8 values
By a ring groupoid we mean an animated ring whose i-th homotopy groups are zero for all i>1. In this expository note we give an elementary treatment of the (2,1)-category of ring groupoids (i.e., without referring to general animated rings and without using n-categories for n>2). The note is motivated by the fact that ring stacks play a central role in the Bhatt-Lurie approach to prismatic cohomology.
Coloured Jones and Alexander polynomials are sequences of quantum invariants recovering the Jones and Alexander polynomials at the first terms. We show that they can be seen conceptually in the same manner, using topological tools, as intersection pairings in covering spaces between explicit homology classes given by Lagrangian submanifolds. The main result proves that the $N^{th}$ coloured Jones polynomial and $N^{th}$ coloured Alexander polynomial come as different specialisations of an intersection pairing of the same homology classes over two variables, with extra framing corrections in each case. The first corollary explains Bigelow's picture for the Jones polynomial with noodles and forks from the quantum point of view. Secondly, we conclude that the $N^{th}$ coloured Alexander polynomial is a graded intersection pairing in a $ \mathbb Z \oplus \mathbb Z_N$-covering of the configuration space in the punctured disc.
We study the problem of convergence to the boundary in the setting of random walks on discrete quantum groups. Convergence to the boundary is established for random walks on $\hat{\textrm{SU}_q(2)}$. Furthermore, we will define the Martin boundary for random walks on C$^*$-tensor categories and give a formulation for convergence to the boundary for such random walks. These categorical definitions are shown to be compatible with the definitions in the quantum group case. This implies that convergence to the boundary for random walks on quantum groups is stable under monoidal equivalence.
Given a rigid C*-tensor category C with simple unit and a probability measure $\mu$ on the set of isomorphism classes of its simple objects, we define the Poisson boundary of $(C,\mu)$. This is a new C*-tensor category P, generally with nonsimple unit, together with a unitary tensor functor $\Pi: C \to P$. Our main result is that if P has simple unit (which is a condition on some classical random walk), then $\Pi$ is a universal unitary tensor functor defining the amenable dimension function on C. Corollaries of this theorem unify various results in the literature on amenability of C*-tensor categories, quantum groups, and subfactors.
We previously developed an approach to Bialynicki-Birula theory for holomorphic $\mathbb{C}^*$ actions on complex analytic spaces and the concept of virtual Morse-Bott indices for singular critical points of Hamiltonian functions for the induced circle actions (see Feehan, arXiv:2206.14710). For Hamiltonian functions of circle actions on closed, complex Kaehler manifolds, the virtual Morse-Bott index coincides with the classical Morse-Bott index due to Bott (1954) and Frankel (1959). A key principle in our approach is that positivity of the virtual Morse-Bott index at a critical point of the Hamiltonian function implies that the critical point cannot be a local minimum even when that critical point is a singular point in the moduli space. In this monograph, we consider our method in the context of the moduli space of non-Abelian monopoles over a closed, complex, Kaehler surface. We use the Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch Theorem to compute virtual Morse-Bott indices of all critical strata (Seiberg-Witten moduli subspaces) and we prove that these indices are positive in a setting motivated by the conjecture that all closed, smooth four-manifolds of Seiberg-Witten simple type obey the Bogomolov-Miyaoka-Yau inequality.
We construct the first examples of non-K\"ahler complex structures on $R^4$. These complex surfaces have some analogies with the complex structures constructed in early Fifties by Calabi and Eckmann on the products of two odd-dimensional spheres. However, our construction is quite different from that of Calabi and Eckmann.
This article mainly aims to overview the recent efforts on developing algebraic geometry for an arbitrary compact almost complex manifold. We review the results obtained by the guiding philosophy that a statement for smooth maps between smooth manifolds in terms of Ren\'e Thom's transversality should also have its counterpart in pseudoholomorphic setting without requiring genericity of the almost complex structures. These include intersection of compact almost complex submanifolds, structure of pseudoholomorphic maps, zero locus of certain harmonic forms, and eigenvalues of Laplacian. In addition to reviewing the compact manifolds situation, we also extend these results to orbifolds and non-compact manifolds. Motivations, methodologies, applications, and further directions are discussed. The structural results on the pseudoholomorphic maps lead to a notion of birational morphism between almost complex manifolds. This motivates the study of various birational invariants, including Kodaira dimensions and plurigenera, in this setting. Some other aspects of almost complex algebraic geometry in dimension $4$ are also reviewed. These include cones of (co)homology classes and subvarieties in spherical classes.
We show that several new classes of groups are measure strongly treeable. In particular, finitely generated groups admitting planar Cayley graphs, elementarily free groups, and the group of isometries of the hyperbolic plane and all its closed subgroups. In higher dimensions, we also prove a dichotomy that the fundamental group of a closed aspherical 3-manifold is either amenable or has strong ergodic dimension 2. Our main technical tool is a method for finding measurable treeings of Borel planar graphs by constructing one-ended spanning subforests in their planar dual. Our techniques for constructing one-ended spanning subforests also give a complete classification of the locally finite pmp graphs which admit Borel a.e. one-ended spanning subforests.
In this article, using the recent theory of noncommutative motives, we compute the additive invariants of orbifolds (equipped with a sheaf of Azumaya algebras) using solely "fixed-point data". As a consequence, we recover, in a unified and conceptual way, the original results of Vistoli concerning algebraic K-theory, of Baranovsky concerning cyclic homology, of the second author with Polishchuk concerning Hochschild homology, and of Baranovsky-Petrov and Caldararu-Arinkin (unpublished) concerning twisted Hochschild homology; in the case of topological Hochschild homology and periodic topological cyclic homology, the aforementioned computation is new in the literature. As an application, we verify Grothendieck's standard conjectures of type C and D, as well as Voevodsky's smash-nilpotence conjecture, in the case of "low-dimensional" orbifolds. Finally, we establish a result of independent interest concerning nilpotency in the Grothendieck ring of an orbifold.
We start by developing a theory of noncommutative (=NC) mixed motives with coefficients in any commutative ring. In particular, we construct a symmetric monoidal triangulated category of NC mixed motives, over a base field k, and a full subcategory of NC mixed Artin motives. Making use of Hochschild homology, we then apply Ayoub's weak Tannakian formalism to these motivic categories. In the case of NC mixed motives, we obtain a motivic Hopf dg algebra, which we describe explicitly in terms of Hochschild homology and complexes of exact cubes. In the case of NC mixed Artin motives, we compute the associated Hopf dg algebra using solely the classical category of mixed Artin-Tate motives. Finally, we establish a short exact sequence relating the Hopf algebra of continuous functions on the absolute Galois group with the motivic Hopf dg algebras of the base field k and of its algebraic closure. Along the way, we describe the behavior of Ayoub's weak Tannakian formalism with respect to orbit categories and relate the category of NC mixed motives with Voevodsky's category of mixed motives.
We prove sign-alternation of the structure constants in the basis of structure sheaves of opposite Schubert varieties in the torus-equivariant Grothendieck group of coherent sheaves on the flag varieties $G/P$ associated to an arbitrary symmetrizable Kac-Moody group $G$, where $P$ is any parabolic subgroup. This generalizes the work of Anderson-Griffeth-Miller from the finite case to the general Kac-Moody case, and affirmatively answers a conjecture of Lam-Schilling-Shimozono regarding the signs of the structure constants in the case of the affine Grassmannian.
Making use of the recent theory of noncommutative motives, we prove that Schur-finiteness in the setting of Voevodsky's mixed motives is invariant under homological projective duality. As an application, we show that the mixed motives of smooth linear sections of certain (Lagrangian) Grassmannians, spinor varieties, and determinantal varieties, are Schur-finite. Finally, we upgrade our applications from Schur-finiteness to Kimura-finiteness.
This survey covers some of the recent developments on noncommutative motives and their applications. Among other topics, we compute the additive invariants of relative cellular spaces and orbifolds; prove Kontsevich's semi-simplicity conjecture; prove a far-reaching noncommutative generalization of the Weil conjectures; prove Grothendieck's standard conjectures of type C+ and D, Voevodsky's nilpotence conjecture, and Tate's conjecture, in several new cases; embed the (cohomological) Brauer group into secondary K-theory; construct a noncommutative motivic Gysin triangle; compute the localizing A1-homotopy invariants of corner skew Laurent polynomial algebras and of noncommutative projective schemes; relate Kontsevich's category of noncommutative mixed motives to Morel-Voevodsky's stable A1-homotopy category, to Voevodsky's triangulated category of mixed motives, and to Levine's triangulated category of mixed motives; prove the Schur-finiteness conjecture for quadric fibrations over low-dimensional bases; and finally extend Grothendieck's theory of periods to the setting of dg categories.
