diff --git "a/chunk27.csv" "b/chunk27.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/chunk27.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,1667 @@ +Input,Output +Thank goodness Ditto is only 2 kilometers... I was really worried there for a moment.,"I know, they're so rare, it's hard to get candies for them" +hahaha how did this happen? im talking two players that definitely were able to see each other running past each other.,there was a smoke i think :D +Bowie Slaughter MW perfect diamond on skull,"Curious too, this pattern looks sick" +its not a meme tho,My bad forgot the +It's not 'suddenly' all BMW drivers are assholes. That stereotype has been around a very long time.,This guy's like those people who move in next to an airport and then complain that it's noisy. +Packers will release Josh Sitton if they cannot trade him per Rob Demovesky,"Well he turned down my contract offer on Madden, so fuck him." +Online homework also gives immediate feedback. And grading your attempts at math is a hell nobody should have to endure.,"Yeah, that's really worth hundreds of dollars per person" +Warning: Gardai say a batch of cocaine is in circulation that may contain Fentanyl,Now that's the good shit. +"Meanwhile American kids are the smartest and nicest kids on earth because Murica, amirite?",ofc hell yeah +Most important tidbit: Faker likes Taylor Swift,"who doesn't like Taylor Swift, have you seen her legs?" +The colour of this birthday card,Doesn't everyone have white biros? +"Well let's see, what does critical thought do?",Why are you answering my question with another question? +Obese people and smokers 'banned from routine surgery' as NHS attempts to cut spending costs,"Oh c'mon, ask any liberal, stuff like this simply CANNOT happen." +"Why, that's not true. She was not *charged*. Many mobsters can say the same thing. This email scandal is the *third time* she has escaped indictment because investigators could not determine if she was corrupt, or just stupid. Even with her Madison Guaranty scandal she claimed I don't know a hundred times. And she only escaped on the stolen artwork and furniture because she returned them, and only then after being publicly shamed about it. God, don't you see? Normal people don't get mixed up in these crazy situations, who would even *think* they could steal furniture from the White House, or put a classified server in their basement??? And this was decades before the brain damage she used as an alibi with the FBI, so that excuse can't be used here.",Normal people also are never in the position Hillary has been in. +Trump dances during church service in Detroit,What a racist! +"So the criteria is being white and sick of being blamed for all other races problems, then voicing as such? Uh Huh...... that's not skewed at all. Nope. Not one bit.",Check your white privilege. +"Monsters are the objective based NPCs. You have seed creatures from Garden of Terror, the tower spawns from the Infernal Shrines, and formerly the skeletons in the Haunted Mines.",Ooooh TIL +Rooms with servers in the game: A puzzle to be resolved,this sub is now officially the sci-fi version of r/chiliadmystery +Guillotine,Waterboarding +ayy lmao,Ayy lmao +"I have noticed several times now that new clothes I buy like shirts, jeans and socks smell almost like diesel and it takes several washes to get rid of the scent. I don't know what they put on clothes that are made overseas but it's definitely sprayed or washed with some sort of protectant, probably to save the fabric from mildew or something.","A trip to California had me paranoid about this stuff, as everything you buy says it could give you cancer, every single jacket I looked at had a warning that it could give me cancer." +"Hahaha! I'm a gamma cunt but also happy with the change. It adds immersion, and realism. I was gamma cunt because if not, you get killed by other gamma cunts. Still we will be sitting ducks for ESP cunts, but thats another topic.","Welp, looks like now everyone is gonna be ESP cunts..." +It's surprising to me that a pro would spray the deag that fast. Seems like a simple mistake.,"Yes, lets blame simple for this c9 fanboy" +Use CCleaner to uninstall system title apps,... and then make a post on how much Windows 10 sucks because something broke in a future update and that Microsoft doesn't give a shit about power users who remove parts of the operating system to fucking save 150 mb of space. +"He doesn't understand or care. He has to defend this country against taco trucks, and on November 8 Americans will realize how important that is!",Taco trucks are clearly being used by MUSLIM TERRORISTS. +But what if it's a purple like Amethyst?,I am a purplekin and I am offended +What servers I can go to play just for fun while keeping the objective aside? Sometimes I want to take a break from medic and just play other classes so I can have fun too!,hightower pubs +It's our struggle-free Penectomy,Vagina dentata! +There is a river in Utah called Jordan River and it flows north.,Jesus was baptized there too. +Granderson with a great catch to keep the game tied,Curtis Kevin Pillar Granderson The Grandyman Can +"Let's open the safe more than we have to everyday. On that note, why is my safe in the front of the store right by the bathrooms. When I open it up anyone can see that it's open and Rob me.",Hey if it 'saves' money and labor who cares about saftey right? +If only m2k streamed...,What are you talking about he streams all the time +"Congrats, now on the road to 1000. Good luck",Shit. +capitalism and ethics are mutually exclusive.,but we don't fire The Gays!TM +nope,nopre ur wrong someone else got it Mike: 1 hte:0 +"John Tortorella on Kaepernick protest: If any of my players sit on the bench for the national anthem, they will sit there the rest of the game.",That is why I love Torts +Roman Reigns PWI's #1,"He probably paid them off, that dirty fucking cheater" +Would you want to be interviewed if you were in their position? Especially Formal.,Another thing i'll point out now that I think about it is that they have done some other interviews today already +"no thanks, I don't want to ruin my life with kids. I hate those little half people fucks.",It appears your parents had the same feelings +And Mao. Don't forget the sequel.,"he needed the space for his portraits, I think we should forgive him." +Kaby Lake Mobile at PAX West 2016??,The pure incredible audacity was just fucking amazing. +Clinton (and friends) Liberated Libya,I mean I understand the hate and all for her but sometimes...ugh just shelf the bad idea and save it. +"Do you think Valencia will be in S2? Since she and Josh are over and done with, do you think she will still be present in the coming episodes? Or is her part done? I honestly don't know because it could go either way so I thought it would be nice to see the community's opinion about this.",I think it's been confirmed that she is going to be a season regular. +"Promotion isn't necessarily just 1 tier or division. It can be more, depending on your performance.",Yeah but isn this little bit too drastic i mean 4 divisions is quite a lot +"I love this mindset as well. However, I recently watched Max on First Take talk about how it's messed up that everyone gets paid from the organizers, reporters, ball boys, etc, except the players. It kind of reminds me how the NCAA makes millions off tickets and jerseys, yet the collegiate athletes aren't allowed to receive compensation besides scholarships. I know Melo has won 3 gold medals, but at what cost to the longevity of his health and career? After the dream team and redeem team, I don't think the US has anything else to prove.","To be fair, compared to most other Olympic basketball players they're making hella bank." +I like how they say infiltrated as if he wasn't elected twice.,"Don't be silly, nig- I mean black people can't be elected" +they used to. but the record was corrected.,.05 cents were added to your account. +"I'm intimidated by PC Gamers... So, this may sound kind of crazy and you might hate me for saying this, but I'm slightly (and irrationally) intimidated by PC Gamers. In my head, a PC Gamer is someone with a beast of a PC with an i7-6700k at 5GHz and 4 Titan X's with 3 4k monitors with 150 fps, while I am running an 860K and a R7 360 at 900p. I know, PC Gamers don't bite and they are genuinely nice people (at least from what I've seen), but they intimidate me for some reason, I just feel like to be part of the PCMR, you have to have beast specs and be able to run Minesweeper above 3fps (jk). Please help? PS: I'm sorry to anyone with those exact specs above, your computer is a beast and I bow down to you.","Umm 150hz is way too much peaseant, 144hz master race" +"Settle down, nobody's going to hell for saying Aguero is made of glass",unforgivable +"Texas police officer, 3 others arrested in $150K cattle rustling ring",*serve and protect* +"I'm not sure on the photographing minors thing, but restaurants are private property and legally have the right to forbid patrons from taking photographs. I have a hard time believing this woman used her words to try to get a server's attention and all the servers deliberately chose to ignore her. More likely the servers didn't get the cue of her meaningful glance or eyebrow wiggle.","Out of 20+ servers, 3 managers, and 4 hosts, we were definitely all conspiring to ignore this chick" +"Women are not attracted to feminine traits in men, so why is it being pushed in media and by feminism?","Because the guys who write the movies & tv shows are often men with feminine traits, so they write stories where men like them get the girl because women won't touch their dicks in real life." +Violently trespass? You mean defend themselves,"Re-watching the video you are completely correct, that fence attacked those poor protesters out of nowhere." +Got Bored and Recoloured the Justice League,Still not muh Soopamane! +"No, i took creatine once when i was 12 and i've been bald ever since.",Heh just wait till you feel and itch and all your hair falls out +simply put. More HRC supporters would support Bernie than Bernie supporters would support HRC. This ignores that NY had a few million people who couldn't vote because of a super closed primary but could have in the general.,"Yeah, I'm sure HRC will be struggling to hold on to NY." +CNN Stunned when fact checkers confirm Hillary Clinton phones destroyed with hammers.,Why would they destroy phones with hammers because everyone knows clinton did nothing wrong? +And Hillary wants to increase this 5x. Disgusting.,Europe's loving our 16 million though! +Yeah definitely. For the Haku/Gaara?,Yeah pm me +Love the diversity in this post,"Yeah, nothing quite says diversity like all black/brown!" +Remember when Phaneuf actually knew how to play defense? Neither do I.,You're confusing him with Karlsson. +"Dude come on. HE LED THE TEAM IN TOUCHDOWNS LAST YEAR. He was solid, if unspectacular. It's not his fault CJ was dinged up so he got more touches than expected, and it's not his fault that the coaches kept trying to run a 195 pound running back between the tackles. The criticisms are warranted, but give the man a fucking break.",Wait our D didn't lead the team in TDs? +Citra 3DS Emulator - CPU JIT Comparison video (26 games),Cant wait for an Android release! +Big shout out to Anders Nilsson! It was a great game to watch! Congrats goes to the entire team!,"Big SHUT out, too." +"Has anyone else noticed that Eichenwald has a really, really low rotation rate? I played OW for over 6 hours last night and did not once see Eichenwald in the rotation. In the last week, I've seen it pop only once, and that was only because I was replacing a leaver in the last 40 seconds of a match. I love the map and I think it is, aesthetically, my favorite of the group, but I never get to play on it. I feel like I get Nepal 40% of the time. Has this been anyone else's experience?","Probably doesn't help that every time it does come up, after the game ends and it's time to switch sides all the defenders just leave so they aren't forced to attack." +Best cosplay at SLC comic con this weekend,He must have gotten his second anointing I mean the Merc with a mouth and does everything the church is against and does it with no fear +I feel like this is how furries are born,Probably. +Heard (the guy who replaced Swoopes after the ND debacle last year) switched to WR and so did Locksley who was 5th in the depth chart.,I knew that. +Have you ever wondered why no OS for desktop computers has an integrated bootloader? Or do you think you know better then the dev teams of all the major OSs?,"Huh, I wonder why Windows comes with its bootloader, and I wonder why a lot of Linux distros come with GRUB." +"There should be a reality TV show where politicians are given televised lie detector tests. Naturally, reddit would be the platform for determining which questions would be asked (AmA style) The results would be revealed Maury Povich style. You claimed you that you weren't supporting bill x because you were being paid by company y. The results are in and that was a lie.",and it would be so easy to produce because they would all agree to do that in a heartbeat +Is there a reason actually why smash players always get more salty/popoff really hard in comparrison to other games? I've been to a few other gaming events recently and I noticed how people are way more chill there,Cause they are children playing a children's game +"People keep saying this, yet no one presents any solid proof that this happens...",Yeah Erdogan is a saint and the Turkish republic an upstanding member of the states of the world +The way they clean this window...,I thought they were fighting +Jill would have been a great role model,Yeah because Hillary Clinton is a good representation of the 3 billion women on earth +"I'm little, but I think these are getting bigger...",a subtle way of letting your fiance know you're pregnant? +"Which is why people should donate to charities like doctors-without-borders. It's baffling that you would argue that 93% of donations to a charity going to things besides the goal of the charity should be unsurprising. In addition to this, as I stated previously, your interpretation of the remaining monies is simply well-wishing, the church has no obligation to submit an accounting of their charities and certainly isn't offering one of their own accord. There is no money-trail, and except in very obvious cases (such as MT's resulting missions all around the world) there's no way to know where the money went.","Yeah, because all those ministers and even the pope drive Lamborghinis and eat foie gras for breakfast." +"Audioshield: The Videoshield Update (youtube integration, new skin, new difficulty modes!)",Curious as to why SoundCloud support was removed? +Doesn't look like he crossed the line,"But, he crossed *a line*" +I know some pro players who are gold. Rank doesnt mean anything. Its just a rank. Competitive shooter is not competitive because you can rank up. Its competitive because its made for teams who compete agiainst each other. You are platinum yet you get killed by defenders running outside. That shows that rank means nothing. I would expect a platinum to not to fall thing like that.,"Rank means EVERYTHING in this game, if you're not diamond, you can't be in the pro league, also, on XB1 diamond rank you see people getting spawn killed in every game, it is very game breaking , ubi NEEDS to fix it, please make this game easier to play because I can't handle getting rekt in ranked..." +So you shot someone with the stim pistol 5 times and they also went over a frost trap?,here is the obvious +what's a bspn?,Barspoon maybe? +Shady lady is not a college bar they have a cover for anyone under 25,Never experienced this and I've been there about a dozen times with many others in their 20s. +"Is this the deepest era of tennis? Even with Nadal and Federer not being good as they used to be, we still have incredibly deep pool of top 10 players. Djokovic, Murray, Wawrinka, Del Potro, Nishikori, Berdych, Cilic, Raonic, Thiem and Tsonga. Is there an era that has more depth than this?",Maybe the last 10 years. +The gender wage gap is a myth? News to me.,You forgot the +Audi R8 GT. Spotted at a farmers market in Spokane Washington.,And here I thought my S4 was the nicest car in town. +I milanesi non riposano mai,"Lo mandiamo avanti noi il paese figa, altro che quei terroni tutto il giorno al mare" +You'd think they would want to cash in on the Stanford match as well.,I guess because Gordo came to us and bought supporters beer it wasn't real? +"Instead of DON'T BUY xyz, IT'S BUSTED, use I have a problem with xyz. Anyone else too? Saw a lot people here making posts about GPUs, with overheating problems, noise problems,... after they googled XYZ Problem and got several results regarding that. Of course you will have several posts about broken GPUs, if you actively search for it (Just as you will find pictures of cute kittens when you google for cute kittens). Faulty GPUs exist, no manufacturer is perfect. So instead of bashing the GPU in a PSA (people use those letters for anything these days), you could ask if anyone else has run into similar problems. Maybe your card is just broken or does something it's not supposed to do. Just a little heads up for some optimism in this subreddit.",Should have added PSA to the beginning of your post. +"Well, just send those fucks claiming to be from Syria to Syria.",Yeah deportation to a warzone is a proper response to fraud in a Rechtsstaat +"I don't think he's even hugged a woman before because the hard nipples thing is only in like, erotica.","And here I am, just thinking of all the disappointing hugs I've given dudes because of my A Cups." +"Criminals and FBI are the same thing, the difference is to who they work for.",Hmmm.. it really makes you think. +And some of us never reach that top.,not with that attitude!i!i!i +"My trusty steed, built from the frame up",Looks like a session +TIL FDNY offers a 'Legacy Credit' of 10 points to their exam for someone enlisting who lost a family member in 9/11,Seems like a legit reason for someone to score better than someone else on a test... +"We're not QPR, mate.",And we are just swimming in high quality backups for all positions +Faztanic.,jack would be freddy and rose would be toy chica new otp +Clueless to timezones as well as web servers I see.,everyone knows there's only one 13:00 every day. +I got my 2011 Macbook's CPU up to almost 100c a couple times.,Try SMC Fan Control +"I don't miss Gaddafi, but it was a memorable flag in its simplicity.",But he had free health care. +Drug sales at an all time low in his country. He knows how to get shit done.,"Killings at an all time high, definitely a good president." +"You know that a 10% chance of something happening doesn't guarantee it will happen ever, let alone 10 trials, right?","nah bro 10 times 10% is 100% chance, its guaranteed" +It's almost like someone cut education funding...,Fat cat teacher unions are destroying America +Donald Duck (time-lapse GIF),In before Disney! +"That when someone has a fundamental misunderstanding of what they've seen and assert that misunderstanding as fact, they should be corrected. e: especially when it's so incredibly obvious","Well, at least you weren't a dick about it!" +Added you and OP. FC: 2509-4801-2277,Added! +Too bad you can't.,I'm so glad Jihad Jockeys aren't a thing! +"Is the class progression bug fixed? I dont think it is, but I'm just wondering if any of you know","I'm fairly certain it is, I've managed to rank up twice today." +How much faster is this card compared to my MSI R9 380 4GB?,"buy the single fan gtx 1060 sc from evga, not this one, the heatsink on this one is extremly shitty, there is a thread about it on hotpage rn" +"They seem to really like league of legends. No flaming each other, solid teamwork all around. Love old clg.",I think you're missing a +"I'm bringing DOOM to Halo, September 8th",But Halo is already DOOMED +People are throwing the word reskinned around like they don't even know what it means.,Similarity = Reskin Don't you know that's how it works? +"Same shirt, two different ways",I wish I had your body :( You look great! +Today In Awesome? Freddie Mercury: Asteroid named after late Queen star to mark 70th birthday - BBC News,Doesn't he already have a planet named after him? +Exactly. So maybe they'll finally learn their lesson?,"Yes, we are in fact talking about large groups of people who update their expectations based on the presentation of new facts." +Zach King - drying up pussies since 2008!,But it's *sooo coooool* +Don't know about less practical. Both are performance mods for the intended install target. Both the car and the computer work just fine for daily tasks without purchased item. The difference really seems to be the cost and perception of the 2 hobbies.,Everyone knows gamers never succeed in life. +If you don't mind me asking what made you end that 10 year relationship?,"The warranty expired, had to buy a new and younger one." +The one mentioned in the article.,There's an article? +I thought we were born to live but forced to die?,Sorry to inform you but you are clearly not deep. +Genji is still alright I guess,He's so unplayable! +Ask me how I know you don't have small children?,"Yes, yes, think of the children!" +Trump refuses to say whether Obama born in U.S.,Because Obama is a Kenyan born muslim that is secretly working for ISIS and China. +"Do you regret voting for Duterte? I have heard several people express regret in private. However when put on the spot and questioned about their choices by a stranger, most of these people will defend their choice and their president. Most of my friends agree he was the lesser of several imperfect options. But did anything he did the last few months in office, change your views, for good or for bad? Maybe you disliked him before and grew to appreciate him, or maybe you idolized him and realized he was a sellout, dangerous or a liar.",Political correctness is the most important aspect of a President so yes I do regret it. +Oh good lord baby Jesus let this whole month be one big slow drip of Donnie's tax returns for the last 20 years. October surprises for everyone!,In this scandel of the day media climate it's the only way to keep the story going. +Quick USP 4k on cobblestone!,mouse lift expert lul +"Sometimes, I feel like people either hate Kali or just don't know her kit So, I was playing with a friend of mine, he was supp, I was Kali as ADC. We lane against Medusa and Kumbha. I tell my friend Kumbha is my target, we proceed to take him to his passive and while we are autoing him, Medusa is focusing me. I'm like that's ok, I'll heal after I kill him, then my supp goes ham and kill Kumbha and I die. I rage at him because he asks to go supp, but chase kills like this. But then later, I dive a phoenix, ult, get the same Kumbha on his passive (he was my target) then my mid just gives the last auto, letting me die to phoenix. Guys, if a Kali is attacking someone and her passive marker appears, DON'T KILL THAT PERSON UNLESS SAID KALI DIED. /rant over",Oh but it all happens so fast and in the heat of the battle they don't notice. +"The phenibut voice Can we talk about this wonderful attribute our chemical brings us? Me and my buddies always know when the phenibut kicks when our voices change. My voice gets deeper and bassier. Speaking requires less physical effort (whispers can come our sounding strong). Never at a loss of words or any pointless filler words (you know what I'm saying). There is a sudden tinge of rasp. Speaking is more controlled, and people listen. Basically, I feel like I have the sexiest voice on phenibut. You guys get this too? No anxiety med gives me this. Hell, Xanax can destroy anxiety, but if my verbal skills suffer, what's the point? Another checkmark for this wonderful compound. :)",It definitely helps me talk better and more clear and confidently. +"Almost 300 days later, finally she gives her First Press Conference.",And almost died with that coughing fit. +I would be willi to swap you a sample of the current OWA 107 for a comparison,you're so generous! +I'm only on board for a musical episode if we get NPH as the Music Meister.,Now that would make for an amazing episode. +LF5 Wrath Of The Machine 350+ (Blind) Please leave your psn below or message HyperShadows1,Lord_Coltor 354 hunter +"What did you do before LE? For those of you who began a career in LE at a later stage in life, what brought you to make that change? How many years in did you have at your old job and how did it feel starting at the bottom again?",College and a shit ton of internships. +"The Qur'an is a book of peace, compassion and understanding. #My ass it is! Burn them all!",Well having a wife who is 8 is totally not pedophilia +That's honest to god fucking hilarious jesus christ I'm crying send help,I'll pull the Van around so the media can't catch you collapsing! +Out of the loop; can I get an explanation of top die? I've been trying to look for a source and have had no luck. Can anyone tell me all about top die?,Top die is top die. +Unless you're gay.,"If you're disappointed by a golden gaytime while expecting dick, then really I don't know what you expected" +The woman behind Bitchin' Betty's voice retires,"I thought it might sound familiar, but I guess Lockheed used a different voice." +"Is that standard now? I thought you had to install an addon? Speaking of which, is there something you can do that will play sounds when tabbed? Fishing catches for example.",in the menu click on system then sound then check the box for play sounds in background +iCarly Reunion,GIBBY +A friend opened a can of organic green beans...,You found the toy. +I wonder what they say to guys who like natural small chested woman.,"They tend to call them gay pedophiles, because they don't like wymyn with cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurves." +Probably fuck all now cos Garena Kripp - 1 Cyka Bylat guy from Garena - 1,"Yeah, sure.. Everyone on garena got Demigod's that says #1 overall in Season One." +"Africa and china should have a baby, because blasians are the best.",Please link me some examples +Rape our women? Didn't the crusaders go to the Middle East and like rape their women?,"Pfft, don't be silly, only brown people can be rapists" +TIL that some black bears are born white and are called Spirit Bears. They are not albino or polar bears.,"or polar bears.... no, that'd be another kind of bear." +"BREAKING: TWO POLICE OFFICERS GUNNED DOWN IN FORT WORTH, TX",#BLACK LIES DONT MATTER +"The tab Screen Should Show Ultimate Percentages As Well We can already see if a teammate has ultimate, but it would be more useful to also see if they are close to being fully charged. I'm not sure if this was brought up before, but recent posts asking players to share ult percentages reminded me of this.",Nah that would be toxic. +"TIL George Washington inoculated his troops against smallpox, reducing a 17% death rate from the disease down to 1%",Too bad it likely caused their children to be born autistic. +"People who unlawfully park on a handicaped spot, how do you justify yourselves?","They have wheels, I have to walk all the way from my spot to the entrance.." +A member of the school board for my county just posted this on Twitter.,omg he like totttallly gets our generation xddddd +"Haven't heard about this yet, good catch!",You dropped the +"Warp Core Stabs interfering with FW Plexes (( Warp Core Stabilizers cause a negating effect upon the capturing of warzone complex points. When fitted to a ship they break the communication link between capsuleers and the beacons, making it impossible to affect the timers inside complexes )) Now wouldn't this fix our FW problem come November? Or even now! I don't want to see Alpha Clones break the game. Anyone else think this would be good?","You may have noticed faction scrams have three points and specialist frigates were introduced to specifically give you a means of dealing with this, of course if you choose to ignore all in game means of dealing with this, and meta on reddit, no one will criticise" +When will the delusion end?,"Brexit says hi, shill." +"like in the most of the programming competitions for the past 20ish years: poland, russia or china.",Witcher 3 is crowning achievement of our programming skills in game development. +They should be making cars out of whatever that camera is made of.,Like they should make planes out of the black box material? +"While I believe you're right, I don't believe he isn't addicted to stalking women. So it's not the same thing exactly.",We are all driven by the darkness +Clinton up 100 points in the Overweight Blue-Haired Demographics.,Damn what a shame +You're in a car full of diverse strangers and they hand you the aux. What song do you play in order to please as many of them as possible?,Justice - Civilization +"My LDR bf (33m) avoids telling me (24f) things because he thinks it'll make me upset, but continues to do it anyway then threatens suicide when I express my anger There have been lots of instances where my boyfriend believes it's okay to do things that he knows will make me upset and just avoids telling me to avoid fighting. He doesn't seem to understand that this is not acceptable. Just a couple of the more serious examples of this type of behavior: I had to go to the emergency room. He lives 4 hours away and so I just called him for support because I was really scared. He said I was being overdramatic and hung up (I should mention it was very serious and related to an unplanned pregnancy) The next day, come to find out, he was at a party. I told him how I felt, that it seemed like I was unimportant and he didn't care about me. He apologized. He avoided telling me that he was at a party. He avoided telling me that he was planning a trip to another country, knowing that I wasn't going to be able to go because I am in school. He just dropped it on me the day before his flight. I didn't want to tell you because I know it would just make you mad. This is my only chance to go (etc) He avoided telling me his ex was still trying to hook up with him and avoided telling me he didn't shut it down. This past week, he avoided telling me he planned a trip with his friends. The entire weekend I couldn't reach him, so I actually seriously thought something was wrong with him. Here's why: he threatens suicide when we get into a disagreement. I take it seriously because he has a history of depression and suicide attempts and was actually institutionalized for it before we met. I'm calling him, writing him on facebook, contacting his friends, even went so far as to calling police to do a welfare check, and nothing. He comes back from his trip, finally calls me back. I'm freaking out like where are you and are you OK? He said he got my messages but didn't want to tell me to avoid upsetting me. WTF?? I was so angry because all he had to do was send a message I'm okay I don't feel like talking at least, so I wasn't worrying the entire weekend. I'm expressing my feelings and he starts getting worked up and threatening suicide again. At this point, I'm aware that he's doing it to stop me from bringing this up and it's extremely manipulative, but I don't want to risk telling him this in case it does push him over the edge. I don't know what to do at this point. I know this post makes it sound like I should dump him. Is there another solution or way I can bring this up? tl;dr My BF knowingly does things that upset me, avoids telling me about it to avoid an argument, eventually comes clean and when we get into a heated argument about it, threatens suicide to stop the fight. What should I do?",Sounds like a healthy relationship you've got there... +Cosby has been practicing.,He knows a few places to stick that chocolate pudding pop. +"Stop asking about the companion app no one is 100% sure, instead just follow this link to Blizzards apps on the Play store to see if it is available yet",Why are you so angry? +Wow. That's really cool. Thanks for the prompt and clear response! :D,"I always heard smoking stunts your growth, maybe giving your plants a pack a day might help?" +"The shield has hitpoints, but can absorb any amount of damage as long as it's in one instance. (2 C4 will drop the shield and leave the sundy at full health, 12 C4 will do the same also leaving ithe at full health) That's why you want to detonate the C4 before tossing a nade, or the shield may absorb the nade too","2 C4 on a shield sundy does drop the shield, but it also takes off ~1/6 of the sundy's health and gives the sunderer under attack warning" +"What are some non-Gundam Mecca shows I should watch? Already seen TTGL, NGE, Gunbuster/Diebuster, etc. I don't really feel like getting too involved in Gundam just because the universe is so huge. I tried watching G Gundam but I couldn't get into it.",I don't know of any anime set in Saudi Arabia +troll,what gave it away? +So did Antonio Gates... ppl forget that,Stool +"It's not like a shotgun where 10 projectiles are fired simultaneously, it's like a normal gun (after the charge) it fires 1 at a time just really fast an sometimes shit happens",So you're saying that the way a fusion rifle works is that you charge it by holding the trigger then super quickly pull the trigger for each individual bolt? +Brz/frs,But boo hoo I gotta rev it out to go fast where's muh torquez? +Ghostbusters is now out in Korea! My girlfriend and I are the only ones in the theatre. This is the first time this has ever happened. It's pretty great!,"wow, korea is really sexist!" +"He also got really fat, that's also a factor.",But was it on company time? +phenomenal ? u mean lucky ?,niko is lucky +Humour - Things I have Learnt From Sleuthing MAM The fastest routes back to the 147....despite the fact I live in another country. How cell towers work The best (and worst) ways to burn a body The many colours (mystic teal mica) of a RAV 4. Come on guys.....I know you can add to this list,Yaw.. +I am honored you are taking notes!,Someone wants to learn the way of the force? +Yesterday Greta Van Susteren asked people on Twitter if she should make a segment on Hillary's health. Today she abruptly left FOX after 14 years. What the fuck?,That's definitely a coincidence. +"I just wanted to show how bad I want to do this, plus I suspect it's more unique than I want to eat things I can't eat. Plus: This is very achievable. In fact, the food allergies and intolerances may even help.","Well, I hope you achieve your high-speed, poop-by dream very soon!" +Am I really the ONLY one whose PS4 refuses to download the patch?,"Your ps4 is looking out for you, it's trying to give you longer double cyrptokeys" +Did the Diploma in Electrical Engineering Technology at BCIT in 2001 (2Yrs full time + Coop). Had multiple job offers before I graduated. Started at 42K. Making +80K now. Worked well for me. It was very intense but I finished in 2.5 yrs. My salary and responsibilities have been on par with colleagues holding engineering degrees from universities.,What industry? +That map/chart is practically useless - green to ever so slightly lighter green...,Its intended use is to load it into a self-programmed software to extract the score. +And here some of us still think 10k eggs are myths,You have to walk just right to get one once every blue moon. +F,F +Nikola thinks he is a human child,Catz are great people-warmers when you're cold like a bear. +Getting paid to cook makes you a cook. Being a chef is on another level,Denial is a hell of a thing to deal with huh. +Dost vs Lindelof. The portuguese league is on fire.,Fitting that the referee sided with Lindelof +"Ichiro with his first PH home run ever, his first hr of 2016",one more hit to tie Rafael Palmeiro and four more to tie Lou Brock. +Am I having a stroke?,"If not, I can give you one." +Curtisgh,Added +Fred-Endo Idle,FNaF World Update 3 leak +"Another reason I want Rey to be Luke's daughter, Finn's reaction when he finds out. :)","Awwww, you HAVE to be kidding me!" +Marcus Rashford's hat-trick for England U21's against Norway,Iheanacho is better +Now all we need is a Monty Python Mod for M&B and at least one dead parrot.,The parrots not quite dead yet +"The last debate is moderated by Chris Wallace, and he's a respectable guy.",You forgot your +It only heals you if you are on offence. Defending team does not get healed by it.,It also heals you if you're a spy on defense disguised as an enemy. +"Pierce is a pretty ferocious trash-talker in his own right tbh. See: any playoff moment from his post-Celtics days (and probably before then, I'm just more aware of the recent occurrences). Dude is that old guy who's seen it all and gives no shits anymore.",can confirm +"It literally clones the whole game to patch any amount of data. I've made a few complaint threads about this issue already. It's across the whole Total War stable from Empire onwards. If you're on an SSD where space is tight, you always need to have ~25GB free to make sure you can patch the game. If you're on a traditional HDD, like OP, you need to wait a long time because of all of the reading and writing the slow drive has to do. A lot of other big games like GTA V and Fallout 4 don't have this issue. I agree it needs to be fixed. Especially when you consider CA's plans for Warhammer which will eventually expand the grand campaign map massively.","But as long as it saves them 15% on their bandwidth bill, amirite?" +"No, I'm disabled I literally don't have the ability to move my legs enough to run.",Have you tried really hard though +PETA: Are Meat-Eaters More Likely To Be Racists?,"excuse me while i use my white privilege to pay the same price everyone does for a steak at the store and cook it on my white privilege stove and marinate it in my racist salt and oppressed pepper and Worcestershire sauce and cook it medium privilege, with a side of racist mushrooms sauteed in a red wine privilege reduction sauce, oh and i'll use that racist math that my white privileged brain has and count out how many white racist crescent rolls im gonna have at my KKK Hitler steak dinner" +I will absolutely try to be there! I have to. It's important for us all to have a representative!,You'll be doing God's work. +"I'm worried about how Bungie will handle Raid weapons in Rise of Iron. Raid Weapons. The name should make you drool, it should bring back memories of your first run through Vault of Glass, being one of the lucky Guardians who dropped a Vision of Confluence or Praedyth's Revenge, and praying for a Fatebringer to drop during hardmode runs. Raid Weapons used to be true endgame weapons, they were pinnacles of their archetypes, workhorse weapons, with Elemental burns to boot. Even Crota had good Raid weapons, though most were not on the same level as Fatebringer and Vision, Swordbreaker had great utility and Blackhammer was hilariously broken. Then we come to Kings Fall, which went to the effort of crafting individual, unique models for every weapon, yet the weapons themselves were found lacking. Middling at best, mediocre at worst, the Yasmin and Terminus are the most commonly used simply because the Cocoon perk synergises so well with them, out of the other weapons the Smite of Merain is the only one to stand out due to it's ability to roll Firefly, another major flaw, random perks should never have been considered for endgame gear. Raid weapons used to be set in stone, balanced to be endgame weapons without being blatantly overpowered, if you dropped one, you knew it would be useful (unless it was the auto rifle), the only question was *if* you would drop one. When it comes to Kings Fall most of the weapons became Infusion fodder, between the mediocre selection and the single random perk, running the Raid wasn't nearly as rewarding an experience as it was in Year 1. Rise of Iron is a big what if right now, will they fix PvE Shotguns? Will they buff Handcannons to be more reliable, Auto Rifles to compete with Pulse Rifles? Will SRL be expanded properly? What, if any tweaks will be made to Kings Fall and Prison of Elders? Will little Timmy be saved from the well!? We don't know. But the biggest what if for me, is if Raid Weapons will be done justice, it was such a shame to have these beautiful works of art be tossed to the side for Vendor rolls within the week, I sincerely hope Bungie does not make the same mistake twice.",What about the massive amount of players who don't play the raid because they don't have people online they play with? +"A personality. One is great, 2 or more and things get confusing for everyone else.",Usually it's better to have two +Screw this gendered shit. I'm getting a crossbow too.,"nah don't get a cross bow, take too long to reload, get a sling and throw rocks at people really fast." +Why people continue to think that PC Gaming is expensive...,Its cheaper than buying brand new in NZ +Deleted Tinder from my phone without deactivating my account. Found this gem when I finally logged back in.,"It's only been 2 months, don't let this catch get away!" +its actually OSU! NOt OSU GODT why ? YU HAVE 2WO TRIGGER ME! ! !!!!!!!,I'm sory sir here is a gun you can now eggsecute me if it helps u +"5'8 here, this shit sucks too, wish I was 5'10...",Im 510 if i was 512 i would be soooo happy +Singapore's conservative approach to drugs. Similar to what duterte is proposing?,And I'm sure the fact that their entire country is a lot smaller than a single city in those other countries has nothing to do with it +"Yeah I did see how he played against IMT... the week before Northern Arena when they 2-0'd them in Pro League, he did great.",Online. +Never heard of it.,It's a dialect spoken by the freeest people in the world +Comrade Merkel continues the destruction that her eastern bloc training prepared her for.,"plot twist, it's actually a grand scheme to let terrorists launch attacks on the commies from within the EU." +The Emperor was fighting a war against himself for control over a galaxy he already had control of.,Because analogies made in a fictional universe translate perfectly into reality. +"Nae, yer thinkin' of t' Irish.",Pfft he said *white* and Catholic. +Thanks! She seems calmer. I agree with the moon part. It is not some magical vodoo satan juju. We know why it happens. Speaking about that. Next year will be a solar eclipse. Let's see what sort of crazy that brings.,"Well duh, the scientists who predict them obviously work for Satan." +"Pinochet did nothing wrong. He never mass murdered anybody but even if he did it was a coincidence they were all his political opponents and besides, it would have been awesome if he did",State sanctioned bestiality torture is a myth! +What rules has your cat set in your household?,No cats allowed. +Feminists are delusional and think its ok for things to be fake as long as they bring up the issue.. its ok to lie about being raped because it gets people talking about how bad rape is. It doesn't matter if an innocent man has his life destroyed as long as its for the greater good,It is not homophobic to say someone looks gay... That was a response to someone saying that the kid in the picture would enjoy getting raped in prison because he looks gay... It's totally not homophobic though because that guy said so +What's this? A normal looking alien? Definitely not NMS,What are normal looking aliens? +About time!!,"What a dog shit celebration, GLB getting shafted again....smh" +Sources: CBA will extend seven years,Alright lets wrap this shit up so we can talk about expansion to Seattle/Vegas/Vancity! +Disney to Scan Fingers of 3 Year Olds to Prevent Fraud,Those lil' grifters....... +The Air Force Denied Our Request For The List of Crowdsourced Names For Their New B-21 Bomber,Joker +Unpopular opinion but You could try not breaking any laws down there. That's a great way to avoid all that stuff.,But it's my right to transport drugs and consume them at a music festival! +It's still his problem as well. Now.he has to go solo or.find someone else to go.with. he doesn't have a problem if he has someone to go with.,I'm sure he paid $70 just to have *anybody* go with him. +"I believe you are agreeing with me. I believe the distinction between marriage as a religious institution and a legal contract should be made more blatant - marriage under control of the Church and away for government, civil unions as the secular solution.",Because separate but equal has never caused any problems in the past. +White privilege is the privilege of being unemployed due to the acceptable racism that is quotas.,That's just a right wing conspiracy no such thing exists. +"yeah, it's pretty friggin lame to have something this difficult to figure out not reward anything. It'd be like the 6th chest finally being discovered in VoG, only to find out it only contains spirit bloom",But opening it affected the exotic chest.. +What if he's drunk?,Consensual! +The opposite is more true,Here's ur +Same here. I'm hoping it's a location or timezone thing and not a select Preview users thing.,PS exclusive? +Mid Air Collision over KCTJ,I feel like this is a huge reason to look through the window opposite of the runway right before you turn final. +we rotated your rotors 360 degrees,I thought they rotated with the wheels +Media dismisses military brass backing Trump,I mean didn't they give him a purple heart for his service? +There are 3 now. Jane Doe: Alleged Trump & Epstein victim Tiffany Doe: Claims to have organized victims for Epstein Joan Doe: Was a confidant of Jane Doe after events occurred,Oh shit was it a whole family? +List of my finished projects: 1.,Your project was creating a number? +Florida and Eastern Washington will play in 2020,Theres no way Florida could lose to an FCS school......