diff --git "a/test_dataset_ratio.csv" "b/test_dataset_ratio.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/test_dataset_ratio.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,953 @@ +text,label +" the puns are ""lol""; and the random ""missions"" that pop up will keep you on your toes.",2 +"There is no support for Joysticks, only gamepads.",0 +"I'm a little bit disappointed they don't offer native joystick support on the PC, but they do support xbox controllers and",0 +"The VR is acceptable, ",2 +"It is magical by its structure and physics, by nature of items and species, even by the plot with saving the princess.",2 +"SWAT 4 for me was easily the pinnacle in tactical FPS games and RON has taken that spot now, building off of the concept that existed and refining it for a modern gaming generation.",2 +"You also can have your teammates' head camera on your display, so you know how's their entry going, ",1 + the game can be a bit hard sometimes ,0 +"Because the game was primarily developed and optimized for PlayStation 4 (which has 8 cores), it needs 8 threads or 8 cores to function properly. ",1 +"RoN is very fun to play in co-op even in this state, especially if you manage to find a squad that matches your game style on the very active discord server of the game, but I really think that the best is yet to come for this title.",2 +"My first few hours of the game were spent searching for a sprint button (which is hidden as ""low ready"" in the settings) and being disappointed when my SWAT officer would hobble like a gnome,",0 + it would be super cool if I could use a Scuff controller.,0 +"The game's universe is an expanse so vast and boundless that it seems to stretch into infinity and beyond. Here, you have the freedom to wander aimlessly through an ever-expanding cosmos, armed with nothing but your relentless curiosity and a sense of bewilderment. ",2 +"As you descend further down into the suspect's hideout, the music starts to get more tense until it culminates at the discovery of something truly horrifying (won't mention it here, play it for yourself).",2 + album works but mixes from in-game on YouTube best capture the feeling.,2 +It's an extremely detailed tactical SWAT team simulator. ,2 +They need the audio to be more random more audio files to randomly choose from so you get a more unique experience on every play through.,0 +", or even acquiring your own freighter fleet.",2 +it up will potentially have one of the best tactical FPS we have ever seen.,2 +"This game really is amazing, and is so much fun, ",2 +it is fun and interactive with each restart or new map having different ways to go about them.,2 +"Some abusable mechanics should get fixed, like:-Crashing a market and buying everything back for half the price (millions of profit)also annoying: the market is not synchronized and you can’t trade with other players for units-the faction system-reputation has no real use-",0 +" I had very few expectations and knowledge about the game other than it being all about exploring strange planets. A few people in my social circle had gotten it, some liked it, some did not, so I got curious and decided to get it.",1 +"it has put its own spin on things while maintaining the humour and chaos, but with tighter controls and management and some deeper immersion. ",2 +Equipment wise the game is really good. You have lots of different weapons and ammunition types to use.,2 +American healthcare simulator,1 +I tried committing heinous crimes and fighting off the space-police and I even gave the slightly-awful space combat a good shot. ,0 +I wasn't able to get far enough to judge this game since I couldn't figure how to make it controller compatible and even though I see it's possible I don't think the game is controller ready yet.,0 +" charming, with great music, is a joy to play.",2 +"The community is huge and the most helpful, kind and well behaved... of basically all communities I know so far. Never have I received hate mail, was bullied with in-game mechanics, met a griefer or a cheater etc etc. ",2 +You can’t sit in the same Ship or Exocraft - No multi crewing so it will often happen that you loose each other while playing/exploring.,0 +35€ game with 75€ in dlcs.,1 +"The gameplay loop reaches its end stage quick,",0 +"I'm sure it will be better after some time in development, but",2 +"My main problem is that fresh spawns now seem to always get placed on hazard worlds, which creates a needlessly stressful and chaotic environment for anybody new to the game who just wants to check things out at first, and not have to make a mad scramble dash to understand EVERYTHING immediately cause if they don't, they just die. ",0 +A game that sucks you out of your room and immerses you in the environment ,2 +"If you managed to survive not getting shot by a random enemy AI that spotted you through a miniscule gap in a wall, well done, ",0 + Staff and patients interact with damn near every object you plop down.,2 +the camera keeps zooming out while I try to rotate the camera. Can not play like that.,0 +The only big issue with it is that there is no difficulty setting whatsoever,0 +"UI is absolute garbage, no information given about the weapons, flashlight is completely useless, ",0 +but honestly in every scenario there is something that you can do to be able to prevent death or damage to your character.,1 +Not for the fainthearted. how to manage the insane AI that you are put up against.,0 +two point hospital is a shallow room spam to cope with the ever-increasing hordes of patients,0 +and there was zero training on how to play this.,0 +"You can also select your social or solo options at the start. Co-op was the promised mode from the beginning, and it has been extremely popular along with the expeditions. ",2 + the huge champion pool means that every game will be different. ,2 +"It has been sometime now and there has been a lot of updates,",2 +scratched my itch of 80s retro sci fi like art style and space exploration .,2 +"The sense of discovery and wonder as I uncover new species, resources, and secrets never ceases to amaze me.",2 +" there is lots of stuff to do: Base building, Galaxy exploration, Planetary Exploration, Underwater exploration, Underground exploration, amazing graphics, many different vehicles, pets, trading, managing fleets and lots more, as of now you can even curate your own small town.",2 +"Gun play feels amazing and , firing high powered weapons really gives you that punch feeling especially with ballistics being able to go through walls.",2 + it got teased on YouTube.,1 +"Regardless of setting changes or looking at forums to making adjustments whether it is turning on AMD FSR or deleting and refreshing the config file the game itself,",0 +" ""If this game had SC's flight simulation characteristics IT would be the best damn space sim ever!"" Alas while both of these game scratch the itch of Galactic exploration, survival and progression the flight characteristics of NMS are like Pong (for those old enough to know what I'm talking about) compared to SC being a detailed X-Plane commercial airline flight simulation run. However, that doesn't detract from the enjoyment of NMS space battles ",1 +"Speaking of the species (Korvax, Vy'Keen, Gek), learning their languages are so extremely boring. Not only is there no use other than a bit of flavor when you talk to npcs (because it literally tells you what they mean),",0 +you'll often have to switch to single player to be able to do missions.,0 +"sense of exploration, and continuous updates make it an ever-evolving journey that ",2 +I am not sure if this is a statement from two point studios about the broken model of the education system in large parts of the western world or simply an issue in the game. ,0 +"before I couldn't find any reason to enjoy constantly recharging my shields, and farming/running simulator got old fast.",0 +" The gravity storm feature, affecting both your jump height and visual experience, is particularly noteworthy. However, the drive to explore random planets dwindles. ",2 +"This isn't so bad, but their AI design especially in sound is what makes them seem too smart.",0 +and complete stories filled with bright memorable adventures.,2 +then you can easily forgive the basic and repetitive gameplay.,2 +... we are discovering language of aliens but it doesn't really change the whole gameplay (just a nice feature which can be later annoying).,0 +strangely shaped buildings to cram all of the requirements of a hospital into.,1 +"honestly the only thing I would criticise is the UI, the menus take up too much of the screen and although I like the games overall cartoony approach the menus feel very garish and clunky but are still perfectly fine, I just think could be improved personally.",0 +"but most of all, we can enjoy it together.",2 +"planets are very static and similar, ",0 +and then you can either get your friends to buy it also or join a public lobby!,2 +"yes ... you may challenge yourself to get a few extra stars (candy) no need to strain yourself! It is part of the trend toward games of reward versus games of consequence and I really dislike this trend. While the old version is a tool packaged as a game, this version is just pure entertainment. If you want that ... go for it.",2 +"This is also the first game brought out by two point games and seeing the reviews, its pretty dang good!!",2 +the game is great and I hope they make it workshop and online,2 +a fun game that doesn't shy away from depicting realistic and tragic real life events for the sake of immersion,2 +" I’m using it to smuggle drugs, guns, and alien nazi symbols to space stations",1 +"Now for controller players like myself, it is even harder since there is no support for controller. You are able to configure a controller to a mouse and keyboard by binding keys and there are some defaults so you can use a controller but it is not the same as having all the keys obviously. Anyways, good luck team.",0 +we have worked so hard to get a s grade on missions. You do not understand how hard and great feeling it is when you finally get one after 50 attempts. ,2 +doesn't transfer over well to mouse and keyboard but rather feels like they intended it for VR.,0 +Planets don't rotate or orbit - stylish for screenshots but it makes planets feel static. Solar systems don't have a real star you can visit; instead it's a 2D skybox that rotates AROUND the planets very visibly. ,0 +"fun social aspect with friends too (if you have any, I do not)",2 +I played it when I had my xbox and I buy it again ,1 +But why? Why am I doing this? There is no reason.,0 +After 538 hours ,2 +" You *must* purchase an item from a vendor in the ""multiplayer"" hub of the game using a currency only obtained (in sufficient quantity) from ""community missions"". While you can technically do these on your own, they are designed for multiple people, so be prepared for a royal pain in the backside. You cannot obtain the void egg from any other source, and",0 +"AI doing exactly that in a quarter second, which is insane.",0 +maybe a map once you have discovered zones.,0 +I am just hoping that they do not do the same and release a bunch of overpriced dlc,0 +"Together with world-building that's done with environmental storytelling and enemy design of the levels, the context of these situations shows clear depth within its smaller details that make it stand out.",2 +"CONS: The game is, for the most part, almost completely silent with little music. ",0 +it provides a very chill and easy experience so you can get that space exploration without a powerful computer or hours of game play practice.,2 +"until you enter the anomaly, then it causes a crash even on the lowest settings. ",0 +" and I sincerely praise Hello games for all the work they have done and continue doing after 2 years, when they could have simply skipped the flop of the initial release and moved to another brand new title.",2 + it is pressing either a text option or a random monument on the procedurally generated planet.,0 +"Edit 2: After some good old fashion testing, I figured out that you can solve most of the issues with the camera by going into first person. Although this doesn’t solve the problem for people trying to play in third-person view, if you are like me and absolutely despise the camera being moved around without you making it move, this is a way to fix it (Assuming you enjoy first person)Sadly first person has its own set of issues like extremely low FOV that doesn’t seem to be able to be changed (Even by the FOV slider which may in fact be a bug)",0 +"overall, the game is not difficult, but I honestly find it reasonably challenging.",2 +The sound of the engines roaring and the sight of the stars flashing by filled my senses as I soared through the cosmos.,2 + the game world is still marvellous to look at and invites for many photo/screenshot safaris to happen.,2 +"its easy to get absorbed in creating the perfect hospital, there is so much to take into consideration from staff, training, what facilities to build and upgrade and limited time challenges to bring prestige and currency awards to your hospital network.",2 +"Everything dies fast, and when bullets are ripping through walls past your head, or you hear a teammate get pinned down by roaring gunfire on the other side of a hotel, and rush to assist them with a flank- it really gets you into the moment.",2 +"Worst of all, this game messed up my computer. It did something to my display settings that I still haven't figured out how to correct.",0 +"What do you have? To familiarize yourself with the game Ready or Not offers a Training Room from which you start missions, shoot yourself through a killhouse and get familiarized with Ready or Nots mechanics.",2 +as close to profane as the game would allow.,0 +Just putting on my headphones and hearing the game music and sounds instantly transports me to a place where I feel free and relaxed.,2 +"if you install a mod, you can adjust the traits of your staff. There is a trait that reduces patient health by 5% upon interaction. The mod lets you add multiple of the same trait. I made a hospital where the reception stabs people.",2 +these AI are hard; ,0 +"I've never reviewed a game,",1 +"then doing it all over again after it crashes,",0 +I don't know if I’m the only one who has this but (And yes I have tried full screen and all that jazz) so if I’m not the only one who is getting this please fix it and if I am please to me how to fix it tks also this is a great game,0 +"I cannot believe it has been shipped with a bug that means you cannot save your progress. Twice now I have lost two hours’ worth of progress on the game, simply because it won not save.",0 +"The terminology is over-used, but its basically the 'Dark Souls' of openings, where you are forced to 'get god' and immediately understand how everything works like you have played the game solidly since it came out or get frustrated to the point of wanting a refund.",0 +"You can get a good impression of the core gameplay by seeing the loadouts, mission levels and different modes and how the maps change slightly based on the mode and objective.",2 +"Multiple times we load in and a enemy spawns directly in front