8 values
Starting from the symmetric group $S_n$, we construct two fiat $2$-categories. One of them can be viewed as the fiat "extension" of the natural $2$-category associated with the symmetric inverse semigroup (considered as an ordered semigroup with respect to the natural order). This $2$-category provides a fiat categorification for the integral semigroup algebra of the symmetric inverse semigroup. The other $2$-category can be viewed as the fiat "extension" of the $2$-category associated with the maximal factorizable subsemigroup of the dual symmetric inverse semigroup (again, considered as an ordered semigroup with respect to the natural order). This $2$-category provides a fiat categorification for the integral semigroup algebra of the maximal factorizable subsemigroup of the dual symmetric inverse semigroup.
Let R be a (unital) commutative ring, and G be a finite group with order invertible in R. We introduce new idempotents in the double Burnside algebra RB(G,G), indexed by conjugacy classes of minimal sections of G, i.e. pairs (T,S) of subgroups of G, where S is a normal subgroup of T contained in the Frattini subgroup of T. These idempotents are orthogonal, and their sum is equal to the identity. It follows that for any biset functor F over R, the evaluation F (G) splits as a direct sum of specific R-modules indexed by minimal sections of G, up to conjugation. The restriction of these constructions to the biset category of p-groups, where p is a prime number invertible in R, leads to a decomposition of the category of p-biset functors over R as a direct product of categories F\_L indexed by atoric p-groups L up to isomorphism. We next introduce the notions of L-enriched biset and L-enriched biset functor for an arbitrary finite group L, and show that for an atoric p-group L, the category F\_L is equivalent to the category of L-enriched biset functors defined over elementary abelian p-groups. Finally, the notion of vertex of an indecomposable p-biset functor is introduced (when p is invertible in R), and, when R is a field of characteristic different from p, the objects of the category F\_L are characterized in terms of vertices of their composition factors.
We classify irreducible unitary representations of the group of all infinite matrices over a $p$-adic field ($p\ne 2$) with integer elements equipped with a natural topology. Any irreducible representation passes through a group $GL$ of infinite matrices over a residue ring modulo $p^k$. Irreducible representations of the latter group are induced from finite-dimensional representations of certain open subgroups.
For a Green biset functor $A$, we define the commutant and the center of $A$ and we study some of their properties and their relationship. This leads in particular to the main application of these constructions: the possibility of splitting the category of $A$-modules as a direct product of smaller abelian categories. We give explicit examples of such decompositions for some classical shifted representation functors. These constructions are inspired by similar ones for Mackey functors for a fixed finite group.
We show that the category of discrete modules over an infinite profinite group has no non-zero projective objects and does not satisfy Ab4*. We also prove the same types of results in a generalized setting using a ring with linear topology.
Let $p$ be a prime number, let $H$ be a finite $p$-group, and let $\mathbb{F}$ be a field of characteristic 0, considered as a trivial $\mathbb{F} \mathrm{Out}(H)$-module. The main result of this paper gives the dimension of the evaluation $S_{H,\mathbb{F}}(G)$ of the simple biset functor $S_{H,\mathbb{F}}$ at an arbitrary finite group $G$. A closely related result is proved in the last section: for each prime number $p$, a Green biset functor $E_p$ is introduced, as a specific quotient of the Burnside functor, and it is shown that the evaluation $E_p(G)$ is a free abelian group of rank equal to the number of conjugacy classes of $p$-elementary subgroups of $G$.
Let $G$ be a finite group, and $C$ be an abelian group. We introduce the notions of $C$-monomial $G$-sets and $C$-monomial $G$-posets, and state some of their categorical properties. This gives in particular a new description of the $C$-monomial Burnside ring $B_C(G)$. We also introduce Lefschetz invariants of $C$-monomial $G$-posets, which are elements of $B_C(G)$. These invariants allow for a definition of a generalized tensor induction multiplicative map $\mathcal{T}_{U,\lambda}: B_C(G)\to B_C(H)$ associated to any $C$-monomial $(G,H)$-biset $(U,\lambda)$, which in turn gives a group homomorphism $B_C(G)^\times\to B_C(H)^\times$ between the unit groups of $C$-monomial Burnside rings.
We prove that, for any fields $k$ and $\mathbb{F}$ of characteristic $0$ and any finite group $T$, the category of modules over the shifted Green biset functor $(kR_{\mathbb{F}})_T$ is semisimple.
Let $B^\times$ be the biset functor over $\mathbb{F}_2$ sending a finite group~$G$ to the group $B^\times(G)$ of units of its Burnside ring $B(G)$, and let $\widehat{B^\times}$ be its dual functor. The main theorem of this paper gives a characterization of the cokernel of the natural injection from $B^\times$ in the dual Burnside functor $\widehat{\mathbb{F}_2B}$, or equivalently, an explicit set of generators $\mathcal{G}_S$ of the kernel $L$ of the natural surjection $\mathbb{F}_2B\to \widehat{B^\times}$. This yields a two terms projective resolution of $\widehat{B^\times}$, leading to some information on the extension functors $\mathrm{Ext}^1(-,B^\times)$. For a finite group $G$, this also allows for a description of $B^\times(G)$ as a limit of groups $B^\times(T/S)$ over sections $(T,S)$ of $G$ such that $T/S$ is cyclic of odd prime order, Klein four, dihedral of order 8, or a Roquette 2-group. Another consequence is that the biset functor $B^\times$ is not finitely generated, and that its dual $\widehat{B^\times}$ is finitely generated, but not finitely presented. The last result of the paper shows in addition that $\mathcal{G}_S$ is a minimal set of generators of $L$, and it follows that the lattice of subfunctors of $L$ is uncountable.
We introduce {\em Green fields}, as commutative Green biset functors with no non-trivial ideals. We state some of their properties and give examples of known Green biset functors which are Green fields. Among the properties, we prove some criterions ensuring that a Green field is semisimple. Finally, we describe a type of Green field for which its category of modules is equivalent to a category of vector spaces over a field.
Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p>0$, let $R$ be a commutative ring, and let $\mathbb{F}$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0. We consider the $R$-linear category $\mathcal{F}^\Delta_{Rpp_k}$ of diagonal $p$-permutation functors over $R$. We first show that the category $\mathcal{F}^\Delta_{\mathbb{F}pp_k}$ is semisimple, and we give a parametrization of its simple objects, together with a description of their evaluations. Next, to any pair $(G,b)$ of a finite group $G$ and a block idempotent $b$ of $kG$, we associate a diagonal $p$-permutation functor $RT^{\Delta}_{G,b}$ in $\mathcal{F}^\Delta_{Rpp_k}$. We find the decomposition of the functor $\mathbb{F}T^{\Delta}_{G,b}$ as a direct sum of simple functors in $\mathcal{F}^\Delta_{\mathbb{F}pp_k}$. This leads to a characterization of nilpotent blocks in terms of their associated functors in $\mathcal{F}^\Delta_{\mathbb{F}pp_k}$. Finally, for such pairs $(G,b)$ of a finite group and a block idempotent, we introduce the notion of functorial equivalence over $R$, which (in the case $R=\mathbb{Z}$) is slightly weaker than $p$-permutation equivalence, and we prove a corresponding finiteness theorem: for a given finite $p$-group $D$, there is only a finite number of pairs $(G,b)$, where $G$ is a finite group and $b$ a block idempotent of $kG$ with defect isomorphic to $D$, up to functorial equivalence over $\mathbb{F}$.
