diff --git "a/chunk40.csv" "b/chunk40.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/chunk40.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,1668 @@ +Input,Output +Oh for a minute I thought they were serving up girls used in sex slave rings the way she described it.,"They are, after Pizzagate, Hilary moved her child sex ring to a different set of restaurants" +"UNTIL 9:30PT comment questions here for me to ask to Torbjorn's VA, Keith Silverstein! Check out my interview with Symmetra's VA if you haven't, the D.Va's VA interview has been pushed back a week - eyes peeled then!",What time is it? +I recently got the iOS ten update and right after I got the buddy update so I pick my magmar (he has the best model In pogo) and the screen gets stuck at the one it gives you the switch thing (picture for reference) and it doesn't leave.,its probably just a texture glitch. +It hatched shiny! Enjoy!,Thank you so much for the hatch! +Birth of a Veterinarian,Can't tell if really excited\interested or tripping balls! +"I'm gonna miss Mike Goldberg, here are some of the best Goldyisms.",Watt Miman is an underrated Goldyism. +Really? Shall we try Chester??? :D,"Fund my hero stones so I can pull Chester 100x, and then I'll draw Chester." +I can never tell the gender of the main character in these comics anyway,"Well, that's because your a bigot" +Would make the most sense because then Nick can go straight for the title if he wins.,and no one deserves a titleshot more than Nick +"Glorious! rub a dub dub, I want that above my bathtub!",I'm pretty sure you would die or have some broken bones at least. +"Big Brother on CBS. Britney Haynes is her name, she's a contestant from a few seasons ago.",Thanks +Roger Stone: Trump interviewed Romney to torture him,What a productive use of transition time! +"Is it just me or is Tim Hortons breakfast sandwiches and wraps the absolute worst tasting and lowest quality of all breakfast sandwiches available? First, I do want to say that some of their breakfast foods are quite good, mainly the most basic ones like bagels and muffins. But the sandwiches and wraps are just terrible even for fast food standards. Everything just tastes off, the egg and breakfast sausages just taste fake and the wraps they use taste like cardboard. The sausage is not even 1/8 thick, which is probably for the best since it tastes pretty bad. Everyone I ask pretty much says the same thing, I never hear anyone complain about McDonalds breakfast other than how bad they are for you but everyone agrees at least it tastes great. Sorry for the rant, after just eating the most disgusting croissant breakfast sandwich I just feel like they need to get out of the game or do better.","Starbucks is hands-down the worst at breakfast, their patisserie is pathetically bad - it's almost insulting they serve it." +just seems a bit destructive,"I guess it depends on the quality of the desk, or the will to race with a wheel." +"Battled egg stealing rat for months. Once killed, I gave it the memorial it deserved.","Ok then, Norman..." +"As someone who works selling phones, I have been asked that about every single phone sold by Samsung.",This means great things for Samsung's brand image +"Crazy that CNN, BBC, WaPo, NYT, or any credible source aren't all over this. Could it be that Truth Feed made it up out of whole cloth?",That's why we chose the finding name +"This nerf on BB is mostly for the lower levels of gameplay. When you get to higher levels, BB wasn't ever a big issue if you know how to counter him.","Yeah exactly, except it's totally the opposite and the pro's said he was OP." +Team Liquid eliminated from Pro League Finals after finishing 0-3 with only 18 rounds won,if liquid win enough rounds maybe they can cash them all in for a major win +A pretty cringe-inducing SJW remake of Baby It's Cold Outside,They even have little snowflakes in the background...nice touch +"Thank you. I wanted to write up something like this, but you conveyed it perfectly. Senna was just as bad as Prost and the documentary leaves out everything not beneficial to Senna. i.e. Stopping on track to halt qualifying and make him get the pole, wrecking people intentionally, getting all pissy when called out for crashing, etc.",It's weird... for a minute there I thought you were talking about Schumacher. +Wager thread.,if sisloc doesn't come out on friday i'll draw a super complex drawing with all the characters in the FNaF Franchise +Xenagod thinks Finest Hour should be a Gruul enchantment,[[Finest hour]] +Shiphtur aka Mr.Clean,Really a shame that she is just another control mage now.. +When your puppy gets scared of the roomba...,Is that what I think it is... +"What is your favorite line from the MGS series? Personally, I remembered playing MGS V and the line standing out to me the most was I won't scatter your sorrow to the heartless sea. I will always be with you. It made Venom more of a likeable person at that point of the game. I know everyone has the favorite line in the game funny or serious. Let's hear them!",It's all so fucking hysterical! +"I'm super happy with webapp2 and I've been using webapp since 2008, thanks for your work!!! I've started using Flask for my most recent GAE projects. But I still love the ultra-simplicity of webapp2. The only downside I've found is there's no dirt simple end-to-end way of allowing generic email/password login that is not google login. There are a couple libraries but none of them are thin and simple to use. I suppose this is where flask has an edge, with flask-login.",There's always the possibility of someone in the community writing a comparable extension to webapp2. +what about the ones that are not parents? Do they not work as hard and deserve some recognition?,Those of us without children obviously don't deserve anything +Trump is a man known for keeping his promises.,"You dropped this," +Why are you on Reddit right now instead of spending time with your family?,"They're asleep, I'm drinking." +What is your favourite colour?,"City blue of course, and whatever color Kolarov hates the most." +Anyone think its kind of absurd that a block counts as a miss? How is that the kickers fault?,Similar to a perfectly thrown pass that gets tipped for an INT. +"Do Formula One sponsorships influence your purchases? I've been wondering about this for a while now. Companies spend huge amounts of money to have their logo plastered on the side of Formula 1 cars, but I'm curious to know how much do these sponsorships actually influence people's purchases?",I would never buy a Toyota. +So he would rather his tax dollars go to displacing people.,Well you're currently using reddit which pays taxes in America so aren't you just as complicit? +Him saying that there is not enough evidence for a conspiracy. Is ironic on a level so high that it's probably a once in a lifetime experience right there.,Thanks 2016. +"I hadn't even considered this. I did notice I only got 4 hours' battery life on the weekend and was griping about it, but I did have a cartridge (not being used) in the slot. Thanks for the tip, I'll give it a shot.",No problem! +"Volume Crash after DSM 6.0.2-8451 Update 6 Hey everyone, I am in a bit of a pickle. I have DSM auto update set up for a DS1512+ with a DX513 expansion unit. I have a backup pointed to another DS1512+ unit, so not all is lost. After the DSM update it appears that my Volume 1 has crashed. All 5 disks are showing that they are Normal when I run a SMART test on them. I can see my shared folders in my control panel, but when I go to open them I get a read only/disk may have crashed text box and I am unable to see their contents. This NAS is set up as a RAID 5 w data protection. I am unable to backup the files manually as I do not have access to them. Is it safe to reset or shutdown and reboot the system? I have never run into this issue before so I don't want to go and make any changes before consulting some forums an opinions. I have reached out to Synology and the Synology forum too. What do you all think?","Thanks for the heads up, I also have a 1512+ but running SHR and no expansion bay, I will hold off from this update." +Depends how the new administration plays out.,ZING!7!8! +"Woah, and in a southern state too. I almost can't believe that, crazy hah","Well you know, weed is a much lesser evil compared to those blasphemous gays and towel-headed Muslim terrorists." +What are the best 'mind fuck' films to watch?,Moon +144hz for FPS 60hz for RPG Difference when you play FPS.,24 FPS for RPG... its more cinematic +"People invested four years into the progression of this leading lady. Why would you not think that people would be upset when she was killed off so ridiculously, when she was just coming into her own? And not to mention the shipping on her death bed. That was utterly ridiculous. As a non-comics fan of the show, this was the low point - really inexcusable.",Cos everyone loves Fefe +Needless to say... and I bouced back...,You feed... burgers... to swans. +I get what you meant but that' not what you said fam.,"Yes it is, cuck" +The UK isn't ready for Elizabeth to die.,Charles says he is very ready +"Please be true, A nice new AMD card to replace my 290x will help alleviate my crippling depression for a day or two!",R9 290X reporting in Gears of War 4 is raping my 290X @ 1440p/High. +Always a good time when you see cities you know on here!,"I read Kingwood and thought can't be the one I know Then I'm surprised when, yep, that one Kingwood I know is the one being referenced." +Theredpill wants to be taken seriously. Suggests coontown was a haven for the oppressed.,Sounds like what that guy wants is for some type of forum where white guys can circle jerk about how much they hate black people and Muslims - too bad there's nowhere like that on the intern... OH YEA ITS CALLED STORMFRONT +We may never know his true motive.,"So sad that we've let so many immigrants in that good, hard-working British people are driven to try to murder them on religious grounds" +Is it just a video of a floor,Yes +"Not that they'll buy them, but it'd be nice to have the option",I'm sure that at least one of them will buy several items. +"The man plays 4D chess. He's already been elected, at this point I'll wait until I see the results before judging these choices.","No time to wait, jump on the hate train" +"Yeah it gets ridiculous. I'm similar but I like tanks. I've always liked tanks since Battlefield 1942. It's the most enjoyable part of the game for me. I'll kill a couple of snipers and they will respawn the same class and just complain in chat telling me to get out the tank, Only noobs use tanks, tanks are boring etc. But they forget that the map before on Argonne I was top of the game as well. It seems quite common for players to think that they should just never lose. After every game I see half the losing team leave the server. Lower skill players want to get all the kills like they would in a SP Campaign or something like that but it doesn't work like that. I had a guy say I was definitely hacking in a tank. I asked what type of hack he thought it was, wallhack, aimbot? He had nothing to say, because shooting a sniper who sits on the same water tower all game doesn't need any assistance.",Probably using a shotty +Smiling because bong,#Noupvotebecausenogirl +Uncle's,Dog +I'm not saying that the F35 program needs to be cut but some of those constituents need to lose their jobs. The army doesn't even want more tanks but congress keeps ordering more because it gets them votes.,Are you against us manufacturing? +"This is precisely the reason they include offspec relics as WQ rewards. People complain when they're getting quests for relics for specs they don't play, but if it weren't for that it would be impossible to get any relics at all for your offspecs without chancing the wrong legendary. IMO, yeah it might be nice to have a separate legendary spec choice, but currently it forces a choice on the player of how much they care about their offspec. What I did on my warrior was keep my loot specialization to Prot for months, since I am my guild's main tank. Now that I am 875 Prot and have two prot legendaries, I switched my loot spec to Arms since it still drops gear I can use as Prot.",yes because those 845 relics are gonna be competitive. +Only through suffering can she gain consciousness. What door?,"When everyone else's bones are sand, Aludra will walk upon them." +Oh maaaaaaaaaaaan people! I did only ONE pull......Jinbe Lenged. I cannot believe that...... AWESOME. I should continue doing pulls? I'm F2P and I have 35 gems more.,"nope, keep your gems, only deception awaits you" +"Runescape, it was basically my entire life",Just hearing the theme music at the login screen brings back great memories +Try deleting the the strutures/vechicles/berricades aswell. also what specs are in your PC?,its a god pc didnt you read what he said +"So, what's shitty eridan gonna be called?",ediram anproa +"Cowboys would have been in the Super Bowl if the refs didn't blow the all-time terrible call against Green Bay (Dez catch)... So, that kind of logic is ridiculous. Romo can lead this team to a Super Bowl. NOW.","Well duh it wasn't a catch, we saw what a *real* catch was when Des fumbled Sunday!" +A short and to the point introduction of document software,This is the #6 post All-Time on this sub. +I think this we have to rank or love this map in the memory of Angelsim,If we get a lot of people to favorite it we could make it loved +"Yup, I'm from the UK, and I find myself having to constantly preface posts with that because otherwise I get replies about all this stuff which doesn't apply to me being non-American.",Clearly you need a username ending in _UK +When you're older and maybe have a family of your own maybe you'll understand. If you only have limited time to play WoW you don't want that little progress you can make stopped by some undead rogue who ganks you for the lulz.,"Yes, it would be a real shame if gameplay got in the way of your chore list!" +"Microsoft is bringing Cortana to fridges, toasters, and thermostats","The day my toaster starts listening to my conversations via the Internet is the same day my toaster makes like a Berkeley Flying Toaster, and goes right through the window." +Is this thread just going to be a bunch of duplicates?,No we just have shit internet I swear +Give him a copy of your appointment orders mod,"No need, I'm sure S1 has already put it into IPERMS" +"Surely these are all issues with the industry and not the customer. Sure, you get a request from the customer but you only have to fulfil it because that's how the industry works. Same with tipping, they don't make much if the customer doesn't tip. But if they were paid properly in the first place they wouldn't rely on tips.","Definetly we can agree on this, i'm not blaiming the customer for this ( even though through in economic bases, industry relies heavily on customers), i'm merely pointing out that we must have these things in our minds when we're gonna ask someone we're paying for a pizza in this case." +U.S. proposes requiring vehicles to 'talk' to each to avoid crashes,Because no one will ever spoof intervehicle communications. +"Growing your childs credit from age 2? So to start this off ill set a scene for you, last week I was out to dinner with my parents and the parents of a close friend of mine and the basis behind my question, their daughter (Age 7-9?). Her parents make out well, they have a nice house, 3 cars and travel often. During our dinner me applying for a loan was brought up by my father, an embarrassing moment for myself as I was denied but it did bring up an interesting topic. From what I understand the girls father has had a credit card in his daughters name since she was 2 years old. He claims to use it for gas and coffee in the aims of having her start off with years of perfect credit. Im single myself and im a long way off from a child but the idea of this just really caught me off guard, is this a common thing and how can any credit card company sign a card over to a two year old? Surely he will have to be caught at some point, and Im sure there has to be some legal ramifications for this. I have been wanting to mention it to my aforementioned friend but it seems impolite, however I came across this page while searching for a new loan I can apply to for schooling and it seemed like a great place to finally discuss this with people, looking forward to the responses.",Yeah the bonus is crazy. +'Transformers: The Last Knight' - Official Poster,"It may not be a popular opinion, but this poster actually looks impressive." +America has regulations on non-edible materials being inside sweets / candy. Because of the Plastic toy container inside the chocolate they aren't allowed to be sold. I don't know if they would get taken off you though if you brought them into the country.,Follow-up question: how are fortune cookies legal if this is the case? +New official twitter icon - Akagi,Please oh please be a kai ni +Please check your children's candy!! Just found this in a twix!!,Geesh those right Twix guys aren't fooling around this time. +"Looking for a fruit e-juice recommendation BUT not just a normal juice I have quite a few fruit juices but they are all very smooth flavors. I want a flavor with some bite to it. When I say bite, I don't mean throat hit. I am looking for a juice that has an acidic feel to it. C'mon, ECR. I know you have something for me. Thanks.",[[Obompom]] from Blue Dot Vapors [[CranApple]] from Keystone They are both tangy. +"I really wish people would stop posting this meme here. I mean, even if you've never seen it before, it's still pretty obvious that it's a joke.",It's not *our* fault that not everyone here is as savvy a meme-connoisseur as you or I Bloody plebs. +These kinds of comments always act like masturbation doesn't exist.,No because touching your own dick would be gay +I wonder whether they had any sort of alarm go off in those days,"I imagine a bell, or steam whistles." +"If you want macOS as well, you can Hackintosh your desktop.",Please don't do this if it's your main/work machine +Magherita or Salami? :),SASG obvs! +A Saudi woman tweeted a photo of herself without a hijab. Police have arrested her.,Wow I'm blown away by this news I thought SA was a place all about equality +"Idk, but saw his wife before and she was a hottie",I seriously doubt a Saudi prince has 1 wife. +Simple question: Is Google Translate wrong?,"No, America belongs to Iceland and thus, the American people are Icelandic even though they don't call themselves that" +"He may just like what he does, and doesn't want to change. It's like if you are rich you don't always have to spend all your money.","Just cause you're hung like a moose, doesn't mean you gotta do porn." +"Yes because we all the same stuff no taxes. But you have the exact same value as everyone else, and all your talents are worthless compared to theirs.",friend you just threw us into communism. +"So, what's up with the gifts behind the bounty board?","It will delete all your progress in Destiny, for all of your characters." +No way I'm clicking that shit.,"But what about the elegant grammar and refined, consistent layout?" +Maybe it's soo low because he is a noob gimmick character,"nah, that's ridiculous, of course not" +is the bold for music made by black people?,"Na, Macklemore didn't release an album this year otherwise he'd be bolded at #1" +"I feel like tonight was the Nash I expected to see when we traded for him. He has not played like this in a very long time. Instead of entering the zone and just throwing saucer passes at the goalie he put his head down, made a move, and drove to the net on multiple occasions. He's been good this year overall, but he hasn't shown this type of aggression and drive. Hopefully this is a good sign that he's got his mojo back.","As cliche as it sounds, it looks like getting the Assistant captain position really did help him step up his game." +"I suppose you are right. His rhetoric was good on those issues though so I don't know how much we can blame the voters, just him.",Yah.. never saw anyone point out his lies or how he's a conman.. +"Yes, every baby on EARTH has a dog near it.","Yes, every dog on EARTH eats babies... get the fuck out of here with that bullshit." +No,But that's exactly what the admins would say +They passed a new law just so they could fine her more. I'm also a little surprised that you can fine someone for littering based on surveillance video. I thought there were some things like jay walking that you had to be caught in the act for.,u scared now bro? +Piggyback is making the guidebook for Breath of the Wild,MARCH CONFIRMED +That's why I tell my customers when a sale is going to happen soon to buy it later because it will be cheaper.,I bet your company loves you +Raanta in again tonight. Henrik sits 4th in a row.,AAAAAH GOALIE CRISIS CLENCH YOUR BUTT CHEEKS PEOPLE +Either he doesn't understand what conflict of interest means or he doesn't care.,Why not both? +Doesn't look like anything to me.,igetthatreference.jpg +From reading other boards Richmond can't fully fund the 65 football scholarships is the scuttlebutt,No one in the FCS can fund 65 since the limit is 63. +Well at least we don't have to live in Cleveland,there it is +I need to do this more often,Until the raccoon tan gives it away +How can you claim Trump has the 'will of the people' on his side when he's down by ~2.8 million votes right now?,Millions of illegal voters. +"It used to be so much easier. I remember ten years ago I walked into a store, filled out an app and asked to talk to the hiring manager. Talked a bit and had a job the next day. Forty minutes to fill out an online app is bullshit.","Ah, but did you call back and follow up?" +Once I missed a physics homework deadline because I was in the ER and Greco wouldn't give me an extension,Should have done it before you needed to go to the ER +"As a SP, I'm leading the league in K's, shutouts, and I have a league leading ERA of 1.50 and a WHIP of 0.70, and I'm leading the league in WAR. Then, on top of this, I'm top 5 in wins, haven't walked a single batter. The only thing i'm not top 5 in is innings pitched because I missed a month or so at the beginning of the season with a head contusion. Despite all of this however, I'm not even top 3 for Cy Young voting. Jesus fuck, what more do I need to do?",More innings +We should trust Activision!,ikr fkn whiners . +"I came back to the game a few weeks ago, and decided to start a new Global account. My first SSR was Super Vegetto. I'm a huge Fusion fan (Vegetto, Gogeta, Gotenks, etc.), so I was really happy to start out with him, especially since he was brand new to me. Then I came back to this subreddit and found out that apparently he's the most OP card in the game. So that's pretty cool. Can anyone explain why he's considered so OP? Is it his passive that reduces normal attacks by 70% and attacks back, or is it the leader skill?",Both +What about Atlanta's defense? I forgot how bad they are on defense. A lot of people want to talk about Cowboys / Skins defense. What about Atlanta's?,The got 36 points in my yahoo standard league this week +.01 seconds? Are you kidding me?,LITERALLY +Military helicopters flying over? For the past couple days there have multiple military helicopter flyovers. Anyone know why? I live on the SW end of 13th Street.,Obama is coming to round us up and put us in camps so they can take our guns. +Dammit! I'm moving.,Make sure to move here in July it's the best! +Where is all this Gunslinger hate coming from? There is nothing wrong with the Gunslinger class. You have crazy boss shredding damage in PvE with the helmet and it's amazing in PvP. If you can't get kills with Golden Gun in PvP you shouldn't be playing a shooter at all. That is the easiest class to get super kills with.,Fist of Panic? +"What's the deal with that down signal, he does come to a stop with the weight but it still seems to be going forward, is that enough to count as in control?",Rahimov had a good lift too. +And urine comes out of your pee hole. Not sure about women.,Women have a urethra too. +"Why plan on a 2nd child when you're complaining about the cost of one? So there was an article in Toronto posted about the cost of daycare and it being so high, and my buddy's wife was saying today how expensive it is for her son who will be starting daycare in March. Her exact words were we can hardly afford daycare now, it'll be tough when we have a 2nd kid. I simply asked why are you planning on having a second kid now if you're admitting you can't afford daycare for 1? and her response is because I always wanted 3 kids.",But we're totally the selfish ones... +They seem like a First Family that actually all *likes* each other,Even McCain running against him went and declared him a good honest family man +WTH is a practicing agnostic?,better question is which church do they attend +"Oh shit, I wrote about reddit as one of my essays.","Rip ...just kidding, you'll probably be fine." +Ugh. I wish there was a political party that didn't try to get inside women's vaginas and make sweeping laws about what they find.,"Yeah indeed, political parties should only be allowed to decide for men, how dare they create laws for women, disgusting." +Cheat sheet to reach diamond x),why is last whisper in the crit build ? +Why still no UPI App on iOS?,they dont need it because they have enough cash +"I agree with this. Used to do the whole friberg aim training map but shooting 1on1 with enemy movement, crouching, strafing and real-sized hitboxes is much better. Also helps if your opponent is slightly better but not too dominating.",Username checks out +"Honestly, I feel like ego might have played a role in Kiffin turning down the LSU job. I'm not sure he wanted to work for one of his former assistants.",But they talk weekly! +"No, x is the variable It means X is less than or equal to 13.",Sorry I forgot +"This doesn't make any sense. The roads have plenty of space for people to walk safely and to bike safely. The problem, is we dedicate way too much space for people to drive and really roomy lanes. It's such a waste. And it's dangerous.",Roomy lanes are dangerous? +Women in Aleppo Choose Suicide Over Rape,Well at least our new President isn't cozying up to the major power who helped it happen. +I wonder what event in your life turned you into an idiocy apologist.,He probably meant +AMD AM4 Platform,Platfrom* +"In the U.S., the 'estate' inherits the debts - meaning that if your parents had $10k USD in debts, collectors would claim any money (up to that amount) that was in your parents possession, then moving onto money taken from sold assets. There's a few exceptions. In some cases, certain debts do get inherited - such as medical bills (but only in certain states). Additionally, if you were to inherit a house with an outstanding mortgage, the debt would stay with the house and transfer to the new owner, a.k.a. you. If you decide you don't want the house (and thus the debt), you could tell the bank that owns the mortgage to foreclose. In this case, the bank would sell the house and keep the money they received for selling it. As an example - let's say my parents had $5k in their savings account and $10k in credit card debt. The credit companies would take the $5k (even if that money was specifically left to me in their will) and I would be left with no debts, but no inheritance either. Of course, this completely goes out the window if you cosigned any loans with your parents - cosigning means you have complete liability to repay.","that was really insightful, thank you!" +Yea i cant see peoples heads on back plat on B at all. Terrorist heads also blend in with blood for me (red green colorblind),bind shift +speed; r_cleardecals +"Much love for Blizz, but really hoping to see this fixed (Nazeebo)",Literally unplayable. +Badr Hari knocks down Gokhan Saki three times in the first round using uppercuts,In this fight Badr is in the matrix. +Comparatia era cu scop umoristic. Dar totusi 20% serioasa.,Pai is comunisti si Dragnea si Mandela +Wow... what an endorsement... There is no choice. That's like saying We're being forced to support this asshole.,And starts off by stating you don't have to like her. +Jokes on all of you. I can't even tell if Riven mods are good or bad. I still haven't received any since the war within. I've been doing sorties almost everyday since the update was introduced. Why can't we just have a mission which can be done once in week and completing it would give us riven mod? Right now I'm stuck with only one Riven mod for Burston.,"No, joke's on you, because you didn't spend 5k+ plat on a good one or got lottery-winner-like luck." +No new AP for repeatable winters days events... Thank you! I have been seeing a lot of people who have been questioning this but I personally want to say is thank you. I don't have to sit and grind some of the most boring content.. don't get me wrong it's fun and all but for the first 15 times... This opens up plenty of time to do other things. Work on other AP and check out the new pvp league. Do karma trains. Soo once again thank you!!,"Yep, no reason to participate in Wintersday, yay" +Kick his ass.,"Yeah, more violence is sure to solve the problem" +What happens in Walmart...,OP probably made this one up for karma too +"I'm a medic. I show up and act positive, do everything I can for you, wish you the best, and say optimistic things. I go home and have a beer and hate my life because I'm depressed as fuck.",I hope my upvote helps you with your depression. +It has that amazing 180 degree turn of a bridge. I'll always remember the wtf on my face when I heard I used to be cruel to my woman I beat her and kept her apart from the things that she loved. That and it's an awesome song.,When I'm feeling down this song forces me to be positive and realize that my actions affect others. +The real racists are those all generalizing white people. Are white people not people too? Do we not have culture too?,"Yeah, our culture is slavery and genocide!" +The rabbit hole never ends. Every pizza slice is another clue. Our autist investigators needed to be fed after the wikileaks were over and moved into pizzagate.,rabbit hole Every pizza slice - Stop using code language. +"NHL All Star voting reminder. Let's get one of Matthews, Marner or Nylander into it.",I thought we were fighting for Kadri skills +This still happens lol,It's doctor's fault for not healing him +"Anytime you're on TD (Temporally Duty) for 2 or more days it can be considered a deployment. Combat or not, it's still time away from home. At least that's how it works in Canada.","Yeah, but then how else will I act superior and give someone shit for calling it a deployment?" +He gets a 10/10 for self importance.,But he's a forward thinking entrepreneur who we should applaud for being so modest and humble! +What jersey is the safest pick this year? Last year my brother and I both got Chris Ivory jerseys. Very disappointed. What jersey do you think is the safest besides Joe Namath?,Gotta be the Dirty Sanchez +Terrible Birthday Cake's Candle.,I bet that smelled terrific... +Regarding the text-shadow: Check back now :P Your message came thru yes.,"Cheers, way easier for me to read those paragraphs now!" +Does the gpo actually hide the store of just disable it?,I don't believe it hides it. +When everyone disagrees with you is it time for you to fuck right off?,"Wait a minute, what are you doing here, this isn't r/powerlifting!" +"Regardless of your feelings on his little lame ass furry suit at the end of the day there are all these lazy unemployed nigs in this country and this kid has a nice fat ass bank account and he still goes out and gets a job and goes to work. Respect to him for not being part of the stereoty-fuck that, the norm for black men in America.",gotta love the downvotes reminder: it is ALWAYS bad when furries do it +"Every time I get called for jury duty, I am dismissed almost immediately after I acknowledge I am a former LEO. And I wanna serve, they just won't let me!","I'm a taurus, so I guess I'm stuck with it if I'm ever called." +"If he worked for Apple, jailbreaks would be much harder to pull off.",You missed my point. +I know nothing about comparison to real life performance.,what a shame +Nice one!,thanks man :) +Please stop giving Melissa McCarthy movie ideas.,I would watch the hell out of that movie. +"Leading Israeli rabbis defend manual for exterminating non-Jews, promoting Jewish racial supremacism over the goyim","Oh, but these are certainly not the **real jews** and only a small group with only little of significance" +Quick is out until March. Lombardi not ready to throw the kitchen sink at team's goaltending problem.,Fleury for Zatkoff confirmed? +Smascherato fisioterapista choc: mette dito nell'ano dei pazienti,Rilanciare scoop de le Iene conferisce una certa autorevolezza a il Giornale +"Ok, but why am I naked",My goal is also to sit naked on a beach +"Mama is especially haunting, I really enjoy that one.","Mama, we all go to hell..." +This is fucking gold.,Xbox Live Gold? +"How can a liberal be opposed to cultural appropriation, yet want a black Santa?",Because white people don't have culture +"Core performance improvement in this week update, the improvements included -improved Core performance, well... it's actually worse now, it takes 3 more minutes for unturned to start up, and i cant play anything, i cant even join washington on singleplayer, the loading line gets to the 1/4 and stops right there, after a few minutes the game shuts down without a message, oh i also forgot to mention that my processor gets overheated and and makes ZIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP noises, gg #nelsonplsfix #unturned #gg one last thing: if you comment anything about the GPU then fuck you, it has nothing to do with my GPU",Maybe it has something to do with your GPU. +"Exactly! I'm so tired of hearing she lost. More people voted for her than Trump. Its just that we have an outdated, freaking 18th century system in place. A system that basically allows the dumbest, and least educated citizens determine who runs the country.","Maybe we should just kill them and get it over with then, huh." +I'm shocked that Watt has been in 5 postseason games. Wouldn't have guessed more than 2.,Those Kubiak Texans teams were really good for awhile. +Is there a single character in the franchise who DOESN'T have some kind of psychological problem?,(insert Angel name here) +"Right there on their page, they changed their logo. I wonder what they're going to do next.",There there... +Epic Lightsaber duel a school lunch!,Im sure those guys are the coolest kids in school. +He lost me half way through. I'm not sure what his point was. He wishes there were more tonally focused movies.,I'm so sick of passable youtube videos +"Dude, you're way underestimating. You have no idea how long those things can be there undetected. It's at least 8",Best I can do is 2... +Olof gets rekt,Serves him right for being a fuck. +Guppies are hard to kill ? Try a betta either god has cursed this poor guy with immortality or he just refuses to die had him for years I used to forget to feed him for like a week or two at a time and he's still kicking,"Most people overfeed bettas, making them unhealthy and destroying their water quality in the process." +People say punters don't matter but ever since Matt Dodge I celebrate whenever a punt goes off successfully.,Matt who? +"I have many (many!) stories pertaining to 'weird shit'. This one is relatively tame, but I'll mention it because it was witnessed by two other people. Back when I was around seven or eight years old, I was sat in the front room watching TV with my dad. Now, bear with me because I'm not the best at describing details. Briefly, I was sat on the sofa with my back to the kitchen (the kicthen door was on the wall behind me and to the left). My dad was sat on the other side of the room with his right-hand side to me, as he was facing the TV directly. The wall to the right was just an external wall - nothing fancy. The wall to the left (which my dad had his back to) was an internal wall, behind which were the stairs. To the far left of the room and directly behind my dad were two glass-panelled doors through which I could see the front door (which was directly in front of the aforementioned stairs). Directly ahead of me and to my dad's left side was a large bay-window. Right, so: Suddenly, both myself and my dad 'hear' the front door swing open violently. Weird, because the front door is always locked. Weirder still is that I can SEE the damn door and the thing hasn't moved. My dad performs a 'WTF! 180' to be greeted with the same sight as me - the door has not moved. A second or two later, we hear the door - which still hasn't bloody moved an inch - slam shut with such force it vibrates the damn wall. Just as my mum is running through from the kitchen (also WTF-ing) we all hear someone *bounding* up the stairs in what sounds like heavy boots. Very unambiguously *heavy* footsteps, booming up the damn stairs. Myself and my dad launch into action. We check the front door: it's locked. We go upstairs: no sign of anybody. The house is detached, so there is no noise from neighbours. It was a bright, sunny afternoon but no windows were open. Even if there were, we ruled out 'wind' because there was nary a gentle breeze. But here's where it gets really WTF: it was, in a way, a dislocated echo of the past. You see, that very scene used to play itself out about 14 miles away at my grandma's house on a fairly regular basis. My uncle (her son) would come in after a long day of drug abuse / tripping balls, slamming the door as he went and bounding up the stairs in his heavy Doc Martin boots. Weeks before we heard this auditory phenomena, said uncle took his own life. That one sticks with me. Always has; always will.",Probably just sleep paralysis +I'm playing at 1440p! Am I cool now?...,I have the same resolution lmao. +I was expecting Biggie himself to be present in the video. Not sure if i'm more disappointed in the misleading title or myself for being an idiot,same +That Brock Lobster will be a good quarterback once he has an offseason with the Texans,"Its not impossible, but there is nothing to point toward it happening." +Show us your proof.,It's the hidden +It just works,"Dude, spoilers" +Watch Pokemon Generations in HD. First two episodes now available to watch.,They must've just finished rendering on the Wii U's strung together they use for a rendering machine +Ironically *Gyna* has invested heavily into solar recently.,That's how you know its a conspiracy soo deep the conspirators have fallen for it +"Pamela Anne Gordon, 1962",r/torpedotits +"They're fairly useless without the case, and they're tiny targets to grab (you literally have to use your fingertips), and there are two of them that you'd need to separately grab, so ... no.","This is a good point, not sure if that would deter someone." +757 in XP11,frankly i'm amazed it works at all with that horribly inaccurate gap between the flaps and the wings +me_irl,On a new level of shitpost. +Prediction: Bogut to Warriors for vet minimum next year,I don't think Bogut wants to come back. +"I'm not no fancy person or anything, but how about Americans just see which country is doing healthcare the best, AND JUST DO WHAT THEY'RE DOING?",Because people that can't afford their own insurance aren't pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps hard enough so why should the government cover their lazy asses by providing free medical care? +Did any black people find this funny?,Black Laughs Matter +Well he does have the best temperment,For memes +Stop taking ignite noobs take ghost and flash,fuck you Revive/Clarity strat OP ^^RIP +"Most people who aren't steaming piles of rhino dung admit that they fucked up before trying to erase the evidence of their error. Something like this: I apologize for spreading a fabricated news report that almost got people killed and unfairly damaged Secretary Clinton's reputation