diff --git "a/chunk55.csv" "b/chunk55.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/chunk55.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,1668 @@ +Input,Output +Was roaming my friends list when BAM. TRIGGERED,I can give you 7-8 reasons why I like this emblem. +Start not popping out kids like a high school kid pops zits if you cannot afford to feed them without needing assistance.,But isn't that how you get free money? +10.99 plus tax. You must be joking.,Y'all just jealous you didn't think of it first. +CNN in 1984 propaganda mode,Neither did crooked so what is the problem? +Does jimbothy make Easter egg videos?,I thought he always made EE videos +"surf_eon, new map by Sense, surfed by me! :^)","sweet map, from the video it looks like 50 sec normal run and like 46 wr?" +"Something about us Muslims being subversives and big bad meanies in disguise, most probably.","You're right, them killing, enslaving, persecuting and forcefully converting Christians from Islam's outset all the way to the 21st century is just one big lie" +"Moving to Tacoma - Does it really smell? Hi all - my husband and I are moving to the greater Seattle area in about a month, and we're looking at living in Tacoma. I heard from a friend there's a paper mill there and have since found out about the Aroma of Tacoma. Is this really an issue?","Dude, we fucking reek here." +"PSA: For crying out loud, don't block the intersection! With the Liberty Bridge closed, traffic in and around downtown is extra heavy at rush hour, to say the least. It doesn't help if you add to this madness by gridlocking the city's arteries. In just the past few minutes, I've seen a half dozen important intersections completely blocked because of selfish drivers who can't wait for the next light and think they'll somehow be better off if they could just be 15 feet further along than they are. It is not OK to impede traffic because you have someplace to be. We all have someplace to be. Don't be that driver.","I have to drive through downtown to get home, and I was thinking this exact same thing while I had to sit through three cycles of a light because of this exact problem." +Was this a screen shot he posted somewhere? It's weird that it's still in his notes,Ya Its on twitter +PS4s aren't region locked are they?,"I don't know about the BR discs, but I'd guess they are, but the downloadable games are definitely region locked, read a thread recently that shows how to work around it (a bit complex, but doable)." +"I mean... if there's one job where you're going to sleep at work, a mattress warehouse sounds pretty ideal.","Hotel is better, they have maids." +"Farming simulator came out a full year before this game did, and has more players than a game less than a month old. So in this case, yes. There are people who bought fucking *farming simulator* a year ago that are still playing it. People who bought NMS a month ago are abandoning it in droves. Again, *people are still playing fucking farming simulator* There is *more to do on a simulated farm than there is in a game that supposedly has 18 quintillion planets and anything is possible.*",They can't endure the existential dread of insignificance. +Fair enough. I am very sure the event will sell out on paper.,Welcome back! +So....Trevor isn't very good. :/,".33 release time, the dude is trash!" +What about when the corporations buy and sell politicians?,Don't blame corporations for buying politicians to allow them to be bought! +"i can almost 100% assure you its got somethin to do with transphobia. Actually, I can almost 100% assure you it's got something to do with your vagina.",that's sexist! +Chinese immigrant sitting next to me says LOL.,"Look, already disrupting the narrative and damaging social cohesion..." +"KB having a great game, he's so much fun to watch. It's so nice having our receivers be a strength on offense rather than a weakness.",It's so weird I love it +"Plus the racism. Plus calling the guy a faggot, so she's a bigot, too. On top of that, just a classic piece of shit who feels both entitled and simultaneously oppressed, if that's even possible. Wonder how many other kids she's collecting checks for to pay the lease on that shitty Camaro, which she clearly cares about more than her kids.",Don't you know that blacks can't be racist? +M/25/5'11 I just wanted to show how this subreddit has helped me get motivated. 3 years appart. Thanks guys,Dude went straight from Josh to Drake +The chinese words say victorious tree.,uhm... I love Maokai but damn... it's a sad choice comparing him with other picks +Weeeee cominnnn,His name was Omar +"Humans have destroyed a tenth of Earth's wilderness in 25 years, study shows",Top of the food chain bitches! +There's Nothing Shredder Can't Shred.mp4 - YouTube,This is what I imagine an escalator would do to me if I ever got my shoe stuck +3 fucking helmet hits on Cam and the one that gets flagged doesn't even matter.,He threw it two yards short of out of bounds while running for his life from some fucking headhunters so it's all good +If only,Maybe in a couple years A couple hundred years +"I'm just tryin' to get sprong over here. Seriously though, it would be nice to see a sniper on Geno's wing. No one has played well with 71 since Neal.",Yeah Rust was pretty bad with Malkin in the playoffs +Yeah but it was 50 yards lets not pretend it was a gimme.,Well if he claims a 60 in Denver feels like a 50 everywhere else then shouldn't this 50 be more like a 40? +"The most advance camera yet, your eye.",High resolution but it can only see in 30 fps +Is anyone on this sub actually thinking about voting against legalization? Didn't think so...,"A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote against legalization... so, maybe?" +Because it wastes money for no benefit,"'no benefit' Yeah, not having alcoholics/felons/drug addicts working in nuclear plants is no benefit at all" +Some have found canisters to collect all that autism and literally weaponize it,"Oh no, the website format itself is autism" +and gimme back the ability to get achievements just because I have some texture mods without having to use more mods to get achievements. It's already too late to hunt down every magazine and bobble head again.,B.But how will we know yoor cheeves r legit? +"So wait, are they saying that heaps of people are willfully putting themselves in poverty/not working so that they can live off the measly sum of money the receive for 'free' from the Government? Geez, it's almost like there is a job crisis going on now and even people who are well qualified are still looking for work and failing to obtain jobs.","Yeah, living on a pittance and doing nothing is totes more rewarding than having a net worth pasf 5 digits and some financial mobility." +"Getting screwed on pricing in Australia again!! So I'm looking at a new guitar, it's for sale in Melbourne stores anywhere from $3600-$4000. So, I start the savings plan, coins in the box, sell everything I have around home. I'm still way off. Anywho, I randomly check the Andertons website based out of the UK. The exact same guitar works out to be approximately $2600 including shipping to Australia and import tax. That a difference of $1000 at the very least. It's just bullshit. When all I want to do it go to my local store, support them and take the guitar back there for years to come. It's convenient and if there is ever a warranty issue it's easier. But man, I'm taking the $1000 saving every time. Stores in Australia must be losing business for this exact scenario all the time. How can it possibly be cheaper to buy a guitar from a country on the other side of the world and ship it to my house than for the Aussie Disty to provide them locally. Sorry for the rant, this just really annoys me.",But but what about the brick and mortar stores! +Yeah probably wouldn't happen..but never say never!,but... but.. what about courage? +"Great Helmsman or ruinous dictator? China remembers Mao, 40 years after death","When you see the size of the *30% wrong*, the *70% right* is truly gigantic." +Yes but it was also released on xbox one .....,Shhh don't stop the crazy theories... +Over 40% of today's total XP gained was in firemaking,Just testing my new bot +"My human hunter was able to get the Horde's version of the MoP starting quest back in MoP, just by flying into Orgrimmar and clicking the board.","On a related note, for some reason as a horde character I got a quest to save the Exodar" +Never knew I wanted BJ and Paak together until now,BJ is on Anderson's song The Waters on Malibu +Other countries don't allow the sale of guns at quite the American level?,Officially +What the hell is wrong with her... What is she even thinking?,"I know, she is so weird." +It's literally a day old...,"No, Ocean Man has been a meme for a long, long time." +"Games are taking too long. Networks need to change their ad structure. Football should do advertising more like soccer. Obviously soccer games have no natural breaks except halftime, so commercials aren't an option. Soccer games usually have a sponsor (like Heineken for Champions League games) that get a big chunk of ad time before, at half, and after the game. If kickoff is scheduled for noon, start the game at 12:15 and give Ford/Budweiser/Verizon/whoever a solid 8-10 minutes of ad time before kickoff. Then, only go to commercial after touchdowns during the game. Networks could charge a premium to be the game sponsor and still get ad revenue from other companies after TDs. Could shave off 30-45 minutes per game without sacrificing money. Who has a better idea?",The clock should run during kickoffs +I'm an aspiring broadcaster. This is funny. And I like that she spoke in rhyme.,It's rhythm can be synched to Stronger Than You. +"Can we scrap raids and re-poll Sailing? Obviously some people in this community want raids but don't want any high tier rewards, thus making it completely useless and ruining dev time. Why not use it on something like sailing that got 74% in the polls ?","Great idea, let's just throw away 6+ months of development because people didn't want the armor sets the way they were presented." +What is your favorite movie that was based on a Stephen King book? My favorite is the original Carrie movie.,"Not a movie but definitely under the dome, specially the last season." +BaylorFans would burn Waco to the Ground. And nothing of importance would be lost...,"Jokes on you, where would you stop on your way to Dallas" +Dicks out for harambe. Not sure if its a saying but I'm real tired of it.,Play CSGO for a day that will help. +dupreeh ace,cmon dupreeh let Tyloo win pls +"(Song) 90s/ probably 00s pop/ alt song with male singer. Pretty sure it goes like baby baby baby baby (in decending pitch) I don't mind ( I think they're the words). Then it goes baby baby baby baby a few times in ascending pitch. Could also be maybe and not baby. The baby part is in a kind of jumpy tone. Haha sorry this is possibly the worst description, but if anyone gets it I'll owe you big time.",Bright lights by matchbox 20? +My Character Design professor just shared this photo in Facebook. He's pretty pissed of the lack of creativity of his student...,Nah it's ok guys he put an earring on the forehead so it's original. +What type of position are you actually looking for? Please don't say pentesting.,What you mean a CompSci degree with zero experience isn't enough to be a pentester? +"True, but it's not like decks drastically change to where they are absolutely unplayable unless they get banned like splinter twin. Jund has evolved some with grim flayer, dredge has evolved with amalgam, Jeskai evolved with Nahiri and Emrakul. We're not talking about decks where you're losing your entire investment. We're talking sometimes an upgrade of $20-$100 to make the deck a bit more relevant and better prepared for the meta. People just don't want to change their decks, but change is where modern is heading.",Not to mention that a lot of the staples in twin are shared with UWR Nahiri. +Ctrl + shift + backspace to get back to last edited line in PHPStorm (or any other intellij IDE),Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right to navigate through your previous cursor positions. +I was being sarcastic. Im canadian i know how the inuit got robbed of their nomadic lifestyle. I was merely making a point that context matters. Glass house and all that. The US is in no position to lecture about human rights when theyre government is guilty of a shit ton of atrocities.,You should probably edit your op to add +I don't think you realize how massive the debt is.,We should just have the Girl Scouts have a cookie drive +A different approach to gift packaging,Needs less framerate. +What's Bruma?,bruh.. +How about just remove quick match and these threads will disappear.,"We could also remove you from Reddit, then your posts will disappear." +Control meta wouldn't be a good thing.,"Of course it would, everyone wants 20 minute grind fests each game." +"Ok so I'm assuming you are referring to some liberal arts degree or arts degree? If so I'm going to need you to stop watching any scripted TV show, going to any museum or asking help from any librarian. You also need to review every author you ever read to see if they went to college or not for writing.","No artist has ever contributed to television, music, movies, video games, architecture, city planning, or business marketing either." +All offenses have been loving the bears defense since they mistakenly fired Lovie.,I-L-L +This made me realize that Kakyoin had that painting power in that episode but he never used it again,Emerald Splash was a much more interesting power anyway. +"Entertaining my 17 year old brother My 17 year old brother is visiting from Hawaii. This is his first time on the mainland & I want him to leave thinking with good memories...what are some must do's that a 17 year old will enjoy? I'm taking him to shoot our gun, he's already really surprised at how open people are here about owning guns etc. any other good ideas? Will be taking him to the river walk & to get some BBQ & tex-mex & sea world. Any other ideas?",Hmm depending on weather Guadalupe state park might be nice +Wait. People actually thought that that was an actual fix....,"Yup, 100% thought that on Tuesday a patch would be out where everyone had lego bricks for heads." +Marshall is also super duper wishy washy,"I mean, he's literally bipolar" +Professor of UW assaulted in Warsaw. Because he was speaking German,Thanks Brexit +Who is going to pay for it?,It's free didn't you read the title? +its rumor because her title is Fist of the Shadow. Her passive is called Twin Disciplines and her ult Shadow Dance. And because there used to be bug where if zed killed someone solo in death recap Akali would be as assisted minion even if no Akali was in game,Last one just sounds like your average spaghetti tbh +Are plants and trees really alive?,"If they can die, I would assume yes." +The bougiest of beat em ups!,It's clearly booziest. +Woman marries daughter after the two 'hit it off',Gay marriage won't lead to incest marriage +What's your favourite anime quote?,"Pikachu, I choose you!" +"For which game(s) do you disagree with the consensus on optimal player count? I was just thinking about how we call 4 player the optimal player count for boardgaming, but as a euro gamer I actually think 3 player might be the optimal player count for a game night for me. So then I began to think: what specific games have a often quoted consensus on optimal count, that you disagree with? Mine would be **Seasons**. 2 player is by far the most recommended player count. It's a game that is entirely just 2 kinds of drafting and card comboing; neither of which is a mechanic that works best at low player counts (loses options and tension). The card draft you only see two hands, the dice draft you only get 3 dice, and you only have 18 cards to start which isn't nearly enough to make interesting combos. I love 3 player, am willing to play 4, and dislike 2 player Seasons. So what about you?","**Dominion, Roll for the Galaxy**, and **Splendor** all work best 3 player" +PFF writer: Matt Paradis had one of the highest graded games I've ever analyzed for a Center. Wasn't losing blocks,But our o-line sucks! +Who's your Waifu;),Rick Harrison +Tall and slim. Based on a discredited system breaking down the world into three body types.,Next you'll be telling me that phrenology isn't really true too +"They'd probably say something like heavy metals, preservatives, artificial colorings.","If I can't pronounce or spell it or it has some chemically-sounding name, it's toxic." +"This mod isn't compatible with Mac, right?",Right. +"Well, I wasn't actually riding on Amtrak, just over there and snapped a photo.",Is the first responders train still there? +Nah,"I know, they're not even killshots!" +"Reminds me of how YuGiOh handles its bans where some cards are banned outright, while others are limited to 1 or 2.",I thought Konami only banned archetypes +Girl spits beer to a guy after he mentions violence against man,Everyone in this video looks like they need a wash. +When the boss walks up behind you while you are looking at a nsfw post.,Ya that's always happening at my real job while i WORK. +You'll probably live longer for eating a diabetic diet. Sounds like a good deal.,"Gotta fit in those diabetic diet cheat days, to give your islets some stress" +Hate to be that guy. But I don't get it.,Its a trendy bar sign with a CAT on it HAHAHAHAHAHAHA +You do realise that Bungie are moving towards current gen only right? Asking if they care is redundant when the only logical next step is to upgrade from a console that is over 10 years old.,"Yeah, they should stop supporting the game that we paid for, that they came out with last September and updated five months ago!" +Your tactics confuse me.,I feel sorry for you. +PGT: Canada vs. Team USA,"But guys, even though this was a great game of hockey, full of emotion and pride on both sides, how much money was made from the ads in this money grab tournament money money money." +I believe Ben gave the Baltimore police department a grant last year.,no suprise that a shithead rapist is also a bootlicking scum +Poll: Economic outlook best in 9 years,But it feeeeeeels worse. +"Forensic Structural Engineer Dr. Leroy Hulsey presents the findings and conclusion of his $300,000 Finite Modeling study: On a scale of 1 to 100, what is the possibility that WTC 7 could have collapsed simply because of fires? Dr. Hulsey replied Zero",Thankfully we finally have the YouTube video to settle the controversy! +Are you fucking kidding? Punk is about being against the establishment. This is far from it.,"Yeah, she's not conforming to Punk enough!" +So it's like a crypto-facist version of Comintern?,Pretty much. +"Yeah that's not what I'm understanding either. How are the cops supposed to know that he isn't the one in such a hectic situation? If someone yells to stop a guy during a shooting, one would think they were the ones shooting. I really see nothing that indicates discrimination here and I think it's pretty weak of him to use it as an excuse.","He's black, they should just let him do whatever he wants so as not to cause claims of racism." +"From my understanding, the crocodile will only react when something touches the inside of his mouth. So so long as he stops his hand from hitting the croc's mouth in the way out, the crocodile won't react.","I think it reacts to being touched around the rim of its mouth (where its lips would be if they had any), not the inside of the mouth - hence why they are able to do this" +The judge who asked an alleged rape victim why she 'couldn't keep her knees together' might lose his job,Political correctness is ruinning this country +Dude you probably should of notified the FBI that,yes those horrible estonian terrorists +"Canada, if it were a ship, is taking on water. Our best times are truly behind us. Get used to a worsened quality of life thanks to our globalist politicians and a populace who is essentially hypnotized by them.",Yes blame the evil globalist Jews +"I wish we were able to select our minion names, I miss Zignar, Makmon, and Zhaazum from my horde warlock :<","If you go to the class/demon trainer, you can request to summon another demon, with a different name, for a price..." +It still baffles my mind that people still pay for music through Apple/Tidal/Whatever other way people buy music.,Yeah why would anyone support the artists they like? +?,oh i forgot the +do you mean bones? boom?,Bones vs Boom Salty Suite incoming +USA swelters through hottest summer nights in 121 years | No state saw a cooler-than-average season.,"Dammit, China, stop trying to make it look like global warming exists!" +"I'm not a CEO, made about 1900 a week",Oh yeah well I made 2000 a week as a fuckboy parade chaplain. +i would still prefer to have wildcards in my group,"So,anyone in Pool 3 ?" +That is a shitload of words you just wrote to justify why you need a gun. Here's a quick rebuttal: you don't.,"Well gee, with a compelling argument like that I don't see how anyone could possibly disagree with you." +#9 Tennessee at #8 Texas A&M,Good stop defense +"actually, I love immobile adcs, so easy to kill :) i just hate jinx when im not playing rengar or zed",You sound fun +"Ranger!Gerik is better than Hero!Gerik in LTC. Seems pretty awesome. This was Eirika route, right?","I mean, Gerik does not have enough CON to wield Axes." +Who exactly are they gonna beat? They can't even win their region against G2 and u expect them to take games from 3 teams that are better than G2.,"TSM couldn't even beat P1 who isn't even at Worlds, how do you expect them to get out of groups vs teams that are better than P1?" +It's good that she is big enough to admit it. Now if only her supporters could be the same!,"I can't believe they are defending her, I am embarassed for them Good move, the right move by Hillary." +You're probably a shitlord who wants fire-persons to be strong enough to carry an average adult out of a burning house.,You forgot your +Clae x Sneakerness Bradley - Black,triple black stan smith +"Reported for trolling. Bernouts, please read the rules. Also, its not nice to spread establishment propaganda like that. You sound like CTR.",I care what you think! +Still didn't get it.. what does agess mean? I googled but no result.,Yes +Swiss swore Eternal neutrality after they lost to French in 1515.,The French always seem to kick our ass... :-/ +Does anyone actually believe this horrible theory? I shouldn't even have to say it. ~~Sans Is Ness~~,sans is obviously vriska +Prolonged Potions VS Old War Potions,Only relevant for feral druids* +I bet they mention pornography and masturbation. Just a guess.,Don't forget the family destroying gays! +"Back in feudal Japan, there was a legendary katana maker by the name of Mataki MyShinori. He created thousands of katanas used by many famous samurais (ex. Janaki Nahgiski). Fast forward to present day, I now own one of these masterful swords. I would never even think of selling it, so I can see why he would like to keep this epic piece of art (and sometimes weapon).",you forgot the +A burglar is in your house. What do you hope he steals?,My heart <3 +Bring it on!,You would probably have a better chance of getting laid if you transplanted that beard hair onto that balding scalp of yours. +The real Quica looks even scarier than how he was portrayed.,.....Pfft I could probably take him +Hermilda just took the place as the biggest villain in the series.,How can anyone who loves Jesus be evil? +Montana State v. Bryant - Game Notes,The bobcats are good. +"I wouldn't worry about being deported, he's going to need people to build that wall.","No no no, Trump is going to deport him and then force him to build the wall since Mexico will be building the wall" +And her videos? And Candids from cons?,Damn... she's good! +Amazing TRIPLE Domino Spiral!,How long to re-sort the colours after? +Like is he mad that you get to fuck people other than your wife and he doesn't? I don't understand what his insecurity revolves around. Looks like he humiliated himself in front of his wife though and not in a remotely sexy way.,Clearly all of us are dirty heathens that are going to hell. +"uh, cognitive right?",You'r illiterate moran +"Why does the Twilight Garrison still not change with shader? We got class items to change with shader, why does the Twilight not change too?? It's easily my favorite Titan exotic, but it's so unbearably ugly. Seriously Bungie, can you make this happen once RoI drops? At the very least maybe you could change the color of it so that it can actually look half decent with more shaders.",Idk I kind of like skating around looking like a pack of newports +Groundbreaking new study of the global Internet suggests many governments around the world systematically deny Internet access to ethnic groups that politically oppose them.,Good thing ICANN is going to end up in the hands of the UN! +Only took them 10 years....,The technology is here now! +The wisdom of comrade Spongebob.,Um... did you just doubt the Invisible Hand and its Way? +this coming from Vox,facts are facts +Do not catch GRIMER,No issues with Grimer on my Android. +"Buying these huge Diesel trucks, usually just for commuting.",How else am I supposed to haul air around? +Little column a little column b,"I don't understand, which column am I?" +They ALREADY have the right to vote - as individuals. This is just giving them two votes.,"If you live in Penrith, but you spend the vast majority of your waking hours in the City of Sydney, then I think it's perfectly reasonable and democratic to vote, for the City of Sydney." +"Or by people who just see anything negative with the word Apple in it and yell HAW HAW YAS, FUCK APPLE whilst mashing the upvote button.",Nice try Apple Marketing Department +Hey Reddit! I need your critique on some theme ideas I've been thinking of (6 images) - Which should I focus on first?,bring back blistering sands tile +"I just did Withered on EU ~20 min ago, with no issues. Maybe US only?",But the US is the only server! +How is that? Because 4% think Rone is the best champ? Just over half think hes a good one? Seems pretty reasonable to me.,he's not hated enough +Impact wouldve been the perfect team for this loud mouth,"Nah, he's going to pick up Boze and Silly." +I can't wait for something like this to happen during the debates,Her campaign said her health was perfect so we have nothing to worry about. +Isn't oral herpes just cold sores?,I think it's the other way around- cold sores are oral herpes. +Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism is just another form of fascism!,"Wow they made the means of communication public, must be fascism!" +I don't understand why she doesn't just man up and take the punishment. It's not like they'd send her to general population.,"Hmmmm.... President of the United States.... / ......Prison...... President of the United States.... / ......Prison...... Yeah, I can't figure it out either." +"Why isn't this a thing already? It should have been a building in My Castle, and if you enter it, you can see the gravestones and sometimes, the husband/wife/parents/kids of the deceased will visit the grave. This would be so much better than the bath house feature.","Nah, let's add more ecchi Anime garbage instead." +"Is this not a media firestorm? Not defending the asshole, but come on, dude's been eviscerated by the media, and rightfully so.",Not nearly enough compared to Clinton. +"700 kids, dressed identically, singing in unison outside secret religious superstructure",Nobody knew the end was coming... +I hate your flair. And your bad vibes,You're really spreading some good vibes.. +I bought 10 DT07-EN082 at 8 dollars a piece while you were busy writing this comment. You're gonna lose out on a lot in this world with an attitude like that.,"Wow, I lost out on 10 pieces of overpriced cardboard... I'm going to kill myself now as my life has no meaning anymore..." +Anyone having issues with ESPN fantasy? Im having issues with both the app and website. Not letting me see my teams. Anyone else?,ESPN went down harder than Hillary at a 9/11 ceremony. +"Seems like a pretty crappy rule. I know, rules are rules, but come on. If someone is changing the title so that it means something different or become some kind of click bait, ok. But making a mistake like spacing, or spelling, or whatever? Come on.",I must have dropped this: +Anyone else we should cut,"Lets cut Ferguson, didn't hear his name called all day, he's old and we over paid for him last year..." +"Genuinely curious, why draft another qb if we haven't played hack or petty?","Because drafting a QB every year in the 1st or 2nd round works, look at Cleveland." +"This sub could use some more fanart. Basically title. I think this sub could use some more fanart, I know we have some talented artists. Now I'm saying go overboard like some subreddits, for example r/Pokemon is drowned in art almost 24/7 But destiny has enough unique things to it that many artists could do all kinds of things with.",But there would be less room for salty crucible posts or people complaining about balances +Clutch Shooting Last 3 Seasons (forgive the crappy graph),But where is Kobe the only super clutch player in all of history? +More like r/politics: let's all put the same story up that'll make our sub great again for sure...,Time for a megathread! +As a European visiting the U.S. this machine blew my mind,"It makes you press water twice, don't be too impressed." +Lady Gaga almost made a huge mistake,.....or candy +"TIL Paul Newman made his own food brand just to let all the income go to charity. He also build a camp for seriously ill children. To this day, Newman's Own has donated over 250 million dollars to thousands of charities around the world.",Linked video is just great +Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition (EU Edition) - Pre-Order Live on Amazon Germany - Ships Global,Does this version have English voices/text? +I think we are about 3 days away from Donald Trump claiming that Hillary died and was replaced by a replicant.,I mean obviously was +You can't say this dude! PewdiePie IS GOD. He is SO funny and he makes AWESOME videos! How dare you say anything bad about him,"Here, you dropped something:" +"Colts vs Lions Game Thread Luck is back, boys! Get out your hard hats and pork tendies. Today the Dark Horses drink the blood of a lion.",my hands hurt now. +My build,What a fucking mess +When people say the Colts wouldn't have made the playoffs with Luck last year I'm gonna show them this,"Nah, don't you know temporary football retardation is a very real affliction that Luck suffered from last year?" +Whats your 10/10 Album?,Pink Floyd: The Wall +^^^I ^^^liked ^^^the ^^^song,DIE +It was inexplicably taken out because the dev team didn't feel enough people used it.,"But for 99 cent per play, they'll totally bring it back as DLC" +Final Fantasy XV will be playable at #EGX2016!,"Oh, yes, I should definitely play it there so I can make my mind as to whether or not I should buy it..." +"15 yard penalty for celebrating, 10 yard penalty for tripping. makes sense.",yes but it was CHOREOGRAPHED celebrating +cardinals suck ass,"Yeah, after 3 quarters in their first game they sure look bad." +"Ahh...Medieval Times, when people actually worked for money And more LWG gold!",Medieval governments weren't corrupt at all. +He's been poor. Think we need a run with martial or rashford up top,'Think we need a run with martial or rashford up top' Or Martial *and* Rashford up top. +When your horse decides passing the horse in front is more important than watching where she puts her feet...,One of my all time favorite movies! +This is no ordinary candidate. It's HER turn dammit!,the strong female figure we want to be the poster child referenced for all women to come. +so how old are you again? Twelfth?,"Thirteenth, iirc" +"You gotta keep in mind the percentage of the population of dogs they represent. For example: A lot of people use as an argument that german shepherds bite more people every year then pittbulls, what they fail to mention is that german shepherds are the second most popular breed of dog just behind the labrador retriever. They're also one of the most used breed as for guarding. The issue with pitt bulls are not provoked attacks but unprovoked attacks.","speaking of guard dogs, any reason why pitbulls are not used by secuirty firms, law enforcement or military?" +"I just look left and right and go, haven't been hurt so far.",That's a sissy move +I love the NFL. Thought of this while watching the Pats game. Nothing but respect for NFL players. Dial it back a bit,I think he was just joking +Will Clinton's Fall Be Defining Image Of Campaign?,Hillary's 9/11 +"Favorite Sleepycast segment? This has probably been asked a million times but I decided yesterday that my favorite conversation from the podcast was the one at the end of little skatey about Cory's movie starring shit on a stick, so I wondering about everyone else's favorites",Voice mails with Jesus +ITAP of 1985 in 2016.,Needs a vintage instagram filter +Why are the All Blacks so damn good? I've always been curious. Is it just they're naturally frigging good at the game? Are they tactically better? Does the Haka have any actual bearing on it? I know that the sport is very much ingrained into the culture but surely that's because of how fucking good the team is? I'm interested to hear people's thoughts.,Constant and unrepentant cheating at all times by all players. +She literally just had 3 in a row. 538 addressed this recently.,Its a shame she avoided it for 270 days when she was healthy +Anti-Defamation League Declares Pepe the Frog a Hate Symbol,Harambe is next +That's some impressive pathing...,"I'm more impressed it made the jump, That big guy can move." +Happy Thanksgiving Canada,My birthday was this weekend so we do Thanksgiving and my birthday in one day so this is very accurate . +Im putting this here because I think not enough people are aware of this jump on Anubis,Now everyone will shoot me right in the face when im standing up there with mccree enjoying my ults while the enemy team is searching for the high noon :( +I have put the kronorium on the podium and the eggs haven't spawned anywhere,Only one spawns at a time I belive; scout the entire map. +"Preorder the collector's edition, before any reviews come out, because its gonna be a good game.","Here sir, you dropped this:" +Genji's death room,Genji ult pls nerf. +Sweet dreams (F),"I'm a sucker for hair like yours, hot damn." +Thank you for not using that lousy acronym IANAL. Some redditors are so lazy they can't type out a few extra words.,What does IANAL mean? +"My husband is freaking out because our daughters gave our son a makeover. He thinks this makes our son gay I know how ridiculous this sounds, but I am hoping you can help me out with this. I honestly have had enough of his tantrum he is falling My children are actually really close to each other, they all seem head over heels with their little brother because all my husband and I would hear if how they wanted a brother. They all make a big fuss over him and for the most part our family has never had any major differences. Drama or anything, our kids get along together wonderfully They fight but they normally sort it out amongst themselves quickly. Point being they are pretty friendly with each other and so on. The weather has been pretty bad in Melbourne (Aus) and my son has caught a cold and is stuck inside. My oldest daughter was visiting from her apartment and their brother was complaining that it was raining and cold because he wanted to go outside and play. Our daughters had the idea to give their brother a makeover, so they put makeup on him. They all thought it was hilarious and my husband did not say anything at the time but apparently he died inside when he saw our son with make up on. He went on this rant and rav about how our son is gay now and how they are corrupting his mind to like make up. Next they will put him in a dress. He is a nervous wreck and I am over his attitude. Is there anything I can do? tl;dr: Husband is freaking out because daughters gave son a makeover",Today I learned all gay people wear makeup. +"Anong magandang WiFi name para sa isang college dorm, yung Filipino-specific naman? Meron na kaming Marcos Pa Rin Mga Ulol at NARIRINIG KITANG NAGJAJAKOL",The classic virus.exe *ang clever clever nila nohh* +"Staten Island, NYC voter registration more than doubles",Looks like everyone's excited to vote for Hillary! +"If this is New Glenn, I really wonder what they have up their sleeve for New Armstrong.",Imagine what New Musk will look like +Have you ever tried to find an animal in Australia that isn't lethal? The rarity drives the price up,"Platypuses aren't lethal, their poison cause only agony for a year and all you need to stop the pain is to cut a nerve." +They'll claim Assad has no legitimacy yada yada and that we can continue our endless proxy war without actually declaring war yada yada.,"Well he has WMD, Obama can follow Bush example and invade the country." +The fuck were you thinking Jagex? This update makes me vomit.,Great constructive criticism 10/10 +he is wearing cargo shorts with a dress shirt. he is oblivious to more than just her flirting technique.,She is watching the game over his head so....I don't think she gives a shit. +In other words go spend money if you want him. Leave him to the wild if you want to save money.,Wow what quality advice by a guy named auschwitzgangbang +"Are you feeling optimistic about the Nintendo NX? I have always been a Nintendo fan but have been bummed about the lack of games over the past few years (mainly Metroid... and Federation Force does not count!). I know Nintendo focuses so much on handhelds because they are more popular in Japan, which has slowed down their console production in the past. So I am optimistic about the NX because their resources will no longer be split between handhelds and consoles! I am just curious where other people stand on this.","I hope at release they change the name to the New WiiU, just so people don't get confused by a sudden shift away from their naming system." +How can our punches be real if our fists aren't real?,Because it still kinda hurts Even if your brain is lying. +He's a classy guy. It's a shame how the media has demonized and lied about him,"Hahahahaha.... From she is disgusting and doesn't have the mental or physical stamina.. to meh, hope she doesn't die Yeah... Sooooo classy." +"Company going public! Cash or cashless option to exercise? After putting in many years of hard work at a successful company, my family member's company is going public. She stands to make a good deal of money off off of her stock options but is currently faced with the question of whether to take the cash or cashless options to exercise. She's asked me for my opinion, and I told her she should talk to a financial planner who can really help her, but I'm curious what the community thinks. Is there anyone here who's experienced with stock options and can give an opinion? Here is a basic summary: Cash buy option: Outlay a significant amount of cash to exercise all options. Get to keep all options but have to pay for them and pay resulting tax bill (would require taking out a mortgage against a currently paid-off condo). Cashless option: give up ~30% of options to be able to exercise the rest without having to outlay any initial cash for exercise price and taxes. It seems to me that option one is basically higher risk/higher reward and the right answer will be something that only time will tell. Let's say you believe there will be a positive outlook for the company. What would you do? Would you take the risk or would you mitigate by going cashless?",What matters is more-so the company the reason for the IPO and whether they believe in the company. +sony is definitely failing as a mobile division because of shitty icons,"Like apple,their phone is designed so everyone can use it, no wonder they are failing" +Here we go. Mou loses first game and is already singling out players and blaming refs.,The amount of egg you've got on your face is astounding +"Decided to hit it with a bit of Blue Wash and heightened the contrast. Not my work, but it is very well done. I mean no disrespect to the original creator.",Who is the original creator? +Meh. Be nice. They are 4-11 vs Utah since Lavell retired.,Only according to the scoreboard. +"Losing bet. Unless you are betting on Trum,p, there is no way the electorate will stand for it. It's bad enough its getting obvious to more people they are a phony way to exclude other parties....","The electorate will stand for it as long as the media is in her pocket and elections are using Diebold voting machines, while she has a bunch of Diebold executives in her cabinet." +"Holy shit dude, you thought of everything",Except the 4 GB mandatory update... +That's so much to process in one sentence...,I'm still trying to process hipster bars +1/10 shitpost,yeah you're right it was pretty shitty +Part time food service employees do not get paid sick time and are often threatened with loss of employment if they call out sick. This is fucked up on a human level but even more so on a practical level... they handle your food. This is how illnesses are spread so quickly.,Tbf most of the people they're serving probably aren't all that healthy to begin with. +250 Tottenham fans going to Moscow for CSKA game tomorrow night. Official advice: don't wear Spurs shirts outside ground.,Moscow sounds lovely this time of year. +"No godless man may sit the Seastone Chair. Wait, wrong sub...",The Salt Throne you mean! +Legit check on my newly bought box logo,Hope you didnt pay yet g thats a fake +When your M8 becomes a laser for the three piece killcam in S&D.,This is what happens when you don't miss shots with an M8 +"Wow, the ban-paranoia is at an all-time high. Funny that there have been a grand total of three bans since my becoming a mod. One was a temporary ban. Another was a bot. And the remaining one wasn't even instigated or carried out by me. I think you all should collectively relax a little.","You have also threatened to ban at least one person, probably others." +"In the spirit of non-political posts, I want to share a neighborhood mapping project I'm working on for fun.",wow we got a mac fan boy here I bet youre getting the new iphone too +Dude the outrage is over these things: 1. My $300 headphones that aren't mediocre earbuds are no longer compatible. 