Clifford theory relates the representation theory of finite groups to those of a fixed normal subgroup by means of induction and restriction, which is an adjoint pair of functors. We generalize this result to the situation of a Krull-Schmidt category on which a finite group acts as automorphisms. This then provides the orbit category introduced by Cibils and Marcos, and studied intensively by Keller in the context of cluster algebras, and by Asashiba in the context of Galois covering functors. We formulate and prove Clifford's theorem for Krull-Schmidt orbit categories with respect to a finite group $\Gamma$ of automorphisms, clarifying this way how the image of an indecomposable object in the original category decomposes in the orbit category. The pair of adjoint functors appears as the Kleisli category of the naturally appearing monad given by $\Gamma$.
This paper extends the notion of $B$-group to a relative context. For a finite group $K$ and a field $\mathbb{F}$ of characteristic 0, the lattice of ideals of the Green biset functor $\mathbb{F}B_K$ obtained by shifting the Burnside functor $\mathbb{F}B$ by $K$ is described in terms of {\em $B_K$-groups}. It is shown that any finite group $(L,\varphi)$ over $K$ admits a {\em largest quotient $B_K$-group} $\beta_K(L,\varphi)$. The simple subquotients of $\mathbb{F}B_K$ are parametrized by $B_K$-groups, and their evaluations can be precisely determined. Finally, when $p$ is a prime, the restriction $\mathbb{F}B_K^{(p)}$ of $\mathbb{F}B_K$ to finite $p$-groups is considered, and the structure of the lattice of ideals of the Green functor $\mathbb{F}B_K^{(p)}$ is described in full detail. In particular, it is shown that this lattice is always finite.
We study isomonodromicity of systems of parameterized linear differential equations and related conjugacy properties of linear differential algebraic groups by means of differential categories. We prove that isomonodromicity is equivalent to isomonodromicity with respect to each parameter separately under a filtered-linearly closed assumption on the field of functions of parameters. Our result implies that one does not need to solve any non-linear differential equations to test isomonodromicity anymore. This result cannot be further strengthened by weakening the requirement on the parameters as we show by giving a counterexample. Also, we show that isomonodromicity is equivalent to conjugacy to constants of the associated parameterized differential Galois group, extending a result of P. Cassidy and M. Singer, which we also prove categorically. We illustrate our main results by a series of examples, using, in particular, a relation between Gauss-Manin connection and parameterized differential Galois groups.
We construct a new Weil cohomology for smooth projective varieties over a field, universal among Weil cohomologies with values in rigid additive tensor categories. A similar universal problem for Weil cohomologies with values in rigid abelian tensor categories also has a solution. We give a variant for Weil cohomologies satisfying more axioms, like Weak and Hard Lefschetz. As a consequence, we get a different construction of Andr\'e's category of motives for motivated correspondences and show that it has a universal property. This theory extends over suitable bases.
Making a survey of recent constructions of universal cohomologies we suggest a new framework for a theory of motives in algebraic geometry.
Let $R$ be a Banach ring. We prove that the category of chain complexes of complete bornological $R$-modules (and several related categories) is a derived algebraic context in the sense of Raksit. We then use the framework of derived algebra to prove a version of the Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg Theorem, which relates the circle action on the Hochschild algebra to the de Rham-differential-enriched-de Rham algebra of a simplicial, commutative, complete bornological algebra. This has a geometric interpretation in the language of derived analytic geometry, namely, the derived loop stack of a derived analytic stack is equivalent to the shifted tangent stack. Using this geometric interpretation we extend our results to derived schemes.
We observe that the line bundle associated to the tame symbol of two invertible holomorphic functions also carries a fairly canonical hermitian metric, hence it represents a class in a Hermitian holomorphic Deligne cohomology group. We put forward an alternative definition of hermitian holomorphic structure on a gerbe which is closer to the familiar one for line bundles and does not rely on an explicit ``reduction of the structure group.'' Analogously to the case of holomorphic line bundles, a uniqueness property for the connective structure compatible with the hermitian-holomorphic structure on a gerbe is also proven. Similar results are proved for 2-gerbes as well. We then show the hermitian structures so defined propagate to a class of higher tame symbols previously considered by Brylinski and McLaughlin, which are thus found to carry corresponding hermitian-holomorphic structures. Therefore we obtain an alternative characterization for certain higher Hermitian holomorphic Deligne cohomology groups.
The goal of this paper is to study periodic geodesics for sub-Riemannian metrics on a contact 3D-manifold.We develop two rather independent subjects:1) The existence of closed geodesics spiraling around periodic Reeb orbits for a generic metric.2) The precise study of the periodic geodesics for a right invariant metric on a quotient of SL2(R)
This is a partial account of the fascinating history of Distance Geometry. We make no claim to completeness, but we do promise a dazzling display of beautiful, elementary mathematics. We prove Heron's formula, Cauchy's theorem on the rigidity of polyhedra, Cayley's generalization of Heron's formula to higher dimensions, Menger's characterization of abstract semi-metric spaces, a result of Goedel on metric spaces on the sphere, and Schoenberg's equivalence of distance and positive semidefinite matrices, which is at the basis of Multidimensional Scaling.
We develop a general homological approach to presentations of connected graded associative algebras, and apply it to loop homology of moment-angle complexes $Z_K$ that correspond to flag simplicial complexes $K$. For arbitrary coefficient ring, we describe generators of the Pontryagin algebra $H_*(\Omega Z_K)$ and defining relations between them. We prove that such moment-angle complexes are coformal over $\mathbb{Q},$ give a necessary condition for rational formality, and compute their homotopy groups in terms of homotopy groups of spheres.
Let Z_K be the moment angle complex associated to a simplicial complex K, with the canonical torus T-action. In this paper, we prove that, for any possibly disconnected subgroup G of T, G-equivariant cohomology of Z_K over the integer Z is isomophic to the Tor-module Tor_{H(BR;Z)}(Z[K],Z) as graded modules, where Z_[K] is the Stanley-Reisner ring of K. Based on this, we prove that the surjectivity of the natural map H_T(Z_K;Z) to H_G(Z_K;Z) is equivalent to the vanishing of Tor^{H(BR;Z)}_1(Z[K],Z). Since the integral cohomology of various toric orbifolds can be identified with H_G(Z_K;Z), we studied the conditions for the cohomology of a toric orbifold to be a quotient of its equivariant cohomology by linear terms.
The main theme of this paper is to study for a symplectomorphism of a compact surface, the asymptotic invariant which is defined to be the growth rate of the sequence of the total dimensions of symplectic Floer homologies of the iterates of the symplectomorphism. We prove that the asymptotic invariant coincides with asymptotic Nielsen number and with asymptotic absolute Lefschetz number. We also show that the asymptotic invariant coincides with the largest dilatation of the pseudo-Anosov components of the symplectomorphism and its logarithm coincides with the topological entropy. This implies that symplectic zeta function has a positive radius of convergence.This also establishes a connection between Floer homology and geometry of 3-manifolds.
Mapping a locally free module to its l-th tensor power gives rise to a natural map from the Grothendieck group of all locally free modules to the Grothendieck group of all locally free representations of the l-th symmetric group. In this paper, we prove some formulas of Riemann-Roch type for the behaviour of this tensor power operation with respect to the push-forward homomorphism associated with a projective morphism between schemes. We furthermore establish analogous formulas for higher K-groups.