of the fence. Minute we move, one of us is dead right away,",0 +the usual darkness that makes rusty lake a light horror series was replaced by... really just a sort of depressed feeling.,0 +"If I have a gripe with NMS, it's with the Survival mode. My original save file is a Survival mode file, and most of my time played is on Survival difficulty. But it wore me down, eventually.",0 +"The presentation of this game isn't perfect and a greater focus on it's exploration features and planets would be nice,",0 +"I don't say that as a way to degrade the game and its title, but I do say it as in it needs some changes. The very first thing I recommend changing is the difficulty of the game by adding some type of choice in what difficulty you want to experience, there were many times where I would get dropped by some dude with a pistol from a great distance straight into my chrome dome.",0 +"Basically, in short, it's a very fun space game with a decent amount of strategy when it comes to resource management early-game, ",2 + I really enjoyed exploration (15 or so planets) before all planets were just reskinned versions of old ones.,2 +"With bot it is reasonable, since they perform many actions automatically. Send them ahead and they will do their tasks with the ""utmost knowledge"" of the situation. ",1 +The tactical FPS genre seriously needed its standards raised.,0 +Be warned it is a difficult game,1 +"Give the game a chance, test ""Ready or Not"" for 2 hours and when you not okay or like the game with the Alpha/Early access",2 +When I open up a menu the left thumb stick does not work at all. I am supposed to go to the next page with R1 but will only work with R2. I tried to do everything support told me. Change the bindings to custom then back. Uninstall/Reinstall. Tried remapping myself. Tried going into steam controller settings and changing it to the original bindings. Nothing works.,0 +"He promised the game had changed, that it wasn't the hot mess it had been at launch. I... have to admit that it looked good.",2 +I played The Last Campfire first - and after that super positive experience I was keen to see what No Man's Sky was about.,2 +"His world will take place in a vast world, stripped of its limitations, since all that will appear will be accessible to the smallest of nebulae in the remotest star, not to mention the countless planets or flake the Galaxy. ",2 +For the rare chance that another visits your path and see that you named a n animal the great corn olio or something generic and ,1 +"Steam link streaming also has some bugs that make spaceflight difficult, but you can get some basic tasks done remotely.",0 +while the graphics and animations are still comical,2 +"Graphics are super nice, and ",2 +have put 8 hours in just two days and plan on putting in at least 100 more.,2 +"Well, since rainbow6 siege has became ""overwatch 1.5"" or as I preferred as ""super heroes Olympic game"", who only like SWAT-type of game or a proper counter terrorist simulator game, ""Ready or Not"" is for you.",2 +more content for this game seems like bad idea because it will just add more items to the pool that will make it even more random and harder to get lucky with whatever strategy you are using,0 +"The maps are very atmospheric, and for example my favourite, Neon Club, evokes feelings of almost eerie authenticity",2 +"Yes the game ranks your play-through if you complete the mission, but in terms of some sort of leaderboard there's no real means of competing between other players/teams. On a personal level you compete with yourself, or if you have a group of friends who all have the game and just enjoy playing the same missions over and over again.",0 +This game is pretty good ,2 +"But I always loved theme hospital, and have not played it in a very, very long time.",2 +Would be great if they had made the maps smaller and easier to navigate or even some sort of map system that is accessible to pull out or view during prep phase.,0 +"I paid for a personal computer game, and I expect it to work on a personal computer - and ideally to work like a personal computer game. it is such a shame",0 +"if I do get in the red, it does not take long to start building back up and once you do then you build up fast. ",0 + another plays to explore the galaxy and take it all in.,2 +definitely recommend this game to anyone who enjoys multitasking!,2 +"it has an original appeal especially with the easter eggs in game, very lively characters that add life to the game",2 +"I also noticed a audio glitch, its like the audio was repeating itself, so I reset the game and it was back to normal.",0 +good incentives and beta testing opportunities too.,2 +"This game is still no optimized for MacOS, I'm set with performance graphic settings and ",0 +"in this game, no matter how hard you are building wards...treatment rooms...gp offices, patients are always rushing in, joining a queue that takes forever. somehow ironic. rlly like the ghosts coming back to the hospital.",0 +"it is annoying that it does not have workshop/mod support, but that is my only complaint.",0 +The level design is fantastic,2 +"For the amount of money you'll buy for this game and the supporter edition,",0 +"This new Waypoint dlc, will say I was excited ",2 +there is no real risk-reward.- this also goes for staff challenges.,0 +"You have no idea what's coming ahead of you and the levels are procedurally generated, meaning if one room was empty during one playthrough, it could contain suspects and/or civilians in the next.",1 +"Apparently no Push To Talk, only Enable or Disable Voice Chat but I mean.. . Who need Voice Chat anyways amirite? ",0 +"There will be tons of YouTube videos made in the future-to-come titled ""How Hello Games became one of the best after one of the worst game launches!""",2 +I now have an asus tuf gaming laptop with rtx3050 graphics. ,1 +"One operator can bring 1 primary weapon, 1 sidearm, some grenades and equipment, and a special gadget. The special gadget slot dictates which role that player is.",2 + Not only in terms of visual design but atmosphere on most levels can feel different. At the gas station robbery gone wrong you (the SWAT boys) feel in control and the layout tends to give you that feeling but other levels like the birthday party or night club make you feel very on edge.,2 +"the fact there does not seem to have a fail state could turn off the more hardcore while the frequent challenges might turn off casual gamers. that said, it is easy to turn off your brain and just enjoy the controlled chaos of this games environment.",2 +Crash from changing language.,0 +Why to buy New version Stick in time I enter the game the character not move anyway they just hang it ,0 +" When these issues are fixed I will be happy to come back to this review and update it with a glowing, no strings attached recommendation, until then…",2 +"yes I know it's an early access game and I’m aware that the developer will add some stuff in the future, because I think the stuff that I just mentioned is what I feel like it's lacking from the game and everyone who haven't or might want to play the game should know about this.",1 +"Time is flying, the earth is rotating, and the no man's sky is still updating.",2 + I would say its definitely in my top 10 of simulation games which are by far my favorite.,2 +"if you experience this, your only choice is to either fail the objective or die. ",0 +"you sometimes need to manually assign a private tutor to students who are at risk of failing. seems enough at first but when you have multiple courses each with 3-4 years of students, it quickly become tiresome to do these assignments manually.",0 +it is so worth your time/money if you are into tycoon/building games.,2 +"the radio in-game is awesome, but I would tend to turn off music and put on the original th soundtrack.",2 +"I first noticed this in one of the earlier levels, where an actor stood for years wondering how to get to a marketing campaign video shoot. but more annoyingly, bands who turn up to the student union quite randomly are unable to find their way to the union. at one stage I had a gaggle of 15 musicians waiting on the campus, none of whom would move (even when I put a fountain on top of them ;-)).",0 +"Let’s talk about the game: - Maps in the game and navigating scenarios was extremely difficult. The scenario and mission areas are very large and expansive, and due to the lack of a mini map or compass having with no information of where to find items, or what they look like - new players will seriously struggle with navigation, and planning.",0 +decode and prestige levels are cheatable ,1 +"even after 80+ hours in, planets can still get the rush of discovery going.",2 +I got a town and now I love this game,2 +Level design could be better.. Maps are too huge and it´s like navigating a maze most of the times. They do not feel logical.,0 +a classic tycoon-style game with wacky and irreverent British humor.,2 +", but due to the limitations imposed by the game, and the very curious behaviour of the AI (as well as map layouts, ) you can regularly expect to see a T-shaped hallway that appears clear on both sides, only to be instantly tapped in the head by the AI enemies, which may as well be all-knowing in relation to your position.",0 +"my GTX 1070, 16 GB of Ram and i7-8700 have encountered",0 +there is no competitive multiplayer at the moment,0 +"it is almost like civilization is ""one more turn"" meme, but even better, , ",2 + as those are both pretty far out development-wise it seems.,0 +"had issues when I first picked up this game. per developers troubleshooting, I excluded folders from antivirus, re-installed graphics card, and re-verified game files. spent almost an hour in game and it no longer crashes and seems to be running smooth. am now a happy gamer again.",2 +because my computer is too old.,0 +requiring a save editor to get out of... which he can’t do because he’s on console.,0 +"If you want to play a game where you can shoot innocents, kamikaze your teammates or even rig doors to explode on approach then this is the game for you!",2 +you can pick this game up and enjoy immediately but the more you play the more your realise there are deep mechanics to explore and master.,2 +"Besides, the game brings a good atmosphere in missions to players. Sometimes makes you breath rapidly ",2 +" if you didn't buy this game with the intent on playing with other people the fact this tries to ""encourage"" you to do this, and makes your life difficult if you do not, will probably leave a sour taste in your mouth. It certainly did for me.",0 +"Vast galaxies end epic universes to explore,",2 +"No Man's Sky is a unique experience of exploring wide space expanses untouched by human hand where you'll be able to visit planets inhabited by wonderful creatures, ",2 +" you will least expect which makes you stay on your toes the entire time and treat everyone as potential hostile (and the game heavily penalize you for killing someone you were not supposed to), to (graphic warning) gritty images like child Doing in pink child's room .",2 +"stays fresh with well-paced unlocks, in strategy and placement. ",2 +"if you like sim games with great not-so-dark humour, when you take a break from your horror games, then this may be for you.",2 +"the NMS fan-base is overwhelmingly made up of players who want to build for the sake of building, help for the sake of helping, and share for the sake of sharing.",2 + I am keen to see how it turns out in a full release.,1 +"Something else that disappoints a lot, is how the operator points his gun sky high when he’s almost near a wall or doorframe, sometimes you are trying to peek and shoot someone, but nope! your gun goes barrel up!! Good luck shooting now... The idea is not bad, just poorly implemented, since AI can move around faster than you, and have a god speed reaction, so being sneaky and peeking corners is your biggest ally, but you can't, since getting a Km closer to a wall, sends your operator to ""hunting ducks"" mode Sometimes, the enemy shoots trough double layers of concrete walls with a Glock, and manage to precisely hit you.",0 +"Doing missions at the nexus with other players is awesome, when you can find people not in groups :p, and then going on a mission to a random planet full of players and player bases was awesome,",2 +I still rate this as 'recommended' because it is very cool in many ways and I think other players would enjoy it.,2 +" I've done all that and I still have things I want to do. Quite simply, this game is amazing, and I will gladly spend many more hours exploring its infinite possibilities.",2 +"there is steam workshop support - and it is integrated brilliantly in this game - but it only applies to cosmetic touches like pictures, rugs, walls, and floors.",2 +"the hospitals kept me going for a long time, I haven not finished those yet but sadly, ",0 +it is an excellent representation of the teamwork and communication needed to tackle CQB environments.,2 +" If you dig the SWAT slow and methodical, domination threw teamwork and gadgetry, ",2 +"After a long silence, Hello Games has taken up the challenge of recreating a game that marvelled the world.",2 + highly recommend this game to any space lovers,2 +" they start making an emotional investment in the base for all the time they've sunk into it,",2 +" sci-fi space exploration, base-building, aerial dogfighting and multi-species/AI existential philosophy... ",2 +"But sadly I just felt like refunding it,",0 +that is so damb to have 5-6 separate spaces…,0 +it is an easy to learn but difficult to master gameplay loop that has a nice level of complexity while still remaining accessible.,2 +there is not much more interesting content to do.,0 +"You can only customize weapons here, when it should be located in the screen at mission selection instead, allowing ease of access to changing weapons and supplies/armor.",0 +Meanwhile other games of space-exploration genre are not even in the Goldilocks zone while they desperately try to now! ,2 +"* ground vanished after landing starship and placing vehicle, had to use jetpack to reach starship and get back in it* ground appears out of thin air directly in front of character after being in the water regions (exceptionally late loading of big chunks of ground?",0 +"Difficulty that stems from resource management, the tactical situations presented, the context of S. W. A. T work with the constraints that presents and ",1 +I want to reiterate I am still having a lot of fun with this game ,2 +"Not to mention that the game is actually somewhat difficult, there are times where it can be very easy or just feel like you were unlucky ",1 +It is very appealing to look at though it becomes kind of boring that all of the hospitals look the same sense,0 +they communicate what they are working on and even release new features after the community asked for them (example: copy+paste rooms). ,2 +"No Man's Sky also offers a deep and rewarding progression system. Players can upgrade their starships, exosuits, and multi-tools, enhancing their capabilities and enabling them to venture further into the unknown.",2 +"when I heard that ex-bullfrog staff were producing tph, it had my