diff --git "a/chunk35.csv" "b/chunk35.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/chunk35.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,1667 @@ +Input,Output +I used to think STFU meant stuff you,"Holy shit, I thought I was alone on this." +Chairman of the National Automobile Dealers Association says customers prefer to haggle than to buy direct,In other news Ford says customers prefer buying Fords than other manufacturers. +**YOU** get a sequel! And **YOU** get a sequel! # EVERYBODY GETS A SEQUEL!!!!,"Except for F-Zero, we need a new gimmick that fits first." +"I may have missed the episode, but has this ever been addressed?","I own a digital agency in the UK, if they need a professional site doing I'll be happy to discuss with them." +What is the funniest movie you have ever watched?,In bruges. +We need a mixed labor system with some slavery and some free employees.,God bless the 13th Amendment +Working class white men have lower incomes than they did in 1996,Probably because employers spend so much money oppressing minorities. +20th Century Fox just released a teaser for War of the Planet of the Apes,Wow I wonder who's going to win. +I would *love* to have one. Single complaint: Seems impossible to actually use.,Get gud +They won't believe it. Like they literally will not believe it if he loses. If he does lose they'll claim it was rigged and some sort of conspiracy. I don't expect people who live in a fantasy world to accept the reality of defeat.,but the LA tracking poll had him in the lead this entire race! +"How dare you, Manila and Raja?",HOW DARE THEY HAVE DIFFERENT OPINIONS FASHION IS OBJECTIVE +"You don't seem very slutty to me, but I have a theory that ALL girls are secretly sluts so I gotta ask","But if you tell him, then it's not a secret anymore." +"Ah, it's ight lol","It's not alright, this is a very serious problem!" +What about BF1 did you not enjoy?,"Duh, it's an infun piece of shit, he could tell from the couple of hours of the beta he played" +"I guess. Not in Chicago, where he's from.",yes because AAVE and southern dialect have nothing in common ever +"My Son and Daughter. Nothing else. I'd feel like a coward for not dieing for my wife, but if I look deep down I don't think I would. But my kids? Absolutely. I struggle to even think of a world where I'm alive and they aren't.","But if your wife was alive, you could just make another son and daughter." +"Stormcallers aren't *that* bad! It only takes a sticky grenade, 3 gjallarhorn rounds, a nighthawk golden gun shot and a few sniper rounds to get them to half. ^^^I'm ^^^joking ^^^please ^^^don't ^^^harm ^^^me.",If only they were that squishy. +"This LOOKS boring af, imo I had my hopes up so high looking how they made Shaper's look. MTX incoming for sure",What's boring about a pixel wide sprite of damage when you have crazy AoE clearing meta? +Earth is like a guy who knows exactly where to stand next to a bonfire.,"If he was 10 feet closer, we'd all burn and if he was 10 feet further, we'd all freeze, amirite?" +Still learning.,Looks like high quality wine! +TRUMP HITS 50% IN VIRGINIA! =DOMINATION PHASE HAS BEGUN=,But Nate silver said he only has 20% chance of wining the general election. +In Aus they're a bit relaxed about this - my registered name was a bit stuffed up with my middle name being my last name etc etc. We found it - and then she gave me a form to correct the mistakes. That's it. All casual and normal. You don't need ID here - just need to be a registered voter. Reading through this thread has made me realise that a lot of people have a hard time with ID - I hadn't realised before.,"Not a fair comparison, you're talking about a 1st world country." +Freelancer was amazing.,"Freelancer is still one of my favourite games from my childhood, I probably beat it 20 times over" +TIL that India ranks higher than Pakistan in per capita GDP,The only statistic that matters. +"Doesn't the broccoli get all mushy? If you make it like most of us do, don't you do 6+ hours?",Add broccoli in the last hour. +"Yah man but YOU made the decision. As I'm not a fan of any particular NFL team, I'm happy for college football on Sunday as well.",IT WAS HIS FAULT! +"Right? I'm always sceptical about that bug fear mongering since YT was flooded with RDR bug clips, and then when fearing about broken game I spend 60 hours without seeing even a single bug. But this? This is from one guy single gameplay recorded at pretty short period of time. It really looks pretty bad.",To be honest though CrowbCat's videos are usually finding shit like this for views. +"I've never packed a player above 89 in any edition of HUT, I'm shaking and I don't know what to do with my hands. Thank you Super Deluxe packs","ohh, you know what to do with your hands" +*was,:-( +.... wait a second... hmmmmm,just a visual glitch +But if you look at the typical use of condoms - they are pretty shitty too.,Just put on 2 plus a vaginal condom for good measure +Got to look at the bright side!,Oh i can't wait to hear about how the candidates are touring the disaster areas and how their hearts go out the victims and they stand in solidaryity and yadayadayadayadayada.... +"So a 1.2bn dollar satellite that will be the future of looking at storms, particularly hurricanes, is in Cape Canaveral and may get damaged. That luck doe",Everybody knows that Obama is using HAARP to control the hurricane to help Hillary. +It can stay gone. It was way too toxic and to me it didn't add anything to the game. 95% of what was said on chat were insults/complaining/ragers. The rest were people joking about the tog or gg.,But I *need* a way to tell the enemy arty to kill himself! +"Bloodthirsty mites likely source of skin irritation at Lake Forest Elementary, official says",Not a clickbait title at all. +Megamini - The pocket-sized high-res music player with a 15 hour battery life,Oh boy another pogo player +"Until I get official confirmation i'm remaining sceptic. There is zero proof that it really is Mallow sitting in that art, the chinese leak not just had some really good guesses, the riddler really is an insider or that the middle evolutions line up with the leaked final forms. It could all very well be an coincidence which probably the most likely. The art looks so off even for the anime. Also the mid evos are completely off. I'm saying Rowlet will become a prince like javelin thrower, Popplio will be a majestic dancer and Litten a noise making house cat! That fits way better! They are fake trust me, Serebii is just saying that they are pretty much confirmed because he needs clicks and attention.",You dropped this: +Local business freaks out over 1 star review.,"See, this is why we need to focus on the cyber." +This is just lovely. I think you hit the nail on the head with the weed being the springboard into a magical world thing.,Like a gateway drug? +TPC Sawgrass forecast to be under 9 feet of water...leaving only the island green above water.,nice improvement to another pete dye masterpiece +Non-binary friend gets round of applause at Olive Garden,Obviously you are transphobic if you see someone who appears to be a female and you assume that she is. +"I think he's gonna try and demand that Hillary apologize to the Benghazi mom, hoping to put her off her game. He's gonna try and bait her into punching down like he always does, but I'm confident Hillary is prepared for that in case Trump tries to turn this into the Jerry Springer show.","Yeah, you know, because 15+ hours of interrogation on Benghazi couldn't break her resolve, i am sure that Trump will be able to throw her off of her game" +You have been warned US you are illegally entering Syrian Airspace and you will be shot down just like what Turkey did to the Russian jet!,I'm petrified. +What are you guys using big knives for? Many posts I see big knives. What are you using them for? Between my keychain multi-tool and my full size multi-tool blades I don't see the need for a dedicated blade,To stab people who criticize items I carry with me. +Neymar receives a forearm to his face vs. Bolivia (NSFW),What a diving bastard +"I mean it's where they're located, what better way to do testing on what is arguably their largest upcoming feature? It's not a special gift to themselves or the city of SF, it's where their QA team lives.",You forgot this: +"Yep, when I first left a comment, it had several tens of points. A few minutes later it was at 0 with less than 50% upvoted.",But muh CTR! +And people say he's doing bad with college educated kids.,"Well, he hadn't graduated yet, so the liberal indoctrination wasn't quite complete yet." +"Peoole please calm down and cool your jets. Please Don't harass people with an different opinion than you. I see a lot of keyboard warriors going around this page and shittalking people who don't have the same opinion as them. I see people getting bombarded with down votes over the simple fact that they think SEE exists. Everyone has their opinions, and they deserve to speak it without getting harassed and stuff like cmon. The existence of the SEE is unknown as of now. No one knew if it's real, or fake. Everything is speculation right now. For the people who believe in SEE, good for you, go look for the steps cause that's the only way we'll now if it exists. For the people who don't believe in it good for you too. If there's one thing I ask for its to not go harass people who believe in it or not. If the SEE is real, the people who believed shouldn't go harassing people who denied it and vice versa. I'm ok with the debunking posts. It's nice to see both sides having discussions and evidence thrown up. But just no harassing we already lost DF because of this. I can't imagine the pain mods are dealing with right now",What if they think Tranzit is better than Revelations? +"Working at callcenter, asking people to pay their old bills. Naturally some responded angrily. 'So this is what you do all day? You just call people who haven't paid their bills?' 'Yes.' 'So if I paid my bills you'd be out of the job?' 'If everybody paid their bills, then yes.' 'Ha ha! Good. You just fucked up by telling me this. I'm going to pay my bills right away. When you're unemployed then see how you like getting calls about your bills!' The futility of eradicating a job that relies on the existence of poor people by making me poor escaped them.","Well, they certainly showed YOU." +"Pair of scissors, got it",If you're really careful you can just bite it and pull the cladding off with your teeth! +Compared to the hit/miss ratio of regular network programs?,Everyone knows Fox and TNT have never aired a bad show +Regina's new VR Aracde,"More games would be nice, but I'm definitely excited to try a vive finally." +Not looking forward to the traffic on the drive home.,"Totally sucks to live in a world class city, home of the president." +MRW when this guy at work who always tells me to smile more insists that I smile today because it's World Smile Day,Well that changes everything! +"Unpopular opinion, but I think there should be a distinction between someone who looks at downloaded child porn vs someone who molests kids.","Unpopular opinion on any other circumstances, but I am sure all you pedos here on Reddit will agree with me" +And The Winner of Season 2 All Stars Is..... ADORE DELANO! For dipping out of this fucking hot mess of a season before it was too late,Yeah it pays to be a quitter. +"In a few short moments our beloved sub will have eclipsed 34,000 users. The work of the Lard is being hastened. Stay thirsty my friends.",My thirst has become unquenchable ever since I embraced the path of damnation. +"It's OK, you won't even notice at 30 FPS.",For fuck's sake its CURRENT YEAR and we don't even have 60 fps yet. +Cuppkake is the heart and soul of the rap game,You better stan for the queen of rap +Wonder what straight up honest Christian good man Pence would have to say about this.,he never said those things +I heard she's hot as fuck!,"I wouldn't know, I've never looked at her face (nice job dude)." +"Germany, Italy and Japan vs basically the rest of the world",I wonder where you got that idea from +"Holy crap, that's not a made-up quote. That was actually the official response. Public relations 101 fail. ONE: I apologize **if** anyone was offended? *If*? No. An apology stands alone from anyone's feelings. You apologize for the offense, period. No ifs or buts. TWO: DO NOT BRING UP OTHER -WORSE- EXAMPLES. Bill Clinton's alleged behavior does not excuse yours. (We also have no witness to that supposed behavior.) THREE: Locker room banter? Many years ago? Irrelevant and evasive.",It was a youthful indiscretion. +Votre horoscope Innu du mois d'octobre!,M'en va au St-Hub rencontrer la femme de ma vie! +"Here we go again: FBI is evaluating technical options to crack another iPhone belonging to Dahir Adan, a guy who stabbed 10 people in MN.",*Well here we are again* *It's always such a pleasure* +What is your life motto?,Dum Spiro Spero +Send a legislator who'll approve a tax increase. Gas tax perhaps. More funding for Txdot = more roads built by txdot.,But I want more for the taxes I already pay! +It's not gender discrimination or racism or sexual assault when it's being done to white men. Get with the times. *Sigh*,"someone should have informed Congress, because it seems they forgot to write that part into law, and now the poor people at Yahoo are fucked because of a simple misunderstanding" +Police arrest two idiots dressed as clowns accused of chasing 14-year-old girls,Maybe next we'll have to develop a national Clown Alert system to warn the public. +Hand stilts,They are called fingers +Does anyone know if there's a video of this?,"Must be, you can see the cameraman in the gif" +How the White Helmets Became International Heroes While Pushing U.S. Military Intervention and Regime Change in Syria,"Clearly, the enemies of socialism everywhere!" +Clinton being president will lead to the end of the republic,Guys it would be SO BAD for progressives if the more progressive candidate won. +This is 9mm we need 50 cal,"10 gauge, triple-ought cuntshot" +"1963: minority ethnic groups have to perform mass demonstrations to convince the government that they shouldn't be treated as second-class citizens 2016: world-spanning hub of information connects all of humanity with near-instantaneous communication, and some people use it to laugh at novelty songs where did it all go wrong?",Good thing that 1963 description isn't still a reality of today +To think the whole world was only 3700 years old when that was made.,"When you have faith, anything is possible!" +I believe it's a foot injury and he got surgery on his foot which has him out for the remainder.,Ah alright thanks! +Robert De Niro Wants to Punch Donald Trump in the Face,Trump should auction off a chance for someone to hit him in the face and give the money to himself as charity. +Fairy Tail Chapter 505,"The more you use Fairy Law, the shorter your lifespan going to be -Mavis Makarov uses it, only kills half a person." +German sense of humour is fucking weird.,"German humor is no laughing matter, you know." +"However it's Obamas fault. He did not explain it well enough to the GOP that it is a bad idea to let a racist, lunatic rapist run for office.","Thanks a lot, Obama!" +Come thru Darienne Lake,Trying to ruin people's childhood in so many ways. +Karma.,"Yeah, karma to Rubens, well-known for being one of the dirtiest drivers in the field" +L'antitrust sta indagando,Ah beh allora siamo in mani sicure. +Summit and his nonexistent bullets,you have to aim for the body in this game or you wont hit anything. +These damn kids are becoming sentient.,They're adapting +The US is strengthening a network of secretive military bases across Australia to wage wars against Australian interests,"Somewhat misleading tag line, but still an interesting read." +the people who like the fact its gone seem to have a few reasons. 1. apple has a point that its an extra port taking up valuable space. (though this is true replacing the port is a proprietary lightning headphone jack is moronically no matter how you slice it). 2. they simply think its outdated technology they deserved to go. which makes no sense to me because it worked just fine and is a universal standard. 3. some seem to not understand that they don't actually have a reason and just seem to think everything apple does is godly. these arguments kind of suck to me. Even if we accept that removing the headphone jack is a good idea (ultimately i think it is because it does take up valuable space) the way apple did it is moronic on a billion levels.,I thought it was due to the #1 complaint about the iPhone 6s being that it was way too thick? +"Yes. If they run on fuel, they release exhaust.",Then just buy a generator that plugs into the wall! +All heroes are now demons (Sacrificial Pact hyper buff),I knew Jaina was a dreadlord +"No one forces you to sign up for a gym membership. People join a gym because they know they need to do something about their health. I'd love it if every member I had actually used the gym but that's never how it works. Most of my day is spent getting to know my members and that's the best part of owning a gym, aside from seeing results I have one member that lost over 200 pounds and has such a better quality of life now. I swear he's at the gym more than me haha",Yeah it's your fault people don't work out! +No wonder he got a hattrick on you,It was a small game aswell. +"Will Trading be local? I am almost certain the answer will be yes, mostly due to cheaters, but there are a few ways around that. Trading could be unlocked at level 10 or 15, to avoid botting, but that wouldn't fix the cheating. The other way would be to make trading only local. If they take care the cheaters then do you think that trading could possibly not be local?","Well they won't add trading anytime soon, since they are already working on some extreme and necessary new additions to the game, such as catching bonus with medals !" +Mafia 3 looks like a 10 year old game on xbox one,what mod for GTA 4 is this? +More like your parents are millionaires that keep buying all your friends Mercedes then at some point they looked at you spat and bought you a beater without doors and a half running engine with the statement drive this for the next month or two and we might consider getting you something better.,"Also, you are a warlock so you don't even have friends and everyone hates you" +How so? We all knew we were fighting Alexander. The fact that It has wings isn't a spoiler. Not everything is a spoiler.,Wtf you used the were so in your comment therefore im triggered and you spoiled all of S9 of the flash I will accept your apology in the form of cis tears +Didn't realize there are so many scammers on RS,Mod Weath does his job +"In a departure from negative TV ads, Clinton airs a spot featuring home videos of children",Insult driven campaign! +Just curious: which store did you see them in? I can't seem to check out online anyways. I always get held up when I enter my cc info; I think the website's all jacked up.,I live in TX so I saw them at the Urban Outfitters at La Cantera +"I feel bad for ya son , I got 99 problems but pussy liberal gun laws aint one.","Frig off, Lahey." +Totally responsible thing for a woman who's 7 month pregnant to do. And why the fuck is Kaiser not wearing shoes!?,"Hey now guys, she had to get an awesome shot of her hair blowing in the wind in the beauty of the storm!" +"Djokovic fans love to claim that the 2015 Federer was every bit as good as back in the day, but holy shit the explosiveness in his movement and ground strokes back then was out of this world.",His movement was better because of the weak era. +My Luke Skywalker Cosplay from New York Comic Con,I just dont see it... +History can help to support his statement nonetheless.,"Yeah, Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot were so religious." +Standing outside GABF for ages...,The Great Atlanta Beer Fail +where does he say that?,You have to read between the lines. +I hate that dude. Worst part of the dlc imo.,"HOW DARE YOU HAVE A DIFFERENT OPINION, ENJOY YOUR DOWNVOTES SCUMBAG" +"Say, which sources *aren't* biased? And, more generally, how do you go about determining whether a source is biased or not?",I don't like what they said = biased. +Or mentioned the good they did despite some problems instead of making it look like they pocketed half a billion minus the cost of a few homes,But what if they were all 83 million dollar homes? +"It's true that the US still has part of it's own chemical weapons stockpile to destroy. I worked at a disposal facility on the Umatilla Army Depot in Oregon. We finished the project and closed that site in 2013. There are a few sites left, one in Kentucky, one in Pueblo, Colorado and one other place if I recall right. I will tell you that the oversight and regulations that these sites are under is ridiculous. Between the military, OSHA and environmental rules it's both a very safe place to work (no, seriously) and also poses almost no risk to the surrounding area. Part of that oversight is informing the surrounding communities of what's going on.",How do they destroy them? +"Left=sunshine, right=sunshine, middle=eternal darkness.",Edit so left and right are Leia and Luke and middle is vedar or palpatine +"The problem I see with this is for example... Are you going to go reporting people that are writing unverified reviews? Maybe you think they got the review in exchange for a discount, maybe they didnt. Or they didnt leave a disclaimer on a unverified review. How do you know they bought it with a coupon. I totally get using this is you see a for real copy paste, or 30 line disclosure, but I feel like you need to be dang sure. Not just guess. I would hate to see someones account get shut down no questions asked because 3 people decided they knew for sure someone was going something like this.",Because Amazon doesn't shut accounts down too easily. +"For the last fucking time he's condemning Trump for joking about sexually assaulting people, not for cheating. Everyone has known Trump has cheated on multiple wives for a long time.",But you don't get it: If they don't strawman the arguement they can't win. +White and Blue? Hell No! Red and black is the way to go!,Tell that to the Virtual Boy. +Good morning from the International Space Station,"But the Earth is flat though, this is a fake image sent by the media to manipulate our minds" +you're making an ass out of yourself for assuming I'm voting for Trump,And you're just making an ass of yourself. +"Haha, Ohhh gotcha.. sorry, Ive had this Alias so long (20+ years) I forget all about it!",:) that's older than me... +How to lose FUT Champions game the hard way!,You have PEPE and are using the Mexican Crest... There is your issue +I think worlds group stage should be BO3,"If you want worlds group stage to be like a whole month, sure, great idea." +"You can be deeply religious and be a balanced, mental stable, normal functioning human.",But Reddit taught me that all people who believe in the invisible man in the sky are literally retarded. +It's not ASCII... It's hexadecimal.,So at least I was right about the fucking nerd bit.. +"I'm not a pioneer, but I don't drink(and never have) and EVERY time it comes up I get asked if I'm a pioneer. Every time I say no and literally every time the reply is 'well fair play to ye'","Ah, so you're an ex-alcoholic" +He makes dozens and dozens of dollars,And he's good at this +Today is the proudest day of my life. I successfully took a picture of me high fiving myself,Oh my.. so funny... +It's perfect because the Kobayashi Maru is a scenario designed to test the character of someone who finds themselves in an unwinnable situation. Kirk didn't believe in no win scenarios so he reprogrammed the test before taking it the third (?) time. Rubio et al don't have that luxury =).,"Yeah, but Mark Kirk is going to lose either way" +Mysterious Door in DE area on Revelations I swear I can't be the only person who thinks that there is something up with that closed door between the Pyramid and the Primis Statues in the DE area. There was nothing similar to it in the original DE map so I doubt it just exists for cosmetic purposes. There's got to be a way to open that door. My hope is that it leads to some unseen place that may contain something for the Super EE. Who knows.,I think theres going to be a hells retriever 100% +"always wondered the same thing, this dude offered me 550k for my m9 sapphire .0111, linked a post for an m9 sapphire mw going for 550. like honestly...",min wear doppler worth more on market so mw sapphire is too! +I would like this as our next Mystic Code!,"Master spell black keys mastery: Increase buster,arts,quick performamce for one turn" +And 8 turnovers,"We won, turnovers don't count" +"Yes, if the deck was correctly shuffled it's still random. Take into account that the deck order is arbitrary, and it's just another result. It's the same than generating a random number between 0 and 99999 and getting 00000, or 12345, or 99999. Those numbers still have the same 1/10000 chance of appearing, just like any other. I don't know if there's any term for those kind of results. If there's one, I doubt it has anything to do with mathematics, since from a probability point of view those results aren't special at all.","I always use 1111 as my PIN for that reason, as random as it can get." +Blue Jays are removing beer cans from the Rogers Centre for the remainder of the postseason.,"Damn, I'm sitting in the comfort clubhouse behind the plate, was looking forward to seeing if I could hit the mound from there" +If you're looking for newish campy Gorerror I just watched 31 and thought that was just marvelous. Drag Me to Hell is another one of those silly gems you may have missed and you can't go wrong with Cabin In The Woods or Final Girls.,I like how Rob Zombie constantly shakes the camera because it makes you feel like you're in the action. +"Oh, you mean the Mike did literally everything theory?",He also kill all +I think he was being sarcastic...,I guess I missed the +I'm sure the 4th Charizard will make him feel better,"Bu-bu-but it won't have the CP/IV combo I wanted, plus moveset!" +"Official Game Day Thread: New England Patriots (3-1) @ Cleveland Browns (0-4) | Kickoff 1:00 PM ET, October 9, 2016 | FirstEnergy Stadium, Cleveland, OH","Everyone was right, they were so much better without Brady." +I guess they deleted it? I couldn't find anything.,"Sorry, I think she deleted it." +Rumor is that NBC/Today Show people sat on the tape to protect Billy Bush. I'm grateful it was leaked before it was destroyed.,"Well, he did speak in opposition of Donald's New York Values, which Giuliani seems to support and trying to defend..." +"Typical Governor Scott. Pretty sure he's the Chair of a Trump aligned Super PAC. Either way, this is a terrible move. As usual Scott is playing politics. And with a natural disaster no less. In the last week of registration in 2012, I believe a little over 100,000 voters registered. That sounds like an insignificant amount, but let's recall that the election was decided by about 90,000 votes. Scott knows what he's doing, and it's shameful.","By extending the deadline, the republican leadership in SC must think the yokels are too lazy to get their shit together on time." +Duran Nolito (Spain) goal against Albania (0-2),Fantastic Assist by Nacho Monreal +My current set up,Thanks for the love yall! +Next they'll add that new fandangled technology of pitch speed.,I'd rather have perceived pitch speed. +Why can't you stand tpab?,the funk is junk ^^^ +"Haslam Breaks His Silence, Says He Won't Vote for Trump",It took a lot of political courage for a billionaire governor at the tail-end of his second term to come out forcefully against Trump at this moment in history. +After seeing kellogs memories So ive been wondering this for a whle. Once you go through the memories with nick. you go back to talk to him and the first thing nick does is imitate kellog. But after that ive never see anything come from it. I wish bethesda would have made nick some sort of bipolar multipersonality thing. Maybe have a quest to purge kellog from nicks brain if you wanted the old nick back. What do you think?,such an original idea that hasnt been posted 1000x before +"With the win today, Ben Roethlisberger is now tied with Joe Montana for Career wins with 117, 9th overall.",Joe Flacco is more elite than Ben. +Poor manfly. Words is hard fer you.,Good one! +Unreleased footage from the 'Apprentice' allegedly has Trump saying the N-word,yeah but was he running for president then? +LOOOONG drive now. please.,Only need one first down. +Thank you Aquadome For making me appreciate 60 fps,Nothing beats 18 frames per secound. +"And the solution to that is to require politicians running for office to speak under oath when delivering press statements, rather than allowing them to get into a bidding war of out-lying eachother.",Sounds practical. +I actually run a dehumidifier,"Same, I cant imagine wanting to humidfy the air more." +"Yeah, using an RPG for stealing $10k in 4 local stores isn't the most pacific thing you could do in a videogame, y'know","Yeah, 4 guys who at this point are probably as good at combat as high ranking special forces armed to the fucking teeth and in heavy armor is totally necessary for bashing up a few stores" +At least they have LeBron,Stipe Miocic is pretty cool. +"Access to justice is such a big deal for lawyers we learn about, there is no funding for legal aid at all anywhere unless you at least middle class you can't just go and get a lawyer.","Pretty sure lawyers are going a dime a dozen, or at least that's what firms are willing to pay graduates right now." +Googler confirms Pixel phones will have EIS on 4k video.,No OIS = DOA +SKT VS ROX finals rematch,ANX +Breaking Bad - 1995 Style,"All wrong, terrible, and not-perfect." +<--- THE DEBATE SNIFF COUNTER,"Just like last time, Hillary obvious tampered with the mic" +Not a plumber but taking a dump on an already clogged toilet is never a good idea.,"Yeah it is, something to push the plug downstream!" +He drone drops even harder.,Can't wait for Trump to nuke drop it hard. +I LOVE OBJ HE'S A GREAT GUY,He's the best. +Yeah I mean designing a new game completely. The only thing to take from Tetris would be the simplicity and the impact it had.,What would it look like for a game to have the same impact that tetris had? +This is how the NFL wants players to react after scoring a TD,I'm surprised they didn't call that an incomplete pass... +Dagg missed one conversion attempt in the Ireland 60-0 game.,Jeez that Izzy Dagg is a spud +So I guess those RC spider toys didn't have that terribly unrealistic of noises... But does anyone know what that noise *is*? Like is that the fluid squirting into its legs audibly?,probably just legs/hair rubbing against itself. +Cross the street if you don't want to be near a dog. Nutjob.,I'm assuming you forgot the +Does this mean I'm not a failure anymore?,Nah mate your still fucked +"The whole spectrum thing has always been rubbish. A spectrum goes from one thing to another, whereas femininity etc. is more of a scatter of attributes (which are arbitrarily assigned) Where on the spectrum is my very woman-shaped body wearing trainers, boxers, jeans and a t-shirt whilst watching TV and knitting a hat for my child exactly?","Depends, are the trainers pink or blue?" +I love how her badge erases her skin color.,Blue skinned bitch! +"I figured if it doesn't have a demo, it's probably bad and their hoping you buy the game to try it.",Lol no +It may take an iOS 10 major update before a jailbreak tool is released,didnt know that ios 9.3.4 was jailbroken +"What resources would you recommend for researching eastern Asian culture, folklore, and mythology? I am soon to be running a campaign taking place in an east-Asian inspired setting, and I want to stay faithful to the real life Asia by using as many objects inspired by their history and folklore as I can, but I know very little about it. Where should I go to research it?",*scoff* obviously anime +"Creature Transfer So since we have a free creature transfer stone, I need some advice on which of these three creatures to transfer to my Skirm I have 1 The Behemoth pet on a alt I dont play anymore 1 Salamie creature from the original summer pack 1 Baby Argos from the doppleganger package Which of these would make a good transfer",I wonder why salamine egg in kr is above 300 mill +they literally have a Breitbart employee in a campaign management role id say thats chummy.,"It's a blind trust, duh" +"A priest, a doctor, and an engineer were waiting one morning for a particularly slow group of golfers. The engineer fumed, What's with those guys? We must have been waiting for fifteen minutes! The doctor chimed in, I don't know, but I've never seen such inept golf! The priest said, Here comes the green-keeper. Let's have a word with him. He said, Hello George, what's wrong with that group ahead of us? They're rather slow, aren't they? The green-keeper replied, Oh, yes. That's a group of blind firemen. They lost their sight saving our clubhouse from a fire last year, so we always let them play for free anytime. The group fell silent for a moment. The priest said, That's so sad. I think I will say a special prayer for them tonight. The doctor said, Good idea. I'm going to contact my ophthalmologist colleague and see if there's anything he can do for them. The engineer said, Why can't they play at night?",Ohhh boy it gets funnier each repost +Make a living as a limo driver.,And what a living that would be +DaSilva: Brock Osweiler has been a $72 million disaster for the Texans,I'm shocked! +"It's not a pit, though. It's a Black Mouth Cur.",Any dog that bites a human is a pit. +Tijdens het in en uitstappen moet je zo lopen dat je het verkeer kunt zien aankomen. Dit betekent dus ook dat als je links achter zit en je wilt voorin gaan zitten moet je eigenlijk om de auto heen lopen zoday je via de voorkant bij de bestuurdersstoel komt.,"Of gewoon achteruit lopen, natuurlijk." +I always found it funny as Sunfish are HUGE! And found in the ocean lol,shhh don't go getting all logical +Livestream Anyone else gonna watch the BF1 livestream on the 12th? :),"Nope, you'll be the only one in the world watching the BF1 livestream on the 12th man." +"The point is that some people just have different strengths than others, and that it's okay if you're better at some things. I honestly just do not have a head for numbers, and I struggled intensely through every math class I had to take. It wasn't for a lack of 'practice' or 'working at it.' I did those things, but math is just something I will never be good at. Every other type of class, I got straight A's easily.","No, you're just a whiney bitch who needs to work harder at something super complex you'll never understand." +If trump was talking about grabbing dicks that'd be the only way he'd lose the evangelicals,I'm sure the GOP Spin room would say something about brotherly love as a way to outreach to black people and the gays +Gears of War 4 bench shows that Async Compute ON/OFF works on Pascal now. ( +5 FPS ),"But remember, async compute doesn't work on Pascal!" +Internet with no government control! Oh Americans must be so happy because it automatically means better outcomes,But when has privatizing something ever not immediately made it better? +The Wall of Rage - Part 5,Can i have a link to the Warpack you are using pls? +I just saved 15% on my divorce proceedings by switching to Islam,Did you save 15% or more on car insurance by switching to Geico? +Friends is so much bad that they have marry two characters like a hindi tv serial,Yeah romantic relationships b/w friends is something unheard of +"Who currently has the smoothest shot in the NBA? An obvious pick would be Steph, but I really like D'angelo's shot as well. Who else has a really good looking jump shot?",shaun livingston +Far too many things. I'm probably the definition of a person that reddit shits on.,"Y'know, I hate people who put themselves down." +"THAT BAYONET LUG IS ILLEGAL! Like, really guys? You're gonna pitch a fit over a bayonet lug? Not even the actual bayonet, just the freaking lug!",So many kids are murdered by driveby bayonettings! +Trump Said Clinton Laughed at Rape Victim. She Didn't,pshaw... objective reality and facts are for beta cucks and SJWs +"Riot is known for very bad balancing after reworks like this. Remember Juggernaut? Remember Mages? Well, prepare yourself for the Assassins now which are even easier to fuck up in terms of balancing.","yeah, league is known for being an aweful game, the devs have no ability whatsoever." +"We zijn een zeer welvarend Europees land. We kunnen echt wel met zn allen een koningshuis betalen. Terwijl we *miljarden* zitten te dumpen aan onzin als Griekenland doen we alsof die paar miljoen ons de kop kost. Daarnaast denk ik dat je sommige kosten toch niet zou besparen als je het koningshuis zou afschaffen. Internationale relaties zouden volledig onderhouden moeten worden door Rutte, de paleizen zouden onderhouden worden als historisch erfgoed, en zo vast nog wel meer. Verder vind ik een koningshuis hebben inderdaad ook mooi.","Zo'n ontzettende onzin, alsof Willempie zelf andere staatshoofden zit te bellen.." +"That they can remember the most detailed statistics about their favorite sport, but not the details of your favorite hobby/tv show/movie.",Well...thats because we care about the sport. +"To everyone who keeps asking what happened: Friday practice was normal, no big collisions, Sid comes in Saturday not feeling well, at first they thought he was sick but after testing concluded it was a concussion. This is what I've seen on twitter, Pens coach to keep it in house what specifically may have happened Friday that led to the concussion.",I'm just waiting for someone to somehow blame this on Marchy from the WC.. +I like how Trumpettes will just state their objection to math without any facts to back it up before running back to their safe space.,"This election is gonna be rigged, and also too, Donald Trump is not going to lose." +I love how he says that he is going to be insufferable all week and that Shitizens now have no where to hide. From his hug-box echo-chamber.....,Shakin' in my boots from a 50+ year old crazy man (ON THE INTERNET) with the breathing habbits of someone on the verge of a massive stroke or heart attack. +There it is...,But he's original and funny! +You have to be kidding.,Hey leave him alone hes a hax0r copy & paste to windows burn and play for free +So if you have a significant other that works somewhere else then what?,Move closer to both jobs; that's what. +Trump doubles down on promise to jail Clinton if elected.,But Kellyanne said he was joking! +My teacher just called me the Embodiment of physical pain This is an accurate description of pretty much every high schooler.,i would have beat that bitch she makes good money and has to deal with nice kids and yet she acts like that? +This guy thought he was safe...,We KSP now boys. +Shitpost,Said the 1 karma post karma guy *expert* +"We had a fantastic system for snow days, we were only allowed to have snowball fights in a very small area. The rules were that the snowballs could not be any larger than your thumb, you could only throw them underarm, and you were not allowed to throw snowballs above the knees. Also no snowmen, because they could fall over and hurt someone.",Rounds Seasonable +"Finally, there wouldn't be so much Islamiphobic rhetoric going around if more of the refugees took on a neighborhood watch mentality.",wait isn't this what Donald Trump wanted snitches snitching on radical islamic terrorists. +Wait a minute guys! I think Bill Clinton may have been unfaithful to Hillary!,What your sure? +Actually the poop rat snaps in two.,r/jontron is leaking +"If you don't want the surgery, it's better to not do it and having the mismatched marker. Fact is, the law will change. Maybe not quickly, but it will. Besides, having a permanent surgical operation you don't want would cause more dysphoria and discomfort.","i'm planning on getting bottom surgery, just working on saving the money." +Never trust a dog with a black tongue.,Purple* +"TIL Dharavi slum is the most densely populated area on planet earth, with 1 million people living within 1 square mile.",So proud. +"Suprised I haven't seen any bakasura mentions. Relies heavily on snowball, imo.",Its because nobody plays him. +Is this normal. . . On the_donald my up votes count as 1 but my down votes count as 2. Why? Is this just reddit in general and I've never noticed before?,Nothing to see here...totally normal +Cut just as God intended.,You forgot this: +Lmao what that's metal,Yeah you can obviously tell from the picture that it's metal +"In Germany the higher grade drugs actually lead to a harsher sentence, because the amount of active substance determines the sentence. 