2. My car aux port doesn't work. Unless I use an adapter which prevents me from charging the phone at the same time. Who doesn't want to charge their phone in their car.,Just buy a new car with a USB port. +You hear this guys? Apparently it's totally legal to make and sell ids. Who knew?,The government does it so it must be +"You're supposed to PM me your submissions, not post them to the subreddit",POPPY I WISH I WISH I wish that I could be like the cool kids +Hillary Clinton's free college plan sounds a whole lot like Bernie Sanders',"And she will totally follow through with it, not just saying it for the Bernie voters!" +"Then the cardinal rule of fire mage: never cast Pyroblast or Flamestrike. Mostly true, if you get the Legendary item that has a chance to make your next non-instant Pyro do 300% more damage after consuming a Hot Streak, you should probably cast non-instant pyros after Hot Streak XD","Nah, not worth." +Found a big Allen wrench in my lab,It's a little more than just 'big' +"You mean like Tifa, Lara, Ahri, Rogue, Cammy, and Harley Quinn to name a few.",Cammy and Harley Quinn aren't overplayed +Instead Obama gave them a job.,"If only we had elected a Republican, this wouldn't have happened!" +It's IN the VM records. Period. Exhibit 372. Page 2. Halfway down the page.,Not sure if the snippy was necessary but thank you for your reply. +Other than the ref I don't think he actually really did anything. Most of the shit policies came from other cabinet members and he just went along for the ride.,Just like a true leader should! +And yet somehow the article tries to blame the act of swinging rather than his personal insecurities.,"Well if she just hadn't engaged, it would have been fine." +"It's the same as any game that you buy from a store. If you buy a game and the standard policy is 30 days, it's still 30 days even if you didn't play the game or open the packaging. If it's past 30 days and you didn't play the game, that is entirely your own fault. It is not 30 days of play time, it's 30 days AFTER the purchase. After that trade the game for a lesser value or sell it yourself online for more.","Not just games, 30 Days RMA is pretty much standard for anything you buy, even online." +And sleeping with desperate men she meets on Craigslist,"How dare you force it to conform to your gender stereotypes, you sexist pig!" +"This just in, humans need to breathe to survive. More at 11.",Sun rises in the east.Trump vindicated by rigorous fact checking +GTX 970 Claim Question So I put in the claim for the $30 yesterday. Does anyone know an approximate date for when I should get it?,3.5-4 months +I don't get along with women and have a lot of arguments with them.,I wonder why. +"Aren't major, minor and chromatic scales all European inventions?",No We've been told they're European inventions but the whiteys just stole it from the blacks +Right up there with tinted headlights...,"I'd rather not be able to find my way in the dark to my destination, than to get there and not look cool when I arrive." +"I mean seriously, the Clintons had 30 people murdered?","Yeah, it was way more than that." +"University of California hires India-based IT outsourcer, lays off tech workers",Good less techies in the city! +Why did your friendship with your best friend end? Why aren't you two friends anymore?,"Well, she died." +"I mean, is that all really necessary? Besides the housing moving down a bit, did it really affect anything?",OCD you know...? +Get a tattoo with Em7 G Dsus4 A7sus4 in fancy letters,Wonderwall? +Men hate stories with female protagonists,"Yeah man, I fucking haaaaaaated the Ender series where strong, interesting female protagonists were essential to the plot affecting the entirety of human civilization." +The return of feudalism...,thank god the the citizens have been disarmed... +"Yep. Makes you wonder how badly they think the spouse would need to fuck up for divorce to be warranted. If your spouse stabs you 168 times, is it okay to divorce then? Or do you still need to think about the good, nonstabby times?",BUT THE NONSTABBY TIMES OUTWEIGH THE STABBY TIMES +Not yet. This is the first. Planning on getting the remastered version next week,Should play the first 3 first. +Because content drout LOOLOL,"Yeah, because the writer of these stories is the one guy working on the new map, similar to the guy that design gemstore weapons, he should be programming new events" +Scott clarifies that steam is only fir official games,"Well geez, I'm glad I know this now." +The best thing about this post is that the Clinton foundation paid reddit to inflate the upvotes and get it to the front page.,Genius insight no +Just a Hillary impersonator in a Pepe costume,her campaign is imploding I don't even know what's going on +"WINNER, we have pmed you.",Thank you! +inb4 250k masterrace comments,? +"We truly are spoiled this election. Obama vs Romney was soooo boring, I just wanted it to end. Now we have actual political parties having serious discussions about frog memes. This is amazing. We won't see another election like this again.","No they will just get crazier as all these twitch watchers and kids playing mine craft get older... And us older generation from the NES Era will be in control and we can screw them with high tuitions, no jobs, ect who cares since we'll have our parents inheritance" +Trump Fans Are Now Saying That Hillary Clinton Was Replaced With A Body Double,You can hear I am a body-double if you play her speeches backward. +A few dollars more - the price of a paycheck,Well unfortunately all unemployed and underemployed are either lazy or druggies. +"Sega calls out Nintendo, encourages fans to keep making Sonic content","Sega can't make a halfway decent Sonic game, so why not let fans do it for free?" +"Pogba cost United too much, study finds",But a fan graphic on instagram claims United got back his transfer fee in shirt sales... +What exactly is the difference between being an earnest Nazi and being really committed to pretending to be a Nazi?,The lulz. +"That guy's great at epitomizing what's so infuriating about trying to convince people that we need more cycling infrastructure. To him, negotiating is other people doing what he wants.","I understand his issue tho, having to actually look, or stop to make a right hand turn would grind the city to a halt." +ah right my bad!,But Frodo and Harry are +"Sconfiggiamo l'ISIS, e poi?",E poi possiamo tornare a inquinare il pianeta e a sfruttare il terzo mondo in santa pace per almeno 10 anni... +The double standard that the internet was the same thing 8 years ago that it is today? Or the double standard that we continue to expect Hillary Clinton to be even marginally better than a GOP president that the left abhors? How is it that her supporters are so comfortable holding her to NO standard?,"Oh I'm sorry, I can see how the way I wrote, the double standard we see in the press, would confuse someone as to what double standard I was talking about." +"Gee, if Germany is a failed state, then I'm living in a goddamn wasteland.",Sorry that you had to learn it this way. +Barry proposes land deal for Gulch-SoBro pedestrian bridge,Glad to see Barry carrying on Dean's tradition of catering to the downtown core and dumping large amounts of cash on projects that are great for tourists and that look good on postcards. +#METAL GEAR!?,Lalelulelo +Any basis for your statement?,"The one time FSU was in the playoffs Oregon crushed them, so that means every time they play in the playoffs they will get steamrolled therefore they don't deserve to be in it." +So proud to be Canadian with our separate laws and courts for two different subsets or classes of people based on race. I could not be more proud to be judged on the colour of my skin and be treated different by my own government.,Progress! +"Like, literally the exact same version of this comment is all over this thread. All posted right after the article was put up. All upvoted to the top.",CTR AMIRITE? +"Its not backwards. Why are you focusing on something you are not good at or do not like. Ideally, you should go in to a career in a field you like. Learn everything you can about that field. I am Indian with a similar upbringing and it's bullshit. You think those Indians have lives other than studying? They dont enjoy themselves because they think life is the same struggle it was while living in the village.",What if you're not good at life? +Sucks that we can't edit player height and weight. Puljujarvi is listed as 6'2 and 179 lbs. Undersized by 2 inches and 25 pounds.,sucks that players don't grow in weight or height still +"Are you a horse, gorilla or cape buffalo? Yeah, that's what I thought.",Um I actually identify as a horse. +"It was things like this that give me rose colored glasses for WoW. I remember when you used to be able to climb your way to the top of Iron Forge, find unfinished assets and be able to jump through a hole which would cause you to fall underground all the way to STV. Sort of the wild west of WoW I suppose and it was up to those with enough curiosity to find all the bloopers if you will.","I didn't even play very long, considering its lifespan (I played for 2 years consistently, another year on and off after that), but it's definitely these kinds of events and happenings that make you want to keep coming back for more." +"Is it literally impossible for the media to every actually talk about policy in this election? it's an endless series of gotchas, gaffes, and sideshows. A good president who understands the issues and how government works but dies mid-term is still better than someone who advances terrible policies for 4 years.",Anything that can't be expressed in 140 characters or less isn't worth knowing. +This is racist somehow I'm working on it.,French Princess Belle gets her new african imports to entertain her with their traditional dance. +It created plastic shavings in the weed. That's not good.,But bro think about the killer headrush that'll give you +there is no chinese translation for face?,They all look same so they dont really have an idea what a face is... +"He honestly wasn't that bad pre patch, his gadget like twitches was underwhelming, but he was a good operator. Now his p90 is just ridiculous, now I just have to go back to rook since poeple race me to doc.","Rook, Poor mans Doc" +"Many unions have rules like that. The IBEW local at my power plant has a rule like that, so I have to be cautious because if I get a guy to tell me that he knows someone else screwed up I could either get both in trouble, or infringe on some union rights even if it's not formal fact finding. So when something is screwed up by one of my operators that needs immediate attention I need to make sure I get the info on what happened without asking who did it or how it happened.",That sounds like an efficient way to go about your job. +"The northern hemisphere contains significantly more land (approximately 68% of the total) than the southern hemisphere. Land fluctuates in temperature much more than water, so the global surface temperature average is higher when the northern hemisphere is warmer.",Wouldn't Australia just fix that? +Kek,Bur +"I wouldn't really say vaccines are drugs, they're literally just an inactive form of the virus that gets injected into you so your body can learn how to fight it.",But... But... Muh mercury! +You also have this stain on the menu?,"Ew whats that, give your monitor a wipe." +"I don't disagree that Lee is a great player. Obviously the best on our defense. But he won't be an all pro and he won't make the pro bowl. So how can you call him an all star? Just saying. When factoring in the best LBs in this league you have to take into consideration durability. And Lee doesn't have durability. He's a great coverage LB, can play multiple positions in the LB group, is a great team player and locker room presence. But he isn't top 20 anymore. Nothing matters if you can't stay on the field.",You do know he made the Pro Bowl last year... +Dude... I thought I wanted alpha boost bad..,i don't actually have $900 i just want his lame ass to stop saying no. +"Eh, I like Iggy's lane clear more, Absolutely love Belica when attacking the core though. Free mana plz.",So your saying the best part of playing her is where necessary you get free mana at the end of game +still a fetus,BANNED +A significant amount of thte drugs cross the border through check points in vehicles or in mules.,"Also, drug runners and smugglers know about boats Yeah, build a wall, that'll stop 'em, sure thing." +"Mellow out, Mephistopheles","Cool it, Jezebel" +Who gets a $96 direct deposit? Like... bruh.,It happens +The FDA was a tremendous mistake. It needs to be completely abolished.,I think you dropped this: +"Okay so Hillary stated that she will increase the taxes for the wealthy and raise the minimum wage, could someone explain to me how this will incentivize these same people to hire more workers, as she claims to make 10 million job openings?","If you fire 10 million people, then you've made openings for 10 million jobs." +"Wait, did you actually buy that ludicrous GOP press release? That's incredible.",He purchased two. +No I'm not? I know people will disagree with me. It's the fact that people are being downvoted simply because they are saying why they are voting for Burr. It's a common theme in every political thread on this sub. If you're not against Republicans you get downvoted and personally attacked.,Funny how y'all scream about 'freedom of speech' when it comes to what Trump has said and what other conservative candidates have said... But let someone question something you've written? +Why I hate New Zealand: A story about rugby culture,"I'll just go and visit Stuff for quality, unbiased and well-written articles." +Imagine if you could say...add an SD card.,Have the courage to not be able to add an SD card +"It just makes economic sense, because of the gender pay gap.",That's why gay male couples have it so good! +Found the guy who's never done mixing. Imagining trying to do this with anything other than modern equipment makes me shudder.,Sure it's easy - just make it be like you want and you're done! +You're the hero this post needed. I'm going to go verify this is the right video. I may have to watch it a couple times to be sure.,I'm on a plane.. I'm going in +"Happy Song *Oh my fucking God, are we still doing this* *I want one legendary, not eternal bliss* *Five SMC's I've bought up to this date* *But my legendary seems to still be fucking late* *Purchased, of course, because earning is too easy* *But giving my friend 3 isn't too sleazy* *At least we get to mute the fucking emotes* *Only because of your money loss, not our total votes* *Seems like legendary arena ain't worth my time* *Because my overall luck in this game is fucking divine* *Seeing a leggy in the shop is a weary hope* *Because the game will be like Fuck you. Nope.* *You think that I'm losing matches and getting rekt* *Is that why the guy 100 trophies under counters my deck?* *A match I'm set to lose, even with my best* *41 trophies lost, you know the rest..* *But hey, a new update, ain't that grand?* *Question: Why are you acting like this is some grand plan?* *Higher chance of legendaries is what they say* *Forgotten the creator of the game you play?* *More leggys = higher chance, okay?* *Wont get it, but I'll be matched against it every day* *Course, my friends will all get it within a week* *I'm playing rigged matches while my tears leak* *You may think I'm being fucking cynical* *But my motherfuckin rage is at the pinnacle.* *I don't know why I gave this game a single buck* *Fuck this motherfucking shit, Fuck, __Fuck, FUCK!__*",Meanwhile at supercell: Lol XD noob +I thought we learned it's a bad idea to reject psychos from art school,"Probably not worth it, but civilization did advance a little bit to be quite honest with new tech and stuff..." +The Incredibles.,Incredible movie. +WBUR Poll: Clinton Is Trouncing Trump In Mass.,I'm waiting with anticipation for the polling results from California and DC. +"I think a lot depends on how the questions are asked... Blacks ARE more criminal than white if you look at incarceration rates or violent crime rates, for example... Per capita they are much more criminal (and violent for that matter.. less than 10% of the population commits over 50% of the violent crime). Is the question asking just who is more criminal or is it asking if it is genetic? Because if it's asking who is more criminal (who commits more crime) then knowing that the answer is black people according to FBI stats isn't racist. You can argue why that is.. is it because of racist laws or racist policing in general? That's a case you can make.. but just knowing the stats as they are isn't racist.",Facts are racist. +"Does anyone else love the new loading symbol on PS4 update 4.00? I would love it to come to Vita in an update Instead of the spinning circles, four random x o triangle and square buttons pop up every couple seconds. hopefully sony will make that in a new vita update. trying to find a gif of it in action",I just hope they can add in some stability ffs! +"I'm fake and my cat is fake. So, here is a non filtered photo of my cat and I's eyes.",Pretty dope photoshop skills. +Tekong!,"Free ferry, free food, free clothing, free PT, free money... it's a pretty good deal, isn't it?" +Turkey,*remove remove* +Twitter fail So we failed the Twitter campaign huh? From memory that's the first campaign we didn't get full rewards for. Ouch.,I thought people said all marketing campaigns will be hit by bots and we should never need to do anything or worry? +"Danganronpa was pretty much unknown outside of Japan when it released in 2010, it only showed up on the radar of Western fans when Oneronen did his LP on the Somethingawful forums. By that time, it was obviously already spoiled, and Chihiro's CV (Koki Miyata, a man, which is almost unheard of for a female character) was already known. I assume if they ever wanted to pull off this kind of twist again, they would use a female voice actor whether or not the character was MtF or FtM, because there's no perceived problem with a woman voicing a young male character either way.","Uh, a girl voices Bandai, and he's not a girl" +Come a long way: Steve vs Elspeth,Well that's what you get from upgrading hand spear to harpoon gun. +Ugly lightning bolt and thermometer images. Jeez,Ugh so clear and descriptive in any language. +"TIL Katy Perry's parents wouldn't let her eat Lucky Charms as a child, because the word luck was considered satanic.","the 80's and 90's Christian scene, can't understand it, ban it." +Isn't writing good music itself a way to incite people to stream your music continuously? Seems like it doesn't really matter why they're listening to me.,"But, but... it will mean Spotify paying out more money if people stream it when they would not be listening; you can't have a company paying all that money out... sureeeeeeely" +So basically I can't sprint? Interesting,"Yeah, that's a better idea :D" +"I, for one, am entirely satisfied this matter is resolved, thanks to a letter from her lawyer that took 3 weeks to write and comes with no supporting documentation.",Totally +"Dabo clip He says one of the ways we need to fix the country is with tolerance of others and then immediately after says if you dont like it to leave, smh","I, for one, am shocked that a man of his faith would be intolerant of others." +My cat likes to have a cocktail whenever I have a drink (she meows until she gets it) and she'll only drink out of this festive glass,Sure OP...the cat will only drink from a yuppy martini glass... +But again - do you have any proof for that statement?,"It feels true, so it must be true." +You're braver than i am,Still runs cooler than a reference 290x amirite +I' like to ask you about minecraft- Nope,i would like to see Minecraft e-Sport +it's spelled you're... -_______-,It spelled yuor +"#B1G New Mexico at **Rutgers** - Rutgers seemed to get something clicking in the second half against Howard I think they keep that rolling. Temple at **Penn State** - Penn State nearly came back last week. Hopefully their offense can continue to look promising. They probably end up having fewer than 10 sacks against them in this game this year. North Dakota State at **Iowa** - The Bison haven't looked as dominant this season as they did last season. I think Iowa wins this one and wins fairly easily. Georgia State at **Wisconsin** - Not even a question here though I'm going to predict Georgia State scores first to give Wisconsin fans something to think about until the Wisconsin offense has their first possession. Colorado at Michigan - I refuse to pick a game that includes my main team. Oregon at **Nebraska** - I don't trust that Oregon is quite as good as their ranking and I think Nebraska is better than their current no ranking shows. High scoring shootout that goes the way of Nebraska because of home field advantage. **Western Michigan** at Illinois - Western continues their roll over B1G teams from Illinois this season. Lovie Smith needs a little more time to have Illinois back to the Juice Williams days. Maryland at **UCF** - After watching UCF last weekend I think they're a much improved team over last season. UCF not only out hits Maryland but they also outscore them. Ohio State at **Oklahoma** - Ohio State hits a stumbling block in their first real challenge of the season. Oklahoma is determined not to let a second marquee non-conference game go in the loss column. Michigan State at **Notre Dame** - Notre Dame stacks the box all game to stop LJ Scott and force O'Connor to beat Notre Dame through the air. O'Connor, unfortunately for State, shows that he's still a bit of a work in progress as he continues to struggle looking to a second read. DeShone Kizer meanwhile torches an MSU secondary that doesn't look too much improved over last season. **Duke** at Northwestern - Northwestern continues to bring the overall quality of B1G football down as much as they bring the overall quality of B1G academics up. ___ #Ranked games Florida state at **Louisville** - Louisville starts fast and stays fast. FSU starts out slow and just can't keep up. **Alabama** at Ole Miss - I picked Ole Miss in the Pick 'em because I want those #chaos points but I just don't see Saban losing to the same team three years in a row.",There goes sacrificial goat number 7 +New Guccifer2.0 Leak: DNC Committee Chair ACKNOWLEDGES That They Created ISIS!!,"No, CNN said there is nothing to see here." +A friend told me that KAT would probably top out as a Kelly Olynyk-type big.,Yeah thats such a stupid argument Kelly Olynky is way better than KAT +Baggins Left v12,"Damn, that might legitimately be V3 in my gym!" +TRUMP OVERTAKES CLINTON IN NEVADA | 44 - 42!!,BUT NATE SILVER SAYS! +Except those jobs weren't lost to American companies shifting jobs overseas.,Yeah the steel industry didn't shift to China nope not at all +I hear Reddit's got a thing for big tools,it's not about the size it's how you use it +"While Hillary is fundraising, collapsing, and just overall embarrassing herself Bernie has been protesting controversial pipelines, campaigning for various politicians, and fighting for the American people. Way to fuck up the primaries, Democrats.","Yes, the dems are the only people that fucked up this election" +Should we tell him?,Forgot to add the +This shit is so fake,"Yes that fire is photo shopped, I can see by pixels Edit -" +Damn when will kap ever win a championship,Hmm I don't think Kap Loony or Octane have won an event ever tho +Straight broscience right here.,Because eating calorie-rich food that is also a good source of vitamins is ridiculous. +Surely the Bow gave it away?,Runes of creation anyone? +Or Farrell lol,The guy who won the WS right away? +Gold's gym ad,OMG this is fat shaming...... +That was the worst loss we had since that Thanksgiving game @ Detroit. Ugh.,"Ummm, NFC Championship against the Seahawks?" +Isn't that what the Tips app does?,i thought it was for calculating gratuity at restaurants +One Piece easter egg is World of Warcraft.,Who knew an easter egg could be the whole game! +why? subscribers are from all over the world,"Reddit is an American company so only NA gets it, duh" +"Will the piracy on vita stop its future development? I keep wondering about that I mean the vita was already neglected by sony for a long time, but I think piracy is the last nail.","Wait, it hasnt stopped already?" +E,V +Please. In the UK even good old fashioned facesitting is illegal. Frigid Brits can hardly be held as some sort of golden standard.,there will be an uprising the day they make bumpaddle magazine illegal +"No, I'm saying humans can't define human rights. If they could, they'd also be able to take them away.",So you're admitting that what you did earlier by stating what rights are is actually wrong by your own admission just now? +"does no one else get turned off by fake boobs and/or fake boob scars? (if that is a fake boob scar, which i think it is). End of rant, continue fapping.","No, dude, you're the *only* person out of 7 billion people turned off by fake tits." +Let's just reanimate Jack Layton and elect NDP.,He'd have my vote. +"Florida Man steals police car, and is unsure of whether he has committed a crime",Surely the man can't be expected to memorize EVERY law in the world... +"What's your point? comes from a video of two players arguing poorly in chat, which led to this sentence and some more hilariously dumb excuses. It's also notable for getting ran to the ground faster than Kayle-Can-Do-It by hordes of memespouters trying to imitate the original annoying jackass and succeeding brilliantly.",Kayle literally doesn't do anything. +"Then stop by the IRC more often, you duck-hugging triceratops!",I'm here you beautiful creature... Just not writing recently. +Don't think that's supposed to be there...,Bondo? +Wow man. Is that Andre? Looks a lot like Andre,Maybe we'll be following him. +"shhhh, just lay low, dont give them any ideas",Whoever is in goal for the oilers. +Proof matchmaking is completely broken: It matched my sorry ass against EricS and a bunch of pub stompers,"that's not important, compared to the MvM patch we got!" +"Well since I'm a CLG fan, I'll just do my own take on this. 90% CLG doesn't make it out of groups. 50% CLG drops a game to a wild-card team. 10% CLG makes it out of groups",think you found the wrong thread buddy :] +"**If this is satire, please make it more obvious. You're misleading a lot of people.** I've removed the post because of it. Buuuut, You had some potential here to be another 100+ upvote fluff post! Basically a bad click-bait right now.",Just felt like having some fun :) +Time to start driving a manual transmission.,That'll stop her from driving over him until she moves out of the US! +Why was this not hyped more? This is amazing! I only played a bit of worlds but I'm blown away. This is the biggest thing to happen to gaming since the console.,Because you would not have believed it until you tried it. +So basically.. the solution would be to seize the means of production and eliminate the market so that food may be rationed properly.,That worked so well everywhere it was tried. +"Why are you assholes returning shoes that you've worn? Seriously, grow up. Either you can afford shit, or you save up.",Somebody didn't read more than 10 words of this post +"also they don't leave jungle at 6 to get duels and gank, gotta get that 30 min blink + deso.","Nah man, it's all about that Midas-Blink-No Boots at 20 minutes build" +"Yeah, it was unfufilling. So I became a soldier. Then an engineer.",So what you're saying is you can know share that wealth you burgeoise capitalist pig +That's actually a really helpful analogy that I think helps to reconcile things in my mind. Thanks!,Please issue a !Delta if you have changed your mind in the slightest. +"When presenting the league office with 23 different plays, Dave Caldwell was told 16 of them contained a missed call (possibly unreliable source)","Oh boy, this thread is going to be fun." +Since when did the dab ever look cool?,When white people started dabbing then you know it's not cool anymore. +Still...12 years? People get larger sentences for possession,War on Drugs duh +Is there video he pointed the gun or are we just blindly believing police statements now?,He probably carries a laser-sighted BB gun around at all times just to frame black people with! +Song Name?,edurad - mrotsdnas +"To be fair, I don't think it's any secret that Obama is black.",Source? +"Honestly, I think they just forgot to focus group the speech beforehand.",Problem is that you had to donate $5k to the Hillary Victory Fund to be in the focus group. +Online studies?,"With a sample size of 6, who clearly represent the general population" +I present you...Buck Skywalker,"Damn, that FAL and Skeleton Key really look awesome on Frost!" +"Funny thing though, if this idiot didn't identify himself ***ON CAMERA*** as an employee of the City, then his job wouldn't be at risk at all!",Like he said he was recording for his own protection and wanted to make the officier insta-famous. +What is the best season premiere or finale in television history?,Dexter series finale +Iron Man.,King of the Ironborn +Where I live in PGH there is always a surge price so I stopped using. it. A ride to shadyside last weekend was 10$ minimum! It is like 4 miles.,Try getting a cab next time +"Not if, when.","Yeah they will definitely cram it down oculus owners throat, definitely." +iPhone 7 Series is Faster is Than Any MacBook Air Ever Made,"Yeah, but what about the headphone jack?" +The first pro I was impressed with was alex ich. He slaughtered other mid laners. But the player I learned the most about the game was wingsofdeathx. His stream was and probably is so good for beginner. You really can learn a lot from him.,yea you can learn to overextend and flame your jungler. +"so far no regrets, those tentacles are a bit on the slow side",That's why her Ultimate is such an important ability for her when against decent players. +"Lemme guess, much like my MIL who would do the same shit, she can barely walk and a fair would wear her out before you got across the parking lot andf even to the entrance?",Can I get an AMEN to that? +This doesnt make sense...,What about it doesn't make sense? +Trump's plan doesn't include paternity leave (Clinton's plan does) Trump's plan doesn't cover adoptions (Clinton's plan does),That's because raising children is a woman's job and adopting is something the gays do. +"Ending the EPA and doing what you list as good aren't mutually exclusive. The EPA, like all government, lends itself to corruption and incompetence.","Yeah, all of that stuff definitely would have happened, even without the EPA..." +U r right. I was quite drunk when I made that comment,TIL being drunk makes you racist +The reddit downvote brigade shows up in numbers when they're hit with a hard truth.,"I actually agree with the point you're trying to make, but you're getting downvoted for being an uppity cunt." +God forbid we let an openly gay man on the Supreme Court,"Yeah, we're complaining about the fact that he's gay, not that he is completely unqualified for the job." +I imagine there are at least a few feet between the back of the stalls and the front of the buildings.,"Yeah, im sure they didnt think of that" +I wait for a pause to click x,Don't you mean A +"Later, in DC_Cinematic *Lex appearing in Justice League* *Wait, Lex is not appearing in Justice League*",Jesse has already said he is going to be in Justice League. +"IIRC, it was three shames and then bell.",I need to get back to studying my SoIF books cus if it continues like now - I am sure to fail the mid-sem +Yeah its a fusion.,Oh I see that wasn't explained very well. +"Lol what a fucking fat loser. Jesus Christ. Completely invalid points, and then an absolutely terrible rap.",Can you explain what the invalid points are? +"She made a bit of a mistake in her speech. Did you catch it? She said her cough that everyone has been discussing was from this pneumonia, only she has had this chronic cough for years. So, has she had pneumonia for years?",And I thought it was hay fever all this time. +"Anything workable would almost certainly look too similar plasma. Damage would absolutely have to go down. Projectile movement speed would likely go up to compensate, and boom, plasma again. The one way it might work would be if they added a new mechanic, generating damaging fields on impact.",What about making them front firing - like the Lasers? +Trying Character Boxes * [](/a1) [](/box) * Don't worry about this thing * [](/a1) [](/box) * Just me trying some character boxes,* [] (/box) * Hello! +"I was talking about the school FORCING her to cheer, not the assault.","Yeah, those are *totally* separate things, nothing to do with each other" +"Serious question, does the plane ever actually help? I've never been killed by a plane and the times I've ever been in one is spent just chasing and shooting