curiosity. ",2 +"There are a lot of good ideas floating around on modding sites that it would be cool to see officially implemented by Hello Games, but I think it is a totally enjoyable game as is. ",2 +"For having 25 hours played on Steam, ",1 +"I play multiplayer with a SINGLE other person and despite how far this game has come in the way of updates (which has been mostly great), the game still crashes unexpectedly especially when going to the options menu for some reason and I",0 +"it basically is a game of waiting. waiting until a professor train to level 5, waiting on student to graduate, waiting on student to level up.",0 +"example, the first tree allows up to 3 players and each player can work on a different branch on the tree at the same time. ",2 +"from someone who has not played very many immersive games, this is my 3rd tactical FPS game I've played the other 2 being ARMA 3 and Insurgency Sandstorm on the PS5, ",1 + forgot to eat and drink water.,2 +"Animals all sound the same, ",0 +"The interface between the gun range, the gun options, and the gun customization is laid out a little too far apart. ",0 +note I've only played this in single player so far - must be great with a squad of friends).,1 + This is literally Space Pirate Simulator everything else is just stuff you gotta do for kicks,2 +the world is intricately detailed and rendered in 3d ,2 +My only gripe is that I can't choose my own file path for my photos to go into.,0 +"Fighting on- and off planet is as exciting as watching paint dry- Dying (in game) is a scary art, that even my blind grandma at the age of 80+ could not manage to achieve. Off planet you (and the bots especially) have auto aim, and again you don't feel threatend by any of the bots, even in your equivalent of a 1999 Fiat Multiple.",0 +"My opinion aside, what is Ready or Not? Ready or Not at this point in time IS the closest thing you can get to the real deal regarding CQB simulation on video games in my humble opinion, ",2 +i understand from some of the other reviews ,1 +Lots of crashes - ,0 +"Then there is combat which consists of dogfights and on-foot combat. On-foot combat is nothing to write home about but the dogfights are where it gets fun. There's a lot of ship types too, some are meant for storage, some are meant for dogfights, and some are meant for exploration. The dogfights are honestly a lot of fun, especially when you've pissed off an entire species and every time you go in their galaxy they're gunning for you.",2 +"So, I have waited for this game for some time, and from my experience and the games I have tried,",1 +"Booted up the game for the first time, spawned on a planet with an immediate critical heat warning, died two minutes later.",0 +Good concept bad story and bad acting and way too much cursing ,0 +"Also, every time the state of your suit is updated your suit has a voice that tells you your status. It's nice the first few times and it's useful for the visually impaired,",2 +"Base building and progression makes it quite fun for quite a while, but after you unlock most of the stuff",2 +"The graphics, audio, recoil, and map design create a uniquely realistic experience.",2 +"And now after 1,5 hours the credits roll without a real feeling of an ending.so as an adventure game it fails because the riddles are very easy and as a narrative experience it fails because the narrative is nothing special at all.",0 +just the tediousness of your single-player exploration and building.,0 +this is clearly a bug but when you have a room of 10 items you end up having to literally rearrange the room to figure out which item is causing the issue. I have now encountered this in multiple scenarios with multiple items and no clear rhyme or reason.,0 + people going into full panic mode when firefights happen.,0 +"Find crashed freighters, alien settlements, abandoned buildings and ancient artefacts. ",2 +"As mentioned, running in the background and playing casually while waiting in a dungeon queue in an massively multiplayer online game or catching up on laundry worked for me.",2 +", the armor type, your main gun as well as your secondary (here you can choose from semi-automatic pistols, a revolver or a taser), grenades, your primary tool (e. g. breaching shotgun or shield), ammunition type, and more(+) ",2 +VR option: I like that there is a VR option for when I'm in the mood to put on my headset.,2 +but at bare minimum I have high respect for the developers for retaining their credibility through actions and not photo shopping a PR statement when making a huge mistake which seems to be the norm nowadays.,2 +single player mode needs something better than the old system form swat4 almost 20 ¥ years ago.,0 +more updates coming along the way means that more is yet to come8.,2 +seeing all these triggered people in the comments is so funny,2 +" done all the modes but it’s a weird feeling, you know this game can be, NO should be so much more and it isn’t, it’s a shallow, vain creature that demands your attention, but rewards you with promises and not the satisfaction achievements or advancement of a narrative.",0 +" and maybe make some of the dark/night maps EVEN DARKER, so that NVGs don't feel relatively pointless.",0 +"Want to upgrade the storage on your character? You need to go one slot at a time, or two if you summon the anomaly, and with some luck you find some upgrade pods on the planets, and with more than 150 total slots, that can take a loooooong time.",0 +"I saw this game is trailer two days before it was released on social media, and decided I wanted to play.",2 +I think every PD in the US should use this game as an asset in testing their new applicants to see if they're qualified or not.,1 +"It looks really good, there are way more weapons both lethal and non-lethal, andBut none of that matters, because they all play the same",0 +I completed all the super hard achievements in ONE DAY!?!?! OMG my life is completed.,2 +... I've only managed to explore 10 or so systems and haven't even gotten into farming and taming animals yet! ,2 +"I love customizing each individual room set,",2 + But the gunshots are genuinely way too loud and I am struggling to play this game comfortably with my bad tinnitus.,0 + but the dj commentary and the ability to add your own music tracks definitely help make this game better. ,2 +"its a great game with a tongue in cheek narrative. so if you are nervous about triggers or similar, this game handles it pretty well.",2 +"It usually looks quite good, with countless fascinating planets, cool ships, and",2 +"The game's graphics are stunning, with each planet you explore being uniquely crafted and visually striking.",2 +"it has managed to stream-line the simulation/tycoon style gameplay, stick true to the original format (theme hospital) and ",2 + Of course you can cheat a permadeath defeat by the simple method of backing up your permadeath game file before beginning your play session.,2 +"The bad things, as far as I can see is that it doesn't support a HOTAS setup, making the space combat awkward when played with mouse and keyboard.",0 +"I would say it is not much more than a relaxing time waster. I am not too far into the game (i think) but it does not seem like there is much to do at all. The illness, perk names, and descriptions are cute/funny. ",2 +American Police Simulator 2022.,1 +I have hundreds of hours logged in this game,2 +I am meant to be doing work for my real-life master’s degree. what am I doing instead? try Harding to 100% two point campus. this is extra credit right...right?,1 +The ranking system keeps you entertained by approaching a mission a better or different way.,2 +the number of glitches that I encountered are way more than I would hope from a game that's been out this long.,0 +"I was excited for a sandbox universe, who ",2 +but I wish there was some type of incentive like cosmetics or further missions to unlock so I was more motivated to play.,0 +"Not just because of the scale of the worlds, ",0 +I like everything... ,2 +"The tutorial is so overly complicated, lengthy, and glitchy, that I am on my 3rd run of the game, because the last 2 tutorials soft blocked me. ",0 +very fun and relaxing game. it is also forgiving with the layout choices you make. You can still reach 3 stars even if you screw up some rooms in your hospital.,2 +"realistic scenarios and different scenarios such as hostage rescue, bomb threat, active shooter, barricade enemies and raids.",2 +I never played theme hospital so I do not have the same frame of reference that a lot of other reviewers seem to have.,0 +"Movement is clunky, lot of placeholders with no descriptions, guns don't really stand out from each other, no wall destruction or even something similar to it (at 2021-2022), no multiplayer, and limited tactics for tactical game.",0 +"I am in a team of 5 highly trained expert SWAT members loaded with equipment and weaponry for any scenario, ",1 +"I wouldn't buy it for full price as of right now, since $40 for 5-6 maps and 5+ hours of gameplay doesn’t seem quite worth it to me, ",0 +an AI that is difficult because it's good and not just because of reaction time etc.,2 +Cheap way to get 80+ hours of entertainment,2 +"Hold off on buying if you want a structured campaign or pvp,",0 +with air/space combat and a storyline that slowly unfolds itself ,2 +"I enjoy the core loop, visually pleasing, misses potential for faction space conflicts.",2 +I do get that quite often I would of brought up civilians running away from you at gunpoint but I'm aware that's gonna be patched in the January update.,2 +" it's an absolutely gorgeous game with good gameplay, at least in my opinion.",2 +"Other than that, the game lives up to what it was marketed to be. If you do your research before buying this game (or any game) , as you should, you would see the metaphorical small print under where it says ""18 quintillion unique planets"" and that small print says ""procedurally generated"".",0 +"So overall, if you want a game to explore freely (there is also a creative mode for no stress) ",2 +"It can be a relaxing experience with fairly good immersion, nice and colorful and ",2 +"I learned a lot of skills on to how to properly diagnose and cure a plethora of diseases, and most importantly on how to keep my co-workers happy.",2 +"that said it allows for better management, a story line, and overall, better tuned.",2 +"Some of the text in this game is pretty great, ",2 +"the story mode of the game is great, but it is not what everyone wants.",2 +I love this game no one likes it ,2 +"I have restarted multiple ones multiple timed. And still cannot pass them. constantly going negative on the money, getting loans is no help because then you are just paying back loans and never really earning anything.",0 +If you are curious about this check out the videos on Youtube about it.,1 +"I had played SWAT and before playing this I actually had a little familiarity, so when I tried the game I got the same sense from my past :D This game is awesome.",2 +For those of you looking for a challenge this is not the game for you as you will find this far too easy. ,0 +"Very good graphics, ",2 +"Explore where you want and rename your discoveries, I discovered a system where ",1 +"My opinions on the sentinels have shifted, still think there annoying but it honestly makes sense and works in the context of the game outside of the rare situation where they just break and your stuck in never ending combat till you die, but this is so rare it's not that big a deal and the consequences for death aren't near harsh enough to make it a momentum killer.",0 +"There are no players to join, I went to the NEXUS hub to find others or join others for joint missions and there was no one.",0 +", ongoing updates, and make it a standout title in the genre.",2 +this version does not crash as much,2 +"Died a couple times at the start but once I got the hang of it I became rather addicted,",2 +You can customize where you want your character to have armor,2 +"there is a lot of community for it, on reddit, YouTube, discord, and the game is own forums, where you can find strategy guides, tips and people to work with on online projects to unlock additional items.",2 + from the developers which really shows that they love the product they've created and the community that supports them.,2 +"But when you guys do localization, should pay attention to some details, I think.",0 +This game is schizophrenic. It has no idea what it's doing and all the voices in its head are just pulling in different directions. It does nothing well and everything poorly.,0 +The system requirement of a Core i3 is nonsense. I know of no Core i3 or similar low-spec AMD CPU that has 8 threads available.,0 +"This game may be full of bugs, ",0 +" There's a storyline if you choose to do it as well, but it's completely optional.",1 +I enjoy this game a lot and it is great to play while listening to podcasts.,2 +"I looked for fixes in the discussion and saw a ""patch"" from the developers for a startup fix. install that. still crashes on startup ",0 +"I'd say focus on replay-ability,",0 +"during the start of the game it was fun, bouncing from location to location discovering new viruses and obtaining new rooms.",2 +"something about building my own campus and interacting with the students had an appeal, but now I realize its just two point hospital but instead of a hospital, it’s a campus.",1 +it worth buying now more than ever.,2 +"There is a very few games these days, that would keep me playing through all of my free time, and absorb me to the point, where a few hours feels like a mere minutes. No Man's Sky is one of them.",2 +"Some of the map detailing is outright creepy and actually did make my skin crawl a few times, ",2 +"I recommend not paying much attention to the current review bombing, Kotaku sucks and ",0 +"After spending 28hrs,",1 + they have been pushing out amazing updates that got me returning to check it out here or there.,2 +"The survival aspect, space combat, owning your own capitol ship, piracy, smuggling, derelict freighters, crashed freighters I can go on and on.",2 +" this is certainly a game that creates a very immersive experience for those who are looking for a realistic police tactical team simulation that utilizes similar tactics, weaponry, equipment, and devices to real tactical teams.",2 +you got French and Korean now,but why you ignored Chinese? Many players of this game are from China and we love this game.,0 +enough challenge to be interesting but not so much to be frustrating.,2 +"Imagine this show, you pay for the full game, but the necessary updates are still kept behind the paywall XingD. so yeah the game could be fun, but honestly screw the it their PR and Marketing ``Team``.",0 +"There is an empty Hub World sequel Lobby that you can explore, but without any directions it feels rather pointless.",0 +"Tried to look passed the fact that a space ship flying game doesn't let me make use of my t16000m Hotas flight sticks and just couldn't do it, its no fun not being able to enjoy the flying which was pretty much the reason I bought the game in the first place, installed it saw they still haven't added a way to use hotas and have now uninstalled it