40g of weed with 12% THC are worse than 70g with 6%",thats one of the reason why germany is fucked up now +I like consoles because I just want to sit on my couch and game that neat as I sit on my couch and play my heavily modified skyrim.,b-b-b-b-but Skyrim Remastered is coming out with mods on console. +"I think we need to adopt something from the American system, and have propositions on our ballots. Cheaper and allows more direct democracy.",Yeah it worked so great for California +"I play multiplayer games to play online, I would've preferred to play with real players. I'm sure I'm not alone when I skip the ai training before I play games. What better practice is there than actually experiencing what the game really is? Also bots are boring as shit, so no wonder weegee was bored.",i think you got to see it less like trying to build up skill but more like getting comfortable with different skillsets. +Guys Please Stop Making Titles Like That,But We Need Capitol Letter Every Single Time +"Somebody needs to explain to WWE how anniversaries work... Much like when they called Wrestlemania 25 The 25th Anniversary of Wrestlemania despite only being 24 years since the first event, they are now calling the upcoming Royal Rumble the 30th anniversary despite it only being the 29th. It bothers me that a major company can make such careless errors like this. Yearly numbered events are not the same as birthdays and wedding anniversaries. 1988 was the first Royal Rumble. It doesn't take a mathematician to figure out that 2018, not 2017, is the 30th anniversary. Using this logic, today is the one year anniversay of WWE 2k17 being released. Stop this madness immediately WWE.",They are clearly using the TX calendar. +"Bravely Touch, on iOS and Android in 2017!",MRGRGRGR! +2 of our players arguing the last thing we need. Oh strootman never came that time? What about sneijder? no? fuckkkkk...please tell me we at least got Gaitan,Hilarious! +"Holy cow, that janitor must be making bank.",Piggy bank +Next patch: flame imp has stealth,"Guys, it's to balance it so you can't target it with PO" +He was shackled?! And here I was thinking he was running around like an unrestrained lunatic.,I'm quite excited to see how far this 'unshackled' Trump can bury his party! +my heart goes out to you and your face.,"It's not too bad now, but if it gets worse you might see it on the new page of r/tifu" +Let's dispel this fiction that Marco Rubio has not been talked about for a long time. Marco Rubio is talked about all of the time.,"Wow, with an argument like that the fiction is easily dispelled." +"Pacquette, I don't think you wanna throw down with Big E...",I'd pay to see that +It's getting SCARY! What's wrong huff post... you need a safe space?? :) ;) ;),"We are at war with Clinton Media Co.,Inc.TM" +"Sorry for the bump, but did you ever figure out something for this? I am having the same problem. 2 time functions and a mac and an unknown way to combine them.",No I did not. +You're missing Division,*The Destiny killer* +"Typical entitled driver, they should have their license revoked and their car confiscated.",You forgot the +"True, but it doesn't surprise me that a religious group denouncing a political candidate would sound holier-than-thou.","But Jesus forgave, so like, vote Trump." +"Astralis benches karrigan, notaN to stand-in","Wow, S1mple playing for Astralis?" +Pokemon hasn't gone to space yet.,"You can in Ruby & Sapphire, that's how you get Deoxys" +I couldn't pick it up... Please deca... I got a jugg and a crown but i couldn't pick them up?!?! Please give to me. Thank you.,lmao funniest post +How dare you slander an entire religion by directly quoting their holy text.,"Meanwhile, Christians are bigots and stuff, m'kay?" +Post-Debate Poll Shows Clinton Holding 9-Point Lead Over Trump,"See, Trump is surging, made up 4 points in one day!" +I think you're pretty good looking. Best with a little facial hair.,Well thank you! +My power wet out around 5:30pm and back on at 4:00am,same here +Carson suggests problem with Trump scandal is that graphic sexual talk is too rare,I have it on good information that the ancient Egyptians commonly grabbed each other by the pussy while they were moving grain supplies to be stored in the pyramids shortly after the earth was created. +"The thing is, this has all been known for years. Saudi has been funding Wahabbism across the globe for decades; I wrote about Qatar's funding of the MB and ISIS back in 2014. None of this is remotely new, it's been known to intelligence communities and governments since the 80's. The real difference is that Trump is the only politician I can remember, ever, actually having the balls to step up to the plate and take on Saudi Arabia and, as he specifically referred to it, the oil cartel. That, in and of itself, is ethical and moral justification for voting for Donald Trump.",Yeah but his taxes or saying mean things is more important to the future of our nation +don't take away our deck slots,"It's ok, he's on console - it's expected" +"I don't see it ever happening, but I do think LSU might have an easier path to the Playoff in the big 12 (kinda analogous to FSU in the ACC)",Which is why LSU will go to the Big 12 after Jimbo becomes their HC +Biggest joke? Getting a team from relegations to LCS finals and then to worlds? Enlighten me pls.,"He's a joke, he should have gotten from relegations to *winning* worlds obviously." +As long as there's no alien impregnation involved I'm cool with sci-fi-esque processes.,"I'm fine with alien impregnation... but then, that clearly means I'm just too AGP to be a real transgender." +"Trump Tax Plan Gives 47% Of Cuts To Richest 1%, New Analysis Finds",I guess the nonpartisan Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center got bought by Clinton too. +"Yeah, I'm thinking the salt would have a bad effect.",Kids these days are SO sensitive.... +**You are gone for 30-45 days and are trying to hit 26 different cities?** Is that what I see?,"But, if I had to cut some stops out of the trip they would be France, England, Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, and Romania." +I have no clue why this point hasn't been hammered home more. Donald Trump is a man who does not *believe* (as if its a thing to be believed...) in science. He's spoken out about vaccines and climate change. His VP doesn't *believe* in evolution. These men do not care about scientific fact.,But we have a thousand years of coal! +There are going to be a bunch of disappointed teenagers on election day. At least they can assuage their wounds with memes.,*assange their wounds +I'll trade white wizard hat for beret pink + top hat orange,Donezo +Fall Weather Means Crock Pot Potato Soup (recipe in comments) topped with Shredded Cheddar and Complimented with a Grilled Cheese Sandwich,You mean a grittled cheese melt? +That witch Mercy skin is gonna be mine! unlike nihon Genji...,kys genji main lol +"Have you ever seen his stream, everything will be answered.",I think he does more than watch his stream. +He sucks at mixing?,It takes skill to change the track every 30 seconds. +"Crate Camping is WORSE than hookcamping With all of the outrage over hookcamping/bodycamping, why has nobody even mentioned this?! There's spots on maps with 5 crates all sitting right next to each other! So what if you get 100 point per? By the time you run around trying to catch that person, three generators are gone. Seriously, I don't mind crates but when they are so close together it makes them overpowered, and if they were spread out across the map it would make more sense than having crates sparsely populated in some areas, and more densely in others. With hookcamping at least you can disable the hooks, while killers can't destroy crates at all!","In protest of the upcoming manual reporting system, I for one will report any survivor that camps a pallet or hooksave" +"This is all very useful advice if you're limited to a shotgun for some reason. If you aren't, it seems really antiquated and ineffective. So much time spend discussing reloading technique because magazine capacity is comparatively low. You don't have to be limited to five or nine rounds followed by single-shot-reloads. You can use a modern rifle with a 30 round magazine and you're basically set unless attacked by the mafia.",Yeah except with a shotgun you can load it with buckshot and create a wall of lead shreading everything in front of it. +I plan on holding out until the V20 releases to turn mine in. I'm busy as can be right now and I don't want extra fuss of configuring some sort of loaner device until later this month.,So busy that a small fire in your hands/face area is no biggie! +"Exactly. If i was talking to my real friends, theres a real chance i wouldve said pussy grabbing tiger, for comedic effect",No other guy has EVER talked like trump has to their friends.. no.. never.. +Not sure how valid this is but someone in a chat group on CBS says they went to HS and college with Shelby and claims she is a bully?,Maybe they didn't get her sense of humor. +It's never cut and dry though. What about the children of illegals who spent most of their life here?,I think dudemanbro forgot a +Does anyone else remember the Pilgrims eating hot dogs on Thanksgiving?,I thought it was tacos +Wouldn't it be neat if the FCC made them cough up the email chain and the executive who established the criminal theft policy was put in jail for as long a period of time as if he were a minority inner city youth who had stolen as much? That would be fun.,too bad corporation are people too... +"Actually it's the rocket launcher that gives faster power ups. Proof is that I was on round 40 and hadn't gotten a max ammo for awhile, got the rocket launcher out of the box, used all my ammo killing one zombie and he dropped a max ammo. Come on now...",Forgot the +anyone train for a half-marathon or generally stay in shape during M3 year? How u do dis?,I've heard you should take the stairs because nurses and attendings with make comments about how lazy you are +How dirty do Danielle voters feel to be on the side of Zaulie fans?,I think we refer to ourselves as Zupporters from now on +"When you were in Elementary School, what thoughts passed through your head when and if you were called to the office ?","Shit, my mom is going to take my gameboy away" +maybe not charging them for crimes which normally would be passed if committed by white people.,"Lol Just stop charging people with crimes I mean you're not wrong, that would certainly stop crime!" +Did you just assume my gender?,I think you're getting downvoted because you forgot the +"Catholic iconography is full of all kinds of suffering porn. There is so much masochism in the Catholic faith it's not surprising that bdsm dungeons draw so much influence from the Inquisition. Self flagellation, wearing a mortification belt around your thigh if you are seriously into opus dei. I swear half of you guys are closet masochists. I suspect many a student found their kink when they got punished by nuns.",TIL Jesus was a masochist +"I mean, FWIW, I never even heard anything about the accusations until this time around (whenever that started, maybe a year ago?).","Right, which is naturally just proof that you are internalizing rape culture, isn't it?" +A Crucible playlist with modifiers other than Chaff (Inferno) would actually be really cool. Imagine Brawler. One punch kills. People would play completely differently.,Yeah rather than a shotgun they'd slide at you with fists. +Take away the cute puns in Madolche. Madolche Owl. Madolche Angel. Madolche Queen.,I think you missed the Fun tag in the title. +literally unplayable,minor text fixes bug fixes +NFL teams will now be fined for posting videos and GIFs during games,"But on the bright side, National Anthem protests are still fair game." +*bing*,Lack of acknowledgement of Cinema Sins reference *bing* +"Hey, question.. since you're all Australian 'n stuff, and i've had too many beers tonight. With the political environment over here in the US, this place is kinda turning into a shit-show. Can I come chill with you guys for about a decade?",NO REFUGEES. +"There are countless good reasons why someone may have difficulty graduating from high school. Maybe their family situation is horrific, maybe they are depressed or suffer from some other psychological disorder, maybe they are taking a heavier or harder course load and are cracking under the pressure to succeed applied by themselves and their families, and on and on. That you just presume that it's equally easy for everyone says a lot more about you than it does about anyone else.",You must be new around here... +President Joko Widodo named 13th most influential Muslim in the world,"Nooooooo, he's supposed to be Chinese kafir, not muslim" +Billy Bush Enlists Crisis PR Firm to Manage NBC Exit,He can get a job in the Trump administration. +Why are you circling me?,Wow... the suspense... +"I tried bounty hunting after running long distance trade and exploration but after dropping 20 mil on an outfitted Vulture and trying my luck on a hazres I was only making 400 k per outing, including the 150 k anacondas. That didn't cover the insurance for the ship. Whereas I can make 8 to 10 mil a run in my AspX from the biowaste hauls. Though 400 lys there and another 400 lys back does hurt after a while.",It must hurt so bad to earn more money than any other profession while being able to watch netflix or play another game at the same time. +*#*notallmen lel,Proof that the only racism that exists is towards white men +This is exactly what I did with all my money and the money of a couple of buddies. If the pound falls under the euro I will move to a different european country. It makes no sense to me to stay and work for less valuable money or invest on devaluing assets.,We did it guys everyone is leaving. +"Hillary crowd is only 3051 people. Someone counted them one by one! Media says 18,000...","To correct the record, one secret service guy and a press photographer next to stage are missing their dots, so it is actually 3,053 people, The_Donald clearly keeps lying and does its usual smearing." +"He has his friends coming to help him. I am not allowed to be there because I am an evil witch that has put a spell on him... FH actually spoke to the lawyer about recording the whole thing, and she agrees that he should do that. :) He's a smart cookie. :D",he is and sweetie if are a witch your the good sort :P making poor DH stand up for himself how very dare you +Deputy shoots woman reaching for cellphone during stop,"she was reaching for a Samsung Galaxy 7, so he considered it an infernal machine" +Teen Beauty Queens: Trump Walked In On Us Changing,Now *that* is truly presidential behavior! +Honestly 2 assists for a midfielder who's team then goes on to win easily is more than enough. I can't believe he didn't get an IF.,Scoring 4 goals against a team where 1 player is professional at most doesnt warrant an if either or scoting 3 ( Benteke) +Is Trump's locker room talk starting to sound gay to anyway one else? The things he says make me wonder if he's ever touched an adult woman in his life.,"You're trying to deflect attention from the fact that Michelle Obama is really a man, aren't you?" +I was ripped from the womb two days before my scheduled birth... via c-section.,Such a nasty person +"Samsung Kills Galaxy Note 7, Shares fall by 8%",This kills the Galaxy Note... +Arm Size to Bench Press Survey,15/19.75/405 +Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Bragged About Being Invited to Putin's 'Inner Sanctum',But trump might have an office building there +"I'll go ahead and say it. A vote for her is a fucking stupid vote. You vote for her, shoot yourself because you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, in my opinion.",Butbutbutbut trump doesn't respect women! +Lesbian Ghosthunters set out to smash the stereotype that ghosts are all hetereosexual,Waiting for the comments about getting a straight Project Runway. +"You make some good points. And I totally agree that the 18yo scenario that you proposed sounds creepy, immature, and rapey. Most of the comments that have gotten under my skin are when I see people saying that Trump brags about grabbing women by the pussy. I think I might be guilty of associating that misleading statement with more valid complaints about what he said. I ended up listening to the clip again based on what you're saying and 100% don't like the way he talks about women in the clip. Here's what I hear in the tape when I listen: He told Bush that he failed when he tried to make a move on a married woman (cheating, yuk). He took her furniture shopping and didn't end up woo-ing her. Made some derogatory comments about her that are gross. He sees an attractive woman and eats some tic tacs, I presume because he doesn't want her to have a negative impression of his breath smelling and makes a joke about In case I kiss her. Automatically attracted to beautiful women - guy talk. I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet.Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. This is the worst part I think. I think it's fair to assume he means I don't even wait [for permission?] but he doesn't actually say that, he could mean he doesn't wait to get home or to be in private. He also says that they let you do it [kiss them?] He's not saying he forces it if/when someone says no. In fact, he opened this tape up with saying how he failed to move in on the married woman. Then the next section is the You can do anything, [BUSH: Whatever you want?] Grab them by the pussy [BUSH:Laugh]. You can do anything.. Hyperbole, crude, inappropriate joke used to emphasize his point that as a star women let you do anything. Next, a few cat calls - pervy but guy talk. He then gets off the bus and *doesn't* automatically start kissing the attractive woman. Bush awkwardly proposes a hug for Donald and they hug/he kisses her on the cheek -- a family feud style interaction. The bottom line is that I don't approve of that conduct and it's not something I'd like to hear out of a 59 year old man let alone a presidential nominee. However, I think it's also really damaging to people's/the media's credibility to spin or exaggerate things at a time where the public trust of the media is already really damaged. I just wish that the media and Reddit would focus more on spreading information and letting people form their own opinions instead of twisting things and shaping perceptions. Well I am starting to regret posting my thoughts as it seems most people would rather not see them judging by the downvotes...but thanks for taking the time to make a good counter arguement.",Why focus on actual issues when we can call someone a sexist? +Who is Spieldberg?,"The guy who did Schindlder's ldist, Cldose Encounters, Raiders of the Ldost ark etc." +What's wrong with scarab?,Never meta in pro scene so it must be a shitty car. +no,Why? +You're the type of person that tries to push the boundaries of the law and then when you get caught you're saying you didn't do anything wrong because there is no clear rule/law for it. Just because there's no rule on it doesn't mean it's right.,"But dude, you have such shitty logic!" +"Move over computer engineering, Mechanical is new trend. In terms of placement also, Mechanical has shown an increase in numbers over the last four years.","I mean, they do spend all that time reading up instead of getting laid" +"Someone who breaks the law is still a criminal, regardless of whether they ever face charges or not.","oh yeah, for sure, she's left a trail of bodies in her wake" +"Software Development. Despite the fact that most developers will acknowledge that 99.9% of the time there are many ways to go about doing something, everything that they weigh in on always falls in that other 0.1% category. Efficiency, leaner code, readability all being among the I'm still more right justifications - often being baseless assertions detached from the reality of the code in contest...","OMG you used 4 lines to write this, I could do that in 3, so ineffecient" +Seems my CB position is set for the next 15 years or so,"if clubs like man city , barca , real , psg don't bid on him that is." +"But you guessed it on the first try, whats up with that?",FedEx was a clue I had? +"Laine on the left, Connor on the right... Our power play will be devastating in a few years time, if not sooner. I'm excited to see what both these guys can bring offensively.",2019 Stanley Cup confirmed. +Amazon takes on Spotify with streaming music services that cost less than $10 a month,I'm so thrilled about another new and exciting product for which I'll have to wait 5 years before it's available here in Canada. +"Related: Can we have different classes of Social Justice Fighters? Like, I want to be a Social Justice Ranger, can I do that? Valiantly fighting the forces of evil with my faithful animal companion at my side! that^isn't^too^nerdy^right?",I wanna be the Social Justice Barbarian! +"What's that one thing you always fuck up, no matter how much you try?",Microwave pasta +Who's your favorite player who was loyal to one team his entire career?,Darrelle Revis +Fishing in Russia,I kept reading the title as Ice Fishing in Russia and got irrationally angry at the fact it wasn't ice fishing... +Karlsson is just too good. Best defenceman in the league IMO.,I dought it +Since when has ignore them and they'll go away ever worked with these chucklefucks?,Didn't you know racism worldwide was defeated by just acting as if no racism exists? +"Scarlett Johansson Voting For Hillary Clinton: She Has Stamina, Integrity & Is Very Clever",She's just angling to play her in the movie in 20 years. +"A part of me sometimes wish ethics never got invented, so we could do some fucked up science just to see what a human-chimpanzee hybrid looks like. I'd call my humonkey Steve.",I wish we could discover ethics for economics +CBSNEWS: More questionable footage of Trump's comments on women,"Oh no, I better let Clinton win the election over this!" +"Oh dang! I didn't realize that there were still Romans, Spartans, and Vikings around to be offended.","Yeah, it's good we killed all the Romans." +"My little brother as The Nightcrawler, circa 1989. I love this kid.","So painting your face black is offensive, but blue is perfectly fine?" +Supermarket: $2.5 Strawberry punnets are cheap ATM $2.0 Small tub yogurt $0.5 Add a banana $1.5 Grab a couple of slices of cold meat $0.7 Bread roll $2.2 Ice coffee BYO your own yogurt spoon.,Ain't none of the reddit generation got no time for that! +What's your favorite thing that your pet does?,Shits on the floor. +"Gabe The Dog barks 388,340,612,661 times",This must have been a pain to render +A whole bunch of conservatives staring at Obama's crotch until an imaginary boner appears. Can't decide if it's bonergate or POTUS ERECTUS.,"None of those conservatives are gay, you understand?" +First look of Amber Heard as Mera,AKA Emily Blunt turned us down... +"The PLAN, God's all important PLAN! A friend who is an active church member had something positive happen for him and he credits The Plan God has for him. I asked him if that same God's PLAN was responsible for a mutual friend dying of cancer, another dying from getting hit by a drunk driver, the abject homeless and poor starving to death across the world? What kind of PLAN is it that assures us God loves each and every one of us, cares for us and knows all about us while sitting up wherever and watching all the pain and misery? All the children dying of cancer? The people starving to death by the thousands across the world? What kind of PLAN is that?",It's the plan where only the exceptionally valiant in the pre-existence have a shot at finding their keys. +yeah because he couldn't possibly be spiritual and thankful for doctors at the same time,Although he does say thank *only* the man above +Teleporting to the front yard,That was beautiful +Can we get qt reacting to rush reacting to him?,it's ladder goat all over again +"I agree with Putin that the hypocrisy from the West is astounding, but he's no saint either. The U.S. might be #1 in arms dealing and proxy wars and arming rebels, but Russia is #2, and meddles in Eastern Europe AND the Middle East.",Russia is #2 so it's ok. +I want to know how he got up there in the first place,Obviously building one by one with micro jumps +One of Warnie's wristy's,NSFW tag please. +"The point is that the fighters were drawn to your location, getting you spotted when you wouldn't have been and ruining your primary advantage. BBs and CAs have better AA support in order to act as a better counter to fighter anyways, so there's really no reason to go over isolated DDs",my Mutsuki can chew through a T8 fighter squad in 6 to 8 minutes... no problem there +In Praise of a President Who Offered America Eight Dignified Years Free of Sex Scandals,"He may have been a terrible president, but at least he didn't have any sex scandals" +"I got up in the middle of the night, made sure my companion was fast asleep, and drove to a strip club a couple of blocks away. My grandfather would not be pleased.",No wonder you are here! +This is news to my ears. When did Hillary and Obama invade Syria?,"Look at these corrupt politicians, waging wars without us even knowing" +I guess Hollande is just a far-right politician...,Ya France is known for their super conservative principles and policies. +Seems like Team Clinton isn't super fond of the Catholic Church.,What makes you say that? +But if we dont start theorycrafting and roasting over something that we still dont even know how can we spend all that freetime that we have and dont spend playing league because we hate the game?,"Can confirm, don't like this game." +Why would you ruin your child's entire life just because you assume they'll be too stupid to spell their own name?,Punishment for labor +I'm somewhat baffled by this. Isn't... isn't what he's describing more or less how it should be? Or am I missing something?,Found the radical lefty! +"For what it's worth. I don't think it's as big as a risk as people think. He has an engineering degree. If he changes his mind it's not like he'll be jobless for years. He's only been at his job what like a year?? Not like he's invested a lifetime into it. If smash makes him happy, I say do it. He'll haven't plenty of time to build a career as an engineer when he retires from smash.",it says here you quit your last job to play more smash bros melee for the Nintendo game cube..? +I'm actually thinking about it. Worst case scenario is they say no.,worst case scenario is they say yes and you fuck up all Valve VR efforts in Linux. +Picture from the ISS of hurricane Ivan looks like the portal to Agartha,I thought this was a scene from Sonic Adventure DX +"When you get your ass handed to you by an old guy who isn't Dan Severn, it's time to remove yourself from the gene pool.","Dont worry, its just genetics that this sjw doesnt has any strenght." +haha is there a story?,"Women, ammirite?" +"^(For real? Rodgers is still awesome and it's his receivers who suck, a sketchy line and a tough schedule so far)",upvoted because i have to assume this is +What is something most think is real but is really fake?,The moon landing +"Resigning as m- -Wait, I'm no longer a mod, I already resigned. Dammit. But just in case, I'm no longer a mod. Don't ping me in stuff.",Oh largate a la chingada hijo de puta. +Uhh source?,"OMG, I'm surprised it didn't hit on mainstream media" +"Incidentally, all the other prime ministers of India were, too!",*Ba dum tsh* +"I want to see him absolutely rake in this movie. Slice, dice, brutality, decapitations, all of it. He needs to show in this why he is so feared and the second most powerful individual in the galaxy.",But star wars is for kids +One where this rich white man spent 18 months insulting the most powerful person on the planet. He ain't going to catch the normal breaks Hillary will make sure of that.,"Wait; you're saying that the person elected president will influence the outcome of a judges decision... Sounds like a justifiable, honest and trustworthy use of their power to me" +Trespassing at a cell phone tower is now an act of domestic terrorism,"So this should also mean that intercepting signals to and from said tower is also an act of domestic terrorism, right?" +I think that is great. Retail could all learn something from Chick-fil-A and treat employees with some dignity.,"They better not treat gay people with dignity, though." +When your Tiny loves his tree SOOO much . . .,Doesn't everyone know that two aghs on tiny makes him duel wield trees for +100 attack speed +Didn't the whole -morph thing get scientifically debunked?,Yes. +I live with my mom so I could just have her lean against the door.,We know +"xxs? Do fuckin smurfs play this game? I'm the skinniest dude you'll meet but anything less than a medium looks like a crop top on me, and I'm average height",Anyone who beats you is either a smerf or a hacker. +"Let's be honest here, Just everything in the control panel that's not in settings, needs to be moved if your wanting to merge them, IMO.",Like it's that easy. +player uses a gravity star to bend his shots over a roof,I bet the hitscan on that is *just amazing*. +"I'm REALLY pissed off right now. Ok, lets completely ignore the fact that Hux could've easily dealt with Exeggutor, lets leave CHL in against something he's weak to, great idea there guys, glad to see they haven't learned ANYTHING despite the continually growing pile of bodies that they've been leaving behind. /rant","c'mon, it's grass/psychic against fire/dark, there's so much that could go wrong!" +Allowing your enemy to withdraw for the sake of avoiding a pointlessly destructive battle isn't something new,"If we kill a few dozen IS members, but kill tens of thousands of civilians, it evens out!" +"She sexually violated so many men in such a short amount of time, it was disturbing.",She's just *flirting* silly! +Donald Trump Lauren Southern Emily Rutherford Paul Joseph Watson Needless to say my feed is 80% political,Safe to say you support Hillary? +"These are conspiracy theories, through and through. Politicians do not do any special favors in any way for anyone who gives them money or donates to their campaigns or foundations.",Just doesn't happen and anyone who thinks that might be the case is just stupid and naive +Question Jedi Knight and Companions in KotFE I played the first nine chapters of the expansion last year and a few days ago I started playing again mainly because of the upcoming KotET. I'm at chapter 14 now and a lot of companions I know from other classes are coming back but there is still no sign of any Jedi Knight companion. Will the chapters 14-16 provide me with any of them? This is definitely my biggest gripe with the expansion. I know you can get them back via the terminal but they don't interact with you. I love some of the new companions like Lana or Senya but I want my Kira and Scourge back. Have her interact with the others. This seems so weird since KotFE is basically the continuation of the Jedi Knights story instead we get a Trooper companion like Jorgan. And by the way. Where the hell is Elara Dorne!? Granted I haven't finished the Trooper story yet but I expected her when I saw Jorgan. Well way to much text. Tl;dr: Will companions of the Jedi Knight show up in the chapters 14-16?,[The Chiss companion from DvL has comments on Kira apparently so make sure you hit eternal tier for the event.] +"Reddit.. Come November 9, how can Reddit hold all the Trump supporters accountable who bet their accounts if Trump loses the election?","Unless you were able to shake on the bet, a lot of people would say its invalid." +gorgeous George,... against a bare-knuckle champion? +It wasn't until the Celtics and Knicks played each other that Boston and New York had anything resembling a rivalry.,Ya the Red Sox and Yankees were never rivals before then. +yeah thats pretty much explains me.,And everyone hates you for it. +"Which VR headset would you purchase/do you own, the Vive or the Rift? Been so torn on both for a couple of days now. Literally have been on the final checkout page for both and can't make a decision. About a week ago it was going to be the Vive, better games/roomscale/brand quality. But after OC3, it seems like the Rift have definitely caught up and come Dec 6 (Touch controllers release) might be the better headset. But i don't know, and I'd like to get a (hopefully) non biased opinion. Thanks guys.",ps4 pro + psvr +They;re comiing because its their job you degenerate.,No bro its all for fun! +"Hal Finney: ...there is a very good reason for Bitcoin-backed banks to exist, issuing their own digital cash currency, redeemable for bitcoins.",Who is this Finney guy and how'd he end up on Blockstream's payroll? +"Why don't Class halls have a mailbox? You can stick a god damn mailbox in the middle of nowhere, but like fuck did anybody think hey. some of the most powerful guys/gals alive right now tend to frequent these places. let's give them some way to collect their mail",To keep engineering relevant +"I thought AIT would be better than basic. Oh ho ho, how wrong I was! Fort Gordon somehow made me long for the simpler days at Fort Jackson painting pebbles and raking sand. Best hot wings I've ever had were from The Wild Wing Cafe in Augusta though. Goddamn I miss those wings...",You can always go back for NCOES.... +97-06,Thanks that's just the answer I needed +The same day the baby boomers take responsibility for our corrupt political process and rigged economy. Unfortunately many of the religious are also baby boomers. The whole generation seems almost incapable of seeing anything outside their own very narrow perspective.,But don't deregulation and religion solve everything? +"There are a dizzying two trillion galaxies in the universe, up to 20 times more than previously thought, astronomers reported on Thursday. The surprising finding, based on 3D modeling of images collected over 20 years by the Hubble Space Telescope, was published in the Astronomical Journal.","Good job media, this is more important than Bill Clinton's raping, and the Obama erection video." +Fox Business host Lou Dobbs tweets phone number and address of Donald Trump sexual assault accuser,"but when *I* do it its doxxing, and I get banned, thanks hitler mods" +Thanks Microsoft!,Your a 480 it clearly says 600 series+ +In light of the current situation in South Africa,"OMG, is that black-facing?" +"Well, russian here. I had two Domashna Banitsa on a breakfast. For 1 leva it was basically a steal. Planning to have some Shkembe and Guvech on a dinner. Maybe gonna chase it with a Yambolska Grozdova. Which is gonna be 10 leva tops. Which is even more steal. So guess what? I just Pohitil few beautiful dishes represented in BEAUTIFUL bulgarian cuisine and in not proud of it. But what can i do? Russians known for stealing stuff.",You are so funny. +Been in a relationship for 5 years. Now I won't agree my gf would just start blowing me but she wouldn't be mad. But then again why would I be looking at porn with her in the room with me? Who looks at porn without the goal of beating off?,They could just be watching it for science +Baited! Ep #10 ft. Leafy - Leafy vs Keemstar (literally) by Baited Podcast,Leafy's chin is too defined in the art used for this certain podcast +How did you learn that Santa isn't real?,Found the 'Made in China' marking on the toy I had received. +it tastes like sarcasm,thank you so much +"Is dat de Pepernotenfabriek, dus eigenlijk een winkel, of daadwerkelijk een fysieke fabriek? Mijn vriend werkt namelijk om de hoek van de echte fabriek, en dat ruikt altijd super lekker",Een winkel van Van Delft +The amount of people who still defend this mechanic is staggering.,But muh historical accuracy! +The Republicans are terrorists. There's no real way to dispute that anymore.,White people cant be terrorists +"It's easy to forget, too, that Maldonado could out-right fly in a race car when everything was perfect. He always had the pace, but he just lacked at almost everything else (except money). His 2012 win wasn't just a fluke, ie it was an earned win; he held a charging and faster-on-newer-tires Alonso at bay over a course of multiple laps without putting a foot wrong. The ability to hold off Alonso when 'he's faster than you' will always be impressive.",Well if you don't use the brake pedal you're definitely going to be flying on and off the track. +Upvote and repost this or you will always be poor!,Better upvote just in case... can't hurt right? +Red can't destroy enchantments but other than that I like it.,Yeah better change it to land. +Thank you Obama!,"No, we as whites are at fault for our imperialistic behavior and our racism and bigotry." +Paedophiles to face chemical castration and possibly execution under Indonesia's brutal new laws: The new laws follow outcry over the rape and murder of a 14-year-old girl on her way home from school in April,"In other news, the Catholic church has announced plans to pull out of Indonesia ..." +Sind wahrscheinlich irgendwelche Antifa Idioten mit falschen Accounts. Das ist doch recht offensichtlich.,Nicht sicher ob +Don't be so hysterical and don't trivialise domestic violence.,You forgot the +"Red and blue camps will be solo camps in the pre-season, raptors now 5+1",Historical buff to Clearlove. +Who am I ruining the game for if we're a 5man premade?,Your 5 opponents who wanted to play a competetive match... +something like TRUMP PROFITED FROM 9/11?,Everyone knows Trump knocked down the towers because he wanted his building to be the tallest +"I find this new generation quite amusing. Its empowering if women find a sugar daddy and use their bodies to achieve their goals but if a man makes a comment about it we go into a fit of rage? Trump is an idiot, lets just get that out of the way. But what he said about women isn't entirely false. Women do tend to allow men with money to do as they please in exchange for material goods that they have been programmed to want since they were little girls. There is websites that allow for the arrangement of Men seeking women that could be their daughters to exchange sex for gifts and everyone somehow labels it as different from prostitution or escorting, I guess because they are pretending to have feelings for this man old enough to be their father? Look at Trumps wife, now take away his money and power, do you still see her in the picture? Probably