^^^again +Kevin Conroy sweeps Mark Hamill off his feet at FanExpo,Bruce Timm at it again +"Super Mario Run coming to iOS first, Android later",Mario endless runner... Nintendo sure is bringing the fire and upstaging all these mobile devs. +Coach Pete Carroll confirmed Thomas Rawls (ankle) will be on a snap count Week 1 against the Dolphins.,But...but Rawls is supposed to be the steal of the draft and put up top 10 numbers for the rest of eternity. +Seth Jones has to spend the next five seasons playing for Tortorella in Columbus. Maybe he decided not to argue with his coach?,"Holy shit, the oppression!" +Amen,"No, that's drum and bass." +Even Alex Trebek knows.,60 FPS is the maximum framerate the human can see. +Or a phone that has a 3.5 port...,Or he could step into 2016 with wireless headphones and controller +"Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Even though the national media thinks they can ignore Trump because he won't win, they can't ignore a major personality bribing local government officials.",but he was a businessman! +"Honestly, if you say anything along the lines of They want my cock inside them all the time and have lots of orgasms, you've never put your cock inside of anyone",my boyfriend says I give him lots of orgasms all the time... a-are you telling me he is a liar? +Don't know how much clearer he can be.,"So... she's guilty, right?" +Why is this plains tile 1 food 2 hammers?,"Its got Horses, but you are too dumb to know that." +I live in the South and I will readily admit that we have earned a lot of our stereotypes. But mother/daughter marriage? Really?,"Yeah, they're not even hot so it's disgusting." +"Thomas Foss and I really wanted to make mimic versions of all the clickables we could and then periodically cycle them in each update. So that once the players had figured out how to reliably identify and avoid them, they'd evolve and disguise themselves as something else. I even mocked up a mimic lockbox...",settle down satan +you know lotion can be used for other things than masturbating right?,Go on... +Does the moon come through the hole where Mercer can somehow sneak off with a whole vault full of valuables that were sitting in plain sight of a whole room full of people?,Even getting the vault door open without them noticing should have been impossible. +Need advice for first AR-15,Invest your money in something that will actually benefit you. +"She's a republican, but she's leaning toward you What the fuck kinda statement is this?",Oh but she is undecided! +"Free-to-start is actually the phrase they use for all of their first-party f2p games on 3DS, and those are all full gameplay experiences with no sleazy endless microtransactions.",Pokemon Shuffle was very good until the most recent stages where you forcelly need to spend coins to get an S rank. +You know what would be even less weird? Learning about a subject before you say you know it.,Expect that is not normal didn't you know everyone is an expert on everything they talk about? +"How important is mastering LINQ? I love C# collections and LINQ. I peruse articles and books on those topics all the time and play around with them in LINQPad or VS. I've an internship at a .NET shop coming up. After years of learning the theoretical and academic side of Computer Science, this'll be my first practical real world experience. From a career perspective, how important is understanding collections and mastering LINQ? I'm likely going to dive deep into it because I really enjoy this topic but if there are other more important things to focus on then it's helpful to know.",I use linq frequently and optimize away later if needed +Stormtrooper alert!,The windows aren't tinted. +Not to mention that fact that he cares more about his personal convictions than his public image.,Yeah but that only matters if you have the right personal convictions. +Cowsep - Patch 6.20 - Undocumented Master Yi Nerfs,"Fuck me... As a Jungler Main who mostly main champs that require little to no mechanics, this is gonna fuck me up for sure in one of my Yi games lmao." +Yeah It's a hilarious comedy short and more people needs to watch this. Its basically a 2 cour show if put it together (4-5min per episode with total of 85 episodes),Thanks for posting the disc threads almost daily! +"Sandor Clegane greater significance? Just realized this when browsing the wikia earlier. Don't know if it's been brought up before on here or if it has been addressed in the show or the books (haven't read them); but, the liquid Wildfire supposedly burns so hot that water can't put it out, right? The only thing able to put it out is sand. It's maybe just coincidence but Sandor is afraid of fire and Wildfire can only be put out by sand. It seems that Wildfire is a choice weapon of the Lannisters. Maybe Sandor will have a bigger role later on? Could he be the sand that eventually puts out the Lannister wildfire?",That explains the importance of the sand snakes +Reminder that the iPhone dock on the apple website has a 3.5mm port on the back Title.,But I want to keep circle jerking on the Apple hate wagon. +I am so confused by the message in this one. Is grandma saying that rap causes intercity violence because the ghosts are coming out of boom boxes? How will banning the Democratic Party get rid of boom box violence ghosts? WHAT RACIST RANT ARE YOU TRYING TO DELIVER GAM GAM?!,I think the message grandma is trying to get across is I don't like black people but it's a little hard to say for sure because she's being so subtle +So here's what Jesse McCartney AKA Nightwing has been up to.,wait that last shot with the rock i think this was filmed on my collage campus +Can people stop caring about money for once and just appreciate technology moving forward.,Yes because wireless devices were just made today. +"ECM is cool, it's just cancer in small gang and solo play because it's a fucking broken force multiplier in those cases.",Thank god that they reduced the AT numbers from 12 to 10 so that ECM wouldn't be hugely overpowered in such an enclosed environment. +And then she never played again :(,"Because girls are too delicate to play baseball, duh, didn't you read?" +"Breaking a pane of glass doesn't compromise the structural integrity of the building though. An overloaded USB port that isn't protected could fry the whole board, not just the port.","Furthermore, using a usb port is a daily every day activity, throwing heavy solid objects through glass panes is not." +[I can see half of the most beautiful woman in this universe](#amaze),We can turn Emilia over then. +BF4: call of duty with some cars I guess,CoD 16: battlefield without cars I guess +George Brandis not aware of donation to LNP from solicitor he promoted to Appeals Tribunal.,I am sure checking his diary will show he never met or knew of Theo. +Where do all the people who can now get life-saving treatment and medication fit in your analogy?,Fuck them cause I have to pay an extra 100 a month +Which one is it then lol? If you could upload the clock bit as well that would be super useful :D,"You're giving 2 options, ofcourse your only answer will be yes" +"Since we're on the subject, uhh maybe Se? Fe? I dunno",ENFJs are super rapey +"This was the only major issue that Sanders and I disagreed on. It still bugs me, but at least now I can just not vote at all and not feel bad about it.",Congratulations on being better than the impure sheeple who vote for Hillary +Are you calling in James Cameron to do what James Cameron does because James Cameron is James Cameron? Because you could probably get your county's body-search guy to take the dip for way less.,"Psst, I think you missed the" +Interplay is selling its videogame IPs and assets,Does this mean no Fallout Online? +"Why, did he fail a physical with the Pirates already?","Hey now, failed physicals are OUR thing." +Slap.,"Not recommended, but sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures." +Found something interesting I don't think anyone has found yet,"Not related to zombies, get ready for the banhammer chef" +Best pvp ships?,"Ones that abuse temporal meta, of course." +"Yeah. I was super pro-Rubio, but am going to hold my nose and vote Trump. I swear it's not a race thing. I can't stand Clinton, and resent the idea that we could, as a nation of 350 million people go Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama-Clinton. It makes us look like a banana republic (and not the good kind with great deals on khakis).","Just curious, I honestly couldn't remember if it was you or u/ureallyshouldtrustme" +Quite simply outplayed,Such a good shoulder peek +"Haha, I really want to call it The Patisserie now, but that's another long awkward work to say. How about Bakery?",Yea I think whatever is distinctive and starts off being referred to by this reddit has a decent chance of spreading so go for it can I vote for the large building with the field fenced in near it on volk side to be called the brothel +"Good job protecting the wicket by the batsman. Bowler really gave him a tough bowl, but he stuck with it and sent it off nicely.",better laugh about this than cry. +Where's that 'punch a kid in the face' guy when you need him?,Bring back hanging I say! +Yep same here. It's just that the MacBook Air and the MacBook Pro are so much more practical than most laptops...,You forgot your sarcasm tag.... +"OBS Noob here. How can I add the overlay to the stream? Tried everything, nothing changes.","OBS Classic or xSplit, still trying to get it to work tho." +"I don't personally remember that rule, but hey, it's better than Iris suggestions so I'll take it.",Wouldn't it be cool if an ancient let us jump to our HZE at the start of an Ascension and work backwards to 1? +What the iPhone 7 actually is.,no its just a phone +"GDT: Team Czech Republic vs Team Russia How is there no GDT yet, 5 minutes till game time!",I feel dirty rooting for commies +It's not a phase mom,"This is the real me, YOU DONT UNDERSTAND" +except for the campaign team. And the MCC team.,There is no MCC team +"She is right to rip Trump over not wanting to get into a war with Russia. When we elect her I expect her to immediately break into warhawk clinton mode and just turn the middle east into a continuous, stirred up frenzy, and to get them to help us take down Russia. That is right, let's get into a conflict with Russia, then we can pull in China. WWIII!!!! I can't wait for her to continue Obama's 8 years of war!! GO RODHAM GO!!!","Yeah, what was Obama thinking invading Iraq like that?" +"It's not natural, she said as she took a bite out of a large apple that came from a grafted tree. Nature knows what's best. She continued not to die of exposure thanks to her coat. Look at how dogs instinctively know how to love. She pet her shih tzu. Later that evening we had corn for dinner while she explained how humanity shouldn't play god.",At least it wasn't GMO corn +Nice reference! I like how many levels there are to it.,All one of them? +It's a rock... People have been destroying nature since the beginning of time. There are alot more significant things to rage about. People are just looking for a reason to get offended.,I guess I'll just knock over million year sculptures because hey it's just a fucking rock right? +"They're homeless, not an animal. And they were right there in case something did happen.",Don't you understand if someone's homeless they ARE going to murder you? +Cuz they are brave and everybody loves them,When did Joss Whedon take over the show? +RAs tell UMass students Harambe jokes are an 'attack' on African Americans,"Remember, everyone: vote democrat if you want to stop racism!" +"Not at all. Because I'm a database admin by profession and a social science nerd by education, I can't ride my touring bike or go backcountry backpacking, nor can I watch an MLS game with my friends over a pint. It's mutually exclusive, you see. What asshattery.",you obviously need to read more since your euphoric levels are low from all that beer and cycling +Lauren Bush Lauren backs Clinton,This is one of those instances when you should be able to edit a title. +I bet that feature will be a jack 3.5 in every phone.,Ohh Id buy a phone with a 3.5 jack.. Can't wait +Steveo_1986,When are you doing this me and a friend wouldn't mind helping out. +"Bears will announce captains later, but Dowell Loggains let slip that Jay Cutler is one of them #breaking",but he isnt a leader? +I wish there was a class limit on snipers. It isnt fun when you cant walk in the mostly open map because theres 6 snipers. However tanks do take care of them nicely.,"If it helps, almost every decent BF3 and BF4 server on PC has a sniper limit." +"That's not how this works, and no more parties with co-workers for us.",You and Tony can be Eskimo brothers. +"Looks like ThyssenKrupp, so pretty much",Krupp hasn't been the same ever since they stopped making cannons! +Sometimes the old ways are best...,I think a lot of fandroids are happy that their phone are the ones left with 3.5mm jack... I'm pretty sure they're not gonna copy Apple... +Blood knights really do earn their name.,"damn, how are you so good at micromanaging shock cavalry?" +"Humans have destroyed a tenth of Earth's wilderness in 25 years, study shows",Fucking millenials +Old HS nice guy messaged me like crazy today. Had to post this here,Wow what a gentleman... +Woke up to this beauty this morning.,Tell me about it... I fell and dislocated my shoulder last night +Anyone wanna take Broncos for 20k?,Xb1? +"It's not a GreenText, but here's a D&D story dump from Imgur",\#10 was the best. +"Yes, spoilers don't make me like something less. And i really want to know now.","[You lose your ship at beginning of KotFE, and the present in Chapter IX is he finds it and returns it to you... that's it lol]" +DJ Bean: Whitesides out as S&C coach. Transitioning to community program B Fit,Maybe our first round picks won't fail their conditioning tests this time +Unfortunately no new wallpapers. Pretty strange.,Clearly Apple is loosing their way. +Found a big Allen wrench in my lab,BREAKING NEWS: Big Alien found in a lab in the United States. +Perfectly normal average heart rate.,meh i mean if you're burning 4000 calories in an hour I wouldn't be surprised if your heart has gotten lost in the folds somewhere +42 Keys Full Fade Shadow Daggers,love the example xD +Thoughts on first half?,panthers are telling the NFL that they want to feast on some defenses this year... +Oh I'm glad you have it all figured out then. Maybe you should get in touch with the detectives and let them know you've cracked the case.,"I'm not saying that's what happened, I was just saying how I felt after reading that article." +"Being at the point where you won't accept any *5 anymore Back when G5 was yet to come, it was pretty much a common sentiment to rejoice at any Rainbows appearing, even if a bunch of Genji Shield jump out solely to troll you. Now after I reserved several useful *5 relics and STILL lacking in some pivotal buffs/Medicas for RS building and CMs, I found myself starting to be more nitpicky and dissatisfied than ever, after a Relic Draw. Like, to test the power of G5, I casually pulled on P2 today. Not so casually, in fact, for I did have strong hope on getting the two great IV heals, a Runic, or even Dagger's BSB. These were the ones I can't watch them pass by. And I ended up with Ramza and Tyro BSB (with some anonymous XIV Shared SB rod that I didn't know it even existed). Some months ago, I would have literally danced around the room and all the way to the outside, but instead I felt salty. Yes, salty. Normally this wouldn't happen, after *several* rainbow balls appearing in one x11. I would always accept if that happens (funny, I haven't owned any Genji parts in my FFRK life.). This is indeed strange, but for me it looks like a bad draw. I was looking at the result not as I gained something awesome! but instead This Relic could be replaced with this, this, etc. I can't use this because I already have that, that, etc. Even though I know that pessimism is never helpful, I was falling straight for it. After all, I left with none of the desired items, I'm sure of it. But even though Ramza BSB is questionable, Tyro's actually *very useful* for me, and I still think that this draw is ruined. This is not the first time I felt subtle after a good draw, but they were resolved in some way (finding them useful later on, etc). Now I just see the hole instead of the donut as if that's what I've been always doing. Frankly, I don't know since when I turned this way. Possibly from the advent of CM, where I would almost force myself to use 5-man synergy team to get this going. Or just my need for filling in the relic holes is growing and I'm getting more impatient (coz in the past, I didn't have much resources whatsoever, so I wasn't paranoid at all for clearing something). But either way, I'm afraid that someday I won't even really enjoy this game, while I started FFRK solely to enjoy almost everything in it (gacha is a part of it, though I hate to admit). All right, feel free to say something like get over it, pussy. You're still luckier than 50+% of people in this sub since it's kinda true that I'm closer to the lucky side and I'm not really the one who should be complaining. But I assume that everyone will have their own salt and sorrows, and I just want to share mine, so don't see this post as stealth brag or sth (yes, I agree that two Bursts in one draw is still blast for most of us). I'd be happy with any other incoming criticisms. If this continues, though, I seriously think that putting down FFRK entirely is one way to deal with it. (And in fact, given that there are *always* draws that are fancier than mine, what's bragging even worthy for? It doesn't help at all in proving I'm a better player than someone few doors away or sth.)",So you pulled on a banner where 2 of top 3 head lining items were duds for you and yet you're not quite sure why you're disappointed in your pull. +r/the_donald is gonna be pissed that they're not getting paid in cold hard rubles.,"I'm pretty convinced it's like half Russians, a quarter preteens who think it's funny to support the meme candidate and love being on the inside of a joke, and a quarter actual Trump supporters who also like being on the inside" +We're You're not til not happy,Reel Big Fish fans... +"I was in the high 30s at the time. It was a strange matchmaking, the teams had equal average SR.","be happy, you only waited 1minute for a Q pop" +"If anyone can figure out how to min max journalism, it's Arumba.",This story really reminds me of the insurance business. +"Super interesting. Imagine if there were homo erectus, neanderthals and these little guys all alive today, working together, riding the bus together, intetmarrying despite the objections of their grandparents. It would be like the Lord of the Rings.","uh, you mean midgets, europeans and asians?" +"I got through 5 minutes early and she tried to get me to call back. I kept asking her things to keep her on the line. THEN it took 12 minutes to complete the order, so I'm not surprised to hear it. She had to read me a huge disclaimer thing... Longest 12 minutes of my day... SO, I can't say what I'd do, but I'd hang in there another 15 minutes or so at least.",this is exactly what happened to me... except she took so long to read the disclaimers that the systems had crashed by the time she pressed place order +Repost repost Repost repost,I took this picture. +Sarcasm,It's America's fault +Trump is a great candidate and will do more to gut the system and stop corruption than Sanders would have in his wildest dreams.,You do a very subtle job for a novelty account. +"Did KS Inspire you to do anything? I played KatawaShoujo the summer before my freshman year in high school and i have to say it inspired me to try alot of things (except anal) I think all the routes are beautiful in their own way but Emi's really spoke to me, heck because of her route i joined Cross Country and began running i felt like hey i wanna be like Emi. I think cross country helped me to be more open with joining clubs and all so i joined theatre which was the reason i met my best friend and also created a crap ton of happy memories. Now four years later i am a freshman in college who still runs, who is also starting a theatre club at my school. So because of nostalgia i decided to replay KS im currently half way into emi's and i realized that if it wasnt for this game i wouldnt have ever gotten into running nor theatre. So sorry about the rambling but my question is, Did KS inspire you to do anything with your life?",I played Emi's route and got inspired to lose 100 pounds. +Do you want to get the subreddit banned? Because posting personal information is how you get the subreddit banned. Reddit doesn't play with that shit.,You need to learn to infer +"I find it ironic how wikileaks was a great tool when they just dug up dirt on candidates the left hates, start attacking anything on the left it's suddenly a whacky conspiracy site. I don't know why I didn't expect this to happen, the dems are the party who thinks if their candidate does it then they're only doing it for the good of the country so its perfectly fine!","If it makes you feel better, I've always thought Assange was a chode." +"He's making Paulie look pretty good right about now, eh?",nah this is definitely the worst and meanest season EVER +Has America not realized by now that every time you give cops MILITARY HARDWARE they just abuse it?,But police are next to Jesus and can do no wrong! +A unique take from Gary,Forever the twitter banter king +"it's not, it literally does the same thing utorrent does (or any other torrent client for that matter). him saying it's more private or secure is just plain stupid. your ISP will pick up torrent traffic if there is any, it's up to them whether they warn you or leave you alone. some throttle your bandwidth, some disconnect you. personally I suggest going with a VPN and a seedbox in a different country.",I should have added a +"What has Sherman done to be called a thug?. He has no criminal record, he has a degree from one of the greatest universities. He does a lot of charity work in the community. The only thing i can think of, is his skin color and his hair",you say that like his skin color and hair aren't enough.... +I used to do this with glue and glitter like 20 years ago when I was 9. Big woop. :B,yeah im sure your 9 year old version of this was this high of quality and detail too +"God, I hope they are fined tens of thousands of euros for this and are crippled with debt for a long time.",Fuck it let's just sell them to slavery. +culturally incompatible. Merkel is going to get crushed in the berlin election next month.,Surely the refugees who failed to get asylum will return home like she said they should +YumCha's No More Tea Bags aerosol spray tea could replace your morning cup of brew and make kettles and teapots' days numbered,"Oh how I have longed for a spray version of tea that takes five minutes to brew, there's no way this won't catch on" +Please don't call 911 for something you can't confirm is an emergency. You are the reason paramedics end up committing suicide from high call volumes and punishing work shifts.,"Yeah, because you can go up to a violent situation and ask if everything is alright" +"Total wars tend to suck up a lot of teenage combatants. Just look at all the American kids who jumped into WWII, and they didn't even face a serious threat on their own soil.","Yea totally, pearl harbor shouldn't even count." +"There's more space for the battery, stereo speakers and a vibrating home button.",and optical image stabilization on the camera +What is the worst physical pain you have ever experienced?,Probably either spinal tap or catheter. +"That's how this reads, man: I do not understand why Superman, who had wondered his whole life about where he comes from and why he is this way, would be upset when forced to kill the last remaining member of his species with his bare hands; a man who knew Kal's family directly and could have taught him about Kryptonian history and culture in detail. It just doesn't make any sense. Also, why do people get married???","None of what you said was presented, or even implied, on screen." +"To be fair, our hate for him started long before that.","Well yeah, this game of golf was like yesterday." +"Somebody keeps dumping sheets of metal in our driveway I know this sounds really bizarre, but bear with me here. We live in a small subdivision in Nova Scotia, and almost every morning for the past few days we have found a large, single sheet of metal lying at the exit of our driveway. I'm 15 and living with my mom in a house that we own. We do not share our driveway with anyone but there are 2 other houses with driveways exiting into our cul-de-sac. Our hosue has a very long driveway that goes over a small hill so the exit of our driveway is not visible from our windows. At first we just moved the sheets to the side, so we didn't have to drive over them, but whenever we did that a new sheet would materialize overnight. The day before yesterday one of neighbors complained about the random stack of metal on our property line, so we had to ask a friend to help us move it into the shed behind the house. This night another sheet appeared. My mother is extremely weirded out by this and it's an inconvenience because they're heavy and it's easy to cut yourself on them. We can't think of a reason why anybody would be doing this and it must be costing somebody a fortune as we now have 7 sheets of metal out of nowhere. We asked both our neighbors and they don't know anything. We don't even know if we can get in trouble by putting up the metal for sale on kijiji but we don't want it cluttering up our yard or shed. And yes, the sheets of metal keep appearing within our property line. We tried leaving a car with a dashcam set to detect motion aimed at our driveway, but it was too dark for it to record anything. Weirdly enough we can't hear when it happens either. We considered calling the police but this seems like such a weird thing to call about. Do you guys have any ideas what's going on? Why would anybody be doing that? Are we allowed to just get rid of or sell the sheets of metal?",Maybe its a prank so someone could say that they had sheet on your property. +No. Nobody remembers that. We're all here because giant squids are no big deal.,Your dropped your +10 years ago today Chicharito scored his first goal against Necaxa,Typical Hernandez goal. +"LIVE Stream: Donald Trump Holds Rally in Des Moines, IA 9/13/16",I wonder what new insane thing he will say today. +Fear-mongering is what got them this mess.,"If it weren't for fearmongering, Trump would still be a B-level Reality TV star that only a few people were familiar with." +"I dunno. Most Toyotas that have them, hide it behind the glovebox. No tools needed on my '14 Matrix","If BMW could figure out how, they would require a dealer visit to check the air pressure in the tires..." +Stefan Molyneux pretends to be an attractive young woman in the comments of his own hour-long review of Frozen. Forgets to log out of his Google+ account.,And 89 of his subscribers still upvoted him lol +A couple is 2. Period. Anyone that says otherwise is an uncultured savage.,Some really oppressive monogamist thoughts here. +One gif explains why the Panthers defense is so good w/ average-or-worse WR group,Every good defense needs at least average WR group :P +"*DEA is aware of 15 kratom related deaths between 2014 and 2016.* Are they really? Please, someone with more insight into the kratom epidemic enlighten me to the risk of overdose, or whatever claim they're making.","To make it worse the deaths are only kratom related, most the people had other drugs in their system." +"Not only that, but non-conventional militaries don't freaking suffocate you with 100 lbs of gear. They are more liberal with you not wearing heavy plate carriers with front, back and side sapi plates. From my experience from dealing with FET(female engagement teams) teams in Afghanistan the single most thing they struggled with was carrying their weight and keeping pace with us grunts.","But, the gear is ultralight!" +Honestly you could make a case for roxxxy and alaska being in the bottom 2,God forbid alsaka be in the bottom 9 +Cool sorry bro.,We all know the real story is that Mexico is sending their rapists. +It has always had a beta version for devs. Isn't a new thing.,"yeah, but now is played, lol Source 2 confirmed" +Gotta caulk around those screws. That's the difference between a professional and an amateur.,And it's not like caulk would have been way more than enough to hold that thing on at 80mph and be fairly easy to remove without damage. +Anyone that says fam.... shut the fuck up. This needs to stop now fam. Fucking fuckers,You're very passionate about this. +"She doesn't screw the caps onto bottles, she just places them on the top, resulting in many spills. GAAAAAAHHHHH.",Have you tried explaining how they work? +You have to declare that you own your pictures in a post,You forgot the +If you have to pick one Jewish value to disregard make it this one.,"Yeah if you're going to have your soul cut off from the Jewish nation, might as well be for a quickie?" +Can I watch you guys?,There's plenty of gay porn on the internet. +Do power levels affect speed? Also when characters remove weighted clothing do there power levels increase or are they just more mobile?,Ask Berter who is the fastest in the universe. +"I suggest you call Bose... there is likely a way to do a reset. Or if you have a Bose store handy, take them in. Mine have never done anything like that. The power button is unnecessarily hard to press, IMO. I kind of need to use a fingernail.",It really sucks. +"Over 100,000 People Want Jon Stewart to Host a Presidential Debate",Because that's going to be fair and unbiased. +At least she realized it was a silly question! Everyone has those moments.,"oh yeah, I wasn't angry or anything, just really amused :-)" +Did all about me posters. Kindergarten boy drew a very detailed self portrait. Penis included.,You had me at penis. +What big companies or franchises have the most ethical business practices?,Nestle +"You're forgetting that liberals don't count as real Americans, so it's not unpatriotic to bash them.",The real Americans are sovereign citizens like Bundy's. +(But it is completely unnecessary and sounds awkward.),I've edited it ;( +I was joking.,Didn't see that +Tricky situation involving a promo code,"Maybe you delete the review, return it, don't review for seller again, but different product in a few months?" +Perfect example of why this move is good for everyone. We're going to see a huge wireless market boost in terms of quality and options because of all the new people looking for them.,yayyyyy less options for everyone! +Overeem's body,It's just the lighting... +That's... brilliant.,A friend of mine set the SSID of his Wifi to virus so people wouldn't try to log on to it :-) +It's not a fucking war zone over here. Maybe come and find out sometime rather than assume the entire US is like Aleppo.,What's Aleppo? +If you read the article she said she liked being compared to Angelina Jolie because of her social work and care towards people not her looks.,Yea I'm sure that's why. +"Well even their mousepad, which doesn't move, is wireless. So I think they want to remove all cables.","Then we can wirelessly charge the desk, it comes built in to the new Apple carpet." +Why does no gun give grimoire points except for Zen Meteor? (question),PS4 exclusive +"We did it, Reddit!",this was totally not made up by OP +Full...what?,OH YAS OH YAS +"Out of all the really surprising high scorers, which ones do we think will have sustained scoring throughout the season? A few receivers that I saw that stood out were: - Will Fuller 19.2 - Willie Snead 27.7 - Qunicy Enunwa 14.9 - Sanu 18.5 Then at RB - Theo Riddick 25.3 - Ameer Abdullah 20.5 QB - Carson Wentz 19.2 - Matt Ryan 24.4 - Alex Smith 28.0 *Values in PPR My question is really who out of players like this that may be available on waivers, or in trades, should we be targeting? We've seen many years where players have a brilliant week 1 and that's the end of their production, so what players do you think will still hold value weeks down the line?","Fuller, Riddick and Wentz get my vote." +I hope they're smarter than they look.,"Well, they'll look white and delightsome, so yeah, halo effect." +"i find it very easy to get 500 pts, even when i start alittle late",thanks for the help +"Auction house. If I remember correctly, it was either during collecting credits from my successful auction or getting my car back from failed auction.",I don't have XBL and I never had a problem doing that... You should contact their support. +"If I had a dollar for every time someone said this generation sucks, I would probably have enough money to buy a house in the economy that their generation ruined.",stop asking for hand outs you spoiled brat +What mess?,Tesla's rocket blew up +just ban it outright....,"You xenophobic, isolationalist racist!" +PS4 Pro {2016.09.08} Official Game Discussion Thread *** ### PS4 Pro *** Share your thoughts/likes/dislikes/indifference below.,Is the PS4 Pro the PS4 Neo or is the Neo something else altogether that's still not announced +Hey you know if someone punches you in the stomach they actually go away,Didn't Hudini fall for that one? +We created a Twitter account for the subreddit. It tweets out the hottest posts.,"What, no Facebook page?" +"In Toronto you do well getting a two bedroom condo and renting out. Plenty of single family income earners who will pay $1700 a month for a location near the skydome. Client demographic is accounting female 60k big sports fan and not desireable to me because deep down she adheres to traditional norms like marriage and children But an easy and ideal tennant. In Miami you can buy a two bedroom bungalow and turn it into 4 bedrooms. Renting to Nicaraguenze is best as they are like philipino people in humility. They pay $500 per room and usually have family. Stick around for 5 years. Taxes are great in Miami for home buying. I think that in light of corrections being way over due in North America if you belong to a higher tax break owning and renting homes to people with a mean income of $75k per year pays for itself in spite of equity values being tied to interest rates. Pick a city nobody has a choice but to work in like Toronto or Atlanta or Miami. Buy a 300k luxury condo and rent it to accountants, nicaraguense or articling law students. These subset of people are great. Accountants bean count already. Articling law students earn $70k or more and have begun their high income adventure after years of slumming it and those lovable nicaraguense. They fear god. They fear going out of favor with you as you become their god when you unclog their toilets their kids jam toys into. The nicaraguan women are like white women except their deference to traditional values makes it a positive experience. Less skipping out on rent and less tedious small talk.",Lmao I pay 1700 for a two bedroom in north york not even on the subway line in a 40 year old building you're full of shit +Making a comment about someone being obsessed while they