again doesn't look like they'll ever add it what a shame and a waste of money.",0 +"how do they deal with class regulation? well you begin with having 1 course. this course has basic requirements, generally a lecture hall and a laboratory ",1 +" there being a large number of patients sitting at my gps offices, while the gps take their grand old time seeing to them.",0 +"I know that this is a game focused on procedurally generated worlds, and I expected exactly that, and I got exactly what I expected.",2 +"Profanity continues on. The occasional ""F"" word, and thankfully not much else.",2 +and AI camping in blind spots did make me jump off my seat.,2 + I cannot wait to share it with my friends.,2 +The biggest thing I'd add to the game is more varied voice lines and,0 +"campus, despite the map size, has been completed, something was amissing', oomph maybe?",0 +I have been playing this on an older laptop and have had no issues with performance running it on high settings. ,2 +"my mouse keeps popping up on the top, top right, and left hand side of the screen",0 +"the options you have for your load out is great and you have the ability to customize your teammates load out as well, as well as their equipment and armor.",2 +Originally played on ps4 but have since moved to PC and Ps5 Versions. ,1 +" and if you liked theme hospital, you’ll love this as well.",2 +This game brings a mixture of high Tension serious game play with risks for every move you make to also being able to have fun with all riot shields and rams and setting off every trap.,2 +"It creates a culture of excuses, Stockholm syndrome and worst of all; a lack of accountability on the part of developers ESPECIALLY the big AAA studios -see Cyberpunk 2077.",0 +needs work. Sadly the gameplay doesn't do the screenshots justice.,0 + unless you have some cool seat thing to make vehicles fine to control.,0 +" In a noisy night club of multiple loud sounds, they can perfectly hear when a door clicks open and are alerted. Surround Sound cues for them like footsteps seem bad and can seem like the very next room and yet be three rooms away.",0 +every level/campus is very similar. I wish there were more rooms to build. ,0 + and cost something around ~20‚¬ not ~60‚¬,0 +"love the catchy music as well, though I kinda wish we could choose which songs to play.",2 +"I was kinda intrigued when I found out that unlike hospital tycoon, this game is backed by the creators of the original theme hospital. They even listened to their fans- due to the outcry, two point studios has convinced sega to ditch denuvo and ",1 +Long description: Team communication makes or breaks this game. ,1 +"Putting this game on geforce now, was the smartest decision a game designer could make. ",2 +" there is no way to turn off your mic in voice chat without turning it off altogether and when you join multiplayer, voice chat is instantly on.",0 +The only annoying part is that u sometimes need to search the whole building for 1 knife or a weapon that u didn’t report and cannot finish the mission because of that.,0 +Tried only in Single player then about Motion Sickness.,0 +"the sound for this game is really good, guns feel nice and punchy also being able to hear the people through the walls preparing for you is a nice touch.",2 +it is honestly weird to me that a game from a major publisher released in 2018 would have zero subtitle support.,0 +many others state that this is a reskin of tph. I highly disagree. ,0 +unless you download mods which are a pain in the ass to download and become broken when they update the game.,0 +"I played titles such as Zero Hour and Ground Branch, but this game is far beyond any tactical shooter I have played (not considering SWAT 4).",2 +and lack of optimization tasks,0 +"It handles most of it well in my opinion, but it's a almost uncensored and paranoid view in the fictional Los Suenos, obviously based on Los Angeles. Bit of a swat apologists and commenting on ""defund the police"" as well, by preying on our out of control fear of crime. If you want an opposing view, you can read Radley Balko: Rise of the Warrior Cop about the problem of swat teams being used for so many things in America where they aren't often needed or trained well enough to avoid collateral damage.",0 +"Depending on your choices, AI will respond and react differently, there will be civilians in panic, running away from you or not complying right away, hostiles may be armed or unarmed, some of them will immediately fight you back, while others may fake surrender and then catch you by surprise.",1 +"i like this game, but I would enjoy it way more if there was full controller support.",0 +"The vr mode is insanely immersive especially when you take off in your spaceship, fly out of the atmosphere and to another planet.",2 +"just reviewed this game, if your cba about reading all the community reviews check out my video review here",1 +This has soft locked one of my saves as it now crashes on load up.,0 +RoN is definitely not single player friendly in its current state if you are a completionist and are trying to get perfect playthroughs. ,0 +you get more challenges and more challenges from staff as you move from hospital to hospital. ,1 +Great fun and lots memes to be made in Team kills.,2 +"No man's sky brings the fun of exploring a simple, procedurally generated galaxy without too many strings attached, s",2 +It holds a lot of similarities to Payday 2 in the sense of playing it with friends. There are a variety of ways you can approach each situation and,2 +"Excruciating amount of padding. It has the dreaded progress wheel, you know the one I'm taking about, ",0 +mostly because of the bugs and glitches XDD. ,0 +i would say it is worth the price maybe even 10% off.,2 +" stories with intrigue, character development and suspense.",0 +"While it does take a beefy pc to run VR well, and, the experience of a space battle in VR, exploring a planet in VR",0 +"When you land on a derelict freighter random people can also land on it and join your group. If your Setting is set to ""Allow Group and Friends can do X"" you will get some interesting results. ",2 +"once you start a school year you essentially just sit around and twiddle your thumbs, unless some kind of emergency occurs.",0 +"If you're on the fence, maybe watch some great YouTube videos of full raids. Give you an idea of what you're up against.",1 +for a game that's still under early access,1 + the devs do not seem to have what it takes to make a fun and challenging game.,0 +If you are new to the series then you will discover a business management simulation with a slow learning curve that eases you into the genre with an extensive campaign mode.,2 +" People will tell you that the game is still broken and still is not good, but of what I have seen, this game has gone from completely useless to a brand new threat to other game making companies.",2 +"A friend of mine recently begged, wheedled, cajoled, and begged some more for me to try it. ",2 +"can be frustrating if you do not manage staff and finances carefully but I have had a blast,",0 +The introduction is painfully terrible and dumps so much info on me that I absorb none of it and I only progress because the game tells me exactly what to do.,0 +"Nevertheless, I've never seen so many dumb people gathered in one place but in this game. People nowadays don't use their brains nor are ready for anything, they need to get help at many levels, assistance, and don't accept defeat, impatient and so on ... it is pathetic.",0 +the items in the game should be categorized to facilitate navigation. scrolling items containing 100+ entries and finding item of interest is time consuming and tedious.,0 +"Just being IN multiplayer makes - unable to see or interact with each other despite being in the same spot, unable to see each other's bases or ships, unable to join missions together.",0 +"So far, I really like it definitely worth the €30, - or whatever it's at. ",2 +"Player community is also creative and active, you can get pretty many MOD that could make your game experience better or provide more challenging one, even some beautiful maps included.",2 +The game doesn't hold your hand but the interface and controls are intuitive.,2 +"ugh, it is such a good game and it is so difficult to turn off, and that is a bit of a bad thing, because I have got a few exams very soon.",2 +have AMD with above recommended hardware.,2 +"Amazing, truly an immersive tactical shooter which ",2 +"Honestly, I could say this is one of the best games I've played in the last few years,",2 +"But the ""end goal"" is nothing at all, and thus everything along the way is pointless.",0 +I have about 500h ,1 +", I find that I still manage to struggle with the design of environmental places and how to story-tell within a space.",2 +as a big fan of theme hospital this was an instant purchase for me.,2 +"Last night I failed a Nexus mission because my ship flipped upside down on autopilot return to the Anomaly. Tonight I was killed by invincible Sentinel interceptors that could only be killed by my friends and NMS is like a roguelike where its you, the player, against the developer's bugs.",0 +"you can explore quintillions of galaxy, buy new ships, build bases, and own a fleet in this amazing space game.",2 +"Its still in alpha, the game still has a long way to go, but the core is there and already it is a lot of fun.",2 +I cannot see the ability to use your own music which is a shame but does not spoil the gameplay itself.,0 +It isn't a competitive shooter and,1 +you no longer need that early training room and paid students when you can just blow some money (which you swim in) on marketing to attract qualified staff. ,1 +The current multiplayer mode only make your friend interrupt your game process,0 +"discover systems full of unexplained mysteries and puzzles,",2 +"You can go either online with a group of up to 5 or play single player with 4 other AI teammates, ",2 +"at one stage replaying a mission to get the platinum star I thought I would test just having no toilets, no janitors, and all 1 star staff throughout the mission. despite frequent deaths throughout the hospital I raked in cash like a madman, had pretty much max reputation and won public voted hospital of the year several years running.- loans follow this pattern. ",0 +but I think the devs could learn a bit from Escape From Tarkov,2 +"this time releasing a ""VR Overhaul"" ",1 +"And our winnings weren't by luck, we had to learn from our mistakes. One mistake we learned from was to not bring a CoD player with us. You can imagine why.",1 +"You gather resources, power up your exosuit and spaceship, build a massive base with all sorts of amenities, like farms and power plants and machines for processing materials. ",1 +"engage in epic space battles, ",2 +what a great game with interesting levels to explore.,2 +I would say that SWAT 4 had an overall noble tone of being protectors of the people who were going in and trying to save people and make the world better.,2 +"but no option/support/inclusion of subtitles at all. as a hard of hearing person, this makes it impossible for me to play this game.",0 +only downside is no unlocks everything is given to you good for tactical roleplay but not much else,0 +"What this game miss is workshop. There is so many amazing, clever and handy people. Their work (mods) could bring this game to the completely new level; new ships, cities, type of planets, materials and accesories for building my own planetary bases. Diferent, better, larger space stations with a lot of interiors to discover, more colorful palette of aliens (even NPC's with no purpose) and many more could be a huge contribution for this game.",0 +"the downloadable content is why I wanted to play the game again,",2 +" the simplified aspects make gameplay much smoother, compared to games like project hospital which can leave you running to a wiki or forums to figure out what device you need to add to what room, in order to treat a given disease. ",2 +"That's the real reason why there's no Steam Workshop for NMS - no-one can build anything worth putting in it, and it'd be ALL bases anyway.",0 +"While you, a meat bag with senses and a nervous system, need to actually process what your eyes see, then move your mouse, then fire your weapon, all of which takes anywhere from 150ms to 500ms.",1 + the customisation options are generally realistic though not as customisable as some other games e. g. Escape from Tarkov or Ground Branch.,0 +" in the 2nd stage, I am constantly having to juggle loans in order to meet the requirements of my upgraded courses: build this, build that, hire this -- that is $120k total and I do not have that on hand, so I need a loan. loans have interest and instalment payments that drag down profits. I am still profitable many months, but not by much. I could probably have just skated by on the status quo for another school year to grind cash, but the game allows me to keep pushing if I want to. Anyway, a lot of love obviously went into this game.",2 + You can adjust many aspects /settings to your needs and play style.,2 +"This is a well known issue across the community, regardless of the hardware being used to run the game, which I know works with other games just fine,",0 + as I've never seen a 'realistic' shooter in a SWAT setting (Siege was the closest I got).,2 +"A quirky game with lots of fun things to do, so it seemed. it practically cures every of your illnesses.",2 +"Some people consider the AI response time to be too fast, but I think its perfect the way it is, ",2 +there is a lot of split second decisions you need to make or you fail.,1 +there is no gore sex and lots of violence it is gets repetitive but it still very amusing great game for all ages,2 +"I had reviewed this game as one of the best tactical FPS games, and I wasn't wrong at all, ",2 +"No Man's Sky (NMS) is a vast, detailed, atmospheric, sci-fi galaxy that ",2 +funny dialogue and interactions from the non-player character characters.,2 +"A funny detail: I was basically told to just get lost and download mods if I want a better, deeper experience. But guess what: NMS doesn't support mods per-se. The Steam workshop isn't supported. If you want to mod the game, you'll have to find external sources.",0 +This is probably the best exploration slash survival game out their in general and almost certainly bar none in the sci-fi genre.,2 +" cause you have to worry about life support, and hazard protection",0 +the photo mode is really powerful and has great potential don’t sleep on it,2 + I cannot wait to see what comes next!,2 +but today it packs an incredible amount of content that ,2 +The game needs more in terms of aliens and npc,0 +"I do not like the new UI, and preferred the style of two point hospital and it had more text buttons which I find easier to recognize than all icons.",0 +"fresh and good idea.it is similar to 2ph, but I find that they made good use of the engine and mechanics to make a more or less realistic and funny simulation of a campus.",2 +"as some other reviewers stated during that free weekend, two point hospital is a ""hospital tycoon like game"" that ",2 +(I'm saying this as a 57 year old so you young ones