not. Why are women not held responsible for their actions? Dan Bilzerian (forget your perception about him for a moment) Posted a photo immediately following this of him grabbing a woman's vagina and posted it to his millions of followers. As she stands there smiling in her bikini does anyone ever consider the influence that she has on young girls that see these images? There is zero accountability of the most powerful in society but yeah lets all gang up on a local meat shop. They made a joke, they're a meat shop they don't have to hold up some crazy standard to match your political standing. Lighten up.",I find the term meat shop very offensive +Whoop whoop wud up Juggallos and Juggalletes? Can you hook a family member up with best ICP matches on the Network?,This sub can be so welcoming.. +"Hate all you want, but this is fucking pathetic. They (they being Activision, Infinity Ward and Sony) have known this date was gonna come for months and they weren't prepared. That's a fact. They know that everyone and their mom are gonna get on right at 1PM, and now they aren't even specifying a time frame and leaving us fans in the dark again. Like they knew this date was coming even longer than we have, HAVE YOUR FUCKING SHIT TOGETHER. This is why you do a surprise release, so people can slowly get on and you can test your servers. Now we've got Infinity Ward saying shortly and ATVIAssist saying delayed. Give me a fucking break, you guys make billions of dollars and can't coordinate with Sony to make sure there is no problems. Fucking pathetic.",Software development is easy +Road to Pre-Season: Practice Tool in the Works,"I know this is going to get lost is all of the posts, but all I really want from this personally, as a gold adc main, is a way to practice last hitting minions at level 1" +"Trump supporters believe they're the most oppressed people on Earth. Meanwhile they're living in one of the best countries on Earth, they have been here for generations, they own several guns, enjoy tons of freedom, and now have taken over the most successful party in the history of American politics. They aren't oppressed- anyone can see this. They always talk about the left's victim complex- but at least it's with historically marginalized groups. This victim complex is MUCH worse and MUCH more insane and irrational.",Freedom isn't freedom unless you can grope whomever you want whenever you want. +How to Chain Dodge Guide!,Diffensive asked for it like 4 days ago this is outrageously late. +JFK vs Hillary Clinton who was the better president?,JFK because he was a man. +FUCKING $ACAD. WHY DONT YOU JUST STAB ME IN THE EYES INSTEAD OF TEARING MY ASS APART FUCK,but it has a $44 PT! +Samsung finally identifies design flaw in Note 7..,Samsung finally learns their lesson to stop outsourcing battery production to North Korea. +And you don't understand how impractical that is for most of us?,Obviously you're just too lazy to understand how doable and completely practical it is +"My phone, it's from 2012 and cost around $120, still working, still doing what it should (which is browsing reddit and calling people)",Pleb..still using a phone to call people +"Is it just me or is Vancouver and the whole GVRD in a mega state of lick A$$? The job market is fucking wack, the people are sucking a big one - everyone is a clicky little bitch. The housing market is so shitty, which affects the rental market. Like $2300 for dinky little 2 bdrm 600 Sq ft apt in N.BBY? Like fuck, its not even Vancouver. Get the fuck over yourself. I have grown to resent this area of the world and all it's shit. I wish this place was like 500 year older. No god damn history. Vancouver is such a god damn whiney little teenager bitch who cries every time it doesn't get it's way. A demanding spoiled little bastard that needs to realize that it would get fucked up if it didn't have all of mommy and daddy's money. Fuck you Vancouver for being such a piece of shit. Fuck you.",How do you really feel? +DAE HATE PAYING TAXES LOLOLOL,Taxes are literally rape but literal rape isn't that bad women really need to calm down. +I think I'm still starting him over Pryor and Fuller this week. That matchup is too good to ignore.,Whoa now that's bold! +It would be a shame if this picture of Donald Trump and Michael Jackson got to /all.,#**STOP BRIGADING /ALL** +"Phoenix pastor arrested for impregnating 13-year-old, marrying 10-year-old","But remember, it's the gays who are all immoral pedophiles, all those good and righteous christian preachers said so..." +"Have you played it before the whole place received a nerf? Because if you Have, you must be a masochist for not hating the crap out of the area","Nah, I started sometime this summer in SotFS, so thankfully I didn't have to suffer pre-nerf magic." +"My dad once said he'd be cool with me being a gay, Democratic, Oklahoma State fan (all three are equivalent in his eyes), but he'd disown me if I ever bought a Ford...","Found On Road Dead, yep, I'd disown you too." +Around the verse today? Thought we were gettimg one,cancelled indefinitely +Light tank on the deck of the San Francisco Maru WW2 sunken ship in Truk Lagoon (Pacific),If it's so light how can it sink? +"Uncouth it may be, but can anyone provide evidence to the contrary?",Nobody on reddit has ever seen porn +"i dont think theres a problem in interracial marriage, lawfully and socially. inter-faith marriage on the other hand though.... they act like youre just murdered a newborn lol",Or even worse they will blame you as 'Global Elite' or a Jew +"You can see it in TD right now, they went ape shit that Hillary dared to prepare for possible debate questions",Because being prepared is definitely an undesirable quality to have in your nation's leader. +Gloria Allred press conference on Donald Trump,A star that burns twice as bright only burns for half as long and its light cares nothing for the consent of other bodies. +"It honestly boggles my mind that Amazon hasn't cleaned up their prime interface yet. I hear that complaint about it everywhere, so it's definitely not just a small number of people.",I dont have Prime but I find that really strange since the only Amazon service I actually use is AWS which is extremely user friendly +"Why are bottoms so catty to other bottoms? My bf and I have an open relationship. We've mostly had vers and top guys. However, every time another bottom gets into the mix he's a primadonna. There's only been one guy who's been great and we ended up having mutual ass play. It was great. Anyway, I'm asking because my bf invited this *hot* jock type on Wednesday. Muscular, handsome, and a bottom. And...he seemed greedy. He didn't like the idea of sharing my bfs cock. Naturally, I'm a very playful guy. I love the few times other bottoms and I have been in sync and make my bf happy. ;) No. this guy was rejecting my advances. I even wanted to eat his ass but told me I don't trust bottoms to do a tops work We made out. That's it. Any other guy has had a similar experience or have a theory?",Because bottoms are like the women of the gay community and women are catty AF to each other. +So... How wasn't I contesting?,Because you're genji and you're literally Hitler +Let's be Broz,"Disliked, reported, and marked for gulaging due to misogynist vocabulary." +So if I call you a name and evoke an emotion and it's art? No. Not everything is art. This type of thinking is shit and a product of no talents like Andy Warhol that were branding geniuses.,Branding IS art. +Trump's America: 3 Men Arrested After Plotting to Bomb an Apartment Complex Filled With Somali Immigrants & Refugees,But... but... I thought the immigrant muslims were the terrorists +"Im 17, the children are wrong. I hate being grouped with the millennial generation. The pc culture this generation has brought forth is a cancer to society.","Back to the late 80s with you, angsty goth teen!" +31 Spooky Books to Read This Halloween,"Thanks, I needed something other than the typical King and Gaiman recommendations." +"Rupees one Lakh Crores: Rs 1,00,000,00,00,000 Awful , awful commas. Why don't we say as Rupees one trillion: Rs 1,000,000,000,000 ?","And while we are at it, why don't we also start using miles, gallons and pounds?" +"*Hansel and Gretel* was written. That's a fact about a fairy tale, you moron.","Of course that's a fact, OP is only saying he can't learn it." +"Bought my first Dslr, but confused. (d3200) So i bought myself a nikon d3200, after weeks of trying to buy myself either a canon t4i, t3i, or d5200/d3300 i saw the d3200 bid on ebay and just put a number in my budget and won, it came in and its a great camera but now im just feeling should i have gotten a d5200 or anything like a t4i? Idk the other ones just have so much more stuff like the d5200 was what i was looking at especially, it has 39 freaking autofocus point 60fps 1080p shooting. I want someones opinion on if i should trade my 3200 in for d5200 or anything else. Thanks.","Yeah, I'd say your best bet is to trade it in and get a 1DX mkII." +"The NFL's highest-paid players at every position, from quarterback to long snapper","Well I mean, the first is immediately wrong, but OK, good journalism." +roast my stats reddit,Clearly well quested account +It almost rivals a base range matador!,Nowhere near the range of Stormcaller melee! +What post-2000 song will be/is considered a clasic?,Allstar by smashmouth +aggression makes me want to die,BUT DAMAGE +"That's interesting. I'm wondering if it's the scandals hurting him, or if it is Trump claiming the election is rigged and demoralizing his own supporters.",It's because of my effective CTR shilling! +I now know why Deus Ex: Mankind Divided uses a whopping 7GB of VRAM on ultra...,AMD payed the devs as RX 480 8GB advertisement. +"Before you totally write her off, know that through mystic arts you can harness energy and shape reality. You can travel long distances in an instant. I've seen it with my own eyes. The reality you know is one of many.","I think you forgot this," +Group accuses Mike Pence of voter suppression after state police raid registration program in Indiana,"It's better to stop 45,000 innocent people from voting than to allow a single fraudulent vote" +"editing OT lines? So not sure if this has been discussed before, but is there a way to change lines for OT? I dont see anything for it and dont really like the lines it throws ou for me. Also, is there a way to change lines in between periods? Want to try out a new line, but if it doesnt work, I'd like to change it back at the end of the first. Thanks, Gucci",The technology isn't there yet. +There was a car accident. It shoved a car into the motel.,Yeah that must of been it. +None. Worse case scenario people find out that I hate the troops and capitalism,Translation: you're a terrorist and a Commie +"Subtitles make mining so much easier! I just recently got back into playing Minecraft, and decided to turn on subtitles to see if it would make mining any easier, and it sure did! The second I turned them on, it showed a bat and lava to the left, allowing me to find a cave almost instantly. I figured I would post this just in case anyone wants to have a bit of an easier time with mining. :P","can u explain this abit more, what do u mean with subtitles?" +That guy on the left is obviously using aimbot.,Dude pls we all know that cheating on consoles is impossible +What the actual fuck?!,I got banned for using +"Well, he is a gay atheist muslim terrorist who is literally the devil. So of course you have to oppose anything he is for.",Dude like four of those words mean the same thing stop being so repetitive +But... there are only five questions...,"The dude's Russian, give him a break." +"TIL There are more former TNA World Champions on WWEs roster than on TNAs roster There are 7 former TNA World Heavyweight Champions signed with WWE: Sting, Samoa Joe, Mick Foley, AJ Styles, Bobby Roode, Austin Aries and Eric Young. Meanwhile, there's only 6 working for TNA: Jeff Hardy, James Storm, EC3, Matt Hardy, Drew Galloway and Lashley. The other former champions are Kurt Angle, RVD, Mr. Anderson, Bully Ray, Chris Sabin and Magnus, who aren't with either company.",WWE is just a retirement home for TNA castoffs. +Dennis Wideman sits tonight !,Dat trade value tho +Best Non Monstercat Melbourne Bounce Songs? Help me out here guys,"Dimatik, Monik & Carroch - Giratina is pretty good imo." +So first someone said nukes crash and now arnies crash what is next the thunder gun then widows wine.. Guys don't use anything on revelations since it could crash your game just run for your life until you get fatigued.,The real strat is death and taxes with danger closest +Nigel Farage: There are lots of things in this campaign that I couldn't support in any way at all or nor do I.,What a cuck! +WIKILEAKS : A Hillary Win Means the Supreme Court Locking in a Liberal Agenda For Decades,Oh no! +"The TLDR version: I've somehow confused gender with identity, and I obsess way too much about it.",Identity politics are everything! +M'Lady,Umm you forgot to tip your Fedora... +how much?,28 Keys +From Slovenia,Where in Slovakia did you find this? +Oregon's Pharaoh Brown tweets about Ole Miss' offensive speed,"It's that SEC speed, man." +Im guessing monk players are angry?,"They just don't get the way the spec is supposed to be played, man." +Yea most people here seem to assume its low specs not meeting the system requirements. I am close to the recommended specs for rocket league and the problems still persist.,"Switch to ps4 then, seems to be running fine there :p" +Is the new inferno supposed to look like this?,"Your aspect ratio is broken, so no." +"In Japan, a man asked me and my friend if we were from Russia. We said, in fluent Japanese, No, Belgium. He's like, Aaah, Belgium, Minnesota?. Yeah, Belgium, Minnesota. There was also that tardshit who told me to stop being a lying libscum leftist for saying Palestine was being tyrannized and oppressed while also aggravating their own situation through acts of pointless terror. She insisted Palestine was fine and there was no issue with those militant black Hebrews. That dumbass thought Palestine, Texas, was the only and original place by that name.","TIL Japanese people know small towns in Minnesota with 111 inhabitants, but don't know European countries with 11 million inhabitants." +yeah Philly is weird about our words and pronunciation. but it's a hoagie not a fucking sub you heathens.,"It's hero, you madman!" +Is this Inner Ability worth keeping?,"It would be, but attack from inner ability isn't affected by % att." +Anyone else see these planes yesterday?,Helps spread the chemtrails over a wider area +Check out creative comics in griffith they usually have quite a bit people up there idk if they are older tho? They just opened an arcade with a bar in griffith too they have tournmany Tuesdays for their arcade machines usually a good way to meet people,Thank you Ill have to check them out. +"Hillary Clinton, Unfit for Public Office",Why doesn't this guy write something positive about Trump to be posted here? +What is the worst gift you've received/had to act super thrilled about it?,Life +During one of my years of high school I sat with a group of pretty hot girls at lunch everyday. (Didn't really have too many guy friends with the same lunch as me). I was pretty good friends with most of them and had been for like 5-6 years. ARE YOU ALL TELLING ME THAT THEY WOULD HAVE FUCKED ME BECAUSE THEY SAT WITH ME AT LUNCH AND WERE NICE? damn I missed out.,Well duhh +"BEST gold sink idea, the RS economy NEEDS this. (PLEASE READ)","Better yet a login tax, every time you log in you need to pay x-amount per minute you want to stay online." +Can I eat it without getting sick?,Can I eat it and get high? +"Well no, I think it's well established that fortune telling is a swindle Mohammad or Jesus or whatever magic man they go by has no more meaning or purpose in this world than Mystic Meg from the sun. Fucking idiots!","But if people stopped fearing the sky wizard and his magical prophet, then everyone would immediately turn into lying murderous homosexuals!" +Liu Kangs best variation since new patch? Title.,"Flame fist, because I saw him do 49% with one bar" +"Not a teacher or in elementary school, but my science teacher last year said that we should round up all Mexicans, not just illegal immigrants, and deport them to Mexico by boat. A boat to Mexico, lol.","They have to cross the river somehow, right?" +"That's what I heard over and over from the one Trump supporter in the office. It's just what people say, your generation (conveniently ignoring that Trump is old enough to be *her* father) just has no morals",Riiiiiiight the ones who **don't** want people to be sexually assaulted are the one's without morals..... +Different cooling and lower clocked i believe,"So, finally a lower clocked rx480!" +Why though.,i mean honestly who wouldn't want to do that if you stayed with her +"just hopping on this here real quick: on dev while working on something else than cache, i usually disable cache. Usually i do that by replacing my cache implementation with a null-implementation through config, not by removing a dependency from composer. You might want to look into running different configs for different environments ;)",Totally unrelated to your post but... how do you get that PHP icon next to your name? +They've done it in the past.,They would never forget PC gaming +Origin Support is 100x Better Than Steams... I got home today logged into origin to play Battlefield 1 and I got a message saying my account was already in use. FUCK! I check my bank account to make sure they didn't buy anything and thankfully they didn't. I filled out a support ticket to get it figured out. literally 3 minutes later and I get a call from Origin support and 5 minutes later I got my account back. With steam I would be hoping to get my account back by Christmas. Thank you EA for doing something right.,100 times zero is still zero +Please reduce delay on Nazeebo Q It is almost impossible to hit anyone now. Basically you're like chromie must predict where enemy will be next 2 seconds.,Same thing with Kerrigan's W. If only there was some kind of combo to make it work with the rest of her kit... +"he did. I was wondering if anyone on the sub had the file, and would be willing to give me a download link for it.",How much will you pay me +Any remnants of that whole shebang?,"I just checked, her post is still up." +Stop having reasons for being slow on production. I need you to tell me you're injured and have the aids.,"Yeah, maybe a Patreon would make things go easier." +"Her flaws, where are they? She is gorgeous",I think everyone is offended that their high-minded meditations on art are being interrupted by something as irrelevant and silly as the asthetics of the model. +TERRORISM: GOP office in North Carolina firebombed. Nazi Republicans get out of town or else spray painted on building.,I did nazi that coming +Cable management level - Pro,There's a cable coming out of your headphones 0/10 you pleb. +"10/10, really cute! But this dumb hair, when hes facing left/right. Looks kinda Trump, u know.",isnt that the best part tho +"Yeah I was in Mile end last year, which is 50% muslim. My neighbours brought over food during ramadan and everything! Also my neighbour was supporting his family through drug dealing, so I'm not entirely sure how much more he could have done to integrate into british society tbh :)",drug dealers as neighbours great! +"No, because we call what you call bacon BACON. Just Bacon. Canadian Bacon is a different thing.","i know that, guess i should've used a" +"The Russians did it! red scare tactics are just a pathetic and laughable attempt to distract from the content of the hacks, which prove how two-faced and corrupt Clinton is.",Because we can't be offended by both the act and the content of the leaks at the same time +"Yes I love Outlaw country but I like more modern and 90s stuff as well, I've listened to SS before but not JJ so I looked him up on Amazon prime and just listened to his Willie Nelson duet The Git Go like 5 times and loved it. What album would recommend I listen to first by him? Willie Nelson and David Allen Coe are my favourite outlaw artists.","I really love That Lonesome Song, it's one of my fav albums at the moment" +But the Source Engine wouldn't be great for a point and click game IMO,What about the Unreal Engine? +I find no better way to identify the truly selfish people in this world than marches such as this. The world has all of those issues precisely because of people like these.,You won't be saying that when the gays are sleeping with your pets. +"you're not wrong on the downvoting part, but isn't OP a woman?",Everyone's a white man when you're on the internet! +They really are. Many of the news sites compare some of the hardcore rabid fanboys to cultists. I am starting to agree. If I miss a deadline I'm in deep shit not heading out on a one week paid vacation. Does the OP live in LaLa land or what?,But you're not making the game of our dreams! +why is xander lvl 9,Because he steals XP +All I want is 2 to hit minions again.,Boy was it fun to never be able to outpush Sylvanus no matter what your duo lane was. +"What's trashy? She's not a style inspiration or anything, but not seeing the trashiness.",Dude... she's black. +I would hardly call the Seventh Day Adventist church a cult.,you forgot the +"I hope the 72 virgin mods of this fucking sub will be fucked, gangraped, stoned, waterboarded, hanged, thrown of a building and finally crucified by the 1,5-1,7 billion horny Muslims on this planet","too far man, too far." +"Uninstalled a month ago And haven't been tempted to play since. Dota 2 is fun, but for me there are a few huge issues: - The individual player does not have enough control over the game outcome. If you are head and shoulders above your MMR then you can consistently solo carry, but for most of us you are going to lose 35-40% of your matches based on your teammates being shit. It's not fun to be a passenger. - The games are too long. The only other game I've regularly played in the past two years is FIFA. Matches last about 20 minutes. It's long enough to be engaging and immersive, but not so long that it eats up all of your time. On the other hand, the average Dota 2 game is like 50+ minutes when you account for searching + drafting. And if you chase losses in a bad session, you can melt away 3-4 hours in the blink of an eye, and still feel totally dissatisfied. Downvote and git gud if you want. Just thought I'd share my experience walking away. I'll probably still watch pro Dota 2 when the next major is up. I really enjoy the esport aspect of Dota. However, I don't enjoy the game itself that much though.","Plus the toxic community see the replies Better just leave no sarcasm oh wait edit," +This is why we can't let gun manufacturers off the hook for the damage their weapons cause...,Holy shit *tinfoil* +"Well, what does that tell you? Think hard.....",Holy shit they must have deleted the emails +So this happened.,"Sexualizing their siblings, always a smooth move." +Pence urges audience to ignore 'whatever is in the news',Reality - I reject it. +"i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about pimp. u wouldnt say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol",i wonder why his name is pimp? +"Of course she's going to seem better, you know her better. When you have somebody you know really, you know a thousand great things about them. When you have someone you just met, you know only a few. You will never get to know somebody so quickly that they instantly seem better than somebody you've been close with for a long time, period, but that's just obvious. The fun of dating is finding all of the things you like about somebody. Heck, the entire point of a relationship is to find and appreciate all the things you love about someone.","Thanks, I really needed to hear that." +Trump rallies of deplorables.,You forgot your +You honestly believe that?,He dropped the +Are they? Most do not consider themselves Canadians..,Holy shit this guy really knows what He's talking about +"A bacon wrapped, smoked turkey leg at the Texas State Fair",Your Bacon Is Ham +4 gigabyte file :p,Probably just lossless +guess we'll know in Sister Location 2: Electric Boogaloo,"GOD DAMNIT, I CAN'T EVEN PLAY SL YET!" +"I play mainly Juggernauts as well, and what's great about Morde, is that I normally get the most damage dealt, most damage healed, and least damage taken! That's why he's so fun, as with other Juggernauts. Solo'ing Baron is always fun though, I can agree with that.",but muh most damage taken +"Remember, Karl Rove had to ban Senate Republicans from TALKING TO HER because she was so effective at getting them to cross party lines to support legislation she sponsored.","But no, Bernie would have been better." +So what was the big fucking feature that Carl was excited about? App Lock? FFS...,Optimized translations for sure +what an unfortunate accident...,"A real shame, no?" +Now: * Iran * North Korea * Cuba,What a strange coincidence that they also happen to be our enemies. +"beating your wife, absolutely halal","not taking rank s seriously, absolutely haram" +Im from NA and I voted for ANX because everybody loves a good underdog story.,you are literally hitler now +No cunt,Brilliant. +People act like they performed some act of god not getting Koreans. They finished first in there group. All Koreans finished first in there group. Its literally impossible to get Koreans in this scenario,but the had a choker-team in their group so pure luck... +"Actually, yeah, it would. And you're right and that it's an issue of supply and demand. The economy starts at the bottom. The more money the poorer folks get, the more money moves. A lower class citizen usually can't save all that much, and will spend all they have. That money goes straight to *local* businesses. Now, if you gave people a decent, living wage, they'll be buying more of those local goods and services. Suddenly the demand for all those things increases, and the staff companies have is no longer sufficient. More jobs are created. More factories are required, production increases. It's all gains, brother! Now, instead let's imagine putting that money into tax breaks for the top. Do you think they spend that money on making more *jobs*? Of course not. The demand isn't there. That'll go towards more executive bonuses, et cetera. Money that'll go abroad to places that pander to the wealthy, like monoco, dubai, and so forth. TL;DR: You wanna fix the economy? A great first step is raising the minimum wage, country wide. Poor money earned is local money *spent*.",But but but my high school economics class taught me that increasing the minimum wage will directly increase inflation in a perfectly proportional manner which will cancel out all the benefits for the poor and make all the middle class worst off! +"You must love downvotes. Here, take mine!",Oh golly they're my fav! +Well the world apparently wants to know why we do so well at the olympics,And then they get jealous and call America names. +or maybe he just died of normal causes. Just get the coroner's report before all these suppositions.,"Pssh, of course you sheep would believe those government lies." +"**Altruistic** *showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish.* Says she is altruistic yet posts in r/The_Donald about how she's mad her candidate didn't win so let's just burn it all down and screw them. Bunch of babies, every single one. Rigged - the new buzzword for 2016 when things don't go your way.","Altruism is wishing people dead, don't ya know?" +Didn't find that QB late enough if you ask me.,Yeah we all know the GOAT was later than round 4 Romo was undrafted. +I really wish Blizzard would try to create a new engine for this game to run on Ftfy,I really wish Blizzard would try +ANZ economists see signs of 'late cycle behaviour' emerging in the economy but believe the boom-and-bust pattern of previous cycles can be avoided this time,This time it's different... +"says the idiot in an online community dedicated to making fun of innocent people who have done nothing to all of you, bunch of bullies, just like the rest of the drumpf subreddits, this place will shut down when he loses and your cancer will leak. disgusting.",forgot to put the +"We (as in the UK in general, nothing to do with me personally), voted to leave the EU. We didn't vote to have certain opinions made illegal.",Leave won get over it or get packing your train for local reduction camp is waiting +It won't affect the bike but everybody will hate you.,So just take the exhaust off completely? +"LEAK: Holy Smoking Gun, I Found it!","No offense, but I imagine the gay agenda comes on way cuter stationary." +I don't get it. Did the steal somehow interrupt the Smartphone Connection?,You forgot this +"I'm conflicted, do I downvote or not?",Both. +"My fave is when people bitch about how I hang around after hooking someone and almost always end up with a second kill when people try to obviously bait away. Who is the dumbass? Me, do ensuring a kill and getting a second one when you waltz over? Or you for not capping objectives and opening the gates while instead walking directly to where I am? In conclusion: eat me.",Wow total camper here successfully using the hooked person as bait to kill more people going for risky saves how dare you play strategically and get kills +He's gonna die again when the Gators roll through.,"I thought that if they strike him down, he'd come back more powerful than we could possibly imagine?" +"Apparently among reported losses at the NC GOP office was completed absentee ballots. Political offices cannot collect completed ballots and it's solely the job of the county. If this was in fact the case, this would be violating election rules.",Gee maybe Donald is onto something with this whole rigged election thing. +"Former Seattle journalist Matt Hickey, suspected of raping 3 women, arrested in Las Vegas",OH NO WRONGFULLY ACCUSED MALES IS THE REAL ISSUE WE SHOULD ALL TALK ABOUT +"Simple explanation: you can't un-become black, or Chinese, or Arab. You can stop being a redneck. Therefore it isn't a race; at best, a social class.",So you thinks it's a choice? +I have asked my Chinese co-workers this question and the answer they give me is Vancouver is special.,Also I think it's easier to buy property/ live/ immigrate here visa-wise than the US. +Are you trying to argue that flame effects make everything better?,Yeah buddy that's word for word exactly what I said.. +What if the series ends in a tie? Are they gonna get him both?,No they'll form a tag team :( +Why were they unlucky to have TSM? They beat them both times they met through better map movements.,Because TSM are the Scrim Gods man! +Kryssie: Sometimes I hate how analytical my brain is !BBT,What a dual threat-- a power lifter AND an analytical brain! +"I've never heard the strategy of nominating someone to build trust with them, but ok, Kryssie.",Kryssie was SO understanding when Alex used her as a pawn +Spotted: Lisa Rinna out in the wild,Is she hiding her lips like that in order to conceal who she is? +"Clearly they know something you don't about the global hawk, how can you sleep at night supporting such a monstrous killing machine","Obviously, how can working with it for three years compete with their ten second google search?" +WikiLeaks: Assange's internet link 'severed' by state actor,Pamela Anderson works for a nation state? +NATO's Bidding Puts Italy on a Collision Course With Russia,"Old German saying; We are the brave Italians, our country is getting smaller" +"If that's going to happen, it needs to be a New Orleans game. It seems like every week we see Drew Brees getting into a high-scoring shootout.",And us Saints fans love it. +So they were saying its only wrong for two men to be together?,Well if all the guys are gay who's going to make the babies +"What is the most hated meta of all time? Since the start of clash royale, what was the meta that everyone hated? Was it Giant/Poison? Or there's another which received more hate?",Hog Rider. +At least we have an alt costume for Peach that can serve as Daisy,We also have an alt Mario colour which can serve as Waluigi +Bullies throw eggs at younger teenagers,Ah the good ole' egg toss. +Finished Battlestation!,Did you take that picture with a potato? +true a lot of the stuff on my wishlist are things i just put on to keep track of them. the last couple things are things i added just recently,And you can make multiple lists with categories of things you want... then after a year you can write a big blog about our consumeristic society lol +"Or alternately, if EVERY dog DOES bite you when you pet them, maybe you've got to evaluate what you're doing that sets them off. You see most other people petting the same dogs without incident, so it's pretty stupid to conclude that it's a flaw in dogs or dog society that you're getting bitten.",ADALT THOUGH. +Par for the course for le reddit detectives.,"Hey, we caught that bomber didn't we?" +Samsung Foundry Announces 10nm SoC In Mass-Production,Hopefully it doesn't blow up +Advanced calculus was the hardest class I took in college. Didn't help that my professor was Russian had a thick accent and wrote everything microscopically on the board. He didn't like to help after class either. He would tell us to get a tutor. Needless to say he got the worst and longest written negative review I had given in college. Only other time I wrote anything on a professor review was some awful bitch who was going through a divorce and decided because she was miserable she would make our lives miserable as well.,You can't complain about that or you're racist! +The Cure!,Yeah this doesn't sound like a shill post at all. +"smart, game manager throw me your favorite fitzpatrick narrative",But he's careful with the ball and never tries to do too much! +Hey!,Hey Now! +Chill guys. Fox news has to verify their stuff before they can air it. They aren't like CNN where they just instantly air any anti-Trump bullshit that someone tweets at them. Once they verify it I am sure Fox will be all over it.,"Um, forgot to add" +Poll: Donald Trump Closing the Gap in Colorado - Breitbart,Ignore the polls and go vote you lazy pedes +Florida loses important four-star commitment,This just further proves Mac isn't an elite recruiter like Muschamp +Saw this Cabbage on the front page... I couldn't resist.,But that's just a picture of the album +I see no reason to kill celebrations so long as they aren't actually delaying the game...which there is already a rule against.,They get in the way of commercial breaks. +Introduce her to Batwoman. She kicks ass.,Stop trying to assign gender roles CIS scum. +Cast your votes,HappyNintendoFan and SMD are right! +The usual FH is over ! How did you do ? Thread +1 BOIS,+6 dreams. +"Today, I came back to work after a fairly rough weekend. I had just found out that one of my friends has a serious and rare form of cancer and will start aggressive treatment very soon, and my sister had been diagnosed with anxiety disorder the same day - after having one of the most heartbreaking meltdowns I'd ever witnessed. I came into work not myself, only to see my boss rushing out and muttering passive aggressive remarks about how she had to leave and thank god I just came in (even though I was perfectly on time). I then go on to find not 1, but 2 different notes passive-aggressively telling me that I don't put cheese and crackers back in the cupboards the right way, and how from now on I need to put them in the right way. The notes were in all caps with underlines and stars for emphasis. Pretty sure if she was there I would've snapped right in front of her, because for fucks sake, THEY'RE CHEESE AND CRACKERS.","Hey man, sorry for what's happening to you, but cheese and crackers IS DEADLY FUCKING SERIOUS" +"Uhh, jealous much? Luul",are you autistic +Of course there are exceptions.,You'd still be mistaken if you think women are as swayed by the opinions of their peers as men are when it comes to attraction to the opposite sex. +UConn Releases Big 12 Records of Candidacy,I imagine this would have been subject to FOIA requests even if they didn't voluntarily release it? +Which video game boss have you been killed by the most?,Lu Bu. +"A number of European companies have put off big ticket manufacturing investments in the Philippines, which could have brought in thousands of jobs, the European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (ECCP) said.","Ok lang daw, puro ENDO lang naman daw yung bibigay nila." +How did you come up with your producer name?,I'm pretty good at EDM so i figured to just tell the truth +"You know the lazy stereotype is *specifically* aimed at defense, right? Nobody thinks Russians are just all-around lazy, I don't think.",But they make scoring look so easy ispo facto they are lazy players! +"In most countries that maintain voters list there are large numbers of dead people listed. The reason is that once a person dies it's not usual that family members bother to inform the government agencies maintaining the list of the death. However, it is exceedingly rare that people vote using the names of dead people. Again, Trump is doing all he can to mislead and lie to people. Indeed, that's all Trump has--lies--to offer gullible voters, his latest marks.","You make a compelling argument, but I think it makes more sense that millions of people are willing to risk a 5 year prison sentence in order to add a single vote" +You have 300 hours but you're SR 1000? and you're **sure** that you're not the problem?,"No he is doing fine, he said it already :9" +Porter Robinson - Language (2012) Blast from the past with such a beautiful song,Lotsa feeeeeeels +John marston dies,ohmygod u spoilded me +FOUR MORE YEARS!!! Of waiting for fucking Rockstar to port their damn games to PC. Thanks Rockstar.,Well at least we will get a polished version of the game with an intact and exciting multiplayer experience +That's not what the polls say...,Which polls? +"fuck you and your post, i didn't spend 20k kredits for nuthin",sorry forgot a +Man i just witnessed real victim blaming what a time to be alive,Pssh she had sex so she deserves anything bad that happens to her obviously +"It's here! Project Veritas VIDEO #2: James O'Keefe proves that the DNC and Crooked Hillary Clinton orchestrate voter fraud and will rig this election. DEPLORABLES, please share this far and wide with the hashtag #DrainTheSwamp","Guys, it's not voter fraud, it's just sour grapes" +They think science is just a liberal religion.,It's all a very bland plot by Gore to get rich. +LFG nightfall. Gt: Sith Is Kenyan,Message sent +You take my breath away.,Get a room! +"PS UK Boss Takes Issue with PSVR Games Being Called Incomplete, Says Value Proposition Is Extremely Attractive","Love the comments attached to the article, I'd swear none of them ever touched a VR helmet." +Tell me who would dare stand against a crew like that.,Rhinocrunch He would kick them all out +Impact argues in favor of Korean bootcamps and says claims that they hurt performance are 'plain excuses',B-but we just copy the Korean meta +Why on earth would they announce a new character a couple weeks before Blizzcon?,Cus they'll announce another hero and map on BlizzCon probably. +"Woman flips circumcision protesters the bird, her kids laugh at her stupidity","She's a good example for her kids, she really deserve their custody." +Some dolt was driving slow in the passing lane and realized they needed over. Cut across 4 lanes of traffic while cutting off the people getting on the freeway. Never thought Id be so happy to see someone