are commenting on your teams obsession. Obseption.,"no bad, no bad" +El lamentable juego online que consiste en diferenciar entre peruanos y bolivianos,Lamentable porque es imposible se ganar. +"TIL in the 1970s after Boeing fired 63,000 employees in Seattle alone, someone put up this billboard: Will the last person leaving Seattle - Turn out the lights.","Good thing Seattle has learned from that, and won't allow itself to be overrun by a single industry again." +Youre right playing late at shows totally = untrustworthy piece of shit,"Only half of his shows though, at least he's not late to all of them!" +"The Donald sub is a Hate group, and that is their safe space to spew their hatred for women and people of color. Then they come here and cry and say their feelings are hurt because they got called out on it publicly.","Too PC to admit whites are superior, Sad!" +The 2 Genius Choices.,Two turtle doves +I think it's time someone explained some medical science to you.,Who needs science when you have religion? +"Do you think it's best for older men to be pursued by younger men instead of pursuing them? To be honest, yes. Being older, I cringe whenever I see guys my age flirt or trying to seduce younger guys, it's so degrading. I only pursue guys my age or slightly younger (my limit is a 5 year difference) but if the younger guy is pursuing me, then that's different. What is your view?",It's only creepy if they're ugly. +Go to an airshow - they do it for HOURS. It's awesome.,Haha thanks captain! +Photojournalist struggles to decide how to make attendance at Hillary event look bigger,This picture with no context is all the proof you need. +when all you want is bank placeholders :(,We just need more MTX to help fund the game so we can get these updates. +Is there a reason why this needs to be on it's on in the Settings app?,I think Aeroplane Mode should be removed since I rarely fly. +"On the contrary. Facts are facts. How we use then could be offensive. In this particular case (weight), it`t not offensive to say that she weight 250, nor to say that she is overweight, thous are objective facts. Saying that she is ugly because of her weight is subjective and yes, in my opinion offensive.","Sarcasm buddy, sorry for no" +Also if there is no sin in heaven he'd have to explain 'fallen' angles like 'Satan'.,Happened while they were on vacation. +Emma Watson,I wish she was still being photographed on the regular so we can stop recycling the same old shit. +I can't even,I +"If you don't hit the gym, aren't big, or don't have a protein shake in your hand you're a bitch mentality.",Its.. true though +The kind of shit I see on my Facebook wall as an ex Christian really makes me scratch my head,Seems perfectly normal to me +Anytime somebody tries to forfeit I go on game chat and I call them a string of obscenities for being a pussy,Great way to encourage your team +Looks like she knew him before.,Does last night count? +"Unfortunately some departments do shove medics into fires, that I can say with out a doubt I am against. I am pro cross-training but I am not for forced cross-training of EMS persons only wishing to do EMS. Now that may come as kinda contradictory to my original post, but I am still on the fence of firefighters being required to cross train because as had been said they are used as a first line medical response and most of the 911 calls are medical in nature. And as for the budgeting part....Well that is deferentially very valid point that I had not thought of. I'm not big on budgets and that crap so I can't and won't get too far into this, but (even though FDs will hate this) I think the budget can be re worked to accommodate separate fire and EMS departments, no idea how hard that would be, but yeah.... Unfortunately the sad reality, even though its a major pipe dream.... is a national system is needed for all of Fire and EMS....but that would never happen.","Please, make an argument for why having medics be firefighters is bad but having firefighters be medics is fine." +Sidney Crosby and Jake Muzzin are scratched for Team Canada tonight,This way Canada will have an excuse when they lose again ;) +"There are 5 teams that Russell Wilson has yet to beat. (Excluding the Seahawks) That number can drop 4 with a win tomorrow. Russell has yet to beat the Chiefs, Chargers, Bengals, Colts, and Dolphins. Edit. Drop to 4.",Luck better than Wilson confirmed +"There are four other responses, all different. Yours sounds believe able though, and I'm too lazy to check. Thanks dawg","Just looked at the TSA website, this is actually the correct one." +Uhhh Bears aren't native to Chicago or the Midwest in general,There are plenty of bears near Wrigleyville.. +They've already confirmed that Cho is NOT Kog's dad. They said Kog's father would be bigger than the rift.,"Terror coming...Daddy coming... **Cho'Gath, The Terror of the Void** Yeah, they are always on line with the things they say and do." +Mark Cuban predicts a Stock Market crash if Trump wins the White House,Yes because WSB hasn't been echo chambering this for months already. +I know someone who'd probably sit on that.,Oh you know me! +Goku Black Super Saiyan 4 Rose,Black is Baby confirmed. +"Whatever you think of Trump or Clintons politics, characterizing another sides voters as deplorable or irredeemable is not a way to get even the people who agree with you to like you.",I'm sure Hillary supporters are going to all go vote Trump now that she's called out the alt-right element of Trump supporters for what they are. +Fer is back,Showtime is over boyz! +TIL that cricket games can last for five days,The correct way to play the game (get this ODI crap out of my face). +Israel bombed iraq plants in 1981. No one ever remembers that for some reason.,I for one would love to live in the parallel universe where Saddam Hussein had acquired nuclear warheads. +Once we know that we are,for better or for worse... +Backup your Note 7 before you take it back.,"Wait a minute, back up your phone, I would never of ever thought of that, why would anyone ever do that, sounds super stupid" +My suggestion on what to stock up on. Short but quick. People are really not using Infernal brimstone much and there really isnt any easy way to get it other than the world quests atm and lucky drops. When the new crafting patterns for BS come out and especially the BS mount that requires 10 of them among 10 felhide you can bet these two items are going to skyrocket id say over 5k each if not 10k each for a few weeks until people have their mounts Ive already cleared out the AH of both these items for a few days now Ive invested around 100k in buying both and have a nice stock pile for when the price jumps. If it does not at least I can craft this bs mount quickly and sell for massive profit.,Are the mounts time gated or so? +Abandoned? Nay. **THIS IS PROOF THAT THERE IS A GOD**,checkmate atheists +F/25/5'6 Ten years lifestyle change,Such an awesome job! +Might want to see a doctor about that.,"Whew, my boner was activated" +Hmm I guess I should stop my strategy of only superliking people.,"Well, according to my one data point, it doesn't matter too much either which way, but seems unnecessary and slow if you only get a certain # of superlikes a day" +Beware the Wintertoad!,Icefrog pls +Druid PSA: Using your 'teleport to the dreamway' spell while in the dreamgrove will take you back to wherever you cast it originally.,its funny when i found out about relatively the same thing about death knights more than halfway through wotlk.. when i played one as my second character lol +"If the story of your life was written right now, what would the summary read like on the back cover?",Reasonably intelligent child with mental health issues fails to recognize his potential in his education and spends his time post-graduation working at a factory being underpaid and failing to challenge himself with hopes of a better future as a result of an eventual college degree unless he crumbles under the weight of half a million dollars in debt +I'd honestly be totally cool/hyped for twist/merge like that lol,"While I wouldn't want a 'merge' per se, I would really enjoy having a lightsaber hilt on display in my cabin" +"Vocalists that you want to see appear on future Monstercat songs I want to know what you guys think, and preferably vocalists who have been featured on like 1 or 2 songs. Some of my favorites are: Michelle Buzz, MYLK, MYZICA, and Ameria. (There are so many more but I want to see who you guys think perfected a song).","EDEN, EZ" +Sorry but the falsly accused are an extreme minority. So you want a 5 star vacation for murderers and child rapists?,But murderers and rapists were just abused as children and only need hugs and they will rehabilitate. +Scarlet Monestary and the Ash Bringer question If you bring the corrupted ashbringer to scarlet Monestary the mobs go green and don't attack you. That is from years ago. Has anyone brought the ashbringer artifact to scarlet Monestary to see if the event had changed any or if the event even happens still?,Thanks everyone for the info +I don't think so. Your advice has nothing to do with OP question,Sure. +"TIL that after 9/11, The Queen broke ancient protocol and ordered the Royal Guards to play the national anthem of the USA, Star Spangled Banner, in memory of the victims and in support of the Americans trapped in the UK due to airport closures.",You were saving this one for a rainy day +"Wow dude, this place is great",Changed you mind about Sylvan? +"Well, we can just agree to disagree. I feel that showing respect to your friends is following through independently. Were it a greater amount of money I would definitely be questioning it, but I don't loan anything I'm not prepared to lose. I'm not going to sit around and hate him for it, that's just silly, but it does effect my personal image of his ability to be responsible in that aspect and the offer won't be extended again.",Very mature +I notice a correlation between smash 4 players and irrational rage / controller throwing kappa,It's because they're all children +"Dear Reddit, how many of you begin to type responses to a thread, only to delete everything you said and move on? Why?",I have really good ideas for comments and replies but I can't word things as well as the rest of you. +Except she's not a normal man and should stop trying.,"Boy, good thing you brought up this viewpoint, which we would otherwise have never considered!" +"chill cop, i didn't know you trained with ufc champions everyday.",Oops guess I was wrong. +Its just a AC charger - not a battery pack.,facepalm.jpg +Own the change: building economic democracy one worker owned co-op at a time,Because capitalism is fine when the workers are the ones running things! +"Great, they accept Dr Pepper!",And McDonalds' cards. +It should be 9/10 then 9/11,Maybe OP is European +No twelve minute intro of the dog talking about inane bullshit before showing the instructional? Doesn't that break YouTube rules?,Take my upvote you ________. +Passengers terrified on easyJet flight as deported migrant screams 'death is coming' 17 times,"Gee, I wonder why Britain would deport such an upstanding noble person." +Video of Passed Out Hillary Being Put Into Van Surfaces,"Seriously though, her health is fine." +Game Day: Week 1 - Cincinnati Bengals vs New York Jets #####NFL Kickoff - Week 1 #####Cincinnati Bengals Vs New York Jets,We should have traded back into the first to grab Aguayo +Sneijder is going into wine business,Alkol haram +5 guys is way too expensive.,"When you realize your burgers are made on the spot and you get a bag full of fresh cajon fries, it justifies the price imo." +"Trump: I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th.",God damn..what a classy individual. +"I just witnessed yesterday during the Philly Naked Bike Ride at least 4 people take head injuries from a group crash of about 10. Everyone that was wearing a helmet got up and kept riding, 3 of the 4 that weren't had to leave with EMS. I have no idea why people don't wear helmets...",Because they don't prevent concussions +Hillary Clinton fainting at the 9/11 memorial,Man with all the fainting and having to constantly hold onto railings for stability I'd say she is definitely healthy enough to serve as President. +It weighed 75 pounds in real life.,She also had lead blocks in her vest. +I made a mii-mii,what about Uplay that's almost as used as Steam +What makes you offended more than others?,Mine is grammar +"Why are we still talking about Ray Farmer? He's gone, let it go. Let's look at the 14 rookies we drafted this year",Ray Farmer didn't draft these 14 new rookies so they do not matter. +You could have shot it from a different angel,Or a different devil... +"Well he was educated at the Eton of the EU so it's his area of indoctrination, I would say.","Because anyone who wants to learn about European politics from a European institution is clearly being indoctrinated, only UK institutions give a real education!" +"What a surprise, this has been blown entirely out of proportion. Overheating can happen for many reasons, dehydration prime among them. Meatloaf had a similar incident recently, and he's considerably younger. Soldiers faint in the sun occasionally. I don't like Clinton much, but this is not an uncommon occurrence for a human being.",Youtube clinton seizure disorder if you care +What's the best drum and bass artist in your opinion? Up for discussion. Non monstercat and monstercat,WRLD +What's with the Super Mario and Friends stuff?,That Faecebook fetish was deeply disturbing. +"Pack it up, it's just dehydration folks! Letter from Hillary's doctor","Yeah, I always lose control over my lower limbs when I have pneumonia." +Dx12 or dx11? I get constant 60+ fps with my 390x at max with dx12,"12, latest Nvidia drivers" +What is your favorite snack that you believe the average person would find disgusting?,Cigarette butts and paper. +"Day 7: Have still failed to come up with new pseud. Am also going to be heartbroken if Team North America loses tonight. They're so much fun and I'm not ready to lose them! Obvs I am seriously against bench shortening on principle and would like Larkin to play, but I'm not holding the kids responsible for their coach. I wanna see more!",CzechingOutGoalies? +FurryWatch,"Is the black one supposed to be a dinosaur with red hair, a crocodile guy, or another wolf but with a weirder head?" +"I think we discussed this last year, but is it Frick, Ferk, Freck? The Chicago announcers keep calling him Ferk, so i dunno if I should be getting annoyed or not.",Fak. +R,E +OMG HIM CHOOSING NOT TO GO OUT OF BOUNDS WAS ONE OF THE WORST DECISIONS I HAVE EVER SEEN A PLAYER MAKE WHAT WERE YOU THINKING,Gota get those fantasy stats bro. +"Something about this is so wrong. I understand I may get a bit of hate for this but if you drive like an asshole, you're an asshole, regardless of whether you've served or not.","Why are you such an anti-veteran, anti-American asshole?" +Yes. Is joke.,You need to add a +"A nearly 70 year old should definitely be in bed and resting with Pneumonia, not out in public. Either she's fucking reckless with her health, or something's fishy.","Yea just take a day off running for president, skip a 9/11 memorial event and hope that your political rival Donald Trump will let it slide..." +"I'm sure someone more educated on the matter like u/The_Chieftain_WG can chime in, but realize that there are more important aspects of tank design than just having armor that isn't flat. Sloping armor can drastically influence crew layout, fighting compartment space, engine compartment space, etc, and I would think that tank designers would mold these aspects to fit the requirements first and adapt the hull shape and armor layout to match them, rather than the other way around. Also, tanks like the KV-85 and maybe even the IS were based off of the early KV tanks, which relied more on raw thickness of armor than sloping for protection. Also keep in mind that the mainstay of the Soviet armored forces were not heavy tanks such as the KV or IS tanks, but the T-34 and its variants (most notably the T-34-85), and masses of tank destroyers. You can see the continued trend of sloped armor in the further developments of the T-34; the T-44, T-54, and on. But I'm no historian, just an enthusiast. Once again paging u/The_Chieftain_WG.",lets also not forget ease of construction - is it easier to weld a box together or a flying saucer. +TLDR PLS,socks +We're in the Upside Down now,I call dibs on being Hopper. +"I love people are commenting about the looks but not about how this girl ruined this Man's life with false accusation. Its sad when women abuse this power for false claims such as rape, fatherhood, abuses.",They aren't attractive so it's okay to make fun of them and not sympathise with the guy +By rigging the system. By being the most well connected political family in the United States besides the Bushes.,She only rigged a primary +"Minarchist considering ancapism I'm very ancap leaning. The only thing that's been holding me back is the idea of private police, courts, etc. How would two different sets of laws compete? Who would be under who's jurisdiction? If someone broke a law that's enforced by one organization but not another, what would happen? Convince me that polycentric law is better than a very small government court system.",Has it been six months already? +"For those curious, the final score was 0-2.","Something something, should have dropped Rooney" +"No, it's because they work better when stolen.",They have that yummy stolen aftertaste as well +Not amazing but kind of proud of this spray transfer / ace,"Ya, not amazing" +Why would I be okay with this? Am I the only one who thinks this is super sketchy?,"OMG You're being such an insensitive bitch, don't you know that nice guys never stalk/kill/rape/maim women in public duh" +No the apk will act as an update if you already have the game,"Cheers, that was the case =)" +Artillery... Almost historically accurate.,He was probably aiming for that T71 +SECOND AUDIO REEL FOUND!!!!,Use the Hell's Retriever to retrieve it +Balloon BB. What happens when I'm in a call with people and blender open.,i hate everybody who helped make this +Happiness: OFF,-330 happiness with Freedom means your doing Freedom wrong +I want to crowdfund a fundraiser for a friend of mine who is terminally ill.,How will a Reddit post help with that? +Roblox stop supporting Mac OS 10 so get a PC,Thanks for the help. +Leaked Ash Buff,The buff everyone wanted for the underrated ash +LUXURY,GAY +"You're doing it wrong son. See how women display their cleavage? They don't just whip out the entire titty, no sir, they only show the tops of their sweet baps. Enough to entice but not enough to go to jail over indecent exposure. You need to incorporate a similar strategy with your balls. Just let 'em out enough so people see them dipping out of your zipper. Tease them a little, try sprinkling them with a spot of manly glitter or tying a decorative string around them, and you'll be sure to be the hit at your next get together!",Just don't tie them into a man bun. +"Oh man, I'm dying over the last one. That goes into the mental hall of fame for lack of understanding of basic anatomy along side the give yourself a beef broth enema so the baby can drink it story.",I guess that generation was just too far superior for us to understand +"It's a hike from GR, but Vander Mill in Spring Lake has awesome donuts and hard cider. Their regular cider is decent too, but if you make the trip I recommend a sampler of hard ciders to go with donuts.",There's a Vander Mill in GR now too +"Expeditions/Masterpieces should be in their own separate packs. They can cost whatever WotC things should be appropriate (probably like $9.99 msrp) so that they will still be worth something but they won't mess up limited or the price of standard. Also, to keep them special each masterpiece pack will hold one card, and have a 7/8th chance to be a foil rules card.",You dropped this: +Anything Darrelle Revis,Darrelle Revis is DONE if he doesn't move to safety +It's 65k in EU...but I'm not intending to pay for my sub with ingame gold.,"Wow, wonder what makes the price such a steep difference." +"great idea, terrible execution. Probably SOOC jpeg.",Really isn't that terrible. +Yeah but that doesn't mean there wouldn't be packs of starving feral dogs. To eat the dog you'd need the energy to catch it.,"There's a scene in a famous children's book set during the famine where a pack of feral dogs try to eat the main characters, three recently orphaned children trying to make their way to their grand aunt." +"What do you expect? These bitter miserable sexist pseudo feminist right wingers to not be homophobic assholes, while reinforcing the gender stereotypes they say they're against? These people are literally the argument that MRAs use against feminism. Worthless bitter hateful scum that they are.",And yet an MRA's ridiculous strawman's idea of a feminist would *still* make a better feminist and human being than TERFs are... +oh man just think of how many people must've regretted leaving,Are chief fans the new heat fans +Too bad this Utah County mom failed to absorb any learning during her time in school.,"...despite her insistence, she failed to learn while living abroad as well" +"Given what the typical right wing racist is like, I'd bet she could kick your ass pretty easily.","I'm sure the unconscious 70 year old will be kicking lots of ass, guy." +Fiji water? Norwegian glacial melt water? Free range iceberg water? What?,"At that price definitely Voss, but think of the fancy glass water bottle it is being served in" +How can you not love Matt Stafford,we totally need to draft a young guy to replace him because he's obviously not good enough to be an NFL qb +This guy gets it,guess it should be illegal to hang ur countrys flag in ur lands +Six-year old boy gets burned when a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 explodes in his hand,"Apple kills 3.5mm, Samsung kills kids" +Are you telling that they are in fact not robo-lizard-illuminati people with the agenda of screwing over a tabletop war-game and creating super salty forum posts?,"But they are people scared of losing their shirts when metal prices skyrocket and force them to reconsider their previous principles of balancing for the sake of the game, rather than for the sake of model profitability." +"yeah, wtf. she looks like shit!",That's sexist! +Those are moonrocks you dumb fuck,Now that's the kind of positivity we want to see... +Spark at nacht,Probably a graphical glitch +Only the FUCKING survive,"Well, I'm dead then" +Traditionally dressed Muslim woman set on fire in NYC,He was just trying to liberate her from her oppressive culture. +Neil Degrasse-Tyson for another.,Ok that's two +"I would say $300-$500. People who stick with the HD 600 or 650 should be content with their purchase. Though I find the TH-X00 to be excellent headphones as well if you enjoy the sound signature. In the end, I still don't regret my purchase of the Chord Mojo + Ether C. My friends/family members are pretty hard to impress. This combo was the only one that impressed them. The most common impression was that it feels like the artist is singing right in front of me.. the song sounds like what it should sound like in the studio but I digress",So... how long till you sell the Mojo and the Ether? +"I'm on the third floor, but what scares me the most is that this building is located on an artificial pier, so I'll probably fall into the water. Not sure if I'll make it to dry land in time either.",So that's where those unidentified washed-up corpses come from. +Someone forgot to tell these girls that the trick to neutralizing hot foods is fat. They need a glass of half n half or something.,B-but it would ruin my perfect figure and I would need to spend 3 hours in the gym to get rid of it! +OC hajime fanart do not steal,Slowcord trying to cash in on that ez karma SMH +BC Liberal MLA Pat Pimm charged with assaulting wife,I'm completely shocked +i did exacly the same for 85 fm a week ago aswell... RIP 7m for me 2,damn Wintertodt devaluing all the new exiting FM content.. How am I supposed to have fun burning different coloured logs when I know everyone else can burn them as well +That Is So Unfair,lol why are Detroit Muslims gasping... I'm probably missing some really crucial peace of information. +The guy on this box of beer looks like a cleaned up Rickety Cricket,Ron Howard X Joel McHale +"It goes both ways, I guess",And that's exactly some of the radical left shit being spewed! +What's something everyone just accepts as normal that's actually completely fucked up when you think about it?,The Pledge of Allegiance +Goose Island IPA tastes bitter as hell to me 6-8 years ago. Now it tastes only slightly bitter to me.,But didn't you realize that's because ABI ruined everything Goose Island makes? +I threw a lil arnie out of the map while jumping from the pad and it made a REALLY weird sound? Is it normal?,It's an *audio* glitch... +Op forgot. Drunk,"Damn free karma, where do I sign up." +Wanted to check the spec requirements for Forza on the xbox site.. tnx MS,"Yeah because all you need for gaming is the xbox, hur dur." +Same answer... you can't moan about people doing the exact same thing you're doing. Next time post a picture with you as a frontline or whatever :p,hold up lemee get on adobe photoshop real quick.... +Reminder than every Xbox early development kit was in fact just a PC running the Xbox OS,Xfdsdd?##:74$&5 +Where do you slot Donaldson tomorrow?,"Bench him, he's not good enough" +If only they can put back features they removed like assigning a CB to cover a receiver no matter where he lines up. Or man coverage plays designed to double team a specific receiver. Or the fair play rule that doesn't allow going for it every fourth down.,But then where would new features come from? +Not quite a table,But not quite a chair. +"Listen, we round up all the color-blind people and put them in camps... Oh man, I almost wrote colored people. Almost made that sentence terrible.","Yeah, it's people of colour now" +"How many adults do you think would wear that ring. I think it'd be weird to see it. If it appears, hopefully it does, it should be just a normal ring.",*hides my pokewalker and digivice* +"Donald Trump, Pepe the frog, and white supremacists: an explainer",I'm sure the mods aren't gonna censor any more posts or comments. +Mike Perry will fight against Danny Roberts at UFC 204,I can't wait for Alex Nicholson to call Danny Roberts (who is black) a racial epithet. +"I was exposed to roughtly 6,500 hours of church teachings/doctrine over the course of my life. However, my testimony was undone in less than 20 hours or so researching church history issues after having read a few disturbing historical tidbits (polyandry) and then the CES letter. Newsflash to Church HQ and TBMs - If 6,500 mind numbing hours of indoctrination couldn't take care of a day's worth of reading then you are on some pretty shaky ground in terms of truth. I came by that math by figuring - 3 (hours of church) x 52 (weeks of the year) x 27 (years of my life since the age of 5) = 4212 5 (hours of seminary a week) x 40 (took out summer weeks) x 4 (years of seminary) = 800 2 (hours of institute a week) x 40 x 4 (years of college) = 320 12 (hours of companion study and district/zone lessons a week) x 52 x 2 (years of mission) = 1248 4212+800+320+1248=6580 hours Notice that I'm being pretty conservative with numbers. I didn't include my personal scripture/doctrinal study time, longer GC weekends, devotionals, firesides, zone conferences, or the fact that you are pretty much taking in indoctrination all of your waking hours during the mission.",All of this is telling me you didn't do enough studying. +I think it must be hard when you're that age to get even eyeliner. My mom is almost 60 and the skin on and around her eyelids are drooping --she's been wearing eyeliner for over 30 years but it's getting harder to get it even.,"In my opinion, brushing on a deep eyeshadow is so much easier and faster." +"If you come from an area thick with minorities and poor, you will start noticing the police acting a bit violently at times","Which is unreasonable, because the areas thick with minorities and poor are the most peaceful and welcoming places in our society" +"Risk it all, I mean what fun is playing safe right?",Starting a profitable business is easy. +"They could have achieved any of those by slightly thickening the phone. Additionally, removal of the jack does nothing for waterproofing, iirc one of the Galaxies is rated as *more* water-resistant than the iPhone 7 and it still has a jack.",Same as the Xperia phones. +Who's the big bad enemy that exists solely so that all the other factions can be good guys in comparison? Activision?,Five year's time... Trump's second term! +Origins.,Origins ofcourse that map was a masterpiece +Fuck,"Yeah, how dare you talk about a Star Wars movie that came out a year ago in a thread about the Force?" +What exactly makes it inappropriate? You afraid a kid might get a boner by seeing an adult woman?,Should just hire fucking ugly bitches so the kids can focus on their work +"Not here, however i can throw a ball straight as an arrow and get the curvebal bonus",Are you sure your throws aren't curving downward at all? +"Lol, feminists are feminists. You a guy right? xD","Yes, regrettably, i have a penis." +Why exactly is Scar Squad hated?,Because they've been fucking scarred for life +How to properly escalate a situation quickly,And people want a woman for president. +"Tab targetting - Is it me or is it getting worse? The title, pretty much. I've never had trouble that much with tab targetting before but since Legion it seems so awful. I'm considering recording when I play now just to highlight some of those tab spamming moments when the game literally targets everything except the enemy right in front of me.",The tanks in my dungeons really love it when I pull bonus mobs from packs we haven't aggro'd yet because I'm trying to DoT all the targets in front of me with tab targetting. +"Conspiracy? Check. Police hate? Check. Massive assumptions? Check. That you think we, as people, need cops that risk other people's lives is absurd. He was fired for endangering himself and two other coworkers - not for not wantonly shooting someone. This thread is a goldmine","Yeah, obviously cops should kill people instead of risking lives." +And a good person.,and a facebook stalker +It's just kind of not a huge revelation. Like at all. Like sophomore English-level analysis.,It's literally sophomoric. +New Vs series announced on PS4!,Awwww yea! +"Yup, I'm more worried about a bitch who received millions from Saudis.",Saudis gave her millions to increase opportunities for girls and women so they can achieve full participation in all aspects of life. +Which deck is that? :),"M Gardevoir-EX psy/fairy and the regular Fairy /Garbodor/Zebstrika to counter a lot of Meta decks like M Mewtwo,Greninja BREAK, M Ray and Giratina-EX" +"I know you are joking but actually humans did experience a genetic bottleneck between 50,000 and 100,000 years ago. We went from a wide genetic diversity to a worldwide population of a couple thousand.","If you look at some people, you'd almost think we're still feeling the effects of this bottleneck" +"Huh, what's that? A bullet from destroyer/hybrid can easily destroy annihilator's bullet.",Logic! +Why didn't your mom swallow you?,Never heard that one before +"A new restaurant has opened called Karma Cafe. There are no menus, you only get served what you deserve. What do you get?","A big plate of my favorite foods, only to discover it's thinly layered on top, just covering plain old rice." +DID U NO DAT,"Shit, we all just got got" +Another Concept for a Fan Game.,How about le fuk no my man +Except it's actually more like Nutella. Source: am norwegian and did a google.,Omg what a fuckin SHITTY name for a cat +"I was bugging the shit out of the girl I was dating (it was sort of our thing, generally funny) and a coworker we hadn't seen in awhile asked awww are y'all seeing each other? Simultaneous yes from me and no from her.",Did you ever recover? +"front squats kill my arm and shoulder, you might want to look into crossing your arms while working on your mobility and then with time go to the original grip","Also, catch your cleans from there and shoulder press from that position" +"Putting a real scare into children. I have neighbors that have children who have taken an interest in throwing gravel and sticks at my two dogs in my backyard. Being a new resident to the community, just 10 months, we have been trying to keep our dogs quiet as they do bark from time to time. The kids think this is great and try to get them worked up by throwing things and making faces at them and taunting the dogs. I want revenge. Non-violent, effective revenge. Clearly this nonsense needs to stop. The parents don't seem to be around and are oblivious to what's going on. Revenge can't be anything threatening. I do not want police or bylaw or angry parents knocking on my door. Nor do I want the kids to know it's me. I want it to be completely random and literally scare the kids from ever thinking about coming near our fence again! I'm thinking since Halloween is coming up, it'll be getting darker earlier, and a scary AF mask dressed in black to chase them but this may entice them as well. I was a kid and I STILL remember clearly the times I got the shit scared out of me! I want this to stay with them as they grow and never forget!! Just curious what I can do to out a stop to this, or your stories on your similar experiences. Thanks in advance!",Just video them being abusive to your dogs and call the police. +"Lumia 950 is already sold out in MS Store Germany, support doesn't know if it is coming back",why would something that's dead come back? +"Death Machine!? So I was MrRoflWaffles stream and when he picked up the Death Machine as Richtofen, Richtofen said 'This feels heavier than the last time I used it' could this be to push a pressure plate down or something else? this could be nothing but anythings possible and is worth a try!",Surely an audio glitch +Someone fainted at the Obama rally. It's almost as if people faint sometimes...,It's clearly Hillary's fault +Skins fan here. Does Jeff Fisher save all his tricks and schemes for you guys?,Jeff Fisher playing the long con and used a completely different playbook against SF. +PSA: Don't waste your preparation twitch drone on trying to kill enemies. Instead take out cameras and weaken their defenses.,But mah assists +that looks like Naples,Florida? +First Blood - Stallone's Best Film?,"But it doesn't praise the Taliban, how can this be considered the best?" +It makes sense that a government should forgive it's citizens from trying to undercut relations with it's allies but exposing the fact we're spying on them?,its* +"She hits hard for a girl, is all I'm saying.","Hah, you fucked a man, GAYYYYYY!" +Hillary could have leprosy and Obama would say she is fit to serve as president.,"What are you saying, that Clinton is falling apart?" +Huge tennis fan here in addition to motorsports. Don't even get me started.,But you have Wii Sports! +"Cease-fire begins in war-torn Syria, but civilians and officials worry about violations","I don't know why, the 'moderate' rebels are surely honorable enough to stay true to their word." +Mega-thread for the best leveling tips and tricks! Find a new method of leveling fast? Does a strange tool get better xp then the one meant for the job? Post all your leveling tricks here!,Grind resources for hours until your driven to hard drinking +"99 seconds. Is that the amount of time it takes for you to finish, or for your girlfriend to fake an orgasm? Two insults!",That's the right amount of time I need to finish with your mom +Her nose sucks. It looks like it belongs on a dwarf.,Literally unfuckable +"In response to the incoming influx of Enabler (sorry, if anybody knows the source, could you link it in the comments?)",That last drawing is perfect hahah +"Because it's not inherently violent, and it was raised right.",I was raised right but that pig still looks pretty tasty +So I could make an ASS out of U and ME,Just you +"Info you didn't ask for. I avoid apostrophes, parenthesis and quote marks in blurbs. The right way to use them can be slightly different across the pond depending on the sentence, and I'm not putting anything in the blurb that might put someone off before they ever start.","Avoiding things like *I'm* or *it's* in a blurb seems like overkill, though." +So what did the Russians give to him?,Probably some poison and vaccines that cause massive pneumonia so he can get out of prison. +Dialer 5.1 - Anyone try?,Installed it but my app looks the same +Wow I'm a Michigander and have never seen a uniformed state cop act like this. He must be the 0.1% that slipped thru the cracks. What a piece of shit...,"Since bad cops are such a small percentage of all cops, I'm sure the good cops in his department will oust him immediately." +PARKING TICKETS ARE SLAVERY! Wake up Sheeple!!!!!!,"Yeah, the government has never done anything wrong!" +"Or maybe it was already like that and you just didn't notice it until you went over the car looking for something to complain about? If it has happened every time, why are you not taking pictures ahead of time? Look at it from our point of view. I've had customers accuse my shop of stealing the hubcaps from their 1994 Ford Ecoline and replacing them with other hubcaps. That's crazy paranoia.",because those hubcaps from 1994 Econolines are so valuable +"Very true! I never did claim my site used only official sauces, but fundamentally you are correct :) If you want bulletproof correct information: **Always rely on SpaceX and SpaceX only**.",Except when it's about the FH launch date. +"The mash mechanic is pretty bad, anyway. Might as well make it holding a button for all its significance, because that would probably function. Or Skill Checks to not lose meter faster, with Great ones autoattempting an escape (no penalty at the Struggle level).","But holding a button doesn't simulate a 'struggle', mashing space bar is a struggle irl." +Pauline Hanson's maiden speech: Has Australia been 'swamped by Asians'? - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation),Anyone old enough to remember who we were being swamped by before Asians? +"Your Favorite Looked Over Brands? Share your favorite brands (specify whether it's a bass, an amp, or a pedal/effect) that you feel doesn't get enough love because they are always being looked over for the big names(subjective). You love whatever product this brand makes, and want people to know they should check them out if they have a chance.",First Act instruments are extremely high quality +"LOL, way to go Brazil you just got fucked royally by the Gringos and their corporations.",Don't Brazilians know that the only true way to run a country is state-run companies led by the leader's cronies and bureaucrats. +Oversight Committee holds Clinton IT aide in contempt of Congress,I'm surprised this isn't bigger news (outside of reddit and the hill). +what? i don't see any similarities besides the fact that they're female,Yea that makes them practically the same person +5.9 quake strikes Colombia,Chances this is nuclear testing? +can i have an opinion about the movie Milk if I am not gay?,Or toast +I've heard he's pretty good,I fear this is the most helpful answer I'm going to get. +"Maybe the aliens are concerned about spreading disease. Then again; WE would be smart enough to find a way to make contact without spreading disease. Or it might be the next political debate. Conservatives would argue that interfering with alien life created by God was wrong, while strip-mining wherever possible and secretly harboring fear that the Greenies were going to come sleep with their daughters. Liberals would insist on ecological stewardship while building infrastructure on alien worlds to strengthen the galactic economy.",Completely unbiased perspective right here +"Seriously, so many misguided people. China-North Korean relations have deteriorated very quickly over the past decade.",That's what propaganda and bias does :/ no need for critical thinking and self research +"It was Tamra, but in last weeks blog Vicki said scrubs and hospital socks. Which is fine, I'm sure none of Meghan's clothes would fit her.",Unless Megan went