* +But where is Mordor?,One does not simply see Mordor +I'm gonna go out on a limb and bet the second bed is rarely slept in.,"But the ex is a manipulative, emotionally abusive person, so if they have sex it's totally because she made him." +that's happened to me a few times from that kind of angle so I expected it too. Anyone know how the back knife hitbox works?,Lol you think it works ? +"Or hammer as well, yes...",But you just said to stop hitting the tank! +Are statistics allowed?,No +I am out,"my life is over now that your gone, what will I ever do" +He's done plenty of good things for people too but those don't get much attention. Source: Have you heard of the good things he's done?,you must be crazy the media tells me he's crazy 24/7 there's just nothing good to see! +"Karen, for the love of God, if you won't put down that camera and feed me, I'll do it myself. - dog probably.",Corgos drink almond milk? +"Any advise for a new witcher 3 player? Hi guys. This is my very first witcher game. I decided to pick up complete edition on ps4 and was immediately immersed in just picking up everything. I was wondering if you guys have any advise for a new player in terms of questing, skills, moneymaking, leveling, combay, enjoying the game, and etc.","Block a lot, learn to counter attack." +A pastor at a Corpus Christi church is on a mission to build the largest cross in the western hemisphere,"Just remember, folks: The bigger the cross, the better the Christian!" +It actually wasn't his emails at all. It was the rest 80+ White House administration people.,"Which leads me to conclude, GW Bush was illiterate." +I think it's a metaphorical gate,"If it was a metaphorical gate, then why was Peter given actual physical keys to it?" +"Depends on what you mean by lately. If you mean after the fattening, absolutely.","Sorry if this a dumb question but, the fattening?" +"With his win over Wisconsin today, Jim Harbaugh has tied Rich Rodriguez in career wins at Michigan (15) It took Harbaugh 18 games, and Rich Rod 37 games.",Took him long enough +He's never been relevant. Maybe he was ok back in the junior mafia days but that's a stretch,"Well, apparently he opened a school in Harlem, maybe he should be president." +Flag of Commonwealth of England and Scotland (1651-1658),Cromwell did nothing wrong +Praise the Sun! (Solaire Cosplay),Never seen that before +What about Young Leaders? I'm a young leader and Bi?,"That's fine, it's LGBT adults they don't want, we might molest the pure children" +"Did Ennard have a different name? Mangle wasn't named Mangle until it was torn apart by the children. So if Ennard is also a nickname, then what would his initial name have been?",p00pet. +Remember how Trump supporters believe anyone who doesn't pay taxes shouldn't be allowed to vote?,Ya but those are poor people... +"people who wear light jackets and thin, non-waterproof shoes to look cool actually anger me","They anger me when they start hacking out a lung in the middle of class and place themselves in the position of patient zero it's really cool to be sick before everyone else, you're going against the plebs!" +Bill O'Reilly vs Bill O'Reilly on religious extremism,This is clearly proof that Obama must be a Muslim! +"It did, I remember playing as a kid. You switched to another soldier upon death.","Well, you could actually switch to any soldier if you pressed the button to Hot-swap (which is the name of the feature) even if the soldier hasn't died yet." +The time we use for apologies is the same time Americans use for killing each other. So really no difference in the time we have to get things done.,"As an American, you take that back or I'll kill you." +"Yeah but if you compare the damage caused by it, Earth really gets the shit end. Flood the entire surface area of modern day Mars with 20 feet of boiling hot water, you will have 0 deaths, but if you move our coast line up 30 feet the damages will be catastrophic worldwide.",Results of life on Mars are still inconclusive. +You usually don't wait until the fucking job is done to bitch and complain and refuse payment. The facility was already in use. If dude did such a bad job then why didnt Trump stop him before it was done? Why did Trump open the facility to the public? Trump is a piece of garbage who takes advantage of smaller businesses that don't have the resources to sue him. How anyone can support that scumbag or justify his actions is beyond me,That's called business +Trump Tax Records Obtained by The Times Reveal He Could Have Avoided Paying Taxes for Nearly Two Decades,This is literally the plot of The Producers. +Images of the DE Teleporter Room Before and After the Revelations EE,OH SHEET the boards are missing after the revelation ee +"California: self-driving cars will not need licensed driver, given federal approval",I guess car liability insurance isn't required either? +So let's talk Palestine...,So brave! +All those capitalized words and not a damn period in sight. At least there's a half-assed ellipses randomly thrown in there. You have new Reddit mail btw!,"Yeah, cause she's pregnant, duh." +"He can just pull the tape off, shouldn't be an issue.",Body has a way of shutting that down. +That's clearly CTR shilling for them! Biased! Sad! Low energy! Did I get them all?,It was also rigged and his foundation did way better according to unnamed sources. +"Say Monson, or another higher up, dies tonight, what do you think would happen tomorrow? Has anything like that happened before on conference weekend?",It is undeniable proof of the great system of succession put into place by the Lord. +Jesus Google chill down with the FIFA 17 ads...,You have no choice... If Google says it you must do it! +My wife is pissed at me for saying this is how I can't support Clinton. Starts with the gender problem and mansplaining and all this other stuff. Or the dnc cheated and not Hillary. You know all that stuff.,You're just sexist/racist/privileged/a basement dweller. +"I'm all for body piercings, and people can do what they want with them of course....but I gotta say it looks like she has a Guy Fieri goatee",Don't insult Guy Fieri like that please. +Let's tell these college kids how disadvantaged they are to be going to college,So what do you think why this happened? +"What do you think are the chances of Coldplay still doing some of their demos? Songs like The Fall of Man, Spanish rain and Bloodless revolution",I would *love* to hear A Ghost in a more complete state. +"A chilly morning, Lake Louise, Alberta","Thank god that lady is there, right in the middle, otherwise this photo would be ruined" +"I'm not here for you to like me, I'm here to make sure you grow up in to a decent person comes to mind.","There's tough love that people will be grateful for once they grow up and think back on their childhood and teenage years, and then there's borderline or outright abuse that will break the bonds that should've lasted a lifetime." +And Hampshire?,Let's not forget Jersey +Hanging on for a point at Old Trafford is a good result. They needed to gain some confidence away from home and that's a good place to do it.,"I know, i'm just bitter because i bet on united lol" +"I'm relatively liberal, but let's be real here... Stein is a loony toon.","No she isn't, you just think that because your brain has been destroyed by wifi and vaccines, obviously." +yea but how many of them then go and kill themselves elsewhere?,Well why even bother doing anything then. +And believes wifi is hurting children's brains!,I am sure a politician like her back her beliefs with scientific facts. +ISIS suicide bomber blows up himself and 15 other IS fighters accidentally because of faulty explosive belt.,I keep imagining an Americas funniest videos style show with ISIS fighters and slap stick sound effects when they blow themselves up. +So we are promoting rape culture now?,Havent you heard you cant rape a man +Someone call a doctor. Rex Ryan's erection is going to last way more than 4 hours.,From all the foot injuries in this game right? +why aren't there at least 3 grenades in your face?,This isn't World at War +and dole and reagan were born 25-35 years earlier than clinton. needless to say 25-35 years is yuge with medical science and other factors that would allow an older candidate to campaign effectively,"Ya, but she's coughing/dying" +"Okay, we can all agree THAT was PI though, right?",Na Broncos paid the refs. +Hero saves and revives two kids from drowning,I'm no lifeguard but that doesn't seem like proper procedure. +The Good Ol' Building Spam,Well played +I honestly thought the phrase church broke was a scandalous rumor. I cannot believe it's real. Holy. Shit.,What does church broke mean? +where exactly has he ever made a skateboarding reference?,well you RIDE a skateboard dont you? +I dunno,"Wow, thanks for the help." +That's a poor analogy; the relationship between EU and its member countries is very different from the relationship between the US and its states.,But it is actually pretty similar to the relationship between US and the states 200 years ago. +Sleeves are for work,So Bradford should do the same? +Fire Mike McCoy (part 4 of 16) This team is pathetic and it starts at the top,I mean it was our players losing two fumbles today but yeah let's shit on McCoy I guess +"Um, watch the gif again. It's all of them.",I see white and gold idk what ur talkin about +"Jesus its like everyday this week is deserving of another game change chapter. Whats next, Trump alledging Hillary did 9/11?","I mean she had been in the Senate a whole nine months and did nothing to stop it...... Big, big" +What happened to Semmler?,Couldn't attend ESL One NY because of a family emergency +BW WEBB UPVOTE PARTY HES A FUCKING MAD MAN HOLY SHIT!,"I just want to say, as a Charger and Saints fan, Brees is life" +girls?,Literally none +Can't tell what you're censoring,Take your +i'm sure this dude knows all about normally abled people,Is it not normal to be so triggered by a single word that you can't help but send someone rape/death threats? +"Is this actually a latte, but you pay for an americano and extra charge for milk? I'm just a customer trying to understand ordering :)","Yeah it's a latte, I don't think anybody would decaf you though... Nobody is actually that vindictive over a 1.50 difference." +How old are you? Just wondering how old most of you are. Not trying to berate or make fun of anyone for their age.,~~i aint disclosing that information online creep~~ 95 +"Recently, a client genuinely thought her dog's microchip made her almost 17 year old dog go deaf. She couldn't grasp the concept that an old dog can just go deaf like humans do. She kept asking what could make her dog go deaf, getting the same answer each time. Then she asked what we could do for the deafness. Almost everything that comes out of one client's mouth is outrageous and crazy. Highlights include something being wrong with the dog because the dog's dreaming patterns changed. She thought the dog was hallucinating because the dog didn't want to go to a certain corner of the yard, a room, and somewhere else I think. She has also professed her feelings for one of our vets, even after he told her no. I try to filter all of this lady's crazy out of my brain, just like our email filters her to spam because she emails us so much.","Wait until she gets on Google and finds out the Feds use that microchip to track her dog's movements, too!" +"Just voted 20 for Shelby, thanks!",Reported! +"Sombra, Blizzard, please... At first it was fun, now it's just 'Wait for the timer to get to 100% then oh look another clue' or maybe an actual release any year now? The hype train is basically dead.","Yeah, the hype has been dead a long time ago, there's only 5-10 post a day about sombra now, nobody remember her, and nobody care anymore" +MTS uses xDSL. ADSL/VDSL. It can run MUCH faster than it does now.. but its limited by length. That's why we have all the green boxes at the end of the block now.. so the actual loop length from the DSLAM to your modem is relatively short.. (versus it all aggregating back at the central office). Coax is copper too actually. I don't see the copper internet going away anytime soon. Decade(s),"Yeah, I'm familiar with their system ;) I wonder if telephone lines from the 60s or 70s can hold out for another decade or two?" +"I don't understand how people post comics like this, and then berate me when I compare video games to weed. Both are bad for you. Games have, by design, a higher effort to reward ratio than almost anything in real life. I've all but quit gaming and started training for a triathlon, and I feel a lot better.",But gamez stimulate ur brain! +Is she the model image of basic bitch?,They're just so unique and creative. +The Byali csgo'd molly just happened to Potter,what an amazing caster +Probably a Turkish Angora cat?,yes we had one as well growing up also with blue/green eyes +Copyright of what? It looked like a cell phone video,"The video caught the girl's Nike shoes, that's obviously the reason." +A characteristic of the 45th parliament and not the Nationals in particular. Every backbencher has that power.,Yay 50+ Prime Ministers +"Lol, we were all 13 once! Maybe he'll win and realize people can handle their own affairs without government intervention and a standing army. :P",Triggered. +Liberals will because they're suckers for propaganda.,Unless it is a vote for Trump and then it sooooo important. +If my mom drove that car I would be mortified. I am more than just a diabetic. Jesus.,"yeah, but how else will people know how brave she is by dealing with burden that is your life?" +"the guy is a junkie, no chance he's ever gonna be in a position where he is responsible for other people","Yeah, fuck all these junkies in alleys shooting up LSD and marijuana in their veins..." +So I just finished reading Kingdom Come and I find this. Coincidence? I think not,"you must be mistaken, the only comic book zack snyder ever read was the dark knight returns" +Idea: If you hatch three 10k eggs in a row and they all turn out to be eevee you are not held responsible for your actions for the next 24 hours. .... DAMNIT!,What's a 10k egg? +ALT-Horror Presents: But He Raped My Daughter,"Well, this is in no way, shape, or form a slap in the face to the victim and her family." +The bank card of the future has just appeared in France and it's rolling out,"Wow rolling code, what a new and exciting technology!" +Good. It is beyond ridiculous that women would be forced to veil themselves in a symbol of opression and misogyny just to play chess competitively.,But she's the oppressor as a white woman who is not a Muslim. +Russell Wilson since week ten of last year.,"It's ok guys, remember he's borderline elite" +"Silva: Zeke Elliott is avging 25 touches/game & is getting stronger. His weekly yards-per-touch averages: 2.5, 3.8, 5.0, 6.5",ROS - David Johnson or Zeke? +Infinite Incubator should be rewarded at 35 too lol,Lazy level 35 detected +tuxedo kitty,Formal loaf. +He's said if the show ever gets too famous that he's gonna have to cancel it because it'll be impossible to find celebs who aren't in on the joke.,"Just listened to an interview, that's not true." +"Diesel is heavy, noisy, messy and not very good for power. A motorcycle only can use so much torque. Just no reason to use