cut off an unmarked squad car.,But but but he was having an emergency and couldn't wait for the ambulance! +AMOMENTINCRIME FINISHED,Guys I think it there might be something up with bastion too +"Who the fuck do these morons think this is helping? Morgan Freeman is the only person I've ever heard with any rational fix for racism. To paraphrase, he basically just said stop talking about it and it will go away over time. Shit like this just keeps us divided and keeps racial tensions high, it slows progress. But they are the experts on the subject so maybe I should just take my seat.",We need to have an open dialogue though +which pills do you use to get high?,Viagra! +That joke fell flat real quick...,When you have to explain it. +Okay Zlatan's heading is 13. That is maybe one where I have to say it's a disgrace :P I think it should be 16~18.,After yesterday 13 might be accurate +"I agree, I don't even know if you can run EC now, seems way too risky.","Its not an easy elixir advantage anymore, so can we even use it?" +"Silent all the way up till 1 month before the election... Sorry, you have no credibility.",People have been so compassionate and understanding since she came out I can't imagine why she didn't do it sooner! +Which things did live up to their hype?,No Man's Sky +In a world when all the information ever needed is found through a google search? Yes. If you can shitpost on here you can use a search engine.,"Knowing some very capable people I've used lmgtfy on, I doubt that." +They also did that in orange is the new black,Thanks for the spoiler +yeah she got old really quickly .. huhuhuhu,Alejandra confirmed +"I feel like this might be cheating but, firearms instructor?",Yeah I know how you feel... +Mr. Trump is right! fuck the press! They're all out to get him because the liberals run the media!!!,You forgot the +"Those never happened though, multiverse theory is a myth.",Just like global warming. +If this project actually becomes a thing I can be the editor.,"Alright, if it does I will pm you anyways I am pm'ing you" +"Redditors are a throng of fucking manlets and bull-ring vaginas who think they're smarter than they actually are. Quit your virtue signaling. How the fuck can a country with an exceptionally bad drug problem, entwined with a low national IQ, restart and clear their streets. Money, therapy, and or birth control won't work. Ruthless idiots will find an easy way out and continue rearing shitty people who will most likely do the same. What other options do Filipinos fucking have. You fucking people are a joke, and it's why proper news forums think Reddit is a fucking joke in terms of political discussion, veracity, and realism.",Proper news forums like mocha unson's fb page? +Trump: 'I don't believe the polls anymore',The polls are skewed! +"None of the examples in the form were shower observations. Those are things like this water is hot, as in thoughts you have in the shower that are literally about the shower you are taking. We used to get a lot of those, for some reason, and had to make a rule against them.","ahhhhhhhh wow, I really have misinterpreted that rule, I'd make a great mod clearly" +"Nasty! Clinton campaign bus illegally dumps human waste on Georgia road, endangering nearby water supplies. EPA investigating.",Oh come on anyone who cares about this just needs to get a life. +sigh I'm summarizing FBI Director Comey's take on why he didn't recommend prosecuting Hillary. It was sarcasm.,You dropped this +You know that will be hit of the year. If not top 3,"As a Boston fan, my favorite is always marchand's yearly clip." +From 3-30-1 last year to 3-0-0 this year. This is definitely sustainable,Incoming 0-30-1 stretch? +"For No Reason At All, Donald Trump Wants President Obama's Half-Brother At Final Debate","See, the blacks love him!" +"What's a good show where the characters age? Some shows that come to mind are Major, Gurren Lagann, and Baby Steps. It's something that is risky but if done correctly is the ultimate form of character development. Bonus question, what are some shows that would have benefited from aging their characters?",Pokemon. +And what if he was? What are you going to do Reddit fight him.,Yeah of course reddit fight him. +Woman loses her shit at naked Hillary statue erected in New York City,Democracy in action. +New Clinton tool lets supporters auto-donate every time Trump tweets,Oh wow I'm so excited for the ability to have no control over how much I donate! +What do you mean *changed*? Hartley's been one of the good guys since Day 1,"To me, he's been one of the good guys for centuries." +Submit your questions for this week's Q&A with the Old School team!,Has Mod Ronan ever shat in the urinal? +There's no reason other than trying to force diversity in the Star Wars universe AGAIN,How dare they have people of different skin colors! +"I agree with this guy, actually. Math is when you deal with numbers, and Maths is when you deal with numbers and all the other stuff.",Oh fuck off back to your tea and crumpets. +anyone who wants golden bow on hunters again is probably just a bad adc player who cant manage the early game cause bad.,Honestly as an ADC main i just wish they would bring back the season 2 one where the only gods it was worth getting on is merc and art. +"You do realize they call at different times of the day so you can answer when you're not working? Most importantly, these same bogus polls were extremely accurate in 2012 and even in this year's primaries.","Yeah, but they did not have caller ID or cell phones back in 2012- completely different!" +i want to see a 27 car pileup,A wreck with Paul Menard in it? +42 is max,"Well, 42 is also the answer to the meaning of life, the universe and everything so that's as high as should be needed" +#NAME?,\*o* +Good. Now Fox & Hound can be next.,Every time I've been there I walk out smelling like I rolled around in cigarette ash. +is he ded,his shoes didn't come off. +Massive outfit statpadding. How long statpadders will brake the rules without any punishment???,That must be so fun +Its a bug where its suppose to be 1600x900p but instead it shows it at 160x90p. Literally that resolution,Well at least they got their 60 fps +Donald Trump is a changed man and a born again Christian. Roger Ailes is a creep who preys on vulnerable women. He probably reminds Trump of part of his life he left behind and apologizes for. I can see how they wouldn't get along.,You dropped your +How many fucking songs is this guy gonna do this to?,Trust me....They don't stop coming +"Damn, came here to post this. Nothing like being told you can't fix your own property because you don't own the rights.",Hurray free market! +I just downvote anything I see related to Crysis at this point.,"Good thing he just presented this to PCMR, I'm sure we never heard of it here." +Lol he just got off another suspension for the same shit but another strike doesn't count?,It resets right? +Number of UFC international events are being decreased and focus will be more towards domestic events,"Damn, they must really want Joe Rogan to stay!" +Or adjust it so that the congressmen will earn either the median or mean wage of the districts they represent so they will better understand the needs of the people who they represent.,Well then there goes the majority of the Deep South reps penthouses +The good thing about science is it's true whether or not their thin-skinned beliefs agree with it.,I'm sure the professor was speaking strictly science and didn't put any kind of political angle into his lectures +"most of it supposed to come from hotel taxes anyway, so the mob is getting off easy... John Q Taxpayer getting stuck with the tab once again.",Not like anyone actually lives in Nevada anyway +It's not plausible st all with genetic evidence,You can prove anything you want with 'facts' but what I believe is sacred. +This truly is the peak of quality on Roblox in 2016,Still doesn't beat the most recent Normal Elevator update which featured 7 new Steven Universe songs and a whopping 2 new floors! +"Don't worry, American women already average below the sub-replacement fertility rate. When your're old and need that care subsidized by the next generations of tax-payers I know for sure you'll be better off. Oh, also when the economy suffers from the drop in generation population.",Cause destruction of the planet works wonders for the economy as well........ +"Feeding cows seaweed could slash global greenhouse gas emissions, researchers say: They discovered adding a small amount of dried seaweed to a cow's diet can reduce the amount of methane a cow produces by up to 99 per cent.","TLDR: Grass gives cows the shits, seaweed doesn't." +TIL that in two days we create the same amount of information that it took all of humanity to create from the dawn of civilization to 2003.,"At this rate, we will have sequels to all of Shakespeare's works in another 600 million years." +What magical land do you live in where smartphones are as graphically powerful as the X1?!,His iphone 7 +There is no coin toss. If anyone believes anything about these debates is left up to chance they are gullible af.,But killary wouldn't lie to the American people right? +I guess I'm writing in Hillary then.,Think she has a chance? +"To be fair, this messaging system was made specifically for this stream and won't be in the game.","TO be fair, they still can't spell" +"Can we delete Kinessa? Title. If we just deleted her, then no idiots can pick her because muh sniper XDDDDDDD and we can win some games. Win/win I think.","On that note, let just take off every character so no bad people could play in general." +And look how far he went! Best president we've *ever had*.,Price controls are such a good thing +Donald with factual statements. Hillary with emotional ploys. Typical Right vs Left,Politifact rates this comment: Mostly False. +HILLARY WANTS TO TALK ABOUT ILLEGAL *DUMPING* ?,It's the most important problem evidently. +"FT: Alchemist variety 4pk ISO: Stouts Got two 4pks of Alchemist about a month ago as a thank you gift and ive tried everything. I've got a Heady, a Focal, and 2 broken spokes left and would like to trade them for a stout. Obviously not looking for a DBH, Just interested to see what kind of offers I could get. Open to anything, Cheers.",Guinness 4:4? +"I mean, we're talking opinions here. To me it was all disappointing.",Well your opinions are WRONG. +BRAZILE SAYS EMAILS ARE FAKE - THEN WHY DID YOUR CAMPAIGN FIRE SCOTT FOVAL? # BASED KELLY TELLS BRAZILE TO FUCK OFF,He just stepped aside +Also the whole two piece handlebars so they could fit grip shifters thing.,I'm sure they have their top welders on that job +"Post-debate poll: Clinton 49%, Trump 39%",This was a rigged poll! +Funnyest video ive seen all year!,Lel? +"Lemme splain ya. First comment expressed surprise that it was a great niece not a great grandchild and thought to himself, ...guess he never had kids, then realized that being gay it makes sense that he never had kids, which is flawed logic but let's roll with it. Then you said you confuse niece and nephew, which has nothing to do with what the original comment said, as he was making a joke about his own mistake in not realizing WHY Turing never had kids. I.E, he didn't confuse any terms he just was being a bit slow on the uptake. Then confusion ensued whooshes were had, comments were made. But hey, we tried our best and we're still dear friends. It may also be that he knew Turing was castrated as well, which would make more sense for the whole not having kids thing.","Hey, buddy, we don't take kindly to logical thinkers round these parts." +"Video of man hijacked just as he pulls into his home in Polokwane, Limpopo","Ah, strict gun laws work after all" +Where did the leaked DNC emails actually come from? Does anyone know/have a good idea? Hillary loves trying to blame Russia but is there actually any evidence that says that is true? What is the evidence pointing towards?,I hear Putin is really good with computers. +How was rng better than edg this year? Is there any reasoning to this?,"EDG beat RNG 3-0 in Summer LPL finals, so naturally RNG was the better team" +"bitcoin uses a Poisson process , where its is common for blocks to occasionally take longer to confirm, sometimes over 1 hour. 0 conf txs are inherently insecure. Increasing the blocksize won't help this fundamental problem. The only way to allow instant and secure txs for retailers is with payment channels like the LN.","ok OP, you hear that - you should have used LN....what were you thinking?" +Show me where you found that.,that was just +Get informed: Public Question No. 1,if this passes I think our guns will have more rights than our people +"I agree, also being a bears fan doesn't help me stay interested in their shitfest games so I watch other games and players.","49er's fan checking in, can confirm our games are also a shitfest." +Smite Tactics,i heard its wii u only +The cringe is too strong,Delete this and delete that and definitely this and that +Honestly it kind of pisses me off seeing someone hate a university because they got rejected by some girl. Obviously they don't understand how fucking lucky they are to have the opportunity to get higher education. Do they appreciate anything in life? Jesus,I mean the whole point of women being in college is to help great guys like him find a house wife who doesn't come from a poor background and is smart enough to know how to clean up after him and take care of kids. +I did a physical copy and it hasn't shipped but still says guarnteed by 8 pm tomorrow. If it's late though I get a free month of Prime.,well im sure you'll get it lol +best reply above.. i am just glowing reading that.,Or you could be glowing because you're emitting radiation. +fonte? evidencia?,"Nao tenho acesso aos depoimentos da delegacia, desculpe." +Springtrap in a horror attraction!,"Behind the scenes: FNAF movie, leaked" +50 years ago* I'll leave this here for 2026 readers,"Implying reddit will last that long, we all know it's dying." +How is a 3.5mm outdated?,Because Apple said so +Random encounters with Cowboys is always the best. I had Randy White come in and sit down to chat with me in the finance office at a car dealer for like fifteen minutes once.,"So he got a good deal and you went home with all your limbs, right?" +hey fuck you fagget fight me irl pussy,xd il fukin rek u u noob +"Correction: Deathwing is just a Yogg that always casts [[Twisting Nether]] , [[Astral Communion]] , and self-target casts [[Mark of Y'Shaarj]] (+2/+2), [[Power of the Wild]] (+1/+1), [[Power Word: Shield]] (+0/+2) and [[Cold Blood]] (+4/+0). Result is a 10 mana 12/12 Yogg that discards your hand and clears the board. **EDIT** - For some reason I thought Yogg was a 5/7 (was probably thinking of N'Zoth) instead of 7/5. Also, I'm too lazy to fix my spell list so you'll just have to deal with that. Someone else can make another correction to this if they'd like. I'm supposed to be working right now anyways..",you can just add [[confuse]] in the beginning to swap ur stats to 5/7 +It isn't as broken as ppl made it out to be,"ofc its not, it was removed because it was horse shit" +OP made a Typo! Let's belittle them horribly per Reddit standard procedures.,As is tradition. +Rather than ignite immunity for a fire elemental why not just give it ignite resistance so that you are not hindering ignite builds and still complies to the lore.,"Taking a reduced amount of damage would make sense, it still wouldn't be optimal but at the very least possible" +downvotes can still hide your stuff for others when it hits -4,shut the fuck up +Nothing as long as it isn't in a residential neighborhood. Still pretty inconsiderate to do on the highway as people's musical tastes vary. I personally can't stand music that requires subs to sound decent and wish the people playing it would crash and burn when I hear it on the road.,definitely people having different musical tastes is a great reason for them to potentially die on fire +"Brasile, who works for CNN, was accused of giving Clinton a question in advance at a CNN town hall debate. The debate last night was not run by CNN Brasile would not have access to last night's questions. Trump's accusation makes no sense.",Fox News is conspiring with the DNC! +Let's talk retrocession. Here's some borders. Have fun.,The Eastern border probably needs to accommodate the Supreme Court and the Library of Congress buildings. +"Fuck people like that. I'm on board the hype train. I played RDRevolver and waited SOOOO long for RDRedemption and now I'm finally going to see a new release in what has been one of my favorite series of all time. I was happy enough just to see the artwork released, a teaser is like a fat line of coke for me.",Yeah fuck people for having a different opinion than you +Sometimes it's just spiders.,"Let it bite you, it might give you superpowers!" +Teacher who had sex with student says she's the victim,A male teacher wouldn't even have been invited to the show. +"Wait, seriously? That's not very American if you.",I forgot my +Most victims are older than 5,Yeah but I'm seeing repeatedly in this thread its all about context so for teaching children under 5 they should mention how their mother is the greatest danger to them... +"Why? That sort of competition doesn't occur in other arts. As a musician, fuck yea I want to play with better bands! Because watching them play kicks ass and maybe we'll be friends.","Yeah, the lead guitarist and drummer never get jealous that the singer gets all the women" +"Even if we assumed that Charizard is popular more due to a good design than nostalgia, it doesn't really have that generic a design. I mean the concept 'fire-breathing dragon' is super generic but Charizard doesn't really look anything like what a typical dragon looks like. It's a dumpy bipedal dragon with wide hips, scrawny arms and a rectangular crocodile head with little bumps for horns. Meanwhile up there we have a red sabertooth tiger with some flames stuck on.","Oh no no no, it's a black tiger with red stripes, significantly cooler" +Is Ameritech a private server?,You forgot this +Kaws in Ft. Worth,"I'm in fort Worth, where is it?" +The Gang's All Here,Was half expecting another article about Google's 19 messaging apps +I DONT UNDERSTAND THIS CONVERSATION. ARE THEY FIGHTING? ARE THEY DISCUSSING? We need some intervention here.,He deescalated duhh +"If you are bothered so bad about Chris Hero being out of shape,don't complain when Vince pushes someone because of his looks. For years people are criticizing Vince and the WWE for pushing wrestlers only because of their looks. Hell the first argument when it comes to Roman is that he got pushed only because he has the body and the looks. If it bothers you so bad when a super-talented guy and one of the best wrestlers in the world today is fat then you can't blame the WWE for pushing guys like Roman or Lashley or anyone the think that they deserve a push because of their looks.",You guys really should dedicate more time to analyzing other men's bodies. +Last Night's Debate,"Trump threatened to destabilize the very bedrock of our democracy last night, but Hillary's kinda cunty so they're literally exactly the same!" +El Cabildo de Buenos Aires fue vandalizado con pintadas,"Si no te gustan los chistes negros, comentarios desubicados y estas lleno de downvotes para dar, ignora mi comentario :) Y si no.. [Despues se quejan cuando las matan..]" +The Gewehr 98 Is Amazing,Will be perfect with a red dot. +Doctor Strange reactions from early screenings,"Remember that Disney pays writers, bloggers, hell anyone with a twitter account to pretend that these movies are even passable." +Donna Brazile Tells A Big Fat Lie And Gets Caught And Humiliated,Good thing CNN is a totally principled organization that will shit-can Brazile as a result of this revelation. +"17 scouts at 2nite's game, Holy Molly",Price for Luongo +right cuz feminists are the only people who benefit from globalization.,And MRAs are the most liberal and charitable of people. +"So, in other words, he literally did what he is accusing Hillary of doing in the clips? This guy. Seriously, anything he accuses someone of, it's safe to say he's actually the one doing it.",Does this mean that he is going to try to rig the elections? +"Haha, you're actually the first person I've ever seen to bring up that the earth has a limited capacity to radiate heat, therefore we have a limit to the amount of energy we can generate and use. I'd love for another tdtm post for this",We can build a chimney to space. +Wouldn't that pitch we used with Lacy work better with Ty?,"No, he's not overweight so they'd see that coming" +I bet Deadpool will show up in this. Might have been him in the mask and glasses,"Ah yes, the comedic relief that this movie needs." +Why do people go to chiropractors instead of a physiotherapist for their needs? The latter is evidence based science and the former isn't.,What does a physiotherapist do? +There's a Dream High 2 but don't watch it... it's disappointing after the first one. Hope you like love triangles :) Dream High is also an idol drama meaning that the actors are famous kpop stars so they really are singing. Good luck!,"lmao love triangles, the savior of romance shows" +Rick Owens DRKSHDW Ramones Low,ID on the pants? +I actually disapprove and think this is a bad idea. Children have a natural problem with distinguishing reality from fiction. It shouldn't be healthy for a child to be exposed to something that would cause such confusion about what is real and what is not.,"So stop watching Disney films, kids!" +Body in motion stays in motion.,"Yeah, seatbelt wasn't even necessary was it!" +Entaniya 250 Micro Four Thirds fisheye lenses feature 250-degree FOV: Digital Photography Review,"Yeah, but what's the filter thread size?" +Cut down Wind Noise on Video Cameras for less than $2,Does the wind guard cover the light meter? +FUCK! What do I do!,Scream in agony as you use all of your (mostly) human strength to turn it with a wrench until you perish. +So that how people get on train at map border.,Is this SC4? +Dwayne 'The madman' Johnsson is a complete nutter,O look two of my favorite actors in one picture. +Yes and Pepsi sucks.,RC 4 life! +"For CPFC fans, there's an interesting interview with Alan Pardew in the British publication The Guardian. Says he might like to coach in US someday. Link to story is on my Twitter feed @kbrizzie1020. Will post link here, too, when I get back to my computer.","Harkes out, Pardew in?" +"Report: AT&T is in advanced talks to acquire Time Warner, and a deal could come as soon as this weekend","Comcast already owns NBC/Universal, so why not..." +"Because apparently the only way for a female in a fantasy story to have any value is to act like a male. Doesn't matter that she was 14, doesn't matter that she was sheltered her whole life, one mistake and BAM she's a worthless idiot who can't do anything right. Oh, and she likes dresses and manners, so there's two more reasons why people justify hating her. How dare she like fashion and being ladylike when all the other awesome badass females are way too cool to care about stuff like that...",Yes let's make it about feminism +"EA doesn't own MLB: The Show, Sony does (SIE San Deigo). Slim chance of it coming to PC unless it goes to PSNOW streaming service.",Buuut a Petition will force them to bring to PC! +"When I realized that I spend lots of time fighting the system to get something resembling a stable machine. Only to start again after an update. Really, we are cutting linux way too much slack. There's no QA whatsoever. It's a dictionary definition of a piece of shit (on the desktop!).",The user base is our QA! +Buying a gun is a right,B b b but muh living document says that guns are for da army not da peoples +"Disenfranchising voters is one of the most un-American things to do, and it sure seems to happen a lot in red states. Real patriots^^TM .","Hey, when the Democrats are bussing in millions of illegal immigrants to vote and casting ballots for the deceased, a little suppression from the other side is just fair and balanced." +"Suggestion: Teams should be able to glyph Roshan. Like the topic says, i think it would be a great idea to be able to make Roshan invulnerable for a small amount of time.",How about Roshan glyph himself every time he bashes or takes a bash? +Dom Come Mija,who's come? +"Oh yeah, I should probably mention how Godzilla is connected to MGS, other than being a giant nuclear monster.",ZAM picture ZAM +"T.E.D.D. + Avagodro, Leroy + Witch, CDC + FBI, Red Baron + Panzer Soldat. Basically anything in BO2.",Last gen richtofen +I still don't know why it is asoldier's fault for being captured.,It is not as big ofa fault as dying which is just under losing a limb or getting injured because then other soldiers have to help out your loser ass. +"True, but when he took it no state had decriminalised pot either. If you remember, it virtually happened over the space of 12 months.",Why would that matter? +He also deserved this. Pull a gun on a cop and you get shot. Black or white,"He didn't have a gun it was clearly planted by the corrupt officer, according to his family it was just a book even though none was found on the scene." +"What do you have to know to call yourself a UI & UX designer? I am after a quick way to learn about ux, is there great solid site with info / video / courses that are easy to digest and not being overwhelmed by info? Looking for example of a typical ux project work, the process and both in big and small scale? What do you have to know if your gonna call yourself a UX designer? Have great day","You said Have a good day so you thought about the reader, *poof* you are a UX designer." +After two long months my Gamescom #GameReady prize has arrived,But will it blend? +Didn't that have to do with him putting his social security number on ads?,Naaaaaaaaaaaah can't be that. +Rant,"If only reddit didn't whine so much, then GGG wouldn't have [Insert change here]" +What happens in real-life sex that you never see in porn?,Respect +"TIL in 1945 an airplane crashed into the Empire State Building, injuring elevator operator Betty Oliver. When rescuers attempted to lower her on an elevator, the cable snapped, plunging her 75 stories down. She survived the fall, and to this day holds the record for longest survived elevator fall.","Why did airplanes crashing into the ESB not destroy it, but when they crash into the WTC, they fall, BUSH?" +I'm starting to think it's maybe not all on the goaltenders...,But they have the second best defense after Nashville +People like her are why I don't give money to the homeless. I just give my money to charities that help the homeless.,I think it's great that you use reddit to let people know that you give money to charities helping the homeless while simultaneously posting memes shitting on homeless people. +"If the argument is he's doing this for the public eye, why? He stated he wasn't reopening the investigation, and has refused to do so up until today. There's little reason to reopen this case today, 2 weeks before the election, just to make some people happy that he's shown no interest in making happy. I'm not trying to suggest something will come from it because I don't think anything major will. But to suggest this all just a dog and pony show seems silly. Again, there's literally no reason for him to do this -- nobody has any idea about these new emails. It would have been far easier for him to just stay quiet and not tell us they existed.",Wasn't he the gentleman who's wife was given sizable amounts of money from the Clintons? +Cat watching some porno,Nekane Right? +Sanders is perfectly positioned to challenge Clinton in 2020....him or a surrogate...But Clinton must win and she must win big! A liberal President with a conservative house and senate will always be ineffective...See Obama post 2010.,LOL - yeah Bill Clinton was such a terrible president am I right +That it's possible to exert almost total control over internet dialogue with a few million dollars.,you dropped this: +"FAA? This is Britain though, right?",Everything is America when you're on the internet! +Sad,Its not like we have a really high unemployment rate or anything either. +"Ugh. No thanks. I got fake nails once 12 years ago for prom, over it by day 2.",Well if you didn't like it I guess that means the world should be over it too +Sitting in Salem worrying about Canal Street getting fucked over. It's been unpaved for weeks and this is going to wash the entire road away. Salem's government is such a shitshow.,Can't wait to drive in the floods around Peabody +"They *divined* that he said that from the text, somehow, even though he never mentions it and the Bible has an abortion recipe and clearly has no issues with killing unborn, babies, and also kids who make fun of bald guys.",Pshhh It's just god's will (hook from behind the curtain comes to pull you off stage) +Guess I got lucky,Phishing on a whole new lvl +"I was there last year, it is the most staggering testament to the power and glory of Rome that you will ever see. Pictures do not do justice to the awe which fills you, to think that it was built nearly two thousand years ago. And then you start imagining how opulent it would have been before the fall of Constantinople, such wealth as to make the Vatican look austere. Staggering.","It's not the power and glory of Rome it's the power and glory of the Greeks as there is no ROME without the Greeks and without Magna-Graecia, hence why it is called Greco-Roman architecture, art and so on!" +Grosjean's car losing a part of his car + Vettel avoiding it,"Wow Grosjean has put on a lot of weight, or it may just be the shirt!" +E vermelho... E agora?,PSOL-ista! +This is what's wrong with the world. Humans think they're better than all other life forms. I hope an Alien race finds this planet and eradicates all Humans.,Unless an animal can make a mean quacamole they are fair game. +"Yeah I get that argument, it's just the paranoia here is insane recently. I guess a modlog release might be OK. Putting my guarantee on it now, there won't be anything suspicious. Just volunteer mods being human I expect.",I wonder why people might be a bit leery.... +yes but player model will behave laggy when packets get dropped (even if only one drops),"that's why we need cl_interpolate 0.5, which is between 0 and 1 and will fix everything in the game" +Skeptics of reddit - what is the one conspiracy theory that you believe to be true?,I think climate change might actually be real +OH WHAT THE FUCK WHAT ABOUT THE TIME NEGREDO WASTED,3 minute subs are normal mate +"'Not as photogenic as the last' ... And, to think, I almost posted the last one here.",I.... That looks like what an alien might poop? +"Y'all acting like if they had a car that could do the same, they wouldn't do it. They just don't like an uneven playing field.",Which is why Ricciardo is also being brought up in the conversation. +Why are all the networks livestreaming just a regular Trump speech? He hasn't announced a single new policy or idea...,Because the media is rigged against him. +He almost got lucky with that!!! anybody else think that goalkeepers tipping wayward crosses over the crossbar / wide of the post is too common of an occurrence?,"Happened all last year too, glad it's still in...." +I'd imagine the Expos would instantly be Canada's team again. That fan base was crazy loyal and even during bad seasons.,All 3000 of them +Mariah Dillard (Alfre Woodard) from Luke Cage also played a character called Miriam in Civil War,"Oh man, that's the first time I'm hearing about this!" +Sure are a lot of captains on the ice.,It's almost like your best and most celebrated players are your team captains.... +Go to the gym at 5 in the morning,but then there's no cute girls to keep me motivated +Remember Casper? SKT's support when Mandu couldn't play? He's SSG Wraith. Mind fucking blown.,and you have an skt flair surprised~! +Google suggests Bernie Sanders may get a bunch of write-in votes,I wonder who is downvoting this story. +My first non-quartz watch -- Hager Aquamariner,"That watch reminds me of something... but, I just can't quite put my finger it." +...didn't wet get absolutely rocked that game?,yes... yes we did +I mean mainly that the difference between point A and B for the African refugees to other African nations and the difference for Middle-eastern refugees going to Europe is very different since with nearby african nations you will see a smaller difference than if you go from Afghanistan to Denmark,And you're not xenophobic because....? +I can't tell if that article is written by a computer algorithm or is a bad translation.,What a time to be alive! +"here's an idea maybe stop looking at the colour of peoples skin, be like the rest of us grown adults. when I look at the menus I just see soldiers. anything you are seeing is your own problem.","Like being a grown adult is a good thing, the world is such a good place.." +Like the special zombies that are impossible to actually replicate in reality.,"You can't get real zombies in reality, so of course it's impossible." +"It's unlikely that orders would have been given to take Bin Laden alive no matter what. Given that they had the ability to shoot him in self defense, they almost certainly would have, because he certainly wasn't going to go quietly.","You're right, it's far more likely that if they knew for certain where he was they'd just air strike the location..." +"Shiny, new, smallish market with not much entertainment competition, cheap tickets and beer.","Yea no other major sports teams in town, small population (only 17th ranked csa when counting Dayton), beer ranged from 7 to 11$ super cheap." +It's a glorious piece of post-Star Wars goldrush cheese. You should really watch it.,I bought it on Amazon will report back after 2 days +"Year 2040 new target? I was talking with a still-in family member recently and they mentioned forty a few times. Specifically, how it was a common numerological value in the Bible (flood, Jesus' fasting, etc.) and that it had to mean something. Is this related to some hushed conversations arising about 2040 being the date of armageddon? I have gotten the sense from them that there's been a ramp-up of the 'end is near' talk recently, even moreso than is typical. Have you heard anyone talking like this recently?",stay alive til '40! +why? he has no one to blame but himself in October,Yeah screw him for the lack of run support +Monday release - MCS501 I bet it's 501^No^it's^just^a^wild^guess,"idk fam, sounds like a bit of a stretch to me" +Navy Officer Tells Alaskans: Prepare For War,This article and site seem totally credible. +"Wait a second, now you wait a second! You mean to say players like you exist who actually pass the puck up the ice to the guy with speed instead of trying to go end-to-end all the time?! Where do I find such mythical creatures???",This is just the larval state of the end-to-enders that you already mentioned! +"Tampons were originally made to treat wounds, actually",Specifically blood from their wherevers iirc +Is this seriously already a thing?,wow this has never been posted before +I wonder what 16 years in solitary did to him...,"Cured him, obviously!" +Victims of the South Australia Statewide Blackout to Sue Wind Farm Operators,How can they sue the wind farm operators if it had nothing to do with wind farms? +i am maxed with all t90s minus nox staff. only other things would be t92s. should be okay lol. :p,"Wow, you are so rich." +"You're right. SKT 3-2ed the team that 3-1 (or 3-0) idr EDG, who lost to H2K who got 3-0ed by SSG. By all means, this just means the finals should be closer than the analysts predicted",Why do we even need analysts anymore when the stats says it all? +"Donald, Pat Pete, Kuechly so no.",But isn't Kuechly just a scheme guy? +care to give an actual legitimate reason for why it's 'so fucking stupid',Self determination is for the mentally disabled! +"Not improve, maybe extend? It just allows us to enjoy Portal for the first time all over again in a different medium. I'd love to see a full-length movie of it even if it isn't that good, just because it is Portal.","Yes, because we have a long list of great video game based movies that really expanded the game to new heights" +he saw some play in some patron warrior decks(kinda like a third row of patrons). And saw also play in tempo warrior.,He fits well in control warrior if you need a big threat and don't have some of the other more played legendary cards. +Oh you slept Reinhardt before he earthshattered? Well fuck you anyway.,blame 20 tick +Gareth Bale is better than Rooney.,and Charlie Adam is better than Bale +"If she's Miss Iceland, why is she holding a sign that says Miss Germany?",Miss Iceland was too fat for the picture. +"Reddit, what's your go-to mobile app for wasting time?",Reddit the app +League of Legends Worlds Championship Final Live Update & Discussion Thread,Pulling away three people from elder with Lee Sin around ... SKT threw so hard in mid game but that sealed the deal on this game -.