other planes. I'm not trying to be funny, I've just never thought the planes really mattered much. Choppers on the other hand...",I firebombed the shit out of people. +"So we all trust Comey now? I thought he was the one who wanted to be invasive about our privacy, except in political matters of national security.",Yes... of course we all trust Comey and everything our NSA overlords tell us to do. +"Cause of the belief in results without sacrifice. You're bound to see that shit everywhere here. All you gotta do is not stoop down to any idiot's level cause if you do, they'll beat the living shit outta you with experience.",I believe in the sacrifice of 18 virgins every month for our countries progress. +"My $20,000 Period Blood Red Station",Receipt or it didn't happen... +Definitely trying to copy BF1 with the spade.,"Yes, BF totally invented trenching tools" +Google Maps is showing the circuit layout and details this weekend.,Hope the remove those road closures in time for the race +"The first motivational poster I made, Every sunset is a reset.","its kinda hard to read, there is no tempo and the message is not clear." +Nothing grinds my gears more than when I'm hiking along and see litter. I just can't fathom how anyone could so far out of their way to be in the middle of nowhere and then desecrate the beautiful landscape they're in.,But there's no trashcan! +"People always say this. I'm at a loss because supercell gave me 6 of him and can't find a spot for him in any of my decks. Princess, yes. Ice wizard, no room. Maybe it's my play style.",You ungrateful son of a... +First female soldier in Green Beret training fails to complete the course,This is obviously because the standards are sexist! +stop smoking...,"Yes, because the appropriate consequence for smoking is getting stalked." +Oh I've learned a good lesson today,No one drives on coronation drive anymore; there's too much traffic +"Recipe: Cut up a handful of bell peppers and onions. Throw them in a frying pan with oil for roughly 5 minutes. Throw in meatless ground meat (I think I used Yves). Add a couple spoonfuls of tomato sauce and brown sugar. Cook til yummy, throw on a bun.",If you wanna make it even easier you can just pour some manwich sauce on some veggie crumbles! +Remember when there was all that talk about banning stem cell research in the US and denying federal funding for stem cell research? Obama finally freed up federal spending for fetal stem cell research in 2009 but researchers still have to contend with the Dickey-Wicker Act. It's a shame we've allowed misguided and religion based philosophical qualms hold us back from progress in field that holds the promise to vastly improve treatment options for many diseases and ailments.,But stem cell research is mean and goes against my religion! +"How you guys liking Forte? Sup Jets fam, Friendly Bears fan reporting in on our former rb stud. He finds holes that don't even exist! What are your guys thoughts on him after game 2?",I mean.. he's aight +Why Does the U.S. Give So Much Military Aid Money to Israel?,"Ask that Republican Congress that just boosted the payments, all while the MSM said it was all Obama's idea, because we know Congress spends according to President Obama's directions." +Turmoil reigns inside Trump Tower,That is probably only because they are trying to prep him for the Debate. +but then he came back and had 4 points in his first game,"Yeah I know, only 4 points." +"Question about experience Hi, I have a question concerning experience with serving tables. How long do you have to be a server to be considered as experienced? Backstory: The reason I am asking is because for the last 3 summers/fall I worked at a restaurant on Lake Michigan as a server. The restaurant is open for 6 months of the year. In total I worked there for 15 months. It is a more upscale restaurant for sure. I now have moved to Grand Rapids for grad school and applied as a server at a nice restaurant and got an interview. At the end of my interview I was offered a job as support staff (running food and bussing tables). I was really confused as to why they would offer me that job when I applied to serve tables. The interviewer said because I don't have a lot of experience is why. How long would you all consider to be experienced? I would definitely assume 15 months is more than enough. I am supposed to call and choose to accept or not. I did notice that I had not changed my resume to add on my last 3 months of work so it showed I only worked there for 2 summers, but still I would figure that would be enough. I am 24 years old and I am used to the support staff at my old restaurant as being 14-17 years old. I was top 5 for both summers and as the only male server I always had great reviews/regulars requesting me. It was easy for them to know who I was as the only guy serving there. Am I being a diva? Any advice would be great!","I know they have a kobe stake house there, you could probably get a job there." +His kids are just as evil as he is.,Yeah thats why their lives are fraught with scandals +United States faces a teacher shortage due to poor working conditions and wages,"No this is great news, now the market system will be forced to increase wages to teachers and everything will be great!" +<3,Wingblade senpai notice me plz its DarkShanks :d +backstabs+shadowsteps+wisps+*prep*+more spells = 34/34 van cleef... iron beak owl.,Oh yeah I forgot about all those iron beak owls I've been seeing on ladder +Really not a big deal,"Yeah, losing a raid spot is no big deal." +"Is there a legal case for the Ontario Liberals to dismantle their terrible, long-term renewable power contracts?","Industrial wind turbines, which rely on fossil fuel backup, do next to nothing to reduce carbon dioxide Loooool okay there buddy, suuuure, that damn dirty renewable energy won't slow down climate change..." +someone save jks from this hell,azr was by far the best player on this team for 6 or so months now. +"Calling people sir/mister or mam/misses, probably.","Yes, because showing respect is totally unnecessary" +Most Americans health is in constant jeopardy,This blanket statement needs no verification! +Syrian Rebel Accidentally Blows Up His Friends While Taking Selfie,Just the CIA trying to tie up loose ends. +Is it hard to play this game on an iPhone 5?,It's impossible don't even bother trying +"So, what's different from normal FedEx operations?",The free child labour and better delivery service. +It's confidence right?,Courage. +You don't make orbs for yourself. I just kill them and that seems to b work.,Obviously he was playing supremacy +"Pitching a tent, getting things moist? This thread is getting sexy!",Moist is the least sexy word. +"Accompanied by the most hilarious line of any superhero movie ever: Your parents must have taught you you're special, that you mean something. My parents taught me a different lesson: DYING IN THE GUTTER FOR NO REASON AT ALL.","You just don't get it, Man!" +"Technically Phineus is also on Dumbledore's side, and is very proud of Slytherin's part in the war, but I'm just being pedantic, and I think your point still stands.","Phineus is on Dumbledore's side, but I always believed that he did genuinely disagree with Dumbledore; Kingsley is much more Dumbledore's man." +How do you define what looks like a Pokemon.,"With such consistency as Voltorb, Jynx, and Muk it's easy" +i do that to feed them. I'm probably responsible for keeping thousands alive just with the meat off my bones,I was gonna say I'd join you in your quest but then I remembered I'm a robot... I guess I can still provide spare parts? +"The latest post in the GFG thread is someone snarking on Shauna for eating two meals in one day. [O]n days when lunch is especially yummy I dig in and then go home and have a yogurt or some fruit for 'dinner' because I have already had one full meal, says Slutty Tomato. She goes on to insinuate that only people doing physical labor deserve more than one meal a day. That seems normal, right guys? Right everyone? Slutty Tomato wins the starving contest!","Speaking as someone who insists on having THREE (gasp) meals a day in spite of sitting on my ass all day at my desk job, this seems totally normal and not at all disordered!" +"I told him to grow up, I don't see how that's an insult but ok.",Oh grow up! +What is she famous for? All I found was her being hot on instagram.,That can be a full time job for some people. +Dozens of Dead Sea Scroll fragments may have been discovered,Palestinians: Wow I can't believe the occupation has been going on for over 2000 years now ! +That script couldn't be fixed,Tell that to Chris Stuckmann +T-Rex radiator,"Yeah, visiting kids won't want to touch that cool looking sculpture." +Both schemes suck ass. That's a horrible comparison.,"By all means, feel free to provide an example that you feel is good." +"I unfriended an old classmate that I'd known since grade school after he posted something stating that the mass shooting at Sandy Hook happened because they took prayer and God out of schools. Man, GTFO of my life with that bullshit.",You only think that her status is bullshit because they took prayer and God out of school. +It's been in beta since release. The beta is their so when something fucks up they can say it's in beta.,"The beta for the official beta, and then finally a finished product after a year." +Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina,How DARE you assume my gender based on my genetalia! +"COMPETITIVE RULING: MARC TRYNDAMERE MERRILL, S2 ELO BOOSTING REDUX ~ Esportsheaven",I LOVE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS. +Cheeky Nando's with my mates after a piss up with some birds.,The lads gone mental +"The big growing bubble is the week. The bubbles forming inside are money made from working that week. The popping of the big bubble means it's the weekend. The little bubbles floating out and away mean all the money earned being spent, usually on bills, groceries, gas, etc.",So deep +"The Best Top 3 Tavern Brawl Combinations - 20,000 Games of Data","wait innervate, mad bomber and madder bomber not on the list damn" +"Meh. I will say the same thing about cash shop pets and mounts: don't use it if you don't want to pay for it. With the exception of server transfers, I am not seeing anything inherently ethical about meeting consumer demand.",Profit is anti-consumer +How the fuck is she supposed to know that unless someone on her team is a huge james Brown fan?,"Typical liberal, not concerned with unintended consequences..." +"Tbh, OP's Plan B will involve TCP/IP as well, FWIW.",needs more acronyms +He likes grabbing women by the pussy. Now we're going to grab him by the balls.,Gonna need a smaller tweezer +Top page pls,But... But... We got a ending cutscene with The End... And...and.... Blundell sucks! +Kasich: 'Very Unlikely' I Will Vote for Trump,"Yes, and when Trump loses by one vote you can thank Jesus." +"Fallout 5 Antagonist? I really liked that the big bad antagonist in FO4 was dependant on which faction you chose instead of only having one choice a la The Master or The Enclave. But, if they go back to the old formula, who/what would you like to see as the main antagonist in FO5? I think it would be interesting to incorporate an evil/crazy vault dweller; maybe an Overseer that lost it or a vault that had something go wrong with their experiments.","The Enclave, obviously." +Legendary Thief Lv.3,it should be higher than 3 +How many players do you need for the SOE EE?,4 and Mics +Anthony Davis Career Injuries,Well maybe if he didn't have to carry his team on his back... +"I mean, if Sutter would defer to Eriksson surely Gudbranson could too. What am I missing with 11?","The canuck great, Mark Messier" +UNDEAD CORPORATION - Bloodthirsty Nightmare Lullaby / The Empress (Starbow Break) 8.41* Length: 7:35 & 5413x Combo | Mapped by EphemeralFetish has just been qualified!,Why is everyone using HT it's only 180 BPM +"It's tricky because it's still a good thing to be shooting a reins shield, in many situations you need to break it, but on the other hand it doesn't necessarily represent how much pressure you're putting on the enemy team, unless the rein's shield actually goes down as a result of the damage on it. But on the other other hand you can say the same thing about damage to heroes, if they don't die and just get healed up then your damage on them was pretty much worthless as well (unless of course it stops a mercy/zen from healing another target who then dies). It's hard to tell, and in general damage alone is not the best stat to look at.","They need another stat, Damage to shields and Damage to Players." +I agree stop making it gay,You dropped this +Why would someone intentionally ram their motorcycle into a car? That story doesn't make any sense.,because fuck him and the cop is an angel that sacrifices himself to protect out community thats why +Facebook pulling through yet again,Looks like it's getting infected at the top. +All AWP,Nonono you need to bring sawed off +"I think it's because of valve's beta client release that's why people are so whiny. This shouldn't happen when there's an open beta client out there and bugs are reported. The Beta client is new to the csgo people , in dota2 before they release a major patch they push it onto the beta client and there , bugs are found and fixed. but when they push the patch onto the main client there are still tons of bugs that are reported . so i guess i'm just not as mad / whiny about the bugs because i'm used to having bugs after a patch is released in dota2.",This bug didn't exist in the beta - We have no Idea how thay messed it up @ final release . +what if it's a stolen ship?,I think right now the owner of said stolen ship gets their crimestat raised as well. +Well then he should pick places that allow it. Pretty weak support for gun rights on his part imo,"Should hold them at Southern churches, then." +Pay to win what?,"The game, obviously." +"Takumi RXT, XDevil MK2, Lobo Exotic Wheels, Parallax Black Market Keys | Crates ONLY",How many keys you want for parallax and Lobo? +TIL if white people use certain emojis its culture appropriation,"As a Greek, I would very much like democracy back since you clearly can't be trusted with it" +"Somebody mailed my friend a bag of random pills to be disposed of, thinking they were returning them to a local pharmacy and sent them to the wrong address.",Have you tried taking a few? +H3H3 Statement on twitter,Maybe some TJ Collins music would help? +"Its shit like this that make people wonder if DAP has any PR team. Nobody believes that hacking crap anymore haha, especially on a big platform like twitter.",I believe. +My friend made this beauty,ctrl + p is making stuff guyz +"I mean, if you want to call the whole subjugation of women thing harmless...","Yeah, dictating what women shouldn't wear is sooo progressive." +So what's stopping you from just saying I have a gun safe in the store?,"Well, if there is a sign up, no one will break the law..." +"Yeah and the country is constantly at war, the justice system is hilariously corrupt, the cops are shooting people without repercussions, legislation is decided by religion and populism, and everything's run by lobbyists. But I guess it's fine because there are less taxes or something.",But none of that happened until *Obama* showed up! +I know Americans have an emotional reaction to the truth.,"Yes, because every german soldier during WWII was responsible for the Holocaust." +We can have this conversation AFTER we stop using the FPTP system.,"Yeah, because that's going to happen while the dems and republicans control everything..." +"While we wait for Dishonored 2, enjoy Daud's Cleaning",And he still got the good ending +"Ok so up-front I'm not a supporter of Trump. I think he's a fascist idiot, actually, who can't tell when he's lying because he has no idea of truth beyond it being whatever he wants it to be. BUT, the interviewer wanter her to comment on something the Don said in 2004 (17 years ago) that went like something like this; Its wonderful for a woman to have a baby. It's wonderful for a father to have a child, but it's inconvenient for a business owner when his employee is pregnant and having a baby. The question is an ambush and asked only as a 100% troll. The statement is completely true. It's fucking obvious. Trump didn't go on to say that businesses should be allowed to fire and replace pregnant women. He didn't advocate for doing away with maternity/paternity leave. He noted that from the perspective of the business that suffers reduced productivity it's damned inconvenient. Does anyone deny that it's a fact? But never mind me, I hate Trump anyway so get out your pitchforks and placards.",So how hard is it for her to say what you just said instead of throwing a temper tantrum and walking out? +"Every major country on earth, whether it's the U.K., whether it's France, whether it's Canada, has managed to provide healthcare to all people as a right and they are spending significantly less per capita on health care than we are. So I do not accept the belief that the United States of America can't do that. r/WayoftheBern r/BerniesRevolution",Yeah but at least we have freedom +"I did it and got Bergeron, I'd say I got really lucky because he goes for 70k. Bought the collectible for 75k",Yeah that was lucky that you lost 5k. +"Of course that's what he's trying to do, but he should not be allowed to get away with trying to do so by incessant lying.","No, only Hillary should be able to get away with that." +"Zucker, purer Zucker ist das.",Plus Sahne und Apfelmus! +Porzingis says he weighs 238 now. He was 237 pounds at the end of training camp last year.,I could go to McDonalds with 10 bucks and get these gains fuck a training camp +Crazy how different.,Let's see Curry's +"Sorry trumpers, this was my fault. I kept calling the police to say every white guy I saw was a Canadian who overstayed their visa. They finally realized color of skin was no indication of citizenship status.",Yeah the Canadian immigration is a real problem on par with illegal immigration from Mexico +Yeah man. We all bleed out our dick. You don't?,"Check your dick privilege, my good sir." +You shouldn't even consider buying a flag box logo,gotta get ready for 4th of july tho +"Oh yeah forgot about that... Well say if Gandalf was killed than, would they do anything after that?",Kindly ask Iluvatar for another Gandalf resurrection +The Tesla you can buy for $500!,"Must be CPO, has old front design" +"The entire FBI is corrupt or you'd be seeing public resignations/calls for Comey to resign. Corrupt pussies, the lot of them.",I'm hoping some whistle blower shows up in a few weeks. +Evans might be pretty good you guys.,"I dunno man, he threw a pick today." +I'm a cis woman and I never take my choker off.,Are you sure you're not trans? +This legend outside a mosque in Canberra,What a hero +My favourite killcam ever.,"Jokes on you, that spy was a blue spy disguised as a red spy disguised as a blue spy." +Don't go there unless you want to listen to Babblong,"Great, NOW you tell me" +What Fraudulent Event Woke You The Fuck Up?,Michael Hastings and Aaron Swartz Holy Shit they're assassinating people who are spreading The Truth No doubt they would have killed Julian Assange and Edward Snowden too if they could have gotten their hands on them -- God Damn! +Mit schaf ?,Manchmal.. +Holy Fruit,Does the fact that I am more amused by how inexpensive pomegranites are when you live (for reference my local grocery store charges $6 for 1) than the spelling of Popegranate. +Wait what? What does completing all easter eggs do with the RK5?,"When you complete all easter eggs (I think all) tour reward is a second starting weapon, the rk5" +"Last I remember every single person on this planet including these fuckers were created in the belly of a woman. A human being is the ultimate creation, no?","If it doesn't require STEM, it doesn't count, obviously." +Lol no,Well what about your social security number that will work fine too. +"It helps that they create most of those terrorists they've caught. You were right when you said entrap, but I don't think you meant it that way.","Yes let's never forget, it's *always* America's fault." +A lot of the info shouldn't be discussed in a public forum. Like cash management procedures.,Nice try corporate +"Yeah, because the glorious white master race made up for that by BUILDING CIVILIZATION! Just like men are off the hook for patriarchy because they provided for *feeeeeeeemales* throughout history.","Well, they created the correct civilization, all those other civilizations were just terrible and wrong." +Bengals fans threw garbage on Carson Palmers front lawn after his last start for us. There are crazy fans in every fanbase,Except those eagles fans they're all crazy +Intentional just means it wasn't an accident.,"Nah man, obviously 5 bombs were accidentally left around the tri state area" +We're all being Punk'd.,Yea because the other two have a real chance of winning +Moon gazing.,"Gazing upon the moon, thinks about the next meme." +When the priest is a stall,10% boosts to stats for everyone. +*Lost* was live action.,"No, it was totally CGI" +I'm going to record you till you drop because it's only a matter of time.,This is why we don't have women engineers. +What program did you use for this?,Prisma +Got the perfect reading on my car's odometer.,Good for you +Ok I understand the difference. And all other aspects. My question must have gone over heads. WHY would someone fight for it? Because they want 3 paid sick days per year ? Because they want minimum wage whilst driving around? Because they want to be told WHEN and WHERE to work? Instead of being offered incentives for said times ? Do people really think if drivers were employees they would be BETTER off? Or that they would even drive for uber ?,You have a point. +Say thx to russia who decided to invade a neighbouring country,Lol wait and Germany didnt do anything in ww2 right? +Why are they so quick to say this isn't terrorism?,Mayor just had a press briefing saying that 9/11 wasn't terrorism either. +"Well, there's a Finnish feminist and former head of an art university, who publicly said Finland alone (with a population under 5.5mil) could take a million refugees. She now lives in Sweden, because she did not like the political climate and attitudes here. Believe it or not, she's somehow a professor without even a basic understanding of math or economics.",I bet all of those migrants will take kindly to her feminist ideals too. +That doesn't sound like a fair trade at all.,"But, but, with the FFG/GW partnership over, I thought my Chaos in the Old World was worth millions!" +FWD: Save me from the PC police!!!,The Nazi party was famous for gathering up all the racists in the country and labeling and discriminating against them. +I finally found a place that sells Chao cheese in my area! Immediately made a grilled cheese with tomato soup as soon as I got home.,"I ate so many grilled cheese with these wonderful slices, it was so nostalgic and delicious." +His first soccer game. Got a little warm...,"It's all fine when he does it, but when I lift my shirt and drop my pants, it's indecent exposure" +"In my humble opinion President Obama wanted to put a W on the board with the ACA. First social welfare legislation in 50 years!!!!! OK, so he got the Win. In his zeal to do so he ruined the act itself. No public option and, just as bad, Governors in each state got to decide if they wanted to expand Medicaid or not. At least 20 states didn't expand medicaid, depriving their hospitals and health services access to the federal funds they needed. Hospitals close. People lose their jobs in healthcare and ER's are overworked and less effective. I don't know if a better plan could ever have been voted for in the Congress. But the plan we have---Obama's Win----is fraying around the edges.",I'm pretty sure it's imploding from the inside. +How... wasteful.,The bullets should have been used on a real duck +:^),:\^) thank you for the enlightenment +Same answer to both questions [[abrupt decay]],just ram sanctum prelate into the list then! +"Muslims Shouting Allah Akbar! Go on Stabbing Rampage in St. Cloud - 8 Injured, One Dead",But ban guns that'll stop violence fight? +Don't alienate r/worldnews with facts. Just jump on the anti-migration anti-muslim hate train and take a ride.,Whee +"Yep, I'm wrong. For some reason, I assumed the numerical value was in pounds and not as a comparison to a royal with cheese.",I forgive you +End war. Nuke Mecca.,Yeah... because destroying such an important holy site *won't* radicalize a huge portion of 1.6 billion Muslims. +"There is no double standard. Men are responsible for their actions, just as women are responsible for theirs. Feminists have a difficult time grasping this concept. Women can do what they want, but men are free to judge them by their past actions and decide that they aren't worth putting a ring on. Women can do the same; they can reject a man because there are things in his past they don't like. Let's say there's a guy named Chad. He's tall, handsome, confident, successful, and he bangs a lot of different women. When he finally decides to settle down, it's unlikely he'll choose a woman who was as promiscuous as he was. That's not hypocrisy, that's called having options. Chad decided that he doesn't want to put a ring on the finger of a girl whom half the guys in town have been inside, and he's well within his rights to do so. Women could end this double standard tomorrow if they wanted to simply by collectively stop trying to date and marry Chad. It is within women's power to end this bogus double standard they complain endlessly about. Just judge men like men judge women. Problem solved. No more double standard. Predictably, feminists want something they have no control over. They want Chad to forget the fact that they got gangbanged by the football team when they were in college. That isn't going to happen. You have no control over the thoughts and opinions of other people.","Stop being reasonable, we're here to complain not think" +The dong shall live on,stfu kid +Why do you bother posting outside of r/Russia? You can't seem smart here without the echo chamber.,Discouraging him from posting elsewhere just because he has a different opinion seems very reasonable of you +"You have $10,000 cash and an army of squirrels. How do you cause the most chaos?",Mini suicide vests and parachutes then airdrop them into a parade. +"Y'all should definitely be above Texas, who has no justification to be in the top 25.",But they beat Notre dame so they should still be in the top 10 +"In France, election days are always on a Sunday. Having the probability that it's a workday you're not gonna be exempt of seems incredibly stupid to me.","But if their elections are on Sundays, how do they suppress the votes of low- and working-class people?" +My pokemon Go randomly glitched and showed me this when I tried to look at a 2km egg . Has anybody ever seen this ?,Damn I've never seen this before holy shit new discovery +"Official Game Day Thread: Buffalo Bills (1-2) @ New England Patriots (3-0) | Kickoff 1:00 PM ET, October 2, 2016 | Gillette Stadium, Foxboro, MA",STARTERS OUT NOW +'Are you a Zionist' Corbyn: yes. Israel has the right to exist',But according to Ken Livingstone Hitler was a zionist so inb4 Corbyn is Literally Hitler? +"or, let us set our own color.",But then Halo would be literally Cod +Kanye thinks hes dope,"Oh well then that's that, I guess." +Pastor who won AR-15 rifle raffle won't be charged,It's good to know that everyone is expected to play by the same set of rules. +but it wasn't a joke. count me in on the list of people who subscribed just to block that toxic sub.,Oh because religion just does make sense. +Rookie of the year DeSean jackson,Gangster of the year more like it +A real gym rat.,White? +New mayor kills off Rome's bid for 2024 Olympics,"Very smart mayor, saved the tax payers a lot of money" +What Do You Guys Like To Do In Zombies? * Go for high rounds? * Mess around with Perkaholic * Do various challenges? * Just play? What is it you guys do on a regular basis?,I like to die at the DE boss fight for the umpteenth time +Excuse my ignorance but how good are SK compared to OG? I'm still learning about CS haha.,SK are the best team in the world. +Can someone explain this to me?,Who knew that the fabulously rich inventor of some of the world's sexiest cars got around so much? +"As with any major corp, they make money for being active, so every second means profit. No company has ever taken the money and run because of initial investments",i really didn't think i'd have to type +Can't wait for the TV interview of the family saying he was a good boy and never did nothing wrong!!,Another white cop trying to keep a brotha down! +Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are equally bad candidates for President.,"yeah, we all know that they are actually both far worse than each other." +I personally think casting Leto was a mistake.,Maybe if we're lucky they'll team up Leto and Eisenberg. +There's clearly a reason you're a former LEO. Last thing we need is panicked civilians with guns. You're batshit crazy for thinking otherwise.,"Yes, cowering in fear waiting to be slaughtered is a much better strategy." +Fight!,Damn man you couldnt let jax get at least a one hit in? +Lol'd at the Eggsoduz and Luv'itikuz,Are they new pokemon? +Kappa,Kappa in 2016 EleGiggle +ISIS claims responsibility for St. Cloud mall attack,"WEAPONS AREN'T ALLOWED IN THE MALL, SIR." +"BREAKING: Pipe Bombs Found at New Jersey Train Station, Shutting Down Transit Service From NYC",But it's not terrorism right guys? +So much yikes in one capture. Menstrual art is boring and silencing! Don't even get me started on CAGINAS oh god I laugh to keep from crying.,Sexually harassing your coworkers by flashing them is a great way to show that you're totally not a dude. +Women earned majority of doctoral degrees in 2015 for 7th straight year and outnumber men in grad school 135 to 100,But women are oppressed and need to more programs to ensure they continue to succeed at this rate. +"I mean we don't have a TE who used to play basketball or an irrationally tall QB anymore, so what else are the announcers gonna talk about?",Football? +"Dude, Stafford had Megatron his whole career","I mean Irvin had Aikman, and Rice had Young, maybe we should be talking about Stafford in the hall ;)" +Almost half of our debts are from the Marcos era.,but muh infrastructures & 1:1 dollar:peso! +"I found a condom in my toilet. Please help. I came home from church today and found a condom floating in my toilet. I can think of 2 possibilities. Either someone broke into my house and dropped a condom in the toilet without even touching the cash I had laying on the entry table, or a condom came up through the city water supply and just happened to come through on the last flush before leaving this morning. I don't know which option is worse. Is the second one possible? Please help.",Women use Condoms on there sex toys sometimes or make DIY toys with them either that or she getting banged... but at least she is being safe +I don't understand the hype for ggg. He fights nobody's.,Nice post history. +That's the secret trick that keeps the rat-trainers employed,5 Simple Secret Tricks The Giant Rat Trainers Don't Want You To Know About! +Yup. Gamertag: DividedShane,Is that your XBL tag? +Basically rule 8(joke),I think you should of used the +It is. You can see the flight holes in it.,That's just so it has lest air resistance to stab faster and do sweet tricks +"People of reddit who used to be religious, what changed?","When i was not willing to spend 12k and 2 years of my life on a mission, my bishop told be that it gave him concerns over my immortal soul.. not a scam at all.." +"Capoue is the gift that keeps giving, has there been any other dead cheap players like him to rise so often?",Mahrez and Alli last season come to mind. +Would you fuck a ship girl?,I would: * Load my torpedo into her tube * Load my 16 shell into her breach * Hit her with a full salvo * Broadside her with my main cannon * Penetrate her armor * Fuck her brains out +"One thing people are overlooking: after he picked it up, he casually handed the ball to the ref in the end zone. He never actually recovered the ball.",He did that because he assumed it was a touchback. +"So you are fine with NPCs being useless lemmings, and all PVE encounters are easy mode?",I want my win button! +Tales of the Destinies at Tokyo Dome,"Aha, caught you trying to steal my karma!" +LPT: Watch your Netflix series / movies / etc. on the stationary bike or elliptical at the gym. Every hour of screen time while exercising is an easy 400 calories burned.,But everyone knows that cardio kills gains! +"Are you a gal or a guy? Either way, don't canll me friend, strange. (See, I can do that too!) Nor did yours after you repeated yourself 5x in diff comments ;)",You have not watched South Park I assume lol. +"I was really confident that Stonetear would delete all his posts/comments, so I took a handful of screenshots for you to grasp the basic idea of his activity.",NOT SKETCHY AT ALL.....MOVE ALONG +I will then.,I won't. +whatever. She'll find out eventually why we here are so harsh on big age gaps. Sometimes giving advice is pointless.,Being presumptuous and pessimistic is definitely more likely to lead to happiness +It's like someone thought about how to tell you to GTFO...,That guy deserves a raise. +What Monstercat Song Makes you Happy? I love being happy! Grant Bowtie's Cloud Nine does this very well to me. What song is happiest for you?,Perfect Views by Rogue +New York bombing: Suspect identified as 28-year-old Ahmad Khan Rahami,"Wow, I would have never expected this!" +Eight Afghan policemen killed in US strike,8 afghan insurgents killed* +"Are you serious? Do you not grasp that this is why Hillary Clinton is tanking in the polls & over half of Americans find her untrustworthy? That's silly, partisan politics you're playing. It goes on with both sides. Usually we tag them as establishment, to make a distinction between those who do & don't play ball. People accuse others of being naive when they say DC/politics doesn't operate in this fashion. I'll add, it was recently big news that Hillary was courting usual republican donors during this election cycle. Most elites don't care about which side you're on, as long as you'll play ball.",But just look how impartial and fact based the above response was! +I thought the note 7 was the brightest display with 1000nits,It depends on whether the battery has gone supercritical yet or not +"I know, right? Just the thought a huge brownish marble spinning incessantly in the vastness of empty space is just.... so surreal. Not to mention the Rings.",It's because nasa took a scale model and photoshopped it to make it look real to brainwash us. +"Castro just loaded 1,000,000 FIFA Points","He actually did it, the absolute madman" +I'm not surprised considering how much they wanted for the Chromebook Pixels.,and man those sold like hotcakes +Uh Oh Looks like original Pixel will be $649....Straight up iPhone Pricing (David Ruddock),Can't wait to hear about European prices! +"Evidence of Hillary's IT guy, Paul Combetta, asking Reddit how to cover up emails.",And we have verifiable proof *he* did this. +Can we please stop positing this as a solution? It's been absolutely dismantled here so many times that it's just asinine to attempt to perpetuate it as a solution to Toronto's traffic woes.,But look how well it worked for Los Angeles! +Has the farmer been in previous episodes? He looked like kinda like buffalo bill to me...,"I think he's basically Pet Semetery's Jud Crandall, played by Fred Gwynne." +"Why would a Catholic saint's signature contain such a bizarre, sigil-esque symbol?",Oooor he tried to draw a rose perhaps? +Literally scheduled even.,The only thing worse than *systemic* racism is *scheduled* racism! +"More fines for Troicki, Cilic and Sharapova incoming...","All of those are dirty Eastern European athletes, not our glorious and totally clean Western athletes!" +Sure. So can speeches.,"Yup, I'm dying to know what was in Donald's $1.3M speeches, I'm sure they'll both be releasing their speeches any day now." +Instead of students always creating all their own code I would force them to make changes to massive existing code bases that have zero documentation,Are you looking to increase the suicide rate among CS students? +if one mob is making the difference of half your damage output. you're doing something terribly wrong. Pull the next group.,"Yeah pull another pack of mobs into a boss fight, good idea." +"Pricing for the smaller Google Pixel phone could start at $649, but financing will be available",You can get it cheaper if you agree to ads on your lockscreen! +"I love how they KNOW it sounds shitty so they push the blame off onto god and then throw their hands up as if its not their fault. Sorry, but if you worship this guy, and agree with what he says than you are just as guilty as the fuckwit who wrote it.",Guilty by association! +Btw- this is Flange Face from the Breakthrough release if anyone's interested and would like to dance along at home,Get the flange in the face +Are you one of those people who think Obama botched the Katrina response because this happened prior to 2008,"wow, you're good - you basically captured the essence of my political beliefs from 2 words." +The B is for bargain!,"Dr Riviera, where are the bodies?" +"I'm not, sadly I'm working two jobs.",Fuck you ya hard working piece of shit don't you know Destiny is life +Posted by a TBM on FB,"Right, because gay people are the ones shooting up night clubs." +"Media still isn't glorifying the fact that a good man with a gun saved the day, and took this man out. They sure will glorify the bad man with the gun though.",Nope he's a criminal who brought a gun to a gun free zone +Now what does it look like if you add Mansell? He has one win fewer than Alonso. And then add Stewart. Seriously what is the point of this,"Tony Stewart doesn't have any F1 wins yet, he and Gene Haas are still working on it." +King's Fall HM Fresh LF5M,NoXn8r7 +Mmmm that's sexy may I suck on your tits if its ok with u,At least he asked for consent! +Marriage in the U.S. leaves only the illusion of being Alpha. The courts will reveal the true Alpha in due time. Spoiler: it's not the man.,What I said has very little to do with the modern institution of marriage. +The pictures are a dead giveaway. So many pictures of that stupid trash can and none of any of the injured people receiving medical attention. I mean imagine the scene there would have been with paramedics and ambulances tending to 29 people with various traumatic injuries. Some other ones have surfaced but they don't seem convincing to me. All we got was a trash can for over 2 days.,"I saw a video of first responders guarding the crime scene getting Starbucks, so that proves it happened" +Why the fuck does disobeying a police officers orders correlate directly to getting shot? Stop making excuses for poor police decision making. There were four cops on site. Taser if you feel at risk...don't shoot first.,But he was clearly being threatening by the fact that he was black and had his hands up +"Yes, the horror of living in Bethesda","Can confirm, the view from the J2 sucks." +Mom really regrets buying that Christmas present,Abuse is hilarious! +So true... Lol,"Misogyny, racism and stereotyping, soooo funny." +iPhone 5c. How long will it be kept updated? iOS 11? 