it.",So a Harley? +How typical of Bot 3 to expose his broadside...,Bot 3 has been on my team in ranked constantly... +I wish i was :(,Missed +Looks like we replaced Florida with Mexico.,Damn illegal immigration. +1 day if you've been friends with the person you're trading with for more than 1 year,"2^32 - 1 days if when you take the ROT13 of the md5sum of the steam ID of the person you've been friends with for more than a year and sum the ASCII values it exceeds 12823, and the day you became friends was a full moon" +"I love how they constantly call for action, but can't actually do it because people call them names. Waaaah I'm being called Antisemitic! So? You're really letting that stop you?",Well it's difficult because you can literally be arrested just for googling Holocaust in Europe +Now if the weather will just cooperate . . .,"Pfffft, but last year was so much fun!" +Patiently awaiting a GPU and CPU,And a side panel. +Molotov's and Marshmellows pick up aMEIzing,Who? +Ann Coulter on Twitter: Sources say NYTimes working on another bombshell scoop: Trump once drove a car 50 mph in a 50-mph zone.,"Wow, what a scandal that is--arrest him immediately!" +How do you guys deal with frustration in CSGO? I don't want to break another keyboard.,Pick up a smoking habit! +Young Michael Jackson doing the robot.,Yo I'mma break this dimension. +Monte rage eating broccoli,Monte and his fat kid at heart junk food +"Ohhhhhh, noooooowwwww he's cool with switching positions.",I mean at this point he's pretty much run out of options... +WEEK 2 of Macguyver. Still the worst tv has to offer? so week 2 of this crap. i mean CBS wtf is wrong with you. you had 4 months from shooting the pilot. to airing episode 2 to fix the show. You barely changed a thing. i really think tv execs just don't have a clue.,The problem is that they didn't do a recast where McGuyver is played by a female. +that's the curse of being stupid. You can have both money and frames if you don't buy everything on launch and replace it a month later.,"Yeah, buying what you want with your own money is super stupid." +"They only listen to one voice, and That Voice Is Sean Hannity's",Too bad no one ever fucking calls the guy +Dave wouldn't have been turned down.,My uh...friend keeps asking about Dave. +"What would impress you tomorrow? Since we already know (well probably...) most things about the Pixel / XL, what would impress you tomorrow? Think there could be some kind of promotion like buy a Pixel, get a Google Home for free? :) That would be sweet... I'm pretty interested to see what Google WiFi is all about. The ability to create a cheap, reliable mesh network could spur some interesting projects.",The Pixel phone running an A10 Fusion chip and Allo working like iMessage. +"Trump is orange bro, this has nothing to do with skin color.",TIL: Racism has nothing to do with skin color. +I hear ya. I fear complacency.,How dare you use the C word? +"23 minutes of this: Well, guys... I ummm. I'm sorry. I know this isn't the game some of you wanted. *sigh* Uhhhhh it's the game i wanted. Ummmm So.. Yeah. If Hello games would just come out and say something. uhhhhhh. ummmmm *sigh* uhhhh. ***long emotional pause*** sooo.... yeah guys... i'm sorry.",Thank you for saving me from wasting time watching a video that I most likely would have hated. +I did on accident once and only found out when the IRS sent me a check saying I miscalculated. I'll let you guess whether I cashed that check or not.,I'm sure you let the government keep it so they could smartly use it to help promote the economy. +Someone needs to start evoking lynching charges.,Loretta Lynch? +"Spectate a game, then sit for a few minutes and scroll through Hero Showcase. It's tedious but not as painful as Low Prio.",Or you could just not be poor +That's... not an M18 though.,Unique up armored design with British gun. +Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Mark Cuban also hide a shit ton of money to dodge taxes as well?,It's okay since he shows hatred towards Trump. +Feel Bork. Inc,0:57 is when it gets magical +Trump Angers With Suggestion That Vets With PTSD Are Weak,Trump got a Purple Heart and he didn't get no PTSD! +"Paul Perkins is our momentum. Let's go, get this kid involved on the next drive too. Fucking shit is he elusive and fast.",Nah just hand it off to darkwa +The vulnerability and yawning thing is why I now cover my mouth when I yawn thanks to an ex always prodding my tongue with his finger when I was mid yawn!,My gf covers it because she is scared of me shoving my cock in her mouth when she's yawning. +TIL that the reason Han Solo was frozen in carbonite in Empire is because George Lucas wasn't sure if Harrison Ford would come back for the next film.,ITT Star Wars spoilers.... +"What is the average 2016 teenager? my friend told me i am the embodiment of 2016 because, i'm half black and white, hipster and have and interracial relationship with a white and asian girl. what would you say a 2016 teenager is?",a piece of shit +Because no is always such a great response.,"No, don't expose the cheating assholes for who and what they are, let them keep doing it with little to no mention of it so nothing whatsoever changes & cheaters keep getting to cheat." +"The guy that goes all commander. pick tank pls no tank its gg we need peel, take Janna vi engage when I ult, and then Ali go in k? What are you, my mom?",Yeah man people trying to communicate and encourage team play are the worst +What's the likely sequence of events when it does finally go off? Any detailed descriptions you guys find most accurate?,I think the documentary called 2012 where the earth breaks is very realistic +what do you mean how things work? Xbox one runs windows 10 and uses DX12 it would be an easy port,The game is not using Vulkan because of consoles so it is not an easy port +Maybe they will claim Clinton did 9/11,"C'mon, you know damn well she was 'somehow' behind it all." +In his testimonial match Owen Hargreaves said he was one of the most underated players ever.,Is that the same BT sport commentary team who absolute WOW us with there oh so exciting commentary and immense team of pundits? +My GF bought Smackdown tickets...these are our signs,For San Diego? +"a lot of people say theyre played out because they see a lot of people wearing them in the sub, but ive only maybe ever seen one or two people wearing them in real life, and i live in toronto. I personally love these shoes and wouldnt stop wearing them just because some guy on reddit said theyre played out. Besides, theyre a pair of converse, you can't really play out converse",Stans aren't played out +"Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, may have been shadow-banned on twitter",This thought criminal needs to be lined up against a wall! +"This game is awesome. Sorry if this is out of place, but damn this game is awesome. Just started playing a few days ago, and I'm already in love. Hate that you can only win 2 games a day until you get ranked though, I just want to play!",make the most of it asap ... games dying +Mine stopped talking to me alltogether because I canceled a few times. Its almost as if something makes me cancel and I need help with that. Weird huh?,Better off without them then tbh. +"Great movie, the only thing that annoyed me is that the people Victoria goes with are so repulsive right from the start.","I gotta agree with this, I watched this while stoned and got worried for Victoria as I thought they were gonna hurt her." +"I gotta say though, how the heck did vp go from such a bad slump into solid contender for every tournament they are in? They did a hollywood movielike turn-around.",Personal cheats finally got updated to the latest version +"Like, is there such a thing as a sexy southern accent when it comes to the nuance of hand movement?",Is there such thing as a sexy southern accent when it comes to speaking? +2 keys Breakout Type S,I can trade 3 keys for it! +"Stairway to Heaven, the deepest song ever. Duh.",It'd be funnier to see them answer some Beatles song that's actually about women or drugs +"When you have a lead, you follow it. You don't go wait but we need to find something different too so it looks good in the media. If you have a chance to nail the Italian mafia, should you stop until you get just as much material on the Russian mob?",Which is why you stop Muslims in airports and blacks on the streets! +"Which Smite God Would Be The Kid That You Pick On Imma go with vamana cuz he's short, but then he goes all colossal titan ape shit crazy on me. Idk","Hercules, chaac, odin, guan yu" +Hi-Rez nerfed Susano to oblivion.,"that's 3 more damage than it needs to do, they should nerf it more" +Look how calm she is,Not as calm as Travis +Probably because a large enough viewer base for a children's movie with a homosexual romance just isn't there yet. Why would DreamWorks spend millions making a movie that might not make them money?,"Right, because only gay people will come see it." +"But then they'd be just doctor, what about engineering aspiration of parents?",Something tells me you didnt make this joke on your own! +"I mean, I can easily see coming back differently, possibly less human like Stoneheart, but why does it jump to rape?",Because obviously Jon likes lethal women Snow would not have been changed much by his death unless he proceeds to viciously rape his sister into submission +"In English class in first year of high school we were doing a mock trial of the Scottsboro Boys trial. My teacher was handing out roles to various students, and this girl and I were designated as the rape victims. Immediately after he says this, we both scream YAY and high-five each other. He was so bewildered he didn't know whether to laugh or be mad at us for being happy to be raped. The irony is the girl hated me so it doesn't make sense that we both reacted the way we did.",I guess he doesn't understand the insatiable need for attention and drama. +He is prolonging their life. What an asshole.,You forgot your +"red skin, tail, two horns. Calls himself Satan.",Teemo is the worst possible roommate you could ask for. +"Gotta make that Youtube moneys. That is very clearly a road with a car, sorta looks like a silver SUV driving past","yeah i mean, guy with 40 subs and one video over 1k views obviously going for youtube money" +"Dispatch, can we get a stylist hot to our location please?",I knew I bought those raptor shears for something! +"Are you asking people not to express their opinions on Reddit? I don't get it. Also, didn't Ghouls have to eat before FO4? Is that not lore breaking?",but muh safe space +Im new and have no clue as to what karma is used for..,You get money +Seen posted on a TBMs Facebook page. They call themselves Christians...,"Yeah, cause THAT's the SAME thing." +"Man, not trying to be a dick, but the front page of this sub is full of shit recently... The healers are the least blamed role in the game, everybody always blames the dps, stop with this shit.","Much like Griffith, healers do nothing wrong." +Every fucking day it gets worse and worse for Trump. I love it.,Hillary has never risen in the polls. +"Agreed. And people need to realize that when a fan tries to polarize the issue in terms of saying its either Jay's great or Jay sucks, instead of recognizing the actually argument of Jay, despite his talent, isn't the right fit due to his mentality, are simply trying to deflect and again, all goes back to that cognitive dissonance thing ;)",Winking is a tell for cognitive dissonance. +"DMs out there isn't it great to feel appreciated? I've taken over the DM position from my group as our DM just wants to play due to lack of prep time due to life. I have now ran 3 sessions converting the Pathfinder World Golarion to 5th edition. Tonight after a player exceeded my expectations and really stole the show, something he normally doesn't do, comes up to me and says I've been playing for 14 years and that's the most fun I've ever had at a table everyone then thanked me for how well the sessions have been going. I'm not trying to brag, but with all the posts about bad DMs and bad players, I just thought a story about a good group who loves their DM even though he's not that great was worth a share.",Ill let you know when it happens +because everyone there screams for akhbar.,"Yeah, the takbir is totally secular, its just like saying OMG, lol!" +"New Steam Achievements, Only 9","Wow, what a shocker!" +We'd like to say goodbye to everybody on our livestream. Hard cut. Press must be learning about Andromeda now.,what's andromeda? +"Yes, so it only makes liberal economic sense to further stress an energy industry that's already on it's heels. It's OK though, cause there are always Asian investors with dollars at the ready to buy out Canada's distressed oil assets.","to be fair, if oil and gas collapses it would be easy to hit our Paris targets" +they also said 'customers want more than just a thousand songs in their pocket'. That's a lot of dig at Apple!,When they said this it was straight from Gary Gulman's standup +(Updated) Gay Neighborhoods of North America,"I would tenatively say, Ohio City Cleveland, OH" +I'll put my sentry there next time :O,aaand cp_gorge is banned from highlander comp now. +"He did in fact get it out! Then walked away for about 3 mins, came back to smoke and flames!",*came back to smoke and flames* So really could have been anyone with a wayward cigarette. +Their is no republicans or democrats in this argument. It's between people who believe in democracy vs those who don't.,"Yes, there is no partisanship anymore, only moral vs immoral!" +"If I wanted your opinion Id shove my arm up your ass and work your mouth like a puppet. I'm kidding, I've never heard of thumbzilla though. Spankbang just lets me download videos so i can watch them later because my shitty wifi speed right now","From what I've seen, Thumbzilla is just Pornhub under a different look." +All these features: 3.5 mm headphone jack - shots fired.,Damn why is Google throwing shade at Motorola +Why are there SO MANY negative Donald Trump stories on the Front Page today?,"Donald Trump is 100% bad and Hillary Clinton is 100% good, so Reddit is just reflecting reality!" +Woman's Distraught Reaction to Hearing Vince Staples on the Radio,nerf nerf +"taste is subjective, I think the $100,000 studded out watches look kinda nice personally, especially if it's a white/pink diamond watch",I think you dropped a +Try putting -freq 144 in your launch options.,What does this do? +"It's insane, Clinton's Foundation uses its money to: * provide live-saving AIDS medication to millions of people * assist farmers in Africa in getting access to seeds/equipment * help governments with reforestation and renewable energy projects * develop plans with local governments/businesses to promote physical fitness and health The Trump foundation on the other hand: * bribes conservative politicians to avoid prosecution * purchases paintings of himself in violation of IRS rules * makes lawsuits against his business go away by donating to the people suing him * supports anti-vaccine campaigns",Bu...but...Clinton Cash! +Yahoo secretly scanned customer emails for U.S. intelligence,"~~Good,~~ I'm sure the government cares more about penis pill ads than my spam account does." +question is if you trust