and likely put our country in jeopardy. I am now going to delete that post and make sure my half-wit shit-eating son doesn't post more like it either. Thank you. He's doing it quietly, like a coward, likely in hopes that it never comes up again.","Oh, so that's why reddit has so many edits and not many [deleted] posts" +Same for people who come to joking threads and act like they're serious. Something tells me you'd be good at counting toothpicks.,I imagine he's the life of the party. +"anyone got the mallet? How are we gonna get Ghaz? Fuck. I'll go back and get mine. Even at lower levels, this was a nightmare.",I still have my mallet sitting in my bank. +Well they definitely colluded with the media and colluded against Bernie sanders.,"Nobody cares about the rigged primary, it's the election that matters" +Post Match Thread: Barcelona 4-0 Manchester City,"Lads, it's Barca." +Elbow to the head that should be 5:00 and a game.,You forgot +Will Finn ever find out Poe Dameron killed his friend? it could have been his brother but finn never opens up about it in the film,"Finn had no problem killing other stormtroopers on Takodana, so he might not be in a position to judge." +There was no miss. This was the dunk all along,The other one was just a preview +A Computer for Everything: One Year of iPad Pro,Can I play CS:GO in this computer? +Spinnin' Records - Best Of 2016 Year Mix,Lmao how can they release a best of 2016 with no good songs +Ya no soy el boludo del tanque :c,"Bienvenido al capitalismo globoludo, ahora tenes competencia en el mercado como corresponde!11!" +"Exactly. I don't understand how they can say that it helps the industry. The internet has been neutral since its inception and still allowed enormous companies like Comcast to exist, why would you need to change that other than to be *more* greedy?",But all those Internet companies are making so much more money then them they should be able to get in on that sweet sweet tech billions. +"Because size doesn't matter. Quality, not quantity. Though more content could be better for us fans. :)",Is that what your girlfriend tells you? +1/8 I suck,"Two of them are in Florida, man!" +in that case i think its programming must be more impressive than the engineering,"As a software engineer, that hurts a little." +Yahoo discloses hack of 1 billion accounts,Let me guess: it was the Russians! +"Cert breakout, and 3 crates for 2c4",Got it sorry. +Just imagine working out as an RPG. Got to train those stats.,But I hate grinding... :( +"Where there is war, there is profiteering. We wanted a businessman as president... we got one.",yay for big business +"Why Victoria would be opposed to building transit in the province's most important city - something which would benefit everybody in helping the hordes of tourists move around one of Canada's top tourism destinations - is beyond me, but that's the Clark gov't for you",Because we don't vote for her. +"Changing specs is way too punishing. More of a rant post than anything else, but whatever. I played holy priest (been healing since TBC). But the lack of mobility and the lack of a defensive cooldown + relatively low throughput made holy priests kinda gimped for Mythic raiding. So for the guild I switched to Shadow. And I like it! However, it feels like starting from scratch when my guildies have lvl 38 weapons and 3-4 legendaries each, and I'm starting with a lvl 20 weapon and 0 legendaries for shadow... I mean, the weapon you can catch up, with some efforts (got my 34th point tonight). But the legendaries... I can't compete in dps with the feral druid who has their 2 BIS, etc. I understand not wanting to have a token system in place to cherry pick, but there should be a way to exchange for a random legendary of your new spec. As it stands, now, I'm stuck with 2 useless legendaries, and I end up being benched cuz I can't frikkin' compete on most fights... Anyway, As I said, rant post, feel free to downvote, but it's frustrating, and Blizz might end up losing this customer cuz of the broken system (I know, who gives a shit.) Thanks for reading, if you did. Feels good to get that off my chest. :)","Yea, you should be able to swap specs and immediately be caught up to everyone that put in months of work!" +What great missions you've given me today blizzard,Good thing 850 is as high as they will ever go for the rest of the expac! +What's the one mistake you'll never make again?,My kid +"Hey Jazz, you guys want to start a nice heated division rivalry?",We only want rivalries with good teams like the Rockets. +Would you train with someone who is openly gay?,Nah brah I don't do gay stuff so I only train with girls +You must be fun at parties,original +this is a really obnoxious way to do what you're doing.,"welcome to reddit, where memes and dick pics get infinite karma and real content gets dismissed and forgotten." +But it's legal.,"The question isn't about legality, it's about morality." +Dion Phaneuf Gradually Gets Grumpier Through His Career,Suck it phaneuf +Maybe Maybe Maybe,Why didn't he just kick it in the other side of the net? +"But Fallout 4 is as deep as an ocean. It has the most deep loot I've ever seen in a single player game. It has the most deep combat I've ever seen in an action RPG. It has incredibly deep world design. If you want wide as an ocean, shallow as a puddle then play The Witcher 3. Now *that* game is incredibly shallow.",You dropped a +would you fuck me? I wouldnt fuck me,"Holy bartender, that's hilarious, ha ha ha!" +"Hell, as part of the patriarchy, I'm so glad we came up with that stuff. It's tasty.",You misoginist fuck +Hershey's brown kisses,What to heck +"Thank you for subscribing to Klan facts. Did you know that a Klansman's tongue is covered with hairs or backwards pointing spines, that help them lap up water and milk, and also for breaking off and gripping meat? Evidence suggest that domesticated Klansmen have been around since 3600 BC, or 2000 years before Egypt's pharaohs. In the 15th century, Pope Innocent VIII ordered the killing of Klansmen, pronouncing them demonic. This act may have led to the plagues that ravaged Europe. Polydactyl Klansmen have 6 or more toes on each paw. When Klansmen leave their poop uncovered, it's a sign of aggression to let you know they don't fear you. House Klansmen rub against people to mark their territory.","If the fact about the pope, cats and plague are true, thanks that's a cool piece of trivia to have." +'Magical' Shelburne Bay returned to traditional owners after 20-year fight,Well done you champs. +"**Antisocial** - Repair speed when alone is increased by 4/8/12%. Sabotage speed when alone is increased by 3/6/9%. Repair and sabotage speed when around other survivors is decreased by 3/5/7%. Does not stack with **They're the Bait**. **Take Them, not Me!** - You have an inexplicable bond with the Entity, serving in your favor. When chased by the killer, your aura reading ability reveals *healthy* survivors around you to the killer in a 10/20/30 meter range around you. **They're The Bait** - Whenever another survivor is on the hook, repair and sabotage speeds are increased by 4/8/12%. Healing received from other survivors is decreased by 3/6/9%. Does not stack with **Antisocial**. A little rough around the edges, but yeah, fuck everybody else. Let me live.",I think I just cut myself on your comment. +What does this mean?,It means he is probably trolling the people waiting for a 10.x JB. +im sure the aboriginals agree.....,The siberian americans? +"Its Australia, biters are an improvement on the natural fauna.",The entire continent is probably red. +"I think it may be worse than that: we don't want to give you what you want so we'll just repackage it to make you think we are. Like the 5-lb bag of sugar that's now only 4 lbs. or what looks like a 24-pack of soda that now has only 20 cans, i.e., the corporate model.",Now with fewer calories per pack! +"Dude, she's a pop singer. NOT even country.",And yet she was nominated for 5 awards at the CMA's. +"Top Google search trends for MLB players in 2016: Kris Bryant (1), Anthony Rizzo (2), David Ross (3), Curt Schilling (4), Aroldis Chapman (5)","Hmm, I never knew that Google search trends so accurately reflected the overall skill rankings of MLB players..." +"And to a female human. At the same time, the polygamous, philanthropic sick bastard.",This is what happens when you legalize gay marriage! +except TSM is 11 different addons so you would be stuck with the opening screen and options but none of the useful features,"If you put all the core files in the same folder and tweak it a little it could technically become one addon, but yeah, you are right." +"Thc stored in fat is slowly released over time as that fat is burned, especially after exercise but alot of things happen in our bodies when we sleep that we don't quite understand yet",So *that's* what runner's high is. +limited copper pepe (deleting it soon),Downvote to limit exposure +Buying this game on steam just feels wrong,But don't you want to make sure Hello Games receives as much of your money as possible? +Well they might not be escalating if the incoming president hadn't suggested a major shift in the US position.,"Of course, Vancouver has been US territory from thousands of years ago." +"Their average is around 12%. This is highly uncontrovesrsial stuff. Ipsos Mori usually underweights Ukip as part of their methodology, hence why they were the only poll who gave them 7% last month. This is normal House effect.","Lol you said look at the trend, I did - down down down" +english isn't my first language. is it supposed to be just porn?,You can watch porn or you can watch a porno :) +Aztec burial of a sacrificed child,Did they have to fill hit eye sockets with eyes? +"Truth be told, lad, I be here since jus' six months; a few days 'afore Verd fell in that fateful war.","Ayy, same" +and so the fanart war continues. foreignartist does an attack on friends of pompf instead of pompf. it must have hurt.,I dont even know Twitch to be honest. +"Those who can't teach, hit kids with giant donuts",I'm laughing my ass off. +"Oh man, I was so tired I didn't notice. Nice spotting!",That's goddamn bullshit and you know it. +"If I have a green offering, I'll drop it in. Usually about half way through, at least one person loads into my instance. If not, then I'm easily able to solo or, go look for a quarantine patrol and try again.","Agreed, that does seem to be the best approach." +Gamestop Switch ad!,It just looks like a dog now +"Gosh, this reminds me of the guy who rescued an elephant karma.. In 1986, Peter Davies was on holiday in Kenya after graduating from Northwestern University. On a hike through the bush, he came across a young bull elephant standing with one leg raised in the air. The elephant seemed distressed, so Peter approached it very carefully. He got down on one knee, inspected the elephants foot, and found a large piece of wood deeply embedded in it. As carefully and as gently as he could, Peter worked the wood out with his knife, after which the elephant gingerly put down its foot. The elephant turned to face the man, and with a rather curious look on its face, stared at him for several tense moments. Peter stood frozen, thinking of nothing else but being trampled. Eventually the elephant trumpeted loudly, turned, and walked away. Peter never forgot that elephant or the events of that day. Twenty years later, Peter was walking through the Chicago Zoo with his teenage son. As they approached the elephant enclosure, one of the creatures turned and walked over to near where Peter and his son Cameron were standing. The large bull elephant stared at Peter, lifted its front foot off the ground, then put it down. The elephant did that several times then trumpeted loudly, all the while staring at the man. Remembering the encounter in 1986, Peter could not help wondering if this was the same elephant. Peter summoned up his courage, climbed over the railing, and made his way into the enclosure. He walked right up to the elephant and stared back in wonder. The elephant trumpeted again, wrapped its trunk around one of Peter legs and slammed him against the railing, killing him instantly. Probably wasn't the same elephant.",r/unexpected +"Because only... 3ish characters can use highground effectively, and it would create obvious balancing issues, if those characters could use every instance of high ground on every map.","maybe pharah'd actually be good if they leveraged her theme of vertical mobility into actual high ground awareness, who knows" +9th Nest Migration! So what changed? From silphroad I found that GWU is now a charmander nest which is pretty lit :),Baron Cameron Park ( Reston ) - Scyther Nest. +"Built my first PC, cores are averaging 30-33c but every once it awhile one of the cores will spike to 40-45c. Did I do something wrong? I have an i5 6600k using a cooler master hyper 212 evo. I do have 2 case fans (I can actually install another) however these fans are pushing hot air out of the case. Sorry if I seem like a noob or if my question is terribly stupid, I'm pretty new to all of this.",That's normal. +Is $450 CAD for a Dell Chromebook 13 i3 4gb a good deal?,"I thought I saw some for sale at $199 USD recently, which I think was a good deal" +"Largest Police Force in the U.S. Shuns iOS and Android, Goes With Windows Phones",I wonder how much money MS Donated to ensure those phones were chosen... +BREAKING!! Footage finally released of Cologne sex attacks. Shows Police being unable to stop RAPEFUGEES who are assaulting women and RAPING them infront of POLICE.,This is clearly Trumps fault for bringing out the hate groups and crimes. +Merry Christmas!,Not a very good Ralphie. +"Flak gun really is amazing indeed. Primary fire is like a shotgun, but you can bounce the flak on walls allowing amazing tricks. Secondary fire is a flak grenade with an arc for short to medium range",simple geometry +"Yes. Run for office or volunteer to help someone run for office. Complaining about our choices doesn't make change, action does.","but wait, I thought bitching non-stop on Facebook and watching Netflix instead of voting was helping..." +Gordon: Duterte risks impeachment over remark he killed drug suspects,Oh look he's really an independent senator... +"Literally increasing the degree of democracy is now, magically, undemocratic. Liberals have a mental illness. There's no other explanation. If you actually *want* more power in the executive than, say, the veto - tops - you are a lunatic.",What a well thought out and reasoned response. +"Beide, we spreken hier over een wiekhoogte van bijna 200m. Als je ervan uit gaat dat de aarde perfect rond is zijn de toppen van die wieken nog zichtbaar op zeeniveau op een afstand van 50km.",There goes my prime coastal real estate value! +"You can completely oppose someone's policies and approach, and still feel bad for them.","your heart has to go out to Hitler, how he must have been feeling in his final hours in the bunker" +"You make a good point. You caught me as a non-native English speaker, or someone who hasn't been paying attention in grammar class, or both. Many people talk about signature analysis. So when I write my malware or attempt to hack someone, I will make sure not to write comments in code ;)","Dude, I caught you as a Russian propagandist!" +Star Wars: Wan More Time,Star Wars: There Kenobi be Wan +How could you have done research for weeks but not have found your answer???,Thank you for your valuable input +Donald Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame star destroyed with a sledgehammer and an axe,A good example of what going low looks like. +Heroes Brawl The Mines Reopen Dec 16,OMG that portrait though...golem got his mouth open mmm +"What public systems, like school or hospital, is done better in other countries than the US and should be implemented but isn't?",Most of them. +"Cosrx Ultimate Moisturizing Honey Overnight Mask Doesn't really live up to it's name, doesn't really do anything amazing for my skin compared to the moisturizer of the same name and compared to Beauty of Joseon Dynasty Cream (similar price). Hada Labo foaming facial wash only because it broke me out, so now I'm using it as an expensive (but highly moisturizing) body wash. Would be much happier if it was on my face though...",Yeah I didn't love this one +Gentlemen have their priorities straight,I thought a real gentleman didn't care about sex +Pete Carroll finally makes the move away from the white Nike Air Monarchs.,I don't feel good about that. +LGL Vol. 02 | Korea Bootcamp Tour,Goldenglue is really used to the bench +How Strong are the BreachLords?,Can summoner beat any of those? +I can't believe that people who study a STEM degree can forget things? I thought they're so smart that that they're not fallible like the other humans,you dropped this +Have an endorsement deal,"Even so, most artists with a deal with Vic don't get signature models" +i mean you do have to pass xmas to actually be burned,"Proactive disappointment, some people prefer to get a head start on our complaining." +I HATE when people take PSYC100 and think that psychology is really easy. Or people who think that psychology isn't a real science( It's just not about feelings people there is a lot of neuro stuff that goes into it). I wouldn't consider it a STEM major or anything crazy but some people equite it so philosophy which is so frustrating.,My understanding is that psychology can be more or less scientific based off of the subdiscipline. +One US soldier shares his relationship building with children in Iraq. Another US soldier shares his thoughts on how best to build good relations with the children of countries you invade.,That's a huge unibrow those two people share. +"Can't believed that work, I thought it was cringe.",same here lol +Anywhere in SG to buy reliable graphics card? Want to get myself a GTX1060. Was thinking about Amazon but the exchange rate marks up the price by alot. Thought of carousel too but I'm afriad of the possibility of scummy sellers. Heard Sim Lim Square is quite good. Any other options?,"Sim Lim Square has Fuwell or PCThemes, those are trustable." +"From an outsider's perspective there's a lot of dross on the squad who shouldn't have contracts anymore. Plenty of guys who were excellent a few years ago are now absolute dogshite and yet still get picked every week while recruitment has stagnated completely. Combine that with an archaic and extremely predictable round the corner style gameplan plus some appalling basic skills (knock on galore) and it's no surprise they're struggling. Mallinder and co deserve credit for they was they brought the club back to the big boys table but you have to feel that they're time is done as it doesn't look like they are able to bring about the changes needed to succeed again. As amusing as it has been to watch as a Leicester fan, the league and English rugby in general is better off with a strong Saints side. And frankly the East Midlands derbies used to be the best rugby of the year and now they are a cripple fight, so yeah Mallinder and Cockers out please",Cockers and Mallinder swap deal on the cards? +"Admittedly I'm not horribly knowledgeable on hulls since I mostly build subsystems. Those take 1 of each per run, plus 7 of their subsystem-specific material in a POS. You're not getting below 1 of each. You'll get 22 runs on your BPC, even with the EC's bonus there's no way to make the game give you a free component. Yeah, you'll save about 100k ISK per subsystem on the subsystem-specific item. So even on a Raitaru with the manufacturing structure and nothing else... 10,000 subsystems to break even. That's not happening any time soon.","Yea subsystems are bad on ME returns, like Small Rigs, and other 1qty input items." +New CNN / ORC poll shows a 2016 dead heat among likely voters; Trump 45% and Clinton 43%,"I have a question...what are Hillary's ideas to fix healthcare, unemployment, the deficit, the wars in the middle east, inflation on college tuition?" +Uhhh... She did. Why would I lie about that?,Because you must save your pride online to people you don't even know +Why have you stirred my nostalgic panties? Sidenote... When are they making a new Burnout game?,They aren't +"Well, as long as it wasn't Blow Me Away",I WILL STAY IN THE MESS I MADE +If you could show 1 product to someone who doesn't give a shit at all to get them into guitar what would it be?,All the girls I get. +The 6 people that live in Greenland managed to stay terrorism free also.,Probably just no data. +typical softcore mode,You forgot this +Found this while cleaning through some things,Trump gave him that slogan.. +"Not saying if I support one person or the other but on that exact website that you posted, it shows that he more than doubled the national debt...",Yeah but it was for *good* things! +I voted for it.,"Having met actual neo-nazis in this game, I'm not so sure giving them another way to show their pride belongs in this game..." +**well well well**,Putin strikes again +"Me either. I've never understood why people think shit like this is funny. Shitposts are awesome in small quantities, but this is a low quality shitpost that has potential to be way overdone. Completely ruins the quality of the subreddit. We always had a tendency to upvote joke comments but seeing copypasta in every single fucking thread is just inane. But it gets upvotes, thus continuing the shit-cycle",Absolute madman right here. +Are there no drawbacks from increasing the blocksize limit?,There may be some downside for VCs that funded off-chain solutions and mainstream finance sector that will be threatened by an unbounded P2P protocol free from artificial limits ... But nobody that would cause me to lose any sleep over ... +Hmm just have 1/ticket with the persons name on it who brought it. Instantly stops scalping and that's standard practice here in Aus almost*,Unless you're Ticketmaster and also own the main resale site right? +"Saints fan in Hong Kong here. Born in HK, currently in HK (on a vacation), but I live in NYC now.",New Zealander / Australian ex pat in Singapore with a Canadian Wife who thought she'd escaped nothing but Football during Christmas when she left Canada ;) +vote for ellie's best song lights,I think you mean Love me like you do +And this douche is president why?,Because he tells it like it is! +FEH DOH RAH,And yet the shout to slay pussy remains elusive. +"Fake news didn't really matter, because a population stupid enough to believe fake news enough to change votes is a population that obviously isn't doing any research on the candidates beforehand anyways.",Yes because anyone who researched Clinton would be thrilled to vote for her afterwards! +Sorry I couldn't find that IFTTT trigger I had Alexa running with Raspberry Pi and IFTTT triggers worked great. Now I got Amazon Echo Dot (UK) and it says Sorry I couldn't find that IFTTT trigger,Try unlinking and re-linking your Amazon and IFTTT accounts? +what do I do when I encounter spoiled food?,Police report +I'm seeing a possible pattern here.,Like maybe a racist pattern...who would have guessed +Little last card luck for the div title,Got lowballed at first haha congrats +Je hebt helemaal gelijk. Ik kan alleen de edit knop niet vinden.,Overkomt de besten wel eens. +Sadly kitchener doesn't know how to plow. Toronto does a much better job.,Well Toronto also calls in the army +Where's the confederate flag?,"It's not racist, its muh heritage" +"Not a physical trait but also the phrase you're a quiet one aren't you? or you don't talk much do you?. Yes I am, saying these things will not encourage me to suddenly chat nonstop. Thank you so much for pointing it out in front of this large group of people, really makes me feel comfortable with the situation.",But now we can't shut you up! +Wow that made me uncomfortable,Because you couldn't get your pants down far enough? +"Depends on how much the Church got into your head that women are evil, secy is evil, and everything are sins. Sjw are the modernized Church.",How dare you have different value than me! +"Good job, even though I'm not sure how I feel about your IGN :D","Alas, It is a name from better times" +"Stamp came in this week. After years of switching out parts, there is nothing more i want to do.","What about a bayonet lug, just in case?" +What war has been worth it since ww2. None of them all bullshit,"I'm sure the guy who had both legs blown off agrees with you, just bullshit, no big deal." +It's almost like there are people who are both interested in high quality headphones AND enjoy using Apple products! Like yourself apparently!,Coz everyone interested in high quality headphones must have a V20 +"Hey, I live in Venice!","Venice, North Dakota" +omg volvo fucking hates cloud9 and forces them to play random bo1s so theyll get eliminated,this +I'm feeling hope for the first time since early 2000,Hope that we can ban Muslims and deport millions! +These gender exclusive restrooms are getting a bit ridiculous.,TIL I'm a mechanical man was a song about gender issues. +"Alcohol kost samenleving ongeveer 2,5 miljard",Meteen verbannen! +Arizona business leaders sue to stop minimum wage hike,"We need more businessmen in government to fight for the working class, right Trump voters?" +I want my illusionist-trope hero. Someone with juke potential galore and a high skill cap. EPIC hinted at one before too.,"Ah, so Loki?" +Sneaky in lane LUL. But seriously what happened to this guy? He is know for his consistency and this two games he seems to not know what he is doing.,They can't rely on impact and Jensen to carry. +"grabe talaga yang drug war, pati bata nadadamay. kung hindi sana nainvolve yang tangang tatay na yan sa drugs edi sana buhay pa yang bata.",I think you forgot the +event? If a Christmas event will come When will they announce it?,Probably about two days into the event +The IRS Commissioner Belongs in Prison,Sounds fair and well reasoned. +"Remember people, this is a man who walked with Dr. King across the Pettus bridge on Bloody Sunday during the Selma to Montgomery march, who was jailed and beaten during the Civil Right protests, was one of the Big Six leaders of the movement and knows better than just about any American alive how bad it could be for black men and women in the first half of the century and during the Civil Rights era. So please, pretty please, someone try to say he's wrong.",So he is a criminal supporting criminal Hillary. +MRW mods say Star Wars is not MarvelStudios,"Ohhh, that's the old movie Spidey was talking about" +"Meeting My Future Self When I was about six years old, I wanted to go to my friend's house. My mom didn't want to let me, so I claimed I was running away to his house. He only lives two houses down, so it's no big deal. I storm outside and it's kind of warm since it was summer. I was just in a t shirt, shorts, and socks. Realizing I had no shoes, I decide to go back. I had been walking on the sidewalk this whole time and was the only person around. Once I get to my house, I realize the door is locked. I knock on the doorbell to no avail. I turn around and see a man staring at me. The man is wearing a black long coat and red converse shoes. The first thing that crossed my mind was that it was my dad since I had a feeling he was and my dad had the exact same red converse. Thinking it was him, I start walking towards him. But when I was about two or three feet away, I got this really uneasy feeling and immediately ran to the door. He never once moved. My mom and older brother open the door and I told them about the man I saw and how he looked like my dad. My mom tells me that my dad is outside in the backyard. They then go outside to look for him, but there was no trace of him. I was scared. Fast forward ten years to when I turned 16. I wanted my parents to buy me a coat for my birthday. I just told them I wanted a long coat since I had been playing watch dogs and liked how the main character had one. When my parents gave me my present, I immediately recognized the coat for the one the man had been wearing that one day.",Be sure you update us when you see yourself as a kid run back into his home after he gives you an uneasy look. +how did you do it?,"I took the original image, which is on the front page somewhere, ran it through Waifu2x to make it hi-res, then used the clashroyalecardmaker website to put it onto a card." +"the general consensus is 380 is the smallest you will want to go for self defense. and for many people 9mm is the smallest theyd go, im a 9mm guy. 22 just isnt a round made for shooting people",.25acp master race +i'm the autistic kid,hey its me your autism +factory reset ?,"Ugh, I guess that's next step.... I did enable the hidden night mode using the night mode enabler app, is that a known issue?" +New Download Icon to make it easier so download videos W/ YT Red,Nice ad. +If an Obama discovered the cure for cancer Republicans would oppose it.,"Then what would all those oncologists do for work, huh?" +I don't know about you but the implosion of smug in the country was a nice change of pace.,"Florida is underwater, Russia invaded Poland, life expectancy is at 62 years and Muslims have to wear a green crescent, but at least I get to drink smug liberal tears." +"Thanks, you too!",Happy Birthday btw! +That's pretty funny. Don't see how its possible to not notice you didn't take all the carts out though in a revolver.,Would've been hilarious if he blew his friend's brains all over the car. +"First time...first time to learn from mistakes. Next year, glow in the dark paint.",Although the wrong kind of paint was used im sure it would still look really cool with some form of dim lighting at the very least. +shox and smithzz confirm bogdan's Law,We always knew that Bogdan was way better and more experienced than steel. +My attempt on making a Freddy sprite!,this made me splooge +What fangame do you think had so much potential but ended up being terrible? I hope this doesn't break rule 13.,FNAF4 +"Plus, 'curse words' is a bit US-centric. In the U.K. words like hell and damn aren't given the same level of 'unacceptable' that they are in the US.",You gotta see my country.You can say go to hell and nobody gives a fuck. +"Nah man, it's more fun to wig out with tin foil hat ideas and stories from experts. I expect 24/7 coverage with random no names who were told by someone close to a top level ex-CIA, FBI, MSDS that it actually was clintons offshore mail server. Obviously hacked by the Russians of course.","My brother's friend's sister's wife's cousin's third eldest child works for the CIA, and he said he'll be saying somethin' about this tomorrow on CNN." +"And in a civilized society, no one should be allowed to interfere with normal life. Public disturbances and inconveniences are barbaric.",Yeah there should have never been any civil right marches on Washington. +"Which might make some sense if this country didn't put 15 and 16 year old black kids on trial as adults on a regular basis. This is an issue of a rich white kid getting away with murder, plain and simple.",B..but I'm a white male and we're the ones discriminated against +"You know, this election has brought out A LOT of crazy shit. But I am getting really sick of the Russia bad narrative. I think Putin has shown a great deal of patience with America while the left keeps blaming so much on him and his country. And the fact that so many of our citizens keep shitting on the idea of a strengthened alliance with Russia, is starting to piss me off. How is that a bad thing?",It's a horrible idea to have a positive relationship with the nation that has the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons and a large stockpile of hot Russian chicks. +There is a difference between threatening to do something irl and using an online third party service that takes somebody offline for a period of time.,Which is why I gave my anecdote of my only previous experience with such a topic in order to differentiate between this current situation with deadbobbing. +No. EA designed it like that to stop 3rd party programs (aka hacks).,Works like a charm +Help with shoes! Please help me out with some good shoe recommendations. My back is starting to hurt and I'm too damn young to have a bad back. My shifts are typically 11 hours standing in the same place and it only hurts when I'm at work. Also does anyone have any specific compression socks to recommend. TIA.,I'd love to hear some suggestions as well +"Seriously, someone in my office called me this last week. I unhid ONE missing cell column and bam, I'm a tech-goddess. I'm the only 20-something in an office of women 45 and older. They think I'm a Microsoft Office genius. They don't respect my opinion at all and they hate that I'm a millennial, but boy does that change when they can't figure out how to work an animated PowerPoint slideshow.","My god, that last sentence is my work life in a nutshell." +What were you known for in high school?,Being really fucking short +"If you're looking to get hired, Paramedic school is the logical next step. That's the golden ticket man, seriously. If you're just looking to stick with fire classes, driver/operator is the most fun (and useful) in my opinion.",God I hate EMS :( But departments are starting to hire fire medics only +What is not for sale at any price?,The presidency +"I think the course I took was 2 days that started at 7 AM and went until early afternoon. I thought it was the 8 hour course, but it must've been the 10. Either way, it was pretty bad. IIRC I may have sat through a 30 prior to that for my EMT cert...","That's rough, I've just had to do a few NIMS for mine." +"WTF!!! OBAMA JUST SAID THAT WE HAVE HAD NO FOREIGN DIRECTED TERRORIST ATTACK ON U.S. SOIL SINCE HE WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT?!?! SAN BERNARDINO, ORLANDO, AND BOSTON DON'T COUNT?!?!",him saying any of those attacks were acts of terrorism would be racist +"Obama is responsible for his actions, not China's.","Theoretically he is responsible, but we know he's just a Trump's puppet now, right?" +How to properly escalate a situation quickly,Justice happened +so i guess new patch is comin in 16-17 days and we ain't tested final Barber yet... should we be worried?,"Naw, they'll just remove it 14 hours before the patch goes live." +"You know I'm OP here, right? I mean just checking as you've just told others not to feed the troll but you're replying meaning you're doing it now - aren't you?",Even a stopped clock tells the time right twice a day. +What are you going to do during this snowstorm?,What's a snowstorm? +What common mispronunciation makes your blood boil?,All the variations of Chipotle that are out there. +Newly-elected Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg fired dozens of employees via email today.,It was Russia. +I know I will get downvoted to hell but I hate these posts. Too much hype will derail the train,What is hype may never die. +The fact that a voter can be replaced just like that is complete and utter bull shit.,Because fuck the people the people of that state who voted? +"Titanfall had made me a much, much better Lucio, and now Lucio feels like a low rent pilot.",wow racist +A response to the FA flight video: If the person next to me has a problem they can move,"Fatspreading is SO much better than manspreading, obvi" +Neither of you should be in charge of our militaryv,Clearly the US military is more intelligent than that.. +Fake news does not mean news that goes against your opinion.,"It does mean news largely based on anonymous sources, which are pretty much unverifiable." +Play Terrorist Hunt then.,Sound logic. +Corsair confirms more RGB products coming in 2017,Because no one expected that! +I'm guessing he can shoot through the windows on shields as well? This is pretty big buff to him in disguise,Pro Tip: Avoid shooting your team mates in the face. +Killa and mir are godlike on this game sheesh,It's because MLG gave killa a blue ethernet chord +yeah even Jensen peeled for him,Are... are you trying to say that wall was bad? +"Game Maker has varying prices and you can use Blender for free to model. Just so you know, Game Maker was used to make Undertale. Clickteam costs around 100$ and Clickteam Developer costs 200$ so..",Download a cracked version! +"PSA: GMS nodestone drops are acc transferable only, not tradeable","mseas cores were account tradable only for a while but when chew chew came out, all cores became tradable from drop" +"Hmm who do I want to believe. The FBI, CIA and White House, or the Kremlin",Kremlin because we don't want war with them +jane NO,Wait who is jane +"Ryan Proposes Fines, Ethics Moves on Grandstanding House Members",We don't want the American people to actually see their elected representatives working.... +"Aka, the Bunny Fufu.",I think you are referring to the bunny hop. +"I mean some people will voluntarily put up those posters. And whenever someone who's had to make that gravest of choices goes for a piss and sees one of those signs, it will feel like a needle in her heart.","And people who haven't made that decision yet, will absolutely be swayed by it...." +"i was literally moved to tears earlier today watching stories about Charlotte Figi and Vivian Wilson two little girls who were both afflicted by dozens to hundreds of seizures a day. They were on a medley of anti epileptic pills that made them basically catatonic and yeah even though these pills were helping they were also destroying their tiny bodies, Charlotte was even confined to a wheel chair at one point. The documentary then followed them and their families down the long road to try and get the right to be medicated with CBD and once they finally did it was a night and day difference. They got to be 'normal' kids for the first time in their lives and i'm sitting here thinking For fucks sake how is this even debatable at this point!? After the doc I was still so fucking angry that Wilson's family had to move from New Jersey to Colorado because Gov Chris Christie wont allow edible marijuana in NJ. Im starting to look into a career change to do SOMETHING in the medical marijuana industry either in cultivation or legislation because those two little girls melted the ice on my heart and Im not gonna let ANY kid have to ever deal with this kinda horse shit again, no matter what it takes.",I love how a department of all cops and no doctors can say if something has medicinal value or not +"I'm sorry, are you serious? You think freeze mage, the deck that revolves around thaurissan tick into thalnos/fb/fb/il/il/fireball/fireball combo, uses frostbolt and ice lance to clear minions?",You clearly haven't played much renocombo lock if you don't think Leeroy power overwhelming faceless is meant to be used on the face. +I find that a lot of kpop fans are weebs.,Unwarranted attack in my safe place. +The comic sans makes this verifiable.,"It's not fake tho, there was a video that went along with it." +Bread and circuses,"Or consumer, workers' and human rights..." +A Historical Take on Battlefield 1's Multiplayer Maps,"Job well done, thanks for your efforts" +Points for creativity. But c'mon dude...seriously?,Nothing is sacred. +"Santa teresita, pinamar or Villa Gessel those ones have tons of clubs etc, specially the last one. Remember that if you want to be in a town where is full of clubs etc it is going to be a little bit crowded although not much people is going on holidays with the shitty economy so it is going to be less people than usual if that's a thing.. there are quiet places that you should avoid like Las Toninas, that place is full dead even the sea is dead, like there are no waves in the water",If they like minors villa gessel would be awesome +Goal that we desperately needed,Yeah feel like that goal can do wknders for chelsea season +Get it yet?,Yup because the baby didnt catch any of that as a result of being exposed to a brand new environment with a barebones immune system +Those mugs are fuckin' badass.,Well too bad cause that's all there is. +Internet bully's are cancer cancer cancer cancer,*cyber bullies +I honestly completely