Making use of topological periodic cyclic homology, we extend Grothendieck's standard conjectures of type C and D (with respect to crystalline cohomology theory) from smooth projective schemes to smooth proper dg categories in the sense of Kontsevich. As a first application, we prove Grothendieck's original conjectures in the new cases of linear sections of determinantal varieties. As a second application, we prove Grothendieck's (generalized) conjectures in the new cases of "low-dimensional" orbifolds. Finally, as a third application, we establish a far-reaching noncommutative generalization of Berthelot's cohomological interpretation of the classical zeta function and of Grothendieck's conditional approach to "half"' of the Riemann hypothesis. Along the way, following Scholze, we prove that the topological periodic cyclic homology of a smooth proper scheme X agrees with the crystalline cohomology theory of X (after inverting the characteristic of the base field).
We prove that the Tate, Beilinson and Parshin conjectures are invariant under Homological Projective Duality (=HPD). As an application, we obtain a proof of these celebrated conjectures (as well as of the strong form of the Tate conjecture) in the new cases of linear sections of determinantal varieties and complete intersections of quadrics. Furthermore, we extend the original conjectures of Tate, Beilinson and Parshin from schemes to stacks and prove these extended conjectures for certain low-dimensional global orbifolds.
In this short article, given a smooth diagonalizable group scheme G of finite type acting on a smooth quasi-compact quasi-separated scheme X, we prove that (after inverting some elements of representation ring of G) all the information concerning the additive invariants of the quotient stack [X/G] is "concentrated" in the subscheme of G-fixed points X^G. Moreover, in the particular case where G is connected and the action has finite stabilizers, we compute the additive invariants of [X/G] using solely the subgroups of roots of unity of G. As an application, we establish a Lefschtez-Riemann-Roch formula for the computation of the additive invariants of proper push-forwards.
In this survey, written for the proceedings of the conference K-theory in algebra, analysis and topology, Buenos-Aires, Argentina (satellite event of the ICM 2018), we give a rigorous overview of the noncommutative counterparts of some celebrated conjectures of Grothendieck, Voevodsky, Beilinson, Weil, Tate, Parshin, Kimura, Schur, and others.
In this article we prove that the numerical Grothendieck group of every smooth proper dg category is invariant under primary field extensions, and also that the mod-n algebraic K-theory of every dg category is invariant under extensions of separably closed fields. As a byproduct, we obtain an extension of Suslin's rigidity theorem, as well as of Yagunov-Ostvaer's equivariant rigidity theorem, to singular varieties. Among other applications, we show that base-change along primary field extensions yields a faithfully flat morphism between noncommutative motivic Galois groups. Finally, along the way, we introduce the category of n-adic noncommutative mixed motives.
Let T be a torus, X a smooth quasi-compact separated scheme equipped with a T-action, and [X/T] the associated quotient stack. Given any localizing A1-homotopy invariant of dg categories E, we prove that the derived completion of E([X/T]) at the augmentation ideal I of the representation ring R(T) of T agrees with the Borel construction associated to the T-action on X. Moreover, for certain localizing A1-homotopy invariants, we extend this result to the case of a linearly reductive group scheme G. As a first application, we obtain an alternative proof of Krishna's completion theorem in algebraic K-theory, of Thomason's completion theorem in \'etale K-theory with coefficients, and also of Atiyah-Segal's completion theorem in topological K-theory. These alternative proofs lead to a spectral enrichment of the corresponding completion theorems and also to the following improvements: in the case of Thomason's completion theorem the base field no longer needs to be separably closed, and in the case of Atiyah-Segal's completion theorem the topological spaces no longer needs to be compact and the equivariant topological K-theory groups no longer need to be finitely generated over the representation ring. As a second application, we obtain new completion theorems in l-adic \'etale K-theory, in (real) semi-topological K-theory and also in periodic cyclic homology. As a third application, we obtain a purely algebraic description of the different equivariant cohomology groups in the literature (motivic, l-adic, (real) morphic, Betti, de Rham, etc). Finally, in two appendixes of independent interest, we extend a result of Weibel on homotopy K-theory from the realm of schemes to the broad setting of quotient stacks and establish some useful properties of (real) semi-topological K-theory.
In this note, making use of noncommutative $l$-adic cohomology, we extend the generalized Riemann hypothesis from the realm of algebraic geometry to the broad setting of geometric noncommutative schemes in the sense of Orlov. As a first application, we prove that the generalized Riemann hypothesis is invariant under derived equivalences and homological projective duality. As a second application, we prove the noncommutative generalized Riemann hypothesis in some new cases.
Let k be a finite base field. In this note, making use of topological periodic cyclic homology and of the theory of noncommutative motives, we prove that the numerical Grothendieck group of every smooth proper dg k-linear category is a finitely generated free abelian group. Along the way, we prove moreover that the category of noncommutative numerical motives over k is abelian semi-simple, as conjectured by Kontsevich. Furthermore, we show that the zeta functions of endomorphisms of noncommutative Chow motives are rational and satisfy a functional equation.
Let k be a base field of positive characteristic. Making use of topological periodic cyclic homology, we start by proving that the category of noncommutative numerical motives over k is abelian semi-simple, as conjectured by Kontsevich. Then, we establish a far-reaching noncommutative generalization of the Weil conjectures, originally proved by Dwork and Grothendieck. In the same vein, we establish a far-reaching noncommutative generalization of the cohomological interpretations of the Hasse-Weil zeta function, originally proven by Hesselholt. As a third main result, we prove that the numerical Grothendieck group of every smooth proper dg category is a finitely generated free abelian group, as claimed (without proof) by Kuznetsov. Then, we introduce the noncommutative motivic Galois (super-)groups and, following an insight of Kontsevich, relate them to their classical commutative counterparts. Finally, we explain how the motivic measure induced by Berthelot's rigid cohomology can be recovered from the theory of noncommutative motives.
We prove that the Tate conjecture is invariant under Homological Projective Duality (=HPD). As an application, we prove the Tate conjecture in the new cases of linear sections of determinantal varieties, and also in the cases of complete intersections of two quadrics. Furthermore, we extend the Tate conjecture from schemes to stacks and prove it for certain global orbifolds
Let Q -> B be a quadric fibration and T -> B a family of sextic du Val del Pezzo surfaces. Making use of the recent theory of noncommutative mixed motives, we establish a precise relation between the Schur-finiteness conjecture for Q, resp. for T, and the Schur-finiteness conjecture for B. As an application, we prove the Schur-finiteness conjecture for Q, resp. for T, when B is low-dimensional. Along the way, we obtain a proof of the Schur-finiteness conjecture for smooth complete intersections of two or three quadric hypersurfaces. Finally, we prove similar results for the Bass-finiteness conjecture.
In this article, following an insight of Kontsevich, we extend the famous Weil conjecture (as well as the strong form of the Tate conjecture) from the realm of algebraic geometry to the broad noncommutative setting of dg categories. As a first application, we prove the noncommutative Weil conjecture (and the noncommutative strong form of the Tate conjecture) in the following cases: twisted schemes, Calabi-Yau dg categories associated to hypersurfaces, noncommutative gluings of schemes, root stacks, (twisted) global orbifolds, connective dg algebras, and finite-dimensional dg algebras. As a second application, we provide an alternative noncommutative proof of Weil's original conjecture (which avoids the involved tools used by Deligne) in the cases of intersections of two quadrics and linear sections of determinantal varieties. Finally, we extend also the classical theory of L-functions (as well as the corresponding conjectures of Tate and Beilinson) from the realm of algebraic geometry to the broad noncommutative setting of dg categories. Among other applications, this leads to an alternative noncommutative proof of a celebrated convergence result of Serre.
In this article we construct a new motivic measure called the ${\it Jacques}$ ${\it Tits}$ ${\it motivic}$ ${\it measure}$. As a first main application of the Jacques Tits motivic measure, we prove that two Severi-Brauer varieties (or, more generally, two twisted Grassmannian varieties), associated to $2$-torsion central simple algebras, have the same class in the Grothendieck ring of varieties if and only if they are isomorphic. In addition, we prove that if two Severi-Brauer varieties, associated to central simple algebras of period $\{3, 4, 5, 6\}$, have the same class in the Grothendieck ring of varieties, then they are necessarily birational to each other. As a second main application of the Jacques Tits motivic measure, we prove that two quadric hypersurfaces (or, more generally, two involution varieties), associated to quadratic forms of dimension $6$ or to quadratic forms of arbitrary dimension defined over a base field $k$ with $I^3(k)=0$, have the same class in the Grothendieck ring of varieties if and only if they are isomorphic. In addition, we prove that the latter main application also holds for products of quadric hypersurfaces.