snapchat if you don't trust facebook,there's not an antisnapchat subreddit so it's okie dokie +Take a peek at my first skin!,8/10 needs more Pink Floyd playing out of it. +what is a lightslinger??,lucian passive +Can confirm and agree.,OH WELL WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW? +Stop rebooting shit and make some original content for the love of God.,What they really need to do is remake some of the Monty Python movies +If hitch worked for anyone else he would have been fired 10 times by now.,Gotta stream and play TST matches bro! +A Song Dedicated To The Recent Disortation of The Subreddit,"Where's my verse, *downvotes*" +Did anyone just see Kaine mention helping small businesses and not explain how he is helping small businesses?,"Mandating high wages, regulations, and taxes helps small businesses all the time" +What pin is that on Kaine's jacket? I know its not a US flag.,"Communist Russia flag, maybe" +My English teacher has this posted outside her office,"Where's yer prewfs, OP!" +LGBT Indiana,New Palestine +"You're assuming everyone bangs who they're told to, and only who and when they're told to.",Yea duh do you really want r/RelationshipsOnMars to be a thing? +Pokemon Prism's official trailer is here!,Get it before Nintendo issues a C&D +Arigato,Filthy Acts Performed At Reasonable Prices +Got this piece of work today.,"sounds like you deserved it, cunt." +"I know, just sad he's not the nom. Instead we got a vote for Hillary is a vote for war =/","But Hillary is a woman and Trump is a scary, misogynistic man - Hillary must be the peace candidate" +Just another guy in a hurry,"Hurr durr, only cyclists run red lights." +"Tamil Nadu, Kerala have high female literacy and most women entrepreneurs",TN and Kerela win because clearly they have not accounted for the number of fashion bloggers in Delhi. +Did someone say refugees?? I can't remember if I want to fuck them to death or if I want to fuck them with love.,"Don't worry, the average refugee reddit talks about will fuck you" +"Upvote for an improvement, but still ignores, hopefully unintentionally, what happens with the the bulk of the steer. A multi billion dollar industry works hard to make sure almost everything gets used. It goes into bone meal fertilizer, pharmaceuticals, leather, fuel, research, pet food, even cattle feed, and so much more.","Just like the Indians, using every bit of the animal, just as God intended..." +It's anyone else worried at how well blizzard has been listening to the community lately? I know I probably shouldn't be but I feel life they have done so well that now they have to drop the ball. First I almost shelved my priest because of the purposed changes but they listened and didn't ruin priests. The prot warrior rage gen nerf had me real bummed. I expected things to stay that way for weeks or months but they fixed it with a reasonable ip nerf. Have they done this well with the other classes? Are they about to drop the ball?,"Yeah, totally, I'm so glad they gave out useful and relevant information that everyone has been asking for RE legendary drops, whenever I have a question with evidence and I write it well, they totally respond and don't stay fukkin silent on the entire fukkin matter, despite many players losing a lot of faith in them...." +Arsene Wenger explains how The Invincibles happened with 2 Arsenal legends & William Gallas,Lucky football managers always going forward in time to the future! +Threw an arnie during the cutscene?,maybe we have to throw one at monty to break the cycle +"I clicked on this post for once actually wanting to look at a shitty build, I thought I was losing it when it looked reasonable as all hell...",Well the OP *did* use an AMD CPU vice an Intel one so it's at least slightly shitty. +Guy needs to learn to pronounce dachshund.,"What, you mean it's not pronounced dashend?" +"i found this relics in my old pc, so if you wanted to see how smite was in 2012, enjoy Note: if there is a problem with showing names, i can edit them","Psh you can tell you're not actually from Beta or you would have called them actives, not relics" +I just bought a glorious 1440p/144Hz/G-Sync Monitor alongside a Zotac GTX 1070 AMP EXTREME! Recommend me some games!,Minecraft +Iran,same thing tho right? +"Something similar happened to me too, my friend tried to text charizard but it was correct to CFA wizard so it's become a bit of an in-joke.",I hear certified financial analysts make a lot of money +Ngayon ko lang napansin: kamukha ng kaklase ko si Mia Khalifa. Can't unsee,Obligatory pics or it did not happen +What's the difference?,YOU MONSTER +Chris,"Nuh uh, its Leon cuz he wears leather jackets!" +Really? Because the only Hillary ads I've seen are ones that lay out her policy plans and record of decades of fighting for children and women.,You dropped the +"**please give UK cops guns, I do not blame him for *not stopping**","Cheers, without that correction, the whole story falls apart!" +"One of these things is denying a person that is deemed unsafe to fly, unsafe to buy a weapon. The other is denying a person that is deemed religious, unsafe to buy a weapon. Do you not see the distinction?","nah man, it only matters if they're good christians because we all know only evil muslims kill people no matter what." +"Should there be a forum for calling people out for being assholes? Of course you'd have to have screenshots of the conversations and the asshole in question could defend himself, but by having such a forum people might think twice before they act like a complete cunt. The fear of getting witchhunted should stop a lot of people from harassing others as the threat of reports clearly doesn't work",Because internet hate mobs have NEVER gone to far +"Who are the best teams and players in Dirty Bomb? I heard of FE and Hero but I have never played with any of these players. Are they still active? Are they other famous teams? Who are the best players? I play in EU region, but I am also interested in what is going on in USA. Also is DBN the only professional cup?",Me +101-year-old woman receives First Communion,Just another old church lady +"Time to replace the galaxy nexus, looking for small. After many years, and many nexus's, the last one has finally had it's last charge. It's become unfeasable to replace the screen, battery, or phone itself, as it is finally outdated. What I'm looking for, is it's younger brother. Equally resilient, robust, and timeless. The size is ideal, and I don't want anything bigger. Removable battery is non-negotiable. Would prefer unlocked bootloader, for longevity past it's manufacturer's supported lifespan. Doesn't have to be a 2016 model, if an older phone meets these specs, I'll consider it. What are my options?",I heard that the Samsung Note 7 is the bomb. +"I'd rather reunite Galchenyuk and Boucher, but I would absolutely love Yak as well.","Boucher, Merrill and a 3rd for Beaulieu" +"Sneaking a rifle into a ITAR protected facility isn't particularly easy, even if you have proper authorization to enter the building. And it would take one hell of a shot to take out a rocket in a way that doesn't make it immediately obvious that it was attacked. Not to mention that guns are loud, and acoustic sensors would have picked it up.","you've never heard of silencers, have you?" +"Was levelling weapons on PC in time for revelations and accidently got 7 gobble gums with 4 LD, anyone done better?",I got a quad Perkaholic from a 3 vat a few days ago. +"Miss piggy, Miss housekeeping. How bigoted do you have to be to call a woman miss housekeeping because of her ethnic origin?",it's just a joke people stop being so PC. +B-b-but the Clinton foundation!,"is a thing that exists, so both sides" +"Yes, it should be a much bigger icon. But it's better than nothing.",Psst. +Pro-choice in Poland,C'mon women you know the government know better about your body than you do. +Dinosaurs,no but what's the program called +"There's been a lot of downvote negativity floating around this sub recently, unfortunately. But, have an upvote to cancel out the negativity. Smile, people, it's NYCC week! :D","probably cause when you post you leave a trail of your intent, while when you downvote people can just downvote and run like the puss'n'boots they are Kappa" +"The top 20 left wingers in the NHL, by the numbers",I feel like Sportsnet put Hall one above Marchand to personally slight me because of my recent rants +Good for a beginner?,I would actually recommend the GoG E +Also TNA likely gets called something better.,you didnt like Tits N Ass wrestling? +"t3 = overpowered, /thread","Loki OP, CCPlz nerf the web bonus." +"Is anyone else freaked out at the possibility of Mike Pence being VP ? Seriously guys, the very idea scares the fuck out of me. God only knows what that man would try to do with control of Foreign and Domestic policy. Which will be left up to him according to Trump. Like, just think about what he could do. Scary shit.",But leik....deleted emails n junk! +"My ex husband expected all kinds of accolades when he would clean the house. Like WTF I did that shit all the time, where were my atta girls?","No, you're supposed to make your atta girls available for him to motorboat later because a good wife takes care of all of the man's needs without protest" +It's been said before and I'll say it again,"Bungie: Oh boy, he's serious now." +RF has been the absolute truth and is one of the chief reasons (besides Marcus Gilbert) for our line's resurgence. Pounce is not playing like his old quick and nasty self. DeCastro just got a huge payday and has been getting blown up at varying times this year. Beachum was great but we wouldn't pay him and Villy is so-so at this point. RF has been our stalwart soldier. Thank Knoll for him and Munch.,"But I never hear Foster's name called during the game, so he must not be doing anything." +Bernie Sanders to DOJ: Focus Wells Fargo criminal probe on senior execs,Obama will just pardon them +"My Lumia 830 came back from RMA... I was about to sell my phone and buy a newer one because of the random app crashes, restarts, and simply being really slow. It had a few dead pixels, which never bothered me, but i tought i am gonna RMA it since it still had 1 month left of the warranty and rather would sell it with a flawless screen. I've used Windows Phone 10 on it since it was available for insiders. I've tried hard resets every now and then to try to fix the issues with the phone but it never worked. So one week ago the phone came back from RMA, rolled back to Windows Phone 8.1. I tought why would i upgrade it to 10, since i am not gonna keep it anyway only until i can sell it to somebody. I've been using it with 8.1 since then, and ohh boy the differences. I have forgotten how fast this phone used to be when i bought it, but with 8.1 it feels like a brand new phone. No app crashes, no random restarts, the battery life is longer, it's way faster than it was with Windows Phone 10, feels like they sent me back a completely different phone, a way better one. There is no way i am going to sell it, it became the stable, fast phone it used to be. There isnt really a point for this story, but if you are in the same shoes as me and want to sell your older phone because it became slow and unstable you should give 8.1 a try. If it doesnt work for you (maybe i just got lucky), you can update it back to Windows Phone 10 anytime. (Sorry for my english, it isnt my first language)",I've just sent in my 830 today and will give it a try when I get it back. +"Or, you know, a majority of people here support Clinton over Trump and all these new controversies are coming out about Trump and his campaign, and they are just blatantly lying about almost everything so a place that is used for discussing politics is calling out the campaign on their controversies and lies. Psh who am I kidding, that can't be it. Emails and Benghazi right?",But Hillary supporters don't real! +"He probably should but he's not that kind of guy. Plus, there snow for 9 months out of the year.",Tell him to build some character +People getting killed and trampled to death on Black Friday. We take our consumerism to the next level.,"B-but televisions are 10% off, televisions that tell us when other stuff will be 10% off." +"Oilers name Connor McDavid captain. Lucic, Eberle and Nugent-Hopkins his alternates.","Nice to see his years of grinding it out, keeping his head down, and doing whatever it takes to help the team has finally paid off." +Accurate!,"I walk past here to work every day, just outside the arndale near manchester Plaice chip shop next to the print works :) Manchester !" +Bikko warming up on WWW's confirmed,It was definitely -GN who is staying at Wolfs house right now +Well either he is a liar or he is a liar.,Maybe he was just being sarcastic? +Zapp Brannigan Presents Quotes from Donald Trump,It works (un)surprisingly very well +"Thanks, you wouldn't happen to be a civil engineer would you?",What gave me away? +"Rust is going downhill. Whatsup fellow rust players. I have landed on Reddit today because I am in need of some feedback. Before I ask of your feedback, I shall briefly introduce myself. My name is Kevin and I have been playing rust for several years now. I have been hooked to Rust since the early days of Legacy. Rust has become one of my main games to play and I currently have over 2000 hours playtime. I have an issue though. As you can see by the title, I'm not happy with the recent changes in Rust. My prime time in Rust Experimental was when corner-picking became a thing. I absolutely loved searching for bases and inspecting them from every angle possible. At that time you could also bone-club doors that faced the wrong way etc. Corner picking has been an exploit in the game for a long time without any fixes. Which I was very greatfull for, but.... I personally feel, that ever since corner picking was removed, Rust went downhill BIG-time. Rust has became way too noob-friendly nowadays. The changes that were made ever since corner picking got patched, killed a big part of Rust imo. The main changes I have a problem with are: -Corner picking patched -Doors no longer have a soft side -Arrow raids are no longer possible -Spear raids are no longer possible -Sleeping bags cooldown -The latest building priveledges changes I am sure that I am missing a few, that I can't think of right now. As an skilled oldskool player, this really saddens. Rust has become way too noob-friendly and it's no longer as enjoyable as it once was. I made this topic with the hopes of an rust developer seeing this, and maybe returning a little bit of the golden rust days with upcoming updates. Besides that I would also like to know how you guys feel about these recent changes. Whether you are a oldskool player or a new Rust player, please leave a comment about how you feel about these changes. o/",Rust started going downhill when they fixed the stacking bug... +Brett Favre still has his arm strength at age like 43. Favre said he quit because he couldnt take the pain anymore.,The guy that only ate burgers and drunk beer for hydration weren't in great health after taking monster heats by LBs and DEs? +They figure Trump will be good for their business?,No... it must be that they are ignorant racist bigots... has to be! +FNAF1 Model Pack for SFM by: MonsterboyPlayz,8/10 