from typing import Dict import torch from ddsp.core import tf_float32 import tensorflow as tf import ddsp import numpy as np from torch import tensor from melody_synth.complex_torch_synth import SinSawSynth, DoubleSawSynth, TriangleSawSynth, SinTriangleSynth from torchsynth.config import SynthConfig if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = "cuda" else: device = "cpu" class MelodyGenerator: """This is the only external interface of the melody_synth package.""" def __init__(self, sample_rate: int, n_note_samples: int, n_melody_samples: int): self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.n_note_samples = n_note_samples self.n_melody_samples = n_melody_samples synthconfig = SynthConfig( batch_size=1, reproducible=False, sample_rate=sample_rate, buffer_size_seconds=np.float64(n_note_samples) / np.float64(sample_rate) ) self.Saw_Square_Voice = DoubleSawSynth(synthconfig) self.SinSawVoice = SinSawSynth(synthconfig) self.SinTriVoice = SinTriangleSynth(synthconfig) self.TriSawVoice = TriangleSawSynth(synthconfig) def get_melody(self, params: Dict[str, float], midi) -> [tf.Tensor]: """Generates a random melody audio. Parameters ---------- params: Dict[str, float] Dictionary of specifications (see Readme). midi: List[float, float, float] Melody midi (see Readme). Returns ------- onsets: List[tf.Tensor] Audio. """ osc1_amp = np.float(params.get("osc1_amp", 0)) osc2_amp = np.float(params.get("osc2_amp", 0)) attack = np.float(params.get("attack", 0)) decay = np.float(params.get("decay", 0)) sustain = np.float(params.get("sustain", 0)) release = np.float(params.get("release", 0)) cutoff_freq = params.get("cutoff_freq", 4000) syn_parameters = { ("adsr", "attack"): tensor([attack]), # [0.0, 2.0] ("adsr", "decay"): tensor([decay]), # [0.0, 2.0] ("adsr", "sustain"): tensor([sustain]), # [0.0, 2.0] ("adsr", "release"): tensor([release]), # [0.0, 2.0] ("adsr", "alpha"): tensor([3]), # [0.1, 6.0] # Mixer parameter ("mixer", "vco_1"): tensor([osc1_amp]), # [0, 1] ("mixer", "vco_2"): tensor([osc2_amp]), # [0, 1] # Constant parameters: ("vco_1", "mod_depth"): tensor([0.0]), # [-96, 96] ("vco_1", "tuning"): tensor([0.0]), # [-24.0, 24] ("vco_2", "mod_depth"): tensor([0.0]), # [-96, 96] ("vco_2", "tuning"): tensor([0.0]), # [-24.0, 24] } osc_types = params.get("osc_types", 0) if osc_types == 0: synth = self.SinSawVoice syn_parameters[("vco_2", "shape")] = tensor([1]) elif osc_types == 1: synth = self.SinSawVoice syn_parameters[("vco_2", "shape")] = tensor([0]) elif osc_types == 2: synth = self.Saw_Square_Voice syn_parameters[("vco_1", "shape")] = tensor([1]) syn_parameters[("vco_2", "shape")] = tensor([0]) elif osc_types == 3: synth = self.SinTriVoice elif osc_types == 4: synth = self.TriSawVoice syn_parameters[("vco_2", "shape")] = tensor([1]) else: synth = self.TriSawVoice syn_parameters[("vco_2", "shape")] = tensor([0]) track = np.zeros(self.n_melody_samples) for i in range(len(midi)): (location, pitch, duration) = midi[i] syn_parameters[("keyboard", "midi_f0")] = tensor([pitch]) syn_parameters[("keyboard", "duration")] = tensor([duration]) synth.set_parameters(syn_parameters) audio_out, parameters, is_train = synth() single_note = audio_out[0] single_note = np.hstack( [np.zeros(int(location * self.sample_rate)), single_note, np.zeros(self.n_melody_samples)])[ :self.n_melody_samples] track = track + single_note no_cutoff = False if no_cutoff: return track cutoff_freq = tf_float32(cutoff_freq) impulse_response = ddsp.core.sinc_impulse_response(cutoff_freq, 2048, self.sample_rate) track = tf_float32(track) return ddsp.core.fft_convolve(track[tf.newaxis, :], impulse_response)[0, :]