We study equivariant Hermitian K-theory for representations of symplectic groups, especially $\mathrm{SL}_2$. The results are used to establish an Atiyah-Segal completion theorem for Hermitian $K$-theory and symplectic groups.
In this note we show, roughly speaking, that if $\mathcal{B}$ is a Boolean algebra included in the natural way in the collection $\mathcal{D}/_\sim$ of all equivalence classes of natural density sets of the natural numbers, modulo null density, then $\mathcal{B}$ extends to a $\sigma$-algebra $\Sigma \subset \mathcal{D}/_\sim$ and the natural density is $\sigma$-additive on $\Sigma$. We prove the main tool employed in the argument in a more general setting, involving a kind of quantum state function, more precisely, a group-valued submeasure on an orthomodular lattice. At the end we discuss the construction of `non-distributive $L^p$ spaces' by means of submeasures on lattices.
Given a finitely generated and projective Lie-Rinehart algebra, we show that there is a continuous homomorphism of complete commutative Hopf algebroids between the completion of the finite dual of its universal enveloping Hopf algebroid and the associated convolution algebra. The topological Hopf algebroid structure of this convolution algebra is here clarified, by providing an explicit description of its topological antipode as well as of its other structure maps. Conditions under which that homomorphism becomes an homeomorphism are also discussed. These results, in particular, apply to the smooth global sections of any Lie algebroid over a smooth (connected) manifold and they lead a new formal groupoid scheme to enter into the picture. In the Appendix we develop the necessary machinery behind complete Hopf algebroid constructions, which involves also the topological tensor product of filtered bimodules over filtered rings.
We show that countable metric spaces always have quantum isometry groups, thus extending the class of metric spaces known to possess such universal quantum-group actions. Motivated by this existence problem we define and study the notion of loose embeddability of a metric space $(X,d_X)$ into another, $(Y,d_Y)$: the existence of an injective continuous map that preserves both equalities and inequalities of distances. We show that $0$-dimensional compact metric spaces are "generically" loosely embeddable into the real line, even though not even all countable metric spaces are.
Given a sequence converging to zero, we consider the set of numbers which are sums of (infinite, finite, or empty) subsequences. When the original sequence is not absolutely summable, the subsum set is an unbounded closed interval which includes zero. When it is absolutely summable the subsum set is one of the following: a finite union of (nontrivial) compact intervals, a Cantor set, or a "symmetric Cantorval".
Taking a Feynman categorical perspective, several key aspects of the geometry of surfaces are deduced from combinatorial constructions with graphs. This provides a direct route from combinatorics of graphs to string topology operations via topology, geometry and algebra. In particular, the inclusion of trees into graphs and the dissection of graphs into aggregates yield a concise formalism for cyclic and modular operads as well as their polycyclic and surface type generalizations. The latter occur prominently in two-dimensional topological field theory and in string topology. The categorical viewpoint allows us to use left Kan extensions of Feynman operations as an efficient computational tool. The computations involve the study of certain categories of structured graphs which are expected to be of independent interest.
In this paper we generalize the well-known construction of shuffle product algebras by using mixable shuffles, and prove that any free Baxter algebra is isomorphic to a mixable shuffle product algebra. This gives an explicit construction of the free Baxter algebra, extending the work of Rota and Cartier.
Coherent unit actions on a binary, quadratic operad were introduced by Loday and were shown by him to give Hopf algebra structures on the free algebras when the operad is also regular with a splitting of associativity. Working with such operads, we characterize coherent unit actions in terms of linear equations of the generators of the operads. We then use these equations to give all possible operad relations that allow such coherent unit actions. We further show that coherent unit actions are preserved under taking products and thus yield Hopf algebras on the free object of the product operads when the factor operads have coherent unit actions. On the other hand, coherent unit actions are never preserved under taking the dual in the operadic sense except for the operad of associative algebras.
We introduce the decomposition rank, a notion of covering dimension for nuclear C^*-algebras. The decomposition rank generalizes ordinary covering dimension and has nice permanence properties; in particular, it behaves well with respect to direct sums, quotients, inductive limits, unitization and quasidiagonal extensions. Moreover, it passes to hereditary subalgebras and is invariant under stabilization. It turns out that the decomposition rank can be finite only for strongly quasidiagonal C^*-algebras and that it is closely related to the classification program.
Inspired by recent papers on twisted $K$-theory, we consider in this article the question of when a twist $\mathcal{R}$ over a locally compact Hausdorff groupoid $\mathcal{G}$ (with unit space a CW-complex) admits a twisted vector bundle, and we relate this question to the Brauer group of $\mathcal{G}$. We show that the twists which admit twisted vector bundles give rise to a subgroup of the Brauer group of $\mathcal{G}$. When $\mathcal{G}$ is an \'etale groupoid, we establish conditions (involving the classifying space $B\mathcal{G}$ of $\mathcal{G}$) which imply that a torsion twist $\mathcal{R}$ over $\mathcal{G}$ admits a twisted vector bundle.
We extend the definitions and main properties of graded extensions to the category of locally compact groupoids endowed with involutions. We introduce Real \v{C}ech cohomology, which is an equivariant-like cohomology theory suitable for the context of groupoids with involutions. The Picard group of such a groupoid is discussed and is given a cohomological picture. Eventually, we generalize Crainic's result, about the differential cohomology of a proper Lie groupoid with coefficients in a given representation, to the topological case.
For a finite-dimensional vector space $V$, the common basis complex of $V$ is the simplicial complex whose vertices are the proper non-zero subspaces of $V$, and $\sigma$ is a simplex if and only if there exists a basis $B$ of $V$ that contains a basis of $S$ for all $S\in \sigma$. This complex was introduced by Rognes in 1992 in connection with stable buildings. In this article, we prove that the common basis complex is homotopy equivalent to the proper part of the poset of partial direct sum decompositions of $V$. Moreover, we establish this result in a more general combinatorial context, including the case of free groups, matroids, vector spaces with non-degenerate sesquilinear forms, and free modules over commutative Hermite rings, such as local rings or Dedekind domains.
The notion of limit roots of a Coxeter group W was recently introduced (see arXiv:1112.5415 and arXiv:1303.6710): they are the accumulation points of directions of roots of a root system for W. In the case where the root system lives in a Lorentzian space W admits a faithful representation as a discrete reflection group of isometries on a hyperbolic space; the accumulation set of any of its orbits is then classically called the limit set of W. In this article we show that the limit roots of a Coxeter group W acting on a Lorentzian space is equal to the limit set of W seen as a discrete reflection group of hyperbolic isometries. We aim for this article to be as self-contained as possible in order to be accessible to the community familiar with reflection groups and root systems and to the community familiar with discrete subgroups of isometries in hyperbolic geometry.
Infinitesimals are natural products of the human imagination. Their history goes back to the Greek antiquity. Their role in the calculus and analysis has seen dramatic ups and downs. They have stimulated strong opinions and even vitriol. Edwin Hewitt developed hyperreal fields in the 1940s. Abraham Robinson's infinitesimals date from the 1960s. A noncommutative version of infinitesimals, due to Alain Connes, has been in use since the 1990s. We review some of the hyperreal concepts, and compare them with some of the concepts underlying noncommutative geometry.
We introduce the new concept of cartesian module over a pseudofunctor $R$ from a small category to the category of small preadditive categories. Already the case when $R$ is a (strict) functor taking values in the category of commutative rings is sufficient to cover the classical construction of quasi-coherent sheaves of modules over a scheme. On the other hand, our general setting allows for a good theory of contravariant additive locally flat functors, providing a geometrically meaningful extension of Crawley-Boevey's Representation Theorem. As an application, we relate and extend some previous constructions of the pure derived category of a scheme.
We prove new cases of the Hilbert-Smith conjecture for actions by natural homeomorphisms in symplectic topology. Specifically, we prove that the group of $p$-adic integers $\mathbb Z_p$ does not admit non-trivial continuous actions by Hamiltonian homeomorphisms, the $C^0$ limits of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms, on symplectically aspherical symplectic manifolds. For a class of symplectic manifolds, including all standard symplectic tori, we deduce that a locally compact group acting faithfully by homeomorphisms in the $C^0$ closure of time-one maps of symplectic isotopies must be a Lie group. Our methods of proof differ from prior approaches to the question and involve barcodes and power operations in Floer cohomology. They also apply to other natural metrics in symplectic topology, notably Hofer's metric. An appendix by Leonid Polterovich uses this to deduce obstructions on Hamiltonian actions by semi-simple $p$-adic analytic groups.