needs Foxy +iPhone basically crushed Pixel in Geekbench 4,It's incredibly shocking that a well designed CPU designed and optimised to work in a few devices can crush a well designed CPU that has to do general tasks in far more devices. +"Garret Hohl on Twitter: Interesting find... over the last two seasons combined, highest 5v5 point per minute paces:",It helps for Tarasenko because hitch doesn't give him enough ice time +Technical drawing time lapse (inking only),"Oh, I wish I could trace things." +What is the best movie from the 1990s to now?,Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks +"4000$ of shrooms can trip my whole city everyday for 3,5 years. Source : Math phd",Did you remember to factor in tolerance buildup? +Get ready for the truth... Rick and Morty is not that good,Right sorry man we all forgot how R&M is lowbrow shit comedy while you sit on your Mega64 high ground. +"So I live in Australia, and the government pays for prime-time ads on TV which remind men not to beat their partners and children.","Hey buddy, no need to remind people of that, there's a system for that." +I work at Publix. You have more money than me and we both have to work today. I think I know who has the better job.,But you have stock! +But I could sooner see Rihanna in a heist movie than Helena Bonham Carter.,That's racist. +"Euh, ik hoop dat het je nu pas opvalt. Het zijn 2 woorden die beide een totaal andere betekenis hebben en kunnen dan ook niet door elkaar heen gebruikt worden. Dat mensen dan/als verkeerd gebruiken is al erg genoeg maar mits/tenzij is in mijn ogen erger. Wat is de volgende stap? Inclusief/exclusief? Nooit/altijd?","Of ja/nee, zoals sommige vrouwen al doen." +What is your team's biggest what if?,"What if Terrance Jones, a career %60+ free throw shooter, hadn't gone 0-7 from the line against UCONN in the final four in a game we lost by one point?" +What is the most pleasant and uplifting fact you know?,We're all going to die some day +So clubs can take even more advantage of players ? Fuck off.,"I suppose they could always unionize like the NFL/NBA, nothing ever goes wrong with that right?" +If you take the vaccines you might get the autism,"It's an IT job, he probably have autism already." +yawn.,"Landon, is... is... is that you?" +What is this from?,Leon the Professional +"Gary Johnson Couldn't Name North Korea's Leader, Kim Jong-Un",everyone knows the leader of north Korea is Obama ! +"Yeah, MCs desperately need some vehicular firepower to accompany the bike formations. The handheld grenade launcher and auto shotgun on motorcycles is a welcome addition, but CEOs still dominate the air. MCs should take the ground with their superior numbers.",Simple: Give bikers the ability to use Homing launchers +"I have a similar coworker annoyance. She wants everyone to be honest, yet believes eveything that Trump says. SMH",Because hillary is the most truthful person in the world +Thoughts on bringing back daniel braverman now that white is gone? He looked good in preseason and our receiver corpse looks pretty bleak behind Jefferey and Royal. Any thoughts?,As long as he doesn't run on his heels he should be ok. +Best bet is a test kit. Read the side bar.,did i ask if it was LSD? +I don't think wet have the same definition of the word common.,I assume he meant it as +SC event 1 SC hero KEK,"oh, but that weird creepy butcher skin and the 'starcraft' kerrigan skin, and the slightly starcraft rexxar skin; those count surely" +"Me too, I removed everything I could and covered the actual PC in saran wrap so I think it will be fine. But you can never know",inb4 it's perfectly dry but static from saran wrap killed it +Richmond targeted for launch of anti-grease campaign,This will go over well. +"Yes, send him to the friendzone where he belongs.",Fucking Chads +"he may be waiting for a JB 10 aswell, since an iPhone is nothing without a Jailbreak.",staying on an outdated version of iOS for an undetermined amount of time is definitely the way I like iPhones +I think I'd like watching you fuck a girl,"You can try to spin it into a threesome, but don't LTR this girl." +"**THIS IS NOT THE AMA. DON'T ASK ANY QUESTIONS, THE ACTUAL AMA DOESN'T START FOR TWO DAYS YET.**","Hi there, first of all i just want to say I absolutely love your work, secondly....will Thor Ragnarok follow the comics or....?" +They wouldn't stare at a broken portal holding a sword if you need all portals open tho to do the ee steps they looked at that portal for a reason,Yeah I bet that closed off portal has to be for the Super EE! +At this point I would ask someone to end me. I don't think there's any coming back from that.,"Well, maybe they handed him poisoned water..." +Penn State AD: There's no doubt in my mind that James (Franklin) is going to be our football coach long term.,Good thing Sandy Barbour is going to be the AD long term. +"You mentioned defeating KJ, but not Sargeras. So sargeras would be the obvious pick, with us fighting alongside the pantheon. (I really want the pantheon on our team when we do fight sarg, I think that would make for some epic scenes that we have not seen anything like yet. Questing and leveling with the pantheon giving us instructions, maybe one Titan per zone)","Legion Spoilers: [It's unlikely that we'll be fighting along side the Pantheon, as one of the storylines involving the Army of Light reveals that the Pantheon is dead, and we're on our own against the Burning Legion and other threats.]" +Concerns About Hillary Clinton's Health Drop Significantly,Probably because of that strong showing by Kaine in the debate that convinced everyone he'd make a great President if anything happens to her. +Any Idea Why It Wont Go Higher?,Even the download speed are locked down! +Civil rights museum that denied Donald Trump a photo op now receiving bomb threats,Seems completely reasonable. +If only Air Force had their own football team to study,The article says elite athletes +"You could, but it's harder, which means that attempts could more easily be prevented or that they will have lower death tolls. Consider Boston--two bombs, four people killed by the bombs. By the standards of mass shootings, that's downright pathetic. And in New Jersey just this year, there were no fatalities at all. Nice was notable because of how unusual it was. And countermeasures are already in place in a lot of places--concrete barriers in front of train stations or other places with lots of pedestrians, for example. Heck, traffic itself is a fair obstacle to attempts at vehicular homicide.","Not necessarily, you could still use a zeppelin or a giant robot to get around those counter measures and commit mass murder." +"Diablo 3 disintegrate, anyone?",Diablo 3 disintegrate was definitely the first laser skill in a game ever. +How Hillary Clinton can close the deal with millennials,actually being progressive +"Non voglio difendere nessuno, ma hanno dato il nobel per la pace ad Obama.","se vuoi la pace, manda i marines a prendere a calci in culo i terroristi nel mondo, dicevano gli antichi romani!" +It seems like Sam is forever recovering from a cold.,I was close to proving Ashkenazi Jews are more susceptible to the common cold but academia keeps suppressing my research! +I do wheel repairs and I see this occurrence a few times a month. The conversation usually starts with Can you fix a hole in my wheel?,JB Weld +90% of those mods have been added in the last 12-months. But that's probably just a coincidence.,"No, it's a right-wing conspiracy!" +"We stopped a horrible, dangerous person from doing bad things! A worthwhile use of your tax dollars if I do say so myself.","Just as worthwhile as the tax dollars that funded the police chopper in Albuquerque, NM that went for a donut run in the chopper." +"Thirty Meter Telescope. It's being built in the Mauna Kea (sp?) Observatory Park in Hawaii, and will be almost as big as the E-ELT. Currently it's facing political issues with native Hawaiians",Fuck the Hawaian they can go dance and kamehamehamehamehame somewhere else +"Bautista murders a fastball, makes it 10-0 Jays in ALDS game 1",Should have flipped +Can i change the speed/bpm of a song in the beatmap editor ? I want to make a certain song faster like lets say 15% (just for training purposes) and wondered if i could somehow do it in the editor but so far i found nothing.,Just use timewarp +Miles teller as JOS sounds about right,"He did a great job in 21 & Over, which is basically the college bro version of American Idiot" +My neck hurts just looking at Hendo.,Hendo is the human manifestation of a rock'em sock'em robot +That actually sounds like a fun job. Pay must've been shit.,No they usually give full-time hours and benefits to their employees at the fair +"Yeah, like someone making a 'Healthy_Flamez' account then saying I'm a parody or something. We won't just ban based on the word of a seemingly 'original' account, we'll always look into the issue :)",Is neversickbecausehelivedinabubble_icez ok? +If you could get Fwiz to cast this it'd be the best thing ever.,"Fwiz just had surgery, Can't cast :P" +"Roses are red, I don't really like breakfast","Roses are red, I'm filled with rigor, When I look at that picture, I'm triggered." +USW 'furious' after report Trump bought Chinese steel,still better than having a black or a woman am I right guys +"Haha, I know that this is a joke, but this is actually very striking. A lot of the professional players I played with used to be good at sports or still were good at sports.",It's the competitive drive to constantly be striving for improvement; you aren't going to lose it just because you move from classic sports to esports. +Why. You want to bet,No he just asked because he wanted to know for a friend. +Who chooses a packed escalator over the relatively empty staircase...,People with different priorities than ableist pigs like you! +Stormtrooper Wallpaper,Is this just a screenshot from The Force Awakens? +I hope Xur is selling sunglasses tomorrow! I'm having trouble seeing with all this light I'm getting in Iron Banner! [Misc] [Horrible Joke],Maybe he'll sell me so he can disappoint everyone one more time +Simulation Hypothesis: Living In The Matrix? Tech Billionaires Funding Research To Get Out,For when you just need to get rid of some money +No.,Why don't you guys erect a sign so there would be something worth to take a picture with on a visit? +"Yes. The democrats have quite effectively run a state of despair and discouragement, and most recently are starting to oversee a state of desperation.",Clever! +",They are basically the same. A bunch of guys making dozens of posts on how much they hate a video game. Day after day.",But remember....apparently its the Star Citizen fans who are showing signs of being in a cult +What a perfect day in the best city to live in,thats not Melbourne +"I work at a store with a blue polo and khaki pants uniform. I can't wear it anywhere, even to stores that have a different uniform. I went into Ulta, where the people who work there wear all black, and I heard two women talking in the same aisle I was on. One said, Where is the dry shampoo? My next stop is on a shampoo aisle. I didn't realize they had followed me until one whispered loudly to the other, I think she's looking for it. I turned to them and told them I didn't work there and they should find someone wearing black. I stopped at a truckstop on my way to work to get some food from the fast food restaurant attached to it. Everyone there wears maroon shirts. Mine is blue. As I am walking away from the counter with my food in hand, sipping on my drink, someone stops me and asks where the bathroom is. You'll have to ask someone who works here. Then my store won a contest that netted us $500 for anything we wanted for the store. My boss decided to spruce up the break room. This meant going to various home stores for supplies and getting stopped in every aisle to answer questions. Motherfuckers, pay attention.",Blue shirt must mean you're a manager. +Michigan football to 'draft' fan with special needs,THAT HAS TO BE A RECRUITING VIOLATION +"If Rosberg and Hamilton both manage to suffer engine woes in every race going forwards, then Ricciardo will luck his way into a WC!","Yeah, but it won't be deserved." +TIL that in the 1920s a Chicago man convinced his wife to pull out all her teeth then refused to get her dentures because it was 'cheaper to feed her with soup than solid food'. She took him to court and he was ordered to get her 2 new sets of teeth and a beefsteak a week.,What a bitch... +What else would it be?,Its just a plant duuuuuuude +Why is Elizabeth/Keri Russell so hot?,I believe OP needs to post proof of this outrageous claim. +"Because they do voodoo not santeria, and apparently voodoo is not as efficient against hurricanes.",works spectalularly for earthquakes though +Are you suggesting we put children and the elderly to work?,It time someone puts those freeloading toddlers to work and show them they can't live sucking on their mother's tit forever! +Indeed. Let's hope your phone doesn't get compromised by any exploits that have been fixed in iOS10. Good luck!,"No way, apple is unhackable." +Daily Q&A Football related questions only please.,Best modern player (after 1990) who never played in any of the big leagues? +Dude! His friend has a sweet closet set up!,You forgot the +...don't commit crimes? the alternative is being a fugitive.,But Obummer is going to implement martial law to remain president and use these cars to take all our guns! +4 wins in 30+ games. Feels great. I hate supremacy.,"well, which is it?" +Mystery phone broke the 200k barrier on Antutu,The Turning phone really does exist! +That street is not in Scarborough,"It's east of Yonge street, what do you mean?" +is the constant teabagging necessary?,How else would they know they got rekt? +Sorry Mike Pence: Here are all the times Trump has changed his stance on a Muslim immigration ban,"Oh, you're whipping out your Muslim thing again just because it just happened was was really stupid?" +I cannot believe the BPD would allow the trash to be collected from a kidnapping scene. Good lord. They had to have noted the cans out at the curb for collection when they cased the property.,They cased the property? +"This is terrible in so many ways, but there's a small part of me that likes it. Like spraying someone's corpse has a whole new meaning and weight when you have to pay for the privilege.",Found the Valve employee +"So I read almost all the TF2 comics last night. Damn, that's some intricate shit right there. Also, the characters became individuals instead of classes for me. Heavy was a sentimental guy. He cared about people so much as to live in Siberia indefinitely. Scout was a dick, but he had good intentions. Pyro... I may change my main from Pyro. He got SO much more creepy. Demo got more depth than I drink heavily and blow shit up., which he deserves. Soldier thinks he's Heavy, but better in every way. I like Sniper even more now, despite... Hold on, how do you do spoilers here? Medic is strange. Spy... Spy was the character I liked most in the comics, with the teeth turkeys and the teeth dining set.",I bet you missed at least two of them. +"Local 15 year old gives birth to baby in bathroom. After strangulation fails, she resorted to slitting its throat.",But abortion