We give a new construction of cyclic homology of an associative algebra A that does not involve Connes' differential. Our approach is based on an extended version of the complex \Omega A, of noncommutative differential forms on A, and is similar in spirit to the de Rham approach to equivariant cohomology. Indeed, our extended complex maps naturally to the equivariant de Rham complex of any representation scheme Rep A. We define cyclic homology as the cohomology of the total complex (\Omega A)[t], d+t \cdot i, arising from two anti-commuting differentials, d and i, on \Omega A. The differential d, that replaces the Connes differential B, is the Karoubi-de Rham differential. The differential i that replaces the Hochschild differential b, is a map analogous to contraction with a vector field. This new map has no commutative counterpart.
In this paper we prove a version of curved Koszul duality for Z/2Z-graded curved coalgebras and their coBar differential graded algebras. A curved version of the homological perturbation lemma is also obtained as a useful technical tool for studying curved (co)algebras and precomplexes. The results of Koszul duality can be applied to study the category of matrix factorizations MF(R,W). We show how Dyckerhoff's generating results fit into the framework of curved Koszul duality theory. This enables us to clarify the relationship between the Borel-Moore Hochschild homology of curved (co)algebras and the ordinary Hochschild homology of the category MF(R,W). Similar results are also obtained in the orbifold case and in the graded case.
We give a natural cohomological interpretation of Letzter-Makar-Limanov invariants for rings of differential operators on algebraic curves.
In a classic paper, Gerstenhaber showed that first order deformations of an associative k-algebra A are controlled by the second Hochschild cohomology group of A. More generally, any n-parameter first order deformation of A gives, due to commutativity of the cup-product on Hochschild cohomology, a morphism from the graded algebra Sym(k^n) to Ext^*(A,A), the Ext-algebra in the category of A-bimodules. We prove that any extension of the n-parameter first order deformation of A to an INFINITE ORDER formal deformation provides a canonical `lift' of the graded algebra morphism above to a dg-algebra morphism from Sym(k^n) to the dg-algebra RHom(A,A), where the Symmetric algebra Sym(k^n) is viewed as a dg-algebra (generated by the vector space $\k^n$ placed in degree 2) with zero differential.
Based on the ideas of Cuntz and Quillen, we give a simple construction of cyclic homology of unital algebras in terms of the noncommutative de Rham complex and a certain differential similar to the equivariant de Rham differential. We describe the Connes exact sequence in this setting. We define equivariant Deligne cohomology and construct, for each n > 0, a natural map from cyclic homology of an algebra to the GL_n-equivariant Deligne cohomology of the variety of n-dimensional representations of that algebra. The bridge between cyclic homology and equivariant Deligne cohomology is provided by extended cyclic homology, which we define and compute here, based on the extended noncommutative de Rham complex introduced previously by the authors.
We show that if A_1, A_2, ... , A_n are square matrices, each of them is either unitary or self-adjoint, and they almost commute with respect to the rank metric, then one can find commuting matrices B_1, B_2, ... , B_n that are close to the matrices A_i in the rank metric.
Regular and higher regular graded algebras (in simplest case satisfying Von Neumann regularity $\Theta_{1}\Theta_{2}\Theta_{1}=\Theta_{1}$ instead of anticommutativity) are introduced and their properties are studied. They are described in terms of obstructed categories with nonclosed invertible and noninvertible morphisms for which generalized (obstructed) functors and natural transformations are given. Regular algebras and bialgebras are considered with examples. Corresponding regularizations of the cross product and Wick algebras are made.
In this paper, we construct a comparison map from the topological fundamental group to the pro-\'etale fundamental group for a complex variety.
Let $R$ be a unital ring satisfying the invariant basis number property, that every stably free $R$-module is free, and that the complex of partial bases of every finite rank free module is Cohen--Macaulay. This class of rings includes every ring of stable rank $1$ (e.g. any local, semi-local or Artinian ring), every Euclidean domain, and every Dedekind domain $\mathcal{O}_S$ of arithmetic type where $|S| > 1$ and $S$ contains at least one non-complex place. Extending recent work of Galatius--Kupers--Randal-Williams and Kupers--Miller--Patzt, we prove that the sequence of general linear groups $\operatorname{GL}_n(R)$ satisfies slope-$1$ homological stability with $\mathbb{Z}[1/2]$-coefficients.
We answer positively a question of Church, Miller, Nagpal and Reinhold on existence of a linear bound on the presentation degree of the homology of a complex of FI-modules. This implies a linear stable range for the homology of congruence subgroups of general linear groups.
We compute the equivariant complex K-theory ring of a cohomogeneity-one action of a compact Lie group at the level of generators and relations and derive a characterization of K-theoretic equivariant formality for these actions. Less explicit expressions survive for a range of equivariant cohomology theories including Bredon cohomology and Borel complex cobordism. The proof accordingly involves elements of equivariant homotopy theory, representation theory, and Lie theory. Aside from analysis of maps of representation rings and heavy use of the structure theory of compact Lie groups, a more curious feature is the essential need for a basic structural fact about the Mayer--Vietoris sequence for any multiplicative cohomology theory which seems to be otherwise unremarked in the literature, and a similarly unrecognized basic lemma governing the equivariant cohomology of the orbit space of a finite group action.
A triangulation of a surface with fixed topological type is called irreducible if no edge can be contracted to a vertex while remaining in the category of simplicial complexes and preserving the topology of the surface. A complete list of combinatorial structures of irreducible triangulations is made by hand for the once-punctured torus, consisting of exactly 297 non-isomorphic triangulations.
The first three sections of this survey represent an updated and much expanded version of the abstract of my talk at FPSAC'2010: new results are incorporated and several concrete conjectures on the interactions between the three perspectives on normal polytopes in the title are proposed. The last section outlines new challenges in general convex polytopes, motivated by the study of normal polytopes.
A description of the algebra of outer derivations of a group algebra of a finitely presented discrete group is given in terms of the Cayley complex of the groupoid of the adjoint action of the group. This task is a smooth version of Johnson's problem concerning the derivations of a group algebra. It is shown that the algebra of outer derivations is isomorphic to the group of the one-dimensional cohomology with compact supports of the Cayley complex over the field of complex numbers.
This volume represents the proceedings of the 4th annual meetings of the Underrepresented Students in Topology and Algebra Research Symposium (USTARS 2014), held on 11-13 April 2014 in Berkeley, California.
The real singular cohomology ring of a homogeneous space $G/K$, interpreted as the real Borel equivariant cohomology $H^*_K(G)$, was historically the first computation of equivariant cohomology of any nontrivial connected group action. After early approaches using the Cartan model for equivariant cohomology with real coefficients and the Serre spectral sequence, post-1962 work computing the groups and rings $H^*(G/K)$ and $H^*_H(G/K)$ with more general coefficient rings motivated the development of minimal models in rational homotopy theory, the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence, and A-infinity algebras. In this essay, we survey the history of these ideas and the associated results.
For $\a,\b>0$ and for a locally integrable function (or, more generally, a distribution) $\f$ on $(0,\be)$, we study integral ooperators ${\frak G}^{\a,\b}_\f$ on $L^2(\R_+)$ defined by $\big({\frak G}^{\a,\b}_\f f\big)(x)=\int_{\R_+}\f\big(x^\a+y^\b\big)f(y)dy$. We describe the bounded and compact operators ${\frak G}^{\a,\b}_\f$ and operators ${\frak G}^{\a,\b}_\f$ of Schatten--von Neumann class $\bS_p$. We also study continuity properties of the averaging projection $\Q_{\a,\b}$ onto the operators of the form ${\frak G}^{\a,\b}_\f$. In particular, we show that if $\a\le\b$ and $\b>1$, then ${\frak G}^{\a,\b}_\f$ is bounded on $\bS_p$ if and only if $2\b(\b+1)^{-1}<p<2\b(\b-1)^{-1}$.