We extend the definition of the Maslov index to a broad class of non-Hamiltonian dynamical systems. To do this, we introduce a family of topological spaces--which we call Maslov-Arnold spaces--that share key topological features with the Lagrangian Grassmannian, and hence admit a similar index theory. This family contains the Lagrangian Grassmannian, and much more. We construct a family of examples, called hyperplane Maslov-Arnold spaces, that are dense in the Grassmannian, and hence are much larger than the Lagrangian Grassmannian (which is a submanifold of positive codimension). The resulting index is then used to study eigenvalue problems for non-symmetric reaction-diffusion systems. A highlight of our analysis is a topological interpretation of the Turing instability: the bifurcation that occurs as one increases the ratio of diffusion coefficients corresponds to a change in the generalized Maslov index.
Let $\Gamma$ be a discrete group. Assuming rational injectivity of the Baum-Connes assembly map, we provide new lower bounds on the rank of the positive scalar curvature bordism group and the relative group in Stolz' positive scalar curvature sequence for $\mathrm{B} \Gamma$. The lower bounds are formulated in terms of the part of degree up to $2$ in the group homology of $\Gamma$ with coefficients in the $\mathbb{C}\Gamma$-module generated by finite order elements. Our results use and extend work of Botvinnik and Gilkey which treated the case of finite groups. Further crucial ingredients are a real counterpart to the delocalized equivariant Chern character and Matthey's work on explicitly inverting this Chern character in low homological degrees.
We prove that if a quasi-isometry of warped cones is induced by a map between the base spaces of the cones, the actions must be conjugate by this map. The converse is false in general, conjugacy of actions is not sufficient for quasi-isometry of the respective warped cones. For a general quasi-isometry of warped cones, using the asymptotically faithful covering constructed in a previous work with Jianchao Wu, we deduce that the two groups are quasi-isometric after taking Cartesian products with suitable powers of the integers. Secondly, we characterise geometric properties of a group (coarse embeddability into Banach spaces, asymptotic dimension, property A) by properties of the warped cone over an action of this group. These results apply to arbitrary asymptotically faithful coverings, in particular to box spaces. As an application, we calculate the asymptotic dimension of a warped cone, improve bounds by Szab\'o, Wu, and Zacharias and by Bartels on the amenability dimension of actions of virtually nilpotent groups, and give a partial answer to a question of Willett about dynamic asymptotic dimension. In the appendix, we justify optimality of the aforementioned result on general quasi-isometries by showing that quasi-isometric warped cones need not come from quasi-isometric groups, contrary to the case of box spaces.
A countable, bounded degree graph is almost finite if it has a tiling with isomorphic copies of finitely many F\o lner sets, and we call it strongly almost finite, if the tiling can be randomized so that the probability that a vertex is on the boundary of a tile is uniformly small. We give various equivalents for strong almost finiteness. In particular, we prove that Property A together with a uniform version of amenability is equivalent to strong almost finiteness. Using these characterizations, we show that graphs of subexponential growth and Schreier graphs of amenable groups are always strongly almost finite, generalizing the celebrated result of Downarowicz, Huczek and Zhang about amenable Cayley graphs, based on graph theoretic rather than group theoretic principles. We give various equivalents to Property A for graphs, and show that if a sequence of graphs of Property A (in a uniform sense) converges to a graph $G$ in the neighborhood distance (a purely combinatorial analogue of the classical Benjamini-Schramm distance), then their Laplacian spectra converge to the Laplacian spectrum of $G$ in the Hausdorff distance. We apply the previous theory to construct a new and rich class of classifiable $C^{\star}$-algebras. Namely, we show that for any minimal strong almost finite graph $G$ there are naturally associated simple, nuclear, stably finite $C^{\star}$-algebras that are classifiable by their Elliott invariants.
We consider triangulations of surfaces with edges painted three colors so that edges of each triangle have different colors. Such structures arise as Belyi data (or Grothendieck dessins d'enfant), on the other hand they enumerate pairs of permutations determined up to a common conjugation. The topic of these notes is links of such combinatorial structures with infinite symmetric groups and their representations.
Our aim is to find some new links between linear (circular) orderability of groups and topological dynamics. We suggest natural analogs of the concept of algebraic orderability for topological groups involving order-preserving actions on compact spaces and the corresponding enveloping semigroups in the sense of R. Ellis. This approach leads to several natural questions. Some of them might be useful also for discrete (countable) orderable groups.
In this paper the group structure of the $p$-adic ball and sphere are studied. The dynamical system of isometry defined on invariant sphere is investigated. We define the binary operations $\oplus$ and $\odot$ on a ball and sphere respectively, and prove that this sets are compact topological abelian group with respect to the operations. Then we show that any two balls (spheres) with positive radius are isomorphic as groups. We prove that the Haar measure introduced in $\mathbb Z_p$ is also a Haar measure on an arbitrary balls and spheres. We study the dynamical system generated by the isometry defined on a sphere, and show that the trajectory of any initial point that is not a fixed point isn't convergent. We study ergodicity of this $p$-adic dynamical system with respect to normalized Haar measure reduced on the sphere. For $p\geq 3$ we prove that the dynamical systems are not ergodic. But for $p=2$ under some conditions the dynamical system may be ergodic.
For compact Hausdorff admissible right topological (CHART) group $G$, we prove $w(G)=\pi\chi(G)$. This equality is well known for compact topological groups. This implies the criteria for the metrizability of CHART groups: if $G$ is first-countable (2013, Moors, Namioka) or $G$ is Fr\'echet (2013, Glasner, Megrelishvili), or $G$ has countable $\pi$-character (2022, Reznichenko) then $G$ is metrizable. Under the continuum hypothesis (CH) assumption, a sequentially compact CHART group is metrizable. Namioka's theorem that metrizable CHART groups are topological groups extends to CHART groups with small weight.
In this paper we construct and study the representation theory of a Hopf C^*-algebra with approximate unit, which constitutes quantum analogue of a compact group C^*-algebra. The construction is done by first introducing a convolution-product on an arbitrary Hopf algebra H with integral, and then constructing the L_2 and C^*-envelopes of H (with the new convolution-product) when H is a compact Hopf *-algebra.
We consider three quantum algebras: the q-oscillator algebra, the Podles' sphere and the q-deformed enveloping algebra of $su(2).$ To each of these *-algebras we associate certain partial dynamical system and perform the "Mackey analysis" of *-representations developed in [SS]. As a result we get the description of "standard" irreducible *-representations. Further, for each of these examples we show the existence of a "$C^*$-envelope" which is canonically isomorphic to the covariance $C^*$-algebra of the partial dynamical system. Finally, for the q-oscillator algebra and the q-deformed $\cU(su(2))$ we show the existence of "bad" representations.
For L a finite lattice, let C(L) denote the set of pairs g = (g_0,g_1) such that g_0 is a lower cover of g_1 and order it as follows: g <= d iff g_0 <= d_0, g_1 <= d_1, but not g_1 <= d_0. Let C(L,g) denote the connected component of g in this poset. Our main result states that C(L,g) is a semidistributive lattice if L is semidistributive, and that C(L,g) is a bounded lattice if L is bounded. Let S_n be the permutohedron on n letters and T_n be the associahedron on n+1 letters. Explicit computations show that C(S_n,a) = S_{n-1} and C(T_n,a) = T_{n-1}, up to isomorphism, whenever a is an atom. These results are consequences of new characterizations of finite join semidistributive and finite lower bounded lattices: (i) a finite lattice is join semidistributive if and only if the projection sending g in C(L) to g_0 in L creates pullbacks, (ii) a finite join semidistributive lattice is lower bounded if and only if it has a strict facet labelling. Strict facet labellings, as defined here, are generalization of the tools used by Barbut et al. to prove that lattices of Coxeter groups are bounded.
We study the question of the existence of a dual extremal function for a bounded matrix function on the unit circle in connection with the problem of approximation by analytic matrix functions. We characterize the class of matrix functions, for which a dual extremal function exists in terms of the existence of a maximizing vector of the corresponding Hankel operator and in terms of certain special factorizations that involve thematic matrix functions.
In this paper we study differentiability properties of the map $T\mapsto\phi(T)$, where $\phi$ is a given function in the disk-algebra and $T$ ranges over the set of contractions on Hilbert space. We obtain sharp conditions (in terms of Besov spaces) for differentiability and existence of higher derivatives. We also find explicit formulae for directional derivatives (and higher derivatives) in terms of double (and multiple) operator integrals with respect to semi-spectral measures.