is evil! +Why is this NSFW?,Fuck these clickbait titles +Humpback whale breaching,PSA: whales jump out of the water because they are tired of being wet. +"All this does is mainly limit the ability to mix sets. I think that's Valve's intention, to prevent people mixing together the most ridiculous combos. Which is somewhat understandable. As a dev, I would not want to adapt sets so that they work with every other item for the hero. Yes, there were reports on the devs forum about items not working together. People actually coplaint about that. Imagine someone buying clothes and then complaining why the shirt of this suit doesn't go well with the pants of this suit.","But without mixing sets, we wouldn't have gotten animage" +Minato is Tsunade and Jiraiya's son.,Wasn't that on the front page recently? +Thanks a fucking lot Ethan.,ALL ETHANS FAULT FUCK HIM GUYS AMIRITE? +UK government bars foreign academics from advising on Brexit,I see no way this will result in any kind of conflict-of-interest. +That shit's hilarious to me. Those sensitive reactionaries consider a depiction of the KKK getting mowed down to be racist against white people really overplay their hand.,bu-but SJWs and Tumblerinas are the sensitive ones that are always getting triggered and need their safe spaces! +$3 for Slime Rancher?,"No, thanks :)" +Wikileaks Appears To Release Hillary Clinton's Paid Speech Transcripts,"I could read the article, but instead I'm just going to assume these speeches will result in Trump winning all 50 states." +whos this,Mila Azul / Mila / Milla +What is this...the year 2000? There ain't no $100 jeopardy clue.,Was waiting for that reference to get called out... ;) +"Not quite true, all on the fringe right talk about it relentlessly.","I hear them talking about how it's a myth and god's providence will provide for all of his children; well except if they're dark skinned, but we don't like to think about that do we?" +But now you have a premium leather interior EVERYWHERE to not get dirty...,"well, remove the interior" +"It is not usually an insult. Usually it means aww, how cute or sweet or adorable. Every now and then it does mean you idiot or fuck you",Bless your heart. +FUT Champions PC - Leaderboard - 35 min after start - wtf?!,What if the guy is soo good that everyone quit as a result? +The argument is that adding more to the economy didn't help most taxpayers because when rich people get richer they hoard wealth instead of spending it. That's why so many now say trickle down economics is more or less a myth.,"Yeah I mean, of course a better economy doesn't help anyone but the rich elites" +Just coherent endings,What's incoherent about a bunch of little kids sexing it up in a sewer? +"Losing our jobs? You might want to look at the data, dipshit.",176k jobs added versus an average 20k during W. What a failure! +m2k looked so crushed after that rip m2k in bracket tomorrow,Inb4 he drops Melee and only enters Smash 4 singles +"Over 2,000 gyms battles won! ^owo^",Tryhard +The best pet battle team,Gets rekt by just one magic pet +I trust him.,If Sam Hinkie don't trust ya imma shoot ya +Silver trash simply don't know what's wrong with the game because they don't know how to play the game,Knows I'm right so he guesses I'm silver and tries to flame me for it What a suprise +Can I eat this?,"Yes, but only once." +"Christ! Why is 'hiring more black people' something to be proud of. That's just as racist. 'Look at all of your black employees'. Also, why the hell is there 'industry standard diversity', just hire off of the skill set. Isn't that why people go to school? To go get skills? What's the difference if you are already losing from birth.",The tech industry is incredibly white and racist if you ignore all the Indian and Asian employees. +Knife16?,But why would you use security irons +Front tire too. Damn.,Probably a burnout. +Well Jesus had other thoughts But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Mathew 5:28,"Shhhhhhhhh, we ignore the New Testament when it's not convenient for us." +You forgot the importance fact that both SSW and SKT go 6-0 in group stage.,"Well, not a single team is gonna go 6-0 in groups this year, so that one's out of the window." +She could be a hat... Or a broach... Or a pterodactyl...,What about a Bro-oach? +"With all the cards like Doomcaller and Onyx Bishop etc, why do we not have a graveyard to keep track of the minions that we killed? Just a thought, considering other card games have graveyard interaction. Even if used for nothing else, it can be used to keep track of the minions that died.",While we're at it why not also keep track of what is in the remaining deck. +Goldberg did draw alot of money though.,"Doesn't matter he couldn't put on a 60 minute technical classic like Bret Hart or cut a promo like Paul Heyman, lets just face it he should have never been a wrestler he wasn't entertaining at all he was awful." +OP3 has that.,"Right, I'll get on that as soon as they allow me to buy it" +The Adventure Time Presents: The Music of Ooo vinyl release can now be purchased via ThinkGeek,"The one I was really hoping for, Remember You, isn't on there!" +"All of the greatest rappers have mentioned me in their songs, it's because I have been so successful, and so they like to rap about money and I have, and have always had a lot of money because of my smart business mentality,",Small loan of a million dollars +"Yeah...Brother tortured, Sister also tortured, probably still being tortured, seems a little more even.",But think about how it must have made him feel! +So you're having a storm?,It's funny because so many people died +T. Kroos scores against Czech Republic (2-0),Typical Kroos goal. +why do you assume Samsung is incapable of making a watertight seal around a replaceable battery cover?,"They clearly don't know how to, which is why they added one on the S5" +They weren't attacked for having differing views. They were actively trespassing and destroying private property.,"Yeah man everyone follow every rule all the time, because that's how things change" +**New all time series record:** [Texas](#f/texas)61-5-45[Oklahoma](#f/oklahoma) **Win streak:** [Oklahoma](#f/oklahoma) 1 (2016-present),"Man, how did they tie 45 times?" +"I personally love the standard environment and many companies run on it. Are out of curiosity, which part of it do you find shitty?",the you can't even connect an external database part. +I thought he hated coffee,;D +"America doesn't use it, and since America commits the most money and troops to the universe, it can't be universal unless America does it. /a",Yea it's not like the word universal is somehow all inclusive. +"The scenario is of the Fortress Monestary Battle Barge ramming a stationary (dead engine) Traitor Battle Barge out of orbit and into the planet. Speaking of which, can a series of ground based void shields resist the shockwave of the nearby impact?","Sure, anything's possible and void shield's can take nuclear detonation levels of punishment." +How come crests are not color blind friendly? I know Supremacy is a new game mode but I have Mild Deuteranopia its really hard to make out reds for me and since the enemy crests are a shade of red its hard to tell if its either friendly or an enemy's when a gun fight is happening. I know its a small thing but it would be nice if they changed its color to,You're right they should be red and geeen. +I wouldn't recommend it. The girl will never respect or love you.,"And you know that because you have been with many, many feeeeemales, right?" +me_irl in 40 years,Lol see you guys in 40 years +bro this question is way too messed up even for this sub,Forgot the +"Haven't seen Taken 2, but I have seen Taken. Pretty much he loves his daughter and has been trying to show it, however he is not as rich and successful as the new father figure in her life. He is, however, a former CIA spook so when an international sex trafficking ring kidnaps his daughter, the one thing he truely loves, he does everything he can to get her back. The first 20 minutes of the movie does explain all that.","I was being sarcastic cause it was a simple movie, guess I should have used" +Thought a screen play would catch us on a blitz.,Can't flim flam the zim zam. +"It's not that he's objectifying women, or talking about their pussies. It's not even the infidelity, since he was married to a pregnant melania. It's that he's talking about how he can use his power to take advantage of women and do whatever you want to them.",But that makes him smart. +So uh..could we have a picture of that coin with a scale reference? I'm unfamiliar with this currency.,"Or a picture of the lizard with *real* money, and not monopoly fun money dollarydoos." +I'm confused by some of the comments in this thread. What is the msm?,"If it's not infowars, breitbart or Stormfront, it's biased and mainstream." +"stem cells have been around since the 80s, but there is still a lot of things we theoretically could use them for, but haven't. for decades we've known they could fix spinal injuries, crohn's disease, arthritis. one day maybe.",Spoiler alert: Humans were invented in the 80's. +"Daniel, you cannot be world champion anymore","You can clearly already see the enormous psychological advantage Verstappen has gained over Ricciardo this race, the usually very cool Ricciardo already starts throwing with stuff" +"Thanks to Bush the Lesser that's now under dispute. Rights only apply if we like you, apparently.",And nobody likes (accused) criminals so we might as well save the trouble altogether. +THat is fuckin gay. the story mode takes so long,"Story mode takes a decent amount of time to complete, but the archery game is skillfull and a little fun addition that is not obligatory in any way to play the game" +If you put weapons grade in front of any word what would be the best?,Wife +Two Slavs hanged a paki outside the ministry of Internal affairs in down town Athens( story developing ),WOAH +Roughly 1/4 group at 200 yards with new Savage 12 LRP in 6.5 Creedmoor,But you missed the quarter +Bjergsen is the greatest Western player ever Whatever happend with TSM at Worlds this year Bjergsen for sure is the best western player ever. His team achievements and personal achievements is pretty top notch.,You forgot the +5' 9 Is the Optimal Height for a Surfer; (Aka: Short People Rule Surfing),"Ok looks like I'm short, thanks article." +Even Mars Attacks?,"*Especially*, Mars Attacks." +"Unsleeved, a good idea is to use an Ultra Pro pocket page and fold it up. Fits perfectly in a letter.",You forgot the +Bill Clinton has also lied under oath. So we can never know when the Clintons are telling the truth since no laws are good enough for them to respect.,"It's not that he lied, it's just that it was not his recollection of the circumstances of the event that took place." +"Things to do on vacation? Hey guys. My family and I just flew in from Tucson AZ (I'm absolutely in love with the weather and scenery right now). This is the furthest we've ever been away from home as a family so we want to make this trip great. We've planned to stay here for a couple nights then head up to Vancouver for another few nights. We'll be taking a tour of the city tomorrow but I was wondering if there were any places (attractions, restaurants, etc.) that could really make our trip great, please and thank you!!",Hit the Metropolitan Grill for lunch. +FFS can we stop the DZ posts?,"No, massive give us PVE DZ!" +Mini-Wohnungen in Paris: Nicht einmal neun Quadratmeter zum Leben,"Mehr braucht man ja auch nicht, man ist ja eh nur zum Schlafen in seiner eigenen Wohnung." +I like to play a similar game called don't touch the brakes.,"I like to play a game called cut in front of assholes who are lollygagging in the left lane, then zig-zag through multiple lanes of traffic at any opportunity, because fuck the world!" +Witnessed someone playing Israel on Redfor,Jewish conspiracy. +Truman?,There was an exemption for the current president when the 22nd amendment was passed by congress. +i have same problem with white sunburts. some people just don't understand that no means no.,I'll trade you those Sunbursts for my Titanium White Wizard Hat +I to have a rubber duckie. Would you like to swap? But youll have to give me 10 keys aswell. Plus a certified parallax,Great Deal +The D actually looked more competent under Manusky.,You mean you don't like Ted mochachino? +"Manchester United, Plymouth Argyle, Shamrock Rovers, and even a NT cap. Quite respectable career I have to say.",Only two goals in his entire career though. +I have the preview program but I don't see this feature,It's not out for everybody in the preview program. +"Official Game Day Thread: New England Patriots (3-1) @ Cleveland Browns (0-4) | Kickoff 1:00 PM ET, October 9, 2016 | FirstEnergy Stadium, Cleveland, OH",Warhorse ! +Dude wasn't it just last week that you had no II's... Congrats though mang I am rooting for us all except u/holyprophet_mohammed,Hey man don't beat yourself up Lol. +"More than 13,400 rape kits, including some that could prove critical in the prosecution of sexual assaults, remain untested and sitting on the shelves in Florida police and sheriff's departments, according to a statewide survey",So many unwanted pregnancies could be cleaned out with those rape kits. +That call was on Logan for hitting Stafford head to head,"Said on 31, Mills...who in the replay is on the near sideline and doesn't participate in the play at all." +Unless you don't have a problem listening to recorded kol isha.,He said *frum* people! +What's wrong with medivh's staff?,The fact that it's supposed to go to ~~Khadgar~~ a pretty shit wizard. +I think c9 team comp is better.,how do you expect c9 to reach caitlyn in lategame? +This hollowed out quarter with Washington smoking a blunt.,Lololol 420 bro omgggg this nigga smokin da herb ayyyyy +Power to be restored on October 16th...really? Duke Energy you got to be shitting me.,You should probably conserve your battery and stop posting on Reddit. +Consensually though.,Are you sure? +Colognes to buy,"For your gf: Prada Infusion d'Iris is well loved, and maybe L'Ambre des Merveilles from Hermes?" +Let's take back the fucking house of reps. Let's demolish the GOP for a generation.,Yeah go democrat party they should run everything for a generation they have never done the same shit republicans have done +Was SQ42 supposed to be at Citizen con? If so that's kinda sad. They should have said something about it. If not then ya'll NMS'd yourselves and we should really set expectations before this turns into the NMS subreddit.,"They did say something about it, lol and we obviously needed another thread about it, since absolutely nobody mentioned it" +"OK, OK. Used motor oil.",used motor oil will go rancid. +So she did? He does think she's the devil.,"But she doesn't live in hell, her neighborhood doesn't count." +"You really weigh a personal vendetta against Hillary over what you think would be best for the country? Seems petty and immature, especially since Jill Stein and Trump are polar opposites on philosophy of governance.",But it FEELS right +Clean sheets only behind closed doors we are such prudes.,We lost to Huddersfield behind closed doors. +Is Kerby Rychel a bust?,yeah hes a bust +Not one girl I have seen has seen me again and at this