will catch on even faster).,1 +i used to play the PlayStation game theme hospital,2 +I love the graphic design as it reminds me of theme hospital but ,2 +some could argue it is not high on difficulty though virtual reality paradise players might be exaggerating about all the negatives. difficulty is not high ,0 +"The New Zealand-based game developing company, Void Interactive, is set to release their realistic first-person shooter SWAT game, Ready or Not.",1 +"this game is super addicting and a whole lot of silly fun. the diseases, especially, will make you at least smack your forehead, if not straight-up laugh out loud.",2 +"Game felt too restrictive for my taste, also controls like fov is surprisingly restrictive and you can't seem to change first person fov, kinda disappointed I can't crash my ship into a planet.",0 + and crab walking which makes it hard to shoot them.,0 +"But when I used a map to locate a planetary settlement, decided I didn't want it and offered it to my friend (he took it) the game started tagging all of my settlement missions TO HIS SETTLEMENT!",0 +I played for 10 hours when it came out and,1 +"I wish I could refund it, lesson learned: watch some gameplays before buying. ",0 +"because Quests and Bases don't share, so both have to do the same ™¥™¥™¥™¥ all the time, just to stay up to date on the quest-System with each other.",0 +the community work is so appreciated as well,2 +"but ONE TIP, never rush unless your breach and clearing a room or floor with your squad, rushing is the quickest way to end up another statistic in the mission,",2 +The AI can do a full rotation in 0.1 seconds and shoot you down with 100% accuracy and ,0 +"i love two point is games, and it is great so far. ",2 +I was one of the many unfortunate souls to pre order this game and be burned by its release.. .,0 +"The big problem is, that the expedition save game is perma death in combination with time limitation. and do not have a checkpoint that keeps you falling back to the beginning.",0 +Just buy it. Incredible... the amount of things you can now do.,2 +" have no idea why but it simply refused to automatically save every time I exited my ship the last hour and I wasn't even aware it was doing that because I just ASSUMED it would operate AS IT ALWAYS DOES, but nope.",0 + The only overarching thing I have noticed is I can't rebind a lot of things to mouse thumb buttons. I assume this is due to how they have it programmed to work with controllers as well but it's still just NOT GOOD.,0 +"Attention to texturing details is nice (tags and graffiti on the walls, slurs against police and authority in clothing, various details in world objects etc).",2 +"mentally sane people. Patience is rewarded As you navigate pitch black hallways and rooms armed with nothing but your guns and a flashlight (NVGs are available too), it really can play out like a horror game. ",2 +"Whether you choose to embark on a solitary journey of discovery or team up with friends in multiplayer mode, the game offers a multitude of paths to follow and goals to achieve.",1 +"which will improve friendly and enemy AI, ",0 +", but if you like management games with a little challenge, a bit more relaxed without a timer, a bit of design",2 +"Story is sparse and cryptic but has some interesting elements. Not enough to justify playing the game for story, but it can make normally mundane missions slightly more interesting, with a decently short main story and branching infinite side missions.",2 +optional language filters please.,0 +Everyone loves a good comeback. I bought this way back when it first came out and I was one of those people who played over 2 hours and couldn't request a refund.,2 +I did not follow it on steam or any social media. ,0 +"within the main campaign, barely any combat and it hardly incentivises adventure.",0 +a billion other notifications pop up as which only helps the chaos grow bigger. This occurs in the span of a few minutes.,0 +it feels like the developers heard all the wishes from players in hospital and made them for campus!,2 +Slowly and methodically infiltrate a highly detailed environment that silently reveals a dark story as you attempt to rescue civilians and bring suspects to justice.,2 +lots of facilities have been added from the last instalment on the PlayStation 1.,2 +", it also create a very realistic atmosphere, you really feel like and work like as a team.",2 + but the graphics and sounds of enemies are really bad right now. The unbreakable windows and their weird reflection in both DX11 and DX12 and the weird feeling with world lack of illumination ,0 +" on other platforms, and have been a player since 1.0 (Platforms: PS4, PC, Switch).",1 +"Its expansive universe, exploration-focused gameplay",2 +at this point the game has not convinced me that there is more complexity to come either... it feels like the same experience is on repeat with a new disease and contraption around the corner to heal it. rice and repeat.,0 +" incredibly designed and immersive maps with great environmental storytelling, lighting, optimization.",2 +It would be more better if game allow players to add maps from steam workshop.,0 +"I would prefer to give players the option to skip the hour long waits because some people just want to build their settlements since they completed the game or just not interested in exploring anymore. i'm fine with a 1 to 2 minute wait time but the 2 to 8 hours is just insane, it makes me leave the game cause I lost interest.",0 +"but also the vague and ominous portends of unnamed voices, whispering about travellers and sentinels and number sequences. ",2 + just have the best time building away.,2 +if you do not already know it is a hospital simulation game. it is emphasis is more on its humorous aesthetics the strong gameplay mechanics.,2 +"This game pulls no punches, if you get shot even just a couple times, you’re dead, you’re no bullet sponge and your opponents are no different, although just as deadly.",1 +"The environmental storytelling is top notch, and I often find myself very disturbed when paying attention to the little details in the maps.",2 +then two point hospital is definitely worth checking out.,2 +I've been playing this game on both PS4 and PC.,1 +and the graphics could be a bit more better.,0 +only complaint have is the randomness of the symbols and items once had run with tombs and urns but without anything that can destroy them or that synergies with spirits wish symbols and items would be either automatically rigged little towards your synergies could be rigged by the player with luck statistic that other None can increase synergy capsule or different type of rare currency with which you could even possibly choose the symbol you want the next symbols to synergize with,0 +You move through challenging tactical environments while having to rapidly determine if an individual is a threat or a civilian - and then respond accordingly all within the bounds of law enforcement rules of engagement. ,2 +The ship flying takes a bit of getting used to,1 +"But man, Void is just a lousy company towards those that supported them.",0 +"I have spent an embarrassing amount of time playing two point hospital and the old theme hospital. Starting two point campus, the formulae are already familiar ",2 +"From mining valuable minerals to upgrading your ship and equipment, there's always something to do.",2 +"When I reviewed it first, I said I really really liked it but gave a negative review cause of the lies.",0 +this is one of those tycoon games that you will buy and binge uncontrollably for days/weeks.,2 + it is a refreshing start to a reboot which features lots of cool modes and environments on how to play and manage a simulation hospital game. ,2 +"I know that the systems and worlds are generated randomly. But obviously, in reality, most worlds are devoid of any life at all. If life exists on other worlds, it is probably microscopic. The point is kept what you have but add worlds that are lifeless - such as grand volcanic and ice worlds; no critters running around but also rich in material resources. I do not know if this is possible but if it is would add greatly to variety and enjoyment.",0 +"gun-play is punchy, responsive, satisfying as hell.",2 +I found it better with friends through discord chat and in-game chat some do not talk or starting having communication issues only hearing one player. ,0 +"unfortunately, you sometimes get matched with players who want to rush and then they get killed, also their trolls who kill other players for no reason. you better hope the host is a good player as well otherwise they will keep restarting the match every time they die, or leave in the middle of a match if they get to impatient to wait for it to be over. ",0 +"it is a fun game and figuring out how to deal with each new level, tackling every hospital and set of scenarios, is challenging as well as rewarding.",2 +So if you watched any of the trailers you would already know that this game offers a near infinite universe.,2 +"the graphics are also quite unique,",2 +"maps are very detailed,",2 +"a lesson in how to not design a game ui, ",0 +seems to be a huge success since it will be available even for Nintendo switch soon.,2 +rely solely on valve is steamworks anti-cheat and copy protection system for this game.,1 +i have played some of the rooms for about 3 hours and I am still seeing new animations which is really nice. ,1 +"Not only that, but two point campus has taken what was in hospital and taken the next step. there is more customisation options, more creativity, more interesting behaviours from your students.",2 + largely due to the lack of difficulty and compelling achievements.,2 +"I tried to give it a good go, but a bug with the build button when using an xbox controller prevented me from being able to play the game properly; ",0 +" it is a sim/tycoon style game, so we do not expect an epic on par with the odyssey here or anything. with that state of mind going in though,",2 +" it can be really very challenging and interesting if one chooses to make it so (survival or ""permadeath"" mode, avoiding exploits).",2 +Was that a future Two Point Zoo Easter Egg on the radio? Because if so... just take my money now...,2 +"If you have actually standards on how your ship should look and aren't a fan of colors like orange, or green or yellow. . and also are a normal human being without any superior luck traits, then prepare for 2-4h of constant reloading until rng gives you the pretty ship you wany.",0 +Now I'm 50 hours in and completely enjoying the game.,2 +"If you enjoy sandbox, exploration and, like me, enjoy whacky, unconventional plots and game design, ",2 +"ships have classes but they can be upgraded to best, while you cannot do that with a freighter, so need to wait and wait and wait in space to come one to your system (or you constantly change systems) till you find an S class, so can buy it from the NPC owner.",0 +This game is a great tactical shooter. ,2 +a sad E-sport failure.,0 +no denuvo was announced there. the fact sega removed denuvo from two point hospital made me even consider purchasing this. sad to see them being anti customer again.,0 +they haven’t even started working on controller support ,0 + you can customise so much with the steam workshop.,2 +"This is not only a first-person shooter game with already a large arsenal of weapons and very detailed customization,",2 +My computer meets min specs and can run this game on high ,1 +"there is one option I wish they put in this one. that is that if u place a person in a specific room, they won’t move from the room unless they have to go to the bathroom or beak.",0 +"Everyone has seen the YouTube video ""The Engoldening of No Man's Sky"" if not you are doing yourself a disservice and need to get some good food and watch the whole thing with apt attention.",2 +worth a listen even if you don’t buy the game.,2 + immersive (though flawed) sound design.,0 +"tpc has 3 game modes: 1) a campaign mode where you have a specific objective (e.g. modernizing the courses of a campus), and by unlocking the first star of challenges, you will unlock a new campus and each subsequent star beyond the first, will unlock new things (courses, items and events) that you can use in the existing game or any other game you jump into.2) sandbox with various difficulty settings, with the ability to pick the campus.3) challenge mode with specific requirements to earn the most points (e.g. 2023 valentine is day event is to make as many people fall in love as possible within a certain time limit.",1 +"I have only played one mission with mouse and keyboard and the rest of the time with an Xbox one controller. The game does not have controller support,",0 +really curious what they will add onto it!,2 +I use gamepad (setting R0N-1n) but mouse may be best ,1 +Only had RoN for a few days,1 +"The gameplay is not too varied (clearing rooms and areas) but still exciting and tense because of the realistic damage (~3shots == dead), ",2 +"Also a hint from my experience, make use of the biggest loan you can as you can easily get overwhelmed if you don not build enough quickly enough.",1 +overall great game. had some good times playing it though. grade A,2 +"The attention to detail, realism, and a willingness to explore some of the darkest recesses of society and privatized local government violence is impressive.",2 +then this game is for you.,2 +"That said, I've enjoyed playing in single player mode and have accumulated ",2 +The crafting system is very unclear and gives little enough guidance to only annoy you. There are just too many innovative solutions that are never explained to the player. Who came up with this save game system that you have to google to understand? ,0 +and managing staff feels much harder now!,2 +"it is pretty good for a micromanage game. if this was like zoo tycoon instead of a hospital theme I would praise it in an instant, or really anything more interesting than a hospital.",2 +and good for screenshot lol,2 +"This is, hands down, the best game in the open-world space MMO genre.",2 +"The value is good, you can spend a lot of hours in it!",2 +"If you're lucky, you are paired up with 4 others in multiplayer where you choose a location and mission type (such as bomb defusal, hostage rescue or barricaded suspects), and work together tactically to complete the mission without loss of life, whether that be you or civilians.",2 +A lot of new content is pushed out in every update ,2 + I tried and failed to make worthwhile money trading,0 +CO-OP with friends is amazing and for me full of wtf moments.,2 +"A single screen where I can click different tabs to select my equipment, choose the mission, look at mission debrief, and ready up would be nice (kind of like SWAT 4).",2 +"very frustrating to play, the mode is too complex, hope the game to be more user-friendly",0 +Will you bring a battering ram to bust through a door or bring a shield to take some extra bullets? Will you go in quiet with silencers and night vision goggles or breach the site with explosives and wipe out the enemy's with shotguns? The choice is yours to make.,1 +but not maddingly difficult.,2 + but with a bit of work I’ve managed