We prove that if $0<\a<1$ and $f$ is in the H\"older class $\L_\a(\R)$, then for arbitrary self-adjoint operators $A$ and $B$ with bounded $A-B$, the operator $f(A)-f(B)$ is bounded and $\|f(A)-f(B)\|\le\const\|A-B\|^\a$. We prove a similar result for functions $f$ of the Zygmund class $\L_1(\R)$: $\|f(A+K)-2f(A)+f(A-K)\|\le\const\|K\|$, where $A$ and $K$ are self-adjoint operators. Similar results also hold for all H\"older-Zygmund classes $\L_\a(\R)$, $\a>0$. We also study properties of the operators $f(A)-f(B)$ for $f\in\L_\a(\R)$ and self-adjoint operators $A$ and $B$ such that $A-B$ belongs to the Schatten--von Neumann class $\bS_p$. We consider the same problem for higher order differences. Similar results also hold for unitary operators and for contractions.
This is a survey article. We consider different problems in connection with the behavior of functions of operators under perturbations of operators. We deal with three classes of operators: unitary operators, self-adjoint operators, and contractions. We study operator Lipschitz and operator differentiable functions. We also study the behavior of functions under perturbations of an operator by an operator of Schatten--von Neumann class $\bS_p$ and apply the results to the Livschits--Krein and Koplienko--Neidhardt trace formulae. We also include in this survey article recent unexpected results obtained in a joint paper with Aleksandrov on operator H\"older--Zygmund functions.
We prove that if $f$ is a Lipschitz function on $\R$, $A$ and $B$ are self-adjoint operators such that ${\rm rank} (A-B)=1$, then $f(A)-f(B)$ belongs to the weak space $\boldsymbol{S}_{1,\be}$, i.e., $s_j(A-B)\le{\rm const} (1+j)^{-1}$. We deduce from this result that if $A-B$ belongs to the trace class $\boldsymbol{S}_1$ and $f$ is Lipschitz, then $f(A)-f(B)\in\boldsymbol{S}_\Omega$, i.e., $\sum_{j=0}^ns_j(f(A)-f(B))\le\const\log(2+n)$. We also obtain more general results about the behavior of double operator integrals of the form $Q=\iint(f(x)-f(y))(x-y)^{-1}dE_1(x)TdE_2(y)$, where $E_1$ and $E_2$ are spectral measures. We show that if $T\in\boldsymbol{S}_1$, then $Q\in\boldsymbol{S}_\Omega$ and if $\rank T=1$, then $Q\in\boldsymbol{S}_{1,\be}$. Finally, if $T$ belongs to the Matsaev ideal $\boldsymbol{S}_\omega$, then $Q$ is a compact operator.
It is well known that a Lipschitz function on the real line does not have to be operator Lipschitz. We show that the situation changes dramatically if we pass to H\"older classes. Namely, we prove that if $f$ belongs to the H\"older class $\L_\a(\R)$ with $0<\a<1$, then $\|f(A)-f(B)\|\le\const\|A-B\|^\a$ for arbitrary self-adjoint operators $A$ and $B$. We prove a similar result for functions $f$ in the Zygmund class $\L_1(\R)$: for arbitrary self-adjoint operators $A$ and $K$ we have $\|f(A-K)-2f(A)+f(A+K)\|\le\const\|K\|$. We also obtain analogs of this result for all H\"older--Zygmund classes $\L_\a(\R)$, $\a>0$. Then we find a sharp estimate for $\|f(A)-f(B)\|$ for functions $f$ of class $\L_\o\df\{f: \o_f(\d)\le\const\o(\d)\}$ for an arbitrary modulus of continuity $\o$. In particular, we study moduly of continuity, for which $\|f(A)-f(B)\|\le\const\o(\|A-B\|)$ for self-adjoint $A$ and $B$, and for an arbitrary function $f$ in $\L_\o$. We obtain similar estimates for commutators $f(A)Q-Qf(A)$ and quasicommutators $f(A)Q-Qf(B)$. Finally, we estimate the norms of finite differences $\sum\limits_{j=0}^m(-1)^{m-j}(m j)f\big(A+jK\big)$ for $f$ in the class $\L_{\o,m}$ that is defined in terms of finite differences and a modulus continuity $\o$ of order $m$. We also obtaine similar results for unitary operators and for contractions.
This is a continuation of our paper \cite{AP2}. We prove that for functions $f$ in the H\"older class $\L_\a(\R)$ and $1<p<\be$, the operator $f(A)-f(B)$ belongs to $\bS_{p/\a}$, whenever $A$ and $B$ are self-adjoint operators with $A-B\in\bS_p$. We also obtain sharp estimates for the Schatten--von Neumann norms $\big\|f(A)-f(B)\big\|_{\bS_{p/\a}}$ in terms of $\|A-B\|_{\bS_p}$ and establish similar results for other operator ideals. We also estimate Schatten--von Neumann norms of higher order differences $\sum\limits_{j=0}^m(-1)^{m-j}(m\j)f\big(A+jK\big)$. We prove that analogous results hold for functions on the unit circle and unitary operators and for analytic functions in the unit disk and contractions. Then we find necessary conditions on $f$ for $f(A)-f(B)$ to belong to $\bS_q$ under the assumption that $A-B\in\bS_p$. We also obtain Schatten--von Neumann estimates for quasicommutators $f(A)Q-Qf(B)$, and introduce a spectral shift function and find a trace formula for operators of the form $f(A-K)-2f(A)+f(A+K)$.
This is a continuation of our papers \cite{AP2} and \cite{AP3}. In those papers we obtained estimates for finite differences $(\D_Kf)(A)=f(A+K)-f(A)$ of the order 1 and $(\D_K^mf)(A)\df\sum\limits_{j=0}^m(-1)^{m-j}(m\j)f\big(A+jK\big)$ of the order $m$ for certain classes of functions $f$, where $A$ and $K$ are bounded self-adjoint operator. In this paper we extend results of \cite{AP2} and \cite{AP3} to the case of unbounded self-adjoint operators $A$. Moreover, we obtain operator Bernstein type inequalities for entire functions of exponential type. This allows us to obtain alternative proofs of the main results of \cite{AP2}. We also obtain operator Bernstein type inequalities for functions of unitary operators. Some results of this paper as well as of the papers \cite{AP2} and \cite{AP3} were announced in \cite{AP1}.
In \cite{Pe1}, \cite{Pe2}, \cite{AP1}, \cite{AP2}, and \cite{AP3} sharp estimates for $f(A)-f(B)$ were obtained for self-adjoint operators $A$ and $B$ and for various classes of functions $f$ on the real line $\R$. In this note we extend those results to the case of functions of normal operators. We show that if $f$ belongs to the H\"older class $\L_\a(\R^2)$, $0<\a<1$, of functions of two variables, and $N_1$ and $N_2$ are normal operators, then $\|f(N_1)-f(N_2)\|\le\const\|f\|_{\L_\a}\|N_1-N_2\|^\a$. We obtain a more general result for functions in the space $\L_\o(\R^2)=\big\{f: |f(\z_1)-f(\z_2)|\le\const\o(|\z_1-\z_2|)\big\}$ for an arbitrary modulus of continuity $\o$. We prove that if $f$ belongs to the Besov class $B_{\be1}^1(\R^2)$, then it is operator Lipschitz, i.e., $\|f(N_1)-f(N_2)\|\le\const\|f\|_{B_{\be1}^1}\|N_1-N_2\|$. We also study properties of $f(N_1)-f(N_2)$ in the case when $f\in\L_\a(\R^2)$ and $N_1-N_2$ belongs to the Schatten-von Neuman class $\bS_p$.
We obtain general trace formulae in the case of perturbation of self-adjoint operators by self-adjoint operators of class $\bS_m$, where $m$ is a positive integer. In \cite{PSS} a trace formula for operator Taylor polynomials was obtained. This formula includes the Livshits--Krein trace formula in the case $m=1$ and the Koplienko trace formula in the case $m=2$. We establish most general trace formulae in the case of perturbation of Schatten--von Neumann class $\bS_m$. We also improve the trace formula obtained in \cite{PSS} for operator Taylor polynomials and prove it for arbitrary functions in he Besov space $B_{\be1}^m(\R)$. We consider several other special cases of our general trace formulae. In particular, we establish a trace formula for $m$th order operator differences.
In \cite{Pe1}, \cite{Pe2}, \cite{AP1}, \cite{AP2}, and \cite{AP3} sharp estimates for $f(A)-f(B)$ were obtained for self-adjoint operators $A$ and $B$ and for various classes of functions $f$ on the real line $\R$. In this paper we extend those results to the case of functions of normal operators. We show that if a function $f$ belongs to the H\"older class $\L_\a(\R^2)$, $0<\a<1$, of functions of two variables, and $N_1$ and $N_2$ are normal operators, then $\|f(N_1)-f(N_2)\|\le\const\|f\|_{\L_\a}\|N_1-N_2\|^\a$. We obtain a more general result for functions in the space $\L_\o(\R^2)=\big\{f:~|f(\z_1)-f(\z_2)|\le\const\o(|\z_1-\z_2|)\big\}$ for an arbitrary modulus of continuity $\o$. We prove that if $f$ belongs to the Besov class $B_{\be1}^1(\R^2)$, then it is operator Lipschitz, i.e., $\|f(N_1)-f(N_2)\|\le\const\|f\|_{B_{\be1}^1}\|N_1-N_2\|$. We also study properties of $f(N_1)-f(N_2)$ in the case when $f\in\L_\a(\R^2)$ and $N_1-N_2$ belongs to the Schatten-von Neuman class $\bS_p$.