forgot about reddit this whole week now that the semester is over. It's too late to start one now so I'll start something again next week.,I tried my hand at one this week so it's sorta okay lol. +Predecessors,this is worth a thread. +My friends dressed up to see Star Wars.,Your friends probably bring fruit cake as a legit Christmas gift too huh +Who cares that oil needs to stay in the ground anyway.,We don't Canadians to get rich from this Canadian oil. +He didn't murder his wife. Unless you believe in conspiracy theories.,So by that logic you should also accept Modi had nothing to do with 2002? +Are RGB case lights worth it?,red ones fasten up your pc by 57% +Some say it's better than bustin' a nut,IVE HAD PLENTY OF ORGASMS! +I did what everyone else on this subreddit couldn't I asked a girl out and I'm going on my first date tomorrow,god man thanks for making me feel so insecure and disgusted with myself since I CANT get one. +Guest Grumps is for non YouTubers.,Steve-O's channel has 3.6 mil subs... +Most underrated Kanye song Champions,Say You Will +Our incel friends are taking it to the next level,This gave me the strangest boner +2016 Claims Another Victim,At least you can still press F to pay respects +"wow, it's a fucking bot that just copy and pastes the original to get karma and reddit gold and insists he get credit",Please find it in your heart to forgive me for copy/pasting my own comment in response to my own content being copy/pasted +And then the board keeps on doing whatever it was they were doing because they have no real reason to stop,So then it's the system that's the problem not the CEO obviously. +Why are discs and drums both used on a car? Cheaper to use drums in the back where it doesn't have to turn?,"A couple of reasons: * Its generally cheaper * Since a very small amount of breaking is done by the rear wheels anyway, it's easy to justify * In my experience, brake shoes seem to last a little longer before needing replacement * The mechanism for the parking brake is far, far simpler and because they are self assisting, its much easier to apply a large amount of force with the parking brake in emergencies" +Maybe people should join a clan then.,yeah it should be a rule that you can only play DMM if you are in a clan +Did she just unfold into an X-Wing,Soooo does r2 sits where I think he sits? +I sensed a male energy in the women's clothing section lol,"What, you cant?" +But not for $10,Maybe stock options. +AFP's outlook on youths Hoody= Dangerous hacker flannelette= Helpful patriotic nerd,If Mr Robot has taught them anything it's that you need a hoody to hack. +Americans Think There Are 54 Million Muslims In America. There Are Only 3 Million.,"Well, now there is, but obummer is gonna let 51 million more in before leaving office." +Finally Completed the AEK60 with Neon Greens! (World first!),I bet you only have that one neon green switch +"I wouldn't doubt that there is some self ego stroking there too. Meet with actual successful billionaires and hope it rubs off on him, or at least the perception there of. Hopefully you are right and these folks can use Trump's need to be accepted and praised to usher in an era of technological advancement unseen in human history.",hahaha you forgot your +"Due to irresponsible spending, California and many of it's cities are just about broke and may need federal bailout money. There is no real threat from Gov. Snowflake and his far left, tax and spend nut jobs.","Lol, California has a larger economy than most countries." +maintained neutrality? remained neutral?,"hahahahahaha, either of these will do" +"Jesus, dude. Take it easy.",Waiting for your easiness +"They probably won't win, but it doesn't matter. I actually think that it's a good thing the DEA did this, because now there is no second guessing the fact that they are utterly corrupt and worthless. Every American citizen who understands what this means will just have to bide their time until the next election, when the idea of getting rid of the DEA entirely may inch itself closer and closer to reality",This is definitely not a good thing in any way. +Germany was doing really bad after world war I. People wanted to hear a reason why things were bad and pointing to a group that was already disliked made an easy target. You just tell everyone that once we get those leaches out that everyone will have jobs and be rich again.,Gee...where have I heard that before? +Zack ;-; I think the Scrotum looks better with the armor than an Oggy would,Fair enough +Did you see another elite edimmu earlier in the task?,"yes, 2 i think." +"Coal workers in the United States when we had a small federal government, no EPA, no unions, and no regulation.",Make America great again! +"Yeah they've done this, Dickson has that Vietnamese lady all over the place.",I'm assuming you're referring to Elizabeth Lee - she's of Korean heritage. +He was really dominant in that tournament. Crazy to see him reach such a high and then such a low shortly after.,Isles are horrible? +Today TOS suddenly started freezing. It freezes during games and it's so annoying. Is anyone else experiencing this and if so how do you fix it.,Didn't know blackmailer got a buff +"Because its for preordering, not EVGA's step up so they probably don't think people who own 1080s will go for the 1080ti. Why Nvidia is trying to get people to pre order GPUs, I don't know.","Because video game publishers push it, why not video card manufactures?" +"Shut up you fucking asshole, stupid comments like these are why I hate this damn website",You dropped this: +Basically everywhere except America.,And they call us lazy. +Wolves choked like they were filming a deepthroat scene,Seriously it's like the wolves are PunishTube starlets +Right! The most ironic thing ever,It's like rain on your wedding day +Anyone have any idea when Radiohead will announce the 2017 US tour dates? Just curious. I'm getting very antsy lol.,"when Trump's presidency is over, probably." +"Nah, OP isn't into direct confrontation. He waited until she got in the store and set it on fire.","Or, OP is the driver and photographer." +I'd kill for some CBD now. I need all of that.,It's violent drug addicts like you that forced the DEAs hand on this issue! +"There is no Muslim registry. What there WILL be is a registry of all new immigrants coming from certain at risk countries, like Iran, Iraq, Saudia Arabia, Syria, ect",You're not allowed to say that here join the circle jerk or leave +Reddit's been pwn'd. Greetz from KILLAKREW,congrats +How has no one said FTL yet? Ok. FTL. Seriously. Can't stop playing this damn game. Too good.,FTL? +how,"By being a rude, homophobic ass his whole campaign." +WTF - She can't be the maid nor the nanny...,Nor a tranny +Good thing he changes policies regularly.,Trump has shifted his position in sexual assault +Pretoria vs. Johannesburg,"You want to start a war, cause this is how you start a war." +Texas Begins $350M in Medicaid Cuts; Disabled Children Affected,"Remember everyone, both sides are to blame." +"TIFU by almost killing a guy with my nuts. I'm a baker at a company with a strict labeling policy. I accidentally made a cookie with nuts instead of a cookie without. Since the label said it didn't contain nuts, a man decided to eat one. Instantly had a reaction. Luckily he realized right away.",see now i was curious to know how you almost killed someone with YOUR nuts.. clickbait is spreading +What is the best legendary? Say your opinion on what the best legendary card in the game is! Please explain your anwser! :),#NAME? +"You aren't in traffic, you *are* traffic","You aren't stuck in traffic, you *are* traffic." +To be fair in the first place she was intending on me getting $10 on $150 so she clearly wasn't intending on my getting 20% But yeah I've never wanted to yell at a customer so much.,Tell her you'll do it for her. +So when are we going to see arachne support played in the SPL? I'll give you 15 gems if you're man enough to do it.,I will add another 5 to that +You get a discount for being a music subscriber? How do I get that?,I don't get this and I've been subscribed for over 2 years now :'( +My mom has that same phone case,Nudes or it didn't happen +"Wait, are you just saying that because of the commercials or are you serious? Cause, no, it doesn't look like a BMW","You're right, it looks more like an Audi" +Why would HHH screw him again,Because he's friends with Seth again? +Quality of Life suggestion involving kiosks and unobtainable items,Just put tape on your screen to cover them +"Personal story: I [used to] love eating sunflower seeds. I would usually have a large bag of Bigs sunflower seeds on my computer desk eating them as I played video games. One day I pop a handful of seeds into my mouth but something doesn't taste quite right. I write it off as a bad seed, every now and then you get on that doesn't taste quite right, maybe it's been roasted too long or something. But the bad taste gets much worse, fast, the worst taste I've ever tasted. I spit the mouthful into my hand and there is a stinkbug crawling among the seeds. I go rise my mouth out with water, gargle, spit, brush my teeth, chew gum, but the awful taste doesn't go away for a solid thirty minutes. It's like there was a film that covered my tongue. tldr: Almost ate a stinkbug.",Same thing happened to me except it was with Doritos and a lady bug. +"Idk seems like a good way to increase the rate of fractured necks of femurs, dementia/delerium and heart attacks to me - and I'm a med student. Osteoarthritic pain is managed much better with NSAIDs than cannabis; the only geriatric patients who might benefit from it would be those who are bed bound in palliative care with chronic pain from end-stage cancer - and they're not exactly making an effort to vote.",Judging from the rest of your posts in this thread I don't believe you for a second. +The fuck is wrong with you? Get the fuck off of reddit and go marathon all 7 movies you swine.,"In all fairness, he could probably just watch Episodes 4-7." +Sell a bfbc2 fanboy on bf1 Real simple. Loved bfbc2. Thought bf3 lost about 50% of the bf feel and bf4 was more of these same. I'm on ps4.,Rush is fun again. +Yee,well frick +"Freedom of speech is EXACTLY what i've detailed above. if i want to ask you if 'you suck dicks' and call you a 'goddamned peterpuffer' (god bless you sgt hartman)- that is without question freedom of speech no matter how mean, or rude it may seem. you seem to be under the impression that i'm talking about slander/libel. i'm not talking about slander and libel. i'm talking about the adulteration and curtailment of expression. nobody who refers to freedom of speech is ever referring to slander and libel, but the exchange of expression, opinion, and idea. Free speech IS a human right by default. it is NOT granted by your government despite people like you who think it is. it is either allowed, or prohibited by your government. lets say china comes along and installs itself over the american goverment. do you think people will just go oh well... there goes my freedom of speech- might as well shut up and sit down. if you think thats how it works, you are a foolish, foolish child. They dont gift you with your voice or free thought, you have those inherently - you are born with them. they dont magically come along and implant your frontal cortex and gift you the ability to speak. to argue that you dont have those things inherent to you is pure stupidity. there are only two cases where our government infringes on our right to freedom of speech - When denying assembly via bureaucracy, and when denying criticism of the government - both of which are abhorrent. It is not a fallacy. the reason SE can mandate speech is because my presence in their space is at-will, and is not mandatory. i'm allowed to leave. the reason SE hasnt implemented what the OP wants, and doesnt act on it, is because they understand that beyond slurs and threats of violence, that they shouldn't be interfering in that basic right.",muh free speech +He won a ring on the 03 Spurs.,yeah but he was let go by the spurs on their last title run +"Moving a square root to the other side of an equation. What do you do to move a square root from one side of an equation to another? Specifically, I have to solve for x here: t=2*sqrt(x/a)",Square both sides. +srs or joke? Because an image like the one OP has linked to is deffo not something I'd want displayed at work and if that's the case I might bring this up in the next meta thread.,A bit of both. +"Token black friends of Reddit, how racist are your white friends?","Omg all white people are racist, it's just a matter of degrees of awareness of their racism." +Jags fans. How do you do it?,we've dealt with similar pains the last two seasons +OK....? Obviously there's some cross over with 130Million people voting... That doesn't actually negate anything about what the person you responded to said.,It's (pairing Trump supporters with racism) is just kind of a silly and self defeating thing to do. +I dont understand how the devs haven't adressed hook traps. We've been clamoring for their removal for months. It's like they don't care about what we think at all.,"*Looks at sprint burst double nerf* *Looks at window double nerf* *Looks at flashlight de-buff shortly after buff* Yeah, they definitely don't listen." +"Where would most of us be if FNAF wouldnt have existed. Im sure this is asked a lot. But just think about it. If something might have happened that took you from finding FNAF, You could have a whole new perspective on it or even not even know about it.",Minecraft would take over +"Group of girls walked by me in grocery store and said Hey cutie whats up? ;). and walked away. Has this ever happened to any of you before? When a girl or her friends walk by you some place and either whistle or say Hey cutie, hottie, etc ? I just said what's up? before leaving.",Oh yeah this happens all the time! +Lol Edelman fistbumped that ref.,Aaaaaaand fined 7200 for unsportsmanlike conduct. +"Naw, that's like asking if it's gay to jerk yourself off",But is that gay? +The Rarest Soldier 76,"Oh man, this hasn't been posted before." +I await the enemy of the people headline tomorrow,Non olympian hetrosexual traitor +One of the many lessons 2016 has taught us.,its *their +"The Blades use Akaviri architecture, not Cyrodilic or Nordic.","Psh, *duh*." +This. Clearly the Republican party is now a bunch of brainwashed cult followers. If you look up the actions that Scientology uses to destroy their enemies and indoctrinate their people it is almost exactly the same as the Republican party. Clearly the Republicans are now just an extremest party. I know they think ISIS is the enemy but if they had any kind of self awareness they would realize they are just another extremist hate group.,Freeing slaves is definitely the work of a hate group +Not really though. It's simple and unoriginal,yeah and vincent van gogh paints like a two year old +All the anti vaxers I know are the same liberals who also hate floride and gluten,Gluten does have a conservative agenda. +YOU SURE TOLD HIM. ^^^Keep ^^^Up ^^^The ^^^Good ^^^Work ^^^Though. ^^^First ^^^Time ^^^I ^^^Have ^^^used ^^^Your ^^^Mod ^^^Past ^^^Alfheim!,hey at least i got vazkii to respond to me +"long hair or short hair on girls, which attract guys the most?",boobs +"Bad advice, non-Dark miracles when cast with Sunless Talisman only scale with FAI and wind up suffering massively for damage. It's only good for casting the handful of Dark miracles that scale with Spell buff, namely Gnaw/Gnawing, Lifehunt Scythe, Dark Weapon and Dead Again. In other words it's useless lol.","Ahh, did not know that, I rarely use that playstyle so I was just going off spellbuff alone." +Who would trade for Brock now? Is there any real chance this ends well for Houston?,I heard he used to play basketball somewhere. +What movie did you watch over and over again as a child?,Lion king! +"Yes, god no, eh, eh, yes Jesus fuck no, yes, yes, no, yes Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes Yes, no but its not like Nosepass was any better before, yes, yes, yes So overall: yes, with a side of wow there are way more of those than I thought",Magmortar is a star dude +My first retro Spider-Man comic! What was your first retro Spider-Man comic?,I love Mark Bagley +Sagan was always awesome and died too young to become the villain.,Sagan smoked hella weed +"If he actually has the recordings and didn't release them prior to the election, shame on him. Even if he was trying to profit off the tapes, I'd think they may have fetched more when they actually had value to Clinton and left leaning news sources. Stupid.",Maybe he wasn't interested in money so much as he was interested in protecting the well-being of his three sources +"I don't understand, did he think other teams would cheer for him when he joined the A-League? Of course we're going to boo him, welcome to competitive sports.","Any club with supporters guilty of booing and abusing the greatest footballer of all time, Tim Cahill, will be docked 9 points for bringing the FFA into disrepute" +I saw one of these fairly recently. The rear bumper had a NO PICTURES bumper sticker.,It's not a Bentley...It's a Chrysler c300 +I think they should fix the lunge distance for commando. I watched a video on yt once and they proved it was like 12 feet lol,Totally realistic +"What is that thing called when there are two babies in the womb, but one absorbs the other, then you have a person with two different DNA? Maybe you had that and now your evil twin is fighting its way out.","Jesus Christ xD, thats sounds quite deadly." +"Downvotes incoming, but how the fuck do you guys get away with holding so much? Jesus christ it was so blatant also. Can't have Americas Team losing in a primetime game to the really bad & boring Buccaneers. Biased ass announcers also.","Yea, it's not like the Bucs Oline got away with holding either." +Every C9 game :(,FeelsC9man :'( +"A 2001 Camry. Yeah, nothing to write home about.","Ah, yes, the well known 2001 Camry used for racing, taxi driving AND delivery" +Cardinal,I should call my parents when I think of them I should tell me friends when I love them +Also the switch needs power so the games can be playable. We can't have games run at 30 FPS.,Yeah totally can't have that... Because the other consoles don't have *any* games at 30fps +And yet it moves.,And yet Greece is selling even public water companies. +This meta got me thinking: were abusive sergeant and leper gnome that OP before the nerf? Maybe Blizzard should unnerf those cards? What do you think guys? With small time buccaneer and patchs in the meta those cards seems not so op than before.,"Yeah, t4 lethal is too ResidentSleeper, let's go for t3." +Good thing they're moving to Las Vegas.,Just remember this. +"It's weird how Hanzo is both insanely overpowered and very easy to use, according to everyone on reddit. Yet everyone also complains when a Hanzo is on the team.",I call this the Handsoap effect. +"Nobody cares about these things (as in, nobody would come back just for that). Give me battle modes or something.","I agree no one would come back if those were fixed, but I do think the exodus might have been less dramatic." +Obama says Democrats lost by not showing up,The Russians did it. +Portuguese DJ remixes Stranger Things and it is simply amazing.,ravin' in the upside down. +"we need to nerf axe back to the shit it was, and get the katars back, and buff sword because it's not meta enough",upvoted because i'm assuming +Life ain't easy for a vegan hobo.,That needs to be on a bumper sticker on my 2002 Hummer. +"TIL In the 1980's, Ched Paul Prudhomme started selling his Blackened Redfish seasoning. The dish was so popular that it nearly wiped out the species.","FYI, Ched is an honorific title given to accomplished chefs with an alliterative name." +I don't see why it's funny that people learn English with accents other than American.,Because Americans don't have an accent silly! +"So the boycott went over well, huh?","Yes, that one guy who said this would do $120 million was right on the money." +"I know about three million more Americans who disagree with you. People make dumb decisions, especially when rural voters make up a lot of the population.",Californians aren't Americans you silly! +He must be a Reaper main on OW,"My speedster name would be Shadow The Hedgehog, because I'm dark and edgy and Identify as a hedgehog" +"I actually agree with that statement, mainly because at this stage I believe that men are significantly, *significantly* inferior to women, to the point that men are probably closer to apes than women. The lack of impulse control on most men is a good example of this. Yeah, yeah, I know, this point of view makes me just as bad as MRAs, whatever, not really.","Haha yeah, making negative, sweeping generalizations about an entire gender is totally okay as long as that gender is male." +"Final Count: Hillary Clinton Won Popular Vote by Over 2.86 Million, Or 2.1 Percent","So with the 3 million illegal votes factored in, Trump still won the popular vote!" +I love how every fight posted on the internet now claims that the guy getting beat up was a bully.,Its always the bigger person who is the bully. +"To buy Train Simulator 17 and all DLC, or a used car?",Used car and Civilisation 6. +"Unsurprisingly heard this one told the other way around, oh well.","Flemish people are so poor, they even recycle Dutch jokes." +The situation for Chow Chows isn't much better :(,Yeah but the chowing is in their name +Me irl,darkness imprisoning me +Go to a bar and try to pick up a stranger. The ultimate social interaction test ;),u/maggie_noodles_ maybe go to a juice bar or something? +"Eh, it's mostly oil on the money",Because they can't afford cocaine? +Those pieces of the turbo went somewhere.,There's no way they went IN to the engine. +You're in the Seattle area?,DFW actually +"That was the first thing I thought when I just rewatched it- you can immediately see them flinch backwards with a brief 'WTF?' look flitting across their faces. That they did what any polite person (especially a journalist) would do and go back to smiling is not proof that Clinton did not have a bizarre mentaloid spaz attack right on camera. Now, where's my goddamn cold chai?","You can even see her mouth the words, Are you okay?" +Just hold forward,"No send nudes at the end , 0/10" +Um Sunday,timezone +A great many species. Few realize (or care) how serious this is.,Only somewhere between 50 and 100 per day are becoming extinct though +Official Trailer - Seasons of Heaven for Nintendo Switch,So was this said to be in-game footage or not? +Damn that was fast. I was going to especially since they have paypal... but.. we will see what AMD has to offer. I hate being tied to a monitor technology for the rest of my life :|,I'll see you on the red side. +"This is amazing! Because I (genuinely) dislike eggplant, whereas everyone else seems to like it. In fact, it is just about the only vegetable I won't eat. It's horrible, slimy and bitter. It's so nice to be able to say this without being judged!","But when you make your own eggplant dish, it will be different!" +8 man ppr choose 2 Woodhead Gordon Langford Ware Rawls Jennings Leaning towards Langford and ware...,Woodhead and Ware +"It's 2016 and the people who've just been put in charge of the most powerful country in the world are using logic like this to subvert scientific evidence in favour of their own dogma. Jesus fucking christ, what happened to us?",But mai emails begazzzzistan commy guns +Remember that time ~~Obama~~ 'Barack HUSSEIN Obummer' was going to cancel the election and declare marshal law? I've been hearing that one for eight years now.,"Well, he still has about a month." +The people care and we're fucking angry.,Good thing that's 100% irrelevant to what actually happens in government. +Don't compare lesbians to men!,"I know anecdotal stories aren't helpful, but I can recall more instances of inappropriate advances from lesbians than by men." +Poll: Dems more likely to unfriend people due to political posts,That's what happens when you teach that pro intellectually biased liberal curriculum +What will the US do if people don't like Bill?! Nothing? Oh geez!,Wait he's not running? +Sources: GBM to jungle for Team Vitality,Soo.. is it not too late for Fnatic to get Lira and Ikksu...? +KDE is bloated and resource hungry... 338MB RAM used in idle mode,How much work can you do in idle mode my dude... +Thalnos is like the rug. He ties the room together.,The Chinaman peed on your Thalnos? +someone screenshot this because I bet the Muslim apologists will delete your comments,No no no that religion is way too peaceful to ever do anything like this +Four Washington electors refuse to vote for Clinton,Democrats need to bring their electors to heel. +"Also, Japan doesn't have an R or L, so they both sound like some kind of D.",Explain video game console shoulder buttons then. +I can make my way through a crowd very easily. Concerts and busy shops are a breeze!,The problem with this is it's impossible to travel with others because either you end up waiting for them every 10m or you lose them for an hour. +"Liberals and progressives also need to have more kids. Though the country is becoming more liberal, slowly, the tide is further slowed by the fact that many conservatives are -massive- breeders.",This is why Trump needs to make abortions free. +We can 1-0 too you know.,we were the kings of 1-0 games in '13-'14 +Why Germany is so dangerous place?,It really isn't. +C++ Functional Programming For Masochists,In some ways more possible than for Java... +"I actually enjoy my consoles and hate when the typical zomg pc is better stuff comes up. I also pay for xbox live, $35 a year isn't shit really, and the quality of games they give out (not always the best) can be pretty damn good.",How is it only $35 for you? +best soup dumplings in san antonio? I did not know these existed until recently when I visited Chinatown in NYC. Any good soup dumplings around here that are comparable to the east coast?,Nope. +IT WASNT A DRAW! We won hanamura 2-1 and it gave us a draw. WTF,Pics or it didn't happen +Yep,Thanks +Rural crime rates versus urban.,"Yeah, all those white street gangs running around Compton and Chicago." +Trump Adds Another Billionaire to His Cabinet,Drain that swamp! +"Well, this is really only about the Americans in MLS. I'm sure foreign players like Accam and Matarita have attained interest too.",Accam has played in Europe and was probably the best player on the team. +Not true capitalism either though...,Thankful for that. +What in the hell does pre-ordering even do for you? It's not like there won't be any copies available at release.,Pre-order bonuses are sometimes nice +"It has more to do with your vape setup, the juice you're using, and belive it or not, a little technique. Source: I have a friend who has competed",You need to get better friends +Before and after when this bank note was called a good boy.,Before and after when this bank note was called a good ~~boy~~ Mao. +ITT: People to young to remember the 90s and how long the Clinton family has been a bag of shit.,"Yeah, those terrible late nineties... Such a horrible time for our country...Not." +When do people not in the military get to know what happened?,Most likely after the investigation is concluded. +We need a crusade,yes lets make the problem even worse +Refusal to allow your child to attend this trip will result in a Racial Discrimination note being attached to your child's education record.,"are they still doing this shit, three years later?" +Lose and Go Cloud,"If it happens so frequently you should just adapt to it, especially if they're all playing so similarly" +It didn't get locked.,"Whether it did or not, it's a dumb pointless comment to make." +Recently paid Trump: * Republic of Azerbaijan * Kuwait * Bahrain Fucking seriously.,But... but... but... Clinton foundation.... +I'm guessing they'd need to rewrite the current Cursed Child script to get him onboard. Right now it's a crappy mess.,"As someone who has no intention of reading the book, can you explain why it's a crappy mess?" +"Damn, that's what he was missing. He kept looking a bit barebone to me but I couldn't remember what exactly he was missing.",I think it's the lack of a like a big jacket collar too +If only my 50k reward points would hit from the Xbox One S I bought 2 weeks ago.,"Don't worry, it'll hit your account right after the sale ends." +I think the real answer is fuck no,"I would have also accepted, you lost get over it." +"I want kids but I also want to protect my financial assets. Anything I can do to prevent future loss (from divorce/nullified prenup) to minimize potential fallout? It seems heartless to just kick the mother out of a kid's life so I've been contemplating on how I should approach this. I feel really shitty just thinking about having a family, especially after the reality I was exposed to because of swallowing the red pill","you could always adopt.. good luck though, because nowadays all men are rapists/child molesters" +This diecast doesn't actually come with a free hood,Well the car has a hood so technically +Chase drivers at tire tests I don't think it's fair that Truex got a tire test this week at Martinsville. No Chase driver should be able to attend these at future Chase tracks. Thoughts?,But ma underdog +"This, plus a willingness to flop. Nobody remembers the time your witty comeback sucked - but they do remember the good ones... As long as your ratio isn't **that** bad lol.","Pro tip: if it's bad, make sure it seems like it was on purpose." +"Before telescopes people knew it didn't. Only the church brought that belief back, but the Ancient Greek, Roman, and Hindu knew it was the other way around. Hell, the ancient Greeks calculated the size of the earth, its orbit, predicted the size of the moon, and the distances between all of them. Without telescopes a lot was done based on shadows, time, location, and light.","No no, Columbus discovered the Earth wasnt flat!" +What becomes more fucked up the longer you think about it?,The letter J. +It looks like a scene from a movie. Doesn't even look real,Reservoir Dogs +Got a berner myself,"He lost the primary, GET OVER IT REDDIT" +"PC builders. Like someone who has the best setup money can buy are labelled spoiled and a stupid consumer. While people with minimal setups are labelled cheap and not a real builder. Like wtf is there a sweet spot where performance is divided by amount spent or something? And dont get me started on their attitudes towards apple products, gaming laptops, consoles etc. Overall most of those people are shut in nerds who think knowing about consumer grade computers makes them better than casual gamers who don't live in the basement and play games all day with the lights turned off. Fuck em.",PC master race. +HMJB while I ride my bike with no training wheels,Thank God he had that helmet. +What's it good for?,Absolutely nothing! +Does that excuse Trump Supporters of using it?,If the Clintons do something it's alright apparently +What happens when you go to piratebay now.,Still fine with TPG +Lying NYT says Turkey ambassador shooter shouted God is great! when he really said ALLAHU AKBAR!,"He may have been a Methodist terrorist, or Unitarian, religion has nothing to do with it" +I think it's on PS4 VR now too!,With downgraded graphics too! +Or grow up as a black kid in any city in America!,"Shh, you should know not to talk about the larger issue on reddit, silly!" +600+ KEYS GREAT OFFERS,Striker Rubber Duckie for 500 keys. +"crimson lightnings crazy offers , message psn:bami-sjiev",1 key there u go crazy offers +"In my day we didn't have all this mental health bullshit. We just got on with it, toughed it out, and then eventually died a nice natural death from a heart attack age forty before we became a drain for anyone. Now people not only expect to reach old age, they expect people to help them when they're feeling a little bit sad. It's madness I say, madness! Once we defund mental health entirely people will realise that they don't need it and just get back down the mines. Wait and see.",You forgot the +For Republicans everything is a partisan issue,"Yeah, Democrats always cross party lines." +you and your's,yours's +If Merkel hadn't opened up the borders for a free for all then that gentleman wouldn't have entered the country and thus the attack wouldn't have been carried out.,If the guy who invented the car didn't invent the car no one would have driven a truck in a crowd. +"Quick survey of good and bad customer care by companies Hi all , For fellow radian I would like to get list of companies with good and bad customer care. Please share your experience by which you concluded your rating .",Bad customer Care +Hypothetical battle.,you must be a joy to hang out with at parties +How the Pixel's software helped make Google's best camera yet,DSLRs are obsolete now +Sorry man. If you still don't have enough just check back with vendors on reset day. Also ghost drops will increase in packages and will be added to Archons Forge loot table so you might get one from there if it's even possible.,Yeah I'm counting down the days until reset +Who ever made this is a mucking fonster.,"Ikr, fucking imperial system user!" +"After ignoring Linux for years, Adobe releases Flash 24 for Linux",Will it run on Windows 95? +Nah. You can only do that with blue jeans and pop music.,Or as Advent Loyalists +F.C. Copenhagen to sign CS:GO team,I wonder who they will sign +Stone Hatchet & Stone Pickaxe to expensive?,Yeah chopping one rock and two trees to craft both tools are too much for me. +kanye verse wack? get a grip please,Yeah how dare you call a kanye verse wack on this sub? +Duke fan slaps baby,"Here come all the Cameron Crazies, blindly defending more heinous actions!" +Cookie Clicker,Thanks +At least his stream is good for smth now,"m0E really seemed to land allot of clutch bets, i would go for gambling advice" +I was being sarcastic,Since that's always a good idea on the internet +Jaheira and Khalid are in Nashkel with me. The quest won't finish though,Talk to the mayor! +Sooners' Joe Mixon: 'It felt like a dude hit me',Good thing he broke her face... that'll show her not to hit like a man +"With the season ending for most of us, who is on your do not draft list for next season? Marshall and Ingram were the biggest headaches and traded Ingram away for Baldwin later in the season. Who is on your list that you will avoid for the next draft?","AP, Gurley, JAX offense." +Rocket seen from plane.,Hopefully seeing this made sitting next to the wing (and thus engine where all the friggin cabin noise comes from) a little more palatable. +EXTREMELY. ACCURATE. Springtrap Model By Mistberg.,Forgot the +The entire concept of having to file for permission is obscene. The very designation of a building zone should automatically approve a whole long list of what can be done there without involving city hall further other than code compliance.,"Not the British way, old chap" +"If power was the only thing making a console successful, the Vita would have all the third party games while the 3DS would be dead in the water.","That's why the Wii U sold so well, right?" +The upvotes beg to differ,because mean people are never upvoted on reddit +not arguing b that would imply that Trump's people have a valid viewpoint rooted in reality. I'm just making fun of that shit.,"Well, there was some saudis on the planes so it had to be the saudi government!" +NFL GM Called Players Skipping Bowl Games to Prep For Draft 'Selfish (Expletive)',"Ya, because if there's anything the NFL has proven it has, it's integrity." +"Not the full damage as it only charges with LOS, which winston periodically broke.","Damage increases universally across his ultimate, so if he charges full and someone walks into his line of sight, they're getting a nice 1500 damage round to the dome." +Super disappointed about Bahamut,I hope the future updates include Bahamut being usable. +Berlin Police - We have the wrong man,Time for a good old Reddit investigation! +As a black dude I hate seeing everyone so actively anti-racism that they got people afraid to say black and shit like that. Truth is that's gonna push everyone further apart if everyone's always thinking about what they can and can't say,"Meh, we have a new president now, you can stop worrying about what word people may use." +"Marital Counseling after Stroke? Are there any psychologists who specialize in marital counseling after a stroke? I'm looking into sending my parents to one to smooth some issues out. I haven't run into any in my area, but I was wondering if this existed anywhere? Does anyone have advice on seeking one out? (We're about three years post stroke. My dad is different mentally and physically, but still my dad. My mom is his primary caregiver, and it's caused a bit of stress.)",I went to a counselor and she had a lot of compassion with my grieving (loss of function) and my non-filter and lack of observation (it took 4 or 5 months to notice she had a thick Cajun accent) So it's brain trauma --- most will have training for this. +If you enjoy le sexytimes this comic is for you because that's mostly what it is. Hot girls walking around with some awkward nerdy guy in the middle like an anime protagonist,Isn't the nerdy guy actually a nerdy girl? +"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind in the future. At the time, I didn't even know what the executive team was.",Likely the same folks you reached through BBB. +In 2010 Samardo Samuels was getting like 20 minutes a game with the Cavs.,You could answer this question with about half the Cavs roster from those dark years. +Turning from a scratch or bite makes no sense?,Always seemed like the walker wounds cause sepsis in the person. +I always thought that rainbow dash looked like a Dragonball Z character in this scene. This is one of my favorite episodes.,There are no ball dragons here +What is Triple Q's twitter picture from?,Transylvania +"Which you can if you sign up for the $19.99/mo Freedom Package, available now from Comcast.","Don't give them ideas, they pay eighty monkeys to think of this crap!" +wtf is with the Mexican condiments? Why go through the effort of Asian style beef and nori and then just kinda give up?,Because if it is bended therefore is a taco and must have the mexican look. +"Why are some people upset about SHR moving to Ford? With the paint schemes starting to come out, I keep reading comments saying they don't look right as a Ford or they would be better if they were Chevy. Teams switch manufacturers often. Why are people unhappy about the switch?",Because if Ford or Toyota wins it isn't real NASCAR the way Dale intended damnit! +Cheat,K +20XX vs. The Ganondorf Challenge (TAS),I bet Hax could do it. +There's no way Cuban has a billion in liquid assets it would be a complete waste. Not even buffet does that it makes zero financial sense,"No youre right it was an embellishment to prove a point, but typically brokers do look at liquid assets (among many other indicators) over held assets when assessing a company and is a strong indicator of actual value." +"He even confessed that he is, in fact, a nice guy.",Can't you see what a nice guy he is though? +But you are supposed to capitalize every word in a title.,"Well......well......but, he used the wrong form of their/there/they're, so they're you go." +Does this belong here?,Jeez I wonder why no one wants to have sex with him... +What a disaster - Alonso team radio,What does he say after 'behind Renaults' and before 'what a disaster? +Anon makes a point,"I mean, right?" +"Yeah? At 18 you were ready to build the infrastructure necessary, but *laws* got in your way?",Yeah turns out they don't like it when you run to Home Depot and buy a box of Cat5e and tie it to a rock so you can sling it up around the neighborhood's poles and have 400 cables coming into your bedroom window plugged into a dozen Linksys switches. +"Blending is bad, mmkay. It can lead to extracting