point I don't want to risk getting my info put up in some public directory where it can be traced back to me and potentially lead to me losing my job. I know that sounds paranoid but we live in an age of unprecedented interconnectedness and the personal is now political and professional. Better just cut my losses and know my place: masturbating alone in my dim studio unit.,TIL that all hookers work from a central database. +I would say Robert plant. He's not horrible but I don't think he is great either. I think he is good but all he has going for him is his vocal range. On the first Zeppelin album I feel like he is straining quite a bit for some of the notes.,Go to hell and never come back +"Ewww, 16% say Trump's video made them have MORE favorable views of him...",but of course they are not deplorable! +No there were not multiple examples and quoting breitbart doesn't make it so,Solid response +To make an analogy... Miami Hurricanes fans are to college football what Mexican National teams are to soccer,"Hey... Just remember we aren't saying puto whenever the opposing goalie kicks off, we say futbol." +"Hillbot asks What's so wrong with Hillary? My response: Okay, fine, here goes. Hillary Clinton is the single weakest candidate in the history of the Democratic Party. The fact that the Democrats couldn't see that they couldn't have possibly nominated someone more vulnerable to a loss to Donald Trump is frankly astonishing to a point that it almost makes you think the vast left-wing conspiracy couldn't possibly exist or at least operate with the smooth engineering controls of orchestrated evil that we on the other side of the aisle all imagine that it does. As a lifelong conservative (not necessarily always in lockstep with Republicans under that definition), I can consent that for the most part, Democrat ideals are better suited for issues of fairness and equality while I feel that Republican ideals have always favored law and order. I just happened to decide that law and order matter more to me, but I do understand those to whom the former matters more. That's why I'll always love Chris no matter how much I disagree with him, because I truly do understand him, and I understand when those ideals manifest themselves in an idealist candidate like Bernie Sanders why he becomes such a popular figure. Having said that, there is a vicious and nasty underbelly to the Democratic Party that plays on those ideals of fairness and equality to exploit them towards horrible ends, just like there are those among the Republicans who exploit issues of law and order to do the same thing. A guy like Bernie Sanders represented those ideals in spades, and because he came along at exactly the wrong time, he exposed Hillary Clinton as someone who represented the underbelly, just like Jeb Bush, a guy who was only slightly less presumptive than Hillary at one time, was exposed by Donald Trump. The only difference is the RNC was slightly less organized in total out & out corruption than the DNC and so nothing could be done to save Jeb. All you have to do to know that Hillary Clinton represents the underbelly is to look at the way she and her supporters react to any issue. For Hillary, no matter how many times she is confronted, she laughs. She laughs off things that are felonies. She laughs off her husband's gross misconduct. She even laughs off dead Americans. This is nothing more than a psychological ploy, and you see it in the debates. That is not the laugh of someone who cares about you. That is the laugh of someone who has played on your good sense of fairness and equality for 30 years and who knows how to spin something to press those buttons. I think you're probably highly intelligent, but you're being played by someone who is, unfortunately, much more practiced at deception than you can realize. The key supporters around her are trained and proficient in that very same art of manipulation. The key supporters around her would say that she won tonight's debate no matter what happened. I'm man enough to admit that Donald Trump, the guy I supported from day one, did not sufficiently prepare for the first debate and on points, he lost that one, but you look at the news and the people who surround Clinton and who have propped her up for the past two years, and no one is willing to admit this obvious blowout defeat in which Clinton was at no times able to get off the blocks. That is the difference between total brainwashing and someone believing what they believe. The Clinton camp is a false narrative machine. They've got their finger on your button and they know what to say and when to say it to keep you in line. Donald Trump can't keep anyone in line. That's the beauty of him as a candidate and as a person. People have turned on him and betrayed him for offenses and alleged offenses so far and away less egregious than even the crimes that are totally provable in Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State that there should be no question that he is the real deal. Everyone from serious man adult-in-the-room Paul Ryan to renowned jackass Glenn Beck have no problem taking their toe off the party line, and in some cases, putting it on and taking it back off again. I think that's great. I think for every betrayal, Donald Trump gets closer to proving his point as he continues to hold up this mirror to the country that no one seems to want to look into, and, by the way, that mirror for some would be a Dorian Gray scenario, especially for guys like Arnold Schwarzenegger, career philanderer who just recently disavowed Trump over the leaked tape comments. I love it. The hypocrisy just doesn't stop. Do you really think Arnold Schwarzenegger is in a position to disavow anyone over how they treat women? The more it's clear, like from the horrible performance of the moderators at tonight's debate, to the stacked questions and canned laughter, to even how you see people like Tim Kaine who are just rabid dogs who turn every conversation back to Trump Trump Trump, the more his point is proven, and the more you see Hillary for what she is. Even tonight, once again invoking, When they go low, you go high. In what universe would anyone ever believe that is true of Hillary Clinton? Hillary Clinton goes high by word of mouth ONLY and only when it is convenient for her to do so. She does have hatred in her heart and contempt for most Americans, and it is so painfully obvious in her actions. No candidate has ever been more disconnected from the pulse of the American people. Pokemon go to the polls. Name one time in her life when she has taken the high road in ACTION and not just in rhetoric. Name one. Was it voting for the war in Iraq? And you can say, Donald Trump was for the war in Iraq, but you know what? Whether he was or he wasn't, it doesn't matter because he was not a vote on the senate floor. He was a private citizen without the gravity of a decision like Clinton had in that moment, and in virtually ever decision she has made, in every action she has taken as a public official, she has NEVER gone high, up to and including bullying and intimidating the victims of her husband's many vile rapes. This, unfortunately, brings me to her experience, aka the building blocks of who she is as a person. You really are your experiences aren't you? Nature and nurture can only influence so much and then eventually you have to go out into the world and decide what your footprint will be. Virtually all of Hillary Clinton's experience is bad experience. It's objectively bad. It's bad to a point that if you weren't a part of the brainwashing, you would have no defense for her uniquely awful record of public service. I don't want to reiterate a bunch of campaign talking points here because you can read those anywhere but suffice it to say, and I think even Chris would agree that her tenure as Secretary of State was nothing more than a sweetheart deal that President Obama probably wishes he didn't have to make, by the way... suffice it to say, as a public official, no public official in history has ever had an agenda more incompatible with the public good than Hillary Clinton. There has never been a weaker or more vulnerable person in this position in American history, and the fact that the Democrats don't have someone who's capable of defeating Donald Trump in spite of the fact that virtually everyone in a position of any real political, media, lobbyist, or anyone in the owner/donor class is so totally set against him just proves that to be true and proves how deeply flawed and uniquely unqualified she is. There are so many hotshot Republicans hoping for a Clinton win because they know that with the state of things by 2020 being how they would most likely would be that the opportunity for otherwise unelectable Republicans will probably be tremendous. And by the way, there are so many Democrats secretly rooting against her because they have their eyes on 2020 that your head would spin if you knew, I bet. Donald Trump as a man does not possess many of the qualities that my ideals cry out to match with, and no, he is not the fairness and equity candidate, but he is on the right side of law and order like no one else in my lifetime, and if he can re-establish that in this country, because right now we're moving towards abject lawlessness, in case you haven't seen, then I hope we will have a strong nation, still standing, that is capable of going on to tackle issues of fairness and equality. But until that day comes, I firmly believe in my heart that this brutish, loud-mouthed, New York City whatever-you-wanna-call-him is running against the devil herself, and I'm much, much more than willing to accept whatever consequences come from doing whatever it takes to stop her.",Well stated. +Can you really get 3 years for buying drugs? Shit mang,Gotta lock up these hard criminals amirite +"lol, people salty at you pointing out reality",The only reason racism still exists is because you people keep talking about it +Modern political discourse just descends into insults,Yeah like discourse of any kind doesn't break down into senseless name calling you fucking idiot +What do you mean??,Sandworms aren't usually that big in real life. +Vigilante-style group Soldiers of Odin patrolling Melbourne CBD,Always good to see a vigilante gang around to fight against the evils of immigrants. +Don't be this guy.,"I'm voting Giant Meateater, lolol" +No,Pretty sure he forgot the +"Not affairs -- assaults and sexual harassment, and bill paid one $850,000 almost two decades ago to shut her up. Young kids will believe this is trump's doing, but I remember these women. Clinton was impeached over this. he gave a lawyer's answer to one question about if he had sex with Monica lewinsky under oath, he answers dishonestly but it wasn't technically a lie -- if you have ever heard it depends on what your definition of 'is' is it comes from this. Bill said that (or something close to if I misattributed some words or whatever). Which sounds stupid, but it was a very smart play. He definitely was dishonest, but the question was sloppy and allowed him an out. He answered the literal question. He was not, at that time, having sex with Monica lewinsky. Bill, as president, got a blow job in the Oval Office from a 24 year old intern (Monica Lewinsky, this isn't a theory, it's confirmed, She even had his DNA on a dress). Talk about a bad power dynamic. He also put a cigar in her pussy (consensual, unlike with the other gals). wether you believe these things or not, they're well established and very credible allegations. Bill Clinton could be a rapist, and Hillary Clinton may have intimidated her husband's victims to maintain her political power so she could one day be president. Not trump lies, it's real. That said, this doesn't mean vote trump. It just means don't think Hillary is chill.","'Impeached' ah, so that's how Al Gore became president." +I've seen Completely Normal maybe 10 times.,For a long time it was a ritual of my friends and I to watch it anytime we got bored so we have seen it ~40 times. +"The joy of giving your brother your old setup, and the excitement that follows",Vildbjerg cup Master race +Don't worry. Everybody in france know it too.,It was those White Anglo-Saxon Protestant police-hating man-pigs at it again. +How to make new friends? I've made a few friends. But one is my suitemate and the other 2 are roommates on a lower floor. They are the people I'll normally hang out with. I want to meet new people though. My campus is really dead. On weekends everybody leaves. Not many people show up to the different events and if you did run into people they aren't sociable because they are with a group and would rather not be bothered. Guys and girls both do this. There is no party scene here the closest parties you have to take a train to and I don't have money for that. It seems after class everyone runs to their dorms and shuts their door which is kind of the inside joke across campus. Any suggestions?,Clubs? +first press velvet underground and nico,Unpeeled? +"and ROX lost to ANX. You dont rank a team only on one game. edg is not the powerhouse/worlds candidate that pre world ranking made them off but they are still a top 6 team at least at the event. C9 isnt. Pros said it, analysts said it and they need to improve a ton if they want to take one game of SSG because if they play like the whole groupstage, relying on FW to lose vs a dynamicQ to pass, it wont be pretty with how strong SSG look.","Yes ROX also looked weak, not sure how this can be argued" +How about China but only after multi-core processing is also added.,Coreing is in EUIV not CKII dummy +*have,Nah bro had makes sense there +4th and inches... boy do I have a surprise for you! Flea flicker pitch to the WR around the left end option pass... annndddd it's a 7 yard loss.,I mean it's not like the Ravens have the one of the best guard tandems in the nfl..... +Who the fuck are the 37% who say this guy is respectful of women or aren't sure?,People in locker rooms. +Do have to be American though! So down at the first hurdle unfortunately!,"Oh please, we all know Obama was born in Kenya" +"Paraphrasing his own words: Trump is bad, but not as bad as ISIS.",What a great defense +"His brother bragged about being a booster to me, but w33 seems alright.",Proof? +Imagine if Hillary's husband actually did use his power to sexually assault women.. oh wait,I wonder why nobody is doing any polls of Trump vs Bill Clinton? +That's not how living in the country works...,Cops would laugh at you probably. +Massive Sand Worm from Star Citizen's CitizenCon Stream!,"Dude, that doesn't hold a candle to the procedurally generated pig anteater or anteater pig I saw in No Man's Sky!" +S2 security systems peasantry!,The human eye can't see past .5 FPS. +Internet users who post degrading photoshopped images online or create derogatory hashtags could face prosecution under new UK guidelines,"But it won't be selectively enforced to stifle free speech for only the wrong sort of people, so it's okay." +"Good comeback. I'm 6'1, 210 lbs btw",Should have added an +"At least he could try and justify some of his actions. There's always two sides of a story, and while Eternal Envy has provided a lot of pictures and pretty damn big fucking blog post to go with it, I just want to hear