We study in this paper very badly approximable matrix functions on the unit circle $\T$, i.e., matrix functions $\Phi$ such that the zero function is a superoptimal approximation of $\Phi$. The purpose of this paper is to obtain a characterization of the continuous very badly approximable functions. Our characterization is more geometric than algebraic characterizations earlier obtained in \cite{PY} and \cite{AP}. It involves analyticity of certain families of subspaces defined in terms of Schmidt vectors of the matrices $\Phi(\z)$, $\z\in\T$. This characterization can be extended to the wider class of {\em admissible} functions, i.e., the class of matrix functions $\Phi$ such that the essential norm $\|H_\Phi\|_{\rm e}$ of the Hankel operator $H_\Phi$ is less than the smallest nonzero superoptimal singular value of $\Phi$. In the final section we obtain a similar characterization of badly approximable matrix functions.
Shephard groups are common generalizations of Coxeter groups, Artin groups, and graph products of cyclic groups. Their definition is similar to that of a Coxeter group, but generators may have arbitrary order rather than strictly order 2. We extend a well known result that Coxeter groups are $\mathrm{CAT}(0)$ to a class of Shephard groups that have "enough" finite parabolic subgroups. We also show that in this setting, if the associated Coxeter group is type (FC), then the Shephard group acts properly and cocompactly on a $\mathrm{CAT}(0)$ cube complex. As part of our proof of the former result, we introduce a new criteria for a complex made of $A_3$ simplices to be $\mathrm{CAT}(1)$.
We study the action of the mapping class group on the subspace of de Rham classes in the degree-two bounded cohomology of a hyperbolic surface. In particular, we show that the only fixed nontrivial finite-dimensional subspace is the one generated by the Euler class. As a consequence, we get that the action of the mapping class group on the space of de Rham quasimorphisms has no fixed points.
In this paper, we study continuous Kakeya line and needle configurations, of both the oriented and unoriented varieties, in connected Lie groups and some associated homogenous spaces. These are the analogs of Kakeya line (needle) sets (subsets of $\mathbb{R}^n$ where it is possible to turn a line (respectively an interval of unit length) through all directions {\bf continuously, without repeating a "direction"}.) We show under some general assumptions that any such continuous Kakeya line configuration set in a connected Lie group must contain an open neighborhood of the identity, and hence must have positive Haar measure. In connected nilpotent Lie groups $G$, the only subspace of $G$ that contains such an unoriented line configuration is shown to be $G$ itself. Finally some similar questions in homogeneous spaces are addressed. These questions were motivated by work of Z. Dvir in the finite field setting.
The survey is devoted to diverse applications of Besov classes in operator theory. It is illustrated how Besov classes are used to describe Hankel operators of Schatten--von Neumann classes; various applications of this description are considered. Next, we discuss the role of Besov classes in norm estimates of polynomials of power bounded operators on Hilbert space and related estimates of Hankel matrices in tensor products of the spaces $\ell^1$ and $\ell^\infty$. An essential part of the survey is devoted to the role of Besov spaces in various problems of perturbation theory when studying the behavior of functions of a single operator or of a collection of operators under their perturbation.
We study (von Neumann) regular $^*$-subalgebras of $B(H)$, which we call R$^*$-algebras. The class of R$^*$-algebras coincides with that of "E$^*$-algebras that are pre-C$^*$-algebras" in the sense of Z. Sz\H{u}cs and B. Tak\'acs. We give examples, properties and questions of R$^*$-algebras. We observe that the class of unital commutative R$^*$-algebras has a canonical one-to-one correspondence with the class of Boolean algebras. This motivates the study of R$^*$-algebras as that of noncommutative Boolean algebras. We explain that seemingly unrelated topics of functional analysis, like AF C$^*$-algebras and incomplete inner product spaces, naturally arise in the investigation of R$^*$-algebras. We obtain a number of interesting results on R$^*$-algebras by applying various famous theorems in the literature.
We continue the theory of $\tT$-systems from the work of the second author, describing both ground systems and module systems over a ground system (paralleling the theory of modules over an algebra). The theory, summarized categorically at the end, encapsulates general algebraic structures lacking negation but possessing a map resembling negation, such as tropical algebras, hyperfields and fuzzy rings. We see explicitly how it encompasses tropical algebraic theory and hyperfields. Prime ground systems are introduced as a way of developing geometry. The polynomial system over a prime system is prime, and there is a weak Nullstellensatz. Also, the polynomial $\mathcal A[\la_1, \dots, \la_n]$ and Laurent polynomial systems $\mathcal A[[\la_1, \dots, \la_n]]$ in $n$ commuting indeterminates over a $\tT$-semiring-group system have dimension $n$. For module systems, special attention also is paid to tensor products and $\Hom$. Abelian categories are replaced by "semi-abelian" categories (where $\Hom(A,B)$ is not a group) with a negation morphism.
We introduce and study the notion of affine varieties associated to ordered bases and establish Galois connection between the power set of $A^n_K$ and the power set of $K[x_1, . . ., x_n]$, and then induce a Galois correspondence. We generalize the idea by defining affine varieties associated to linear operators. We produce Hilbert's Nullstellensatz version for such varieties and show that there is a 1-1 correspondence between this kind of varieties in $A^n_K$ and the "usual" affine varieties in $A^n_K$. We prove that the \usual" affine varieties forms a skeleton for the category of all affine varieties associated to linear operators, and hence they are equivalent categories.
Reflexive functors of modules naturally appear in Algebraic Geometry, mainly in the theory of linear representations of group schemes, and in "duality theories". In this paper we study and determine reflexive functors and we give many properties of reflexive functors.
This paper explores a refinement of homological mirror symmetry which relates exact symplectic topology to arithmetic algebraic geometry. We establish a derived equivalence of the Fukaya category of the 2-torus, relative to a basepoint, with the category of perfect complexes of coherent sheaves on the Tate curve over the "formal disc" Spec Z[[q]]. It specializes to a derived equivalence, over Z, of the Fukaya category of the punctured torus with perfect complexes on the curve y^2+xy=x^3 over Spec Z, the central fibre of the Tate curve; and, over the "punctured disc" Spec Z((q)), to an integral refinement of the known statement of homological mirror symmetry for the 2-torus. We also prove that the wrapped Fukaya category of the punctured torus is derived-equivalent over Z to bounded complexes of coherent sheaves on the central fiber of the Tate curve.
We consider several different models for generating random fractals including random self-similar sets, random self-affine carpets, and fractal percolation. In each setting we compute either the \emph{almost sure} or the \emph{Baire typical} Assouad dimension and consider some illustrative examples. Our results reveal a common phenomenon in all of our models: the Assouad dimension of a randomly generated fractal is generically as big as possible and does not depend on the measure theoretic or topological structure of the sample space. This is in stark contrast to the other commonly studied notions of dimension like the Hausdorff or packing dimension.
Denote the free group on two letters by F2 and the SL(3,C)-representation variety of F2 by R = Hom(F2, SL(3, C)). There is a SL(3,C)-action on the coordinate ring of R, and the geometric points of the subring of invariants is an affine variety X. We determine explicit minimal generators and defining relations for the subring of invariants and show X is a hyper-surface in C9. Our choice of generators exhibit Out(F2) symmetries which allow for a succinct expression of the defining relations. We then show C[X] is a Poisson algebra with respect to a presentation of F2 imposed by a punctured surface. We work out the bracket on all generators when the surface is a thrice punctured sphere, or a trinion. The moduli space of convex real projective structures on a trinion, denoted by P,is a subset of X. Lastly, we determine explicit conditions in terms of C[X] that distinguish this moduli space.