more nutrients from plants but it can also lead to cutting longer chains of carbohydrates into smaller ones, which burn quickly and can lead to weight gain. Whole food is always better than processed food because the stomach cannot accurately calculate caloric intake if the food is processed. This one sentence alone explains the majority of America's obesity problem. If you're going to do smoothies, the experts recommend more greens and less fruit than is common. and no added sugar. As for blenders, if it's sold by David Avocado Wolfe, it's a scam. If it'll blend a phone, it's good.",TIL that food blenders break molecular chains & that our stomachs can calculate calories. +Oak City Supporters on Twitter: NCFC's Away Kit.,This is so exciting! +N.C. Christian Bible Study Group Leader in reference to upcoming presidential election: the Old Testament is full of situations where God used even evil men to accomplish his will,And how does inspiring/commanding a human to do an evil thing fit into this dude's cherry picking version of bible interpretation? +"Update on Metagame Documentary? Has anybody heard any updates about this? Last I heard it was supposed to come out winter this year, but there is only 10 days left in the year?",Really gave himself a small window considering Winter starts tomorrow but then the new year starts 9 days after that +"You believe Trump to be a racist and sexist and you are saying that whether you intended to be or not everyone who voted for him is now a racist and sexist. I thought the same about Clinton, I felt the way she spoke about voters as objects and the way she pandered to individual groups showed an inherent racism. I feel her late switch in 2013 to support gay marriage shows her as anti LGBT. So can I now claim that you and every other Clinton supporter is racist and anti-gay?","Nope and thinking that just shows how much of a racist, mysogonist, sexist, homophobic, angry, uneducated white man you are." +"From the warrant unsealed today: Clinton had over 2,115 classified emails on her private server",Damn that Comey for making her lose! +"General anesthesia is rarely used by surgeons unless it is absolutely necessary, as roughly 0.5% of people face complications (sometimes fatal) when put under general anesthesia. Instead, they use relaxants and local anesthesia.",I think he ment: what peta does to puppies. +I do hope you realize I was kidding.,Me too guess we both needed that oppressive +What celebrity is aging really beautifully?,Lindsey Lohan +9-Jul,That's some 7 and 9 bull shit! +"LA and Vicinity Astroview, 1968",Amazing how green socal was back then! +Brah skrillex was in tranzit,Wait really +When do you think the 2017 series will come out? Jesse has said in one of his recent streams that a big company has bought the movie and he's thinking that it will release in about another three months so around March hopefully. However he has also said on multiple occasions that he wants the Doc to come out and he wants to release all the BTS before he goes into a new series because he doesn't want two things on his channel distracting from one another. But he's also said he has around 1 years worth of BTS he can release. So the question is when do you think the 2017 series will happen? and how fast will he have to release BTS for him to make that 2017 mark? Because I'd imagine he has a lot to go through?,The 2017 series IS the doc :000 +Judge Judy really didn't play no games,smh no divorce court? +Other kin dream come true,Thoughts and prayers are with the victim +"Why not add Mystic Coins to Chest of Loyalty? People are always suggesting ways to get more, and other things. It was just a random thought. You could have a Chest of Loyalty give 10 Mystic Coins by default, then have another 10 as another option. Might get more coins floating about, random thought.",why not just make mystic coin the guaranteed festive slot on black lion chests +Laura was a genius.,"Yes, Laura needed pork to attract a horny young man to her vagina." +You're welcome. Yeah they mean ratios and other stuff. Good luck on growing your first mushrooms by the way. I think my first questions here was also a half pint question.,Thanks and I am pretty sure that it will be a fun experience. +Billy Eichner rants about Ratatouille - Billy on the Street,"Let me guess, he's sassy and upset?" +"That means it works be govt owned and controlled.. that's never a good thing for anyone, but i guess you live in your own little world there don't you? Ffs","Yea, corporations know best!" +Can you imagine how people would react to Lexus rebranding a Corolla with only some window dressing?,Forgot this? +Oh wow thank you!! I'll PM you.,Would be nice if i could know too! +That's pretty fucked up don't you think?,Someone needs to fill those for profit prisons. +Somebody has never seen anchorman...,"I don't think you have, or you forgot the" +"Here's my idea. Every month we all put aside some of our money in one account, and then whenever anyone gets sick, they can just go to that account to get some money to pay for it. Nope, it'll never work. Never in a million years. Even though all those other countries made it work, it would never work. No, what we have to do is every month we put aside some of the money we make and give it to a massive corporation. And then if we get sick we ask the massive corporation to pay for it. But they also get to take some of that money for themselves. And the amount they get to take goes up whenever they come up with a reason why the sick people can't have the money they've been paying to the corporation! That's the real lynch pin of the whole deal.",But the government can't be trusted! +Smog refugees flee Chinese cities as 'airpocalypse' blights half a billion,"Yes, but when will the collapse happen?" +Your salty tears for starters.,Good to see you're capable of rationally defending your position. +EU's highest court delivers blow to UK snooper's charter,Obviously better get out quick then! +I will say that racing seats and harnesses are not the most friendly for a daily,Yeah I can basically only afford stock if anything so I don't think racing seats are even an option for me lol. +His mom is Japanese,Same thing. +"I know a common criticism of politicians is that they don't follow through on campaign promises, but *god-damn* this guy hasn't even been inaugurated yet and he's **already** gone back on most of what got him elected in the first place. I cannot understand how he still has supporters. How he still has so-called progressive supporters. Our country is in the process of giving the keys of power over to a man who has *no fucking idea* what conviction is.","Well, if he plays his cards right and keeps backing out of his promises, he can get into office with a clean record of no promises made, so he gets off scott free!" +middle east arms race =\= safer america,we MIGHT be safer if half the middle east is glass and what's left is 5x as angry as they currently are. +ddos,Need to know their ip tho +They might have his tax returns tho,those will just show us how smart he is +Being ex-Mormon is like getting Geico for Mormonism.,I just save a shit ton of money by switching from counterfeit masonic ceremonies to the Devils Bean +"Iran/Contra, might as well be Obama's fault in their mind. Their disconnect from reality runs that deep.",Oliver North is an American Hero for selling those weapons to Iran. +Alien: Covenant Photo of Katherine Waterston Evokes Memories of Ripley and the Whole Visual Tone of Alien,"Whew, I was worried they weren't going to tick off all the things people liked about Alien." +Canada: we never make it in the bar because we're stuck holding the door for everyone else.,"You idiots, stop letting the other countries in!" +It's pretty obviously Andrew Luck.,"Pssssh, that scrub didn't even make the pro bowl" +Are there any questions worth only a point or two? I keep scoring in the teens or twenties when I say things like occasionally forget to thank my partner for doing nice things.,"Omg, your partner must feel totally worthless." +"I have a 26 ft extension ladder. NOT FUN TO CARRY THAT FUCKER AROUND... AT ALL. I picked up one of the collapsing guys that can be a 26ft extension or an 11 foot step ladder. Much easier to carry around, but now it takes 3x as long to extend it. You'd be better off with a catapult.",Trebuchets can launch a 90kg stone 300 meters. +"You're only saying that because you didn't see the messages, lol",Pretty sure that was +Where is Zarahemla!?,Where is Waldo? +Happy Autumnal Equinox (aka Gold Plates Day),"Do you have any recommendations for a burial mound, oh I mean glacial drumlin where I can go digging?" +Trying to say epilepidemic out loud gave me epilepsy.,"Now I have diebeetus, thanks" +Chinese import iron. No big loss. Buy Lodge instead.,I can't afford a $14 made in America lodge skillet..... +Police Officer Helps Speeding Student Tie His Tie,Omg white privledge if that was a black man he'd be shot. +"Thanks Obama for thinking before you speak, and choosing your words and actions carefully. Is this feedback on the POTUS or is this feedback for a first grader?",Also ehm.. thank you for ehm... being so articu-ehm...-late (for a black man). +The article date is 12/25/2001,"Wow, I'm an idiot for not catching that." +Alexandre Lacazette (Lyon) goal against Angers (1-0),Man another goal that the referees gave us #PenaltyPourLyon +"I'm seriously going to put a fake (male) name on my resume, leave off a bunch of jobs, and outright lie about my graduation dates, for my next job application. Employers are getting ridiculously picky.",What/where did you graduate from? +Random but....are those the free ramekins you get with Gu stuff?,"Forgive my ignorance, what's Gu?" +"Hello throwaway911858, I am sorry about this. Just to clarify, did you submit a price match claim request or did you send an email? If you sent an email, what was the date of the email sent and what was the subject title used? Thank you, Darlene (Newegg_Support)",Submitted a claim request. +"Didn't think about it that way. Very much appreciate the advice, going to give this a shot and go for classes if there's no improvement. Thank you!",Thankfully I never made any mistakes with my dogs. +"can confirm, am 20 and haven't ever felt like anything was done for the kids.",What...the cops didn't have a DARE program in your town? +Party of Lincoln!! *waves confederate flag*,The flag is just representing their heritage - like a coat of arms. +Maybe 3ds is more suited to that. Sure dc vc anywhere would be awesome.,Uh... +Don't forget the millions of nonviolent criminals who ended up in jail thanks to his wife.,Well if they had just said no! +"Well, uh, technically, nah...","Have you ever caught a good guy, like a real superhero?" +Who is the redditor of the year?,u/lordtuts +requests to see backpacks and weapons on the selection screen were made since the beginning of GW2. And I would love it! maybe some day it will be sneakily patched in with a future update and when everyone starts the game they flip their shit. :D,For just one day on April Fools as the ultimate troll +Just like leaderboards.,"I found the release date of the leaderboards: Infinity that means they'll work on making it forever, isn't that great?" +It's just a graphical glitch,Actually it's photoshopped +"This sub got called out by AH guys many time for overanalyze things, this isn't the first time.",They also shit on anyone here even if they give thought out constructive criticism. +Fighters vs. Doors,I heard the Door only got 10K to show +It is taking forever to load. I think it might be under heavy demand.,"And, that does make sense since they just sent out the email to push ticket sales this morning." +Well I mostly just don't like looking up and seeing another planet fly across the sky in two minutes.,Well just don't look at the sky +What state though? No one will have them.,Give them to Cuba as a gift +Thornton is 90,He's actually only 37 +Es obvio que es un pato,Ese ojo si que puede ver (? +Tons of clients are 802.11a only such as cisco wifi phones and warehouse scanners.,People actually *use* Cisco wifi phones? +Big variation depending on what nationality you are,Why is this relevant? +Front page again guys! Kaway kaway,#PinoyPride +"Same, I ended up building a $1.8k hearthstone machine",You built an iPhone? +I just made a comment about this on another thread. Guys seem to get extra pissed when they're not playing well and lose then find out that they lost to a girl. I got some pretty mean and nasty comments from a sore loser. He used the words slut and cunt a lot (along with some super rapey comments to try to sound intimidating). Like I'm sorry I'm such a slutbag for killing you a lot. You're on the other team so I thought that was the objective of the game. Would I be less of a slut if I tried to play shitty and let you win? I avoid using the mic much anymore unless I'm playing with people I know or there is obviously a decent amount of other girls in the lobby.,If you play badly then you're a fake gamer girl who has no right to be playing the games in the first place. +"But remember people, Nintendo will always be at death's door, and all of these 3DS sales are just putting off their inevitable slow demise unless they go third party... you know, just like Sega. Just be mindful of it, it's coming..... aaaaaaany second now.",You forgot the +"Lee Hyori, Primary, SHINee's Jonghyun & Jung Ryeo Won revealed to have participated in Uhm Jung Hwa's comeback album",Excuse me for a second while I die of happiness +"Nuhuh. This is the one scapegoat I don't believe. You guys mark up the prices like there's no tomorrow on these ones. And you're blaming it on the hospitals. I 100% don't believe this is the truth, or at least the full truth. Too many rich people in solid gold mansions to believe that.",You dropped this: +I think it was pretty well known already that they successfully stole the Death Star plans. :),DUDE SPOILERS WTF +"The thing I find odd is here all these families are living and working together - but it seems like the family values folks are the ones who overwhelmingly trash millennials for living at home. If things are ok at your parent's home, they welcome your living there and you like it as well, why not?",Because then you're a taker instead of a maker....clearly. +Only my nut-sack is salty. Ivanka can confirm.,Good one did your wife's boyfriend teach you that at family dinner night? +33 y/o stay at home dad. I don't even have a hand to hold up the sign. Roast me,So can you confirm that stay at home dads don't receive fellatio? +Lol good luck with that sweet sweet bankruptcy when you end up in the hospital over some dumb shit. And with a marketplace plan you would NEVER be paying that price after subsidies unless you make roughly 120K.,Yeah but he wasn't in the hospital all year! +I cant wait until my two get older and I get a list like this it will be a glorious xmas that year :D,Hopefully Star Citizen will finally get released by then. +I think I know her. That expression looks so familiar.,That's racist +"I'm heading home to my freighter for Christmas. Thank you for posting in this subreddit, I'm amazed on a daily basis by you folks and by No Man's Sky itself. My hope for 2017 is to see this game advance even further. No hatred, keep calm. Have a merry Christmas everyone!",I think you meant to say happy holidays... +Mexico fireworks blast: Dozens killed in Tultepec explosion - BBC News,Must be more of those Islamic radical terrorists +I don't get mains in this game. I like playing some characters but I'll switch when needed or just go the hero we need initially.,Unless its a mercy main then they deserve all the upvotes since ugh noone else picks healer in bronze and mercy clearly is the best healer if their stupid team would protect them from stupid cheating genji for once who should have the decency to not attack a mercy main aka pillar of mankind +"That is fat. You can be fatter than this, but the line for fat/not fat has been passed by that woman.",But she showed us her calf! +Interesting idea. Would give players a reason to shoot rockets efficiently at higher parts of base. Could be hard to balance tho,thus is life in game development +Corrupted Mashu ***CONIRMED?!***,"It is actually a hint of interlewds, as we will be eating the tasty body of Mashu." +"Or, better idea, my vote shouldn't be worth 80% of some uneducated idiot in the midwest.",yeah having a system where all you need to do is pandering to the cities is a system that would totaly work! +Sisters,Is it wierd that I knew that ass right away. +We need to up the propaganda machine to distract people from this. Get Trudeau to visit more Mosques stat! We also need a 300% increase in daily Syrian refugee puff pieces by the CBC.,With any luck Newfoundland gets a back breaking winter snowstorm and we can halt all coverage of this embarrassing navel gazing to have three days of stories about how we get snow and ice in winter in Canada. +He meditated w Yoder cmon,Not when he's first contacted in the Death Star hanger Can't tell if +So little storage AND no headphone jack? Overpriced garbage.,"Ay man, dont talk that way about apple products" +"They split the rest of the world on a per country basis, too. My condoleces to all those countries that were assigned to Aldi Nord.",;_; +"yeah if you want a shitty, generic, non-realistic looking, non physics interacting 'boom' particle generator.. if you want it looking good, lighted well, proper shadows, proper LOD, etc, then that takes work.",Because the object just vanishing from existence is ***so bleeding edge*** +"Disable your device passcode until the jailbreak & tweaks gets stable, if you guys wants to install and try the tweaks. This helps you access filesystem and ssh to device as the device doesn't get encrypted upon boot and connects to wifi automatically!",thanks for the amazing security tips! +Or get him a yeti cup and ruin his mojo,He'd have to start wearing a suit of armor. +Innocent and Not Guilty are not the same thing. This is something you're supposed to learn in high school.,"That's literally how I learned this, in eighth grade someone in my class asked our teacher his opinion on OJ and he answered, Well, he was found 'not guilty,' but that doesn't mean 'innocent.'" +Ah it makes sense now. Close to or at 90th min is when the illogical b.s. happens to help one side secure a win or prevent any goal depending on which side is favoured by the Ai.,"Naaaa, all in your head." +Yeah. I should probably read a book rather than browse Reddit when riding the train.,Reading Reddit comments is beneficial for me for my reading comprehension. +... felt uncomfortable around coffee tables.,My family used to jokingly refer to them as Postum tables. +"28% of white Trump *opponents* rate blacks as less evolved. To me that was the saddest part. According to the article, the results skew in the direction you'd probably expect based on party affiliation and income level, but the margins are embarrassingly narrow and baselines embarrassingly high. I can only hope it was a poorly conducted survey or that the 28% was mostly good people misinterpreting the out-of-Africa theory on human evolution/migration, but perhaps that is hoping for too much.",Evolution is science talk! +"It's too far from now to even consider giving a shit about who's running in 2020, but if anything, I think Clinton would do a huge favor for liberals if she would just go away. Like, please, just go away",Lol four years is too far away for me to even think about..... +"Honestly, I just picked Middletown because it's the city I could think of on the lower end of the CT river. I don't get over in that area much. I am sure Middletown is fine.","Thanks for your honesty haha, Middletown is actually pretty nice imo." +"Since this joke isn't funny, I won't be either. Why wouldn't the farmer just send some sheep to market? Maybe sell some off?","why not just send all his sheep to market, then he won't have to worry about keeping any of them" +"Any one else notice? Behavior when moving structures If you place an object directly on top of another object of equal size, the one you are moving will be placed there and the other object will automatically move to where the original object was. This only seems to work with objects of exact equal size. For example, pick up an Elixir Collector and place directly on top of a mortar. They swap places! Try the same with a smaller object (e.g. air defense) and it doesn't work. Apologies if this has been posted before, just a small item I just noticed and don't remember seeing in the past. Perhaps a little quark they quietly introduced in a recent update.","It was added with the May update when they added scout view and photo mode to the editor, but it works outside the editor too." +Boxbox should just get that operation already and be done with it.,But why would she become a guy +"Well that takes all of two seconds, then you can peace out? Faster then a gift exchange!",How about a bump and a hit of peace out. +"Fuck people who try their best to change that, hey?","I did not say that, soutie." +Tragically Hip frontman Gord Downie chosen as Newsmaker of the Year,Where's Trudeau? +"If it's so typical, maybe you should go ahead and post your comments on this mythical 'screddit' where no one will care. Better yet as a certain presidential candidate said, delete your account.","Cute, kid" +NSFW Cat butthole surprise!,What did i just witness..... +"The hill behind O1 on mountain town is really oP, and allows for easy spawn trapping.",Why do the trees look so screwed up and easy to see through +And the most epic 'Soul' goes to Sing for Absolution!,That line gives me shivers every time +"A replacement Note 7 has caught fire rather publicly, be careful everyone",I love this phone but with all this faulty battery mess i regret not waiting for a pixel XL or an iPhone 7 plus. +Pretty hard to get banned? ROFL,I was thinking the same thing..heh. +What deserves its popularity?,Tomogachis .. +Man kills step mom after cowboys win,Seems like a good reason to me +"What will you miss most from the regular season? With it being the last week of regular season of football, I'm gonna miss clicking into every game thread to see anger, acceptance, sadness, and joy from both fanbases when all the games are going on at the same time. Some teams went up 21-0, and the reactions just by going to thread were priceless. It'll be months again before I ever get to have fun doing that.",I'll miss all the ratings threads +sale is shit lol,its been up for 3 minutes christ +"$3,100 Zev Glock 17",Do they charge an extra $1500 for the ported holes in it? +Note: Boots on the ground isn't an answer for this question. So don't answer that.,Rules are meant to be broken. +People shouldn't be aloud to give money/benefits to their children. It's not fair because some people work and when they become wealthy they pass it onto their kids. We should ban all inheritance.,I Honestly hope this was sarcastic man... seriously... +"So because excellent education exist in wealthy suburbs, it's okay that we're ranked 40th?",Poor people should just stop being poor +Why Zuckerberg & Chan's $3 billion investment to fight human disease just might live up to the hype,yeah but what have they done recently? +"Mana buff isn't worth it to take for this reason, you get bursted and die. Take damage as its easier to contest, waste money on mana pots, or play an early god such as Cama or Erlang.",Cama with very good clear +Yep. That's the one. And you are exactly right.,Thanks. +"My younger siblings and I were fighting. My dad made all of us get into one large tshirt and walk around the block together. We were like 13, 9 and 8. We have framed pictures of our walk of shame in the living room.",RemindMe! +TrumpLand and Clinton Archipelago,What more proof do you need Trump is extremely more popular than Clinton? +Or...SNEAK ATTACK You never saw it coming.,Well now that you told me about it I will How stupid is our country +Fuck yea George Karl saying what needed to be said.,Cuz Melos dead dad needed to be addressed yeah so glad he finally said it +Who do they think buys calendars?,How the fuck are you supposed to know what day it is without a calendar +"Holy shit.. Could you calm down? USA is one of the few countries to not have a female leader, pretty much any EU country have had one or more. So you are not systemically opressed, like blacks and japanese, jews, disabled and so on, was in ww2 germany. You DO have the same RIGHTS. Are we equal? No, and we will never be. There Will never be equally many, men, women, blacks asians, whites in a workplace, but we all have the right and chance to get the same jobs. I clearly cannot go Around and say what the fuck I want, and you are a proof of that. I cant even express my emotions on the subject, without being attacked by you. And just because one race ( according to you) is in power does not mean that they arent expressiancing racism,sexism, or what ever -ism you prefer. I have been beaten for the fact that i Was another color than my attackes, and that is racism, no matter what colour my attackes or I have.","Oh, please send a bottle of those delicious male tears for me to drink." +Is wither cwc auto targeting the weapons for you? That is glorious.,looks like totem +"Fellow fuccbois, where you from in the world?? Im from Sydney, Australia and im curious how far this sub spreads. Much love xxx","Orlando, FL REP" +"These escalators in Stockholm, Sweden","Be careful, if you walk up those your turn gay." +"Are you talking about Bayern or RB Leipzig? Because that is what Bayern does. Raiding youth academies, outspending entire league and stealing every good player from competition.",But Bayern has always done it so it not that bad! +"I'm glad to see WB and DC haven't been scared to recast Lex due to his reception in BvS, heres hoping people warm up to him a bit more :3",But... What about all the people who wanted Bryan Cranston? +Trump is reportedly considering a 5% tariff on all imports,I'm certain wages will rise to offset the increased price of consumer goods +Just bought these two for Christmas. What med should I buy?,Sakura collection +there are white grils in there too,Gotta be equal somehow +"It's a video game man. Seriously. How are there Ghouls? People just die from those levels of radiation, they don't turn into extremely long lived decaying corpses. How are their super mutants? How are their plasma rifles and portable laser guns? How can you have legendary items that prevent you from getting hurt/dying when falling from extreme heights? The list goes on. Stop thinking so far into it and just enjoy the game.",I didn't realize speculation wasn't allowed +The owner of the company is literally telling someone how fast he will ship something to them.,Get outta here with your conspiracy theories +So its ok to harass children? Awesome! Good to know,"not MY fault they chose Trump as a dad, they deserve it for not being cool like us" +This sounds like a good idea. A warning for overextension would be nice as well.,But there is already a tooltip in the peace deal screen and a Coalitions map mode where you can see everyone's AE against you. +"Duck Dynasty and Godzilla, please Sony.","I payed full price man, good ass games" +Shhhhhhh don't say that so loudly! Snuffbox will okagaiken us again!,hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm +Jellal X Siegrain X mystogan... I ship it.,I wonder what the children of that ship would look like? +What was the strangest punishment your parents gave you?,My younger sister +They didn't release a more powerful ds until the dsi which came out 5 years after the original ds. The n3ds didn't come out until about 4 years after the originl 3ds. Both more time than between the original ps4 and ps4 pro.,"Actually I held out on an original DS and was glad I did since the DS lite was a thing of beauty, plus better battery life and more brightness settings, so there's that, definitely wouldn't rule out anything." +I give this same advice with floor jacks and jack stands. You can *never* over buy on stuff that prevents you from dying.,So I shouldn't by that floor jack from harbor freight? +Sean Gares Fired for Players' Letter!,This will probably be a bigger PR hit to TSM than all the PEA shit would have been +yup fuck passengers all the time every flight I've ever been on I fucked someone... It's a lot of fun being an airline captain I just fuck all day,This story is true guys I'm on a plane and the captain is plowing some broad and has Reddit on his phone open. +"Genuine Question: Why don't tournaments and associations of e-Sports (in this case, CSGO) be like physical sports? Look, I know many of you guys wouldn't agree. But just take a look at physical sports like, say, association football (or soccer, to you Americans), all of organizations there, like clubs, are organized under one country's FA (like England's FA), then all those FA are regulated again inside a regional FA (like UEFA), then those orgs are under the banner of FIFA. Why don't eSports orgs be organized like that? Instead of holding a clusterfuck like EPL which holds a lot of countries, why don't competitions organized by an eSports association per country instead, and hold competitions like what physical sports do? Surely that would be better organized and we won't have the PEA scandal.","Good thing FIFA is not at all known for scandals, corruption, and generally being terrible" +"Seriously, it irks me to no end that apparently no one on this team knows to show the QB some damn respect. Stealing his shit and hurling stuff at his face. Fucking disrespectful smdh.",You dropped this +"Sacrificing a limb for x reason has been done in One Piece plenty of times beforehand. Such as with Shanks, Zoro, Neko, and Inu as some examples.","Yeah, but a devilish sacrifice was mentioned in the Totland Chapter and Jaji's helmet and nose totally form the Sacrificial Brand, so this is legit." +"Meet Arnold, Baby Ostrich at 2 Days old.",Doesn't look like anything to me. +Get a Model M. Problem solved.,That's how you torture someone not to get your coworkers hear your clacks. +"I was always told about this stuff growing up in the Midwest in an outdoors type family. When you shoot a deer wait about an hour to make sure it's likely dead. And when you come up to it with the gun loaded poke it in the eye, if it moves you shoot it to make sure it's dead. Kind morbid but it prevents it from running off and having a slower death.",waiting an hour seems like a pretty slow death already if the first bullet didnt kill it. +But he wasn't a cop. He was just a bum on welfare.,So a cop on administrative leave. +He says it's an affluent area so he just needs to report a black pedestrian.,I'd report you but I fear I'd be arrested and punished instead for being black. +Honestly I forgot who actually said it. But a few people said to lay off the meme.,ey mang give credit where it's due +"If you agree that the current system is not perfect, then the solution is to abandon it altogether it seems.",Hey it works for software! +Natural looking holiday FOTD,10/10 would admire eyeliner again +They own California's and they got sweet revenge by balancing the budget and doing a good job.,"Bbbbbut, the US would be much better off without that liberal cesspool." +David Cay Johnston: 'There's no evidence Donald Trump is a billionaire',Waking up and feeling like a million bucks must suck for a billionaire. +"Good, one less terrorist in the world.",He did not even get a fair trial. +"Women aren't the crazy ones, men are. Haven't you learned? Stories implying women can be just as crazy are sexist and made-up.","Is this yours, good sir?" +"What Do You Want Cena to Do at Mania? Would you like a new Cena title reign? What about a match against 'Taker? How about a match against Randy (hey, to each there own, we're not judging you...just kidding, we're totally judging you)","He should come out with a flamthrower, burn a big sign of his name then beat Eric Rowan in 2 seconds...." +maybe no one reported yet PogChamp,* Synchronization problems with the ground vehicle gun barrel position after flying an aircraft (and on some other occasions) has been fixed. +"And at the expense of the Jays, he continues to make the Indians what they are now.",The Manchurian President plan worked perfectly +I'm more curious to see their approach. War has evolved so many times that it's now beyond just praying that drones clean up. I believe mad dog mentioned something about a new way that terror attacks should and will be removed so this new approach seems interesting.,Cut their funding. +Learn to love seltzer. It's the nectar of the Gods.,100% this +Be a man and give it back,"If Michael gives it back for him, does that still count?" +What popular thing has absolutely no appeal to you?,Sex. +Thousands queue for food parcels in Dublin city centre,Go get a job you lazy deadbeats! +Legal in New Zealand. Your country is a bit behind!,"And when do incest, pedophilia and bestiality get legalized?" +"First off, I had no clue there was a Foxy and Freddy bundle. Secondly, what's with the two Toy Freddies?","I bought one off of eBay because I was convinced my walmart wasn't ever going to get any, and lo and behold, the next week my walmart had some, so I bought it anyway XD" +2 legged cat going down stairs,Lil brudder +Women should probably stop reading childrens books.,Somebody gotta read the kids bedtime stories +Could the Sun we more close than what we are told?,They've been lying to us all this time! +Exactly!,So it's more likely to go to 7000 than 800? +official globe-head quiz: (check one box for each question below) 1. are you a retard? yes[ ] yes[ ] 2. how big is your pussy? big[ ] large[ ],You sound like a really smart and stable guy. +Although the amount $500 million is very high the idea of building a landmark statue is not wrong. The argument of how many hospitals we may be able to build is the same given when funding to ISRO projects is debated. Why is it different this time? I'm genuinely trying to understand. So if the monument is truly world-class and may help in bringing tourists and provide employment then why the hell not?,"If spending $500 million on a statue is wrong and should be spent on schools and hospitals, then every Indian should shut up and stand in ATM queue, kyunki soldier ka life nahin hai kya?" +At least wolves can keep their packs together,My compliments to the chef. +Only someone who hasn't used those cheap alternatives calls them cheap alternatives. I use those cheap alternatives every day all day at home and work.,"They may be superior in everyway, the problem is that I want to use them everywhere, I may be flexible as an individual but I don't work on a vacuum, I need to collaborate with others individuals and organizations and they dictate more or less the standard." +"that form of violent islam has been heavily funded if you did some research, majority of muslims are humans believe it or not just like me and u, so to categorize a large sum of distinct people is blind sighted, Islam/Christianity/Judaism are not different once they are radicalized","Yeah, I'm so scared of all these radical Christians and Jehovah's Witnesses strapping bombs to their chest and driving commerical trucks through Christmas markets." +Intel and its its lack of LPDDR4 available for mobile offerings. Everything in the ultrabook category is stuck at 16 right now unless they want shit battery life.,Beth dell and Lenovo have 32gb offerings that are rated for 8-9hrs +"If you deny the ancient, the game should be a tie. Since the game cant end in a tie it needs some way. This could be one. Thumbs up pls. Thanks.",Welcome to ~~DOTA~~ D&DOTA (Defense & Denying of the Ancients) +"No it will total up when you log on in 6 months, likely cash out as well. I have had bonds for well over 2 years, and i have taken months off with no issue. It is Reto though, so don't blame me for bugs. Lol",thanks a lot man! +I wouldn't say they are the best duo but yes their LCK casting is fun to listen to,What other duos are even there really? +My building has had a persistent problem with thieves and our building management has refused to install cameras. It's really a shame that these companies are too greedy to install cheap cameras to help save the thousands of dollars worth of packages we've had stollen.,"Wow, yeah a $150 dollar security camera set will really fuck with their profit margin." +Of course your friends are your choice,Maybe acquaintances would be better diction +How to get banned from r/feminism,"How dare you kindly disagree in a reasonable fashion, you monster!" +Directions: Step 1: Connect yellow hook to nearest Toyota Landcruiser. Step 2: Bolt a buncha garbage to your vehicle so you can make it across the monumental divide between your car payment and salary at Tractor Supply.,"Hey I'll have you know that I work at Home Depot, not Tractor Supply" +They need to be big to accommodate our obesity epidemic,TRUE +"Unless you're a new player, you probably have everything anyway. What are people really looking for from xur nowadays?",Y3 Icebreaker. +"The nerfs were aimed at the neutral game, not the super.","Ahh okay, understood." +"Germany, Ukraine... and Isis?",ISIS took over Europe +"Its all grandmaster-level 4D chess, you wouldn't understand...","don't insult his inteligence, he is playing 6D dwarft fortress." +Carrie Fisher has had a life threatening heart attack on a plane,"Well, at least they gave her some great material in The Force Awakens before she passed..." +upvoted! looking for a canes fan for a bet myself!,"You got it, I'm in." +"Yep, crazy! Here's the not-a-mormon crazy story I saw today. That Pat Robertson guy is saying crazy shit again. He says that kids should be getting together to praise the lord on Halloween instead of going out and worshiping scary ol' Stan.",Then they should stop celebrating the pagan holiday of Christmas too. +15 seconds of intro for 33 seconds of footage.,Wadsworth Constant applies. +It's still bullshit,hint hint *it's a restaurant* +I 3D printed an Octane,Looks like a ZSR! +with new girlfriend . Are these red flags??,She sounds like she loves male attention. +A country's military and the amount pissed away on it should be a national embarrassment. It's just a sign that we can't work things out like adults.,Ya but we have some cool fighter jets +"Liberal here: you realize that makes you part of the problem, correct?",Civil war is the only answer lol +"My Galaxy S6 is having USB connection problems Hey guys. So, I recently updated my Galaxy S6 twice in the past month, it is currently on 6.0.1 Android version. I have had the phone for a year and a half and have used the usb cords that came with it and any other usb cords to connect and never had any issues connecting. Although I noticed after I updated it the first time, the usb would not connect to my mac book pro. It also shows that there is no usb connected on the phone where it usually lets you choose to transfer media files or anything like that. I have Android File Transfer downloaded on my mac, I already have the USB debugging switched to 'Yes' and restarted my phone and still the options to allow the USB transfer does not show up on the phone or connect to my computer. Any ideas or suggestions on how to fix this? I have been really wanting to transfer music over to my phone for a while now! Thank you guys!!",Have you tried reinstalling the drivers on your computer? +My grandfathers toilet paper holder has a radio included,"I just took a massive shit, roger 10- 4 good buddy" +Bamboo Blade?,That's obviously the Japanese art of kendo you uncultured Baka +What does it do?,"Re-mounts /, it just restarts springboard, go ahead try it ;)" +Baby boomers make 100k a year and don't know what a USB port is,It's Russian hackers I tell you. +Attempted murder of homeless Berlin man stirs anti-migrant sentiment,Poor migrants just trying to live a better life. +"Supposed to snow again, our once every 8-10 year snowfall.","For every snowflake that falls, another idiot forgets how to drive." +"Am I the only one who feels like these comparisons are all pretty shitty? Like they're clearly both nice people it seems like. Michelle is a lawyer and part of a power couple and Melania was a model who immigrated here in the 90s. Obviously Michelle has done more impressive stuff, that's not a prerequisite for being First Lady.",Yeah but Melania knows 12 languages and that's just as good as being in Harvard +"yeah, that's why its called popcorn.",it could be 8ft of unpopped popcorn +Now do you people who think this is just a gimmick for emojis understand why the touch bar can be very useful?,you forgot the +You wanna get high?,You're the worst character ever +I thought it was Nikanor.,Who was the protagonist from GTA 4 again? +"Hope Solo reflects on USWNT suspension: It wasn't a suspension, that's what they told the media because it looked better. But I got fired. I got fired for what they say was using the word 'cowards' but in reality they got rid of an adversary in the fight for equal pay.",You don't hear the MLS players asking for equal pay as LA Liga or EPL +"Found this photo while making a video, took me a second to notice.",Half-Life 3 confirmed. +Mose Loves Chapstick,I tried and it's confirmed that my caique nico does not like chapstick +No shit Sherlock what do you think there's a $500k money making machine available on Amazon with free shipping?,Ya dude of corse just answering the guys question in a simple form. +"Nice that you record *all* games. That way I can feel a little better when I see other people have bad games too ~~ The commentary is a bit boring for anyone who already knows the basics, but other than that I like it.","Yea in the first game I was explaining the basics to people who folllow me already and know nothing about it,sorry :s" +Hmmmm... Nothing comes to mind.,Same. +I think I got a good pull. Right?,I would burn a village consisting of puppies and endangered species for that medal +I love a good sack of sauce with my meat,I got your wiener and sack of sauce and you don't even need a can opener. +"Guillotines? Obama is going to execute millions and he chose guillotines? These people are insane. I've had conversations on facebook like this Melanie person, and they don't even realize they are spouting crazy things.","Uh..yeah, I don't hear you suggesting any better way to kill millions of people, besides, everyone knows that Muslims are just fond of beheadings." +well the new stadium will probably be a lot more expensive so the dynamics may change. Probably more people commuting up from the Peninsula and taking Caltrain versus people coming from east bay suburbs or Oakland.,The gentrification of basketball. +"If you want to see this for yourself, Guardians, I normally wear Trials gear because mine has some good synergy for my play style and have found the following replacement for LFG: 1) equip any/all trials gear you have (flawless gear if possible) 2) got a trials shader? Good. Get your gold on and go to the directory. 