In \cite{AP2} we obtained general estimates of the operator moduli of continuity of functions on the real line. In this paper we improve the estimates obtained in \cite{AP2} for certain special classes of functions. In particular, we improve estimates of Kato \cite{Ka} and show that $$ \big\|\,|S|-|T|\,\big\|\le C\|S-T\|\log(2+\log\frac{\|S\|+\|T\|}{\|S-T\|}) $$ for every bounded operators $S$ and $T$ on Hilbert space. Here $|S|\df(S^*S)^{1/2}$. Moreover, we show that this inequality is sharp. We prove in this paper that if $f$ is a nondecreasing continuous function on $\R$ that vanishes on $(-\be,0]$ and is concave on $[0,\be)$, then its operator modulus of continuity $\O_f$ admits the estimate $$ \O_f(\d)\le\const\int_e^\be\frac{f(\d t)\,dt}{t^2\log t},\quad\d>0. $$ We also study the problem of sharpness of estimates obtained in \cite{AP2} and \cite{AP4}. We construct a $C^\be$ function $f$ on $\R$ such that $\|f\|_{L^\be}\le1$, $\|f\|_{\Li}\le1$, and $$ \O_f(\d)\ge\const\,\d\sqrt{\log\frac2\d},\quad\d\in(0,1]. $$ In the last section of the paper we obtain sharp estimates of $\|f(A)-f(B)\|$ in the case when the spectrum of $A$ has $n$ points. Moreover, we obtain a more general result in terms of the $\e$-entropy of the spectrum that also improves the estimate of the operator moduli of continuity of Lipschitz functions on finite intervals, which was obtained in \cite{AP2}.
We study in this paper properties of functions of perturbed normal operators and develop earlier results obtained in \cite{APPS2}. We study operator Lipschitz and commutator Lipschitz functions on closed subsets of the plane. For such functions we introduce the notions of the operator modulus of continuity and of various commutator moduli of continuity. Our estimates lead to estimates of the norms of quasicommutators $f(N_1)R-Rf(N_2)$ in terms of $\|N_1R- RN_2\|$, where $N_1$ and $N_2$ are normal operator and $R$ is a bounded linear operator. In particular, we show that if $0<\a<1$ and $f$ is a H\"older function of order $\a$, then for normal operators $N_1$ and $N_2$, $$ \|f(N_1)R-Rf(N_2)\|\le\const(1-\a)^{-2}\|f\|_{\L_\a}\|N_1R-RN_2\|^\a\|R\|^{1-\a}. $$ In the last section we obtain lower estimates for constants in operator H\"older estimates.
We generalize earlier results of Peller, Aleksandrov - Peller, Aleksandrov - Peller - Potapov - Sukochev to the case of functions of $n$-tuples of commuting self-adjoint operators. In particular, we prove that if a function $f$ belongs to the Besov space $B_{\be,1}^1(\R^n)$, then $f$ is operator Lipschitz and we show that if $f$ satisfies a H\"older condition of order $\a$, then $\|f(A_1...,A_n)-f(B_1,...,B_n)\|\le\const\max_{1\le j\le n}\|A_j-B_j\|^\a$ for all $n$-tuples of commuting self-adjoint operators $(A_1,...,A_n)$ and $(B_1,...,B_n)$. We also consider the case of arbitrary moduli of continuity and the case when the operators $A_j-B_j$ belong to the Schatten--von Neumann class $\bS_p$.
Let $(A_1,\cdots,A_n)$ and $(B_1,\cdots,B_n)$ be $n$-tuples of commuting self-adjoint operators on Hilbert space. For functions $f$ on $\R^n$ satisfying certain conditions, we obtain sharp estimates of the operator norms (or norms in operator ideals) of $f(A_1,\cdots,A_n)-f(B_1,\cdots,B_n)$ in terms of the corresponding norms of $A_j-B_j$, $1\le j\le n$. We obtain analogs of earlier results on estimates for functions of perturbed self-adjoint and normal operators. It turns out that for $n\ge3$, the methods that were used for self-adjoint and normal operators do not work. We propose a new method that works for arbitrary $n$. We also get sharp estimates for quasicommutators $f(A_1,\cdots,A_n)R-Rf(B_1,\cdots,B_n)$ in terms of norms of $A_jR-RB_j$, $1\le j\le n$, for a bounded linear operator $R$.
We study the localization of zeros of Cauchy transforms of discrete measures on the real line. This question is motivated by the theory of canonical systems of differential equations. In particular, we prove that the spaces of Cauchy transforms having the localization property are in one-to-one correspondence with the canonical systems of special type, namely, those whose Hamiltonians consist only of indivisible intervals accumulating on the left. Various aspects of the localization phenomena are studied in details. Connections with the density of polynomials and other topics in analysis are discussed.
We consider functions $f(A,B)$ of noncommuting self-adjoint operators $A$ and $B$ that can be defined in terms of double operator integrals. We prove that if $f$ belongs to the Besov class $B_{\be,1}^1(\R^2)$, then we have the following Lipschitz type estimate in the trace norm: $\|f(A_1,B_1)-f(A_2,B_2)\|_{\bS_1}\le\const(\|A_1-A_2\|_{\bS_1}+\|B_1-B_2\|_{\bS_1})$. However, the condition $f\in B_{\be,1}^1(\R^2)$ does not imply the Lipschitz type estimate in the operator norm.
Let $A$ and $B$ be almost commuting (i.e, $AB-BA\in\bS_1$) self-adjoint operators. We construct a functional calculus $\f\mapsto\f(A,B)$ for $\f$ in the Besov class $B_{\be,1}^1(\R^2)$. This functional calculus is linear, the operators $\f(A,B)$ and $\psi(A,B)$ almost commute for $\f,\,\psi\in B_{\be,1}^1(\R^2)$, $\f(A,B)=u(A)v(B)$ whenever $\f(s,t)=u(s)v(t)$, and the Helton--Howe trace formula holds. The main tool is triple operator integrals.
We study perturbations of functions $f(A,B)$ of noncommuting self-adjoint operators $A$ and $B$ that can be defined in terms of double operator integrals. We prove that if $f$ belongs to the Besov class $B_{\be,1}^1(\R^2)$, then we have the following Lipschitz type estimate in the Schatten--von Neumann norm $\bS_p$, $1\le p\le2$ norm: $\|f(A_1,B_1)-f(A_2,B_2)\|_{\bS_p}\le\const(\|A_1-A_2\|_{\bS_p}+\|B_1-B_2\|_{\bS_p})$. However, the condition $f\in B_{\be,1}^1(\R^2)$ does not imply the Lipschitz type estimate in $\bS_p$ with $p>2$. The main tool is Schatten--von Neumann norm estimates for triple operator integrals.
Let $A$ and $B$ be almost commuting (i.e., the commutator $AB-BA$ belongs to trace class) self-adjoint operators. We construct a functional calculus $\varphi\mapsto\varphi(A,B)$ for functions $\varphi$ in the Besov class $B_{\infty,1}^1({\Bbb R}^2)$. This functional calculus is linear, the operators $\varphi(A,B)$ and $\psi(A,B)$ almost commute for $\varphi,\,\psi\in B_{\infty,1}^1({\Bbb R}^2)$, and $\varphi(A,B)=u(A)v(B)$ whenever $\varphi(s,t)=u(s)v(t)$. We extend the Helton--Howe trace formula for arbitrary functions in $B_{\infty,1}^1({\Bbb R}^2)$. The main tool is triple operator integrals with integrands in Haagerup-like tensor products of $L^\infty$ spaces.
We describe the maximal class of functions $f$ on the real line, for which the Lifshitz--Krein trace formula $\operatorname{trace}(f(A)-f(B))=\int_{\Bbb R} f'(s)\boldsymbol{\xi}(s)\,ds$ holds for arbitrary self-adjoint operators $A$ and $B$ with $A-B$ in the trace class $\boldsymbol{S}_1$. We prove that this class of functions coincide with the class of operator Lipschitz functions.