We give a streamlined proof of ${\mathbb A}^1$-representability for $G$-torsors under "isotropic" reductive groups, extending previous results in this sequence of papers to finite fields. We then analyze a collection of group homomorphisms that yield fiber sequences in ${\mathbb A}^1$-homotopy theory, and identify the final examples of motivic spheres that arise as homogeneous spaces for reductive groups.
The quadric $\operatorname{Q}_{2n}$ is the ${\mathbb Z}$-scheme defined by the equation $\sum_{i=1}^n x_i y_i = z(1-z)$. We show that $\operatorname{Q}_{2n}$ is a homogeneous space for the split reductive group scheme $\operatorname{SO}_{2n+1}$ over ${\mathbb Z}$. The quadric $\operatorname{Q}_{2n}$ is known to have the ${\mathbb A}^1$-homotopy type of a motivic sphere and the identification as a homogeneous space allows us to give a characteristic independent affine representability statement for motivic spheres. This last observation allows us to give characteristic independent comparison results between Chow--Witt groups, motivic stable cohomotopy groups and Euler class groups.
We use the Serre-Godeaux varieties of finite groups, projective representation theory, the twisted Atiyah-Segal completion theorem, and our previous work on the topological period-index problem to compute the etale index of Brauer classes alpha in some specific examples. In particular, these computations show that the etale index of alpha differs from the period of alpha in general. As an application, we compute the index of unramified classes in the function fields of high-dimensional Serre-Godeaux varieties in terms of projective representation theory.
We establish a relative version of the abstract "affine representability" theorem in ${\mathbb A}^1$--homotopy theory from Part I of this paper. We then prove some ${\mathbb A}^1$--invariance statements for generically trivial torsors under isotropic reductive groups over infinite fields analogous to the Bass--Quillen conjecture for vector bundles. Putting these ingredients together, we deduce representability theorems for generically trivial torsors under isotropic reductive groups and for associated homogeneous spaces in ${\mathbb A}^1$--homotopy theory.
We prove the Milnor conjecture for Lie groups and the Friedlander conjecture for complex algebraic Lie groups.
We show that an old conjecture of A.A. Suslin characterizing the image of a Hurewicz map from Quillen K-theory in degree $n$ to Milnor K-theory in degree $n$ admits an interpretation in terms of unstable ${\mathbb A}^1$-homotopy sheaves of the general linear group. Using this identification, we establish Suslin's conjecture in degree $5$ for infinite fields having characteristic unequal to $2$ or $3$. We do this by linking the relevant unstable ${\mathbb A}^1$-homotopy sheaf of the general linear group to the stable ${\mathbb A}^1$-homotopy of motivic spheres.
For a subring $R$ of the rational numbers, we study $R$-localization functors in the local homotopy theory of simplicial presheaves on a small site and then in ${\mathbb A}^1$-homotopy theory. To this end, we introduce and analyze two notions of nilpotence for spaces in ${\mathbb A}^1$-homotopy theory paying attention to future applications for vector bundles. We show that $R$-localization behaves in a controlled fashion for the nilpotent spaces we consider. We show that the classifying space $BGL_n$ is ${\mathbb A}^1$-nilpotent when $n$ is odd, and analyze the (more complicated) situation where $n$ is even as well. We establish analogs of various classical results about rationalization in the context of ${\mathbb A}^1$-homotopy theory: if $-1$ is a sum of squares in the base field, ${\mathbb A}^n \setminus 0$ is rationally equivalent to a suitable motivic Eilenberg--Mac Lane space, and the special linear group decomposes as a product of motivic spheres.
We define a new version of $\mathbb A^1$-homology, called cellular $\mathbb A^1$-homology, for smooth schemes over a field that admit an increasing filtration by open subschemes with cohomologically trivial closed strata. We provide several explicit computations of cellular $\mathbb A^1$-homology and use them to determine the $\mathbb A^1$-fundamental group of a split reductive group over an arbitrary field, thereby obtaining the motivic version of Matsumoto's theorem on universal central extensions of split, semisimple, simply connected algebraic groups. As applications, we uniformly explain and generalize results due to Brylinski-Deligne and Esnault-Kahn-Levine-Viehweg, determine the isomorphism classes of central extensions of such an algebraic group by an arbitrary strictly $\mathbb A^1$-invariant sheaf and also reprove classical results of E. Cartan on homotopy groups of complex Lie groups.
We show that the sheaf of $\mathbb A^1$-connected components of a reductive algebraic group over a perfect field is strongly $\mathbb A^1$-invariant. As a consequence, torsors under such groups give rise to $\mathbb A^1$-fiber sequences. We also show that sections of $\mathbb A^1$-connected components of anisotropic, semisimple, simply connected algebraic groups over an arbitrary field agree with their $R$-equivalence classes, thereby removing the perfectness assumption in the previously known results about the characterization of isotropy in terms of affine homotopy invariance of Nisnevich locally trivial torsors.
We improve some foundational connectivity results and the relative Hurewicz theorem in motivic homotopy theory, study functorial central series in motivic local group theory, establish the existence of functorial Moore--Postnikov factorizations for nilpotent morphisms of motivic spaces under a mild technical hypothesis and establish an analog of the Whitehead theorem for nilpotent motivic spaces. As an application, we deduce a surprising unstable motivic periodicity result.
We prove sign-alternation of the product structure constants in the basis dual to the basis consisting of the structure sheaves of Schubert varieties in the torus-equivariant Grothendieck group of coherent sheaves on the partial flag varieties $G/P$ associated to an arbitrary symmetrizable Kac-Moody group $G$, where $P$ is any parabolic subgroup of finite type. This extends the previous work of Kumar from $G/B$ to $G/P$. When $G$ is of finite type, i.e., it is a semisimple group, then it was proved by Anderson-Griffeth-Miller.
Let $G$ be a finite group and $\Y$ a $G$-gerbe over an orbifold $\B$. A disconnected orbifold $\hat{\Y}$ and a flat U(1)-gerbe $c$ on $\hat{\Y}$ is canonically constructed from $\Y$. Motivated by a proposal in physics, we study a mathematical duality between the geometry of the $G$-gerbe $\Y$ and the geometry of $\hat{\Y}$ {\em twisted by} $c$. We prove several results verifying this duality in the contexts of noncommutative geometry and symplectic topology. In particular, we prove that the category of sheaves on $\Y$ is equivalent to the category of $c$-twisted sheaves on $\hat{\Y}$. When $\Y$ is symplectic, we show, by a combination of techniques from noncommutative geometry and symplectic topology, that the Chen-Ruan orbifold cohomology of $\Y$ is isomorphic to the $c$-twisted orbifold cohomology of $\hat{\Y}$ as graded algebras.
Calabi-Yau Fermat varieties are obtained from moduli spaces of Lagrangian connect sums of graded Lagrangian vanishing cycles on stability conditions on Fukaya-Seidel categories. These graded Lagrangian vanishing cycles are stable representations of quivers on their mirror stability conditions.