to create my own profile for my Elite V2 with Steam Input configuration which works very well.,2 +"This is one of the few games I end up playing with vsync at 60 fps cap even though most games feel buttery smooth at higher frame rates (100+) Nothing mitigates this issue and I’ve tried many things, at one point my fps was above 100 consistently but not anymore. I know the performance, for most people, has improved substantially since launch, with several updates, but for me it's been a very frustrating issue to sometimes drop to 40 fps for a consistent minute, genuinely nauseating.",0 +"I'm electing to choose neither yes or no at the moment - it's in early access at the time of writing,",0 +"this game brings back wonderful memories of theme hospital as it was a fun game to play back in the day, now I am enjoying this one as it has new and weird illness and devices for curing them as well locations that needs certain equipment to counter heat or cold temperatures for example.",2 +the building aspects of the game simply do not feel satisfying like many other building games.,0 +"The campaigns so far IMO, seem to be a hybrid of a tutorial of new features and rare loot grabs, with twitch drops during the first week of each new campaign.",1 +the game is so outstanding and amazing with cool graphics and settings. ,2 +"However, there is just more to it now than there was at launch. From quests to NPCs, there is simply more content to experience now than there was originally. And they managed to keep all of the positive aspects of the game (random and procedurally generated locations/plants/animals, space exploration and flying your starship) and add to it without harming the core that was there.",2 +"Not because it's challenging in a way that makes sense, usually rather because it's erratic and often unrealistic due to some of the core mechanics being pretty awful.",0 +"Edit: multiplayer with 0 cooperation, its basically playing single player while seeing each other.",0 +"you only get like a couple of guns that other players cannot use,",0 +"i at first wanted to say I liked this game but as you get further in the game it becomes impossible the people do not move efficiently, and",0 +I really like that it takes so long to get bored so still going,2 +Very fun with friends. We spent like half an hour messing around with the different weapons in the lobby and the mechanics are awesome.,2 +the devs changed the game and inventory system for people who've played the game for 2 hrs and screwed over long time players.,0 +"All of my friends and I also have issues with lag/graphics as we don't have very good computers to run the game very well, this game for me runs around 30/60 fps on most maps and sometimes even down to 20 on lowest graphics with AMD fidelity on.",0 +Fun and punishing game but it's really annoying searching the map for thirty minutes to find one thing after you clear out all of the enemies.,0 +"From the voxel terrain editor, to the increasing amount of random events and locations to come across,",2 + the variety of updates that come out every month or two adds more to the game.,2 +" Afterwards I was shadow banned, kicked from the server and unable to re-join.",0 +Profanity filter ruins immersion ,0 + this last supporter update added a lot more voice line variety to suspects in different locales that pertain to the situations at hand and,2 +"it is funny, it is weird illnesses and has so much life, yes it has it is flaws am sure, I am not so easily displeased though, it is addictive, ",2 +however some of them get too repetitive like finding and vaccinating zombie like walkers. ,0 +Only downside is due to the sheer amount of content the core campaign felt forever and in a way just a 40hr tutorial; ,0 +it is much better in terms of user friendliness and customization options.,2 + you consider telling them just to alt-f4 their life. Yet you don't because you shortly after also miss your shots and died (in game).,0 +two point hospital is a fun simulator and ,2 +Ready or Not gives me adrenaline rushes no game has before with ,2 +"glad they delayed the release, because this is awesome! ",2 +but remember to stop and explore some stuff on the way! Happy space sailing explorers!,2 +"feel very early access and amateurish, compared to modern production, but if you look at it from the nostalgia eye; it feels like a natural evolution of what you see in theme hospital.",1 +There are some weird places and some amazingly beautiful places. You'll find yourself standing overlooking a valley that leads to an ocean with a ringed planet in the sky and the sun(s) setting at the horizon. There's a trade port over there where all sorts of ships are flying in to and out from. There's some weird building guarded by robots that may just have something interesting.,2 +"Base-building is glitchy most of the time, with one open room protecting you from the elements and a closed one beside it not protecting at all.",0 +It motivates to replay the available missions and try different approaches. ,2 +"some might complain about the difficulty being too easy. I might agree to a small degree. but really, this game would get frustrating really quick if you constantly had to fight the systems to stay on top of things. I do agree however that it is really, really difficult to play this game so badly that you would have to start a level over. but then again, I do not really want to.",0 +"Made to work as a team, Coop. You can just choose coop and it takes you to a random server. Game can be played solo, with 3 AI teammates. They kinda get in the way and if you die then the whole mission is over, you can t take over with an AI teammate.",2 +"It is now my most favorite game in my Steam library, ",2 +once you figure out how to reach level goals you can dive in deeper to challenge yourself- I miss the upgrades for all the rooms such as the surgery rooms,2 +only recommend buying it on sale!!,0 +"The last time I reviewed this game was when I got it, ",2 +"I like in games to make decisions, plan things, have some strategy, accomplish things and learn how to play better.",2 +"some of it is a little creepy even, if you get the spooks when exploring hidden abandoned sunken underwater ruins or crash sights, this might be too spooks for you, if your claustrophobic it could also make you a little uneasy.",2 +still requiring teamwork and communication/planning skills.,2 +"Sharing stories, trading goods,",2 +the scenarios are fun and a bit challenging.,2 +the character filters that do exist don not actually work or filter out any useful information. the information overlays do a worse job than they did in tph.,0 +where even your save file gets erased.,0 +most hospitals take multiple sessions to beat and some require multiple restarts before you can get going properly.,1 +the ability to play online with people and still be able to communicate is a huge upside in my opinion.,2 +you build your hospitals up to meet simple goals in a light hearted world with a cute sense of humour and that is it.,2 +" the controller config is excellent, and the controls take about an hour to get used to coming from pc.",2 +me and a buddy have been playing for months now. ,2 +"Unique game implementation (half online half offline, local save but server side discoveries and bases etc. ) , editing of local saves don't affect other players.",2 +"Oh, yeah, and you can name every planet you discover ",1 +The gun recoil are super realistic and the lower ready and feel/accuracy are hard to control,2 +I also found the controls a poor,0 + despite visually looking like it can.,1 +"tried playing, it and it really feels archaic, simple things like navigating around are slow and cumbersome.",0 +hen game starts mute your mic and sound in discord- all players turn off hud and friendly name plates - only use In-game proximity VOIP to talk- split up into groups of 2-3 or solo around the map- after Round or if a player dies they can unmute in discord but cannot use the in-game VOIP- ,1 +"The orientation of an item is always by default, so if you have to add 10 bench in an other direction you have to rotate all of them with a mouse movement (while you have pressed a mouse button); this mechanic is just insane and very annoying. they could simply memorize the last orientation positioned of any item and replicate so save you minutes of very repetitive operations (that you have to arrange and rearrange for every single hospital). ",0 +"for you competitive folks, two point hospital offers competitive online play with your friends. various in-game challenges pit you against your friends to be the best at an aspect of hospital management, and the leaderboards allow you to compare your standing with your steam friends.",2 +", and the gameplay is very enjoyable.",2 +Initial load times on PC are still a bit intensive despite all the efforts to optimize the game and while that has always been a challenge to wait through,0 +"if you are looking for the old PlayStation game theme hospital and you have looked everywhere, then stop now, you found it.",2 +"My soul is complete, and I cannot wait to see what else its gonna bring,",2 +"That being said, don't expect any kind of real competitive or PvP aspects.",0 +"All the activities in this game (of which there are many) feel like side diversions on a the path to a much greater goal, but there isn't one, you quickly reach a plateau where you have all the resources you need, billions of credits, top tier modules etc and then there's no real reason to continue sure there's infinite varieties but they all get kinda samey after a while and there's no real reason to.",0 +less racist for newcomers and there were also TeamKillers.,0 +"those superbug network projects require you to have a friend complete objectives for you to progress. there is no reason for that, they just want me to spam my friends with invites for free advertising.",0 +The point of the game is to explore the universe and My exosuit is so so SO weak now and my hyperdrive range has pretty much killed itself and I'm still a relatively new player. I cannot begin to imagine the problems you've cursed your more loyal player base with.,0 +"Everything else is premade. The only capital ships are ""freighters"" and ""frigates"" which you cannot control directly, and you never see combat with. Empyrion pisses all over NMS on this score I'm afraid. ",0 +cause it is just that good,2 +"helmet cameras allow you to keep an eye on friendlies, and see what They see.",1 +Keep in mind I play exclusively KB/M.,1 +"Pretty Fun Game so far, played a few hours with my bro, had a good time, ",2 +"every time I open my inventory, there's a very very loud and constant buzzing noise that plays,",0 +"I honestly don't get why so many think this game is amazing and very few negative reviews, I suspect the rarity of these types of game is why. ",0 +When has a game is own profanity filter been beat by itself?,0 +"This game is no longer the dud everyone said it was at launch, it has not become one of the best open world games out today.",2 +"Only interaction with multiplayer that currently exists is 'trap bases' for nexus missions, making any with a specific planet waypoint unusable, ",0 +"also, when in build mode for a room, it would be nice if the fore-facing wall disappeared as it would make it easier for object placement.",0 +its not working on mac,0 +I turned everything to the highest settings and hopped in creative. ,1 +runs really well without performance problems and ,2 +VR works great and,2 +Watched a suspect get up and punch my friend in the back of the head 10/10,2 +NMS is not only one of the best spaces games ,2 +management gem! Build your own hospital and see how many patients you can kill daily!,2 +"The sound effects are very poor quality, ",0 +this being said I do enjoy the rantings of the several radio host personalities on display.,2 +i had this game on game pass on xbox and was obsessed with this game so I bought it on my laptop,2 +Keyboard and mouse controls when it comes to flight in the game are clunky but pairs great with a controller.,1 +I will warn you that if you like a lot of action and moving quickly ,0 +"Nothing to do in space, there is no satisfaction on learning how to master a ship.",0 +"and most of all, the suppression mechanic simply isn't fun - you can't fire back when you are suppressed.",0 +"it is similar to planet coaster or zoo tycoon in regards to building attractions, or in the case a hospital. ",2 + over 60 hours in so far and still having a blast.,2 +"keeps on crushing on startup on ubuntu 18.04 ... I am not even able to pass the ""sega"" launch screen",0 +Highly recommended and ,2 +"Equipment controls could be better,",0 +"thanks to the broad-spectrum of opportunities of executing a mission, creating an SOP, carrying out the SOP, utilizing every equipment differently, trusting your squamates. ",2 +RoN has made and balanced it in such a way that is easy to understand and sufficiently consistent.,2 + I have a specific place to keep my game screenless and it's weird when it's not all together.,0 +"minimal load screens mean that you can go back to your map and into one of your other hospitals at any time without a long delay, and ",1 +amzing graphics would recommend this game.,2 +"Few polished maps, there are about 10 maps but only about 4 or 5 of them are completely done the others are still work in progress maps that have yet to be finished",0 +"if you ever age out of playing or decide to be more casual, then Dota 2 has an esports scene that rivals IRL sports.",2 +"gameplay is fairly mindless, there is not much depth to the mechanics behind the hospital management, ",0 + but increasingly complex and congested environments may come into view in the screen update.,0 +This game ended up piquing my interest about the time Next arrived. I immediately became absorbed and played constantly for months on end.,2 + the only real purpose is to learn words and then converse with these aliens where ,1 +"Awesome! Really hard as a rock, with the last update, the bots are even more f*#@ing angry,",2 +"You can play with up to four other people in a group, ",1 +"I am chewing through the game pretty quickly, and",0 +for me it runs smooth as silk at 4k with highest settings. ,2 +Crazy realistic swat vibes that really has never been done before; the game has a lot of detail along with the fact that it feels like you are a swat member absolutely NUTS,2 +"thanks to steam refund system, and my luck... almost perfect time management, I have my bucks back and look for something else.",2 +"You can build elaborate bases pretty much anywhere you choose, and in space you can build a base on a freighter ",2 +"I've been killed by bots the moment I turn a corner, no exaggeration either, I'm clearing corners, peaking and leaning, but yet one shot to the head from a bot I saw before I could physically react, even though I am on my toes. They also seemed to be able to run faster than Usain Bolt, literal Speed demons that fly down the stairs at times to kill me.",0 + and a character cosmetic that only changes the color of your uniform to green.,0 +"Trying to play on PS4 controller,",0 +"I cannot refund the game, because I have spent more than 2 hours trying to