12?,Let me just ask my uncle; he works for Apple. +That's a really specific sub.,Would make a great password. +What's with Russians and face masks?,+10 tacticool every soldier should have one +So people actually took this seriously?,You dropped this +"Panama's conversion to a proper civ is literally the least balanced thing in the history of CHG. There was no cost to them AT ALL. They spent 1 AP doing that, but got the 5 for civs rather than 3 for city states, so really it was a NET GAIN OF AP. And that's in addition to gaining more AP in the future. You could have at least consulted mod mail about the proper way to balance this change.","Nah that happens all the time, Monaco just one day become an empire and started colonizing its neighbours." +Yeah I wish they waited and that it had Guardians and JL,But James Gunn directed Guardians! +So grateful for this opportunity at dks,wow rarer than 3a +What a weak throw.,"She used to be a pitcher, ya know?" +"So in other words, potential future Presidents endorsing Hillary?",Why do you think the Clinton's have been murdering them? +Oh. It's sometimes hard to get jokes and sarcasm online.,This is why everyone needs to use +"Trump considering oil company executive for secretary of the Interior, because money",And hillary and Obama never did anything like that +Any Rick and Morty fans?,The cromulons' faces show the perfect reaction towards the friend going vegan too. +"As a character, not a person - I take? ;)","lol no fuck cripples, they just slow society down" +"Shkodran Mustafi has completed 139 passes in the Premier League since his debut, no defender has more in that time.",He is the greatest Lion King of all time... OF ALL TIME +Bradham would have had that touchdown but Cox and/or Graham didn't feel like blocking for him.,Probably didn't want to be right back on the field +Are Driverless Cars really the future? It hasn't been the case with trains... wdyt?,Most train cars are driverless.^hehe^heheheh^heh^hehe +And the cherry on top is them bitching and moaning when their threads and comments get deleted because of this shot,So when are the mods going to censor this thread too? +Yeah but is Isai picking low tiers in this hypothetical scenario?,"Of course, he has a reputation to live up to" +"A few weeks ago, every post was anti-Trump. The opinion seems to sway there every day. They are truly a fickle bunch.",But Hillary Clinton is literally Satan actually for real without any hint of sarcasm or doubt at all certainly undeniably forever with certain unalienable rights only given to white men feminism cancer for real literally. +Need a mid <7.1 mil. Have antonio/redmond. Thinking of grabbing snodgrass. Any other shouts?,Bolasie? +Hillary Clinton Regains Momentum Against Donald Trump: Poll,Polls are now fake again. +Probably single also,"Oh no, how terrible!" +Idk I thought it was hilarious,I disagree with you so I'm going to downvote you! +Any special kind of thermal paste i need or any paste will do?,Toothpaste will work just fine. +Woah dude it's just a game. Chill out,You think this is a fucking game or something? +"Seriously, guys - look to make sure what you're about to post wasn't just posted 100 times this past hour.",When I am bored at work I love reading the same article 15x tho... +What exactly is wrong with globalists?,The globe is where foreigners live +Amy Schumer tries to be funny on the red carpet and does exactly what South Park mocked in their last episode.,ITT: People not getting over the fact that women are funny. +"As far as the ways bulls are killed in these rings, these guys got off pretty lucky dying so instantaneously.",Estoy triggered +I think we've established that 'ka-kaw ka-kaw' and tookie tookie' don't work.,great movie! +"Exactly. I don't support May or Grammar schools, but it's ridiculous how many people are just blindly believing this one guy. It's a bullshit biased claim on the same level of Trump wants to bring back the slave trade","Weeeeeell, let's not get ahead of ourselves." +"Awww man I'm not in top 500 again!? I'm only 2554 cuz of my teammates, I swear!",isn't it odd how the enemy always seems to get the good players? +Is this up to code?,At least they left a service loop. +Winless says what?,Winless says took the right QB at #1 +"Holy shit, I hadn't noticed you play the Vikings this week! Your right tackle might kill all QBs of your team so you will have to play the wildcat all game long against us.",Nah we'll just bring back Mike Vick and light your shit up +"Almost every terrorist attack is from US citizens. Or in Europe, European citizens. It's very rare for an immigrant to commit an act of terror. The terror attack this week? American citizen.","Pfft, what about noted immigrant Timothy McVeigh?" +"Just a little PSA The two new Pokemon, Passimian and Oranguru are NOT monkeys. They are a lemur and orangutan respectively. A lemur is a prosimian and an orangutan is an ape. Just felt the need to put this out there since people keep calling them monkeys.","They aren't a lemur and orangutan, they're pokemon." +"oh boy, your username is going to trigger many folks.",He's already been banned for calling himself a shill. +FBI Agents Tell Us Lynch and Clinton Struck a Deal on That Plane,Does one of these agents have a fiction book they're hawking? +Griezmann is a lucky man,Hopefully he streams it +"Am I doing this wrong, but is the person saying the United states is 400 years old?","Y'all are dumb, the US is 2016 years old." +When is somebody going to shoot that prick?,"He's not a prick, he's an attractive young woman!" +Terry Crews does do a good robot.,"Hah nice, looks like Jimmy Fallon still does the robot pretty well too!" +I thought you were gonna mention that their axes now disable shields.,"Someone else said that is also a thing now, I've yet to test it myself though, so don't quote me on it." +pro pvpers most people on this subreddit who play 1.7/1.8 are pretty average (including me) we just know a lot after playing so much The appeal of minecraft pvp to most of us is getting combos or doing well against a player you know is good/better than you in a fight where if you miss a hit you could be in a 5+ hit combo,"The last sentence of your comment, that is still in 1.9..." +Is jills husband dicking bimbos?,I'm sure Powell has incredibly intimate and accurate knowledge into the private life of Bill Clinton +"If I can't say faggot, the. Fuck this sub","Yeah, he'd fit right in at LSC." +What are some facts about famous Americans that you wish you hadn't learned?,You should never wish you hadn't learned something. +"Sven and ambition are better than Jankos and Karsa. If jankos had a good split, sven had an amazing split.",Why don't people understand... Svenskeren is only good because he's on TSM +"Well I'm going stay with them always, but I don't like having this damn suicide feeling","Just don't stop drinking, can't put the barrel in your mouth with a bottle in the way... Ha ha T.T" +"With reviews this good, if the PC version is bad I might have to buy an XBOX One just to play this masterpiece Seriously, I am so hyped right now. I am praying to the digital gods they don't fuck up the PC version.","Apex was 100% soild, there is no logic reason to think the PC version will be bad." +"I just felt a great disturbance, as if a million keystones suddenly cried out in terror and were silenced. Seriously though, how are people supposed to convince 4 others to do a difficult mythic+ run with a 0% chance of loot just to get you back on your feet. Feasible in a guild I suppose but still a lot of work just because of Blizz getting rekt by DDOS every week.","Yeah, totally blizzards fault." +I'd kill to see the IRON DESTROYER in Infinity War.. After Thor defeated the Asgardian Destroyer it was left on earth & probably taken by SHIELD. After SHIELD fell most of their property was seized by the US government. it would be super cool if iron-man were to use the URU to built a new badass suit to combat Thanos....,Nope save it for Thor 4:Fear Itself. +Game loads but stuck on black screen? Finally managed to get on H1Z1 KOTK but when I click PLAY I just get a black screen with the H1Z1 cursor... just sits there forever. anyone else having this problem?,did not expect it to bug at the start +Anybody here drive for Uber/Lyft in the Pittsburgh area? Thinking about driving for either Uber/Lyft to earn some extra money in my free time. I live out by the airport and was thinking of doing runs to and from the terminals and hotels. Anybody here drive for them? Whats the pay like around here? Is it worth it? Thanks!,LITERALLY NO ONE BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL SELF DRIVING +Francona hopeful Salazar will be available out of the pen in first round of the playoffs.,Didn't Francona get the memo that the Indians already lost the playoffs? +"Cisgender lesbian escorted out of bathroom illegally by cisgender security staff. Whose fault is this? Random trans people, of course.","Thanks, *transgenders*." +Yeah i remember reading a post a couple months ago abt recovering from bulging discs and herniated discs and people were very knowledgeable and helpful so I figured here would be a decent place to start... Typically the people who do gear are obsessively finding different ways/exercises and work out consistently so I figured id get a decent response... And yeah I read your recovery post post-accident some while ago so I'm sure you can empathize with how restricting/frustrating injuries can be,"we can tell you to up the tren, beyond that..." +"So when I have a curry, am I contributing to the downfall of western civliization?",Why do you hate Whites? +ANONYMOUS: Combetta has flipped and will sing like a bird!!!!,Barbell accident or two bullet to the back of the head suicide +"he did. For those that dont understand, the Iphone was created by the son of a syrian immigrant (Jobs). Also the photo he used was taken by a refugee and used without permission","Was the Syrian half the brilliant half, or the asshole half?" +81% of Americans Oppose $38 Billion Pledge to Israel,Anti semites! +Do what they do in India and few other countries - Marking voter's fingernail with an ink which doesn't wash off for 10-15 days.,"It does, they just aren't exactly sanitary over there." +"Yes, you can change your mind afterwards now.","Oh, i forgot mb" +I absolutely love it when people ask for my name and say they are going to call corporate. Like do you think they care that you didn't get your fucking adult diapers on sale that ended two weeks ago.,Don't you kink shame me +No-one is forcing you to use drugs. Just keep off them. Go home after work and relax instead of going to a dealer and getting a hit. You'll feel better coming into work without any after effects.,It's just the easy folks! +Rice was stupid af. He's basically saying he didn't support Kaep because the reminder of police brutality wasn't fresh enough in his mind. He needed another example,I'm so glad we have another martyr so we could finally swing Jerry Fucking Rice. +Surprised to see a /k/ post on Reddit. Everyone knows how much 4chin hates le reddit armee xd!!! Love the stalker references on /k/ tho,They're just jealous because reddit has the best memes +Sadly. Unless we /alwaysdownvotestupidmemecomments,Wow aren't you a cool bean +Puig escaped from fucking cuba.,Do you know how hard life is in the south? +Alguien sabe como hacer para que aparezcan los post que publico?,dejate de hinchar mandale un mensaje a los moderadores del sub quejandote} +"Qualcuno che abbia delle fonti attendibili sul dialetto sudtirolese? Siti web, articoli, etc anche in Tedesco standard vanno bene, anche se dovrei usare le fonti in una bibliografia.",Intendevi forse dire Altoatesino? +"If you did not get Riot Kayle, what skin did Riot gift you? I was surprise to get SSW Talon. Sweet Skin!! Happy Tenth Anniversary Riot!",SKT T1 Alistar +she caught that pregnancy early. Also WTF it doesnt have bones yet. its a clump of cells.,CELLS LIVES MATTER +"ikr, no voters piss me off",A lib and a Commie agree? +Borrowed my Mum's PC...,"Yeah, your moms..." +Hard to have a plan for something that doesn't exist. There are no climate refugees.,"Yeah, because everyone knows climate change is something that only the polar bears will notice" +"Good Went to London for four years, came back because I was offered a job here, and because this is an easier place to raise a family if you aren't extremely wealthy (or extremely poor). I missed chipotle, and the weather. I didn't miss the extreme seriousness of the people, and the singular focus on government. I hadn't noticed quite how much the sun shined here until after I moved to London. If you have never lived anywhere else, you should. You can always find a way back if and when you want to.",London has a chipotle! +"If a private citizen was doing what he keeps doing, he would be in prison by now.","Wait, I thought that was the rational behind 'Hillary for Prison'" +people wanted him but he wanted to play,What an asshole +Better than those that don't show up at all. I am sure he lurks,nah he owes us more if he wants us as fans. +A *Chinese* hoax,Telling it like it is +"Why are some MRAs against circumcisions? This is something I don't understand, some MRAs are against male circumcision, I personally am not against it as long as there is a choice. I have found that while circumcision has its benefits, it also has its Negatives. I am just curious on why some MRAs are against it.","I'm all for abortion, as long as the baby gets choice............." +Damn! Jets fans are fickle. two bad games and they are ready to lynch the dude.,I mean I'll take Paxton if you're offering +Why would it? They took a WiiU game and chopped it down so it could fit on a 3DS. LOL! It's not like they did anything special to it.,"but I deserve everything the wii U version had, OR MORE!" +"Summoner Grab still Bugged? I thought they fixed it in KR, but I've gotten cat pinned a few times and my Tab was grayed out completely with no number counting down. This isn't just me is it?",Are you sitting in Briar Batch/Flying Nettles? +Got my family to play a game while I was visiting home one weekend. My mom tried to lasso and ride the lobster monster. It didn't end well,Gotta give her props for trying! +Now that's just cruel,But it's her fantasy... +Get out there and do it first so she can't take the credit for your hateful bullshit.,"We need a peaceful, loving, non war mongering, fraudulent, money stealing president, like Hillary Clinton!" +"So, someone raided the lunch meat aisle at Walmart?",GOT EM' GOOD MAN. +The family says he was unarmed and disabled. If only there were some kind of wearable camera that could record what cops do and provide some clarity! What a world that would be.,There is but shockingly the only officer on scene that didn't have one was the one who did the shooting. +Xbox - October Games with Gold,Kinda disappointed they didn't have a horror game in for this month. +"Why does this have to come out on Valentine's? I'll never get time for it. Wish it came out the Friday before or after so I could spend most of the weekend with it. Oh well, its almost here!",Nice humble brag +I work in a bakery too and we have regular that's extremely difficult about things like this. She also wants only white hands packaging her food. Which is weird because she's black. When she comes in I find something to do in the back.,She obviously wants to make sure that the white people are serving her instead of having her sisters and brothers serve her.... +"Holding X? You jumped? Oh wait, X is [] on Xbox...",What system has a double bracket button? +front camera on snapchat makes the image mirrored,"How come the words are the right way then, huh?" +"Jhin can kill wards without reloading, but graves can't have his cigar?",but graves can kill pinks only having to reload once...HUGE BUFF...almost as good as a cigar +Maine High School Hires Rosetta Stone to Teach Students Foreign Languages,Who is Rosetta Stone and why is she a big deal? +"Congratulations, OP, you took a goodie bag that was intended for a homeless person. Cratermoon would like to have a word with you.","Right, I just took it - without asking anything." +"hmm, working now","Cool, thanks." +"Why does Cuban get so much coverage this election, when he first started offering up his services as VP I thought it was a joke but nearly every second day we get to hear what Mark thinks about this whole thing.",Worked for the Donald +"Maybe my mind is just being spun around too much by the absurdity of the situation, but I don't understand his statement. How are white women and black people going to see an expansion of rights under a Trump presidency?","Well, white women will be protected from the emotional horrors of safe & legal abortion, because white women don't get abortions, as we all know, and black people will be able to get drugs & crime out of the hoodz due to his law & order tactics." +Just another multiblade cartridge. What looks promising about it to you?,But this one has even more plastic so it must be better. +"Some people say farud, I prefer the term loophole.",You should definitely tell the IRS that when they come calling. +"I'm not aware of any exclusions for churches from tort claims. In fact, the church has been sued on numerous occasions, mostly in connection with clerical abuse.","All they have to do is claim they sincerely believe it, and POOF!, you claim evaporates." +Infinite Warfare paying homage to the GOAT,Best gun ever TBH. +So is the occupation field the occupation of the donor?,"No, it's the occupation that the embryo is required to pursue." +That should put to rest the speculation that they didn't ask him because they somehow knew about his hand. This is an unexpected tweet from Phil! God I love that man.,They didn't ask him because he can't win big games +Nose bleedings are canon.,But but...Yamcha won because they threw tomato soup on the invisible man. +"i actually have a very similar structure, with a few differences. I do a lot of video, motion graphic, and photography, but they all follow the same folder structure: CLIENT NAME ---CLIENT PROJECT ------PHOTO *(or IMAGES)* ---------RAW *(straight from the camera)* ---------EDIT *(edited images, ready for publication/print)* ------VIDEO ---------CAM 1 (*or CANON 6D)* ---------CAM 2 (*or GOPRO H3)* ------AUDIO *(music, voiceovers, .mp3, .wav)* ------ASSETS (*graphic elements, .png, .pdf)* ------PROJECT *(project files .psd, .ae, .prproj)* ------EXPORT *(final rendered files deliverable to the client)* My naming structure: YYMMDD-CLIENT-PROJECT Example: 160921-REDDIT-BEST ORGANIZATIONAL PRACTICES",You IDIOT what do you do when it's the year 2100 +My housemates made chess pieces scanning their own bodies,The portrait of the female gender in the queen piece triggers me. +New poster for John Wick 2,Hopefully we'll get a much better orange and blue poster with cool fonts and floating heads! +Inb4 fuck these entitled players wanting evreything handed to them,Make the game easier for me pls +This is literally every person i talk to ever. Ha,Maybe you have a type? +Biological sex was invented by capitalists to make the proletariat breed more workers.,Damn capitalist forcing the human race to continue. +"if you dont do a nsfw version, im going to hunt you down",Mayu u know witch hunts are illegal on the subreddit ao I'mma go ahead and report u +"A day after veto override, Congress has second thoughts and may fix Sept. 11 bill",And many Republican actions over the last eight years have not been driven by animus towards Obama. +Former admirals and generals warn Trump is 'dangerous' to military and country,Trump knows best! +Its actually a feature of Sierra,That's an awful feature lol +Oversight orders Reddit to preserve deleted posts in Clinton investigation,"Yes, im sure this will be the one to bring her down" +Rather the devil has made a deal with Belichick.,At least Bill is joyful about it. +"Like white people don't have work language and around my buddies language and church language. We all speak exactly the same in **any** social situation, right guys?","sure, we totes do that" +I don't think he's in it for the karma. I wanted to spread this around. People should see this. The Internet sometimes really is wonderful.,"Sure, if that's what you tell yourself to help you sleep at night..." +Youtube introduces a new program that rewards users with points for mass flagging videos. What can go wrong?,Glory for the Workers Party Comrades! +"Seoul, Korea",Which korea? +Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown Vetoes Ranked-Choice Voting in California,His reasoning is very shady... +Are You ready?...,the link is bad m8 better luck next time +"*We did it in New York, it worked incredibly well ...* Says who? I saw a lot that said it didn't make much difference.","We already do warrantless searches, he is just trying standardize." +"Rules that you broke: Rule 3, Rule 4 and Rule 5. Plus this is how you get banned",You mean like I did with mr mime? +To be honest if Google bans google accounts of anyone who reported a video they would get more negative flak from by an exponentiation amount.,It's ok their motto is Don't Be Evil +"*darling it's better, down where it's wetter*",Yeah fuck that guy who doesn't know his Disney lyrics +Did you happen to go to pak subreddit? People ACTUALLY think it was staged and that India did it only to make a point at UNGA,"Given Pakistan's track record, the onus should really be on them to disprove their involvement." +Russia canceling the drill was a hoax?,They refused to conduct the drill in PoK region and that decision took place even before Uri attack. +"I do. Try to buy as many American made tools as I can, coolers aren't an exception :-p",Same. +Based on their behavior it's probably safe to assume a lot of them have trouble finding solid employment.,"Oh right, white man holding them down and all" +"Hey, using Visual studio is harder to start out with, I recommend using a Dev-Cpp, but it doesn't have most of the libraries....but has enough to start out with, just link the libraries later. Or, you can just use Linux or Cygwin.","Yeah, cause that's gonna make life easier." +"I'm always curious, if the game had all nerfed cards from Beta to release reverted to their original state, and Standard didn't exist, which of the Tier 0 - 0.5 decks would reign supreme? Secret Pally and Midrange Shaman pale in comparison to Freeze Mage in Beta, and we could also throw in Molten Giants OTK + Alex and Gorehowl. How would Huntertaker do against Freeze Mage? That'd be a great Brawl honestly. All nerfed cards reverted to their original state for one week.",Nah I'd rather play Randomonium for the 11th time +He'd become Saban Prime?,Is this one successful in the NFL? +"You know B.o.B? Oh man, can you pass him my mixtape?","Sorry man, he only takes good music" +"Actually SKT beat ROX both matches last split. And lost to KT in 5. So they're trash, basically.",Literally worse than the wildcard teams +"You know how many times I've concealed carried on base when I drove on to just pick someone up? Too many times to count. Chances of you getting stopped? If you're not speeding or driving like a dickhead, probably pretty slim. Will I get down voted for using common sense that happens to go against the rules? Probably.",But what about core values and stuff? +"Man, they don't care, they want AAA games every month. Free games that aren't Battlefield or Call of Duty? FUCK YOU MICROSOFT!",because battlefield and call of duty are the only retail games ever made +"Having nice faces is cool but.... When are we going to see actual game mechanics being implemented? * Updated shield mechanics with redesigned emitters * Power plants with redesigned light, heavy, capital slots * Any sort of multicrew functionality * Missles using signatures etc, not just 1 Button to shoot 1 Button avoid. * subset Components for larger ships.. or at all? Would really love some clarification on when these things are slated in 3.1 3.3?.....3.0? Would be really disappointing if these basic game mechanics were not talked about before or during CitCon.",The name of the game is Face Simulator 2019 so I would move along if you want any type of space sim mechanics to be implemented... +This is what #BlackLivesMatter is protesting....,"2013 was so long ago, it has nothing to do with today!" +Trump 2016,You forgot the +cya,I'm so sad I won't ever be seeing you all again. +"Hawking, 375 scientists send letter against Trump on climate change","Wow, the conspiracy is even bigger than we thought." +Reported for nazi symbols.,Should have put an +Fucking evil. What possible way would there be to close such a loophole?,it's definitely by voting for clinton or trump +Man getting beat in parking garage last night,"Only white people can be racist, so it's cool." +Why didn't the guests just take up a collection and give her $2?,Because it's not about the money it's the principle! +i paid less money for my car,might wanna rethink your decision +Opinions on how to stop team killing like this ?,Somehow make gaijian care about tkers. +Nope not Magee or Kasen. Both those guys are on the PS. We strangely have an open spot on the 53 right now. Maybe something is in the works with a FA,Beastmode comeback confirmed. +How can hands be real if they don't have eyes?,God 1 atheists 0 +"Democratic challenger Deborah Ross has a four-point lead, 46/42, over Republican incumbent Richard Burr.","Good, it's 2016 after all" +K'zoo will have medical marijuana dispensaries,Oh great more hipsters... +"She did, and she didn't carrot all.",What a root comment. +"Have you ever found yourself in a Youtuber's Dark Souls 3 video before? Can't speak from experience, but I bet it's gotta be a punch in the kidneys if you ever found yourself a victim in someone's pvp vid. Especially a troll vid, god forbid.","I haven't found myself in a video yet, but almost every PvP video never shows the player losing" +Update 01.154 DEV - Configurable Block Limits &amp; Performance Warnings,- removed un-ended lines in dedicated server log Doing God's work +"The Trump campaign and their supporters think Obama is to blame for everything. Including Afghanistan, Iraq, racism, their hair going gray, their wives divorcing them, and their general pent up rage at the world that ends up targeted at any non white person for some reason.",I know Obama was been great for race relations and not dividing people +"77% of Ad Blocking Users Feel Guilty about Blocking Ads; The majority of ad blocking users are not downloading ad blockers to remove online advertising completely, but rather to fix user-experience problems","Sure WaPo, ad block users feel so guilty about blocking that deluge of garbage." +All depends whether you want a guy that's respected by 99% of players in the league or a guy that's hated by 99% of players in the league because he's a fake tough guy. I'll let you decide which is which.,I'm pretty sure CBJ makes up more than 1% of the league. +"My father went to the games that year, he said that all the people who had to work downtown started work at 6am to diffuse the traffic situation. Idk how true that is, but it makes sense to me.","Yeah, and my father works at Nintendo" +That was today,"Woops, thanks for the correction." +I was hoping someone would do the work for me,ONE TEAM ONE FIGHT +What are some things you wish you HADN'T taught your kid(s)? I was teaching my son how to shower instead of bath and I inadvertently taught him the words butthole and buttcrack. Now those are his favorite words and his mom is a little annoyed with me.,To speak. +What an asshole. Literally nothing happened and he decides to go and key a car. Glad justice was served.,Plot twist: OP's friend has been getting away with leaving sweat on the machines & pooping in the shower for years & this guy finally snapped. +Coach of the year Might as well just engrave it now.,That thing should have been renamed the Bill Belichick award years ago. +28 & 22 #LosAngeles we want to share,pm'd +"Lol, the fuck were you doing in the well, dancing?",Waiting for Ice Breaker to respawn ammo. +"My brother and I were racing to get wild shiny Pokemon, and his first random shiny happened to be a shiny bidoof. I still don't love him too much, but your comment reminded me of that.",Wow you really don't love your brother that much just because he got a shiny before you? +I think buying a mouse will solve your problem.,"Oh yes, very clever." +I like all of St. Anger over Better Than You or The Struggle Within. Then again I like anything else from Metallica more than those two songs.,But Better Than You won a grammy! +"Just out of curiosity, how is you have a vagina supposed to be an insult, if not for sexist reasons?",It's supposed to be an insult because women are inferior to men. +I would be willing to do it for free other then the cost of shipping if you want.,"Shipping from/to Canada is always kinda tricky so I would have to refuse, but thank you for your generosity." +It is said that Oda never forgets.,Oda is elephant confirmed +"Its very subtle if you taste them in order, but the light and the dark are very different.",That's racist. +I used the goblin glider and reigns of the charger at the same time. It's almost like flying!,Reported for bot farming herbs +"I still have a grandfathered unlimited Verizon plan. I didn't want to lose my data or even talk to anyone at Verizon who might try to take it from me. I've had to play for phones in cash for a very long time. I also switched to a note 7 from a note 2 so I haven't had any android updates either. In mobile terms, I'm one of those mountain men completely off the grid. Flying under The Man's radar. Living off lamb... Like a ninja. A hillbilly ninja.","r/verizonudp Come join us, I think you will like what you find." +Those freaking Marouders who run away right as you enter FFYL. AAAHHHRRRRGH JUST LET ME SECOND WIND YOU PRICKS,YES PLEASE DIE SO I CAN BE RESURRECTED AND CAN ERADICATE YOUR BAND OF BANDITS WHICH YOU ARE BASICALLY WILLING TO DIE FOR +Thank god catholicism has never sunk to such tactics; this could be construed as a little hypocritical otherwise.,It's a good thing that the sins of the father pass down to the child... +"Making this user name and getting poem orders for free :( thou im kinda good at poem it takes so much time to come up with one , and english is my second language, and im 17 ,","Yeah, sorry bud, poetry is restricted to 18 and up!" +"There's everything, from dirt to skid marks to puddles. They make the terrain look gorgeous with only a few props. I'm not sure what you mean by functional, though.","Not only the terrain i see, but also the rail." +"What's missing from all these leaks: All the Charity members brag about So, been browsing through the various leaked documents, lots of opinions on it, but I'm more interested in what we're **not** seeing. Members brag endlessly in how much good the church does. Well... Where is it? Shouldn't there be an endless parade of documents about all the billions they supposedly spend on charity? Ya'know, the Pure Love of Christ?",He refused to leak the documents that made the church look good +"You forgot the part where the imgur app fails to upload six times, after apparently making progress for a few minutes, and you get frustrated and give up.","Because Relay will handle the API so much better than the app imgur made specifically to deal with that, right?" +U,S +The ranking system has been updated. You can now de-rank to lower tiers. It's supposed to improve matchmaking or something.,Huh interesting thanks for the info +"A huge huge chunk of the weapons in play in the Middle East are US weapons. They get handed out to allies in massive quantities, then allegiances shift and suddenly they're used by enemies. So the US finds a new ally, gives them a metric fuckton of guns and explosives, and then allegiances shift... and so on. But hey, the military industrial complex is laughing all the way to the bank.","Well, we blew up all the Soviet weapons Iraq had in the Persian Gulf War, so where were they supposed to get weapons from to then surrender to ISIS back in 2014?" +"None. No offense. And honestly, it should not break up. It makes sense to have a great plains conference. All those Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas schools belong together. So let's send West Virginia to the ACC where it obviously belongs, send Iowa State to the American Conference (sorry Iowa State), and add SMU and Houston to the Big 12, which we'll rename the Big Central. What was that about TV markets again?","no no, you're missing the best candidate for a Big Central team up north: NDSU!" +"Don't worry, I'm too busy to take showers, but I'm still pretty considerate and use plenty of AXE to cover up any smell that might be there.",Oh god I hope this is +Words are words fam. Don't say what you won't back up.,Fuck you nigga! +Blake Griffin fakes out Raul Neto,"*sigh* See, all he does is dunk!" +"To be fair, they probably wouldn't care if we glassed Europe either.",Well at least we wouldn't have to hear them complaining about how their version of football is better. +Can you imagine if our first black president had been a *bad* president? Can you imagine the unholy hail of fire that would descend upon him? This is what happens when we let a black man in office. What do you expect from someone like that? This is the danger of PC culture. Our country is doomed.,So if trump wins and he fucks it all to shit we won't let oompa loompas run for president anymore? +"America may run on dunkin, but the Marine Corps runs on grizzly",Here in the Air Force we run on Skoal Rich Blend +Surprising to me that Apple allows that to be publicly viewable.,Why? +White girl moving to Mexico?,You'll be the only white girl living in Mexico +So leading the stretch means 1C?,Forgot the +ITT: MM and team should watch Eddie Lacy runs in 2014 and realize that a nice run up the middle will deliver results. Tossing will not work. Need to stop being so damn predictable.,Wouldn't always running up the middle be predictable? +"LGBT in Greenville? Hello Greenvillians! I have recently been hitting the streets and getting to know your town after moving here about a month ago. I asked some people about a local gay bar and nobody seems to know if there is one. Is there a gay bar or more LGBT focused bar in this town? Also, is there a PRIDEfest? I haven't heard of that either. Just wondering if/when it is. Thanks!","Spartanburg has a Pride parade, though I think that's during the summer." +"Ugh, that's unfortunate, really wish they had made a toggle switch for it. When I'm trying to flip through an achievement list quickly, it effectively doubles the amount of text I have to scan through to find what I'm looking for. Oh well, thanks for the answer. Here's to hoping they make an opt-out for people like me soon",0% of gamers said this. +I'm no monkey. I don't dance when I'm summoned.,That's it I unfriend you +"A national team's *manager* would have things to do between international breaks. They might want to make sure they have up-to-date lists of everybody they could call up. They'll probably want to scout players they don't know, decide on a formation and tactical plan, and so on. Who is a *trainer* going to train when all the players are playing with their clubs? Sure, the manager might want to bounce some ideas off you, so you should probably answer the phone if he calls, but is that really going to prevent you from doing something as strenuous as punditry?",He's clearly going to favor Belgians while doing punditry! +Well perhaps you might want to do some research then. There is long term database of Teslas from 2012 to 2016 with about 200 vehicles in it. They list all the repairs up to today. Your ignorance is not data.,"woah, 200 vehicles, out of over 100,000 that's so many...." +"Pretty much, yeah. It's a shame the R4C can't take an angled grip. Also I don't recommend putting an acog on anything you use an angled grip for, as it really doesn't make sense.",YEA