- +"Australia on Friday announced a gun amnesty for next year after a criminal intelligence report estimated there were 260,000 illegal firearms in the country.",Gee and I thought gun control was effective +I don't know why you are being downvoted. Baylor would have at the very least two losses with our schedule.,Because it's whining and we don't tolerate whining hear in r/cfb +My sons.,You gota taper those pants man +GP Kuala Lumpur 2016 Top 8,"Shockingly, reflector mage and spell queller are still absurdly good." +Almost half of Arizona residents think border wall a 'waste of money',But Mexico is gonna pay for it! +Good thing republicans are getting all those abortion clinics taken care of so that this baby was able to live its god given life born in a bathroom and left to suffocate in a trash bag. Im sure it was just part of the greater plan though.,It was God's plan. +{Long post} The Future of Zombies...,"Of course zombies will die, _they're undead_" +Star Guradian Jinx auto attack sound tho. I can't be the only one who thinks thats the most annoying thing,Preach +"The temporary debuff he has before the attack goes off is -50% fire res. He shows after that hes only 5 over cap, so with that debuff hes actually at 30% res.","Maybe there's some other type of flask that could solve his problem there, like, something that does what his Sapphire flask was doing, but like for fire." +"Yeah, who cares about the game dying a slow death, lets make retarded memes.","Because fostering community ties and morale won't help attract people, but sitting around being sadmad about the game will do a world of good" +Let's talk about MAXes,"lol, conch doing what he is best at :P" +"What to do with gold? Relatively new player here, just wondering what I should spend my gold on. I currently only have one legendary (Cenarius) and I'm missing plenty of important cards so I wasn't sure if should buy lots of classic packs, older packs, or wait for the next expansion and buy that. I've been saving gold from dailies for a bit and have a little over 2500 gold. Thanks",Save it up for the heroic brawl. +not how I read it. I read it as the Coalition doing absolutely everything in their power to look like they're doing something about housing prices whilst not touching negative gearing or the capital gains discount.,To me it sounds like they want to open the market more for their developer mates. +"Well, i mean, it is more realistic.",Because videogames are supposed to be inherently realistic. +"No one would be able to say UKIP are racist and be taken seriously ever again, if he was leader...","Well, Steven Woolfe was forced out of the party." +But.. but then how will I show off my 4 new Titan X's that I just bought???,forgot the +"Honestly, fans of those teams should probably want Samsung to win. It would mean those teams lost to the champions which looks better on them.",True.. there's no way SKT could have beat H2K +"Reddit Hates TPP, Reddit Hates Huge Monopolies, Reddit Loves Bernie, Reddit Loves Marijuana -- so tell me r/all, why Hillary Clinton?",TRUMP SAID MEAN THINGS! +David Carr Retweeted When you remember Bortles was voted no. 49 and Derek Carr was no. 100 @nflnetwork Lol #RaiderNation,Our QB has the best tweets! +Well this isn't peak rondo lol. Come on man,Yeah he clearly showed signs of slowing down in his age 29 season last year +Except that ROX used Noc in LCK in some matches. It's way different than the straight up trolling of SSW vs TSM,no wave clear comp after smashing TSM 2 games in a row TOTALLY isn't disrespect :\^) +Where did you meet your spouse?,College: the land of good life choices. +"Yeah these people passed the law, it was signed by the governor and challenged in court which probably cost millions to defend. And these people will probably be re-elected",Fiscal conservatives! +Julian Assange dead or alive(Anonymous)// Audio of somebody callin the embassy to check on julian.,How very convincing. +Say what?!? 30 minutes ago i just broke all the equipment of some afk aldrich faithful in 4 casts. (Never have i seen someone try so desperately to black chrystal) Did they literally just roll out a small patch?,Apparently a hotfix because following the acid cloud would deal about 100 durability damage and that was too op +"Would like to see CJ Smith, but I wouldn't be surprised if they sign someone else now.",Nnamdi Asomugha is available I think. +"Kobe vs Lebron: 50-win playoff teams **Record vs 50-win playoff teams** - Jordan 20-7 - Hakeem 10-9 - Shaq 18-9 - Kobe 25-10 - Duncan 18-10 - Lebron 9-6 **Lebron:** - 2007 - Pistons. - 2011 - Celtics. - 2011 - Bulls. - 2012 - Thunder. (Lockout season, but 50 wins is assumed) - 2013 - Spurs. - 2014 - Pacers. - 2015 - Bulls. - 2016 - Raptors, Warriors **Kobe** - 1997-98 Seattle SuperSonics Record: 61-21 - 1999-00 Phoenix Suns Record: 53-29 - 1999-00 Portland Trail Blazers Record: 59-23 - 1999-00 Indiana Pacers Record: 56-26 - 1999-00 NBA Champions - 2000-01 Portland Trail Blazers Record: 50-32 - 2000-01 Sacramento Kings Record: 55-27 - 2000-01 San Antonio Spurs Record: 58-24 - 2000-01 Philadelphia 76ers Record: 56-26 - 2000-01 NBA Champions - 2001-02 San Antonio Spurs Record: 58-24 - 2001-02 Sacramento Kings Record: 61-21 - 2001-02 New Jersey Nets Record: 52-30 - 2001-02 NBA Champions - 2002-03 Minnesota Timberwolves Record: 51-31 - 2003-04 San Antonio Spurs Record: 57-25 - 2003-04 Minnesota Timberwolves Record: 58-24 - 2003-04 NBA Finals - 2007-08 Denver Nuggets Record: 50-32 - 2007-08 Utah Jazz Record: 54-28 - 2007-08 San Antonio Spurs Record: 56-26 - 2007-08 NBA Finals - 2008-09 Houston Rockets Record: 53-29 - 2008-09 Denver Nuggets Record: 54-28 - 2008-09 Orlando Magic Record: 59-23 - 2008-09 NBA Champions - 2009-10 Oklahoma City Thunder Record: 50-32 - 2009-10 Utah Jazz Record: 53-29 - 2009-10 Phoenix Suns Record: 54-28 - 2009-10 Boston Celtics Record: 50-32 - 2009-10 NBA Champions",Yeah but Kobe didn't beat a 73 win team +I'm not anti-gun... I'm anti-stupid. There is no rational reason to take a gun to the state fair.,Because criminals don't attend fairs. +This is a haiku. Your poem was not haiku. I like yours better.,I quite like haikus But they don't always make sense Refrigerator +Mom's*,"I rather think the author's lack of punctuation is deliberate, and is meant to introduce an alternate interpretation of their work: I properly use your moms[,] colon (~asshole) Which is a brutal but effective critique of the heteronormativity and sexual objectification forced upon LGBTQ women, and the bullying undergone by their children." +Weirdest/most impressive play styles? I've seen oxycodone play and I think his play style is impressive I dont know how he can do streams with that play style and I saw another player click with his tablet and tap with his keyboard,Mouse hovering +Short Horror story time. At my old store they were having a mind numbing slow day so the started to pull out the coolers by the registers and clean behind and under them. They pulled one back and found a 1lb. package of hamburger that had been sitting right in the warmth of the back of the cooler. Not enough to cook it but more then enough to spoil it. They did get it back to the dumpster without it breaking but the whole place started to stink.,"Lost interest at Mind numbing, needs a TL;DR." +That is all luck. I mean look his hand just happens to be there and he is looking at the ball. such luck,Hey you forgot this: +Skated right through him.,Fuckin human turnstile +"Jesus, these doctors should all be fired! Isn't this basically malpractice?","I can confirm these stories, i went to a doctor while i was on fire and they told me to lose weight." +"Ok. What about stuff that you buy for life, or things that are more like an investment?",Your money market fund? +You don't have to guess... you can just read the comics and find out.,Tbf I haven't heard of Waconda so I don't think its in your fancy books +Greetings From Gadgetzan!,"Guys, guys...I have an idea for the new expansion set now: Goblin vs Gnomes?" +Hahaha you'd think?,"I could be wrong, you never know" +There's always one,Yea there is always one who doesnt get the +"Jazzy EDM producers? Like I would be so $#@$@#$ happy if Ookay produced all his songs with jazzy stuff like Thief but that's the only song I like from him. Are there any super jazzy house producers, jazzy trap, jazzy anything electronic? Or do I have to pick and choose my tracks?","Give Opiuo, and Manic Focus a listen." +Funny his politics was a deal killer when those other business men's politics are economy killers,Must be why every reputable economist is lining up to back Trump's plans. +This guy was so proud of his Hillary Clinton meme he signed and dated it,"Women are presidents now, get over it." +Do you actually believe that he forgot? Really? It was simply a long con. No one believed Bengi could play Nida.,* +Unable to check for windows updates,Wow how much did you pay for that feature ? +It's like pottery. It's made on a wheel so it goes on circles.,Just like the snoke identity threads +i really wish they saved this for a casual themed set where big flashy effects and fun are more emphasized than raw power.,"Yeah, should'very been saved for archenemy." +Do you have any other removable hard drives? It looks like the error happens if you have more than 1 removable drive.,"No, I only have one external drive which is the one where the system is installed, it's a thunderbolt enclosure." +"If this doesn't make r/bestof today, I'm going to be awfully peeved. If I had gold, this would be gilded.","If it doesn't get gold, it's clearly part of the diabolical Catholic conspiracy against him!" +Why..?,Because people with very vibrant and often obnoxious personalities have no place in the music industry! +How so?,Like the dimensions don't physically make sense. +Erection implies consent,Because a biological reaction totally signifies consent. +Damn Morgan really killed this comp,But she cheated tho! +Lavahound + zap for Inferno = easy wins,Ah yes LH definitely does 200 damage per hit as well right! +What is one food that you never get tired of eating?,Al-Baik +These 20 CDs were handpicked by Steve Jobs & the iPod team and bundled with every iPod given to journalists when iPod first launched.,But Tim Cook gives people free music and everyone loses their mind +If Bernie Sanders was the nominee we would have endless GOP attack ads of how he will turn this country into Venezuela with clips of him praising their government and Cuba.,"Where as Hillary doesn't get attacked at all because republicans love her, right?" +I cant imagine sifting through Twitch chat for helpful responses...,"SMOrc ME ORC SMOrc ME SPAM SMOrc NO MODS SMOrc NO BAN SMOrc Hmm, maybe we need more twitch mods..." +What videogame was a 10/10 for you?,No Man's Sky... +And they all smoke cigarettes.,Depending on which RATE/MOS ya get it may be the only break ya get during the day. +"My boyfriend and I were having a huge argument and he had to leave for work. He still came up to me, gave me a kiss and said I love you. I gave him a weird look... he then said We're fighting right now, but that doesn't change how I feel about you. Big green flag right there.",And then he fucked your best friend +"Nah, there's clean coal now. I seen a commercial about it.","Whew, glad that problem is solved." +"Give a mouse a cookie.... Dude gets in for free once, expects to get in for free again. There are more soldiers, teachers, firemen etc than there are seats in Wrigley. Get a job old man.",I think you dropped this: +The republican led congress turned down repeated requests for more funding..,"Well, since she had the power to change the tax code single-handed as a Senator, she certainly could fix the entire Middle East overnight." +Masters student having to stay up all hours of the night. I have eaten so much Bo Jin Wangs Chinese food.,Lol wangs +ACL aint no joke. It may take a year or two to fully get back in swing of things. Not everybody is AP,"He just needs to take some HGH, Recovery Water or Deer Antler Spray." +"Do mentally handicapped people become sad when, watching a movie about a mentally handicapped people? Like it asks in the title.",I get upset when you use unnecessary commas MOTHERFUCKER +"Not to mention that you're often forced to heal people that aren't even doing the objectives. I can almost deal with the thankless nature of the role, and the lack of help from your teammates, but being required to heal them while they're fighting in the roads is just downright frustrating.",But you gotta kill them on the roads before they get to the objectives! +"Kickstarter vs. Retail I backed the EARLY BIRD SPECIAL on Kickstarter to get a Pebble 2 for 99 $. Shipping was supposed to start in September, and the Kickstarter page still says Pebble 2 will retail for $129.. Now it's the end of October, my watch was only shipped last night and with taxes and shipping everything adds up to 132 $, while there are reports of Walmart already selling the Pebble 2 for 119 $ (that's probably without taxes?). So there was no benefit backing the Kickstarter project, or was there? In my case I would have been able to just go into a Walmart and get the watch earlier, and everybody who wasn't fast enough for the Early Bird special ends up paying more than the retail price.",You get the Kickstarter engraving on the back... That's totally worth the wait and the extra cost +"Not 1 Republican voted for Obamacare. If your premiums/deductibles have skyrocketed, blame the Democrats for this one.","But we should be putting social issues before safety, health and well being, because racism and having our feelings hurt is the number priority." +Is there a stereotype about Mexicans and coffee that I'm missing? I see nothing wrong with Sombra speaking her native language,It's not like the other heroes do right? +"Can We Use OUR Skins in Brawl? I love Brawl, but why don't the heroes use the skins I currently have equipped on them? I can see trying to use it as a means to advertise other skins, but if someone really loves Brawl, and plays it more than other game modes, what incentive do they have to spend real cash on skins? Same goes for mounts. Please let us use mounts and skins currently selected for the heroes we play in Brawl! :D","They have been working on the game mode for only 1 year, come on dude, they didn't have time for this..." +Public vote could give Dublin a directly-elected mayor by 2019,As long as it's a FFer! +"Imagine you are in the busiest city in the world with the largest population. The only mode of transportation are yellow cabs. Everyone has to use one for everything to from A to B. Now if someone just uses one cab to go from A to B its easy since its the same taxi service, same driver, same everything. This would allow tracking and following you relatively easy since all you have to do is ask the taxi service in this case your ISP where that cab went. Now if I change cabs multiple times going from A to B someone would have to ask multiple drivers, cab companies, for any details. Now lets say I took multiple cabs to the border of the next city whose laws are much different that the riding laws of the previous ctiy. Maybe that next city doesn't collect data on my destination or doesn't share that information. Hell maybe they dont like each other and tell the other city to screw off (imagine US to China). This would make it damn near impossible to track. Apply this logic to how packets hop and there ya go.","Wow talk to me like I'm a 5 year old, patronising much." +Exactly. I lose so many games becuz my support won't get silvers edge when there are hero like huskar or bristleback on enemy team. I tell my support lion or rubick to get silver edge but they don't listen and get shit like blink or force staff instead. then we loose game at 50 minutes becuz they are retarded and get useless item,Get it yourself then? +You guys got you wanted.,"I mean they still do it, just less proficient." +How do you calm down a horde of crying kids? Give them candy Wp with that halloween event niantic,"Yeah, game will be so much better during the event." +"I really lost all respect for her this cycle. She's a bully, plain and simple.","This can't be the same Elizabeth Warren who's now campaigning for her, right?" +Where's your loyalty to the crown? pffha,Maybe we just had the first SPCA and the rest of the world has to use a different name? +Yeah I've never seen Kremlin bots get so rekt in r/worldnews before.,I think that's because they're not programmed for +I saw a couple angry responses to a video on the internet! Time to write an article! Honestly I'd have more respect for these types of articles if the author would just leave the Twitter reaction out of it and just post her personal thoughts. It's cheap and lazy.,But her opinion is more valid if other people agree with her! +This is what we're up against folks....,world of warcraft wants $15/month isn't that pay-to-play? +This is seriously breaking the immersion Where are the goddamn glorious mustaches? Fucking shavists ruining our WW1.,Mustache battlepacks confirmed +I havent been gold free in months :( I don't know what to tell you. People are dumb.,Should I have used +My question was: Why would Wall Street be against legalisation?,"Because banks are evil, and hate everything I want!" +No.,"You are right, sorry for saying otherwise" +A majority of Donald Trump supporters think everything has been terrible since the 1950s,"Yeah, things started getting *really shitty*, what with all those civil rights, and advancing society..." +"FBI Investigation Into Bribery With Clinton Foundation Spans Nation, Multiple Field Offices, Says WSJ",Satirical news articles aren't allowed on this subreddit. +Seriously lol. We've done nothing to prove it.,"Hey it takes a good team to force OT with NC State, and an elite team to actually win" +I couldn't give less of a fuck about Mary Steenburgen.,I adore her +"What would one do with 1800 Phoenix cases? Do you guys think that the Phoenix case will ever grow in price? Should I just dump them, and if yes, what would be the best method to trade them off?",Phoenix case supply is on a downward trend so keep them. +"The lambda is an actual scientific symbol used outside the context of the Half-Life games, you realize that right?",no it isn't +What confuses a gay person Seven,I'm confused. +"Tis not the season, m'lady",How dare you desecrate the image of GabeN? +"That we can't simply stop Things like depression, anxiety, schizophrenia- that's not something that can just be turned off. If it could we would!",Remember its all about attitude. +Don't understand why we fall back to these three star kids. I guess if he is one of two that's ok but making him the only RB in this cycle isn't good.,"Yeah, that 3 star Perine guy, what a scrub." +k m8,*sigh* +"She seems like a pretty responsible person so she would get it detailed before selling it. That M5 from BMWSF was 100% detailed by there detailers with actual buffers and what not, not some washbay bullshit.","Ahh Yes, dealership detailers, an industry standard" +Everyone fucking spys on us! Like a new story every week of this shit tf man,Hey if the government does it why can't all our favorite corporations? +Hmmm I wonder who their parents are voting for....,Clearly Sanders supporters +"More like TR needs a new long range AV weapon since the Devs absolutely murdered the Gatekeeper. You can make a new crosshair yourself and use it with the Recursion Stat Tracker, but you can't make a new weapon that works as intended.",Do the other two factions even *have* long-range AV top guns? +"Yes, but only on the New Nintendo 3DS. Vanilla 3DS users are out of luck.",Too bad the original 3ds' hardware isn't powerful enough to handle earthbound +yeah. fans of this television show also have other interests and sometimes reference this television show.,"Eh, just saying it's a popular post that goes around I just thought I'd take part in the cancer that doesn't breed discussion" +Thanks thats the one position I dont need tho cus of the free Gurley,He is LTD tho +A woman removing a bioplast has no bearing on what you're talking about Or our need for firm restriction of excess weaponry,I forget to add the +He should passed it to Lucas,"Mate he scored, literally was the best outcome for that situation." +"Can we talk about Fnatic dropping out of EPL? Oct 14: Announcement of the Groups Oct 28: EPL Finals starts Dropping out of a tournament right before it starts is such a shitty thing to do. Since ESL didn't announce the groups with the new seeding (meaning NIP, Faze and DIG in group A instead), it's safe to assume Fnatic told ESL they would drop out after Oct 14, leaving them less than 2 weeks to sort out the mess. I went to Fnatic's twitter/facebook and I couldn't even find a statement of them explaining the situation. It's such a shame to see a major tournament like this gets fucked over because a team is irresponsible.","Yes, dropping out because one of your players is having a child is definitely a shitty thing to do." +Ughh Civil War 2 is still happening everyone's reaction,We love it some much they added an extra issue then delayed the end of the event until December 28th. +Students at UC Berkeley block bridge only letting students of color pass. Please vote to stop this racism!,Check your fucking white privilege you racist. +Polak and Hunwick : ^ ),Wow that's way too much...hunwick alone should net him and their first round pick +"No, but length of service is usually a good indicator.",TIL Queen Elizabeth is a dictator not a monarch. +Welfare mentality,This is what they call trickle down economy Where the workers get to reap the rewards of business! +thinks brotherbill is horrible rapier but doesnt mark empathy as brotherbill's haHAA surely knowledgeable,lets make a post with 0 evidence just to make a point and then highlight the wrong players +This actually looks pretty cool,Found the Apple GeniusTM +Without an escape key. Seriously.,You don't understand it's a design thing +Related: Why do manga represent sleeping with a bubble coming out of a character's nose?,Because Japs are fucking weirdos. +"This Subreddit is a Host! I have figured it out. Every day, we get the same posts....the same theories presented as new, the same posts refuting those theories, the same posts with observations we have seen dozens of times before. Is the park miniature? Has anyone seen this Delos website? I think MiB is Arnold. Hear me out. How do the guns work? Guys I think I recognize that song from the player piano in the first episode! We are in a loop people.",Yeah but how do they clean the hosts out after sex? +5 weeks after RoI launch Splicer Vandals are still broken,"Vex hit boxes are broken too, it seems to be centered in their belly instead of their glowy eye." +"I'm not wrong. This method is used and can be upheld in court, and it has. You are refusing to believe this for some reason, and you are wrong.","This guy watched CHiPs once as a kid, he's automatically an expert, man" +The future is USB-C to USB-C. That means you can connect any device to any output and have it work. Right now we have to use dongles because not every device has USB-C yet. I would love a USB-C only future for my sake of sanity and only needing one single cable for everything. If only some company with huge tech influence forced the market to adapt quicker to these ports and include them on their devices.,"Just like USB-A, right" +It boggles my mind that people are actually going around saying that the Nikki Vs Carmilla feud is better than this one. So many awesome moments.,But its on Smackdown it has to be better! +Because UGA and UF are teatotalling institutions that never touch the evil alcohol,Surely they wouldn't allow any saloons or other establishments serving intoxicating potables anywhere in the respectable cities of Athens or Gainesville. +It's not the same site evetytime and you can say that for any article that's posted on reddit. The whole point of me posting here is for people to find out about the issue and discuss it,"You do realize you're making it harder to find posts like where do I buy salt in Montreal, though, right?" +"Considering this game. Likely. Small sample size though, like the smallest it can get.","Idk, I really liked that Hall Fiddler Bennett line we had for that one play" +"How do you think Hispanics will be seen in 50-100 years from now? I am especially interested in how you think light skinned Hispanics as well as those who are mixed descendants of any kind of Hispanics will be seen as. Like do you think that they will be still seen as Hispanic, regardless of how far removed they are from people that actually come from Hispanic countries , or that they'll start to assimilate into American concepts of race, like those with light skin or close enough will become like the Italians and Irish , who weren't considered white before, but are now. Like overall, do you think that a Hispanic ethnic identity will still remain among their distant descendants or that they will eventually be split into different groups depending on their features?",Won't be able to see them behind the wall +Is Mr. Clean gay?,"clean, perfectly white clothes WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN" +99 cents. Spiderman #300,"I collected comic books for years, and this single issue is worth more than any comic I ever owned." +I still can't see them passing. Too many buttmad kids still salty about when they got clawed out by a rusher that one time in 2011 because they froze up and didn't eat.,Please poll korasi next flamjex! +Jeremy Corbyn asks Theresa May if she will stop arms sales to Saudi Arabia - she responds by highlighting the importance of its relationship with the UK,All these racists against the Saudis +"Demarcus Ware for my team Wanted to get top 10 all-time in sacks, breaks his arm Finally wins super bowl ring, it gets stolen",because he's not going to get a replacement from the donkeys right ! +"This was also my concern. I quick search and I found some sites that indicates that MDF has formaldehyde in it (among other chemicals). I would *not* want to grow anything in a container with harmful chemicals in it. This might be a good idea if the drawers were some type of solid non treated wood... But since most furniture has some type of treatment on the wood, you are safer just buying box garden kits made from plain ceder from home depot or a similar hardware store. It would also look less tacky.","But they saved like $15 on gardening pots, don't you see?" +"Oh no!! Such a horrible place for your obsession hahaha, but at least you can still have them to look at, and even occasionally wear!",Maybe global climate change will solve all my sweater related problems. +Found something Haloween ish in deathmatch today. Any ideas?,"Why is it, whenever someone takes a picture of a ghost, it's with a shitty camera?" +How can you live with such annoyance?,"I simply disabled notifications for this app on the other phone, so now I can breathe as before!" +I'm *pretty sure* he's joking.,he's gotta add +"Is that so? I don't see any local news reports here about college republicans filing police reports. Do you have a source for that or did your feelings tell you this is the case. If so, tell me more about your precious feewings",A place that does not have trump yard signs everywhere is a scary place. +"Not sure if you know this or not, but the Articles of Confederation were replaced in 1789.",The south will rise again! +Someone called me a statpadder in my BT-SV! The very next game I got accused of sealclubbing in my PZB2! The nerve of some people,You forgot +Tolerant Left at it again,"Wow, I guess Trump Supporters are the intolerant and violent ones." +"Actually, I've found that most addicts got their start with caffeine. 100% of heroin addicts tried caffeine before they started using heroin. Let's outlaw caffeine. If there's *any* legitimacy to the pot as a gateway drug argument, it's *because* pot is illegal, and you have to go to drug dealers to get it, and you're exposed to a world of harder drugs in the process. Legalizing it would stop this, not accentuate it. I don't even smoke pot, and the pot is a gateway drug argument pisses me off so much.",Nah dude stay away from my Dunkies kehd! +Not sure about this thing,This cucumber game is going too far... +"Well he's usually not covering the best WR on the field. When he tried to cover Jordy Nelson, Rodgers noticed immediately and picked on him for a TD. The jury is still out, IMO.",But jordy nelson is washed +"What I mean is that these Reddit posts here are advertisements. They are, by definition in every sense.","Because nobody genuinely likes webpages and the deals posted by them and wishes to recommend others to go there, only doing so when they themselves are paid." +"Except you aren't *making* money, you are redistributing it to a few protected corporations and government. While I am in favor of marijuana legalization, I am not voting for it and urge everyone to do the same. Regulating control to a few crony corporations and taxing it at a higher rate is exactly the type of thing we *don't want more of* in a country with a growing wealth inequality problem.",But we're OK with all that money going into the hands of Mexican cartels. +It's not even that. I toss the Sphere of Destruction and it goes right past the target or right over their head.,Obviously Beerus is just trying to blow up the planet +Sounds like you're doing great....,It's better than Cats. +So I ordered my new debit card,Don't try to RMA that card +Shame there's no top lane Apdo-like (as in informative) Youtube channel. :'(,Hashinshin +If you're not smart enough to figure out how to order delivery I have no sympathy for you. If they *never ask for your address* chances are you aren't getting delivery.,Yes how dare they have the gall to trust you to actually do your job and communicate to them how things work at your restaurant. +"Your girlfriend has a pretty sick Daria costume. But seriously though, very cool!",Yea but she's basically Asian Daria right? +"He seemed to be instigating it, but the audio is hard to hear and this video starts late",TIL bad words are considered throwing the first punch when adulting +Chelsea Clinton: With Scalia's Death We Can Now Enact Gun Control,"vote for my mom, yea, what a strong argument." +World wildlife 'falls by 58% in 40 years',They need to fire those researchers cuase their estimations suck +Like you don't already.,"I sure do love isis, you got me there!" +"American Chinese food isn't authentic Chinese food and taco bell isn't real Mexican food. Also, Christmas has pagan roots.",You mean hanging colourful balls on evergreen trees is a pagan winter fertility ritual and wasn't invented in the middle East? +"Santa Ana to pay marijuana dispensary $100,000 after video appears to back police harassment claims",I'm glad the state is so nice in allowing the dispensary to have a big tax refund this year! +whoever said they expected embiid to be this good after not playing basketball for 2 years is a goddamn liar,"But his TS% was below average, he's not even good" +And its black. The natural gamer color :),I think the man would prefer to be called he +It's still a step in the right direction. How is this peasantry.,because its console related and EVERYTHING console related is peasantry +Fright Dome confirmed 87?,"Yes, obviously" +I wanted to post this incase there is a character bio Easter egg,Ogres have LAYERS +Congrats dude. Now you just gotta get challenjoir.,"Man, I'd make it to challenjoir but I keep getting matched will all these silver scrubs." +Hi guys! I'm the Head of Physical Performance and eSports medicine for the teams at CLG. I'm planning on speaking at colleges with eSports or LoL clubs and just have one question I'm.. the Physical Therapist (and CSCS) working with the teams here at CLG. I've been receiving lots of encouragement as well as interest about my work from with the players I've had the chance to work with. It's been an amazing journey thus far and I'd love to share how I got to where I am along with provide any guidance to those interested in working as support staff in eSports. My question is... If there was only one thing you'd want to learn about my experience what would it be? Thanks :D,What kind of meme will you be creating for us to call dank while spamming it mindlessly? +Berkeley protesters form human chain to stop white students from getting to class,Once they get segregated the only thing left to ask for is to be forced into slavery again. +"So...the baby knew a) it's sister was on her period, and b) she was delaying urination? My baby doesn't even remember to use his hands when he crawls. That's some Einstein shit right there.",They can smell it! +Death by snoo-snoo?,You're trying to fuck bears? +Oh you're so full of fucking shit. If you look here on Reddit and the US in general I think the one thing Americans can agree on is that there is a strong dislike and mistrust in our government. Show me where the fuck Russians are challenging their government and its numerous atrocities? Oh wait you can't because they eat up propaganda and love their dictator Putin. Anyone who says otherwise goes missing or is arrested.Get real Ivan.,He's not a dictator! +You can always attach a headphone and talk to your allies.,ew +I made an album of all the developments in Detroit right now,That Michigan Avenue upgrade looks magical. +Because she is a *woman* who got *emotional*.,Dang wimmin and their periods +"I can't tell if Immortals are in a weird funk, if this Optic line up is really good, or both.",Obviously OpTic only won because IMT is not playing well. +"Fuckers in school telling me, always at the barbershop, Im cringing about this, Im cringing about that, I always be cringing at work... SHUT THE FUCK UP......YALL KNOW ITS ONLY YOU THAT BE CRINGING AT THEM.",talking so much shit about my pumpkin at the barbershop they forget their hair cut +"Even with the World Series and several other players having big games, guess what is trending on Twitter?",But how can it be trending when only four people tweeted it? +Careful. There are those who would (purposely) misconstrue that picture as advocating voting with your gun.,Everyone knows the only way to vote in America is with money. +"Nope, we need super bad boys, ones that stay up past their bedtime.","It's now 9:07 pm but mommy told me to go to bed at 9, surely I'm bad enough now!" +"One More Rejection There's a woman at my job that I found to be attractive and whenever we see each other we tended to have pleasant enough conversations. Therefore, I figured why not go ahead and ask her to hang out outside of the confinement of the job. Start easy and friendly with getting lunch together. So when I asked her today if she wanted to go and get lunch together sometime when we went at the same time what was her response? Sure Realistic0ptimist we can get lunch together! or Maybe, it depends on what I feel like eating. or even a No, I like my lunch time to myself. instead she looked at me in puzzlement and asked me Why would I want to do that? I wasn't aware there was a 0% probability that one could conceive a reason to go out and grab lunch with a coworker even if the feelings are just platonic. It's times like these I wonder why I even try.",She obviously realised you didn't shower in between asking her to come to have lunch with you! +"It's funky, I'm diggin it. Definitely a different sound for Jim. Can't wait for the Philly show!","It feels like a natural step forward from what he did with the previous solo album and The Waterfall, I really like it too!" +"So, Flak will be a thing again? Than i have to exhume this bastard on Halloween! (but with sprinter legs)","Congrats on getting such damage before they were nerfed to hell, very impressive." +That's a big reason it's not legal in the US. Alcohol companies would take a huge hit in profits. They'll fight tooth and nail to prove marijuana is bad for you.,Because alcohol is soooooo good for you. +Was any part of this supposed to make sense?,"Its burning man, it wouldn't make sense to *you*." +Oxygen in the atmosphere is good for us.,"But oxygen was invented in the 1700s, so it's not necessary." +my god this is super awkward.,whatchu talking bout this guy is lit +but what if my project involved programming on a tiny embedded system?,You should obviously use Windows 10 IoT and C# +I feel like she's a spy. But we'll see.,[Nah she cool] +"Since we're both pianists, each day we play a duet together before going to bed for the night (scores arranged for piano, 4 hands).",username checks out +Can we talk about how adorable Emilia Clarke is?,"I want a behind the scenes of why she's doing the oh, you pose to Peter Dinklage as he walks away laughing." +Bikelane Drivers,"in NA, if you only put two out of four wheels in the bike lane then it's okay." +C.J. Anderson undergoing surgery today to repair torn meniscus in right knee. Likely headed to IR.,I thought the mods crossed this out earlier because it wasn't true +Once i can buy a volcano (or something similar) i plan on doing it. Right now I am at the end of a 4 year degree and have the least amount of money I have ever had. So its just not really possible.,Vapor genies are quite cheap and decent +I'm not. I was using the fine art of sarcasm. Thanks for checking in though.,but you didnt put the +"Men, let's talk about how much easier we have it than women when it comes to everything else Let's face it, being a man is awesome! * I love the unending supply of positive job opportunities. * I love never having to put on makeup or worry about looking good * I love having so many options at chipolate, and being able to rip huge farts with admiration from my peers. Tell papa why you love being a man in the world.",Yea but getting an unsolicited message seems like it would be pretty awesome +This is rape culture this is game of thrones...,TIL panic attacks are the same thing as kind of crying. +"What is to be done about America? As an American citizen, I feel like I should have more nationalism towards my country. Instead, I find myself idolizing 'European' forms of government and fascism, rather than American individualism. The problem is in the fact that the founding values of the United States; liberty, democracy, freedom... are all incompatible with the principle of self-sacrifice, which is essential to a strong Nation. Therefore, although American, I find myself at odds with American values. I drift more towards European nationalism. So what do you propose should be done about America? In what direction should it be taken? Should it be decentralized to be a collection of various cultures and city states? Should it be united under a fascist government? I really don't know what to do with it. Also, for the American nationalists here, what American values are you proud of?",Set off the Yellowstone supervolcano. +Also never understood how Civs get angry at you for destroying other Civs they never met. So you're going to denounce me as soon as we meet because I crushed a one-city civilization in ancient times that you never even knew existed? How do you even know about that?,Their delegation read books in your libraries about how you were proud of it and would do it again. +unless they gay,And that's what church is for +Flora and Fauna of the Forests preview,"Wow, I am so glad that the devs are prioritizing another biome over decent MMO mechanics, a better UI, or a fun world to play in!" +Seriously the stutter was a dead give away!,I was sarcastic too.. but okay. +A black guy DOES have the hardest job in the country at the moment,Half black. +"A 3rd party company should be hired to look the machine's code in order to find out what's going on. This is not a Solid State machine, it has code and if the machine is connected in any way to the Internet or has a Modem connected to it, the code can be manipulated remotely without anyone knowing.","Get the clinton foundation to choose a 3rd party impartial company, they're renowned for their honesty and charitable work." +And much kinder to energy drain. Only 5?,Clearly shotguns needed the buff! +Can we get a level requirement on Face-It?,"splitting the player base... face it players normal smite players... the matchmacking couldn't benefit more out of this, congratulations" +"Even then, though, there is still a ton of leeway. For example, I used to live in an apartment in the city. Only choice I had was 1 single provider for Gas and Electric. $0.14/kWh. I now own a house, in a suburb. I have the choice between 2 providers for electricity, as I live right on the border of the two. $0.03/kWh. It's still competition driving down prices, at least that's what my anecdotal evidence leads me to believe.",Might also have to do with the fact that electricity costs more in higher demand areas(city) then lower demand areas(suburb). +"Okay, let's all ignore the fact that Hillary people were caught on camera admitting to starting riots and commuting violence at Trump's rally's....","Yeah, and let's instead take 4 second clips of grab her by the pussy and what is Aleppo at face value and trash those candidates, because that's totally not intellectually dishonest" +"Ok, what number was this year's Wrestlemania?",32 +Everything was so much easier in the 60s,I mean... it did *come* from the ground. +"I own the workplace, therefore I do what ever the f*ck I want.",Do you happen to be hiring? +Months means they have virtually just played the final game. How much input do you think they had?,Everyone knows its 30 months brainstorming and 6 months building. +I'm not sure what this means,But they're pretty much the same depressing band. +"You know every time these headlines get more and more outrageous, I click on them hoping that they aren't true. I'm proven wrong every single time.",Wait till you hear the nightmare one... Trump pulls off yuuuge upset +"Actually if you bother to check down a little further in the thread, I posted about turkeys and china's online propaganda teams as well.","Sounds like anti china and anti turkey propaganda, sounds like bias" +Its good to be white in Oregon.,Are there even any other races here? +Oregon standoff: All defendants found not guilty,I'm sure if these guys were muslim they'd get off too +A massive portrait of Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump adorned a vast cornfield near the Italian city of Verona....