3) fly to the reef, open your inventory and go afk, but on your way equip some form of meta loadout first 4) scroll through every single message you receive and figure out if you want to run with any of them, though I don't recommend it. I've only ever found two people I decided to give a shot that were worth it.",Filthy whore! +Not if most are either been killed or died to things like hunger and disease.,If no one is poor than no one is rich. +I've never seen anything encouraging guys to get angry...Outside of one's about using anger as motivation for positive life change.,"Yeah, I've never seen anything encouraging kids (either gender) to yell and scream and be angry because that would be a tantrum and they're unpleasant for everyone." +"This shit is insane. They're not even getting paid and they're signing away their freedom of speech? Clearly they need Trump, because they are terrible negotiators.","Next, they will pledge their fealty to The Trumpisition and vow to free The Holy Land from mooslim occupation." +"Not for simply being white, no.",Have you ever met a French person? +I won't dare open one myself. Can't bare to look at john terry any longer.,Are you mad he's like 5k now! +"Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence, Donald Trump, go ahead and explain to me how you're not the party of racist assholes. ... I'll wait.","because people that point out racism are the ones obsessed with race, therefor the actual racists" +"Hopefully you are right, and it will lower the resale value of the current model, and that's what I'll buy.",As an owner of this current model: =( *sigh* +All Karlings must fall,Karling Delenda Est +EA rewards card,Thank God EA found a way to include us Europeans +what fucking movie is that,Seven Pounds +I just clean my screen...then I saw the red little dot..,If you're saying you have a dead pixel... a screenshot won't show it -_- +DNC plays the victim over WikilLeaks revelations,They victimized me by exposing what I was saying behind the voters back! +The Cavs have the CLEANEST pre-game introduction handshakes of all-time!,"I think they're all pretty clean, they all take showers before the game I assume." +Worse is when a 16 year old gets a silver Lexus instead of the white one and she gets grumpy about it.,"But see, if that happens, the world is literally over." +SQUID DEAD TOMORROW!,Temer imortal confirmado. +I love how the scout hits you and runs away,"He was doing that all game - he'd just run up, hit me once with the fish, and run away." +Seriously??? I can't believe the Facebook crap I see lately - and we are the haters?,And yet this person is probably getting a new iPhone courtesy of slave labour. +"I don't get Merkel...There's literally zero downside, political or otherwise, to deporting all Muslims out of Europe. If these recent immigrants want freedom, safety and a better life, they should create it in their homelands. It would make the world a better place.",Germany can relate very well to a country that is the play ball of USA and Russia so helping Syria is a personal matter so to say. +I thought it was called Eid in Sweden,Yeah and our capital is Baghdad. +Try launching steam in big picture mode if you haven't already and then launch the game from there with the controller plugged in.,"Yeah I have and just tried again, it's still a no-go." +"But we never knew anything about the house. For all we know it could have been built in 83, the supposed Afton experiments could've been in 83, the BV could have been born in 83. If scott showed fredbear on the TVs, then maybe, but it doesn't",My ideas :) +"Tradeback for Lunala, Last Dex Entry for Shiny Charm! [tradeback] Hi, I just need ooooone more Pokemon for my dex completion, which is Lunala. I can tradeback a Sun UB or Solgaleo for your own Dex, or I can trade you a 5IV (-Att) Magnemite for you to keep!","Ill happily help you out for Solgaleo in a minute or two, add me up" +Hes like 10 percent body fat at the lowest. Thats not shredded thats in shape get your diet in check,I hope you forgot the +"Gmae Thread: Colts @ Raiders In another must win gmae, the Colts head to Oakland to face the Raiders. With everything on the line, the Colts hope to avoid getting stabbed and take home the W.","Form tackle by tj there, head down, hit with shoulder, don't wrap up, don't drive absolutely perfect technique" +Buy a new pc,Yes because we are all made of money. +I hope he stays at ajax though for the moment. Going too big too soon has proven to be bad,Yeah Erikssen failed when he left Ajax young +"The absolute madman, correcting the spelling, complete loony toons here!",Nah just trying to show the Brit how clearly superior America's spelling is +I read that as grab tons of snacks and be...,"Eh, basicly the same." +My father in 1980's Colombia.,Are you by chance familiar with *Evergreen Aviation*? +Do you have naked pics of Jim irsay?,"No, but I have seen him snort what looked like fruity pebbles and Gatorade powder off of my goatee." +Where Did You Come From?,Console rendering +I just mean it would be really cool to see a bigger developer such as Codemasters or some other studio do a full game like this. Done with a proper team and a budget. That way two years could get us a game that isn't just a tech demo but rather an actual game with a better focus on content. A career mode that actually has a variety of missions and challenges and such. A bit of mainstream market polish to make it feel more like a game and less like a concept in never-ending development.,"Yea, would love Codemasters to take over so I could get yelled at by Generic White Male #1 and Generic White Female #1 for twenty minutes when I'm just trying to fire up the fucking game for a quick race." +Inbe4 garbage time comments,all his stats today are garbage time stats since we were down 14 before he did anything +so cringe,"Oh my gosh everything is cringy, so embarrassing!" +Australian man waits 416 days to see what happens after his ipod timer passes 9999 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds.,"Nice one, cunt" +When I try to look at myself objectively.,Damn sheeple +"Well, this particular trick is FPS dependent (I don't remember the exact number, but it's above 100 IIRC). I've never played DOOM on console and I don't know any of the benchmark numbers, but it may be possible.",I'm almost positive the console version are 60 FPS. +If you took even 2 minutes to watch the entire round of the clip you're talking about you'd see that what happened in that clip was taken entirely out of context. Instead you're here circle jerking about how mean steel is because a joke made about warowl.,Because I care that much ... +"In a lot of ways European countries have much more forward looking polices than us. They have some really shitty policies too, but it sounds like you're saying we shouldn't be like Europe at all, which I don't agree with.","He's saying Europe is the PRESENT, not backwards" +"Merry Christmas, r/CDZ community! You guys are the best! Happy Holidays and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!",I was about to criticize you for not being politically correct but you did say happy holidays so I'll let it slide +You really need to trigger the shit out of r/[redacted] with this. They will have to decide between a madonna blowjob or wu tang.,Post on music subreddit +"British bomb, American plane?????",The Americans didn't have the biggest industry in WW2 and they definitely never lend leased their equipment! +Did he ever review Pinegrove or Whitney this year? He probably wouldn't like Whitney but I could see him digging Pinegrove,he's probably never heard of them... +Yup. And doing this ensures that piracy *never* pays.,Screw those guys in particular. +This is why you should always pay your bills!,"So the company wants this business to both have the money to pay it's bills but also wants it to have no customers, so no revenue?" +honda city 1987,With the collapsible scooter to go in the hatch? +Too spooky for doggie,would be lovely if there's sound +Theodore Roosevelt: one of the wisest and most patriotic of Murica's presidents,This makes me want to start a Teddy Roosevelt SuperPAC +Hopefully this lasts longer than Hyugas did,Man I sure would enjoy a VinneKitty and Hyuga salty sweet to squash the beef +"Noice knife, mate.","My long sword wouldn't fit, so this had to do." +"Wtf is wrong with some of the comments, can't people wait for official information instead of speculating?","This is what people do now, stop with your logic nonsense." +Nice to see the Christian Taliban is still going strong here in America.,They're *so* persecuted. +Are you really putting rage comics as progression in memery?,rage comics were the most advanced memes of the early 2010s! +I've always wondered how they expect to find hundreds of new staff when they move countries.,"Part of the staff will move also, that is one option" +I've already left but I will try to remember to put it all on GitHub tonight when I get home. Thanks for the interest!,Thanks +Pepe Fraser,it's the alt-right white nationalist frog! +YOU COULD HAVE CAPITALIZED ON THIS JOKE.,I DON'T KNOW WHAT WE'RE YELLING ABOUT! +Trump in 1993: Indians Shouldn't Get Casinos Unless they Look Indian to Me,Long history of racism.... +Are you 400lbs and is your name 4chan the hacker?,You've got me +Signal messenger now works in the UAE,It's been working for a while now. +"They ripped up Pepe meme art? Good. &nbsp; I'm kidding. I wouldn't blame them entirely, they're still young enough to be in a destructive phase. Who was in charge of them that wasn't doing their job?","Obviously OP, because OP was there" +"A neutral better force of nature, FTFY.",Not buffing arcane golem so FoN is better +"Don't pick up. Flirt, and see if it works or not. Don't try to force it.",And how do I do this with people I don't know? +Was looking scrolling through the OVO blogspot and found the comments from the post of The Weeknd's mixtape tracks.,the last comment is so touching :'( +I don't think much choice was given.,I'm pretty sure there were other options like death and torture but Christianity's superiority is so obvious ad the pagans being a wise bunch chose Christianity! +There is a new doggo in town,"Sorry, but I only Golden Retrievers are real dogs" +Yes the first thing I want to do during an attack is grab a random paper and read! Having a real panic attack feels like you're dying and it sucks.,"Yeah I was gonna say, you don't think rationally when you're having a panic attack" +Black guys are generally good at basketball.,It's because immigration was typically looser when black people immigrated leading to more impoverished people and better basketball players +"He obviously beat the shit out of him on a daily basis or worse. Seriously, if really loved him he would've got him a Titan X. This dude should have been nicer to the kid when he was growing up.",You dropped this +"MOBO Issues/Computer not starting properly PC Parts: Intel Core i7-4790 | MSI Z97 PC MATE ATX LGA1150 | PowerColor Radeon R9 390 8GB PCS+ Video Card | EVGA 600B 600W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply So for Christmas, I bought myself a new case (NZXT H440) and reassembled the whole thing a few days ago, and it was working fine and everything up until when I woke up this morning. For some reason, when I pressed the power button, the cpu cooling fan turned on briefly, and nothing else turned on in the case, although the keyboard lights remained on and the USBs were still working. I've never had a issue like this before, and I'm not quite sure what to do. I looked up similar problems, but I haven't been able to fix it, so I've come here in a last ditch effort to fix it before I order a new motherboard. If this is a fixable issue that shouldn't come up in the future then I will refrain from buying a new one, but right now it seems like the only option. I tried resetting the CMOS, but I have a feeling I was doing it wrong, I removed the MOBO battery and held down the power button for 15 seconds, and left it for like 20 minutes before trying to power it on again (which didn't work). Other then that, I tried unplugging and replugging the big cord that runs from the PSU to the MOBO. I can provide pictures if needed.",Check the 4/8 pin CPU power cable +Anyone else getting sick and tired of having to open and close the app a bunch of times? This new bug is making the game very unplayable.,"No, I like it this way" +"From Humble Origins run, should I form the British nation? What are the pros and cons?",Pros: you will get access to GB unique events Cons: you will be British. +"Back in my day you had to wait ten minutes for a page to load and you couldn't use the phone while you were on the internet. Gee grandpa, 1999 must have been like the Dark Ages. It was, son. It was.",At least it was only 500 food to advance to the Feudal Age +THEN GO BE CALLED THE OKLAHOMA OSPREYS INSTEAD!,LOW BLOW ^^^LOW ^^^^^BLOW +Al Horford has ZERO shot at the HOF,College play +"Refillable is worth it with biscuit mastery if you're going to keep using it. Biscuit mastery extends duration/effectiveness of potions, even refillable/corrupting/hunter's","thanks, didn't know that" +Trump adopting same behavior he criticized Clinton for,For some people maybe that signals reaching across the aisle +"Left handed artist painting of fall road, please give me feedback about what you think. Thanks a lot","I was going to say this is a nice piece but now that you pointed out that it's a left hand, WOW THIS IS AMAZING!" +You fuck wits voted this clown as your commander in chief lol.,Saved America from Hillary's emails though +I only understood 20% of whatever he just said.,Just like the Engine instructions! +Private Profits from Public Works - pay more for your water to make money for private investors,But remember kids the free market and privatization are how you drive costs down! +"What did you ladies get for Christmas? Or Hanukkah, or any other winter holiday.",My mom got me a Dooney and Burke Navy blue book bag purse. +The TOG II by Beckett - User Made Tank ready for play,"Damn, he's gonna get all of this credit and he didn't even have to model a single curve." +I wish Rafa would tell me merry christmas every day of the week.,"I have already informed me Dad and Step Dad that I have a 3rd Dad, and his name is Rafael." +Massive Sand Worm from Star Citizen's CitizenCon Stream!,"This was in a Live Demo, with real-time rendering from space to surface to sand worm to space." +"Vaal gems can't be triggered anymore, so it's only manual cast. Therefore, if you get stunned mid-cast of a vaal skill, you'll eat the souls, but not have the effect.",Thanks! +Happy Holidays From Blizzard!,Wish u all good loot and stable connect) +You got numbers for DOOM? I'm looking at going 1440p today.,75-85fps for me on ultra at 1440p +Any restaurants delivering to the east side tonight?,Bo Ling Chop Suey Palace +"You can't teach people common sense. OP even said that he recognizes all the other posts of people whos cards got stolen, yet he still makes the same mistakes.",Apparently you can't teach people proper grammar either. +"Chicago doesn't have pizza, though.",Muh thin pizza. +Pretty cool that you guys wore all of your shirts backwards this year.,Yeah..... I had to flip the pic to make it more like the old one +It was pretty obvious to anyone with 20/20 vision that he slid under him and stepped on his right foot as he caught the ball.,"You must have some insane slow-mo vision man, plus the ability to look at multiple camera angles in real time." +"Knew a kid back in the day who would comment how he was tripping for a few seconds when he'd crack his back sometimes. Not sure if he legitimately believed he was, or was just trying to be cool by pointing out that he'd done hella drugs man.","Dude you're just totally jealous cus you haven't done HELLA DRUGS, man." +Please explain the wink tech and draymonds no technical freak out.,"And the charge on Liggins, would have been one more foul on Green." +Playoffs are overrated :(,Yeah who needs Super Bowl rings and trophies? +Jesus fucking Christ reddit. It's fucking Christmas.,More proof that the site is run by jews. +"Sport Trac was based on prior gen explorer, which was on the Tanger platform. The Sport Trac was Ranger based. The same year Explorer wasn't.",This is good knowledge +"2016 Week 16 Game Thread: Pittsburgh Steelers(9-5) Vs. Baltimore Ravens(8-6) Please Remember: ##**Leave all opinions/thoughts inside of this thread. Anything that isn't newsworthy posted outside of this thread during the game will be removed.** Don't be rude. We're all here to watch the game. Do not troll the other sub's game thread/post game thread. We will be notified and we will take necessary steps after that. If you see someone in here trolling, feel free to file a report and we will take care of it. Thank you, Enjoy the game, and Happy Holidays!","Wait, but I thought the game was over in the third quarter." +NICE GARRRRRY,The prophecy +I'm uneducated and jobless. No shit. You're a Trump voter.,"You can't say that, that's how he got elected, remember?" +"No, it's you failing to recognize that there are people who don't see it as the default holiday. It's not colloquialism, to think so is incredibly western-centric.",This is why Trump won. +what class are you soloing t4?,"Warrior, I think you could probably do it with smn, sch and maybe drk depending on how it works out with mp." +Loot from 40 Festive Box (Elite),Totally worth doing Elites this weekend over any other day of the week. +I'd prefer the Bay Area. Raiders are leaving anyway.,"As a Steelers fan moving to the Bay Area, yes please" +"Truly elite qbs like the Dragon don't need 4,000 yard seasons to display their greatness","Nope, judge him by his $120 million contract." +Watch dogs 2 redemption code for free - Pick a number between 1 and 700 and I'll pick the winner by 10pm eastern time tonight. Good luck friends,222 Merry Christmas! +But there's no injured party... This time... Except the but hurt driver.,It is fascist to try to prevent injuries. +Tearing down the forest and building a shopping mall is arguable more affected by humans than goons hassling you for stacking rocks in a forest.,Even picking a flower affects the land you goofball +Kyrie is the most fun player to watch in the league and he is getting so much better. LeBron wasn't lying he's gonna be an MVP Forgot to mention he *thoroughly* outplayed Steph...again,"Yeah, but would you rather have him or KYLE LOWRY?" +ONE WAY OUT,Lol we blocked that up years ago +Yeah the wtf why did he block that he should have been on his man.,The stats show that Westbrook doesn't block at a high enough percentage so clearly his block isn't impressive +"This is how you do it. Eat up clock, gain first downs, fuck the Broncos. All. Game. Long.",Word. +I see the army has really improved their muzzle awareness over the last 20 years.,Neither of these guys have a finger on a trigger. +Lol even with his missed opportunities he only had 1 less point than your entire team.,Our offense wouldn't suck so hard if there weren't those distracting dicks in your mouths. +not even in AH1,$65k in mine. +Haido Vortex Crash bug? Anyone else getting a bug on the Vortex dungeon stage 3 where Haido doesn't show and then the game crashes when you go below a certain HP threshold? It seem to be happening constantly with me even if I give up in the dungeon and then try again.,"Many people have reported crashing when entering the dungeon in today's help thread, so you're not alone." +"Redditors who have outrun cops, how'd you do it?","Well first I started running faster then him, then I stopped not running faster then him" +I need to hang that picture properly. Moved in a while ago and haven't decided all the places yet.,"The future is today, worry about it tomorrow" +"Nah, bungee cord, gif just ends too soon",r/gifsthatendtoosoon +They also believe he and Satan are brothers which challanges his claims as God Jahova. At least the Mormans I know claim this belief.,"It's Mormen, not Mormans." +I'm going to college soon. So first impressions matter! Roast Me!,If Austin Powers and Rivers Cuomo had a baby... You'd be the afterbirth. +"Are you sure it, s not like borsalino? Both luffy will get?x4 atk boost?",gamewith says you have to activate both luffys specials +"With Christmas come and gone, I now officially have enough money to put toward the side to almost guarantee me a Nintendo Switch preorder.",inb4 switch is $500 +"Has anyone here met Dan in-person, if so, how was it?",He sexually harrased me and abused me when I was 13. +"Looks great, needs nothing is overrated. Check when he did the timing belt for the V6 and how the clutch is.","I might be wrong but timing belts on honda V6s are due at 105k, this one should still be on the original belt and water pump." +This guy sent my friend a really nice Christmas wish,And where does one find such a gentlesir? +In celebration of a diverse Air Force! (blatantly stolen from r/gaming),Why is salt being posted on r/gaming? +College GameDay headed to Fiesta Bowl (12/31/16),Espn hates Bama confirmed. +The date Firmino appears in court us January 31st (day of the Chelsea game),The date was obviously rigged to give Chelsea an advantage. +"One thing that still makes me laugh about the PW/TPP gameplay mechanic. Fultoning soldiers you've knocked out and then convincing them to join your cause. I mean, it's pretty funny how kojima turned the game mechanic of this system into an accomplishment fulfiller that makes us want to kidnap soldiers, imprison them, and then convince them to work for us. Really think about that for a second, the entire reason I do this is because as a game mechanic it adds a sense of satisfaction and I feel accomplished. in PW however this mechanic wasn't given a negative connotation, not in the same sense that it feels like it's being given in TPP, in PW sure, you're building an army out of your enemies but there's a sense of respect given to each member of mother base. you give them the chance to fight for something other than a nation, it's a family. in TPP there are so many mercenaries you're bringing on board that the system has devolved to just number crunching. this isn't a family anymore, it's a business, and all those soldier who work for you? just numbers. it's in this subtle change of the mechanic's presentation (such as being on board the platforms to meet said soldiers and the only interactions you have are to beat them up while they thank you for it) that the message being sent is painfully clear. Big boss has begun to take his soldiers for granted, really he never had a choice, too many people and you can't possibly hope to keep them in mind. when the guys had a focus this wasn't such an issue, there was a sense of unease but also mutual purpose, everybody you were kidnapping were victims of cypher in their own way. but what about in part 2? there is no goal, so things are just left with numbers to be catalogued, people to be fired through a device without any personal interaction. In essence, diamond dogs developed a corporate mindset and big boss transformed his PMC into the thing he hated the most, a machine that grinds up soldiers and spits them out, making more along the way. and the best part? this exact mechanic perfectly explains big boss's argument in metal gear 2 when he talks to snake about a soldier's life. it also lines up perfectly with solid's response I didn't know you were such a hypocrite big boss. Big Boss's descent into villainy, perfectly explained through a gameplay mechanic where you kidnap soldiers and add them to an ever-growing war-machine.","They sure felt like family during Shining Lights, Even in Death : (" +You've been with a guy that doesn't make his own appointments? I understand if he is trying to save time or something but other than that I don't know.,Incredible slippery slope argument +Obama and his family have been pure class,"Yes, for once in my life I'm proud of my country" +Rumble training with Tyron Spong (light sparring),Didn't look *that* light lol +"I know it was joke, hence why I put Kappa. Sometimes this subreddit is anti bananas and sometimes it isn't. Also I'm a bananas supporter",Could also be that not everyone follows stupid Twitch emotes. +TIL Male Emperor Penguins help their chicks survive by feeding them with milk secreted from their esophagus until the Female returns with fish.,Let the scientists know that the dairy industry said it can't be called milk anymore +It's just memes? How are they rallying against racism ?,"They're not just memes, they're socially diverse memes, man" +Why does pressure matter in the context of filling up a water bottle?,it means it takes too long +I'm currently waiting for bf1 to download. Help me.,watch some youtube videos while it downloads +why make 12000 dpi mice? cause more number make more better duhr!,Also being able to control the mouse by merely looking at it. +Did you read my original post at all? I say that exact thing.,Yea but she shouldnt hit him like that imagine if he hit her like that. +Announcing your americanness as loud as possible everywhere you go.,My dad did this today in the UK and I thought I might die of shame. +What about zerker tanking?,What's that? +New Google algorithm removes Holocaust denial sites from search results,Don't they know that the more people click on the something the truer it becomes? +MFW Trumpettes told me that this sub would die out or go private if Trump won the election,I thought this was r/The_Donald and they just changed their name because it's the only Trump sub I see on the front page anymore. +"Source of that fun fact? I know a real fact in the meanwhile, he's the cousing of Fleming, the writer of James Bond.","Hey cousing, let's go bowlin" +"Not in my heart it isn't. There, it's December all the time. A cold, unforgiving, inhumane and misanthropic climate that is.","Don't worry about, don't speak of doubt Turn your head now, baby, just spit me out" +"God damnit, I'm missing the best two legendaries in the game!",I don't see any legendaries? +What main series game names do you think are left to be made ? I'm not sure if its a testament to how stupid I am but i cant personally think of any names that dont sound silly so surprise me !,"Pokemon pink and purple, perhaps?" +What is something you would never wish on your worst enemy?,Undeserved happiness +"Then why does it have a ton of validity? It sounds like you're holding Obama and ex-sheriff Joe to different standards. I for one have no reason to *assume* that Joe is anything but a liar, having lived under his rule and having first hand exposure to his politics for all of my life. So what actual proof do we have here that isn't solely from the mouth of Joe Arpio?",Meanwhile Obama is known for telling the truth +reply that restates what all the other replies are saying regarding the move Soak,Makes it a water type so False Swipe can hit Idk if somone else already commented this +Complete Set of White Painted Toppers Offers,do you even have the white hat? +Honestly I think she is pro-money. If Jesus had more money he might get in the door.,I thought she was DEAD BROKE! +"She did let it go, that's why she was cool just being friends. How do people not get that?",She didn't let it go enough since she's now making a post on reddit about loving how the tables have turned. +"Rarely can I tell if a dude is good looking but I opened this and was like daamn, that's a good looking guy.","Thanks for the boost, love the positivity in this sub on selfie sat" +This is why rocket is one of my favorite cards,Hi friend +Welcome to the mute all club,reatter: [...] +I was thinking about getting a new headset and I came across this review,never seen this before +"Oh shit u're actually right ! But Herald of thunder can be linked with Life Leech, not lightning bolts.",So....? +Let's be honest. The reason this is here is because she's gorgeous.,"Yea but attractiveness is subjective, so obviously not" +"There's too many people to respond to, so I'll just make my own post. Everyone saying the defense had been awful all season is a fucking moron.","Allowed 20 points or less the last 8 games, so they're obviously garbage." +"oh, he was being sarcastic, now i feel retarded.","not your fault, he should have used the designated shitting" +"Wasen't he just wearing his daredevil skin in that? Also, Torb was just wearing his pirate skin IIRC","76 was wearing the Daredevil, but Torb had a Viking skin that was originally shown off in the Recall short." +I'll take tied at half. But it was a pretty bogus TD to tie it. I'm angry about that and how the announcers just breeze over it,Look at Bryant just face fucking the lions guy as he runs down the field yuck yuck durrr... +What is they?,"So far you have equated two states going to war, a rebellion internal to a state, a criminal breaking the law, me in my bedroom with a shotgun and the door locked, and a band of gorillas as all being examples of states in action." +Israel has reportedly suspended ties with 12 UN Security Council nations,"I hope that means they have cut ties with the USA as well, which abstained on the resolution." +Cowboys fans in this thread taking more abuse than all of Greg Hardy's partners,Alleged abuse +"Hmmm, lots of scab healing timelapse but I can't finding scab *forming* videos.",Watch it in reverse! +"If you're trying to ask if people lower than the required level to get a great ball or ultra ball can buy the boxes and still get them, then yes.",Sounds like totally p2w... +"People are going to/have already given you shit for this (I think some dude called you a retard, lol), but FWIW I think you're correct. This is sort of an unpopular opinion on reddit right now -- really strong backlash against the regressive left. And I get that. There are some really cunty people on the far left. But the whole let's all just start right now as if all things were zeroed out notion is absurd.",Good point - we can probably keep up racial animosity another 2 or 3 generations if we really give it our all. +"I feel like there must be 2 phenomenons: PPD because of hormonal changes, and depressive symptoms from the reality of adjusting to a repetitive, thankless, unsatisfying life of drudgery and continuous self-sacrifice.",But everyone who views that life as anything less than sunshine and rainbows must have something wrong with them! +Found Joel in a book titled DJing For Beginners lol,"Frozen Wow, didn't know he had such a sick ass cooling system that the mouse was in fact frozen." +"The obvious Spider-Man reference no one is getting Spider-Man wears red and blue as his main colors. Blue Mage, seriously, confirmed for next class.",This sage observation needed its own thread. +"I honestly don't know if Trump is that kind of dumbass narcissist who doesn't really know what he's saying yet thinks it's the smartest shit, or if that's just his public persona and the real him is still a fascist, although one that knows exactly what he's doing.",Trump's just preparing us for Kanye 2020 (or 2024). +I honestly can't say whether this is in support of millennials or against them,Obviously it's better to kill someone than openly express frustration and disappointment +Amk?,A variant of cyka +"It won't actually be tough to find a job, necessarily, but our schools are admittedly not as good as New England area, if that's what you're asking. Definitely better than a lot of states, but our schools aren't anything special.",Thanks Kasich +Why is it gun ownership is the first issue you mention? Surely there are a lot of other more important issues. Typical American gun obsession.,"Guns, drugs, abortion, gay marriage, what else could feature in political campaigns?" +They usually taste like limes,"I like yellow oranges the best, they're nice and sour." +Klaus Iohannis: Nu accept propunerea lui Sevil Shhaideh ca premier,Misoginism si xenofobie! +digital artist starter pack,CorelDraw :) +"Damn you, just got a hard on by reading the news. Hard on over. Sorry, hope everybody's fine.",Heh. +do you dance? *can* you dance?,"I am Commander Shepard, and I am the best dancer on the Citadel" +"You have management experience in situations where people are threatening others? I have management experience in other areas too, I merely highlighted my pub experience to demonstrate that I have dealt with people behaving like this and worse numerous times, and not once did I need to punch them in the head multiple times.","I can't speak for everyone, but I can assure you my response to being locked in a pub is going to be significantly different than the reaction you'll get if you lock me in a Family Dollar..." +Well this data is a few years old so it wouldn't show any migrant impact.,"Ah yes, I forgot to take into account those millions and millions of Europeans killed by war refugees from Syria." +"A lot of sword fighting resorted to at least one person bleeding heavily within the first volley of blows, because sharpness is an issue. If you're talking one on one in plate armor, well swords are actually terribly unsuited to doing anything.","I read something like that in full armour vs full armour, it would ofent resort to them using the swords as a blunt kocking weapon, trying to knock their opponents unconcious xD" +The size of Skyrim is 22.75 GB,Yeah just look on the back of the box idiot +fuck marry kill saw one of these a few days ago and it was fun so I'm reposting,Ur 13 go to bed +What happened to this show? It was really good and then became almost an feminist propaganda and VERY historically inaccurate.,"Yes, because women should only be used as eyecandy and not have any real influence over the story." +You're mixing it up with heatwave,oh you're right +Hello everyone,Hi +"Yes I do, kinda forgot that sarcasm doesn't work via text. FMA is p cool too I guess",Sarcasm never works +"The Cowboys have 7 wins over teams with winning records: most in the league Other contenders and their wins against teams over .500 this season: Pats, Raiders, Chiefs with 5 wins Falcons, Steelers, Packers, Giants have 4 wins Seahawks, Texans have 3 wins",Just wait until they play a real defense. +So last night I got matched against a Grandmaster team... (1000+ SR difference),B...but it's your MMR +Canadian killer? That can't be right.,"We do have them, Luka and Robert Pickton are two of the well known ones." +"I was reading the AskReddit thread about furries I just realized an old friend of mine was trying to get me in to furries. She would have me make up characters, say which animal I liked, etc. She would try and get me to act like a dog or wolf or whatever, but it always felt so awkward. I just dealt with it for her.",toss a fuckin ~~baby~~ puppy in her +"Perhaps a nerfed but automatic cobalt to balance against rocklet rifle + C4. Or perhaps a passive shield that can be certed, weaker than standard deploy shield but available to other sundie classes. Also, additional XP per spawn defense kills. Hell make it an objective to something.","Maybe if we make it like the Ai module for Ai turrets then it will be fair, balanced and fun for all!" +"Your account age would mean more. And something, probably, but selling your account would basically make everyone hate you, so don't.",Who would know if he sold his account +"Hey man/nice shot but it doesn't even count if it's already 4-1 plus our D were pylon spectators on that goal My pre-tourney favourite D-man Kale Clague (Wheat King) fucked up on the first two goals against, two ticks and Chabot was a gamelong pylon. Chabot's probably a goddamn Quota Major Junior Hockey League pity pick. The QMJHL is our NCAA, it fucks with our team. USA should have more goal scorers from the OHL too, notably Debrincat but they always fuck around and take an NCAA boy instead, on account of how pride precedes the fall, and now they'll lose. Canada fucks around and loses a lot of sick OHL goal scorers too 'cause we got a quota, we have to take a set amount from Quebec or else Frenchie will bitch. Frenchie's a bitch eh","I hope you aren't being serious about Debrincat, there was a lot of reasons why he didn't make it and I think the team is better without him." +Should his name be Dwight?,Can I call you Jimothy? +"Don't blame the players for the game turning on voice chat and opening their mics, with no visual clues, even though it's turned off in the settings. (If you hear others in chases, it's likely that they can hear you as well.)","But you see, my mic is not next to my fucking speakers so other aren't going to hear the same thing twice through a worse quality echo" +"In *The Empire Strikes Back*, Darth Vader orders his crew to Calculate every possible destination along their last known trajectory when told that the *Millennium Falcon* may have gone to hyperspace. This implies that it is possible to find likely destinations, but that it's not an exact science. Of course, the rebels could also jump to a completely different system, then jump to their real destination before the Imperials could catch up. This would make it essentially impossible to know a fleeing starship's ultimate destination.",You need a TOR engine though to obscure your traffic like that +The point of wireless charging is to not have to fiddle around with plugs or ports,"LPT Glue the Incipio back to the charger, then it's effectively wireless charging with high location specificity!" +More anime like Boku wa Tomodachi Ga Sukunai but there is a real boyfeiend/girlfriend relationship between characters.,{Lovely Complex} might be what you're looking for. +"Showoff Crimson Zombas, Striker Heatwave, Pink Photons. Offers Post or pm",Labyrinth and scorer octane for striker heat? +Take note of this story and how much attention it gets here versus the US/Danish/Australian/British strike on the SAA. Very telling.,I mean after you kill 60 of their men while in a 5 year civil war you can't expect rational decisions. +Bad idea. Then the normie audience like the old fans wouldn't get it. Most of them don't even know the clone wars show and anything outside the movies.,"Yeah, where were the Bothans in Rogue One?" +"Ok, and I respect that, but if you're not willing to help out when I need it, I'm going to do it myself.",typical cheater logic +Way to ruin the moment dog!,Doggy tryna halpppppppppppp +"This wouldn't have happened if the kid had an Android, just saying.",Should probably add +"Shouldn't Medusa's Acid Spray get a damage increase? You know, at release this ability had a regular range that would extend itself if you hit the target and an attack speed slow atop of it. I understand nerfing one of those things, but they removed both the above average range and the attack speed slow. Now all this ability does is damage and its damage is weak in comparison to any waveclear in the game, while having a low range (while it does get longer when you hit the enemy, you can still miss) and no utility. At least it should be a little more bursty.",I want release Medusa back +I don't believe SRL works anymore ... thought I saw it mentioned somewhere. I might be wrong though.,I believe they indeed did fix it.... +"if you cant do a pushup, congratulations, that's amazing. do the girl pushups instead, the ones with your knees on the floor (the doggy style receiver position) if you can't do a pullup, that's not unheard of but quite bad still, do inverse pullups where you support your bodyweight as you slowly unflex from the top of the pullup",TIL push-ups are gendered. +"Star Wars Rogue One, but every time someone shoots a laser it speeds up",Nice shitpost. +Step one is getting someone from Afghanistan a security clearance.,That'll be an enjoyable and painless experience. +My wife believes that transgender people are agents of Satan and *further believes that ALL genetic XXY intersexual* people are just fake info to promote a gay agenda. Because God doesn't make mistakes,should we tell her she is right +"Your 2 highest masteries are married and the 3rd one is your baby Janna+Karma = Plant Lady, I guess they couldn't have a baby so they decided to buy a plant. How wrong is yours?",Riven + Yasuo = Vayne. +don't forget the article says being black is holding her back as well. Maybe someday we will start celebrating the athletic achievements of black people.,Black sports matter... +See anything... lucky?,"Yes, your RG." +As long as they get to cum eventually! What's the female equivalent of 'blue balls'?,Blue waffle +Not a fan of Roll for the Galaxy. Can only assume I would also not like Race.,I'm also not a fan of Roll for the Galaxy but Race is my favorite game so I'd say give it a try! +"I have no horse that particular discussion really. Rather I have a pet peeve about people who aren't willing to entertain the idea of looking into things before rejecting it. So when someone seem contempt with just well if that's true it's crazy I like to push them to go find out for themselves. Reddit in general is a nest of hive-mind college kids who buy this diversity is strength bullshit out right without ever bothering to sit down and look at facts, evidence etc. If they did they's sing at least a more cautious tune.","But the facts are racist, sexist, AND colonialist" +"It's my anniversary today. Tons of sweetcakes passed around. Tons of good, good food.",Uh ok +Sweet Karma Bully Gets A Taste Of His Own Medicine Picking On A Kid That Doesn't Want To Fight!,is that the kid from Stranger Things? +"It's from Fox news, I would take it with a big grain of salt.","If it's politico, a reliable news source then it's okay." +"24 Los Angeles - Yo, where are all my LA people at?",What kinda stuff are you looking to find out? +What do you think they will do with that money once it's back in America?,Make America great again - wtf you think? +A fat free donut is a bagel.,But...does it have carbs? +"What do you hate the most about Filipino youth? Also, state the reason why.",Stale memes ^ +"probably not. they can just slide around ellington, winslow, and johnson between 3 and 4","Yeah I'd much rather have Ellington at SF for the spacing and Winslow and Johnson can rotate at PF, and then give Babbitt any extra minutes so he can also space the floor." +Vice President-elect Mike Pence recently moved into a neighborhood in DC while awaiting inauguration. This is how the neighbors greeted him.,I bet VP-elect Pence will have sleepless nights because of his neighbors..... +"Not really. Some do, but most just like to get paid for fucking. It's really that simple.",They got really sick of their dad's molesting them for free +"Which character did you pick up because of Izaw? The Art of series is one of the best Sm4sh guides to any character. When I saw his Art of Ness video, I now pocket him and he's so much fun to play as. I now know how to use PK Thunder effectively, and I can autocancel Dair from a fullhop PK Fire. So which character did you pick up because of Izaw? If not, which character do you think he should do next? Personally, I'm hoping he does Art of as Shulk/Robin cuz mains. Feel free to let me know!","He's one of the reasons why I still play Falco, despite the video being slightly outdated due to recent patches" +"Leviticus 18:22, You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.1 Leviticus 20:13, If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God. Romans 1:26-28, For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper.",wow cummybot you homophobe +I love the crazy lentil talk. but I do feel like people instantly go there instead of a nice slow decent into eating the trash out of the belly of a dead racoon.,I wish I had a racoon +Red Wings' Ken Holland: Next 20-25 games critical to how season plays out,Reddit User Ayodep: No shit sherlock. +2016 vs. 80s icons,You left out Anton Yelchin.... +"Your Current Teams So in the spirit of fun discussions, what teams occupy your team slots currently and why? It can be for any reason, whether you like their bonuses, favorite characters, they had a team-up in the comics/movies, or for a particular game mode, etc, etc. I'll go first. Team 1: Thor, Black Panther, Black Bolt * It's no secret Black Panther is my favorite character, but I also enjoy the boosts Thor and Black Bolt acquired as well in the past. I find all three fun to play, plus they have decent bonuses together. Team 2: Gwenpool, Rocket Raccoon, Groot * This team is mainly due to their team-up in Rocket and Groot's last 3 issues of their Civil War II tie-in, I found it quite an enjoyable and humorous read. Team 3: Ancient One, Doctor Strange, Mordo * Reason for this team is rather simple, they have 5 team-up bonuses, and its nice to see all those slots filled on the side. A very powerful team as well. Team 4: Proxima Midnight, Black Dwarf, Corvus Glaive * I love the blend of skill sets they offer. Proxima being the damage dealer, Black Dwarf being a tank, and Corvus offering utility, ranging from summons to invincibility to revives. Plus I like the Black Order in general. Team 5: Warwolf, Doctor Strange, Wasp * My TL team, nothing more. Warwolf and Wasp offering their T2 passives as support to DS, which is overkill, but yea.","Team 1 - Doctor Strange, Sharon Rogers, Wasp (Timeline Team) Team 2 - Elsa Bloodstone, Sister Grimm, Angela (My old Timeline Team that I keep around for nostalgia purposes) Team 3 - Sin, Sharon Rogers, Sharon Carter (My favourite World Boss clear team) Team 4 - Training Team (Plow character is usually Proxima or Elsa Bloodstone, right now I'm trying to get White Tiger and War Machine up to Lvl 60)" +Something is definitely not right here...,"It's simple: superconductive materials, I just wonder why the temps are so high" +Brock is gonna need a pre 3 month juicing camp. Followed up by a USADA approved fight camp.,"Just a 3 month juice cleanse, gotta remove all those toxins" +"Or, you know... Taunt","Maybe, but we should consider getting a Smeargle with Disable or Fling + Lum Berry and testing if this could work." +"treasure is my favorite boost, I can hardly tolerate how funny it is",Arrr! +Im seven years late but... In S1E1 When Rick wakes up in the hospital the time is 2:17. In S1E6 Dr. Jenner said that TS-19 turned in 2 hours 1 minute and 7 seconds (217) whats up with that? Are there more things with the numbers 217 in other parts? Is this a solved mystery? Im just wondering.,it means the show AND comics will end after 217 episodes or issues. +men are so clever *eyeroll*,"Hey, come on, not all of us are like that... also titmas is super funny" +After I asked him why he was so mad when I said I was taken...,I'm not salty... you are... bitch +Yassuo's Mental Breakdown,This dude looks a lot like Darshan +She isn't now?,I'm pretty sure it was missing the +**ANY DRAW**,Chelsea 1 - 1 Manchester United Rashford 51 +Freaking scalpers are getting bad around here...,You're just complaining because other people are willing to do what they have to do to get these products. +you can tell the way it is because the way it do,"They say it be like it does, and it do!" +I'm loving the meta myself. It feels very diverse for the most part.,you should be ashamed of yourself +What job growth?,Yes that 10 million square feet of office space added to Toronto to last 5 years sits empty.... +This is 2525? I reckon this could be 2125...,Maybe even 2025 after Trumps done with us +"So the color starts out orange-red and fades to yellow-orange and goes from 1% to 65% brightness? This feels incomplete. Shouldn't it continue through to a more daylight cool white? And full brightness? Suggestions if you have more than one fixture? (I personally have a Hue Go next to the bed, plus a 3 light track light in the middle of my room with white ambiance bulbs in it)",The above works great for me but do modify as you see fit! +Translation,"He basically said that this was Chewie's reaction to her death, as a joke" +"Yes, Hi-Rez tacitly admitting It isn't a joust map but rather a map meant for hunter duels in which hunters are completely OP","Yeah, that's totally it, not just a bow because it's Chinese themed and shaped after Hou Yi's bow" +"I talked so much shit and swore he'd be a bust, too. I believe in karma, and 100% think he's only good to prove I know nothing.",Bosa will be a beast in LA. +Nope... going to build a wall.,I dont think Sarah will appreciate losing her view. +Twenty bucks says that thing isn't even turbo'd.,"Oh no, you're not allowed to but a vw beetle turbo badge on a car unless it's got at least twins!" +My parking buddy,Not sure which is you but anytime a GTI parks next to me I think GET AWAY FROM ME YOU PEASANT +Apple's desktop Macs need some innovation in 2017,next year's model: 6K Display iMac +I guess Matt needs like 5 TD's this week to have a chance?,Geez too bad he's playing such an elite defense this week +Seems like a good way of getting lead toxicity,It did say traditional. +"Hidden Gems of 2016 With the end of the year approaching, are there any prog metal releases that may have been overlooked or underappreciated?",Shokran - Exodus +The Movie Star Is Dead: Jennifer Lawrence & Chris Pratt Tank in 'Passengers',Even though Passengers didn't do well....without Jlaw or Chris Pratt it would have done alot worse...we liive in the age where the character is bigger then the star that is playing them. +Paul Baul: Maul Call,Better Call Paul! +"What? Is this real? That is what they consider life achievements to be? And then they impose these ridiculous stereotypes on a 16 year old? Don't waste your time comparing yourself to people. It will not do you any good. People who try to make kids feel bad about themselves are usually cowards and failures in their own life. Do you really think they are role models? At this point, the most crucial thing in your life are your studies. You are not FA, and don't let anyone make you feel that way. Enjoy your life, have friends, have hobbies. And let the miserable people wallow in their ignorance, but keep in mind they have no authority to have any influence over you.",Screenshoting this for when I feel sad again thanks man :) +Huh. Til,Til what? +How all 31 first-round picks have played this season,Haha played. +"I didn't hear any screams, so I guess we know she's not Jewish.","Haha, the holocaust!" +"Some criminals can be rehabilitated, even murderers, but there's no coming back from stabbing a father in a toy Isle on Christmas eve. You will never be a decent human, ever.","Even then, there is a difference between saying someone deserves the death penalty and saying they deserve to be raped and killed by someone other than the state." +"Considering moving to Winnipeg in the Summer, any advice? I know y'all probably get this all the time, but as I've never been to Winnipeg I would really appreciate input from those who have. I chose Winnipeg because it seems to have a relatively low cost of living and unemployment rate. I've also heard good things about their education. Would you say this is accurate information to go off? What are any downsides to the city I may be missing? As a student, I'm seeking unskilled work to support myself. Is that difficult to find in Winnipeg? Is there any other general advice you might give me?",Move out in the winter +"Hillary Clinton is the Most Admired Woman for the 15th consecutive time, the 21st time overall.","but Gallup is an evil neoliberal, corporate, establishment and globalist organization that does the bidding of the centrist democrats." +Well this must have come across must sterner then it was. I understand what you're saying. There wasn't any malice or anything like that though. I appreciate your thought though,"Yeah bro, break up with her." +Teen in a tiny dress strips to reveal her hot tits,I love it when the build up is 99% of the gif and the actual titles are that split second 1%. +"She won by more than that, 3 million votes more represents around one percent of the entire country, not just those who were eligible/did vote","That sounds like the poors, we can discount their votes anyways." +"In high school freshman year my math teacher gave us some type of test that was meant to measure everyone's IQs and she later gave us the results of that test. Me and one other student scored over 125 and that test inflated my ego so hard when it came to school. I ended up fucking around and not trying at all in school, I made decent grades, but I genuinely thought I was above it all. I took AP tests(for those that don't know, basically you can take classes and tests that can allow you to get college credit in high school), and I never did well on them. I don't think that I passed a single one of those. When I got into college and I started taking classes I started to realize what an idiot I had been the past few years thinking that that IQ test meant anything at all. There I was barely making good enough grades to get into a semi-decent college, yet I had thought I was the smartest kid in the room everywhere I went. Fuck IQ tests, maybe the test that I took wasn't truly an IQ test but I'm still working to reverse bad habits in college that I developed in high school and the whole experience is so much more stressful than I should have let it get",I wish I could reply to you but your're IQ is too high for a simpleton like me to have the priviledge of communicating with you. +"That's what I'm getting at: Crack in the Box gets that across, but also fits the name better.",Poor people do enjoy their rhyming. +"Yes, I have heard of his other channels. I watch a lot of gun / hunting videos so he often shows up in my recommended queue. It all depends on what you watch, friend.","yeh, I suppose it would *not*" +Super high security open source encryption. Like jQuery and AngularJS....,"Yes, do all of your security stuff on the front-end, no need for server-side validation!" +Vince is just working out how Reigns can leave WM with every belt.,"Easy, make Wrestlemania a 5 hour ladder match where all the titles are on the line, then the Big Dog comes out on top" +"Of course, this was in no way an attempt to circumvent the basketball scholarship limit.",NOOOOO OF COURSE NOT... THAT WOULD UNETHICAL there is none of that type of behavior in college sports. +"Wishful thinking. I'm Canadian, and most of my, friends either hate Rush or are just indifferent to them. Probably more Tragically Hip fans here.",I thought every Canadian loved Rush...your country is dead to me +"Get Down, Mr. President!","I'm starting to hate all of this Overwatch content filling the subreddit, unsubscribed..." +Lubbock in Photos-2016,"Nice Pics, that first one is pretty wicked." +farm,That's a tilt shift gift. +People who say Literally every third word. Why?,'Cause they literally can't even. +"Just be glad our competitor, Overwatch, isn't even in top 5.","This is steam charts so overwatch won't be listed there anyways, unless you're missing the" +People saying Trunks/Merged Zamasu aren't that good are triggering me to no end Literally two of the best cards in the game.,Yeah but Gogeta is still better then Super Vegito. +"As a bonus, if she says no, nobody has to find out!",No means yes And yes means anal +Which cards are better than their rarity indicates? Not including reprints.,Rare fish +"Gov. Baker's constituent services office is 617-725-4005 This delay with the marijuana dispensaries is bullshit, and the manner in which it occurred feels underhanded. I once worked in a political office and if there is one thing that gets their attention, it's phone calls. Mail and email can be addressed when it's convenient, but phone calls tie up interns and aides. If only a dozen people call, you can grind an office to a halt. And the guy or gal in charge will want to know why none of their aides are getting work done that day. Be polite! S.2524 is titled Baseline study and delay of regulatory deadlines and is headed to Baker's office. Let 'em know how you feel. And if you live out west, the Springfield office can be contacted at 413-784-1200.",What are their hours? +"Losers, in other words",:<( +I am NOT a cotton headed ninny muggins.,"Whoa there, no need to drop the n-m-bomb!" +"Your comment could be read as being sarcastic. Ah, the joys of text only communication. :)","Someone should make a tag so you know it's sarcasm, nah that couldn't work" +It gets downvoted **BECAUSE** its a gun. Guns arent all that popular around the world,"Well duh, it's because they're dicks and kill lots of people." +Eze looks like Kain,Eze can jump = Kain confirmed +Nico Live 10/31 Starts at 8pm JST. I'm so confident that either Roche or Limera will get OE that I'm willing to read the entire Bee Movie script if neither of them get it.,"I'll shoot myself if they don't announce a genderless OE, legacy or not" +"Leaves and newly planted grass? I aerated and over-seeded by slit seeding a week ago. I'm already starting to get some grass popping up, but my cherry trees are also just starting to drop some leaves. I don't want to walk on the lawn and I'm not going to mow it for a couple more weeks. Just wondering if there is a rule of thumb as to when to get out the blower and blow the leaves off the grass.","Let them stay there for now, you'll end up doing more harm than good just by walking on the seedlings let alone raking the soil" +"Happy New Year! Hope everyone's doing well with their families, and if you aren't/can't be with your family for any reason, I hope you're doing well.",Happy Easter +Much of the weaponry found in Aleppo was US-made. If Americans only knew their tax dollars were being used to arm Al-Qaeda in Syria...,I stand with Assad! +it was more so that i didn't like associating myself with those kinds of people. i quit enjoying it because i didn't like being associated with the typical weab.,"I get what you mean, I used to be vegetarian until I found out that it associated me with Hitler!" +The World as 100 People Over the Last 200 Years,The democracy one is wrong because according to the army of reddit political scientists the USA is a Republic not a democracy. +"Saint Petersburg, Russia. Although I had the same problem in Australia. If I remember correctly it wasn't that bad in Germany. As far as I'm concerned, Amazon is only worth it if you live in America, Canada and possibly places like the UK.","in Germany you get typically free shipping for purchases exceeding 29 Euro (typically = if it says sold and shipped by Amazon, things vary otherwise) delivery time - standard DHL/Deutschpost range: 2-3 days during strike-free period" +"[Act 1 End] We need to get into the city. Maybe we (Monk, Magus, Ranger) can pay a large fee. I choose not to, as I will have to foot like 90% of the fee. [Intermission] Metagamer: Hey Kimchii4ever, how much gp does your character have? Kimchii4ever: Oh I have X amount :) Metagamer: Ok. I was just wondering. [Act 2 Start] Metagamer: I attack the monk! Kimchii4ever: But why- *Get hit by xSn1p3r G0d spellstrike 420 maximillionmized shocking grasp yolo bullshit by magus while flat footed. Still survive and run through the forest with my superior speed. Indy Bro: I shoot the monk as he runs away. *Get taken down to negative. Metagamer: I loot his body! GM: OK! Now do you heal him? Metagamer: I cast death knell! That is when I learned the cold reality about RPGs.",Yo your friends are just wonderful people +Dont forget lightning,And The Log +Something doesn't add up...,He meant 1 session of 500h +"Oh this, every god damn time. I hit cancel every time, but does windows ever actually find a solution? Like I've been using Dolphin a lot lately. How exactly is windows going to find a solution if Dolphin crashes? Or any other number of programsi can download and install?","if Dolphin crashes, check if you are on KDE." +"True, my bad - Miyamoto hasn't mentioned it'll be $10, but he *did* say that it will have a fixed price (one time pay), and OP said it was advertised as a *free* game, which isn't the case whatsoever, so it doesn't change my point.","I think OP has a valid point, see his reply below." +To the vinyl owners: How come nobody posted the lyrics yet? ??,We're keeping the real lyrics a secret +"As an Illini, we disown him.",What happened? +You have to pay gold to play?! What happen if you don't have gold,You don't play +"When he was done with me, he moved on to stalk my best friend","Yeah, I'm sure people hating that creepazoid has nothing to do with the fact that he can't take 'no' for an answer and is alarmingly pushy." +What show had you hooked right off the pilot episode?,Brooklyn Nine Nine +PSA to the snowflake race baiters.,But how many successful ones aren't Uncle Toms and/or sellouts? +"Hyperbolic descriptions of online content, such as: * breaking the Internet * winning some holiday * going viral * taking the Internet by storm * all you need in your life right now * so and so did blah blah blah and I'm crying Calm down, it's really not that great.",I'm literally crying right now. +I just know libertarians have zero solutions. You just deny reality and try to change the subject.,Good argument. +"While tens of millions of children around the world go hungry and uneducated, a handful of billionaires divide up the riches of the planet.","The children should have worked harder, like all those billionaires did." +"Things the FLDS should be called instead of polygamous sects: - Those Pervs Down South - Warren and the Pastels - Dude, Where's My Wife? - The Sweetkeepers ...","Warren, totally a child rapist, unlike Brother Joe" +Fire Eater,At least he remembered ~~safety~~ swimming goggles +Reginald interview about TSM results at worlds.,I thought I was bored of these joke dubbs but this one is pretty well done +"The free college is only applicable for EU citizens, since it's funded by tax money... If you pay your taxes elsewhere, you have to pay tuition here.",Isn't full tuition crazy cheap though? +You are so ignorant.,Brown people are all the same to trump supporters +Did people forget about Gina Carano? I feel like SHE was the one who brought WMMA to the front...,No there was no such thing as woman's mma before ufc and Ronda invented it. +Still waiting for one to make the choice that would actually lure me back to cable TV: a la carte channels.,"Yeah, but getting the hundreds of channels you never watch would cost a fortune!" +Cash/Games Minecraft,What console? +What does it mean if my Ethernet cable is yellow?,It means your connection is significantly slower than those with blue cables :) :) - Killa +"Gender identity is neither, it's a neurological aspect (or at least theorized to be, since we understand more about our solar system then we do about how the brain actually functions). Gender dysphoria is categorized as a mental health disorder. It isn't about who you are or gender identity, it is the stress and distress caused by the difference in neurological gender expectation and physical sex. We can't change how are brains are wired in terms of gender so in order to treat gender dysphoria we treat the physical sex. There are also high rates of stress induced mental health issues in our community which can be attributed somewhat to gender dysphoria, but personally I expect they are more societal in causation.",Dysphoria is just a manifestation of my transness bumping up against societies norms. +Proud of my non feminist girlfriend who sent me the link to this post.,"Fuck equality, amirite?" +"For what reason has it gone viral? What is being said about it? This girl clearly has issues, but having said that, you can see that the situation is provoking violence, aggression and hostility - as it *always* does.",Which the producers in no means foster and promote +'I was raped nightly for 13 years': British sex slave says she was held captive by Muslim rapist who sold her four children,Nothing to do with culture. +Boom every species of freshwater fish extinct within the decade.,TIL every species of freshwater fish eats mosquitoes as the main part of their diet +Careful with anyone named adu. The last one didn't work it so well.,"He's still only 27, give him another year!" +Another reason why ports should be banned and third party games should be quality checked by Nintendo,"Yeah, cause that's a good way for Nintendo to get more third party support, which they've struggled to do for 2 decades now." +"You said he that user has racist friends, and simply because they're a Trump supporter you assume to know something about his or her personal life that you *really* have no idea about.",I'd have some choice words for you but you seem like a rat. +Whatever we want! At the moment I'm working on a project which is based on one of the many project ideas that we can find suggested on the web.,I'm in. +"Fine, I'll be the asshole who does the obvious one.",I wonder what kind of person someone has to be when this is considered obvious. +Pretty sure women cannot be priests...,TRIGGERED +Actually every Republican has blamed Obama for everything that went wrong.,sort of sounds like liberals with bush! +"Personally I liked his introduction, seeing him come out of no where at the end would've made it seem random and just there for fan service","Thankfully, his inclusion as is was completely necessary to the plot of the movie, and not at all fan service." +"Sniper's shrapnel also has the issue, but instead it doesn't specify how long it takes for the charges to come back.",Kunkka's tidebringer no longer show cleave range +How can I fix this bent leg without breaking it?,A blowtorch +Suspend the coaches for player selection,DONT PUSH ME everybody wants to win DONT PUSH ME we're in trouble if they jump the twins DONT PUSH ME i have to protect my team +Which team do you feel gets the least attention? I sometimes forget the Brewers are a thing.,"Twins, Brewers" +"nnJimmy, please PM me. (servers inside) Jimmy, Please PM me and provide some proof, I have an OBS RTMP server ready with a cluster of HLS (Apple Streaming) nginx hosts ready to stream this out, no more worries of getting banned. Simple HTML5 player page for the phriends around here, will release once I get ahold of you. What you do is magical. Please upvote phriends!!!!",Anyone got a stream? +"Oculus VR is the generic name for Rift. That's even how it's displayed through windows, eg in your device manager.","Yea, most people hear about the Rift by looking through device manager." +"Eleven minutes long, nope... Anyone want to give the tl;dw?",I'll read the summary on Daily Life tomorrow. +Children - Part 142,Next part: Sammy beats the shit out of the brother +Why is this allowed? :X,Because it's extremely high quality +"This happened last night. She started saying how we don't have a lot of Kens, I asked what she meant and she said we have a lot of barbies but no kens. I kept asking her more questions to try and understand and she turned to me and patted my face and said you wouldn't understand and turned back around and fell back asleep. We have no kids, and no barbies.",That makes perfect sense to me. +Bought that car on the spot just to show him! And in cash!,What's the discount if I pay in cold hard cash? +How do you feel about mixed economies?,"Until every road is a toll road, and every park has an entry fee, we're living under communism." +My wife was pissed when I told her I bought VR. Then she tried it.,"My wife was pissed off when I told her just now I was fed up with her attitude these past few months, but hey... you have a happy story... lol" +I'm still having trouble figuring out what the fuck just happened,"Your health drops twice, right before you die the meter stops at around 15% HP, so the rat did a bunch of damage at first and the poison was strong enough to kill you with one tick?" +"This thread is litterally full of a bunch of horseshit that people are making up, and it's being upvoted. Wtf reddit.","Welcome to Reddit, good to see first time visitors here." +mountaintop questline was badass. Anyone who failed to complete it missed out because shaxx weekly bounties were some of the best gear givers in year 2,"Oh yeah, loved that 19x3 strange coins per week" +They're drafting Myles Garrett and he's going to be a force in the AFCN.,He will be no match for the ravens elite O-line And as if this is necessary +Moments away from 2 million players!,That thumbnail perfectly encapsulates my feelings about this news. +"I 'MEMBA!!!! I had Tendies in hand, and was dipping them in sjw salty tears.",sorry about your aids +"lol, not getting legendaries because his black","Well I'm a CISGENDER WHITE MALE and I have two legendaries, so it's definitely biased in my favor." +"I think he's right. This is what I want to hear from a long time. Patriotism is ok but being a jingoist is different. Everyone has a right to speak their mind, but forcing it on others is demeaning.",Now say Bharat mata ki jai or we will burn down your house and send you to pakistan. +"heh hehehehe hey butthead, he said harder hheehehehee","Guys he is a C9 fan, we know he's differently-abled." +Adrien Broner sparring for his upcoming with Granados,He was fighting an amateur +This is the only way I can play. And I love it.,"Ugh, take a screenshot next time." +GCHQ worked their magic to prevent Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince leak,"A fine use of their resources, I'm sure!" +"It is the bottleneck of my system. Would see improvements in BF1 with I7 with hyper-threading. Do a quick search, you'll see people talking about it all over the web.",Yeah because my 2nd gen low end i5 is bottlenecking my fps so hard. +we sword art online now bois,"Database, database...!" +You check out a lot penis? Guessing you're a shortie,This guy fucks +Has anyone picked up on this small detail yet? (From one of my old steam posts),The hat reflection...? +I prefer the pronunciation *EX POST*. Sounds so much cooler,*Final Fantasy Ex* sounds so much cooler than *Final Fantasy Ten* as well. +"I personally find them to be very intertwined. I kind of try to use science as a way to form my personal beliefs. An example of this is how I believe consciousness to be the result of a chemical reaction, and that when we die and start to decompose that we may experience that as a completely new form of existence. The thing I don't like about science is that thoughts like that are **heavily** frowned upon, instead of just sort of not taken light-heartedly.","Depends who you speak to I guess, an idea is an idea, if someone knows better then they should just let you revel in fantasies, but generally the people that frown upon it are the people that don't have a clue what the facts are, but you went against their opinion and that is wrong" +"How is nobody seeing hoe entitled you think you are? I understand the whole divorce agreement, but you said yourself you have a fucking retirement fund already but you cant use any of your own income because it would ruin your plans for fun? Also whining about how your dad got his education paid for, so? You said it yourself, he is in debt, has 5 kids to look after and you are employed in a decent paying job, grow up","Yeah, it's so weird that she's feeling entitled to something that she was promised several times and is legally stipulated in her parents' divorce agreement." +You sound incredibly entitled. Your education. Your loans. You pay and be thankful that you had some help along the way.,"Yeah, it's so weird that she's feeling entitled to something that she was promised several times and is legally stipulated in her parents' divorce agreement." +"Postman walked halfway up the drive, stopped, turned and ran away with my mail! The worst of it is that I know that he has my mail as the tracking for what was being delivered changed from due today to collect at depot. If only I was able to catch him as I ran out after I saw him :(",Bloody privatisation +"Double rep started, Pro-am walk-on BROKEN If you join walk on proam it will only allow 6-7 people to join and the game will never start or if it does you get kicked back to mycourt.",I cant wait for lag after dark... Its gonna be Amazing. +What's a great movie with a male and female lead where these characters don't wind up together?,Spoiler Alert [La La Land] +"Yeah, the right has had a monopoly on racism for too long. Liberals need to start being racist too. Stop cowering liberals and start a race war already.",That's a *great* idea +grandpa plays speak out,The face he makes as the dentures slide out of his mouth is pure gold. +I love raw dogging randoms. I'm fucking sick in the head apparently.,It seems like a lot of people are raw dogging it these days.. I wonder what the data behind the std rates looks like lol +Tarik impersonating stewie2k,Seems more like Subroza. +Huawei One Peso Day,Ya van com 3$ q tengo q juntar +"Remember folks, voting for Hillary was voting for the policies of Obama to continue. And so it couldn't be that she lost because people don't like Obama's policies, or that she is a last name away from being in a federal prison. No it can't be those things, it MUST be that Russia interfered with the election. Obama is making sure that history records Trump's win as illegitimate and in doing so takes the blame of Clinton's loss off of Obama and his policies, thus preserving his legacy. Time will tell if people can see through this or not.","Obama had a 57% approval rating last month, so Hillary should won the popular in even more of a landslide if they were only voting for more Obama..." +Where's this madlads mind at!?,Lol someone is in love +"On April 1st, I want Bungie to give us RMM That's right, give us a patch and tell us you've changed the crucible matchmaking to Random Matchmaking. BUT, don't actually change matchmaking at all. I think it would be funny to see people complain about the changes when nothing has actually changed. Tell us on April 2nd that it was all a joke. Nothing quite like a good old fashioned RMM job on April Fool's Day.",Isn't that what they've been doing all this time? +"Back in the day we would use the phrase, but in reference to the LTE","Sorry, LTE?" +I really am curious why Trump supporters are urging their god to reverse the sanctions on day 1. What American would want to bring Russian spies back into the country to spy on us? It absolutely boggles the mind.,"Don't blame the Russians for the having, blame computers." +"3 fav albums this year Blonde. Passion, pain and demon slaying. Endless",Blonde - Frank Malibu - Paak Coloring Book - Chano +Getting 9th at SSC and beating Axe and MikeHaze.,Top 16 player based on the players who went to Summit 3 +Kevin Owens Tells Elderly Fan He Will Die In 5 Years,Hes being a asshole to the fans like a good heel what a monster i will never let my children watch this until he is fired +"Who was your favorite God to grind to Mastery X? I have Neith Mastery X, Nu Wa and Cupid Mastery IX, and I'm working on Ne Zha. For me, I'd have to say Ne Zha has been the most fun because his pull just has a great animation and his voice lines are my favorite.",Loki always a diffrent adventure everytime I played him +Should Hi-Rez Make Smite (and their other stuff) available for the Nintendo Switch?,"BUT THAT MEANS WE GET ANOTHER YMIR SKIN, YMIR HAS TO MANY SKINS AURUFURUSICHHTRIDIJC." +The Q is no longer as high scoring as it was a decade ago. It's actually very close if not identical to the OHL now.,"True, but the whl is still a step back scoring wise compared to the east" +"What exactly are sissy squats? I feel like I should know, but I don't.",Squats done with less than 135 lbs +This knife cutting into a bar of soap,What a belly laugh +Every Country's Top Tourist Attraction,"If this is from TripAdvisor's top things to do, I'm surprised we're not seeing more Escape Rooms on this list." +Randy puts together a LEGO T-Rex.,Oh wow you know how excited r/lego gets when we see another Blockie Talkie. +Me when I saw the new animations.,upset baby accurate +Just because something is illegal doesn't mean it is wrong.,But it does mean it's illegal. +No one will notice,Typical Government job. +"Are you 12? Just ignore the thread, dude.","Yep, downvote and move on." +because Kyrie and Lebron suck in the defense like a twenty hookers on crack and they're both great passers. also Lebron has a 6th sense on the court.,Lebron has like 20 eyes +"How to get past sniffer dogs (AUSTRALIA) Here in Aus. sniffer dogs are everywhere... For MDMA, I know the obvious way is to stick it up your bum, but I dont necessarily want to have to resort to that... Im an anxious person as it is, and to add drugs to the scenario would only make things worse... I was thinking to swallow the pills wrapped in alot of plastic or something, then vomit it back up? I know its a rather pathetic idea but desperate times, desperate measures... Any tips?",I dunno about AUS but in the states the dogs are looking for bombs not drugs. +"yup. Sadly it'll just go more underground, creating more shade at the demand side of things. I doubt much will change on the supply side, aka they'll still fucking kill elephants. Disgusting morons, basically eating what amounts to their own nails...",Yay chinese views on animal rights! +"But can you? And how, where?",You can play OSRS (runescape from 2007) on browser still :) +Damian Lillard game winner in OT,MOMMA +"Honestly, if all those bands do end up releasing, it could very well be the best year this decade so far",Spoken like true Entry-Level Hipster Trash +Making sure a cop murdering someone gets recorded is a bigger priority than stopping a lonely IT guy from getting his rocks off.,Well we could mandate cameras in every room of every house to catch every domestic murder. +Without knowing where you live it's hard to say. Also the heads from that era made awful compression,That just leaves room for more boost. +Elected just like Kim Jong Un,"Again, when he's the only one on the ballot you can't really make a comparison there." +Best bars to meet Russian spies Anyone know the best place to meet Russian spies?,I don't know about Russian spies but I know just the pizza place if you're looking to bang little kids +Too pretentious and obnoxious for me.,There's nothing wrong with a little class you inbred swine! +Who the hell would watch that??,Because everyone is a straight male ! +Math stack exchange... does this genius not google anything?,He already knows he is just testing your inferior mind peasant I shall now go back to reading Richard dawkins. +Black = unnatural,Racist. +I live in California and we had a friend who was a legal immigrant who got sentenced to prison and the way the proceedings worked was that he would first serve out his sentence and THEN get deported after the sentence was over. Don't know why this guy wasn't in jail for a long time for the rape.,Because doing it to a legal immigrant is ok but doing it to an illegal immigrant is racist homophobic crayonphobic waterpobhic and moviephobic! +"Who are the Top 5 Backcourts in the East? The East is filled with quality players, but picking at the best guards is tough. I am new to all of this so these might not be too good, but here are mine: 1-Raptors: Lowry and DeRozan. Best friend and best in the east in terms of guards. 