BUT I GOTTA SEE THEIR HEAD 4 TIMES BIGGER TO LAND 10 HEADSHOTS CUZ UBI SERVER IS SHIT FAM +How do ya'll motivate yourselves to clean up?,i don't like how y'all talk +"Yup, my brother was just talking about how great Russia is about 5 minutes ago.",Their economy is BOOMING... +Fast Company: Oculus founder Palmer Luckey dates a GamerGater IRL (The question is: Will all of this hurt Oculus' business?),"But if all GamerGaters are men, how can his girlfriend be a GamerGater?" +"Exclusive: Google Home will cost $129, Chromecast Ultra will cost $69",I wonder what Snowden will say about Home. +"Yeah no, the ADC is gonna miss way more than 100 gold on their own.",did you drop this? +"In Rimworld its entirely possible for pawns to have children older then themselves. I.E. you make babby, enter cryosleep, babby grows up, wake up after ship blows up on surface of strange planet, babby is now your elder and leads a local pirate faction that wants to kill you. Bad babby, you become food.",Thanks for spoiling Fallout 4. fuck +Linny J emerges from a post-safety scrum chewing on the tip of TB's nose. And smiling.,TB Teddy Bridgewater or TB Tom Brady? +It's because they know what the gamers want,"Oh yeah, absolutely." +Kim Kardashian is considering voting for Trump,Well if Kim Kardashian is voting for him damn I will too +He doesn't think it needs explaining. I'm sure Affleck thinks he won the exchange.,"Well, Sam _was_ being gross and racist." +These anti-hearthstone bandwagon posts are really fucking boring lmao,"no you just don't understand, this game I've been playing for hours every single day for the past couple years is getting boring" +Well we can certainly put this to the test if they really believe this. One of these idiots can volunteer to be injected with AIDS.,Don't you mean GRIDS? +Reddit user arrested and fined for his racist comment on a Muslim boy in a post on r/worldnews,"Is it still racist, if it's accurate?" +That's true but you can still hurt yourself with light weight.,Yeah 4 plates is light from him to squat but 405 lbs landing on you is still going to cause damage. +It doesn't matter what it is. That's like walking up to an ugly person and just saying Ugly. Like.. fuck outta here. If you aren't going to give constructive criticism then leave.,Ugly +"For the price of the paint, you can just buy new headphones of similar quality in a color that you like.","'Fraid not - I got the headphones at a clearance outlet, and this was the only color they had." +Are you suggesting that wooly mammoths didn't survive on plant material?,"Nah bro, there were absolutely no plants in existence during the ice age." +Parallax black market decal offers,I'd also 1:1 White Lightning wheels if you're interested in those :P +Puppy,Pu$$y +What's a youtube channel that you watch every video on?,Webdriver Torso! +What a pretty paladin.,"Typical, pld jumping on the ast buff bandwagon........" +Drunk.. with GOLD,Wow My first gilded post is about someone on a gold rampage Glorious +Super Mario No Man's Galaxy 3 What about a Super Mario Galaxy 3 that has procedural generated planets that are the same size as life like planets. You can name things on these planets and they will be saved online so that everyone who explores your Mario planet can see the names too. There is a chance of meeting other Mario's but they are very slim because there is 18 quintillion planets. The aim of the game is to get to the center of the galaxy to save Princess Peach from Bowser. Just a thought I had for a game... any other idea's you guys can contribute?,"Yeah, there's no way that can go wrong." +What's the guide for getting up to 380+ light like all the streamers I saw today?,"It's very hard, you need to fit these requirements: No life Try hard Have friends of the same caliber." +Yeah...the cards don't show much. I'm not really sure why they even attacked the temple.,Because without that Mission we wouldn't see Saladin badassing while killing 2 vandals +Trump thinks global warming is a Chinese plot. How fucking stupid is he?,Calm down he said it was a joke. +"Maybe not, the locations are completely wrong for me. Some are a couple of suburbs away from where I actually caught it, one has a listed suburb that I've never even heard of. Not impressed","Hey its a free game and they're a small company, right?" +"If I remember right someone called into the wrap up show that sounded just like him without all the crazy shit, he was never on the show after that.",I believe he called Mike Francesa on WFAN. +OFFICIALLY A WINNING SEASON UPVOTE PARTY!!,"That was a close one, didn't think we'd get one this year" +I know you're a good person because of what you said in your comment.,WHITE KNIGHT XD +"Heh, sugar goblin. This comment made me forget my troubles for the day.",But you don't have any to forget because you're a white male +"Riot Should Remove the TONS of Damage From ARURF I don't know about you guys, but I hate when I'm in ARURF or URF, and I get blown up and want to see how much damage was done to me, but can't because it just says TONS instead of the actual values. I know that it shows the type of damage still, but I think that Riot should give us the actual values for that game mode, as well as it saying TONS.",Yeah i want to see i took 893k DMG and not just tons of DMG +Myself,Unless you're worthless. +You missed all your shots though..,"yea, he shoulda snapped flawlessly on his head midair in .0001 seconds like I woulda." +why dont you try picking and increasing your mmr.,Enemies always get first pick and insta magnus :-( +"While we're at it, here's a drawing of my first nat 5*",This is so original +What if I individually send everyone in here 10 codes to share with others? ;),Don't let your dreams be memes +"At a certain point this is just an issue of descriptive vs prescriptive language. It mightn't be correct from a prescriptive perspective, but it's how I and many others use the language.","There idiots, and your wrong?" +Not really. I have a Pakistani background. My brothers name is Ali and my grandpa's name is Habib,Are you sure you know your own name? +How To Beat Medium Bots,ESL Helsinki confirmed! +Always make sure to report these people.,"yeah, those damn mikos!" +"Shouldn't just everything you order not be bend on delivery? I mean, it's not suddenly okay when it's your new TV.",I thought curved screens were all the rage right now. +"Unfortunately no, I'm a psychology major with hopes to have an office or counseling job one day. Im already gonna have to wear long sleeves for work",Coulda got it on your crotch +My New Keyboard!,"Imgur comments on point, as always" +"What are the rarest Power Ranger toys out there? Hey, everyone I was trying to think about what the rarest Power Toy was. Besides the Gold Lost Galaxy Megazord.",Pink and Yellow ranger keys. +Shall we do it all again next year? *sigh*,You can't just keep voting until you get the result you want. +Best crafted violent legend rune ever,Best screenshot taker ever +Do they count also crimes caused by migrants? I mean they are also xenophobic hate crimes.,a migrant is not a race so it can't be racist +OMG Gaijin why do we have so many Corsairs in the game???? Please add another Corsair.... K,Best worded and thought out argument ever. +Is there anywhere i can get a siva cluster guide with just pictures?,The videos without audio is basically pictures right? +"He doesn't 'add in' anything. It's a common speech impediment, okay? :D","Damn, leave it to reddit to take you literally just because you forgot a" +What's the shipment cost?,"You mean, if we actually get any actual pieces of equipment Russians claim they've produced?" +PEDs,Yes drug are always the solution +CS Lewis is said everything the best. (Except maybe for J.R.R. Tolkien sometimes). They have to be two of my favorite humans,Fun fact: Tolkien and Lewis were good friends! +the tail on your safety knot is too short.. yer gonna die,"So if I make two extra knots, one of which has a short tail, I am still going to die?" +At least the Catholic Church was 100% reasonable in saying (and I can't find the quote because everything is about Pokemon Go) that the series was about friendship and it was good. So you know.,Catholic Church doesn't count They all Satan lovers! +The title says Russian man but near the end you can hear him say Ukraina.,All of Eastern Europe is Russia +Make your own decisions.,Yeah quit asking for advice on r/fantasyfootball! +Yeah there are several subs ran by SJWs that ban people to keep those subs safe spaces.,You mean echo chambers. +hey this is from my local paper I always hate this war=being a man stuff that gets constantly brought up by some people.,"Obviously if you're didn't go to war as a newborn, you're not a real man." +"And then fuck your waifu pillow made in China after arguing with an American on an American message board on an American invented internet, probably even typing on a chinese manufactured computer (or it could be a hodge-podge of internationally manufactured parts, gotta love the global village) in the language native to England but made the lingua franca (FUN FACT! The term was coined in the middle ages when French was in vogue as the international diplomatic language of Europe!) by American media and culture. Not to mention the fact that Black Sabbath was heavily influenced by blues-rock, which maybe the Rolling Stones helped popularize (the rock aspect, at least) but they themselves were influenced by blues musicians and where did the blues come from? Black American music, which influenced international rock and roll icons (from America, of course) like Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, and so on. Look m8e, America has had a profound effect on the course of world history since its inception. We were the reason the French thought revolution could work, we were the reason Britain was able to galvanize its Empire by learning from their mistakes from us, american inventions propelled the world into the 20th and 21st centuries, we have been a refugee haven for immigrants fleeing war-torn and famine-stricken countries across the world for centuries, we literally bankrupted the Soviet Union with an arms race and had an old-ass actor-become-politician stare down the Berlin wall and reunite that country so that children born afterwards could talk shit about us on the global information network invented for our internal government communications, and guess what? We landed on the fucking moon FIRST. WE did it. US. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. That big fucking rock in the sky, and it was US, because fuck anyone else. If some country attacks you, if a natural disaster fucks you over, who is going to come asking if you need help? WE ARE. And all over the world we are shit on for it, because nobody wants us poking in their business but everyone loves to take our help. Keep talking shit, but we're the reason Europe isn't converting en mass to radical islam right now. My country isn't perfect by any stretch, it has issues right now, but it's able to handle those AND keep helping everyone else out. AMERICA.",Americans didn't invent the internet +Ive done a total of 45 solos this year so its not happening. All my coinage comes from the AH its more exciting lol Do both! Heard you can sell McCartney around 275k right now,"Yeah he is quite the singer, I think you could get more for him" +Hillary Clinton campaign wants debate moderator to correct any lies,A complete unreasonable request. +Wait... what could this possibly have to do with liberals?,"Libtards have no idea how to appreciate nature, obvi." +I'm funny about that myself. I stand outside my work waiting for there to be nobody near the door because I don't want anyone standing outside holding a door for me. It feels like they're obligating me when they do that and I can't stand that feeling.,If anyone obligated me at work I would leave and never come back. +"And to think, religious lunatics tried to fight Stem Cell research. Shameful.",Use of stem cells is bad mmmkay The bible says no mmmkay +CROSS GRIP (RUSSIAN TIE) ATTACKS FROM COMBAT SAMBO EUROPEAN CHAMPION,"C'mon now, he's just a blue belt!" +i'll preface this by saying i don't care either way if women have abortions and i don't want kids myself - but i always wonder what pro-choice people think about miscarriages when one of their justifications is that the fetus isn't a real human being.,"Naturally every miscarriage, no matter how early into the pregnancy, should get a full murder investigation, funeral, death certificate, obituary, etc, since a fully formed human being is created at the moment of conception." +"Whatever man. I did not utter one word about a plant or the mods being in cahoots or any of that shit. Personally I think they were completely justified in shooting his ass and have been honest about the whole thing. I'm just pointing out that removing A VIDEO OF THE ACTUAL EVENT and shoving it into a mega thread doesn't help anything, and only helps to fuel the narrative that there is a cover up. The front page of this sub is littered with relatively trivial bullshit about the curfew, what the AG said, whatever. But actual video of the event gets removed. Fucking think about it.",Just let me know where I can pick up my bundle of cash for helping cover things up :-) +A new user has joined Reddit and you are tasked with introducing them to the site. What would you show/tell them?,Cumbox +you can't fight the Barca DNA,Should've used +What is their attitude to non-religious people like atheists?,Death probably +**The fucking title should read: Obama used pseudonym email address to communicate with Clinton over unsecured server.**,"Ugh, you're obviously nitpicking details" +"Do you live a bland, drab, middle of nowhere town that is mildly conservative and never very warm? That skirt, worn that way and looking just like that, is all over California. This is just faux anger at a non issue.",so what your really saying is the artist is a complete misogynist who should be ashemed of themselves and kicked out of the industry +I've been a volunteer sexual assault counselor for 3 years. I'm getting a phd in psych and I'm going to be a psychologist who specializes in sexual assault. Only a couple months ago did I give up arguing on reddit with men who think there are more cases of false allegations than there are actual rapes. *I* have read the research. *I* have written countless papers on prevention/treatment/outcomes regarding sexual assault. *I* have sat in hundreds of hospital emergency rooms with women/men getting their rape kit done. I have dedicated my life to this cause. And I'm gonna argue with men whose only source of information is a women hating subreddit? Nah. I'm better than that.,Yeah but you are a woman so clearly they know more than you +"This guy slaps your girlfriends ass, what do you do?",I'll MGE him because scouts with such cosmetics always blow when it comes to DM skills. +"Why are a lot of you guys still statists? Out of all the groups of people on the internet most of you are pretty keenly aware of the criminal activity that people in government perpetrate on a daily basis, and yet I still see posts supporting this candidate or this party. As if it will make a difference. You could have a living saint as head of the mafia, but its still a criminal organization at its core. Take America which started out with a pretty limited government and an extensive Bill of Rights, a bit over 200 years later we have a fascist global empire. So instead of hoping that someone with the least psychopathic tendencies holds a position of power over you, how about we start taking responsibility for our own lives and actions and start saying NO to immoral and unjust laws and their costumed enforcers. You want a better world? It starts with YOU and your community first. Stop allowing pedophiles, mass murderers, thieves, rapists, bullies and all around scum to dictate how you live your life. I sure as fuck am done with them, I hope you are too.",But but but trump calls out Hillary and believes some conspiracies! +"I feel bad for the family because losing your 21 year old son is not a good thing but it surprises me how he can be familiar with Michigan and familiar with kayaking yet disrespect the great lakes. Looks like they most likely went out too deep in too rough of waters, capsized, got caught by a current and tried to fight it eventually tiring himself out and drowning. Sure, putting signage up would be nice (although should it really be necessary?) It's a huge body of water, it should just be common sense. Also, Id be pissed off if there were laws requiring to wear a life jacket. Maybe recommending wearing one but requiring it would be ridiculous.","No need to wear a helmet while on a motorcycle, but maybe life jackets for those kayakers are more important..." +"The parts in an iPhone 7 only cost $219,according to new estimate","plus labor, software, research and development, marketing, shipping, logistics.... but you know, that's all cheap." +First rounder?,IDK he's not Aguayo good or anything... +#I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE EPISODE OF CANT STUMP THE TRUMP FOR THIS DEBATE!,"I just posted about this a few days ago, and I think CStT is done sadly..." +"Yeah, we also have a young defense in a new scheme with a new DC. How will firing Helfrich fix that?","Because we will go out, pay for the best coach and he will bring in all the 5 star defensive recruits all by himself with none of the running back, defensive back or offensive line assistants that have been there for 10+ years." +"I think carpark-free property development should be hugely encourage by government. It reduces the cost of development, but because not having a car space is so undesirable for so many people, those savings will probably be largely passed on to the people buying the apartments due to how uncompetitive they are. Not only that, but it rewards people who, either by choice or by necessity, live car free. It also encourages walking and public transport use which improve the vibrancy of an area and help truly local business. In NYC, there are very few large supermarkets, instead there are many small convenience stores, butchers, deli's, etc. Because people dont drive, they buy local and walkable. The only real concerns for this kind of development are: a) that it will clog up local streetside parking with residents who refuse to live car free. This is easily fixed by creating parking restrictions that limit the feasibility of this kind of parking in *most* local spaces. b) it creates limitations of accessibility for people with disabilities who cannot walk great distances. This is fixed by only encouraging this kind of development near accessible public transport lines, and by ensuring that this kind of development is not *universal* in any given area. Car-free apartments need only take up a certain percentage of the market to have a huge positive effect.",I thought the key point of nightingale is not so much the absence of carparks but the financial structures... Like you have to buy the apartment long before it's built and then you also can't sell it? +Harambe,Harambe did nothing to you sir +Panda panda panda panda panda panda panda panda panda panda panda panda panda panda panda panda panda panda panda,DRRRAA +This water stream,obviously it's because our eyes can't see passed 24fps +Hmm... so nothing wrong with letting you take your toothbrush. Nothing wrong with home cooked fish meals... nothing wrong with letting you spend time with girlfriends... where is the bad parenting?,"He didn't actually brush his teeth, the heathen!" +"Any day now, right?",Downvotes=Communist Censorship +"World Cup player, Luca Sbisa and a 2nd should get the deal done.",Which world cup player are we adding to Sbisa and a 2nd? +"My dad always used to get so pissed when i called my mom by the pronoun She. He'd say shes not a she, shes your mother. But i was too scared to tell him he was calling her she also in that statement.","How dare you use an incorrectly use a pronoun to refer to this beautiful woman, you OVER-PRIVILEGED CIS WHITE MALE SHITLORD!" +"If I didn't have a gun and the cops said to drop it, I would pretend like a motherfucker and then hold my hands up HIGH. I would voluntarily lay on the ground. Listen, do, and live.",It worked for Terence Cuthcher! +"Arion can't be Tokyo machine when Darlington is... That must mean we either have a faker, or Tokyo machine truly is an undiscovered artist.",Mike Darlington = Arion confirmed! +You can counter them with mercy by beeing better. But that aint helping.,"No, there comes a point where if the genji or tracer is good enough it's practically impossible to win that matchup" +You want an smg and sentry. See you in the DZ!,"Sorry, are they installing 1.1 again?" +Didn't take it as a joke because there probably are people on this sub that think every good pull is someone from EA.,That's what someone from EA would say! +"H1Z1 Keybinding Question Just curious as to what most people had as their keybinding setup. I assume most people use a mouse with the 2 extra buttons and i am just wondering what most competitive players use. Currently i have interact as my mouse 4, and free look as my mouse 5, but am thinking a combo of crouch/jump or toggle camera would be more beneficial. I just started playing and am just curious as to the typical setup. Also, what is a typical DPI for 15 sens? My mouse has 4 and i do not really know the difference","400dpi 0.12 look sens 0.08 Ads sens, my g502 has three buttons on the side, button at my thumb is freelook, mouse 4 and 5 are medkits and bandages." +the guy who said he could get rid of the national debt in eight years.,Obama cut it in half! +Well you're about to get raped by a shark mate. Try and enjoy.,How pleasant. +Tomorrows game will be tough. Let's hope for some 2009 magic.,"I remember I was in a Best Buy in Lakewood when that happened and every TV in the place has the game on, half the store was scattered throughout the TV section and the entire store erupted in cheers when that happened." +"New NC Law Goes Into Effect Oct 1, It Blocks The Release Of Police DashCam Videos To The Public.",Well that's not orwellian at all +What videogame was a 10/10 for you?,"Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door I still go back to replay it every couple of years, as an RPG lover, this game is absolutely perfectly made, and still holds up until this day" +"I joined the 3003% team, +800 hours",Welcome in the club. +My turnip game is trash around noon,Maybe the turnip RNG is based on system time Partial +"The dude forgot 9/11, who gives a shit what he thinks about modern politics.",Broken clock +The Perfect Company to Acquire Twitter is... Microsoft,Not having any of those things is sure hurting Apple! +"The better question is why is he called a 'shooter' instead of a terrorist? Oh wait, terrorists are reserved for brown people.","You're only a terrorist if you use suicide bombs, of course." +"Should be getting to Yogyakarta in a few days, then continuing west across southern Java to Sumatra... or flying from Yogyakarta to Singapore if the rain gets worse here.",good stuff! +Does shooting a gun without the bbs waste/use the Co2 really dumb question but i dont know the answer,Yes you can not fire the weapon without using CO2/whatever other power source. +I think the idea is to bring awareness to their cause. If they hadn't stopped traffic in a city 1000 miles away we might not even be having this conversation about police brutality.,"Yea, rallying support against the cause really helps it." +"I miss the updates that changed the game. These updates don't feel like this will change the game for me. I'm not going to play the game differently. This didn't change exploration for me, I don't look at maps, I just walk around and find a pretty place to build and go crazy with that. As a server owner, I am not looking forward to _another_ update so quickly, either. Most plugins haven't updated to 1.10, either. Maybe this will really change things for other players, but to me, it felt like something they added just to be able announce something at Minecon. I'm sorry guys. I miss the updates that changed how I played.",Because having chests we can carry around is not a massive change at all. +Playing with mysel,...and now I am too. +But they're going to create armies composed of poor and illiterate people and fight them against eachother!,Like the US Army ? +Bettcher is an incompetent DC.,"I don't know man, look at the talent he has to work with" +Epic glide,Epic +A Song of Ice and Fire doesn't use the English language in their environment.,"Sorry, my mistake, upon closer inspection it appears to be German" +Flawless Victory,You forgot the +What should I do with my $400 Mighty Vape See I got this awesome vape for my 420 habit and I haven't smoked since getting it almost a year ago. What should I do with it once I quit. I know if I have it I'll always be thinking about a tiny hit.,"Sure thing I'm gonna need your name, address, ssn, bank account number, and the 3 digit code on the back of your bank card" +"He shouldn't be president because he doesn't have in order of importance: the virture, the consistency, or the temperament to be a good president. To be adequate neither does Hillary in two of those categories but out of the two main party choices, she has at least one which is temperament.",Are you questioning Trump's winner temperment? +Hit ESC the moment the grapple action bar fills up and the grapple wont even need to hit the hook. Youll still get launched to it.,Hit escape before you even cast to instantly grapple +Viola Bailey,Luckily this isn't NSFW at all... +I'm personally excited to see what sound editing they produce when Reigns beats Rusev clean.,I for one can't wait for Sasha vs Bayley on the pre-show of the next PPV with Charlotte vs Dana for the title being on the main card. +Girl Suspended After Being Sexually Assaulted In School Stairwell,That will show her for having the audacity to be assaulted! +"just buy her a DS3 or DS4 controller to use on the PC, or get her a PS4. Why would you try to force your opinions on her? If she wants to play a PS4, I say let her.","She can be inferior, I just won't respect her" +McGlynn is secretly a bulldog and they win the GF?,McGlynn to pull a Russell Gilbert circa 2015 Legends game? +She's not the one for me...,jesus christ dude +Feel like Coates is going to find a niche.,Niece +Post Clash of Champions Match Discussion: The New Day (c) vs. The Club - RAW Tag Team Championships The New Day def. The Club to retain their titles via. Big Ending DDT combo.,"After the week black people have had, I understand that ending..." +Another consequence of firing Les Miles: LSU will have to make a new commercial,We probably can't afford to with the budget crisis and all. +"Well certainly not when the cops illegally search players' vehicles, only arrest the Bama players and let the other two guys in the car go.","Damn, and here I was assuming all Alabama fans would be fans of stop and frisk." +"I want to see Donald Trump say something so ridiculously stupid, that even his supporters see that he is totally unfit to lead a country.",I don't think thats possible. +that was really slow,"+41 is an international call, it takes a bit of time to connect, it should be slower." +but Truth.,But divulian +He said below 70 not 70 below. We're talking about Texas here,I think it was +"huh , i wonder why this is only 60% upvoted",PTI supporters? +Call me vain but that's one of the many reasons I wouldn't get pregnant. It can really fuck up your skin too.,How dare you have self-worth. +Just followed you :) @horchata_bun I also recommend: @a_bunny_named_barbaby @lifeofmill @bunnymelv,"I love @bunnymelv, mine is @thisbunnypatch :) please check us out :D" +This Game Had So Much Potential,But bruh this game isn't dead +Head of Commission on Presidential Debates Doesn't Want Moderators to Fact-Check Candidates,Dat post truth politics! +Can We Change Monster Trainer's Lines? To have more actual Pokemon references and not Animal Rights Activist lines?,But I am an Animal Rights Activist and this is one of the first themed skins I like! +"I was, and it delivered. The IGN Interview basically sealed the deal for me, I'm now convinced Hearthstone isn't going anywhere I would enjoy, so I'll stop supporting the game (not a single dime will be spent anymore), and play it casually while looking for an alternative digital TCG. (Any sugggestion ?) I'll still check this subreddit from time to time to make sure I'm not missing on the big announcements, but I won't be expecting anything out of this game anymore.","MTGO is not a good client by any means, magic is really expensive, but Magic is a really amazing game." +"Dude, who shaves the back of their thighs? Most people stop just above the knee.",If my girl still has hair on her back earlobe and some fuzz on her back I'm instantly turned off +"Yeah OP, we still know you're a 9gagger",Edgy +Fitzy has thrown six picks against the chiefs,Too bad are defense was *too* tired to do the same +"If you can't see the problem, then you aren't looking. My game requires a 6950X and triple titans, minimum. Then suddenly no one can give a negative review on whatever piece of shit they threw together to sneak past greenlight.","I'm sure that developer will enjoy plenty of positive reviews then, and I'm sure no one is going to point it out and the developer will never be put in a bad light from using that ingenius strategy." +How does a radio telescope search for gravitational waves..?,shooting radio waves into the upper atmosphere to heat it up to create weather patterns....that Trump guy was spot on about global warming being created by the Chinese. +When you see Xing sitting on his mountain and you wanna play him,"Shit,Lets nerf him again" +Bernie Madoff ran a very successful ponzi scheme for 29 years till it went belly up and people lost their entire savings. So should we say that Bernie Madoff ran a very successful business for 29 years and had one bad year? Trump is also running a very successful campaign fooling people with lies. I wouldn't call it a successful campaign.,It's a good thing the other candidate is a shining beacon of honesty. +It's always dandy trying to salvage a draw and being called noob idiot moron by your dead teammates,omg stop noobi diot moron unisnstall delete game +Bye Bye,TRIGGERED +It's a guy?,Are you assuming their gender? +"Well if you are tired then that's it, community should really stop complaining. iPadCamera is tired. Give him some rest.",exactly +Not to mention the fact it's kinda weird to drink baby cow food. Always hated the taste of milk.,"What are you, done kind of sissy vegan?" +Use the recall to get a replacement.,Recall? +Watermark ruins it :|,Yah I couldn't see anything else in the picture! +"I'm almost certain you're not challenger, and decided to assume it :) I think in 99% of the time you have a very unpopular opinion, + you don't really know the stuff you're talking about, you're just wrong.","Hey man, he would be challenger if he wasn't always on an inferior team" +"Just not on the right level of perception, I guess?","psst guys, hes trying to say that we are stupid" +"Sorry, didn't realized how screwed USA is until a couple days ago.","Yea, I would suspect our military and economic power around the globe to collapse the moment he takes office" +Whatever happened to Offensive Bias? Is he still around as of the current setting?,He was too offensive and it triggered people so they took him out. +There's been slavery here for as long as there's been a country here. And we only gave women the right to vote in 1920. So our version of democracy is only about 100 years old. We have people alive here older than this. WOMEN are alive here older than this.,And look at what good thats done us with the batshit cray SJWs +"We were closing up the shop one day and an 18 year old kid comes in smelling like a big bag of the weedz. I told him we're not taking anymore clients because it's already Midnight, but he begged and said he'll pay extra for the tattoo. I begrudgingly start sketching up his tattoo. He wanted Roots Rock Reggae on the inside of his bicep. I put the stencil on, I approve it. He looks at the stencil, he approves it. So we start the tattoo. We get ALLLLLL the way to finishing the tattoo before I realized that I spelled reggae like raggae and then proceeded to have a mini-heart attack. I set my machine down and looked at the kid. We fucked up dude What do you mean? The kid says. I show him the correct spelling of Reggae on my phone and he starts flippin' the fuck out and demands his money back. I told him it was kind of both of our faults, I didn't even want to take this tattoo after closing time, so I'm not giving his money back. He freaked out for a little longer and when he calmed down I told him I'll give him a free cover up. TL;DR Misspelled Reggae on a dudes arm and then offered him a free cover up.",This comment makes me not want to get a tattoo ever... +"A lecture on independent co-arising struck such a nerve when I heard it over 20 years ago that it stays with me today. In short (if you buy into it) Newtonian cause and effect is a misunderstanding of what we are seeing and an unfortunate conclusion reached in English grammar. If I say that I punched a wall, we say that I am the active person and the wall is a passive object and so I am the cause of the punch and the wall creates the effect of horrible writhing pain. (I am weak and a crybaby.) But we might just as well say that the wall is just as active as I. Without the wall, after all, I couldn't very well punch the wall. I'd be swinging around looking a fool and feeling no pain. So the wall is just as much a cause as I. Moreover, the pain I feel after fist meets wall is simultaneously reflected in damage done to the wall. We are each other's cause and each other's effect - without each other, the story of TC punching a wall could not exist.",Are you victim blaming right now? +"You should preface that with 'I think' because thats your silly opinion. The fact he has been impressive is why he is getting a partial timeshare, instead of full on bench duty. I don't think Michael has done anything a healthy Rawls couldn't do 'I'd be shocked if they turn back to their star RB who has been hurt', you realize how stupid that sounds?",You didn't see how Michael looked this one week against San Fran! +Good good. Smart man/woman.,Did you just assume his gender? +Peanut is top 5 and has never played at an international tournament. He's only played 2 playoff series EVER.,But I thought ares was the jungler for Ever? +"Uh... no, than. Because it's a comparison.",I should've added +Why?,Because fuck one of the fundamental parts of our country and economy! +She was **vaporised**,muh teleporation +la chiamavi mai sul *natel*?,Solo quando doveva fare una riservazione +Never heard of David Gandy?,Any relation of Mahatma? +Don't be this guy,Because a platform is terrible if it doesn't have Witcher on it. +Exactly. They playtested the hell out of this game. I'm glad Grant cleared that up.,"Given that they published a version they felt needed a balance patch on release, how can you be confident in that?" +"damn. seeing these kinda pics always makes me a little sad. I know a couple of girls who were smokin hot, but they got carried away with getting work done on themselves that they end up looking like this plastic monstrosity after a while. Fake lips, fake ass, fake tits, fake hair. and at the end of the day they end up looking so much worse than before its like damn you were super hot the way you were before!",Yeah but they do it for themselves! +"Go to JeJu Spa in Duluth and just pay $25 for 24 hours access. You have clean showers, steam, sauna, and can sleep in the communal crystal rooms (they vary in temperature from frigid cold to normal room temp to very hot). Nobody will bother you, you get a locker to secure your clothes/valuables. I know several background extras who live way outside the metro area who use JeJu as a place to sleep that's safe and clean.","This place is amazing, highly recommended." +You mean Eve! Salts are in Infinite :),"No, I think he means salt as in your anger/tears." +I didn't say anything about decades. However why go back decades when there's several from recent history? Were her connections to the DNC chairperson corruption? Seems crooked to me.,surprise: lifelong democrats have long-standing connections to other lifelong democrats +The perfect side for a keyboard to have a headphone jack...,That's what you get for buying razer +Assange: I Will Bring Hillary Down Before The Debate Stage On September 26th,Big news in the next two minutes! +Soooo presidential.,He says it like it is! +You could already enjoy/learn pvp without using overloads tho,soo much fun to get destroyed 10 secs after immunity runs out +Normal guys? What the Hell?,"Y'know, normal guys only give a shit about football and beer and tits, they don't care about our country or politics." +URF was the one game mode I could blind pick wukong into any team and still have fun. Now I get stuck with varus/nasus/vayne/kayle and other champs that I have 0 interest in playing. Any game without wukong isn't even worth trying in.,"Yup, there's the one I missed..." +Flu season is just around the corner. Be prepared.,damn i haven't seen this before. +"The Gentlemen Bastards, Civ 5, Europa Universalis 4, cooking vegan food, Tom Waits, Radiohead...","Upvote for Civ 5, downvote for vegan food" +"If Trump can't face off against Gloria Allred, how can he face off against Putin and all the other world leaders playing political games? He clearly cannot hold himself back enough to manage to deflect the simplest strategies. Like, there was no chance that Hillary wouldn't