what Puppey has to say about it.","yeah you heard the three sides, w33ha, misery and envy No need for more." +"Your opinion is not worth a damn, actually.",I didn't think I need an +"Perhaps you'd like to vote for yourself, what's wrong with that? :)","Hey pal, fuck you with your encouraging average citizens to run for office." +US magazine Foreign Policy backs Clinton in landmark move,"Who else would Foreign Policy, the so-called Bible of American Imperialism, endorse -- Trump, who has questioned the existence of NATO?" +*Aliens*.,They're just trying to get the truth out there +Poll: Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 14 points nationally,This is shocking! +"No thanks, got 2x skyblues already :S","At least make it 4 then, so you can put them all on your car" +When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of the arena lights...,Saw stars so bright... +Craig Button's top five long-term Canucks prospects: 1) Boeser; 2) Juolevi; 3) Stecher; 4) Gaudette; 5) Brisebois,Does Demko not count as a prospect? +"RX 480 for the witcher 3 and cities skylines? How many fps do you get on the witcher 3 and cities skylines: settings = everything minum (if you can disable something, like AA or ambient occlusion, please do it) resoultion = 1080p framerate = ??? for cities skylines: test with small cities ( < 100k population), where cpu is not the bottleneck benchmarks only put ultra settings, so i can't see if the rx 480 can run those games at 144fps. Thank you very much for your help.","i5-2500k stock/480@1365/2100mhz gets 50-70 with dips mainly caused by windows 10 drivers, all settings maximum 1080p with hairworks de activated" +"I mean, Hawaii is part of the United States....",Now it is after Obama became president. +Did you not watch the video? Dude is clearly black.,....this cannot be overlooked! +I was poking fun at criticisms of her. I didn't say it was all the same critic.,"In the future, this confession can be avoided with a" +Ouch,You dun fucked up OP +Bought some wax. Grew a mustache,"mhhh, snot infused wax!" +Yeah but red wings,but the fantastic PK abilities +An improvement on Kerry McCarthy (a Vegan) as Shadow DEFRA.,"no how dare you, the goverment should tell us everything we should eat and how we should live" +It's actually mine. He reposted,She* *TRIGGERED* +"There's no way 8751 doesn't mean anything. Or 1,5,7,8. Cause it's said randomly. Surely there's a reason why it's said prominently throughout the game on different Nights? Must mean something.",hasn't anyone tried 1234? +"That is an uneducated position. While some Greens do have a differing views, there is nothing anti-Science in the Green platform. It's about having accurate Science that is funded by entities that do not stand to make money on favored outcomes.",Gotta watch out for Big Vaccine +"This has always confused me, this is horrific yet it barely entered the public conciseness.",It was definitely no where near as news worthy as Kim Kardashian. +"Definitely. Samsung doesn't have much reason to support their phones for far longer and Qualcomm have a better reputation with developers on XDA. We'll see how well Samsung is with their support for Exynos with the S6. Unlike the S II and S III, the S6 has sufficient RAM for a year or two more.","Alright, thanks!" +Caught a hacker flying around Dalaran.,What? +"I was kissing a girl whilst very drunk and a gay guy decided to hop right in and join in with the kiss, half my lips met half of his lips. Fuck you forceful gay guy.",He sounds like the Donald Trump of the Gay community. +"Yes, that's part of his charm of not being involved in politics. It's doesn't strenghten Trump. It only points out his lack of perspective and myopic tunnelvision.","Yeah, because HRC never cherry picks with the truth" +Machu Uluru,Who knew that Uluru was actually made of Limestone and Granite this whole time? +In coffin.,too soon :'( +"Doubt Dortmunds fans are as volatile as ours, I also doubt the German media are as ruthless as the ones in Britain. I've noticed that he's no longer as impulsive and exuberant as he was early in his Liverpool tenure, reckon it's because trying so hard wore on him and now he's a little more reserved and circumspect, just do your job and don't raise your profile unnecessarily.",So you're the glass half full type? +"Game Thread: Bucs vs Panthers - Monday Night Football 10/10/16 There wasn't a game thread so I made it, go Bucs","But guys, he only missed because of the hurricane tho" +The 2016 Red Sox were the most frustrating team of my lifetime,"Damn, I hate when my team wins the division" +I believe you can donate blood at your local hospitals.,I'll look into that next time. +This *never* would have happened if marijuana/guns were illegal!!!,yeah since making things illegal makes them go away. +NFL player channels his inner creature,Calling racism on that title +"He's not your pal, bud.",He's not you go fuck yourself and all of these threads +What is your go-to stress relief?,Listening to heavy and thrash metal and playing video games. +Hospital goes after adoptive family for bills issued before adoption,Single payer would destroy our healthcare system. +"You're still saying she shouldn't be president because her husband had an affair. Fuck off, and shove your faux outrage up your ass.","remember, she's a woman so her husband is really in charge" +What's a movie you saw that you thought was gonna be about one thing but then turned out to be about something different?,"The Reader - I went in 100% blind, wasn't expecting to see Kate Winslet having sex with a teenage boy, and watched with invested emotions in this May/December type of carnal romance.... ...then the second half of the movie happened." +You guys are going to hate me but,"We hate you already, without you even saying a word about CitizenCon." +Aftermarket axels Are their any aftermarket axels that you guys would reccomend? Just blew out both boots on my front. Thanks,Unimog axles are plentiful and cheap. +"The few, the proud, the karter0's",Did you just call him ugly? +Chicago Marathon top Runners in Slow motion. Mile 19,They don't look like they're going fast at all. +"White people of reddit, what do you think of Netflix's Luke Cage?",I for one was completely offended the only white character in the show was a dirty cop with a lame haircut. +"Wikileaks is just another propaganda tool for the Kremlin, Everybody knows it, and now there is proof.","But I thought Wikileaks was a bastion of freedom and speaking truth to power, a pure shining beacon of light in our dark world?" +"While I totally agree with him, the fact that McCain was supposedly still backing Trump after the guy called him a coward and not a war hero because he got caught seems like reason enough to give him the middle finger.",These Republicans that are standing up to him after the 50th thing he said that would've disqualified anyone else are real profiles in courage. +"One of the low key most disturbing things about Trump is the repeated insinuation from people who have been around him that he doesn't really pay attention to anything and tends to just go along with whatever his handlers say so long as it allows for some room for his bluster. His behavior is so childish in so many ways. He's the perfect mark. Grease his ego a bit, let him feel like he's a powerful figure who can fire people at will or piss and moan about the color of the furniture and he'll basically go along with whatever you tell him otherwise. It is all kinds of stupid that tens of millions of Americans embrace this.",B-b-but killary is evil! +Will Paul Ryan also be jailed?,Of course - it turns out benghazi was his and Hillary fault... +it says midnight in the actual article,Yeah but who reads the articles amirite? +"If that were the case, he wouldn't have seen his poll numbers tank after Friday's leaked video. The majority of people want someone who is approachable, but not if they're clearly a bigot.","Dude, but polls are just biased leftist MSM propaganda and don't reflect my reality!" +"What are some really fun and a little bit competetive decks in Wild? I'm currently thinking of making a wild purify priest, is there any other really fun deck I could try out in Wild?",Secret Paladin +"I don't think he said no regulations, those are what helps to secure safety, both financially and physically.",Yeah and subsidies help ensure growth +Prust says he still believes he has a chance to make the Leafs. Staying with team despite no contract.,I am not sure why Prust would want to stay in Toronto seeing his wife has eyes for Russell Martin +Does anyone know what the joke was?,"No, it was too offensive for YouTube" +There's this thing called a life. Get one,"Yeah, because making a joke on the Internet, albeit a dumb one, obviously means you have no life." +opinions are shitposts now?,Cod fans dont like opinions. +"Forget deportation, we should just kill them all as enemy combatants. The_Donald is a hate group: Day 104",I'm sure the comment was downloaded. +Do you know who i feel bad for? Sean Murray...,"Wow, a shave and a haircut can really change a man!" +Steven Seagall Wants To Go After HRC For Treason,"Steven seagall is a popular actor in Russia, coincidence?" +Khan would do well to stay out of politics. And focus on honoring his son.,"Yeah, who wants to hear the opinion of someone who has their Masters in Law from Harvard." +One can hate both candidates. #JillNotHill,"Oh yeah, because SHE obviously stands a chance" +Imagine how it'll look when played on a PS4P!,Yeah can't wait to drop another $400 +I just watched a documentary about a Yahzidi smuggler who helped save 100s of women and girls escape from ISIS by utilizing his (I assume drug) smuggling circuits.,Obviously free of charge +"Best case scenario, early miscarriage.",Haha! +Gustavo and Blackie are proud.,You can't say that! +UK: Which EU law are you most looking forward to losing?,"Being part of the ECHR, because fuck democracy right?" +"UPDATE 2: for everyone wondering why the pics were taken exactly the date i created this account.. just think. i found this stuff ingame, than i took a picture and than i tried to upload it, which failed as i mentioned earlier. today i remembered that i havent uploaded those pics. thats why i uploaded them today. simple as that. + i am from germany, thats why my grammer isnt 100% right",That's exactly the same thing DF would say! +Donald Trump has now guaranteed that women voters will hand the election to Hillary Clinton,"I think it would be a miscarriage of justice to allow women to vote in this election, they will obviously be bias against trump." +Can someone tell what armor this is?,Diamond enchanted armor with prot 4 unbreakin 3 +"They can be viable if the two assassins know what they're doing, but I only keep seeing instalock Loki's, Susans and thanatos.","Oops, dropped this." +"Ladies of reddit, how do you feel about ugly women?","UGH, THE WORST" +Any nudes ot her?,Sorry guys... forgot this. +"Donald J. Trump on Twitter: The very foul mouthed Sen. John McCain begged for my support during his primary (I gave, he won), then dropped me over locker room remarks!",That sounds like a guy who really understands the true gravity of his remarks as more than just locker room banter +Nosferawho?,He's from Spongebob +It has no class legendaries cause they all suck,"ah yes, voljin is such a bad card" +"I'm always confused when I read that they think they can get custody by making one parent look bad. Do they think the other parent is just going to say oh ok, please take my child that I can look after perfectly fine","Usually the wackos that do this are the paternal grandmother, and as such usually also believe that men are hopeless with kids and will obviously be very relieved to put them in her loving care..." +They'll care the first time the exceed the cap and get hit with an overage charge...,"Sure, a few years from now, at which point data caps will have been fully written into every contract for every customer and Comcast continues to shaft everyone because there is zero competition in a lot of places." +i bet it's a wrap,What makes you think that? +"Alex Jones to Julian Assange MOVE BITCH, GET OUT THE WAY HILARIOUS","yeah, that's soooo funny" +"Buff the Zap A level 8 Zap doesn't kill level 7 minions (???), buff it in a small percentage to keep it balanced",You forgot the +Hey I'm wearing your pants! Haha!,Wrangler? +Poll: Likely Voters Say Clinton Won Second Presidential Debate,Yes but what did druge and breitbart say...we can only trust them. +What the fuck?,I hope he dropped the +"Oh god, what kind of question is that?",Obviously games at 50fps are more cinematic than 60/144 fps +benjo-the-great posts positive news Noynoy_Aquino posts negative news But clearly this is the first one that not politically motivated unless the dog was related to Du30.,The dog was a member of DDS and the baby is protecting his father who's a pusher +I've never heard that argument explained so well. Nice job :),Thats why I Tm ed the Danger Zone part +"I remember like two years ago, the selfie thread's were once every 12 hours. One happened at noon my time (12PM) and I'm in the UK. The other happened 12 hours later, meaning that it happened evening/afternoon time for people in America. So idk what you're saying when you won't be able to accommodate everyone.",Yes because the UK and America are the only two places on earth. +Teen Beauty Queens Say Trump Walked In On Them Changing,Isn't it great that laws about sexual assault and such just don't apply to people like Trump? +Legal pot could upend years of drug smuggling in Arizona,"Hey folks, the jury's still out, we need to do more research on all this..." +"The Isles put him on waivers yesterday, and we claimed him, so we got a 20-goal scorer for free!",I think we still have to pay him. +"The DNC doesn't subscribe to democratic process so yeah amazingly. We are so fucked. Idiots to The right of me, devils to my left.",Oh going to play the Sweden card now are you? +"game 5 ? HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA faker eats rox, and smeb doesnt outclass duke",You forgot the +"Many is stretching it. Just look at British activities in China, India, and large swaths of Africa in the 19th century.",Because the Mughals were saintly benevolent rulers! +"If you're trying to pinhole Trump as an atheist, you are barking up the wrong tree. Nobody has gone to greater lengths to tie them self to the nuttiest faction of the religious right than this guy.",the 'atheist' who has Mike Pence as his running mate +"And why the fuck is the box wrapped in plastic wrap? The guy's even standing in his kitchen, probably just got finished wrapping it up.","It's not plastic wrap, it's the original factory sealing plastic." +(long anti-black rant),I have black friends but they're animals... Seems like a nice guy +Aren't they assuming his gender? I thought we weren't supposed to do that...,Haha this joke never gets old! +"arty players never leave the cap circle anyway, why buy the engine","That's a recreational arty player.....then again, US server probably has better arty players than EU" +Podesta Part 4: HRC pushed for annual drug testing for teenagers and children.,Those private prisons aren't gonna fill themselves! +"God I hope driving your own car will still be a thing in years to come. There's