# Created by Danyang Zhang @X-Lance from typing import Tuple, Dict from typing import Union import functools def load_response(filename, decodes: bool = False) ->\ Tuple[ int , Dict[str, Union[bytes, str]] , bytes ]: """ Args: filename: str decodes: bool indicating whether the value of the headers dict should be decoded into str Returns: - int as the status code - dict like {str: bytes or str} as the headers dict - bytes as the packet load """ with open(filename, "rb") as f: response = f.read() header_bytes, _, content = response.partition(b"\r\n\r\n") header_items = header_bytes.split(b"\r\n") status_code = int(header_items[0].split()[1].strip()) header = {k.decode().lower(): (val.decode() if decodes else val) for k, val in map(functools.partial(bytes.split, sep=b": ", maxsplit=1), header_items[1:])} return status_code, header, content