In this paper, we discuss tensegrity from the perspective of nonlinear algebra in a manner accessible to undergraduates. We compute explicit examples and include the SAGE and Julia code so that readers can continue their own experiments and computations. The entire framework is a natural extension of linear equations of equilibrium, but to describe the space of solutions will require (nonlinear) polynomials. In our examples, minors of a structured matrix determine the singular locus of the algebraic variety of interest. At these singular points, more interesting phenomena can occur, which we investigate in the context of the tensegrity 3-prism, our running example. Tools from algebraic geometry, commutative algebra, semidefinite programming, and numerical algebraic geometry will be used. Although at first it is all linear algebra, the examples will motivate the study of systems of polynomial equations. In particular, we will see the importance of varieties cut out by determinants of matrices.
We compute the curvature of the determinant line bundle on a family of Dirac operators for a noncommutative two torus. Following Quillen's original construction for Riemann surfaces and using zeta regularized determinant of Laplacians, one can endow the determinant line bundle with a natural Hermitian metric. By using an analogue of Kontsevich-Vishik canonical trace, defined on Connes' algebra of classical pseudodifferential symbols for the noncommutative two torus, we compute the curvature form of the determinant line bundle by computing the second variation $\delta_{w}\delta_{\bar{w}}\log\det(\Delta)$.
In this paper we show various new structural properties of free group factors using the recent resolution (due independently to Belinschi-Capitaine and Bordenave-Collins) of the Peterson-Thom conjecture. These results include the resolution to the coarseness conjecture independently due to the first-named author and Popa, a generalization of Ozawa-Popa's celebrated strong solidity result using vastly more general versions of the normalizer (and in an ultraproduct setting), a dichotomy result for intertwining of maximal amenable subalgebras of interpolated free group factors, as well as application to ultraproduct embeddings of nonamenable subalgebras of interpolated free group factors.
In this paper, we extend a classical vanishing result of Burnside from the character tables of finite groups to the character tables of commutative fusion rings, or more generally to a certain class of abelian normalizable hypergroups. We also treat the dual vanishing result. We show that any nilpotent fusion categories satisfy both Burnside's property and its dual. Using Drinfeld's map, we obtain that the Grothendieck ring of any weakly-integral modular fusion category satisfies both properties. As applications, we prove new identities that hold in the Grothendieck ring of any weakly-integral fusion category satisfying the dual-Burnside's property, thus providing new categorification criteria. In particular, we improve [OY23, Theorem 4.5] as follows: A weakly integral modular fusion category of FPdim md with d square-free coprime with m and FPdim(X)^2 for every simple object X, has a pointed modular fusion subcategory of FPdim d. We also prove some new results on the perfect fusion categories.
General theory determines the notion of separable MV-algebra (equivalently, of separable unital lattice-ordered Abelian group). We establish the following structure theorem: An MV-algebra is separable if, and only if, it is a finite product of algebras of rational numbers, i.e., of subalgebras of the MV-algebra $[0,1]\cap\mathbb{Q}$. Beyond its intrinsic algebraic interest, this research is motivated by the long-term programme of developing the algebraic geometry of the opposite of the categroy of MV-algebras, in analogy with the classical case of commutative $K$-algebras over a field $K$.
The Ziegler spectrum for categories enriched in closed symmetric monoidal Grothendieck categories is defined and studied in this paper. It recovers the classical Ziegler spectrum of a ring. As an application, the Ziegler spectrum as well as the category of generalised quasi-coherent sheaves of a reasonable scheme is introduced and studied. It is shown that there is a closed embedding of the injective spectrum of a coherent scheme endowed with the tensor fl-topology (respectively of a noetherian scheme endowed with the dual Zariski topology) into its Ziegler spectrum. It is also shown that quasi-coherent sheaves and generalised quasi-coherent sheaves are related to each other by a recollement.
This is the first of two papers in which we prove that a cell model of the moduli space of curves with marked points and tangent vectors at the marked points acts on the Hochschild co--chains of a Frobenius algebra. We also prove that a there is dg--PROP action of a version of Sullivan Chord diagrams which acts on the normalized Hochschild co-chains of a Frobenius algebra. These actions lift to operadic correlation functions on the co--cycles. In particular, the PROP action gives an action on the homology of a loop space of a compact simply--connected manifold. In this first part, we set up the topological operads/PROPs and their cell models. The main theorems of this part are that there is a cell model operad for the moduli space of genus $g$ curves with $n$ punctures and a tangent vector at each of these punctures and that there exists a CW complex whose chains are isomorphic to a certain type of Sullivan Chord diagrams and that they form a PROP. Furthermore there exist weak versions of these structures on the topological level which all lie inside an all encompassing cyclic (rational) operad.
This is the second of two papers in which we prove that a cell model of the moduli space of curves with marked points and tangent vectors at the marked points acts on the Hochschild co--chains of a Frobenius algebra. We also prove that a there is dg--PROP action of a version of Sullivan Chord diagrams which acts on the normalized Hochschild co-chains of a Frobenius algebra. These actions lift to operadic correlation functions on the co--cycles. In particular, the PROP action gives an action on the homology of a loop space of a compact simply--connected manifold. In this second part, we discretize the operadic and PROPic structures of the first part. We also introduce the notion of operadic correlation functions and use them in conjunction with operadic maps from the cell level to the discretized objects to define the relevant actions.
We completely classify Fourier summation formulas, and in particular, all crystalline measures with quadratic decay. Our classification employs techniques from almost periodic functions, Hermite-Biehler functions, de Branges spaces and Poisson representation. We show how our classification generalizes recent results of Kurasov & Sarnak and Olevskii & Ulanovskii. As an application, we give a new classification result for nonnegative measures with uniformly discrete support that are bounded away from zero on their support. In the Appendix we attempt to give a systematic account of the several types of Fourier summation formulas, including a new construction using eta-products, generalizing an old example of Guinand.
Following our previous work [18], we introduce the notions of partial seed homomorphisms and partial ideal rooted cluster morphisms. Related to the theory of Green's equivalences, the isomorphism classes of sub-rooted cluster algebras of a rooted cluster algebra are corresponded one-by-one to the regular $\mathcal D$-classes of the semigroup consisting of partial seed endomorphisms of the initial seed. Moreover, for a rooted cluster algebra from a Riemannian surface, they are also corresponded to the isomorphism classes of the so-called paunched surfaces.
We analyze the question of which motivic homotopy types admit smooth schemes as representatives. We show that given a pointed smooth affine scheme $X$ and an embedding into affine space, the affine deformation space of the embedding gives a model for the ${\mathbb P}^1$ suspension of $X$; we also analyze a host of variations on this observation. Our approach yields many examples of ${\mathbb A}^1$-$(n-1)$-connected smooth affine $2n$-folds and strictly quasi-affine ${\mathbb A}^1$-contractible smooth schemes.
In the spirit of Hjorth's turbulence theory, we introduce "unbalancedness": a new dynamical obstruction to classifying orbit equivalence relations by actions of Polish groups which admit a two side invariant metric (TSI). Since abelian groups are TSI, unbalancedness can be used for identifying which classification problems cannot be solved by classical homology and cohomology theories. In terms of applications, we show that Morita equivalence of continuous-trace $C^*$-algebras, as well as isomorphism of Hermitian line bundles, are not classifiable by actions of TSI groups. In the process, we show that the Wreath product of any two non-compact subgroups of $S_{\infty}$ admits an action whose orbit equivalence relation is generically ergodic against any action of a TSI group and we deduce that there is an orbit equivalence relation of a CLI group which is not classifiable by actions of TSI groups.