maternity shopping early +He was wearing a helmet though,He was right. +Maia is a top fighter and one of the best bjj artists on earth. What is Carwin? Decent hands. Okay wrestling. He's trash. He's only liked cause he's posts on reddit. Dude is a scrub. I can't wait to see him get his old ass worked over in Bellator,"get your sandy vagina the fuck out of here, asshat" +Duhhh not to say lieing is a goid thing but youll watch it with her later ;),Of course. +"Overfilled oil question [2013 Kawasaki Ninja 300] I just got my first motorcycle this past weekend. One of the first things we did was change the oil. After looking at the forums and youtube, I believe we made a mistake. We filled the oil to the top of the oil window. After doing some reading, the engine should have 2.2-2.5 quarts of oil. Since we filled it to the top of the oil window, it took 3 quarts. Is this an issue, should I drain some out? Or will it be ok until the next oil change?",Just add 7 quarts (or until it's over flowing out of the bike) +You mean Darkblade's Snipe? Nice job. What rolls?,"hammer forged, rangefinder, shot package" +Also it makes leveling a newly released class easier. It's already daunting thinking about grinding all over again when they eventually release a dwarf class with the snowy mountain update ( still far off),"True, levelling to 55 is so god damn annoying." +Delay would have to be pretty long to prevent tusk techies since you have to walk out of the shards,You'll be stuck with tusk for the rest of the game though.. +Had this returned today,Whats wrong with it? +i love that too! it's probably because the boy i had my first kiss with tasted like an ash tray,I can rekindle that feeling for you ;) +Those text fixes were definitely priority one for every Pokemon Go player around launch this summer!,"I know right, if only they was major text fixes I might still be playing" +Any cool videos of Melbourne to help me pad out my ESL class tomorrow? I teach ESL overseas. Tomorrow is talking about your hometown day and I want some slick videos to pad out my class. Would love anything that captures Melbourne and doesn't rely too heavily on language... my students are pretty low level. Cheers,Romper stomper +"Appears to be insular, it supports keys, but not foreign keys.",inb4 it starts using Pepe the Frog as mascot soon +You honestly believe that? They aren't going anywhere.,sarcasm missed I suppose. +You got to be fucking kidding me I can mail fruit and vegetables now??? God damn I love the postal system,"They might look at you weirdly if they've never encountered it before, but the post office in Hawaii does it so often they had a special bin for them so they wouldn't dent other packages." +people who get lured deserve it also camping abyss doesnt mean he lures hes just pking,But if someone dies in the wilderness is luring because wilderness is dead content +Sandy Hook...,Everyone knows that didn't really happen! +"Ah yes, the player interaction experience... That is almost universally awful.",If this game didn't have all the hey want to buy X ok my ho t4t interactions it would obviously be a garbage game. +Twitter tries to get 'TrumpOrganization to trend' but it only has like 30 tweets in it,They have a very sofisticated algorithm you wouldn't understand +Japan Repeatedly Falsified Whaling Reports,shocking! +Down,"HL3 Teaser image released, steam network crashes due to massive load." +"No, iTunes, I'm pretty sure 1080p won't be a problem.","Um, 1080p =/= GTX 1080!" +If you haven't done a nightfall on the dreadnaught yet that's really sad. There's been tons of opportunities and I mean TONS there's no excuse,"But I just bought the game from target yesterday, how am I supposed to get the whole year 2 moments of triumph if hey don't change the nightfall for me and my specific situation." +30th anniversary,"Wow, i didn't know, that the GTX 1080 is 30 year old already." +eye contact is for the weak,Callin KG weak? +Abdullah's fumble at Indianapolis,Trade this worthless piece of shit +"Not saying he will, but he a chance there (and only there, and it's a tiny chance)",remember polls lie unless they agree with the message +Kevin Smith Begins Shooting his Second Episode of The Flash Today.,Episode 7 title confirmed to be Air Canada +"Murder in God's name 'satanic', pope says at mass for slain priest",Well that's just islamaphobic! +It's not unethical in the slightest for a business to monitor all data that goes through your network.,Your logic is not welcome here. +"Victor Cruz dared Josh Norman to cover Odell in Wk3. Especially if he calls himself ... the best corner in the league, then you have to cover the best receivers on the other team.","Oh great, I was hoping for more Norman-Beckham news." +CLICK-CLACK-CLICK-CLICK-CLACK-CLICK-CLICK-CLACK-CLACK-CLICK,Get browns nub +"No, iTunes, I'm pretty sure 1080p won't be a problem.",Didn't you hear a 1080 can only play videos at 1080 if you add the p at the end then you have to have a Titan X Pascal +"Yea, I switch between this and Division so I get the companies mixed up among other terminology. Oh, well that's a shame.",Yes... A shame you didn't stop playing The Division sooner like the rest of us. +Anyone else thinking that making the galaxies 10 times bigger was a mistake? You know. They became a bit too big for their own good. If they were smaller i think it would have been more enjoyable. I want to get near the center but it is a tedious journey. I make a few jumps but that is it. I cant go for hours or even use the black holes because i hate fixing my stuff all the time. At this rate i will reach the center is about a year i think :D,"Well, if you hate fixing your stuff, I wouldn't recommend going to the center." +Mostly for leverage. Same reason most MTB bars are wider than road drops. I can brake and shift from the drops or the hoods.,"Same here, though when things get a bit rough hands are going to be in the drops." +Once again showing that companies will exploit their workers to no end without unionization or labor laws.,But we're not their workers we're independent contractors +"Yeah, everyone forgets that a bunch for 21 year olds have little defensive skill",I am shocked +Hillary releases a new Doctor's note.,"But where is the doctor's statement that if she is elected she will, ...unequivocally be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency?" +Focus on the good teachings of Jesus and less on what Quentin had to say. There's lots of good material in the NT that would fill the time. You could branch off into other Jesus focused talks. No one will care if you stray far from the original talk.,I agree - I don't think anyone will notice or mind if you quietly ignore the talk and just teach from the NT. +How can you get a 2 year old to stay in their bed through the night?,Ductape is pretty useful +"Well, you don't see this every day",Straight up Zamtrios up in here. +The ring probably passed hands for ages. Lautrec himself was killed off by the Chosen Undead hundreds of years prior in DS1. Same with Shiva if we count the cut content featuring Chaos Blade. There's no reason why their armor/gear is back. None whatsoever other than Fanservice and LackofOriginalContent.,"I hear you on that lack of original content: I wish they'd actually bothered to replace every familar weapon and armour from the series with a different model and description instead of just taking the lazy route of producing 60+ hours of new environments, enemies and bosses..." +"See how long this post lasts, Bone 6 is in MOTD.","Guys, the bone is at bus route B, c'mon why would you believe OP?" +"Yeah, it really jumped up lately didnt it? Especially when its past 23% now for sure","yeah, it's almost like it has been consistently updating a little tiny bit at set intervals throughout the day... every day for awhile now." +That didn't make any sense to me. What am I missing?,Driver is gonna get out and kill skater kid for giving driver a heart attack +Gwenpool: Becoming M.O.D.O.K.,Fucking gender swapping pandering ruining comics. +Alter Ego is my favorite IPA.,Treehouse Brewery? +DAE think Drake is trash?,yes very much so +goddamn socialists,I remember the good old days when when everyone had to earn for themselves and unemployment was up 20% +The movie Snowden should be leaked online before it gets released in theaters.,This was NOT part of the marketing scheme at all! +6,9 +Honestly just about everything in America is really messed up. NASA and Tesla are about the only things I respect without major reservations.,lmao what an educated statement +Netherlands police planning to register names of Kurds sympathetic to PKK,Worked very well with people that are sympathetic to Daeshbags +"Everytime I see a story like this i feel a bit guilty . I am an American who came to Germany to work on my phd; have only been here a few months, but I have been so busy adjusting and doing research that I just haven't had the time to study German.","No problem, just make sure you don't watch any American channels and you're fine" +If I don't pre order then they might sell out on release.,You dropped your +De Lima ordered raids inside bilibid. Of course you won't bother reading news articles that would put de lima in a good light because you insist on having this belief that the Philippines is a hellhole that needs a strongman to magically raise it from the ashes.,Make Philippines Great Again! +want to swap torrentleech account,"i trade you my 4x hdbits + 1/2 waffles accounts for it, deal?" +A Night in Provi - or how TRI lost a Mach-Fleet,GF guys +Computer programming,Should have studied STEM +Anyone got a non twitter link? Videos never work on alien blue.,Ikr? +We Vibe makers may face class action suit.,I bet they are ~~trembling~~ vibrating in fear of this lawsuit +All the more reason then to put money into building up your athletics program.,Can't tell if +"Could this have anything to do with the fact that they abandoned true journalism a long time ago? Or is it the fact that they spoon feed people what they want to hear for the sake of ratings? Or could it because the media is controlled by the ultra wealthy, and anything that is deemed dangerous to them is immediately cut or censored?","Seeing as this has been reported by the media, I doubt any of it's true." +"He might of thought it was German, though Yiddish is very close to German.","Ah, that would have been totally OK then." +Well for starters he can't math.,Or spell :( +How did you learn about the birds and the bees?,trial and error +I mean how does he come to this conclusion? Idk where people get this notion that movies that make over 500 million in box office don't make money. I really hate that Variety and other trades ran those BVS box office round up articles because it has spread false information that people just use for the sake of using.,Don't you know that Suicide Squad had to hit $2 billion just to break even? +Quiz: What do you know about de_dust2?,got 10/10 +"From the New52? Well he did die. I remember he was around during Kuder's arc on Superboy but I can't remember if he came back to life. If he did he's probably where the rest of the YJ characters sans Tim are, Limbo.",As in Magik Limbo or the other one +Toyz stream,view bots obviously. +The worst thing about this post is that someone has been reading the express. Ew.,Good one +"She is attacking a cartoon frog and Milo yanopolis specifically who is gayer than Liberace and often brags about fucking black dudes. If liberals or uncommitted voters just suck in the news from CNN or other MSM outlets without much thought then maybe your statement is true. But if someone Google's what is the Alt-right and digs very deep, you begin to laugh. Not to mention, Hillary has yet to denounce her multiple statements about the KKK grand wizard Byrd that she calls a mentor. Not to mention denouncing the endorsement by the KKK along with a $20,000 donation for this campaign. Hillary Super Predictor Clinton has been bad for the black community since the 70's.","Oh well he brags about fucking black dudes, guess he can't be a racist." +Oculus 1.8 update adds Facebook integration,just what I always wanted! +"In What Ways Can A Card Shop Encourage Female Participation? obviously that treasure magic place fucked up. But I'm having trouble thinking of ways I'd encourage females to play magic and attend FNM. I would think that adding a cosplay competition to the first FNM of each month may spark the interest of more female players. forget the ladies night, what ways are appropriate to bring in more females for fnm?",Offer a ladies night. +"The 1% Who are your favorite players owned in 1% or fewer of leagues? A useful discussion for us deep-leaguers deciding on their last few bench spots. Mine: Kenjon Barner, Orleans Darkwa, Josh Ferguson. High upside RB handcuffs, fitting for my zero RB draft.",Megatron and Beastmode +Found this while doing something unrelated. Opinions requested.,What an interesting and thoughtful article. +"So edgy. Coming out of left field with that hardcore edge. Bro, go fuck yourself. I hope you or someone else never gets injured critically or killed by someone else and the person gets away with it. I'm sure you wouldn't like it if some edgy fuckhead with teenage humor gets on reddit and makes retard jokes about someone you actually care about. Something tells me you wouldn't say this if it was one of your friends or family members. Even if you would, that makes you a shitty person.","Its okay, I'm sure aluminum foil has NEVER done anything so stupid like getting out of a party bus at the wrong time." +You doing need an account,brb making @klitchell so he can't... +Who eats Fritos while they sleep?,Centaurs? +"Palestine is not a nation. His dad is from Haifa, which is in Israel, not Palestine.",Thanks for the information +I'd just like point out that the only example of domestic abuse against a man is met mostly with joke responses. Stay classy Reddit.,We're just screwing around +WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO MY ALMA MATER??? The UNH I knew would have spend that $1 Million on a HOCKEY scoreboard.,where do you think the other 2.9 million is going. +"Fucking cut it out, Bernie. Dammit.","Yeah, don't try to keep Trump out of office!" +Django Rheinhardt: Unchained,"Yes fuck cultural Marxist, but a Romani Composer is alright because he seems white" +i wonder how much money they have made in total,Like 5 +"Eh, in Japan women have actually become a slight majority of OP's readership. And although this reddit does indeed seem rather weighed towards the guys, it's far from the sum of the entire Western fanbase. Rest assured, there are LOTs of One Piece female fans who find the males attractive. Plus it isn't mutually exclusive, I'm sure plenty of men find the male characters attractive.","Can confirm, I'd pipe Ace down" +FIFA doesn't want Ronaldo catching up to Messi,You dropped this: +"$10,000 says the raid boss gives us the only method of killing him.",I hope the final boss is a bullet sponge you have to primary to death for over an hour. +"I got the Noctis 450 also, pretty nice case. Hope you enjoy your monster build!",I can play witcher 3 at ultra 60fps..... but cannot do it on modded MC........ Time to get that Titan XP... +"TIL The day before No Man's Sky was to be released, Sean Murray posted a link on the official No Man's Sky site to a Reddit post that detailed what the game would and wouldn't be and what to expect. That Reddit post was almost entirely inaccurate.",We should start a gofundme to have a though-guy ruff the guy up a bit. +It's almost flannel season,And don't even get me started on people who wear jeans but have never herded cattle. +"Invited to a grandniece's baptism. I got a text from a family member inviting me to the baptism of a grandniece. They were sending out invitations and were confirming addresses. (I haven't been around the church for a while, when did people start sending baptismal invitations, kind of like wedding invitations out?) The invitation said that grandniece has chosen to become a member of the church. The invitation also had a very cute picture with date and time. I thanked them for the kind invitation, but I have other obligations that day. Wished them well. (A 5 hour drive is difficult.) I didn't send this additional message, but I thought about it. I look forward to the opportunity to stand outside the temple while grandniece gets married in the future.",Well you are missing your chance to actually watch this one in person +Compared it to Origins... Origins was much better. But I do love the ending cutscene of Revelations!,You forgot the +As an American living in the UK I completely agree,Well you are kind of driving on the other side of the road. +TFW I see the medals needed for LR Android 17 & 18,Nice face. +"If a Woman Needs it, Should She be Spanked? perspectives from Brooklyn circa 1959",The past really was better than today +Americans often take their untouched nature for granted. But the national park system is truly America's best idea.,"Nah, bro, America's best idea is the 2nd Amendment!" +Yeah but it's kind of insulting to portray it as black and white. Also you did call her a moron.,Poor people are morons for not being rich. +I would hesitate to start Dez Gurley Sammy Watkins Devonta Freeman Russ Wilson But at the same time you have to have a pretty sure back up to start over these guys.,"Oh good thing I have Wilson, Gurley, and Freeman, along with Fleener for good measure." +"My guess is the grass one will become some kind of hedghog, the water thing will be some kind of duck/platypus, and the fire one looks like it might turn into a rabbit, but it could also be a hare.",Fire/Fighting Jackrabbit +Which they promptly use to turn around on their own citizens when they step out of line or hurt el-Sisi's feelings,"its ok for al sisi to do it , asll is fine as long he's not an islamist" +Egyptian state media claims 9/11 was carried out by West to justify war on terror,SHOCKING. +Sarcasm is so hard over the Internets :/,"Yes it is, use this at the end of your comment in the future to indicate sarcasm:" +"Fuck off, Putin.","Curses, my identity has been revealed!" +"They aren't broken, just abandoned. presumably either they weren't happy with the progress, the people in charge of the maps put them on hiatus, or maybe their intended released got shafted. who knows.",Too confusing for new players. +So 2 gay dudes meet in a church is it still wrong?,"Yes, unless one is a priest and the other is a child." +New meta,Did you win? +"Scumbag, upvote this so Scott Foval's picture is the #1 google result for scumbag.",SHAME.. So sad that this man came outta my state. +"Tim Kaine: When Moammar Gadhafi was set to visit the United Nations, and no one would let him stay in New York, Trump allowed Gadhafi to set up an elaborate tent at his Westchester County (New York) estate. | TRUE",But what about trump! +Finally was able to start ordering parts aaaand...,Hey you could give me your 1080 and then you can use the 1080 ti if you want :) +"Airmen from Elmendord AFB, Alaska intercept Russian aircraft","Man, I'm so glad I work heavies" +The net is a sanctuary for atheist kids wrapped in a religious community. It helps remove the feelings of isolation and despair.,I think you mean it's a sinners paradise where our youth are corrupted by the wicked energy-demons! +"Potential Alternative EE with wisp Hey everyone, first time posting on this thread but just a thought here. Since we just recently learned about the wisp being used to get the katana; has anyone tried using it on Sophia's body after the bones have been collected and been brought to a corpse form. It just seems strange to me that you need to shoot it twice. It could potentially be where the EE splits. If the regular wisp doesn't work maybe we need to power it up by sacrificing three players. I haven't seen anyone post this idea anywhere or seen any videos of anyone trying this but like I said just a thought. TLDR Try Using wisp on Sophia's body to start alternative EE",Wisp was found to be an easter egg to get takeos katana +"I disagree that it was barely a joke, I think the delivery was lost in translation. I can definitely see Conan or someone making a joke just like this and having it be a hit","Yes, Conan telling the fat chick that he would rather fuck her coworkers would go over really well." +"Don't get why this is downvoted, they take tests every quarter and he poped after hes been with the coumpany for what over a year. Ge been on ped's since he came back like half the roster and you only get caught and suspended when you've done something to piss the office of","It's downvoted because people disagree with it, which is the *correct* use of it." +"Can't blame him for getting them mixed up. Radio waves are a form of electromagnetic radiation so they travel the speed of light. Sound waves, however, travel a lot slower.","Well the radio waves have to carry the sound waves, which of course slows them down." +Guess what? PTSD isn't the same as ASPD. You're pretending you know shit about something you don't.,oh what were you making fun of a different kind of trigger sorry for so totally misreading the situation +Post-heatwave storm brings flash floods causing widespread disruption - BBC News,Guess it was the wrong kind of rain +"That's a sandpiper also from Pixar, so piss off",Why so friendly? +"Theory that needs testing, but could be a pro tip in the future (details in comments)",My name is Gary and I always catch my Pokemon! +"Chogall suuucks. He's so horribly undertuned even from day 1, but they've never fixed him.",Me and my 65% win rate agree: he needs buffs. +"Chunks, she never gives up","Hahah we created a dog so malformed it cant even jump, so adorable" +What if I told you that if we never went to war homeboy wouldn't be fucking paralyzed?,"He wouldn't be a hero, then, so he wouldn't matter" +"Well i mean if you're decent at the game, start building an 8/8 knight and throw on it deca ring, fairy plate ogmur and pixie&ass/acclaim. (I use ASS with ogmur because I love ancient stone sword too much to not use it lol) Remember, no point of having an event white when you don't use it. Have fun with it :]","Oh I KNOW how death comes with ogmur, oh shit, I didn't stun" +"Reminds me of that creepypasta about the German girl being given a note by a blind person, then thinking something was off and going to the police, and finding the note was a letter to the owners of a butchers saying this is the last supply I will send you today.",link plz? +It was the best due to all of the visual glitches of course,That one which makes it look like night was so bad. +TIL che vivevo nel migliore municipio di Roma,Borgheseeeeee! +They were! Remember that according to the Bible God can do anything and is not bound by his own rules. God declared them married for all eternity. I don't think he took out a marriage certificate.,So you're saying their marriage is not recognized by the government. +"That's true I forgot about that, for some reason I had Arsenal as the other team interested in him.",Im sure that Wenger didn't want Kante and won't tell the press in a few months time he tried to sign him and everyone else that plays well. +"The FAG part is better, since it doesn't stay chained to RTS (a poimtless restriction) and there isn't a large confusion with other genres. Also dota is a fag anyways.","Yes, but people would be less likely to instantly end a conversation if I use the word FARTS" +The Starter Edition is Back on uPlay,"Yay, more new people to shoot me at the start because I picked the only operator they have unlocked :)" +I didn't see a replay but when he got hit it looked like Tyrod was literally out cold for a good 3 seconds. Immediately passed protocol. 1 snap for Manuel. Throws a pick on his first pass,"Yeah, dude just got shaken up" +Glenn Beck: Let Gary debate,"Yeah, that will gain us some legitimacy with the mainstream of America!" +"Favourite Dewey Crowe line/moment For me, it's between these 3: 1. You sayin' I got 4 kidneys? 2. Word of advice, Dewey: Stop talking to yourself in 3rd person. Third person? You mean this guy? [pointing to driver] 3. I gave you a gift. The **anus** is on you to keep it safe.","You might strike out the shepherd, but us sheep, we won't never get struck out... or scattered." +Its tastes like haggis,"Oh, thanks..." +But if they are just dodging backwards why the hell would you pursue? Just wait for them to overcome it like every practices is trained to tackle their dumb ass because they don't know how to grapple the obliterate them on the ground.,That's why a striker has never beaten a grappler in the UFC +But what about the budget?,He's under it +Reminder than every Xbox early development kit was in fact just a PC running the Xbox OS,But it has the Xbox logo on it so it's just a big Xbox +"You caught the exact same fish! That's amazing. Did you recognize the fish for something else and then go back to check the spots, or did it have some unusual characteristic that made you want to go back and check? Also how do you know it's not that fish's child? How distinct are the spots? I would love to hear more about this story. Stuff like this makes me want to take up fishing but maybe not pike if I have to throw them all back.",Hey it's me your fish. +Well or everyone is waiting on Tiger. He plans to play 11 days later... I think David is probably heavily weighing his decision on that. Hes probably said 'Can you do it' and if Tiger says yes... than he makes the team.,You forgot the +"God, your husband is pathetic. You need to tell him that and shut this shit down.","Yeah, telling your husband he's pathetic seems like the best solution to this problem." +Do you get it now?,Oh wow I'm so convinced that they are a good team now after that game +A Pod of Hippos fuck up a Crocodile,Dang those hippos don't care that they have dirty water in their mouths? +you're having opossum aren't you,They're having the 7 course Alabama meal: an opossum and a six pack! +That's because penndot sucks!,Probably because it's run by Pennsylvanians +I like the NFL more than CFB.,How dare you have an opinion +"Not to be outdone by their flat earth theory and poop flinging peers, Brockvillians in the news again for peeing on graves.","To think, I could have been dating some of the fine, upstanding ladies of Brockville..." +Thought-Knot Seer is currently seeing more Modern play than Snapcaster Mage,Sure glad we don't have Splinter Twin making all these awesome U based control decks unplayable! +"oops I got the movies mixed up. Kimi no Na wa is the one that has been leaked, not Koe no Katachi. srry",And my heart is broken... +"With a sample size of 2, i don't think it's fair to come to this conclusion...",These were examples and were not meant to be exhaustive... Let me go through all my orders and give a complete run-down of shipping times and cash saved +It would have been a hoot if the pic had been of her alone.,been *have* +"I solved the headphone jack issue on my iPhone 7, you're welcome !",Did it work? +"It's actually the opposite. Dodd frank makes the banks hold so much capital and HQLA's that it is almost impossible for one to fail and thus they will never require a bailout. This comes at the cost of making big banks barely profitable. Yes the big banks are bigger and more systemically important than ever, but they are also much safer, more tightly controlled, and less profitable than ever.",With no cost or repercussions to any other actor in the economy. +Still plagued on X1 as of last night. Every 20 seconds or so I get a 1-3 sec stutter. No deltas though.,Enjoy your Xbox exclusive lag. +"An F-22 Raptor pulling so many Gs, the low pressure air over the fuselage gets cold enough for the water to condense. The angle is just right for sunlight to make rainbow colors around the airplane",This is what happens when you let the gays in the military! +"Why would you have to eat your wifes cookings if you don't like it? Just make something *you* like. I don't always eat same stuff with my wife. She hates peasoup, I love peasoup, I eat peasoup, she doesn't.","No, no you must sit down at the table as a family with no devices or television and talk about your day with each other while eating the same thing and if you don't do this you're a heathen bastard who spits on family values and is incapable of true love." +We tried that at a squadron I was in in Hawaii... The JAG found out and threatened to bring the CC up on charges of bribery and extortion.,That's not overkill +"Can't decide. Looking for new luxury sports car 40-60k As the title states, I'm looking for a new luxury sports car between 40-60k. Overall priority is something quick and fun to drive, but something big enough to comfortably seat four adults or possibly a car seat in the next few years. 4 doors is a must. AWD is prefered. I would prefer new, but used is an option. I'm currently driving a 2014 WRX. Options I'm considering: VW Golf R, Audi S3, Audi S4, BMW 340i. Am I missing out on any other good vehicles? Thanks for your help.",Golf R to me doesn't really say luxury but I'd take a look at the Lexus IS350 F Sport AWD as well. +Just look at the water in the splash. Water doesn't make tons of big perfect circles.,I think it was the polygonal nature of the nose tip that gave it away +"'Clinton has a messenger for you' - I said, send him over and he came, he did not give me his name but told me, 'if you join our movement and side with Bill Clinton, we will make you the richest man in Haiti.' I said sir, tell President Clinton for me Bernard Sansaricq is not for sale.","He must be either a white supremacist, a bigot, or Russian hacker Putin lover to make these sort of wild conspiracy allegations" +Lightning Bolt in Oklahoma Deemed World's Longest,Must be the injection wells. +New Sneak Peek (in Deutsch though),Aw no game play +We should also judge drivers by their lap times in practice sessions.,Forgot that +"With the new explanations about Pepe in the news media, this probably is a symbol for Angel Supremacy or something.",You can (not) derpy derp derpety derp derp derp... +High quality shower thought,Forgot the +Johnson and Stein fail to make cut for first presidential debate,And Stein was so close! +"So Black Power is Powerlessness, then? Funny, I don't understand this idea of my entire life can end on the whimsy of the very people I hate and that I believe hate me as empowering, y'know?","Shut up, straighty" +"Wait, I don't get it... So if you are offended by the actions of a church leader, it's your fault for being offended. But if a girl shows some skin, and a male has impure thoughts, it's the girls fault?","I see that you are not very familiar with male privilege, we have some shock therapy rooms at BYU where we could help you come to a better understanding." +"Sex-crazy Galapagos tortoise fathers 800, saves species",Only called sex-crazed cause he is male +Strong vote brigading going on ITT,"I mean, his dad does work for reddit." +World of Tanks is the most historically accurate arcade cabinet game reproduction that I've played in my entire gaming career.,You forgot +100% Win Rate against Mill Druid for this week's Tavern Brawl Mill Druids pissing you off during this week's tavern brawl? Use this Rogue deck to get payback: Worgen Infiltrator Gang Up Preparation,Solid +There are plenty of reasons to work out even if I wont become the next Arnold,Same goes for competing +"Brendan is a national treasure, but I'm also a little fatigued of Victor and Tiny.",I would be if he didn't add Willy +What is the funniest emote spam of the game I will start with of course the Nunu Bot skin emote \laugh and Ezreal's You belong in a museum.,Alt+F4 on any champion +Should I keep this?,"No, you should keep rerolling until you get 11 BSB" +"DK Honor talent, Blood For Blood, is a train wreck that hurts me a lot more than it helps. Here's a GM response when I asked if they could unselect it for me.","Fairness, unless people get five legendarys from a bug, then we just sweep it under a rug and don't talk about it." +What profession loses all credibility when you add the word home in front of it?,Land Security +Probably so that younger kids don't have to deal with parents seeing boobs and freaking out right off the bat.,Come on...what's wrong with kled welcoming kids to the site. +reply() { BlockInput On Sleep 2 SendInput \^{Enter} SendInput Sold SendInput {Enter} BlockInput Off return },Not everyone uses macros... +Are Hitler-Trump Comparisons Fair? A Holocaust Survivor Tells His Son,b-but how could he survive what didn't happen? +"That's why Obama didn't take our guns, though. It worked perfectly.",Yes there literally cannot be any other reason. +Non profits would make less expensive drugs?,just like the non-profit hospitals charge patients less! +"My neighbor is nice enough to let me use his internet while he is on holidays, WiFi was not an option","It'll be faster for you too, since the cable is like a slide for the data your speeds will be way faster than what he will ever get!" +I don't remember a Tina Turner being on the fairly odd parents?,She was Timmy Turnah's mom +A huge amount of people I work with barely do any manual manipulation any more. Anything that boils down to solving sets of linear equations just gets thrown into wolfram/maple/etc since its quicker to do that and more accurate than do it yourself. Source: Maths student right at the end of PhD.,How is that even relevant to what I said. +Which car brands generally offer low lease rates (e.g. 0.99%) for 24 month terms?,Hyundai typically offers very attractive financing. +"Way back when I was in middle school and chewing, I would just gut it.","damn, how'd you get away with having a wad of chew in your cheek?" +Leafy dances on the grave of Literally for 2 minutes and 6 seconds.,I am being literally attacked by...get this...literally Leafy his literal self. +"Can't wait for the new AK/M4 sounds! No kappa. Who else is really looking forward to the new sounds? With everything else refreshed, the rifles sound bland and stale to me. You can also use this thread to get all of the complainants about the new sounds out of the way before the update comes. For example: - These new sounds make the AK sound exactly like every other gun. - Why didn't Valve just give is 128 tick servers instead of forcing these new sounds on us? - These new sounds caused a huge FPS drop on my 486DX. Doesn't Volvo realize that not everyone can afford to add hundreds of kilobytes of RAM with every update?",I cant wait for the new zeus sounds +Innocent life*,Because innocent people never get executed +"The level of political discourse in Germany in 2016, everybody! Enjoy!","Ah 1933, just like the good old times ..." +How to counter Beneath the Grounds,Time to play Ancient Shade in discard lock. +"The biggest monopoly in Australia is now resorting to threats, fines and intimidating you will receive a knock on the door slogans because *they* cocked up. This is the mindset of the people in charge of this country and yet there is always a compliant 52% willing throw their neighbour and future generations to these dogs so long as Master gives them less beatings. *Worldwide Australia is arguably the cream of the crop but this sort of dank mould infesting the edges is a sure sign that the pot needs more stirring.