import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib import librosa from import write k = 1e-16 def np_log10(x): numerator = np.log(x + 1e-16) denominator = np.log(10) return numerator / denominator def sigmoid(x): s = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x)) return s def inv_sigmoid(s): x = np.log((s / (1 - s)) + 1e-16) return x def spc_to_VAE_input(spc): """Restrict value range from 0 to 1.""" return spc / (1 + spc) def VAE_out_put_to_spc(o): """Inverse transform of function 'spc_to_VAE_input'.""" return o / (1 - o + k) def denoise(spc): """Filter back ground noise. (Not used.)""" return np.maximum(0, spc - (2e-5)) hop_length = 256 win_length = 1024 def np_power_to_db(S, amin=1e-16, top_db=80.0): """Helper method for scaling.""" ref = np.max(S) # set fixed value for ref # 每个元素取max log_spec = 10.0 * np_log10(np.maximum(amin, S)) log_spec -= 10.0 * np_log10(np.maximum(amin, ref)) log_spec = np.maximum(log_spec, np.max(log_spec) - top_db) return log_spec def show_spc(spc, resolution=(512, 256)): """Show a spectrogram.""" spc = np.reshape(spc, resolution) magnitude_spectrum = np.abs(spc) log_spectrum = np_power_to_db(magnitude_spectrum) plt.imshow(np.flipud(log_spectrum)) def save_results(spectrogram, spectrogram_image_path, waveform_path): """Save the input 'spectrogram' and its waveform (reconstructed bu Griffin Lim) to path provided by 'spectrogram_image_path' and 'waveform_path'.""" # save image magnitude_spectrum = np.abs(spectrogram) log_spc = np_power_to_db(magnitude_spectrum) log_spc = np.reshape(log_spc, (512, 256)) matplotlib.pyplot.imsave(spectrogram_image_path, log_spc, vmin=-100, vmax=0, origin='lower') # save waveform abs_spec = np.zeros((513, 256)) abs_spec[:512, :] = abs_spec[:512, :] + np.sqrt(np.reshape(spectrogram, (512, 256))) rec_signal = librosa.griffinlim(abs_spec, n_iter=32, hop_length=256, win_length=1024) write(waveform_path, 16000, rec_signal)