2-Hornets: Walker and Batum. This is interesting and will probably be very disagreed with, but these guys are great. Kemba is smooth and Batum is super underrated. He gets near triple double stats consistently 3-Celtics: Thomas and Bradley Also easily could be 2nd. Really solid, IT is a top 10 scorer and Bradley is a great defensive player who is getting better offensively. They are only getting better. 4-Wizards: Wall and Beal Could also be up there. Wall is always good when healthy, but Beal's inconsistency hurts them and the fact that the team is struggling 5- Cavs: Irving and Smith It's hard not to put them on here when they are easily the best team in the east. Kyrie potentially has the best handles in the league. JR is a up and down player that can light it up from 3 any night. It's more of a one man show which brings them down.",Rondo and Wade +My father always said Laughter is the best medicine I guess that's why my siblings all died of tuberculosis,At least they weren't autistic +Bait out his Hammer E and then fuck his asshole.,Cheers mate +If you pull this shit in Mexico the police would take you outside of the city and put a bullet in your head and say the Cartels got you.,I'm always saying I wish america was more like mexico. +Cubone and Meowth also more common during Halloween period!,"I found 2 Marowaks, it's time." +"No, it has to be right wing AND stupid",So anything right wing? +Really? Here I am just dumping my code on github to keep it safe like a chump.,To think you could be SEOing that for profit all this time! +"What's legal, but not moral?",Shitposting +119th street represent!,Central and edge...we need wheelgats in those parts +He thought he was watching a workout but what he eventually realised is that it was he who was working out...... his emotions. Coming to a cinema March 20th. Lat Pull Down Syndrome,Full meta real quick +And that disgustingly vicious late hit out of bounds on Lorenzo,Should've been ejected! +They're just mad their sports teams suck.,"Yep, we're just so mad that we have the best baseball team in MLB and one of the best hockey teams in the NHL." +Travis Concert NYE Anybody else going to his concert in Santa Ana on the 31st? It should lit af and he should have some sick special guests,So fucking pumped driving down from norcal just for this +"Likely booked years ago. I started looking for rooms in Casper, Wyoming last summer, and everywhere was sold out. Well, except for one place that wanted $500/night with a 5 night minimum stay. 'Course, you can get the same room on a different day for only $83. Bastards.","If anyone takes that last room in Carbondale I swear to god I will fucking find out who you are, find you there and stab your eyes out." +He describes his aesthetic as Space Dracula.,"Haha, best comment I've read all day." +"In NYC, this would be illegal. We have must transport laws for exactly this reason.",That's sucks... Kind of a stupid law imo. +"Wealthy mod mobs should drop silver coins in large quantity Now that prophecies are a core part of the game, wealthy mobs could drop a significant amount of silver coins. Since they are so rare, it wouldn't significantly increase the amount of coins in circulation, it's a fun reward, and it fits thematically. Maybe they could also drop Perandus coins when encountered in Perandus maps.",Actually a good idea. +Stewie nutty 3k while blind,"New strat, hold aimkey while full blind and then stream can't see it!" +I'm sitting here doing mental gymnastics on the 'Roe + Lala = Hyur' bit.,"Big+small=medium, duh." +"Coincidentally, the US keeps at least half its Germans in the Germany part.","All the eggs in one breadbasket, so to speak." +"What he means is why can mages have so much defence while still building full damage. Its pretty easy to get 3k HP and ~150 armour and MR while still hitting 600/700 AP, while ADC has under 2k HP and barely any resistance while also building full damage.",Yeah it's so easy +iPhone manufacturer Foxconn plans to replace almost every human worker with robots - The Verge,"About time, maybe they can knock off a 100$ off the final consumer price on our end" +Hair fits. American eagle shirt? It's 2016. Switch to J Crew or Banana,Rather not buy JCREW just to have to switch to something else for 2017 though +Adding these stupid shadows to everything just screams bad design,"Noooo, shadows + shitty Colors + FAB = Material Design!" +"You seem upset, keep on telling yourself that watching a game that's been around for over 4 years while you watch a little under 2 years of it is worthy of being called a veteran :^)",I think he forgot +I would assume its a bug because there's no reason for them to change it,It took too much memory up +Christian couple in Australia plan to divorce if same-sex marriage is legalised,Yes because every story of Jesus discusses how exclusive he and God are +He's with the trainer. If you're looking into this as some kind of secret easter egg or special hint...don't. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar,"And sometimes a cigar is a big brown d***, thanks Freud lol" +No they'll go up because now these people don't have jobs at all,Well all the workers will surely retrain and go to work as robot programmers +Found in a gift shop in L.A.,Is that Charmandar on the turret? +@CraigMitchell44 Ahahaha! Amazing! Excellent! I'm dead :'),You dropped something: +Tomorrow's 2017 and we still have a skin patch showing through our sleeves,it's going to be 2018 soon and we will still be waiting for an operation +My Three Year Old's Requested Meal. Instant Ramen and Pancakes on a Bed of Oatmeal.,Looks like something a pregnant woman would randomly crave +Thin looks futuristic and innovative to people who don't know much about electronics (people like me). I don't think Apple is targeting people who actually know what they want.. they're targeting people who want to own cutting edge technology but don't actually know where that edge is. So they just need it to look the part.,"Well Apple will tell you were the cutting edge is so don't worry about it, just by their stuff ok?" +"I'll send off the pic and do so. Haven't played MTGO long, so learning how to deal with this stuff, thanks!","But if you report him and he gets banned, we won't get to see any more funny pictures like this from him in the future :(" +*with deaf and mute man.,It's not rape if you can't hear the denial of consent. +Reddit loves nothing more than to take a funny joke and beat it to death with repetition.,Shut up we know what we are doing +Disney To Receive $50m After Carrie Fisher's Death,So what you're saying is...Disney orchestrated her cardiac arrest so they could profit $50 million? +"My friend lives in the middle of nowhere with the worst connection ever, so he wanted me to show this to everyone",so what you're telling us is that he plays something useful when his connection is complete shite and something pointless when he has the connection to contribute? +"Bill Belichick points out concussions happen on touchbacks, too",he's trying to nerf us by removing kickoffs +Driver on the Malahat... I sent the dashcam in to Shawnigan RCMP and they will now get 3 tickets totalling $550+,Clearly there needs to be speed cameras on the Malahat... +Pizza Gate - 13. All children under 13 are invited to undress before entering. Children from 13-17 are invited to Jeffrey Epstein's house.,CNN: A local pedophile WHO SUPPORTS TRUMP has been caught on Reddit telling where to go to see undressed kids +Joel Berry is trash. Hicks is trash. im trash. you're trash. we're all trash hey!,Berry should've tried shooting more 3s tonight +Not everyone can get into tech jobs. They're not the only jobs in the world.,dont worry once automation takes over the country is going to have 300 million tech jobs +Did you not get awarded a clearly offside goal last week?,Game deciding even +I am well aware of that. I just like to mimic the typical opposition commentator,You forgot your +"And then we had floods in the UK, one of our politicians blamed gay marriage. Basically, everything causes flooding.",If gay marriage caused flooding the Pharoes would have mandated it. +What happened to grand faucon? Also did any of the beats remind anyone of some of those OVO beats?,Astroworld +This gif ended way too early.,"Or too late...I mean, those legs disappear after about 3 seconds." +"When couchsurfing in Ukraine, our host told us this hilarious story of how he once saw a black person riding a bike. That was the hilarious story, a black person riding a bike.",I guess they can train monkeys to do human things after all +The fact that this was a thing to begin with is insane.,"Yay, I'm entitled to some me time!" +"Yeah, it's kinda unsettling how accepting everyone is of this.","Nah, it's fine because women can't rape men" +How do I sneak alcohol into Spartan Stadium?,"Nice try, MSU PD." +Trump just tweeted and called American Voters enemies.,But let's not forget he didn't set up a private email server. +What is the one thing you wouldn't do to your kids that your parents did to you?,Outlive them. +"Y'all are fucking salty and it's becoming a toxic issue for the community I just feel like all this bitching about what blizz is or isn't doing for D3 is just getting out of hand. D3:RoS was launched over 2.5 years ago. Would it be nice for new items to be added and balancing to be changed? Sure, but it's not. That doesn't take away from the hours that I, and I'm guessing most of you, have gotten out of this game. People are still buying the game, people are coming back from pre RoS times. If you can't stand what is happening with the game, then stop trying to ruin it for people who haven't gotten to experience it yet. Some of you are acting like that asshole that talks about how bad a job is to the new kid on day 1, when really he's just a fucking shitbag who hasn't gotten the promotion he feels like he deserves just because he's been around for a while. Maybe it's time to take a break from the game, don't play a season just because you feel like you need to, but also stop following the sub for a while instead of getting your panties in a bunch every time you tab out of PoE to see what's been said. It doesn't help anyone, and it's ridiculously childish to show up to every thread you see to be a baby about it.",best post of the year 2017 +Ironically that Achilles injury happened during a game against the warriors..,leagues fixed +Buonanno!,Voglio i crediti! +Replaced ugly fluorescent Panels in kitchen with recessed LEDs,Do you live near Chandler AZ my kitchen is almost identical. +Italy's highest court rules calling someone 'gay' is no longer an insult,Well that's gay +The cable guy is showing the neighbor kids what he's doing and explaining it along the way.,"Careful, he might abduct, rape and kill them -.-" +Gloria Allred press conference on Donald Trump,And Hillary Clinton still hasn't had a press conference herself. +OSU Student Group has created a petition and seeking the right for students to carry firearms on campus,"Well I mean, if Miss Ohio 2014 says so who needs a second opinion?" +Reddit shamelessly implementing policies which are specifically against this one Sub,Tolerant and inclusive. +A team for IW,Your first ever post is likely to be deleted but good luck finding teammates +Nope I'm in amythest league and my team isn't all sapphire lmao,Haha I'm just kidding man +Vampire bats adopt young vampire bats if their mother dies.,"The way you worded that makes it sound like that when a vampire bat looses its mother, it compensates that loss by adopting another vampire bat." +REMINDER! TRUDEAU'S FALLING POLL NUMBERS ARE A SIGN OF STRENGTH NOT WEAKNESS.,"When the voters hate you, you win." +"Not arguing that we're a great team but you clearly didn't watch the game if you think the Packers won because of the refs last night, or you can't see past your own bias",Yea those 9 no calls really had no affect on the game like at all. +"One Piece: Chapter 848 Spoilers Cover: the crew in red suits and dresses Color spread: Crew in red coats in a snowy forest Behind the cover: Luffy's first appearance 848 : Goodbye Mom disregards Luffy's taunts As the next day she will obtain the Germa's power and the Tamatebako, she feels like she can forgive anything Then, she is informed that an intruder appeared in the treasure room Sanji's room While thinking about the Baratie and the crew, Sanji's going ga-ga over Pudding Pudding's room Mom shoots down the dress chosen by Pudding and tells her to wear a dress chosen by her (Mom) Pudding stands alone on the balcony in the rain, thinking about Lola, who ran away saying that she will decide her marriage herself. In Wholecake castle Pedro's making a huge ruckus, fighting security with his sword and gunpowder Tamago, while chasing Pedro, receives a message from Smoothie Apparently Brook entered the treasure room and locked it from inside Tamago warns that bones is a rare beast that Mom wants, so he's not to be killed Inside the treasure room Chess soldiers attack Brook Brook turns them powerless with his guitar and singing Brook: You don't know my other name, do you!? BABY Brook: It's Soul King! Brook: Patched-up souls like you cannot hope to stand before the scream of my obsessed soul! Prisoner library Pudding came to see Luffy She has a page marker put inside the book and enters into a cage She apologizes to Luffy for everything that happened She then says that Sanji proposed to her, but she won't go on with the marriage Then says something else faintly, so that only Luffy and Nami can hear Luffy and Nami look shocked Pudding: Goodbye She says farewell to Luffy while crying Continues to next week",What if pudding is going to submit suicide.. +What do you mean mall santas...? There's only one Santa.,Santa ain't real So grow the hell up Santa ain't real So grow the hell up Santa ain't real so grow the hell up Santa ain't real grow up Again! +Hasten Fatalas is a must with any hunter,yes and dont forget to add Frostbound hammer to it +"Sometimes i feel sad because nowadays there is nothing like an apple II, some early stuff, where you can learn something from the roots and keep that memory for ever. All I have is books i never really use, lots of games i stopped playing long ago, mostly because of graphics and compatibilty with newer OS. FeelsBadMan","This was actually the main purpose behind the Raspberry Pi systems, to give kids something that they could really experiment with." +Character assassination.,Adolf Hitler was a good man media made him look like a bad man... +"If only humanity was as diligent and easily informed as you my friend. You guys would be much further ahead of your time and closer to first contact if you all knew things and more importantly, noticed you're all walking around with the whole of human knowledge in your pockets. Instead lots of you just use it to listen to Justin bieber and Nikki minaj. Be good sir. Your time is coming.",I like how you managed to not dispute a single thing he said or add anything new. +What restaurant will you NEVER go to?,Pretty much any vegan cafe or something like that. +"MRW I'm having a fun bubble bath and making epic Bubble Beards and posting them to my FB for laughs, a family member attempt to chastise me and tells me I should take them down. All you can see is my head and *gasp* SHOULDERS!",You absolute harlot +Is there a github guide of units without farmable ones?,Just use the non-farmable sockets filter +Current results Total answers :409 INFP : 142 INTP : 25 ESTP 7 ESFP : 5 ENFP : 8 ENTP : 16 ESTJ :2 ESFJ : 1 ENTJ : 5 ISTJ : 45 ISFJ : 13 INFJ : 73 INTJ: 22 ISTP : 39 ISFP : 5 ______________________ Rock/ Heavy Metall : 115 Indie : 100 Country : 3 Others : 56 Pop : 34 Rap/hip hop : 31 Dance :21 Classical 28 Jazz : 21,Smh +"Monica already on high cal rifle, if you know what i mean :P",She's handling the big bore gun. +Who cares really? inb4 this blows this up and everybody says this is unprofessional and that pro players should be role models.,If this blows up his sponsors will probably care. +Call me when they decide to stop being assholes with their sport licensing thereby driving almost all the other competitors out of sports game because only they can use the official team names.,Yeah don't blame the companies that own those names and sold a license to EA its completely EAs fault +They're actually coming to NA?,no they will participate for worlds in korea of course +Trump is a funnier character than we've ever had,It's gonna be great it's gonna be great it's gunna be great +TIL Michael Clarke Duncan is dead.,Only 4 years late on that one +It's super annoying when people walk through you when the beat gets good. Ive been interrupted by people walking through when I'm dancing and jumping and it really kills the buzz.,"I always dance my way through the crowd, gradually dancing with everyone as I go" +"TH1 is 20%, TH9 is 50%, it's generally no point to trying above TH6 without Esser because the opportunity cost (especially in raids) of time spent missing TH stacks is not worth the small chance to succeed.",ah ok so it's not linear that's nice +Going long?,Good thing you didn't use that trade armor button +yea some arent legal though :C,Isn't the Utopia the Lightning giant card technically legal? +I don't see any AAA-budget games that involve creeping on kittens or puppies. The cute here is highly sexualized and very obviously meant to pander.,"This game doesn't involve children like that but you do have a point since there are other creepy-ass games out there, though maybe not AAA." +Des Moines Woman Says She Voted Twice For Trump Because The Polls Are Rigged,r/nottheonion +Don't be fat. It invalidates your opinion.,only if you are male... FAT WOMEN ARE BEAUTIFUL ... you shitlord... +Angry Birds?,# u got games on your phone? +"Those of us with European descent just need to have more kids, ez.","You have to have a lot of kids to try to outdo Dems efforts to mass import other cultures, especially Muslim refugees." +"For me it's the land reform act by EMS government, contributions in educational system by religious institutions and Travancore royal family, in literature it's Thunchathu Ezhuthachan's Adhyama Ramayanam and Hermann Gundert's Malayala Bhasha Vyakaranam.",Shouldn't Arnos Pathiri be the one instead of Gundert? +"Add the suffix '-er' to any movie title, what does it become?",Shawshank Redemptioner One man tries to redeem a man who is stuck in prison +This goes back much further than our parents generation. Christianity viewed left handedness as a mark of evil. They associated it with the devil/demons. For a long time they did force left handed people to become right handed. And it can be changed early on. If they caught a child writing with a left hand they would force him or her to switch.,"If we can get rid of their evil left handedness, we can easily get rid of their evil homosexuality." +Also water resistance,lol u android plebs my iphone 4 got water resistence when i updated to the new iOS +If that was true there would be no rape in male prisons,That's just asserting dominance +"Fuck dude, even make it 10 feet with a privacy screen in between and I'm going to eat at least 9 feet of ice cream","Ehh...I'd go 8 feet, maybe 8 1/2 tops." +"Eh, here I am teaching introductory economics and trying to hide my socialist ideology while teaching the basics of neoclassical theory.",Always end each lecture with this is a model and it is not actually how it works in real life. +Trump: Pastor who stopped me from talking politics was 'nervous mess',What a fucking pussy. +"TIL: Columbus was overjoyed when the Habs took Price 5th, and left Brule for them at 6th overall.",Columbus pass on that scrub Anze Kopitar. +"That's so awesome. What about emergency personnel? If there was ever any kind of attack or natural disaster, I imagine all police, EMTs, surgeons, fireman, etc would be expected to answer the call and stay as long as their services were required. How does that work over there?",Some jobs are exceptions. +I don't think Crow is wearing any makeup,Yes we were clearly talking about the CG character +Before and after the first day of school,"No, public schooling is completely a good thing." +do those things do that regularly or something?,"Yeah, those little bastards are total yoga freaks." +"Blame yourself as well for not making better posts. Also the mods, definitely blame the mods.",Blame hitler for not destroying America before Juggernaut won the Arcana vote. +"Its not only Obama. The problem with Trump, well one of the problems, is that normal people running for President don't do this. Everyone remember when McCain corrected that lady who called Obama an Arab? McCain said that Obama was a good famil man, an American citizen who he just happened to have serious disagreements with.","I mean, I loathe GW Bush, but even he made it clear that he wasn't lumping together all Muslims as terrorists after 9/11..." +Jeeze. A power drill used as a weapon in a robbery.,"When power tools are outlawed, only outlaws will have power tools." +"Supreme Court splits 4-4 over North Carolina voting law, the law will not be enforced this November",Here comes all that voter fraud! +"I think you need to focus on putting on more muscle mass. Don't take this personally, but you're not seeing barely any abs because its just not there. Focus on a controlled bulk in order to put on some quality muscle. Just my 2c. You did a good job of dropping weight though.",But I thought abs are made in the kitchen! +"Last quest heroic help? This is brutal hard, anyone having any luck?",All I can say is thank god blizzard is smart enough to not make 2 mana 3/3 charge minions. +"What, social media networks are for being *social?*","Well, appearently it's not for me." +"Germany's military is starting a pilot project to help Syrian refugees learn civil reconstruction skills, in hopes that they'll eventually be able to help rebuild their homeland.",They can teach them to build camps; possibly near transportation junctions? +Half of Russians Fear Syria Could Spark WWIII,And the other half is trying to make it happen? +I seem to think that? Lol. You seem to project that. I just found out that one of thefficers was actually a white supremecist and had multiple allegations of violence by residents on his record. He also used a fake name in his employment application so they missed the hate crime conviction he had in 2006 and the 4 assaults all on black men with white girlfriends that he punched from behind... But we cant consider that information at all in the officers actions THAT NIGHT because yur logic.,"your logic is sound because everyone involved has the same authorities, responsibilities, and duties." +"So I'm guessing some dude said git gud in the satirical way that it almost always is said in, and the OP got upset? I don't know. I'm sorry but I'm pretty into the whole community for DS and aside from a few annoying gank squads that don't actually interact with the community, everyone is generally pretty friendly. Git gud and casual are jokes based on the idea that beating DS is literally just getting better at the game through practice. I rarely meet anyone who's actually an elitist and those that are usually get shit on by everyone else for being a dick.",Whatever casual +"nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga, i'm 100% nigga",####IT'S OKAY BECAUSE IT'S FROM A SONG +I don't think you know what danger close meanz.,"It meanz danger is close, duhh!" +"The Canadian Museum for Human Rights enters death spiral, fueled by debt",Nobody saw that coming! +Just bad luck :( Or you have already gotten one without knowing,i didn't i checked :/ +"Considering we know as a fact that the DNC acted impartially to support a candidate, you'd have to be stupid *not* to rig the election if you could. It's pretty clear that consequences don't exist.",impartially means the DNC acted fairly and justly +This kind of shit slowly turns me into a racist,The white side of history +Love it so much!! And I'm also trying my very best,Fucking try hard. +Just fuck my campaign up r/The_Donald.,Your eyes are so sunken that I can see the back of your skull. +"So we jail the DV victim because people were inconvenienced? Ridiculous. People in these courts need to quit thinking of themselves as so uber-important. They're backlogged because we overpolice communities. Our nanny state believes every minor infraction must result in someone entering the system. Spend some time in Europe and you will see society doesn't collapse without an overly-aggressive police force. The country is waking up from the Law & Order delusion. Our courts aren't filled with heroes fighting viciously for justice, but rather staffed with sub-par lawyers from fourth-tier law schools that want so badly to feel important/powerful. Truly filth.",Wow way to be so cynical about everything you are truly an inspiration to us all +"Oh sorry, I didn't realize... Texas can secede from the union, but only if they file suit in a court that has fringe on their flag. TEXAS IS BEING DETAINED!","I have a maritime flag on my house, nobody can ever come inside." +"How do you view your country's school system? Mainly junior high/ high school. Is it good or bad? boring, you don't learn anything important in it, etc. ? Needs better teachers?",TIL we have schools... +He should have just responded with ARE YOU FAT SHAMING ME?!,You can't fat shame men! +"The Islamic State of Iran just sentenced someone to lashes & jail for proclaiming their atheism on Twitter. Every country that is either Islamic or majority Muslim is regressive, oppressive & not a world power. Sometimes you need to be aggressively atheistic. Liberal European culture is a better way of being for everyone - empowering women taps into a massive talent pool. But that needs to be protcted. It doesn't happen by accident - culture is our institutions, the way we raise our children & how our society is raised as a collective.",Let's give these guys nukes! +People thinking that inanimate objects cause crime is really cute.,You mean picking up a gun DOESN'T give you the sudden urge to kill? +Skinny logic galore: Two medical anomalies eat without a care yet can't seem to put on weight.,"Why the hell are these freaks on facebook, they could be getting rich renting their bodies to science." +"Many malign the slowness and red tape surrounding NASA and established space contractors, but cheaper and faster aren't always better. This just goes to show that space is a difficult business. I hope that they can find the issue and fix it in an expedient manner. I'm also glad that no one was injured. Also glad that this wasn't on a CRS mission for ISS.",Yeah it's a good job nobody has ever died from a NASA space program. +"Did little, perhaps nothing regarding that. Many allege that 'daang matuwid' was a front for drug gangs and other criminal activity. My experience during that time was meh, and my experience as of present day is still meh. I dont get why everyone is so intent on painting the last 6 years, or the upcoming 6 years as being hell.",Is there data on our country having a drug problem then? +Optic Rush calling out Northern Arena 2016 Admins,NA Excuse +testing,ColorizeBot +This thread has digressed quite a bit from the original topic...,"So, reddit then?" +"I wore a mickey fuckin' mouse jumper to see them! Take that sub-cultural norms, you're not the boss of me!!",Haha that would have stood out in the crowd! +Was Genji Blackwatch?,No. +for scared Zen... you press any key?,"I'm a simple Zen, when I'm scared, I press S." +Exclusive: Google's new phones will be called the Pixel and Pixel XL,Can't wait for them to come out so the Nexus 5x's price will drop +"The claim is that Comcast is implementing data caps across their network on November 1st. As stated by multiple people in this post, they are *not* implementing it everywhere, therefore it is a lie.",You're so righteous. +Got it! Thanks!!,Welcome :) +Around 30% of the votes is a phobia ?,That's 70% who have an unjustified and completely irrational aversion! +Ugh seriously. Guide for t-rex arms and overdeveloped legs.,You mean you don't worship the squat like a God? +Somewhere Steve Shives is preparing his noose to appease his muslim masters.,"Not ALL muslims tweeted the hashtag, though!" +"I'll never understand why people decal their cars with Apple stickers. When I was in high school and kids from my school would tweak their cars and install expensive stereo systems, they'd put Rockford Fosgate and Kicker stickers on the back. I can't tell you how many times I heard about one of these idiots crying at some point about how someone broke into their car and stole their system out of it. You're advertising you have expensive shit in there. And as an adult, I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone cry about how their car got broken into and their iPod/iPhone/iPad/backpack with a MacBook got stolen - or sometimes other worthless shit. You're advertising that you proudly support and buy Apple products, and those products retain their value; of course someone will eventually break into your shit to see if you have any of it available for them to take.","So you're saying, I can put apple stickers on my car, wait for someone to break into it and then make a claim on the insurance that the apple product that I don't actually own was stolen?" +Someone might be offended APOLOGIZE!!,Sorry! +Woman falls off motorcycle,LOUD PIPES SAVE LIVES +Poll: British public heavily in favour of burqa ban,"As we've seen with the Brexit, don't trust the Brits with their voice." +Another easter egg during the Shaman Order Hall questline. Blizzard did its research,"They didn't give him the right armour though, he's wearing the T1 recolour from TBC." +"I am seeing a new audio clip in the news talking about how he enjoyed fighting in school, so maybe there's your next scandal?",You mean they don't have another porn starlet to trot out to dominate the news cycle for a day and talk about Trump blowing her an unwanted kiss a decade ago? +Very cool! You're South African as well?,Yeah :D +"As someone who has the game on the Xbox, I feel ripped off. We're already treated like 2nd rate citizens with getting updates weeks after the PC then this happens. They couldn't even release Primitive+ on the day they announced it was going to but this paid DLC releases concurrently with the PC with no problems. They didn't even tell us Primitive+ was getting delayed a month until the day that it was scheduled to be released.",That's because console users **are** second rate citizens +Technically #we is trending,'#we' *are* trending. +Even points them in the right direction. Meanwhile Jared Fogle is suing his victims parents..,you didn't hear it's all the parents fault bro! +I called him Hartline 2.0 about an hour ago. One can only hope.,when he gets good we'll trade him to the patriots +"Well, rights are a liberal construct but how it logically follows from that that we can just ignore what is considered human right abuses, I have no idea.",We'll have to consult the Kremlin for that +"What is the difference between lean muscle and the other kind of muscle? Actually, what is the other kind even called?","Fat muscle... you want to avoid fat muscle at all cost, stick to the lean stuff." +Stats on applications for Canada's 2016 Astronaut recruitment campaign,Please don't hire any TFWs. +"Yup, you can't get someone else to take a selfie for you.",Hilarious and original. +Yeah but a tank? That's not historically accurate.,Since when is a Battlefield game historically accurate? +"Took him long enough, this sub has been about trying to steam people into allowing racist agenda-pushing on their subs and racists lying about why they were banned for years now. The actually useful posts on this sub are like 1:1000.",Have you read my posts exposing SRS/D and uncensorednews? +"Pokemon TCG Alola Collection in November! According to Pokebeach: Alola Colection is hitting shelves Nov. 18 in NA. 2 Boxes, one for Solgaleo one for Lunala. You'll get a Jumbo GX card, a figure, a pin, 5 packs, PTCGO code card, and foil promo cards of Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio. Get hyped!","Inb4 needing an 'exodia' style system for Alola Exeggutor (exeggutor feet, exeggutor body, exeggutor neck x3, exeggutor head)" +"Duelyst only really lost Korean players because of the card draw change, and honestly I think that's a great thing. I'd rather not play against Koreans in any game.","^ this, absolutely." +This man has never been to East London,Which is dominated by Bangladeshis. +"It's not terrible, but it doesn't come close to topping the best in the series either. Nope, Invisible War is still number one.",Yeah... you're gonna have to go ahead and give me your address. +Gelson Martins great skill vs Israel,"Dayum, could he do a carrillo and join us?" +Just like in the WC,technically his positioning was great +"I agree with you completely, but I'm afraid it will somehow be turned around to Bill.",Oh I'm sure Trump wouldn't go there +gene ween,Praise hail Boognish! +"Fellow Frasierphiles, I need your help Hi guys. I love you all. So I do this little cooking show called Binging with Babish, where I recreate the foods from movies/TV. This week, it's an honor to announce that I'll finally be focusing on the many foods of Frasier, with a special episode featuring multiple recipes from our eponymous hero. I need your help remembering as many food items as possible from the series - the more specific they were about what went into the dish/how it was made, the better (eg, the *Crispy Duck* served at Degas is too ambiguous to recreate - Frasier's cornish game hens with signature pomegrante-honey sauce, however, is perfect). Plot-centric or main-character-referencing dishes are also preferable. Here's the dishes I have short-listed so far: -Cherries Jubilee -Sherry's Mock Apple Pie -Martin's BBQ-pudding-chips -Frasier's Signature Pomegranate Sauce w/ Cornish Game Hens",You absolutely have to do something with an eel that we wouldn't believe... +Still cheating Smh,Jailbreaking is against TOS for Apple in a way Why don't you just get an android? +"*Assuming* govt control of the tolls, it could be no difference from Illinois or Massachusetts and their toll roads. Or even the Golden gate Bridge out here in CA (private corporation owns, maintains and collects tolls; but the tolls are regulated). But that's a big assumption under a GOP administration.","You see the problem is, the gop doesn't like regulating." +Mickey Gall: CM Punk moves 'like a wounded animal' in training footage,I just want this farce with Punk to be over with. +"Clinton keeps slipping with women, blacks, and now millennials. As prophet Scott Adams pointed out a couple of weeks ago, all it takes is a 3% shift to move enough battleground states securely to Trump's side.","Granted, Bernie had millennials - Clinton claimed them." +Mervyn Peake was one of the best writers in any genre of the 20th Century Le Guin was a try hard who never could reach a wide audience due to her inherent limitations as a writer and her narrow focus subject matter. She rode off the back of her Earthsea stuff for all of her career,"Yeah, Earthsea is the reason she won five Locus, three Nebula, and two Hugo awards for novels unrelated to Earthsea" +I hope Libertus is in the game. He is probably sitting in his home town counting the days waiting for Nyx to arrive. It would be nice to learn some of their backstory in the game. Too bad Nyx won't be in it (probably).,Tabata actually confirmed that he'll be in the game in some form. +you forgot eye for an eye,You forgot +"r/EnoughTrumpSpam thinks this image triggers us. Let's prove 'em wrong, centipedes!",I think I've even seen this posted on thos sub before lol +"ROLL CALL: Who's going to WC2016?? I'm in Section 524 Row 2 with three buds from my baseball team. Who else is going? Go f*ck yourself, Grant, that's what you get for moving to Michigan. Yes, you Grant, you sonofab*tch","suite 424 checking in, lets go jays!" +1979 REPRESENT!!,Woo! +Man plays Xbox 360 on NYC subway,This man spreading is getting out of hand +Andy Weir on ST: I think STS2 should be titled: 'The Return of Barb'. She'd have all sorts of super powers because of her time in the Upside Down and she's pissed because literally no one gave a shit that she disappeared.,This lie will never die. +Greg Popovich Says White People don't understand what Black People Go Through,They do it to themselves. +PSA - Try and avoid putting any notes into any pokies slots.,Unless sais notes are paying for a nice warm wet slot +Cops are really dumb. You arrested a lawyer for a bullshit reason. It will not go nicely for the copper,"Yeah, the cop will be prosecuted for knowingly making a False Arrest." +"Target doesn't even know who works there Also, they fire people who get assaulted in their store by customers.....?","Duh, unwanted contact is legal if a feeble old lady does it." +"mccoy was short, and tyrod got in. Why challenge?",Because we're idiots +Game Thread: Week 5 - Cincinnati Bengals (2-2) @ Dallas Cowboys (3-1) [](/CIN)Cincinnati Bengals @ [](/DAL) Dallas Cowboys Time: 8:25 PM EST *Help the mods by reporting trolls* **Sort by new for up to date discussion.**,"Is it me, or is this whole team just pushing rope?" +It's labor day weekend! Any updates to the tracking number/location/pickup won't be available until Tuesday or even Wednesday :),So it's normal when i click on the tracking number that it says it doesn't even exist? +"PT-16, new Polish MBT project","Because, as everyone knows, straight sides give the best shell protection" +Can we all just take a moment and be thankful that there are not advertisements in the game,"Yes, let's all bow our heads and be thankful to the great Niantic for not putting ads in a game they are making millions a day on." +"Meh, auto body shops exist because of insurance. Countries with little insurance won't be spending much to fix their shitty car","You're right, it's way cheaper to just buy a new car than to take it into the body shop to get the damage repaired." +Gob,Hello darkness my old friend +"I dunno, I rape a lot of kids mothers' when I play video games",Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking asshole bitch you can't even talk because I FUCKED YOUR MOM +I don't like Hillary much either but she has absolutely nothing to do with this. Y'all think before you post.,I forgot the +There will be no more bitcoins to mine in 50 years,Can't tell if this is real or just +THE HUMAN EYE CANT SEE MORE THAN 30 FRAMES PER SECOND,"You're right, it can only see in 25" +What do you call it when someone from the alt-right has a negative response to a Muslim being classified as a victim? Is that called being triggered?,yeah god forbid it was a muslim targeting a christian because it would definitely not receive any different a response +Hillary during FBI interview,a little brain damage is no big deal... +"September 2 POST GAME THREAD: Indians defeat Marlins 6-2 Didn't see a postgame thread, so I figured I'd make one. Carlos is incredible. Tough game against Fernandez tomorrow, hope we can keep this 4 game streak momentum up!","You're gonna have to be more specific, because there were about 6 players named Carlos tonight apparently." +"George Carlin is perfect for reddit: *Stupidity with an attitude!