*",Maybe the ABS made their system shit deliberately for an increase in fines... +Raijin seriously needs a nerf. I dont even need to go in details. He has way too much burst for his survivability. Please nerf thunder crash and put it back to its original state.,Well some god has to provide team utility... +This masterpiece was released exactly two years ago,"It's okay boys, we get Chromas instead" +"Janelle's lawyer attacks Instagram commentator responding to his anti-Hillary meme. Stay classy, guy!","No wonder Jenelle gets along with him, they both have such pleasant dispositions!" +Some of us have to rely on our moms for that.,"Wow way to bring up the fact that I don't have a mom, dick" +Well we need to remember they weren't pussies back then,You sound like a true alpha who defintely doesn't question his masculinity. +I propose to run a smart contract as a political candidate in an election under the Pirate Party banner. What is the legality of running a marionette style AI via ethereum smart contract as an experiment in direct democracy? We could rid ourselves of corruption and dishonesty in a single go and see what the mass appeal of such an idea is. Does anyone know what the legal standing of an AI as a candidate is?,What does marionette style AI that mean exactly? +"250xp per minute while being close a HIVE With no enemies around the HIVE, give them 250xp for each minute being neaby the HIVE, it makes more rewarding for the players who want build and defend a base, what do you guys think?",Would be cool just so I can sit outside WG still being useless and get paid for it Fuck yeah +"I think a lot of this oppression comes largely from the victim culture nonsense that people believe today. People are constantly told they're being oppressed when they have no idea what being oppressed really means. And that's besides the point how is socialism going to fix any of this? If anything socialism will just allow the government to oppress the general working class through the ridiculous taxes and government dependence that comes with socialism. Sure, capitalism can suck some times, but at the same time it sucks the least out of all other economic philosophies.","Yeah let's continue with the personal responsibility libertarianism, which has been a great success for everyone so far." +"Kinda fucked up people would even ask that, you having sex is a completely private affair.",Until the husband finds out. +Just found out that Ellen DeGeneres follows Mitt Romney on Twitter. Wouldn't have expected that.,How dare she do something different than what you want! +"No, he's right. How the fuck is parroting the same fucking thing a million people have said variety. Fuck, admitting you cried straight up is more variety than that tired phrase",This +She labels any criticism of her as rumors even when it involves direct quotes from her.,"Hey, now, stop spreading rumors about her!" +"{Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken} got some similarities, its based on 4koma manga, about slice of life and a hint of fluffy romance.. this is the first season, the second season is {Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken 2 Sure-me} hope this help","Oh, that looks super cute." +"My 5x won't start. Dead. I had it charged, unplugged it, on 7.0 nougat. Automatically started restarting.. wouldn't go passed GOOGLE logo then would restart again. Can't go into recovery. Anyone know wth is wrong with this thing??? My mom's nexus 5 still going strong but this has been weird.","Welp, same problem here...." +"Every motherboard manufacturers should include this adapter , its so freaking convenient",We have to get rid of cables already +"We're 6 seasons in, and there's still no indicator for being frozen in loading screen.. For /remake being in the game, this is ridiculous. While you're stuck in the champion loading screen, the game could've started ages ago and you wouldn't have a clue, until about 5 minutes later, where it's too late and the game has been remade. There's no indicator as to you being stuck in the loading screen at all. And now onto my question: Why not?",The technology isn't there yet +What getting older looks like,"Can't see why you're complaining OP, you got all the must have Xbone exclusives" +"Honestly, the one thing i'm almost certain of is more beasts for druid, it seems like there is someone in Team 5 who wants beast druid to happen with burning passion, to the extent that forced blizzard to release a counter* specifically for it in GvG (GvG Beast-druid has not been found yet, but soon^^TM i imagine), and every expansion after had beast/beast-synergy cards, the last of which (Menagerie Warden) is a card or 2 away from being the absolute cancer of anyone's ladder experience. What do i wanna see in the new expansion? board clears, proper healing, these are the reasonable requests i have, the far-fetched ones, i would like another Death's Bite and Sludge Beltcher please.","Yeah, Hemet is gonna be OP as fuck one day in Wild." +"Looks like only a tiny feminist protest against the CAFE event in Ottawa today, anyone have more details?","Well they seem nothing like a hate movement, all masked and threatening." +source?,"H2k CEO said it, but idk if riot will act on it" +"You're probably not struggling for T10s with that many prem tanks and a prem account. Hell, you've had enough T10s to be competetive at rampage for the T22 Med - what is still left to buy?",Yeah but he rigged those! +I don't get it... are they saying that the person left but their other friends won't? Is this guy a veteran? Did one of his veteran friends stop being friends with him? What even is this?,"Wow, you must be really shallow." +"IMPOSSIBLE. Those yogg decks are literally incapable of winning a single game without a bullshit yogg turn, and nobody but unskilled noobs play it, and it's ruining esports. --sincerely Reddit.",you have to play such weak setup for yogg it's fine for him to just win games! +I played arena for shits and giggles and won the gladiator event for a Djinja skin without even knowing there was an event. Then I got one out of a chest in puppet. This baby is staying till UT weekend!,suspicious cropping? +What my 2 year old daughter chose for her Halloween costume.,"that is cultural appropriation of jugglos, your daughter is a horrible person" +"One of the casters made a comment afterwards like, notice how she threw it at the MAN on the sign.",That's what happens when you try to destroy the patriarchy. +Someone has a different opinion?! NEVER!!!!!!!!!,"I know, right?" +How wonderful it is,Says the person who just stayed indoors most of her life for no reason. +"In addition to what people have mentioned already, doesn't Melee Roy have borderline 100:0 matchups against a few characters, namely Puff, Peach, and IC's?",But muh reverse up b +Islamic State supporter behind Minnesota stabbings,"It wasn't actually ISIS, so what difference does it make?" +We can't have Rogue running rampant on ladder with a Tier 2 deck!,Blade flurry would be way too strong with Deadly fork around! +There's a very old chapel in my hometown that's only big enough for one person at a time.,People were shorter back then. +Which cert does it have?,sweeper +"Makes sense. You used to be able to do it to her and abathur using symbiote too. It would move him while he's still in his shell, and it looked hilarious.","Symbiote counters mind control, so fking op BabyRage" +"Kite him or CC him, keep in mind his shields have a decent cooldown that he only can refresh with AAs (and dash if talented) so don't stand still letting him hit you. Also don't eat both parts of his dash, the returning one deals more damage and is easily avoidable by just sidestepping. Also try to abuse his preknown landing point when he uses the dash. Imo this is why Blizz is afraid of buffing him to competitive viability, the way his kit works worse players can have a really bad time vs him...",It's probably because of lower ranks but he had the most damage and tanked a lot and never died so he is to op! +930 people 40 minutes later.,I'm seeing 114 +Official Week 6 Thursday Night Football Thread,LMAO +"Unpopular opinion: Outside of some incredible throws, Stafford hasn't looked sharp today",Missing the +Biggest Fitness Mistake !,Bullshit you're 8% bf but alright lmao +Because the Bible is so supportive of women's and LGBT rights?,"I have to read a lot of the bible for school, and goddamn it's horrible to them" +"DayZ creator Dean Hall is working on a new, triple-A multiplayer game | PC Gamer. FINISH YOUR GAME FIRST.",Which will surprisingly come out in Early Access +Forced game over via non Corrin character death,This seems like it could be really neat in allowing for a DLC that is its own unique game - basically creating a fangame that can be played through the actual game. +I'm European so not really well versed in your politics. Aren't Hillary and Obama centrists? I thought Sanders was your only liberal candidate in recent years,They are Democrats so they must be liberal! +"*after 5 years of saying he wasn't Also, no word on the $5mil donation he'd make if he had proof of Obama's citizenship...",Just like the $5 million dollar donation Shillary gave to people like you for CTR? +I chuckled. At least this one's sort of clever.,"I'm sorry, how so?" +"Should I collect my rank up packages now or tuesday? I have almost 2 packs from the vanguard, just finished the challenge of elders, should I wait to collect them or get them now?","FYI, you can't have more than one package at a time" +That's exactly what it is like only donovan was fully retired for 18 months.,So was Henry really +They managed to get 9 rounds vs SK being barely awake thats pretty damn impressive.,But they were supposed to go 16-0 +"Any parent who LAUGHS at their child and visibly enjoys their discomfort as they are punishing them, especially if they invite others to join them in laughing, is not using discipline right.",My mom is something special. +Older Stevonnie!,I like how Steven's hair is like a curlier version of Greg's. +A better way to Hiko,Chrawnus presents *That was sick* a Reddit comment +This is ridiculous. It's not like this reddit was created by the game devs or is hosted on their forums. We should be able to discuss whatever we want.,"Careful, might get banned" +"What is one thing all 7,000,000,000+ people in the world can unanimously agree on?",Orgasms are/will be awesome! +World cup collectable actually paid off,I pulled an Ovi in '15 and that was my only pack pull over 88 until now. +How did you manage to cross all the borders with an army truck?,Paint it blue +"Privatized gains and socialized losses. The super rich don't get rich because they actually deserve it, if they did they wouldn't spend so much time and effort capturing our politicians.",But they work soooo much harder than the rest of us! +sp the number of dead from abortion clinics and those of Islamic attacks are the same to you?,Way to move the goalpost. +the witch is not emilia lol,You sure about that? +"Facebook login adds real-name policy, auto-updated friends list to Oculus",Facebook humbly suggests you adhere to their deciding whether or not you should let yourself be known to everyone you're friends with on Facebook. +"Pepe getting thrown under the bus. Feels bad, man",this is so obviously hate speech you adolf hitler loving fuck +I was thinking the same thing. This was first year pol sci debates in 1991. Good old Unbridled Power.. I think the idea has less merit now that we have MMP and that seems to keep the parties in check.,But MMP got Hitler into power. +Defense Secretary Says Pentagon Should Hire More Marijuana Users,Hospitals should hire more stoned surgeons. +"oh i figured they would have at least tweeted something, nvm",They tweeted meme accounts telling them their memes are shit +"66 MILLION Views. 70k Likes. Jimmy's stunt could push us over the edge, Folks.",How dare Jimmy Fallon humanize a racist like that. +Not many people know that Harden is an incredible no look passer,It's called a turnover. +Black people are genetically superior to white people,"So superior, look at all that efficient African and Middle Eastern infrastructure and utopian society" +"When you study it and it turns you into a repulsive, rude, ironically sexist wierdo (and this happens to hundreds of thousands of college students every year presumably) then it probably is that womens studies is teaching these behaviours to these people. I don't mean to point out the obvious.",How dare you mansplain that to me +And Tauros. I love that guy. Not even a pre-evolution.,Don't forget Pinsir +lmao what??? im conufsed like are you trrying to insult me or,No I'm trying to be friends with you so we can build an empire of peace together that way we can cure cancer and bring back jimmy neutron +"I once found an entire chest of pennies while digging in the ground. The only problem is that it was cursed such that every time that my shovel got close, it would slip deeper into the earth. I have tried sacrificing animals, but still nothing. Has anyone else had this problem? Maybe I should try fasting.",You're obviously not praying or reading your scriptures. +New York bombing: Suspect identified as 28-year-old Ahmad Khan Rahami,Sounds like a jewish conspiracy to malign peaceful muslims! +"Yeah, it's the 172 hours of doing that heh.",That's only a week so what +G2 vs CLG (Repost) I personally think CLG will keep up early game and survive laning phase. And I expect their late game team fighting to give them the win both games in this group. How do you guys think this match will go? I'd love to see your opinions below!,It's a huge mismatch imo. +"The one drop I wanted, my alt gets lmao",bruh ur alts better than my main :c +"All four teams that went undefeated in the preseason are still undefeated in the regular season. Vikings, Ravens, Texans, Eagles \#QuestFor23-0 **BONUS!!!!!** The Saints and Browns are the only two teams to be 0-4 in the preseason, and they are currently 0-2 in the regular season. \#QuestFor0-20","Wow, so preseason games do matter" +Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them up for preorder @ EE!,But where can I find them? +Xbox one lol,Lemme go buy an xbone really quick +DMRs and you Ever since the patch I feel when you put a muzzle break on it turns your done into a quick two shot gun. The sheer power of the DMRs are nice. I just want people to discuss their favorite rifle.,"camrs firing sound makes me horny, 417 runs out of ammo faster than i do in bed, and no one plays blackbeard so his dmr doesn't count" +"meh, the clock is still ticking",An obvious statement on how women must ignore their biological clocks to advance in a male dominated career field. +Rahami was found by police after posting 'I WAS THE ONE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ATTACK' on his own Facebook and Twitter account.,I heard they found the undetonated one in monogrammed jansport +Dude I would love for you to make one. I just want SOMETHING that we can all point to for the weekly/daily am I Jewish threads,"Well you're not really a jew, but you are Jew-ish." +Adorably crazy white lady on Infowars - Hillary needs a bomb in her brain! Can somebody please get a clip of that! It was hilarious. It was on today's show when they were interviewing people near the Chelsea bomb site,Alex Jones interviewee incites violence against Hillary! +"FRR releases statement regarding failed inspection, points finger at Harvick for post-race failure",That Harvick guy really needs to stop trying to cheat in the chase +Maybe they would ribbon all non Aolans for that purpose.,If ONLY Gamefreak had thought ahead and had an icon that showed that the Pokemon was obtained in Gen VI...... +He changed his mind. So there's that at least.,But that only counts when Trump does it! +"glad this bug is being patched. if you want the kbd, pay for the kbd smh...",Oh yeah because kbd is totally the reason people buy membership +I think you and I have a very different definition of 'rekt'.,Yeah they got rekt 2-3 ggez +This is going right up there with Bill O'Reilly's description of 4chan as a left wing hate site.,"Yeah, he's so dumb he didn't even know 4chan was a hacker!" +WWE really nailed that Halloween costume,That's racist +"I analyzed 18,000,000 Amazon reviews and prove the I received this product for free in exchange for my honest review ones are totally biased.",Shocking! +corrupt demo downloads does andyone else have this problem with corrupt demo files? i'm sick of this shit i can't download a single demo because EVERY file is corrupt. wtf is this shit? any solution to this? i already varified my chache. and there is no info file in my replay folder to delete.,Have the same problem.... +or they just think the dyed crafted version looks cool?,"No, that's dumb everyone knows that old isn't good and new is always gooder just like the iPhone 7 and it's no headphone jack." +Spinbot is real,Cheating scum +Obama suggests sexism could be hurting Clinton's White House bid,"Yeah BernieBros, this is your fault!" +My god this comment graveyard is pretentious. TURN BACK NOW!,Nah any silver could do that you must be bronze +It... It was a joke. Sarcasm. Apparently lost on you.,That's when you use the +That's what kids do in China because their parents are brainless fucktards.,they wanted to have more children maybe? +Armor could have been better if he used a different base.,By craft I assume he started with a chest that was already 6l. +Why are you all excited for? Aren't you not a real Jets fan? Why won't you just go write some biased pro-Geno articles and be a meanie to ~~ignorant~~ knowledgeable die-hard Jets fans.,You dropped this +"Not Ready To Lose Cosplay Pikachu I'm so hyped for the new games, like most of you seem to be! However, I am finally coming to terms with the sad reality that happens at the beginning of a new generation: leaving Pokemon behind. I was devastated when I had to leave my Spiky Eared Pichu as I transferred all of my pals from SoulSilver to White. And now realizing that since Cosplay Pikachu is bank incompatible it will likely also have to be left behind I am just sad. They could always change it to allow for it to be transferred, but I'm not wholly optimistic. It's just kind of disappointing that the games harp so much on appreciating and caring about your Pokemon and then some inevitably aren't allowed to come with me on my next journey. Does this make anyone else sad?",I'm also not ready to lose all my megas! +Emmys 2016: Rami Malek wins Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series,Wow that guy was such an asshole in Forza horizon +"Don't forget the wiimote cond- I mean, protective sleeve.","Yeah, people used those" +"People did? It was fun for the first 30 minutes. I still have nightmares about trying to spawn as the rebels on Walker Assault. It was a beautiful game, and sounded just as fantastic, but DICE Sweden had no clue what they were doing. I hear the game is much better now kinda like what happened with BF4.",Its ok after they finish dlc theyll turn it over to a better dev (dice LA) and theyll fix it. +My blackout begun when the forged in fire vidoc was released,But..But you're here now... +It's a marketing thing. The Ecoboost system in Ford road cars likely has very little to nothing in common with this car.,"Turbos bro, it's basically the same engine" +Ever since I started working in an office this movie has never felt so much like a documentary more so than a comedy.,It really is a documentary on corporate life. +For that technology? That's fucking dirt cheap. You'd be looking upwards of tens of thousands for actual hardwired electro-neuro interfacing. Especially if you went with the wireless option.,"Na, you can buy the cheap Chinese models for a fraction the cost..." +So am I confused or was every single one of those highlights of the Bears containing Cox showing him getting held?,Penalties are for scrubs. +Just started watching and holy shit. Are the Bears just playing this fucking badly or are the eagles looking like the real deal?,Yes. +"Trump's directly advocating violating the Constitution, but does anyone care?",But it's not the 2nd Amendment tho +He's walking towards the dugout... I think Mitch has a lot more of a reason to go to the dugout than Kerwin.,It's only where he sits when hes not playing.. Kerwins got the right of way obviously. +"holy fucking fuck , that shit is just crazy","Yep, mind boggling rationale." +"When your mom says If you look at that screen too much, your eyes will go square",I heard that if you stare at a 4k screen long enough your eyes will be upgraded to 4k with massive FPS drops. +"Oh shit forgot that a Semis placement in a 16 team tourney, and a 2nd place at an 8 team tournament is mediocre. Woops",Yeah dude c9 has been awful at their last lands +"I know. Hey Jimbob, here's a good idea, how about we put our band and color guard right in front of the tunnel the visiting team will run out through. Then once all 80-something of them start running on the field let's start marching in a loose formation. I'm sure they'll be expecting it and will politely slow down and walk through us. Great idea, SueAnn. I can't think of a safer way to deploy our color guard or band.","Yeah, why didn't they position themselves more forward and have the skydivers land on them!" +Where shall I put this?,"On your forehead, where else?" +"There probably won't be until after the election, if there ever is. Nonetheless, Bill Clinton and the Bush family have grown close over the years. Just Google George H.W. Bush Bill Clinton and you'll find tons of pictures of the two hanging together. Bush is an old school Republican. He's probably repugned by the alt-right that Trump incarnates. As a WWII vet, Ambassador to the UN, Envoy to China, CIA director, Vice-President and President, he knows what it takes to do the job and how international politics works, and he sees Hillary as leaps and bounds above Trump in this regard.","If it's true, Reince probably pushed him over the edge by threatening his 2020 run" +I'll take 2004 please,2004 eagles with Wentz win that game 10 out of 10 times +Superbowl 51's Mascot TD,Should've been a styrofoam cup instead +"This isn't legally correct at all. She can't manipulate the outcome by withholding visitation. In fact, should this end up in court (sounds like it might) the court is going to look at the moms intentionall withholding of visitation time as malicious and ultimately harmful for the kids. Just becssue you aren't on the birth certificate doesn't mean you don't have parental rights. Source : been through this same song and dance. Ex lost.",Why would anyone consider the bests interest of the children? +"adding you now, let's do this",ok im online +Red Hot Chili Peppers announced a North American tour!,I can't wait for KROQ to finally start playing their songs again to celebrate this new tour. +I was homeschooled as well and I turned out fine.,"Well, you're posting in a libertarian subreddit, so clearly you *didn't* turn out fine!" +These guys don't hire actors. A lot of the segments fail because of bad stories or no one calling in,10-4 good buddy +False. It is the fault of society for not valuing a degree in astrology as much as a degree in STEM. This is the result of systemic prejudice.,I think you dropped the +"Thanks TallP1NE. Spoiler warning... In all seriousness, since it was later revealed that the Grand Inquisitor was a former Jedi Temple Guard, I wonder if at the last moment before he died, he regretted following the path of dark side. In a way, he could have meant that he realized that the effects of the Dark Side consuming him were more frightening than death. With this in mind, he willingly accepted death as better outcome. Maybe I'm way off, but that's how I saw it, even if he didn't really repent of the Dark Side, he may have at least seen the error of his ways, and I kind of like that idea because it adds a lot more depth to his character and challenges us to even consider empathy for him as we end up having for Vader by the end of ROTJ.",Now I expect to see GI as a force ghost in the next Special Edition of ROTJ +Top deck of Dublin bus torn open by tree branch,Are we sure they weren't filming transformers in the area and one got loose? +"I take what I call a sad shower. Hot water, sitting in the tub, with the door closed and the light off. It's become a running joke between my friends and me. I usually take 2-3 the day after a heavy night of drinking. When I'm hungover, it's the only thing that gets me out of bed. It is amazing how much better I feel when I take them (until I turn off the water and turn on the lights). Obviously I relish my sad showers.",California would like you to check your water privilege +Nobody has clean hands in Syria. Literally everyone involved is bad guys except the civilians caught in the war zone. It's a shame that this isn't more obvious to people defending/criticizing one side or another.,And they are the bad guys for fleeing to Europe. +"Brilliant Theory for Super EE Reward (Shitpost) We finally beat the super easter egg. The screen cuts to black. Then, a small light. Richtofen walks foward and says in Japanese I'm sorry I don't speak English and the player gets a permanent secondary grenade in the form of a lantern.",why cant we just get the shieva I want another 500 points off +Ambur Dum biriyani changed its name to Karnataka dum biriyani in Bangalore. #cauveryriots,Where is it? +"Pretty good, but sad truth is that the non-islamist, non-SDF opposition is really weak nowadays. Same counts for the elected councils in rebel territory while they still exist and do good work they barely have any power over the various militias and get bullied by islamists regulary.",This is why Clinton will need to arm the Moderate Rebels (TM) to over throw inconvenient countries! +"Such bad playcalling, why throw it to jordy and then run it with starks on 4th and 1. Just line up and let lacy bounce off a couple tackles for a yard! SO FRUSTRATING",Everyone knows that Cobb is the best RB on the team! +Gave COD MW 3 a 9.5 as well lol. He has no integrity.,"Wasnt him, it was destructoid." +Ah that is till a thing..,"Yeah for real I couldnt care less, im half expecting it to get to 100% and then just restart." +Downvote your own ignorance.,Sick burn bro. +"I think erd is overselling their importance, but at the very least, they're symbolically important. They represent the last vestiges of wacky, zany Howard. If they go, who's left that's any kind of likeable? Grandma Norris?",Lemet? +"Never go to Japan, because when you go home to whatever other country, you're just disappointed with everything.",Man im on the plane back from Japan right now.... I dont even wanna think about it :( +Whatever happened to user Supernovatsky or however you spell it? He was sanders for presidents resident Clinton fan and I loved talking politics and polling with him back during the primary when I was for Bernie.,He got bought out by decisiondeskhq. +Wait that was already ripped in half,"Well it wasn't Roxas's, since he didn't have one." +That's not my intention. I simply wonder how anyone who has heard Trump talk for even a minute can't see that he is a con man and a hack. Every sentence I hear Trump speak only renews my hatred of him and my despair at the idiocy of his followers.,Lets make America great again! +"@Kuroshitsuji2 twitts new limited illustations of: Sebastian, Ciel, Lizzie, Grell, Ronald and Undertaker",Ha ha I totally forgot about the phoenix :D +"It seems silly to restrict characters for being too old, when they don't restrict ones like Elise, Ricken or Hayato for being too young. Though even if they didn't want them to S support with others, they could stop at A.",But Elise is technically an adult. +Wait.... people are moving *from* Portland? Nice pictures! And a clean looking XV,Right! +Any idea why seized did this weird little circle thing?,Low quality aimbot +Ahh! I think I've heard the term now you say it. Thanks!,Sure... Just heard of them.... For safety +"Why is your sink so nasty that touching it makes your hands dirty? Wash your damn sink, there's soap and water literally right there.",Get the fuck outta here with your logic +My crazy idea is ... maybe yogg should stop casting spells after he's killed himself,But then he would only cast 1 spell everygame +holy shit dude it just came out chill,Gotta work hard to get that karma paycheck +"Honestly you'd think if any of these people that keep making these threads here had read this sub they would have seen this same exact thread posted every month and just verify to make sure they didn't make the same mistake of signing up for a monthly subscription. It's really not hard to miss either, it's nice sized button that says G2A shield. Sorry but I don't feel bad for any of these people, they should know exactly what they are paying for before they buy anything let alone from G2A and more so you should know exactly what every charge running through your paypal/bank especially for months on end (let alone from early last year), maybe try not be so careless with your money.",But how is that supposed to leave me feeling victimized? +"Yeah that's why when the Government does it they'll need to be careful with their wording. When you strictly profile someone, you match them up with a certain description. Racial profiling is strictly race and nothing else. At this point, it's either we smarten up or we cater to certain groups while risking the lives of all Americans.","If only we find the right words, THEN we can violate the Constitution all we want" +All this information around and this is what we get,Well once everyone's opinions became equal what'd you think would happen? +im gonna bet that new Pixel phone has a non-removable battery and no SD card,why need an SD card when you can subscribe to google drive! +Millennials take it for granted. They don't remember and can't imagine a time when it wasn't an option.,Thankfully our generation has so many people to explain our beliefs and mental shortcomings to us +"completely straight, but kissed a gay guy while drunk (he was dressed as a mermaid tbh) cos he said i was really good looking. so there's that? (had to realise i was kissing a dude and let him know that i'm wasted and actually not into guys) also got complimented on my really nice skin by gay guys a few times lmao. makes me feel pretty rad - if gay dudes says I have nice skin, i probably have nice skin in the eyes of straight women, ya feel? and lbr, whether you're straight or gay of either gender, when you see someone genuinely good looking, generally all sexualities can agree that they're good looking. so a compliment is a compliment one way or another.",How does it feel to be gay now forever? +Its OP for a lot of things I mean drop in use crazy op move then repeat crazy op move. I think reciever is OP as well I mean think about it- (if megas come back) Mglalie uses refrigerate explosion then monkey bro gets refrigerate and can clean house with like headbutt or slash etc.,Shedinja can learn Final Gambit. +Yo quiero saber que es para ustedes la izquierda y la derecha? Es la izquierda el modelo de welfare state nordico? O el comunismo de la URSS? Es la derecha el gobierno ultra conservador saudita? O Singapur? Pregunto enserio r/argentina,"Izquierda es cualquier gobierno que no me gusta, simple." +"Something something patriarchy, hashtag feminism",Stop mansplaining. +"The new god, Duck Monty and what the other characters really are...",can confirm. +I go to Catholic Mass at a fairly liberal parish when I can't go to liturgy. They have bongos. BONGOS. I cringe.,"Well, God is love so why not?" +"Why does a welding page need an extremely edgy logo? It has an American flag, a punisher skull, and a biohazard symbol. Why?","Because welding is so manly, it needs manly/American logos to go with it!" +Fair weather riders also steal all of the good downtown parking spots as soon as the weather turns nice. Grumble grumble,Can't wait for it to drop to below 30 here so I can finally get a damn parking spot. +Yeah I feel so bad for all involved.,Like leffens needs a passport anyways : P +Wubba Lubba Dub-Dub!! Fun little game. Super excited for season 3!! \#bestshowon,"I'm so sorry, I hope you get help soon :(" +"Good question! Hal Jordan is OG and thus best, then John, then Kyle.",Yeah but the best GL is Guy Gardner +"Is Revelations The Best Map Of Black Ops 3? Or All Time? Revelations came out about two weeks ago, and after finding out the main Easter Egg and we have high round in the back of our heads, we can pretty much rank this map on the lists. Was It A Bad Map? Definitely not. Revelations is an amazing map. Although, a lot of people don't like the map because of how zombies ended with the Easter Egg cut scene. Most people didn't like how Treyarch ended THE FINAL ZOMBIES MAP. Although, the gameplay of the map isn't that bad. The death barriers just make you're ears bleed, and in the end, it's too easy. With all the wonder weapons, training spots, and what's already in Black Ops 3, like double pack-a-punch and gobblegums, a high round attempt isn't as hard as it seems. Was It OverHyped? Wayyyyyyyyyy Over Hyped. The fact that it was the final map and they only put in two wonder weapons, and the DG-4s is incredibly lame. THE DG-4S!!! REALLY???? It just amazes me. So I think this IS NOT the best map in Black Ops Three, I personally think it's second, behind Der Eisendrache. RIP REVELATIONS :p",nope even Bus Depot is better +Slight upgrade,"should've waited until next year, you can get maybe 1-2 fps more" +"uhh, this whole thing seems to scream zarya shield shouldnt be used proactively and needs to be mirco'd responsively to the other team. Your main tank is about to take an orb of the chin, shield. Greymane just leaped all up in your grill, shield. The last few heroes that have launch have recieved alot of harsh critique on these forums (minus auriel) due to being significantly higher skill floor. Since medivh, the heroes released are all very high risk high reward heroes. Medivh is useless without succesfullly completing masters touch, Guldan and Auriel have infinite sustain at the cost of having to micro their resource generation very carfully, alarak can be a menace if played to exaggerate enemy team mistakes. I havent tried Zarya yet, but I'm planning on buying her tonight to start practicing her, and I get the feeling that shes going to be strong but hard to learn. This games community has gotten so used to mechanically simple heroes that the second a high skill floor hero comes out everyone starts crying. Its my goal to defy this thread through adjusting and learning her playstyle instead of whinning","I suggest you actually play the hero to see how this idea works in practice, because with Zarya's current numbers the reality does not match your theory at all." +Rogan's a pussy I'd kick Rogan's ass,You forgot the +When I said he looks like a worm with AIDS I meant it in a positive way.,HIV positive or sumthin. +"Yup, if this happens he's a dead man. He'll accidentally drop a weight on his neck and they'll be a gun randomly sitting there that shoots him - all an accident of course.",It would just be a lot of smoke.....but no fire. +What is a life tip that is too weird/embarrassing to share with anyone other than thousands of anonymous Redditors?,"When not wearing underwear/panties, be damn careful with your zipper...." +"I work in 3rd party collections, and once I came across a guy who turned an entire warehouse into a pot plant. It went for a couple of years before city police found out about it.",How did the police not notice that a warehouse had suddenly transformed into a giant pot plant? +Full size 9mm? Sounds like an oxymoron. Get a real caliber.,Oh you mean 40 s&w? +Who do you propose plays those games then?,"If the Colts-Broncos was primetime, we would have won." +The Bethesda Cycle,"Morrowind is casual console trash, not a real RPG like Daggerfall." +"Bears QB Jay Cutler has a right thumb strain, per John Fox",So not out 6 months? +I saw them perform last summer and she wasnt lip syncing then; I wonder why she is now?,TV +Is this DukethaKilla 's favorite player?,"Nah, thats Ashton Youboty the hall of fame corner out of THE Ohio State University." +It's Empoleon you fucking pleb.,It's a Japanese name is there a difference? +Sure thing kid. You are making a strong argument. Go join the debate team,"His logic is infallible, idiot" +"My original statement was about people inferring that people in the military are inherently safe to be around. While Fort Gordon is comprised of mostly signal and cyber folks, that doesn't excuse the fact that the original statement does apply to the military as a whole. Again with the reading comprehension. I work on base. I know most of Fort Gordon is mostly harmless tech folks. But the majority of the military is not similar to Fort Gordon.",Your original statement was completely inaccurate when pertaining to fort gordon. +So much to love about this clip,I love how he's openly anti-gay marriage and one of the faces of ultimate in the South! +"This is america, the shitty feeling never goes away.",did you just aSSUME HIS COUNTRY +I'm 6' 6 but I measure out at 5' 11. I don't listen to people that think height is just a number you get from some instrument. I know what my height really is because it's my body and only i really know what it's like.,I think you dropped this: +"Juuust enough time to let most of the chargeback periods expire, the linked facebook and twitter pages have been deleted, gg coolest!",I'm sure all the clocks are just delayed at the post office +ELeague is under the Clever Comedies section on Directv,Probably because thooorin is there +"My school used to give special meals to free lunch kids. Instead of the pizza and burgers the other kids got, we got a piece of toast and an apple juice. That way they KNEW you were poor and those kids never let you forget how poor you were.",Those kids should stop being poor and quit mooching off of the system if they want a real lunch +Is this those great 'states rights' we've been hearing about?,I'm sure everything would be fine with the Fed's running it. +I dont think WebDAV counts as something modern (I hope). It's implementation is lacking on windows and OS X and it's incredibly slow to work with. Windows can't even tell free space on a WebDAV mount - so it just assumes it's the same as your local drive. When you run out of free space it won't let you transfer anything to a WebDAV mount,"I've used it for more than a decade, and there are WebDAV mounts built into Owncloud and Pydio suggested elsewhere in this thread." +"Microsoft should make all previous versions of Windows free, upon release of a new version, to show 100% confidence that the new one is better than any that came before.",Apple should do the same with iphones +"Also, I'm pretty Zoos and JEEZ-us do not end in the same phoneme.",They do if you pronounce 'jesus' like the mexicans do! +Oh god. This was one of few subreddits that didn't get political. Now I'm sad.,replace all the democrat vs republican arguments with canon vs nikon and you've essentially got the same subreddit +"Citizens of the USA, how sick are you of questions about the 1899-1902 Philippine war? Is it much? Or: not so much?",Bothered by it constantly... +"Is Scotland more progressive? I mean, the anti-immigrant and anti-(insert random country ) sentiment is present in most places to some degree, but is Scotland free of this type of extremism developed pre and post Brexit?","In Scotland Englishmen are the targets, as Pole you are safe" +Poodlecorp comfirm another DDOS attack on Blizzard,wish I could be as l33t as these guys when Im 12 and use my parents money to DDOS +Rift's drop is like...,You can use Inspect Element on Summoners War? +Police accidentally record themselves making up charges against protester,Supportourboysinblue +New high-rise proposed downtown: INTERNATIONAL PLAZA,well that design is going to age well +"Pretty sure it's a football player. It has the three point stance, helmet, and the receiver ability. Not bashing, I play both so that's why I'm pretty confident about it",american football is rugby +Elder M Russell Ballard Discourages Members To Use Pokemon Go,He wants to make sure the church has a monopoly on pointless activity that takes up all your time. +Yes. This story of a shitty thing that two cops did makes it not matter if *any* of them are killed.,You dropped this: +"Wait, Baku? That's not even Europe.",First Australia in Eurovision and now this +BREAKING: George Soros to Launch Trump/Russia Conspiracy Theory Website TOMORROW,This man is a true hero and I don't see how anyone could think otherwise. +skill,Aka play Hattori. +"Excuse me, but how is farming BoS easy? I do a lot of PvE, regularly clearing mythics, mythic+s, but I don't think you can get more than 10BoS/h. 300 BoS is enough for abut a raidweek, but definitely not for two.",because it comes from things most people do every day. +How do you get the RAW files? I heard some grumbles that this was possible in iOS 10.,You'd need a third party camera app to do that (go Google) - not possible with the stock Camera app. +This whole thread really makes me want kids.,you dropped the +"What's your take on the black father shot, unarmed, with his hands in the air, in Oklahoma just the day prior?",He should've listened to police and stop acting so thuggish +"Most underrated feature in Infinite Warfare is the CK CK in this game has bodies floating because of the 'gravity' effect which is pretty awesome because you won't double guess yourself on a confirmed kill. It may not be the most underrated here on the subreddit, but I definitely don't see many people talking about this feature and the benefits of how important that feedback is when playing a COD game.",Playing at CodXP that floating effect actually got me killed a shit load of times because running around I'd turn a corner and see a body start to float up and naturally I'd start unloading a clip into it only to get killed by an actual person. +"Recently I found out it's more CPU stressful than anything. Try turning off background programs. Once I stopped streaming twitch while playing I got closer to 60 fps. It sucks, and I hope a fix is coming.",I'm sure your three viewers will miss you +"American Terrorist. If you vote this up, it will show up on Google Images when people Google search American Terrorist, NRA, or the 2nd Amendment.","If you really want to get it out there, you need to spread it on Twitter & Facebook and get it trending" +Huh...You'd think America would popularize the absolute laziest way to cut your lawn the second it was invented but I guess not,It's that damn John Deere lobby! +Because if you actually listen to her policies she has a lot of really good ones. She's also experienced in politics and not nearly the boogeyman the right makes her out to be.,I too think that arming radical religious rebels is a good foreign policy decision. +So aim for the bushes?,Cues Foo Fighters +Leaks reveal Amber Rudd's involvement in Bahamas offshore firms,Anyone but Corbyn though. +It's annoying when people crap and hate on things that are too out of the norm when it comes to skating. This looks like a super fun event and seems to bring some new life to the skating world. There's more than enough room to do all kinds of fun stuff.,Bro if you aren't tre flipping at 10 stair then what are you even doing with a skateboard +laby for black tunicas?,"Need to think about it, can you add ?" +Very much so. She's almost the only one.,It took a lot of therapy for that one black girl to be comfortable with water. +I don't care about karma. I care about some asshole downvoting me without even bothering to muster a reasonable response. I think it's lame.,"Do what I do-- assume everything you post is genius, and consider every downvote the pained cry of an illiterate soul reaching out for help understanding your wisdom." +I love the irony of the militarization of our police forces. Give them all the weapons of war with none of the training or discipline. Totally reasonable...,But they need 100 round magazines and armored vehicles so that we can prepare for the inevitable terrorist invasion (has nothing to do with rise of fascism...) +You can't spell ignorant without IGN,Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha +"Oh god, high Elyse is my favorite idea",Apparently your opinion is wrong... I love the Funhaus community. +Yeah he was. For some reason it shows 1 when I typed 4.,"Lol, damn autocorrect." +"Wow, what did the racist Dolan Dunk mean by unity & leadership?",Clearly internment camps and gas chambers for messicans +Golovkin-Jacobs Update: likely for Dec 10th on HBO (not PPV) at Barclays,Surprise this is not on PPV +"Pues marica es eso no? Marica, un gay, joto, puto, alguien poco huevos",por los comentarios veo que en colombia se usa diferente y tal vez el que subtitula era de mexico +if settlements were the whole point we would still be on Gaza... that *intellectual honesty* needs to see the bigger picture not just the convenient part...this is not a liberal art college campus. you understand that 10% of extra territory is the equivalent of a in dept defensive line? specially when it comes to the Jordan valley which is the door of the entire eastern front... without a shadow of a doubt you are falling for superficial propaganda.,Use 10% of your own country as a defence line. +DUP MLA Thomas Buchanan backs event promoting teaching of creationism in schools,Just the kind of thinking we need to improve the economy and opportunities in Northern Ireland! +"The TL-50 Heavy Repeater is my favorite weapon ever in this game. Please don't nerf it, DICE I freaking love this thing. The way it sounds is so sexy, and the secondary fire