get past the tutorial.",0 +Doesn't natively support controllers,0 +Fought over credits with my best friend travelled far ,2 +"This game is addictive fun, most of all I what really like the game play which hearkens back to the old 'theme' series of games way back when, I love the humour in the game too. ",2 +"Just gunning people down, or saving them or going with gas, then sneaky etc. Even if some playstyles aren't as viable or sometimes outright impossible, its still fun to try.",2 +the fact remains that this game is not one of the world's most successful e-sports without reason.,2 +Think steam should give refunds for longer periods and ,0 +"I think that in time this game will gain some popularity on streaming sites such as twitch and YouTube and will become massive.""",2 +I love love love the game due to being an old hospital tycoon player back in the day,2 +An incredibly good feeling co-op tactical shooter experience ,2 +"You will be rewarded for methodical teamwork, but punished for rushing or lazily going through the motions.",1 +"VOID shouldn't cave to their bullying but I have a feeling a somewhat cheeky dev decided to hide that prop, maybe in the garbage to make a statement against it or maybe as an endorsement of their own beliefs.",0 +"It felt buggier than hospital. plants not wanting to be in their spot, things always going outside of the room you want to decorate (even if your mouse is on that spot, it flew to a different room). it was a little bit irritating.",0 +many other aspects of the game seem unfinished or not fully fleshed out.,0 +"Futuristic space is an endless well of creativity, variety, and is a massive blank canvas to tell almost any form of meaningful stories in due to its nature. Space pirates with both complex and tragic motivations, cultures and civilizations that are socially/structurally/architecturally diverse and interesting.",2 +the guilt for not having pvp ,0 +"Thank you Hello Games Supporting this game that’s been lost to the bigger publishers, and I’m so glad that this still happens here.",2 +"be quick, make good decisions, and play a micro-strategy tycoon like you were just star crafting or so.",2 +my friend on ps5 ,1 +The colours in the game are pretty vibrant sometimes and the only lurch I only ever feel is when I'm flying into a planet and I see nothing but clouds and clouds.,2 +so it would be helpful to add a difficulty setting.,0 +learn from the mistakes you've made in the past.,2 +"Watched Twitch streams for a whole week to get a feel for the game, and a weeks’ worth of free drops, including 3 A class hauler ships, 2 A class fighter ships, and 3 A class multitools, plus some neat cosmetics. Then I started playing. And I was hooked.",2 +Its vast universe ,2 +"keep in mind that I finished it here and a ps5 while still playing and on a ps4 version so yeah, fun.",2 +"Some things are way TOO LOUD and others TOO quiet. The overhead non-stop ships and over-the-top storms are deafening. The game desperately in need of ""Private Air Space Area"" function to prevent this.",0 +Game trailers showed a space game that rivalled or surpassed even the most epic space-based games on the market at the time.,2 +first personal computer game I have bothered to play in years,1 +I guess these could be standard for games that use flight stick controllers ,0 +"If you want a first person version of Stellaris with a dash of Minecraft, this is it.",2 +You can press 'T' to watch live your teammates suck at aiming and miss so many shots that,0 +"to get most achievements, you have to find secret places or puzzles with few hints or no hint. until you successfully find the secret, ",0 +so far has given me enough confidence to recommend the title to anyone who appreciates this level of honesty and has the required amount of seriousness. ,2 +"The amount of weapon customization could be improved a little bit, I do not want Tarkov levels of customization but I do want to see a little bit more option when it comes to weapon customization.",0 +"won’t hesitate to ban / mute you no matter the context (even if you are pointing out what someone said is wrong, if you repeat after them you are gone)",0 +animal noises volume slider non-existent.,0 +"you cannot get 100% achievements (as of 2-19-2020), due to needing friends to do parts of your superbug initiatives, in their own hospital. tips: it is indeed a balancing act between having the right amount of general practitioners’ offices, diagnosis rooms and treatment rooms.",0 +I just love the gameplay loop so much .,2 +"Developers need to be a LOT more cautious about ""rebalancing"" games that have been out for several years. It's been my experience that existing players rarely enjoy rebalancing changes, ",0 +On the technical side I have not encountered any issues even with a pretty big level 18 hospital ,2 +I'm just confused: My Storage is full of Uranium which I can't use for energy generation? What's up with that? Instead I gotta build 1000s of small solar panels and expensive batteries. ,0 +"Movement is slow, and hostiles will always be faster than you, ",0 +you do not have that sense of freedom nor achievement because there is only so much you can do and ,0 +but when I started to play my anxiety curiosity increased rapidly. ,2 +"ROE is consistently unreasonably strict for the hypothetical scenarios described, and Not to mention that walking into an unknown area with known armed hostiles and YELLING for compliance is a fantastic way to put on a couple oz of lead. You need the option to whisper and motion, and if you warn an unknown and get no response in a hostile situation, then bag or pepper them center of mass, unauthorized use of force is completely ridiculous.",0 +overall it is a decent game but it does get boring quick-ish. ,0 +"You can issue commands to your teammates pretty easily while moving dynamically through the map, As with any game like this, it's a much better experience with friends.",2 +are super hard to kill even with light armor not like you with your super heavy armor dying to a knife stab.,0 + it is also frustrating that you have to make the classrooms bigger as time goes by. this makes it difficult to plan a good layout and takes the fun out of the game for me.,0 + I understand it's an alpha and more content is to come,1 +Although there is a limit of how much you can bring with your kit that is because this game rely's in cooperation with the rest of your team. ,2 +and there is no emotional component beyond a little humor.,0 +Why did the Chinese language disappear,0 +the player base is decent.,2 +You can't do the campaign with other players/friends ,0 +"I'd understand if it was a full release game and the playtesting was there to ensure that updates were of proper quality, ",1 +A bit of a learning curve at first but once you get the hang of it it is great.,2 +"The soundtrack further enhances the sense of wonder and immersion, guiding players through their intergalactic journey with a beautiful and atmospheric score.",2 +"survival mode taking away everything you have when you die and offering no storage system until late game, outside you and your ship which if you die in on foot you lose you inventory o",1 +"This game is a spiritual successor to theme park hospital world, it was a game made by brofrog back in 1973 for the commadore master system 52, it was considered the greatest game ever made, so good in fact that no one in the history of video games, which goes back a long way, (1918 was the first recorded video game that is a fact) has ever tried to recreate it.",1 +" the new update really fleshed out the world generation, terrain looks more natural, much more interesting as well.",2 +"I literally had to put a YouTube video or Netflix show on in the background because I just could not handle the never ending, always sounding the same melody.",0 +" These tasks are great ways to learn how to explore the galaxy and teach you what to look for when you want a specific item. Completing these missions rewards you with Quicksilver, a currency used for purchasing cosmetic items in The Anomaly's Quicksilver store.",1 +" The tension is palpable as I try to avoid being found and eliminated, and ",2 +"I turned off the online function and STILL, OTHER RANDOM PLAYERS I DON'T KNOW KEEPS ENTERING MY GAME, AND CLAIM MY DISCOVERIES.",0 +After the first 15 hours ,1 +"I played Rainbow Six Raven Shield and SWAT 4 growing up and this early release nods to the traditional style of equipment (hand cuffs, opti wand, flashbangs) and allows you to choose how lethal you want to be.",1 +"as we prepare for an intense situation with terrorists that will require extreme concentration and focus I can only think about how I will be able to get back alive. We begin our mission and move towards the entrance door and open it, a trap bomb explodes, killing us all instantly.",2 +now I cannot stop playing it!!!,2 +"On a similar note, this is not that important because it doesn't make the game unplayable for me, but I had to set my FOV in the config file because the in-game range was not large enough for my comfort FOV. ",0 +this would be more fun if the navigation and placing items were easier.,0 +"The learning curve is gradual, allows you to really get to grips with the mechanics of the game before adding additional obstacles and tasks. but I really enjoy how the game does not take itself seriously. ",2 +"very good optimized, still got 60 fps on a old geforce of 2gb of vram on high setting worth the purchase!",2 +"a fun hospital management simulator that makes what I like to call a good ""idle game,"" ",2 +somewhere I could ease the tensions of being a final semester college student,1 +"This game is very fun, I recommend a good headset so you can hear all the drug addicts walking around the house you have to clear and maybe a diaper for when they bust through that door as you’re trying to look under with the mirror gun.",2 +has a bit of a learning curve+ fun easter eggs,2 +"I find it easier to look around my campus with a controller, and then switch to the keyboard and mouse for any actual gameplay. I can live with this for the amount of fun that I am having.",0 + when a shooting actually occurs in a dance club in our world.,2 +this repetitive game,0 +"Maybe it gets better in more complex levels, but after playing the first two levels, this game felt like a real bore. Hospital tycoon is an older game with similar gameplay to two-point hospital.",0 +" There is no hero trying to save the damn world, no action scenes with stupid QTEs, no .",2 +"at first, the amount of kudosh (the currency to unlock things), was hard to get but by the fourth campus, you should not have a problem meeting all these goals.",2 +"So far this game has a lot of potential, with the support of the mod community,",2 +"Fighting enemies who are quick to react - even if they're not real people, is insane,",0 +hopefully at some point we might get a ps4 version so people like my husband could enjoy it!,1 +"While Ready or Not and SWAT 4 occupy different spaces for me, those spaces are closely bound, and ",2 +The AI are ruthless,0 +"I'm not a social person tho, so I dislike both options and prefer to remain solo. I'm grateful that option was not removed.",1 +yet it pays you back with the amount of awesome content you can unlock ,2 +Great game ,2 +This is it and now for a reasonable price.,2 + This game will not hold your hand and walk you through,1 +"the game is great, very funny, and more than decent tycoon.",2 + as normally prefer consoles but when I found out this was coming to console but had been delayed thought I would purchase on personal computer and now I am back using personal computer and have not touched my ps4 since started this game.,0 +at making the players feel nervous and tense as well as ,2 +When you initiate some orders like deploy light stick the leader says nothing and the ai just drops the light stick. Are the using telepathy to communicate here this is not realistic and they need to fix this. They also need to use hand signal and also option to make the team hold or be able to break a command when the situation calls for it kind of like football and audibles.,0 +"in my opinion I think it's good to have a lot of topics like “Planes"" that are randomly spawned, with each star having a different climate, such as being very hot from the volcanic star's surface, cold to ice. and almost no living things Or even stars with radiation that will cause our blood to decrease all the time. ",1 +"In any case, I highly recommend this game to anyone who even remotely likes the sandbox / survival genre.",2 +the game is unbelievably unbalanced (which as a new player you will accidentally bungle into this situation and at said time you are screwed),0 +I had attempted to play it on Xbox Live for PC a couple of years ago but ,0 +It's been out for almost five years and it's still buggier than an early access game.,0 +In no mans sky you can interact with other players,1 +"pick up a person and swing them around with your mouse, watch as you let them go (they actually get dizzy and feel sick) hahaha - it is the lovely little things that count.",2 +"The game is amazing, even with all of the bugs and the I think playing it with other people is great. ",2 +I am a huge Tarkov fan,2 +Gameplay is boring so far but the small chuckles are keeping my curiosity wanting to see more content.,2 +special rooms like the deluxe clinic did not show up in sandbox mode.,2 +"Please, view this as a kind of pre-order purchase. This is not a finished product by a long shot",0 +"too much micromanagement not going to set 100 employees training plan every 20 min difficult to manage large amount of teachers (what is the min required, what are the extra ones doing, etc)easier to hire/fire staff ;)also looks like maintenance staff gets ineffective over large campuses (path finding is random?), they are unable to catch invaders, slow to clean up and do maintenance.",0 +Although I do not like that some of the weapons are only accessible if you buy the dlc ,0 +"this game is so funny, from the weird announcements to the weird patient conditions, you also have plenty to do, ",2 +"remember this never be cruel never be cowardly and if you do make amends always laugh, run when you need to never eat pears {they're too mushy} always try to be nice but never fail to be kind And most of all stay true to yourself",2 +" It remains a buggy and slow mess, rarely working as intended without issues.",0 +This is a good game. One of the best ever made maybe. ,2 +"Ready or Not was released on December 17, 2021, as an Early Access game. I was very excited for this game and pre-ordered the Supporter Edition through VOID Interactive.",2 +" Hello Games isn't the first developer to fall for the delusion that they need to ""make things better"" with unpopular and unnecessary changes, so unless a developer thinks said changes are attracting HUGE new audiences, I fail to see the point in making your ""already fans"" hate you!",0 +It's very ruff around the edges when it comes to the physics of gravity and other animations.,0 + On top of that menu is confusing and doesn't have any better indication of which mode is party invite or public co-op.,0 +buttons are awkward on a keyboard,0 +theme hospital was one of me favour games on the original PlayStation. I still have the original PlayStation & theme hospital & still play it. ,2 +without losing your progress.,2 +" you can buy Arma 3 AND its DLCs, create a Swat operation using mods available on the workshop that'll be better optimized than the current state of this game.",0 +"But the play style is the key, there is no wrong way to play it, you just play it on your own pace, you are not punished for your way of playing so everyone just finds the way he/she likes to play it and enjoy it.",2 +"The community is great, helpful, and wants nothing but to learn from one another.",2 +"if there was one or two things I would add or ""tweak"" it would be just a bit more detail in the over-world map and the ability to zoom out a bit more to enjoy it by maybe 20-25%, but on scale for the entire game, that is more of a preference than an issue.",0 +" in addition, the rooms can be designed with great attention to detail, and the game gives you the feeling that it was not in vain and ",2 +"i play on xbox and really wanted to play this game, ",2 +"No idea who these people are, how many hostages, the floor plans, nothing. You're going in completely blind and you're welcome to die multiple times before you have any idea what you're dealing with.",1 +until vr is ready. .,1 +"Promised Steam workshop since launch, decides to cancel it and add mod. io instead, ",0 + for those looking for a realistic tactical response simulation.,2 +barely every student is black or beige rarely white students what is this??,0 +there is no good reason for me to be getting a steady 11-20 fps on this game with that equipment.,0 +that I recently binged and I cannot recommend it enough.,2 +" and my friends can’t join me; because even though we have updated to the fractal update, it says we have different versions and can’t play together.",0 +it is too much waiting in this game. and what you have to do is done quickly and then you have to wait for a long time again before you can do some more in the game.,0 +and they do not come close to those used in theme hospital.,0 +"I have played every level, I have not 3 starred every hospital and",1 +"The game has insane potential, but currently it feels empty and unfinished.",0 +It's been years and you still can't rebind P key... ,0 + just moving from console to PC,1 +I feel like it's still needing a ton of work for sure on the NPC interactions. Like I said get down to an enemy with his back turned with a gun pointed at him and he instantly did a 360 and instantly killed me.,0 +"I participated in the game's ""main"" storyline. It's one of those 'pick your bad ending' plots which isn't really worth putting a spoiler alert on. It really is that forgettable.",0 +"I've played it since, and I have it on PC, Xbox, PS4, and Switch now.",1 +"Some mission prompts give you bad information that will send you on wild goose chases - for example there's a mission that tells you to ask lifeforms ""on your planet"" for information, so you'll run all over your planet looking for answers, until you find an obscure line in the mission log contradicting ALL other instructions and telling you to leave the planet and go to a space station. ",0 +d it is a fun hospital management game with ,2 +The crafting style and inventory management systems are very visual in a way that looks good but makes them overly complicated and unintuitive. ,2 +this is an awesome remake.,2 +making it so that running and gunning simply does not work in most cases (there's no sprinting either).,0 +" and for the love of god do not be the hero who decides to wear no Armor, ARMOR IS SO IMPORTANT!",1 +"let me tell you. Okay, the idea of managing a hospital is fantastic. ",2 +Lobbies are always populated; the community is very collaborative.,2 +"even on the lower settings, the physics are good (if a bit funny when they bug out),",2 +"For me the difficulty slider is a complete swing and miss; Feels demoralizing to me, and unfortunately makes me want to drop the game entirely.",0 +This game was in my Wishlist for a while,1 +"To sum up, I love this game and it is company and",2 +"with swat team role management (and maybe budget management to buy weapons/gear), and other additions, ",1 +"At launch it was sorely lacking, ",0 +"I've missed this game a lot, so thinking of getting back into it again.",1 +"You'll meet many characters on the way, and you'll have to make difficult decisions. These decisions actually do influence what happens later on in the story, too. Instead of ""Oh, this guy died because of what you did, but ultimately the universe is still saved!"" you can make choices that skew the entire game in negative, or positive, ways.",2 +"Sometimes the 'profanity' filter disallows some names that are not profanity (in english at least, I tried making up a few latin-esque names and a few got blocked whereas they have no basis or resemblance to any profanity in english) If you are into that kinda thing, it is great...",0 +" there is plenty more to do that I did not touch on like hosting events, but I think some stuff should be left for you to discover.",2 +"I bought the $100 edition of ""Ready or Not"" to support the games future.",1 +" the vibration from first person view makes me feel really sick, and this is why I don't play it that much anymore.",0 +"it is full of amusing puns, ",2 +sad to say it looks like the end of two point hospital dlcs but overall I have no real complaints.,1 +The game entirely is a pretty fun experience ,2 +"good game culture, community events are a nice touch (keeps the game interesting without having to download an entire new game, but with a reward system), cross-play is like the Switzerland flag; a big plus.",2 +In 9 hours of gameplay ,1 +that you can still explore which is cool.,2 + By that I mean they turn the AI into aimbot gods which we all know is not a good measure of difficulty. The game is seldom fun now and,0 +"once you learn how to play it, it is very easy to dominate. I never feared for having money, even at the start of a map, or with really any decision I made. unfortunately, this is also its downfall. ",2 +"now you gotta scroll to see ur stuff. it’s not game breaking you might think, but then some tech you had installed suddenly disappeared or was deleted becuz of the inventory change.",0 +"good game, but some setting are difficult to play e.g. students always thirsty/hungry even though I placed many vending machines.",0 +"challenge 2.5/5slight challenge to this game, you have to balance patient needs, staff needs, all while maintaining a safe, clean, and positive environment.",1 +"There is a story to follow about an alien civ which is interesting and then there is the mysterious ""center of the universe"".",2 +its a very fun game with many hospitals to play in and explore new machines,2 +"Loved this game, so complete",2 +"No Newtonian physics, no drifting, ",0 +the tutorial did not explain a lot of features so that was very confusing.,0 +"The initial learning curve is high, ",2 + the default visual settings are not great.,0 +"I never played theme hospital (insert boos and hisses here), but I did play sim theme park, another bullfrog title (insert cheers here).",1 +" gunplay is on the level of say tarkov, ",2 +This game would be way better if it was in VR...,0 +"This game is great! This is a real ""Spaceman Simulator""!",2 +Have a few hundred hours invested on console,2 +" coupled with a serene and atmospheric soundtrack,",2 +with custom music and content from the steam workshop.,2 +the options to play online challenges with friends who also have the game is fun for those who need some more social interaction in the game.,2 +Hell swapping the magazine from your gun is louder than an officer standing next to you shouting at a suspect to drop their gun.,0 +I cannot play continuously because there is no language support but nice,0 +this is a good game to play while relaxing in front of television since it only really requires a mouse to play and only about half of your attention.,2 +"Options include easy creative mode all the way up to sudden death hardcore, ",1 +but nothing is brought back to your own game.,0 +"or you're looking for a game to fight space pirates, alien drones, tame animals, build incredible bases or just take some beautiful screenshots, I would recommend you try this game - ",2 + spent almost 2 hours playing ,1 +"watching the medical devices ""cure"" patients is funny and interesting.",2 +" I thought this might get boring after a while, but due to various different classes and so many little details to explore throughout the game it has not gotten boring yet.",2 +"Because of the well thought out map designs and story when you play through the maps. It's not structured as a campaign, but something you progress through and find what happened at the crime scene.",2 +"The much touted variety of planets is... limited. 18 quintillion different planets, and they all have the same gravity. Is your planet toxic, frozen, or desert? I can tell you what background assets will be in use on each!",0 +"As you got through more and more levels, enemies would get more variety and equipment (eg. shotguns, gas masks, ballistic vests). ",2 +it is one of the best life simulation and problem solving game.,2 +"and the customization options are spot-on, I loved the exotic ships, this game is about a 8.",2 +I played the crap outta every bullfrog game; theme hospital was the one I preferred.,2 + and graphics can be adjusted to allow you to enjoy the best experience.,2 +"Best open world. I mean Galaxy, to explore with 18 quintillion planets in a massive open world game ",2 + and this game took everything good about that game and made it better and got rid of some of the things that were annoying in the original.,2 + then you can eliminate 50% of the frustration caused by the broken team AI.,0 +"The random civilians have like 3 lines in total between male and female, ",0 +"at the beginning, they will be new doctor is offices, new diagnostic rooms, so that in the later stages of the game you will be able to unlock the possibility of training doctors, conducting research, or even using extensive marketing or counteracting epidemics inside the hospital.",2 +" like Battlefield 2042, COD Vanguard, etc.",2 +this is not your game.,0 +I really wanted to dislike this game. it is juvenile graphics and styling had me convinced it was going to be drivel ... ,0 +"Language learning should be mandatory to progress in main story,",0 +"The game is mainly third-person with some first person elements to it, ",1 + I know they have an $80 DLC but ,1 +I LOVE this game. It demonstrates the difficulty of what it's like to be a police officer and enforces quick thinking along with situational awareness.,2 +thought this game would annoy me but I find it enjoyable escape from reality of real hospital work.,2 +i think sandbox mode would be great for this game but they do not know it. adding all the features to sandbox mode is possible they just have to use their heads on how to add it.,0 +This game is way to good to pass up especially if you have v desktop and a VR headset takes a while to figure out but is good and ,2 +"My favourite part of this game is finding something new and amazing, or finding a new planet with amazing resources, It is like getting to live your dream over and over again in a Groundhog Day, open world environment.",2 +" their spawns change with every round, and not in a predictable pattern, they'll rush you when you least expect it, pull a knife on your if you're not paying good attention while they're surrendering, blind fire through doors and glass if they hear you prepping a breach, and basically do anything they can to catch you off-guard.",1 +" would make a few small changes, maybe add a leveling system or even a shop so that you have something to work towards.",0 +once again easy enough to casually play.,2 + a number of other details that will surely improve over the life of this game.,2 +"There definitely needs to be some changes made to the civilian AI and preferably the ability to physically restrain someone who is unarmed so you don't have situations where if you're out of tasers/CS etc and you end up with a load of heavily armed SWAT officers all standing around an unarmed civilian screaming ""Get on the ground!""",0 +the last few where you've got to reach the center of the galaxy on the higher difficulty levels.,1 +I absolutely cannot wait for the Steam Workshop and proper modding to come so maps and cool overhaul mods are more accessible and one click away rather than manually placing them on the pack folder.,2 +"The story was interesting, as I look back on it, but it was a little bit too non linear and overly complicated by the language system, but I did liked the translator and language learning. ",2 +In the end in my opinion NMS is a really good game,2 +I would like to see better support for mods and a workshop where mods can be uploaded and shared FREE of charge.,2 +it's still a challenge to survive sometimes.,2 + the sound in this game -@ while Fantastic -@ is a bit strange. It's a bit difficult to tell if voices you hear or footsteps you hear are on your current floor or not. The sound engine is a little weird in that respect and needs to be fixed.,0 +"Your health is not forgiving, and you need to take control of your situation quickly with wits and reflexes.",2 +"the game is great,",2 +"Newest update has addressed my only real gripe with the game, and",2 +"this game keeps getting better and better, I didn't just buy this game to play, I did it to support the ambitious developer team behind this game which refused men in black suits to control them.",2 +"a game with better music-better controls (very subjective, I just really liked the controls of hospital and im not used to campus.",2 +room creation and object placement is done on a grid layout ,2 +"discovering new diseases and treatment rooms,",1 +"I am not a big micromanager, but I rarely have issues with money or getting to three stars. ",2 +Especially since the devs are constantly patching/updating and making it the police game they and we want it to be.,2 +There are also multiplayer missions that can be initiated from The Anomaly where other players in the hub can join you and embark on a journey to a distant star system to complete a simple task.,2 +"""the movies"" was more funny (fantastic to see the resulting film), was more ""natural"" to play (you immediately knew which roles had to be covered by which characters) and could be played in ""casual""-mode (here events are ""pushed"" towards you).all in all I would have liked more a ""port"" of ""the movies"" than this game :(",1 +"With billions of star systems, each with its own unique planets, flora, and fauna, the possibilities for exploration are virtually endless. I'm constantly amazed by the diverse array of planets I encounter, ",2 +you will need to learn in order to progress and not just illness discovery,1 +oh and being able to name almost everything yourself in an inspiring mystical science fiction setting.,2 +I still think this is a fun game for people that are in to Law Enforcement Games and also have a group of friends you would want to play it with.,2