#TRUMP2016,witness! +Wikileaks: Erica Garner Rips Clinton Campaign for Calculating How to 'Use' Father's Death,Oh now the conservatives act like they care about Garners death! +"Oh hey, another person who conveniently leaves 18(D) out of the discussion of 18(C).",Yeah that provision has really protected Bill Leak and those two uni students +Try a pixel as your next phone :),Why would I want with a phone that small? +Theres something about this image...,#lugaw +Generally black.,Why do you gotta bring color into it. +Come to the Philippines. They'll teach you patience.,Sounds similar to the DC metro... that's the finest display of human behavior I've witnessed .. +Shane Black. He makes a lot of underrated gems like Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and The Nice Guys,Yeeeaaah and the greatness that is Iron Man 3 ... +"Posting the Keep Calm and... pictures, or Minions. Basically all middle-aged women would be in jail.",KEEP CALM AND CHIVE ON DUDE ! +Loch-Ness Yo-kai anyone?,INB4 Loch-Ness Yo-Kai ends up as Slimamander recolour. +Did Bungie make Xur sell Bad JuJu to incentivize people buying more treasure of the lost? What are your thoughts on this?,Xur's inventory is 100% RNG. +Jones is injured mate,But it's nearly Halloween so he might miraculously come back for 1 match before getting injured! +"Star Citizen. Planetary lighting changing based on the Sun's relative position. Yep, the sun's an object in the game space!","I can't blame Sean Murray anymore, he just got confused and started describing Star Citizen" +Dank FB meme that is good for all your Democrat friends,Johnson clearly doesn't care about the working class or the poor +I am trying to switch to brown rice right noe and it's not really going well. Im used to measuring water with the finger method and brown rice obviously takes more but I haven't gotten a good cup yet. I might go back to couscous now that I think of it. That was healthier,Try black beans or kidney beans instead. +"The real left wing crazy would take extreme positions on animal rights, veganism, environmental protection, pacifism, anti-military, anti-religion, anti-capitalism, anti-consumerism, anti-copyright, financial equality, open borders etc.",Wow sounds like a nightmare +"repros stocks are a go. and yea, a stamp would make it legal, however I live in a unfriendly state =/. no SBR, however I can re-arm my 81mm mortar with a stamp...",That makes sense...SBRs are baby killers and mortars are totally safe. +This is Lindsay Lohan now,"Damn, I almost thought this was the girl from GTA5" +The release patch Model 1887's were a sight to behold too.,You mean the Akimbo sniper rifles? +Flamewanker into Coin / Disco Inferno is ridiculous.,But it will be rotating out soon so balance! +"You know what I'd really like? An airblaster. A flamethrower that allows you to airblast faster, more often. Because there is nothing I hate more that the fact that airblasting has the EXACT SAME ATTACK SPEED as any rocket launcher. So if someone shoots a rocket at you and you fail to reflect that, as long as that soldiers keeps shooting at you, IT IS LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO REFLECT ANY OF THOSE ROCKETS.",But how else will the get the back draft dodger achievement +Why did the console peasant cross the road? To render the buildings on the other side.,My choice in consumer electronics defines me and this is funny. +"i dont like hillary but literally if anyone has the power to reform the justice system, its her.","Yeah, we can look at her proud history of supporting legislation that would only affect black males to support that claim." +Oh they don't want to be treated like slaves? Should've thought about that before they went and broke the law. Oh well.,We might as well just shoot all criminals in the head. +"Well, this surely will cause a rational discussion.","Hey buddy, fuck you!" +Demarco Murray headed for an MRI.,Torn meniscus called it only injury that would allow you too keep playing... +"you can spam heavy at gunsmith, no reason they shouldnt make it that way at squidface, 30c too while we're at it",But you wouldn't wanna accidentally spend too many of your hard earned strange coins! +"Seriously, without law, what's the point of having a government in the first place?",To tell other people what they can't do +Homo Hot Lips,Wow guys Apple has such a good sense of humor to be putting all sorts of sexual innuendo to replace normal words lol +"Oh cool, new packs... - Me, 38 seconds ago.","You can do better, sell now and buy more" +ok... I just noticed this today. question in comments.,"Also, this at the quarry by the corner bakery, for those who care and can't tell." +"yeah not to mention, if you show interest in the kids life, guess what? You need to pay for the child!","Seems logical, you showed pity for this child abandoned by his father, it is obvious you feel regret because you are the father, after all if you show interest in the relatives of a homicide victim the police will convict you of murder." +"At the bottom of there article there is a statement from Mark Ruffalo - Ruffalo told CNN's Jack Tapper that he did not witness violence when he visited there, but he heard stories from people who said they were thrown in jail naked. - He goes on to say that no one is allowed in the protest area without training in non-violent protesting.","Well, if a celebrity associated with the protesters says the protesters couldn't possibly have done anything wrong I don't see how we can question such an obviously unbiased source." +"James Bond: Roger Moore reveals who he wants to replace Daniel Craig, says Bond cannot be played by a woman","No, everyone knows Bond should be played by a fat old queen in a toupee." +I'm Australian and I just can't fathom how they can continue to keep covering for her ? It seems to me theyre just hoping she wins and it can all be swept under the rug.,"She has a vagina man, what other reason do PROGRESSIVES need?" +"Skip breakfast, then. Been doing it for years and it seems to do me well.","I mean, your first meal after you wake is breakfast, even if it's at lunch" +"and remember, if your form of cancer isn't aggressive it means you have lots of time to try alternatives! LOL","You're right, cancer IS hilarious." +"Who is in charge here, the men with the most guns, or the law? What country is this again, friggin Liberia?",But an armed society is a polite society! +It was from his increased libido,"And, let me guess, 90% of the reports of muscle pain were reported in the right arm." +So how does one avoid this? Just be careful as usual and not download anything shady or we will get infected even if we do nothing,You only need common sense 2016 edition^TM with windows defender +New UFC owners aim to double profits over next 2 years,I'm sure the fighters will see benefits from this! +These guys could be 35 now,They could be as old as Elijah Wood or Justin Timberlake! +"Awesome of those blokes to help her and make sure dickhead was arrested, but a 23 month sentence? That's fucking pathetic. These judges have got to be kidding.","Attempted rape should be treated as seriously as rape, 23 months is barely anything" +That's a really good point. He's also a monster at support. Bitches the whole time about how come none of my supports can be as good as me? hilarious,Yeah his fizz support was godly +MSNBC Confirms Trump's Video Interview Claiming Relationship To Putin Is Real,"Well, if MSNBC said it happened then it must be true." +Like a German spike on top?!,Calm down Rommel +region locked,Run the game and at the bottom you need to switch to North America. +"It wasn't ignored. It was posted here a bunch of times and it was disputed by Texas Republican Officials as user error. One would also have to think that if there was actually vote rigging (in favor of Hillary in a state where the elections are run by Republicans), and that it would change your vote to Hillary, why would it then show you that you're about to cast your vote for Hillary at the completion screen before you submit? That's one of the dumbest attempts at fraud I've ever heard.","The old one two switcharoo, the dumb dems won't know what hit em" +So what is your description of innovation? And how often do you think a company should do it? (Genuinely asking),"Duh, everyone knows that innovation is just slapping a touchscreen on a laptop, regardless of the cursor/window based OS it runs." +Hilarious,But Amy Schumer uses the same jokes over and over again +This is how I found out my 14 year old daughter is gay...,"Nah, looks straight to me" +"I just tweeted it at Apple. They DM'd me and said, Thank you so much, you have opened our eyes. Top management will review this for the next couple weeks and make changes accordingly. You have potentially saved our company. Thank you.",Is this supposed to be sarcastic I can't see the +UP Town Center is dog-friendly as it gets for an indoor mall. I've seen a girl walk around freely with her Siberian Husky without a leash or underwear.,No underwear on the dog or the girl? +"Generalising much, no? Also germanic people? Really?","Yup, that's inacceptable, they are called great Germanic people of the great empire" +"The South Korean President has been under the control of a Shadow Cabal of 8 oligarchs known as the Eight Heavenly Fairies, including pseudo-Christian cultists and megacorp CEOs","Thankfully this would never happen in any other countries, right!" +I know right only 20% of our population is dumb enough to vote for that cunt hillary. Its the 31% dead people that we have to worry about.,Dead peoples votes matter +That youth group should be the ones to pick up the minors off the streets as punishment for their idiocy.,superb counter argument. +I think women are equal. #CUE THE DOWNVOTES!,You monster. +"Tim Farron, leader of the British Liberal Democrats, once left his phone on during a meeting and when it went off, the ringtone was NWA's F*** the police","hey, maybe he's an undercover comrade!" +DH doesn't do shit outside of low level mythic dungeons. It is amazing for solo content though,You sound like you have finished alot of +10's. +"Joomla itself should be considered a bug, the codebase is hideous and riddled with worst practices, it's like they read the best practices and did the complete opposite.",Well... there's always Drupal +LMB Healing Stations Heal TOO Quick,God forbid they add a mechanic to fights you have to actually deal with instead of just face rolling bullets into the enemies head. +"If they're so wise, how come they're dead?","Let me guess, you prefer trees that don't get caught?" +They could. But the opposite could also be true. But since you're the one throwing these accusations around you need to support them. They traded cammaleri during a game a couple years ago in a mind boggling move for Rene Bourque. Was it implicit racism about people of Italian descent?,Well they did trade Ribeiro... you might be on to something +"She was caught, though.",They catch everyone but they only stop the Republicans. +"Well, fuck...",Why do you need ATM if you have Apple Pay? +It's very clearly a woman's voice by default,"How do you know she identifies as female, you cis scum." +"Hillary campaign is telling mentally ill in LA that if they vote Hillary, and she wins, they'll get a $300 rebate.","So that rebate is going to come from all that money that Saudi Arabia gives her, right?" +I immediately made the connection when i saw Incineroar,Nice original meme +Triggered.,Why is the colored one smaller +Enjoy your foot fungus!,yeah cuz it's not like you can sanitize the bowls or anything. +"Adds some shade to the tragedy, but he was young, rich and lived in Miami. Why would he NOT have cocaine in his system?",Don't they pump that stuff into the water system down there? +Cleveland could be the first city to win a championship in two major sports and get a first overall draft pick. It must be nice to be a Cleveland fan right now.,Yeah because the Browns have had so much luck with 1st round picks in the past +"I'm gonna put this on my computer at work, turn up on the speakers, then lock my computer. Then leave for a few hours.",They can just turn off the speakers... +Why?,"Because you don't agree, obviously." +"Good one mate, you just triggered this pasty Argentine.","Argentina, Portugal, it's all Dago America..." +this is our space to be immature ;~;,should have added +"Please don't give me your bad chance,I pulled IntHawk and I need coffin boat","Because u pulled intHawk, Bandai won't ever let u get coffin boat to lv10" +Job. Higher pay. Better quality of life by most metrics. Family here. Whole bunch of possibilities.,As opposed to the dismal quality of life our NZ neighbours are subjected to? +"inb4 Rise = Whea7s, Pacman, Loony and ?, yee_lmao1 style prediction",Attach +Kinder Surprise toy can be flipped between horse and squirrel,Why is the squirrel wearing panties on his face? +"Various major news sites, including Yahoo, have buried by Tokyo University's rape case in May 2016 by deleting all records and caches.",Conspiracy! +Ordered a Millennium Falcon keychain from China and this was the packaging,They misspelled Croft. +"He ordered 1,000 copies before you giving him the OK, everything is correct signal?",Well yeah but what are the chances there could be an error in a 100 page training manual written by someone with no actual technical knowledge of the subject? +"Makes it way worse. They've likely already posted 20 selfies that day and are just trying to find a reason to just post one more. What's really sad is that they think people are that stupid. What's worse is tons of people like these photos, likely guys just hoping to get a flirty comment back.",Well it sound like you are all HATERS. +"I think I see another two cities to the lower-left and lower-right of the image, providing 1 science district per city.","Yep, this is it" +Why would anyone in Australia give two flying fucks about our election candidates,"Well apparently americans don't, so someone else needs to." +"If you had to try and make the highest scoring reddit post of all time, how would you do it?",Post an askreddit thread and take the best idea from it to use myself. +"well just test it by removing all the stability mods. i'm pretty sure the talent is just not listed, there's no way it's not working","Yeah, Massive would never screw up that bad" +"Beginner with an Alto Sax. Why are all the notes I play one tone too high? I am able to consistently reach and hold the G# note, with only the mouthpiece and the neck/crook. When I attach the neck to the body and blow (no keys pressed), I can only get to D# instead of a Db/C#. All other notes are also one tone higher (instead of B, I get C#. Instead of D, I get E). I am measuring this with a Tuner App in my phone. I am aware that moving the mouthpiece tunes the sax, but if I can play the G# without the body, it means that the mouthpiece is in the correct place... right? I played guitar as hobby. I bought a saxophone because life is too short and the sax is too amazing. I've had 10-15 hours of practise with the internet as my guide. I will have lessons in the near future, but would like to see some progress without them.",~~You might have an F Mezzo~~ +How long after your divorce did you feel ready to date? Also congrats on a great date :),"This was really the kick I needed, 3 years after divorce." +"It's because liberals are interested in facts and learning, not ignorance and fear.",But what if the facts that I learn don't mesh with my ideal reality? +This is why I switched to Reddit for advice,Why did you find this after a month Stalker +"Not a single hair out of place, even as she's showered with a typhoon of misogyny.",Now that's a shower I'd like to watch +"Bringing out the chains always annoys me. They guess the spot within plus/minus a yard or so, and then measure the spot to the fucking millimeter. What's the point?",I feel like it's a cultural thing +Super heroes are conservative by nature? I suppose running around with your underwear on the outside of your trousers whilst wearing a cape is a 'traditional value',Yeah because questioning your governments ability to do something is hella conservative. +Wanna name the laws specifically?,She either did or did not delete e-mails and that makes me furious enough to make up fake war propaganda. +"How do people play her, I hate not playing on the offense.","From experience, by blaming everything on the rest of the team." +"So Walsh campaigning for Clinton is unethical, and all the public school teachers lobbying against question 2 are unethical?",no that's not unethical because the mass liberals agree with them +Does this game have a lot of PC players? like will i be able to quickly find a game for all the game modes consistently?,Around 12k last time I checked this morning +"Ok so like, is it bad that I would take Les as our coach?",But... But... Freeze is an amazing recruiter! +I feel like it's missing someone soldering the RAM in place while holding the hot end of it.,Holding the hot end of the ram? +"The entire south doesn't support Trump, though.","Yeah, thugs support Clinton" +Console version*,HAHAAHAA WOW HAHA SO FUNNY +"Really, the word Hence is a common transition word. Does this professor think that hence is a secret word?","Well she's Latin and a woman, hence the justifiable suspicion." +"Even worse: for 5-digit PINs, 23% of them are 12345. People love to be unoriginal.",omg u just guessed my PIN +"The most irritating aspect of Trumpists to me is that they're the type of ignorant overgrown children who would assume that Saal Mubarak is the prime minister of ISIS, and Diwali is something you put on your rice at an Indian restaurant.",Their clearly celebrating Hosni's son and the Muslim Brotherhood! +So it's cowardly to defend yourself?,Of course! +Equality House attacked with anti-gay graffiti and bullets,But the Left and Clinton supporters are the violent ones. +We wuz kangzz,HOL UP SO U BE SAYIN +"No, I said 6 Another small story from the gas station. Preface, 90% of the time I see which pump people walk up from as my kiosk has giant windows that allow me to see everything going on. A lot of people still say which pump anyway, which helps in terms of clarification but it's not necessary. Anyways, a woman walks up from pump 6, drops me a $20 and says 6. That's all she says so I assume she means pump 6, which I saw her come from anyway so I shrug it off, put the twenty on the pump, and give her the receipt. No, I said 6. She says. This catches me off guard, and my first thought was I put the money on the wrong pump, so I ask I'm sorry, how much?. ... 6 while giving me a look like I'm stupid. I then realize she means she wants 6 dollars on the pump, not 20 dollars on pump 6. Nearly everyone else says something along the lines of 6 dollars on pump 6. I don't know what she expected by telling me just the number when that's both the pump she's on and the amount she wants.","You were supposed to know what she meant, even without her clarifying." +To the Summoner that saw a girl crying while standing in line for Riftwalk and asked if she was okay,im a girl pay attention to me xd +What's your most used phrase?,Living the Dream +Stop talking down our economy! Brexit means Brexit! Reality is unpatriotic!,"Yay, the economies crashing, we were right all along fellow remainers, we told everyone so!" +"Carr is undefeated against Bortles, Winston, Mariota I know it's a team game but I don't want to hear another cute best young QB argument. It's Carr. Get a fucking clue",Yeah but 0-1 vs bridgewater so therefore Teddy is better +It's not supposed to be used for kills. Its for disruption and chaos behind enemy lines so they're not focused on the objective.,If it's not dps it's worthless +Thank you again!,No problem glad you like them! +Nice flop Nelson. Maybe next time.,Shoved in the back but yeah what a dice +A kid with aspergers gave me lice not 2 days ago,Those damned aspergers kids and their lice. +It's a dick move...,Killing my vibe... +How when OKC is undefeated when he gets one since last season,He forgot the +"fuck those hoes! -krissie abt the BSers, then Jason says Please Merica want one of them on the block 9:21pm cam 1/2 too bad jason i already gave krispy all my votes",NO ONLY ALEX DOES THIS LALALALALA +The reason you should always goal steal in ranked...,But epic save for defenders if they manage to get it...or epic slow roll goal if it goes in! +##**LOCK**##,**HER** +Time to buy low on Hopkins? He is putting up WR3/4 numbers at this point and has some nice matchups coming off bye. Is he a buy low candidate or is he best to avoid for as long as Osweiler is his QB?,"Yeah sure, why don't you go buy low on Edelman, Ingram, and ARob while you're at it" +"I would play a lot more PokemonGo if the buddy candy would stay this way I love how i can actually walk with my starter and start receiving candy's. Otherwise there is no other way for me te evolve him, as walking would take soooo much more time.","Nah, I like that I need to walk 600+ km for a dragonite." +lobsters dont have pain receptors. kill em slow of fast wouldnt make much of a difference.,"Yeah, it probably started thrashing when the cutting started because of all the fun it was having." +They have dropped the ball big time. I understand their business model to have a closed ecosystem so you had to buy apple products to work with your other apple products. But now their is incompatibility within Apple? What an insult to the customers.,"It's not an insult, is just so next level and out of the box that we don't understand it yet!" +I thought sonic is just really fast and collects rings?,yeah but like even if he has just *one* ring he's basically invincible. +"Electric Cars Won't Replace Combustion Cars Until These Two Things Happen (wants standardized, swappable batteries (not going to happen))",Yes because I can take the motor out of my Nissan Versa Note and put it in my Volvo. +They were rape victims for Halloween NSFW,And men are the ones instituting rape culture +"Predict how many wins your team will get Basically what the title says, I'm interested to see how many wins people think their teams will get this season and why. Inb4 82 win GSW cuz KD. I'm predicting between 30-35 wins for the Nets this season. I think we should be able to hit 30 wins with the addition of Lin and the chemistry we have going on, but I don't see us getting much more than that. However, I do think we'll steadily increase our wins with each coming year and hopefully become a 40 win team soon.",We have been warned not to answer these kind of questions +"Aside from the 30 FPS cap, is Mafia 3 visually gorgeous??",I heard it just upscales textures to your monitor's resolution. +"with the live feed in SL, we now know how phone guy knew Jeremy entered the fnaf 2 location on night 6 (SPOILERS) phone guy was looking at a live feed of the fnaf 2 location",Where is this in the game? +"Donald Trump's nominee for Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos? A nightmare for Public Education, just ask Detroit, Michigan.","I asked a couple teacher friends of mine what they thought of her, and they think she's nuts, for what that anecdote's worth." +"Crates and adds in description Your painted toppers or wheels Lime Beret, Frostbite x2, Sky Blue Sunbursts, Saffron Invaders, Lobos, Pulsus, Octane Shisa (Turtle), Dominus Royalty, Breakout Junk Food, Breakout Vice, Merc Narwhal, Grey Witch Hat, Treasure Trail, Trinity Trail","Saffron Little Bow for Vice, Narwhal and Shisa?" +furry_irl,Never. +Finally made it to Diamond!,k +Holy shit you have no idea at all,Perhaps my post should have included a +Job at airport,That's not suspicious at all ^ +GET MELO OFF THE TEAM. I'm looking for those comments in this thread,tbh it would theoretically be better to trade him now when his value a lil higher but idk why'd you'd trade the GOAT +Anyone with any memory of the entire campaign will remember to still vote against Trump. Voters don't live in the 24 hour news cycle. Princeton still has Hillary at 97%.,So your saying the cubs still have a chance? +Then explain the FX series,Electricity companies pay 1% of their profits to AMD every year for helping them out so much. +We're talking about the enthusiast 6/8 core here.,Uh... what? +"What the fuck is up with Tavares, is he a 70 pt guy now? He hit that last year and his line mates are even worse this year. Also, Isles seem worse as a whole. Are his point per game days gone?","It hurts to think about him not being a PPG player, but honestly the Islanders have gotten so much worse around him (without much in the pipeline to help him) that yeah it's probably fair to think of him as a 35-35 player, with the upside for more." +I don't have this issue since I have no friends to queue with. Although if I'm on a team with a hunkules I'll probably be linked with him the whole time.,Dam tht got sad real fast +"She truly was a lovely, beautiful person, inside and out. She used her fame for good, and turned difficult experiences into an empathetic outlook.",and then her family sold her CGI face for a chocolate commercial +My first Godlike with Xing!!!!!!!!!,Umm.. okay? +"What's insane is that Yankee stadium is the same way with NYCFC over the Yankees. Then again, with how they've treated fans lately, maybe it isn't so surprising.",Up close the seats are all corporate assholes checking in on foursquare not even standing up for bases load full count bottom of the ninth +"Trump's support in Utah the last few days. Yup, no brakes on this train!!","It has no trains, therefore fell straight off a cliff." +Wow I think Justin and Pao Pao would be a perfect match,he doesn't go with any girl that expects monogamy from their SO +Well the raw national numbers aren't really what I'm looking at. I'm looking more so at the margins of the raw numbers movement. Their margins have been moving well with the margins of state polls that have been released throughout the election cycle.,"Yeah, I was just poking fun at that LA Times poll because it has been ridiculous all cycle." +How does banning the possessed users help?,Buys time while the NSA sends a drone to their house. +My in-laws all boycotted the league due to Kap's protest and my co-workers boycotted the league after seeing the concussion movie. I'm the ass hole left watching the Browns lose alone.,Please tell me you're not a leafs fan. +Kryssie is gonna think y'all nominated Neeley because she wasn't letting her speak. PLEASE RETHINK YOUR DECISION,"Nah, she'll still cry about it" +Favorite Assault Rifle from the beta? What assault rifle gun was the best in you guy's opinion from the beta?,KBAR +"Yeah because her seeing this relatable, quiiiiiirky whacky! guy do all that shit is totally legit",Nobody has ever fallen out of a tree. +Thank you so much for this opportunity P0k3rm! I will not disappoint you any further!,"I have faith in you my friend, go and get all the waifus you want, but always remember to have Charlotte close to your heart." +Peter King MMQB: The Henry Burris Story,I had no clue Burris had dinner with VP Joe Biden. +With 213k pucks should I invest in MOVs or not? If so suggestions on cards to buy,Investments in MOVs are a bad idea this year +post a contract and let me know team name and price,Lucky :) +To anyone who always use cry or laugh emote after winning the match,Salty kid git gud blablabla I just died a little bit just typing that... Rip quality life +Suddenly another dokkan player appears,Glad I'm not the only one on this sub lol +HOLY SHIT When did Kush go to the Bears?!?!?,"At the end of hard knocks, dude seems so awesome" +This old dance again. Yet another closed source CAF Chromium app that's probably sending your data straight to some shady address in China.,Which CAF Chromium build is open source? +"They did put up an electable candidate, and she's likely going to win.","Not arguing that, I said More electable." +"Horrible bed spread, Amazingly long legs (f)",Right on both counts. +Milo's dumb ass shared this.,Honestly Milo has done less for lgbt rights than my fucking grandmother who died of cancer in 2007 and never forgave my gay uncle +Possible threat detected...,Rowlet is evolving! +My mom always uses voice to text.,CORN +"The casting call for this group must have been great - Looking for old, angry, pissed-off men. Must be amenable to wearing a silly hat.","To be fair, literally every single Star Wars casting call ends with Must be amenable to wearing a silly hat." +How much time has elapsed in this gif? Hours? Days?,This is real time. +"Also vet tech here, they should come out. Overcrowding is a problem, especially in small breeds who are already prone to dental issues and often don't have enough room for the teeth they should have. It can provide an extra place for food bits to collect and form tartar. Baby teeth also aren't rooted so firmly and can leave pockets in the gum where abscesses can form.","Interesting, thanks for the reply." +You talking about Trump?,No that would have been sad little man with sad little hands +O_O,"My name is Gregory, and this is my room." +"Good to know that, to the American public, the most qualified woman is still not as good as the least qualified man. A friend posted this on facebook last night and i wanted to share. I'm so upset that I just don't have any words or emotions or thoughts to describe how I feel right now. I'm sorry this post is so short.",dumbass +"What memory do you have of wrestling doing something so stupid that you couldn't defend it to a non-fan? Explaining wrestling to a non-fan isn't the easiest thing to do. I think most of us have been there but sometimes there is something so stupid, that even as a fan, you just can't defend it. Back in the Attitude era days, I just couldn't justify anything that Mark Henry did. From admitting that he slept with his sister, to kissing a tranny, to finally what broke the camel's back, having a HAND for a child with a 70+ year old woman. People at school knew I loved wrestling and asked me how I could watch that crap? They ALWAYS used Mark Henry to justify their means. I just did not have an answer for it. In hindsight, it was almost as if they wanted Mark to quit. Motherfucker ended up having a 20 year career despite everything they threw at him. I would love to hear anyone's personal stories about this if you could share.",Katie Vick +Except that's not how the Presidency works.,No one's going to tell him this. +What kind of idiot believes The Hill has any info about what spies are bringing in. This is the epitome of desperation.,The hill almost never does it's own reporting. +I'm gonna start blaming being a gay redhead when things don't go my way. I'm a minority too!,"Skin color, genitals, and what turns you on is the new unholy trinity of excuses." +.50 Beowulf revolver please.,With potato grip +She probably works swimmingly with Junkrat because he is the king of not finishing off people.,"right, I think she works well with heroes that where not in the current meta." +Please expand on this a bit.,Counter stirke skins for guns +What is the best way to kill boredom?,Csgo +What's a dongo?,A big ol punper +CAN JAVY BAEZ BE MY FLAIR THANKS MODS,JAVY BAEz! +"OHIO COLLEGE PROFESSOR Makes Threatening Post To Facebook: Bunch of us anti-gun types are going to have to arm ourselves, storm the NRA headquarters in Fairfax, VA...make sure there are no survivors",it would truly be their death sentence LOL +"Sometimes. Saying feminism is cancer is provocative and gets people talking because it's attacking an *idea*. Saying all white people are racist is a personal attack on white people. When you personally attack someone, don't be surprised if they get defensive and tell you to fuck off. And it's not even shocking at this point. It's practically old hat. Most people have heard the accusation before. White people either a) self flagellate or b) roll their eyes. If you want to shock people, *try saying something no one's heard before*.","Well that makes a lot of sense, thanks for sharing that." +40mm cannons on K21 IFVs,source? +Brawl Minus devs: Are you listening?,"Minus has Final Frustration, not quite as insane, but still really headache inducing" +* war on coal,#NAME? +Tyranitar isn't a dragon...,"Close enough, every other pseudo is a dragon (other than Metagross), and Ttar is a dragon in all but name, it's in the dragon egg group." +That was the excuse last week. Can't wait to see what the excuse will be for this week.,Its just a double fluke bro. +Stop watching CNN,Had it on in the restaurant... +"ELEAGUE observer feed doesn't show the pre-show ELEAGUE didn't stream the full show (including the analyst desk and the interviews) for the grand final. I think they have every right to do that however, it is, in my opinion really stupid because the cs go community has of the best talent. I personally love to watch the analyst segments, so instead of that, I've decided to watch dota2 instead.",Why would they? +Sorry not sorry vikes pack,Have we not suffered enough :( +Clinton Emails - what the FUCK are these PHOTOS???? - NOTE: Hit View original pdf,Well page 13 looks like a half naked man behind someone tied up in a chair. +Was TJ Clemmings wearing headphones during the speech??,He might be more blind than Zim if we're being honest. +Haven't heard that in the last day,Nice UN/Flair +"Everyone is talking about Sinnoh remakes, but what I really want is another Kanto remake.",We'll get it once we get get Rebuild of Half Life 3+1 FINAL & Knuckles Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series comes out. +"A piece channel 9 ran a few years ago letting you be the umpire and trying to show you how hard it really is, quite fun to watch/play and relevant.","I dunno, they seemed pretty easy to me" +Huh.,CG +Typically though Regents are pretty quiet folk. Dealing with administrative / oversight type stuff.,"They're quiet, but they set the course for the university." +Oregon is your daddy,I just lost it imagining someone saying to their boss it's a shame Oregon is your daddy +Seriously. If I'm going to buy an oversized dildo for a friend I'm going to spend real money to buy them something high quality....just in case.,"Yeah, Bad Dragon or don't bother." +"Did they choose the right superstars, for the Cruiserweight Division?",Who says they won't have some heels in there while on RAW? +My girlfriend and I attempted Uncharted 4 this Halloween.,"I'd say you all succeeded, I can just see the reaction when you finally told people, lots of oh right, now I get it moments." +"You're still #1 in my heart, Holtbae, even if Canada has you #3. But it wouldn't hurt you to like, keep that in your head? Don't say it out loud.","He's referencing the Pens' arena and practice facility, not the team, if that makes it any better." +"Can we stop with the Can you imagine what these people would do if Trump supporters acted like this thing? Because, it's really pretty dumb. Trump supporters either supported or overlooked calls to reduce civil rights. There's a huge difference between being angry because someone is threatening the civil rights of you or someone you love, and being angry because you feel someone else has equal rights as you and should not have them. So the whole can you imagine if thing is dumb. Up until the 2000s, cereal companies put toys in boxes. People liked this. Can you imagine if they put poison in the boxes, instead? What hypocrites the fans of those toys would be if they suddenly found that inclusion bad!",FFS judge would you fucking stop your self righteous idiocy and actually learn the issues already you morons are going to give them even stronger control in two years at this rate. +Long live the king.,It's interesting to see Hamlet with Lions :D +Must be the one of the most embarrassing defeats in political history for Clinton.,And every bit deserved. +balt hater,"sorry for the hateration, hope you're having a nice night" +True there were a few bad plays in there but he looked better than Tomlinson to me.,We need Swanson back so badly +They said hamstring for Slay. We will have to wait for the report.,Check the report +"If you're playing Resurrect Priest, just wait to drop your huge bomb then resurrect it 4 times-CW usually can't handle 5 Bog Creepers or Ragnaroses in addition to your other threats. If you're on N'Zoth, then Cairne and Shifting Shade are pretty annoying minions that will get in a lot of chip damage, not the mention N'Zoth himself. If you're on dragon, just wait for the Brann double Netherspite. CW can't outgrind 4 giant dragons in addition to the other late game you have. All this is supplemented by Emtomb for more threats and a slower fatigue for yourself. So yeah, it's quite favored, you just have to play it slow and steady and get maximum value. Cards like thoughtsteal are also amazing in the matchup.","If a priest avoids playing threats for 6+ turns, the warrior can Sylvanas shield slam the first threat they play." +"If you knew Trump was already losing, wouldn't you just run the election legit instead of doing all of this?",I guess it would be pointless to be in a constant frenzy of impotent rage if they were confident they would win. +Report: Ex-Spy Claims Russia Has Been Cultivating Relationship With Trump for Five Years,"Yes, because spies are the most trustworthy people to rely on." +A girl I was dating gave me What Color is my Parachute for my birthday.,I don't understand. +Are you the same guy who used to have a turbo e39 with the same plate?,No. +dee?,deez nuts +Just like China during the Great Leap Forward. And the Soviets warned the Chinese not to plan the economy that way even back then (guess how they knew). How many times do people have to make the same mistakes?,"I think it's actually to our benefit to let this happen occasionally, so the world can remember what socialism does." +I wouldn't necessarily call that living.,"Well, the beer's good at least." +Clinton camp worries 'low bar' will be set for Trump at debate but not for her,The weigh-in to this thing is going to be brutal. +Purdue - Penn State rematch for the Big Ten title? All those in favor?,Aye! +"There are ten major conferences in Division 1 FBS football. Five of them control 90% of the revenue, history and tradition of the sport - they're known as the Power 5 conferences. Then there's us, teams in the other five smaller conferences. We don't have the history, money or prestige of Power 5 teams so we're effectively second-class citizens. This includes the MAC, which is your conference, the AAC, MWC, CUSA and Sun Belt.",Whats the difference between division 2 and fcs? +"If you were another person but your current self also existed, would you date him/her? Why?",I'd never meet myself. +I only accept MS paint,"it was ms paint in motion, adobe flash" +"Come on, the little girl saying that she likes her coffee like she likes her men?","Yeah, rich." +What accent do you find sexy as hell? For me it would have to be Spanish,French +It's less offensive than the sticker families or the shitty Calvin decals.,No it is not. +"My husband's favorite color is orange, so I added some orange accents to our house.",Who upvotes this shit? +What did my mom just say??,Oh your dong is so big +"Nintendo. I really, really want Disney to buy the film rights to the Legend of Zelda and produce a Ghibli-style 2D animated movie.",Why not just have Studio Ghibli do it..? +Pat Robertson blames a Grown Woman's decision to avoid her parents on menstruation.,What's most surprising is that people still pay attention to that a8hole Pat Robertson +RCP says that Clinton is up by half a point. How much you trust RCP is up to you.,do you trust RCP? +There's a whole lot more wrong with that than what Putin did to Russia. Imagine if Putin had access to the depth and breadth of US intelligence... how many countries could he steamroll if he knew where our pants were down?,But isn't it a good thing if the US and Russia were more friendly? +"yeah... I had a similar experience. I beat a lv 11 (at 3.5k) with 40 HP left on my left crown tower, while his meta minion is in MID SWING... clutch for my first win against a lv 11","I had a battle like this, 30 seconds in overtime, opponent threw a fireball leaving my tower on 1 hp, I defend a massive push, counter push and take their tower (which was on close to full health) milliseconds before the fireball hit my tower." +Drone used to catch cheating wife (my wife :-/),I would have dive bombed them +"Slipstream, Parallax, Pink discos, Saffron Lightnings, Burnt sienna lightnings, and more! Offers!