feature is awesome. I've gone through this game looking for a solid go-to blaster and I've finally found it in the Heavy Repeater. So please, don't make any posts saying it's OP or some bullshit. It would break my heart if they nerfed it.",b-b-but it killed me so it's OP +And by suspicious you mean a young male of color... cause that's how it worked in NYC!,"Let's be real, is there any other kind of suspicious person?" +Biological sex was invented by capitalists to make the proletariat breed more workers.,To be fair you gotta get that Labor Power +"Judge: Nestle can keep piping water from a national forest, despite a permit that is out of date by 28 years",Isn't Nestle a family company? +Will is trying to talk to you.,"Sigh, time to get out the Christmas lights..." +That's how screens get broke,Having to repair a phone might be just the lesson they need to stop recording vertically. +"19 days after @AZCardinals acquired him via trade w @Chiefs, Marcus Cooper is NFC Defensive Player/Wk after 2INT/1TD game vs Bucs",And to think the scrub couldn't make it in San Fran +He getting down voted because it's Japanese.,But all the slanty eye people are same-same! +The fascists can do whatever the fuck they want to you and neither you nor anyone around you can do anything about it.,"yes, but just think if you get to be one of those in power" +"Will there be 2017 service medals? Will there be 2017 service medals? I'm trying to hold my rank 40 for a 2017 medal for a head start in the beginning of the year, but I don't even know if there will even be a service medal for 2017. If you are wondering why am I am thinking about 2017 medals; I'm going to hold my rank 40 for 2 months to get a head start on 2017. But I'm worried they won't have a service medal for 2017 and just waste TONS of exp. I don't even like the 2016 service medal because it looks like a starfish in my opinion tho so that's why I'm skipping it.","No, we will skip this year." +Keep pressing F5 its crazy to watch close to 50k now,WE DID IT REDDIT +"Wireless headphones... With wires. All of the cons, none of the pros. Perfection.","yeah it's the same with your WiFi...that shit still needs two wires, what a fucking ripoff!" +Was he an engineer or a doctor?,"No, a lawyer!" +"That's like hearing a woman that's in love with an abusive boyfriend. Me: So... he doesn't pay any of the bills, treats you like shit, and even beats you every once in a while. Why are you still with him? Her: You just don't understand, he said that he loves me and that he's sorry, and even though he already said the same thing 30 times before, this time he meant it! We're just complicated...",Because I think it's better to suffer around others than be happy but alone +Your mother,You're* +So far we've seen 9 football clubs head in to Esport - Which ones next!?,Manchester United and it will consist of Wayne Rooney +"Let's face it, people rarely use computers nowadays. You probably only use your desktop once a month if this happened to you. Next time, just watch a movie from your phone like everyone else.",Think you forgot the +Trump is a nobody in the grand scheme of things. There are those much higher up this benefits.,But he built great structures and put his name on a bunch of buildings! +I topscored on the winning team without dealing damage or getting an assist.,I see matchmaking has finally been fixed! +"If they see him as just a TV personality, then they will quickly learn that he means business (ok ok bad pun) If anything that makes it better if they underestimate him. Of course they'd prefer Hillary. $20 million payment to the Clinton Foundation for $billions in kickbacks is a better deal.","Yes, the Clinton Foundation definitely does that" +"There is literally another article still close to the front page where a Trumpeter was arguing with a guy, saying that technically Trump wasn't suggesting *racial* profiling yesterday. And now, yup, explicitly suggesting racial profiling.","Pfft, we all know the police use stop and frisk fairly and evenly among every group." +"Evidently no pollster knows what they're doing and have their models all wrong -- oh, and don't forget the ever present silent majority that's too afraid to anonymously admit they support Trump. Yes, the very same silent majority that pushed Romney over the edge and gave him the presidency.","No, the only pollster that knows what it's doing is the LA Times!" +"I still am. I absolutely refuse to vote for Clinton. The precedent must be set that you can't just cheat at every turn, lie and flip-flop at every turn, and bribe your way into a victory. But god, Trump is making it REALLY HARD for me to cast my ballot for him. Probably just gonna vote a third party or something at this point.",Yes because Gary Johnson and Jill Stein have really proved themselves as competent candidates +5 star abilities that are worthless Which 5 star abilities should I get rid of?,"You know you can ask multiple questions in the same thread instead of creating multiple ones one after another, right?" +I topscored on the winning team without dealing damage or getting an assist.,"Wow, did you play heavy?" +"Chinesse cartoons are a legit thing now, so the name is outdated.",North Korean cave drawings +"Pence already said he admires Cheney and wants to emulate him. Hey liberals, we should split our vote again. This sounds like fun.",But what has $hillary done to EARN my vote! +The anti-white sentiments I have seen from the livestreams of these protests is absolutely disturbing.,"But remember, it's not racism, because racism only applies to systems of power!" +You are thinking of the Wii the WiiU is the worst selling of its generation.,Listen if your going to bring facts and logic into this then I might as well not bother..... +"It might just be me, but every time I see a restocking fee, I just see something that isn't enforceable. You can SAY you have a restocking fee, the same as someone can say on eBay they don't accept returns. The fact of the matter is that eBay will MAKE you take the return, and won't let you keep your restocking fee.",But it may help keep ahole scammers from attempting returns. +Yes! That's what we need! Another full scale war!,Definitely the point he was trying to make +"Sooo, 50 monedas?",Creo que si. +The ass is still grand,"More like Gran, amirite?" +"In hurry-up mode while Obama is president, 60 nations have agreed to global climate accord",And I'm _sure_ that they all intend to abide by this agreement and not flout it so as to gain an advantage over those who don't. +"But for the vast, vast majority, it's entirely achievable. That's like saying a slice of bread is the same as a kobe filet because for some people, bread is just as unobtainable... but the comparison is ridiculous for the vast majority of people","Yes, it's totally achievable for the vast majority, even though most Anericans don't even make 30k/yr." +"Man this bitch, If she really was Hawaiian she would know that in principle its in our nature to share our culture with others. The big problem that we have, is that people try to suppress our culture. Man, my Ohana is psyched for this movie, while not strictly being a Hawaiian movie. It's nice they were able to fit a number of poly cultures into one movie. Hell I laughed like hell when I saw the costume. There is a picture floating around about how Moana's biggest problem is that the girl should be the bigger character and the guy should be the smaller skinnier character, to reflect how most couples are in Hawaii (at least kanaka maoli couples ).","Yeah but see, you understand Polynesian and Hawaiian culture, so you're obviously self-censoring and white washed if you don't find this offensive" +I really just want an Android and IOS version.,You have fallout shelter +Did a mural in my bedroom,This reminds me of that Ford ad! +"I did three inventory upgrades and two pokedex upgrades. Then all incubators since. Once I get my gym holding crew in a slightly better place, I'll probably go back to inventory expansion til it is max'd.",so you upgraded your pokedex to gen 2 or what? +Once upon time on hardcore,"if flask macros are bannable, so should logout macros!" +Send my hot pic bb,Not until he learns to ask like a normal person. +The world used to be far more chill and forgiving. 90% of all Nintendos wouldn't work unless blowing into the cartridges and system. Nobody cared & still loved the system. Imagine if a console like that came out today.,Literally unplayable +I understand your frustration. My brother assumed I was anti-vaccine because I'm vegan. Ugh. Of course we need vaccines! What a horrible assumption. Also many people ask if I can eat gluten...yes I can. What animal do you think that comes from?,"Gluten clearly comes from the gluteus maximus, or butt, of an animal." +"That's true except for Artifacts and Ghosts. They will start dropping, and up to 400 LL.",thank you - i didn't read far enough through it +Any good hound decks that will help me reach legendary arena? This is mine so far not working well. P.S:I also have princess.,Old Pompeyo LH deck Lava hound Princess Elixir collector Inferno tower (I use cannon instead) Minions Goblins Zap Mini pekka I'm in the 3900 trophy range using this deck with 11/8/-/1.5 +I don't know for sure if they are NC but I've heard this woman complain about how they don't see the dil and son and kids enough. Gee I wonder why?,That's a real puzzler there +Very cool display case at my endo's office.,Is that a Nintendo gameboy? +Splinters under their nails!,So Trotskyists under their nails? +"Woman flees courthouse, blames public defender",Ya she needs a real attorney! +Cell phones ruined perfectly good photos,How dare people try to take their own photographs to remember her special day. +this is why radio is garbage,Oh please tell us about how the majority of America's music interests are wrong and how none of the music you listen to conforms to this same chord structure +This is why I loathe and like Imgur,I usually like imgur but it's becoming more and more immature and toxic as of late. +TIL that Lil Wayne invented the word Bling,He also invented hip hop itself +Yep he would bomb the shit out of ISIS like I said. Your responses aren't very substantial. Do you not educate yourself?,"Of course he educates himself-- he watches The Daily Show, duh!" +"I've still never heard a persuasive argument against the equation Heinlein proposed that power must equal responsibility and vice versa. Since to vote is to wield the ultimate power over the state, the equal responsibility is bear the burden of risking your life for the state.",But its cheesy and a parody of fascist nazi Germany +TRASH TALK THREAD **YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO** [Dumpster](#i/dumpster),EVEN IF OSU BEATS US WE WILL STILL HAVE A BETTER RECORD THAN OU +Why even play the game at that point? It's basically a pokemon ball throwing simulator.,Too impress all the kids at school duh +Can't you see the woman is the primary victim in this! Deplorables! all of you!,after all she's beating a girl... and her violence can be blamed on her patriarchal education.. +Mines at 50% and I solo tier 7 raid 9 times out of ten.,Mines at 45% and I solo tier 7 10 times out of 11 +Why would he not?,Cause Murray is starting every game +Team Allegiance is doing an AMA with Shooter. Get your questions submitted using #AskALG on Twitter,Would it be soon to ask how's it feel losing 3 straight? +Fox news... and some other crazy sources... based off of his submission history.,BUT BREITBART IS THE MOST UNBIASED NEWS SOURCE OUT THERE ALL THE OTHERS ARE CONTROLLED BY THE LIBTARDS AND ARE ALL IN FAVOR OF HILLARY OBVIOUSLY YOU ARE LIBRUHL TOO BECAUSE THATS JUST OBJECTIVE FACT +Level 94 RIP - 8.7k life one shot by Sulphur Wastes boss,Serves you right for not being a CI pathfinder you anti-meta scrub. +"sure, you get to choose between those five",Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black. +"I think your elevator skipped a floor. A vasectomy isn't going to raise or lower your odds there. But to put your mind at ease, I am very afraid of the rapist label.","Well, if you don't tell her you can't have kids.. you must have raped her...because she would never consent to having sex if children weren't the result..." +"For once I'm speechless. My wedding budget is 8k. She doesn't like how informal it is,but she says that could be a down payment on a house and we shouldn't spend money like that. Wut?","Obviously it should happen in a PALACE surrounded by ROYALTY, but should also only cost you $9.99" +Chichi.,You remind me of her when you are off on this sub talking time-travel with people. +"Maybe I misjudged you, but Crestfall is still aways from going live according to their recent updates. The loot system is still being worked on, so I doubt it's them. If it was right around the release time, then possibly, but they're not even close to release yet. It's still in alpha stage I believe.",I have the hunch that pointing out that Crestfall is unlikely to be behind the DDoS was not really the intend of your first post... +Noon at Doak Campbell and night at Death Valley are two completely different environments.,"Eh, it's no Carrier Dome." +"Ah, scale for scale.",Not as accurate as a banana though +"Voters Like Barack Obama, So Why Isn't Clinton Winning?",Sexists +"i also hate playing against fizz in ranked, so maybe i should stop playing the game? if you have a shitty comment in mind then don't post it.",Take your own advice and don't post this shit on reddit. +Oculus users sickened by Palmer's nimble support of shitposting Trump PAC,Clearly just a correct the record shill +You can.,But how am I supposed to show off my Howl if I have to use the M4A1-S? +"How can a Bishop not allow medical marijuana? I doubt the Bishops have told members to not use it. To me, marijuana is the same as any other painkiller/opioid. Don't abuse drugs, and use them for their intended purposes.","I always take my Dr prescriptions to my bishop for approval, don't you?" +"Most of the black people I have discussed matters of racism and blm with agree that blm are a hate group and that racism in America has done nothing but improve decade after decade. The only reason it is at the forefront now is because it advances the democratic agenda. The problem isn't black or white, it's all the leaches that refuse to work and continue the live of tax dollars. There are just as many if not more white people living this way.",Oh I'm sure the problem isn't all the billionaires that don't pay their share of taxes +"How many championships is a ring worth? This is more of a thing for Scump, he has 22/23 championships with 2 X Games Gold medals but no ring. The general consensus is that a Gold Medal is the 2nd highest valued prize (Behind the ring obviously). So how many championships is a ring equivalent to?",I would say maybe 7 or 8 +It's going to be a big relief when autonomous cars become standard.,But we can't be 100% sure they're safe! +"Doesn't really matter any ways if you check these people's accounts most of them were just shit posting, one guy makes flash games another card games, nothing to do with VR they just seen an opportunity to rustle some jimmies.",Which makes it even worse for us to be getting all bent out of shape over. +Cute Throwaway,"Cute rebuttal, you've convinced me that Hillary never lies" +"Hey eejit! Do you remember the 2008 season when Brady went down and Matt Cassel went 11-5 leading the Patriots, only to go 24-39 the rest of his time in the league? Yeah, the Patriots are designed to work with damn near anybody at QB.",So you're saying Tom Brady is a system quarterback? +I can finally skill up my Fuu.......yay??,I own like 3 and I rolled one more today :D +Are they just messing with the media now lol? Why are they hiding the QBs?,Surprise TY Wildcat Offense +Blind,It would help if she had eyes +"They're choosing between prosecuting women who had natural miscarriages and letting women who induced miscarriages go unpunished. Obviously they consider the latter to be far worse. Also, it used to be commonly believed that women only miscarried because they didn't want the baby enough, and a surprising number of people still believe this. I know someone who was told this by a NURSE in Canada after she miscarried. The nurse said You must not have wanted this baby. Looks like you got what you wanted. This was less than a decade ago.",Yea how dare she not monitor and correct chromosomal incompatibilities +i used to go around and demand that everyone speak in tamil/kannada and then got abused saying if i come to hindi land i should learn hindi.,Hindi is national language bhai +Don't care...not a teenager anymore.,How can you breathe with your nose that high in the air? +The justice system is a joke. As long as they get a conviction they are happy.,And there's absolutely nothing suspicious about him confessing that he was impersonating his brother in that murder shortly after he lost the appeal of his 99 year sentence for another murder. +Reid leaves leaves it up to Charles to suit up!,"And on the third week, he rose again..." +Seems IBO is really popular among the male viewers in japan,"Finally, Gundam is breaking into the young male audience!" +They are like cartoons of survivalists.,caricatures* +I would think that theatrephile is female. So her boyfriend was a straight guy at a gay bar.,"Don't be stupid, there are no girls on the Internet." +I strongly disagree but I don't care enough to put effort into a pointless argument,If you had some redbullTM you would have the energy to argue for hours! +"Dude, everyone knows you can't bleed out from your legs. Shooting someone in the legs is simply the polite thing to do in cases like this. All they were doing was committing armed robbery! Why is everyone so mad at these aspiring rappers?",Thankfully no huge arteries are present in the legs! +HEY EVERYBODY! This guy has a *girlfriend*!,I sincerely apologize for any butthurt my relationship status may have caused +Syndergaard scratched from tomorrow's start with strep throat. Gil to start.,LOL +ARURF Appreciation Thread,"No custom games, no appreciation" +They did earlier. That is why i posted it - funny they don't list it in the update notes... which they usually put in.,"Argh, CBC make up our own minds" +I like how this is tagged as read rule 5 when the bloody title explains the screenshot.,"Obviously, OP needed to circle the entire thing in red, otherwise how would we know what's going on?" +"CMV: Everything wrong with american gun law right there. They wouldn't have been armed with guns and ready to use them, if they did not suspect the home owners might have guns themselves. The robbers are acting in selfdefense just as much as the home owner and they might now have gone through the trouble of having guns if it was illegal to buy them. In Europe most home robberies are being carried out without guns. And does all lives not matter anymore?",you forgot your +Can any of you Clinton supporters explain why so many people surrounding Clinton need immunity deals if nothing illegal happened?,Standard when conducting a security review. +"love this rationale. if you have morals looser than mine, you deserve an invasion of privacy. my neighbor has chronic bronchitis but I don't mind because he never picks up after his dog. Karma!","Man, I'd hate to have an invasion of privacy like bronchitis." +"Trevor's system is utterly fucking retarded. The point of the game is to fix the orders as they come in, not if they come in. There's too much uncertainty resting on whether or not something appears.",Yeah it's so utterly fucking retarded that his system is what got them the 2 stars in the end. +"If, and only if, we get over our weird hang up about strategic voting.","Nah man, I'd rather do something that makes me feel fuzzy than something that actually matters!" +Apple probably didn't input Ziegler into their directory yet.,After two months? +This is my 4th apoc. Jize as a base?,Jize is important in a lot of ALB/Dios teams +The delicious food should be reason enough,I think you forgot the +"Women shouldn't study because it's a waste of time and ressources. Hi there, I just need to vent. I am working in a sleep lab to pay for university and a lot of our patients are old men. Most of the time I get along with them pretty well, but last night I had my very first bingoer who said so much shit I couldn't handle. First of all, my nametag states that I am a student so he asked me what I was studying. Computer Science, I said and he seemed to be happy to hear that a woman is becoming an engineer. But after a while he simply said ..But I don't know if woman really should study. I was a little confused and asked what he meant by that. And guess what his explanation was: Women shouldn't study because they just waste time and ressources because they will have kids and stay at home. I was so shocked to hear that and told him that some people don't want kids. He started to bingo me about how normal it is, that everyone changes their mind and that it will happen at some time. After telling him that my partner and I have 3 cats (I am gay and didn't feel like outing myself. Guess that would make the whole situation even more uncomfortable) he just said that we will be alone and that it is *genetic* to have kids. We *will* have kids, no choice. Oh and he also complained about his son who became a father at 36 and becoming a grandpa at 60 was horrible because he was too old. UUUUGH.","Welp, things are gonna get pretty National Geographic when one of you grows a dick!" +"Judicial Watch Statement on New Clinton Email Court Developments: 5600 of 15,100 Were Government Emails, Not Personal, as Crooked Claimed. Lock Her Up!",Clearly she didn't indent to delete 37% of her government emails +Make Beer Warrior great again.,He's lost his zazz since he no longer spends all day shit posting and playing drums. +Source confirms torn right thumb ligament for Jacoby Brissett. Suffered injury in 2nd half Thursday. Faces likely surgery for stabilization.,"Those poor Patriots just can't catch a break, it just breaks my heart." +"What are considered crutch weapons? I define crutch weapons as weapons that let less-skilled players perform better, but it will either develop bad habits or be suboptimal for more-skilled players. For example, the Liberty Launcher. It's more forgiving for spammy soldiers because of the clip size and it makes people easier to hit because of the projectile speed, but it's also terrible when used by experienced soldiers because the damage penalty means most classes can survive another rocket than usual. Another example, the Soda Popper. You only need to aim once to kill someone because it deals loads of damage in a single burst, but a good scout will have more potential and perform better with the stocks scattergun's 6 shots. Last example I could think of is the Direct Hit. It's very helpful for soldiers that have really poor prediction skills because the projectile speed makes it difficult to dodge so you can just click on people and you would hit them, however a soldier that can predict well will have better performance with the stock rocket launcher's splash damage. What weapons do you consider crutches?",Any non stock weapon +she doesn't look rich... she looks like trailer trash,"shhh, all white people are rich, haven't you heard?" +There's no such thing as a good cop - posted on a bulletin board on my campus,There's no such things as shades of grey either. +Cudi sounds drugged up,That's new +What's the neon cable that's running down to your disc lock?,"I think it's supposed to be a reminder, so you don't try to drive of without removing the lock" +"Serial killers don't get as much attention as they did several decades ago. With politics focused on guns, terrorism, and violence I think these people realize that they will get more minutes of fame this way.",These millenials and their instant gratification... +Wat,But they don't. +What can be done to improve Reddit?,What are you talking about Reddit is the greatest +"Check on my cheating ex.. if the flu missed her,than..",Why choose your ex when there's 95% of the population of Earth to choose from? +Duck duck tequila,Duck duck cocaine +Also the first team to benefit from end of season bye,ASTERISK +When all other wii controllers got taken and you had to use this,That pic is so blurry it actually made me dizzy for a second. +What makes a Souls game a Souls game? I see so many games labelled as The New Dark Souls! Or It's like Dark Souls! Yet the only reason it's compared is because of the difficulty. I'm just curious if I'm the only one who think SoulsBorne has far more to it than Oh it's a hard game! So what do people think makes a Souls game unique besides Difficulty?,"The bad netcode, obviously" +Everyone in this thread listing new cars and hookers and all I can afford is a 5-dollar footlong from subway,Not anymore... +Did he start lifting lately. I've only seen him in videos but he always seems pretty tall and skinny.,He comes to my starbucks every so often after or before working out down the street. +Do you think it's racist to say that someone can't be impartial due to their ethnicity? Should Judge Gonzalo Curiel not be able to hear the case with Trump because Trump said some stuff about Mexicans?,"It would make them slightly biased, but as long as they're aware of it themselves, they could still be impartial." +"Yeah I have always been told you're too young, you don't have any kids yet and i'm like... not having kids is the point. No one will do it. I'm ~30 years old.",Just wait until your hormones kick in and you'll want to have a brood of your own. +Really GPUBoss?,but it has better noise and less power consumption and it has more* fps in metro LL +I called friends 16 year old cousin a wigger. He really is one of those white suburban kids who thinks their ghetto because they listen to Tupac and dress like their in a rap video. He started crying,You don't understand the plight of his people. +So Diverse(TM) and Tolerant(C) that they loop right back into total racism...oh well what else can you expect from a Modern Progressive(PP) campus these days?,Showers will be provided. +That's the key difference dumber vs more educated. Don't need a college degree to have a valid view on abortion,"No, you need a major in abortion, which you can only pass if you support it" +yup. 15 years of domination is all the evidence i need. something denver will never do lol,"Even if they do, I wont say they are the better team every time they lose, because that is nonsense." +Is CS really worth it?,"Given they only teach you how to program in a CS course and nothing else, I'd say it's not worth it." +Almost 4 down with one snipe,Typical Murdock stealing all the kills +I think Gunner's slightly out ranges it as well.,Pretty sure I meant real characters only +Banana,"Uh..... Well pikachu's yellow so I'm gonna go with pikachu, right?" +"Anyone who doesn't like pickles getting asked, Would you like a pickle?","My parents were killed by pickles, don't even joke about that okay asshole." +BBSHD 74V 50A Sinewave Controller 50mph down las Vegas strip,These stunts will ruin electric bicycles in the eyes of society and law. +Every time I try to play heavy and eat a sandvich I get kicked with this error,Did you update your Nvidia driver +What could this mean?!,nice edit +Toronto hockey parents not confident mandatory online Respect In Sports course will bring civility to the stands,They should just take the puck away so that way everyone wins! +"unless they are vote manipulating(and i mean changing votes after cast) or spreading false information that they fabricate than i dont see what the problem is. if another country can expose a truth about a candidate, does it suddenly make that truth irrelevant simply because it came from Russia? plus US politicians complaining about Russia interfering in an election is the biggest example of the pot calling the kettle black. the US interferes in so many elections. some times we dont even wait for elections and we just sponsor rebels to overthrow the elected one.",Facts disclosed by Russians aren't facts and thus must be fully and completely ignored. +Walcott goal vs Chelsea (2-0),theo whatever you are on keep taking it +Why does a good waterproof tent cost the same as a good waterproof coat?,Cuz OP is so fat a coat for him is a tent for us +"There's no way Saya no Uta will ever get an adaptation, but that cast takes the loony-bin cake.",What's so fucked up about loli Lovecraft? +"Wait, why would somebody go too the theater with waterfowl? A duck couldn't follow the plot and would be asking, What's happening? through the whole film.","Unless he was gonna take a crustacean to see iron man 3, I don't wanna hear about it." +What kind of grown person brags about how much candy they have?,"Whatever, you're just jealous you don't have that candy." +Pretty sure this is satire.,No it's not you gay faggot! +"Okay, but thats kinda funny. Disappointment as he walks back inside.","Yeah, failed suicide attempts are super funny and we should make light of them..." +Hatred of the other probably first came from monotheism.,Yeah because before monotheism everyone just got along +Ha just a bimbo bill dicked and said he dicked under oath.,That's funnier the second time I read I think. +"And it's awesome for the people who are actually looking where they are going. I urge you to do this in NYC, it doesn't annoy the locals AT ALL!",^^^^ +"It's so bizarre how many people are putting so much stock into it. It's supposed to be a bit of fun. If it's that important to you, just imagine one. Every time I see people getting angry or upset I want to sit them down and explain that it's not real.","whatever losers, I got a stag so I'm basically Harry Potter and that makes me the best" +R,E +"I have a feeling 8 years from now we'll be talking about Oct 4, 2016",The day Google built up hype for the biggest let down ever +The best part about being a scorpion must be that you can easily scratch your back.,"All while poisoning yourself, too" +Woman on sidelines attempts to catch kickoff in college football game.,I was there and it looked just as bad in person +Brittany is correct. I do not want to put her in college.,enjoy your cancer +Crazy hidden messages in sports logos you might not have known about,I don't get it why would the Warriors make fun of themselves in their own logo? +"Bless your heart for trying, but please listen to u/DeathtoPants!","Not sure why the condescending attitude, but bless your heart for trying." +"She could have done 5 mins of research It's the most popular podcast in her community (online gaming) and she probably should have known already, but she could have checked out an episode and skimmed through it",Yeah I think she knew what she was getting into but the way she remarked it on her stream made it sound so bad with her dad so awkward every second. +Cascade Mall Shooter Arrested,He deserves the death penalty +What makes you think you're important enough for an AMA?,"dont dare you questioning my importance, otherwise i'm gonna show you my mensa membership and IQ" +If I ever get any of these I'd be satisfied.,Dont you see them enough already in every opponent you face? +I think they are on duplicate mode. No one is going to get so many outputs just to show off some monitors,You sir doubt the power of the master race 9 monitor setups are standard nowdays +Can anyone tell me why he covers his camera? Also really entertaining shit i love this guy,Jokes on you that IS his camera +"I've never heard the term stonewalling before, does that mean when one partner just ignores the other until they figure out what they did wrong? (Sorry if this seems pretty dumb, I mean your explanation does make it kind of obvious, just checking I got it right)",No it mean when a bunch of gay people have a big riot +Aston Martin. Any Aston Martin.,"Yeah, the ford fusion is a really good looking car" +Interestingly enough there are people in the world that aren't where you are from,so edgy +New 38 Inch Wide Monitor From LG,14ms sounds like the ultimate gaming monitor +"I don't watch their videos, the point is that they get to appear on official content like PAX coverage, CSL, Community Cup and so on. They have a higher than average knowledge about Magic, but that's not enough to justify that.","So, obviously, the people who produce official content (PAX coverage, CSL, Community Cup) don't have the insight like you have." +"Killed?? Murdered,!",motives are unclear...don't be Islamophobic. +"Want to play a NFS title. Which one should I play, that's the latest and decent? Want to play a NFS title. Which one should I play, that's the latest and decent?",Forza Horizon 3 +"Nice. Is megan there just for attack/deff buff? Or, does she have a purpose im not aware of? :)",She can dots and remove buff on raid bosses. +"And in 2 years when it's abandoned because Google doesn't have the source code for the binary blob they need, everyone will say, it's not Google's fault. Theyll say I wasn't made by Google, it was an HTC phone.","Nah, I can't image Google ever pulling anything like that." +The fucking fuck just fucked the shit in the fucking ass.,"Damnit where is swearbot when you need him, my kids read these posts!" +"Often awkward, often tricky. Slightly clumsy, lightly sticky. Mostly harmless, mostly boring. Madly hopeful. Sadly snoring. Pouting. Doubting. Dull and dreary. Klutzy thrusting, weak and weary. Semi-humpy. Semi-bumpy. Jarring, sparring, loud and lumpy. Indecision. Arm-collision. Best, affection. Worst, *derision.* Intermittent. Inconsistent. Unimportant. Non-existent.","Sprog you bastard, this is a chance for other people to rhyme!" +Getting spanked by cloud9 in soloq,figured there might be some interest here in watching how c9 plays a bit +What is the correct way to protest?,A good protest is one that everyone can just ignore and changes nothing. +They are correct this election. Trump abandoned the whistle and is being clear as crystal with his racism.,But Islam isn't a race +Gently caress their bum.,"I mean, how else are they going to know you are there ready to spot them?" +Double bottle flip,He's been practising that since he was a Chelsea fan +Just pick meta knight for ez prizes,The cost of chemo for recovery after playing brawl isn't worth the 10 dollar prize. +"No, looks like a 1260, I'm only seeing it go around half way at the end, landing on its back",4x = 1440 +0.5x = 1620 +You're part of the problem. You're a white devil who has poison running through your veins.,Gotta maintain that white supremacy by weeding out those who are actually good people. +That is what happens if you win WW2 as axis.,Not far from the truth +Scientists think the corpses of astronauts could unwittingly seed life across the cosmos.,"Oh, so who knows what life has sprouted in the universe from all those dead cosmonauts" +There was huge progress on Luca's Yalu Jailbreak for 8.4.1,wen eta jailbrek +But you can jailbreak the iPhone 7,wen eta +"didnt you really struggle against Ohio, need OT to beat App State and were hot garbage in the first half against Florida?","Don't bring your facts in here, jerk!" +"Idea for a book's timeframe - One day I was blazing it with my mates a few months ago, and I was writing a book for a class, y'know, the ol' two joints up my nose, since blaze and creativity go together. But then I had a eureka moment - What if someone wrote a book that, instead of taking place over a year, two years, thirty years, or even a lifetime, took place in one day? It could be a really long book filled with excitement, action, and deep thought-provoking shit, but it could start with someone getting up, the middle section the guy going through his daily routine, but he could have an awesome or exciting job like a dispatcher or even a policeman going on a high speed chase and spending the day trying to catch and convict the speeder, and 300 pages later, he's brushing his teeth, taking his melatonin, and going to bed. The best part could be that the surprise is that he says All in a day's work before going home, and the reader could be like WAIT... THAT was one day!? It would be genius. Even better, something that takes place over an hour. Fucking with timeframes and smashing a ridiculous bunch of actions into such a small timeframe would give the illusion that weeks or months went by, but it was just one day. Maybe something like this exists already, but if you wanted a writing prompt or something, add this to the list of things you can use.",Saturday? +"What is a race in this context, and how does it relate to metric measurements?",The 100 meter and 200 meter dashes are races +You sure?,"Leave us alone, what did we ever do to you lot?" +I'm going to say that the vast majority of what people say is crazy and outrageous is manufactured outrage to try and discredit him.,"Lmao yeah, everything bad about trump is completely made up and unreal, trump is a completely balanced guy and his morals are in check." +Do people enjoy getting destroyed? In some games people in my team and the other team just get smashed like not even close to the skill level off the rank do people enjoy playing cs like this?,"yes that's why i as a silver one have invested in an esea subscription, as how else am i meant to improve ?" +"If Gus Bradley is fired after this season, what is the chance that the Jags would pursue Tom Coughlin? Just figured this would be an interesting timeline for our team. Not that I've totally given up on Gus yet, but it's looking more that way.",Excellent way to build for the future +we saw it then (afterwards). this pic solved the mystery of the missing watch,They must start drinking young over there. +How to take A site from palace on mirage,why is he streaming with wallhacks on? +Top Mod pleads with users to stop discussing Trump and Clinton.,Sounds like a CTR shill to me +Can you imagine which less blue battleground states he is winning if Michigan is this close?,Yeah he might even have a shot at Texas! +"Do you think it's because a horror movie builds up that anxiousness (is that even a word?) through the likes of atmosphere/tension and then all that comes out through a jump scare? Like say with a blocked nose you try and do one big blow to get it all out, does the scares collectively blow your nose of the anxiety, so to speak. The idea the article mentions of the anxiety changing from being about you to the person in danger is interesting because in general film can be used as escapism and that feels like a part of it.",I like to think of it as it takes aload off the viewer for once. +Great example why SSD isn't (still) ready for production.,"Yeah, and USB will *NEVER* take off!" +"Joseph Smith would have had no financial or personal gains from wrongful deception. Taught in class about why Joseph Smith was definitely not a fraud. It is funny how they can't seem to think Jospeh Smith could ever decieve people. It's like they can't comprehend the possibility. Their arguments were literally There was no deception, and There were no personal gains.",He was trying to help those farmers find the gold buried in their land out of the goodness of his heart. +what bug are you talking about?,"The 0HP gym bug bug; it's all in the title, try to keep up" +Ford Focus lane splits between cammer and Range Rover,Isn't lane splitting legal in California? +Canada checking in: 0.0 traditional families undermined since 2005 when marriage equality became a legal thing. Men and women continue to marry and spawn offspring.,"Obviously the very existence of marriage equality undermines traditional families, can't you see that?" +Looking for specific FIFA 14 players * Legend Bergkamp * Legend Pires (LM/W) * Legend Campbell * Legend Seaman * Green Robben (either one) * IF Higuain (silver) * IF Richard Dunne (silver) * TOTS Yedlin * Orange Aubamayeng * CR7 * Messi * Neymar * Bale * Ribery * Neuer It will be harder to give a price if you only have one of these but beggars can't be choosers. If you have any of these please let me know. **Paying cash**. I don't have any 14 coins left let alone any that can afford these guys. Would like to try them out before I put down FIFA 14 for good. I can get a vouch from a guy that i've done deals with on fifa 14 before if that's important for you. Thx!!! Available on both 360 & XB1,"I probably have a few of these or a ton of coins, DM me on Twitter if you'd like @Loganoir because I'm a lot more active there and I'll send you pictures of what's in my club!" +What's that chicks name?,*Smacker* miles. +"In 4th