The purpose of this survey article is a comprehensive study of operator Lipschitz functions. A continuous function $f$ on the real line ${\Bbb R}$ is called operator Lipschitz if $\|f(A)-f(B)\|\le{\rm const}\|A-B\|$ for arbitrary self-adjoint operators $A$ and $B$. We give sufficient conditions and necessary conditions for operator Lipschitzness. We also study the class of operator differentiable functions on ${\Bbb R}$. Then we consider operator Lipschitz functions on closed subsets of the plane as well as commutator Lipschitz functions on such subsets. Am important role is played by double operator integrals and Schur multipliers.
In this paper we study properties of functions of triples of not necessarily commuting self-adjoint operators. The main result of the paper shows that unlike in the case of functions of pairs of self-adjoint operators there is no Lipschitz type estimates in the trace norm for arbitrary functions in the Besov class $B_{\infty,1}^1({\Bbb R}^3)$.
The purpose of this survey is a comprehensive study of operator Lip\-schitz functions. A continuous function $f$ on the real line ${\Bbb R}$ os called operator Lipschitz if $\|f(A)-f(B)\|\le\operatorname{const}\|A-B\|$ for arbitrary self-adjoint operators $A$ and $B$. We give sufficient conditions and necessary conditions for operator Lipschitzness. We also study the class of operator differentiable functions on ${\Bbb R}$ . Next, we consider operator Lipschitz functions on closed subsets of the plane and introduce the class of commutator Lipschitz functions on such subsets. An important role for the study of such classes of functions is played by double operator integrals and Schur multipliers.
The main result of this paper is a description of the space of functions on the unit circle, for which Krein's trace formula holds for arbitrary pairs of unitary operators with trace class difference. This space coincides with the space of operator Lipschitz functions on the unit circle.
In this paper we study properties of functions of triples of not necessarily commuting self-adjoint operators. The main result of the paper shows that unlike in the case of functions of pairs of self-adjoint operators there is no Lipschitz type estimates in any Schatten--von Neumann norm $\boldsymbol S_p$, $1\le p\le\infty$, for arbitrary functions in the Besov class $B_{\infty,1}^1({\Bbb R}^3)$. In other words, we prove that for $p\in[1,\infty]$, there is no constant $K>0$ such that the inequality \begin{align*} \|f(A_1,B_1,C_1)&-f(A_2,B_2,C_2)\|_{\boldsymbol S_p}\\[.1cm] &\le K\|f\|_{B_{\infty,1}^1} \max\big\{\|A_1-A_2\|_{\boldsymbol S_p},\|B_1-B_2\|_{\boldsymbol S_p},\|C_1-C_2\|_{\boldsymbol S_p}\big\} \end{align*} holds for an arbitrary function $f$ in $B_{\infty,1}^1({\Bbb R}^3)$ and for arbitrary finite rank self-adjoint operators $A_1,\,B_1,\,C_1,\,A_2,\,B_2$ and $C_2$.
In this paper we develop the method of double operator integrals to prove trace formulae for functions of contractions, dissipative operators, unitary operators and self-adjoint operators. To establish the absolute continuity of spectral shift, we use the Sz.-Nagy theorem on the absolute continuity of the spectrum of the minimal unitary dilation of a completely nonunitary contraction. We also give a construction of an intermediate contraction for a pair of contractions with trace class difference.
The purpose of this paper is to obtain an integral representation for the difference $f(L_1)-f(L_2)$ of functions of maximal dissipative operators. This representation in terms of double operator integrals will allow us to establish Lipschitz type estimates for functions of maximal dissipative operators. We also consider a similar problem for quasicommutators, i.e., operators of the form $f(L_1)R-Rf(L_2)$.
The purpose of the paper is to obtain estimates for differences of functions of two pairs of commuting contractions on Hilbert space. In particular, Lipschitz type estimates, H\"older type estimates, Schatten--von Neumann estimates are obtained. The results generalize earlier known results for functions of self-adjoint operators, normal operators, contractions and dissipative operators.
Given a domain $D$ in $\mathbb{C}^n$ and $K$ a compact subset of $D$, the set $\mathcal{A}_K^D$ of all restrictions of functions holomorphic on $D$ the modulus of which is bounded by $1$ is a compact subset of the Banach space $C(K)$ of continuous functions on $K$. The sequence $(d_m(\mathcal{A}_K^D))_{m\in \mathbb{N}}$ of Kolmogorov $m$-widths of $\mathcal{A}_K^D$ provides a measure of the degree of compactness of the set $\mathcal{A}_K^D$ in $C(K)$ and the study of its asymptotics has a long history, essentially going back to Kolmogorov's work on $\epsilon$-entropy of compact sets in the 1950s. In the 1980s Zakharyuta showed that for suitable $D$ and $K$ the asymptotics \begin{equation*} \lim_{m\to \infty}\frac{- \log d_m(\mathcal{A}_K^D)}{m^{1/n}} = 2\pi \left ( \frac{n!}{C(K,D)}\right ) ^{1/n}\,, \end{equation*} where $C(K,D)$ is the Bedford-Taylor relative capacity of $K$ in $D$ is implied by a conjecture, now known as Zakharyuta's Conjecture, concerning the approximability of the regularised relative extremal function of $K$ and $D$ by certain pluricomplex Green functions. Zakharyuta's Conjecture was proved by Nivoche in 2004 thus settling the asymptotics above at the same time. We shall give a new proof of the asymptotics above for $D$ strictly hyperconvex and $K$ non-pluripolar which does not rely on Zakharyuta's Conjecture. Instead we proceed more directly by a two-pronged approach establishing sharp upper and lower bounds for the Kolmogorov widths. The lower bounds follow from concentration results of independent interest for the eigenvalues of a certain family of Toeplitz operators, while the upper bounds follow from an application of the Bergman-Weil formula together with an exhaustion procedure by special holomorphic polyhedra.
In this article we prove that for $p>2$, there exist pairs of self-adjoint operators $(A_1,B_1)$ and $(A_2,B_2)$ and a function $f$ on the real line in the homogeneous Besov class $B_{\infty,1}^1({\Bbb R}^2)$ such that the differences $A_2-A_1$ and $B_2-B_1$ belong to the Schatten--von Neumann class $\boldsymbol{S}_p$ but $f(A_2,B_2)-f(A_1,B_1)\not\in\boldsymbol{S}_p$. A similar result holds for functions of contractions. We also obtain an analog of this result in the case of triples of self-adjoint operators for any $p\ge1$
We study Schatten--von Neumann properties of multiple operator integrals with integrands in the Haagerup tensor product of $L^\infty$ spaces. We obtain sharp, best possible estimates. This allowed us to obtain sharp Schatten--von Neumann estimates in the case of {\it Haagerup-like} tensor products.
The main result of the paper is a description of the class of functions on the unit circle, for which Krein's trace formula holds for arbitrary pairs of unitary operators with trace class difference. We prove that this class of functions coincides with the class of operator Lipschitz functions.
In this note we study the problem of evaluating the trace of $f(T)-f(R)$, where $T$ and $R$ are contractions on Hilbert space with trace class difference, i.e., $T-R\in\boldsymbol{S}_1$ and $f$ is a function analytic in the unit disk ${\Bbb D}$. It is well known that if $f$ is an operator Lipschitz function analytic in ${\Bbb D}$, then $f(T)-f(R)\in\boldsymbol{S}_1$. The main result of the note says that there exists a function $\boldsymbol{\xi}$ (a spectral shift function) on the unit circle ${\Bbb T}$ of class $L^1({\Bbb T})$ such that the following trace formula holds: $\operatorname{trace}(f(T)-f(R))=\int_{\Bbb T} f'(\zeta)\boldsymbol{\xi}(\zeta)\,d\zeta$, whenever $T$ and $R$ are contractions with $T-R\in\boldsymbol{S}_1$ and $f$ is an operator Lipschitz function analytic in ${\Bbb D}$.
In this paper we prove that for an arbitrary pair $\{T_1,T_0\}$ of contractions on Hilbert space with trace class difference, there exists a function $\boldsymbol\xi$ in $L^1({\Bbb T})$ (called a spectral shift function for the pair $\{T_1,T_0\}$ ) such that the trace formula $\operatorname{trace}(f(T_1)-f(T_0))=\int_{\Bbb T} f'(\zeta)\boldsymbol{\xi}(\zeta)\,d\zeta$) holds for an arbitrary operator Lipschitz function $f$ analytic in the unit disk.