something about tuning and modifying a car, then taking it down that empty, twisty road... I couldn't give that up for anything.",But navigating through 5 lane freeways during rush hour.... I'd give that up any day +"CAPS LOCK TUESDAY October 11 What's happened that you need to get off your chest? DID YOU TRY TO DRIVE ON WOODRUFF ROAD ON A SATURDAY? IS YOUR NEIGHBOR ALSO UNABLE TO PARK WITHOUT TAKING UP THREE SPACES AT A TIME? DID YOU GET ICED TEA WHEN YOU ASKED FOR HOT AND THEN GET KICKED OUT OF THE RESTAURANT WHEN YOU JUMPED ONTO THE TABLE TO YELL ANARCHY? DO YOU HATE HAVING TO PAY TAXES? TELL US ALL ABOUT IT, WE'RE HERE FOR YOU.",THANK HEAVEN FOR THE BLOCK USER FEATURE! +"Reddit, which of your five senses would you keep if you could only keep one? Why?",Smell +meanwhile I got mercy who has been using pistol when I am following right behind her spamming I need healing,No you're just selfish you need to suck her dick first +I always thought he'd main Mei so he could build the wall,Original +"The beautiful, crazy oyster that contains the pearl that is Austin.",*Midland +Wrong person awarded first place trophy at Portland Marathon,Goddamn Californians taking everything from us! +What would be a good name for a festive night terror scattergun? Title,Aimbot.exe +When you live the game,stop posting these fun conversations or we will never get the trade improvements! +"I played it at PSX last year and was pleasantly surprised! Unfortunately I got a little dizzy and had to stop playing, but it was a lot of fun and the core game was well done.","Wow, what a shill!" +"If they can't fix it then I think your shit out of luck, but I honestly believe 100% that they can fix it. Don't drink and play games is the moral of the story.",That doesn't sound fun.. ^^ +"My uncle used to tie a string around the trigger guard and then lower firearms into the non insulated walls of his house. He now has a safe, but that's what my dad told me he used to do.","At first I read this as he tied a string around the trigger, as if he was laying guns in the drywall as boobytraps..." +"The scandal that erupted in the United States over allegations Russia hacked Democratic Party emails has not been in Moscow's interests and both sides in the U.S. election campaign are just using Russia to score points, Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.","If Trump and Putin are denying it, then obviously there's nothing hinky going on, and we should believe them." +BREAKING: Trump Leading in Florida !!!VOTING!!!,but but Nate plastic says clinton is winning right now REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE +One more question about my talk,I try to lookup every verse I read so that I can stall a bit and milk more time. +Why do my icon labels become offset randomly?,wrong sub i think this is supposed to be in r/android +The only thing that made me more upset than their justifications for stopping him was watching them slam him to the ground for pulling away. That guy wanted no trouble and gets cuffed and berated for doing nothing.,"and all of them yelling 'stop resisting,' because resisting arrest before you are even accused if a crime is a punishable offense....." +How's your Wednesday going?,Hyped for the newest Arrow +But.. what about all the guys treated much worse for the same thing?,Males deserve every second of jail time and more. +Double Jesus christ,"Its even worse, the post he was referring to the guy was angry because his sister who he lives with and who took care of him, wouldn't have sex with him and in his own words all she would have to do is lay on her back for a minutes but apparently she was to 'selfish' to do that for him." +How to Watch Tonight's Broadway Fundraiser Live Online (Seriously you guys need to check out this lineup),**MONOLOGUES & SPEECHES:** Alan Cumming Angela Bassett Ansel Elgort Chelsea Clinton Helen Mirren Julia Roberts Lena Dunham Neil Patrick Harris Sarah Jones Sarah Paulson Uzo Aduba +I wear a hijab and this is my Halloween make-up for this year calling it ''Halal-ey Quinn'',"Yeah, that's not funny." +IOWA JUST WENT BLUE ON POLLS-PLUS! DO WE LIKE OUR FARMERS FOLKS?,"Jesus, how **STUPID** are the people of Iowa?" +Dj Namrood - El Doshka (arabic remix),Quality post right here. +"What's your favorite aviation 'hype' video on YouTube? Context: My friends and I have started a non-profit geared towards inspiring high school age students to pursue STEM careers through a passion for aviation and aerospace. We are hosting a presentation and I want to show a 2-3 minute clip as an opener that gets everyone excited about this hobby. Does anyone have a good clip that I would be able to use? Also, willing to watch cool videos for my own enjoyment.",Hey everyone Jason Schappert here.... +2016-17 NHL Opening Night general discussion megathread Discuss.,Matthews on pace for 164 goals! +Broke Frag Grenades/Molotovs So tired of getting bugged frag nades and molotovs. Looks like you throw them but they do not work and are still in your inventory. Drop them to your buddy? Nah he can't even pick them up cause they are broken.,just duds bro +Shy? She's up on top of a counter showing off her pussy to a laptop camera. That's not the definition of shy,But her face belies her shock at being discovered in such a pose! +Tried to update to watchOS 3. This happened. Now what?,Definitely time to buy a new one. +Trumpcucks argue that women shouldn't have the right to vote because they're too easily swayed by emotion.,yes the doughy manchildren screeching about muslims and walls and conspiracy theories are totally not swayed by emotion +that's cool. have you ever heard of Kurt Russell? he's my favorite actor at the moment,Lol you forgot the +"The good old days, when women--within my lifetime of 49 years--could not independently get a fucking CHECKING ACCOUNT or credit card without their man's permission (and plenty said no), when restaurants in my town in the 40s and 50s were still whites-only--in the northern state of Michigan, that is; Jim Crow was and in some respects still is alive and well in Northern states--when abortion was illegal--gosh, I miss those good ol' days!",Well yeah but the blacks weren't so uppity and there wasn't as many Mexicans +same. Im drinking about a gallon a day and I practically live in the bathroom.,more time to browse Reddit then +My uncle came to America only once in his life. Here he is in Chicago on the 4th of July.,Ask him what the kangaroos are like! +Every. Damn. Day,"Are you sure that customer didn't buy a drink the moment you opened, downed it, and came up for a refill ~4 minutes later?" +"Shane's a better player than I expected, honestly.",But he's in a showmance and they never make it to the end... +"Yeah, open up and watch some YouTube videos. Listen to Alex Jones. Ya know, reputable sources of info.",I'll bet you're fun at parties. +like you even have time to react when he has a dagger and instantly hexes you,Should up the refresh rate on that auto bkb hax. +Who will win!?,"Way to get out played, git gud m8" +"That's 4 in the morning on a Tuesday for us Aussies. I'll try and make it, no guarantees.","6AM here in NZ, tempting, very tempting." +"If the Priest wasn't designed with direct fire in mind, care to explain why it has -5 degrees of gun depression? It was no less a direct-fire SPG than any of the other SPGs we already have. And far more so than the Brummbar.",It's for when you park the Priest vertically along a very steep hill and need the depression to get the shell over. +Good for you. I hate sick fucks who abuse children.,"I, on the other hand, have no problem with them." +Dust 3 confirmed?,It's called mirage. +"Probably Oct. 14th, though they'll probably just make the reward the ARX slasher again","Na 99,9% sure it'll be a NS15-M Pumpkin or sth." +I'd go out on a limb and say he doesn't have a PS4.,Was it his XBox One dick sucking and the childish PS4 trolling that gave it away? +"#FUCK NXT Hey guise, let's keep these decade plus veterans already in their mid 30's wrestling really hard matches their entire career for 35 years in developmental!","Yeah, but their big time football recruits need to learn wrestling!" +"Darius, yasuo, nasus",Outplay central over here +"When she says he 'lifts the armrest to touch me' the armrests in first class, where she says she was seated, do not go up. Stop with this story its obvious BS guys.","All planes now are the same, and they have been the same for decades!" +People don't realize how loud guns are. I'm afraid I would suffer permanent hearing loss if I fired a gun in my home without hearing protection (e.g. in self defense). Movies and TV make it seem like you can have a normal conversation in the middle of a fire fight. I don't think so.,They were using 22's so not quite as loud +His kooky supporters were his biggest liability.,Trump's supporters... much less kooky. +Voting Conservative,"Oh, you're so alone in that opinion on reddit" +What is something most think is real but is really fake?,The moon landing +You're the second person to mention sewer grates. Is that like a reference or something?,Tell me you've heard of IT! +His poll numbers.,Says who? +"**BREAKING** ...LYNCH/CLINTON story a SCAM! NEW EMAIL SHOWS CLINTON'S DIDN'T KNOW LYNCH THAT WELL, SO WHY WOULD WJC STOP HIS PLANE JUST TO TALK ABOUT golf and grandkids **CORRUPT CORRUPT CORRUPT**",Wow so surprising. +"What do you refuse to even try, despite everyone telling you how amazing it is?",The Cleveland steamer. +Great! Now he can go catch Chinchompas instead!,Just don't try to catch the black ones; you'll get player killed for your valuable box traps +What is something most think is real but is really fake?,The moon landing +We support players do that often anyways...,Yeah but now the bad players are gonna have to do it and that requires effort :( +"With an all revamped and energy efficient charger! Just pay 200 for the adapter if you don't want to switch, because we're not just using a different shaped port, were changing the power plug!","Don't forget to put an i7 sticker on it, it doubles the speed" +Doesnt work. Been bitching for weeks now since everyone in my friend group has one but me.,Wanna join our discord server? +I guess world first people aren't proper raiders?,probably not because they definitely dont setup triggers during progression. +I was joking. Im not trying to fuck a horse.,Dang +When did Wikileaks become the political equivalent of the National Enquirer?,"The leaks themselves are fine, the problem is the alt-right fanboys... *or* if you wanna go full tin-foil hat, these stories about an assassination are all planted by pro-Clinton operatives to discredit this crowdsourcing effort!" +"I remember that first screenshot, it surfaced a day or so after the huge anti-rainbow outcry. The tears of the forsaken were distilled and hammered into custom 3rd party Direct3D dlls that applied filters like this in real-time.",Wait... is that a real thing? +It's not.,"I'm evil, everyone." +Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina.,Stop assuming their gender! +What's that? You want them to have physics again?,Sorry the technology just isn't there yet. +This is so common. Lots of homophobic gay guys. Fem-shaming is not gonna get you very far with me. I may come off fairly 'masculine' but it doesn't mean you can talk crap about other dudes who don't to me.,"Yes, let's all embrace being flaming queens!" +"He said dumb, not poor.","Well, it's their fault for being poor in the first place." +We're one of the OG team Reddit accounts. Got the 1 year club trophy and everything.,Another participation trophy? +How to plss?,You should have learned to piss before kindergarten... +Mark Twain would have been my friend,I thought Albert Einstein said that? +At most you'll get a 30 second ad on a 15 minute video dude,"Ugh, but it's sooooo looooooooooooong." +And this is why you shouldn't get antsy as a defender when you basically have the match. Then you just get silly slapped upside the head with this nonsense making you look like idiots lol. Well played OP.,"Wait, you're not supposed to attack on defence?" +People use the forums?,What is a forum? +It was not updated at the time that we commented. Now it is.,"Yea, OP is a prophet for sure." +"but the first film is set in the 20s... Teddy isn't born until 1998, right? Like, is this series going to extend from before harry potter until after? that seems... bizarre (to say the least)",I mean how could he be alive at that point... unless.... MAGIC. +"Leuk detail, in 2012 hebben er zo'n 160.000 mensen op de SGP gestemt. We hebben dus grofweg 5x zoveel Islamieten in dit land als SGP-ers.",15 zetels voor Denk dus +SJWs say science should be scrapped from the university syllabus for being a relic of colonialism (South Africa),"Start over science... sure thing, let's abandon centuries of research and thought, sound like a great plan to advance mankind." +So you're saying new companies and people with no money can't be lazy when they get huge amount of money? Theres been tons of kickstarter disasters where someone literally just cancels the game but keeps the money.,"No, I only say it is less likely, tough I see your argument too" +Seems to be everyday nowadays.,Welcome to the club +50% chance of events and notifications being deleted by themselves,I bet they also receive diplomatic subsidies from Nejd and Hejaz tags +Who has the best chops in the business right now? For me the best one is Marufuji. His run in the G1 and his match in the King of Pro Wrestling showed how hard he hits the chops and without a doubt he's the best in the world in that particular instance,Ambrose +Have you seen the John Oliver recap of all of this? He does a good job of laying out the facts on the whole thing.,The same John Oliver that said Bernie supporters who felt like the DNC was rigged against them were wrong? +"There is a solid chance we see 2 100+yd receivers this game. It doesn't look good for us unless Star and Short decide to use their massive bodies to do more than just plug holes. They need to actually put pressure on Brees without sacrificing a LB in coverage to blitz. Still though, it won't matter if we continue to run-run-run/run-run-pass every single offensive drive.",The strategic genius that is Mike Shula at work. +They did something similar to this in a city in the Florida panhandle. Made it illegal to lay down in any park. This got rid of the homeless people sleeping in the parks. This made it nice for families and couples to play and have picnics. The homeless people started calling the cops on people laying on blankets reading books and having picnics. Now if they repeal the law the homeless move back in. If they don't repeal the law they can't really enjoy the park. Laws/ordinances always have bad side effects.,Criminalizing homelessness is always good policy. +There's not really a guarantee that it would. It can. But it depends dramatically on the implementation and how it's designed.,"I'm definitely going to trust the government to run our healthcare, they've done such a good job so far" +What the best Craigslist deal you have ever come across For example: last night I bought a Maschine Studio and Komplete Ultimate 9 for $400 dollars :D,"I once got a truck load of touring gear for $100, the seller didn't provide much information and just wanted it gone."