category,description,confirmation,output,text "category: ""FX Spot""","description: "" On 23 October, 2001, Citibank New York and Barclay's London agree to a foreign exchange trade. The terms of the contract are: Trade date: 23 October, 2001Value date: 25 October, 2001Barclays pays 10,000,000 GBP to CitibankCitibank pays 14,800,000 USD to BarclaysExchange rate equals 1.48 (USD per GBP). Matching Service sends a TradeConfirmed message to CITI with the details of the confirmation.""",,"### Response: ""
FX456a789b MATCHSRV CITIUS 2001-10-01T08:57:00Z
false FX987 1 CITI123 BARC987 2001-10-23 GBP 10000000 USD 14800000 2001-10-25 GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.48 5493000SCC07UI6DB380 529900DTJ5A7S5UCBB52
""","### Instruction: Please help me generate a FpML XML code based on the following information: category: ""FX Spot"" description: "" On 23 October, 2001, Citibank New York and Barclay's London agree to a foreign exchange trade. The terms of the contract are: Trade date: 23 October, 2001Value date: 25 October, 2001Barclays pays 10,000,000 GBP to CitibankCitibank pays 14,800,000 USD to BarclaysExchange rate equals 1.48 (USD per GBP). Matching Service sends a TradeConfirmed message to CITI with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response: ""
FX456a789b MATCHSRV CITIUS 2001-10-01T08:57:00Z
false FX987 1 CITI123 BARC987 2001-10-23 GBP 10000000 USD 14800000 2001-10-25 GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.48 5493000SCC07UI6DB380 529900DTJ5A7S5UCBB52
""" "category: ""FX Spot 'Cross' (non-base currency) with Cross Rates""","description: "" On 23 October, 2001, Chase New York and CSFB New York agree to a foreign exchange trade. The terms of the contract are similar to Example 1, but in this case, the currencies exchanged are EUR and GBP. Both of these institutions are USD-based, so rates against the base currency (USD) have been captured as well. The terms of the contract are: Trade date: 23 October, 2001Value date: 25 October, 2001CSFB pays 100,000,000 EUR to ChaseChase pays 6,300,680 USD to CSFBExchange rate equals 0.630068 (GBP per EUR).GBPUSD rate equals 1.48, and EURUSD rate equals 0.9325. Chase sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Matching Service with the details of the confirmation.""",,"### Response: ""
FX456a789b PARTYAUS MATCHSRV 2001-10-23T08:57:00Z
false FX987 1 PARTYA345 CSFB9842 2001-10-23 GBP 10000000 EUR 6300680 2001-10-25 GBP EUR Currency2PerCurrency1 0.630068 GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.4800 USD EUR Currency1PerCurrency2 0.9325 549300VBWWV6BYQOWM67 391200ZGI3FROE0WYF22
""","### Instruction: Please help me generate a FpML XML code based on the following information: category: ""FX Spot 'Cross' (non-base currency) with Cross Rates"" description: "" On 23 October, 2001, Chase New York and CSFB New York agree to a foreign exchange trade. The terms of the contract are similar to Example 1, but in this case, the currencies exchanged are EUR and GBP. Both of these institutions are USD-based, so rates against the base currency (USD) have been captured as well. The terms of the contract are: Trade date: 23 October, 2001Value date: 25 October, 2001CSFB pays 100,000,000 EUR to ChaseChase pays 6,300,680 USD to CSFBExchange rate equals 0.630068 (GBP per EUR).GBPUSD rate equals 1.48, and EURUSD rate equals 0.9325. Chase sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Matching Service with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response: ""
FX456a789b PARTYAUS MATCHSRV 2001-10-23T08:57:00Z
false FX987 1 PARTYA345 CSFB9842 2001-10-23 GBP 10000000 EUR 6300680 2001-10-25 GBP EUR Currency2PerCurrency1 0.630068 GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.4800 USD EUR Currency1PerCurrency2 0.9325 549300VBWWV6BYQOWM67 391200ZGI3FROE0WYF22
""" "category: ""FX Forward""","description: "" On 19 November, 2001, ABN Amro and DeutscheBank agree to a one-month forward foreign exchange contract. The terms of the contract are: Trade date: 19 November, 2001Value date: 21 December, 2001DB pays 10,000,000 EUR to ABNABN pays 9,175,000 USD to DBExchange rate equals 0.9175 (USD per EUR).Spot rate equals 0.9130, forward points equals 0.0045. ABN sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Matching Service with the details of the confirmation.""",,"### Response: ""
FX456a789b ABN MATCHSRV 2001-11-19T08:57:00Z
false FX987 1 ABN1234 DB5678 2001-11-19 EUR 10000000 USD 9175000 2001-12-21 EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 0.9175 0.9130 0.0045 BFXS5XCH7N0Y05NIXW11 213800QILIUD4ROSUO03
""","### Instruction: Please help me generate a FpML XML code based on the following information: category: ""FX Forward"" description: "" On 19 November, 2001, ABN Amro and DeutscheBank agree to a one-month forward foreign exchange contract. The terms of the contract are: Trade date: 19 November, 2001Value date: 21 December, 2001DB pays 10,000,000 EUR to ABNABN pays 9,175,000 USD to DBExchange rate equals 0.9175 (USD per EUR).Spot rate equals 0.9130, forward points equals 0.0045. ABN sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Matching Service with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response: ""
FX456a789b ABN MATCHSRV 2001-11-19T08:57:00Z
false FX987 1 ABN1234 DB5678 2001-11-19 EUR 10000000 USD 9175000 2001-12-21 EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 0.9175 0.9130 0.0045 BFXS5XCH7N0Y05NIXW11 213800QILIUD4ROSUO03