We consider functions $f(T,R)$ of pairs of noncommuting contractions on Hilbert space and study the problem for which functions $f$ we have Lipschitz type estimates in Schatten--von Neumann norms. We prove that if $f$ belongs to the Besov class $(B_{\infty,1}^1)_+({\Bbb D}^2)$ of analytic functions in the bidisk, then we have a Lipschitz type estimate for functions $f(T,R)$ of pairs of not necessarily commuting contractions $(T,R)$ in the Schatten--von Neumann norms $\boldsymbol{S}_p$ for $p\in[1,2]$. On the other hand, we show that for functions in the Besov space $(B_{\infty,1}^1)_+({\Bbb D}^2)$, there are no Lipschitz such type estimates for $p>2$ as well as in the operator norm.
The main result of the paper is that the Lifshits--Krein trace formula cannot be generalized to the case of functions of noncommuting self-adjoint operators. To prove this, we show that for pairs $(A_1,B_1)$ and $(A_2,B_2)$ of bounded self-adjoint operators with trace class differences $A_2-A_1$ and $B_2-B_1$, it is impossible to estimate the modulus of the trace of the difference $f(A_2,B_2)-f(A_1,B_1)$ in terms of the norm of $f$ in the Lipschitz class.
We study in this paper properties of Schur multipliers of Schatten von Neumann classes $\boldsymbol{S}_p$. We prove that for $p\le1$, Schur multipliers of $\boldsymbol{S}_p$ are necessarily completely bounded. We also introduce for $p\le1$ a scale ${\mathscr W}_p$ of tensor products of $\ell^\infty$ and prove that matrices in ${\mathscr W}_p$ are Schur multipliers of $\boldsymbol{S}_p$. We compare this sufficient condition with the sufficient condition of membership in the $p$-tensor product of $\ell^\infty$ spaces.
We relate the exponential integrability of the conjugate function $\tilde{f}$ to the size of the gap in the essential range of $f$. Our main result complements a related theorem of Zygmund.
Let $f$ be a function on ${\Bbb R}^2$ in the inhomogeneous Besov space $B_{\infty,1}^1({\Bbb R}^2)$. For a pair $(A,B)$ of not necessarily bounded and not necessarily commuting self-adjoint operators, we define the function $f(A,B)$ of $A$ and $B$ as a densely defined linear operator. We show that if $1\le p\le2$, $(A_1,B_1)$ and $(A_2,B_2)$ are pairs of not necessarily bounded and not necessarily commuting self-adjoint operators such that both $A_1-A_2$ and $B_1-B_2$ belong to the Schatten--von Neumann class $\boldsymbol{S}_p$ and $f$ is in the above inhomogeneous Besov space, then the following Lipschitz type estimate holds: $$ \|f(A_1,B_1)-f(A_2,B_2)\|_{\boldsymbol{S}_p} \le\operatorname{const}\max\big\{\|A_1-A_2\|_{\boldsymbol{S}_p},\|B_1-B_2\|_{\boldsymbol{S}_p}\big\}. $$
Let $f$ be a function in the inhomogeneous analytic Besov space $B_{\infty,1}^1$. For a pair $(L,M)$ of not necessarily commuting maximal dissipative operators, we define the function $f(L,M)$ of $L$ and $M$ as a densely defined linear operator. We prove for $p\in[1,2]$ that if $(L_1,M_1)$ and $(L_2,M_2)$ are pairs of not necessarily commuting maximal dissipative operators such that both differences $L_1-L_2$ and $M_1-M_2$ belong to the Schatten--von Neumann class $\boldsymbol{S}_p$ than for an arbitrary function $f$ in the inhomogeneous analytic Besov space $B_{\infty,1}^1$, the operator difference $f(L_1,M_1)-f(L_2,M_2)$ belongs to $\boldsymbol{S}_p$ and the following Lipschitz type estimate holds: $$ \|f(L_1,M_1)-f(L_2,M_2)\|_{\boldsymbol{S}_p} \le\operatorname{const}\|f\|_{B_{\infty,1}^1}\max\big\{\|L_1-L_2\|_{\boldsymbol{S}_p},\|M_1-M_2\|_{\boldsymbol{S}_p}\big\}. $$
In this paper we study properties of the triangular projection ${\mathcal P}_n$ on the space of $n\times n$ matrices. The projection ${\mathcal P}_n$ annihilates the entries of an $n\times n$ matrix below the main diagonal and leaves the remaining entries unchanged. We estimate the $p$-norms of ${\mathcal P}_n$ as an operator on the Schatten--von Neumann class $\boldsymbol{S}_p$ for $0<p<1$. The main result of the paper shows that for $p\in(0,1)$, the $p$-norms of ${\mathcal P}_n$ on $\boldsymbol{S}_p$ behave as $n\to\infty$ as $n^{1/p-1}$. This solves a problem posed by B.S. Kashin. Among other results of this paper we mention the result that describes the behaviour of the $\boldsymbol{S}_p$-quasinorms of the $n\times n$ matrices whose entries above the diagonal are equal to 1 while the entries below the diagonal are equal to 0.
For a pair $(A,B)$ of not necessarily bounded and not necessarily commuting self-adjoint operators and for a function $f$ on the Euclidean space ${\Bbb R}^2$ that belongs to the inhomogeneous Besov class $B_{\infty,1}^1({\Bbb R}^2)$, we define the function $f(A,B)$ of these operators as a densely defined operator. We consider the problem of estimating the functions $f(A,B)$ under perturbations of the pair $(A,B)$. It is established that if $1\le p\le2$, and $(A_1,B_1)$ and $(A_2,B_2)$ are pairs of not necessarily bounded and not necessarily commuting self-adjoint operators such that the operators $A_1-A_2$ and $B_1-B_2$ belong to the Schatten--von Neumann class $\boldsymbol{S}_p$ with $p\in[1,2]$ and $f\in B_{\infty,1}^1({\Bbb R}^2)$, then the following Lipschitz type estimate holds: \[ \|f(A_1,B_1)-f(A_2,B_2)\|_{\boldsymbol{S}_p} \le\operatorname{const}\|f\|_{B_{\infty,1}^1}\max\big\{\|A_1-A_2\|_{\boldsymbol{S}_p},\|B_1-B_2\|_{\boldsymbol{S}_p}\big\}. \]
The paper studies the problem, for which continuous functions $f$ on the real line ${\Bbb R}$, the difference of the functions $f(B)-f(A)$ of self-adjoint operators $A$ and $B$ with trace class difference must also be of trace class. The main result of the paper shows that this happens if and only if the function $f$ is operator Lipschitz on a neighbourhood of zero.
Using factorisation and Arov-Krein inequality results, we derive important inequalities (in terms of $S$-nodes) in interpolation problems.
We investigate categorical and amalgamation properties of the functor Idc assigning to every partially ordered abelian group G its semilattice of compact ideals Idc G. Our main result is the following. Theorem 1. Every diagram of finite Boolean semilattices indexed by a finite dismantlable partially ordered set can be lifted, with respect to the Idc functor, by a diagram of pseudo-simplicial vector spaces. Pseudo-simplicial vector spaces are a special kind of finite-dimensional partially ordered vector spaces (over the rationals) with interpolation. The methods introduced make it also possible to prove the following ring-theoretical result. Theorem 2. For any countable distributive join-semilattices S and T and any field K, any (v,0)-homomorphism $f: S\to T$ can be lifted, with respect to the Idc functor on rings, by a homomorphism $f: A\to B$ of K-algebras, for countably dimensional locally matricial algebras A and B over K. We also state a lattice-theoretical analogue of Theorem 2 (with respect to the Conc functor, and we provide counterexamples to various related statements. In particular, we prove that the result of Theorem 1 cannot be achieved with simplicial vector spaces alone.
We investigate the geometry of a random rational lemniscate $\Gamma$, the level set $\{|r(z)|=1\}$ on the Riemann sphere of the modulus of a random rational function $r$. We assign a probability distribution to the space of rational functions $r=p/q$ of degree $n$ by sampling $p$ and $q$ independently from the complex Kostlan ensemble of random polynomials of degree $n$. We prove that the average \emph{spherical length} of $\Gamma$ is $\frac{\pi^2}{2} \sqrt{n},$ which is proportional to the square root of the maximal spherical length. We also provide an asymptotic for the average number of points on the curve that are tangent to one of the meridians on the Riemann sphere (i.e. tangent to one of the radial directions in the plane). Concerning the topology of $\Gamma$, on a local scale, we prove that for every disk $D$ of radius $O(n^{-1/2})$ in the Riemann sphere and any \emph{arrangement} (i.e. embedding) of finitely many circles $A\subset D$ there is a positive probability (independent of $n$) that $(D,\Gamma\cap D)$ is isotopic to $( D,A)$. (A local random version of Hilbert's Sixteenth Problem restricted to lemniscates.) Corollary: the average number of connected components of $\Gamma$ increases linearly (the maximum rate possible according to a deterministic upper bound).