take advantage of any debate camera angles that made him look looming of threatening. So why did he fall into that trap? All he had to do was sit down and plaster a pleasant expression on his face.",The dude doesn't have a pleasant expression +Are you sure the kids didn't actually make the memes? Because if an adult made these he's probably retarded.,"Adult, child, they're all the same in 2016" +They already did that with the $100 flat fee for ranger service. Really hurt a lot of owners who don't live near a service center and bought on the promise that they would be covered. Nothing but the potential bad press stopping them from doing it for supercharging too.,What's ranger service? +"(Spoilers Main) - What are the Stark words during Winter? We all know the Stark words are Winter is Coming, but do they still say this during the Winter years? Is there any textual evidence that says they change it during the Winter season? My brother and I kinda jokingly thought they'd start saying, Winter's here! Yeah, we told you so! Just curious about this!!!","How about, Winter done up and came?" +I do not... what does that do?,It's a potential reason why the animations don't work +"I disagree. New Mexico to Georgia isn't a day trip and Tim isn't needed to tickets regardless, it's a McGregor card. FPSRussia isn't that relevant anymore and there'd be no benefit to flying across the country to do that instead of a TV promo. Both of which would interrupt his training","Nah bro he's military so he can just ask to borrow a C-130, put an octagon in it and fly to Kyle's without his training being interrupted" +And backpackers will keep coming and spending money. Good!,And taking our jerbs! +Which are being actively brigaded,so unlike reddit? +"Went to a comic con VICELAND party this year, was sick as fuck. Supposedly Action Bronson was there earlier in the day and people were allowed to line up and hotbox the VICELAND bus with him. Didn't know about it and I was insanely jealous",Action Bronson is a really cool fucking guy. +"He was assigned to most likely chip for Green and then bounce out in the flats. The awareness to see Collins was in trouble, jump cut back into the pocket and stand up the linebacker was veteran stuff.",You say awareness like no one else noticed a 300+ man flying backwards. +"After eight years of Barrack Obama, or Barak Obama, I'm not surprised.",So that's how you spell Muslim traitor +"Abbott's leadership 'dead, buried, cremated'",I'll look forward to his glorious return in three to six months. +Teachers in my ward have to go to classes on how to teach. The first and second lesson was on how to shutdown people asking questions that interrupt the spirit.,"Wow, that's not culty at all." +What game are you playing on?,Alpha Sapphire +The IT guy at my company watches League of Legends vods all day in his office. His office has a key pass lock and no windows. It's a joke.,Hey man if he's doing his job right he shouldn't really ever have anything to do. +"Yes, CTR. I literally called out the Dems, Clintons and Obamas in my post but I am CTR. Trump supporters are just as pathetic as $Hillary's. Anyone who votes for either of these candidates...ahh...there are no words left.","Dude, don't you know that CTR faked the moon landing and staged the Bay of Pigs?" +"What should i get my 19 year old son for his birthday? My son is turning 19 soon. I have no idea what to get him for his birthday, I honestly cannot think of anything that he NEEDS. There's no latest game console or game that he wants. So what should I get him?",Fleshlight +The first 2 FH3 expansions will not be included with the ultimate edition.,So glad I spent the extra money to get the Ultimate edition now. +Faker : Our goal is to enter the quarter-finals,not sure if Faker's being the humble god again or +Stop defending safe spaces you dense cunts,"Yeah, no one is ever harrassed or discriminated against in america anymore so what's the point?" +"What about the part where if you get a no, it means that you are probably sinning and need to stop and repent before getting your yes?","That falls under the 'not being sincere' part, because if you're sinning you obviously couldn't be sincere." +Robaron un auto con una beba adentro y la tiraron por la ventana,"Pobres ladrones, seguro que la pasaron muy mal :(" +In my experience you should probably postpone this game indefinitely. Sniping between ADs via press releases and media leaks is also encouraged. ^^^too ^^^soon?,Never too soon for a beer! +"The worst part is, there are conspiracy theorists that actually believe this","Stop trying to cover up the truth, 'Finland' believers like you are what's wrong with the world" +"In case it isn't evident that using this would be a tremendously bad idea, please don't use this. Why would you want an API that sends future keys through the network?",but.. ain't the network secure ? +"Is that what you do, or others on this sub?","no shorting is illegal where I come from, sadly" +"I just cannot get a random mythic group, with 845 item level and linking them my emerald nightmare achievements :(","Because you were carried, obvs." +"#BlueJays reliever Joaquin Benoit appears to have suffered a significant injury to his left leg, was seen leaving on crutches.",Looks like dickey's pitching into the post season :p +"That simply isn't accurate. The war was against Hitler's Germany, not the Nazi party themselves. Hitler and his primary consultants were radical extremists. To say Nazis are villains would be similar to saying Muslims are villains because of radical Islamic terrorists. The party was not created for the extermination of Jews. The members were not all radical murderers. Hitler and other high ranking influences were evil, and they led the party in a direction that most Nazis were disgusted with.",You are just not getting it. +this post was very punny,I'd go as far as saying its gone down a treant. +So then what is it?,WHATEVER IT IS IT'S DEFINITELY *NOT* TECHNO.... +How else would you put it? That's exactly what this is.,He's just saying it sounds like an outstanding deal. +Apparently the 1060 is glorious at Passmark,"congrats, you can use inspect element" +This McDonald's worker is just amazing...,"This gets posted so often, is this an ad?" +"No, I think it means specific time, because it starts specifically at 10.","Yeah 11 mountain, 12 central." +They're going to question the election results for months. Can't wait for their conspiracies,Damn Kenyan intelligence services meddling in our elections! +.......why would they agree to that?,"They need the shiny right now, after death is future PC's problem." +Is anyone else getting sick of these biased critics? They clearly just hate DC.,"No you don't understand, the bias started spontaneously at the release of BvS" +"Third image, the paint has the texture of orange peel. It's a sign of a bad paint job.","Oh I see, so a bumpy wavy textured paint job is not what you want?" +Sources: Gun recovered in Keith Lamont Scott case reported stolen,"Oh, that's surprising." +It is absolutely incredible how we only sign shit from FA,"Yeah, 49ers should grab Antonio Brown off waivers." +"A quick anecdote I have so many stories about my mother. so. many. I had put several on here before, but wound up deleting them, and I haven't gotten the gumption to re-type that whole novel. Anyway, a super quick tidbit. Reading someone else's post on here reminded me of it. My mother and GM lived together. Mom spent all day every day in bed, and made my 83-year-old GM wait on her hand and foot. One day, GM was taking care of my mother's dog and cat (who had the misfortune of being named Dickens -- not all that bad except she always called him Dick. Dick the cat.) Anyway, GM was taking care of the pets, and let the dog out. The cat managed to sneak out because, well, an 83-year-old woman isn't able to catch anything moving at any level of speed whatsoever. It was January. In Cleveland. My mother refused to look for it. A week later their neighbor found the cat frozen solid behind her trash cans. Mom told everyone the cat died of liver problems. My response was, Yeah, it froze solid while it was in his body. She got mad.",She's not totally wrong.... It's liver did become a problem +Cris Cyborg on Twitter: Ronda fight me Super Bowl weekend.,Guess Cyborg believes she can move down to 135 +I just want to see him in that 10 shirt,"IF this is true... Goodbye Jack, and thanks for all the crunching tackles..." +"I love the new season ticket policy. When all matches are TBA vs TBA, surely TBA have to win and you will get free FP all the time. Right guys? But seriously, please fix it already. New phase is starting this Friday... I'm seriously, you guys.",*sits on top of his over 20k FP slurping soda with a straw* I don't see this as a big problem. +Can we get the Winner winner chicken dinner back at the winning screen? Currently when you win it just says You Survived Kind of feels anticlimactic. Or even have custom messages based off how many kills you finished with.,Its copyright claimed by studio71 now +Sell high for who?,Latavius Murray +"I can see why you got downvoted, but I thought it was pretty funny.^^^and ^^^racist",I've never done anything wrong in my life +1v1 Karl Vs Noah. Karl move aside we have a new star in our horizons.,I guess Toki isn't a unit anymore +This needs to be directed to Mr. Trump!,"Great idea, someone should tweet this at him." +#SLUTLIVESMATTER,"Omg this is so sexist, a girl isn't a slut just because she wants to use her body sexually for monetary exchange!" +You sound like you'd be overly critical of Ernest movies.,"Ernest was already stupid, how can he be scared stupid?" +"No, they're all repugnant and should be burned to the ground.",Finally someone I can agree with. +Moon landing was actually in a warehouse in Colorado.,oh please everyone know's that kubrick is behind the moon landing conspracy WAKE UP SHEEPLE +"White tiger moved from Chennai to Udaipur understands only Tamil, leaving zookeepers in a fix | Officials said either the big cat would have to be taught commands in Mewari or the caretakers would have to speak its language",or they have to hire the tamil fellow who was looking after him in the first place[which must be so confusing and such a lot of paperwork.] +Don't worry about cable management doesn't affect cooling,you forgot the +I get people are excited but OP does come across a little self-important no?,I think he may have dropped his +I wonder if a Cole Drill would work.,Lemme just hit this hardox with my MasterCraft 6-in-1 multitool. +"This was my choice as well, but it was hard to choose between Tristam and Rogue","Yeah same, as well as between KF and Haywyre" +And how do you obtain them?,By googling CS:GO undetected VAC ESEA FACEIT safe cheat FREE +... That's clearly a mic pack. Isn't it? What am I missing?,It's obviously a hologram emitter used to disguise her true reptilian form from the eyes of bigots... I mean true patriots. +"I recall the exact opposite. The masses bitching about poor testing and broken encounters. In fact, I recall C'Thun being fixed and dropping within a very short time after and people were happy with that. Broken is not fun.","but vanilla and bc were perfect and having bugs and glitches made it amazing, the game sucks now that blizzard try and polish their raid encounters to be bug free!!!!!!!" +What does your lease say about paying utilities?,This is hardly relevant +then no more spawning creeps. just stand around for passive xp/gold,Basically Overthrow +Right now it's over 300 - mission accomplished.,Take that stupid catapults! +Does it say mini on the tag? What firmware version?,"iWoof 10.2, no audio jack" +I feel like all of us can relate to Randall right now,"No, not me I think ahead!" +When I'm old the fact that I'm older than Google will be really impressive,"Back in my day, we had Netscape Navigator and were happy to have it!" +AFC Players of the Week: Off: QB Trevor Siemian (Den); Def: CB Marcus Peters (KC); ST: P Ryan Allen (NE),Brent Urban with the snub +(V3 spoilers) Lets guess his talent,Im calling it ULTIMATE PROSTITUTE! +Dispensed some dark green paint into a gallon and made a perfect tear drop.,'shopped +I had shomi and it was fine. I'd love to see you come up with a better app.,I'd like to see *you* come up with an ever better app +That's what the downvote button is for.,"Yeah, actual discussion is bad." +It's been two weeks! Are you parting out now?,$1000 per army because Pro Painted +No.,Alpharius obviously +I guarantee you that Mark Cubans tax attorney's also lower his tax bill as much as possible... No one in their right mind send more money to the government than they are required too - paying the minimum your legally allowed to is what everyone tries to do.,So you're saying everyone should set up a fake charity to funnel tax free money through in order to dodge the IRS? +"Probably. But then again, I get murdered for shit I say on it now and I honestly give no fucks. Three years ago, though, I wouldn't have said it because it wouldn't have been true.",New Japan is Shit I SAID IT I SAID IT I SAID IT YOU CANT GET ME REDDIT I SAID IT +FINALLY! Looks like the Captain was waiting to score against the only team in the entire tournament that doesn't have any Lightning players on it :),"Yeah, what the hell is Sustr's problem, scoring on Bish like that?" +Oh first person I heard to say that.,AC3 really isn't that bad of a game. +UNBELIEVABLE! Muslims Are the True Feminists - HuffPo,Nothing more empowering than a religion that treats women like cattle! +Remember when some of us thought The Division would kill Destiny? They listen to their community! The updated problems from beta so quickly! And here we stand.,I don't know what you're talking about. +My first character that I have all the SBs for!,Core black Mage says hi. +FWD: $Hillary = Nuclear War,Really don't understand the rhetoric behind thinking Hillary is more likely to start WW3 than Trump. +Which civ do you think will be revealed next?,I think it'll be Prussia +They got a 66yard PI call in their favor when the WR tripped. All the Lions get are PI calls that are reversed and picked up in playoff games. Mostly b/c no one ever stands up for our team.,"I don't know what you're talking about, that clearly wasn't PI" +Disney and Jon Favreau Joining Forces on The Lion King,An all female reboot of the lion king is required. +"Ahh RE, a game I bought at launch and was just finally getting ready to play. You're welcome everyone. This is how Sony picks many of their plus titles. Let me know what you'd like to see next month and I'll get the process started for you. ;)",Please buy Knack +Every saying Malkin but everyone forgets Carey fuckin Price.,Who? +"Not according to the BLS. Service jobs are very broadly defined, and for good reason - a lawyer is providing a service just as much as a line cook.","Huh, TIL!" +"what to do? i have been stalking the red pill, this subreddit and Roosh v for some time and have swallowed the red pill. a little bit of backstory. basically me and this girl , we will call her jenny, have been freinds for 3 years and im in the freindzone but recently she has been acting dead sexual around me. ie she has a game where she tries to get me hard in school by feeling me up. we were out one night and said she would pretty much practice her blowjobs on me. i really dont know if to take this as a joke because of our freindship or escalate",Take it as a joke and don't escalate you don't want to lose your friendship! +"I know nothing of Skorne, but all the Skorne players in my meta have essentially abandoned the faction and started playing others. It seems a common complaint that Skorne was overbalanced into the ground and isn't really capable of competing. The only advice I can really offer you atm is to wait a few months and see if PP makes good on their promise to review units every 6-12 months or so and release errata and card revisions to make sure everything remains competitive. But that shouldn't be necessary, because PP totally playtested the game for 3+ years to ensure everything was well balanced.",But think of all of the #design_space that is now available for them! +"Soooo.... The families of 500,000 dead innocent Iraqi civilians vs Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the USA? That's going to be a lot people to have to pay, get ready for your taxes to go up.",they cant sue us if we kill their families too. +Where on earth do you live that a police detail costs money!?,Murica +Why it's always those women with blackened hair?,You just hate them cause they're blackened +"Attitude man. Shaw comes from a team of winners, last year's Habs gave up too easily in the eyes of management.",PK dragging everyone down with him +Nope. Photo mode renders at a lower resolution than normal gameplay. Go play at 1440p or 4K and go into photo mode... it looks like garbage.,guess I needed to add the sarcasm indicator... +Tierny goal vs Manchester City (2-1),exposed without De Bruyne eh? +Good thing Mein Kampf doesn't contain racism.,Thanks god someone knows that Nazis weren't racists. +United States boss Jurgen Klinsmann denies interest in England job,It's just disappointing to see our American coaches not wanting to test themselves in Europe against top level coaching and be open to the pressures of the truly difficult media. +Found this gem at the mall today...,"Wow, what a gem, this is so unique!" +"well it wasn't as much as trying to kill as much as threatening the judges life and freedom, saying her father is very powerful in Mexico (He is a drug lord)","Oh, well that's much better then." +"Holy shit, another post about pre release prices.. Can you put the price will drop in the sidebar or something",But- but Jace... +Literally every nazi defender I saw on there is a t_d poster. Jesus.,What a surprise. +Ronaldo did well from the bench i must admit.,Yeah he didn't do anything the rest of the tournament to get them to the final either +"i'm pretty stoked about harder prairie king. i mean, how much worse can it get? (i have tried and failed multiple times to beat it without dying and have concluded i am not capable of the task)","On hard mode, the enemies actually try to kill you this time, instead of half-heartedly like on standard mode." +When the site is only meant for dyslexics,That's offensive to dyslexic people +"The reason feminism is cancer and men and women will never be equal is because of one fact they always overlook.. *Men and women are equal but not the same* When men see an attractive woman in provocative clothing it's natural to want to look.. Like seriously, you could force yourself to look away but nature is telling you you want to look.. And these Fuckin retards don't understand that. The reason men and women will never be completely equal is because *men and women are different*.. A woman can get pregnant and have every right in the world to do with that, and even if the man is absolutely desperate to keep the baby, *its not up to him at all ever*. And this fact alone should prove that men and women will never be equal.. Men can lift more weight, naturally. Men do not get periods. Men are more aggressive, naturally, because of testosterone. They prefer sciences, while women prefer things like makeup and stuff.. Yes there may be women that like these things too, and fucking society has never had a problem with that.. Feminists, to me, are all entitled idiots that don't use their brains. Period.",Period should be full stop because period is a gendered term +I'll never forget. Almost choked on my grilled cheese.,"Wait, wait, if you have teeth down there, does that mean you were eating your grilled cheese with your lady bits?" +Back in 2008 or so there was a news report of something like 65 million unsold apartments in China. Back then someone had calculated that there were already enough apartments/houses built in China to house every single person in the country. One house per person. That was the news back then. And they continued to build at the same rate. 8 years later.....,They just need some refugees. +Add a better ending?,"Slide in the 'Shrek' opening as a cutscene, label it 'super_ee_ending'." +"wait, u mean americanids or american nationality",americanids u scammer +"I've met her, she's a wonderful human being, and has gotten a ton of shit from SJW morons.","She should be ashamed of taking care of her body and beauty, that's what the patriarchy wants!" +Why was he so sad?,Because you need to post more purpleboi +"Maybe so, but then I'll be holding the limes of all the free time I have",Cant wait for you to tell your patients just to go to the ER so you dont have to deal with them +"Kyle Longs been a pro bowler every year he's been in the league, and was an all-pro alternate",Jay Cutler is holding him back +"I'm off to read that. My MIL was the same. We started planning a larger wedding, realized we couldn't afford it and had a small ceremony instead. We were also worried that my husband's grandmother would no longer recognize us or be alive when we were able to do a larger affair. She did stop recognizing us about 6 months later and the joy in her eyes when she realized her grandson was marrying was worth not having the wedding I originally wanted. Not to his mom, though. She threw a fit and sat there and disparaged everything. Apparently she wanted us to have a big wedding to show up *her* in-laws, since his cousins had been married in large ceremonies and she hadn't been invited to one of them. She's still punishing us.",Oh I wonder why? +"What's to stop someone from slipping a fuck Hillary or something into the wall of text? I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary read and approved the whole thing. That, or like u/Gr1pp717 said, they might just really be that careless, especially considering all the other mistakes they make.",Like that faulty microphone? +"Are you implying that anyone without a scrotum is by default weak, thereby alienating the entire female population into a lesser subclass of individuals? Triggggered.",I.. I hope for your own sake you dropped this +Worgen/OTK warrior.,He already disenchanted charge tho +Put them on the bottom,Don't tell me how to build my ships! +"that is what im saying. if im not validating her, does that make her want me more? (since im different from all the bluepill losers that like all their bullshit)","yes, but she still has to know you exist, and you still have to have some game, status, and mysteriousness to you" +the best screenshot i got from the new illidan questline,I wonder how Johnny Awesome got into an alliance raid +Spectre has been released several times. I wish I could hear 2 new songs instead of 1 from my favorite band which only releases new music once every few years. Is this difficult for other people to understand?,No you're obviously an *entitled* pig +Yeah Unreal Engine 4 I think.,lol no bro you just gotta play the gif in reverse +"If you told me in August that we wouldn't get any NX news in September, I wouldn't have believed you.",They're obviously waiting until Billie Joe Armstrong is awake again so he doesn't miss the news +Chimping out?,That phrasing doesn't seem racist at all. +The only one that doesn't sound dreadful is 28 weeks later. Re do this and try better,It's too bad people have different tastes in movies than you huh bud. +Wanna really watch them squirm? I'm going to circumcise my son. And there's nothing you can do to stop me.,"You might as well just feed him to a pack of wolves, there's no recovery after circumcision." +"Last group last off: Brown, Mathews, Marner, Timashov, Nielsen. #tmltalk #rinkrats","Punk kids not getting off the ice when they're supposed to, looks like we're gonna have an attitude problem." +It would be nice to see an amendment to the City of Toronto Act that would give city hall veto power over OMB decisions.,"Ya, because if there is *anything* Toronto City Council has shown over the last 30 years is that it listens to sound planning...." +Spectacular Rockslide in Switzerland,Where's the American asshole who pushed it over? +"Yup, Warp Drive is right up the road.","I've been trying to get a picture of the street sign for ages, I always forget by the time I'm driving by it to get my phone out." +"If you were writing a romance or Rom-com about Autistic people, what would you put the characters through?",An apartment with five other students who have other disorders. +"The myth that people didn't ever bathe back in the day is just that, a myth.",Yeah and the Black Plague had nothing to do with hygiene or people cleaning themselves +Another Miss Universe Contestant Says She Was Fat-Shamed By Donald Trump,I bet she was the second getaway driver and sold crystal meth to middle schoolers and is fat and ugly too. +To go with that - making the bed.,"To go with that, cleaning in general." +Welcome to American education,"He said knives, not bullets!" +Reid Congratulates GOP For Eight Years Obstructing The First Black President,Republicans didn't like Obama because he was black. +"It would be much cheaper to just cut the health transfers to other provinces, and bring their serious illness and death rates up to 'level the playing field' in another way. Thoughts?","Wow, you're a nice person aren't ya" +"omg this is why i frequent this sub, grails found.",You forgot +Pro Tour Kaladesh: MTGFinance Preview,...while they prey their team has read the meta game correctly I pray for you +he'll really think shes flirting,I know lol! +"We can give billions to the Muslim brotherhood and Isreal, we can keep purchasing tanks the military isn't asking for... Or we could spend just a fraction of one of those payments and fix this broken VA system. I feel so terribly for people who have served for us, this should be criminal. And Obama and Congress are responsible also. Where is the promised VA reform?",Well VA scandal articles stopped bringing in clicks so now no more need for a reform! +I thought for sure he was a white hispanic!,I'm sure he identifies as a racist white Hispanic. +It's pretty insane how you Friscans are willing to pay so much money to live in a city that doesn't even provide basic civic functions such as law-and-order. Why is that? There does seem to be a general softness in SF when it comes to violent crime which serves to empower and encourage violent criminals.,How dare you impose on these peoples right to live as they choose!!! +"If France wants to ban the hijab/veils/burqa, that's fine and their priority. Don't like it? Don't move to France. Likewise, if you are are going to Iran and they want you to hijab, then you must do it. Don't like it? Don't go to Iran.",Hooraay for isolationism +To get my favorite community to cross their fingers and pray for me bc I fucked up and FEd with someone with all my money.,That's totally this community exists and posts like this are completely valid +Sean did not lie this proves it.,You forgot the +FUCK THAT. that's like pulling someone nail off.,Actually the best description is cutting the first joint of all your fingers. +Exit Music (For a Film),"It's amazing because every time I hear that song end, Let Down (which is even more a depressing song) starts playing in my head, even if I'm not playing the whole album." +Inb4 hate because its not your favorite artist,I'm not watching unless its the Beatles. +"Haha, awesome! Thanks so much! Flying in from Maryland so reading the weather report from here is usually over hyped.","It only rains for hours when it is a hurricane, feeder bands from a hurricane, tropical storm, and so forth." +"Curated cards aren't going to be too rare, but the list has some...ahem...gems on it that you're going to be less than thrilled about opening.",Hoo boy that sweet [[kird ape]] +Facts and reason are what are keeping us down maaan,Must be great to live in alternate reality +They still have Clarence!,Who? +Well Done Grand Ma..,Grand Ma..stet. +Three Heroes,Idk if it still belongs here if 1 out of the 3 is a guy +"they had comments on before, and they were just universally shitting on this idea and how shitty mtgo is in general, not surprised they ended up disabling them, lol",But don't worry man they care about your feedback +"Did anyone manage to catch a glimpse of Mayanti's face today?? I cannot, for the life of me, look up!","Hey that's cool, let's be sexist about female sports reporters." +"But if it's one day after I graduate I can say, I just got a degree right?",What about saying The judge's ruling was just? +I don't think acknowledging that is racist at all. But I think making derogatory statements towards any race is only perpetuating the problem,POOR WHITE PEOPLE WE ARE SOOOO OPPRESSED LIFE IS HARD +Space-Time Cow.,I wish he has nether strike as ult +Perfect landing,BUT DID YOU DIE +"However, you are wrong that the Hopewell Indians are supported by evidence, or fit the nephite description. They had no written language. They had no goldsmithing technology. They were not Christian The book of Mormon makes three basic claims: a book written on gold, testifying of Christ. The Hopewell fail on all three most-basic claims.","Dammit, Mithryn, I was about to go get re-baptized!" +F,U +Panties in a twist is a sexist remark and shouldn't be used anymore.,Well excuse me for using an classic American idiom in **MY** phraseology +I'm still waiting for a 64-bit version of Steam.,It will come a month after Half Life 3 is released +The first one was repetitive.,"No, the AC series started with AC2." +I've never cum to a bj in my life and I've been sexually active for 20 years.,You just haven't met the right BJer. +For real? You didn't say can you please talk on the phone somewhere else? This is the quiet coach.? Maybe you should try that next time. Some people really just are unaware. Maybe next time start with that.,Nah mate better to just publicly shame someone on the internet passive aggressive like +Well he's got a point. He's a freak of nature and one of the best true athletes in the game,The poor man's Tebow. +Godsent loses to LDLC in ESEA Premier,Lost their fnatic sponsored cheats +"Broncos will be the Eels of 2017, this is just the beginning. I'm calling it","No, Broncos could never get done for going over the cap." +"You might want to get him some fighting lessons too, he's definitely gonna get picked on",Yes because no one has ever played Pokemon +What is happening on 35 at this hour?,"Remember kids, adding lanes doesn't help traffic." +"Anything on PC is inherently more competitive, how many games are even played on console?? I can think of CoD, Halo and GoW (which has like no scene), compared to the many games on PC","That doesn't mean that it's 'inherently' more competitive, it's just tells us that there are more examples of popular PC esports." +This is why we shouldn't have the halo.,"Also seatbelts, it took too much time for him to get out." +"TIFU by making my class thinking my family couldn't afford food. So, as usual, this happened about four years ago, back when I was a freshman in high school. In health class, we had an assignment (which now that I think of it was actually pointless) where we had to write 3 of our wishes for later in life, and the teacher would somehow grant them to us, which obviously didn't happen.. Anyways, I was pretty dumb back in the day and would do anything to try to be funny. I had health class right before lunch and that's usually all I thought about. For one of my wishes, I wrote, I wish that I get to eat lunch today. For some odd reason, the class didn't give me the reaction I expected. Instead of the class bursting into laughter, everyone just looked at me. I ignored it until about 2 days later when several people who I'd never talked to before came up to me and offered to sit with me at lunch, even though I had many friends. Many people offered their condolences and wished things would go better for me. News spread fast and even teachers felt bad for my financial issue. At that point, it was too late to tell anyone it was a joke, so I just went with it for the rest of the year. By the time I was in my sophomore year, most people had forgotten about it, but boy was freshman year awkward.. TL;DR: Told everyone in my health class that I wished to eat lunch that day, everyone thought my family couldn't afford food.",Isn't this an episode of Malcom In The Middle +"What peeves me about this model is that I'm being taxed twice. I paid $17000 in stamp duty, and now, so that others don't have to pay stamp duty, my rates are going up! Correct me if I have this wrong.",you are not wrong. +"Medios oficialistas como p12 son mercenarios, los tipos por un mango hablan bien o mal y como les pagaban los k los tipos tienen que tirarle mierda al pro si o si",Por suerte los medios independientes como Clarin no son asi +Sounds to me like you're pretty racist. You might want to get that looked at.,well - he does want the best for his daughter +"Hillary Clinton Announces New National Service Reserve, A New Way for Young Americans to Come Together and Serve Their Communities",But but but she has no plans or policies! +So if she was applying for a job and the black female (so we can eliminate sexism) hiring manager told her she doesn't hire white people...what word would she use to describe how she was discriminated against?,Justice. +"I haven't been to Munich to compare but Luxembourg took the cake in my opinion. They had full choirs in fancy 1800's style dresses. They had a calliope, and full jazz bands. The city is great but it's almost too perfect, it's just a bit too clean.","I hear you, I prefer my towns covered in garbage thrown from car windows and for them to have streets filled with half dressed homeless people." +Japan OKs $1.5 billion contract for new Tokyo stadium,"I'm sure it will stay on budget- I mean, cities *always* end up spending way less on the Olympics that they initially budget for" +Ralph Who? Millennials backing 3rd Party Candidates ignorant of Nader votes tipping the 2000 election to Bush (leading to the Iraq War),Winning the youth vote through bitchy condescension! +what is the name of the option i have latest the driver,"Look in the panel options of Intel hd, and select in the screen options, scale" +I dont here the new Sounds,"U can try to delete the file where the audios is, Steam will download the data again" +Riot Meddler I think it's quite likely we move to a 10 ban system,Thats a lot of bans +Won't matter. The folks protesting will never think it was a justified shooting. They will still flip out when the offciers aren't charged with murder.,But it wasn't justified because he has been sued for sexual harassment in the past! +"Yes, make it absolutely illegal. There are even talks of mandatory investigation to determine wheter a miscarriage was a result of intentioanl actions or not. Also, if there were any complications during prenatal tests etc. the doctor could be facing up to, I think, three years of prison. So many doctors are straight up saying that if this law passes most of them would be forced to not offer some vital tests in fear of ending up in prison.",I wonder if this will lead to those seeking an abortion to go abroad/full on emigrate. +"Probably only US servers' data is important to you? Since otherwise you'd need to filter out some occasional foreign languages on EU english servers, not to forget the cultural differences in language",So no logs from US-Illidan either? +"If from the emergence of mankind every environment that we have interacted has been negatively affected, maybe we should not try to colonize other planets...?",If every life has ended in death maybe we should stop living. +Every time I see someone write CO2 or H2O with a zero instead of the letter O it makes me shake my head.,For all intensive purposes it's basically the same thing. +"i mean, if you were interested enough to follow them on IG or Twitter, you'd probably have enough patience to search NYU sustainability in the search field. 