We propose Gamma Conjectures for Fano manifolds which can be thought of as a square root of the index theorem. Studying the exponential asymptotics of solutions to the quantum differential equation, we associate a principal asymptotic class A_F to a Fano manifold F. We say that F satisfies Gamma Conjecture I if A_F equals the Gamma class G_F. When the quantum cohomology of F is semisimple, we say that F satisfies Gamma Conjecture II if the columns of the central connection matrix of the quantum cohomology are formed by G_F Ch(E_i) for an exceptional collection {E_i} in the derived category of coherent sheaves D^b_coh(F). Gamma Conjecture II refines part (3) of Dubrovin's conjecture. We prove Gamma Conjectures for projective spaces and Grassmannians.
The operads of Poisson and Gerstenhaber algebras are generated by a single binary element if we consider them as Hopf operads (i.e. as operads in the category of cocommutative coalgebras). In this note we discuss in details the Hopf operads generated by a single element of arbitrary arity. We explain why the dual space to the space of $n$-ary operations in this operads are quadratic and Koszul algebras. We give the detailed description of generators, relations and a certain monomial basis in these algebras.
A tropical version of the Schauder fixed point theorem for compact subsets of tropical linear spaces is proved.
We construct a solution of the master equation by means of standard tools from homological perturbation theory under just the hypothesis that the ground field be of characteristic zero, thereby avoiding the formality assumption of the relevant Lie algebra. To this end we endow the homology H(g) of any differential graded Lie algebra g with an sh-Lie structure such that g and H(g) are sh-equivalent. We discuss our solution of the master equation in the context of deformation theory. Given the extra structure appropriate to the extended moduli space of complex structures on a Calabi-Yau manifold, the known solutions result as a special case.
Motivated by ideas from string theory and quantum field theory new invariants of knots and 3-dimensional manifolds have been constructed from complex algebraic structures such as Hopf algebras (Reshetikhin and Turaev), monoidal categories with additional structure (Turaev and Yetter), and modular functors (Walker and Kontsevich). These constructions are very closely related. We take a unifying categorical approach based on a natural 2-dimensional generalization of a topological field theory in the sense of Atiyah and Segal, and show that the axioms defining these complex algebraic structures are a consequence of the underlying geometry of surfaces. In particular, we show that any linear category over a field with an action of the surface category is semi-simple and Artinian.
We construct a faithful categorical action of the type $B$ braid group on the bounded homotopy category of finitely generated projective modules over a finite dimensional algebra which we call the type $B$ zigzag algebra. This categorical action is closely related to the action of the type $B$ braid group on curves on the disc. Thus, our exposition can be seen as a type $B$ analogue of the work of Khovanov-Seidel in arXiv:math/0006056. Moreover, we relate our topological (respectively categorical) action of the type $B$ Artin braid group to their topological (respectively categorical) action of the type $A$ Artin braid group. Then, we prove Rouquier's conjecture, that is Conjecture 3.8 in arXiv:math/0409593 on the faithfulness of Type $B$ $2$-braid group on Soergel category following the strategy used by Jensen's master's thesis with the diagrammatic tools from arXiv:1309.0865. In the final part of the thesis, we produce a graded Fock vector in the Laurent ring $\mathcal{Z}[t,t^{-1}]$ for a crossingless matching using Heisenberg algebra. We conjecture that the span of such vectors forms a Temperley-Lieb representation, and hence, a new presentation of Jones polynomial can be obtained.
We find a single two-parameter skein relation on trivalent graphs, the quantum exceptional relation, that specializes to a skein relation associated to each exceptional Lie algebra (in the adjoint representation). If a slight strengthening of Deligne's conjecture on the existence of a (classical) exceptional series is true, then this relation holds for a new two-variable quantum exceptional polynomial, at least as a power series near $q=1$. The single quantum exceptional relation can be viewed as a deformation of the Jacobi relation, and implies a deformation of the Vogel relation that motivated the conjecture on the classical exceptional series. We find a conjectural basis for the space of diagrams with $n$ loose ends modulo the quantum exceptional relation for $n \le 6$, with dimensions agreeing with the classical computations, and compute the matrix of inner products, and the quantum dimensions of idempotents. We use the skein relation to compute the conjectural quantum exceptional polynomial for many knots. In particular we determine (unconditionally) the values of the quantum polynomials for the exceptional Lie algebras on these knots. We can perform these computations for all links of Conway width less than $6$, which includes all prime knots with 12 or fewer crossings. Finally, we prove several specialization results relating our conjectural family to certain quantum group categories, and conjecture a number of exceptional analogues of level-rank duality.
This article contains two rigidity type results for $\mathrm{SL}(n,\mathbb{Z})$ for large $n$ that share the same proof. Firstly, we prove that for every $p \in [1,\infty]$ different from $2$, the noncommutative $L^p$-space associated with $\mathrm{SL}(n,\mathbb{Z})$ does not have the completely bounded approximation property for sufficiently large $n$ depending on $p$. The second result concerns the coarse embeddability of expander families constructed from $\mathrm{SL}(n,\mathbb{Z})$. Let $X$ be a Banach space and suppose that there exist $\beta < \frac{1}{2}$ and $C>0$ such that the Banach-Mazur distance to a Hilbert space of all $k$-dimensional subspaces of $X$ is bounded above by $C k^\beta$. Then the expander family constructed from $\mathrm{SL}(n,\mathbb{Z})$ does not coarsely embed into $X$ for sufficiently large $n$ depending on $X$. More generally, we prove that both results hold for lattices in connected simple real Lie groups with sufficiently high real rank.
Consider a compact group $G$ acting on a real or complex Banach Lie group $U$, by automorphisms in the relevant category, and leaving a central subgroup $K\le U$ invariant. We define the spaces ${}_KZ^n(G,U)$ of $K$-relative continuous cocycles as those maps ${G^n\to U}$ whose coboundary is a $K$-valued $(n+1)$-cocycle; this applies to possibly non-abelian $U$, in which case $n=1$. We show that the ${}_KZ^n(G,U)$ are analytic submanifolds of the spaces $C(G^n,U)$ of continuous maps $G^n\to U$ and that they decompose as disjoint unions of fiber bundles over manifolds of $K$-valued cocycles. Applications include: (a) the fact that ${Z^n(G,U)\subset C(G^n,U)}$ is an analytic submanifold and its orbits under the adjoint of the group of $U$-valued $(n-1)$-cochains are open; (b) hence the cohomology spaces $H^n(G,U)$ are discrete; (c) for unital $C^*$-algebras $A$ and $B$ with $A$ finite-dimensional the space of morphisms $A\to B$ is an analytic manifold and nearby morphisms are conjugate under the unitary group $U(B)$; (d) the same goes for $A$ and $B$ Banach, with $A$ finite-dimensional and semisimple; (e) and for spaces of projective representations of compact groups in arbitrary $C^*$ algebras (the last recovering a result of Martin's).
This paper continues the study of K-theoretic invariants for semigroup C*-algebras attached to ax+b-semigroups over rings of algebraic integers in number fields. We show that from the semigroup C*-algebra together with its canonical commutative subalgebra, it is possible to reconstruct the zeta function of the underlying number field as well as its ideal class group (as a group). In addition, we give an alternative interpretation of this result in terms of dynamical systems.
Let $G:=\widehat{SL_2}$ denote the affine Kac-Moody group associated to $SL_2$ and $\bar{\mathcal{X}}$ the associated affine Grassmannian. We determine an inductive formula for the Schubert basis structure constants in the torus-equivariant Grothendieck group of $\bar{\mathcal{X}}$. In the case of ordinary (non-equivariant) $K$-theory we find an explicit closed form for the structure constants. We also determine an inductive formula for the structure constants in the torus-equivariant cohomology ring, and use this formula to find closed forms for some of the structure constants.