(looking for a heatwave primarily)",How much do you value Saffron Lightnings in terms of Heatwave +Watch him go on a losing streak for the rest of his career,As a Colts fan... *pleeeeaaaassssseeeeeeeeee* +Look how professional this Taco Bell is,I like their songs Kids and Electric Feel. +"I'm not convinced this win will move the polls much. Anyone who's unhinged enough to already be voting for Trump won't be moved no matter how awful his performance or how unfit to be President he seemed. She needs to do more to energize her base, and she won't do that just by seeming poised, Presidential, and knowledgeable, she needs to appeal more to emotion next time.",She'll take a chunk of undecideds +Trump has a long history of Tweet-shaming on taxes,Projection +"Ricky Bobby, is that you?",Don't you stick that knife in your leg. +lol I did the same thing. She met a group of guys from a random dungeon that convinced her to switch servers. Couldn't fathom why I was mad she left my server. Relationship did not last long.,I'm here for the gangping +So a modder decided to make everyone in the lobby into a bonfire....,Praise the Sun \\[T]/ +He looked down at his feet,Maybe he was just trying to use echolocation +Can you get some pictures of that please? And post them?,It's mostly online ad campaign and it's pretty much gone since the schedule is over. +In the last 5 years they drafted one Center,yea only 1 +Which NBA players that aren't often listed top 10 actually are?,Oscar Robertson and Kobe Bryant for me +So hardcast a 12-mana creature is Step 1 of a plan with additional steps that still doesn't automatically win?,Well that's why none of the Inames are popular. +Eat shit?,Will it be free? +"Oh I have to remind you, Alex Gonzaga is an author of a book. Alex Gonzaga. *Author*",I'm pretty sure it was ghostwritten. +I want to go to the Apple Store,"Silly grandchild, we have the latest Android and PCs and they're all super fast!" +Same here,They ded +It's really touching to hear your words. I'm glad your enjoyed it so much!,Animate it! +"Normally, I would too, but after reading through this person's blog for a while, I'm 99999% sure they're serious. Their stuff doesn't read like parody blog material at all, and, unlike most parody blogs, they refuse to fight about otherkin issues. Weird af.","These people make me do either on of two thing equally, either punch them in the face, or throw them in the loony bin." +That's not how geography works. #MOVE THAT TOWN OVER BY THAT OTHER TOWN #MAGA,"Why not just take one town, and PUSH it somewhere else?" +Im a zionist and i dont find it remotely offensive. People are too pc.,"Zionism is a political movement, what's next, the term tea party is offensive?" +How it isn't literally an attempt at blackmail perplexes me. How the hell is trying to blackmail the Department of Justice even legal?,Oligarchy. +Seattle is now a sanctuary city where lower income people can't afford to live and there's a critical housing shortage in general. lol,Glad someone sees the hilarity of this. +Odd traditions of the Atlas military,All female specialists must appear in the recruitment posters in a bikini +?,A bunch of people are saying they feel bad for the detotated wam kid because the video of the kid was at minecon. +"In fairness, Bush was FORCED on Reagan, by all accounts, Trump CHOSE Pence.",Totally agree +Poppy instant penta with W,Full AP Poppy meta now? +Bandit snek gonna steal ur heart,Woma Python +"Duplicate paychecks. What do I do and what is happening? A few weeks ago I received my first paycheck from my new job that I started last month. The amount, for this situation's purpose, was $200. However, in my checking account there were two deposits made from my company: One for $200 and another for $195. It seemed as if there had been two paychecks submitted at slightly different amounts. As a precaution I told my boss and payroll and they said that their records showed no duplicates and only one deposited amount which I also confirmed through physical copy of the $200 paycheck. So, I kept the extra money in the account, untouched, as a further precaution and moved on thinking nothing of it. Today I was payed again and this time the paycheck was for $500. Once again, there's a duplicate deposit from my company. This time for $460. The extra money from the first check was never rescinded and payroll has not had any further communication with me about the incident. What is happening here? Is this a bank error or a company error since it is listed as deposited from my place of employment? What do I do now?","Move the money into a savings account if you can (to make sure no bills or auto drafts touch it) then contact your workplace again and show them the transactions, let them take note of the transaction ID, date, time, etc, and when they ask for the money back you can simply withdraw it from your savings and return it to them." +"Wow, this is biased as fuck. Only call the audience out for laughing when Trump says something funny, but not when Hillary attacks. Fuck off shills.",It was a laugh track +"they need to give Sha Lin's clones shooting movements (not actual aiming and damage enemies, but just make it look like the clone is shooting) and a fake HP bar above their head.","agree, maybe shooting without damage to fooling enemies around" +Poll: Most Americans think Donald Trump is a raging jackass,I'm a huge Trump supporter and I think he's a raging jackass. +"Maybe there are some Americans who don't take advantage of the rights they have been given. That doesn't mean that the rights themselves don't have value, or that the American concept of that value hasn't been successful in overcoming more autocratic systems of governance before, not just in terms of militaristic might but (call in naive if you will, but I think it's true) the strength of the ideal. America endures and bests tyranny. It's been empirically proven. But the way to demonstrate that is not to allow ourselves to become a more closed society in an attempt to protect that endurance, but to demonstrate that we MEAN it, even when it's challenged by ideas which seem anathema to it's existence.","This all sounds great as a justification for immigration, I just don't buy it when it comes to paying for refugees" +Keep looking then.,nice open minded kind community you got going here i came interested in knowledge i leave knowing why everyone makes fun of this place now +"And you sound like the classic 12 year old fanboy, that tells his thug-bros how hard he bangs every Milf he sees.",thug-bros ... confirmed neckbeard +Well this one wasn't quite possible without Flash.,"i mean, i doubt vik wouldve ran too fast considering it was only a support coming to 1shot his ass" +Can the org play by itself? Can the org get ANY achievements without it's players? No. When Luminosity won the major was it Luminosity or the current SK players?,"Org can never do anything without its players, but it will always be Luminosity who won the MLG Columbus no amount of player changes can change that." +"maybe you should get out of the basement, in the game and irl because this shitpost screams nerd virgin.",MY NIGGA YOU JUST GOT ROASTED +"Think Scizor will be 50 candies, or 100?","Who knows with Niantic, probably whatever annoys the most people." +Absolutely not. Clickbait = more views.,you identified the problem +Gonna get buried and not really your criteria from a video game but...Millencolin from Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2? I think 2.,"I loved in when my brother played that game, all of them, really." +"No, your TV does this job.","Yeah but at the end it's quite the same, especially as TV are quite good at upscaling." +"You are blocked from following @tancredipalmeri and viewing @tancredipalmeri's Tweets. Strange, I only called him a fucking liar, speaking the truth and I get punished? lol",Hardly a punishment. +Giuliani on Hannipede talking about how the 33k emails must be out there. Does he know something? He knows something. Tomorrow could be big.,"To me, he sounds like he's getting ready to file charges against her on Inauguration Day (as AG)" +Is just me or does Bernie look nervous. Chewing on the pen deflecting questions. (I know he normal deflects a lot of questions but it isn't in his normal manner),"Yea his usual mannerism is like Leave me alone, I'm a grumpy old man" +"thought about finding a girl in a game somewhere? I never thought it would happen but it happened to me just totally naturally out of the blue, and it's not perfect or anything, but it's way better than jerking off alone","I've thought about it, but the chances of it happening are seemingly quite low." +"Cemu 1.6.1 and 1.6.2, The emulator does not work with the plates rx 480, especially with Mario Kart 8. When I open the Mario Kart 8 game in the emulator in the last two versions of the emulator, the game is with the logo frozen screen and does not start. I noticed here in the forum that many are with this problem that have this video card. If anyone knows how to solve or can move on to the developers would appreciate. Thank you all and keep up the great work.","I don't have Mario Cart 8, but I am able to run Bayonetta on 1.6.1 and I have an Rx480" +"The minimum speed that my current ISP offers is 300 Mbps down/150 Mbps up. I normally use a VPN though, because I don't want them to poke around my shit, so I only get 20 Mbps up and down.","shut up 400mbit is the best you can get here, but only 1000gb/month" +"MHXX Must have at least one other new deviant, what would you guys want to see make the cut? I would absolutely adore capcom to new heights if they added a Lagiacrus Deviant. Or even giving the other fated four their own deviants, or maybe Rajang and Deviljho. I honestly think it would be a missed opportunity if they didn't give these guys a deviant. Please capcom give me my galaxy eater Deviljho! But seriously who would you like to see?",Deviant Plesioth that requires 2 consecutive sonic bombs before it comes out of the sand +me irl,**BASH THE FASH** +"Just make sure that your multi-faith collection of opening prayers includes some to Satan, and then you will have the Christians pushing for secularism.",We're essentially not a secular country. +"RWBY: grimm ecliplse. Now the game is out, they have no obligation to work on it anymore. They still have game designers hired (currently working on fixing bugs and character DLC's). If that's finished, they'll probably move onto the next game...","They have plans to release more content for it, as well as the fact that they're working on bringing the game to consoles too, so they're not going to just stop working on it." +Fucking nothing! lol I was out for the fireworks last weekend there and pulled a lassie and for some reason other people know even though neither of us have said anything! Night mare. Was out last night for the match and lost a tenner on it. Fucking Scotland defence is shite! What you been up to big man?,"Oh right, I didn't realise you were still in school... I started playing Overwatch about 10 last night and got to bed just before 5 haha It's a good game to play halfcut cos there's plenty characters that you barely need to aim with :D" +Dump him.,TEAM DUMP HIS FUCKIN ASSSSS YEAHHHH +Drug overdoses now kill more Americans than guns.,Legalize... it? +ctrl + f mulaney 0 results. You're goddamn right.,mulaney. +"Pc for WoW only? Hey master race, I was looking for a PC to play WoW only pretty much. Aside from using the internet I will just be playing WoW. Any good builds for that? Let me know! Thanks!",What is your budget? +Shit Americans Do: Florida Woman Accused of Shooting at Guests Who Stayed Too Long,It's just southern hospitality so it's ok. +What are your true feelings though,It's almost like climate change is important +"Pto and sick days are two different things where I work. However, I'm a land surveyor, when it rains heavily we can't work outside because we have older elctronic equipment that isn't waterproof. So to get paid, I had to use both my Pto and sick days.","Ugh, that sounds like a hassle, sorry buddy." +lol I recently got it on amazon,I'm not sure if I appreciated it the first time I saw it but I was watching it last weekend and I really loved it. +Difference between demanding and hoping;),cause bungies known for their updates... +I really don't see what is wrong with this analogy.....,"Hey shitlord, I identify sexually as an M&M, and I literally can't even right now you triggered me you fucking a white male REEEEEEEEEE" +Flashforwards maybe?,that sounds terrible tbh +"kinda bummed they ended up inviting her to the show for an interview. she made an ass out of herself to people who don't like her, but the majority of her following are a rather dense bunch, and i bet they think she knocked it out of the park. we've come to a point where people like this are not going to change their beliefs/morals no matter what. conservatives like her have been berated, called ignorant morons etc, and i think that has only strengthened their belief structure. people like tomi lahren need to be ignored, not invited on the daily show. she's just like trump in that all she cares about is publicity. she and her followers are why instagram is my only social media account, and i follow animals and extreme sports athletes.","It was a great show, though." +"One time on a hot day I saw a fire in a field on the side of the I-5 heading home. It looked like it had started recently so I decided to call it in. The dispatcher literally answered the phone like this: Dispatcher: 911, is this about the fire on the south side of I-5 near Woodland? Me:uh, yes. Dispatcher:thank you, we have units on the way. *click*","Lol, what if you were going to confess to starting it?" +"You can only have the one type meal for the rest of your life, what is it?",Chinese. +Did you just assume my pronouns????,Yep. +"Well to be fair, it's pretty hard to report anything about Trump without negatively portraying him.",Swing and a miss. +I'm located outside of US.,Still call the FBI. +"People of reddit, if you had the politician you hated most, what would you do to them?",Kick him in the dick. +starring men in drag,Meta? +I doubt it happens nearly as often as the people worried about it seem to think it does.,It does +Meanwhile in Norway...,I've been there. +Pekka is a finnish male first name and Supercell is a finnish company. Why do everybody assume that PEKKA is a she?,Because Supercell said that spring traps don't flip HER +"When someone beats me bad then spams crying face at the end of the match I take the high road and say well played, what do you do? My reasoning is I show them I'm not mad which is what they want and hope for..",i say thanks because it doesnt make much sense +Men: how would you react to seeing perky nipples through a random woman's top? Would you talk to her?,I wouldn't be any more inclined to talk to her than if I couldn't see them +"Not exactly, that's true for some cases. But in some cases it's possible to prove a solution must exist without showing what it is.","In cryptography this is called Zero-knowledge proofs, and can be applied to everything (the math is Turing complete)" +"no they are not man, what the hell??? they have a hdr option making the color depth richer. when are people going to lear this? if a game was released in 4k I'd know, I'm still waiting for one to be released in native 4K!!",There is a true 4K top down racing game +Why isn't this marked NSFW ?,Cause the kid looks fine. +"get yourself some pentagrams, upside-down crosses, and some statues of baphomet giving the finger, maybe some defaced pictures of the virgin mary, and pictures of norwegian churches being burned. and then paint on your door in red complain to my face, or don't complain at all","How about a depiction of jc in hell, kneeling down and fellating Satan." +Ideal cast for a possible HvV2?,Candice! +"It doesn't really matter. When Hillary wins and appoints her justices, everything the American right cares about is over. Who is president in 2020 won't mean a thing. The fact that this isn't the narrative of the election is shocking. Its going to be hilarious when it finally sets in, and (less than) half of the country realizes that its over.","McCain is the one playing chess here, bringing this back into the spotlight somewhat by grandstanding about never accepting a Hillary SCJ nominee." +HAHAHA LE FUNI MEMEMASTER STRIKES AGAIN XDDd,Don't sperg too hard. +To be honest Sarah Palin would have looked normal next to Trump this year.,"the only time she was kinda relevant in this whole campaign, she waw fucking insane and incoherent" +"Considering mine was barely under ready, this makes me sad.","Well your card was originally competing with the GTX 680, which later became the GTX 770..." +"If any type of war were to break out in the U.K, specifically bombing the U.K, how would the Government keep their citizens safe? So, i read yesterday that Russia has enough underground bunkers to hold every Russian Citizen if a war were to break out. This may be true or not, but it got me thinking about the people in the U.K. The way things are going, it's really not hard to imagine a war taking place. But after a wee google, it seems the U.K doesn't have any where enough bunkers to hold us. How does the Government expect to keep us safe while a war was going on around us?","Isn't that why they had the Brexit, so they can be neutral again?" +"On any given day on Reddit, you could find posters posting the most profound post of their lives, the most vapid post of their lives, the most original post of their lives or the most unoriginal post of their lives, all on one website.",We are all Redditors on this blessed day. +He was in last month's MITB rewards,Thanks for answering! +Clarkson and Wilman imitating May,I wouldn't mind spending a day in the Nigel garage +"I mean he's not carrying it in any physical way, it's just sticking on his body.",Doesn't he have a force hook. +Blaming millenials is the cool thing to do.,It's projection and it's always in style :/ +"A girl back in my highschool could've used this advice. She low-key chased me for about 4 years. I think she stopped once someone else approached her and they became her boyfriend. But I'm not sure, I never followed the events of her life. I hope she's happy now.","Yeah man can I get a LPT on how to beat away all these bitches tryna get my huge dick amirite brother *high fives, shotguns a beer*" +Getting fucked like this,Source guys PLEASE +I remember in NHL 16 when I beat the Penguins in the 2nd round in 5 games. Oddly enough I swept Philly in Round 1. I am taking a break from NHL 17 right now until they release updated rosters. Then I will move Carolina to Baltimore and ignite a whole new regional rivalry. Every single one of those games is going to be epic.,"You evil, evil man." +Don't most European countries use the same standard since a few years anyway? A1 16y+ <=125cc with <=11kW A2 18+ and power/weight <= 0.2kW/kg A 2 years A2 or 24y open,"I think A2 is also limited to 35kW, plus the restricted motorcycle can't be double that power (or higher) in it's fully unrestricted mode (think 70kW or more)." +How much free lapis does JP get...,A certain amount from pvp daily other than the login reward which varies. +**MAKE ONE THAT SAYS I WENT TO WAR SO HILLARY WOULDN'T GO TO JAIL**,That's reserved for Obama. +Idris in stock right now,Only 87 left +"Comey faces new questions about Trump, Russia decisions.",and I am sure the Republicans who wasted millions of dollars having a thousand investigations over Benghazi will be sure to question Comey on his partisan efforts +"China on Tuesday rejected a plan by U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to back out of a global climate change pact, saying a wise political leader should make policy in line with global trends, a rare comment on a foreign election",Im waiting for the left of center people to start screaming that China is influencing the election. +"On the bright side, that's a great legendary.",I guess. +"Even with the strictest gun laws in the country, Chicago hits grim milestone of 700 murders for 2016.","Chicago's gun laws are shitty, but no where near as bad as California, Mass, and NYC." +I was replying to somebody continuing a joke playing on commonly perceived stereotypes. Are you taking this a little too personally you think?,"Na man, I just love pointing out the common tropes among you people." +"Yeah, but you don't have to do heroin... you have to eat.",but you don't have to eat too much. +Why is no one playing zed?,Useless in team fights +Mirror CTRL + F,I think you got that backwards +"They are on bye this week, but he should be healthy come week 9 and I am not hurting in the RB slot at the moment",Do it +Nty,Okay np +"That doesn't really address the issue that she doesnt appear to have any healing abilities. And again they just released Ana who is also in support, so I'm doubtful they'd do two support heroes in a row. Again, I could be wrong, but I doubt it.",Symmetra doesn't have any healing abilities +See my response to the other dude.,That's kinda what I thought you'd say. +Kind of like the hide and seek events at IKEA. Bitch about it one year next year it multiplies.,"I would think for a hide a seek, during trading hours, you would want to encourage it as it is just more customers in the store." +That's not how any of this works,"Yes it is, an American says so." +One member of the household who has a lot of coal coming her way this year. Happy Holidays!,I see you have a railing that must taste wonderful! +Repeal the 19th? What year is this?,There is going to be a 19th amendment solution come election day +This could be great on r/TIFU,TIFU by depriving the state of Hawaii of all food. +"Uh... that's a 10MN AB.... Anyway, your problem is the Shield Power Relay. It cuts your cap recharge rate by 35%, which basically kills any chance of getting cap stable. Try this instead: [Vexor Navy Issue, Vexor Navy Issue] Damage Control II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Power Diagnostic System II Power Diagnostic System II 100MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner Large Shield Extender II Large Shield Extender II Kinetic Deflection Field II Medium Core Defense Field Purger II Medium Core Defense Field Purger II Medium Core Defense Field Purger II Wasp II x5",T2 rigs doubles your cost for very little benefit. +What reddit subs takes their name seriously?,R/meirl +$ for white 1/4 zip? And Wisco long sleeve?,"$20 white 1/4, $15 for wisco" +"Its not about just saying they arent talented (which youre statement is very wrong). If this movie gets nominated for a best director Oscar, do you honestly believe there wont be articles saying he shouldnt win it because of his previous comments? There definitely will. Look at how many people want to get rid of Columbus Day. Look at how many people want Joe Paternos statue torn down and taken away. In Philly people want to get rid of a statue of Frank Rizzo, who was one of the best and well loved Mayors in the cities history. Why? Because his statements from the 70s were harsh and would be considered offensive today.",So slavery is still wrong just because other people were cool with it int he past doesnt mean we have to idolize those who commit horrible things. +Thats how I feel about most of the posts on this sub :/,oh ok then well your name sucks! +then you are very far out of the loop my friend.,He's a dog chasing cars - that's why he hasn't seen the news yet. +I got my first moose yesterday!,It's uuuuuuuge +"Is it transphobic to suggest blending helps socialization? I'm neutral on this, please discuss ...","There won't be a time in any of us posting here's lifetimes when it won't be pretty necessary, especially in the workplace." +GG WP,Hell Yeah. +"Reddit, what is a good movie for when you need to escape from reality and maybe cry a little?",Cinema Paradiso Sweet and sad +"Price of health insurance has risen 22% over 2016 under Obamacare, making it unaffordable in most states without tax credit.",Can't wait till Hillary Clinton continues obamas legacy +"Honestly, I was kind of hoping it would happen. She's been a bit unbearable here lately.",So... You wanted to break up with her and when she did she's the scumbag? +CTR still doesn't understand that /pol/ has identifiers. SAD!,Can't expect much quality if you're only paying $15/hr. +Trump has called for second amendment people to do something. what something do you think that was,Maybe it was to defend her right to own a firearm? +DEBATE PREDICTION: Trump will use the basket of deplorables line as a kill shot and effectively end Crooked Hillary's campaign. I'm just kidding. The race was over when she said it. But I can't wait to see how he skewers her with it tonight.,As much as anyone wants this to be true nobody should think it's over until he is sworn in +"If the battery is user accessible, so we can carry an extra/put in a big one: no problem at all. If the battery is glued in/wired stupid/very difficult to access so no one makes replacements/larger batteries, then YES, that's a problem. an annoying one.",Good thing: Nintendo has never been against swapping batteries. +"Because with mines of this scale and distances this great it doesnt make sense. This mine might be 1500ks from the nearest port. If theres not already a train line, then the company would have to build 1500ks of track through remote and harsh country. Not cheap. Alternatively they could build 100km of road linking the mine site with the nearest highway and then use that to get to the port. Think of it this way: A farmer who lives 20km from the market doesnt build a train line to get his produce there because he isnt moving enough for it to be efficient. This is a scenario where using trucks does not seem strange to us. These mines are using the same calculations but on a much larger scale. Its a symptom of Australias extreme size and emptiness that mines are so remote as to take normal logic to ridiculous extremes.","Another point is that these mines are often temporary, so by the time they finish the rails the mine will probably be winding up production in a few years." +He better get paid in advance!,That's the only way I'd do business with Trump. +"This is basically the album that got me through high school. Any time I listen to it it brings me back to being 17 and walking/driving around in the snow during the winter, contemplating existence and other angtsy teenager things. There's such a distinctive atmosphere to this record - I can only really listen to it during late fall and winter. A lot of people dismiss Brand New because of their ties to the emo/punk-pop movement of the early 2000's, but this album (as well as Daisy and Deja) still holds up excellently IMO. Its aged very well, and it doesn't have the same woe is me, life sucks, my girlfriend left me, etc feeling of other albums from the genre. The things Jesse Lacey frets about here are entirely real struggles that many people face when transitioning into adulthood and the real world, and its a definite departure from the genre's typical lyrical themes. TDAG shows a lot more indie/alternative influence than punk/emo. Luca sounds like something Thom Yorke could've written. Jesus Christ sounds straight off of The Moon and Antarctica. This is one of the only albums I loved during my angsty teen phase that still holds up today. Limousine and Handcuffs can still turn me into an emotional wreck. Sowing Season and Not the Sun still get me headbanging. Degausser and You Won't Know still melt my face off. This album is in essence the documentary of someone losing their faith, realizing the world isn't the idealistic and pure place they were led to believe, growing apart from their loved ones/friends, and coming to terms with the fact that the world can be a terrifying/unsettling place that we're all forced to face on our own in the end. I don't listen to Brand New nearly as much as I used to, but I still love this album and it's without a doubt my favorite by them. The experimentation and dark themes really set this album apart from its peers. I'd consider it the OK Computer of emo.",I wish I had as good taste as you in high school. +People who aren't me should pay for the terrible life decisions I've made. - the Diaz family,Every rural resident in BC backed up by every BC Ferries user should parrot that cry. +How many TVs actually work when they get home?,I think they're up to 50:50 this year +"Yuengling has been my preferred garbage beer for decades and now I have to consider that the money I spend on it gives a guy a platform to endorse fascism, racism, islamophobia, antisemitism, misogyny, queerphobia, and white nationalism. My snowflake heart is broken ;/","On the other hand, it's nice to see people throwing their money away on Trump." +Such a nothingburger,Just like the emails until she lost atleast. +Depends on the loadout.,"For attrition I don't see it ever being more useful, it's the only anti rodeo and still useful against titans" +If Foreman falls to round 3 and the Eagles don't end up with him I might cry.,Yea i was pissed Eagles passed on Procise.. +"Whats wrong with this comment section? I came here to read funny comments, not comments degrading women or men. Jesus fuck reddit, can you just once not make a funny post to be about politics?",Donald Trump! +"Oh hey he filmed a thing to look like a comic panel, which was drawn by an actual artist with an actual vision. What a hero.",I really should've put +"No. I think this would be the impetus for the GOP to impeach him. Loose cannon dumbfuck out, Pence becomes president - GOP win/win. It would be getting the Senate Dems to vote for conviction. I think they would hold out just for the lulz if that whole scenario played out.",very good point +Senior NJ Transit Leaders Skip Hearing on Fatal Train Crash,Gov Chris Christie arrogance at work +Huh? He did? Is that after the credits or something? I must have missed it.,Right at the very end after all the credits you hear breathing and rubble being moved aside. +"Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) rebrands and redesigns, craptastically.","their *logomark* is designed to convey multiple meanings, but i dont see anything other than an ugly teal box" +Even the video has higher quality than the plane,Obligatory brutal savage rekt Gif. +I meant to ask where the 12th took place in the republic. I have heard of it and do recall hearing about it in Donegal.,Rossnowlagh +I would say the Fraud statement disqualifies this paper from being linked to on this sub for many reasons.,Why? +Did they change the shape of Booker's bottles? I thought they had a shape more similar to the Pappy bottles.,didnt notice until you pointed it out (shame on me) but damn that is a much different bottle than the old 2015 style in the US +"Let us know when you're ready to leak the info, Snowden",I'd lose my job +GAME THREAD : WORLD SERIES GAME 7 - winner takes all. Bright to you by Over the top: it's better than Rambo III,Frig off Lahey +"Any advice for farming for a Matador, to the extent that it's even possible?","Rumble, Mayham gamemodes and rift are usually the fastest, and offer you the most chances at a crucible drop" +Human brains are iluminati.,*Joomanatti +How many of those were there?,"0, since Sandy Hook was the 9/11 of school shootings." +"If you're looking for vehicles from Armored Warfare appearing in WoT, it is unlikely. What WoT calls Tier 8-10, AW calls Tier 1-3. AW didn't bother with WoT's paper/theoretical/fantasy tank meta to fill out trees. AW mixes nationalities, depending on when a vehicle was produced and how it compares to others of that type. I'm generalizing here, of course. Because post-war tanks are more powerful than WWII tanks, they'd have to go beyond Tier 10. Assuming they can find enough vehicles to fill all those spaces. I think the Chieftain Mk 6, Tier X British Heavy, is the newest vehicle (in RL, late-1960s or 1970s) in WoT. It's not designed to be a rolling bunker like other Tier X HTs. It's a modern Main Battle Tank. As far as modern tanks go, with the Chieftain, we have the T-54 and T62A, which have been produced in the late 1950s and upgraded through the 1970s. Ditto with the Patton line of tanks on the American side. I don't think we'll see tanks much newer than circa 1960 in WoT. We certainly won't see the M1 Abrams and T-80 in WoT.",Stb1 is the most modern i think the chieftain entered service in 66 the stb was developed into 68/69 +You're the problem. You and bottled water.,"Between taking cruises and driving my Hummer 100 miles each way to work, I cant believe I haven't been arrested for killing the planet" +"In total there are five La Grange points around each of the celestial objects. If you have ever produced a harmonic on a guitar string, that's a good way to think of it. When a harmonic is produced, if you look closely at the guitar string, you will see that the string is vibrating on either side of the harmonic node, but the node itself is seemingly very still. Just like the harmonics at frets 3, 5, 7 and 12 have very different characteristics, the La Grange points also have different properties. While you may be able to easily park a large object at L1 and rely on it staying there, parking the same object at L5 will mean you need to supply adjustments to the position every so often to stay there. What I found fascinating was the effect L1 had on the path of this object. An empty space exerting a gravitational pull on an object passing near it is mind blowing to me.","Other way around: L4 and L5 are stable for small perturbations, but L1, L2, and L3 are unstable, so an object occupying them will need to periodically boost to remain in place." +No,Well football doesn't like you either. +Is it worth -4 to swap Allen for Capoue if it means I can rebuild my team elsewhere?,Of course not. +"To be fair, there's a magnitude of difference between a little shoutout and modeling the entire game around a well-established franchise.",Yeah remember how Halo 4 completely copied killstreaks or Halo 5's movement is identical to Advanced Warfare? +40 Seconds to send a text message on the S7 Edge. Definitely my last Samsung Device ever.,Do you have the Oculus app? +"One guy out of the 20 who reported chronic depression, mood swings, violent thoughts/actions, and suicidal thoughts actually killed himself as a result of the depression from using this experimental drug.",Lol white male tears! +I got my first snek today! A little corn who doesn't have a name yet.,Oprah. +Samantha Bee Interviews Glenn Beck | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee,Two batshit insane nobodies thinking anyone care about what they have to say. +"When you lay it out like that, it makes sense that insurance goes up as more people who otherwise wouldn't get insurance because of stuff like pre-existing conditions get it.","Those people are dwarfed by the huge mass of young, healthy, and generally poor who previously didn't get coverage." +Or not have closed primaries. In which case Sanders would have won.,Please remind me who won the majority of the open primaries +Everyone I know in New Jersey is a Trump supporter!,How does that compare to 2012/2008 +Moreso if some low-profile cards are made. A lot of HTPC cases only support those.,I feel like i have seen more small cases that you can fit a full fledged reference Titans + 6950X + AIOs in than actual HTPC cases. +"Preface: I am an extremely analytical person who thinks that facts are the scientific standard by which all things should be decided. Facts make for a much better basis than emotions and are not (in theory) at the whim of emotions. That said... In his defense, he isn't wrong. As a politician trying to get reelected, the best way to continue to get elected is to try to manipulate emotions, as they are much more easily manipulated than, well facts. Once someone has tied an emotion to a belief, they will often continue to hold that belief even if presented with contradicting evidence...which is good for someone trying to get reelected. It's stupid that this is the case, and it was stupid for him to say it aloud, but this is the functional case for a politician.",That's the basis of the billion dollar advertising industry. +I think the deplorable remark was genius!,"I wouldn't quite go that far - time will tell, though - but I do like the way it fired up the base, and especially, it seems to have fired up the type of people who hate trump, but aren't huge Hillary fans, like former Berners." +It is? Aww..... fuck me.,Sir you're under arrest +"Most over rated movies? Just curious what everyone's pick for most over rated movie would be. Personally I'd probably say Titanic or Donnie Darko. Titanic, while a moderately entertaining movie at times, is just bad with a plot line that was obviously forced to try and make a 3 hour movie about a sinking ship somehow entertaining. If they had shortened the movie, focused less on the love story aspect and got rid of scenes like the I'm king of thr world it would have been a much better movie i think. Just tried too hard to make it an epic and a classic in my opinion. Then Donnie Darko. In my junior and senior high school years I would have punched someone in the face for saying it but really that movie is pretty over rated. Still a good movie but I dont think it deserves the cult classic status that it eventually gained.",Dead Poets Society. +"Breakfast Brainz got buffed!! The damage of his punches now increases by 5 as you hold the fire button, then reset at 5 and start increasing again when you hit 20 damage. Also he seems to wind up a LOT faster than before",nah its just damage stacking +"Rose has no stuns. She has a movement restricting debuff where you can still shoot while she still does lower DPS than you so technically it's still your fault for not killing her before she kills you. Goatify is a true disable but unless she uses it against you at point blank you should be able to hide before she kills you. Now before you say anything, I do not claim that Rose is easy to deal with. She is a MASSIVE bitch at the right hands, and I admit I have a lot of trouble dealing with good Rose players. At least I, even though I main her, admit that she ridiculously powerful and she can cause too many problems. I don't go on forums telling people that I can kill her for free and that her small hurtbox is no issue for my godlike aim, while at the same time ranting for her to be removed from the game. I hope you know what I mean.",you didnt mention arcane bullshitma +Guy fighting Firecrackers,"But, why?" +Pizza Hut Deceptive Charges,File a complaint with Service Alberta under the Fair Trade Act +Yes,awesome thanks! +Will the Browns finally get their 1st win against the Bills?,Probably not. +"Come on, just the tip!",Works 60% of the time all the time. +Just avoid the NSFW tag/hide the posts. It's not difficult.,But that's waaay too much work! +What did you end up going with?,"S340, despite it not