* *Oh but he's a comeeeeeedian!* Sure he is, but you believe him anyways.",There is tons of proof that not living a sanitized childhood helps build a better immune system but go right ahead and raise bubble kids and helicopter around them as you see fit +"One small difference, she explicitly brought up her concussions, blood clots, and the fact doctors said she couldn't work more than a few hours a day at State. She's cooked. Hoisted by her own petard.",it's not like the president always has a full schedule or has to work a lot. +'Sex-positive' feminist heroically defends men who watch porn from 'shaming',I wish I was as cool as her. +"I think I'm sexually harassed by my flatmate (m) again The first two times, he tried to kiss and hug me when I was in the kitchen alone. He wouldn't take no as an answer. I didn't speak to him for a while. Today, I spoke to him briefly again. He then started to tell me he was considering escorts as all his mates are doing it. He then told me he once paid someone from his university for sex. He asked me if I'd have sex for money. I said no. Then he asked if I'd do it if he paid. I got super offended at that point. I kept my composure he then started to touch me and wanted to hold my hands. I told him to fuck off and went back to my room. I don't know what to do now. I'm moving out in two months. I don't want to call the police just yet. I dont see him very often and he usually wouldn't bother me if I wasn't being just a tad friendly by responding to his how are you. My room can't be locked so I'm just scared if anything happens. I'm also scared if he turns out to be a phycho. What should I do?","Wow, maybe you shouldn't have said hi how are you from the start." +"Pretty cool guys, not a part of them, but any addition to the game's community that spices things up (without directly breaking rules/cheating, etc) is good in my books.",Even heat weapons? +39 million people in California but since no one you know calls it cali he can't be from there? Okay,"My apologies, I forgot the" +Don't suggest someone commits suicide.,But what if I *reeaaalllyyy* disagree with their opinion? +"Soo, this happened to my 6 month old Acer monitor tonight..",Lookin' like your computer dropped some acid. +"Its super scummy when a business that hands out free dlc does something to make money.. It's despicable because its not a necessity to have these items and they're optional to buy. The worst part is that their going to put some of the profits into boosting esport prize pools.. Seriously wtf, these guys are scum bags!!",You forgot +"When I got my first bike in June, I set a goal of 2000 miles ridden before Labor Day. This is my odometer today.",What does that blue medusa near to green N mean? +"If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?",Two chicks at the same time. +Spike,Zero Medium +Gonna assume you mean Yogg Saron as opposed to North Sea Kraken,Nope kraken OP 9 mana sniper too broken +"If i had to save one from a burning building, I'd take the GPU.",But its NVidia +Android users more honest and humble than iPhone users: Study,if we made such a big deal out of every (non published) study out of psychology... +Insane body control by Angel Rice,Amazing! +Youre not seeing it because the companies are paid to not do so.,You forgot your +still better than gyazo,Yeah great for mobile users too! +"Leaving the EU will certainly make the NHS' situation better then, right?",Yeah the loss of nurses and doctors from the rest of the EU is going to make the situation better! +What's the armour? Looks awesome for a fashion setup as a DB character.,I believe it's the new DLC Strider which you have to kill a Savage Deviljho. +I stayed at Edron cycs until 50 then moved onto bonebeast island. Probably not the most efficient place to level to 50 but it was fast enough!,I was leveling there too but there is this lvl 70 bot that kills everything lately and that's why I want to look for something better now haha +Jeremy Corbyn refuses to back down in after-work drinks row,"Yeah, I'm a Dad and want to have no part in my kids' lives." +"Might not be the case here, but pros and streamers underestimate champs all the time, even ones that turn out to be OP.",Didn't people say Jhin was pretty bad at the beginning? +"Welke Ruijter smaak is beter?! Reageer voor puur, OpWillem voor melk!",Puur genot! +Do you think Tekken will be more popular than MK10 since there will be a PC version? More (if not most) people will play it on PC and stream it on Twitch because PC is the master race. Also imo Tekken is the best Beat'em Up- but that is subjective I guess.,i say this new tekken 7 fr will surpass SFV +Well he clearly meant hey gorgeous slut all the kids are saying it these days,"It's Australia, slut is a term on endearment" +"reality does not matter on who you ask. Just because someone says something does not make it true. A belief can be a beautiful thing, but not when it conflicts with fact.",But didn't you know that truth is determined by consensus? +What would be the coolest way the world can end?,"Humans discover advanced space travel, travel to the centre of our 255 planet universe which causes everything to be sucked into a portal creating new universe and destroying the current one." +She'll have a freak accident soon. The real people in charge want a united states of europe.,"And the Jews are behind it all, too!" +"Well, yeah, that's exactly what they'll do.","And if they cannot seize American government assets in Iraq, watch them start to nationalise the assets of American businesses." +No one knows who they are or where they live. chill dude.,Bu....but I'll make a fake Facebook account! +"Making smartphones endlessly thinner and lighter. I'd much rather have a more robust device, with better hardware features and longer battery life, than a 2mm thinner phone.","But my Apple 19 is so thin it digs into my hand and makes it bleed, making me edgier while using my 17 minute battery life." +except that DiscoLock has pretty much lost when the game goes longer than T6...,Not with a comeback mechanic like deathwing in the deck +Wait until 15 years down the line when Verstappen is an experienced old man,Well if Reddit and Villeneuve are anything to go by he could be the oldest driver by the end of the season having killed everyone else +"After 8 years of talking about it, I am finally a part of PCMR.","That's not a PC, it's just a bunch of parts required to build a PC." +How soon can we expect that to happen?,"Looks like it's happened, according to 104.3 it's gonna Tossin Austin Davis" +"Not sure why he was getting downvoted but don't be knocking the twitter footage, it was the only one I could find at the time","Some people have Asperger's mate, don't take it too personally" +You do realise that ALL search engines use their own algorithms for searchs. Google for example will base it's results on your own search history. Having different results mean's absolutely nothing. Your google results will be different from my google results.,Hail CTR. +"Really? This does it for you? This is just someone being cut to pieces. Horrible, yes, but not super creative like the Persian boats execution thing where they smear your face with honey and leave you on a boat in the sun for days until insects eat you alive.","Yeah, being slowly cut to pieces is for pussies!" +"Hillary hate doesn't belong here. This sub is for supporting Hillary Clinton and showing the internet that she's the most popular, most qualified, most beloved, candidate for President in history. The admins and mods agree and so does the media and smart companies like Twitter and Facebook. Time to stop dissent and hate and move forward with a true champion of the little people, Hillary Clinton.",Dropped your +"I can't speak for everyone but I would probably, just maybe, try to get someone to open it.",It's probably worth more money at auction unopened. +Christians are normally adept at rationalizing to fit circumstances. How did they miss the chance to claim that God was working in one of his mysterious ways through an atheist?,"nono, its obviously a test, satan is trying to tempt them to take the money, if they endure, god *will* reward them" +Aisaka Taiga is definitely the best tsundere. you BAKA'S,Nothing says best tsundere like a headbutt... +I wonder what Gen VIII will do to make the classics new and exciting again.,Maybe they will stop sucking gen ones dick +Canada,"Sucks when you have to provide healthcare for everyone, eh?" +Corsair M65 PRO or LOGITECH G502 Proteus Spectrum Well the title says it which one should I get - setup is black and red,I have the m65 pro rgb and I love it. +Funny because it's always the people with zero drive that post this kind of drivel.,Fucker +I love how fast-paced Battlefield 1 is...,Fast paced.... Yeah.. Exactly what world war 1 was from 1915 to the middle of 1918 +German? German.,Vielleicht +"got pulled out of martial arts due to fear of a concussion... brother is a quarterback. There's something wrong here... just a wild shot in the dark, but is it possible that your parents actually pulled you out of martial arts because they didn't want you to be as good at something as your brother? The risk of a concussion in HS football is ridiculous, much higher than martial arts classes.",There are HELMETS in football... of course it's safe from concussions. +# T H I S # H # I # S,T |-| | +"If you need a vocalist HMU, I rap and sing. I should probably upload some sample work sometime, but I don't have any right now lmafo",dope I'll remember that if I need someone +My Take on Sir Finley Mrrgglton,Actual Card Text: Shaman Edition +The real joke is capitalism.,Ayyy comrade +"Recovered Account, Hacker put on bank pin My account was hacked and i recently recovered it and the person(s) who had it put on a bank pin. I was wondering if it was possible to get the bank pin removal time (7 days...) bypassed?",Nice try hacker +No match thread tonight? 26' Here at the game and stuff has/hasn't happened... Cheers Geoff,45' +1 OC have a chance with a free kick right outside the box and goal... Booo +Hey its me ur brother,Hey brudder +"I like to believe her when she says she's too stupid to email, has too much brain damage to do the most fundamental aspects of her job. So she isn't crooked just retarded. Vote for retard!","At least she's not Trump, right?" +Potential? He is already 28 years old.,that european age curve though... fathertime almost seems less harsh on euros +What is something that is always depicted wrong in movies?,"Late to the party, but Photography." +But was there an Ishidoro monkey costume?,Isidro isn't playable so probably not +this meme made me moist,Let me grab a STICKY note. +My name is Shawn. I find this offensive and racist.,Forgot then +"It's not my fault I was a shithead, I was just following orders you can't blame me for anything okay. Also known as the nazi defence.",Because phone support = genocide +"Does the state have any evidence *against Brendan*? I want to discuss whether the state has *any* evidence against Brendan, specifically, without the confession. I realize Kratz seems to think Duffin only threw out the March 1 confession, but that doesn't sound logical to me. Duffin discusses the interviews from February 27 on, as if they're all part of this concerted effort to break Brendan down and obtain what they got in the March 1 confession. Anyhow, assuming the confessions are all out, what do they have? * The bullet. It was intended to corrborate Brendan's confession and convince the jury the confession was true. It was also intended to inculpate Steven. What it does *not* do is tie Brendan to any felony. They never claimed he shot her, and if they did so now, it could damage their defense against Zellner. * The bleached jeans. At some point, Brendan got bleach on a pair of jeans, and those were given to investigators. Again, they appeared to corroborate the story about cleaning up the garage after the murder. But you could never prove when exactly the bleach staining happened, or whether it happened in Steven's garage, let alone whether it happened while they were cleaning up blood. And even if it did, you couldn't prove Brendan knew he was cleaning up blood from a murder. What else? Anything? The more I think about it, I think a retrial will end in a not guilty verdict, and the state's only real hope is to appeal Duffin's ruling to another Federal court that has no reason to be friendlier to them than Duffin was.","He wouldn't take the blue ribbon from O'Kelly, a sure sign of guilt." +Japan != China,I forgot the +"I'm deployed, this was at the chow hall today labeled as 'pork product'",Look at this spoiled soldier actually getting pork products while deployed +"Blizzard, please continue this! So, as I sit here getting ready for bed and my eyes feel like they're about to shut on themselves, I wanted to write down my thoughts. Blizzard has done an amazing job with this expansion. The zones are amazing, the level scaling is amazing, mob tagging and non mandatory group quests are amazing. World quests are amazing. Suramar is amazing and doesn't feel like some forced end level content to do at cap. Dungeons are exciting and fun. As someone who doesn't raid hard core, it's exciting to think I can be geared without being hardcore through dungeons, and a little bit of RNG. Story was great....I digress, everything has been great. I've loved it all, I just hope, HOPE. That a year, or two, or however long when the next expansion arrives, I hope to God there is still level scaling, and mob tagging, and things of this nature. They have truly IMPROVED the game, please do not step back from that. Especially with how all the classes get identity back. I'm not saying we need a garrison every time, but keep the class identity thing going. Artifacts are awesome, the class campaigns are what we've all always wanted. Profession quests, and how the ranking of recipes and gathering works is actually really fun and makes it feel important. Please, please, please, if someone at blizzard ever does read this, please pass on to not go backward, continue forward. This is great and I hope this kind of thing stays this way for the whole of Legion. Thanks for reading, and good night!",Bbbut my vanilla wow! +Arin Hanson?,"Nope, not enough chins" +As long as it's not jet fuel.,I hate this place so much +"This. But we need to offer the red pill to more people, for sure. The CES Letter can be a potent red pill, but starting with the essays can prepare them for its' stronger bite.",r/redpill +Avatar: The Last Airbender,"We're talking about the M. Night Shyamalan movie, right?" +I bet Dennis is actually fluent in English but is just acting in front of camera.,If his name is even Denis +If you're performing the combo correctly then there's no opportunity for your opponent to remove the apprentices. A thaurissan discount on Antonidas+four apprentices lets you play all five for 10 mana and then you just need a spell to play to start generating fireballs.,That spell being pyroblast right? +"Is there always a mount in the Zen shop that offers Wanderer's Fortune? I play as a control wizard. I was going to buy the Elite Shadow Wolf during the event last weekend and well....forgot. The armored bear and the lord's armored polar bear that are in the shop right now don't appeal to me all that much - however I am worried if I wait too long they will be gone and I will have to wait for another update or two, or three until they offer one. For those of you that have been playing for longer than the PS4 has been out, is there one that is pretty much always available? Thanks!",On mobile so I can't check the exact name but on PC there is a blue spider that has wanderers. +"You are still wrong, mainly by who defines what is a legal protest. Guess the black people who sat at whites only tables in diners weren't actually protesting since they were breaking the law.",No they were just being uppity +Woof! Woof!,Meow. +Islamic culture = shit,But aren't all cultures equal? +"There's a difference between a slow, methodical spacing game and camping Zelda until she does something punishable.","A difference you can measure in years, in fact" +"Display's pixel width, not freedom dollars.",Pixels = Price in dollars 1:1 +And Leona,And Viktor +Isn't the KKK a terrorist organization? And wasn't Trump's dad in the KKK? Just saying...,Terrorists can't be white +Mass producing Oreo cookies.,I read that title as being about Higgs Oreos +Anarchists don't believe in ip law either. It's mostly a fascist thing.,Yep because I explicitly stated that real anarchist are pro ip law +I always give people the benefit of the doubt. Unless they go Loki solo. Then I just get ready to lose.,I love getting loki mids +"For me, if we're talking about laning only, I would give the edge to EU. Either way, I don't think it's as simple as this botlane has more CS@10 than that botlane. It will be all about how to convert that lane pressure into an objective. For example, how EDG uses their bottom lane pressure for Meiko to secure deep vision or how they let the wave bounce back towards them and set up a 4-5 man bot play with TP and gank. So the better question is for these western botlanes, which will do the best to convert lane control into some sort of an objective or play.","i think zven is in contention for the best adc in the west (without mithy in the convo) and is part of the best bot lane in the west, but i think there is a huge gap between him and the next best from eu... i think botlanes from eu that make the most impact in the game are g2 and splyce, but inbetween these two you get the 3 from na then splyce x.x forgiven/vander = overrated af" +"As a girl, I've had dreams where I'm a guy plowing a chick and I've always thought it was awesome. I miss my dream penis :(",This some freudian shit right here +I'm guessing last night was rough on the LN thread?,"No, it was a blast" +They also have to be in 5 games max per series.,*4 +I have a sweet gui that I use to open a terminal and do work. Try something that is less of a whole desktop environment and more of a window manager. I basically want a server with the capability to draw a google chrome window.,"Real sysadmins use Lynx, Links, ELinks or Emacs for browsing the web" +first time ES character. How in the WORLD do you avoid getting stunlocked? its getting ridiculous. any fast hitting mobs will stunlock me until i'm dead. is this normal for Energy Shield builds? wtf is going on,Another solution other than uniques is cast when stunned and defensive skills like molten shell or blade vortex +He wins every imaginary election ever.,He wins every fraudulent elections ever. +You haven't even played the MP yet. We have no idea what the COMP side of the game will look like.,Hopefully bomb defuses work. +Which posts or comments are you most likely to downvote?,Anything that makes me look at things another way or make me think differently +"Do you have advice as to how I can find other fine diners? I already went through my all you can eat hookup phase, not interested in that anymore. I've tried other dating apps but they're all the same in the end.",I found mine when I stopped looking! +"1/54k or something similar, yeh.","1 in 2, you either get them or you don't." +Check 'colorizebot's sername,Which is correct? +My dad has 2 brother and I think 4 siblings and all their names begin with R. Sure 7 children is different from 10 but some parents still went the same letter thing,"My grandmother is the oldest of 10 children whose names all start with D. Donna, Danell, Dana, Dick, David, Debby, and a few others I never see." +Disregard people's feelings jokes are more valuable,Yep I'm totally saying that. +"Absolutely. Let's have 80% of the population simply take on faith that the math works. But let's call ourselves priests and priestesses rather than mathematicians. Actually, let's call ourselves wizards, it'll be more fun. Seriously, the entire point of science is that it can be understood and verified. Suggesting that we should intentionally have most people treat math and science as they do religion is horribly counterproductive. More to the point, if Western countries decide to stop teaching math then it won't be more than two generations before the Asian countries are running everything (not that that's necessarily a bad thing, just from a pragmatic point of view of the purpose of education, it seems to contradict the author's point).","America beat China in the Math Olympiad with our team of Chinese immigrants, so we're doing just fine!" +"Engraved serial number near the bottom bracket, register it online with one or more of several lists","Ah, ok - from the description, it read like it was by description only (which, on second thought, doesn't even start to make sense, so please ignore my silly question - and also, thanks for answering it anyway ;) I should get some sleep.)" +"On closer inspection, it did look like the hockey stick held by the yellow player smacks him in the face as he skates by him. Maybe he exaggerated, but it definitely looks like he got hit...","Yeah but Hockey is a manly sport, suck it up pussy!" +well cannibalism is legal,Good job answering the question +"If there was a Bass centred game, what would you want it to be like? Personally, instead of it being a game where you get wepons, youd get power ups. like, one boss would give you floating ability, which would give you an advantage against a boss with a floor covering attack, or a lock on ability within a certain range against a Impervious boss etc...",They should make it like shadow the hedgehog +Canadians assemble!,Everyone get in here! +ITT Americans talking about how this ruins a game they never watch and know nothing about.,"nah man, getting concussed in the NFL is the good shit, not this pussy sport" +Johanna Braddy,Uhhh that's obviously Mia Malkova. +Bruh I can't even cum. But I'm too addicted to jacking off that I can't try to reset what my death grip did. Stay noided,"Implying you have sex, which is untrue." +Can someone buy me the witcher 3?,I think you dropped this +I'll buy this game when it's better,Sooo.... Never? +"This isnt fair I know im going to sound like a first world privileged white male whos whinging and whining to any normie who reads this but i am gonna say it anyway. I totally understand theres people worse off than me, such as living in a 3rd world war torn country, or being diagnosed with cancer and having to go through all those horrible treatments, but i feel that life has just dealt me the shit life card and it just isnt fair. The reason why i believe this, is that here I am, living in a very developed country surrounded by people in the same living status as me, but theres one difference. These people are extremely attractive, life dealt them the good life card being blessed with average to highly attractive looks, bodies and genetics. Then theres people like me and all of the other FA's which life dealt us the shit life card being blessed with either unattractive looks/ genes/ bodies, social anxiety and depression, or all of the above. I guess my point is, is that it just sucks that life itself is unfair, because life doesnt care about you, its a game of chance. You will be either born attractive or unattractive and nothing will change the unattractiveness unless you get expensive surgery. Just a rant i needed to get off my chest...",Downplaying someone's problems by bringing out the starving kids card is called the fallacy of relative privation. +Story? I THOUGHT IT WAS A JOKE,"Huh, seems you can't take matters seriously." +Alright. Cool. So..... See any good movies lately?,Suicide Squad +Is it possible for Blackface to not be racist?,Blackface is racist? +"A drunk man is stumbling around outside... He smells of beer and looks absolutely plastered. A priest walks by and asks him why he's getting drunk so early in the day. The man wobbles a bit and belches out Why, I'm your lord and savior. The priest is, obviously, unconvinced and begins to walk away. The drunk calls out Look, I'll prove it! The drunk leads the priest into the building closest to them, a bar. The bartender looks over at the man in shock and says... *Jesus christ*! You're back here again?!","I don't get the joke, so what if the guy's Jesus?" +What type of school records would exist for a newborn? Just something showing he lives there?,"What, you didn't start school at 2 weeks old?" +Five Nights at Jojo's.,DELET THIS +"I don't think there should be conditions. People who are poor would likely spend the loan on necessaties in order to live, whereas wealthier individuals might do as you say and invest in the stock market - however wealthy people would of course have to repay the loan back to the government meaning the only net gain would come from stock/interest gains which would be small (as the loan amount is only supposed to be enough to cover basic living expenses)","If the govt is loaning directly to the people, wouldn't this negatively impact the entire financial lending industry?" +What's one theme song you will NEVER skip?,Snake Eater. +"Thank you for providing a textbook example of the sort of dehumanising language I was calling out. I don't agree with the methods used by the SJW (for lack of a better term) community either, but I don't deny that they have legitimate complaints based in a historical denial of the humanity of people of other colours, gender identities, etc., and I have no need to reduce their motives to a cynical power grab.","But but but see, *you* are an SJW too, because you disagree with me, which means you must disagree with anything that isn't far-left orthodoxy." +"That cop way over reacted. The guy was just trying to stop his sunglasses from falling off his face, it was a reaction. And I'm telling you, if a cop pulled my arm back that far my shoulder (which rolls forwards naturally) would be fucked!",oh well if his sunglasses might have fallen off that totally makes it okay to ignore what the policeman is telling him to do +"Hillary....... Cant remember anything Had a concussion recently and a blood clot in her head Needs help walking up stairs Refuses to allow media around when going up stairs, entering and exiting buildings, and entering and exiting her airplane Constant coughing fits What the fuck is that hole on her tongue all about?! Can't use a restroom in a reasonable time during a national debate Requests the debates are done sitting and with frequent commercial breaks Her aids say she is often confused Tons of naps Only is out working the campaign maybe two or three days a week Meanwhile Trump...... Is a little chubby.",Don't forget he hurts my feelings too! +"Still no break-up, but I started these last night; anyone else drinking alone and up for some more talking?",I'm here to listen. +Probably the sound of footsteps? If you play with speakers it's much harder to notice but decent headphones can make them stand out quite a lot and where they are coming from.,And good expensive headphones can even let you see players through walls +Unless he's snacking more than he can burn off.,"Well yes, but that's also true when not smoking so not really related..." +Thanks! This is a SOOC shot from a nexus 5 :),TIL Nexus 5 came out in 2006 +"Sorry, nope. It's your post, your point. Next time don't expect others to take your word as the truth.","Nonono master english filipino almighty honorable redditor, i insist, pls go on and do your readings!" +The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II now up on NA PSN ($39.99 US/$53.49 CAD - 3GB),Meanwhile my amazon prime order still hasn't shipped yet. +"Hi! I am a programmer. Coding: You generally have to learn to deal with the 'repetitive' parts to get to the fun bits. Again, I would recommend Alice if you're interested with that to start off with. Unreal Engine 4 also has a similar visual style of coding you may be interested in. Try it out! It is extremely hard with the complexity of recent games to be bug free. Earlier games are a walk in the park compared to recent games. We also have multiple processors, graphics card acceleration, and other things to introduce things like race conditions, or functionality being vastly different between computers. The majority of coding isn't even done by the game developers anymore. You have the coding of the engine, and then you have the graphics API, and then you have the OS programming. You also have differences between code running on a AMD PC, or an Intel PC, or between Nvidia and AMD cards, or windows or Linux or Mac, or PCs and xbox ones and PS4s... Then we also have the advent of the internet. Day 1 patches are... well, frankly possible now. Consoles still stubbornly require a several month certification process, so you have to finish the game several months before it's actually released. Game scope is also to the point where you can't just release something and then move on to the next project, you have to actually support the game post-release with patches and content upgrades. For DLC we have companies like Paradox Games. CK2 was released 4 years ago, and it's still being updated with content. They fund this via DLC upgrades, which add new features, but also funds new features added to the base game. And so we have a game which is complete, has been complete for 4 years, but has still ALSO been developed and improved on for said 4 years. I will also be honest and say that a lot of games right now are quite simply not made for you anymore. We've gone past the single market of the past. Games are now made for a BUNCH of people, not just you. Just because YOU'RE not interested in something doesn't mean other people aren't. The gaming market is vastly expanded now, as shown by games like Minecraft and Limbo. You're certainly right for some games and companies, and I've generally stopped being excited in the Battlefield series of games because of that, as well as Ubisoft and Activision for the most part. But there's still plenty of companies beyond that, such as Paradox Games, and numerous indie game companies.","I see a long comment, I upvote" +"They're bigger at some commands then others. Sometimes its a game. When I was in Japan you always had your most valuable challenge coin with you when you were out in town, the game being when it was called to show coins everyone would show a coin and tell a story about how they got it, and the least valuable (or person with no coin) had to buy a round of drinks. The value system was arbitrary, mostly it was just who could sell their story the best. There's a lot of people who just collected coins to fill a coin display box. Most commands, units, schools, agencies, etc will have them. Sometimes its as simple as visiting a gift shop (FBI, CIA, NSA, etc all sell coins there), or doing something notable for a high ranking officer (coins are often given with NAMs and COMs from flag officers). Graduating classes at OCS/ODS/DCO often commission a coin together, and I imagine some of the longer schools like flight training would too. There's also mission coins, similar to campaign ribbons. Personally, my favorite personal coins are a tie between the blue falcon 'semper myself' joke coin and the horrible coin my glo commissioned after an accident during a killer tomato training op that ended in a 25mm round hitting a dolphin that jumped in front of the ball at a very inopportune time.",Gotta see a pic of the 'Dolphin Hunter' coin! +Phones with i7's when,Imagine if your Mobile was an iPad +Perhaps she shouldn't have continued to hang out with the guy,I bet she was wearing a slutty outfit too +Cast on Death Firestorm obviously.,Ain't it nerfed to the ground with only 1 gem to trigger? +I actually found a wedding dress made out of burlap once. It was the most horrifying item of clothing I think I've ever seen.,It's for the bride that REALLY went crazy with the 'rustic wedding' Pintrest theme. +"Aryan Brotherhood of Texas members, associates convicted in meth ring",How will those Trump supporters vote now? +The real question is; Do we now call punishment from moving under breaking the Verstappen rule or the Vettel Rule ?,Verstappettel rule. +Its almost as if its a complicated issue and cant be boiled down into some black and white issue that redditors so often love to do,Well if you can't boil it down you're just not trying hard enough. +Because Mojang has always cherry picked the community this is nothing new. Why name it spleef when they can name it Tumble and claim responsibility for its creation.,Next thing you know they'll be trying to trademark the word. +"I've seen 3 people get fired from OD/OM in my time here. An SSC, a CSM, and then a manager. CSM is boring they just caught her using a customer's gift card (from an ink promotion or some such). The manager, she had already been doing terribly unethical things for months under the radar (I once drove her to drop off and pick up her car for service while on the clock). Final straw was when she was caught at the local university selling drugs with her son. Kicker is she used to work with my mom, but got fired from there years before I transferred to the store she was incidentally running. Big investigation when she got fired there. She's just bad apples. But the absolute worst and most despicable (yet hilarious and damn near admirable) one was the SSC. He'd been at this store for more years than he'd like to admit. Worked his way up from cashier to making (relatively) good money as one of the best SSCs in the district. We had a fiercely loyal customer base and he knew it. Some people would come in every other week to throw more money at him to fix their computers (again). Eventually he realized he could make more money undercutting OM and doing the work himself than the 5% not-commission we make, and did just that. Finally, he went through the records of every person to receive a tech service in our store in the past 3 years and sent every one of them an email of his new business. Unsurprisingly, not everyone was pleased. He as a cool dude and he made it work so good for him, but it was sad to see him go. Balls of steel there, though.",Not all heroes wear capes +Yeah I love watching the disabled people trying to pull that bullshit. Then get a ticket and get kicked off while they scream they had their fare. Later liar!,"Yeah, FUCK disabled people!" +Los empresarios ricos se enriquecen con el estado. No importa cuando leas esto.,"Es cierto, sino mira Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Ellison, Bill Gates y Jeff Bezos." +"tenes un smartphone? Listo, ya saben donde estas en tiempo real.",Pero GOOGLE no le da los datos a nadie +My Fantasy Team is Better Than Yours,Umm what +"Do you want the next game to be called Bioshock 3 or 4? It's 3 for me, personally.",**SYSTEM SHOCK 3** +well that was underwhelming,What do you guys expect tho? +"*TAKE MY HAND, YOU'RE NAKED I SWEAR*",*WHOAH-OH FEEDIN ALL THE BEAA-AARS* +"My mum trolls charity shops by donating incomplete things to them like board games that are missing pieces or DVD cases with no DVD in them. Also whenever she drives past a job center she rolls down the window and sings to the tune of You'll Never Walk Alone Sign on, sign on, with a pen in your hand and you'll never get a job.",Your mum sounds delightful +Open source DDoS detection toolkit scalable up to 1.1 Tbps,Just chipping in as a happy user of this :) works nicely and can save a bunch of headaches. +"Not really, they should have gotten all the info from the previous landlord at closing. When my ex closed on buildings and some of the info was missing, her company would try to get it from the tenants but they not always replied. Also, safe keeping deposits? I have no idea what they mean by that. How big is the building?",i think security deposits are suppose to be put in some kind of escrow account +My mother used alcohol bases product on my mouse...,"Put a Steelseries tag on it, and somebody here will tell you to RMA it and send him the order #" +Fuck that noise - Prethoryn Scourge passing by,but there is no sound in space! +"Seems kinda low for a tournament this size, no?",Smash doesn't pull huge viewership. +"In practical terms: You don't. It would be more dangerous trying to use some fire extinguisher than waiting for the reaction to end. It had its own oxidizer in the right amount, so I don't think CO2 extinguishers would be effective. Water would spread the chemical, and since it was really hot it would not stop burning. Its composition also contains some metals, so you don't want to use water unless you know what is in there (they knew at the time, I just cannot remember now). Although it wasn't suppose to happen, the fire was controlled. It was a small amount and it burned really quickly.","I bet it was a bitch to clean, though!" +Someone painted this leaning pole.,Why did he cover the pole with penguins? +"Jesus Christ, German is done for. Would he face a jury in German courts? Because who could possibly convict their fellow countrymen on that.",They will convict this obvious Neo Nazi +All the posts on r/teenagers today sound so optimistic Good job kiddos,brb making post about how lonely and depressed i am +Plz kill him,Holy Fucking hell this guy is worse than Feminazis and SJWS +Oculus Touch demo stations at PAX West are impressively compact,This is obviously proof that the rift can't do room scale +Hellaflush,Why is your front triangle sight not mounted backwards? +There was so much salt it felt like the Dead Sea around Reddit. Absolute comedy gold. All the kids crying about what an evil dictator Ellen Pao is and not understanding what free speech means.,All they wanted was the freedom to harass people in peace +Bomat Bazaar Barge,That was fast. +Tagalog sounds like a mix of Spanish and Ewok.,"I was once watching Return of the Jedi with my Pinay ex-girlfriend, and she definitely understood some of what the Ewoks were saying." +I liked the first guys pun better. The second one didn't even *fit* with the tempo of the monster mash.,That's not a pun +HAPPENINGS: Trump demands FBI release more of Hillary's investigation records to the public!,B-but when will le Drumpf release his tax returns xddddd +Hmm should i be satisfied...,My highest on the giant is 1 +Selling my '04 Mazdaspeed Miata with 61k miles,"Wow, wonder why nobody is interested." +"friendly reminder that on reddit, nsfw posts are meant to be 18+. this is obviously not 18+.","NSFW posts on certain subreddits can mean that it is a spoiler, hence blurring the image preventing spoilers." +jk hard rock 2016,That curb never stood a chance.. +wow that was tough to watch... this looks really bad for her after being off for so long.,"It's all just a giant alt-right conspiracy, don't worry, she's fine!" +People need to stop taking titles such as Shichibukai or Admirals as a way to measure strength. Law is a shichibukai and he couldn't touch Doflamingo. Look at Crocodile who lost to PTS Luffy without gears. Look at Garp who never became admiral but was one of the strongest if not the strongest member in the Marine.,now you're going to say bounties don't measure strength too! +Good example of how much better the bullet point templating looks compared to the old semi-colon separation.,"I hate how Wizards is pushing for reduced complexity - if the cards are readable by all players, what sets an experienced player apart from a beginner?"