grade the girls in my class figured out they could threaten to kick boys in the balls to get what they wanted. Boys were scared and did it. Myself included for a while. But when I got sick of it and said no, and they tried to kick me, I caught the girl's foot and just plunked her down on her butt. Didn't hit, kick, etc. just kept myself from getting kicked. I got beat up. By one of the other boys they threatened.",Well maybe we should stop using our privilege to oppress those poor girls and their rights. +"Does anybody else feel like there should be a way to blacklist a few of the really shit legendaries for dropping for you, the same way you can opt out of the more cancerous battlegrounds because blizz knows nobody really wants them?",Oh man and while we are at it we can make it so when the boss dies you can hand pick the piece of gear you want! +Multiple Kill Vehicle or MKV They are not even trying to hide the sole purpose of this device,"The program was cancelled years ago, it never went into production." +A fantastic example of the modern world...Don't you want to die on a battlefield somewhere for their freedom ?,sign me up! +When Psyonix goes on vacation,Have you had a girlfriend? +I like this feature (Windows store won't let you review a game if you have insufficient hardware),"but i can run mobile games, how is this something that even comes up" +"Seahawks QB Trevone Boykin is the 1st rookie quarterback to throw an interception this season. Wentz, Dak, Brissett, and Kessler have all played, all have yet to throw one. Boykin was the 1st.",Rookies aren't safe around that exceptional niner squad +BABYMETAL Black NIGHT by Mist XG,Is this in some way related to the band BabyMetal? +"Mormon missionary was raped by his companion. When he reported it to his mission president, he was told to go back to bed (in the same apt. as his attacker.) No one called the police. Victim was told it was his fault, and dishonorably sent home. (xpost from r/exmormon)","Well, where would we get our morals from without religion?" +"That the quarterback always dates the head cheerleader. I still see this as a Hollywood fallacy, but I've had three American friends 'confirm' it to me.",Sometimes they date a tight end. +Doesn't get more outrun than this.,Not enough neon colours +Why you couldn't use a handgun w/ shield in BF4,thats why you play r6s +"Oh holy Andraste's knickers, that whole thing about being expected to just know everything already without having to be taught... Nmom *still* gives me shit about that too. Especially these days when I say I don't know to something. Nmom: What do you mean, you don't KNOW?? You know EVERYTHING! Damn N's can even mess up a simple, honest ability to admit you don't know something. Jerks.","Well they know EVERYTHING, so obviously you should too!" +"That comment which seemed completely out of context, was insane. It sounded like he was saying that all young housewives who aren't righteous mormons, are busy cooking up meth on their kitchen stove. Yeah, why would a young housewife need to be making money selling meth????","Because they can't survive in today's economy, without that 2nd income?" +Today's Craigslist pickup for $60. can you spot the gem?,"Sheeeeeit, I love Last Action Hero" +My culture is not so weak that is going to die if some american girl use a calavera make up or a english boy use a sombrero. We are stronger than that.,"No no, I was told by SJW's that culture needs to be preserved and white people destroy everything they touch and obviously they know more about your culture than you do" +On the official rubik's app page. 2 orange centers,Is that a new color scheme? +Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton has 'tremendous hate in her heart',what I like most about trump is his overweening sense of humility and modesty. +Hillary's Spanish twitter admits there's SIXTEEN MILLION ILLEGALS in USA.,Undocumented voters +steven universe is pretty bad to be tbh,kill all bad tv shows tbh +This pic gets me every time :),Omg so funny +This just feels like bad fandom. You know who'd really clean up this country? Luke Skywalker! You know who'd figure out a way to get Congress to actually do something? Captain James T. Kirk! No terrorists would mess with us if *John McClane* were Commander in Chief! You know who would be the best president? Jesus!,"Please, Captain Picard or Sisko would be a better pick for leader of the free world." +Dead Cops Compilation - The video BLM doesn't want you to see,After watching this video I now think it's perfectly OK that police kill people who are unarmed +Rawls out for a few weeks,Awesome! +"If the patriots did it, it'd be cheating lol",Why do pats fans always have to make every thread about them???? +"#Sixers McConnell on Embiid: 'He's been flat-out dominant. He's a force down low. He's exceeded my expectations, that's for sure.'","For all the hype this dude is getting, he damn well better be the next Hakeem" +Cops Beat Their Wives & Girlfriends At Double The National Domestic Violence Rate,Probably their wives didn't follow their reasonable demands for compliance. +meh a very short lived temporary transitional dictatorship isn't the worst idea ever,Worked well for Germany and Russia. +"Heard at BYU She was teaching about evolution, and I just don't believe any of it. -Molecular Biology Major",Does evolution even apply to molecular biology? +Study finds young men are playing video games instead of getting jobs,I believe what you meant to say is that the system is rigged against young people and that their relatively poor situation has nothing to do with work ethic. +I knew being forced to read the Count of Monte Cristo in 8th grade would pay off one day.,I knew surviving four years of Revenge would pay off one day... +Sometime. Being RBed wasnt bad,"According to your computer this doesn't happen for another 543 years, so I'm calling bs." +Saw this gem on Facebook,All those girls into pegging never give us nice guys a chance +I think he'd soar in the polls if he actually took a swing at her.,"yeah, women voters love that stuff!" +Detroit Lions waive LB Zaviar Gooden. (Does this mean Levy is finally heathy?),No didn't you hear his career is over and he's lazy and he doesn't care about football anymore and he has a hip parasite +"Drivers who honk during traffic jams, what exactly do you think will happen by making a racket?",So everyone will hurry the fuck up already +Pope Francis backs gay marriage protests in Mexico,Of course he does...because jesus. +LMAO! Cuckstra University has put Trigger Warning signs outside tonight's debate and offers support for those triggered,Making America Great Again is fucking problematic. +Just cause it said dolphin free doesn't mean it really was. What have we learned about labels here? They don't matter because they're all made up!,Yea was just making a joke should have added the +"No TNA ideas, thanks.","No TNA ideas because not like they come up with any good ones, or you know, not like they have the current hottest angle in wrestling." +"Wow, are you the one who came up with 1984 was supposed to be a warning not an instruction manual? You're so bloody deep mate.","omg, someone said something similar to someone else in the last 30 years." +"Sup TEST? So, lurkers, how the hell are all of you? I know you're reading this, it's time to come out of the shadows.","Wait, there is some place *besides* shadows?" +"Yeah, and what the hell was up with the lack of a game or play clock for what seemed like the entire first half?",Obviously the subpar announce crew's fault. +What's a good live fact checker for the debate?,Donald Trump's fact checker +"Yeah, Jimmer should have went on the mission...",33 points in preseason though... +Is this real life?,Or is it a fuck yourself. +"Or she's being fed answers. I'm definitely not trying to be tinfoil, but I notice with some answers, she pauses before and during her replies.","Well, she didnt collapse so I guess this evening was a success for Camp Clinton." +"That's true for all men though, except black men I suppose as they typically don't live as long as other races due to health issues normally.",acute lead poisoning? +It's really easy to pick up and play. One thing I've learned in about an hour of playing is that no one ever picks Fernando. :3 (he's my favourite champion),"You mean Rhino, not sure who Fernando is." +"Nova launcher, homemade wallpaper, lines dark icon pack.",You are a theme making God +TIL Smoking pot will reduce climate change and stop deforestation.,And it prohibits you from using proper sentence structure. +Schamane will ehemaliges KZ heilen - mit Hakenkreuzen,"Hoffe, er potenziert das HK vorher mit Wasser, denn nur dann ist seine Heilwirkung garantiert." +In Cleveland. Eighteen in most of the state.,Same with Chicago +Remember the good ole days where barbaric hordes could sweep across whole continents and dismantle empires? Or when millions upon millions were raped and pillaged because they didn't believe in a Roman Catholic God? The world has improved. Can't argue that it hasn't.,Not for the rapists +What about Remilia/Yuno? She played on Renegades in LCS ^: ^^ ^),Surprising how she was involved in a team being banned due to 'player not feeling safe' or whatever uh. +Maybe a medication for anxiety might be better. You could also look into online dating to meet a man with an equal libido. The online part might help with the social anxiety. Maybe after talking for a bit you'll feel comfortable actually meeting? I dunno. Just my thoughts.,Yes let's cure the drug habit with drugs... +"See, women have been oppressed for like a million years, so now they need to be oppressors for at least that much for things to be fair.",Especially given the men who oppressed them are still alive and at the time knew they were oppressing the women as opposed to being products of their time and brought up in such a way. +"Exactly. In his analogy he neglected to point out that if I don't eat all 300gb of cookies that I purchased, I *should* be able to save them for next month...or get a refund on what I didn't eat. But that doesn't fit their corporate model, so they'll just ignore that part of the analogy.","No, the internet is also like cookies in that if you don't use what you buy before a certain point it expires and you must buy more!" +"Als het al te vol is voor NS personeel (hoeveel mensen zullen dat per trein zijn?) is het toch ook te vol voor betalende reizigers? Ik ben net verhuisd en reis nu lekker met de bus of fiets naar m'n werk, maar begin september was het inderdaad erg druk en vol in de trein...","Maar de reizigers kunnen gewoon met zn 20en in het gangpad staan voor dezelfde prijs als een zitplek, dat kun je je personeel toch niet aandoen." +It also comes out at the end that she pretty much concocted the whole He might succeed Oryx! reasoning as an excuse to have you go and kill a dude who killed a bunch of her friends during her botched raid attempt on the moon.,What I don't understand is why Eris' team didn't wipe and reset. +Deathmatch is too fun Deathmatch is one of the best content... No other place have I been stuck for 5 straight hours without getting tired. Props to the developers for making this great.,Achto defender ice barrage teams are fun to come up against +So two decades for Appenzell and three for Liechtenstein. Or were you trying to make a point?,Maybe it was that women are bad at math and thus are not in STEM fields for a reason? +"1950's America, everyone in suits and cool cars.",Yeah I guess the overt sexism and Jim Crow would be manageable if all of the WASP guys get to wear cool suits and drive unsafe hunks of metal +I agree. She's terrifying.,Yeah she totally rambles. +1984 was one of Kojima's inspirations after all.,I'm not sure where you're getting that. +Wireless technology has improved considerably in recent years. You'd be hard pressed to notice any difference between wired and wireless on some of the newer Logitech mice.,"Omfg I can't feel the mouse cord anymore, my fucking aim is ruined." +"Out of the loop, why are we not supposed to mention it?",Jack Black couldn't control his shit. +"well, if people never really embrace the 3rd parties, i guess it will always remain like this.",But Gary Johnson is more bat shit crazy than both Trump and Clinton combined. +Redditors driving in the left lane: WHY DON'T YOU GET OVER?,"Cause fuck you im 15 mph over the speed limit, get off my ass." +doesn't look all that dangerous,Forgot the +"Trump will accept election results if it's fair, his son says",Said every candidate ever. +Graduation picture on my university facebook page,If only they had some kind of control over how much debt they incurred. +"I'd like to think I'm ok looking - kind of a George Clooney / Brad Pitt mix, but better built - but I'm guessing they didn't much agree.",Pics or GTFO +"Next, *asking* a student how their name is pronounced will be considered a micro-aggression...",That's so racist! +What features does it lack?,My stickers +He ran a 4.9,Yea but he's black so obviously he's fast +Guess what happened,Your team won because the enemy team never expected them to go beach +Strange isn't it? E-Q-U-A-L-I-T-Y,But it was so sweet! +Fellow PC College Kids,The best reason to care about consent is just because you don't want to get in trouble! +That's how I did myself and a friend on crota but skolas would be easy too. Just go offline and Noone will join,Just go offline and Noone will join Excellent idea! +"It's amazing how uninformed most people are about the process of developing a game, especially a game as complex as DayZ. Stop complaining.",It's amazing that people who are not in game development are unaware of game development. +"It's from the days of old /b/, someone would make a rate me thread and the denizens would make outrageous demands for verification. shoe on head! sharpie in pooper The more daring would actually do it. I don't know where the misogynist bit came from because it was usually guys ffs.",No Shitlord it's clearly a way for the alpha-males of /b/ to assert their masculine dominance over women... +Exactly. I've had some reddit detective in my last MM who concluded that I'm smurfing because I was doing too good and had an account with the same name on my friendslist... and he proceeded to tell me to get a life and that I play on this account because I am too bad to play on my main. Usually the people getting mad over somebody doing well in a videogame are far worse than the smurfs themselves.,"...they aren't getting mad you are doing better than them, they are mad you are a little punk bitch who is too scared to play at his own level so he goes to the elementary school playground to play pickup games with 11 year olds and shit talks them after winning." +besides btc what are good stores of value for when it pops?,"Drugs, ammunition, and water." +Its not my bot. That's what I wanted to find out.,Frankie Cooks is the greatest show ever! +"The infamous corruption that somehow leaves no evidence, even when Republicans control the investigation. This false equivalency is ridiculous and utterly baseless.",Because it's impossible to be extremely immoral while still following morality-agnostic law like ours +Scanned thru comments looking for the first person to mention Clinton or Trump. Paydirt!,Obligatory Trumpism He should've stopped and frisked him first; that would have been law and order. +"So, they will have a rap economy? Did I miss a letter there?",Well that and professional sports. +Cumberbatch will appear in Avengers : Infinity War,"Well, no shit Sherlock.." +Random drops from the hardest content.,Oh right I forgot that somehow nullifies RNG silly me. +He put the pokemon on GTS and you have to claim the pokemon Example: Houndoom exchange for Magikarp,it was +"10 team standard scoring roster Wr: Julio, Allen Robinson, Brandin Cooks, devante Parker, Travis Benjamin Rb: Hyde, Ryan Mathews, Chris Ivory, Thomas Rawls, Dwayne Washington Should I flip one of my top 3 receivers for Matt Forte?",Try to make it Cooks if you do +Use the voice feature on the remote to search by voice.,"Tried this, says no results found when I select Playstation Vue after it searches" +Tweets are protected. SCREENSHOT THEM BOI,nah dude OP is tryin to get followers +After I logged out Sunday they built a platform around me.,Nice try bot. +Jimmy Durkin on Twitter: #Raiders have signed defensive linemen Demetrius Cherry to the practice squad.,I think Marcel Reece for Demetrius Cherry was basically getting our value back here. +Lu Xiaojun Snatching 160kg in the Rio Training Hall!,daddy +"Excellent, a real challenge for Khabib before he can truly claim a shot.","Yeah, Dos Anjos is chump." +Would masturbation count toward the mileage? Cause that could make it go up dramatically. What about sex with a woman that involves a strap on? So many questions...,"Neither, because the female orgasm is a myth so why bother masturbating?" +Liking more what I'm seeing today as of now than yesterday. The energy you'd expect from young rookies is there.,The Matteau effect +What word is commonly mispronounced?,Ennui +You sound triggered,I need my safe space man +"I know! Haha. Just remember: The Bible Belt is also the Gay Porn Belt, the Food Stamp Belt, the Meth Belt, the HIV Belt, the Teen Pregnancy Belt....and they decide that another religion is TOTALLY something they need to worry about.",That's because Christianity is under assault in America: Christians are being discriminated against and repressed. +1v1 Karl Vs Noah. Karl move aside we have a new star in our horizons.,Whoa Noah has UBB now. +Vaccines do not cause Autism. Evolution is real. Global Warming is caused by man.,I think you mean climate change +My attempt! (Mock-up everywhere),Imagine playing with the tiny detachable parts... +"PGT: CANUCKS @ SHARKS Sharks kill Jake Virtanen in effort to win meaningless pre-season game. **PERIOD 1** CANUCKS 1-0: Bo Horvat (1) - ASST: Jake Virtanen (1) **PERIOD 2** SHARKS 1-1: Barclay Goodrow (1) - ASST: Kevin Labanc (1), Ryan Carpenter (1) **PERIOD 3** CANUCKS 2-1: Sven Baertschi (1) - ASST: Ashton Sautner (1), Jordan Subban (1) SHARKS 2-2: Tommy Wingels (1) **OT** SHARKS 3-2: I don't fucking know, some nobody",Let's get that tank out of storage +Take solace in one fundamental truth: FUCK THE CUBS,"You can't say that shit here man, this is their subreddit too" +These Companies Are Allowing Employees to Use Marijuana at Work,But then they drug test. +A dead DPS does no DPS at all.,"That's why your job is to heal them through their stupidity, duh!" +The weather radar in Adelaide at the moment.,Meep +"Another 'end of the world' prediction! - I've survived 53, according to Wikipedia, I look forward to the 54th!",Still a better deal than the current US Presidential candidates... +"I agree that the Sun is not exactly the pinnacle of journalism or close to it but it's one of the most widely read newspapers not only in the UK but in the world. (Outside of Asia it's the third most widely read paper behind Bild and the Wall Street Journal) Banning that just because the conference is in Liverpool is ridiculous in my opinion. You may not read it but many read it regardless, yes it isn't even good journalism for the most part but removing it from the Labour conference has nothing to do with its current content, it's only because of the Hillsborough disaster coverage.","Of course, the sun has changed a lot since then...." +Inca o minune a capitalismului.,Nu exista coruptie in Comunism. +JW clearly spinbotting,"Omg my teammate was doing this is ct spawn too, it's so Ez to cheat is this game omg why hasn't valve banned him" +"Wait, what? I thought Templeton was Paul Lynde.",Sorry I forgot the +Why does subzero seem to not have a scar when he is wearing his mask?,"Who gives a fuck about canon, amirite?" +"SHINee to film Weekly Idol on October 2nd, their first appearance after 3 years and 6 months",I need to see Key do all of the girl group dances from the past 3 years! +How do black people know that white people don't understand them?,That is about the most Racist comment I have ever heard. +That guy's just trying to get laid.,"Typical of these rantbabies - screaming about something they have no fucking clue about, because all the kewl kids are doing it or because he hopes it'll convince a rainbow-haired she-twink to let him cum in her (Airport's Law)" +Blue Mosque in Istambul,Istambul was Comstamtimople +In 8 anni Musk pensa di poter iniziare la colonizzazione di Marte. La Raggi non pensa nemmeno di poter risolvere il problema delle buche.,Qualcuno chiami Marino +DRM shouldn't even exist to be fair.,"oh yeah, a company should *never* need to protect its intellectual property." +Can we just stand back and appreciate the fact that this is the first time in AGES that Russell and Dara have been on the same show again?,"Yeah, I thought we would never see these two legends of comedy together again." +U.S. Government To Pay $492 Million To 17 American Indian Tribes,"That's less than we gave Iran, good to see Obama has his priorities straight" +"Player keeps hiding in Leomund's Tiny Hut - help me get her out ! Ok, so a wizard in my campaign has taken to delaying a combat (by getting other players to distract sentient enemies by talking and the like, or keeping them occupied so fighting doesn't occur) and then casts Leomunds Tiny Hut for all the jump in jump out shenanigans, and my creatures can't get to them. Any ideas on how I can get to said caster or stop the casting without resorting to surprise attacks/ambushes every five minutes or mindless beasts that just charge straight in? There are Lovecraftian elements to the campaign if that helps. But yes, any advice or suggestions that wouldn't make it feel as though I'm screwing the player would be greatly appreciated. I'm more after something to challenge her tactic of 'bubble everything when possible'. Thoughts?",Two questions: (1) Who is Leomund; and (2) Does he mind her going in his Tiny Hut? +No kidding. All they told me was get a job and stop bitching. Must by all that privilege I've got...,"Since you're white, all you had to do was just walk up to any white CEO and land a fancy job" +Clinton Gains 4 Points on Trump in First Post-Debate Pol,It seems that Empress Palpatine will defeat Jar Jar Trump in the upcoming elections +At first I was like wtf is this garbage? Then I realized I accidentally clicked all subreddits. You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy..,"Yes, godforbid you accidentally stray out of your tailor made echo chamber and are confronted with differing opinions." +LUL stadium is cp stage u scrub,Not in a best of 5 homie +Playboy and the False Normalization of the Hijab,ISLAMOPHOBIA +Uhm... ok.,"Last warning lotech, DONT PUSH IT." +You're just digging yourself a bigger and bigger hole. P.S. You're wrong.,Don't you mean a more big hole? +"PSA: Mod Tools are NOT coming to console. EVER. I see so many comments 'how do I get custom maps on console?' 'I hope they come to console' 'are mod tools coming to console' etc, the answer is no. It has been said by Treyarch themselves that they aren't going to consoles, and with the current engine it would be practically impossible. Stop posting/commenting asking if they will be on console.",So they ARE coming to console? +i always snicker at 0:59 when the legal 30.06 aka the legally binding don't bring in a gun sign is in perfect focus. like that did a lot.,Are you suggesting criminals would break the law? +"BS ratings, no way SKT get 9 in experience with 4 world champions and all their players having won at least 2 international events, 3 in Duke's case",Ah but the worlds stage is totally different to other big international events +"Now it makes sense, you play warsong commander so you get +1 dmg back. Trollface",I smell a new archetype in the making +Are you seriously asking why people are assholes on the internet? You might as well ask 'guys why do people feel the need to be mean'? It's a meaningless question.,It's a free karma post... can't downvote it or you're racist +This guy is well on his way to a Pulitzer Prize,Pulitzers are rigged. +Those are from Kirk and Rob. I was on the left side of the stage when they threw them at the end of the show.,"That's awesome, now I wish I'd bothered to get closer." +If Crews can do it I don't see any reason why I can't!,Unless you don't use Old Spice.... +Crown Prince Garoppolo throwing at practice today.,It wasn't that tight of a spiral... calm down! +It doesn't work on Chrome on Mac OS Chrome Version 53.0.2785.116 (64-bit) Mac OSX Sierra 10.12 (16A323),But it works in Safari :) +Its clear to me now. Trump is a predator. He seeks out smaller businesses and has them do the work and then stiffs them knowing they don't have the resources to fight it. Scum.,That makes him smart! +More like to pay the 17 Chiefs.,"Yes, Indians are all corrupt and cannot be trusted to responsibly manage their money." +"Yeah...the website is littered with spelling errors, syntax errors in grammar, and their 'main office' is a nondescript row house in the suburbs. The provider of their App (Qup Inc) seems to be pretty slick, but...I'm not seeing much that would fill me with confidence in oRide.",It's only been registered since May ... give them some time to fix it +"Even if this whole signalling story is true, there won't be any definitive proof and it's not like Hillary and Lester will just come forward and admit guilt. This feels like a red-herring...",What are you talking about Lester is a republican +Anarchocapitalism says otherwise.,Because anarcho capitalism is of course an actual anarchist philosophy +"Arizona paper faces death threats, subscription cancellations after Clinton endorsement","I love living in a civilized, first-world country where people are free to threaten to kill newspaper publishers/editors!" +Donald Trump conducted illegal business in communist Cuba: report,"Yeah, but he didn't shoot Vince Foster in the face so I'm still with Trump." +"Brownie gets the milk as Blackie waits his turn - Nat Farbman/LIFE magazine, California, farm near Fresno, 1954",But humans are the only animal to drink *other* animals' milk!! +"The biggest thing about Clinton is violating security protocol. If it's found that one of Bush's cronies did the same thing, they should be nailed to the wall right beside Clinton. Both Clinton and everyone involved under Bush should be looked into further for trying to obscure things. Given the magnitude, I would really fucking hope that something conclusive is found. Point being, yeah, this Well X did it. bullshit needs to stop. I don't care what party it is. When they're subverting our political system, they need to be stopped. If they're caught after they've already been in office they can still serve as example to those that come after them. If they're caught in office or before running for another position, that should be the end of their service. You didn't catch them while they were doing it or Well X did it should not be looked at as valid excuses for letting this sort of thing slide. Ever.","But this as always happened, just leave it alone." +the lawsuits are being procedurally generated. There are 18 quintillion possible lawsuits.,"So like their supposed features; their lawsuits filed against them, are also mysteriously lost?" +This is not concrete..this is New Delhi,"NO, THIS IS PATRICK." +"just making sure; water, right?",It's actually pure sin +"Real talk, I'd vote for Biden over Hillary any day.",Brave comment +There is also no outcry whatsoever when Jihadists shell residential areas that are under government control in Aleppo. Only BAD SYRIAN GOVERNMENT articles are shown on mainstream media.,Yeah nobody ever talks about jihadists in the western press +"as someone who loves the diablo series and diablo clone games, fuck diablo 3 in its shitty 999999 million crit damage numbers that don't mean anything",Say that to my OP thorns modifier of never-death :^] +Hero vs Ishii booked for Global Wars Night 1,bloody imports +"138 Hour Detail of a McLaren F1 GTR Longtail for The Quail, A Motorsports Gathering -",Great support from the owner +"Fiction book with extremely intelligent characters/advanced strategies For those of you who watch anime, something similar to Code Geass or Death Note.","Daemon by Daniel Suarez, and its sequel, Freedom." +Pretty much everything he's done to be honest.,"I agree, Super 8 was a terrible film." +"Children with autism, who may become overwhelmed by crowds or noise, will be able to browse the Zoo for an hour before it opens to the public",I do not see how getting into the park early to beat crowds will be abused. +"Had to look this up, had no idea there was a sequel planned! And Ford coming back, Ryan Gosling, Dave Bautista, Jared Leto. Cool",a sequel nobody asked for...hurrah +"Uhh, how about we see whether she is a compelling, interesting character?",B-but she's a women... +"I can see the timer. It still doesn't explain *why* he was chasing you. I'm just saying; Dogs chase things for no reason, not humans. You may not know the reason, but there will have been one.","You're right, maybe I dropped my wallet" +"TIME FOR APHRO TO ROAM AND KILL MID-TOP-JUNGLE, BECAUSE BOT IS LOST ANYWAY.",THE ONLY THING APHRO IS GOING TO BE KILLING IS HIMSELF +"I'll probably get downvoted for this, but what's the big deal about smoke bombs? Is there a direct correlation between passionate fans and number of smoke bombs ignited per match?","You Yanks don't understand football future, mate." +"Your gear will probably feel just as powerful, once you min/max it to account for the 1.4 changes, and start using the new level 33 mods. so , it isn't that your gear is now underpowered for 1.4, but that it was overpowered for 1.3. Nobody should be able to take down a level 35 mob with one or two shots.",but that's work +"It brought crime down allot, but the left shit it's collective pants when they realized minorities committed more crime then the rest of the population so they shut it down.",yes thats what it was +"Why would you unbind heavy attacks? I know they aren't all great, but thy have their uses. Plus recoveries need the button.",Flair checks out. +"About this 1x a week for advanced lifters thing. I see myself as a pretty advanced lifter (335bench, 480 dead, 360 squat) and I hit most body parts 1x week. I do chest, arms, legs, shoulders, back, legs, rest. I really don't see a problem with it as long as the volume is sufficient.",360 squat is advanced...k +It's never a good idea to let kids answer the door without mom or dad right there That was the exact quote from the Friends of Scouting person at our door yesterday. Not - Hello let me introduce myself Not - You have some beautiful/polite/very impressive children Not - Forgive me for coming to your home unannounced to solicit money Not - I'd like to get to know you - how long ago did you move in? Where did you come from? Is there anything I can do for you? No this person upon seeing my DW and her porn shoulders after 2 of our children answered the door determines that he needs to give us a parenting lecture. No worries - DW put him in his place Excuse me? You come to my home unannounced and before you even introduce yourself you pass judgement on my parenting? Yeah I scored in the marriage department (she left TSCC first too - I was smart enough to follow). And no we didn't give any money to the ward scouts.,But it's totally fine to leave them alone with an adult to be questioned about their sexual habits +Washington Mall Shooter Illegally Voted: He registered to vote despite not being a citizen and participated in at least three elections,"All for Republican candidates, I'm sure." +"Yep, the only way around it at the moment is to select the chroma armor package on rank up and hope a Y2 class item drops, unless you happen to already have one lying around.",oh cool so I only gotta rank them up another 25 times +Quick comparison. David's 750 gums vs Edith's 750 gums,How does Jfactory compare to Edith +they were just FWB,"If I wanted to tell THAT story, I would've" +"You found me Cortana - Cortana - Halo 3 So I'll lay out the scene for you. Played Halo CE when I was very young (so young, I was too scared to complete the Flood missions without my Dad in the room). Loved it. One day I go into Blockbuster and see Halo 2 sitting there, reduced. My Dad buys it for me, we play through it... again, in love. Few weeks later, I go onto my computer and find the Halo 3 E3 2006 Announcement Trailer... I can't stop watching it. I'm like, 11 years old at this point. September 2007 comes. I don't own an Xbox 360 and my Dad can't afford it (obviously I'm too young to get it myself). All my friends have it, come into school telling me about it for about a year. The following August 2008, my birthday, I have saved enough money to buy myself an Xbox Arcade Console, but not enough for Halo 3. I'm not going to lie, I could have cried. Get home, start playing the arcade games on my console. My Dad comes through the door after work, wishes me happy birthday and has a present in his hand. I look at it, too big to be a game case, but still excited. I open it. What's inside? Not just Halo 3. The Limited Edition Halo 3, the one with the 2-disc, metal box, holographic sleeve. Never, in all my life, have I been excited. Then, he does the impossible. He pulls from behind his back a brand new Xbox Controller. He starts laughing and so do I. It's a Wednesday, so he doesn't have work and I'm calling in sick at school. We don't have enough money for Xbox Live, but by god, It never mattered. We get in our PJ's, we load up the game, I hear the opening Halo music, which I remember from Halo CE, and load up the Campaign. For almost 6 hours straight, at 1am, we get to the this cutscene. Chief opens the door, screen goes black for a few seconds, and all you hear is 'You found me' *cue Piano key*. This. This is the single happiest moment of my life. August 6th, 2008 and 1am. It may not mean much to most, but never having enough money for anything when we were little, the thought of not having Halo 3, even though I had finally saved up enough for the most basic Xbox console, and then seeing my Dad walk in with a game we've both played together from the start? That's shit you can't take away from a 12 year old kid and it is still my favorite childhood memory.",Hey so uh I think you might've left some onions behind? +Luckily I still look 29. The kids I work with are in high school lol.,"Ancient, man." +Top 15 Soccer Stars Who Were Shockingly Left Off Their National Teams,Truly it will go down as one of the greatest mysteries as to why Karim Benzema was left out of the French squad in Euro 2016. +Fucking pathetic. Rappers that do this shit are sellouts and snitches. Embarrassing. Hilary doesn't give a shit about the ghetto,Yeah I'm sure trump is down +Thanks but in Canada so it would probably be cheaper to keep it somewhat local,"Try [Keener Jerseys](http://wwww.keenerjerseys.com), they're in Winnipeg" +Make trains great again,Trains were never great +Cop who gunned down his ex-wife on an Asbury Park street to be sentenced,Will he claim to had fear for is safety? +Evangelicals Give a Long Weepy Account of Losing The Culture Wars,"Oh, those poor victims." +The scientific polls show a big win for Hillary Clinton in the first debate,Lol you libs with your facts and science and logic.... +Everything but Viper Strike. Or melee attacks in general.,"Why is viper and melee bad for stacking poison, specifically?" +what will America be like if trump wins?,"About the same, except America will be great again." +You know you can enter sealed events with them and then drop right? One pack costs 47pp that way so you could open close to 100 packs.,Opening Treasure Chests seem like a more straightforward version of hoping to convert random rares into tix +Game Thread: Week 4 - Cincinnati Bengals (1-2) VS Miami Dolphins (1-2) [](/CIN)Cincinnati Bengals VS [](/MIA) Miami Dolphins Time: 8:25 PM EST *Help the mods by reporting trolls* **Sort by new for up to date discussion.