Although intersection homology lacks a ring structure, certain expressions (called uniform) in the intersection homology of an irreducible projective variety $X$ always give the same value, when computed via the decomposition theorem on any resolution $X_r\to X$. This paper uses uniform (and non-uniform) expressions to define what is believed to be the usual intersection homology (and its local-global variant) of a convex polytope (or a projective toric variety). Such expressions are generated by the facets, and so may lead to necessary numerical conditions on the flag vector. Most of the concepts, however, apply to more general algebraic varieties, and perhaps some other situations also.
In this paper, we construct a canonical linear basis for free commutative integro-differential algebras by applying the method of Gr\"obner-Shirshov bases. We establish the Composition-Diamond Lemma for free commutative differential Rota-Baxter algebras of order $n$. We also obtain a weakly monomial order on these algebras, allowing us to obtain Gr\"{o}bner-Shirshov bases for free commutative integro-differential algebras on a set. We finally generalize the concept of functional derivations to free differential algebras with arbitrary weight and generating sets from which to construct a canonical linear basis for free commutative integro-differential algebras.
We show that the unitary conjugacy relation for unitary representations of a second countable locally compact group on a separable Hilbert space is a Borel equivalence relation.
We define a class of so-called thinnable ideals $\mathcal{I}$ on the positive integers which includes several well-known examples, e.g., the collection of sets with zero asymptotic density, sets with zero logarithmic density, and several summable ideals. Given a sequence $(x_n)$ taking values in a separable metric space and a thinnable ideal $\mathcal{I}$, it is shown that the set of $\mathcal{I}$-cluster points of $(x_n)$ is equal to the set of $\mathcal{I}$-cluster points of almost all its subsequences, in the sense of Lebesgue measure. Lastly, we obtain a characterization of ideal convergence, which improves the main result in [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 347 (1995), 1811--1819].
Let $X$ be a first countable space which admits a non-trivial convergent sequence and let $\mathcal{I}$ be an analytic P-ideal. First, it is shown that the sets of $\mathcal{I}$-limit points of all sequences in $X$ are closed if and only if $\mathcal{I}$ is also an $F_\sigma$-ideal. Moreover, let $(x_n)$ be a sequence taking values in a Polish space without isolated points. It is known that the set $A$ of its statistical limit points is an $F_\sigma$-set, the set $B$ of its statistical cluster points is closed, and that the set $C$ of its ordinary limit points is closed, with $A\subseteq B\subseteq C$. It is proved the sets $A$ and $B$ own some additional relationship: indeed, the set $S$ of isolated points of $B$ is contained also in $A$. Conversely, if $A$ is an $F_\sigma$-set, $B$ is a closed set with a subset $S$ of isolated points such that $B\setminus S\neq \emptyset$ is regular closed, and $C$ is a closed set with $S\subseteq A\subseteq B\subseteq C$, then there exists a sequence $(x_n)$ for which: $A$ is the set of its statistical limit points, $B$ is the set of its statistical cluster points, and $C$ is the set of its ordinary limit points. Lastly, we discuss topological nature of the set of $\mathcal{I}$-limit points when $\mathcal{I}$ is neither $F_\sigma$- nor analytic P-ideal.
Given an ideal $\mathcal{I}$ on $\omega$, we prove that a sequence in a topological space $X$ is $\mathcal{I}$-convergent if and only if there exists a ``big'' $\mathcal{I}$-convergent subsequence. Then, we study several properties and show two characterizations of the set of $\mathcal{I}$-cluster points as classical cluster points of a filters on $X$ and as the smallest closed set containing ``almost all'' the sequence. As a consequence, we obtain that the underlying topology $\tau$ coincides with the topology generated by the pair $(\tau,\mathcal{I})$.
Let $\mathcal{I}$ be an analytic P-ideal [respectively, a summable ideal] on the positive integers and let $(x_n)$ be a sequence taking values in a metric space $X$. First, it is shown that the set of ideal limit points of $(x_n)$ is an $F_\sigma$-set [resp., a closet set]. Let us assume that $X$ is also separable and the ideal $\mathcal{I}$ satisfies certain additional assumptions, which however includes several well-known examples, e.g., the collection of sets with zero asymptotic density, sets with zero logarithmic density, and some summable ideals. Then, it is shown that the set of ideal limit points of $(x_n)$ is equal to the set of ideal limit points of almost all its subsequences.
The paper surveys some new results and open problems connected with such fundamental combinatorial concepts as polytopes, simplicial complexes, cubical complexes, and subspace arrangements. Particular attention is paid to the case of simplicial and cubical subdivisions of manifolds and, especially, spheres. We describe important constructions which allow to study all these combinatorial objects by means of methods of commutative and homological algebra. The proposed approach to combinatorial problems relies on the theory of moment-angle complexes, currently being developed by the authors. The theory centres around the construction that assigns to each simplicial complex $K$ with $m$ vertices a $T^m$-space $\zk$ with a special bigraded cellular decomposition. In the framework of this theory, the well-known non-singular toric varieties arise as orbit spaces of maximally free actions of subtori on moment-angle complexes corresponding to simplicial spheres. We express different invariants of simplicial complexes and related combinatorial-geometrical objects in terms of the bigraded cohomology rings of the corresponding moment-angle complexes. Finally, we show that the new relationships between combinatorics, geometry and topology result in solutions to some well-known topological problems.
We employ projective Fra\"iss\'e theory to define the "generic combinatorial $n$-simplex" as the pro-finite, simplicial complex that is canonically associated with a family of simply defined selection maps between finite triangulations of the simplex. The generic combinatorial $n$-simplex is a combinatorial object that can be used to define the geometric realization of a simplicial complex without any reference to the Euclidean space. It also reflects dynamical properties of its homeomorphism group down to finite combinatorics. As part of our study of the generic combinatorial simplex, we define and prove results on domination closure for Fra\"iss\'e classes, and we develop further the theories of stellar moves and cellular maps. We prove that the domination closure of selection maps contains the class of face-preserving simplicial maps that are cellular on each face of the $n$-simplex and is contained in the class of simplicial, face-preserving near-homeomorphisms. Under the PL-Poincar\'e conjecture, this gives a characterization of the domination closure of selections.
We prove that smooth 1-dimensional topological field theories over a manifold are equivalent to vector bundles with connection. The main novelty is our definition of the smooth 1-dimensional bordism category, which encodes cutting laws rather than gluing laws. We make this idea precise through a smooth version of Rezk's complete Segal spaces. With such a definition in hand, we analyze the category of field theories using a combination of descent, a smooth version of the 1-dimensional cobordism hypothesis, and standard differential-geometric arguments.
In the local gluing one glues local neighborhoods around the critical point of the stable and unstable manifolds to gradient flow lines defined on a finite time interval $[-T,T]$ for large $T$. If the Riemannian metric around the critical point is locally Euclidean, the local gluing map can be written down explicitly. In the non-Euclidean case the construction of the local gluing map requires an intricate version of the implicit function theorem. In this paper we explain a functional analytic approach how the local gluing map can be defined. For that we are working on infinite dimensional path spaces and also interpret stable and unstable manifolds as submanifolds of path spaces. The advantage of this approach is that similar functional analytical techniques can as well be generalized to infinite dimensional versions of Morse theory, for example Floer theory. A crucial ingredient is the Newton-Picard map. We work out an abstract version of it which does not involve troublesome quadratic estimates.