9 times out of 10, that'll display the correct account.","Yes, because making a prospective visitor/client/etc do the work of finding you instead of just giving them the details makes all the sense in the world, doesn't it?" +/pol/lock wonders if he's Red Pilled.,Sauce on that grill please? +Rand Paul Restores Vision to Lady for Free | 38th Free Eye Surgery,But he's not a real eye doctor! +"Wow, have you lost weight?","No, where would you get that from?" +"Who would you call up to the Cuba and New Zealand friendlies? These would be my picks: Forwards: Wood, Altidore, Morris, Johannsson, Kiesewetter Mids: Pulisic, Bradley, Nagbe, Gooch, Stanko, Kitchen, Johnson, Arriola Defenders: Besler, Miazga, Carter-Vickers, Gonzalez, Yedlin, Acosta, Rosenberry Keepers: Guzan, Howard, Horvath If you don't agree, who would you replace and why?","I say we call up Nagbe, then not use him." +One of the worst flow charts I've seen in a while,I'm feeling better about NYU not accepting me +seeing the end on minimap would be nice so we know which side to run.,"Run west, problem solved" +"Travelers of Reddit, what surprised you about poorer countries?",All the brown people +I miss lumpy as a mod :(,"Me, too." +Rx 480? Soo.. i was always planning on getting a gtx 1060 just saving up. My mother happened to be at best buy and called me that she got me a surprise but just got me a radeon rx 480 8GB. I know its still good but... how fucked am i? Ive always hear bad shit about amd gpu,Your mom sounds awesome +"Not to evoke one side or the other, but if the US and Russia hadn't treated Syria as a proxy war much of this wouldn't have happened. Unfortunately, this is probably only the beginning of this mess.",Turned out great when we and Russia did it with Korea(back when there was only one Korea). +Someone came into my store with these.,Need to see the boost to be sure +"Haven't seen it yet but I'll give you a hint, it's something all the Marvel Netflix shows have in common.",A weak season finale? +"Why is it that teams with financial issues such as Manor don't simply cover their cars with sponsors to generate ad revenue? There is plenty of space on the Manor cars. Maybe they have trouble finding sponsors, but surely there are many businesses that would buy ad space for the right price?",Yeah its that simple +What turns you On?,Make out movies +"Good on him, but I'm worried about the day he dives for something that needed to be thrown out, but not obviously so.",Poor people don't get salmonella +Debate Organizers Admit There Were 'Issues' with Trump's Microphone,"Well there you go, that explains his whole performance!" +i want Labyrinth + GT and u got a deal,That was all I could offer sorry +I still have watch paint dry in my wishlist,"If you want Watch paint dry, just buy a bucket of paint." +WTF Firmino is on 0 bonus points,Expect Naughton to get all 3 +She's only been 5 days on live? Obviously I only have last 7 days selected? Because I can't select a day alone?,You can select the current build from the dropdown. +"Everyone, join me.",;_;7 +What's the point in muting nobody?,:c Typical riven main^ +But then the kid wouldn't learn the valuable life lesson that society is out to get you.,Kids need to learn only the rich can afford to break the law! +Wtf? This post makes no sense,But I love good thing bad thing penguin xD! +"Jazznoir's Favorite Albums (Free Vote) There was a thread up about the essentials of the genre, but the guy got deleted, so I figure we could do it again. Comment with your favs but especially upvote other entries if yours is already there. One album per comment, to keep it tidy.",Mike Figgis - Leaving Las Vegas (Soundtrack) +updates have been on Saturdays before my hope would be the Halloween event,Yeah because the summer game event went into the ptr first +and original,yes. +There's a hollow cavity behind the forehead. The brain is pretty deep in there.,Sounds legit. +Animal Cruelty Bill Defeated Again.,"Good, it was a terrible bill that was using animal cruelty as a cover to attempt to ban hunting and fishing." +can anyone sell me tyrande code?,how u gonna buy it if u dont have credit card? +got 24 keys for heatwave right now,If you can add items worth 5-6 keys then yeah. +"Cheaters are like cancer cells. SE is like a doctor that administer the chemotherapy. Done wrongly and you kill the cancer cells AND the good cells. I would say it is very technical challenging to kill all the cancer cells (cheaters) without killing a single good cell (legit player). Either way, someone will get burnt. I had seen games where the ban wave ban cheaters and legit players. It would be fair to give SE Global management team more time to come up with a win-win solutions for us. Some solutions for Battle Tower rewards will be like: * Kill 50 boss to receive 1 summon ticket; kill 100 boss to receive 50 ability ticket; kill 125 boss to receive Heartful egg * Top 500 get Heartful egg; for Rank 501-100,000, those rank ending with 8 also get Heartful egg, e.g.; 508, 518, 528, 1008, 2008 also get Heartful egg. This helps those that just join the game to have access to the rewards too * Removed Heartful Egg from the reward and put Heartful Egg into the chest that we get for every 5 levels. That mean if you kill the 55th Boss, instead of getting 1 ability ticket, you have a chance to get Heartful Egg. Once you got Heartful Egg, you will always get 1 ability ticket. I hope SE do implements one of these solution to help newcomers and experienced players level the playing fields with cheaters. If cheaters can create new accounts and kill 100 boss in 1 day, ban wave is not going to solve anything. What SE can do is to make it less motivating for cheaters to cheat. That is why a lot of store like 7/11 have less than $100 in the store after dark.","I think SE should implement some sort of counter for damage taken, so that we can see if cheaters are using the hack or not" +This is the first match Ive had in 4 months that hasn't immediately unmatched me. Im not prepared to give up that easily,That's rough Try follow rules 1 and 2 more closely +THE ONLY THINGS LOWER THAN THE LAKERS WIN TOTAL IS GOING TO BE CHICAGO'S THREE-POINT PERCENTAGE AND THE NUMBER OF GAMES DERRICK ROSE PLAYS FOR NEW YORK THIS SEASON.,**THE ONLY THING HIGHER IN VOLUME THAN MICHAEL JORDAN'S TEARS NEXT SEASON IS GOING TO BE KYLE LOWRY** +And Becky and Charlotte don't have as strong a passion?,"No you don't understand, Charlotte is Ric's daughter so clearly she's only here because nepotism" +"Is there any way to change the type of farm you are on in the xml files? I have been wanting to change to a different type of farm, but I just can't bring myself to make a new profile. Anyone know what I could do?","Go ahead, but when you have issues with crops and livestock drowning cause the islands look pretty then take screenshots for us to laugh at." +It says GRAND OPENING I'm pretty sure.,No it clearly says GRAND DAD +Ez 4 aimlock,subroza +He most definetely does not decrypt them lmao chill. If he did he could of told us months ago there's no super ee.,"I posted all obfuscated GSC here and evidence why there no super ee,my post was deleted in less then a second." +Are... Are those chocolate chips?,"Yeah, trying a new mocha recipe.." +Already bought digitally so idc,"Sorry to hear that, as it says there you need the disc" +On memes.,"you clearly have some problem with a normal discussion, please return to 4chan and leave reddit to rational people who can defend its opinion." +The UN wasn't created to be fair but rather to prevent another world war. Sad but true,Next thing you'll tell me is that the police are merely there to enforce laws and not to protect and serve! +Printed textbooks have always had indexes that contain almost every key word you could be searching for.,Us millennials are far too entitled for that +"Hillary Clinton calls anyone who doesn't vote for her a basket of deplorables, and she calls Bernie Sander supporters children of the recession who are basement dwellers in their parent's house. What does she call her own supporters?",Suckers +Agreed....and I have a vagina,"you're a special girl, not like all those other girls, right." +"Eh, I don't hate the Red Sox, I actually like a lot of their players. Now their fans on the other hand...","Fine, you have to root for the happiness of their fans then" +Any good baseball documentaries to watch?,Pitch it's on fox. +More like it was a cesspit of alt-right weenies whining about Trudeau's plan to be talking to russia about the arctic. Talking to people you may not like is how you solve problems like an adult.,B-b-but free speech. +"So you think Trump is going to start killing them if he's elected? Because marking people wasn't really the main issue of the holocaust, it was kind of what followed that.",Yeah because there was nothing wrong with what Hitler did before the mass executions began +My Mom bought me this as a house warming gift. Couldn't be happier.,What are those? +I wear my beat box skills.,Youre a fruitcake m8 +What is Shariah? Was the author trying to type sharia?,Hillary will insist on adding an h to the end of all words. +"Residential, car, metal cage, or wall Luke can go all Kool Aid Man through everything.",Racist! +Ice T being cool,This used to be a Family Show. +I wouldn't mind seeing him played on the left if he can curl shots like that,if only we had a year's worth of proof that he can curl a ball when shooting. +Fireball is risky because you can miss. Lightning works because it's instant and the radius is larger.,You need to freeze them first just in case they're too fast. +"Amazes me how people are so blind by their hatred to not realize their being told how to think. Just like the cave. Just so happens the times obtained his tax returns. Who gave them the tax docs I wonder? But hey, he's a Republican so he must be bad, right? It's what we're told to believe.",I'm sure you had the same concern when Hillary's E-mails were hacked. +"U.S. drone strike kills 15 civilians in Afghanistan, United Nations says",So can Afghani widows and families sue the US now? +I couldn't believe nobody else said it...always ruins my day...let it go...let it go...ugh,"Yep, I immediately thought this and had to scroll a surprisingly long way down to find it." +I'm pretty sure the creator of a character has the right to do whatever he wants with it.,That's what the revisionists want you to think! +Helicopter parents.,"I know, rotor blades have no place around children" +Godzilla. Covers up half the screen and one shots everything. Hard counter would be the oxygen destroyer,HARAMBE is godzilla +SNL's debate reenactment was hilarious,"It's pronounce Gyna and everybody says so, and Hillary is an orange faced weird hair person with a mouth that purses into a little butthole." +Hillary Clinton on Twitter: Hurricane #Matthew is a major storm. I urge everyone to follow emergency instructions and evacuate if you're told to. Stay safe Florida. -H,Shut up nerd. +Not quite. Since the burka (burkini) is banned for both men and women in france. In Iran only women have to wear the Hijab men are exempt. This is about gender discrimination and the position women have in society.,"This argument worked so well when people used it to say Gays have equal rights, gay marriages are banned for straight and gay alike" +"Uuuugh, I hate hobby-gatekeeping. And it's never, ever women doing the gatekeeping...funny... I make a point to ask the peewee football kids about their games when they come to the library, in the hopes of nipping this bullshit girls don't know about sports thing in the bud.","Excuse me, but you mentioned the library- can you even name all of the JD Robb In Death books?" +"Obvious satire, no cringe here!",The amount of satire I see on this sub makes me think that you're all a bunch of morons! +"So if I'm mexican, what are my prospects like?",Drug dealer in china are hiring too +"Even for a non Hamilton fan, it was hard listening to the pain in his voice",I guess only VES can be blamed for this +damn i'm looking toned rn,"Stop being creepy, Emma doesn't like it" +Raceboy77 almost made my girlfriend and I wet ourselves.,"Oh boy, Gee willikas Batman thats hilarious." +"First Ammendment is pretty important, yo.",Not as important as the second though right? +Don't insult the khaleesi.,No one dare insults the mother of dragons without facing consequences. +My dad and myself are dyslexic too. He came up with the most amazing stories when I was a kid. I'm getting him to write them down so I can tell them to my kids some day.,Wait... But how do dyslexics use Reddit? +"What exotics are worth using? There are so many exotics in the game now, but every time I see one mentioned in a video or in a thread, someone always says but it takes your exotic slot, you'd be better off to use it for something else. Can anyone give me a rundown of what exotics are useful and in what game modes they do best in?",Astrocyte Verse +"Apply for scholarships. You'd never believe how many thousands and thousands of them there are, for people of any skill level and background.",so that's the super secret no one told me... +Very important gamr for Ingram he needs to score at least 20-25 points,"Yeah, def important to his entire career he has to play and score points." +Gameday Thread Jags vs Colts This is the week guys. I feel it. My credit card is just begging to slam some reddit gold.,Please don't screw this up! +THE LOGIC IS CRUSHING MY WEAK VEGAN MIND! QUICK! BRING ME ALL THE MEATS SO I TOO CAN HAVE SO MANY LOGICS!,You're probably protein deficient. +No it doesn't when you get to higher ranks. Most Shamans just play the matchup wrong.,I guess Muzzy going 0-3 vs the same control warrior at rank 2 first day of the season is just a bad player then. +"Inspired by Bethesda's Fallout -Correct me if I'm wrong, but that sounds an awful lot like whoever wrote the article thinks Bethesda made Fallout.","Nah, they just ruined it" +"Fallout 3 was Oblivion with guns, if you wanna argue semantics.",And Oblivion was Morrowind with Captain Picard +NarcoTerrorist : Abu Sayyaf uses drug money to to finance daily operations.,Abu Sayyaf are not criminals - Mein Fuhrer Duterte +Did you really just try to compare mAh size?,Did you just ignore everything else he said? +"There's a reason why essentially every special operations unit, police force, and military in the world has switched to 9mm. Big bullets not only means far fewer bullets, but the higher recoil means quick and accurate follow up shots are nearly impossible. Having kickass ammo doesn't mean shit if you miss the first shot and get cut to pieces by the return fire while you're trying to line up a second shot.","True, forgot the" +This would be a great improvement to the ingame HUD imo,But... but.. sounds. +"I didn't believe those people were real. Then I had an exchange yesterday with someone who wanted Sanders originally. Now wants Stein, but is voting for Trump. WTF?",Apparently there is a vast left wing and a vast right wing conspiracy of those who don't like Hillary. +Donald Trump,"Yes, because Hillary Clinton is clearly the better choice over Trump" +What's on elige's AK?,Jizz +"November is fall, don't be retarded.","You are right, it is pretty soon." +You should start taking double or triple potions of sacrament.,"I've been a 16 year old boy, and I will keep avoiding the bread they are touching." +"Ah, the female mind...",How can I make this domestic abuse about me? +"Hispanic and black jokes are really all the same... Once you've heard Juan, you've heard Jamal.","Hey, a joke I've never heard before!" +This game is bullshit but is anyone else really worried about Gostkowski? I'm scared he might be losing his mental focus after missing the PAT in the AFCCG... he isn't looking very good.,Wtf is this Gost talk.. Refuckinglax +"Patriots get shut out for first time since 2006, and first time at home since 1993 2006: 21-0 loss to Miami 1993: 6-0 loss to NYJ","Well guys, I guess it's time to fire Bill Belichick." +nobody would know,"Well, he can just rape the first one and then let the word spread" +Oh so we're not giving Siemian late hit calls?,Young QBs can't get hurt so we shouldn't call that +Why are you slightly upset about this?,Because it's hurting my Samsung stock obviously. +"Children should be taught about suffering under the British Empire, Jeremy Corbyn says",Herp derp but we built them railways and educated those savages +4chan will probably shut down soon,Shit were will i get all my shemale porn now +"Fuck no. Jimbo never fires anyone. I think he's too stubborn to admit he makes bad hires like anyone else. On top of that, Jimbo lobbied to have this guy's salary raised and contract extended when Auburn tried to do us a favor and hire him last offseason. FSU plays some pretty bad offenses toward the end of the season. What will happen is the D will *look* better due to inferior competition, Jimbo will convince himself that things have been fixed, and we will be stuck with the worst D coordinator in program history for yet another season.","But guys, it's the same defense we ran in '13, '14, and '15!" +"No, look at the guy who's in first place.",Yeah I forgot to put the +Basically notice how people that have lived war voted Yes and forgave FARC for what they did while people that only have seen war through their TVs voted No,"Arauca, Meta, Caldas, Antioquia, Caqueta... yeah totally untouched by war" +"Or you look at how they are handling the Swiss demand for these exact changes, and how the Swiss have been forced to back down.","Turns out 500 million people in the world's largest economy all working as a single bloc have a hell of a formidable negotiating position... who fucking knew, boys?" +We have a lot more to talk about since i've worked at another cable company for the past 10 years.,Make the switch to Sprint today! +Is hypothetically he could be such a bad businessman that he never pays taxes ever. AND his tax plan involved gutting taxes for only his tax bracket while raising taxes for everyone else. Why do people actually vote for him?,"Because the problem with the American dream, is that its created a country full of people who are millionaires, or else will be millionaires really really soon" +So I was doing Arena and I ran into this Ensa-Taya lead...,he clearly didn't quit immediately if he stayed around to summon for ensa +Whats some good shit we get around here? newly a spry young man of 21 years.,Ale 8 +What is starting to really become a problem?,Them black folks... ( I'm a black man). +There weren't any terrorist attacks on US soil until Obama became president. Giuliani said so,Why wasn't Obama in the oval office on 9/11? +I'm highly annoyed that while Azan was trying to vocalize what happened that Nicole constantly interrupted him. I wouldn't have had half the restraint Azan did.,"Well, you should know she's not a sit and listen type of girl..." +Nikon D200,"Thanks for the reply, great shot!" +"Military service after high school Hey everyone, I have a question: Are there any other fellow cadets here who plan on joining the military after their high school years? If so, what do you intend to do(MOS), how long do you plan to stay in, enlisted or officer?, and why do you plan on joining? Personally, despite me only being a C/Private/unofficial PFC(MCJROTC), I consider myself a patriotic and a proud American. I love this country, and I would gladly put my education on hold in order to serve. Now naturally, I'm joining the Marine Corps because I want to earn the title of United States Marine and my EGA and Dress Blues).","Although I personally didn't continue with ROTC or the military after I left high school I have a fair number of friends who did ROTC or went to academy's after high school and i would definitely suggest you do the same (if your grades permit), not only do you get an education and a degree in case you decide to leave the military but the pay grade of an officer is significantly higher and being an officer would be more beneficial for the corps" +The Bucks picking up Beasley and Snell I doubt they're looking for a wing. Either could be picked up by Philly who have a handful of D league guards on the roster and may be looking to upgrade.,"I forgot about those pickups, good catch." +I think the point they are going for is spontaneous and romantic. I really doubt the people who made this are like yeah fuck it who cares what she wants,No it's clearly an ad made by men to diminish women and normalize sexual assault! +Healthcare is free in most countries that aren't as cucked as the USA.,"Free = communism in 'Murican, and 'Murica ain't about that life, yo..." +Yes and no... Have a look at how many articles about Ricciardo Fox Sports Australia / Fox Motorsport post vs F1 stories about other drivers... Just got to appeal to the bulk of your audience.,What about Palmer? +Karambit Doppler Phase 1 135 Keys,Great price +#Fucking Jew Bastard - Hillary Clinton,So Bernie is Chelsea's father? +"My fiancee (from Japan, visiting my folks' place in the US for the first time) to my mom: Your house has the handsomest Jesuses.",Is he gay? +Can't download a car. Or Diet Coke.,...Soon... +Clinton up 6 in POLITICO/Morning Consult national poll,Liberal biased media! +See \#5.,Guess I forgot this: +I think they still go to Knoxville next week if UT wins.,I think you mean if Alabama wins. +BREAKING NEWS WIKILEAKS: Hillary Clinton on Assange Can't we just drone this guy. The MSM will cover this. SPREAD IT.,"C'mon guys, that was six years ago and was a sarcastic joke, don't you know that Donald is encouraging violence at his rallies?" +"Last term, we had our first black president. But if Donald Trump wins... Orange is the New Black.",Repost bruh +"sorry, there are many of us who don't want to waste our time doing military service","Well if I think of the least positive thing is it will make us a more fitter and healthier nation, youth might get disciplined too." +"I do have natures way for some spot removal, and also wanted to fit [[rabid bite]] in for similar reasons, but my main goal with this deck was to use the counters and a naturally higher toughness to take my critters out of reasonable burn range ASAP. 4 toughness means they have to use a lot of energy on a harnessed lightning or chandra's ability to kill it, and 5 toughness in this format just about means I'm trading 2:1 if they want to kill. I havent fully thought of a sideboard but some obvious additions for me would be summary dismissal (for emrakul rampers) and a bounce or two (for aetherflux bombs). another consideration for sideboard is [[waxing moon]] in case they have a ton of tokens to block I can use it as a mini-overrun. Thanks for your insight though!",Nature's way is basically rabid bite but better. +Gun control != giving up your rights,So make it illegal for gangbangers to own guns +"What if her boyfriend isn't home, but she just wasn't looking at reddit because she decided to nap or play video games or watch a movie her BF wouldn't like or paint or practice drums? The worst part of this shitshow is that. My princess is not talking to me, her evil captor Chad has returned to wisk away mlady just as we started to fall in love.","What if OP is the one who made the initial comment (Red) on an alt account, knowing fully well that it would be a magnet for gentlesirs attracted by the prospect of a maiden not being fawned over 24/7, just so this screenshot could be posted here, garnering that greasy neckbeard karma." +More likely to complete. Women are more likely to attempt.,"Heh, just one more thing men are better at than women" +!!!!!!!HOLY.FUCKING. SHIT. - DRUDGE Just Dropped The BOMB ON BILL!!!!!!,It might help with the black vote. +"TOTW Guesses! We all know Julio is getting an upgrade, but who's getting a TOTW card? - I got Michael Crabtree (maybe a bias Raider fan guess, but dude was ballin)",Tom Brady +Pretty terrifying. Means he is doing a good job though. We need more people like him.,Seemed to work out well for Snowden too +What is the most impressive fan theory out there?,Jar Jar is Snoke +You'll get a legend the moment you feed the meat to a rare recruit... trust me FeelsBadMan,Fed meat to RR and instapulled afterwards ... pure regret +RCP average has HRC up 2.5. Trumps really spiraling alright,Because RCP is unbiased... +"Yeah, so? Is Iowa better than Singapore or something?","Yeah, so let's aggressively misunderstand each other here, the place is more fun this way!" +Anybody else's SCB disappear? (it was a new 4 way one),"Maybe because of the curacao guys... It said exactly gold, and 2 curacao players needed but there's only 1 gold curacao player in the game :p" +This woman wasn't physically harming anyone. There's no need to permanently imprison all mentally ill Canadians just yet... or whatever it is you're implying should be done.,"Can I at least yearn for a world where everybody is normal, and productive?" +Jamaican jerked halibut =),Those Jamaicans are *disgusting* for doing that to a fish. +All you have to do is jump to the side.,I'm sure every new player understands this coming into the game. +yeah i dont think you know how chords work,i dont hear any chords in any songs these days either +The thing about quotes on the internet is that it's hard to verify their authenticity - Abraham Lincoln,She said mmhmhmuhhmuhmmhuhuum during this scene and we interpreted it this way +Louisville's defense is obviously very good and has been tested against very good offenses. Until Michigan plays a game against a good offense (and there's only one on your entire schedule) you can't really argue that your defense is on another level from Louisville.,You dropped this? +I'd argue you're wrong on the not ready for the job bit.,Nah he is an american therefore he l could never cut it has a top coach because he's tainted. +Nice Guy Seeks Female Roommate - Resubmitted,"I love how the majority of pictures are just him, not even the house." +Because I love you guys.. here's a free Windows COA,"Taken, got it OP!" +"2 dblades from 7 abysses doesnt define dblade droprates, you just got very lucky. the commonly accepted blade droprate is 1/100! I don't know exactly about the doku, but my best guess is also 1/100",drop rate of dblade is 1/2 either you get it or you don't +"Week 4 Game Thread: New York Giants (2-1) @ Minnesota Vikings (3-0) Game Time: 8:25 EST Location: U.S. Bank Stadium (Cuz the Metrodome collapsed.) Network: ESPN Inactives: * CB Eli Apple, Hamstring - Out * T Marshall Newhouse , Calf - Out * S Darian Thompson, Foot - Out * S Nat Berhe, Concussion - Out * RB Rashad Jennings, Thumb - Out * DT Robert Thomas, Illness (Bubonic Plague?) - Out Discuss whatever you wish. You can trash talk, but keep it civil. Turning comment sort to 'new' will help you see the newest posts. Try Chrome Refresh or Firefox's ReloadEvery to auto-refresh this tab. Show your team affiliation - go here to see how you get a logo next to your name",Giants need to get some WRs to throw downfield to for Eli +Do they exist? I only know of one isometric style RPG (Divinity: Original Sin). Are there anymore games similar in style?,Banner saga. +My lifetime dream is to rob a stadium team store,All you need to do is sacrifice an unarmed black man to the local police. +**CANT SIMMER THE ZIMMER-JON GRUDEN**,Is that the new Spider 2 Y Banana? +Looking for one to do a casual trials run XBOX1,I'm game GT: Jimondedanceflo +Yes. Yes you are. And you tried the same shit in the Middle East and it backfired massively.,The Middle East would've been so peaceful if we would just leave them alone. +"They may come off as whiny and entitled to us but my post may be pretentious to them. I more made this post to defend the grind of Destiny, and why Strike specifics are exclusive to strikes. Not to mention the 2/3 different posts on the first couple pages of DTG all basically saying the same thing.",True... but they're wrong you know +Did they tell you how much it would cost?,You forgot the +Which fallout? This is a big determining factor on your nerditude.,"New Vegas for Gameplay, 3 for story" +I live in an area with one of the highest unemployment rates in the country. 'coincidentally' we're also in a massive crime wave. No way those can be linked...,"Thats ok, the important people don't live around there anyway." +"Of course the game does nothing to relate you are a criminal, its just that all the games start with the player as a prisoner with no explanation of why. Wouldn't the player have had to earn their incarceration? In Oblivion the guard says something to the effect of no one is supposed to be in this particular cell. Then they let you go free after an attack by the game's main enemies. Just like the Imperials do in Skyrim. It's an Imperial that frees you from your shackles.","You're actually free'd by the person you choose to follow, so not just the imperials." +Comments in some major subs incredible look like propaganda,I love them don't you +Ali was a piece of shit honestly. The greatest heavyweight of all time - but a piece of shit and a racist. (Whole comments section is white boys commiserating together about how oppressed they are.),DAE Muhammad Ali leterally Hillary (who is Hitler) +Salamat po sa upvote haha,Shet.. so conio naman you with the upvote.. +Evan Blass: Google Pixel & Pixel XL for Verizon In Blue & Silver,"Needs more Verizon logos on that chin, must be fake." +"It took him damn near the entire show to do it, and that was only after he whiny bitched those two people who were helping him dead.","Wow, it's almost like having your entire life stripped away as a somewhat-parasitic foreign body is introduced to your system that turns you into a flesh-eating monster and is literally driving you insane and making you question who you are would be somewhat difficult to cope with." +"To all the lovers of v32, this is the kind of shit you would praise Epic for if they actually did it. v32 Lovers: Man, these v33 patch notes are great! Epic can do no wrong! Can't wait for the black and white patch!","I went from playing 3 matches every day to about 1 every 3-4 day so yes, they dit it, the length of matches went really down..." +"Skeleton key drop rate: stop complaining, it's better than ever Let me get this straight; Pre RoI there was no Skeleton Key, we were getting strike specific drops randomly from final fights. So technically Skeleton Keys aren't new, they just change the mechanic slightly giving us more control. Let me ask you one thing: how many strike specific (aka skeleton keys) drops you got before RoI? I got ZERO Grasps of Malok (despite grinding this fucker omnigul for DAYS), and maybe 5-6 other items from bosses. Countless of strikes completed. HUNDREDS. Post RoI its about 1 key in 20 strikes, which is an unbelievable improvement if you ask me.",But I'm an entitled teenager and want everything RIGHT NOW! +What do I call this?,Kinda looks like a pupil +New Japanese Sun & Moon Trailer (October 4th),So this demo will that release the 23rd of October or the 18th in Europe? +"Full of crap, I say. Doesn't even have all the additions right. What about Shaw and Lehkonen? 4.5% - I would say at least 8%.",Shaw said a gay slur one time so he's obviously not worth anything as hockey player. +A elite dragon,"We have elite, does that count?" +"Yeah but its the same experts who have said we need to do x y and z to fix the economy after the recession. People get sick of being told we need to do this, we need to do that when they're not seeing the results of it. Its the same with Fine Gael saying keep the recovery going while half the country hasn't felt a recovery",Yeah we'd be much better off if we followed the Greek playbook and stuck it to the EU. +Science experiment excites class,"Damn, he slowed down time." +"Always amazes me that the accepted narrative is that white people target blacks for violence, but never the other way around.",Oh that's because it's totally different when they do it because they lack systemic authority. +"Basically, stop attacking foreigners you pricks.","Yeah, attack a local instead, much more traditional." +"One month ago, I gave away (3) $100 gift cards. This time I am giving away 1 dozen of your favorite golf balls! Again, simply fill out my survey and I will draw 3 names.",A video mockup of how a typical gameplay cycle happens would be super helpful +"Good way to get shot. Either by the peaceful protesters for offending them, or by the police in a case of mistaken identity.",Noooo... Black on black violence does not exist. +What Halloween costume can't have a slutty variant?,Stage 4 cancer patient. +When your girl has a miscarriage,"Hey look, it's Pepe the White Supremacist Trump Frog!" +Can the mods sticky something about NV crashing? I'm really tired of the countless posts from people who have no idea why New Vegas is crashing and don't even bother to look it up. ROLL BACK YOUR DRIVER,yeah rolling back your driver.... works on the new generation cards +This hand truck has rungs so it must be a ladder!,I can't see how that could go wrong. +Larger vs smaller? It's usually the case. I wouldn't see why not unless the larger has something fundamentally wrong with it that drains the battery.,It does have Android on it. +Christian lady goes off on Norf Norf by Vince Staples,So maybe Vince ain't for the kids after all? +Poll: Hillary Clinton Holds National Lead Over Donald Trump,"I swear Hillary was having a lead in the polls, tsk tsk tsk Hillary for Jail" +"Sure, but will OnHub get updated at all? Will that USB port ever be useful?",Why not just try out our Google DriveTM services? +Then they would have to do away with the head phone jack.,You forgot this: +Black man with gun pulled over no one killed.,"COMPLY AND YOU DO NOT GET SHOT LIKE A RABID DOG, SEE BLACK PEOPLE THIS ANECDOTE PROVES BLACKLIVESMATTERS IS WRONG." +Wtf? Does this pill just change the lighting of all the rooms in your house??,Your liberal bias is visible +"TIL that I'm not a real woman, I'm just a bag of bones.",At least you won't have to buy a Halloween costume. +He did pay. He paid what he owed. Why is that so hard to understand? Who the fuck pays what they don't owe?,It's +Crazy speeding has led to fatal crash,Putting protective barriers at bus stops is just a really dumb idea. +UWP file explorer,Less is more +Did anyone ever actually think Trump had anything to do with filing his taxes besides putting a signature on something?,"What you mean he doesn't sit down every February with a calculator and one of those green visors and hammers out his taxes, like any good honest American would?" +The next prime is going to come out before The War Within. Calling it.,"That's a mighty bold prediction there, friend." +"Didn't see this on the spec list during the keynote, but it's in the Google Store listing :D","Costs about 700 and its not water resistant, but thank god its got an LED notification...." +In Driver's Ed we actually spent a day practicing map folding.,That's useful +Time is coming? Black Flash???,But we already have Wally +"With an asking price of $649-$869 (same as the iPhones) for the new Pixel phones, Google should keep the phones updated for 3-4 years like the iPhone.",Or be like Samsung and give almost no updates for the same price +Found this awesome j-rich jersey at the thrift store for 3 bucks!,Who is this J-Rich and why did he steal Draymond's #? +"Given the Republican stance on healthcare, it would probably cause them to live longer.",BUT DEATH PANELS! +"And he goes ahead and screams out Wally. Barry isn't that bright in this timeline, is he",Is there a timeline where he is? +Everything has went down since Bach,Except for a brief period when the Spin Doctors were making albums. +Someone at a Glory Hole would be a better moderator,Leave my mom out of this! +Ladders don't dolly or jib like a grip does.,I will say this Ladders jib much fast than any grip could ever +If you pay the fee will they stop asking you to offer for such a drastic percentage off?,You're new here right? +Here it is. The Pence plan was illegal. HA ha ha.,"Jeez... first stop and frisk, then the immigration thing.. these guys love their illegal policies!" +"Huh? I know this sounds crazy, but it is possible to write positive pieces that don't declare undisputed victory. They could have canned articles saying Pence makes strong showing, and convincing case against women's rights and nobody would bat an eye. It's the claim that of a decisive victory that shows the intellectual dishonesty we've come to expect from the right. I know you won't understand why that's different than just writing about a great performance, but to many of us it is.",I'm sure the DNC doesn't do the exact same thing. +Wtf such shitty alts,Forgot the +Are whites discouraged from playing basketball?,Are women discouraged from playing chess? +why haven't you found a great guy yet?!,"Well he did ask where you were from, what else does he need to know about someone?" +What sentence would you have if you tapped the middle button of your phones autocorrect 20 times?,I mean i know you are looking for a part of the newspaper to start with the same person you +"While there are things this does for him solo, I think it actually makes him worse in team situations. The carpet is really powerful.",Its basically a faster sprint plz no nerf 4th ulty +What is / s?,"My bad, I meant" +"If only anybody on the FFXIV dev team had any brains, it's such an obvious and perfect answer to their current mid-core content problem. Doesn't solve any of the real problems the game has, but at least it would provide a buffer.","No, no, only content that takes 0% focus or 110% super team work accuracy." +"Who on here can toeside at 60? Like standup toeside? That would be crazy. I've done like 55mph toeside predrifts, but not 60, and I had a hand down.",60mph toeside standups are easy man +So Putin is the scapegoat for polish stupidity?,Why not both? +"Yes, overrated. He's a volume shooter. He got the third most targets in the NFL last season, but the two people in front of him (Julio Jones with 11 more and AB with 1 more) challenged the all-time receiving season record. The efficiency just isn't there. He's a big bodied guy but he's DOA with the ball in his hands. 