**,Wait why didn't we fair catch that at the 5 +"Love Alaska but starting to think this show is a bit rigga morris. She seems to be getting such a good edit. I can't see that the judges didn't read that outfit at all, it was one of the worst this week","She's Alaska she can wear whatever, and people will ggag..." +Gee I wonder which company this woman works for,Facebook +"For a sniper, Caitlyn ironically thrives with attack speed Not a huge deal. You would just think the iconic sniper of the game would have a slow, powerful, calculated auto attack rather than going one damage and like 3 attack speeds items and runaans. I know i know it's a video game, or if there was a rapidfire sniper they'd be OP. I guess thematically it just bothers me. No?",She should have recoil and a slow reload mechanic +"I like how the media, because she's female, portrays her as a victim even when she was going to meet an underage person and potentially do wrong. If she were a man, this would be a non story and Global wouldn't be all over it.",Being a man is so hard these days. +Arizona Republic gets death threats after endorsing Clinton,"Trump has the best people, the best supporters, simply the best." +"Heh what timestamp was this? I need context, damnit!",Not sure if +"lmao, you're a joke. Your argument falls apart faster than Jenga",Because ALL Muslims are out to convert people is certainly a strong and well-reasoned argument. +"Dude, noice!! Go buy a lottery ticket lol",And then get struck by lightning +"Careful when you say any rational fraction - 1/2, 1/3, 1/4.... That list does not contain all rationals.","Yeah everybody knows you can't make a list of all the rationals, that's why they're uncountable." +"You know, Linux distros","What's Linux, all I know is Windows, Microsoft, etc" +Or all the wings of all the libraries.,My phone has access to flying libraries. +"Technically, yeah. But she was just asking for it.",The the microphone *fell* out of her hand. +"Am I the only one who had the opposite? :( One of my contract uses had the pirate skritt stuck on a rock so it just sat there. So I went to about 5 other skritt stashes and every time I used a contract or two, it would take the contract and the pirate wouldn't spawn.. so I lost probably a dozen or so contracts. Not a big loss, but eh.. :(","They should have made the contracts work like gathering tools, no weird pathing bugs, no weird use the item but give no reward bugs, and the exploits wouldn't be working either." +thank you for building our mrt,quality shitposting +PewDiePie's Tuber Simulator is out!,Add me: Cheesetale +So.. if Zamasu switched minds and bodies with Goku.. Who's Zamasu?,Goten +"And Al Andalus, and Tours, and Vienna. ;-)",Golders Green and Barnet must be retaken! +"Not a man - but.. I am a girl who are into girls and guys. I feel like most of the hate for unsolicited nudes stem from lack of interest and/or consent, really. Like a sexually-open straight man would appreciate an unsolicited vag pic, but probably not a dick pic. From their friend. Who they never had an interest in. Which is the common case for many women... they have guy friends who, out of nowhere, just sent nudes. Now if they're interested they probably won't mind. But most of the time, they aren't, and it becomes disgusting. It really is just a matter of reading the signs and/or asking someone to make sure they're okay with sexting or whatever the hell. I mean imagine if you were walking down the road, someone flashed you their dick/vag for 10 seconds, and they just walked on. Yeah, yeah... you might not care. You'll just laugh. But for a lot of people, it's a violating act. Why? Lack of consent. Lack of interest. Again. Point: sending unsolicited nudes might or might not offend someone depending on their interest in you and consent. So the better thing to do is just ask. And follow through with their answer.",But I want to show you my penis and shock you and surprise you.......whatever PC culture of 2016 :) +Sit on my lap and take a lil sip,You have beautiful eyes +That remind me of myself... My ex battered the kids and injure me. I've call the police and they came for ARRESTING ME?!?,"Well, you're a big strong man, so if a woman beats you, you must have deserved it." +Man fails to break plastic coke bottle.,Haven't seen that before anywhere on the internet +How much cell phone data do you use a month? How much cell phone data do you use a month?,"Well, now that I'm on the $48/5GB plan, I'm streaming and tethering a lot more, but still have yet to break 1GB with a week to go in this billing cycle." +Hillary keeping Bill off trail due to rumored affairs: report | New York Post,"Yep, I wondered why he wasn't at the debate" +Seems like they are rebranding everything to be (G)oogle something.. It's good rebranding it.,Can't wait for G Message +This is what happens when you drop your iPhone while running on a treadmill,"Quality phone, no wonder it costs so much" +Nope,nkthellios the comment thief +French court to rule whether citizens can smile in passport photos,Now they only have to find a few smiling french to evaluate this +Or move.,Thanks +"Lag causes wallhacks i was playing some 2fort, and i had like 200+ ping, and an enemy scout took our intel, and he had an outline like the one you have when you spawn, whats so strange that when he died, the outline didnt dissapear but it appeared on him all the game, what made him an easy target for me.",Nice try hacker +"401k plan doesn't work if you don't have access, but if you don't have access to a 401k you likely have access to a 403b, a SEP-IRA, or at worst a combination of IRA/Roth IRA/myRA accounts.","Yeah but 403(b)s and IRAs *also* don't work if you don't put money in, so clearly the system as a whole is broken" +"Even *then*, it's still not fair because weight can be changed and your height can't be. :(","No it's totally fair, height is permanent so it makes sense to ask, but she can lose weight so giving the current number is meaningless" +"TIL, I could have gotten into Princeton in 1893.",Have you seen college entry exams from around that time? +"This is a famous renaissance painting, The Fall of Rebel angels by Pieter Bruegel the elder",I just figured Supreme cranked out a renaissance masterpiece to throw on a coaches jacket +Pennsylvania Mayor Posts Racist Meme About Lynching President Obama,"But it's not about race, because its never about race, right?" +Sun&Moon dual pack comes with code for 200 free pokeballs,Best bonus ever +"moms caring for sons, pt 2. now with lawsuits against me",Repeatedly insulting your oppressors is a great way to open a fair discourse... +"Oh, so she doesn't understand direct communication. Gotcha.","Clearly he wasn't communicating the answer she wanted to hear, maybe if she asked him again he would change his answer." +Not even Hideo knows what was really going on dude.,Probably why Konami got rid of him :( +They are simply reacting to drops in their game sales. They haven't figured shit out. Trust me.,"Yeah trust him, he owns those companies." +"Hey Sean, its time to open your big ****ing mouth and explain what happened","I am sure Sean will listen to you, and not his lawyers." +Their memes are next level. I also follow DotA and they think too much ahead for memes.,"Their Cross-game memes are also way better (2ez4itz, Chinese Heart,...)" +Damn I picked my wallet up in Ireland in 2010for I think $30. Would that count?,"No, only items made in the US are BIFL" +wow tournment,Omg wut a fail. +Will someone explain why people are so interested in space whilst the planet they live on needs so much?,Because not everyone needs to exclusivly work on the problem most important to you all the time. +Why do you think businesses are already playing Christmas music?,Fighting back against the War on Christmas(tm) +War. War never changes.,I take it you like Fallout? +"except terrorist attacks were way higher in the 80s/90s than now. we just didnt hear about them/care because a huge swath of them were carried out by white IRA members instead of le scary brown muslims xD also you can always tell someones age when they piss and moan about PC culture, because the 90s was literally the start of PC culture, and it was everywhere, and no one whined about it until now. as far as free speech, donald literally wants to change the laws so he can sue any newspaper that writes a single negative thing about him. so youre right on the free speech thing.","Oh look, a neutral and unbiased comment explaining something." +"walkabout next single, being performed at every show ever. fans outraged bring back californication and give it away",It was even confirmed by RHCPTV5 +Trump Was Apparently Right About the Debate Microphone,But what about the secret hand signals Hillary was throwing out? +Star Citizen: Reverse the Verse 2.9 - UK,Everyone with doubts about the scanning mechanic should watch this episode. +"After ONE DAY of worlds, I've already seen people jump to the craziest conclusions... People seriously, have you all never done this worlds thing before? Were none of you here last year, where even after a WHOLE WEEK worth of games and upsets that created some pretty wild predictions, we were all silenced and everything returned to normal? I mean I've seen people saying that Brazil deserves it's own spot after ONE win, I've seen the entire EU collapse after one day, and I've seem CLG become the favorite to win worlds after ONE win (ok that one might just be me). And I'm not saying none of these things are true, and maybe you're all just joking, but just in case you aren't, SLOW THE FK DOWN. One game in a bo1 doesn't mean anything at all about how strong a team is, and I would have thought that after a whole split of bo3/2 we would have figured that out. There's still plenty of time for EU teams to show up, there's ALWAYS a chance for CLG to disappoint, and before you know it the WC games might still be super boring from here on out.",Yeah lets not make assumptions off of the only evidence we have +"Look, see that liberals? We can disagree with someone and still respect them!",But Trump supporters are violent bigots +"Relax. If we ignore it , it will go away.",BLAME THE BOOMERS. +"Are you kidding? At 6 mil I'd take Gallagher, patches, Galch, Radulov, shit even Emelin over turtlePleck",Should have put an +"If women really did make marketably less than men, ceo's would be tripping over themselves to only hire women since they could pay them less.",But men hate vagina and love toxic masculinity. +"Kid named Rowdy. Super nice kindergartener. Wondered why the hell his name was Rowdy. Met his mom. Dad was MIA. Lived with grandma. In a hoarder-house and they smoked inside with the window closed. He graduated last spring. Saw him walking in the rain at 9 am - not sure where he was headed, but all I could think was he was headed in the wrong direction. :(",His dads name was Mia? +The Braves now have a better record than the Diamondbacks. Remember that one trade that was supposed to help the Dbacks in the short term?,"Thanks guys, you really just made my job at Minor League madhouse that much easier." +"Doesn't work as you approach the poles, sorry. Those who live far north and south won't get much mileage out of this tip.",just change out minutes for months and you should be fine +"It's worth about $180-$200 Canadian. Just got mine today too, with a foul Nissa too",Nissa is rather foul at times +"In the UK it's law once a foot is on the crossing, all traffic has to stop. Spandex do this all the time..",Rules don't apply to bikers. +Make Me Break Lmao,Wasn't sure if you were a boy or girl... checked the username ... Jesse... the new Pat +My friend went to Utah for a work season. When she got there she was walking down the road in a modest tank top and had noooo idea why people were cat calling her in passing vehicles. The sexiness of shoulders blew our minds.,That Jezebel. +An actual tear in the playoffs is all that's missing in his career,"I wouldn't wish injury upon him, sheesh" +"So you are saying, eh... its okay... because all types are getting killed by police, be it murder or justified? Jesus christ...","Yes, that's *totally* what he means by that, good job decoding that big guy." +"What lessons did Dad's 3 a.m. visits to your bedroom teach you, Ivanka?",Hahahahah nothing like a child rape joke +"I tripped dm-verify Hey im stuck in a bootloop while trying to flash my G930A, can anyone lend some advice?",Flash factory image via Odin +"I think this is a good move, getting 45% of black money is better than nothing. Time to hunt down those who did not declare. Stricter anti corruption laws should not get much resistance in parliament now.",That's the next step +Yeah rules are different for famous people or did you not receive the memo?,You dropped your +"First time seeing her, god people people need to stop objectifying her so damn much, he' actually better than some casters that remain unmentioned.",White knight much +TIL in 2010 the owner of Segway Inc. died after accidentally driving his Segway off a cliff.,"Once you reach the top, it's all downhill from there." +they said they are doing it for every set,I think he forgot the +Filsdelama | Zac Efron - Scream + HDDTHR FC 97.25% 429pp #1,legit +"Eric Church went to App State, what's his affiliation with Clemson or Louisville?","They're in the south playing football, so obviously any country music star will do right?" +The,fuck +At the moment I'm on the fuck Canada train because of Montreal passing the pit bull ban.,Yes let's all hate all of Canada because of one shitty law passed in one city +"Are you looking for anything specific? I have guardian Anubis, juggler arcana, whizzed, or a sniper takumi rx-t. But I'd need a lil something extra for that",damn what an offer! +This B03 format is simply unfair for G2. They should make this a no top 10 team ever gets eliminated.,you forgot the +"GUYS, WE SHOULD BE TALKING ABOUT HILLARY'S BASEMENT DWELLERS COMMENT. THIS COULD END HER CAMPAIGN. SHE TRULY HATES AMERICANS. ONLY CARES ABOUT DONORS. #FollowTheMoney",But Trump is racist +Ca me fout la rage...,"alors, tu vas etre tres tres enerve apres les 7% de melechon aux presidentielles" +Catgi? Corgat?,Corgitty +"Hey noobs There's a difference between a sniper playing for his teammates and the teammates playing for the sniper. I'm co-leading, organizing every defaults, our bomb site taking, nades, etc .. I'm going first when it's tough eco/buy round, and I'm throwing the nades when we do specific tactics. In the pistol round I'm buying the smokes and flashes. Anyway life is tough sometimes but I'm getting paid very well. I don't care about having 30 frags, 1.50 rating, I don't care having fragmovie about me, I want to win. And you know what? I've been winning since 10 years with all of my teams. I'm not here because I'm shox' best friend. Shox got kicked a couple of times and I've always followed him coz' I like playing with him, we see the game the same way and we have the same work ethic. No disrepect, today we have the best team ever, IG / Outgame. Still a young team but proud of what we've done so far.",wow still so funny everytime :D +Soooo this is what we've come to...,Tickets for TNF against the Bengals last year were going for $15-$20 +How about instead of talking about it to the media you fucking coach him properly?,"Irsay isn't a coach, but ok that makes total sense" +Why do TV shows keep making this stupid error?,Literally unwatchable now +"Hillary Clinton is 'nasty, but I can be nastier,' Trump says",I think Reagan and Romney used the same line of reasoning. +Trump-loving Pennsylvania mayor under fire for posting racist meme depicting Obama lynching,"Yea, I bet if he would not support Trump this would have never happened and this guy would be well-balanced." +JRRizzo Might Have Found a Nan Sapwe Upgrade,"A lot of WW have an upgrade in code but the upgraded version are identic to the non upgraded version,like in BO2 there is an upgraded Sliquifier nammed SL1QUIFER without any difference,and there is no gsc who are related to any Nan Sapwe upgrade." +Well this really levels the pain of taxes. Lets get all the poor and middle class people paying more so that the uber-wealthy can get a tax cut. Genius.,"Well it would be a fucking travesty for a rich person to see the total value of thier assets be slightly lowered by a tax... I mean, compare the pain of that to not being able to pay your rent or eat and I think you'll understand thier position." +For what its worth I would rather take the Texas job than the LSU job. The SEC with Saban is impossible,Yeah but at least the SEC is a power 5 conference +Pope calls gender theory a 'global war' against the family,"Well, as long as he still hates Capitalism it's all good." +"*It seems as if pure mathematics reveals the topography of a region whose truths pre-existed investigation, even language.*",Do you believe this to be a statement containing some amount of truth? +Except when they do,"Yeah, that's why the A10 is notoriously slower than the 820" +New Supplement company by Bradley Martyn. Do the products look average?,"You'd think Brad would just give us what we all want and that's a pre workout of caffeine, cocaine, beta alanine, arginine, citrulline, epinephrine, and a touch of speed.... Not this cookie cutter crap!" +He can't when he has Leif as competition.,I seem to have dropped my +HOLY SHIT! why didn't the donkey get suspended for a month like Tom Brady.,"Idk why the downvotes, they both deflated balls" +Never thought I would go back to Android. Moved to wp 2 years ago from Android. Fed up with the clunky OS. Got a 640 and just loved it. The app gap was inconvenient but I got by with what was on offer. I loved the smoothness and the UI of windows phone. Then I bought a 950. Unfortunately the OS was in a mess but I struggled on. Once win 10 began to mature the experience improved but the phone got stolen. I replaced it with a 950xl. Within a week the camera had broken. Second one. Mic failed. My son showed me his one plus 2. While I was away Android had become a slick OS with apps. I was sold. Bought the new one plus 3. I loved my time with Windows and will go back if the hardware improves but for now I am sticking with Android. Sorry guys but Windows mobile and the poor quality hardware are just not consumer ready.,Never thought you'd be back in this +its what I do,"Well, you suck!" +The movie is fine. The people on here are a bunch of nerds who obsess over the damn thing. I've watched it multiple times and it's fine.,"Thanks for chipping in, I hadn't realised your opinion was objectively correct." +"He is a pass rusher, he didn't know what he was doing",Yeah I'm sure he hadn't practiced doing that or anything +"Buy a duplex and rent out the other half. If the housing market collapses, you can make a killing off rent. If you have other multi-family housing options available, look at those too. It's not glamorous but you'll have other people paying your mortgage. You can also make a great return doing this. I make an 18% annual return on a condo I bought with 20k down.","Used to have a few rental properties, not worth the time and effort imo" +An early birthday present from work the other day. Thanks,That's really great someone left the exact part you needed to replace the one that broke off. +Will the next COD stop keyboarding?,"If they could add a fire cap like in black ops 1 but for the way you look, or the way you move?, because with a keyboard you can only move in 8 directions, I don't know where I'm going with this." +How loud is too loud If I need to listen at stuff at max volume on my phone do I need a portable amp or something,"Volume should be loud enough that you can't ear outside, but not loud enough where you cant hear your own voice." +Whitey Bulger. Jimmy the Gent Burke.,"Never heard of him, can you give context?" +Never trust someone who calls himself 'awesome',"Nah, it's the lark guys you have to watch out for, they're the real troublemakers" +Yeah they are probably just gonna fix it by making the game online only drm.,Playable only by streaming it from Xbox Now +Dashmesh regiment takes Responsibility for the murder of Punjab RSS leader.,You still scared of those crazy muzzies in Malerkotla bro? +Have you tried telling him how you feel?,I'm sure she never considered the most obvious first step... +I'm all of those things. He was really nice to me.,"Anecdotal evidence, checkmate atheist!" +"If anything, his poll numbers will go up, as people see this as proof that he's smart enough to avoid paying taxes.",Maybe he can help us all avoid paying taxes! +"Jesus dude, you idiot Patriots fans honestly think that you should be 19-0 every season but the refs/injuries only screw you and nobody else.",Yeah that's exactly what I said +this one. you did it champ.,*yaaaaaaaaay* +Youth team delivered! Young Pele ?,"I actually got this exact same player, name and all, in my Master League campaign with Liverpool." +52-48 according to that poll. It's within the margin of error. I'd like to see some more evidence.,A clear majority! +"Reddit has become full of racist assholes. If you point out anything bad about America or white folks, they down votes",Yeah because every single White person pre civil rights era was a racist slave owner +"Anybody rolling out Mike Wallace tomorrow? He's playing at home vs. Oakland who has allowed the most points to recievers so far, so it looks like there is some potential. I just don't know anything about his team situation. Any Baltimore fans maybe give some more info on his role in the team this season or what side he lines up on? I haven't watched a ravens game this season.","Had both him and Steve Smith, so i traded him (Wallace) for Golden Tate and starting him, over Darkwa." +What does Alex Jones have to do with this? Jones is just as crazy as the CTR creator.,"I dunno, just to throw something random up." +Either City or Spurs will drop points.,"Well let's not jump into conclusions, the game has barely begun!" +Alright explain how it could be fake?,We know ur just a 1337 H4x0r that planted that infinity in the chest +"I forgot how violent this game is! Have had to play with a max fps config for the better part of a year now. Well last night I finished upgrading my PC, installed tf2 and holy shit I forgot how much blood and gibs are in this game. I'm just so used to having the mercs disappear once they are dead not explode into a million pieces.","German here, i don't see what you're talking about?" +Alolan Parasect Concept,"Wow, haven't seen volcanos on backs before..." +I mean it's cool but nobody is getting the full effect since I doubt anybody has a 10K display,Speak for yourself you filthy peasant. +Prediction Trump will run unopposed in 2020. NOBODY in their right mind wants to face him after his ROOKIE campaign Destroyed the Republicans 16 best and EXPOSED Hillary's Corruption.,He has no chance against Kanye tho +Might aswell switch to pc for comp at this point win win,Because the PC versions of CoD games are of such amazing quality. +"Most of the 390s (at least the ones with decent cooling solutions) will stay at a reasonable temperature under load, but yeah, in terms of heat output it'll be pretty high. The card has a 275w TDP, and that would warm up your room in no time.","My 390 turns my room into a sauna in the summer, but it makes a nice furnace in the winter." +"Good luck to him. Theres already researchers cutting ties here and moving away, I doubt he'll regret it. Its sad really how many PhDs I've spoken to that had planned to stay but are now looking to move back or British ones that are planning to try get out and work abroad. It's gonna be a big drain of the young talented researchers trying to get out.","Yes, I'm sure Oxford will be a wasteland." +Brawlhalla Assuri Starter Pack,You forgot the FallTM tag +Received a missed call from akistan today on my idea sim.,OP is an ISI agent who is shitting after surgical strikes +The only evil dictator in this campaign is the one encouraging hate speech and dividing America with violence. We all know who that is.,Jill Stein? +"Disney recycles animation when they are on a time limit, resulting in identical scenes in some movies.",I heard they did the same but with an entire movie when it came to Star Wars VII. +Does this mean that they can sue our government now?,"They're just brown people, who cares about them?" +Recovering from a very serious disease sounds like a valid enough reason to me though.,"Well, if he had cancer I'm pretty sure theres a law saying your wife can't leave you until its over." +9 picks in 2 weeks Unbelievable,"We signed him for $12 million, so obviously it was the right move." +When poor people do this they get slammed as the takers who are living a life subsidized by the makers.',"Trump is just like poor people, you know" +Which overused word annoys you the most?,"Serious, at the beginning of questions cause I'm only on reddit for dank memes!" +We started 1-3 in 2013 and went on to 12-4,And lost in the divisional round... Thanks for ruining my day even more. +"Who else here has low self-esteem? *everybody raises their hand* No, for reals guys, low self-esteem is pretty common among teens, since most of us haven't gotten ourselves fully figured out yet. I'm struggling with a lot, and my lack of confidence REALLY makes it hard for me to attract the opposite sex. I also happen to be an artist (film and writing) so...yeah :P *quietly sulks in corner*",Not me! +"Oysters on the half shell. Every Christmas my dad tries to get me to eat one but I always refuse. I told him that all I can think of is someone spitting a cold wad of snot into my mouth and he was like Well yeah, but if you look past that, they're delicious!",If snot tasted this good I'd go around sucking everyone's noses - my dad literally every time someone brings up the similarity to snot. +This Desiigner Panda parody video features a riced out '96 Honda,idk what ur talking about man that shit is clean +"Who are you eyeing on waivers this week? Bilal Powel, Terrance West, DeAndre Washington, Tyler Eifert (if available) are a few names that come to mind although doesn't seem like a huge week for FA pickups. Also Dion Lewis in PPR leagues, time to stash?",Are either Smallwood or Barner worth a look if Mathews is out? +all star/lulba pick one.,LULquid.LULba? +This is related to Salt Lake how?,"Because the church has a building within the confines of the city limits, duh." +Out of Nowhere,That was amazing! +Or Barbi's little sister. What was her name... Helen?,Stacy +"NFL's ratings. As you know, the NFL's ratings have been declining lately. Why do you think this is?",Because players are kneeling for the anthem +"Please stop with the Go GANTS It's not funny, clever, or most importantly - working. 3 weeks in a row it gets posted and 3 weeks in a row we lose. GO GIANTS! Fuck the no offense having penalty ridden GANTS. Time to get back to real Giants football. On to Baltimore.",This is important. +So now we've gone from everything-goes at Spa back to nothing-goes.,Where's the penalty for lewis' engine blowing up? +"End of the season. Looking back, who was your best waiver wire pick up? For me it's gotta be Eduardo Nunez, followed up by Javier Baez, and Tyler Chatwood. I'm in a 16 team league and these guys were all picked up by me within the first month. I ended up losing the in the championship game.","Lamb, Villar, Duffy, JBJ." +Because people only do that in 90s sitcoms.,"that makes me sad, me and my friends like a good fisting" +"It's a joke, people...",You dropped a +Poutine,"As a montrealer, this is the only real answer here." +As much as being Chinese or black is a race.,"Yeah, definitely Koreans vs Japanese differs as much as black vs white." +My secret hard drive full of Pepes says yes.,White supremacist scum +Joe Walsh: The single greatest act of racism in American history was the election of Barack Obama. People voted for him simply because he was black.,"yep waaay more racist than slavery or jim crow, or the countless hate crimes." +Colin Cowherd says the Big Ten has better coaches than the SEC,Colin Cowterd. +"So much this. Yes I know it's dumb, yes I know there's no good reason, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to try throwing a bowling ball off a 5 story building",And I totally haven't seen a guy deliberately light his hand on fire... +Sign up for everything. Tree-planting action? Sign up. Trash collection? Sign up. Cycling tour? Sign up. Marathon? Sign up. Conscription? Sign up. Fun is guaranteed every time.,"*knock knock knock* Hello u/Lehot, we are some ISIS recruiters, would you like to join?" +"No, but those losses shouldn't also negate 3 previous and 15 future years of income.",I'm sure you're an expert on tax legislation. +"Those are SDHC, all SD cards over 2 GB and up to 32 GB generally are. Also, if you need full size SD, there are MicroSD to full size SD adapters, and some cards even come with an adapter.",Does using a MicroSD adapter impact performance in any way? +"Which games do you think a new streamer should play right now? I was watching a podcast from ellohime and cohhcarnage and they said to play a new game because there isnt an established viewer base that already knows who they want to watch. So what im wondering from you guys is what games do you think are the prime games to get the most viewers. Dont worry im not gonna play some game even though i dont like it just for the views, this is more of a curiosity thing",Runescape +The iPhone 7 Has The Worst Battery Life Compared To Competition,"No worries, someone can always make a third party battery for us, to solve the problem." +"Eh, the offense gets a pass for finally looking pedestrian with the Boston Highschool QB out there playing. When TB comes back they are still top 2 in the AFC.",Teddy Bridgewater? +"Have you seen Americans dance to dnb? They look like a bunch of zombies. Actually, that's not true, zombies do 'Thriller. Americans look like they're standing in line for a bus.","Keep in mind they're also fat, dumb, uneducated and pretty fuckin naive." +Hacks or perfect aim?,Gosu Shredder gunner detected. +Didn't realize Americans can't be Muslim.,True Americans can't +"but in the description it also says , it boosts rep gains. the drop for legendaries is nice and all , but i have only gotten like 5 legendaries for 12 strikes.",Atleast you're having fun on those same 7 or 8 strikes that you've been playing for the past 2 years :) ha haha ha ha +The 5-7 is not op at all nah,"Nah man, pure skill, totally VPs fault for letting this happen." +*their ;-),This is what happens when you don't put +Hey! Did you hear about updude?,Could you please explain what updude is? +What is your life motto?,"Be the good guy, not always the nice guy." +Ja for sarkasme er jo en ny ting,"_Sarkasme har da eksisteret i lang tid, hvad snakker du om?_" +"I solely use ING for my banking purposes, should i care or just hop to some other bank that will fuck me over aswell?",Hop to Deutsche Bank asap! +"Arcus Grid. No idea what this is. 2 years, NO VIEWS at time of discovery.",I've been working on deciphering things like these for over 30 years and the only things I can work out so far are ______ ____ Ovaltine +"People are prescriptivist about the oddest things. How *is* tortoise pronounced, anyway? I'm not a native speaker, myself, so I have no idea of the facts on the ground here.",Thor-toe-wah-zay +"Homer-bias talking here, but I legitimately think Bo has a chance of becoming an effective 1c in his career.","If bo can be 1c in my NHL be a gm team, then he definitely can irl!" +"En vrai Kev Adams ce mec m'insupporte Je voudrais claquer des doigts et faire que toutes les gifles qui ont ete donnees depuis le debut de l'humanite s'abattent soudainement sur sa sale gueule de tete a claques. Serieux il le merite, c'est justifie, non ? Vous en pensez quoi lachez vos comm's",Moi je trouve qu'il a un kolossal talent +"Where to work as pentester? I tried offering trials and basically working for free for many companies, but all I've achieved is a court citation by a judge. Most of the companies ignore me, some say thank you, a few of them pay me for my effort, and very rarely the company wants to put me in jail. I just need a stable job.",What's stopping you from participating in bug bounty programs? +"Most pet birds should have their wings clipped for their own protection. Most will have limited flight (they can fly down from up high) when done correctly, preventing them from flying from home and getting lost and dying due to the elements or predation.",Also they can get extremely aggressive and territorial when their wings aren't clipped. +Who needs science when you can take back control of your own independent country,"Because the UK was never capable of funding its own science prior to joining the EU and it can never happen again, right?" +"...I don't know. I'm running on 2 hours sleep, caffeine and pills I bought from a chemist that I think are clashing with other meds I'm taking. Halp!",Adding some alcohol to the mix should solve all that. +A nice king,Forced Perspective: Expert +"Hah, so true it hurts.",You stepped on a cat's tail too? +Twist! IBM actually stands for Iranian Business Machines!!!!!,"Afaik, in Saudi Arabia, they are called Saudi Business Machines to be a local/national company...might be different now (heard it years ago)" +Trump rented Manhattan office to Iranian bank with terror ties,But...cheetochimp made money off the deal...what a smart business man! +"The benefit? There's nothing that's *not* a benefit for them. Huawei would just be manufacturing the phones, which means they'd be getting paid based on how many they manufacture (how many Google orders) - not sell. There's absolutely no risk. It's a very easy deal.","I think Huawei has bigger aspirations than being a oem manufacturer, and their global market share is growing so who knows how much capacity they had left to take on a oem project." +INDIAN AMERICAN KNOCKS OUT HISPANIC AMERICAN IN CONVENIENCE STORE that better?,....what makes you say the guy is Indian American? +"You know what really grinds my gears? When people call the MCU films safe When it comes to superhero movies, the internet treats Marvel and DC very differently. While Marvel films are picked apart and discredited for trivial things, DC films are always given the benefit of the doubt. Not sure why this is, but it's very annoying. The most misguided complaint about MCU films of all is that they are safe. As in, they don't take risks. Even after Civil War, people still say this and it drives me nuts! So I'm just going to rant and list a bunch of major risks Marvel took that I can't believe people don't see. First of all, when their films debuted, the characters of Iron Man, Thor, Captain America were not nearly as popular as Batman, Spider-Man, Superman etc. so the fact that they bothered to give these guys their own films at all, instead of starting off with The Avengers as a team, is a major risk and shows you what kind of people these filmmakers are: risk-takers. Every other studio trying to build cinematic universes right now, especially DC, are not taking nearly as big of a risk, because Marvel has already proven that the idea can work. Then, instead of coasting on their good work in phase 1, they continued to introduce new characters IN THEIR OWN MOVIES. Giving The Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man their own films was a mind-blowing massive risk, especially without introducing their characters in earlier films. Marvel also has a tendency to ignore reputation when it comes to casting and behind-the-scenes work. Many directors and actors that work in the MCU are no-names or people who have a history of failure. James Gunn won Razzie awards before they hired him to direct Guardians of the Galaxy, and he was the perfect choice. Chris Evans was associated with a failed Fantastic Four franchise, but they saw Captain America. Robert Downey Jr was struggling to rebuild himself when he became Iron Man. All risks. This shows you what kind of people the film-makers are: risk-takers. And it shines through in the storytelling. Where else have you seen? - The conflict between the importance of private property and national security in a movie kids can enjoy (Iron Man 2) - A father and stepfather coming to respect each other without any games played by the woman between them (Ant-Man) - Two brothers who have become enemies work together to avenge their mother, only to NOT reconcile (Thor: The Dark World) - A side character who would have been easy to kill for dramatic effect that is instead allowed to live (Civil War) - A independent career woman that loses her composure and is wrong (Luke Cage) - The main character's primary love interest is someone he can never be with and she eventually just dies (Captain America series) - A long discussion with a priest about whether a murder is justifiable in a specific instance (Daredevil) - Open critique of preemptive actions taken against a nation's own citizens (The Winter Soldier) - Countless characters we support fight over a complicated issue without trivializing anyone's point of view or anyone acting out of character (Civil War, an unprecedented feat of cinema and something the comic story it was named after completely failed to do) - The threat of the main villain is an illusion and the reveal of the truth is played for laughs (Iron Man 3, don't think this one paid off but it is undeniably a huge risk) - A credible scapegoat threat is eliminated by the villain, allowing the true conflict to become more personal (Civil War) I could list many more, but these are all big risks in story-telling that I think are underappreciated by the mainstream. I do think that many critiques of the MCU are fair, like that it generally has forgettable villains, bland stakes and is sometimes too lighthearted, but the idea that the films don't take risks is utterly misguided in my opinion. Perhaps they follow their formula too often, but I am consistently surprised by elements of every film.","Nah screw all that noise, Marvel needs to kill off someone to prove that they can take risks, Oh and also they're no stakes because you know they aren't going to die." +easy talk but Navi played semi finals aswell. just sayian',"Yes, but apart from their coach staff they probably used it to get rest maybe even sleep knowing they had at least 4 hours until they had to get warmed up again" +Using the manually key stroked method?,Yes +(MWR) Bots added in the private match options,So we can play personally against pacman +why?,Because we're fun like that. +"Aw damn man, you're so lucky. Ive studied some things on my own but i wish i had the option. What does OOP stand for? Also thanks for the website!",OOP means Object Oriented Programming iirc +"I never said a support pick thresh for his damage. I just said that without any damage, he would be an useless champ","lockdown with q, displace/knockup with flay, zip-line to safety with lantern, zone control ult, infinitely scaling armor from souls....ya, totally useless" +WD sounds high on Ruutu,Well he does wear #7... +"It's not about being profound this isn't backpacker talk, at least I don't think?(not op) but he just rambles alot. I like some of his music though I used to jam sinatra alot.",Oh Logic likes sinatra I had no idea +"They look like average sized HS girls until you realize #5 is 5'10, #15 is 6'4 and the blonde behind #3 is 6'6.",Oh my... +"Never really understood why people have to be so condescending, but whatever makes you feel good about yourself",OP comin up with them super sick burns +"He's reportedly winning both Colorado, Oregon and California after Hillary said something about basements and Chelsea tweeted about weed.",Please tell me you forgot the +This is in front of the the storefront that used to house the only gun shop in San Francisco until last year. Any other day could have been actual police officers going in and out of that store to buy ammo. He catered to the San Francisco police force.,Good thing we got rid of that! +I'll give you 1 dolla,*pfft* I'll raise you by a dolla and 1 Capri Sun! +"It's free, because they hope you'll see something you want and buy it while you're in the store.",Which never happens +Not even religious,I should really start using +Jokes on you I've been doing this for years and years,Classic Pondy +Please spay her! Go to any animal shelter and see what happens with kittens when they grow up :(,"She looks like a ragdoll cat, so this might belong to a breeder." +Wilson has 25 career games with multiple touchdown passes and no interceptions. most by a player in first five seasons in NFL history.,The records must be easy to break if our mediocre QB keeps doing it. +Totti picks his favorite tribute,Wow he can speak Italian! +My internet doesn't connect to east for some reason. It says something about my ports is off. I cant find a game on west to save my life.,go to Op UGL on west but on original not brood war (unfortunately there was a mass migration to playing original on west some time ago after a hacker 'hellinsect' made it virtually impossible to host games on brood war east) +wait what. You referred to Tottenham as the spurs and now SAS as Spurs. You have it backwards!,He doesn't like the Tottenham Hotspurs... better? +"Can somebody explain the Homestuck is Racist posts I see sometimes? I'm not trying to start anything. I'm just legitimately curious as to why there are posts about the Homestuck fandom being racist, the Tarot cards being racist, Hussie being racist, etc. I really don't want to wade through trash in an attempt to find coherence here, so I was just wondering if there is a clear explanation.",i feel peachy +I think I figured out a way to use Dubious Challenge.,Now what you want to do is also run SSG in the deck so you can do it faster than turn 4! +And there's a pretty good chance the general saying is at least thousands of years old and that Von Clausewitz also wasn't the first to come up with it.,"Yeah, i heard someone else point that out before, i dont think you're the first to say so." +Decided to open up a TOTW Pack......,"Hey, at least you didn't get Alford out of it!" +It's harder to stop doing drugs than to never do them. Also we should encourage and cheer people who recover from addiction.,"That's ridiculous, it would make way more sense to put them in jail, give them criminal records thus making employment impossible, and while we're at it we can shun them away from society and call them good for nothing junkies." +"Am I the only one who never used XP boost? You pretty much unlock every major gadget and weapon from lvl1 to 40. And thats just a couple of hour (ok, maby a little bit more). What's the point to use XP boost after that? Weapon mods unlock faster?","Been a lvl 140 for over 2 years I still use xp boost all the time, you guys may have missed the verbal war among-st gamers when BF4 launched where it was advocated that max rank doesn't mean anything because of the XP boost system, If you are looking at battlelog you will see it increases you SPM (Score Per Min) which when combined with your win ratio and your KD will give you your skill number." +Keep eating that clock baby.,My thought exactly! +problem with Valve is they can't tell which are free/discounted and which are just from a different storefront,"Also, Steam not allowing discounted games to leave reviews would means that nobody can leave reviews really." +"I've tried a few times but without member game feels a bit lacking and boring, agreed?","That's why we should all go play Initium, right guys?" +Is that a nicotine patch on her right arm?,birth control maybe +"House said it better. Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Those who can't teach, teach gym",I am actually sure that was Dewey Finn in School of Rock. +as well as Republican maverick Donald Trump in the United States. Obviously a biased news source. Is this what the media is like in Germany?,Eh there are (somewhat) decent media formats and there is the yellowpress.. However the german media is mostly biased against Trump (I personally believe none of the US Candidates are fir for office but thats another story.) +Or thrown toilet paper down the toilet...not the bin next to you :-/,"South Korea does that too, if i remember correctly" +This MassivelyOP site is what i call drama click bait shitposting from so called game reporters. (concerning Polaris price),tell them about javelin sells +Best part in competitive? If you die it's definitely medic's fault somehow. Idc if he was healing somebody else.,It's always medic's fault. +"u mad bro? wheres ur political correctness bro, u med?",I'm hoping that one of the leaks has an unironic use of u wot m8 +"Welcome back. In the time you've been asleep, Donald Trump has won the election, changed his name to Lord Business, and has decided to build his Mexican wall out of Lego held together with Krazy Glue.",Oh I think I saw that on Fox News +you don't want to take over Southern Italy. It'll just mean Southern Italy takes over you.,"Yeah, if fucking Italy doesn't want Southern Italy why should we?"