--- license: cc-by-4.0 dataset_info: - config_name: default features: - name: raw_file dtype: string - name: scan_number dtype: int64 - name: method_nbr dtype: int64 - name: precursor_charge_onehot sequence: int32 - name: collision_energy_aligned_normed dtype: float64 - name: intensities_raw sequence: float64 - name: package dtype: string - name: modified_sequence dtype: string splits: - name: train num_bytes: 32998969225 num_examples: 21294649 - name: val num_bytes: 9419944436 num_examples: 6078851 - name: test num_bytes: 4654383726 num_examples: 3003623 download_size: 3706447347 dataset_size: 47073297387 - config_name: holdout features: - name: raw_file dtype: string - name: scan_number dtype: int64 - name: modified_sequence dtype: string - name: collision_energy_aligned_normed dtype: float64 - name: intensities_raw sequence: float64 - name: precursor_charge_onehot sequence: int32 - name: method_nbr dtype: int64 splits: - name: test num_bytes: 1208775037 num_examples: 783150 download_size: 50335479 dataset_size: 1208775037 configs: - config_name: default data_files: - split: train path: data/train-* - split: val path: data/val-* - split: test path: data/test-* - config_name: holdout data_files: - split: test path: holdout/test-* --- # PROSPECT PTMs - Fragment Ion Intensity Prediction (MS2) A mass-spectrometry dataset for applied machine learning in proteomics, annotated, processed and split for the task of fragment ion intensity prediction. ## Dataset Details - **Curated by:** Wilhelmlab - Technical University of Munich - School of Life Sciences - Germany - **License:** CC-BY4.0 ### Dataset Sources The data is based on the PROSPECT PTMs datasets hosted in Zenodo [3][4][5][6]. - **Repository:** https://github.com/wilhelm-lab/PROSPECT ## Uses The dataset is intended to be used for fragment ion intensity prediction given a peptide sequence. Optionally, addiional inputs can be used as features to encode PTMs or other features describing the experimental setup. ## Dataset Structure The dataset has two configurations: - default: this is the train/val/test data that is based on all the Zenodo PROSPECT PTMs datasets [3][4][5] - holdout: this is the holdout datasets that can be eventually used to evaluate a model capable of processing PTMs. It is based on the PROSPECT Test-PTM dataset on Zenodo [6]. Use one of the following lines to load the respective configuration: ```python # main data for training and evaluation; contains train, val, tesst splits main_dataset = load_dataset("Wilhelmlab/prospect-ptms-ms2") # holdout data for final benchmarking and model comparison; contains test split only holdout_dataset = load_dataset("Wilhelmlab/prospect-ptms-ms2", "holdout") ``` ## Dataset Creation ### Curation Rationale The dataset is intended to serve as a reference benchmark dataset for fragment ion intensity prediction, processed, split, and ready-to-use for developing deep learning models for this specific task. ### Source Data The upstream source data is based on the ProteomeTools datasets available on PRIDE [1][2]. #### Data Collection and Processing [More Information Needed] ### Annotations The annotations are based on an expert system [7] with a set of rules listed in the PROSPECT paper [8]. The vector of intensities is collected in one column named `intensities_raw`. #### Personal and Sensitive Information The dataset does not contain any personal, sensitive, or private data. ### Recommendations We recommend using the holdout configuration for solely evaluation models at the end of the research iteration. ## Citation **BibTeX:** [More Information Needed] **APA:** ## References [1] Daniel P Zolg, Mathias Wilhelm, Karsten Schnatbaum, Johannes Zerweck, Tobias Knaute, Bernard Delanghe, Derek J Bailey, Siegfried Gessulat, Hans-Christian Ehrlich, Maximilian Weininger, et al. Building proteometools based on a complete synthetic human proteome. Nature methods, 14(3):259–262, 2017. [2] Daniel Paul Zolg, Mathias Wilhelm, Tobias Schmidt, Guillaume Médard, Johannes Zerweck, Tobias Knaute, Holger Wenschuh, Ulf Reimer, Karsten Schnatbaum, and Bernhard Kuster. Pro- teometools: Systematic characterization of 21 post-translational protein modifications by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (lc-ms/ms) using synthetic peptides. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 17(9):1850–1863, 2018. [3] Wassim Gabriel, Omar Shouman, and Mathias Wilhelm. PROSPECT PTMs Dataset - Multi- PTM. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11472525, 2024. [4] Wassim Gabriel, Omar Shouman, and Mathias Wilhelm. PROSPECT PTMs Dataset - TMT. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8221499, 2023. [5] Wassim Gabriel, Omar Shouman, and Mathias Wilhelm. PROSPECT PTMs Dataset - TMT- PTM. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11474099, 2024. [6] Wassim Gabriel, Omar Shouman, and Mathias Wilhelm. PROSPECT PTMs Dataset - Test-PTM. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11477731, 2024. [7] Nadin Neuhauser, Annette Michalski, Jürgen Cox, and Matthias Mann. Expert system for computer-assisted annotation of ms/ms spectra. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 11(11):1500– 1509, 2012. [8] Omar Shouman, Wassim Gabriel, Victor-George Giurcoiu, Vitor Sternlicht, and Mathias Wil- helm. PROSPECT: Labeled tandem mass spectrometry dataset for machine learning in pro- teomics. In S. Koyejo, S. Mohamed, A. Agarwal, D. Belgrave, K. Cho, and A. Oh, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, volume 35, pages 32882–32896. Curran Associates, Inc., 2022. ## Dataset Card Contact mathias.wilhelm@tum.de Wilhelmlab, TU Munich, School of Life Sciences, Germany.