300th in the NFL last year in YAC average, and 291st this year. That's fucking horrendous.",My guess is you're just reading stats and don't watch him play. +Yeah but he wasn't smiling while fighting Zod so he may as well have not saved anyone.,Shoulda' grinned when he snapped Zod's neck! +Not even Matt Skiba can save This Is Home. Unless he rewrites the chorus....,"I-I-I, I-I-I, I-I-I hope, do you wanna let go o-o-o, o-o-o 'cause this is home It's perfect, what you on about" +Well that's the first glitch I've ran into..,Literally Unplayable +"WHEN A BLACK PERSON KILLS A BLACK MAN, THAT'S A CRIME FROM A SAME NATION, BUT WHEN A WHITE MAN KILLS A BLACK MAN THAT'S WAR",Obviously this war is wagered by the whites because black people have never killed white people. +Bicycle course,"Now I'm not an expert, but I've been on this sub long enough to know that he most certainly died." +Who determines what is a fair share? You people are never satisfied no matter how much someone who earns more than you pays.,You mean like Trump...? +Legacy of the #7,Get him outta here. +I don't think I can trust this KKK outfit if they can't figure your/you're out.,They lost me right there +It's probably just that they are worried Trump will expose their rumoured affair. He threatened to do something similar weeks ago when they were being really critical. To have it exposed that they are an item would seriously damage the Morning Joe brand. Just like how it hurt them with that leaked recording of them fawning over Donald for a charity donation.,Sounds like a great reason to sell the country out +That and word does get around. They aren't showing second by second.,"Wait, you mean Varys/Littlefinger AREN'T magically teleporting around Westeros?" +Praying to the correct God,"Like you aren't even hiding it, I hope you get banned dude." +"You know what would happen if a girl asked for more? She'd be rejected for someone better who was more quiet and didn't make waves. Happened to me twice in a startup in Silicon Valley, a year and a half ago. Girls can't afford to be pushy or make demands or have any expectations.","Well, i guess you're ONLY women." +"Heath Ledger, best Joker ever.",Wut aboot Caesar Romero? +Greek*,"do your research, (((shill)))" +Me too. People who break into homes deserve what they get.,So you are saying he deserves the laptop and three rings? +To say nothing of the fact that it wouldn't have included Isaiah 2.,Can you help those of us that don't know why Isaiah 2 wouldn't have been included? +So what's the other superpower then?,Uk +Plz no...,Can you imagine the grade A real life adventures we could get? +"Good to know. So yeah, sorry if you ever catch shit from Sov players or anything. I'm not involved at all in that and I'd rather just have peace.",Do we get a similar apology? +"OK FUCKING THEN AUTOMODERATOR. TOO LONG, FUCKING DIDN'T READ, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS ABOUT EH?","Calm down dude, it's" +He'll play the only bad thing about him missing practice is he is missing time to build chemistry with Bradford,Really lacking that.. +"Oilers name Connor McDavid captain. Lucic, Eberle and Nugent-Hopkins his alternates.","Come on Lou, you know what to do...lets win something this year before we even start..." +TIL that every autumn you can exchange chestnuts and acorns against gummy bears at the HARIBO factory in germany because the founder was a passionate hunter and wanted to give even poor children the opportunity for some free sweets,Wouldn't that make them gatherers rather than hunters? +"It seems like the person who wrote this never actually read the long in-depth explanation of tiers. Everything here that's used to claim tiers don't matter is actually explicitly addressed in the tier discussion, and is a fundamental part of the tier system. And any class can go up or down a tier, depending on build. And the tiers aren't even always about what's better. Tier 3 is explicitly more flexible than tier 2. Tier 4 has a strong specialty where they tend to dominate, but tend to be limited in other activities.","Yeah, I love reading arguments against power tiers that don't bother to actually put any effort into understanding the potential value or the proper use of a tier system... it's not like that lack of understanding makes their arguments totally invalid or anything." +Post are mostly negative but I must tell we've attracted some suppliers so I'd say this campaign is a succes after all.,At least you've been able to take advantage of a few people. +Yay! Equal jelly for all donuts!,I'm allergic to jelly you inconsiderate fuck. +"You might wanna check your wording. If Jesus was involved none of this would have happened, due to his demon-repellent qualities.",You mean if our lord and savior GabeN was involved stuff wouldn't bug? +"had it for a few weeks now, its an amazing phone, literally nothing to complain about. And it going to get N very soon and very likely O as well.",SoonTM +"Good point, there are no fund managers who would be interested in consistent risk-free long-term returns.",Markets aren't moved by arbitrage pricing +He's Muslim and German? Seems like a strange combo to me but maybe that's only revealing the scope of my ignorance,Ozil is Muslim and German too is that strange too? +Guess how I died?,Obviously because you're life based. +With all the new clothing options now what's your badass biker look like? Still working on making my character not look like an idiot.,No change cause my character is a hired mob goon not a sleazy neo nazi skin head lol +"TIL - Rapper's Delight, at over 14 minutes long, was recorded in one take.",I heard that Almost Paradise was caught in one take. +Does everyone have a friend like this?,Me and my friends use to have 24 hour + calls on Skype but I guess times change. +"You don't write unit tests, do you?","It's okay though, because his code is *self-documenting*." +Why?,"Haha, how dare you ask why." +"MFW I realized that A) there was a spider egg sac somewhere in my car, B) it hatched while I was in class, and C) my car is now covered in webs and baby spiders.","I read that as ear and was *way* more terrified, so at least you don't have spiders in your ear!" +Cars that require premium are more fun.,My aunt's Tiguan is a fucking riot. +Can Someone Tell Me What I Did Wrong,Dude you elbowed him to the chest! +Japanese Americans who had property confiscated when they were put into those camps during WWII were also given reparations afterwards.,I'm sure the government was totally fair and gave them full compensation. +Jack Wilshere vs Hull City,Jack is getting back to his best +New wolverine movie Logan coming next march.,"As someone named Logan, I can't WAIT for all the jokes I'm gonna receive." +"Unborn baby lol. A barely formed embryo is no baby. Comparing the two make no sense. Adoption is an alternative to parenting, not pregnancy. And how about adopting the hundreds of thousands of kids in foster care who desperately need families before worrying about imaginary ones that don't exist yet? Cry harder, downvote martyr.",Didn't know a 8-month fetus was an embryo. +Mountain State Business Index: West Virginia's economy in early stages of recovery,I wonder if selling medical marijuana would help the state with its money and its OD problem? +Get,Me +These fucking graphics,That sure is a beautiful picture of a wall you've got there. +"Oh fuck, I thought it was divide your age by 7 and add 2.","I always think like that too, but I'm not really sure if I should go for 6 or 7 year olds..." +It took me way longer than I would like to admit to understand what is going on I feel a but stupid now,I still don't get what's going on +Replacement Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phone catches fire on Southwest plane,glad to see samsung at the top of their game +"White people have a lot of culture, it's just so widespread it's become general culture. No-one is crying appropriation when the Japanese raid Western religions, names, folklore, culture, fashions and history for cool stuff to sprinkle into their anime series, for example.",Ah c'mon I didn't think I'd have had to clarify that my post was sarcastic... I suppose you really can't go without the +Obama approval hits new high,"CNN, a source for information you can trust" +"I really miss HOI, but what it's been like 4 days. Compared to how long we've been waiting for *other* series (cough SOI), this shouldn't even register. In all seriousness, these fans are being ridiculous. Lewis, any content is great content from you guys,and you're under no obligation to listen to these fools. I'd literally watch anything from you and sips.",I'm still rushing to finish my new dick harness for Divinity 2 so the lads can upload anything at their leisure. +CM Punch,Why's nobody giving him credit for landing that sweet knee on the TD attempt? +"THE BEST, BELIEVE ME","You know it, I know it, everybody knows it, that this is my favourite store on the Citadel." +"Get Lvl 6 before 4:30 How can u get lvl 6 before minute 4:30. i tried jungle stack axe, tried mid. I have no idea. Its kinda hard. What u picked to make this quest?","Lvl 1 Rosh, ask team to leave for that sweet solo xp." +Wouldn't you rather play with good players than constantly bash your head against the keyboard when people make continually awful mistakes? Or they never listen? Or they think they are the most amazing person when they are actually not that great?,"yeah, nothing makes me happier than a li ming that soaks top lane all game." +"Just saw a coworker I haven't seen in a month or two and he said, you look like you've been buffing up. I've honestly never heard that one before, sounds like I've been waxing my car.","Maybe he was talking about your car, way to assume bro" +This Video Is Going Viral! Hillary Is Fuming For A Good Reason! -,Fair and balanced! +"Throwback Thursday - First Female Alawite Officer Defects (October 11, 2012)",Awesome comments. +That's nothing. I was at a Hayseed Dixie concert and one of the guys broke a string and then changed it out and tuned it while still playing.,Bass doesn't count. +"The truth is..they didn't. What happened was they had created amazing specimens in Klay Thompson, Steph Curry and Draymond Green and then created this random team called the Golden State Warriors to test that team out!!",Yah but now they are ring chasers that just buy their teams. +"The filesize for SunMoon is 26,215 blocks; 3.2gb Check serebii, discuss",It's because thegame file will transfer over to the NX so the assets need to be larger +Shit I forgot about Suter in my outrage. Well there's another.,I think it's clear Suter is not a top-20 defenseman. +What event do you think would have to happen in order for U.S. citizens to physically and/or violently overthrow the government?,Nice try intelligence agencies. +"idk man, I know people that still call Kobe and Big Ben rapists.",You leave Big Ben Wallace out of this. +that's placebo IMO. Atleast I play the same,"nah m8, i got my shiny new ak vulcan and instantly ranked up, skins = skill" +No it wasn't. Otherwise she'd be facing charges. The FBI director said that no prosecutor could drum up a case against her.,"Yeah, people in power always pay for crimes!" +Let's not forget that Christianity also supposedly exists because even virginity isn't protection from having babies.,"But having babies isn't the bad part, having sex is." +"Oh I meant Jalen Rogers, my bad.",I think you mean James Richard? +It also means that to people who do.,;) +I think about how bonkers it is that we all just zoom down the road on these death machines by adjusting a rotating wheel.,Don't forget the real daredevil's who are updating their facebook status at the same time. +"Yea, all the stuff I read says Gulf War Syndrome is the same thing. It even mentions it on the wikipedia page for it. I don't think they get much help for it either. I called the DOL again today just for the fuck of it. Almost threw my phone against the wall it was so frustrating.","Yeah, if you're under 45 they're never going to add you to the GWS registry, I even had radiation and can't get on the registry because 25 lumpectomies in 10 years is totally not remarkable" +"Gee, I wonder why it's a Friday before a long weekend?",What an awfully crazy coincidence +"Is P for platform? I agree, some iconography would be better.","No, P is for parking, just like 99.9% of other elevators in the USA" +"and sceptile, and swampert",If it's got two legs and two arms it's humanoid +"I still don't understand the issue with this. I'm gay, I was a student during this time as well, and I was against the funding. I don't believe other students should have to subsidize a resource center for me.","Well, I guess if a single gay student doesn't need the LGBT resource center then we should just take it away for everyone." +Aren't you forgetting that for a few months you had Adam Archer? That should fill any needs you have. Plus his brother's band played some killer tunes on the podcast!,you forgot the +The best flatulence trumpets.,The best flatulence drumpfets* +'Arrested NSA contractor security breach depth',But was there intent? +Donald Trump: Allowing Trans People in Military Is Due to 'Political Correctness',How dare trans people die for our country. +I told my dad I hated football... was signed up for two more years of football. Sports parents can suck too.,"Yep, parents made me start playing in 3rd grade and played until 8th, was only able to get out because the high school I went to didn't have sports." +You can tell they're not weighing both sides because their attack on trump is a bullshit line about immigrants.,"Ya it's not like Trump stated he wanted to deport all the Muslims or anything, I mean how is this even relevant" +Ring drop rate post,0 out of 2... so the drop rate is 0% +PLEASE STICKY: Informed white hat poster on Infowars comment section breaks down Guccifer 2 data dump assessing its validity. BIGGER THAN JUST THE CLINTON FOUNDATION,You are such a racist asshole +"I'm more sick of the fanboys, who keep defending these ports",Fallout 4 was perfect +Worlds Feature: Likkrit Sets Worlds On Fire,AAAA BLYAT AAAA +This a good price?,Miles? +"In America, in NYC, #Uber operates like a plantation owner. They get away with their bullshit policies, that are NOT driver friendly, because the slaves, aka the drivers, aren't organized enough to form an union & take these bitches to court. SOBs",The last time I was in NYC every time I saw someone doing the most fucked up driving they had one of those Uber signs in the window. +Republican Trump says 70 percent of federal regulations 'can go',I'm sure he came to that figure after a thoughtful examination of all existing federal regulations. +#peace But not if you're gonna break my heart...,Guess that must not have been a very cute top +I don't even know what this is in reference to,That's coherent +halloween lootboxes if i save up loot boxes now can i open them as halloween ones once theyre available?,"since no one said it before, no" +"it's absolutely a strawman, he's arguing that Ivan's low win rate means nothing, something that was never not once brought up in the discussion reading comprehension much?","you don't know what a strawman is... and even if I was wrong, its not poor reading comprehension, its a lack of knowledge on the subject..." +"Hey everybody, what are some of your favorite food/drink or restaurant websites? Looking for some inspiration, thanks!",Why not just put up a pdf of the menu? +People who say money doesn't buy happiness have probably never had to check their bank account before buying things like gas.,You ever see a fucking sad person on a a jetski? +Back in my day we called them taunts.,taunting is toxic +"Reddit, what every day item pays for itself?",A printer and a high quality image of a 100 dollar bill +Achievement unlocked: Maintained a solid fart for over 5 seconds.,Shortly followed by Achievement unlocked: never trust a... And Achievement unlocked: too old for this shit +Donald Trump to hold huuuge rally at US Bank Arena next Thursday,Yaay politics discussed in this sub +Greece,You'd think the inventors of buttsex would be nicer to the gay community. +Clinton campaign chief to Florida: Extend voter registration because of storm,How could anyone accuse Rick Scott of playing GOP politics as usual? +$25 got to love the hook ups,$25 + a BJ prolly +"Adam was already playing Lucio. Grego didn't play him anymore, he played Zen and Ana, so that makes little difference. However, you are correct in saying that Wolf is actually a DPS. He's a damn good DPS as well. I don't know why they picked him up if he's going to be a support main.",They might be taking the NRG approach +"True, but they don't have to pay for it that way.",Forgot my +these chinese cartoons all look the same,They're Malaysian you fucking racist +"Yes Paul Ryan is a qualified politician, how does that refute the assertion that Hillary Clinton isn't a joke candidate? Like her or not she's one of the most qualified candidates we've had for a while, I'd like to hear why she's a joke.","Ah, yes, but Paul Ryan is a *man* which makes him much more serious." +When you try your best but you don't succeed.,who needs an objective in this game +"I've heard fables of such a play, but I never expected it to be true",Definitely fake! +Literal tv furniture,So useful! +Poland Unveils Glow-In-The-Dark Bicycle Path That Is Charged By The Sun,Another inspiring success story from Poland..... +"Absolutely stumped with this issue Write a function that takes a sentence string and returns an array with each word as an element, eliminating white space (don't worry about removing punctuation), here is more of it Write a function that takes a sentence string and returns an array with each word as an element, eliminating white space (don't worry about removing punctuation), with the following twist: it only works 75% of the time, the other 25% of the time it throws a custom error you create (name it what you wish).",My guess would be something like this: function wordSplitter(str) { window.counter = 0; var myArray = []; if (counter === 3) { counter = 0; return Error; } else { myArray = str.split( ); counter ++; return myArray; } } +BREAKING: Hurricane Matthew to bypass North Carolina due to HB2,Aaaahhhhhhahahaa. +2 UBC students rescue a young woman from attacker in her dorm room,Can't wait to see this reposted on r/whiteknighting +how's the booty lookin so far?,Did you forget the +I fucking love John Cena,You're so brave for posting this. +infinte warfare beta,"Yup, it includes zombies, and a free season pass to anyone who plays the beta within 2 hours of it being released" +"I hate the whole we're adults excuse. Yeah, we are. So fuck off when I tell you to. Also being adults doesn't mean we're obligated to have sex with the first dumbass who asks for it. Ughh","But he's very good looking, or whatever!" +Step #1 to improving Reddit: Take no as an answer.,"Right click, block element." +How could someone this dumb even navigate the process of selling a car?,You just give them the car and take their money +why the fuck do people want raids to be dead content,devalues my bandos +Anyone have experience with those desert boots on sale?,"They're not CDBs, so it's a bust." +What sort of painting techniques do you use for the blending? Do you use regular acrylic miniature paint?,"I used an airbrush, the magical wand of all good painting" +"Oh, gotcha, ambiguous phrasing. So you mean a job that doesn't pay fully and gives ample time off? That sounds like low-level freelancing.",funny +"Why 2 eblades on Riki? While on that topic, why even 1 eblade?","Since 2 diffusal blades work, 2 eblades gotta work too, right?" +The sun reflecting off the one World Trade Center this morning,9/11 was totally worth it just for this pic +"It is a PC, here You can choose w/e controller You want. Dev should support every controller available. If You have oculus, You have to know that You are killing free PCgaming. HOnestly I prefer VR to die out, if we will se peripherial exclusives on pc",mirrors edge doesnt support trackir fucking scumbags ruining gaming +"Omnivores of Reddit, why are you not vegetarian/vegan?",Because Bacon tastes soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good though. +SCar picking up a quality SEC loss would certainly strengthen its resume. Voters will have to account for that.,USC top 10 team confirmed +"Arian Foster to be Week 5 'coaches decision' Rotoworld: The Miami Herald's Armando Salguero considers Arian Foster's (groin, hamstring) Week 5 availability to be a coaching decision, but ultimately expects Foster to be held out against the Titans. Foster practiced in limited fashion all week and Salguero thinks Foster probably can play, but the Dolphins would be smart to think longer term with Foster's health and give Jay Ajayi and Kenyan Drake more run against Tennessee. Even if Foster were active, he would not be a usable Week 5 fantasy asset. He is old, he is coming off a multi-week injury, and his role is uncertain. He is old Damn",Jacquizz Rodgers it is! +"I live in Fallston, MD. They were right under my nostrils the whole time.",Well thank for nothing +"You could just walk up to them, say Hey, I really like your work. I haven't had a chance to watch the show lately but keep it up doing what you're doing. You have a great show. and then give them a nod and walk away.",wow that sounds just silly what awful advice +So Environmental Racism is a thing now.,"Can someone tell me why to Hurricanes hate black people so munch, how can White Supremacy^TM have so much power and influence?" +"3rd to 3rd is short and siege-able from the center, gold looks loke you tried a lift base but its to exposed to be one. suggestion would be to swap the 3rd in center with the gold and have it be a bit closer compared to where the gold is now.","I was thinking about that good to hear some feedback, thanks." +Perfectly formed sphere of oldspice and lint- When you send a full bar of soap through washer and dryer.,Repurpose it as a bathbomb. +I was extremely happy. I absolutely hate the streak.,Now I hate you +Matan a dos hombres vestidos de payasos en Ecatepec,"Terra, la fuente de noticias mas confiable." +"Yes but Im not convinced Ronnie is pushing this garbage out of malice, I think he's just does it out of ignorance (or stupidity, but I'll give him the benefit of doubt).",It's strictly business +So eagle called him on it after the disc had come to rest?,He called it right after the release without knowing the result of the shot. +"I think someone needs to explain kb, mb, & gb to op.....",Forgot the +Justin Trudeau tapping the keg at Kitchener's Oktoberfest,Where's all the diversity? +"Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer led illegal purge of male employees, lawsuit charges",Well if the patriarchy hadn't hired her because of her looks we wouldn't have had this issue in the first place! +"Wrong, at least a few died of natural causes",At least one died from being crushed by a tree. +Electric/fighting or ground/fighting Mankey pls,Clearly going to be a fire/fighting Mankey if anything. +"I think it was a mix. The team were just outright dying in even numbers in the games they got out drafted, if you are weaker or have weaker champs, respect their playmaking.",No one played bad only tony lost us the draft! +"I just wanted to say this was a terrible incident, but that article was so shitty. It's like some sites don't even run a grammar check.",Do awesome this is one of the top comments +Yeah but he was for free so it don't matter,"Nah, we had to sacrifice a season of KHL sensation Sobotka" +Lawsuit: Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer led illegal purge of male workers,"But if all the men are gone, how will all the work get done?" +Teach me your ways.,watch zhaysun +looool fookin Garmin.,Forgot the +Wouldn't it be easier and more accurate to use bots again?,"WotC doesn't like bot usage, and there is a decent chance they will ban anyone who tries to use it." +How Sweden became an exporter of jihad,Ya and UK is not. +Killed it. First time I benched 205x2. Actually hit 4 reps but the last two reps didn't have the bar touch my chest so I didn't count it. Running 2suns LP. It's got me stronger than I ever have ... Ya I know 205 on bench us nothing to be proud of but I was stuck at 165 for a year bc apparently gomad and ss was gonna get me past it. Fucking r / fit,You're telling me 45 reps of flat bench every 2 weeks isn't enough to build a big bench? +It's Official: Warner Music Group Moving from Burbank to Los Angeles' Downtown Arts District,Well there goes the neighborhood. +"Really only the high-end ones. The solos sound pretty crappy, and the mid-tiers are underwhelming. I'd give more of a pass to a $50 mouse being sold for $80 than $90 headphones being sold for $350 (plus that awful blown-out bass). I was thinking more along the lines of their mousepads though.",But Beats by Dre doesn't make mousepads. +You want to know how I know you never played early minecraft?,How? +ummm no,Yeah what a stupid guy for blowing Scott's game up and babysitting the idiot that is Krissie so he knows exactly what she is saying to Scott and what Scott says back. +New to the sub Hey Guys I'm new to the sub and this is my first post but I was just wondering if anyone was going to supanova in November Thanks,nah mate +They start by not thinking or communicating about it as 'spouse management'. Worst consultant phrase I've ever heard.,Spouse value based deal? +What do you wish people would stop doing on Reddit?,Shit posting. +"I'm 16. I don't watch it but I said it used to be riddled on /b/, they didn't provide context. Obviously as a 16 year old I'm fine with seeing other teens naked lmao.","guys cmon he plays RS and goes on 4chan regularly, how else is he ever going to see people his age naked :/" +There's this guy in my gym who's creepy as fuck but now it turns out he also benches way more than me so now I can't bitch on him anymore,I bet he's on steroids +"Welcome to PvP! Best part, I didn't even pick the map","I mean, you did pick Skyhammer..." +"Don't get too excited, it looks like it's going to be largely ignored by modders. SKSE doesn't appear to be coming, SkyUI is dead, and I think a lot of modders just aren't interested in porting.","le modders Xde, not worth playing without horsecock modes!" +Your Gauss is also still spinning during Temporal Stasis.,literally unplayable. +You could go cap a flag or something. PTFO.,yes you must play objective 100% of the time every game +Isn't this just due to wind patterns?,"No, its obviously due to slaves." +Says the guy with the currency that continues to drop versus the Euro. Lol.,"Listen here Johnny foreigner, you're breaking the law by telling us that!" +"Because they eat too much, easy. The solution is to eat less.","It's like depression, just stop being sad!" +I struck gold in my range bucket twice today,Thief! +I'm gonna go with the obvious answer here: milk.,I was curious about more interesting/unconventional options :) +Boom! New Hillary emails show campaign illegally coordinated with SuperPAC!,"Yeah, but Bill ACTUALLY assaulted women!" +Leaked Speech Excerpts Show a Hillary Clinton at Ease With Wall Street,"Oh, that was just locker room banter" +There wasn't too much reason to think he wouldn't play though.,"Wrong, we should have been able to see the future and know that he was going to go into rehab" +RNC halts Victory project work for Trump,"No no no, this is Trump playing 2147D Reversi" +Talking about how hot a mutual friend or some girl in the gym is? Pretty normal. Saying you're going to grab her pussy (how does one grab a pussy anyway?)? Not so normal. It's the kind of comment that someone makes and the room goes quiet except for one guy who only says ...dude in response. If it happens more than once people will assume the guy is a fuckin weirdo.,I see you've never been to a rap concert +The democrats have two platforms.. a public one and a private one.,"And gee, I wonder which sector will benefit from their respective policies more?" +Not my responsibility to educate people,That's what people who know they're wrong say when they've got nothing to back up their argument. +we suck,Some might even call you guys *Jokers* +My daughter and I are ready to terrorize the neighborhood again this Halloween.,That looks nothing like a clown costume. +"I went camping with my dad, we played basketball, we went to junkyards looking for car parts, and I was his wrench-monkey in the garage. I helped him build a tree house and do other carpentry around the house. I'm a woman.",But how did you do all that while wearing a skirt and having a vagina? +"TIL there's a Confederate monument in Brazil. After the Civil War, many Confederate families fled Reconstruction and moved to Americana, Brazil, where slavery was still legal.",But the civil war wasn't about slavery +"Okay okay okay now, I am a Sunday School teacher and let me tell you, one of the biggest mistakes David made was HOW HE ACTED WITH WOMEN. HAVE YOU NOT HEARD OF BATHSHEBA? GOD SEVERELY PUNISHED DAVID FOR THAT! Not to mention his family was totally screwed up and it was David's fault. And then his son Solomon had even more wives and concubines, and that was like, the one HUGE THING HE DID WRONG in an otherwise excellent kingly career. Come on guys. If you're gonna use the Bible to support your point maybe do a little research?",Research is for commies and libcucks +people would rather just throw something out and buy a new one rather than just trying to fix what they have. All it needed was a new power cord. 46 Magnavox LED tv.,They threw it out because it's magnavox. +"I honestly think Hillary will be a better president than that, at least internationally -- the Republicans will never let her govern, so she's gonna be stymied domestically, but the President has a lot of foreign policy power. But again, the worst-case scenario is four meh, embarrassing years with her, while the best-case scenario with Trump is that he gets bored and resigns twenty minutes in.","Yes, she's clearly proven herself capable at handling foreign matters with the utmost of care, skill and diplomacy." +"They completely replaced their weekday communion with Buddhist mediation. At the time they were still doing communion on weekends I think but that was 8 years ago. The other things I mentioned doesn't refer to other things they replaced communion with, but other examples of heresy... there is a general denial of the miracles mentioned scripture, the authority of scripture etc. in the Episcopal church in general, but especially in my area which is very liberal. Instead they have replaced meditating on God's word with self-expression & Eastern religious philosophies.","If they want to get eastern, just join the orthodoxy!" +Why is everyone getting so excited over Exotic Butters? Casual Bongos is clearly the latest hip trend.,Scott why won't you let me play the bongos casually with my exotic butters literally unplayable +"Hitler secretly wrote early autobiography published under a false name, says historian",I knew Hitler wrote The Man in the High Castle! +Don't know if he can be classified as a celebrity(or i am stupid) but... Donald Trump,"What, grabbing women's pussies doesn't work for you?" +"Your Name Please enter your name, as seen above the keypad. Doesn't this mean your name is Mike?",My name is Eggs Benedict +MRW I hear the world's most underwhelming final lipsync song,Underwhelming Fuck off Gladys Knight is the shit. +Just another normal everyday wedding,Wow those are some classy people +Maybe they thought i was just a piece of furniture...,something something console gamers something something +"No, the leaks reveals that she is two-faced and secretly laughs at the losers who support her.",bucket of losers ftfy +Sometimes T's look like plants I guess.,4:03 +"Here's a tip, if you see the red dot blinking, it means enemies haven't spawned yet. When you're near the end, backtrack abit until it stops flashing. Enjoy your exterminates","When backtracking means slowly drifting through a minute and a half of tunnels and such, then it warrants attention from the devs cos that's a pretty shitty state to have a basic mission in." +Apparently people don't like the idea of anything vegetarian or vegan being good.,Because if it tastes good then they're morally obligated to become vegans +McDonalds! They are going to have to manage this phenomena very carefully. They have the most to lose. From a strategic point of view I could imagine it is a massive RED FLAG.,"Yes, I'm sure they're shitting themselves." +Kiev screening of Polish film on WWII massacre postponed after Ukraine's Foreign Ministry strongly recommended calling of the screening for the sake of public order,Went to a screening the other day -- haven't seen so many people completely gobsmacked when the credits rolled. +Why?,cause he said so. +Question: can I unplug and replug a radio without disconnecting the battery I recently fitted a non-factory radio to a Peugeot 207 (circa 2012) and to do so I disconnected the battery while playing with the electrics as per advice online. Now the time and date on the main console reset to midnight Jan 1st and the only way I know to reprogram the time/date is with the old radio. My question: Can I unplug the new radio harness and plug in the old one to update the time and date without disconnecting the battery? I would then plug the new radio back in with the harness.,Yes. +"It's that time again, 32 GB of the nicest RAM i've ever had","Doesn't even have plasma, can't be very fast" +"Editorial: For president | Trump unfit, Clinton is qualified",Oh man my opinion has totally changed now! +Hasn't climate change been happening since the beginning of time.,It says so in the news so This Time It's DifferentTM +"I'd suggest trying to shut these people down __on YouTube__ - click report, select Spam or misleading and explain how they encourage spamming and scamming third parties, while encouraging copyright infringement.",lets get a youtube hero to block them for us +Never argue with the OP. Unless the OP says supernatural is for girls.,"As a male who has watched all of supernatural so far, I resent that statement" +Fuck you,"Yea, fuck you u clickbaiting piece of shit" +New Molson Canadian label,I love having my own culture sold to me as a marketing gimmick! +You forgot the part where he splits it into 2 videos.,"Damn, I knew I forgot something..." +Try walking on water with them on,If you're gonna try and walk on water make sure you wear your comfortable shoes +"Hang on--you are saying there are three branches of government? Citation definitely needed. How can the government have branches? The government is not like a tree. Unless you can prove it! The government is George Sorts and the Jews fixing everything and manipulating the media to make me feel stupid. When Trump is president he is going to get me my job back, get my space rent for my trailer current and legalize method!",Crooked Hillary is just bought by (((Sheldon Adelson))) +"Yeah Ice, he's a pedophile. You work in the sex crimes division.",But ICE endorsed him. +Donald Trump Pushes Back Against Republican Critics and Signals He Will Make Bill Clinton an Issue at Debate,Trump needs to make certain no sane woman will vote for him. +"This picture summarizes your account Divine, wealth, event whites and all together pls give me ur acount lol","Not maxed life, not worth ." +"Fake accounts, manufactured reality on social media",Also the numerous how to commute from x to y and where to buy stuff Those are subtle propaganda suggesting our sorry state of transportation and poor e-commerce scene +Lavahound,Lelixir Hollector +"Maybe he's not upset about being ever so slightly misled? Maybe he doesn't need to write paragraphs and make photoshop posts about it? However what he IS upset about is the absolutely shameful, disgusting display of humanity (literally scum) that has come from this whole thing. It has become utterly disgusting. Oh, not to mention the REDDIT HIVEMIND WHERE YOU LITERALLY CANNOT POST SOMETHING THAT PEOPLE DO NOT AGREE WITH BECAUSE IT WILL LIMIT YOU TO POSTING ONCE EVERY TEN MINUTES. CONGRATULATIONS GROUPTHINK AND SOCIAL MANIPULATION. YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING RETARDED, AS IS REDDIT'S TEN MINUTE LIMIT FOR PEOPLE LEGITIMATELY TRYING TO SAY THINGS.",Completely disgusting that a community lashed back at being conned and lied to...... +"Rocky Horror Picture Show. It looked incredibly stupid, but is actually quite good.",If you liked the movie you'll love the new Disney series! +"Premium Choices for the Aniversary Sale So as most of us know, the Aniversary sale is coming up at the end of this month, and im looking to get 90 days of premium, a Russian premium tank and an American premium tank. I was thinking about either getting a tier III or tier IV premium for the two. Right now, im thinking the Russian M4A2 is looking good(seeing as how its APHE recently got a big buff) and the T20 for the Americans. Anything wrong with this or any other suggestions?","A1E1 independent is the best tank in the game, so i would buy that instead of the t29 and such." +because diarrhea is brown?,Diarrhea is taking our jobs +"Actually it would be more accurate to call it a Government mandated single-payer system. Not only does the collective bargaining of an entire nation lower costs, we also eliminate unnecessary administrative costs such as lawyers, insurance, billing and etc. Consider that about half of the healthcare workforce (and cost) in America is administrative. You might call it overregulation, we call it efficiency.",But it creates so many jobs +Can anyone tell me about my career/money?,"Income related to the administration of other people's assets-- banking, brokerage, insurance, estate law." +You can chose to believe that if you want to.,u must be socially inept +Only missing some Boobs,"That sounds amazing, anyone got a spare couch" +"Thats a german comedian buddy, its a skit","Yeah, women are never objectified on television anymore." +"In order for Trials of Osiris to truly be a competitive game mode, there needs to be Bronze, Silver, and Gold tiers","But then how can Bungie guarantee easy wins for their streamers, if they match them up against actual competition?" +Put it on an ssd.,you are fucking mean +Att'n Respected Islanders T-Shirt Collectors: Your Ship Has Finally Come In.,"This means I've got about $2600 in a milk crate in my shed, right?" +Kemal's Statement,day 472: still waiting for Kemal's statement +So does Romo retire after this year or find a new team?,I think you mean new Broncos great Tony Romo. +Only 23 points off 500+ yards says otherwise. All the yards in the world doesn't matter a damn if you don't covert them into Touchdowns.,But no interceptions! +"Well, I'm a man so I don't have bowels.",[laughs in ignorance] +"Grande Gallo, i hope he is destined to wear rossonero.",Why do you want to ruin his career that way? +Our D has showed up today. Dareus can go fuck himself.,Yeah fuck him for being hurt right +It's because the slow lanes are jammed with people exiting. And people in the fast lanes keep doing everything but driving..,You mean shaving during your commute is bad? +"How many times to we have to see the same Trump articles posted again, and again, and again? We get it! We're voting for Hillary, k?","Of course, if not you're throwing your vote or are sexist/racist"