fitting my cooler." +Speed.,Pretty slow +"Why doesn't the service industry play a bigger part in U.S. elections? Given that so much of our population now works in the service industry, it seems strange that politicians are largely ignoring this sector of the public in their rhetoric. I hear way more about manufacturing than I do about service jobs. I would like to hear your thoughts on this.","They are largely based in urban areas that Republicans aren't going to win anyway, and Dems probably aren't going to lose." +Tom King's gonna make it a tradition when his turn comes. Imagine every Batman writer killing Batman once during their run.,So that's how *Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader* happened +All the gym regulars that try to talk to me just repeat the same cliche lines. Every. Single. Day. I need to find a new gym.,"At your next gym, don't make the mistake of verbal communication." +"Was there supposed to be another Veritas video today? Was busy earlier. Is there another vid, and if so, anyone gotta link? TY!",F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 +"It doesn't matter, being a fan is a fan. I have been watching fights since K1 in the 90's, and have trained in boxing, muay thai, and judo. I shamelessly love strikers and trash talk though, so most people on this sub would call me a casual. McGregor, Bisping, Garbrandt, etc. are just more entertaining than wrestlefucking to me. I watch with guys who train BJJ, and they are of course on the other end of the spectrum and disagree. Basically calling someone a casual fan is like calling someone a hipster. The terms used to mean something, but now it just means someone who disagrees with me or likes a different fighter. And I am a casual fan, I have other shit to do and a life. I mean, not enough of a life to not comment on reddit posts, but like, close.","But, but, but, BJJ is interesting too!" +The Warriors might have lost the championship but if they made Lebron obsessed with them like a psycho ex girlfriend then they really won.,Yeah you're right... they're the true winners here +Post Game Thread | Wings at Jets | Still No Win Streak Edition Jets lose in a shootout :(,FUCKIng piss off +"She's not sick, she's fighting her sleep, stop telling her how to parent!!!!",Ensley is such a whiny bitch! +He might actually be doing us a service here. What he doesn't know he can't tell Putin.,However Putin could be where he's getting his intel +"New poll: Trump lead shrinks in Texas, within margin of error","All Trumps exes live in Texas, that's why he lives in NYC" +I feel bad for our defense right now. A few more three and outs and I don't blame them at all for giving up,I feel like they stop giving a shit too early far too often. +What negotiations?!?! They will just give UK what it wants!,BUT NOW WE HAVE TAKEN BACK CONTROL WHAT COULD GO WONG? +Ahh ok.,"Another fun fact, that third guy standing behind punk is luke gallows." +Got 1200 as soon as i bought it,Same +I think I look like I'm 12 years old so maybe all women think this. /#notallwomen,"Some dudes are into that, just make sure they buy you shit before you agree to call them Daddy." +Dolphins' Defense: Only 227 yards allowed Only 10 yards allowed,Was about to post about that too lol. +As an American I've always hated this subreddit. I thought my nation was better than this. Tonight I lose all hope. You guys were right. I give up. I want out of this country.,Same here +Stood out to me too. What a way to cap off the game by Collinsworth,I hate Collinsworth but he was very solid today. +Are you in hall of fame? How is your fan bonus that high?,"HoF is 150k fans per drive, so I'm assuming yes" +"I've been saying this for a while. I still think Trump is gonna win, unfortunately. Whenever people talk up a victory like this it always blows back in their face.","Damn, youve been saying it for a while so you must be an expert at this subject!" +"I have plenty of friends, buddy. I'll probably take my girlfriend to see Hacksaw Ridge. Hell, maybe we'll see it twice. Does that bother you? You on the other hand are wishing someone's mother to get breast cancer. You must be very alone and sad...let's just hear some more of your Mel Gibson rants so you can keep us all entertained. :)",it's easy to tell that you're a pretentious ass-clown. +Oh deer,buck you +"I couldn't care less about a Gobblegum conversion system. **IF** Newton's Cookbook is what we think it is I'm going to be very disappointed. I just want Story info. Now, if Newton's cookbook is just a small part of a bigger DLC (DLC5?) I will flip my shit. I just want more story. That's all...",k +NYC,Surprisingly it's not a pair of timbs +Fewer,I am shamed. +"I'm a 26 year old man, feels weird knowing some dogs are heavier than me.","exactly the sentiment of most people who see her, shes an excellent guard dog; shes totally sweet but people are too scared to say hi!" +"Good guy Malaysian pilot: winds up thousands of miles off course, still lands at an airport.",I think that's the only reason this is a story with 63 upvotes. +You Heard It Here First: Trump May Not Propose A Budget Next Year,That's working out for us bigly in Illinois. +Some mark ran on the field in a Harambe suit and All Lives Matter shirt.,But the Harambe jokes are totally not racist tho. +His greatest achievement was dating milla jovovich.,Other than that riff on Snow of course. +"Firing the Gyrojet, a Space Age handgun which used rocket fuel instead of gunpowder!","Came here because the thumbnail looked like a nude woman sunbathing, left with the disappoints." +Imagine if they win the cup.....,IT'S DESTINY! +Here's the truth: Republicans are rigging our elections. We need to win governor's races just to plug the leak a little.,Sure can't wait to lose like we always do! +Anyone willing to desolder the Ethernet and USB ports on my RP 2? I can pay $50,"If only I had my tools, I'd love to help but I'm at college and don't have proper tools" +"It definitely is no longer a guaranteed 200 dollar trade, still can trade in just not 200 dollars.",Where did you find this out? +No one Manchild Should have all that power.,Kanye 2020 +"This video shows a MAGA-hatted Trumpie harassing a female reporter in Elko, NV.",Nevada +TIL dog daycares in Sweden have Christmas parties for the dogs,The dogs don't care why they're getting treats. +Ffs people it wasn't that incoherent. You guys asked a question and got an answer stop being shitty about it.,well obviously if I don't if understand it i should mock it +Hillary actually voted to close this very loophole. This was a loophole that existed decades before Clinton was even in the senate.,She's been there 30 years! +"Dank outplay on the one and only Blind Monk, Lee Sin",seeexyyu +He's just a pussy. That's all really,"Right, he should have dropped that bitch!" +Not the same topic but still on the issue of cameras catching drivers committing infractions. I wish they would put cameras on school busses for when red lights are flashing to nab the driver with a hefty fine. I've seen too many close calls of cars nearly taking a child's life because they broke the law and decided to say fuck that blinking sign.,"I wish TriMet would make better use of the cameras on our buses when cars don't yield to us, when they don't stop at crosswalks etc." +Lane splitting is when motorcycles ride between cars stuck in traffic. And fuck lane splitting.,It's safer for motorcyclists and helps reduce traffic. +"Harambe's death, for he will come back.","He has been installed upon the golden throne, sustained by the sacrifice of a thousand psykers a day." +"I don't think Marcelino can take the job since he was registered with Villarreal. Granted he didn't manage a single game, but still was registered, so it comes down to whatever the La Liga regulation in these cases is.","Apparently we asked if we can hire him, we should have an answer tomorrow." +"I played destiny too long for what it is. It's an abusive relationship. Please baby, just let me have this one gun, please. I've been so good to you. FUCK YOU HERE'S A SHIT GUN FOR ALL YOUR GRINDING. NOW PAY ME FOR THE DUMBEST DANCES EVER AND KEEP GRINDING! ...Yes maam... (weeps silently as I grind more strikes)",RNG is fun! +Of course he would. Is there a more team first superstar in the league?,He's just a system player. +Have it made with chocolate milk. Fixed it for me. They do it at no extra cost.,And it's actually less calories with chocolate milk. +That Oh it gets better after 15-20 hours/episodes bullshit is so baffling to me. The fact that you've played/watched that much bad content to get to the good part immediately highlights the difference between our levels of standard; and at that point why would I trust you on it getting better anyway?,It's like when a song takes 60 seconds to get past the intro. +why'd you emphasise 'GIRL' lol,"I think you fail to realize that women are part of another species, which leads to the necessity of adjusting ones language and behavior to not threaten them." +"Man, hurricanes are way scarier.","I think earthquakes are a bit scarier, because...I live in california, the damned fault lines are due to implode the whole state." +You are why we have things like AIDS.,and fancy beastiality porn +So why can't an enterprising young merchant ship starcaptain simply duplicate valuable goods over and over?,you just broke the economy of the future +"Parallax, lime chaks, and purple chaks for heatwave.",no sorry +"Am I the only one that loves the iPhone? The iPhone 7, that is. I don't get it. It's more of Apple's innovation, sleeker, sexier, and more powerful than previous phones. What do I think about the headphone jack thing and the cost of the airphones? Bring em on I say. I've been with Apple since the original iPhone and have refused to buy anything less. They've treated me well the past 10 years, the least I can do is support them. For what you're getting--an APPLE product--it's a bargain. This is top-end technology folks. If you don't like it, you can go back to rotary telephones.",It's people like you that make Apple think they can get away with anything they do +"You can spend the holidays anywhere in the world, where do you go?",Home +The video that makes this sub reddit salty...,Nice try troll +we're so fucked,Business as usual +"Cobalt Lobo wheels, orange Chakram wheels CC2 and CC3 PSN: CFCJoe_",No c2s but can do 4 c3s+4 c1s+ a key for Cobalt Lobos? +Dogs are a bit of a toss up. I'm Muslim and I love dogs and I'd like to have one but some others may have varying opinions.,Puppers! +I love it when kids do that!,You're now on a list. +"Eh, different strokes. Some people collect stamps. Some people collect coins. Some people pay nerf wars into their 40s and 50s. I like to try beer. I like to smell it, taste it, and look at it, and compile notes about it into an excel spreadsheet like a huge doofus.",Your one of them +What are your opinions on using a urinal between two occupied urinals provided that there are dividers between the urinals?,"I like walking up behind the other guys and pissing on their asses, then it isn't akward and we don't glance at eachother" +Clinton Slated to Spend 53 Times as Much as Trump on Florida TV Ads,She should have learned from Jeb that money doesn't buy the office +Next season perhaps?,"If Claire gets diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's, I would drop my tendies so hard" +"What film (that actually takes itself seriously) suffers from the worst case of nobody talks that way in your opinion? (not including Sorkinisms encouraged) What I am referring to here is the Gilmore Girls syndrome, where characters always talk to eachother in quick, witty remarks that always take time to process, but don't allow it from the viewer so you're practically left behind of the dialogue. I mentioned Sorkinisms because they're known for their weird back-and-forths between characters.",Garden State +"check the flair, man -- never claimed i was immune","you're really embracing this self-loathing thing, eh?" +i will forever regard Blaise James as the guy who took over Sonny when he needed to pee,Oh God... and he cut off one of his tracks didn't he? +Tit Printing,Finally my vinyl wall print is on its way +Naming things is quite fun when it isn't headache-inducing. games like the Elder Scrolls give it to me easiest because the playable races have very clear naming conventions I get to play around with.,Video game names are usually great fun :) love naming my character something realistic for their race. +"Will clone spell plus mirror mean FOUR hog riders for 11 elixir? One hog gets cloned, then you mirror the clone spell.",i think you would have to mirror the hog and then clone it... EDIT also from the video 1 zap took out a cloned Sparky so yea.... that can ruin your strat lol +Precisely why I don't spend money on games,that card is very good now.... +"Ah, I did? My mistake, I may have just misclicked it. Been having issues with my laptop's trackpad lately. Sorry about that.","No worries, didn't know if it was you or not, someone did, felt like a dick move :p" +Info Wars: Bombshell Will Soon Destroy DNC,"Stop cockteasing, you faggots." +I guess we did it Reddit?,This is perhaps the most ironic post on this subreddit. +Glitch?,It's a map change jeeeedsussuussuus +"How much goes bs dlores theese days Iam looking to buy one as my first dlore, And also how much can go bs lore with crown on scope? Thanks a lot ;) Thanks for any help","you will get a better answer by finding people that actually have a crown on the scope, they dont pop up very often!" +"Coming from someone who lives in a blue state we have some really dumb people here too. I'm from Chicago, our public schools aren't the best.",Yeah but its a much smaller percentage of the population +"I understand the sarcasm, but Kim Jong Un invented the sun for those who don't know.","Nah, ol' Kim don't appreciate sarcasm." +"She was the girlfriend of the owner's brother. So I got a talking to about how I shouldn't be 'bullying' the only girl in the office. Keep in mind, the conversation I had with her was completely civil and an attempt at explaining all sides of the situation to her. I didn't harass her for actions. I only kindly explained how, in the back room it gets much hotter with all the machines and especially when people are moving around, carrying stuff while working. So although her little office may get colder, and if she's sitting down/not moving around it will even feel colder to her. It's better if we use the a/c to accommodate as many people as possible, and it's a bit easier for her to wear a sweater than for the others to find a way to stay cool with the heater on. But yeah, I'm the bully. I was also backhandedly called sexist at one point for suggesting that she shouldn't be allowed to work in the production room as they would sometimes have her do when we were short handed. My reasoning being that she said herself she wasn't strong enough to lift the boxes and bringing a dolly into the small production room was a risk to other employees safety because they would trip on it constantly and she wasnt even strong enough to manuever it in a safe manner. She would lay the dolly flat and push it like a sled....backwards. But women survive child birth so we are stronger in other ways than men. Was the response I got from the owner. I'm still not sure how that was relevant. The owner also told me she paid her a bit extra hourly because she has to deal with all the boys in the office. It went over her head when I tried to explain that maybe she should keep that information to herself because it's pretty sexist.",Based on your reply it looks like it may be time to find a new position in the same field. +This was a crap shoot on mobile.,crap shoot on desktop too +What are the delusional fans saying on your team's subreddit? Stolen from r/nba,Latavius Murray sucks. +Margot Robbie,I used to not like Margot then I watched her insult Will Smith and now I love her. +"Is Coin gun worth it? I just got my coin gun that I was trying to get 2 days now, but now that I got Coin gun it seems like it's much weaker than I expected it to be.I have the jungle in the ocean money farm so I can easily use gold coins for ammo but it still seems weak. Plus the gold coins stuck up to only 100 so it's taking a lot of space in my inventory. Is it really worth it?",Money is power +I call this chord the John Mayer Seventh.,There's no J note you dolt. +Gigabyte teases their Aorus Gaming motherboard,"God damn Gigabyte, give me a Z270 Soc Force that is cheap, your Z170 successor was uptiered to a 4 way SLI board, when your previous was a 2 way SLI board" +"Oliver made the decision to shoot the large screen for Rhys in that scene, though we'd always talked about his character as reminiscent of the 1984 character, O'Brien, who works for Big Brother--so it made sense. Snowden had a number of mentors at the CIA and NSA, and our O'Brian is an amalgam of them--yes.",Thank You! +this subreddit,You can't kill something that was dead in the first place +Empire at all the corner of Congress and Forest has a pretty substantial stand up open mic every Sunday I believe. Also 1 Longfellow Square has some stand up stuff going on.,Also check out empire's food +Because nobody needs more space past a certain point.,I think the NSA would disagree... +So...ursoc?,Except we weren't doing Ursoc. +Ravens D has been good this year...,"True, but we are awful running the ball in short yardage." +I probably would if I had that luxury.,At least we won the world series... +we'll have to grab some beers!,I'd be down! +Those adds between each phase suck so bad,Fucking void shield psions are the bane of my existence! +AP source: Rudy Giuliani the favorite to be Trump's secretary of state.,Oh boy.... +"Heart Attack =/= Broken Heart. Is there any news sources that doesn't have an editorial slant for every story, and just reports facts?",Are you familiar with the actual 'facts' associated with this story? +"Oh, that's a good one! Definitely something I need to hear every now and then. Thanks! :)",yw :) +Crover isn't coming for a visit.,"I visited you last night, y u complaining?" +Toast?,"If the setting was too low because I'd had Pop Tarts in there before, so the toast came out barely warmed, yeah!" +Sanders talking about the devastation of jobs being sent overseas... SIX YEARS AGO!!,"I love Bernie, but we're DEFINITELY losing jobs due to automation more than outsourcing." +Favorite solo lane god?,Neith +What is a quote you shouldn't yell during sex?,"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." +A chille relleno from local Mexican joint,"This pepper doesn't even look roasted, it looks *boiled*." +"oh cool, I get to see my future mother in law perform :)",Excuse you. +Do you mean shards by class ?,By class or by age of release. +Came across this poster... I had to get it,"Put a frame on it, you philistine" +I'm just imagining asking for paid paternity leave and my boss laughing me out of the room. Now I'm picturing my gf ask my boss (we work at the same place) for paid maternity leave and getting laughed out of the room. :( I just came to the realization that we can never have kids. Ouch.,and therein is a huge chunk of what is wrong with much of modern american society +I've seen so many of these. But Bernie's face gets me every time,The only one whose smiling. +"Trials is meant to be competitive yes But when you're putting 1500-1600 elo people at the beginning and get shit on, that's not competitive at all They should focus on SBMM. Not card And each win you get, raise the parameters for ELOs Oh new card and you're at 1200 elo? You'll find people with 1100-1300 ELO 3 Wins now? 1200-1400 5 Wins? 1200-1500 7!? 1400-1600 9!?!?!? 1600-2000 You shouldn't be getting shit on immediately the first game because the other team just got new cards and are 300-400 ELO higher The higher you climb the ladder (wins) it should get more difficult",Then people like krafty and other top 1% are having to face much harder challenges for the same rewards. +"I've got about $440 in.... Did a bulk of $300 the first day and unlocked 80% of everything than did another $140 this weekend with the 1/2 off. Right now I have every variant in the game unlocked and i'm sitting at about 83,000 salvage... 10 login bonuses, and a little over 300 keys... I don't think I'll be spending anything else seeing I can craft about 20 epics when/if they release",Y tho? +"I would posit that even better is having a giant on your mortar, and because of its blind spot it shoots over the giant and takes out the enemy tower to win in OT",Thats sweet too +"I'll be there, just to see Colin sigh before they start The Daily Mail.",I'm there for Colin's Lotus Flower death stare face +Hookup Humpday... what happened? A few weeks ago the mods did a hookup humpday... is that not happening anymore? Was that just a one time deal?,Houston +"I'm not mad. I'm saying that there is a narrative of poor brown immigrant that gets used in convorsation like this. No one ever says this about Canadians. (Whether it's true or not is a different story, I'm only speaking to the poor brown immigrant narrative.)",Jesus calm down bro! +I feel like it's tough to watch CS:GO if you don't play it. Unless you just learn maps and callouts by watching?,"Someone watching CSGO who doesn't play it probably won't understand everything, but I'd say it's one of the easier esports to watch, compared to MOBAs, SC and OW." +"Pot holes? That's because the inertia keeps it moving over the hole instead of the car not having enough energy to easily get over it, say you were trying to get from one ramp to another, you would try to go as fast as you can to make the jump and that's pretty much what happens with potholes",It was more like the sections of the road being half inch or an inch higher/lower than the next section +If I had tickets!! I live in Glenwood now but grew up in Griffith (NWI).,"yeah my dad, my best friend, and I all ordered at the exact moment they opened and got a ticket for each day for 500$ for the 6 tickets basically." +What other fictional characters would you like to see in The Walking Dead universe and why?,I can't believe nobody said Sam and Dean from Supernatural they would be incredible survivors. +It's used as a badge of office for the city's Thane. I would say that makes it really fucking valuable to the right buyer.,Characters should really have to have the badges of office in their possession to get Thane perks like guards looking the other way. +Wikileaks-Russia-Trump Media Ecosystem Explained,Surprisingly accurate +For most sports leagues this is true but in the NBA a good offense beats a good defense - ao not really,Yeah I totally remember those 04 Pistons being absolutely dominant offensively +"Apple's aren't nearly as good as they were when Jobs was running the show. They're wooden, uninspired cringe fests now. Less here's this product and why you want it, more look how diverse we are, look how many celebrities we hired","It'd not just jobs, it's lack of innovation and keeping leaks under control." +TIL the removal of Skymall magazines saved American Airlines an estimated $350K per year in fuel costs.,"Hooray, slightly cheaper airfares are coming!" +I don't get the connection between France and the word ''civilised''.,"Fairly backwards, in my opinion." +"No, only 3G.","But I am a special snowflake and demand nothing less than 6G connection, provided fee, and available for as long as I am staying with you, no matter where I happen to be at the moment." +Narcissists and woman haters are more likely to join red pill in the first place,That may be true but that doesn't mean all RPers are narcissist woman haters. +It was nominated for best picture. At this point it's not surprisingly good. It's just regular old good,Idk I watched it on my first date and I only remember what my date's ass felt like. +I love getting fucked up and playing on my computer,That is not what this what this sub is for but okay man you do you. +One of the best Minecraft Series I have ever watched!,Are you sure this isn't just yours? +lazy town cover,This video has convinced me to unsubscribe from the sub. +"I go full tank masteries, it's amazing, but that's not relevant. A lot of passive and abilities are useless until mid-late game, even some entire champions are. Not every ability can be powerful through the entire game, or it would be a boring game.",I bet its not as amazing as all of that AD scaling he can do +You tell me what's going on here.,I believe this is called a crustacean facial. +Romney-McCain / Sanders-Warren What a run that would be,Hello President Romney. +"Why would they not relocate to the US, if imports from everywhere were taxed at a higher rate? It wouldn't make sense to place tariffs on just one country.",Those tariffs would have to be astronomically high to make US labor prices any where close to worth moving back to the US. +"Yea that's trash. If we're going to constantly give the guy a pass in terms of offensive production, he better do the intangible shit at a high level. His development is going the wrong way.",Face offs are pretty tangible haha +"I think it would've been better if Vettel had been fined, just to make a point. Perhaps even make it a fine that needs to be paid to a good cause or something. No fine is really going to hurt him much but it sets an example.","Gasp, you dared to suggest that Vettel should be punished for swearing at the referee like what would happen in literally any other sport." +"CFP Selection Show It's finally time: Who's in, who's out? It's the 3rd College Football Playoff Selection show! Two threads will be posted when the rankings are revealed: a general thread, and a joke/meme-free serious discussion thread.","Penn State lucked out this time, getting roll tided would've been a death penalty" +Trump on nukes: 'Let it be an arms race',I owe my friends the arms dealers a favor uh-kay? +"Report: Jays, Fowler $3M off on salary - Toronto offered Fowler 4/60, Fowler seeking 18 annually",Dont budge until they give you 20 +Today is my back day. I gotchu baby,Thank you +I left Oklahoma to get away from this shit. What the actual fuck.,At least you're out of earthquake country now... +"Don't forget, Obama will cancel the elections and proclaim himself king/tyrant and it will all be a moot point.","With this election, people might be okay with that." +Trump advisers weigh putting Christie in charge of debate prep,Did they use a truck scale? +Not sure she's fluent in English,I'm not sure why she was there at all - it sounded like the interviewer knew both languages +"Imagine one state said One child policy from now on. Or to be more realistic - People with 2 or less children get so and so benefits. The people who don't fall under those categories gonna get pissed. They'll try to rile up the people by saying that the government is trying to reduce the number of people who are a majority (via religion / caste / something else). You could then say: maybe the central government should do this instead. In that way all of India will be affected, so they cant use the same tactic. Answer to that is, that it still wouldn't work at all. The problem is that, most states are already in green territory in terms of birth rates (A few are reaching really low counts: example state of Kerala). But then some others (commonly referred to as BIMARU states) completely fuck up said ratios.",Politicians like Digvijay Singh and Owaisi will still somehow paint the population control measures as communal and instigate more hatred. +"I agree Constitutional carry is the best solution, but this would be better than nothing. My carry permit should be recognized in all 50 states just like my driver's license or my marriage license. While personally I truly believe the US Constitution IS my carry permit, the loser state of Illinois just doesn't agree. So I am hoping the new Congress will do something.",Bet you the first rider is an insurance requirement on this one. +"For the story, she is one of those people who never ever need to cheat on an exam, it was just for fun.","She's not satisfied with being better than everyone else on exams, she also needs to show them that she's better than them at cheating on exams." +"Idk why I was expecting a chasedown block, but I was...and now I'm disappointed. Soon as I saw the mom holding out her phone like that, I thought she's just begging for emma to block the shit outta that phone ...maybe next time.",I was expecting her to like tackle another baby +"The chip is called the fiji pro ergo the Graphics Card is called the Fury... The Fury Graphics Card is not sold anywhere under FURY PRO, it is sold as FURY. you're reaching guy...reaching.","And you are arguing semantics for no reason, Fiji pro the chip is called the Fury pro by many.. stop being a pain" +Thank you 1em0nhead! Everyone who had the first hand view of the dfa thought it was worth recording. I'm happy they did.,Code on its way via PM dude. +"Donald Trump Mike Pence Rally Stream | Manchester, NH 11/7/16 RSBN (4th of 5-Event-Day)",DRAIN THE SWAMP MAGA +O,S +I have 20 achivements. I think that's pretty cool.,20-25 achievement club REPRESENT. +This has been posted plenty of times already,first time ive seen it. +Did the Thunder offend Chris Webber?,Still salty about the end of the Spurs game. +"The worst thing is that any top 4 NA/EU team can play in OGN if they want to, (ogn has stated that they'd give a free spot to any teams that want to play there from another region), so TSM, C9, FNC etc can easily get a spot at OGN and actually get good practice and results will show in a year or two, but they don't want that because then they wouldn't be able to stay in touch with their fans and the brand would eventually die out (a risk for it). So it's most likely bs when they say I want to win worlds, it's the most important thing to me. CLG did it, and because of that TSM gained more fans during the period CLG was in Korea, props to them though to actually taking a step forward in 2012 or smth, but people wont do it again because it's a bad business move.",I think with the new structure of the tournament and the number of limited seating this rule no longer applies but we won't know until a team actually tries it +Yeah really. Go tell him how famous he is and how much we love him OP.,Yeah man +"I'm so done with this election. I'm done with all of the Hillary haters, I'm done with all of the false equivalencies, I'm done with people on the right and the left who just want to get in the way of trying to make our government more fair for everyone. I'm especially upset that whenever they talk about ACA it's always in terms of premiums. The ACA does a lot more affect than premiums, e.g. for people like me it means the insurance companies can't deny me coverage for preexisting conditions. It's like all the healthy people only care about their own bottom line without realizing taking care of everyone else helps society, reduces crime, increases happiness. Hold me",Republicans = Self Interests Democrats = Greater Interests (This is my opinion) +"Do you follow her on twitter, too? THE BEST.",Love her Twitter. +"It's not. Most cops are like this, it's just the media like to make the 2% look like 60%",0.00% +Bob's Burgers might be the funniest cartoon on the tube right now.,The Archer short of Archer as Bob is also golden. +What? You honestly didn't know?,"No, I honestly had no idea you could patent a color... If I had, I certainly wouldn't have used it as an example." +Who invented walkies? I'd like to shake their paw and buy them a steak!,"You need monies to buy steaks, where does a Doggo get monies?" +Biella.,"Bisognerebbe organizzare dei voli Biella-Foggia, un po' come i tour guidati di Chernobyl" +No Clinton? No christmas.,"So, they're sending the cards out anyway, knowing it will cause confusion, just to complain and whine about not getting their way?" +"I get what you're saying, but it's almost certain it will inevitably experience such a scenario where it needs to make an ethical judgement (even if it's incredibly rare), and the car needs to know what to do in that situation. Eventually, when we're at an overwhelming majority of cars on the road being self-drive, V2V will drastically reduce such occurrences (close to 0).",Why would I buy a car that values my life less? +Dear 'Drag Race': It's Time to Let Kings Compete by Landon Cider for The Advocate.,No. +Because it's a good idea?,Clearly I disagree with that. +Are you saying there should be specific locations around the world where pedophilia should be allowed? I don't think you are. We need to drop the name Pizzagate and switch to PedophileGate.,"or how about stop using stupid names and just recognize it for what it is, criminal exploitation of children, which we have been aware of forever and many places exist to fight against." +The helmet is to protect against the poisonous spiders,That's a pretty good gear setup considering you're fighting black demons? +Aaron Donald: I made a dumb decision,by agreeing to play for the Rams. +TIFU by giving birth to Satan's child on an expressway in the bus,OP's a sharp shitter. +Shit I don't even know what half that means,Good thing you've got a Google machine with unlimited resources right at your fingertips! +"Smile (Charlie Capling song) either by Nate King Cole, Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, or other singers.",Janelle Monae has done a wonderful rendition of this song as well +"A look at voters along race and gender lines, comparing the 2016 election to 2012. For anyone interested.",i refuse to believe that romney did so poorly with blacks after the who let the dogs out moment +Does anyone know how to create a desert camo custom like this?? (more specifically how to dye the prime knit.),"these adidas are missing the stripes and part of the heel...pff...fool, you bought fake adidas." +Even still he was one of the better handcuffs in the league with TBD if he was going to see some action weekly with JC back. Idk there wasn't *anyone* else that could've went?,But brah Dixon was available and every article was hyping him up! +Will this be simulated in football manager?,"Brexit is, and Scotland goes and votes for independence" +"I liked your COD comment, why did you remove it? Also while the shotgun might be ported, it has no muzzle device.",Would have been better in a different sub. +What are some fun things to do at the airport for 12 hours?,My flight was at 9:40 PM not AM +PRAM-S can fire its konkurs and the main gun at the same time iirc,"Average ATGM with a machine gun and 5HE direct fire mortar, **czechnology intensifies**" +TSM Doublelift Announcement,This won't lead to any problems down the line at all +'The female equivalent of flaccid' ?! I find it unlikely that a woman would use this phrase.,I got an Archer or Pam Poovey vibe from the character....I wouldn't be surprised to hear it to be honest. +Ottoman troops are whiter than Brit troops lmao.,There's a lot of blacks on the British side lmfao. +*Idi u picku materinu* *Jebo te pas mater* *Jebem ti mater* That's all you need to have a conversation in Ex-Yugo.,*Majku +"I don't see the problem, you can clearly see elevation on the forefront and in the distant left.","I know bro... Gotta get my bike in the lightest gear, I'll be sweating and soaked once I reach the top." +"Ohhh fuck, my daughter just told me her Homecoming performance is the same night as Finale.","And I was just about to take my Planning to Get Pregnant multivitamin, thanks for the heads up ;)" +This reminds me of the medieval episode of spongebob where the guy tells Patrick he's getting 40 lashes and he imagines himself with really thick eyelashes.,Why the fuck are they lashing people in spongebob? +"pretty sure he wasn't trying to settle the situation, but get revenge and peace out.","which this guy recognizes, and is calling out as wrong." +aka the one you actually want.,hmmmm eaton cutch trout +Some say Byron is still finishing himself to this day.,Phrasing! +"Match Thread: Arsenal vs Ludogorets Didn't see a match thread so I made one, hope it's ok.",giroud = aerial presence +Not as hype as nu-wave Christian alternative contemporary,Personally a fan of deathcore Christian myself +"There is no requirement to get married in christianity - it is just a social norm, not a christian norm. You can be single and still serve Christ, in fact many priests of different denominations still take vows of chastity so that they can focus more on Him because being married and having kids requires a lot of commitment (of time and energy) on its own. Many of the apostles were single, Christ Himself was single - and isn't He the gold standard for any christian life? You have to acknowledge as a Christian, though, that everyone has a different calling - we are many parts but all one body - so there's not going to be any one-size-fits-all social construct for everyone's talents or spiritual gifts or calling. Some are called to be married and have a family, others aren't.",Paul actually says that celibacy is a higher calling than marriage. +The fuck am I looking at?,slime fetish I guess +I upd00ted n now i habe good bones. thank mr skeltal :),doot doot +"A pathetic cry for support Hey comrades, I'm really drunk and I don't really know what I want to say I'm just scared. I'm pretty sure a wave of hate crimes is going to hit much of the west and as an unapologetic faggot I'm scared for my life for the first time in my life. I don't have a point with this post, this subreddit is just kind off safe space and I hope you all take care of yourselves. Solidarity and copious amounts of love from Stockholm",Join a gun club. +Not surprised. Israel is pretty much fascist now. Though I wonder how tankies will reconcile this.,Is it appropriate to call apartheid states fascist? +Flag at the Vietnam Memorial in DC. Does the 8th and I Barracks polish the USMC section of the flag pole's base? I would like to know if they did or still do.,They have privates for something +Zedge,"It can be/was a good source, but you'd have to dig a lot to get something good and/or different." +A Republican group has endorsed the Republican candidate. Why isn't this #1 on r/all?,"Obvious botting, its not like people would downvote because its a non-story right?" +A very English canal,Turn that island on your right into another canal city. +Do you think the IPhone 7's lack of a headphone jack will be the new norm or Apple's downfall?,Apples downfall. +GPS for the car.,With modern cars that is built into the car/added via bluetooth with apple carplay +Probably cause Rush Limbaugh is just a radio host spewing hate but Donald Trump is the President-elect spewing hate,Salty you are. +I can't tell if you're joking or not.,I'm not...did you watch the video? +What book is this from? There are more than 3 you know,Fight club +the km expert because he can ride bears,Isn't that Systema? +I'm a poor college student. Yesterday I blew all my money on a helicopter ride over NYC. I think it was worth it.,If you thought this was worth it I would like to know your definition of poor. +"There's no secret track. The recording from Pharos is practically identical to the run time of this. It's the cover he did of Funkadellic's Hit It & Quit It. Not trying to tear you down, but I don't want any hype to be started , only for a big letdown.",k +LF1M Nightfall 360+ Please Message me or leave info PSN: EastBayInfideL,373 Titan SharkTonic +"Just a thought, will there be a Congressional Correspondent's Dinner under Trump, and if so, who will he allow to host it? We can safely say all of the Daily show crowd are out, along with Bill Maher... It's kind of stand up, right?",Brian regan +Omg I'm having heart palpitations,My hands are shaking so bad as I type this.